WESLEY'S DOCTRINAL BTANDAJRDS, PART I. WESLEY'S DOCTRINAL STANDARDS. PART I. THE- SERMONS, WITH INTRODUCTIONS. ANALYSIS. AND NOTES. REV. N. BUEWASH, S.T.D., Professor of Theology in the Unive/sity of Ficloiia College. TORONTO: WILLIAM BRIGGS. MONTREAL C. W. CO ATES. | HALIFAX: S. F. HUESTIS. Entered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, hy WILLIAM BfilGGfl, iu the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. EDITOR'S PREFACE. THIS edition of Mr. Wesley's Standard Sermons has been pre- pared with a special view to the wants of students. It is thought that there is need in our Church for an authoritative and exact exposition of our fundamental doctrines, from which candidates for the ministry, local preachers, Sabbath-school teachers, and Christian workers generally, might be furnished for their work. The universal tendency to superficiality is nowhere more obvious or more dangerous' than in religious instruction. Much of our modern evangelistic work is terribly marred by its super- ficial and unscriptural methods. There is little profound dealing with the conscience, little preaching of the law, little careful instruction in doctrine, little regard to the depth and thorough- ness of the work of repentance, and too great haste to extract a profession of faith, and to enroll and publish names and numbers of so-called converts. The results are that the so-called converts are SOOL. Lack into a state of carelessness worse than before ; or, having never attained to a satisfactory witness of the spirit, they fall through the first temptation into the slough of despond and there abide. On the other hand such superficial work never gathers into the Church the better and stronger classes of people. Emotional illustrations and weak hortatory appeals will not move them. Nothing but strong reasons, such as convince their con- sciences, will form for them a basis of religious life. While they are waiting for this, and being disgusted and disappointed because it is not furnished to them, they are in constant danger of being carried away by the plausible reasonings of scepticism, which are unduly aided by the weak, and often erroneous, presentations of the gospel to which they are opposed. Scepticism can strike hard blows at commercial theories of atonement and Antinomian theories of salvation by faith, and if these things pass into popular currency as being genuine Christianity, what wonder thAt some men are led to believe that Christianity has been demolished by such blows ? But the Wesleyan evangelical doctrine, with its strong grasp of ethical truth, its clearly defined doctrine of probation, its constant recognition of the work of the Holy Ghost, and its view of the impartial and universal love of God to man, manifest in the Atone- ment, is unassailable before the bar of conscientious reason. Its appeal to honest conscience cannot be denied, even when it is not obeyed. iV EDITOR'S PREFACED It is, therefore, with strong confidence that we call the attention of all workers in Methodism to the form of the gospel here pre- sented. We believe it to be the primitive, the Apostolic gospel, the gospel for all men and for all ages, and especially for our age. We believe that if our preachers and teachers make it tho subject of careful study, and test it by the Word and by experience, and then, with full assurance of its truth, bring its moral power to bear upon the world, the result will be glorious beyond anything that the Church has yet seen. The additions made to the original text in the present edition will generally explain themselves. In the introduction an attempt is made to show in what sense the sermons are standards of doc- trine. The habit of testing doctrine by categorical definitions has so universally prevailed that the various questions investigated in the introduction are essential to a proper understanding of the work. The analysis prefixed to each sermon or in some instances to a group of sermons, is intended to aid the student in testing and fixing his knowledge of the text. The text of the sermon should first of all be read through carefully. The analyses will then aid in printing upon the memory a connected and compacted view of the whole subject. They will also assist in review, and in testing the student's knowledge of any particular sermon. The notes are generally historical. They are drawn from Mr. Wesley's journals and doctrinal writings, and serve to throw the doctrines of the text out in stronger relief, sometimes in the light of experience, sometimes in the light of controversy with error. It is hoped that they will be found of essential service to the careful student. The table of contents may seem unimportant, but careful study has convinced the editor that these sermons were grouped by Mr. Wesley in such form as to illustrate and supplement each other, and to form a complete and progressive view of the whole subject of experimental 'and practical religion. He has endeavoured to elucidate this by an analysis of the table of contents into ten sections or groups. It is scarcely necessary to add that the con- stant study of these sermons as a text book of practical theology has been to the editor an increasing means of spiritual pleabure and profit ; and it is his earnest prayer that they may be mote abundantly so to his readers. INTEODUCTION. I. THE NECESSITY AND PROPER USE OF STANDARDS OP DOCTRINE. It has come to be asserted with great assurance in our day, and, perhaps, by some sincerely believed, that doctrinal standards are no longer necessary. It is said that genuine and true religion consists in a right state of heart, by which is signified the religious affections, and in a right conduct of life flowing from these affections. It is argued that if these essentials be right, such an one, notwithstanding many and even serious erroneous beliefs, deserves recognition as a follower of the Lord Jesua Christ and a member of the Christian Church. One part after another of Christian dogma is selected, and some individual is found, or imagined to be found, who has professed disbelief in this dogma, and yet has evinced genuine marks of Christian character ; and thence the impression is silently created, or the conclusion boldly asserted, that, because one individual has been so found, the whole Christian world might have been so found, and genuine religion might have existed without this particular dogma. Few are bold enough to say that religion could have existed and have been propagated without any dogma or opinion regarding God ; but such an impression is certainly left on the superficial mind. And it is even maintained in some theories that all dogmas are but helps to the attainment of the religious life, and that all are nearly equally useful for this purpose, in the various stages of mental development in which they respectively prevail, and equally untrue in themselves when brought to the test of severe science. Now, if it be true that our dogmas are entirely unnecessary, as means of placing ourselves in right relations to God, or as means of bringing others into such right relations, then the assertion of such dogmas as fundamentals and essentials in religion is a falsity and a moral wrong. And if it be true that such dogmas are mere transitory, mutable, fictitious forms by which we posit as the object of religious affections the Unknown and tiie Unknowable, then the maintenance of these forms, as permanent doctrinal standards, becomes possible only as the result of the cessation of all spiritual growth in humanity. Let us examine these conclusions more carefully. First, then, upon what grounds are certain unwelcome elements of Christian doctrine excluded from the essential elements of the faith? Because it is said that certain persons have been found in possession of VI INTRODUCTION. genuine religious life without these beliefs ; hence they are not essential. But in this conclusion the absolute non-existence of these beliefs is assumed without sufficient proof. There is often the most happy inconsistency between men's logically denned systems of dogma and their religious affections, because their religious affections have been developed before their logical apprehension. of dogma. And yet they have been developed under the power of the truth contained in the very dogma which their mistaken logic afterward rejects. That truth has surrounded them on every side in the religious life of the entire Christian Church ; and they have caught its influence before they have learned to formulate it in words. The doctrine of the Deity of Christ is involved in every act of Christian worship, as it is inwrought into the entire texture of the New Testament Scriptures. It, therefore, by no means follows that a man who has been brought up from his childhood in contact with the entire intellectual and spiritual life of the Christian Church, but who formally denies this doctrine, if he becomes possessor of the Christian life, has become so independently of this doctrine. Far le;-s t un -?~ catechism for scholars, nor as a series of theological propositions for controversial discussion, but as an exhibition to the world of a preached gospgL Says Mr. Wesley, in a preface to the first volume of sermons, / published first in 1746, (and incorporated into an extended preface in/ 1771, when he might have said thirty years instead of eight,) "The following sermons contain the substance of what I have been preaching for between eight and nine years past. During that time I have frequently spoken in public on every subject in the ensuing collection ; and I am not conscious that there is any one point of doctrine, on which I am accustomed to speak in public, which is not here, incidentally, if not professedly, laid before every Christian reader. Every serious man who peruses these will, therefore, see in the plainest manner what these doctrines are which I embrace and teach as the essentials of religion." After referring to the Word of God as the source from which he had drawn these truths, he goes on to say, " I have accordingly set down in the following sermons what I find in the Bible concerning the way to heaven, with a view to distinguish this way of God from all those which XVI INTRODUCTION. are the inventions of men. I have endeavoured to describe the true, the scriptural, experimental religion so as to omit nothing which is a real part thereof, and to add nothing thereto which is not. And herein it is more especially my desire, first, to guard those who are just setting their faces toward heaven, (and who, having little acquaintance with the things of God, are the more liable to be turned out of the way,) from formality, from mere outside religion, which has almost driven heart religion out of the world ; and, secondly, to warn those who know the religion of the heart, the faith which worketh by love, lest at any time they make void the law through faith, and so fall back into the snare of the deviL" These sermons, then, in Mr. Wesley's own intention, were a full exhibit of the Methodist preaching. But they were, further, an exhibit of that preaching in its mature form. The great Wesleyan revival had now lasted for more than thirty years. In that time it had been purified from many accidental blemishes and defects in the apprehension of the religious intellect. All the great phases of Christian life, repentance, faith, justification, the witness of the Spirit, regeneration, the conflict with sin in believers, and perfect love had become prominent in its preaching, and had been exemplified by the living experience of thousands of witnesses. This Christian life had also maintained itself in conflict with its two great spiritual dangers -^-formalism and Antinomianism ; and had asserted itself as the truth of God in opposition both to the one and the other. The standard type of preaching which was thus formed was, therefore, no hasty congeries of immature doctrine, no hotbed growth of a few months' revival, but the digested result of a lifetime of religious experience and labour in the midst of myriads of examples and illustrations of every phase of religious life. Of this religious life, as exemplified in his societies, and as he came in contact with it in his meeting of the classes, Mr. Wesley was a constant student and most accurate observer ; and to that peculiar institution of Methodism the Class, or Fellowship, or Society Meeting we owe not a little of the breadth and completeness of our doctrinal system as a preached gospel. Again, the marked experimental character of the sermons, must be kept constantly in view by every one who would properly understand them. Here is Divine truth drawn directly from the Word of God ; not as a subject of intellectual contemplation ; not as a speculation, a philosophy of God, and man, and the universe ; not as a mere theory of religion, or of Atonement, or of faith, or of the plan of salvation. But here is Divine truth as it has entered into the heart of the preacher, and become in him the life of God, and as from his own heart he presents it to the heart of his hearers. The student, then, must read these standards by the constant inward light of the Divine Spirit, and must allow the truth presented to enter into his heart, for only then will he understand and appreciate it. INTRODUCTION. Xvii No one can properly read these standards who losses sight cf their con- troversial aspect. They defend the truth against formalism and Anti- nomianism. It might be supposed that this controversial character, ' which has not moulded, but only somewhat modified their form, would have interfered with their peculiarly practical and spiritual character. But it is not so. First of all, that which appears here is not a mere theological polemic, but a practical conflict. It is not so much against an erroneous theory that these standards have erected a defence, as ' against the evil influence of error. There were a thousand speculative errors abroad in the world in Mr. Wesley's time, but he lifts up his voice against them only as they endanger the existence of the life of God in the souls of men, or mar its beauty and perfection. Methodism from the beginning had been a living protest against the , cold externalism and formalism, which had well-nigh extinguished all .' genuine religion in England, in the beginning of the eighteenth century. ; It was likewise in uncompromising antagonism with all those doctrines - of legalism, sacramentarianism, and churchism, which ally themselves* so naturally to formality. The Wesleys themselves, while free from the frivolities of modern ritualism, and while strenuously opposed to the easy-going legality of latitudinarianism, were still prejudiced high churchmen and sacramentarians in the beginning of their career. But by the time of the origin of our standards, the evangelical leaven had eliminated almost every vestige of these antagonistic principles. But the evangelical doctrine was not without its peculiar dangers. The doctrine of faith, by what appeared to be a very slight modification, but which was in reality a total perversion of its principles, was easily imitated by an antinomian theory of salvation by logical deduction. A commercial view of the atonement, a disregard of the profound work of the Spirit, and of the necessfty of repentance, and a resting in an intellectual assurance instead of the God-given witness of the Spirit, these were the elements out of which was constructed an imitation of evangelical religion which, even in Mr. Wesley's day, threatened to pervert the great work of grace which God had wrought through his preaching. The four volumes of sermons appeared in their final form just at the juncture when the conflict with Antinomianism culminated in the Calvinistic controversy. But a quarter of a century before this the doctrinal minutes had guarded the preachers against antinomian error ; so that us, during that time, these sermons had grown into form, they embodied the opposition of the true Christian life to all varieties of teaching which might favour this spurious imitation. There were other minor forms of error, such as the Moravian stillness, and certain enthusiastic extravagances, which have left their impress on the form of the sermons. But in their opposition to all these things, the sermons did not cease to be sermons. They maintained theii practical and spiritual character, and aimed only and directly at the extension and perfection of the religious life. XVill INTRODUCTION. Another cause which prevented this controversial aspect of the sermons from marring their perfection as standards of doctrine for all time, was the fact that the essential principles of these controversies belong to all time. They are as old as the days of Paul, and have repeated themselves in every subsequent age of the Church's history. It was, therefore, imperatively necessary that standards of doctrine should give no uncertain sound in regard to the questions herein involved. Finally, in the study of these documents, it must be borne in mind that they were proposed as standards of preaching. That which was to be tested by them was the pulpit in every Methodist Church. This was to be the type of preaching for which these houses were erected. The relation in which Methodism stood to the Established Church in England, during Mr. Wesley's life, provided for the doctrinal unity of Methodism with the Protestant Reformation. When, in the United States of America, Methodism became an independent Church, the same provision was made by the abridged and amended Articles of Religion. But the introduction of the Sermons and Notes, as the standard of preaching, into every Trust Deed of a chapel or church in the Connexion, assured, so far as human means can do so, an Arminian evangelical preaching and exposition of God's Word for all time. To interpret these standards or apply them after the manner of Articles of Religion, or Creeds, or Confessions of Faith, which cate- gorically define the doctrines to be professed or believed, would be contrary to their very nature. It is to the spirit and type of this preaching that our obligations bind us. There may be in the Notes and Sermons many things, accidental and personal, to which no Methodist minister or layman would feel bound to profess assent. But Methodism demands that in all our pulpits we should preach this gospel, and expound the Word of God according to this analogy of faith, PKEFACE. THE following Sermons contain the substance of what I have been preaching for between eight and nine years last past.* During that time I have frequently spoken in public, on every subject in the en- suing collection : and I am not conscious, that there is any one point of doctrine", on which I am accustomed to speak in public, which is not here, incidentally, if not professedly, laid before every Christian reader. Every serious man, who peruses these, will therefore see in the clearest manner, what these doctrines are, which I embrace and teach, as the essentials of true religion. 2. But I am thoroughly sensible, these are not proposed in such a manner as some may expect. Nothing here appears in an elaborate, elegant, or oratorical dress. If it had been my desire or design to write thus, my leisure would not permit. But, in truth, I, at present, designed nothing less ; for I now write as I generally speak, ad populum : to the bulk of mankind, to those who neithei relish nor understand the art of speaking ; but who, notwithstand- ing, are competent judges of these truths, which are necessary t*. present and future happiness. I mention this, that curious reaoen may spare themselves the labour of seeking for what they will not find. 3. I design plain truth for plain people : therefore, of st purpose, I abstain from all nice and philosophical speculations ; irooi all per- plexed and intricate reasonings : and, as far as possible, fi-ooi even the show of learning, unless in sometimes citing the original Scrip- ture. I labour to avoid all words which are noc easy to be under- stood, all which are not used in common life ; and, in particular, those kinds of technical terms that so frequently occur in bodies of divinity, those modes of speaking, which men of reading are in- timately acquainted with, but which, to common people, are an unknown tongue. Yet I am not assured that I do not sometimes slide into them unawares : it is so extremely natural to imagine, that a word which is familiar to ourselves is so to all the world. 4. Nay, my design is, in some sense, to forget all that ever I have read in my life. I mean to speak, in the general, as if I had never * In the year 1747. PREFACE. read one author, ancient or modern : (always excepting the inspired.) I am persuaded, that on the one hand, this may be a means of enabling me more clearly to express the sentiments of my heart, while I simply follow the chain of my own thoughts, without en- tangling myself with those of other men ; and that, on the other, I shall come with fewer weights upon my mind, with less of prejudice and prepossession either to search for myself, or to deliver to others the naked truths of the Gospel. 5. To candid, reasonable men, I am not afraid to lay open what have been the inmost thoughts of my heart. I have thought, I am a creature of a day, passing through life, as an arrow through the air. I am a spirit come from God, and returning to God : just hovering over the great gulf; till a few moments hence, I am no more seen ! I drop into an unchangeable eternity ! I want to know one thing, the way to heaven : how to land safe on that happy shore. God himself has condescended to teach the way ; for this very end he came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book ! Oh give me that book 1 At any price, give me the book of God ! I have it : here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be homo unius libri.* Here then I am, far from the busy ways of men. I sib down alone : only God is here. In his presence I open, I read this book ; for this end, to find the way to heaven. Is there a doubt concerning the meaning of what I read 1 Does any thing appear dark or intricate ? I lift up my heart to the Father of light. Lord, is it not thy word, " If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God 1" Thou " givest liberally and upbraidest not." Thou hast said, " If any be williug to do thy will, he shall know." I am willing to do : let me know thy will. I then search after, and consider parallel passages of Scripture, " comparing spiritual things with spiritual." I meditate thereon, with all the attention and earnestness of which my mind is capable. If any doubt still remains, I consult those who are experienced in the things of God : and then, the writings whereby, being dead, they yet speak. And what I thus learn, that I teach. 6. I have accordingly set down in the following sermons, what I find in the Bible concerning the way to heaven ; with a view to dis- tinguish this way of God, from all those which are the inventions of men. I have endeavoured to describe the true, (he scriptural, experimental religion, so as to omit nothing which is a real part thereof, and to add nothing thereto which is not. And herein it is * A man of one book. PREFACE. more especially my desire, first, to guard those who are just setting their faces towards heaven, (and who, having little acquaintance with the things of God, are the more liable to be turned out of the way,) from formality, from mere outside religion, which has almost driven heart religion out of the world ; and, secondly, to warn those who know the religion of the heart, the faith which worketh by love, lest at any time they make void the law through faith, and so fall back into the snare of the devil. 7. By the advice, and at the request of some of my friends, I have prefixed to the other sermons contained in this volume, three sermons of my own, and one of my brother's, preached before the university of Oxford. My design required some discourses on those heads. And I preferred these before any others, as being a stronger answer than any which can be drawn up now, to those who have frequently asserted, that we have changed our doctrine of late, and do not preach now, what we did some years ago. Any man of understanding may now judge for himself, when he has compared the latter with the former sermons. 8. But some may say, T have mistaken the way myself, although I take upon me to teach it to others. It is probable many will think this, and it is very possible that I have. But I trust, whereinso- ever I have mistaken, my mind is open to conviction. I sincerely desire to be better informed. I say to God and man, " What I know not, teach thou me 1 " 9. Are you persuaded you &ee more clearly than me 1 ? It is not unlikely that you may. Then treat me as you would desire to be treated yourself upon a change of circumstances. Point me out a better way than I have yet known. Show me it is so, by plain proof of Scripture. And if I linger in the path I have been accus. tomed to tread, and am therefore unwilling to leave it, labour with me a little ; take me by the hand, and lead me as I am able to bear. But be not displeased if I entreat you not to beat me down in order to quicken my pace : I can go but feebly and wlowly at best ; then, I should not be able to go at all. May I not request of you, farther, not to give me hard names in order to bring me into the right way. Suppose I were ever so much in the wrong, I doubt thio would not set me right. Rather, it would make me run so much the farther from you, and so get more and more out of the way. 10. Nay, perhaps, if you are angry, so shall I be too ; and then there will be small hopes of finding the truth. If once anger arise, wre x a7rv s, (as Homer somewhere expresses it,) this smoke will so PREFACE. dim the eyes of my soul, that I shall be able to see nothing clearly. For God's sake, if it be possible to avoid it, let us not provoke one another to wrath. Let us not kindle in each other this fire of hell ; much less blow it up into a flame. If we could discern truth by that dreadful light, would it not be loss, rather than gain ? .For, how far is love, even with many wrong opinions, to be preferred before truth itself without love ! We may die without the know- ledge of many truths, and yet be carried into Abraham's bosom. But if we die without love, what will knowledge avail 1 Just as much as it avails the devil and his angels ! The God of love forbid that we should ever make the trial ! May he prepare us for the knowledge of all truth, by filling our hearts with all his love, and with all joy and peace in believing i ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. 1. In four sermons before the University of Oxford, the fundamental evangelical doctrine of "Salvation by Faith" is placed in contrast with the imperfect Christianity of outward works, and the indifference of woildly minds, as a work of the Holy Ghost. SERMON I. Salvation by Faith. By grace are ye saved, through faith. Ephesians ii. 8 1 SERMON II. The Almost Christian. Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. Acts xxvi. 28 11 SERMON III. Awake, thou that deepest. Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Ephesians v. 14 17 SERMON IV. Scriptural Christianity. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. Acts iv. 31 26 2. In eight sermons, being the substance of Mr. Wesley's evangplical preaching during the earlier period of his itinerant ministry, (one, the second, on the Witness of the Spirit, was added twenty years later,) the Gospel Salvation is expounded as Justification or Righteous- ness by Faith, with its antecedent conditions, Repentance and Faith ; and its concomitant results, the Fruits of the Spirit, the Spirit of Adoption, and the two-fold Witness of the Spirit of God with our own spirits. SERMON V. Justification by Faith. To him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is eounted to him for righteousness. Romans iv. 5 39 SERMON VI. The Righteousness of Faith. Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise : Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven ? (that is, to bring Christ down from above :) Or, Who shall descend into the deep ? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead. ) But what saith it ? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart : that is, the word of faith which we preach. Romans x. 5-8. . 51 SERMON VII. The Way to the Kingdom. The kingdom of God is at hand : repent ye, and believe the gospeL Mark i 15 61 SERMON VIII. The First Fruits of the Spirit. There ia therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans viii. 1 . . 70 XXIV ' ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. SERMON IX. The Spirit of Bondage and of Adoption. Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again unto fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans viii. 15 79 SERMON X. The Witness of the Spirit. DISCOURSE I. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. Romans viii. 16 90 SERMON XI. The Witness of the Spirit. DISCOURSE II. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. Romans viii. 16 101 SERMON XII. The Witness of our own Spirit. This is our rejoicing, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace ol God, we have had our conversation in the world. 2 Corinthians i. 12 .... 109 3. In two supplementary sermons, inserted in 1771, the evangelical doc- trine is guarded against the erroneous perfectionism of the Moravians, and weak Christians are so directed as to prevent discouragement. SERMON XIII. On Sin in Believers. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. 2 Corinthians v. 17 117 SERMON XIV. The Repentance of Believers. Repent ye, and believe the gospel. Mark i. 15 127 4. A special sermon on the Judgment, preached in 1758, and inserted in 1771. SERMON XV. The Great Assize. We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Romans xiv. 10. . 138 5. A sermon guarding the evangelical doctrine of faith against Moravian stillness. SERMON XVI. The Means of Grace. Ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Malachi iii. 7 149 6. In twenty sermons following, -the evangelical doctrine is guarded against Antiiiomianism, and is united to the doctrine of holiness of heart and life which Mr. Wesley had early received from Thomas a'Kempis, Taylor, and Law. Into this series was inserted, in 1771, the sermon on The Lord our Righteousness, as an exposition and defence of the harmony between evangelical faith in the Atonement and Scriptural holiness. The three sermons concluding this section are distinctly controversial, and pointed at Antinomiauism. SERMON XVII. The Circumcision of the Heart. Circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter. Romans ii. 29 163 SERMON XVIII. The Marks of the New Birth. So is every one that is born of the Spirit. John iii. 8 172 SERMON XIX. The Great Privilege of those that are Born of God. Whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin. 1 John iii. 9 181 ANALYSIS OP CONTENTS. XXV SERMON XX. The Lord our Righteousness. This is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUS- NESS. Jeremiah xxiii. 6 189 SERMON XXI. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE I. And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain ; and when he was set, his disciples came unto him, &c. Matthew v. 1-4 199 SERMON XXII. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE II. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, &c. Matthew v. 5-7 214 SERMON XXIII. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE III. Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God, &c. Matthew v. 8-12 225 SERMON XXIV. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE IV. Ye are the salt of the earth ; but if the salt have lost its savour, where- with shall it be salted ? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men, &c. Matthew v. 13-16 236 SERMON XXV. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE v. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets : I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil, &c. Matthew v. 17-20 247 SERMON XXVI. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE VI. Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them : otherwise ye have no reward from your Father which is in heaven, &c. Matthew vi. 1-15 259 SEBMON XXVII. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE VIL Moreover when ye fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance : for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward, &c. Matthew vi. 16-18 270 SERMON XXVIII. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE VIII. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal, &c. Matthew vi. 19-23 282 SERMON XXIX. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE IX. No man can serve two masters : for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, aud despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon, &c. Matthew vi. 24-34 294 ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. SERMON XXX. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE x. Judge not, that ye be not judged, &c. Matthew vii. 1-12 304 SERMON XXXI. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE XI. Enter ye in at the strait gate : for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat, &c. Matthew vii. 13, 14 312 SERMON XXXII. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE XII. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves, &c. Matthew vii. 15-20 318 SERMON XXXIII. Upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. DISCOURSE XIII. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the king- dom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven, &c. Matthew vii. 21-27 325 SERMON XXXIV. The Original, Nature, Properties, and Use of the Law. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Romans vii 12 333 SERMON XXXV. The Law established through Faith. DISCOURSE I. Do we then make void the law through faith ? God forbid : yea, we establish the law. Romans iii. 31 346 SERMON XXXVI. The Law established through Faith. DISCOURSE II. Do we then make void the law through faith ? God forbid : yea we establish the law. Romans iii. 31 354 7. In three following discourses the deep earnestness of spiritual religion is guarded against enthusiasm, bigotry, and narrowness. SERMON XXXVII. The Nature of Enthusiasm. And Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself. Acts xxvi. 24 360 SERMON XXXVIII. A Caution against Bigotry. And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us : and we forbade him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not. Mark ix. 38, 39 3C9 SERMON XXXIX. Catholic Spirit. And when he was departed thence, he lighted on Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him : and he saluted him, and said to him, Is thine heart i g it, as my heart is with thy heart ? And Jehonadab answered, It is. If it be, give me thine hand. 2 Kings x. 15 379 8. In four sermons the "Wesleyen doctrine of Christian Perfection is defined and defended. Those seeking this grace are guarded against difficulties, and the way of its attainment is pointed out. ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. XXV11 SERMON XL. On Christian Perfection. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect. Phil. iii. 12 38'J SERMON XLI. Wandering Thoughts. Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor. x. 5 409 SERMON XLII. Satan's Devices. We are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Cor. ii. 11 416 SERMON XLTII. The Scripture Way of Salvation. Ye are saved through faith. Ephesians ii. 8 426 9. In connection with this doctrine we have an exposition of the related subjects Original Sin and the New Birth and a guard against sub- jective difficulties common to those who search deeply their own hearts, and seek inward perfection. SERMON XLIV. Original Sin. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil con- tinually. Genesis vL 5 436 SERMON XLV. The New Birth. Ye must be born again. John iii. 7 446 SERMOM XLVI. The Wilderness State. Ye now have sorrow : but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. John xvi. 22 456 SERMON XLVII. Heaviness through manifold Temptations. Now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temp- tations. 1 Peter i. 6 467 1 0. A concluding section on subjects touching the practical life of Christians. SERMON XLVIII. Self -Denial. And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Luke ix. 23. ... 476 SERMON XLIX. The Cure of Evil Speaking. If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone : if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother, &c. Matthew xviii. 15-17 486 SERMON L. The Use of Money. I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteous- ness ; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habi- tations. Luke xvi. 9 4$3 SERMON LI. Tlie Good Steward. Give an account of thy stewardship ; for thou mayest be no longer steward. Luke xvi. 2 501 SERMON LII. The Reformation of Manners. Who will rise up with me against the wicked ? Psalm xciv. 16 610 SERMONS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. SERMON I. Salvation by Faith. Preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, before the University, June llth, 1738. 11 By grace arc ye saved through Faith." Eph. ii. 8. ANALYSTS. GRACE is the source of all blessings to man, and in Ms fallen condition must be pre-eminently the source of his salvation. Faith is its condition. I. What Faith is it through which we are saved ? 1. Not barely the faith of a heathen in God as Moral Governor. 2. Not the intellectual faith of a devil. 3. Not barely the faith of the Apostles before the Kesur- rection. 4. But a faith in Christ, of the heart, in the Atonement. 5. Hence Christian faith is not only an assent to the whole Gospel of Christ, but also a full reliance on the bliod of Christ ; a trust in the merits of his life, death, and resurrec- tion ; a recumbency on him as our atonement and our life, as given for us, and living in us. It is a sure confidence which a man hath in God, that through the merits of Christ his sins are forgiven, and he reconciled to the favour of God ; and, in consequence hereof, a closing with him, and a cleaving to him, as our " wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption," or, in one word, our salvation. SALVATION BY FAITH. [SERMON i. II. What is the Salvation which is through Faith ? 1. A present salvation. 2. From sin. 3. From guilt. 4 From fear. 5. From the power of sin. He that is born of God sinneth not by habitual sin, nor by wilful sin, nor by sinful desire, nor by infirmities. III. Answer to Objections. 1. Salvation by faith is not opposed to good works, for 2. It -does not reduce God's law to the limits of human weakness, but points out its true spiritual fulfilment. 3. It does not lead to pride, for it excludes boasting. 4. It does not encourage in sin, since God's goodness will lead all the sincere to repentance. o. It drives to despair only of ourselves, that we may find salvation in Christ. 6. It is the doctrine of true comfort. 7. It is the scriptural foundation doctrine. 8. It is the effectual antidote to Romanism. 9. And the true secret of the power of Protestantism. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This sermon was preached by Mr. Wesley, btfore the University, June llth, 1738, (not June 18th, as appears in all the editions of his works,) eighteen days after his conscious experience of the new life. It consists of three parts the definition of faith, the definition of salvation, and he answer to objections. The definition of faith is evidently a transcriptin~oOns_jjsai--expe- e, as will appear from the following extract from his journal, under date May 24th, 1738 :* " Accordingly, the next day he (Peter Boehler) came again with three others, all of whom testified, of their own per- sonal experience, that a true living faith in Christ is inseparable from a sense of pardon for all past, and freedom from all present, sins. They added with one mouth that this faith was the gift, the free gift of God ; and that he would surely bestow it upon every soul who earnestly and perseveringly sought it. I was now thoroughly convinced ; and by the grace of God I resolved to seek it unto the end 1. By absolutely re- nouncing all dependence, in whole or in part, upon my own works or righteousness ; on which I had really grounded my hope of salvation, thoxigh I knew it not, from my youth up. 2. By adding to the constant use of all the other means of grace, continual prayer for the very tiling, justifying saving grace, a lull reliance on the blood of Christ shed for me; Pp. 73, 74, Vol. 111., Wesley's Works, American Edition. SERMON I.] SALVATION BY FAITH. 3 a trust in him, as my Christ, as my sole justification, sanctification, and redemption. " I continued thus to seek it (though with strange indifference, dul- ness, and coldness, and unusually frequent relapses into t?in) till Wed- nesday, May 24th. 1 think it was about five this morning that I opened my Testament on those words, T fxeyig-ras i\^it KO.I T//X/* tvayytk^ra. Je^wp>jTai, v ysvr.o-6s Qeitzf xo/woi (pvo-EWf : ' There are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, even that ye should be partakers of the Divine nature,' 2 Pet. i. 4. Just as I went out, I opened it again on those words, ' Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.' In the afternoon I was asked to go to St. Paul's. The anthem was, 'Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord : Lord, hear my voice. O let thine ears consider well the voice of my complaint. If tliou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss, O Lord, who may abide it 1 For there is mercy with thee ; therefore thou shalt be feared. Israel, trust in the Lord : for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his sins.' " In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation ; and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death." Such was the progress and culmination of this saving faith in Mr. Wesley's own experience : First, an apprehension of the way, and a determination to forsake his own works, and seek saving faith as a gift from God. Then the answer to his prayer in rays of Divine light from the Word of God, and finally in the clear vision of full and present assurance. It is this fully assured faith which Mr. Wesley has embodied in his definition, rather than the gradual process of dawning light, falling on a receptive heart, which preceded it ; not because he did not regard the latter as of the nature of faith, but because the perfected faith alone introduced him into a conscious present possesssion of salvation. We shall see hereafter how clearly Mr. Wesley defines the various degrees of faith, and the corresponding states of grace. The definition of salvation is also very deariy jnnafa-ateft by hia-tnvn experience? The very night oThis happy change he says, "After my return home I was much buffeted with temptations ; but cried out, and they fled away. They returned again and again. I as often lifted up my eyes, and He 'sent me help from His holy place.' And herein I found the difference between this and my former state chiefly consisted. I was striving, yea, fighting with all my might under the Law, as well as under grace. But then I was sometimes, if not often, conquered ; now I was always conqueror." Five days later he writes, " I have constant peace, not one uneasy thought ; and I have freedom from sin, not one unholy 4 SALVATION BY FAITH. fSERMON I. desire." " Yet on Wednesday," (two days after,) " did I grieve the Spirit of God, not only by not watching unto prayer, but likewise by speaking with sharpness, instead of tender lt>ve, of one that was not sound in the faith. Immediately God hid his face, and I was troubled ; and in this heaviness I continued till the next morning, June 1, when it pleased God, while I was exhorting another, to give comfort to my soul." The student will note the correspondence of the objections considered with those still urged against the doctrine. Mr. Wesley's prognostica- tion of the increase of Romish delusion at Oxford was strikingly verified by the Tractariaii movement just a century later. SERMON I. 1. ALL the blessings which God hath bestowed upon man, are ol hia mere grace, bounty, or favour; his free, undeserved favour; favour altogether undeserved ; man having no claim to the least of his mer- cies. It was free grace that " formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into him a living soul," and stamped on that soul the image of God, and " put all things under his feet." The same free grace continues to us, at this day, life and breath, and all things. For there is nothing we are, or have, or do, which can deserve the least thing at God's hand. " All our works, thou, oh God ! hast wrought in us." These, therefore, are so many more instances of free mercy : and, whatever righteousness may be found in man, this is also the gift of God. 2. Wherewithal then shall a sinful man atone for any, the least of his sins ? With his own works ? No. Were they ever so many or holy, they are not his own, but God's. But indeed they are all unholy and sinful themselves, so that every one of them needs a fresh atone- ment Only corrupt fruit grows on a corrupt tree. And his heart is altogether corrupt and abominable; being "come short of the glory of God,'' the glorious righteousness at first impressed on his soul, after the image of his great Creator. Therefore having nothing, neither right- eousness nor works to plead, his mouth is utterly stopped before God. 3. If then sinful men find favour with God, it is "grace upon grace !" If God vouchsafe still to pour fresh blessings upon us, yea, the great- est of all blessings, salvation ; what can we say to these things, but, " Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift !" And thus it is. Herein "God commendeth his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died" to save us. " By grace, then, are ye saved, through faith." Grace is the source, faith the condition, of salvation. Now, that we fall not short of the grace of God, it concerns us carefully to inquire, I. What Faith it is through which we are saved ? II. What is the Salvation which is through Faith? III. How we may answer some Objections. 1. What faith it is through which we are saved? 1. And first. It is not barely the faith of a heathen. Now God requireth of a heathen to believe, " That God is ; that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him ;" and that he is to be sought by glorifying him as God, by giving him thanks for all things, and by a careful practice of moral virtue, of justice, mercy and B3HMON I.] SALVATION BY FAITH. 6 truth towards their fellow creatures. A Greek or Roman, therefore, yea, a Scythian or Indian, was without excuse if he did not believe thus much : The being and attributes of God, a future state of reward and punishment, and the obligatory nature of moral virtue. For thia is barely the faith of a heathen. 2. Nor, secondly. Is it the faith of a devil, though he goes much farther than that of a heathen. For the devil believes, not only that there is a wise and powerful God, gracious to reward, and just to pun- ish ; but also that Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ, the Saviour of the world. So we find him declaring in express terms, Luke iv, 34, " I know thee, who thou art ; the Holy One of God." Nor can we doubt but that unhappy spirit believes all those words which came out of the mouth of the Holy One : yea, and whatsoever else was written by those holy men of old, of two of whom he was compelled to give that glorious testimony, "These men are the servants of the Most High God, who show unto you the way of salvation." Thus much, then, the great enemy of God and man believes, and trembles in be- lieving, that God was made manifest in the flesh ; that he will " tread all enemies under his feet ;" and that " all Scripture was given by in- spiration of God." Thus far goeth the faith of a devil. 3. Thirdly. The faith through which we are saved, in that sense of the word which will hereafter be explained, is not barely that which the apostles themselves had while Christ was yet upon earth ; though they so believed on him as to " leave all and follow him ;" although they had then power to work miracles, to " heal all manner of sick- ness, and all manner of disease ;" yea, they had then " power and au- thority over all devils ;" and, which is beyond all this, were sent by their Master to " preach the kingdom of God." 4. What faith is it then through which we are saved ? It may be answered, first, in general, it is a faith in Christ ; Christ, and God through Christ, are the proper objects of it. Herein, therefore, it is sufficiently, absolutely distinguished from the faith, either of ancient or modern heathens. And from the faith of a devil, it is fully distin- guished by this, it is not barely a speculative, rational thing, a cold, lifeless assent, a train of ideas in the head ; but also a disposition of the heart. For thus saith the Scripture, "With the heart man believ eth unto righteousness/' And, "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe with thy heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." 5. And herein does it differ from that faith which the apostles themselves had while our Lord was on earth, that it acknowledges the necessity and merit of his death, and the power of his resurrection. It acknowledges his death as the only sufficient means of redeeming man from death eternal, and his resurrection as the restoration of us all to life and immortality ; inasmuch as he " was delivered for our sins, and rose again for our justification." Christian faith is then, not only an assent to the whole Gospel of Christ, but also a full reliance on the blood of Christ ; a trust in the merits of his life, death, and re- surrection ; a recumbency upon him as our atonement and our life, a* given for us, and Jiving in us. It is a sure confidence which a man hath in God, that through the merits of Christ, his sins are forgiven, and he reconciled to the favour of God ; and. in consequence hereoC 6 SALVATION BY FAITH. [SEEMON I. a closing with him, and cleaving to him, as our " wisdom, righteous, ness, sanctification, and redemption," or, in one word, our salvation. II. What salvation it is, which is through this faith, is the second thing to be considered. 1. And first, whatsoever else it imply, it is a present salvation. It is something attainable, yea, actually attained on earth, by those who are partakers of this faith. For thus saith the apostle to the believ- ers at Ephesus, and in them to the believers of all ages, not ye shall be, (though that also is true,) but "ye are saved through faith." 2. Ye are saved ('to comprise all in one word) from sin. This is the salvation which is through faith. This is that great salvation foretold by the angel, before God brought his First-begotten into the world : " Thou shalt call his name JESUS, for he shall save his people from their sins." And neither here, nor in other parts of Holy Writ, is there any limitation or restriction. All his people, or as it is else- where expressed, " all that believe in him," he will save from all their ains ; from original and actual, past and present sin, " of the flesh and of the spirit." Through faith that is in him, they are saved both from the guilt and from the power of it. 3. First from the guilt of all past sin : for, whereas all the world is guilty before God, insomuch, that should he " be extreme to mark what is done amiss, there is none that could abide it ;" and whereas, "by the law is" only "the knowledge of sin," but no deliverance from it, so that, "by fulfilling the deeds of the law, no flesh can be justified in his sight;" now, "the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ, is manifested unto all that believe." Now, "they are justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ." "Him God hath set forth to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood ; to declare his righteousness for (or by) the remission of the sins that are past." Now hath Christ taken away " the curse of the law, being made a curse for us." He hath " blotted out the hand writing that was against us, taking it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." " There is, there- fore, no condemnation now, to them which" believe in Christ Jesus. 4. And being saved from guilt, they are saved from fear. Not in- deed from a filial fear of offending ; but, from all servile fear ; from that fear which hath torment ; from fear of punishment ; from fear of the wrath of God, whom they now no longer regard as a severe Master, but as an indulgent Father. "They have not received again the spirit of bondage, but the spirit of adoption, whereby they cry Abba, Father the Spirit itself also bearing witness with their spirits, that they are the children of God." They are also saved from the fear, though not from the possibility, of falling away from the grace of God, and com- ing short of the great and precious promises : they are " sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of their inheritance," Kph. i, 13. Thus have they "peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. They rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And the love of God is shed abroad in their hearts, through the Holy Ghost, which is given unto them." And hereby they are persuaded, (though perhaps not at all times, nor with the same fulness of persuasion,) that " nei- ther death, nor life, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate them from ihe love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." S^TIMON I.] SALVATION BY FAITH. 7 5. Again, through this faith they are saved from the power of sin, as well as from the guilt of it. So the apostle declares, " Ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins, and in him is no sin. Who- soever abideth in him, sinneth not," 1 John iii, 5, &c. Again, " Little children, let no man deceive you. He that committeth sin is of the devil. Whosoever believeth is born of God. And whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him : and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." Once more, " We know, that whosoever is born of God sinneth not : but he that is begotten of God. keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not," chap, v, 18. 6. He that is, by faith, born of God, sinneth not, 1, by any habitual sin ; for all habitual sin, is sin reigning : but sin cannot reign in any that believeth. Nor, 2, by any wilful sin, for his will, while he abideth in the faith, is utterly set against all sin, and abhorreth it as deadly poison. Nor, 3, by any sinful desire ; for he continually desireth the holy and perfect will of God ; and any tendency to an unholy desire, he, by the grace of God, stifleth in the birth. Nor, 4, doth he sin by infirmities, whether in act, word or thought : for his infirmities have no concurrence of his will ; and without this they are not properly sins. Thus, " He that is born of God doth not commit sin." And though he cannot say, he hath not sinned, yet, now " he sinneth not." 7. This then is the salvation which is through faith, even in the present world : a salvation from sin, and the consequences of sin, both often expressed in the word justification ; which, taken in the largest sense, implies, a deliverance from guilt and punishment, by the atone- ment of Christ actually applied to the soul of the sinner now believing on him, and a deliverance from the whole body of sin, through Christ, formed in his heart. So that he who is thus justified, or saved by faith, is indeed born again. He is born again of the Spirit unto a new life, " which is hid with Christ in God." " He is a new crrature : old things are passed away : all things in him are become new." And as a new- born babe he gladly receives the a<5oXov, "sincere milk of the word, and grows thereby ;" going on in the might of the Lord his God, from faith to faith, from grace to grace, until at length he comes unto " a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." III. The first usual objection to this is, 1. That to preach salvation, or justification, by faith only, is to preach against holiness and good works. To which a short answer might be given : It would be so, if we spake, as some do, of a faith which was separate from these : but we speak of a faith which is not so, but necessarily productive of all good works and all holiness. 2. But it may be of use to consider it more at large ; especially since it is no new objection, but as old as St. Paul's time : for even then it was asked, "Do we not make void the law through faith?" We answer, first, All who preach not faith, do manifestly make void the law ; eithe' directly and grossly by limitations and comments, that eat out all the spirit of the text ; or, indirectly, by not pointing out the only means whereby it is possible to perform it. Whereas, secondly, " we establish the law," both by showing its full extent and spiritual meaning ; and by calling all to that living way, whereby " the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in them." These, while they trust in the blood of Christ alone, use all the ordinances which he hath appointed, do all the " good 8 SALVATION BY FAITH. [SERMON I. works which he had before prepared that they should walk therein," and enjoy and manifest all holy and heavenly tempers, even the same mind that was in Christ Jesus. 