THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE: OK COMPILED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, BY CHARIvBS April, 1885. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA: PRINTED BY THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 413, 415 AND 417 EIGHTH STKK.ET. less. BOARD OK TRUSTEES. 18831885. WILBER WALKER, K.MKRV M. LONG, OZRO H. BURNHAM. COLUMBUS BRIER. EUGENE A. TREFETHEN. President. Secretary. LIBRARIAN: MISS INA I). COOLBRITH. First Assistant Librarian: HENRY F. PETERSON. Second Assistant Librarian: MRS. J. L. PLUMMKR. LIBRARY HOURS: The Library is open on all days in the year except Sundays and legal holidays, as follows : May ist to September ist, from 9 o'clock, A. M., to 8:30 o'clock, p. M. Saturdays, to 9 o'clock, P. M. September ist to May, from 9 o'clock, A. M., to 8 o'clock, p. M. Saturdays, to 9 o'clock, P. M. 733 CIIA5 1885 In October, 1884, The Board of Free Library Trustees, by unanimous resolution, authorized the compiling of this catalogue. The work was begun on November fifteenth, and concluded on January twenty-fourth. In February the first copy sheets were given to the printer, and the work as a whole is now given to the public in the belief that the catalogue as nearly approaches perfection as the limited time for com- pilation and the present size of the library have permitted. The books in the library have been catalogued in every instance under the title and the author's name, and in cases where it has been thought necessary, under a gen- eral subject head. This arrangement obtains more especially in the departments of Science, Religion, and History, and by this means the reader who desires a work on a particular subject is enabled to find it, though he may not know the title or the author of any work under the subject head. In numbering the books the compiler has adopted an original system whose sim- plicity is its title to acceptance. In the number of any book the figure or figures in the thousands place represent the alcove number, the figure in the hundreds place represents the shelf number, and the figures in the tens and units place represent the position of the book on the shelf; the whole number being the number of the book. By a simple system of lettering, books added to the library can at once be given their proper places on the shelves. The compiler avails himself of this opportunity to extend his thanks to the Board of Trustees for the ready kindness with which they have invariably met his suggestions and aided him in his work. He would also express his obligations to the ladies and gentlemen who have assisted him in the compilation of the catalogue ; and especially to Mr. Henry F. Peterson, First Assistant Librarian, and, during the progress of the work, Acting Librarian. Upon a succeeding page will be found an index of the cata- logue and brief directions as to drawing books from the library. RULES AND REGULATIONS OAKLAND FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. [Revised and Adopted August 7th, 1883.] ARTICLE I. SECTION I. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees and preserve order therein, and in case of an equal division of members upon any question, shall give the casting vote. In his absence from any meeting, a president pro tern, may be elected for such meeting, who shall have power to discharge all the duties of the President. SECTION 2. The Secretary shall affix his name to all the advertisements and notices emanating from the Board of Trustees. He shall attend all meetings, and in the absence of the President shall call the same to order, and shall truly and at large record the proceedings of the Board of Trustees in books kept for that purpose. The Secretary, in case of refusal, absence from the city, or disability of the President, shall call a special meeting of the Board of Trustees, whenever requested in writing to do so by at least two other members thereof. SECTION 3. The Treasurer, who may in the discretion of the Board be the same person as the Sec- retary, shall receive all monies obtained by the Librarian and Curators for old papers, periodicals, and fines, and pay the same to the City Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. The Treasurer shall also keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures, in books kept for that purpose. ARTICLE II. SECTION I. The officers and employees of the Oakland Free Library and Reading Rooms shall be a librarian, two assistant librarians, a curator for the Central Reading Room, a Curator for the East Oak- land Reading Room, a curator for the West Oakland Reading Room, and a janitor for the Library Room, whose several terms of office shall be for one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified; and they shall be subject to removal at any time at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees, on account of absence from their duties without leave, want of attention to business, unreasonable waste of time, want of courtesy toward the public, or improper behavior generally. SECTION 2. The duties of the Librarian shall be to exercise a general .supervision over the Library, and to enforcp a strict obedience to all rules and regulations the Board of Trustees may adopt for its government. SICCTION 3. The duties of the Curators shall be to exercise a general supervision over their respect- RULES AND REGULATIONS. V ive reading rooms, and enforce the rules and regulations adopted for their management by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 4. All employees shall devote their time and attention to the interests of the department in which they are employed, and shall not be absent therefrom without permission from the President of the Board of Trustees, except in case of sickness. In case of the resignation of any employee, or absence from sickness or any other good reason, the President of the Board of Trustees shall appoint a substitute to act until the next meeting, when the Board shall elect a new employee, or substitute as the case may be. ARTICLE III. SECTION I. The Library shall be open on all secular days, except legal holidays, from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 8:30 o'clock, P. M., from May 1st to September ist, and from 9 o'clock, A. M., until 8 o'clock, p. M., from September ist to May ist, provided that it shall remain open from 9 o'clock, A. M. until 9 o'clock, P. M., every Saturday evening from January 1st to December 3 ist. The reading rooms shall be open every day, except legal holidays, from 8 o'clock A. M., until 12 o'clock M., and from I o'clock p. M., until 9 o'clock p. M., except on Sundays, when they shall remain open from 9 o'clock A. M., until 9 o'clock p. M. SECTION 2. All residents of the City of Oakland, above the age of fourteen years, who shall have signed the prescribed application card, and furnished an acceptable guarantor, shall be entitled to borrow books from the library for home use. To be a satisfactory guarantor, a person must be over twenty-one years of age, a resident of the city of Oakland, and his or her name must appear on the city assessment roll. The following certificate must be signed by the guarantor: OAKLAND, , 188 . " To THE TRUSTEES OF THE OAKLAND FREE LIBRARY: "I, residing at No. Street, Oakland, certify that this applicant is a proper person to be accorded the privileges of the Oakland Free Library, and do hereby promise to pay any fines that may be charged against and to make good any injury or loss which the library may sustain from the permission to draw books that may be given in consequence of this certificate." Note I. The privileges granted in consequence of this certificate may be revoked at the pleasure of the guarantor upon the settlement of the library's claims against the applicant. Note 2. This application must be left at the library for consideration, and unless otherwise deter- mined by the librarian, at the end of three days the applicant (unless rejected), will receive a card entitling the owner to borrow books. SECTION 3. All persons of respectable character and orderly conduct shall have free access to the reading-rooms during all regular hours, and be permitted the use of the newspapers and periodicals. SECTION 4. Encyclopedias, dictionaries and other books needed for reference in the library build- ings; books not easily replaced, in consequence of their rarity or value; books expressly given for refer- ence only; books deemed by the Trustees to be unsuited for general circulation; also unbound periodicals, shall be used only in the buildings. SECTION 5. Every person allowed the privilege of taking books from the library will be furnished with a card setting forth his right, and bearing a record of his residence as given in his application. If this residence is changed, immediate notice must be given at the library, and neglect to do so may subject the card holder to forfeiture of his card. The proper owner in all cases is responsible for books drawn by the means of his card by whomsoever presented. If a card is not presented on returning or renewing a vi kULES AND REGULATIONS. book, it may be detained in the library at least one day when next used in asking for a book. If a card is lost it cannot be replaced until after thirty days' notice of the loss has been given at the library, which interval is necessary to stop its use in irresponsible hands; but the loss of a card will not remove the own- er's responsibility. A new card may be immediately issued on the payment of twenty-five cents as a penalty. If a lost card is recovered after a new one is issued, one of the two shall be immediately sur- rendered. SECTION 6. No person shall have in home use more than one volume at a time, and no book shall be retained longer than two weeks, with the privilege of one renewal of the same length of time. SECTION 7. To protect the library against loss, and to secure to all a just and equitable share in ils benefits, any person detaining a volume longer than the regulations permit, shall be fined five cents for each day of detention, and any person refusing to pay the fine shall be thereafter debarred the privilege of using the library. SECTION 8. Any book detained one week beyond the time limited by the regulations, may be sent for, and the additional penalty of twenty-five cents shall be collected for such detention; and no book shall be let to any person who fines and penalties remaining unsettled. SECTION 9. No person shall lend either his library card, or any book belonging to the library, to any one not a member of the same household, under penalty of forfeiture of said library card. SECTION 10. All injuries to books beyond a reasonable wear, and all losses shall be made good, to the satisfaction of the Librarian, by the person liable, every book detained longer than three months being held to be lost; and all persons refusing to make such injuries or losses good, or to replace or pay the value of books lost, shall be debarred the privilege of using the library, and their guarantor shall be held responsible for such injuries or losses. SECTION 11. No books shall be taken from the shelves in any part of the library by any person not employed in the service of the library, except such books as are deposited in the public rooms for refer- ence. No person shall be permitted behind the railing enclosing the shelves of the library, except em- ployees or members of the Board of Trustees. SECTION 12. All conversation and conduct inconsistent with quiet and order are strictly prohibited in the library and reading rooms. SKCTION 13. Any person abusing the privileges of the library by unbecoming conduct, or by the violation of any of the regulations, by intentional defacement of a book, by writing in it, or in any other way, shall be reported to the Board of Trustees as soon as may be, and by them excluded from the library fora time, or permanently, according to the nature and degree of the delinquency or default; but in case of any gross offense, the Librarian or his representatives shall act summarily in the matter, and cause the offender to be at once excluded from the building, reporting the case to the Trustees as soon as possible, in writing, for their final decision. INDEX PAGE. FICTION I Sea Side Library 49 BELLES-LETTRES 54 BIOGRAPHY 76 HISTORY Subjects 92 Africa 92 America 92 Armenia 93 Asia 94 Assyria 94 Australia 94 Austria 94 Borneo ; 94 Brazil 94 Burmah 94 Canada 94 China 94 Egypt 94 England 94 Europe 94 France 95 Germany 95 Greece 95 Holland 95 India 95 Ireland 95 Italy 95 Japan 95 Mexico 95 Paraguay 95 PAGE, HISTORY Persia 96 Peru 96 Poland 96 Prussia 96 Rome 96 Russia 96 Scandinavia 96 Scotland 96 Siam 96 Slavonia 96 Spain 96 Sweden 96 Switzerland 96 Syria 96 Troy. 96 Turkey 96 Miscellaneous 96 HISTORY Authors 97 JUVENILE 105 LAW 125 PERIODICALS 125 See also Reference and Supplement I. POETRY and DRAMA 127 Drama 1 36 REFERENCE 138 RELIGION 148 Commentary 148 Devotional 149 Evidences 15 History and Biography I5 1 Vlll INDEX. PAGE. RKLIGIOH Miscellaneous 153 Sermons and Addresses 155 Theology 156 SCIENCE 158 Agriculture 158 Anthropology and Ethnology 159 Astronomy 160 Biology 161 Botany 163 Chemistry 163 Educational 164 Electricity, etc 165 Geography 166 Geology 166 Mathematics 167 PAG*. SCIENCE Mechanics 167 Medicine and Surgery 168 Miscellaneous 172 Mineralogy, Metallurgy, etc 173 Natural History 174 Optics 176 Physics : . . . 1 76 Psychology 177 Political and Legal Science 177 Scientific Philosophy 181 TRAVELS 183 NATIONAL Congressional and State Reports, etc. 198 WORKS in Foreign Languages 202 SUPPLEMENT I ; 203 DIRECTIONS FOR DRAWING BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY. Members desiring to draw books from the library will observe the following rule : Write the number of the book desired on one of the slips provided for this purpose and hand the same to the Librarian, I FICTION. Abbe Tigrane, candidate for the papal chair .47. 222 Abbot, The. Sequel to Monastery. Scott. ..52.631 Abbot. Lyman. Laicus 44.811 Abdallah; or the four-leaved shamrock, La- boulaye 49. 130 About, Edmond. Fellah, The See Sea Side Notary's nose 44.812 Romance of a brave man See Sea Side Story of an honest man 44.813, and .fee Sea Side. Acme library of modern classics. CONTENTS. Paul and Virginia Undine. Picciola, Vicar of Wakefield. Kns.^elas. Adam and Eve. Parr ... 5 1 . 645 Adam Bede. Cross 46.822 Adams, FT. P. Tales upon texts 44.814 Adams, Mrs. Leith. MiuU-lon Lemoine . . .44.815 Adela C uncart Mncdonalil 50 522 Adirondack Stories. Deming 56. 520 Admiral's ward, The Hector 48,113 Adventures in the land of the Behemoth. Verne 44 8 1 6 Adventures of an attorney in search of prac- tice. Warren 54-5 I 9 Adventures of Philip. Thackeray 53-422 Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. Smol- lett 52.221 Adventures of Tom Sawyer Clemens . . . .45.522 Aenone ; a tale of slave life in Rome. Kip. .49. 127 Afloat and ashore. Cooper 45-312 After dark, and other stories. Collins 45-53' Afterglow. Lathrop 49. 136 Against fate Rayne 51.218 Against the stream. Charles 45.615 Agamenticus. Tenney 53. 530 Agatha's husband. Craik 45.225 Agnes. Oliphant 51-617 Agnes of Son ento. Stowe 53. 727 Aguilar, G. Days of Bruce. 2 vols 44 816 Home influence 44-8i7 Home scenes 44.818 Mother's recompense 44. 819 Vale of cedars 44, 820 Woman's friendship 44.821 Aimee ; a tale of the days of James the Sec- ond. Gibern* 48.612 Ainslie, H See Maitland, E. Airy, fairy Lilian. Argles 44-7H Alchemist. Balzac 44 5 H Aldeane. Heaven 48,112 Alden. Mrs. I. M. (Pansy.) Four girls at Chatauqua 44.822 Links in Rebecca's life , 44-823 Miss Priscilla Hunter 44.824 Ruth Erskine's crosses 44 .825 Aldrich, T. B Marjorie Daw 44.826 Prudence Palfrey 44-827 Queen of Sheba 44.828 Still water Tragedy. 44 829 Alec Forbes. Macdonald 50. 41 1 Alexander, Mrs See Hector. Mrs. A. F. Alfio Balzani 44-83 Alfred Hagart's household. Smith 52.329 Alice; or, the mysteries. Lytton., 50 731 Alice Brand. Riddle S 1 ' 12 ^ Alice Lorraine. Blackmore 44, 324 Alide: an episode of Goethe's life. Lazarus. 49. 143 All in a garden fair. Besant 44.422 All on account of Eliza 44-831 Almost a Duchess. No Name series 5i-7l8 Almost an Englishman. Scudder 5 2 -4 22 Almost a nun. Wright 54- ' 1 4 A. L. O. E. Triumph over Midian, The 44.616 Alone. Terhune 53- 53* Alonzo and Melissa. Jackson 49-4J9 Aloys. Auerbach 44-7 2 9 Alroy. Disraeli 46.121 Altieri, Princess. O. Cantasuzene. Pove- rina 44 6 1 7 Alton Locke. Kingsley 49- "3 Altowan ; or life and adventures in the Rocky mountains. 2 vols. Webb 54- 5 2 7 Amazon, The. Dingelstedt 46.119 Amber gods, and other stories. Spofford .... 53.818 American, The. James 49.43 6 American Baron. De Mille 46- 5 '4 American girl abroad. Trafton 53. 224 American girl, and her four years in a boys' college. Anderson ..... , ,,, 44-7'3 AMERICAN AZARIAN. American notes. I > : .<-kens 46. 1 1 1 American politician, An. Crawford 46 Sis Ames, Mai v < ' >'< .- Clenmer, M. Among the pines Gilmorj 48-615 An a] I'liui-gee 53 2 16 Anderson, K. C. Improvisaiore 44^33 r 44. 834 travel 44- 836 a Danish romance 44 835 - bazaa r 44. 832 my life 44- 7 J I T-v.ii 1' . 44 7 12 Anderson, I-. An American girl iier four years in a boys' college 44-7'3 Andreas I Infer. Mundt 51.817 Andree d- T.iverney. Dumas 47-723 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. M-acdonald . 50.412 Anne. Woolson 54.229 Anne Judge, spinster. Robinson -" 51. 135 Anne of Geierstein, Scott 52.514 Annette. Dumas 47. 5 1 3 Anne Warwick. Craik 46.811 Annis Warleigh's fortunes. Parr 51.641 Anstey, F Ste Guthrie, F. A. Antinous. Laylor 53. 528 Antiquary. Scott 52 .632 Antoinette. Theuriet 53-3i6 Antonina; or the fall of Rome. Collins 45-41 1 Arabesques. Greenough 48.632 Arabian Nights See Juvenile Archie Lovell. Edwards 47-422 Argles, Mrs M., (The Duchess.) Airy, Fairy. Lilian 54-714 . The 44.718 .uighters 44. 715 Faith and unfaith 44 716 ks got out of it 44.718 Dawn 44-717 Monica 44718 44.719 is 44-720 ia Sf-e Sea Side ioyne 44 721 Ariadne. Durand 47.517 Ariadne. Rame , 51-321 Armadale. Collins 45-412 Arne. I 44.430 Around a Spring. Ihoz 47.711 Around the world in \ erne. .. .54.817 Arrah N 49.422 Arthur. s .;..- ..11.62 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland 49.820 Arthur Gordon Pym Poc. See Works in Belles Lettres Arthur O'Leary. Lever 50.813 Arthur, T. S. Home heroes, saints and mar- tyrs 44-722 Six nights with the Washinglonians 44-723 Tempeiance keepsake, The 44-724 What came afterwards 44-725 What can woman do? 44. 726 Aschenbroedel. Ascribed to Miss K. Car- rington 45. 73 2 As, he comes up the stair. Mather....^ Sea Side Aspasia. 2 vol. Hamerling 48.542 Aspendale. Preston. . .' 51-312 Asphodel. Anon 44-?27 Asphodel. Braddon See Sea Side At Capri. Bauer 44. 523 At her mercy. Payn SM 11 At last. Terhune : 53-532 At odds. Tautphoeus 53. 5 17 At thebackofthenorth wind. Macdonald. See Juvenile At the councillor's. John 49-3^2 Athelings. Oliphant 51.618 Attic philosopher in Paris. Souvestre 52 224 ,Auer, A. von. It is the fashion 44-728 Auerbach, B. Aloys 44-729 Black forest village stories 44. 730 Brigitta 44-731 Edelweiss 44. 732 Joseph in the snow 44 733 Landolin 44. 734 Lorley and Reinhard 44-735 On the heights 44.611 Poet and merchant 44.612 Spinoza 44-6i3 Villa on the Rhine 44.614 Waldfried 44-6i5 Aunt Jane's hero. Prentiss 5I-43* Aunt Serena. Howard 49-617 Aurelian. Ware 54-727 Aurora Floyd. Braddon 44-224 Austen, J. Emma 44.618 Mansfield park 44-619 Pride and prejudice 44.620 Sense and sensibility 44.621 ' Austin, Mrs. J. G. Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. 44.622 Austin Elliott. Kingsley, H 49. 120 Authors. Johnson ed. little classics 49 211 Ayala's antjel. Trollope Bentzon, T. Remorse 44- 4 ' 9 Berber, The. Mayo . 50. 236 Berger, C . . >>>. s Shi Bergsoe, W. Pillone ; Berlin and Sans Souci. Mundt 51 Bertrams. Trollope 5 Berville, M. de. The story of the < BERVILLE BRADDON. Berville (continued) Bayard 44-421 Besant, Walter. All in a garden fair 44.422 By Celia's arbor 44-4 2 4 Golden butterfly 44-425 Revolt of man 44-423 Bessie Harrington's venture. Mathews 50.225 Bessie Kane. Wood 54.323 Bessie Wilmerton. Westcott 54-529 Bessie's six loves. Peterson 5 1 533 Best of husbands. Payn S l -5 12 Betrothed, The Manzoni 50. 326 Betrothed, The. Scott 52 .633 Beulah. Wilson 54-422 Beyond the breakers. Owen 51-635 Beyond the gates. Phelps 5 ! -535 Big brother, The. Ejjgleston 47. 323 Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras 44 426 Billings, Josh See Shaw, H. \\ . Bird, R. M. Nick of he woods; or thejibbe- naino.-ay 44-4 2 7 Birds of pr. y. Br.i> ^ea. ->i <- oirtnmark. lla\vt;iur,.e in little classics, ui)sicr), vol. 8 Bishop, \V. ii. uetmold 44.428 Bishop, William H. The huuse of a merchant prince 44-4 2 9 Bit o' writin'. Banim 44. 5 18 Bitter atonement. Clay 45. 511 Bjornson, B Arne 44-43 Fisher maiden 44-43 l Happy buy 44-43 >yunove Solbakken 44-43 2 Black, C. Sussex idyl 44. 433 Black, Wm. Beautiful wretch 44-434 Daughter of Heth 44.435 Green pastures and piccadilly 44-436 In silk attire 44 437 Judith Shakespeare 44-43$ Kilmeny 44-439 and 44.311 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart. .. .44.718 and 44.312 Macleod of Dare 44.313 Madcap violet 44-414 Maid of Killena and other stories 44-315 Monarch of Mincing lane 44.316 Princess of Thule 44-317 Shandon bells See Sea Side Strange adventure of a phaeton 44 3 18 Sunrise 44.319 Three feathers 44. 320 White wings 44-321 Black (continued) Yolande 44. 322 Black dwarf. Scott 52. 5 1 1 Black forest village stories. Auerbach 44-73 Black tulip. Dumas 47-7 2 4 Black Venus. Belot 44- 53 1 Blackburn, W. M., Rev. Geneva's shield. .44.323 Blackmore, k. D. Alice Lorraine 44-3 2 4 Cradock Nowell 44- 3 2 5 Cripps, the carrier 44-3 2 6 Erema 44 .327 Lorna Doone 44. 328 Maid of Sker . 44-3 2 9 Mary Anerley 44-33 "Blackwood," tales from 44 211 Bleak House. Dickens. . . 4 6 -53' Blessed St. Certainty. Baker, W. M -44.631 BHndpits. Taylor 53-5 2 6 Blithedale romance. Hawthorne 48.218 Blockade of Pha'sburg. Erckmann-Chatrian .47.333 Bloody cha'-m. De Forest 46 634 'blossom Ri'd and lier u'cnteel friends Smith. 52 331 Jluebeard's g r. Sevier 45-721 Grandissemes 45.722 Madame Delphine 45-7 2 3 Old Creole days. 45-724 Caesar Birotteau Balzac 44-5' 5 Cakes and ale. Coffin 45. 529 Called back. Conway 45-43 Called to account. Cudlip 46.720 Cameos from English history. Yonge 54. 125 > Cameron pride. Holmes 49.831 Camille. Dumas 47. 5 14 Camp life and the tricks of trapping. Gibson. 48. 613 Campbell, H. Under green apple boughs. . .45.725 Canterbury tales. Lee 49-144 Can you forgive her ? Trollope 53. 227 Cape Cod, and all along shore stones. Nord- hoff 51.611 Cape Cod folks. McLean 50. 1 14 Captain Fracasse. Gautier 4^-736 Captain Sam. Eggleston 47-3 2 5 Captain's story. Davis, in little classics. Intellect. Cardinal's daughter. Warfield 54. 730 Carew, R. Tangled 45-726 Carey, R. N. Nellie's memories -45-727 Queenie's whim 45-728 Carita, Oliphant 51-619 Carlen, Miss Emilie. Ivar 45 730 J hn 45-73 1 Carleton, W. Neal Malone, in little classics, laughter, vol. 5 Willy Reilly and his dear coleen bawn 45-729 Carmen. Merimee 50. 1 27 Carrington, II. Aschenbnedel 45-732 Casimir Maremma. Helps 48. 123 Cast up by the sea. Baker 44.630 Caste. Anom 45-733 Castle dangerous. Scott 52. 5 1 3 Castle foam. French 48.714 Castle Hohenwald. Streckfuss 53-62O Castle nowhere; lake county sketches. Wool- son 54-230 Castle Richmond. Trollope 53. 228 Castle Warlock. Macdonald See Sea Side Castle of Ehrenstein. James 49-423 Castle's heir. Wood 54-324 Castleton, D. R. Salem 45.734 Cavalier. James 49, 424 Caxtons, the. Lytton 50.732 " Caxton's" book. Rhodes 51.124 \iCecil Castlemaine's gage. Rame 51.324 Cecil Dreems. Winthrop 54317 Cervantes Saavedra, M de. Don Quixote. .45.611 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac 44-515 Chainbearer. Cooper 45-3H Champlin, Virginia, trans. Mademoiselle Bismarck 45,612 No. 13 Rue Marlot 45 613 Champney, L. W. All around a palette. See Belles Lettres. Bourbon lilies 45-6i4 Chance acquaintance. Howella 49 622 Chandos. Rame 51 325 Changed brides. South worth 52.227 Channings. Wood 54 21 1 Charcoal sketches. Neal 51 834 Charles Auchester. Sheppard 52.315 Charles, Mrs. E. R Against the stream 45 615 Conquering and to conquer 45 616 Cripple of Antioch 45-6i7 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan 45-6i9 Draytons and the Davenants 45 620 Martyrs, of Spain 43.621 Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. See Religion, Biography On both sides of the sea 45.624 Schonberg-Cotta family 45.618 Sketches of Christian life in England in the , olden time 45 623 Tales and sketches of Christian life in differ- ent lands and ages 45 622 Charles O'Malley. Lever 50.816 Charlesworth, M. L. Oliver of the mill 45 625 Charlotte's inheritance. Braddon 44-225 Chateau d'Or. Holmes 49-7H Cherbuliez, V. Count Kostia 45.626 Jean Teterol's idea 45,627 CHERBULIEZ COLLINS. Cherbuliez (continued) Joseph Noirel's revenge 45.628 Meta Holdenis 45,629 Miss Eovel 45.630 Saints and sinners 45,631 Samuel Brohl and company 45.632 Chesebro, C . Foe in the household 45.633 Chevalier. Dumas 47 .726 Chevalier's daughter, Guernsey 48.637 \Chicot the jester. Dumas 47.727 Child, L. M. Philothea 45.634 Child's dream of a star, Dickens, in little classics childhood. Vol. 10. Child's History of England. Dickens 46.312 and juvenile. Children of the abbey. Roche 52.817 Children of the New Forest. Marryatt .... 50.327 Chimney corner. Stowe 53,728 Chops, the dwarf. Dickens, in little classics. Intellect. Chris and Otho. Smith 52. 332 Christian's mistake. Craik 45-227 Christie Carew. Laftan 49. 131 Christie Johnstone. Reade 5^219 Christie's faith. Robinson 5 1 1 37 Christmas carol. Dickens 46.411 Same in little classics. Laughter, vol. 5 Christmas stories. Dickens 46-411 Christopher Henrick, Hatton 48.334 Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott 52.514 and 52-633 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. Charles 45-6x8 Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek trage- dians. Stories from Herodotus. See Belles Lettres. " Homer. " " " " Livy. " " Virgil. " " " Church, Mrs. R. (Florence Marryatt.) For ever and ever , 45-635 Girls of Feversham 45-636 Harvest of wild oats 45-637 Poison of asps 45-638 Prey of the Gods 45-639 Too good for him 45-640 Woman against woman , 45.641 Circuit rider. Eggleston 47-317 Clacy, Mrs. E. (Cyclu.) Pattie Durant 45.642 Clarisse Harlowe. Richardson 5 r - I2 5 Clark, M. C. Shakespeare's heroines 45.644 Clark, C. M. (C. M. Clay.) Baby Rue 45.513 Modern Hagar 45- 5 H Clarke, James Freeman. The legend of Thomas Didymus 45-643 Claude Melnotte. Pinkerton 51-417 Claudia. Douglas 47.821 Claverings. Trollope 53- 1 1 1 Clay, Bertha M. Bitter atonement 45. 5 1 1 Repented at leisure 45.512 Clay, C. M tier. Clarke, C. M Clemens, J. Tobias Wilson 45-515 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) Adven- tures of Tom- Sawyer 45-522 Innocents Abroad 45. 5 1 6 Life on the Mississippi 45-517 Prince and pauper 45.5 18 Roughing it 45.5 19 Sketches, old and new 45. ^20 Stolen white elephant 45-521 Tramp Abroad 45-533 Clemens, Will M. Famous funny fellows. . .45.524 Clenmer, M. His two wives - 45-5 2 5 Cloverdale mystery. Wilkius 54-421 Clifford, J. Overland tales. 45-526 Clifton picture. Montgomery 50. 138 Clive, Catherine. Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife 45.427 Cloister and the hearth. Reade 5 1 . 220 Clothilde. Barton 44-521 Cloven foot. Braddon See Sea Side Cobwebs and cables. Smith 52.215 Cockton, Henry. [Sylvester Sound, the som- nambulist 45- 528 Coelebs in search of a wife. More 51-811 Coffin, R. B. (Barry Gray.) Cakes and ale 45-5 2 9 Coleridge, S. Phantasmion 45. 530 College widow. Seymour 5 2 -3 12 Collins, Wilkie. After dark, and other sto- ries 45-531 Antonina 45-4 1 r Armadale 45-4 12 Basil 45-4I3 - Dead alive 45-4*4 \ Dead secret 45-4^ Heart and science 45-4i6 Hide and seek 45-4*7 Jezebel's daughter 45-4!8 Man and wife 45-4'9 Moonstone 45'4 2 o My miscellanies 45-4 2 ' 8 COLLINS CRADOCK. Collins (continued) *^Xo name 45-422 Poor Miss Finch 45-4 2 3 Oueen of hearts 45-4 2 4 Koine's lile 45-4 2 5 Shocking story 45-426 Two destinies 45-4 2 7 VWoman in white. . 45.428 Colonel Thorpe's scenes in Arkansas. Fields. 47. 234 Colonel's opera cloak 44. 130 Comedy. Little classics. E<1. Johnson. .. .49.212 Comedy of terrors. De Mille 46-515 Cometh up as a flower. Brought on 44-l 2 3 Coming race. Lytton 5-733 Comin' thro' the rye. Mather. 50.224 Commonplace and other short stories. Ro- sette 5 2 -7i7 Condensed novels. Harte 48.330 Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant 48.626 Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever 50.817 Confidence. JamesA, 49-437 Conklin. Mrs. Nathaniel. (Jnk~ ir<:/ fr.) Electa 45-4 2 9 Conquering and to conquer. Charles 45.616 Conrad Mngen's mistake. Roquette 5 2 -7l5 Conscript. Dumas 47-728 Conscript. Ert-kmann Chatrian 47-334 Conspirator. Du;niy 47-515 Conspirators. I hunr.s 47. 729 Consuelo. Dudevnnt 47-7i6 Contarini Fleming. I )israeli 46. 122 Contracts. Gn-ndrl 48.636 Conway, Hugh. (F. J. Fari/itx.) Called hack 45.430 Dark days 45.431 Cooke, J. E. Leather stocking and silk. . . .45.422 Stories of the Old Dominion 45-433 Cooke, R. T. Somebody's neighbors 45-434 Coolidge, S SwWoolsey, S. C Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore 4S-3' 2 Hravo 45-3I3 Chainbearer 45.314 Crater 45-315 Deerslayer 45.3 16 Fea-Follet 45. 323 A Headsmen.... 45.^517 Eieidenmauer 4^.318 Home as found 45. 3 19 1 lomeward bound 46.320 Hutted knoll 45-321 Jack Tier 45-322 Cooper (continued) Last of the Mohicans 45-3 2 3 Lionel Lincoln 45-324 Mercedes 45-3 2 5 Miles Wallingford 45-326 Monikins 45.327 Ned Myers 45-3 2 8 Oak Openings 45-3 2 9 Pathfinder 45-33 P'lot 45-33 1 Pioneeis 45.211 Prairie 45.212 Precaution 45.213 Redskins 45.214 Red rover 45- 2I 5 Satanstoe 45- 2 i6 Sea lions 45- 2 '7 s py 45-218 Two admirals 45.219 Water witch 45. 220 Ways of the hour 45.221 Wept of Wish-ton-wish 45-222 Wyandotte - 45-3 2 i Cora and the doctor. Baker 44.626 Corbin, C. F. Rebecca; or a woman's secret .45.223 Corinne; or Italy. Stael-1 Jolstein 53.826 Corry O'Lanus, his views and experiences. Howard 49,621 Corsican brothers. Dumas 47-613 Cossacks, the. Tolstay 53, 2 1 3 Count Kostia. Cherbuliez'. 45.626 Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas. . 17.731 and 47.612 Count of Moret. Dumas 47-73O Count Robert of Paris. Scott 5 2 -5'5 Count Silvius. Horn 49.616 Count's secret. Gaboriau 48.719 Counterfeit presentment. Howells 49.623 \Countess de Charny. Pumas 47.612 ^Countess of Monte Cristo. Du Boys 47- 7 1 5 Countess of Rudolstadt. Dudevant .47.717 Country by-ways. Jewett 49-3i8 Country doctor. Jewett 49-319 Country quarters. Gardiner 48.728 County family, A. Payn 45.224 Coupon bonds. Trowbridge, in modern clas- 53-133 Courting and farming. Smith 5 2 -333 Cousin Henry. Trollope Vcc Sea Side Cousin Polly's gold mine. Porter 5 ! -4 2 5 Coward conscience. Robinson .S>f Sea Side Cradock Nowell. Blackmore 44-3 2 5 CRAIK CYRILLA. 9 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Miss Muloclc). Agatha's husband 45.225 Brave lady 45. 226 Christian's mistake 45.227 Fair France 45.228 Hannah 45.230 Head of the family ; 45.231 Hero, A 45.232 His little mother 45. 1 1 1 John Halifax, gentleman 45-H2 Laurel bush , .45.113 Legacy, A 45. 114 Life for a life 45. 1 15 Mistress and maid 45. n6 My mother and 1 45. 117 Noble life 45, 1 18 Ogilvies 45. 1 19 Olive 45-120 Rosicrucian, the. In little classics, mystery, vol. 8. Sermons out of church 45.121 Studies from life 45-122 Two marriages 45. 123 Unkind word 45. 1 24 Woman's kingdom 45. 125 Young Mrs. Jardine ^. 45. 1 26 Craik, Mrs. G. M. Anne Warwick 46.811 Mildred ......* 46.812 Crane, J. L. Two circuits 46.813 Crater. Cooper 45-3J5 Craven, Mrs. A See Craven, P. Craven, P. Eliane 46.814 Crawford, E.Marion. American politician. .46.815 Crawford, F. M. Dr. Claudius 46.816 Mr. Isaacs 46. 8 1 7 To leeward 46.818" Crayon miscellany. Irving See. Belles Lettres Crescent and the cross. A story of the siege of Malta 46.819 Crew of the Sam Weller. Habberton . . See Juvenile Cricket on the hearth. Dickens 46.411 Crime of Henry Vane, J. S. of Dale 53-7 2 i Cripple of Antioch. Charles .45.617 Cripps, the carrier. Blackmore 44. 326 Criswell, R. W. Grandfather Lickshingle... 46. 820 Croly, George. Salathiel, The Wandering Jew 46.821 Crooked places. Mayo 50.230 Cross, Mrs. M. A. (George Eliot). Adam Bede 46.822 and 46.717 Daniel Deronda. 2 vols .46.823 Cross (continued) Felix Holt 46.824 and 46.717 Impressions of Theophrastus Such .46.825 Janet's repentance 46.826 Middlemarch. 2 vols 46.827 and 46.711 Mill on the floss 46.718 and 46.712 Mr. Gilfil's love story 46.826 Romola 46.718 and 46.413 Sad fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton 46.717 Scenes of clerical life 46. 7 1 7 and 46. 7 1 5 Silas Marner 46.715, 46.716 and 46.718 Cross of Berny . Gautier, Girardin and others . 46. 639 Cross of honor. Cudlip 46.721 Crowe, Mrs. C. Advocate's wedding day, in little classics, mystery, vol. 8 Night side of nature 46.719 Crown from the spear. Hamilton 48.413 Crusoe in New York. Hale 48.523 Cryptogram. Verne 54. 1 19 Cudlip, Mrs. P. (Annie" Thomas). AHerton Towers 46.719 Called to account 46.720 Cross of honor 46.721 Denis Donne 46. 722 Dower house 46. 723 False colors 46. 724 " He cometh not," she said 46.725 No alternative 46. 726 On guard 46.727 Only herself 46.728 Passion in tatters 46.728 Theo Leigh 46.729 Cummins, M. S. El Fureidis 46.611 Lamplighter 46.612 Cunningham, A. Haunted ships, in little classics, mystery, vol. 8 King of the peak, in little classics, romance, vol. 8 Cupid and the sphinx. McClellan 50.243 Cupid, M. D. Swift 53-S' 2 Curate in charge. Oliphant 51.620 Currier, Mrs. S. By the sea 46-613 Curse of Clifton. Southworth 52.228 Curse of gold. Stephens 53-829 Curtis, G. W. Prue and 1 46.614 Potiphar papers '. 46-615 Trumps 46.616 Cycla See Clacy, E. Cyrilla. Tautphceus 53-5 l8 10 DAISV--J)I.\11.S. Daisy. Warner 54-6i8 Daisy chain. 2 vols. Yonge Sea Side Daisy Miller. James, jr : 49 .438 Daisy Xichol. Hanly, Li 48.418 Daisy Thornton. Holmes 49-712 Daltons. Lever 50.818 Damen's ghost. Round Robin 52.718 Danbury boom ! Bailey, J. M 44-623 Dande, Leon. Blue blood 46.617 Dacge, II. Fair philosopher 46.618 Daniel Deronda. 2 vols. Cross 46.823 Dannerberg, G. (Goto Ralmund.) From hand to hand 46.619 New race, A 46.620 Danvers papers. Yonge 54. 123 Daphne. Booth, Mrs. O 44-214 D'Arblay. Mrs. F. B. (Miss Burney.) Ev- elina 46.621 Dare. Glascock 48.616 Dark Colleen (The). Buchanan 45-8i3 Dark days. Conway 45-431 Darkness and daylight. Holmes 49-7J3 Darnley ; or the field of the cloth of gold. James 49.425 Daudet, A. Kings in exile 46.622 Little good-for-nothing 46.623 Nabob 46.624 New Don Quixote 46.625 Sidonie 46.626 Daughter of an Egyptian King. Ebers 47-53 Daughter of an empress. Mundt 51-819 Daughter of Heth. Black 44-435 Daughter of the Philistines. No name se- ries 51.720 Davenport Dunn. Lever 50.819 David Copperfield. Dickens 46.412 David Elgenbrod. Macdonald 50-413 Davies, T. Losing to win 46.627 Davis, A. J. Tale of a physician 46.628 Davis, L. C. Stranded ship 46.629 Davis, Mrs. R. H. Captain's story, in little classics. Intellect. Vol. 2 Faded leaf, in little classics. Childhood. Vol. lo John Andross 46.630 Waiting for the verdict 46.631 Dawn. Anon 46.632 Day of fate. Roe 52.819 Days or Bruce. Aguilar 44.816 Day's pleasure. Howells 49.624 Day's ride. Lever 50.820 Deacon Cranky. Guirey 48-513 Dead alive. Collins 45-814 Dead marquise. Kip. 49-124 Dead men's shoes. Braddon 34.226 Dead men's shoes. Haderman 48.522 Dead secret. Collins 44-4H Dead sin. Mayo 50.231 Dear Lady Disdain. McCarthy 50.238 Deephaven. Jewett 49-32O Deerslayer. Cooper 45-3i6 De Foe, Daniel. Plague of London and re- ligious courtship 46.633 Robinson Crusoe See Juvenile De Forest, J. W. Bloody chasm 46.634 Miss Ravenel's conversion 46.635 Overland 46.637 Wetherell affair 46.638 De Girardin, Madame. The cross of Berny. 46-639 De Kroyft, S. H. Little Jakey, in little clas- sics. Childhood. Vol. 10. A place in thy memory 46. 5 1 1 Delicia. Butt 45-7i6 De Liefde, J. P. Jalama 46.512 Maid of Stralsund 46.513 De Mille, J. American baron 46.514 Comedy of terrors , ' 46.515 Dodge club 46.516 Lady of the ice t 46.517 Lily and the cross 46.518 Living link 49-519 Deming, P. Adirondack stories 46.520 Democracy 46.521 Dempster, C. Iseulte 46. 522 Dene hollow. Wood 54.212 Denis Donne. Cudlip 46.722 Denis Duval. Thackeray 53-424 Denison, Mrs. M. A. Erin-go-bragh 46.523 Old slip warehouse 46.524 Rothmell 46. 525 Victor Norman 46. 526 De Rohan. Sue 53.626 Desmond hundred (round robin series) 46.527 Desert of ice. Verne 54-824 J Deserted wife. South worth 62.229 Despard, Mrs M. C. Kilrogan cottage. .. .46. 527 Desperate remedies. Hardy 48.421 De Stael, Madame. Corinne 53.826 Detlef, Carl See. Bauer, C. Detmold. Bishop 44.428 Devereux. Lytton 5-753 Devil's chain. Jenkins 49-3'S DEVIL DON. 11 Nine new stories by the Christmas fire. Seven poor travelers. Wreck of the Golden Mary. Devil puzzlers and other stories. Perrkins 51.527 De Witt, Madame G. Marie Deville 46.529 French country family 46.528 Dialect tales. Sherwood Bonner 44-213 Diamond cut diamond. Trollope 53. 1 1 3 Diana. Warner 45.619 Diana Carew. Forrester 48.815 Diana of Meridor. Dumas 47-6i4 Diary of a milliner. Woods 45,322 Diary of a woman. Feuillet ,47.232 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan. Charles 45-6i9 Dickens, C. American Notes 46. 1 1 1 Barnaby Rudge 46.530 Bleak house 46.531 Child's dream of a star, in little classics. Childhood. Vol. 10. Child's history of England 46.41 1 Christmas books 46.411 Christmas carol, in little classics. Laughter. Vol. 10 Christmas stories 46.411 CONTENTS. Battle of life. Chimes. Christmas carol, A Cricket ou the hearth. Haunted man and ghost's bargain. Chops the dwarf, in little classics, intellect, vol. 2 David Copperfield 46.412 Dombey and son 46.413 Great expectations 46.414 Hard times 46. 3 1 1 History of England 46.312 Holly tree inn and other stories 46.313 Little Dorrit 46.314 Martin Chuzzlewit 46.315 Mudfog papers 46.316 Mystery of Edwin Drood 46.317 New stories 46.41 1 Nicholas Nickleby 46.318 No thoroughfare. 46.319 Old curiosity shop 46.211 Oliver Twist 46.212 Our mutual friend 46.213 Pickwick papers 46.214 Pictures from Italy , . . . '. 46. 1 1 1 Reprinted pieces 46. 1 1 2 Signal man, in little ' classics, mystery, vol. 8 Sketches by Boz 46.113' Sketches of young couples and gentlemen . . .46. 1 14 Tale of two cities 46.115 Uncommercial traveler 46. 1 16 Dickinson, A. E. Ragged register 46.117 What answer , 46. 1 1 8 Dick Netherby. Walford .Vi 54-719 Dimitri Roudine. Turgenieff. . . ,'i. 53. 137 Dinglestedt, Frantz. The Amazon 46. 1 19 Discarded daughter. Southworth 51.111 Dissoway, E. T. South meadows 46.120 Disowned. Lytton 50 735 Disraeli, B. (Earl of Btaconsfield.) Alroy.46.i2i Contarini Fleming 46.122 Endymion 46. 1 23 Lf thair 47-8n Rise of Iskander, in little classics. Love. vol. 6 Tancred 47.812 Vivian Grey 47.813 Disturbing element. Yonge 54. 124 Doctor Antonio. Ruffini 52.617 Doctor Ben. Round Robin 52.720 Doctor Breen's practice. Howells 49-625 Doctor Claudius. Crawford 46.816 Doctor Gilbert's daughter. Mathews... 50.226 Doctor Grimshawe's secret. Hawthorne. .. .48.219 Doctor HeidenhorTs process. Bellamy 44. 530 Doctor Hildreth. White 54. 532 Doctor Howell's family. Talcott 53-515 Doctor Jacob. Edwards, M. de B 47-3 I 5 Doctor Johns. 2 vols. Mitchell 50.132 Doctor Ox's experiment. Verne 54.821 Doctor Sevier. Cable 45-721 Doctor Thome. Trollope 53. 112 Doctor Wortle's school. Trollope See Sea Side Doctor Zay. Phelps 51 536 Dodd family abroad. Lever 50.821 Dodge Club. De Mille 46.516 Dodge, M, A. (Gail Hamilton). First love is best 47 814 Dodge, Mary Mapes. Donald and Dorothy. .47.815 Doe, C. H. Buffetts 47.816 Doesticks, Q. K. Philander, P. B. See Thompson, M. M. Dog of Flanders. Rame. In little classics. Childhood. Vol. 10. Doing and dreaming. Mayo 5- 2 3 2 Dollars and cents. Warner 54-6i4 Dolliver romance. Hawthorne 48.220 Dolly. Burnett 45.821 Dolores. Forrester 48.816 Dombey and son. Dickens 46.41 3 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge 47-&I5 Donald Grant. Macdonald 50.414 Don John. Ingelow 49.4'4 Don Quixote. Cervantes 45>6ll DORCAS DURAND. Dorcas. Kouns 49- 12 9 Dorothea. Round Robin 5 2 -7 21 Dorothy's venture. Hay See Sea Side Dorsay, Sarah A. Mona, the vestal 47-8i7 Nora Brady's vow 47.817 Panola 47.818 Dosia. Durand 47-5 I 8 Dostoyeffy, Fedor. Buried alive 47.819 Double life and the detective. Pinkerton 51.415 Double Wedding. Warfield 54-731 Doubly false. Stephens 53-830 Douglas, A. M. Claudia 47.821 From hand to mouth 47.822 Home nook 47-823 Hope mills 47-824 In trust 47^825 Lost in a great city 47.827 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom 47.828 Old woman who lived in a shoe 44-782 Stephf-n Dajie 47.826 Sydnie Adrinnce 47-830 Whom Kathie married 47.831 Douglas, G. Mar's white witch 47.820 Dournof. Durand 47-519 D'oatre mort. Spofiford, in little classics, in- tellect, vol. 2 49.216 Dove in the eagle's next. Vonge 54.126 Dower house. Cudlip 46.723 Draytons and the Davenants. Charles 45.620 Dreamer, A. Wylde 54. 1 16 Dred. 2 vols. Same as "Nina Gordon.'' Stowe 53-7 2 9 Drift from two shores. Harte 48.321 Driven from the path. Smart 52. 328 Droz, G. Around a spring 47.711 Babolain 47.712 Du Boisgoby, F. Golden tress 47-713 Lost Basket 47- 7 H Du Boys, J. Countess of Monte Cristo 47-715 Duchess, The See Argles, Mrs. M. Dudevant, Mine. A. L. A. D. (Geonjf Sand). Consuelo 47-7i6 Countess of Rudolstadt 47- 7 1 7 Fanchon the cricket 47-7 18 Indiana 47.719 Miller of Angibault 47-72O Snow man 47-721 Tower of Percemont 47-722 Duke's children. Trollope See Sea Side Dumas, A. Andree de Taverney 47-7 2 3 Black Tulip 47-7 2 4 Dumas (continued) Bragelonne 47-725 Chevalier 47-7 2 6 > Chicot the jester 47-727 Conscript 47-728 Conspirators 47. 729 Count of Moret 47-73O Count of Monte Cristo 47-73 1 and 47.611 Countessde Charny 47.612 Corsican brothers 47.613 Diana of Meridor 47.614 Edmond Dantes (sequel to the Count of Monte Cristo) 47-6i5 Fallen angel 47.616 Felina de Cljambure 47-6i7 Forty -five guardsmen 47.618 George; or the planters of the isle of France. 47. 619 Horrors of Paris 47.620 Iron hand 47.621 Iron mask 47.622 Isabel of Bavaria 47-623 Joseph Bilsamo 47.624 Louise la Valliere 47.625 Love and liberty 47.626 Madame de Chamblay 47-627 Man with five wives 47.628 Marguerite de Valois 47-629 Marriage Verdict 47- 630 Memoirs of a physician 47-631 Mohicans of Paris 47-632 Queen's necklace 47-634 Regent's daughter 47-633 Six years latef; or the taking of the Bastile. .47.635 Spell-bound 47.636 Three guardsmen 47.637 Three musketeers 47. 5 1 1 Twenty years after 47. 5 12 Dumas, A. (fils). Annette; or the lady of the pearls 47.513 Camille 47-514 Dunderviksborg; and other tales. Hender- son 48. 1 25 Dupuy, Miss E. A. Conspirators 47- 5 '5 Mysterious guest 47-5l6 Durand, Mme. A. (Henry Grevillf.). Ari- adne 47-517 Dosia 47 .51 8 Dournof 47-519 Lucie Rodney 47. 520 Markof, the Russian violinist 47-521 Niania . . See Sea Side DURAND ERCKMANN. 13 Durand (continued) Philomene's marriages 47. 522 Pretty little countess Zina ; 47-5 2 3 Princess Ogherof 47. 524 Saveli's expiation 47-5 2 5 Sonia . . . . See Sea Side Durand (continued) \Sylvie's betrothed See Sea Side Trials of Raissa 47.526 Zenie's inheritance 47. 527 Dust. Hawthorne, J 48.211 Dutchman's fireside. Paulding 51.649 Earl of Mayfield 47-528 Earnest trifler. Sprague 53. 823 Earnest quest. Ford. 48.813 East Lynne. Wood 54-21 j Eastern tales. Valentine 54.812 Ebers, G. Burgomaster's wife 47-529 Daughter of an Egyptian King 47. 530 Egyptian princess. (Same as daughter of an Egyptian king) 47-53" Emperor 47-4 1 1 Homo Sum 47-412 Question, A 47-413 Sisters , 47-414 Uarda 47-415 Word, only a word, A 47.416 Echo of passion. Lathrop 49-337 Edelweiss. Auerbach 44-732 Edgeworth, M. Murad, the unlucky, in lit- tle classics, fortune, vol. 8. Novels and f ales. 10 vols 47-417 Edith Lyle. Holmes 49-714 Edmond Dantes. Dumas 47-6i5 '-Edna Browning. Holmes 49.715 Edwards, Amelia B. Barbara's history 47-4i8 Four-fifteen express, in little classics, mystery, vol. 8 Half a million of money 47.419 Hand and glove.. 47-42Q In the days of my youth See Sea Side MissCarew 47-421 Susan Fielding 47-313 Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Archie Lovell 47-422 Jet 47-423 Leah ; a woman of fashion 47-4 2 4 Ordeal for wives 47-4 2 5 Ought we to visit her ?, 47.426 Philip Earnscliffe 47-3" Point of honor 47-3 12 Edwards. M. de B. Blue stocking 47-3H Doctor Jacob 47-3 J 5 Kitty See Sea Side Sylvestres 47-3 l6 Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop 54- 3 1 8 Eggleston, E. Brant and red jacket 47-3 2 4 Circuit rider 47-3 J 7 End of the world 47-3i8 Hoosier school boy r 47. 3 19 Hoosier schoolmaster 47.320 Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. . . .47.326 Mystery of Metropolisville 47-321 Pocahontas < v 47. 327 Roxy 47-322 Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet 47-329 Eggleston, George Gary. Big brother, The. 47. ,323 Captain Sam 47. 325 Red eagle 47-3 28 Eglantine. Tabor 5I-5H Egyptian princess. Ebers 47-521 Eichhoffs, The. Reichenbach 51.121 Eighth commandment. Reade 5 1 - 221 Eiloart, E. Woman's wrong 47.330 Eleanor's victory. Braddon 44.227 Electa. Conklin 45-4 2 9 Elective affinities. Goethe 48.620 Elephant club, The. Thomson ,53.322 El Fureidis. Cummins 46,611 Elia ; or Spain fifty years ago. Faber 47.220 Eliane. Craven 46.81^ Eliot, George See Cross, Mrs, M. A. Elliot, S. B. Felmeres 47-331 Elsie Venner. Holmes 49-7 2 6 Elster's folly. Wood 54-214 Emily Chester. Anon 47. 332 Emma. Austin 44.618 Emperor. 2 vols. Eber* 47-4" Empress Josephine. Mundt 51.820 Empty heart. Terhune 53. 533 Enchanting and enchanted. Hacklander. . .48.521 End of a coil. Warner 54- 620 End of the world. Eggleston 47-3 l8 Endymion. Disraeli 46. 123 English Daisy Miller, An. Johnson 49.224 English orphans. Holmes 49-7 r 6 Eoline. Hentz 48.126 Erckmann-Chatrian. (Emile jLrckmann and H ERCKMANN FERN. Erckmann-Chatrian (continued) indre Chatrian.) Blockade of Phals- bur g 47-333 Conscript 47-334 Invasion of France, 1814 47-335 Madame Therese 47-336 Story of a peasant, 1789 47.212 Story of a peasant, 1 792 47. 2 1 1 Strange stories 47-213 Waterloo; sequel to " Conscript," 47-214 Erema. Blackmore 44-327 Erin-go-bragh. Denison 46.523 Ernest Carroll. Anon 47-215 Ernest Linwood. Ilentz 48.127 Ernest Maltravers. Lytton 5-736 Erskine, Mrs. T. Wyncote 47.216 Esau Brunswick. Macquoid 50.432 Essays from the London Times. Thackeray. 53. 425 Esther Pennefeather. Perry 51. 529 Eugene Aram. Lytton 50.737 Eugenie. Butt 45 7'7 Eunice Lathrop. Noble 5 ' 7 1 5 Europeans, The. James, Jr 49-439 Eustace diamonds. Troliope 53. 1 15 Evan Harrington. Meredith 50.126 Evans, A See Wilson Evelina. D'Arblay 46.621 Ewing, J. II. Brothers of pity 47-217 Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Jan of the wind mill 47.218 We and the world . . .47.219 Exclamations "!!!" Hepworth 48.133 Executor, The. Hector 48.114 Exile: Little classics, vol. I. Johnson 49-213 Exiles, The. Tissot and Amero. 53-212 Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. Smollett. 52.221 Experiences of a barrister. Warren 54. 520 Faber, G. B. de. (Fernan Caballero.) Elia ; or Spain fifty years ago 47.220 La Gaviota, the sea gull 47.221 Fabre, F. Abbe Tigrane, candidate for the papal chair, 47.222 Face illumined. Roe 52.820 Facts. By a woman 47.223 Faded leaf of history. Davis, in little classics. Childhood. Vol. 10 Fainalls of Tipton. Johnson 49.225 - Fair barbarian. Burnett 45.822 Fair France. Craik 45.228 Fair God. Wallace 54.723 Fair Harvard. Washburn 54-525 Fair maid of Perth. Scott 52.516 Fair philosopher. Dange 46.618 Fair play. Southworth 22. 1 12 Fair Saxon. McCarthy 50. 239 Fairy Book, The. Craik 45.229 Fairy finder. Lover 49.214 Faith and unfaith. Argles 44-7i6 Faith < iartney's girlhood. Whitney 54. 534 Falconberg. Boyesen 44.218 Falkland. Lytton 50.61 1 Fall of Damascus. Russell 52.618 Fallen anjjel. Dumas 47.616 Fallen fortunes. Payn 5!-5i3 Fallen pride. Southworth 52. 1 13 False colors. Cudlip 46.724 Family doom. Southworth 52. 1 14 Family feud. Harder 48.416 Family pride. Author of "Pique." 47.224 Famous funny fellows. Clemens 45-524 Fanchon the cricket. Dudevant 47. 718 Fanshawe. Hawthorne 48.221 Far from the madding crowd. Hardy 48.422 Farjeon, B. L. Solomon Isaacs 47.225 Farming for boys 47.226 Farquharson, M See Finley, M. Fashion and famine. Stephens 53.831 Fata', marriage. Southworth 52. 1 1 5 Fate of Madame La Tour. Paddock 51.636 Fated to be free. Ingelow 49.4 14 A Father and daughter. Bremer ' 44.237 Father Tom and the pope. Ferguson in little classics. Comedy. Vol. 9 Fathers and sons. Turgenieff 53. 1 28 Fawcett, E. Gentleman of leisure 47-227 Hopeless case 47.228 Purple and fine linen 47.229 Fearful responsibility. Howel's 49.626 Felina de Chambure. Dumas 47-6i7 Fe'.ix Holt. Cross 46.824 Fellah, The. About Stc Sea Side Felmeres. Elliott 47-33' Fentons. Spotswood 53.822 Fenton's quest. Braddon See Sea Side Ferdinand, Count Fathom, The adventures of. Smollet I 52.221 Ferguson, S. Father Tom and the Pope, in little classics, comedy, vol. ') Fern, Fanny SVy 1'arlon, S. P. FERNANDO FRAZIER. 15 Fernando de Lemos. Gayarre 48.611 Feme Fleming. Warfielcl 54-732 Ferrier, Miss M. Inheritance 47. 230 Marriage 47. 23 1 Feu-follet, Le. Same as " Wing and Wing." Cooper... 4S-323 Feuillet, O. Diary of a woman 47. 232 Fidelite. Verne 54-714 Field, J. M. Col. Thorpe's scenes in Arkan- sas 47-234 Field, Kate. Hap-hazard 47-233 Fielding, Henry, Works of. Memoir of his life, by Sir Walter Scott 47-235 Figs and Thistles. Tourgee 53-2i8 File No. 113. Gaboriau ,48.720 Finley, M. (Farquharson). Signing the con- tract 47-236 Wanted, a pedigree 47.237 First and second marriages. Baker, Mrs. H. N. 44. 627 First families of the Sierras. Mjller 50. 129 First love is best. Dodge 47-8i4 First violin. Fothergill 48.822 Fisher, F. E. (Christian Reid). Land of the s k y 47-238 Nina's atonement 47. 239 Summer idyl 47.230 Fisher maiden. Bjornson 44.434 Fisherman of Auge. Macquoid 50-3 1 1 Five weeks in a balloon. Verne 54. 822 Fleming, George See Fletcher, D. Fleming, H . . . See McClellan, Mrs. Fleming, M. A. \Guy Earlscourt's wife 47.231 Kate Danton 47.232 Norine's revenge; Sir Noel's heir 47-233 Silent and ttue 47.-! 1 1 Terrible secret , 47.112 Wife's tragedy 47. 113 Wonderful woman 47. 1 14 Fletcher, D. Head of Medusa 47- 115 Kismet 47.116 Making of a man. 47.1 17 Mirage 47.118 Vestigia 47. 1 19 Flip; and found at Blazing Bar. Harte 48.322 Flirtation camp. Van Dyke 54-813 Floating city. Verne 54-823 Flower and weed. Braddon See Sea Side Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. Baldwin, }. G 44.513 Foe in the household. Chesebro 45-633 Foggy night at Oxford, Wood 54-215 Folle Farine. Rame 51. 326 Folly as it flies. Parton 51.648 Fool of quality. 2 vols. Brooke 44.120 Fool's errand. Tourgee 53.219 Foote, Mary Hallock. The led-horse claim. 48.81 1 For her dear sake. Hay See Sea Side For summer afternoons. Woolsey 45-3U For the major. Woolson 54.231 Forbes, A. Glimpses through the cannon smoke 48.812 Forbidden fruit. Hacklander 48. 522 Ford, S. R. Earnest Quest 48.813 Foregone conclusion. Howells 49-627 Forestier. Auber See Woodward, A. A. Forever and ever. Church 45-635 Forney, J. W. New nobility 48.814 Forrest Home. Holmes 49.717 Forrester, Mrs. Diana Carew 48.815 Dolores .". 48.816 Fair women See Sea Side June 48.817 Mignon .'...'. 48.818 My love and my lady 48.819 Rhona 48.820 Viva 48. 821 Fortune. Little classics. Johnson. Vol. 12. .49.214 Fortune's fool. Hawthorne 48.212 Fortunes of Glencoe. Lever 50.822 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott 5 2 -5 I 7 Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas 47.618 Forty-seven Ronins, The. Mitford. In little classics. Heroism. Vol. II Fothergill, J. First violin 48.822 Kith and kin 48.823 One of three, and made or marred 48.824 Probation 48.825 Wellfields 48.826 Foul play. Reade 51.222 Fouque, BaronDelaMotte. Four seasons, The 48.827 Hermit of Wark worth 48.828 Thiodolf, the Icelander 48. 829 Two Capjains, The 48.828 Four-fifteen express, in little classics, mys- tery. Vol 8. Edwards. Four girls at Chatauqua. Aklen, G. R. , Mrs . . 44. 822 Four sisters. Bremer 44.238 Framley parsonage. Trollope 53. 1 16 Francillon, R. E. Under slieve-ban 48.830 Frank Mildmay. Marryatt 50.328 Frankenstein. Shelley 5 2 -3'4 Frazier, Mrs. Mosaic gleanings 48.711 16 FRECKLES GOD-SON. Freckles. Reed 5i-"9 Fred, Maria and me. Prentiss 5 I -433 Frederick the Great and his court. Mundt. .51.821 Freeman, Mrs. A. M. Somebody's Ned ... .48.712 Fremont, J. B. Story of the guard 48.713 French, II. W. Castle foam 48.714 Nuna, the Brahmin girl 48.715 French country family. De Witt 45-528 Frere, M. Old Deccan days 48.716 Freres, The. Hector 48.115 Freytag, G. Ingo 48.717 Ingraban 48.718 Friend and lover. Hardy See Sea Side Friends; a duet. Phelps 51-537 N Friendship. Rame 5!-3 2 7 From dreams to waking. Linton 50.720 From hand to hand. Dannerberg 46.616 From hand to mouth. Douglass 47.822 From jest to earnest. Roe 52.821 From Madge to Margaret. Winchester 54. 316 From my youth up. Terhune 53-5 2 5 Fur country. Verne 54-824 Furness. Trollope See Sea Side Gaboriau, E. Count's secret 48.719 File No. 113 48. 720 M. Lecoq 28.721 Mystery of Orcival 28. 722 Other people's money. 28.723 Widow Lerouge 48.724 Within an inch of his life 48.725 Gabriel Conroy. Harte 48.323 Gagneur, M. L. Nihilist princess 48.726 Galama. de Liefde 46.512 Galdos, R. P. Gloria. 2 vols 48.727 Gardiner, M. (Countess of J3les*inyton). Country quarters 48.728 Garrett, E. and Ruth See Mayo, I. F. Garret van Horn. Sauzade 52.623 "Garry Gaines. " American girl of the Period. 48. 729 Garth. Hawthorne, J 48.213 Gaskell, A. Widow of Windsor 48.730 Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Mary Barton 48.732 Moorland cottage 48. 731 My lady Ludlow 48.733 Sylvia's lovers 48 734 Wives and daughters 48.735 Gates ajar. Phelps 51-538 Gates wide open. Wood 54-321 Gautier, T. Captain Fracasse 48.726 Cross of Berny 46.639 Romance of a mummy 48.737 Spirite 48.738 Gaviota. La, the sea gull. Faber 47.221 Gayarre, C. A, Fernando de Lemos 48.611 Gayworthys. Whitney 54-535 Geier-Wally. Hillern 49-8i5 Gemini. No name series S 1 -? 2 ^ Generalship, or how I managed my husband. Roy 52.616 Geneva's shield. Blackburn 44-3 2( 5 Genevieve. Lamartine 45- J 33 Gentleman of leisure. Fawcett 47- 22 7 George ; or the planter of the Isle of France. Dumas 47- 6l 9 Georgians. Round Robin 52. 722 Gerard's Marriage. Thuriet 53- 3 1 7 Gerda. Schwartz 52.630 German emigrants. Goethe 48.620 Grannetto. Majendie 50.318 Giberne, A. Aime 48.612 Gibson, Wm. H. Camp life and the tricks of trapping 48.613 Gift, T See Havers, Miss D. Gifts of the child Christ. Macdonakl 50.41 5 Gil Bias. Le Sage 5. 812 Gilman, Arthur, Kings, queens and barba- rians 48.614 Gilmore. J. R. (E. Kirke). Among the pines 47-6i5 Ginx's baby. Jenkins 49 3 I( > Gipsies and detectives, Pinkerton 51 416 Gipsy. James 49 4 2 5 A Gipsy mother. Jones 49- 22 7 Girl's romance, A. Robinson 51 .138 Girls of Feversham. Church 45 -636 Gladiators. Melville 5 - 1 *9 Glascock, M. W. Dare 48.616 Glenoir. Hazlett 48.234 Glimpses through the cannon smoke. Forbes. 48.812 Gloria. 2 vols. Galdos 4 8 - 7 2 7 Gobineau, A. Count de. Romances of the East 48.617 Typhaine's abbey ,.48.618 Godolphin. Lytton 50.612 God-son of a Marquis. Theuriet 53- 3 ^ GOETHE HALE. 17 Good women. Sorrows of Werther. Goethe, W. von. Novels and tales 48.619 . CONTENTS. Elective Affinities. German Emigrants. Wilhelm Meister 48 620 Goethe and Schiller. Mundt 51.822 Gold and dross. Mayo 5- 2 33 Gold Elsie. John 49. 324 Gold of Chickaree. Warner 54-6i5 Golden butterfly. Besant and Rice 44.425 Golden calf, The. Braddon 44. 227 A Golden tress. Du Boisgoby 47-7 T 3 Goldsmith, C See Smith, J. B. Goldsmith, 0. Vicar of Wakefield 48.621 Goldsmith's wife. Reybaud 51-123 'Gomery of Montgomery. 2 vols. Washburn . 54. 522 Gonzales, Emmanuel. A Russian princess. . .48.622 Good-bye, sweetheart. Broughton 44-124 Good fight and other stories. Reade 51-223 Good stories. Anon 48,623 Good women, Goethe 48,620 Goodwin, Mrs, H. B See Talcott, Mrs, H, B, Gordon, Baldwin, Lindaw 50,718 Gould, J, F. Marjorie's quest 48,624 Grande florine, La. Belot * 44, 532 Grandfather Lickshingle, Criswell 46,820 Grandissemes. Cable 45-722 Grant, Miss M. My heart's in the highlands. See Sea Side. Sun maid, The 48. 625 Grant, R. Confessions of a frivolous girl 48.626 Granville de Vigne. Rame 5 r -328 Gray, Barry See Coffin, R. B. Great expectations. Dickens 46.415 Great invasion. Erckmann-Chatian 47-335 Great match, A. Trowbridge 53-134 Greek slave. lanthe 49-412 Green, A. K. Hand and ring 48.627 Leavenworth case 48.628 Strange disappearance 48.629 Sword of Damocles 48.630 X-Y.Z .. 48 . 63I Green Gate. Wichert 54.420 Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black 44-436 Greenough, Mrs. S. R. Arabesques 48.632 In extremis 48.633 Treason at home 48.634 Greenwood, J. True history of a little raga- muffin 48.635 Grendel, Mrs. R. Contrasts 48.636 Greville, H See Durand, E- G. T. T., or the wonderful adventures of a Pullman. Hall 48. 524 Guardian angel. Holmes 49-727 Guenn. Howard v 49.618 Guerndale. Stimson 53-720 Guernsey, L. E. Chevalier's daughter 48-637 Lady Betty's governess 48.638 Guerrazzi, F. D. Beatrice Cenci 48.511 Manfred 48. 5 12 Guild court. Macdonald 50.416 Guirey, George. Deacon Cranky 48.513 Gunnar, a tale of Norse life. Boyesen 44.219 Guthrie, F. A. (F. Anstey). Vice Versa. ....48.514 Guy Earlscourt's wife. Fleming 47-231 Guy Livingstone. Lawrence .49. 140 Guy Mannering. Scott 52.518 H. family. Bremer 44. 1 1 1 Habberton, J . Barton experiment 48. 5 1 5 Crew of the Sam Weller See Juvenile Helen's babies 48.516 Jericho road .... ; 48. 5 1 7 Mrs. Mayburh's twins 48.518 Other people's children 48.519 Some folks 48. 520 Habermeister, The. Schmid 52.629 Hacklander, F. W. Behind blue glasses. .. .46.714 Enchanting and enchanted 48.521 Forbidden fruit 48. 522 Haderman, J . R. Dead men's shoes 48 .522 Hagarene. Lawrence 49. 141 Hale, E. E. Crusoe in New York and other tales 48. 523 Hale (continued) G. T. T., cr wonderful adventures of a Pull-" man 48. 524 His level best arid other stories 48.525 CONTENTS. Brick moon. Confidence. Modern Sinhad. Mouse and lion. Queen of California. Tale of a salamander. Water talk. How to do it 48. 526 If, yes and perhaps 48.527 CONTENTS. Children of the public. Christmas waits in Bos- ton. Dot mid line alphabet. Lust of the Florida. Last voyage of the Reso- lute. Man without a country. My double, and how he undid inc. Old and new, face to face. Piece of possible history, A. Skeleton in the elo.H. South American editor, The 18 HALE HARTE. Hale (continued) Hardy (continued) In his name 48.528 Trumpet major 48.426 Man without a country, in little classics, Two on a tower 48.427 exile, vol. i. Under the greenwood tree 48.428 Mrs. Merriam's scholars 48.529 Harland, Marian See Terhnne, Mrs. M. V. H. Our new crusade 48-539 Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. Lytton.5o.6i3 Philip Nolan's friends 48.531 Harrington. O'Conner , 51 .615 Ten times one is ten 48.532 Harris, J. C. (Uncle. Remus.) Folk-love Six of one by half a dozen of the other 48-533 of the old plantation 48.429 Stories of the sea 48-534 Harris, Mrs. M. Happy-go-lucky 48.430 Stories of the war 48-535 Louise's last term at St. Mary's 48.311 What career? 48.536 Marguerite's journal, 48.312 Halevy, Ludovic. L'Abbe Constantin 48.537 Perfect Adonis 48.313 Half a million of money Edwards 47-419 Phoebe 48314 Haliburton, T. C. Sam Slick, the clock- Richard Vandermnrck 48.315 maker 48.538 Rutledge 48.316 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Sketches of Irish character. 48. 539 Sutherlands 48.317 Tales of woman's trials 48.540 Harrison, Mrs. B. M. Helen Troy 48318 Haller, G. Renee and Franz 48.541 Harry Joselyn. Oliphant See Sea Side Hameriing, R. Aspasia. 2 vols 48.542 Harry Lorreque r. Lever 51.823 Hamerton, P. G. Marmorne 48.411 Harte. Fred. B. Sazerac lying club 48.319 Wenderholme 48.412 Harte, Francis Bret. Condensed novels ... .48.320 Hamilton, A. Rainbow creed 48.413 Drift fronl two shores 4 g 32I Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. Crown from the spear. 48.414 Flip . and found at Blazing Bar 48.322 Woven of many threads 48-415 Gabriel Conroy 48.325 Hamilton, Gail See Dodge, M. A. j n the Carquinez woods 48.324 Hammer and anvil. Spielhagen 53-8i2 Luck of roaring camp and other stories. . . .48.225 Hammersmith. Severance 52.428 CONTENTS. Hand and glove. Edwards 47-42O Boonder. Higgles. Frnm a back window. Mission Dolores. Hand and ring. Green 48.627 High water mark. Mliss. TT ...,,, TT j o Idyl of Red Gulch. Notes by flood and field. Hand of Ltnelberta. Hardy 48-4 2 3 John Chinaman. Outcasts of Poker Flat. HanHirannpH Tprhnnp t-> tif* Lonely rider. Bright eye of the com- riandicapped. lernune 53. 53 Luck of Roaring Camp. mander. Handy- Andy. Lover 5-723 Man of no account. Tennessee's partner. Hannah. Craik ..41:230 Mrs. Skaggs' husbands and other stories. .. .48.326 Hannah Thurston. Taylor.. ..53.521 CONTENTS. T, , , . , , Adventures of Padre Vi- Neighborhoods I have hiap-nazard. 1-ield 47- 2 33 centio. moved fr- T-Tannrr i-,, xv.o *;-, Boy's dog. Night at \Vingdnm. Happy, boy, I he. Bjornson 44-43 Charitable reminiscences Ogress of Silverland. Happy-go-luckv. Harris 48 410 Christmas' gift that came On a vulgar little boy. to Rupert. Poet of Sierra Flat. Happy thoughts. Burnand 4"5.8i4 Devil aud the broker. Princess Bob and her IT j .- ,.. , From a balcony. friends. rtara times. Uicken 46.311 How Santa Clans oune to Romance of Madrono Harder. L Family feud ^8 A if, Simpson's Bar. Hollow. UG 4.4I6 Iliad of Sindy Bar. Ruins of San Francisco. Hardy, Arthur Shelburue. By yet a woman 484.1? Legend of Devil's Point. Seeing the steamer oft < Legend of Monte del Di- Sidewalks. Hardy, Isa D. Friend and lover See Sea Side ahlo. Surprising adventures of rnl,. ..i/-.. Melons. Muster Charles .Suiii- Unl> a love story 48,420 Mr. Thompson's prodigal. merton. Hardy, Lady. Daisy Nichol .. 48 418 ?J rs ' s , krt v"' I'""!"""!"- en f, rab l e ""P ","." 1 . 3 My suburban residence. Waiting for the ship. Lizzie - 3 vols 48.419 Story of a mine 48 32? Hardy, Thos. Desperate remedies 48.421 Tales of the Argonauts, &c 48.328 Far from the madding crowd 48.422 CONTENTS. Hand of Ethelberta. . . 4.8423 Baby Sylvester. Jersey Centenarian. r , . , . , ^ J Episode of Flddletown. Passages in the life of Mr. Fair of blue eyes 48.424 Fool of Five Forks, The. John Oak! Return of the mtivp -fi , How old man Plunkett Rose of Tuoliimue. . Ketul tne na v e 48 -425 went home. Wan Lee, the pagan. HARTE HENTZ. 19 Harte (continued) Thankful blossom 48.329 Twins of Table Mountain 48. 330 Two men of Sandy Bar 48.331 Hartman, M. Last days of a king 48.332 Harvest of wild oats. Church 45-637 Hassaurek, F. Secret of the Andes 48.333 Hathercourt. Moles worth 50. 136 Hatton, J. Christopher Kenrick 48. 334 Haunted homestead. Southworth 52. 1 16 Haunted ships. Cunningham. In little clas- sics. Mystery, vol. 8. Haven, Alice. Home Stories 48.337 Havers, Miss D. (T/ieodore Gift.) Maid Ellice ' 48.335 Matter-of-fact girl 48.336 Haworths. Burnett 45.823 Hawthorne, J. Bressant 48.335 Dust 48.211 Fortune's fool 48.212 Garth 48. 2 1 3 Idolatry . . . . 48^214 Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds 48.215 Noble blood 48.216 Sebastian Strome 48.217 Hawthorne, N. Birthmark, The. In little classics. Mystery, vol. 8. Blithedale romance 48.218 David Swan, in little classics. Life, vol. 4. Dr. Grimshaw's secret 48' 2I 9 Dolliver romance 48. 220 Ethan Brande, in little classics, Exile, vol. I. Fanshawe 48. 22 1 House of seven gables . 48. 223 Marble fawn .' 48. 224 Mosses from an old manse, 2 vols 48.225 Our old home 48. 226 Scarlet letter 48,227 Septimus Felton. ... 48.228 Snow image 48. 292 Tales of the White Hills and legends of New England ". 48.222 Three-fold destiny, in little classics, For- tune, vol. 12. Twice told tale 48.230 Wakefield, in little classics, Intellect, vol. 2. Hay, M. C. Dorothy's venture See Sea Side For her dear sake See Sea Side Hidden perils See Sea Side Lady Carmichael's will. . .See Sea Side and 48.231 My first offer See Sea Side Hay (continued) Old Myddelton's money 48.232 Squire's legacy 48. 233 Under life's key See Sea Side Hazlett, H. Glennatr 48 234 Hd. H. My comrades 49 812 He cometh not, she said. Cudlip 46.725 He would be a gentleman. Lover 50.726 Head of Medusa. Fletcher 47. 1 1 5 Head of the family. Craik 45-213 Headsman. Cooper 45-3 ! 7 Healey. Anon 48.111 Healey, M. Lakeville 48.235 Mere caprice . .48.236 Storm driven 48. 237 Summer's romance 48.238 Heart and science. Collins 45 416 Heart of Mid Lothian. Scott 52.519 Heaven, Mrs. S. M.( Laura Preston). Aldeane48. 112 Heavenward led. Sommers 52.223 Hector, Mrs. A. F. (Mrs. Alexander.) Ad- miral's ward, The 48. 113 Executor. The 48. 114 Freres, The 48, 1 15 Her dearest foe 48. 1 1 7 Heritage of Langdale 48. n6 Look before you leap 48. 1 18 Maid, wife or widow 48.119 Ralph Wilton's weird 48.120 Which shall it be .. . 48.121 Wooing o't 48.122 Hector, Servadac. Verne 54-825 Hedged in. Phelps 51-539 Heidelberg, James 49.426 Heidenmauer, Cooper 45-3'8 Heine, Heinrich. Scintillations 48. 132 Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge .". 54-127 Helen Gardner's wedding day. Terhune 53-4 1 * Helen Troy. Harrison 48.318 Helen's babies, Habberton 48 5 16 Helps, Arthur. Casimir Maremma 48. 123 Helps, A. Ivan de Biron 48.124 Henderson, F. C. Dundarviksborg and other stories 48- 125 Henry VIII and his court. Mundt 5l> >2 3 Henry, Esmond. Thackeray 53-424 and 53.425 Henry Masterton. James 49-4 2 7 Henry Powers, banker. Kimball 49-24' Henry of Guise. James 49.428 Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Eoline 48.126 Ernest Linwood 48.127 20 HEXTZ HOOPER. Hentz (continued) Love after marriage 48. 128 Planter's northern bride 48. 129 Rena, or the snow bird 48. 130 Robert Graham 48.131 Hepworth, G. H. " ! ! !" 48.133 Hepzibah Guinness. Mitchell 50. 133 Her crime. No name series 31-722 Her dearest foe. Hector 48.116 Her friend Lawrence. Benedict 44-534 Her picture. No name series 51-723 Herbert, II. W. Roman traitor 48. 134 Hereward, the last of the English. Kingsley .49. 1 14 Heritage of Langdale. Hector 48. 117 Herman Agha. Palgrave 51.638 Hermit of Wark worth. Fouque 48.828 Hermits, The . Kingsley 49. 1 1 5 Hero, A. Craik 45 .232 Hero Carthe w. Parr 51. 646 Hester Stanley at St. .Marks. Spofford 53.820 Hetty's strange story. Jackson 49.420 Heyse, P. 2 vols 48.135 Tales from the German 49-8l I Hide and seek. Collins 45-41? Hidden path. Terhune 53 .4 12 Higginson,.T. W. Malbone; an Old port ro- mance 49.813 High mills. Saunders 52.621 Higher than the church . Hillern 49.816 Highland widow. Scott 52.633 Hillern, W. von. By his own might 49.814 Geier-Wally 49-815 Higher than the church 49.816 Hour will come, The 49-8i? Only a girl 49.818 Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner 54 621 Hillyers and the Burtons. Kingsley 49.121 His level best: and other stories 48.525 CONTENTS. Brick moon. Confldi -i.- and lion. Queen of California. ilamander. Water talk. His little mother. Craik 45-1 1 1 His majesty myself. Baker 44.632 His sombre rival. Roe 52.822 His two wives. Clenmer 45-525 History and adventures of an atom. Smollet.52.22i History of a crime. Hugo 49-5'7 Hitherto. Whitney 54.411 Hofer, E. Old countess 49-8ig Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle 49.820 Holland (continued) Bay path 49.821 Miss Gilbert's career, an American story. . .49.822 Nicholas Minturn 49.823 Sevenoaks 49. 