^tanbarti Eifirarp €t!itton THE MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS OF JOHN FISKE WITH MANY PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PHILOSOPHERS, SCIENTISTS, AND OTHER MEN OF NOTE IN TWELVE VOLUMES VOLUME XII I CIVIL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES CONSIDERED WITH SOME REFERENCE TO ITS ORIGINS BY JOHN FISKE AiVcrOfUtu, jrai Ziji/bs 'EAevflepi'ov, 'IlxepOLV evpvaOeve' ofi<^i7roAei, 2TCtpa Tv^o' tXv yap ev novrif KV^pviovTat. flooi vacs, ef ^zpfT^ T€ Aaii/njpot ttoAc/jloi Kayopac /SovAo^opOi. Pindar, Olymp., xii. Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State ! Sail on, O Union, strong and great ! . . . Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee. Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, Our faith triumphant o'er our fears. Are all with thee, — are all with thee ! Longfellow BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY dlie BiberjSitic prejS)*, Cambtitige 1902 COPYRIGHT 1890 BY JOHN FISKE COPYRIGHT 1902 BY HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SDeUtcation THIS LITTLE BOOK IS DEDICATED, WITH THE AUTHOR* S BEST WISHES AND SINCERE REGARD, TO THE MANY HUNDREDS OF YOUNG FRIENDS WHOM HE HAS FOUND IT SO PLEASANT TO MEET IN YEARS PAST, AND ALSO TO THOSE WHOM HE LOOKS FORWARD TO MEETING IN YEARS TO COME, IN STUDIES AND READINGS UPON .THE RICH AND FRUITFUL HISTORY OF OUR BE- LOVED COUNTRY PREFACE SOME time ago, my friends, Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., requested me to write a small book on Civil Govern- ment in the United States, which might be useful as a text-book, and at the same time serviceable and suggestive to the general reader interested in American history. In preparing the book certain points have been kept espe- cially in view, and deserve some mention here. It seemed desirable to adopt a historical method of exposition, not simply describing our political institutions in their present shape, but pointing out their origin, indicating some of the processes through which they have acquired that present shape, and thus keeping before the student's mind the fact that government is perpetually undergoing modifications in adapt- ing itself to new conditions. Inasmuch as such gradual changes in government do not make themselves, but are made by men — and made either for better or for worse — it is obvious that the history of political institutions has seri- ous lessons to teach us. The student should as vii PREFACE soon as possible come to understand that every institution is the outgrowth of experiences. One probably gets but little benefit from abstract definitions and axioms concerning the rights of men and the nature of civil society, such as we often find at the beginning of books on gov- ernment. Metaphysical generalizations are well enough in their place, but to start with such things — as the French philosophers of the eighteenth century were fond of doing — is to get the cart before the horse. It is better to have our story first, and thus find out what government in its concrete reality has been, and is. Then we may finish up with the metaphysics, or do as I have done — leave it for somebody else. I was advised to avoid the extremely syste- matic, intrusively symmetrical style of exposi- tion, which is sometimes deemed indispensable in a book of this sort. It was thought that students would be more likely to become inter- ested in the subject if it were treated in the same informal manner into which one naturally falls in giving lectures to young people. I have en- deavoured to bear this in mind without sacri- ficing that lucidity in the arrangement of topics which is always the supreme consideration. For many years I have been in the habit of lectur- viii PREFACE ing on history to college students in different parts of the United States, to young ladies in private schools, and occasionally to the pupils in high and normal schools, and in writing this little book I have imagined an audience of these earnest and intelligent young friends gathered before me. I was especially advised — by my friend Mr. James MacAlister, superintendent of schools in Philadelphia, for whose judgment I have the highest respect — to make it a little book, less than three hundred pages in length, if possible. Teachers and pupils do not have time enough to deal properly with large treatises. Brevity, therefore, is golden. A concise manual is the desideratum, touching lightly upon the vari- ous points, bringing out their relationships distinctly, and referring to more elaborate trea- tises, monographs, and documents, for the use of those who wish to pursue the study at greater length. Within limits thus restricted, it will probably seem strange to some that so much space is given to the treatment of local institutions, — comprising the governments of town, county, and city. It may be observed, by the way, that some persons apparently conceive of the state also as a " local institution." In a recent re- ix PREFACE view of Professor Howard's admirable " Local Constitutional History of the United States," we read, "The first volume, which is all that is yet published, treats of the development of the township, hundred, and shire ; the second vol- ume, we suppose, being designed to treat of the State Constitutions." The reviewer forgets that there is such a subject as the " development of the city and local magistracies " (which is to be the subject of that second volume), and lets us see that in his apprehension the American state is an institution of the same order as the town and county. We can thus readily assent when we are told that " many youth have grown to manhood with so little appreciation of the political importance of the state as to believe it nothing more than a geographical division." ^ In its historic genesis, the American state is not an institution of the same order as the town and county, nor has it as yet become depressed or " mediatized " to that degree. . The state, while it does not possess such attributes of sovereignty as were by our Federal Constitution granted to the United States, does, nevertheless, possess many very important and essential characteris- tics of a sovereign body. The study of our state governments is inextricably wrapped up ^ Young's Government Class Book, p. iv. X PREFACE with the study of our national government, in such wise that both are parts of one subject, which cannot be understood unless both parts are studied. Whether in the course of our country's future development we shall ever arrive at a stage in which this is not the case, must be left for future events to determine. But, if we ever do arrive at such a stage, " American institutions " will present a very different aspect from those with which we are now familiar, and which we have always been accustomed (even, perhaps, without always un- derstanding them) to admire. The study of local government properly in- cludes town, county, and city. To this part of the subject I have devoted about half of my limited space, quite unheedful of the warning which I find in the preface of a certain popular text-book, that " to learn the duties of town, city, and county officers, has nothing whatever to do with the grand and noble subject of Civil Government," and that " to attempt class drill on petty town and county offices, would be simply burlesque of the whole subject." But, suppose one were to say, with an air of ineffable scorn, that petty experiments on terrestrial gravitation and radiant heat, such as can be made with commonplace pendulums and tea- xi PREFACE kettles, have nothing whatever to do with the grand and noble subject of Physical Astronomy ! Science would not have got very far on that plan, I fancy. The truth is, that science, while it is perpetually dealing with questions of mag- nitude, and knows very well what is large and what is small, knows nothing whatever of any such distinction as that between things that are "grand" and things that are "petty." When we try to study things in a scientific spirit, to learn their modes of genesis and their present aspects, in order that we may foresee their ten- dencies, and make our volitions count for some- thing in modifying them, there is nothing which we may safely disregard as trivial. This is true of whatever we can study ; it is eminently true of the history of institutions. Government is not a royal mystery, to be shut off, like old Deiokes,^ by a sevenfold wall from the ordinary business of life. Questions of civil government are practical business questions, the principles of which are as often and as forcibly illustrated in a city council or a county board of super- visors, as in the House of Representatives at Washington. It is partly because too many of our citizens fail to realize that local government is a worthy study, that we find it making so ^ Herodotus, i. 98. xii PREFACE much trouble for us. The " bummers " and " boodlers " do not find the subject beneath their notice ; the Master who inspires them is wide awake and — for a creature that divides the hoof — extremely intelligent. It is, moreover, the mental training gained through contact with local government that enables the people of a community to conduct successfully, through their representatives, the government of the state and the nation. And so it makes a great deal of difference whether the government of a town or county is of one sort or another. If the average character of our local governments for the past quarter of a century had been quite as high as that of the Boston town-meeting or the Virginia boards of county magistrates, in the days of Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry, who can doubt that many an airy demagogue, who through session after ses- sion has played his pranks at the national cap- ital, would long ago have been abruptly recalled to his native heath, a sadder if not a wiser man ? We cannot expect the nature of the aggregate to be much better than the average natures of its units. One may hear people gravely discussing the difference between Frenchmen and English- men in political efficiency, and resorting to as- sumed ethnological causes to explain it, when, xiii PREFACE very likely, to save their lives they could not describe the difference between a French com- mune and an English parish. To comprehend the interesting contrasts between Gambetta in the Chamber of Deputies, and Gladstone in the House of Commons, one should begin with a historical inquiry into the causes, operating through forty generations, which have frittered away self-government in the rural districts and small towns of France, until there is very little left. If things in America ever come to such a pass that the city council of Cambridge must ask Congress each year how much money it can be allowed to spend for municipal purposes, while the mayor of Cambridge holds his office subject to removal by the President of the United States, we may safely predict further extensive changes in the character of the Ameri- can people and their government. It was not for nothing that our profoundest political thinker, Thomas Jefferson, attached so much impor- tance to the study of the township. In determining the order of exposition, I have placed local government first, beginning with the township as the simplest unit. It is well to try to understand what is near and simple, before dealing with what is remote and complex. In teaching geography with maps, it xiv PREFACE is wise to get the pupil interested in the streets of his own town, the country roads running out of it, and the neighbouring hills and streams, before burdening his attention with the topo- graphical details of Borrioboola Gha. To study grand generalizations about government, before attending to such of its features as come most directly before us, is to run the risk of achieving a result like that attained by the New Hamp- shire school-boy, who had studied geology in a text-book, but was not aware that he had ever set eyes upon an igneous rock. After the township naturally comes the county. The city, as is here shown, is not sim- ply a larger town, but is much more complex in organization. Historically, many cities have been, or still are, equivalent to counties ; and the development of the county must be studied before we can understand that of the city. It has been briefly indicated how these forms of local government grew up in England, and how they have become variously modified in adapt- ing themselves to different social conditions in different parts of the United States. Next in order come the general governments, those which possess and exert, in one way or another, attributes of sovereignty. First, the various colonial governments have been con- XV PREFACE sidered, and some features of their metamorpho- sis into our modern state governments have been described. In the course of this study, our attention is called to the most original and striking feature of the development of civil gov- ernment upon American soil, — the written con- stitution, with the accompanying power of the courts in certain cases to annul the acts of the legislature. This is not only the most original feature of our government, but it is in some respects the most important. Without the Su- preme Court, it is not likely that the Federal Union could have been held together, since Congress has now and then passed an act which the people in some of the states have regarded as unconstitutional and tyrannical ; and in the absence of a judicial method of settling such questions, the only available remedy would have been nullification. I have devoted a brief chap- ter to the origin and development of written constitutions, and the connection of our colo- nial charters therewith. Lastly, we come to the completed structure, the Federal Union ; and by this time we have examined so many points in the general theory of American government, that our Federal Con- stitution can be more concisely described, and (I believe) more quickly understood, than if we xvi PREFACE had made it the subject of the first chapter in- stead of the last. In conclusion, there have been added a few brief hints and suggestions with reference to our political history. These remarks have been intentionally limited. It is no part of the purpose of this book to give an account of the doings of political parties under the Constitution. But its study may fitly be supplemented by that of Professor Alexander Johnston's "History of American Politics." This arrangement not only proceeds from the simpler forms of government to the more com- plex, but it follows the historical order of de- velopment. From time immemorial, and down into the lowest strata of savagery that have come within our ken, there have been clans and tribes ; and, as is here shown, a township was originally a stationary clan, and a county was originally a stationary tribe. There were town- ships and counties (or equivalent forms of or- ganization) before there were cities. In like manner there were townships, counties, and cities long before there was anything in the world that could properly be called a state. I have remarked below upon the way in which English shires coalesced into little states, and in course of time the English nation was formed by the union of such little states, which lost xvii PREFACE their statehood (i. e., their functions of sover- eignty, though not their self-government within certain hmits) in the process. Finally, in Amer- ica, we see an enormous nationality formed by the federation of states which partially retain their statehood ; and some of these states are themselves of national dimensions, as, for ex- ample, New York, which is nearly equal in area, quite equal in population, and far superior in wealth, to Shakespeare's England. In studying the local institutions of our dif- ferent states, I have been greatly helped by the Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Politics, of which the eighth annual series is now in course of publication. In the course of the pages below I have frequent occasion to acknowledge my indebtedness to these learned and sometimes profoundly suggestive mono- graphs ; but I cannot leave the subject without a special word of gratitude to my friend, Dr. Herbert Adams, the editor of the series, for the noble work which he is doing in promoting the study of American history.