3. But does not preaching this faith lead men into pride ? We an- swer, Accidentally it may : therefore ought every believer to be ear- nestly cautioned, in the words of the great apostle, " Because of unbelief, the first branches were broken off; and thou standest by faith Be not high minded, but fear. If God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he spare not thee. Behold, therefore,,thc goodness and seve- rity of God ! On them which fell, severity ; but towards thee, good- ness, if thou continue in his goodness ; otherwise thou also shalt be cut off." And while he continues therein, he will remember those words of St. Paul, foreseeing and answering this very objection, Rom. iii, 27, " Where is boasting then ? It is excluded. By what law 1 Of works ? Nay, but by the law of faith. If a man were justified by his works, he would have whereof to glory." But there is no glorying for him " that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly," Rom. iv. 5. To the same effect are the words both preceding and following the text : Eph. ii, 4, &c, " God, who is rich in mercy, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved,) that he might show the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindness towards us through Christ Jesus. For, by grace are ye saved, through faith ; and that not of yourselves." Of yourselves cometh neither your faith nor your salvation : " It is the gift of God ;" the free, undeserved gift ; the faith through which ye are saved, as well as the salvation, which he of his own good pleasure, his mere favour, annexes thereto. That ye believe, is one instance of his grace ; that believing ye are saved, another. " Not of works, lest any man should boast." For all our works, all our righteousness, which were before our believ- ing, merited nothing of God but condemnation. So far were they from deserving faith, which, therefore, whenever given, is not of works. Neither is salvation of the works we do when we believe : for it is then God that worketh in us : and, therefore, that he giveth us a reward for what he himself worketh, only commendeth the riches of his mercy, but leaveth us nothing whereof to glory. 4. However, may not the speaking thus of the mercy of God, as saving or justifying freely by faith only, encourage men in sin ? Indeed it may and will : many will " continue in sin that grace may abound :" But their blood is upon their own head. The goodness of God ought to lopery out of these kingdoms, and it is this alone can keep it out. Nothing but this can give a check to that immorality, which hath ' overspread the land as a flood." Can you empty the great deep, drop by drop ? Then you may reform us by dissuasives from particular vices. But let the " righteousness which is of God by faith" be brought in, and so shall its proud waves be stayed. Nothing but this can stop the mouths of those who " glory in their shame, and openly deny the Lord that bought them." They can talk as sublimely of the law, as he that hath it written, by God, in his heart. To hear them speak on this head, might incline one to think they were not far from the kingdom of God : but take them out of the law into the gospel ; begin with the righteous- ness of faith ; with Christ, " the end of the law, to every one that believeth ;" and those who but now appeared almost, if not altogether Christians, stand confessed the sons of perdition ; as far from life and salvation (God be merciful unto them !) as the depth of hell from the height of heaven. 9. For this reason the adversary so rages, whenever " salvation by faith" is declared to the world : for this reason did he stir up earth and hell, to destroy those who first preached it. And for the same reason, knowing that faith alone could overturn the foundations of his kingdom, did he call forth all his forces, and employ all his arts of lies and calumny to affright that champion of the Lord of Hosts, Martin Luther, from reviving it. Nor can we wonder thereat ; for as that man of God observes, " How would it enrage a proud strong man armed, to be stopped and set at nought by a little child coming against him with a reed in his hand ?" Especially, when he knew that little child would surely overthrow him, and tread him under foot. Even so, Lord Jesus ! Thus hath thy strength been ever " irade perfect in weakness !" Go forth then, thou little child that believest in him, and " his right hand shall teach thee terrible things !" Though thou art helpless and weak as an infant of days, the strong man shall not be able to stand before thee. Thou shall prevail over him, and subdue him, and overthrow him, and trample him under thy feet. Thou shall march on, under the great Captain of thy salvalion, " conquering, and lo conquer," until all thine enemies are destroyed, and " death is swallowed up in victory." " Now, thanks be to God, which givelh us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ," to whom wilh the Father and the Holy Ghost, be blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, aud honour, and power, and might, for ever. Amen. SERMON II.] THE ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 11 SERMON II. The Almost Christian. Preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, before the University, July 25th, " Almost tliou persuadest me to be a Christian." Acts xxvi. 28. ANALYSIS. I. WHAT is implied in being almost a Christian ? 1. Heathen honesty; including justice, truth, and love. 2. The form of godliness ; in abstaining from outward sins, doing good, even to labour and suffering, and using the means of grace, publicly in his family, and privately. 3. Sincerity, or a real design to serve God. II. What is implied in being altogether a Christian ? 1. Love to God. 2. Love to our neighbour. 3. Faith ; not dead, speculative faith, but that which assures of forgiveness of sins, and is followed by a loving heart to obey God's commandments. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. The character of the almost Christian, as portrayed in this sermon, ha 3 some very interesting historical parallels. It represents, with very great exactness, the religion of the early Oxford Methodists, of whom for so many years Mr. Wesley was a leader. It doubtless also represents the best type of religion to be found in the University at the date of this sermon, when the preacher spent some three weeks in Oxford examining the course of study in Divinity, and also inquiring particularly into the state of religion there. That he did not overlook the elements of genuine religion to be found in the character here presented is evident from the ninth sermon, where this same legal sincerity is contrasted with natural enmity and indifference. Nothing could mark more decidedly his eense of the supreme importance of the crisis known as conversion, than the fact that he here makes all antecedent grace avail nothing without that crowning experience which transforms the almost into the altogether Christian. This sermon was not prepared for Oxford alone. About a month before, he had preached it in London; and doubtless in most parts ot England he found sincere, good, moral servants of God who needed to be awakened to seek the full Christian Sonship. While the heathen and the Jew might be saved from a lower state of grace, Mr. Wesley evidently did not consider any Christian safe short of the assurance of Adoption. " Unto whom much is given," &c. The heads of the form of godliness in this sermon are a summary of the Rules of Society which were published about two years later. This is an example of the careful process of elaboration in his own mind, 12 THE ALMOST CHRISTIAN. [SERMON II. which these important documents passed through before they were sent forth to the Church and the world. NOTE. This and the discourse . introduced and defended the Gospel as preached by the Wesleys to the University, with earnest Christian simplicity and love, but with the moderation of that charity which "hopeth all things." The two which follow are marked by the severer virtues of faithful reproof and warning. SERMON II. AND many there are who go thus far: ever since the Christian reli- gion was in the world, there have been many in every age and nation, who were " almost persuaded to be Christians." But seeing it avails nothing before God, to go only thus far, it highly imports us to consider, First, What is implied in being almost ; Secondly, What in being altogether a Christian. 1. (I.) 1. Now, in the being almost a Christian is implied, first, heathen honesty. No one, I suppose, will make any question of this ; especially, since by heathen honesty here, I mean, not that which is recommended in the writings of their philosophers only, but such as the . common heathens expected one of another, and many of them actually * practised. By the rules of this they were taught, that they ought not to be unjust; not to take away their neighbour's goods, either by rob- bery or theft ; not to oppress the poor, neither to use extortion towards any ; not to cheat or overreach either the poor or rich, in whatsoever commerce they had with them ; to defraud no man of his right ; and, if it were possible, to owe no man any thing. 2. Again, the common heathens allowed, that some regard was to be paid to truth as well as to justice. And, accordingly, they not only held him in abomination, who was foresworn, who called God to witness N . i^ to a lie ; but him also, who was known to be a slanderer of his neigh- / 'T-v, bour, who falsely accused any man. And, indeed, little better did they esteem wilful liars of any sort, accounting them the disgrace of human kind, and the pests of society. 3. Yet, again there was a sort of love and assistance, which they expected one from another. They expected, whatever assistance any one could give another, without prejudice to himself. And this they extended not only to those little offices of humanity, which are per- formed without any expense or labour, but likewise, to the feeding the hungry, if they had food to spare ; the clothing the naked, with their own superfluous raiment ; and, in general, the giving, to any that need- ed, such things as they needed not themselves. Thus far, in the lowest iccount of it, heathen honesty went, the first thing implied in the being almost a Christian. (II.) 4. A second thing implied in the being almost a Christian, is, the having a form of godliness, of that godliness which is prescribed in " gospel of Christ ; the having the outside of a real Christian. Ac- cordingly the almost Christian does nothing which the gospel forbids. He taketh not the name of God in vain : he blesseth and curseth not : he sweareth not at all, but his communication is yea, yea ; nay, nay. He profanes not the day of the Lord, nor suffers it to be profaned, even by the stranger that is within his gates. He not only avoids all actual adultery, fornication,* and uncleanness, but every word or look, that SERMON II.] THE ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 13 either directly or indirectly tends thereto ; nay, and all idle words, abstaining both from all detraction, backbiting, tale bearing, evil speak- ing, and from " all foolish talking and jesting," eur^airsXia, a kind of virti'.e in the heathen moralist's account ; briefly, from all conversation that is not " good to the use of edifying," and that, consequently, " grieves the Holy Spirit of God, whereby we are sealed to the day of redemption." 5. He abstains from " wine wherein is excess ;" from revellings and gluttony. He avoids, as much as in him lies, all strife and contention, continually endeavouring to live peaceably with all men. And, if he suffers wrong, he avengeth not himself, neither returns evil for evil. He is no railer, no brawler, no scoffer, either at the faults or infirmities of his neighbour. He does not willingly wrong, hurt, or grieve any man ; but in all things acts and speaks by that plain rule, " Whatsoever thou wouldest not he should do unto thee, that do not thou to another." 6. And, in doing good, he does not confine himself to cheap and easy offices of kindness, but labours and suffers for the profit of many, that by all means he may help some. In spite of toil or pain, " What- soever his hand findeth to do, he doeth it with all his might;" whether it be for his friends, or for his enemies ; for the evil, or for the good. For, being not slothful in this, or in any business, as he hath opportu- nity he doeth good, all manner of good to all men ; and to their soul* as well as their bodies. He reproves the wicked, instructs the ignorant confirms the wavering, quickens the good, and comforts the afflicted He labours to awaken those that sleep ; to lead those whom God hatl already awakened to the fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness that they may wash therein and be clean ; and to stir up those who are saved, through faith, to adorn the gospel of Christ in all things. 7. He that hath the form of godliness, uses also the means of grace ; yea, all of them, and at all opportunities. He constantly frequents the house of God ; and that, not as the manner of some is, who come into the presence of the Most High, either loaded with gold and costly ap- parel, or in all the gaudy vanity of dress, and either by their unseasona- ble civilities to each other, or the impertinent gayety of their behaviour, disclaim all pretensions to the form, as well as to the power of godliness. Would to God there were none even among ourselves who fall under the same condemnation : who come into this house, it may be, gazing about, or with all the signs of the most listless, careless indifference, though sometimes they may seem to use a prayer to God for his blessing on what they are entering upon ; who, during that awful service, are either asleep, or reclined in the most convenient posture for it ; or, as though they supposed God was aslesp, talking with one another, or looking round, as utterly void of employment. Neither let these be accused of the form of godliness. No ; he who has even this, behaves with seriousness and attention in every part of that solemn service. More especially when he approaches the table of the Lord, it is not with a light or careless behaviour, but with an air, gesture, and deport- ment, which speak nothing else, but " God be merciful to me a sinner." 8. To this, if we add the constant use of family prayer, by those who are masters of families, and the setting times apart for private addresses^~ / v iA ' X '^r( to God, with a daily seriousness of behaviour ; he who nniformlv prao- tises this outward religion has the form of godliness. There needs but 14 TEE ALMOST CHRISTIAN. [tiLBMON II. one thing inore HI order to his being almost a Christian, and that is sincerity. (III.) 9. By sincerity, I mean a real, inward principle of religion from whence these outward actions flow. And, indeed, if we have not this, we have not heathen honesty ; no, not so much of it as will answei the demand of a heathen Epicurean poet. Even this poor wretch, in his sober intervals, is able to testify, Oderunt peccare boni, virt.ut.is amore ; Oderunt peccare mail, formidine pcenae.* So that, if a man only abstains from doing evil in order to avoid punish- ment, Non pasces in cruce coros,t saith the pagan ; there, " Thou hast thy reward." But even he will not allow such a harmless man as this, to be so much as a good heathen. If then, any man, from the same motive, viz. to avoid punishment, to avoid the loss of his friends, or his gain, or his reputation, should not only abstain from doing evil, but also ao ever so much good ; yea, and use all the means of grace ; yet we could not, with any propriety, say, this man is even almost a Christian. If he has no better principle in his heart, he is only a hypocrite alto- gether. 10. Sincerity, therefore, is necessarily implied in the being almost a Christian ; a real design to serve God, a hearty desire to do his will : it is necessarily implied, that a man have a sincere view of pleasing God in all things ; in all his conversation ; in all his actions ; in all he does, or leaves undone. This design, if any man be almost a Christian, runs through the whole tenor of his life. This is ihe moving principle, both in his doing good, his abstaining from evil, and his using the ordi nances of God. 11. But here it will probably be inquired, Is it. possible, that any man living should go so far as this, and nevertheless, be only almost a Chris- tian ? What more than this can be implied in the being a Christian altogether ? I answer, first, that it is possible to go thus far, and yet be but almost a Christian, I learn, not only from the oracles of God, but also from the sure testimony of experience. 12. Brethren, great is " my boldness towards you in this behalf." And " forgive me this wrong," if I declare my own folly upon the house top, for yours and the gospel s sake. Suffer me then, to speak freely of myself, even as of another man. I am content to be abased, so ye may be exalted, and to be yet more vile, for the glory of my Lord. 13. I did go thus far for many years, as many of this place can tes- tify ; using diligence to eschew all evil, and to have a conscience void of offence ; redeeming the time ; buying up every opportunity of doing all good to all men ; constantly and carefully using all the public and all the private means of grace ; endeavouring after a steady seriousness of behaviour, at all times, and in all places ; and, God is my record, before whom I stand, doing all this in sincerity ; having a real design to serve God ; a hearty desire to do his will in all things ; to please him, who had called me to " fight the good fight," and to " lay hold on eter- nal life." Yet my own conscience beareth me witness in the Holy Ghost, that all this time I was but almost a Christian. * Good men avoid sin from the love of virtue : Wicked men avoid sin from a fear of punishment. f Thou shall not be hanged. N II.] TEE ALMOST CHKJSTIAN, 15 II. Tf it be inquired, What more than this is implied in the being altogether a Christian ? I answer, (I.) 1. First, The love of God. For thus saith his word, "Thou shall love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength." Such a love of God is this, as engrosses the whole heart, as takes up all the affections, aa ., fills the entire capacity of the soul, and employs the utmost extent o f all its faculties. He that thus loves the Lord his God, his spirit, con- tinually " rejoiceth in God his Saviour." His delight is in the Lord, his Lord and his All, to whom " in every thing he giveth thanks." " All his desire is unto God, and to the remembrance of his name." His heart is ever crying out, " Whom have I in heaven but thce, and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee." Indeed, what can he desire beside God ? Not the world, or the things of the world. For he is " crucified to the world, and the world crucified to him." He is crucified to the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eye, and the pride of life. Yea, he is dead to pride of every kind ; for, " love is not puffed up ;" but " he thai, dwelling in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him," is less than nothing in his own eyes. (II.) 2. The second thing implied in the being altogether a Christian, is, the love of our neighbour. For thus said our Lord, in the follow- ing words, " Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself." If any man ask, Who is my neighbour 1 we reply, every man in the world ; every child of his, who is the Father of the spirits of all Hesh. Nor may we , in any wise except our enemies, or the enemies of God and their own souls. But every Christian loveth these also as himself, yea, " as Christ, loved us." He that would more fully understand what manner of love this is, may consider St. Paul's description of it. It is " longsuffering and kind." It " envieth not." It is not rash or hasty in judging. It " is not puffed up," but maketh him that loves, the least, the servant of all. Love " doth not behave itself unseemly," but becometh " all things to all men." She " seeketh not her own," but only the good of others, that ihey may be saved. " Love is not provoked." It casteth otil wrath, which he who hath, is not " made perfect in love," " It tliinketh no evil. It rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. It covereth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." (III.) 3. There is yet one thing more that may be separately con- sidered, though it cannot aclually be separate from the preceding, which is implied in the being altogether a Christian, and that is the ground ol all, even faith. Very excellent things are spoken of this throughout the oracles of God. " Every one," saith the beloved disciple, " that believeth, is born of God." " To as many as received him, gave he - power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name." And " this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." Yea, our Lord himself declares, " He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life ; and cometh nol inlo condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." 4. But here let no man deceive his own soul. " It is diligently to be noted, the faith, which bringeth not forlh repentance, and love, and all good works, is not that right living faith which is here spoken of, but a dead and devilish one. For, even the devils believe that Christ was born of a virgin ; that he wrought all kinds of miracles, declaring 16 THK ALMOST CHRISTIAN. [SERMON II. himself very God ; that, for our sakes he suffered a most painful death, to redeem us from death everlasting ; that he rose again the third day j that he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father, and at the end of the world shall come again to judge both the quick and dead. These articles of our faith the devils believe, and so they believe all that is written in the Old and New Testament. And yet> for all this faith they be but devils. They remain still in their damnable estate, lacking the very true Christian faith."* 5. " The right and true Christian faith is," to go on in the words of our own church, " not only to behtve, that holy Scripture, and the articles of our faith, are true, but also to have a sure trust and confidence to be saved from everlasting damnation by Christ. It is a sure trust and confidence which a man hath in God, that by the merits of Christ, his sins are forgiven, and he reconciled to the favour of God ; whereof doth follow, a loving heart, to obey his commandments." 6. Now, whosoever has this faith, which purifies the heart, (by the power of God, who dwelleth therein,) from pride, anger, desire, from all unrighteousness, from " all filthiness of flesh and spirit ;" which fills it with love stronger than death, both to God and to all mankind ; love that doth the works of God, glorying to spend and to be spent for all men, and that endureth with joy, not only the reproach of Christ, the being mocked, despised, and hated of all men, but whatsoever the wisdom of God permits the malice of men or devils to inflict ; whosoevei has this faith, thus working by love, is not almost only, but altogether, a Christian. 7. But who are the living witnesses of these things 1 I beseech you, brethren, as in the presence of that God, before whom " hell and de- struction are without a covering, how much more the hearts of the children of men ;" that each of you would ask his own heart, " Am 1 of that number 1 Do I so far practise justice, mercy, and tryth, as even the rules of heathen honesty require ? If so, have I the very outside of a Christian 1 The form of godliness 1 Do I abstain from evil, from whatsoever is forbidden in the written word of God 1 Do I, whatever good my hand findeth to do, do it with my might 7 Do I seriously use all the ordinances of God at all opportunities ? And, is all i/.iis done, vvith a sincere design and desire to please God in all things 7" 8. Are not many of you conscious, that you never came thus far ; that you have not been even almost a Christian ; that you have not come up to the standard of heathen honesty ; at least, not to the form of Christian godliness 7 much less hath God seen sincerity in you, a real design of pleasing him in all things. You never so much as intended to devote all your words and works, your business, studies, diversions, to his glory. You never even designed or desired, that whatsoever you did should be done " in the name of the Lord Jesus," and as such, should be a " spiritual sacrifice, acceptable to God through Christ." 9. But supposing you had, do good designs and good desires make a Christian 7 By no means, unless they are brought to good effect. " Hell is paved (saith one) with good intentions." The great question of all, then, still remains. Is the love of God shed abroad in your heart 1 Can you cry out, ' My God, and my All 7" Do you desire nothing but * Homily on the Salvation of Mao BERMONIII.] AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST. 17 him ? Are you happy in God ? Is he your glory, your delight, your crown of rejoicing ? And is this commandment written in your heart, That he who loveth God love his brother also ? Do you then love your neighbour as yourself? Do you love every man, even your enemies,, even the enemies of God, as your own soul 1 As Christ loved you ? Yea, dost thou believe that Christ loved thee, and gave himself for thee ! Hast thou faith in his blood? Believest thou the Lamb of God halb taken away thy sins, and cast them as a stone into the depth of the sea? That he hath blotted out the hand writing that was against thee, taking it out of the way, nailing it to his cross ? Hast thou indeed redemption through his blood, even the remission of thy sins ? And doth his Spirit bear witness with thy spirit, that thou art a child of God ? 10. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who now stand- eth in the midst of us, knoweth, that if any man die without this faith and this love, good it were for him that he had never been born. "Awake, then, thou that sleepest, and call upon thy God : call in the day when he may be found. Let him not rest, till he make his goodness to pass before thee," till he proclaim unto thee the name of the Lord ; " the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long suffering, and abun- dant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, and transgression, and sin." Let no man persuade thee, by vain words, to rest short of this prize of thy high calling. But cry unto him day and night, who, " while we were without strength, died for the ungodly," until thou knowest in whom thou hast believed, and canst say, " My Lord, and my God !" Remember, " always to pray, and not to faint," till thou also canst lift up thy hand unto heaven, and declare to Him that liveth for ever and ever, ' Lord, thou kiKjwest all things, thou knowest that I love thee." 11. May we all thus experience what it is to be, not almost only, but altogether Christians ; being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus ; knowing we have peace with God through Jesus Christ ; rejoicing in hope of the glory of God ; and having the love of God shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost given unto us ' SERMON" III. Awake thou that sleepest. Preached on Sunday, April 4th, 171$, before the University of Oxford. By CH^RLKS WESLEY, M.A., Student of Christ Church. "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." Ephesians v. 14. ANALYSIS. I. DESCRIPTION of the sleepers. 1. That state of natural insensibility, darkness, deceptive peace, and self-satisfaction, whether of the outwardly vicious, or of the good-natured professor of the religion of his 13 AWAKE THOU THAT SLEEPEST. [SERMON III. fathers, or of the zealous and orthodox Pharisee, who has a form of godliness, but denies its power. 2. But, however regarded by men, this is a state denounced by Christ a state of death, of insensibility to spiritual things^ in which the Spirit of God neither comforts nor convinces of sin. II. The exhortation enforced. By the threatenings of God's word. By the responsibilities of eternity and judgment. By the soul's want of the indwell- ing Spirit, of the inward change, and of a good reason for hope of salvation. III. Exposition of the promise. God is light. By faith we receive his Spirit, through which we " know the things that are freely given to us of God." This experimental knowledge through the Spirit of Truth is alone true Christianity. This conscious communion of the Holy Ghost is the doctrine of the English Church. Lamenting the overspreading iniquity of the land and of the University, the preacher concludes with a solemn appeal to God and to his congregation. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. In this sermon we observe the unity of the Gospel as preached by John and Charles Wesley. In both the central idea is the definite con- scious life of love, wrought by the Holy Ghost, and received by faith. The peculiar characteristics of Charles Wesley's style, poetic imagery largely borrowed from the Scriptures, naming zeal which spake " with irresistible power and authority," are fully exhibited. Mr. Jackson says that " it is doubtful whether any sermon in the English language, or in any langiiage whatever, has passed through so many editions, or has been a means of so much spiritual good." SERMON III. JN discoursing on these words, I shall, with the help of GoJ, First, Describe the sleepers to whom they are spoken : Secondly, Enforce the exhortation, " Awake, thou that sleepest, arise from the dead : " And, Thirdly, Explain the promise made to such as do awake and arise ; ' Christ shall give thee light." I. 1. And first, as to the sleepers here spoken to. By sleep is sig- nified the natural state of man; that deep sleep of the soul into which the sin of Adam hath cast all who spring from his loins; that supine- SERMON III.] AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST. 19 ness, indolence, and stupidity, that insensibility of his real condition, wherein every man conies into the world, and continues till the voice of (iod awakes him. 2. Now, " they that sleep, sleep in the night." The state of nature is a state of utter darkness ; a state wherein " darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness the people." The poor unawakened sinner, how murli knowledge soever he may have as to other things, has no knowledge of himself: in this respect " he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.'" Hu knows not that he is a fallen spirit, whose only business, in this world, is to recover from his fall, to regain that image of God wherein he was created. He sees no necessity for the one tiling needful, even that inward universal change, that " birth from above," figured out b) baptism, which is the beginning of that total renovation, that sanctiti- cation of spirit, soul, and body, " without which no man shall see the Lord." 3. Full of all diseases as he is, he fancies himself in perfect health . fast bound in misery and iron, he dreams that he is happy, and al liberty. He says, " Peace, peace !" while the devil, as " a strong man armed," is in full possession of his soul. Ho sleeps on still, and takes his rest, though hell is moved from beneath to meet him ; though the pit, from whence there is no return, hath opened its mouth to swallow him up: a fire is kindled around him, yet he knoweth ii not; yea, it burns him, yet he lays it not to heart. 4. By one who sleeps, we are, therefore, to understand (and would to God we might all understand it!) a sinner satisfied in his sins: con- tented to remain in his fallen state, to live and die without the image of God ; one who is ignorant both of his disease, and of the only remedy for it ; one who never was warned, or never regarded the warning voice of God, " to flee from the wrath to come ;" one that never yet saw he was in danger of hell fire, or cried out, in the earnestness of his soul, " What must I do to be saved ?" 5. If this sleeper be not outwardly vicious, his sleep is usually the deepest of all : whether he be of the Laodicean spirit, " neither cold nor hot," but a quiet, rational, inoffensive, good natured professor of the religion of his fathers ; or whether he be zealous and orthodox, arid, " after the most straitest sect of our religion," live " a Pharisee ;" that is, according to the Scriptural account, one that "justifies himself;" one that labours " to establish his own righteousness," as the ground of his acceptance with God. 6. This is he, who, " having a form of godliness, denies the power thereof;" yea, and probably reviles it, wheresoever it is found, as a mere extravagance and delusion. Meanwhile, the wretched self do ceiver thanks God, that he " is not as other men are ; adulterers, unjust, extortioners :" no, he doeth no wrong to any man. He " fasts twice in a week," uses all the means of grace, is constant at church and sacra ment ; yea, and " gives tithes of all that he has ;" does all the good that he can : " touching the righteousness of the law," he is " blameless :" he wants nothing of godliness, but the power ; nothing of religion, but the spirit; nothing of Christianity, but the truth and the life. 7. But know ye not, that however highly esteemed, among men, such a Christian as this may be, he is an abomination in the sight of God, and an heir of every wo which the Son of God, yesterday, to day, and 20 AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST. [SERMON III. forever, denounces against "scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites." Re hath "made clean the outside of the cup and ihe platter," but, within, is full of all filthiness. " An evil disease cleaveth still unto him, so that his inward parts are very wickedness." Our Lord fitly compares him to a painted sepulchre, which " appears beautiful without ;" but, never- theless, is " full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." The bones indeed are no longer dry ; the sinews and flesh are come upon them, and the skin covers them above : but there is no breath in them, no Spirit of the living God. And, " if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." " Ye are Christ's, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you :" but, if not, God knoweth that ye abide in death, even until now. 8. This is another character of the sleeper here spoken to. He abides in death, though he knows it not. He is dead unto God, " dead in trespasses and sins." For, " to be carnally minded is death." Even as it is written, " By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin ; and so death passed upon all men," not only temporal death, but likewise spiritual and eternal. " In that day that thou eatest, (said God to Adam,) thou shall surely die :" not bodily, (unless as he then became mortal,) but spiritually: thou shall lose the life of thy soul ; thou shall die to God ; shall be separaled from him, ihy essenlial life and happiness. 9. Thus firsl was dissolved ihe vilal union of our soul wilh God ; insomuch, that in the midst of natural life, we are now in spirilual dealh. And herein we remain till ihe second Adam becomes a quick- ening Spirit to us, till he raises ihe dead, ihe dead in sin, in pleasure, riches, or honours. Bui, before any dead soul can live, he hears (hearkens lo) " ihe voice of the Son of God :" he is made sensible of his lost estate, and receives the sentence of death in himself. He knows himself to be dead while he liveth ; dead to God, and all the things of God ; having no more power to perform ihe aclions of a living Chris tian, than a dead body to perform the functions of a living man. 10. And most cerlain it is, that one dead in sin has not " senses exercised to discern spiritual good and evil." " Having eyes, he sees not ; he hath ears, and hears not." He doth not " taste and see that the Lord is gracious." He " hath not seen God al any time," nor " heard his voice," nor " handled the word of life." In vain is the name of Jesus " like oinlmenl poured forlh, and all his garmenls smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia." The soul thai sleepeth in death, hath no perception of any objects of ihis kind. His heart is past feeling, and understandeth none of ihese things. 11. And hence, having no spiritual senses, no inlets of spiritual knowledge, the natural man receiveth nol ihe Ihings of ihe Spiril of God; nay, he is so far from receiving ihem, that whatsoever is spiritually discerned, is mere foolishness unto him. He is nol conlenl wilh being utteily ignorant of spiritual Ihings, but he denies ihe very exislence of them. And spiritual sensation itself is to him the foolishness of folly. Haw (saith he) can these things be 1 How can any man know that he is alive to God V Even as you know that your body is now alive. Faith is ihe life of the soul ; arid if ye have this life abiding in you, ye want no marks to evidence it to yourself, but eXsf^ot; ITvsufAarocr, that divine consciousness, thai witness of God, which is more and greater Jian ten thousand human witnesses SERMON III.] AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST. 21 12. If He dolh not now bear witness with thy spirit, that thou art a child of God, oh that he might convince thee, thou poor unawakened sinner, by his demonstration and power, that thou art a child of the devil ! Oh that, as I prophesy, there might now be " a noise and a shaking ;" and may " the bones come together, bone to his bone !" Then, " come from the four winds, oh Breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live !" And do not ye harden your hearts, and resist the Holy Ghost, who even now is come to convince you uf sin, " because you believe not on the name of the only begotten Son of God." II. 1. Wherefore, " Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead." God calleth thee now by my mouth; and bids thee know th}- self, thou fallen spirit, thy true state and only concern below. " Whbt meanest thou, oh sleeper ? Arise ! call upon thy God, if so be thy God will think upon thee, that thou perish not." A mighty tempest is stirred up round about thee, and thou art sinking into the depths ol perdition, the gulf of God's judgments. If thou wouldst escape them, cast thyself into them. " Judge thyself, and thou shall not be judged of the Lord." 2. Awake, awake ! Stand up this moment, lest thou " drink at the Lord's hand the cup of his fury." Stir up thyself to lay hold on the Lord, the Lord thy righteousness, mighty to save ! " Shake thyself from the dust." At least, let the earthquake of God's threatenings shake thee. Awake, and cry out with the trembling jailer, " What must I do to be saved ?" And never rest, till thou believest on the Lord Jesus, with a faith which is his gift, by the operation of his Spirit. 3. If I speak to any one of you more than to another, it is to thee, who thinkest thyself unconcerned in this exhortation. " I have a message from God unto thee." In his name, I warn thee to " flee from the wrath to come." Thou unholy soul, see thy picture in condemned Peter, lying in the dark dungeon, between the soldiers, bound with two chains, the keepers before the door keeping the prison. The night is far spent, the morning is at hand, when thou art to be brought forth to execution. And in these dreadful circumstances, thou art fast asleep; thou art fast asleep in the devil's arms, on the brink of the pit, in the jaws of everlasting destruction ! 4. Oh may the angel of the Lord come upon thee, and the light shine into thy prison ! And mayest thou feel the stroke of an almighty hand, raising thee, with " Arise up quickly, gird thyself, and bind on thy san- dals, cast thy garment about thee, and follow me." 5. Awake, thou everlasting spirit, out of thy dream of worldly hap- piness ! Did not God create thee for himself? Then, thou canst not rest till thou restest in him. Return, thou wanderer ! Fly back to thy ark. This is not thy home. Think not of building tabernacles here. Thou art but a stranger, a sojourner upon earth ; a creature of a day, but just launching out into an unchangeable state. Make haste. Eter- nity is at hand. Eternity depends on this moment. An eternity of happiness, or an eternity of misery ! 6. In what state is thy soul ? Was God, while I am yet speaking, 10 require it of thee, art thou ready to meet death ana judgment ? Canst thou stand in his sight, who is of " purer eyes than to behold iniquity?" Art thou "meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light?" Hast thou " fought a good fight, and kept the faith 1" 22 AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPE8P. [SEKMON III. Hast thou secured the one thing needful? Hast thou recovered the image of God, even righteousness and true holiness ? Hast thou put off the old man, and put on the new 1 Art thou clothed upon with Christ ? 7. Hast thou oil in thy lamp 1 Grace in thy heart 1 Dost thou " love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength ? Is that mind in thee, which was also in Christ Jesus 1 Art thou a Christian indeed 1 that is, a new creature 1 Are old things passed away, and all things become new ? 8. Art thou a " partaker of the divine nature 1" Knovvest thou not, that " Christ is in thee, except thou be reprobate ?" Knowest thou, that God " dwelleth in thee, and thou in God, by his Spirit, which he hath given thee ?" Knowest thou not that " thy body is a temple of the Holy Ghost, which thou hast of God ?" Hast thou the witness in thy- self? The earnest of thine inheritance? Art thou "sealed by that Spirit of promise, unto the day of redemption ?" Hast thou " received the Holy Ghost ?" Or, dost thou start at the question, not knowing " whether there be any Holy Ghost ?" 9. If it offend thee, be thou assured, that thou neither art a Chris- tian, nor desirest to be one. Nay, thy very prayer is turned into sin ; and thou hast solemnly mocked God this very day, by praying for the inspiration of his Holy Spirit, when thou didst not believe there was any such thing to be received. 10. Yet, on the authority of God's word, and our own Church, I must repeat the question, " Hast thou received the Holy Ghost?" If thou hast not, thou art not yet a Christian. For a Christian is a man that is " anointed with the Holy Ghost, and with power." Thou art not yet made a partaker of pure religion and undefiled. Dost thou know what religion is ? That it is a participation of the divine nature, the life of God in the soul of man : Christ formed in the heart, " Christ in thee, the hope of glory ?" Happiness and holiness ; heaven begun upon earth ? " A kingdom of God within thee ; not meat and drink," no out- ward thing ; " but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost ?" An everlasting kingdom brought into thy soul ; a " peace of God, that passeth all understanding ;" a " joy unspeakable, and fi.ll of glory ?" 11. Knowest thou, that "in JesusChrist,neithercircmncision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision ; but faith that worketh by love ;" but a new creation ? Seest thou the necessity of that inward change, that spiritual birth that life from the dead, that holiness ? And art thou thoroughly convinced, that without it no man shall see the Lord ? Art thou labouring after it ? " Giving all diligence, to make thy calling and election sure ? " Working out thy salvation with fear and trembling ?" Agonizing to enter in at the strait gate ?" Art thou in earnest about thy aoul ? And canst thou tell the searcher of hearts, " Thou, oh God, art the thing that I long for ! Lord, thou knowest all things ! Thou knowest that I would love thee ?" 12. Thou hopest to be saved ; but what reason hast thou to give o* the hope that is in thee ? Is it because thou hast done no harm ? Or, because thou hast done much good ? Or, because thou art not like other men ; but wise, or learned, or honest, and morally good ? Esteemed of men, and of a fair reputation ? Alas ! all this will never bring thee to God. It is in his account lighter than vanity. Dost thou know Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent ? Hath he taught thee, that, " by grace we SERMON III.] AWAKE, TliOU THAT SLEEPEST. 20 are saved, through faith ; and that not of ourselves : it is the gift of God ; not of works, lest any man should boast ?" Hast thou received the faithful saying, as the whole foundation of thy hope, " that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners ?" Hast thou learned what that tneaneth, " I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance? I am not sent, but unto the lost sheep ?" Art thou (he that hearcth, let him understand !) lost, dead, damned already 1 Dost thou know thy de- serts 1 Dost thou feel thy wants ? Art thou poor in spirit ? Mourning for God, and refusing to be comforted? Is the prodigal come to himself, and well content to be therefore thought beside himself, by those who are still feeding upon the husks which he hath left? Art thou willing to live godly in Christ Jesus ? And dost thou therefore suffer persecution ? Do men say all manner of evil against thee falsely, for the Son of man's sake ? 13. Oh that in all these questions ye may hear the voice that wakes the dead; and feel that hammer of the word, which breaketh the rocks in pieces ! " If ye will hear his voice to day, while it is called to day, harden not your hearts," Now, awake, thou that sleepest in spiritual death, that thou sleep not in death eternal ! Feel thy lost estate, and arise from the dead. Leave thine old companions in sin and death. Follow thou Jesus, and let the dead bury their dead. " Save thyself from this unto- ward generation." " Come out from among them, and be thou separate, and touch not the unclean thing, and the Lord shall receive thee " " Christ shall give thee light." III. 1. This promise, I come, lastly, to explain. And how encou- raging a consideration is this, that whosoever thou art who oboyest his call, thou canst not seek his face in vain ' If thou even now awakest and arisest from the dead, he hath bound himself to give thee light. The Lord shall give thee grace and glory ; the light of his grace here, and the light of his glory when thou receivest the crown that fadeth not away. " Thy light shall break forth as the morning, and thy dark- ness be as the noon day." " God, who commandeth the light to shrne out of darkness, shall shine in thy heart; to give the knowledge ol the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." " On them that fear the Lord shall the Sun of righteousness arise, with healing in his wings." And in that day it shall be said unto thee, " Arise, shine ; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Iord is risen upon thee." For Christ shall reveal himself in thee : and he is the true light. 2. God is light, and will give himself to every awakened sinner, that waiteth for him : and thou shall then be a temple of the living God, and Christ shall " dwell in thy heart by faith :" and, " being rooted and grounded in love, thou shalt be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of that love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that thou mayest be rilled with all the fullness of God." 3. Ye see your calling, brethren. We are called to be " a habita- tion of God through his Spirit ;" and through his Soirit dwelling in us, to be saints here, and partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. So exceeding great are the promises which are given unto us, actually given unto us who believe ! For by faith we " receive, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God," the sum of all the promises, ' that we may know the things that are freely given to us of God." 4 The Spirit of Chrisi. is that great gift of God, which, at sundry 24 AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST. [SERMON III. times, and in divers manners, he hath promised to man, and hatn fully bestowed, since the time that Christ was glorified. Those promises before made to the fathers, he hath thus fulfilled : " I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes," Ezek. xxxvi, 27. " I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground : I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring," Isaiah xliv, 3. 5. Ye may all be living witnesses of these things ; of remission of sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost. " If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." " Who among you is there, that feareth the Lord, arid yet vvalketh in darkness, and hath no light ?" 1 ask thee, in the name of Jesus, believest thou that his arm is not short- ened at all ? That he is still mighty to save 1 That he is the same yes- terday, to day, and for ever 1 That he hath now power on earth to for- give sins 1 " Son, be of good cheer ; thy sins are forgiven." God, for Christ's sake, hath forgiven thee. Receive this, " not as the word of man ; but as it is, indeed, the word of God ;" and thou art justified freely through faith. Thou shall be sanctified also through faith which is in Jesus, and shall set to thy seal, even thine, that " God hath given unto us eternal life, and this life is in his Son." 6. Men and brethren, lei me freely speak unlo you ; and suffer ye the word of exhortation, even from one the least esteemed in the church. Your conscience beareth you witness in the Holy Ghost, thai ihese ihings are so, if so be ye have tasted thai ihe Lord is gracious. " This is eternal life, to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent." This experimental knowledge, and this alone, is true Christianity. He is a Christian who hath received the Spiril of Christ. He is not a Christian who hath not received him. Neilher is il possi- ble lo have received him, and not know it. " For, at lhat day," (when he comelh, saith our Lord,) " ye shall know thai I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you." This is that Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because il seelh him nol, neilher knoweth him. But ye know him ; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you," John xiv, 17.) 7. The world cannot receive him, bul ulterly reject the promise of the Father, contradicting and blaspheming. But every spiril which confesselh nol ihis, is nol of God. Yea, " this is that spirit of antichrisl, whereof ye have heard lhat it should corne into the world, and even now it is in the world." He is antichrist whosoever denies the inspi- ration of ihe Holy Gho c t, or lhal ihe indwelling Spiril of God is the common privilege of all believers, the blessing of the gospel, the un- speakable gift, the universal promise, Ihe criteiion of a real Christian. 8. It nothing helps them to say, " We do not deny ihe assistance ol God's Spiril; but only this inspiration, ihis receiving the. Holy Ghost, and being sensible of it. It is only this feeling of t lie Spiril, ihis being moved by ihe Spiril, or filled with il, which we deny lo have any place in sound religion." But, in only denying ihis, you deny the whole Scriptures; the whole truth, and promise, and testimony of God. 9. Our own excellent church knows nothing of this devilish distinc- tion ; but speaks plainly of "feeling the Spirit of Christ;"* of being "moved by the Holy Ghost, "t and knowing and "feeling there is no other name than that of Jesus, "J whereby we can receive life and sal- * Art. 17. f Office of consecrating priests. J Visitation of the sick. SERMON I1I.J AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST. 25 vation. She teaches us all to pray for the " inspiration of the Holy Spirit ;"* yea, that we may be " filled with the Holy Ghost. "t Nay and every presbyter of hers professes to receive the Holy Ghost by the imposition of hands. Therefore to deny any of these, is, in effect, to renounce he church of England, as well as the whole Christian reve- lation. 10. But " the wisdom of God" was always " foolishness with men." No marvel, then, that the great mystery of the gospel should be now also " hid from the wise and prudent," as well as in the days of old ; that it should be almost universally denied, ridiculed, and exploded, as mere trenzy ; and that all who dare avow it still, are branded with the names of madmen and enthusiasts ! This is that falling away which was to come : that general apostasy of all orders and degrees of men, which we even now find to have overspread the earth. " Run to and fro in the streets of Jerusalem, and see if ye can find a man," a man that loveth the Lord his God with all his heart, and serveth him with all his strength. How does our own land mourn (that we look no far ther) under the overflowings of ungodliness ! What villanies of every kind are committed day by day ; yea, too often with impunity, by those who sin with a high hand, and glory in thdr shame ! Who can reckon up the oaths, curses, profaneness, blasphemies ; the lying, slandering, evil speaking ; the sabbath breaking, gluttony, drunkenness, revenge : the whoredoms, adulteries, and various uncleanness ; the frauds, injus- tice, oppression, extortion, which overspread our land as a flood ? 11. And even among those who have kept themselves pure from these grosser abominations ; how much anger and pride, how much sloth and idleness, how much softness and effeminacy, how much luxury and self-indulgence, how much covetousness and ambition, how much thirst of praise, how much love of the world, how much fear of man is to be found ! Meanwhile, how little of true religion ! For, where is he that loveth either God or his neighbour, as he hath given us com- mandment ? On the one hand are those who have not so much as the form of godliness ; on the other, those who have the form only : there stands the open, there the painted sepulchre. So that in very deed, whosoever were earnestly to behold any public gathering together of the people, (I fear those in our churches are not to be excepted,) might easily perceive, "that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees:" the one having almost as little concern about religion, a.s if there were "no resurrection, neither angel nor spirit;" and the other, making it a mere lifeless form, a dull round of external per- formances, without either true faith, or the love of God, or joy in the Holy Ghost ! 12. Would to God I could except us of this place ! " Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God, for you is, that ye may bo saved" from this overflowing of ungodliness, and that here may its proud waves be stayed ! But is it so indeed ? God knoweth, yea, and our own con- sciences, it is not. Ye have not kept yourselves pure. Corrupt are we also and abominable ; and few are there that understand any more ; few that worship God in spirit and in truth. We too are " a generation that set not our hearts aright, and whose spirit cleaveth not steadfastly unto God :" he hath appointed us indeed to be " the salt of the earth .; * Colled before the Holy Communion, t Order of Confirmation. 25 scRiPiURAL I.IK:J,TIANITY. [SERMON iv. 'jut if the salt hath lost its savour, it is thenceforth good for nothing ; but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." 13. And " Shall I not visit for these things, saith the Lord 1 Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this 1" Yea, we know not how soon he may say to the sword, " Sword, go through this land !" He hath given us long space to repent. He lets us alone this year also : but he warns and awakens us by thunder. His judgments are abroad in the earth. And we have all reason to expect the heaviest of all, even that he " should come unto us quickly and remove our candlestick out of its place, except we repent and do the first works ;" unless we return to the principles of the reformation, the truth and simplicity of the gos- pel. Perhaps we are now resisting the last effort of divine grace to save us. Perhaps we have well nigh " filled up the measure of our iniquities," by rejecting the counsel of God against ourselves, and casting out his messengers. 14. Oh God_ " in the midst of wrath remember mercy !" Be glorified in our reformation, riot in our destruction ! Let us hear the rod, and him that appointed it ! Now that thy " judgments are abroad in the earth, let the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness !" 15. My brethren, it is high time for us to awake out of sleep ; before the " great trumpet of the Lord be blown," and our land become a field of blood. Oh may we speedily see the things that make for our peace, before they are hid from our eyes ! " Turn thou us, oh good Lord, and let thine anger cease from us. Oh Lord, look down from heaven, behold and visit this vine ;" and cause us to know " the time of our visitation." " Help us, oh God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name ! Oh deliver us, and be merciful to our sins, for thy name's sake ! And so we will not go back from thee : Oh let us live, and we shall call upon thy name. Turn us again, oh Lord God of hosts ! Show the light of thy countenance, and \ve shall be whole." " Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." SERMON IV. Scriptural Christianity. Preaclied at St. Mary's, Oxford, before the University, August 24th, 1744. " Whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning ; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head." Ezekiel xxxiii 4. "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost." Acts iv. 81. ANALYSIS. HISTORICAL summary of Pentecost. Tho extraordinary and ordinary gifts of the Spirit at this time. The lattei alone the subject of discourse. SERMON IV.] SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. 27 I. Christianity as beginning to exist in individuals. Con- viction of sin, repentance, faith, followed by the spirit of adoption. The fruits of this spirit,peace, joy, love to God and to man, leading to all inward holiness, abstinence from sin, use of the means of grace, and practice of good works. II. Christianity as spreading from one to another. God's rule. Impelling love. Eesulting labours. The success of their work. Opposition and persecution. Ending in still greater victories. III. Christianity as covering the earth. Predicted in the Old Testament. In the New. Ideal description of the state of the world. IV. Application. Where does this Christianity now exist ? Is this a Christian country ? Is this a Christian city? Ap- peal to the officers, professors, clergymen, and youth of the University. Solemn appeal to God for salvation. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This was the last sermon preached by Mr. Wesley before the Univer- sity. His career as leadur in an extraordinary religious movement had attracted the attention, not only of the masses of the people, but also of Oxford itself. This style of religious excitement was so distasteful to the collegiate mind, that they would readily have dispensed with the pre- sence and services of one who, in their estimation, was lowering the dignity of his clerical and literary standing. But the law required that each fellow should preach in his turn, or pay three guineas for a substi- tute. The University could refuse his services only by finding the sub- stitute. After the present sermon, the authorities agreed to do this for Mr. Wesley, and notified him accordingly. The first part of the sermon is evidently a vindication, from the example of the Apostolic history, of the work of grace which God had wrought by his own preaching. He says nothing about himself or his work ; but every sentence which he applies to the great religious movement of Apostolic times could be 28 SCRIPTURAL CIIU1STIANITY. [SERMON IV. applied, almost without change of a word, to the great religious move- ment in London, Cornwall, or Newcastle. No work was ever more like that of the apostles than was that of John Wesley ; hence he justly read apostolic history in the light of his own experience. There would seem to be nothing, however, in the first part of his discourse to arouse the ire of Oxford. They might smile at the enthusiastic evangelist, reading the history of primitive Christianity by the light of his own experience of religious awakening, or, as they would say, excitement ; but they could not but own that it was natural that he should do so. They might be very far from admiring his ideal of a Christian world, but at most they could but scorn or ridicule. But it was the application which gave offence. Full of his conception of Scriptural Christianity as the only true religion, lie turns all its vivid light upon the religious life of his aristocratic audience ; and it is this which fills them with anger. Where is this religion of the Holy Spirit to be found ? Is it in England 1 Is it in Oxford ? Do the magistrates of the city possess and exemplify it 1 Do the dignitaries of the University live by it and teach it ? Have the young clergy either its spirit or power 1 Have the great body of students even the semblance of its form 1 As he exposes in the light of his high ideal, the coldness, emptiness, and corruption of one class after another of his hearers, and finally calls them " a gene- ration of triflers before God," it is not surprising that they grew angry, sent for his notes, and returned word that he should be asked to preach there no more. That he received this notice with a full consciousness of having faithfully discharged his duty, appears from the text which he prefixed to the sermon as published. The famous Dr. Kennicott was a student at Oxford at the time when this sermon was preached. A full extract of his vivid description of the sermon and its effect upon the audience is given in Tyerman's Life of Wesley, Vol. I., p. 449. SERMON IV. 1. THE same expression occurs in the second chapter, where we read, "When the day of pentecost was fully come, they were all," (the apos- tles,with the women, and the motherof Jesus, and his brethren,) " with one accord, in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind. And there appeared unto them SERMON IV.] SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. 29 cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost :" One immediate effect thereof was, " They began to speak with other tongues ;" insomuch, that both the ParthianSj Medes, Elamites, and the other strangers who " cam together, when this was noised abroad, heard them speak, in their several tongues, the wonderful works of God," Acts ii, 1-6. 2. In this chapter we read, that when the apostles and brethren had been praying, and praising God, " the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost," Acts iv, 31. Not that we find any visible appearance here, such as had been in the former instance : nor are we informed that the extraordi- nary gifts of the Holy Ghost were then given to all or any of them ; such as the " gift of healing, of working other miracles, of prophecy, of discerning spirits, the speaking with divers kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues," 1 Cor. xii, 9, 10. 3. Whether these gifts of the Holy Ghost were designed to remain in the church throughout, all ages, and whether or no they will be restored at the nearer approach of the " restitution of all things," are questions which it is not needful to decide. But it is needful to observe this, that, even in the infancy of the church, God divided them with a sparing hand. Were all even then prophets ? Were all workers of miracles 1 Had all the gifts of healing 1 Did all speak with tongues 1 No, in no wise. Perhaps not one in a thousand. Probably none but the teachers in the church, and only some of them, 1 Cor. xii, 28-30. It was, therefore, for a more excellent purpose than this, that " they were all filled with the Holy Ghost." 4. It was to give them (what none can deny to be essential to all Christians in all ages) the mind which was in Christ, those holy fruits of the Spirit, which whosoever hath not, i? none of his ; to fill them with " love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness," Gal. v, 22-24 ; to endue them with faith, (perhaps it might be rendered, fide- lity,) with meekness and temperance ; to enable them to crucify the flesh, with its affections and lusts, its -passions and desires, and, in con- sequence of that inward change, to fulfil all outward righteousness, to " walk as Christ also walked," " in the work of faith, in the patience of hope, the labour of love," 1 Thess. i, 3. 5. Without busying ourselves then in curious", needless inquiries, touching those extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, let us take a nearer view of these his ordinary fruits, which we are assured will remain throughout all ages; of that great work of God among the children ol men, which we are used to express by one word, Christianity ; not as it implies a set of opinions, a system of doctrines, but as it refers to men's hearts and lives. And this Christianity it may be useful to con- sider under three distinct views : I. As beginning to exist in individuals : II. As spreading from one to another : III. As covering the earth. I design to close these considerations with a plain practical appli- cation. I. 1. And first, let us consider Christianity in its rise, as beginning to exist in individuals. Suppose, hen, one of those who heard the apostle Peter preaching 30 SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. [SERMON IV. repentance and remission of sins, was pricked to the heart, was con- vinced of sin, repented, and then believed in Jesus. By this faith of the operation of God, which was the very substance, or subsistence of ihings hoped for, Heb. xi, 1, the demonstrative evidence of invisible things, he instantly received the spirit of adoption, whereby he now cried, " Abba, Father," Rorn. viii, 15. Now first it was that he could call Jesus Lord, by the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. xii, 3, the Spirit itself bear- ing witness with his spirit that he was a child of God, Rom. viii, 15. Now it was that he could truly say, " I live not, but Christ liveth in me ', and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son o' God, who loved me and gave himself for me," Gal. ii, 20. 2. This, then, was the very essence of his faith, a divine sXtf-^of (evi- dence or conviction) of the love of God the Father, through the Son of his love, to him a sinner, now accepted in the Beloved. And, " being justified by faith, he had peace with God," Rom. v, 1, yea, " the peace of God ruling in his heart;" a peace, which passing all understanding, (VO.VTO. vxv, all barely rational conception,) kept his heart and mind from all doubt and fear, through the knowledge of him in whom he hao be- lieved. He could not therefore " be afraid of any evil tidings ;" for his " heart stood fast believing in the Lord." He feared not what man could do unto him, knowing the very hairs of his head were all num- bered. He feared not all the powers of darkness, whom God was daily bruising under his feet. Least of all was he afraid to die ; nay, he de- sired to " depart and to be with Christ," Phil. 1, 23 ; who, " through death, had destroyed him that had the power of death, even the devil, and delivered them who, through fear of death, were all their lifetime (till then) subject to bondage," Heb. ii, 15. 3. His soul therefore magnified the Lord, and his spirit rejoiced in God his Saviour. " He rejoiced in him with joy unspeakable, who had reconciled him to God, even the Father:" "in whom he had redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins." He rejoiced in that witness of God's Spirit with his spirit, that he was a child of God ; and more abundantly, " in hope of the glory of God ;" in hope of the glorious image of God, and full renewal of his soul in righteousness and true holiness ; and in hope of that crown of glory, that " inheritance, incor- ruptible, undcfiled, and that fadeth not away." 4. " The love of God was also shed abroad in his heart, by the Holy Ghost, which was given unto him," Rom. v, 5. " Because he was a son, God had sent forth the Spirit of his Son into his heart, crying, Abba, Father !" Gal. iv, 6. And that filial love of God was continually increa- sed by the witness he had in himself (1 John v, 10) of God's pardoning love to him : by *' beholding what manner of love it was, which the Father had bestowed upon him, that he should be called a child of God,'' 1 John iii, 1. So that God was the desire of his eyes, and the joy of his heart ; his portion in time and in eternity. 5. He that thus loved God, could not but love his brother also ; and " not in word only, but in deed and in truth." " If God," said he, " so loved us, we ought also to love one another," 1 John iv, 11 ; yea, every soul of man, as " the mercy of God is over all his works," Psa. cxlv, 9. Agreeably hereto, the affection of this lover of God embraced all man- kind for his sake ; not excepting those whom he had never seen in the flesh, or those of whom he knew nothing more than that they were " he SERMON IV.] SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. 31 offspring of God," for whose souls his Son had died ; not excepting me evii and unthankful, and least of all his enemies, those who hated, or persecuted, or despitefully used him for his Master's sake. These had a peculiar place, both in hi? heart and in his prayers. He loved them " even as Christ loved us." 6. And " love is not puffed up," 1 Cor. xiit, 4. It abases to the dust every soul wherein it dwells : accordingly, lie was lowly of heart, little, mean, and vile in his own eyes. He neither sought, nor received tin; praise of men, but that which cometh of God only. He was meek and long suffering, gentle to all, and easy to be entreated. Faithfulness and truth never forsook him ; they were " bound about his neck, and wrote on the table of his heart." By the same Spirit he was enabled to be temperate in all things, refraining his soul even as a weaned child. He was " crucified to the world, and the world crucified to him ;" supe- rior to " the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eye, and the pride of life." By the same almighty love was he saved, both from passion and pride ; from lust and vanity ; from ambition and covetousness ; and from every temper which was not in Christ. 7. It may easily be believed, he who had this love in his heart, would work no evil to his neighbour. It was impossible for him. knowingly and designedly, to do harm to any man. He was at the greatest dis- tance from cruelty and wrong, from any unjust or unkind action. With the same care did he " set a watch before his mouth, and keep the door of his lips," lest he should offend in tongue, either against justice, or against mercy or truth. He put away all lying, falsehood, and fraud ; neither was guile found in his mouth. He spake evil of no man ; nor did an unkind word ever come out of his lips. 8. And, as he was deeply sensible of the truth of that word, " with out me ye can do nothing," and, consequently, of the need he had to be watered of God every moment; so he continued daily in all the ordinances of God, the stated channels of his grace to man : " in the apostles' doctrine," or teaching, receiving that food of the soul with all readiness of heart; in " the breaking of bread," which he found to be the communion of the body of Christ ; and " in the prayers" and praises offered up by the great congregation. And thus, he daily " grew in grace," increasing in strength, in the knowledge and love of God. 9. But it did not satisfy him, barely to abstain from doing evil. His soul was athirst to do good. The language of his heart continually was, " My Father worketh hitheito, and I work." My Lord went about doing good ; and shall not 1 tread in his steps 1 As he had opportu- nity, therefore, if he could do no good of a higher kind, he fed the hun- gry, clothed the naked, helped the fatherless or stranger, visited and assisted them that were sick or in prison. He gave all his goods to feed the poor. He rejoiced to labour or to suffer for them ; and wherein soever he might profit another, there especially to " deny himself." He counted nothing too dear to part with for them, as well remembering the word of his Lord, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of thi;se my brethren, ye have done it unto me," Matt, xxv, 40. 10. Such was Christianity in its rise. Such was a Christian in aneieiu days. Such was every one of those, who, when they heard the threatening of the chief priests and elders, " lifted up their voice to 32 SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. [SERMON IV. God with one accord, and were all filled with the Holy Ghost. The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul." (So did the love of him in whom they had believed, constrain them to love one another !) " Neither said any of them that aught of the tilings which he possessed was his own ; but they had all things com- mon." So fully were they crucified to the world, and the world crucified lo them ! " And they continued steadfastly with one accord ir. the apostles' doctrine, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayer," Acts ii, 42. " And great grace was upon them all ; neither was there any among them that lacked : for as many as were possessors of lands or houses, sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles' feet : and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need," Acts iv, 31-35. II. 1. Let us take a view, in the second place, of this Christianity, as spreading from one to another, and so gradually making its way into the world: for such was the will of God concerning it, who did not " light a candle to put it under a bushel, but that it might give light to all that were in the house." And this our Lord had declared to his first disciples, "Ye are the salt of the earth," "the light of the world;" at the same time that he gave that general command, " Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven," Matt, v, 13-16. 2. And, indeed, supposing a few of these lovers of mankind to see "the whole world lying in wickedness," can we believe they would be unconcerned at the sight, at the misery of those for whom their Lord died ? Would not their bowels yearn over them, and their hearts melt away for very trouble ? Could they then stand idle all the day long, even were there no command from him whom they loved ? Rather would they not labour, by all possible means, to pluck some of these brands out of the burning ? Undoubtedly they would : they would spare no pains to bring back whomsoever they could of those poor " sheep that had gone astrav, to the great Shepherd and Bishop of their souls," 1 Pet. ii, 25. 3. So the Christians of old did. They laboured, naving opportunity, " to do good unto all men," Gal. vi, 10, warning them to flee from the wrath to come ; now, now to escape the damnation of hell. They de- clared, " The times of ignorance God winked at ; but now he calleth all men every where to repent," Acts xvii, 30. They cried aloud, Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways ; " so iniquity shall not be your ruin," Ezek. xviii, 30. They reasoned with them of temperance and righteousness, or justice, of the virtues opposite to their reigning sins, and of judgment to come ; of the wrath of God, which would surely be exei uted on evil doers in that day when he should judge the world, Acte xxiv, 25. 4. They endeavoured herein to speak to every man severally as he had need. To the careless, to those who lay unconcerned in darkness and in the shadow of,death, they thundered, " Awake, thou that slcep- est : arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light :" but to those who were already awakened out of sleep, and groaning under a sense of the wrath of God, their language was, "We have an Advocate with trie Faiher ; he is the propitiation for our sins." Meantime, those who had believed, they provoked to love and to good works; to patient cou- SERMON IV.] SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. 33 tmuance in well doing; and to abound more and more in that holiness, without which no man can see the Lord, Heb. xii, 14. 5. And their labour was not in vain in the Lord. His word ran, and was glorified. It grew mightily and prevailed. But so much the more did offences prevail also. The world in general were offended, " because they testified of it, that the works thereof were evil," John vii, 7. The men of pleasure were offended, not only because these men were made, as it were, to reprove their thoughts : " He professeth," said they, " to have the knowledge of God ; he callcth himself the child of the Lord; his life is not like other men's ; his ways are of another fashion ; he abstaineth from our ways, as from filthiness ; he maketh his boast, that God is his Father," Wisd. ii, 13-16 : but much more, because so many of their companions were taken away, and would no more run with them to the same excess of riot, 1 Pet. iv, 4. The men of reputa- tion were offended, because, as the gospel spread, they declined in the esteem of the people ; and because many no longer dared to give them flattering titles, or to pay man the homage due to God only. The men of trade called one another together, and said, " Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth. But ye see and hear that these men have persuaded and turned away much people. So that this our craft is in danger to be set at nought," Acts xix, 25, &c. Above all, the men. of religion, so called, the men of outside religion, " the saints of the world," were offended, and ready at every opportunity to cry out, " Men of Israel, help ! we have found these men pestilent fellows, movers of sedition throughout the world," Acts xxiv, 5. " These are the men that teach all men, every where, against the people, and against the law," Acts xxi, 28. 6. Thus it was that the heavens grew black with clouds,, and the storm gathered amain. For the more Christianity spread, the more hurt was done, in the account of those who received it not ; and the number increased of those who were more and more enraged at these " men who thus turned the world upside down," Acts xvii, 6 ; inso- much that more and more cried outj " Away with such fellows from the earth; it is not fit that they should live ;" yea, and sincerely believed, that whosoever should kill them would do God service. 7. Meanwhile they did not fail to cast out their name as evil, Luke vi, 22 ; so that this " sect was every where spoken against,"' Acts xxviii, 22. Men said all manner of evil of them, even as had been done of the prophets that were before them, Matt, v, 11. And whatso- ever any would affirm, others would believe. So that offences grew as the stars of heaven for multitude. And hence arose, at the time fore- ordained of the Father, persecution in all its forms. Some, for a season, suffered only shame and reproach ; some, " the spoiling of their goods ;' "some had trial of 'mocking and scourging; some of bonds and im prisonment;" and others " resisted unto blood," Heb. x, 34, xi, 36, &c 8. Now it was that the pillars of hell were shaken, and the kingdom of God spread more and more. Sinners were every where " turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God." He gave his children " such a mouth, and such wisdom, as all their adver- saries could not resist :" and their lives were of equal force with theii words. But above ail, their sufferings spake to all the world. They " approved themselves the servants of God, in afflictions, in necessities 34 SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. [SERMON IV. in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumu.ts, in labours; in perils in the sea, in perils in the wilderness, in weariness and painful- ness, in hunger and in thirst, in cold and nakedness," 2 Cor. vi, 4, &,c. And when, having fought the good fight, they were led as sheep to the slaughter, and offered up on the sacrifice and service of their faith, then the blood of each found a voice, and the heathen owned, " He being dead yet speaketh." 9. Thus did Christianity spread itself in the earth. But how soon did the tares appear with the wheat, and the mystery of iniquity work as well as the mystery of godliness ! How soon did Satan find a seat, even in the. temple of God, " till the woman fled into the wilderness," and "the faithful were again niinished from the children of men!" Here we tread a beaten path : the still increasing corruptions of the succeeding generations have been largely described from time to time, by those witnesses God raised up, to show that he had " built his church upon a Rock, and the gates of hell should not (wholly) prevail against her," Matt, xvi, 18. III. 1. But shall we not see greater things than these? Yea, greater than have been yet from the beginning of the world. Can satan cause the truth of God to fail, or his promises to be of none effect? If not, the time will come when Christianity will prevail over all, and cover the earth. Let us stand a little, and survey (the third thing which was proposed) this strange sight, a Christian World. Of this the prophets of old inquired and searched diligently, 1 Pet. i, 10, 11, &,c: of this the Spirit which was in them testified : " It shall corne to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it. And they shall beat their swords into plough- shares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up word against nation ; neither shall they learn war any more," Isa. ii, 1-4. " In that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people. To it shall the Gentiles seek, and his rest shall be glorious. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again to recover the remnant of his people ; and he shall set up an Ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah, from the four cor- ners of the earth," Isa. xi, 10-12. " The wolf shall then dwell with the iamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf, and the young lion, and the falling together ; and a little child shall lead them. They shall not hurt nor destroy, saith the Lord, in all my holy mountain. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea," Isa. xi, 6-9. 2. To the same effect are the words of the great apostle, which it is evident have never yet been fulfilled. " Hath God cast away his people ? God forbid." " But through their fall salvation is come to the Gentiles." "And if the diminishing of them be the riches of the Gentiles, how much more their fulness?" " For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery. That blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in ; and so all Israel shall be saved," Rom. xi, 1, 11, 25, 26. 3. Suppose now the fulness of rime to be come, and the prophecies to be accomplished. What a prospect is this ! All is "peace, quietness. SERMON IV.] SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. 35 and assurance for ever." Here is no din of arms, no " confused noise," no ' garments rolled in blood." " Destructions arc come to a perpetual end:" wars are ceased from the earth. Neither are there any intestine jars remaining ; no brother i ising up against brother ; no country or city divided against itself, and tearing out its own bowels. Civil discord is at an end for evermore, and none is left either to destroy or hurt his neighbour. Here is no oppression to make even the wise man mad ; no extortion to grind the face of the poor; no robbery or wrong; no rapine or injustice; for all are " content with such things as they pos- sess." Thus " righteousness and peace have kissed each other," Psa. Ixxxv, 10; they have "taken root and filled the land:" "righteousness flourishing out of the earth," and " peace looking down from heaven." 4. And with righteousness or justice, mercy is also found. The earth is no longer full of cruel habitations. The Lord hath destroyed both the blood-thirsty and malicious, the envious and revengeful man. Were there any provocation, there is none that now knoweth to return evil for evil; but indeed there is none that doeth evil, no, not one; for all are harmless as doves. And being filled with peace and joy in believing, and united in one body, by one spirit, they ali love as brethren, they are all of one heart, and of one soul. "Neither saith any of them, that aught of the things which he possesseth is his own." There is none among them that lacketh; for every man loveth his neighbour as himself. And all walk by one rule, " Whatever ye would that men should do unto you even so do unto them." 5. k follows, that no unkind word can ever be heard among them, no strife of tongues, no contention of any kind, no railing or evil speaking ; but every one " opens his mouth with wisdom, and in his tongue there is the law of kindness." Equally incapable are they of fraud or guile : their love is without dissimulation : their words are always the just ex- pression of their thoughts, opening a window into their breast, that who- soever desires may look into their hearts, and see that only love and God are there 6. Thus, where the Lord omnipotent taketh to himself his mighty power and reigneth, doth he "subdue all things to himself," cause every heart to overflow with love, and fill every mouth with praise. " Happy are the people that are in such a case : yea, blessed are the people who have the Lord for their God," Psa. cxliv, 15. " Arise, shine, (saith the Lord,) for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." " Thou hast known that I, the Lord, am thy Saviour, and thv Redeemer, the mighty God of Jacob. I have made thy officers peace, and thy exacters righteousness. Violence shall no more be heard in the land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders ; but thou shalt call thy walls, salvation, and thy gates, praise." " Thy people are all righteous ; they shall inherit the land for ever ; the branch of my plant- ing, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified." " The sun sn&li be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee : but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory," Isa. Ix, 1, 16-19. IV. Having thus briefly considered Christianity, as beginning, as going on, and as covering the earth ; it remains only that 1 shouid close tho whole with a plain, practical application. I And first, I would ask. Where does this Christianity now exist? 36 SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. [SERMON IV. Where, I pray, do the Christians live? Which is the country, the inhabit- ants whereof are all thus filled with the Holy Ghost ? Are all of one heart and of one soul ? Cannot suffer one among them to lack any thing, but continually give to every man as he hath need ? Who, one and all, have the love of God filling their hearts, and constraining them to love their neighbour as themselves ? Who have all " put on bowels of mercy, humbleness of mind, gentleness, long suffering?" Who offend not in any kind, either by word or deed, against justice, mercy, or truth ; but in every point do unto all men, as they would these should do unto them With what propriety can we term any a Christian country, which does not answer this description ? Why then, let us confess we have never yet seen a Christian couotry upon earth. 2. I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, if ye do account me a madman or a fool, yet, as a fool bear with me. It is utterly need- ful that some one should use great plainness of speech towards you. It is more especially needful at this time ; for who knoweth but it is the last? Who knoweth how soon the righteous Judge may say, " I will no more be intreated for this people." " Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in this land, they should but deliver their own souls." And who will use this plainness, if 1 do not ? Therefore I, even I, will speak. And I adjure you, by the living God, that ye steel not your breasts against receiving a blessing at TW/ hands. Do not say in your hearts, Nonpersuadebis, etiamsi persttaseris : or in other words, Lord, thou shalt not send by whom thou wilt send ; let me rather perish in my blood, than be saved by this man ! 3. Brethren, " I am persuaded better things of you, though I thus speak." Let me ask you then, in tender love, and in the spirit of meek- ness, Is this city a Christian city ? Is Christianity, scriptural Christianity, found here? Are we, considered as a community of men, so " filled with the Holy Ghost," as to enjoy in our hearts, and show forth in our lives, the genuine fruits of that Spirit ? Are all the magistrates, all heads and governors of colleges and halls, and their respective societies, (not to speak of the inhabitants of the town,) " of one heart and one soul ?" Is " the love of God shed abroad in our hearts?" Are our tempers the same that were in him ? And are our lives agreeable thereto ? Are we " holy as He who hath called us is holy, in all manner of conversation?" 4. I intreat you to observe, that here are no peculiar notions now under consideration : that the question moved is not concerning doubt- ful opinions, of one kind or another, but concerning the undoubted, fun- damental branches (if there be any such) of our common Christianity. And for the decision thereof, I appeal to your own consciences, guided by the word of God. He therefore that is not condemned by his own henrt let him go free. 6. In the fear, then, and in the presence of the great God before whom both you and I shall shortly appear, I pray you that are in authority over us, whom I reverence for your office' sake, to consider, (and not after the manner o r dissemblers with God,) are you *' filled with the Holy Ghost?" Are you lively portraitures of Him whom ye are appointed to represent among men ? " I have said ye are gods," ye magistrates and rulers ; ye are by office so nearly allied to the God of heaven ! In your several stations and degrees, ye are to show forth unto as " the Lord our governor." Are all the thoughts of your hearts, all SERMON IV.] SCBIPTURAL CHBISTIANITY. 37 youi tempers and desires suitable to your high calling? Are all youi words like unto those which come out of the mouth of God 7 Is there in all your actions, dignity and love? A greatness which words cannot express, which can flow only from a heart full of God ; and yet consist- ent with the character of " man that is a worm, and the son of man that is a worm !" 6. Ye venerable men, who are more especially called to form the tender minds of youth, to dispel thence the shades of ignorance and error, and train them up to be wise unto salvation, are you " filled with the Holy Ghost?" With all those " fruits of the Spirit," which your import- ant office so indispensably requires? Is your heart whole with God 1 Full of love and zeal to set up his kingdom on earth ? Do you cor.tin- ually remind those under your care, that the one rational end of all our studies, is to know, love, and serve " the only true God, and Jesus uhrist whom he hath sent?" Do you inculcate upon them day by day, vhat love alone never faileth : (whereas, whether there be tongues, they shall fail, or philosophical knowledge, it shall vanish away ;) and that without love, all learning is but splendid ignorance, pompous folly, vex- ation of spirit? Has all you teach an actual tendency to the love of God, and of all mankind for his sake? Have you an eye to this end in what- ever you prescribe, touching the kind, the manner, and the measure oi their studies ; desiring and labouring that, wherever the lot of these young soldiers of Christ is cast, they may be so many burning and shin- ing lights, adorning the gospel of Christ in all things? And permit me to ask, Do you put forth all your strength in the vast work you have un- dertaken? Do you labour herein with all your might? Exerting every faculty of your soul ? Using every talent which God hath lent you, and that to the uttermost of your power ? 7. Let it not be said, that I speak here, as if all under your care were intended to be clergymen. Not so : I only speak as if they were all intended to be Christians. But what example is set them by us who enjoy the beneficence of our forefathers ? by fellows, students, scholars ; more especially those who are of some rank and eminence ? Do ye, brethren, abound in the fruits of the Spirit, in lowliness of mind, in self denial and mortification, in seriousness and composure of spirit, in patience, meekness, sobriety, temperance ; and in unwearied, restless endeavours todo good in every kind unto all men, to relieve their outward wants, and to bring their souls to the true knowledge and love of God ? Is this the general character of fellows of colleges ? I fear it is not. Rather, have not pride and haughtiness of spirit, impatience and peevishness, sloth and indolence, gluttony and sensuality, and even proverbial uselessness, been objected to us, perhaps not always by our enemies, nor wholly without ground ? Oh that God would roll away this reproach from us, that the very memory of it might perish for ever ! 8. Many of us are more immediately consecrated to God, called to minister in holy things. Are we then patterns to the rest, " in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity ?" 2 Cor. iv, 2. Is there written on our forehead and on our heart, " Holiness to the Lord ?" From what motives did we enter upon this office ? Was it indeed with a single eve " to serve God, trusting that we were inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost, to take upon us this ministration, for the promoting of his glory, and the edifying of his people?" And have 38 SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANITY. ^SERMON IV. we "clearly determined, by God's grace, to give ourselves wholly to this office ?'* Do we forsake and set aside, as much as in us lies, all worldly cares and studies? Do we apply ourselves wholly to this one thing, and draw all our cares and studies this way? Are we apt to teach ? Arc we taught of God, that we may be able to teach others also? Do we know God? Do we know Jesus Christ? Hath "God revealed his Son in us ?" And hath he made us able ministers of the new covenant ?" Where then are the " seals of our apostleship ?" Who, that were dead in trespasses and sins, have been quickened by our word ? Have we a burning zeal to save souls from death, so that for their sake we often forget even to eat our bread .' Do we speak plain, " by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God ?" 2 Cor. iv, 2. Are we dead to the world and the things of the world, " laying up al! our treasure in heaven ?" Do we lord over God's heritage ? Or are we the least, the servants of all ? When we bear the reproach of Christ, does it sit heavy upon us ? Or do we rejoice therein ? When we are smitten on the one cheek, do we resent it I Are we impatient of affronts ? Or do we turn the other also ; not resisting the evil, but overcoming evil with good ? Have we a bitter zeal, inciting us to strive sharply and passionately with them that are out of the way ? Or is our zeal the flame of love, so as to direct all our words with sweetness, lowliness, and meekness of wisdom ? 9. Once more, What shall we say concerning the youth of this place ? Have you either the form or the power of Christian godliness ? Are you humble, teachable, advisable; or stubborn, self willed, heady, and high minded ? Arc you obedient to your superiors as to parents ? Or do you despise those to whom you owe the tenderest reverence ? Are you diligent in your easy business, pursuing your studies with all your strength ? Do you redeem the time, crowding as much work into every day as it can contain ? Rather, are ye not conscious to yourselves, that you waste away day after day, either in reading what has no tendency to Christianity, or in gaming, or in you know not what ? Are you better managers of your fortune than of your time ? Do you, out of principle, take care to owe no man any thing ? Do you " remember the sabbath day to keep it holy ;" to spend it in the more immediate worship of God ? When you are in his house, do you consider that God is there ? Do you behave, " as seeing him that is invisible ?" Do you know how to " possess your bodies in sanctification and honour ? Are not drunkenness and uncleanness found among you 1 Yea, are there not of you who " glory in their shame ?" Do not many of you " take (he name of God in vain," perhaps habitually, without either remorse or fear ? Yoa, are there not a multitude of you that are forsworn ? 1 fear, a swiftly increasing multitude. Be not surprised, brethren. Before God and this congregation, I own myself to have been of the number, solemnly swearing to observe all those customs, which i then knew nothing of; and those statutes, which I did not so much as read over, either then, or for some years after. What is perjury, if this is not? But if it be, oh what a weight of sin, yea, sin of no common dye, lieth upon us ! And doth not the Most High regard it ? 10. May it not be one of the consequences of this, that so many of you are a generation of triflers; triflers with God, with one another. SERMON V.] JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 39 and with your own souls ? For, how few of you spend, from one week lo another, a single hour in private prayer ! How few have any thought of God in the general tenor of your conversation ! Who of you is, in any degree, acquainted with the work of his Spirit, his supernatural work in the souls of men ? Can you bear, unless now and then, in a church, any talk of the Holy Ghost 1 Would not you take it for granted, if one began such a conversation, that it was either hypocrisy or enthu sjasm ? In the name of the Lord God Almighty, I ask, What religion are you of? Even the talk of Christianity, ye cannot., will not bear. Oh, my brethren ! what a Christian city is this ! " It is time for thee. Lord, to lay to thine hand !" 11. For, indeed, what probability, what possibility rather, (speaking after the manner of men,) is there that Christianity, scriptural Chris- tianity, should be again the religion of this place 1 That all orders of men among us should speak and live as men " filled with the Holy Ghost ?" By whom should this Christianity be restored 1 By those of you that are in authority ? Are you convinced then that this is scrip- tural Christianity? Are you desirous it should be restored? And do ye not count your fortune, liberty, life, dear unto yourselves, so ye may be instrumental in the restoring of it ? But, suppose ye have this desire, who hath any power proportioned to the effect ? Perhaps some of you have made a few faint attempts, but with how small success ! Shali Chris- tianity then be restored by young, unknown, inconsiderable men ? I know not whether ye yourselves could suffer it. Would not some of you cry out, " Young man, in so doing thou reproachest us?" But there is no danger of your being nut to the proof; so hath iniquity overspread us like a flood. Whom then shall God send ? The famine, the pestilence, (the last messengers of God to a guilty land,) or the sword ? The armies of the Romish aliens to reform us into our first love? Nay, " rather let us fall into thy hand, oh Lord, and let us not fall into the hand of man." Lord, save, or we perish ! Take us out of the mire that we sink not ! Oh help us against these enemies ! for vain is the help of man. Unto thee all things are possible. According to the greatness of thy power, preserve thou those that are appointed to die; and preserve us in the manner that seemeth to thee good ; not as we will, but as thou wilt! SEEMON" V. Justification by Faith. " To him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted to him for righteousness." Rom. iv. 5. ANALYSIS. How may a sinner be justified before God ? Importance of the question, and confused notions regarding it. I. Ground of the doctrine of justification. Man created in God's image. Placed under a perfect law a law of love 40 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. [SERMON V. and of positive command. Man violated this law. The con- sequences of this sin, to Adam, to his posterity. The gift of God's Son, and his atoning work. God's ofler of pardon through him to the whole world. II. Justification defined. Not the being made actually just or righteous. Not a clearing from accusation of Satan, or of the law. Does not im- ply that God is deceived when he justifies. The plain Scrip- tural notion of justification is pardon, the forgiveness of sins. It is that act of God the Father, whereby, for the sake of the propitiation made by the blood of his Son, he " sheweth forth his righteousness (or mercy,) by the remission oi sins that are past." Justification in Scripture is sometimes referred to the day of judgment ; but more frequently is that which takes place at the beginning of the Christian life. III. Who are they that are justified ? The ungodly. Hence not they who are sanctified. But the lost, the sick, the condemned. Good works, in the highest sense of the term, do not precede but follow after justification, IV. The terms of justification. Faith alone. Scripture proof of this. This faith defined as not only a divine evidence or conviction that " God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself," but a sure trust and confidence that Christ died for my sins, that he loved me, and gave himself for me. This faith the doctrine of the Church of England. This is the necessary condition. No justification without it. This is the only condition. The moment this faith is received it is " counted for righteousness." The reason of this condition with God. But it hides pride from man. Exhortation to the ungodly to believe. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. In this and the seven sermons following Mr. "Wesley expounds the evangelical doctrine. He begins with the fundamental, central doctrine of justification by i'uith. This he presents under two aspects as an act of pardoning grace by God, conditioned on faith ; and as a gift of righteousness or Tightness of relation to God received by us through faith. Next follows a sermon on the antecedent steps to the attainment of this gracious state. Then two sermons are devoted to the fruits of SERMON V.] JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 41 the regenerating Spirit, or Spirit of Adoption which accompanies it. Lastly, the doctrine of the twofold assurance or witness of this state of grace is fully presented in three discourses. Mr. Wesley regarded the circle of doctrines presented in these eight sermons as " articulus stantit vel cadentis ecclesiae ; the Christian Church stands or falls with it." The eight years preceding the publication of these sermons (in 1746) were marked by repeated controversy in defence of these truths. The nature and conditions of justification were especially points in dispute. In the year 1739 Mr. Wesley published two treatises by Dr. Barnes, one on *' Justification by Faith only," the other on " The Sinfulness of Man's Natural Will and his utter inability to do works acceptable to God until he be justified and born again of the Spirit of God." In 1743 he pub- lished his " Earnest Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion." In this Appeal he especially defines the nature of saving faith, and argues tilt- reasonableness of it. On the 23th of June, 1744, Mr. Wesley met the first Conlerence. The first work of this Conference was the considera- tion of this doctrine, and the following important propositions were agreed upon: 1. To be justified is to be pardoned and received into God's favour. 2. Faith is the condition of justification. 3. Repentance and works meet for repentance must go before this faith. 4. Faith is a divine, supernatural evidence or conviction of things not seen : it is a spiritual sight of God and the things ot God. First a sinner is convinced by the Holy Ghost, " Christ loved me and gave him- self for me." This is that faith by which he is justified, or pardoned, the moment he receives it. Immediately the same Spirit bears witness " Thou art pardoned ; thou hast redemption in his blood." And this is saving faith, whereby the love of God is shed abroad in the heart. 5. No man who hears the Gospel can go to heaven without this faith whatever a heathen may do. At the Conference of 1745, these positions were carefully reviewed and guarded as follows : Q. Is a sense of God's pardoning love indispensably necessary to final salvation suppose in a Papist, or Quaker ; or, in. general, among those who never heard it preached 1 A. Love hopeth all things. We know not how far any of these may fall under the case of invincible ignorance. Q. Have we duly considered the case of Cornelius ? Was not he in the favour of God when " his prayers and alms came up for a memorial before God ;" that is, before he believed in Christ 1 A. It does seem that he was in some degree, but we speak not of those who have not heard the gospel. Q. But were not those works of his " splendid sins ? " A. No ; nor were they done without the grace of Christ. 42 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. [SERMON V. Q. How then can we maintain that all works done before we have a sense of the pardoning love of God are sin, and, as such, an abomination to him 1 A. The works of him who has heard the gospel, and does not believe, are not done as God hath " willed and commanded them to be done." And yet we know not how to say that they are an abomination to the Lord in him who feareth God, and from that principle does the best he can. In this same year (the year preceding the publication of the first volume of sermons) Mr. Wesley published a " Farther Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion." It would appear that there prevailed somewhat widely in the Church of England at that period a view of justification not far removed from that propounded by the Council of Trent in opposition to Protestantism. According to this conception, sanctification and good works preceded justification, and were the basis of acceptance with God, or at times justification was defined as the communication of inherent righteousness, and faith was made identical with the practice of all good works. In this way the language of Scripture was made to con- vey the doctrine of Rome. In this appeal Mr. Wesley proves conclusively that the evangelical doctrine of Justification by Faith, which he preached, was the doctrine of the articles and homilies of the Church of England, and the doctrine of Scripture ; and defines his doctrine and the doctrine of the Church as follows : 1. " That no good work, properly so called can go before justification. 2. " That no degree of true sanctification can be previous to it. 3. " That as the meritorious cause of justification is the life and death of Christ, so the condition of it is faith, faith alone. 4. " That both inward and outward holiness are consequent on this faith, and are the ordinary, stated condition of final justification." It will be seen from these extracts that while Mr. Wesley was contend- ing with the self-righteous, anti-Protestant doctrine of justification by works, he was obliged to present the truth of the Gospel as " lying very near to Calvinism and Antinornianism ;" " within a hair's breadth," so . that " we may come to the very edge of Calvinism " 1. In ascribing all good to the free grace of God. 2. In denying all natural free will, and all power antecedent to grace. And 3. In excluding all merit from man; even for what he has or does by the grace of God. These alternate positions of Mr. Wesley, as he expounds the Arminian doctrine of the Gospel in opposition to a semi-Pelagian tendency on one hand, and in opposition to Calvinistic Antinomianism on the other, must be both care- fully weighed by the student in the study of the sermon before us. He may very profitably read in this connection the Doctrinal Minutes and Wesley's Appeal." SERMON V. 1. How a sinner may be justified before God, the Lord and Judge of all, is a question of no common importance to every child of man. It contains the foundation of all our hope, inasmuch as while we are at enmity with God, there can be no true peace, no solid joy, either in time or in eternity. What peace can there be, while our own heart condemns us ; and much more, He that is " greater than our hoart and knoweth all things 1 " What solid joy, either in this world or that to come, while " the wrath, of God abideth on us?" BKKMON V.J JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 43 2. And yet how little hath this important question been understjod ! What confused notions have many had concerning it ! Indeed, not only confused, but often utterly false ; contrary to the truth, as light to darkness; notions absolutely inconsistent with the oracles of God, and with the whole analogy of faith. And hence, erring concerning the very foundation, they could not possibly build thereon ; at least, not " gold, silver, or precious stones," which would endure when tried as by tire ; but only " hay and stubble," neither acceptable to God, nor profitable to man. 3. In order to do justice, as far as in me lies, to the vast importance of the subject, to save those that seek the truth in sincerity from " vain jangling and strife of words," to clear the confusedness of thought into which so many have already been led thereby, and to give them true and just conceptions of this great mystery of godliness, 1 shall endea- voui to show, First, What is the general ground of this whole doctrine of justifi- cation : Secondly What justification is : Thirdly, Who are they that are justified : and Fourthly, On what terms they are justified. I. I am first to show, What is the general ground of this whole doctrine of justification. 1. In the image of God was man made, holy as he that created him is holy ; merciful as the Author of all is merciful ; perfect as his Father in heaven is perfect. As God is love, so man dwelling in love, dwelt in God, and God in him. God made him to be an " image of his own eternity," an incorruptible picture of the God of glory. He was ac- cordingly pure, as God is pure, from every spot of sin. He knew not evil in any kind or degree, but was inwardly and outward!} sinless and undefiled. He " loved the Lord his God with all his heart, and with all his mind, and soul, and strength." 2. To man thus upright and perfect, God gave a perfect law, to which he required full and perfect obedience. He required full obe- dience in every point, and this to be performed without any intermis- sion, from the moment man became a living soul, till the time of his trial should be ended. No allowance was made for any falling short. As, indeed, there was no need of any ; man being altogether equal to the task assigned, and thoroughly furnished for every good word and work. 3. To the entire law of love which was written in his heart, (against which, perhaps, he could not sin directly,) it seemed good to the sove- reign wisdom of God to superadd one positive law : " Thou shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that groweth in the midst of the garden ;" annexing that penalty thereto, " In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." 4. Such then was the state of man in paradise. By the free, unmerit- ed love of God, he was holy and happy : he knew, loved, enjoyed God, which is, in substance, life everlasting. And in this life of love he was to continue for ever, if he continued to obey God in all things ; but, if he disobeyed in any, he was to forfeit all. " In that day," said God, " thou shalt surely die." 5. Man did disobey God. He " ate of the tree, of which God com- manded him, saying, Thou shall not eat of it." And, in that day he 44 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. [SERMON V. was condemned by the righteous judgment of God. Then also ihe sentence, whereof he was warned before, began to take place upon him. For, the moment he tasted that fruit he died. His soul died, was sepa- rated from God ; separate from whom the soul has no more life than the body has when separate from the soul. His body, likewise, became corruptible and mortal ; so that death then took hold on this also. And being already dead in spirit, dead to God, dead in sin, he hastened on to death everlasting ; to the destruction both of body and soul, in the fire never to be quenched. 6. Thus " by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin. And so death passed upon all men," as being contained in him who was the common father and representative of us all. Thus, " through the offence of one," all are dead, dead to God, dead in sin, dwelling in a corruptible, mortal body, shortly to be dissolved, and under the sentence of death eternal. For as," by one man's disobedience," all " were made sinners;" so, by that offence of one, "judgment came upon all men to condemnation," Rom. v, 12, &c. 7. In this state we were, even all mankind, when " God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, to the end we might not perish, but have everlasting life." In the fulness of time he was made man, another common head of mankind, a second general parent and representative of the whole human race. And as such it was that " he bore our griefs," " the Lord laying upon him the iniquities of us all." Then was he " wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities." " He made his soul an offering for sin :" he poured out his blood for the transgressors : he " bare our sins in his own l>,dy on the tree," that by his stripes we might be healed : and by that one oblation of himself, once offered, he hath redeemed me and all mankind ; having thereby " made a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world." 8. In consideration of this, that the Son of God hath " tasted death for every man," God hath now " reconciled the world to himself, not imputing to them their former trespasses." And thus, " as, by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon al! men unto justi fication." So that for the sake of his well beloved Son of what he hath done and suffered for us, God now vouchsafes, on one only condition, (which himself also enables us to perform,) both to remit the punish- ment due to our sins, to reinstate us in his favour, and to restore our dead souls to spiritual life, as the earnest of life eternal. 9. This, therefore, is the general ground of the whole doctrine of justification. By the sin of the first Adam, who was not only the father, but likewise the representative, of us all, we all fell short of the favour of God ; we all became children of wrath ; or, as the ajwstle expresses it, "judgment came upon all men to condemnation." Even so, by the sacrifice for sin made by the second Adam, as the representative of us all, God is so far reconciled to all the world, that he hath given them a new covenant; the plain condition whereof being once fulfilled, "there is no more condemnation" for us, but " we are justified freel) by his grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ." II. 1. But what is it to be justified ? What is justification 1 This was the second thing which I proposed to show. And it is evident, from SERMON V.] JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 45 what has been already observed, that it is not the being made actually just and righteous. This is sanctification ; which is, indeed, in some degree the immediate fruit of justification ; but, nevertheless, is a dis- tinct gift of God, and of a totally different nature. The one implies, what God " does for us" through his Son ; the other, what he " works in us" by his Spirit. So that, although some rare instances may be found, wherein the term justified or justification is used in so wide a sense as to include sanctification also ; yet, in general use, they are sufficiently distinguished from each other, both by St. Paul and the other inspired writers. 2. Neither is that far-fetched conceit, that justification is the clearing us from accusation, particularly that of Satan, easily provable from any clear text of Holy Writ. In the whole scriptural account of this mat- ter, as, above laid down, neither that accuser, nor his accusation, appears to be at all taken in. It cannot indeed be denied, that he is the " ac- cuser" of men, emphatically so called. But it does in no wise appear, that the great apostle hath any reference to this, more or less, in all that he hath written touching justification, either to the Romans or the Galatians. 3. It is also far easier to take for granted, than to prove from any clear Scripture testimony, that justification is the clearing us from the accusation brought against us by the law : at least, if this forced, un- natural way of speaking mean either more or less than this, that whereas we have transgressed the law of God, and thereby deserved the damna- tion of hell, God does not inflict on those who are justified the punish- ment which they had deserved. 