824 Holley, Marietta (Josiah Allen's Wife). My opinions and Betsy Bobbets' 49-825 My wayward pardner 49 826 Samantha at the Centennial 49-827 Hollister, G. H. Kialey hollow 49.828 Holly Tree Inn, and other stories. Dickens. .46.313 Holm, Saxe, Stories (first series) 49.829 Stories (second series) 49-830 Holmby house. Melville 50.120 Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Cameron pride -....49.831 Chateau d'or 49-71 1 Daisy Thornton 49-712 Darkness and daylight 49-7 T 3 Edith Lyle 49 7 H Edna Browning 49-715 English orphans 49-7'6 Forrest house 49.717 Lena Rivers 49 718 Marian Gray 49-719 Meadow brook 49. 720 Mildred 49721 Mill-bank 49-722 Queenie Hetherton 49.723 Tempest and sunshine 49-724 West lawn 49. 725 Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner 49-726 Guardian angel 49-727 Holt, E. S. Lady Sybil's choice 49 728 White rose of Langley 49.611 Holt, J. S. (Abraham Paye). What I know about Ben Eccles 49.612 Home, The. Bremer 44.112 Home as found. Cooper 45-3 I 9 Home at Greylock. Prentiss 51-434 Home heroes, saints and martyrs. Arthur. . .44. 722 Home influence. Aguilar 44-817 Home nook. Douglas 47 .823 Home scenes. Aguilar 44.818 Home stories. Haven 48.337 Homeward bound. Cooper 45-32O Homoselle. Round robin series 52 723 Homo Sum. Ebers 47.412 Honorable Miss Ferrard. Laffan 49. 132 Hood, Thomas. Tylney hall 49-6i3 Hooper, Mrs. Tsar's window 49.614 Under the tricolor 49-615 HOOSIER IN. Hoosier school boy. Eggleston 47-3 r 9 Hoosier school master. Eggleston 47-3 2 Hope Leslie. 2 vols. Sedgwick 5 2 -4 2 3 Hope Mills. Douglas 42.824 Hopeless case. Fawcett 47.228 Horace Templeton. Lever 50.824 Horace Wilde. Mallary 50.319 Horn, George. Count Silvius 49.616 Horrors of Paris. Dumas 47.620 Hostages to fortune. Braddon 4-J..227B Hot plowshares. Tourgee 53.220 Hour and the man. Martineau 50.223 Hour will come, The. Hillem . . . , 49-&I7 House and home papers. Stowe 53-73 House and the brain. Lytton, in little clas- sics, intellect, vol. 2. House of a merchant prince. Bishop 44.429 House of Ross; and other tales. Riddle 51-129 House of seven gables. Hawthorne 48.223 House of the two Barbels. Theuriet 53-319 Household angel in disguise. Baker 44.628 Household of Bouverie. Warfield 54 61 1 Household of Sir Thomas More. Manning. .50.321 How Snooks got out of it. Argles 44 .718 How to do it. Hale 48. 526 Howard, B. W. Aunt Serena 49-6i7 Guenn 49.618 One summer 49.619 One year abroad 49.620 Howard, J. Corry O'Lanus; his views and experiences 49.621 Howells, W. D. Chance acquaintance 49 622 Counterfeit presentment 49.623 Day's pleasure, A; and other sketches 49.624 Doctor Breen's practice 49-625 Fearful responsibility 49.626 lanthe (Embury, Mrs. E. C.) Greek slave. .49.412 Idalia. Rame 5i-3 2 9 Idolatry. Hawthorne 48.214 If, yes and perhaps. Hale 48.527 CONTENTS. Children of the public. Christmas waits in Bos- ton. Dot and line alphabet. Last of the Florida. Last voyage of the Reso- lute. Man without a country. My double, and how he undid me. Old and new, face to face. Piece of possible history, A. Skeleton in the closet. South American editor, The. Howells (continued) Foregone conclusion 49 .627 Lady of the Aroostook 49.628 Modern instance 49.629 Out of the question 49.630 Romance of real life, A; in little classics, life, vol. 4. Sleeping car; a farce 49.631 Their wedding journey 49.632 Undiscovered country ' 49 5 1 1 Woman's reason, A 49.512 Howitt, W. Johnny Darbyshire; in little classics, Comedy, vol. 9. Hugh Melton. King 49- 1 1 1 Hughes, T. Scouring of the white horse. .. .49.513 Tom Brown at Oxford 49-514 Tom Brown's school days at Rugby 49-515 Hugo, V. Brigand, The 49.516 History of a crime 49-517 Hunchback of Notre Dame 49.518 Jargal 49.519 Man who laughs 49. ^ 2o Les miserables 49.521 'Ninety-three 49-522 Toilers of the sea. 49.524 Huguenot. James 49. 429 Hulda. Stahr 53. 827 Humanity. Little classics. Johnson, (ed). . . .49.215 Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo 49. 518 Hunt, Mrs. A. W. Leaden casket 49.525 Huntley, S. (Spoopendyke). Mr. and Mrs. Spoopendyke 49.41 1 Husbands and homes. Terhune 53-4'3 Husks. Terhune , : 53-534 Hutted knoll. "Wyandotte." Cooper 45-321 Hypatia. Kingsley 49. 1 16 Ike Partington and his friends. Shillaber. . . .52.518 Ilka on the hill tops. Boyesen 44.220 Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Cross. .46.825 Improvisatore. Anderson .44.833 In a winter city. Rame. . . , 5*-33O In change unchanged. Villari 54.716 In extremis. Greenough '.48.633 In His name. Hale 48.528 In Maremna. Rame 5!-33i In Paradise, 2 vols. Heyse 48.135 In prison and out. Smith 52.216 In search of the castaways. Verne 54-825 In silk attire. Black , 44.437 In the Camargue. Bowles 44-217 In the Carquinez woods. Harte 48.324 In the days of my youth. Edwards. . . .See Sea Side In the distance. Lathrop 49.138 In the meshes. Thayer 53-315 22 IN JENKINS. In the Schillingscourt. John 49. 325 In the toils. Paddock 51.637 In trust. Douglas 47- 825 Intrust. Oliphant 5 1 - 621 Ina. Washburn 54-5 2 4 Inchbald, Mrs. E. Simple story 494 I 3 India. Southworth 5 2 -H7 Indiana. Dudevant 47-719 Inez. Wilson 54-4 2 3 Infelice. Wilson 54-3" Ingelow, J. Don John 49-4H Fated to be free 49.414.4. Off the Skelligs 49 4' 5 Sarah de Berenger 49-4*6 Ingersoll, Ernest. Old ocean 49 417 Ingo. Freytag 48. 7 1 7 Ingrahan. Freytag 48.718 Inheritance. Ferrier 47- 2 3 Initials. Tautphoeus 53-519 Innocents abroad. Clemens 45-56 Intellect, little classics. Johnson (ed) 49.216 Interpreter, The. Melville 5o.i2oA Into the light. Ogden 49-4i8 Invisible empire. (' Fool's errand.") Tour- gee 53-221 J. S. of Dale. Crime of Henry Vane 53- 7 2 ' Jack. Sherwood 52.317 Jack Hinton. Lever 50.825 Jack Tier. Cooper 45-3 2 2 Jackson, D. Alonzo and Melissa 49-4 12 Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Hetty's strange story. 49.429 Mercy Philbrick's choice 49.410 Jacques Bonneval. Manning 50.322 James, G. P. R. Arrah Neil 49-422 Castle of Ehrenstein 49 420 Cavalier 49-4 2 4 Darnley 49.4 2 5 Gipsey 49-425A Heidelberg 49 426 Henry Masterton 49 427 Henry of Guise 49 .428 Huguenot, The 49-429 King's highway 49-43O Philip Augustus , 49.422 Pequinillo 49-431 Richelieu 49 433 Rose D'Albert 49 434 Russell 49-435 James, H. Jr. American, The 49-436 Irene. Bauer 44-5 2 4 Iris. Holmes, in little classics, Romance, vol. 7 Irish stories and legends. Lover 50.727 Iron hand. Dumas 47.621 Iron mask. Dumas 47.622 Iron shroud. Mudford, in little classics, Trag- edy, vol. 3 49.222 Irving, W. Alhambra See Belles Lettres Bracebridge hall Sec Belles Lettres Crayon miscellany See Belles Lettres Salmagundi See Belles Lettres Sketch Book Ses Belles Lettres Spanish papers, 2 vols See Belles Letlres Tales of a traveler See Belles Lettres Wolfert's roost, etc See Belles Lettres Is that all? Preston 5i-3'3 Isabel of Bavaria. Dumas 47-623 Iseulte, Dempster 46. 522 Israel Mort Overman. Saunders 52.628 It is never too late to mend . Reade 5 1 . 225 It is the fashion. Auer 44-728 Ivan de Biron. Helps 48. 1 24 Ivanhoe. Scott 52. 520 Ivar. Carlen 45-73O James (continued) Confidence 49-437 Daisy Miller 49-438 Europeans 49-439 Passionate pilgrim and other stories 49 440 Portrait of a lady 49-44' Roderick Hudson 49-44 2 Siege of London 49-443 Washington Square 49 444 Watch and ward 49-445 Jan of the windmill. Ewing 47.218 Jane Bouverie. Sinclair 5 2 -3 2 4 Jane Eyre. Nicholls 5I-7" Janet's home. Keary 49. 236 Janet's repentance Cross 46.826 Jangada, The; or eight hundred leagues on the Amazon, Verne 54 827 Japhet in search of a father. Marryat 50.329 Jargal. Hugo 49. 5 19 Jarl's daughter. Burnett 45-824 Jean Teterol's idea. Cherbuliez 45-627 Jenkins, Mrs. C. Jupiter's daughters 49-31' Little Hodge 49-3' 2 Psyche of to-day 49-3'3 JENKINS KATHAYAN. Jenkins (continued) Within an ace 49.314 Jenkins, E. Devil's chain 49-315 Ginx's baby 49. 316 Jephson, R. M. Roll of the drum, and other tales 49-3I7 Jericho road. Habberton 48.517 Jerrold, D. Fireside saints. See Belles Lettres. Mr. Caudle's breakfast talk and other papers. See Belles Lettres. Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. See Belles Lettres. Jerry Jarvis's wig. Barham. In little clas- sics. Life, vol. 4. Jessamine. Terhune 53-4H Jet. Edwards 47.423 Jew, The. Spindler 53-8i7 Jewel in the Lotos. Tincker 53-324 Jewett, S. O. Country by-ways 49-3i8 Country doctor 49-319 Deephaven 49 .320 Old friends and new 49.321 Jezebel's daughter. Collins 45-4*8 Joan. Broughton 44-125 John. Carlen 45 73 1 John, E. (E. Marlitt). At the councillor's. . .49.322 Bailiffs maid 49. 323 Gold Elsie 49,324 In the Schillingscourt 49.325 Little Moorland princess 49, 326 Same, entitled "Princess of the Moor," See Sea Side. Magdalena. 49-327 Old Mam'selle's secret 49 328 Over yonder , 49. 320 Second wife 49. 330 John Andross. Davis 46, 530 John Brent. Winthrop 54-319 John Dorrien. Kavanagh 49.231 John Godfrey's fortunes. Taylor 53.522 John Halifax, gentleman. Craik ,45.112 John Inglesant, Shorthouse 52,320 John Marchmont's legacy. Braddon 44.228 John Milton and his times. Ring 51.130 John Thompson, blockhead; and other stories. p arr 51.647 John Worthington's name. Benedict 44-535 Johnny Darbyshire. Howitt. In little clas- sics: Comedy, v. 9. Johnson, R., (editor], Little Classics. Aut hors 4 49. 211 Childhood 49. 2 1 1 A C omedy 49. 2 1 2 Exile 49.213 Fortune 49. 2 14 Heroism 49-214 A Humanity 49.215 Intellect 49.216 Laughter 49-217 Life 49.218 Love 49 219 Lyrical poems 39. 112 Minor poems 39, i i2A Mystery 49.2I9A Narrative poems 39. 1 13 Nature 49. 220 Romance 49,221 Tragedy 49. 222 Johnson, S. Rasselas 49.223 Johnson, V. W. English Daisy Miller 49.224 Fainalls of Tipton 49-225 Neptune vase See Sea Side. Jolly fellowship. Stockton 53-722 Jolly summer, A, Anon 49 .226 Jonathan. Tytler 53. 143 Jones, H. M. Gipsy mother 49-227 Joseph and his friend. Taylor 53-5 2 3 Joseph Balsamo. Dumas 47-624 Joseph in the snow. Auerbach 44-733 Joseph Noirel's revenge. Cherbuliez 45.628 Joshua Haggard's daughter. Braddon 44.229 Journey to the center of the earth. Verne. . .54.826 Judd, S. Margaret 49.228 Judith. Terhune 53-415 Judith Shakespeare. Black 44-43$ Judson, E. Kathayan slave, in little classics. Tragedy, vol. 3 49.222 Julian. Ware 54728 Juliette; or now and forever. Baker 44.629 Juncker, E. Margarethe 49.229 June. Forrester 48.817 Jupiter's daughters. Jenkins 49-3 1 r Just as I am. Braddon See Sea Side Justine's lovers. Anon 49- 2 3 Kaloolah. Mayo 50. 237 Kate Danton. Fleming 47^32 Kate Weathers. Vaughn 54-8i5 Kathayan slave, The. Judson, in little clas- 24 KATHAYAN LAND. Kathayan (continued) sics, Tragedy, vol. 3 49.222 Katherine Earle. Trafion 53-225 Kathie Brande. Parr, H 51-643 Kathleen. Burnett 45.825 Kavanagh, J. John Dorrien 49.231 Madeline 49-232 Nathalie 49-233 Queen Mab 49. 234 Rachel Ray 49*235 Keary, A. Janet's home , 49.236 Oldbury 49 237 York and Lancaster rose See Sea Side Keddie, Miss II. (Sarah Tytler). Lady Bell. 49.238 Mademoiselle More See Sea Side Noblesse oblige See Sea Side Kellys and O'Kellys. Trollope 53. 1 17 Kenelm Chillingly. Lytton 50.614 Kenilworth. Scott 52.521 Kennedy, J. P. Rob of the bowl 49.239 Kent, J . Sybil Spencer 49. 240 Kept in the dark. Trollope See Sea Side Kerr, Orpheus C See Newell, R. H. Kilmeny. Black 44-439 and 44.31 1 Kilrogan cottage. Despard 46 527 Kimball, R. B. Heury Powers, banker 49.241 St. Leger 49. 242 King, K. Hugh Melton 49. 1 1 1 Off the roll 49.112 King of the golden river. Ruskin, in little classics, Childhood, vol. 10. King of the peak. Cunningham, in little classics, Romance, vol. 7. King's highway. James 49-43O Kings in exile. Daudet 46.622 King's own. Marry at 50.330 Kings, queens and barbarians. Oilman 48.614 Kingsley, C. Alton Locke 49. 1 13 Hereward 49.114 Hermits, The 49. 1 1 5 Hypatia 49.116 Lost child, in little classics, Childhood, vol. 10 Two years ago 49. 1 1 7 Westward, ho ! 49. j 18 Yeast 49. 1 19 Kingsley, H. Austin Elliott 49. 120 Ilillyars and the Burtons 49. 121 Leighton court 49.122 Ravenshoe 49. 1 23 Kinley hollow. Hollister 49,828 Kip, L, Dead marquise 49. 124 Nestlenook 49.125 Under the bells 49,126 Kip, W. I. j^Enone; a tale of slave life in Rome 49.127 Kirkland, Mrs, C. M, Western clearings . . .49.128 Kismet. Fletcher 47. 1 16 Kiss and be friends. Smith 52.334 Kith and kin. Fothergill 48.823 Kitty. Edwards See Sea Side Knight of Gwynne, Lever 50,826 Knight of the igth century. Roe 52,828 Knights of to-day. Barnard 44 520 Kouns, Nathan C. Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina 49, 129 L'Abbe, Constantin. Halevy 48. 537 Laboulaye, E. R. L. Abdallah, or the four- leaved shamrock 49. 1 30 Lady Anna. Trollope 53. 1 18 Lady Audley's secret. Braddon 44.230 Lady Bell. Keddie 49.238 Lady Betty's governess. Guernsey 48.638 Lady Carmichael's will. Hay. 48,231 and Sea Side. Lady Clara Vere de Vere. Spielhagen 53-Si3 Lady Jaue. Oliphant. See Sea Side. Lady of Launay. Trollope 53. 1 19 Lady of Lyons. Lytton 50.615 Lady of Shalott. Phelps, in little classics, childhood, vol. 10. Lady of the Aroostook. Howells 49.628 Lady of the ice. De Mille 46.517 Lady Sybil's choice. Holt 49-728 Lady of the isle. Southworth 52 .1 18 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart. Black. 44.718 and 44 312. Lady's will. Braddon. See Sea Side. Laffan, M. . Christy Carew 49. 131 Honorable M iss Ferrard 49. 132 Laicus. Abbott 44.811 Lake house. Stahr 43-828 Lakeville. Healey 48.235 Lamartine, A. de. Genevieve 49-133 Lamb, Martha J. Spicy 49-134 Lamplighter. Cummins 46.612 Land of gold, a .tale of '49. Spurr 53-825 Land of the sky. Fisher 47-238 LAND LITTLE. 25 Land o' the leal. Mather See Sea Side. Landolin, Auerbach. B 44-734 Laneton parsonage. 2 vols. Sewell, 42.429 Lanier, S. Tiger lilies 49-135 Lass o' Lowrie's. Burnett 45.826 Last Athenian. Rydberg 52.619 Last days of a king. Hartman 48.332 Last days of Pompeii. Lytton 50.616 Last of the Barons. Lytton 50.617 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper. 45-3 2 3 Lathrop, G. P. Afterglow 49.136 An echo of passion 49. 137 In the distance 49- 138 Latimer, M. E. Veronica 49.139 Laughter. Little classics, vol. 5. Johnson, ed 49.217 Laurel bush. Craik 45. 1 13 Lanson tragedy. DeForest, in little classics, Tragedy, vol. 3. Lavengro. Borrow 44.215 Lawrence, G. A. Brakespeare See Sea Side Guy Livingstone 49. 140 Hagarene 49. 141 Maurice Bering 49. 142 Lazarus, E. Alide; an episode in Goethe's life 49-143 Lazy man's work. Sparhawk 53-8i I Leaden casket. Hunt 49. 525 Leah. Edwards 47.424 Leather stocking and silk. Cooke 45-432 Leavenworth case. Green 48.628 Led horse claim, The. Foote 48.811 Lee, Harriet. Canterbury tales, 5 vols 49-144 Lee, Holme See Parr, H. Leech club. Owen S I -^>37 Legacy. A. Craik 45. i f 4 Legend of Montrose. Scott . .52.511 Legend of Thomas Didymus. Clarke 45.643 Legends and records. Taylor 53-525 Leighton court. Kingsley 49.122 Leila. Lytton ." 50.618 Lena, the silent woman. Anon 50.811 Lena Rivers. Holmes 49-7i8 Lenox Dare. Townsend 53. 222 Leone. Monti. Round Robin series 52.724 Le Sage, A. R. Gil Bias 50.812 Leslie, M . . > See Baker, H. M. Lesson in love. Round Robin series 52.725 Letter of credit. Warner 54.622 Lever, C. Arthur O'Leary 50.813 Barrington 50.814 Lever (continued) Bramleighs 50.815 Charles O'Malley 50.816 Con Cregan 50.817 Daltons 50.818 Davenport Dunn 50.819 Day's ride 50.820 Dodd family 50.821 Fort unes of Glencore 50. 822 Harry Lorrequer 50. 823 Horace Templeton 50.824 Jack Hinton 50. 825 Knight of G wynne 50.826 Lora Kilgobbin , 50. 827 Luttrell of Arran 50.828 Martins of Cro' Martin 50.829 Maurice Tiernay 50.830 6'Donoghue 50.831 One of them 50.832 Roland Cashel 50.833 Sir Brook Fosbrooke 50.834 Sir Jasper Carew 50. 7 1 1 That boy of Norcott's 50.712 Tom Burke 50.713 Tony Butler 5O.7I3A Lewald, F See Stahr, A. W. T. Lewes, G. H. Ranthorpe 50.714 Lewes, Mrs. M. A. (George Eliot). .See Cross, Mrs. M. A. Lie, J. Pilot and his wife; a Norse love story . 50.715 Liefde See de Liefde Life. Little classics. Johnson erf 49.218 Life for a life. Craik 45- "5 Life on the Mississippi river. Clemens 45-5J7 Life's lottery. Osburne, E 51.632 Lifting the veil. Anon 50.716 Lillie, L. C. Prudence 50.717 Lily and the cross. De Mille 46.518 Lindau, R. Gordon Baldwin 50.718 Liquidated 50.719 Lindisfarn chase. Trollope 53. 1 14 Links in Rebecca's life. Alden 44-823 Linley Rocheford. McCarthy 5- 2 4 Linton, E. L. From dreams to waking 50.720 Misericorclia 5-7 21 Linwoods, The. Sedgwick. 2 vols 5 2 -4 2 4 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper 45-3 2 4 Liquidated. Lindau 5-7 I 9 Little classics See Johnson, Rossiter Little comedies. Sturgis 53- 624 Little Dorrit. Dickens 4^>-3 l 4 LITTLE MACARIA. Little gentleman in green. Savin 52.622 Little good-for-nothing. Daudet 46.623 Little Hodge. Jenkins 49 312 Little Jakey. cle Kroyft, in little classics, Childhood, vol. 10. Little moorland princess. John 49-326 Little pilgrim. Oliphant 51.622 Little savage. Marryat ; 5 33 1 Living link De Mille 46519 Livy, stories from. Church. See. Belles Lettres. Lizzie. Hardy. 3 vols 48419 Locke, D.' R. (P. V Nasby ) Morals of Abou Ben Adhem , 50 723 Nashy in exile See Belles Lettres. Paper city 50 724 Lofty and the lowly. Mclntosh. 2 v 50. 1 12 Look before you leap. Hector 48. 1 1 8 Longfellow, H. W. Hyperion. See Belles Lettres. Kavanagh See Belles Lettres. Lord Hope's choice. Stephens 53-832 Lord Kilgobbin. Lever 50. 827 Lorleyand Reinhard. Auerbach 44-735 Lorna Doone. Blackmore 44. 328 Loosing to win Davis 46.627 Lost casket. Da Boisgobey 47. 7 14 Lost child. Kingsley. In little classics, Childhood, v. 10. Lost for love. Braddon 44-231 Lost heir of Linlithgow Southworth 52.119 Lost in a great city Douglas 47.826 Lost love, A. Ogle 51.616 Lost will. Wood 54 216 Lothair. Disraeli 47.811 Lotta Schmidt- Trollope 53. 120 Louie's last term at St. Mary's. Harris. .. .48 431 Louise la Vallicre. Dumas 47-625 Louisiana. Burnett 45 828 Loukis Laras. Bikelas 44 426 Love. Little classics, v. 6. Johnson (ed.). .49 219 Love after marriage Hentz 48. 128 Love and liberty. Dumas 47 626 Love and life Yonge 54 128 Love in the nineteenth century. Preston. ...51.314 Love me little, love me long. Reade 51.226 Loves of a lawyer. Shuman 52.321 Lover, S. Barney O Reirdon, the navigator. In little classics. Comedy, vol. 9 49.212 Fairy-finder. In little classics. Fortune, Vol 2 49-214 Lover (cont-lnurd) Handy Andy 50.725 lie would be a gentleman 50.726 Irish stories and legends 50.727 Rory O'More 50.728 Lowell, James Russell. My garden acquaint- ance 5O-729 Lowell, R. T. S. Raft that no man made. In little classics. Mystery, vol. 8. . . .49 2igA Luck of roaring camp and other stories. Harte 48.325 Lucretia. Lytton 50,619 Lucy. Smith 5 2 -335 Lucy Arlynn. Trowbi idge 53. 135 Lucy Howard's journal. Sigourney 52.322 Lucy Rodey. Uurand 47. 520 Luttrell of Arran. Lever 50.828 Lytton, Sir E. B. Alice 5Q-73 1 Caxtons 5O-73 2 Coming race 5-733 Devereux 50. 734 Disowned 5-735 Ernest Maltravers 50.736 Eugene Aram 50.737 Falkland 50.61 1 Godolphin 50.612 Harold 50.613 Kenelm Chillingly 50.614 Lady of Lyons 50.615 Last days of Pompeii 50.616 Last of the barons , 50.617 Leila 50.618 Lucretia 50.619 My novel. 2 vols , .... 50. 620 Night and morning 5-5 I1[ Parisians 50. 5 1 2 Paul Clifford 50.513 Pausanius the Spartan 50.514 Pelham 50. 5 1 5 Pilgrims of the Rhine 50.618 Rienzi 50.516 Rise and fall of Athens 50.517 Strange story 50.518 What will he do with it? 50.519 Zanoni 50. 520 Zicci 58.61 1 Lytton, E. R. (Owen MereditJi.) Ring of Amasis '. 5- 73 Mabel's mistake, Stephens 53-833 Macaria. Wilson '. 54-312 MC CARTHY MARGUERITE. 27 McCarthy, J. Dear Lady Disdain 50.238 Fair Saxon 50.239 Linley Rocheford 50. 24.0 Miss Misanthrope 50.241 Paul Massie 50.242 McClellan, Mrs. Cupid and the sphinx 50.243 Macdermotts of Ballycloran. Trollope 53-122 Macdonald, F. Nathaniel Vaughan 50.521 Macdonald, Geo. Adela Cathcart 50. 522 Alec Forbes 50.41 1 Annals of a quiet neighborhood 50.412 Castle Warlock See Sea Side David Elginbrod 50.413 Donal Grant 50.414 Gifts of the child Christ, The 50.415 Guild court 56.416 Malcolm 50.417 Marquis of Lossie 50.418 Mary Marston 50.419 Paul Faber 50. 420 Phantasies 50.421 Portent 50.422 Robert Falconer 50.423 Seaboard parish 50.424 Sir Gibbie 50.425 Stephen Archer 50.426 Vicar's daughter 50.427 Warlock of Glen Warlock 50.428 Weighed and wanting See Sea Side Wilfried Cumbermede 50-429 Unspoken sermons 50.430 MacDuff, J. R. Story of a shell, The 50.431 McGrath, T. Pictures from Ireland 50. 1 1 1 Mclntosh, M. J. Lofty and the lowly, 2 vols.5o.'H2 Mackenzie, H. Story of La Roche. In little classics. Tragedy. Vol. 3 49.222 McLean, Mrs. S. P. Cape Cod folks 50. 1 14 Some other folks 50. 1 1 5 Tow head 50. 1 16 Macleod of Dare. Black 44-313 Macon, J. A. Uncle Gabe Tucker; or reflec- tions, songs and sentiment in the quarters. 50.3 13 Macquoid, Mrs. K. S. Esau Brunswick . . . .50.432 Fisherman of Auge .50.311 Wild as a hawk 50.312 Madame. Benedict 44. 536 Madame de Chamblay. Dumas .47.627 Madame Delphine. Cable 45-723 Madame Gosselin. Ulbach 54-8i i Madame Lucas. Round robin series 52.726 Madame Pompadour's garter. St. Andre . . .52.626 Madame Therese. Erckmann-Chatrian 47-336 Madcap Violet. Black 44.314 Madeline. Kavanagh 49.232 Madalon Lemoine. Adams 44-815 Made or married. Fothergill 48.824 Mademoiselle Bismarck. Champlin 45.612 Mademoiselle Mori. Keddie, 2 vols. .See Sea Side Magdalena. John 49.327 Maid Ellice. Havers 48.335 Maid of honor. Bawr. 50.315 Maid of Killeena, and other stories. Black. .44.315 Maid of Malines. Lytton. In little classics. Love, vol. 6. Maid of Sker. Blackmote 44-329 Maid of Stralstind. de Liefde 46.513 Maid, wife or widow ? Hector 48. 1 19 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. Manning 50. 323 Maiden widow. Southworth 52. r^o Maitland, E. (Herbert Ainslie). By and by. .50.316 Pilgrim and the shrine 50.317 Majendie, Lady M. Giannetto 50.318 Major Jones' courtship. Thompson 53.321 Making of a man. Fletcher 47. 117 Malbone; an Oldport romance. Higginson. 49.813 Malcolm. Macdonald 50.417 Mallary, P. J. Horace Wilde 50.319 Malot, Hector. Sea and shore 50.320 Man and wife. Collins 45-419 Man's a man for a' that, A. Anon 50.325 Man proposes. Anon 50. 324 Man of the world. North 51.614 Man who laughs. Hugo 49.520 Man with five wives. Dumas 47.628 Man without a country. Hale. In modern classics. Manfred. Guerrazzi 48.512 Manning, A.. Household of Sir Thomas More. 50. 321 Jacques Bonneval 50.322 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell .... 50.323 Mansfield park. Austin, Jr 44-6l9 Manuela Paredes. No name series 51-724 Manzoni, Alessandro. The betrothed 50.326 Marble fawn. Hawthorne 48.224 Marcus Blair. Wright 54 . 1 12 Mardi, a voyage thither. Melville 50. 122 Margaret. Judd 49.228 Margaret and her bridesmaids. Stretton. . . . 53.622 Margaret Percival. Sewcll, 3 vols 52.430 Margarethe. Juncker 49-229 Marguerite de Valois. Dumas 47,629 Marguerite Lacoste, 2 vols. Belot S'w Sea Side MARGUERITE MELVILLE. Marguerite's journal. Harris 48.312 Marian Gray. Holmes 49-7 I 9 Marie Antoinette and her son. Mundt 51.824 Marie Derville. De Witt 46.529 Marjorie Daw and other people. Aldrich. . .44.826 Marjorie's quest. Gould 48.624 Markof, the Russian violinist. Durand 47-5 21 Marlitt, E See John, E. Marmorne. No name series (ascribed to P. J. Hamerton) 48.411 Marquis of Carabas. Spofford 53-821 Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald S-4 l % Marriage. Ferrier 47- 2 3 r Marriage verdict. Dumas 47-630 Married belle. Smith 52.336 Married for both worlds. Porter 51.426 Married in haste. Stephens 53-834 Married or single, 2 vols. Sedgwick 5 2 -4 2 5 Marryat, Florence. See Church, Mrs. K. Marryat, Capt. F. Children of the new forest 50.327 Frank Mildmay 50.328 Japhet in search of a father 5-3 2 9 King's own 5-33 Little savage 5O-33 1 Masterman Ready 5-33 2 Midshipman Easy 5>333 Mission 5.334 Monsieur Violet 5-335 Newton Forster 5.336 Olla podrida 50.837 Pacha of many tales 5-338 Percival Keene 5- 211 Peter Simple. 50.212 Phantom ship 5- 2I 3 Pirate and three cutters 50.214 Poacher , 5- 21 5 Poor Jack 50.216 Rattlin the reefer 50.217 Settlers in Canada 50.218 Snarleyow 50.219 Valerie 50.220 Marrying by lot. Mortimer 5 I -8i4 Marsh, Caldwell, A. Bosom friend 50.221 Mar's white witch. Douglas 47.820 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens 46.315 Martin, Kate B. Belgian days 50.222 Martineau, H. Hour and the man 50.223 Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever 50-829 Martyrs of Spain. Charles 45.621 Mary Anerly. Blackmore 44 330 Mary Barton. Gaskell 48,732 Mary Derwent. Stephens 53-835 Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. Charles. See religion, biography. Mary Marston. Macdonald 50.419 Mashallah. Stoddard 53-723 Master of Greylands. Wood 54-217 Masterman Ready. Marryat 50.332 Mathers, H. B. Comin' thro' the rye 50.224 My lady green sleeves See Sea Side Land o' the leal See Sea Side As he comes up the stair See Sea Side Mathew Ropar. Picton 5i-4'3 Mathews, Julia A. Bessie Harrington's ven- ture 50.225 Mathews, Margaret H. Dr. Gilbert's daugh- ters 50.226 Matrimony. Norris 5!-6i3 Matter-of-fact girl. Havers 48.336 Mattie ; a stray. Robinson 5 I -I39 Maurice Dering. Lawrence 49. 142 Maurice Tiernay. Lever 50.830 Maxwell, C. Story of three sisters 50.227 May, Caroline, (ed.) The Woodbine 50.228 Mayflower. Stowe 53-731 Mayo, I. F. (Edward Garrett.) By still wa- ters 50.229 Crooked places 50.230 Dead sin 50.231 Doing and dreaming 50.232 Gold and dross 50.233 Quiet Miss Godolphin 50.234 V\'hite as snow 50. 235 Mayo, W. S. The Berber 50.236 Kaloolah 50. 237 Mayor of Windgap. Banim 44. 5 1 9 Meade, L. T. Mother Herring's chicken. . .50. 117 Meadow brook. Holmes 49 .720 Meinhold, W. Sidonie, the sorceress 50. 1 18 Melbourne house. Warner 54-623 Melville, G. J . W. Gladiators 50. 1 19 Holmby House 50. 120 Interpreter, The 50. 12OA Queen's Maries 50.121 Sister Louise See Sea Side Melville, H, Bell tower. In little cbssics. Tragedy, vol. 3 49.222 Mardi and the voyage thither 50. 122 Moby Dick 50.123 Redburn 50. 124 White Jacket 50. 125 MEMBER MONTGOMERY. 29 Member for Paris. Murray 51.832 Memoirs of a physician. Dumas 47.631 Men, women and ghosts. Phelps 5I-54O Mercedes of Castile. Cooper 45-325 Merchant of Berlin. Mundt 5^825 Mercy Philbrick's choice. Jackson 49.421 Mere caprice. Healy 48.236 Meredith, G. Evan Harrington 56. 126 Meredith. O See Lytton Merimee, P. Carmen 50. 127 Meta Holdenis. Cherbuliez Meyers, R. C. Miss Margery's roses 50. 128 Michael Strogoff. Verne 54,828 Middlemarch. Cross. 2 vols. . .46.827 and 46.711 Midnight sun. Bremer 44 .113 Midshipman Easy. Marryat 5-333 Mignon. Forrester 48.818 Mildred. Craik 46:812 Mildred. Holmes 49-721 Miles Wallingford. Cooper 45 326 Mill on the floss. Cross 46.712 Miilbank. Holmes 49-722 Miller, C. H. (Joaquin Miller). First fami- lies of the Sierras 50. 129 Miller, Hugh. Tales and sketches 50. 130 Miller, Joaquin See Miller, C. H. Miller of Angibault. Dudevant 47. 720 Mills of Tuxbury. Townsend 53-223 Milly Darrell. Braddon See Sea Side Minister's wooing. Stowe 53-732 Mirage. Fletcher 57-"8 Miriam's memoirs. Warfield 54-6i2 Miserables, Les. Hugo. 5 vols 49-521 Misericordia, Linton 50.721 Mishaps of Mr. Ezekiel Pelter. Anon 50. 131 Miss Angel. Ritchie S I - I 3 2 Miss Carew. Edwards 47-4 21 Miss Crespigny. Burnett 45.829 Miss Dorothy's charge. Benedict 44-537 Miss Gilbert's career. Holland 49.822 Miss Mackenzie. Trollope 53- 12 3 Miss Margery's roses. Meyers 50. 128 Miss Marjoribanks. Oliphant 5!-623 Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy 50.241 Miss Molly. Butt 45 .718 Miss Oona McQuarrie; sequel to Alfred Ha- gart's household. Smith 52.330 Miss Priscilla Hunter. Alden 44.824 Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty. De Forest 46.635 Miss Rovel. Cherbuliez 45.630 Miss Van Kortland. Benedict 44-4" Mission. Marryat 50.334 Mistress and maid. Craik 45.116 Mistress Judith. Ty tier 53-144 Mitchell, D. G. Dr. Johns, 2 vols 50. 132 Seven stories, with basement and attic. .See Belles Lettres. Mitchell, S. W. Hepzibah Guinness So. 133 Mitford, A. B. Forty-seven ronins. In little classics. Heroism, vol. n. Moby, Dick. Melville So. 123 Modern chivalry. Brackenridge 44.223 Modern classics So. 134 CONTENTS. Denslow palace, The. Whelpley. J. D. Diamond lens, The. O'Brien, Fitz-James. Elkanah Brewster's temptation. Nordhoff, C. Friend Eli's daughter. Taylor, Bayard. Half-life aud half a life, A. Appletou, Miss E. H. Life in the iron mills. Harding, Miss R. B. Man without a country. Hale, E. E. Miss Lueinda. Terry, Miss Rose. My double, and how he undid me. Hale, E. E. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. Hamilton Gail. Queen of the red chessmen, The. Hale, Miss L. P. Kaft that no man made, A. Lowell, H. T. S. Victor and Jacqueline. Chesebro, Caroline. Why Thomas was discharged. Arnold, G. Modern Hagar. Clarke. 2 vols 45-5H Modern instance. Howells 49-629 Modern Mephistopheles. Alcott $1-725 Modern minister. Anon. 2 vols 50. 135 Mohammed Ali and his house. Mundt 51.826 Mohicans of Paris. Dumas 47.632 Molesworth, Mrs. (Ennis Graham). Heath- ercourt 50. 136 Molly Bavvn. Argles. 44-717 Molly Maguires and thedetective. Pinkerton.Si.4i8 Mona, the vestal. Dorsey 47.818 Monarch of Mincing lane. Black 44. 316 Monastery. Scott . . . .' 52.522 Monica. Argles 44-7i8 Monikins. Cooper 45. 327 Monroe, H. E. Past thirty 50.137 Monsieur Lecocq. Gaboriau 48.721 Monsieur Violet. Marryat So. 335 Montalto ; or the Vaudois martyrs of Cala- bria. Bates 44. 522 Monte Cristo. Dumas See count of Monte Cristo. Du Boys See countess of Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. Eg gleston 47.326 Montgomery, F. Clifton picture 50. 138 Seaforth 50.139 Thrown together 50. 140 Thwarted 50. 141 30 MOONSTONE MYSTERY. Moonstone. Collins 45-4 2 Moorland Cottage. Gaskell 48.731 Morals of Abou Ben Adhem. Locke 50.723 More, H. Coelebs in search of a wife 51.811 Tales and allegories 51.812 More happy thoughts. Burnancl 45.820 Morse, C. F. Blush roses 51.813 Mortimer, C. B. Marrying by lot 51.814 Mosaic gleanings. Frazier 48. 7 1 1 Mose Evans. Baker 44-633 Moss-side. Terhune 53-4i6 Mosses from an old manse. Hawthorne . . .48.225 Mother Herring's chicken. Meade S- !I 7 Mother-in-law. Southworth 52. 121 Mother Molly. Peard 5i-5iS Mother's recompense. Aguilar . 44 .819 Moths. Rame 51-332 Moulton, Mrs. L. C. Some women's*hearts.5i.8i5 Mozart, a biographical romance. Rau $1.216 Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town. Thackeray 53.429 Mr. Ghimm's dream. Anon $1,816 Mr. GilnTs love story. Cross 46.826 Mr. Isaacs. Crawford 46.817 Mr. Philips' goneness. Bailey 44.624 Mr. Scarborough's family. Trollope 53. 121 Mr. Vaughn's heir. Benedict 44-412 Mrs. Armington's ward. Wright 54. 1 1 3 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown (Mrs. J. O. Austin) . 44.622 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. Jerrold. See Belles Lettres. Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds. Hawthorne. 48.215 Mrs. Geoffrey. Argles 44,7 18 Mrs. Mayburn's twins. Habberton 48.518 Mrs. Merriam's scholars. Hale 48.529 Mrs. Partington's knitting work. Shillaber. .52.319 Mrs. Skaggs' husbands, and other stories. Harte 48.326 Mudfog papers. Dickens 46.316 Mudford, W. Iron shroud. In little classics. Tragedy, vol. 3 49.222 Muhlbach, L See Mundt, Mrs. C. M. Mulock, Miss SeeCraik, I). M. Fairy book 45. 229 Munchausen. Baron, the travels and surpris- ing adventures of. Raspe. See Baron. Mundt, Mrs. C. M. (L. Muhlbach.) An- dreas Hofer 51-817 Berlin and Sans-Souci 51.818 Daughter of an empress 51-819 Empress Josephine 51.820 Mundt (continued) Frederick the Great and his court 51.821 Goethe and Schiller 51.822 Henry VIII and his court 5^823 Marie Antoinette and her son 51.824 Merchant of Berlin 51-825 Mohammed Ali and his house 51.826 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia 51-827 Old Fritz 51.828 Prince Eugene and his times 51.829 Queen Hortense 51.830 Murphy's master. Sauzade.. . 51, 5 14 Murad, the unlucky. Edge-worth. In little classics. Fortune, vol. 8. Murray, C. A. Prairie bird 51.831 Murray, G. C. (Trois Etoiles.) Member for Paris 51,832 My Comrades Hcl, H 49.812 My chateaux. Curtis, in little classics. Life, vol. 4. My daughter Elinor. Benedict 44.413 My desire. Warner 54-624 My double and how he undid me. Hale. . . .48.527 My first offer and other stories. Hay. See Sea Side. My Garden acquaintance. Lowell 50.729 My heart's in the highlands See Sea Side. My intimate enemy. Anon 51-833 My lady Greeu Sleeves. Mather See Sea Side. My Lady Ludlow. Gaskell 48-733 My little lady. Poynter 5I-43 1 My little love. Terhune 53-417 My lord and my lady. Forrester 48.819 My miscellanies. Collins 45-421 My mother and I. Craik 45. 117 My novel. Lytton 2 vols. 50.620 My opinions and Betsy Bobbets'. Holley. . . .49.825 My prisons. Pellico 51.523 My wayward pardner. Holley 49.826 My wife and I. Stowe 53-6i I My wife and my wife's sister 51.726 Mysteries of Paris. Sue 53-627 Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe 5!-3'9 Mysterious guest. Dupuy 47-5'6 Mysterious island. Verno 54-829 Mystery, The. Wood 54.218 Mystery of Allanwold. Van Lorn 54.814 Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens 46.317 Mystery of MetropoHsville. Eggleston 47.321 Mystery of Orcival. Gaboriau 48.722 NABOB NONSENSE. 31 Nabob. Daudet 46.624 Naggletons. Brooks, S 44.121 Nameless nobleman. Round robin series. Austin 52.727 Nana's daughter. Sirven and Leverdier 52.326 Nancy. Broughton 44. 125 A Naomi Torrenti. Vingut 54-71? Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. Mundt.5i.827 Nasby. Divers views, opinions and prophe- cies. Locke 50. 722 Nathalie. Kavanagh 49-233 Nathaniel Vaughan. Macdonald 50.521 Nature. Johnson ed 49.220 Neal, J. C. Charcoal sketches 51-834 Neal Malone. Carleton. In little classics. Laughter, vol. 5 49-217 Near the lagunas. Anon. 2 vols 51-835 Near to nature's heart. Roe 52.824 Ned Myers. ' Cooper 45-328 Neighbors. Bremer 44. 1 14 Neighbors' wives. Tro wbridge 53. 1 36 Nellie's memories. Carey 45.727 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom. Douglas 47-827 Nemesis. Terhune 53-4 ! 8 Neptune vase. Johnson See Sea Side Nestlenook. Kip 49. 125 Neville, C. M. Behind the arras 51.836 New Abelard, The. Buchanan 45-8i4 New Don Quixote. Daudet 46.625 New nobility. Forney 48 814 New Puritan, The. Pike 5!-543 New race. Dannerberg 46.620 New stories. Dickens 46.41 1 New Timothy. Baker 44-634 Newcomes. Thackeray 53.430 and 53-311 Newell, R. H. (Orphean C. Kerr). Smoked glass 5!-837 Newton Forster. Marryat 5-336 Newton, William Wilberforce. Priest and man 5 r -835 Niania. Durand See Sea Side Nicholas Minturn. Holland 49.823 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens 46.318 Nichols, Mrs. C. B. (Charlotte Bronte). Jane Eyre 5I-7H Professor Si-712 Shirley S l -7^3 Villette 5I-7I4 Nick of the woods. Bird 44.427 Night and morning. Ly tton 50. 5 1 1 Night in a workhouse. Greenwood. In little Night (continued) classics. Exile, vol. I. Night side of nature. Crowe 46.719 Nihilist princess. Gagneur 48.726 Nina. Bremer 44. 1 1 5 Nina Gordon; or Dred. Stowe. .53.729 and 53.612 Nina's atonement. Fisher 47-239 'Ninety-three ('93). Hugo 49. 522 No alternative. Cudlip 46.726 No gentlemen. Burnham 45.818 No laggards we. Raymond $1.217 No man's friends. Robinson 5 1 - X 4 No name. Collins 45-422 No name series. Afterglow 49. 136 Aschenbra'del 45- 73 2 Almost a duchess 51.7 18 Baby rue 51-719 Colonel's opera cloak 44. 1 3 Daughter of Philistenes 51.720 Don John 49-4H Gemini S 1 -? 21 Great match 53- J 34 Her crime 5 T -7 2 2 Her picture 5!.7 2 3 Hetty's strange history 49.420 His majesty myself 44.632 Is that all? 5L3I3 Kismet 47. 1 16 Manuela Paredes 5 I -7 2 4 Marmorne 44-4 11 Mercy Philbrick's choice 49-4 21 Mirage 57- 1 18 Modern Mephistopheles 5 I -7 2 5 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown 44.622 My wife and my wife's sister 5 T -7 2 6 Salvage S l -7 2 7 Tsar's window .49.614 Will Denbigh -5 I -728 No thoroughfare. Dickens 46-3 J 9 Noble, Annetta Lucille. Eunice Lathrop, spinster S l -7 l S Reverend idol S l -7 l 7 Uncle Jack's executors 5 r '7i6 Noble blood. Hawthorne 48.216 Npble life, A. Craik 45-" 8 Noble lord. Southworth 52. 122 Noble woman. Stephens 53- 8 3 6 Noblesse oblige. Keddie See Sea Side Nobody. Warner 54-6 2 5 Noel, Lady A. Owen Gwynne's great work. 5 1.633 Nonsense, Pomeroy 51.422 32 NORA GUI DA. Norah Brady's vow. Dorsay 47-8i7 Nordhoff, C. Cape Cod and all along shore stories. 5*6" Norine's revenge. Fleming 47-233 Normand, Hugh de. Gip?y queen 51.612 Norris, W. E. Matrimony 5!- 6l 3 Norseman's pilgrimage. Boyesen 44.221 Norston's rest. Stephens 53-71 1 O. T. Andersen 44-835 Oak openings. Cooper 45-329 Oakridge ; an old-time story. Smith 52.220 O'Connor. Harrington 5'-6i5 Odd or even. Whitney 54-412 Oddities of Southern life. Watterson 54. 526 O'Donoghue, The. Lever 50.831 Off on a comet. Verne 54.830 Off the roll. King 49.112 Off the Skelliggs. Ingclow 49-415 Ogden, Mrs. C. A. (C. A. 0.) Into the light 49-4i8 Ogilvies, The Craik 45. 1 19 Ogle, Anna C. Lost love 51.616 Old countess. Hofer 49-8i9 Old countess. Stephens 53-7 12 Old Creole u.iys. Cable 45-724 Old curiosity shop. Dickens 46.21 1 Old Deccan days. Frere 48,716 Old English baron. Reeve 51.120 Old friends and new. Jewett 49-321 Old Fritz. Mundt 51.828 Old helmet. Warner 54.626 Old Kensington. Ritchie 5 ! -i33 Old mam'selle's secret. John 49-328 Old mortality . Scott 52. 523 Old Myddleton's money. Hay 48.232 Old ocean. Ingersoll 49-41? Old Slip warehouse. Denison 46.524 Old woman who lived in a shoe, The. Doug- las 47.828 Oldbury. Kearny 49-237 Oldcourt. Wynne 54. 117 Oldtown folks. Stowe 53-6i3 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Agnes 51-617 Athelings 51.618 Carita 51-619 Curate in charge 51. 620. Harry Joscelyn See Sea Side. In trust 51.621 Lady Jane See Sea Side. North, W. Man of the world 51.614 Norwood. Beecher 44-527 Not wisely, but too well. Broughton 44.126 Notary's nose. About 44.812 Novels and tales. Edgeworth. 10 vols 47-4'7 Novels and tales. Goethe 48.619 Nuna, the Brahmin girl. French 48.715 Oliphant (continued) Little pilgrim 51.622 Miss Marjoi ibanks 5 1 .623 Perpetual curate 51.624 Primrose path 5 x -625 Rose in June 51 .626 Sir Loin .51.627 White ladies 51.628 Wizard's son 51.629 Young Musgrave 51.630 Olive. Craik 45. 1 20 Oliver of the mill. Charlesworth 45.625 Oliver Twist. Dickens 46.212 Olla podrida. Mariyat 5-337 Olney. Through winding ways 5'-63i On both sides of the sea. Charles 45.624 On guard. Cudlip 46.727 On the eve. Turgenieff . . . . 53. 139 On the heights. Auerbach 44.61 1 One and twenty. Robinson See Sea Side, One of them. Lever 50. 832 One of three. Fothergill 48.824 One summer. Howard 49-619 One year abroad. Howard 49.620 Only a clod. Braddon See Sea Sea Side. Only a fiddler. Andersen 44. 834 Only a girl. Ilillern 49.818 Only a love story. Hardy. 3 vols 48.420 Only herself. Cudlip 46.728 Opening of a chestnut burr. Roe 52.825 Opportunities. Warner . . 54. 5 1 1 Ordeal for wives. Edwards 47-425 Orley farm. Trollope 53. 124 Osborne, E. Life's lottery 5*-632 Othello, the second. Robinson 52.811 Other girls. Whitney 54-413 Other people's children. Habberton 48.519 Other people's money. Gaboriau 48.723 Otis, B. See Woods, C. II. Ought we to visit her? Edwards 47-426 Ouida See Rame, L. de la. OUR PHANTASTES. Our mutual friend. Dickens 46.213 Our new crusade. Hale 48. 530 Overland. De Forest 46 . 636 Overland tales. Clifford 45.526 Our old home. Hawthorne 48.226 Over yonder. John 49.326 Our Saturday nights. Pomeroy 51.423 Owen, Ashford Sec Ogle, A. C. Out of the question. Howells 49.630 Owen, G. W. Leech club, The 51.634 Outcast, The Reade., SLU? Owen G Wynne's great work. Noel 51-632 Outcasts of Poker Flat . Harte. Little clas- Owen, Robert Dale. Beyond the breakers. 51 .635 sics. Exile, vol. I . Pacha of many tales. Marryat 50.338 Paddock, Mrs. A. G. Fate of Madame La Tour 51-636 In the toils 5 T -637 Page, A See Holt Pair of blue eyes. Hardy 48.424 Palgrave, W. J. Herman Agha 51.638 Panola. Dorsay 47.818 Pansy ' See Alden Paper city Locke 50. 724 Pardoe, Miss J. Wife's trials 51-639 Pardon, G, F, Tales from the opera 51.640 Paris sketch book, Thackeray 53.4 2 7 Parisians. Lytton 50.512 Parr, H, (Holme Lee), Annie Warleigh's fortunes $1,641 Ben Milner's wooing 5 J '642 Kathie Brande 51.643 Sylvan Holt's daughter 51.644 Parr, L. Adam and Eve 51 645 Hero Carthew 51.646 John Thompson, blockhead, etc 51.647 Parsonage of Mora. Bremer.! 44.116 Parson Thome's trial. Buckingham 45-&I5 Parton, S. P. (Fanny Fern.) Folly as it flies 51.648 Pascarel. Rame 51-333 Passion in tatters . Cudlip 46 . 728 Passionate pilgrim and other stories. James , 49 44 Past thirty. Monroe 5- I 37 Pathfinder. Cooper 45 33 Patience Strong's outings. Whitney. ...... .54.414 Pattie Durant . Clacy 45- 6 42 Patty's perversities. Bates. Round Robin series 5 2 7 2 ^ Paul and Virginia . St . Pierre 52 . 627 Paul Clifford. Lytton S-S 1 3 Paul Faber. Macdonald 5-4 2 Paul Massie. McCarthy 50.242 Paulding, J. R. Dutchman's fireside 51-649 Pauline. Walford 54 720 Pausanias, the Spartan. Lytton 50. 5 14 Payn, J See Sauzade, John S. Peace Pelican, spinster. Smith 52.218 Peard, F. M. Mother Molly 51.518 Rose garden 5 I -5 I 9 Thorpe Regis 51.520 Unawares 51 .521 Winter story S l -S5 2 Pearl of Orr's island. Stowe 53-614 Peg Woffmgton. Reade 51.227 Pelham. Lytton 50. 515 Pellico, Silvio. My prisons 5 I -5 2 3 Pemaquid. Prentiss 5M35 Pember, P. Y. Southern woman's story. . . .51.524 Pemberton; or one hundred years ago. Peterson 51-534 Pen, Owen. Hook 5 I -5 2 5 Pendennis. Thackeray 53-3 12 Pennot, P. See Eound, W. M. F. Pequinillo. James 49-43 1 Percival Keene. Marryat S- 211 Peregrine Pickle, the adventures of. Smol- lett 5 2 - 221 Perfect adonis. Harris 4^3 I 3 Perkins, F. B. Devil puzzlers 5!-5 2 7 Scrope; or the lost library 5 I -5 2 ^ Perkins, Eli See Landon, M. D. Perpetual curate. Oliphant 51.624 Perry, A. Esther Pennefeather 5 l 5 2 9 Schoolmaster's trial 5 l 53 Perry, N. Book of love stories 5 I -53 I Tragedy of the unexpected 5 I -53 2 Peter Simple. Marryat 50.212 Peterson, H. Bessie's six lovers 5 I -533 Pemberton; or one hundred years ago 5 1 '534 Peverilofthe Peak. Scott 5 2 -5 2 4 Phantasmion. Coleridge 45-53 Phantasies. Macdonald 5-4 2 l 34 PHANTOM PRESSENSE. Phantom of the forest. Bennett 44.416 Phantom ship. Marryat 5- 2I 3 Phantom wedding Southworth 52. 123 Phelps, E. S. Beyond the gates 51-535 Dr. Zay 51-536 Friends, a duet 5'.537 Gates ajar 51-538 Hedged in 5 I -539 Lady of Shalott, in little classics. Child- hood, vol. 10. Men, women and ghosts 5 ' 54 Sealed orders 5 I -54 I Silent partner 51-542 Philip Augustus James 49-432 Philip Earnscliffe. Edwards 47-3' I Philip Nolan's friends. Hale 48.531 Philip Thaxter. Washburn 54-523 Phillips, B. A struggle 51 .411 Philomenie's marriage. Durand 47-522 Philothea. Child 45-634 Phineas Finn. Trollope 53-125 Phineas Redux. Trollope 53.126 Phoebe. Harris 48.314 Phoenix, John. Phcenixiana 5i-4'2 Phcenixiana. Phoenix, John 51-412 Phyllis. Argles 44 729 Picciola. Boniface 44.212 Pickwick papers. Dickens 46.214 Picton, T. (Ex. Editor.) Mathieu Ropers. 51. 413 Pictures from Ireland. McGrath 50. 1 1 1 Pictures from Italy. Dickens 46. 1 1 1 Pictures of travel. Andersen 44. 836 Pike, James S. New Puritan, The 5M43 Pilgrim and the shrine. Maitland S -! 1 ? Pilgrims of the Rhine. Lytton ...50618 Pilgrim's progress. Bunyan 45- 817 Pillone. Bergsoe 44 420 Pilot. Cooper 55-331 Pilot and his wife. Lie 5-7i5 Pine needles. Warner 54-512 Pink and white tyranny. Stowe 53-6i5 Pinkerton, A. Burglar's fate and the de- tectives 51-414 Claude Melnotte 51-417 Double life and the detective 51-415 Gipsies and the detective 51416 Molly Maguires and the detective 51.418 Spiritualists and the detectives Sl-4'9 Pioneers. Cooper 45 .211 Pique. Anon 51-420 Pirate, The. Marryat 50.214 Pirate, The. Scott 52.411 Place in thy memory, de Kroyft 46. 5 1 1 Plague of London, de Foe 46.633 Planter's northern bride. Hentz 48. 129 Playing the mischief. De Forest 46.637 Ploughed under ; story of an Indian chief. Anon 51-421 Plu-ri-bus-tah. Thomson 53. 323 Poacher. Marryat 50.215 Pocahontas. Eggleston 47. 327 Poe, E. A. Prose tales, in works. Poems, lyrical. Johnson, ed. Little clas- sics 39'"2 Poems, narrative. Johnson, ed. Little clas- sics 39-"3 Poet and merchant. Auerbach 44.612 Poet's bazaar. Andersen 44-832 Poganuc people. Stowe 53-6i6 Point of honor. Edwards. 47-3 12 Poison of asps. Church 45-638 Pomeroy, M. M. (Brick.) Nonsense 51-422 Our Saturday nights 51-423 Ponce de Leon. By an Estanciero 51 424 Poor Jack. Marryat 50.216 Poor Miss Finch. Cdlins 45-4 2 3 Poor Zeph. Robinson 52.811 Portent, The. Macdonald : 50.422 Porter, Mrs. A. E. Cousin Polly's gold mine. 51. 425 Married for both worlds 5 I -4 2 6 Porter, Anna M. Recluse of Norway, v. i . . 51.427 Porter, J. Scottish chiefs 5 I -4 2 8 Thaddeus of Warsaw 5l-4 2 9 Porter, R. Summer drift-wood for the win- ter fire '. 5I-430 Portia. Argles- See Sea Side Portrait of a lady. James 49-44 1 Potiphar papers. Curtis 46.615 Poverina. Altieri 44-6i7 Poynter, E. F. My little lady 5M3I Prairie. Cooper 45.212 Prairie bird. Murray 51-831 Prairie flower. Bennett 44-417 Precaution. Cooper 45-213 Prentiss, Mrs. E. Aunt Jane's hero 5I-43 2 Fred, Maria and me 51 .433 Home at Greylock 51-434 Pemaquid 5'-435 Stepping heavenward 51 .436 Urbane and his friends 5'-437 President's daughters. Bremer 44. 1 1 7 Pressense, Mme. E. de Theresa's journal. .51,311 PRESTON RATLIN. 35 Preston, L See Heaven, Mrs. L. M. Preston, H . W. Aspendale ....51.312 Is that all? 5 I -3 I 3 Love in the nineteenth century '.. .51.314 Pretty little countess Zina. Durand 47-5 2 3 f Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett 45830 Prey of the gods. Church 45-639 Pride and prejudice. Austen 44.620 Priest and man. Newton 51. 838 Priest and nun. Wright 54. 1 1 5 Primrose path. Oliphant 5 l -6 2 S Prince and pauper. Clemens 45. 518 Prince Eugene and his times. Mundt 51.829 Prince of darkness. Southworth 52. 124 Princess of Thule. Black 44-31? Princess Ogherof. Durand 47 .524 Probation. Fothergill 48 825 Problematic characters. Spielhagen 53-8i4 Prodigious fool. Wallis 54-7 2 5 Professor. Nicholls .....' 51.712 Progressive Petticoats. Roosevelt 52.714 Prudence. Lillie 50,717 Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich 44-827 Prue and I. Curtis 46.614 Psyche of to-day. Jenkins 49 313 Publicans and Sinners. Braddon 44.232 Puck. Rame 51-334 Pullen, H. W. Tom Piffin's wedding 51 315 Puritan and the quaker. Anon 51316 Purple and fine linen. Fawcett 47-229 Put yourself in his place. Reade 51.228 Putnam. Record of an obscure man 5 I -3 I 7 Queechy. Warner 54-514 ^Queenie Hetherton. Holmes 49-7 2 3 Queen Hortense. Mundt ..51.830 Queenie's whim. Carey 45 728 Queen Mab. Kavanagh 49.234 Quentin Durward. Scott 52.512 Queen of hearts. Collins 45.424 Queen of Sheba. Aldrich 44. 828 Queen of the county. Stretton 53-623 Queen's favorite, The. Anon . . . ."T. ..51.318 Queen's Maries. Melville 50.121 Queen's necklace. Dumas 47-634 Question, A. Ebers 47-4' 3 Quiet life, A. Burnett 45. 7 1 1 Quiet Miss Godolphin. Mayo 50. 234 Quite alone. Sala 52.620 Quixstar. Taylor t . . 53.527 Rab and his friends. Brown. In little classics. Life, vol. 4 Rachel Gray. Kavanagh 49- I2 5 Rachel Ray. Trollope 53-127 Radcliffe, Mrs. A. E. Mysteries of Udolpho. 51.319 Romance of the forest 5 ' 3 2 Raft that no man made. Lowell. In little classics. Mystery, vol. 8. Ragged register. Dickinson 46. 117 Raimund. Golo See Dannerberg, G . Rainbow creed. Hamilton 48.813 Ralph the. heir. Trollope 53- I2 8 Ralph Wilton's weird. Hector 48.120 Rame Louisa de la. (Ouida) \Ariadne 5 I -3 21 Beatrice Boville S l -3 22 Bebee 5i-3 2 3 . Friendship 5' -3 2 7 Granville de Vigne 5 r -3 2 8 Idalia 5!-329 In a winter city 5 I> 33 In Maremna 5 I -33 I ^ Moths 5' -332 ^Pascarel 5 I -333 Puck 5!-334 Randolph Jordan 5 I -335 Signa 51.21 1 Strathmore 5 r -2i2 Tricotrin $1- 21 3 , Under two flags 5 l - 21 4 Village commune 5 I<2I 5 Randolph Jordan. Rame 5 I -335 Ranthorpe. Lewes S-7 1 4 Raspe, R. E. Travels and adventures of Baron Munchausen. See Juvenile. Rasselas. Johnson 49-223 Ratlin the reefer. Marryat 5- 21 7 RAU ROBINSON. Rau, H. Mozart, a biographical romance. . .51.216 Ravenshoe. Kingsley 49. 123 Ray, Spofford. In little classics. Heroism, vol. le Raymond, R. No laggards we 51-217 Raymonde, Theuriet 53-32O Rayne, Mrs. L. M. Against fate 51.218 Reade, Charles. Box tunnel. In little clas- sics. Comedy, vol.9 Christie Johnstone 51.219 Cloister and the hearth , 51.220 Eighth commandment 51.221 Foul play 51.222 Good fight and other stories 51-223 Hard cash 51 .224 It is never too late to mend 5 I -225 Love me little, love me long 51.226 Peg Woffington 51. 227 ' Put yourself in his place 51 .228 Simpleton 51.229 and 51.111 Singleheart and doubleface.. . . ! 51.112 Terrible temptation 5 I - II 3 'Wandering heir $1.114 White lies S 1 - 1 ^ Woman hater 51.116 Reade, Win wood. Outcast 51.117 Ready .money Moniboy. Besant and Rice. ..51.118 Real tulks. Whitney 54-415 Rebecca, or a woman's secret. Corbin 45.223 Recluse of Norway, vol. i. Porter 51.427 Record ol an obscure man. Putnam 51-317 Rector's Wife. Stretton 53.624 Red as a rose is she. Broughton 44. 127 Red court farm. Wood 54.219 Red eagle. Eggleston 47-3 2 8 Red rover. Cooper 45- 2I 5 Red Wallflower. Warner 54-513 Redburn. Melville 50. 124 Redgauntlet. Scott 52.413 Redskins. Cooper 45-214 Reed, Rebecca F. Freckles 5i-i'9 Reeve, C. Old English baron 51.120 Regent's daughter. Dumas 47-633 Reginald Archer. Seemuller 52.426 Reginald Hastings. Warburton 54-726 Reichenbach, M. von. Eichoffs 51.121 Reid, Christian See Fisher, F. E. Reigning belle. Stephens 53-713 Rejected Wife. Stephens 53-714 Religious Courtship. De Foe 46.633 Remorse. Bentzon 44-419 Rena, or the snowbird. Hentz 48.130 Renee and Franz. Haller 48.541 Repented at leisure. Clay 45. 512 Reprinted pieces. Dickens 46.112 Retribution. Southwoith 5 2>I2 5 Return of the native. Hardy 48. 42 f Reuter, F. Seedtime and harvest 51.122 Reverend idol. Noble 51.717 Revolt of man. Besant 44-4 2 3 Reybaud. . Mrs. C. (Goldsmith's wife) 51.123 Rhine, The. Hugo 49. 523 Rhodes, W. H. "Caxton's" book 51.124 Rhona. Forrester 48.820 Rice, J. (Joint author) See Besant and Rice. Richard Vandermarch. Harris 48.315 Richardson, S. Clarissa Harlowe 5 I -i 2 5 Richelieu. James 49-433 RichterJ. P. Titan 51.126 Walt and Vult 5i-i 2 7 Riddle, A. J. Alice Brand 51.128 House of Ross and other stories 51.129 Rienzi. Lytton 50.516 Ring, M. John Milton and his times 5i-ij Ring of Amasis. Bulwer 50. 730 Rise and fall of Athens. Lytton 50. 5 1 7 Rise of Iskander. Disraeli. In little classics. Love, vol 6. R ita See Booth, Mrs. O. Ritchie, Mrs. A. D. (Miss Thackeray.) Bluebeard's keys 51.131 Miss Angel 5 1 . 132 Old Kensington 5 1 . 1 33 Story of Elizabeth 51-134 Rival dreamers. Banim. In little classics. Fortune, vol. 12. Rob of the bowl. Kennedy 49-239 Rob Roy. Scott 52.414 Robert Falconer. Macdonald 50.423 Robtrt Graham. Hentz 48.131 Robinson, F. W. Anne Judge, Spinster 51.135 Bar-maid at Battleton See Sea Side Bridge of glass 51.136 Christie's faith 51 .137 Coward conscience Sen Sea Side Girl's romance, etc 5 1 - '3^ Mattie, a stray 51. 139 No man's friend 5 1 . 1 40 One and twenty See Sea Side Othello the second 52.811 Poor Zeph 52.81 1 Second cousin Sarah 52.812 ROBINSON ST. 37 Robinson (continued) Slaves of the ring 5 2 - 8l 3 Stern necessity 5 2 - 8l 4 Sweet nineteen See Sea Side True to herself 5 2 - 8l 5 Woman's ransom 52.816 Robinson Crusoe's money. Wells 54 5 28 Roche, R. M. Children of the abbey 5 2 - 8l 7 Roderick Hudson. James 49- 44 2 Roderick Random, adventures of. Smollett. 52. 221 Rodman, the keeper, and other stories. Wool- son 54-in Roe, E. P. Barriers burned away 52.818 Day of fate 5 2 8l 9 Face illumined $2.820 From jest to earnest 52.821 His sombre rival 5 2 822 Knight of the nineteenth century 5 2>82 3 Near to nature's heart 52.824 Opening of a chestnut burr 5 2 >8 2 5 Unexpected result, An 5 2 -7 IJ What can she do? $2.712 Without a home 5 2 -7 r 3 * Rogue's life, A. Collins 4S-4 2 5 Roland Cashel. Lever 5-833 Roland Yorke. Wood 54.220 Roll of the drum. Jephson 49-3 1 ? Roman traitor, The ; or the days of Cicero, Cato and Catiline. Herbert 48- 1 34 Romance. Little classics, vol. 7. Johnson, (d 49.221 Romance of a brave man. About See Sea Side Romance of real life, A. Howells. In lit- tle classics. Life, vol. 4. Romance of a mummy. Gautier 48 737 Romance of the forest. Radclyffe 5i-3 2 Romances of the East. Gobineau 48. 6 1 7 Romany rye. Borrow 44.216 Romola. Cross 46.713 Roosevelt, R. B. Progressive petticoats. . . .52.714 Roquette, O. Conrad Hagen's mistake 5 2 -7!5 Rory O'More. Lover 50.728 Rose D'Albret. James 49-434 Rose Douglas Anon 5 2 -7!6 Rose garden. Peard 5 I -5 I 9 Rosemary and rue. Champney. Round Rosemary (continued) Robin series 52.61 1 Rose in June. Oliphant 51.626 Rosicrucian, The. Craik. In little classics. Mystery, vol 8. Rosetti, C. G. Commonplace, and other short stories 52.717 Rossmoyne. Argles 44-7 2 i Rothwell. Denison 46 525 Roughing it. Clemens 45-5 r 9 Round, W. M. F. (P. Pennot.) Achsah. . .52.613 Round Robin series: Damen's ghost 52.718 Desmond hundred, The 5 2 -7i9 Doctor Ben 52,720 Dorothea 52.721 Georgians 52. 722 Homoselle S 2 -7 2 3 Leone 52, 724 Lesson in love, A , 52. 725 Madame Lucas 52. 726 Nameless nobleman 5 2 - 7 2 7 Patty's perversities , 5 2 -7 2 8 Rosemary and rue 52.611 Tallahasse girl, A 52.612 Rousselet, L. Serpent charmer 52.614 Rowcroft, J. Bushrangers of Van Dieman's land 5 2 -6i5 Roxy. Eggle'ston 47. 322 Roy, G. Generalship; how I managed my husband 52.616 Ruby Gray's strategy. Stephens 53- 7 ' 5 Ruby's husband. Terhune 53.419 Ruffini, G. Doctor Antonio 5 2 -6i7 Rumor. Sheppard 5 2 - 3 J 6 Rumseller's daughter. Brown 44. 1 29 Runaway match. Wood 54 22 x Ruskin, J. King of the golden river. In little classics. Childhood, vol. 10. Russell. James 49-435 Russell, C. W. Fall of Damascus 52.618 Russian Princess, A. Gon/ales 48.622 Ruth Erskine's crosses. Alden 44-825 Rutledge. Harris 48.316 Rydberg, V. Last Athenian, The 5 2 -69 S., M. E. W. Sarcasm of destiny 52.625 Sad fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton. Cross.46.714 St. Andre, G. de. Madame Pompadour's gar- ter 52.626 St. Elmo. Wilson 54-3*3 St. Leger. Kimball 49- 2 4 2 St. Martin's Eve. Wood 54- 222 St. Pierre, B. de. Paul and Virginia 5 2 62 7 38 ST. SERGEANT. St. Ronan's Well. Scott 52415 St. Simon's neice. Benedict 44-414 Saintine, X. B See Boniface, J. X. Saints and Sinners. Cherbuliez 45 631 Sala, G. A. Quite alone 52 620 Salathiel, the wandering Jew, Croley 46.821 Salem. Castleton 45 734 Salvage. No Name series 51 .727 Samantha at the centennial. (Josiah Aliens wife.) Holley 49.827 Sam La wson's Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe.53.6i7 Sam Slick. Haliburton 48. 538 Samuel Brohl & Co, Cherbuliez.. 45.632 Sand, George See Dudevant, Alme. Sarah de Berenger. . Ingelow 49-4 J 6 Saratoga in 1901. Lanclon 5 l -S 2 ^ Sarcasm cf destiny. M. E. W. S 52.625 Satanstoe. Cooper 45.216 Saunders, J. Israel Mort Overman 52.621 Saunders, K. High mills 52.621 Sauzade, J. S. (James Payn.) At her mercy. 5 1.511 Best of husbands 5!-5 12 County family 45- 224 Fallen fortunes 5 1 3 ! 3 Garret van Horn 52.623 Murphy's master 5I-5H What he cost her S l -5 1 S Woman's vengeance 51.516 Won, not wooed : 5 l -5 l 7 Savage, M. J. Bluffton, a story of to-day. ..52.624 Saveli's expiation. Durand 47-5 2 5 Savin, Una. The little gentleman in green. .52.622 Saxe Holm stories. First series 49 829 Second series 49.830 Say and seal. Warner 54.616 Sazerac lying club. Hart 48.319 Scarlet letter. Hawthorne 48.227 Scenes of clerical life. Cross 46.715 Schmid, H. Habermeister 52.629 Schoolmaster's trial. Perry S^SSO Schwartz, Mrs. M. S, Gerda 52.630 Scintillations. Heine 48.132 Scott, Sir W. Abbot 52.631 Anne of Geierstein 5 2 -5 J 4 Antiquary 52.632 Betrothed 5 2 -633 Black dwarf 52. 5 1 1 Bride of Lammermoor 5 2 -5 12 Castle dangerous 5 2 -5J3 Chronicles of the Canongate. .52.514 and 52.633 Count Robert of Paris 52. 5 1 5 Scott Fair maid of Perth 5 2 -5i6 Fortunes of Nigel 5 2 -S l 7 Guy Mannering 52.518 Heart of Mid Lothian S 2 -S 1 9 Highland widow 52.633 Ivanhoe 52.520 Kenil worth 5 2 -5 21 Legend of Montrose 52. 5 1 1 Monastery 52. 522 Old Mortality 52. 523 Peveril of the peak 52 524 Pirate 52.411 Quentin Durward 52.412 Redgauntlet 52.413 Rob Roy 52-414 St. Ronan's well 5 2 -4 r 5 Surgeon's daughter and glossary to novels. .,52.416 Tales of a grandfather. 4 vols 52.417 Talisman 52.418 Two drovers S 2 -5 1 4 Waverly 52.419 Woodstock 52.420 Scottish chiefs. Porter 51.428 Scouring of the white horse. Hughes 49-513 Scrope; or the lost library. Perkins ... 5i-5 2 8 Scudder, H. E. Stories and romances 52.421 Scudder, M. L. Jr. Almost an Englishman.. 52 422 Sea and Shore. Malot 50. 320 Sea and Shore. Warfield 54.613 Sea lions Cooper 45-217 Seaboard parish. Macdonald 50.424 Seaforth. Montgomery 5-i39 Sealed orders. Phelps 5 I -54 I Sebastian Strome. Hawthorne 48.217 Second cousin Sarah. Robinson 52,812 Second thoughts. Broijghton 44. 128 Second wife. John 49-33 Secret of the Andes, The. Hassaureck 48.333 Sedgwick, Miss C. Hope Leslie, 2 vols 52.423 Liu woods, 2 vols 52.424 Married or single ? 2 vols 5 2 -4 2 5 Seedtime and harvest . Reuter S 1 - 122 Seelye, Lillie Eggleston See Eggleston, E. Semuller, .V.-*. A. M. Reginald Archer. .. .52.426 Self. Springer 53.824 Self raised. Southworth 52.126 Sense and Sensibility. Austen 44.621 Sentimental journey. Sterne 53-719 Septimus Felton. Hawthorne .48.228 Sergeant Atkins. Donaldson 5 2 -427 SERMONS SMITH. 39 Sermons, letters, etc. Sterne 53719 Sermons out of church. Craik 45. 121 Serpent charmer. Rousselet 52.614 Settlers in Canada. Marryat 50.218 Sevenoaks. Holland 49.824 Severance, M. S. Hammersmith: his Har- vard days 52,428 Sewell, Miss E. M. .Laneton parsonage, 2 vols 52 429 Margaret Percival, 3 vols 52.430 Ursula, 2 vols S 2 -3 11 Seymour, C. A. College widow 52.312 Shadow of Ashlydyat. Wood 54.223 Shadow of the sword. Buchanan 45.812 Shakespeare's heroines. Clarke 45 .644 Shandon bells. Black See Sea Side Sheldon. Browne's triumph 52.313 Shelley, Mary W. Frankenstein ; or the mod- ern Prometheus 42.314 Charles Auchester , 52.315 Sheppard, Elizabeth S.' (E. fierger), Rumor. 52. 316 Sherwood, Jack 52 .317 Shiftless folks. Smith, F. N 52.219 Shillaber, B. P. (Mrs. Partington.) Ike Partington and his^friends 52,318 Knitting work 52-319 Shirley. Nicholls 5 I -7 I 3 Shocking story, A. Collins 45-426 Shorthouse, Mrs. J. H. John Inglesant. . . .52.320 Shuman, H. Loves of a lawyer 52 321 Sidonie, the sorceress. Meinhold 50. 1 18 Sidonie, Daudet 46.626 Siege of London, The. James 49-443 Sights and insights. 2 vols. Whitney 54-4*6 Signa Rame 51 211 Signal man, The. Dickens. In little clas- sics. Mystery, vol. 8. Signing the contract. Finley 47-236 Signer Moraldini's niece. Tucker 53-21 1 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Lucy Howard's jour- nal 52.322 Silas Marner. Cross 46.716 and 46.715 Silent and true. Fleming 47. 1 1 1 Silent partner. Phelps 51 .542 Silent struggles. Stephens 53-7 J 6 Silent witness. Yates 54 1 18 Simms, W. G. Beauchampe 52.323 Simple story. Inchbald 49-413 Simpleton. Reade 51.229 and 51.111 Sinclair, C. Jane Bouverie 52.324 Woman in black 52. 325 Singleheart and doubleface. Reade ,51.112 Sir Brook Fossbroke. Lever 50. 834 Sir Gibbie, Macdonald 50.425 Sir Jasper Carew. Lever 50. 711 Sir Jasper's tenant. Braddon.... -...See Sea Side Sir Launcelot Graves, The adventures of. Smollett 52.221 Sir Loin. Oliphant 51.627 Sir Noel's heir. Fleming 47.233 Sirven and Leverdier. Nana's daughter 52.326 Sister Louise. Melville See Sea Side Sisters, The. Ebers .....47.414 Six nights with the Washingtonians. Arthur. 44. 723 Six of one by half a dozen of the other. Hale, Stowe and others 4^.533 Six to one; a Nantucket idyl. Anon 52327 Six years later; or the taking of the Bastille. Dumas .... , 47-635 Skeleton in the closet. Hale. In little clas- sics. Laughter, vol. 5. Skeleton in the house. Spielhagen. 53-8i5 Sketches, by Boz. Dickens 46.113 Sketches, old and new. Clemens 45.520 Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. Charles 45.622 Sketches of Irish character. Hall 48.539 Sketches of young couples and gentlemen. Dickens 46. 1 14 Slaves of the ring. Robinson 52.813 Sleeping car. Howells 49. 63 1 Smart, C. Driven from the path 52. 328 Smith, Alex. Alfred Hogart's household 52.329 Miss Oona McQuarrie 5 2 -33O Smith, F. N. Peace Pelican, spinster 52.218 Shiftless folks 52.219 Smith, J. E. Oakridge 52.220 Smith, H. S. (ffesba Stretton.) Bede's chanty 52.213 Brought home 52.214 Cobwebs and cables 52.215 In prison and out $2.216 Through a needle's eye 52.217 Smith, Julie P. Blossom Bud and her gen- teel friends. .' 52-331 Chris and Otho 52.332 Courting and farming 52. 333 Kiss and be friends 5 2 -334 Lucy 52.335 Married belle 52-336 Ten old maids 52-337 Widow Goldsmith's daughter 52 21 1 40 SMITH -STKI'lIENS. Smith (continued) Widower 52.212 Smoke. Turgeniff. 53. 140 Smoked glass. Newell 51-837 Smollett, T. Col lected works 52. 22 1 CONTENTS. Adventures of Peregrine Sir Liuncelet Greaves. I'ickle. Expedition of Humphrey Adventures of Ferdinand Clinker, Count Fathom. History and adventures of Roderick Random. an atom. Snarleyow. Marryat 50.219 Snow-image. Hawthorne 48.229 Snow man. Dudevant 47-721 Sola See. Anderson, 0. S. L. Soldiers' orphans. Stephens 53-7 1 ? Solid for Mulhooly. Anon 52.222 Solomon Isaacs. Farjeon 47.225 Some folks. Hahberton 48. 520 Some other folks. McLean 50. 1 1 5 Some women's hearts. Moulton 51.815 Somebody's Ned. Freeman 48.712 Somebody's neighbors. Cooke 45-434 Sommers, J. Heavenward led 52.223 Sonia. Durand See Sea Side Sorrows of Werther. Goethe 48.620 Southbreaker, The. Spofford. In little clas- sics. Romance, vol. 7th. South Meadows. Disosway 46.120 Southern woman's story. Pember 51.524 Eouthworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Beautiful fiend 52.225 Bride's fate 52. 226 Changed brides 52.227 Curse of Clifton =2.228 Deserted wife . . . 52 229 Discarded daughter 52. 1 1 1 Fair play 52.112 Fallen pride 52. 113 Family doom 52.1 14 Fatal marriage 52.115 Haunted homestead 52.116 India 52.117 Lady of the isle 52. 1 18 Lost heir of Linlithgow 52. 1 19 Maiden widow 52. 1 20 Mother-in-law 52.121 Noble lord 52.122 Phantom wedding 52.123 Prince of darkness 52. 124 Retribution 52. 125 Self-raised 51.126 Sybil Brotherton 52. 127 Southworth (continued) Tried for her life 52.128 Victor's triumph 52.129 Vivia 5 2 -!30 Souvestre, S. E. Attic' philosopher in Paris. 52.224 Spanish papers. Irving See, Belles Lettres Cparhawk, F. B. Lazy man's work 53-8n Spellbound. Dumas 47-636 Spicy. Lamb 49- '34 Spielhagen, F. Hammer and anvil 53-8i2 Lady Clara de Vere 53-8i3 Problematic characters 53 814 Skeleton in the house 53 .815 Through night to light 53 816 What the swallow sang 53.8i6A Spindler, C. The Jew 53-8i7 Spinoza. Auerbach, B 44613 Spirite. Gautier 48.738 Spiritualists and the detectives. Pinkerton. .51.419 Spofford, Mrs. H. P. Amber gods and other stories . 53'8!8 Azarian 53-8l9 D'Outre mort, in little classics. Intellect, vol. 2 49.216 Hester Stanley at St. Mark's 53.820 Marquis of Carabas 53-821 Ray, in little classics. Heroism, vol. u. Thief in the night. Spoopendyke Set Huntley, S. Spoopendyke, Mr. and Mrs. Huntley 49-4 11 Spotswood,*Mrs. L. A. Fentons 53,822 Sprague, M. A. Earnest trifler 53.823 Spring floods. Turgeneiff 53. 141 Springer, R. R. Self 53.824 Spurr. G. G. Land of gold, a tale of '49. . .53.825 Spy. Cooper 45- 218 Squire Trevlyn's heir. Wood 54.224 Squire's legacy. Hay 48.223 Stael-Holestein, Mine. de. Corinne, or Italy.53.826 Stahr, Mme A. W. T. (Fanny Lewald). Hulda 53-827 Lake house 53 .828 Steam house. Verne. Parti. Demon of Cawnpore 54-83 1 Part II. Tigers and traitors 54-7" Stephen Archer. MacDonald 50.426 Stephen Dare. Douglas 47-829 Stephens, Mrs. A. S. Curse of gold 53-829 Doubly false 53-83 Fashion and famine 53-831 Lord Hope's choice 53 .832 STEPHENS SUSAN. Stephens (continued) Mabel's mistake 53 .833 Married in haste 53 -834 Mary Derwent 53 .825 Noble woman 53 .826 Norston's rest 53.811 Old countess 53-7*2 Reigning belle 53-7*3 Rejected wife 53-7*4 Ruby Gray's strategy : 53-7*5 Silent struggles 53-7*6 Soldier's orphans 53-7*7 Wife's secret 53-7*8 Stepping heavenward . Prentiss 51 .436 Stern necessity. Robinson 52.814 Sterne, L. Works of 53-7*9 CONTENTS. Life and opinions of Tris- Sentimental journey tram Shandy, gent. through France and Sermons, letters, Juvenile Sword of Damocles. Green 48.630 Sybil Brotherton. Southworth 52.127 Sybil Spencer . Kent 49. 240 Sydnie Adriance. Douglas 47.830 Sylvan Holt's daughter. Parr 51 .644 Sylvesters, The. Edwards 47-3'6 Sylvester Sound . Cockton 45. 528 Sylvia's Bethrothed. Durand . Christine. Arbouville, Countess d', v. ">. College theatricals, v. 1. Colonna, the painter, v. 1. Deveretix hall. Southey, Mrs. C. A. ]{., v. 1. Di Vassari, a tale of Flor- rence. Edwards, C., v. 8. Duelists, The, v. 9. Duke's dilemma, The, v. 3. Emerald studs, The. Ay- touu.W. E., v. 5. Enchanter Faustus and Queen Elizabeth, The, v. 1. Fatal repast, The. v. 9. Father Tom and the Pope, v. 3. First and last. Mudford, w., v. :t. First and last kiss. The. v. 9. Floating beacon.The, v. 1. Florida pirate, The, v. '.-. Forrest-race romance, v. 8. Harry Boltous's curacy. v. 9. Haunted and the haunt- ITS, The, v. 9. Headsman, The, v. 3. How I became a yeoman. Aytoun, W. E., v. 1. How I stood for the Deep- daily Burghs. Aytouu, W. E., v. 3 How w<- got possession of the Tuileries. Aytoun, W. E., v. 5. How we got up the Glen- mutchkin railway. Ay- toun, W. E., v. 1. Iron shroud, The. Mud- ford, W., v. 1. Lazaro's legacy. Hamley, E. B., v. 1. Legend of Gibraltar, A. Hamley, E. B., v. 1. Magic lay of the one-horse chay (poem.) Hughes, J., v. 3. Man in the bell, The. v. 5. Ifetempayehoalft, The. Macnisli, K., v. 1. My college friends. Rus- sell, C., v. 3. My college friends (No. 2). Leicester, H., v. 5. My college friends (No. 3). Hurst, W. W., v. 5. My English acquaintance. ILirdman, F. v. 7. My friend the'lJutchman. Hardman. F., v. 5. Murderer's last night, The. Doubleday. T., v. 7. Napoleon (poem). Lock- hart, J. G., v. 1. Narration of certain un- common things that did formerly happen to me. Willis. Herbert, v. 7. Old gentleman's teetotum, The, v. 3. Tales (continuril) Pandourand his prii. The, v. 9. Petite Madelaine, La. Southey, Mrs. C. A. B., v. :;. Reading party in the long vacation, A., v. 3. Hosnura: a tale of Mad- rid, v.9. Sigismund Fatello, v. 8. Singular letter from South- ern Africa, A. Mitchell, W., v. 5. Smuggler's leap, The, Hardman, F., v. 9. Story without a tail, A. Maginn, W., v. 1. Surveyor's tale, The. Ay- toun; W. E., v. 8. Vmiderdecken's u. home, v. 1. Village doctor, The. Ar- bouville, Countess d', v. .'.. Vision of 0-igliostro, The, Kent, W. C., v. 9. ! he. v. 7. Wearyful woman, The. Gait, J., v. 3. Wet wooing, The, v. 7 Woe to us when we loose the watery wall (poem), v. 3. Tales from the German. Tales from the operas. Tales of a grandfather. Tales of a traveler. Lettres Tales of all countries. Tales of the Argonauts. Heyse 49.811 Pardon 5 1 .640 Scott. 4 vols 52.417 Irving. See Belles Trollope 53. 130 Harte 48.328 Tales of the borders. Wilson. 