^tiiiucrriitu of ^alifoituta. I)i vision Range Shelf Received yyvf/ ^'kol^ r/ isr^ 7' 1 I ■^/l* tftlU, .\o. Jj/vL Jii'in. .Slid) Jicce G ,ERAL CATALOGTTE , OP THE DI xNITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. A BRIEF BTOaRAPHICAL RECORD OF ITS MEMBERS IN THE FIRST HALF CENTURY OF ITS EXISTENCE AS A DISTINCT DEPARTMENT. 1822-1872, PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI. NEW HAVEN: PRINTED BY TUTTLB, MOREHOUSE &. TAYLOR. : 1873. GENERAL CATALOGUE DIVINITY SCHOOL TALE COLLEGE. A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF ITS MEMBERS IN THE FIRST HALF CENTURY OF ITS EXISTENCE AS A DISTINCT DEPARTMENT. 1822-1872. PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI. ?^ ■': Library, j NEW HAVEN: PRINTED BY TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR. 1873. ^^/^f. Yale College Founded, 1700. Theological Department Organized, 1822. Divinity College Erected, 1836; Occupied till 1870. Divinity Hall Erected, 1870. Marquand Chapel Erected, 1871. Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Divinity School, 1872. Instruction in Theology was contemplated as a part of the regular course in Yale College from the foundation of the Institution. It was conducted for more than a century by the President and Professor of Divinity, aided to some extent by other officers, until the year 1822, when a distinct Department under a separate Faculty and with separate funds was organized for this purpose, in conformity with the more extended course of instruction in Theological Seminaries. ^cO ^''"r ^^^^. ./' PREFACE. The preparation of the following Catalogue was undertaken, in connection with the measures proposed to give increased efficiency to the Theological Department of Yale College, in the spring of 1867 ; but, after some months, the further prose- cution of the work was temporarily suspended, for want of any immediate prospect of publication. As the time for the Semi- centennial Celebration of the Seminary drew near, it was felt that the Institution owed it to itself and its friends to place upon record some memorial of the men prepared within its walls for the ministry of the Gospel, during the fifty years of its existence as a distinct Department. A number of the Alumni came forward with the offer of various sums to meet the expense. After a much longer delay than was anticipated, but which has given the possibility of rendering the Catalogue more complete than it could otherwise have been, it is now presented to the former members of the School, with thanks for their cooperation and aid in making it what it is. Former Catalogues. Four general Catalogues of the Sem- inary have been published before this : — the first in 1838, pp. 24, containing 332 names ; the second in 1841, pp. 28, contain- ing 410 names ; the third in 1844, pp. 32, containing 495 names ; and the fourth, prepared by the late Professor Goodrich, in 1850, pp. 20, containing 621 names. These gave in parallel columns the original residence, place and time of gi-aduation, number of years in the Seminary, and the residence and employment of the Alumni at the time, but nothing more. The present Catalogue contains 964 names, and like those which preceded it, does not include the names of Kesident Licentiates. Sources of Information, In preparing this Catalogue, the aim has been, not only to give the principal facts in the lives of the former members of the Seminary, but also to secure such a degree of accuracy that it might safely be used as authority in respect to tlie dates of ordination, installation, dismission, etc.. IV PREFACE. in cases where diurch-records or other official documents maj hereafter be lost or destroyed. For this purpose, the former members of the Seminary were first requested to give in respect to themselves the statistical information needed. Next, the statements thus obtained, when prepared for the press on the same general model, were sent to the several writers for carefal revision ; and finally, in order to guard against typographical errors, a proof-sheet was forwarded for their inspection. These articles, marked Autogr., containing as they do the personal testimony of the several writers, and having been for the most part three times under their particular notice, are believed to be more than ordinarily trustworthy. In a few cases where the return proof-sheets were not received in season, the correc- tions are given in a table of errata. The other sources of information relied upon have been the Obituary Records of Colleges, Class Records, Memoirs or biograpliical notices of the deceased, and the Triennial Catalogues of Andover, Union and Princeton Theological Seminaries. The mark + after the mention of either of these authorities indicates that additional facts are given from other sources. Where no authority is given, the information has been generally gathered from rela- tives or friends of the person mentioned, or from the minutes of ecclesiastical bodies. Plan of the Catalogue. After the name of each person, the number of years which he spent in this Seminary is given in parenthesis, tlie mark -f indicating that the time was somewhat longer, and the mark — less, than the figures would indicate. In most cases where students were connected with this Institu- tion but one or two years, they were members of other Semina- ries the remainder of the time necessary to complete a full three years' course of theological study. Merely honorary degrees, which have not been reported by any considerable number of those who have received them, are omitted, as are all elections or appointments to office which were not accepted. Next follows a record of the place and time of birth, gradua- tion and ordination. Where the person was ordained to the work of the ministry in general, the form used is, " Ord. Evang. at," etc. Where by the act of ordination he was constituted pastor of a church, the name of the place or church immediately follows, thus : "Ord. North Ch., New Jlny cr\," means o)d((i7ied PREFACE. V Pastor of that Church. A subsequent installation is indicated by the letter P, thus: "P. South Ch., Springfield," means installed Pastor. Where no formal induction into the pastoral oflS.ce by the action of a council representing neighboring churches, or of some other ecclesiastical body, has taken place, and yet the person was or is statedly employed in supplying the pulpit of a particular church, and in many cases discharging the other duties of a pastor, either as stated supply, acting pastor or pastor elect, the relation is indicated by the letters S. p. The letters S. S. are meant to be confined to such service before ordination. It is possible that in some cases, especially in the Western States, in consequence of the writers' not observing this distinction, the letter P is used where S. p. would be correct Where the ecclesiastical denomination is not other- wise specified, the church mentioned is supposed to be Con- gregational. The date of dismission follows that of ordination or installa- tion, from which it is only separated by a dash without any other pointy and is further indicated by a period at the end. A dash at the close of an article^ after a date or the name of a place or church, means that the relation, occupation or residence still continues. The few dates in parenthesis show that at that time the residence of the person mentioned was thus given. The abbreviations are those which are currently employed, and will not, it is supposed, need explanation. Of those who are recorded as at present residing [" Ees." etc.] in the places mentioned, the larger part, by reason of age or impaired health, are unable to bear the burden of a pastoral charge, but preach occasionally and sometimes statedly or quite frequently, while others, for the same reason, have been obliged to retire permanently and in nearly every case, with extreme regret, from the special work of the ministry. The statement here, of this fact, will render it unnecessary to repeat it in each particular case. It should also be mentioned that a large number of the Alumni of the Seminary who are not mentioned as having graduated at some College, were members of a College for a longer or shorter period, and several have received the honorary degree of M. A. YiTAL Statistics. Professor Newton, in charge of the Mathematical Department in Yale College, who has given much VI PREFACE, attention to Life insurance, has undertaken a careful examina- tion of the bearing of the statistics in the following Catalogue upon the law of mortality among the former members of the Seminary. The exact result when worked out, will probably be given to the public, but the calculation has already been carried far enough to show that up to about the age of 35, the number of deaths is appreciably greater than would be expected according to the actuaries' table adopted by the State of Massa- chusetts, but that beyond the age of 35, the mortality is very much below that which this table exhibits. Indexes. The value of a Semi-Centennial record like that which follows, consists largely in the story it tells of the churches and places from which the students of the Institution have come, the colleges where they have received their academical education, the churches to which their work in the ministry has been given, the heathen lands to which they have carried the gospel, and the higher institutions of learning and religion to which their service has been devoted. The extended in- dexes are intended to present these several points. For the larger one, the Alumni are indebted to Rev. William H. Moore, of Berlin, Ct. [Class of 1846], as well as for the careful revision he has given to the proof-sheets. Their special thanks are also due to Mr. Franklin B. Dexter, Secretary of the Corporation of Yale College, for valuable additions and corrections. Engravings and Portraits. The plate of Yale College will recall to the minds of most of the graduates of the Seminary, the appearance of the Institution as it was during their connec- tion with it. The portraits of Drs. Taylor, Fitch and Goodrich will be welcomed by those who enjoyed their instruction and honor their memory. That of Dr. Taylor is presented by his son-in-law, Mr. Walter T. Hatch ; that of Professor Goodrich by his only surviving son, Rev. Dr. Goodrich, of Cleveland, 0. It is to be regretted that no engraving of the portrait of Pro- fessor Gibbs exists. The former members of the Seminary and any others into whose hands this Catalogue may come, are requested to send a minute of any errors they may discover, or any additions they may be able to supply, to Prof. George E. Day, Secretary of the Alumni. Divinity School of Yale College, Doc. 20, 1872. CORPORATION OF YALE COLLEGE FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF THE THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT TO JULY, 1872. Elected. 1807 *Rev. ANDREW LEE, D.D. - 1808 *Rev. JOSEPH STRONG, D.D. 1809 *Rev. BENONI UPSON, D.D. 1810 *Rev. AMOS BASSETT, D.D. - 1812 *Rev. JOHN ELLIOT, D.D. - 1817 *Rev. WILLIAM B. RIPLEY, M.A. 1818 *Rev. DANIEL SMITH, M.A. 1818 *Rev. ANDREW ELIOT, M.A. - 1820 *Rev. CALVIN CHAPIN, D.D. 1821 *Ret. da VID SMITH, D.D. 1822 *Rev. MOSES C. WELCH, D.D. 1823 *Rev. MATTHEW NOTES, U.A. 1823 *Rev. NOAH PORTER, D.D. 1824 *Rev. DANIEL DOW, D.D. 1825 *Rev. AARON DUTTON, U.A. 1826 *Rev. ABEL McEWEN, D.D. 1827 *Rev. DIODATE BROCKWAT, M.A. 1829 *Rev. LUTHER HART, M.A. 1834 Rev. LAURENS P. HICK OK, D.D., LL.D. 1837 Rev. SAMUEL R. ANDREW, M.A. 1839 Rev. LEONARD BACON, D.D., LL.D. 1846 *Rev. THEOPHILUS SMITH, M.A. 1846 *Rev. JEREMIAH DAT, D.D., LL.D. 1846 *Rev. JOEL HA WES, D.D. 1847 Rev. JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, D.D. - 1849 *Rev. GEORGE A. CALHOUN, D.D. - 1849 Rev. GEORGE J. TILLOTSON, M.A. Died or resigned. 1823 • 1826 1823 - 1827 *1824 - *1822 *1846 - *1829 1846 - 1861 *1824 - *1839 1862 - *1849 *1849 - *1860 *1849 - 1834 1837 - 1841 1846 - *1853 186t - *1867 CORPORATION OF YALE COLLEGE. Elected. 1849 Rev. EDWIN R. GILBERT, M.A. Died or resigned. *1868 1864 *Rbv. JOEL H. LINSLEY, D.D. 1861 Rev. DA VIS S. DRAINERD, M.A. - - . - 1861 Rev. JOffN P. GULLIVER, D.D. .... 1866 1862 *Rev. ELISHA G. JONES, M.A. .... *18T2 1864 Rev. LEONARD BACON, D.D., LL.D. 1866 Rev. EIRAM P. ARMS, D.D., 1867 Hey. MYRON N. MORRIS, M.A. - 1867 Rev. SAMUEL G. WILLARD, M.A. .... 1868 *Rev, GEORGE RICHARDS, M.A. - - - *1870 1870 Rev. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. 1872 Rev. OLIVER E. DAGGETT, D.D. - Also, ex-officio, the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and six senior Senators of Connecticut. m. (^^^^r-^^^ ^ FACULTY. PRESIDENTS. Began. Died or Resigned. 1822 *Rev. JEREMIAH DAY, D.D., LL.D., 1846 1846 Rev. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D., 1871 1871 Rkv. NOAH PORTER, D.D., LL.D. PROFESSORS. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. 1822 *Rev. NATHANIEL "WILLIAM TAYLOR, D.D., *1858 Dwight Professor of Didactic Theology. 1858 Rev. NOAH PORTER, D.D., LL.D., 1866 Acting Professor. 1866 Rev. LEONARD BACON, D.D., LL.D., 1871 Acting Professor. 1871 Rev. SAMUEL HARRIS, D.D., LL.D., Dwight Professor of Systematic Theology. SACRED LITERATURE. 1822 *Rev. ELEAZAR THOMPSON FITCH, D.D., 1824 1824 *JOSIAH WILLARD GIBBS, LL.D., *1861 1858 Rev. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, D.D., Buckingham Professor. 1861 *HENRY HAMILTON HADLEY, B.A., 1862 Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature. 1862 ADDISON VAN NAME, M.A., 1866 Instructor in Hebrew. Began. Died or Resigned. 1866 Rev. GEORGE EDWARD DAY, D.D., Holmes Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature and Biblical Theology. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY. 1824 *Rkv. ELEAZAR TBOMPSON PITCH, D.D., (Livingston Professor of Divinity), Lecturer on Homiletics. 1839 *REy. CHAUNGEY ALLEN GOODRICH, D.D., Professor of the Pastoral Charge. 1861 Rev. JAMES MASON HOPPIN, D.D., Professor of Homiletics and the Pastoral Charge. CHURCH HISTORY. ]861 Rev. GEORGE PARK FISHER, D.D. LECTURERS. isn Rev. LEONARD BACON, D.D., LL.D., On Church Polity and American Church History. 1871 Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER, On Preaching. -^-0^^tU '/^ ^^I'^^C^L^ t^'l^t^ litEV. CHA-Ulsr C-ETT Ji. . G-O OX)TaCli, D. D. TROr-ESSOR IN YALE COLJLBGS. 'm.^^. rl-S Pii dm,™ J ]RiE3T, JElilEAaAlR T, FiTCH, JD.B. jrVTNXTT" IN" TALX COLLEGI:, ^^c^f)^^^. CATALOaiTE. 1822-1825. Seth Bliss (1 + ), b. Springfield, ]Ms., Apr. 23, 1V93.— Ord. Jewett City, Ct., June 15, 1825-Apr. 23, 1832. — Gen. Ag't and then Cor. Sec. Am, Tract Soc, res. in Boston, Ms., '32-'58. — Res. New York City, '58-'70, Berlin, Ct., '10—[Autogr.]* JosiAH Brewer (2 — ), b. Tyringham, now Monterey, Ms., June 1, 1796.— Y.C. 1821.— Tut. Y. C. '24-'26.— Ord. May 16, 1826, at Springfield, Ms., as For. Missionary ; Missionary in Constantinople, Greece and Smyrna, '26-'38. — Chaplain Ct. State Prison at Weth- ersfield, '39-42.— In Anti-Slavery labors at Hartford, Ct., '42-'44.— Principal of Young Ladies' Seminaries, New Haven and Middle- town, Ct., '44-'5V. — S. p. Housatonic, Ms., '57-'66. — Res. Stock- bridge, Ms., '66- [Autoffr.] Francis Hiram Case (3), b. West Simsbury, now Canton, Ct., Oct. 1, 1797.— Y. C. 1822.— Ord. Goshen, Ct., Feb. 1, 1826-Sept. 30, 1828. — Ag't Am. Tract Soc. at the South, eighteen months. — P. East Ch., Avon, Ct., Dec. 22, 18:!0-Apr. 28, 1840.— S. p. White- water, Wis., '42-'44, where res. till '63. — Res. Canton, Ct., '63- '68, Whitewater, Wis., 'Q8—[Aiifoc/r.] Joshua Leavitt (1-f), b. Heath, Ms., Sept. 8, 1794.— Y. C. 1814. — Before studying theology, in the practice of law in Ms. and Vt.— Ord. Stratford, Ct., Feb. 23, 1825- Oct. 22, 1828.— Ed. Sailors' Magazi?ie, '28-'31, iV^ Y. Evangelist, '31-37, Emancipator, '37- '47, Independent, '48 — Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. — [Autogr.] Charles Nichols (3), b. Derby, Ct., P'eb. 19, 1798. — Ord. Gilead, Ct., Sept. 28, 1825- Oct. 21, 1856.— S. p. Higgauum, Ct., Nov. 1856-Nov. 1864.— Res. New Britain, Ct., '64—[Autogr.] * Each article to which Autogr. (autog-rnph) is attached is given upon the author- ity of the person liimself. 4 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1826. Samuel George Orton (2), b. Litchfield (South Farms), now Morris, Ct, June 6, 1797. — Ham. C. 1822. — Orel. Sidney Plains, N. Y., Jan..., 1826. — . . 1829. Preached as evangelist, in various places, '29-'65, within which time, S. p. Delhi, N. Y., . .— . . S. p. . . Buffalo, N. Y., '35-'36.— P. Ripley, N. Y., . . . 1837.— . . . 1854.— S. p. Gowanda, K Y., '54-'5G. — Res. Sandusky, O. — [Autogr. \ Daniel Dana Tappan (1+), b. Newburyport, Ms., Oct. 20, 1798. — Bowd. C. 1822.— Ord. Nov. 14, 1826.— P. Alfred, Me., Apr. 23, 1828- Feb. 28, 1832.— Preached in various places, Franklin, N. H., Falmouth, Ms., Sandwich, Ms., Winthrop, Me., etc., '32-'39. — P. Marshfield, Ms.. Jan. 23, 1839- July 1, 1851.— S. p. Farmington, N. H. '52-'59.— S. p. Marshfield, Ms., '59-'65.— S. p. Wakefield, N. H., '65-'7l. — Res, Lewiston, Me., '71 — [Autogr.] *Chauncet Whittelsey (3,) b. New Haven, Ct., Sept. 6, 1801. — Y. C. 1820.— Died, Licentiate, at New Haven, Ct., March 12, 1826, aged 25. 8. 1823-1826. Samuel Tillotson Babbitt (1), b. Huntington, Ct., March 30, 1800.— Ord. Evang. Nov. 7, 1827 in New Haven, Ct.— S. p. Beth- any, Ct., '26-'27. — Preached chiefly in the new settlements in Western New York nearly 30 years. — Agent. — Res. Elkville, Jackson Co., 111., '67- [Autogr.] *George Carrington (3),b. Canaan, Ct., June 28, 1796. — Y. C. 1822.— Ord. Evang. by Fairfield E. Consoc, Oct. 4, 1826.— P. North Goshen, Ct., Aug. 27, 1829— Sept. 24, 1833.— P. Hadlyme, Ct., Feb. 25, 1835— Feb. . . 1843.— Died, Rushville, III, Nov. 1, 1843, aged 47. [3Is. Obit. Record Y. C. +] Handel Gershom Nott (3—), b. Saybrook, Ct., Nov. 10, 1799.— Y. C. 1823.— Ord. 1st Cli. Nashua, N. H., Nov. . . 1826. — Agent Am. Bethel Soc, and Bethel Chaplain in BuSalo, N. Y, '.34-'37.— P. Federal (now Clarendon) St. Bapt. Ch., Boston, Ms., May . . 1838— May . . 1839.— P. Bapt. Ch. Bath, Me., Oct. . . 1839— July . . 1847.— S. p. Waterville, Me., '47-48.— P. Kermebunk Port, Me., July . . 1848— .... I860.— P. East Avon, N. Y., July, . . 1860 — Aug. . . 1864. — lies. Rochester, N. Y., 'm— [Autogr?^ *Stepiien Dodd Ward (3), b N. J., — C. N. J. 1819. — Teacher, New Haven, Ct. — Inst. P. Machias, Me., 1827.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 5 Dec. 9, 1834 — Aug. 14, 1844. — Preached in various places in N. Y. and Vt.— P. Agawam, Ms., Oct. . . 1853 till his death at that place, June 11, 1858, at the age of 57. \^Ohit. hi Co)ig. Year- Book, 1859 -f-.] Theodore Dwight Woolsey (1-), b. N. Y. City, Oct. 31, 1801. — Y. C. 1820.— Tut. Y. C. '23-'25.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Aug. 21, 1846.— Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Y. C, '31-'51.— President Y. C, '46-'Vl.— Res. New Haven, Ct., '1l—[Autogr.] 5. 1824-1827. *Talcott Bates (3), b. Durham, Ct., July 15, 1802.— Y. C. 1823.— Ord. Evang. at Woodbury, Ct., Aug. 26, 1829.— P. Man- lius Square, N. Y., July 14, 1831.— Died at Durham, Ct., Oct. 23, 1832, aged 30. George Goodyear (3), b. Hamden, Ct., Dec. 9, 1801. — Y. C. 1824. — Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., July 22, 1828.— S. p. Games, N. Y., '28-'30.— S. p. East Windsor, Ct., '31-'32.— P. Ash- burnham, Ms.,Oct. 10, 1832-Oct. 10, 1841.— P. Rensselaerville, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1842-Sept. 1, 1843.— S. p. Truro, Ms., '46-'49.— P. South Royalston, Ms., Dec. 19, 1849-May 10, 1854.— P. Temple, N. H., Apr. 28, 1855— Oct. 25, 1865.— Res. Temple, N. H., '65- \^Aiitogr.'\ *JuDsox Adoniram Root (3), b. Woodbury, Ct., May 11, 1798.— Y. C. 1823.— Ord. North Branford, Ct., Oct. 15, 1828— Oct. . . 1835. — Principal Young Ladies' School, New Haven, Ct. — P. Westville, Ct., Apr. 20, 1842— Sept. 1846.~P. Terryville, Ct., Oct., 1846 — Apr., 1847. — After repeated hemorrhage of the lungs for some years, died. New Haven, Ct., Aug. 31, 1855, aged 57. Elizur Goodrich Smith (3), b. Durham, Ct., May 30, 1802. — Y. C. 1822.— Ord. Evang. in the North Ch., New Haven, Ct., May 7, 1829.— S. p. Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y., '29-'31.— Ed. Quarterly Christian Spectator, '33-'38. — In literary pursuits, N. Y. City, '38-'42.— Clerk, Patent Office, Washington, D. C, '42-'50, Gen- eral Land Office, '50-57, Patent Office, 'QO—[Autogr.'] *JosEPH KiRKLAND Ware (3), b. Couway, Ms., Apr. 21, 1793. — Amh. C. 1824.— Ord. Palmer, Ms., Dec. 12, 1827— March 16, 1831. — S. p. of Chh. in the State of N. Y. some years. — Farmer, 6 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1828. Canandaigua, N. Y. '43, till his death in that place, Dec. 7, 1854. [3Is. Obit. Record, Amh. 6'.] *Chauncey Wilcox (3), b. Cromwell, Ct., Sept. 6, 1796,— Y. C. 1824.— Ord. North Greenwich, Ct., July 2, 1828— May, 1846.— Teacher of a Classical School in Ridgefield, Ct., nearly five years, where he died, Jan. 31, 1852, aged 55. *LuTHER Wright (3), b. East Hampton, Ms., Nov. 24, 1796. — Y. C. 1822.— Tut. Y. C. '25-'2 8.— Teacher, Ellington, Ct., '29- '33. — Principal Leicester Academy, Ms., '33-'39. — First Principal Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Ms., '39-'49. — For several years conducted a private classical school in the same place, [Autogr.] where he died, Sept. 5, 1870, in his 74th year. 7. 1825-1828. Hiram Phelps Arms (3), b. Windsor, Ct., June 1, 1799. — Y. C. 1824.— Ord. Hebron, Ct., June 30, 1830— Oct. 10, 1832.— P. Wol- cottville, Ct., Feb. 6, 1833— July 6, 1836.— P. 1st Ch., Norwich, Ct., Aug. 3, 1836— [Autogr.] *Jason Atwater (3), b. Hamden, Ct., 1802.— Y. C. 1825.— Ord. Evang. at Woodbury, Ct., Aug. 26, 1829. — S. p. 1st Cong. Ch., New Britain, Ct., '27-'28.— S. p. 1st Ch., Waterbury, Ct., '29- '30.— P. Middlebury, Ct., Oct. 20, 1830— Oct. 15, 1845.— S. p. New- town, Ct., '46-56.— S. p. Southbury, Ct., '56-'59.— Died at West Haven, Ct., Apr. 1, 1860, aged 58. Milton Badger (2), b. Coventry, Ct., May 6, 1800. — Y. C. 1823.— Tut. Y. C. '26-'27.— Ord. South Ch., Andover, Ms., Jan. 3, 1828— Oct. 4, 1835.— Sec. Am. Home Miss. Soc, '35-'72.— Res. Madison, Ct. — [Autogr.] *Xenophon Betts (3), b. Norwalk, Ct., Sept. 23, 1799.— Ord. Evang. by West Assoc, Fairfield Co., Ct., Oct. 14, 1828.— P. Wakeman and Clarksfield, O., unitedly, Ap. 8, 1829 — Feb. . . 1837. — P. Lyme, O., about 3i years. — S. p. Vermillion, O., about 3 years. — P. Vienna, O., Nov. I, 1843 — Apr. 10, 1850, after which S. p. of the same till his death in that town, April 18, 1871, at the age of 71. 1828.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 7 ^Chester Birge (3), b. Bolton, Ct., Sept. 20, 1796.— Y. C. 1825. — Ord. Evang. at North Branford, Ct, Oct. 15, 1828. — S. p. North Greenwich, Ct. — Went to Ohio as a Home Missionary, and preached about a year at New Philadelphia. — P. Vienna, O., Nov. 17, 1830 — ]May 13, 1835. — Teacher, Vienna, O. — In '52 removed to Hudson, O., where he died of typhoid fever. May 4, 1861, aged 65. [Obit- uary in X. Y. Evangelist, May 23, 1861.] *Stiles Hawley (3), b. Ridgefield, Ct., Apr. 8, 1 799.— Mission- ary of Am. S. School Union in 111., in which service he was drowned while attempting to ford a branch of the Kaskaskia River, Jan. 18, 1830, aged 31. \Sixth Report Am. S. S. Utiion.-^] Henry Herrick (1-), b. Woodbridge, Ct., March 5, 1803. — Y. C. 1822.— Preached, Middleton, Ms., etc., '28-'29.— Ord. Evang. at Humphreysville, now Seymour, Ct., Apr. 14, 1830. — H. M. Carrollton, 111., '30-'31. — Sab. Sch. and other Agencies in New England, '32-'35, — Teacher, Knoxville, Tenn., and Somerville and Moulton, Ala., '35-'42.— Preached Clintonville, N. Y., '45-'49. — Ticonderoga, etc., N. Y., '49-'58. — Exeter, N. Y., etc., '58-'67.— Res. North Woodstock, Ct., 67 — [Autoyr.] *Sylvester Hovey (3), b. Mansfield, Ct., Dec. 10, 1797. — Y.C. 1819.— Tut. Y. C. '22-'26.— Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., Wms. C, '26- 29— Prof of the same in Amh. C, '29-'33.— In the West Indies, '35-'36. — Died at Hartford, Ct., May 6, 1840, aged 43. [Obit, in Cong. Quarterly, Vol, XIV.] Sanford Lawton (2), b. Dudley, Ms., Dec. 11, 1798. — Y. C. 1825.— Ord. Evang. at North Branford, Ct., Oct. 15, 1828.— S. p. Barre, Ms., one year, — Principal of Dudley and Monson Academies, Ms., '28-'35. — Teacher select and family schools, Springfield and Longmeadow, Ms., '36-62. — Res. Longmeadow% Ms. — [Atitogr.] *Zechariah Mead (3), Greenwich, Ct., — Y. C. 1825. — Ord. Priest (Episc), at Norfolk, Va., May 22, 1831. — Rec- tor Grace Ch., Boston Ms. — Ed. Southern Churchma?i, Richmond, Va,, '37-40.— Died, Nov. 27, 1840, aged 38. *George Nichols (3), Reading, Ms., . . . . — Y. C. 1824. — Preached a while at Chicopee Falls, and then returned to the business of teaching, Springfield, Ms., where he died, Feb. 18, 1841. [C lass Jiecord, I \ C. ] 8 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1828. Simeon North (2), b. Berlin, Ct., Sept. V, 1802.— Y. C. 1825.— Tut. Y. C. '27-29.— Ord. May 25, 1842, by the Oneida Assoc, N. Y.— From May, 1829, to May, 1839, Prof., Latin and Greek, and from May, 18:39, to Sept., 1857, President Hamilton College. — Res. Clinton, N. Y., '5l—[Auto(/r.] Dennis Platt (2-), b. Danbury, Ct., Sept. 26, 1800.— Y. C. 1824.— Ord. Evang. Apr. 30, 1828.— S. p. Willimantic, Ct., '27-'29 — P. Canterbury, Ct., March 31, 1830 — Jan. 1, 1833. — P. Homer, N. Y., March . . 1834— Oct. . . 1842.— P. Manlius, N. Y., Nov. . . 1842— May . . 1845.— Ed. Recorder, '45-'46.— P. Cong. Ch., Binghamton, N. Y., Oct. . . 1846— March . . 1853.— Dist. Sec. Western College Soc, '53-59.— Res. South Norwalk, Ct., '59— [^Autogr.^ Samuel Rockwell, (1), b. Winchester, Ct., Apr. 18, 1803. — Y. C. 1825.— Ord. Plainfield, Ct., Apr. 11, 1832— Apr. 16, 1841.— P. New Britain, Ct., Jan. 4, 1843 — June 20, 1858. — Member of House of Rep. Ct., '62 and '69, of the Senate, '65. — Res. New Britain, Ct., '5S—[Autogr.] Stephen ToPLiFF (3), b. Willington, Ct., Nov. 9, 1796. — Y. C. 1825.— Ord. Evang. at North Branford, Ct., Oct. 15, 1828.— P. 4th Cong. Ch., Middletown (Westfield Soc.) Ct., May 27, 1829— Oct. 3, 1838.— S. p. Columbus, O., '39-'40.— P. Oxford, Ct., Sept. 1, 1841— July 1, I860.— Res. Cromwell, Ct., 'QQ—[Autogr.\ William Twining (1), b. New Haven, Ct., Dec. 9, 1805.— Y C. 1825.— Ord. Great Falls, N. H., Jan. 6, 1830— . . . 1831.— P. Appleton St. Ch., Lowell, Ms., Oct. 4, 1831— . . 1835. — Madison, Ind., '36-'43. — Prof. Mathematics and Nat. Phil. Wabash College, '43 to '54.— P. Cong. Ch., Beardstown, III, . . . . 1859-1863. — Res. St. Louis, Mo., '63 — [Autogr.] *Edward Royal Tyler (1), b. Guilford, Vt., Aug. 3, 1800.— Y. C. 1825.— Ord. South Ch., Middletown, Ct., Dec. 27, 1827— Apr. . . 1832.— P. Colebrook, Ct., March 6, 1833— June 14, 1836. — Agent Am. Anti-Slavery Soc, '36-37. — Ed. Conn. Observer, '38-'42.— Ed. New Englander, '42-'48.— Died at New Haven, Ct., Sept. 28, 1848, aged 47. [ Obit. Notice in the Neic Englander, Oct., 1848.+] 1829.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 9 ♦Hubbard Winslow (2), b. Williston, Vt., Oct. 30, 1799.— Y. C. 1825.— Orel. 1st Cong. Ch., Dover, N. H., Dec. 4, 1828—. . 1832.— P. Bowdoin St. Ch., Boston, Ms., Sept. 26, 1832—. . 1844. — Prin. Mt. Vernon School for Young Ladies, Boston, Ms., '44-'53.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Geneva, N. Y., June, . . 1857— . . 1859.— Teacher, N. Y. City, '59-'61.— Res. Brooklyn, N. Y., '61- '64.— Died, AVilliston, Vt., Aug. 13, 1864, a^ed 65. [ Obit. Becord, r: 6\+] ^ 18. 1826-1829. *Dykr Ball (2), b. West Boylston, Ms., June 3, 1796.— Un. C. 1826. — Ord. at Shutesbury, Ms., March 9, 1831: in 1833 Home Miss, in Florida: '35-'37 studying Medicine in Med. Inst., Charles- ton, S. C, and received the degree of INI. D. : sailed from Boston, May 25, 1838, in the service of the A. B. C. F. M. as Missionary to China : labored at Singapore, Macao, Hong-Kong, and Canton, in which latter city he was a pioneer in opening the way for the residence of missionary families, towards which his medical servi- ces were of great assistance. — Died at Canton, China, Mar. 27, 1866, aged 70. [31issionary Herald^ /Sept., 1866.] *Eldad Barber (3), b. East Windsor, Ct., Sept. 24, 1801. — Y. C. 1826.— Ord. Evang. at Woodbury, Ct., Aug. 26, 1829, in com- pany with five other members of the Seminary. — S. p. Pres. Ch., Marion, O., '29-'32.— Principal Huron Institute, Milan, '32-'35 : in Vermillion, O., '35-'37.— P. Cong. Ch., Florence, Erie Co., O., Apr. 10, 1837, [Autogr.] where he died March 27, 1871, aged 70. *Amos Blajs-chard (2), b. Andover, Ms., 3Iar. 7, 1807. — Y. C. 1826.— Tut. Y. C. '28-'29.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Lowell, Ms., Dec. 25, 1829— May 21, 1845.— P. Kirk St. Ch., Lowell, Ms., May 21, 1845, [Autogr.] till his death in that city, Jan. 14, 1870, at the age of 63. [ Commemorative Discourse by Prof. John L. Taylor., B. 7>.] *D. D. Chestnut (2), Miller, Pa Plaque- mine, La. — Died, 1838. Henry Cowles (2-), b. Norfolk, Ct., Apr. 24, 1803.— Y. C. 1826.— Ord. Evang. at Hartford, Ct., July 1, 1828.— S. p. Ashta- bula and Sandusky, O., '28-'30. — S. p. Austinburg, O., '30-32, where P. Aug. 29, 1832— Oct. . . 1835.— Prof. Latin and Greek, Ober- 10 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1829 lin College, '35-'3&; of Ecclesiastical Hist, and Church Polity, and of Old Test. Lang, and Lit., '.38-'48.— Ed. Oherlin Evangel- ist, Sept., '48 till its close, '63. — Engaged in writing Commenta- ries on various books of the Bible, res. Oberlin, O. — [Autogr.^ John Phelps Coavles (3), b. Colebrook, Ct., Jan. 21, 180.5. — Y. C. 1826.~P. Princeton, Ms., June 18, 1833— Dec. 18, 1834.— Prof. Languages and Lit. of the Old Testament, Oberlin Collegi- ate Institute, '36-'39. — Principal of Academy, Elyria, O., '40-'44. — Principal Young Ladies' Seminary, Ipswich, Ms., '44 — [^Autogr.^ *James Hanmer Francis C3), b, Wethersfield, Ct., May 28, 1796.— Y. C. 1826.— P. Cong. Oh., Dudley, Ms., Aug. . . 1831— June. . 1837: preached one year in Perrysburgh, O. : P. 4th Cong. Ch., Middletown (Westfield Soc), Ct., Dec. . . '40-45.— Res. Wading River, L. L, '54-'61, \Yethersfield, Ct., '61, till his death at that place, July 11, 1863, aged 67. {Class Record, Y. C.-f] *HoRATio Nelson Graves (3), b. Sunderland, Ms., Apr. 7, 1806.— Y. C. 1826.— Ord. Townshend, Yt., Feb. 5, 1833— Sept. 4, 1848. — Res. Hempstead, L. I., and Orange, N. J., where he died Oct. .21, 1852, aged 46. Stephen Hubbell (3), b. Wilton, Ct., Apr. 22, 1802.— Y. C. 1826.— Ord. Mt. Carmel (Hamden), Ct, May 18, 1830— May 18, 1836.— P. Wolcottville, Ct., Feb. 29, 1837— Sept. 29, 1839.— P. East Avon, Ct., Dec. 31, 1840— July 1, 1853.— P. North Sloning- ton, Ct., Aug. 17, 1853— April 6, 1869.— P. Long Ridge (Stam- ford), Ct, June 1, 1869— [-l/<^o^n] *EvERTOx Judson(I), b. Woodbury, Ct, Dec. 8, 1799. — Y. C. 1826. — Ord. Evang, at Woodbury, Ct., Aug. 26, 1829, with seven others: from '29 to the close of his life preached to the Ch. in Milan, O., of which inst P 1837. — Died at Milan, 0., Aug. 20, 1848, aged 49. \^Me))unr by Prof. Narrows, 12mo, 1852.] *Geougk William Perkins (1), b. Hartford, Ct., Feb. 22, 1804. — Y. C. 1824.— Ord. Am. Pres. Ch., Montreal, Canada, May 30, 1830— 1839.— P. 1st Ch., Meriden, Ct, June 10, 1841— July.. 1854.— P. 1st Cong. CIl, Chicago, 111., . . . . 1855, till his death in that city, Nov. 13, 1856, at the age of 52. A volume of his Sermons was published after his death, 2nd ed., New York, 1863, 12 mo, pp.331. 1830.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 11 *WiLLiAM Smith Porter (3), b. Farmington, Ct.,Oct. 28, 1799. — Y. C. 1825.— Ord. Evang. at Woodbury, Ct., Aug. 26, 1829,— Ed., Anti-Slavery newspaper in Boston, Teacher in Monson, Ms., and Surveyor in Farmington, Ct., and in New Haven, Ct., where he died, June 11, 18(36, aged 67. *James Brainerd Taylor (l), b. Middle Haddam, Ct., Apr. 15, 1801.— C. N. J. 1826.— Died at Union Theol. Sera., Prince Edward, Va., March 29, 1829, aged 28. A Memoir of his life by Drs. John H. and Benjamin H. Rice, 12mo, pp. .330, has passed through several editions. *AsA Milton Train (1), b. Enfield, Ms., July 26, 1800,— Amh. C. 1825.— P. 2d Cong, Ch., Milford, Ct., July 2, 1828— Jan. . . 1850: member of the Conn. Legislature several years: died at Milford, Ct., June 14, 1868, aged 63. [Obit. Record, Y. C.-\-\ Martyn TiTppER (1), b. Stafford, Ct., Jan, 6, 1800, — C. N, J, 1826.— Ord. Hard wack, Ms., Apr. 16, 1828— May . . 1835.— P. 2nd Ch., Longmeadow, Ms., Oct. 7, 1835— Oct. . . 1849. — P, Lanes- boro', Ms., May 21, 1850— May . . 1852.— Re-installed P. Hard- wick. Ms., June 22, 1852 — Sept. 1, 1871. — Res, Waverly, 111., '71— \^Autogr.'\ Williams Howe Whittemore (3), b. Bolton, Ct., Feb. 2, 1800. — Y. C. 1825. — Ord. Evang. at Wilton, Ct,, Sept, 26, 1831,— S, p, Pres, Ch. Rye, N, Y,, '29-'32,— P, 1st Ch. Charlton, Ms., Aug. 21, 1833— Jan. , . 1836.— P, Southbury, Ct., Nov. 16, 1836— Oct. . . 1850. — From '56-68, in New Haven, Ct., — Res. 170 Dean street, Brooklyn, N. Y., preaching in various places and agej^t in behalf of freedmen, '68 — \^Autogr.\ Joseph Whittlesey (3), b. New Preston, Ct., Dec. 8, 1797. — Y, C, 1825.— Ord, Stonington, Ct., May 27, 1830— Dec. . . 1832, —P. Haverhill, Ms,, Aug, 28, 1833— Feb, . , 1838,— P, Berlin, Ct,, May 8, 1838— Aug. 9, 1841,— Res. Berlin, Ct., '41— [^w^^o^r.] 17. 1827-1830. Abraham Chittenden Baldwin (3), b. North Guilford, Ct,, Apr, 26, 1804,— Bowd, C. 1827.— Ord. Berlin, Ms., Sept. 16, 1830 —Sept. . . 1832.— P. Olivet Ch., Springfield, Ms., Dec. 4, 1833— Jan. 8, 1839. — Principal Young Ladies' Sem., Newburgh, N. Y., '39- 12 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1830. '40.— P. Howe St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., Jan. 27, 1842— Nov. . . 1845. — Family Guai-dian and Steward Am. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Ct., '47-54.— P. 1st Ch. Durham, Ct., Oct. 28, 1857— Sept. 24, I860.— S p. Black Rock, Ct.,'61-'66.— Res. Hart- ford, Ct. — [Autogr.] *Theron Baldwin (2),h. Goshen,Ct., July 21, 1801.— Y. C. 1827. — Ord. Evang. hj Litchfield, (Ct.,) South Assoc, Aug. 26, 1829.— H. ^I, in III, '29. — Principal Monticello Female Sem. — P. Monticello, III, 1839.— 1843.— Sec. Soc. for Collegiate and Theological Education at the West, New York City, '43, [Autogr.] till his death at Orange, N. J., Apr. 10, 1870, at the age of 68. *Peter Allen Brinsmade (1), b. New Hartford, Ct., Apr. 1, 1 804. — Not ord. — Book publisher, Augusta, Ga., '80-31.— Merchant, Sandwich Islands. — Died, Lowell, Ms., Oct. 6, 1859, aged 55. ^Abraham Rezeau Bro^vn (1), b. Lawrenceville, N. J., Sept. 30, 1808.— C. N. J. 1825.— Tut. C. N. J. '28-30.— S. p. Morgantown, Va., '31-'32. — Assist. Ed. Preshyterian '32-33. — Died, Lawrence- ville, N. J., Sept. 10, 1833, aged 25. [^Memoir in Bib. Repertory., Oct., 1834, pp. 417-449.] James Taylor Dickinson (l),b. Lowville, N. Y.,Oct. 27, 1806. — Y. C. 1826.— Ord. 2nd Ch., Norwich, Ct., Apr. 4, 1832— Aug. . . 1834.— Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. in China, '35-'40.— Teacher in the Singapore Institution, '40-'43. — Res. Middlefield, Ct— [.Iw^o^/r.] Maltby Gelston (3), b. Sherman, Ct. Apr. 30, 1805. — Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Evang. ... at Litchfield, Ct.— H. M. Medina, N. Y., '30-'31.— P.'Presb. Ch., Clyde, N. Y., . . 1831.— Feb. . . 1835.— P. Rushville, N. Y., Apr. . . 1835.— . . . 1855.— P. Albion, Mich. .... 1855-1861.— S. p. Grass Lake, JVIich., '62-'63.— Since '64, res. Ann Arbor, Mich., H. M. successively at South Saginaw, Au Sable, etc., and now Plymouth, Mich. — [Autogr.] *David Adams Grosvenor (3), b. Craftsbury, Vt., July 10, 1802. — Y. C. 1826.— Ord. 1st Evang. Ch., Uxbridge, Ms., June 6, 1832 —May . . 1842.— P. 1st Pres. Ch-, Elyria, O., Feb. 9, 1843.— S. p. Cong. Ch. Medina, O., from June. . 1853, about nine years — Res. Elyria, O., Agent Lake Erie Female Sem. ; then in Cincin- nati, O., engaged in Life Insurance, where he died, Aug. 11, 1866, aged 04, 1830.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 13 Henry Pearl Hickok (2), b. Burlington, Vt., U. Vt. 1827. — Res. Burlington, Vt. — [Aiitoffr.] Samuel Howe (3), b. Greenwich, Ct., March 27, 1803. — Y. C. 1827.— S. p. Truro, Ms., Bridgewater, Ci., Ridgeville, N. Y., and other places, '30-'35.— Ord. Pres. Ch., Hopewell, N.Y., July 25, 1835— Jan. . . 1837.— P. Pres. Ch., Ridgeville, N. Y., March 16, 1837— Jan. . . 1839.— S. p. North East Center, '41-'44.— P. South Tyringham (now Monterey) Ms., May . . 1844 — Feb. 3, 1854. — Res. New Haven, Ct., '54-'57. — S. p. North Madison, Ct., '58-'66.— S. p. Willington, Ct., '66-'69.— Res. Bricksburg, N. J. 'G9—[Autogr.] Samuel Lee (3), b. Berlin, Ct., March 18, 1803.— Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Sherburne, Ms., Nov. . . 1830— 1836.— P. New Ipswich, N. H., May 5, 1836— Dec. 4, 1860.— Res. New Ipswich, N. H., '60 — [Autogr.] *Bexoni Young Messenger (3), b Ms., July, 1800. — Ord. Evang. at Hamden, Ct., May 19, 1830.— S. p. Darien, Ct., '34-'35.— S. p. South Britain, Ct., '35-'37.— S. p. Orange, Ct., '37- '38.— P. North Bloomfield, O. (1847).— P. Mt. Sterling, 111. (1850). — Agent Am. Bible Soc. in Ohio, '58-'66. — Died Geneva, O.. May 9, 1866, aged 66. *JoHN Cutler Nichols (3) b. West Brookfield, Ms., Nov. 17, 1801. — Y. C. 1824.— Ord. Evang. to labor in Canada by the Brook- field Assoc, Oct. 12, 1831. — P. 2nd Ch., Stonington, Ct., May 15, 1834— Apr. 24, 1839,— P. Lebanon, Ct., Feb. 5, 1840 — March 21, 1854. — Teacher in Lyme, Ct., where he died, Jan. 8, 1868, aged 66. [Obit, in Cong. Quarterly^ Vol. x. + ] *Amos Augustus Phelps (1), b. Farmington, Ct., Nov. 11, 1804. — Y. C. 1826.— Ord. Hopkinton, Ms., Sejjt. 14, 18S0— 1832.— P. Pine St. Ch. Boston, Sept. 13, 1832— March, 26, 1834.— Agent Mass. Anti-Slavery Soc, '34-37. — P. Free Ch,, Boston, 1839-'40.— P. Maverick Ch., Boston, March . . 1842-1845.— Also acted as Ed. of the Emancipator^ and Sec. Am. Anti-Slavery Soc. — Died, Roxbury, Ms., June 30, 1847, aged 43. \_Class Record^ T. (7.+] Julian Monson Sturtevant (2-), b. Warren, Ct., July 26, 1805.— Y. C. 1826.— Ord. Evang, at Woodbury, Ct., Aug. 27, 1829, — Teacher in what afterwards became Illinois C'cUege, Jan, 14 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1831. , . 1830— Prof, Math, and Nat. Phil, in that institution '31-'44. — President Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111., '44 — [Autogr.] George Jeffrey Tillotson (I+), b. Farmington, Ct., Feb. 5, 1805.— Y. C. 1825, of which elected Fellow '49.— Ord. Trin. Cong. Ch., Brooklyn, Ct., May 25, 1831— March 10, 1858.— S. p. Putnam, Ct., '58-'70.— S. p. Central Village, Plainfield, Ct., '10— [Autogr.] Asa Turner (3), b. Templeton, Ms., June 11, 1799.— Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Sept. 6, 1830.— S. p. Quincy, III, till July . . '38. — P. Denmark, lo., July . . 1838 — Oct. 15, 1869.— Res. Oskaloosa, lo., '69~[Autogr.] *Wyllys Warner (2), b. Plymouth, Ct., Jan. 6, 1800.— Y. C. 1826. — Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Sept. 6, 1830. — Engaged in raising donation of |100,000to Yale College, '31-32. — Treasurer Y. C, 1832-1852.— Sec. of the Corporation of Y. C, res. New Haven, Ct., '58, till his death at Chicago, 111., Nov. 11, 1869, aged nearly 70. 16. 1828-1831. Mason Ball (2), b. West Boylston, Ms., Sept. 20, 1798.— Un. C, 1828.— Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union at the South, '30-'31. — — Supplied at New Bedford, Middleboro', Bellingham, Ms., '32-33. — Ord. at West Roylston, Ms., Sept. 26, 1 833.— S. p. Amherst, Ms., Sept. 26, 1833— Oct. 20, 1836.— P. Princeton, Ms., Nov. 20, 1836- March 14, 1841.— P. Amherst, N. H., May 16, 1841— March 3, 1844.— P. Southboro, Ms., April 28, 1844— March 15, 1846.— P. Amherst, Ms., Apr. 1, 1846— June 15, 1850.— P. Wilmington, Vt., Sept. 7, 1851- Aug. 7, 1853.— Res. Amherst, Ms., ' 53— [Atitogr.] *RoMULus Barnes (3), b. Bristol, Ct., Oct. 16, 1800.— Y. C, 1828. — Ord. Evang. March 22, 1831. — Labored in the service of the Am. Home Miss. Soc. at Washington and other places in 111. — D, Newark, 111., Sept., 24, 1846, aged 46. [3fs. Obit. Record, Y. 6'.+ *Baruch Butler Beckwitii (2), b, Lyme, Ct., March 29, 1805.— Wms. C, 1827.— P. Athol, Ms., Jime 8, 1831-1834.— P. 1st Cli., Walpole, N. H., 1835.— P. Castine, Me., May 24, 1837— June 20, 1842.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Gouverneur, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1844— July 19, 1866. — Res. Gouverneur, N. Y. [At/fogr.], till his death there, July 4, 1870, at the age of 65. 1831.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 15 Thomas Bellows (1), b. Walpole, N. H., Sept. 23, 1807. — Dart. C. 1827.— Ord. 2nd Ch. Greenfield, Ms., March 12, 1833— Sept. 2, 1834. — S. p. Lunenburg, Ms., '35-'36. — Farmer, Walpole, N. H,, '36 — [Autogr.] John Flavel Brooks (3), b. Westmoreland, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1801. — Ham. C. 1828. — Ord, Evang. by Presb. of Oneida, at Utica, N. Y., Sept. 1831. — H. M. in St. Clair Co. and adjoining counties, 111., '31-'. . .—Teacher, Belleville, III, '32-35, Waverly, III, '37- '■10, Springfield Academy, III, '40-'43, Springfield Fern. Semin- ary (private), '49-'53. — Instructor in Latin in " Bettie Stuart Institute," Springfield, III — [Atttog)'.] *Orrin Cooley (2), b. Deerfield, Ms., Aug. 18, 1801.— Un. C. 1827. — Teacher, Carliuville, III, till '50, afterwards Chesterfield, III, where he died, Oct. . . 1857, aged 56. *Zebulon Crocker (1), b. Willingtou, Ct., March 8, 1802. — Y. C. 1827. — Ord. Upper Middletown (now Cromwell), Ct., May 2, 1833 — Nov. 18, 1847, when he died there, aged 45. *Rouney Curtis (1), Southington, Ct. — Y. C. 1828. — Died, while a member of the Seminary, Southington, C't., Aug. 18, 1829, aged 26. *William Preston Curtiss, (3), b. Woodbury, Ct., Dec. 28, 1791.— Ord. Deacon (Episc.) at Hartford, Ct., Aug. 2, 1872, Priest, Sept. 25, 1832.— Died, Tompkinsville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1834, aged 43, *JoHN Hubbard Eaton (2), b. Boxford, Ms., Apr. 12, 1806. — Harv. C, 1827. — Teacher, New York City, where he died, July, ^^..^. 1862, aged 56. / ' ^•^'i\ *Lemuel Foster, (3), b. Hartland, Ct., Nov. 24, 1799.— Y. C. .' V*"* 1828.— Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Sangamon, III, Sept., 1833. — V '" "** ^^^ Preaching and teaching, Bloomington, III, '33-'39. — Bethel, III, '39-46.— S, p. Presb. Ch., Upper Alton, III, '46-'54.~Preaching and ^ ^.--^ ^, teaching, Atlanta, III, '54-'59.—S. p. Onarga,Ill.,'o9-'63.— S. p. Blue \'^r.' Tr^^ Island, III, '63-70. — Preaching and editing, Washington Heights, ■''>i;^J' » III, '70, [Autogr.] till his death at that place, Apr. 1, 1872, at ^^-:-_ the age of 72. Charles Payson Grosvexor (l), b. Pomfret, Ct., Aug. 12, 1804.— Y. C, 1827.— Ord. Waterford (now Blackstone), Ms., July 16 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1831. 16, 1834-Aiig. 10, 1835.— S. p. Kingston, R. I., Sept., 1835-May, 1838.— P. North Scituate, R. L, Sept. 12, 1838— Aug. 31, 1847.— S. p. Rehoboth, Ms., Sept., 1847 — Oct., 1856. — S. p. Stoneham, Ms., Oct., 1856-Apr., 1858.— P. 1st Ch. Canterbury, Ct., March 9, 1859- July5, 1871.— S. p. West Woodstock, Ct., 'n—[Avtogr.] Mason Grosvenor (3), b. Pomfret, Ct., Sept. 13, 1800. — Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Evang. at Guilford, Ct., March 22, 1831.— P. Ash- fiekl, Ms., May 15, 1833— . . 1835.— P. Sharon, Ct., Sept. 28, 1836— June 28, 1839.— P. Hudson, O., Dec. 22, 1840— . . 1844. — Agt. Western College Soc, res. Springfield, Ms., and New Haven, Ct, '47-'53.