4. Least of all does justification imply, that God is deceived in those whom he justifies ; that he thinks them to be what in fact they are not ; that he accounts them to be otherwise than they are. It does by no means imply, that God judges concerning us contrary to the real nature of things; that he esteems us better than we really are, or believes us righteous when we are unrighteous. Surely no. The judgment of the all-wise God is always according to truth. Neither can it ever consist with his unerring wisdom to think that I am innocent, to judge that I am righteous or holy, because another is so. He can no more, in this manner, confound me with Christ, than with David or Abraham. Let any man to whom God hath given understanding, weigh this without prejudice ; and he cannot but perceive, that such a notion of justifica- tion is neither reconcilable to reason nor Scripture. 5. The plain scriptural notion of justification is pardon, the forgive- ness of sins. It is that act of God the Father, whereby, for the sake of the propitiation made by the blood of his Son, he " showeth forth his righteousness (or mercy) by the remission of the sins that are past." This is the easy, natural account of it given by St. Paul, throughout this whole epistle. So he explains it himself, more particularly in this and in Ihe following chapter. Thus, in the next verses but one to the text, " Blessed are they," saith he, " whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered : blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." To him that is justified or forgiven, God "will not impute sin" to ms condemnation. He will not condemn him on that account, either in this world, or in that which is to come. His sins, all his past sins, in thought, word, and deed, are covered, are blotted out, shall not be 46 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. [SEEMON V. remembered or mentioned against him, any more than if they had not been* God will not inflict on that sinner what he deserved to suffer, because the Son of Ins love hath suffered for him. And from the time we are " accepted through the beloved," " reconciled to God through his blood," he loves, and blesses, and watches over us for good, even as if we had never sinned. Indeed the apostle in one place seems to extend the meaning of she word much farther, where he says, " Not the hearers of the law, but I he doers of the law, shall be justified." Here he appears to refer our justification to the sentence of the great day. And so our Lord himself unquestionably doth, when he says, " By thy words thou shalt be justi- fied ;" proving thereby, that " for every idle word men shall speak, they shall give an account in the day of judgment." But perhaps we can hardly produce another instance of St. Paul's using the word in thai distant sense. In the general tenor of his writings, it is evident he doth not ; and least of all in the text before us, which undeniably speaks, not of those who have already '* finished their course," but of those who are now just setting out, just beginning to " run the race which is set before them." 111. 1. But this is the third thing which was to be considered, namely, Who are they that are justified ? And the apostle tells us expressly, the ungodly : " He (that is, God,) justifieth the ungodly :" the ungodly of every kind and degree ; and none but the ungodly. As " they that are righteous need no repentance," so they need no forgiveness. It is only sinners that have any occasion for pardon : it is sin alone which admits of being forgiven. Forgiveness therefore has an immediate reference to sin, and, in this respect, to nothing else. It is our unrighteousness to which the pardoning God is merciful : it is our iniquity which he " remernbereth no more." 2. This seems not to be at all considered by those who so vehemently contend that a man must be sanctified, that is, holy, before he can be justified ; especially by such of them as affirm, that universal holiness or obedience must precede justification : (unless they mean, that justi- fication at the last day, which is wholly out of the present question.) So far from it, that the very supposition is not only flatly impossible, (for where there is no love of God, there is no holiness, and there is no love of God but from a sense of his loving us,) but also grossly, intrin- sically absurd, contradictory to itself. For it is not a saint but a sinner that b forgiven, and under the notion of a sinner. God justifieth not the godly, but the ungodly ; not those that are holy already, but the unholy. Upon what condition he doth this, will be considered quickly . but whatever it is, it cannot be holiness. To assert this, is to say, the Lamb of God takes away only those sins which were taken away before. 3. Does then the good Shepherd seek and save only those that are found already? No: He seeks and saves that which is lost. HP pardons those who need his pardoning mercy. He saves from tnc guilt of sin, (and, at the same time, from the power,) sinners of every kind, of every degree ; men, who, till then, were altogether ungodly ; in whom the love of the Father was not ; and, consequently, in whom dwelt no good thing, no good, or truly Christian temper ; but all such as were evil and abominable, pride, anger, love of the world, the genuine fruits of that carnal mind which is " enmity against God." SERMON V.] JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 47 4 These who are sick, the burden of whose sins is intolerable, are they that need a physician ; these who are guilty, who groan under the wrath of God, are they that need a pardon. These who are condemned already, not only by God, but also by their own conscience, as by a thousand witnesses, of all their ungodliness, both in thought, and word, and work, cry aloud for him that " justifieth the ungodly," through the redemption that is in Jesus ; the ungodly, and " him that worketh not ;" that worketh not before he is justified, any thing that is good, that is trul> virtuous or holy, but only evil continually. For his heart is necessarily, essentially evil, till the love of God is shed abroad therein. And while the tree is corrupt, so are the fruits; "for an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit." 5. If it be objected, " Nay, but a man, before he is justified, may feed the hungry, or clothe the naked ; and these are good works ;" the answer is easy. He may do these, even before he is justified. And these are, in one sense, " good works ;" they are " good and profitable to men." But it does not follow, that they are, strictly speaking, good in themselves or good in the sight of God. All truly good works (to use the words of our church } follow after justification. And they are therefore good and " acceptable to God in Christ," because they " spring out of a true and living faith." By a parity of reason, all works done before justification are not good, in the Christian sense, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesus Christ; (though often from some kind of faith in God they may spring;) "yea, rather, for that they are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done, we dcubi not" (how strange soever it may appear to some) " but they have the nature of sin." G. Perhaps those who doubt of this, have not duly considered the weighty reason which is here assigned, why nn works done before justification can be truly and properly good. The argument plainly runs thus : No works are good, which are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done : But no works done before justification are done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done : Therefore, no works done before justification are good. The first proposition is self evident. And the second, That no works done before justification are done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done, will appear equally plain and undeniable, if we only consider, God hath willed and commanded, that all our works should be done in charity ; (sv a^ow*),) in love, in that love to God, which produces love to all mankind. But none of our works can be done in this love while the love of the Father (of God as our Father) ts not in us. And this love cannot be in us till we receive the " Spirit of adoption crying in our hearts Abba, Father." If, therefore, God doth not justify the ungodly, and him that (in this sense) worketh noi, then hath Christ died in vain ; then, notwithstanding his death, can no flesh living be justified. IV. 1. But, on what terms then is he justified who is altogether ungodly, and till that time worketh not ? On one alone ; which is faith : he " believeth in him that justifieth the ungodly." And " he that belitjveth is not condemned ;" yea, he is ' passed from death unto 4:8 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. [SERMON V. life." " Foi the righteousness (or mercy) of God is by faith ol Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe : Whom God hath set forth for a propitiation, through faith in his blood ; that ne might be just, and (consistently with his justice) the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus :" " Therefore, we conclude, that a man is justified by faith, without the deeds of the law :" without previous obedience to the moral law, which, indeed, he could not, till now, perform. That it Is the moral law, and that alone, which is here intended, appears evidently from the words that follow. " Do we then make void the law through faith '? God forbid ! Yea, we establish the law." What law do we establish by faith 1 Not the ritual law : not the ceremonial law of Moses. In no wise ; but the great unchangeable law of love, the holy love of God, and of our neighbour. 2. Faith in general is a divine, supernatural eXsj^oc, evidence or con- viction, " of things not seen," not discoverable by our bodily senses, as being either past, future, or spiritual. Justifying faith implies, not only a divine evidence or conviction that " God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself," but a sure trust and confidence that Christ died for my sins, that he loved me, and gave himself for me. And at what time soever a sinner thus believes, be it in early childhood, in the strength of his years, or when he is old and hoary haired, God justifieth that ungodly one : God for the sake of his Son, pardoneth and absolveth him, who had in him, till then, no good thing. Repentance, indeed, God had given him before ; but that repentance was neither more nor less than a deep sense of the want of all good, and the pre- sence of all evil. And whatever good he hath or doth from that hour, when he first believes in God through Christ, faith does notjind, but bring. This is the fruit of faith. First the tree is good, and then the fruit is good also. 3. I cannot describe the nature of this faith better, than in the words of our own church. " The only instrument of salvation," (whereof justification is one branch,) " is faith : that is, a sure trust and confi- dence that God both hath and will forgive our sins, that he hath accepted us again into his favour, for the merits of Christ's death and passion. But here we must take heed that we do not halt with God, through an inconstant, wavering faith. Peter coming to Christ upon the water, because he fainted in faith, was in danger of drowning. So we, if we begin to waver or doubt, it is to be feared that we shall sink as Peter did", not into the water, but into the bottomless pit. of hell fire." Second sermon on the passion. " Therefore, have a sure and constant faith, not only that the death of Christ is available for all the world, but that he hath made a full and sufficient sacrifice for thee, a perfect cleansing of thy sins, so that thou mayest say, with the apostle, he loved thee, and gave himself for thee. For this is to make Christ thine own, and to apply his merits unto thyself." Sermon on the sacrament, Jirst part. 4. By affirming that this faith is the term or condition of justification, I mean, first, That there is no justification without it. " He that believeth not, is condemned already ;" and so long as he believeth not, that con- demnation cannot be removed, but " the wrath of God abideth on him " As " there is no other name given under heaven," than that of Jesus of Mazareth, no other merit wnereby a condemned sinner can ever be SERMON V.] JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 49 saved from the guilt of sin ; so there is no other way of obtaining share in his merit, than by faith in his name. So that as long as w are without this faith, we are " strangers to the covenant of promise," we are " aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and without God in the world." Whatsoever virtues (so called) a rnun may have, I speak of those unto whom the gospel is preached ; for " what have I to do to judge them that are without?" Whatsoever good works (so accounted) he may do, it profiteth not ; he is still a child of wrath, still under the curse, till he believes in Jesus. 5. Faith, therefore, is the necessary condition of justification. Yea, and the only necessary condition thereof. This is the second point carefully to be observed ; that, the very moment God giveth faith (for it is the gift of God) to tho " ungodly," that " worketh not," that " faith is counted to him for righteousness." He hath no righteousness at all, antecedent to this, not so much as negative righteousness, or innocence. But " faith is imputed to him for righteousness" the very moment that he believeth. Not that God (as was observed before) thinketh him to be what he is not. But as " he made Christ to be sin for us," that is, treated him as a sinner, punishing him for our sins ; so he counteth tis righteous, from the time we believe in him : that is, he doth not punish us for our sins, yea, treats us as though we were guiltless and righteous. 6. Surely the difficulty of assenting to the proposition, That faith is the only condition of justification, must arise from not understanding it. We mean thereby thus much, That it is the only thing, without which no one is justified ; the only thing that is immediately, indispensably, absolutely requisite in order to pardon. As on the one hand, though a man should have every thing else without faith, yet he cannot be justi- fied ; so on the other, though he be supposed to want every thing else, yet if he hath faith, he cannot but be justified. For suppose a sinner of any kind or degree, in a full sense of his total ungodliness, of his utter inability to think, speak, or do good, and his absolute meetness for hell fire ; suppose, I say, this sinner, helpless and hopeless, casts himself \vholly on the mercy of God in Christ, (which indeed he cannot do but by the grace of God,) who can doubt but he is forgiven in that moment 1 Who will affirm, that any more is indispensably required, before that s Inner can be justified ? Now, if there ever was one such instance from the beginning of the world ; (and have there not been, and are there not, ten thousand times ten thousand ?) it plainly follows, that faith is, in the above sense, the sole condition of justification. 7. It does not become poor, guilty, sinful worms, who receive what- soever blessings they enjoy, (from the least drop of water that cools our tongue, to the immense riches of glory in eternity,) of grace, of mere favour, and not of debt, to ask of God the reasons of his conduct. It is not meet for us to call him in question, " who giveth account to none of his ways ;" to demand, Why didst thou make faith the con- dition, the only condition of justification ? Wherefore didst thou decree He that believeth, and he only, shall be saved? This is the very point on which St. Paul so strongly insists in the ninth chapter of this epistle, viz. That the terms of pardon and acceptance must depend not on us, out on him that calleth us ; that there is no unrighteousness with God, in fixing his own terms, not according to ours, but his own good plea- 60 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. [SERMON V. sure ; who may justly say, " I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy," namely, on him who believeth in Jesus. " So then it is not ol him that willeth, nor of him that runneth," to choose the condition on which he shall find acceptance ; " but of God that showeth mercy ;" that accpteth none at all, but of his own free love, his unmerited good- ness. " Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy," viz. on those who believe on the Son of his love; " and whom he will," that is, those who believe not, " he hardeneth ;" leaves at last to the hardness of their hearts. 8. One reason, however, we may humbly conceive, of God's fixing this condition of justification, " If thou believest in the Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved," was to hide pride from man. Pride had already destroyed the very angels of God, had cast down " a third part of the stars of heaven." It was likewise in great measure owing to this, when the tempter said, " Ye shall be as gods," that Adam fell from his own steadfastness, and brought sin and death into the world. It was therefore an instance of wisdom worthy of God, to appoint such a condition of reconciliation for him and all his posterity, as might effectually humble, might abase them to the dust. And such is faith It is peculiarly fitted for this end : for he that cometh unto God by this faith, must fix his eye singly on his own wickedness, on his guilt and helplessness, without having the least regard to any supposed good in himself, to any virtue or righteousness whatsoever. He must come as a mere sinner, inwardly and outwardly, self destroyed and self con demned, bringing nothing to God but ungodliness only, pleading nothing of his own but sin and misery. Thus it is, and thus alone, when his mouth is stopped, and he stands utterly guilty before God, that he can look unto Jesus, as the whole and sole propitiation for his sins. Thus only can he be " found in him," and receive the " right- eousness which is of God by faith." 9. Thou ungodly one, who hearest or readest these words, thou vile, helpless, miserable sinner, I charge thee before God, the Judge of all, go straight unto him, with all thy ungodliness. Take heed thou destroy not thy own soul by pleading thy righteousness more or less. Go as altogether ungodly, guilty, lost, destroyed, deserving and dropping into hell ; and thou shalt then find favour in his sight, and know that he justifieth the ungodly. As such thou shalt be brought unto the blood of sprinkling, as an undone, helpless, damned sinner. Thus look unto Jesus ! There is the Lamb of God, who taketh away thy sins ! Plead thou no works, no righteousness of thine own ! No humility, contrition, sinceiity ! In no wise. That were, in very deed, to deny the Lord that bought thee. No : plead thou, singly, the blood of the covenant, the ransom paid for thy proud, stubborn, sinful soul. Who art thou, that now seest and feelest both thine inward and outward ungodliness ? Thou art the man ! I want thee for my Lord ! I challenge thee for a child of God by faith ! The Lord hath need of thee. Thou who feelest thou art just fit for hell, art just fit to advance his glory ; the glory ol his free grace, justifying the ungodly and him that worketh not. Oh come quickly ! Believe in the Lord Jesus ; and thou, even thou, art reconciled to God. SERMON VI.] THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. 61 SERMON VI. The Righteousness of Faith. ''Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, that the man that doeth these things shall live by them. " But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven ? (that is to bring Christ down from above :) "Or who shall descend into the deep ? (that is to bring up Christ again from the dead.) " But what saith it ? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thine heart : that is, the word of faith, which we preach. " Horn. z. 5-8. ANALYSTS. THIS text does not contrast the covenant given by Moses with the covenant of grace by Christ. Christ's covenant of grace covers all ages since the Fall. But the Jews, ignorant of the gracious character of the Mosaic covenant, went about to establish a legal righteousness of their own. Legal right- eousness was given, not to Moses, but to Adam. So now many men refuse to submit to the righteousness of faith, and are seeking a legal righteousness. I. The contrast of the two righteousnesses. That of the Law demands obedience, universal, perfect, uninterrupted. That of faith is given, not to man in inno- cence but to fallen man ; and demands not unsinning obedi- ence, or any other impossibility. It does not command us to do, but to believe. The one finds man holy and in God's favour, and pre- scribes, (what is now far off from man,) universal, perfect, uninterrupted obedience, as the condition of continuance in God's favour. The other finds man fallen under God's wrath, and prescribes faith as the condition of recovery of God's favour. 52 THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. [SERMON VI. II. The Application. 1. The folly of those seeking legal righteousness. They begin wrong, for they are not now innocent. They under- take, what they are not able to perform, perfect obedience. They presume to meet God, not as a God of mercy, but of rigid justice. 2. The wisdom of those who seek the righteousness of faith. They acknowledge their true condition, both past, present, and future ; and they humbly and thankfully come to God in God's way of mercy. III. The Exhortation. Say not, I must first do this, conquer sin, use means ; nor, I am not good enough, contrite enough, or sufficiently sensible of sin ; nor yet, I must do something or be more sincere. But " at this present moment, in thy present state, just as thou art," believe the Gospel. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This sermon is complementary to the preceding, but more contro- versial in its character. It presents the Gospel in its opposition to the prevailing legality of the Anglican preaching of that time ; and very well illustrates Mr. Wesley's own minutes by coming to the very edge of Calvinism. It shows us that the "Wesleyan theology admits of that earnest, unqualified, proclamation of salvation by faith now, and exhor- tation to present belief, which is so powerful of immediate results in seasons of great awakening. The theology to which this sermon is opposed ia not the theology which preaches repentance to the unawakened sinner ; but it is the theology which says with Bishop Bull, " That all good works, and not faith alone, are the necessary previous condition of justification." " That SERMON VL THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. 53 faith alone is the condition of justification," for it " means all inward and outward good works." " That there are two justili cations, and that only inward good works necessarily precede the former, but both inward and outward the latter." Wwley'a Works, Vol. III., p. 214. SERMON VL 1. THE apostle does not here oppose the covenant given by Moses to the covenant given by Christ. If we ever imagined this, it was for want of observing, that the latter, as well as the former part of these words, were spoken by Moses himself to the people of Israel, and that concerning the covenant which then was, Dent, xxx, 11, 12, 14. But it is the covenant of grace, which God, through Christ, hath established with men in all ages, (as well before, and under the Jewish dispensa- tion, as since God was manifest in the flesh,) which St. Paul here opposes to the covenant of works, made with Adam, while in paradise, hut commonly supposed to be the only covenant which God had made with man, particularly by those Jews of whom the apostle writes. 2. Of these it was that he so affectionately speaks, in the beginning of this chapter ; " My heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they may be saved. For I bear them record, that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant oi God's righteousness," (of the justification that flows from his mere grace and mercy, freely forgiving our sins, through the Son of his love, through the redemption which is in Jesus,) " and seeking to establish their own righteousness," (their own holiness, antecedent to faith in " him that justifieth the ungodly," as the ground of their pardon and acceptance,) " have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness ol God," and consequently seek death in the error of their life. 3. They were ignorant, that " Christ is the end of the law for right- eousness to every one that believeth ;" that by the oblation of himself once offered, he had put an end to the first law or covenant, (which, indeed, was not given by God to Moses, but to Adam in his state 01 innocence,) the strict tenor whereof, without any abatement, was, " Do this and live ;" and, at the same time, purchased for us that better covenant, " Believe and live ;" believe, and thou shall be saved ; now saved, both from the guilt and power of sin, and, of consequence, from the wages of it. 4. And how many are equally ignorant now, even among those who are called by the name of Christ ! How many who have now a zeal for God, yet have it not according to knowledge ; but are still " seeking to establish their own righteousness," as the ground of their pardon and ao ceptance; and, therefore, vehemently refuse to " submit themselves unto the righteousness of God !" Surely my heart's desire, and prayer to God for you, brethren, is, that ye may be saved. And, in order to lemove this grand stumbling block out of your way, I will endeavour to show, first, what the righteousness is which is of the law, and what the righteous- ness which is of faith : secondly, the folly of trusting in the righteousne&t f the law, and the wisdom of submitting to that which is of faith. 54 THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. [SERMON V\. 1. 1. And, first, " the righteousness which is of the law saith, The man which doeth these things shall live by them." Constantly and perfectly observe all these things to do uiem, and then thou shall live for ever. This law, or covenant, (usually called the covenant of works. ) given by God to man in paradise, required an obedience perfect in all its parts, entire and wanting nothing, as the condition of his eternal continuance in the holiness and happiriess wherein he was created. 2. It required, that man should fulfil all righteousness, inward and outward, negative and positive : that he should not only abstain from every idle word, and avoid every evil work, but should keep every affection, every desire, every thought, in obedience to the will of God : that he should continue holy, as he which had created him was holy, both in heart, and in all manner of conversation ; that he should be pure in heart, even as God is pure ; perfect as his Father in heaven was perfect : that he should love the Lord his God, with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his mind, and with all his strength; that he should love every soul which God had made, even as God had loved him: that by this universal benevolence, he should dwell in God, (who is love,) and God in him : that he should serve the Lord his God with all his strength, and in all things singly aim at his glory. 3. These were the things which the righteousness of the law required, that he who did them might live thereby. But it farther required, that this entire obedience to God, this inward and outward holiness, this conformity both of heart and life to his will, should be perfect in degree. No abatement, no allowance, could possibly be made, for falling short in any degree, as to any jot or tittle, either of the outward or the inward law. If every commandment, relating to outward things, was obeyed, yet that was not sufficient, unless every one was obeyed with all the strength, in the highest measure, and most perfect manner. Nor did it answer the demand of this covenant, to love God with every power and faculty, unless he were loved with the full capacity of each, with the whole possibility of the soul. 4. One thing more was indispensably required by the righteousness of the law, namely, that this universal obedience, this perfect holiness both of heart and life, should be perfectly uninterrupted also, should continue without any intermission, from the moment wherein God created man, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, until the days of his trial should be ended, and he should be confirmed in life everlasting. 5. The righteousness, then, which is of the law, speaketh on this wise: " Thou, oh man of God, stand fast in love, in the image of God wherein thou art made. If thou wilt remain in life, keep the command- ments, which are now written in thy heart. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. Love, as thyself, every soul that he hath made. Desire nothing but God. Aim at God in every thought, in every word and work. Swerve not, in one motion of body or soul, from him, thy mark, and the prize of thy high calling. And let all that is in thee praise his holy name, every power and faculty of thy soul, in every kind, in every degree, and at every moment of thine existence. ' This do. and thou shah live :' thy light shall shine, thy love shall flame more and more, till thou art received up into the house of God in the heavens, to reign with him for ever and ever." SERMON ri.J THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. 65 6. " But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise : say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven ? that is, to bring down Christ from above;" (as though it weie some impossible task, which God required thee previously to perform, in order to thine accept- ance;) " or, Who shall descend into the deep, that is, to bring up Christ from the dead ?" (as though that were still remaining to be done, for (he sake of which thou wert to be accepted ;) " but what saith it 1 The word," according to the tenor of which thou mayest now be accepted ae an heir of life eternal, " is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that is, the word of faith, which we preach ;" the new covenant which God hath now established with sinful man, through Christ Jesus. 7. By " the righteousness which is of faith," is meant, tnat condition of justification (and, in consequence, of present and final salvation, if we endure therein unto the end,) which was given by God, to fallen man, through the merits and mediation of his only begotten Son. This was in part reveaied to Adam, soon after his fall, being contained in the original promise, made to him and his seed, concerning the seed of the woman, who should " bruise the serpent's head," Gen. iii, 15. It was a little more clearly revealed to Abraham, by the angel of God, from heaven, saying, " By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, that in thy seed shall all the nations of the world be blessed," Gen. xxii, 15, 18. It was yet more fully made known to Moses, to David, and to the pro- phets that followed ; and, through them, to many of the people of God, in their respective generations. But still the bulk even of these were ignorant of it ; and very few understood it clearly. Still " life and immortality" were nut so " brought to light" to the Jews of old, as they are now unto us " by the gospel." 8. Now this covenant saith not to sinful man, " Perform unsmiling obedience, and live." If this were the term, he would have no more benefit by all which Christ hath done and suffered for him, than if he was required, in order to life, to " ascend into heaven, and bring down Christ from above ;" or, to " descend into the deep," into the invisible world, and " bring up Christ from the dead." It doth not require any impossibility to be done: (although to mere man, what it requires would be impossible; but not to man assisted by the Spirit of God :) this were only to mock human weakness. Indeed, strictly speaking, the cove- nant of grace doth not require us to do any thing at all, as absolutely and indispensably necessary, in order to our justification ; but only to believe in Him, who, for the sake of his Son, and the propitiation which he hath made, " justifieth the ungodly, that worketh not," and imputes his faith to him for righteousness. Even so Abraham " believed in the Loid, and he counted it to him for righteousness," Gen. xv, 6. " And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of faith, that he might be the father of all them that believe, that righteousness might be imputed unto them also," Rom. iv, 11. " Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it [i. e. faith] was imputed to him, but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed," to whom faith hall be imputed for righteousness, shall stand in the stead of perfect obe dience, in order to our acceptance with God, " if we believe on him who raised up Je.sus our Lord from the dead : who was delivered [to death] for our olTences. and was raised again for our justification." 56 THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OK FAITH [SERMON V? Rom. iv, 23-25 : for the assurance of the remission of our sins, and of a second life to come, to them that believe. 9. What saith then the covenant of forgiveness, of unmerited love, of pardoning mercy ? " Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved." In the day thou believest, thou shalt surely live. Thou shalt be restored to the favour of God ; arid in his pleasure is life. Thou shalt be saved from the curse, and from the wrath of God. Thou shall be quickened, from the death of sin, into the life of righteousness. And if thou endure to the end, believing in Jesus, thou shalt never taste the second death ; but, having suffered with thy Lord, shalt also live, and reign with him for ever and ever. 10. Now " this word is nigh thee." This condition of life is plain, easy, always at hand. " It is in thy mouth, and in thy heart," through the operation of the Spirit of God. The moment " thou believest in thine heart" in him whom God " hath raised from the dead," and " confesses! with thy mouth the Lord Jesus," as thy Lord and thy God, thou shalt be saved from condemnation, from the guilt and punishment of thy former sins, and shalt have power to serve God in true holiness all the remaining days of thy life. 11. What is the difference then between the " righteousness which is of the law," and the " righteousness which is of faith ?" Between the first covenant, or the covenant of works, and the second, the covenant of grace 1 The essential, unchangeable difference is this : The one supposes him to whom it is given, to be already holy and happy, created in the image and enjoying the favour of God ; and prescribes the con- dition whereon he may continue therein, in love and joy, life and im- mortality : The other supposes him to whom it. is given, to be now unholy and unhappy ; fallen short of the glorious image of God, having the wrath of God abiding on him, and hastening through sin, whereby his soul is dead, to bodily death, and death everlasting. And to man in this state it prescribes the condition, whereon he may regain the pearl he has lost ; may recover the favour and image of God ; may retrieve the life of God in his soul, and be restored to the knowledge and the love of God, which is the beginning of life eternal. 12. Again, the covenant of works, in order to man's continuance in the favour of God, in his knowledge and love, in holiness and happiness, required, of perfect man, a perfect and uninterrupted obedience to every point of the law of God. Whereas, the covenant of grace, in order to man's recovery of the favour and the life of God, requires only faith; living faith in him, who, through God. justifies him that obeyed not. 1 3. Yet, again : The covenant of works required of Adam, and all his children, to pay the price themselves, in consideration of which they were to receive all the future blessings of God. But. in the covenant of grace, seeing we have nothing to pay, God " frankly forgives us all :" provided only, that we believe in him, who hath paid the price for us; who hath given himself a " propitiation for our sins, for the sins of the whole world." 14. Thus the first covenant required what is now afar off from all the children of men ; namely, unsinning obedience, which is far from those who are " conceived and born in sin." Whereas, the second requires what is nigh at hand ; as though it should say, Thou art sin ! God is love ! Thou by sin art fallen short of the glory of God ; yet there SERMON VI.] THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. 57 is mercy with him. Bring then all thy sins to the pardoning God, and they shall vanish away as a cloud. If thou wprt not ungodly, there would be no room for him to justify thee as ungodly. But now draw near, in full assurance of faith. He speaketh and it is done. " Fear not, only believe ; for even the just God justifieth all that believe in Jesus." II. 1. These things considered, it would be easy to show, as I pro- posed to do in the second place, the folly of trusting in the " righteous- ness which is of the law," and the wisdom of" submitting to the right- eousness which is of faith." The folly of those who still trust in the " righteousness which is of the law," the terms of which are, Do this and live, may abundantly appear from hence : They set out wrong : their very first step is a fun- damental mistake : for, before they can ever think of claiming any blessing, on the terms of this covenant, they must suppose themselves to be in his state, with whom this covenant was made. But how vain a supposition is this ; since it was made with Adam in a state of inno- cence ! How weak, therefore, must that whole building be, which stands on such a foundation ! And how foolish are they who thus build on the sand ! who seem never to have considered, that the covenant of works was not given to man, when he was " dead in trespasses and sins," but when he was alive to God, when he knew no sin, but was holy as God is holy : who forget, that it was never designed for the recovery of the favour and life of God once lost, but only for the continuance and increase thereof, till it should be complete in life everlasting. 2. Neither do they consider, who are thus " seeking to establish their own righteousness, which is of the law," what manner of obedience or righteousness that is which the law indispensably requires. It must be perfect and entire in every point, or it answers not the demand of the law. But which of you is able to perform such obedience 1 Or, conse- quently, to live thereby ? Who among you fulfils every jot and tittle, even of the outward commandments of God ? Doing nothing, great or small, which God forbids 1 Leaving nothing undone which he enjoins ? Speaking no idle word? Having your conversation always " meet to minister grace to the hearers ?" And, " whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, doing all to the glory of God ?" And how much less are you able to fulfil all the inward commandments of God ! Those which require, that every temper and motion of your soul should be holiness unto the Lord ! Are you able to " love God with ail your heart 1" To love all mankind as your own soul ? To " pray without ceasing ? In every thing to give thanks ?" To have God always before you 1 And to keep every affection, desire, and thought, in obedience to his law ? 3. You should farther consider, that the righteousness of the law requires, not only the obeying every command of God. negative and positive, internal and external, but likewise in the perfect degree. In every instance whatever, the voice of the law is, Thou shall serve the Lord ihy God with all thy strength. It allows no abatement of any kind : it excuses no defect : it condemns every coming short of the fuU measure of obedience, and immediately pronounces a curse on the offender : it regards only the invariable rules of justice, and saith " I know not to show mercy." 4. Who then can appear before such a Judge, who is " extreme to mark what is done amiss ?" How weak are they who desire to be 58 THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. [SERMON VI tried at the bar, where " no flesh living can be justified ?" none of the offspring of Adam. For, suppose we did now keep every command- ment with all our strength ; yet one single breach, which ever was, utterly destroys our whole claim to life. If we have ever offended in any one point, this righteousness is at an end. For the law condemns all who do not perform uninterrupted as well as perfect obedience. So that, according to the sentence of this, for him who hath once sinned, in any degree, " there remaineth only a fearful looking for of fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries" of God. 5. Is it not then the very foolishness of folly, for fallen man to seek life by this righteousness 1 For man, who was " shapen in wickedness and in sin did his mother conceive him ?" Man who is, by nature, all " earthly, sensual, devilish ;" altogether " corrupt and abominable ;" in whom, till he find grace, " dwelleth no good thing ;" nay, who cannot of himself think one good thought ; who is indeed all sin, a mere lump of ungodliness, and who commits sin in every breath he draws ; whose actual transgressions, in word and deed, are more in number than the hairs of his head ? What stupidity, what senselessness must it be frr such an unclean, guilty, helpless worm as this, to dream of seeking ac- ceptance by " his own righteousness," of living by the righteousness which is of the law ! 6. Now, whatsoever considerations prove tne folly of trusting in the " righteousness which is of the law," prove equally the wisdom of sub- mitting to the " righteousness which is of God by faith." This were easy to be shown with regard to each of the preceding considerations. But to waive this, the wisdom of the first step hereto, the disclaiming our own righteousness, plainly appears from hence, that it is acting according to truth, to the real nature of things. For, what is it more, than to acknowledge with our heart, as well as lips, the true state wherein we are 1 To acknowledge that we bring with us into the world, a corrupt, sinful nature ; more corrupt, indeed, than we can easily con- ceive, or find words to express ? That hereby we are prone to all that is evil, and averse from all that is good ; that we are full of pride, self- will, unruly passions, foolish desires, vile and inordinate affections ; lovers of the world, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God ? That our lives have been no better than our hearts, but many ways ungodly and unholy ; insomuch, that our actual sins, both in word and deed, have been as the stars of heaven for multitude ; that, on all these ac- counts, we are displeasing to Him, who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity; and deserve nothing from him, but indignation, and wrath, nnd death, the due wages of sin 1 That we cannot, by any of our right- eousness, (for, indeed, we have none at all,) nor by any of our works, (for they are as the tree upon which they grow,) appease the wrath of God, or avert the punishment we have justly deserved ; yea, that, if left to ourselves, we shall only wax worse and worse, sink deeper and deeper into sin, offend God more and more, both with our evil works, and with the evil tempers of our carnal mind, till we fill up the measure of our iniquities, and bring upon ourselves swift destruction ? And is not this the very state wherein by nature we are ? To acknowledge this thon, both with our heart and lips, that is, to disclaim our own righteousness, " the righteousness which is of the law," is to act according to the real nature of things, and consequently, is an instance of true wisdom SERMON VI.J THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. 69 7. The wisdom of submitting to " the righteousness of faith," appears farther, from this consideration, That it is the righteousness of God : I mean here, it is that method of reconciliation with God which hath been chosen and established by God himself, not only as he is the God of wisdom, but as he is the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, and of every creature which he hath made. Now, as it is not meet for man to say unto God, What doest thou ? as none, who is not utterly void of understanding, will contend with one that is mightier than he, with Him whose kingdom ruleth over all ; so it is true wisdom, it is a mark of sound understanding, to acquiesce in whatever he hath chosen ; to say in this, as in all things, " It is the Lord : let him do what seemeth him good." 8. It may be farther considered, that it was of mere grace, of free love, of undeserved mercy, that God hath vouchsafed to sinful man any way of reconciliation with himself, that we were not cut away from hia hand, and utterly blotted out of his remembrance. Therefore, what- ever method he is pleased to appoint, of his tender mercy, of his unme rited goodness, whereby his enemies, who have so deeply revolted from him, so long and obstinately rebelled against him, may still find favour in his sight, it is doubtless our wisdom to accept with all thankfulness. 9. To mention but one consideration more. It is wisdom to aim at the best end by the best means. Now the best end which any creature can pursue, is happiness in God. And the best end a fallen creature can pursue is, the recovery of the favour and image of God. But the best, indeed the only means under heaven given to man, whereby he may regain the favour of God, which is better than life itself, or the image of God, which is the true life of the soul, is the submitting to the " righteousness which is of faith," the believing in the only begotten Son of God. III. 1. Whosoever, therefore, thou art, who desirest to be forgiven and reconciled to the favour of God ; do not say in thy heart, " I must first do this ; I must first conquer every sin : break off every evil word and work, and do all good to all men; or, I musters/ go to church, receive the Lord's supper, hear more sermons, and say more prayers." Alas, my brother ! thou art clean gone out of the way. Thou art still " ignorant of the righteousness of God," and art " seeking to establish thy own righteousness," as the ground of thy reconciliation. Knowest thou not, that thou canst do nothing but sin, till thou art reconciled to God ? Wherefore, then, dost thou say, " I must do this and this first, and then I shall believe." Nay, but first believe ! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the propitiation for thy sins. Let this good foundation first be laid, and then thou shall do all things well. 2. Neither say in thy heart, " I cannot be accepted yet, because I am not good enough." Who is good enough, who ever was, to merit acceptance at God's hands ? Was ever any child of Adam good enough for this ? Or, will any, till the consummation of all things ? And, as for Inee, thou art not good at all : there dwelleth in thee no good thing. And thou never wilt be, till thou believe in Jesus. Rather thou wilt find thyself worse and worse. But is there any need of being worse, in order to be accepted 1 Art thou not bad enough already ? Indeed thou art. and that God knoweth. And thou thyself canst not deny it. Then delay not All things are now ready. " Arise, and wash away thv sins." 60 THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH. [SERMON VI. The fountain is open. Now is the time to wash thee white in the blood of the Lamb. Now he shall purge thee as with hyssop, and thou shah be clean : he shall wash thee, and thou " shall be whiter than snow." 3. Do not say, "But I am not contrite enough: I am not sensible enough of my sins." I know it. I would to God thou wert more sen- sible of them, more contrite a thousand fold than thou art. But do not stay for this. It may be God will make thee so, not before thou believest, but by believing. It may be, thou wilt not weep much, till thou lovest much, because thou hast had much forgiven. In the mean time, look unto Jesus. Behold, how he loveth thee ! What could he have done more for thee which he hath not done 1 " O Lamb of God, was ever pain, Was ever love like thine !" Look steadily upon him, till he looks on thee, and breaks thy hard heart. Then shall thy head be waters, and thy eyes fountains of tears. 4. Nor yet do thou say, " I must do something more before I come to Christ." I grant, supposing thy Lord should delay his coming, it were meet and right to wait for his appearing, in doing, so far as thou hast power, whatsoever he hath commanded thee. But there is no necessity for making such a supposition. How knowest thou that he will delay ? Perhaps he will appear, as the day-spring from on high, before the morning light. Oh do not set him a time ! Expect him every hour. Now he is nigh ! Even at the door ! 5 And to what end wouldst thou wait for more sincerity, before thy sins are blotted out ? To make thee more worthy of the grace of God ? Alas, thou art still " establishing thy own righteousness." He will have mercy, not because thoru art worthy of it, but because his compassions fail not ; not because thou art righteous, but because Jesus Christ hath atoned for thy sins. Again, if there be any thing good in sincerity, why dost thou expect it before thou hast feith 1 seeing faith itself is the only root of whatever is really good and holy. Above all, how long wilt thou forget, that whatsoever thou dost, or whatsoever thou hast, before thy sins are forgiven thee, it avails nothing with God, towards the procuring of thy forgiveness 1 Yea, and that it must all be cast behind thy back, trampled under foot, made no account of, or thou wilt never find favour in God's sight ; because, until then, thou canst not ask it, as a mere sinner, guilty, lost, undone, having no- thing to plead, nothing to offer to God, but only the merits of his well beloved Son, who loved thee, and gave himself for thee. 6. To conclude. Whosoever thou art, oh man, who hast the sentence of death in thyself, who feel'est thyself a condemned sinner, and hast the wrath of God abiding on thee : unto thee saith the Lord, not, " Do this," perfectly obey all my commands, " and live ;" but, " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." The word of faith is nigh unto t hee : now, at tins instant, in the present moment, and in thy present state, sinner as thou art, just as thou art, believe the gospel ; and " I will be merciful unto thy unrighteousness, and thy iniquities will I -emernbei uo more." SERMON VII.] THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM. 61 SERMON VIL The Way to the Kingdom. "The kingdom of God is at hand ; repent ye, and believe the Gospel." Mark L 15. ANALYSIS. I. The nature of true religion as " the kingdom of God." Defined from Rom. xiv. 17. " The kingdom of God is not meat and drink ; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." 1. Not meat and drink. The sacrifices and ceremonies of the Jewish law ; outward forms of worship ; nor any out- ward acts however good ; nor right opinions ; but the hidden man of 2. The heart ; righteousness ; love to God ; love to our neighbours ; happiness ; peace from the witnessing Spirit ; joy in the Holy Ghost ; called the kingdom because thus does God reign in the heart. II. The Way. 1. Repentance ; conviction, or self-knowledge ; conviction of inward corruption ; of evil passions ; of sinful actions ; of exposure to eternal death ; of inability to cancel the past, or to amend the future ; to conviction must be added sorrow for sin and desire to return to God. 2. To the penitent there is one step more, "believe the Gospel" The Gospel is, " Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners." Believe this, not with bare assent, but with sure trust, divine conviction, confidence in a pardoning God. The fruit of this faith will be peace, joy, and love. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This sermon presents salvation to us as a subjective experience of religious life. The three sermons form a progressive series. 1. God's act toward us Justification ; 2. Our new relation before God Right- eousness ; 3. The inward experience of this relation The kingdom of 62 THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM. [SERMON VII. God. As the preceding sermon guarded us against legality, so this one preserves us from Antinomianism, by insisting on the fulness of this experience, in its preliminaries of thorough conviction of sin and repentance ; as well as in the subsequent blessings of peace, joy, and love. In Mr. Wesley's view, these three aspects of salvation were inseparably concomitant God's act, our new state, and our inward experience. It will be seen presently how, out of the last, he deduces the assurance of the first. In the present sermon the important subject of Repentance is pre- sented at full length, but not yet from the controversial point of view. In fact, Mr. Wesley's exposition of repentance here may be regarded as defensive. Except in the case of the Moravians, from whom he had recently separated, he had not yet to contend with Calvinistic Antino- mianism. But the solifidian tendency which ignored or depreciated the doctrine of Repentance had been characteristic of an extreme form of evangelical doctrine in the age preceding that of Wesley. When, therefore, he preached salvation by faith with the Calvinistic evangeli- cals, he was at once identified with them by the high church sacra- mentarians as denying the necessity of repentance, and teaching doctrines contrary to those of the Church of England. The reply to this charge is found in his " Appeals to Men of Rsason and Religion." The charge was a general one that his doctrine was opposed to prac- tical holiness or good works. To this Mr. Wesley replied, first, by urging, in the language of the twelfth article of the Church of England, that, "Albeit good works which are the fruits of faith, and follow after Justification, cannot put away our sins, yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and do spring out necessarily of a true and lively faith ; insomuch that by them a lively faith may be as evi- dently known as a tree may be known by its fruit." He replied, secondly, by insisting upon the true place of Repentance. In his " Farther Appeal " he says : " It is allowed also that repentance and fruits meet for repentance go before faith : Mark i. 15 ; Matthew iii. 8. Repentance absolutely must go before faith ; fruits meet for it, if there be opportunity. By repentance I mean conviction of sin producing real desires and sincere resolutions of amendment ; and by fruits meet for repentance, forgiving our brother : Matt. vi. 14, 15 ; ceasing from evil, doing good : Luke iii. 4, 9, etc. ; using the ordinances of God, and in general obeying him according to the measure of grace which we have received : Matt. vii. 7 ; xxv. 29. But these I cannot as yet term good works ; because they do not spring from faith and the love of God." It is in harmony with this controversial position that the present sermon deals so thoroughly with the inward or subjective aspect of repentance, and more briefly with its outward fruits. SERMON VII.J THE WAT TO THE KINGDOM. 63 SERMON VIL THESE woros naturally lead us to consider, first, The nature of true religion, here termed by our Lord, " the kingdom of God ;" which, saith he, " is at hand :" and, secondly, the way thereto, which he points out in those words, " Repent ye, and believe the gospel." 1. 1. We are, first, to consider the nature of true religion, here termed by our Lord, " the kingdom of God." The same expression the great apostle uses in his epistle to the Romans, where he likewise explains his Lord's words, saying, " The kingdom of God is not meat and drink ; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in tho Holy Ghost," Rom. xiv, 17. 2. " The kingdom of God," or true religion, " is not meat and drink." It is well known, that not only the unconverted Jews, but great numbers of those who had received the faith of Christ, were, notwithstanding, " zealous of the law," Acts xxi, 20, even the cere- monial law of Moses. Whatsoever therefore they found written therein, either concerning meat and drink offerings, or the distinction between clean and unclean meats, they not only observed themselves, but vehe- mently pressed the same, even on those " among the Gentiles (or hea- thens) who were turned to God ;" yea, to such a degree, that some of them taught, wheresoever they came among them, " Except ye be cir- cumcised, and keep the law, (the whole ritual law,) ye cannot be saved," Acts xv, 1, 24. 3. In opposition to these, the apostle declares, both here and in many other places, that true religion does not consist in meat and drink , or in any ritual observances ; nor, indeed, in any outward thing whatever : in any thing exterior to the heart ; the whole substance thereof lying in " righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." 