10 vols 54-315 Tales of the white hills. Hawthorne 48.222 Tales of woman's trials. Hall 48.540 Tales upon texts. Adams 44.814 Talisman. Scott "52.418 Tallahassee girl, A. Thompson. Round robin series 52.612 Tancred. Disraeli 47.812 Tangled. Carew 45-726 Tautphceus, J. M. Baronin von. At odds. 53.517 Cyrilla 53-5i8 Initials 53-5*9 Taylor, B. F. Three November days. In little classics. Heroism, vol. 2. Taylor, J . B . Beauty and the beast 53 .520 Hannah Thurston 53 .521 John Godfrey's fortunes 53. 522 Joseph and his friend 53-523 Story of Kennett 53-524 Taylor, C. B. Legends and records 53-525 Taylor, E. Blind pits 53-526 Quixstar 53-5 2 7 TAYLOR TOILERS. 43 Taylor, G. Antinous 53-528 Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet. Eggle- ston ". 47-329 Temperance Keepsake, the. Arthur 44-724 Tempest and sunshine. Holmes 49-724 Temple House. Stoddard, E. D. E 53-724 Ten acres enough. Anon 53. 529 Ten old maids. Smith 52.337 Ten thousand a year. Warren 54-521 Ten times one is ten. Hale 48. S3 2 Tenant of Wildfell hall. Bronte 44. 1 18 Tenney, E. P. Agamenticus 53-53 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. H. Alone 53-53 1 At last 53.532 Empty heart, or husks 53- 533 From my youth up 53- 535 Handicapped 53' 53^ Helen Gardner's wedding day 53-41 1 Hidden path 53-412 Husbands and homes 53-4!3 Husks, (same as empty heart) 53-534 Jessamine 53-4 T 4 Judith 53-4I5 Moss-side 53-4 ! 6 My little love 53-4!7 Nemesis 53-4 J 8 Ruby's husband 53-4'9 Sunny bank . . '. 53-42O True as steel 53 421 Terrible secret. Fleming 47.112 Terrible temptation. Reade 51. 113 Thacher, M. P. Seashore and prairie 53.421 A Thackeray, Miss A. J. See Ritchie, Mrs. A. J. Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of Philip. .53.422 Book of snobs 53-4 2 3 Denis Duval 53-424 Henry Esmond and memoirs of Barry Lyndon 53-4 2 5 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Irish and Paris sketch book 53-427 Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town 53-429 Newcomes 53-43 and 53.31 1 Pendennis 53-312 Vanity fair 53-3'3 Virginians 53' 3*4 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter 51-429 Thankful blossom . Harte 48. 329 That beautiful wretch. Black 44-434 That boy of Norcott's. Lever 5-7i2 Thayer, W. R. In the meshes 53-315 The Arab wife. Anon 44-714 The burglar's fate and the detectives. Pink- erton 51414 The fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White. .54.533 Their wedding journey. Mowells 49-632 Theo. Burnett 45-713 Theo Leigh. Thomas 46.729 Theresa's journal. Pressense 5I-3H Theuriet, A. Antoinette 53-3i6 Gerard's marriage 53-317 Godson of a marquis 58.318 House of the two Barbels 53-319 Raymonde 53-32O They all do it. Bailey, J. M 44-625 Thief in the night. Spofford See little classics Thiodolf the Icelander. Fouque 48.829 Thomas, Annie See Cudlip, P. Thompson, D. P. Green mountain boys. . .52. 6nA Thompson, Maurice. A Tallahassee girl. Round robin series 52.612 Thompson, W. P. Major Jones' courtship. 53. 321 Thomson, M. (Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P. B.) Elephant club 53-322 Plu-ri-bus-tah 53-3 2 3 Thorpe regis. Peard 51.520 Three clerks. Trollope 53. 131 Three cutters. Marryat 50.214 Three exclamations. "! ! !" Hepworth 48.133 Three feathers. Black 44. 320 Three guardsmen. Dumas 47-637 Three musketeers. Dumas 47-5" Three November days. Taylor. In Ijttle classics. Heroism, v. 2. Threefold destiny. Hawthorne. In little classics. Fortune, v. 12. Through a needle's eye. Smith 52.217 Through night to light. Spielhagen 53-8i6 Through one administration. Burnett 45-7'4 Through winding ways. Olney 5 I -63i Thrown together. Montgomery 5- 1 4 Thwarted. Montgomery 50. 141 Tiger lilies. Lanier 49- '35 Tincker, M. A. By the Tiber 53-325 Jewel in the Lotos 53-3 2 4 Signor Monalciini's niece 53-21 1 Tissot and Amero. Exiles. A Russian story S3- 212 Titan. Richter S"-' 26 To leeward. Crawford 46.818 Tobias Wilson. Clements, J 45-515 Toilers of the sea. Hugo 49-5 2 4 TOLSTAY TWO. Tolstay, Count L. The Cossacks .......... 53-213 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes ........... 49. 314 Tom Brown's school days. Hughes ........ 49-5 1 5 Tom Burke of "Ours." Lever ............. 50.713 Tom Pippin's weeding. Pullen ............ 5'- 3*5 Tom's wile. Anon ....................... 53-214 Tony Builer. Lever .................... 50.7 13A Too bright ^o last. Anon .................. 53-215 Too good for him. Church ...... .......... 45-640 Too rich. Streckfuss ...................... 53.621 Total depravity of inanimate things. Walker. In lilile classics. Laughter, v. 5. Tourgee, A. W. An appeal to Caesar ...... 53. 216 Bricks without straw ..................... S3- 21 7 Figs and thistles ........................ 53-2i8 Fool's errand ........................... 53- 2I 9 Hot plowshares ......................... 53. 220 Invisible empire ........................ 53.221 Tower of Percemont. Dudevant ........... 47.722 Towhead. McLean ...................... 50.116 Townsend, Virginia F. Hollands ........ 53-22IA Lenox Dare ............................ 53-222 Mills of Tuxbury ........................ 52.223 Only girls ....................... - ...... 53.223A That queer girl ........................ 53.223B Trading, Warner ........................ 54-5^ Trafton, Adeline. An American girl abroad. 53.224 Katherme Earle ........................ 53. 225 Tragedy. Little classics, vol. 3. John- son, ed ............................... 49.222 Tragedy of the unexpected, and other stoiies. Tramp ab.oad. Clemens ................ 45-. ;2 3 Treason at home. Greenough ............ 48.634 Trials of Raissa. Durand ................ 47-526 Tribulations of a Chinaman. Verne ...... 54.712 Tricotrin. Rame ........................ 51-213 Tried for her life. Southworth ............. 52. 128 Tristram Shandy. Sterne ...... .......... 53-719 Tritons. Bynner ......................... 45-719 Triamph over Midian. A. L. O. E ......... 44.616 Trois-Etoiles .................... See Muuay, G. Trollope, A. Ayala's angel ......... See Sea Side. Be.irams .............................. 53.226 Can you forgive her .................... 53. 227 Castle Richmond ...................... 53-228 Claverings .............................. 53. 1 1 1 Cousin Henry ..................... See Sea Side Doctor Thorne .......................... 53-H2 Doctor Wortle s school ............. See Sea Side Duke's children ................. See Sea Side Trollope (continued)^ Eustace diamonds 53- " 5 Framley parsonage 53. 1 16 Keileys and the O'Kelleys 53. 117 Kept in the dark See Sea Side Lady Anna 53- '^ Lady of Launay 53. 1 19 Lo ta Schmidt 53. 120 MacDermots of Ballycloran 53-122 Mias Mackenzie 53. 123 Mr. Scarborough's .family 53- I2 i Orley Farm 53. 1 24 Phineas Finn 53- 12 5 Phineas Redux 53-126 Rachel Ray 53-127 Ralph the heir 53-128 Struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson . . 53. 129 Tales of all countries 53. 1 30 Three cleiks 53-iji Way we live now .... 53. 132 Trollope, Mrs. F. E. Anne Furness . . See Sea Side Tiollope, T. A. Diamond cut diamond 53. 113 Lindisfarne chase 53- ' T 4 Troublesome daughters. Walford 54-721 Trowbridge, J. T. Coupon bonds 53-133 Great match 53- "34 Lucy Arlyn 53- '35 Neighbors' wives 53- J 3^ Tme as steel. Terhune 53-4 21 True history of a little ragamuffin. Green- wood 48-635 True to herself. Robinson 52.815 Trumpet major. Hardy 48.426 Trumps. Curtis 46.616 Tsar's window. Hooper. No name series. .49.614 Turgernieff, I. Dimitre Roudine 53- X 37 Fathers and sons 53- ! 38 On the eve 53- '39 Smoke 53- *4 Spring floods 53- 141 Virgin soil 53. H 2 Twain, Mark See Clemens, S. L. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne. 54. 7 1 3 Twenty year* after. Dumas 47-5 12 Twice told tales. Hawthorne 48.230 Twins of Table mountain. Harte 48.330 Twist hammer and anvil. Benedict 44-415 Two admirals. Cooper 45- 2I 9 Two ur.ionesses. Anderson 44-7 12 Two captains, The. Fouque 48.828 Two circuits. Crane 46.813 TWO VILLETTE. Two destinies. Collins ' 45-4 2 7 Two drovers. Scott 52.514 Two marriages. Craik 45.123 Two men, Stoddard 53-725 Two men of Sandy Bar. Harte 48.331 Two on a tower. Hardy 48.427 Two years ago. Kingsley 49-**7 Tylney hall. Hood 49-613 Typhaines abbey. Gobineau 48.618 Tytler, C. C. F. Jonathan 53-143 Mistress Judith 53. 144 Tytler, S See Keddie, Miss H. Uarda. Ebers 47-4*5 Ulbach, L. Madame Gosselin 54-8* * Unawares, Peard 5*-5 2 * Uncle Gabe Tucker. Macon 50.313 Uncle Jack's executors. Noble 5*-7*6 Uncle Remus. Harris 48.429 Uncle Tom's cabin. Stowe 53-6i8 Uncommercial traveler. Dickens 46. 1 1 6 Under g?:een apple boughs. Campbell 45-7 2 5 Under life's key and other stories. Hay. See Sea Side. Under Slieve-Ban. Francillon ....48.830 Under the bells. Kip 49.126 Under the greenwood tree. Hardy 48. 428 Under the tricolor. Hooper 49-6i5 Under two flags. Rame 51-214 Undiscovered country. Howells 49-51 1 Unexpected result, An. Roe. 52.711 Unkind word. Craik 45-124 Unknown to history. Yonge 54. 129 Unspoken sermons. Macdonald 50.430 Urbane and his friends. Prentiss 5 I -437 Ursula. Sewell, 2 vols 52.311 Vagabondia. Burnett 45-7*5 Vale of cedars. Aguilar 44. 820 Valentine, Mrs., ed. Eastern tales 54.812 Valentine the countess. Bauer 44-5 2 5 Valerie, Marryat 50. 220 Valerie, K. S See Washburn Van Dyke, T. S. Flirtation camp; or rifle, rod and gun in California 54-813 Van Loon, Mrs. E. Mystery of Allanwold. .54.814 Vanity fair. Thackeray 53-313 Vashti. Wilson 54-314 Vathek. Beckfoid 44. 526 Vaughn, F. Kate Weathers 54-8i5 Vendetta, The. De Balzac 44 517 Verdant Green, The adventures of Mr. Bradley 44-234 Verne, Edna. Fidelite 54-7*4 Verne, Jules. Adventures in the land of the Behemoth 54-8i6 Around the world in eighty days 54-8i7 Begum's fortune 54-8i8 Cryptogram 54-8i9 Desert of ice 54.820 Doctor Ox 54-821 Five weeks in a baloon 54.822 Floating city 54-823 Fur country 54- 824 Hector Servadoc 54-825 Verne (continued) In search of the castaways 54.825 A Journey to the centre of the earth 54.826 Jungada, or eight hundred leagues on the Amazon 54-827 Michael Strogoff 54.828 Mysterious island 54-829 Off on a comet 54.830 Steam house. Part I. -Demon of Cawnpore. 54.831 Part II. Tigers and traitors 54.7 n Tribulations of a Chinaman 54.712 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. . . .54.713 Winter on the ice 54.821 Verner's pride. Wood 54-225 Veronica. Latimer 49. 139 Very hard cash. Reade 51. 224 Very young couple. By author of "Mrs. Jerningham's journal." 54-7*5 Vestigia. Fleming 47-1*9 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith 48.621 Vicar's daughter. Macdonald 50.427 Vice versa. Guthrie 48.514 Victor Norman. Denison 46. 526 Victor's triumph. Southworth 52.129 .Villa on the Rhine. Auerbach. 2 vols 44.614 Village commune. Rame 5*-2i5 Viliari, L. In change unchanged 54-7*6 Villette, Nichols 5*. 7*4 46 VINETA WESTWARD. Vineta, the phantom city. Buerstenbinder. 45.816 Vingut, G. F. de. Naomi Torrento 54-717 Virgin Soil. Turgenieff 53. 142 Virginians. Thackeray 53-31 Virginians in Texas. Baker 44-51 Viva. Forrester 48.821 Vivia. Southworth 52.130 Vivian Grey. Disraeli 47.813 Volckhausen, A. von. Why did he not die. 54.718 Waiting for the verdict. Davis 46.631 Wakefield. Hawthorne. In little classics, Mystery, v. 2. Waldfried. Auerbach 44-615 Walford, Mrs. L. B. Dick Netherby 54-719 Pauline 54-72O Troublesome daughters 54-721 Walker, Mrs. E. A. Total depravity of in- animate things. In little classics. Laughter, v. 5. Wallace, L. Ben Hur, a tale of the Christ.. 54. 722 Fair God 54-723 Wallace, Susan E. The storied sea 54-724 Wallis, J. C. A prodigious fool 54-7 2 5 Walt and Vult. Richter 51-127 Wandering heir. Reade 51 .229 and 51.111 and 51.114. Wandering Jew. Sue 53-5 11 Wanted, a pedigree. Finley 47-237 Warburton, E. Reginald Hastings 54-726 Ware, W. Aurelian 54-727 J ulian 54. 728 Zenobia 54. 729 Warfield, Mrs. C. A. Cardinal's daughter. .54.730 Double wedding 54.731 Feme Fleming 54.732 Household of Bouverie 54-6i i Miriam's memoirs 54.612 Sea and Shore 54-6i3 Warlock of Glenwarlock. Macdonald 50.428 Warner, A. B. Dollars and cents 54-614 Warner, Chas. Dudley. B.ick log studies. 54.6I3A Warner, S. and A. B. Gold of Chickaree. .54.615 Say and seal 54.616 Witch hazel 54-6i7 Warner, Susan. Daisy 54-6 1 8 Diana 54.619 End of a coil 54.620 Hills of the Shatemuc 54.621 Letter of credit 54.622 Melbourne house 54. 6230 My desire 54-624 Nobody 54-625 Old helmet 54.626 Warner (continued) Opportunities 54-5" Pine needles 54-512 Red wallflower 54-513 Queechy -'54-514 Tra ding 54.515 What she could 54-5i6 Wide, wide world 54-517 Willow brook 54,518 Warren, S. Adventures of an attorney in search of practice...., 54. 5 19 Experiences of a barrister 54. 520 Ten thousand a year 54-521 Washburn, C. A. 'Gomery of Montgomery. 54.522 Philip Thaxter 54-523 Washburn, K. S. (Katherine Valeria) Ina. 54.524 Washburn, W. T. Fair Harvard 54-5 2 5 Washington Square. James, Jr 49-444 Watch and ward. James 49-445 Water-witch. Cooper 45.220 Waterloo. Erckmann-Chatrian 47.214 Watterson, Henry, ed. Oddities of South- ern life and character 54-526 Waverly. Scott 52.419 Way we live now. Trollope 53. 132 Ways of the hour. Cooper 45-221 We and our neighbors. Stowe 53 619 We girls. Whitney 54-4i8 We and the world. Ewing 47-219 Webb, J. W. Altowan, or life in the Rocky mountains 54. 527 Wedding garments. McLain 50. 1 13 Weighed and wanting. Macdonald. See Sea Side. Wellfields. Fothergill 48.826 Wells, David A. Robinson Crusoe's money. 54. 528 Wenderholme. Ilamerton 48.412 Wept of Wish-ton-wish. Cooper 45.222 Werner, E Sec Buerstenbinder, E. West lawn. Holmes 49-725 Westcott, M. Bessie Wilmerton 54-529 Western clearings. Kirkland 49.128 Westward, ho ! the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyaa Leigh. Kingsley 49. 1 18 WETHERELL WOOD. 47 Wetherell affair. De Forest 46.638 Wetherell. E See Warner, S. Wetherell; J. Wings 54-53 What answer? Dickinson 46.118 What came afterwards. Arthur 44.725 What can she do? Roe. 52.712 What can woman do ? Arthur. 44.726 What career? Hale 48. 536 What he cost her. Sauzade Si-S'S What I know about Ben Eccles. Holt 49.612 What she could. Warner 54 .516 What the swallow sang. Spielhagen 53.8i6A What will he do with it ? Lytton 2 vols. . .50.519 Which shall it be? Hector 48.121 Whitcher, F. M. Widow-Bedott papers 54-531 White, A. L. Dr. Hildreth 54-532 White, Richard Grant. The fate of Mans- field Humphreys 54- 533 White as snow. Mayo 50.235 White Jacket. Melville 50. 125 White lies. Reade S I - II S White phantom. Braddon 44 .233 White rose of Langley. Holt 49.611 White wings. Black . 44.321 Whiteladies. Oliphant 51.628 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Faith Gartney's girlhood 54-534 Gay worthys 54. 535 Hitherto 54-41 1 Odcl or even 54-412 Other girls 54-4J3. Patience Strong's outings 54-414 Real folks 54-4*5 Sights and insights 54.416 Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life 54.417 We girls 54.4*8 Zerub Throop's experiment 54-419 Whom Kathie married. Douglas 47-831 Why did he not die? Volckhausen 54-7i8 Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. Clive -45.527 Wichert, E. Green gate 54.420 Wide, wide world. Warner _, 54.517 Widow Bedott papers. Whitcher 54-531 Widow Goldsmith's daughter. Smith 52.211 Widow Lerouge. Gaboriau 48.724 Widow of Windsor. Gaskell 48.730 Widower. Smith 52.212 Wife's secret. Stephens. . . 53-7i8 Wife's tragedy. Fleming 47-H3 Wife's trials. Pardoe 51-639 Wild as a hawk. Mac Quoid 50.312 Wild work. Bryan 45,811 Wilfred Cumberraede. Macdonald 50.429 Wilhelm Meister. Goethe 48.620 Wilkins, W. A. Cloverdale mystery 54-421 Will Denbigh, nobleman. No name series. .51.728 William Allair. Wood , 54.226 Willis, N. P. Beauty and the beast. In little classics, Life, v. 4. Willow Brook. Warner 54-5*8 Willy Keilly and his dear coleen bawn. Carle- ton 45-729 V/ilson, Mrs. A. J. (Augusta Evans.) Beu- lah ....-: 54.422 Inez 54 423 Infelice 54. 3 1 1 Macaria 54-312 St. Elmo 54-3*3 Vashti 54-3I4 Wilson, J. M. ed. Tales of the borders-, 10 vols 54.3 15 Winchester, Carroll. From Madge to Mar- garet 54-3I6 Wings. Wetherell 54-53 Winter on the ice. Verne 54.821 Winter story. Peard 5 I -5 22 Winthrop, T. Cecil Dreeme 54-31? Edwin Brothertoft 54-3*8 John Brent 54-3*9 Wit and wisdom of George Eliot . Anon 54, 320 Within an ace. Jenkins 49-3*4 Within an inch of his life. Gaboriau 48.725 Within the maze. Wood 54- 22 7 Without a home. Roe 52.713 Wives and daughters. Gaskell 48.735 Wizard's son. Oliphant 51.629 Woman against woman. Church 45-64* Woman hater. Reade 51.116 Woman in black. Sinclair 52.325 Woman in prison. Woods 54. 228 Woman in white. Collins 45-4 2 ^ Woman's friendship. Aguilar 44.821 Woman's kingdom. Craik 45 . 1 25 Woman's ransom, A. Robinson 42.816 Woman's reason, A. Howells 49- 5 12 Woman's vengance. Sauzade 5*-5*6 Woman's wrong. Eiloart 47-33 Won, not wooed. Sauzade 5*-5*7 Wonderful woman. Fleming 47. 1 14 Wood, G. Gates wide open 54-3 21 Wood, Mrs. H. Bessie Rane 54-3 2 3 Castle's heir 54-3 2 4 48 WOOD ZICCI. Wood, (cotitinued) Channings 54- 2 n Dene hollow 54 212 East Lynne 54- 2I 3 Elster's folly 54-214 Foggy night at Oxford 54 2I 5 Last Will, The 54.216 Master of Greylands 54 217 Mystery 54-2i8 Red Court farm 54-219 Rowland Yorke 54-22O Runaway match 54- 221 St. Martin's eve 54.222 Shadow bf Ashlydyat 54 223 Squire Trevelyn's heir 54 224 Verner's pride 54- 22 5 William Allair 54 226 Within '.he maze 54- 22 7 Woodbine, The. May. ed 50.228 Woods, C. H. Diary of a milliner 54322 Woman in prison 54-228 Woodstock. Scott 52.420 Wooing o'it. Hector 48. 122 Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge.) For Sum- mer afternoons. (Sketches. ) 45. 31 1 Woolson, C. F. Anne 54. 229 Castle Nowhere. Lake county sketches. . . . 54.230 For the major 54- 2 3* Rodman the keeper and other stories 54. 1 1 1 Word, A, Only a word. Ebers 47-4i6 Woven of many threads. Hamilton 48.415 Wright, C. E. Marcus Blair 54. 1 12 Wright, D. T. Mrs. Armington's ward 54. 113 Wright, Mrs. J. Me. Almost a nun 54. 1 14 Priest and nun 54. 1 1 5 Wuthering heights. Bronte 44. 119 Wyandotte ; or the hutted knoll. Cooper. .45.321 Wych hazel. Warner 54-617 Wylde, Katherine. Dreamer, A 54. 1 16 Wyncott. Erskine 47.216 Wynne, E. Oldcourt 54. 1 17 X. Y. Z. Green 48.631 Xenie's inheritance. Durand 47-5 2 7 Yates, E. Silent witness 54. 1 18 Yellow flag 54. 1 19 Year of wreck, A. By a victim 54. 120 Year worth living. Baker 44. 5 1 1 Yeast. Kingsley 49-H9 Yellow flag. Yates 54 . 1 19 Yelverton, T. L. (Lady Avonmore.) Za- nita : a tale of the Yosemite 54. 121 Yesterday. Anon 54. 122 Yolande. Black 44.322 Yonge, C M. Cameos from English history, from Rollo to Edward II 54. 125 Daisy chain, 2 vols See Sea Side Yonge (continued) Danvers papers, The Disturbing element Dove in the eagle's nest Heir of Redclyffe Love and life Unknown to history Young Parson, The. Anon Young Mrs. Jardine. Craik. Young Musgrave. Oliphant York and Lancaster rose. Keary. Side. 54- ! 2 3 54- ' 2 4 54- I2 6 54- 12 7 54- 12 & 54- 12 9 54- 13 45- I2 ^ See Sea Zanita; tale of the Yosemite. Yelverton 54-i 2 i Zanoni. Lytton 50. 520 Zanobia. or the fall of Palmyra. Ware 54-729 Zerub Throop's experiment. Whitney 54-4'9 Zicci, Lylton 5- 6 ' * SEA SIDE LIBRARY. About, Edmond. Captain Bitterlin. 60.211 Fellah, The 60.212 Romance of a brave man 60. 2 1 3 Tolla ; a tale or modern Rome 60.214 Agnes Grey. Bronte 60.226 Among the hills. Poynter 61.219 Anne Furness. Anon 60.215 Anstey, F. Vice versa. . i 60.221 Anton Malissof. Greville 60. 127 Argles, Mrs. (The Duchess.) How Snook got out ot it ' 60.216 Molly Bawn 69.217 Argles (continued) Phyllis 60.218 Portia 60.219 Artiste. Grant 60.124 Arundel motto. Hay 60 136 As long as she lives. Robinson 61.222 Asphodel. Braddon 60. 234 Auge. Church . ... 60. 1 556 Auld lang syne. Russell 61 . 229 Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice 60.220 Ayala's Angel. Trollope 61.247 Ballroom Repentance. Edwards 60.288 Barmaid of Battleton. Robinson 60. 1 14 Barbara, or splendid misery. Braddon 60.235 Beautiful lady, That. Clay 60.255 Beautiful Miss Barrington. Lee *. 60.160 Belot, Adolphe. Marguerite Lacoste ..60.227 Bell, Acton. (Bronte.) Agnes Grey 60.226 Besant, Walter. Chaplain of the Fleet' 60.228 Beside the river. MacQuoid 60. 1 72 Best for her. Thomas 61.245 Bingham, D. A. Marriages of the Bona- partes 60. 229 Birds of prey. Braddon 60. 236 Black, William, Shandon bells 60.233 Black Robe. Collins 60, 257 Blackmore, R. D. Christowell 60.230 Clara Vaughn 60.231 Lorna Doone 60, 232 Caesar. Froude 60. 1 17 Camp life and spoit in Zulu land. Lucas. . . .60.163 Captain Bitterlin. About 60.211 Carlyle, Thomas. Wylie 61.126 Carlyle, Thomas. Letters and memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. (James Froude, ed.). 60.249 Carmen, Merimee 60.122 Castle Daly. Keary 60. 149 Castle Warlock. Macdonald 60. 167 Bonnie Leslie. Martin. 60. 186 Braddon. Miss M. E. Asphodel 60.234 Barbara, or. splendid misery 60.235 Birds of prey 60. 236 Cloven foot. . . 60.237 Flower and weed 60. 238 Lady's mile, The 60.239 Mistletoe bough 60. 240 Brakespeare. Lawrence 6r. 159 Bright morning. Grant 60.125 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre 60.241 Buried alive; or ten years' penal servitude in Siberia. Dostoyeffsky 60.274 Butler, Lieutenant-Colonel. Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux 60 242 Buxton, B. HT. From the wings 60.243 Cauler. Memoirs of a veteran detective. Reminiscences of Cauler, sometime chief of the detective police of Paris 60.248 Chaplain of the Fleet 60.227 and 60.228 Charlotte, Catherine (Lady Jackson.) The French court and society, Louis XVI and Napoleon 1 60.250 Christowell. Blackmore 60.230 Church, Mrs. R. (Florence Marryat.) Auge.6o.i76 50 CHURCH FOR. Church (continual) Fair haired Alcla 60.177 Love's conflict 60.178 My sister, the actress 60.179 No intentions 60. 180 Petronel 60.181 Root of all evil 60.182 With cupid's eyes 60.183 Clara Vaughn. Blackmore 60.231 Clay, Bertha M. Dora Thome 60.251 From gloom to sunshine 60. 252 Golden heart, A 60. 253 Clay (continued) Hilda 60.254 That beautiful lady 60.255 Cleveden. Yorke 60.256 Daisy chain. Yonge 61 . 130 Daudet, Ernest, ed. Henriette 60.266 De Broglie, Due. Frederick the Second and Maria Theresa 60.267 Dear Lady Disdain . McCarthy 60. 188 Debenham's vow. Edwards 60. 285 Destiny, or the chiefs daughter. Ferrier . . . . 60. u I D'Haussonville, Viscomte. The salon of Madame Necker .'.60.268 D'Hericault, C. 1794: A tale of the terror. .60 269 Dick's wanderings. Sturgis 61.241 Disraeli. Coningshy 60.270 Henrietta Temple 60.271 Sibyl, or the two nations 60.272 Young duke, The 60.273 Doctor Wortle' Trollope 61.248 Eau-de-Nil. Hope-Edwards 60.141 Edwards, Amelia B. Debenham's vow 60 285 In the days of my youth 60. 286 Lord Brackenbury 60, 287 Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Ball room repentance . 60. 288 Jet : her face her fortune 60.289 Clevendale. Yorke 61.127 Cloven foot. Braddon 60.237 Collins, Wilkie. Black robe 60.257 Fallen leaves 60. 258 Jezebel's daughter , 60.259 Law and the, lady 60. 260 Man and wife 60.261 Comet of a season. McCarthy 60.187 Comin' thro' the rye. Mathers 60 184 Coningsby, or the new generation. Disraeli.. 60. 270 Countess Gisela. Marlitt 60.173 Craik, G. M. Dorcas 60.262 Faith Mervin's ordeal 60.263 Half-caste, The 60 264 Cupples, George. Sunken rock, The 60. 1 13 Dolf's big brother. Hay 60.216 Donal Grant. Macdonald 60. 168 Dora Thome. Clay 60.251 Dorcas. Craik 60.262 Dorothy Fox. Parr 61.211 Dorothy's venture. Hay 60. 1 37 DostoyeMsky, Fedor. Buried alive 60.274 Doubting heart. Keary 60.150 Downward path. Gaboriau 60. 120 Drew, Catherine. Lutaniste of St. Jacob's. .60.275 Du Boisgobey, Fortune. Golden pig 60.276 His great revenge 60.277 Matapan affair 60. 278 Mystery of an omnibus 60. 279 Duke's children. Trollope 61.249 Dumas, Alexandre. Sal vator 60. 280 Edwards (continued) Leah ; a woman of fashion 60.290 Edwards, M. B. Kitty 60.292 Egan, P. Quentin Matsys 66,284 Eiloart, Mrs. The love that lived 60.291 Fair-haired Alda Church 60. 177 Faith Mervin's ordeal. Craik 60.263 Fallen leaves. Collins 60. 258 Fated to be free. Ingelow 60 144 Fellah, The. About 60.212 Ferrier, S. E. Destiny; orthe chief sdaugh- Ferrier (continued) ter 60. 1 1 1 Flower and weed. Braddon 60. 238 Foolish virgin. Weed 61118 For cash only. Sauzade 61.213 For love and life. Oliphant 60.195 FORRESTER KOHN. 51 Forrester, Mrs. I have lived and loved 60. 1 12 Queen Elizabeth's garden 60.113 Turn of fortune's wheel 60.114 Young man's fancy 60. 1 1 5 Francillon, R. E. Quits at last 60. 1 16 Frederick the Second and Maria Theresa. de Broglie 60.267 French court and society ; Louis XVI and Napoleon I. Charlotte (Lady Jackson) .60.250 From gloom to sunlight. Clay 60.252 From the wings. Buxton 60.243 Froude, James A. Coesar 60. 1 1 7 Gaboriau, E. Downward path 60.120 Grant. Miss M. Artiste 60.124 Marquise de Erin villiers 60. 121 Thousand francs reward 60. 122 Gabriel. Kohn 60. 1 56 Gaskell, Mrs. North and South 60. 123 George Vanbrugh's mistake. Pritchard 61.220 Golden heart. Clay 60 253 Golden pig. du Boisgobey 60.276 Victor Lescar 60 1 26 Grant, Mrs, Bright morning 60. 125 Grape from a thorn. Sauzade 61.214 Greville, Henry. Anton Malissof 60.127 Niania 60.128 Sonia 60.129 Sylvie's betrothed ,. 60. 130 Grandmother's money. Robinson. 61.224 Grumbler, The. Pickering 61.215 Half-caste. Craik 60.264 Hardy, Thomas. Two on a tower 60. 133 Harwood, J. B. Paul Knox, pitman 60.134 Hatton, Jos. To day in America 60.135 Haunted tower. Wood 61.121 Hay, M. C. Arundel motto 60.136 Dolfs big brother 60.216 Dorpihy 's venture 60 1 37 Under life's key 60, 138 Heartsease. Yonge 61.129 Henrietta Temple. Disraeli 60. 27 1 Henriette ; fragments from the diary of the Marquis de Boisguerny. Daudet, ed . . . . 60. 266 Heyse, Paul. Witch of the Corso 60.139 Hilda. Clay 60.254 His great revenge, du Boisgobey 60 277 History of a crime. Hugo 60. 143 Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. Question of Cain 60.140 Hope-Edwards, E. C. Eau-de-Nil 60.141 How Snooks got out of it. Argles 60.216 Hudson, E. H. Life and times of Louisa, queen of Prussia 60.142 Hugo, Victor. History of a crime 60. 143 Hypatia. Kingsley 60. 154 I have lived and loved. Forrester 60. 1 12 Ingelow, Jean. In the days of my youth. Edwards 60.286 Irish bar, The. Fated to be free 60. 144 O'Flanagan 60. 194 James. G. P. R. Robber, The 60. 148 Jane Eyre. Bronte 60 241 Janet's home. Keary 60. 151 Jangada ; or eight hundred leagues over the Amazon. Verne Jet ; her face her fortune. Edwards 60.289 Jezebel's daughter. Collins 60.259 John Inglesant. Shorlhouse 61.237 Johnny Ludlow. Wood 61.122 Johnson, Virginia W. Neptune vase 60. 147 Keary, Annie. Castle Daly 60. 149 Doubting heart 60.150 Janet's home 60.151 York and a Lancaster rose, A 60. 152 Keddie, Miss H. Mam'selle Mori 60. 1 57 Noblesse oblige 60.153 Kept in the dark. Trollope 61.250 Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia 60. 154 Kirke, E. James A. Garfield. (life oj] 60.155 Kitty. Edwards 60.292 Kohn, S. Gabriel 60.156 LADIES OUTLINE. Ladies Lindores. Oliphant 60.195 Lady Beauty, Muir 60.191 Lady Maud. Russell 61.232 Lady's mile. Braddon 60.239 Last days of Pompeii. Lytton 60.164 Law and the lady. Collins 60.260 Lawrence, G, Brakespeare 61.159 Leah, a woman of fashion. Edwards 60.290 Lee, H. Beautiful Miss Barrington 60. 160 Letters and memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. Carlyle. (Froude, ed.) 60.249 Life and times of Louisa, queen of Prussia. Hudson 60. 142 Life of James A. Garfield, Kirke 60.155 Linton, E. L. My love 60. 161 \Vitch stories 60. 162 Little Kate Kirby. Robinson 61.225 Lord Brackenbury. Edwards 60.287 Lord's purse-bearers. Stretton 61.240 Lorna Doone. Blackmore 60.232 Love's conflict. Church 60.178 Love that lived. Eiloart ,.60.291 Lucas, T. J. Camp life and sport in Zulu- land 60. 163 Lutaniste of St. Jacobs. Drew 60. 275 Lytton, Lord ( Edward Bnlicer. ) Last days of Pompeii 60. 164 Mademoiselle Mori. Keddie 60. 157 Madonna Mary. Oliphant. 60. 196 Macdonald, George. Castle Warlock 60. 167 Donal Grant 60. 168 Weighed and wanting 60.169 Mac Kenzie, Robert, igth Century 60.170 MacQuoid, Katherine. Beside the river 60.172 Patty 60.171 Man and wife. Collins 60.261 Marguerite Lacoste. Belot 60.227 Marlitt, E. Countess Gisela 60.173 Princess of the moor 60.174 Second wife 60. 175 Marquise de Brinvilliers. Gaboriau 60.121 Marriages of the Bonapartes. Bingham 60.229 Marryat, Florence See Church, Mrs, R. Matapan affair. Du Boisgobey 60.278 Mathers, Helen B. Comin' thro' the rye 60.184 My lady green sleeves 60. 185 Martin, Mrs. Herbert. Bonnie Lesley 60.186 McCarthy, Justin, M. P. Comet of a season 60.187 Dear Lady Disdain 60. 188 McCarthy (continued) Outline of Irish history 60.189 Venie's doves 60. 199 Memoirs of a veteran detective; reminis- cences of Cauler, some time chief of the detective police of Paris. H. P. Curtis, trans 60 248 Merimee, Prosper. Carmen 60.122 Michael Strogoff. Verne 61.112 Mistletoe bough. Braddon 60. 240 Mitford, M, R. Our village 60. 190 Molly Bawn. Argles 60.217 Muir, Alan. Lady Beauty 60.191 Mulock, Miss See Craik Murray, E. C. Grenville. Side-lights on English society 60. 192 My heart's in the highlands. Anon 60.193 My lady green sleeves. Mathers 60.185 My love. Liriton . .' 60. 161 My sister, the actress. Church 60. 179 Mysterious island. Verne 61 .113 Mystery of an omnibus. Du Boisgobey 60.279 Nan Darrell. Pickering 61.217 Neptune vase. Johnson 60.147 New Arabian nights. Stevenson 61.239 Niania. Greville.. 60.128 Nineteenth century, a history. McKenzie . .60.170 No intentions. Church 60. iSo Noblesse oblige. Keddie ... 60. 1 53 North and south. Gaskell .60.123 Ocean free lance. Russell. 61.228 O'Flanagan, J. R. Irish bar 60. 194 Oliphant, Mrs. For love and life 60. 195 Ladies Lindores 60. 195 Madonna Mary 60.196 Social etiquette and home culture 60. 197 Olliphant (continued) Tender recollections of Irene Ma*illicuddy.6o. 198 One-and-twenty. Robinson 61.226 Orville college. Wood 61.123 Our Village. Mitford 60.190 Outline of Irish history. McCarthy 60.189 PARKWATER TWO. 53 Parkwater. Wood 60. 198 Parr, Louise. Dorothy Fox 61.211 Robin 61.212 Patty. MacQuoid 60.171 Paul Knox, pitman. Harwoocl 60.144 Payn, James See Sauzade. Petronel. Church 60. 181 Phyllis. Argles 60.218 Pickering, Ellen. The grumbler 61,215 NanDarrell 61.217 Playing for high stakes. Thomas 61.246 Pomeroy Abbey. Wood 61.125 Poole, S. L. Twenty years' residence among the people of Turkey 61.218 Portia. Argles ; 60. 219 Poynter, E. F. Among the hills 61.219 Pride and prejudice. Austen 60.220 Princess of the moor. Marlitt 60. 1 74 Pritchard, H. B. George Vanbrugh's mis- take.. ,..61.220 Queen Elizabeth's garden. Quentin Matsys. Egan. . Question of Cain, Hoey . Forrester 60. 113 60.284 60. 140 Quisisana, or rest at last, Spielhagen 61,238 Quits at last . Francillon 60. 1 16 Rare pale Margaret. Anon 61.221 Red Cloud, the solitary Sioux. Butler 60.242 Robber, The. James 60. 148 Robin. Parr 61.212 Robinson. F. W. As long as she lived 61.222 Barmaid at Battleton 60. 1 14 Grandmother's money 61. 224 Little Kate Kirby 61.225 One-and-twerty 61.226 Sweet nineteen 61.227 Robinson s school. Verne 61. 1 14 Romance of a brave man. About 60.213 Root of all evil. Church 60.182 Russell, W. Clark. Auld lang syne 61.229 Lady Maud, The 61.232 Ocean free lance 61.228 Sailor's sweetheart 61.230 Sea queen 61.233 Wreck of the Grosvenor 61.231 Russians of to-day. Anon , 61.234 Sailor's sweetheart. Russell 61.230 Salon of Madame Necker. D'Haussonville. .60.268 Salvator. Dumas 60.280 Sauzade. For cash only 61.213 Grape from a thorn 61.214 Sea Queen, A. Russell .....61.233 Second wife. Marlitt 60.175 Shandon bells. Black 60. 233 Shorthouse, J. H. John Inglesant 61.237 Side lights on English society. Murray 60 192 Sister Louise. Whyte 61,119 Social etiquette and home culture. Oliphant.6o. 197 Tale of the Terror, 1794. D'Hericault 60.269 Tender recollections of Irene Macgillicuddy. Oliphant 60 198 Thomas, Annie. Best for her 61.245 Playing for high stakes 61.246 Thousand francs reward. Gaboriau 60.122 To-day in America. Hatton 60.135 Tolla, a tale of modern Rome. About 60.214 Sonia. Greville 60.129 Spielhagen, F. Quisisana, or Rest at last. . .61.238 Stephen Yorke. Cle veden 60. 256 Stevenson, R. L. New Arabian nights. .. .61.239 Stretton, Hesba. Lord's purse-bearers 61.240 Sturgis, Julian. Dick's wanderings 61.241 Sue, Eugene. Wandering Jew 61.242 Sunken Rock, The. Cupples 69. 1 13 Sweet nineteen. Robinson 61.227 Sybil, or the two nations. Disraeli 60.272 Sylvie's betrothed. Greville 60. 130 Trollope, Anthony. Ayala's Angel 61.247 Dr. Wortle's school. 61.248 Duke's children 6t .249 Kept in the dark 61 .250 Turn of fortune's wheel. Forrester 60.114 Twenty years' residence among the people of Turkey. Poole, ed 61.218 Two on a tower. Hardy 60.133 UNDER ALCOTT. Under life's key. Hay 60. 1 38 Unknown to history. Yonge 61.131 Venie's doves. McCarthy 60.199 Verne, Jules. Jangada Mysterious island 61.113 Robinson's school 61.114 Very genteel. Anon 61.115 Vice Versa. Anstey 60.221 Michael Strogoff 61.112 Victor Lescar. Grant 60.126 Wandering Jew. Sue 6 1 . 242 Weed, Ella. Foolish virgin 61.118 Weighed and wanting. Macdonald 60 169 Whyte, Melville, G. J. Sister Louise 61.119 Witch of the Corso. Heyse 60.139 Witch stories. Linton 60. 162 With Cupid's eyes. Church 60, 183 Within sound of the sea. Anon 61.120 Wood, Mrs. Henry Haunted tower 61.121 Johnny Ludlow 61.122 Orville college 61.123 Parkwater 60. 198 Pomeroy Abbey 61.125 Wreck of the "Grosvenor." Russell 61.231 Wylie, Wm. Howie. Thomas Carlyle 61.126 Yonge, Charlotte M. Daisy chain 61.130 Heartsease 61.129 Unknown to history 61.131 York and a Lancaster rose. Keary 60.152 Young Duke. Disraeli 60.273 Young man's fancy. Forrester 60. 1 15 BBLLBS-LBTTRES. Abbott, Edwin A. English lessons for Eng- lish people 26. 3 1 1 How to tell the parts of speech 26.312 How to write clearly 26.313 Abbott, Lyman. Hints for home readiug, chapters on books and their use 31.830 Abominations of modern society. Talmage. 31.230 About old story-tellers. How and when they lived and what stories they told. Mitchell, 30. 212 Acme Library of modern classics 26.314 CONTENTS, Vicar of Wakefield. OH- Plcciola. Saintine. ver Goldsmith. Undine, the two captains. Paul and Virginia. Her- De la Mottc Fouqu<5. nardin St. Pierre. tyisselas. Samuel John- son. Actor and his art. Coquelin, Abbey L. Alyer, trans 28.523 Adams, W. H. Davenport. Secret of success. 26.31 5 Sketches in the highways and byways of English literature 26.316 Woman's work and worth 26.317 Addison. Sir Roger de Coverley 29 322 Adventures of Captain Bonneville. U. S. A. Irving 29 211 Aeneid, Virgil. Rhythmic prose translation of. Pierce 31-71 1 Aeschylus, tragedies of. Buckley, trans. .. .27.414 Aesthetics, or the science of beauty. Bas- com 26.223 Afternoon of unmarried life. Anon 26.318 Afternoon with the poets. Deshler 28.425 Agar, J. American orator's own book 26.319 Age of chivalry. Legend of King Arthur. Bulhnch 27.311 Age of fables, or beauties of mythology. Bui- finch 27.312 Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Art and art indus- tries in Japan 26.320 Alcott, A. Bronson. Concord days 26.321 Record of a school 26. 322 ALDEN ART 55 Alden, Joseph. Studies in Bryant 26. 323 Alger, Wm. Rounseville. School of life. .. .26.324 Solitudes of nature and of man 26.325 Algonquin, legends of New England. Le- land 30.622 Alhambra. Irving 29.212 All around a palette. Champney 28.723 All around the house, or how to make homes happy. Beecher 26. 233 Allston, Washington. Lectures on art and poems 26. 326 Amateur theatricals. Pollock 31 714 Amenities of home. Anon 26.327 America, before Europe, de Gasparin. Mary L. Booth, trans 28,421 Addresses, American. Huxley 29.332 American girls' home book of work and play. Campbell 28.827 American literature, history of. Tyler 32.814 American literature, primer of. New and re- vised edition. Richardson 3 1 -& 1 5 American orator's own book. Agar 26.319 American popular speaker. Sypher 31.223 American prose 29.514 CONTENTS. Emerson, Longfellow, Hawthorne, Lowell, Holmes, Thoreau, Irving, Whittier. Americanisms. English of the new world. De Vere, L. L. D 28.421 Among my books. Lowell 30. 522 Anatomy of melancholy. Burton 28.821 Ancient fragments of the Phoenician, Chal- dean, Egyptian, Syrian and other writers. Cory 28. 524 Ancient history and antiquities. De Quincey.28.426 Anderson, Rasmus B. (Trans.) History of the literature of the Scandinavian north. Horn 26.328 Norse mythology 26. 329 Younger Edda, The 26. 330 Antiquities of Athens. Stuart and Revett. ..31.217 Aphorisms, von Ebner-Eschenbach. .32,613 and 28.220 Appleton, Thomas G. Chequer- work 26,331 Windfalls 26. 332 Appleton's home books. Amenities of home. 26. 327 Building a home. Oakley 30. 124 Home garden. Church 28.613 Home grounds. Oakley 30. 125 Home library. Penn 31.829 Appleton's (continued) Home needle. Church 28,614 Home occupations. Runtz-Rees 31. 530 Household hints. Babcock 26. 2 1 2 How to furnish a house. Church 28.615 Apthorp, William F., trans. Hector Ber- lioz 26.333 Architecture for general students. Horton. .29.315 Architecture, (gothic and renaissance.) Smith. 3i 326 Aristotle's treatise on rhetoric. Buckley, trans 27.415 Aristophanes. Collins 28.513 Arius, the Lybian ; an idyl of the primitive church. Anon 26.334 Arnold, Rev. Frederick, B. A. Turning points in life 26 .333 Arnold, Matthew, D. C. L. Essays in criti- cism 26.336 Irish essays 26.337 Arnold, Thomas, D. D. Introductory lectures on modern history 26.338 Arr, E. H. New England by-gones 26.339 Old time child life 26 340 Arrows of the chace, (collection of scattered letters published 1840-1880.) Ruskin 31.511 Art and art industries in Japan. Alcock 26.320 Art and nature in Italy. Benson 26. 239 Art and poems, lectures on. Allston 26.326 Art criticism, elements of. (Text book for schools and colleges). Samson 31.415 Art education; scholastic and industrial. Smith. 31. 327 Art, essays on. Palgrave $1.821 Art idea. Jarves 29. 125 Art in Greece. Taine 31.224 Art in the house. Loftie 30. 5 14 Art, its laws and the reason for them. Long. 30.516 Art, literature and the drama. Ossoli 3 J -8i3 Art of amusing. Bellew 26.236 Art of beauty. Haweis 29. 5 1 1 Art of conversation. Anon 26.341 Art of England. Ruskin 31-512 Art of furnishing. Cooper 28. 522 Art of Japan. Jarves 29.123 Art of living. Gladden 29.827 Art, political economy of. Ruskin 3 1 . 52 1 Art, primer of. Collier 28.511 Art, short history of. De Forrest 28.420 Art suggestions from the masters. Carter, compiled by 28.719 Art, talks about. Hunt 29.330 56 ART BOWEN. Art thoughts. Jarves .' 29. 124 Art, thoughts about. Hamerton 29.613 Artemus Ward, complete works of. Brown .27.511 Artists and Arabs. Blackburn 26. 245 Artists' chromatic hand-book. Ridner 31.620 Artists' repository and drawing magazine. Fitzgerald 28.120 Ashton, John. Humor, wit and satire of the seventeenth century 26.342 Asmodeus. Le Sage 30-627 Babcock, Emma Whitcomb. Household hints. ( Appleton's home books) 26. 2 1 2 Bachelor Bluff. Bunce 28.812 Bacon, Francis. Essays 26.213 Bacon. (Works of Francis). B Montague, 6^.30.225 Bagehot, Walter. English constitution .... 26.214 Baker, George M. Prize speaker 26.215 Ballan, Marturin M. Pearls of thought 26.216 Barham. Ingoldsby legends 26.217 Baring-Gould, S., M. A. Curious myths of the middle ages 26.218 Barnes, Henry Burr. Atlas series of essays .26.219 Barrett, Edward. Carlyle anthology 26.220 Barry. Lectures on painting. Wornum, ed. .26.221 Bartol. C. A. Principles and portraits 26.222 Bascom, John. ^Esthetics, or the science of beauty 26. 223 Philosophy of English literature 26.224 Bayne, Peter, M. A. Lessons from my mas- ters. (Carlyle, Tennyson and Ruskin). . .26.225 Bazaar book of decorum. Anon 26. 226 Beasley, F. M. Papers from Overlook House 26.227 Beauties of German literature. Pichler 31.824 Beautiful homes. Hints in house furnishing. Williams and Jones 32.618 Beauty in dress. Oakley 30. 122 Beauty in the household. Dewing. (Miss Oakley) 30.123 Beckwith, Arthur. Majolica and Fayence. .26.228 Bede, Cuthbert. kook's garden. (Essays). .26.229 Beecher, Charles. Spiritual manifestations. .26.-23O Beecher, Henry Ward. Hints for home read- ing. (Chapters on books and their use). .31.830 Lectures to young men 26.231 Beecher, Miss. Housekeeper and health- keeper 26. 232 Beecher, Mrs. H. W. All around the house. 26.223 Motherly talks with young housekeepers. . .26.234 Aspects of German culture. Hall 29.72 Aurehus Antoninus, thoughts of. G. Long, (ran* 3- 5 ' 5 Authorship of Shakespeare. Holmes 29.426 Autocrat of the breakfast table. Holmes . ..29.427 Autumn holidays of a country parson. Boyd. 26.118 Ayres, Alfred. Orthoepist, The. (Pronounc- ing manual) 26. 343 Ayres, Geo. B. How to paint photographs in water colors and in oil 26. 211 Beers, Henry B., ed. Century of American literature 26. 235 Bellew, Frank. Art of amusing 26.236 Belt and spur. Series of the knights of the middle ages. Angn 26.237 Bender, Hermann. Brief history of Roman literature 26.238 Benson, Eugene. Art and nature in Italy. . .26.239 Berlioz, Hector. Selections from his letters. Apthorp 26. 333 Best of all good company. Jerrold 29. 129 Bianchi, G. H., B. A., ed. Mythology of Greece and Rome 26.240 Bibelots and Curios. Manual for collectors. Voss 32. 839 Bigelow, Grace, Iran*. Letters from Rus- sia. Field Marshal Count Moltke 26.241 Bigelow, H. G. trans. Epigrams of Martial. 26. 242 Bigelow, Jacob. M. D. Modern inquiries. . .26.243 Bigelow, Marshall, T. Punctuation 26,244 Biographical and Historical essays. De Quincey 28.427 Birds and Poets. Burroughs 28.816 Blackburn, Henry. Artists and Arabs 26.245 Blackie, John Stuart. Self culture 26.246 Blair, Hugh, D. D. Rhetoric and Belles Let- tres 26. 1 1 1 Blake, LillieDevereux. Woman's place to-day. 26.1 12 Bohn, II. G , ed. Handbook of games 26.113 Bombaugh, C. C., A. M. (collated by) Glean- ings from the harvest-fields of literature. .29.114 Bonwick, James, F. R. G. S. Our nationali- ties. Irish, Scotch, Welsh and English. .26. 115 Book of Vagaries. Paulding 31. 827 Book of Wonders. Anon 26. 1 16 Books and reading. Porter 3i-?i6 Books, on the choice of. Carlyle 28.712 Bowen, Francis, L. L. D. Gleanings from a Literary life. 1838-1880 26.117 BOWEN CAPES. 57 Bowen, H. Courthope, M. A. Grammar, English exercises 30.112 Boyd, Alexander. Autumn holidays of a country parson 26.118 Counsel and comfort 26. 119 Every-day Philosopher. Essays 26.121 Leisure hours in Town. Essays 26.122 Recreations of a country parson. Essays. ..26. 1 20 Brackett, Anna. Education of American girls 26.123 Poetry for home and school 26. 124 Breakfast, dinner and tea. Anon 26. 125 Breathings of the Better Life. Larcom 30. 723 Bristol. Rev. D. W. Odd Fellows' amulet. ..26.126 British essayists. Adventures 26. 1 28 Connoisseur .26. 128 General index 26, 129 Guardian 26.130 Idler i 26.131 Looker on 26 1 32 Lounger 26. 133 Mirror . . .26.134 Observer 26.135 Rambler 27.811 Spectator 27.812 and 27.711 Tatler 27.712 World 27.611 British thought and thinkers. Morris 30.229 Broad grins, my night-gown, slippers, etc. Colman, the younger 28.517 Brodribb, W. J., M. A. Pliny's letters 28.611 Bronson, Prof., M. D. Elocution, or mental and vocal philosophy 27.612 Brooke, Rev. Stopford, M. A. English liter- ature 27.613 Theology in the English poets. (Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Burns) 27,614 Brown, John, M. D. Spare hours 27.512 Browne, Chas. F. Complete works of Arte- mus Ward 27.511 Browne, Matthew. Views and opinions ... .27.513 Browne, Phillis. What girls can do 27.411 Browning, E. Barrett. Essays on the Greek, Christian and English poets 27.412 Browsing among books, and other essays. Woolson 32. 620 Bryant, studies in. Alden .26.323 Buckley, Theodore, B. A., trans. Aris- totle's treatise on rhetoric 27.415 Iliad of Homer 27.413 Tragedies of /Eschylus 27.414 Tragedies of Euripides 27.416 Buddhists, legends and theories of. Hardy. .29.622 Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry 27.311 Age of fables 27.312 Legends of Charlemagne 2 7-3i3 Bulwer, Sir Edward Lytton. Critical and miscellaneous writings 28.811 Bunce, Oliver Bell. Bachelor Bluff 28.812 Bundle of papers. (Essays.) Diegvolk 31-314 Surges, Geo., A. M. Greek anthology 28.813 Burke, Edmund. Speeches of 28.814 Burritt, Elihu. Ten minutes talks on all sorts of topics 28.815 Burroughs, John. Birds and poets, with other papers 28.816 Locusts and wild honey 28.817 Pepacton 28.818 Wake Robin 28.819 Winter sunshine 28. 820 Burton. Anatomy of melancholy. . . . ,X 28.821 Bushnell, Horace. Work and play. (Es- says) 28.822 Busk, R. H. Roman legends, fables and folk-loreof Rome 28.823 Csesar's commentaries. McDevitte, trans .... 30 .3 1 7 Caesar's commentaries. Trollope, ed 31.128 Calamities and quarrels of authors.' Disraeli, I. (Disraeli, B. ed.) 2-8435 Calhoun, Lucia Gilbert. Modern women and what is said of them 28. 824 California scrap book. Schuck 51-423 Calvert, Geo. H. Biographic aesthetic study. Shakespeare .28.825 Biographic aesthetic study. Wordsworth 28 826 Camp life in the woods. Gibson 29.824 Campaner Thai and other writings. Richter.3i.6i7 Campbell, Helen. American girl's home book of work and play 28.827 Easiest way in housekeeping and cooking. 28. 828 Problem of the poor 28.829 Campbell, Thomas. .Petrarch 28.830 Cape Cod. Thoreau 3MI5 Caper sauce; chit-chat about men, women and things. Parton, S. P 28. 1 13 Capes, VV. W. University life in ancient Athens Set Lawrence. 68 C A k LliTON COM MON . Carleton, Charles. Tales and stories of the Irish peasantry 28.711 Carlyle anthology. Selected and arranged by Barrett 26.220 Carlyle, Thomas. Essays 28.714 Essays, crilical and miscellaneous 28.713 Heroes and hero worship 28.715 On the choice of books 28. 7 1 2 Past and present 28.716 Sartor Resartus 28.7 1 7 Carpenter, Stephen H., A. M. English in the fourteenth century 28.718 Carter, Susan N. Art suggestions from the masters 28.7 19 Cary, Henry, M. A., trans. Herodotus 28.720 Castilian days. Hay 29.518 Castle St. Angelo, and the evil eye. Story. . .31.215 Catullus and Tibullus, poems of. Kelly, tram 30.822 Century of American literature. 1776 1876. Beers, ed 26 235 Ceramic art . Lockwood 30. 513 Cervantes, Miquel de. Galatea 28.272 Cicero. W. L. Collins, M. A., ed 28.514 De finibus. Parker, trani 31-823 De officiis. Guthrie, transt 29.718 Letters of. Melmoth, ed 30 319 Orations of. Guthrie, trans 29.719 Orations of. Yonge, tran-x 32 624 Chambers, W. Light and descriptive bketches.28-722 Champney, Lizzie W. All around a palette.2g.723 Chapters on Animals. Hamerton 29.725 Character. Essays. Smiles 3 I -3'9 Characteristics of women. Jameson 29. 1 14 Charlemagne, legends of. Bullfinch 27.313 Cheney, Ednah D. Gleanings in the fields of Art 28,724 Chequer- work. Appleton 2 6. 33 1 Chesterfield, Lord . Letters to his son 28. 725 Childhood, (coming man is the present child . ) Crafts 28. 530 China hunters' club. Prime 3 1 -? 2 ! Chinese. Their education, philosophy and letters Martin 30.432 Chinese classics. Legge, trans 30.619 Chips from a German work shop. Mliller. . . .30. 115 Choice readings from standaril and popular authors. Futon, compiled by 29.818 Choice receipts. M.S W 30.114 Chomet, M. D. Influence of music on health and life k Flint, trans 28.726 Christmas holidays in Rome. Kip 30. 7 1 1 Church, Alfred, M. A. Pliny's letters 28.611 Stories from Greek tragedians 28.727 Stories from Herodotus 28. 728 Stories from Homer 28.729 Stories from Livy 28 . 730 Stories from Virgil 28.612 Church, Ella Rodman. ( Appleton 's home books). Home garden 28.613 Home needle 28.614 How to furnish a home 28.615 Money-making for ladies 26.616 Church, F. J., trans. Trial and death of Socrates .28.617 Church and state. Coleridge 26.825 Clarke, James Freeman. Self Culture. .. .28.618 Clarke, Mary Cowden . Recollections of writ- ers 28.619 Classic and Italian painting. Poynter 31.718 Classic mythology. Younghusband 32.625 Classical literature. Morris 30.228 Clergyman, A. Sketches for the fireside. 28.620 Clerical anecdotes . Larwood 30. 724 Cleveland, Chas. Dexter. Compendium of classical literature 28.621 Cloud pictures. Underwood 32.821 Cobbe, Frances Power. Duties of women. ..28.622 Coleridge, A. D., trans. Recent music and musicians 28.623 Coleridge, Henry Wilson, M. A. Introduc- tions to the study of Greek classic poets . .28.624 Coleridge, Samuel T. On the constitution of church and state 28 625 Poetical and dramatic works of the author. 28.625 Specimens of table talk 28.626 Works. Shed, ed 28.625 Collier. John. Primer of art 28. 5 1 1 Collins, W. Lucas. Aristophanes 28.513 Cicero 28.514 Iliad. Homer 28 515 Odyssey. Homer 28.516 Virgil 28.512 Coleman, George, (the younger.) Broad grins; my night gown and slippers, etc 28.517 Colton, Charles. Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne 28.519 I>acon ; or many things in few words 28.518 Comediesof Aristophanes. Hickie, trans . . .29 41 1 Coming man, The. Charles Reade 31.726 Common school system. Hamilton 29.616 Common sense about women. Higginson . . .29.413 COMMON DESHLER. Common sense in the household. Harland. .29.623 Compendium of classical literature. Cleve- land 28.621 Complete angler, The. Walton. Major, ed. 30.424 Composition, Belles-lettres and oratory. Lay res 30.614 Composition, English. Nichol 30.121 Conant, Helen S. Primer of German liter- ature 28. 520 Concord days. Alcott 26. 32 1 Confessions of an English opium-eater. De ' Quincey 28.428 Confucius and the Chinese classics. Loomis. .30 520 Contributions to the " Edinburgh Review " Jeffrey 29. 1 26 Conway, Moncure Daniel. Wandering Jew .28.521 Cook, Joseph. Hints for home reading. Chapters on books and their use 31.830 Cook-book, new. Parloa 31.824 Cooper, H. J. Art of furnishing 28. 522 Coquelin, C, Actor and his art 28. 523 Correspondence of Prince Talleyrand and King Louis XVIII during the congress of Vienna. Pallain, ed 31.822 Cory, Isaac P. Ancient fragments of the Phcenecian, Chaldean and other writers. 28.524 Cottage residences, designs for. Downing. . .28.320 Counsel and comfort. Boyd 26. 1 19 Country living and country thinking. Ham- ilton 29.614 Cousin, Victor. Philosophy of the beautiful. Daniel, trans 28.525 Daniel, Geo. Merrie England in the olden time 28.415 Davidson, Ellis A. Linear drawing (Techni- cal manual) 28.416 Model drawing, and patterns for making drawing objects in cardboard 28.417 Davies, James, M. A. Hesiod and Theognis. 28.418 Davies, John L., M. A., trans. The re- public of Plato 28.419 De Forrest, Julia B. Short history of art 28.420 De Gasparin Agenor. Booth, trans. America before Europe .28.421 De Gasparin, Countess. Human sadness 28.422 De Liefde, John. Romance of charity 28.423 De Mille, James. Elements of rhetoric 28 424 De Quincey, Thos. Biographical and histor- ical essays' 28.427 Cousin (continued) True, the beautiful and the good . Wright, trans 28. 526 Cox, Rev. Geo. W., M. A, Manual of my- thology 28 . 527 Popular romances of the middle ages 28.522 Cozzens, FredeiicS. Sparrowgrass papers. 28. 529 Crafts, W.F. Childhood, coming man is the present child 28.530 Craik, Geo. L. English of Shakespeare 28,531 Crayon Miscellany. Irving .29.213 Critical and miscellaneous writings. Bulwer. 28.811 Critical essays and literary notes. Taylor. . .31 .III Criticism, essays in . Arnold 26.336 Crown of wild olive. Ruskin 31 .513 Cruikshank, Geo. Punch and Judy 28.532 Crumbs swept up. Talmage 31 231 Crutwell, Chas. Thomas, M. A. History of Roman literature .' 28. 533 Cries from all quarters. Jacox 29.224 Cummings, Thos. J. Remarkable trials from all countries 28.41 1 Curiosities of literature. Disraeli 28. 311 Curious myths of the middle ages. Baring- Gould 26.218 Curious schools. Anon 28 412 Currents and counter-currents in medical sci- ence. Holmes 29.428 Curtain lectures, Mrs. Caudle's. Jerrold ... .30 813 Curtis, George W. Lotus-eating 28 413 Curson, jr., Robert. Ancient monasteries. . .28 414 Confessions of an English opium eater 28.428 Essays in ancient history and antiquities. . . .28.426 Literary reminiscences from the autobio- graphy of an English opium eater 28.429 De Riedesel, Madame. Letters and memoirs relating to the war of American independ- ence 28.430 De Sevigne, Madame, letters of. Hale. trans 29. 722 De Vere, M. Schele, LL. D. American- isms 28 .43 1 Modern magic 28.432 Studies in English 28.433 Demosthenes, orations of. Chas. Kennedy, trans 30 823 Demosthenes, orations. Thos. Leland 30.623 Deshler, Chas. D. Afternoons with the poets 28,425 DIALOGUES ENTEKTAINIXG. Dialogues, new and original. Fowle 28.122 Dialogues of Plato. Jowett. trans 30.815 Diary of an ennuyee. Jameson 29. 115 Dickenson, Anna E. Paying investment. . . .28.434 Dinner year book. Harland 29.624 Disraeli, Isaac. Calamities and quarrels of Authors. B. Disraeli, i-/l 28.435 Curiosities of literature 28.311 Literary character, history of men of genius.28-312 Dobson, William T. Literary frivolities, fan- cies, follies and frolics 28.313 Dominies, book about. Alcott Hope 29.313 Donaldson, John William, D. D. Theatre of the Greeks 28. 314 Donaldson, Paschal. Odd Fellows offering. .28.315 Donne, \Vm. Bodham. Euripides 28.316 Doran, Dr. Knights and their days 28.317 Douglas Jerrold's wit, Specimens of. B. Jerrold 30.814 Dowden, Edward. Shakespeare. Critical study of his mind and art 28.319 Dowden (continual) Shakespeare, (literature primers) 28 318 Downing, A. G. Designs for cottage resi- dences 28.320 Dramatic art and literature. A. W. Schlegel. J. Black, trans 3MI9 Drawing, Elements of. Ruskin 3 I -5i5 Dream life. D. G. Mitchell. Ik. Marvel. 30.213 Dreatnfchorp. Smith 31-323 Dress reform, lectures. Woolson 32.622 Driver, W. Literary and scientific lectures 32.730 Duffey, Mrs. E. B. Etiquette 28.321 Dufneld, Mrs. William. Art of flower paint- ing 28.322 Duhring, Julia. Philosophers and fools 28.323 Dunphy, Thomas. Remarkable trials of all countries 28.41 1 Duties of women. Cobbe 28. 622 Duty, essays. Smiles 31.320 Dyer, Rev. F. F. Thiselton, M. A., English folk-lore 28.324 Early spring in Massachusetts. Thoreau ... .31.116 Eastlake, Chas. L. Contributions to the lit- erature of the fine arts 28.325 Hints on household taste 28.326 Echoes from mistland. Forestier 29.811 Edda, the younger. Anderson 26. 330 Education of American girls. Brackctt 26.123 Educational reformers, essays on. R. H. Quick 3I-723 Egotist, the (essays of life). King 30.824 Egyptian sketch book. Leland 30.624 Eliis, William. Philo-Socrates 28.327 Elocution, or mental and vocal philosophy. . .27,612 Elocutionist. For colleges, schools and academies. Russell 3!-533 Emerscn, R. W. English traits 28.211 English traits. Conduct of life 28.212 Essays. First and second series 28.213 Letters and social aims. Poems 28.418 Miscellanies 28.215 Representative men. Society and solitude .28.216 England and Italy, stray studies from. Green. 29 714 England without and within. White 32.727 English, errors in the use of. Hodgson 29.418 English chronicles, six old. Giles, ed 29.825 CONTENTS. Asser's life of Alfred. Gildas. Ethel werds chronicle. Nennius. Geoffrey of Monmouth's Kichard of Cirencester. fch history. English classics, reading took of. Leffing- well 30.618 English constitution, The. Bagehot 26.214 English folk-lore. Thiselton 28.224 English in the fourteenth century. Carpenter. 28. 718 English language, lectures on. Marsh 3-429 English language, lost beauties of the. Mackay. 30.417 English language, origin and history of. Marsh 30 430 English lessons for English people. Abbott and Seeley 26.311 English letters, four centuries of., 6^.31,425 English literature, early. Brink. Kennedy, trans 3M73 English literature, familiar talks on. Richard- son 31-613 English literature, history of. Taine 31-225 English literature, philosophy of. Bascom ..26.224 English literature, story of. White 32.726 English literature and language. Develop- ment of. Welsh 32.721 English of Shakespeare. Craik 28.531 English, past and present. Trench 3 ' 1 2 5 English prose literature. Minto 30.211 English traits. Emerson 28.211 English traits. The conduct of life. Emer- son 28.212 Entertaining knowledge. History, geography and natural history. Anon ,28.217 EPIC FORSYTHE. 61 Epic of Kings. Helen Zimmern 32.626 Epictetus, the works of. Higginson, trans. ..29.415 Epigrams of Martial. Bigelow, trans 26.242 Episodes in an obscure life. Anon 28.218 Erasmus, Desiderius. Pilgrimages to St. Mary of Walsingham and St. Thomas of Canterbury ; 28.219 Eschenbach, Marie Freifrau von Ebner. Aph- orisms 28.220 Essays, Atlas series of. Barnes 26.219 Essays, counsels, civil and moral. Bacon. . . 26.213 Essays, Bacon's. Whateley.ed 32.723 Essays, Thomas Carlyle .28.714 Essays, critical an'd miscellaneous. Carlyle. 28.713 Essays, first and second series. Emerson. . . .28. 213 Essays, ecclesiastical. Gladstone, 29.829 Essays, miscellaneous. Gladstone. (Glean- ings of past years 1851-75) 29.829 Essays, Atlantic. Higginson 29.412 Essays and poems. Macaulay 30. 528 Essays, critical and miscellaneous. Macaulay. 30.529 Essays, John Hampden, Lord Burleigh, Earl of Chatham. Macaulay 3O-41 1 Essays, life and writings of Addison, Oliver Goldsmith, John Bunyan, Madame D'Ar- blay. Macaulay 36. 527 Essays, Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Machia- velli, Horace Walpole. Macaulay 30.412 Essays, Warren Hastings, Lord Clive. Ma- caulay.. 30-4I3 Essays, William Pitt and Sir William Tem- ple. Macaulay 30-4.14 Essays and studies. Swinburne 31.220 Fables respecting the popes in the middle ages. Von Dollinger 32.828 Fairy mythology. Keightley 30.820 Family save-all, cookery. Author of ''Na- tional cook book" 28.111 Famous books. Adams 26.316 Fay, Amy. Music study in Germany 28.112 Fern, Fanny. (S. L. Parton). Caper sauce; chit-chat about men, women and things. .28. 113 Fern leaves 28.114 Fern leaves. Fanny Fern 28. 1 14 Field, paths and green lanes. Jennings 29.127 Field sports of the United States and British America. Herbert and Forrester 29.523 Fields, James T. Underbrush 28.115 Yesterdays with authors 28.116 Essays by a series of letters. Foster 29.814 Essays from the North American Review. Rice, ed 31.611 Essays, historical, biographical, political, social, literary and scientific. Miller. . . .30.325 Essays in literary criticism. Hunter 29.331 Essays, literary, moral and political. Hume. 29. 325 Essays or^ the evils of popular ignorance. Foster 29.815 Essays on the Greek Christian poets and English poets. Browning 27.412 Essays on the prophetic spirit and the prophe- cies of the Christian era. Von Dollin- ger 3 2 - 82 5 Essays personal and literary. Gladstone 29.829 Ethics of the dust. (Ten lectures.) Ruskin.3i.5i4 Etiquette, ladies' hand-book of. Hartley. .29.631 Etiquette, mauual of the manners and dress of . American society. Duffey 28.281 Euripides. Donne 28.316 Euripides. Mahaffy 30.420 Euripides. Tragedies of. Buckley, trans 27.416 Evans, Rev. Lewis, M. A., trans. Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia and Lucilius. ..28.221 Eve's daughters, or common sense for maid, wife and mother. Harland 29.625 Everett, Edward. Orations and speeches. . .28.222 Every-day English. White 32.728 Every-day philosopher, essays. Boyd 26. 121 Excursions. Thoieau 3i-H7 Excursions of an evolutionist. Fiske 28.117 Expansion of England. (Two courses of lec- tures). Seeley . . . : 31 .31 1 Fine Arts. Eastlake 28.325 Fireside Saints. Jerrold 30.811 Firswell, J. H. Gentle life, the 28. 1 19 Fiske, John, M . A. Excursions of an evolu- tionist 28. 1 17 Myths and Myth-makers 28.118 Fitzgerald, Francis . Artists' repository and drawing magazine 28.120 Five acres too much. Roosevelt 31.627 Fletcher, Austin B. Advanced readings and recitations 28.121 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. Richter 31.618 Flower painting. Duffield 28.322 Fors Clavigera. Ruskin 3 l -5 l 7 Forestier, Auber. Echoes from mistland.. . .29.811 Forsythe, William, M. A. Novels and nov- FORSYTHE GREEK. Forsythe (continued) elists of the eighteenth century 29.812 Foss, Edward, F. R. S. Memories of West- minister Hall . 29.813 Foster, John. Essay on the evils of popular ignorance 29. 8 1 5 Essays, by a series of letters 29.814 Gems of beauty. 29.816 Improvement of time 29.817 Fowle, Wm. B. Dialogues 28. 1 22 Fragments of literature. Anon 28 123 France before Europe. Michelet 30.321 Franklin, William Temple. Posthumous and other writings of Benjamin Franklin 28.124 Frederick the Great. Macaulay 30.415 Free lance in the field of life and letters. WHkinson 32.616 Freedley, Edwin T. Home comforts, or art Gala days. Hamilton 29.615 Galatea, de Cervantes 28.721 Game and game shooting. Manley 30.427 Gannett, W. C. Studies in Longfellow. . .29.81 8 A Gardner, E. C. Home interiors 29.820 Homes and how to make them 29.819 House that Jill built 29,821 Illustrated homes 29.822 Garret. Rhoda. Suggestions for house deco- ration 29. 823 Gatherings from an artist's portfolio. Free- man 28. 126 Gems of beauty. Foster 29.816 Genre painting, Masters of. Wedmore 32.719 Gentlelife, The. Firswell 28.119 German literature, outlines of. Harrison. . .29.629 German literature, primer of. Conant 28.520 German literature, studies in. Taylor 31.112 Getting on in the world. Mathews 30.3 1 1 Ghosts, The. Ingersoll 29.220 Gibson, W. Hamilton. Camp life in the woods 29.824 Giles,J. A., D. C. L., ed. Six old English chronicles 29. 825 CONTENTS. Asser's life of Alfred. Glldas. Ethelwerd's chronicle. Nennius. Geoffrey of Monmouth's Richard of Cirencester. British history. Gilman, Arthur. Shakespeare's morals 29.926 Gipsies, The. Leland 30.625 Gladden, Washington. Plain thoughts on the art of living 29.82? Freedley (continued) of living well and cheaply 28. 125 Freeman, Edward A., M. A. Historical essa s s 28. 127 Freeman, James E. Gatherings from an artist's portfolio 28. 1 26 French and Italian notebooks, passages from. Hawthorne 29.517 French authors, half hours with the best. .. .29.723 French literature, primer. Saintsbury 3I-4H French literature, short history of. Saints- bury 31 .4 13 French poets and novelists. James, Jr 29 226 Friends in council. Helps 29.521 Froude, James Anthony. Short studies on (ireek subjects 28. 128 Fulton, R. I. and T. C. Trueblood. Choice readings 29.818 Gladstone, W. E., M. P. An enquiry into the time of Homer 29.828 Ecclesiastical Essays 29.829 Homer, literature primers 29.830 Juventus Mundi 29.831 Miscellaneous essays 29.829 Personal and literary essays 29.829 Throne and the Prince Consort 29.829 Gleanings from a literary life. Bowen. ..... .26.117 Gleanings from the harvest fields of literature. Bombaugh 26. 1 14 Gleanings in the fields of art. Cheney 28.724 Gods, The. Ingersoll 29.221 Goethe, Conversations. Oxenford 31.818 Gold-foil, hammered from popular proverbs. Holland 29.420 Goldsmith, Oliver. Goldsmith's works 29.832 Goodale, Elaine. Journal of a farmer's daugh- ter 29.833 Goodwin, William W., Ph. D. Plutarch's morals 29.711 Grammar, English. Morris 30. 1 1 1 Grammar, English exercises. Morris 30.112 Grant, Sir Alexander. Xenophon 29. 722 Graphic Arts, The. Hamerton 29.726 Great conversers, The. Mathews 30.312 Greg, W. R. Literary and social judgments. 29.7 13 Greek anthology. Burges 28.813 Greek classic poets. Coleridge 28.624 Greek heroines. Menzies 30.320 Greek literature, history of. Mahaffy 30.421 GREEK HICKIE. Greek literature, primer of. Lawrence 30.612 Greek mythology. Scull 31 428 Greek romances of Heliodorus. Longus and Achilles Tatius. Smith, trails 31 .324 Greek tragedians, The. Church 28 .727 Greeks of lo-day. Tuckerman 32. gi2 Green, John Richard. Stray studies from England and Italy .29.714 Habits of good society. Anon 29.720 Hale, Edward Everett. Hints for home reading. 3 1.830 Hale, Mrs., ed. Letters of Lady Mary Mon- tagu 29.721 Letters of Madame de Sevigne 29.722 Half hours with French authors. Anon 29.723 Half hours with Greek and Latin authors. Jen- nings 29.128 Half houg; with the best authors. Knight 30.713 Hall, Granville Stanley. Aspects of German culture 29.724 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Chapters on ani- mals 29.725 t Graphic arts, The 29.726 Human intercourse 29. 727 Modern Frenchmen 29.728 Painter's camp, A 29.729 Round my house 29.61 1 Sylvan year, The 29.612 Thoughts about art 29.613 Unknown river, The , ... 29.612 Hamilton, Gail. Country living and country . thinking 29,614 Gala days 29 615 New atmosphere, A 29.617 Nursery noonings 29.618 Our common school system . . . .*. 29.616 Skirmishes and sketches 29.619 Summer rest '. 29.620 Twelve miles from a lemon 29.621 Hamlin, Cyrus. Hints for home reading. . . .31.830 Handbook for the national training school for cookery. R. O. C 31.625 Handbook of games. Bohn, ed 26.113 Hardy, R. Spencer. Legends and theories of the Buddhists 29. 622 Harland, Marion. Common sense in the household 29.623 Dinner year-book, The 29 624 Eve's daughters 29. 625 Loiterings in pleasant paths. . , 29.626 Greene, Duane Merritt. Ladies and officers of the U. S. Army 29.715 Greenwood, Grace. Records of five years . .29.716 Greenwood, James. Seven curses of London. 29.7 17 Guthrie, Wm. tram. De Officiis Cicero 29.718 Orations of Cicero 29.719 Harland (continued) Our daughters. What shall we do with them? 29.627 Harrison, Constance. Woman's handiwork in modern homes 29.628 Harrison, Robert, Outlines of German liter- ature 29.629 Hart, James Morgan ed. Schiller's Die Pic- colomini 29.630 Hartley, Florence. Ladies' handbook of eti- quette 29.631 Hasheesh eater, The. Ludlow 3- 5 2 5 Hastings, Thomas. Dissertation on musical taste, A 29,632 Haweis, Mrs. H. R. Art of beauty 29. 5 1 1 Hawkesworth, Dr., trans. Adventures of Telemachus 29.512 Hawthorne, study of. Lathrop 30611 Hawthorne, Julian. Saxon studies 29.513 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from Amer- ican note books 29. 5 1 5 Passages from English note books 29.516 Passages from French and Italian note book. 29. 5 17 Hay, John. Castilian days 29.518 Hazlitt, W., trans. Works of Michael De Montaigne 29.520 Table talks of Martin Luther 29.519 Head, Percy R. Classic and Italian painting. 31. 718 Health and education. Kingsley 30.826 Helps, Arthur. Friends in council 29.521 Social pressure 29. 522 Herbert, Henry William. Field sports of the U. S. and British America 29.523 Herodotus. Gary, trans 28.670 Herodotus. Swayne 31.218 Herodotus, stories from. Church 28.728 Heroes and hero worship Carlyle 28.715 Hesiod and Theognis. Davies 28.418 Hesperus. Richter 31-619 Hickie, Wm. James, trans- Comedies of Aris- tophanes 29.411 64 HICKMNSON" 'HUNT. Higginson, Thomas Went worth. Atlantic essays 29.412 Common sense about woman 29.413 Works of Epictetus 29.415 Oldport days 29.416 Outdoor papers 29. 5 1 7 Short studies of American authors 29.414 Hints for home reading. Beecher 31.830 Hints for home reading. Cook 31.830 Hints for home reading. Hale 31.830 Hints for home reading. Hamlin 31.830 Hints for home reading. Mabie 3-1.830 Hints for home reading. Perkins 31.830 Htnts for home reading. Sweetser 31.830 Hints for home reading. Warner 31-830 Historical essays. Freeman 28. 127 History and practice of the fine and orna- mental arts. Scott 31.426 History of modern music. Mullah 29.323 Hodgson, William B., LL. D. Errors in the use of English 29.418 Hoffman, Prof. Parlor ornaments 29.419 Holidays, The. Warren 32.717 Holland, J. G. (Timothy Titcomb). Gold Foil .29,420 Lessons in life 29.421 Letters to the Joneses 29.422 Plain talks on familiar subjects 29.423 Titcomb's letters to young people 29.424 Holly, H. H. Modern dwellings in town and cou ntry 49.425 Holmes, Nathaniel. Authorship of Shakes- P are 29.426 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Autocrat of the breakfast table 29.427 Currents and counter currents 29.428 Mechanism in thought and morals 29.429 Poet at the breakfast table 29.430 Professor at the breakfast table 29.431 Home, The. (Where it should be and what to put in it). F. R. and M. Stockton 31.214 Home comforts. Freedley 28.125 Home interiors. Gardner 28 829 Home life. Ware 32.715 Homer. Iliad. Buckley, trams 27.413 Homer. Ilia.l. Collins, trails 28.515 Homer. (Literature primer) Gladstone 29.830 Homer. Odyssey. Collins, trans 28.516 Homer, An enquiry into the timeand place of. Gladstone 29.828 Homer, stories from, Church 28.729 Homes and how to make them. Gardner. . . .29.819 Homes for the people in suburb and country. Wheeler 32. 