— Teacher Mathematics, 111. and Beloit Colleges, '53- '55. — Benevolent Agencies in Northern Ohio, '55-'64. — Agent ^tna Life Insurance Co., and since '70, Prof. Moral Phil, and Evidences of Christianity, 111. C, res. Cincinnati, O., '64 — [Autogr.] Albert Hale (3), b. Glastenbury, Ct., Nov. 29, 1799. — Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Evang. at Guilford, Ct., March 22, 1831.— S. p. Bethel, III, '32-' 3 6. —Agent Am. Home. Miss. Soc, '36-'39.— P. 2nd Presb. Ch. Springfield, III, Nov. 15, 1839— Jan. 1, 1867, where he still resides. — [Autog7\'] Lent Serajah Hough (2-), b. Wallingford, Ct., Jan. 21, 1804. —Ord. Chaplin, Ct., Aug. 17, 1831— Dec, 1836.— P. Village Corners, North Woodstock, Ct., Jan. 11, 1837-May, 1841. — S. p. North Madison, Ct., '42-'45.— S. p. Bethel, Ct., '45-'46.— P. Mid- dletown (Westfield Soc), Feb. 10, 1847— March 31, 1863.— S. p. Wolcott, Ct., '63-'69.— S. p. Salem, Ct., '69-70.— S. p. East Lyme, Ct., 'lO—[Autogr.] Elisha Jenney (3), b. Fair Haven, Ms., Nov. 7, 1803. — Dart. C. 1827. — Ord. Evang. by 3d Presb. of N. Y., Oct. 14, 1831, — S. p. Alton, 111 , '32-'35.— Agent A. B. C. F. M. for Illinois, '36- '37.— S. p. Waverly, III, '3 7-'40.— Preached at Monticello, Spring Creek, and Island Grove, '40-49. — Missionary of Illinois Presb. and Evangelist in Alton Presb. '49-'58. — Agent of A. H. M. S. for Central and Southern III, '58-'68.— Res. Galesburg, 111. — [Autogr.] *WiLLiAM KiRBY (3), b. Mlddlctovvn, Ct., July 10, 1805.— Y. C. 1827. — Ord. Evang. at Guilford, Ct., March 22, 1831.— Instructor 1831.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 17 in 111. C, '31-'33.— Union Grove, 111., '33-'34.— S. p. Blackstone Grove, 111., '34-'36.— Mendon, 111., '36-'45.— General Agent Am. Home Miss. Soc. for 111., res. Jacksonville, till his death at Winchester, 111., Dec. 20, 1851, at the age of 47. [Funeral Sermon hy lieu. J. M. Sturtevant, D. D.-\-] John Bennett Lyman (3), b. New Hartford (Torringford par- ish), Ct., 1802.— Wms. C. 1825.— Teacher and farmer.— Res. New Hartford, Ct. — Darius Mead (3), b. Greenwich, Ct., Feb. 28, 1807.— Y. C. 1828. — Ord. Evang. at Litchfield (South Farms, now Morris), Ct., July 31, 1833.— S. p. South Britain, Ct., '32-'34.— P. Deep lliver (Saybrook), Ct., May 27, 1835— Oct. 3, 1837.— Ed. National JPreacher, Christia?i Parlor Magazine^ and Mother'' s 3Iagazine. — Res. New York City. — *JoHN M'CuRDY Strong Perry (3), b. Sharon, Ct., Sept. 7, 1806.— Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Mendon, Ms., Nov. 9, 1831— . . 1835. —Missionary of A. B. C. F. M. in Ceylon from May, 1835, till his death by cholera at Batticotta, March 10, 1838, aged 32. [Obit. Notice in 3Iissionary Herald, 1838.-}-] Isaac Glea-son Porter (1), b. Waterbury, Ct., June 29, 1806. — Y. C. 1826.— M. D., Univ. Pa., 1833. — Practicing physician. New London, Ct., '33 — [Autogr.] *Seth Sackett (3), b. Warren, Ct., Feb. 6, 1800.— Ord. Evang. at Litchfield (South Farms), Ct., Jan. 26, 1831. — S. p. South Brit- ain, Ct., May, 1831-1832. — P. Naugatuck, Ct., Oct. 16, 1834 — Jan. . . 1838. — In trade, Akron, O. — Died at Marysville, Cal., June . . 1853, aged 53. *Alanson Saunders (2), b. Warren, Ct., July 25, 1796. — Y. C. 1827. — Preached in Ct. and Mass., without settlement. — Taught the Academy in Painesville, O., four years. — Preached at Union- ville, Middlebury, Geneva, etc., O. — Died, Unionville, O., Nov. 5, 1853, aged 57. James Allwood Smith (1), b. Hartford, Ct., Nov. 6, 1806.— Y. C. 1826.— Ord. Great Falls, N. H., Apr. 17, 1832— July 24, 1837. —P. Glastonbury, Ct., Dec. 6, 1837— Dec. 6, 1857.— S. p. Union- ville, Ct., '57-'61, where he still resides. — [Autogr.} 2 18 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1832. *Theophilus Smith (3), b. Halifax, Vt, Feb. 17, 1800.— Y. C 1824.— Tut. Y. C. '26-'28, of which elected Fellow, 1846.— Ord. New Canaan, Ct,, Aug. 31, 1831 — Aug. 29, 1853, when he died, aged 53. *FiTCH Watermax Taylor (1), b. Middle Haddam, Ct., Aug. 4, 1803.— Y. C. 1828.~Ord. Episc— Chaplain U. S. Navy, '41- '65.— Died, Brooklyn, N. Y., July 24, 1865, aged 62. [ Obit. Rec- ord, T. C] William Whittlesey (8), b. New Britain, Ct., Sept. 19, 1805. — Y. C. 1827. — Missionary of Am. S. S. Union at the West, '31- '32.— Chaplain Ct. State Prison at Wethersfield, '32-'33.— Home Missionary in Ohio and III, '35-'40.— Ord. Evang. in 111., Sept. . . 1837. — Teacher several years in New Haven, Ct., Mobile, Ala., and Claverack, N. Y. — Agent Am. Peace Soc. for Ct., res. New Haven, Ct. — \^Autogr.^ William Wolcott (3), b. Stow, Ms., Jan. 22, 1800.- Y. C. 1828.— Ord. Petersham, Ms., Oct. 20, 1830— Nov. . . 1833.— Lower Providence, Pa., '33-34. — P. Adrian, Mich,, 1834 — 1836.— H. M. in Mich., '37-67. — Res. Hudson, Mich. —[Autogr.] 28. 1829-1832. Frederic Hait Ayres (3), b. Stamford, Ct., Aug. 6, 1806. — Ord. Evang. at North Greenwich, Ct., Nov. 5, 1833. — S. p. Cong. Ch., Sangerfield, N. Y., '33-'35, of which P. Jan. 1, 1835— 1836.— P. East Lincklaen (Pitcher), N. Y, 1836— 1838.— S. p. Long PJdge (Stamford), Ct, '43-'54, where he now resides. — [Autogr.] Flavel Bascom (3), b. Lebanon (Exeter Parish), Ct., June 8, 1804.— Y. C. 1828.— Tut. Y. C. '31-'33.— Ord. Evang. by Vrosh. of Sangamon, 111., Sept. . . 1833.— H. M., Tazewell Co., 111., '33-'39. — Agent Am. Home Miss. Soc. in Northern 111., '39-'40. — P. 1st Presb. Ch., Chicago, III, Nov. . . 1840— Jan. . . 1850.— P. 1st Ch., Galesburgh, III, Jan. . . 1850— May . . 1856.— Agent Am. Miss. Assoc, in III, '56-'57. — P. 1st Cong. Ch., Dover, III, Apr. 1, 1857— Apr. 1, 1864.— P. Princeton, III, July 11, 1864— Nov. 10, 1869.— 8. p. Hinsdale, III, '69-'72.— Res. Hinsdale, III— [^w^o^r.] William Bushnell (3), b. Westbrook, Ct., Apr, 14, 1801.— Y. C. 1828.— Ord. North Killingly, noAV East Putnam, Ct., Aug. 8, i 1832.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 19 1832— Apr. 8, 1835.— P. WhipiDatiy, N. J., Oct. 16, 1835— June . . 1836.— P. Beverly, Ms., Jan. 3, 1838— May 9, 1843.— P. Newton, Ms., May 23, 1843— Dec. 31, 1846.— Sec. Am. Seamen's Friend Soc, Boston, Ms., '47-'55.— M. D. Penn. U., 1858.— Practicing physician, Boston, jMs., '58 — [Autogr.] Frederick William Chapman (3), b. Canfield, O., Nov. 17, 1806.— Y. C. 1828.— Ord. Stratford, Ct., Sept. 5, 1832— May 16, 1839.— P. Deep River, Ct., May 29, 1839— Oct. 1, 1850.— P. South Glastonbury, Ct., Oct. 24, 1850 — Oct. 29, 1854.— Principal High School, Ellington, Ct., '54-63, in which time S. p. West Staiford, Ct., '56-'61.— S. p. Bolton, Ct., '61-'64.— S. p. East Hampton (Union Ch.), Ct., '64-'66. — S. p. Prospect, Ct., '06-'71.— Res. Rocky Hill, Ct., 'n^[Atito(/r.] *Orson Cowles (2 + ), b. East Hartland, Ct., Jan. 14, 1801.— Y. C. 1828.— Ord. North Woodstock, Ct., Apr. 25, 1832— Sept. 4, 1837.— Teacher, North Haven, Ct., '37-39.— Dist. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., '40-60.— Died, North Haven, Ct., Dec. 23, 1860, aged 60. [ Obituary in Cong. Quarterly^ Vol. Hl.-f-) *Erastus Curtiss (3), b. Meriden, Ct., Apr. 21, 1805.— Un. C. 1829.— Ord. Evang. at Winchester, N. H., July, 1833.— S. p. Marl- borough, N. H., one year.— P. North New Salem., Ms., Oct. 22, 1834— 1851.— S. p. Milton, Me., '54-'55.— S. p. Solon, Me., '5o-'56.— S. p. Salem Hill, '56-60.— Died, Greenwich, Ms., March 13, 1861, aged 56. Samuel Ives Curtiss (3), b. Meriden, Ct., March 5, 1803. — Ord. East Hampton, Ct., Nov. 1, 1832— Nov. . . 1837.— S. p. North Woodstock, Ct., '37-'39.— S. jx Union, Ct., '39-'43, of which P. Apr. 12, IMZ — [Autogr.'] James Madison Davis (1), b. Pomfret, Ct., July 27, 1806.— P. Pres. Ch., Manayunk, Pa. (1833).— P. Fairmont Presb. Ch., Philadelphia, March 22, 1835.— P. Pittsburgh, Pa.— P. Woon- socket, R. I.— P. Philadelphia, Pa.— S. p. Rutland, Ms., '54.— S. p. Darby, Pa., '59- . .—Res. Darby, Del. Co., Pa., '60— Henry Durant (3), b. Acton, Ms., June 18, 1802.— Y. C. 1827. —Tut. Y. C. '29-'33.— Ord. Byfield, Ms., Dec. 25, 1833— 1852.— Principal College School, Oakland, Cal., '53-'59.— Prof, of 20 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1832, Greek, College of California, '59-'69, — President University of California, '70-'72.— Res. Oakland, Cal.~[Autogr.] Solomon Washburn Edson (1), b. Wilbraham, Ms., Aug. 5, 1803.— Ord. Montgomery, Ms., Oct. 25, 1832— June 22, 1836.— S. p. Chester, Ms., '. .-'. .—P. Hamilton, N. Y., May . . 1842— March . . 1845.— S. p. Ellington, N. Y., '45-'47.— P. Cong. Ch., Carroll, N. Y., 1847 — Aug. . , 1855, since when chiefly engaged in farming, — Res. Feeding Hills, Ms. — [Autogr.] Joseph Eldridge (3), b. Yarmouth, Ms., July 8, 1804,— Y. C 1829, of which elected Fellow, 1847. -Ord, Norfolk, Ct., Apr, 25, IS32 --[Autogr.] Edwin Randolph Gilbert (3), b. Hebron, Ct., Feb. 10, 1808. — Y. C. 1829, of which elected Fellow, 1849.— Ord. Wallingford, Ct., Oct. 3, 1832— [^w^o^r.] *Henry Gleason (3), b. Thompson, Ct., Sept. 11, 1802.— Y. C. 1828.— Ord. 1st Ch,, Durham, Ct., Aug. 22, 1832— Sept. 16, 1839, when he died in that town, aged 37. [I^hwler^s Hist, of DurJiam.^ Platt Tyler Holley (3), b. Greenwich, Ct,, Aug. 20, 1808. — Y. C. 1828.— Ord, Sandisfield, Ms,, Dec, 12, 1832— Jan. 21, 1851. —Teacher, West Winsted, Ct., '51-'55, Sharon, Ct,, '55-'58, Fair- field, Ct,, '58-'60, Bridgeport, Ct,, '60-'62,— S. p. Riverton, Ct., '63-'69.— Res. Bridgeport, Cl. —[Autogr.^ *Edwin Stevens (3), b. New Canaan, Ct., 1802.— Y. C. 1828.— Tut. Y. C. '31-'32.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct,, June 7, 1832,— Seamen's Chaplain, Canton, China, '32-'36,— Mis- sionary of the A. B, C, F, M, at Canton, '36, till his death, on a missionary tour, at Singapore, Jan. 5, 1837, at the age of 35. [3Ie)}i07'ials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese^ Shanghai, 18G7,] *Nathaniel Wade (3-), b, Bridgeport, Ct,, Feb, 18, 1807.— Died, while a member of the Seminary, March 6, 1832, aged 25, James Wii,son Ward (1), b, Alna, Me., May 21, 1803,— Dart, C, 1820,— Ord. Abington, Ms., May 21, 1834— Nov. 21, 1856,— Member Ms. House Rep., '51, '52 and '57, of the Senate, '55. — Studied and practiced law in Madison, Wis., '57-62, and then in 1833.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 21 Davenport, lo., '62-'63.— S. p. Lakeville, Ms., '63-'68, where he now resides, — [Auto^r.] *HoRACE Woodruff (2), b. Farmington, Ct., — Y. C. 1828.— P. Orange, Ct., Aug., 1832— June, 1836.— For sev- eral years Agent and Sec. Suffolk Co. Temperance Soc. — Died, Huntingdon, L. L, Feb. 18, 1858, aged 54. [MS. Obit. Record, Y. C, and Comi. Ecc. Hist.'] *RiCHARD Woodruff, (1), b, Farmington, Ct., Oct. 18, 1800.— Un. C. 1829.— P. Brookfield, Ms., Feb. 5, 1834, about four years. — S. p. Morris (Litchfield South Farms), Oct., 1838— Jan., 1841. —P. Unionville, Ct., June 30, 1842— May 13, 1846.— S. p. Hamp- ton, Ct., Feb., 1848— Apr., 1852.— S. p. Rockford, N. Y., '57, till his death in that place, March 9, 1863, at the age of 62. *Henry Aiken Worcester (1), Hollis, N. H — Y. C. 1828.— Preacher to New Jerusalem Chh. in Abington, Ms., and in Bath, Gardner and Portland, Me.— Died, Portland, Me., May 24, 1841, aged 38. [ Unjmblished Class Record, Y. C] 20. 1830-1833. *George Beecher (2), b. East Hampton, L. I., 1809. — Y. C. 1828.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Batavia, O., Oct. 2, 1833— 1838.— P. 2d Presb. Ch., Rochester, N. Y., June 28, 1838— Oct. 5, 1840.— P. 2d Presb. Ch., Chilicothe, O., 1840— July 2, 1843, when he died there, aged 34. [Memoir by his sister. Miss Catharine E. Beecher.-\-\ William Bement (1), b. Ashfield, Ms., Apr. 5, 1806.— Dart. C. 1828. — Ord. East Hampton, Ms., Oct. .16, 1833— Apr. 9, 1850.— P. Elmira, K Y., March 5, 1851— Nov. 7, 1854.— Supt. Public Schools, Elmira, N. Y., '59-'66, where he now resides. — [Autogr.] Walter Hilliard Bidwell (3), b. Farmington, Ct., June 21, 1798.— Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Medfield, Ms., Sept. 19, 1833— 1837. — Proprietor and Editor of National Preacher, '41-'60, New York Evangelist, '43-55, Am. Biblical Repository, '46-'49, Ec- lectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, '46-'72, proprietor and publisher Am. TJieological Review, '48-'53. — Ed. Eclectic Maga- zine, New York City. — [Autogr.^ ^2 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1833. *RoswELL Bkooks (3), b. Westmoreland, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1805. — IJn. C. 1828.— S. p. Collinsville, III, '33-'34.-S. p. Akron, O., '. .-'. . — Principal Cuyahoga Falls Institute, '3'7-'40. — Teacher, Lockport, N. Y., '40-'41. — S. p. Niagara and Pendleton, N. Y., '41_'46._S. p. Gosport, N. Y., '46-'47.— S. p. Carlton and Kendall, N. Y., '48-53. — Principal of Academy, Lawrenceville, Pa., where he died, Feb. 2, 1854, aged 48. Horace Bushnell (2), b. Litchfield, Ct., Apr. 14, 1802.— Y. C. 1827.— Tut. Y. C. '29-'31.— Ord. North Cli., Hartford, Ct., May 22, 1833 — Nov. 22, 1859. — Res. Hartford, Ct., '59 — [Autogr.] * William Carter (3), b. New Canaan, Ct., Dec. 31, 1803. — Y. C. 1828.— Tut. Y. C. '30-'33.— Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Schuy- ler, Oct. . . 1834.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Jacksonville, 111., Dec., 1833 —Oct., 1838.— S. p. Pittstield, 111., Oct., 1838— March, 1866 [Au- togr.l, where he res. till his death in that place, Feb. 2, 1871, at the age of 07. [ Obit, in Cong. Quarterly, Vol. XIII.] *James Dyer Chapman (3), b. Columbia, Ct., May, . . 1799. — Y. C. 1826.— S. S. Prospect, Ct., '32-'33.— Ord. Wolcott, Ct., Oct. ^ 25, 1837— 1840.— P. Cummington, Ms., June 12, 1844— Dec. 19, 1854, when he died, aged 55. *TiMOTHY DwiGHT (2), b. Northampton, Ms., May 25, 1807. — Amh. C. 1827.— Tut. Amh. C, '30.— Designing to join the Syrian Mission of the A. B. C. F. M., died, Moscow, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1835, aged 28. *JoHN Graham (2), b. Townsend, Ms., — Amh. C. 1829.— Died, Townsend, Ms., 1833, aged 31. *AsA JosiAH Hinckley (3), b. Mansfield, Ct., — Y. C. 1829. — Farmer, Mansfield, Ct., where he died, Dec, 1850, aged 45. {MS. Obit, liemrd, Y. a+] * Alfred Hough (2), b. Turin, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1803. — Y. C. 1830.— Ord. Vernon Center, N. Y., May 20, 1835, where he remained till his death at Philadelphia, Pa., May 28, 1839, at the age of 36. * Jesse Lockwood (1), b. North Salem, N. Y., 1803. — Wms. C. 1830. — Ord. Missionary by the 1st Presb. of Long Island at Sag 1834] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 23 Harbor, Sept., 1833. — Missionary at Dwight in the Cherokee Na- tion, Jan., 1834, till his sudden death there, July 11, 1834, aged 31. [Durfee's A?inals of Williams Coller/e.^ Robert M'Ewen (3), b. New London, Ct., June 22, 1808. — Y. C. 1827.— Tut. Y. C. '29-'32.— Ord. Evang. at Detroit, Mich., Oct. 9, 1833.— H. M. in the Territory of Mich., '33-'35.— P. South Ch., Middletown, Ct., May 7, 1835— Aug. . . 1838.— P. Enfield, Ms., Feb. 16, 1842— Dec. 10, 1861.— Res. New London, Ct., '02- [Autogr.] Erasmus Daewin Moore (3), b. Winsted, Ct., Sept. 30, 1802. —Ord. Natick, Ms., Nov. 6, 1833— Apr. . . 1838.— P. Barre, Ms., July 1, 1810— Oct. 19, 1842.— Ed. Boston Recorder, '44-'46, Bos- ton Reporter, '46-'49, and Congregationalist, '49-'51. — Prepared for the press the " Old Colony and Massachusetts Bay Recoi-ds," and author of other works, '5 1 -'61. — In the Custom House, Bos- ton, Ms., '61— [^w^o^r.] S. Brewster Morley (2), b. Otis, Ms., Sept. 17, 1804. — Wms. C. 1829. — S. p. Attleboro', Ms., '35. — City Missionary, New York, '37-'38.— Ord. 2nd Ch., Attleboro', Ms., July 9, 1851— Apr. . . 1857. — Res. Williamstown, Ms., '57-'64. — Teacher Phillips Acad- emy, Andover, Ms., '64-'65. — Res, Pittsfield, Ms., '67 — \_Autoyr.'\ Marvin Root (2), b. Coventry, Ct., Oct. 7, 1802.— Wms. C. 1829.— Ord. Evang. at Robbinston, Me., Sept. 25, 1833.— P. South Windsor, Ct., Aug. 29, 1836— Apr. 29, 1840.— S. p. Bolton, Ash- ford, Eastford, and Chaplin, Ct., '46-'56. — Since '56, resided in 111. — Present residence, Lanark, 111. — \^Autogr.^ *JoHX Jay Slocum (1), Rome, N. Y. — P. Presb. Ch., Manhat- tan Island, N. Y., June 15, 1834—1836. — S. p. Presb. Ch., Manlius, N. Y., '40 . .— S. p. Boonville, Mo. ('44).— S. p. Salina, N. Y. ('50). —Agent, '51-'55.— Res. Chicago, III, '55-56, and New York, '56, till his death, 1862, at the age of . . [^Andover Trienn. Cat.-[-] *Jairus Wilcox (2), b. Upper Middletown, now Cromwell, Ct., March 8, 1802.— Ord. Bethany, Ct., Nov., 1832— June, 1834.— P. Victor, N. Y. . .— . .— H. M. Geneseo, 111., '38— '45.— P. Bethel Ch., Chicago, III, '45 — '48. — In business, Chicago, 111., '58, till his death in that city, Sept. 16, 1861, at the age of 49. 18 24 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1834. 1831-1834. John Chester Backus (1-), b. Wethersfield, Ct., Sept. 3, 1810. — Y. C. 1830. — Ord. Evang. by the Presb. of New Brunswick, Dec, . . 1835.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Baltimore, Md., Sept. 15th, 1836— [Autogr.] *OlivePv Baker (2), Templeton, Ms.— Y. C. 1829.— Died, while a member of the Seminary, at Rahway, N. J., March 15, 1834, aged . . [Andover Trienn. Cat.^ Henry Bates Camp (2), b. Durham, Ct., Dec. 10, 1809.— Y. C. 1831.— Ord. North Branford, Ct., Aug. . . 1835— Aug. . . 1836. —Teacher Am. Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Ct., '37-'64, where he still resides. — [Autogr.] David Close Comstock (2), b. New Canaan, Ct., Sept. 19, 1809. — Y. C. 1830.— Tut. Y. C. '32-'34.— Ord. Reading, Ct., March 4, 1840 — Apr. 8, 1845. — Principal Young Ladies' Institute, Geneva, N. Y., '50-51. — Res. Stamford, Ct., engaged in writing for the religious press and in other literary labors, '51 — [Antogr.^ Oliver Ellsworth Daggeit (2-), b. New Haven, Ct., Jan. 14, 1810.— Y. C. 1828.— Ord. South Cong. Ch., Hartford, Ct., Apr. 12, 1837 — June 23, 1843. — P. 1st. Cong. Ch., Canandaigua, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1845 — Oct. 16, 1867. — Livingston Prof of Divinity and P. Ch. in Yale College, Oct. 31, 1867— Sept. 27, 1870.— P. 2nd Cong. Ch., New London, Ct., Feb, 21, 1871 — [Autogr.] Henry Noble Day (3), b. New Preston, Ct., Aug. 4, 1808. — Y. C. 1828.— Tut. Y. C. '31— '34.— Ord. 1st Ch., Waterbury, Ct., Nov. 9, 1836 — Oct. . . 1840. — Prof. Rhetoric, Western Reserve College, '40-'44, and of Practical Theology, '44-'58.— Pres. Ohio Female College, near Cincinnati, O., '58-'64. — Res. New Haven, Ct., engaged in preparing and publishing various works, '64 — [Autogr.] William Brintnall DeFohest (2), b. New Haven, Ct., Oct. 3, 1811.— Y. C. 1831.— Ord. Watertown, Ct., Jan. 1, 1835— June 21, 1837.— M. D., Yale, 1840.— Physician at Colebrook, Ct., '40-'46, in New York City, '46-'60, in New Haven, Ct., 'QO— [Autogr.] *George Edwin Delavan (l), b. Dover, N. Y., Apr. Kl, 1804. — Y. C. 1827.— Ord. Evang 1833.— S. p. Hamden, Ct., 1834.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 25 '33-'34— P. Presb. Ch., Hammond's Port, N. Y., 1834— 1837.— P. Sherburne, N. Y., March 14, 1838— 1839 — —P. Lafayette, N. Y., 1845— 1849. —P. Wilson, N. Y., 1850— 1856.— S. p. Maqiio- keta, lo., '56-57. — S. p. Wyoming, '57, till his death there, March 18, 1861, at the age of 57. [Andover Trienn. Cat.-\-'\ *James Henry Fowles (2), 1). West Indies, Nov. . . 1812. — Y. C. 1831.— Rector Ch. of the Epiphany, Philadelphia, Pa., from about 1845 to the close of his life. — Died, Richland, S. C, March 5, 1854, aged 42. [318. Obit. Record, Y. C] *JoiiN XoRTiiEND GooDHUE (2), b. Salem, IMs., Jan. 29, 1810. — Amh. C. 1831.— P. Union Cong. Ch., Marlborough, Ms., May 4, 1836, till his death in that town of typhoid fever, Sept. 13, 1839, at the age of 29. \^Glass Record, Amh. C] John Gridley (1), b. Kindcrhook, N. Y., May 24, 1797.— M. D. Med. Col., Fairfield, N. Y.— Gen. Agent Am. Tract Soc. for the West, '33-'34.— Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Onondaga, N. Y., Sept. . . 1835.— P. Pompey Hill, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1836— July 30, 1837.— P. 2nd Presb. Ch., Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1837— Oct. . . 1841.— P. Brick Church, Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 15, 1841— Dec. 8, 1846.— P. Cong. Ch., Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 26, 1847— Oct., 1854.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Somers, Wis., '55-72. — Res. Kenosha, Wis., '72 — \^AHtogr.'\ Leverett Griggs (2-), b. Tolland, Ct., Nov. 17, 1808.— Y. C. 1829.— Tut. Y. C. '32-33.— Ord. North Haven, Ct., Oct. 30, 1833— July 30, 1845.— P. Chapel St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., Aug. 6, 1845 —Sept. 6, 1847.— P. 2nd Ch., Millbury, Ms., Sept. 22, 1847— Feb. 11, 1856.— P. Bristol, Ct., Feb. 27, 1856— Dec. 15, 1869.— Agent Am. Ed. Soc, res. Bristol, Ct. — [^Autogr.'] Hexry Augustus Homes (2), b. Boston, Ms., March 10, 1812. — Amh. C. 1830. — Ord. by the Eglise Reformee at Paris, June . . 1835, as Missionary to Turkey. — In the service of the A. B. C. F. M. at Constantinople, '36-'50. — In the diplomatic service of the U. S. in that city, '50-53. — Librarian N. Y. State Library, Albany, N. Y., '54 — \^Autogr.'\ Lorexzo Lorraine Laxgstroth (3), b, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 25, 1810.— Y. C. 1831.— Tut. Y. C. '34-'35.— P. South Ch., Ando- 26 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1834. ver, Ms., May 11, 1336— March . . 1839.— Principal Abbott Fe- male Sem., '38-39, of Greeutield High School, '39-'43.— P. 2nd Ch., Greenfield, Ms., Dec. 20, 1843— Feb. . . 1848.— Principal Young Ladies' School, Philadelphia, Pa., '48-'52.— Kes. Oxford, O., '58— [Autoffr.] *\ViLLTA]\i Augustus Larned (3), b. Thompson, Ct., June 23, 1800.— Y. C. 1826.— Tut. Y. C. '28-'31.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Mill- bury, Ms., May 7, 1834 — Oct. . . 1835. — Instructor Hebrew and Greek, Troy, N. Y., '35-'37.— Prof, llhetoric and Eng. Literature, Yale College, '39, till his death in New Haven, Feb. 3, 1862, at the age of 55. [3femoir in New Englander, Vol. XXL-j-] Seagrove William Magill (2), b. St. Mary's, Ga., Sept. 27, 1810.— Y. C. 1831.— Ord, Evang. at Plymouth, Ct., Oct., 1836.— Preached in Florida and Georgia, '35-'40. — P. Tallmadge, O. May, 1841— July, 1843.— P. Cornwall, Vt., July 9, 1844— Sept. 14, 1847. — Principal Young Ladies' Seminaries in Greensboro' and Athens, Ga., '47-'51.— P. 2nd Cong. Ch., Waterbury, Ct., May 19, 1852 — Nov. 29, 1864. — In the service of Am. Miss. Assoc, '64-66, of Yale Divinity School, '67.— P. Cornwall, Vt., Oct. 13, 1867— \^Autogr.'\ William McLain (2), b. Buck Creek, O., Aug. 8, 1806. — Miami U. 1831.— Ord. 1st Pres. Ch,, Washington, D. C, Jan. 11, 1837— June 30, 1840, since when, Sec. and Treas. Am. Colonization Soc, Washington, D. C. — [Autogr.^ *EzEKiEL Marsh (2), b. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., Oct. 5, 1808.— Bowd. C. 1831,— Ord. Ellington, Ct., Apr. 29, 1835 —Apr. 1844.— Died, Enfield, Ct., Aug. 30, 1844, aged 36. [Obit- uary in N. Y. Observer, Nov. 23, 1844.] *Jeremiah Miller (3), b. Avon, Ct., Nov. 12, 1805. — Amh. C. 1831.— Ord. Westbrook, Ct., Feb.. 1835— March, 1837.— P, Red- dhig, Ct,, July , . 1837— July . . 1839,— Presb, Ch., Bethany, Pa., '41-'44,— K. Presb. Ch., Mt. Joy, Pa., '45-'47.— Sec. Philadelphia Sabbath Assoc, '47-69.— Died, Philadelphia, Pa., July 27, 1871, aged 65. Alfred Newton (3), b. Colchester, Ct., Nov. 11, 1803.— Y. C. 1828.— Tut. Y. C. '31-34.— Ord. Sept. 30, 1835, and S. p. Presb. Ch., Norwalk, 0., '35-'38, of which P. July 24, 1838— Aug. 1, 1835.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 27 1870.— Soon after elected Pastor Emeritus. — Financial Agent W. R. College, '70-'7l.— Res. Norwalk, 0.—[Auto(/r.] John Humphrey Noyes (1), b. Brattleboro', Vt., Sept. 3, 1811. —Dart. C. 1830.— Res. Oneida, N. Y.— Peter Parker (2), 1). Franiingliani, Ms., June 18, 1804. — Y. C. 1831. — M. D., Yale, 1834. — Ord. Missionary in service of the A. B. C. F. M. at Philadelphia, Pa., by 1st Presb. of Philadelphia, May 10, 1834. — Missionary and medical missionary, Canton, China, '35 -'45. — Sec. and interpreter to U. S Legation to China, '44 till '55. — U. S. Chai-ge d'Atfaires ad interim, at various times, in China, '46-'55. — U. S. Commissioner to China, '55-'57. — Res. Washing- ton, D. C, '58, Washington, and Framingham, Ms., '66 — [A^lto(/r.] *WiLLiAM BoNNEY Sherwood (3), b. Cornwall, Ct., . . 1805. — Y. C. 1829. — Not ord. — Teacher.— Died, Greenwich, Ct., Apr. 7, 1845, aged 40. [MS. Obit. Record, Y. G. 1845.] *Thomas Norton Welles (1), b. Newburgh, N. Y., or New York City, Nov. 5, 1811. — Y. C. 1830.— Admitted to the bar, but spent his life chiefly in farming in Illinois. — Died, French Grove, III, Sept. II, 1855, aged 44. 24. 1832-1835. Lyman Hotchkiss Atwater (3),b. Hamden, Ct., Feb. 23, 1813. — Y. C. 1831.— Tut. Y. C. '33-'35.— P. Fairfield, Ct., July 29, 1835 — Sept. . . 1854, since when* Prof, in Princeton College, first of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and now of Logic, and Moral and Political Science. — Ed. Princeton Eeview since '69 — [Autogr.] John Thomas Avery (1), b. New Lebanon, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1810.— Wms. C — S. S. Chatham, N. Y., '34-'35.— S. S. Rochester, N. Y., '35-'36. — Ord. Evang., 1836. — S. p. Syracuse, N. Y, '38-'39. — Evangelist for the last thirty three years, laboring in various places, res. 230 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O., '39 — [Autogr.] John Dennison Baldwin (1), b. North Stonington, Ct., Sept. 28, 1809.— Ord. West Woodstock, Ct., Sept. 3, 1834— July 25, 1837.— P. North Branford, Ct., Jan. 17, 1838— May . . 1845.— P. North Killingly (now East Putnam), Ct., Apr. 29, 1846— Sept. 17, 1849.— Ed. Republican, Hartford, Ct., '49-'52.-Ed. Boston, Commonioealth, assist, ed. Boston Daily Advertiser, and ed. Tele- 28 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1835. graph, '52-'57. — Member of the House of Representatives in the U. S. Congress, '63-'69. — Ed. Worcester Spy, res. Worcester, Ms., '5Q—[Autogr.\ Jonathan Bkace (1), b. Hartford, Ct., June 12, 1810. — Amh. C. 1831.— Ord. Litchfield, Ct., June 12, 1838— Feb. 27, 1844.— P. 1st Ch., Milford, Ct., Sept. 24, 1845— Dec. 15, 1863.— Res. Hart- ford, Ct., fifteen years ed. Religious Herald. — [Antogr.] *Tiiomas Bronson (2), b. Waterbury, Ct., June 4, 1808.— Y. C. 1829. — Not ord. — Preached in N. E. and ISl. Y. several years. — Teacher, Smithfield, Va., '43-'47.— Quincy, 111., '47- . .—Died at Waterbury, Ct., Apr. 20, 1 851, aged 43, [Andover Trienn. Cat. +] Edward Cleveland (2), b. Shipton, C. E.,Dec. 9, 1804. — Y. C. 1832.— S. S. Hanover, Ct., and Topsham, Me., '35-37.— Ord. Roch- ester, N". H., Sept. 11, 1837, where preached one year. — Teacher several years.— Preached, Bath, N. H., '43-'49, Cabot, Vt., '49-'54, Barnet, Vt., '54-'56. — Principal St. Francis College, Richmond, C. E., '56-'60.— S. p. Wilton, lo., '60-'62.— Prof, and Chaplain Mili- tary College, Wilton, 111., '02-'66. — P. Lawrence, Mich., Feb. . . imi—[A'utogr.'] James Radcliffe Davenport (2), b. Stamford, Ct., Nov. 15, 1812.— Y. C. 1830.— Tut. Y. C. ';i3-'35.— Ord. Pres. Ch., Rye, N. Y., Oct. . . 1836, and then successively P. Francestown, N. H., May 15, 1839— Aug. 18, 1842, and Cazenovia, N. Y., till Nov. . . 1846.— Ord. Deacon (Episc), Dec. 19, 1847, Priest, March 4, 1849. — R. Grace Ch., Albany, N. Y., till Nov., 1856, of St. Anne's Ch., Annapolis, Md., till March, 1 865. — Res. New York C'lij. —{Autogr.'] *Amasa Dewey (2), b. Columbia, Ct., March 12, 1804.— Y. C. 1832. — Ord. Petersham, Ms., Jan. 11, 1837 — Jan. 5, 1840, when he died there, aged 36. John Dudley (3), b. Richmond, Ms., Nov. 3, 1805. — Before studying theology, in the service of the A. B. C. F. M. among the Choctaws. — Ord. 4th Presb. Ch., Cincinnati, O., June . . 1836— Nov. . . 1836. — S. p. Mt. Morris and Mt. Clemens, Mich., Jan. '37 -'40.— P. Weathersfield Bow, Vt., June 9, 1841— Jan. 29, 1845.— S. p. Queeche and Danville, Vt., '45-'56. — Teacher, New Haven, Ct., '56-'61.— Sec. National Freedmen's Relief Assoc, '6 1-'66.— General Agent of Life Ins., res. Richmond, Ind., '68 — \^^lntogr.'\ 1835.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 29 Edwakd Osborne Dunning (3), b. New Haven, Ct., March 12, 1810. — Y. C. 1832,— Orel. 1st Cong. Ch., Rome, N. Y., June . . 1840— 1841.— P. Ref. Dutch Ch., Canajoharie, N. Y., 1842— 1846. — Chaplain U. S. Army, '62-'65. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, fifteen years at the South. — Res. New Haven, Ct. — *Lewis Foster (2), b. Hartland, Ct., Feb. 5, 1807.— Y. C. 1831.— Ord. Clinton, Ct., Dec. 3, 1834— Oct. 27, 1839, when he died, aged 32. *RoBERT Bernard Hall (3), b, Boston, Ms., Jan. 28, 1812. — Ord. Plymouth, Ms., Aug. 23, 1837— —Rector Episc. Ch., Plymouth, Ms. — R. Newport, R. I. — Member Mass. Senate, '55.— Rep. U. S. Congress, '55-'59.— Died, Apr. 15, 1868, aged 56. [Z/Cinman's Diet. IT. S. Co?ig}'ess.-\-^ *HiRAM HoLcoMB (2), Southwick, Ms., — Y. C. 1828. — Died in New Haven, Ct., May 1, 1840, aged 36. Elihu Parsons Ingersoll (2-), b. Lee, Ms., Sept. 20, 1804. — Y. C. 1832.— Ord. Woonsocket, R. I., Dec. 22, 1834— Nov. . . 1835.— Prof. Sacred Music, Oberlin C, '35-'40.— H. M. in Mich., '40-'53.— P. Cong. Ch., Bloomington, III, March . . 1853— Apr. . . 1857. — In the Border Ruffian War in Kansas, '57-61. — S. p. Elmwood, 111., '62-'63.— S. p. Maiden, 111., '63-'68.— Res. Rose- vale, Kan., '68 — [Autogr.\ Charles Jonks (1), b. Yonge, Canada, Aug. 1, 1809. — Un. C. 1832. — Ord, Evang. at Pelham, Canada, by Presb. of Niagara, Jan. 15, 1835.— H. M. in Canada, '34- . .—P. Presb. Ch., Rome, N. Y., July . . 1841— —P. Oswego, N. Y., Aug. . . 1844— —P. Holland Patent, N. Y., June . . 1851— — S. p, Cambridgeport, Ms., '55- . . — P, Battle Creek, Mich,, March . . 1858— May . . 1859.— P. Saxonville, Ms., Oct, . . 1870— [Autogr.] *AViLLiAM Beale Lewis (2), b. New York City, July 29, 1812. — Y, C. 1831.— P. High St. Cong. Ch., Providence, R. L, Apr. 18, 1835— 1837.— P, 3d Presb. Ch,, Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. '37 -'48.— Died, Brooklyn, Dec. 27, 1849, aged 37, [MS. Obit. Record, Y. C.+J 30 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1835. Epheaim Lyman (2), h. Goshen, ('t., June 3, 1810. — Y. C. 1832. — Ord. Plymouth, Ct., Oct. 28, 1835— June 8, 1851.— P. Washing- ton, Ct, June 30, 1852— June 7, 1863. — Res. Northampton, Ms., ^64—[Autogr.] James Madison Macdonald (2-), b. Limerick, Me., May 22, 1812.— Un. C. 1882.— Ord. Worthington (Berlin), Ct., Apr. 1, 1835— Nov. 27, 1837.- P. 2nd Cong. Ch., New London, Ct., Dec. 13, 1837— Jan. 8, 1840.— P. Presb. Ch., Jamaica, L. L, May 5, 1841 Apr. 16, 1850.— P. 15th St. Presb. Ch., N. Y. City, Apr. 28, 1850— Sept. 26, 1853.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Princeton, N. J., Nov. 1, 1853— [Aiitogr.] Bexjamin Ball Newton (1), b. St. Albans. Vt., — TJ. Vt. 1831.— Ord. Plattsburg, N. Y., July 27, 1836— — P. Chelsea, Vt., '41— March 11, 1846.— Teacher, St. Albans, Vt— [A7idover Trienn. Cat.] *Francis Veegnies Pike (1), Newburyport, Mass., — Y. C. '1831.— P. Rochester, N. H., Feb. 20, 1839— Sept. . . 1841. — Died, Sept. 4, 1843, aged . . [Andover Trienn. Cat.-{-'\ Meeit Sidney Platt (1), b. New Milford, Ct., March 15, 1805. — S. p. New Preston (Washington), Ct., '36-'37.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Madison, N. Y., '37-38, of which ord. P. Oct. 5, 1838— Nov. . . 1855.— S. p. Hamilton, N. Y., '56.— Since '65, S. p. Franklinville, Newfield and North Vineland, N. J., res. Glassboro', N. J. — \^Autogr.~\ Alexander Joseph Sessions (2), b. Warren (formerly Western), Ms., Aug. 13, 1809.— Y. C. 1831.— Ord. Crombie St. Ch., Salem, Ms., June 6, 1838— 1849.— P. Melrose, Ms,, Jan. 12, 1854— June 29, 1858.— P. Scituate, Ms., June 25, 1863— Nov. 7, 1869.— Res. Brookline, ^l^.—lAutogr.] DwiGiiT M. Seavard (3), b. Durham, Ct., July 31, 1811.— Y. C. 1831.— Ord. 1st Ch., New Britain, Ct., Feb. 3, 1836 — June 15, 1842.— S. p. Middletield, Ct., '42-'45.— P. West Hartford, Ct., Jan. 14, 1845— Dec. 18, 1850.— P. Ref. Ch., Yonkers, N, Y, Jan. 1, 1851— Apr. . . 1852.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Yonkers, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1852— May 29, 1870.— Res. New York City, P. O. address, care W. F. Seward (Box 88), 26 Nassau St., N. Y. — [^Autogr.] 1836.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 31 *Albert Smith (1), b. Milton, Vt., Feb. 15, 1804.— Mid. C. 1831.— Ord. Williamstown, Ms., Feb. 10, 1836— May 6, 1838.— Prof. Langg. and Belles Letters, Marshall C, Pa., '39-'40.— Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. C, '40-'45.— P. Vernon, Ct., May 21, 1845— Oct. 8, 1854.— Peru, Ind., '54-'55.— P. Presb. Ch., God- frey, 111., 1855, till his death in that place, Apr. 24, 1863, at the age of 59. [Obituari/ in Cong. Quarterly, Vol. V.] RoLLiN Sidney Stone (2), b. Canton, Ct., Feb. 18, 1809. — Y. C. 1832.— Ord. 3d Presb. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1835— Apr. 9, 1837.— P. Danbury, Ct, Jan. 31, 1838- Feb. 12, 1850.— P. 1st Ch., East Hampton, AIs., Oct. 8, 1850.— July 26, 1852.— P. Payson Ch., East Hampton, Ms., Dec. 29, 1852 — Jan. 21, 1863. — Agent Freedmen's Relief Assoc, Brooklyn, '64-'66. — City Mis- sionary, Brooklyn, N. Y., res. 450 La Fayette Av., '66 — \^Autogr.'\ John Okville Taylor (1), b. Saratoga, N. Y, — Un. C. 1830. — Not ord. — Author of several works on Popular Education, — Res. 248 Lexington Av., New York. — [Atttogr.] *George Stuart Wilson (1), Utica, N. Y. — Ord. Windsor, Vt., Jan. 1, 1835— Feb. . . 1836.— S. p. Adams, N. Y., '39-'40.— S. p. Plessis, N. Y., '40- '. . — Died, Gouverneur, N. Y., May 17, 1841, aged 37. *Edward Winthrop (1), b. New York City, Dec. 19, 1811 — Y. C. 1831.— Ord. (Episc.) at Lexington, Ky.— Prof. Sac. Lit. Episc. Theol. Sem., Lexington, Ky. — Rector St. Paul's Ch., Cincinnati, O., Marietta, O., Norwalk, O. — Principal Female Sem. — S. p. con- joined parishes of Maumee, Napoleon, and Defiance, O. — R. High- gate, Vt., till his death there, Oct. 21, 1865, at the age of 54. [ Obit. Record, Y. C] *James Lockwood Wright (3), b. Glastonbury, Ct., May 12, 1810.— Y. C. 1832.— Ord. Evang. at New Britain, Ct., June 4, 1839. — Preaching and teaching, '39-'49, — P. Burlington, Ct., March 7, 1849— March 21, 1855.— P. Haddara, Ct., May 16, 1855 [Autogr.] till his death there, Jan. 25, 1871, at the age of 61. 28. 1833-1836. William Warner Backus (2), Ithaca, N. Y., — Y. C. 1832.— Ord. May . . 1837.— P. Bloomfield, Ct., March 24, 1841— 1844. — Res. Huntington, Ind. ' 32 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1836. Samuel Giles Buckingham (3), b. Lebanon, Ct., Nov, 18, 1812.— Y. C. 1833.— Ord. Millbury, Ms., May 24, 1837— May . . 1847.— P. South Ch., Springfield, Ms., June 16, 1847 — [Autogr.] *OLivEii Billings Butterfield (3), b. Middletown, N". Y., June 18, 1804.— Ord. South Britain, Ct., June 28, 1837— Nov. 14, 1849, when he died there, aged 45. John Sidney Davenport (2), b. Stamford, Ct., Sept. 26, 180S. Y. C. 1833- Ord. Bolton, Ms., July 14, 1836— Oct. . . 1839.— P. Gorham, Me., June . . 1840— July . . 1842. — Rector, Episc. Ch., Newburyport, Ms., '43-45.— R. Oswego, N. Y., Sept. . . 1845— Apr. , . 1852, — Several years in business. New York City, — Evangelist in Catholic Apostolic Ch,, res, Boston, Ms,, '66 — [Autogr.] Thomas Button (3), b. Guilford, Ct., March 2, 1812,— Wms, C. 1832.— Ord. April 11, 1847,— Teacher, '38-'42,— Res, Mendon, III, '41-'51.— S, p. North Guilford, Ct,, '55-'59.— S, p. Ashford, Ct,, '59-'66,— Res, Durant, lo., '66— Henry Eddy (2), b. New Britain, Ct,, Oct, 1, 1805,— Y, C, 1832. —Ord, Middle Granville, Ms., Feb, 16, 1836— 1839,— P, Stoughton, Ms., Nov. 4, 1840 — 1844. — S. p. Turner, Me., '44-'46,— P. Kennebunk Port, Me,, 1846— 1848, — S. p. North Guilford, Ct., '4S-'51, during which time studied medicine at New Haven. — M. D., Yale, '51. — Res. North Bridge- water, physician, '51-'57, inventor and dealer in patents, '57 — [Autogr.] Daniel Hopkins Emerson (2), b. Salem, Ms., Jan, 23, 1810. — Dart. C, 1830.— Ord. Northboro', Ms., Oct. 19, 1836— Apr. 23, 1840.— P. Presb. Ch., E. Whiteland, Pa., Dec. 12, 1840— Oct, 12, 1845.— P. York, Pa., Sept, 28, 1845— Apr. 24, 1855.— P. St, George's, Del., Aug. 1, 1845— April . . 1867.— P. Presb. Ch., Philadelphia, Sept. . . 1869, res. 27, South 3rd St.— [Autogr.] William Cullen Foote (3), North Haven, Ct., Nov. 6, 1811.— Y, C. J 832,— Not ord,— Teacher, Newburgh, N. Y., '39-'44, Yon- kers, N. Y,, '44-'64, where he still resides, — [Autogr.] Aaron Atwood Hardy (3), b. Charlestown, Ms., June 30, 1811. — In trade, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Res. Amherst, Ms. — Autogr.] 1836.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 33 *Elisha Cowles Jones (2+), b. Barkhiimsted (Hartland parish), Ct., July 14, 1807.— T. C. 1831.— Tut. Y. C, '34-'35, of which elected Fellow, 1862.— Ord. Southington, June 28, 1837 [Afttogr.] — March 9, 1872, when he died in that town, aged 65. [F'/fueral Discourse hy Rev. JVoah JPorter, D.D. Hartford, 1872.] *Samuel Lamson (1), Salem, Ms., — Brown U. 1828.— Ord. Brighton, Ms., Sept. 20, 1837—1841. — P. Nashua, N. H., Apr. 8, 1846— Apr. 7, 1848.— Died, Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 24, 1864, aged 57. [Andover TVienn. Cat.-^'\ Joseph Selden Lord (3), b. Lyme, Ct., Apr. 26, 1808. — Y. C. 1831.— Ord. Borodino, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1840— Oct. . . 1844.— S. p. Harford, N. Y., '44-'50.— S. p. Scott, X. Y., '50-'54.— S. p. Hebron, IIL, '54-'57.— S. p. Barton, Wis., '57-'63.— S. p. Hustis- ford, Wis., '64-'67. — S. p. Sj^ring Lake and Nunica, Mich., '67-70. — S. p. Springfield and Independence, '70. — Res. Springfield (P. O. Davisburg), Mich. — [^^iiitogr.^ Philetus Montague (3), b. Chicopee, Ms., Aug. 29, 1804. — Amh. C. 1833.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Hull, C. K, Aug. 10, 1836— Oct. . . 1837.— S. p. Hopkinton, N. Y., '37-'38.-S. p*. Massena and Raymondville, N. Y., '39-42.— S. p. South Canton and West Stockholm, N. Y., '42-'45.- -P. Pierrepont, X. Y., Feb. . . 1846— June . . 1861. — Agt. and Colp. Am. Bible Soc. in Franklin, Jeffer- son, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties, N. Y., '61-'69. — Agt. and Colp. Am. Bible Soc. in Calhoun and Van Buren counties, Mich., '69, res. Bedford, Mich., 'Q%—[Autogr.] *JoHN H. MoRDOUGH (3), b. Wakefield, N. H., Oct. 22, 1810. — Ord. Effingham, X. H., May 18, 1836.— P. 2nd Ch., Westbrook, Me., June 17, 1840— Sept. 18, 1844.— P. Hamilton, Ms., June 12, 1850— Apr. . . 1861.— S. p. St. Lawrence St. Ch., Portland, Me., '62-'64.— Died at Gorham, Me., Sept. 5, 1869, aged 59. [Minutes Gen. Conference of Me.., 1870. -f] Benjamin M. Nyce (1), Chester Co., Pa., Dick. C. 1829,— Joseph Pettee (1-), b. Salisbury, Ct., March 14, 1809. — Y. C. 1833. — Ord. New Jerusalem Ch., Abington, Ms,, July 25, 1838 — \Autogr.~\ 3 34 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1836. Noah Porter (3), b. Farmington, Ct., Dec. 14, 1811. — Y. C. 1831.— Tut. Y. C, '33-'35.— Ord. New Milford, Ct., Apr. 27, 1836 -—Dec. 31, 1842.— P. South Ch., Springfield, Ms., Jan. 12, 1843— Jan. 1, 1847.— Prof. Moral Phil, and Metaphysics, Y. C, '46— President Y. C, '11—[Autogr.] Julius Alexander Reed (2), b. South Windsor, Ct., Jan. 16, 1809.— Y. C. 1829.— Ord. Evang, at Quincy, 111., by Assoc, of 111., Apr. 24, 1836.— P. Fairfield, lo., Feb. 17, 1844— Aug. 14, 1845.— S. p. Carthage, Montebello, Nauvoo and Warsaw, in Hancock Co., 111., '36-39. — Chaplain of Hospital for Insane, Worcester, Ms., '39- '40.— S. p. Fairfield, lo., '40-'44.— Agt. Am. H. M. Soc. for Iowa, '45-'57, and for Southern Iowa, '62-'69. — Res. Columbus, Ne- braska, '70 — [Autogr.] Harvey A. Sackett (2), Albany, N. Y. — S. p. East Nassau, N. Y. (1844).— H. M. Groton Village, N. Y. (1850).— Res. Elmira, N. Y., '54-'57. Edward Elbridge Salisbury (3), b. Boston, Ms., Apr. 6, 1814. — Y. C. 1832.— Not ord.— Prof. Arabic and Sanskrit Y. C, '42- '56. — Res. New Haven, Ct., and Lenox, Ms. — [Aictogr.] John Derby Smith (2), b. Hanover, N. H., Apr. 9, 1812, — Y. C. 1832.— S. S. Athol, Ms., '38-'39.— Ord. Charlemont, Ms., Nov. 20, 1839 1844.— M. D., Baltimore Med. C, 1844.— P. (re- settled) Charlemont, Ms!, June 21, 1848— 1852.— S. p. Berkley, Ms., 54-'58.— S. p. Douglas, Ms., '60-'63.— In the U. S. Army, '63-'65. — Clerk in Treas. Dept., Washington, D. C, '66-'67. — Acting Assist. Surgeon, U. S. Navy, '67. — Now in charge of U. S. Naval Hospital, Pensacola. F\a.— [Autogr.] *Leonidas L. Smith (I), Petersburg, Va., — Ham. Sid. C. . .— R. Episc. Chh., Norfolk, Va., and Nashville, Tenn.— Died, 1865, aged . . [JPriuceton Trienn. Cat] Moses Parsons Stickney (1), b. Byfield, Ms., July 12, 1807. — Amh. C. 1830.— Ord. Eastport, Me., Apr. . . 1837— March . . 1840.— Ord. Deacon (Episc), 1841, Priest, 1842.— R. St. Michael's Ch., Marblehead, Ms., '42-'47.— R. St. Peter's Ch., Cambridge- port, Ms., '47-'51. — Iv. Burlington College, Burlington, N. J., '51 -'52. — Assist. Min. of Ch. of the Advent, Boston, Ms., '53-'71. — R. Christ Ch., Bethel, and St. Paul's Ch., Royalton, Vt, Oct. 14, \%n— [Autogr.] 1837.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 35 Isaac Welton Warner (2), b. Plymouth, Ct., Feb. 8, 1806. — Y. C. 1832. — Not ord. — Teacher, Williamsburg, (now Brooklyn, E. D.), N. Y., '45~-[Autogr.] 24 1834-1837. Charles Edward Abbott (1), Weld, Me., — Bowd. C. 1832.— Not ord.— Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms., '. .-'. ., Hartford, Ct.— *Ei)WARD Derrick Allen (1), b. Lansingburgh, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1816.— Un. C. 1834.— Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Troy, Oct. 31, 1836.— P. 4th Presb. Ch., Albany, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1889-Dec. 20, 1842, when he died there, aged 26. Jeremiah Root Barnes (2), b. Meriden, Ct., March 9, 1809.— Y. C. 1834.— S. S. Evansville, Ind., '3d-'37.~Ord. Evang. at Sa- lem, Ind., Oct. . . 1838.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Evansville, Ind., Nov. 24, 1838— Dec. . . 1845.— Agent for Marietta Coll., '46-'47. — S. p. Piqua, O., '47-'48. — Principal of Young Ladies' Sem., Cincinnati, O., '52-'54.— S. p. Georgetown, O., '54-'55. — S. p. 1st Presb. Ch., St. Paul, Minn. Northfield and Cannon Falls, Minn., '55-56. — Preaching in that vicinity, '56-'u9. — Res. Winona, Minn., '69. [Autogr.^ Thomas Jefferson Bradstreet (3), b. Topsfield, Ms., Apr. 6, 1807.— Y. C. 1834.— Not ord.— Manufacturer, Thomaston, Ct.— [Autogr.] Davis Smith Brainerd (2), b. Haddam, Ct., Oct. 12, 1812. — Y. C. 1834, of which elected Fellow, 18dl. — Ord. Lyme, Ct., June 30, 1841— [^w^o^r.] James Augustus Clark. (2), b. Lebanon, Ct., Aug. 15, 1808. — Y. C. 1834. — Ord. Evang. (Presb.) at Canton, 111., Oct. . . 1838. — S. p. Foit Madison, lo., '38-49, Deep River, Ct., '50-'53. — Hanover (in Meriden), Ct., '53-55, Southwick, Ms., Monterey, Ms., Cromwell, Ct. — Spencertown, X. Y., ^72 — [Autogr.] Erastus Colton (3-), b. West Dpringfield, Ms., Apr. 12, 1806. -Y. C. 1832.-Ord. Cheshire, Ct., Jan. 17, 18:i8— June . . 1843. —P. Michigan City, Ind., Nov. . . 1844 — Apr. . . 1849. — P. Niles, Mich., Nov. . . 1850— Aug. . . 1852.— S. p. Haddam, ('t., '52-'54— S. p. MillviUe, N. Y., '^54-'56.— S. p. West Haven, Ct., M DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1837. '56-'58.-P. Southwick, Ms., Oct. 19, 1858— July . . 1861.— S. p. Northfield, Ct., '61-'64.— In the service of the U. S. Christian Commission in the Army, and Agent for Freedmen's Union Com- mission, '64-'69.— Res. New Haven, Ct., ^68— [Autogr.] *JoHN Owen Colton (3), b. Westford, N. Y., March 13, 1810. — Y. C. 1832.— Tut. Y. C. '35-'38.— Ord. Chapel St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., Nov. 6, 1839 — Apr, 20, 1840, when he died in that city, aged 30. Edward Henry Cumpston (1), b. Auburn, N, Y., May 1, 1813, — Un. C. 1833. — Ord. Evang. at Waterbury, Ct., May 22, 1838.— P. Village Ch,, New York City, '3 8-'40.