4. Not in any outward thing ; such as forms or ceremonies, even of the most excellent kind. Supposing these to be ever so decent and significant, ever so expressive of inward things: supposing them ever so helpful, not only to the vulgar, whose thought reaches little farther than their eight ; but even to men of understanding, men of stronger capacities, as doubtless they may sometimes be : yea, supposing them, as in the case of the Jews, to be appointed by God himself; yet even during the period of time wherein that appointment remains in force, true religion does not principally consist therein ; nay, strictly speaking, not all. How much more must this hold concerning such rites and forms as are only of human appointment ! The religion of Christ rises infinitely higher, and lies immensely deeper, than all these. These are good in their place ; just so far as they are in fact subservient to true religion. And it were superstition to object against them, while they are applied only as occasional helps to human weakness. But let no man carry them farther. Let no man dream that they have any intrin- sic worth ; or that religion cannot subsist without them. This were to make them an abomination to the Lord. 5. The nature of religion is so far from consisting in these, informs of worship, or rites and ceremonies, that it does not properly consist in any outward actions, of what kind soever. It is true, a man cannot 64 THE WAT TO THE KINGDOM. [SERMOK VT T . have any religion who is guilty of vicious, immoral actions ; or who does to others, what he would not they should do unto him, if he were in the same circumstances. And it is also true, that he can have no real religion, who " knows to do good, and doeth it not." Yet may a man both abstain from outward evil, and do good, and still have no religion. Yea, two persons may do the same outward work ; suppose, feeding the hungry, or clothing the naked ; and, in the mean time, one of these may be truly religious, and the other have no religion at all : for the one may act from the love of God, and the other from the love of praise. So manifest it is, that although true religion naturally leads to every good word and work, yet the real nature thereof lies deeper still, even in " the hidden man of the heart." 6. I say of the heart. For neither does religion consist in orthodoxy, or right opinions; which, although they are not properly outward things, are no* in the heart, but the understanding. A man may be orthodox in every point ; he may not only espouse right opinions, but zealously defend them against all opposers ; he may think justly concerning the incarnation of our Lord, concerning the ever blessed Trinity, and every other doctrine, contained in the oracles of God ; he may assent to all the tnree creeds, that called the Apostles', the Nicene, and the Atha- nasian ; and yet it is possible he may have no religion at all, no more *n a Jew, Turk, or Pagan. He may be almost as orthodox, as the devil; (though indeed, not altogether; for every man errs in something ; whereas we cannot well conceive him to hold any erroneous opinion ;) and may, all the while, be as great a stranger as he to the religion of the heart. 7. This alone is religion, truly so called : this alone is in the sight of God of great price. The apostle sums it all up in three particulars, " righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." And, first, righteousness. We cannot be at a loss concerning this, if we remem- ber the words of our Lord, describing the two grand branches thereof, on which " hang all the law and the prophets :" " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength. This is the first and great command- ment," Mark xii, 30, the first and great branch of Christian righteous- ness. Thou shalt delight thyself in the Lord thy God ; thou shalt seek and find all happiness in him. He shall be " thy shield, and thy ex ceeding great reward," in time, and in eternity. All thy bones shall say, " Whom have I in heaven but thee ? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee !" Thou shalt hear, and fulfil his word, who saith, " My son, give me thy heart." And, having given him thy heart, thy inmost soul, to reign there without a rival, thou mayest well cry out, in the fulness of thy heart, " I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my strong rock, and my defence ; my Saviour, my God, and my might, in whom I will trust ; my buckler, the horn also of my salvation, and my refuge." 8. And the second commandment is like unto this ; the second great branch of Christian righteousness is closely and inseparably connected therewith ; even " Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Thou shalt love, Thou shalt embrace with the most tender good will, the most earnest and cordial aflection, the most inflamed desires of pre- venting or removing all evil, and of procuring for him every possible SERMON VW.~| THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM. 65 good, Thy neighbour ; that is, not only thy friend, thy kinsman, or thy acquaintance : not only the virtuous, the friendly, him that loves thee, that prevents or returns thy kindness ; but every child of man every human creature, every soul which God hath made ; not excepting Lim whom thou never hast seen in the flesh, whom thou knowest not, either by face or name ; not excepting him whom thou knowest to be evil and unthankful, him that still despilefully uses and persecutes thee : him thou shall love as thyself; with the same invariable thirst after his happiness in every kind ; the same unwearied care to screen him from whatever might grieve or hurt, either his soul or body. 9. Now is not this love " the fulfilling of the law ?" The sum of all Christian righteousness ? Of all inward righteousness ; for it necessa- rily implies " bowels of mercy, humbleness of mind." seeing " love is not puffed up,") "gentleness, meekness, long suffering ; (for love " is not provoked ;" but " believeth, hopeth, endureth all things:") and of all outward righteousness ; for " love worketh no evil to his neighbour," either by word or deed. It cannot willingly either hurt or grieve any one. And it is zealous of good works. Every lover of mankind, as he hath opportunity, " doeth good unto all men," being (without partiality, and without hypocrisy) " full of mercy, and good fruits. 10. But true religion, or a heart right towards God and man, implies happiness, as well as holiness. For it is not only righteousness, but also " peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." What peace ? The peace, of God, which God only can give, and the world cannot take away ; the peace which "passeth all understanding," all (barely) rational concep- tion ; being a supernatural sensation, a divine taste of *' the powers of the world to come ;" such as the natural man knoweth not, how wise soever in the things of this world, nor, indeed, can he know it, in his present state, '* because it is spiritually discerned." It is a peace that banishes all doubt, all painful uncertainty ; the Spirit of God bearing witness with the spirit of a Christian, that he is a child of God. And it banishes fear, all such fear as hath torment ; the fear of the wrath of God ; the fear of hell ; the fear of the devil ; and, in particular, the fear of death : he that hath the peace of God, desiring, if it were the will of God, " to depart, and to be with Christ." 11. With this peace of God, wherever it is fixed in the soul, there is also "joy in the Holy Ghost ;" joy wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost, by the ever blessed Spirit of God. He it is that worketh in us that calm, humble rejoicing in God, through Christ Jesus, " by whom we have now received the atonement," xaraXXayriv, the reconciliation with God ; and that enables us boldly to confirm the truth of the royal psalmist's declaration, "blessed is the man,"(or rather happy, )wr\ 'T#X, " whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and whose sin is covered." He it is that inspires the Christian soul with that even, solid joy, which arises from the testimony of the Spirit that he is a child of God ; and that, gives him to " rejoice with joy unspeakable, in hope of the glory of God :" hope both of the glorious image of God, which is in part, and shall be full " revealed in him ;" and of that crown of glory which fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for him. 12. This holiness and happiness, joined in one, are sometimes styled, in the inspired writings, " the kingdom of God," (as by our Lord in the text,/ and sometimes, " the kingdom of heaven.'' It is termed " the 66 THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM. [SERMON VII. kingdom of God," because it is the immediate fruit of God's reigning in tne soul. So soon as ever he takes unto himself his mighty power, and sets ap his throne in our hearts, they are instantly filled with this " righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." It is called " the kingdom of heaven," because it is (in a degree) heaven opened in the soul. For whosoever they are that experience this, they can aver before angels and men, " Everlasting life is won : Glory is on earth begun :" According to the constant tenor of Scripture, which every where bears recoid, God " hath given unto us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son" (reigning in his heart) " hath life," (even life everlasting,) 1 John v, 11, 12. For " this is life eternal, to know thee the only true God, ana Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent," John xvii, 3. And they, to whom this is given, may confidently address God, though they were in the midst of a fiery furnace, " Thee, Lord, safe shielded by thy power, Thee, Son of God, JEHOVAH, we adore ; In form of man, descending to appear : To thee be ceaseless hallelujahs given. Praise, as in heaven thy throne, we offer here; For where thy presence is display 'd, is heaven." 13. And this kingdom of God, or of heaven, is at hand. As these words were originally spoken, they implied, that the time was then ful- filled, God being " made manifest in the flesh," when he would set up his kingdom among men, and reign in the hearts of his people. And is not the time now fulfilled? For, " Lo ! (saith he) I am with you always," you who preach remission of sins in my name, "even unto the end of the world," Matt, xxviii, 20. Wheresoever, therefore, the gospel of Christ is preached, this his " kingdom is nigh at hand." It is not far from every one of you. Ye may this hour enter thereinto, if so be ye hearken to this voice, " Repent ye, and believe the gospel." II. 1. This is the way : walk ye in it. And, first, " Repent;" that is, know yourselves. This is the first repentance previous to faith ; even conviction, or self knowledge. Awake then, thou that sleepest. Know thyself to be a sinner, and what manner of sinner thou art. Know that corruption of thy inmost nature, whereby thou art very far gone from original righteousness, whereby " the flesh lusteth" always "contrary to the Spirit," through that "carnal mind" which "is enmity against God," which " is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." Know that thou art corrupted in every power, in every faculty of thy soul; that thou art totally corrupted in every one of these, all the foundations being out of course. The eyes of thine understand- ing are darkened, so that they cannot discern God, or the things of God. The clouds of ignorance and error rest upon thee, and co\ i r Ihee with the shadow of death. Thou knowest nothing yet as thou oughtest to know, neither God, nor the world, nor thyself. Thy will is no longer the will of God, but is utterly perverse and distorted, averse from all good, from all which God loves, and prone to all evil, to every abomination which God hateth. Thy affections are alienated from God, and scattered abroad over all the earth. All thy passions, both thy desires and aversions thy joys and sorrows thy ho|>es and fears, SERMOH VII.] THE WAY TO THE KINGDOM. C7 are out of frame, are either undue in their degree, or placed on undue objects. So that there is no soundness in thy soul ; but " from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot," (to use the strong expression of the prophet,) there are only " wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores." 2. Such is the inbred corruption of thy heart, of thy very inmost nature. And what manner of branches canst thou expect to grow from such an evil root ? Hence springs unbelief; eve/ departing from the living God ; saying, " Who is the Lord, that I should serve him ! Tush ! Thou, God, carest not for it :" hence independence ; affecting to be like the Most High : hence pride, in all its forms ; teaching thee to say, " I am rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing *' From this evil fountain flow forth the bitter streams of vanity, thirst of praise, ambition, covetousness, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. From this arise anger, hatred, malice, revenge, envy, jealousy, evil surmisings : from this, all the foolish and hurtful lusts that now " pierce thee through with many sorrows," and, if not timely prevented, will at length drown thy soul in everlasting perdition. 3. And what fruits can grow on such branches as these ? Only such as are bitter and evil continually. Of pride cometh contention, vain boasting, seeking and receiving praise of men, and so robbing God of that glory which he cannot give unto another : of the lust of the flesh, come gluttony or drunkenness, luxury or sensuality, fornication, un- cleanness; variously defiling that body which was designed for a temple of the Holy Ghost : of unbelief, every evil word and work. But the time would fail, shouldest thou seckon up all ; all the idle words thou hast spoken, provoking the Most High, grieving the Holy One of Israel; all the evil works thou hast done, either wholly evil in themselves, or at least not done to the glory of God. For thy actual sins are more than thou art able to express, more than the hairs of thy head. Who can number the sands of the sea, or the drops of rain, or thy iniquities? 4. And knowest thou not that " the wages of sin is death ?" Death not only temporal, but eternal. " The soul that sinneth, it shall die :" for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. It shall die the second death. This is the sentence, to " be punished" with never ending death, " with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." Knowest thou not that every sinner, evtr^og est TTJ yjswTj TX irvpog , not properly t. in danger of hell fire ; that expression is far too weak ; but rather, is under the sentence of hell Jire ; doomed already, just dragging to execution. Thou art guilty of everlasting death. It is the just reward of thy inward and outward wickedness. It is just that the sentence should now take place. Dost thou see, dost thou feel this? Art thou thoroughly convinced that thou deservest God's wrath and everlasting damnation ? Would God do thee no wrong, if he now commanded the earth to open, and swallow thee up ? If thou wert now to go down quick into the pit, into the fire that never shall be quenched ? If God hath given thee truly to repent, thou hast a deep sense that these things are so ; and that it is of his mere mercy thou art not consumed, swept away from the face of the earth. 5. And what wilt thou do to appease the wrath of God, to atone for all thy sins, and to escape the punishment thou hast so justly de- served ? Alas, thou canst do nothing : nothing that will in any wise C8 THB WAT TO THE KINGDOli. [SERMON VII. make amends to God for onp evil work, or word, or thought. If thoti couldest now do all things well, if from this very hour, till thy soul should return to God, thou couldest perform perfect, uninterrupted obedience, even this would not atone for what is past. The not increasing thy debt would not discharge it. It would still remain as great as ever. Yea, the present and future obedience of all the men upon earth, and all the angels in heaven, would never make satisfaction to the justice of God for one single sin. How vain, then, was the thought of atoning for thy own sins by any thing thou couldest do ! It costeth far more to redeem one soul, than all mankind is able to pay. So that were there no other help for a guilty sinner, without doubt he must have perished everlastingly. 6. But suppose perfect obedience, for the time to come, could atone for the sins that are past, this would profit thee nothing ; for thou art not able to perform it ; no, not in any one point. Begin now : make the trial. Shake oflT that outward sin that so easily besetteth thee. Thou canst not. How then wilt thou change thy life from all evil to all good ? Indeed, it is impossible to be done, unless first thy heart be changed. For so long as the tree remains evil, it cannot bring forth good fruit. But art thou able to change thy own heart, from all sin to all holiness ? To quicken a soul that is dead in sin, dead to God, and alive only to the world ? No more than thou art able to quicken a dead body, to raise to life him that lieth in the grave. Yea, thou art not able to quicken thy soul in any degree, no more than to give any degree of life to the dead body. Thou canst do nothing, more or less, in this matter ; thou art utterly without strength. To be deeply sensible of this, how helpless thou art, as well as how guilty and how sinful, this is that " repentance not to be repented of," which is the forerunner of the kingdom of God. 7. If to this lively conviction of thy inward and outward sins, of thy utter guiltiness and helplessness, there be added suitable affections, sorrow of heart, for having despised thy own mercies, remorse, and self condemnation, having thy mouth stopped, shame to lift up thine eyes to heaven, fear of the wrath of God abiding on thee, of his curse hanging over thy head, and of the fiery indignation ready to devoui those who forget God. and obey not our Lord Jesus Christ, earnest desire to escape from that indignation, to cease from evil, and learn to do well ; then I say unto thee, in the name of the Lord, " Thou art not far from the kingdom of God." One step more, and thou shalt enter in. Thou dost repent. Now, " believe the gospel.'' 1 8. The gospel, (that is, good tidings, good news for guilty, helpless sinners,) in the largest sense of the word, means, the whole revelation made to men by Jesus Christ ; and sometimes the whole account o1 what our Lord did and suffered, while he tabernacled among men. The substance of all is, " Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners :' or, " God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, to the end we might not perish, but have everlasting life :" or, " He was bruised for our transgressions ; he was wounded for our iniquities ; the chas- tisement of our peace was upon him ; and with his stripes we are healed." 9. " Believe" this, and the kingdom of God is thine. By faith thou attainest the promise. " He pardoneth and absolvetb all that truly SERMON VII.] THE WAT TO THE KINGDOM. 69 repent, and unfeignedly believe his holy gospel." As soon as ever God hath spoken to thy heart, " Be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee," his kingdom comes : thou hast " righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." 10. Only beware thou do not deceive thy own soul, with regard to the nature of this faith. It is not, as some have fondly conceived, a bare assent to the truth of the Bible, of the articles of our creed, or of all that is contained in the Old and New Testament. The devils be- lieve this, as well as I or thou ! And yet they are devils still. But it is, over and above this, a sure trust in the mercy of God, through Christ Jesus. It is a confidence in a pardoning God. It is a divine evidence or conviction, that " God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not imputing to them their former trespasses ;" and, in particular, that the Son of God hath loved me, and given himself for me, and that 1, even 1, am now reconciled to God by the blood of the cross. 11. Dost thou thus believe? Then the peace of God is in thy heart, and sorrowing and sighing flee away. Thou art no longer in doubt of the love of God ; it is clear as the noonday sun. Thou criest out, " My song shall be always of the loving kindness of the Lord : with my mouth will I ever be telling of thy truth, from one generation to another." Thou art no longer afraid of hell, or death, or him that had once the power of death, the devil ; no, nor painfully afraid of God himself; only thou hast a tender, filial fear of offending him. Dost thou believe ? Then thy " soul doth magnify the Lord," and thy " spirit rejoiceth in God thy Saviour." Thou rejoicest in that thou hast " redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins." Thou rejoicest in that " spirit of adoption," which crieth in thy heart, "Abba, Father!" Thou rejoicest in a " hope full of immortality ;" in reaching forth unto the " mark of the prize of thy high calling ;" in an earnest expectation of all the good things which God hath prepared for them that love him. . 12. Dost thou now believe ? Then the love of God is now shed abroad in thy heart. Thou lovest him, because he first loved us. And, because thou lovest God, thou lovest thy brother also. And, being filled with " love, peace, joy," thou art also filled with " long suffering, gentleness, fidelity, goodness, meekness, temperance," and all the other fruits of the same Spirit ; in a word, with whatever dispositions are holy, are heavenly, or divine. For while thou beholdest with open, uncovered face, (the veil being now taken away,) " the glory of the Lord," his glorious love, and the glorious image wherein thou wast created, thou art " changed into the same image, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord." 13. This repentance, this faith, this peace, joy, love, this change from glory to glory, is what the wisdom of the world has voted to be madness, mere enthusiasm, utter distraction. But thou, oh man of God, regard them not ; be thou moved by none of these things. Thou know- est in whom thou hast believed. See that no man take thy crown. Whereunto thou hast already attained, hold fast, and follow, till tnou attain all the great and precious promises. And thou who hast not yet known him, let not vain men make thee ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Be thou in nothing terrified by those who speak evil of the things which they know not. God will soon turn thy heaviness into joy. Oh let not thy hands hang down. Yet a little longer, and he will take away 70 THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMON VIII. thy fears, and give thee the spirit of a sound mind. He is nigh "that justifieth : who is he that condemneth ? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that rose again, who is even now at the right hand of God, making intercession " for thee. Now cast thyself on the Lamb of God, with all thy sins, how many soever they be ; and "an entrance shall [now] be ministered unto thee, into the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 1" SERMON VIII. The First fruits of the Spirit. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after tlie flesh, but after the Spirit." Rom. viii. 1. ANALYSIS. I. THOSE that are in Christ Jesus are distinguished : 1. By faith. 2. They do not sin. 3. They crucify the flesh. 4. They walk after the Spirit. 5. They exhibit its fruits. II. They are free from condemnation : 1. For all past sin ; free before God and their conscience. 2. For all present sins; for they do not commit them. 3. They are not condemned for inward siri ; for though it remains, they do not yield themselves to it. 4. Nor for the sin which cleaves to all they do ; because they have constant union with Christ the intercessor. 5. Nor, for the same reason, are they condemned for infirmities. 6. Nor for any- thing which it is not in their power to help. 7. But sins of surprise bring condemnation, when there is neglect, but the watchful soul immediately returns to Christ. SERMON VIII.] THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. 71 III. Practical lessons. 1. Of encouragement, to the weak and fearful. 2. Of warning, to the Christian who carelessly sins. 3. Of patient courage, to the one who struggles against inward sin. 4. Of support, to the one beset with infirmities and defects. 5. Of counsel, to the one overtaken by sudden temptation. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This sermon brings us into the very heart of the Methodist theology. The peculiarity of Methodism lay not so much in its doctrines of Justi- fication, Regeneration, and Fait>Ji. All these had been clearly denned and distinctly preached from the flays of Luther and Calvin. But it lay in the concentration of all these into one experimental crisis of religious life, from which a consciously new life dated its beginning. For this crisis the name conversion was appropriated. In the New Testament this word denotes the act of freewill, by which man co-operates with Gcd in the work of salvation. As, in the doctrine of freedom, this act of man conditions the work of God, the word is not inappropriate to designate the great turning-point of spiritual life. In the great evangelical movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, this crisis of conversion has been peculiarly distinct, and is purely moral and religious in its character. In the light of our present knowledge of its nature, it is easy to trace the same crisis of experience in religious men in all ages. But at the era of the Reformation it was somewhat obscured by confusion with an intellectual change from error to truth. Its importance was never clearly apprehended in the Roman church on account of its sacramentarian views. Even in the patristic age the change from outward heathenism to Christianity obscured, and at last, when nations were converted by the will of their king, all but entirely supplanted the inward and moral change. It was thus in the providence of God reserved for the age of Methodism, not first to experience this form of religious life, but, for the first time since the days of the Apostles, to make it the central idea of a world- wide Gospel preaching. In the Apostolic age the spiritual crisis was quite as distinct, the moral power of the Holy Spirit overshadowing and throwing into the back-ground everything else. 72 THE FIUST FRUITS OK THi: SPIKIT. [SKRMOK VIII. In the eighteenth century God raised up many other preachers of this present conscious salvation besides the Wesleys. But in Methodism alone did this fact of experimental crisis in the religious life enter into the very heart of its standard theology, and exert a formative influence on its entire body of doctrine. In the present sermon this experience is conscious freedom from condemnation ; in^the next freedom from bond- age ; in the three following, conscious assurance of the favour of God and of inward change. SERMON VIIL 1. BY " them which are in Christ Jesus," St. Paul evidently means, those who truly believe in him ; those who, " being justified by faith, have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ." They who thus believe do DO longer " walk after the flesh," no longer follow the mo- tions of corrupt nature, but " after the Spirit ;" both their thoughts, words, and works, are under the direction of the blessed Spirit of God. 2. " There is therefore now no condemnation to" these. There is no condemnation to them from God ; for he hathjujtf ijied them " freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus." He hath forgiven all their iniquities, and blotted out all their sins. And there is no condemnation to them from within ; for they " have receiyed not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God ; that they might know the things which are freely given to them of God," 1 Cor. ii, 12 ; which Spirit " beareth witness with their spirits, that they are the chil- dren of God." And to this is added the testimony of their conscience, " that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, they have had their conversation in the world," 2 Cor. i, 12. 3. But because this scripture has been so frequently misunderstood, and that in so dangerous a manner; because such multitudes of "un- learned and unstable men," (01 a.uaSs<; xai ag'/j^ixroi, men untaught ol God, and consequently unestablished in the truth which is after godli- ness,) have wrested it to their own destruction ; I propose to show, as clearly as I can, first, Who those are " which are in Christ Jesus, and walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit:" and, secondly, How "there is no condemnation to" these. I shall conclude with some practical inferences. 1. 1. First I am to show, Who those are that " are in Christ Jesus.' 1 And are they not those who believe in his name? Those who are " found in him, not having their own righteousness, but the righteous- ness which is of God by faith ?" These, who " have redemption through his blood," are properly said to be in Him. For they dwell in Christ, and i'hrist in them. They are joined unto the Lord in one Spirit. They are ingrafted into Him as branches into the vine. TSiey are united as rr embers to their Head, in a manner which words cannot express, nor could it before enter into their hearts to conceive. SERMON VIII.] THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. 73 2. Now " whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not ;" " walketh not after the flesh." The flesh, in the usual language of St. Paul, signifies corrupt nature. In this sense he uses the word, writing to the Galatians, " The works of the flesh are manifest," Gal. v, 19 ; and a little before, " Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust (or desire) of the flesh," ch. v, 16. To prove which, namely, that those who " walk by the Spirit, do not fulfil the lusts of the flesh," he immediately adds, " For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit ; and the Spirit lusteth against the flesh, (for these are contrary to each other,) that ye may not do the things which ye would." So the words are literally translated; (iva p.v\ a. av &jXri-T, orn of the Spirit :" wilt thou be troubled or afraid of what is done before thou wert born ? Away with thy fears ! Thou art not called to fear, but to the " spirit of love and of a sound mind." Know thy calling ! Rejoice in God thy Saviour, and give thanks to God thy Father through him ! 2. Wilt thou say, " But I have again committed sin, since I had redemption through his blood? And therefore it is, that ' I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.'" It is meet thou shouldest abhor thyself; and it is God who hath wrought thee to this self-same thing. But, dost thou now believe 1 Hath he again enabled thee to say, " I know that my Redeemer liveth ;" " and the life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God ?" Then that faith again cancels all that is past, -and there is no condemnation to thee. At whatsoever time thou truly believest in the name of the Son of God, all thy sins, antecedent to that hour, vanish away as the morning dew. Now then, " Stand thou fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made thee free." He hath once more made thee free from the power of sin, as well as from the guilt and punishment of it. Oh, " be not entangled again with the 78 THE FIRST TRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMON VIII. yoke of bondage !" neither the vile, devilish bondage of sin, of evil desires, evil tempers, or words, or works, the most grievous yoke on this side hell ; nor the bondage of slavish, tormenting fear, of guilt and self condemnation. 3. But, secondly : Do all they which abide " in Christ Jesus, walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit ?" Then we cannot but infer, that whosoever low committeth sin, hath no part or lot in this matter. He is even now condemned by his own heart. But, " if our heart condemn us," if our own conscience beareth witness that we are guilty, undoubtedly God doth ; for " he is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things ;" so that we cannot deceive him, if we can ourselves. And think not to say, " I was justified once ; rny sins were once forgiven me :" I know not that; neither will I dispute whether they were or no. Perhaps, at this distance of time, it is next to impossible to know with any tolerable degree of certainty whether that was a true, genuine work of God, or whether thou didst only deceive thy own soul. But this I know, with the utmost degree of certainty, " He that committeth sin is of the devil." Therefore, thou art of thy father the devil. It cannot be denied : for the wrrks of thy father thou doest. Oh flatter not thy- self with vain hopes. Say not to thy soul, Peace, peace ! For there is no peace. Cry aloud ! Cry unto God out of the deep ; if haply he may hear thy voice. Come unto him, as at first, as wretched and poor, as sinful, miserable, blind, and naked ! And beware thou suffer thy soul to take no rest, till his pardoning love be again revealed ; till he " heal thy backslidirigs," and fill thee again with the " faith that worketh by love." 4. Thirdly, Is there no condemnation to them which " walk after the Spirit," by reason of inward sin still remaining, so long as they do not give way thereto ; nor by reason of sin cleaving to all they do. Then fret not thyself because of ungodliness, though it still remain in thy heart. Repine not, because thou still comest short of the glorious image of God ; nor yet because pride, self will, or unbelief, cleave to all thy words and works. And be not afraid to know all this evil of thy heart, to know thyself as also thou art known. Yea, desire of God, that thou mayest not think of thyself more highly than thou ought^st to think. Let thy continual prayer be, " Show me, as my soul can bear, The depth of inbred sin : All the unbelief declare, The pride that lurks within." But when he heareth thy prayer, and unveils thy heart ; when he shows thee thoroughly what spirit thou art of; then beware that thy faith fail thee not, that thou suffer not thy shield to be torn from thee. Be abased. Be humbled in the dust. See thyself nothing, less than nothing and vanity. But still " let not thy heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Still hold fast, " I, even I, have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." " And as the heavens are higher than the earth, so is his love higher than even my sins." Therefore, God is merciful to thee a sinner ! Such a sinner as thou art !,God is love ; and Christ hath died ! Therefore, the Father himself loveth thee ! Thou art his child ! Therefore he will withhold from thee no manner of thing that is good. Is it good, that the whole body of sin, which is now crucified in thee, should be destroyed ? It shall be done ! Thou shall be SERMON IX.] SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. 79 " cleansed from all filthiness, both of flesh and spirit." Is it good that nothing should remain in thy heart, but the pure love of God alone ? Be of good cheer ! " Thou shall love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and mind, and soul, and strength." " Faithful is he that hath promised, who also will do it." It is thy part, patiently to continue in the work of faith, and in the labour of love ; and in cheerful peace, in humble confidence, with calm and lesigned, and yet earnest expecta- tion, to wait till the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall perform this. 5. Fourthly, If they that " are in Christ, and walk after the Spirit," are not condemned for sins of infirmity, as neither for involuntary failings, nor for any thing whatever which they are not able to help; then beware, oh thou that hast faith in his blood, that Satan herein " gain no advantage over thee." Thou art still foolish and weak, blind and ignorant ; more weak than any words can express ; more foolish than it can yet enter into thy heart to conceive ; knowing nothing yet as thou oughtest to know. Yet let not all thy weakness and folly, or any fruit thereof, which thou art not yet able to avoid, shake thy faith, thy filial trust in God, or disturb thy peace or joy in the Lord. The rule which some give, as to wilful sins, and which, in that case, may perhaps be dangerous, is undoubtedly wise and safe, if it be applied only to the case of weakness and infirmities. Art thou fallen, oh man of God ? Yet, do not lie there, fretting thyself and bemoaning thy weakness ; but meekly say, Lord, I shall fall thus every moment, unless thou up hold me with thy hand. And then arise ! Leap and walk ! Go on thy way ! " Run with patience the race set before thee." 6. Lastly. Since a believer need not come into condemnation, even though he be surprised into what his soul abhors ; (suppose his bemg surprised is not owing to any carelessness or wilful neglect of his own ;) if thou who believest, art thus overtaken in a fault, then grieve unto the Lord ; it shall be a precious balm : pour out thy heart before him, and show him of thy trouble. And pray with all thy might to him who is " touched with the feeling of thy infirmities," that he would establish, and strengthen, and settle thy soul, and suffer thee to fall no more But still he condemneth thee not. Wherefore shouldest thon fear ! Thou hast no need of any " fear that hath torment." Thou shall love him that loveth thee, and it sufnceth : more love will bring more strenglh. And, as soon as thou lovest him with all thy heart, thou shall be " per feet and entire, lacking nothing." Wait in peace for that hour, when ' the God of peace shall sanctify thee wholly, so that thy whole spirit, and soul, and body, may be preserved blameless unto the coming of oui Lord Jesus Christ !" SEEMON" IX. The Spirit of Bondage and Adoption. " Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again unto fear ; bnt ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." Rom. viii. 15. ANALYSIS. THREE moral states are here implied. The natural man, the man under the law, and the man under grace. I. The natural man is asleep ; secure ; ignorant of him- self ; walks in fancied joy and liberty ; is the willing servant of sin. 80 SPIKIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. [SERMON IX. II. The man under the law ^is awakened ; sees the breadth of God's law and his own sin ; feels the anguish of a wounded spirit ; struggles against his chains, but in vain ; and is described in the seventh chapter of Eomans. III. The man under grace has received the spirit of adoption ; sees God's love ; freed from the guilt and power of sin is become the servant of righteousness. SUMMARY. The first neither fears nor loves God, has false peace and fancied liberty, sins willingly, and neither fights nor conquers. The second fears but does not love God, walks in the painful light of hell ; has no peace, lives in bondage, sins unwillingly, and fights but does not conquer. The third loves God, walks in the light of heaven, has true peace, and liberty of God'schildren,sinnethnot,and is more than conqueror. IV. Lessons. 1. Sincerity is not sufficient. 2. These states are sometimes mingled. 3. A man may go far and yet be only in a legal state. 4. Let us not rest short of the best things. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. In this sermon we have very clearly presented, the discriminating breadth of Mr. Wesley's analysis of the religious condition of mankind. While the classification of moral states is simple and exact, it recognizes, in the probationary state, three forms of moral condition, not two only, as will be the case when probation is ended. And it still further recognizes the fact that a man's position may be so uncertainly defined, that he may vacillate between first and second, or between second and third, of these ihree. But the uncertainties and imperfections- of the human will lead him to preach no uncertain gospel. He preaches the full standard of salvation, and in the name of his Master summons all men to meet its full requirements. The special aspect of salvation presented in this sermon is the blessed privilege of freedom from the bondage of sin. Mr. Wesley understands this to be, not an imputed or ideal freedom, but a real and moral freedom. This is enlarged in a subsequent dis- course. This great truth he received from the Moravian church. He says, " When Peter Boshler, whom God had prepared for me as soon as I came to London, affirmed of true faith in Christ, that it had those two fruits inseparably attending it, ' Dominion over sin, and constant peace from a sense of forgiveness,' I was quite amazed, and looked upon it as a new Gospel." But when he had verified it by the Word of God, and in his own experience, he held and preached it henceforth as the truth of God. We shall see, however, in the thirteenth and fourteenth sermons, how he guarded this important truth against one-sided inter- pretations put upon it by the Moravians. Except among a few of the profounder mystics, this truth had been lost to the view of the Christian Cliurch ever since the Apostolic and primitive age, and Mr. Wesley regarded its restoration as one of the special ends for which God raised up Methodism. SERMON IX. 1. St. Paul here speaks to those who are the children of God by faith. " Ye," saith he, who are indeed his children, have drank into his Spirit ; " ye have not received the spirit of bondage again unto fear;" " but, because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son SERMON IX.] SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. 81 into your hearts." " Ye received the spirit of adoption, wherehy we cry, Abba, Father." 2. The spirit of bondage and fear is widely distant from this loving spirit of adoption : those who are influenced only by slavish fear, cannot be termed " the sons of God ;" yet some of them may be styled his servants, and are " not far from the kingdom of heaven." 3. But it is to be feared, the bulk of mankind, yea, of what is called the Christian world, have not attained even this ; but are still afar off, " neither is God in all their thoughts." A few names may be found of those who love God ; a few more there are that fear him ; but the greater part have neither the fear of God before their eyes, nor the love of God in their hearts. 4. Perhaps most of you, who, by the mercy of God now partake of a better spirit, may remember the time when ye were as they, when ye were under the same condemnation. But at first ye knew it not, though ye were wallowing daily in your sins and in your blood ; till, in due time, ye " received the spirit of fear ;" (ye received, for this also is the gift of God ;) and afterwards fear vanished away, and the spirit of love filled your hearts. 5. One who is in the first state of mind, without fear or love, is in Scripture termed a natural man. One who is under the spirit of bond- age and fear, is sometimes said to be under the law : (although that expression more frequently signifies one who is under the Jewish dis- pensation, or who thinks himself obliged to observe all the rites and ceremonies of the Jewish law :) but cne who has exchanged the spirit of fear for the spirit of love, is properly said to be under grace. Now, because it highly imports us to know what spirit we are of, I shall endeavour to point out distinctly, First, The state of a natural man : Secondly, That of one who is under the law : and, Thirdly, of one who is under grace. 1. 1. And, first, the state of a natural man. This the Scripture repre- sents as a state of sleep : the voice of God to him is, " Awake, thou that sleepest." For his soul is in a deep sleep : his spiritual senses are not awake : they discern neither spiritual good nor evil. The eyes of his understanding are closed ; they are sealed together, and see not. Clouds and darkness continually rest upon them ; for he lies in the valley of the shadow of death. Hence, having no inlets for the knowledge of spiritual things, all the avenues of his soul being shut up, he is in gross, stupid ignorance of whatever he is most concerned to know. He is utterly ignorant of God, knowing nothing concerning him as he ought to know. He is totally a stranger to the law of God, as to its true, in- ward, spiritual meaning. He has no conception of that evangelical holi ness, without which no man shall see the Lord ; nor of the happiness, which they only find, whose " life is hid with Christ in God." 2. And for this very reason, because he is fast asleep, he is, in some sense, at rest. Because he is blind he is also secure : he saith " Tush, there shall no harm happen unto me." The darkness which covers him on every side, keeps him in a kind of peace ; so far as peace can consist with the works of the devil, and with an earthly, devilish mind He sees not that he stands on the edge of the pit, therefore he fern s it not. He cannot tremble at the danger he does not know. He has not understanding enough to fear. Why is it that he is in no dread of God ' 82 SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. [SERMON IX. Because he is totally ignorant of him : if not saying in his heart, " There is no God ;" or, that " he sitteth on the circle of the heavens, and huni- bleth not himself to behold the things which are done on earth ;" yet, satisfying himself as well, to all epicurean intents and purposes, by say- ing " God is merciful ;" confounding and swallowing up all at once, in that unwieldy idea of mercy, all his holiness and essential hatred of sin ; all his justice, wisdom, and truth. He is in no dread of the vengeance denounced against those who obey not the blessed law of God, because he understands it not. He imagines the main point is, To do thus, to be outwardly blameless ; and sees not that it extends to every temper, desire, thought, motion of the heart. Or he fancies that the obligation hereto is ceased; that Christ came to "destroy the law and the prophets;" to save his people in, not from their sins ; to bring them to heaven with- out holiness : notwithstanding his own words, " Not one jot or tittle of the law shall pass away, till all things are iulfilled ;" and, " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord ! shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." 3. He is secure, because he is utterly ignorant of himself. Hence he talks of" repenting by and by ;" he does not indeed exactly know when, but some time or other before he dies ; taking it for granted, that this is quite in his own power. For what should hinder his doing it, if he will ? If he does but once set a resolution, no fear but he will make it good ! 4. But this ignorance never so strongly glares, as in those who are termed men of learning. If a natural man be one of these, he can talk at large of his rational faculties, of the freedom of his will, and the absolute necessity of such freedom, in order to constitute man a moral agent. He reads, and argues, and proves to a demonstration, that every man may do as he will ; may dispose his own heart to evil or good, as it seems best in his own eyes. Thus the god of this world spreads a double veil of blindness over his heart, lest, by any means, " the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine" upon it. 5. From the same ignorance of himself and God, there may some- times arise, in the natural man, a kind of joy, in congratulating himself upon his own wisdom and goodness : and what the world calls joy, he may often possess. He may have pleasure in various kinds : either in gratifying the desires of the flesh, or the desire of the eye, or the pride of life ; particularly if he has large possessions ; if he enjoy an affluent fortune ; then he may " clothe" himself" in purple and fine linen, and fare sumptuously every day." And so long as he thus doeth well unto himself, men will doubtless speak good of him. They will say, " He is a happy man." For, indeed, this is the sum of worldly happiness ; to dress, and visit, and talk, and eat, and drink, and rise up to play. 6. It is not surprising, if one in such circumstances as these, dozed with the opiates of flattery and sin, should imagine among his other waking dreams, that he walks in great liberty. How easily may he persuade himself, that he is at liberty from all vulgar errors, and from the prejudice of education, judging exactly right, and keeping clear of all extremes. " I am free (may he say) from all the enthusiasm of weak and narrow souls , from superstition, the disease of fools and cow- ards, always righteous over much ; and from bigotry, continually inci- dent to those who have not a free and generous way of thinking." And too sure it is, that he is altogether free from the ' c wisdom which comcth SERMON IX.] SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. 83 from above," from holiness, from the religion of the heart, from the whole mind which was in Christ. 7. For all this time he is the servant of sin. He commits sin, more or less, day by day. Yet he is not troubled : he " is in no bondage," as some speak ; he feels no condemnation. He contents himself, (even though he should profess to believe that the Christian revelation is of God,) with, "Man is frail. Weare all weak. Every man has his infirmity." Perhaps he quotes Scripture : " Why, does not Solomon say, The righteous man falls into sin seven times a day ! And, doubtless, they are all hypocrites or enthusiasts who pretend to be better than their neighbours." If, at any time, a serious thought, fix upon him, he stifles it as soon as possible, with, " Why should I fear, since God is merciful, and Christ died for sinners ?" Thus, he remains a willing servant of sin, content with the bondage of corruption ; inwardly and outwardly unholy, and satisfied therewith ; not only not conquering sin, but not striving to conquer, particularly that sin which doth so easily beset him. 8. Such is the state of every natural man ; whether he be a gross, scandalous transgressor, or a more reputable and decent sinner, having the form, though not the power of godliness. But how can such a one be convinced of sin ? How is he brought to repent ? To be under the law ? To receive the spirit of bondage unto fear 1 This is the point which is next to be considered. II. 1. By some awful providence, or by his word applied with the demonstration of his Spirit, God touches the heart of him that lay asleep in darkness and in the shadow of death. He is terribly shaken out ol his sleep, and awakes into a consciousness of his danger. Perhaps in a moment, perhaps by degrees, the eyes of his understanding are opened, and now first (the veil being in part removed) discern the real state he is in. Horrid light breaks in upon his soul ; such light as may be con- ceived to gleam from the bottomless pit, from the lowest deep, from a lake of fire burning with brimstone. He at last sees the loving, the mer- ciful God is also "a consuming fire ;" that he is a just God and a terrible, rendering to every man according to his works, entering into judgment with the ungodly for every idle word, yea, and for the imaginations of the heart. He now clearly perceives, that the great and holy God is " of purer eyes than to behold iniquity ;" that he is an avenger of every one who rebelleth against him, and repayeth the wicked to his face , and that " it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." 2. The inward, spiritual meaning of the law of God now begins to glare upon him. He perceives " the commandment is exceeding broad," and there is " nothing hid from the light thereof." He is convinced, that every part of it relates, not barely to outward sin or obedience, but to what passes in the secret recesses of the soul, which no eye but God's can penetrate. If he now hears, " Thou shall not kill ," God speaks in thunder, " He that hateth his brother is a murderer;" he that saith unto his brother, "Thou fool, is obnoxious to hell fire." If the law say, " Thou shall not commil adultery," the voice of the Lord sounds in his ears, " He lhal looketh on a woman to lusl after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." And thus in every point, he feels the word of God " quick and powerful, sharper than a two edged sword." It" pierces even to the dividing asunder of his soul and spirit, his joints and marrow." And so much the more because he is con 84 SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. [SERMON IX. scious to himself of having neglected so great salvation ; of having "trod- den under foot the Son of God," who would have saved him from his sins, and " counted the blood of the covenant an unholy," a ccmmon, unsanctifying thing. 3. And as he knows, " all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do," so he sees himself naked, stripped of all the fig leaves which he had sewed together, of all his poor pretences to religion or virtue, and his wretched excuses for sinning against God. He now sees himself like the ancient sacrifices, TSr^a^XKTjULSvov, cleft in sunder, as it were, from the neck downward, so that all within him stands confessed. His heart is bare, and he sees it is all sin, " deceit- ful above all things, desperately wicked ;" that it is altogether corrupt and abominable, more than it is possible for tongue to express ; that there dwelleth therein no good thing, but unrighteousness and ungod- liness only; every motion thereof, every temper and thought, being only evil continually. 4. And he not only sees, but feels in himself, 6y an emotion of sou) which he cannot describe, that for the sins of his heart, were his life without blame, (which yet it is not, and cannot be ; seeing " an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit,") he deserves to be cast into the fire that never shall be quenched. He feels that the wages, the just reward of sin, of his sin above all, is death ; even the second death ; the death which dieth not; the destruction of body and soul in hell. 5. Here ends his pleasing dream, his delusive rest, his false peace, his vain security. His joy now vanishes as a cloud ; pleasures, once loved, delight no more. They pall upon the taste : he loathes the nau- seous sweet ; he is weary to bear them. The shadows of happiness flee away, and sink into oblivion : so that he is stripped of ail, and wan- ders to and fro, seeking rest and finding none. 6. The fumes of those opiates being now dispelled, he feels the anguish of a wounded spirit. He finds that sin let loose upon the soul (whether it be pride, anger, or evil desire, whether self will, malice, envy, revenge, or any other) is perfect misery. He feels sorrow of heart for the bless- ings he has lost, and the curse which is come upon him ; remorse for having thus destroyed himself, and despised his own mercies ; fear, from a lively sense of the wrath of God, and of the consequences of his wrath, of the punishment which he has justly deserved, and which he sees hanging over his head ; fear of death, as being to him the gate oi hell, the entrance of death eternal ; fear of the devil, the executioner of the wrath and righteous vengeance of God ; fear of men, who, if they were able to kill his body, would thereby plunge both body and soul into hell ; fear, sometimes arising to such a height, that the poor sinful, guilty soul, is terrified with everything, with nothing, with shades with a leaf shaken of the wind. Yea, sometimes it may even border upon distraction, making a man " drunken though not with wine," sus- pending the exercise of the memory, of the understanding, of all the natural faculties. Sometimes it may approach to the very brink of de- spair ; so that he who trembles at the name of death, may yet be ready to plunge into it every moment, to " choose strangling rather than life." Well may such a man roar, like him of old, for the very disquietness of his heart. Well may he cry out, " The spirit of a man may sustain hi* infirmities; but a wounded spirit who can bear 7" SERMON IX. j SPIRIT OP BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. 85 7. Now he truly desires to break loose from sin, and begins to strug- gle with it. But though he strive with all his might, he cannot conquer . sin is mightier than he. He would fain escape ; but he is so fast in prison, that he cannot get forth. He resolves against sin, but yet sins on : he sees the snare, and abhors, and runs into it. So much docs his > boasted reason avail, only to enhance his guilt, and increase his mi sery ! Such is the freedom of his will ; free only to evil; free to " drink in iniquity like water ;" to wander farther and farther from the living God, and do more " despite to the Spirit of grace !" 8. The more he strives, wishes, labours to be free, the more does he feel his chains, the grievous chains of sin, wherewith Satan binds and " leads him captive at his will :" his servant he is, though he repine ever so much ; though he rebel, he cannot prevail. He is still in bondage and fear, by reason of sin : generally, of some outward sin, to which he is peculiarly disposed, either by nature, custom, or outward circumstan- ces ; but always, of some inward sin, some evil temper or unholy affec- tion. And the more he frets against it, the more it prevails ; he may bite but cannot break his chain. Thus he toils without end, repenting and sinning, and repenting and sinning again, till at length, the poor, sinful, helpless wretch, is even at his wit's end ; and can barely groan, " Oh wretched man that 1 am ! who shall deliver me from the body of this death ?" 