724 Homestead architecture. Sloan 3i'3'7 Hood, Thomas. Complete works. Sargent. 6^.29.311 Hope, Arthur. Manual of Sorrento and in- laid work 29. 312 Hope, Ascott R. Book about dominies 29.313 Hopkins, Louisa P. Natural history plays, dialogues and recitations 29,314 Horace. Martin, trans 30.431 Horace. Works. Smart, trans 3 r -3i8 Horn, Frederick Winkle. History of the literature of the Scandinavian north. Rasmus, trans 26.328 Horton, Caroline W. Architecture for gen- eral students 29.315 Hosmer, Jas. K. Short history of German literature 29.316 Houdin, Robert. Secrets of stage conjuring. 2g.3i6A Hours in a library. Stephen 31.213 Hours with men and books. Mathews 30.313 House building. Richardson 31.616 House decoration. R. and A. Garrett 29.823 House plans. Reid ' 31.727 House that Jill built. Gardner 29.821 Household elegancies. Jones and Williams. .30.816 Household taste. East lake 28.326 House-keeper and health -keeper. Beecher. .26.232 House-keeping and cooking. Campbell 28.828 Houssaye, Arsene. Philosophers and act- resses 29.317 How to decorate our ceilings and floors. How to write clearly. Abbott 26.313 Howe, Julia W. Modern Society 29.318 Ho wells, W. D. Suburban sketches 29.319 Hudson, Rev. H. N. Shakespeare, his life, art and character 29. 320 Hueffer, Francis. The Troubadours 29.321 Hugesson, Rt. Hon. E. H. Knatchbull. Life and character of Oliver Cromwell 29.322 Hullah, J"hn. History of modern music 29.323 Music in the house 29.324 Human intercourse. Ilamerton 29.727 Human sadness. De Gasparin ... 28.422 Humboldt, Von, Letters of. Kapp, e.d 30818 Hume, David, essays 29.325 Humor, wit and satire of the seventeenth cen- tury. Ashton 26.342 Hunt, Leigh. Common-places refreshed. .. .29.326 Table talk 29.327 HUNT JUVENTUS. 65 Hunt (continued) Wishing-cap papers 22 328 Hunt, Robert, F. R. S., ed. Popular 'ro- mances of the West of England 29.329 Hunt, W. M. Talks about art 29.330 Hutton, Richard Holt. Essays in literary criticism 29. 33 i Huxley, Thomas D. American addresses. . . .29.332 Hyperion. Longfellow 3o.5i6A Ideal in art, The. Taine 31.226 Iliad of Homer. Buckley, trans 27.413 Illustrated homes. (Real houses and real people. ) Gardner 29. 822 Imaginary conversations. Landor. Classical dialogues, Greek and Roman 30.718 Literary men, famous women, miscellaneous. 30. 719 Sovereigns and statesmen 30.720 Improvement of time, an essay. Foster. .. .29. 817 Ingersoll, Robert G. Ghosts and other lec- tures 29. 220 Gods and other lectures 29. 22 1 Ingoldsby legends, Barham 26. 2 1 7 Irish essays. Arnold 26.337 Irish life, realities of. Trench 3i- I2 7 Irish peasantry, tales and stories of the. Carle- ton 28. 7 1 1 Irving, Washington. Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A .' 29.211 Alhambra 29.212 Crayon miscellany 29.213 Knickerbocker's history of New York 29.214 Mahomet 29.215 Salmagundi 29.216 Sketch book 29.217 Spanish papers 29,218 Tales of a traveler 29.219 Italy. (Florence and Venice.) Taine 31.227 Jackson, Lady Catherine Charlotte. Old Paris 29.222 Old regime 29.223 Jacox, Francis. Cues from all quarters. (Lit- erary musings. ) 29,224 Shakespeare diversions 29 .225 James, Henry. Earnest of God's omnipotence in human nature 29.112 Society the redeemed form of man 29. 1 12 James, Henry, jr. French poets and novelists. 29 226 Transatlantic sketches 29. 113 James, M. E. How to decorate our ceilings and floors 29 1 1 1 James, Rev, Thos., ed. ^Esop's fables 29. H3A Jameson, Mrs. Characteristics of women. ..29.114 Diary of an Ennuyee 29. 115 Legends of the Madonna 29. 1 16 Legends of the monastic orders 29. 117 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns.. 29.118 Memoirs of the loves of the poets 29. 1 19 Sacred and legendary art 29. 120 Sketches of art 29. 121 Studies, stories and memoirs 29. 122 Jarves, James Jackson. Art idea. The 29.125 Art thoughts 29. 124 Glimpses at the art of Japan 29.123 Jebb, R. C., M. A. Greek literature 30.812 Jeffrey, Francis. Contributions to the Edin- burg Review 29. 1 26 Jennings, G. H. Half-hours with Greek and Latin authors 29. 128 Jennings, Louis J. Field paths and green lanes 29. 127 Jerrold, Blanchard . Best of all good com- pany 29. 129 Specimens of Douglas Jerrold's wit 30.814 Jerrold, Douglas. Fireside saints 30.811 Mr. Caudle's breakfast table 30.811 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures 30-813 Johnson, Joseph. Self-effort 3-8i5 Johnstone, W. S. ' Half hours with Greek and Latin authors 29. 128 Jones, Airs. C. S. Beautiful homes, hints in house-furnishing 32.618 Household elegancies 30.816 Jones, Eustace A. Popular romances of the Middle Ages 28.538 Journal of a farmer's daughter. Goodale 29.833 Jowett, B. M. A., trans. Dialogues of Plato 30-817 Just how. (Key to the cook books.) Whitney. .32.732 Juvenal. Walford, trans 3 2 - 8 3O Juventus Mundi: Gods and men of the heroic age. Gladstone 29.831 66 KAl'l' LIliKKTY. Kapp, Friederich. Lettersof Von Ilumboldt. 30.818 Karr, Alphonse. Tour round my garden. .. .30.819 Kavanagb. Longfellow 30.517 Keightley, Thomas. Fairy mythology 30.820 Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy 38.821 Kelly, Walter, trans. Poems of Catullus and Tihullus 30.822 Kennedy, Charles R , trans. Orations of Demosthenes 30.823 King, Henry T. Egotist, The 30.824 King, Thomas Starr. Substance and show.. 30.825 Kingsley, Rev. Charles. Health and educa- tion 30. 826 Kingsley (conthnml) New miscellanies 30.827 Prose idylls 30.828 Sir Walter Raleigh 30.829 Kip, Wm. Ingraham. Christmas holidays in Rome 3C-7I7 Kirkland, C. M. Woman, her education and influence 30.712 Knickerbocker's history of New York. Irv- ing 29.214 Knight, Charles. Half hours with the best authors 3-7'3 Knights and their days. Dr. Doran 28.317 Lacon, or many things in few words. Colton Ladies and officers of the U. S. army. Greene. Lamartine, Alphonse de. Confidential dis- closures. Plunkett, tranx Lamb, Chas, works of. C. Noon Talfourd . . T. Noon Talfourd Tales from Shakespeare . . . . ' Landor, Walter Savage. Imaginary conver- sations. First series Imaginary conversations. Literary men, women, miscellaneous Sovereigns and statesmen Pericles and Aspasia Lang, Andrew. Library, the Language, study of. C. Marcel Laocoon, essay. Lessing Larcom, Lucy. Breathings of the better life. Larwood, Jacob. Book of clerical anecdotes. Lathrop, Geo. Parsons. Study of Hawthorne. Latin literature, history of. Schmitz Latin literature, primer. Lawrence Lawrence, Eugene. Primer of Greek liter- ature Primer of Latin literature Laws of Fesole, The. Ruskin Layres, Augustus. Elements of composition. Le Due, Violet. Learning to draw , Le Sage, Alain Rene. Asmodeus Learning to draw. Violet le Due. Champ lin, trans Lectures on science of language. Muller Lectures to young men. Beecher Leech, Harry Harewood. Letters of a senti- mental Idler Leeds, Josiah W . Theatre the 28.518 Leffingwell, C. W. Reading book of Eng- 29.715 lish Classics ... .30.618 Legends of the Madonna. Jameson 29. 1 16 30.714 Legends of the Monastic orders. Jameson. . .29 117 30.715 Legge, James, D. D. Chinese class cs 30.619 30.716 Legouve, Ernest. Art of reading 30.620 30.717 Reading as a fine art 30 621 Leisure hours in town. Boyd 26. 122 30.718 Leland, Chas. G. Algonquin legends of New England 30.622 3-7 I 9 Egyptian sketch book 30.624 30720 Gipsies, The 30.625 30.721 Minor arts 30.626 30.722 Leland, Thomas, D. D. Demosthenes' ora- 30.428 t j ons 30.623 30629 Leslie, Miss. Pastry, cakes and sweetmeats. 30 628 3-7 2 3 Lessing, Gotthold, E. Laocoon, essay upon 30.724 t h e ii m it s of painting and poetry 30.629 30.61 1 Lessing, G. E. Selected prose works 30.630 31.421 Lessons from my. masters. Bayne 26.225 30.613 Lessons in life. Holland 29.421 Lessons on science of language. Muller. . . .30.117 30.612 L'Estrange, Sir Roger. Seneca's Morals. .. .30.631 30.613 Letters and advice to young girls. Ruskin. .31.523 31.518 Letters and memoirs relating to the war of 30.614 American independence, de Rie 2 7 Rosenkranz, Dr. Karl . Pedagogics as a sys- tem. Anna Brackett, trans 31.628 Round my house. Hamerton 29.611 Runtz-Rees, Janet E. Home occupations. . .31,530 Rural studies. Mitchell 3- 2 i7 Ruskin, John, LL. D. Arrows of the chace.-3i.5ii Art of England 3 1 -5 12 Crown of wild olive 3 I -5 I 3 Elements of drawing 3 I -5 I 5 Elements of perspective S^S 1 ^ Ethics of the dust 3 l -S I 4 Fors Clavigera 3 1 -S 1 7 Laws of Fesole 3 l -S^ Letters and advice to young girls and young ladies 3I-523 Modern painters 3 I -5 I 9 Notes on Samuel Prout and William Hunt, .31.520 Political economy of art 3 l -S 21 Pre-Raphaelitism 3 l -5 22 Sesame and lilies 3 T -5 2 4 Seven lamps of architecture 3 r -5 2 5 Stones of Venice 3* 5 26 . Time and tide by Weave and Tyne 3 1 - 5 2 7 True and the beautiful in nature, art, morals and religion 3 l -5 2 & Unto this last 3"-5 2 9 Russell, A. P. Library notes 3 I -53 I Russell, John Earl. Recollections and sug- gestions 3 J -53 2 Russell, William. American elocutionist .. 31.533 Orthophony; cultivation of the voice in elocution 3 I -534 72 RYAN SMILES. Ryan, Charles. Systematic drawing and Rydberg, Viktor. shading 31-535 and art.) A. Roman days. (Sculpture :. Clarke, trans 3'-4" Sacred and legendary art. Jameson 29. 1 20 Sage brush leaves. Mighels 30. 322 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Monday chats 3I-4 12 Saintsbury, George. Primer of French lit- rature 31.414 Short history of French literature 31-413 Sampson, G. W., D. D. Elements of art criticism 31-415 Salmagundi. Irving 29.216 Sanskrit and its kindred literatures. Poor.. 31. 715 Sargent. Epes. Original dialogues 31.416 Sartor Resartus. Carlyle 28.717 Satires of Juvenal, Persius Sulpicia and Lu- cilius. Rev. L. Evans, trans 28.221 Saunders, K. Woman, love and marriage. .31.417 Saxon studies. Hawthorne 29.513 Schiller's Die Piccolomini. J. M. Hart, ed. .29.630 Schlegel, Augustus W. Dramatic art and literature. John Black, tram 3 r -4i9 Schlegel, Frederick. Course of lectures on Modern History 31.418 Lectures on the history of literature, ancient and modern 31.420 Schmitz, Leonhard., LL. D. History of Lat- in literature 31-421 Schrceder, John F., D. D. Maxims of Wash- ington 31.422 Schuck, Oscar T. California scrap book .... 31.423 Schumann, Robert. Music and musicians. Fanny R. Ritter, trans 31-424 School of life. Alger 26. 324 Scoones, W. Baptiste. Four centuries of English letters 31-425 Scott, W. B. History and practice of the fine and ornamental arts 31.426 Scudder, Horace E. Stories from my attic. .31.427 Scull, S. A. Greek mythology systematized 31.428 Secret of success. Adams 26.315 Seeley, J. R. English lessons for English people 26,311 Expansion of England ' 3 1 .3 1 1 Seer, The. Hunt 29.326 Select speeches of George Canning. Robert Walsh, ed 32.713 Self-culture. Blackie 26.246 Self-culture. Clarke 28.618 Self-effort. Johnson 30.815 Self-help. Smiles ........................ 3i-32t Seneca, the epistles of, contrasted, with the precepts of the Gospel . Morcll ...... 30. 226 Seneca's morals. L'Estrange, ed .......... 30.621 Sesame and lilies. Ruskin ................ 3 1 -534 Seven lamps of architecture. Ruskin ....... 3 I -5 2 5 Seven curses of London. Greenwood ...... 29.717 Seven stories with basement and attic. Mitchell ............................. 30.218 Shakespeare. (Literature primer. ) Dowden.28 318 Shakespeare, a biographic aesthetic study. Culvert .............................. 28.835 Shakespeare, a critical study of his mind and art. Dowden .................... 28.319 Shakespeare, his lite, art and character. Hudson .............................. 29.320 Shakespeare diversions. Jacox ...... ..... 29.225 Shakespeare papers. Maginn ............ 30.418 Shakespeare treasury. Stearns ............ 31.211 Shakespeare's morals. Gilman ............ 29.826 Shedd, William G. T. Literary essays ..... 3i-3'2 Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge ........ 28.625 Shenstone, William. Men and manners ---- 31-313 Short studies of American authors. Higgin- son .................................. 29.414 Short studies on great subjects. Froude ..... 28. 128 Siegvolk, Paul. Bundle of papers .......... 31 314 Sigourney, L. H. Myrtis, with other etch- ings ................................. 3I-3I5 Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. Kingsley. 30.829 Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde de. Litera- ture of the south of Europe. Thomas Roscoe, trail* ....................... : .31.316 Sketch-book. Irving ...................... 29.217 Sketches and studies in Southern Europe. Symonds .............................. 31.221 Sketches for the fireside. I5y a clergyman. .28.620 Sketches, light and descriptive. Chambers. .28.722 Sketches of art. Jameson ............... . .29. 12! Skirmishes ami sketches. I lamilton ........ 29.619 Slavonic literature. Moifill ............... 30.227 Sloan, Samuel. Homestead architecture. .. .31.317 Smart, C., M. A. Horace, works of. Notes by Theodore A. Buckley ....... , ....... 31.318 Smiles, Samuel. Character ................ 3i-3 r 9 Self-help ............................... 31-321 SMILES THEOLOGY. Smi'.es (continued} Thrift 3I-322 Smith, Alexander. Dreamthorp 3!-3 2 3 Smith, Rowland, M A. Greek romances of Heliodorus Longus and Achilles Tatius. 31.324 Smith, Sydney. Works, 3 vols 3 I -3 2 5 Smith, T. Roger, F. R. G B. A. Architec- ture. Gothic and renaissance 31.326 Smith, Walter, Art education 31 327 Social life in Grreee. Mahaffy 30.422 Social pressure. Helps 29.522 Society the redeemed form of man. James. .29 112 Solitudes of nature and of man. Alger 26.325 Sophocles, tragedies of. Oxford, trans 31-817 Sorrento and inlaid work. Hope 29.312 Souvestre, Emile. Pleasures of old age 31.328 Spanish literature, history of. Ticknor 31.123 Spanish papers. Irving 29 218 Spare hours. Brown 27512 Sparrow-grass papers. Cozzens 28 .529 Speaker, humorous. Oldham 30. 126 Speaker's garland. Anon .31.329 Speeches and orations, great.. Webster 32.718 Speeches, lectures and letters. Phillips 31.833 Speeches of Edmund Burke 28.814 Spiritual manifestations. Beecher 26.230 Sports that kill. Talinage 31.232 Springs of action. Richards 31.612 Stage conjuring, secrets of. Houdin 29.3I6A Stearns, Charles W., M. D. Shakespeare treasury of wisdom and knowledge 31.211 Stedman, Edmund C. Victorian poets 31.212 Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a library 31.213 Stockton, Frank R. and Marian. The Home. Where it should be and what to put in 11.31.214 Stones of Venice. Ruskin 31. 526 Stories from my attic. Scudder 31.427 Stories from old English poetry. Richardon.3i 614 Storrs, Richard S., D. D., LL. D. Manli- ness of the ?cholar 3 1.2 14 A Story, W. W. Castle St. Angelo and the evil eye 31.215 Roba di Roma 31.216 Story or two from an old Dutch town. Lowell. 30. 524 Stuart, James Antiquities of Athens 31.217 Studies in English. De Vere 28. 433 Studies in Longfellow. Gannett 29.8i8A Studies in the history of the renaissance. Pater 31.826 Studies of the Greek poets. Symonds 31.222 Studies, stories and memoirs. Jameson 29. 122 Study of words. Trench 31.126 Subjection of women. Mill 30. 324 Substance and show. King. E. P. Whipple f ed 30.825 Suburban sketches. Howells 29.319 Success in life and how to secure it. Owen.. 31. 817 Summer rest. Hamilton 29.620 Swayne, George C., M. A. Herodotus ....31.218 Sweet counsel ; a book for girls. Anon 31.219 Sweetzer, M. F, Hints for home reading. . .31.830 Swinburne, Algernon C. Essays and studies.3i.22o Sydney Smilh. Works. 3 vols 31.325 Sylvan year. Hamerton 29.612 Symonds, John A. Sketches and studies in Southern Europe 31.221 Studies of the Greek poets 31 .222 Sypher, J. R. American popular speaker.. .31.223 Systematic drawing and shading. Ryan. . . .31.535 Table talk, specimens of. Coleridge 28.626 Table talk. Hunt 29.327 Table talk of Martin Luther. Hazlitt, trans. 29. $\<) Tacitus, works of. Oxford, trans 31.820 Taine, H. Art in Greece 31.224 History of English literature 31.225 Ideal of Art, The 31.226 Italy, Florence and Venice 31.227 Notes on England 31.228 Philosophy of art 31. 229 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb 30. 7 1 7 Tales of a traveler. Irving 29.219 Talmage, Rev. T. de Witt. Abominations of modern society 31.230 Talmage (continued) Crumbs swept up 31.231 Sports that kill 31.232 Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Works of Chas. Lamb 30.716 Taylor, Bayard. Critical Essays 31.111 Studies in German literature 31.112 Telemachus, adventures of. Hawkesworth trans 29. 5 12 Ten Brink, Bernhard. Early English Iiterature.3i.n3 Ten minutes talks on all sorts of topics. Burritt . 28 .8 1 5 Theatre, The. Leeds 30.617 Theatre of the Greeks. Donaldson 28.314 Theology in the English poets. Brooke. . . . 27.614 74 THOMPSON WABNER. Thompson, M:unice. Witchery of archery. .31. 114 Thoreau, Henry D. Cape Cod 31.1 15 Early spring in Massachusetts 31.116 Excursions 3 1 . 1 1 7 Letters to various persons 31 118 Maine woods, The 31. 1 19 Walden, essays 31. 120 Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. 31. 121 Yankee in Canada, A 34. 122 Thrift. Samuel Smiles ji-3 22 Throne and the Prince Consort, The. Glad- stone 29.829 Ticknor, George. History of Spanish litera- ature 31-1.23 Time and tide letters. Ruskin 3 1 . 527 Tin trumpet, The. Anon 32.81 1 Titcomb's letters to young people. Hol- land 29.424 Titcomb, Timothy. (J.G.Holland.} Gold- foil hammered from popular proverbs. .. .29,420 Topics of the time, essays. Parton 31-825 Tour around my garden. Karr 30.819 Townsend, Geo H. Everyday book of mod- ern literature 31-124 Transatlantic sketches. James, Jr 29.113 Trench, Richard C. English past and pres- ent. 31-125 Study of words 31. 126 Realities of Irish life 3'- 127 Trial and death of Socrates. Church, tram. .28.617 Trollope, Anthony. Cesar's Commentaries. .31.128 Troubadours, The. Hueffer ' 29.321 Troubadours and Trouveres. Preston 31.720 True and the beautiful, The. Ruskin 31-528 True, the beautiful and the good, The. Cousin 28. 526 Tuckerman, Chas. K. Greeks of to-day 32.812 Tullock, John. Leaders of the reformation. .32.813 Turning points in life. Arnold 26.335 Twelve miles from a lemon. Hamilton. .. .29.621 Tyler, Moses Coil. History of American lit- erature 32.814 Tylor, Edward B. Primitive culture 32.815 Tyrwhitt, Rev. A. St. John. Our sketching club 32.820 Tytler, Sarah. Modern painters, and their paintings for the use of schools 32.816 Musical composers 32.817 Old masters, The 32.818 Papers for thoughtful girls 32.819 Underbrush. Fields 28. 1 1 5 Underwood, Francis H. Cloud pictures. .. .32.821 University life in ancient Athens. Capes. . .30.612 Unknown river,. The. Hamerton 29.612 " Unto this last." Essays on the first princi- ples of political economy. Kuskin 3<-529 Upton, Geo. P, Woman in music 32.822 Van Voorhees, Hon. William. Oration be- fore the society of California pianeers 32.824 Vaughan, David Jr., trans. Republic of Plato 28.419 Vericour, L. Ramond, de. Modern French literature 32.826 Viardot, Louis. Wonders of sculpture 32.826 Viator. (J. P. Varnum.) Washington sketch book 32.827 Victorian poets. Stedman 31.212 Views and opinions. Browne 27.513 Virgil. Collins 28512 Virgil, stories from. Church 28.612 Von Dollinger, Dr. J, J. I. Fables repre- senting the Popes in the middle ages 32.828 Voss, Frt-deric. Bibelots and curios 32.829 Vulgarisms and other errors of speech. Moore. 30. 22 1 Wake Robin. Burroughs..." 28.819 Walden, essays. Thoreau 31. 120 Walford, Edward, M. A. Juvenal 32.830 Walker, J. Handy-book of object lessons. .32.832 Walker. Manly exercises 32.831 Wallace. Lady Mendelssohn's letters, 1833- 1847 22.711 Mendelssohn's letters from Italy and Switzer- land 32.712 Walsh, Robert, erf. Select speeches of Geo. Canning 32.713 Wandering Jew. Conway 28. 521 Wandering recollections of a somewhat busy life. Neal 30. 1 19 Ward, Mrs. H. O. Young lady's friend 32.714 Ware, John F. W. Home life 32.715 Warner, Charles Dudley. Hints for home reading 3'-*3o WARNER ZIMMERN. 75 Warner (continued) My summer in a garden 32.7 16 Warren, Nathan B. The holidays Christ- mas, Easter and Whitsun-tide their fes- tivities, customs and carols 32717 Washington sketch book. Viator 32 827 Webster, Daniel, speeches and orations of. Edwin P. Whipple, ed 32.718 Wedding day in all ages and countries. Wood 32.623 Wedmore, Frederick. Masters of genre painting 32.719 Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. Thoreau ...31.121 Weisse, John A., M. D. The obelisk aud free-masonry -32.720 Welsh, Alfred H. Development of English literature and language 32.721 Westminster Hall, memory of. Foss 29.813 Weston. A. H. Rifle club and range 32.722 Westward empire. Magoon 30.419 Wet days at Edgewood. Mitchell 30.219 What girls can do. Browne 27.41 I What shall we do with our daughters? Liver- more 30.512 What to wear. Phelps 31. 832 Whateley, Richard. Lord Francis Bacon ..32.723 Wheeler, Gervase. Homes for the people in suburb and country 32.724 Whipple, Edwin P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth 32.725 Speeches and orations of Daniel Webster. . .32.718 White, Lucy Cecil. Story of English litera- ture 32.726 White, Richard Grant. England without and within 32. 727 Every-day English 32 728 Words and their uses, past and present. . . .32.729 Whitehead, H. Literary and scientific lec- tures 32.730 Whitman, arah Helen. Edgar Poe and his critics 32.731 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Just how 32.732 Whitney, William D. Oriental and linguistic 32.733 Whittier, John G. Prose works 32.611 Whyte-Melville. G. J. Riding recollect- ions 32 612 Wiesner, Mrs, Annie Lee, trans. Aphorisms. 32.613 Wight, O \V., A. M Provincial letters, Pascal 32.614 Thoughts, letters and opuscules 32.615 Wilkinson, William C. Free lance in the field of life and letters 32.616 Williams, Henry T. Beautiful homes, (hints in house furnishing) 32.618 Wilson. Nodes Ambrosianoe 32.617 Windfalls. Appleton 26.332 Winter sunshine. Burroughs 28.820 Wishing-cap papers. Hunt 29.328 Wit and wisdom of bench and bar. Mon- crieff. 30. 22oA Witchery of Archery. Thompson 3 1 "4 Woman, her education and influence. Kirk- land 30.712 Woman in American society. Woolson 32.621 Woman in music. Upton 32.822 Woman in the nineteenth century. Ossoli. ..31.816 Woman, love and marriage, essays. Saunders,3i.4i7 Woman's handiwork in modern homes. Har- rison 29.628 Woman's place to-day. Blake 26. 1 12 Woman's thoughts about women, A. Craik. lock 30.118 Woman's work and worth. Adams 26.317 Womanhood. Newton 30. 120 Wonders of sculpture. Viardot 32.826 Wood, Edward. Wedding ,day in all ages and countries, The 32.623 Woodfall. Letters of Junius 32.619 Woodfall's Junius. Letters of Junius. ..... .32.619 Woolson, A. B. Browsing among books. .. .32.620 Dress reform, lectures 32.622 Woman in American society 32,621 Words, their use and abuse. Mathews 30.316 Words and their uses. White 32. 729 Wordsworth. Calvert 28.826 Wordsworth and other essays. Mason 30.433 Work and play, essays. Busline!! 28.822 Yankee in Canada, A. Thoreau 31.122 Yesterdays with authors. Fields 28. 1 16 Yonge, C. D., trans. Cicero's orations 32.624 Young folk's readings. Monroe 30. 224 Young ladies' friend, The Ward 32.714 Younghusband, Francis. Classic mythology. 32. 625 Zenophon. Grant 29712 Zimmern, Helen. Epic of kings, The 32.626 BIOGRAPHY Abbott, John S. C 1 . Benjamin Franklin 22.511 Captain William Kidd 32.512 Christopher Columbus 32. 514 David Crockett 32. 5 1 5 Ferdinand de Soto 32 516 History of Frederick the Great 32.517 Kit Carson 32. 5 1 3 Life of Napoleon III 3 2 -S I 3 Miles Standish 32. 519 Napoleon Bonaparte 32. 520 Peter Stuyvesant 32.521 Acme library. Miscellaneous authors 32.522 Actors and the art of acting. Lewes 34-725 Adams, Henry. John Randolph 32.525 David Livingston 3 2 -5 2 3 Adams, John Quincy. Morse 34.425 Adams, John Quincy. Memoirs of the life of. Quincy 34. 1 13 Adamson, Robert, M. A. Fichte 32.524 Alfieri, Vittorio. Howells 33. 1 1 1 Allen, Joseph Henry. Hebrew men and times . 33.526 Allen (continued) Life of Nelson 32. 527 Alraschid, Haroun, the Caliph. Pahnei . . . .34.327 American humorist. Haweis 33-313 American patriotism. Peabody 34.216 American's own book. Anon 32. 528 Anderson, E. L. Soldier and pioneer 32.529 Anecdotes of public men. Forney 33 .5 1 1 Angelico, Fra. Sweetser 35-5 1 ? Apostles of medieval Europe. Maclear 34,618 Arndt, Ernst Moritz, life and adventures of. Seeley 35-Si8 Arnold, Benedict, life of. Arnold 3 2 -53o Arnold, Isaac N. Life of Benedict Arnold. .32. 530 Arnold, Thomas, life of. Stanley 35. 613 Audubon, John James, life of. By his widow, ed 32. 53 1 Audubon, Mrs., ed. Life of John James Audubon 32. 53 1 Austin, G. Lowell. Life of Franz Schu- bert 32.411 Bach, Sebastian. Poole 34 224 Bacon, Francis, life of. Spedding 35-722 Bain, Alexander, LL. D. John Stuart Mill. .32. 412 Baker, Henry B. English actors 32.413 Bancroft, Aaron, D. D. Life of George Washington 32.414 Barbon, Alfred. Life of Victor Hugo 32.415 Barnes, Thurlow Weed. Memoir of Thur- low Weed 35-21 1 Barnum, P. T. Recollections of forty busy years 32.416 Barrett, Charlotte. Diary and letters of Madame D'Arblay 32.417 Barrett, Lawrence. Edwin Forrest 32.418 Barrington, Sir Jonah. Personal sketches of his own times 32.419 Barry, Alfred, D. D. Masters in English theology 32.420 Bartlett, David W. Life of Lady Jane Grey 32.421 Bartlett, William Francis. Memoir of. Pal- frey 34. 326 Bates, Elder Joseph. White, ed 35 316 Beaconsfield, Earl of. Hitchman 33-214 Beaconsfield, Lord. Brandes 32,326 Beaconsfield, Lord. Political adventures of. Anon 32.422 Becket, Thomas. Life of. Froude 33. 520 Beesly, A. II., M. A. Sir John Franklin. .32.423 Beethoven. Wagner 35-4 2 5 Bellchambers, Edmund. Apology for the life of Colley Gibber 32.424 Bench and Bar. Bigelow 32 314 Benedict, Sir Julius. Carl Maria von Weber. .32.425 ' Benham, Rev. Wm. Catherine and Craw- ford Tait 32.426 Berkeley, George, bishop. Frazer 33-5'3 Besant, Walter, M. A. French humorists. . .32.311 Gaspard de Coligny 32.312 BICKERSTETH 77 Bickersteth. Doing and suffering 3 2 -3 l 3 Bigelow, L. G. Bench and bar 32-3H Biographical and critical essays. Tucker- man 3S-4!8 Biographical sketches. Martineau 34-623 Bismarck's letters. Maxse, trans 34-625 Black, John. Memoirs of Carlo Goldoni. .. .32.315 Black, William. Oliver Goldsmith 34- 5 '6 Blind Mathilde. Cross. (George Eliot.) 32.316 Bogart, W. H. Daniel Boone and the hun- ters of Kentucky 32.317 Bonaparte, Madame. Life and letters of. Didier, ed 33- 7 "9 Bonaparte, Napoleon. History of Julius f Caesar 3 2 -3i9 Bonaparte, Napoleon. Life of. Headly 33.323 Bonaparte, Napoleon, Life of. Scott 35 815 Bonaparte, Napoleon. Private memoirs of during the periods of the Directory, the Consulate and the Empire. De Bour- rienne 32. 323 Bonar, Andrew A. Life, letters, etc. of Mc- Cheyne 32.318 Boone, Daniel. Bogart 3 2 -3i7 Booth, the elder and the younger. Clarke . .32.123 Borel, T. Count Agenor de Gasparin 32.320 Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson . . . .32.321 Bourne, H. R. Fox. Famous London mer- chants 32.322 Bourrienne, M. de. Private memoirs of Na- poleon Bonoparte 32.323 Bowman, Col. S. M. Sherman and his cam- paigns 3 2 -3 2 4 Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Goethe and Schiller, their lives and works 32.325 Brandes,' George. Lord Beaconsfield . (a study) 32.326 Brassey, Thomas. Life and labours of. Helps 33-325 Bray, William. Diary of John Evelyn 32.326A Braybrooke, Richard, Lord. Diary of Sam- uel Pepys, F. R. S 32.3266 Brayman, James O., ed. Daring deeds of American heroes 32.327 Brewster, Sir David. Martyrs of science. (Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler) 32. 328 Brief Biographies. Smiles 35 712 Brightwell, C, L. Lives of Labour 32.329 Broderick, Frances F. Memorials oi Thomas Hood 32.330 Bronte, Charlotte. Reid 34. 1 1 7 A Bronte, Charlotte. Life of Gaskell 33-534 Bronte, Charlotte. Note on, A. Swinburne. .35.526 Bronte, Emily. Robinson 34. 121 Brooks, Charles T. William Ellery Chan- ning, a centennial memory 32.213 Brooke, Sir James, Rajah of Sarawak. Life of. St. John 35.619 Brooke, Stopford A. Life, letters and ad- dresses of Frederick W. Robertson 32.212 Milton 32.21 1 Brown, Captain John. Public life of, Red- path ,. 34.115 Brown, E. E. Life and public services of James A. Garfield 32.215 Brown, John W. Life of Leonardo da Vinci. 32. 216 Brown, Thomas N. Life and times of Hugh Miller 32. 2 14 Browne, William H. Life of Alexander H. Stephens 32.217 Bryant, William Cullen. Hill 33-332 Bryant, William Cullen. Rymington 35. 529 Buckfe, Henry T. Life and writings of. Huth 33. 1 14 Bulwer, Henry Lytton. Historical charac- ters. (Mackintosh. Talleyrand, Canning, Corbett, Peel) 32.218 Bunsen, Frances, Baroness. Life and letters of. Hare 33-428 Bunyan, John. Froude 34. 522 Burder, Thomas Harrison. Autobiography .32.219 Burdett, Charles. Kit Carson 32.220 Burke, Edmund. Morley 34-528 Burke, Edmund. . Life of Prior . *. . . /. 34.1 12 Burns, Robert. Shairp 24.412 Burr, Aaron. Life and times of. Parton. . . .34 331 Burritt, Elihu, A memorial. Northend .... 34.430 Bushnell, Horace. Life and letters of. Cheney 32.121 Busy life, recollections of a. Greeley 33-417 Butler, Joseph. Collins 33 817 Byron, Lord. Nichol 34-53' Byron, Lord. Life and letters of. Moore ..34.424 Byron, Lord. Recollections of. Guiccioli ..33.421 C. P. Bryan Waller Proctor, (Barry Corn- wall) 33-822 Caesar. A sketch. Froude 33-519 Caesar, Julius. History of. Bonaparte 32.319 73 CAIRO CUSHMAN. Caird, Edward, LL.D. Hegel 32.221 Calderon. Hassell 34.3 15 Caldwell, Charles. Holley 32.222 Calhoun, John C. Von Hoist 35 .424 Calvert, Geo. H. Goethe, his life and works. 32. 223 Campbell, John, Lord. Lives of the Chan- cellors and keepers of the great seal of England from the earliest times 32.224 Lives of the Chief Justices of England . . . .32.225 Carlyie, Thomas. Con way 33-&19 Caiiyle, Thomas. Early kings of Norway, and essay on the portraits of John Knox. .32.115 Frederick the Great. History of 32. 1 1 1 Oliver Cromwell, Letters and speeches 32.112 Reminiscences. Froude, ed 32. 1 13 Schiller's life 32. 1 14 Carson, Kit. Abbott 3 2 -5 I 3 Carson, Kit. Burdett 32.220 Chambers, Robert. Memoirs of. Chambers.32. 116 Chambers, William. Memoir of Robert Chambers 32. 1 16 Chambers, W. Stories of remarkable per- sons 32.117 Chandler, Peleg \V. Memoir of Governor Andrew 32. i 18 Channing, William E. Centennial memory. * Brooks 32.213 Channing, William E. Thoreau, the poet naturalist 32. 1 19 Chapman, Maria W. Martineau 32.120 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Ward 34-419 Checkered life in the old and new world. Ver Mehr 35-4 2 3 Cheney, Mary B. Life and letters of Horace Bushnell 32.121 Chief Justices of England, lives of the. Camp- bell 32. 225 Child, Elias. Genealogy of the Child, Childs and Childe families 32. 122 Chopin, Ferdinand. Life of Liszt. Martha W. Cook, trans 34.727 Christopher North. Memoir of John Wilson. Gordon 33-41 1 Church, R W. Edmund Spencer 34 .518 Celebrities of the past and present. Maceuen. 34.615 Cervantes. Oliphant 34-31? Cibber, Colly. An apology for the life of. Bellchambers, ed 32.424 Cicero, Life of. Trollope 35-414 Claretie, Jules. French celebrities 32.124 Clarke, Asia. B. Elder and the younger Booth. 32. 123 Clarke, James Freeman. Memorial and bio- graphical sketches 33-8n Clay, Henry. Anon . . . . 23.813 Clay, Ileuiy. Last seven years of the life of. Col ion 33 812 Clement, Clara Erskine. Charlotte Cushm;in.33.8i4 Clough, A. H., ed. Plutarch's lives. (Dry- den, trans.) 33-&I5 Coleridge. E. Memoirs and letters of Sara Coleridge 33.816 Coleridge, Sara. Memoirs *nd letters of. Coleridge 33.816 College days, My. Tomes '. 35.539 Collins, Clifton W. Saint-Simon 34 .312 Collins, Rev. W. L., M. A. Joseph Butler. 33.817 Montaigne "-34-3I3 Colton, Calvin. Last seven years of the life of Henry Clay .33.812 Columbus, Christopher. Abbott 32.514 Columbus, Christopher. Life and voyages of. Irving 33. 1 18 Colvin, Sidney. W r alter Savage Landor 34-517 Commines, Philip de. Memoirs and secret history of Louis XI. Scobie, ed 35.814 Communist, True history of the. Davidson . .33.714 Conway, Moncure D. Thomas Carlyie 33-8i9 Cooke, George \V. Ralph Waldo Emerson; his life, writings and philosophy 33-829 Cooley, Timothy M. Life and character of the Rev. Lemuel Haynes 33-821 Cooper, James Fennimore. Lonnsbury 34.612 Corneille and Racine. Trollope 34-322 Cornwall, Barry. (B. W. Proctor.) Charles Lamb, a memoir 33-824 Cornell, VVm. M., LL. D. Life and public career of Horace Greeley 33-$ 2 3 Couder, Claude R., R. E. Judas Macca- baeus and the Jewish war of independence 33.818 Countess of Albany. Lee 34. 720 Cowper, William. Smith 34 .414 Crockett, David. Life and adventures of. Abbott 32 515 Croly, David G. Seymour and Blair, their lives and services 33-825 Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speech Carlyie 32112 Crowe, J. A. Life and times of Titian 33.826 Curtis, Win. T. Life of Daniel Webster 33.712 Cushman, Charlotte. Clement 33 .8 14 Cushman, Charlotte. Her letters and memo- ries of her life. Stebbins 35.614 D'ARBLAY EVELYN. 79 D'Arblay. (Frances Burney.) Diary and let- ters. Barret, ed 32.417 Da Vinci, Leonardo. Sweetzer 35-5 I 9 Da Vinci, Leonardo. Life, with a critical ac- count of his works. Brown 32.216 Dabney. R. L., D. D. Life and campaigns of "Stonewall" Jackson 33 712 Daniel Webster. Lodge 34. 730 Daniels. Life of "Stonewall" Jackson 33-713 Dante. Oliphant 34-3i8 Daring deeds of American heroes. Bray- man, ed 32. 327 Darwin, Erasmus. Krause 34-828 Davidson, J. Morrison. Eminent English liberals , 33-715 Davidson, Joshua, communist. The true his- tory of ...33.714 De B. Madame. Memories of Rachel 33.7 16 De Bourienne See Bourienne De Coligny, Gaspard, Marquis de Chatillon. Besant 32.312 De Falloux, Count. Life and letters of Mad- ame Swetchine 33. 717 De Foe. Minto 34. 527 De Gasparin, Count Agenor. Borel 32.320 De Grammont See Grammont De Quincey, Quatremere. Life and works of Michael Angelo and Raphael. ... '. 33-7i8 De Remusat, Madame. Memoirs of. John Lillie, trans 33.216 Selections from the letters of. John Lillie, trans 33. 2 1 7 De Sevigne, Madame. Miss Thackeray.. . .34.321 De Soto, Ferdinand. Abbott : 32.516 De Soto, Ferdinand. Life, travels and adven- tures of. Wilmer 35.321 De Stael, Madame. A study of her life and times, Stevens 35 .616 Descartes. Mahaffy 34-617 Diary of Samuel Pepys, with memoir. Bray- brooke, ed 32. 3266 Dick, Robert. Baker of Thurso, geologist and botan'st. Smiles 35-75 l Dickens, Charles. Ward 34-42O Dickens, Charles. Letters of. Dickens, 61^.33.720 Dickens, Charles. Lifeof. Forster 33-5 12 Dickens, Charles. Life and writings of. Hanaford 33-4 2 6 Dickens, Miss. Letters of Charles Dickens. .33.720 Diderot and the Encyclope'distes. Morley. . .34.515 Didier, Eugene L. Life and letters of Mad- ame Bonaparte 33-7 J 9 Dobson, Austin. Henry Fielding 34-5 J 9 Doing and suffering. Memorials of Elizabeth and Frances Biekersteth, by their sister . .32.313 Doremus, S. D. Great lights in sculpture and painting 33-7 21 Dowden, Edward. Robert Southey 34. 520 Dryden, John. Saintsbury 34-4' I Duke of Wellington. Lifeof. Macfarlane, . .34.616 Duppa, R. Life and works of Michael An- gelo and Raphael 33 7 r 8 Durer, Albert. Sweetzer 35-5*6 Dusenbery, B. M. Monument to the memory of Andrew Jackson 33- 722 Dwight, Theodore. Life of Garibaldi 33-7 2 3 Dwight, Wilder. Life and letters of 33-7 2 4 Early Italian painters. Jameson 34.8i3A Early kings of Norway. Carlyle .32.115 Eccentric personages. Russell 34. 1 23 Edgeworth. Maria. Helen Zimmern 35-3 2 8 Edward, Thomas. Life of. Smiles .35.714 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 33. 725 Edwards, H. Sutherland. Rossini and his school 33-726 Eggleston, George Gary, A rebel's recollec- tions 33-727 Eliot, George. Blind Mathilde 32.316 Ellet, Mrs. Queens of American society 33 728 Women artists in all ages and countries . . . .33.729 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. His life, writings and philosophy, Cooke 33.820 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Guernsey 33-4 2 o Emerson, Ralph Waldo, et als. Ossoli 33-7 11 Eminent Americans. Lossing 34-ii Empress Josephine, Life of. Headley 33 .320 English actors. From Shakespeare to Mac- ready. Baker 32.413 English humorists of the eighteenth century. Thackeray 35-534 English liberals eminent. iDavidson 33-7 l 5 English men of letters. Morley, ed. 34.516 and 34.420 English men of science. Gallon 33. 523 English portraits. Sainte-Beuve.. 34- I2 6 English stage, romance of the. Fitzgerald. . 33.624 Evelyn, John, diary of. Bray 32-326A 80 EVERETT GARFIELD. Everett, Edward. Life of George Wash- Extraordinary women . Their girlhood and inglon 33-6l2 early life 34. 124 Experience as a minister. IVaker 34-328 Pagan, Louis. Life and correspondence of Sir Anthony Panizzi 33-6i3 Fairfield, Jane. Autobiography of 33 614 Famous boys and how they became great men. Anon 33-6i5 Famous Americans of recent times. Parton . .34.330 Famous London merchants. Bourne 32.322 Famous men. Page 343-4 Faraday, Michael. Gladstone 33-529 Faraday as a discoverer. Tyndall 35-42O Farragut, David G. Life of Farragut 33-6i6 Farragut, David G. Life and naval career of. Headley 33-3i8 Farragut, Loyall. Life of David G. Farragut. 33.616 Farrar, John. Recollections of seventy years. 33.617 Ferris, George T. Great German composers. 33.61 9 Great Italian and French composers 33 .620 Great Singers. ( Faustina Bordoni to Hen- rietta Sontag. ) 33. 6 1 8 Great Violinists and pianists 33-621 Fichte. Adamson 32. 524 Field, Mansell B. Memoirs of many men and some women 33.622 Fielding, Henry. Dobson 34-519 Figure painters of Holland. Gower 33-4'4 Fisher, George P. Life of Benjamin Silli- man, M. D 33-623 Fitch, John (inventor of the steamboat). Life of. Westcott 35-3I3 Fitzgerald, Percy, M. A. Life of George IV. 33. 625 Romance of the English stage 33-624 Fontaine, Rev. James. Memoirs of a Hugue- not family 33-627 Footsteps of the reformers in foreign lands. ..33.626 Foreign classics for English readers. Oli- phant, ed 34-3" ^ 34-3 2 3 Forney, John W. Anecdotes of public men..33.5ii Forrest, Edwin. Barrett 32.418 Forrest, Edwin. Life of. Rees 34-"6 Forster, John. Life of Charles Dickens 33-512 Fowler, Thomas. John Locke 34-521 Fox, Charles James. Early History of. Tre- velyan 35-41 1 Fox, George. The Friends and the early Bap- '** 35-530 Franklin, Benjamin. Life of. Parton 34-333 Franklin, Benjamin. Picture of the struggle of our infant nation one hundred years ago. Abbott 32 .511 Franklin, Sir John. Beesly 32.423 Fraser, A. Campbell, LL. D. Bishop George Berkeley 33-5*3 Frederick the great. Life of. Abbott 3 2 -5i7 Frederick the great. History of. Carlyle . . 32. 1 1 1 Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Memoirs of. Howells, ed 33.226 French celebrities. Claretie 32.124 French humorists. Besant 32.311 Frcebel, Frederick. Reminiscences of, with biographical sketch. von Marenholz- Biilow 34-622 Frost, H. F. Franz Schubert 33-5'8 Frothingham, Octavius B. Life of Theodore Parker 33'5l6 Frothingham, Octavius B. George Ripley. .33.514 Frothingham, Octavius B. Gerrit Smith 33. 5 1 5 Frothingham, Richard. A tribute to Thomas Starr King '. 33-5 1 ? Froude, James Anthony, M. A. Caesar; a sketch 33-5I9 John Bunyan 34-522 Life and times of Thomas Becket 33. 520 Fry, Elizabeth. Pitman 34.222 Fuller, Arthur B. Life sketch of. Fuller. .33.521 Fuller, Margaret. (Marchesa Ossoli). Howe. 33. 225 Fuller, Richard F. Life sketch of Arthur B. Fuller 33-521 Fulton, Robert. Life of Reigart 34- 1 iS Gage, W. L. Life of Carl Ritter 33-522 Gallatin, Albert. John Austin Stevens 35-6i7 Galton, Francis, F. R S. English men of science, their nature and nurture 335 2 3 Garfield, James A. Life and public services of. Brown 32215 Garfield, James A. Life and public services of. McCabe 34-627 GARIBALDI HEADLEY. 81 Garibaldi. Life of. Dwight 33-723 Gaskell, E. C. Life of Charlotte Bronte. . . .33.524 Genealogy of the Child, Childs and Childe families. Child 32 122 George the Fourth. Life of. Fitzgerald 33.625 Gibbon, Edward. Howells 33. 227 Gibbon, Edward. Morison 34. 529 Gilchrist, Anne. Mary Lamb 33 525 Gill, William F. Life of Edgar Allen Poe. . .33.526 Gilman, Daniel C. James Monroe 33. 527 Gladstone,;. H., Ph. D. Michael Faraday. 33. 5 29 Gladstone, William Ewart. Life of. Smithy. 716 Gobright, L. A. Recollections of men and things at Washington 33-528 Godwin, William, His friends and contem- poraries. Paul 34.214 Goethe. Hayward 34-3*6 Goethe, his life and works, Calvert 32.223 Goethe, life and times of, Grimm 33-419 Goethe. Story of his life. Lewes 34. 724 Goethe and Schiller. Their lives and works, Boyesen 32. 325 Goldoni, Carlo. Memoirs of. (Autobiog- raphy). John Black, trans 32 315 Goldsmith, Oliver. Black 34. 5 1 6 Goldsmith, Oliver. Irving 33. 120 Gordon, Duchess of. Life and letters. Stuart .33.512 Gordon, Mrs. Christopher North 33-41 1 Gosse, Edmund W. Thomas Gray 34. 523 Gottschalk, Lou's Moreau. Life and letters. Hensel 33-326 Gottschalk, Louis Moreau. Notes of a pian- ist 33-412 Gough, John B. Autobiography 33-413 Governor, Andrew, memoir of. Chandler. . .32. 118 Gower, Lord Ronald. Figure painters of Holland 33.414 Grammont, Count de. Memoirs of the Court of Charles II 33-415 Grant, U. S., General. Life and campaigns of. Headley 33-319 Grant, U. S., General. Life and travels. Headley 33-3H Gray, E. C. Wise words and loving deeds. (Biographies for girls ) 33-4i6 Gray, Thomas. Gosse 34. 523 Great German composers. Ferris 33-619 Great Italian and French composers. Ferris. 33. 620 Great lights in sculpture and painting. Dore- mus 33-721 Great singers. Ferris 33.618 Great violinists and pianists. Ferris 33621 Greeley, Horace. Life of. Ingersoll 33. 1 15 Greeley, Horace. Life and public career of. Cornell 33.823 Greeley, Horace. Recollections of a busy life 33-4I4 Grey, C. Early years of the Prince Consort.. 33.418 Grey. Lady Jane. Life. Bartlett 32.421 Greville Memoirs. Greville. Richard H. Stoddard, ed 35.622 Grimm, Herman. Life and times of Goethe. 33. 419 Guernsey, Alfred H. Ralph Waldo Emer- son 33-4 20 Guiccioli, Countess. Recollections of Lord Byron 33-421 Guido Reni. Sweetzer 35-5!8 Guizot, Francois. Saint Louis and Calvin . . 33 422 Guyon, Madame de la Mothe. Upham 35-422 Hall, Edward B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware.. 33. 423 Hall, Frederic. Life of Maximilian L 33-424 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Life of J. M. W. Turner 33-435 Hamilton, Alexander. Lodge 34-729 Hamilton, Alexander. Life and epoch of. Shea 35.820 Hamley, Colonel. Life of Voltaire 34-3 J 4 Hanaford, Phebe A, Life and writings of Charles Dickens 33-426 Life of George Peabody. 33'4 2 7 Hare, Augustus J. C. Life and letters of Baroness Frances Biinsen 33-428 Records of a quiet life 33.3 n Harvey, Peter. Reminiscences and anecdotes of Daniel Webster 33-312 Hassell, E. J. Calderon 34-315 Havelock, General H., K. C. B. Headley -33-315 Haweis, Rev. H. R., M. A. American humorists 33-3 J 3 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. James 34-5 2 6 Haydon, Benjamin Robert. Life, letters and table talk of. Richard H. Stoddard, erf. .35.631 Haynes, Rev. Lemuel, A. M. Sketches of the life and character of Cooley 33. 821 Hayward, A. Goethe 34-3 l6 Headley. J. T. Life and travels of U. S. Grant '.,.,,,, 33-3 r 4 HEADLEY IRVING. Headley (continued) Life of General H. Havelock 33 3 ! 5 Napoleon and his marsha's 33- 3 '6 Headley, Rev. P. C. Life and campaigns of General U. S. Grant 38.319 Life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan 33-3'7 Life and naval career of David G. Farragut. Life of Empress Josephine 33 320 Life of Generil Lafayette 33-3 21 Life of Louis Kossuth 33- 3 22 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte 33- 323 Heath, Richard. Edgar Quinet, his early life and writings 33- 3 2 4 Hebrew men and times from the Patriarchs to the Messiah. Allen 32.526 Hegel. Caird 32.221 Heine, Heinrich. Life, work and opinions. Stigand 35-6i8 Helps, Sir Arthur. Life and labours of Thomas Brassey 33-3 2 5 Henry, Joseph. A memorial published by or- der of Congress 33-3 2 7 Henry, Patrick. Sketches of the life and character of. Wirt 35-3 2 3 Hensel, Octavia. Life and letters of Louis Moreau Gottschalk 33-326 Heroes of Europe. Hewlett 33. 328 Herschel, Sir William. His life and works. Holden 33-2i8 Hewlett, Henry G. Heroes of Europe 33 328 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. English Statesmen 33-3 2 9 Margaret Fuller Ossoli 33-33 Hill, David J. Washington Irving 33-331 William Cullen Bryant 33-33 2 Hillard, G. S Life and campaigns of George 15. McClellan 33-333 Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor. 33.211 Hiller, Ferdinand. Recollections and letters of Mendelssohn 33-212 Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. ..... 33.213 Historic Americans. Parker 34. 329 Historic characters. Mackintosh, Talleyrand, Canning, Cobbett, Peel. Bulwer 32.218 Hisloric (cojitinitfd) Hitchman, Francis. Public life of the Earl of Beaconsfield 33- 2 H Hodson, George H. Twelve years of a sol- dier's life in India 33. 21 5 Hoey, Mrs. Cashel, trans. Memoirs of Mad- ame de Remusat 33- 2 i6 Selections from the letters of Madame de Remusat to her husband and sons.. 33-217 Holden, Edward S. Sir William Herschel, his life and works 33. 2 1 8 Holland, J. G. Life of Abraham Lincoln 33.230 Holland, Lady. Memoir of Rev. Sydney Smith. Mrs. Austin, ed 33-231 Holland, Sir Henry. Recollections of past life 33 219 Holley, Rev. Horace, LL. D. The genius and character of. Caldwell 32.222 Holloway, Laura Carter. Ladies of the White House 33-222 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Memoir. Motley .33.223 Homes of American authors. Anon 33. 324 Hood, Thomas. Memorials of Broderick. . . .32.330 Howe, Julia Ward. Margaret Fuller. (Mar- chesa Ossoli.) 33- 22 5 Howells, William D., ed. Edward Gibbon. .33.227 Lives of Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Thomas Ellwood 33. 228 Memoir of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Margravine of Bayreuth 33. 226 Memoir of Jean Francois Marmontel 33.229 Vittorio Alfieri 33.1 1 1 Hueffer, Francis. Richard Wagner 33 .112 Hughes, Thomas. Memoir of a brother. .. .33. 1 13 Hugo, Victor. Life and works. Barbon. .. .32.415 Hume, David. Huxley 34-5 2 5 Hutchinson, Colonel. Memoir of the life of. Hutchinson 33. 1 13 A Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy. Memoir of the life of Colonel Hutchinson 33. 1 1 3 A Huth, Alfred Henry, Life and writings of Henry Thomas Buckle 33- "4 Hutton, Richard H. Sir Walter Scott 34-5 2 4 Huxley, William. David Hume 34-5 2 5 Impressions and reminiscences. George and. ( Afme. Dudevant) 35-8i2 Indian biography. (Hist >rical account of individuals distinguished among the North American Indians as orators, war- Ingersoll, L. D. Life of Horace Greeley .... 33. 1 15 Irene, the missionary. Anon 33. 1 16 Irving, Pierre M. Life and letters of Washi- ngton Irving 33. 117 Irving, Washington. George Washing' on. . .33. 119 riors, statesmen. Thatcher 35-535 Life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. 33. 1 18 IRVING LACAULX. 83 Irving (continued) Oliver Goldsmith 33.120 Irving, Washington. Hill 33-33 1 Irving, Washington. Warner 35-43 1 Irving, Washington. Life and letters of. Irving. 33. 1 17 Jackson, Andrew. Sumner 35. 5 14 Jackson, Andrew. Life of Parton 34-333 Jackson, Andrew. Monument to the mem- ory of. Dusenbury 33 722 Jackson, "Stonewall." Life and campaigns of. Dabney 33.712 Jackson, "Stonewall," life of. Daniels 33-713 James, G. P. R. Life of Richard Coeur-de- Lion 34.812 Life and times of Louis XIV 34. 813 James, Henry Jr. Nathaniel Hawthorne 34.526 Jameson, Mrs., memoirs of the early Italian painters 34.8i3A Japan, Leading men of, Lanman 34.7 15 Jefferson, Thomas. Morse 34.426 Jefferson, Thomas. Life of. Randall 34. 1 14 Jerrold, Blanchard. Life and remains of Douglas Jerrold 34.814 Jerrold, Douglas. Life and remains of. Jerrold 34-8i4 Kemble, Frances Ann. Records of a girlhood. 34.821 Kennedy, John P. Memoirs of the life of William Wirt . ; 34-822 Kennedy, W. Slcane. Henry W. Longfellow. 34. 823 Life, genius and writings of John Greenleaf Whittier 34-824 Kahn, Amir Dost Mohammed. Life of. Mohan Lal 34-7I3 Kidd, Captain William, and other pirates or buccanneers of two hundred years ago. Abbott 32.512 King, Edward. French political leaders 34-825 Irwin, Lieut. Col. R. B. Sherman and his campaigns 32. 324 Ivimey, Joseph. John Milton, his life and times 34. 8 1 1 Lacretelle, Henri de. Lamartine and his friends 34. 7 1 2 Ladies of the White House. Holloway 33.222 Lafayette, General. Headley 33-321 Lai, Mohan. Life of the Amir Dost Moham- med Kahn .' 34-712 Lamartine and his friends. Lacretelle 34-712 Lamb, Charles. Memoir. Cornwall 33.824 Jeter, J. B., memoir of Mrs. Henrietta Shuck. 34.81 5 Joan of Arc. Michelet 34. 511 Johnson, Andrew. Speeches and a biographi- cal sketch. Moore 34-423 Johnson, Richard M. Life of Alexander H. Stephens 32.217 Johnson, Richard W. Memoirs of Major General George H.Thomas 34.8 1 6 Johnson, Samuel. Stephen 34-414 Johnson, Samuel. His words and his ways. Mason 34 624 Johnson. Samuel. Life of. Boswell 32.321 Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the poets. (Mil- ton, Dryden, Swift, Acldison, Pope and Gray.) 34-8i7 Jones. C. H. Recent art and society. ...... .34.818 Jones, John Paul ; Rear- Admiral. Life of. Anon 34-819 Josephine, Empress. Life of. Anon 38.820 Jubilee singers, The. Pike 34-221 King, Thomas Starr. A tribute to. Frothing- ham 33 517 Kingsley, Charles. Letters and memories of his life. Kiugsley 34.826 Kingsley, Mrs. K. E. Letters and memories of Charles Kingsley 34-826 Kossuth, Louis. Life of. Headley 33-322 Kostlin, Julius. Life of Martin Luther 34.827 Krause, Ernst. Darwin 34.828 Krusi, Herman, A. M. Life, work and in- fluence of Pestalozzi 34-71 1 Lamb, Mary. Gilchrist 33-525 Landor, Walter Savage. Calvin 34.5 17 Langhorne, John, D. D., trans. Plutarch's lives 34.717 Lanman, Charles. Leading men of Japan; with an historical summary of the empire. 34.7 15 Lacaulx, Amelie von. Sister Augustine (an old Catholic superior of the St. Johannis 84 LACAULX MARTINEAU. Lacaulx (continued) Hospital at Bonn.) 34-7'6 Le Brun, Madame Vige. Souvenirs. 34-7*7 Le Goff, Francis, trans. From the unpub- lished MSS. by Theodore Stanton, M. A. Life of Louis Adolphe Thiers 34-721 Leaders of men. Book of biographies specially written for youth. Page 34-3 2 5 Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. (Swift, Flood, Grattan, O'Connell.) Lecky 34.718 Lecky, Wm. Edward Hartpole, M, A. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland 34.7 18 Ledderhose, Chas. Frederick, trans. From the German of Krotel. Life of Philip Melancthon 34-719 Lee, General. Four years with. Taylor ...35.532 Lee, Vernon. The Countess of Albany ....34.720 Lee and his Generals. Snow 35-7 J 8 Leland, Charles Godfrey. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the United States 34-722 Leslie, Charles Robert, R. A. Autobiog- raphical recollections 34. 723 Lewes, George Henry. Goethe, story of his . life 34-724 Actors and the art of acting 34 . 825 Library of American biography. Sparks .... 35. 720 Life and character of Oliver Cromwell. Hu- guessen 29. 322 Life and ministry. Spurgeon 35.612 Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. Anon. .35.711 Life and works of Michael Angelo and Ra- phael. Duppa 33.7i8 Life incidents. In connection with the Advent movement . White . 35. 3 1 7 Lights of the old English stage. Papers con- tributed to " Temple Bar " 34-726 Lillie, John, tram. by. Memoirs of Madame de Remusat 33-2i6 Selection from the letters of Madame de Remusat to her husband and son 33-217 Lincoln, Abraham. Leland 34-722 Lincoln, Abraham, lite of. Holland 33. 220 Liszt, F. Life of Ferdinand Chopin. Mar- tha Walker Cook, trans 34-727 of labour. Incidents in the career of eminent naturalists and celebrated travel- lets. Brightwell 32. 329 Lives of the Lord Chancellors. Campbell . . . 32.224 Lives of the poets. (Milton, Dryden, Swift, Addison, Pope, Gray.) Johnson 34-8l7 Lives of the Queens of England, from the Nor- man conquest. Strickland 35. 511 Livingstone, David. Adams 32. 523 Livingstone, David, LL. D. Life and ex- plorations. Roberts 34. 120 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Hamilton 34-729 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Daniel Webster 34-73 Locke, John. English men of letters. Fowler. 34.521 Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott 34-728 Log of an ancient mariner. Wakeman 35 426 Longfellow, Henry W. Kennedy 34.823 Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Thomas Ell- wood, Howells, ed 33.228 Lorraine, Claude. Sweetser 35-515 Lossing, Benson J. Eminent Americans... . .34.611 Louis XIV. Life and Times of. James 34 813 Lounsbury, Thomas R. Cooper 34.612 Lover, Samuel. Symingion 35. 527 Luther, Martin. Life of. Kb'stlin 34-827 Luyster, Isaphene M., trans. Madame Lenor- mant. Memoirs of Madame Recamier. . .34.613 Macauley, Lord. Life and letters. Trevel- yan 35.412 Maccabzus, Judas. Jewish war of inde- pendence. Couder 33.818 Maceuen, Malcolm. Celebrities of the past and present 34. 6 1 5 Macfarlane, Charles. Life of the Duke of Wellington 34 616 Mackenzie, R. Shelton. Sir Walter Scott. .34.617 Maclear, -Rev., G. F. B. D. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe 34 618 Macready's reminiscences. Selections from his diaries and letters. Pollock, ed 34.223 Mahaffy, J. P., M. A. Descartes 34-619 Mann, Horace. Life of. Mann 34-620 Mann, Mrs. Life of Horace Mann 34.620 March, Charles W. Daniel Webster and his contemporaries 34.621 M.arenholz-Bulow. Baroness von. Remi. niscences of Friedrich Frcebel 34.622 Marmontel. Jean Francois. Howells, ed 33.229 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. Chap- MARTIN EAU MOZART, 85 Martineau (continue'l) man, ed 32. 120 Martineau, Harriet. Biographical sketches .34.623 Martyrs of science. Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. Brewster 3 2 -3 28 Mary Queen of Scots and her latest English historian, Froude. Meline 34-628 Mason, E. T. Ed. Samuel Johnson. His words and his ways 34>6 2 4 Masters in English theology. King's College lectures for 1877. Barry, ed. Maximilian I., late emperor of Mexico. Life of. Hall 33-424 Maxse, Fitzherbert, trans. Prince Bismarck's letters 34-62$ McCabe, James D. Life and public services of James A. Garfield 34-627 McCarthy, Justin. Modern leaders. Bio- graphical sketches 34-614 McCheyne. Life, letters, &c,, of. Bonar. ..32.318 McClellan, George B., Major General. Life and campaigns. Hillard 33. 333 Medici, Catherine de. Trollope 35-4 I 5 Medici, Lorenzo de. Life of. Roscoe 34. 122 Melancthon, Philip. Life of. Ledderhose, Iran?,, by Rev. G. F. Krotel 34-7*9 Meline, James F. Mary queen of Scots, and her latest English historian, Froude. .34.628 Memoir of a brother. Hughes 33. 1 1 3 Memoirs. General Wm. P. Sherman 35.822 Memoirs of a Huguenot family. Fontaine. .33.627 Memoirs of the court of Charles II. Also, personal history of Charles and the Bosco- bel tracts. Grammont .. .33.415 Memorial and biographical sketches. Clarke. 33.811 Memoirs of many men and of some women. Field 33-622 Men and manners of America one hundred years ago. Scudder, ed 35.819 Men of eminence, portraits of, with biograph- ical memoirs. Reeve, ed 34 1 1 7 Mendelssohn. Recollections and letters. Hiller 33-212 Metternich, Prince, memoirs of. Metter- nich, ed 34-629 Metternich, Richard, Prince. Memoirs, 1773- 1815 34-629 Michael Angelo and Raphael, Life and works of. Duppa and De Quincy 33- 7 '8 Michelet, John. (History of France.) Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans 34. 511 Military heroes of the Revolution. Peterson 34.219 Mill John Stuart. Autobiography 34-5 12 Mill, John Stuart. (Criticism with personal recollections.) Bain 32.412 Miller, Hugh. Life and times of. Brown. .32.214 Miller, Hugh. My schools and schoolmasters. 34. 513 Miller, Wm. Sketches of life and labors. White 35.318 Millet, Jean Francois. Peasant and printer. Sensier 35-8i9 Milton. Brooke 32.21 1 Milton, John. His life and times. Ivimey. 34.811 Milton, John. English men of letters. Pat- tison 35-533 Minto, Wm. English men of letters. De Foe. 34. 527 Miscellaneous authors. Standard biography. Acme library 32. 522 Mitford, Mary Russell. Recollections of a literary iife 34.514 Model superintendent. Life and work of Henry P. Haven . Trumbull 35-4!6 Modern leaders. Biographical sketches. Mc- Carthy 34-614 Moliere. Oliphant 34-319 Moliere. Tamer 34-319 Monroe, James. Ameiican statesmen. Gil- man 33-5 2 7 Montaigne. Collins 34-3*3 Moore, Frank. Andrew Johnson, speeches and a biographical introduction 34-4 2 3 Moore, Thomas. His life and works. Sym- ington 35- S 2 ^ Moore, Thomas. Life and letters of Lord Byron 34-4 2 4 Morison, James C. English men of letters. Gibbon.. 34-5 2 9 Morley, John. Diderot and the encyclope- distes 34-5*5 Morley, John. Edmund Burke 34-5 2 8 Morley, John. Ed. English men of letters. .34.516 and 34.420. Morley, John. Rousseau 34-4 21 Morley, John. Voltaire 34-4 22 Morse, John T. John Quincy Adams 34-4 2 5 Thomas Jefferson 34-4 2 6 Morse, Samuel F. B. Life of. Inventor of the Electro-magnetic recording telegraph. Prime 34- " * Motley, John Lathrop. Memoir. Holmes 33.223 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Lettters of, 1769-1791. Collected byNohl, trans, by 86 MOZART PLUTARCH'S. Mozart (continued) Lady Wallace 35-437 Murillo. Sweetser 35-5 2 Musset, Alfred de. Biography, de Musset. 34.427 Musset, Paul de. Biography of Alfred de Musset 34.427 My schools and schoolmasters. Miller 34-513 Myas, F. W. II. William Wordsworth 34-53 Napoleon and his marshals. Headley 33-3i6 Nichol (concluded) Napoleon III. Life of. Abbott 32.518 Nason, Elias. Life and times of Charles Sumner "JA.A28 Nelson, life of. Allen 3 2 -5 2 7 Nichol, John. Lord Byron. English men Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. Cervantes 34-317 Dante 34-3i8 Foreign classics for English readers 34- 3 11 and 34-3 2 3 Moliere 34-3J9 Page, H. A. Famous men 34-3 2 4 Leaders of men. Book of biographies spe- cially written for youth 34-3 2 5 Palfrey, Francis Winthrop. Memoir of Wm. Francis Bartlett 34. 326 Palmer, E. H. Caliph Haroun Alraschid. Saracen civilization 34. 327 Panizzi, Sir Anthony. Life and correspond- ence of. Late librarian British museum. Fagan 33 613 Parker, Theodore. Experience as a minister. 34. 328 Franklin, Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Horace 34- 93 2 Parker, Theodore. Life of. Frothingham. .33.516 Parry, Rev. Edward, M. A. Memoirs of Sir W. Edward Parry, rear-admiral 34.212 Parry, Sir W. Edward. Memoirs of. Parry. 34.212 Parton, James. Famous Americans cf re- cent times 34-33 Life and times of Aaron Burr 34-331 Life of Andrew Jackson 34. 332 Life of Benjamin Franklin 34. 333 Life of Voltaire 34- 2 U Pascal. Principal Tullach 34. 323 Pattison, Mark. John Milton. English men of letters 34-533 Paul, C. Kegan, ed. Letters and memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft 34-213 Paul, C. Kegan. William Goodwin. His friends and contemporaries 34.214 of letters 34-53' Noble deeds of American women 34.429 Northend, Charles, A. M. Memorial of Elihu Burritt 34-43 Notes of a pianist. Gottschalk 33-412 Oliphant (continued) Richard Brinsley Sheridan 34. 532 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. Memoirs of Emer- son, Channing and Clarke 33-6i I Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. Higginson 33-33 Paulding. James K. Literary life of. Com- piled by Paulding 34 215 Paulding, William I. Compiled by. Liter- ary life of James K. Paulding 34.215 Peabody, Selim H., Ph. D. American pat- riotism. Speeches, letters and other papers illustrating the foundation, devel- opment and preservation of the United States of America ' 34.216 Penn, William. Anon 34-217 Perkins, Charles C. Raphael and Michael Angelo. A critical and biographical essay 34. 2 1 3 Personal sketches of his own times. Bar- rington 32.419 Pestalozzi. His life, work and influence. Krusi 34.711 Peter the great, Emperor of Russia. A study of historical biography. Schuyler .35.813 Peterson, Charles J. The rrilitary heroes of the revolution 34-219 Petrarch. Reeve 34-3 2 Philosophers, Lives and opinions of emi- nent. Yonge , trans 35-3 2 7 Pierce, Edward L. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner 34- 22 Pike, G. D. The jubilee singers and their campaign for twenty thousand dollars. . . .34.421 Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry 34.222 Plutarch's lives. Dryden's translations cor- PLUTAECH'S RIPLEY. 87 Plutarch's (continued) reeled from the Greek, and revised by Clough 33.815 Plutarch's lives, with notes critical and his- torical. Langhorne, trans 34.714 Poe, Edgar Allen. The Life of. Gill 33 526 Political leaders, French. Brief biographies . King 34-825 Political leaders, German. Brief biographies. Tuttle .-35-4I9 Pollock, Sir Frederick Bart., ed. Macready's reminiscences and selections from his diaries and letters 34. 223 Pomeroy, Mark M. Life of Brick Pomeroy. Tucker 35-41? Poole, Reginald Lane. Sebastian Bach 34-224 Pope, Alexander. English men of letters. Stephen 34.415? Pope Pius IX. Life of. Shea 35.821 Prentiss, Elizabeth. Life and letters, auto- biography 34-225 Prentiss, S. S. Memoir. Edited by his brother 34. 226 Prime, Samuel I. The life of Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the electro-magnetic recording telegraph 34. ill Prince Consort. The early years of. Com- piled under the direction of Her Majesty the Queen. Gray 33-4i8 Prior, James, F. S. A. Life of Edmund Burke 34. 1 12 Proctor, Bryan Waller. (Barry Cornwall.) C. P 33-822 Prophetic voices concerning America. Sum- ner 35.513 Queens of American society. Ellet 33-728 Queens of society. Grace and Philip Whar- tn 35.314 Quincy, Josiah, LL.D. Memoir of the life John Quincy Adams 34- "3 Quinet, Edgar. His early life and writings. .33.324 Rachel, memoirs of. Madame de B 33-7 J 6 Radical leaders, English. Brief biographies. Hinton 33-213 Randall, Henry S., LL.D. Life of Thomas Jefferson 34. 1 14 Randolph, John. American statesman. Ad- ams 32. 525 Raphael. Sweetser 35. 521 Raphael and Michael Angelo. Critical and biographical essay. Perkins 34-2i8 Rebel's recollections. Eggleston 53-72? Recamier, Madame. Memoirs of Lenormant, Luyster, trans 34.6 13 Recent art and society. Jones....' 34.818 Recollections. Autobiographical. Leslie. .34.723 Recollections of a literary life. Mitford. . . .34. 514 Recollections of forty busy years. Barnum . . 32.416 Recollections of men and things at Washing- ton during the third of a century. Go- bright 33-528 Recollections of past life. Holland 33-2IQ Recollections of seventy years. Farrar 33. 617 Records of a girlhood. Kemble 34. 82 1 Records of a quiet life. Hare 33-31 1 Records of my Life. Taylor 35. 53 1 Redpath, James. Public life of Capt. John Brown, with an autobiography 34. 1 1 5 Rees, James. Life of Edwin Forrest 34. 1 16 Reeve, Henry. Petrarch 34-3 2 o Reeve, Lovel, F. L. S., ed. Portraits of men of eminence with biographical memoirs. .34.117 Reid, F. Wemyss. Charlotte Bronte 34"7 Reigart, J. Franklin. Life of Robert Ful- ton 34. 1 18 Rembrandt. Sweetser 35- S 22 Reminiscences Thomas Carlyle. |Froude ed. 32. 1 13 Reminiscences of an Idler. Wickoff 35-3 2 Remusat, Madame de. Memoirs of. 1802- 1808, Hoey and Lillie, trans 33. 2 16 Remusat, Madame de. Selection from the letters of; to her husband and sons, 1804- 1813, Hoey and Lillie trans 33- 2I 7 Representative Men of the Pacific. Shuck. .35.823 Richard Cceur-de-Liou, History of life of. King of England. James 34-8i2 Rideing, William H. Stray moments with Thackeray. His humor, satire and char- acters 34- 1 19 Ripley, George. American Men of Letters. Frothingham 33-5'4 88 RITTER SMILES. Ritter, Carl, Life of. Late Professor of Geography in the University of Berlin. Gage 33-522 Roberts, John S. Life and explorations of David Livingstone 34- 1 20 Robertson, Frederick W. Life, letters and addresses of. 1847-1853. Brooke 32.212 Robinson, A. Mary F. Bronte 34- 121 Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, reminis- Robinson (continued) cences and correspondence, selected and ed. Sadler 34-12$ Roscoe, William. Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 34. 1 22 Rossini and his school. Ed,wards 33. 726 Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Morley 34-42 1 Russell, VV., LL. D. Eccentric personages .34.123 Russell, William. Extraordinary women. Their girlhood and early life 34. 124 Sadler, Thomas, Ph. D. Henry Crab o- Rob- inson. Diary, reminiscences and corres- pondence 34-125 Saint-Simon. Collins 34-312 Saint Louis and Calvin. Guizot 33-422 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. English portraits 34.126 Saintsbury, John Dryden. English men of letters 34-4 21 Sanborn, F. B. Henry I). Thoreau. American men of letters 35-8i 1 Sand, George. Famous women. Bertha Thomas *. 35-S3 6 Sand, George. Impressions and reminis- cences, with a memoir 35.812 Schiller's life. Carlyle 32. 1 14 Schubert, Franz. Frost. Biographies of the great musicians 33. 5 1 8 Schubert, Franz. Life of. Austin 32.41 1 Schuyler, Eugene, Ph. D. Peter the Great, emperor of Russia. A study of historical biography 35- 8l 3 Scobie, Andrew R., ed. The memoirs of Philip de Commiues. Secret history of Louis XI 35.8i4 Scott, Sir Walter. English men. of letters. Hutton 34-524 Scott, Sir Walter. The life of Napoleon Bonaparte 35-8i5 Scott, Sir Walter. Memoirs of the life of. Lockart . . 34-728 Scott, Sir Walter. The story of his life. Mackenzie 34-6i7 Scudder, H. E. ed. Men and manners of America one hundred years ago 35-8j6 Noah Webster. American men of letters. . .35.817 Seeley, John Robert, M. A. Life and ad ven- tures ofErnst MoritzArndt, the singer of the German fatherland 35-8i8 Self-taught men. Biography of. Edwards .33.725 Sensier, Alfred. Jean Francois Millet, peas- ant and painter 35-^ I 9 Seymour and Blair. Their lives and services. Crowly 33-825 Shairp, Principal. Robert Burns. English men of letters 34-4 12 Shea, Hon. George. The life and epoch of Alexander Hamilton. An historical study. 35. 820 Shea, John Gilmary, LL. D. The life of Pope Pius IX 35,821 Shelley, Percy B. English men of letters. Sy monds 34 . 4 1 7 Shelley, Percy B. Anecdote. Biography of. Stoddard, ed 35621 Sheridan, Phillip Henry, Maj. Gen. Life and military career of. Headley 33.3 17 Sheridan, Richard B. English men of let- ters. Oliphant 34-532 Sherman and his campaigns. A military biog- raphy. Bowman and Irwin 32 . 324 Sherman, William T,, General. Memoirs. . .35.822 Shuck, Mrs. Henrietta. Memoirs of. First American female missionary to China. Jeter 34-815 Shuck, Oscar T. Representative men of the Pacific 35-823 Sibyls. Book of. Thackeray 35-833 Sidney, Sir Philip. Life and times of. Anon. .35. 711 Silliman, Benjamin, M. D. Life of. Late professor of chemistry, minerology and geology in Yale College. Fisher 33 . 623 Sister Augustine. An old Catholic .Superior of the Sisters of Charity in the St. Johan- nis hospital at Bonn. Lacaulx 34- 7 Io Sketches of illustrious soldiers. Wilson... 