— Missionary, Eastern Shore, Va., '40-'41.— P, 2nd Presb. Ch., Lynchburg, Va,, '41-'47. —P. Douglas Ch., Prince Edward, Va., '48-'57,— P. McKemie and Homes Chh., East. Shore, Va., '57-'59.— P. Rockville and Bethesda Ch., Md. (P. 0. Bethesda, Md.), March 27, 1859- [Autogr.] Henry Bushnell Eldred (3), b. Winfield, N, Y., Apr. 16, 1810.— Y. C. 1834,— Ord. Presb. Ch., Kinsman, O., Nov. 8, 1838 — [Autogr.] *Zabdiel Rogers Ely (2), b. Lyme, Ct., prob. 1809.— Y. C. 1833.— Ord. Deep River, Ct., Dec, 1, 1837— May 20, 1839.— Died, Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1839, aged 30. [Class Record, Y. C.+-\ Brown Emerson (2), b. Harvard, Ms., Aug. 1, 1807. — Y. C. 1833.— Ord. West Boylston, Ms., Aug. 3, 1837— Nov. 6, 1839.— Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '39-'41.— P. Torringford, Ct., July 21, 1841 — Sept. 24, 1844. — Teacher, and Agent, Am. For. Christian Union, '44-'50.— P. Dracut, Ms., June 5, 1850— May 9, 1854.— P. Presb. Ch., Northumberland, Pa., Apr. 18, 1854 — Apr. . . 1856. — P. Montague, Ms., Aug. 21, 1856— March 2, 1859. — P. Westminster, Ms., June 9, 1859— May 5, 1862.— In trade, Wallingford, Ct., '65- '66.— S. p. Burlington, Ct., '67-69.— Res. In wood, New York City. Philip Eveletii (1), New Gloucester, Me. — H. M. Eaton, L. C, '37- '. .— S. p. Weybridge, Vt., '40-'41.— S. p. Fairfield, 111., '44- '. . [Andover Trienn. Cat.] 1837.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 37 Thomas Kendall Fessenden (2), b. Brattleboro', Vt., Sept. 10, 1813.— Ord. Ch. at Norwich Falls, Ct., Oct. 16, 1839— Apr. 10, 1840.— P. Homer, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1842— Feb. 15, 1853.— P. Ellington, Ct., Jan. 12, 1855— Nov. 1, 1864.— Member of Conn. House of Rep., 1866, 1867 and 1868. — Sec'y of the Industrial School for Girls. — Since Nov., '70, Financial Sec. Hampton Nor- mal and Agricultural Institute, Va., res. Farmington, Ct., '64 — [Autogr.] J. Hardin George (2), b. Warren Co., Ga., May 28, 1804. — Frankl. C -Ord. Presb. Ch., Monticello, Ga., July, 1836.— S. p. in Monticello, Cassville, Rome, Kingston, Ga., '36-'48. — Ord. (Episc), June 30, 1850, at Marietta, Ga. — Officiated in Albany, Ga., '51-'59, Griffin, Ga., '59-'64, Cuthbert, La Grange, Newnan and West Point, Ga., '64-'7l. — Res. Marietta, Ga., '72 — [Autogr.] Charles T. Gilbert (2), Gilberts ville, N. Y., — Un. C. 1831.— Not. ord.— Merchant, New York City, 62 Varick St., 1872— [^w^o^r.] *Zerah Kent Hawley (2),b. Avon, Ct., July 16, 1806.— Y. C. 1833.— Ord. Evang. at Plymouth, N. H., March 21, 1838.— S. p. La Harpe, III., '38-39.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Dubuque, lo., '39-'41.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Payson, III, '41-'42.— S. p. South Norwalk, Ct., '44- '48.— Pres. Ch., Knoxville, III, '. .-'51.— Payson, III, '52-'56.— P. Cong. Ch., Macomb, III, Apr. . . 1859— 1862.— U. S. Chaplain, Overton Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., '62-'65. — H. M, in the service of the Conn. Miss. Soc, at Memphis, Tenn., '65 [Autogr.] till his death in that city, Dec. 28, 1869, at the age of 63. Cornelius Ard Hoyt (1), b. Kingston, Pa., July 23, 1807. — Evangelist in Ohio and Ind., '40-43.— Ord. Presb. Chh., Wil- mington and Bethel, O., June 14, 1843 — — S. p. Franklin, O. — P. Ch. in Iberia Col, and acting professor there. — Res. Oberlin, O., 'oQ— [Class Record, Y. C, 1833.] Walter Raleigh Long (1), b. Cambridge, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1811. — Un. C. 1832.— Ord. Evang. at Lansingburgh, N. Y, Aug. 28, 1 839.— S. p. Woodbridge, Ct., '38-'40.— S. p. West Troy, N. Y., '41. —P. 4th Presb. Ch., Troy, N . Y., June 29, 1842— June 26, 1844.— P. Presb. Ch., Whitesboro', N. Y, Feb. 20, 1845— June 25, 1850.— S. p. Pine St. Presb. Ch., St. Louis, Mo., '51 -'5 2.— P. Cong. Ch., 38- DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1837. Mystic Bridge, Ct., Sept. 15, 1853— Apr. 1, 1863.— S. p. Montville, Ct., '63-'65. — Agent Freedmen's Union Commission, '65-'68. — Agent Presb. Committee for Freedmen, '69, — Assist. Agent Am. Bible Soc, '70-"72. — Gen. District Agent of same for Central New York, res. Saratoga Springs, '72 — [Autogr.] William Youxg Miller (1), b. .Montgomery, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1811.— Un. C. 1833.— Ord. Ridgebury, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1838— 1848.— Res. Chicago, III, '49-'51.— S. p. Knoxville, III, '51-58, where he still resides. — [Autogr.] *Hezekiah Woodruff Osborn (3), b. Newark Valley, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1808.— Ham. C, 1834,— Ord. 1st Presb. Ch,, Mesopotamia, O,, Jan. 6, 1840— Apr. 8, 1852.— P. Cong, Ch., Hamden, O., May 25, 1853— Oct. 29, 1854, when he died in that place, aged 46. Isaac William Plfmmer (2), b. Glastonbury, Ct., Sept. 19, 1812.— Y. C. 1832.— Ord. Evang. at Quincy, III, Oct. 1843,— S. p, Richland, III, '44-'45.— S. p. Reed's Corners, and at LeRoy, N, Y., '53-54, — Res. Glastonbury, Ct. — [Autogr.] Samuel Porter (2), b. Farmington, Ct., Jan. 12, 1810.— Y, C, 1829. — Not ord. — Assoc. Ed. Congregational Observe?', '40-'42. — Teacher in the N. Y. Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb, '43-'46, and in the Am, Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Hartford, Ct,, '46-'60, —Ed. Am. Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, '55-'61. — Prof. English Philology and Mental Science in the National Deaf-Mute College, Washington, D. C, 'QQ—[Antogr.] Edwin Jenner Siierrill (1), b, Shoreham, Vt,, Oct. 23, 1806, —Ham. C, 1832,— Ord, Cong, Ch., Eaton, Canada, June 12, 1838 — [Autogr.] Asa Bowen Smith (1), b, Williamstown, Vt., July 16, 1809.— Mid, 0, 1834, — Ord. as Missionary at Williamstown, Vt., Nov, 1, 1837, — Missionary to the Nez Perces Indians in Oregon, '38-'41, and in the Sandwich Islands, '41 -'46, — S, p. South Amherst, Ms., '46-'48.— P. Buckland, Ms., March 22, 1848— Aug. 1, 1859.— S. p, Southbury, Ct,, '60-'7l.— Res. Rocky Hill, Ct., "71— [Autogr.] *Shubael Granby Spees (1), b. Greenville, N. Y., March 7, 1811,— Un. C, 1833,— Ord. 10th Presb. Ch., N. Y. City, . , ,— P. Ist Presb, Ch,, Galena, III, 1848— 1855. 1838.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 39 —P. Ist Presb. Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., 1855 — 1859. —P. 3d St. Presb. Ch., Dayton, O., 1859— 1865. [Autogr.] — P. Dubuque, lo., — Died, Greenville, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1872, aged 61. William Walker Taylou (3), b. Wilmington, Del., June 10, 1811.— Y. C. 1834.— Ord. Evang. by 3d Presb. of Philadelphia, May 13, 1838.— P. Presb. Ch., Greensburg, Pa., May . . 1840— 1843,— P. Canton, O., May . . 1843— Oct. . . 1846.— P. Green Hill Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. . . 1847— May . . 1854.— P. Ist Presb. Ch., Penn Yan, X. Y., Jan. . . 1854— May . . I860.— P. Olivet Presb. Ch., Philadelphia, Aug. . . 1861— May . . 1871.— P. Shippenburg, Pa., June 12, 1872 — lAutogr.] George Tomlinson (3), b. Derby, Ct., Feb. 6, 1806.— Y. C. 1834.— Ord. Presb. Ch., South Haven, L. I., Sept. 9, 1840— Oct. . . 1852.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Pendleton, N. Y., '54-'60.— S.. p N"ew Preston, Ct, '60-'62.— Res. New Preston, Ct., '62^[Autof/r.] *Thomas Wickes (1), b. Jamaica, L. I., Oct. 31, 1814.— Y. C. 1834.— Ord. Evang. (Presb.), at Salem, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1839.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Troy, N. Y., '39-'40.— P. Cong. Ch., Marietta, 0.,Jn\j 28, 18^0 [Autogr.]— 1869.— P. Jamestown, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1869— Aug. 24, 1870.— Died, Orange, N. J., Nov. 10, 1870, aged 56. 29 1835-1838. William Henry Adams (2), b. Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 4, 1807.— Y. C. 1834.— Ord. Welliieet, Ms., Feb. 19, 1840— 1841.— S. p. Harwich, Ms., '41-'43. — Teacher, Grantville, Ms., Rahway, N. J., and Millville, N. Y., '45-'54.— S. p. Turin, N. Y., '54-'55.— S. p. Danby, N. Y., '55-'58.— S. p. Brooklyn, Pa., '58- '67. — S. p. East Greene, Pa., '67 — [Autogr.] Aaron Crowell Beach (3), b. South Orange, N. J., Dec. 28, 180o.— Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Wolcott, Ct., June 22, 1842— June 22, 1857.- P. Millington, Ct., Feb. 16, 1859— [Autogr.] Oliver Beckwith Bidwell (3), b. Farmington, Ct., May 16, 1810.— Y. C. 1834.— Ord. Hubbardston, Ms., Dec. 1, 1841— Nov. 25, 1845. — Preparing and publishing maps for use at the Monthly Concert for Foreign Missions, '46-'54. — Ed. Christian Parlor 40 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1838. Magazine, '54-'56. — Agent for the National Preacher in England, '59, '62 and '65. — Agent Turkish Aid Soe. in England, '65-'68.— Res. New York City since '68, now Assist. Ed. £Jclectic Maga- zin e. — [Autogr. ] William Church Bissrll (1+), b. Aurora, O., June 8, 1810. — Y. C. 1835.— Not. ord.— Teacher near Lexington, Ky., '37-41, in Ripley, O., '41-'51, and Rossville, 111., '1\—[Autogr'\ Sbth Collins Brace (2), b. Newington, Ct., Aug. 3, 1811. — Y. C. 1832.— Tut. Y. C, '35-'38.— Prof. Math. Del. C, '42-'43.~Ed. North American, Philadelphia, Pa., '39-'42, and '44-'47.— S. S. Newark, Del, '57-'58.— S. S. Curtisville, Ms., '59-'60.— Ord. Beth- any, Ct., June 26, 1861 — May 18, 1864.— Res. New Haven, Ct, '64-'7l, Philadelphia, Pa., '11^[Auiogr.] William Ives Budingtotst (3), b. New Haven, Ct., Apr. 21, 1815.— Y. C. 1834.— Ord. 1st Ch., Charlestown, Ms., Apr. 22, 1840 —Sept. 22, 1854.— S. p. Western Presb. Ch., Philadelphia, '54-'55. —P. Clinton Av. Cong. Chh., Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 19. 1855— [Avtogr.] Henry Clark (3), b. Southington, Ct., May 8, 1810.— Y. C. 1835.— S. S. Cairo, Franklinville, and Cohoes, N. Y., '38-'41.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Havana, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1841— Sept. 9, 1842.— S. p. Franklinville, N. Y., '42-'46.— Teacher, Brooklyn, N. Y., '46-'49.— P. Orient, L. I., May 1, 1850— Aug. 27, 1856.— P. Bur- lington, Ct., Jan. 1, 1857 — March . . 1859. — Teacher, Avon, Ct., '59-'6].— S. p. Cong. Ch., Riverhead, L. I., '61-'65.— S. p. Sayville, N. Y., '65-'68. — Farmer and teacher, Avon, Ct., '68— [Autogr.] George Edward Day (3), b. Pittsfield, Ms., JVIarch 19, 1815 — Y. C. 1833. — Assistant Instructor Sacred Literature, Yale Theol. Sem., '38-'40.— Ord. Marlboro', Ms., Dec. 2, 1840— Dec. 23, 1847. —P. Edwards Ch., Northampton, Ms., Jan. 12, 1848— May 7, 1851. — Prof Biblical Literature, Lane Theol. Sem., Cincinnati, O., '51-'66. — Prof Hebrew Language and Literature and Biblical Theology, Yale Theol. Sem., 'QQ— [Autogr.] *David Dobik (3), b. Applogirt Parish, Dumfries, Scotland, July 12, 1812.— Mid. C. 1835.— P. Am. Presb. Ch., Huntingdon, Canada, 1839.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Plattsburg, N. Y., Feb. 1844— 1838.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 41 . . . 1854.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 2, 1856, where he died, Feb. 17, 1857, aged 45. *Samuel William Southmayd Button (3), b. Guilford, Ct., March 14, 1814.— Y. C. 1833.— Tut. Y. C, '36-'38.— Ord. North Church, New Haven, Ct., June 26, 1838— Jan. 26, 1866, when he died at Millbury, Ms., aged 52. From 1843 to his death one of the associate editors of the New Englander^ and a frequent con- tributor. \Fimeral Discourse by Rev. Leonard £acon, D.J).] Benjamin "Woodbridge Dwight (3), b. New Haven, Ct., Apr. 5, 1816.— Ham. C. 1835.— Tut. Ham. C, '39-'42.— Ord. Evang. by the Presb. of Chicago, at Joliet, 111., May . . 1845, where S. p. '44-'46.— Principal Dwight's High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., '46- '58, at Clinton, N. Y., '58-63, and at New York, 1144 Broadway, '63-'67. — In literary labors, res. Clinton, N. Y., '67-72.— Ed. Interior, Chicago, 111., '72 — [Autogr.] AsHBEL Bradford Haile (3), b. Putney, Vt., — Y. C. 1835.— M. D., Yale, 1841. —Practicing Physician, Norwich, Ct., '4:2—[A2itogr.] *Abel Moore Heacock (l),b. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1814.— W. R. C. 1834.— Not ord.— Died, July 9, 1843, aged 29. Alfred Eaton Ives (3), b. New Haven, Ct., Dec. 12, 1809. — Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Colebrook, Ct., Sept. 25, 1838— May 2, 1848— P. Deerfield, Ms., Sept. 5, 1849— April . . 1855.— P. Castine, Me., June 20, 1855 ^[Autogr.] John Robinson Keep (2), b. Longraeadow, Ms., May 22, 1810. — Y. C. 1834.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Franklin, N. Y., May 5, 1842— Jan. 1, 1844.— P. Warren, Ct., June 12, 1844— Nov. 5, 1852.— Teacher in the Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, O., '52-53, New York, '53-'54, and Am. Asjdum for the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Ct., '5i— [Autogr.] Harvey Denison Kitchel (1), b. Whitehall, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1812.— Mid. C. 1835.— Ord. Plymouth Hollow, now Thomaston, Ct., Feb. 20, 1839— Aug. 20, 1848.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Detroit, Mich., Dec. 6, 1848— Nov. 9, 1864.— S. p. Plymouth Ch., Chicago, III, '64-'66.— Pres. Middlebury College, 'QQ— [Autogr.] 42 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1838. *James Deverell Moore (3), b, Corsham (Wiltshire), Eng., Dec. 30, 1813.— Mid. C. 1835.— Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Cham- plain, Jidy 18, 1838. — Sunday School Missionary in Canada, '38- '39.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Black Rock, N. Y., '40- 43.— S. p. Ham- burg (Lyme), Ct., '43-'44.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Westerly, R. I., '44- '45.— P. Middlefield, Ct., Dec. 30, 1846— Apr. 18, 1850.— P. Clin- ton, Ct., July 2, 1850— March 4, I860— [Autogr.]—F. 1st Ch., Plainfield, and also Central Village, Ct., July 2, 1867— Dec. 29, 1868.— Died, Hartford, Ct., Jan. 17, 1869, aged 55. George Alexander Oviatt (3), b. Bridgeport, Ct,, Apr. 5, 1811.— Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Belchertown, Ms., Aug. 28, 1838— July . . 1845.— P. Shawmut Avenue Ch., Boston, Ms., Oct. . . 1845— 1849.— N. England Sec. Am. S. S. Union, '49-'50.— P. Chicopee, Ms., July . . 1851— Dec. . . 1855.— P. Somers, Ct., Dec. 20, 1855— Jan. 10, 1867.— P. Talcottville, Ct., March 13, 1867— [^w^o^r.] Charles Selden Sherman (1-), b. Albany, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1810.— Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Evang. at Woburn, Ms., Nov. 30, 1838. — S. p. Pepperell, Ms., '38-'39. — Missionary to Syria in service of A. B. C. F. M., '39-'42— P. 1st Ch., New Britain, Ct., July 2, 1845— Sept. 5, 1849.— P. Naugatuck, Ct., Nov. 21, 1849— May 25, 1869.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Nassau, N. Y., '70-'72, of which P. Feb. 29, 18l2—[Autogr.] Aaron Snow (3), b. Saybrook, Ct., June 26, 1804.— Y. C. 1835. —Ord. East Glastonbury, Ct., Apr. 28, 1841— May 19, 1862.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Mount Sinai (P. O. address, Miller's Place), L. I., '62— [Auto ffr.] *Caleb Strong (1), b. Northampton, Ms., Jan. 31, 1816. — Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Evang. at Oxford, Ct., Oct. 16, 1838.— P. Am. Presb. Ch., Montreal, Canada, Sept. 29, 1839— Jan. 4, 1847, when he died there, aged 31. Thomas Benedict Sturges (2), Bridgeport, Ct., — Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Greenfield Hill, Ct, June 8, 1842— June 4, 1867, where he still resides. — DoRsoN Ebenezer Sykes (3), Lisbon, N. Y. — Y. C. 1833. — Ed. Norwich Courier. — Res. Truckee, Cal. [ Class Record, Y. C] 1839.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 43 Samuel Hart Whittlesey (2), b. Southington, Ct., Feb. 21, 1811.— W. R. C. 1834.— Ord. Atwater, O., May 22, 1838— July . . 1840.— M. D. Rush Med. Col., Chicago, 111., '53.— Physician and Surgeon at Copper Falls and Central Mines, Wis., '55-'72j except '57-59 at Galva, III, and '62-'66 at Appleton, Wis. — Surgeon, Copper Falls, Wis., '66 — [Autogr.] George Ingersoll Wood (1), b. Stamford, Ct., May 20, 1814. — Y. C. 1833.— Ord. 2d Presb. Ch., Washington, D. C, May 18, 1840— 1841.— P. Cong. Ch., West Hartford, Ct., Nov. 9, 1841— June 5, 1844.— S. p. North Branford, Ct, '44-'50.— P. El- lington, Ct., June 26, 1850— Feb. 20, 1854. — S. p. North Branford, Ct., '55-'58.— P. 3d Ch., Guilford, Ct., Nov. 30, 1858 -Oct. 2, 1867.- S. p. St. Cloud, Minn., '67-'69.— S. p. Ellington, Ct., '69- '71, where he still resides. — [Autogr.] William Wright (3), Middle Haddam, Ct., — Y. C. 1835. —Ord. Jewett City, Ct., Nov. 8, 1838— April 28, 1842.— P. Plainville, Ct., Nov. 8, 1843— Sept. . . 1851.— S. p. Middle Had- dam, Ct., '51-'53.— P. Wapping, South Windsor, Ct., Aug. 24, 1854— May 1,1865.— S. p. West Suffield, Ct., '66-'69.— Res. Mid- dletown, Ct., '69— 26 1836-1839. JosiAH Abbott (2), b. Framingham, Ms., May 22, 1811. — Y. C. 1835.— Not ord.— M. D., Fairtield Med. Col., N. Y., 1840.— Phy- sician, Marlboro', Ms., '40-43. — Surgeon U. S. Army, '64-65. — Practicing Physician, Rindge, N. H., '43 — [Autogr.] John Calvix Adams (2+), b. Bucksport, Me., Aug. 7, 1810. — Amh. C, 1833.— S. p., '48-'57, East Maehias, Me., where ord. Evang., Aug. 19, 1851. — S. p. Falmouth, Me., Feb. 13, 1859 — [Autogr.] David Hillhouse Buel (1), b. Troy, N. Y., — Bristol C. 1836. — Ord. Sept. 25, 1842. — Rector successively of the Ch. of the Ascension, Westminster, Md., Emanuel Ch., Cumber- land, Md., St. Paul's Ch., Burlington, Vt., and Christ Ch., Coop- erstown, N. Y., which latter position he resigned to take charge of the Training School for the Ministry, Asheville, N. C, '72 — — [Autogr.] James Davie Butler (1-), b. Rutland, Vt., March 15, 1815. — Mid. C. 1836.— Tut. Mid. C, '37-'38.— Prof. Langg. and Eng. Lit., 44 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1839. Norwich Univ., Vt., '45-'4'7.— Ord. Wells River, Vt., Oct. 14, 1847 — 1850. — P. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., Feb. 22, 1851— Aug. 4, 1852.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Cincinnati, O., Nov. 18, 1852 — January, 1855. — Prof. Greek Lang., Wabash C, Crawfordsville, Ind., '55-58. — Prof. Ancient Langg. Wisconsin State Univ., Madison, Wis., '58-'67. — Res. Madison, Wis., '67 — [Autoffr.] John Churchill (3), b. Litchfield, Ct., Feb. 15, 1811.— Ord. Woodbury, Ct., Apr. 20, 1840— June 25, 1869. — Res. Woodbury, Ct.—[Autoff7\] Eli Benedict Clark (3), b. Waterbury, Ct., Feb. 22, 1808. — Y. C. 1836.— Ord. 2nd Ch., Springfield, now the 1st Ch., Chicopee, Ms., Oct. 16, 1839— [^M^o^n] Dan Collins Curtiss (3), b. Meriden, Ct., Oct. 23, 1807. — Y. C. 1836. — Ord. Green's Farms (in Westport), Ct., June 4, 1840 — Jan. 5, 1843.— P. Brookfield, Ct., Oct. 4, 1843— Oct. 10, 1855.— S. p. Fort Atkinson, Wis., '55-'63.— S. p. Fort Howard, Wis., '63 — [Autogr.^ *ELBRir)GE Gerry Cutler (2), b. Farmington, Me., May 12, 1812.— Harv. C. 1834.— P. Belfast, Me., June . . 1842, till his death at Reading, Pa., Apr. 28, 1846, at the age of 34. William Davis Ely (2), b. Hartford, Ct., June 16, 1815.— Y. C. 1836.— Tut. Y. C, '39-'42.— Lawyer, Hartford, Ct., '43-'56.— Res. Providence, R. L, '56 — [Autogr.] *CnARLES Alonzo Gager (3), Bozrah, Ct, — Y. C. 1835.— Tat. Y. C, '37-'39.— Not ord.— Died, on a journey in the East, at Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 16, 1841, aged 27. [Andover Trienn. Cat,] Reuben Gavlord (I), b. Norfolk, Ct, Apr., 28, 1812.— Y. C. 1834.— Tut 111. C, '35-'37.— Ord. Evang. at TeiTyville, Ct., Aug. . . 1838.— S. p. Mt Pleasant, lo., '38-'39.— S. p. Danville, lo., '39- '44, of which P. May 20, 1844— Nov. 7, 1855.— P. Omaha, Neb., May 4, 1856— Nov. 15, 1864.— Agent Am. H. Miss. Soc. for Ne- braska and Western Iowa, '64-'70, res. Omaha, Neb. — [Autogr.] Jonathan Burr Hubbard (3), b. Haddam, Ct, Apr. 9, 1810. — C. N. J. 1836.~Ord. Evang. (Presb.) at Franklin, N. Y, Dec. 25, 1839.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 45 1839.— S. p. Franklin, N. Y., '39-'40.— S. p. East Avon, N. Y., '40_'41.— P. Bethlehem, N. Y., Nov. . . 1843— March . . 1846.— S. p. Middle Granville, N. Y., '48-'49.— P. Presb. Ch., Whites- boro', N. Y., Apr. . . 1852— Jan. . . 1866.— S. p. Joliet, III, '67. — S. p. White Pigeon, Mich., '68-"70.— S. p. Bowling Green, O., ''12—[Autogr.] Moses Hoge Hunter (1), b. Martinsburg, Va., Oct. 5, 1814. — Y. C. 1836.— Ord. Evang. at Winchester, Va., June 27, 1840.— Ord. Deacon (Episc.) at Mt, Vernon, O., Aug., 1842, Priest at In- dianapolis, Ind., Jan., 1843. — R. Ascension Ch., Frankfort, Ky., Jan., 1843— '. .— R. Trinity Ch., Monroe, Mich., Aug., 1846— '. . — Principal Grosse Institute for boys, '47-'61. — Chaplain in U. S. Army, '61-'63. — Minister of Chapel of St. James' and St. John's Chh., Grosse Isle, res. Detroit, Mich. — [AtUogr.] Henry Hurlburt (1), b. New Hartford, N. Y., June 29, 1813. — Not ord. — S. S. Utica, Rome, Geneva, Palmyra and Rochester, N. Y., and Painesville, O., '41-'46.— S. S. Rutland, Vt., '47-'48.— Res. Utica, N. Y., '48-'54. — In charge of the State publications, Albany, N. Y., '54-'56.— In trade, Utica, N. Y., '56-'70.— In Custom House, N. Y. City, res. Brooklyn, N. Y., '70 — \Autogr.'] Harvey Hyde (2), b. Canterbury, Ct., June 16, 1812. — Ord. Evang. at Brooklyn, Ct., Oct. . . 1839.— S. p. Allegan, Mich., '40-'42.— S. p. Saginaw, Mich., '42-'44.— S. p. Rochester, Mich., '44-'40.— S. p. Commerce and White Lake, Mich., '46-'52.— S. p. Jasper, N. Y., '52-'54.— Farmer in New Jersey, '54-'62.— In the U. S. Army, '62-'65.— H. M. Prince William Co., Va., res. Inde- pendence Hill, Va., '65 — [Autogr.] Austin Isham (1), b. Hartford, Ct., Oct. 25, 1813.— Y. C. 1836. —Ord. Roxbury, Ct., June 5, 1839 — June 5, 1863. — Res. Roxbury, Ct. — [Autogr.] John Mattocks (1), b. Peacham, Vt., July 19, 1814.— Mid. C. 1832.— Ord. Keesville, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1839— July 30, 1856.— P. Ist Presb. Ch., St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 10, 1851— [Autogr.] *Samuel Moseley (3), b. Westfield, Ms., Apr. . . 1809.— Y. C. 1836.— S. S. Ticonderoga, N. Y., Burlington and Middle Haddam, Ct. — Assisted in establishing the Meligious Herald, Hartford. — Died, Hartford, Ct., Dec. 9, 1845, aged 36. 46 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1839. *Charles Edward Murdock (2), b. Westbrook, Ct. — Y. C. 1836. — Ord. Nov. 4, 1838.--P. Hamburg (in Lyme), Ct., June 29, 1842, where he rem. till his death, Dec. 15, 1843, at the age of . . [Minutes Gen. Assoc. Conn.-\-] *George Peter Pbudden (2), b. Orange, Ct., Feb. 13, 1816. — Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Presb. Ch„ Medina, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1839— Nov. . . 1844.— S. p. Middlebury, Ct., '45-'51.— S. p. Southbury, '52-'56.— S. p. Watertown, Ct., '56- '61.— S. p. Monroe, Ct., '61- '63. — Res. New Haven, Ct., '64- '. .—Died, Brattleboro', Vt., Aug. 20, 1872, aged 56. Merrill Richardson (2), b. Holden, Ms., Oct. 4, 1811.— Mid. C. 1839.— Ord. Terryville, Ct., Oct. 28, 1841— Jan. . . 1858.— P. Salem St. Ch., Worcester, Ms., Jan. 26, 1858— Sept. 22, 1870.- P. New England Ch., New York City, Nov. 16, 1870— May 14, 1872.— S. p. Milford, Ms., 'l2—[Autogr.] Nathaniel Richardson (2), b. Rockport, Ms., Dec. 6, 1806. — Amh. C. 1836.— Ord. Terryville, Ct., Aug. 8, 1838— July . . Is40. —P. Northfield, Ms., Oct. 21, 1840— ... — S. p. Berkley, Ms., '. .- '. .—P. Lanesville, Ms., Dec. 14, 1854— — S. p. Plymouth, Ms.,. '. - '. . — S. p. Somerset, Ms., '61- '. . — Chaplain 36th Mass. Vols.,'64-'65.— H. M. in Maine, '65-'70.— S. p. Strafford, Vt., '70-'Vl.— S. p. Tyngsboro', Ms., res. Rockport, Ms., '72— Joseph Addison Saxton (2), b. Tolland, Ct., Nov. 27, 1810. — N. Y. U. 1835.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Greenport, L. I., June 7, 1843— '. . — S. p. New River Parish, Ascension, La., '45-'50. — P. North Ch., New Hartford, Ct., Jan. 29, 1861— Oct. 27, 1852.— S. p. Manhat. tanville, N. Y., '53- '. . — South Haven and Bellport, L. L, '54-'55, New Preston, Ct., '57- '. . — Brookfield, Ct., '58- '. . — Mtchville, Ct,, '59-61, '65-'67. — Principal Collegiate Institute, Norwich Town, Ct., '59-'62. — Instructor Cooper Union of Science and Art, N. Y., '67-'72.— Prof. N. Y. Univ., '1\—[Autogr.'\ John Lord Taylor (2), b. Warren, Ct., May 20, 1811. — Y. C. 1835.— Tut. Y. C, '37-'39.— Ord. South Ch., Andover, Ms., July 18, 1839— July 19, 1852.— Treasurer Andover Theol. Sem., '52- '68. — Prof Theol. and Homiletics in the same, '68 — [Antoijr.'] Daniel Clark Tyler (3), b. Leyden, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1 808.— S. S. Hamburg (in Lyme), Ct., '44-'45.— Ord. at South Granville, N. Y., 1840.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 47 1848, where S. p., '48-'51.— S. p. West Fayette, N. Y., '52-'53.— S. p. Westford, N. Y., '56-'58,— S. p. South Trenton, N. Y., '59- '60,— S. p. Hermon, N. Y, '62-'63.— S. p. Taberg, N. Y, '66-'69. — S. p. Redfield, N. Y., '69 -[Autogr.] Henry Frost Wadsworth (1), b. Cornwall, Ct,, May 9, 1811. — Un. C. 1836. — Ord. Evangelist by Manhattan Cong. Assoc, New York City, Oct. 23, 1842.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Newfoundland, N. J., '42-'58.— P. Presb. Ch., Unionville, N. Y., May 14, 1859— [Aiitogr.'] *WiLLiAM BouTON Weed (2), b. New Canaan, Ct., March 22, 1811.— Y. C. 1830.— Ord. Stratford, Ct, Dec. 4, 1839— May 29, 1855.— P. 1st Ch., Norwalk, Ct., June 27, 1855, till his death there, Dec. 13, i860, at the age of 59. A volume of his sermons has been published. New York, 1867, 12mo. Dillon Williams (3), b. Colchester, Ct., Feb. 6, 1805.~Y. C. 1836.— Ord. P'eeding Hills (West Springfield), Ms., June 30, 1841 —May 17, 1848.— S. p. Chester Factories, Ms., '49-'50.— S. p. Bridgewater, Ct., '50-'52.— S. p. Orange, Ct., '52-'55.— S. p. Boon- ville, N. Y, '56-'58.— Cleveland, N. Y., '59-'62, and '67-'68.— Book agency, '62-'71. — Postmaster, Cleveland, N. Y., '71 — [^Avtogr.'] *Lucius Harrison Woodruff (2), b. Litchfield, Ct., Nov. 30, 1813.~Y. C. 1836. — Not ord. — Teacher, American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Ct, '41-'51. — Died in that city, May 20, 1852, aged 38. 29 1837-1840. Edw^ard Elias Atwater (3), b. New Haven, Ct, May 28, 1816. — Y. C. 1836.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Ravenna, O., Nov. 24, 1841— July 1, 1849.— P. Salmon Falls, N. H., Feb. 3, 1852— Nov. 3, 1857. — P. Davenport Ch., New Haven, Ct., Apr. 22, 1863 — June 14, 1870. — Res. New Haven, Cl.—[^Autogr.'\ *James Averill (3), b. Griswold, Ct, May 29, 1815.— Amh, C. 1837.— Ord. Shrewsbury, Ms., June 22, 1841— 1848.— P. Plymouth Hollow, Ct, Oct. 13, 1852— June 4, 1862.— Chaplain 23d Ct. Volunteers, '62, till his death at Lafourche, La., June 11, 1863, at the age of 48. [Ohit. in Cong. Quarterly^ Vol. V.+j 48 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1840. "William Thompson Baoon (3), b. Woodbuiy, Ct, Aug. 24, 1812.— Y, C. 1837.— Ord. Trumbull, Ct., Dec. 28, 1842— May 28, 1844.— Ed. New Haven, 3Iorning Courier, '46-'49.— P. South Britain, Ct., Jan 1850 — 1851. — Res. Woodbury, Ct. —Editor, Derby, Qt.— [Class Record, T. C.+] *Thomas Bailey (1), b. Little Compton, R. I., Sept. 27, 1808. — Y. C. 1836. — Employed in agencies. — Died, Washington, D. C, July 15, 1850, aged 42. *Phineas Blakeman (3), b. Stratford, Ct, Feb. 14, 1814.— Y. C. 1837.— S. S. Jefferson, O., '43-'44.— S. S. North Madison, Ct., '53 -'58, Maquoketa, lo., '59-'62, Marseilles, 111., '62-'63, Leraysville, Pa., '64-'67.— Died, Tonawanda, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1870, aged 56. [ Class Record and Obit. Record, Y. C] Sidney Bkyant (1), b. Sheffield, Ms., Dec. 5, 1812.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Nassau, N. Y., July 23, 1840— March 1, 1842.— P. West Stockbridge, Ms., Nov. 30, 1842— Nov. 15, 1853. — P. East Granby, Ct., Oct. 3, 1855— May 1, I860.— P. Cong. Ch., Twinsburg, O., Nov. 21, 1860— Oct. 7, 1867.— Res. Oberlin, O., '68-'69.— S. p. Vermillion, O., '70 — [Autogr.] Charles Peck Bush (2), b. Brighton, near Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1813.— Ord. Tenth Presb. Ch., N. Y. City, Feb. 1, 1841 —Oct. 1, 1845.— P. Greeneville (Norwich), Ct., Sept. 1, 1846— Feb. 1, 1856.— Ed., and S. p. N. England Ch., Chicago, III, '56-57.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Beloit, Wis., Jan. 1, 1857— Oct. 1, 1859.— Dist. Sec. Am. Tract Soc. (Boston), N. Y. City, '60-'63.— Dist. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Rochester, N. Y., '63-'7l, and since '71 Dist. Sec. and General Agent of the same. New York City, room No. 39, Bible House. — [Autogr.] Amos Sheffield Chesebeough (3), b. Stonington, Ct., Aug. 22, 1813.— Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Chester, Ct., Dec. 1, 1841— Jan. 1, 1853.— Res. Stonington, Ct., '53-'54.— S. p. Meriden, Ct., '55-'56. —P. Glastonbury, Ct., July 14, 1858— Nov. 12, 1868.— Res. Hart- ford, Ct., supplying several pulpits, '69-'7l. — S. p. Vernon, Ct., '71 — [Autog?:] *Elias Clakk (2), b. Orange, Ct., July 12, 1814.— Un. C. 1838. — S. p. Franklin, O,, '49-50.— Ord. Egremont, Ms., Jan. 7, 1851 — 1840.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 49 Jan 1857.— S. p. Rochester, Minn., '57-60.— S. p. Bellevue, lo., '61-'64.— S. p. Ottumwa, lo., '64-'. .—Died, West Salem, Wis., Oct. 29, 1866, aged 52. *Henry Steele Clarke (3), b. Somers, Ct., Sept. 20, 1816. — Ham, C. 1837.— P. Willoughby, O., 1843.— S. p. Northford, Ct., Apr. . . 1847— June . . 1849.— P. Franklin St. Cong. Ch., Man- chester, N. H., Sept. 20, 1849— 1852.— P. Central Presb. Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., .... 1852, till his death in that city, Jan. 17, 1864, at the age of 47. [Commemorative Sermon, by Rev. Charles W. Shields, 2>.i>.+] *Walter Clarke (1-), b. Middletown, Ct., Apr. 5, 1812. — Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Canterbury, Ct., May 18, 1841— May 23, 1845.— P. 2d Cong. Ch., Hartford, Ct., June 4, 1845— Jan. . . 1869— P. Mer- cer St. (Presb.) Ch., New York, 1859— 1861.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1861 [Autogr.] till his death in that city. May 23, 1871, at the age of 59. David Benton Coe (3), b. Granville, Ms., Aug. 16, 1814. — Y. C. 1837.— Tut. Y. C, '39-'40.— Ord. 1st Ch., Milford, Ct., Oct. 14, 1840-Sept. 1, 1844.— P. Allen St. Presb. Ch., New York City, Oct. 14, 1844— May 1, 1849.— Dist. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., '49-'51. — Cor. Sec. Am. Home Miss. Soc, res. since '69, Bloomfield, N. J., '51— [Auto ffr.] CiiAUNCEY Deming Cowles (2), b. Farmington, Ct., June 27, 1812.— Y. C. 1834.— Ord. Plainville Ct., June 10, 1841— June . . 1843. — Merchant, Buffalo, N. Y., '44-53. — Farmer, Farmington, Ct., '53 — [Aiitoffr.] Horace Day (3), b. Pittsfield, Ms., Nov. 5, 1816.— Y. C. 1836. — Not ord. — Ed. New Haven, Ct., '49, Cincinnati, O., '53. — Super- intendent Public Schools, New Haven, Ct, '59. — Sec. Board of Education, New Haven, Ct., '68 -[Autogr.'] Friend Absalom Deming (3), b. Washington, Ms., May 4, 1813. — Un. C. 1837.— Ord. Rome, O., June . . 1841— '. .—P. Freedom, O., 1844— 1851.— P. Berlin Heights, O., 1853 — 1858.— S. p. Elbridge, 111., '58-'62.— S. p. Mattoon, 111., '62-64.— Banker, Mattoon, III, '6i—[Autoffr.] 4 60 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1840. *Charles Dickinson (3), b. Colchester, Ct., Apr. 21, 1812. — Ord. Evang. at Durham, Ct., May . . 1842.— S. p. Chester, Ct., '40- '. .— S. p. Peru, III, '42-'43.— S. p. Apalaehieola, Fla., '44-'45. — P. Birmingham, Ct., Sept. 16, 1846, till his death at Dubuque, lo., June 14, 1854, at the age of 42. Edgar Jared Doolittle (3), b. New Haven, Ct, Oct. 19, 1810. —Ord. Hebron, Ct., May 18, 1842— Dec. 14, 1852.— P. Chester, Ct., Apr. 26, 1853— Apr. 18, 1859.— S. p. Chester, Ct., '61-'69.— Res. Wallingford, Ct., '6Q—[Autogr.] Stedman Wright Hanks (1), b. Mansfield, Ct., Sept. 6, 1811. — Amh. C. 1837. — Ord. John St. Ch., Lowell, Ms., March, . . 1839 — 1853. — Sec. Boston Seamen's Friend Soc, and Dist. Sec. Am. Sea. Friend Soc, res. Cambridge, Ms., '5S—[Autogr.] WiLLARD Mason Harding (2), b. Langdon, N. H., Sept. 18, 1810.— Y. C. 1837.- Ord. Princeton, Ms., May 20, 1840— Aug. 28, 1844.— S. p. Milton, Ms., '44-'47.— P. South Weymouth, Ms., Nov. 17, 1847 — Apr. 8, 1858. — Financial Agent Pilgrim Monument Assoc, '58, res. Chelsea, P. O. address, Boston, Ms. — [Autogr.] Walter Tilden Hatch (1), b. New York City, Oct. 5, 1818.— Y. C. 1837. — Not ord. — Merchant and banker, N. Y. City, res. Brooklyn, N. Y., '39— [Autogr.] *James Augustus Hawley (3), b. Avon, Ct., June 1, 1813. — Y. C. 1837.— P. Presb. Ch., Fannington, 111., Jan. 13, 1841— Oct. . . 1842.— P. Ridgefield, Ct., Oct. 25, 1843— Nov. . . 1849.— Preaching and teaching, Augusta, III, three years.— P. Jackson, Mich., Feb. 16, 1853— May . . 1854.— P. Ripon, Wis., Jan. . . 1861 — Dec. . . 1863. — Chaplain in the army, engaged in the Freed- men's Department and Bureau, '63-65. — Acting cashier in Freed- men's Savings Bank, '65-'67. — In business, Vicksburg, Miss., '67- [Autogr.] till his death there, Aug. 20,1868, at the age of 55. Orlo Daniel Hine (3), b. New Milford, Ct,, Oct. 28, 1815.— Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Clinton, Ct., Apr. 14, 1841— Oct. 25, 1842.— S. p. Fairhaven, Vt., '43-'45.— S. p. Pontiac, Mich., '46-'51.— P. North Woodstock, Ct., Jan. 6, 1852— Nov. 5, 1855.— P. Lebanon Ct., May 21, 1856 [Autogr.] 1840.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 51 Leander Smith Hobart (3), b. Potter, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1814. — Y. C. 183V.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Union City, Mich., Jan. 13, 1841— Nov. 1, 1848.— S. p. Ann Arbor, Mich., '48-'50, of which P. Jan. 1. 1851— Nov. 5, 1854.— S. p. Adrian, Mich., '54-'55.— S. p. Hud- son, Mich., '56-'62. — Superintendent Home Missions for State of New York, res. Syracuse, N. Y., '62-'7l, and since '71, New York City. — [Autogr.l *James Hervey Howe (2), New York City, — Y. C. 1835.— Tut. Y. C, '38-'40.— P. Washington Hollow, N. Y., . . . —Died, Bedford, N. Y., March 25, 1849, in the 34th year of his age. [MS. Obit. Beeord, Y. C] Philo Ruggles Hued (3), b. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1811. — Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Watertown, Ct., July 1, 1840— Jan. 1, 1849. —P. Romeo, Mich., Feb. 12, 1851- Jan. 1, 1870.— S. p. Eaton Rapids, Mich., '71 — [Autogr.] *Henry H. Loomis (1), Cazenovia,N. Y.,b. Apr. 28, 1813. — Un. C. 1837.— Died, Fulton, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1841, aged 28. *Hezektah H. Loomis (1), Cazenovia, N. Y, b. Apr. 28, 1813. — Un. C. 1837.— S. S. Lockport, N. Y, '40-'41.— Died, Cazenovia, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1842, aged 29. James P. McCord (2), La Grange, N. Y. Benjamin Nicholas Martin (3), b. Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. 20, 1816.— Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Hadley, Ms., Jan. 18, 1843— July . . 1847.— P. 4th Presb. Ch., Albany, N. Y, July 19, 1848— Nov. . . 1849.— Res. Albany, N. Y, '49-'52.— Prof. Rhetoric and Intellec- tual Philosophy, Univ. of the City of New York, '52 — [Autogr.] *CoLBY C. Mitchell (3), b. Groton, Ct., May 14, 1814.— Ord. at Groton, Ct., Nov. 3, 1840, as Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. to the Mountain Nestorians in Persia. — Died on his way thither, at a small Kurdish village, called Mushtafia, about five days' jour- ney from Mosul, June 27, 1841, aged 27. Oscar Fitz-Alan Parker (2), b. Rodman, N. Y, March 21, 1811.— S. S. Torringford, Ct., '40— S. S. Whitney's Point, N. Y, '41-'42.— S. S. Wapping, South Windsor, Ct., '42-'43, of which ord. P. Jan. 6,1844— Oct. 24, 1848.— In California,'49-'51.— Ed. and bro- ker, New York City, '51-'70.— Res. Haddam, Ct., "JO— [Autogr.} 52 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1840. *Charles Rich (2), b. Boston, Ms., Sept. 12, 1809.— Y. C. 1838. — Ord. Presb. Ch., Washington, D. C, Nov. 30, 1840.— P. Nan- tucket, Ms. — P. Buffalo, N. Y. — In trade, Beardstown, 111., where he died, Oct. 31, 1862, aged 53. [Obit. Record, Y. C] *Oliver Roberts Ryder (1), b, Danbury, Ct., June 2, 1811. — Not ord. — In trade, first, at Elyria, O., and then, '49, in Oberlin, O., where he died, June 6, 1858, aged 47. Sabura Stebbins Stocking (3), b. Glastonbury, Ct., June 24, 1810.— Wesl. U. 1835.— Ord. Deacon (Episc.) at Hartford, Ct.,Dec. 23, 1839, Priest at Meriden, Ct., Feb. 22, 1841.— Rector St. An- drews Ch., Meriden, Ct., '40-'41.— R. Trinity Ch., Newtown, Ct., '42-'49.— R. St. Mark's Hall, Orange, N. J., '50-'60.— R. Grace •Ch., South Oyster Bay, L. L, '61-72.— Res. Jamaica, L. I., '72— ■[Autogr.^ Isaac Pierson Stryker (2), b. Orange, N. J., July 27, 1815. — Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Bath, Dec. . . 1842.— S. p. Watkins, N. Y., '42-'46.~P. Vernon, N. Y., Apr. . . 1848— July . . 1851.— P. Hoboken, N. J., 1852— 1856.- S. p. Urbana, III, '56-'61.— S. p. New Milford,Pa., Dec. '62-'64.— Res. 38 East 26th St., New York Cit j.—[Autogr.] *Thomas Tallman (3), b. Middle Haddam, Ct., June 12, 1815.— Y. C. 1837.— S. S. Whitinsville, Ms., Wapping, Ct., Homer, N. Y., '41-'42.— Ord. Scotland, Ct., March 20, 1844— June 21, 1861.— S. p, Groton, Ct,, '61-'63.— S. p. Westminster, Ct., '64-'65.— Member Legislature of Conn., '66 and '67.— S. p. East Putnam, Ct., '67-68. — Res. Thompson, Ct., '64 — [Autogir.] where he died, Oct. 9, 1872, aged 57. *HoRACE Addison Taylor (3), b. West Hartland, Ct., March 24, 1811.— W. R. C. 1837.— P. Cong. Ch., Morgan, O., May 31, 1842— June . . 1845. — S. p. Napoli, N. Y., 4 years. — S. p. Sugar Grove, Pa., 2 years.- Died at , Feb. 2, 1851, aged 40. *Parshall Terry (2-|-), b. Aquebogue, L. I., Nov. 3, 1806. — Ord. Evang. by the Cong. Convention of Long Island, 1830. After preaching seven years, spent nearly three years in Yale Theol. Sem.— S. p. La Fayette, N. Y., '40-42. — Ed. Religious Recorder, Syracuse, N. Y., '42-45.— S. p. Marathon, N. Y., '45-51.— S. p. Painesvillc, '54-57, Unionville, '57-59, Thompson, '57-'60.— S. p. Troy, O., '63, till his death at that place, Oct. 20, 1865, at the age of 59. [Obit, in Cong. Qicarterly for 1866.] ^ v-> 1841.1 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 5^^ ^ '*' \\ Thomas Anthony Thacher (2), b. Hartford, Ct., Jan. 11, 181^ ^'^* — Y. C. 1835.— Tut. Y. C, '38-'42.— Not ord.— Prof. Latin Lang. :?, and Lit., Y. C, '42-^[Autoffr.] -^ Aldace Walker (2), b. Strafford, Vt., July 20, 1812.— Dart. C. 1837.— Ord. West Rutland, Vt., Dec. 30, 1840— Jan. 26, 1862.— S. p. Wallingford, Vt., '62-'69, of which P. March 10, 1869— [Autogr.] *Samuel Goodrich Whittelset (3), b. New Preston, Ct., Nov. 8, 1809.— Y. C. 1834,— Tut. Y. C, '36-'40.— Ord. at New Haven, Ct., Jan. 10, 1841, Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. to Ceylon.— Died at Dindigul on the Continent, whither he had gone for his health, March 18, 1847, aged 37. [Obit. JVotice in Missionary Herald, 1847.+] 41. 1838-1841. Ephraim Williams Allen (2), b. Newburyport, Ms., Oct. 9, 1813.— Amh. C. 1838.— Ord. North Ch., Reading, Ms., May 17, 1843— Sept. 18, 1852.— P. Howard St. Ch., Salem, Ms., Sept. 30, 1852— March 31, 1857.— P. South Berwick, Me., Dec. 30, 1858— May 10, 1866.— P. West Ch., Haverhill, Ms., Nov. 8, 1866— [Autogr.l James Birney (2), b —Miami U. 1836 — Ord. Mt. Carmel (inHamden), Ct., June 14, 1842— March 29, 1846.— Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. — Res. Bay City, Mich.— * Joshua Rogers Brown (2), b. Stonington, Ct., June 14, 1812. —Ord. 2nd Cong. Ch., Lebanon, Ct., May 21, 1845 — June . . 1852. —P. East Longmeadow, Ms., Dec. 13, 1854, till his death there, Sept. 7, 1858, at the age of 46. Funeral sermon, preached by Rev. Mr. Russell, Oct. 3, 1858, is published. [Obit, in Cong. Quar- terly, Vol. L-t-] * William Henry Burritt (2), Troy, N. Y.— 111. C, 1838.— Died, Brattleboro', Vt., Apr. 18, 1847, aged . . [Obit. Notice in Troy Daily Whig, Apr., 1847.] *William Rogers Chapman (1), b. Bethel, Me., Feb. 26, 1812. — Dartm. C. 1837. — Ord. Garden St. Ch., Boston, Ms., which in 1844 became by union Green St. Ch., Sept. 8, 1841 — 1847. —P. 8th St. Presb. Ch., N. Y. City, '47-'49.~P. Presb. Ch., Aurora, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1850-1854.— S. p. Hanover, Ms., '54, where he died, Oct. 25, 1855, aged 43. [Obit, in Cong. Year-Booh, 1856.] 54 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1841. RuFus Wheelwright Clark (1), b. Newburyport, Ms., Dec. 17, 1813.--Y. C. 1838.— Ord. 2nd Presb. Ch., Washington, D. C, Jan. IV, 1842— Nov. . . 1842.— P. North Ch., Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 16, 1843— Nov. . . 1851.— P. Maverick Ch., East Boston, Ms., Dec. 3, 1851— Apr. . . 1857.— P. South Cong. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1857— Nov. . . 1862.— P. 1st Ref. (Dutch) Ch., Albany, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1862— [Aiitogr.] William Stanton Curtis (3), b. Burlington, Vt., Aug. 3, 1815. —111. C. 1838.— Ord. 1st Presb. Ch., Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 26, 1843— Apr. . . 1855.— Prof. Moral Phil, and College Pastor, Ham- ilton College, '55-'63.— President Knox College, '63-'68.— P. West- minster Presb. Ch., Rockford, 111., Oct. 20, 1869 — [Autogr.] George Thurlow Dole (2), b. Byfield (Newbury), Ms., Oct» 30, 1808.— Y. C. 1838.— Ord. Washington St. Ch., Beverly, Ms., Oct. 6, 1842— July . . 1851.— P. North Woburn, Ms., Oct. 12, 1852 —Oct. 3, 1855.— S. p. Laneboro', Ms., '56-63.— S. p. Curtisville, in Stockbridge, Ms., '64-'71.— Res. Stockbridge, Ms., '71 — [Avtogr.] *Hercules Rice Dunham (2), Jackson, N. Y., — Un. C. 1838.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Cortlandville, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1843 — 1856.— Galena, 111., '57-'. .—Died, 1857, aged . . [Andover Trienn. Cat.'\ *Isaac Groot Duryee (1), Schenectady, N. Y., — U. C. 1838.— Ord. Ref. (Dutch) Ch., Fallsburg, N. Y., July 13, 1842— 1851.— Glenham, N. Y., '51-'52.— 2nd Ref Ch., Schenectady, N. Y., '52-'58.— Port Jackson, N. Y., '59-'62.— Chaplain 31st N. Y. Vols., '62-'66.— Died, 1866, aged 56. [Andover Trienn. Cat] ♦Marshall Hosmer Eames (2), b. Dalton, Ms., Aug. 19, 1812. —Ord. Claridon, O., Oct. 24, 1843— Sept. 3, 1848, when he died there, aged 36. ♦Samuel H. Elliot (3), b. Brattleboro', Vt., Oct. 23, 1809.- Un. C. 1841.— S. S. Woodbridge, Ct., '42-'43, of which P. Nov. . . 1843— Dec. . . 1849.— P. Westville, Ct.,Dec. . . 1849— May . . 1855. — In trade, New Haven, Ct., where he died, Sept. 11, 1869, aged 60. Amasa C. Frissell (3), b. Peru, Ms., Oct. 1 7, 1817.— Ord. Presb. Ch., South Amenia, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1843— Sept. 15, 1858.— S. p. 1841.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 55 Salt Point, N. Y., '60-'62.— P. Highland Falls, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1862 — Oct. 31, 1865. — N. Y. Dist. Sec. Am. Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '66-'68. — Dist. Sec. Am. Tract Soc, New York, 150 Nassau St., 'QS—[Atttogr.] Solomon Paine Giddings (2), b. Poultney, Vt., Dec. 2, 1812. — Mid. C. 1838. — Ord. Evang. at Poultney, Vt., Sept. 28, 1842. — Labored in Middle Tennessee. — P. Curtisville, Ms., '. . -'. . — P. Springfield, Vt., 1852— 1858. — In Government em- ployment, Washington, D. C, '63 — [Autof/):] *Chauncey Goodrich (3), b. Middletown, Ct., July 20, 1817. — Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Maiden, Ms., Aug. 30, 1843— Nov. 2, 1847.— P. Watertown, Ct., Aug. 22, 1849— Nov. 2, 1856.— Res. New Haven, Ct., '56 [Aiitogr.] till his death there, March 27, 1868, at the age of 51. *Benjamin Griswold (2), b. Randolph, Vt., Aug. 13, 1811. — Dart. C. 1837.— Ord. Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. at Randolph, Vt., Sept. 2, 1844. — Labored as Missionary at Cape Palmas, '41- '43, and at the Gaboon, '43, where he died, July 14, 1844, aged 33. Eli Edwin Hall (3), b. Blandford, Ms., Apr. 11, 1814.