^ The book is designed to be suggestive and stimulating, to leave the reader with scant in- 1 [A few paragraphs, written for the guidance of teachers in their class-room work, are omitted in the present edition.] xviii PREFACE formation on some points, to make him (as Mr. Samuel Weller says) "vish there wos more," and to show him how to go on by himself. I am well aware that, in making an experiment in this somewhat new direction, nothing is easier than to fall into errors of judgment. I can hardly suppose that this book is free from such errors ; but if in spite thereof it shall turn out to be in any way helpful in bringing the know- ledge and use of the German seminary method into our higher schools, I shall be more than satisfied. Just here, let me say to young people in all parts of our country : If you have not already done so, it would be well worth while for you to organize a debating society in your town or village, for the discussion of such historical and practical questions relating to the government of the United States as are suggested in the course of this book. Once started, there need be no end of interesting and profitable subjects for discussion. As a further guide to the books you need in studying such subjects, use Mr. W. E. Foster's " References to the Constitution of the United States." If you cannot afford to buy the books, get the public library of your town or village to buy them ; or, perhaps, or- ganize a small special library for your society xix PREFACE or club. Librarians will naturally feel interested in such a matter, and will often be able to help with advice. A few hours every week spent in such wholesome studies cannot fail to do much toward the political education of the local com- munity, and thus toward the general improve- ment of the American people. For the ame- lioration of things will doubtless continue to be effected in the future, as it has been effected in the past, not by ambitious schemes of sudden and universal reform (which the sagacious man always suspects, just as he suspects all schemes for returning a fabulously large interest upon investments), but by the gradual and cumula- tive efforts of innumerable individuals, each doing something to help or instruct those to whom his influence extends. He who makes two clear ideas grow where there was only one hazy one before, is the true benefactor of his species. In conclusion, I must express my sincere thanks to Mr. Thomas Emerson, superinten- dent of schools in Newton, for the very kind interest he has shown in my work, in discussing its plan with me at the outset, in reading the completed manuscript, and in offering valuable criticisms. Cambridge, August 5, 1890- NOTE The text of this book was carefully revised by Mr. Fiske for successive editions, the last revision being dated April i6, 1901. 4 Park Street, Boston. CONTENTS TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT PAGE *' Too much taxes " . . . . . .1,2 What is taxation ?...... 3 Taxation and eminent domain . . . . 4, 5 What is government ?,.... 6 The *' ship of state " 7 ** The government " ..... 8 Whatever else it may be, "the government" is the power w^hich imposes taxes .... 8 Difference between taxation and robbery . . 10 Sometimes taxation is robbery . . . .11 The study of history is full of practical lessons, and helpful to those who would be good citizens . 12, 13 Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty . . .14 II THE TOWNSHIP § I. The New England Township The most ancient and simple form of government . 1 5 New England settled by church congregations . . 15 Policy of the early Massachusetts government as to land grants ....... 17 Smallness of the farms . . . . .17 Township and village ..... 18 Social position of the settlers . . . . .19 xxiil CONTENTS The town-meeting . . . . . 19 Selectmen; town-clerk .... 20, 21 Town-treasurer ; constables ; assessors of taxes and overseers of the poor . . . . .21,22 Act of 1647 establishing public schools . . .22 School committees . . . . . 23 Field-drivers and pound-keepers ; fence-viewers ; other town officers ...... 24, 25 Calling the town-meeting .... 26 Town, county, and state taxes .... 26 Poll-tax ....... 27 Taxes on real-estate ; taxes on personal property . 28 When and where taxes are assessed . . 29, 30 Tax-lists ....... 30 Cheating the government . . . . .31 The rate of taxation . . . . . 31 Undervaluation ; the burden of taxation . . 32, 33 The *' magic-fund " delusion . . . . 33j 34 Educational value of the town-meering ... 34 By-laws ....... 35 Power and responsibility . . . . .36 There is nothing especially American, democratic, or meritorious about " rotation in office" . . 36 § 2. Origin of the Township Town-meetings in ancient Greece and Rome . . 37 Clans ; the mark and the tun . . . • 38, 39 The Old- English township, the manor, and the parish 39, 40 The vestry-meeting . . . . . .41 Parish and vestry clerks ; beadles, waywardens, hay- wards, common-drivers, churchwardens, etc. . 41, 42 Transition from the English parish to the New Eng- land township . . . . . . 42, 43 Building of states out of smaller political units . . 44 Representation ; shire-motes ; Earl Simon's Parlia- ment ....... 44, 45 xxiv CONTENTS The township as the **unit of representation " in the shire-mote and in the General Court ... 46 Contrast with the Russian village-community which is not represented in the general government . 46-48 III THE COUNTY § I . The County in its Beginnings Why do we have counties ? . . . . .49 Clans and tribes ...... 50 The English nation, like the American, grew out of the union of small states . . . . .51 Ealdorman and sheriff; shire-mote and county court 52, 53 The coroner, or "crown officer" . . . 53> 54 Justices of the peace ; the Quarter Sessions ; the lord lieutenant . . . . . . 55> $6 Decline of the English county ; beginnings of counties in Massachusetts . . . . . 56 § 2. The Modern County in Massachusetts County commissioners, etc. ; shire-towns and court- houses . . . . . . . 57> 5^ Justices of the peace, and trial justices . . 58 The sheriff 59 § 3. The Old Virginia County Virginia sparsely settled ; extensive land grants to in- dividuals ....... 60 Navigable rivers ; absence of towns ; slavery . 61, 62 Social position of the settlers . . . . 62 Virginia parishes ; the vestry was a close corporation 63 Powers of the vestry . ..... 64 The county was the unit of representation . . 65 The county court was virtually a close corporation . 66 XXV CONTENTS The county-seat, or Court House ... 66 Powers of the court ; the sheriff . . . 67, 68 The county-lieutenant ..... 69 Contrast between old Virginia and old New England, in respect of local government .... 70 Jefferson's opinion of township government . . 70 *' Court-day " in old Virgmia . . . .71 Virginia has been prolific in great leaders . . 72, 73 IV V TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY § I . Various Local Systems Parishes in South Carolina ..... 74 The back country ; the "regulators " . . 75 The district system . . . . . 76, 77 The modern South Carolina county . . . 77 The counties are too large . . . . .78 Tendency of the school district to develop into some- thing like a township . . . . . 78 Local institutions in colonial Maryland ; the hundred 79 Clans ; brotherhoods, or phratries ; and tribes . . 80 Origin of the hundred ; the hundred court ; the high constable ....... 81 Decay of the hundred ; hundred-meetings in Mary- land 81,82 The hundred in Delaware ; the levy court, or repre- sentative county assembly . . . . 83 The old Pennsylvania county .... 84 Town-meetings in New York . . . . 84 The county board of supervisors . . . .85 § 2. Settlement of the Public Domain Westward movement of population along parallels of latitude 86 xxvi CONTENTS Method of surveying the public lands . . .87 Origin of townships in the West . . . 87, 88 Formation of counties in the West ... 90 Some effects of this system . . . . 92 The reservation of a section for public schools . . 92 In this reservation there vv^ere the germs of township government . . . . . . 93 But at first the county system prevailed ... 94 § 3. The Representative Township- County System in the West The town-meeting in Michigan . . . 95 Conflict between township and county systems in Illi- nois ........ 96 Effects of the Ordinance of 1787 ... 97 Intense vitality of the township system ... 98 County option and township option in Missouri, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Dakota . . 99 Grades of township government in the West . 99, 100 An excellent result of the absence of centralization in the United States . . . . . loi Effect of the self-governing school district in the South, in preparing the way for the self-governing town- ship . . . . . . . .102 Woman-suffrage in the school district . . 103, 104 THE CITY § I. Direct and Indirect Government Summary of the foregoing results ; township govern- ment is direct, county government is indirect 105, 106 Representative government is necessitated in a county by the extent of territory, and in a city by the mul- titude of people ..... 106, 107 xxvii CONTENTS Josiah Quincy's account of the Boston town-meeting in 1830 ....... Distinctions between towns and cities in America and in England ...... 109, § 2. Origin of English Boroughs and Cities Origin of the chesters and casters in Roman camps Coalescence of towns into fortified boroughs The borough as a hundred ; it acquires a court The borough as a county ; it acquires a sheriff Government of London under Henry I. . The guilds ; the town guild, and Guild Hall Government of London as perfected in the thirteenth century ; mayor, aldermen, and common council . The city of London, and the metropolitan district English cities were for a long time the bulwarks of liberty . . . . . . .117, Simon de Montfort and the cities Oligarchical abuses in English cities, beginning with the Tudor period ...... The Municipal Reform Act of 1835 . Government of the city of New York before the Re- volution ...... 120, Changes after the Revolution .... City government in Philadelphia in the eighteenth cen- tury . . . • . . .123, The very tradition of good government was lacking in these cities ...... § 3 . The Government of Cities in the United States Several features of our municipal governments . In many cases they do not seem to work well 126— i Rapid growth of American cities Some consequences of this rapid growth . . 130, Wastefulness resulting from want of foresight Growth in complexity of government in cities . xxviii CONTENTS Illustrated by list of municipal officers in Boston 133, 134 How city government comes to be a mystery to the citizens, in some respects harder to understand than state and national government . . . 135 Dread of the "one-man power " has in many cases led to scattering and weakening of responsibiHty 136, 137 Committees inefficient for executive purposes ; the " Circumlocution Office " . . . .138 Alarming increase of city debts, and various attempts to remedy the evil . . . . . 139 Experience of New York with state interference in municipal affairs ; unsatisfactory results . 140, 141 The Tweed Ring in New York . . . 142 The present is a period of experiments . . .143 The new government of Brooklyn . . 143,144 Necessity of separating municipal from national poli- tics ....... 145, 146 Notion that the suiFrage ought to be restricted ; evils wrought by ignorant voters . . . .147 Evils wrought by wealthy speculators ; testimony of the Pennsylvania Municipal Commission . . 148 Dangers of a restricted suffrage . . . .149 Baneful effects of mixing city politics with national politics ....... 150 The "spoils system" must be destroyed, root and branch ; ballot reform also indispensable . . 151 VI THE STATE § I . The Colonial Governments Claims of Spain to the possession of North America 1 5 2 Claims of France and England . . . . 152 The London and Plymouth Companies . . I53> 154 Their common charter . . . . 154, 155 xxix CONTENTS Dissolution of the two companies .... States formed in the three zones . . 156-I Formation of representative governments ; House of Burgesses in Virginia .... 159, Company of Massachusetts Bay Transfer of the charter from England to Massachu- setts . . . . . . .161, The General Court ; assistants and deputies Virtual independence of Massachusetts, and quarrels with the Crown ..... New charter of Massachusetts in 1692 ; its liberties curtailed ....... Republican governments in Connecticut and Rhode Island ........ Counties palatine in England ; proprietary charter of Maryland ..... 165- Proprietary charter of Pennsylvania Quarrels between Penns and Calverts ; Mason and Dixon's line ...... Other proprietary governments .... They generally became unpopular At the time of the Revolution there were three forms of colonial government: i. Republican; 2. Pro- prietary ; 3. Royal ..... (After 1692 the government of Massachusetts might be described as Semi-royal) ... 1 70, In all three forms there was a representative assembly, which alone could impose taxes The governor's council was a kind of upper house The colonial goverrmient was much like the English system in miniature ..... The Americans never admitted the supremacy of Par- liament ....... Except in the regulation of maritime commerce In England there grew up the theory of the imperial supremacy of Parliament . . . . •175 XXX CONTENTS And the conflict between the British and American theories was precipitated by becoming involved in the political schemes of George III. . 176, 177 § 2. The Transition from Colonial to State Govern- ments Dissolution of assemblies and parliaments . . 177 Committees of correspondence ; provincial congresses 178 Provisional governments ; "governors" and "presi- dents" ...... 179, 180 Origin of the senates . . . . . .181 Likenesses and differences between British and Ameri- can systems . . . . . , 182 § 3. The State Governments Later modifications . . . . 183, 184 Universal suffrage . . . . . .184 Separation between legislative and executive depart- ments ; its advantages and disadvantages as compared with the European plan . . . 185, 186 In our system the independence of the executive is of vital importance . . . . . 186, 187 The state executive . . . . 187,188 The governor's functions : 1. Adviser of legislature ; 2. Commander of state militia ; 3. Royal preroga- tive of pardon; 4. Veto power . . 189, 190 Importance of the veto power as a safeguard against corruption . . . . . . 190 In building the state, the local self-government was left unimpaired . . . . . .191 Instructive contrast with France . . . 192 Some causes of French political incapacity . 193,194 Vastness of the functions retained by the states in the American Union .... *9S» ^9^ Illustration from recent English history . . .197 Independence of the state courts . . . 198 xxxi CONTENTS Constitution of the state courts . . . .199 Elective and appointive judges . . , 200,201 VII WRITTEN CONSTITUTIONS In the American state there is a power above the legis- lature ........ 202 Germs of the idea of a written constitution . . 203 Development of the idea of contract in Roman law ; medieval charters . . . . . .204 The '* Great Charter " (1215) . . . 205 The *' Bill of Rights (1689)" . . . .206 Foreshadowing of the American idea by Sir Harry Vane (1656) ...... 207 The Mayflower compact (1620) . . . 208, 209 The " Fundamental Orders " of Connecticut (1639) 2*-*9 Germinal development of the colonial charter toward the modern state constitution . . 2 1 o, 2 1 1 Abnormal development of some recent state constitu- tions, encroaching upon the legislature . 211,212 The process of amending constitutions . 212, 213 The Swiss *' Referendum " . . . ,214 VIII THE FEDERAL UNION § I . Origin of the Federal Union Circumstances favourable to the union of the colonies 215 The New England Confederacy (1643-84) 216, 217 Albany Congress (1754) 5 Stamp Act Congress (1765) ; Committees of Correspondence (1772— 75) 217,218 The Continental Congress (1774-89) . . .219 xxxii CONTENTS The several states were never at any time sovereign states . . . . . . . 220 The Articles of Confederation . . . .220 Nature and pow^ers of the Continental Congress 221, 222 It could not impose taxes, and therefore was not fully endowed with sovereignty . . . . 223 Decline of the Continental Congress . . .224 Weakness of the sentiment of union ; anarchical tend- encies . , . . . . . 225 The Federal Convention (1787). . . 