35.322 Smiles, Samuel. Brief biographies 35.712 LifeofGeo. Stephenson, railway engineer. .35.713 Life of Thomas Edwards, Scotch naturalist. 35. 714 Robert Dick. Baker of Thurso, geologist SMILES SWEETSER, 89 Smiles (continued)^- and botanist 35. 715 Smith, Captain John. 1579-1631. Study of his life and writings. Warner 35-43 Smith, George Barnett. Life of William Ewart Gladstone 35-7i6 Shiith, Gerritt. Biography. Frothingham. .33.515 Smith, Goldwin. Wm. Cowper. English men of letters 34-413 Smith, Mathew Hale. Successful folks 35-717 Snow, Capt. Wm. P. Lee and his generals. .35 718 Soldier and Pioneer. Biographical sketch of ' Lt. Col Richard C. Anderson, of the continental army. Anderson 32-529 Somerville, Martha. Personal recollections of Mary Somerville 35. 719 Somerville, Mary. Personal recollections of. Somerville 35-719 Southey, Robert. English men of letters. Dowden 34. 520 Souvenirs. Madame Vigee le Brun 31-717 Sparks, Jared. Library of American biography. 35. 720 Life of George Washington 35-721 Spedding, James. Life and times of Francis Bacon 35.722 Spencer, Edmund. English men of letters. Church 34. 5 1 8 Spirit of the age. Anon 35-6n Spurgeon, C. H., Rev. Life and ministry. .35 612 St. John, Spenser, F. R. G. S. Life of Sir James Brooke, rajah of Sarawak 35-6i9 Standish, Miles. Puritan captain. Abbott. .32.519 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, D. D. Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D. D., late headmaster of Rugby school. .. ....35. 613 Statesmen, English. Brief biographies. Hig- ginson 33.329 Stebbins, Emma. Charlotte Cushman. Let- ters and memories of her life 35-6i4 Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Victorian poets.35.6i5 Stephen, Leslie. Alexander Pope 34.415 Jonathan Swift 34.416 Samuel Johnson 34.414 Stephens, Alex. H. Life of. Browne 32.217 Stephens, Abel, LL. D. Madame de Stael. Study of her life and times 35.616 Stephens, Alexander H. Life of. Johnston and Browne 32.217 Stephenson, George. Lift of. Smiles 35-713 Stevens, John Austin. Albert Gallatin 35 -617 Stigand, William. Life, work and opinions of Stigand (continued) Heinrich Heine , . . . . . 35.618 Stocqueler, J. H. Life of the Duke of Wel- lington 35 620 Stoddard, Richard Henry, ed. Anecdote bi- ography of Percy Bysshe Shelley 35-621 Greville Memoirs 35.622 Life, letters and table-talk of Benjamin Rob- ert Haydon 35-631 Personal Reminiscences. Barham, Harness and Hodder 35623 Personal Reminiscences. Chorley Planche Young 35-624 Personal Reminiscenses. Constable and Gillies 35-625 Personal Reminiscences. Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes 35.626 Personal Reminiscences. Lamb, Hazlitt, et als 35-627 Personal Reminiscences. Moore and Jor- dan 35^628 Prosper Merimee's Reminiscences by Lamar- tine and George Sand 35. 629 Thackeray and Dickens 35-63O Stonehouse, Rev. Sir James. Life of Author. 35. 632 Stories and Ballads for Young Folks. Tilden.35.538 Stories of Remarkable Persons. Chambers . . 32. 1 17 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. .. .35.511 Stuart, Rev. A. Moody. Life and letters of the Duchess of Gordon 35-5 12 Stuyvesant, Peter, last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam, John S. C. Ab- bott 32- 5 21 Successful Folks. Smith 35-717 Sumner, Charles. Life and times of 34-428 Memoirs and letters of 34.220 Prophetic voices concerning America 35- 5 '3 Sumner, William Graham. Andrew Jackson. 35. 5 14 Swedenborg, Emanuel, Life of. White. . .35.319 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Life and mission off Worcester 35-3 2 6 Sweetser, M. F. Claude Lorraine 35. 515 Durer 35-5I 6 Fra Angelico 35-5 r 7 Guido Reni 3W, 8 Leonardo da Vinci 35-5 r 9 Murillo 35-520 Raphael 35-5 21 Rembrandt 3S-5 22 Titian 35- 5 2 3 90 SWEKTSER VON HALSH. Sweetser (continued) Turner 35-5 2 4 Van Dyck 35 5 2 5 Swetchine, Madame. Life and ' letters of. De Falloux 33 7'7 Swift, Jonathan. English men of letters. Leslie Stephen 34-4i6 Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Note on Swinburne (continued) Charlotte Bronte 35. 526 Smith, Rev. Sydney. Memoir of. Lady Hol- land. Mrs. Austin, ed 33-221 Symington, Andrew James. Samuel Lover 25.527 Thomas Moore, his life and works 35-588 William Cullen Bryant 35. 52*9 Symonds, John A. Percy Bysshe Shelley. . .34 417 Tait, Catherine and Crawford. A memoir. Benham 32.426 Tallack, William. George Fox. The friends and the early Baptists 35. 530 Tamer, F. Moliere 34319 Taylor, John. Records of my life 35-53 1 Taylor, Walter H. Four years with General Lee 35.532 Thackery, Miss. Book of Sibyls 35-533 Madame de Sevigne 34. 32 1 Thackeray. Stray moments with. His humor, satire and characters. Rideing 34. 1 19 Thackeray, William M. Trollope 34. 41 8 Thackeray, William Makepiece. English humorists of the eighteenth century 35-534 Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. His- torical account of individuals distinguished among the North American natives as orators, warriors, statesmen 35-535 Thiers, Louis Adolphe, life of. Frances Le GoflF, trans. From the unpublished MSS. by Stanton 34-721 Thomas, Bertha. George Sand 35-536 Thomas, George H. Major-General. Me- moirs of. Johnson 34-8i6 Thoreau, Henry D. Sanborn 35-8n Thoreau the poet-naturalist, with memorial verses . Channing 3 2 - 11 9 Thornbury, Walter. Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Founded on letters and papers 35-537 Ticknor, George. Life, letters and journal of. Hillard 33- 211 Tilden, Ellen Tracy. Stories and ballads for young folks 35-538 Titian . Sweetser 35-5 2 3 Titian. Life and times of. Crowe and Cav- alcaselle 33. 826 Tomes, Robert, My college days 35-539 Trevelyan, George Otto, M. P. Early history of Charles James Fox 35-4* i Life and letters of Lord Macaulay 35-4 12 Trollope, Anthony. Autobiography of 35-413 Trollope, Anthony. Life of Cicero 35- 4 H William M. Thackeray, English men of letters 34-4i8 Trollope, Henry M. Corneille and Racine. .34.322 Trollope, T. Adolphus. Catherine de Medici. 35. 415 Turnbull, H. Clay. Model superintendent. Life and work of Henry P. Haven 35-4i6 Tucker, Mrs. Mary E. Life of Mark M. Pomeroy. (Brick Pomeroy) 35-4 J 7 Tuckerman, Henry T. Biographical and critical essays. Studies of character 35-4i8 Tulloch, Principal. Blaise Pascal 34-3 2 3 Turner. J . M. W. Sweetser 35 524 Turner, J. M. W., R. A. Life of, founded' on letters and papers. Thornbury 35-537 Turner, J. M. W., life of. Hamerton 33-425 Tuttle, Herbert. German political leaders. .35.419 Twelve years of a soldiers' life in India. Ex- tracts from the letters of the late Major W. S. R. Hodson, B. A. Rev. Geo. H. Hudson, M. A., ed 32.215 Tyndall, John. Faraday as a discoverer 35-42O Una and her paupers, or memorials of Agnes E. Jones 35-421 Upharn, Thomas C. Madame de la Mothe Upham (continued) Guyon. Life and religious opinions and experience 35-4 22 Van Dyck. Sweetzer 35-325 Ver Mehr, Rev . J . L. Checkered life 35-4 2 3 Victorian I'oets. Stedman 35-6i5 Voltaire. Hamley 34-3'4 Voltaire. Morley 34.42 Voltaire, Life of. Parton 34.21 1 JohnC. Calhoun 35-4 2 4 WAGNER ZIMMERN. 91 Wagner, Richard. Beethoven 35 . 425 Wagner, Richard Hoeffer 33. 112 Wakeman, Capt. Edgar. The log of an ancient mariner 35-426 Wallace. Lady, Trans. Mozart. Letters, 1769-1791. Collected by Ludwig Nohl. 35427 Ward, Adolphus W. Charles Dickens. Eng- lish men of letters 34-42O Geoffrey Chaucer. English men of letters .34.419 Ware, Henry, Jr. Memoirs of the life of John Ware, M. D 35.429 Ware, Jr., Rev Henry, D.D. Memoirs of the Rev . Noah Worcester, D.D 35 . 428 Ware, John, M. D. Memoirs of the life of Henry Ware, Jr 35-429 Ware, Mary L . Memoirs of. Hall 33 . 423 Warner, Charles Dudley. Captain John Smith. 1579-1631 35-430 Washington, George. Irving : 33. 1 19 Washington,G eorge. Life of. Bancroft 32.414 Washington, George. Life of. Everett . . 33.612 Washington, George. Life of. Sparks 35-721 Washington Irving. Warner 35-43 1 Watson, Richard. Rev. John Wesley 5-3U Weber, Carl Maria von. Benedict. Biogra- phies of the great musicians 32.425 Webster, Daniel, and his contemporaries. March 34.621 Webster, Daniel. Life of. Curtis 33-71 1 Webster, Daniel. Reminiscences and anec- dotes of. Harvey 33-312 Webster, Noah. American men of letters . .33.817 Weed, Harriet A., ed. Autobiography of Thurlow Weed 35-312 Weed, Thurlow. Autobiography of. Weed 6^.35.312 Weed, Thurlow. Memoirs of. Barnes 35-21 1 Wellington, Duke of. Life of. Stocqueler.35.62o Wellington, Duke of. Life, military and civil . Maxwell 34 .626 Wesley, Rev. John, A. M. Watson 35-3" Weskott, Thompson. The life of John Fitch, inventor of the steamboat 35-313 Wharton, Grace. Queens of society 35-314 Wits and Beaux of society 35-315 White, Elder James, erf. Elder Joseph Bates. His early life and labors 35-3'6 Life incidents with the Advent movement ..35.317 Sketches of the life and labors of William Miller 35.318 White, William. Life of Emanuel Sweden- bor g 35-3I9 Whittier, John Greenleaf. His life, genius and writings. Kennedy 34-824 Wikoff, Henry. The reminiscences of an idler. 35. 320 Wilner, Lambert A. Life, travels and adven- tures of Ferdinand de Soto 35-321 Wilson, James G. Sketches of illustrious sol- diers 35-322 Wirt, William. Memoirs of the life of. Ken- nedy 34- 822 Wirt, William. Sketches of the life and char- acter of Patrick Henry 35-323 Wise words and loving deeds. Gray 33-4i6 Wits and beaux of society. G. and P. Wharton 35-3!5 Wollstonecraft, Mary. Letters and memoir. Paul, ed 34-213 Womenartists in all ages and countries. Ellet.33 7 2 9 Woodward. A., M. D. Life of General Na- thaniel Lyon 35-324 Woolman, John. Journal of 35-3 2 5 Worcester, Benjamin. Life and mission of Emanuel S wedenborg 35 .3 26 Worcester, Rev. Noah, D. D. Memoir. Ware 35-428 Wordsworth, William. Myas 34-53 Yonge, C. D., trans. Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers 35- 327 Zimmern, Helen. Edgeworth 35-328 HISTORY. SUBJKCTS. AFRICA. Brig Commerce, The loss of. Robbins.26.8ao Carthaginians, Ethiopians and Egyptians, researches into the politics and trade of. Heeren 23 . 318 AMERICA. Aboriginal America. Abbott 22.611 Administration of President Lincoln. Ray- mond 26 . 817 America not discovered by Columbus. An- derson 22 . 620 American conflict, The . Greeley 23 . 522 American currency. Sumner 26.620 American History. Wilson 26.419 American Odd Fellowship. Ridgely 26.818 American privateers . Coggeshall 22 . 223 America, Ancient. Baldwin 22. 51? Andersonville, A narative of. Spencer. . .26.616 Andover, sketches of. Bailey 22 . 627 Annals of the army of the Cumberland . By an oflficer 23.71^ Battlefields of Virginia. Hotchkiss 22.616 Bonanza mines and bonanza kings. Dewey.23.8l5 Boston, young folks' history of. Butter- worth 2.2152 Boston tea-party, The . Anon 23 . 320 Buccanneers of America. Anon 22 . 325 Burriville as it was and is . Keach 23 . 1 13 Butler, General, in New Orleans. Parton.25.8i3 California Anthology Shuck 26 . 720 California, history of. Tuthill 26.5I7A California, popular history of. Norman . .24.118 California, resources of. Hittell 23.211 California, semi-tropic. Truman 26.517 California, youth's history of. Norman. .24.119 California and Oregon. Greenhow 23.417 Campaign of Chancellorsville. Dodge. . .23.818 Campaign of the army of Virginia. Gordon.23.5i8 Campaigns of the Civil War. Antietam and Fredericksburg. Palfrey 24. 1 26 Army of the Cumberland. Cist 22.221 Army under Pope. Ropes 26.822 Atlanta. Cox 22.112 Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Double- day 23.819 AMERICA. Campaigns From Fort Henry to Corinth. Force. . .23.720 March to the sea, The. Cox 22.111 Mississippi, The. Greene 23.414 Outbreak of Rebellion. Nicolay 24. 1 14 Peninsular, The. Webb 26.41 1 Shenandoah Valley in 1864. Pond 25.612 Statistical record. Phisterer 25 712 Virginia campaign of 1864-65, IIumphreys.23.22i Century of dishonor, A. "H. H." 23.321 Civil war, first year of the. Pollard 25.713 Civil war, second year of the. Pollard 25 714 Confederate government, The. Davis 22. 120 Connecticut. Lippincott's cabinet histories. 24. 7 19 Constitution of the United States. Bancroft. 22.41 3 Custer, campaigns of General. Walker. . .26.524 Cruise of the Alabama. Semmes 26.7i6A Destruction and reconstruction. Taylor. .26.627 Discovery of America. Abbott 22.61 1 Donner party, history of the. McGlashan. 24.424 Field hospitals, three years in. Mrs. H .... 23.312 France and England in North America. Parkman 25.81 1 French war, The. Johnson 23. 1 1 1 Georgia. Lippincott's cabinet histories. . .24 719 Golden state, The. Powell 25.613 Great republic, The. Peck 25.711 Illinois. Lippincott's cabinet histories. . . .24.719 Indian question, The. Otis 24,124 Indian tribes, thirty years residence wiih. Schoolcraft 26.714 Indian tribes ot North America. McKen- ney 25. 1 1 1 Indian Wars of the U . S. Frost 23.611 Indians, letters and notes on. Catlin. . . .22.218 Indians of North America. Drake 23.823 Jesuits in North America. Parkman 25.812 Kentucky. Lippincott's cabinet histories. 24. 719 King Phillip's war. Markman 24.412 Land of the Incas, The. Adams 22.615 Letters from the frontier McCall 24.418 Lost cause regained, The. Pollard 25. 6ll Maine, The history of. Williamson 26.418 Massachusetts. Lippincott's cabinet his- tories 24.719 AMERICA ARM ENIA. 93 AMERICA continued) Molly Maguires, The. Dewees 23.814 Myths of the new world. Brinton, 22.322 Native races of the Pacific states. Ban- croft 22.516 and 22.411 Navy in the civil war. The Atlantic coast. Ammen 22.618 Navy in the civil war. Blockade and the cruisers. Soley 26.613 Navy in the civil war. The Gulf and in- land waters. Mahan 24.515 New England, history of. Coolidge 22.225 New Jersey. Lippincott's cabinet histories.24.719 New York Lippincott's cabinet histories. .24.719 New York. Sunshine and shadow in. Smith 26.728 Norridgewock, history of. Allen 22.617 North Americans of antiquity. Short 26.719 Northern colonies. Abbott 22.611 Ohio. Lippincott's cabinet histories 24.719 One hundred years' progress of the United States. Anon 26. 520 Oregon, history of. Gray 23,521 Our whole country. Barber 22 .414 Pacific States. Bancroft 22. 5 1 5 Peninsular campaign of General McClellan in 1862 24.422 Pennsylvania. Lippincott's cabinet histories. 24. 5 19 People of the United States. McMaster. .24.312 Pictorial history of the U. S. Lossing. . . .24.619 Popular history of the U. S. Barnes 24.418 Pre-historic races of the U. S. Foster 23.721 Rebellion, The. McPherson 24. 3 1 3 Rebellion, pictorial history of. Guernsey . . 27. 1 1 1 Republicanism in America, 1607-1869. McClellan 24.311 Researches into the lost histories of Amer- ica. Blackett. ^22.319 Revolt of the colonies. Abbott 22.611 Revolution, American. Greene 23.415 Revolution, American. Moore 24.21 1 Revolution in America. Niles 24. 1 16 Rocky mountain saints, The. Stenhouse. .26.617 Romance of American history. De Vere. .23.813 San Francisco. Soule 23.514 San Francisco, history of. Hittell 23.212 San Francisco, lights and shadows in. Lloyd . . . .' 24. 614 Seventh regiment of New York. Swinton.26.62i Sherman's march through the South. Conyngham 22, 224 Slavery. Suppressed book. Anon 26.62OA Southern colonies, The. Abbott 22.611 Southern history of the war. Official reports 26.614 Spanish conquests, the. Helps 23.319 Stage, history of the American. Brown. . .22.324 Ten years on Wall' street. Fowler 23. 722 Tennessee. Lippincott's cabinet histories. 24. 7 19 Terra Marial, or threads of Maryland colo- nial history, Neill 24.113 Thirty years' view. By a senator of 30 years 22.317 Twenty years in Congress. Elaine 22. 320 United States, history of. Quackenbos . . .26.813 United States. Hopkins 23.216 United States, history of. Bancroft 22.412 United States, history of. Hinton 25.211 United States, one hundred years progress of the. Anon 26. 520 United States, pictorial history of. Los- sing 24.618 United States, smaller history of. Leeds. 24.715 United States, young folks' history of. Hjgginson 23.322 United States history. Primer of. Arm- strong 22. 624 United States navy. Lossing 24. 5 1 1 Vermont. Lippincott's cabinet histories ..24.719 Vignettes of American history. Howitt ..23.217 Virginia. Lippincott's cabinet histories. . .24.719 War diary of events of the great rebellion . Gordon 23.519 War for the Union, young folks' history of. Champlin 22.219 War of 1812. Johnson 23.iuA War of the Revolution. Abbott 22.611 War between the United States and Mex- ico. Jenkins 23. 224 War with Mexico. Ladd 24.815 Wars of the colonies. Abbott 22.611 Washington. Abbott 22.611 Woman's suffrage. Stanton, Anthony and Gage 22.621 Young folks' history of America. Butter- worth 22.214 Young 'folks' history "of the war for the Union. Champlin 22.219 ARMENIA. Armenia and the campaign of 1877. Nor- man 24.117 94 ASIA EUROPE. ASIA. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. Roberts. . .26.819 ASSYRIA, Assyria from the earliest times. Smith .... 26.725 Esarhaddon, history of, 681-668 B. C. Budge 22.211 AUSTRALIA. Australia, history of. Martin 24.415 AUSTRIA. Austria, empire of. Abbott 22.612 BORNEO. Borneo, expedition to. Keppel 23. 1 1 5 BRAZIL. Brazil, and the Brazilians. Kidder 23.718 BURMAH. Burman, The. His life .and notions. She- voy 26.420 CANADA. Canada, conquest of. Warburton 26.525 CHINA. China and the Chinese. Davis 22.121 China and the United States. Speer 26.615 China, history of, manners and customs. Gray. 23.520 China, three years' service in. Fisher .... 23.716 Cyprus, its ancient cities. Di Cesnola 23.816 EGYPT. Egypt. Clement 22. 222 Egypt, ancient. Osborn 24.123 Egypt, descriptive, historical and pictur- esque. Ebers 25. 1 1 2 Egypt, from the earliest times. Birch 22.318 Egypt, history of. Sharpe 26.718 Egypt. The Khedives. De Leon 23.812 Egyptians, ancient. Wilkinson 26.41^ Rameses, the Great, or Egypt 3,300 years ago. De Lanaye 23.811 A ENGLAND. Bank of England, history of the. Smith. .26.727 Bede's ecclesiastical history of England. Giles, ed 22.313 British colonial library. Martin 24.416 Childhood of the English nation. Armitage.22.623 Clubs and club life in London. Timbs 26.514 Comic history of England. Leech 24.714 Constitutional history. Hallam 23.314 Constitutional history of England. Anon. 26 .6 19 Elizabeth, age of. Creighton 22 1 16 Elizabeth, from 'the fall of Wolsey to the death of. Froude 23.613 England, her people, polity and pursuits. Escart 23. 828 England in the XVIlI century. Lecky. .24.711 English history in short stories. Anon. . . .23.825 English Jacobins . Smith 26 . 724A English people, The. Green 23.412 English reformation. Geikie 23. 5 1 1 English thought in the XVI II century. Stephen 26.618 Fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe. Hale 23.3' 13 First two Stuarts. Gardiner 23.617 Her Majesty's Tower. Dixon 23.817 History of civilization in England. Buckle.22.327 History of England. Markham 24.518 History of England, abridged McCalman. 24.421 History of England, from the accession of James II. Macaulay 24. 512 History of England from the invasion of Julius Csesar. Hume 23.218 Huguenots, The. Smiles 26.722 Learned societies and printing clubs of the United Kingdom. Hume 23.220 London, scientific. Becker 22.311 Norman conquest, history of the. Thierry. 26. 512 Political and social England. Langel 24.816 Popular history of England. Knight 23. 1 1 7 Puritans, history of the. Neal 24. 1 1 2 Queens of England. Yonge 26-42 1 Readings from English history. Green. . .23.411 Short history of the English people. Green. 23. 413 Student's Hume. Hume . 23.219 Treaties between Great Britain and other powers. Jenkinson 23.255 EUROPE. Democracy in Europe. May 24.417 European morals. Lecky 24. 7 1 3 Europe, historical geography of. Freeman. 23. 725 Europe, history of. Freeman 23. 724 Europe, history of modern. Jones 26.711 Europe, history of modern. Tyffe 23.614 Europe, rationalism in. Lecky 24.712 Europe, intellectual development of. Dra- per 22.382 Reformation, the, d'Aubigne 22.122 State of Europe during the middle ages. Hallam 23.315 FRANCE PARAGUAY. 95 FRANCE. Age of Louis XIV the. Martin 24.414 Ancient Regime, the. Taine 26.622 Camp fires of Napoleon. Watson 26.527 Charles X and Louis Philippe. Secret his- ory of the revolution of July. Ubizzi. . . 26.5igA France, democracy in. Adams 22.614 France. Outlines of history. Abridged from Guizot's history of France. Masson. . . . 24-4i6A France and Normandy. Anon 23. 723 French revolution. Carlyle 22.217 French revolution. Taine 26.623 French revolution and first empire. Morris. 24.215 French revolution. Cocks 24.317 Government of M. Thiers. Simon 26. 721 History of France. Goodwin 23.517 History of the consulate and the empire un- der Napoleon. Thiers 26.628 History of the French revolution. Thiers. 26. 511 Huguenots in France. Smiles 26.723 King's secret, The. De Broglie 22. 123 Louis XIV and the court of France. Pardoe .24. 1 27 Massacre of St. Bartholomew. White. .. .26.415 Paris, notes on. Taine 26. 624 Paris Commune in 1871. Fetridge 23.7iiA Restoration of the French monarchy. De Lamartine , 24.817 Rise of the Huguenots. Baird 22.512 Short history of the French people. La- combe 24.814 Wars of the French revolution, Baines. 22.628 Young folks' history of France. Yonge .... 26.422 GERMANY. Bismarck in the Franco-German war. Busch 22.213 Frederick, the Great. Longman 24.616 German-French war of 1870. Krause 24.813 Germany. De Stael-Holstein 23.215 Germany, history of. Kohlrauch 24.81 1 Germany, history of. Lewis 24.717 Germany, history of, Menzel 24.314 Thirty years war, The. Gardiner 23.616 Young folk's history of Germany. Yonge .26.423 GREECE. Greece, ancient and modern. Felton 23.711 Greece, ancient city of. De Coulanges. . . .23.811 Greece, brief mention of. Barnes 22.416 Gracchi, M-irius and Sulla, The. Beesly. .22.314 Greece, history of. Grote , 23.418 Greece, history of. Timayenis 26.513 Greece, primer of. Tyffe 23 615 Greek revolution. Finlay 23.715 Greek vignettes. Harrison 23.316 Greeks and Persians. Cox 22. 1 14 Macedonian empire. Curlers 22.118 Modern Greece. Baird 22.511 New Greece, Sergeant 26.717 Student's history of Greece. Smith 26.611 Young folks' history of Greece. Yonge . . . 26.424 HOLLAND. Dutch republic, The. Motley 24.217 John of Barneveld. Motley 24.218 Netherlands, history of the. Yonge 26.425 Revolt of the Netherlands. Schiller 26. 7 1 3 United Netherlands. Motley 24.219 Hungary and its revolutions. Kossuth. . .38.827 INDIA. British India. Murray 24. 1 1 1 India. Fendge 23. 712 India and the Indian mutiny. Malcolm 24.517 India, history for young folks. Drake 23.820 India, short history of, Wheeler 26.413 IRELAND. English in Ireland in the XVIII. century. . Froude 23.612 History of Ireland Moore 24.212 History of Ireland, ancient and modern. Mac Geoghegan -.24.513 Irish confederates. Field 23.714 Maritime ports of Ireland. Marimon 24.413 Stcry of the Irish before the conquest. Fer- guson 23.713 ITALY. See also Rome. Florence. Machiavelli 24.514 Italy and her invaders. Hodgkin 23.213 Painting in Italy, history of. Lanzi. Thos. Roscoe, tram 24.818 JAPAN. Japan. Mossman 24.216 MEXICO. Mexico, conquest of. Prescott.25.6i4 and 25.511 Mexico, young folk's history of. Ober 24.120 PARAGUAY. Paraguay. Washburn 26. 526 96 PERSIA MISCELLANEOUS. PERSIA. Persia, from the earliest period to the Arab conquest. Yaux 26.521 PERU. Peru, conquest of. Prescott. . .25.513 and 25.411 POLAND. Poland, fall of. Saxton 26.712 Polish insurrection. Edwards 23.824 PRUSSIA. Prussia to the accesion of Frederick the Great. Tuttle 26.518 ROME. Roman empire, history of the decline and fall of. Gibbon 2 3-5i3 Roman empire of the II. century. Capes. .22.216 Roman empire, fall of the. De Sismondi.23.8i2A Romans under the empire, Merivale. .. .24.315 Rome. General history. Merivale ...:.. 24.316 Rome, history of. Arnold 22.625 Rome, history of. Goldsmith 2 3-5i6 Rome, history of. Liddell 24.718 Rome, history of. Livy 24.611 Rome, history of. Mommsen 24.319 Rome, young folk's history of. Yonge. . .26.424A Rome and Carthage. Smith 26.724 Stories from the history of Rome. Beesley.22.3i5 Students, Gibbon. Smith, ed 26.612 RUSSIA. Russia. Morfill 24.214 Russia, history of. Kelly 23. 1 14 SCANDINAVIA. Scandinavia, ancient and modern. Crich- ton 22.117 SCOTLAND. Ascanius, or the young adventurer. Anon. 22.626 Scottish Covenanters, The. Taylor 26.625 Scottish Gael, The Logan 24-615 SIAM. Siam, its manners and customs. McDonald. 24 423 / SLAVONIA. Slavonic nations, The. Krasinski 24.812 SPAIN. Annals of the Queen of Spain. George.. . .23.512 Charles V, history of. Robertson 25.412 Chronicle of the Cid. Markham, ed 24.41 1 Conquest of Spain. Copp^e 22.229 Ferdinand and Isabella. Prescott 26.81 1 History of the Inquisition, Llorente 24.613 Philip II, history of. Prescott 26.812 Romance of Spanish history. Abbott . . . .22.613 Spain. Harrison 23.317 SWEDEN. Sweden. Charles XII. Voltaire 26, 522 SWITZERLAND. Switzerland. Mackenzie 24.516 Switzerland, history of. Zschokke 26.426 SYRIA. Aleppo, history of. Russell 26.823 TROY, Troy, its legends and history. Benjamin. .22.316 TURKEY. Turkey, history of. Blochwitz 22 . 321 MISCELLANEOUS. Ancient cities. Bucke 22. 326 Ancient and modern history. Taylor 26.626 Ancient history. Baldwin 22.514 Ancient history. Rollin 26 821 Ancient history, manual of. Schmitz 26.715 Ancient history of the east. Lenormant. .. .24.716 Ancient monarchies. Rawlinson 26 815 Ancient peoples. Barnes 22.415 Battles of the world. Creasy 22. 1 1 5 Beacon lights of history. Lord 24.61 7 Brief history of the Indian people, Hunter.23.222 Bullet and shell. Williams 26.41 7 A Civil war, history of. Draper 23 821 Civilization. History of. Guizot 23.311 Civilization in the V. century. Ozanam. . .24.125 Course of empire. Wheeler 26 412 Crusaders, The. Cox 22.113 Decisive events in history. Archer 212.622 Enterprise, triumphs of. Anon 26.516 Four years in the saddle. Gilmore 23.515 Free Masonry. Anon 23.726 Free Masonry, its pretensions exposed. Anon 23.726 General history. Anderson 22.619 Glimpses of history. Towle 26.515 MISCELLANEOUS BEDE. 97 Great events of the woiKl. Brown 22.323 Heroines of History. Jenkins 23. 223 A Historical works of Flavius Josephus 23.112 History of our own times. McCarthy 24.419 History of theSaracens. Ockley 24.121 Invasion 9f the Crimea. Kinglake 23. 1 16 Inventions, discoveries and origins. Beck- man 22.312 Jesuits, history of the. Nicolini 24. 1 1 5 Jews, history of. Milman .24.318 Journalism. Hudson . 23.217 Magic, history of. Ennemoser 23.826 Mankind, researches into the early history of. Tylor 26. 5 19 Mediaeval and modern peoples. Barnes . .22.417 Middle ages, hisiory of. Greene 23.416 Miscellanies, ^biographical and critical. Prescott 25.512 Origin of nations. Rawlinson 26.816 Painting, history of. Lanzi 24.818 Plutarch. The boys and girls. White. . .26.416 Political history of recent times. Muller. .24.220 Popes, history of the. Ranke 26.814 Protestant revolution. Seebohm 26.716 Recollections and opinions of an old pio- neer. Burnett 22.212 Reformation, history of the. McCarthy. . .24 420 Reign of the Stoics . Holland 23.214 Saracens, The. Ockley 24.121 Speculative philosophy in the XIX century. Morell 24.213 Strike, annals of the great. Dacus 22. 1 19 Study of history. Smith 26. 726 Triumphs of enterprise. Anon 26. 5 1 6 Universal history. Von Ranke 26.523 War correspondence of the ' 'Daily News." Forbes 23.719 War pictures. Estevan 23. 829 Women, history of the condition of. Child. 22.220 Working and burgher class. De Cassagnac.22. 124 World, history of the. Smith 26. 729 World, history of the. White 26.414 AUTHORS. Abbo tt, Jacob. American history 22. 6 n Empire of Austria 22.612 Romance of Spanish history 22.613 Adams, Charles Kendall. Democracy and monarchy in France 22 614 Adams, W. H. Davenport. Land of the Incas and the city of the sun 22.615 Allan, Wm. Battlefields of Virginia. Chan- cellorsvilie 22.616 History of Norridgewock 22.617 Ammen. Navy in the civil war. The Atlantic coast 22.618 Anderson, John J. Manual of General his- tory 22.619 Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus 22.620 Anthony, Susan B. History of woman's suf- frage 22.621 Archer, Thomas. Decisive events in history. 22. 622 Armitage, Ella S. Childhood of the Eng- lish nation 22. 623 Armstrong, A. C. Primer of United States history 22. 624 Arnold. Thomas. History of Rome 22.625 Bailey, Sarah Loring. Historical sketches of Andover 22.627 Baines, Edward. Wars of the French revolu- tion. 1792-1815 22.628 Baird, Henry M. Modern Greece 22.511 History of the rise of the Huguenots 22.512 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America 22.513 Pre-historic nations 22 -5 I 4 Bancroft, George. History of the formation of the constitution of the United States. . .22.413 History of the United States. . 22.412 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific States 22.515 Native races of the Pacific States. 22 .516 and 22.41 1 Barber, John Warner. Our whole country, or the past and present of the United States. 22.414 Barnes, A. S. A brief history of ancient peoples 22 415 Brief history of Greece 22.416 Brief history of mediaeval and modern peoples. 22.417 Popular history of the United States 22.418 Becker, Bernard H. Scientific London 22,311 Beckman, John. A history of inventions, discoveries and origins Wm. Johnston, trans 22 312 Bede. Bede's ecclesiastical history of Eng- land. J, A. Giles, c.d 22.313 98 R K KSLY DRAPER. Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. Epochs of history 22.314 Beesly, Mrs. Stories from the history of Rome 22.315 Benjamin, W. M. A..S. G. Epochs of his- tory. Troy ; its legends, history and lit- erature. . . . 22.316 Benton, Thomas H. Epochs of history. Ro- man empire of the second century 22.216 Birch, S. LL. D. Egypt from the earliest times to 300 B. C 22.318 Blackett, W. S. Researches into the lost his- tories of America 22.319 Blaine, James G. Twenty years in Congress. 22. 320 Blochurtz, Johannes. A brief history of Turkey 22.321 Brinton, Daniel G. Myths of the new world. 22.322 Brown, T. Allston History of the Ameri- can stage 22. 324 Bucke, Charles. Ruins of ancient cities 22.326 Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of civiliza- tion in England 22.327 Budge, Ernest A. The history of Esarhaddon, 681-668 B. C 22.211 Burnett, Peter H. Recollections and opin- ions of an old pioneer 22. 213 Buscjj, Moritz. Bismarck in the Franco-Ger- man war*. 22.213 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Young folks' his- tory of America 22.214 Young folks' history of Boston 22.215 Capes. W. W., M. A. Roman empire of the second century 22.216 Carlyle, Thomas. French revolution 22.217 Cassagnac See de Cassagnac Catlin, Letters and notes on the North Ameri- can Indians 22.218 Champlin Jr. John 0. Young folks' history of the war for the Union 22.219 Chevallier, E. Ancient history of the East. 24.716 Child, L. Maria. Brief history of the con- dition of women 22 . 220 Cist, Henry M. Campaigns of the civil war. Army of the Cumberland 22.221 Clement, Clara Erskine. Egypt 22.222 Coggeshall, Geo. History of the American privateers 22.223 Conyngham. Sherman's march through the South '::..: 22.224 Coolidge, A. J. History and description of New England ' 22. 225 Coppee, Henry. Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors 22.226 Cox, Jacob D. Campaigns of the civil war. Atlanta 22.112 Campaigns of the civil war. March to the Sea 22.111 Cox, George W., M. A. Epochs of history. Crusaders 22.113 Epochs of history. Greeks and Persians... 22.114 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world 22.115 Creighton, Mandell. M. A. Epochs of His- tory. Age of Elizabeth 22. 1 16 Crichton, Andrew. History of ancient and modern Scandinavia 22 1 1? Curtis, Arthur M., M. A. Rise of the Mace- donian empire 22. 1 18 D'Aubigne. J. H. Merle, D. D. History of the reformation 22.122 Dacus, J. A. Annals of the great strikes 22.119 David, John Francis. General description of China and the Chinese 22.121 Davis, Jefferson. Confederate government. Rise and fall of the 22. 120 De Broglie, Due. France. The King's se- cret. Secret correspondence of Louis XV. 22. 123 De Cassagnac, Adolphe Granier, M. A. History of the working and burgher class.. 22. 124 De Coulanges, F. Greece, the ancient city, a study on the laws and institutions 23 811 De Leon, Edwin. The Khedive's Egypt 23.812 De Vere, M. Schele. American history 23.813 Dewees, F, P. Origin, Growth and charac- ter of the Molly Maguires 23.814 Dewey S. P. The bonanza mines and the bonanza kings of California 23.815 Di Cesnola, Louis Palma. Cyprus, its ancient cities, tombs and temples 23.816 Dixon, William Hepworth. Her Majesty's tower, England 23.817 Dodge, Theodore A. Campaign of Chancel- lorsville 23.818 Doubleday, A. Campaigns of the civil war. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg 23.819 Drake, Francis. Indian history for young folks 23.820 Drake, Samuel G. Indians of North America. 23. 823 Draper, John Wm., LL. D. History of civil War 23.821 History of the Intellectual development of Europe 23.822 E. O. S, HELPS. 99 E. O. S. Hungary and its revolution, with a memoir of Louis Kossuth 23.827 Ebers, G. Egypt descriptive, historical and picturesque 23. 1 12 Edwards, H. Sutherland. The Polish insur- rection 23.824 English history in short stories. Anon 23.825 Ennemoser, Joseph. History of Magic. Win. Howitt, trans , . . , 23. 826 Escott, T. H. S. England, her oeople, polity and pursuits , 23 828 Estevan. War pictures 23.829 Felton, C. C,, LL. D. Lectures on ancient and modern Greece 23. 711 Fendge, Fannie Roper. India 23.712 Ferguson, M. C. The story of the Irish be- fore the conquest 23.713 Field, Henry M. Irish .confederates and the rebellion of 1 798 23. 7 14 Finlay, George, LL. D. History of the Greek revolution 23.715 Fisher, Lt. Colonel. Personal narrative of three years service in China 23.716 Fitch, John. Annals of the army of the Cumberland , 23.717 Fletcher, Rev. J. C. Brazil and the Brazil- ians 23.718 Forbes, Archibald. War correspondence of the " Daily News." History of the war be- tween Russia and Turkey 23.719 Force, M. F. Campaigns of the civil war. From Fort Henry to Corinth 23 .720 Foster, J. W., LL. D. Pre-historic races of the United States 23,72 1 Fowler, William Washington. Ten years on Wall street 23. 722 France and Normandy. History 23.723 Free Masonry. Anon 23.726 Freeman, Edward A., LL. D. Historical geography of Europe 23.725 History of Europe 23. 724 Frost, John, LL. D. Indian wars of the United States 23.611 Froude, James Anthony, M. A. English in Ireland in the Eighteenth century 23.612 From the fall of Wolsey to the death of Eliza- beth 23.613 Fyffe, C. A. Greece. History primers. .. .23,615 History of modern Europe 23.614 Gage, Matilda Joslyn, et ais. History of woman's suffrage 22.62 Gardiner, Samuel Ransom. First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution 23.617 Epochs of history. Thirty years war 23.616 Geike, Cunningham. English retormation . . 23. 5 1 1 George, Anita. Annals of the Queens ofSpain.23. 519 Gibbon, Edward. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire ^ , ... .23.513 Saracens. Rise and fall of their empire 24.121 Gihon, John H, M. D., et als. Annals of San Francisco 23.514 Gilman, Col. Harry. Four years in the saddle. 23. 515 Goldsmith, Oliver. History of Rome 23.51 Goodwin, Parke. History of France. 2 3-5'7 Gordon, George H. History of the campaigns of the Army of Virginia ... .23.518 War diary of events of the great rebellion. .23.519 Gray, John Henry, M. A. China. History of the laws, manners and customs of the people 23 520 Gray, W. H. History of Oregon 2 3-52i Greeley, Horace. American conflict 23.522 Greene, John Richard, M, A. History of the English people 23.412 History of the English people 23.413 Readings from English history 23.411 Greene, F. V. Campaigns of the civil war. The Mississippi ^23.414 Green, Geo. Washington. Historical review of the American revolution 23.415 History of the middle ages 23.416 Greenhow, Robert. History of California and Oregon 23.417 Grote, George. History of Greece 23.418 Guernsey, A. H. Pictorial History of the re- bellion. 27.111 Guizot, F. History of civilization 23. 3 1 1 H.Mrs. Field hospitals 23.312 H. H. A century of dishonor. Dealings of the U, S. Government with the Indians. .23.321 Hale, Rev. E., M. A. Epochs of history. Fall of the Stuart sand western Europe. .23.313 Hallam, Henry, LL. D. Constitutional his- tory, England 23.314 State of Europe during the middle ages. . .23.315 Harrison, James Albert. Greek vignettes. . .23.316 Spain 23 317 Heeren, A. H.L. Carthagenians, Ethiopians and Egyptians. (Historical researches into the politcs, intercourse and trade of). 23. 318 Helps, Arthur. The Spanish conquest its relation to slavery and to the government "100 HELPS LOSSING. Helps (continued) of colonies 23.319 Hewes, Geo. R. T. The Boston tea-party. .23.320 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Young folks' history of the United States 23.322 Hinton, A. M., John Howard. The history of the United States 25.21 1 Hittell, John S. Resources of California. . . .23.211 History of San Francisco 23.215 Hodgkin, Thomas, B. A. Italy and her in- vaders. 376-476 23.213 Holland, Frederick May, The reign of the Stoics 23.214 Holstein, Madame De Stael. Germany 23.215 Hopicins, Livingstone, A comic history of the United States 23.216 Hotchkiss, Jed. Battlefields of Virginia. Chancellorsville 22.616 Howitt, May . Vignettes of American his- tory 23.217 Hudson, Frederic. History of journalism .23.217 Hunter, W. W. A brief history of the In- dian people 23.222 Hume, Rev. A. Learned societies and print- ing clubs of the United Kingdom 23.220 Hume, David. History of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James the Second 23.218 Humphreys, Andrew A. Campaigns of the civil war. The Virginia campaign of 1864-65 23.221 Irving, Washington. Conquest of Grenada. 23.223 Jenkins, John S. Heroines of History. .. .23 .223 A History of the war between the United States and Mexico 23.224 Jenkinson, Charles. Treaties between Great Britain and other powers 23.225 Johnson, Rossiter. History of the French war 23.111 History of the war of 1812 23.111 A Jones, William. History of Modern Europe..26.7li Josephus, Flavius. Historical works of 23. 112 Kaufman, Rosalie. Queens of England. Young folks' history 23. i I2A Keach, Horace A. Burriville as it was and as it is 23-"3 Kelley, Walter K. History of Russia to the Crimean war 23. 1 14 Keppel, Henry. Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. "Dido" for the suppression of piracy 23. 1 1 5 Kidder, Rev. D. P. Brazil and the Brazil- ians 23.718 Kinglake, Alexander Wm. Invasion of the Crimea 23. 1 16 Knight, Charles. Popular history of Eng- land 23. 1 17 Kohlrauch, Frederick. History of Germany. 24.811 Krasinski, Valerian. Slavonic nations. Re- ligious history of Slavonia 24.812 Krause, Wm. E. F. French war of 1870 and its consequences upon future civil- ization 24.813 Lacombe, Paul. Short history of the French people 24 814 Ladd, Horatio O. History of the war with Mexico 24.815 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Restoration of the French monarchy 24.817 Langel, Auguste. England political and social 24.818 Lanzi, Abate Luigi. History of painting in Italy. Thomas Roscoe, tram 24.818 Leech, John. Comic history of England .... 24. 7 14 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. England in the XVIII century 24.711 History of European morals 24.713 History of rationalism in Europe 24. 7 1 2 Leeds, Josiah W. Smaller history of United States 24.715 Lenormant, Francois. Ancient history of the East 24.716 Lewis, Charles. History of Germany 24.717 Liddell, Henry G. History of Rome 24.718 Lippincott. Cabinet histories of the United States..- 24.719 Livy, Titus. Geo Baker, trans. History of Rome 24.611 Livy, Titus. History of Rome. D. Spill- man, trans 24.615 Llorente. Juan Antonio. Spain. His- tory of the Inquisition 24.613 Lloyd, B. E. Lights and shades in San Fran- cisco 24.614 Logan, James. Scottish Gael. Manners as preserved among the Highlanders 24.615 Longman, F. W. Epochs of history. Fred- erick the Great 24.616 Lord, John. Beacon lights of history 24.617 Lossing, Benson, J. Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States 24.619 United States. Pictorial history. 24.618 LOS8ING OTIS. 101 Lossing (continued) United States navy. Juvenile. 24.511 M'Clellan, R. Guy. Republicanism in America in 1607-1869 24,311 MacGeoghegan, Abbe. Ancient and modern history of Ireland 24. 513 Macaulay, Thomas Babington. History of England from the accession of James II. . .24.512 Maggahan, J. A. War correspondence of the "Daily News." History of the war between Russia and Turkey 23.719 Mackenzie, Harriet, D. L. Switzerland. .. .24. 516 Mahan, A. T. Navy in the civil war. Gulf and inland waters 24. 5 1 5 Machiavelli, Niccolo. History of Florence. .24 514 Malcolm, Henry Frederick. India and the Indian mutiny 24.517 Mansfield, J. B. History and description of New England 22.225 Markham, Mrs. History of England 24.5x8 Markham, Richard, ed. Chronicle of the Cid, 24.411 King Philip's war, and the Indian trouble in New England 24.412 Marmion, Anthony. History of the maritime ports of Ireland 24.413 Martin, Henri. Age of Louis XIV 24.414 Martin, R. Montgomery. British colonial library 24.416 History of Australia 24.415 Masson, Gustave. Outlines of the history of France 24.4I6A May, Thomas Erskine. History of Democ- racy in Europe 24.417 McCall, Major-General. Letters from the frontier 24.418 McCalman, Archibald H. History of Eng- land abridged, and a condensed chron- ology . 24.421 McCarthy, Justin. Epochs of history. Epochs of reform. History of our times .24.419 McClellan. Peninsular campaign 24.422 McDonald, Rev. N. Siam, its manners, cus- toms and government 24.423 McGlashan, C. F. History of the Donner party ^ 24.424 McKenney, Thomas L. History of the In- dian tribes of North America 25. 1 1 1 McMaster, John Bach. History of the people of the United States 24.312 McPherson, Edward. Political history of the rebellion 24.313 Menzel, Wolfang. History of Germany 24.314 Merivale, Charles, D. D. History of the Romans under the empire 24.315 Rome. General history from the foundation to the fall of Augustus 24.316 Michelet, J. French revolution, historical view of. C. Cocks, trans 24.317 Milman, Henry Hart, D. D. History of the Jews 24.318 Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome 24.319 Monnier. Wonders of Pompeii 24.320 Moore. Frank. Diary of American revolution. 24.211 Moore, Thomas. History of Ireland 24.212 Morell, J. D., A. M. Speculative philoso- phy in the nineteenth century - 24.213 Morfill, W. R. Russia 24.214 Morris, Wm. O'Connor. Epochs of history. French revolution and First Empire 24.215 Mossman, Samuel. Japan 24.216 Motley, John Lathrop. History of the United Netherlands 24.219 Holland. Life and death of John of Barne- veld 24.218 Rise of the Dutch Republic 24.217 Muller, Wilhelm. Political history of recent times 24. 220 Murray, Hugh, et als. British India 24. 1 1 1 Neal, Daniel., M. A. History of the Puri- tans 24. 1 12 Neill, Richard D. Terra Marial, or threads of Maryland colonial history 24. 1 13 Nicolay, John G. Campaigns of the civil war. Outbreak of the rebellion 24.118 Nicolini, G. B. . History of the Jesuits 24. 1 1 5 Niles, Ilezekiah, Principals and acts of the revolution in America 24. 1 16 Nisbet, James, et als. Annals of San Fran- cisco. See Gihon 2 3-5H Norman, C. B. Armenia and the campaign of 1877 24. 1 17 Norman, Lucia. Popular history of California. 24. 1 18 Youth's history of California 24. 1 19 Ober, Frederick A. Young folks' history of Mexico 24. 1 20 Ockley, Simon, B. D. History of the Sara- cens, comprising the lives of Mohammed and his successors 24.121 Saracens. Rise and fall of their empire. . ..24. 122 Osborn, H.S., LL. D. Ancient Egypt in the light of modern discoveries 24. 123 Otis, Elwell S. Indian question 24.124 102 OZA.NAM STEPHEN. Ozanara, A. Frederick. History of civiliza- tion in the fifth century 24 125 Palfrey, F. W. Campaigns of the civil war. Antietam and Fredericksburg 24.126 Pardoe, Miss. Louis XIV and the court of France in the seventeenth century 24. 127 Parkman, Francis. France and England in North America 25.81 1 Jesuits in North America in the XVII century2.5.8i2 Parton, James. General Butler in New Or- leans. History of the administration of the Department of the Gulf 25.813 Peck, Jesse T., D. D. The great republic considered from a Christian standpoint. . .25.711 Phisterer, Frank. Campaigns of the civil war. Statistical record 25.712 Pollard, Edward A. First year of the civil war 25.713 The lost cause regained 25.61 1 Second year of the civil war 25.714 'Pond, Geo. E. Campaigns of the civil war. The Shenandoah Valley in 1864 25.612 Powell, John J. The golden State and its re- sources 25.613 Prescott, William H. Conquest of Mexico. 25. 614 Conquest of Peru 25.513 History of Ferdinand and Isabella 26.811 History of the reign of Charles V 25.412 Miscellanies, biographical and critical 25.512 History of Philip II 26.812 Quackenbos, G. P. History of the United States 26.813 Ranke, Leopold. The history of the Popes. 26.814 Rawlinson, George, M. A. Ancient mon- archies 26.81 5 Origin of nations 26.816 Raymond, Henry, J. The administration of President Lincoln 26.817 Ridgley, James L. History of American Odd Fellowship 26.818 Robbins, Archibald. The journal of. Com- prising an account of the loss of the brig Commerce upon the western coast of Af- rica, 1815 26.820 Roberts, Sir Randal. Asia Minor and the Caucasus 26.819 Robertson, William. History of the reign of Charles V 25.412 Rollin, M. Ancient history 26.821 Ropes, John C. Campaigns of the civil war. The army under Pope 26.822 Russell, Alexander, M. D. History of Aleppo.,26.823 Russell, Dr. W. History of modern Europe.26.7i I Saxton, L. C. The fall of Poland 26.712 Scheller, Frederick. Revolt of the Nether- lands 26.713 Schmitz, Leonhard, LL. D. A manual of ancient history 26.715 Schoolcraft, Henry R. Memoirs of thirty years with the Indian tribes 26 714 Seebohm, Frederick. (Epochs in history). The Protestant revolution. 26716 Sergeant, Lewis. New Greece 26.717 Sharpe, Samuel. History of Egypt 26.718 Short, John T. Antiquity of North Americans. 26, 7 19 Shuck, Oscar T. California anthology 26.720 Simon, Jules, The government of M. Thiers 26.721 Smiles, Samuel. The Huguenots. Their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ireland 26.722 Huguenots in France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes 26.723 Smith, George, Assyria from the earliest times to the fall of Ninevah 26.725 Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on the study of history 26. 726 Smith, J. Thomas. History of the Bank of England 26.727 Smith, Mathew Hale. Sunshine and shadow in New York 26.728 Smith, Philip. A history of the world 26.729 Smith. R. Bosworth., M. A. Rome and Carthage. The Punic wars 26.724 Smith, William. Student's Gibbon. Rome.. 26.612 Student's history of Greece '. 26.61 1 Soley, J. R. Navy in the civil war. The blockade and the cruisers 26.61 3 Soule, Frank, et, als. Annals of Snn Fran- cisco 23.514 Southern history of the war. Official reports of battles 26.614 Speer, William, D. D. China and United States 26.615 Spencer, Ambrose. A narrative of Ander- sonville ^ 26.616 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, et. als. History of woman's suffrage 22.621 Stenhousei T. B. H. A history of the Rocky Mountain saints 26.617 Stephen, Leslie. History of English thought in the eighteenth century 26.618 STUBBS ZCHOKKE. 103 Stubbs, Wm. Constitutional history of Eng- land 26.619 Sumner, William G. History of American currency 26.620 Swinton, Wm., A. M. History of the Sev- enth Regiment of New York 26 621 Taine, H. A. Ancient regime 26.622 French revolution 26. 623 Notes on Paris. John Austin Stevens, trans. 26.624 Taylor, James, D. D. Scottish Covenanters.26.625 Taylor, Richard, Destruction and recon- struction. Personal experiences of the late war 26.627 Taylor, W. C., LL. D. Manual of ancient and modern history. C. S. Henry, erf. . . .26.626 Thierry, Augustin. History of the Norman conquest 26.512 Thiers, Louis Adolphe. France. History of the consulate and the empire under Napoleon. 26. 628 History of the French revolution 26.511 Timayenis, T. T, History of Greece 26.513 Timbs, John. History of clubs and club life in London 26. 5 14 Towle, George M. Glimpses of history 26.515 Triumphs of enterprise. Anon 26.516 Truman, Ben. C. California, semi-tropic. . .26 517 Tuttle, Herbert. Prussia, to the accession of Frederick the Great, 1134-1740 26.518 Tylor, Edward B. Researches into the early history of mankind 26.519 Ubizzi. Charles X and Louis Phillipe. Secret history of the revolution of July 26. 5igA Vaux, W. S. W. From tne earliest period to the Arab conquest 26. 52 1 Vizettelly, Henry. Story of a diamond necklace 26-52iA Voltaire, Francois M. A. de. History of Charles XII of Sweden 26.522 Von Ranke, Leopold. Universal history. (The oldest historical group of nations Von Ranke (continued) and the Greeks) 26.523 Walker, Judson Elliot. Campaigns of Gen- eral Custer 26. 524 Warburton. The conquest of Canada. . . . . .26.525 Washburn, Charles A. The history of Paraguay 26. 526 Watson, Henry C. Camp fires of Napoleon. 26. 527 Webb, Alexander S. Campaigns of the civil war. The peninsular 26.41 1 Wheaton, Henry. A history of ancient and modern Scandinavia 22.117 Wheeler, Charles Gardiner. The cause of empire. Outlines of the chief political changes in the history of the world 26.412 Wheeler, J. Talboys. A short history of India and of the frontier states of Afghan- istan, Nipal and Burmah .26.413 White, H. A history of the world 26.414 France. The massacre of St. Bartholomew.26.415 White, John S. The boy's and girl's Plu- tarch 26.416 Wilkinson, J. Gardiner., F. R. S. A popu- lar account of the ancient Egyptians 26.417 Williams, George F. Bullet and shell 26.417 A Williamson, Wm. D. The history of the State of Maine 26.418 Willson, Marcius. American history 26.419 Wilson, James, et als. British India 24.111 Yoe, Shway. The Burman. His life and notions 26.420 Yonge, Charlotte M. Young folks' history of England 26.421 Young folks' history of France 26.422 Young folks' history of Germany 26.423 Young folks' history of Greece 26.424 Young folks' history of Rome 26.424A Young, Alexander. History of the Nether- lands 26.426 Zchokke, Heinrich. History of Switzerland. 26.425 JUVENILE. A. C. M. Elements of knowledge for children. 36. 762 A. L. O. E See Tucker, Mrs. C. Abbott, Jacob. Harper's picture books for the nursery. The little learner. Learn- ing about common things 36.811 Learning about right and wrong 36.812 Learning to think 36-813 Harper's story books, 9 vols. History of Alexander the Great 36.814 History of Alfred the Great 36 815 History of Charles 1 36.816 History of Cleopatra 36 .817 History of Cyrus the Great 36.818 History of Darius the Great 36 819 History of Elizabeth of England 36.820 History of Genghis Khan 36.821 History of Hannibal 36.822 History of Julius C^sar 36.827 History of Margaret of Anjou 36.832 History of Mary Queen of Scots 36.833 History of Nero 36.834 History of Peter the Great 36-835 History of Pyrrhus 36.836 History of Richard I 36.838 History of Richard II 36.711 History of Richard III 36.712 History of Romulus 36.713 History of William the Conqueror 36.714 History of Xerxes 36.715 Jonas stones: I. Jonas stories 36.716 3. Jonas on a farm; winter 36.717 4. Jonas on a farm; summer 36.718 5. Caleb in town 36.719 6. Caleb in the country 36.720 Juno stories: Juno and Georgie 36.721 Mary Osborne 36.722 Lucy books: Conversations 36.733 Lucy stories 36. 724 Lucy at study 36. 725 Lucy at play 36. 726 Lucy on the mountains 36.727 Lucy on the seashore 36. 728 Marco Paul's voyages and travels: Adams (continued) - I. In New York 36.729 2. On the Erie canal 36.730 3. In Maine 36.731 4. In Vermont 36.732 5, In Boston 36-733 6. At the Springfield armory 36.734 Rollo series:- i. Rollo learning to talk 36.735 2.- Rollo learning to read 36.736 3, Rollo at work 36.737 4. Rollo at play 36.738 5. Rollo at school 36. 739 6. Rollo's vacation 36.740 7. Rollo's experiments 36.741 8. Hollo's museum 36. 742 9. Kollo's travels 36.743 10. Rollo's correspondence 36.744 1 1. Rollo's philosophy. Water 36-745 12. -Rollo's philosophy. Air 36.746 13. Rollo's philosophy. Fire 36.747 14. Rollo's philosophy. Sky 36.748 Rollo's tour in Europe : I. Rollo on the Atlantic 36.749 2. Rollo in Paris 36. 750 3. Rollo in Switzerland 36.751 4. Rollo in London 36.752 5. Rollo on the Rhine 36-753 6. Rollo in Scotland 36. 754 7. Rollo in Geneva 36-755 8. Rollo in Holland 36.756 9. Rollo in Naples 36-757 io. Rollo in Rome 36.758 Science for the young : Heat See Science Light See Science Young Christian series ; Corner stone 36.759 Horryhead and McDonner 36. 760 Way to be good 36.76 1 Abbott, J. S. C. Chevalier de la Salle and his companions Christopher Columbus David Crockett Ferdinand de Solo Kit Carson . . ABBOTT ANDERSON. Abbott (continued) John Paul Jones See History Miles Standish See History Histories : History of Empress Josephine. ... 36.826 History of Henry IV 36 823 History of Hernando Cortez 36.824 History of Joseph Bonaparte 36.825 History of King Philip 36.828 History of Louis Phillipe 36.829 History of Madame Roland 36.830 Marie Antoinette 36.831 History of Queen Hortense. .... 36 837 Abbott, Rosa. See. Parker, R. A. Aboard the Mivis. Markham 37. 120 Adams, C. John Hartley 36.763 Adams, W. H. D. Page, squire and knight. 36. 764 Adams, W. T. (Oliver Optic). Birthday party 36.611 Bivouac and battle 36.612 Boat club, the 36.613 Cringle and cross-tree 36.614 Desk and debit 36.615 Do-somethings 36.616 Field and forest 36.617 Little merchant 36.618 Living too fast 36.619 Plane and plank 36. 620 Proud and lazy 36.621 And others. Great bonanza 36.624 Sea and shore 36.622 Young wreckers 36.623 Adrift in the ice fields. Hall. See Travels. Adventures and conquests of Pizarro. Towle.38.525 Adventures of a young naturalist. Biart .... 36 320 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Clemens. See Fiction. Afloat and ashore. Cooper See Fiction Afloat in the forest. Reid 38.716 African pets. Parry 38.835 Ainslee stories. Weeks 38.428 Alcott, Louisa M. Cupid and Chow-Chow. .36.625 Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore 36.626 My girls 36.627 Old fashioned thanksgiving 36.628 Shawl-straps 36.629 Eight cousins 36 .630 Hospital sketches 36.631 Jack and Jill 36.632 Little men 36.633 Little women 36.634 Alcott (continued) Moods 36.635 Morning glories 36.636 Old fashioned girl 36.637 and 36. 51 1 Rose in bloom 36. 512 Silver pitchers 36.513 Spinning wheel stories 36.514 Three proverb stories . . 36 .5 1 5 Under the lilacs 36.516 Work 36.517 Alden, E. F. Stories and ballads 36.518 Alden, Mrs. I. M. (Pansy). Four girls at Chatauqua See Fiction Links in Rebecca's life See Fiction Miss Priscilla Hunter See Fiction Ruth Erskine's crosses See Fiction Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy 36.519 Alexander, the Great, king of Macedonia, history of. Abbott 36.814 Alexis the runaway. Parker 38.832 Alfred the Great, king of England, history of. Abbott 36.815 Alger, H. From canal boy to President 36.520 Slow and sure 36.521 Alice's adventures in wonderland. Dodgson .37.715 All the way round. Anon 36.522 All the way round ; or what a boy saw and heard on his way round the world. By a boy. Smiles, ed See Travels Allie's mistake. Beach 36.317 American boy's book 36.523 American explorers. Higgenston 37-434 American girls' book. Leslie 37-232 American family in Paris. Anon 36.524 American girl and her four years in a boys' college. Anderson See Fiction American home book of indoor games. Smith. 38. 634 American wonderland. Bache 36.425 Among the boys. Philo Socrates. Ellis. 2 v. See Belles-lettres. Among the Hindoos. Philo-Socrates. Ellis. See, Belles-lettres. Among the teachers. Philo-Socrates. Ellis. See Belles-lettres. Among the squirrels. Denison 37-826 Ancient Egypt. Anon 36. 525 Anderson, H. C. Everything in its right place 36-526 Ice maiden 36. 527 Little match girl 36 . 528 Marsh king's daughter . . , , , 36. 529 106 ANDERSON BODI.EYS. Anderson (continued) Old church hell 36. 530 Sandhills of Jutland 36.531 Silver shilling 36.532 Tinder box 36-533 Under the willow tree 36.534 What the moon saw 36. 535 Wild swan 36. 536 Anderson, Olive S. L. (Sola). American girl and her four years in a boy's college. See Fiction. Andrews, J. The seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. . . .36.537 Angelo, the circus boy. Sewell 38.628 An only sister. De Witt 37.827 Appleton's annual 36.538 Arabian night's entertainments 36-539 Ark of Elm island. Kellogg 37-317 Around the world in eighty clays. Verne. See Fiction Around the yule log. Markham 37. 121 Bache, R. M. American wonderland 36.425 Young wreckers, the 36.426 Bad boy's diary; A. Anon 36.427 Baker, G. M. Running to waste 36.428 Baker, Sir S. W. Cast up by the sea . . .See Fiction Ballantyne, R. M. Black ivory 36 429 Chasing the sun 36.430 Coral is'and 36.431 Deep down 36.432 Erling the bold 36.433 Fast in the ice 36.434 Fighting the whales 36-435 Fire brigade 36.436 Floating light of the Goodwin sands 36.437 Gorilla hunters 36.438 Jarvin and Cuffy 36-439 Post haste 36.440 Red Eric 35 .441 Shifting winds .... 36.442 Silver lake 36.443 Wild man of the west 36.444 Young fur trader, the 35-445 Barnard, C. The tone masters, 3 vols. Vol. I. 4 Mozart and Mendelssohn 36.311 Vol. II. Handel and Haydn 36.312 Barnnm, P. T. Jack in the jungle 36.313 Baron Munchnusen. Adventures of. Raspe. 38.725 Baron R. and Deutsch, C. Well begun is half done 36-314 Arthur Brown. Kellogg 37-3i8 Arthur, T, S. Last penny 36.41 1 Lost children 36.412 Maggie's baby 36.413 We haven't got time 36.414 Organ boy 36.4 1 5 Our Harry 36.416 Peace-makers 36.417 Poor woodcutter 36.418 Tired of housekeeping 36.419 Uncle Ben's New Year's gift. 36.420 Who is greatest? 36.421 Who is happiest? 36.422 Asbury twins. Clarke 36. 1 12 Athletic sports for boys. Anon 36.423 At the back of the north wind. Macdonald . . 37. 1 15 At the north pole. Verne See Fiction Aunt Madge's story 36. 239 Aunt Patty's scrap bag. Hentz 37-431 Austin, Mrs. J. G. Moorfolk 36.424 Barr, Lillie E. Dot and Drive 36 .315 Battles worth fighting. Anon 36 316 Beach, R. G. Allie's mistake 36.317 Bear worshippers of Yezzo. Grey 37.41 1 Beesley, Mrs. Stories from the history of Rome See History Being a boy. \Varner : 38. 425 Benvenuto Cellini, the Italian Goldsmith. Kirby 37-221 Berquin, A. de. Looking-glass for the wind. 36. 318 Berthaud, Henry. Stories of bird life 36.319 Bessie among the mountains. Mathews 37-127 Biart, L. Adventures of a young naturalist. .36.320 Involuntary voyage 36. 32 1 Big brother, the. Eggleston See Fiction Billy bump. Goodrich 37-524 Billy Grimes. Nowell 38.827 Brinbe. Rame 38.714 Birthday party, The. Adams 36.611 Bits of talk for young folks. Jackson 37-444 Bivouac and battle. Adairs 36.612 Black ivory. Ballantyne 36.429 Blanche and Beryl. Anon 36.322 Boat club. The. Adams 36.613 Bodley grandchildren in Holland. Scudder.. 38,623 Bod'.eys afoot. Scudder 38.621 Bodleys in town and country. Scudder 38.618 Bodleys on wheels. Scudder 38.620 Bodleys telling stories. Scudder 3^.019 BONNI E CAKLETON. ior Bonnie Scotland. Lippincott 37-233 Book about boys. Moncreiff 37. 141 Boston town. Scudder 38.626 Bound in honor. Trowbridge 38-539 Bowman, A. Rector's daughter 36. 323 Boy artists. Foa 37- 5*6 Boy emigrants. Brooks 36.331 Boy engineers. Lukin 37. 1 14 Boy farmers, The. Kellogg 37-319 Boy from Bramley. Townsend 38.531 Boy hunters. Reid 38 . 7 1 7 Boy Joe and Sam Weller. Dickens 37.841 Boy knight, The. Henty 37-43 Boy travelers, central Africa. Knox 37-222 Boy travelers in the far East. Knox 37-223 Boy travelers, Ceylon and India. Knox 37-223 Boy travelers, Siam and Java. Knox 37.224 Boy's Froissart. Lanier, ed 37-228 Boy's King Arthur; being Sir Thomas Malory's history of King Arthur and his knights of the round table. Lanier, ed . ... 37.229 Boy's Percy; being old ballads of war, adven- ture and love. Lanier, ed See Poetry Boys at Chequasset. Whitney 38,431 Boys own book of natural history. Wood . . .38.427 Boy's owu book of sports. Anon 36. 324 Boys of other countries. Taylor See Travels Boys of '76; the battles of the revolution. Coffin 36. 1 18 Boysof'6i. Coffin. . 36.119 Boy's play book of science. Pepper 38.840 Boy's story book. Anon- 36,325 Boy's travel round the world. Smiles. .See Travels Boy's trip across the plains. Heaven 36.428 Boyhood of great men. Edgar 37.628 Boyhood of Martin Luther. Mayhew 37.128 Bradley, W. S. (Glance Gaylord.) Miss Patience Hathaway 36. 326 Mr. Pendleton's cup 36.327 Story of a summer 36. 328 C., S. T. The little fox; or Captain Sir F. L. McClintock's arctic expedition, written for the young 37-8i I Caesar, Julius. History of. Abbott 36.827 Caleb in town. Abbott 36.719 Caleb in the country. Abbott 36.720 California, youth's history of. Heaven. See History Cameron, Mrs. Farmer's daughter 36. 350 Campbell, L J. ed. Young folk's book of Braid of cords. Tucker 38-417 Brant and Red Jacket. Eggleston and Seelye See Fiction Bravo. Cooper See Fiction Bread-winners. Nickerson 38.825 Bremer, F. The Butterfly's gospel 36.329 Brewer's family. Ellis 37-738 Brock, Mrs. C. Sunday echoes in week day homes 36.330 Brook, Sarah. French history for English children See History Brooks, M. Boy emigrants 36.331 Fail-port nine 36.332 Brownings, The. Anon 36. 333 Builders of the sea. Anon 36.334 Building the nation. Coffin 36 120 Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's progress. ....... .See Fiction Burdett, C. Chances and changes 36-335 Never too late 36.336 Buried treasure ; or old Jordan's haunt. Fos- dck 37.517 Burton, Richard. Vikram and the vampire. . .36.337 Butson, A. A. Strange. On the leads, or / i . i planets saw 36. 349 Butterfly hunters, Conant 36. 123 Butterfly flights series: Vol. I. Butterfly at Mount Mansfield 36.339 Vol. II. Butterfly at Sarataga 36.342 Vol. III. Butterfly at Niagara 36.340 Vol. IV. Butterfly's trip to Montreal 36.338 Vol. V. Butterfly at the seaside 36.343 Vol. VI. Butterfly in Philadelphia 36.341 Butterfly's gospel. Bremer 36. 329 Butterworth, II. Young folk's history of America See History Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. 36. 344 Zigzag journey in classic lands 36. 345 Zigzag journey in Europe 36. 346 Zigzag journey in northern lands 36.347 Zigzag journey in Occident 36.348 Campbell (continued) poetry See Poetry Candy elephant, and other stories. Dolliver .37.717 Candeze, Ernest. Curious adventures of a field cricket 36.351 Canterbury chimes, or Chaucer's tales retold for children. Starr and Turner 38. 5 16 Captain Sam. Eggleston Sec Fiction Carleton See Coffin, C. C. 108 CARLETON COOK E. Carleton, Carrie See Chamberlain, Mrs. C. C. Carroll, Lewis See Dodgson, C. L. Carson, Christopher. (Kit.) Life of. Ab- bott See Fiction Cassey. Smith, H. S 38 636 Cast away in the cold. Hayes 37.426 Cast up by the sea. Baker See Fiction Castlemon, Harry See Fosdick, C. A. Cecil's book of natural history. Peabody. . .38.838 Cedars, The. Cragin 36. 131 Chainbearer. Cooper See. Fiction Chamberlain, Mrs. C. C. (Carrie Carleton.) Inglenook , 36.21 1 Champlin, J. D., Jr. Young folks' history of the war for the Union See History Campney. All around a palette. . .See Belles-lettres Champney, Lizzie VV. Three Vassar girls abroad 36.212 Three Vassar girls in England 36- 2 1 3 Three Vassar girls in South America 36.214 Chances and changes . Burdett 36-335 Charles I., King of England. History of. Abbott 36.816 Charles, E. Diary of brother Bartholomew .36.215 Charles Norwood. Trowbridge. C. M 38.538 Charlesworth, M. L. Ministering children .36.216 Oliver of the mill See Fiction Chasing the sun. Ballantyne 36.430 Cheney, Mrs. E. D. Sally Williams, the mountain girl 36.217 Chevalier de la Salle and his companions. Abbott, J. S. C See Fiction Child life in Italy 36.218 Child of the island glen. Kellogg 37. 320 Child pictures, from Dickens 37.834 Child wife. Dickens 37.837 Child's history of England. Dickens 37-833 Children of the new forest. Marryat. . . .See Fiction Christian conquest. Tucker 38.418 Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek trage- dians See Belles-lettres Stories from Herodotus See. Belles- 'ettres Stories from Homer See Belles-lettre Stories from Livy See Belles-lettres Stories from Virgil See Belles-lettres Clark. From Hong-Kong to the Himalayas. 36. 219 Clarke, Mary C. Kit Barn's adventures 36.220 Clarke, Mrs. K. S. (Sophie May.) Doctor's daughter 36.221 Dotty Dimple stories: Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's 36.222 Clarke (continued) Dotty Dimple at home 36. 223 Dotty Dimple out west 36.224 Dotty Dimple at play 36.225 Dotty Dimple at school 36.226 Dotty Dimple's fly-a-way 36.227 Flaxie Frizzle series: Little pitchers 36.228 Flaxie Frizzle 36.229 Doctor papa 36.230 Little Prudy series: Little Prudy _ 36. 23 1 Little Prudy's Captain Horace 36.232 Little Prudy's cousin Grace 36.233 Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple 36.235 Little Prudy's fairy book 36.234 Little Prudy's sister Susy . . 36. 238 Little Prudy's fly-a-way series: Aunt Madge's story 36. 239 Little folks astray 36. 237 Little grandfather 36.241 Little grandmother 36. 240 Miss Thistledown 36 1 1 1 Prudy keeping house 36.236 Maidenhood series: Asbury twins 36112 Janet, a poor heiress 36. 1 14 Our Helen 36.113 Quinnebasset girls 36. 1 1 5 Twin cousins 36. 116 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) Adventures of Tom Sawyer See Fiction Prince and pauper See Fiction Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, History of. Abbott ." 36.817 Cliff climbers. Reid 38.718 Climbing the rope. Powell 38.828 Coffee-pot Sam. Anon 36. 1 1 7 Coffin, C. C. (Carleton. ) Boys of '76 36. 1 18 Boys of '6 1 : 36.119 Building a nation 36.120 On the battlefield 36.121 Story of liberty 36.122 Coleridge, S. Phantasmion, a fairy tale.Sc^ Fiction Columbus, Christopher. Life of. Abbott. See Biography Conant, H. S. Butterfly hunters 36.123 Conrad the squirrel 36. 1 24 Conrad the squirrel. Conant 36. 124 Cooke, Laura P. Dimple Dopp and other stories 36. 1 25 COOLIDGE DAY. 109 Coolidge, S See Woolsey , S. C, Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore 45-3 12 Bravo 45-313 Chainbearer 45-3 J 4 Crater 45 3i5 Deerslayer 45-3 J 6 Feu-follet ; the same as Wing and Wing . .45. 323 A Headsmen 45-3 J 7 Heidenmauer 45 -3i8 Home as found 45-3 r 9 Homeward bound 45.320 Hutted knoll 45-321 Jack Tier 45-3 22 Last of the Mohicans 45-3 2 3 Lionel Lincoln 45-3 2 4 Mercedes 45-3 2 5 Miles Wallingford 45-3 2 6 Monikins 45- 3 2 7 Ned Mayers 45-3 2 8 Oak Openings 45-3 2 9 Pathfinder 45-33 Pilot 45-331 Pioneers 45-2H Prairie 45-2I 2 Precaution < 45- 2I 3 Redskins 45-214 Red Rover 45- 2I 5 Satanstoe 45- 216 Sea Lions 45- 2I 7 Spy 45-2i8 Two admirals 45-219 Water witch 45<22o Ways of the hour 45.221 Wept of wish-ton-wish 45.222 Wyandotte 45-3 2 i Copley, Mrs. E. Early friendships 36.126 Poplar grove 36. 127 Copsley annals preserved in proverbs. Anon. 36,128 Coral island . Ballantyne 36.43 1 Corner stone. ( Young Christian Series. ) Abbott 36.759 Cortes, Hernando, Conqueror of Mexico. History of. Abbott 36.824 Cortley hall. Tucker 38.419 Country of the dwarfs. Du Chaillu See Travels Cousin Alice See Haven, A. B. Cousin Carrie. Sun-rays from fair and cloudy skies 36. 129 Cousin from India. Craik 36. 132 Cousin Jessie's tales for the little folks. By a southern lady 36. 130 Cousin Virginia See Johnson, V. W. Cragin, Mrs. L. T. ( Ellis Gray. ) The cedars 36. 131 Craik, D. M. ( Miss Mulock. ) His little mother and other tales See Fiction Is it true? ...36.135 Little lychetts 36. 1 36 Little Sunshine's holiday 36. 