— 111. C. 1838.— Ord. 1st Oh., Guilford, Ct., Oct. 25, 1843— July 24, 1855. — Chaplain American Ch., Rome, Italy, '56-'59. — Superin- tendent Missions in Italy of Am. and For. Christian Union and Chaplain Am. Ch., Florence, '61-'66. — S. p. Guilford, Ct., '66-'69. — Res. Fair Haven, Ct., '70 — [Autogr.] Allen Backus Hitchcock (3), b. Great Barrington, Ms., March 20, 1814.— 111. C. 1838.— Ord. Evang. in New Haven, Ct., July 6, 1841.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Davenport, lo., '41-'44.— S, p. Moline, 111., —'66.— Res. Moline, 111., 'QQ—lAtitogr.] Isaac Jennings (2), b. Trumbull, Ct., July 24, 1816.— Y. C. 1837.— Ord. 2d Cong. Ch., Akron, O., June 14, 1843— Feb. 13, 1847.— P. Stamford, Ct., Sept. 1, 1847— Apr. 26, 1853.— P. Ist Ch., Bennington, Vt., Sept. 21, 1853— [.l^^^o^r.] Isaac Pendleton Lang worthy (2), b. North Stoniugton, Ct., Jan. 19, 1806.— Y. C. 1839.— Ord. Chelsea, Ms., Nov. 10, 1841 —Nov. 10, 1858.— Cor. Sec. Am. Cong. Union, '5 7-'67.— Cor. Sec. Am. Cong. Association, Boston, Ms., '67 — [Autogr.] 5^ DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1841. *RoBERT CoiT Learned (2), b. New London, Ct., Aug. 31, 1817. — Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Twinsburg, O., Sept. 27, 1843— Apr. . . 1846. — P. Canterbury, Ct., Dec. 22, 1847 — Nov. 3, 1858. — P. Berlin, Ct., Dec. 1, 1858— Apr. 1, 1861.— P. Plymouth, Ct., Sept. 11, 1861— July 15, 1865.— Res. Plymouth, Ct., '65 [Autoffr.] till his death in that town, Apr. 19, 1867, at the age of 49. ♦Oliver Wolcott Mather (2), b. Windsor, Ct., Jan. 23, 1815. — Y. C. 1837.— Ord —Preached Birmingham, O., '42, Dover, O., '44, Ruggles, O., '45, Geneva, O., '47-50.— S. S. Cold- water, Paw Paw and White Lake, '50-'57. — Res. Windsor, Ct., '57 — Nov. 7, 1870, when he died there, aged 56. William Neill McHarg (1), Albany, N. Y, Oct. 1, 1816.— Un. C. 1838.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Albion, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1842— Nov. 10, 1850.— P. Ithaca, N. Y, Dec. 18, 1850— May 15, 1857.— P. Lyons, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1858— Aug. 15, 1862.— Prof. Latin in Ham- ilton College, '62-'69.— Res. Clinton, N. Y., '69— [.-Iw^o^r.] Emery Moulton Porter (1), b. Rye, N. H,, Apr. 1, 1815. — Harv. C. 1838.— Ord. De-icon (Episc), Boston, Ms., '42, Presby- ter, '43.— S. p. Litchfield, Ct., '42-'44.— Rector, Lonsdale, R. L, '45-'48, Fall River, Ms., '49-'63.— Ag't " Prot. Episc. Freedman's Commission," '65. — Res. Lonsdale, R. I., '70 — [Autogr.'\ William Russell (3), b. Stratford, Ct., Feb. 15, 1815.— Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Wakeman, O., Dec. . . 1842— —P. East Hampton, Ct., Oct. . . 1846 — —P. New Ipswich, N. H., June . . 1856 — — S. p. Sherman, Ct., '59- '. . — Govern- ment clerk, 26 Grant Place, Washington, D. C, '63 — [Auto(/r.] Anson Smyth (2-), b. Franklin, Pa., Jan. 1, 1812. — Ord. Orange, Ct., Nov. 25, 1840— Jan. 10, 1843.— S. p. Milford, Mich., —P. Toledo, O., 1847— 1856.— Commis- sioner Common Schools in the State of Ohio, '56-'63. — Sup't In- struction, Cleveland, O., '63-'70.~P. North Presb. Ch., Cleveland, 0., l8lO—[Auto(/r.] Joseph Parrish Thompson (2), b. Philadelphia, Pa., August 7, 1819.— Y. C. 1838.— Ord. Chapel St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., Oct. 28, 1840— March 31, 1846.— P. Broadway Tabernacle Ch., N. Y., Apr. 15, 1845— Nov. 15, 1871.— Res. Berlin, Prussia, '11— [Au- togr.] 1842.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 57 William Waltek Woodworth (1), b. Cromwell, Ct., Oct. 16, 1813.— Y. C. 1838.— Ord. Berlin, Ct., July 6, 1842— May 2, 1852. —P. 1st Ch., Waterbury, Ct., Sept. 29, 1852— ]May 2, 1858.— S. p. Mansfield, O., '58-'60.— S. p. Olivet Ch., Springfield, ]\Is., '60-'62. — S. p. Plymouth, Ms., '62-'64.— S. p. PainesviUe, O., '64-'60.— P. Belchortown, Ms., May 16, 1866— May 4, 1870.~P. Grinnell, lo., March 1, 1871 — [AtUoffr.] 28. 1839-1842. John Thomas Andrew (2), b. Bethany, Ct., July 19, 1811. — Y. C. 1839. — Teacher, Cornwall, Ct., '42-44, then in agriculture, '44-'61, since when, continued to res. in Cornwall, Ct. — [Atctogr.] Benjamin Franklin Atkins (1), Boston, Ms., b. Oct. 10, 1817. — Harv. C. 1838. — Not ord. — Res. Boston, Ms. — Oscar F. Avert (2), b. Groton, Ct. — Not ord. — Merchant, Chi- cago, 111, — *SoLON Cicero Avery (3), b. Groton, Ct., Apr. 27, 1816. — Not ord. — Merchant, Rochester, N. Y., where he died, July 29, 1854, aged 38. Samuel John Mills Beebe (3— ), b. East Bloomfield, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1819.— Ham. C. 1838.— Ord. Clyde, N. Y., Nov. . . 1842 March.. 1848.— S. p. 1st Presb. Ch., St. Louis, '48-'49.— S. p. Brunswick, Mo., '49, where P 1852— March 15, 1863.— Teacher, Brooklyn, N. Y., '63-'70.— Principal High School, Bruns- wick, Mo., '70 — [Atctogr.] Ammi Ruhamah Bradbury (2), b. Minot, Me., Dec. 3, 1810. — Bowd. C. 1837.— Teacher, North Scituate, R. I. (1850).— P. Park St. (Free Will Bapt.) Ch., Providence, R. I. (1872)— Darius Richmond Brewer (1), b. Dorchester, Ms., June 23 1819.— Harv. C. 1838.— Ord. Deacon, Episc, Nov. 6, 1842, Priest, Feb. 14, 1844.— R. St. Peter's Ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., .... 1842— 1844.— R. Concord, N. H., 1844— .... 1846.— R. Trinity Ch., Newport, R. I., 1846— 1855 — R. Emmanuel Ch., Newport, R. I., 1855 — 1858. — R. St. Paul's Ch., Yonkers, N. Y., 1858— 1866.— R. Ch. of the Reformation, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1866— [^4i.Z>., 1858, 12mo., pp. 420.] Owen Street (1), b. East Haven, Ct., Sept. 8, 1815.— Y. C. 1837.— Ord. Jamestown, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1842— June 25, 1851.— S. p. Woodbridge and North Haven, Ct., '50-'51. — P. Ansonia, Ct., Sept. 1, 1852— May . . 1857.— P. High St. Ch., Lowell, Ms., Sept. 16, \%b1—\Autoqr.'\ Edward Strong (2), b. Somers, Ct., Oct. 25, 1813.— Y. C. 1838. —Tut. Y. C, '40-'42.— Ord. College St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., Dec. 14, 1842— July 1, 1862.— P. South Ch., Pittsfield, Ms., March 15, 1865— Dec. 1, 1871.— P. South Evang. Ch., West Roxbury, Ms., May 2, 1872— [^?<«o^/-.] Israel Perkins Warren (2), b. Woodbridge (now Bethany), Ct., Apr. 8, 1814.— Y. C. 1838.— Ord. Granby, Ct., Apr. 20, 1842 —May 1, 1845.— P. Mt. Carmel (in Hamden), Ct., July 8, 1846— Sept. . . 1851.— P. 1st Ch., Plymouth, Ct., Oct. 2, 1851— Feb. . . 1856. — Cor. Sec. Am. Seamen's Friend Soc, New York, '56-'59. — Sec. and Ed. Am. Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '59-'69. — Publisher and Bookseller in Boston since 1869, res. Newton Centre, Ms. — [Autogr^^ Edward Abiel Washburn (1), b. Boston, Ms., Apr. 16, 1819. — Harv. C. 1838.— Ord. St. Paul's Ch., Newburyport, Ms., 1844— 1851.— P. St. John's Ch., Hartford, Ct., and Prof Church Polity, Berkeley Divinity Scliool, Middletown, Ct., Apr. 16, 1853— Dec. 25, 1862.— P. St. Mark's Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 25, 1862— Apr. 16, 1865.— P. Calvary Ch., New York City, Apr. 16, 1865— [^t^^o<7r.] WiLFORD L. Wilson (3), Cazenovia, N. Y. — P. Newport, N. Y. (1850). Ephraim Monroe Wright (1), b. Northampton, Ms., 1816.— Wms. C. 1839.— Teacher, Williston Sem., East Hampton, ]\I8., '44-'49.— Sec. of State of Mass., '53-'55.— P. Bethlehem, Ct., July 3, 1861— Sept. . . 1865.— P. Terry ville, Ct., Sept. . . 1865— May . . 1870.— Teacher, East Hampton, M.-&.—\A.utogr.'\ 29. 1843.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF TALE COLLEGE. 61 1840-1843. *Dan Tatlok Bagg (2), b. West Springfield, Ms., Apr. 28, 1815. —Tin. C. 1841.--Ord. Madison St. Presb. Ch., Apr. 18, 1845.— Died, Jan. 15, 1848, aged 33. *Peekixs Kirkland Clark (2), b. Westfield, Ms., Dec. 8, 1811. — Y. C. 1838.— Tut. Y. C, '42-'45.— Ord. Evang. at Cliester VU- lage (Huntington), Ms., Aug. 26, 1846. — S. p. Chester Village, Ms., '46- '. .—P. Hinsdale, Ms., June 16, 1852— Oct. 2, 1855.— S. p. 1st Cong. Ch., South Deerfield, ]Ms., '56-'59, of which P. June 29, 1859— Sept. 26, 1865.— P. Mittineague (West Springfield), Ms., Jan. 16, 1866— [Autogr.] Apr. 18, 18V1.— P. Charlemont, Ms., Aug. 16, 1871, till his death in that town, Jan. 4, 1872, at the age of 60. *Samuel Goodrich Coe (3), b. New Hartford, N". Y., Oct. 22, 1819.— Y. C. 1838.— Ord. 1st Ch., Middlebury, Yt., Jidy 14, 1844 —Nov. . . 1850.— P. 1st Ch., Danbury, Ct., Dec. 13, 1850— May 12, 1864.— S. p. Ridgefield, Ct., '. . -'68. [^w^o^r.]- Died, New Haven, Ct, Dec. 7, 1869, aged 50. James Cowles (l-f), b. Colebrook, Ct., Feb. 18, 1815.— Y. C. 1837.— Teacher, Ohio and III, '43-'66, in N. J., '66-'69, in Rye, N. Y., 'lO—[Auto(/r.] William Bronson Curtiss (3), b. Exeter, N. Y., June 5, 1812. — Y. C. 1840. — Ord. Humphrey sville (now Seymour), Ct., Aug. 27, 1843— Oct. . . 1849.— P. Huntington, Ct., Feb. 13, 1850.— June . . 1858.— P. Presb. Ch., New Egypt, N. J., Dec. . . 1858— Oct. . . 1859.— P. North Branford, Ct., Dec. 22, 1859— — S. p. Munroe, Ct., 'Q9— [Autogr.] Martin Dudley (3), b. Guilford, Ct., Dec. 30, 1814.- Y. C. 1839.— S. p. North Madison, Ct., '45-'46.— Teacher, Southwick, Ms., —P. Easton, Ct, Dec. 31, 1861.— [Class Hecord, Y. C] Edavard Strong Dwight (3), b. New Haven, Ct, Apr. 30, 1820. — Y. C. 1838.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Saco, Me., Dec. 25, 1844— Aug. 17, 1852. — S. p. 1st Cong. Ch., Amherst, Ms., Aug. 21, 1853, of which P. July 19, 1854— Aug. 26, I860.— P. Russell Ch., Hadley, Ms., Sept 27, 186^— [Autogr.] 62 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1843. Nathaniel Hillyer Eggleston (3), b. Hartford, Ct., May 7, 1822.— Y. C. 1840.— Orel. Ellington, Ct, Feb. 19, 1845— Apr. 1, 1850.— S. S. 1st Ch., New Haven, Ct., '50-'51.— P. Bridge St. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1851— Aug. 15, 1853.— P. Plymouth Ch., Chicago, III, and Ed. Gong. Herald, Jan. 1, 1854— July 25, 1855.— P. Cong. Ch., Madison, Wis., Aug. . . 1855— May . . I860.— P. Stockbridge, Ms., Dec. 25, 1860— March 31, 1869.— Associate Prof. Rhetoric, Williams College, '69-70.— S. p. 1st Ch., Enlield, Ct., '71 — \^Autogr.'\ * Joseph Merriam Grout (3), b. Westboro', Ms., Sept. 11, 1814. — Y. C. 1840. — Missionary, several years, of Am. Home Miss. Soc, Warsaw, 111., where he died, 1855, aged 41. [^Class Record, Y. a] James Porter Hart (3), b. Farmington, Ct., July 27, 1817. — Y. C. 1840.— Not ord.— Res. New Haven, Ct.— [^w^o^r.] Enoch Winslow Hewitt (3), b. Sutton, Ms., July 8, 1811. — Ord. by the Beloit Convention, Feb. 14, 1844.— S. p. Milton, Wis., '43-'45.— S. p. Twelve Mile Grove, etc., '46-51. — Res. Pecatonica, III— [^Iw^o^r.] *JosEPH Tourtellotte Holmes (2—), Quincy, III, b. Nov. 15, 1806.— Ord. Evang. at Quincy, III, Oct. . . 1843.— P. Cong. Ch., Griggsville, HI, till his death, Apr. 13, 1847, at the age of 40. William Addison Houghton (3), b. Berlin, Ms., June 2, 1812. — Y. C. 1840.— Ord. Northborough, Ms., July 5, 1843— June 11, 1851.— Res. Berlin, Ms., '51-'53.— P. Berlin, Ms., Oct. 26, 1853— \Autogr^ Horace James (1), b. Medford, Ms., May 6, 1818.— Y. C. 1840. —Ord. Wrentham, Ms., Nov.- 1, 1843— Dec. . . 1852.— P. 1st Ch., Worcester, Ms., Feb. . . 1853 — 1863. — Chaplain 25th Mass. Vols., '6 1-'64.— Captain and Assist. Q. M., U. S. Vols., and Com- missioner of Freedmen in N. C, '64-66. — P. 1st Ch., Lowell, Ms., Oct. 31, 1867— Dec. 13, 1870.— Dist. Sec. Am. and For. Christian Union, '71. — S. p. 2d Ch,, Greenwich, Ct., '71, also one of the Proprietors and Assoc. Editor of the Congregationalist from '67 — [Autogr.'] Gould C. Judson (2), b. Woodbury, Ct., May 18, 1815.— W. R. C. 1842.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Grafton, 1847— 1854. 1843.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 63 — S. p. Viroqua, Wis.— S. p. Walton, N. Y., 'Ql-'6l.—[Atttogr.] Upsonville, Pa., [1871]. i James Kilkourn (1+), b. Litchfield, Ct., May 27, 1816.— Y. C. i 1837.— Ord. Bridgewater, Ct., Feb. 21, 1844— July 1, 1850.— S. p. I Prospect, Ct., '51-'53.— P. Middle Iladdam, Ct., May . . 1853— July 1, 1857.— S. p. Sandwich, 111., '57-63.— H. M. Lanark, Car- t roll Co., Ill, '63-'65. — S. p. Union Grove, '65-'66. — City Mission- ary, Racine, Wis., '67 — [Atctogr.] Theodore Adgate Leete (3), b. Guilford, Ct., May 20, 1814. — Y. C. 1839.— Ord. 1st Ch., Windsor, Ct., Sept. 24, 1845— Sept. . . 1859.— S. p. Florence (in Northampton), Ms., '61-62.— S. p. Agawam, Ms., '62-'63. — In service of the Christian Commission, '63-'64.— S. p. Blandford, Ms., '63-'70.— S. p. Thorndike (Palmer), Ms., '70--[Autogr.] Charles Eliphalet Lord (1), b. Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 11, 1817.— Dart. C. 1838.— Ord. Jonesville, Ind., May 8, 1844.— P. Presb. Ch., Niles, Mich., Nov. 17, 1844.— P. Presb. Ch., Evansville, Ind,, 1849.— P. Mt. Yernon, N. IL, Feb. 7, 1858— —P. Easton, Ms., June 3, 1863— May 1, 1867. — P. Chester, Yt., Aug. 8, 1867— Apr. 6, 1869.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Beverly, N. J., '69-'70. — Res.249 Tremont St., Boston, '72 — [Autop'.] LoRiNG Bradlee Marsh (3), b. Ware, Ms., Feb. 12, 1816. — Y. C. 1840.— S. S. Eddyville and Oskaloosa, lo., '46- '. .—Teacher, Berlin, Ms., '54- '. .— S. S. North Scituate, R. L, '58- '. .—Ord. Evang., June 8, 1859.— S. p. Wading River, L. L, '63- '. . — S. p. Franklinville, L. I., 65- '. .— S. p. Upper Aquebogue, L. I., '69- '. . —P. Huntington, Ct., Oct. 28, 1869— Oct. 28, 1872.— [^w^o^r.] ^Eliphalet Parker (2), b. Montville, Ct., Aug. 28, 1814. — Y. C. 1839. — From 1844 or 1845 in the ministry at Almont, Mich., two years, then teacher there two years. — Died, Montville, Ct., March 1, 1854, aged 39. [Class Record, Y. C] Reuel Miletus Pearson (3), b. Adams, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1809. —111. C. 1840.— Ord. Evang. at Grand Detour, 111., Feb. 9, 1844, where S. p. '43-'50.— S. p. Byron, 111., '50-'59.— Merchant and in Internal Revenue Department, U. S., res. Polo, 111. — [Autogr.] Lavalette Perrin (2+), b. Vernon, Ct., May 15, 1816.— Y. C. 1840.— Ord. Goshen, Ct., Dec. 13, 1843— Sept. 4, 1857.— P. 1st 64 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1843. Ch., New Britain, Ct., Feb. 3, 1858— May 31, 1870.— P. Wolcott- ville, Ct., July 1, 1812— [Auto ffr.] Ralph Perry (1), b. Manchester, Ct., Dec. 20, 1811.— III. C. 1838. — Ord. Agawam, Ms., Jan. 3, 1844 — Nov. 18, 1846, where re-installed, Dec. 28, 1847 — [Autogr.] Giles Meigs Porter (1), b. Farmington, Ct., Apr. 2, 1815. — Y. C. 1836.— Ord. Green's Farms (in Westport), Ct., Dec. 25, 1844 —March . . 1850.— S. p. Unionville, Ct., '51-52, of which P. Oct. . . 1852— Oct. . . 1856.— S. p. Garnavillo, lo., '63-68, where he Btill resides. — [Autoffr.J^ Alfred Clapp Raymond (2), b. New Haven, Ct., Dec. 18, 1815. —Ord. Bloomfield, Ct., Dec. 3, 1845— May 9, 1849.— S. p. Wood- bridge, Ct, '52- 55.— P. Orange, Ct., June . . 1856— Oct. 27, 1862. — In trade. New Haven, Ct. — [Auto(/r.] Edwin Dickinson Sewaud (3), b. Guilford, Ct., Oct. 8, 1815. — Y. C. 1838.— Ord. Evang. at Salem, Wis., Oct. 25, 1843.— S. p. Southport (now Kenosha), Wis., '43-'45. — S. p. So, Prairieville and Genesee, Wis., '45-'46. — S. p. Aztalan and Lake Mills, Wis., '46-'47.— S. p. Lake Mills, '47-'57.— S. p. R. City, Wis., '57-'58.— S. p. Lake Mills, 'o8-'61.— S. p. Baraboo, Wis., '61-'64.— S. p. Laclede, Mo., '64-'68.— Res. Laclede, Mo., '68-72.— Thayer Col- ege, Kidder, Mo., '72 — [Autogr.] 1 Charles N. Seymour (3), b. Hartford, Ct., Apr. 4, 1815.— Trin. C. 1841.— Ord. Huntington, Ct., June 26, 1844— July . . 1847.— P. Whately, Ms., March 8, 1853— Apr. 27, 1859.— P. Brooklyn, Ct., Dec. 21, 1859 -^[Auto(/r.\ Forrest Shepherd (2), b. Boscawen, N. H., Oct. 31, 1800. — Y. C. 1827. — Not ord. — Employed in geological explorations. — Res. New Haven, Ct. William Smeaton (2), Edinburgh, Scotland. — 25 years or more, Principal of a Public School, N. Y. City, res. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. — Lewis Edwards Sykes (2), b. Northampton, Ms., Oct. 19, 1810. — Un. C. 1841.— Ord. Evang. at Naperville, 111., Jan. . . 1848.— H. M. Orangeville, etc.. 111., '48-'6().— II. M. Easton, Mich., etc., '61-'70.— S. Y>. Vienna, Kan., '70— [Auiogr.] 1844.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 65 Shermatst Douglass Taylor (1), b. Claridon, O., May 14, 1814. — W. R. C. 1840.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Montville, O., 1846.— Preacher in Bath and Geneva, O., eight years ; Evans and Barre, N. Y., nine years.— P. Cong. Ch., Shopiere, Wis. (1867). George Thacher (3), b. Hartford, Ct., July 25, 1817.— Y. C. 1840.— Ord. Derby, Ct., Jan. 4, 1844— Oct. . . 1848.— P. Nan- tucket, Ms., Nov. . . 1848— Apr. . . 1850. — P. Allen St. Presb. Ch., New York, 1850— 1854.— P. 1st Ch., Meriden, Ct., Nov. 16, 1854 — Sept. 18, 1S60. — P. Orthodox Cong. Ch., Keokuk, lo., Oct. . . 1861 — Apr. 8, 1867. — President University of Iowa, Iowa City, 71 — [Aiitogr.] *WiLLiAM A. Thompson (l),Monson, Ms., b — U.N.Y. 1840.— S. p. Troy, Bloomfield, and Fox, lo., '43-'45.— S. p. Fair- field, lo., 't5-'50. — S. p. Port Byron, '50-'52. — Drowned near Al- bany, 111., May 3, 1852, aged 41. [Union Sem. Triennial Cat^^ Frederic Vintox (l), b. Boston, Ms., Oct. 9, 1817. — Amh. C. 1837. — Not ord. — Teacher, Nantucket, Ms., '46-'47, Eastport, Me., '47-'48. — Librarian, St. Louis, Mo., '51-'55. — Assist. Librarian Public Library, Boston, Ms., '57-'65, and Library of Congress, Washington, D. C, '65— [.4w«o^/-.] 7^''^'^^^' Z, ;/,-^..y Hiram Wasox (2), b. New Boston, N. H., Dec. 18, 1814.— Amh. C. 1838.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Yevay, Ind., Nov. 20, 1843— March 1, 1857.— P. Lake Prairie Presb. Ch., West Creek, Ind., March 1, 1857— March 1, 1 864.— Member of Legislature of Indiana, '67- '68. — Res. West Creek, Ind., ''%\—[Autogr.'\ *Edward Wright (3), b. Deerfield, Ms., May 1, 1815.— Y. C. 1840. — Ord. West Haven, Ct., June 28, 1843— Oct. 23, 1852, when he died in that place, aged 37. [ Commemorative Sermon preached at Deerfield, Ms., hy Rev. Alfred E. Ives.^ 36. 1841-1844. RoLLiN DiARCA Hemexway Allen (2), b. Middlebury, Vt., Jan. 10, 1821.— Mid. C. 1841.— Not ord.— Teacher, Tolland, Ct, Geneseo and Riga, N. Y., and Terryville, Ct, '47-51. — Manufac- turer, Terry ville, Ct., ^51— [Autogr.] Samuel Weed Baenum (3), b. North Salem, N. Y., June 4, 1820. — Y. C. 1841.— Employed in revision of Webster's Diction- 5 66 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1844. ary, '45-'47.— S. S. Graaby, Ct., '48-'50.— S. S. Feeding Hills, Ms., '51-'52.— Orel. Chesterfield, Ms., Jan. 25, 1853— Jan. 25, 1855.— P. Phillipston, Ms., Jan. 1, 1856— May 14, 1862.— S. p. JSethany, Ct., '69-'70.— Engaged in literary labors, New Haven, Ct., '65 — [Autogr.] Henky Cooley (3), b. West Springfield, Ms., Dec, 23, 1809. — Ord. Southwick, Ms., Dec. 10, 1846— Jan. 31, 1853.— P. Mittin- eague (2nd Ch., West Springfield), Feb. 23, 1853— June 4, 1854.— S. p. West Suffield, Ct., '57-64.— Res. Springfield, Ms.— [Autogr.] Erastus Day (3), b. Colchester, Ct., Nov. 13, 1810.— Not ord. — Manufacturer, Colchester, Ct. — [Autogr.] *WiLLiAM Dick (3), b. Bathgate, Scotland, Jan. 31, 1812. — Ham. C. 1841.— Ord. Evang. (Free Will Baptist) — Died, Danielsonville, Ct., March 7, 1853, aged 41. John Camden Downer (3), b. Bozrah, Ct., Apr. 2, 1811. — Y. C. 1841. — Ord. Evang. by New London Consociation, March 26, 1845.— H. M. Elizabeth, III, '45-'47.— S. p. 1st Presb. Ch., Free- port, 111., '47-'49, of which P. July 10, 1849— Apr. 10, 1853.— Missionary Agent Synod of Peoria, '53-'54. — Preaching in Conn., '54-55. — Principal Lit. Department (prospective) Blackburn Theol. Sem., Carlinsville, 111., '55. of which Cor. Sec, and Financial Agent, '56-'66.— S. p. 1st Presb. Ch,, De Soto, Mo., '67-'70.— H. M. in Jeff. Co., Mo., res De Soto, '71— [^4w^o^r.] GusTAvus Lemuel Foster (1), b. Royalton, N. Y., May 5, 1818. —Ord. Cong, Ch., Jackson, Mich., Dec. 25, 1844— Sept. . , 1852. —P. Presb. Ch., Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct. 1, 1854— Oct. 15, 1862.— P, Coldwater, Mich., Oct, 20, 1862— Oct. 20, 1864.— S. p. Bethel, Ct., '66.— S, p, Howell, Mich., 'Ql—]Autogr.] *Thomas Edwin Foster (1), b. Andover, Ms., Dec. 16, 1820. — Y. C. 1810. — Instructor in Phillips Academy, Andover. — Not ord. — Died, Andover, Ms., March 17, 1851, aged 30. [Class Record^ Y. C.+] Charles Hammond (2), b. Union, Ct., June 15, 1813. — Y. C. 1839. — Ord. Evang. at Tolland, Ct., Oct. 9, 1855.— Prin. 3Ionson Academy, Ms., '45-'52. — Prin. Lawrence Academy, Groton, Ms., '52-63. — Principal Monson Academy, Ms., '63 — [Autogr.] 1844] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 67 Abel Burritt Jacocks (2), b. New Haven, Ct., July 12, 1813. — Y. C. 1841. — Not ord.— Lawyer, New Haven, Ct., '4S—[Autogr.] Charles Jerome (1), b. Pompey, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1815. — Ham. C. 1839.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Oxford, N. Y., June . . 1847— . . 1850.— S. p. Bergen, N. Y., '50-'54. — Ed. Genesee Bvangelist, '55. — P. 1st Presb. Ch., Ellicottville, N. Y, 1855— I860.— S. p. Trenton, N. Y, '61-62.— Agent, res. Clinton, N. Y., '62— [Autoffr.] John Hume Kedzie (1), b. Stamford, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1815.— Not ord. — Lawyer, Chicago, 111., '47 — [Autogr.] Samuel John Mills Merwin (2), b. New Haven, Ct., Nov. 3, 1819.— Y. C. 1839.— Ord. Southport, Ct., Dec. 18, 1844— May 3, 1859.— P. South Hadley Falls, Ms., Dec. 4, 1860— July 11, 1867. —P. Wilton, Ct., Oct. 20, iSQS—Autogr.] Edgar Perkins (2), b. Hartland, Ct., March 22, 1814. — Ord. Lockport, N. Y., June 25, 1845— 1849.— Agent A. S. S. Union, '51 -'55. — Prin. Gloversville Female Seminary, '55-'57. — Prin. Kinderhook Academy, '57-'61. — Prin. Hamilton Union School, '65-'68.— P. Cong. Ch., Phcenix, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1868— Apr. 1, 1872. — P. Cong. Ch., Copenhagen, N. Y, Aug. 7, 1872 — [Autogr.'] ♦William Henry Porter (1), b. Rye, N. H., Sept. 19, 1817.— Y. C. 1841.— Ord. Litchfield, N. H., Oct. 29, 1845— 1849. — Res. Cambridge, Ms., '51-'61.— Clerk, Custom House, Boston, Ms., '54-'57.— Died, Roxbury, Ms., May 26, 1 861, aged 43. [ Class Record, Y. C] Porter H. Snow (2), New Haven, — Un. C. 1838. — South Hadley, Ms., — In business, Detroit, Mich. (1872). RoswELL Robinson Snow (2), b. Ashford, Ct., June 30, 1810^ —Ord. Troy, Wis., Feb. 26, 1845— 1847.— S. p. Rochester and Waterford, Wis., '47-55 and '57-62.- S. p. Bristol, Hartland and Pewaukee, Wis., '55-'57.— S. p. Udina, III, '62-'68.— S. p. Wilmot, Wis., 'Q^— {Autogr. '\ Increase Niles Tarbox (3), b. East Windsor, Ct., Feb. 11, 1815.— Y. C. 1839.— Tut. Y. C, '42-'44.— Ord. Framingham, Ms., 68 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1845. Nov. 22, 1844 — July 2, 1851.— Sec. Am. Education Soc, Boston, Ms., res. since '60, West Newton, Ms., '51 — [Autogr.] Isaiah Crocker Thacher (3), b. South Dartmouth, Ms., July 2, 1815. — Un. C. 1841.— Ord. Mattapoiset, Ms,, Dec. 25, 1844— July 31, 1849.— P. Central Ch., Middleboro', Ms., Aug. 16, 1849— Nov. 22, 1852.— P. South Dennis, Ms., '52-'56.— Re-installed P. Middleboro', Ms., Apr. 16, 1856— Apr. . . I860.— P. Gloucester, Ms., Apr. 26, 1860— Aug. 18, 1870.— P. Wareham, Ms., Oct. 27, 1810— [Autogr.] *JoHN" Smalley Whittlesey (3), b. New Britain, Ct., Oct. 2, 1812.— Ord. Trumbull, Ct., Oct. 2, 1844— Nov. 20, 1 849.— P. Dan- bury (Bethel), Ct., Dec. 12, 1849— Jan. 1, 1852.— H. M. Iowa, res. Durant, lo., '57-61.— Chaplain 11th Reg. Iowa Vols, '61, till his death, while in the service, May 11, 1862, in the 50th year of his age. William Sturges Wright (2), b. Glastonbury, Ct., Oct. 24, 1813.— Y. C. 1839.— Ord. Evang. by Hartford South Assoc, at Berlin, Ct., June 3, 1851.— S. p. Middle Haddam, Ct., '51-'53.— P. West Avon, Ct., Feb. 16, 1853— May . . 1859.— P. Chester, Ct., June 29, 1859— Aug. 11, 1861.— Res. Glastonbury, Ct. — [Autogr.] 1842-1845. * Jacob Angell (1), b England. — Died in New Haven, while a member of the Seminary, Aug. 4, 1843, aged . . Horace Cowles Atwater (3), b. Homer, N. Y., March 14, 1819.— Y. C. 1842.— Ord. at Fall River, Ms., Apr. 3, 1847.— In the ministry of the Meth. Episc. Ch., '45-'57.— S. p. (Cong.) Ilartland, Wis., '59-'60.— S. p. Alexandria, O., '61-'67.— S. p. Elizabethtown, E. Tenn., '10— [Autogr.] William Baldwin (2), b. Ellsworth, Ct., Dec. 16, 1821.— Y. C. 1841.— S.S. Medina, O., '45-'46.— Ord. Evang. at Walton, New Road, N. Y., July 12, 1848, where S. p. Cong. Ch. several years, — S. p. Oneonta and Laurens, N. Y., '54-62. — S. p. Presb. Ch., Worcester, N. Y., several years. — S. p. Susquehanna Depot, Pa., '67.— Res. Great Bend, Pa., '72— [Class Hecord, Y. C. + ] Thomas Nelson Benedict (3), b. Rutland, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1817. — Y. C. 1842.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Champion, N. Y, Feb. 3, 1846— 1845.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 69 1848.— S. p. Messina, N. Y., '48-'53.— S. p. Brookfield, Ct., '59-64.— S. p. Lisle, N. Y., '64-'69, Aquebogue, L. I., '70— [Auto!/r.] Joseph Chandler (3), b. North Woodstock, Ct., Aug. 12, 1819. — Y. C. 1842.— Ord. West Brattleboro', Vt., Apr. 22, 1846— [Autogr.] Alexander Huntington Clapp (2), b. Worthington, Ms., Sept. 1, 1818.— Y. C. 1842.— Ord. Central Ch., Brattleboro', Vt., Oct. 14, 1846— Nov. 15, 1853.— P. Beneficent Ch., Providence, R. I., Oct. 3, 1855 — Feb. 8, 1865. — Sec. Am. Home Missionary Soc, res. New York City, '65 — [Aticogr.] Elisha Woodbridge Cook (3), b. Manchester, Ct., July 28, 1816.— Y. C. 1887.— Ord. Haddam, Ct., Nov. 18, 1846— May . . 1852. — lu missionary labor, N. Y. City, '52-'54. — P. Haydeiiville, Ms., June 14, 1854— Apr. 6, 1858.— P. Townsend, Ms., Apr. 28, 1858— Oct. 12, 1859.— P. Hopkinton, N. H., March 6, 1861— Dec. 13, 1864.— S. p. Ripon, Wis,, '67. [Autoffr.] *Theodore Cooke (3), b. Northampton, Ms., Oct. 27, 1815. — Wms. C. 1842.— Ord. Stowe, Ms., June 9, 1847— Apr. . . 1852.— S, p. Menasha, Wis., '53-'57. — S. p. Woonsocket, R. I., '57-'66. — Ed. Worcester Daily Gazette^ '67. [^Autogr.~\ — Res. Stowe, Ms., where he died, Aug. 27, 1871, aged 55. \^Obit. in Cong. Quarterly^ Vol. XIV.] *WiLLiAM Henry Corning (l), b. Hartford, Ct., Dec. 15, 1820. — Trin. C. 1842.— Ord. Clintonville, Ms., Dec. 8, 1847— 1851.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Owego, N. Y., May . . 1854— May . . 1857.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Whitehall, N. Y., May . . 1862— Oct. 9, 1862, when he died at Saratoga Springs, aged 42. Lucius Curtis (1), b. Torringford, Ct., — Wms, C. 1835.— Ord. 1st Ch , Woodbury, Ct., July 6, 1840— June 12, 1854. —P. Colchester, Ct., May 28, 1856 — June 15, 1868.— S. p. Ripon, Wis., '69-'70. — S. p. Lyons, lo., 'n\—\^Autogr.'\ Daniel Botsford Davidson (3), b. Roxbury, Ct., May 19, 1815. — Y. C. 1841. — Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Kalamazoo, at Paw Paw, Mich., Feb. 9, 1847.— S. p. Paw Paw, '47-'48.— S. p. Webster, Mich., '. . -'50. — S. p. Streetsborough, O., '. . -'55. — S, p, Monona, 70 DIVIKITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1845. lo., '54-'62.— S. p. Danville, lo., '62-'6V.— P. O, address, Grinnell, lo. —[Auiogr.] Samuel Witt Eaton (2), b. Framingham, Ms., Dec. 25, 1820. — Y. C. 1842. — Ord. Evang., Jan. 28, 1848, at Lancaster, Wis., where (Chaplain 7th Wis. Vols., '62-'65) S. p., '41—[Aictogr.] AzARiAH Eldridgb (2), b. Yarmouth, Ms., Feb. 7, 1820. — Y. C. 1841.— Tut. Y. C, '45-'47.— Ord. North Cong. Ch., New Bedford, Ms., Sept. 15, 1847— May 1, 1856.— P. Fort St. Presb. Ch., Detroit, Mich., Dec. 2, 1858— June 16, 1865. — S. p. Am. Chapel, Paris, France, '66-'68.— Sec. Evang. Alliance, New York, '70-'71.— Res. New York City, '71 — [Autogr.] William Tappan Eustis (1), b. Boston, Ms., July 6, 1821. — Y. C. 1841. — Ord. South Woburn, now Winchester, Ms., Apr. 8, 1846 -Jan. 27, 1848.— P. Chapel St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., March 6, 1848 — Feb. 17, 1869. — P. Memorial Ch., Springfield, Ms., June 3, 1B69 — [Autogr.] Charles Fabriqub (3), b. Oxford, Ct., Apr. 10, 1817.— Y. C. 1842.— Not ord.— Teacher, Waterbury, Ct., '45-'52.— Assoc. Prin. Collegiate and Commercial Institute, New Haven, Ct., '53-'58 and '65 — [Autogr.] William Hinmak Gilbert (2), b. Weston, Ct., Feb. 12, 1817. — Y. C. 1841.— S. S. 1st Ch., Haddam, Ct., '45-'46. -Ord. West- minster, Vt., Oct. 21, 1846— Apr. 1, 1851.~P. Ashfield, Ms., Dec. 3, 1851— Sept. 1, 1855.— S. p. Granby, Ct, '55-'56, where P. July 2, 1856— Oct. ], 1864.— Agent Am. Bible Soc, res. Colebrook, Ct., '64-'65, Brattleboro' and Norwich, Vt., '66-'09, Berlin, Ct., '69- '70, Hartford, Ct., '10— [Autogr.] Joel Grant (2), b. Colebrook, Ct., Jan. 24, 1816.— Y. C. 1838. — Ord. Evang. at South Cornwall, Ct., Sept. 29, 1845. — S. p. Cong, Ch., Lockport, N. Y., '45-'47.— P. West Avon, Ct., June 14, 1848 —Oct. 11, 1852.— S. p. Lockport, III, '52-'58.— S. p. Bristol, III, '58-'60.— Chaplain 12th 111. Inf, '6l-'66.— S. p. Colebrook, Ct., '67-'68.— S. p. Bristol, III, '68'-70.— S. p. Cambridge, III, '70— [Autogr.] *Jesse Guernsey (3), b, Watertowii, Ct., July 8, 1822.— Ord. Bethesda Ch., Charlestown, Ms., June 10, 1849— Apr. 21, 1849.— P. Derby, Ct., Nov. 6, 1849— Nov. 10, 1852.— S. p. Old Saybrook, 1845.] DIVINITF SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 71. Ct., '52-'53.— P. Cong. Ch., Dubuque, lo., July . . 1853— Oct. . . 1855. — S. p. Woodbridge, Ct., '56-'57.— Agt. Am. Home Miss. Soc. in Iowa, res. Dubuque, lo., '57 [Autogr.], till his death in that city, Dec. 5, 1871, at the age of 49. John Putnam Gulliver (1), b. May 12, 1819.— Y. C. 1840, of which Fellow, '61-'66.— Ord. Broadway Ch., Norwich, Ct., Oct. 1, 1846— Oct. 25, 1865.— P. New England Ch., Chicago, III, Dec. . . 18G5— 1868. — Pres. Knox College, Galesburgh, III, '68- '72.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Binghampton, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1872— *Darius M. Hoyt (3), New Canaan, Ct. — P. Lafayette, Ind. — Died, 1848. Chauncey Henry Hubbard (1), b. Middletown, Ct, Feb. 10, 1819.— Y. C. 1840.— S. S. Stanwich, Ct., one year.— Ord. 1st Presb. Ch., Sandlake, N. Y., Feb. . . 1848— 1851.— S. p. 2nd Cong. Ch., Bennington, Vt., '51-72. — Res. Bennington, Vt., 'n— [Autogr.] *PoRTER LeConte (3), b. Ovid, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1817.— Y. C. 1842.— Teacher, Clarksburg, Va., where he died, Aug. 16, 1847, aged 30. [Glass Record^ Y. C] Alexander Mac Whorter (3), b. New Yoi-k City, Jan. 1, 1822. — Y. C. 1842. — Prof. Metaphysics and Eng. Lit., Univ. of Troy, '59-'60.— Res. New Haven, Ct., 'QQ— [Autogr.'] George Frederick Magoun (2), b. Bath, Me., March 29, 1821. — Bowd. C. 1841.— Ord. Evang. at Shullsburg, Wis., Feb. 15, 1848. —P. 2nd Presb. Ch., Galena, III, July . . 1848— Sept. . . 1851.— P. Cong. Ch., Davenport, lo., June . . 1855— Sept. 9, I860.— S. p. Lyons, lo., '60-64. — Pres. Iowa College, '65 — [Autogr.] Birdsey Grant Northrop (3), b. Kent, Ct., July 18, 1817. — Y. C. 1841.— S. 3. Saxonville, Ms., '46-'47, of which P. March 10, 1847 — Nov. 6, 1857. — Agent Board of Education of Mass., '57- '66. — Sec. Board of Education of Conn., res. New Haven, '69 — [Autogr.] Albert Paine (2—), b. East Woodstock, Ct., July 21, 1819.— Y. C. 1841.— S. S. Lancaster, N. Y., '46.— Ord. West Amesbury, Ms., Sept. 7, 1848— 1S54.~P. North Adams, Ms., Dec. 3, 72 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1845. 1856 — May 3, 1862. — Hospital Chaplain, Fortress Monroe, Ya., '62.— Res. Chelsea, Ms., '62-'64.— Ed. Beloit Journal, Wis., '64- '67. — Bookseller, Rockford, 111., '67-'68. — Res. Charlestovvn, Ms., '70 — {^Autogr.^ Cyrus Pitts (3), b. Honeoye, N. Y., March 31, 1817.— Not ord. — Res. Honeoye, N. Y. — [Autoc/?'.] John Nettleton Powell (2), b. Clinton, N". Y., Oct. 21, 1818. —Ham. C. 1840.— Ord. Chelsea, III, Apr. . . 1846— — S. p. Winslow, III, '50-'5S.— S. p.' Peterboro', N. Y., '59-'60.— Principal Yates Polytechnic Inst., '62-63. — P. Rosendale, Wis., 1864— 1870.— P. Plymouth, Wis., 1«70— [Autoffr.] *George Richards (2), b. New London, Ct., Nov. 2, 1816.— Y. C. 1840.— Tut. Y. C, '44-'45, of which elected Fellow, 1868.— Ord. Central Ch., Boston, Ms., Oct. 8, 1845— Apr. 20, 1859.— S. p. Litchfield, Ct., '61-'65.— P. 1st Ch., Bridgeport, Ct, Jan. 3, 1866 — Aug. 24, 1870, where he died, Oct. 20, 1870, aged 54. [Obit. Record, Y. C. + ] Charles Smith (2), b. Hatfield, Ms., Aug. 10, 1818. — Amh. C. 1841.— Ord, Warren, Ms., Oct. 10, 1847— Apr. 13, 1852.— P. South Ch., Andover, Ms., Oct. 28, 1852— Nov. 28, 1853.— P. Shawmut Ch., Boston, Ms., Dec. 8, 1853— Nov. 8, 1858.— P. South Ch., An- dover, Ms., Dec. 18, 1861 — [Autogr.'\ Ira Harvey Smith (3), b. Humphreysville, Ct., Aug. 20, 1815. — Y. C. 1842.— Ord. North Haven, Ct., Feb. 11, 1846— March . . 1848. — S. p. Prospect, Ct., '48-'. . — Res. in Kansas since '54. — Register U. S. Land Otfice, Topeka, Kansas, '64 — YAutogr.'\ *Jared Reed Swift (1), b. Colchester, Ct, Aug. . . 1814. — Y. C. 1 842.— Teacher, Crab Orchard, Lincoln Co., Ky., '45-'47.— Ord. Evang. in the " Christian " Ch., — Prof. Ethics and Belles Lettres, Western Military Institute, Georgetown, Ky. — Died, May 16, 1850, aged 36. [Class Record, Y. C] Albert Kendall Teele (3), b. Charlestown, now Somerville, Ms., Feb. 10, 1821.— Y. C. 1842.— Ord. Naugatuck, Ct, June 19^ 1845— Nov. 22, 1849.— P. Ist Ch., Milton, Ms., May 5, 1850— [AxLtogr.'\ 1846.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 73 Roderick R. Williams (3 — ), b Wales, March 9, 1818.— Ord. Beaver Meadow, Pa., May 12, 1841— 1843. —In Theol. Department Y. C, '43-'45. — P. .Alinersville, Pa., Aug. . . 1845— Jan. . . I860.— P. Pittsburgh, Pa., —Sept. . . 1868. — P. Cincinnati, O., 18ij8— [A utogr.] William Youxg (1), b. Newburgh, N. Y., — Amh. C. 1842. — Asylum for Insane, shortly after leaving the Seminary. 35. 1843-1846. William Webster Belden (1), b. Moscow, N. Y., 1 821. — Ord. Orange, Ct., May 28, 1848— May . . 1852.— S .p. Fitchville, Ct., '52-'56.— S. p. Dayville, Ct., '57-'58.— S. p. Pawtucket, R. I., '. . - '60. — S. p. Attleboro', Ms., '60-'65. — P. Gardner, Ms., 1868 — 1869.— P. Bristol, Ct., June 1, l810—[Avto(/r.] Joseph Augustine Benton (3), b. Guilford, Ct., May 7, 1818. — Y. C. 1842.— S. S. South Maiden, Ms., '47-48; preaching at Sacramento, July, 1849. — Ord. 1st Ch., Sacramento, Cal., March 5, 1851— Feb. 28, 1863.— S. p. 2nd Ch., San Francisco, Cal, '63- '64, of which P. May 22, 1864— March 1, 1869.— Prof. Sacred Literature, Pacific Theol. Sera., Oakland, Cal., '69 — [AutogrJ] Richard Chester Bristoi, (1), b. Harwinton, Ct., Apr. 12, 1817.— Ord. Evang. at Lawn Ridge, 111., Dec. 12, 1846, where S. p., '46-'48.— S. p. Bloomington, 11, '48-'50, Vermillion, III, '51-'55, DeKalb, III, '56-'61.— Res. Denmark, lo.—[Autogr.\ George Bushnell (1+), b. Washington, Ct., Dec. 13, 1818. — Y. C. 1842.— Ord. Salem St. Ch., Worcester, Ms., Dec. 18, 1848— Dec. . . 1856.— Supt. Public Schools, Worcester, Ms., '57-58.— P. 1st Ch., Waterbury, Ct., Sept. 29, 1858— Jan. 31, 1865.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Beloit, Wis., March 2, 1865— [^i^^o^r.] *Samuel Rodney Davis (2), b. Chatham, Ct., Sept. 27, 1809.— Y. C. 1835.— Ord. Evang. at Austinburg, O., June . . 1853.— Teacher, New Haven, Ct., about ten years, also in N. Y., N. J., and Ohio.— Died, Elizabethtown, N. J., Apr. 20, 1868, aged 58. YClass Record, Y. 6'.] * J AMES HoRTON DiLL (3), b. Plymouth, Ms., Jan. 1, 1821. — Y. C. 1843.— Ord. Winchester, Ct., Aug. 26, 1846— Oct. 2, 1852.— 74 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1846. P. 1st Cong. Ch., Speiicerport, jST. Y,, June 2, 1852 — May 17, 1859. — P. South Cong. Ch., Chicago, III., May . . 1859. — Chaplain 89th Reg. 111. Vols., '62, till his death, near Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 14? 1863, at the age of 42. [Funeral ;Sermon hy Rev. Prof. F. W. Fish-]-] Isaac Mills Ely (2), b. Fairfield, Ct., — Y. C. 1843. — Ord. Evang. at Brighton, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1861.— Hospital Chapl. at Alexandria, Va. — S. p. Ellicottville, N. Y. — S. p. Chenango Forks, N. Y. — Principal Family School for Girls, Chenango Forks, N. Y., "72— [Autogr.] Mills Bordwell Gelston (2), b. Sherman, Ct., Aug. 27, 1817. — Y. C. 1843.— Ord. at Somerset, Mich., Apr. . . 1847.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Albion, Mich., '46-'55.— S. p. Naples, N. Y., '55—[Autogr.] Charles Gibbs (1), Norwalk, O., — Kenyon C. 1839. —Ord 1865.— S. p. Earlville, lo., '. . -'70.— P. Cong. Ch., Cedar Falls, lo., 1870 — * James Burnett Gibbs (1), b. Norwalk, O., May 21, 1822. — Y. C. 1843.— Not ord.— Died, Norwalk, O. Aug. 3, 1850, aged 28. Henry Martyn Goodwin (1), b. Hartford, Ct., June 8, 1820. — Y. C. 1840.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Rockford, 111, Feb. 19, 1851— Jan. 8, 1872. [Autogr.] JoHX E. Graef (1), Pine Grove, Pa., — Penn C. 1842.~P. Washington, D. C, (1847).— P. Alexandria, Va., (1850). Lewis Grout (2), b. Newfane, Vt., Jan. 28, 1815.— Y. C. 1842. — Ord. Missionary to the Zulus, South Africa, Oct. 8, 1846 — Aug. 15, 1862. — S. p. Saxton's River, Vt., '62-'63. — P. Feeding Hills (in Agawam), Ms., Nov. 11, 1863 — Oct. 1, 1865. — Agent Am. Miss. Assoc, for N. H. and Vt., res. West Brattleboro', Vt., '65— [Auiogr.] *Jamks Hadley (2), b. Fairfield, N. Y., March 30, 1821.— Y. C. 1842.— Tut. Y. C, '45-'48.— Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Yale Col- lege, '48, [Autogr.] till his death in New HaAen, Nov. 14, 1872, at the ag ' of 51. BuRDETT Hart (2), b. New Britain, Ct., Nov. 16, 1821.— Y. C. 1842.— Ord. 1st Ch., Fair Haven, Ct., Oct. 1, 1846— Oct. 15, I860- — Merchant, Philadelphia, Pa. — [Autogr.] 1846.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 75 George Boardmax Hubbard (3), b. New Haven, Ct., Feb. 16, 1822.— Y. C. 1842.— Ord. Evang. at Round Prairie, now Plym- outh, 111., by the 111. Assoc, Apr. IG, 1848.— H. M. Griggsville, Beardstown and Canton, III, '47-49. — S. p. Batavia, III, '50-'51. — S. p. Lamoille, III, '51-'54.— S. p. Lowell, III, '55-'58.— S. p. New England Ch., Aurora, III, '58-'66.— S. p. Atlanta, III, '66- '. . [Auto(/r.]—P. Rantoul, III, May 30, 1872— *JosiAH Torre Y King (2), b. Abington, Ms., July 21, 1819. — Y. C. 1843.— Not ord.— H. M. Southern Illinois, '4V-'48.— S. S- East St. Johnsbury, Vt., '49. — Died, Abington, Ms., Oct. 7, 1849, at the age of 30. [ Class Record, F] C] *Jared Owen Kxapp (3), b. North Greenwich, Ct., Oct. 6, 1818.— Y. C. 1840.— Ord. Central Village, Plainfield, Ct., Sept. 24, 1846— Nov. 26, 1850.— P. Hatfield, Ms., Dec. 11, 1850- Apr. 10, 1855. — P. Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, Sept. 24, 1855 — July 5, 1859.— S. p. 2nd Cong. Ch., Beloit, AVis., '59, where he died, July 14, 1860, aged 41. \^Obituary in Gong. Quarterly, Vol II.] Mahlon Long (3), b. Warminster, Pa., March 6, 1809.— C. N. J. 1839. — Not ord. — Prin. Academy, Harrisburg, Pa., '47-'50. — Prin. Tennent School, Hartsville, Pa., '50-'70, where he still resides. — \^Autogr.'\ William Harrison Long (3), b. Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 9, 1813. — Y. C. 1840. — Not ord. — Teacher, Roxbury, now Boston, Ms,, since '47, where now Prin. Public School, res. Boston Highlands. — [Autogr.] George Clark Lucas (3), Milan, O., — Y. C. 1843. — S. S. Rome, N. Y., '46-'47.— Ord. 2nd Presb. Ch., Lansingburgh, N. Y., Jan. . . 1848— Sept. . . 1849.— P. Central Presb. Ch., Newark, N. J., Oct. . . ] 854— —P. Allen St. Ch., N. Y. City, Oct. . . 1859— —P. 2nd Presb. Ch., Jersey City, N. J., Nov. . . 1863— —P. 1st Presb. Ch., Woodbridge, N. J.— l^Autogr.l Charles King McHarg (1), b. Albany, N. Y., March 18, 1823. — Un. C. 1842.— S. S. Clarkson, N. Y., '46-'48.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Cooperstown, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1849— July . . 1850.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. . . 1850— Dec. . . 1851.— S. p. Fly Creek, N. Y., '52-'54.— P. Irvington, N, Y., Feb. . . 1854— Oct. . . 1864.— P. Presb. Ch., Cooperstown, N. Y., July . . 1865— May . . 1870. — Res. Cooperstown, N. Y., '72—[Antogr.] 76 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE, [1847. William Henry Moore (3), b. East Lyme, Ct., Aug. 24, 1820. — Y. C. 1841.— Ord. Torringford, Ct., Sept. 30, 1846— Sept. 26, 1854. — Ed. Examiner at Norwich, Ct., '54-55. — P. Newtown, Ct., Nov. 12, 1856— Sept. 30, 1862. — Statistical Secretary of Gen. Assoc, of Conn., '59-69, and of Gen. Conference of Cong. Churches of Conn, since '69 ; State Missionary, Ct., since '62 ; Sec. Conn. Home Miss. Soc. since '64 ; Registrar of National Council, '71, res. Berlin, Ct. — \Autogr?[ Frederick Munson (1), b. Bethlehem, Ct., Apr. 25, 1818.— Y. C. 1843.— Ord. North Greenwich, Ct., Sept, 22, 1847— Apr. 22, 1856.— P. 1st Ch., East Windsor, Ct., Sept. 3, 1856— July 19, 1865. —P. Brookfield, Ct., Aug. 3, 1865— May 27, 1868.— P. Patchogue, L. I., June 4, 1868 — \^Autogr:\ *SoLOMON DwiGHT PiTKiN (1), Ncw York City, b — Amh. C. 1843.— Ord. (Presb.) 1847.— S. p. New Diggins and Benton, Wis., '47-'50. — S. p. and P. Battle Creek, Mich., 1850— 1858, where he he died, 1858, aged 36. [ Union Sem. Triennial Cat.] P, George Sauerwein (1), Baltimore, Md., — Penn. C. 1842.— Teacher, Columbus, O., (1847), in Springfield, O., (1850). Augustus Smith (2), b. Washington, Ct., Jan. 29, 1816.— Y. C. 1842.— Teacher, Manchester, Ct., '47-48.— S. S. Bethany, Ct., '48-'. .— S. S. New Hartford, Ct., '49-'51.— Not ord.— Res. Wash- ington, Ct., '51— [Class Record, Y. C.-\-] John Wickes (2),b. Jamaica, L. I., Feb. 14, 1823.— Y. C. 1843. — Ord. Canaan Four Corners, N. Y., June 25, 1848— Jan. 20, 1856. —P. Brighton, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1856— Sept. 3, 1862.— P. Attica, N, Y., Feb. 14, \m4r—[Autogr.] 28. 1844-1847. William Wallace Atterbury (3), b. Newark, N. J., Aug. 4, 1823.— Y. C. 1843.— S. S. Cong. Ch., Detroit, Mich., '47-'48.— Ord. Evang. (Presb.) in New York City, Oct. 13, 1848.— H. M. Lansing, Mich., '48-'54. — P. 2nd Presb. Ch., Madison, Ind., Nov. . . 1854— 1865.— Sec. N. Y. Sabbath Committee, res. N. Y. City, 'G^—[Autogr.'\ Frederick Denison Avery (3), b. Groton, Ct., Oct. 30, 1818. — Y. C. 1844.— Ord. Columbia, Ct., June 11, 1850— [.L/^o^r.] 1847.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 77 John Avery (3), b. Preston, Ct., Aug. 19, 1819.— Y. C. 184.3.— Ord. Lebanon (Exeter parish), Ct., June 21, 1848 — [Atdoffr.] Samuel Valentine Blakeslee (1), b. Claridon, O., Nov. 5, 1818.— W. R. C. 1844.— S. S. Jefferson and Lenox, O., '47-'48.— Ord. Evang. at Farmington, lo., March 24, 1849. — H. M. in mining regions, Cal., '48-'50. — S. p. Hamden, O., '51-52. — Missionary of Am. Miss. Assoc, to Chinese, San Francisco, Cal., '52-'55. — Ed. Pacific, res. Oakland, Cal., ^55— [^lutoffr.] Isaac Grout Bliss (1), b. Springfield, Ms., July 5, 1822. — Amh. C. 1844.— Ord. Evang. at West Springfield, Ms., May 4, 1847.— Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., Erzroom, Turkey, '47-52. — S. p. Southbridge and Boylston, Ms., '52-'57. — Agent of Am. Bible Soc. in the Levant, res. Constantinople, '57 — [Autogr.'] Samuel Brace (2), b. Newington, Ct., P'eb. 24, 1817.— Y. C. 1841,— Tut. Y. C, '44-'48.— Not ord.— Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms., '48-'51. — In business, Pittsfield, Ms., '51 -'54, manufacturer. New Britain, Ct., '54-'63, New Haven, Ct., '63—[Aut(j(/r.] George Andrew Bryan (2), b, Waterbury, Ct., Dec. 15, 1819. — Y. C. 1843.— Ord. Cromwell, Ct., June 13, 1849— Oct. 18, 1857. —P. West Haven, Ct., Sept. 1, 1858— Sept. 1, 1869.— S. p. West- brook, Ct., '70 — [Autogr.] *William Burroughs (2), b. Boston, Ms., Feb. 1, 1823.— Y. C. 1843, — Lawyer, Philadelphia, Pa., '53-'61. — Died, Germantown, Pa., March 24, 1861. In his will he bequeathed to Yale College, for the benefit of the Theological Department, the sum of ten thousand dollars. [Obit. Hecordy Y. C] *Christopher Minta Cordley (1), b Eng — W. R. C. 1844.