226, 227 § 2. The Federal Congress The House of Representatives .... The three fifths compromise . . . The Connecticut compromise . . o . The Senate . . . . . . 23I3 Electoral districts ; the ** Gerrymander ** . 2333 The election at large . . • . .235, Time of assembling . , . . 236,237 Privileges of members . , . . .238 The Speaker . . . . . . 238 Impeachment in England; in the United States 239, 240 The president's veto power .... 240, 241 228 229 230 232 234 236 § 3 . The Federal Executive The title of ♦' President " . . . . 242 The electoral college . . . . . 243, 244 The twelfth amendment . . . . 245, 246 The electoral commission (1877). . , . 247 Provisions against a lapse of the presidency . 247, 248 Original purpose of the electoral college not fulfilled 249 Electors formerly chosen in many states by districts ; now always on a general ticket . . . 249, 250 " Minority presidents " . . . . 250 Advantages of the electoral system . . . .251 xxxiii CONTENTS Nomination of candidates by congressional caucus (1800-24) 252,253 Nominating conventions; the "primary;" the dis- trict convention ; the national convention . 253, 254 Qualifications for the presidency; the term of office 254, 255 Powers and duties of the president . . . 255 The president's message . . . . 256, 257 Executive departments ; the cabinet . . 257, 258 The secretary of state . . . . . .259 Diplomatic and consular service . . 260, 261 The secretary of the treasury . . . 261, 262 The other departments . . . . 262, 263 § 4. The Nation and the States Difference between confederation and federal union 263, 264 Powers granted to Congress . . . 264, 265 The " Elastic Clause " 266 Powers denied to the states ..... 266 Evils of an inconvertible paper currency . 266, 267 Powers denied to Congress ..... 268 Bills of attainder ...... 269 Intercitizenship ; mode of making amendments . 269, 270 § 5 . The Federal Judiciary Need for a federal judiciary . . . . .271 Federal courts and judges . . . . 272 District attorneys and marshals . . . .273 The federal jurisdiction . . . . . 273 § 6. Territorial Government The Northwest Territory and the Ordinance of 1787 274,275 Other territories and their government . . 276 § 7. Ratification and Amendments Provisions for ratification . . . . ,276 xxxiv CONTENTS Concessions to the South ..... 277 Demand for a bill of rights ..... 277 The first ten amendments . . . . 278 § 8. A Few Words about Politics Federal taxation . . . . . .279 Hamilton's policy ; excise ; tariff . . 279, 280 Origin of American political parties ; strict and loose construction of the Elastic Clause . . 281, 282 Tariff, Internal Improvements, and National Bank 282, 283 Civil Service reform . . . . . 284 Origin of the *' spoils system " in the state politics of New York and Pennsylvania . . . .285 ** Rotation in office ; " the Craw^ford Act . 285, 286 How^ the "spoils system " was made national . 286, 287 The Civil Service Act of 1883 . . 287, 288 The Australian ballot • . . . . . .289 The English system of accounting for election ex- penses ...... 290, 291 Bibliographical Notes . . . ... 293 APPENDIX A. The Articles of Confederation . . , 309 B. The Constitution of the United States . 321 C. Magna Charta . . . . . •352 D. Part of the Bill of Rights, 1689 . . 377 E. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut . 383 F. The States classified according to origin . 391 G. Table of states and territories . . '393 H. Population of the United States, 1 790-1900, with percentages of urban population . 394 I. An Examination Paper for Customs Clerks . 394 J. The New York Corrupt Practices Act of 1890 401 K. Specimen of an Australian ballot . . 408 Index . . . . . , , .415 CIVIL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES I TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT IN that strangely beautiful story, " The Cloister and the Hearth," in which Charles Reade has drawn such a vivid picture of human life at the close of the Middle Ages, there is a good description of the siege of a re- volted town by the army of the Duke of Bur- gundy. Arrows whiz, catapults hurl their pon- derous stones, wooden towers are built, secret mines are exploded. The sturdy citizens, led by a tall knight who seems to bear a charmed life, baffle every device of the besiegers. At length the citizens capture the brother of the duke's general, and the besiegers capture the tall knight, who turns out to be no knight after all, but just a plebeian hosier. The duke's gen- eral is on the point of ordering the tradesman who has made so much trouble to be shot, but the latter still remains master of the situation ; for, as he dryly observes, if any harm comes to I TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT him, the enraged citizens will hang the general's brother. Some parley ensues, in which the shrewd hosier promises for the townsfolk to set free their prisoner and pay a round sum of money if the besieging army will depart and leave them in peace. The offer is accepted, and so the matter is amicably settled. As the worthy citizen is about to take his leave, the general ventures a word of inquiry as to the cause of the town's revolt. " What, then, is "Too much your grievance, my good friend?" taxes" Our hosier knight, though deft with needle and keen with lance, has a stammering tongue. He answers : " Tuta — tuta — tuta — tuta — too much taxes !" "Too much taxes : " those three little words furnish us with a clue wherewith to understand and explain a great deal of history. A great many sieges of towns, so horrid to have en- dured though so picturesque to read about, hun- dreds of weary marches and deadly battles, thousands of romantic plots that have led their inventors to the scaffold, have owed their origin to questions of taxation. The issue between the ducal commander and the warlike tradesman has been tried over and over again in every country and in every age, and not always has the oppressor been so speedily thwarted and got rid of. The questions as to how much the taxes shall be, and who is to decide how much they 2 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT shall be, are always and in every stage of society questions of most fundamental importance. And ever since men began to make history, a very large part of what they have done, in the way of making history, has been the attempt to settle these questions, whether by discussion or by blows, whether in council chambers or on the battlefield. The French Revolution of 1789, the most terrible political convulsion of modern times, was caused chiefly by " too much taxes," and by the fact that the people who paid the taxes were not the people who decided what the taxes were to be. Our own Revolution, which made the United States a nation inde- pendent of Great Britain, was brought on by the disputed question as to who was to decide what taxes American citizens must pay. What, then, are taxes? The question is one which is apt to come up, sooner or later, to puzzle children. They find no difficulty in un- derstanding the butcher's bill for so many pounds of meat, or the tailor's bill for so many suits of clothes, where the value received is something that can be seen and handled. But the tax bill, though it comes as inevi- what is tax- tably as the autumnal frosts, bears no ^"""-^ such obvious relation to the incidents of do- mestic life ; it is not quite so clear what the money goes for ; and hence it is apt to be paid by the head of the household with more or less 3 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT grumbling, while for the younger members of the family it requires some explanation. It only needs to be pointed out, however, that in every town, some things are done for the benefit of all the inhabitants of the town, things which concern one person just as much as another. Thus roads are made and kept in repair, school-houses are built and salaries paid to school-teachers, there are constables who take criminals to jail, there are engines for put- ting out fires, there are public libraries, town cemeteries, and poor-houses. Money raised for these purposes, which are supposed to concern all the inhabitants, is supposed to be paid by all the inhabitants, each one furnishing his share ; and the share which each one pays is his town tax. From this illustration it would appear that taxes are private property taken for public pur- poses ; and in making this statement we come very near the truth. Taxes are portions of pri- vate property which a government takes for its public purposes. Before going farther, let us pause to observe that there is one other way, _ , besides taxation, in which government Taxation and . . ^ eminent do- sometimes takes private property for '"^ public purposes. Roads and streets are of great importance to the general public ; and the government of the town or city in which you live may see fit, in opening a new 4 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT street, to run it across your garden, or to make you move your house or shop out of the way for it. In so doing, the government either takes away or damages some of your property. It exercises rights over your property without ask- ing your permission. This power of govern- ment over private property is called " the right of eminent domain." It means that a man's private interests must not be allowed to obstruct the interests of the whole community in which he lives. But in two ways the exercise of emi- nent domain is unlike taxation. In the first place, it is only occasional, and affects only cer- tain persons here or there, whereas taxation goes on perpetually and affects all persons who own property. In the second place, when the government takes away a piece of your land to make a road, it pays you money in return for it; perhaps not quite so much as you believ^e the piece of land was worth in the market ; the average human nature is doubtless such that men seldom give fair measure for measure un- less they feel compelled to, and it is not easy to put a government under compulsion. Still it gives you something; it does not ask you to part with your property for nothing. Now in the case of taxation, the government takes your money and seems to make no return to you in- dividually ; but it is supposed to return to you the value of it in the shape of well-paved 5 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT streets, good schools, efficient protection against criminals, and so forth. In giving this brief preliminary definition of taxes and taxation, we have already begun to speak of " the government " of the town or city in which you live. We shall presently have to speak of other "governments," — as the gov- ernment of your state and the government of the United States ; and we shall now and then What is gov- have occasion to allude to the gov- ernment? ernments of other countries in which the people are free, as, for example, England ; and of some countries in which the people are not free, as, for example, Russia. It is desira- ble, therefore, that we should here at the start make sure what we mean by "government," in order that we may have a clear idea of what we are talking about. Our verb "to govern" is an Old French word, one of the great host of French words which became a part of the English language between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries, when so much French was spoken in England. The French word was gouverner, and its oldest form was the Latin guhernare^ a word which the Romans borrowed from the Greek, and meant originally " to steer the ship." Hence it very naturally came to mean " to guide," " to direct," "to command." The comparison be- tween governing and steering was a happy one. 6 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT To govern is not to command as a master com- mands a slave, but it is to issue orders and give directions for the common good ; for the inter- ests of the man at the helm are the same as those of the people in the ship. All The "ship must float or sink together. Hence °^^^^^^" we sometimes speak of the "ship of state," and we often call the state a " commonwealth," or something in the weal or welfare of which all the people are alike interested. Government, then, is the directing or man- aging of such affairs as concern all the people alike, — as, for example, the punishment of criminals, the enforcement of contracts, the de- fence against foreign enemies, the maintenance of roads and bridges, and so on. To the di- recting or managing of such affairs all the peo- ple are expected to contribute, each according to his ability, in the shape of taxes. Govern- ment is something which is supported by the people and kept alive by taxation. There is no other way of keeping it alive. The business of carrying on government — of steering the ship of state — either requires some special training, or absorbs all the time and attention of those who carry it on ; and ac- cordingly, in all countries, certain persons or groups of persons are selected or in some way set apart, for longer or shorter periods of time, to perform the work of government. Such per- 7 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT sons may be a king with his council, as in the England of the twelfth century ; or a parliament led by a responsible ministry, as in the England of- to-day ; or a president and two houses of congress, as in the United States ; or a board of selectmen, as in a New England town. When " The gov- we speak of " a government " or " the emment" government," we often mean the group of persons thus set apart for carrying on the work of government. Thus, by " the Gladstone government " we mean Mr. Gladstone, with his colleagues in the cabinet and his Liberal ma- jority in the House of Commons ; and by " the Lincoln government," properly speaking, was meant President Lincoln, with the Republican majorities in the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives. " The government " has always many things to do, and there are many different lights in which we might regard it. But for the present there is one thing which we need especially to keep in mind. " The government " is the power which can rightfully take away a part of your property, in the shape of taxes, to be used Whatever for pubHc purposcs. A govemmcnt hT'^'\he^ is not worthy of the name, and can- govern- not lottg bc kept in existence, unless ment " is . • i • j the power It Can raisc money by taxation, and which taxes ^gg forcc, if neccssary, in collecting its taxes. The only general government of the TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT United States during the Revolutionary War, and for six years after its close, was the Conti- nental Congress, which had no authority to raise money by taxation. In order to feed and clothe the army and pay its officers and soldiers, it was obliged to ask for money from the several states, and hardly ever got as much as was needed. It was obliged to borrow millions of dollars from France and Holland, and to issue promissory notes which soon became worthless. After the war was over it became clear that this so-called government could neither preserve order nor pay its debts, and accordingly it ceased to be respected either at home or abroad, and it be- came necessary for the American people to adopt a new form of government. Between the old Continental Congress and the government under which we have lived since 1789, the dif- ferences were many ; but by far the most es- sential difference was that the new government could raise money by taxation, and was thus enabled properly to carry on the work of gov- erning. If we are in any doubt as to what is really the government of some particular country, we can- not do better than observe what person or per- sons in that country are clothed with authority to tax the people. Mere names, as customarily applied to governments, are apt to be deceptive. Thus in the middle of the eighteenth century 9 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT France and England were both called " king- doms ; " but so far as kingly power was con- cerned, Louis XV. was a very different sort of a king from George II. The French king could impose taxes on his people, and it might there- fore be truly said that the government of France was in the king. Indeed, it was Louis XV. 