137 Twenty years ago 36. 138 Craik, G. M. Cousin from India 36. 1 32 Miss Moore 36.133 Plucky boys 36.134 Cragin, (Ellis Grey. ) Cedars, The 36. 131 Crawford. Gaskell , 37-5 2 7 Crater. Cooper See Fiction Crew of the Dolphin. Smith 38.637 Crew of the Sam Weller, Habberton 37-417 Cringle and cross-tree. Adams 36.614 Crockett, David. Life of. Abbott See Fiction Crofton boys. Martineau. 37-124 Cross-patch. Woolsey 38.440 Cruises with Captain Bob by sea and land. Shillaber 38-63 Cupid and Chow-Chow. Alcott 36.625 Cupples, A. J. Singular creatures and how they were found 37 .8 1 2 Deserted ship 37 813 Cupples, George. Green hand 37-8i4 Cupples, Mrs. G See Cupples, Mrs. A. J. Curious adventures of a field cricket. Candeze. 36.351 Curtis, Mrs. C. P. ( Carroll Winchester. ) From ^ladge to Margaret See Fiction Cyrus the Great, King of Persia. Abbott. . .36.818 DabKinzer. Stoddard ....38.514 Dame Durden. Dickens 37-845 Dairyman's daughter. Richmond 38.730 Daisy Ward's work. McLain 37. 133 Dall, C. H. Patty Gray's journey ,. .37.815 Dalton, W. Tiger Prince 37-8i6 White elephant 37-8i7 Dangers of dining out. Ellis 37-739 Darius the Great, King of Persia. Abbott. . .36.819 Daryl, S. Told in the twilight 37.818 David Lloyd's last will. Stretton 38.638 Day, T. History of Santord and Merton. . 37.819 110 DEALINGS EDGAR. Dealings with the fairies. Macdonald 37. 1 16 Deep down. Ballantyne 36 .432 Deerslayer, Cooper See Fiction De Foe, D. Life and adventures of Robin- son Crusoe 37 820 De Fonvielle, \V. Thunder and lightning. . .37.821 De Kroyft, S. H. Little Jakey 37.822 De Lanaye, F. Egypt 3,300 years ago.-SVe History De Mille, J. Lost in the fog 37.823 Winged lion 37.824 Denison, C. W. Tanner boy 37-825 Denison. M. A. Among the squirrels. 37 826 Deserted ship. Cupples 37-8i3 Desert home. Reid 38.719 Desk and debit. Adams 36-615 Desert of ice. Verne See Fiction De Witt, Madame Guizot. An only sister. . .37.827 Diary of brother Bartholomew. Charles 36.215 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Jimmyjohns 37-828 King Grimalkin and pussy 37-830 King's lily and rosebud 37-829 Lucy Maria 37-831 William Henry letters 37-832 Dick Bold, hero. Goodrich 37-535 Dick Chevdey. Kingston 37-33O Dickens, C. Child's history of England .... 37.833 Child pictures 37-^34 CONTENTS. Little Nell. Tiny Tim. The Marchioness. Smike. Paul aud Florence. Oliver Twist. The fat boy. Little folks. 12 vols. Boy Joe and Sam Weller 37-841 Child wife 37 837 Dame Duiden 37 845 Dolly Varden 37.846 Florence Domt>ey 37-839 Little Nell 37-835 Little Paul 37 840 Oliver and the Jew Fagin 37-838 Sissy Jupe 37-842 Smike 37.836 The two daughters ... 37-843 Tiny Tim and Dot and the fairy cricket. . . .37.844 Dimple Dopp, and other stories. Cooke 36.135 Do-somethings, The. Adams 36.616 Doctor Dick. Woods 38.438 Dr. Gilbert's daughters. Mathews See Fiction Doctor Ox's experiment. Verne See Fiction Doctor papa. Clarke 36. 230 Doctor's daughter. Clarke 36.221 Doctor's little daughter. Meteyard 37- T 35 Dodge, M. A. (Q all Hamilton.} Little folk ^63,7.711 Dodge, M. E. Few friends 37-7'2 Hans Brinker, or the silver skates 37-713 Dodge, N. S. Stories of a grandfather about American history 37 .7 14 Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll.) Alice's adventures in wonderland 37-71 5 Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there 37 716 Doings of the Bodley family in town and country. Scudder 38.618 Dolliver, C. G. Candy elephant, and other stories 37. 717 No baby in the house 37-7i8 Dolly Varden. Dickens 37-846 Domestic tale, A. More 38.813 Dot arid Drive. Barr 36. 3 1 5 Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's. Clarke. 36.222 Dotty Dimple at home. Clarke 36.223 Dotty Dimple at play. Clarke 36.225 Dotty Dimple at school Clarke 36.226 Dotty Dimple out west. Clarke 36.224 Dotty Dimple's flyaway. Clarke 36. 227 Double runner club. Schillaber 38.631 Double story. Macdonald 37. 1 1 7 Douglas, A. M. Kathie stories 37-7'9 Kathie in the ranks 37. 720 Kathie's harvest days 37-721 Kathie's three wishes 37-722 Kat life's Aunt Ruth 37-7^3 ' Kathie's summer 37-724 Kathie's soldiers 37-7^5 Douglas, Marian. Peter and Polly. 37-726 Drifting around the world. A boy's adven- tures. Hall, C. W See Travels Du Chaillu, P. B. Lost in the jungle. . .See Travels My Apingi kingdom See Travels Stories of the gorilla country See Travels Under the equator See. Travels Early friendships Copley 36.126 Eastward, ho ! or adventures at Rangely lakes. Farrar 37-6i5 Eden, C. H. Guinea gold ; or the great bar- rier reef 37-727 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men 37-728 EDGAR FINLEY. Ill Edgar (continued) Footprints of famous men 37. 728 A. Great men and gallant deeds 37-729 History for boys. Modern Europe 37-73 Sea kings and naval heroes 37-731 Wars of the roses 37 .732 Edgeworth, M. Frank 37-733 Harry and Lucy 37-734 Harry and Frank 37-735 Parent's assistant 37 736 Rosamond 37-737 Eggleston, E. Brant and Red Jacket. .See Fiction Circuit rider Ste Fiction^ End of the world See Fiction Hoosier schoolboy See Fiction Hoosier schoolmaster See Fiction Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. See Fiction Mystery of Metropolisville See Fiction Pocahontas See Fiction Roxy See Fiction Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. . .See Fiction Eggleston, G. C. Big brother See Fiction Captain Sam See Fiction Red Eagle See fiction Egypt 3,300 years ago. De Lanaye. . . .See History Eight cousins. Alcott 36.360 Elements of knowledge for children. C. M. A 36-762 Elizabeth, Queen of England. History of. Abbott 36.820 Ellerslie house. Leslie - 37-231 Ellis, S. S. Brewer's family 37-738 Dangers of dining out 37-739 Ellis (continued) First impressions 37-74 Minister's family 37-74 1 Somerville hall 37-742 Ellis, W. Philo-Socrates series. Among the boys See Belles Lettres Among the Hindoos See Belles Lettres Among the teachers See Belles Lettres Elsie, Dinsmore. Finley 37-6i8 Elsie at Nantucket. Finley 37.627 Elsie's children. Finley 37.6*3 Elsie's girlhood. Finley 37- 620 Elsie's holidays at Roselands. Finley 37-6i9 Elsie's 'motherhood. Finley 37-622 Elsie's new relations. Finley .37.626 Elsie's womanhood . Finley .' 37- 62 1 Elsie's widowhood. Finley 37-624 England. Dickens. Child's history of 37-833 England. Yonge. Young folks' history of. See History English Bodley family. Scudder 38.624 Eric, or little by little. Farrar 37- 6 H Erling the bold. Ballantyne 3 6 -433 Eschenbach, O. and Franz A. The pearls. .37.743 Eva's adventures in shadowland. Nauman ..38.819 Every boy's book. Routledge 38-734 Everything in its right place. Anderson 36.526 Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Jan of the windmill. See Fiction We and the world, a book ior boys 37-6n Experiences of an 4 English sister of mercy. Goodman 37 -533 Exploits and voyages of Raleigh. Towle 37. 526 Eyebright. Woolsey 3&-44 1 Fairy mythology. Keightley See Belles-lettres Fairies of our garden. Anon 37-6i2 Fairport nine. Brooks 36.332 Fairy stories. Routledge 38.61 1 Fairy tales. Anon 37-6i3 Fairy tales from gold lands. Newman 38.823 Fairy tales from gold lands. Wentworth 38.430 Famous stories, 2 vols. Anon 37-6i7 Fanny and Arthur. Winard 38.433 Farmer's daughter. Cameron 36.350 Farquharson, Martha See Finley, M. F. Farrar, C. A. J. Eastward, ho ! or adven- tures at Rangeley lakes 37-6i5 Farrar, F. W. Eric; or little by little 37-6i4 St. Winifred : or the world of school 37 616 Fast in the ice. Ballantyne 36.434 Fern, P'anny See Parton, Mrs. S. P. Feu-follet (Wing and Wing.) Cooper. See Fiction Few friends, A. Dodge 37 7' 2 Field and forrest. Adams 36.617 Fighting the whales. Ballantyne 36.435 Fine feathers do not make fine birds. Neilly.38.82O Finley, M. F. (Martha Farquharson.) Elsie- books. Elsie Dinsmore 37-6i8 Elsie's holidays 37-6i9 Elsie's girlhood 37.620 Elsie's womanhood 37-621 Elsie's motherhood 37 .622 Elsie's children 37-623 Elsie's widowhood 37-624 Grandmother Elsie 37-625 112 FINLEY GRAY. Finley (continued) Elsie's new relation 37-626 Elsie at Nantucket 37-627 Mildred Keith 37. 511 Mildred and Elsie 37-512 Mildred at home 37-513 Mildred's married life 37-5 l 4 Fire brigade. Ballantyne 36. 136 First impressions. Ellis 37-74 Fisher boy. Triton 38-537 Five days' entertainment at Wentworth grange. Palgrave 38.831 Five little peppers . Sidney 38.632 Five weeks in a balloon. Verne See -Fiction Flaxie Frizzle. Clarke 36.229 Floating city. Verne Sue Fiction Floating light of the Goodwin sands. Bal- lantyne 3 6 -437 Flora, or self deception. Tucker 37-42O Florence Dombey. Dickens 37. 839 Floyd, C. (Neil Forrest). Mice at play 37.715 Foa, E. Boy artists 37 516 Forest exiles. Reid 38.720 Forrest, Neil See Floyd, C. G. M. Soi-meme ; a story of a wilful life... 37.532 Galileo, story of. Anon 37-526 Games and amusements. Indoor games. Smith 38.634 Garrett, E See Mayo, I. F. Gaskell, E. C. Crawford 37-527 Gasper. Reid 38.721 Gautier, Theophile. My household of pets. .37.528 Gaylord, Glance See Bradley, W. I. Genghis Khan, Mogur conqueror. History of. Abbott.. 36.821 Germany, young folks' history of. Yonge. Ste History Giant raft. Part I. Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon See Fiction Part II. The Cryptogram See Fiction Gildersleeve, Mrs. Remy St. Remy 37-529 Gilman, A. Kings, queens and barbarians. Ste Fiction Gipsy's cousin Joy. Phelps 38.842 Gipsy's sowing ar.d reaping. Phelps 38.843 Gipsey's year at the golden crescent. Phelps. 38 844 Gold hunters in Europe. Thomes 38. 52 1 Goldmaker's village. Zschokke 37- S3 1 Golden year, A. Anon 37-53 Fosdick, C. A. (Harry Ccwtlemon). Buried trensure 37 5 J 7 Footprints of famous men. Edgar 37-728 Foundations for castles in the air. Porier. . .38. 712 Fouque, La Motte F. II. K. Undine. . .Set Fictions Four girls at Chatauqua. Alden See Fiction Four irrepressibles, the. Anon 37- 518 Frank. Edgeworth 37-733 Frank Mildmay. Marryat See Fiction Franklin, young Ben. Mayhew 37. 131 Fred Markham in Russia. Kingston 37-331 Freeman, Mrs. Somebody's Ned 37-519 French, Harry W. Our boys in China 35-52Q Our boys in India 37-5 2 l French history for English children. Brook. See History Frith, llenry. School boys all the world over. 37. 522 From canal boy to President. Alger 36.520 From darkness to light. Anon 37. 523 From Hong-Kong to the Himalayas. Clark. 36. 219 From the earth to the moon. Verne .... See Fiction Frontier (ort. Kingston 37-33 2 Frothingham, O. B. Patriarch, the. 37-524 Frozen north, the. Anon 37. 525 Goodman, M. Experiences of an English sis- ter of mercy 37-533 Goodrich, S. G. (PeterParley.) Billy Bump. 37. 534 Dick Bold, hero 37-535 Home in the sea 37-536 Lights and shadows of African history! 37-537 , Make the best of it 37-538 Manners and customs of the Indians of North and South America 37 . 539 Persevere and prosper 37-54 Right is might 37-541 Take care of number one 37. 54 2 Tale of the revolution 37-543 Truth finder 37-544 What to do and how to do it. 37-545 \Vit bought 37- 564 Gordon, C. ( Vieux Moustache.) Two lives in one 37-647 Gorilla country. Du Chaillu See History Gorilla hunters. Ballantyne 36.438 Grammar-land. Nesbitt 38.821 Grandfather's chair. Hawthorne 37-424 Grandfather's Nell. Robbins 38-73' Grandmother Klsic. Finley 37-625 Gray, Ellis Sec Cragin, L. T. GREAT HOPE. 113 Great bonanza, The. Adams and others. .. .36.624 Great men and gallant deeds. Edgar 37-729 Greece, young folks' history of. Yonge. See, History ' Greek hero stories. Niebuhr 38.826 Greek tragedians, stories from. Church. See Belles-lettres Greene, L. L. A winter and summer at Bur- ton hall 37-548 Greene, Mrs. K . J See Greene, L. L. Green hand. Cupples 37-8i4 Green mountain boys. Anon 37. 549 Greenwood, Grace See Lippincott, S. J. Greey, Edward. Bear worshippers of Yezzo.37.4if History of the Loyal Ronins 37-412 Wonderful city of Tokio 37-414 Young Americans in Japan 1 .... 37.413 Griffis W. E. Japanese fairy world. Stories from the wonder lore of Japan 37-41 5 Grimm, J, L. Household stories 37-46 Guernsey lily. Woolsey 38.442 Guinea gold. Eden 37-727 Gnlliver's travels. Swift 38.519 H. H. (Helen Hunt) See Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Habberton, J. Crew of the Sam Weller 37-417 Who was Paul Grayson? 37-4 x 8 Hall, C. W. Adrift in the ice fields See Travels Drifting round the world Sfe Travels Hallock, George. Sportsman's gazetteer. .. .37.419 Hamerton, E. Mirror of truth 37 .420 Hamilton, Alice King. Mildred's cadet 37-421 Hamilton, Gail See Dodge, M. A Handel and Haydn. Tone masters. Bar- nard ". 36.312 Hannibal, the Carthagenian. History of. Ab- bott 36.822 Hans Brinker, or the silver skates. Dodge. . . 37- 7 1 3 Happy Child's Library. Chances and changes. Burdett 36-335 Crofton boys. Martineau 37-124 Dangers of dining out. Ellis 37-739 Domestic tales. More 38.813 Early friendship. Copley 36. 126 Farmer's daughter. Cameron 36. 350 First impressions. Ellis 3774 Minister's family. Ellis 37. 74 1 Never too late. Burdett 36.336 Poplar grove. Copley 36.127 Somerville hall. Ellis 37-742 Tired of housekeeping. Arthur 36.419 Hardscrabble of Elm Island. Kellogg 37.321 Harley, Dr. Young Crusoe, The 37-422 Harry and Lucy. Edgeworth 37-434 Haweis, Mrs. H. R. Pet; or pastimes and penalties 37-423 Hawthorne, N. Grandfather's chair 37-424 Tanglewood tales 37. 425 Hayes, I. I. Cast away in the cold 37-426 Headley, J. T. Mountain adventures . .See Travels Headley, P. C. Patriot boy 37.427 Headless horseman. Reid 38. 722 Headsmen. Cooper See Fictio ., Heaven, Mrs. S. M. (Laura Preston). Boy's trip across the plains 37-428 Youth's history of California See History Hector Servadac. Verne See Fiction Heidenmauer. Cooper See Fiction Helen on her travels; what she saw and what she did in Europe 37-429 Henry IV, the great king of France and Navarre. History of. Abbott 36.823 Henty, G. A. Boy knight, the 37-43 Hentz, C. L. Aunt Patty's scrap bag 37-431 Hepworth, Mrs. G. H. (Una Savin). Little gentlemen in green See Fiction Herodotus, stories from. Church .See Belles-lettres Heroes the, or Greek fairy tales for my children. Kingsley 37 .328 Herschels, story of. Anon 37-432 Higginson, T. W. American explorers 37-434 Young folk's history of the United States See History Higginson, M. T. Room for one more 37-433 Higgledy Piggledy. Hugessen 37-439 Hila Dart. Mumford 38816 His little mother. Craik See Fiction His own master. Trowbridge 38. 540 History for boys. Modern Europe. Edgar. .37.730 History of the loyal Ronins. Greey 37. 41 2 History of the robins Weir 38.429 Hoaryhead and Ni Donner. Young Chris- tian series. Abbott 36.760 Hodder, E. Lost in Paris, and other talei.. .37,436 Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Red bird 37-437 Home as found. Cooper See Fiction Home on the sea. Goodrich 37-536 Homer. Stories from. Church . .See Belles-lettres Homeward bound. Cooper See Fiction Hope, A. R See MoncrierT, A. R. H. 114 HOOl'ER JDNO. Hooper, M. Ways and tricks of animals. (Stories) 37-438 Hoosier school boy. Eggleston See Fiction Hortense, Queen of Holland. History of. Abbott 36.837 Hospital sketches. Alcott 36.63 1 Household of pets. Gautier 37. 528 Household stories. Grimm 37-4'6 Howitt, M. Vignettes of American history. See History Ice maiden, The. Anderson 36. 527 Illustrated library of wonders. Cazin, A. Heat, wonders of See Science De Fonveille, W. Thunder and lightning. .37.821 De Lanaye, F. Egypt 3,300 years ago. See History Headley, J. T. Mountain adventures. . " Travels Marion, T. Optics " Science Vegetation " Science Mead, Mrs. M. G. The Moon " Science Menault, E. Intelligence of animals. . " Science Monnier, M. Pompeii " History Tisandier, G. Water " Science Viardot, L. Sculpture See Belles-lettres Hugessen, E. ILK. Iliggledy Piggledy 37-439 Other stories 37.440 Puss cat mew, and other stories for my chil- dren 37.44 1 Whispers from fairyland 37-442 Humphrey Davy. Anon 37-443 Hunter's feast. Reid 38.723 Hutted knoll. (Wyandotte.) Cooper. . .See Fiction In New Granada. Kingston 37-333 In search of the castaways. Verne See Fiction In the Eastern seas. Kingston 37-334 In the wilds of Africa. Kingston 37 335 In the wilds of Florida. Kingston 37-336 Incidents in the life of a blind girl. Day. . .38.645 India. Anon 37. 446 Ingelow, J. Stories told to a child 37 447 Inglenook. Chamberlain 36.211 Intelligence of animals. Illustrated Library of wonders. Menault See. Science Involuntary voyage . Biart 36 .32 1 Is it true? Craik 36.135 Jack and Jill. Alcott 36.632 Jack Granger's cousin. Mathews 37.126 Jack in the jungle. Barnum 36.313 Jack-of-all-trades. Miller 37 140 Jack Tier. Cooper See Fiction Jackson, Mrs. II. H. Bits of talk for young folks 37-444 Mammy Tittleback and her family 37-445 Nelly's silver mine 37 3 1 1 Jan of the windmill See Fiction Janet ; a poor heiress. Clarke 36. 1 14 Japanese fairy world, The. Stories from the wonder lore of Japan. Griffis 37-4'5 Japhet in search of a father. Marryat. See Fiction Jarwin and Cuffy. Ballantyne 36.439 Jeffries, R. Wood magic 37.312 Jewett, S. O. Play days; stories for children. 37. 313 Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore. Alcott 36.626 Jimmyjohns. Diaz 37.828 Joanna. Darling. Townsend 38. 532 John Godsoe's legacy. Kellogg 37-322 John Hnrtl'-y. Adams 36 763 Johnson, E. Judge's pet 37 -3 '4 Johnson, R. Phaeton Rogers 37 .315 Johnson, V. W. (Cousin Virginia.) The kettle club 37-3i6 Jolly fellowship. Stockton See Fiction Jolly good times at school. Smith 38.643 Jolly raven. Trowbridge 38.411 Jonas on a farm, summer. Abbott 36,718 Jonas on a farm, winter. Abbott 36.717 Jonas stories. Abbott 36.716 Jones, John Paul, life of See Biography Joseph and his brethren. Tweedie 38 424 Joseph Bonaparte, King of Italy. History of. Abbott 36.825 Josephine, empress of the French. Abbott. .36.826 Journey to the centre of the earth. Verne. Se.e Fiction Journey to the north pole. Verne " Kiction Judge's pet. Johnson 37 3 H Jungada, The. Same as Giant Raft. Verne. S ff Fiction Juno and Georgie. Abbott 36.321 Juno stories S'ec Abbott, J KATJETIE Kathie stories. DougTa.c. , , 37-719 Kathie in the ranks. Douglas 37. 720 Kathie's Aunt Ruth. Douglas 37-723 Kathie's harvest days, Douglas 37-721 Kathie's soldiers. Douglas 37-725 Kathie's summer at Cedarwood, Douglas. . .37.724 Kathie's three wishes. Douglas 37-722 Keightley, T. Fairy mythology. .See Belles-lettres Kellogg, E. Ark of Elm Island 37-31? Arthur Brown 37-3 l & Boy farmer of Elm island 37-319 Child of the island glen 37. 320 Hardsctabble of Elm island 37-321 John Godsoe's legacy 37-322 Lion Ben of Elm island 37-323 Strong arm 37-324 Wolf run 37-3 2 S Young ship builders 37-326 Kettle club, The. Johnson 37-3 J 6 Kiefeiy F. J. Legends of the Rhine 37-327 King Arthur, boy's. Being Sir Thomas Mal- ory's history of King Arthur and his Knights of the round table. Lanier, ed. .37.229 King Grimalkin. Diaz 37-830 Kings' lily and rosebud. Diaz 37-829 King's own. Marryat See Fiction Kings, queens and barbarians. Gilman. " Fiction King's servants, The. Stretton 38.639 Kingsley, C. Heroes, or Greek fairy tales for my children 37-328 Water babies ' 37-329 Kingston, W. H. G. Dick Cheveley 37. 330 Lady Green Satin and her maid Rosette. Martineau 37-J23 Lamb, C. Tales from Shakes peare.S'ee Belles-lettres Lander, Sarah W. Spectacles for young eyes. 37. 227 Lanier, S., ed. Boy's Froissart 37.228 Boy's King Arthur . .'...... 37. 229 Boy's Percy See Poetry La Salle, Chevalier de, and his companions. Abbott See History Last of the Mohicans. Cooper " Fiction Last penny, The. Arthur 36.411 Lawrence's adventures. Trowbridge 38.412 Learning about common things. Abbott. ... 36.81 1 Learning about right and wrong. Abbott. . .36.812 Learning to think. Abbott 36.813 Legends of the Rhine. Kiefer 37-327 Lemont, L. Lewie 37-230 Leslie, E. Ellerslie House 37.231 Kingston (continued) Fred. Markham in Russia Frontier fort In New Grenada In the Eastern seas In the wilds of Africa In the wilds of Florida . , Manco, the Peruvian chief Notable voyages Columbus to Parry ...... Old Jack Roger Willoughby Saved from the sea Shore and ocean . Three midshipmen True blue Twice lost Wanderers, The Washed ashore Will Weatherhelm young rajah Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. Benvenuto Cellini, the Italian goldsmith Kiss for a blow. Wright Kit Barn's adventures. Clarke Knatchbull, Hugessen, E. II. .See Hugessen, E Knox, W. T. Boy travelers in Central Africa. Boy travelers in Siam and Java Boy travelers in the far east Part I. Japan and China Part II. Ceylon and India Young of North America .... Young nimrods around the world 37-331 37-332 37-333 37-334 37-335 37-336" 37-337 37.338 37-339 37-2U 37-212 37 213 37-214 37.215 37-2i6 37-217 37.218 37-219 37-220 37-221 38.214 36.220 .H. K. 37,222 37.224 37-223 37-223 ' 37-223 37-225 37-226 Leslie, Miss Eliza. American girls' book .... 37.232 Lewie. Lemont 37-230 Life and adventures of Robin Hood. Marsh. 37. 122 Life in the East Indies. Thomes 38.522 Light. Science for the young. Abbott. See Science Lights and shadows of African history. Goodrich 37-537 Links in Rebecca's life. Aklen See Fiction Lion Ben of Elm Island. Kellogg 37-323 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper See Fiction Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (Grace Greenwood). Bonnie Scotland 37. 233 Merry England 37.234 Recollections of my childhood 37- 2 35 Stories and sights of France and Italy 37. 236 Stories from famous ballads 37-in Little folk life. Dodge 37. 7 1 1 Little folks astray. Clarke 36.237 116 LITTLE MARRY AT. Little folks in feathers and fur. Miller 37. 138 Little fox, The, or the story of Captain Sir F. L. M'Clintock's arctic expedition, writ- ten for the young 37-8" Little foxes. Stowe &-S l 7 Little gentlemen in green. Hepworth. . .See Fiction Little grandfather. Clarke 36.241 Little grandmother. Clarke 36. 240 Little Jakey. DC Krcyft 37-822 Little Lychetts. Craik 36.136 Little match girl. Andersen 36. 528 Little men. Alcott 3 6 -633 Little merchant. Adams 36.618 Little Nell. Dickens 37-835 Little Paul. Dickens 37-84 Little peanut merchant. Anon... 37- II2 Little pitchers. Clarke 36.228 Little Prudy series See Clarke, R. S. Little Prudy. Clarke 36-231 Little Prudy 's Captain Horace. Clarke . .... 36. 232 Little Prudy's Cousin Grace. Clarke 36 233 Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple. Clarke 3 6 -235 Little Prudy's fairy book. Clarke 36. 234 Little Prudy's flyaway series See Clarke, R. S. Little Prudy's sister Susy. Clarke 36- 238 Little savage. Marryat See Fiction Little Spaniard. Nowell 38.829 Macdonald, G. At the back of the north wind , 37- "5 Dealings with the fairies 37 .1 16 Double story 37-U7 Magellan, first voyage round the world. Towle 38-527 Maggie's baby. Arthur 36.413 Magic flower pot and other stories. Mayo. .37.132 Magician's show box. Anon 37-"8 Make the best of it. Goodrich 37-538 Malory, Sir T. Boy's King Arthur. S. Lan- ier, ed 37-229 Mammy Tittleback and her family. Jackson . 37.445 Man who was not a colonel, The. Anon .... 37. 1 19 Manco, the Peruvian chief. Kingston 37-337 Manners, customs and antiquities of the Ind- ians of North and South America. Good- rich 37-539 Manning, Mary See Newell, H. P. N. Marco Paul at Springfield armory. Abbott... 36. 7 34 Marco Paul in Boston. Abbott 36-733 Marco Paul in Maine. Abbott 36-73' Little Sunshine's holiday. Craik 36.137 Little women, 2 vols. Alcott , 36,634 Living too fast. Adams 36.619 Livy, Stories from. Church See Belles-lettres Looking-glass for the mind. Berquin 36. 318 Lossing, B. F. History of the United States navy, for boys See History Lost children, The. Arthur 36.412 Lost Gip, and Michel Lario's cross. Stretton.38.64O Lost in the fog. De Mille 37-823 Lost in Paris. Hoddei 37-43 6 Lost in the jungle. Du Chaillu See Travels Lottie Eames; or, Do your best and leave the rest. Anon 37-H3 Louis Phillipe, King of France. History of. Abbott 36-829 Lucy at play. Abbott 36.726 Lucy at study. Abbott 36 . 725 Lucy books See Abbott, J . Lucy Maria. Diaz 37-831 Lucy on the mountains. Abbott 36.727 Lucy on the seashore. Abbott 37. 728 Lucy's conversations. Abbott 36. 723 Lucy's stories. Abbott : 36.724 Lukin, J. Boy engineers 37. 1 14 Luther, Martin, boyhood of. Mayhew 37 .128 Marco Paul in New York. Abbott 36.729 Marco Paul in Vermont. Abbott 36. 732 Marco Paul on the Erie canal . Abbott 36. 730 Marco Paul's voyages and travels See Abbott, J. Marcus Blair ; a story of provincial times. Wright See Fict : on Margaret of Anjou, history of. Abbott 36.832 Margaret Keith. Townsend 38. 533 Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Abbot 1.36. 831 Marion, F. Optics See Science Vegetation " Science Mark Twain. . .See Clemens, S. L. ; also in Fiction Markham, R. Aboard the Mavis 37- 120 Around the yule log 37- I21 Marryat, Captain F. Children of the new forest See Fiction Frank Mildmay " " Japhet in search of a father " King's own " Little savage " Masterman Ready " Mission, The " MARRYAT MR. 117 Marryat (continued) Monsieur Violet See Fiction Newton Forster " Olla Podrida " " Pacha of many tales " Percival Keene Peter Simple " " Phantom ship ' Pirate and three cutters " " Poacher " " Poor Jack " " Privateersman " " Rattlin the reefer " ' Settlers in Canada " " iSnarleyow " Valerie " Marsh, J. B. Life and adventures of Robin Hood 37- 122 Marsh King's daughter. Anderson 36.529 Martineau des Chesney, E. (baronne). Lady Green Satin and her maid Rosette 37-123 Martineau, H. Crofton boys 37-124 Peasant and prince 37. 125 Marvel, Ik See Mitchell, D. G Mary Osborne. Abbott, J 36,722 Mary Stuart, queen of Scots, History of. Ab- bott 36-833 Masterman Ready. Marryat See F iction Mathews, M. H. Dr. Gilbert's daughters. " Fiction Mathews, J. A. Jack Granger's cousin 37. 126 Mathews, J. H. Bessie among the moun- tains 37-127 Max Kromer. Stretton : 38. 641 Max Meredith's millenium. Townsend 38. 534 May, Sophie See Clarke, R. S. Mayhew, H. Boyhood of Martin Luther. ... 37. 128 Story of the peasant boy philosopher 37.129 Wonders of science 37. 130 Young Ben Franklin 37. 131 Mayo, I. F. (E. Oarrett) Magic flower pot, and other stories 37- T 3 2 McLain. Daisy Ward's work 37. 133 Mead, Mrs. M. G. The moon See Science Meade, L. T. Mother Herring's chicken. See Fiction Memoir of John Mooney Mead. Anon 37. 134 Menault, E . Intelligence of animals . . See Science Mercedes. Cooper " Fiction Merrie England. Lippincott 37- 2 34 Meteyard, Eliza. Doctor's little daughter . .37.135 Mexico, Young folk's history of. Ober.iSee History Mice at play. Lloyd 37-515 Michael Strogoff. Verne See Fiction Michel, T. A will and a way 37. 1 36 Midshipman Easy. Marryat See Fiction Mildred and Elsie. Finley 37-512 Mildred at home. Finley 37-5J3 Mildred Keith. Finley 37-513 Mildred's cadet. Hamilton 37-421 Mildred's married life. Finley 37-514 Miles Wallingford. Cooper See Fiction Miller, E. H. What Tommy did 37-137 Miller, O. T. Little folks in feathers and fair. 37. 138 Queer pets at Marcy's , 37. 1 39 Miller, T. Jack-of-all-trades 37-14 Ministering children. Charlesworth 37.216 Minister's family. Ellis 37-741 Mirror of truth. Hamerton 37-42O Mischief's thanksgiving. Woolsey 38.443 Miss More. Craik 36.133 Miss Patience Hathaway. Bradley 36.326 Miss Priscilla Hunter. Alden See Fiction Miss Thistledown. Clarke 36. 1 1 1 Mission, The. Marryatt See Fiction Mitchell, D. G. About old story tellers. See Belles-lettres Moncrieff, A. R. H. (A. R. Hope.) Book about boys 37. 141 Oudendale a story of school life 37. 142 Stories of school life 37. 143 Monikins. Cooper See Fiction Monnier, M, Pompeii " History Monsieur Violet. Marryat " Fiction Moods. Alcott, 36.635 Moon, Wonders of. Illustrated library of wonders. Meade See Science Moonfolk. Austin 36.424 Moore, Annie. Overhead 38.81 1 Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. Eggleston and Seelye See Fiction More, H. Domestic tales. . .- 38.813 Rural Tales 38.814 More bed-time stories. Moulton 38.815 Morning glories. Alcott 36.636 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes. Anon 38.812 Mother Herring's chicken. Meade See Fiction Moulton, L. C. More bed-time stories 38.815 Mountain adventures. Headley See Travels Mozart and Mendelssohn. Tone masters. Barnard 36,311 Mr. Bodley abroad . Scudder 38.622 Mr. Haven't-got-time. Arthur 36.414 118 ME. PARKER. Mr. Pendleton's cup. Bradley 36. 327 Mr. Wind and Madame Rain. Musset 38.817 Mulock, D. M See Craik, D. M. Mumford, M. E. Hila Dart 38.816 Munchausen, adventures of. Raspe 38.715 Musset, P. de. Mr. Wind and Madame Kain 38.817 My Apingi kingdom. Du Chaillu See Travels My girls. Alcott 36.627 Mysterious island. Verne See Fiction Nannie's jewel case. Ruhkoff and Moritz . .38.613 Napier, C. O. G. Tommy Try, and what he did in science 38.818 Nations of modern Europe. Edgar 37-73 Nauman, M. D. Eva's adventures in shadow- land 1 38.819 Naval heroes. Edgar 37-73 1 Navy. Lossing. History of U. S. for boys. See History Ned Franks. Tucker 38.421 Ned Myers. Cooper See Fiction Neely, K. J. Fine feathers do not make fine birds 38. 820 Nelly's silver mine. Jackson 37-31 1 Nero, Roman emperor. History of. Abbott. 36. 834 Nesbitt, L. M. Grammar land 38.831 Never too late. Burdett 36. 336 New baby. Anon 38.822 Newman, Mrs. M. W. (May Wentworth). Fairies tales from gold lands 38.823 Newton Forster. Marryat See Fiction Nichols, Laura D. Underfoot 38.824 Nickerson, S. D. Bread-winners 38.825 Niebuhr, B. G. Greek hero stories 38.826 No baby in the house, and other stories. Dol- liver 37-7i8 Notable voyages. Columbus to Parry. King- ston 37-338 Nowell, H. P. H. ( May Manruring.) Billy Grimes 38.827 Climbing the rope 38.828 Little Spaniard 38. 829 Nutshell of knowledge. A. L. O. E 38.422 Ocean, The. Ocean work. Odd people. Oak openings. Cooper See Fiction Ober, F. A. Young folks' history of Mexico. See History Anon 38.830 Wright 38-215 Reid 38. 724 Off on a comet. Verne See Fiction Off to the geysers. Stephens 38.512 Old church bell. Andersen 36.530 Old fashioned girl. Alcott 36-637 and 36.51 1 Old fashioned thanksgiving. Alcott 36.628 Old Jack Kingston 37-339 Oliver and the Jew Fagin. Dickens 37.838 Oliver of the mill. Charlesworth See Fiction Olla podrida. Marryat " Fiction On the battlefield. Coffin 36.121 On the leads; or what the planets saw. But- son 36.349 One day's weaving. Peebles 38.841 One happy winter. Robbins 38.732 Only girls. Townsend 38. 535 Opportunities. Warner See Fiction Optic, Oliver See Adams, W. T. Optics. Illustrated library of wonders. Marion. See Science Organ boy, The. Arthur 36.415 Orphan's triumphs. Potwin 37-435 Other stories. Hugessen 37-44O Oudendale ; a tale of school life. Moncrieff..37. 142 Ouida. See Rame L. de Also in Fiction Our boys in China. French 37. 520 Our boys in India. French 37-521 Our Harry. Arthur 36.416 Our Helen. Clarke 36.113 Overhead. Moore 38.811 P. H. K. Paul and Margaret 38.845 Pacha of many tales. Marryat See Fiction Page, squire and knight. Adams 36.764 Palgrave, F. T. The five days' entertain- ments at Wentworth grange 38.831 Palmer, Lynde See Peebles, M. L. Parent's assistant, The. Edgeworth 37-736 Parker, R. A. (Rosa Abbott.) Alexis the runaway 38.832 Tommy Hickup 38.833 PARKER EED. 119 Parker (continued) Upside down. ... 38.834 Parley, Peter See Goodrich, S. G. Parrots and monkeys, Worthington 38.213 Parry, F. C. African pets, or talks about our animal friends in Natal 38-835 Parton, Mrs. S. P. (Fanny Fern.) Playday book 38.836 Pathfinder. Cooper See Fiction Patriarchs, The. Frothingham 37. 524 Patriot l>oy. Headley 37-427 Patriot boys and prison pictures. Anon 38.837 Patty Gray's journey. Dall 37-8i5 Paul and Margaret. P. H. K 38.845 Paul and Virginia. St. Pierre See Fiction Peabody, Selim H. Cecil's book of natural history 38 838 Peace-makers. Arthur 36.417 Pearls, The. Eschenbach and Franz, 37-743 Peasant and prince. Martineau 37-125 Peebles, M. L. (Lynde Palmer.) One day's weaving 38.841 Peep of day, The. Anon 38.839 Penniman, Major See Denison, C. W. Pepper, John H. Boy's play book of science. 38.840 Percival Keene. Marryat See Fiction Persevere and prosper. Goodrich 37-54 Pet, or pastimes and penalties. Haweis 37.423 Peter Simple. Marryat See Fiction Peter and Polly. Douglas 37-726 Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia. His- tory of. Abbott : 36.835 Phaeton Rogers. Johnson 37-3'S Phantom ship. Marryat See Fiction Phelps, E. S. Gipsy series. Gipsy's cousin joy 38.842 Gipsy's sowing and reaping 38.843 Gipsy's year at the golden crescent 38.844 Phil and his friends. Trowbridge 38.412 Philip, chief of the Wampanoags. History of. Quaker partisans, a story r>f the revolution. Williamson 38.432 Quartette, The. Stoddard 38.515 Philip (continued) -- Abbott 38.828 Pilgrim boy, The With lessons from his history. Anon 38.846 Pilgrim's progress. Bunyan See Fiction Pilot, The. Cooper " Fiction Pindar, S. C. The Went worths 38. 7 n Pioneers, The. Cooper See Fiction Pirate and three cutters. Marryat " Fiction Pizarro, Gonzalo. Adventures and con- quests of. Towle 38-525 Plane and plank. Adams 36.620 Plant hunters among the Himalaya mountains. Reid 38.725 Playday book. Parton 38.836 Playdays. Jewett 37-3 z 3 Plucky boys. Craik 36. 1 34 Poacher. Marryat See Fiction Pocket rifle. Trowbridge 38-4 J 3 Polo, Marco, his travels and adventures. Towle 38- 528 Pompeii. Illustrated library of wonders. Mon- nier See History Poor Jack. Marryat Fiction Poplar grove. Copley 3- I2 7 Porter, R. Foundations for castles in the air. 38.7 12 Post haste. Ballantyne 3 6 -44 Potwin, H. K. The orphan's triumphs 37-435 Prairie, The. Cooper See Fiction Pratt, Mrs. M. E. Rhoda Thornton's girl- hood 38.713 Precaution. Cooper See Fiction Preston, L See Heaven, Mrs. S . M. Prince nnd pauper, Clemens See Fiction Privateersman. Marryat , Fiction Proud and lazy. Adams 36.621 Prudy books See Clarke, K. S. Prudy keeping house. Clarke 36.236 Puss cat mew and other stories. Hugessen . .37.441 Pyrrhus, king of.Epirus, history of. Abbott. 36.836 Queer pets at Marcy's. Miller 37- '39 Quinnebasset girls. Clarke 36. 1 1 5 Rame, L. de la. (Ouida), Bimbi 38.714 Raspe, R. E. Adventures of Baron Mun- chausen 38.715 Rattlin the reefer. Marryat See Fiction Recollections of my childhood. Lippincott.37-235 Rector's daughter. Bowman 3.3 2 3 Red-bird. Holmes 37-437 Red Eric. Ballantyne 36-44' 120 RED SCTJDDEK. Red rover. Cooper <' Fiction Redskins. Cooper " Fiction Reid, M. Afloat in the forest 38.716 Boy hunters 38.717 Cliff climbers 38.718 Desert home 38.719 Forest exiles 38.720 Caspar the Gaticho 38.721 Headless horseman 38.722 Hunter's feast 38.723 Odd people 38.724 Plant hunters 38. 725 War trail 38.726 White chief 38. 727 Wild huntress 38. 728 Will life 38.729 Remy St. Remy. Gildersleeve 37-529 Rhoda Thornton's girlhood. Pratt 38.713 Richard I of England. History of. Abbott. 36. 838 ' Richard II of England. History of. Abbott. 36.711 Richard III of England. History of. Abbott. 36.712 Richmond, L. Dairyman's daughter 38. 730 Right is might. Goodrich 37-541 Robbins, Mrs. S. C. Grandfather's Nell 38.731 One happy winter 38.732 Weighed in the balance. 38.733 Robin Hood, life and adventures of. Marsh. 37. 122 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe 37.820 Roger Willoughby. Kingston 37-21 1 Rowland, Madame. History of. Abbott. . .36,830 Rollo at play. Abbott 36.738 Rolloat school. Abbott 36.739 Rollo at work. Abbott 36.737 Rollo in Geneva . Abbott 36. 755 Rollo in Holland. Abbott 36 756 Rollo in London. Abbott 36.752 Rollo in Naples. Abbott 36.757 St. Nicholas story book 38.616 St. Pierre. B. de. Paul and Virginia. . .See Fiction St. Winifred's; or the world of school. Farrar 33-6i6 Sally Williams, the mountain girl. Chesney .36.217 Sandford and Merton. Day 37-8i9 Sandham, Miss. Twin sisters 38.616 Sand hills of Jutland. Anderson 36.531 Sanford, Mrs. D. P. Sunday evening hour .38 518 Satanstoe. Cooper See Fiction Saved from the sea. Kingston 37-212 Savin, Una See Hepworth, Mrs. G. II Rollo in Paris. Abbott 36.750 Rollo in Koine. Abbott 36.758 Rollo in Scotland. Abbott 36. 754 Rollo in Switzerland. Abbott 36.751 Rollo learning to read. Abbott 36.736 Rollo learning to talk. Abbott 36-735 Rollo on the Atlantic. Abbott 36.749 Rollo on the Rhine Abbott 36-753 Rollo's correspondence. Abbott 36. 744 Rollo's experiments. Abbott 36. 741 Rollo's museum. Abbott 36 . 742 Rollo's philosophy . Air. Abbot 1 36 . 746 Rollo's philosophy. Fire. Abbott 36. 747 Rollo's philosophy. Sky. Abbott 36748 Rollo's philosophy. Water . Abbott 36. 745 Rollo's tour in Europe See Abbott and separate books above . Rollo's travels. Abbott 36-743 Rollo's vacation. Abbott 36. 740 Rome. Beesley, Mrs. Stories from history of. See History Yonge, C. M. Young folks' history of. . " History Romulus, History of. Abbott 3 6 -7!3 Room for one more. Higginson 37-433 Rosamond. Edgeworth 37-737 Rose in bloom. Alcott 3 6 -5 12 Rossetti, C. G. Speaking likeness 38.614 Round dozen, A. Wooley 38-444 Routledge, Edmond. Every boy's book 3 8 -734 Fairy stories 38.611 Routledge, Robert. Science in sport 38.612 Ruhkoff, J. and Moritz A. Nannie's jewel case 38-613 Running to waste. Baker 36.428 Rural tales. More 38.814 Ruth Erskine's crosses. Alden ... See Fiction Scenes of wonder in many lands. Anon. . . .38.613 Schoolboys all the world over. Frith 37-5 2 2 Science in sport. Routledge 38.612 Scudder, H. E. Bodley books. Doings of the Bodley family in town and country 38.618 Bodleys telling stories 38.619 Bodleys on wheels 38.620 Bodleys afoot 38.621 Mr. Bodley abroad 38.622 Bodley grandchildren and journey in Hol- land 38.623 SCUDDER SWISS. 121 Scudder (continued) English Bodley family 38.624 .Viking Bodleys, The r. 38.625 Boston town 38.626 Stories from my attic See Belles-lettres Sculpture. Viardot See Belles-lettres Sea and shore. Adams 36 622 Sea change, A. Shaw 38.629 Sea kings and naval heroes. Edgar.. .... 37.731 Sea lions. Cooper See Fiction Seven little sisters, The, who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Andrews 36.537 Seven wonders of the world. Anon 38.627 Sewell, F. Angelo, the circus boy 38.628 Shaw, Flora. Sea change 38.629 Shawl straps. Alcott 36.629 Shifting winds. Ballantyne 36.442 Shillaber, B. P. Cruises with Capt. Bob . . .38.630 Double Runner club 38.631 Shore and ocean. Kingston 37.213 Sidney, Margaret. Five little peppers and how they grew 38,632 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H , et als. Young lady's offering 38-633 Silver lake. Ballantyne 36.443 Silver medal. Trowbridge 38.414 Silver pitchers. Alcott 36.513 Silver shilling. Anderson 36 532 Singular creatures and how they were found. Cupples 37.812 Sir Humphrey Davy. Anon 37-443 Sissy Jupe. Dickens 37-842 Sister Susie. Clarke 36.238 Six in all. Townsend 38 .536 Six little rebels. Woods 38.439 Six sinners. Weeks 38.427 Slaver's adventures on land and sea. Thomes.38. 523 Slow and sure. Alger 36.521 Smike. Dickens 37-836 Smiles, S. Round the world, by a boy. See Travels Smith, Mrs. C. L. American home book of indoor games 38.634 Smith, J. M. Tales of old Thule 38.635 Smith, H. S. (Hesba Stretton.) Cassey 38.636 Crew of the Dolphin 38-637 Daniel Lloyd's last will 38.638 King's servants 38.639 Lost Gip 38.640 Max Kromer 38.641 Wonderful life 38.642 Smith, M. P. W. (P. Thome.) Jolly good times. 38.643 Snarleyow. Marryat See Fiction Soi-meme. A story of a willful life. M. G.. 37. 532 Sola See Anderson, O. S . L. Somebody's Ned. Freeman 37-5 J 9 Sommerville hall. Ellis 37. 742 tiOto, Ferdinand de, Life of. Abbott. See Biography Speaking likenesses. Rossetti 38.614 Spectacles for young eyes. Leander 37 227 Spinning-wheel stories. Alcott . ." 36.514 Sports, pastimes and recreations. An9n 38.644 Sportsman's gazetteer. Hallock 37-419 Spy. Cooper See Fiction Standard fairy tales. Anon 38-5" Standish, Miles. Life of. Abbott . . See Biography Steam house. Part I. Demon of Cawnpore. Verne See Fiction Part II. Tigers and traitors. Verne. . . " Fiction Stephens, C. A. Off to the Geysers 38.512 Stockton, F. R. A jolly fellowship See Fiction What might have been expected 38. 513 Stoddard, W. O. Dab Kinzer 38. 5 14 The quartette 38-5*5 Storehouse of stories. Yonge, ed 38.217 Stories and ballads. Alden 36.518 Stories and sights of France and Italy. Lip- pincott 37-236 Stories from famous ballads. Lippincott . . . . 37. 1 1 1 Stories from my attic. Scudder. . .See Belles-lettres Stories from the gorilla country. Du Chaillu. See Travels Stories from the history of Rome. Beesley. " History Stories of a grandfather about American his- tory. Dodge 37<7 r 4 Stories of bird life. Berthaud -36.319 Stories of school life. Moncrieff 37. 143 Stories told to a child. Ingelow 37-447 Storr, F. and Turner, H. Canterbury chimes, or Chaucer's tales retold for children 38.516 Story of a bad boy. Aldrich 36. 519 Story of a summer. Bradley 36.328 Story of liberty. Coffin 36. 122 Story of the Herschels. Anon 37- 43 2 Story of the peasant boy philosopher. Mayhew^37.i29 Stowe, H. B. Little foxes 38-5!7 Stretton, Hesba See Smith, H. S. Strong arm, A. Kellogg 37-3 2 4 Sunday echoes in week-day hours. Brock. . .36.330 Sunday evening hour. Sanford . . 38.518 Sun-rays. Cousin Carrie 36*129 Swift, J, Gulliver's travels 38-5'9 Swiss family Robinson, Wyss 38.216 122 TAKK YE KM,. Take care of number one. Goodrich 37-542 Tale of the revolution. Goodrich 37-543 Tales from Ariosto. Anon 38.520 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb. . .Sf> j Belles-lettres Tales of old Thule. Smith 38.635 Tanglewood tales. 1 lawthorne 37-4 2 5 Tanner boy, The. A life of Gen. U. S. Grant. Denison 37.825 Taylor, B. Boys of other countries See Travels Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. Eggle- son and Seelye See Fiction That queer girl. Townsend See Fiction Thomes, \V. II. Gold hunters in Europe. . .38.521 Life in the East Indies 38. 522 Slaver's adventures by land and sea 38.523 Thome, P See Smith, M. P. W. Three midshipmen. Kingston 37.214 Three opportunities. Anon 38. 524 Three proverb stories. Alcott 36. 5 1 5 Three scouts. Trowbridge 38.416 Three Vassar girls abroad. Champney 36.212 Three Vassar girls in England. Champney. .36.213 Three Vassar girls in South America. Champ- ney 36.214 Through the looking-glass. Dodgson 37-7'6 Thtmder and lightning. Illustrated library of wonders. De Fonvielle 37-821 Tiger prince, The. Dalton 37-8i6 Tinder box. Andersen 36-553 Tinkham Bros' tide mill. Trowbridge 38.415 Tiny Tim and Dot, and the Fairy cricket. Dickens 37-844 Tired of housekeeping. A*rthur 36.419 Tisandier, G. Water See Science Told in the twilight. Daryl 37-8i8 Tom Sawyer, Adventures of. Clemens. .See Fiction Tommy Hickup. Parker' 38-833 Tommy Try, and what he did in science. Napier 38.818 Towle, G. M. Adventures and conquests of Pizzaro 38.525 Exploits and voyages of Raleigh 38.526 Magellan, first voyage round the world 38.527 Marco Polo, his travels and adventures 38.528 Uncle Ben's new year's gift. Arthur 36 420 Underfoot. Nichols 38.824 Under the lilacs . Alcott 36.416 Towle (continued) Voyages and adventures of Drake, the sea king 38.529 Voyages and adventures of Vasco da Gama.38.53O Townsend, V. F. Boy from Bramley 38.531 Joanna Darling 38. 532 Margery Keith 38. 533 Max Meredith's millenium 38. 534 Only girls| 38.535 Six in all 38.536 That queer girl See Fiction Trading. Warner See. Fiction Tribulations of a Chinaman. Verne. . . .See Fiction Triton, W. The fisher boy 38.537 Trowbridge, C. M. Charles Norwood 38.538 Trowbridge, J. T. Bound in honor 38. 539 His own master 38. 540 Jolly rover, the 38.411 Lawrence's adventures 38 412 Phil and his friends 38.412 Pocket rifle 38.413 Silver medal 38.414 Tinkham brother's tide-mill 38 415 Three scouts 38 .416 True blue. Kingston 37- 2I 5 Truthfinder. Goodrich 37-544 Tucker, Mrs. C. (A. L. 0. E.) Braid of cords 38.41 7 Christian conquest 38.418 Cortleyhall 38.419 Flora; or self deception 38.420 Ned Franks 38.421 Nut-shell of knowledge 38.422 Wings and strings 38.423 Twain, Mark See Clemens, S. L. Tweedie, W. R. Joseph and his brethren .. 38 424 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne See Fiction Twenty years ago. Craik 36.138 Twice lost. Kingston 37.216 Twin cousins. Clarke 36, 1 1 6 Twin sisters. Sandham 38.616 Two admirals. Cooper See Fiction Two daughters. Dickens 37-843 Two lives in one. Gordon 37 .547 Under the willow tree, Andersen 36-534 Undine. De la Motte Fouque Srr Fiction Upside down. Parker 33 S 34 Valerie. Marryat' SW Fiction Vegetation. Marion See Science Verne, Jules. Adventures in the land of the Behemoth See Fiction VERNE WINTER. 123 Verne (continued) Around the world in eighty days See Fiction Begum s fortune " " Cryptogram " " Desert of ice . " " DoctorOx " " Five weeks in a balloon " " Floating city " " Fur country " " From the earth to the moon " " Hector Servadac " " In search of the castaways " " Journey to the centre of the earth " " Journey to the north pole " ': Jungada, or eight hundred leagues on the Amazon " " Michael Strogoff " " Mysterious island " " Wanderers, The. Kingston 33-21 7 War trail. Reid 38. 726 Warner, C. D. Being a boy 38.425 Warner, S. Opportunities See Fiction Trading .-See Fiction What she could See Fiction "Willow brooW. See Fiction Wars of the roses, Edgar 37-73 2 Washed ashore. Kingston 37. 218 Water, wonders of Tisandier See Science Water babies. Kingsley 37-329 Water witch. Cooper See Fiction Way to be good. ( Young Christian series,) Abbott 36.761 Ways and tricks of animals. Hooper 37-438 Ways of the hour. Cooper See Fiction We and the world. A book for boys. Ewing. 37.611 We boys. Written by one of us for the amusement of pa's and ma's in general; Aunt Louisa in particular 38.426 Weeks, H. C. (Campbell Wheaton.) Ains- lee stories 38. 428 Six sinners 38.427 Weighed in the balance. Robbins 38.733 Weir. History of the robins 38.429 Well begun is half done. Baron and Deutch.36.314 Wentworth, May .See Newman, M. W. Wentworths, The. Pindar 38.711 Wept of wish-ton-wish. Cooper See Fiction Wetherell, E See Warner, S. What Katy did. Woolsey 38.445 What might have been expected. Stockton. .38.513 Verne (continued) Off on a comet See Fiction Steam house " " Part I. Demon of Gawnpore " " Part II . Cryptogram " ' Tribulations of a Chinaman ,. ' " Twenty thousand leagues under the sea " " Winter on the ice " ' Viardot, L. Sculpture , See Science Vignettes of American History. Howitt, See History Viking Bodleys, The . Scudder 38 . 625 Vikram and the vampire. Burton, ed. . . .36.337 Virgil, stories from. Church See Belles-lettres Voyages and adventures of Drake, the sea king 38.5 2 9 Voyages and adventures of Vasco de Gama. Towle 38-53 What she could. Warner (See Fiction What the moon saw. Andersen 36-535 What to do and how to do it. Goodrich. . . .37.545 What Tommy did. Miller 37-137 Wheaton, Campbell .See Weeks, Helen C. Whispers from fairy land. Hugessen 37.442 White chief; a legend of north Mexico. Reid. 38.727 White elephant; or the hunters' ot Ava, and the king of the golden foot. Dalton 37.817 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Boys at Chequas- sett 38.431 Who is greatest ? Arthur 36.42 1 Who is happiest ? Arthur 36.422 Who was Paul Grayson ? Habberton 37-4i8 Wildlife. Reid 38.729 Wild life under the equator. Du Chaillu. See Travels Wild huntress. Reid 38.728 Wild man of the west. Ballantyne 36.444 Wild swans. Andersen 36.536 Will and a way. Michel 37.136 Will Weatherhelm. Kingston 37-219 William the Conqueror, King of England. History of. Abbott 36. 7 14 William Henry letters. Diaz 37.832 Williamson, E. H. Quaker partisans, The. A story of the revolution 38.432 Willow Brook. Warner See Fiction Winchester, Carroll See Curtis, Mrs. C."P. Winged lion. De Milk 37.824 Wings and strings. Tucker 38.423 Winnard, Miss. Fanny and Arthur 38.433 Winter and summer at Burton Hall. Greene. 37. 548 Winter on the ice. Verne See Fiction Wit bought. Goodrich .' 37-546 Wolf Run. Kellogg 37-325 Women of worth. A book for girls 38-434 CONTENTS. Ann Flaxraan. Madame Neckar. Anne Letitia Barbauld. Madame Oberlin. Caroline L. Herschel. Margaret Mercer. Charlotte Bront<5. Maria Theresa. Elizabeth Fry. Martha Washington. Hannah Moore. Mary Washington. Harriett Newell. Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Isabella, Queen of Spain Mrs. Wordsworth. Lady Hutchinson. Rebecca Molt. Lady Mclntosh. Sarah Boardman Judson Lady Russell. Sarah Martin. Lady Warwick. Sarah Lanman Smith. Wonderful city of Tokio. Greey 37-4H Wonderful life. Stretton 38-642 Wonders of creation. Anon 3^-435 Wonders of science. Mayhew 37- I 3 Wonders of the vegetable w*orld. Anon 38.436 Wood, Rev. J. G. Boy's own book of natural history 38-437 Wood, Mrs. K. T. Doctor Dick 38.438 Six little rebels 38.439 Wood magic. Jefferis 37-312 Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge.) Cross- patch and other stories 38.440 Eyebright 38.441 Guernsey lily 38.442 Mischiefs thanksgiving 38.443 Round dozen} A 38.444 What Katy did 38-445 Words of hope. Anon 38. 2 1 1 Work. Alcott 36.517 Worst boy in town. Anon 38212 Worthington. Parrots and monkeys 38.213 Wright, C. E. Marcus Blair; a story of pio- vincial times See Fiction Wright, H. C. A kiss for a blow 38.214 Wright, J. H. Ocean work 38.215 Wyandotte. Cooper See Fiction Wyss, J. R., and Montolieu, J. I, P. de B., (baronne.) Swiss family Robinson 38.216 Xerxes the great, king of Persia. History of. Abbott 36.715 Yonge, C. M. Storehouse of stories 38.217 Young folk's history of the Bible See Religion Young folks' history of England 26.421 Young folks' history of France 26.422 Young folks' history of Germany 26.423 Young folks' history of Greece 26.424 Young folks' history of Rome 26.424 A Young Americans in Japan. Greey 37-413 Young Americans' library of eminent states- men. Life of Henry Clay See History Young Ben Franklin. Mayhew ...37.131 Young botanist, The. Anon 38.218 ' Young Crusoe, The. Harley 37 422 Young Dodge club, or the winged lion. De Mille 37-824 Young folks' annual. Anon 38.219 Young folks' book of poetry. Campbell. See Poetry Young folks' history of America. Butterworth. See History Young folks' history of the Bible. Yonge. See Religion Young folks' history of England. Yonge. 26.421 Young folks' history of France. Yonge 26.422 Young folks' history of Germany. Yonge.. .26 423 Young folks' history of Greece. Yonge 26.424 Young folks' history of Rome. Yonge 26.424A Young folks' history of the United States. Higginson 23.322 Young folks' history of the war for the Union. Champlin 22.219 Young fur trader. Ballantyne 36.445 Young lady's offering. Sigourney 38.633 Young nimrods around the world. Knox .... 37.226 Young nimrods in North Americo. Knox. . .37.225 Young rajah. Kingston 37-2CO Young shipbuilders of Elm island. Kellogg. .37.326 Young wrecker. Bache 36.426 Young wreckers. Adams 36.623 Youth's history of California. Norman 24.119 Zigzag journeys in Acadia. Butterworth 36.344 Zigzag journeys in classic lands. Butter-worth. 36. 345 Zigzag journeys in Europe. Butterworth. . . .36.346 Zigzag journeys in northern lands. Butter- worth 36. 347 Zigzag journeys in the Occident. Butter- worth 36.348 Zschokke, II . Gold-maker's village. 37-53' LAV/. (ALCOVE SEVENTEEN.) Bell, William. Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland. Blydenburg on Usury. Burr-ill's law dictionary. California civil code. 1871. California, statutes of 1880 See Reference. Chamberlin, Franklin. American commercial law for business men. Connecticut, Private laws of. 1836. Dean, Amos. Medical jurisprudence. Dickinson, Rodolphus. Powers and duties of Justices of the Peace. Hanway on police. Hart, Albert. Mining statutes of the United States, California and Nevada. Labatt, Henry J. California digest. 1861. Massachusetts, Revised statutes of. 1836. Medical Jurisprudence. Dean. Minot, George. Statutes and treaties, 1851-52. Original briefs. California Supreme Court. S. F. Gaslight Co. vs. Dunn, and vs. Brickwedel. Parker, Thomas. Laws of shipping and finance. Talbot, D. H. Public land laws of the United States. United States. Revised statutes of. 1873-74. See Reference. White, Joseph M. Land laws in California, Oregon and Texas. 1839. PBRIODICALS. (See also, Reference.) Harper's monthly magazine. 1850-1885 43.411, 43.511 and 43.612 Harper's monthly magazine. Index 43-412 Littell's living age 40.211 and 40.111 News, Oakland daily. Jan. i869-Jan. 1877. 12 vols. Old and new magazine. 1870-1872 43.1 1 2 Overland monthly. 1868-1875 . . .43. 1 1 1 and 43.212 Popular science monthly. 1.872-1885 43.21 1 and 43.313 Scribner's magazine and The Century. 1870 -1885 43-3" and 43.414 Scribner's magazine. Index. 1870-1875. . .43.312 Times, Oakland daily. July, i878-April, 1885. Transcript, Oakland daily, Jan. i869-June, 1878. Tribune, Oakland daily. March, i878-April, 1885. POETRY AN-D DRAMA. Adams, W. D., td. Comic poets of the nine- teenth century 39-8i I Aeneid of Virgil. Done into English verse. Morris 40. 564 Aeschylus. Dramas. Swanwick 30.812 Aftermath. Longfellow 4P-5I9 Akenside, Mark. Poetical works 39-8i6 Alighieri See Dante Alighieri Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Cloth of gold and other poems 39.814 Flower and thorn 39. 8 1 5 Mercedes and other lyrics 38.816 Pampinea and other poems 39-8i7 XXXVI lyrics and XII sonnets 39.818 Alfieri, Vittorio. Tragedies, the 37-8i9 Alger, William Rounseville. Poetry of the Orient 39.820 All around the year. Goodale 39-3H All's well that ends well. Shakespeare 40.454 Bailey, Philip. Festus 39.828 Baillie, Joanna. Complete poetical works. . 39.829 Baker, G. M. Drawing room stage 39-830 Exhibition drama 39 831 Handy dramas 39 .832 and 39.833 Handy speaker 39. 834 Balaustion's adventure, including a transcript of Euripides. Browning 39-723 Ballads and other poems. Tennyson 40. 348 Ballads and sonnets. Rossetti 40.439 Banks, Rev. J. Works of Hesiod and others. 39. 338 Barlow, W. S. The voices 39-835 Baroness of New York, The. Miller 40.548 Baskerville, A., ed. Poetry of Germany. (Collection.) 39-836 Bay of seven islands and other poems. Whit- tier 40.372 Beattie, James. Poetical works with memoir. 39.837 Beaumont, F. and Fletcher, John. Works of 39-7" Beers, Henry A. Odds and ends ; verses hu- morous, occasional and miscellaneous 39-7'2 Bell, Robert, ed. Early ballads and songs of the peasantry of England 39-713 Along the way. Dodge 39 417 Among the hills and other poems. Whit tier. 40. 371 Ancient ballads and legends. Dutt 39-421 Angelo. Bloede 39-719 Anthony and Cleopatia. Shakespeare 40 455 Apple blossoms. Goodale 39-315 Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso 39.821 Arnold and Andre. Calvert 39-6i 5 Arnold, Edwin. Light of Asia 39 822 Pearls of the faith 39-823 Poems 39 .824 Arnold, George; with biographical sketch of the poet by William Winter 39-825 Arnold, Matthew. Poems 39.826 As you like it. Shakespeare 40.456 Atalanta in Calydon, a tragedy. Swinburne ..40.329 Aytoun, William E. Lays of the Scottish cavaliers 39.827 Ben Nebo and olher poems. Stuart 40.326 Benedict, Hesta A. Vesta 39-7H Benson, Eugene. Gaspara Stampa, with a selection from her sonnets, by D. Fletcher " 39 .7 1 5 Best, Larry. The planet, a song of a distant world 39. 7 1 6 Betsy and I are out. Emerson 39-423 Bickersteth, Edward Henry. Two brothers and other poems. Yesterday, to-day and forever 39 7 18 Bigelow papers. Lowell. 2 vols 40.535 Bitter-sweet. Holland 39.211 Blameless prince and other poems. Stedman.4O.3i8 Blanid. Joyce 39. 1 18 Bloede, Miss G. (Stttoart Sterne.) Angelo..39.7i9 Boker, George H. Konigsmark, the legend of the hounds and other poems 39.720 Book of gold and other poems. Trowbridge-40. 359 Book of song. Heine 39. 334 Book of the sonnet. Hunt. 2 vols 38.226 Bo wring, E. trans. Poems of Schiller. See Schiller Boy's Percy; being old ballads of war, ad- venture and love. Lanier, ed 39-127 BRIDE CYMBELINE. 127 Bride of Messina. Schiller. Lodge, trans. . .40.447 Brook, The, and other poems. Wright 40.385 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Poetical works 39-721 Poems 39-722 Browning, Robert. Balaustion's adventure; including a transcript from Euripdes 39-723 Dramatis personse 39-7 2 4 Jocoseria 39-7 2 5 La Saisiag; and the two poets of Croisic. . .39.726 Men and women 39- 7 2 7 Poems and dramas. 2 vols 39. 728 Red cotton night-cap country 39-729 Ring and the book. 2 vols 39-73 C. S. C. Fly leaves. (Collection) 39-6i4 Calif ornian verses. Phelps 40.416 Calvert, George. Arnold and Andre 39-6iS Campbell, L. J., ed. Young folks' book of poetry 39.616 Campbell, Thomas. Poetical works of, with biographical sketch 39.617 Carleton, Will. Farm ballads 39.620 Farm festivals. 39.621 Farm legends 39.622 Carroll, Lewis See Dodgson, C. L. Cartoons. Preston 40.426 Cary, Alice. Ballads, lyrics and hymns 39-6l8 Gary, Alice and Phoebe. Poetical works of, with a memorial of their lives, by Mary Clenmer 39.619 Cary, H. F., trans. The vision; or hell, pur- gatory and paradise, of Dante Alighieri. . .39.422 Caustic, Christopher See Fessenden, T. J. Chapel, The, and other poems. Palfrey. . . .40 411 Chapman, George, works of. 3 vols. Vol. I. Minor poems and translations. . . .39.624 Vol. II. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, translated 39-217 Vol. III. Plays 39.623 Charles, Mrs. E. R. Women of the gospels, and other poems 39.625 Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical works of, with life 39.626 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Poetical works of 39-5H Selections from poetical works, with life. . . .39 512 Children's songs from the hillside. Leonard. 40. 512 Christian's daily delight, The. Anon 39. 5 16 Churchill, Charles. Poetical works of, with life, 3 vols 39-5H Brunhild, a tragedy. Geibel 39-434 Bryant, William Cullen. Poems 39-731 Thirty poems 39-73 2 Homer's Iliad, trans See Homer Homer's Odyssey, trans See Homer Buchanan, Robert. Poeiical works 39-733 Bulwer See Lytton, E. B., lord Burns, Robert. Poetical works, with life of author 39-734 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras, with notes and literary memoir 39-6l I Byron, George Gordon Noel, lord. Poetical works, with life. 10 vols 39-6l2 Complete poetical works of, with memoir . .39.613 Clarke, Mary Cowden. Complete concord- ance to Shakespeare's plays 41 .434 Clever stories of many nations rendered into rhyme. Saxe. 40. 443 Cloth of gold. Aldrich 39.814 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poetical and dra- matic works 39. 5 1 5 Works in prose and verse, with memoir. .. .39.515 Combe, William.- Tour of Dr. Syntax in search of the picturesque 39. 5 1 6 Comedy of errors. Shakespeare 40,457 Comic poets of the nineteenth century. Adams 39-8n Concordance. Clarke. To Shakespeare's plays 41 .434 Furness. To Shakespeare's poems 41.227 Conqueror's dream. Sha'rpe 40.486 Cook, Eliza. Poetical works of 39- 5 '7 Coolbrith, Ina D. Perfect day and other poems 39.518 Coolidge, Susan See Woolsey Coriolanus. Shakespeare 40.458 Country house charades. Nugent 40.569 Courtship of Miles Standish. Longfellow. . . .40. 520 Cowper, William. Poetical works, with life.. 39.519 Same, 3 vols., with memoir 39-5 I 9 Same, I vol., with memoir 39- 5 '9 Crabbe, George. Poetical works with life . . .39.520 Craik, D. M. (Miss Mulock). Poems ..39.521 Poems of thirty years 39.522 Cross, Mrs. Mary Ann. (George Xliot.) How Liza loved the king 39. 523 Legend of Jubal 39. 524 Spanish gipsy 39-5 2 5 Cymbeline. Shakespeare 4 5 I 8 Periodical literature, index to. Poole and Fletcher 40.219 Perkins, Frederic. Best reading; hints on the selection of books 4 2 -5 I 9 Persian lyrics from the Divan. Hafiz 42.520 Phrase and fable. Dictionary of. Brewer. . .41.417 Pictorial Bible according to the authorized version. Kitto 42 7 1 3 Picture galleries, handbook to public. Thomp- son 42-115 Pictures and rhymes for children. Under the window. Greenaway 4 I - 2 34 Picturesque American scenery. Designs by Bartlett, Brown and Morgan. Text by Willis, et ah 40.216 Pierce, Gilbert A. Dickens dictionary. Key to the characters and principal incidents in the tales of Chas. Dickens 42.521 PLANTS SMITH. 145 Plants, handbook of. Headerson 41.118 Poetry, Harper's cyclopaedia of British and American. Sargent 40. 229 Pomeroy, John Norton. Some account of the work of Stephen J, Field 42.522 Poole, William Frederic. Index to periodical literature 40.219 Pottery, how it is made. Nichols 42.512 Poynter, E. J. German, Flemish and Dutch painting 42.716 Italian painting 42.717 Progress, the world's. Putnam 42.524 Pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dic- tionary of the world. Baldwin 42.113 Pronouncing handbook of words often mispro- nounced. Soule and Campbell 41-427 Punch, cartoons of Benjamin Disraeli, from Punch 42. 523 Putnam, George P. World's progress. Dic- tionary of dates 42. 524 Quaritch, Bernard. General catalogue of books 42.411 Questions, historical and miscellaneous. Chambers 41 .431 Qnotations, ancient and modern, familiar. Anon 42.413 Quotations, dictionary of. Anon 42.412 Quotations from the poets. Watson 43-715 Quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson, poet- ical. Allibone 40.214 Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. prose. Allibone 40.215 Rainton, Frederick. Cyclopaedia of female poets 42.414 Ready reckoner, business man's assistant. Butt , 41.424 Rebellion record . Moore .... 42.619 Receipts, Cooley's cyclopaedia of practical. Tuson 42.121 Revised statutes of the United States, 1873-74 42.225 Richter, Jean Paul. Leonardo da Vinci. (Great artist series) 42.413 Ripley, George. American cyclopaedia. Dana, ed 42.311 Rogers, May. Waverly dictionary 42.313 Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English words and phrases 42.314 Rominger, C. Geological survey of Michigan, 1873-76 42.315 Rosseter, William. Illustrated dictionary of scientific terms 4 2 -3J6 Rowell, George P. American newspaper directory, 1880 42.31? Ruddock, E. Harris, M. D. Text book of modern homeopathic medicine and surgery.4O.227 Runtz-Rees, J. Horace Vernet and Paul Delaroche. (Grtat artist series) 62.417 Ruskin, John. Handbook of art culture. W. H. Platt, ed 40.228 San Francisco " Chronicle," and its history. . .42.211 Sanitary engineering. Latham 61.140 Sargent, Epes. Harper's cyclopaedia of British and American poetry 40.229 Scammon, Charles M. Marine mammals of the northwestern coast of North America .42.212 Schliemann, Dr. Henry. Ilias, city and coun- try of the Trojans 42.216 Mycenae; narrative of researches and discov- eries at Mycenae and Tiryus 42.214 Scientific terms, illustrated dictionary of, Rosseter 42.316 Scott, Frank J. Art of beautifying suburban homes 42.215 Sculpture, history of, Lubke. Bunnett, ctor. . 18.832 Illustrated horse management 18.833 Miles, Manley, M. D. Stock breeding 18.834 MURRAY HUXLEY. 159 Murray, Wm. H. H., ct als. The perfect horse 18.835 Pardee, R. G. Manual for the cultivation of the strawberry 18.711 Pear culture. Field 18.821 Pomology. .Selected fruits. Downing 18.818 Poultry, their breeding, rearing, diseases.etc. Dickson 18.817 Poultry book, the A. B. C. Wilson 18.727 Poultry breeding. Geyelin 18.825 Poultry keeper. Wright 18.728 Practical shepherd, The. Complete treatise on the breeding, management and dis- eases of sheep. Randall 18.712 Randall, Henry S. The practical shepherd. See above. . 18.712 Roe, Edward P. Success with small fruits. . 18.713 Root, L. C. Quinby's new bee-keeping 18.714 Rose, The. Its cultivation, history, etc. Ell- wanger 18.820 Rowlandson, Thomas. Sheep-breeder's guide. 18.715 Sheep-breeder's guide. Rowlandson 18.715 Skellett, Edward. Practical treatise on the breeding cow 18.716 Small fruits, success with. Roe 18.713 Stevenson, David. Reclamation and protec- tion of agricultural land 18.717 Stock-breeding. Miles 18.834 Stoddard, H. H. An egg farm. Manage- ment of poultry in large numbers 18.71" Strawberry, manual for the cultivation of the. Pardee 18.711 Teller, Lloyd V., M. D. Diseases of live stock 18.719 Thompson, Robert D., M. D. Experimental researches on food for animals 18.721 Todd, S. Edwards. Young farmers' manual. 18.720 Treat, Mary. Injurious insects of farm and garden 18.722 Viticulture, American grape growers' guide. Chorlton 18.816 Walsh, J. H., F. R. S. Turf and trotting horse of America 18.819 Warden, John A., M. D. Hedges and ever- greens 18.723 Watson, Alexander. American home garden. 18.724 Williard, X. A. Dairy husbandry 18.725 Williams, Henry T. Window gardening. . . . 18.726 Wilson. A. B. C. poultry book 18.727 Window gardening. Cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants. Williams 18.726 W right, L. Practical poultry-keeper 18.728 Youatt, William. The horse 18.729 Youmans, Edward L. Handbook of household science 18.730 Young farmer's manual. Todd 18.720 ANTHROPOLOQY AND KTHNOLOQY. Adams, George Burton. Mediaeval civiliza- tion 18.731 Ancient stone implements of Great Britain. Evans 18.613 Anthropology. E. B. Tylor 18.629 Antiquities, Northern. Percy, trans 18.624 Antiquities, Roman, History primer. Wil- kins 18.630 Antiquities of the southern Indians. Jones. . 18.621 Argyll, Duke of. Primeval man 18.732 Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages. Bontell 18.734 Atlantis. Antediluvian world. Donnelly. .. 18 6l I Berthet, Elie. The pre-historic world ^.733 Bontell, Charles. Arms and armour. An- tiquities. . . , "8.734 Brace, Chas. L. Races of the old world .... 18.735 Childhood of the world. Clodd 18.736 Clodd, Edward. Childhood of the world. ... 18.736 Color among races, cause of the. Sharpe. .. 18.627 Darwin, Charles. Descent of man 18.737 Dawson, J. W. Story of the earth and man. 18.738 De Quatrefages, A, Natural history of man. 18.739 Descent of man. Darwin 18.737 Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis 18.611 Ragnarok. Age of fire and gravel 18.612 Earth and man. story of. Dawson 18,738 Evans, John, F. R. S. Ancient stone imple- ments of Great Britain ;. 18.613 Figuier, Louis. The human race, 18.614 Primitive man 18.615 Geilcie, James. Prehistoric Europe 18.617 Geographical distribution. Peschel 18.626 Gliddon, Goo. R. Indigenous races of the earth 18,619 Types of mankind 18.618 Human race, The. Figuier 18.614 Huxley, Thos H., F. R. S. Evidence as to 160 II UXLEY LOCK YEK. Huxley (continued) man's place in nature 18.616 Indigenous races of the earth. Pulszky and .Meigs 18.619 Joly, N. Man before metals 19.620 Jones, Chas. C. Jr. Antiquities of the south- ern Indians 18.621 Lubbock, Sir John. Origin of civilization. 18.622 Mac Lean, J. P. The mound builders 18.623 Mallett, .M. Northern antiquities 18.624 Man, natural history of. De Quatrefages 18.739 Man, primitive condition of. Lubbock 18.622 Man, where, whence and whither. Page 18.625 Man before metals. Joly 18.620 Man in early times. Clodd 18.726 Man's place in nature. Huxley 18.616 Maury, Alfred, et ais. Indigenous races of the earth 18.619 Mediaeval civilization. History primer. Ad- ams 18.731 Meigs, Aitken, M. D. Indigenous races of the earth 18.619 Mound builders. Mac Lean 18.623 Natural history of the human species. Typi- cal forms, primeval distribution, filiations and migrations. Smith 18.628 Nott, J. C., M. D. Indigenous races of the earth 18.619 Types of mankind 18.618 Page, David, LL. D. Man; where, whence and whither 18.625 Peschel, Oscar. Geographical distribution.. . 18.626 Races of man 18.626 Pre-adamites. Winchell 18.631 Prehistoric Europe. Geikie 18.617 Pre-historic world. Berthet 18.733 Primeval man. Duke of Argyll 18.732 Primitive man. Figuier 18.615 Pulszky, Francis, (J, als. Indigenous races of the earth 18.619 Races of man. Peschel 18.626 Races of the old world, The. Brace 18.736 Ragnarok. Age of fire and gravel. Donnelly.. 18.612 Sharpe, Win., M. D. Cause of the color among races 18.627 Smith, Chas. Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. Natural history of the human species 18.628 Tyler, Edward B. Anthropology 18.629 Types of mankind. Nott and Gliddon 18.618 Wilkins, A. S., M. A. Roman antiquities. . 18.630 Winchell, Alexander, LL. D. Pre-adamites. 