— Ord. Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 15, 1849— 1852.— P. 1st Ch., West Randolph, Ms., 1852— 1857. —P. West Brookfield, Ms., June 8, 1859— May 18, 1862.— P. Central Ch., Lawrence, Ms., Oct. 15, 1862— June 26, 1866, when he died there, aged 45. [Andover Trienn. Cat.-^] Christopher Gushing (1), b. South Scituate, Ms., May 3, 1820. — Y. C. 1844.— Ord. Edwards Ch., Boston, Ms., Feb. 2, 1849— Apr. 23, 1851.— P. North Brookfield, Ms., Sept. 17, 1851— Sept. 17, 1868. — Sec. Am. Cong. Union, Boston, Ms., '67,— also editor of the Congregational Quarterly, 68 — [Autogr.] 78 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1847. James Alexander Darrah (3), b. Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 10, 1820.— C. N". J. 1840.— Ord. Evang. at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 3, 1849 — S. p. Rock Hill Presb. Ch., St. Louis Co., Mo., May 18, 1849.— Prin. Prep. Department, Webster College, '54-'. . — S. p. Marine and Troy, 111., '57-'. .—P. Presb. Ch., West Ely, Mo., Apr. 15, 1859 — [Autof/r.] Jonathan Edwards (1), b. Andover, Ms., July 17, 1820. — Y. C. 1840.— Ord. Woburn, Ms., Sept. 7, 1848— Jan. . . 1856.— P. Plym- outh Ch., Rochester, N. Y., Apr. . . 1856— Nov. . . 1862.— P.- Ded- ham, Ms., Jan. 1, l86S—[ Autogr.] Joseph Emerson (2), b. Andover, Ms., May 28, 1821. — Y. C. 1841.— Tut. Y. C, '44-'48.— Ord. Evang. Feb. 22, I860.— Prof. Ancient Languages, Beloit C, Wis., '48-56.— Prof. Greek in the same, '56 — [Auto(/)'.] William Henry Goodrich (3), b. New Haven, Ct., Jan, 19, 1823.— Y. C. 1843.— Tut. Y. C, '47-'48.— Ord. Bristol, Ct., March 13, 1850— Nov. . . 1854.— P. Presb. Ch., Biughamton, N. Y, Dec. 6, 1854— July 4, 1858.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Cleveland, O., Aug. 12, 1858— [Autogr.] Gordon Hall (3), b. Bombay, India, Nov. 4, 1823. — Y. C. 1843. —Tut. Y. C, '4G-'48.— Ord. Wilton, Ct., Oct. 25, 1848— May 4, 1852. — P. Edwards Ch., Northampton, Ms., June 2, 1852 — [Aictogr.] William Lathrop Kingslet (3), b. New Haven, Ct., Apr. 1, 1824. — Y. C. 1843. — Not ord. but preaches.— Ed. JVew Englancler since 1851, res. New Haven, Ct. — \^Autogr.'\ Charles Little (1), b. Columbia, Ct., Sept. 26, 1818.— Y. C, 1844. — Ord. at Columbia, Ct., as Missionary to India, Sept. 1 1847.— In service of A. B. C. F. M. at Madura, '47-'60.— S. p, Manlius, N. Y., '60'-61.— P. Cheshire, Ct., Jan. 8, 1862— July . 1865.— S. p. Woodbury, Ct., '65-'67.— P. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. . 1868— May . . 1870.— Ed. Saline County Post, Crete, Neb., '71 — [Autogr.'\ *Charles Long (3), b. Neshaminy, Pa., March 11, 1818.— Y. C. 1842.— Tut. Y. C, '46-'48.— Prof Greek and Lat. Langg.,Del. C, '47-'50.— Teacher, Hartsville, Pa., '50, till his death there, July 15, 1856, at the age of 38. {Class Record, Y. C] I 1847.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 79 William DeLoss Love (2), b. Barre, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1819.— Ham. C. 1843.— Ord. Howe St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., Apr. 5, 1848— March 9, 1852.— P. Eastern Cong. Ch., New York City, March . . 1852— Oct. . . 1852.— P. 2nd Cong. Ch., Berlin, Ct., Oct. 5^ 1853— Nov. 23, 1857.— P. Spring St. Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 2, 1858 — July 2, 1871. — P. Cong. Ch., East Saginaw, Mich., July 9, 1871— [^4«^o^r.] Samuel Dexteu Marsh (2), b. Ware, Ms., Nov. 28, 1817. — Y. C. 1844.— Ord. Evang. at Ware, Ms., Sept. 9, 1847.— Mission- ary to the Zulus in South Africa, in the service of the A. B. C. F, M., where he died, at a place called Itafamasi, Dec. 11, 1853, aged 36. [Class Record, Y. C.-\-'] John McLeod (3), b. Philadelphia, Pa., March 2, 1817.— Y. C, 1844.— Ord. Am. Presb. Ch., Montreal, Canada, Nov. 7, 1847.— Apr. . . 1857.— Dist Sec. A. B. C. F. M. at Philadelphia, Pa., '57- '67.— P. South Western Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 8, 1867— [Autogr.'\ James Row^e Meeshon (3), b. Fleming Co., Ky., — Y. C. 1844.— Ord. Durham Center, Ct., Apr. . . 1848— Apr. . / 1850.— S. p. Ansonia, Ct., '50-51.— S. p. Colebrook, etc., '51-'52. — S. p. Marion, lo., '52-'54. — Res. Newton, lo., '54, — [Autogr.] Sylvanus Dryden Phelps (3), b. Suffield, Ct., May 15, 1816. — Brown U. 1844. — Ord. 1st Bapt. Ch., New Haven, Ct., Jan. 21, 1846— [Autogr.] John Drozier Sands (3), b. Fakenham, Eng., Feb. 8, 1815. — Ord. Essex, Vt., Oct. . . 1848— Apr. . . 1856.— S. p. Keosauqua, lo., '56-'64.— Chaplain 19th Reg. Iowa Vols., '64-'65.— S. p. Keo- sauqua, lo., '65-'66.— S. p. Quincy, lo., '66-'67. — S. p. Wataga, 111., '67-69. — S. p. Belmont, lo., '69 — [Autogr.] George Slocum Folger Savage (2), b. Upper Middletown (now Cromwell), Ct., June 29, 1817.— Y. C. 1844.— Ord. Evang. at Upper Middletown, Ct., Sept. 28, 1847.— P. Cong. Ch., St. Charles, 111, Nov. 5, 1848— Jan. 1, I860.— Sec. for the West, of Am. Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '60-'7l, and Sec. Cong. Publishing Society, res. Chicago, III, '11— [Autogr.] 80 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1848. Robert Palmer Stantojt (3), h. Belchertown, Ms., Jan, 20, 1818.— Y. C. 1843.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Cohoes, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1848 May 10, 1853.— P. Derby, Ct., Nov. 2, 1853— Oct. . . 1855.— P. 4th Cong. Ch., Norwich (Greenville), Ct., June 11, lS56—[Anto(/r.] AsAHEL Augustus Stevens (3), b. Cheshire, Ct., Dec. 24, 1816. —Ord. Center Ch., Meriden, Ct., Feb. , . 1848— 1854.— S. p. Peoria, 111., '56-'66.— S. p. Lacon, 111., '66-'V0.— S. p. Peoria, III, 'lO—[A'utoffr.] Edward Sweet (3), b. Ipswich, Ms., Oct. 23, 1815.— Y. C. 1844. —Ord. Haydenville, Ms., 1850— March . . 1854.— Broker, N. Y. City, since '54, res. Montclair, N. J., since '65 — [Auto(/i\\ Joseph Wallace Tarleton (2), Boston, Ms., — Dart. C. 1842.— Ord. Hookset, N. H., Dec. 5, 1850— 1854.— Since '54, Evangelist and temporary supply. — Res. Waverly, Ms. — [Aniogr.] Douglas Kellogg Turner (1), b. Stockbridge, Ms., Dec. 17, 1823.— Y. C. 1843.— Teacher, Neshaminy, Pa., '46-'48, when ord. P. Presb. Ch. there, Apr. 18, 1848— [Antogr.] Martin Kellogg Whittlesey (2), b. Stockbridge, Ms., Sept. 14, 1821.— Ord. Evang. at Ottawa, III, Jan. 10, 1849.— P. 1st Cong. Ch. there. May 20, 1849— Feb. 15, 1870.— P. Alton, III, Oct. 18, 1870 — where now Supt. of Missions in service of A. 11. M. Soc.—[Autogr.] Thomas Wilson (1), b. Paisley, Scotland, June 15, 1822.— Dart. C. 1844.— Ord. 2nd Ch., Palmer, Ms., March 1, 1848— July 1, 1852. —P. Union Ch., Westford, Ms., May 4, 1853— Feb. 13, 1856.— P. 1st Ch., Stoughton, Ms., March 13, l85Q—[Autof/r.] Glen Wood (2), b. Greenbush, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1818. — Y. C. 1842. — Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Des Moines at Cedar Rapids, lo., Apr. 17, 1848.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Keokuk, lo., '47-'50. — General Agent Am. Tract Soc. for the Northwest, '50-'58. — Dist. Sec. of same, '58, res. Chicago, III, '63 — [Autogr.] 33. 1845-1848. Guy Bigklow Day (3), b. Colchester, Ct., July 21, 1818.— Y. C. 1845. — Ord. Evang. at North Haven, Ct., Sept. 25, 1849.— Teach- ing and preaching, Apalachicola, Florida, '49-'51, Southington, Ct., '51-'54, Bridgeport, Ct., '5i—[AtUogr.] 1848.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 81 Edward Whiting Oilman (2), b. Norwich, Ct., Feb. 11, 1823. — Y. C. 1843.— Tut. Y. C, '47-'49.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Lockport, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1849— June 30, 1856.— P. Prospect St. Ch., Cam- briclgeport, Ms., Sept. 9, 1850— Oct. 24, 1858.— P. 1st Ch., Bangor, Me., Jan. 13, 1859— Oct. 8, 1863.— P. 2nd Ch., Stonington, Ct., Sept. 14, 1864— Apr. 23, 1871. — Secretary Am. Bible Society, N. Y. City, '1\—[Auto(/r.] *HoHANNES Dek Sahagtan (2), Constantinople, Turkey, .... . . . . — P. Adabazar, Turkey, 1848 or '49.— P. Nicomedia, Turkey, — Died, 1805, aged . . [A/ulersoii's Missions to the Oriental Churches.] *WiLLiAM Sidney Huggins (3), b. New Haven, Ct., March 19, 1822.— Y. C. 1842.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Whitewater, Wis., Nov. 9, 1852— 1853.— P. Presb. Ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 26, 1854— March 23, 1862, when he died there, aged 40. Three of his sermons, with the discourse preached at his funeral, have been pub- lished by the Presb. Publication Committee, Philadelphia, 18mo., pp. 147. [Obit, in Presb. historical Almanac, Vol. V.] WiLLiAAi Jesup Jennings (3), b. New Canaan, Ct, Apr., 7, 1822.— Y. C. 1843.— Ord. Black Rock, Ct, Apr. 10, 1850— Oct 6, 1857.— P. Presb. Ch., Seneca Falls, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1857— Jan. 14, 1862.— P. 2nd Cong. Ch., Coventry, Ct, Sept 3, 1862— [Autoffr.] Benjamin Franklin Millard (3), b. Milan, N. Y., —Ord. Cong. Ch., Niles, :Mich., 1848— 1852.— P. Naples, N. Y., 1852— 1854.— Editor, Chicago, III, '56-'57. — Associate Pastor and Financial Agt New York Port Society, 59 Wall St, N. Y., 'Q8—[Autogr.] *Alexander Fisher Olmstead (1), b. Chapel Hill, N. C, Dec. 20, 1822. — Y. C. 1844.— Assistant one year in the Chemical Depart- ment of the Univ. of Alabama, 1849: published a work on the Elements of Chemistry, 1851. — Died, New Haven, Ct., May 5, 1843, aged 31. {Obit. Notice by his father, Prof Benison Olm- stead, in Class Record, Y. C] John Parsons (3), b. Kennebunk Port, Me., — Brown U. 1842. — Ord. Livingston, Me., May 14, 1857 — 1862.— S. p. Kennebunk Port, Me., '63-'66.— S. p. 1st Ch., York, Me, '66- '69.— P. Lebanon, Me., 1809 — [Andover Trienn. Cat.] 6 82 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1849. William Thomas Reynolds (2), I). West Haven, Ct., Nov. 16, 1823.— Y. C. 1845.— Ord. Cong. Cli., Sherman, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1852— Oct. 23, 1854.— S. p. Kiantone, N. Y., '56-'62.— S. p. North Haven, Ct., '63-'69, of which P. Apr. 29, lS69—[Aiitogr.] Daniel Sheldon Rodman (2), b. Stonington, Ct., Sept. 13, 1819. —Ord. Cheshire, Ct., Oct. 16, 1849— Dec. 2V, 1854.— Teacher, Hartford, Ct., '65-68. — Principal Young Ladies' Sem., Montclair, N. J., '69— [Autogr.] Hannibal Lowe Stanley (1), b. Rogersville, East Tennessee, March 13, 1824.— Y. C. 1844.— Ord. LeRoy, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1850. — S. p. LeRoy, N. Y., '48-'49, Churchville, N. Y., '49-'50, Jones- ville, Mich., '50-'55, where P. Jan. 10, 1855— Apr. 18, 1861.— S. p. Adams, N. Y., '61-'62, Lyons, lo., '62-'67.— Agt., '67-'70.— S. p. Wheatland, lo., "70-'72, where P. July 16, 1812— [Autogr.] Moses Clakke White (2), b. Paris, N. Y., July 24, 1819.— Wesl. U. 1845.— Ord. at Middletown, Ct., March 30, 1847.- Mis- sionary of Methodist Episc. Ch., at Fuhchau, China, '47-'53. — M. D., Yale Med. School, 1854. — Prof. Pathology and Microscopy, Yale College, '6l—[Autogr.] 12. 1846-1849. Nathaniel Purdy Bailey (2), b. Marlborough, N. Y., May 18, 1817.— Y. C. 1846.— Ord. 2nd Cong. Ch., Akron, O., Nov. 7, 1849 — May 25, 1856.— P. Independent Presb. Ch., Painesville, O., Jan. 21, 1857— May 1, 1864.— Ed. Fainesville Telegraph, '67-70.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Warren, O., Apr. 1, 1870— [.Ir^^o^r.] James Glentworth Butler (2), b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1821.— Ord. Walnut St. Presb. Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 2, 1852 — Feb. 9, 1868. — Cor. Sec. Am. and For. Christian Union, '68- '71.— P. 1st Presb. Ch., Brooklyn, E. D., June . . \%1\—[Autogr.'\ William Edwin Catlin (2-|-), b. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 27, 1823. —111. C. 1845.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Carthage, III, Feb. . . 1851— Apr. . . 1853.— P. Concord, 111., Feb. . . 1853-Oct. . . 1855.— S. p. Grass Lake, Mich.,'56-'57.— P. Lima, Mich., Feb. . . 1858— Apr. . . 1861. — S. p. Dartford, Wis., '62-'64.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Camp Point, 111., '64-'67, Forest Station, 111., '67-'7l, Saunemin and Gridley, III, P. O. address, Forest, III, '1\—[Autogr.] 1849.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 83 Theeon Gaylord Coltox (3), h. Westford, N". Y,, July 31, 1820.— Y. C. 1844.— Ord. North Haven, Ct., Sept. 23, 1849— Aug. 26, 1851.— P. Ware Village, Ms., Sept. . . 1851— March . . 1855.— P, Monson, Ms., March 28, 1855— Jan. 2, 1868.— S, p. Whitewater, Wis., 'Q6—[Atdogr.] George DeForest Folsom (1), b. Bucksport, Me., July 26, 1822.— Y. C. 1845.— Ord. Elbridge, N. Y., July 16, 1850— Aug. 24, 1852.— P. Eastern Cong. Ch., N. Y. City, 1853— Nov. 15, 1854.— P. Olivet Ch., Springfield, Ms., Apr. 1, 1855— Sept. 1, I860.— P. 1st Ch., Fair Haven, Ct., March 2, 1861— Oct. 1, 1868. — S. p. Northford, Ct., 'lO—[Autoffr.] George Edwards Hill (2), b. Boston, Ms., Nov. 3, 1824. — Y. C. 1846.— Ord. Manchester, Ct., June 5, 1851— Feb. 9, 1853.— P. Sheffield, Ms., May 17, 1855— Sept. 29, 1863.— P. Saxonville, Ms., Oct. 14, 1863— March 1, 1870.— P. Southport, Ct., March 22, 1870 — [Aiitoffr.'] Benjamin Balch Hopkinson (3), b. Groveland, Ms., March 6, 1820.— Y. C. 1846.— Ord. Evang. at North Killingly, Ct., Sept. 8, 1852, where S. p., '51-'55.— S. p. Salem, Ct., '55-57.— S. p. Middle Haddam, Ct., '58-'65 and '66-'68.— S. p. Ashford, Ct., '69— [Autoffr.] George Alvan Howard (2), b. Salem, Ms., — Ord. Presb. Ch., Catskill, N. Y., 1850— [^w^o^r.] William Mellen (3), b. Temple, N. H., Feb. 16, 1817.— Mis- sionary of the A. B. C. F. M. among the Zulus in South Africa, '51— Edward Olmstead (1), b. Wilton, Ct., Nov. 22, 1824.— Y. C. 1845. — Not ord. — Rector Hopkins Gram. School, New Haven, Ct., '49-'54.— Principal Wilton Acad., Ct., '55— [Autoffr.] Samuel Thomas Richards (3), b. Haverford, Pa., Sept. 14, 1820.— Y. C. 1846.— Ord. Simsbury, Ct., May 14, 1850— July 15, 1858.— P. Cong. Ch., Spencerport, N. Y., July 1, 1859— May 1, 1866. — In business, N". Y. City, '66, res. 55 Parkhurst St., Newark, N. J.—[Autogr.] Edward Warren Root (3~), b. Conway, Ms., March 15, 1820. — Y. C. 1844,— Tut. Y. C, '48-'50.— Ord. Williamsburg, Ms., Oct. 84 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1850. 23, 1850— May . . 1856.— P. 2nd Presb. Ch., Oxford, O., July . . 1856— Sept. 25, 1859.— P. Cong. Ch., Springfield, O., Feb, 22, 1860 — Aug. 29, 1865.— S. p. Sunderland, Ms., '65-'67. — S. p. Westerly, R. I., '67-'68, where P. Nov. 11, 1868— June 27, 1 870.— P. Batavia, 111., Nov. 29, 1810— [Auto f/r.] *HoLus Russell (1), b. Concord, Me., July 6, 1817.— Y. C. 1844. — P. Schoolcraft, Mich., 1848, till his death there, Aug. 13, 1850, at the age of 33. [Class Record, Y. C] BuRRiTT AuctusTTTS Smith (1), b. Oxford, Ct., Aug. 4, 1820.— Y. C. 1843.— Ord. Southampton, Ms., March 15, 1865— June . . 1868.— S. p. Mendota, III, '68-'69,— S. p. Ottawa, III, '69-'70,— S. p. East Hampton, Ct., '71 — [Autogr.] Orson William Stow (2), b. Rocky Hill, Ct., May 30, 1820.— Y. C. 1846. — Not ord. — Manufacturer, Plantsville, Ct., '49 — [Atttogr.l *Samuel Worcester Strong (3), b. Somers, Ct., Dec. 4, 1821, — Y. C. 1843.— Ord. Olivet Ch., Springfield, Ms., March 27, 1850 —Nov. 17, 1852.— Died, Reading, Pa., Apr. 16, 1856. William Ebenezer Tyler (1), b. South Weymouth, Ms., Apr. 20, 1822. — Amh. C. 1844.— Not ord. — Teacher, Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, O., '53-'60. — Res. Auburndale, Ms. — [Autogr.^ Samuel George Willard (3), b. Wilton, Ct., Nov. 8, 1819. — Y. C. 1846, of which elected Fellow, '67.— Ord. Ist Ch., Williman- tic, Ct, Nov. 8, 1849 — Sept. 8, 1868. — Member Conn. House of Rep., '66.— P. Colchester, Ct., Sept. 23, 18Q8— [Autogr.] 18. 1847-1850. William Woodruff Atwater (2), b. New Haven, Ct., Nov. 4, 1824.— Y. C. 1846.— Ord. at Lima, Mich., Dec. 3, 1850, where S. p. Cong. Ch., '50-'52.— S. p. Niles, Mich., '52-'54.— S. p. Hudson, Mich., '54-'56.— S. p. Elkhart, Ind., '56-'59.--P. Prospect, Ct, Oct 31, 1860— Jan. 31, 1865.— S. p. West Ch., Avon, Ct, '65-'68. — S. p. South Parish, Killingly, Ct, '69— [Autogr.] John B. Barnakd (1), New Haven, Ct John Eliot Benton (1), Guilford, Ct, — U. N. Y. 1847.— Ord 1851.— S. p. Mission Dolores, Cal, '51-'58. 1850.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 85 — S. p. Folsom, Cal., '69-' . . —Oakland, Cul., '71. [Trienn. Cat., Union Sem.-Y] Charles Loring Brace (1), 1). Litclifield, Ct., June 19, 1826. — Y. C. 1846. — Not. ord. — Since '53, chiefly connected with the " Children's Aid Soc," N. Y., of which he is Sec, res. Hastings and New York City. — [^Autogr.'] Swift Byington (2), b. Bristol, Ct., Feb. 4, 1824.— Y. C. 1847.— Ord. West Brookfield, Ms., Nov. IV, 1852— Nov. 17, 1858.— S. p. Cambridge, Ms., '58-'59. — S. p. North Woburn, Ms., '60-'61.— S. p. Old South Ch., Boston, Ms., '62-'63.— P. Stoneham, Ms., July 6, 1864— June 1, 1871.— P. 1st Ch., Exeter, N. H., June 2, 1871 — [Autogr.^ Isaac W. Chandler (1), Boscawen, N. H., — Oberl. C. 1846.— Teacher, Newark, N. J., (1870). William Henry Chapmajst (3), b. Kendall, O., Oct. 23, 1824. — W. R. C. 1 844. — Not ord.— In business, New Haven, Ct.—^Autogr.l Andrew Flinn Dickson (2), Asheville, N. C, — Y. C. 1845.— S. p. Presb. Ch., St. John's Island, near Charleston, S. C, '50, [Class Record, Y. C, in 1866J — Orangeburg, S. C, '62.— New Orleans, La. Frederic Augustus Fiske (2), b. Wrentham, Ms., — Amh. C. 1836. — Ord. at Ashburnham, Ms., Dec. . . 1852.— Ord. Deacon (Episc), June 25, 1870, Presbyter, Nov. 4, 1870.— R. Trinity Ch., Van Deusenville and Christ Ch., Sheffield, Ms., Aug. 14, 1870, P. O. address, Van Deusenville, Ms. — [Autogr.'\ G. W. GoRHAM (1), New Haven, Ct., — Dubuque, Ic, (1850). Franklin Holmes (2), b. West Boylston, Ms., March 26, 1823. — Y. C. 1846.— Ord. Norton, Ms., Sept. 15, 1852— I860.— Manufacturer, N. Y. City, '68. — Ed. " New York Mercantile Jour- nal,'"' 350 Pearl St., Franklin Square, N. Y. [ Class Record, Y. C.\ Edwin Johnson (1), b. Plymouth, Ct., Dec. 1, 1826.— Y. C. 1846.— Ord. Jacksonville, III, June 6, 1851— May 26, 1859.— P. Bowdoin St. Ch., Boston, Ms., June 29, 1859 — Sept. 18, 1861.— P. Hammond St. Ch'., Bangor, Me., Oct. 16, 1861 — Nov. 8, 1865.— P. 86 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF TALE COLLEGE. [1850. Baltimore, Md,, June 12, 1867— Nov. 4, 1869.— P. Bridgeport, Ct., Nov. 8, 1S10— [Auto ffr.] Allyn Stanley Kellogg (3), b. Vernon, Ct., Oct. 15, 1824. — Wms. C. 1846.— Not ord.— S. S. Presb. Ch., Hagaman's Mills, N. Y., '52-'53.— S. S. Cong. Ch., Chandlerville, III, '56-'57.— Res. Vernon, Ct., '57 — [Autof/r.] Sylvanus Pkatt Marvin (3), b. Lyme, Ct., March 17, 1822. — Y. C. 1847.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Jamestown, N. Y., June 25, 1851 —Apr. . . 1856.— S. p. Franklin, N. Y., '57-60.— S. p. Torrington, Ct., '60-'65.— P. Woodbridge, Ct., P'eb. 22, 1865— [Autogfr.] Benjamin Pilsbury (3), b. Boscawen, N. H., Oct. 25, 1824. — Wesl. Un. 1847.— Ord. Deacon in St. John St. Meth. Episc. Ch., New Haven, Ct., May 26, 1850, Elder in Hartford, Ct., June 13, 1852.— Stationed at Guilford, Ct., '50-'52, New Britain, Ct., '52- '53, Waterbury, Ct., '53-'55, 7th St. Meth. Ch., New York City, '55-'57, Herastead, L, I., '57-59, Rye, N. Y., '59-'60, St. John St. Ch., New Haven, Ct., '60-'62, South 3d St. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y, '62-'64.— Presiding Elder, South L. I. District, '64-'6 8.— Stationed at Winsted, Ct., '68-'69, Watertown, Ct., '70-'72, Middletown, Ct., '72—[Autogr.] Henry Dutton Platt (2), b. Plymouth, Ct., July 13, 1823, — Ord. Evang. by Assoc, of 111. at Griggsville, 111., Apr. 13, 1851. — S. p. Presb. Ch., Brighton, III, '51-'57.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Chester- field, III, '58-'68. — Home Missionary Supt. for South. Ill, '68-'71. — S. p. Cong. Ch., Lincoln, III, '11—[Autogr.] *Chester Newell Righter (3), b. Parsippany, N. J., Sept. 25, 1824.— Y. C. 1846.— Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Newark, 1854. — General Agent Am. Bible Soc. in Greece and the Turkish Empire, '64-'56.— Died, Diarbekr, Turkey, Dec. 16, 1856, aged 32. A sketch of his life, entitled The Bible in the Levant, by Rev. S. I. Prime, DD,, was published in New York in 1859. [Class Record, Y. C] James H. Trowbridge (1), b. Plattsburgh, N. Y, May 27, 1820. —Mid. C. 1847.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Haverstraw, N. Y, Nov. . . 1850— 1854.— P. Marshall, Mich., '54-'56, Dubuque, lo., '56-'62, Chicago, III, '62-'G5.— Sec. Home Missions, Chicago, '65- '70.— Assoc. Ed. Interior, Chicago, III, '72—[Autogr,] 1851.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 87 James Weller (1), b. Sussex Co., Eng., Aug. 2, 1819. — Ord. Evang. at Waverly, 111., Feb. 5, 1851, where S. p. '51-'56.— S. p. Bunker Hill, 111., '56'-66, Maine, N. Y., '57-'62, Danby, N. Y.,'72 — [Autogr.] Eliphalet Whittlesbt (3), b. New Britain, Ct, May 14, 1821. — Y. C. 1842.— Ord. Central Ch., Bath, Me., Oct. 1, 1851— Oct. 1, 1861. — Prof. Rhetoric and Oratory, Bowd. C, '61- '. . — Chaplain 19th Me. Yols., '62.— Appointed Capt., '62, Major, '63, Colonel, TJ. S. colored troops, '65, and Assist. Commissioner for N. C. of the Freedman's Bureau, '65, Brig. General, '65, Adjt. Genl. F. Bu- reau, '67. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Howard University, '68 — [Autogr.] Elisha Whittlesey (3), b. Salisbury, Ct., — Wms. C. 1846.— Ord. North Canaan, Ct., June 4, 1851— Sept. 27, 1853.— Seamen's Chaplain, St. Thomas, W. I., '53-'55. — S. p. Kent, Ct., '56-'58.— P. 2nd Ch., Waterbury, Ct., Nov. 29, 1864— July 7, 1870.— Ord. Deacon (Episc.) at North Canaan, Ct., Nov. 15, 1871. — R. St. Andrews Ch., Kent, and Christ Ch., North Canaan, . , . . . 1871— 21. 1848-1851. *WiLLiAM AiTCHTSON (3), b. Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 4, 1826. — Y. C. 1848.— Tnt. Y. C, '50-'51.— S. S. Fitchville (in Bozrah), Ct., Apr. . . 1852— Apr. . . 1855.— Ord. Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. at Norwich, Ct., Jan. 4, 1854. — Missionary at Shanghai, China, '54-'59. — Died while in the service of the American Embassy to Peking, near Tientsin, China, Aug. 15, 1859, aged 33. [I^ive Years in China, or Life of Rev. William Aitchison, by Mev. Charles P. Bicsh, D.D.] Albert Henry Barnes (1), Morristown, N. J., Feb. 11, 1826. — Y. C. 1846. — Ord. Presb. Ch., Lawrenceville, Pa., 1854 — 1859.— Teacher, Philadelphia, Pa., 'GO— [Class Record, Charles Henry Bullard (3), b. Uxbridge, Ms., Feb. 13, 1820. — Y. C. 1847.— S. p. 2nd Ch., Rockville, Ct., '52-'53, of which ord. P. Nov. 17, 1853— Feb. 1, 1857.— Dist. Sec. Am. Tract Soc, Boston, for Conn, and Western Mass., '5S-'68. — State Missionary in Conn., '68-'72.— Dist. Sec. of Am. Tract Soc, N. Y., for Conn, and West- ern Mass., res. Hartford, Ct., 'l2—[Autogr.] 88 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1851. James Bradford Cleaveland (3), b. Sharon, Ct., Aug. 20, 1821.— Y. C. 184Y.— Ord. North Ch., Durham, Ct., June 8, 1852 — Oct. . . 1853. — Agent Am. S. School Union in Conn., '53-'55.— P. South Egremont, Ms., July 12, 1855— May 20, 1862.— S. p. New Hartford, Ct., '63-'65, of which P. May 24, 1865— Nov. 7, 186'7.— P. Bloomfield, Ct., Dec. 3, 186l—[Autogr.] John Edmands (3), b. Framingham, Ms., Feb. 1, 1820.— Y. C. 1847. — Not ord. — Assistant Yale C. Library, '51-56.— Librarian Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, Pa., '56 — [Aiitogr.] George Park Fisher (1), b. Wrentham, Ms., Aug. 10, 1827. — Brown U, 1847. — Livingston Prof. Divinity and ord. P. Ch. in Yale College, Oct. 24, 1854— Sept. 15, 1861.— Prof. Ecclesiastical Hist., Yale Theol. Sem., '61— [Autogr.] William Brooks Greene (1), b. Nantucket, Ms., Nov. 8, 1823. — Y. C. 1845.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Waterville, Me., Nov. 15, 1855. — Sept. 20, 1859. — S. p. Needham, Ms., '59 — \Avtogr.] *Henry Hamilton Hadley, b. Fairfield, N. Y., July 19, 1826. — Y. C. 1847.— Tut. Y. C, '51-'53.— Prof. Hebrew Y. C, '61-'62. — Assistant Prof. Hebrew in Union Theol. Sem., N. Y., '62, till his death at Washington, D. C, Aug. 1, 1864, in consequence of disease contracted in the work of the Sanitary Commission in one of the hospitals at City Point, Va., aged 38. James Thomas Hyde (3), b. Norwich, Ct., Jan. 28, 1827. — Y. C. 1847— Tut. Y. C, '49-'51.— Ord. New Braintree, Ms., June 22, 1853— Aug. 28, 1855.— S. S. North Ch., Hartford, Ct., '55-'57.— P Middlebury, Vt., June 10, 1857 — Nov. 1, 1867. — S. p. Ansonia, Ct., '68-'69.— Prof. Pastoral Theology and Special Studies, Chi- cago Theological Seminary, '70 — [Autogr.] John William Mears (2), b. Reading, Pa., Aug. 10, 1825. — Del. C. 1844.— Ord. Camden, N. J., Apr. 15, 1852— Oct. 31, 1853. —P. Elkton, Md., Jan. 1, 1854— Nov. 1, 1857.— P. Milford, Del, Nov. 2, 1857— Feb. II, I860.— Ed. American Presbyterian, Phila- delphia, Pa., '60-'70. — Albert Barnes Prof. Intellectual and Moral Phil., Hamilton C, Clinton, N. Y., '1\—[Autogr.'] Alfred Plant (1), b. Lancaster (now Clinton)) Ms., March 2, 1821. — Y. C. 1847. — Not ord. — Preached in St. Louis, Keosauqua, lo., Collinsville, 111., etc. — In the agricultural business, St. Louis, Mo., '54. — lies. Webster Grove, Mo. — [/Iwio^r.] 1852.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 89 Charles Olmsted Reynolds (1), b. East Hartford, Ct., Feb. 16, 1822.— Y. C. 1848.— P. Cong Ch., Flushing, L. I., Oct. 26, 1851— Sept. 7, 1854.— P. Cong. Ch., Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1854— Oct. 20, 1859.— S. p. Presb. Ch., Hunter, N. Y., '59-64.— In the service of U. S. Christian Commission, '64-'65. — S. p. Presb. Ch., St. Augustine, Fla., '65— [Autogr.] William Campbell Scofield (2), b. Westerlo, N. Y., Apr. 1, 1826.— Ham. C. 184Y.— Ord. 2nd Cong. Ch., Danbury, Ct., Sept. 15, 1852— Apr. 26, 1854.— P. Plymouth Ch., INIilford, Ct., Nov. 18, 1854— Apr. . . 1858.— S. p. Janesville, Wis., '58-59.— P. Plym- outh Ch., Ottawa, 111., May 19, 1859— July 1, 1864.— P. Central Presb. Ch., Newark, N. J., Nov. 1, 1865— Sept. 13, 1868.— P. La Porte, Ind., May 23, 1869— July 9, 1871.— S. p. Fredonia, N. Y., '11—[Autogr.\ Albert A. Sturges (2), b. Granville, O., Nov. 5, 1819. — Ord. Evang. at Denmark, lo., Nov. 11, 1851. — Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. in the Micronesian Islands, '52 — Henry Wickes (2), b. Jamaica, L. I., Feb. 11, 1821.— Mar. C. 1848.— Ord. Princeton, IMs., June 16, 1852— Sept. 4, 1855.— P. 1st Ch., Guilford, Ct., May 22, 1856— July 12, 1858.— P. Deep River, Ct., Dec. 1, 1858— Oct. 31, 1869.— S. p. Brighton, N. Y., '69— [Atitogr.] Giles Buckingham Willcox (1), b. New York City, Aug. 7, 1826.— Y. C. 1848.— Ord. Calvinistic Cong. Ch., Fitchburg, Ms., June 15, 1853— Aug. 10, 1856.— P. Lawrence St. Ch., Lawrence, Ms., Sept. 24, 1856— Apr. 13, 1859.— P. 2nd Cong. Ch., New London, Ct., Apr. 20, 1859— Nov. 23, 1869.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 8, 18Q9— [A utogr.] 16. 1849-1852. Joseph Willes Backus (3), b. Franklin, Ct., Feb. 19, 1823.— Y. C. 1846.— Tut. Y. C, '49-'51.— Ord. Blackstone, Ms., Sept. 29, 1852— March 26, 1855.— P. Chaplin, Ct., Jan. 25, 1856— Jan. 1, 1858.— P. Leominster, Ms., Jan. 14, 1858— Aug. 20, 1862.— P. John St. Ch., Lowell, Ms., Sept. 24, 1862— Feb. 21, 1866.— P. Thomaston, Ct., March 21, 1867— [^4?/i;o^n] Henry Blodgett (3), b. Bucksport, Me., July 13, 1825. — Y. C. 1848.— Tut. Y. C, '50-'53.— Ord. Missionary at Bucksport, Me., 90 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1852. Jan. 25, 1854. — In the service of the A. B. C. F. M. at Shanghai, China, '54-'60, Tientsin, North China, '60-'64, Peking, '64— [Autogr.] *Henry Martyn Colton (3), b. Royalton, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1826. — Y. C. 1848.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Woodstock, Ct., Nov. 18, 1852 —Jan. 24, 1855.— S. p. East Avon, Ct., '55-'5 7.— Teacher, Middle- town, Ct., '57-68, New York City, '68, [Autogr.] till his death at Middletown, Ct., June 2, 1872, at the age of 46. James McLaren Breed Dwight (3), b. Norwich, Ct., Aug. 11, 1825.— Y. C. 1846.— Tut. Y. C, '49-'53.— LL.B. Columb., 1861.— Not ord.— Lawyer, N. Y. City, '61-'66.— Res. New Haven, Ct., '66.— In Europe since '69 — [Class Record, T. C] James Leonard Corning (1), b. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1829. — N. Y. U. 1849.— Ord 1852.— S. p. Putnam, Ct., '53-'53. P. Presb. Ch., Stamford, Ct., 1853— 1856.— P. West- minster Presb. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y., 1857— I860.— S. p. 1st Presb. Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '60-'61.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 26, 1863— Feb. . . 1869. — Res. Vevay, Switzerland. — Franklin Woodbury Fisk (3), b. Hopkinton, N. H., Feb. 16, 1820.— Y. C. 1849.— Tut. Y. C, '51~'53.— Prof Rhetoric and English Lit., Bel. C, '54-'59.— Ord. Evang. at Chicago, 111., Apr. 28, 1859.— Prof. Sac. Rhet., Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., '59— \_Autogr.^ Wait Robbins Griswold (2), Wethersfield, Ct., — Y. C. 1844. — Teacher in Bristol, Ct., and other places, '. . - '. . — M. D. Coll. Med. and Surg., N. Y., 1863.— Physician in Durham, Ct., '..-'. .—Surgeon U. S. Army in Florida, '..-'. . — Since the year physician in Easton, Ct. — [Class Record, Y. C] *IIknry Mills Haskell (3), b. Boston, Ms., May 10, 1827.— Y. C. 1849. — Ord. at Boston, Ms., to be in charge of the Brit, and Am. Ch. in St. Petersburg, Russia, March 6, 1855, where he died, Oct. 31, 1855, aged 28. [Class Record, Y. C] William Allen Macy (2), b. New York City, Jan. 29, 1825. — Y. C. 1844. — Spent one year in tlie Seminary, and then went to Hong Kong, China, as a teacher in the service of the Morrison 1853.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 91 Education Soc, '45-'49. — On its dissolution returned, to the U. S. in 1S50, and completed his theological course in New Haven. — Ord. Missionary to China, in the service of the A. B. C. F. M., in the Center Ch., New Haven, Jan. 29, 1854. — Died, Shanghai, China, Apr. 9, 1859, aged 34. [Class Hecord, Y. C, and Journal of Mission of A. B. (J. F. 31., Vol. X, Sept. 9, 1859.] JosiAH Wilcox North (2), b. Berlin, Ct., Feb. 10, 1827. — Ham. C. 1848.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Sept. 22, 1852.— S. p. Geneseo, 111., '52-54.— S. p. Como, 111., '55-'56.— In Middletown, Ct.— David Peck (3), b. Greenwich, Ct., Feb. 16, 1825.— Y. C. 1849. —Ord. Orange, Ms., Oct. 13, 1852— May 25, 1857.— S. p. Wood- bridge, Ct., '57-58.— P. 2nd Cong. Ch., Danbury, Ct., June 23, 1858— Jan. 2, 1861.— P. Barre, Ms., Apr. 16, 1861— Nov. 19, 1867. — P. Sunderland, Ms., Dec. 18, 18Q7—[Ai(togr.] Andrew Tullt Prait (2), b. Black Rock, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1826. — Y. C. 1847.— M. D. Col. Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1852. — Ord. Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. at New Haven, Ct., Aug. 8, 1852.— Missionary at Aintab, Syria, '53-'58,— Aleppo, '58-'60, — Antioch, '61-'62, — Aleppo, '62-'63.— Instructor Theol. Sem., Marash, Syria, '63-'68. — Revising the Armeno-Turkish transla- tion of the Scriptures, res. Constantinople, '68 — [Trienn. Cat., Union Sem.-^-] Silas Wright Robbins (2), b. Dorset, Vt., Jan. 12, 1827. — Wesl. U. 1847.— Ord. North Haven, Ct., June 16, 1853— Oct. 12, 1856.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., East Haddam, Ct., Oct. 16, 1856— June 8, 1871. — P. Manchester, Ct.j'^une 8, 1871 — [Antogr.] David Haven Thayer (2), Nunda, N. Y., — Un. C. 1849.— Ord. Mt. Carmel, Ct., Jan. 5, 1853— May 15, 1866.— P. East Windsor, Ct., May 22, 186G— [Trienn. Cat., Union Sem.-{-] James Lawrence Willard (3), b. Madison, Ct., Oct. 11, 1824. — Y. C. 1849.— Ord. Westville, Ct., Oct. 18, 1855— [Autogr.] 15. 1850-1853. William Augustus Baldwin (2), b. Killingworth, Ct., Feb. 23, 1824.— Y. C. 1850.— Ord. Peru, 111., 1852— 1854.— S. p. Morris, 111., '54- '. .— S. p. Whitewater, Wis., '. . -'58.— 1st 92 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1853. Cong. Ch., Fond du Lac, Wis., '. . -'59.— Battle Creek, Mich., '65 [Class Hecord, Y. C] *JoxATHAN Ebenezer Barnes (3), b. Middletown, Ct., March 8, 1828.— Wesl. U. 1848.— Ord. Darien, Ct., Aug. 22, 1860— May 31, 1866, when he died, aged 38. [ Wesl. TI. Alumni Hecord.] George Bent (1), b. Middlebury, Vt., March 29, 1827. — Knox C. 1849.— S. p. Dundee, 111., '53- '. .—Ord. Evang. at Anoka, Minn., Oct. 22, 1856, where S. p. '56-'58. — S. p. Lansing, lo., '58- '69.— S. p. Burr Oak, lo., '60-'70.— S. p. Otho, lo., 'lO—[Autogr.] John Catlin Bull (2 + ), b. Southbury, Ct., Oct. 12, 1824. — Y. C. 1849.— Not ord. — Instructor Am. Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Ct., '52 — [Autogr.] William Barker Clarke (5), b. Gibara, Cuba, Dec, 27, 1829. — Y. C. 1849.— Ord, North Cornwall, Ct., May 4, 1855— May 18, 1859. — Livingston Prof. Divinity, and P. Ch. in Yale College, Oct. 11, 1863— Oct. 2, 1866.— P. 1st Ch., Litchfield, Ct., Dec. 27, 1866— Dec. 31, 1869.— S. p. village Ch., Dorchester, Ms., P. O. address, Milton, Ms., '71 — [Autogr.] William Hertzog Collins (2-), b. Collinsville, 111.., —Ord. Evang. at La Salle, 111., Sept. . , 1852, where P, Sept. , . 1853— Sept. . . 1858.— Editor, '58-'61.— Capt, Vols. U. S. Army, '61-65. — Manufacturer, Quincy, 111., '66 — [Aictogr.] Timothy Dwight (3), b. Norwich, Ct., Nov. 16, 1828.— Y. C. 1849.— Tut. Y. C, '51-'55.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Sept. 15, 1861.— Prof Sacred Literature, Yale Theol. Seminary, '5ii— [Autogr.] Elias Brewster Hillard (2), b. Preston, Ct., Sept. 6, 1825.— Y. C. 1848.— Ord. Hadlyme, Ct., March 15, 1855— Apr. 15, 1860. —P. Kensington, Ct., May 16, 1860— March 2, 1867.— P. South Glastonbury, Ct., May 2, 1867— Nov. 28, 1869— P. Plymouth, Ct., Dec, 1, l869~[Autogr.] Chaulks Josiah Hutchins (2+), b. Waterford, Pa,, Sept. 8, 1825.— Y. C. 1849.— S. S. Kenosha, Wis., '53-'54.— Ord. Presb. Ch., York, Pa., Oct. 14, 1855— Apr. . . 1859.— S. p. Kenosha, Wis., '59-'60.— P. Racine, Wis., 1860— 1865.— P. Fulton, I 1853.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 93 N. Y., 1866— 1869.— S. p. Petaluma, Cal., '69— [Autoffr.] Samuel Johnson (3), b. Derbyshire, Eng., Aug. 23, 1823. — Y. C. 1850.— S. p. Ashville, N. Y., '55-'56.— Ord. by Western N. Y. Consoc, June 10, 1859.— S. p. Cambria, N. Y., '56-'58.— S. p. Center Lisle, N. Y., '59-'60.— S. p. Chenango Forks, N". Y., '60-'66.— S. p. Newark Valley, N. Y., '66-72.— S. p. Groton, N. Y., '12—[Autof/r.] James Browning Miles (1), b. Rutland, Ms., Aug. 18, 1823. — Y. C. 1849.— Tut. Y. C, '52-'54.— Ord. 1st Ch., Charlestown, Ms., Jan. 2, 1855 — Oct. . . 1871. — Cor. Sec. Am. Peace Soc, res. Bos- ton, Ms., "71 — [Autof/r.\ Henky Alanson Russell (3), b. Prospect, Ct., Aug. 14, 1826. —Ord. Ist Ch., Winsted, Ct., Apr. 19, 1854— Aug. 25, 1858.— P. 1st Ch , East Hampton, Ct., Dec. 14, 1859— June 28, 1865.— S. p. Center Brook (Essex), Ct., '66-'68.— S. p. Colebrook, Ct., '68— [Autoffr.] * William Drosier Sands (3), b. Fakenham, Eng., May 19, 1825.— Ord. Evang. at Mt. Pleasant, lo., Jan. 2, 1855, where S. p., '54-'55.— S. p. Keosauqua, lo., '55-'56.— S. p. Waverly, 111., '57- '59.— Editor, Springfield, III, '60-'61.— In the 6th 111. Reg. U. S. Army, '61-'65. — Chaplain County Jail, Springfield, Ms., res. West- field, Ms., '66, till his death in the latter town, Oct. 31, 1870, at the age of 45. *WiLLiAM C. Shipman (3), b. Wethersfield, Ct., May 19, 1824. — Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., May 14, 1854, — Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. in the Hawaiian Islands, and P. Native Ch. at Kau, 1855 — Dec. 21, 1861, when he died there, aged 38. [llissionart/ Herald, 1862.+] Cordial Storrs (1), Martinsburg, N. Y., — Y. C. 1850. — Editor, in 1861 connected with Chicago Press and Trihiine. — Res. F St., Washington, D. C— [ Class Record, T. 6'.+] Benjamin Talbot (3), b. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 22, 1827.— Y. C. 1849. — Teacher, Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Ms., '53-'54, — Teacher, Ohio Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, O., '54- '63. — Ord. Evang., Sept. 6, 1864. — Principal Iowa Inst, for the 94 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1854. Deaf and Dumb, Iowa City, lo., '63-'70,— Council Bluffs, lo., '70 — [Autogr.^ John Alpheus Woodhttll (1—), b, Ronconkama, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1825.— Y. C. 1850.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Wadhams Mills, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1856 — Aug. . . 1859. — S. p. New Village and Commack, L. I., '66-'69.— S. p. New Preston, Ct., '69-'72—[Autogr.] 17. 1851-1854. Leonard Woolsky Bacon (1), b. New Haven, Ct., Jan. 1, 1830. — Y. C. 1850.— M. D. Yale, 1855.— Ord. 1st Ch., Litchfield, Ct., Oct. 16, 1856 — . . 1859, — State Missionary for Gen. Assoc, Ct., '61-62.— S. p. 1st Ch., Stamford, Ct., '62-'65.— P. New England Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., March 30, 1865— March . . 1870.— S. p. Ist Cong. Ch., Baltimore, Md., '70-'72.— In Europe, '12—[Autogr.] William Elliott Bassett (2), b. Derby, Ct., May 24, 1829.— Y. C. 1850.— Ord. Central Village, Ct., Oct. 14, 1856— Apr. . . 1859.— S. p. North Manchester, Ct., '61-'63. — S. p. Warren, Ct., '63-'64, of which P., Oct. 12, \%M—{Autogr.] Ethan Osbern Bennet (1-), b. Fairton, N. J., Oct. 24, 1824. — Ord. at Anamosa, lo., March 2, 1854. — Res. Mt. Pleasant, lo., '64, — Res. Crawfordsville, lo., '72 — [AKtogr.] Nathaniel Judson Burton (3), b. Trumbull, Ct., Dec. 17, 1824.— Wesl. U. 1850.— Ord. 2nd Cong. Ch,, Fair Haven, Ct., July 20, 1853— Sept. . . 1857.— P. 4th Cong. Ch., Hartford, Ct., Oct. 2, 1857— March 14, 1870.— P. Park Ch., Hartford, Ct., March 28, 1870— [ Wesl. IT. Alumni Eecord.-\-] Gkeenleaf Cheney (2), Georgetown, Ms. Stephen Fenn (2), b. Plymouth, Ct., Oct, 6, 1824,— Y. C, 1849, —Ord, Torringford, Ct,, Nov, 16, 1854— Sept. 14, 1857,— P, South Cornwall, Ct., May 18, 1859 — Jan. 18, 1868. — P. Watertown, Ct., Sept. 16, 1868— Apr. 1, 1872.— S. p. Vernon, Ct., '72— [Autogr.] James Austin Gallup (3), b. Ledyard, Ct., Nov. 15, 1823. — Y. C. 1851.— Ord. Essex, Ct., May 17, 1854— Oct. 8, 1865.— P. Madison, Ct., Nov. 2, 1865 — [Autogr.] Merrill Greenwood (2), New Haven, Ct. 1855.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 95 Salmon McCall (2), b. Lebanon, Ct., March 17, 1826.— Y. C. 1851.__Ord. Old Saybrook, Ct, Dec. 7, 1853.— Nov. 13, 1871.— P. East Haddam, Ct., June 5, 1812— [Avtof/r.] James Willis Pattekson (1), b. Manchester, Vt., — Dart. C. 1848.— Tut. Dart. C, '52-'53, where Prof. Math., '49-'66, Prof. Astronomy, '56-'63. — Member House of Rep. U. S. Cong., '63-'67, of the Senate, '67-72.— Res. Hanover, N. R.—[Ai(to(/r.'\ Stephen Denison Pebt (2), b. Euclid, O., Dec. 2, 1830. — Bel. C. 1851.— Ord. Evang. Feb. . . 1855.— S. p. Genesee, Wis., '54-'56, New London, '56-'59, Salec, '69-'62, Racine, '63-'64, Elkhorn, '64-'65, Wis., New Oregon, lo., '65-'67, Chatham, O., '68-'72. [Autogr.] 11. 1862-1855. Edward Barnard Bassett (3), b. Newburyport, Ms., Apr. 11, 1819.— Ord. Evang. at Cuttersville, Vt., May 25, 1857, where S. p. '57-59.— S. p. Wilmington, Vt., '59-'61, Tolland, Ms., '61-'62, Westmoreland, N. H., '63-'64, Gilsum, N. H., '64-'66, Washing- ton, '66-68, N. H., Erving, Ms., '68-'69.— P. Trinitarian Cong. Ch., Warwick, Ms., Dec. 15, 1869 — [Autogr.] J. W. Blackader (1), Windsor, C. E. Willis Strong Colton (3), b. Royalton, N. Y., June 25, 1828. — Y. C. 1850.— Tut. Y. C, '53-'56.— Ord. 1st Ch., Wethersfield, Ct., Sept. 17, 1856— July 18, 1866.— P. Washington, Ct., Aug. 22, 1866— [Autogr.] John Elderkin (3), b. Lebanon, Ct., June 2, 1825. — Y. C. 1852. Teacher, Bloomfield, N. J., '56-'58, N. Y. City, '61-'62.— M. D., Coll. Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1863. — Assist. Surgeon 10th Reg. Col'd Troops, '64. — Teacher, Orange, N. J., '65-'68, New Marlboro', Ms., '68-'69.— S. p. Salem, Ct., '75-'72, where ord. June 25, l8l2^[Autogr.] Jonathan Leavitt Jenkins (3), b. Portland, Me., Nov. 23, 1830.— Y. C. 1851.— Ord. 1st Ch., Lowell, Ms., Oct. 17, 1855— Jan. 15, 1862.— In service of A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Ms., '62-'63. — S. p. South Ch., Salem, Ms., '63-'64.— P. Pearl St. Ch., Hartford, Ct., Apr. 13, 1864— Dec. 4, 1866.— S. p. 1st Ch., Amherst, Ms., '67-68, of which P. Sept. 24, 1868— [Autogr.] 96 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1856. Julius Yale Leonard (2), b. Berkshire, N. Y., June 12, 1827. — Y. C. 185], — Ord. Foreign Missionary in New Haven, Ct., June 14, 1857. — Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. at Cesarea and Mar- sovau, Turkey. — [Autogr.] Theodore Thornton Munger (3), b. Bainbridge, N. Y., March 5^ 1830. — Y. C. 1851. — Ord. village Ch., Dorchester (Boston), Ms., Feb. 6, 1856.— P. Center Ch., Haverhill, Ms., Jan. 6, 1863 — Nov. . . 1869.— S. p. High St. Ch., Providence, R. I., '70-'71.— P. Eliot Ch., Lawrence, Ms., June . . 1871 — [Autogr.] *JoHN Hall Newton (2), b. Durham, Ct., March 22, 1826. — Wesl. U. 1847.~S. S. Middle Haddam, Ct., '55-'61.— Ord. June 9, . . . 1856.— Res. Middletown, Ct., '56, till his death there, Aug. 15, 1863, at the age of 37. [ Wesl. Univ. Alumni Iiecord.-\-'] Timothy Hopkins Porter (1), b. Waterbury, Ct., Feb. 16, 1826. — Y. C. 1848. — Teacher, Easton, Ct., '48.— Teaching, traveling and preaching, '52-60. — Banker, N. Y. City, res. 38 Sanford St., Brooklyn, '66 — [ Class Hecord, Y. C] Jonathan Clark Richardson (1), Attica, N. Y. — Christopher Dicran Seropyan (3), Constantinople, Turkey, — Y. C. 1852.— M. D., Yale, 1855.— Physician, Constan- tinople, Turkey. — [Class Eecord, Y. (7.] Edward Parmelee Smith (1), b. South Britain, Ct., June 3, 1827.— Y. C. 1849.— Ord. Pepperill, Ms., June . . 1856— Jan. . . 1865. — In serviceof the Christian Commission in Western Army, and at Philadelphia, '63-'66. — General Agent Am. Miss. Assoc, 53 John St., N. Y., '66— [J.«fo^r.] Johnson Logan Tomlinson (3), b. Washington, Ct., May 1, 1826.— S. S. Cuyahoga P^alls, O., '56-'57, Fair Haven, Ct., '58-'59, Bloomfield, Ct., '60- '. .—Ord. Chester, N. H., Oct. 1, 1863— Jan. 24, 1870.— P. Simsbury, Ct., Dec. 7, \S1\— [Autogr.] 13. 1853-1856. Henry Case (2), b. Norwich, Ct, Nov. 19, 1823.— Y. C. 1846. — Ord. Evang. at Norwich, (U., July 31, 1855.— S. p. McCon- nellsville, also afterwards at Cuyahoga Falls, O. — Lawyer. — Four years in the army, in Avhich Colonel, and by brevet, Brigadier General. — Res. Jacksonville, 111. — [Class liecord, Y. C] 1857.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 97 William Thacher Gilbkrt (3), b. New Haven, Ct., May 16, 1829. — Y. C. 1853. — Minister Meth. Episc. Churches at West Granby, Ct., '57-58, East Granby, '59, Wilton, '60, South Britain, Ct., Burlington, Ct., '63, New Orleans, La., '63, Riverside, Ct., '72. *OscAR B. Hitchcock: (1), Ashland, N. Y.— Un. C. 1852.— Died, Henry Losch (3), b. Palatinate, Germany, Apr. 15, 1828. — Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Apr. 19, 1857.— S. p. North Evans, N. Y., '57, Otego, N. Y., '58, Philadelphia, Pa., '59.— P. Cumberland, Md., '60.— P. Shamokin, Pa., '61. — P. Hazleton, Pa., '63.— S. p. Potterville, Pa., '65, Seville, O., '66.— P. Brooklyn, N. Y., '68.— P. Hackensack, N. J., '70.— P. Lancaster, N. Y., '72 — [Autogr.] Kinsley Twining (3), b. West Point, N. Y., July 18, 1832.— Y. C. 1853.— Ord. Hinsdale, Ms., Aug. 26, 1858, Feb. 1, 1864.— S. p. 1st Ch., San Francisco, Cal., '64-'65.— P. 1st Ch., Cambridge- port, Ms., Sept. 12, 1867— Apr. 28, 1872.— P. Union Ch., Provi- dence, R. L, May 1, lSl2-[Autoffr.] Andrew Jackson Willard (3), b. Harvard, Ms., March 19, 1832.— Y. C. 1853.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Upton, Ms., Apr. 30, 1857 — Aug. 31, 865. — S. p. Essex, Vt., '67, P. O. address, Burlington, Yt.—[Autogr.] 6. 1854-1857. William Pope Aikin (1), Fairhaven, Ms., — Y. C. 1853.— Tut. Y. C, '55-'57.