's immediate predecessor who made the famous remark, " The state is myself." But the Eng- lish king could not impose taxes ; the only power in England that could do that was the House of Commons, and accordingly it is cor- rect to say that in England, at the time of which we are speaking, the government was (as it still is) in the House of Commons. I say, then, the most essential feature of a government — or at any rate the feature with which it is most important for us to become familiar at the start — is its power of taxation. The government is that which taxes. If in- Difference dividuals takc away some of your pro- tbiTand^^" perty for purposes of their own, it is robbery robbcry ; you lose your money and get nothing in return. But if the government takes away some of your property in the shape of taxes, it is supposed to render to you an equivalent in the shape of good government, something without which our lives and property would not be safe. Herein seems to lie the dif- ference between taxation and robbery. When lO TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT the highwayman points his pistol at me and I hand him my purse and watch, I am robbed. But when I pay the tax-collector, who can seize my watch or sell my house over my head if I refuse, I am simply paying what is fairly due from me toward supporting the government. In what we have been saying it has thus far been assumed that the government is in the hands of upright and competent men and is properly administered. It is now time to ob- serve that robbery may be committed by gov- ernments as well as by individuals. If the busi- ness of governing is placed in the hands of men who have an imperfect sense of their duty to- ward the public, if such men raise „ ■^ . Sometimes money by taxation and then spend it taxation h on their own pleasures, or to increase '^° ^^'^ their political influence, or for other illegitimate purposes, it is really robbery, just as much as if these men were to stand with pistols by the roadside and empty the wallets of people pass- ing by. They make a dishonest use of their high position as members of government, and extort money for which they make no return in the shape of services to the public. History is full of such lamentable instances of misgovern- ment, and one of the most important uses of the study of history is to teach us how they have occurred, in order that we may learn how to avoid them, as far as possible, in the future. II TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT When we begin in childhood the study of history we are attracted chiefly by anecdotes of heroes and their battles, kings and their courts. The study of how the Spartans fought at Ther- history mopylae, how Alfred let the cakes burn, how Henry VIII. beheaded his wives, how Louis XIV. used to live at Versailles. It is quite right that we should be interested in such personal details, the more so the better ; for history has been made by individual men and women, and until we have understood the char- acter of a great many of those who have gone before us, and how they thought and felt in their time, we have hardly made a fair beginning in the study of history. The greatest historians, such as Freeman and Mommsen, show as lively an interest in persons as in principles ; and I would not give much for the historical theories of a man who should declare himself indifferent to little personal details. Some people, however, never outgrow the child's notion of history as merely a mass of pretty anecdotes or stupid annals, without any practical bearing upon our own every-day life. There could not be a greater mistake. Very It is fiiu of y^i^^^ has happened in the past which practical has not somc immediate practical les- lessons ; ~ . . j i • sons tor us ; and when we study his- tory in order to profit by the experience of our ancestors, to find out wherein they succeeded 12 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT and wherein they failed, in order that we may- emulate their success and avoid their errors, then history becomes the noblest and most val- uable of studies. It then becomes, moreover, an arduous pursuit, at once oppressive and fas- cinating from its endless wealth of material, and abounding in problems which the most diligent student can never hope completely to solve. Few people have the leisure to undertake a systematic and thorough study of history, but every one ought to find time to learn the prin- cipal features of the governments under which we live, and to get some inkling of the way in which these governments have come into exist- ence and of the causes which have made them what they are. Some such knowledge andheipfuito is necessary for the proper discharge ^ouw^be" of the duties of citizenship. Political i°°^ citizens questions, great and small, are perpetually aris- ing, to be discussed in the newspapers and voted on at the polls ; and it is the duty of every man and woman, young or old, to try to understand them. That is a duty which we owe, each and all of us, to ourselves and to our fellow-country- men. For if such questions are not settled in accordance with knowledge, they will be settled in accordance with ignorance ; and that is a kind of settlement likely to be fraught with results disastrous to everybody. It cannot be too often repeated that eternal vigilance is the price of 13 TAXATION AND GOVERNMENT liberty. People sometimes argue as if they sup- posed that because our national government is Eternal vigi- Called a rcpublic and not a monarchy, prk"of lib- ^^^ because we have free schools and erty universal suffrage, therefore our liber- ties are forever secure. Our government is, in- deed, in most respects, a marvel of political skill ; and in ordinary times it runs so smoothly that now and then, absorbed as most of us are in do- mestic cares, we are apt to forget that it will not run of itself. To insure that the government of the nation or the state, of the city or the town- ship, shall be properly administered, requires from every citizen the utmost watchfulness and intelligence of which he is capable. 14 II THE TOWNSHIP § I. The New England Township. OF the various kinds of government to be found in the United States, we may- begin by considering that of the New England township. As we shall presently see, it is in principle of all known forms of govern- ment the oldest as well as the simplest. Let us observe how the New England township grew up. When people from England first came to dwell in the wilderness of Massachusetts Bay, they settled in groups upon small irregular- shaped patches of land, which soon came to be known as townships. There were several rea- sons why they settled thus in small groups, instead of scattering about over the country and carving out broad estates for themselves. In the first place, their principal rea- New Eng- son for coming to New England was ^^""^ ^^^ . ' . " . settled by their dissatisfaction with the way in church con- which church affairs were managed in s'^^e^^'""^ the old country. They wished to bring about a reform in the church, in such wise that the 15 THE TOWNSHIP members of a congregation should have more voice than formerly in the church government, and that the minister of each congregation should be more independent than formerly of the bishop and of the civil government. They also wished to abolish sundry rites and customs of the church of which they had come to disap- prove. Finding the resistance to their reforms quite formidable in England, and having some reason to fear that they might be themselves crushed in the struggle, they crossed the ocean in order to carry out their ideas in a new and remote country where they might be compara- tively secure from interference. Hence it was quite natural that they should come in congre- gations, led by their favourite ministers, — such men, for example, as Higginson and Cotton, Hooker and Davenport. When such men, famous in England for their bold preaching and imperilled thereby, decided to move to America, a considerable number of their parish- ioners would decide to accompany them, and similarly minded members of neighbouring churches would leave their own pastor and join in the migration. Such a group of people, ar- riving on the coast of Massachusetts, would naturally select some convenient locality, where they might build their houses near together and all go to the same church. This migration, therefore, was a movement, i6 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP not of individuals or of separate families, but of church congregations, and it continued to be so as the settlers made their way inland and westward. The first river towns of Connecticut were founded by congregations coming from Dorchester, Cambridge, and Watertown. This kind of settlement was favoured by the govern- ment of Massachusetts, which made grants of land, not to individuals but to companies of people who wished to live to- gether and attend the same church. In the second place, the soil of New Eng- land was not favourable to the cultivation of great quantities of staple articles, such as rice or tobacco, so that there was nothing to tempt people to undertake extensive plantations. Most of the people lived on small farms, each family raising but little more than enough food for its own support ; and the small ^ , f. , . ... Small farms size or the rarms made it possible to have a good many in a compact neighbourhood. It appeared also that towns could be more easily defended against the Indians than scattered plantations ; and this doubtless helped to keep people together, although if there had been any strong inducement for solitary pioneers to plunge into the great woods, as in later years so often happened at the West, it is not likely that any dread of the savages would have hin- dered them. 17 THE TOWNSHIP Thus the early settlers of New England came to live in townships. A township would con- sist of about as many farms as could be disposed within convenient distance from the meeting- house, where all the inhabitants, young and old, gathered every Sunday, coming on horseback or afoot. The meeting-house was thus centrally Township situated, and near it was the town pas- and viUage ^^j-e or " common," with the school- house and the blockhouse, or rude fortress for defence against the Indians. For the latter building some commanding position was apt to be selected, and hence we so often find the old village streets of New England running along elevated ridges or climbing over beetling hill- tops. Around the meeting-house and common the dwellings gradually clustered into a village, and after a while the tavern, store, and town- house made their appearance. Among the people who thus tilled the farms and built up the villages of New England, the differences in what we should call social position, though noticeable, were not extreme. While in England some had been esquires or country magistrates, or " lords of the manor," — a phrase which does not mean a member of the peerage, but a landed proprietor with dependent tenants ; ^ some had been yeomen, or persons holding farms by some free kind of tenure ; ^ Compare the Scottish " laird." THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP some had been artisans or tradesmen in cities. All had for many generations been more or less accustomed to self-government ^ . , . ~ .. . Social posi- and to public meetmgs for discussmg tion of local affairs. That self-government, ^^"^^" especially as far as church matters were con- cerned, they were stoutly bent upon maintain- ing and extending. Indeed, that was what they had crossed the ocean for. Under these circum- stances they developed a kind of government which we may describe in the present tense, for its methods are pretty much the same to-day that they were two centuries ago. In a New England township the people di- rectly govern themselves ; the government is the people, or, to speak with entire precision, it is all the male inhabitants of one and twenty years of age and upwards. The people tax themselves. Once each year, usually in March, but some- times as early as February or as late as April, a *' town-meeting " is held, at which all The town- the grown men of the township are ""^^^'"s expected to be present and to vote, while any one may introduce motions or take part in the discussion. In early times there was a fine for non-attendance, but that is no longer the case ; it is supposed that a due regard to his own in- terests will induce every man to come. The town-meeting is held in the town-house, but at first it used to be held in the church, 19 THE TOWNSHIP which was thus a " meeting-house " for civil as well as ecclesiastical purposes. At the town- meeting measures relating to the administration of town affairs are discussed and adopted or re- jected ; appropriations are made for the public expenses of the town, or in other words the amount of the town taxes for the year is deter- mined ; and town officers are elected for the year. Let us first enumerate these officers. The principal executive magistrates of the town are the selectmen. They are three, five, seven, or nine in number, according to the size of the town and the amount of public business to be transacted. The odd number insures a majority decision in case of any difference of opinion among them. They have the general management of the public business. They issue warrants for the holding of town-meetings, and they can call such a meet- ing at any time during the year when there seems to be need for it, but the warrant must always specify the subjects which are to be dis- cussed and acted on at the meeting. The select- men also lay out highways, grant licenses, and impanel jurors ; they may act as health officers and issue orders regarding sewerage, the abate- ment of nuisances, or the isolation of contagious diseases ; in many cases they act as assessors of taxes, and as overseers of the poor. They are the proper persons to listen to complaints if 20 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP anything goes wrong In the town. In county matters and state matters they speak for the town, and if it is a party to a lawsuit they repre- sent it in court ; for the New England town is a legal corporation, and as such can hold property, and sue and be sued. In a certain sense the selectmen may be said to be " the government " of the town during the intervals between the town-meetings. An officer no less important than the select- men is the town-clerk. He keeps the record of all votes passed in the town-meetings. ^ , , t' &_ Town-clerk He also records the names of candi- dates and the number of votes for each in the election of state and county officers. He records the births, marriages, and deaths in the town- ship, and issues certificates to persons who declare an intention of marriage. He likewise keeps on record accurate descriptions of the po- sition and bounds of public roads ; and, in short, has general charge of all matters of town-record. Every town has also its treasurer, who receives and takes care of the money coming in from the taxpayers, or whatever money belongs Town- to the town. Out of this money he ^'^^"^'^^ pays the public expenses. He must keep a strict account of his receipts and payments, and make a report of them each year. Every town has one or more constables, who serve warrants from the selectmen and writs from 21 THE TOWNSHIP the law courts. They pursue criminals and take them to jail. They summon jurors. In many towns they serve as collectors of taxes, Co lists blcs but in many other towns a special offi- cer is chosen for that purpose. When a person fails to pay his taxes, after a specified time the collector has authority to seize upon his pro- perty and sell it at auction, paying the tax and costs out of the proceeds of the sale, and hand- ing over the balance to the owner. In some cases, where no property can be found and there is reason to believe that the delinquent is not acting in good faith, he can be arrested and kept in prison until the tax and costs are paid, or until he is released by the proper legal methods. Where the duties of the selectmen are likely to be too numerous, the town may choose three Assessors of Of morc asscssors of taxes to prepare ?vTrsee«'^of ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ; and three or more over- the poor sccrs of the poor, to regulate the man- agement of the village almshouse and confer