18.631 Airy, George B. Popular astronomy 18.511 Astrology, essay on. Proctor 18.415 Astronomical recreations. (Illustrated with charts.) Green 18.518 Astronomy. Science primer. Lockyer 18.524 Astronomy, introduction to. Hind 18.522 Astronomy, introduction to practical. Loomis. 18.526 Astronomy, popular. Newcomb 18.531 Astronomy, popular. A concise elementary treatise. Mitchell 18.529 Astronomy, young folks'. Champlin 18.513 Astronomy, for schools and general readers. Sharplcss 18.419 Astronomy of the Bible. Mitchell 18.527 Astronomy simplified for general reading. Rollwyn 18.418 Brunnow, F., Ph. D. Spherical astronomy. . 18.512 Champlin, John D., Jr. Young folks' astron- omy 18.513 De Penning, George A. Meteorology and the laws of storms 18.514 Ecce Ccelum, or parish astronomy. Anon.. 18.515 Ennis. Origin of the stars 18.516 Expanse of heaven. Proctor 18.533 Flowers of the sky. Proctor 18.534 Forbes, George. Transit of Venus 18.517 Green, Jacob. Astronomical recreations. (Illustrated by charts.) 18.518 Guillemin, Amedee. The moon 18.519 The sun 18. 520 Heroes of science. (Astronomers.) Morton. 18.530 Herschel, Sir John F. W. Lectures on scien- tific subjects 18.521 Hind, J. R. Introduction to astronomy 18.522 Lardner, Dionysius. Handbook of natural philosophy and astronomy i8-5 2 3 Lectures on scientific subjects. Herschel. . . 18.521 Lockland, William, trans. Meteors and at- mospheric phenomena. Ziircher and Mar- golle 18-525 Lockyer, J. Norman, F. II. S. Astronomy. (Science primer.) 18.524 LOOMIS CLIMBING. 161 Loomis, Elias. Introduction to practical astronomy 18.526 Lunar and horary tables. Concise methods for ascertaining the longitude by lunar observations, etc. Thompson 18.420 Meteorology. Larclner 18.523 Meteorology and the laws of storms. De Penning 18.514 Meteors and atmospheric phenomena. Zur- cher and Margolle. Lockland, trans 18. 525 Mitchell, O. M., LL. D. Astronomy of the Bible 18.527 Planetary and stellar worlds 18.528 Popular astronomy 18.529 Moon, The. Guillemin 18.519 Morton, E. J. C. Heroes of Science. (As- tronomers) 18. 530 Myths and marvels of astronomy. Proctor. . . 18.41 1 Newcomb, Simon, LL. D. Popular astron- omy 18.531 Other worlds than ours. Proctor 18.412 Our place among infinities. Proctor 18.413 Planetary and stellar worlds. Mitchell 18. 528 Poetry of astronomy. Proctor 18.414 Popular astronomy. Airy 18.511 Proctor, Richard A. Easy star lessons 18.532 Expanse of heaven 18. 533 Flowers of the sky 18.534 Mysteries of time and space '8.535 Myths and marvels of astronomy 18.41 1 Other worlds than ours 18.412 Proctor (continued) Our place among infinities 18,413 , Poetry of astronomy 18.414 Rough ways made smooth. (Essays on scientific subjects.) 18.415 Sun, The 18.416 Transits of Venus 18.417 Recreations in astronomy. Warren 18.421 Rollwyn, J. A. 8. Astronomy simplified for general reading 18.414 Rough ways made smooth. (Essays on scien- tific subjects.) Proctor 18.415 Sharpless, Isaac. Astronomy for schools and general readers 18.419 Spherical astronomy. Briinnow 18.512 Star lessons, easy. Proctor 18.532 Stars, origin of the. Ennis 18.516 Storms, laws of. De Penning 18.514 Sun, The. Guillemin 18.520 Sun, The. Proctor 18.416 Sun, The. Young 18.422 Thompson, David. Lunar and horary tables. Concise methods for ascertaining the lon- gitude by lunar observations, etc 18.420 Time and space, mysteries of. Proctor '8.535 Transits of Venus. Forbes 18.517 Transits of Venus. Proctor 18.417 Warren, Henry W. Recreations in astron- omy 18.421 Young, C. A. The sun 18.422 BIOLOQY And. "works of Natural History bearing specially upon tne subject. Adams, W, H. Davenport. Life in the pri- meval world 18.423 Agassiz, Louis. Structure! of animal life. .. 18.424 Animal life, structure of. Agassiz 18.424 Animal life as affected by the natural con- ditions of existence. Semper 18.337 Animalcules, thoughts on. Mantell 18.324 Animals, geographical distribution of. Wal- lace 18.213 Animals and plants under domestication. Dar- win 18.431 Bastian, II. Charlton. Beginnings of life. .. 18.425 Beginnings of life. Bastian 18.425 Biology, boys and girls in. Stevenson 18.212 Biology, elementary instructions. Huxley. . . 18.320 Biology, practical instructions. Huxley 18.320 Biology, principles of. Spencer 18.21 1 Buckley, Arabella B. Life and her children. 18.426 Butterflies. Scudder 18.336 Cat, The. Introduction to the study of back- boned animals. Mivart 18 . 326 Gazelles, M. E. Outline of the evolution philosophy 18.427 Chapman, Henry C. Evolution of life 18.428 Clark, Henry J., B. S., A. B. Mind in nature. 18*429 Climbing plants, habits and movements of. 162 CLIMBING WYTHE. Climbing (continued) Darwin 18.434 Cook, M. C., M. A. Fungi 18.430 Darwin, Charles. Animals and plants under domestication 18.431 Different f>rms of flowers on plants of the same species 18.432 Expression of the emotions in man and ani- mals 18.433 Habits and movements of climbing plants. . 18.434 Insectivorous plants 18. 31 1 Origin of species 18.312 Power of movement in plants 18.313 Darwinism and other essays. Fiske 18.315 Darwinism, What is it ? Hodge 18.319 Day, Henry N. Ontological science 18.314 Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. Darwin 18.432 Doctrine of descent, and Darwinism. Schmidt. 18.335 Earth, The. Nicholson 18.330 Evolution, doctrine of. Winchell 18.214 Evolution of life. Chapman 18.428 Evolution of living things. Henslow 18.318 Evolution of man. Haeckel 18.317 Evolution philosophy. Gazelles 18.427 Expression of the emotions in man and ani- mals. Darwin 18.433 Fiske, John. M. A. Darwinism 18.315 Flowers, different forms of. Darwin 18.432 Frog, The common. Mivart 18.327 Fungi, Their nature and uses. Cooke 18.430 Genesis of species. Mivarfc 18.328 Gosse, Philip Henry. Life in its lower, inter- mediate and higher forms 18.316 Hseckel, Ernst. Evolution of man 18.317 Henslow, Rev. George. Theory of evolution of living things 18.318 Hodge, Charles. What is Darwinism ? ; 18.319 Huxley, Thomas H. Man's place in nature . 18.321 Origin of species 18.321 Practical instruction in elementary bi- ology 18.320 Insectivorous plants. Darwin 18.311 Insects, origin of. Lubbock 18.322 Invisible world, The. Mantcll 18.324 Life; its true Genesis. Wright 18.215. Life, ihu science of. Wytlie 18.216 Life and her children. Uuckk-y 18.426 Life in its lower, intermediate, and higher forms. Gosse 18.316 Life in the primeval world, Adams 18.423 Locomotion, animal. Pettigrew '8333 Lubbock, Sir John. Origin and metamor- phoses of insects 18.322 Macmillan, Hugh. Footnotes from the page of nature !8323 Man and apes. Mivart 18. 329 Man's place in nature. Huxley 18.32! Mantell, Gideon. Invisible world 18.324 Martin, H. N. Practical instruction in ele- mentary biology 18.320 Miall, L. C. Skull of the crocodile 18.325 Mind in nature. Clark 18.429 Mivart, St. George. Cat. The 18.326 Common frog 18.327 Genesis of species 18.328 Man and apes 18.329 Nature and life. Papillon 18.332 Nicholson, H. Alleyne. Ancient life. His- tory of the earth 18.330 O'Neill, T. Warren. Refutation of Darwin- ism 18.331 Ontological science. Day 18.314 Organic evolution. Romanes 18.334 Origin of species. Darwin 18.312 Origin of species. Huxley 18.321 Papillon, Fernand. Nature and life 18.332 Pettigrew, J. Bell, F. R. S. Animal loco- motion 18.333 Plants, animals and. Darwin 18.431 Plants, habits and movements of. Darwin. .18.434 Plants, insectivorous. Darwin 18.31 1 Plants, power of movement in. Darwin. . . . 18 313 Refutation of Darwinism. O'Neill 18.331 Romanes, George J. Scientific evidences of organic evolution 18. 334 Schmidt, Oscar. Doctrines of descent and Darwinism *8.335 Scudder, Samuel H. Butterflies 18.336 Semper, Karl. Animal life 18.337 Skull of the crocodile. Miall 18.325 Spencer, Herbert. Principles of biology 18.211 Stevenson, Sarah H. Boys and girls in biol- ogy 18.212 Vegetation, first forms of. Macmillan 18. 323 Wallace, Alfred R. Geographical distribu- tion of animals 18.213 Winchell, Alexander. Doctrine of evolu- tion 18.214 Wright, R. W. Life; its true genesis 18.215 Wythe, Rev. J. H, Science of life 18216 BALFOUK HEATON. 163 BOTANY. Balfour, J. H. Class book of botany 18.217 Beck, Lewis C . Botany of the United States north of Virginia 18.218 Botany, ' Donn 18. 220 Botany. Figuier 18.222 Botany. (Science primer.) Hooker 18.230 Botany, class book of. Balfour 18.217 Botany, compendium of. Sumner 18. 1 16 Botany, elementary. Macloskie 18.233 Botany, introduction to. Lindley. 18.231 Botany of the northern United States. Gray.. 18.226 Botany of the United States north of Vir- ginia. Beck 18.218 Breck, Joseph. The flower garden 18.219 British wild flowers considered in relation to insects. Lubbock 18.232 California flora. Rattan 18. 1 1 2 Donn, James . Botany 1 8. 220 Dnncan, P., F. R. S. Heroes of science. (Botanists) 18.221 Ferns; their homes and ours. Robinson 18. 1 13 Figuier, Louis. The vegetable world 18.222 Flagg, Wilson. Woods and by-ways of New England '. 18.223 Flint, Charles L. Grasses and forage plants. 18.224 Flower garden, The. Breck 18.219 Flowers; origin, shapes and colors. Taylor. 18.117 Good, Peter P. Chemical and medical prop- erties of plants ; 18.225 Grasses and forage plants. Flint 18.224 Gray, Asa. Botany of the northern United States 18.226 Heinrich, Julius J. Window flower garden. . 18.227 Heroes of science. (Botanists.) Duncan. ... 18.221 Herrick, Sophie B. Wonders of plant life under the microscope 18.228 Hervey, A. B. Sea mosses 18.229 Hooker, J. D. Botany. (Science primer) .... 18.230 Lindley, John. Introduction to botany. ..... 18.231 Lubbock, Sir John. British wild flowers in relation to insects 18. 232 Macloskie, George. Elementary botany. .. 18.233 Marion, Fulgence. Wonders of vegetation . . 18. 1 1 1 Mosses, sea. Hervey 18.229 Plants, chemical and medical properties of. Good 18.225 Popular exposition of the science of botany. Schleiden 18. 1 14 Rattan, Volney, California flora 18.112 Robinson, John. Ferns 18. 1 13 Schleiden, M. J. Popular exposition of the science of botany 18. 1 14 Squier. E. G. Tropical fibres 18. 1 1 5 Sumner. George. Compendium of botany. . 18.116 Taylor, J. E., Flowers ; origin, shapes and colors. . : 18.117 Tropical fibres. Squier 18.115 Vegetable world, The. Figuier 18.222 Vegetation, wonders of. Marion 18.111 Window flower garden. Heinrich 18.227 Wonders of plant life under the microscope Herrick 18.228 Woods and by-ways of New England. Flag^.. 18.223 CHEMISTRY. Abbott, Jacob. Heat 18.118 Birth of Chemistry. Rodwell 18. 129 Cazin, Achille. Phenomena and laws of heat.. .18. 119 Chemical analysis. Slater 18.132 Chemical and geological essays. Hunt 18. 124 Chemical history of a candle. Faraday .... 18. 121 Chemistry. (Science primer.) Roscoe ,18.130 Chemistry, class book of. Youmans 18. 137 Chemistry, experimental. Heaton 18/123 Chemistry, familiar lectures on. Phelps 18.128 Chemistry, new. Cooke 18. 120 Chemistry of common life. Johnson 18. 125 Chemistry of light and photography. Vogel. 18. 135 Cooke, Josiah. The new chemistry 18. 120 Faraday, Michael. Chemical history of a candle 18. 121 Fermentation. Schiitzenberger 18.131 Forms of water, The. Tyndall 18.134 Gordon. J. E. H. Elemetary book on heat.. 18*. 122 Heat. Abbott 18.118 Heat, elementary book on. Gordon 18. 122 Heat, phenomena and laws of. Cazin 18. 1 19 Heat, treatise on. Lardner 18.126 Heat considered as a mode of motion. Tyn- dall 18.133 Heaton, E. W. Experimental chemistry. ... 18.123 104 HEROES NORTHEND. Heroes of science. (Chemists.) Muir 18.127 Hunt, Thomas S. Chemical and geological essays 18.124 Johnson, James F. Chemistry of common life 18.125 Lardner, Dionysus. Treatise on heat 18. 126 Muir, M. M. Pattison. Heroes of science. (Chemists) 18. 127 Phelps, Mrs. Almira. Familiar lectures on chemistry 18. 128 Rodwell, G. F., Birth of chemistry 18.129 Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. (Science primer). 18.130 Schutzenberger, P. Fermentation 18. 131 Slater, J. W. Handbook of chemical analy- sis 18. 132 Strecker's, organic chemistry. Wislicenus, ed ' . 18136 Tyndall, John. Forms of water 18. 134 Heat considered as a mode of motion 1 8. 133 Vogel, Hermann. Chemistry of light and photography 18. 135 Water, The forms of. Tyndall 18 134 Wislicenus, Johannes, ed. Strecker's text- book of organic chemistry 18. 136 Youmans, Edward L. Class book of chem- istry 18. 137 EDUCATION AL. Abbott, Jacob. Management of the young. . 19.811 American colleges. Thwing 19.721 American education. Mansfield 19-834 Bain, Alexander. Education as a science 19.812 Baldwin, J. Artof school management 19.813 Beecher, Catherine E. Principles of domes- tic science 19.814 Book-keeping, simple method. Comer 19.818 Book-keeping, practical and theoretical. Anon 19-815 Book-keeping epitomized. Johnson 19.718 Calkins, N. A. Primary object lessons 19.816 Clarke, Edward, M. D. Sex in education. . .19,817 Comer, Geo. N. Book-keeping. Simple method by double entry 19.818 Cooke, Josiah P. Scientific culture and other essays 19.819 Cross, J., A. M. Eclectic short-hand 19.820 Culture. Hittell 19.828 Culture demanded by modern life. Youmans.. 19. 724 Dall, Caroline H. Woman's relation to edu- cation, labor and law 19.821 Dictionary of education- and instruction. Kid- dle 19.830 Domestic science. Beecher 19.814 Donai, Adolf. The kindergarten 19.822 Eames, Roscoe L. Text-book of light-line shorthand 19.823 Education. Spencer 19.720 Education, lectures and annual reports on. Mann 19.833 Education abroad. Northrop 19.712 Education and self-improvement. Fowler. . . 19.826 Education as a science. Bain 19.812 Education, on physiognomical prirciples. Simms 19.7 19 Educational, scientific, and technical. Gallo- way 18.827 Eggleston, G. Gary. How to educate your- self 19,825 Family government. Meyer 19.836 Fowler, O. S. Education and self-improve- ment 19.826 Galloway, Robert. Educational, scientific, and technical 19.827 Graded school, The. Wells 19.723 Hittell, John S. Brief history of culture 19.828 Household education. Martineau 19.835 How to educate yourself. Eggleston 19-825 Huxley, T. H. Science and culture 19 829 Kiddle, Henry. Dictionary of education .... 19.830 Kindergarten, The. Donai 19.822 Levana, or the doctrine of education. Rich- ter 19.716 Liberal education of women. Orton, / 19-713 Longley, Elias. Eclectic manual of phono- graphy 19.831 Management and training of the young. Abbott 19.811 Mann, Horace. Lectures and annual reports on education 19-833 Mansfield, Edward. American education. .. 19.834 Martineau, Harriet. Household education. . 19.835 Meyer, Bertha Aids to family government. . 19.836 Montgomery, Zach. Poison fountain 19-837 Newman, Samuel P. Practical system of Rhetoric 19.838 Northend, Charles, A. M. Teacher's assist- NORTH END TYNDALL. 165 Northend (continued) ant I9-7H Northrop, B. Grant, LL. D. Education abroad. 19.712 Object lessons. Calkins 19.826 Orton, James, ed. Liberal education of women 19-713 Page, David P. Theory and practice of teaching T 9-7*4 Phonography, eclectic manual of. Longley. 19.831 Phonography, manual of. Pitman '9-7 '5 Pitman, Ben. Manual of Phonography '9-715 Poison fountain, The. Montgomery 19-837 Primary object lessons. Calkins 19.816 Principles of domestic science. Stowe 19.814 Rhetoric, practical system of. Newman 19.838 Richter, Jean P. F. Levana 19.716 Russell, J. Scott. Systematic technical edu- cation 19 717 School management. Baldwin 19-813 Science and culture. Huxley 19.829 Scientific culture and other essays. Cooke. . . 16.819 Sex in education. Clarke '9-8'7 Shaw, Rev. John. Book-keeping epitomized. .19.718 Short-hand, eclectic. Cross 19.820 Short-hand, text-boqk of light line 19.823 Simms, J., M. D. Education on physiogno- mical principles 19.719 Spanish, new method of learning. Velas- quez 19.722 Spencer, Herbert. Education, intellectual, moral, and physical , 19.720 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Principles of do- mestic science 19. 814 Teacher's assistant, The. Northend 1 9. 7 1 1 Teaching, theory and practice of. Page 19.714 Technical education. Russell '9- 7 '7 Theoretical and practical book-keeping. Anon 19-815 Thwing, Chas. F. American colleges 19.721 Velasquez, M. and Simonne T. Spanish, new method of learning 19.722 Wells, W. H. Graded schools 19 723 Woman's relation to education, labor and law. Ball 19.821 Youmans, E. L. Culture demanded by mod- ern life 19.724 KIvKCTRICITY, KTC. Dolbear, A. E. The telephone '9-7 2 5 Electric batteries, elementary treatise on. Niandet I9-73 1 Electrical inventions, recent. Prescott 19-733 Electricity. Dolbear i9-7 2 5 Electricity; its nature, operation and import- ance. Leithead i9-7 2 7 Electricity, modern applications of. Hospi- tal ier 19.726 Electricity, students text-book of. Noad 19.732 Electricity and magnetism. Thompson 19-737 Electricity and the electric telegraph. Prescott. 19.734 Electro-magnetic telegraph. Loring 19.728 Hospitaller, E. Modern applications of elec- tricity 19. 726 Leithead, William. Electricity; its nature, operation and importance 19.727 Light and electricity. Tyndall 19.738 Loring, A. E. Handbook of the electro-mag- netic telegraph. 19.728 Magnetism and electricity. Miller 19.729 Miller, W. A., M. D., LL. D. Magnetism and electricity '9-729 Moncel, Count du. Telephone, microphone and phonograph 19-73 Miandet, Alfred. Elementary treatise on electric batteries '9-73' Noad, Henry M. Student's text-book of elec- tricity 19. 732 Phonograph, The. Prescott 19-736 Prescott, George B. Electrical inventions. . . 19 733 Electricity and the electric telegraph 19-734 History, theory, and practice of the electric telegraph 19-735 Phonograph, The 19-736 Telephone, The 9-736 Telegraph, history, theory, and practice of the electric. Prescott '9-735 Telegraph, The. Prescott 19-734 Telephone, The. Dolbear 19. 725 Telephone, The. Prescott I9-73 6 Telegraph, The. Du Moncel I9-73Q Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism '9-737 Tyndall, John. Light and electricity '9-738 166 BALLANTYNE MOUNTAIN. GEOGRAPHY. BaUantyne, R. M. The ocean and its won- ders 19-739 Cooke, G. Alexander. Universal geography. 19.611 Cosmology, rational. Hickok , t 19.620 Darby, William. Geographical description of Louisiana .... 19.612 Earth, The. Reclus 19 623 Earth and man, The. Guyot 19.618 Findlay, A. G., F. R. S. Junior atlas of geography 19.613 Geographical description of Louisiana, Dar- by 19.612 Geikie Archibald, LL.D. Physical geography. 19.615 Physical elementary lessons in geography. . . 19.614 Geography, Grove 19.617 Geography, ancient. Mitchell 19.622 Geography, classical. Tozer 19.626 Geography, junior atlas of. Findlay 19-613 Geography, universal. Cooke. 19.611 Geography and history, ancient and modern. Goodrich 19,616 Goodrich, S. G. Geography and history, an- cient and modern 19.616 Grove, George. Geography with maps 19.617 Guyot, Arnold. Earth and man 19.618 Herschel, Sir John. Physical geography 19.619 Hickok, L. P. Rational cosmology 19.620 History and geography, ancient and modern. Goodrich 19- 6l 6 Maury, M. F. Physical geograpny of the sea. 19.621 Mitchell, S. A. Ancient geography 19.622 Ocean, The. Reclus 19.624 Ocean and its wonders. BaUantyne 19-739 Physical geography. Herschel 19.619 Physical geography. Somerville 19-625 Physical geography. Geikie i9- 6l S Physical geography, elementary lessons. Geikie 19.614 Physical geography of the sea. Maury 19.621 Reclus, Elisee. The earth 19-623 The ocean 19.624 Somerville, Mary. Physical geography 19.625 Tozer, H. F., M. A. Classical geography. . 19.626 GKOLOGY. Adams, W. H. D. Beneath the surface 19.627 Agassiz, L. Geological sketches 19.628 Beneath the surface. Adams 19.627 Campbell, S. M. Story of creation 19.629 Chapters from the physical history of the earth. Nicols 19. 526 Climate and time. Croll 19.630 Corals and coral islands. Dana 19-631 Creation. Anon 19.41 1 Croll, James. Climate and time 19 630 Cruise of the Betsy, The. Miller 19.522 Dana, James D., LL. D. Corals and coral islands 19.631 Geological story 19.632 Geology 19.511 Darwin, Charles. Geology and natural his- tory 19.512 Dawson, J. W. Origin of the world '9-513 Footprints of the Creator. Miller I 9-5 2 3 Geikie, Archibald, LL. D. Geological sketches 19.514 Great ice age 19.515 Geological sketches. Agassiz 19.628 Geological sketches at home and abroad. Geikie I9-5H Geological story, The. Dana 19-632 Geology, elements of. Le Conte 19.520 Geology, manual of. Dana 19-5" Geology, popular. Miller 19. 525 Geology, principles of. Lyell 19. 521 Geology and natural history. Darwin I9-5 12 Glaciers of the Alps. Tyndail 19-529 Haeckel, Ernst. History of the creation .... 19.516 History of the creation. Ha;ckel 19.516 Ice age, the great. Geikie 19. 51 5 Judd, John VV. Volcanoes ; what they are. .19 517 Jukes-Browne, A. J. Student's hand-book of physical geology 19.518 Kingsley, Charles. Town geology 19. 5 19 Le Conte, Joseph. Elements of geology .... 19.520 Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of geology. ... 19. 521 Miller, Hugh, LL. D. Cruise of the Betsy'. . 19.522 Footprints of the Creator 19. 523 Old red sandstone 19. 524 Popular geology 19. 525 Mountain, history of a. Reclus 19.527 NICOLS BALL. 167 Nicols, Arthur, F. G. S. Chapters from the physical history of the earth I9-5 20 Old red sandstone. Miller 19- 5 2 4 Origin of the world. Dawson ^9-S I 3 Physical geology, student's hand-book of. Jukes-Browne 19-S 1 ^ Reclus, Elisee. History- of a mountain 19. 527 Rocks, study of. Rutley i9-5 2 8 Rutley, Frank. The study of rocks ... 19. 528 Sketches of creation. \Vinchell 19.412 Sparks from a geologist's hammer Win- chell I9-4I3 Story of creation. Campbell 19.629 Town geology. Kingsley 19-519 Tyndall, John. Glaciers of the Alps 19 529 Vestiges of the natural history of creation. Anon I9-4II Volcanoes; what they are. Judd 19-Si? Winchell, Alexander, LL. D. Sketches of creation 19.412 Sparks from a geologist's hammer 19.413 World-life or comparative geolegy '9-414 Wonders of the underground world. Adams.. 19. 627 World life, or comparative geology. Win- chell I9-4I4 MATHEMATICS- Algebra, introduction to, Day 19.420 Algebra, new university. Robinson 19-430 Arithmetic, common school. Eaton .... .... 19.423 Arithmetic, intellectual. Colburn 19.416 Arithmetic, key to Dil worth's. Anon 19.428 Bowditch, Nathaniel, LL. D. New Ameri- can practical navigator 19-41 5 Calculus, differential and integral. De Mor- gan 19-421 Colburn, Warren, intellectual arithmetic. ... 19.416 Comer. Manual of navigation 19-417 Comte, Auguste. Philosophy of mathe- matics 19,418 Davies, Charles. Elements of Geometry. . . . 19.419 Elements of trigonometry 19419 Day, Jeremiah, LL. D. Introduction to Alge- bra 19.420 De Morgan, Augustus, Differential and in- tegral calculus 19.421 Dowling, Daniel, Key to Mutton's course in mathematics 19.422 Eaton, James S. Common school arithmetic. 19.423 Fendler, Angustus. Mechanism of the uni- verse ' 19.424 Twenty-four propositions on gravitation. . . . 19.424 Geometry, elements of. Davies 19.419 Geometry, elements of. Loomis 19.429 Geometry, inventional. (Science primer.) Spencer .' 19.432 Geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry. Robinson I 9-43 I Gillespie, W. M., LL. D. Treatise on land surveying l9-4 2 5 Treatise on leveling, topography, and higher surveying 19.426 Gravitation, twenty-four propositions on the law of. Fendler 19.424 Hutton, Charles, LL. D. Course of mathe- matics i9-4 2 7 Key to Dilworth's arithmetic. Anon 19.428 Key to Walton's arithmetic. Walton 19-433 Land surveying, treatise on. Gillespie *9-4 2 5 Leveling, topography and higher surveying. Gillespie 19.426 Loomis, Elias, LL. D. Elements of geometry. 19.429 Mathematics, course of. Hntton 19-427 Mathematics, key to Hutton's course of. Dowling 19.422 Mathematics, philosophy of. Comte. ...... 19.418 Mechanism of the universe. Fendler 19.424 Navigation, epitome of. Bowditch 19-415 Navigation, Comer's manual of *9-4 l 7 Robinson, Horatio N., LL. D. Elements of geometry I9-43* New universal algebra 19-43 Spencer, Wm. George. Inventional geometry. 19.432 Trigonometry, elements of. Davies 19.419 Walton, G. A. Key to Walton's arithmetic. 19.433 MECHANICS- Amongst machines. Lukin 19.318 Applied mechanics, elementary lessons on. Ball 19-435 Armstrong, H. Chimneys 19-434 Ball, Robert Stowell, LL. D. Applied me- chanics, elementary lessons on 19-435 168 BOILER BELLOWS. Boiler, use and abuse of the steam. Roper. . 19.325 Booth, M, L. Marble worker's manual 19.436 Briggs, Robert. Steam heating 19-437 Buildings, ventilation of. Butler 19.438 Butler, W. T". Ventilation of buildings 19 .438 Carpenter's companion. Sylvester 19.328 Carving, wood, and fret sawing. Sawyer 19.327 Cement, experiments on the strength of. Grant. 19.315 Chimneys. Armstrong !9-434 Cotton manufacture. Geldard !9-3'3 Dana, Edward S. Text Look of elementary mechanics 19-439 Forney, Matthias N. Catechism of the loco- motive 19.440 Fryer, William J., Jr. Architectural iron- work 19 .3 ii Gardner, F. B. How to paint 19.312 Geldard, James. Handbook on cotton manu- facture 19 313 Gilroy, Clinton G. Art of weaving 19.314 Grant, John. Experiments on the strength of cement. , 19-3'S Grier, William. Mechanic's pocket diction- ary 19-316 Gutenberg, and the art of printing. Pearson. 19.321 Ironwork, architectural. Fryer 19.31 1 Lardner, Dionysius. The steam engine 19-317 Locomotive, catechism of the. Forney 19440 Lukin, John. Amongst machines I9-3I& Machine construction. Tompkins I 9-33 I Marble- worker's manual. Booth *9-436 Marks, William D. Relative proportions of the steam engine 19-319 Masury, John W. Popular treatise on house painting 19.320 Mechanical text-book. Rankine 19-324 Mechanics, practical. Perry 19-322 Mechanics, text-book of elementary. Dana . 19.439 Mechanic's pocket dictionary. Grier 19.316 Painting, house. Masury 19.320 Painting, how to paint. Gardner 19.312 Pattern maker's assistant. Rose 19-326 Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg, and the art of printing 19-321 Perry, John. Elementary treatise on steam.. 19. 323 Practical mechanics 19. 322 Rankine, Wm. John. Mechanical text book. 19. 324 Roper, Stephen. Use and abuse of the steam boiler !9-3 2 5 Rose, Joshua, M. E. Pattern maker's assist- ant 19.326 Sawyer, George A. Fret-sawing and wood carving 19. 327 Steam, elementary treatise on. Perry 19.323 Steam engine, growth of the. Thurston... .19.329 Steam engine, relative proportions of the. Marks 19 319 Steam engine, short treatise on the compound. Turnbull '9-332 Steam engine, The. Lardner 19-317 Steam heating. Briggs 19-437 Sylvester, W. A. Carpenter's companion. . . 19.328 Thurston, Robert, A. M. Growth of the steam engine 19.329 Timbs, John. Wonderful inventions 19 330 Tompkins, Edward. Machine construction.. 19.331 Turnbull, John Jr. Short treatise on the com- pound steam engine I9-33 2 Weaving, art of. Gilroy I9-3H Wonderful inventions. Timbs 19-33 Wood-working tools, how to use. Anon. -.19.333 MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Adulterations in grocers' goods. Felker. . . . Air passages, diseases of the. Green Alcohol, its use and abuse. Greenfield Alcohol and its action on the body. Richard- son Anatomy. Carpenter Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. Gray. . . Anatomy, elementary lessons in. Mivavt . . Anatomy and physiology. Hitchcock Anderson, T. M'Call. Parasitic affections of the skin . . 19.234 Angell, Henry C. Our eyes; and how to take 19-122 care of them '9-335 19.123 Bastian, H. Charlton. The brain as an organ of mind 9-336 20.717 Paralysis from brain disease in its common 19.219 forms 19-337 19.121 Baths and bathing. Anon 19.338 20.830 Bazar book of health. Anon '9339 19 132 Behind the bars. Treatment of the insane. Anon I9-34O 19.334 Bellows, Albeit J. How not to be sick 19.211 BELLOWS GALL. 169 Bellows (continued) Philosophy of eating 19.341 Bennett, James H. Treatment of pulmonary consumption 19.212 Blaikie, Wm.. How to get strong and how to stay so 19.213 Blakiston, Peyton. Observations on diseases of the chest 19.214 Border lines of knowledge in some provinces of medical science. Holmes 19-135 Brain, as an organ of mind. Bastian 19-336 Brain, functions of the. Ferrier *9- 2 35 Brain, functions of the. Gall. Vimont and Broussais. George Combe, trans 19.215 Brain, hygiene of the. Holbrook 19 133 Brain and its functions, The. Luys 20.820 Broussais, Dr. Functions of the cerebellum. George Combe, trans 19.215 Brown, George P. Sewer-gas ; 19.216 Calkins, Alonzo. Opium and the opium appetite 19.217 Carpenter, Alfred. Preventive medicine in relation to the public health 19.218 Carpenter, Wm. B., F. R. S, Elements of physiology and anatomy 19. 219 Cerebellum, functions of the. Gall. Vi- mount and Broussais. George Combe, trans 19.215 Character, physiognomical chart of. Simms.2o.72O Chest, observations on diseases of the. Blakis- ton 19.214 Children, care of young. Handbook for mothers. Parker 20. 826 Children, management of in sickness and in health. Hale 19. 124 Children, the mother's work with sick. Fons- sagrives 19. r 1 2 Cholera, nature and treatment of the. French. 19. 1 17 Cholera, treatise on epidemic. Jameson 20.815 Claridge, R. T. Every man his own doctor. Water and friction cure 19.220 Clarke, Edward H. Visions; a study of false sight 19. 221 Cleghorn, George. Epidemical diseases of Minorca 19 . 222 Combe, Andrew. Management of infancy ..19.223 Combe, George, trans. Functions of the cer- ebellum. Gall, Vimont and Broussais. . . 19.215 Comings, B. N. Class book of Physiology. . 19 224 Cook, Joseph. Heredity. (Monday lectures. ). 19.225 Corfield, W. H. Health 19.226 Coupland, Sidney. Personal appearances in health and disease 19.227 Culverwell, Robert J. Guide to health and long life 19. 228 Cust, Lady. Invalid's own book. Recipes.. 19,229 Diet cure, The. Nichols 20. 833 Digestion, our; or my jolly friend's secret. Lewis 20.819 Diphtheria. Trail.. 20.729 Diseases of modern life. Richardson 20.715 Dunham, Carroll. Science of Therapeutics . . 19.230 Eassie, William. Healthy houses 19.231 Emergencies, and how to treat them. Howe. 20.812 Epidemical diseases of Minorca. Cleghorn . . 19.222 Ewell, James. Medical companion 19.232 Exercise and training. Ralfe .... 20. 7 1 1 Eye, diseases of the. Mackenzie 20.824 Eyes, our. How to take care of them. Angell . 19.335 Eyre, Sir James. The stomach and its diffi- culties I9-233 Fashion in deformity. Flower. 19.241 Fat and blood, and how to make them. Mitchell 20.829 Felker, P. H. What the grocers sell us. Adulteration in food i9- 2 34 Ferrier, David. Functions of the brain 19-235 First help in accidents and in sickness. Anon. 19.236 Fisher, T. W. Plain talk about insanity 19 .237 Fiske, John. Tobacco and alcohol i9- 2 38 Fletcher, John. Rudiments of physiology. Robert Lewins, ed *9- 2 39 Flint, Austin. Source of muscular power 19.240 Floating matter of the air. Essays relating to putrefaction and infection. Tyndall 20.730 Flower, William H. Fashion in deformity. . 19.241 Folkard, Charles W. Potable water. Meth- ods of detecting impurities 19. 1 1 1 Fonssagrives, J. B. The mother's work with sick children. F. F. Foster, trans 19. 1 12 Foods. Smith 20.722 Foster, M. Physiology. Science primer 19. 1 13 Fowler, O. S. Hereditary descent 19. 1 14 Physiology; animal and mental 19. 1 1 5 Practical phrenology 19.116 French, John G. Nature and treatment of cholera i9-"7 Fun better than physic. Hall I9- I2 5 Functions of the cerebellum. Gall, Vimont and Broussais. George Combe, trans. . . 19 215 Gall, Dr. Functions of the cerebellum. George Combe, trans I 9-2I5 170 ;.\i/rox MEM GUY. Galton, Francis. Hereditary genius; its laws and consequences 19. 1 18 Gamgee, John. Origin and prevention of yellow fever 19. 1 19 General debility and defective nutrition. Smee 20.721 Goadby, Henry. Vegetable and animal physiology 19.120 Gray, Henry. Descriptive and surgical anat- omy 19.121 Green, Horace. Diseases of the nir passages. 19. 122 Greenfield, W. S. Alchohol, itsuseand abuse. 19 123 Hair, The. Treatment in health, weakness and disease. Pincus 20.837 Hale, Annie M. Management of children in sickness an.l in health 19. 124 Hall, \V. \V. Fun better than physic 19-125 Guide-boat d to health 19.126 Health by good living 19.127 Hamilton, Frank H. Health aphorisms. ( General hygiene.) 19. 128 Hammond, William A. Certain conditions of nervous derangement 19. 129 Health. Corfield 19.226 Health, guide-board to. Hall 19. 126 Health, how to promote it. McSherry 20.828 Health, ministry of. Richardson 20.716 Health and health resorts. Wilson. 20.734 Health and its conditions. Hinton 19. 130 Health and long life. Culverwell 19.228 Health aphorisms. (General hygiene. ) Ham- ilton 19.128 Health by good living. Hall 19. 127 Healthy houses. (Drainage, ventilation, etc.) Eassie 19.231 Hereditary descent. Fowler 19. 1 14 Hereditary genius; its laws and consequences. Galton ... 19. 1 18 Heredity. Cook. (Monday lectures.) 19.225 Heredity. Ribot 20.713 Hinton, James. Health and its conditions. . . 19. 130 Physiology for practical use 19-131 History of a mouthful of bread. Mace 20.821 Hitchcock, Edward and J. Elementary physiology and anatomy 19. 132 Holbrook, M. L. Hygiene of the brain 19-133 Holland, Sir Henry. Mental physiology 19.134 Holrries, Oliver W. Harder lints of knowl- edge in some provinces of medical science. 19. 135 Homoeopathy, science of Therapeutics. Dun- ham 19. 230 Homoeopathy and Allopathy. Reply to " an examination of the doctrines and evi- dences of Homoeopathy." by Worthington Hooker. Marcy 20.825 House and its surroundings, The. Anon 20.811 How not to be sick. Bellows 19.211 How to get strong and how to stay so. Blaikie 19-213 Howe, Joseph W. Emergencies and how to treat t^em 20.812 Huxley, Thomas H. Lessons in elementary physiology 20.813 Physiology and hygiene 20.814 Hydropathy, the cold water, tepid water and friction cure. Claridge 19.220 Hygiene. The philosophy of eating. Bel- lows '9-341 Hygiene Preventive medicine in relation to the public health. Carpenter 19.218 Insanity; ils causes and prevention. Stearns. 20.725 Insanity, plain talks about. Fisher 19-237 Insanity and its treatment. Worcester 20.735 Invalid's own book, The. A collection of recipes. Cust 19 229 Jameson, Horatio G. Treatise on epidemic cholera 20. 8 1 5 Johnson, A. B. Physiology of the senses .... 20.816 Lavater, J. C. Essays on physiognomy 20.817 Lee, Edward. Effect of climate in tubercu- lous disease 20.818 Lewis, Dio. Our digestion, or my jolly friend's secret 20.819 Luys, J. The brain and its functions 20.820 Mace, Jean. History of a mouthful of bread . 20.821 Servants of the stomach 20.822 Mackenzie, G. S. Illustrations of phrenology. 20. 823 Mackenzie, William. Diseases of the eye. ..20 824 Management of infancy. Combe 19.223 Marcy, E. Homoeopathy and Allopathy. Re- ply to "an examination of the doctrines and evidences of Homoeopathy," by Wor- thington Hooker 20.825 Martin, II. Newell. The human body 20.826 Maudsley, Henry. Responsibility in mental disease 20 827 McSherry,'Kicliard. How to promote health.2o,S2S Medical companion. Ewell 19.232 Medical sciences. (Half yearly abstract.) Ranking and Radcliffe 20.839 Memory, diseases of. Ribot. William II. Smith, trans 20. 7 14 MENTAL STEARNS 171 Mental disease, responsibility in. Mandsley..2o.827 Mineral springs of the United States and Can- ada. Walton 20 732 Mitchell, S. Weir, Fat and blood and how to make them 20.829 Mivart, St. George. Lessons in elementary anatomy 20.830 Morselli, Henry. Suicide. Essay on com- parative moral statistics 20.831 Muscles and nerves, general physiology of. Rosenthal , 20.718 Muscular power, source of. Flint 19.240 Napheys, George H. Physical life of woman. 20.832 Nature's revelations of character. Simms. . .20.719 Nervous derangement, certain conditions of. Hammond 19. 129 Nichols, T. L. The diet cure 20.833 Nightingale, Florence. Notes on nursing. . .20.834 Nurses, training schools for. Thompson. .. .20. 728 Nursing, handbook of. Published under the direction of the Connecticut training school for nurses 20.835 Nursing, notes on. Nightingale 20.834 Opium and the opium appetite. Calkins. . . . 19.217 Organs of speech. Von Meyer 20.731 Paralysis and other affections of the nerves. Taylor 20 . 727 Paralysis from brain disease. Bastian 19-337 Parker, Edward H. Care of young children. 20. 836 Personal appearances in health and disease. Coupland 19,227 Philosophy of eating, The. Bellows 1 9-341 Phrenology, illustrations of. Mackenzie 20.823 Phrenology, practical. Fowler 19.116 Phrenology in connection with the study of physiognomy. Spurzheim 20. 723 Physic, lectures on the principles and practice of, Watson 20. 733 Physical life of woman. Napheya 20.832 Physiognomical chart of character. Simms. 20. 720 Physiognomy. Stanton 20.724 Physiognomy, comparative. Redfield. . . .2o.7nA Physiognomy, essays on. Lavater 20.817 Physiognomy, nature's revelation of charac- ter. Simms 20.719 Physiology. Science primer. Foster I9-H3 Physiology, the human body, Martin 20,826 Physiology, animal and mental. Fowler. . . . 19. 1 15 Physiology, class book of. Comings 19.224 Physiology, elements of. Carpenter 19.219 Physiology, lessons in elementary. Huxley,. 20.813 Physiology, mental. Holland 19, 134 Physiology, rudiments of. Fletcher 19 230 Physiology, vegetable and animal. Goaby. .19.120 Physiology and anatomy, elementary. Hitch- cock 19. 132 Physiology and hygiene. Huxley and You- mans 20.814 Physiology for practical use. Hinton 19. 131 Physiology of the senses. Johnson 20.816 Pincus, J. The hair. Treatment in health, weakness and disease 20. 837 Potable water. Methods of detecting impuri- ties. Folkard 19. 1 1 1 Premature death ; its promotion or preven- tion. Anon 20. 838 Public health, preventive medicine in relation to the. Carpenter 19.218 Pulmonary consumption, treatment of. Ben- nett 19.212 Ralfe, C. H. Exercise and training 20.711 Ranking, W. H., and Radcliffe, C. B. Half- yearly abstract of the medical sciences. ...20.839 Redfield, James W. Comparative physiog- nomy 20. 7 1 1 A Reid, David B. Ventilation of American dwellings . , 20.712 Ribot, Theodore. Diseases of memory. W. H. Smith, tram 20.714 Heredity 20.713 Richardson. Benjamin W. Alcohol, and its action on the body. (Temperance lesson book.).. 20.717 Diseases of modern life 20.715 Ministry of health 20.716 Rosentha!, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves 20. 718 Sewer-gas and its dangers. Brown 19.216 Sick children, the mother's work with. Fons- sagrives 19112 Simms, Joseph. Nature's revelations of char- acter 20.719 Physiognomical chart of character 20.720 Skin, parasitic affections of the. Anderson. .19.334 Smee, Alfred. General debility and defective nutrition 20.721 Smith, Edward. Foods 20.722 Spurzheim, J. G. Phrenology in connection with the study of physiognomy 20 . 723 Stanton, Mary O. Physiognomy 20.724 Stearns, Henry P. Causes and prevention of insanity 20.725 ira STOM ACH LECTURES. Stomach, sei vanls of the. Mace 20.822 Stomach an 1 its difficulties, The. Eyre 19.233 Storer, Horatio R. Why not? A book for every woman 20 726 Suicide. Essay on comparative, moral statis- tics. Morselli 20 831 Taylor, George H. Paralysis 20. 727 Temperance lesson bojk. Alchohol and its action on the body. Richardson 20.717 Thompson, W. G. Training school for nurses 20. 728 Tobacco. Alcott 19-333 Tobacco and alcohol. Fiske 19-238 Trail, R. T. Diphtheria 20.729 Tuberculous disease, eftect of climate on. Lee.2o.8i8 Tyndail, John. Floating matter in the air. Essays in relation to putrefaction and in- fection 2O'73o Ventilation of American dwellings. Reid. . .20.712 Vimont, Dr. Functions of ihe cerebellum. George Combe, trans 19-215 Visions, a study of false sight. Clarke 19.221 Von Meyer. George H. Organs of speech. .20.731 Walton. George E. Mineral springs of the United States and Canada 29.732 Watson, Thomas. Lectures on the principles and practice of physic 20.733 What the grocers sell us. Food adulteration. Felker 19^234 Why not? A book for every woman. Storer. 20. 726 Wilson, John. Health and health resorts 20.734 Worcester, Samuel. Insanity and its treat- ment 20. 735 Yellow fever ; its origin and prevention. Gamgee I9-H9 MISCELLANEOUS Advancement of science. Tyndail 20431 Aerial navigation. Mansfield 20.412 Agassiz, L. et als. Tribune of popular sci- ence 20. 624 Annual of scientific discovery. 1866-69. Kneeland, ed 20.522 Annual of scientific discovery. 1870-71. Trowbridge. ed 20.523 Annual of scientific discovery. 1859-65. Wells, ed 20,524 Arts aud sciences, familiar introduction to. Joyce 20 521 Baird, Spencer F. Annual record of science and industry. 1872-77 20.625 Bernstein, Julius. Five senses of man 20.626 Buckley, Arabella B. Fairyland of science. .20.627 Buyer's manual, and business guide of the Pacific coast. Price 20.416 California academy of natural sciences, pro- ceedings of the 20. 511 Cavendish. Laws and principles of whist. ..20.512 Chess-player's handbook. The American. Staunton 20.427 Cosmophonography. Fauvel-Gourand 20.515 Draper, John W. Scientific memoirs. Ra- diant energy 20. 5 1 3 Estes. Dana, ed. Hall-hour recreations in popular science 20.514 Fairy-land of science. Buckley 20. 627 Familiar science studies. Proctor ..... 20.417 Fauvel-Gourand. Cosmophonography 20.515 Five senses of man, The. Bernstein 20.626 Force and nature. Winslow 20.315 Fragments of science. Tyndail 20.432 Fyfe, J. H. Triumphs of invention and dis- covery 20.516 Gas-consumer's guide. Anon 20. 5 1 7 Helmholtz, H. Lectures on scientific sub- jects 20.517 Henfrey, Arthur. Scientific memoirs 20.518 Hollow globe. (Spiritualism.) Lyon 21.831 Hovelacque, Abel. Science of language. Philology. A. H. Keane, trans 20.519 Huxley, T. H. Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews 20. 520 Imagination in science, use and limit of the. Tyndail 20.433 Introduction to the arts and sciences. Joyce. 20. 521 Joyce, J. Introduction to the arts and sciences 20. 521 Kneeland, Samuel, Annual of scientific dis- covery, 1866 69 _. 20.522 Language, life and growth of. Whitney. . . .20.313 Language, science of. Philology. Hove- lacque 20.519 Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. Huxley. 20.520 Le Conte, Joseph. Religion and science .... 20.41 1 Lectures on scientific subjects. Helmholtz. .20.517 LIGHT COAL. 173 Light science for leisure hours. Proctor 20.418 Lyon, William T. The hollow globe .21.831 Mansfield, Charles B. Aerial navigation . ..20.412 McMurtrie, Henry. Dictionary of scientific terms 20.413 Medlock, Henry. Treasury of science 20.414 Miracle in stone, A. The great pyramid. Seiss. 20.424 Modern chromatics. Rood 20.422 Myth and science. Vignoli 20.434 Nature, views of. Von Humboldt 20 435 Nichols, James R. Science at home 20.415 Pleasant ways in science. Proctor 20.419 Popular science, half hour recreations in. Dana Estes, ed 20.514 Price. P. and Haley, C, S. Buyer's manual and business guide of the Pacific coast. . . .20.416 Proctor, Richard A. Familiar science studies.2o.4i7 Great pyramid, The 20.420 Light science tor leisure hours 20.418 Pleasant ways in science 20.419 Pyramid, The great. Proctor 20.420 Pyramid, The great. Seiss 20.424 Pyramid, The great. Smyth 20. 426 Reason why, The. Anon 20.421 Religion and science. Le Conte 20.41 1 Rood, Ogden N. Modern chromatics 20.422 Rush, James. Philosophy of the human voice. .20.423 Song and recitative 20.423 Science and industry, annual record of. S. F. Baird, ed 20.625 Science at home. Nichols 20.41 5 Science in short chapters. Williams 20.314 Scientific dictionary. McMurtrie 20,413 Scientific discovery, annual of. 1866-69. Kneeland 20. 522 Scientific discovery, annual of. 1870-71. Trowbridge 20.823 Scientific discovery, annual of. 1859-1865. Wells 20.524 Scientific memoirs. Radiant energy. Dra- per 20,513 Scientific memoirs. Arthur Henfrey and Thomas H. Huxley, eds 20.518 Scientific subjects, popular lectures on. Helmholtz. E. Atkinson, trans 20.517 Seiss, Joseph A., D. D. Miracle in stone. (Great pyramid.) 20.424 Seven wonders of the, world, The. Anon 20.425 Smyth, Piazzi. The great pyramid 20.426 Song and recitative, Rush 20.423 Staunton. American chess player's handbook. 20. 427 Things not generally known. Wells 20.311 Tissandier, Gaston. Wonders of water. .... 20.429 Treasures of the deep. Anon 20. 430 Treasury of science. Medlock 20.414 Tribune of popular science. Agassiz, et. als ..20,624 Triumphs, of invention and discovery. Fyfe. 20.516 Trowbridge, John, ed. Annual of scientific discovery, 1 870-7 1 20. 523 Tyndall, John. Advancement of science 20.431 Fragments of science 20.432 Use and limit of the imagination in science. .20.433 Views of nature. Von Humboldt 20.435 Vignoli, Tito. Myth and science 20.434 Voice, philosophy of the human. Rush 20.423 Von Humboldt, Alexander. Views of nature. .20.435 Warfare of science. White .20.312 Water, wonders of. Tissandier 20.429 Wells, David A., ed. Annual of scientific dis- covery, 1854-65 20. 524 Things not generally known 20.311 Whist, laws and principles of. Cavendish .20.512 White, Andrew D. Warfare of science 20.312 Whitney, William D. Life and growth of language 20.313 Williams, Malthieu W. Science in short chapters 20.314 Winslow. Force and nature 20.315 Wonders of water. Tissandier 20.429 World of wonders. Anon 20.316 ETC. Blake, William P. Production of precious metals 20.611 Blow-pipe analysis. Brush 20.613 Brown, Walter L. Manual of assaying 20.612 Brush, George J. Determinative mineralogy. 20.613 Clay, William, et alx. The useful metals . . . .20.620 mineralogy 20.737 Coal, statistics of. Taylor 20.621 Aitkin, W. C., et ah. The useful metals 20.620 Assaying, manual of. Brown 20.612 Assaying, notes on. Ricketts 20.619 Atkinson, J. J. Treatise on the gases met with in coal mines 20. 736 Bauerman, Hilary. Text-book of systematic 174 COAL ENTERTAINING. Coal mines. Atkinson 20.736 Fairbairn, William. Iron; its history, prop- erties, and processes of manufacture 20 614 Useful metals 20.620 Faraday, Michael. Lecture on platinum 18.121 Greenwood, William H. Manual of metal- lurgy 20.615 Iron ; its history, properties, and processes of manufacture. Fairbairn 20.614 Jones, William. Mines, minerals and metals-2O.6i6 King, C. W. Precious stones and precious metals 20.617 Metallic wealth of the United States. Whit- ney 20.622 Metallurgy. Treasures of the earth. Jones. 20.616 Metallurgy, manual of. Greenwood 20.615 Metallurgy, treatise on. Overman 20.618 Metals,chief industrial applications of. Wright. 20.623 Metals, production of the precious. Blake. . .20.611 Metals, the useful See useful metals Mineralogy, determinative. Brush 20.613 Mineralogy, systematic. Bauerman 20.737 Mines, minerals, and metals. Jones 20.616 Overman, Frederick. Treatise on meta])urgy.2O.6i8 Oxland, Robert, et als. The useful metals. .20.620 Pickett, William V. et ah. The useful metals.2O.62O Platinum, lecture on. Faraday 18.121 Precious stones and precious metals, natural history of. King - 20.617 Picketts, Pierre de P. Notes on assaying. .20.619 ScofTern, John. The useful metals 20.620 Taylor, R. G. Statistics of coal 20.621 Treasures of the earth. Jones 20.616 Truran, Win., et als. The useful metals 20.620 Useful metals, The. Alloys, mining ventila- tion, mining jurisprudence and metallur- gic chemistry. Aitken, Clay, Fairbairn, Oxland, Pickett, Scoffern, and Truran.. . .20.620 Whitney, J. D. Metallic wealth of the Uni- ted States 20.622 Wright, Charles R. A. Chief industrial application of metals 20.623 NATURAL, HISTORY AND ZOOIvOQY. Abbott, Charles C. Naturalist's rambles about home 20.317 Adams, H. G. Humming birds 20.318 Agassiz, L. Methods of studying natural history 20.319 Agassiz, L., and Gould, A. A. Principles of zoology 20.321 Agassiz, Elizabeth C. and Alexander. Sea- side studies of natural history. (Radiates. ). 20. 320 Allen, John. The blessed bees 20. 322 Animal biography. Narratives and anec- dotes of the habits, etc., of animals. Anon 20. 323 Animal intelligence. Romanes .20.116 Animal parasites and messmates. Beneden. .20. iiS Animals, intelligence of. Menault 20.231 Animated nature, history of the earth and. Goldsmith 20.216 Ansted, D. T. Natural history of inanimate creat ion 20. 324 Ants, bees and wasps. Lubbock 20.226 Ants, The honey, and the Occident. Anon. . .20.229 Atkinson, Rev. J. C. British birds' eggs and nests 20. 325 Baily, William L. Our own birds 20.326 Batty, Joseph H. Practical taxidermy, home Batty (continued) decoration, and general information for sportsmen 20.327 Bees, the blessed. Allen 20.322 Birds. Gosse 20.217 Birds and seasons of New England. Flagg. .20.215 Birds' eggs and nests. (British.) Atkinson. .20.325 Breen, Hugh, et als. Natural history of in- animate creation 20.324 Buckland, Francis T. Curiosities of natural history 20.328 Buffon, Georges L. L. Natural history 20.329 Common objects of the sea-shore. Wood .... 20 1 12 Comparative zoology, structural and system- atic. Orton 20.1 1 1 Cones, Elliott. Fur-bearing animals of North America 20.330 Crayfish, The. An introduction to the study of zoology. Huxley 20.220 Damon, William E. Ocean wonders 20.331 Dog, The. Youatt 20.128 Duncan, T. M. Transformation of insects, etc 20.332 Emerton, J. II. Structure and habits of spiders 20.333 Entertaining naturalist. (Mrs. Loudon's.) ENTERTAINING TAXIDERMY. 175 Entertaining (continued) Dallas 20. 225 Figuier, Louis. The insect world 20.334 The ocean world 20.21 Reptiles and birds 20.212 The world before the deluge 20 213 Findley, Rev. Samuel. Rambles among the insects 20.214 Fish culture, American. Norris 20.232 Flagg, Wilson. Birds and seasons of New England 20.215 Friends worth knowing. Ingersoll 20. 22oA Fur-bearing animals of North America. Cones 20.330 Gamekeeper at home, The. Jeffries 20.222 Goldsmith, Oliver. History of the earth and animated nature 20. 2 1 6 Gosse. Philip Henry. Birds 20.217 Romance of natural history 20.218 Gould, A. A. and Agassiz, L. principles of zoology 20 . 32 1 Harris, Thaddeus W. Treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation 20.219 Homes without hands. Habitations of ani- mals classed according to their principles of construction. Wood 20. 123 Hummingbirds. Adams 20.318 Hnxley, T. H. The crayfish, an introduction to the study of zoology 20. 220 Inanimate creation, natural history of. An- sted, Smith, Breen, Scoffern and Lowe.. 20. 324 Ingersoll, Ernest. Friends worth knowing. 20. 22oA Insect architecture, Rennie 20.115 Insect life. Population of an old pear tree. Bruyssel 20.119 Insect world. Figuier 20.334 Insects, how to catch and how to prepare them for the cabinet. Manton 20.227 Insects, life of North American. Jaeger. . . .20.221 Insects, rambles among. Findley 20.214 Insects, transformation of. Duncan, ed 20.332 Insects abroad . Wood 20. 124 Insects injurious to vegetation. Harris 20.219 Island life. Wallace 20.120 Jaeger, B, Life of North American insects. ,20.221 Jeffries, R. The gamekeeper at home 20.222 Keep, Josiah. Sea shells of California 20.223 Lawrence, W. Lectures on zoology, 20.224 Loudon, Mrs. Entertaining naturalist 20.225 Lowe, E. J. Natural history of inanimate creation 20. 324 Lubbock, Sir John. Ants, bees, and wasps. 20.226 Man and beast. Wood 20. 125 Manton, Walter P. Insects, how to catch and how to prepare them for the cabinet .20,227 Taxidermy without a teacher 20.228 McCook, Henry C. Ants, honey and Occi- dent 20.229 TentHits of an old farm 20.230 Menault, Ernest. Intelligence of animals 20.231 My feathered friends. Wood 20. 126 Natural history. Buffon 20.329 Natural history, curiosities of. Buckland .... 20. 328 Natural history, methodsof study in. Agassiz. 20. 319 Natural history, romance of. Gosse 20.218 Natural history and geology. Darwin 19-512 Natural history of animals. Sanborne and Tenney 20. 1 17 Natural history of inanimate creation. Breen et als 20. 324 Natural history of inanimate creation. Lowe et als 20. 324 Natural history of inanimate creation. Scof- fern, et als 20. 324 Natural history of inanimate creation. Smith.. 20. 324 Naturalist's rambles about home. Abbott.. .20.317 Norris, Thaddeus. American fish culture ..20.232 Ocean wonders. Damon. 20.331 Ocean world. The. Figuier 20.211 Ornithology. British birds' eggs and nests. Atkinson 20. 325 Ornithology, hummingbirds. Adams 20.318 Ornithology. Our own birds. Baily 20.326 Orton, James. Comparative zoology 20.111 Oswald, Felix L. Zoological sketches 20. 112 Our own birds. Baily 20. 326 Packard, A. S., Jr. Zoology 20.113 Practical taxidermy. Batty 20. 3 27 Reason why, The. Anon 20, 1 14 Rennie, James. Insect architecture 20.115 Reptiles and birds. Figuier 20.212 Romanes, George T. Animal intelligence.. .20.116 Scoffern, John. Natural history of inanimate creation 20.324 Sea shells of California, common. Keep 20.223 Seaside studies in natural history. Elizabeth C. and Alexander Agassiz 20.320 Smith, Edward. Natural history of inanimate creation 20. 324 Spiders, structure and habits of. Emerton. . .20.333 Taxidermy, practical. Batty 20.327 Taxidermy without a teacher. Manton 20.228 176 T UNA NTS PHYSICAL. Tenants of an old farm. McCook 20.230 Tenney, A. A. Natural history of animals. .20.117 Trespassers. Animals that trespass on do- mains not their own. Wood 20, 127 Tropical nature. Wallace 20. 121 Van Beneden, P. J. Animal parasites and messmates 20. 1 1 8 Van Bruyssel, E. Insect life t. 20. 119 Wallace, Alfred R. Island life 20. 120 Tropical nature 20. 1 2 1 Wood, Rev. J. G. Common objects of the seashore 20. 1 22 Homes without hands 20. 1 23 Wood (conduit' Insects abroad 20. 124 Man and beast 20. 125 My feathered friends ... 20. 126 Trespassers 20.127 World before the deluge. Figuier 20,213 Youatt, William. The dog 20.128 Zoological sketches. Oswald 20. 1 12 Zoology, lectures on. Lawrence 20.224 Zoology, principles of. Agassiz and Gould . .20.321 Zoology for students and general readers. Packard . . 20. 1 13 OPTICS. Abbott, Jacob. Light 20. 129 Abney, W. de Wiveleslie. Treatise on pho- tography 20. 1 30 Art of projecting. Dolbear 21.811 Brewster, Sir David. The Kaleidoscope. . .20. 131 Clark, L. Lane. Objects for the microscope. 20. 132 Dolbear, A. E. Art of projecting 21.811 Hogg, fabez. The Microscope 21.812 Kaleidoscope, The. Brewster 20.131 Le Conte, Joseph. Sight 21.813 Light, Abbott 20.129 Light, lectures on. Tyndall 21.822 Light. The nature of. Lommel 21.816 Lockyer, J. Norman. Spectrum analysis 21.815 Spectroscope, The 21.814 Lommel, Eugene. Nature of light 21.816 Marion, F. Wonders of optics. 21.817 Microscope, common objects of the. Wood. 21. 824 Microscope, objects for the. Clark 20. 132 Microscope, The. Hogg 21.812 Microscope teachings. Ward 21.823 Nolan, Thomas, B. S. The telescope 21.818 Optics. Light. Abbott 20. 129 Optics. Nature of light. Lommel 21.816 Optics, wonders of. Marion 21.817 Photography. Towler 21.821 Photography, treatise on. Abney 20. 130 Polarization of light. Spottiswoode 21 .820 Roscoe, Henry E., B. A. Spectrum analysis. 3 1.832 Schellen, H. Spectrum analysis . .21.819 Sight. Le Conte.... 21.813 Spectroscope, The. Lockyer 21.814 Spectrum analysis. Roscoe 21.832 Spectrum analysis. Schellen 21.819 Spectrum analysis, studies in. Lockyer. .. .21.815 Spottiswoode, William, M. A. Polarization of light 21.820 Telescope, The. Nolan 21.818 Towler, J., M. D. Photography 21.821 Tyndall, John. Lectures on light 21 822 Ward, Mrs. Microscope teachings 21 .823 Wood, Rev. J. G. Common objects of the microscope 21.824 PHYSICS. Blaserna, Pietro. Theory of sound in its re- lation to music 2 1 . 825 Conservation of energy. Stewart 20.428 Correlation and conservation of forces. Grove, et als. Youmans, ed 21 .828 Faraday, Michael, D. C. L. Physical forces. 2 1.826 Frick, J. Physical technics 21 827 Grove, et als. Correlation and conserva- tion of forces. Youmans, ed 21.828 Hotze, C. L. First lessons ia physics 21.829 Huxley, T. II. Physiography, an introduc- tion to the study of nature . .< 21.830 Physical forces. Faraday 21.826 Physical technics. Frick 21.827 PHYSICS ADAMS. 177 Physics. (Science primer.) Stewart 21.834 Physics, first lessons in. Hotze 21.829 Physics, principles of. Silliman 21.833 Physiography. Huxley 21.830 Science of music, The. Taylor 21.835 Silliman, Benjamin Jr., M. A. Principles of physics 21.833 Sound. Eight lectures. Tyndall 21.836 Sound, theory of, in its relation to music. Blaserna 21.825 Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy. . 20.428 Physics 21 .834 Taylor, Sedley, M. A. Science of music. . . .21.835 Theory of sound in its relation to music. Blas- erna 21.825 Trancendental physics. Zollner 2 1 . i igA. Tyndall, John, LL. D. Sound. (Eight lec- tures.) 21.836 Zollner, Johann Carl. Trancendental phys- ics 2I.H9A PSYCHOLOGY. Allen, Grant. The color sense 21.215 . Bair, Alexander. Mental science 21.216 Mind and body 21.217 Bascom, John. Comparative psychology. ... 21.218 Body and will. Maudsley 21.226 Brittan, S. B., M. D. Man and his relations.. 21. 219 Color sense, The. Allen 21.215 Comparative psychology. Bascom 21.218 Emotions, The. McCosh 21.228 Galton, Francis, F. R. S. Inquiries into hu- man faculty and its development 21.220 Human faculty and its development, inquiries into. Galton 21.220 Illusions, Sully 21.117 Intelligence. Taine 21.118 Janes, Rev. E., A. M. Human psychology. .21.221 Laycock, Thomas. Mind and brain 21.222 Lewes, G. Henry. Problems of life and mind . Psychology 21. 223 Study of psychology 21.224 Lindsay, W. Lander, M. D. Mind in the lower animals in health and disease 21.225 Mandsley, Henry, M. D. Body and will 21.226 Physiology and pathology of the mind . . . .21.227 McCosh, James. The emotions 21.228 Mind and brain. Laycock 21.222 Mind, physiology and pathology. Maudsley. .21. 227 Mind, elements of the philosophy of. Ricord.2i.ii3 Mind, elements of philosophy of the human. Stewart 21.116 Mind, The. Reid.. ..21.111 Mind and body. Bain 21.217 Mind in the lower animals in health and dis- ease. Lindsay 21.225 Paine, Martyn. Physiology of the soul and instinct 21. 229 Physiology of the soul and instinct. Paine. .21.229 Psychology. Man and his relations. Brit- tan 21.219 Psychology. Mental science. Bain 21.216 Psychology. Problems of life and mind. Lewes 21.223 Psychology, English. Ribot 21.112 Psychology, principles of. Spencer 21.115 Psychology, human. James 21.221 Psychology, study of. Lewes 21.224 Reid, Thomas, D. D. The mind 21.111 The will 21. i ii Ribot, Theodore English psychology 21.112 Ricord, Elizabeth. Elements of the philoso- phy of mind 21.113 Science of sensibility. Intelligence. Smith. 21. 114 Smith, John N. Science of sensibility 21.114 Soul and instinct. Paine 21.229 Spencer, Herbert. Principles of Psychology. 21. 115 Stewart, Dugald. Elements of philosophy of the human mind 21.116 Sully, James. Illusions 21.117 Taine, H., D. C. L. Intelligence 21.118 Taylor, Isaac. The world of mind 21.119 Will, The. Reid 21.111 POLITICAL AND LEGAL SCIENCE. A. B. C. of finance. Newcomb 21.415 Abolition of poverty. Jones 2 1 . 526 About, Edmond. Social economy 21.711 Accidents, railroad, notes on. Adams 21.713 Adams, Charles F. Chapters of Erie 21.712 Railroad accidents 21.713 178 ADULTERATION FREE. Adulteration of food and medicine. Squibb. .21.315 Alden, Joseph. Science of government 21.714 American facts. Putman 21.427 American juror, The. Wilson 21.211 American life. Anon 21.731 American manual of parliamentary law. Fish. 21. 629 American politics, history of. Johnson 21.525 Amos, Sheldon. Science of law 21.715 Anderson, Thomas M. Political conspiracies.2i.7i6 Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States. Royall 21.431 Archology, Blakeslee 21 726 Argyll, Duke of. Reign of law 21.717 Aristotle, politics and economics of. VVal- pole 21.718 Atkinson, Edward. What is a bank? 21 719 Bagehot, Walter. Physics and politics 21.720 Bank, what is a? Atkinson 21.719 Banking, national. Scudder 21.434 Banks and banking. Atkinson 21.719 Barnard, Charles. Co-operation as a business. 2 1.721 Barry, John Wolfe. Railway appliances . . . . 21 .722 Bastiat, Frederic. Essays on political econ- omy 21.723 Sophisms of protection 21.724 Sophisms of the protectionists 21.725 Blakeslee, D. V. Archology 21.726 Brace, Charles L. Free trade 21.727 Brougham, Henry, Lord. F. R. S. Political philosophy 21.728 Burlingame, Edward L M ed. Essays on in- ternational politics 21.729 Capital and labor, conflicts of. Howell 21.517 Carey, H. C. Principles of social science. . .21.730 Certain dangerous tendencies in American life. Anon 21.731 Chapters of Erie. Adams. . .*. 21.712 Chinese immigration. Seward 21.436 Church and state. Thompson 21.321 Civil policy of America. Draper 21.623 Civil service in Great Britain. Eaton 21.624 Civil service reform association. Anon 21.426 Clarke, F. W. Weights, measures and money . of all nations 21.733 Clark, Salter S. Text-book on commercial law 21.732 Cochin, Augustin. Result of slavery, The. . .21.612 Results of emancipation 21.61 1 Codman, John. Free ships .'. .21.613 Commercial law, text book on. Clarlc 21.732 Commercial products of the sea. Simmonds.2i.437 Common sense. Paine 21.417 Common sense in business. Freedley 21.630 Communism and socialism in their history and theory. Woolsey 21.212 Comparative politics. Freeman 21.631 Compiled statement of the lumber trade and manufacture for 1874. Anon 21.614 Constitutional text book. Anon 21 615 Cook, Joseph. Labor 21.616 Marriage 21.617 Socialism 21.618 Co-operation as a business. Barnard 21.721 Copyright, international. Putman 21.428 Cassa, Luigi. Guide to the study of politi- cal economy 21.619 Crime, half a century of juvenile delinquents. Pierce 21.420 Currency question. Hughes 21.518 Gushing, Luther S. Parliamentary practice. .21.620 Dangerous tendencies in American life. Anon ' 21.731 De Quincey, Thomas. Politics and political economy 21.621 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. A domestic problem 21.622 Domestic problem, A. Diaz 21.622 Draper, John W. Civil policy of America. . .21.623 Earle, Abraham. Revenue system and civil service 21.625 Eaton, Dorman B. Civil service in Great Britain 21.624 Ecce Femina. Attempt to solve the woman question. Anon 21.333 Eggleston, N. H. Villages and village life. .21.626 Emancipation, results of. Cochin 21.611 Enterprise beyond the seas. Fyfe 21.632 Essays, moral, political and aesthetic. Spen- cer 21.312 Every man his own lawyer. Wells 21.329 Fawcett, Henry., M. P. Free trade and poli- tics 21.627 Political economy 21.628 Finance, alphabet in. McAdam 21.531 Fish, George T. American manual of parlia- mentary law .21.629 Foreign relations. Walpole 21.326 Fortunes for workingmen. Peck 21.418 Free ships. Codman 21.613 Free trade. Hawley 21.513 Free trade, as promoting peace and good will among men. Brace 21.727 Free trade, what is it ? Walter , . , 21.327 FREE POLITICAL. 179 Free trade and English commerce. Mongre- din , .21.411 Free trade and protection. Fawcett 21.627 Freedley. Common sense in business 21.630 Freeman, E. A.. M. A. Comparative poli- tics 21.631 Fyfe, J. Hamilton. Enterprise beyond the seas 21.632 Merchant enterprise 21.633 George, Henry. Progress and poverty 21.634 Gillespie. Roads and railroads 21.511 Greene, William B. Socialistic, communis- tic, mutualistic. and financial fragments.. .21.512 Guide to business. Welsh 21.331 Hawley, Richard. Free trade 21.513 Helper, H. R. Nojoque, a question for a continent 21.514 Holmes, Arthur. Parties and their princi- ples 21.515 Honest money and labor. Schurz' 21.433 Home, J. B. Common sense 21.516 Howell, George. Conflicts of capital and labor.* .. 21.517 Hughes, Robert W. Popular treatise on the currency question 21.518 Hunt, Freeman. Worth and wealth 21.519 International politics. Burlingame, ed 21.729 Inter-oceanic canal and the Monroe doc- trine. Anon 21.412 Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about lawyers 21.520 Jevons, W. Stanley. Money and the mechan- ism of exchange. 21.521 Political economy 21. 522 Theory of political economy 21.523 State in relation to labor 21.524 Johnson, A., A. M. History of American politics 21.525 Jones, Jesse H. Abolition of poverty 21.526 Kellogg, Edmond. Labor and capital. .. .21. 526A Labor. Cook 21.616 Labor and capital. Kellogg 21. 526A Lamphere, G. N. United States Govern- ment 21.527 Law, elements of international. Wheaton. .21.332 Law, introduction to the study of. Woolsey..2i.2i3 Law, reign of. Argyll 21.717 Law, science of. Amos 21.715 Lawyers, book about. Jeaffreson 21.520 Liberty, equality, fraternity. Stephen 21.316 Lumber trade and manufacture for 1874. Anon 21.614 Maher, W. H. On the road to riches 21.528 Mallock, W. H. Property and progress 21.529 Malthus, T. R. Principle of population 21.530 Marriage. Cook 21.617 McAdam, Graham. An alphabet in finance.. 21.531 Protective system 21.532 Merchant enterprise. Fyfe 21.633 Mill, John Stuart. Considerations on repre- sentative government. 21.533 Principles of political economy .21.534 Money. Howe 21.516 Money and the mechanism of exchange. Jev- ons 21.521 Money in its relations to trade and industry. Walker 21.324 Mongredin, Augustus. Free trade and Eng- lish commerce 21.411 Monroe doctrine and Inter-oceanic canal. Anon 21.412 Moore, J. S. Friendly sermons- to the pro- tectionist manufacturers 21.413 Mulford, Elish%, LL. D. The nation 21.414 Nation, The. Mulford 21.414 Newcomb. A B C of finance 21.415 Nojoque. A question for a continent. Helper.2i.5i4 Nordhoff, Charles. Politics for young Ameri- cans 21.416 On the road to riches. Maher 21.528 Paine, Thomas. Common sense 21.417 Parliamentary law. Robert 21.429 Parliamentary practice. Gushing .21.620 Parties and their principles. Holmes 21.515 Peck, A. T. Fortunes for workingmen 21.418 Penny, Virginia. Think and act 21.419 Perry, A. L., LL. D. Elements of political economy 21.421 Peto, S. M. Resources and prospects of America 21.422 Philosophy, political. Brougham 21.728 Physics and politics. Bagchot 21.720 Pierce, B. Iv, D. D. Half a century of ju- venile delinquents 21.420 Political conspiracies, Anderson 21.716 Political economy. Jevons 21.523 Political economy. (Science primer. ) Jevons.2i.522 Political economy, elements of. Perry 21.421 Political economy, elements of. Thompson. .21.322 Political economy, essays on. Bastiat 21 .723 Political economy, guide to the study of. Cassa. 21.619 Political economy, manual of. Fawcett 2 1.628 180 POLITICAL WHITE. Political economy, manual of. Rogers 21.430 Political economy, principles of. Mill 21.534 Political institutions. Spencer 21.313 Political philosophy. Brougham 21.728 Political science. Woolsey 21.214 Politics and economics of" Aristotle. Wai- pole 21.718 Politics and political economy. De Quincy. .21,621 Politics for young Americans. Nordhoff. .. .21.416 Population, principle of. Malthus 21.530 Porter, Noah. Science of nature vs. science of man 21.423 Protection and free trade to-day 21.424 Progress and poverty. Geoige 21.634 Progress of nations. Seaman 21.435 Proffatt, J. LL. B. Women before the law.. 21. 425 Property and progress. Mallock 21.529 Protection, lectures on the history of. Sum- ner 21.319 Protection and free trade to-day. Porter 21.424 Protection and revenue in 1877. Sumner. ...21.320 Protectionist manufacturers, friendly sermons to. Moore 21.413 Protective system. The. Me Adam 21.532 Purposes of the civil service reform associa- tion. Anon 21.426 Putman, George H. American facts 21,427 International copyright 21.428 Railway accidents. Adams 21.713 Railway appliances. Barry .21.722 Reign of law, The. Argyll 21.717 Representative government. Mill 21.533 Resources and prospects of America. Peto..2i.422 Revenue system and civil service. Earle . . . .51.625 Road to riches, on the. Maher 21.528 Roads and railroads. Gillespie 21.511 Robert, Henry M. Parliamentary law 21.429 Rogers, James E. Manual of political econ- omy 21.430 Royall, Wm. L. Andrew Jackson and the bank of the U. 8 21.431 Schurz, Carl. Honest money and labor 21.433 Science of government. Alden 21.714 Science of nature vs. science of man. Porter.2i.423 Science of wealth. Walker 21.323 Scudder, M. L., Jr. National banking.