— Ord. Newington, Ct., Jan. 14, 1857— Aug. 7, 1867.— Teacher, Groton, Ms., '67-69.— Res. Rutland, Vt., '71— FisK Parsons Brewer (1), b. Smyrna, Turkey, Oct. 19, 1832. — Y. C. 1852.— Tut. Y. C, '55-'58.— In Raleigh, N. C, teaching and preaching to Freedmen. — Professor Univ. of N. C, and now U. S. Consul at Athens, Greece, '71 — *Jacob Eaton (3), b. Mount Pleasant, Pa., March 12, 1833.— Ord. South Meriden (Hanover Soc), May 28, 1857— March 20, 1865, serving meanwhile as Chaplain 7th Conn. Reg. Vols., '64- '65.— Died, Wilmington, N. C, March 20, 1865, aged 32. 7 98 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1858. Henry Loomis (3), b. Chicopee, Ms,, Jan. 19, 1829.— Y. C. 1851. — Ord. Union Ch., Globe Village, Southbridge, Ms., June 1, 1859 _ _P. North Manchester, Ct., Apr. 20, 1864— Oct. 1, 186Y.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Wabashaw, Minn., '67-'68.— P. Cong. Ch., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 7, 1869— May . . 18Y1.— Res. Pough- keepsie, N. Y. — [Autogr.] Chester E. Pond (2), Springfield, Pa.— Charles Cotton Salter (2), b. New Haven, Ct., Feb. 19, 1832. — Y. C. 1852.— Tut. Y. C, 'se-'SY.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Kewanee, 111., Apr. 11, 1859 — Apr. . . 1861. — Chaplain 13th Reg. Ct. Vols., 62. — S. p. Plymouth Cong. Ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '62-'64, of which P. Sept. 28, 1864— Apr. 14, 1869.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Brook, field, Mo., '70-'71.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Duluth, Minn., '71-'72, of which P. March 12, 1812— [Aiitogr.] Irem W. Smith (2), Franklin, Pa.— Ord. Durham, Ct., Aug, 18, 1858— Jan. 2, 1861.— P. Southfield, Ms., June 26, 1861— . . .— S. p. Tolland, Ms., '69-'70, where P. June 15, 1870— . . .— S. p. Otis, Ms., '72— James Morris Whitox (1), b. Boston, Ms., Apr. 11, 1833. — Y. C. 1853. — Rector Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Ct., '54-'64.— Ph.D., Yale, '61.— Ord. 1st Ch., Lynn, Ms., May 10, 1865 — Apr. 13, 1869. — S. p. North Cong. Ch., Lynn, Ms., from its organization. May 6, 1869, of which P. Feb. 13, 1812— [Autogr.] 8. 1855-1858. *Charles Brooks (2), Townsend, Ms., b. March 24, 1831.— Y. C. 1853.— Ord. Byfield, Ms., June 16, 1858— Nov. 30, 1863.— P. Union ville, Ct., Dec. 21, 1864 — — Died, Townsend, Ms., June 11, 1866, aged 35. [Obit. Record, Y. (7.+] James Cruickshanks (2), b. Haddington, Scotland, Nov. 12, 1828. — Y. C. 1855. — Ord. Winthrop Ch., South Maiden, Ms., Sept. 8, 1858— June 29, 1859. — P. 2nd Presb. Ch., Newburyport, Ms., June 6, 1860— Nov. 30, 1862. — P. Cong. Ch., Spencer, Ms., Jan. 13, 1864— [Autogr.] — Webster Grove, Mo., '72. Carroll Cutler (2), b. Windham, N. H., Jan. 31, 1829.— Y. C. 1854.— Tut. Y. C, '56-'58.— Prof. Intellectual Phil, and Rhet., W. R. C, '60-'71, of which President, res. Hudson, O., '71— [Autogr.] 1859.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 99 John W. Freund (1), Darmstadt, Germany. — Ord. Dea. Meth. Episc. Ch., 1861, Elder, 1863.~Statioiied, Brooklyn, N. Y., '59- '61, Philadelphia, Pa., '66-69, Newark, N. J., '70— William Hutchison (1), b. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 20, 1826. — Y. C. 1854.— Tut. Y. C, '57-'58 and '59-'63.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., 1858.— Miss., A. B. C. F, M. in Constantinople, '58-59. — Prin. Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '63-'65. — Prin. Free Acad., Noi'wich, Ct., '65 — [Autoffr.] Charles Mott (2), New York City. Jewett Guernsey Smith (2+), b. Granby, Ct., 1826.— In trade, New Haven, Ct.— Moses Smith (1), b. Hebron, Ct., Aug. 16, 1830.— Y. C. 1852. —Ord. Plainville, Ct., Sept. 22, 1859— March 31, 1869, during which, in the army, '63-'65. — P. Leavitt St. Cong. Ch., Chicago, IlL , May 4, lS69—[Autogr.] Oliver Starr Taylor (2), b. Brookfield, Ct., March 14, 1832. — Y. C. 1856.— Ord. Simsbury, Ct., Sept. 21, 1859— Aug. 1, 1865. — S. p. Essex, Ct., '66-'67.— Ord. Deacon (Episc), Apr. 6, 1870, Priest, Oct. 18, 1871.— R. St. Paul's Ch., Kittaning, Pa., Oct. 18, 1811— [Aittogr.] Moses Cook Welch (1), b. Mansfield, Ct., July 31, 1827. — Y. C. 1850.— Tut. Y. C, '53-'55.— Private 2nd Kan. Vols., '61.— Ord. Evang. at Wethersfield, Ct., Nov. 5, 1862.— Chaplain U. S. Army, '62-'64. — Christian Commission, '64-'65. — P. Mansfield, Ct., Dec. 24, 1861— [Autogr.] 10. 1856-1859. John Anketell (2 — ), b. New Haven, Ct., March 8, 1835. — Y. C. 1855.— Ord. Deacon (Episc), Dec 29, 1859, Priest, at New Haven, Ct., Dec. 22, I860.— Acting R. Christ Ch., Eastport, Me., July, '60.— R. St. Luke's, Darien, Ct., Oct. . . I860.— R. St. Paul's, Windham, Ct., July . . 1862.— R. St. James', Winsted, Ct., Apr. . . 1865. — Assist. Minister Trinity Ch,, Newport, R. L, Apr. . . 1866— Apr. . . 1867.— R. Holy Trinity, Samt Anthony's Falls, Minn., July— Oct. . . 1867.— R. St. Paul's Ch., and Prof, in Ma- sonic School, Havana, N. Y., Oct. . . 1867. — Founder and first Rector of St. John's (American) Ch., Dresden, Saxony, April^ 1869. — Res. New Haven, Ct.^[Autogr.] 100 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1859. George Abele (1), New Haven, Ct. — Stationed, Meth. Episc. Ch., Roxbuiy, Ms., '66-'67, Elizabeth, N. J., '67-69, Brooklyn, N. Y.,' 70— James Rtjssell Bourne (2), b. New Bedford, Ms., June 25, 1833.— Ord. Evang. at Strykersville, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1859.— Preached in East Hamburg, N. Y., Oak Hill, Me., etc., '59-'65.— P. Lunenburg, Vt., Jan. . . 1866— 1869— P. West Rutland, Vt, Dec. . . 1869— March 22, 1872. [Autoffr.] William Aldrich Bushee (3), b. Smithfield, R. I., Jan. 31, 1833.— Y. C. 1856.— Teacher, '59-'68.— S. S. 2nd Cong. Ch., Brookfield, Vt., '68-'69, of which ord. P. Aug. 19, \869—[Autogr.] John Edgar (2), b. Quebec, Canada, May 22, 1825. — Y. C. 1855.— S. S. Falls Village, Ct., '59-'60, where ord. Evang. Oct. 30, I860.— P. Falls Village, Ct, June 9, 1863— Oct. 13, 1865.— Res. Rochester, Minn., '67 — William Allen Hallock (1), b. Plainfield, Ms., Aug. 27, 1832. — Amh. C. 1855.— Ord. Gilead, Ct., Oct. 24, 1860— Aug. 24, 1864. — S. p. Kiantone, N. Y., '66-69.— S. p. Jamestown, N. Y., '72— [Aittogr.] Charles Henry Hitchcock (1), b. Amherst, Ms., Aug. 23, 1836. — Amh. C. 1856. — State Geologist of Maine and New Hamp- shire, Lecturer on Zoology at Amh. College, '58-64. — Prof Ge- ology, Lafayette C, '66-'70.— Prof Geology, Dartm. C, '69— [Autog^;] Justin Martin (2), b. Chaplin, Ct., Feb. 7, 1834.— Y. C. 1856.— Not ord. — Teacher, N. Y. City. — M. D. College Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1869, res. 155 West 20th St., N. Y. City.— [Autoffr.] John Monteith (2), b. Elyria, O., Jan. 31, 1833. — Y. C. 1856. —Ord. Terryville, Ct., Sept. 27, 1858— Sept. 1, I860.— P. Jackson, Mich., Apr. 23, 1801— March . . 1863.— P. Euclid Av. Presb. Ch., Cleveland, O., June 10, 1863— Oct. 2, 1866.— P. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 1, 1866— March 15, 1869.— P. Mayflower Ch., St. Louis, Mo., March 15, 1859— May 1, 1871. — State Supt. Public Instruction, Jefferson City, Mo., '71 — [Autogr.] Edward Alfred Smith (1), b. East Woodstock, Ct., July 22, 1835.— Y. C. 1856.— Ord. Evang. at West Springfield, Ms., Nov. 13, 1865.— S. p. 2nd Ch., Chester, Ms., '65— [Autogr.] I860.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 101 Orson Cowles Sparrow (1), b. Killingly, Ct., Sept. 3, 1832. — Y. C. 1854.— Ph.B., Yale, 1858.— M. D., res. 481 Classon Av., Brooklyn, N". Y. — [Autogr.] *Edward Ashley Walker (2), b. New Haven, Ct., Nov. 24, 1834.— Y. C. 1856.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., June 19, 1861.— Chaplain 4th Ct. Reg., '61 -'62. -P. 1st Ch., Worcester, Ms., July 2, 1863 — Sept. . . 1865. — Died at Marquette, Mich., Apr, 10, 1866, aged 32. Pliny Fisk Warner (2), b. Strykersville, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1830. — Y. C. 1855.— Ord. Ist Ch., Stonington, Ct., Oct. 31, 1860— March 31, 1863.— S. p. Clinton, Wis., '64-'66.— S. p. Como, 111., '66-'69. — S. p. Aledo, 111., '69~[Autoffr.] 13. 1857-1860. Solomon Johnson Douglass (3), b. New Hartford, Ct., Oct. 3, 1834.— Y. C. 1857.— Ord. Sherman, Ct., Oct. 14, 1863— July 9, 1867. — Res. New Haven, Ct., engaged in teaching and book- keeping, '67 — [Autogr.] Alvah Lillib Frisbie (1), b. Tompkins, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1830. — Amh. C. 1857.— Ord. Ausonia, Ct., March 22, 1860— July 15, 1865.— P. 1st Ch., Danbury, Ct., July 19, 1865— Sept. 20, 1871.— P. Des Moines, lo., Nov. 7, 1871— [Autogr.] Joseph Newton Hallock (2), b. Franklinville, L. L, July 4, 1834.— Y. C. 1857.— Teacher, L. I., '60-'65.— Book Publisher, N. Y. City, P. O. address, 114 Nassau St., N. Y., '65— [Antogr.] Horace Henry McFarland (2), b. Ware, Ms., Oct. 11, 1832. — Y. C. 1853.— S. S. Morris, Ct., '60-'62.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Flushing, L. I., June 14, 1863— Apr. . . 1866.— S. p. Fifth Av. Ch., and Park Cong. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '66-69.— With Am. Sea- men's Friend Soc, 80 Wall St., New York, res. 157 S. Portland Av., Brooklyn, N. Y., '11—[Autogr.^ Lewis W. Sayres (l),Waynesburgh, Pa., — Waynesb. C Oscar Moses Smith (1), b. Java, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1827.— Y. C. 1855.— Ord. Evang. at Center, Wis., Feb. 25, 1863.— Preached in Wisconsin, '63-'66, and in New York till '69. — S. p. Monticello, Minn. — \^Autogr. ] 102 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF TALE COLLEGE. [1861. Edward Cornelius Towne (1), b. Goshen, Ms., Oct. 9, 1834, — Y. C. 1856.~Ord. Free Ch., South Braintree, Ms., July 11, 1860 —Apr. 1, 1861.— P. Unit. Ch., Medford, Ms., Apr. 1, 1861— Feb. 1, 1868.— Res. Winnetka, III, '68-'72.— S. p. Ch. of the Fraternity, New Haven, Ct., '72 — [Autogr.] Moses Coit Tyler (1), b. Griswold, Ct., Aug. 2, 1835.— Y. C. 1857.— Ord. Owego, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1858— July . . I860.— P. 1st Cong Ch., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1860— Oct. . . 1862.— Lecturer, etc., in England, '63-'66. — Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit., Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich., '67 — [Autogr.] Nathan Dana Wells (1), b. Northfield, N. H., June 17, 1831. — Y C. 1857.— Lawyer, N. Y. City, '60— 9. 1858-1861. George Blagden Bacon (2), b. New Haven, Ct., May 28, 1836. —Ord. Orange Valley, N. J., March 26, l8Ql—[Autogr.] Martin Smyser Eichelberger (1-), b. York, Pa., Jan. 27, 1^36.- Y. C. 1858.— Not ord.— Lawyer, York, Fa.—[Autogr.] Edgar Laing Heermance (2), b. N. Y. City, Apr. 30, 1833. — Y. C. 1858.— Ord. R. D. Ch., Castleton, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1861— Sept. 30, 1869.— Res. New Haven, Ct., '71 — [Autogr.] Philander Hatch Hollister (2), b. New Preston, Ct., Dec. 21, 1836.— Ord. Brookfield, Ct., Dec. 31, 1862— June 6, 1865.— Chaplain 29th Reg. Conn. Vols., '64-'65. — P. Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 23, 1866— May 28, 1868.— P. Hancock, Mich., Oct. J, 1868— [Autogr.] Daniel Augustus Miles (3), b. Rutland, Ms., Apr. 2, 1835. — Y. C. 1858.— Ord. Evang. at Worcester, Ms., July 27, 1864.— Chaplain 4th N. J. Reg. of Infantry, '64-'65. — Missionary to Freedmeu, Woodstock and Arlington, Va., '65-'66. — S. p. Cong. Ch., Forest Grove, Oregon, '66-'68. [Autogr.] Chauncey Dickinson Murray (2+), b. Madison, Ct., May 15, 1837.— Ord. Market St. Ref. Dutch Ch., N. Y. City, Jan. . . 1861 — — Lawyer, N. Y. City, 119 Greenwich St. — [Autogr.] Levi Leonard Paine (3), b. East Randolph, Ms., Oct. 10, 1832. — Y. C. 1856.— Tut. Y. C, '59-'61.— Ord. Farmington, Ct., Oct. 9, 1.S61— May 1, 1870. — Prof. Ecclesiastical History, Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '70 — [Autogr.] 1862.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 103 Wilder Smith (8), b. Boston, Ms., July 17, 18.35.— Y. C. 1857. —Tut. Y. C, '60-'62.— Ord. 2nd Cong. Ch., Berlin, Ct, Jan. 15, 1862— Oct. 30, 1866.— P. Hanover St. Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 17, 1867— Aug. 31, 1871.— P. Rockford, 111., 1872— [Autogr.] Elisha Smith Thomas (1 -), b. Wickford, R. I., March 2, 1834. — Y. C. 1858.— Ord. Deacon (Episc), May 17, 1861.— Prof. Exe- gesis and Hebrew, Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn., '64. \^Auto(/r.] — Rector, St. Mark's Ch., Minneapolis, Minn. *TiMOTHY Keeler Wilcox (2), b. North Greenwich, Ct., May 18, 1835.— Y. C. 1856.— Tut. Y. C, '59-'61.— Died, Chicago, 111., Feb. 27, 1863, aged 28. [Class Record, Y. (7.] 10. 1859-1862. Carlos Clement Carpenter (1), b. Bolton, Ct., July 15, 1835. — Y. C. 1859.— Ord. Birmingham, Ct, Feb. 13, 1861— June 27, 1865.— P. Harvard Ch., Brookline, Ms., June 29, 1865— Sept. 18, 1867.— In business, Birmingham, Ct, '68-'69.— P. Mt. Pleasant Unit. Ch., Boston Highlands, Dec. 1, 1870 — [Autogr.'] George WASHiNOTOisr Colmax (2+), b. Lemster, N, H., Dec. 10, 1834.— Un. C. 1858.— S. S. New Preston, Ct., '62-'63.— Ord. Acton, Ms., Nov. 12, 1863— May 4, 1869. — Teacher, Maplewood Inst., Pittsfield, Ms., '70-'7l.— S. p. Neponset, III, '1l—[Autogr.] William Moore Gay (2—), b. Pittsfield, Ms., Apr. 22, 1830.— Y. C. 1855.— Ord. Evang. at Whitney's Point, N. Y, March 31, 1863.— S. p. Whitney's Point, '62-'64.—S. p. West Avon, Ct., '64- '65.— S. p. Winchester, Ct., '66-'69.— S. p. Cummington, Ms., '70- '73.— West Warren, Ms. — [Autogr.] Elijah Franklin Howe (1), b. Grafton, Ms., Sept. 19, 1832. — Y. C. 1859.— Ord. 1st Ch., South Canaan, Ct., Dec. 17, 1862— Dec. 1, 1865.— S. p. 1st Cong. Ch., Terre Haute, Ind., '65-'70, of which P. May 4, ^ 810— [Autogr.] Samuel Henry Lee (2), b. Lisbon, Ct., Dec. 21, 1832. — Y. C. 1858.— Ord. North Bridgewater, Ms., Sept. 17, 1862— Feb. 20, 1866. — P. Greenfield, Ms., Aug. 12, 1866 — Apr. 15, 1872.— P. Ist Cong. Ch., Cleveland, O., Apr. 18, 1872— [Autogr.] 104 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1863. Charles Northrop Lyman (2), h. Hartford, Ct., May 14, 1835.— Y. C. 1859.— Ord. Canton Center, Ct., Oct. 29, 1862— Sept. 21, 1868, within which time Chaplain U. S. Army, '64-'65.— P. Dunlap, lo., Dec. 16, 1868— Jan. 1, 1871. — S. p. Onawa, lo., '71 — [Autogr.l Lewis Richard Packard (3), b. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 22> 1836.— Y. C. 1856.— Tut. Y. C, '59-'63.— Ph.D., Yale, 1863.— Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Y. C, '63—[Aiitogr.] Leicester Jotham Sawyer (1), — Knox C. 1859. — U. S. Army, '62-'63.— Ord. at Sheboygan Falls, Jan. 24, 1864.— Neosho Falls, Kan., (1871). Henry Upson (2-), b. Wolcott, Ct., May 21, 1831.— Y. C. 1859.— Ord. Evang. June 24, 1862.— Chaplain 13th Reg. Ct. Vols., '62-'63.— P. New Preston, Ct., Sept. 23, 1863— [Autogr.] AsHER Henry Wilcox (1 -), b. Norwich, Ct., Nov. 16, 1837. — Y. C. 1859.— Tut. Y. C, '63-'64.— S. S. Gardner, Ms., '64-'65.— Ord. Preston, Ct., June 29, 1865— Sept. 2, 1869, where S. p. '70- '72.— S. p. Westerly, R. L, "72— [Autogr.] 10. 1860-1863. George Henry Coffey (1), b. Mullingar, Ireland, Aug. 15, 1835. — Y. C. 1859.— Ord. Saugerties, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1862— —Res. N. Y. City.— [ Class Becord, Y. C.-\-] *Edward N. Grossman (1), b. Edinburg, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1826. —Ord. (Prot. Meth.) — S. p. Durham, Ct., '61, till his death in that town Oct. 7, 1861, aged 35. Joseph Leonard Daniels (3), b. East Medway, Ms., Aug. 1, 1833.— Y. C. I860.— Not ord.— Principal, Guilford Institute, Ct., '63-'65.— Prof. Greek, Olivet College, Mich., 'Q5—[Autogr.] *WiLLiAM S. Dutton (3), Milford, Ct., -Died, St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 29, 1863, aged . . Lkvereit Stearns Griggs (1), b. North Haven, Ct., Feb. 16, 1838.— Amh. C. I860.— Ord. Evang. at Spring Valley, Minn., June 23, 1864, where S. p. '63-'66.— S. p. Owatonna, Minn., '66-'69.— S. p. Lowell, Mich., '70-'72.— S. p. CoUinsville, Ct., '72— [Autogr.] 1863.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 105 *Henky Lewis Hall (2), b. Guilford, Ct., Nov. 26, 1836.— Y. C. I860.— Ord. Evang. at Guilford, Ct., Oct. 30, 1861.— Chap- lain 10th Reg. Conn. Vols., '61-'62.— P. High St. Ch, Auburn, Me., Jan. 23, 1868— March 24, 1869.— Died, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1869, aged 33. William Kittredge Hall (1+ ), b. Boston, Ms., Nov. 4, 1836. — Y. C. 1859.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Oct. 26, 1862.— Chaplain 17th Reg. Conn. Vols., '62-63.— S. p. Cromwell, Ct., '64-'65.— S. p. Olivet Ch., Springfield, Ms., '65-'66.— P. Stratford, Ct., Oct. 24, 1866— June 1, 1872.— Res. 447 Dudley St., Boston Highlands, Ms., '12—[Autogr.] John Haskell Hewitt (3), b. Preston, Ct., Aug. 8, 1835. — Y. C. 1859. — Not ord.— Assist. Librarian Y. C, '63-65. — Listruc- tor in Mathematics and English Literature, Olivet College, '65- '66, in which Prof. Latin, '6Q—[Au(ogr.] Lucius Hopkins Higgins (1), b. Plantsville, Ct., July 4, 1832. — Y. C. I860.— S. S. South Coventry, and Killingworth, Ct., '64- '65.— Ord. 1st Cong. Ch., Lanark, 111., June 21, lS6Q^[Auto(/r.] John Davies Jones (2), b Wales, — Ham. C. 1861. — Ord. Chaplain in the xVrmy at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 22, 1864. Horatio Oliver Ladd (2), b. Hallowell, Me., Aug. 31, 1839. — Bowd. C. 1859. — Chaplain Christian Commission at Suffolk, Va., '63.— S. S. Crombie St. Ch., Salem, Ms., '64.— Ord. Cromwell, Ct., Nov. 23, 1865— Dec. 29, 1867.— P. Komeo, Mich., Feb. 16, 1869 Selah Merrill (3), b. Canton Center, Ct., May 2, 1837. — Ord. Evang. by Hampden (W^st) Assoc, Nov 1, 1864. — Chaplain 49th U. S. Col'd Lif., '64-'65.— P. 1st Con-. Ch., LeRoy, N. Y., March 21, 1866— Nov. 19, 1867.— S. p. Salmon Falls, N. H., '71— [Autoffr.^ Cyrus Pickett (2—), b. Andover, O., May 29, 1837.— Alleg. C. 1859.— S. S. Cheshire, Ct., '. . -'67.— Ord. Enfield, Ct., Feb. 28, 1867— Apr. 26, 1870.— P. Keokuk, lo., Dec. 29, 1810— [Autogr.] 13 106 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1864. 1861-1864. James Henry Bradford (2), b. Grafton, Vt., Aug. 24, 1836. — Y. C. 1863.--Ord. at Mclndoes Falls, Vt., Feb. 20, 1862.— Chap- lain 12th Reg. Conn. Vols., '62-'65.— H. M. Hudson, Wis., '65-'67. — Assist. Supt. and Chaplain State Reform School for Boys, West- boro', Ms., '68-'69. — Supt. Conn. Industrial School for Girls, Mid- dletown, Ct., '70 — [AHto(/r.] Clarence Eddy (l), b. Waterford, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1839.— Y. C. 1861.— Ord. 1st Presb. Ch., Cornwall, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1865 — Jan. 1, 1869. — P. Woodside Presb. Ch., Newark, N. J., March 3, 1869— [Autogr.] Edward Brown Furbish (1), b. Portland, Me., May 21, 1837. — Y. C. I860.— Ord. Evang. at Portland, Me., Oct. 3, 1862.— Chaplain 25th Maine Reg., '62- '. .—P. Presb. Ch., New Hartford, N. Y., May 31, 1865— Feb, 14, 1872.— P. Presb. Ch., Potsdam, N. Y., June 5, 1812— [Autogr.] *Ebenezer Porter Hyde (2—), b. Youngstown, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1837.— Not ord.— S. S. South Coventry, Ct., '64-'66.— Died, New Haven, Ct., Aug. 31, 1868, aged 31. [Class Hecord, Y. C. 1863.] Wilbur Johnson (2), b. Genoa, N. Y., March 1, 1831. — Y. C. 1856.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Great Bend Village, Pa., Oct. 3, 1865— Nov. 30, 1867.— S. p. Sandwich, Ms., '67-70.— S. p. West Boylston, Ms., '71 — [Antogr.] Nathan Tibbals Merwin (3), b. Milford, Ct., June 8, 1836.— Y. C. 1861.— Ord. Trumbull, Ct., June 6, 1865— [Atctogr.] John Moses Morris (2—), b. Wethersfield, Ct., Apr. 27, 1837. — Y. C. 1860. —Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Apr. 24, 1861.— Chaplain 8th Conn. Vols., '61-'63.— Ed. "Conn. War Record," *64-'65.— Clerk House Rep. of Conn., '65-'67.— Ed. Charleston (S. C.) Daily Republican^ '68-'71.- Executive Sec. U. S. Senate, '69.— Ed. Daily Chronicle, Washington, D. C, '10— [Antogr.'] George Austin Pelton (1), b. Stockbridge, Ms., Apr. 15, 1833. — Y. C. 1861.— Ord. at Franklin, Ms., Aug. 9, 1865, where S. p. '64-'67.— S. p. Bethel, Ct., '67-'69.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Candor, N. Y., '69-'70, where P. May 19, \8lQ—[Autogr.] 1865.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 107 William Henkt Rice (2), b. Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 8, 1840. — Y. C. 1859.— Ord. Evang. Aug. 19, 1862.~Chaplain 129th Penn. Vols., '62-63. — P. German Moravian Ch., New Haven, Ct., Oct. 4, 1863— 1868.— P. Eng. Moravian Ch., York, Pa., May 31, l8Q8—[Autogr.] Milton S. Terry (1), Coeymans Valley, N. Y. — Ord. Dea. Meth. Episc. Ch., 1865, Elder, 1867.— Stationed at Hamden, N. Y., '63-'64, Delhi, '64-'66, St. Paul's Peekskill, N. Y., '67-'69, Cannon St. Ch., Poughkeepsie, '70 — 10. 1862-1865. *JoHN Wait Barton (1), b. Danbury, Ct., June 2, 1839. — Supt. of Missions in Penn. for Am, S. 8. Union, '63-66. — Ord. Evang. at Danbury, Ct , May 22, 1866.— Died, Xov. 21, 1866, aged 27. [Memoir by Rev. H. Clay Trumbull, 16mo.] William Eustis Brooks (2), b. Kingfield, Me., June 6, 1835. — Waterv. C. 1862.— S. S. 1st Ch., Derby, Ct., '65-'67.— Ord. Clin- ton, Ct., May 23, 1867— [^w^o^r.] Hasket Derby Catlin (3), b. Staten Island, N. Y., June '26, 1839.— Y. C. 1859.— Ord. Unitarian Ch., Neponset, Ms., 1867— 1870.— Res. Brooklyn, N. Y.—[Autogr.] James Balloch Chase (3), b. Woodstock, Vt., Aug. 12, 1837. — Y. C. 1862.— Ord. Evang. Dec. 4, 1865.— S. p. Council Bluffs, lo., '65-'68.— S. p. Columbus, Neb., '68-'69.— S. p. Fremont, Neb., 69-'71. — S. p. Elkhorn City and vicinity, '71 — [Auiogr.] George Whitefield Fisher (3), b. Cambridge, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1833.— Y. C. 1859.— Ord.'Ch. of Forefathers, Saugerties, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1865— Jan. . . 1868.— S. p. Peacedale, R. I., '68-'72, where P. July 24, 1872— [^w^o^r.] Arthur Goodenough (3), b. Jefferson, N. Y., May 13, 1838. — Y. C. 1862. — Ord. Evang. by Presb. of Delaware, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1865.— S. p. Ellsworth, Ct., '65-69.— S. p. Roxbury, Ct., '69- '70.— P. Winchester, Ct., Dec. 28, \8lO—[Atctof/r.] Charles Edward Gkixnell (2), b. Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1841.— Harv. C. 1862.— Ord. 1st Unit. Ch., Lowell, Ms., Feb. 19, 1867— Oct. 31, 1869.— P. Harvard Ch., Charlestown, Ms., Nov. 10, 18Q9—[Autogr.] 108 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1866. Elliot CnAPm Hall (2), b. Jamestown, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1838. — Y. C. 1862.— Ord. Evang. at Ashville, N. Y., June 13, 1866.— S. p. Farmington, Pa., '65-'67.— S. p. Otto, N. Y,. '67-69.— S. p. Kiautone, N. Y., '69— [Autogr.] Henry Norton Johnson (3), b. West Meriden, Ct., June 11, 1831. — Y. C. 1861.— Not ord. — Rector, Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Ct., '64 — [Autogr.] Thomas Dungan Murphy (3), b. Freeport, Pa., Sept. 6, 1837. Y. C. 1862.— S. S. Granby, Ct., '65-'68, where ord. June 13, 1868 — [Atttogr.'] *George Lee Woodhull (3), b. Ronkonkoma, L. I., Oct. 3, 1832.— Y. C. 1862.— Ord. Evang. at Onawa, lo., July . . 1866, where S. p. '66, till his death there, Oct. 1, 1870, aged 37. [Obit. Becord, Y. C.\ 11. 1863-1866. George Wallace Banks (3), b. Greenfield Hill, Ct., July 11, 1839.— Y. C. 1863.— Ord. Bethlehem, Ct., Oct. 3, \S66—[Autogr.'] Henry Edwards Cooley (3), b. Norwich, Ct., Apr. 5, 1838. — Y. C. 1863.— Ord. 1st Ch., Plymouth, Ct., Aug. 7, 1866— March 31, 1869.— S. p. 1st Ch., Winsted, Ct., '69-'70.— S. p. South Weymouth, Ms., '70-'71.— P. Littleton, Ms., May 9, 1872.— [Autogr.'] Heman Packard DeForest (3), b. North Bridgewater, Ms., Aug. 20, 1839.— Y. C. 1862.— Ord. 1st Ch., Attleboro', Ms., Dec. 18, 1867— Feb. 10, 1869.— P. Lincoln Park Ch., Chicago, 111, March, 11, 1869— March 2, 1871.— P. Westborough, Ms., Aug. 10, 1871— [^w^o^r.] Henry Swift DeForest (2 — ), b. South Edraeston, N. Y., March 17, 1833.— Y. C. 1857.— Tut. Y. C, '61-'63.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Aug. 2, 1863.— Chaplain 11th Conn. Vols., '63-'65. — P. Plymouth Cong. Ch., Des Moines, lo., Sept. . , 1866 — July 1, 1870.— P. Council Bluffs, lo., Jan. 4, \^l2—[Autogr.] Cyrus West Francis (3), b. Newington, Ct., June 17, 1838. — Y. C. 1863.— B. D., Yale, 1867.— Ord. Evang. at New Haven, Ct., Sept. 12, 1867.— In service of Am. Miss. Assoc, Atlanta, Ga., '67, and P. Cong. Ch., Atlanta, Ga., March 30, 1869 — [Autogr.'] 1868.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 109 Algernon Mordant Goodnough (2), Brandon, Vt. — Mid C. 1861.— Ord. Mystic Bridge, Ct., Jan. 3, 1866— Feb. 26, 1867.— Valejo, Cal, '70- '. .—San Mateo, Cal, '72. Lewis Williams (3), b. Rhydymain, North Wales, March 15, 1836.— Ord. New Preston, Ct, July 11, 1867— March 31, 1869.— S. p. Presb. Chh., Turin and Lyons Falls, res. Lyons Falls, N, Y., '69—[Autogr.] 7. 1864-1867. Charles Winterfield Baldwin (1), b. Millersville, Md., March 23, 1840.— Y. C. 1861.— Ord. Deacon Meth. Episc. Ch., 1868, Elder, 1870.— Stationed Severn, Md., '66-67, Ryland, Md., '67- '69, Westminster, Md., '69-'71, Hereford, Md., '72— John Birge Doolittle (3), b. Bristol, Ct., Nov. 6, 1836. — Y. C. 1863.— Ord. Evang. at Plymouth, Ct., July 7, 1864. — Chaplain 15th Reg. Conn. Vols., '64-'65.— P. Hartland, Ct., June 12, 1867 — June 19, 1872.— P. Bridgewater, Ct., Oct. 16, 1872 — [Autoffr.] William C. Galpin (1), Candor, N. Y. Cornelius Ladd Kitchel (2), b. Plymouth Hollow, Ct,, July 5, 1841.— Y. C. 1862.— Tut. Y. C, '65-'67.— B. D., Yale, 1867.— Ord. 1st Ch., Guilford, Ct., Apr. 13, 1810— [Auto ffr.] David Brainerd Perry (2), b. Worcester, Ms,, March 7, 1839. — Y. C, 1863.— Tut. Y. C, '65-'67 and '70-'71.— B. D., Yale, 1867. —Ord. Evang. at Crete, Neb., July 11, 1872.— S. p. Aurora, Neb. — Teacher, Crete, Neb,, '72 — William Clitz Sexton (3), b. Plymouth, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1832. — Y. C. 1862. — B. D., Yale, 1867.— Ord. Evang. at Lewis, Jo,, Nov. 6, 1867, where S, p. '67-'69.— In Vineland, N, J,, 1870.— H. M. Paterson, N. J., '71.— S. p, Guy's Mills and Townville, Pa,, '71— lAutoar.] 6. 1865-1868. Simeon Olmsted Allen (3), b. Enfield, Ct., Dec. 23, 1837.— Y. C. 1865.— B. D., Yale, 1868.— Ord. Evang. at Lansing, Mich., Dec. 1, 1870, where S. p. Cong, Ch,, '70-'7l,— S. p. Pontiac, Mich., '72 — [Atitogr.] Egbert Byron Bingham (2), b. Scotland, Ct., Feb. 17, 1839.— Y. C. 1863.— Tut. Y. C, '66-'68.— Ord. Evang. Atlanta, Ga., March 29, 1869.— P. 1st Cong. Ch., Rockville, Ct., Oct. 17, 1871 — [Autogr.] 110 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1868. George Sherwood Dickermax (3), b. Hamden, Ct., June 5, 1843.— Y. C. 1865.— B. D., Yale, 1868.— Ord. Cong. Ch., Normal, 111., Aug. 5, 1868— Dec. 21, 1869.— P. West Haven, Ct, Dec. 8, 1870— [Autogr.] Charles Hyde Gatlord (3), b. Ashford, Ct., Jan. 25, 1839. — Y. C. 1865.— B. D., Yale, 1868.— Not ord.— M. D., Yale, 1871.— Practicing Physician, Meriden, Ct., '71 — [Autogr.] RuFus PiERCY HiBBARD (1), b. New York City, Jan. 27, 1844. —Ord. Greenfield Hill, Ct., Aug. 4, 1868— Apr. 23, 1872.— S. p. East Cong. Ch., New Haven, Ct., 'l2—[Autogr.'\ *George Henry Kimball (1—), Cambridgeport, Ms. — Died, at Cambridgeport, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, March 26, 1868, aged about 28. Allen McLean (3), b. East Granby, Ct., Nov. 17, 1837.— Y. C. 1865.— B. D., Yale, 1868.— Ord. Cong. Ch., East Orange, N. J., Oct. 14, \8QS—\_Autogr.^ Henry Grimes Marshall (1), b. Milford, Ct„ Jan. 2, 1839. — Y. C. I860.— Ord. Evang. at Avon, Ct., Feb. 1, 1871, where S. p. '71-72.— P. Charlemont, Ms., Sept. 4, 1872— [^wto^r.] Sanford Smith Martyn (3), b. Haverhill, Ms., July 23, 1839. — Y. C. 1865.— B. D., Yale, 1868.— Ord. Newington, Ct., Apr. 29, 1868— Apr. 29, 1870.— P. New Hartford, Ct., June 9, 1870— \^Autogr.'\ George Spring Merriam (3—), b. Springfield, Ms., Jan. 13, 1843.— Y. C. 1864.— Tut. Y. C, '66-'68.— Assist. Ed. Christian Union^ New York City, '70 — [Autogr.'] David Judson Ogden (3), b. Whitesboro', N. Y., Dec. 24, 1837. — Y. C. 1861. — B. D., Yale, 1868.— Licentiate, res. New Haven, Ct. — [Autogr.] Samuel Wells Powell (1), b. Phillipsville, N. Y., May 6, 1838. — Teacher of Hebrew in Bapt. Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., '68-'69. — U. M. in Iowa, '69, H. M. in Wis., and taught Hebrew in Presb. Theol. Sem., Chicago, '70. — Ord. Evang. at Arena, Wis., Feb. 8, 1872, where H. M. '1l— [Autogr.] 1869.] DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. Ill WiNTHROP Dudley Sheldon (3), b, Raymond, N, H., Dec. 18, 1839.— Y. C. 1861.— B. D., Yale, 1868.— Principal Preparatory Dept., Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., '69 — [Autogr.] 13. 1866-1869. Edward Woolset Bacon (3), b. New Haven, Ct., May 5, 1843, — Ord. Wolcottville, Ct., Sept. 29, 1869— Oct. 31, 1871.— S. p. Flint, Mich., 'l2—[Autogr.] John Wickliffe Beach (3), b. Wolcott, Ct., Jan. 5, 1843. — Y. C. 1864.— B. D., Yale, 1869.— Ord. Windsor Locks, Ct., Sept. 28, \810—[A^(togr.] Robert Caird Bell (1), b. Dumfrieshire, Scotland, March 7, 1841.— U. N. Y. 1866.— Ord. Bethel, Ct., Nov. 3, 1869— Apr. 2, 18V2.— P. Orange, Ms., Oct. 9, 1812—[Autoffr.] Charles Frederick Bradley (2), b. Bergen (now Hudson City), N. J., Apr. 4, 1840.— Y. C. 1862.— Ord. West Stockbridge, Ms., Aug. 18, 1869— May 14, 18V2.— S. p. South Lee, Ms., '72— [Antogr.] Ferdinand Van Derveer Garretson (1), b. New Brunswick^ N. J., Dec. 10, 1839.— Y. C. 1866.— Henry Burnham Mead (3), b. Littleton, N. H., Jan. 37, 1839. — Y. C. 1866.— B. D., Yale, 1869.— S. S., FaUs Village, Ct., '69-'70. —Ord. Terry ville, Ct., June 7, 1871— John Thomas Owens (3), b. Abercych, Wales, March 28, 1844. — S. S. Nortonville, Cal., '69-'70, where ord. March 8, 1870— Apr. 11, 1871.— Res. No. 10 Liberty Place, New Haven, Ct. — [Autogr.] Isaac Pierson (1), b. South Orange, N. J., Aug. 11, 1843. — Y. C. 1866.— Ord. Evang. at Hartford, Ct., March 30, 1870.— Mis- sionary of the A. B. C. F. M. at Yu-Cho, Northern China, '70 — Enoch E. Rogers (3), b. Orange, Ct., Jan. 9, 1838.— Ord. Evang. at Orange, Ct., May 12, 1869,— S. p. Cong. Ch,, Macon, Ga., 'Q9—[AKtogr.] *Henry Otis Whitney (1), b, Williston, Vt,, Dec, 26, 1840,— Y. C, 1866,— Ord. Evang, at Williston, Vt., July 20, 1869.— S, p. Elko, Nevada, where he died, March 1, 1870, aged 29. 112 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. [1870. William Benjamin Williams (3), b. Dwygyfylchi, Wales. — Ord. Ashland, Pa., Aug. 15, 1869— 1871.— Fayette, lo., '71-'72.— Chenoa, McLean Co., 111., '12—[Avtogr.] 11. 1867-1870. Thomas Dougal Barclay (1), b. York, N. Y., June 5, 1845. — Monm. a 1867.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— S. S. Cong. Ch., Hamilton, N. Y.;i2—[Autogr.] John Henry Barrows (1), b. Medina, Mich., July 11, 1847. — Oliv. C. 1867.— S. S. Springfield, El., '72— [Autogr.] Walter Manning Barrows (1), b. Franklin, Mich., Apr. 12, 1846.— Oliv. C. 1867.— Ord. Marshall, Mich., Nov. 1, 1871— [AiUogr.] Anselm Byron Brown (3), b. Sebago, Me., Apr. 28, 1845. — Y. C. 1867.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— S. S. Taylor Ch., New Haven, Ct., '70-'71. [Autogr.] Daniel Augustits Evans (3), b. Nantyglo, Wales, Aug. 18, 1841.— Ord. Welsh Cong. Ch., Audenried, Pa., June 19, 1870— [Autogr.] Albert Francis Hale (3), b. Springfield, 111., Oct. 2,1844. — Y. C. 1866.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— Ord. Presb. Ch., Somonauk, 111., May 2, 1871 — [Autogr.] Joseph William Hartshorn (3), b. South Coventry, Ct,, June 22, 1840.— Y. C. 1867.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— S. S. Riverton, Ct., '70-'72. [Autogr.]— 8. S. Hinsdale, 111., '72— James Phillips Hoyt (1), b. Coventry, N. Y, July 28, 1844.— Y. C. 1864.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— Ord. Sherman, Ct., July 28, 1870 — [Autogr.] Elijah Janes (2), b. New York City, Oct. 31, 1843.— Cal. C. 1865.— S. S. Cloverdale, Cal., '70-'71.— Acting Prof. Languages, Knox C, Galesburgh, III, '72— [Autogr.] James Fiske IMerkiam (I), b. Springfield, Ms., May 2, 1845. — Y. C. 1867.— Ord. Farmington, Ct., Sept. 13, 1871— [Autogr.] 1871.] DIVIN'ITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 113 Robert George Stephen McNeille (2), b. Philadelphia, Pa,, Apr. 1, 1841.— Y. C. 1863.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— Ord. East Ch., New Haven, Ct., May 12, 1870— Dec. 31, 1871.— P. Porter Ch., North Bridgewater, Ms., Apr. 26, 1812— [Auto ffr.] Edward Comfort Starr (2), b. Guilford, Ct., Jan. 12, 1844. — Y. C. 1866.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— Ord. Evang. at Waseca, Minn., March 30, 1871, where S. p. '70— JuBA Howe Vorce (3), b. Crown Point, N. Y., March 19, 1843. —Mid. C. 1865.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— Ord. South Merideu (Hano- ver), Ct., Nov. 16, 1870— [Autogr.] Charles Swan Walker (2), b. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 7, 1848. — Y. C. 1867.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— Ord. Darien, Ct., Aug. 1, 1871— Apr. 2, 1872. [Aidogr.] 14. 1868-1871. Cornelius Beach Bradley (1), b. Bangkok, Siam, Nov. 18, 1843.— Oberl. C. 1868.— B. D., Yale, 1870.— Ord. Foreign Mis- sionary at Oberlin, O., July 30, 1871, and laboring at Bangkok, Siam, '71 — [Aiitoffr.] Theodore Lansing Day (2), b. Boston, Ms., Sept. 18, 1845. — Y. C. 1867.— Tut. Y. C, '69-'72.— B. D., Yale, 1871.— Ord. Hol- yoke, Ms., Dec. 18, 1872— [A uioffr.] John Kinne Hyde DeForest (3), b. Westbrook, Ct., June 21, 1844— Y. C. 1868.— B. D., Yale, 1871.— Ord. Mt. Carmel (Ham- den), Ct, May 25, 187 \—[Antogr.] Charles Wesley Drake (2), b. Miamisburg, O., Aug. 18, 1840.— Ord. Evang. at South Windsor, Ct., Nov. 21, 1871, where S. p. '71 — [Autogr.] Charles Winthrop Fifield (3), b. Epsom, N. H., Feb. 19, 1843.— Y. C. 1864.— B. D., Yale, 1871.— H. M. Heath, Rowe and Munroe, Ms., P. O. address, Heath, Ms., '72 — [Autogr.] Lauren Matthew Foster (3), b. Meriden, Ct., Apr. 1, 1843. — S. S. Cong. Ch., Hudson, Wis., '71-72, where ord. Oct. 22, 1872— Edward Pirrrrpont Herrick (3), b. Clintonville, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1846.— Ord. Middle Haddara, Ct., June 15, l8ll—[Aiaoffr.] 114 DIVINITY SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE, [1872. Alfred Van Cleve Johnsox (2), b. New York City, June 10, 1847. — U. N. Y. 1867. — B, D., Yale, 1871. — Licentiate, Jerome, Westchester Co., N. Y., 'VI — [Aittogr.] Alexander Johnston (3), b. Alleghany City, Pa., Oct. 21, 1844.— Y. C. 1867.— B. D., Yale, 1871.— S. S. Quindaro, Kan., '72. David Evans Jones (3), b. Llangiwck Parish, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Jan. 1, 1840.— Ord. Roxbury, Ct., June 21, 1871— [Autoffr.\ Anson Phelps Tinker (1), b. Old Lyme, Ct., Oct. 15, 1844.— Y. C. 1868.— Tut. Y. C, '69-'70.— Licentiate, Old Lyme, Ct— [Atitogr.] *James Brainerd Tyler (3), b. Brainerd Station, Jamaica, W. L, March 23, 1842.— Y. C. 1864.- B. D., Yale, 1871.— Ord. Groton, Ct., Sept. 27, 1871 [Aiitogr.]—Maj 28, 1872, when he died in that town, aged 30. William Woodmansee (1), b. Jackson, Lid., Sept. 7, 1840. — Oberl. C. 1868.— Ord. at Hart, Mich., Dec. 5, 1872.— S. p. Hub- bardston, Mich., "72— [Auto g)\] 13. 1869-1872. Arthur Herman Adams (3), b. Florence, O., Nov. 24, 1847. — Y. C. 1867.— Medical Dept. Y. C, '':2—[Autogr.] Edwin Bailey Burrows (1), b. Mayville, N. Y., June 30, 1841.— B. D., Yale, 1872.— S. p. Cong. Ch., Lebanon, O., '72— [Autogr.] George Augustus Parsons Oilman (1), b. Boston, Ms., Nov. 17^ 1844. — B. D., Yale, 1872. — Ord. Watertown, Ct., Aug. 28^ lSl2—[Autogr.] Robert Allen Hume (2), b. Bombay, India, March 18, 1847. — Y. C. 1868.— Li Andover Theol. Sem., '72 — William Gossner Marts (1), Washington, D. C, — S, S. Mount Pleasant, lo., '72 — Elisua Wright Miller (3), b, Williston, Vt., Oct. 29, 1845.— Y. C. 1808.- B. D., Yale, 1872.— S. S. South Royalton, Vt., '72— [Autogj-.] I 1873.] DIVINITY- SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. 115 *Pascal Decatur Murkay (3—), b. Madison, Ct,, Dec. 21, 1848.— Licentiate.— Died, New Britain, Ct., Oct. 24, 1872, aged 24. Austin Hull Norris (3), b. Saybrook (now Essex), Ct., Aug. 3, 1845.— B. D., Yale, 1872.— S. S. Farwell, Mich., 'l2—[Autoffr.] Edward Kirk Rawson (1), b. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1845.— — Y. C. 1868.— Ord. Newton, Ms., 1872.— Chaplain U. S. Navy. Richard Austin Rice (2), b. Madison, Ct., Oct. 22, 184G. — Y. C. 1868. — Licentiate, New Haven, Ct., '72 — [Autoffr.] RuFus Byam Richardson (3), b. Westford, Ms., Apr. 18, 1845. — Y. C. 1869. — Licentiate, Berlin, Germany, '72 — [Autogr.] JoTHAM Sewall (1), Fryeburg, Me., — Wms. C. 1868. Arthur Shirley (3), New York City, — Y. C. 1869. —Ord. Conway, Ms., July 3, 1812— [Ai3, James L. Willard, '52 Leon. >,\ . Bacon, '52 "Wm. A. Baldwin, '53 Wm. B. Bassett, '54, WilHs S. Colton, '55, Samuel Johnson, '53 Cordial Storrs, '53, Moses C. Welch, '58 JohnA.\Voodhull,'53 James A. Gallup, '54 Jonat. L. Jenkins, '55 Julius Y. Leonard,'55 Henry Loomis, '57 Salmon McCall, '54 Theod. T. Munger,'55 Fisk P. Brewer, '57, John Elderkin, '55, Charles C. Salter, '57, Chris.D.Seropyan,'55 Moses Smith, '58, WilliamP. Aikin, '57, *Charles Brooks, '58 Wm. T. Gilbert, '56 H. H. McFarland, '60 Kinsley Twining, '56 Jas. M. Whiton, '57 Andr. J. Willard, '56 Carroll Cutler, '58 Wm. Huteliison, '58 Orson C. Sparrow, '59 John Anketell, '59 J. Cruickshanks, '5'8 John Edgar, '59 William M. Gay, '62 Oscar M. Smith, '60 Pliny F. Warner, '59. 1856 Wm. A. Bushee, Wilbur Johnson, Justin Martin, John Monteith, Lewis R. Packard, Levi L. Paine, Edward A. Smith, Oliver S. Taylor, Edw. C. Towne, Edw. A. Walker, Timot. K. Wilcox, 1857 Henr. S. DeForest, Solom. J .Douglass, Jos. N. Flallock, Wilder Smith, Moses C. Tyler, Nathan D. Wells, 1858 M.S.Eichelberger, E. L. Heermance, Samuel H. Lee, Daniel A. Miles, EHsha S. Thomas, 1859 C. C. Carpenter, Hasket D. Catlin, George H. Coffey, George W^ Fisher, William K. Hall, John H. Hewitt, Elijah F. Howe, ' Chas. N. Lyman, Wm. H. Rice, Henry Upson, Asher H. Wilcox, ' 1860 Joseph L. Daniels, Edw. B. Furbish, *Henry L. Hall, Lucius H.Higgins,' Henry G.Marshall, John M. Morris, 1861 Chas. W. Baldwin, Clarence Eddy, Henry N. Johnson,' Nathan T.Merwin, David J. Ogden, ' George A. Pel ton, ' Wm. D. Sheldon, ' 1862 Chas. F. Bradley, James B. Chase, H. P. DeForest, A. Goodenough, Elliott C. Hall, Corn. L. Kitchel, Thos. D. Murphy, Wm. G. Sexton, *G. L. Wood hull, 1863 Geo. W. Banks, Egb. B. Bingham, Jas. II. Bradford, Henry J^l. Cuoloy, 1863 John B. Doolittle, Cvrus W. Francis, R. G. S. McNeille, David B. Perry, 1861 John W. Beach, Geo.W. Benjamin Chas. W. Fiileld, James P. ilo}i;, Geo. S. Merriam, *James B. Tyler, ' 1865 Simeon 0. Allen, ' Geo.S.Dickerman, Marsh. R. Gaines, Chas. H. Gaylord, ' Allen McLean, SanfordS.Martjm, 1 866 F. V. Garretson, Albert F. Hale, ' Henry B. Mead, Isaac Pierson, Edward C. Starr, ' *H. 0. Whitney, ' 1867 Arthur H.Ad.ims,' Henry B. Beard, Anselm B. Brown, ' Tlieodore L. Day, J. W. Hartshorn, Alexan. Johnston, Jas. F. Merriam, ' Charles S.Walker, :868 .L K. H. DeForest, Robert A. Hume, Elisha W. Miller, Edw. K. Rawson, Richard A. Rice. Anson P. Tinker, Thos. C. Welles, 1869 Fred. S. Hayden, Bernadot. Perrin, Theod.P.Prudden, R. B. Richardson, Arthur Shirley, 1870 -John S. Chandler, F. Countryman, Ira E. Forbes, HenryL.lIutchins, Arthur H.Warren, 1871 Isaac D. Decker. Chas. H. Hamlin, Geo. C. Jewell, Howard W. Pope, Frank C. Potter, John W. Starr, Alwin E. Todd, N. 11. Whittlesey, 1872 DavidS.IIolbrook, Edwin S. Lines, James Oakey, PLACES OF MINISTEEIAL LABOR. 139 III. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. MAINE. Alfred. '28-'3:i Daniel D. Tappan. Auburn. •68-'G9 Henry L. Hall. Bangor, First. '59-'ii3 Edw. W. Gilman. Bangor. Hammond St. '61-65 Edwin Johnson. Bath. 'Sl-'Ol Eliph. Whittlesey. Bath, Bapt. '39-'47 Handel a. Nott. Belfast. '42-'46 Elbridge G. Cutler. Caitine. '37-'-i2 B. B. Beckwith. '55- Alfred E. Ives. hast Alachias. '48-'57 f John C. Adams. Eastport. '37-'40 Moses P. Stickney. Eaxtport, Episc. '60 f John Anketell. Falmouth. '59- f John C. Adams. Gorham. '40-42 John S. Davenport. Kennebunk J'ort. '46-'48 Henry Eddy. '63-66 f John Parsons. Kennebunk Fort, Bapt. '48-60 Handel G. Nott. Lebanon. '69- John Parsons. Livingston. '57 -'62 John Parsons. Machias. '34-'44 Stephen D. Ward. Milton. '54-'55 f Erastus Curtiss. Oak Hill. f James R. Bourne. I'ortland. '62-'64 f J. H. Mordough. Saco. '44-'52 Edw. S. Dwight. Solon. '55-56 fErastus Curtiss. South Berwick. '58-'66 Ephraim W. Allen. Topsh'im. '37 fEdw. Cleveland. Turner. '44-'46 fHenry Eddy. Waterville. ] 55-59 W'illiam B. Greene.j Waterville, Bapt. 47-'48 f Handel G. Nott. Westbrook. '40-'44 J. H. Mordough. Wi7ithro2} '6 6-' 69 f Daniel D. Tappan. ) ork. John Parsons. HAMPSHIRE. Amherst, Bapt. Mason Ball. Bath. fEdw. Cleveland. Chester. J. L. Tomlinson. Concord. Episc. Darius R. Brewer. Dover. Hubbard Winslow. Dreiosville. Episc. Edw. A. Renouf. Exettr. Swift Byington. Farmlngton. fDaniel D. Tappan. Francestown. Jas. R. Davenport. Franklin. fDaniel D. Tappan. (iilsum. fEdw. B. Bassett. Great Falls. William Twining. James A. Smith. Hookset. Jos. W. Tarleton. Hopikinton. Chris, il. Cordley. Elisha W. Cook. Keene, Ejnsc. Edw. A. Renouf. Litchfield. William H. Porter, Manchesler. Henry S. Clark. MarLhw-Qugh. fErastus Curtiss. Mt Vernon. Charles E. Lord. NEW 41-'44 43-'49 63-'70 44-'46 28-'32 68-'71 71- 52-'59 '39-'42 '64- '66 '30- '32 '31 '37 '50- '54 '49- '61- '52 '64 '59- '68 '45- '49 '49- '52 '58 '26 '46- -'48 Nashua. Handel G. Nott. New Ipswich. 36-'60 Samuel Lee. 66 William Russell. Portsmouth. 43-'51 Rufus W. Clark. Rochester. '37-'38 fEdw. Cleveland. :i9-'4] Francis V. Pike. Salmo7i Falls. '52-57 p]dw. E. Atwater. '71- fSelah MerriU. Temple. '55-65 George Goodyear. Wakefield. ■65-'71 fDaniel D. Tappan. Walpole. '35 B. B. Beckwith. Washington. '66-'C8 fEdw. B. Bassett. Westmoreland. '63-'64 Edw. B. Bassett. VERMONT. Barnet. '54-'56 fEdw. Cleveland. Bennington, First. '53- Isaac Jennings. Bennington. Second. '51-' 7 2 fC. H.' Hubbard. Bethel. Fjnsc. '71- Moses P. Stickney. Brattleboro\ '46-'53 Alex. H. Clapp. '5 2-' 5 3 f Joseph D. Hulk Brookfield. '68-69 fWm. A. Bushee. '09- Wm. A. Bushee. Burlington, Episc. David H. Buell. Cabot. '49-'54 fEdw. Cleveland. Chelsea,. '4 1 -'46 Benj. B. Newton. Chester. '67-'69 Charles E. Lord. Cornwall. '41-'43 fS. W. Mag-ill. '67- S. W. Magill. Cuttersville. '57-'59 fEdw. B. Bassett. Danville (and Queeche). '45-46 f John Dudley. East St. Johnsbury. '49 f Josiah T. King. f This mark indicates that during the period named, the person was serving the church, but without being ordained or installed as its pastor. 140 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. Essex. '48-'56 John D. Sands. '67- f Andr. J. Willard. Fairhaven. '43-45 f Orlo D. Hine. Highgate. '65 Edward Winthrop Lunenburg. '66-69 James R. Bourne. Middlehury. '44-'50 Samuel G. Coe. '57-'67 James T. Hyde. Montpdier. '41-'46 John Gridley. Queeche (and Danvill:). '45-'46 f John Dudley. Boyalton, Episc. '71- Moses P. Stickney, Uutliind. '47-'48 jHenry Hurlburt. St. Albans. '44-54 David Dobie. Saxton's River. '62-'63 fLewis Grout. South Royalton. '72- fElisha W. MiUer. Springfield- '52-'58 S. P. Giddings. Strafford. '70-' 71 fNath. Richardson, Townshend. '33-'48 Horatio N. Graves. Wallingford. '62-'69 f Aldace Walker. '69- Aldace Walker. Weathersfidd Bow. '41-45 John Dudlev. Wdh River. '47-'50 James D. Butler. West BraUleboro\ '46- Joseph Chandler. Westminster. '46-'51 William H. Gilbert. West Rutland. '40-'«2 Aldace Walker. '69-'72 James R. Bourne. Weyhridge. '40-'41 f Philip Eveieth. Wilmington. '51-'53 Mason Ball. '59-'61 fEdw. B. Bassett. Windham. '35-'36 George S. Wilson. MASSACHUSETTS. .■\liingtoii. '34-'56 James W. Ward. Abi.ngton. New Jtrus. fH. A. Worcester. '38- Joseph Pettee. Acton. 