9. This whole struggle of one who is under the law, under the spirit of fear and bondage, is beautifully described by the apostle in the fore- going chapter, speaking in the person of an awakened man. " I," saith he, " was alive without the law once," ver. 9 : I had much life, wisdom, strength, and virtue ; so I thought : " but, when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died :" when the commandment, in its spirit- ual meaning, came to my heart, with the power of God, my inbred sin was stirred up, fretted, inflamed, and all my virtue died away. " And the commandment which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me," ver. 10, 1 1 : it came upon me unawares ; slew all my hopes ; and plainly showed, in the midst of life J was in death. " Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good," ver. 12 : 1 no longer lay the blame on this, but on the corruption of my own heart. I acknowledge that " the law is spiritual : but I am carnal, sold under sin," ver. 14 : 1 now see both the spiritual nature of the law, and my own carnal, devilish heart sold under sin, totally enslaved : (like slaves bought with money, who were absolutely at their master's dispo sal :) " For that which I do, I allow not; for what I would, I do not; but what I hate, that I do," ver. 15 : such is the bondage under which I groan ; such the tyranny of my hard master. " To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not. For the good that I would, I do not ; but the evil which I would not, that I do, ver. 18, 19. "I find a law, [an inward constraining power,] that when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in [or consent to] the law of God, after the inward man," ver. 21, 22 : in my mind so the apostle explains himself in the words that immediately follow: (and so o s?w avOpw-jrojr, the inward man, is understood in all other Greek writers :) " But I see another law in my members, [another constrain- ing power,] warring against the law of my mind, or inward man, and 86 SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. [SERMON IX. bringing me into captivity to the law [or power] of sin," ver. 23 : drag girig me, as it were, at my conqueror's chariot wheels, into the very Uiing which my soul abhors. " Oh wretched man that 1 am ! who shall deliver me from the body of this death ?" ver. 24. Who shall deliver me from this helpless, dying life, from this bondage of sin and misery 1 Till this is done, " 1 myself" (or rather, that I, avros syu, that man I am now personating) " with the mind," or inward man, " serve the law ol God ;" my mind, my conscience is on God's side ; " but with my flesh," with my body, " the law of sin," ver. 25, being hurried away by a force I cannot resist. 10. How lively a portraiture is this of one under the law! One who feels the burden he cannot shake off; who pants after liberty, power, and love, but is in fear and bondage still ; until the time that God answers the wretched man crying out, " Who shall deliver me" from this bondage of sin, from this body of death? " The grace of God, through Jesus Christ thy Lord." III. 1. Then it is that this miserable bondage ends, and he is no more " under the law, but under grace." This state we are, thirdly, to consider ; the state of one who has found grace or favour in the sight of God, even the Father ; and who has the grace or power of the Holy Ghost, reigning in his heart : who has received, in the language of the apostle, the " Spirit of adoption, whereby" he now cries," A bba, Father !" 2. " He cried unto the Lord in his trouble, and God delivers him out of his distress." His eyes are opened in quite another manner than before, even to see a loving, gracious God. While he is calling, " I beseech thee, show me thy glory !" he hears a voice in his inmost soul, " 1 will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord : I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy." And, it is not long before " the Lord descends in the cloud, and proclaims the name of the Lord." Then he sees, but not with eyes of flesh and blood, " The Lord the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth ; keeping mercy for thousands, and forgiving iniqui ties, and transgressions, and sin." 3. Heavenly, healing light now breaks in upon his soul. He " looks on him whom he had pierced ;" and " God, who out of darkness com- manded light to shine, shineth in his heart." He sees the light of the glorious love of God, in the face of Jesus Christ. He hath a divine "evidence of things not seen" by sense, even of "the deep things of God ;" more particularly of the love of God, of his pardoning love to him that believes in Jesus. Overpowered with the sight, his whole soul cries out, " My Lord and my God !" For he sees all his iniquities laid on Him, who " bare them in his own body on the tree ;" he beholds the Lamb of God taking away his sins. How clearly now does he discern, that "God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself; making him sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteous- ness of God through him ;" and that he himself is reconciled to God, by that blood of the covenant ! 4. Here end both the guilt and power of sin. He can now say, " I am crucified with Christ ; nevertheless I live ; yet not I, but Christ Jiveth in me : and the life which I now live in the flesh, (even in this mortal body,) I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave SERMON IX ] SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. 87 himself for me." Here end remorse and sorrow of heart, and the an- guish of a wounded spirit. "God turneth his heaviness into joy." He made sore, and now his hands bind up. Here ends also that bondage unto fear ; for " his heart standeth fast believing in the Lord." He cannot fear any longer the wrath of God ; for he knows it is now turned away from him, and looks upon him no more as an angry Judge, but as a loving Father. He cannot fear the devil, knowing he has " no power, except it be given him from above." He fears not hell ; being an heii of the kingdom of heaven : consequently, he has no fear of death ; by reason whereof he was in time past, tor so many years, " subject to bondage." Rather, knowing that " if the earthly house of this taber- nacle be dissolved, he hath a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens ; he groaneth earnestly, desiring to be clothed upon with that house vFhich is from heaven." He groans to shake offthis house of earth, that mortality may be swallowed up of life ; knowing that God " hath wrought him for the self-same thing ; who hath also given him the earnest of his Spirit." 5. And, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty;" liberty, not only from guiit and fear, but from sin, from that heaviest of all yokes, that basest of all bondage. His kibbur is not now in vain. The snare is broken, and he is delivered. He not only strives, but likewise pre- vails ; he nut only fights, but conquers also. " Henceforth he doth not serve sin," chap, vi, 6, &c. " He is dead unto sin, and alive unto God ;" " sin doth not now reign," even " in his mortal body," nor doth he " obey it in the desires thereof." He does not " yield his members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but as instruments of right eousness unto God." For " being now made free from sin, he is become the servant of righteousness." 6. Thus, " having peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ," " rejoicing in hope of the glory of God," and having power over all sin, over every evil desire, and temper, and word, and work, he is a living witness of the " glorious liberty of the sons of God ;" ail of whom, being partakers of like precious faith, bear record with one voice, " We have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father !" 7. It is this Spirit which continually " worketh in them, both to will and 1o do of his good pleasure." It is he that sheds the love of God abroad in their hearts, and the love of all mankind ; thereby purifying their hearts from the love of the world, from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. It is by him they are delivered from anger and pride, from all vile and inordinate affections. In con- sequence they are delivered from evil words and works, from all unho- liness of conversation ; doing no evil to any child of man, and being zealous of all good works. 8. To sum up all : the natural man neither fears nor loves God ; one under the law, fears, one under grace, loves him. The first has no ligh: in the things of God, but walks in utter darkness ; the second sees the painful light of hell ; the third, the joyous light of heaven. He that sleeps in death, has a false peace : he that is awakened, has no peace at all : he that believes, has true peace; the peace of God filling and luling his heart. The heathen, baptized or unbaptized, hath a fancied liberty, which is indeed licentiousness ; the Jew, or one under the Jewish dispensation is in heavy, grievous bondage ; the Chnstiaju 88 SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. [SERMON IX. enjoys the true glorious liberty of the sons of God. An unawakened child of the devil, sins willingly ; one that is awakened, sins unwillingly ; a child of God sinneth not, but " keepeth himself, and the wicked one toucheth him not." To conclude : the natural man neither conquers nor fights ; the man under the law tights with sin, but cannot conquer *, the man under grace fights and conquers ; yea, is " more than con queror, through him that loveth him." IV. 1. From this plain account of the threefold state of man, the natural , the legal, and the evangelical, it appears that it is not sufficient to divide mankind into sincere and insincere. A man may be sincere in ?ny of these states ; not only when he has the " spirit of adoption," but while he nas the " spirit of bondage unto fear ;" yea, while he has neither this tear, nor love. For undoubtedly there may be sincere heathens, as well as sincere Jews, or Christians. This circumstance, then, does by no means prove that a man is in a state of acceptance with God. Examine yourselves, therefore, not only whether ye are sincere, " but whether ye be in the faith." Examine narrowly, (for it imports you much,) what is the ruling principle in your soul. Is it the love of God ? Is it the fear of God 1 or is it neither one nor the other ? Is it not rather the love of the world ? the love of pleasure 1 or gain ? of ease ? or reputation ? If so, you are not come so far as a Jew. You are hut a heathen still. Have you heaven in your heart 1 Have you the spirit of adoption, ever crying, Abba, Father 1 Or do you cry unto God, as " out of the belly of hell," overwhelmed with sorrow and fear 1 Or are you a stranger to this whole affair, and cannot imagine \vhat I mean ? Heathen, pull off the mask ! Thou hast never put on Christ ! Stand barefaced ! Look up to heaven ; and own before Him that liveth for ever and ever, thou hast no part, either among the sons or servants of God ! Whosoever thou art : dost thou commit sin, or dost thou not ? If thou dost, is it willingly, or unwillingly ? In either case God hath told thee whose thou art : " He that committeth sin is of the devil." If thou committest it willingly, thou art his faithful servant : he will not fail to reward thy labour. If unwillingly ; still thou art his servant God deliver thee out of his hands ! Art thou daily fighting against all sin ? and daily more than con- queror ? I acknowledge thee for a child of God. Oh stand fast in thy glorious liberty ! Art thou fighting, but not .conquering 1 striving foi the mastery, but not able to attain ? Then ihou art not yet a believer in Christ ; but follow on, and thou shalt know the Lord. Art thou not "ighting at all, but leading an easy, indolent, fashionable life ? Oh how hast thou dared to name the name of Christ, only to make it a reproach among the heathen 1 Awake, thou sleeper ! Call upon thy God, before the deep swallow thee up ! 2. Perhaps one reason why so many think of themselves more highly than they ought to think, why they do not discern what state they are in, is, because these several states of soul are often mingled together, and in some measure meet in one and the same person. Thus expe- rience shows, that the legal state, or state of fear, is frequently mixed with the natural ; for few men are so fast asleep in sin, but they are sometimes, more or less, awakened. As the Spirit of God does not SERMON IX.] SPIRIT OF BONDAGE AND ADOPTION. 89 " wait for the call of man," so, at some times, he will be heard. He puts them in fear, so that, for a season at least, the heathen " know themselves to be but men." They feel the burden of sin, and earnestly desire to flee from the wrath to come. But not long : they seldom suffer the arrows of conviction to go deep into their souls ; but quickly stifle the grace of God, and return to their wallowing in the mire. In like manner, the evangelical state, or state of love, is frequently mixed with the legal. For few of those who have the spirit of bondage and fear, remain always without hope. The wise and gracious God rarely suffers this : " for he remembereth that we are but dust ;" and he willeth not that " the flesh should fail before him, or the spirit which he hath made." Therefore, at such times as he seeth good, he gives a dawning of light unto them that sit in darkness. He causes a part of his goodness to pass before them, and shows that he is a " God that heareth the prayer." They see the promise, which is by faith in Christ Jesus, though it be yet afar off; and hereby they are encouraged to " run with patience the race which is set before them." 3. Another reason why many deceive themselves, is, because they do not consider how far a man may go, and yet be in a natural, or, at best, a legal state. A man may be of a compassionate and a benevo- lent temper; he may be affable, courteous, generous, friendly; he may have some degree of meekness, patience, temperance, and of many other moral virtues. He may feel many desires of shaking ofl'all vice, and of attaining higher degrees of virtue. He may abstain from much evil ; perhaps from all that is grossly contrary to justice, mercy, or truth. He may do much good, may feed the hungry, clothe the naked, relieve the widow and fatherless. He may attend public worship, use prayer in private, read many books of devotion ; and yet for all this, he may be a mere natural man, knowing neither himself nor God ; equally a stranger to the spirit of fear and to that of love ; having neither repented, nor believed the gospel. But suppose there were added to all this a deep conviction of sin, with much fear of the wrath of God ; vehement desires to cast off every sin, and to fulfil all righteousness; frequent rejoicing in hope, and touches of love often glancing upon the soul ; yet neither do these prove a man to be under grace, to have true, living, Christian faith, unless the Spirit of adoption abide in his heart, unless he can continually cry, " Abba, Father !" 4. Beware then, thou who art called by the name of Christ, that thou come not short of the mark of thy high calling. Beware thou rest not, either in a natural state, with too many that are accounted good Chris- tians ; or fn a legal state, wherein those who are highly esteemed ol men, are generally content to live and die. Nay, but God hath prepared bolter things for thee, if thou follow on till thou attain. Thou art not called to fear and tremble, like devils, but to rejoice and love, like the angels of God. " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength." Thou shalt " rejoice evermore ;" thou shalt " pray without ceasing ;" thou shalt " in every thing give thanks." Thou shalt do tht, will of God on earth as it is done in heaven. Oh prove thou " what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." Now present thyself " a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God." *' Whereunto thou hast 90 WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMONS X AND XI. already attained, hold fast," by reaching forth unto those things which are before ; until " the God of peace make thee perfect in every good work, working in thee that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Ciirist : to whom be glory for ever and ever ! Ainen 1 " SERMONS X. AND XL The Witness of the Spirit. ANALYSIS I. THE mistakes of enthusiasm on this subject. The mistakes of reason in the opposite direction. I. The nature of the witness. 1. Of our own spirit. It must not supplant the testimony of God's Spirit. Its foundation is laid in the sculptural marks of the child of God. Conscience testifies that we have these marks. Hence assurance that we are children of God. 2. Of God's Spirit. "An inward impression on the soul, whereby the Spirit of God directly witnesses to my spirit, that I am a child of God ; that Jesus Christ hath loved me, and given himself for me ; and that all my sins are blotted out, and I, even I, am reconciled to God." This testimony of God's Spirit precedes that of our own spirit. The Spirit of God operates, even in the testimony of our own spirit. The full assurance is as certain as the truth of Scripture, and the self-evidence of our own conscience ; but based upon a divine evidence communicated super naturally. II. How can this joint testimony be distinguished from the presumption of a natural mind, and from the delusion of the devil. 1. By its antecedents, conviction of sin, and repentance. 2. By the accompanying change. The true witness is followed by humility ; delusion by pride. The true brings fruits of holiness, the false indulges sin. 3. To conscience rightly disposed the true witness is self- evidencing. SERMON X AND XI. | WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. 91 4. The consciousness of the fruits in the testimony of our own spirit assures us that we have not mistaken the voice of the Divine Spirit. ANALYSIS II. I. THE importance of the doctrine. Danger of enthusiasm and formality. The peculiar testimony of Methodism. II. What is the witness of the Spirit. A testimony given by the Spirit, to the fact of our sonship, followed by the fruits. Definition repeated, with addition of the word im- mediately. Not by an outward voice ; nor always by an inward voice ; nor always by a passage of Scripture ; but in his own way producing clear satisfaction that God is reconciled. All are agreed that tl.ere is a witness, that there is an indirect witness, and that the witness is never without the fruits. But some question whether there be a direct witness of the Spirit ? III. Proof that there is a direct witness. 1. From the plain sense of Scripture, Kom, viii. 16 and also 15 ; Gal. iv. 6. 2. From the necessity of the case. 3. From the experience of God's children. IV. Objections. 1. To the proof from experience. A. This only confirms Scripture. At times the only means of assurance. 2. It does not prove the genuineness of our profession. A. It is not given to assure others, but ourselves, and pre- cedes all profession. 3. The " Holy Spirit " and " good gifts " are identical. A. This is irrelevant. 4 The Scripture refers to the fruits, &c. A. Certainly, but does not deny direct witness. 5. It does not secure us from delusion. A. The combined testimony does. 6. It is not unnecessary. 7. False professors should not discredit it. V. Summary. Two practical inferences. 92 WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMON X. AND XI. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. Mr. Wesley considered the doctrine of assurance, and especially that of the direct witness, to be of supreme importance. While not asserting that assurance was necessary to the Divine favour or to final salvation in those who are ignorant of the Gospel privilege, he considers that it is so to all to whom it is preached ; and that inward and outward holiness cannot be attained without it. This doctrine he first learned from the Moravians, especially the fact that this assurance may be communicated in a moment. Of the Scriptural authority of this teaching he soon satisfied himself, and, a few weeks after, he had the satisfaction of proving it in his own experience. In the subsequent conflicts of Methodism, no doctrine was more con- troverted than this one of a direct assurance by the Holy Spirit, received instantaneously. The doctrine of assurance was not denied. But it was denied that this assurance was other than a reasonable con- clusion, drawn from observation and consciousness of the fruits of regeneration. It was specially denied that it was the result of an immediate or direct divine communication, and that it was instantaneously given. This controversy seems to have led Mr. Wesley to a more than xisually exhaustive and careful investigation of this subject. He tells us " I am acquainted with more than twelve or thirteen hundred per- sons, whom I believe to be truly pious, and not on slight grounds, and who have severally testified to me with their own mouths that they do know the day when the love of God was first shed abroad in their hearts, and when his Spirit first witnessed with their spirits, that they were the children of God." This shows us how strong to Mr. Wesley's own mind was the argument from " the experience of Christians." In reply to the objection of his opponents we find him quoting the following Christian writers as attesting the same doctrine : Chrysostom, Origen, Athanasius, and Augustine; the passages from the two last writers being particularly explicit and strong. Again, he refers to the testimony of St. Bernard, and to that of Luther and Malancthon, on the same point ; and finally he quotes, in the " Farther Appeal," at large from the Liturgy and Homilies of the Church of England, as well as from Bishop Pearson and others in defence of his doctrine. These and other quotations will be found in full in Prests' Treatise on the Witness of the Spirit. These investigations made it evident to Mr. Wesley *and to all his followers, that the doctrine of a direct witness of the Holy Spirit has been a part of the faith of the most holy of God's people in all ages. One of the most difficult points in the definition of the direct witness, is the distinction between the act of faith and the witness. Mr. Wesley held that faith had in itself something of the Divine assurance. All his definitions of faith given in the preceding sermons imply this. Yet, he admits in one of his controversial letters, that " a conviction that we are justified cannot be implied in justifying faith." Perhaps his clearest statement on this point is to be found in the doctrinal minutes already quoted : " A sinner is convinced by the Holy Ghost, t ' Christ loved me, and gave himself for me.' This is that faith by which* he is justified or pardoned, the moment he receives it. Immediately the same Spirit bears witness, ' Thou art pardoned ; thou hast redemption in his bloo'l.' And this is saving faith whereby the love of God is shed abroad in his heart." From this and other like passages we may deduce the following summary : 1. Faith has in it divine assurance, and all assurance springs from God-given faith. SERMONS X. AND XI.] WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. 93 2. Justifying faith is a personal divine assurance of the provision of salvation in Christ for me. 3. The witness is personal divine assurance of the possession of that salvation by me. 4. Abiding saving faith grows out of and includes the witness, as the justifying act of faith preceded it. DISCOURSE I. " The Spirit itself heareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Rom. viii. 16. 1. How many vain men, not understanding what they spake, neither whereof they affirmed, have wrested this scripture to the great loss, if not Uie destruction, of their souls ? How many have mistaken the voice of their own imagination for this " witness of the Spirit of God," and thence idly presumed, they were the children of God, while they were doing the works of the devil ? These are truly and properly enthusiasts ; and, indeed, in the worst sense of the word. But with what difficulty are they convinced thereof, especially, if they have drank deep into that spirit of error ! All endeavours to bring them into the knowledge of themselves, they will then account fighting against God ; and that vehemence and impetuosity of spirit, which they call "contending earnestly for the faith," sets them so far above all the usual methods of conviction, that we may well say, " with men it is impossible." 2. Who can then be surprised, if many reasonable men, seeing the dreadful effects of this delusion, and labouring to keep at the utmost distance from it, should sometimes lean towards another extreme ? II they are not forward to believe any who speak of having this witness, concerning which others hai r e so grievously erred ? If they are almost ready to set all down for enthusiasts, who use the expressions which have been so terribly abused ? Yea, if they should question, whether the witness or testimony here spoken of, be the privilege of ordinary Christians, and not rather, one of those extraordinary gifts, which they suppose belonged only to the apostolic age. 3. But is there any necessity laid upon us, of running either into one extreme or the other ? May we not steer a middle course, keep a sufficient distance from the spirit of eiror and enthusiasm, without denying the gift of God, and giving up the great privilege of his chil- dren ? Surely we may. In order thereto, let us consider in the presence and fear of God, First, What is this witness or testimony of our spirit ; what is the testimony of God's Spirit ; and, how does he " bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of God ?" Secondly, How is this joint testimony of God's Spirit and our own, clearly and solidly distinguished from the presumption of a natural mind, and from the delusion of the devil ? I. 1. Let us first consider, What is the witness or testimony of oui spirit. But here I cannot but desire all those who are for swallowing up the testimony of the Spirit of God, in the rational testimony of out own spirit, to observe, that in this text the apostle is so far from speak ing of the testimony of our own spirit only, that it may be questioned 94 WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMONS X. AND XI. whether he speaks of it at all, whether he does not speak only of the testimony of God's Spirit 1 It does not appear, but the original text may be fairly understood thus. The apostle had just said, in the pre- ceding verse, "Ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father ;" and immediately subjoins, AUTO TO Tveu/xa (some copies read, TO OCUTO TVSUJLUX) tfufifjuapTupsi TCJ *vsu,acyTi v^awv, OTI stf/xsv ex : which may be translated, " The same Spirit beareth witne?.'- to our spirit, that we are the children of God." (The preposition auv only denoting, that he witnesses this at the same time that he enables us to cry, Abba, Father.) But I contend not ; seeing so many other texts, with the experience of all real Christians, sufficiently evince, that there is in every believer, both the testimony of God's Spirit, and the testi- mony of his own, that he is a child of God. 2. With regard to the latter, the foundation thereof is laid in those numerous texts of Scripture, which describe the marks of the children of God, and that so plainly, that he which runneth may read them. These are also collected together, and placed in the strongest light, by many both ancient and modern writers. If any need farther light, he may receive it by attending on the ministry of God's word ; by medi- tating thereon before God in secret ; and by conversing with those who have the knowledge of his ways. And by the reason or understanding that God has given him, which religion was designed not to extinguish, but to perfect ; according to that of the apostle, " Brethren, be not children in understanding ; in malice [or wickedness] be ye children ; but in understanding be ye men ;" 1 Cor. xiv, 20 ; every man apply- ing those scriptural marks to himself, may know whether he is a child of God. Thus, if he know, first, " As many as are led by the Spirit oi God," into all holy tempers and actions, " they are the sons of God ;' (for which he has the infallible assurance of holy writ ;) secondly, J am thus " led by the Spirit of God ;" he will easily conclude, there- fore I am a son of God. 3. Agreeable to this are all those plain declarations of St. John in his first epistle; " Hereby we know, that we do know him, if we keep his commandments," chap, ii, 3. " Whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected : hereby know we that we are in him ;" that we are indeed the children of God, ver. 5. " If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him," ver. 29. " We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren," chap, iii, 14. " Hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him," ver. 19 ; namely, because we " love one another, not in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." "Hereby we know that we dwell in him, because he hath given us of his [loving] Spirit," chap iv, 13 And, " Hereby we know that he abideth in us by the [obedient] Spim which he hath given us," chap, iii, 24. 4. It is highly probable, there never were any children of God, from the beginning of the world unto this day, who were farther advanced in the grace of God, and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, than the apostle John at the time when he wrote these words, and the fathers in Christ to whom he wrote. Notwithstanding which, it is evident, both the apostle himself, and all those pillars in God's temple, were very far from despising these marks of their being the children o/ SEHMOXS X AND XI.] WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. 95 God ; and that they applied them to their own souls for the confirmation of their faith. Yet all this is no other than rational evidence, the witness*of our spirit, our reason or understanding. It all resolves into this : Those who have these marks are the children of God : but we have these marks : therefore we are children of God. 5. But how does it appear that we have these marks 7 This is a question which still remains. How does it appear that we do love God and our neighbour, and that we keep his commandments? Observe, that the meaning of the question is, How does it appear to ourselves J (ncH to others.) I would ask him, then, that proposes this question, How does it appear to you, that you are alive ? And that you are now in ease, and not in pain ? Are you not immediately conscious of it 1 By the same immediate consciousness, you will know if your soul is alive to God ; if you are saved from the pain of proud wrath, and have the ease of a meek and quiet spirit. By the same means you cannot but perceive if you love, rejoice, and delight in God. By the same you must be directly assured, if you love your neighbour as yourself; if you are kindly affectioned to all mankind, and full of gentleness and long suffering. And with regard to the outward mark of the children of God, which is, according to St. John, the keeping his command- ments, you undoubtedly know in your own breast, if, by the grace of God, it belongs to you. Your conscience informs you, from day to day, if you do not take the name of God within your lips, unless with seriousness and devotion, with reverence and godly fear ; if you remember the sabbath day to keep it holy ; if you honour your father and mother ; if you do to all as you would they should do unto you ; if you possess your body in sanctification and honour ; and if, whether you eat or drink, you are temperate therein, and do all to the glory of God. 6. Now this is properly the testimony of our own spirit ; even the testimony of our own conscience, that God hath given us to be holy of heart, and holy in outward conversation. It is a consciousness of our having received, in and by the spirit of adoption, the tempers mentioned in the word of God, as belonging to his adopted children ; even a loving heart towards God, and towards all mankind ; hanging with childlike confidence on God our Father, desiring nothing but him, casting all our care upon him, and embracing every child of man with earnest, tender affection ; so as to be ready to lay down our life for our brother, as Christ laid down his life for us: a consciousness, that we are inwardly conformed, by the Spirit of God, to the image of his Son, and that we walk before him in justice, mercy, and truth, doing the things which are pleasing in his sight. 7. But what is that testimony of God's Spirit, which is superadded to and conjoined with this 7 How does he " bear witness with om spirit that we are the children of God 7" It is hard to find words in the language of men to explain " the deep things of God." Indeed, there are none that will adequately express what the children of God expe- rience. But perhaps one might say, (desiring any who are taught of God, to correct, to soften, or strengthen the expression,) the testimony of the Spirit is an inward impression on the soul, whereby the Spirit of God directly witnesses to my spirit, that I am a child of God ; that Jesus Christ hath loved me, and given himself for me ; and that all my sins are blotted out, and 1, even I, am reconciled to God. 96 WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMONS X. AND XI. 8. That this testimony of the Spirit of God must needs, in the very nature of things, be antecedent to the testimony of our own spirit, may appear from this single consideration : we must be holy of heart, and holy in life, before we can be conscious that we are so ; before we can have the testimony of our spirit that we are inwardly and outwardly holy. But we must love God. before ve can be holy at all ; this being the root of all holiness. Now we cannot love God, till we know he loves us " We love him, because he first loved us." And we cannot know his pardoning love to us, till his Spirit witnesses it to our spirit. Since, therefore, this testimony of his Spirit must precede the love of God and all holiness, of consequence it must precede our inward consciousness thereof, or the testimony of our spirit concerning them. 9. Then, and not till then when the Spirit of God beareth that witness to our spirit, " God hath loved thee, and given his own Son to be the propitiation for thy sins ; the Son of God hath loved thee, and hath washed thee from thy sins in his blood ;" " we love God, because he first loved us ;"and, for his sake, we love, our brother also. And of this we cannot but be conscious to ourselves : we " know the things that are freely given to us of God." We know that we love God and keep his commandments ; and " hereby also we know that we are of God." This is that testimony of our own spirit, which, so long as we continue to love God and keep his commandments, continues joined with the lestimony of God's Spirit, " that we are the children of God." 10. Not that I would by any means be understood, by any thing which has been spoken 'concerning it, to exclude the operation of the Spirit of God, even from the testimony of our own spirit. In no wise. It is he that not only worketh in us every manner of thing that is good, but also shines upon his own work, and clearly shows what he has wrought. Accordingly, this is spoken of by St. Paul, as one great end of our receiving the Spirit, " That we may know the things which are freely given to us of God :" that he may strengthen the testimony oi our conscience, touching our " simplicity and godly sincerity ;" and give us to discern, in a fuller and stronger light, that we now do the things which please him. 11. Should it still be inquired, How does the Spirit of God "bear witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God," so as to exclude all doubt, and evince the reality of our sonship, the answer is clear from what has been observed above. And first, as to the witness of our spirit : The soul as intimately and evidently perceives when it loves, delights, and rejoices in God, as when it loves and delights in any thing on earth. And it can no more doubt, whether it loves, delights, and rejoices or no, than whether it exists or no. If, therefore, this be just reasoning, Fie that now loves God, that delights and rejoices in him with an humble joy, and holy delight, and an obedient love, is a child of God : But I thus love, delight, and rejoice in God ; Therefore, I am a child of God : Then a Christian can in no wise doubt of his being a child of God. Of the former proposition he has as full an assurance as he has that the Scriptures am of God ; and of his thus loving God, he has an inward proof, which M nothing short of self evidence. Thus, the testimony of our own spirit is with the most intimate conviction manifested to onr SERMONS X. AND XI.] WITNESS OF THE SPIBIT. 97 hearts, in such a manner, as beyond all reasonable doubt to evince the reality of our sonship. 12. The manner how the divine testimony is manifested to the heart, f do not take upon me to explain. Such knowledge is too wonderful and excellent for me : I cannot attain unto it. The wind bloweth, and I hear the sound thereof; but I cannot tell how it cometh, or whither it goeth. As no one knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of a man that is in him ; so the manner of the things of God knoweth no one, save the Spirit of God. But the fact we know ; namely, that the Spirit of God does give a believer such a testimony of his adoption, that while it is present to the soul, he can no more doubt the reality of his sonship, than he can doubt of the shining of the sun, while he stands in the full blaze of his beams. II. 1. How this joint testimony of God's Spirit and our spirit, may be clearly and solidly distinguished from the presumption of a natural mind, and from the delusion of the devil, is the next thing to be con sidered. And it highly imports all who desire the salvation of God, to consider it with the deepest attention, as they would not deceive their own souls. An error in this is generally observed to have the most fatal consequences ; the rather, because he that errs, seldom discovers hie mistake, till it is too late to remedy it. 2. And first, how is this testimony to be distinguished from the pro sumption of a natural mind ? It is certain, one who wus never con- vinced of sin, is always ready to flatter himself, and to think of himself, especially in spiritual things, more highly than he ought to think. And hence, it is in no wise strange, if one, who is vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, when he hears of this privilege of true Christians, among whom he undoubtedly ranks himself, should soon work himself up into a persuasion that he is already possessed thereof. Such in- stances now abound in the world, and have abounded in all ages, flow then may the real testimony of the Spirit with our spirit, be distin guished from this damning presumption ? 3. I answer, the Holy Scriptures aoound with marks, whereby the one may be distinguished from the other. They describe, in the plainest manner, the circumstances which go before, which accompany, and which follow, the true, genuine testimony of the Spirit of God with the spirit of a believer. Whoever carefully weighs and attends to these will not need to put darkness for light. He will perceive so wide a difference, with respect to all these, between the real and the pretended witness of the Spirit, that there will be no danger, I might say, no pos- sibility, of confounding the one with the other. 4. By these, one who vainly presumes on the gift of God might surely know, if he really desired it, that he hath been hitherto " given up to a strong delusion," and suffered to believe a lie. For the Scriptures lay down those clear, obvious marks, as preceding, accompanying, and following that gift, which a little reflection would convince him, beyond all doubt, were never found in his soul. For instance, the Scripture describes repentance, or conviction of sin, as constantly going before this witness of pardon. So, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," Matt, iii, 2. " Repent ye, and believe the gospel," Mark i, 15. " Repent, and be baptized every one of you, for the remission of sins," Acts ii, 38. " Repent ve therefore and be converted, that your sins 98 WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMONS X. AND XI. may be blotted out," Acts iii, 19. In conformity whereto, onr church also continually places repentance before pardon, or the witness of it. " He pardoneth and absolveth ail them that truly repent, and unfeign ediy believe his holy gospel," " Almighty God hath promised for- giveness of sins to all them, who, with hearty repentance and true faith, turn unto him." But he is a stranger even to this repentance : he hath never known a broken and a contrite heart : " the remembrance of his sins'' was never " grievous unto him," nor " the burden of them intolerable." In repeating those words, he never meant what he said ; he merely paid a compliment to God. And were it only from the want of this previous work of God, he hath too great reason to believe, that lie hath grasped a mere shadow, and never yet known the real privilege of the sons of God. 5. Again, the Scriptures describe the being born of God, which must precede the witness that we are his children, as a vast and mighty change ; a change " from darkness to light," as well as " from the power of Satan unto God ;" as a " passing from death unto life," a resurrection from the dead. Thus the apostle to the Ephesians ; " You hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins,"' chap, ii, 1 And again," When we were dead in sins, he hath quickened us together with Christ ; and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus," ver. 5, 6. But what knoweth he, concerning whom we now speak, of any such change as this 1 He is altogether unacquainted with this v/hole matter. This is a language which he does not understand. He tells you, " He always was a Chris tian. He knows no time when he had need of such a change." By this also, if he give himself leave to think, may he know, that he is not born of the Spirit ; that he has never yet known God ; but has mistaken the voice of nature for the voice of God. (i. But waiving the consideration of whatever he has or has not ex- perienced in time past ; by the present marks may we easily distinguish a child of God from a presumptuous self deceiver. The Scriptures describe that joy in the Lord which accompanies the witness of his Spirit, as an humble joy, a joy that abases to the dust ; that makes a par- doned sinner cry out, " I am vile ! What am I, or my father's house ? Now mine eye seeth Thee, 1 abhor myself in dust and ashes !" And wherever lowliness is, there is meekness, patience, gentleness, long suffering. There is a soft, yielding spirit ; a mildness and sweetness, a tenderness of soul, which words cannot express. But do these fruits attend that supposed testimony of the Spirit, in a presumptuous man ? Just the reverse. The more confident he is of the favour of God, the more is he lifted up ; the more does he exalt himself; the more haughty and assuming is his whole behaviour. The stronger witness he ima- gines himself to have, the more overbearing is he to all around him ; the more incapable of receiving any reproof; the more impatient of contradiction. Instead of being more meek, and gentle, and teachable, more " swift, to hear, and slow to speak," he is more slow to hear, and swift to speak ; more unready to learn of any one ; more fiery and vehement in his temper, and eager in his conversation. Yea, perhaps, there will sometimes appear a kind of fierceness in his air, his manner of speaking, his whole deportment, as if he were just going to take the matter out of God's hands, and himself to " devour the adversaries. SKRMONS X. AND XI.] WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. 99 7. Once more : the Scriptures teach, " This is the love of God," the sure mark thereof, "that we keep his commandments," 1 John v, 3. And our Lord himself saith, " He that keepeth my commandments, he it is that loveth me," John xiv, 21. Love rejoices to obey; to do, in every point, whatever is acceptable to the Beloved. A true lover of God hastens to do his will on earth as it is done in heaven. But is thia the character of the presumptuous pretender to the love of God ? Nay but his love gives him a liberty to disobey, to break, not keep, the com- mandments of God. Perhaps, when he was in fear of the wrath of God, he did labour to do his will. But now, looking on himself as " not under the law," he thinks he is no longer obliged to observe it. He is therefore less zealous of good works ; less careful to abstain from evil ; less watchful over his own heart ; less jealous over his tongue. He is less earnest to deny himself, and to take up his cross daily. In a word, the whole form of his life is changed, since he has fancied himself to be at liberty. He is no longer " exercising himself unto godliness ;" " wrestling not only with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers," enduring hardships, " agonizing to enter in at the strait gate." No ; he has found an easier way to heaven ; a broad, smooth, flowery path ^ in which he can say to his soul, " Soul, take thy ease ; eat, drink, and be merry." It follows with undeniable evidence, that he has not the true testimony of his own spirit. He cannot be conscious of having those marks which he hath not ; that lowliness, meekness, and obedi- ence : nor yet can the Spirit of the God of Truth bear witness to a lie ; or testify that he is a child of God, when he is manifestly a child of the devil. 8. Discover thyself, thou poor self-deceiver! thou who art confident of being a child of God ; thou who sayest, " 1 have the witness iu myself," and therefore defiest all thy enemies. Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting ; even in the balance of the sanctuary. The word of the Lord hath tried thy soul, and proved thee to be reprobate silver. Thou art not lowly of heart ; therefore thou hast not received the Spirit of Jesus unto this day. Thou art not gentle and meek ; therefore thy joy is nothing worth : it is not joy in the Lord. Thou dost not keep his commandments ; therefore thou lovest him not, neither art thou par- taker of the Holy Ghost. It is consequently as certain and as evident as the oracles of God can make it, his Spirit does not bear witness with thy spirit that thou art a child of God. Oh cry unto him that the scales may fall offthine eyes ; that thou mayest know thyself as thou art known ; that thou mayest receive the sentence of death in thyself, till thou hear the voice that raises the dead, saying, " Be of good cheer : thy sins are forgiven ; thy faith hath made thee whole." 9. " But how may one who has the real witness in himself distinguish it from presumption ?" How, I pray, do you distinguish day from night? How do you distinguish light from darkness ; or the light of a star, or a glimmering taper, from the light of the noonday sun ? Is there not an inherent, obvious, essential difference between the one and the other? And do you not immediately and directly perceive that difference, pro- vided your senses are rightly disposed ? In like manner, there is an inherent, essential difference between spiritual light and spiritual dark- ness ; and between the light wherewith the Sun of righteousness shines upon our heart, and that glimmering light which arises only from " sparks 100 WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMONS X. AND XI. of our own kindling:" and this difference also is immediately and di'^ct- ly perceived if our spiritual senses are rightly disposed. 10. To require a more minute and philosophical account of the man ner whereby we distinguish these, and of frhe criteria, or intrinsic marks, whereby we know the voice of God, is tj> make a demand which can never be answered ; no, not by one who has the deepest knowledge of God. Suppose when Paul answered before Agrippa, the wise Roman had said, " Thou talkest of hearing the voice of the Son of God. How dost thou know it was his voice ? By what criteria, what intrinsic marks, dost thou know the voice of God 1 Explain to me the manner of distin- guishing this from a human or angelic voice 1" Can you believe, the apostle himself would have once attempted to answer so idle a demand ? And yet, doubtless, the moment he heard that voice, he knew it was the voice of God. But how he knew this, who is able to explain? Perhaps neither man nor angel. 1 1. To come yet closer : suppose God were now to speak to any soul, " Thy sins are forgiven thee," he must be willing that soul should know his voice : otherwise he would speak in vain. And he is able to effect this ; for, whenever he wills, to do is present with him. And he does effect it : that soul is absolutely assured, " this voice is the voice of God." But yet he who hath that witness in himself, cannot explain it to one who hath it not : nor indeed is it to be expected that he should. Were there any natural medium to prove, or natural method to explain, the things of God to unexperienced men, then the natural man might discern and know the things of the Spirit of God. But this is utterly contrary to the assertion of the apostle, that " he cannot know them, because they are spiritually discerned ;" even by spiritual senses, which the natural man hath not. 12. " But how shall I know that my spiritual senses are rightly dis posed 1" This also is a question of vast importance ; for if a man mis- take in this, he may run on in endless error and delusion. " And how am I assured that this is not my case ; and that I do not mistake the voice of the Spirit 1" Even by the testimony of your own spirit ; by " the an- swer of a good conscience towards God." By the fruits which he hath wrought in your spirit, you shall know the testimony of the Spirit of God. Hereby you shall know, that you are in no delusion, that you have not deceived your own soul. The immediate fruits of the Spirit, ruling in the heart, are " love, joy, peace, bowels of mercies, humbleness of mind, meekness, gentleness, long suffering." And the outward fruits are, the doing good to all men ; the doing no evil to any ; and the walking in the light, a zealous, uniform obedience to all the commandments of God. 13. By the same fruits shall you distinguish this voice of God, from any delusion of the devil. That proud spirit cannot humble thee befon; God. He neither can nor would soften thy heart, and melt it first into earnest mourning after God, and then into filial love. It is not the adversary of God and man, that enables thee to love thy neighbour ; or to put on meekness, gentleness, patience, temperance, and the whole armour of God. He is not divided against himself, or a destroyer of siu, his own work. No ; it is none but the Son of God who cometh " to destroy the works of the devil." As surely therefore as holiness is of (Jod, and as sin is the work of the devil, so surely the witness thou hasi in thyself is not of Satan, but ol God. SERMONS X. AND XI.] WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. 101 14. Well then mayest thou say, " Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift !" Thanks be unto God, who giveth me to " know in whom I have believed ;" who hath " sent forth the Spirit of Ins Son into my heart, crying, Abba, Father," and even now, " bearing witness with my spirit that I am a child of God !" And see, that not only thy lips, but thy life, show forth his praise. He hath sealed thee for his own ; glorify him then in thy body and thy spirit, which are his. Be. Joved, if thou hast this hope in thyself, purify thyself as he is pure. Whiie thou beholdest what manner of love the Father hath given thee, that thou shouldest be called a child of God ; cleanse thyself" from all filthincss of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God ;" and let all thy thoughts, words, and works be a spiritual sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God through Christ Jesus ! DISCOURSE II. " The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Horn. viii. 16. 1. 1. NONE who believe the Scriptures to be the word of God, can doubt the importance of such a truth as this ; a truth revealed therein, not once only, not obscurely, not incidentally ; but frequently, and that in express terms ; but solemnly and of set purpose, as denoting one of the peculiar privileges of the children of God. 2. And it is the more necessary to explain and defend this truth, because there is a danger on the right hand and on the left. If we deny it, there is a danger lest our religion degenerate into mere formality : lest, " having a form of godliness," we neglect, if not " deny the power of it." If we allow it, but do not understand what we allow, we are liable to run into all the wildness of enthusiasm. It is therefore needful, in the highest degree, to guard those who fear God from both these dangers, by a scriptural and rational illustration and confirmation of this momentous truth. 3. It may seem, something of this kind is the more needful, because so little has been wrote on the subject with any clearness ; unless some discourses on the wrong side of the question, which explain it quite away. And it cannot be doubted, but these were occasioned at least in a great measure, by the crude, unscriptural, irrational explication of others, who " knew not what they spake, nor whereof they affirmed." 4. It more nearly concerns the Methodists, so called, clearly to under- stand, explain, and defend this doctrine ; because it is one grand part of the testimony, wbich God has given them to bear to all mankind. It is by his peculiar blessing upon them in searching the Scriptures, con- firmed by the experience of his children, that this great evangelical truth has been recovered, which had been for many years well nigh lost and forgotten. II. 1. But what is the witness of the Spirit? The original word (xaprvpia, may be rendered either (as it is in several places) the witness, or less ambiguously, the testimony, or the record: so it is rendered in 'our translation, 1 John v, 11, " This is the record," [the testimony, the sum of what God testifies in all the inspired writings,] " that God hath 102 WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. [SERMONS X. AND XI. given unto us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1 ' The testimony now under consideration is given by the Spirit of God to and with our spirit : he is the person testifying. What he testifies to us is, " that we are the children of God." The immediate result of this testimony is, " the fruit of the Spirit ;" namely, " love, joy, peace, long suffering, gen- tleness, goodness:" and without these, the testimony itself cannot con- tinue. For it is inevitably destroyed, not only by the commission of any outward sin, or the omission of known duty, but by giving way to any inward sin ; in a word, by whatever grieves the Holy Spirit of God. 2. I observed many years ago, " It is hard to find words in the lan- guage of men, to explain the deep things of God. Indeed there are none that will adequately express what the Spirit of God works in his children. But perhaps one might say, (desiring any who are taught of God, to correct, soften, or strengthen the expression,) by the testimony of the Spirit, I mean, an inward impression on the soul, whereby the Spirit of God immediately and directly witnesses to my spirit, that I am a child of God ; that Jesus Christ hath loved me, and given hirnseH for me ; that all my sins are blotted out, and I, even I, am reconciled to God." ,. 3. After twenty years' farther consideration, I see no cause to retract any part of this. Neither do I conceive how any of these expressions may be altered, so as to make them more intelligible. I can only add, that if any of the children of God will point out any other expressions, which are more clear or more agreeable to the word of God, I will readily lay these aside. 4. Meantime let it be observed, I do not mean hereby, that the Spirit of God testifies this by any outward voice ; no, nor always by an inward voice, although he may do this sometimes. Neither do I suppose, that ho always applies to the heart, (though he often may,) one or more texts of Scripture. But he so works upon the soul by his immediate influence, and by a strong, though inexplicable operation, that the stormy wind and troubled waves subside, and there is a sweet calm ; the heart resting as in the arms of Jesus, and the sinner being clearly satisfied that God is reconciled, that all his " iniquities are forgiven, and his sins covered." 5. Now what is the matter of dispute concerning this ? Not whether there be a witness or testimony of the Spirit 1 Not whether the Spirit does testify with our spirit, that we are the children of God 1 None can deny this, without flatly contradicting the Scriptures, and charging a lie upon the God of truth. Therefore that there is a testimony of the Spirit, is acknowledged by all parties. 6. Neither is it questioned, whether there is an indirect witness, or testimony, that we are the children of God. This is nearly, if not exactly, the same with the testimony of a good conscience towards God ; and is the result of reason, or reflection on what we feel in our own souls. Strictly speaking it is a conclusion drawn partly from the word of God, and partly from our own experience. The word of God says, every ono who has the fruit of the Spirit is a child of God ; experience, or inward consciousness, tells me, that I have the fruit of the Spirit ; and hence I rationally conclude, therefore I am a child of God. This is likewise allowed on all hands, and so is no matter of controversy. 7. Nor do we assert, that there can be any real testimony <>f the Spirit without the fruit of the Spirit. We assert, on the contniry, that the SERMONS X. AND XI.] WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. 103 fruit of the Spirit immediately springs from this testimony ; not always indeed in the same degree, even when the testimony is first given ; and much less afterwards. Neither joy nor peace is always at one stay ; no. nor love; as neither is the testimony itself always equally strong and clear 8. But the point in question is, Whether there be any direct testimony of the Spirit at all? Whether there be any other testimony of the Spiiit, than that which arises from a consciousness of the fruit? III. 1. I believe there is ; because that is the plain, natural meaning ol the text, " The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." It is manifest, here are two witnesses mentioned, who together testify the same thing ; the Spirit of God, and our own 'spirit. The late Bishop of London, in his sermon on this text, seems asto- nished that any one can doubt of this, which appears upon the very face of the words. Now, " The testimony of our own spirit (says the Bishop) is one, which is the consciousness of our own sincerity ;" or to express the same thing a little more clearly, the consciousness of the fruit of the Spirit. When our spirit is conscious of this, of love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, it easily infers from these premises, that we are the children of God. 2. It is true, that great man supposes the other witness to be, " The consciousness of our own good works." This, he affirms, is the testi mony of God's Spirit. But this is included in the testimony of our own spirit ; yea, and in sincerity, even according to the common sense of the word. So the apostle, " Our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity we have had our conversation in the world :" where it is plain, sincerity refers to our words and actions, at least as much as to our inward dispositions. So that this is not another witness, but the very same that he mentioned before ; the consciousness of our good works being only one branch of the consciousness of our sincerity. Consequently here is only one witness still. If therefore the text speaks of two witnesses ; one of these is not the consciousness of our good works ; neither of our sin- cerity; all this being manifestly contained in the testimony of our spirit. 