with other towns upon such questions as often arise concerning the settlement and maintenance of homeless paupers. Every town has its school committee. In 1647 th^ legislature of Massachusetts enacted a Public law with the following preamble : " It schools being one chief project of that old de- luder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge 22 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP of the Scriptures, as in former times by keeping them in an unknown tongue, so in these latter times by persuading from the use of tongues, that so at least the true sense and meaning of the original might be clouded and corrupted with false glosses of deceivers ; to the end that learning may not be buried in the graves of our forefathers, in church and commonwealth, the Lord assisting our endeavours ; " it was there- fore ordered that every township containing fifty families or householders should forthwith set up a school in which children might be taught to read and write, and that every township con- taining one hundred families or householders should set up a school in which boys might be fitted for entering Harvard College. Even be- fore this statute, several towns, as for instance Roxbury and Dedham, had begun to appropri- ate money for free schools ; and these were the beginnings of a system of public education which has come to be adopted throughout the United States. The school committee exercises powers of such a character as to make it a body of great importance. The term of service of school the members is three years, one third committees being chosen annually. The number of 'mem- bers must therefore be some multiple of three. The slow change in the membership of the board insures that a large proportion of the members 23 THE TOWNSHIP shall always be familiar with the duties of the place. The school committee must visit all the public schools at least once a month, and make a report to the town every year. It is for them to decide what text-books are to be used. They examine candidates for the position of teacher and issue certificates to those whom they select. The certificate is issued in duplicate, and one copy is handed to the selectmen as a warrant that the teacher is entitled to receive a salary. Teachers are appointed for a term of one year, but where their work is satisfactory the appoint- ments are usually renewed year after year. A recent act in Massachusetts permits the appoint- ment of teachers to serve during good behaviour, but few boards have as yet availed themselves of this law. If the amount of work to be done seems to require it, the committee appoints a superintendent of schools. He is a sort of lieu- tenant of the school committee, and under its general direction carries on the detailed work of supervision. Other town ofHcers are the surveyors of high- ways, who are responsible for keeping the roads and bridges in repair ; field-drivers and pound- keepers ; fence-viewers ; surveyors of lumber, measurers of wood, and sealers of weights and measures. The field-driver takes stray animals to the pound, and then notifies their owner ; or if he 24 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP does not know who is the owner he posts a description of the animals in some such place as the village store or tavern, or has it pub- lished in the nearest country news- Fieid.drivere paper. Meanwhile the strays are duly and pound- fed by the pound-keeper, who does not let them out of his custody until all expenses have been paid. If the owners of contiguous farms, gardens, or fields get into a dispute about their partition fences or walls, they may apply to one Fence- of the fence-viewers, of whom each '^'^"'ers town has at least two. The fence-viewer decides the matter, and charges a small fee for his ser- vices. Where it is necessary he may order suit- able walls or fences to be built. The surveyors of lumber measure and mark lumber offered for sale. The measurers of wood do the same for firewood. The sealers other test the correctness of weights and °^'^"^ measures used in trade, and tradesmen are not allowed to use weights and measures that have not been thus officially examined and sealed. Measurers and sealers may be appointed by the selectmen. Such are the officers always to be found in the Massachusetts town, except where the duties of some of them are discharged by the selectmen. Of these officers, the selectmen, town-clerk, treasurer, constable, school com- 25 THE TOWNSHIP mittee, and assessors must be elected by ballot at the annual town-meeting. When this meeting is to be called the select- men issue a warrant for the purpose, specifying the time and place of meeting and the nature of the business to be transacted. The constable posts copies of the warrant in divers conspicu- Caiiine the °^^ placcs not Icss than a week before town-meet- the time appointed. Then, after mak- *"^ ing a note upon the warrant that he has duly served it, he hands it over to the town- clerk. On the appointed day, when the people have assembled, the town-clerk calls the meet- ing to order and reads the warrant. The meet- ing then proceeds to choose by ballot its pre- siding officer, or " moderator," and business goes on in accordance with parliamentary cus- toms pretty generally recognized among all people who speak English. At this meeting the amount of money to be raised by taxation for town purposes is deter- mined. But, as we shall see, every inhabitant of a town lives not only under a town govern- ment, but also under a county government and a state government, and all these governments Town coun- ^avc to bc supportcd by taxation. In ty, and Massachusctts the state and the county make use of the machinery of the town government in order to assess and collect their taxes. The total amounts to be 26 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP raised are equitably divided among the several towns and cities, so that each town pays its proportionate share. Each year, therefore, the town assessors know that a certain amount of money must be raised from the taxpayers of their town, — partly for the town, partly for the county, partly for the state, — and for the general convenience they usually assess it upon the tax- payers all at once. The amounts raised for the state and county are usually very much smaller than the amount raised for the town. As these amounts are all raised in the town and by town officers, we shall find it convenient to sum up in this place what we have to say about the way in which taxes are raised. Bear in mind that we are still considering the New England system, and our illustration is taken from the practice in Massachusetts. But the general principles of taxation are so similar in the different states that, although we may now and then have to point to differences of detail, we shall not need to go over the whole subject again. We have now to observe how and upon whom the taxes are assessed. They are assessed partly upon persons, but chiefly upon property, and property is divisible into real estate and personal estate. 1 he tax assessed upon persons is called the poll-tax, and cannot exceed the sum of two dollars upon every male citizen over 27 THE TOWNSHIP twenty years old. In cases of extreme poverty the assessors may remit the poll-tax. As to real estate, there are in every town some lands and buildings which, for rea- Reai-estate sons of public poHcy, are exempted ^"^ from paying taxes ; as, for example, churches, graveyards, and tombs ; many char- itable institutions, including universities and colleges ; and public buildings which belong to the state or to the United States. All lands and buildings, except such as are exempt by law, must pay taxes. Personal property includes pretty much everything that one can own except lands and Taxes on buildings, — pretty much everything personal that Can be moved or carried about ^"^"^^ from one place to another. It thus includes ready money, stocks and bonds, ships and wagons, furniture, pictures, and books. It also includes the amount of debts due to a per- son in excess of the amount that he owes ; also the income from his employment, whether in the shape of profits from business or a fixed salary. Some personal property is exempted from taxation ; as, for example, household furniture to the amount of $1000 in value, and income from employment to the extent of ^2000. The obvious intent of this exemption is to prevent taxation from bearing too hard upon persons 28 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP of small means ; and for a similar reason the tools of farmers and mechanics are exempted/ The date at which property is annually reck- oned for assessment is in Massachusetts the first day of May. The poll-tax is assessed upon each person in the town or city where he has his legal habitation on that day ; and -^^^^^ ^^^ as a general rule the taxes upon his where taxes , 1 1 • ^re assessed personal property are assessed to him in the same place. But taxes upon lands or buildings are assessed in the city or town where they are situated, and to the person, wherever he lives, who is the owner of them on the first day of May. Thus a man who lives in the Berkshire mountains, say for example in the town of Lanesborough, will pay his poll-tax to that town. For his personal property, whether it be bonds of a railroad in Colorado, or shares in a bank in New York, or costly pictures in his house at Lanesborough, he will likewise pay taxes to Lanesborough. So for the house in which he lives, and the land upon which it stands, he pays taxes to that same town. But if he owns at the same time a house in Boston, he pays taxes for it to Boston, and if he owns a block of shops in Chicago he pays taxes for the same to Chicago. It is very apt to be the case that the rate of taxation is higher in large cities ^ United States bonds are also especially exempted from taxadon. 29 THE TOWNSHIP than in villages ; and accordingly it often hap- pens that wealthy inhabitants of cities, who own houses in some country town, move into them before the first of May, and otherwise comport themselves as legal residents of the country town, in order that their personal property may be assessed there rather than in the city. About the first of May the assessors call upon the inhabitants of their town to render a true statement as to their property. The most approved form is for the assessors to send by mail to each taxable inhabitant a printed list of questions, with blank spaces which he is to fill with written answers. The questions relate to every kind of property, and when the person addressed returns the list to the assessors he must make oath that to the best of his knowledge and belief his answers are true. He thus becomes liable to the penalties for perjury if he can be proved to have sworn falsely. A reasonable time — usually six or eight weeks — is allowed for the list to be re- turned to the assessors. If any one fails to return his list by the specified time, the assessors must make their own estimate of the probable amount of his property. If their estimate is too high, he may petition the assessors to have the error corrected, but in many cases it may prove trou- blesome to effect this. Observe here an important difference between 30 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP the imposition of taxes upon real estate and upon personal property. Houses and lands cannot run away or be tucked out of sight. Their value, too, is something of which the assessors can very likely judge as well as the owner. Deception is therefore ex- cheating the tremely difficult, and taxation for real g°^""ment estate is pretty fairly distributed among the dif- ferent owners. With regard to personal estate it is very different. It is comparatively easy to conceal one's ownership of some kinds of per- sonal property, or to understate one's income. Hence the temptation to lessen the burden of the tax bill by making false statements is con- siderable, and doubtless a good deal of decep- tion is practised. There are many people who are too honest to cheat individuals, but still con- sider it a venial sin to cheat the government. After the assessors have obtained all their returns they can calculate the total value of the taxable property in the town ; and knowing the amount of the tax to be raised, it is easy to cal- culate the rate at which the tax is to be assessed. In most parts of the United States a The rate of rate of one and a half per cent., or ^ 1 5 ^^''^^o" tax on each $1000 worth of property, would be regarded as moderate ; three per cent, would be regarded as excessively high. At the lower of these rates a man worth $50,000 would pay $750 for his yearly taxes. The annual income of 31 THE TOWNSHIP $50,000, invested on good security, is hardly more than I2500. Obviously $750 is a large sum to subtract from such an income. In point of fact, however, the tax is seldom quite as heavy as this. It is not easy to tell ex- actly how much a man is worth, and accordingly assessors, not wishing to be too disagreeable in the discharge of their duties, have naturally fallen into a way of giving the lower valuation the benefit of the doubt, until in many places Under- a custom has grown up of regularly vaiuauon undervaluing property for purposes of taxation. Very much as liquid measures have gradually shrunk until it takes five quart bottles to hold a gallon, so there has been a shrinkage of valuations until it has become common to tax a man for only three fourths or perhaps two thirds of what his property is worth in the mar- ket. This makes the rate higher, to be sure, but the individual taxpayer nevertheless seems to feel relieved by it. Allowing for this under- valuation, we may say that a man worth $50,000 commonly pays not less than $500 for his yearly taxes, or about one fifth of the annual income of the property. We thus begin to see what a The burden heavy burden taxes are, and how es- of taxation scntial to good government it is that citizens should know what their money goes for, and should be able to exert some effective con- trol over the public expenditures. Where the 32 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP rate of taxation in a town rises to a very high point, such as two and a half or three per cent., the prosperity of the town is apt to be seriously crippled. Traders and manufacturers move away to other towns, or those who would otherwise come to the town in question stay away, be- cause they cannot afford to use up all their profits in paying taxes. If such a state of things is long kept up, the spirit of enterprise is weak- ened, the place shows signs of untidiness and want of thrift, and neighbouring towns, once perhaps far behind it in growth, by and by shoot ahead of it and take away its business. Within its proper sphere, government by town-meeting is the form of government most effectively under watch and control. Everything is done in the full daylight of publicity. The specific objects for which public money is to be appropriated are discussed in the presence of everybody, and any one who disapproves of any of these objects, or of the way in which it is pro- posed to obtain it, has an opportunity to declare his opinions. Under this form of government people are not so liable to bewildering delusions as under other forms. I refer especially to the delusion that " the Government " is a sort of mysterious power, possessed of a magic -pj^^ „ j^ inexhaustible fund of wealth, and able ^nti " ^eiu- to do all manner of things for the benefit of " the People." Some such notion 33 THE TOWNSHIP as this, more often implied than expressed, is very common, and it is inexpressibly dear to demagogues. It is the prolific root from which springs that luxuriant crop of humbug upon which political tricksters thrive as pigs fatten upon corn. In point of fact no such govern- ment, armed with a magic fund of its own, has ever existed upon the earth. No government has ever yet used any money for public pur- poses which it did not first take from its own people, — unless when it may have plundered it from some other people in victorious warfare. The inhabitant of a New England town is perpetually reminded that " the Government " is " the People." Although he may think loosely about the government of his state or the still more remote government at Washing- ton, he is kept pretty close to the facts where local affairs are concerned, and in this there is a political training of no small value. In the kind of discussion which it provokes, in the necessity of facing argument with argu- Educationai ment and of keeping one's temper t^n-meet- u^der control, the town-meeting is '"g the best political training school in existence. Its educational value is far higher than that of the newspaper, which, in spite of its many merits as a diffuser of information, is very apt to do its best to bemuddle and sophis- ticate plain facts. The period when town-meet- 34 THE NEW ENGLAND TOWNSHIP ings were most important from the wide scope of their transactions was the period of earnest and sometimes stormy discussion that ushered in our Revolutionary war. Country towns were then of more importance relatively than now ; one country town — Boston — was at the same time a great political centre ; and its meetings were presided over and addressed by men of commanding ability, among whom Samuel Adams, " the man of the town-meeting," ^ was foremost. In those days great principles of government were discussed with a wealth of knowledge and stated with masterly skill in town-meeting. The town-meeting is to a very limited extent a legislative body ; it can make sundry regula- tions for the management of its local affairs. Such regulations are known by a very ancient name, " by-laws." By is an Old Norse J • er »> 1 • By-laws word meanmg " town, and it appears in the names of such towns as Derby and Whitby in the part of England overrun by the Danes in the ninth and tenth centuries. By- laws are town laws.