'G3-'(;9 Geo. W. Colman. '44-'46 '47- '33-'36 '46-'50 '53-54 '54-'60 '67-'68 '68- '28-'H5 '36-'39 39-'52 '52-'53 '61- '32-'4l '32-35 '51-'55 '31-'34 '38-'39 35 67-'69 51-'57 60~'65 4()-'42 61-'67 38-'45 66-70 30-'32 53- 38-'43 Bevt 42-'51 34-'35 52-'55 63-' 70 36-'39 32-'44 59-'(il Agawam. f Ralph Perry. Ralph Perry. Amherst, Bapt. f Mason Ball. Mason Ball. Amherst, First. fEdw. S. D wight. Edw. S. Dwight. f J. L. Jenkins. J. L. Jenkins. Andover, South. Milton Badger. L. L. Langstroth. John L. Taylor, f Charles Smith. Charles Smith. Ashburnham. George Goodyear. Ashfield. Mason Grosvenor. Wm. H. Gilbert. Aihol. B. B. Beckwith. f John D. Smith. Attlehoro\ f S. B. Morley. Attleboro\ First. H. P. DeForest. Attleboro\ Second. S. B. Morley. fWm. W. Belden. Barre fSanford Lawton. Erasmus D. Moore. David Peck. Belcherlown. George A. Oviatt. W. W. Woodworth. Belling ham. f Mason Ball. Berkley. fNath. Richardson, jjohn D. Smith. Berlin. Abrah. C. Baldwin. Wm. A. Houghton. Beverly William Bushnell. '.rh/, Washington St. George T. Dole. Blackstone. C. P. Grosvenor. Joseph W. Backus. Blandford. fThood. A. Leete. Bolton. John S. Davenport. Boston, Bowddin St. Hubbard Winslow. Edwin Johnson. Boston, Central. '45-'59 George Richards. Boston, Dorchester Village. '69- fWm. B. Clarke. Boston, Edwards. '49-'51 Chris. Cushing. Boston, Frfe. '39-'40 Amos A. Phelps. Boston, Green St. '4I-'47 W. R. Chapman. Boston, Maverick '42-45 Amos A. Phelps. '51-'57 Rufus W. Clark. Boston, Old South. '62-'63 f Swift Byington. Boston, Fine St. '30-'32 Amos A. Phelps. '42-'48 Austin Phelps. Boston, Shawmut. '45-49 George A. Oviatt. '53-'58 Charles Smith. Boston, Bapt., Federal St. '38-'39 Handel G. Nott. Boston, Episc , Ch. of Advent. '53-'71 M. P. Stickney. Bost-m, Episc, Grace. Zeehariah Mead. Boston, Episc, St MarKs. '55-57 fEdw. A. Renouf. Boston, Episc, St. Stephen's. '54-'55 fEdw. A. Renouf. '57-'59 fEdw. A. Renouf. Boston, Unit., ML Pleasant. 70- C. C. Carpenter. Boylston {and Soufhbridge). '52-'57 fisaac G. Bliss. Brighton. 37-41 Samuel Lamson. Brookfield. 34- Richard Woodruff. Brook line. 65-'67 C. C. Carpenter. Buchland. 48-59 Asa B. Smith. Byfield. '33-'52 Henry Durant. ■58-'63 Charles Brooks. Cambridge. 58-'59 fSwift Byington. Camhridgeport. '55 Charles Jones. Camhridgeport, First. '67-'72 Kinsley Twining. Camhridgeport. Prospect St. '56-'58 Edw. W. Gilman. Cimhridgeport, Episc. '42-'44 Darius R. Brewer. '-4 7 '51 Moses P. Stickney. Gharkmont. '39-'44 John D. Smith. '48-' 5 2 John D. Smith. '71-' 7 2 Perkins K. Clark. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 141 '72- Henry G. Marshall Charlestown, Fimt. '40-54 Wm. I. Budington. '55-71 James B. Miles. Charlestown, Bdhesda. '49-'49 f Jesse Guernsey. Charlestown. Unit. '69- Chas. E. Grinnell. Charlton. '33-'36 W. H. Whittemore. Chelsea. '41-'58 I. P. Langworthy. Chester. fSoloni. W. Edson. Chester, Second. '65- fEdward A. Smith. Chester Factories. '49-'50 fDillon Williams. Chester Vill., in Huntington. '46 Perkins K. Clark. Chesterfield. '53-55 Sam'l W. Bamum. Ghicopee. '39- Eli B. Clark. CliicojKe Falls. f George Nichols. '51-'55 George A. Oviatt. Clintoniille. '47-'51 Wm. H. Corning. Conway. '72- Arthur Shirley. Cummington. '44-'54 Jas. D. Chapman. '70-72 fWilliam M. Gay. Curtisville, in Siockhridge. Solom. P. Giddings. '59-'60 fSeth C. Brace. '64-'7l f George T. Dole. Dedham. '63- Jonathan Edwards. Deerfield. '49-' 5 5 Alfred E. Ives. Douglas. '60-'63 fJohn D Smith. Dracut, West. '50-54 Brown Emerson. Dudley. '31-37 James H. Francis. East Cambridge. '43-'51 Fred. T. Perkins. East Hampton. First. '33-'50 WiUiam Bement. '50-'52 Rollin S. Stone. East Hampton, Payson. '52-'63 Rollin S. Stone. East Longmeadow. '35-'49 Martyn Tupper. '54-'58 Joshua R. Brown. Easton. '63-'67 Charles E. Lord. Egrem,ont. ,51-'57 Elias Clark. Enfield. '42-' 61 Robert McEwen. Erving. '68-'69 fEdw. B. Bassett. Fall River, Episc. '49-'63 Emery M. Porter. Fiilmouth. f Daniel D. Tappan, Feeding Hills, in Aguwam. '41-'48 Dillon Williams. '51 -'52 f Sam'l W. Barnum, '53-58 Stephen D. Ward. '62-'(J3 fTheod. A. Leete. '63-65 Lewis Grout. Fitchburg. '53-'56 G. B. Willcox. Florence, in Northampton. '61-'62 fTheod. A. Leete. Framingham. '44-'5 1 Increase N. Tarbox. Franklin. '64-'67 fGeo. A. Pelton. Gardner. '64-'65 f Asher H. Wilcox. '68-'69 Wm. W. Belden. Globe Vill, in Southbridge. '59 Henry Loomis. Glotmester. '60-'70 Isaiah C. Thacher. Greenfield. '33-'34 Thomas Bellows. '43-'48 L. L. Langstroth. '66-'72 Samuel H. Lee. Hadley. '43-49 Benj. N. Martin. Hadley, Russell. '64- Edward S. Dwight. Hamilton. '50-'61 John H. Mordough. Hanover. '54 Wm. R. Chapman. Hardwick. '28-35 Martyn Tupper. '52-'71 Martyn Tupper. Harwich. '41-'43 Wm. H. Adams. Hatfield. '50-55 Jared 0. Knapp. Haverhill. '33-'38 Joseph Whittlesey. Haverhill, West. '66- Ephraim W. Allen H'lverhill, Center '63-'69 Theod. T. Munger. Haydenville. '50-' 54 Edward Sweet. '54-'58 Elisha W. Cook. '58-63 Cyrus Brewster. Heath. '72- fChas. W. Fifield. Hinsdale. '58-'64 Kinsley Twining. '52-'5o Perkins K. Clark. Holyoke. '72- Theodore L. Day. Hop kin 1 071. '30-'32 Amos A. Phelps. Housatonic. '57-'66 fJosiah Brewer. Huhbardston. '41-'45 Oliver B. BidweU. Lakeville. '63-68 f James W. Ward. Lancaster. '70-'72 f Abijah P. Marvin. '72- Abijah P. Marvin. Lanesboro\ '50-'52 Martyn Tupper. '56-'63 fGeorge T. Dole. Lanesville. '54 Nath. Richardson. Lawrence, Lawrence St. '56-'59 G. B. WUlcox. Lawrence, Central. '62-'66 Chris. M. Cordley. Lawrence. Eliot. '71- Theod. T. Munger. Leominster. '58-'62 Joseph W. Backus. Littleton. '72- Henry E. Cooley. Lowell, First. '29-'45 Amos Blanchard. '55-'62 Jonath. L. Jenkins. '67-'70 Horace James. Lowell, Appleton St. '31-35 William Twining. Lowell, John St. '39-'53 Stedm. W. Hanks. '62-'66 Joseph W. Backus. Lowell, Kirk St. '45-'70 Amos Blanchard. Lowell, High St. 57- Owen Street. Lowell, First Unit. •67-'69 Chas. E. Grinnell. Lunenburg. 35-36 fThomas Bellows. Lynn, First 65-'69 James M. Whiton. Lynn, North. 69-'72 f James M. Whiton. 72- James M. Whiton. Maiden. 41-'58 Chaunc. Goodrich. Marblehead, Ejnsc. 42-'47 Moses P. Stickney. Marlhoro\ 36-'39 John N. Goodhue. 40-'47 George E. Day. Ilarshfield. 39-'51 Daniel D. Tappan. 59-65 fDaniel D. Tappan. 142 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. Mattapoiset. '44-'49 Isaiah C. Thacher. Medfield. '33-'37 Walter H. Bidwell. Medford, Unit. '61-'68 Edward C. Towne. Melrose. '54-58 Alex. J. Sessions. Mendon. '31-'35 J. M. S. Perry. Middkboro'. Bapt. fMason Ball. Middkboro', Central. '49-'52 Isaiah C. Thacher. '56-'60 Isaiah C. Thacher. Middle Granville. '36-'39 Henry Eddy. Middleton, &c. '28-'29 fHenry Herrick. Milford. '72- fM. Richardson. Millbury. '34-35 William A. Larned. '37-47 S. G. Buckingham. '47-56 Leverett Griggs. Milton. '44_'47 |W. M. Harding. '50- Albert K. Teele. Mittiiieague. '50-'54 Henry Cooley. '66-'7 1 Perkins K. Clark. Monson. '55-'68 Theron G. Colton. Mo7itague. '56-59 Brown Emerson. Monterey, for. S. Tyringham. '44-'54 Samuel Howe. fjames A. Clark. Montgomery. '32-'36 Solomon W. Edson. Monroe. '72 fChas. W. Fifield. Nantucket. Charles Rich. '48-50 George Thacher. Natick. '33-'38 Erasmus D. Moore. Needham. '59 fWm. B. Greene. Neponset. Unit. '67-'70 Hasket D. Catlin. New Bedford, Bapt. fMason Ball. New Bedford, North. '47-56 Azariali Eldridge. New Braintree. '53-'55 .Tames T. Hyde. Newburyport, 'Id Presb. '60-62 J. Cruickshanks. Newburyport, Kpisc. '43_'45 .John S. Davenport. '44-'5 1 VA\w. A. Washburn. NewLo7i. -'46 William Bushnell. North Adams. -'62 Albert Paine. Northamj)ton, FAwards. -'51 George E. Day. Gordon Hall. Xorthbo rough. '40 Dan'l H. Emerson. -'51 Wm. A. Houghton. North Bridgewater. -'66 Samuel H. Lee. R. G. S. McNeille. North Brookfield. -'68 Chris. Gushing. Northfield. Nath. Richardson. North Neio Salem. -'51 Eustis Curtiss. North Woburn. -'55 George T. Dole. -'61 f Swift Byington. Norton. .'60 Franklin Holmes. Orange. -'57 David Peck. Robert 0. Bell. *Otis. flrem W. Smith. Palm.er, First. -'31 Joseph K. Ware. Palmer, Second. -'52 Thomas Wilson. Peabody. -'52 James D. Butler. Pepperell. -'39 fChas. S. Sherman. -'65 Edward P. Smith. Petersham. -'33 William Wolcott. -'40 Amasa Dewey. Phillipston. -'60 Sam'l W. Barnum. /-"ittsfield. South. -'71 Edward Strong. Plymouth. f Nath. Richardson. -'64 W. W. Woodworth. Plymouth, Episc. Robert B. Hall. Princeton. -'41 Mason Ball. -'44 W. M. Harding. -'55 Henry Wickes. Reading. -'52 Ephraim W. Allen. Kehoboth. -'56 fC. P. Grosvenor. Poxhury, Meth. Episc. -'67 fGeorge Abele. Rutland. fJames M. Davis. Salem, South. '63-'64 f J. L. Jenkins. Salem, Crombie St. '38-'49 Alex. J. Sessions. '64 Horatio 0. Ladd. Salem, Howard St. '52-'57 Ephraim W. Allen. Sandisfield. '32-'51 Piatt T. Holley. Sandwich. f Daniel D. Tappan. '67-71 f Wilbur Johnson. Saxonville. '46-'47 -f-B. G. Northrop. '47-'57 B. G. Northrop. '63-'70 George E. Hill. '70- Charles Jones. Scituate. '6^'69 Alex. J. Sessions. '53-'63 George E. Hill. SlieffieM, Episc. '70- Frederic A. Fiske. Sherburne. '30-'36 Samuuel Lee. Shrewsbury. 41-48 James Averill. Somerset. '6 1 f Nath. Richardson. South Amherst. '46-'48 f Asa B. Smith. Southampton. '65-'68 Burritt A. Smith. Southboro', Bapt. 44-'46 Mason Ball. Soulh Braintree, Free. 60-'61 Edward C. Towne. Southbridge. 52-'57 fisaac G. Bliss. South Deerfield. '56-'59 fPerkins K. Clark. 59-'65 Perkins K. Clark. South Dennis. 52-'56 Isaiah C. Thacher. South Egremont. 55-'62 Jas. B. Cleaveland. South field. 61 Irem W. Smith. South Hadley Falls. 60 -'67 S. J. M. Merwin. South Lee. 72- fChas. F. Bradley. South .Maiden. 47-48 f Joseph A. Benton. South Maiden, Winthrop. '58-59 Jas. Cruickshanks. So^dh Royalston. '49-54 George Goodyear. South Weymouth. '47-'58 W. M. Harding. '70-'71 fHenry E. Cooley. PLACES OF MINISTEKIAL LABOR. 148 Southiuick. '46-53 Henry Cooley. '5 8-' 61 Erastus Colton. f James A. Clark. S])encer. '64 Jas. Cniickshanks. Fpringfield. Olivet. '33-'39 Abrah. C. Baldwin. '50-'5'i Sam'l W. Strong. '55-'6n George I'. Folsom. '60 '62 fW.W.Woodworth. '65-'66 fWilliam K. Hall. Springfield, South. '43-'47 Noah Porter. '47- S. G. Buckingham. Springfield, Meinorial. '69- Wiiliam T. Eustis. Stock-bridge. '60-'09 N. H. Eggleston. Stoneham. '56-'58 fC. P. Grosvenor. '64-' 71 Swift Byington. SUmghton. '40-'44 Henry Eddy. '56- Thomas Wilson. Stowe. '47-'52 Theodore Cooke. Sunderland. '65-'67 Edward W. Root. '67- David Peck. Thorndike. in Palmer. '70- Theodore A. Leete. Tolla.nd. '61 -'62 +Edw. B. Bassett. '69-'70 flrem W. Smith. '70 Irem W. Smith. Townsend. '58-'59 Elisha W. Cook. Truro. fSamuel Howe. '46-49 fGeorge Goodyear, Tyngsboro\ '72- fNath. Richardson. Upiton. '57-'65 Andr. J. WiUard. Uxhridge. '32-'42 D. A. Grosvenor. Van Deusenville, Episc. '70- Frederic A. Fiske. Wakefiekl. or S. Reading. '53-'56 Joseph D. HuU. Wareham. '70- Isaiah C. Thacher. Ware Village. '51-'55 Theron G. Colton. Warwick. '69- Edw. B. Bassett. Warren. '47-'52 Charles Smith. West Ameshury. '48-54 Albert Paine. Westhoro\ '71- H. P. DeForest. West Boylston. '37-'39 Brown Emerson. '7 1- f Wilbur Johnson. West Brookfield. '52-'58 Swift Byington. '59-'62 Chris. M. Cordley. Westford. '53-'n6 Thomas'Wilson. Westminster. '59-'62 Brown Emerson. West h'ondolph. '52-'57 Chris. M. Cordley. West Hoxbury. '72- Edward Strong. West Stockbridge. '42-'53 Sidney Bryant. '69-'72 Chas. F. Bradley. Wellffeet. '40 -'41 Wilham H. Adams. Whateley. '53-59 Chas. N. Seymour. WhitinsviUe. fThomas Tallman. Williamsburg. |'50-'56 Edward W. Root. j'57-'60 Fred. T. Perkins. I Willi amsioivn. '36-'38 Albert Smith. Winchendan. '44-'66 Abijah P. Marvin. Winchester, or S. Wob>n-n. '46-'48 William T. Eustis. Woburn. '48-'56 Jonathan Edwards. Worcester, First. '53-63 Horace James. '63-'65 Edw. A. Walker. Worcester, Salem St. '48-56 George Bushnell. '5 8-' 70 Merrill Richardson. Wrentham. '43-52 Horace James. RHODE ISLAND. Kingston. '35-'38 fC. P. Grosvenor. Xetvport. Episc. Robert B. Hall. Newpoit, Trinity. '46-55 Darius R. Brewer. '65-'67 fJohn Anketell. Newport, Emmanuel. '55-58 Darius R. Brewer. North Scituate. '38-'47 C. P. Grosvenor. Pawtucket. '58 fLoring B. Marsh. '60 fWm. W. Belden. I'eacedale. |'G8-'72 fGeo. W. Fisher. '72- Geo. W. Fisher. Providence, Beneficent. '55-'65 Alex. H. Clapp. / rovidence, High St. '35-'37 William B. Lewis. '70-'71 fTheod. T. Munger. Providence, Union. '72- Kinsley Twining. Providence, Fiee Will I apt. '72- A. R. Bradbury. Westerly. '67-'6>^ fEdward W. Root. '68-'70 Edward W. Root. '72- fAsher H. Wilcox. WoonsocI.et. James M. Davis. '34-'35 Elihu P. Ingersoll. '57-66 fTheodore Cooke. CONNECTICUT. Ansouia. '50-'51 James R. Mershon. '52-'57 Owen Street. '6(i-'65 Alvah L. Frisbie. '68-'69 f James T. Hyde. Ashford. f Marvin Root. '59-'66 fThomas Button. '69- fB. B. Hopkinson. A von. '30-'40 Francis H. Case. '40-'53 Stephen Hubbell. '55-57 fHenry M. Colton. '7l-'72 fH. G. MarshaU. Berlin. '35-37 Jas. M. McDonald. '38-'41 Joseph Whittlesey. '42-':") 2 W. W. Woodworth. '53-'.')7 Wm. DeLoss Love. '58-'61 Robert C. Learned. '62-'66 Wilder Smith. Bethany. '26-'27 fS. Tillot. Babbitt. '32-'34 Jairus Wilcox. '48 ^Augustus Smith. '61-64 Seth C. Brace. '69-'70 f Sam'l W. Barnum. Bethel. '45-'46 fLent S. Hough. '49-'52 John S. Wliittlesey. 'f>6 fGustav. L. Foster. '67-69 fGeorge A. Pelton. '69-72 Robert C. Bell. Bethlehem. '61 -'65 Ephra. M. Wright. '66- George W. Banks. Birmingham. '46-54 Charles Dicjiinson. '61-65 Carlos C. Carpenter. Black Rock. '50-'57 Wm. J. Jennings. '61-'G6 *A. C. Baldwin. 144 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. Bloomjield. '41_'44 Wm. W. Backus. '45-'49 Alfred C.Raymond. '60 f J. L. Tomlinson. '67- Jas. B. Cleaveland. I:.olton. fMarvin Root. '61-'64 JF. W. Chapman. Bridgeport, First. '66. '70 George Richards. Bridgeport, Second. '70- Edwin Johnson. Bridgewaler. '44-'50 James Kiltaourn. '50-'52 fDillon Williams. +Samuel Howe. '72- John B. Doolittle. Bristol. '50-'54 Wm. H. Goodrich. '56-69 Leverett Griggs. '70- William W. Belden. Brookfield. '43-55 Dan C. Curtiss. '58 f Joseph A. Saxton. '59-'62 JThos. N. Benedict. '62-65 P. H. Hollister. '65-'68 fFrederio Munson. Brooklyn. '31-'58 Geo. J. Tillotson. '59- Chas. N. Seymour. Buckingham, E. Glastonbury. '41-'62 Aaron Snow. Burlington. f Samuel Moseley. '49-55 James L. Wright. '57-'59 Henry Clark. '67-69 fBrown Emerson. Burlington, Metli. '63 WiUiam T. Gilbert. Canaan. First. '62-'65 B. Frank Howe. Canterbury. '30-'33 Dennis Piatt. '41-45 Walter Clarke. '47-58 Robert C. Learned. '59-'71 Chas. P. Grosvenor. Clinton Center. '62-'68 Charles N. Lyman. Centerbrook. '66. '68 f Henry A. Russell. Central Village. '46-'50 Jared 0. Knapp. '56-'59 WiDiam E. Bassett. '67-68 James D. Moore. '70- fGeo. J. Tillotson. Chapli7i. '31-'36 Lent S. Hough. fMarvin Root. '56-'58 Joseph W. Backus, Cheshire. '38-'43 Erastus Colton. '49-'54 Daniel S. Rodman. 62-'65 67 40 41-'53 53-'59 59-'61 61-'69 '34-'39 '41J42 '50-'66 '67- '56-'68 '68- •33-'36 '38-'48 '51-'52 'o7-'68 '68- '72- '50- 64- 64-'66 '33-'47 '49-'57 l'58-'63 i'64-'65 '65-'67 '38-'50 '50-'64 '65-' 71 '52-'54 '58-'61 '34-'35 '60-'66 '71-'72 '60 '57-'58 '35-'37 '37-89 '.■;9-'50 '50-'53 '58-'69 '44-'48 Charles Little. •j-Cyrus Pickett. Chester. fChas. Dickinson. A. S. Chesebrough. Edgar J. Doolittle. William S. Wright, f Edgar J. Doolittle. Clinton. Lewis Foster. Orlo D. Hine. James D. Moore. Wm. E. Brooks. Colchester. Lucius Curtis. Samuel G. Willard. Colebruok. Edward R. Tyler. Alfred E. Ives, f Jas. R. Mershon. f Joel Grant, ■f Henry A. Russell. Collinsville. f Leverett S.Griggs. Columbia. Frederic D. Avery. Cornwall, Mrst. Stephen Fenn. Coventry, First. ■j- Lucius H. Higgins. JEbenezerP. Hyde. Coventry, Second. Wm. J. Jennings. Cromwell. Zebulon Crocker. George A. Bryan. James A. Clark. f William K. Hall. Horatio 0. Ladd. Banbury. First. RoUin S. Stone. Samuel G. Coe. Alvah L. Frisbie. Banbury, Second. Wm. C. Scofield. David Peck. Darien. fB. Y. Messenger. Jonathan E.Barnes. Charles S. Walker. Darien, Episc. John Anketell. DayviUe. f Wm. W. Belden. Deep River. Darius Mead. Zabdiel R. Ely. Fred. W. Chapman f James A. Clark. Henry Wickes. Derby. First. George Thacher. '49-'52 Jesse Guernsey. '53-55 Robert P. Stanton. '65-'67 William E. Brooks. '72- fC. B. Whitcomb. Durham, First. '32-'39 Henry Gleason. '52-'53 J. B. Cleaveland. '57-'60 Abrah. C. Baldwin. '61 fE. N. Crossman. Durham Center. '35-'44 Ezekiel Marsh. '45-'5U N. H. Eggleston. '50-'54 George I. Wood. '55-'64 T. K. Fessenden. '69-'71 fGeorge I. Wood. Eadon. '51- Martin Dudley. Eastfoid. fMarvin Root. East Granby. '55-'60 Sidney Bryant. East Granby, Meth. '59 Wm. T. Gilbert. East Haddam, First. '56-'71 Silas W. Robbins. '72- Salmon McCall. East HamjAon, First. '32-'37 Samuel J. Curtiss. '46-55 ^\■iUiam Russell. '59-'65 Henry A. Russell. '71- f Burritt A. Smith. East Hampton, Union. l'64-'66 fF. W. Chapman. j East Lyme. ,'70- fLent S. Hough. East Putnam. '32-'35 WiUiam Bushnell. i'46-'49 John D. Baldwin. j'51-'55 fB. B. Hopkinson. )'67-'68 fThomas Tallman. I East Windsor. I '31-32 fGeorge Goodyear. '56-65 Frederick Muuson. j'66- David H. Thayer. Ellington. !'41-'44 George I. Wood. |'48-'50 James R. Mershon. |'58-'61 Irem W. Smith. '09-'71 fGeorge I. Wood. I Ellsworth. '65-69 f A. Goodenough. Enfield, First. '67-'70 C}'rus' Pickett. '71- fN. H. Eggleston. Essex. '44-'48 Joseph D. Hull. '54-65 James A. Gallup. '06-67 fOliver S. Taylor. Exfter, in Lebanon. '48- John Avery. Fairfidd, First. '35-54 Ljnnan il. Atwater PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 145 Fair Haven, First. '46-'60 Burdett Hart. '61-'68 George D. Folsom. Fair Haven, Second. '53-'57 Nath. J. Burton. '58-'59 f J. L. Tomlinson. Falls Village. '59-63 f John Edgar. '63-'65 John Edgar. '69-'70 fHenry B. Mead. Farmington, First. '61-70 Levi L. Paine. '71- James F. Merriam. Fitchville. '52-'55 fWm. Aitchison. '55-'57 f Wm. W. Beldeu. '59-'61 f Joseph A. Saxton. '65-'67 fJoseph A. Sazton. Gilead. '25-'56 Charles Nichols. '60-'64 Wm. A. Hallock. Glastonbury, First. '37-57 James A. Smith. '58-'68 A. S. Chesebrough. Goshen. '2 6-' 2 8 Francis H. Case. '4:3-'57 Lavalette Perrin. Goshe^i, in Lebanon. '45-'52 Joshua R. Brown. Granby. '42-'45 Israel P. Warren. '48-'50 f Sam'l W. Barnum. '55-'56 fWm. H. Gilbert. '56-'64 Wm. H. Gilbert. '65-'68 fThos. D. Murphy. '68-'72 Thos. D. Murphy. G^-eerifteld Hill. '42-'67 Thos. B. Sturges. '68-'72 Rufus P. Hibbard. Green's Farms. '40-'43 Dan C. Curtiss. '44-'50 Giles M. Porter. Greeneville. '46-'56 Charles P. Bush. '56- Robert P. Stanton. Greenwich, Second. '71- f Horace James. G^vton. '61-'62 fThomas Talhnan. '71 -'7 2 James B. Tyler. Guilford. First. '43-'65 E. Edwin Hall. '56-58 Henry Wickes. '66-'69 fE. Edwin Hall. '70- Corn. L. Kitchel. Guilford, Third. '5 8-' 6 7 George I. Wood. Guilford, Meth. '50-52 Benjamin Pilsbury. Haddam. '45-'46 fWm. H. Gilbert. '52-'46 Elisha W. Cook. '52-54 fErastus Colton. '55-71 James L. Wright. Hadlyme. '35-'43 George Carrington. '55-'60 Elias B. Hillard. Hampton. '48-'52 f Rich'rd Woodruff. Hartford, Second. '37-'43 Oliver E. Daggett. '45-'59 Walter Clarke. Hartford, North, now Pa/rk. 33-59 Horace Bushnell. '55-'57 f James T. Hyde. '70- Nath. J. Burton. Hartford, Fourth. '57-'70 Nath. J. Burton. Hartford, Tak.ott st. or Fifth. '59 f Joseph D. Hull. Hartford, Pearl st. '64-66 Jonath. L. Jenkins. Hartford. Warburton Chaj}. '70-'72 fFred. T. Perkins. Hartford, St. John's Episc. '53-'62 E. A. Washburn. Hartland. '07-'72 John B. Doolittle. Hebron. '30-'32 Hiram P. Arms. '42-'52 Edgar J. Doolittle. Higganum. '56-'64 fCharles Nichols. Huntington. '44-'47 Chas. N. Seymour. '50-'58 Wm. B. Curtiss. '69-'72 Loring B. Marsh. Jewett City. '25-'32 Seth Bliss. '38-'42 William Wright. Kensington. '60-'67 Ehas B. HiUard. Kent. '56-'58 fEhsha Whittlesey. Kent, Episc. '71- Elisha Whittlesey. Killingworth. '65 Lucius H. Higgins. Lebanon, First. '40-'54 John C. Nichols. '56- Orlo D. Hine. Litchfield, First. '38-'44 Jonathan Brace. '56-'59 Leonard W. Bacon. '61-65 f George Richards. '66-'69 William B. Clarke. Litchfield, Epific. '42-'44 Emery M. Porter. iMng Ridge, in Stamford. '43-'54 f Frederic H. Ayres. '69- Stephen Hubbell. Lyme, First, or Hamburg. '42-'43 Chas. E. Murdock. '43-'44 fJames D. Moore. 10 '44-'45 fDaniel C. Tyler. '50- Enoch F. Burr. Madison. '65- James A. Gallup. Manchester, First. '51-'56 Fred. T. Perkins. '71- SOas W. Robbins. Mansfield, Second. '67 Moses C. Welch. Meriden, First. '41-'54 Geo. W. Perkins. '54-'60 George Thacher. Meriden Center. '48-54 Asahel A. Stevens. '55-'56 f A.S. Chesebrough. Meriden, First FJpisc. '40-'4l Sabura S. Stocking. Middlebury. '30-46 Jason Atwater. 45-'52 fGeo. P. Prudden. MiMlefield. 42-'45 Dwight M. Seward. '46-'50 James D. Moore. Middle Haddam, First. f Samuel Moseley. 51-'53 Wm. S. Wright. '53-57 James Kilbourn. '58-'65 f B. B. Hopkinson. '66-'68 fB. B. Hopkinson. Middle Haddam, Second. '55-'62 John H. Newton. 71- Edward P. Herrick. Middletown, South. '27-32 Edward R. Tyler. '35-'38 Robert McEwen. Middletown, 'id, or Westfield. '29-'38 Stephen Topliff. '40-45 James H. Francis. '47-'63 Lent S. Hough. Middletown, Isi Meth. '72- Benjamin Pilsbury. Milford, First. '40-'44 David B. Coe. '45-'63 Jonathan Brace. Milford, Second. '28-'50 Asa M. Train. '54-'58 Wm. C. Scofield. Mystic Bridge. '53-'63 Walter R. Long. '66-67 A. M. Goodnough. Naugatuck. '34-'38 fSeth Saekett. '45-'49 Albert K. Teele. '49-'69 Chas. S. Sherman. '72- fFred. T. Perkins. New Britain, First. '27-28 f Jason Atwater. '36-'42 Dwight M. Seward. '43-'45 Chester S. Lyman. '45-'49 Chas. S. Sherman. '58-'70 Lavalette Ferrin. 146 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. New Britain, South. '43-'58 Samuel Rockwell. Nev} Britain, Metli. '50-52 Benjamin Pilsbury. New Canaan. '3l-'53 Theophilus Smith. N. Hartford,\st,form. North. '51-52 Joseph A. Saxton. '63-'65 f J. B. Cleaveland. '65-'67 J. B. Cleaveland. '70- Sanford S. Martyn. N^eiu Hartford, South. '49-'51 lAug-ustus Smith. N'eiu Haven. First. '50-'51 fN. H. Eggleston. New Haven. North. '38-'66 S. W. S. Button. New Haven, Yale College. '54-'61 George P. Fisher. '63-'66 Wm. B. Clarke. '67-'70 Oliver E. Daggett. New Haven, College St. '42-'62 Edward Strong. New Haven. Hoive St. '42-'45 Abrah. C. Baldwin. '48-52 Wm. DeLoss Love. New Haven, Chapel St., now Ch. of the Redeemer. '39-'40 John 0. Colton. '40-'45 Jos. P. Thompson. '45-'47 Leverett Griggs. '48-' 69 William T. Eustis. New Haven, Davenport. ' 63-' 7 Edward B . Atwater. New Haven, East. '70-'71 R. G. S. McNeille. '72- fR. P. Ilibbard. New Haven, Taylor. ' 7 0-' 7 1 f Anselm B . Brown. New Haven, First Bapt. '46- S. D. Phelps. N Haven, St. John St. Meth. '60-'62 Benjamin Pilsbury. New Haven, Moraviaii. '63-'68 William H. Rice. '57-'67 William P. Aikin. '68-'70 Sanford S. Martyn. New London, Seeond. '37-'40 Jas. M. McDonald. '59-'69 G. B. Willcox. '71- Oliver E. Daggett. New Milford. '36-'42 Noah Porter. New Preston, First. '36-'37 fMerit S. Piatt. '57 f Joseph A. Saxton. '63-'72 Henry Upson. New Preston Hill. '59-'60 •fW.H.Whittomore. '60-'62 fGeo. Tomlinson. '62-'63 JGeo. W. Colman. '67-'69 Lewis Williams. '69-'72 fj. A. Woodhull. Newtown. '46-56 f Jason Atwater. '56-'62 William H. Moore. Newtown, First Episc. '42-'49 Sabura S. Stocking. Norfolk. '32- Joseph Eldridge. No7-th Branford. '28-'35 Judson A. Root. '35-'36 Henry B. Camp. '38-'45 John D. Baldwin. '44-'50 jGeorge I. Wood. '55-'58 fGeorge I. Wood. '59-'67 William B. Curtiss. North Canaan. '51-'53 Elisha Whittlesey. North Canaan, Episc. '71- Ehsha Whittlesey. North Cornwall. '55-'59 WiUiam B. Clarke. Northfield. '61-'64 fBrastus Colton. Northford. '47-'49 fHenry S. Clark. '70- fGeorge D. Folsom. North Goshen. '29-33 George Carrington. North Gh'eenwich. fChester Birge. '28-'46 Chauncey Wilcox. '47-'56 Frederic Munson. North Guilford. '48-'51 f Henry Eddy. '55-'59 JThomas Button. North Haven. '33-45 Leverett Griggs. '46-'48 Ira H. Smith. '49-' 5 1 Theron G. Colton. '52 fOwen Street. '53-'56 Silas W. Robbins. '63-'69 Wm. T. Reynolds. '69- Wm. T. Reynolds. North Madison. '42-'45 fLent S. Hough. '45-'46 JMartin Dudley. '53-'58 fPhin. Blakeman. '58-66 Samuel Howe. North Manchester. '51-'53 George E. Hill. '61-'63 fWm. E. Bassett. '64-67 Henry Loomis. North Stonington. '53-'69 Stephen Hubbell. North Woodstock. '32-'37 Orson Cowles. '37-'41 Lents. Hough. '52-'55 Orlo D. lline. Norwalk. First. '55-60 William B. Weed. Noriuich, First. '36- Hiram P. Arms. Norwich, Second. '32-'34 Jas. T. Dickinson. Norwich, Falls. '39-'40 T. K. Fessenden. Norwich, Broadway. '46-'65 John P. Gulliver. Old Lyme. '41- Davis S. Brainerd. Old Sayhrook. '52-'53 f Jesse Guernsey. '53-'71 Salmon McCaU. Orange. '32-'36 Horace Woodruff. '37-'38 fB. Y. Messenger. '40-43 Anson Smith. '43-'48 Cyrus Brewster. '48-'52 Wm. W. Belden. '52-'55 fDillon Williams. '56-'62 Alfred C. Raymond. Oxford. '41-'60 Stephen Topliff. '69- fJotin Churchill. Plainfield. '32-'41 Samuel Rockwell. '67-'68 James D. Moore. Plainville. '41-43 Chaunc. D. Cowles. |'43-'51 William Wright. |'59-'69 Moses Smith. I Plymouth, First. 35-'51 Ephraim Lyman. 51-'56 Israel P. Warren. 6]-'65 Robert C. Learned. 66-'69 Henry E. Cooley. 69- Blias B. Hillard. Preston. '65-'69 Asher H. Wilcox. '70-' 7 2 f Asher H. Wilcox. Prospect. '32-'33 f J. D. Chapman. '48- fira H. Smith. '51-'53 f James Kilbourn. '60-'65 Wm. W. Atwater. '66-'71 fP. W. Chapman. Putnam. '52-53 f Jas. L. Corning. '58-'70 JGeo. J. TiUotson. Redding. '37-39 Jeremiah Miller. '40-' -1 5 David C. Comstock. Ridgebury. '43-50 Zalmon B. Burr. Ridgefield. '43-'49 James A. Hawley. '64-'68 fSamuel G. Coe. Riverside, Meth., in Oxford. '72- William T. Gilbert. Riverton. '63-'69 f Piatt T. Holley. '70-'72 JJ. W. Hartshorn. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 147 Rockville, First. '71- Egbert B. Bingham. Eockville, Second. '52-'53 fChas. H. Bullard. '53-'57 Chas. H. Bullard. Roxhury. '39-63 Austin Isliam. '69-'70 f A. Goodenough. '7 1- David E. Jones. Salem. '55-'56 fB. B. Hopkinson. '69-'70 Lent S. Hough. '70- John Elderkin. Scotland. '44-' 61 Thomas Tallman. Seymour. '43-49 William B. Curtiss. Sharon. '36-'39 Mason Grosvenor. Sherman. '59-'62 fWilliam RusseU. '63-67 Solom. J. Douglass. '70- James P. Hoyt. Simshury. '50-'58 Sam'l T. Richards. '59-'65 OHver S. Taylor. '71- J. L. Tomlinson. Soniers. '55-'67 George A. Oviatt. South Britain. '31-'32 fSeth Sackett. '32-'34 JDarius Mead. '35-'37 fB. Y. Messenger. '37-'49 0. B. Butterfield. '50-'51 William T. Bacon. '52-'56 fGeo. P. Prudden. South Britain. Mdh. Wm. T. Gilbert. Southbury. '36-'50 W. H. Whittemore. '56-'59 f Jason Atwater '60-'71 fAsaB. Smith. South Glastonbury. '50-'54 Fred. W. Chapman. '67-'69 Elias B. Hillard. Southington. '3 7-' 7 2 Elisha C. Jones. South Killingly. '69-'73 fWm. W. Atwater. S. Meriden. form. Hanover. '53-55 f James A. Clark. '57-'65 Jacob Eaton. '70- Juba Howe Yorce. South Norwalk. '44-'48 f Zerah K. Hawley. Southport. '44-'59 S. J. M. Merwin. '70- George E. Hill. Sprague, Hanover, '35 fEdw. Cleveland. '47-53 Isaac Jennings. '62-'65 fLeon. W. Bacon. Stainford. Fresb. '53-56 f James L. Corning. Stanwich. I '46 fC. H. Hubbard. ' Stoning ton, First. '30-'32 Joseph Whittlesey. '60-'63 Pliny F. Warner. Stonington, Second. '34-'39 John C. Nichols. '64-'71 Edw. W. Gilman. Stratford. '25-28 Joshua Leavitt. '32-'39 P. W. Chapman. '39-'55 WilHam B. Weed. '66-'72 Wilham K. Hall. Suffield. '51-'52 f Joseph D. Hull. Talcottrille. '67- George A. Oviatt. Terryville. '38-'40 Nath. Richardson. '41-46 M. Richardson. '46-47 Judson A. Root. '49-58 M. Richardson. '58-'60 John Monteith. '65-'70 fEphr. M. Wright. '71- Henry B. Mead. Thomaston {Plymouth H). '39-'48 Harvey D. Kitchel '49-' 51 Joseph D. Hull. '52-62 James Averill. '67- Joseph W. Backus. Torringford. '40 fOscar P. Parker. '41-'44 Brown Emerson. '46-'54 WilUam H. Moore. '54-' 5 7 Stephen Fenn. Torrington. '60-'65 fSylv. P. Marvin. Trumbull. '42-'44 William T. Bacon. '44-'49 J. S. Whittlesey. '65- Nathan T. Merwin. Union. '39-43 fSamuel I. Curtiss. '43- Samuel I. Curtiss. Unionville. '42-'46 Richard WoodriifE. '51-'52 -f-Giles M. Porter. '52-'56 Giles M. Porter. '57-'61 fJames A. Smith. '64-66 Charles Brooks. Vernon. '45-'54 Albert Smith. '71- fA.S.Chesebrough. Wallingford. '32- Edwin R. Gilbert. Wapiping, or S. Windsor, 2d. ['36-' 40 Marvin Root. |'42-'43 fOscar F. Parker. '44-'48 Oscar F. Parker. fThomas Tallman. '54-'65 William Wright. '71- f Chas. W. Drake. Warren. '44-'52 John R. Keep. 63-'64 fWm. E. Bassetl. 64- William E. Basse tt. Washington. 52-'63 Ephraim Lyman. 66- Willis S. Colton. Waterbury, First. '29-30 f Jason Atwater. '36-'40 Henry N. Day. 52-'58 W. W. Woodworth. '58-'65 George Bushnell. Waterbury, Second. 52-64 SeagroveW. Magill. '64-'70 Elisha Whittlesey. Waterbury, Meth. '53-'55 Benj. Pilsbury. . Watertown. '35-'37 Wm. B. DeForest. '40-'49 Philo R. Hurd. '49-'56 Chaunc. Goodrich. '56-'61 fGeo. P. Prudden. '68-'72 Stephen Fenn. '72- G. A. P. Gilman. Watertown, Meth. '70-'72 Benj. Pilsbury. West Avon. '48-'52 Joel Grant. '53-'59 fWm. S. Wright. '64-'55 fWilliam M. Gay. "65-68 fWm. W. Atwater. Westbrook. '35-'37 Jeremiah Miller. '70- fGeorge A. Bryan. West Gianby, Meth. '57-'58 Wm. T. Gilbert. West Haven. '43-'52 Edward Wright. '56-58 fErastus Colton. '58-69 George A. Bryan. '70- G. S. Dickerman. West Hartford. '41-44 George I. Wood. '45-'50 Dwight M. Seward. Westminster. '64-'65 fThomas Tallman. Weston. '50- fZalmon B. Burr. Wast Stafford. '56-'6I fP. W. Chapman. West Suffield. '57-'64 fHenry Cooley. '66-69 fWilliam Wright. Westville. '42-'46 Judson A. Root. '49-'55 Samuel H. Elliot. '55- James L. Willard. West Wijisted, Meth. '68-'69 Benj. Pilsbury. 148 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. West Woodstock. '34-'37 John D. Baldwin. '37-'39 f Samuel I. Curtiss. '71- fC. P. Grosvenor. Wethersfield. '56-'66 Willis S. Colton. WMtneyville. '32-'34 fGeo. E. Delavan. Willimantic. '27-'29 f Dennis Piatt. '49-'68 Samuel Willard. Willington. '66-'69 fSamuel Howe. Wilton. '48-'52 Gordon HaU. '68- S. J. M. Merwin. Wilton, Meth. '60 Wm. T. Gilbert. WincJiesie?-. '46-'52 James H. Dill. '66-'69 fWilliam M. Gay. '70- A. Goodenough. Windham, Episc. '62 John AnketeU. Windsor, First. '45-'59 Theodore A. Leete. Windsor Locks. '70- J. Wickliffe Beach. Winsted, First. '54-'58 Henry A. Russell. '69-'70 fHenry E. Cooley. Winsted, Episc. '65 John Anketell. Wolcott. '37-40 James D. Chapman. '42-57 Aaron C. Beach. '63-'69 fLent S. Hough. Wolcottville. '33-36 Hiram P. Arms. '37-'39 Stephen Hubbell. '69-'71 Edward W. Bacon. '72- Lavalette Perrin. Woodbridge. '38-'40 f Walter R. Long. '42-'43 fSamuel II. Elliot. '43-'49 Samuel H. Elliot. '51 fOwen Street. '52-55 A. C. Raymond. '56-57 f Jesse Guernsey. '57-'58 fDavid Peck. '65- Sylv. P. Marvin. Woodbury, First. '46-54 Lucius Curtis. '65-'67 Charles Little. Woodbury, North. ■40-69 John Churchill. Woodstock, First. '52-55 Henry M. Colton. NEW YORK. Adams. '39-'4u fGeo. S. Wilson. 61-'62 Hannib. L. Stanley. Albany, Fourth Presb. 39-'42 Edward D. Allen. 48-' 49 Benj. N. Martin. Albany, First Ref. 62- Rufus W. Clark. Albany, Episc, Grace. -'56 Jas. R. Davenport. Albion, Presb. 42-'50 Wm. N. McHarg. Aquebogue, L. I. 70- fT. N. Benedict. Ashville. 55-56 fSamuel Johnson. Attica. 64- John Wickes. Aurora, Presb. 50-'54 Wm. R. Chapman. f Sherm. D. Taylor, Bellport. 54-55 f Joseph A. Saxton 50-54 fCharles Jerome. Bethlehem. 43-'46 J. B. Hubbard. 46-'53 Dennis Piatt. Binghamton, Presb. 54-'58 Wm. H. Goodi-ich. 72- John P. Sullivan. Black Rock. 70-72 f James D. Moore. Boonville. '56-'60 fDillon Williams. Borodino. '40-'44 Joseph S. Lord. Brighton. '56-'62 John Wickes. '69- fHenry Wickes. Brooklyn. '68 Henry Losch. Brooklyn, Clinton Av. '55- Wm. I. Budington. Brooklyn, South. '57-'62 Rufus W. Clark. Brooklyn, Bridge St. '51-'53 N. H. Eggleston. Brooklyn, New England. '65-'70 Leonard W. Bacon. Brooklyn, Fifth Av. '66-'69 fH. H. McFarland. Brooklyn, Park. '66-'69 fH. H. McFarland. Brooklyn, E. I)., \st J'resb. '71- James G. Butler. Brooklyn, E. D.. '^rd Presb. '35-'37 Rollin S. Stone. '37-'48 William B. Lewis. Brooklyn. E. 1>., Meth. '59-'61 John W. Freund. '70 George Ab^le. Brooklyn, E.D.,S. Third St. '62-'64 Benj. Pilsbury. Buffalo. Charles Rich. fSamuel G. Orton. Buffalo, First Presb. '61-71 Walter Clarke. Buffalo, Westminster Presb. '57-60 James L. Corning. Cairo. fHenry Clark. Cambria. '56-58 fSamuel Johnson. Canaan Four Coi'ners. '4 8-' 5 6 John Wickes. Canajoharie, Ref. '40-'41 Edw. 0. Dunning. Canandaigva, First. '45-' 67 Oliver E. Daggett. Candor. '69-'70 fGeorge A. Pelton. '70- George A. Pelton. Carlton. '48-'53 fRoswell Brooks. Carroll. '47-55 Solomon W. Edson. Castleton, Ref. '61-'69 E. L. Heermance. Cazenovia. '46 Jas. -R. Davenport. Center Lisle. '59-"60 fSamuel Johnson. Champion. '46-'48 Thos. N. Benedict. Chatham. '3 4-' 3 5 f John T. Avery. Chenango Forks. fisaac M. Ely. '60-66 fSamuel Johison. Churchville. '49-'50 fH. L. Stanley. Clarkson. '46-'48 fChas. K. McHarg. Cleveland. '59-'62 fDillon Williams. '07-'G8 fDillon Williams. Clinton, Hamilton College. '55-'63 William S. Curtis. Clintonville. '45-'49 fHenry Herrick. Clyde. '42-'48 S. J. M. Beebe. Clyde. Presb. '31-'35 Maltby Gelston. fHenry Clark. Cohoes, Presb. '48-'53 Robert P. Stanton. Commack, L. I. 'G6-'69 f J. A. WoodliuU. Cooperstown, Presb. '4 9-' 50 Chas. K. McHarg. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 149 '65-'70 Chas. K. McHarg. Cocypi^stoiun, Episc. David H. Buel. Copenhagen. '72- Edgar Perkins. Cornwall, First Presh. '65-'69 Clarence Eddy. Cortlandville, Fresh. '43-56 H. R. Dunham. Danhy. '55-'58 +Wm. H. Adams. jjames Weller. Delhi. fSamuel G. Orton. Delhi, Meth. '64-'66 Milton S. Terry. East Avon. '40-'41 fJ. B. Hubbard. '60-'64 Handel G. Nott. East Hamburg. '59-65 f James R. Bourne. East Lincklaen. '36-'38 Fred. H. Ayres. East Nassau. '44 fH. A. Sackett. Elhridge. '50-'52 George D. Folsom. EllicottviUe. fisaac M. Ely. EllicottviUe, First Presh. '55-'60 Charles Jerome. Ellington. '45-'47 fSoIom. W. Edson. Elmira. '51-'54 William Bement. Evans. fSherm. D. Taylor. Exeter, &c. '58-67 fHenry Herrick. Fallshurg, Ref. '42-'51 Isaac C. Duryee. Flushing. '51-'54 Chas. 0. Reynolds. '63-'66 H. H. McFarland. Fti/ Creek. '52-'54 fChas. K. McHarg. Franklin. '39-'40 f J. B. Hubbard. Franklin. '42-'44 John R. Keep. '57-'60 fSylv. P. Marvin. FranklinviUe, L. I. fHenry Clark. '66 fLoring B. Marsh. Fredonia. '71- fWm. C. Scofield. Fulton. '66-69 Chas. J. Hutchins. Gaines. '28-'30 f George Goodyear, Geneva. fHenry Hurlburt. Geneva, First Presh. '57-59 Hubbard Winslow. Gosport. '46-'47 fRoswell Brooks. Gouverneur, First Presh. '44-'66 B. B. Beckwith. Goivanda. '54-'56 fSamuel G. Orton. Groton. '50 jH. A. Sackett. '72- f Samuel Johnson. Hagaman's Mills, Presh. '52-'53 AUyn S. Kellogg. Hamden, Meth. '63-'64 Milton S. Terry. '40-45 Solomon W. Edson. '56 f Merit S. Piatt. Hamilton. '72- fThos. D. Barclay. Hammond's Port, Presh. '34-'37 George E. Delavan, Harford. '44-50 f Joseph S. Lord. Havana, Presh. '41-'42 Henry Clark. Havana, Episc. 67 John Anketell. Haverstraw, Presh 50-'54 J. H. Trowbridge. Hempstead, L. I., Meth. 55-'57 Benj. Pilsburj'. Herman. '62-'63 f Daniel C. Tyler. Highland Falls. 62-'65 Amasa C. Frissell. Holland Patent. 51 Charles Jones. Homer. '34-'42 Dennis Piatt. 41-'42 fThomas Tallman. '42-'53 T. K. Fessenden. Hopeiuell, Presh. '35-'37 Samuel Hovre. Hopkinton. '37-'38 fPhilet. Montague. Hunter, Presh. '59-'64 Chas. 0. Reynolds. Irvington. '54-'64 Chas. K. McHarg. Ithaca. '50-'57 Wm. N. McHarg. Jamaica, L. /., Presh '41-'50 Jas. M. McDonald. Jamestown. '42-'51 Owen Street. '51-'56 Sylv. P. Marvin. '69-'70 Thomas Wickes. '72- fWm. A. Hallock. Jasper. |'52-'54 fHarvey Hyde. Keesville. 39-'56 John Mattocks. Kendall. 48-'53 fRoswell Brooks. Kiantone. 56-'62 fWm. T. Reynolds. 66-'69 fWm. A. HaUock. 69- fEUiot C. Hall. La Fayette. 40-'42 f Parshall Terry. 45-'49 George E. Delavan. Lancaster. '46 f Albert Paine. '72- Henry Losch. Lanesville, Episc. '43-'53 Edw. A. Renouf. Lansinghurgh, 2nd Presh. '48-49 George C. Lucas. Laurens. '54-'62 fWilliam Baldwin. LeRoy. '48-'49 fH. L. Stanley. '53-54 fl. W. Plummer. LeRoy, First. '66-'67 Selah Merrill. Lisle. '64-'69 Thos. N. Benedict. Lockport. '40-'41 fH. H. Loomis. '45-'47 f Joel Grant. '45-'49 Edgar Perkins. '49-56 Edw. W. Oilman. Lyons. '58-'62 Wm. N. McHarg. Lyona Falls, Presh. '69- fLewis Williams. Madiso7i. '37-'38 fMerit S. Piatt. Manhattan Island, Presh. '34-'36 John J. Slocum. Manhattanville. '53 f Joseph A. Saxton. Manliu^. '42-'45 Dennis Piatt. '60-'61 f Charles Little. Manlius, Presh. '40 f John J. Slocum. Manlius Square. '31 -'32 Talcott Bates. Marathon. '45-'51 f Parshall Terry. Marine. '57-62 f James Weller. '39-'42 fPhilet. Montague. Medina. '30-'31 fMaltby Gelston. Medina, First Presh. '39-'44 G«o. P. Prudden. Messina. '48-'53 fT. N. Benedict. 150 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. Middle Granville. '48-'49 fJ. B. Hubbard. Millville. '54-'56 fErastus Colton. Mwrisania. '54-'59 Chas. 0. Reynolds. ML Sinai, L. I. '62- f Aaron Snow. Naples. '52-54 Benjamin Millard. '55- \m\\% B. Gelston. Napoli. f Horace A. Taylor. Nassau, Presb. '40-'42 Sidney Bryant. "70-'72 fChas. S. Sherman. '72- Chas. S. Sherman. Newark Valley. '66-' 7 2 f Samuel Johnson. New Hartford, Fresh. '65-'72 Edw. B. Furbish. Newpwt. '50 Wilford L. Wilson. New Village, L. I. '66-'69 f J. A. Woodruff. N. York. Broadway Tahern. '45-7 1 Jos. P. Thompson. N York, Eastern. '52-'52 Wm. DeLoss Love. '53-'54 Geo. DeF. Folsom. N. York, New England. '70-72 M. Richardson. N. York, Allen St. Presb. '44-'49 David B. Coe. '50-'54 George Thacher. '59 George C. Lucas. N. York, Mercer St. Presb. '59-61 Walter Clarke. N. York, Village. '38-'40 E. H. Cumpston. N. York, Eighth St. Presb. '47-'49 Wm. R. Chapman. JV. York, Tenth Presb. '41-'45 Charles P. Bush. N. F., Fifteenth St. Presb. '50-53 Jas. M. McDonald. N. York, Seventh St. Meth. '55-'57 Benj. Pilsbury. N York, Episc, Calvary. '65- E. A. Washburn. N. F., Episc., Gh. ofRtforma. '66- Darius R. Brevi^er. Niagara. '41-'46 f Roswell Brooks. North-East Center. '41-44 f Samuel Howe. North Evans. '57 f Henry Losch. Ogdensburgh. '29-'31 \E. Goodr. Smith. Oneonta. '54-'62 William Baldwin. Orient, L. I. '50-'56 Henry Clark. ' Oswego. '44 Charles Jones. Oswego, Second Presb. '36-'37 John Gridley. Oswego, Episc. '45-'52 JohnS. Davenport. Otego. '58 fHenry Losch. Otto. '67-'69 fElliot C. Hall. Owego, First. '54-'57 Wm. H. Corning. '58-'60 Moses C. Tyler. Oxford. '47-'50 Charles Jerome. Painesville. '45-'57 fParshall Terry. Palmyra. f Henry Hurlburt. Patchogue, L. I. '68 Frederic Muuson. Peekskill, Meth. '67-'69 Milton S. Terry. Pendleton. 41-'46 f Roswell Brooks 54-'60 Geo. Tomlinson. Penyi Yan, Presb. 54-'60 William W. Taylor, Peterboro\ '59-'60 f John N. Powell. Phcenix. 68-'72 Edgar Perkins. Pierrepont. 46-61 Philet. Montague. Plattsburg, First Presb. '44-'54 David Dobie. Ridgeville. f Samuel Howe. Ridgeville, Presb. '37-'39 Samuel Howe. 40 f George S. Wilson Pompey Hill. 36-'37 John Gridley. Port Jackson. '59-'62 Isaac G. Duryee. Potsdam, Presb. 72- Edw. B. Furbish. Poughkeepsie. 60-'62 Moses C. Tyler. '63-69 James L. Corning. "69-7 1 Henry Loomis. Poughkeepsie, Cannon st. Mth '70- Milton S. Terry. Raymondville. '39-'42 fPhilet. Montague, Redfield. 69- fDaniel C. Tyler. Reed's Corners. '53-'54 fl. W. Plummer. Rensselaerville. '42-'43 George Goodyear. Ridgebury. '38-'48 William Y. Miller. '37-'54 Samuel G. Orton. Riverhead, L. I. '61-'65 fHenry Clark. Rochester. fHenry Hurlburt. '35-'36 fJohnT. Avery. Rochester, Plymouth. '56-'62 Jonathan Edwards. Rochester, Second Presb. '3 8- '40 George Beecher. Rockford. '57-'63 f Rich'd Woodruff. Rome. fHenry Hurlburt. '46-'47 fGeorge C. Lucas. Rome, Presb. '40-'41 Charles Jones. Riishville. '35-'55 Maltby Gelston. Rye, Presb. '29-'32 W. H. Whittemore. Rye, Meth. '59-'60 Benj. Pilsbury. Salina. '50 f John J. Slocum. Salt Point. '60-'62 f Amasa C. Prissell. Sandlake, First Presb. '48-'51 C. H. Hubbard. Sangerjield. '33-'35 fFred. H. Ayres. '35-'36 Fred. H. Ayres. Saugerties. '65-68 George W. Fisher. Sayville, L. I. '65-'68 fHenry Clark. Schenectady, Second Ref. '52-58 Isaac G. Duryee. Scott. '50-'54 f Joseph S. Lord. Seneca Falls, Presb. '57-'62 Wm. J. Jennings. Sherbtor7ie. '38-'39 fGeo. E. Delavan. Sherman. '52-'54 W. T. Reynolds. Sidney Plains. '26-'29 Samuel G. Orton. South Amenia, Presb. '59-62 Amasa C. Frissell. South Canton. '42-'45 fPhilet. Montague. South Granville. 48-'51 Daniel C. Tyler. South Haven. 40-52 George Tomlinson. 54-'55 JJosepli A. Saxton. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 151 South Oyster Bay, Episc. '6] -'7 2 Sabura S. Stocking. South Trento7i. '59-'60 fDaniel C. Tyler. Spencerport, First. '52-'59 James H. Dill. '5 9-' 6 6 Sam'l T. Richards. Steuben. '51-'52 Isaac G. Duryee. Suspension Bridge. '55-59 f Jared 0. Knapp. Syracuse. '38-'39 f John T. Avery. Syracuse, First Presb. '50-'51 Chas. K. McHarg. Taberg. '6G-'69 fDaniel C. Tyler. Thomson. '57-'60 fParshall Terry. Ticonderoga. fSamuel Moseley. Ticonde)-oga, dbc. '49-'58 fHenry Herrick. Ticonderoga, Fourth Presb. '42-'44 Walter R. Long. Troy, Presb. '39-'40 fThomas Wickes. 7'urin. '54-'55 fWm. H. Adams. Turin. Presb. '69- f Lewis Williams. Unionville. '57-'59 fParshall Terry. Unionville, Presb. '59- H. F. Wadsworth. Upper Aquebogue, L. J. '69 fLoring B. Marsh. Utica. fHenry Hurlbiirt. Vernon. '48-'5I Isaac P. Stryker. Vernon Center. '35-'39 Alfred Hough. Victor. Jairus Wilcox. Wodham's Mills. '56-'o9 J. A. Woodhull. Wading Fiver. L. I. '63 fLoring B. Marsh. Walton. '61-'67 fGould C. Judson. Walton, New Road. '48 fWiUiam Baldwin. Washington Eollow. James H. Howe. Watkins. '42-'46 fisaac P. Stryker. West Fayette. '52-'o3 fDaniel C. Tyler. W.estford. '56-58 Daniel C. Tyler. West Stockholm. 42-'45 Philet. Montague. West Troy. 41 f Walter R. Long. Whitehall, First Presb. '62-'62 Wm. H. Corning. Wfiitesboro\ Presb. '44-'50 Walter R. Long. '52-'66 J. B. Hubbard. Whitney's Point. 41 -'42 f Oscar F. Parker. '62-'64 fWilliam M. Gay. Wilson. 50-'56 George E. Delavan. W^orcester, Presb. f WilHam Baldwin. Yonkers, Kef. '51-'52 Dwight M. Seward. Yonkers, First Presb. '52-'70 Dwight M. Seward. Yonkers, Episc. St. PauVs. '58-'66 Darius R. Brewer. NEW JERSEY. Beverly. Presb. '69-'70 fCharles E. Lord. Burlington College, Episc. '51-52 Moses P. Stickney. Camden. '52-'53 John W. Mears. East Orange. '68- Allen McLean. Elizabeth, Meth. '67-'69 fGeorge Abele. Franklinville. f Merit S. Piatt. Eackensack. '70 Henry Losch. Hoboken. '52-56 Isaac P. Stryker. Jersey City, First. 69- G. B. WiUcox. Jersey City, Second Presb. '63 George C. Lucas. Newark, Central Presb. '54 George C. Lucas. '65-'68 William C. Scofield. Newark, Woodside Presb. '69- Clarence Eddy. Newark, Meth. '70- John W. Freund. New Egypt, Presb. '58-'59 William B. Curtiss. Newfield. f Merit S. Piatt. Newfoundland, Presb. '42-'58 H. F. Wadsworth. North Vineland. f Merit S. Piatt. Orange, Ep., St. MarKsHall. '50-'60 Sabura S. Stocking. Orange Valley. '61- George B. Bacon. Paterson. '71 fWm. C. Sexton. Princeton, First Presb. '53- Jas. M. McDonald. Trenton. '61-'62 fCharles Jerome. Whijipany. '35-'36 William Bushnell. Woodbridge, First Presb. George C. Lucas. PENNSYLVANIA. Ashland. '69-'71 Wm. B. WiUiams. Beaver Meadow. '41-'43 Rod'k R. Williams. Bellefonte, Lutheran. '72- Jos. C. Tomlinson. Bethany, Presb. '41 -'44 Jeremiah Miller. Brooklyn. '58-'67 fWm. H. Adams. Darby. f James M. Davis. East Greene. '67- Wm. H. Adams. East Whiteland, Presb. '40-'45 Daniel H. Emerson. Farmington. '65-'67 f Elliot C. Hall. Great Bend Village, Presb. '65-'67 Wilbur Johnson. Greensburg. '40-'43 Wm. W. Taylor. G^iy's Mills. '71- fWm. C. Sexton. Ilazleton. '63 Henry Losch. Kittaniny, Episc. '71- Oliver S. Taylor. Lawrenceville, Presb. '54-'59 Albert H. Barnes. LeraysviUe. '64-"67 f Phin. Blakeman. Lower Providence. '33-34 William Wolcott. Manayunk, Presb. '33-'34 James M. Davis. Minersville. '45-'60 Rod'k K. Williams. Mt. Joy. '45-'47 Jeremiah Miller. Neshaminy, Presb. '48 Douglas K. Turner. New Milford. '62-'64 fisaac P. Stryker. Northumberland, Presb. '54-'56 Brown Emerson. PhiladdpTiia. '59 fHenry Losch. 