3. What then is the other witness ? This might easily be learned, if the text itself were not sufficiently clear, from the verse immediately preceding: "Ye have received, not the spirit of bondage, but the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." It follows, " The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." 4. This is farther explained by the parallel text, Gal. iv, 6, " Because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." Is not this something immediate and direrf, not the result of reflection or argumentation ? Does not this Spirit cry, " Abba, Father," in our hearts the moment it is given, antecedently co any reflection upon our sincerity ; yea, to any reasoning whatsoever ? And is not this the plain natural sense of the words, which strikes any one as soon as he hears them ? All these texts then, in their most obvious meaning, describe a direct testimony of the Spirit. 5. That ihe testimony of the Spirit of God, must, in the very nature of things, be antecedent to the testimony of our own spirit, may aopear from this single consideration : We must be holy in heart and life, before we can be conscious that we are so. But we must love God 104 WITNESS OF THF SPIRIT. [SERMONS X. AND XI. before we can be holy at all, this being the root of all holiness. Now we cannot love God, till we know he loves us : " We love him because he first loved us :" and we cannot know his love to us, till his Spirit witnesses it to our spirit. Till then we cannot believe it ; we cannot say, " The life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." " Then, only then we feel Our interest in his blood, And cry with joy unspeakable, Thou art my Lord, my God." Since, therefore, the testimony of his Spirit must precede the love of God, and all holiness, of consequence it must precede our consciousness thereof. 6. And here properly comes in, to confirm this scriptural doctrine, the experience of the children of God ; the experience not of two or tnree, not of a few, but of a great multitude which no man can number. ft has been confirmed, both in this and in all" ages, by a cloud of living and dying witnesses. It is confirmed by your experience and mine. The Spirit itself bore witness to my spirit, that I was a child of God, gave me an evidence hereof, and I immediately cried, Abba, Father ! And this I did, (and so did you,) before I reflected on, or was conscious of, any fruit of the Spirit. It was from this testimony received, that love, joy, peace, and the whole fruit of the Spirit flowed. First I heard, " Thy sins are forgiven ! Accepted thou art ! I listen'd, and heaven sprung up in my heart." 7. But this is confirmed, not only by the experience of the children of God ; thousands of whom can declare, that they never did know themselves to be in the favour of God, till it was directly witnessed to them by his Spirit ; but by aM those who are convinced of sin, who feel the wrath of God abiding on them. These cannot be satisfied with any thing less than a direct testimony from his Spirit, that he is ' merciful to their unrighteousness, and remembers their sins and ini- quities no more." Tell any of these, " You are to know you are a child, by reflecting on what he has wrought in you, on your love, joy, and peace ;" and will he not immediately reply, " By all this I know 1 am a child of the devil. I have no more love to God than the devil has : my carnal mind is enmity against God. I have no joy in the Holy Ghost : my soul is sorrowful even unto death. I have no peace : my heart is a troubled sea : I am all storm and tempest." And which way can these souls possibly be comforted, but by a divine testimony (not that they are good, or sincere, or conformable to the Scripture in heart and life, but) that Godjustijieth the ungodly 1 him that, till the moment he is justified, is all ungodly, void of all true holiness ; " him that worketh not," that worketh nothing that is truly good, till he is con- scious that he is accepted, " not for (any) works of righteousness which he hath done/' but by the mere, free mercy of God ; wholly and solely, for what the Son of God hath done and suffered for him. And can it be any otherwise, if " a man is justified by faith, without the works of the law ?" If so, what inward or outward goodness can he be conscious of, antecedent to his justification ? Nay, is not the having nothing to pay, that is, the being conscious that "there dwelleth in us no good thing," neither inward nor outward goodness, essentially, indispensably neces- SERMONS X. AND XI.] WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. 105 sary, before we can be " justified freely, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ 1" Was ever any man justified since his coming into the world, or can any man ever be justified, till he is brought to that point, " I give up every plea beside Lord, I am danm'd ; But thou has died ?" 8. Every one therefore who denies the existence of such a testimony, does in effect deny justification by faith. It follows, that either he never experienced this, either he never was justified, or that he has forgotten, as St. Peter speaks, rs xaSa^iu'n.x v, Rom. ii, 14, 15. But the Christian rule of right and wrong is the word of God, the writings of the Old and New Testament ; all that the prophets and " holy men of old" wrote " as they were moved by the Holy Ghost ;" all that Scriptuie which was given by inspiration of God. and which is indeed profitable for doctrine, or teaching the whole will of God ; for reproof of what i? contrary thereto ; for correction of error, and for instruction, or training us up in righteousness, 2 Tim. iii, 16. This is a lantern unto a Christian's feet, and a light in all his paths. This alone he receives as his rule of right or wrong, of whatever is really good or evil. He esteems nothing good, but what is here enjoined either directly or by plain consequence ; he accounts nothing evil but what is here forbidden, either in terms, or by undeniable inference. Whatever the Scripture neither forbids nor enjoins, either directly 01 by plain consequence, he believes to be of an indifferent nature ; to be in itself neither good nor evil ; this being the whole and sole outward rule whereby his conscience is to be directed in all things. 7. And if it be directed thereby, in fact, then hath he "the answer of a good conscience towards God." " A good conscience" is what is elsewhere termed by the apostle, " a conscience void of offence." So, what he at one time expresses thus, " I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day," Acts xxiii, 1, he denotes at another, by that expression, '* Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man," chap, xxiv, 16. Now in order to this there is absolutely required, first, a right understanding of the word of God, of his " holy, and acceptable, and perfect will" concerning us, as it is revealed therein. For it is impossible we should walk by a rule, if we do not know what it means. There is, secondly, required (which how few have attained !) a true knowledge of ourselves; a knowledge both of our hearts and lives, of our inward tempers arid outward conversation : seeing, if we know them not it is not possible that we should compare them with our rule. There is required, thirdly, an agreement of our hearts and lives, of our tempers and conversation, of our thoughts, and words, and works, with that rule, with the written word of God. For, without this, if we have any conscience at all, it 112 WITNESS OF OUE OWN SPIRIT. [SERMON XII. can be only an evil conscience. There is, fourthly, required, an inward perception of this agreement with our rule : and this habitual percep- tion, this inward consciousness itself, is properly a good conscience; or, in the other phrase of the apostle, " a conscience void of offence, towards God and towards man." 8. But. whoever desires to have a conscience thus void of offence, let him see that he lay the right foundation. Let him remember, " other foundation" of this "can no man lay, than that which is laid, even Jesus Christ." And let him also be mindful, that no man buildeth on him but by a living faith ; that no man is a partaker of Christ, until he can clearly testify, " The life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God ;" in him who is now revealed in my heart ; who " loved me, and gave himself for me." Faith alone is that evidence, that con- viction, that demonstration of things invisible, whereby the eyes of our understanding being opened, and divine light poured in upon them, we " see the wondrous things of God's law," the excellency and purity of it ; the height, and depth, and length, and breadth thereof, and of every commandment contained therein. It is by faith that, beholding " the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ," we perceive, as in a glass, all that is in ourselves, yea, the inmost motions of our souls. And by this alone can that blessed love of God be " shed abroad in our hearts," which enables us so to love one another as Christ loved us. By this is that gracious promise fulfilled unto all the Israel of God, " I will put my laws into their minds, and write (or engrave) them in their hearts ;" Heb. viii, 10 ; hereby producing in their souls an entire agreement with his holy and perfect law, and " bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." And, as an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit, so a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. As the heart therefore of a believer, so likewise his life, is thoroughly conformed to the rule of God's com- mandments ; in a consciousness whereof, he can give glory to God, and say with the apostle, " This is our rejoicing, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wis dom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world." 9. " We have had our conversation :" The apostle in the original expresses this by one single word, avs?fa.$w?v ; but the meaning thereof is exceeding broad, taking in our whole deportment, yea, every inward as well as outward circumstance, whether relating to our soul or body. It includes every motion of our heart, of our tongue, of our hands, and bodily members. It extends to alt our actions and words ; to the employment of all our powers and faculties ; to the manner of using every talent we have received, with respect either to God or man. 10. " We have had our conversation in the world ;" even in the world of the ungodly : not only among the children of God ; (that were com paratively a little thing ;) but among the children of the devil, among those that lie in wickedness, sv JPW, in the wicked one. What a world is this! How thoroughly impregnated with the spirit it continu- ally breathes ! As our God is good, and doeth good, so the god of this world, and all his children, are evil, and do evil, (so far as they are suffered,) to all the children of God. Like their father, they are always lying in wait, or "walking about, seeking whom they may devour*' SERMON XII.] WITNESS OF OUR OWN SPIRIT. 113 using fraud or force, secret wiles or open violence, to destroy those who are not of the world ; continually warring against our souls, and \iy old or new weapons, and devices of every kind, labouring to bring them back into the snare of the devil, into the broad road that leadcth to destruction. 11. " We have had our [whole] conversation," in such a world, " in simplicity and godly sincerity." First, in simplicity : This is what our J^ord recommends, under the name of a " single eye." " The light of the body," saith he, " is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." The meaning whereof is this What the eye is to the body, that the intention is to all the words and actions: if therefore this eye of thy soul be single, all thy actions and conversation shall be " full of light," of the light of heaven, of love, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. We are then simple of heart, when the eye of our mind is singly fixed on God ; when in all things we aim at God alone, as our God, our portion, our strength, our happiness, our exceeding great reward, our all, in time and eternity. This is simplicity ; when a steady view, a single intention of promoting his glory, of doing and suffering his blessed will, runs through our whole soul, fills all our heart, and is the constant spring of all our thoughts, desires, and purposes. .12. " We have had our conversation in the world," secondly, " in godly sincerity." The difference between simplicity and sincerity seems to be chiefly this : simplicity regards the intention itself, sincerity the execution of it ; and this sincerity relates not barely to our words, but to our whole conversation, as described above. It is not here to be understood in that narrow sense, wherein St. Paul himself sometimes uses it, for speaking the truth, or abstaining from guile, from craft, and dissimulation ; but in a more extensive meaning, as actually hitting the mark, which we aim at by simplicity. Accordingly, it implies in this place, that we do, in fact, speak and do all to the glory of God ; that all our words are riot only pointed at this, but actually conducive thereto ; that all our actions flow on in an even stream, uniformly subservient to this great end ; and that, in our whole lives, we are moving straight towards God, and that continually ; walking steadily on in the highway of holiness, in the paths of justice, mercy and truth. 13. This sincerity is termed by the apostle, godly sincerity, or the sincerity of God ; fiXixpivsta e* ; to prevent our mistaking or confound ing it with the sincerity of the heathens ; (for they had also a kind of sincerity among them, for which they professed no small veneration ;) likewise to denote the object and end of this, as of every Christian virtue, seeing whatever does not ultimately tend to God, sinks among L ' the beggarly elements of the world." By styling it the sincerity ol God, he also points out the Author of it, the " Father of lights, from whom every good and perfect gift descendeth ;" which is still more clearly declared in the following words, ' Not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God." 14. " Not with fleshly wisdom :" as if he had said, " We cannot thug converse m the world, by any natural strength of understanding, neither by any naturally acquired knowledge or wisdom. We cannot gain this simplicity, or practise this sincerity, by the force either of good sense, good nature, or good breeding. It overshoots all onr native 1 1 4 WITNESS OF OUR OWN SPIRIT. [SERMON XII. courage and resolution, as well as all our precepts of philosoph). The power of custom is not able to train us up to this, nor the most exquisite rules of human education. Neither could I Paul ever attain hereto, notwithstanding all the advantages I enjoyed, so long as I was in the flesh, in my natural state, and pursued it only by fleshly, natural wisdom." And yet surely, if any man could, Paul himself might have attained thereto by that wisdom ; for we can hardly conceive any, who was more highly favoured with all the gifts both of nature and education. Besides his natural abilities, probably not inferior to those of any person then upon the earth, he had all the benefits of learning, studying at the univerity of Tarsus, afterwards brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, a person of the greatest account both for knowledge and integrity, that was then in the whole Jewish nation. And he had all the possible advantages of a religious education, being a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee, trained up in the very straitest sect or profession, distin- guished from all others by a more eminent strictness. And herein he had " profited above many" others, " who were his equals" in years, " being more abundantly zealous" of whatever he thought would please God, and " as touching the righteousness of the law blameless." But it could not be, that he should hereby attain this simplicity and godly sincerity. It was all but lost labour ; in a deep, piercing sense of which he was at length constrained to cry out, " The things which were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ : yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord," Phil, iii, 7, 8. 15. It could not be that ever he should attain to this, but by the " excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ" our Lord ; or, " by the grace of God," another expression of nearly the same import. By " the grace of God" is sometimes to be understood that free love, that unmerited mercy, by which I a sinner, through the merits of Christ, am now reconciled to God. But in this place it rather means that power of God the Holy Ghost, which " worketh in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure." As soon as ever the grace of God in the former sense, his pardoning love, is manifested to our souls, the grace of God in the latter sense, the power of his Spirit, takes place therein. And now we can perform, through God, what to man was impossible. Now we can order our conversation aright. We can do all things in the light and power of that love, through Christ which strengtheneth us. We now have " the testimony of our conscience," which we could never have by fleshly wisdom, " that in simplicity and godly sincerity, we have our conversation in the world." 16. This is properly the ground of a Christian's joy. We may now theiefore readily conceive, how he that hath this testimony in himsell rejoiceth evermore. " My soul," may he say, "doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoiceth in God my Saviour." I rejoice in him. who, oi Ins own unmerited love, of his own free and tender mercy, " hath called me into this state of salvation," wherein, through his power, I now stand. 1 rejoice, because his Spirit beareth witness to my spuit, that I am bought with the blood of the Lamb ; and that, believing in him, " I am a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven." I rejoice, because the sense of God's love to me hatli, by the same Spirit, wrought in me to love him, and to love for SERMON XII.] WITNESS OP OUE OWN SP1BIT. 115 his sake every child of man, every scul that he hath made. I rejoice, because he gives me to feel in myself" the mind that was in Christ ;" simplicity, a single eye to him, in every motion of my heart ; power always to fix the loving eye of my soul on him who " loved me, and gave himself for me ;" to aim at him alone, at his glorious will, in all 1 think, or speak, or do ; purity, desiring nothing more but God ; " crucifying the flesh with its affections and lusts ;" " setting my affec- tions on things above, not on things of the earth ;" holiness, a recovery of the image of God, a " renewal of soul after his likeness ;" and godly sincerity, directing all my words and works, so as to conduce to his glory. In this 1 likewise rejoice, yea, and will rejoice, because my conscience beareth me witness in the Hoiy Ghost, by the light he con- tinually pours in upon it, that I " walk worthy of the vocation wherewith I am called ;" that I " abstain from all appearance of evil," fleeing from sin as from the face of a serpent ; that as I have opportunity I do all possible good, in every kind, to all men ; that I follow my Lord in all my steps, and do what is acceptable in his sight. I rejoice, because I both see and feel, through the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, that all my works are wrought in him, yea, and that it is he who worketh all my works in me. I rejoice in seeing through the light of God, which shines in my heart, that I have power to walk in his ways, and that through his grace, I turn not therefrom to the right hand or to the left. 17. Such is the ground and the nature of that joy, whereby an adult Christian rejoiceth evermore. And from all this we may easily infer, first, That this is not a natural joy. It does not arise from any natural cause : not from any sudden flow of spirits. This may give a transient start of joy ; but the Christian rejoiceth always. It cannot be owing to bodily health or ease ; to strength and soundness of constitution ; for it ]ua tfa^xocr, ig not subject to the law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe, yet this lust hath of itself the nauire of sin." 4. The same testimony is given by all other churches; not only by the Greek and Romish church, but by every reformed church in Europe, of whatever denomination, hideed some of these seem to carry the thing too far ; so describing the corruption of heart in a believer, as scarce to allow that he has dominion over it, but rather is in bondage thereto ; and, by this means, they leave hardly any distinction between a believer and an unbeliever. 5. To avoid this extreme, many well meaning men, particularly those under the direction of the late Count Zirizendorf, ran into another; affirming, that " all true believers are not only saved from the dominion of sin, but from the being of inward as well as outward sin, so that it no longer remains in them." And from them, about twenty years ago, many of our countrymen imbibed the same opinion, that even the cor ruption is no more, in those who believe in Christ. 6. It is true that, when the Germans were pressed upon this head, they soon allowed, (many of them at least,) that " sin did still remain in the flesh, but not in the heart of a believer :" and after a time, when the absurdity of this was shown, they fairly gave up the point ; allowing that sin did still remain, though not reign, in him that is born of God. 7. But the English, who had received it from them, (some directly, some at second or third hand,) were not so easily prevailed upon to part with a favourite opinion : and even when the generality of them were convinced it was utterly indefensible, a few could not be persuaded to give it up, but maintain it to this day. 120 818 IN BELIEVERS. [SERMON XIII. IT. 1. For the sake of those who really fear God, and desire to know " the truth as it is in Jesus," it may not lie amiss to consider the point with calmness and impartiality. In doing this, I use indifferently the words regenerate, justified, or believers; since, though they have not precisely the same meaning, (the first implying an inward, actual change, the second a relative one, and the third, the means whereby both the one and the other arc wrought) yet they come to one and the same thing ; as every one that believes, is both justified and born of God. 2. By sin, I here understand inward sin ; any sinful temper, passion, or affection ; such as pride, self will, love of the world, in any kind or degree ; such as lust, anger, peevishness ; any disposition contrary to the mind which was in Christ. 3. The question is not concerning outward, sin : whether a child of God commit sin or no. We all agree and earnestly maintain, " He that committeth sin is of the devil." We agree, " Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin." Neither do we now inquire, whether inward sin will always remain in the children of God ; whether sin will continue in the soul, as long as it continues in the body : nor yet do we inquire, whether a justified person may relapse either into inward or outward sin ; but simply this, Is a justified or regenerate man freed from all sin as soon as he is justified ? Is there then no sin in his heart ? nor ever after, unless he fall from grace 1 4. We allow that the state of a justified person is inexpressibly great and glorious. He is born again, " not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." He 's a child of God, a member of Christ, an heir of the kingdom of heaven. " The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keepeth his heart and mind in Christ Jesus." His very body is a " temple of the Holy Ghost," and a " habitation of God through the Spirit." He is " created anew in Christ Jesus :" he is washed, he is sanctified. His heart is purified by faith ; he is cleansed " from the corruption that is in the world ;" " the love of God is shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost which is given unto him." And so long as he " walketh in love," (which he may always do,) he worships God in spirit and in truth. He keepeth the commandments of God, and doeth those thiqgs that are pleasing in his sight ; so exercising himself as to " have a conscience void of offence, towards God and towards man ;" and he has power both over outward and inward sin, even from the moment he is justified. III. 1. But was he not then freed from all sin, so that there is no sin in his heart ? I cannot say this ; I cannot believe it ; because St. Paul says the contrary. He is speaking to believers, and describing the state of believers in genera), when he says, " The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh : these are contrary the one to the other," Gal. v, 17. Nothing can be more express. The apostle here directly affirms that the flesh, evil nature, opposes the Spirit, even in believers ; that even in the regenerate, there are two principles, u contrary the one to the other." 2. Again : when he writes to the believers at Corinth, to those who were sanctified ii> Christ Jesus, 1 Cor. i, 2, he says, " I, brethren, could not speak unto you, as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, as unto babee in Christ. Ye are yet carnal : for whereas there is among you envying and strife, are ye not carnal ?" ch. iii, ver. 1-3. Now here the apostle SERMON XIII.] SIN IN BELIEVERS. 121 speaks unto those who were, unquestionably believers, whom in the same breath he styles his brethren in Christ, as being still, in a measure, carnal. He affirms, there was envying, (an evil temper,) occasioning strife among them, and yet does not give the least intima- tion that they had lost their faith. Nay he manifestly declares they had not ; for then they would not have been babes in Christ. And (what is most remarkable of all) he speaks of being carnal, and babes in Christ, as one and the same thing; plainly showing that every believer is (in a degree) carnal, while he is only a babe in Christ. 3. Indeed this grand point, that there are two contrary principles in believers, nature and grace, the flesh and the Spirit, runs through all the epistles of St. Paul, yea, through all the Holy Scriptures ; almost all the directions and exhortations therein, are founded on this supposition ; pointing at wrong tempers or practices in those who are, notwithstand- ing, acknowledged by the inspired writers to be believers. And they arf continually exhorted to fight with and conquer these, by the power of the faith which was in them. 4. And who can doubt, but there was faith in the angel of the church of Ephesus, when our Lord said to him, " I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience : thou hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured and hast not fainted," Rev. ii, 2, 3, 4. But was there, mean time, no sin in his heart ? Yea, or Christ would not have added, " Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." This was a real sin which God saw in his heart ; of which, accordingly, he is exhorted to r epent : and yet we have no authority to say, that even then he had no faith. 5. Nay, the angel of the church at Pergamos, also, is exhorted to repent, which implies sin, though our Lord expressly says, " Thou hast not denied my faith," ver. 13, 16. And to the angel of the church in Sardis, he says, " Strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die." The good which remained was ready to die; but was not actually dead, chap, iii, 2. So there was still a spark of faith even in him ; which he is accordingly commanded to hold fast, ver. 3. 6. Once more : when the apostle exhorts believers to " cleanse them selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit," 2 Cor. vii, 1, he plainly teaches, that those believers were not yet cleansed therefrom. Will you answer, " He that abstains from all appearance of evil," does ipso facto " cleanse himself from all filthiness." Not in any wise. For instance : a man reviles me : I feel resentment ; which is filthiness of spirit : yet I say not a word. Here 1 " abstain from all appearance of evil ;" but this does not cleanse me from that filthiness of spirit, as J experience to my sorrow. 7. And as this position, there is no sin in a believer, no carnal mind no bent to backsliding, is thus contrary to the word of God, so it is to the experience of his children. These continually feel a heart bent to backsliding ; a natural tendency to evil ; a proneness to depart from Godj nnd cleave to the things of earth. They are daily sensible of sin remain- ing in their heart, pride, self will, unbelief; and of sin cleaving to all they speak and do, even their best actions and holiest duties. \nt at the same time they " know that they are of God ;" tney cannot doubt of it for a moment. They feel his Spirit clearly " witnessing with their spirit, that they are the children of God." They " rejoice in God through Christ 122 SIN IN BELIEVERS. [SERMON Xllf. , by whom they have now received the atonement." So that they are equally assured, that sin is in them, and that " Christ is in tnem the hope of glory." 8. " But can Christ be in the same heart where sin is ?" Undoubtedly he can. Otherwise it never could be saved therefrom. Where the sickness is, there is the physician, " Carrying on his work within, Striving till he cast out sin." Christ indeed cannot reign, where sin reigns ; neither will he dwelt where any sin is allowed. But he is and dwells in the heart of every believer, who isjighting against all sin ; although it be not yet purified, according to the purification of the sanctuary. 9. It has been observed before, that the opposite doctrine, that there is no sin in believers, is quite new in the church of Christ ; that it was never heard of for seventeen hundred years ; never till it was discovered by Count Zinzendorf. I do not remember to have seen the least inti- mation of it, either in any ancient or modern writer ; unless perhaps in some of the wild, ranting Antinomians. And these likewise say and unsay, acknowledging there is sin in their Jlesh, although no sin in their heart. But whatever doctrine is new must be wrong ; for the old religion is the only true one ; and no doctrine can be right, unless it is the very same " which was from the beginning." 10. One argument more against this new, unscriptural doctrine, may be drawn from the dreadful consequences of it. One says, " I felt anger to day." Must I reply, " Then you have no faith ?" Another says, " I know what you advise is good, but my will is quite averse to it." Must I tell him, " Then you are an unbeliever, under the wrath and the curse of God ?" What will be the natural consequence of this ? Why, if he believe what I say, his soul will not only be grieved and wounded, but perhaps utterly destroyed ; inasmuch as he will "castaway" that "con- fidence which hath great recompense of reward :" and having cast away his shield, how shall he " quench the fiery darts of the wicked one ?" How shall he overcome the world 1 seeing " this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." He stands disarmed in the midst of his enemies, open to all their assaults. What wonder then if he be utterly overthrown ; if they take him captive at their will ; yea, if he fall from one wickedness to another, and never see good any more 1 I cannot therefore by any means receive this assertion, that there is no sin in a believer from the moment he is justified ; first, because it is contrary to the whole tenor of Scripture ; secondly, because it is con- trary to the experience of the children of God ; thirdly, because it is absolutely new, never heard of in the world till yesterday ; and, lastly, because it is naturally attended with the most fatal consequences ; not only grieving those whom God hath not grieved, but perhaps dragging thmi into everlasting perdition. IV. 1. However, let us give a fair hearing to the chief arguments of ihose who endeavour to support it. And it is, first, from Scripture they attempt to prove, that there is no sin in a believer. They argue thus : " The Scripture says, Every believer is born of God, is clean, is holy, is sanctified, is pure in heart, has a new heart, is a temple of the Holy Ghost. Now, as 4 that which is born of the flesh is flesh,' is altogether evil, so ' that which is born of the Spirit is spirit,' is altogether good. SERMON XIII.] SIN IN BELIEVERS. 123 Again ; a man cannot be clean, sanctified, holy, and at the same time unclean, unsanctified, unholy. He cannot be pure and impure, or have a new and an old heart together. Neither can his soul be unholy, while it is a temple of the Holy Ghost." I have put this objection as strong as pos&ible, that its full weight may appear. Let us now examine it, part by part. And, 1. " That which is born of the Spirit is spirit, is altogether good." I allow the text, but not the comment. For the text affirms this, and no mere, That every man who is " born of the Spirit," is a spiritual man. He is so. But so he may be, and yet not be altogether spiritual. The Chris- tians at Corinth were spiritual men ; else they had been no Christians at all ; and yet they were not altogether spiritual : they were still, in part, carnal. " But they were fallen from grace." St. Paul says, no. They were even then babes in Christ. 2. " But a man cannot be clean, sanctified, holy, and at the same time unclean, unsanctified, unholy." Indeed he may. So the Corinthians were. " Ye are washed," says the apostle, " ye are sanctified ;" namely, cleansed from " fornication, idolatry, drunkenness," and all other outward sin, 1 Cor. vi, 9, 10, 11 : and yet, at the same time, in another sense of the word, they were un- sanctified ; they were not washed, not inwardly cleansed from envy, evil surmising, partiality. " But sure they had not a new heart and an old heart together." It is most sure they had ; for at that very time, their hearts were truly, yet not entirely renewed. Their carnal mind was nailed to the cross ; yet it was not wholly destroyed. " But could they be unholy, while they were ' temples of the Holy Ghost ?' " Yes ; that they were temples of the Holy Ghost is certain, 1 Cor. vi, 19; and it is equally certain, they were, in some degree, carnal, that is, unholy. 2. " However, there is one scripture more which will put the matter out of question : ' If any man be [a believer] in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away ; behold all things are become new,' 2 Cor. v, 17. Now, certainly, a man cannot be a new creature and an old creature at once." Yes, he may : he may be partly renewed, which was the very case with those at Corinth. They were doubtless " renewed in the spirit of their mind," or they could not have been so much as " babes in Christ ;" yet they had not the whole mind which was in Christ, for they envied one another. " But it is said expressly Old things are passed away : all things are become new." But wo must not so interpret the apostle's words, as to make him contradict himself. And if we will make him consistent with himself, the plain meaning of the words is this : His old judgment concerning justifica- tion; holiness, happiness, indeed concerning the things of God in gene- ra^ is now passed away : so are his old desires, designs, affections, tempers, and conversation. All these are undeniably become new greatly changed from what they were. And yet, though they ar* 1 new, they are not wholly new. Still he feels, to his sorrow and shamo, remains of the old man, too manifest taints of his former tempers and affections, though they cannot gain any advantage over him, as long as he watches unto prayer. 3. This whole argument, " If he is clean, he is clean ;" * if he is holy, he is holy;" (and twenty more expressions of the same kind may easily be heaped together;) is really no better than playing upon words: it is the fallacy of arguing from a particular to a general; of inferring 124 SIN IN BELIEVERS. [SERMON XIII. a general conclusion from particular premises. Propose the sentence entire, and it runs thus : " If he is holy at all, he is holy altogether.' That does not follow : every babe in Christ is holy, and yet not altoge- ther so. He is saved from sin ; yet not entirely : it remains, though il does not. reign. If you think it does not remain, (in babes at least, whatever be the case with young men, or fathers,) you certainly have riot considered the height, and depth, and length, and breadth of the law of God ; (even the law of love, laid down by St. Paul in the thir- teenth of Corinthians ;) and that every (avofiia) disconformity to, or deviation from this law, is sin. Now, is there no disconformity to this in the heart or life of a believer? What may be in an adult Christian, is another question ; but what a stranger must he be to human nature, who can possibly imagine that this is the case with every babe in Christ ! 4. " But believers walk after the Spirit,* Rom. viii, 1, and the Spirit of God dwells in them; consequently they are delivered from the guilt, the power, or in one word, the being of sin." These are coupled together, as if they were the same thing. But they are not the same thing. The guilt is one thing, the power another, and the being yet another. That believers are delivered from the guilt and power of sin we allow ; that they are delivered from the being of it we deny. Nor does it in any wise follow from these texts. A man may have the Spirit of God dwelling in him, and may " walk after the Spirit," though he still feels " the flesh lusting against the Spirit." 5. " But the ' church is the body of Christ,' Col. i, 24 ; this implies, that its members are washed from al! filthiness ; otherwise it will follow that Christ and Belial are incorporated with each other." Nay, it will not follow from hence, " Those who are the mystical body of Christ, still feel the flesh lusting against the Spirit," that Christ has any fellowship with the devil ; or with that sin which he enables them to resist and overcome. 6. " But are not Christians ' come to the heavenly Jerusalem,' where ' nothing denied can enter V " Heb. xii, 22. Yes ; " and to an innu- merable company of angels, and to the spirits of just men made per- fect :" that is, " Earth and heaven all agree ; All is one great family." And they are likewise holy and undefiled, while they " walk after the Spirit ;" although sensible there is another principle in them, and that " these are contrary to each other." 7. " But Christians are reconciled to God. Now this could not be, H any of the carnal mind remained ; for this is enmity against God : con- sequently, no reconciliation can be effected, but by its total destruction." We are " reconciled to God through the blood of the cross :" and in that moment the pfovrj^a ffu.*.os, the corruption of nature, which is en- mity with God, is put under our feet ; the flesh has no more dominion over us. But it still exists : and it is still in its nature enmity with God, lusting against his Spirit. 8. " But ' they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh, with its affections and lusts,' " Gal. v, 24. They have so ; yet it remains in "What follows for some pages is an answer to a paper published in the Christian Magazine, p. 577-582. I am surprised Mr. Dodd should give such a paper a place in his Magazine, which is directly contrary to our ninth article. SERMON XIII.] BIN IN BELIF.VERS. 125 them stil t and oftec struggles to break from the cross. " Nay, but they have ' put off the old man with his deeds,' " Col. iii, 9. They have ; and, in the sense above described, " old things are passed away ; all things are become new." A hundred texts may be cited to the same effect ; and they will all admit of the same answer. " But to say all in one word, ' Christ gave himself for the church, that it might be holy, and without blemish,' " Eph. v, 25, 27. And so it will be in the end ; but it never was yet, from the beginning to this day. 9. " But let experience speak : all who are justified do at that time find an absolute freedom from all sin." That I doubt: but, if they do, do they find it ever after 1 Else you gain nothing. " If they do not, it is their own fault." That remains to be proved. 10. " But in the very nature of things, can a man have pride in him, and not be proud ; anger, and yet not be angry ?'' A man may have pride in him, may think of himself in some particu- lars above what he ought to think, (and so be proud in that particular,) and yet not be a proud man in his general character. He may have anger in him, yea, and a strong propensity to furious anger, without giving way to it. " But can anger and pride be in that heart, where only meekness and humility are felt 7" No: but some pride and anger may be in that heart, where there is much humility and meekness. " It avails not to say, these tempers are there, but they do not reign . for sin cannot, in any kind or degree, exist where it does not reign ; for guilt and power are essential properties of sin. Therefore, where one of them is, all must be." Strange indeed ! " Sin cannot, in any kind or degree, exist where it does not reign.' 1 '' Absolutely contrary this to all experience, all Scripture, all common sense. Resentment of an affront is sin ; it is avo,uia, dis- conformity to the law of love. This has existed in me a thousand times. Yet it did not, and does not reign. " But guilt and power are essential properties of sin ; therefore, where one is, all must be." No: in the instance before us, if the resentment I feel is not yielded to, even for a moment, there is no guilt at all, no condemnation from God upon that account. And in this case, it has no power : though it " lusteth against the Spirit," it cannot prevail. Here, therefore, as in ten thousand in- stances, there is sin without either guilt or power. 11. " But the supposing sin in a believer is pregnant with every thing frightful and discouraging. It implies the contending with a power that has the possession of our strength ; maintains his usurpation of our hearts ; and there prosecutes the war in defiance of our Redeemer." Not so : The supposing sin is in us, does not imply that it has the possession of our strength ; no more than a man crucified has the possession of those that crucify him. As little does it imply, that " sin maintains its usurpation of our hearts." The usurper is dethroned. He remains indeed where he once reigned ; but remains in chains. So that he does, in some sense, " prosecute the war," yet he grows weaker and weaker; while the believer goes on from strength to strength, conquering and to conquer. 12. '* I am not satisfied yet : he that hath sin in him, is a slave to pin. Therefore, you suppose a man to be justified, while he is a slave to sm. Now if you allow men may be justified while they have pride, anger, or unbelief in them ; nay, if you aver, these are (at least for a time) in all 126 SIN IN BELIEVERS. [SERMON XIII. that are justified ; what wonder that we have so many proud, angry, unbelieving believers?" 1 do not suppose any man who is justified is a slave to sin : yet I do suppose sin remains (at least for a time) in all that are justified. " But, if sin remains in a believer, he is a sinful man : if pride, for instance, then he is proud ; if self will, then he is self willed ; if unbe- lief, then he is an unbeliever ; consequently, no believer at all. How then does he differ from unbelievers, from unregenerate men ?" This is still mere playing upon words. It means no more than, if there is oin, pride, self will, in him, then there is sin, pride, self will. And this no body can deny. In that sense then he is proud, or self willed. But he is not proud or self willed in the same sense that unbelievers are, that is, govtrned by pride or self will. Herein he differs from unregenerate men. They obey sin ; he does not. Flesh is in them both : but they walk after the flesh ; he walks after the Spirit. " But how can unbelief be in a believer ?" That word has tuo meanings. It means either no faith, or little faith ; either the absence. of faith, or the weakness of it. In the former sense, unbelief is not in a believer ; in the latter, it is in all babes. Their faith is commonly mixed with doubt or fear, that is, in the latter sense, with unbelief. " Why are ye fearful, (says our Lord,) oh ye of little faith '!" Again, " Oh thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt ]" You see here was unbelief in believers ; little faith and much unbelief. 13. " But this doctrine, That sin remains in a believer ; that a man may be in the favour of God, while he has sin in his heart; certainly tends to encourage men in sin." Understand the proposition right, and no such consequence follows. A man may be in God's favour though he feel sin ; but not if he yields to it. Having sin, does not forfeit the favour of God ; giving way to sin does. Though the flesh in you " lust against the Spirit," you may still be a child of God ; but if you " walk after the flesh," you are a child of the devil. Now this doctrine does not encourage to obey sin, but to resist it with all your might. V. 1. The sum of all is this : There are in every person, even after he is justified, two contrary principles, nature and grace, termed by St. Paul, the flesh and the Spirit. Hence, although even babes in Christ are sanctified, yet it is only in part. In a degree, according to the measure of their faith, they are spiritual ; yet, in a degree they are carnal. Accordingly, believers are continually exhorted to watch against the flesh, as well as the world and the devil. And to this agrees the constant experience of the children of God. While they feel this witness in themselves, they feel a will not wholly resigned to the will of God. They know they are in him ; and yet find a heart ready to depart from him, a proneness to evil in many instances, and a back- wardness to that which is good. The contrary doctrine is wholly new; never heard of in the church of Christ, from the time of his coming into ihe world, till the time of Count Zinzendorf ; a,id it is attended with the most fatal consequences. It cuts off all watching against our evil nature, against the Delilah which we are told is gone, though she is still lying in our bosom. It tears away the shield of weak believers, deprives them of their faith, and so leaves them exposed to all the assaults of the world, the flesh, and the devil. SERMON XIII.] SIN IN BELIEVERS. 127 2. Let us, therefore, hold fast the bound doctrine " once delivered 10 the saints," and delivered down by them, with the written word, to ail succeeding generations ; that although we are renewed, cleansed, puri ficd, sanctified, the moment we truly believe in Christ, yet we are not then renewed, cleansed, purified altogether ; but the flesh, the evil nature, still remains, (though subdued,) and wars against the Spirit. So much the more let us use all diligence in " fighting the good fight of faith." So much the more earnestly let us " watch and pray" against he enemy within. The more carefully let us take to ourselves, and " put on the whole armour of God ;" that, although " we wrestle" both " with flesh and blood, and with principalities, and powers, and wicked spirits in high places," we " may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." SERMON" XIV. The Repentance of Believers. " Repent ye, and believe the Gospel." Mark i. 15. ANALYSIS. THE primary meaning of repentance and faith. A subse- quent repentance and faith of somewhat different nature, but related, necessary to our continuance and growth in grace. I. The Repentance of believers is self-knowledge. The lack of this in the young Christian. Experience shows him 1. The remaining sin. (1) Of heart, pride, self-will, idolatrous love of the world in its threefold form ; affections contrary to love ; covetousness. Hence, sensible of these things, many apply the seventh of Romans to Christians. (2) Of words and acts (uncharitable and unprofitable conver- sation not here included); but useless discourse; mingled motives; spiritual pride. (3) Of omission. (4) Of defect. 2. The guiltiness of this. Were it not for the atoning blood, ve must be condemned. 3. Our inability to remove either the sin or its desert before God. II. The faith of believers is 1. A faith in the ability of Christ to m^et these conscious wants. 2. A faith in the willingness of Christ to meet them now. 3. A co"tmuous faith, by which we feel tne power of Christ resting upon us every moment. III. Lessons. 1. Danger of the opinion that we are -wholly sanctified when we are justified. 2. Tne necessity of a further change 3. The constant need of the atoning blood. 4. The need of living upon Christ by faith. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This is another of the supplementary sermons, added twenty yenrs after the publication of the preceding, and putting the truth already defended into a practical form. Discarding the antinomian idea that we need not trouble ourselves about this inward sin, (because (1) it cannot be removed ; (2) it is not imputed to us ; and (3) our holiness is com- plete in Christ without its removal) ; Mr. Wesley insists 1. That a profound, searching, conviction of this inward sin is office. 2. To the officers. Their duty to God, to the king, and to the principles of justice. 3. To the entire assembly, solemnly calling them before the bar of God to meet the wit- ness of their own conscience. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This is another of the sermons added in Mr. Wesley's final edition of the standard sermons. It is entirely free from dogmatic controversy, and is an admirable example of Mr. Wesley's power to improve special occasions for the purpose of impressing divine truth on the minds of the people. It contains many opinions and forms of exposition which the author himself would be far from pressing as authoritative. It generally recites the language of Scripture, not therefore implying that this language is to be understood in a baldly literal sense ; but leaving the interpretation to the day when God shall declare it. But this manner of preaching is of authority. And it evidently in- cludes the following fundamental elements of doctrine : 1. An unequivocal belief in a definite final judgment at the end of the present world. 2. A universal resurrection both of the just and the unjust preceding this. 3. A final and irrevocable separation between the righteous and the wicked. 4. That the basis of tLese sentences will SERMON XV.] THE GREAT ASSIZE. 139 be the deeds of this life. 5. That the final estates thus determined will be immutable and eternal. To change any one of these propositions would be to destroy die entire significance and force of Mr. Wesley's preaching. In fact these dogmas enter into the very essence of his doctrine tar more profoundly than they can in any system in which an antecedent decree of God really fixes the final estates. In such a system there might be room for universalism or restorationism, but here none. SERMON XV. 1. How many circumstances concur to raise the awfulness of the present solemnity ! The general concourse of people of every age, sex rank, and condition of life, willingly or unwillingly gathered together, not only from the neighbouring, but from distant parts ; criminals speedily to be brought forth, and having no way to escape ; officers, waiting in their various posts, to execute the orders which shall h* given ; and the representative of our gracious sovereign, whom we so highly reverence and honour. The occasion likewise of this assembly, adds not a little to the solemnity of it : to hear and determine causes oj every kind, some of which are of the most important nature; on which depends no less than life or death, death that uncovers the face of eter- nity ! It was, doubtless, in order to increase the serious sense of these things, and not in the minds of the vulgar only, that the wisdom of out forefathers did not disdain to appoint even several minute circum- stances of this solemnity. For these also, by means of the eye or ear may more deeply affect the heart : and when viewed in this light trumpets, staves, apparel, are no longer trifling or insignificant, but sub servient, in their kind and degree, to the most valuable ends of society 2. But, as awful as this solemnity is, one far more awful is at hand For yet a little while, and, " we shall all stand before the judgment sea of Christ." " For, as I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." And in that day, " every one of us shall give account of himself to God." 3. Had a!l men a deep sense of this, how effectually would it secure the interests of society ! For what more forcible motive can be con- ceived to the practice of genuine morality, to a steady pursuit of solid virtue, and a uniform walking in justice, mercy, and truth ? What could strengthen our hands in all that is good, and deter us from all evil, like a strong conviction of this, " The Judge standeth at the door ;" and we are shortly to stand before him ? 4. It may not therefore be improper, or unsuitable to the design ol the present assembly, to consider, I. The chief circumstances which will precede our standing before the judgment seat of Christ : II. The judgment itself : and, III. A few of the circumstances which *vil] follow it. I. Let us, in the first place, consider the chief circumstances which will precede our standing before the judgment seat of Christ. And, 1st, " God will show signs in the earth beneath," Acts 11, 19 particularly he will " arise to shake terribly the earth." " The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cot- tage," Isa. xxiv, 20. " There shall l>e earthquakes, " xa.ro. rows, (nut in dvers only, but) " in all places :" noi in one only, or a few, but in 140 THE GREAT ASSIZE. [sERMOX XV. every part of the habitable world, Luke xxi, 11 ; even " such as were not since men were upon the earth, so mighty earthquakes and so great." In one of these " every island shall flee away, and the mount- ains will not be found," Rev. xvi, 20. Meantime all the waters of the terraqueous globe will feel the violence of those concussions; "the sea and waves roaring," Luke xxi, 25, with such an agitation as had never been known before, since the hour that " the fountains of the great deep were broken up," to destroy the earth, which then " stood out ol the water and in the water." The air will be all storm and tempest, full of dark vapours and pillars of smoke ; Joel ii, 30 ; resounding with thunder from pole to pole, and torn with ten thousand lightnings. But the commotion will not stop in the region of the air ; " the powers of heaven also shall be shaken. There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars ;" those fixed, as well as those that move round them. " The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the nrjon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come," Joel ii, 31. " The stars shall withdraw their shining," yea, and " fall from heaven," Rev. vi, 13, being thrown out of their orbits. And then shall be heard the universal shout, from all the companies of heaven, followed by the " voice of the archangel," proclaiming the approach of the Son of God and man, " and the trumpet of God," sounding an alarm to all that sleep in the dust of the earth, 1 Thess. iv, 16. In conse- quence of this, all the graves shall open, and the bodies of men arise. The sea also shall give up the dead which are therein, Rev. xx, 13, and every one shall rise with " his own body ;" his own in substance, although so changed in its properties, as we cannot now conceive. " For this corruptible will [then] put on incorruption, and this mortal put on immortality," 1 Cor. xv, 53. Yea, " death and hades," the invisible world, shall " deliver up the dead that are in them," Rev. xx, 13. So that all who ever lived and died, since God created man, shall be raised incorruptible and immortal. 2. At the same time, " the Son of man shall send forth his angels" orer all the earth ; " and they shall gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." And the Lord himself shall come with clouds, in his own glory, and the glory of his Father, with ten thousand of his saints, even myriads of angels, and shall sit upon the throne of his glory. " And before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, and shall set the sheep [the good] on his right hand, and the goats [the wicked] upon the left," Matt, xxv, 33. Concerning this general assembly it is, that the beloved disciple speaks thus : " I saw the dead, [all that had been dead,] small and great, stand before God. And the books were opened, [a figura- tive expression, plainly referring to the manner of proceeding among men,] and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works," Rev. xx, 12. II. These are the chief circumstances which are recorded in the oracles of God, as preceding the general judgment. We are, secondly, to consider the judgment itself, so far as it hath pleased God to reveal it 1. The person by whom God will judge the world, is his only begot- ten Son, whose " goings forth are from everlasting ;" " who is God over all, blessed for ever." Unto him, being " the out beaming of his Father's glory, the express image of his person," Hebrews i, 3, the SERMON XV.] THE GREAT ASSIZE. 