^ In the selectmen and various special officers ^ The phrase is Professor Hosmer's : see his Samuel Adams, the Man of the Town Meeting, in Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, vol. ii. no. iv. ; also his Samuel Adams, in American Statesmen Series, Boston, 1885. "^ In modern usage the rules and regulations of clubs, learned societies, and other associations, are also called by-laws. THE TOWNSHIP the town has an executive department ; and here let us observe that, while these officials are kept strictly accountable to the people, they are intrusted with very considerable authority. Power and Things are not so arranged that an responsibility officer can plead that he has failed in his duty from lack of power. There is ample power, joined with complete responsibihty. This is especially to be noticed in the case of the selectmen. They must often be called upon to exercise a wide discretion in what they do, yet this excites no serious popular distrust or jealousy. The annual election affiDrds an easy means of dropping an unsatisfactory officer. But in practice nothing has been more common than for the same persons to be reelected as se- lectmen or constables or town-clerks for year after year, as long as they are able or willing to serve. The notion that there is anything pe- culiarly American or democratic in what is known as "rotation in office" is therefore not sustained by the practice of the New England town, which is the most complete democracy in the world. It is the most perfect exhibition of what President Lincoln called " government of the people by the people and for the people." § 1. Origin of the Township. It was said above that government by town- meeting is in principle the oldest form of gov- ORIGIN OF THE TOWNSHIP ernment known in the world. The student of ancient history is familiar with the comitia of the Romans and the ecclesia of the Town-meet- Greeks. These were popular assem- gf^g^" ^^^ blies, held in those soft climates in the Rome open air, usually in the market-place, — the Roman forum^ the Greek agora. The govern- ment carried on in them was a more or less qualified democracy. In the palmy days of Athens it was a pure democracy. The assem- blies which in the Athenian market-place de- clared war against Syracuse, or condemned Socrates to death, were quite like New Eng- land town-meetings, except that they exercised greater powers because there was no state gov- ernment above them. The principle of the town-meeting, however, is older than Athens or Rome. Long before streets were built or fields fenced in, men wan- dered about the earth hunting for food in fam- ily parties, somewhat as lions do in South Africa. Such family groups were what we call clans ^ and so far as is known they were the earliest form in which civil society appeared on the earth. Among all wan- dering or partially settled tribes the clan is to be found, and there are ample opportunities for studying it among our Indians in North Amer- ica. The clan usually has a chief or head-man, useful mainly as a leader in war-time ; its civil 37 THE TOWNSHIP government, crude and disorderly enough, is in principle a pure democracy. When our ancestors first became acquainted with American Indians, the most advanced tribes lived partly by hunting and fishing, but partly also by raising Indian corn and pump- kins. They had begun to live in wigwams grouped together in small villages and sur- rounded by strong rows of palisades for de- fence. Now what these red men were doing our own fair-haired ancestors in northern and central Europe had been doing some twenty centuries earlier. The Scandinavians and Ger- mans, when first known in history, had made considerable progress in exchanging a wander- ing for a settled mode of life. When the clan, instead of moving from place to place, fixed upon some spot for a permanent residence, a village grew up there, surrounded by a belt of waste land, or somewhat later by a stockaded The mark Wall. The belt of land was called a and the tun ffiark, and the wall was called a tun} Afterwards the enclosed space came to be known sometimes as the mark, sometimes as the tun or town. In England the latter name prevailed. The inhabitants of a mark or town were a sta- tionary clan. It was customary to call them by the clan name, as for example " the Beorings " or " the Cressings ; " then the town would be ^ Pronounced "toon." 38 ORIGIN OF THE TOWNSHIP called Barrington^ " town of the Beorings," or Cressing/iam, " home of the Cressings." Town names of this sort, with which the map of Eng- land is thickly studded, point us back to a time when the town was supposed to be the station- ary home of a clan. The Old English town had its tungemot, or town-meeting, in which " by-laws " were made and other important business transacted. The principal officers were the " reeve " ^j^^ ^^ or head-man, the " beadle " or mes- English senger, and the " tithing-man " or °^"^ '^ petty constable. These officers seem at first to have been elected by the people, but after a while, as great lordships grew up, usurping ju- risdiction over the land, the lord's steward and bailiff came to supersede the reeve and beadle. After the Norman Conquest the townships, thus brought under the sway of great lords, came to be generally known by the French name of manors or " dwelling places." Much might be said about this change, but here it is enough for us to bear in mind that a manor was essen- tially a township in which the chief executive officers were directly responsible to ^, 1 1 The manor the lord rather than to the people. It would be wrong, however, to suppose that the manors entirely lost their self-government. Even the ancient town-meeting survived in them, in a fragmentary way, in several interest- 29 THE TOWNSHIP ing assemblies, of which the most interesting were the court leet, for the election of certain officers and the trial of petty offences, and the court baron, which was much like a town- meeting. Still more of the old self-government would doubtless have survived in the institutions of the manor if it had not been provided for in another way. The parish was older than the manor. After the English had been converted to Christianity local churches were gradually set up all over the country, and districts called parishes were assigned for the ministrations of the priests. Now a parish gen- erally coincided in area with a township, or sometimes with a group of two or three town- ships. In the old heathen times each town seems to have had its sacred place or shrine consecrated to some local deity, and it was a favourite policy with the Roman missionary priests to purify the old shrine and turn it into a church. In this way the township at the same time naturally became the parish. As we find it in later times, both before and since the founding of English colonies in North Townshi America, the township in England Is manor, and likely to be both a manor and a par- parish ■ 1 T-< ■ ■ 1 ish. J^or some purposes it is the one, for some purposes it is the other. The towns- folk may be regarded as a group of tenants of 40 ORIGIN OF THE TOWNSHIP the lord's manor, or as a group of parishioners of the local church. In the latter aspect the parish retained much of the self-government of the ancient town. The business with which the lord was entitled to meddle was strictly limited, and all other business was transacted in the "vestry-meeting," which was practi- The vestry- cally the old town-meeting under a meeting new name. In the course of the thirteenth century we find that the parish had acquired the right of taxing itself for church purposes. Money needed for the church was supplied in the form of " church-rates " voted by the rate- payers themselves in the vestry-meeting, so called because it was originally held in a room of the church in which vestments were kept. The officers of the parish were the constable, the parish and vestry clerks,^ the beadle,^ the " waywardens " or surveyors of high- paHsh offi- ways, the " haywards " or fence-view- ""^ ers, the " common drivers," the collectors of taxes, and at the beginning of the seventeenth ^ Of these two officers the vestry clerk is the counterpart of the New England town-clerk. ^ Originally a messenger or crier, the beadle came to as- sume some of the functions of the tithing-man or petty con- stable, such as keeping order in church, punishing petty offenders, waiting on the clergyman, etc. In New England towns there were formerly officers called tithing-men, who kept order in church, arrested tipplers, loafers, and Sabbath- breakers, etc. 41 THE TOWNSHIP century overseers of the poor were added. There were also churchwardens, usually two for each parish. Their duties were primarily to take care of the church property, assess the rates, and call the vestry-meetings. They also acted as overseers of the poor, and thus in several ways remind one of the selectmen of New Eng- land. The parish officers were all elected by the ratepayers assembled in vestry-meeting, ex- cept the common driver and hayward, who were elected by the same ratepayers assembled in court leet. Besides electing parish officers and granting the rates, the vestry-meeting could enact by-laws ; and all ratepayers had an equal voice in its deliberations. During the last two centuries the constitution of the English parish has undergone some modi- fications which need not here concern us. The Puritans who settled in New England had grown The transi- ^P ^ndcr such parish government as tion from }s here described, and they were used England to , . , • i n j New Eng- to hcarmg the parish called, on some ^^""^ occasions and for some purposes, a township. If we remember now that the earliest New England towns were founded by church congregations, led by their pastors, we can see how town government in New England origi- nated. It was simply the English parish gov- ernment brought into a new country and adapted to the new situation. Part of this new situation 42 ORIGIN OF THE TOWNSHIP consisted in the fact that the lords of the manor were left behind. There was no longer any occasion to distinguish between the township as a manor and the township as a parish ; and so, as the three names had all lived on together, side by side, in England, it was now the oldest and most generally descriptive name, " town- ship," that survived, and has come into use throughout a great part of the United States. The townsfolk went on making by-laws, voting supplies of public money, and electing their magistrates in America, after the fashion with which they had for ages been familiar in Eng- land. Some of their offices and customs were of hoary antiquity. If age gives respectability, the office of constable may vie with that of king ; and if the annual town-meeting is usu- ally held in the month of March, it is because in days of old, long before Magna Charta was thought of, the rules and regulations for the village husbandry were discussed and adopted in time for the spring planting. To complete our sketch of the origin of the New England town, one point should here be briefly mentioned in anticipation of what will have to be said hereafter ; but it is a point of so much importance that we need not mind a little repetition in stating it. We have seen what a great part taxation plays in the business of government, and we shall pre- 43 THE TOWNSHIP sently have to treat of county, state, and fed- eral governments, all of them wider in their BuUdingup sphere than the town government. In states j-j^g course of history, as nations have gradually been built up, these wider governments have been apt to absorb or supplant and crush the narrower governments, such as the parish or township ; and this process has too often been destructive to political freedom. Such a result is, of course, disastrous to everybody ; and if it were unavoidable, it would be better that great national governments need never be formed. But it is not unavoidable. There is one way of escaping it, and that is to give the little govern- ment of the town some real share in making up the great government of the state. That is not an easy thing to do, as is shown by the fact that most peoples have failed in the attempt. The people who speak the English language have been the most successful, and the device by which they have overcome the difficulty is Re- Represen- PRESENTATION. The tOWn Sends tO tation ^i^g wider government a delegation of persons who can represent the town and its peo- ple. They can speak for the town, and have a voice in the framing of laws and imposition of taxes by the wider government. In English townships there has been from time immemorial a system of representation. Long before Alfred's time there were " shire- 44 ORIGIN OF THE TOWNSHIP motes," or what were afterwards called county meetings, and to these each town sent its reeve and "four discreet men "as represen- ^,. . -^ Snire-motes tatives. Thus to a certain extent the wishes of the townsfolk could be brought to bear upon county affairs. By and by this method was applied on a much wider scale. It was applied to the whole kingdom, so that the people of all its towns and parishes succeeded in securing a repre- sentation of their interests in an elective national council or House of Commons. This great work was accomplished in the thirteenth Eari Simon's century by Simon de Montfort, Earl Parliament of Leicester, and was completed by Edward I. Simon's Parliament, the first in which the Com- mons were fully represented, was assembled in 1265 ; and the date of Edward's Parliament, which has been called the Model Parliament, was 12.95. These dates have as much interest for Americans as for Englishmen, because they mark the first definite establishment of that grand system of representative government which we are still carrying on at our various state capitals and at Washington. For its hum- ble beginnings we have to look back to the " reeve and four " sent by the ancient townships to the county meetings. The English township or parish was thus at an early period the " unit of representation " in the government of the county. It was also a 45 THE TOWNSHIP district for the assessment and collection of the national taxes ; in each parish the assessment Townshi as ^^^ made by a board of assessors unit of re- choscn by popular vote. These essen- presentation ... . , i i • , tial pomts reappear m the early history of New England. The township was not only a self-governing body, but it was the " unit of representation " in the colonial legislature, or " General Court ; " and the assessment of taxes, whether for town purposes or for state purposes, was made by assessors elected by the townsfolk. In its beginnings and fundamentals our political liberty did not originate upon American soil, but was