152 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. '61- James M. Davis. Daniel H. Emerson. Philadelphia, Central Fresh. '52-64 Henry S. Clarke. Philadelph., Fairm. Presb. '35 James M. Davis. Pniladelphia, Green Hill. '47_'54 William W. Taylor. Philadelphia, Olivet Presb. '61-71 William W. Taylor. PhUadelphia, S. W. Prcsb. '67- John McLeod. Philadelph., WahiHst. Presb. '52-68 James G. Butler. Philadelphia, Western Presb. '54-'55 fW. I. Budington. Philadelphia, Meth. '66-'69 John W. Freund. Philadel.,Ep., Ch. Epipihany. '45-'54 James H. Fowles. Philadelp., Ep., St. Mark's. '62-65 E. A. Washburn. Pittsburgh. James M. Davis. '68 Rod'k R. Williams. Potterville. '65 Henry Losch. Shairwkin. '61 Henry Losch. Shippenburg. '72- William W. Taylor. Sugar Grove. f Horace A. Taylor. Susquehanna Depot. '67 fWilliam Baldwin. Toivnville. '71 fWm. C. Sexton. York, Presb. '45-'55 Dan'l H. Emerson. '55-'59 Chas. J. Hutchins. Ym-k, Engl. Moravian. '68- Wilham H. Rice. DELAWARE. Milford. '57-'60 John W. Mears. Newark. '57-'58 fSeth C. Brace. St. George's. '5 5-' 6 7 Dan'l H. Emerson. MARYLAND. Annapolis, Episc. -'65 Jas. R. Davenport. Baltimore. '67-'69 Edwin Johnson. '70-'72 -f-Leon. W. Bacon. Baltimore, First Presb. '36- John C. Backus. Cumberland, Presb '59 Henry Losch. Cumberland, Episc. David H. Buel. Elkton. 54-'57 John W. Hears. Rockvilk and Bethesda. 59 Edw. H. Cumpston. Westr)iinster, Episc. David H. Buel. DIST. OF COLUMBIA. Washington. ('47) John E. GraefE. Washington, First Presb. 37-'40 William McLain. Washington, Second Presb. 40-'41 George I. Wood. 42 Rufus W. Clark. VIRGINIA. Alexandria. ('50) f John E. GraefE. E. Shore, McKemie & Homes. '57-59 Edw. H. Cumpston. Lynchburg, Second Presb. 38-40 Edw. H. Cumpston. Morgantoivn. '31-'32 -f-Abrah. R. Brown. Norfolk, Episc. Leonidas. L. Smith. Prince Edward. '48-'57 Edw. H. Cumpston. SOUTH CAROLINA. Orangeburg. 62 f Andr. F. Dickson. St. John's Island, Presb. ('50) f Andr. F. Dickson. GEORGIA. Albany, Episc. '51-'59 f J. Hardin George. Atlanta, Cong. '69- Cyrus W. Francis. Griffin, Episc. '59-'64 J. Hardin George. Macon, Cong. '69- fEnoch E. Rogers. Monticello. '36 fJ. Hardin George. FLORIDA. Apalachicola. '44-45 fChas. Dickinson. St. Angustine, Presb. '65- \G. 0. Reynolds. LOUISIANA. Ascension, N. River Parish. '45-'50 f Jos. A. Saxton. Bayou Teche. '43 f Edw. A. Renouf. New Orleans, Meth. '63 Wm. T. Gilbert. TENNESSEE. Elizabe.thlown. '70- fH. C. Atwater. Memphis. 65-'69 -f-Zerah K. Hawley. Nashville. Leonidas L. Smith. KENTUCKY. Frankfort, Episc. 43. Moses H. Hunter. OHIO. Akron. f Roswell Brooks. 43-'47 Isaac Jennings. 49-'56 Nath. P. Bailey. Alexandria. '61-'67 fH. C. Atwater. Ashtabula. '28-'30 fHenry Cowles. Atwater. '38-'40 S. H. Whittlesey. Austinburg. '30-'32 fHenry Cowles. '32-35 Henry Cowles. Batavia, Presb. '33-'38 George Beecher. Bath. fSherm. D. Taylor. Berlin Heights. '53-58 Friend A. Deming. Birmingham. '42 -j-Oliver W. Mather. Bowling Green. '72- f J. B. Hubbard. Canton. 43-'46 WiUiam W. Taylor. Chatham. '68-'72 fStephen D. Peet. Ghilicothe, Second Presb. '40-'43 George Beecher. Cincinnati, Welch. '68- Rod'k R. WiUiams. Cincinnati, First. '52-'55 James D. Butler. Cincinnati, Fourth Presb. '36 John Dudley. Cincinnati, Episc. Edward Winthrop. Claridon. '43-'48 Marshall H. Fames. Clarksjield. '29-37 Xenophon Betts. Cleveland, First Presb. '58- Wm. H. Goodrich. Cleveland, First, Cong. '72- Samuel H. Lee. Cleveland, North Presb. '70- Anson Smith. Cleveland, Euclid av. Presb. '63-'66 John Monteith. Columbus. '39-40 f Stephen Topliff. Cuyahoga Falls. fHenry Case. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 153 '43 56-'57 f J. L. Tomlinsou. Dayton, Third Presb. 59-65 Shubael G. Spees. Defiance, Episc. Edw. Winthrop. Dover. •{■Oliver W. Mather. FAyria. Fint Fresh. D. A. Grosvenor. Florence. '37-'71 Eldad Barber. Franklin. f Cornelius A. Hoyt. '47 Sherlock Bristol. '49-'50 f Elias Clark. Freedom. '44 '51 Friend A. Deming. Georgetown. '54-'55 f Jerem. R. Barnes. Geneva. fAlanson Saunders. fSherm. D. Taylor. '47-'50 jOliver "W. Mather. Grafton. '47-'54 Gould C. Judson. Haviden. '51-'52 fS. V. Blakeslee. '53-'54 H. W. Osborn. Hudson. '40-44 Mason Grosvenor. Iberia College. Cornelius A. Hoyt. Jefferson. '43-'44 f Phin. Blakeman. '47-'48 fS. V. Blakeslee. Lebanon. '72- fE. B. Burrows. Lenox. '47-'48 fS. V. Blakeslee. Lyme. Xenophon Betts. Mc ConneUsville. fHenry Case. Mansfield. '58-'60 fW.W.Woodworth. Marietta. '4(i-'69 Thomas Wickes. Marietta, Episc. Edward Winthrop. Marion, Presb. '29-'32 fEldad Barber. Maumee, Episc. Edward Winthrop. Medina. '45-'46 fWilliam Baldwin. '53-'62 |d. a. Grosvenor. Mesopotamia, First Fre.sb. '40-'52 H. W. Osborn. Middlebury. fAlanson Saunders. Milan. '29-'37 fEverton Judson. '37-48 Everton Judson. Morgan. '42-'45 Horace A. Taylor. Napoleon. Episc. Edw. Winthrop. New I'hiladelphia. fChester Birge. North Bloomfield. '47 B. Y. Messenger. Norwalk, Presb. '35-'38 f Alfred Newton. '38-'70 Alfred Newton. Norwalk, Episc. Edward Winthrop. Oxford, Second Presb. '56-'59 Edward W. Root. Painesville. fHenry Hurlburt. '64-'66 f W.W.Wood worth. i'ainesville, Independ. Presb. '57-'64 Nath. P. Bailey. Perrysburgh. f James H. Francis Piqua. '47-48 f Jerem. R. Barnes. Ravenna. '41-'49 Edw. E. Atwater. Kuggles. '45 f Oliver W. Mather. Sandxisky, '28-'30 fHenry Cowles. SevilU. '66 fHenry Losch. Springfield. '60-'65 Edward W. Root. Streetsborough. '55 fD. B. Davidson. 47-56 Anson Smyth. Troy. 63-'6o fParshall Terry. Twinsburg. 43-46 Robert C. Learned. 60-'67 Sidney Bryant. Unionville. fAlanson Saunders. Vermillion. Xenophon Betts. 70 f Sidney Bryant. Vienna. 30-'35 fChester Birge. 43-'50 Xenophon Betts. 50-'71 fXenophon Betts. Wakernan. 29-'37 Xenophon Betts. 42 William Russell. Warren, First Presb. 70- Nath. P. Bailey. Willoughby. 43 Henry S. Clarke. 11 INDIANA. Elkhart. '56-'59 fWm. W. Atwater. Eviinsville. Presb. '36-'37 f Jerem. R. Barnes. '38-'45 Jerem. R. Barnes. '49 Charles E. Lord. La Fayette. Darius M. Hoyt. Lake Prairie, W. VreekPresb. '57-64 Hiram Wason. La Porte. '09-' 71 Wm. C. Scofield. Madiso7i. '36-'43 WiUiam Twining. Madison. Second Presb. '54-'65 W. W. Atterbury. Michigan City. '44-'49 Erastus Colton. Terre Haute. '65-'70 fE. Frank Howe. '70- E. P>ank Howe. Vevay, Presb. '43-57 Hiram Wason. ILLINOIS. Aledo. '09- fPliny F. Warner. Alton. '32-'35 fElisha Jenney. '70-'72 M. K. Whittlesey. Atlanta. '54-'59 f Lemuel Foster. '66- fGeo. B. Hubbard. Augusta. f James A. Hawley. Aurora, New England. '58-'66 fGeo. B. Hubbard. Batavia. '50-'51 fGeo. B. Hnbbard. '70- Edward W. Root. Beardstown. '47 --'49 fGeo. B. Hubbard. '59-'63 WiUiam Twining. Bethel. '32-'36 f Albert Hale. '39-'46 fLemuel Foster. Blackstone Grove. '34-'36 fWiUiam Kirby. Bloomington. '33-'39 fLemuel Fester. '48-'50 f Richard C. Bristol. '53-'57 Elihu P. IngersoU. Blue Island. '63-'70 fLemuel Fostsr. Brighton, Presb. '51 -'57 fHenry D. Piatt. Bristol. '5 8-' 50 f Joel Grant. '68-'70 f Joel Grant. Bunker Hill. '56-66 f James Weller. 154 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. Byron. '50-59 f Reuel M. Pearson. Cambridge. '70- fJoel Grant. Camp Point, Presb. '64^'67 f Wm. E. Catlin. Canton. '47-'49 fGeo. B. Hubbard. CarroUon. '30-'3I f Henry Herrick. Cartilage. fjulius A. Reed. '51-'53 Wm. E. Catlin. Ghandlerville. '56-'57 fAUlyn S. Kellogg. Chelsea. '46 John N. Powell. Ghenoa. '72- fW. B. WiUiams. Chesterfield. '58-'68 f Henry D. Piatt. Chicago. '62-'65 J. H. Trowbridge. Chicago, First. '55-'5G Geo. W. Perkins. Chicago, Plymouth. "'54-'55 N. H. Eggleston. '64-'66 fH. D. Kitchel. Chicago, New England. '56-'57 Charles P. Bush. '65-'68 John P. GuUiver. Chicago, South. ''59-'62 James H. Dill. Chicago. Leavitt St. ""63— Moses Smith. Chicago, Lincoln Park. '67-'69 H. P. DeForest. Chicago, First Presb. '40-50 Flavel Bascom. Chicago, Bethel. '45-58 Jairus Wilcox. CollinsviUe. '33-'34 fRoswell Brooks. f Alfred Plant. Como. '55-'56 f Josiah W. North. '66-'69 Pliny F. Warner. Concord. '53-'65 William E. Catlin. DeKalh. '56-'61 f Richard C. Bristol Dover. '57-'64 Flavel Bascom. Dundee. '53 fGeorge Bent. Elbridge. '58-'62 fF. A. Deming. Elizabeth. '45-47 fJohn 0. Downer. Elmu'ood. '62-'G3 f Elihu P. IngorsoU. 44 Fairfield. f Philip Eveleth. Farmington, Presb. 41-42 James A. Hawley. Forest Station. 67-'7 1 f William E. Catlin. Freeport, First Presb. 47-'49 f John C. Downer. 49-53 John C. Downer. Galena, First Presb. '48-'55 Shubael G. Spees. Galena, Second Presb. '48-'51 George P. Magoun. Galesburgh. 50-'56 Flavel Bascom. 60-'68 Fred. T. Perkins. Geneseo. 38-45 f Jarius Wilcox. 52-'54 fJosiah W. North. Godfrey, Piesb. 55-'(33 Albert Smith. Grand Detour. '43-'50 f Reuel M. Pearson G^'idley. 71- f William E. Catlin Griggsville. 47 Joseph T. Holmes. '47-'49 f Geo. B. Hubbard. Hebron. 54-'57 f Joseph S. Lord. Hinsdale. '69-72 fFlavel Bascom. Island Grove. f Elisha Jenney. Jacksonville. 33-'38 fWilliam Carter. 51-59 Edwin Johnson. Joliet. '44-'46 fBenj. W. Dwight. 67 |j. B. Hubbard. Kewanee. '59-'61 fCharles C. Salter. Knoxville. '51 fZerah K. Hawley. '51 -'58 fWiUiam S. Miller. Lacon. '66-'70 fA. A. Stevens. La Harpe. '38-'39 fZerah K. Hawley. Lamoille. '51 -'54 fGeo. B. Hubbard. Lanark. '63-'65 f James Kilbourn. Lanark, First. '66- Lucius H. Higgins. La Salle. '53-'58 William II. Collins. I^awn Nidge. '40-'48 fPioh'd C. Bristol. Lincoln. '71- fllenry D. Piatt. Lockport. 47-'48 f Lansing Porter. 52-'58 fJoel Grant. Ldwell. 55-'o8 fGeo. B. Hubbard. Macomb. '59-'62 Zerah K. Hawley. Maiden. '63-'68 fElihu P. Ingersoll. Marine. '57 f James A. Darrah. Marseilles. '62-63 fPhin. Blakeman. Mattoon. '62-'64 \F. A. Deming. Mendon. '36-'45 fWilliam Kirby. 68-'69 71- 68-'69 59-'63 48-'60 49-'70 69-'70 41 -'42 '52-'56 '5G-'66 70- '42-'43 '52-'54 '38-'6G '64-'C9 fBurritt A. Smith. Moline. A. B. Hitchcock. Monticello. f Julius A. Reed. Theron Baldwin, f Elisha Jenney. Morris. fWm. A. Baldwin. Alt. Sterling. B. Y. Messenger. Nauvoo. f Julius A. Reed. Neponset. fGeo. W. Colman. Normal. Geo. S. Dickerman. Onaaga fLemuel Foster. Orangeville. f Lewis E. Sykes. Ottawa. M. K. Whittlesey. fBurritt A. Smith. Ottaiva, Plymouth. W^m. C. Scofield. Payson. fZerah K. Hawley. fZerah K. Hawley. Peoria. f A. A. Stevens, f A. A. Stevens. Peru. fChas. Dickinson. Wm. A. Baldwin. Pittsfield. fWilliam Carter. Princfton. Flavel Bascom. Qui7icy. '30-'38 f Asa Turner. Pan tout. '72- Geo. B. Hubbard. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 155 Richland. '44-'45 fl. W. Plummer. Bockford, First. '44-'46 f Lansing Porter. '5" -'72 H. M. Goodwin. '72- "Wilder Smith. Rockford, Second. '49 -'54 f Lansing Porter. Rockford, Westminster Presb. '69- William S. Curtis. St. Charles. '48-'60 G. S. F. Savage. Sandtvich. '57-63 f James Kilbourn. Saunemin. '71- f WiUiam E. Catlin. Spring Creek. f Elisha Jenney. Sprinijfield, Second Presb. '39-67 Albert Hale. '72- fJohn H. Barrows. Troy. '57 f James A. Darrah. Udimi. '62-68 fRoswell R. Snow. Union Grove. '65-66 f James Kilbourn. Upper Alton, Presb. '46-54 fLemuel Foster. Urbana. '56-'61 f Isaac P. Stryker. Vermillion. '51-'55 f Richard C. Bristol. Warsaw. f Julius A. Reed. Washington. fRomulus Barnes. Washington Heights. '70-72 fLemuel Foster. Wata^a. '67-'69 f John D. Sands. Wi verly. '37-'40 f Elisha Jenney. '51-'56 f James Weller. '57-'59 fWimam D. Sands, Winshw. '50-'58 fJohn W. Powell. MICHIGAN. Adrian. '34-'36 William Wolcott. '54-'55 fLeand. S. Hobart. Albion. Presb. '46-'55 fMiUs B. Gelston. '55-'61 Maltby Gelston. Allegan. '40-'42 fHarvey Hyde. Almont. '44-'46 fEHphalet Parker. Ann Arbor. 48-50 fLeand. S. Hobart Ann Arbor, First Presb. \ 43-'55 William S. Curtis, j' Au Sable. I f Maltby Gelston. ,- Battle Creek. \ 50-58 Solom. D. Pitkin. |' 58-'59 Charles Jones. 65 fWm. A. Baldwin. , Cold Water. | '62-64 Gustavus L. Foster. ^ Commerce. 46-'52 fHarvey Hyde. 1 Dttroit. I 47-'48 fW. W. Atterbury. Detroit, First. 48-'64 H. D. Kitchel. Detroit, Fort Scott Presb. ^ '58-'65 Azariah Eldridge. Easton &c. 61-'70 fLewis E. Sykes. Eayt Saginaw. '71- Wm. DeLoss Love. Eaton Rapids. 71- fPhilo R. Hurd. Farwell. 72- f Austin H. Norris. Flint. 72- fEdw. W. Bacon. Grass Lake. 56-'57 fWilliam E. Catlin. 62-63 fMaltby Gelston. Grosse Isle, Episc. Moses H. Hunter. Hancock. 68- P. H. HoUister. Howell. '67- fGustav. L. Foster. Hudson. 54-'56 fWm. W. Atwater. 56-'62 fLeand. S. Hobart. Independence. 70 f Joseph S. Lord. Independenee, Cong. 44-' 5 2 Gustavus L. Foster. Jackson. 53-54 James A. Hawley. 61-63 John Monteith. Jonesville. '50-'55 f Hanib. L. Stanley. '55-'61 Hannib. L. Stanley. Kalamazoo, Presb. '54-'62 Wm. S. Huggins. Lansing. '48-'54 fW. W. Atterbury. '70-'71 f Simeon 0. Allen. Lawrence. '67- Edw. Cleveland. Lima. '50-'52 Wm. W. Atwater. '58-'61 WiUiam E. CatUn. Lowell. . '70-'72 fLeverett S.Griggs. Marshall. 54-'56 J. H. Trowbridge. Milford. f Anson Smyth. Monroe. Episc. '46 Moses H. Hunter. Mt. Clemens. '37-'40 f John Dudley. Mt. Morris. '37-'40 f John Dudley. Niles. '48-'52 Benj. F. Millard. '50-'52 Erastus Colton. '52-54 fWm. W. Atwater. Niles, Presb. '44 Charles E. Lord. Nunica. '67-'70 f Joseph S. Lord. Paw Paw. '47-'48 fD. B. Davidson. Plymouth. fMaltby Gelston. Pontiac. '46-'51 Orlo D. Hine. 72- fSimeon 0. Allen. Rochester. '44-'46 fHarvey Hyde. Romeo. '51-'70 Philo R. Hurd. '69- Horatio 0. Ladd. Saginaw. 42-'44 fHarvey Hyde. Schookra/t. 48-'50 Hollis Russell. South Saginaw. fMaltby Gelston. Springfield. 70 f Joseph S. Lord. Spring Lake. '67-'70 f Joseph S. Lord. Union City. '41-'48 Leand. S. Hobart. Webster. '50 fD. B. Davidson. White Lake. '46-'52 fHarvey Hyde. White Pigeon. 68-'70 f J. B. Hubbard. Ypsilanti, Presb. 54-'62 Gustavus L. Foster. MISSOURI. Boonville. 44 f John J. Slocum. Brookfield. 70-'71 Charles C. Salter. Brunsivick. '52-'63 S. J. M. Beebe. De Sola, First Presb. '67-'70 f John C. Dowmer. Laclede. '64-'68 fEdwin D. Seward. 156 PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. Bock Hill, Fresh. '49 fJames A. Darrah. St. Louis. f Alfred Plant. St. Louis, Pilgrim. '66-'69 John Monteith. St. Louis, Mayflower. '69-' 71 John Monteith. St. Louis, First Fresb. '48-'49 fS. J. M. Beebe. St. Louis, Pine St. Fresh. '51-'52 f Walter R. Long. West Ely, Fresh. '69- James A. Darrah. IOWA. Bellevue. '61-'64 fElias Clark. Belmont. '69- f John D. Sands. Bloomfield. '43-'45 fW. A. Thompson. Burr Oak. '60-'70 fGeorge Bent. Cedar Falls. '65-'68 f James B. Chase. '70- Charles Gibbs. Council Bluffs. '70- H. S. DeForest. Danville. '39-'44 fReuben Gaylord. '44-'55 Reuben Gaylord. '62-'67 fD- B. Davidson. Davenport. '41 -'44 f A. B. Hitchcock. '48-51 George F. Magoun, Denmark. ' '38-69 Asa Turner. Des Moines, Plymouth. '66-'70 H. S. DeForest. '72- Alvah L. Frisbie. Duhuque. '53-55 Jesse Guernsey. '56-'62 J. H. Trowbridge. Duhuque, Fresh. '39-'41 fZerah K. Hawley, Shubael G. Specs. Dunlap. '68-'7l Chas. N. Seymour. Durant. '57-'61 f J. S. Whittlesey. Earlville. '65-'70 fCharles Gibbs. Eddyville. '46. fLoring B. Marsh. Fairfield. '40-'44 fJulius A. Reed. '44-'45 Julius A. Reed. '46-'50 fW. A. Thompson. Fayeltf. '7l-'72 fWm. B. Williams. Fort Madison. 38-'49 f James A. Clark. Fox. 43-'45 fW. A. Thompson. Garnavillo. 63-'68 fGiles M. Porter. (Jrinnell. 71- W. W. Woodworth. Keokuk, Fresh. 47-'50 fGlen Wood. Keokuk, Cong. 61-'67 George Thacher. '70- Cyrus Pickett. Keosauqua. t^lfred Plant. '55-'56 fWilliam D. Sands. '56-'64 f John D. Sands. '65-66 jjohn D. Sands. Lansing. '5 8-' 5 9 f George Bent. Lewis. '67-'69 fWm. C. Sexton. Lyons. '62-'67 fH. L. Stanley. '60-'64 fGeo. F. Magoun. '71- f Lucius Curtis. Maqiioketa. '56-57 fGeo. E. Delavan. '59-'62 jPhin. Blakeman. Marion. '52-'54 fJas. R. Mershon. Mt. Pleasant. '38-'39 fReuben Gaylord. '54-'55 fWilliam D. Sands. '72 f WiUiam G. Marts. Monona. '54-62 fD. B. Davidson. New Oregon. '65-'67 fStephen D. Peet. Onawa. '66-'70 fG. L. WoodhuU. '71- fChas. N. Lyman. Olho. '70- j-George Bent. Ottumwa. '64 Elias Clark. Oskaloosa. '46 f Loring B. Marsh. Quincy '66-'67 f John D. Sands. Troy. '43-'45 fW. A. Thompson. Whentland. '70-'72 fH. L. Stanley. '72- H. L. Stanley. Wilton. '60-'62 fEdw. Cleveland. '62-'66 fEdw. Cleveland. Wyoming. '57-61 fGeo. E. Delavan. WISCONSIN. Arena,. 71 fSam'l W. Powell. Aztalan. 46-'47 f Edwin D. Seward. Barahoo. 61-'64 fEdwin D. Seward. Barton. 57-'63 f Joseph S. Lord. Bebit, First. 65- George BushneU. Bdoit, Second. '59-60 f Jared 0. Knapp. Beloit, First Fresh. '57-'59 Charles P. Bush. Benton. '47-'50 fSolom. D. Pitkin. Bristol. '55-'57 fRoswell R. Snow. Clinton. '64-'66 fPliny F. Warner. Dartford. '62-'64 fWilliam E. CatUn. Elkhorn. '64-'65 fStephen D. Peet. Fond du Lac. '59- fWm. A. Baldwin. Fort Atkinson. '56-'63 fDan C. Curtiss. Fort Howard. '63- fDan C. Curtiss. Genessee. '45-'46 fEdwin D. Seward. '54-'56 fStephen D. Peet. Harlland. '55-'57 fRoswell R. Snow. '59-'60 fH. C. Atwater. Hudson. '65-'67 f Jas. H. Bradford. '71-72 fLauren M. Foster. '72- Lauren M. Foster. Hus/isford. '64-'67 f Joseph S. Lord. Janesville. '58-'59 fWm. C. Scofield. Kenosha. '43-'46 fEdwin D. Seward. '47-54 John Gridley. '53-'54 f Chas. J. Hutchins. '59-'60 f Chas. J. Hutchins. '66-'68 P. H. Hollister. Lake Mills. '4(;_'61 fEdwin D. Seward. Lancaster. '47- fSara'l W. Eaton. Madison. '55-'60 N. H. Eggleston. MencLslia. '53-57 fTheodore Cooke. Milton '43-'45 f Enoch W. Hewitt. PLACES OF MINISTERIAL LABOR. 157 Milwaukee, Sjjring St. '58-'7l Wm. DeLoss Love. Milwaukee, Hanover St. '67-'7l Wilder Smith. Milvjaukee, First Fresh. '55-'59 Shubael G. Spees. '60-61 f James L. Corning. New Diggins. '4'7-'50 fSolom. D. Pitkin. b>ew London. '56-'59 fStephen D. Peet. Pewaukee. '55-'57 fRoswell R. Snow. Plyuiouih. '70- Jolin N. Powell. Pacine. '60-' 65 Ghas. J. Hutchins. '63-'64 fStephen D. Peet. Ripon. '61-63 James A. Hawley. '67 fEllsha W. Cook. '69-70 JLucius Curtis. Rochester. '47-'55 fRoswell R. Snow. '57-'62 f RosweU R. Snow. Rostndale. '64-'70 John N. Powell. Sulec. '59-'62 fStephen D. Peet. Shopiere. ('67) Sherm. D. Taylor. Somers, Presb. '55-72 John Gridley. Troy. '45-'47 RosweU R. Snow. Twelve Mile Grove. '46-'51 f Enoch W. Hewitt. Viroqua. fGould C. Judson. Waterford. '47-55 RosweU R. Snow. '57-'62 fRosweU R. Snow. Whitewater. '42-'44 fFrancis H. Case. '52-53 Wnj. S. Huggins. '58 fWm. A. Baldwin. '66- fTheron G. Colton. Wilmot. '69 fRosweU R. Snow, MINNESOTA. Anoka. 56-58 fGeorge Bent. Cannun^s Falls. '55-56 f Jerem. R. Barnes. Duluth. '7 I -'72 f Charles C. Salter. '72- Charles C. Salter. Minneapolis, Plymouth. '62 -'64 f Charles C. Salter. '64-'69 Charles C. Salter. Minneapolis, Episc. Elisha S. Thomas. Monticello. f Oscar M. Smith. Northfield. '55-56 f Jerem. R. Barnes. Owatonna. '66-'69 fLever. S. Griggs. Rochester. '57-'f.O fEUas Clark. St. Anthony s Falls, Episc. '67 John AnketeU. St. Clotid. '67-'69 fGeorge I. Wood. St. Paul's, Fird Prtsb. '57- John Mattocks. Spring Valley. '63-'6G fLever. S. Griggs. Wabashaw. '67-68 Henry Loomis. Waseca. '70- f Edward C. Starr. KANSAS. Quindaro. '72- fAlex. Johnston. Vienna. '70- f Lewis E. Sykes. CALIFORNIA. Chverdale. '70-'71 f Elijah Janes. Folsom. '69 f John E. Benton. Mission Dolores. '51-'58 f John E. Benton, Sortonville. '70-'71 John T. Owens. Oakland. '71 fJohn E. Benton. Petaluma. '69- f Chas. J. Hutchins, Sacramento. '49 f Joseph A. Benton Sacramento. First. '51-'G3 Joseph A. Benton. Salicoy. ('71) Sherlock Bristol. San Francisco, First. '64-'65 fKinsley Twining. San Franrisro, Second. '63-'64 f Joseph A. Benton. '64-'69 Joseph A. Benton. Sail Mateo. '72- A. M. Goodnough. Vallejo. '70 A. M. Goodnough. OREGON. Forest Grove. '66-68 fDaniel A. Miles. NEVADA. Elko. '70-'70 fll. 0. Whitney. NEBRASKA. Aurora. fDavid B. Perry. Columbvs. '65-68 f James B. Chase. Eikhorn City and vicinity. '71- f James B. Chase. fVemont. '68-69 f James B. Chase. Lincoln. '68-'70 Charles Little. Omaha. '56-'64 Reuben Gaylord. CANADA. Eaton. '37 fPhilip Eveleth. Hull. '36-37 Philet. Montague. Huntingdon, Am. Presb. '39 David Dobie. Montreal, Am. Presb. '30-39 Geo. W. Perkins. '39- '47 Caleb Strong. '47-'57 John McLeod. FRANCE. Paris, Am. Chapel. '66-68 f Azariah Eldridge. 158 FOREIGN MISSIONARIES. — PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES. IV. FOREIGN MISSIONARIES.* Class. 1825 *Josiah Brewer, Turkey and Greece, '26-'38. 1829 *Dyer BaU, China, '38-'66. 1830 James T. Dickinson China, '35-'40. 1831 *John M. S. Perry, Ceylon, '35-'38. 1832 *Edwin Stevens, China, '36-'37. 1833 *Jesse Loekwood, Cherokees, '34-'34. 1834 Henry A. Homes, Turkey, '36-'50. " Peter Parker, China, '35-'45. 1837 Asa B. Smith, Nez Perces Indians, etc. '38-'46. 1838 Charles S. Sherman Syria, '39-'42. 1840 *Colby C. Mitchell, Nestorians, '41 '-'41. " *Samuel G. Whittelsey, Ceylon, '41-'47. 1841 ♦Benjamin Griswolc Africa, '41-'44. 1842 *Azariah Smith, Turkey, '42-'51. " *David T. Stoddard, Nestorians, '43-'57. 1846 Lewis Grout, South Africa, Zulus, '46-'62. 1847 Isaac G. Bliss, Turkey, '47- " Charles Little, India, '47-'60. " *Samuel D. Marsh, South Africa, Zulus, '47-'53. 1848 Moses C. White, China, '47-'53. 1849 William Mellen, South Africa, Zulus. '51- 1850 ♦Chester N. Righter , Turkey, '54-'56. 1851 ♦William Aitchison, China, '54-'59. " Albert A. Sturges, Micronesia, '52- 1852 Henry Blodget, China, '54- " ♦William A. Macy, China, '54-'59. " ♦Andrew T. Pratt, Turkey, '52-'72. 1855 Julius Y. Leonard, Turkey, '57- 1858 William Hutchison, Turkey, '58-'59. 1869 Isaac Pierson, China, '70- 1871 Cornelius B. Bradley, Siam, '71- V. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES. California. Iowa U. Western Reserve. '70-' 7 2 Henry Durant. '71- George Thacher. '71- Carroll Cutler. Hamilton. Ktmx. Yale. '39-'57 Simeon North. '63-'68 William S. Curtis, '46-'7l Theod. D Woolsev. Illinois. '68-'72 John P. Gulliver. '71- Noah Porter. '44- Jul. M. Sturtevant. Middlhury. '66- Harvey D. Kitchel. * For a more extended biographical sketch of those from this Seminary who have engaged in Foreign Missionary service, see the paper on " Yale Theological Seminary and Foreign Missions," by Rev. Charles P. Bush, D.D., Dist. Sec. of the A. B. C. F. M. in New York City, in the " Semi-Ceiitennial Anniversary of the Divinity School of Yale College," 1872, pp. 38-G4. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES. 159 VI. PROFESSORS IN COLLEGES AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES. COLLEGES. Amherst. '29-'33 *Sylvester Hovey. Beloit. '54-'59 Franklin W. Fisk. '56- Joseph Emerson. '61-'. . '59-'69 '53-'56 '69- /42-'43 '47-'50 '29-'39 '55-'63 '62-69 '71- '31-'44 '70- '66-'70 "39-'40 '67- Eliph. Whittlesey. California. Henry Durant. Dartmouth. Jas. W. Patterson. Chas. H. Hitchcock, Delaware. Seth C. Brace. *Charles Long. Hamilton. Simeon North. William S. Curtis. Wm. N. McHarg. John W. Mears. Howard U. Eliph. Whittlesey. Illinois. Jul. M. Sturtevant. Mason Grosvenor. Lafayette. Chas. H. Hitchcock. Marshall. *Albert Smith. Michigan U. Moses C. Tyler. 40-'45 '72- '35-'48 '36-'39 '65- '66- '52- 71- 43-'54 55-'58 40-'58 60-'71 58-'67 '31-'51 '39-'62 '41-'56 '42- '46- '48-' 7 2 '54-'61 Middlebury. \ ♦Albert Smith. Korth- Western U. Henry S. Carhart. Oherlin. Henry Cowles. John P. Cowles. Olivet. Joseph L. Daniels. John H. Hewitt. Princeton. Lyman H. Atwater. Univ. New York. Benj. N. Martin. •Joseph A. Saxton. Wabash. William Twining. James D. Butler. Western Reserve. Henry N. Day. Carroll Cutler. Williams. *Sylvester Hovey. Wisconsin State U. James D. Butler. Yale. Theo. D. Woolsey. *Wm. A. Lamed. Edw. E. Salisbury. Thos. A. Thacher. Noah Porter. *James Hadley. George P. Fisher. '59- C.S.Lvman (Scien.). '63-'66 Wm. B. Clarke. '63- Lewis R. Packard. '67-'70 Oliver E. Daggett. ,'67- M.C.White (Med.). iTHEOL. SEMINARIES. ! Andocer. !'48- Austin Phelps. I '68- John L. Taylor. 1 Bangor. '70- Lewis L. Paine. I Berkeley. j'53-'62 Edw. A.Washburn. I Chicago. '59- Franklin W. Fisk. '70- James T. Hyde. Lane. '51-'66 George E. Day. Lexington. Edward Winthrop. Pacific. Joseph A. Benton. Seahury. Elisha S. Thomas. Union. '62-'64 *Henry H. Hadley. Yale. '58- Timothy Dwight. '61-'62 *Henry H. Hadley. '61- George P. Fisher. '66- George E. Day. '69- '64 VII. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES. The figures designate the last year that the Class to which the individual belonged spent in the Seminary. 1875 Abbott, Albert F. 1844 AUen, Rollin D. H. 1835 Atwater, Lyman H. 1837 Charles E. 1868 Simeon 0. 1850 William W. 1839 Josiah. 1875 Anderson, Kerr C. 1840 Averill, James. 1859 Abele, George. 1842 Andrew, John T. 1847 Avery, Frederick D. 1875 Adams, AUison D. 1845 Angel, Jacob. 1847 John. 1872 Arthur H. 1859 Anketell, John. 1835 John T. 1875 George C. 1828 Arms, Hiram P. 1842 Oscar F. 1839 John C. 1842 Atkins, Benjamin F. 1842 Solon C. 1838 WiUiam H. 1875 Doane R. 1832 Ayres, Frederick H. 1857 Aikin, William P. 1847 Atterbury, Wm. W. 1826 Babbitt, Samuel T. 1851 Aitchison, William. 1840 Atwater, Edward E. 1834 Backus, John C. 1837 Allen, Edward D. 1845 Horace C. 1852 Joseph W. 1841 Ephraim W. 1828 Jason. 1836 Wllham W. 160 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES. 1869 Bacon, Edward W. 1847 1861 George B. 1829 1854 Leonard W. 1874 1840 William T. 1847 1828 Badger, Milton. 1825 1843 Bagg, D. Taj^lor. 1852 1849 Bailey, Nathaniel P. 1874 1840 Thomas. 1875 1834 Baker, Oliver. 1859 1830 Baldwin, Abraham C. 1850 1867 Charles W. 1835 1835 John D. 1847 1845 William. 1838 1853 William A. 1842 1830 Theron. 1864 1829 Ball, Dyer. 1869 1831 Mason. 1871 1866 Banks, George W. 1837 1829 Barber, Eldad. 1837 1870 Barclay, Thomas D. 1842 1850 Barnard, John B. 1857 1851 Barnes, A. Henry. 1825 1837 Jeremiah R. 1842 1853 Jonathan E. 1830 1831 Romulus. 1846 1873 Barnum, Augustine. 1842 1844 Samuel W. 1874 1870 Barrows, John H. 1835 1870 Walter M. 1858 1865 Barton, John W. 1831 1832 Bascom, Flavel. 1833 1855 Bassett, Edward B. 1865 1854 WiUiam E. 1870 1827 Bates, Talcott. 1841 1838 Beach, Aaron C. 1830 1873 George L. 1847 1869 John W. 1840 1874 Beard, Henry B. 1836 1831 Beck with, Baruch B. 1838 1842 Beebe, Samuel J. M. 1839 1833 Beecher, George. 1853 1846 Belden, WiUiaui W. 1851 1869 Bell, Robert C. 1842 1831 Bellows, Thomas. 1842 1863 Bement, WiUiam. 1841 1875 Benedict, Arthur J. 1847 1845 Tliomas N. 1872 1874 Benjamin, George W. 1854 1854 Bennett, Ethan 0. 1840 1853 Bent, George. 1859 1846 Benton, Joseph A. 1846 1850 John E. 1833 1828 Betts, Xonophon. 1832 1875 Biddle, Jacob A. 1.^74 1828 Bidwell, Oliver B. 1839 1833 Walter H. 1849 1868 Bingham, Egbert B. 1836 1828 Birge, Chester. 1874 1841 Birney, James. 1850 1838 Bissoil, William C. 1874 1855 Blackader, J. W. 1834 1840 Blakeman, Phineas. 1874 Blakeslee, Samuel V. 1862 Carpenter, Carlos C. Blanchard, Amos. 1826 Carrington, George. Bliss, Edwin M. 1 833 Carter, William. Isaac G. 1825 Case, Francis H. Seth. 1856 Henry. Blodget, Henry. 1849 Catlin, William E. Boals, John C. 1865 Hasket D. Booth, George C. 1850 Chandler, Isaac W. Bourne, James R. 1 873 John S. Brace, Charles L. 1845 Joseph. Jonathan. 1873 Chapin, Roswell. Samuel. 1832 Chapman. Fred. W. Seth C. 1833 James D. Bradbury, Ammi R. 1850 Wm. H. Bradford, James H. 1841 WiUiam R. Bradley, Charles P. 1865 Chase, James B. Cornelius B. 18.")4 Cheney, Greenleaf. Bradstreet, Thomas J. 1840 Chesebrough, A. S. Brainerd, Davis S. 1 829 Chestnut, D. D. Brewer, Darius R. 1873 Childs, Truman D. Fisk P. 1873 Christie, George W. Josiah. 1839 Churchill, John Brewster, Cyrus. 1875 Clancy, WiUiam P. Brinsmade, Peter A. 1845 Clapp, Alexander H. Bristol, Richard C. 1839 Clark, Eli B. Sherlock. 1840 Elias. Broadwell, Homer J. 1838 Henry. Bronson, Thomas. 1837 James A. Brooks, Charles. 1843 Perkins K. John F. 1841 Rufus W. Roswell. 1840 Clarke, Henry S. William E. 1840 Walter. Brown, Anselm B. 1 853 WiUiam B. Joshua R. 1851 Cleaveland, James B. A. Rezeau. 1835 Cleveland, Edward. Bryan, George A. 1840 Coe, David B. Bryant, Sidney. 1843 Samuel G. Buckingham, Sam. G. 1863 Coffey, George H. Budington, William I. 1875 Coles, Solomon M. Buel, David II. 1853 CoUins, WiUiam H. Bull, John C. 1862 Colman, George W. Bullard, Charles H. 1837 Colton, Erastus. Burr, Enoch F. 1852 Henrv M. Zalmon B. 1837 John 0. Burritt, William H. 1 849 Theron G. Burroughs, William. 1855 WiUis S. Burrows, Edwin B. 1834 Comstock, David 0. Burton, Nathaniel J. 1845 Cook, Elislia W. Bush, Charles P. 1845 Cooke, Theodore. Bushee, William A. 1844 Cooley, Henry. Bushnell, George. 1866 Henry E. Horace. 1831 Orrin. William. 1847 Cordley.Christoph. M. Busser, Samuel E. 1852 Corning, James L. Butler, James D. 18-15 WiUiam H. J. Glentwortli. 1874 Countryman, Frank. Butterfield, Oliver B. 1840 Cowles, Chauucey D. Buttner, Andrew L. 1829 Henry. Byington, Swift. 1843 James. Calhoun, Newell M. 1829 John P. Camp, Henry B. 1832 Orson. Carhart, Henry M. 1875 Craig, WiUiam B. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES. 161 1831 Crocker, Zebulon. 1863 Dutton, WiUiam S. 1874 Gaines, MarshaU R. 1863 Crossman, Edward N. 1838 Dwight, Benjamin W. 1854 Gallup, James A. 1858 Cruickshanks, James. 1843 Edward S. 1867 Galpin, William C. 1837 Cumpston, Edw. H. 1852 James M. B. 1869 Garretson, F. V. 1873 Curtis, Charles B. 1833 Timothy. 1875 Gates Lorin S. 1845 Lucius. 1853 Timothy. 1862 Gay, WiUiam M. 1831 Rodney. 1841 Eames, Marshall H. 1868 Gaylord, Charles H. 1841 Williams. 1875 Eaton, Edward D. 1839 Reuben. 1839 Curtiss, Dan C. 1857 Jacob. 1 830 Gelston, Maltby. 1832 Erastus. 1831 John H. 1846 MiUsB. 1875 Gilbert A. 1845 Samuel W. 1837 George, James H. 1832 Samuel I. 1859 Edgar, John. 1846 Gibbs, Charles. 1843 William B. 1864 Eddy, Clarence. 1846 James B. 1831 William P. 1836 Henry. 1841 Giddings, Solomon P. 1847 Gushing, Christopher. 1851 Edmands, John. 1837 Gilbert, Charles T. 1858 Cutler, CarroU. 1832 Edson, Solomon W. 1832 Edwin R. 1839 ElbridgeG. 1847 Edwards, Jonathan. 1845 William H 1834 Daggett, Oliver E. 1843 Eggleston, Nath. H. 1856 WilhamT. 1874 Danforth, William B. 1861 Eichelberger, M. S. 1848 Gilman, Edward W. 1863 Daniels, Joseph L. 1855 Elderkin, John. 1872 George A. P. 1847 Darrah, James A. 1837 Eldred, Henry B. 1832 Gleason, Henry. 1835 Davenport, James R. 1845 Eldridge, Azariah. 1873 Good, Charles W. 1836 John S. 1832 Joseph. 1834 Goodhue, John N. 1845 Davidson, David B. 1841 Elliot, Samuel H. 1866 Goodnough, A. M. 1832 Davis, James M. 1846 Ely, Isaac M. 1865 Goodenough, Arthur. 1846 Samuel R. 1839 William D. 1841 Goodrich, Chaunc«y. 1844 Day, Erastus. 1837 Zabdiel R. 1847 WiUiam H 1838 George E. 1837 Emerson, Brown. 1846 Goodwin, Henry M. 1848 Guv B. 1836 Daniel H. 1827 Goodyear. George. 1834 Heiary N. 1847 Joseph. 1850 Gorham, G. W. 1840 Horace. 18^5 Eustis, William T. 1846 Graeff, John E. 1871 Theodore L. 1837 Eveleth, Philip. 1833 Graham, John. 1 874 Decker, Isaac D. 1870 Evans, Daniel A. 1845 Grant, Joel. 1866 DeForest, Heurv P. 1873 John P. 1842 JohnM. 1866 Henry S. 1845 Fabrique, Charles. 1829 Graves, Horatio N. 1871 JohnK. H. 1 854 Fenn, Stephen. 1851 Greene, WUham B. 1834 William B. 1837 Fessenden, Thos. K. 1854 Greenwood, MerriU. 1834 Delavan, George E. 1871 Fifield, Charles W. 1874 WiUiam. 1840 Deming, Friend A. 1851 Fisher, George P. 1834 Gridley, John 1835 Dewev, Amasa. 1865 George W. 1873 Griffin, Henry L. 1844 Dick, William. 1875 Oren D. 1 834 Griggs, Leverett. 1868 Dickerman, George S. 1852 Fisk, Franklin W. ] 863 Leverett S. 1840 Dickinson, Charles. 1850 Fiske, Frederick A. 1865 GrinneU, Charles E. 1830 James T. 1873 Fitch, Charles N. 1841 Griswold, Benjamin. 1850 Dickson, Andrew F. 1873 Franklin S. 1852 WaitR. 1846 Dill, James H. 1849 Folsom, George D. 1831 Grosvenor, Chas. P. 1838 Dobie, David. 1836 Foote, William C. 1830 David A. 1 841 Dole, George T. 1873 Forbes, Ira Emory. 1831 Mason. 1840 Doolittle, Edgar J. 1844 Foster. Gustaviis L. 1843 Grout, Joseph M. 1867 DooUttle, John B. 1871 Lauren M. 1846 Lewis. 1860 Douglass, Solomon J. 1831 Lemuel. 1875 Guernsey, Charles W. 1873 Dowd, Quincv L. 1835 Lewis. 1845 Jesse. 1 844 Downer, John C. 1844 Thomas E. 1 845 GuUiver, John P. 1871 Drake, Charles W. 1834 Fowles, James H. 1851 Hadley, Henry H. 1835 Dudley, John. 1866 Francis, Cyrus W. 1 846 James. 1843 Martin. 1829 James H. 1838 Haile, Ashbel B. 1841 Dunham, Hercules R. 1875 Freeman, Joseph A. 1831 Hale. Albert. 1835 Dunning, Edward 0. 1858 Freund, John W. 1870 Albert F. 1832 Durant, Henry. I860 Frisbie, Alvah L. 1841 HaU. E. Edwin. 1841 Duryee, Isaac G. 1841 Frissell, Amasa C. 1 865 EUiot C. 1 838 Dutton, Samuel W. S. 1 864 Furbish, Edward B. 1875 George E. 1836 Thomas. 1839 22 Gager, Charles A. 1847 Gordon. 162 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES. 1863 HaU, Henry L. 1835 Robert B. 1863 William K. 1860 Hallock, John N. 1859 WiUiam A. 1875 Hamlin, Charles H. 1844 Hammond, Charles. 1840 Hanks, Stedman W. 1 840 Harding, Willard M. 1836 Hardy, Aaron A. 1875 Harrington, James L, 1846 Hart, Burdett. 1843 James P. 1873 William D. 1870 Hartshorn, Jos. W. 1875 Harvey, James A. 1852 HaskeU, Henry M. 1840 Hatch, Walter T. 1840 Hawley, James A. 1828 Stiles. 1837 Zerah K. 1873 Hayden, Frederick S. 1838 Heacock, Abel M. 1871 Herrick, Edward P. 1828 Henry. 1861 Heermance, Edgar L. 1843 Hewitt, Enoch W. 1863 John H. 1853 Hibbard, Ehas B. 1868 Rufus P. 1830 Hickok, Henry P. 1863 Higgins, Lucius H. 1 849 Hill, George E. 1874 Hills, Aaron M. 1853 Hillard, Elias B. 1876 Hillyer, Samuel L. 1833 Hinckley, Asa J. 1840 Hine, Orlo D. 1841 Hitchcock, Allen B. 1859 Chas. H. 1856 Oscar B. 1840 Hobart, Leander S. 1875 Hogbin, Alfred C. 1848 Hohannes, D. S. 1875 Holbrook, David S. 1835 Holcomb, Hiram. 1832 Holley, Piatt T. 1861 Hollister, P. H. 1850 Holmes, Franklin. 1 843 Holmes, Joseph T. 1834 Homes, Henry A. 1849 Hopkinson, Benj. B 1833 Hough, Alfred. 1831 Lents. 1843 Houghton, Wm. A. 1828 Hovey, Sylvester. 1 849 Howard, George A. 1862 Howe, Elijah F. 1840 James H. 1830 Samuel. 1845 Iloj-t, Darius M. 1837 CorneliuH A. 1870 Hoj-t, James P. 1845 Hubbard, ChaunceyH 1 846 George B. 1839 Jonath. B. 1S29 Hubbell, Stephen. 1848 Huggins, William S. 1842 Hull, Joseph D. 1872 Hume, Robert A. 1839 Hunter, Moses H. 1840 Hurd, Philo R. 1839 Hurlburt, Henry. 1853 Hutchins. Charles J. 1873 Henry L. 1858 Hutchison, William. 1864 Hyde, Ebenezer P. 1839 " Harvey. 1851 James T. 1835 IngersoU, Elihu P. 1839 Isham, Austin. 1838 Ives, Alfred E. 1874 Joel S. 75 Jackson, William T. 1844 Jacocks, Abel B. 1843 James, Horace. 1870 Janes, Elijah. 1855 Jenkins, Jonathan L. 1 Jenney, Elisha. 1841 Jennings, Isaac. 1848 William J. 1844 Jerome, Charles. 1874 Jewell, George C. 1871 Johnson, Alfred V. 1850 Edwin. 1865 Henry N. 1853 Samuel. 1864 Wilbur. 1871 Johnston, Alexander. 1874 Jas. C. M 1835 Jones Charles. 1874 Charles N. 1871 David E. 1836 Elisha C. 1863 John D. 1875 Joyce, John J. 1829 Judson, Everton. 1843 Gould C. 1844 Kedzie, John H. 1838 Keep, John R. 1850 Kellogg, Allyn S. 1843 Kilbourn, James. 1868 Kimball, George H. 1846 King, Josiah T. 1847 Kingsley, William L. 1831 Kirby, WiUiam. 1867 Kitchel, Cornelius L. 1838 Harvey D. 1846 Knapp, Jared 0. 1875 Ladd, Henry M. 1863 Horatio 0. 1873 Lamb, George C. 1836 Lamson, Samuel. 1834 Lnngstroth, L. L. 1841 Langworthy, Isaac P. 1834 Lamed, William A. 1828 Lawton, Sanford. ] 841 Learned, Robert C. 1825 Leavitt, Joshua. 1845 LeContc, Porter. 1867 Lee, Lucius 0. 1830 Samuel. 1862 Samuel H. 1843 Leete, Theodore A. 1855 Leonard, Julius Y. 1835 Lewis, William B. 1875 Lines, Edwin S. 1847 Little, Charles. 1833 Lockwood, Jesse. 1847 Long, Charles. 1846 Malalon. 1837 Walter R. 1846 William H. 1857 Loomis, Henry. 1840 Henry H. 1840 HezekiahH. 1843 Lord, Charles E. 1836 Joseph S. 1857 Losch, Henry. 1847 Love, William D. 1846 Lucas, George C. 1862 Lyman, Charles N. 1842 Chester S. 1835 Ephraim. 1831 JohnB. 1854 McCall, Salmon. 1 840 McCord, James P. 1835 McDonald, James M. 1833 McEwen, Robert. 1860 McFarland, Horace H. 1846 McHarg, Charles K. 1841 William N. 1834 McLain, William. 1868 McLean, Allen. 1874 George E. 1847 McLeod, John. 1874 McLoney, John N. 1870 McNeille, R. G. S. 1845 MacWhorter, Alex. 1852 Macy, William A. 1834 Magill, Seagrove W. 845 Magoun, George F. 1874 ISIallory, Charles W. 1834 Marsh, Ezekiel. 1875 Francis J. 1873 Henry. 1843 Loring B. 1847 Samuel D. 1868 Marshall, Henry G. 1,840 Martin, Benjamin N. 1859 Justin. 1872 Marts, William G. 1868 Martyn, Sanford S. 1 842 Marvin, Abijah P. 1850 Sylvanus P. 187-1 Mnson. James B. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES. 163 1841 Mather, Oliver W. 1862 Packard, Lewis R. 1851 Reynolds, Charles 0. 1839 Mattocks, John. 1845 Paine, Albert. 1848 William T. 1831 Mead, Darius. 1861 Levi L. 1872 Rice, Richard A. 1869 Henry B. 1843 Parker, Eliphalet. 1864 William H. 1828 Zechariah. 1840 Oscar F. 1840 Rich, Charles. 1851 Mears, John W. 18.34 Peter. 1845 Richards, George. 1849 Mellen, WilUam. 1848 Parsons, John. 1849 Samuel T. 1868 Merriam, George S. 1854 Patterson, James W. 1855 Richardson, Jona. C. 1870 James F. 1843 Pearson, Reuel M. 1839 Merrill. 1863 MerriU, Selah. 1852 Peck, David. 1839 Nath'el. 1 847 Mershon, James R. 18r,4 Peet, Stephen D. 1872 Rufus B. 1864 Merwin, Nathan T. 1864 Pelton, George A. 1850 Righter, Chester N. 1844 SamuelJ.M. [844 Perkins, Edgar. 1852 Robbins, SUas W. 1830 Messenger, Benoni Y. 1842 Frederick T. 1873 Roberts, John 1874 Michael, George. 1829 George W. 1874 Robinson, Stephen H. 1872 Miller, Elisha W. 1873 Perrin, Bemadotte. 1828 Rockwell, Samuel. 1834 Jeremiah. 1S43 Lavalette. 1848 Rodman, Daniel S. 1837 WilUam Y. 1867 Perry. David B. 1869 Rogers, Enoch E. 1848 Millard, Benjamin F. 1831 John M. S. 1875 Root, Edward P. 1861 Miles, Daniel A. 1843 Ralph. 1849 Edward W. 1853 James B. 1836 Pettee, Joseph. 1827 Judson A. 1840 Mitchell, Colby C. 1830 Phelps, Amos A. 1833 Marvin. ] 836 Montague, Philetus. 1842 Austin. 1853 RusseU, Renry A. 1859 Monteith, John 1847 S. Dryden. 1849 HoUis. 1833 Moore, Erasmus D. 1863 Pickett, Cyrus. 1841 William. 1838 James D. 1869 Pierson, Isaac. 1840 Ryder, Oliver R. 1846 William H. 1835 Pike, Francis V. 1836 Sackett, Harvey A. 1836 Mordough, John H. 1850 Pilsbury, Benjamin. 1831 Seth. 1875 Morgan, Charles L. 1 846 Pitkin, S. Dwight. 1873 SafEord, William E. 1833 Morley, Sardis B. 1845 Pitts, C\Tus. 1836 Salisbury, Edward E. 1864 Morris, John M. 1851 Plant, Alfred. 1873 Salmon, Edward P. 1875 Morse, Charles F. 1828 Piatt, Dennis. 1857 Salter, Charles C. 1839 Moseley, Samuel. 1850 Henry D. 1874 William M. 1875 Mosmau, William D. 1875 Lester B. 1847 Sands, John D. 1858 Mott, Charles. 1835 Merit S. 1853 WiUiam D. 1855 Munger, Theodore T. 1837 Plummer, Isaac W. 1862 Sawyer, Leicester J. 1846 Munson, Frederick. 1857 Pond, Chester E. 1860 Sayres, Lewis W. 1839 Murdock, Charles E. 1874 Pope, Howard W. 1846 Sfiuerwein, P. Geo. 1 865 Murphy, Thomas D. 1842 Porter, Charles H. 1831 Saunders, Alanson. 1861 Murray, Chauncey D. 1841 Emery M. 1847 Savage, George S. F. 1872 Pascal D. 1843 Giles M. 1839 Saxton, J. Addison. 1834 Newton, Alfred. 1831 Isaac G. 1851 Scofield, WUliam C. 1835 Benjamin B. 1842 Lansing. 1855 Seropyan, Chris. D. 1855 John H. 1836 Noah. 1835 Sessions, Alex. J. 1825 Nichols, Charles. 1837 Samuel. 1872 SewaU, Jotham. 1828 George. 1855 Timothy H. 1835 Seward, Dwight M. 1830 John C. 1844 William H. 1843 Edwin D. 1872 Norris, Austin H. 1829 WiUiam S. 1867 Sexton, WiUiam C. 1852 North, Josiah W. 1874 Post, Roswell 0. 1843 Seymour, Charles N. 1828 North, Simeon. 1875 Potter, Frank C. 1868 Sheldon, Winthrop D. 1845 Northrop, Birdsey G. 1845 Powell, John N. 1843 Shepherd, Forrest. 1826 Nott, Handel G. 1868 Samuel W. 1838 Sherman, Charles S. 1884 Noyes, John H. 1842 Powers, Daniel. 1837 SherriU, Edwin J. 1836 Nyce, Benjamin M. 185-2 Pratt, Andrew T. 1834 Sherwood, Wm. B. 1875 Oakey, James. 1839 Prudden, George P. 1853 Shipman, William C. 1868 Ogden, David J. 1873 Theod. P. 1872 Shirley, Arthur. 1849 Olmstead, Edward. 1875 PuUan, Frederick B. 1833 Slocum, John J. 1848 Ohnsted, Alex. F. 1872 Rawson, Edward K. 1843 Smeaton, WiUiam. 1825 Orton, Samuel G. 1843 Raymond, Alfred C. 1835 Smith, Albert. 1837 Osborn, HezekiahW. 1873 Reed, Arthur T. 1837 AsaB. 1838 Oviatt, George A. 1836 Julius A. 1846 Augustus. 1869 Owens, John T. 1842 Renouf, Edward A. 1842 Azariah. 164 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP NAMES. 1849 Smith, Burritt A. 1835 Taylor, John 0. 1872 Welles, Thomas C. 1845 Charles. 1858 Oliver S. 1834 Thomas N. 1859 Edward A. 1843 Sherman D. 1860 Wells, Nathan D. 1855 Edward P. 1837 William W. 1875 Westervelt, Wm. D. 1827 Elizur G. 1845 Teele, Albert K. 1872 Whitcomb, Cyrus B. 1845 IraH. 1864 Terry, Milton S. 1848 White, Moses C. 1857 Irem W. 1840 Parshall. 1872 Whitney, George 0. 1831 James A. 1843 Thacher, George. 1869 Henry 0. 1836 John D. 1844 Isaiah C. 1857 Whiton, James M. 1858 Jewett G. 1840 Thomas A. 1825 Whittelsey, Chaunc'y. 1836 Leonidas L. 1852 Thayer, D. Haven. 1840 Sam. G. 1858 Moses. 1861 Thomas, Elisha S. 1829 Whittemore. W. H. 1860 Oscar M. 1873 John. 1850 Whittlesey, Eliphalet. 1831 Theophihis. 1871 Thompson, Albert H. 1850 Elisha. 1861 "Wilder. 1S41 Joseph P. 1844 John S. 1841 Smyth, Anson. 1843 Wm. A. 1829 Joseph. 1874 Snell, Richard B. 1830 Tillotson, George J. 1847 Martin K. 1838 Snow, Aaron. 1871 Tinker, Anson P. 1875 Nath'nH. 1844 Porter H. 1875 Todd, Alwin E. 1838 Sam'l H. 1844 Roswell R. 1837 Tomlinson, George. 1831 William. 1859 Sparrow, Orson C. 1872 Joseph A. 1846 Wickes, John. 1873 Sprague, Wilham P. 1855 Johns. L. 1851 Henry. 1837 Spees, Shubael G. 1828 ToplifE, Stephen. 1837 Thomas. 1848 Stanley, Hannibal L. 1860 Towne, Edward C. 1862 Wilcox, Asher H. 1847 Stanton, Robert P. 1829 Train, Asa M. 1827 Chauncey. 1870 Starr, Edward C. 1 850 Trowbridge, Jas. H. 1833 Jairus. 1874 John L. 1874 Trowbridge, John P. 1861 Timothy K. 1847 Stevens, Asahel A. 1875 Tuckerman, Louis B. 1875 Wilder, Sedgwick P. 1875 Charles E. 1829 Tupper, Martyn. 1856 Wlllard, Andrew J. 1832 Edwin. 1830 Turner, Asa. 1852 James L. 1875 Stevenson, John B. 1847 Douglas K. 1849 Samuel G. 1836 Stickney, Moses P. 1856 Twining, Kinsley. 1851 Willcox, G. Buck'am. 1873 Stimson, Robert B. 1828 WiUiam. 1839 Williams, Dillon. 1840 Stocking, Sabura S. 1839 Tyler, Daniel C. 1866 Lewis. 1842 Stoddard, David T. 1828 Edward R. 1845 Rode'ek R. 1874 John L. 1871 James B. 18G9 William B. 1835 Stone, Rollin S. 1860 Moses C. 1835 Wilson, George S. 1853 Storrs, Cordial. 1849 William E. 1847 Thomas. 1849 Stow, Orson W. 1862 Upson, Henry. 1842 Wilford L. 1842 Street, Owen. 1843 Vinton. Frederic. 1828 Winslow, Hubbard. 1838 Strong, Caleb. 1870 Vorce, Juba H. 1835 Winthrop, Edward. 1842 Edward. 1832 Wade, Nathaniel. 1831 Wolcott, William. 1849 Samuel W. 1839 Wadsworth, Henry F. 1838 Wood, George I. 1840 Stryker, Isaac P. 1840 Walker, Aldace. 1847 Wood, Glen. 1851 Sturges, Albert A. 1859 Edward A. 1865 WoodhuU, George L. 1838 Thomas B. 1870 Charles S. 1853 John A. 1 830 Sturtevant, Julian M. 1832 Ward, James W. 1871 Woodmansee, Wm. 1847 Sweet, Edward. 1826 Stephen D. 1832 Woodruff, Horace. 1845 Swift, Jared R. 1827 Ware, Joseph K. 1839 Lucius H. 1838 Sykes, Dorson E. 1836 Warner. Isaac W. 1832 Richard. 1843 L. Edwards 1859 Pliny F. 1841 Woodworth, Wm. AV. 1853 Talbot, Benjamin. 1830 Wyllys. 1826 Woolsey, Theodore D. 1840 Tallman, Thomas. 1873 Warren, Arthur H. 1832 Worcester, Henry A. 1825 Tappan, Daniel D. 1842 Israel P. 1843 Wright, Edward." 1844 Tarbox, Increase N. 1842 Wasliburn, Edw'd A. 1842 E. Monroe. 1847 Tarleton, Joseph W. 1843 Wason, Hiram. 1835 James L. 1831 Taylor, Fitch W. 1873 Waters, George F. 1827 Luther. 1840 Horace A. 1839 Weed, William B. 1838 William. 1829 James B. 1858 Welch, Moses C. 1844 William S. 1839 John L. 1 850 Weller, James. 1845 Young, William. Errata. Page 135, George W. Colman, not graduated at N. Y. U., but at Union College.— Page 136, read William Ktrhy (Yale, 1827) for William King. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 I o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ^^^' f .. f v5 -■ ;..-..-'x.*f - ^ . >. \ 'l-^^^'' ^