141 Father " hath committed all judgment, because he is the Son of man ,*' John v, 22, 27 ; because, though he was " in the form of God, and thought it not robbery to be equal with God, yet he emptied himself, taking upon him the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men ;" Phil, ii, 6, 7 ; yea, because " being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, [yet farther,] becoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God hath highly exalted him," even in his human nature, and "ordained him," as man, to try the children of men, " to be the judge, both of the quick and dead ;" both of those who shall be found alive at his coming, and of those who were before gathered to their fathers. 2. The time, termed by the prophet, " The great and the terrible day," is usually, in Scripture, styled The day of the Lord. The space from the creation of man upon the earth, to the end of all things, is the day of the sons of men ; the time that is now passing over us, is properly our day ; when this is ended, the day of the Lord will begin But who can say how long it will continue ? " With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day," 2 Pet. iii, 8. And from this very expression, some of the ancient fathers drew that inference, that, what is commonly called the day of judgment would be indeed a thousand years : and it seems they did not go beyond the truth : nay, probably they did not come up to it. For, if we consider the number of persons who are to be judged, and of actions which are to be inquired into, it does not appear, that, a thousand years will suffice for the transactions of that day ; so that it may not improbably com- prise several thousand years. But God shall reveal this also in its season. 3. With regard to the place where mankind will be judged, we have no explicit account in Scripture. An eminent writer (but not he alone; many have been of the same opinion) supposes it will be on earth, where the works were done, according to which they shall be judged ; ind that God will in order thereto, employ the angels of his strength, " To smooth and lengthen out the boundless space, And spread an area for all human race." But perhaps it is more agreeable to our Lord's own account of his coming in the clouds, to suppose it will be above the earth, if not " twice a planetary height." And this supposition is not a little favoured by what St. Paul writes to the Thessalonians : " The dead in Christ shall rise first. .Then we who remain alive, shall be caught up together with them, in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air," 1 Thess. iv, 16, 17. So that it seems most probable, the great white throne will be high exalted above the earth. 4. The persons to be judged, who can count, any more than the drops of ra.in, or the sands of the sea ? " I beheld," saith St. John, " a great mul itude, which no man can number, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands." How immense then must be the total multitude of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues; of all that have sprung from the loins of Adam, since the world began, till time shall be no more ! If we admit the common supposition, which seems no ways absurd, that the eanh bears at any one time, no less than four hundred millions of living souls, men, women, and children ; what a congrega- tion must all those generations make, who havr succeeded each other for seven thousand years ! 142 THE GREAT ASSIZE. [SERMON XV. " Great Xerxes' world in arms, proud Cannes 's host. They all are hete ; and here they all are lost. Their numbers swell to be discern 'd in vain : Lost as a drop in the unbounded main." Every man, every woman, every infant of days that ever breathed the vital air, will then hear the voice of the Son of God, and start into life, and appear before him. And this seems to be tht natural import of that expression, " the dead, small and great :" all universally, all with- out exception, all of every age, sex or degree ; all that ever lived and died, or underwent such a change as will be equivalent with death. For long before that day, the phantom of human greatness disappears, and sinks into nothing. Even in the moment of death, that vanishes away. Who is rich or great in the grave ? 5. And every man shall there " give an account of his own works ;" yea, a full and true account of all that he ever did while in the body, whether it was good or evil. Oh what a scene will then be disclosed, in the sight of angels and men ! while not the fabled Rhadamanthus, but the Lord God Almighty, whoknoweth all things in heaven and inearth, " Castigatque auditqtie dolos ; subigitque fateri Quae quis a pud superos, furto Itetatus inani, Distulit in serain commissa piacula mortem."* Nor will all the actions alone of every child of man be then brought to open view, but ail their words ; seeing " every idle word which men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment," Matt, xii, 36, 37 ; so that " by thy words," as well as works, " thou shah be justified : and by thy words thou shall be condemned." Will not God then bring to light every circumstance also, that accompanied every word or action, and if not altered the nature, yet lessened or increased the goodness or badness of them ? And how easy is this to Him, who is '* about our bed, and about our path, and spieth out all our ways ?" We know " the darkness is no darkness to him, but the night shinet.h as the day." 6. Yea, he will bring to light, not the hidden works of daikness only, but the very thoughts and intents of the heart. And what marvel ? For he " searcheth the reins and understandeth all our thoughts." " All things are naked and open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do." " Hell and destruction are before him without a covering. How much more the hearts of the children of men !" 7. And in that day shall be discovered every inward working of every human soul ; every appetite, passion, inclination, affection, with the various combinations of them, with every temper and disposition that constitute the whole complex character of each individual. So shall ii be clearly and infallibly seen, who was righteous, and who unrighteous ; and in what degree every action, or person, or character, was eitl.? good or evil. 8. " Then the King will say to them upon his fight hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father. For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat ; thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in ; naked, ami ye clothed me." In like manner, all the good they did upon earth * O'er these drear realms stern Rhadamanthus roigns, Detects each artful villain, and constrains To own the crimes, long veil'd from human sight : In vain ' Now all stand forth in hated light. SERMON XV.1 THE GREAT ASSIZE. 143 will be recited before men and angels ; whatsoever they had done either in word or deed, in the name, or for the sake of the Lord Jesus. All their good desires, intentions, thoughts, all their holy dispositions, will also be then remembered; and it will appear that though they were unknown or forgotten among man, yet God noted them in his book. All their sufferings likewise for the name of Jesus, and for the testimony of a good conscience, will be displayed, unto their praise from the righteous Judge, their honour before saints and angels, and the increase of that ' far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." 9. But will their evil deeds too, (since, if we take in his whole life, there is not a man on earth that liveth and sinneth not,) will these be remembered in that day, and mentioned in the great congregation ? Many believe they will not; and ask, "Would not this imply, that their sufferings were not at an end, even when life ended 1 seeing they would still have sorrow, and shame, and confusion of face to endure." They ask farther, " How can this be reconciled with God's declaration by the prophet, ' If the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right ; all his transgressions that he hath commuted, they shall not be once mentioned unto him,' Ezek. xviii, 21, 22. H*ow is it consistent with the promise which God has made to all who accept of the gospel covenant, ' I will forgive their iniquities, and remember their sin no more ?' Jer. xxxi, 34. Or, as the apostle expresses it, ' I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and iniquities will J remember no more ?' " Heb. viii, 12. 10. It may be answered, it is apparently and absolutely necessary, for the full display of the glory of God ; for the clear and perfect manifes- tation of his wisdom, justice, power, and mercy, towards the heirs of salvation ; that all the circumstances of their life should be placed in open view, together with all their tempers, and all the desires, thoughts, and intents of their hearts : otherwise, how would it appear out of what a depth of sin and misery the grace of God had delivered them ? And, indeed, if the whole lives of all the children of men were not manifestly discovered, the whole amazing contexture of divine providence could not be manifested ; nor should we yet be able, in a thousand instances, " to justify the ways of God to man." Unless our Lord's words were fulfilled in their utmost sense, without any restriction or limitation, " There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, or hid that shall not be known ;" Matt, x, 26 ; abundance of God's dispensations under the sun would still appear without their reasons. And then only when God hath brought to light all the hidden things of darkness, whosoever were the actors therein, will it be seen that wise and good were all his ways ; that he saw through the thick cloud, and governed all things by the wise counsel of his own will ; that nothing was left to chance or the caprice of men, but God disposed all strongly and sweetly, and wrought all into one connected chain of justice, mercy, and truth. 11. And in the discovery of the divine perfections, the righteous will rejoice with joy unspeakable ; far from feeling any painful sorrow or shame, for any of those past transgressions which were long since blotted out as a cloud, and washed away by the blood of the Lamb. It will be abundantly sufficient for them, that all the transgressions which they had committed, shall not be once mentioned unto them, to their 144 THE GREAT ASSIZE. [SERMON XV. disadvantage; that their sins, and transgressions, and iniquities, shall be remembered no more, to their condemnation. This is the plain meaning of the promise ; and this all the children of God shall find true, to their everlasting comfort. 12. After the righteous are judged, the King will turn to them upon his left hand, and they shall also be judged, every man according to his works. But not only their outward works will be brought into the account, but all the evil words which they have ever spoken ; yea, all the evil desires, affections, tempers, which have, or have had, a place in their souls ; and all the evil thoughts or designs which were ever cherished in their hearts. The joyful sentence of acquittal will then be pronounced upon those upon the right hand ; the dreadful sentence of condemnation upon those on the left ; both of which must remain fixed and unmoveable as the throne of God. III. 1. We may, in the third place, consider a few of the circum stances which will follow the general judgment. And the first is the execution of the sentence pronounced on the evil and on the good : " These shall go away into eternal punishment, and the righteous into life eternal." It should be observed, it is the very same word which is used, both in the former and in the latter clause : it follows, that either the punishment lasts for ever, or the reward too will come to an end : No, never, unless God could come to an end, or his mercy and truth could fail. " Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father," " and shall drink of those rivers of plea- sure which are at God's right hand for evermore." But here all descrip- tion falls short : all human language fails ! Only one who is caught up into the third heaven can have a just conception of it. But even such a one cannot express what he hath seen : these things it is not possible for man to utter. The wicked, meantime, shall be turned into hell, even all the people that forget God. They will be " punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." They will be " cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone," originally " prepared for the devil and his angels ;" where they will gnaw their tongues for anguish and pain, they will curse God and look upwards. There the dogs of hell, pride, malice, revenge, rage, horror, despair, continually devour them. There " They have no rest, day or night, but the smoke of their torment ascendeth for ever and ever !" For " their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." 2. Then th heavens will be shrivelled up as a parchment scroll, and pass away with a great noise : they will " flee from the face of Him that sitt.eth on the throne, and there will be found no place for them," Rev. xx, 11. The very manner of their passing away is disclosed to us by the apostle Peter : " In the day of God, the heavens being on fire, shall be dissolved," 2 Peter iii, 12. The whole beautiful fabric will be over thrown by that raging element, the connection of all its parts destroyed, and every atom torn asunder from the others. By the same, " The earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up," ver. 10. The enormous works of nature, the everlasting hills, mountains that have defied the rage of time, and stood unmoved so many thousand years, will sink down in fiery ruin. How much less will the worka of art, though of the most durable kind, the utmost effort of huir.an SERMON XV.] THE GREAT ASSIZE. 145 iidustry, tombs, pillars, triumphal arches, castles, pyramids, be able to withstand the flaming conqueror ! All, all will die, perish, vanish %way, like a dream when one awaketh ! 3. It has indeed been imagined by some great and good men, that at it requires that same Almighty Power to annihilate things as to create ; to speak into nothing or out of nothing ; so no part of, no atom in, the unfverse, will be totally or finally destroyed. Rather, they suppose, that, as the last operation of fire, which we have yet been able to observe, ie to reduce into glass what, by a smaller force, it had reduced to ashes; so, in the day God hath ordained, the whole earth, if not the material heavens also, will undergo this change, after which the fire can have no farther power over them. And they believe this is intimated by that expression in the revelation made to St. John, " Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like unto crystal," Rev. iv, 6. We cannot now either affirm or deny this ; but we shall know hereafter. 4. If it be inquired by the scoffers, the minute philosophers, how can these things be ? Whence should cc*ne such an immense quantity of fire as would consume the heavens and the whole terraqueous globe 1 We would beg leave first to remind them, that this difficulty is not peculiar to the Christian system. The same opinion almost universally obtained among the unbigoted heathens. So one of those celebrated free thinkers speaks, according to the generally received sentiment : " Esse quoque in fatis reminiscitur, affore tempus, Quo mare, quo tellus, correptaque regia cceli Ardeat, et mundi moles operosa laboret." But, secondly, it is easy to answer, even from our slight and superficial acquaintance with natural things, that there are abundant magazines oi fire ready prepared, and treasured up against the day of the Lord. How Boon may a comet, commissioned by him, travel down from the most distant parts of the universe ! And were it to fix upon the earth, in its return from the sun, when it is some thousand times hotter than a red hot cannon ball ; who does not see what must be the immediate conse- quence ? But, not to ascend so high as the ethereal heavens, might not the same lightnings which " give shine to the world," if commanded by the Lord of nature, giye ruin and utter destruction 1 Or to go no farther than the globe itself; who knows what huge reservoirs of liquid fire are from age to age contained in the bowels of the earth ? ytna, Hecla, Vesuvius, and all the other volcanos that belch out flames and coals of fire, what are they, but so many proofs and mouths of those fiery furnaces; and at the same time so many evidences, that God hath in rea- diness wherewith to fulfil his word ? Yea, were we to observe no more than the surface of the earth, and the things that surround us on every side, it is most certain (as a thousand experiments prove, beyond all possibility of denial) that we, ourselves, our whole bodies, are full of fire, as well at e"ery thing round about us. Is it not easy to make this ethe- real fire vis* 1 e even to the naked eye, and to produce thereby the very same effects on combustible matter, which are produced by culinary fire 1 Needs there then any more than for God to unloose that secret cnaiu, whereby this irresistible agent is now bound down, and lies quiescent in every particle of matter ? And how ?oon would it tear the universal frame in pieces, and involve all in one common ruin ! ,Thnre is one circumstance more which will follow the judgment. 146 THE GREAT ASSIZE. [SERMON XV. that deserves our serious consideration : " We look," says the apostle, " according to his promise, for new heavens and a new earth, wherein iwelleth righteousness," 2 Pet. iii, 13. The promise stands in the prophecy of Isaiah, " Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth : and the former shall not be remembered," Isa. Ixv, 17 : so great shall the glory of the latter be ! These St. John did behold in the visions of God. " 1 saw," saith he, "a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away," Rev. xxi, 1. And only righteousness dwelt therein : accordingly he adds, " And I heard a great vuice from [the third] heaven, saying, Behold the tabernacle ol God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people ; and God himself shall he with them, and be their God !" chap xxi, 3. Of necessity therefore they will all be happy : " God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying; neither shall there be any more pain, "chap, xxi, 4. " There shall be no more curse, but they shall see his face," chap, xxii, 3, 4 ; shall have the nearest access to, and thence the highest resemblance of him. This is the strongest expression in the language of Scripture, to denote the most perfect happiness. " And his name shall be on their foreheads ;" they shall be openly acknowledged as God's own property, and his glorious nature shall most visibly shine forth in them. " And there shall be no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth them light ; and they shall reign for ever and ever." IV. It remains only to apply the preceding considerations to all who are here before God. And are we not directly led so to do, by the present solemnity, which so naturally points us to that day, when the Lord will judge the world in righteousness ? This, therefore, by re- minding us of that more awful season, may furnish many lessons of instruction. A few of these I may be permitted just to touch on. May God write them on all our hearts ! 1. And, first, how beautiful are the feet of those who are sent by the wise and gracious providence of God, to execute justice on earth, to defend the injured, and punish the wrong doer! Are they not the ministers of God to us for good ; the grand supporters of the public tran quillity ; the patrons of innocence and virtue ; the great security of all our temporal blessings ? And does not e.very one of these represent, not only an earthly prince, but the Judge of the earth 7 Him, whoso " name is writter upon his thigh, King of kings, and Lord of lods ?" Oh that all these sons of the right hand of the Most High, may be holy as he is holy ! Wise with the wisdom that sitteth by his throne: like Him who is the eternal Wisdom of the Father ! No respecters of per- sons, as He is none; but rendering to every man according to his works : like Him inflexibly, inexorably just, though pitiful and of tender mercy ! So shall they be terrible indeed to them that do evil, as not bearing the sword in vain. So shall the laws of our land have their full use and due honour, and the throne of our King be still established in righteousness. 2. Ye truly honourable men, whom God and the king have commis- sioned, in a lower degree, to administer justice ; may not yc be com- pared to those ministering spirits who will attend the Judge coming in the clouds? May you, like them, burn with love to God and man 1 SERMON XV. J THE GREAT ASSIZE. H7 May you love righteousness and hate iniquity ! May ye all minister in your several spheres (such honour hath God given you also !) to them that shall be heirs of salvation, and to the glory of your great Sovereign ! May ye remain the establishers of peace ; the blessing and ornaments of your country ; the protectors of a guilty land ; the guardian angels of all that are round about you ! 3. You, whose office it is to execute what is given you in charge by him before whom you stand ; how nearly are you concerned to resemble those that stand before the face of the Son of man, those servants of his that do his pleasure, and hearken to the voice of his words ! Does it not highly import you, to be as uncorrupt as them 1 To approve your- selves the servants of God 1 To do justly, and love mercy ; to Jo to all as ye would they should do to you ? So shall that great Judge, under whose eye you continually stand, say to you also, " Well done, good and faithful servants, enter ye into the joy of your Lord !" 4. Suffer me to add a few words to all of you who are at this day present before the Lord. Should not you bear it in your minds all the day long, that a more awful day is coming ? A large assembly this ! But what is it to that which every ye will then behold, the general assembly of all the children of men that ever lived on the face of the whole earth ! A few will stand at the judgment seat this day, to be judged touching what shall be laid to their charge ; and they are now reserved in prison, perhaps in chains, till they are brought forth to be tried and sentenced. But we shall all, I that speak, and you that hear, " stand at the judg- ment seat of Christ." And we are now reserved on this earth, which is not our home, in this prison of flesh and blood, perhaps many of ;is in chains of darkness too, till we are ordered to be brought forth. Here a man is questioned concerning one or two facts, which he is supposed to have committed : there we are to give an account of all our work^ v from the cradle to the grave ; of all our words ; of all our desires and tempers, all the thoughts and intents of our hearts ; of all the use we have mane of our various talents, whether of mind, body, or fortune, till God said, " Give an account of thy stewardship, for thou mayest be no longer steward." In this court, it is possible, some who are guilty, may escape for want of evidence ; but there is no want of evidence in that court. All men, with whom you had the most secret intercourse, who were privy to all your designs and actions, are ready before your face. So are all the spirits of darkness, who inspired evil designs, and assisted in the execution of them. So are all the angels of God, those eyes of the Lord, that run to and fro over ali the earth, who watched over your soul, and la.boured for your good, so .far as you would permit. So is your own conscience, a thousand witnesses in one, now no more capable of being either blinded or silenced, but constrained to know and to speak the naked truth, touching all your thoughts, and words, and actions. And is conscience as a thousand witnesses ? yea, but God is as a thousand consciences ! Oh, who can stand before the face of the great God, even our Saviour Jesus Christ ! See ! see ! He cometh ! He maketh the clouds his chariot ! He rideth upon the wings of the wind ! A devouring fire goeth before him, and after him a flame burneth ! See ! He sitteth upon his throne, clothed with light as with a garment, arrayed with majesty and honour ! Behold his eyes are as a flame of fire, his voice as the sound of many waters ! 148 THE GREAT ASSIZE. [SERMON XV. How will ye escape ? Will ye call to the mountains to fall on you, the rocks to cover you ? Alas, the mountains themselves, the rocks the earth, the heavens, are just ready to flee away ! Can ye prevent the sentence 1 Wherewith 1 With all the substance of thy house, with thousands of gold and silver ? Blind wretch ! Thou earnest naked from thy mother's womb, and more naked into eternity. Hear the Lord, the Judge ! " Come, ye blessed of my Father ! inherit the king- dom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Joyful sound! How widely different from that voice which echoes through the expanse of heaven, " Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels !" And, who is he that can prevent or retard the full execution of either sentence ? Vain hope ! Lo, hell is moved from beneath to receive those who are ripe for destruction ! And the ever- lasting doors lift up their heads, that the heirs of glory may come in ! 5. " What manner of persons then ought we to be, in all holy con- versation and godliness ?" We know it cannot be long before the Lord will descend with the voice of the archangel, and the trumpet of God ; when every one of us shall appear before him, and give account of his own works. "Wherefore, beloved, seeing ye look for these things," seeing ye know He will come, and will not tarry, " be diligent, that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless." Why should ye not 1 Why should one of you be found on the left hand, at his appearing 1 He willeth not that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance ; by repentance, to faith in a bleeding Lord ; by faith, to spotless love, to the full image of God renewed in the heart, and producing all holiness of conversation. Can you doubt of this, when you remember, the Judge of all is likewise the Saviour of all ? Hath he not bought you with his own blood, that ye might not perish, but have everlasting life 1 Oh make proof of his mercy, rather than his justice ; of his love, rather than the thunder of his power ! He ia not far from every one of us : and he is now come, not to condemn, but to save the world. He standeth in the midst ! Sinner, doth he not now, even now, knock at the door of thy heart 1 Oh that thou mayest know, at least in this thy day, the things that belong unto thy peace ! Oh that ye may now give yourselves to him who gave himself for you, in humble faith, in holy, active, patient love ! So shall ye rejoice with exceeding joy in his day, when he cometh in the clouds of heaven ! SEKMON XVI.] MEANS OF GRACE. 149 SERMON XVI. The Means of Grace. " Ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and hare not kept them." Mai. iii. 7. ANALYSIS. I. ARE there any ordinances under the Christian dispensa- tion ? This question could not have been raised in the Apostles days. It grew out of the reaction against an age of mere outward forms. The protest against forms without the living spirit, insensibly became a rejection of forms altogether. II. The question considered. Means of grace defined. Enumerated as prayer, searching the Scriptures, and the Lord's Supper. Their value depends on subserving the end of religion. They are not a commuta- tion for religion ; cannot avail without the Spirit of God ; cannot atone for sin ; are often abused. III. But still the Word of God commands all who desire the grace of God to wait for it in the use of the means. 1. In the way of prayer. Scripture proofs. Matt. VIL 7-11 ; Luke xi. 5-13 ; xviii. 1-5 ; Matt. VL 6 ; Jas. i. 5 ; and iv. 2. 2. In searching the Scriptures. Jno. v. 39 ; Acts xvii 11, 12 ; 2 Tim. iii. 15-17 ; 2 Pet. L 19. 3. In the Lord's Supper. 1 Cor. xi. 23, &c. ; 1 Cor. x. 16. IV. Objections. 1. " Means cannot be used without trusting in them." God intended that we should trust them as means. 2. " This is seeking salvation by works." Not in the proper sense of works. 3. " Christ is the only means of grace." Not in the proper sense of means. 4. " We are to wait for salvation." Yes, but in the use of God's appointed means. 5. " Stand still and see," &c. Which they did by marching forward with all their might, &c. 150 MEANS OF GRACE. [SERMON XVI. 6. " If ye be dead with Christ, why are ye subject to ordinances ? " The ordinances of the Jewish law. V. How shall we use the means ? 1. In God's order. The word to convince, then prayer, finally the Lord's Supper. This should not be reversed, but we must be guided by indications of God's Providence. 2. As to manner ; placing God above the means ; seeking him alone in the means ; and avoiding all self-righteous trust. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. This important sermon was probably first preached by Mr. Wesley in 1740, when in the midst of the Moravian controversy. It originally stood next in order to the sermon on Sin in Believers, forming with that Bernion a complete refutation of the serious errors which led to the entire separation of Methodism from the Moravian societies. We learn from Tyerman, that at this crisis, " Wesley preached a series of sermons : 1. Qa the delusion that ' weak faith is no faith.' 2. On the bold affirmation, that there is but one commandment in the New Testament, namely, ' to believe.' 3. On the point that Christians are subject to the ordinances of Christ. 4. On the fact that a man may be justified with- out being entirely sanctified. These discourses Avere followed by five others, on reading the Scriptures, prayer, the Lord's Supper, and good works." We see from this extract, how closely identified the Moravian stillness and imputed freedom from all sin were with Antinomianism. The Antinomian teaching of our own time, which says that a man must neither repent nor pray before he believes, is essentially a revival of the error which Mr. Wesley refutes in this sermon. The Moravian form of the error, he states in his Journal as follows : " As to the way of faith, you believe that the way to attain it is to wait for Christ and be still ; that is, not to use (what we term) the means of grace : not to go to church : not to communicate : not to fast : not to use so much private prayer : not to read the Scriptures : * * not to do temporal good : nor to attempt doing spiritual good." The essential difference between the Moravian teaching and the modern solifidianism arises from a different view of the nature of faith, the Moravian regarding it (with Wesley) us involving an inward operation of the Holy Spirit ; hence he says, " Be still and wait for faith ;" whereas the modern regards it as a logical act f the understanding ; hence he eaya, " Believe." But both reject all means and works. SERMON XVI. I. 1. BUT are there any ordinances now, since life and immortality were brought to light by the gospel ? Are there, under the Christian dispensation, any means ordained of God, as the usual channels of his grace ? This question could never have been proposed in the apostolical church, unless by one who openly avowed himself to be a heathen ; the whole body of Christians being agreed, that Christ had ordained cer- tain outward means, for conveying his grace into the souls of men. Their constant practice set this beyond all dispute ; for so long as "all that believed were together, and had all things common," Acts ii, 44. SERMON XVI. J MEANS OF GRACE. 151 4 they continued stead fatstly in the teaching of the apostles and in breaking of bread, and in prayers," ver. 42. 2. But in process of time, when " the love of many waxed cold," some began to mistake the means for the end, and to place religion, rather in doing those outward works, than in a heart renewed after thtr image of God. They forgot that " the end of" every " commandment is love, out of a pure heart," with " faith unfeigned ;" the loving the Lord their God with all their heart, and their neighbour as themselves ; and the being purified from pride, anger, and evil desire, by a " faith of the operation of God." Others seemed to imagine, that though religion did not principally consist in these outward means, yet there was some- thing in them wherewith God was well pleased, something that would still make them acceptaNe in his sight, though they were not exact in the weightier matters of the law, in justice, mercy, and the love of God. 3. It is evident, in those who abused them thus, they did not con- duce to the end for which they were ordained : rather, the things which should have been for their health, were to them an occasion of falling. They were so far from receiving any blessing therein, that they only drew down a curse upon their head ; so far from growing more heavenly in heart and life, that they were two fold more the children of hell than before. Others, clearly perceiving that these means did not convey the grace of God to those children of the devil, began, from this particular case, to draw a general conclusion, that they were not means of conveying the grace of God. 4. Yet the number of those who abused the ordinances of God, was far greater than of those who despised them, till certain men arose, not only of great understanding, (sometimes joined with considerable learn- ing,) but who likewise appeared to be men of love, experimentally acquainted with true, inward religion. Some of these were burning and shining lights, persons famous in their generations, and such as had well deserved of the church of Christ, for standing in the gap against the overflowings of ungodliness. It cannot be supposed, that these holy and venerable men intended any more, at first, than to show that outward religion is nothing worth, without the religion of the heart ; that " God is a spirit, and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth ;" that, therefore, external worship is lost labour, without a heart devoted to God ; that the outward ordinances of God then profit much, when they advance inward holiness, but, when they advance it not, are unprofitable and void, are lighter than vanity ; yea, that when they are used, as it were, in the plane of this, they are an utter abomination to the Lord-. 5. Yet it is not strange, if some of these, being strongly convinced of that horrid profanation of the ordinances of God, which had spread i'self over the whole church, and well nigh driven true religion out of the world in their fervent zeal for the glory of God, and the recovery of souls from that fatal delusion spake as if outward religion were absolutely nothing, as if it had no place. in the religion of Christ. It is not surprising at all, if they should not always have expressed them- selves with sufficient caution ; so that unwary hearers might believe they condemned all outward means, as altogether unprofitable, and ae not designed of God to be the ordinary channels of conveying his grace into the souls of men. 152 MEANS OF GRACE. [SERMON XVI. Nay, it is not impossible, some of these holy men did, at length, themselves fall into this opinion : in particular those who, nut by choice, but by the providence of God, were cut off from all these ordinances ; perhaps wandering up and down, having no certain abiding place, or dwelling in dens and caves of the earth. These, experiencing the grace of God, in themselves, though they were deprived of all outward means, might infer that the same grace would be given to them who o; set purpose abstained from them. 6. And experience shows how easily this notion spreads, and insinu- ates itself into the minds of men ; especially of those who are thoroughly awakened out of the sleep of death, and begin to feel the weight of their sins a burden too heavy to be borne. These are usually impatient of their present state ; and, trying every way to escape from it, they are always ready to catch at any new thing, any new proposal of ease or happiness. They have probably tried most outward means, and found no ease in them ; it may be, more and more of remorse, and fear, and sorrow, and condemnation. It is easy therefore to persuade these, that it is better for them to abstain from all those means. They are already weary of striving (as it seems) in vain, of labouring in the fire ; and are therefore glad of any pretence to cast aside that wherein their soul has no pleasure, to give over the painful strife, and sink down into an indolent inactivity. II. 1. In the following discourse, I propose to examine at large, whether there are any means of grace 7 By means of grace I understand outward signs, words, or actions ordained of God, and appointed for this end, to be the ordinary chan- nels whereby he might convey to men, preventing, justifying or sanc- tifying grace. I use this expression, means of grace, because I know none better ; and because it has been generally used in the Christian church for many ages in particular by our own church, which directs us to bless God both for the means of grace and hope of glory, and teaches us, that a sacrament is " an outward sign of inward grace, and a means whereby we receive the same." The chief of these means are prayer, whether in secret or with the great congregation ; searching the Scriptures ; (which implies reading, hearing, and meditating thereon ;) arid receiving the Lord's supper, eating bread and drinking wine in remembrance of him : and these we believe to be ordained of God, as the ordinary channels of conveying his grace to the souls of men. 2. But we allow, that the whole value of the means depends on their actual subservience to the end of religion ; that, consequently, all these means, when separate from the end, are less than nothing and vanity ; that if they do not actually conduce to the knowledge and love of God, they are not acceptable in his sight ; yea, lather, they are an abomina tion before him, a stink in his nostrils; he is weary to bear them. Above all, if they are used as a kind of commutation for the icligion they were designed to subserve, it is not easy to find words for the enormous folly and wickedness of thus turning God's arms against himself; of keeping Christianity out of the heart by those very means which were ordained for the bringing it in. 3. We allow likewise that all outward means whatever, if separate from the Spirit of God, cannot profit at all, cannot conduce in any degree, SERMON XVI.] MEANS OF GRACE. 163 either to tne knowledge or love of God. Without controversy, the help that is done upon earth, he doeth ii himself. It is he alone who, by his own almighty power, worketh in us what is pleasing in his sight ; and all outward tilings, unless he work in them and by them, are mere weak and beggarly elements. Whosoever therefore imagines there is any intrinsic power in any means whatsoever, does greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures, neither the power of God. We know that there is no inherent power in the words that are spoken in prayer, in the letter of Scripture read, the sound thereof heard, or the bread and wine received in the Lord's Supper ; but that it is God alone who is the giver of every good gift, the author of all grace ; that the whole power is of him, whereby, through any of these, there is any blessing conveyed to our souls. We know, likewise, that he is able to give the same grace, though there were no means on the face of the earth. In this sense, we may affirm, that with regard to God, there is no such thing as means ; seeing he is equally able to work whatsoever pleaseth him, by any, or by none at all. 4. We allow farther, that the use of all means whatever will never atone for one sin ; that it is the blood of Christ alone, whereby any sin- ner can be reconciled to God ; there being no other propitiation for our sins, no other fountain for sin and uncleanness. Every believer in Christ is deeply convinced that there is no merit but in him ; that there is no merit in any of his own works ; not in uttering the prayer or searching the Scripture, or hearing the word of God, or eating of that bread and drinking of that cup. So that if no more be intended by the expression some have used, " Christ is the only means of grace," than this, that he is the only meritorious cause of it, it cannot be gainsaid by any who know the grace of God. 5. Yet once more : We allow, though it is a melancholy truth, that a large proportion of those who are called Christians, do to this day abuse the means of grace to the destruction of their souls. This is doubtless the case with all those who rest content in ihe form of godli- ness, without the power. Either they fondly presume they are Christians already, because they do thus and thus, although Christ was never yet revealed in their hearts, nor the love of God shed abroad therein : or else they suppose they shall infallibly be so, barely because they use these means ; idly dreaming, (though perhaps hardly conscious thereof,) either that there is some kind of power therein, whereby, sooner or later, (they know not when,) they shall certainly be made holy ; or that there is a sort of merit in using them, which will surely move God to give them holiness, or accept them without it. 6. So little do they understand that great foundation of the whole Christian building, " By grace are ye saved :" ye are saved from your fins, from the guilt and power thereof, ye are restored to the favour and image of God, not for any works, merits, or deservings of yours, but by the free grace, the mere mercy of God, through the merits of his well beloved Son : ye are thus saved, not by any power, wisdom or strength, which is in you, or in any other creature ; but merely through the grace or power of the Holy Ghost, which worketh all in all. 7. But the main question remains :' we know this salvation is the gift and the woik of God ; but how (may one say who is convinced he hath it not) may I attain thereto? If you say, Believe, and thou shall be saved; 154 I:EANS OF GRACE. [SERMON xvi. he answers, True ; but how shall I believe ? You reply, Wait upon God Well ; but how am I to waft ? In the means of grace, or out of them ? Am I to wait for the grace of God which bringeth salvation, by using these means, or by laying them aside 1 8. It cannot possibly be conceived, that the word of God should give no direction in so important a point ; or, that the Son of God, who came down from heaven for us men and for our salvation, should have left us undetermined with regard to a question whereia our salvation is so nearly concerned. And, in fact, he hath not left us undetermined ; he hath shown us the way wherein we should go. We have only to consult the oracles of God ; to inquire what is written there ; and, if we simply abide by their decision, there can no possible doubt remain. III. 1. According to this, according to the decision of Holy Writ, all who desire the grace of God are to wait for it in the means which he hath ordained ; in using, not in laying them aside. And, first, all who desire the grace of God are to wait for it in the way of prayer. This is the express direction of our Lord himself. In his ser- mon upon the mount, after explaining at large wherein religion consists, and describing the main branches of it, he adds, " Ask, and it shall be given you ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you : for every one that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened," Matt, vii, 7, 8. Here we are in the plainest manner directed to ask, in order to, or as a means of, receiving ; to seek, in order to find, the grace of God, the pearl of great price ; and to knock, to continue asking and seeking, if we would enter into his kingdom. 2. That no doubt might remain, our Lord labours this point in a more peculiar manner. He appeals to every man's ow n heart. " What man is there of you, who, if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone ? Or, if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent 1 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father winch is in heaven," the Father of angels and men, the Father of the spirits of all flesh, " give good things to them that ask him ?" ver. 9-11. Or, as he expresses himself on another occasion, including all good things in one, " How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him ?" Luke xi, 13. It should be particu- larly observed here, that the persons directed to ask had not then received the Holy Spirit : nevertheless our Lord directs them to use this means, and promises that it should be effectual; that upon asking they should receive the Holy Spirit, from him whose mercy is over all his works. 3. The absolute necessity of using this means, if we would receire any gift from God, yet farther appears from that remarkable passage which immediately precedes these words: " And he said unto them," whom he had just been teaching how to pray, " Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and shall say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves : and he from within shall answer, Trouble me not; I cannot rise and give thee. I say unto you, though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his impor- tunity, he will rise and give him as many as he needeth. And I say unto you, Ask and it shall be given you," Luke xi, 5, 7, 8, 9. "Though he will not give him, because he is his friend, yet because of liis impor- SERMON XVI. J MEANS OF GRACE. 155 tunity, he will rise and give him as many as he needeth." How could our blessed Lord more plainly declare, that we may receive of God, by this means, by importunately asking, what otherwise we should not rect ive at all 1 4 " He spake also another parable, to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint," till through this means they should receive of God whatsoever petition they asked of him. " There was in a cily a judge which feared not God, neither regarded man. And there was a widow in that city, and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of my adversary. And he would not for a while ; but afterwards he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming, she weary me," Luke xviii, 1-5. The application of this our Lord himself hath made : " Hear what the unjust judge saith !" Because she con- tinues to ask, because she will take no denial, therefore I will avenge her. " And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him ? I tell you he will avenge them speedily," if they pray and faint not. 5. A direction, equally full and express, to wait for the blessings of God in private prayer, together with a positive promise, that, by this means, we shall obtain the request of our lips, he hath given us in those well known words : " Enter into thy closet ; and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to tiiy Father which is in secret ; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly," Matt, vi, 6. 6. If it be possible for any direction to be more clear, it is that which God hath given us by the apostle, with regard to prayer of every kind, public or private, and the blessing annexed thereto. " If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally," (if they ask ; otherwise *' ye have not, because ye ask not," James iv, 2,) "and upbraideth not ; and it shall be given him," chap, i, 5. If it be objected, but this is no direction to unbelievers ; to them who know not the pardoning grace of God : for the apostle adds, " But let him ask in faith ;" otherwise, " let him not think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." I answer, the meaning of the word faith, in this place, is fixed by the apostle himself, as if it were on purpose to obviate this objection, in the words immediately following; " Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering," nothing duubting, f///)<5ev <5iaxpivofj-vos : not doubting but God heareth his prayer, and will fulfil the desire of his heart. The gross, blasphemous absurdity of supposing faith in this place to be taken in the full Christian meaning, appears hence : It is supposing the Holy Ghost to direct a man who knows he has not this faith, (which is here termed wisdom,) to ask it of God, with a positive promise that " it shall be given him ;" and then immediately to subjoin, that it shall not be given him, unless he have it before he asks for it ! But who can bear such a supposition ? From this scripture, therefore, as well as those cited above, we must infer, that all who desire the grace of God are to wait for it in the way of prayer. 7. Secondly, all who desire the grace of God are to wait for it in searching the Scriptures. Our Lord's direction, with regard to the use of this means, is like- wise plain and clear. " Search the Scriptures," saith he to the unbe- 156 MEANS OF GRACE. [SERMON XVI. lieving Jews, " for they testify of me," John v, 39. And for this very end did he direct them to search the Scriptures, that they might believe in him. The objection, " That this is not a command, but only an assertion, that they did search the Scriptures," is shamelessly false. I desire those who urge it, to let us know how a command can be more clearly expressed, than in those terms, Epsuvars TOS ypat a barely notional or speculative faith that is here spoken of by the apostles. It is not a bare assent to this proposition, Jesus is the Christ ; nor indeed to all the propositions contained in our creed, or in the Old and New Testament. It is not merely an assent to any or all these credible things, as credible. To say this, were to say (which who could hear ?) that the devils were born of God ; for they have this faith. They, trembling, believe, both that Jesus is the Christ, and that all Scripture, having been given by inspiration of God, is true as God is true. It is not only an assent to divine truth, upon the testimony of God, or upon the evidence of miracles ; for they also heard the words of his mouth, and knew him to be a faithful and true witness They could not but receive the testimony he gave, both of himself, and of the Father which sent him. They saw likewise the mighty works which he did, and thence believed that he " came forth from God." Yet, notwithstanding this faith, they are still " reserved in chains of darkness, unto the judgment of the great day." 3. For all this is no more than a dead faith. The true, living. Christian faith, which whosoever hath is born of God, is not only assent, an act of the understanding ; but a disposition, which God hath wrought m his heart ; " a sure trust and confidence in God, that through the merits of Christ his sins are forgiven, and he reconciled to the favour of God." This implies, that a man first renounce himself; that, in order to be " found in Christ," to be accepted through him, he totally rejects all " confidence in the flesh ;" that " having nothing to pay," having no trust in his own works or righteousness of any kind, he comes to God as a lost, miserable, self destroyed, self condemned, undone, help- less sinner ; as one whose mouth is utterly stopped, and who is alto- gether " guilty before God." Such a sense of sin, (commonly called despair, by those who speak evil of the things they know not,) togethei with a full conviction, such as no words can express, that of Christ only cometh our salvation, and an earnest desire of that salvation, must precede a living faith, a trust in Him, who for us paid our ransom b) his death, and for us fulfilled the law in his life. This faith then, whereby we are born of God, is " not only a belief of all the articles of our faith, but also a true confidence of the mercy of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ." 4. An immediate and cons' ant fruit of this faith whereby we are born of God, a fruit which can in no wise be separated from it, no, not for an hour, is power ovpr sin ; power over outward sin of every kind ; over every evil word and work ; for wheresoever the blood of Christ is thus applied, it " purgeth the conscience from dead works ;" and over inward sin ; for it purifieth the heart from every unholy desire and temper. This fruit of faith St. Paul has largely described, in the sixth chapter of his epistle to the Romans. " How shall we," saith he, " who [by faith] are dead to sin, live any longer therein ?" " Our old man is crucified with Christ, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin." " Likewise, reckon ye your- selves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not ain therefore reign [even] in your mortal body," " but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead." " For sin shall not have dominion over you. God be thanked, that ye were ttie servants of sin, but being made free," the plain meaning is, God SERMON XVIII.] MAIIKS OF THE NEW BIUTH. 175 he thanked, that though ye were, in time past, the servants of sin, yet now " being free from sin, ye are become the servantsof righteousness." 5. The same invaluable privilege of the sons of __od, is as strongly asserted by St. John ; particularly with regard to the former branch of it, namely, power over outward sin. After he had been crying out, as one astonished at the depth of the riches of the goodness of God, " Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, thai we should be called the sons of God ! Beloved, now are we the sons of God : and it doth not yet appear what we shall be ; but we know, that when he shall appear, we shall be like him ; for we shall see him as he is;" 1 John iii, l,&c; he soon adds, "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin ; for his seed remaineth in him : and he cannot sin. because he is born of God," verse 9. But some men will say, " Tiue whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin habitually.' 11 Habitually) whence is that ? I read it not. It is not written in the book. God plainly saith, " He doth not commit sin ;" and thou addest habitually ! Who art thou that mendest the oracles of God 1 that " addest to the words of this book ?" Beware, I beseech thee, lest God " add to thee all the plagues that are written therein !" Especially when the com- ment thou addest is such as quite swallows up the text : so that by this fisdoiJsia irXavTjf, this artful method of deceiving, the precious promise is utterly lost; by this xvfleia. andguiruv, this tricking and shuffling of men, the word of God is made of none effect. Oh beware, thou that thus takest from the words of this book, that taking away the whole meaning and spirit from them, leavest only what may indeed be termed a dead letter, lest God take away thy part out of the book of life ! 6. Suffer we the apostle to interpret his own words, by the whole tenor of his discourse. In the fifth verse of this chapter, he had said, " Ye know that he [Christ] was manifested to take away our sins ; and in him is no sin." What is the inference he draws from this 1 " Who~ soever abideth in him sinneth not : whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him," ch. iii, 6. To his enforcement of this impor- tant doctrine, he premises a highly necessary caution : " Little child- ren, let no man deceive you," ver. 7 ; for many will endeavour so to do; to persuade you that you may be unrighteous, that you may commit sin, and yet be children of God ; " he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil ; for the devil sinneth from the beginning." Then follows, " Whosever is born of God doth not commit sin ; for his seed remaineth in him : and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this," adds the apostle, " the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil." By this plain mark (the committing or not committing sin) are they distin- guished from each other. To the same effect are those words in his fifth chapter, " We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not : but he that is bego'.ten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not," ver. 18. 7. Another fruit of this living faith is peace. For, " being justified by faith," having all our sins blotted out, " we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ," Rom. v, 1. This indeed our Lord himself, the night before his death, solemnly bequeathed to all his fol- lower?, " Peace," saith he, " I leave with you ;" (you who " believe in i/' and " believe also in me ;") " m> peace I give unto you." "Not 176 MARKS OF THE NEW BIRTH. [SERMON XVIII. as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart he troubled, neither let it be afraid," John xiv, 27. And again, " These things have 1 spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace," ch. xvi, 33. This is that " peace of God which passeth all understanding," that serenity of soul which it hath not entered into the heart of a natural man to con- ceive, and which it is not possible for even the spiritual man to utter. And it is a peace which all the powers of earth and hell are unable to take from him. Waves and storms beat upon it, but they shake it not ; for it is founded upon a rock. It keepeth the hearts and minds of the children of God, at all times and in all places. Whether they are in ease or in pain, in sickness or health, in abundance or want, they are happy in God. In every state they have learned to be content, yea, to give thanks unto God through Christ Jesus ; beiag well assured, that " what- soever is, is best," because it is his will concerning them: so that in all the vicissitudes of life their " heart standeth fast, believing in the Lord." II. 1. A second scriptural mark of those who are born of God, is hope. Thus St. Peter, speaking to all the children of God who were then scattered abroad, saith, " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy, hath begot- ten us again unto a lively hope," 1 Pet. i, 3. EXin