brought hither by our forefathers the first settlers. They brought their political insti- tutions with them as naturally as they brought their language and their social customs. Observe now that the township is to be re- garded in two lights. It must be considered not only in itself, but as part of a greater whole. We began by describing it as a self-governing body, but in order to complete our sketch we were obliged to speak of it as a body which has a share in the government of the state and the nation. The latter aspect is as important as the former. If the people of a town had only the power of managing their local affairs, without the power of taking part in the management of national affairs, their political freedom would be far from complete. In Russia, for example, the 46 ORIGIN OF THE TOWNSHIP larger part of the vast population is resident in village communities which have to a consider- able extent the power of managing their local affairs. Such a village community is called a mir, and like the English township it _^ „ . / ° , . The Russian is lineally descended from the station- vuiage com- ary clan. The people of the Russian ^pS^^eThi mir hold meetings in which they elect ^^ national sundry local officers, distribute the burden of local taxation, make regulations con- cerning local husbandry and police, and transact other business which need not here concern us. But they have no share in the national govern- ment, and are obliged to obey laws which they have no voice in making, and pay taxes assessed upon them without their consent ; and accord- ingly we say with truth that the Russian people do not possess political freedom. One reason for this has doubtless been that in times past the Russian territory was the great frontier battle- ground between civilized Europe and the wild hordes of western Asia, and the people who lived for ages on that turbulent frontier were subjected to altogether too much conquest. They have tasted too little of civil government and too much of military government, — a pen- nyworth of wholesome bread to an intolerable deal of sack. The early English, in their snug little corner of the world, belted by salt sea, were able to develop their civil government with less 47 THE TOWNSHIP destructive interference. They made a sound and healthful beginning when they made the township the " unit of representation " for the county. Then the township, besides managing its own affairs, began to take part in the man- agement of wider affairs. 48 Ill THE COUNTY § I. The County in its Beginnings. IT is now time for us to treat of the county, and we may as well begin by considering its origin. In treating of the township we began by sketching it in its fullest development, as seen in New England. With the county we shall find it helpful to pursue a different method and start at the beginning. If we look at the maps of the states which make up our Union, we see that they are all divided into counties (except that in Louisiana the corresponding divisions are named parishes). The map of England shows that country as similarly divided into counties. If we ask why this is so, some people will tell us that it is convenient, for purposes of administration, to have a state, or a „^. ^ . . , Why do kingdom, divided into areas that are we have larger than single towns. There is much truth in this. It is convenient. If it were not so, counties would not have survived, so as to make a part of our modern maps. Never- theless, this is not the historic reason why we 49 THE COUNTY have the particular kind of subdivisions known as counties. We have them because our fathers and grandfathers had them ; and thus, if we would find out the true reason, we may as well go back to the ancient times when our fore- fathers were establishing themselves in Eng- land. We have seen how the clan of our barbarous ancestors, when it became stationary, was es- tablished as the town or township. But in those early times clans were generally united more or less closely into tribes. Among all primitive or barbarous races of men, so far as we can make Clans and out, society is Organized in tribes, and tribes e.2ich. tribe is made up of a number of clans or family groups. Now when our Eng- lish forefathers conquered Britain they settled there as clans and also as tribes. The clans became townships, and the tribes became shires or counties ; that is to say, the names were ap- plied first to the people and afterwards to the land they occupied. A few of the oldest county names in England still show this plainly. Essex, Middlesex, and Sussex were originally " East Saxons," " Middle Saxons," and " South Sax- ons ; " and on the eastern coast two tribes of Angles were distinguished as " North folk " and "South folk," or Norfolk and Suffolk. When you look on the map and see the town o{ IckUngham in the county o{ Suffolk, it means 50 THE COUNTY IN ITS BEGINNINGS that this place was once known as the " home " of the " Icklings " or " children of Ickel," a clan which formed part of the tribe of " South folk." In those days there was no such thing as a Kingdom of England ; there were only these groups of tribes living side by side. The English Each tribe had its leader, whose "f 7. li^e ■' the Ameri- title was ealdorman^ or " elder man." can, grew After a while, as some tribes increased union of ^ in size and power, their ealdormen ^^^ ^'^^"^" took the title of kings. The little kingdoms coincided sometimes with a single shire, some- times with two or more shires. Thus there was a kingdom of Kent, and the North and South Folk were combined in a kingdom of East Anglia. In course of time numbers of shires combined into larger kingdoms, such as North- umbria, Mercia, and the West Saxons ; and finally the king of the West Saxons became king of all England, and the several shires became subordinate parts or "shares" of the kingdom. In England, therefore, the shires are older than the nation. The shires were not made bv divid- ing the nation, but the nation was made by uniting the shires. The English nation, like the American, grew out of the union of little states that had once been independent of one ^ The pronunciation was probably sometliing like yazvl- dorman. 51 THE COUNTY another, but had many interests in common. For not less than three hundred years after all En2:land had been united under one king, these shires retained their self-government almost as completely as the several states of the American Union. ^ A few words about their government will not be wasted, for they will help to throw light upon some things that still torm a part of our political and social life. The shire was governed by the shire-mote {i.e. "meeting"), which was a representative body. Lords of lands, including ab- eaidonnan,' bots and pHors, attended it, as well as and sheriiF ^j^^ reeve and four selected men from each township. There were thus the germs of both the kind of representation that is seen in the House of Lords and the much more per- fect kind that is seen in the House of Com- mons. After a while, as cities and boroughs CTrew In importance, they sent representative burghers to the shire-mote. There were two presiding officers : one was the ealdorman, who was now appointed bv the king ; the other was the shire-reeve {i.e. "sheriff"), who was still elected by the people and 2:enerally held office for life. This shire-mote was both a legislative bodv and a court of justice. It not only made laws for the shire, but it tried civil and criminal ^ Chalmers, Local Gcvcrnmcnt, p. 90. THE COUNTY IN ITS BEGINNINGS causes. After the Norman Conquest some changes occurred. The shire now began to be called bv the French name " countv," because of its analogy to the small pieces of territory on the Continent that were governed by "counts."^ The shire-mote became known as tne The county county court, but cases coming before ""^ it were tried by the king's justices in eyre, or circuit judges, who went about from county to county to preside oyer the judicial work. The office of ealdorman became extinct. The sheriff was no longer elected by the people for life, but appointed by the king for the term of one year. This kept him strictly responsible to the kingr. It was the sheriff's duty to see that the county's share of the national taxes was duly collected and paid oyer to the national treasury. The sheriff also summoned juries and enforced the judgments of the courts, and if he met with resistance in so doing he was authorized to call out a force of men, known as the posse comitatus (/. e. "power of the county"), and overcome all opposition. Another count}' officer was the coroner, or croivner,- so called because •• • Airi» • \i '^^^ coroner onginally (in Alrred s time) he was appointed by the king, and was especially the ^ Originally comites, or ** companions" of the Hng. ' This form of the word, sometimes supposed to be a vul- garism, is as correct as the other. See Skeat, Eiym. Dict.^ s. V. 53 THE COUNTY crown officer in the county. Since the time of Edward I., however, coroners have been elected by the people. Originally coroners held small courts of inquiry upon cases of wreckage, de- structive fires, or sudden death, but in course of time their jurisdiction became confined to the last-named class of cases. If a death occurred under circumstances in any way mysterious or likely to awaken suspicion, it was the business of the coroner, assisted by not less than twelve jurors {i. e. "sworn men "), to hold an inquest for the purpose of ascertaining the cause of death. The coroner could compel the attend- ance of witnesses and order a medical examina- tion of the body, and if there were sufficient evidence to charge any person with murder or manslaughter, the coroner could have such per- son arrested and committed for trial. Another important county officer was the justice of the peace. Originally six were ap- justices of pointed by the Crown in each county, the peace ^^|. \^ j^tcr timcs any number might be appointed. The office was created by a se- ries of statutes in the reign of Edward III., in order to put a stop to the brigandage which still flourished in England ; it was a common practice for robbers to seize persons and hold them for ransom.-^ By the last of these statutes, ^ Longman's Life and Times of Edward III., vol. i. p. 301. 54 THE COUNTY IN ITS BEGINNINGS in 1362, the justices of the peace in each county- were to hold a court four times in the year. The powers of this court, which came to be known as the Quarter Sessions, were from time to time increased by act of Parliament, until it quite supplanted the old county court. The Quarter In modern times the Quarter Sessions Sessions has become an administrative body quite as much as a court. The justices, who receive no salary, hold office for life, or during good be- haviour. They appoint the chief constable of the county, who appoints the police. They also take part in the supervision of highways and bridges, asylums and prisons. Since the reign of Henry VI I L, the English county has had an officer known as the lord-lieu- The lord- tenant, who was once leader of the iJ^utenant county militia, but whose functions to-day are those of keeper of the records and principal justice of the peace. During the past five hundred years the Eng- lish county has gradually sunk from a self-gov- erning community into an administrative dis- trict ; and in recent times its boundaries have been so crossed and criscrossed with those of other administrative areas, such as those of school-boards, sanitary boards, etc., that very little of the old county is left in recognizable shape. Most of this change has been effected 55 THE COUNTY since the Tudor period. The first English set- tlers in America were familiar with the county as a district for the administration of justice, and they brought with them coroners, sheriffs, and Beginnings quartcr sessions. In 1635 ^^^ Gen- cwt^' ^^^^ Court of Massachusetts appointed counties four towHS — Boston, Cambridge, Sa- lem, and Ipswich — as places where courts should be held quarterly. In 1643 ^^^ colony, which then included as much of New Hamp- shire as was settled, was divided into four " shires," — Suffolk, Essex, Middlesex, and Norfolk, the latter lying then to the northward and including the New Hampshire towns. The militia was then organized, perhaps without consciousness of the analogy, after a very old English fashion; the militia of each town formed a company, and the companies of the shire formed a regiment. The county was or- ganized from the beginning as a judicial dis- trict, with its court-house, jail, and sheriff. After 1697 the court, held by the justices of the peace, was called the Court of General Ses- sions. It could try criminal causes not involv- ing the penalty of death or banishment, and civil causes in which the value at stake was less than forty shillings. It also had control over highways going from town to town ; and it ap- portioned the county taxes among the several 56 MODERN COUNTY IN MASSACHUSETTS towns. The justices and sheriff were appointed by the governor, as in England by the king. § 2. The Modern County in Massachusetts. The modern county system of Massachusetts may now be very briefly described. The county, Hke the town, is a corporation ; it can hold pro- perty and sue or be sued. It builds the court- house and jail, and keeps them in repair. The town in which these buildings are placed is called, as in England, the shire town. In each county there are three commis- sioners, elected by the people. Their term of service is three years, and one goes out each year. These commissioners represent the county in lawsuits, as the selectmen represent the town. They " apportion the county county taxes among the towns ; " " lay out, alter, and discontinue highways within the county ; " " have charge of houses of correc- tion ; " and erect and keep in repair the county buildings.^ The revenues of the county are derived partly from taxation and partly from the payment of fines and costs in the courts. These county revenues are received and disbursed '^'■^^^"'■" by the county treasurer, who is elected by the people for a term of three years. The Superior Court of the state holds at * Martin's Civil Government, ■p. igj. 57 com- missioners THE COUNTY least two sessions annually in each county, and tries civil and criminal causes. There is also in each county a probate court with jurisdiction over all matters relating to wills, ad- Courts ... - ° , , mmistration or estates, and appomt- ment of guardians ; it also acts as a court of insolvency. The custody of wills and docu- ments relating to the business of this court is in the hands of an officer known as the register of probate, who is elected by the people for a term of five years. To preserve the records of all land-titles and transfers of land within the county, all deeds Shire town ^^^ Hiortgagcs are registered in an and court- officc in the shire town, usually within or attached to the court-house. The register of deeds is an officer elected by the people for a term of three years. In counties where there is much business there may be more than one. Justices of the peace are appointed by the governor for a term of seven years, and the ap- justicesof pointment may be renewed. Their the peace functions havc been greatly curtailed, and now amount to little more than administer- ing oaths, and in some cases issuing warrants and taking bail. They may join persons in mar- riage, and, when specially commissioned as " trial justices," have criminal jurisdiction over sundry petty offences. 58 MODERN COUNTY IN MASSACHUSETTS The sheriff is elected by the people for a term of three years. He may appoint deputies, for whom he is responsible, to assist him in his work. He must attend all county courts, and the meetings of the county commissioners when- ever required. He must inflict, either _, , .^ i The sheriri personally or by deputy, the sentence of the court, whether it be fine, imprisonment, or death. He is responsible for the preserva- tion of the peace within the county, and to this end must pursue criminals and may arrest dis- orderly persons. If he meets with resistance he may call out the posse comitatus ; if the resist- ance grows into insurrection he may apply to the governor and obtain the aid of the state militia ; if the insurrection proves too formid- able to be thus dealt with, the governor may in his behalf apply to the President of the United States for aid from the regular army. In this way the force that may be drawn upon, if ne- cessary, for the suppression of disorder in a sin- gle locality, is practically unlimited and irresist- ible. We have now obtained a clear outline view of the township and county in themselves and in their relation to one another, with an occa- sional glimpse of their relation to the state ; in so far, at least, as such a view can be gained from a reference to the history of England and of Massachusetts. We must next trace the de- 59 THE COUNTY velopment of local government in other parts of the United States ; and in doing so we can advance at somewhat quicker pace, not because our subject becomes in any wise less important or less interesting, but because we have already marked out the ground and said things of gen- eral application which will not need to be said over again. § 3. The Old Virginia County. By common consent of historians, the two most distinctive and most characteristic lines of development which English forms of gov- ernment have followed, in propagating them- selves throughout the United States, are the two lines that have led through New England on the one hand and through Virginia on the other. We have seen what shape local govern- ment assumed in New England ; let us now observe what shape it assumed in the Old Do- minion. The first point to be noticed in the early set- tlement of Virginia is that people did not live so near together as in New England. This was because tobacco, cultivated on large estates, was a source of wealth. Tobacco drew settlers Virginia ^° Virginia as in later days gold drew sparsely scttlcrs to California and Australia. They came not in organized groups or congregations, but as a multitude of individ- 60 THE OLD VIRGINIA COUNTY uals. Land was granted to individuals, and sometimes these grants were of enormous ex- tent. " John Boiling, who died in 1757, left an estate of 40,000 acres, and this is not mentioned as an extraordinary amount of land for one man to own," ^ From an early period it was cus- tomary to keep these great estates together by entailing them, and this continued until entails were abolished in 1776 through the influence of Thomas Jefferson. A glance at the map of Virginia shows to what a remarkable degree it is intersected by navigable rivers. This fact made it possible for plantations, even at a long distance Absence of from the coast, to have each its own ^^"^^^ private wharf, where a ship from England could unload its cargo of tools, cloth, or furniture, and receive a cargo of tobacco in return. As the planters were thus supplied with most of the necessaries of life, there was no occasion for the kind of trade that builds up towns. Even in comparatively recent times the development of town life in Virginia has been very slow. In 1880, out of 246 cities and towns in the United States with a population exceeding 10,000, there were only six in Virginia. The cultivation of tobacco upon large estates caused a great demand for cheap labour, and ^ Edward Channing, Town and County Governmeiit, in Johns Hopkins University Studies, vol. ii. p. 467. 61 THE COUNTY this was supplied partly by bringing negro slaves from Africa, partly by bringing criminals from English jails. The latter were sold into slavery for a limited term of years, and were known as " indentured white ser- vants." So great was the demand for labour that it became customary to kidnap poor friendless wretches on the streets of seaport towns in Eng- land and ship them off to Virginia to be sold into servitude. At first these white servants were more numerous than the negroes, but be- fore the end of the seventeenth century the blacks had come to be much the more numer- ous. In this rural community the owners of plan- tations came from the same classes of society as the settlers of New England ; they were for the most part country squires and yeo- SoClal pOSl- ^ 1'1*-NT T-^ 1 tionofset- men. But while m New England ^'^^ there was no lower class of society sharply marked off from the upper, on the other hand in Virginia there was an insurmount- able distinction between the owners of planta- tions and the so-called "mean whites" or "white trash." This class was originally formed of men and women who had been indentured white servants, and was increased by such shift- less people as now and then found their way to the colony, but could not win estates or obtain social recognition. With such a sharp division 62 THE OLD VIRGINIA COUNTY between classes, an aristocratic type of society- was developed in Virginia as naturally as a democratic type was developed in New England. In Virginia there were no town-meetings. The distances between plantations cooperated with the distinction between classes to prevent the growth of such an institution. Virginia par- The English parish, with its church- '^^" wardens and vestry and clerk, was reproduced in Virginia under the same name, but with some noteworthy peculiarities. If the whole body of ratepayers had assembled in vestry meeting, to enact by-laws and assess taxes, the course of de- velopment would have been like that of the New England town-meeting. But instead of this the vestry, which exercised the chief author- ity in the parish, was composed of twelve chosen men. This was not government by a primary assembly, it was representative government. At first the twelve vestrymen were elected by the people of the parish, and thus resembled the selectmen of New England ; but after a while " they obtained the power of filling vacancies in their own number," so that they ^^ ■' The vestry a became what is called a " close corpo- dose corpo- ration," and the people had nothing to do with choosing them. Strictly speaking, that was not representative government ; it was a step on the road that leads towards oligarchical or despotic government. 63 THE COUNTY It was the vestry, thus constituted, that apportioned the parish taxes, appointed the churchwardens, presented the minister for in- Powers of duction into office, and acted as over- the vestry sccrs of the poor. The minister pre- sided in all vestry meetings. His salary was paid in tobacco, and in 1696 it was fixed by law at 1 6,000 pounds of tobacco yearly. In many parishes the churchwardens were the collectors of the parish taxes. The other officers, such as the sexton and the parish clerk, were appointed either by the minister or by the vestry. With the local government thus administered, we see that the larger part of the people had little directly to do. Nevertheless in these small neighbourhoods government was in full sight of the people. Its proceedings went on in broad daylight and were sustained by public sentiment. As Jefferson said, "The vestrymen are usually the most discreet farmers, so distributed through the parish that every part of it may be under the immediate eye of some one of them. They are well acquainted with the details and economy of private life, and they find sufficient induce- ments to execute their charge well, in their phi- lanthropy, in the approbation of their neigh- bours, and the distinction which that gives them." 1 ^ See Howard, Local Constitutional History of the United States, vol. i. p. 122. 64 A THE OLD VIRGINIA COUNTY The difference, however, between the New England township and the Virginia parish, in respect • of self-government, was striking enough. We have now to note a further differ- ence. In New England, as we have seen, the township was the unit of representation in the colonial legislature ; but in Virginia the parish was not the unit of representation. The county was that unit. In the colonial legis- The county lature of Virginia the representatives ^/represen-*^ sat not for parishes, but for counties. Nation The difference is very significant. As the polit- ical life of New England was in a manner built up out of the political life of the towns, so the political life of Virginia was built up out of the political life of the counties. This was partly because the vast plantations were not grouped about a compact village nucleus like the small farms at the North, and partly because there was not in Virginia that Puritan theory of the church according to which each congregation is a self-governing democracy. The conditions which made the New England town-meeting were absent. The only alternative was some kind of representative government, and for this the county was a small enough area. The county in Virginia was much smaller than in Massachusetts or Connecticut. In a few in- stances the county consisted of only a single 6s THE COUNTY parish ^ in some cases it was divided into two parishes, but oftener into three or more. In Virginia, as in England and in New Eng- land, the county was an area for the adminis- The county tration of justicc. There were usually court was Jn cach county eight justices of the virtually a i i "• i close cor- pcacc, and their court was the coun- poration tcrpart of the Quarter Sessions in England. They were appointed by the gov- ernor, but it was customary for them to nomi- nate candidates for the governor to appoint, so that practically the court filled its own vacancies and was a close corporation, like the parish ves- try. Such an arrangement tended to keep the general supervision and control of things in the hands of a few families. This county court usually met as often as once a month in some convenient spot answer- ing to the shire town of England or New Eng- land. More often than not the place originally consisted of the court-house and very little else, and was named accordingly from the name of the county, as Hanover Court House or Fair- fax Court House ; and the small shire towns that have grown up in such spots often retain these names to the present day. Such names „, occur commonly in Virginia, West The county ... ^ i /-- i- seat or court Virginia, and South Carolma, very rarely in Kentucky, North Carolina, Alabama, Ohio, and perhaps occasionally else- 66 THE OLD VIRGINIA COUNTY where.^ Their number has diminished from the tendency to omit the phrase " Court House," leaving the name of the county for that of the shire town, as for example in Culpeper, Va. In New England the process of naming has been just the reverse ; as in Hartford County, Conn., or Worcester County, Mass., which have taken their names from the shire towns. In this, as in so many cases, whole chapters of history are wrapped up in geographical names.'"^ The county court in Virginia had jurisdiction in criminal actions not involving peril of life or limb, and in civil suits where the sum at stake exceeded twenty-five shillings. Smaller suits could be tried by a single justice. The powers of the court also had charge of the probate '^°"''' and administration of wills. The court ap- pointed its own clerk, who kept the county re- cords. It superintended the construction and repair of bridges and highways, and for this purpose divided the county into " precincts," and appointed annually for each precinct a high- way surveyor. The court also seems to have appointed constables, one for each precinct. ^ In Mitchell's Atlas, 1883, the number of cases is in Va. 38, W. Va. 1 3, S. C. 1 6, N. C. 2, Ala. i , Ky. i , Ohio i . ^ A few of the oldest Virginia counties, organized as such in 1634, had arisen from the spreading and thinning of single settlements originally intended to be cities and named accord- ingly. Hence the curious names (at first sight unintelligible) of " James City County " and " Charles City County." 67 THE COUNTY The justices could themselves act as coroners, but annually two or more coroners for each par- ish were appointed by the governor. As we have seen that the parish taxes — so much for salaries of minister and clerk, so much for care of church buildings, so much for relief of the poor, etc. — were computed and assessed by the vestry ; so the county taxes, for care of court- house and jail, roads and bridges, coroner's fees, and allowances to the representatives sent to the colonial legislature, were computed and assessed by the county court. The general taxes for the colony were estimated by a committee of the legislature, as well as the county's share of the colony tax. The taxes for the county, and sometimes the taxes for the parish also, were collected by the sheriff. They were usually paid, , _ not in money, but in tobacco ; and The sheriff i • rr i j- r .• the sheriiT was the custodian or this tobacco, responsible for its proper disposal. The sheriff was thus not only the officer for executing the judgments of the court, but he was also county treasurer and collector, and thus exercised powers almost as great as those of the sheriff in England in the twelfth century. He also presided over elections for representatives to the legislature. It is interesting to observe how this very important officer was chosen. " Each year the court presented the names of three of its members to the governor, who appointed one, 68 THE OLD VIRGINIA COUNTY generally the senior justice, to be the sheriff of the county for the ensuing year." ^ Here again we see this close corporation, the county court, keeping the control of things within its own hands. One other important county officer needs to be mentioned. We have seen that in early New England each town had its train-band or com- pany of militia, and that the companies in each county united to form the county regiment. In Virginia it was just the other way. Each county raised a certain number of troops, and because it was not convenient for the men to go many miles from home in assembling for pur- poses of drill, the county was subdivided into military districts, each with its company, accord- ing to rules laid down by the governor. The military command in each county was The county vested in the county lieutenant, an I'eutenant officer answering in many respects to the lord- lieutenant of the English shire at that period. Usually he was a member of the governor's council, and as such exercised sundry judicial functions. He bore the honorary title of " colo- nel," and was to some extent regarded as the governor's deputy ; but in later times his du- ties were confined entirely to military matters.^ ^ Edward Channing, op. cit. p. 478. ^ For an excellent account of local government in Virginia before the Revolution, see Howard, Local Const. Hist, of the 69 THE COUNTY If now we sum up the contrasts between local government in Virginia and that in New England, we observe : — 1. That in New England the management of local affairs was mostly in the hands of town officers, the county being superadded for certain purposes, chiefly judicial ; while in Virginia the management was chiefly in the hands of county officers, though certain functions, chiefly eccle- siastical, were reserved to the parish. 2. That in New England the local magistrates were almost always, with the exception of jus- tices, chosen by the people ; while in Virginia, though some of them were nominally appointed by the governor, yet in practice they generally contrived to appoint themselves — in other words the local boards practically filled their own vacancies and were self-perpetuating. These differences are striking and profound. There can be no doubt that, as Thomas Jeffer- son clearly saw, in the long run the interests of political liberty are much safer under the New England system than under the Virginia sys- jefferson's tem. Jcffcrson said, " Those wards, tovraship called townships in New England, are government the vital principle of their govern- ments, and have proved themselves the wisest invention ever devised by the wit of man for U. S., vol. i. pp. 388-407; also Edward Ingle, in Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, III., ii.-iii. 70 THE OLD VIRGINIA COUNTY the perfect exercise of self-government, and for its preservation.^ . . . As Cato, then, concluded every speech with the words Carthago delenda esty so do I every opinion with the injunction : ' Divide the counties into wards I ' " ^ We must, however, avoid the mistake of making too much of this contrast. As already hinted, in those rural societies where people generally knew one another, its effects were not so far-reaching as they would be in the more complicated society of to-day. Even though Virginia had not the town-meeting, " it had its familiar court-day," which "was a «