- 21.434 Seaman, Ezra C. Progress of nations 2 1 . 435 Seward, G. F. Chinese immigration 21 .436 Simmonds, P. L. Commercial products of the sea 21,437 Slavery, results of. Cochin 21.612 Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations 21.311 Social economy, About 21.711 Social science. Barnard 21.721 Social science, principles of. Carey 21.730 Socialism. Cook 21.618 Socialistic, communistic, mutualistic and financial fragments. Greene 21.512 Sociology study of. Spencer 21.314 Sophisms of protection. Bastiat 21.724 Sophisms of the protectionists. Bastiat 21.725 Spencer, Herbert. Essays: moral, political, and aesthetic 21.312 Political institutions 21.313 Study of sociology 21.314 Squibb, Edward R. Proposed legislation on adulteration of food and medicine 21.315 State in relation to labor, The. Jevons 21.524 Stephen, James F. Liberty, equality and fraternity 21.316 Stickney, Albert. A true republic 21317 Stubbs, C. W., M. A. Village politics 21.318 Sumner, W. G. Lectures on the history of protection 21.319 Protection and revenue in 1877 21.320 Think and act. Penny 21.419 Thompson, Joseph P. Church and State 21.321 Thompson, Robert E. Elements of political economy 21.322 Trade of the world, The. Webster. 21.328 True republic, A. Stickney 21.317 United States government. Lamphere 21.527 Village politics. Stubbs 21.318 Villagers and village life. Eggleston 21.626 Wages question, The. Walker 21.325 Walker, Amasa. Science of wealth 21.323 Walker, F. A. Money in its relation to trade and industry 21. 324 Wages question, The 21.325 Walpole, Spencer. Foreign relations 21.326 Walter, Emile. What is free trade? 21.327 Wealth of nations. Smith 21.311 Webster, Robert G. Trade of the world 21.328 Weights, measures and money of all nations. Clark 21.733 Wells, David A. Every man his own lawyer.. 2 1.329 Why we trade and how we trade 2I -33<> Welsh, Lewis G. Guide to business 21.331 Wheaton, Henry, LL. D. Elements of in- ternational law 21. 332 White, Carlos. Attempt to solve the woman question 21.333 WHY OCCULT. 181 Why we trade and how we trade. Wells. . .21.330 Wilson, H. B. American juror, The 21.211 Woman before the law. Proffatt 2 1 .425 Woolsey, Theodere D. Communism and so- cialism. 21.212 Introduction to the study of international Woolsey (continued) -- law 21.213 Political science 21.214 Workers, A. B. C., The, About 21.711 Worth and wealth. Hunt 21.519 SCIBNTIRIC PHILOSOPHY. Aristotle, metaphysics of. McMahon, trans. .21. 121 Aristotle, nicomachean ethics of. Browne, trans 2 1 . 1 20 Aristotle, organon or logical treatise of. Owen, trans 21.122 Atheism in philosophy, and other essays. Hedge 22.818 Bain, Alexander. Logic, deductive and in- ductive 21. 123 Comte, Auguste. The positive philosophy. . .21.124 Conscience. Cook 21 . 126 Cook, Joseph. Conscience 2 1 . 1 26 Transcendentalism 21.125 Cosmic philosophy, outline of the. Fiske 22.812 Cosmos. Von Humboldt 22.720 Creed, foundations of a. Lewes 22.825 Critique of pure reason. Kant. Morris, trans.. 22,7 13 Davis, Noah K. Theory of thought 21. 127 Destiny of man. Fiske 22.81 1 Elements of natural philosophy. Gray 22. 8 1 5 Enigmas of life, Greg 22.816 Ethics. Aristotle. Brown, trans 21.120 Ethics. Science of rights. Fichte 21.128 Ethics, data of. Spencer 22.716 Ethics, science of. Stephen 22.717 Examination of J. S. Mills' philosophy. McCosh 22.711 Fichte, J. G. Science of rights 21.128 Fiske, John. Destiny of man 22.81 1 Outline of the cosmic philosophy 22.810 Freedom in science and teaching. Hteckel. .22.817 Frothingham, O. B. Transcendentalism in New England 25.813 Good morals and gentle manners. Gow 22.814 Gow, Alexander M., A. M. Good morals and gentle manners 22.814 Gray, Alonzo, A. M. Elements of natural philosophy 22.815 Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life 22.816 Hseckel, Ernst. Freedom in science and teaching 22.817 Hedge, F. H. Atheism in philosophy 22.818 Hegel, G. W. F. Philosophy of history 22.819 Herschel, J. F. W. Discourse on the study of natural philosophy 22.820 Inductive science, history of. Whewell 22.727 Intellectual philosophy, elements of. Way- land 22.722 Jevons, W. S. Logic. (Science primer). . . .22.822 Principles of science. 22.821 Lange, F. A. History of materialism 22. 823 Lardner, Dionysius. Natural philosophy and astronomy 22. 824 Lewes, G. H. Foundations of a creed 22.825 Problems of life and mind 22.825 Locke, John. Philosophical works of. 22.826 Logic. Reid 22.111 Logic. Easy lessons on reasoning. Whate- ley 22.724 Logic. Principles of science. Jevons 22.821 Logic. (Science primer. ) Jevons 22.822 Logic, deductive and inductive. Bain 21. 123 Logic, elements of. Whately 22.725 Logic, system of. Mill 22.712 Logical analysis, primer of. Royce 2 1 . 432 Materialism, history of. Lange 22.823 McCosh, James, LL. D. Examination of J. S. Mill's philosophy 22.71 1 Metaphysics of Aristotle, The. McMahon, trans 21.121 Mill, John S. System of logic 22.712 Morality, elements of. Whewell 22. 726 Morris, George A., trans. Kant's critique of pure reason 22.713 Natural philosophy. Wells 22.723 Natural philosophy, discourse on the study of. Herschel 22.820 Natural philosophy, preliminary discourse on. Herschel 22.820 Natural philosophy and astronomy. Lardner. 22.82 4 Natural philosophy for beginners. Todhunter.22.719 Occult philosophy. Sinnett 22. 7 1 5 182 ORGANON WHEWELL. Organon, or logical treatise of Aristotle. Owen,[O. F. trans 21.122 Owen, O. F., trans. Organon, or logical treatise of Aristotle 21.122 Pessimism. A history and a criticism. Sully. 22. 718 Philosophy, examination of J. S. Mills'. McCosh 22.711 Philosophy. First principles of a new system. Spencer 22 7 1 $A Philosophy of discovery. Whewell 22.728 Philosophy of history. Hegel 22.819 Philosophy, The positive. Comte 21.124 Problems of life and mind. Lewes 22.825 Reid, Thomas, D. D. Logic 21.11 1 Royce Josiah. Primer of logical analysis. . .21.432 Saigey, Emile. Unity of natural phenomena.. 22. 7 14 Schelling. Transcendental idealism. John Watson, trans 22.721 Science of rights, The. Fichte 21 .128 Sinnett, A. P. Occult philosophy 22.715 Spencer, Herbert. The data of ethics 22.716 First principles of a new system. Philoso- phy 22.7I5A Stephen, Leslie. Science of ethics 22.717 Sully, James, M. A. Pessimism 22.718 Thought, theory of. Davis 21. 127 Todhunter, I. Natural philosophy for begin- ners 22.719 Transcendental idealism. Schelling. John Watson, trans 22.721 Transcendentalism. Cook 21.125 Transcendentalism in New England. Froth- ingham 22,81 3 Unity of natural phenomena. Saigey 22.714 Von Humboldt, Alexander . Cosmos 22 . 720 Watson, John, LL. }D., trans. Transcen- dental idealism. Schelling 22 . 72 1 Wayland, Francis. Elements of intellectual philosophy 22. 722 Wells, David A. Natural philosophy 22.723 Whateley, Richard, D. D. Easy lessons on reasoning 22. 724 Elements of logic 22.725 Whewell, William. Elements of morality. ..22.726 History of the inductive sciences ... .22.727 Philosophy of discovery 22.728 TRAVELS. A La California. Sketches of life in the Golden State. Evans 56.218 A' Saddle in the wild west. Rideing 57-233 Ab-Sa-Ra-Ka. home of the Crows. Anon. 56.814 Abbott, John S. C. Adventures of the Chev- alier de la Salle. Explorations of prairies forests, lakes and rivers of the new world five hundred years ago 56.812 Home book of wonders 56.81 1 Abel, Clark. Narrative of a journey in the interior of China 56,813 Abode of snow. Tour from Thibet to the In- dian Caucasus. Wilson 58.423 Across America and Asia. Pumpelly 57.221 Across the Atlantic. Haeseler 56. 1 34 Across the continent. Bowles 56.616 A Addison, H. R. Paris Social. Sketch of every day life in the French metropolis 56.815 Afghanistan. Constable 56.414 Africa, heart of. Schweinfurth 57- I2 3 Africa, notes of travel in South Western. Anderson 56.818 Africa, travels and researches in Eastern. Krapf 57.621 Africa and the American flag. Foote 56.224 Aggasiz, Prof., and Mrs. Louis. Journey in Brazil 56.816 Alaska and its resources. Dall 56.31 1 Alaska and missions of the North Pacific coast. Jackson 57-725 Alaska, A trip to. Wardman 58. 523 Alaska, travels and adventures in. Whym- per 58.420 Albert N'Yanza. Great basin of tha Nile. Baker 56.825 Aloha. Hawaiian salutation. Chancy 56. 524 Alpenstock. Rideing 57-232 Amazon, explorations in the valley of. Gib- bon 56.230 Amazon, explorations in the valley of the. Herndon and Gibbon 57-831 America, Eastern and Western States of. Buckingham 56.514 America, impressions of. DaJe 56.427 America, Miranda's attempt to effect a revo- lution in South 57.421 America, Japan, and Russia. Burrows 56.518 America, travels to the equinoctial regions of. Humboldt 58.518 American antiquities. Priest 57-214 American caverns, celebrated. Mammoth, Wyandot, and Luray. Hovey 57-71 1 American in Ireland. Kneeland 57. 617 American travel, year of. Fremont 56.226 Among our sailors. Jewell 57-729 Among the Arabs. Naphegyi 57-431 Among the Azores. Weeks 58.417 Among the Mongols. Gilmour 56. 1 1 1 Anderson, Alexander D. Silver country of the great Southwest, Mexico and Mexi- can cessions to the United States ,56.817 Anderson, C. J. 'Notes of travel in South- western Africa 56.818 Anderson, John, M, D. Mandalay to Momien. 56.819 Andes and Amazon. Orton 57-3 2 2 Apache country, adventures in the. Tour through Arizona and Sonora. Browne. . .56.625 Appleton's Mexico. Guide book 56.820 Arabia, travels in. Taylor. 58.728 Arctic explorations. Kane 57-734 Arctic boat journey in the autumn of 1854. Hayes 57 .822 Arctic regions, The. Simmonds 57-129 Arctic seas, in the. Discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions, McClintock 57-53 Arctic voyages . Nordenskiold 57-3" Argentine Republic. Sarmiento. Mrs. Hor- ace Mann, trans 57. 1 18 Arizona as it is, or the coming republic. Hodge 57-833 Arizona, resources of. P. Hamilton, ed 56.138 Armenia. Curzon 56-424 Arnold, Horace P. Gleanings from the Pontresina and the upper Engandine 56.821 Around the world. Grant's tour. Packard . . 57.326 Around the world, sketches of travel. Prime 57.215 184 AROUND BODINKS. Around the world in the yacht "Sunbeam." Brassey 56.619 Arthur, William, A. M. Italy in transition. Public scenes and private opinions in the spring of 1860 56.822 Ashango land, journey to. Du Chaillu 56,326 Asia, travels in central. Vambery 58.635 Asia, travels in southeastern. Malcom 57-52O Asiatic researches. Transactions of the so- ciety instituted in Bengal $6-823 Astoria. Anecdote of an enterprise beyond the Bailey, J. M. (Danbury News man.) England from a back window, with views of Scot- land and Ireland 56.824 Baker, Sir Samuel W., M. A. The Albert N'Yanza. Great basin of the Nile 56.825 Eight years' wandering in Ceylon 56.826 Explorations of the Nile. Tributaries of Abyssinia 56.827 The rifle and hound in Ceylon 56.828 Baker, Valentine. Clouds in the east. Trav- els and adventures on the Perso-Turko- man frontier 56.829 Ballantine, Henry, A. M. Midnight marches through Persia 56 830 Bancroft, A. L. Yosemite. Tourist's guide .56.831 Barker, Lady. Station life in New Zealand. 56 832 Traveling about over new and old ground. . .56.833 Bartlett, John R. Personal narratives of ex- plorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihua- hua 56.711 Bartlett, S. C., D. D. Egypt to Palestine, through Sinai, the wilderness, and the south country 56. 7 1 2 Bartlett, W. H. Jerusalem revisited 56.713 Pictures from Sicily 56.714 Bates, Henry W. The naturalist on the river Amazon 56.715 Baxley, II. W., M. D. What I saw on the west coast of South and North America; and at the Hawaiian islands 56.716 Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in Patagonia. 56.717 Belcher, Sir Edward. Voyage round the world 56.718 Bellows, Henry W. The old world in its new face 56.719 Beltrami, J. C. A pilgrimage in Europe and America * 56.720 Rocky Mountains. Irving 57-724 At home and abroad. Sketch book of life, scenery and men. Taylor 58.721 At last. A Christmas in the West Indies. Kings- ley 57-6i6 Atlantic, The. The voyage of the "Chal- lenger. 1 ' Thompson 58.619 Atlantic islands, The. As resorts of health and pleasure. Beujamin 56. 721 Atlantic navigator, The. 1855. Imary 57-719 Australia, adventures in. Jones 57-733 Benares, The sacred city of the Hindus. Sherring 57-127 Benjamin, S. G. W. The Atlantic islands; as resorts of health and pleasure 56.721 Multitudinous seas 56.722 Turk and the Greek. Creeds, races, society, and scenery in Turkey, Greece, and the Isles of Greece 56. 723 Between the gates. Taylor 58,61 1 Beyond the Rocky Mountains. Parker 57-329 Bickmore, Albert S., M. A. Travels in the East Indian Archipelago 56.724 Bingham, H., A. M. A residence of twenty- one years in the Sandwich islands. Civil, religious, and political history 56.725 Bird, Isabella L. The golden Chersonese. . . .56.726 Lady's life in the Rocky Mountains 56.727 Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich islands 57-728 Unbeaten tracks in Japan. Travels on horseback in the interior 56.720 Bishop, Nathaniel H. Four months in a sneak boat down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and along the gulf of Mexico 56.611 Thousand miles' walk across South America. 56.612 Voyage of the paper canoe. From Quebec to the gulf of Mexico. 1874-5 56.613 Bishop, William H. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. (Mexico, Southern California, and Arizona.) 56-614 Bits of travel. H. H 57.832 Blackburn, Henry. Breton folk. An artistic town in Brittany 56.615 Blunt, Lady Annie. Bedouin. Tribes of the Euphrates 56.616 Bodines, or camping on the Lycoming. ( i rail 56.121 BOWLES CHEVALIER. 185 Bowles, Samuel. Across the continent 56.616 Our new west. Travel between the Missis- sippi river and the Pacific Ocean 56.617 Boys of the other countries. Stories for Amer- ican boys. Taylor 58.722 Brace, Charles L. The new west, or Califor- nia in 1867-68 56.618 Brassey, Mrs. Around the world in the yacht "Sunbeam." 56.619 Sunshine and storm in the East. Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople 56.620 Brazil, journey in. Agassiz 56.816 Brazil. The Amazon and the coast. Smith.. . .58.811 Brerner, Frederika. Homes of the new world. Impressions of America 56.621 Life in the old world; two years in Switzer- land and Italy 56.622 Breton folk. An artistic tour in Brittany. Blackburn 56.615 Brewster, Anne H. M. St. Martin's sum- mer 56.623 Bride of the Rhine, The. Two hundred miles in a Mosel row-boat. Waring 5^524 Brittan, Marriet G. A woman's talks about India 56.624 Browne, J. Ross. Adventures in the Apache country; a tour through Arizona and So- nora 56.625 American family in Germany 56.626 Crusoe's island 56.626 Journey of the Frangi Yusef 56.628 Land of Thor 56.627 Resources of the Pacific slope 56.629 Bryant, William C, Letters from Spain. 1857-8 56.5" Letters from the east 56.51 1 Buchanan, Robert. The land of Lome ; a poet's adventures in the Scottish Heb- rides 56.513 Buckingham. J. S. The eastern and western states of America ..56.514 Buffum, Edward G. Sights and sensations in France, Germany and Switzerland 56.515 Burbidge, F. W. The gardens of the sun; Borneo and the Sulu archipelago 56.516 Burnaby, Frederick. Ride to Khiva 56.517 Burrows, Silas E. America, Japan and Rus- sia 56. 518 Butler, Rev. C. M. Inner Rome. Political, religious and social 56. 5 19 Butler, W. F. The wild north land; a win- ter journey with dogs across northern North America 56. 520 By sea and by land. A trip through Egypt, India. Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand and North America. Merewether 57-4' 6 By-ways of Europe. Taylor 58.723 C. C. J. D. The old world seen with young eyes 5 6 -5 2 5 Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus and Baalbec, ex- cursions to. Jones 57.732 California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Colorado, the round trip by way of Panama. Codman 56. 530 California for health, pleasure and residence. Nordhoff 57-3 J 3 Calvert, James. Fiji and the Fijians. 56.521 Camp and cabin. Sketches of life and travel in the west. Raymond 57.224 Camp and field, pictures of life in. Taylor. .58.612 Camp life and cotton field. Knox 57-6i9 Camping in Colorado. Gordon 56. 1 18 Canada, life in. Mooclie 57-425 Canoe and the saddle. Adventures among the Northwestern rivers and forests. Win- throp 58.425 Canoeing in Kanuckia. Habberton 57-3i6 Canton Chinese, The. Tiffany 58.625 Carribbees, camp in the. Ober 57.3 17 Carpenter, William W. Travels and adven- tures in Mexico 56.222 Carr, John. Stranger in Ireland 56.523 Central African lakes. Thompson 58.621 Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, inci- dents of travel in. Stephens 58- 7 ' * Central America, travels in. Morelet 57-4 2 3 Central and Eastern Arabia, journey through. Palgrave 57-327 Ceylon, eight years wandering in. Baker .... 56. 826 Ceylon, the rifle and hound in. Baker 56.828 Ceylon, a visit to. Haeckel 56. 1 33 Chaney, George L. Alhoa. Hawaiian salu- tation 5 6 -5 2 4 Chevalier de la Salle, adventures of the. Ex- plorations of prairies, forests, lakes and rivers of the new world two hundred years ago. Abbott '. 56 . 81 2 186 CHILE DONIPHAN S. Chile and La Plata, travels in. Micrs 57-42O China, foreigner in. Wheeler 58.418 China, miscellaneous notes relating to. Staun- ton 58.822 China, narrative of a journey in the interior of. Abel 56813 China, our life in. Nevins 57-434 China anil Japan. The Earl of Elgin's mission to. Oliphant 57-3i8 China and the Chinese. Nevins 57-435 China seas and Jnpan. Perry's expedition. Hawks 57.821 Chinese, social life of the. Doolittle 56.324 Chinese empire, journey through the. Hue. .57.716 Cincinnatus. Travels on the western slope of the Mexican Cordillera 56. 526 Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. Hare. .57.811 Cleveland, Richard J. Voyages and commer- cial enterprise 56. 526A Clouds in the East. Travels and adventures on the Perso-Turkoman frontier. Baker. 56. 829 Coan, Rev. Titus. Adventures in Pata- gonia 56-527 Life in Hawaii 56. 528 Cobbett, William. Letters on the war of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain 56. 529 Codman, John. California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado. Round trip by way of Panama 56. 530 Coffin, Charles C. Our new way round the world 56.531 Seat of empire 56.41 1 Collingwood, Cuthbert, M, A. Ramblers of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China sea 56.412 D'Albertis, L. M. Exploration of New Guinea 56. 426 Dale, R. W. Impressions of America 56.427 Dall, William H. Alaska and its resources. .56.311 Dana, Richard H., Jr. To Cuba and back; a vacation voyage 56.312 Two years before the mast 56.313 Davis, William M. Nimrod of the sea ; American whaleman 56.314 Days near Rome Hare 57-8i2 De Amicis, Kdmundo. Constantinople 56.315 Holland and its people 56.316 .Morocco; its people and places 56.317 Conklin. E. Picturesque Arizona 56.413 Constable, A. Afghanistan 56.414 Constantinople. De Amicis 56-315 Constantinople. Gautier 56.228A Consul abroad, adventures of a. Sampleton...57. 117 Cook, Captain James. Cook's voyage 56.415 Cook's voyage. Cook and King 56 .415 Coomassie and Magdala. History of the British campaigns in Africa. Stanley. . . .58 818 Cooper, J. Fennimore. England ; Irish sketches of society in the metropolis 56.416 Corea, voyages to. Oppert 57-321 Corea. Hermit nation. Griffis 56127 Country of the dwarfs. Du Chaillu 56.325 Cox, Samuel S. Search for winter sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, Algiers and Spain 56.417 Cozzens, Samuel W. Marvelous country, The. Ancient C ibola 56418 Cremony, John C. Life among the Apaches.. 56.419 Crowned in palm land. Story of African mission life. Nassau 57 433 Cruise of the "Challenger." Spry 58.813 Cruise of the "Dolphin." Lee ....57.626 Crusoe's island. Browne T. . 56.626A Cuba and back, Vacation voyage. Dana. . .56.312 Curaming, Lieut. -Col. Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts; scenes in camp and jun- gle 56.420 Cunynghame, Sir Arthur T. My command in South Africa 56.421 Curtis, George W. The Howadji in Syria. . .56.422 Nile notes of a Howadji 56.423 Curzon, Hon. Robert. Armenia 56.424 Custer, Gen. G. A. My life on the plains. .56.425 De Amicis (continued) Spain and the Spaniards 56.318 De Hubner, Baron. Ramble round the world. 56.319 De Lagny, Germain. The knout and the Russians 56.320 Denison, Charles, A. M. Rocky mountain health resorts 56. 32 1 Desert of the exodus. Palmer 57. 32^ Dilke, Charles W. Greater Britain 57-332 Discoveries at Ninevah. Layard 57.625 Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769 to the south of New Guinea 56.323 Doniphan's expedition. Conquest of Mex- DONIPIIAN'S FRANCE. 187 Doniphan's (continued) ico. Hughes 57-717 Doolittle, Rev. Justus. Social life of the Chinese 56. 324 Drifting round the world. A Boy's adven- tures by sea and land. Hall 56. 136 Du Chaillu, Paul. Country of the dwarfs 56.325 Journey to Ashango land 56. 32 1 Land of the midnight sun. Sweden, Nor- way, Lapland and northern Finland 56.327 Du Chaillu (contimied) Lost in the jungle 56.328 Wild life under the equator 56.329 Dufferin, Lord. Letters from high latitudes. A yacht voyage in 1856 to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen 56.21 1 Dwight, Henry. O. Turkish life in war time. 56.212 Dye, William Me E. Moslem Egypt and Christian Abyssinia 56. 2 1 3 East Indian archipelago, travels in the. Bick- more 56. 724 East of the Jordan. Moab, Gilead. Bashan. Merrill 57417 Eastern life, present and past. Martineau. . .57.526 Egypt, Arabia and the Holy Land. Stephens. 58.823 Egypt, Syria and the Holy Land. Randall.. 57. 222 Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874. Taylor.58-725 Egypt and Nubia, boat life in. Prime ,57.217 Egypt as it is. McCoan 57. 532 Egypt to Palestine, through Sinai, the wilder- ness and the south country. Bartlett .... 56.7 12 Eldorado. Adventures in the path of empire. Taylor 58 . 724 Elliot, Charles W. Remarkable characters and places of the Holy Land 56.214 Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's bay in 1746-47. Seeking a northwest passage. .56.215 Ellis, John B. Sights and secrets of the na- tional capital. (Descriptive of Washing- ton City.) 56.216 Embassy to the Court of Timour, at Samar- cand. Narrative of Ruy Gonzales De- clavijo, 1403-6. Markham 57. 523 England; with sketches of society in the me- tropolis. Cooper 56.416 England from a back window, with views of Scotland and Ireland. Bailey 56.824 English governess at the Siamese Court. Leonowens 57.628 Eothen, or traces of travel. Kinglake 57-6i5 Euphrates, Bedouin tribes of the. Blunt .... 56.616 Europe, a woman's experience in. Wallace. .58.521 Europe, by-ways of. Taylor S&-723 Europe, short trip guide to. 1868. Morford.57.425 Europe and America, pilgrimage in. Lead- ing to the discovery of the Mississippi river. Beltrami 56.720 Europe and the East, travels in. Prime 57.216 European breezes. Pitman .... 57.212 European Turkey. Anon 56.217 Evans, Col. Albert S. A la California. Sketches of life in the Golden State. . . .56.218 Our sister republic 56.219 Expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead Sea. Lynch 57-515 Expedition to the source of the Mississippi. P'ke 57-334 Exploration of the world, The. Great navi- gators of the eighteenth century. Verne. 58. 513 Exploration of the world The. Famous travels and travellers. Verne 58.512 Field, Henry M. On the desert 56. 220 Field, Kate. Ten days in Spain 56. 22 1 Fifty years of my life. Thomas 58.618 Fiji and the Fijians. Williams and Calvert. .56.521 Finn, Mrs. E. A. A home in the Holy Land-56.222 Fireside travels. Lowell 57-5 I 3 Five years within the golden gate. Saxon. .57.119 Florence. Hare 57,813 Florida, its scenery climate and history. Lanier 57 . 623 Fogg, William P., A. M. Land of the Ara- bian nights. Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Bag- dad 56.223 Foote, Commander Andrew H. Africa and the American flag 56.224 Four months in a sneak boat. Bishop. ..,.., 56.61 1 Four years among the Spanish Americans. Hassaurek 57-8'9 Fourteen months in Canton. Gray 56. 122 France, Germany, and Switzerland. Sights 188 FRANCE HARE. France (continued) and sensations. Buffum 56. 51 5 Freese, Jacob R., M. D. Palestine, Syria, and Asia-Minor 56- 22 5 Fremont, Jessie B. A year of American travel 56.226 Fremont, Capt. J. C. Exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains. 1842 56.227 Fremont's exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains. 1842. Fremont 56.227 French at home, The. Rhodes 57-230 French home life. Anon 56.228 Fresh gleanings. Travels in Continental Eu- rope. Marvel 57. 527 From Chester to London. Pennant 57-33 From the Hub to the Hudson, Gladden 56. 1 15 Gaddings with a primitive people. Tyrolese life and customs. Grohman 56. 1 29 Gardens of the sun. Burbidge 56.516 Gautier, The'ophile. Constantinople 56.228 Winter in Russia 56. 229 Germany and France, the school and the army in. Hazen 57.828 Germany seen without spectacles. Ruggles ..57.115 Germany, an American family in. Browne. .56.626 Giant cities of Bashan and Syria's holy places. Porter 57-213 Gibbon, Lardner. Explorations in the valley of the Amazon 56.230 Gilder, William A. Ice-pack and Tundra. Search for the " Jeannette" 56.231 Schwatka's search in quest of the Franklin records 56.232 Gilmour, Rev. James, M. A. Among the Mongols 56.111 Gillmore, Parker. The great tbirst-land. A ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari desert 56. 1 12 Prairie and forest. The game of North America 56. 1 1 3 Gisborne, Lionel. Isthmus of Darien in 1852 56. 1 14 Gladden, Washington. From the Hub to the Hudson 56. 1 1 5 Going to Jericho. Sketches of travel in Spain and the East. Swift 58.719 Golden Chersonese, The. Bird 56.726 Goodrich, Frank B. Man upon the sen. His- tory of maritime adventure 56. 1 16 Goodrich, Frank R. Ocean's story 56. 1 17 Gordon, S. Anna. Camping in Colorado. . ..56. 118 Gosse, Philip H., F. R. S. Land and sea. . .56.119 Graff, John F. Graybeard's Colorado 56. 121 Graff, Thad. S. W, Bodines, or camping on the Lycominc; 56. 121 Gray, Albert Z. Mexico as it is 56. 1 23 Gray, Mrs. Fourteen months in Canton 56. 122 Graybeard's Colorado. Graff 56. 1 20 Great African travelers 56. 124 Great fur land, The. Sketches of Hudson Bay territory. Robinson 57.1 1 1 Great Salt Lake, expedition to the valley of the. Stansbury 58.821 Great thirst-land, The. Gillmore 56.112 Great west and Pacific coast. Rusing 57. 1 16 Great Britain. Record of travel in English- speaking countries during 1865-1867. Dilke 56.322 Greece and Russia, travels in. Bayard Tay- lor 58. 726 Greenwood, Grace. New life in new lands. . .56.126 Gregorovius, Ferdinand. The island of Cap- ri. Lilian Clark, trans 56. 125 Griffis, William A. Corea, the hermit nation. 56. 127 The Mikado's empire 56. 128 Grohman, W. A. B. Gaddings with a primi- tive people. Tyrolese life and customs. .56.129 Guild, Curtis. Over the ocean 56. 1 30 H. H. Bits of travel 57-832 Hamilton, Leonidas le C. Mexican hand- Haeckel, Ernst. India and Ceylon 56.132 Visit to Ceylon 56.133 Haeseler, Charles H. Across the Atlantic. . 56. 134 Hale, Edward E. Seven Spanish cities and the way to see them 56. 135 Hall, G. W. Drifting round the world. Boy's adventures by sea and land 56. 136 book 56. 137 Hamilton, Patrick, ed. Resources of Arizona. 56. 138 Hare, Augustus J. C. Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily 57-8i I Days near Rome 57-812 Florence 57-8i3 Venice 57-8i4 HARE IRBY. 189 Hare (continued) Walks in London 57-8i5 Walks in Rome 57.816 Wanderings in Spain 57.817 Harem life in Egypt and Constantinople. Lott 57 . 512 Harrison, James A. Spain in profile.. 57-8i8 Hassaurek, F. Four years among the Span- ish Americans 57-8ig Haven, Gilbert. Our next door neighbor. A winter in Mexico 57.820 Haversham, A. W. My last cruise 56. 131 Hawii. Historical account of the Sandwich Islands. Hopkins 57-835 Hawii, life in. Coan 56.528 Hawks, Francis L., D. D. China seas and Japan. Perry's expedition 57- 821 Hayes, A. A. Jr. New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail 57, 824 Hayes, Isaac J., M. D. Arctic boat journey. in the autumn of 1854 57.822 Land of desolation, Observation and adven- ture in Greenland 57.823 Open polar sea .57.825 Pictures of Arctic travel 57.826 Hazard, Samuel. Santo Domingo 57 .827 Hazen, W. B. School and army in Germany and France 57.828 Headly, J. T. Mountain adventures 57, 830 Headley, Rev. P. 0. Island of fire. A thousand years of the old Northmen's home.. 874-1874 57.829 Helps, Arthur, ed. Our life in the highlands. 57. 830 Herndon, William L. Explorations of the valley of the Amazon 57-831 High latitudes, letters from. Yacht voyage in 1856 to Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitzber- gen. Dufferin 56.211 Hodge, Hiram C. Arizona as it is, or the coming republic 57.833 Holland and its people. De Amicis 56.316 Holman, James. Travels through Russia, Siberia, Poland, Austria, Saxony, Prussia and other countries 57.834 Holy Land, home in the. Finn 56.222 Holy Land, remarkable characters and places of the. Elliott 56.214 Holy Land, tent life in the. Prime 57.218 Home book of wonders. Abbott. , 56.81 1 Homes of the new world, The. Impressions of America. Bremer 56.621 Hopkins, Manley. Hawaii. Historical ac- count of the Sandwich Islands 57-835 Hours of exercise in the Alps. Tynclall 58.632 Hovey, Horace C. Celebrated American cav- erns. Mammoth, Wyandot and Luray. ..57.711 How I crossed Africa. Pinto 57, 2 1 1 How I fonnd Livingstone. Stanley. 58.819 Howard, O. O. Nez Perce Joseph. His an- cestors, lands, confederates, enemies, mur- ders, wars, pursuit and capture 57-712 Howadji in Syria. Curtis 56.422 Howe, Fisher. Oriental and sacred scenes. Travel in Greece, Turkey and Palestine. .57.713 Howells, W. D. Italian journeys 57-714 Venetian life , . . , 57-715 Hue, M. Journey through the Chinese em- P're 57.716 Hudson's bay. Voyages to in 1746-47 seek- ing a northwest passage. Ellis 56.215 Hughes, John T.. A. B. Doniphan's expe- dition. Conquest of Mexico 57-712 Hunting adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. Meunier 57-4l8 Hutchinson, Alexander H. Try Cracow and the Carpathians 57-7i8 Ice-pack and Tundra. Search for the "Jean- nette." Gilder 56.231 Imary, James. The Atlantic navigator, 1855.57.719 In the Levant. Warner 58 41 1 In the tropics. Kimball 57-6i2 In the wilderness. Warner 58 529 India, China and Japan, visit to. Taylor. .. .58.731 India, political and military. Princep 57-219 India, six years in. Life in the mission, the camp, and the zenama. McKenzie 57-5 r 9 India, what can it teach us? Muller. , , 57-429 India, woman's talks about. Brittan 56.624 India and Ceylon. Hteckel 56.132 Indian pass, the. Street 58.717 Ingersoll, Ernest. Knocking round the Rockies.57.72o Inglis, H. D. Personal narrative of a journey through Norway, Sweden and Denmark. .57. 721 Inglis, James. Our Australian cousin 57-722 Inner Rome, political, religious and social. Butler 56.519 Irby, A. P. Travels in Slavonic provinces of Turkey in Europe 57. 723 190 IK I:LAND LBTTICRS Ireland, stranger in. Carr 56. 523 Iroquois, notes on the aboriginal history, an- tiquities and ethnology. Schoolcraft .... 57. 121 Irving, Washington. Astoria. Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Moun- tains 57-724 Island of Capri. Gregorovius. Lilian Clark, Iran* 56. 125 Jackson, Sheldon, D. D. Alaska, and mis- sions of the north Pacific coast 57-7 2 5 Japan. Reed 57.226 Japan in our day. Taylor 58.727 Japan, Kamschatka, Siberia, Tartary. Per- sonal narrative of a voyage to. Tronson.58.63O Japan, unbeaten tracks in. Travels on horse- back in the interior. Bird 5^-7 2 9 Jarvis, James J. Parisian sights and French principles 57-726 Jeffries, Richard. Round about a great es- Kane, Elisha K. Arctic explorations 57. 734 Keel and saddle. Revere 57-229 Kendall, George W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedition 57-735 Kennan, George. Tent life in Siberia . 57.61 1 Kimball, Richard B. In the tropics. Santo Domingo 57-6i2 King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada 57-613 King, Capt. James. Cook's voyage 56.415 King, P. P. Voyages of the " Adventure " and "Beagle." 57-6i4 Island of fire. Thousand years of the old northmen's home. Head ley 57-829 Isthmus of Darien in 1852. Gisborne 56.114 Italian journeyings. Howells 57.714 Italy. Notes on travel and study. Norton. .57.315 Italy in transition. Public scenes and private opinions in the spring of 186 . Arthur.. 56.822 Jeffries tate 57.727 Jerusalem re-visited. Bartlett 56.713 Jessup, Rev. Henry H. Syrian home life. . . 57.728 Jewell, J. G., M. D. Among our sailors 57.729 Johnson, J. E., etals. Reconnoissances of routes from San Antonio to El Paso 57-73O Johnstone, II. A. A trip up the Volga 57-731 Jones, George. Excursions to Cairo, Jerusa- lem, Damascus and Baalbec 57-732 Jones, Rev. H. B. Adventures in Australia. .57.733 Kinglake, Alexander W. Eothen or traces of travel 57-6l5 Kingsley, Charles. At last. A Christmas in the West Indies 57.616 Kneeland, Samuel. An American in Iceland ..57. 617 Knights of the frozen sea. Anon 57.618 Knocking round the Rockies. Ingersoll 57. 720 Knout and the Russians, The. De Lagny. . .57.320 Knox, Thomas W. Camp fire and cotton field. 57.619 Journeyings in Russia 57.620 Krapf, Lewis J. Travels and researches in eastern Africa 57.621 Laing, Samuel. Tour in Sweden in 1838 57.622 Land and sea. Gosse 56.119 Land of desolation. Observations and adven- tures in Greenland. Hayes 57.823 Land of Gilead, with excursions in Lebanon. Oliphant 57-319 Land of the Arabian nights. Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Bagdad. Fogg 56.223 Land of the midnight sun, The. Sweden, Norway, Lapland and Northern Finland. Du Chaillu 56. 327 Land of the white elephant. Sights and scenes in Southeastern Asia. Vincent.. 58.515 Land of Thor. Browne 56.627 Lanier. Sidney. Florida, its scenery, climate and history 57-623 Lansdell, Henry. Through Siberia 57.624 Layard, Henry A. Popular accounts of dis- coveries at Ninevah 57.625 Lee, S. P. Cruise of the United States brig "I tolphin" 57.626 Leighton, Caroline C. Life at Puget Sound, with sketches of travel 57-627 Leonowens, Anna H. English governess at the Siamese court 57,628 Letters from the East. Bryant 56.511 LETTERS MEXICO. 191 Letters on the war of 1812 between the Uni- ted States and Great Britain. Cobbett. ..56.529 Life among the Apaches. Cremony 56419 Life and nature under the tropics. Meyers. ..57.419 Life and travels of Mungo Park. Anon 57.629 Life at Puget Sound, with sketches of travel. Leighton 57.627 Life in the old world, or two years in Switzer- land and Italy. Anon 56.622 Life on the Nile. Warren 54-4I4A Livingstone, David. Journeys and researches iu South Africa 57-630 Last journal of. Horace Waller, cd 58.522 Macgregor, J., M. A. Rob Roy on the Jor- dan. Canoe cruise in Palestine, etc 57-512 Thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe on rivers and lakes of Europe 57-5 J 6 Mackenzie, Alex. Voyages from Montreal on the river St. Lawrence 57. 5 18 Mackenzie, G. M. Travels in Slavonic provinces of Turkey in Europe 57-123 Mackenzie, Mrs. Colin. Six years in India. 57. 519 Madagascar, a visit to. Pfeiffer 57-33 1 Malacca, straits of. Indo-China and China. Thompson 58. 622 Malay archipelago, The. Wallace 58.519 Malcom, Howard. Travels in southeastern Asia 57 .520 Man upon the sea. Goodrich 56.1 16 Mandalay to Momien. Expeditions to "China in 1868-75. Anderson 56.819 Many lands and many people 57-521 Marco Polo, travels of, Wiight 58.426 Marcy, Randolph S. Exploration of the Red river of Louisiana 57.522 Markham, Clements R. Embassy to the court of Timour at Samarcand. A narrative of Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo 57-5 2 3 Marryat, Frank. Mountains and molehills. .57.524 Martin, John, M. D. An account of the na- tives of the Tonga Islands 57- 5 2 5 Martineau, Haniet. Eastern life, present and past 57. 526 Marvel, Ik. Fresh gleanings. Travels in continental Europe 57-5-7 Marvelous country. The ancient Cibola. Cozzens 56.418 Mavor, William, LL. I). Historical account of the most celebrated voyages and travels . 57 -5 2 S Locke, David R. (Petroleum V. Nasby.) Nasby in exile, or six months' travel in England, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium 57-5 11 Lome, land of. Poet's adventures in the Scottish Hebrides. Buchanan 56.513 Lost in the jungle. Du Chaillu 56.328 Lott, Emeline. Harem life in Egypt and Constantinople 57- 5 12 Lowell, James R. Fireside travels 57-513 Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America. . .57.514 Lynch, W. F. Expedition to the river Jor- dan and the Red Sea 57-5 T 5 Mayer, Jasper. Three years in the Pacific, including notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Peru 57-529 McClintock, Captain. In the Arctic seas. Discovery of the fate of Sir John Frank- lin and his companions 57-53 McClure. Three thousand miles through the Rocky mountains 57-53 1 McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. 57-532 McKillop, H. F. Reminiscences of twelve months' service in New Zealand 57-4 1 1 Mediterranean islands, The. Sketches and Stories. Sleeper 57. 130 Melek-Hanum, wife of Kibrizli-Mehemet Pasha. Thirty years in the harem 57-412 Meline, James F. Two thousand miles on horseback. Santa Fe and back 57-4!3 Melville, Herman. Typee. Four months' residence in a valley of the Marquesas. . . .57.414 Meredith, Mrs. Charles. Notes and sketches in New South Wales 57-4'S Merewether, Henry Alworth. By sea and by land. Trip through Egypt, India, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand and America 57-4'6 Merrill, S. East of the Jordan. Moab, Gil- ead, Bashan 57-4*7 Meunier, Victor. Hunting adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world 57-4i8 Mexican Cordillera, travels on the western slope of the. Cincinnatus 5<>. 5 2 'J Mexican handbook. Hamilton 56. 137 Mexican revolution. Kobinsun 57. 1 13 Mexico. Appleton's guide book .... 56.820 Mexico, its peasants and^its priests. Wilson .58.424 Mexico, recollections of. Thompson 58-623 192 MEXICO NOTES. Mexico, travels and adventures in. Carpenter. 56. 522 Mexico, visit to. Robertson 57-235 Mexico and Central America, iambics in the backwoods of. Oswald 57. 323 Mexico as it is. Gray 56.123 Myers. H. M. Life and nature under the tropics 57-4 I 9 Miers. Chile and La Plata 57-42Q Mikado's empire. Griffis 56.128 Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America. Anon 57 .421 Mississippi river, explorations to the sources of. Schoolcraft 57. 120 Mississippi valley, discovery and explora- tion of. Shea 57. 126 Moodie, Susanna. Life in Canada, or rough- ing it in the bush 57-422 Morelet, Arthur. Travels in Central Amer- ica. Mrs. M. F. Squier, trans 57-423 Morell, Benjamin Jr. South seas and the Pa- cific Ocean 57-424 Morford, Henry. Short trip guide to Europe. 1868 57 .425 Morley, Henry. Sketches of Russian life. . ..57,426 Morocco, its people and places. De Amicis. .56.317 Mosley, H. N., M. A. Notes of a naturalist on the "Challenger." 57-4 2 7 Moslem Egypt and Christian Abyssinia. Dye. 56.213 Moulton, Louise C. Random rambles 57-428 Mountain adventures. Ileadly 57-83 Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. King 57.613 Mountains and molehills. Marryat 57-5 2 4 Muller, Max. India, what can it teach us ?. . . 57.429 Multitudinous seas, the. Benjamin 56. 722 Murphy, John M. Sporting adventures in tne far west 57-43 My command in South Africa. Cunynghame. 56.421 My last cruise. Haversham 56.131 My life on the plains. Custer 56.425 My winter on the Nile among the mummies and Moslems. Warner...., 58.412 Naphegyi, G., A. M, Among the Arabs. Narrative of Algeria 57-431 Narrative of the Texas, Santa Fe expedition. Kendall 57-735 Nasby in exile, or six months travel in Eng- . land, Ireland Scotland, France, Germany and Belgum. Locke 57-5 11 Nash, Wallis. Oregon, there and back in 1877-- - 57-432 Nassau, R. H. Crowned in palm land. Story of African mission life 57-433 National capitol, sights and secrets of the. Descriptive of Washington city. Ellis. . .56.216 Natives of Tonga islands, an account of the. Martin 57- 5 2 5 Naturalist on the river Amazon. Bates 56.715 Nevins, Helen S, G. Our life in China 57-434 Nevins, Rev. John L. China and the Chi- nese 57.435 New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail. Hayes. 57. 824 New Guinea, exploration of. D'Albertis 56.426 New Hyperion, The. From I'nris to Marley by the Rhine. Stralian 5^.710 New life in new lands. Greenwood 56. 126 New South Wales, notes and sketches in. Meredith 57-41 5 New West, or California ir 1864-68. Brace. .56.618 New Zealand, station life in. Baker 56.823 Newcomb, Raymond L. Our lost explorers. 57. 436 Nez Perce Joseph. His ancestors, lands, confederates, enemies, murders, war, pursuit and capture. Howard 57- 7 ' 2 Nicaragua, its people, scenery and monu- ments. Squier 58.814 Nile, source of the. Speke 58.812 Nile notes of a Howadji. Curtis 56-423 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, exploration of the. Baker 56.827 Nimrod of the sea. American whaleman. Davis 56.3M Nordenskiold, Adolph E. Arctic voyages. . .57.311 Voyage of the "Vega." 57-3 12 Nordhoff, Charles. California for health, pleasure and residence 57'3 X 3 Norsk, Lapp, and Finn. Travel in the far north of Europe. Vincent 58.516 North America. Trollope 58.628 North America, travels in. Lyell 57-5'4 Northern traveler, The. Anon 57- 3 '4 Norton, Charles E. Italy. Notes on travel and study 57-3 ! 5 Norton, C. L. Canoeing in Kanuckia 57-3i6 Norway. Sweden, and Denmark. Personal narrative of a journey through. Inglis. .57.721 Notes of a naturalist on the ''Challenger." Moseley 57-4 2 7 OBEE RAMBLES. 193 Ober, Frederick A. Camp in the Carribees. .57.317 Ocean's story. Goodrich 56 1 12 Oliphant, Lawrence. Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan 57-3i8 Land of Gilead, with excursions in the Leb- anon S7-3I9 Russian shores of the Black Sea 57. 320 Old Mexico and her lost provinces. Mexico, Southern California and Arizona. Bishop. 56.614 Old world in its new face. Bellows 56.719 Old world seen with young eyes. C. C. J. D.. 56. 525 On the desert. Field 56. 220 Open polar sea. Hayes 57.825 Oppert, Ernest. Voyages to Corea 57'3 2 i Oregon, there and back in 1877. Nash 57-432 Oriental and sacred scenes. Travel in Greece, Turkey, and Palestine . Howe 57-7 I 3 Orton, James, A. M. Andes and Amazon. ..57.322 Oswald, Felix L. Rambles in the backwoods Packard, J. F. Grant's tour round the world. 57. 326 Pacific slope, resources of the. Browne 56.629 Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. Travel, incidents, description, etc. Freese 56.225 Palgrave, William G. Journey through cen- tral and eastern Arabia 57. 327 Palmer, E. H., M. A. Desert of the exodus. 57. 328 Palmetto leaves. Stowe 58.715 Paris, social. Sketch of every day life in the French metropolis. Addison 56.815 Parisian sights and French principles. Jar- ves 57-726 Parker, Rev. Samuel. Journal of an explor- ing tour beyond the Rocky mountains. . . . 57.329 Patagonia, adventures in. Coan 56. 527 Patagonia, wanderings in. Beerbohm 56.717 Pennant, Thomas. From Chester to London.57.33O Persia, six months in. Stack 58.816 Persia. Midnight marches through. Bal- lantine 56.830 Peruvian antiquities. River 57-234 Pfeiffer, Ida. Visit to Madagascar 57-33' Pictures of Arctic travel. Greenland. Hayes.. 57. 826 Picturesque Arizona. Conklin 56.413 Pidgeon, William. Traditions of De-coo- dah. Antiquarian researches among the Oswald (continued) of Mexico and Central America 57-323 Our Australian cousin. Inglis 57- 7 22 Our life in the Highlands, from 1848-1861. Arthur Helps, e.d 57.83OA Our lost explorers. Newcomb 57-436 Our neighbors, or sketches in the suburbs of Yeddo 57.324 Our new way round the world. Coffin 56. 531 Our new west. Travel between the Missis- sippi River and the Pacific Ocean. Bowles ' 56.617 Our next door neighbor. Winter in Mexico. Haven 57.820 Our sister republic. Evans 56.2i9 Our work in Palestine. Expedition sent to the Holy Land by the committee of the Palestine exploration fund 57-325 Over the ocean. Guild 56.130 Ramble round the world, Hiibner 56.319 Rambles in the United States and Canada. Rubio 57. 1 14 Pidgeon (continued) remains of the mound-builders 57- 33 2 Pike, Nicholas. Sub-tropical rambles 57-333 Pike, Z. M. Expeditions to the source of the Mississippi 57-334 Pinto, Serpa. How I crossed Africa 57. 21 1 Pitman, Marie J. European breezes 57-212 Pontresina and the upper Engandine, glean- ings from. Arnold 56.821 Porter, Rev. J. L. Giant cities of Bashan, and Syria's holy places 57- 2I 3 Prairie and forest. Game of North America. Gillmore 56. 1 13 Priest, Josiah. American antiquities 57. 2 14 Prime, E. D. G., D. D. Sketches of travel round the world 57-215 Prime, Samuel I. Travels in Europe and the East 57.216 Prime, William C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia 57-217 Tent life in the Holy Land 57.218 Princep, Henry T. India, political and mili- tary 57-219 Proctor, Edna D. Russian journey 57- 22 Pumpelly, Raphael. Across America and Asia 57- 22 ' Rambles in wonderland. Yellowstone, gey- sers, and National Park. Stanley 58.817 Rambles of a naturalist on the shores and 194 UAMULES SEAUCII. Rambles (continued) waters of the China Sea. Collingwood .. .56.412 Randall, Rev. D. A. Egypt, Sinai and the Holy Land 57. 222 Random rambles. Moulton 57-4 2 8 Rapid transit abroad. Anon 57- 22 3 Raymond, Rossita W. Camp and cabin. Sketches of life and travel in the West 57-224 Reade, W. W. Savage Africa 57.224A Recent polar voyages. Anon 57-225 Red River of Louisiana, exploration of the. Marcy 57-522 Reed, E. J. Japan 57 . 226 Rees, Miss L. L. We four, what we saw in Europe 57-227 Reid, Samuel C. Jr. Scouting expeditions of McColloch's Texas Rangers 57-228 Reminiscences of twelve months' service in New Zealand. McKillop 57-41 1 Revere, J. W. Keel and saddle 57-229 Rhodes, Albert . French at home 57. 230 Richardson, James. Wonders of the Yellow- stone 57-231 Ride to Khiva. Travels and adventures in Central Asia. Burnaby 56 .5 1 7 Rideing, William H. A' saddle in the wide west .57. 233 Alpenstock 57-232 River of the west, The. Rocky Mountains and Oregon. Victor 58- 5 *4 Rivero, Mariano. Peruvian antiquities 57- 2 34 Robertson, William P. Visit to Mexico 57. 235 Robinson, H. M. Great fur land. Sketches of Hudson Bay territory 57- 1 1 l Sampleton, Samuel. Adventures of a consul abroad 57- "7 San Antonio to El Paso. Reconnoisances of routes and reports of the Secretary of War. Johnston, et ala 57-73 Sandwich Islands. Residence of twenty-one years in the. Civil, religious, and political history. Bingham 56.725 Sandwich Islands, six months among the palm groves, coral reefs and volcanoes of the. Bird 56.728 Santo Domingo. Hazard 57-827 Sarmiento, Domingo F. Argentine Republic. Mrs. Horace Mann, trans 57. 1 18 Saunterings. Warner 58.414 Savage Africa. Reade 57.224A Robinson, Philip. Under the sun 57.1 12 Robinson, William D. Mexican revolution ..57.113 Rob Roy canoe, thousand miles in the. On rivers and lakes of Europe. Mac- gregor 57-S' 6 Rob Roy on the Jordan. Canoe cruise in Pal- estine. Macgregor 57. 517 Rocky mountain health resorts. Denison. . .56.321 Rocky mountains, lady's life in the. Bird. . .56.727 Rocky mountains, three thousand miles through the. McClure. 57-531 Round about a great estate. Jefferies 57-727 Round the world by a boy. Smiles, ed . . . . 57. 130 A Round trip by way of Panama through Cali- fornia, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado. Codman 56.530 Round-about journey. Warner 58.413 Rubio. Rambles in the United States and Canada in 1845 57. 1 14 Ruggles, Henry. Germany seen without spectacles 57. 1 15 Rusing, James F. Great West and the Pa- cific coast 57. 1 16 Russia. Wallace 58. 520 Russia, journeyings in. Knox 57.620 Russia, Siberia, Poland, Austria, Saxony, Prussia, and other countries, travels through. Holman 57-834 Russia, winter in. Gautier 56.229 Russian empire. Sears 57. 124 Russian journey. Proctor 57. 220 Russian shores of the Black Sea. Oliphant . . 57.320 Saxon, Isabella. Five years within the Golden Gate . 57. 1 19 Schoolcraft, Henry R. Exploratory expedi- tions to the sources of the Mississippi river 57. 120 Notes on the Iroquois. Aboriginal history, antiquities and ethnology 57. 121 Schuyler, Eugene. Notes of a journey in Turkistan 57-122 Schwatka's search in quest of the Franklin records. Gilder 56. 292 Schweinfurth, Dr. George. Heart of Africa. 57. 123 Scouting expedition of McColloch's Texas . Rangers. Reid 57.228 Scrambles amongst the Alps. Whymper. . .58.419 Search for winter sunbeams in the Riviera, SEARCH TAYLOR . 195 Search (continued) Corsica, Algiers and Spain. Cox 56-4*7 Sears, Robert. Russian empire 57- 1 2 4 Seashore and Prairie. Thacher 58.616 Seat of empire. Coffin 5 6 -4" Secret expedition to Peru. Ulloa 58.633 Seven Spanish cities and the way to see them. Hale 56. 135 Seward, William H. Travels round th eworld-57. 125 Shea, John G. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi 57. 126 Sherring, Rev. M. A. Benares, the sacred city of the Hindus 57-127 Ships and sailors. Anon. 57 f the geology, climate, geogra- phyi productive industry, etc 58-422 Williams, Thomas Fiji and the Fijians. . . .56. 521 Wilson, Andrew. Abode of snow. Tour from Chinese Thibet to the Indian Caucasus.. ..58.423 Wilson, Robert A. Mexico. Its peasants and its priests 58-4 2 4 Winthrop, Theodore. Canoe and the saddle.. 58.425 World on wheels, and other sketches. Taylor.. 58.614 Wright, Thomas. Travels of Marco Polo. . . 58.426 Yates, Mrs. Ashton. Letters written during a journey to Switzerland 58.427 Yellowstone, wonders of the. Richardson. .57.231 Yosemite. Tourist's guide. Bancroft 56.831 Yucatan, incidents of travel in. Stephens. ..58.712 Yusef, Frangi. Browne 56.628 NATIONAL, f CONGRESSIONAL AND STATE REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS, ETC. Agriculture. Report of the commissioner of. 1862-69. 1.611 and 1.711 Second annual report of the chief executive viticultural officer of California. 1882-84.. 1.616 Special report on contagious diseases of do- mestic animals 1.615 Special report on diseases of swine .and of other domestic animals. 1879 1.614 Special report onthe culture of the sugar beet. 1.613 Transactions of the New York State Agricul- tural Society, 1883 1.612 Alabama claims. Geneva arbitration. 1871. 1.618 Almanacs. American almanac, 1880 16.417 Bancroft's handbook almanac for the Pacific States. 1862-64 16.418 National almanac 16.416 American archives. Vols. II, III, IV 1.211 American institute. Annual report. 1862-63. 1.617 American state papers in relation to public lands. 1789-1809 1. 212 California. California register. 1857 9'3'7 Debates in the constitutional convention of California in Sept. and Oct.. 1849. Browne 9.314 Journals of the California legislature. 1850-56 9-312 Senate bills. 1881 9.31 1 Catalogue California state library, 1855 9-3!3 Census. Seventh census, 1850 7-214 Seventh census, 1850. Mortality statistics. . 7.215 Seventh census, 1850. Abstract 7.216 Eighth census, 1860 6.211 Eighth census, 1860. Preliminary report ... 7.213 Ninth census, 1870 6.212 Ninth census, 1870. Compendium 7.212 Coast survey. Report of Superintendents, 1851-72 2.212 Commerce, Annual report of the Boston board of trade, 1856-61 1.514 Commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries. 1862-79 i-5'3 Report on the internal commerce of the United States. 1879 1.512 Commerce and Navigation. Annual report of the chief of the bureau of statistics. 1866-79 1. 511 and 1.620 Report of the secretary of the treasury of the commerce and navy of the United States, 1857 1.621 Commercial relations. Report of the secre- tary of state on the commeicial relations of the United States and foreign coun- tries. 1856-79 1.213 and 2.2H Credit Mobilier. Report of the select com- mittee to investigate the alleged Credit Mobilier bribery. 1873 I-5I5 Directories. Alameda and Contra Costa counties. 1871 . 9.218 Brookline, Jamaica Plain, and West Rox- bury Directory. 1873 9-217 General directory and business guide to principal towns east of the Cascade moun- tains 9.216 Langley's business directory of the Pacific coast. 1871 9-213 McKenzte's business directory- of the Pacific coast. 1880 9.212 Pettengill's newspaper directory of the U. S. 1877 9-215 Rowell's newspaper directory of the U. S. 1869 . 9-214 Zcll's business directory of the U.S. 1881 9.211 Education. American journal of education, 1856-64. Henry Barnard, ed '5-4 11 Annual report of the board of education of Dayton, Ohio, 1883 1.315 Annual report of the school committee of EDUCATION MAPS. 199 Education (continued) Boston, 1861-65 1.312 Annual report of the superintendent of com- mon schools of Pennsylvania, 1861 1-316 Annual report of the superintendent of pub- lic instruction of the state of New York, 1869-71 1.313 Annual report of the superintendent of pub- lic schools, San Francisco, 1880-81 I-3H Report of the United States commissioner of education, 1871-82 1.311 and 1.411 Elections. Proceedings of the electoral commission and of congress relative to the count of the electoral votes cast December 6, 1876 2.712 Report of the select committee to inquire into the Mississippi election of 1875 2.711 Ethnology, American. Report of U. S. geographical survey of the Rocky moun- tain region 3- 2I 3 Exhibitions, international. Reports of the commissioners of the United States to the international exhibition held at Vienna. 1873 2.713 Report of United States centennial commis- sion. 1876 2.714 Exploration. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. Herndon and Gibbon, U. S. N 1.318 Explorations and surveys for a railroad route from the Mississippi river to the Pacific Ocean 3211 Narrative of the United States exploring ex- pedition during 1838-42 3-212 Notes of a military reconnoisance from Fort Leaven worth to San Diego in 1846-47... . 1.321 Report of a geological reconnoisance in 1835 1.320 Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. 1863 1.319 Report of explorations and surveys for a ship canal across the Isthmus of Darien. 1870 1.320 Report of the Colorado river exploring ex- pedition. 1861 2.215 Report of the exploration to the Colorado river in 1869-72. Powell 2.216 Report of the Uniled States and Japan ex- pedition in 1852-54. Perry 4.212 Report on the U. S. and Mexican boundary survey. 1859, Emory 4.2I2A United States naval astronomical expedi- Exploration (continued) tion in the southern hemisphere. 1849-52. 4.213 Finance. Annual reports of the secretary of the treasury on the state of the finances. 1846-83 .............................. 2.61 1 Fish and fisheries, Reports of the U. S. fish commissioner. 1871-78 ............ 2.612 Forestry. Report on forestry, prepared un- der the direction of the commissioner of agricultuie. 1877. Hough ............ 2. 51 1 Geology. Reports of geological and geographical sur- vey. 1867-77. Hayden ............... 4.412 Report on the geology and topography of a portion of the Lake Superior land district. 1850. Foster and Whitney ........ ..... 4.41 1 Survey of the fourth geological district of New York ............................ 2.214 Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and part of Nebraska. Geological survey, Owen.. .2.2I4A Indian Affairs. Ethnography and philology of the Hidatsa Indians. Matthews .................... 2.513 Report of joint special committee on the condition of Indian tribes. 1867 ........ 2.512 Internal revenue. Report of the commis- sioner. 1868 ......................... 2.514 Investigations. Report of the select committee on Harper's Ferry invasion. 1860 ................ 2. Report of the trial of Andrew Johnson on impeachment. 1868 Ku Klux. Report of the joint select commit- tee to inquire into the condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary states. 1872, 2.411 and 2.517 Labor. Annual report of the Massachusetts state bureau of statistics of labor. 1872 ....... 2 414 Labor in Europe. 1878. Reports of U. S. consuls ............................... 2 -4 ! 3 Labor in EirYope and America. Special re- port of Edward Young, chief of the U. S. bureau of statistics, 1875 ............... 2.412 Land. Land office report. 1867-68 ........ 2.415 Maps. Maps accompanying Andrews' report on the Straits of Florida ...................... 3.312 Maps accompanying Lieutenant Marcy's re- port of survey of the Red River ......... 3-3'7 Maps accompanying messages and docu- ments ................................ 3-3'9 2.516 200 MAPS REPORTS. Maps (continued) Maps accompanying the report of a survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Barnard 3.313 Maps of the valley of the Amazon 3 .315 Maps to accompany Captain Stansbury's re- port of a reconnoisance from Fort Leav- enworth to Salt Lake 3.318 Maps to accompany Gibbon's report of ex- plorations in South America 3- 3 '4 Maps to accompany Lee's report of the cruise of the U. S. brig "Dolphin." 3. 316 Memorial Addresses. Buckingham, William A 4. 5 1 1 Morton, Oliver P 4.517 Stevens, Thaddeus 4-5 2 Life and character of Zachariah Chandler . . 4-5 J 2 Life and character of Alvah Crocker 4-5 I 3 Life and character of Orris S, Ferry 4-5 J 3 Life and character of Samuel F. Hersey . . . . 4.518 Life and character of Andrew Johnson 4-5 I 4 Life and character of Michael C. Kerr 4 .51 5 Life and character of John E. Leonard 4-515 Life and character of John B. Rice 4-5'8 Life and character of Gustave Sleicher 4-5*9 Life and character of Charles Sumner 4-5 21 Life and character of Alpheus S. Williams.. 4.52*2 Life and character of Henry Wilson 4-523 Messages and Documents. President's messages and accompanying doc- uments from 1849 to '880 ...2.311, 3.311, 3.411, 3.511, 3611 and 3.711 Mineral Resources. Report on the mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains. Browne 3'3 2 o Miscellaneous. Annual report of the state engineer and sur- veyor on the canals of New York. 1868. 4.623 Certain acqueduct reports. 1865-68 4.632 Diplomatic correspondence. 1863 4.632A Documents relative to South American affairs and the enlistment question. 1856 4.612 Massachusetts register of the government of the state 4.625 Messages of the governors of the state of New York. 1777-1824 4.624 Municipal reports of San Francisco. 1872-80 4-624A Navy register. 1866 4.627 President's message on the compulsory en- listment of American citizens in the army of Prussia. 1861 4.618 Miscellaneous (continued) Proceedings of the grand division of the sons of temperance of New York 4.620 Records of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence plantations in New England. 1624-1677 and 1707-1740 4.613 Registration report of Massachusetts, 1858- 1861 3.626 Registration report of Rhode Island, 1860... 4.628 Report of the director of the mint, 1877 4.616 Report of the committee on coinage, weights and measures on the adoption of the met- ric system 4-615 Report of the joint committee on recon- struction, 1866 4.618 Report of the Massachusetts board of State charities, 1872 4.61 1 Report of the quartermaster-general. 1856. 4.631 Report of the select committee on sickness and mortality on board emigrant ships.. . . 4.630 Report of the silver commission. 1876.... 4.524 Report on colonial and lake trade. 1853. . . 4.621 Report on the military academy at West Point. 1860. 4.629 State engineer's report on railroads. New York, 1868 4.622 United States consul's manual 4-617 Nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris. 16.415 Patents. Index of patents 1880-1884 5-213 United States patent office reports 1847-69. 5.41 1, 5.511 and 5.611 Reports. Annual report of territorial pioneers of Cali- fornia. 1877 9-3i6 "Congressional Globe," XXXI to XLI Congress 7.31 1 to 9.61 1 " Congressional Record" of the XLVI Con- gress 9.51 1 and 9.612 House and Senate journals, 1st, 2d and 3d sessions of XLV Congress 9.412 House and Senate journals, 1st, 2d and 3d sessions of the XLVI Congress 9-4*3 Report of the surveyor general of California. 1871-73 9-3'S Report and documents of the 2d session of the XXXIII Congress 6.612 Report and documents of the 2d session of the XXXIX Congress 6.511 Reports and documents of the 1st and 2d sessions of the XLII congress 6.311, 6.411 and 6.512 REPORTS ZOOLOGY. 201 Reports (continued) Schedule of acts of general assembly of Rhode Island. 1850-55 6.313 Second report of tidal harbor commission presented in the British parliament. 1846. 6.3I3A Senate and house journals, 1st and 2d ses- sions. XLIX congress 9.41 1 Smithsonian reports. 1854-80 4-5 2 S War Department. Army meteorological register 1843-54 4.214 Medical and surgical history of the rebel- lion. Barnes 4.215 Medical statistics of the provost marshal's bureau. Baxter 4.216 War Department (continued) Report of the chief signal officer of the army 1879-81 4-413 Report of the joint committee on the con- duct of the war Report on the art of war in Europe. 1855-56. Delafield 4. 217 Report upon operations in the Crimea. McClellan 4.218 .War of the rebellion. Compilation of the official records of the Union and Confed- erate armies 4. 3 1 1 Zoology of the Pacific railroad survey 3.212 \VORKS IN KORBIGN LANGUAGES. ALCOVE SEVENTEEN. About, Edmond. Le Nez d'un notaire. Nos artistes au salon de, 1857. Roi des montagnes. Balbi, Adrien. Ahrege de geographic. Balzac, H. de. Beatrix. Esther. Baude, Louis. Cahiers d'une eleve de Saint-Denis. Cours d'etndes pour les filles. Berthet, Elie. La Convulsionnaire. Fils de 1'usurier. Boileau, Despreaux. Oeuvres completes. Bonaparte, Napoleon. Memoirs. Ecrits a Sainte. Ilelene. Buttura, A. ed. Prose Italiane d'autori antichi. Cervantes, Francisco. Obras. Corneille, Pierre e.t Thomas. Theatre. Costantini, P. L. Poesie Italiane. Tratte da p'iu celebri autori. autichi e moderni. De Boom, Cornelius. Solution politique et sociale (Confederation, Decentralization, Emigration.) Dieulafait, Louis. Diamants et pierres precieuses. Dumas, Alexandra. Comte de Monte Cristo. Excursions sur les bords du Rhin. Impressions de voyage. Le Corricolo. Impressions de voyage, Le Speronare. Medicis, Les, Fenelon. Aventures de Telemaque. Charles le Brun, ed. Guizot, Francois, P. G. Essaissurl'histoirede France. Houssaye, Arsene. Une passion sous la regence. Hugo, Victor. La legende des siecles. Travailleurs de la ruer. Jacotot, J. Enseignment Universel. Langue Etrangere, Langue Maternelle, Mathematiques, Musique. Jouy, E. Cecile; ou les passions. Lamartine, A de. Graziella. Premieres meditations poetique. Mort de Socrate. Lucian. Selections, with Latin notes. John Wal- ker, ed, Mantilla, Luis F. Libro de lectura. Autores Es- panoles e Hispano- Americanos. Merimee, Prosper, Lettres a une inconnue. Mery, Jules. La Juive au Vatican. Metastasio, Pietro. Opera scelti. A. Buttura, ed. Montesquieu, Charles de S. Essai sur le gout. Letlres familieres. CEuvres posthumes. Nombela, Julio. La maledicion de una madre. Odeurs ultramontaines, Les. L'AbW * Racine, Jean. CEuvres completes. Saint-Pierre, Jacques B. H. de. Harmonies de la nature. Saintsbury, George. French lyrics, selected and annotated. Teoria de las penas y las recompensas. Anon. Thomas, R. D. Hanes Cymry America. Voltaire, Francois M, A. de. Histoire de Charles XII, roi de Suede. Romans. SUPPLEMENT I. Addis, William E. and Arnold, Thomas. Catholic Dictionary 41.51 1 A Amazon and Madeira Rivers. Keller 4I.I25A American fruit book i8.8i6A American kennel and sporting field. Burges. iS.SiaA Anatomy, physiology and hygiene. Tracy. .20. 728 A Annouchka. Turgenef 53.I36A Antonia. Dudevant 47.7I5A Argles, Mrs. M. (The Duchess.) Doris.. 44-7I5A Arnold, Thomas and Addis, William E. Catholic dictionary 4l.5iiA Around the ranch. Towne 53. 22 1 A Art of correspondence, The. Locke 30 5I2A Art of voice production. Patton 3I.826A Bacon, Nathaniel*. The laws and government of England from the first times to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. From notes of John Selden Bagehot, Walter. Biographical studies. . ..32. 411 A Baker, Sir Samuel. Ismailia 56.827A Barker, Lady. Years' housekeeping in South Africa 56.833A Barnes, J. S. (Lieutenant Commander.) Sub- marine warfare, offensive and defensive.. 20. 625 A Barrington's fate. No name series 5I.7I9A Barrows, Rev. J. O. On horseback in Cap- padocia 56.8336 Beale, Charles E. and Gately, M. R. Uni- versal education 4I.228A Beeton, S. O. Dictionary of natural history.4i.528A Benjamin, S. G. W. Cruise of the "Alice May" 44 41 5 A Berkeley, George: Life and letters of. Fra- ser 33'5i3A Bernard, Moses, and Crane, W. W. Poli- tics. An introduction to the study of corrt. parative constitutional law 2i.6igA. Billing, Archibald. Science of jems, jewels, cqins and medals, ancient and modern. -4I.529A Biographical studies. Bagehot 32.4iiA Bishop, W. II. Choy Susan and other sto- ries 44.427A Blake, Mary. Twenty-six hours a day 44.2I2A Blyth, A. W. Foods; composition and an- alysis 18. i iSA Boisgelin, Louis de. Travels through Den- mark and Sweden 56.6i6A Bourke, John G. Snake dance of the Moquis of Arizona 56.6168 Brand, John. Popular antiquities of Great Britain 4l.4i6A Brassey, Lady. In the Trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties $6. 619 A. Bunner, H. C., and Matthews, Brander. In partnerships 5- 226A Buntling Ball, The. Anon 45-8i6A Burges, Arnold. American kennel and sporting field i8.8i2A Cable, George W. The Creoles of Louis- ania. . . . . 45-722A > Captains of industry. James Parton 34-329A Caricature and other comic art. Parton. . . .42-5I5A Carlyle, Thomas, a history of his life in Lon- don, 1834-1881. Fronde 33 5I9 A Carlyle, Thomas, a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835. Froude. . -33-5I9A Carola. II. S. Smith. ( Hesba Stretton.)..$2.2\$& Cassell's book of indoor amusements 28. 720 A Catholic dictionary, A. Addis and Arnold. 41. SilA Cave, Madame Marie E. Drawing from memory 28. 72oA Century of Roundels and other poems. Swinburne 4O.329A Chambliss, Rev J. E. Life and labors of Livingstone 32 117 A Childrens' book of poetry. Coates 4I.437A Chinese Gordon, the story of. Hake 33422A Choice readings. Randall 3IJ25A Choy, Susan and other stories. Bishop. . . .44.427A Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero.. 2S.626A Clark, Edson L. The races of European Turkey 22.221 A Clemens, S. L. ( Mark Twain.) Huckle- berry Finn 45. 5 1 5 A Coates, Henry T. Childrens' book of 204 COATES HEAP. Coates (continued) poetry 4I-437A Cockton, Henry. Valentine Vox 45. $28A Cole, S W. American fruit book. 18.816 A Confederate war papers. Smith 26.726 A. Cook John Esten. My lady Pocahontas. . .45-432A Cooper. J. Fennimore. Wing and wing. . .45.222.V Course of English reading, A. Pycroft. . . .31. 721 A Craddock, Charles E. In the Tennessee mountains 4S.223A Craigie, Mary E. Once upon a time 36.13^ Craik, Mrs. D. M. ( Miss Mulock. ) Miss Tommy 45. 115 A Crane, William W. 'and Bernard M. Poli- tics, an introduction to the study of com- parative constitutional law 2i.6igA Creators of the age of steel. Jeans 34.8138 Creoles of Louisania, The. Cable 45. 722 A Cross of Monterey, The. White 40. 367 A Cruise of the "Alice May." Benjamin 44-4I5A Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States. Lalor, ed 42.7i6A De Amicis, Edmondo. Military life in Italy. 56. 3I7A t Studies in Paris S6.3i8A De Colange, Leo. Picturesque European scenery 40. 233 A De Vere, M. S. Wonders of the deep 2o.33iA Deldee, or the iron hand. Warden 54. 726 A Denmark and Sweden, travels through. De Boisgelin 56.6i6A Diane Cory val. No name series 51. 72oA Dictionary of natural history. Beeton 4I-528A Doctor Grattan. Hammond 48.4I5A Doctor's suggestions. Roosa '. .3 1.626 A Doris. Argles 44-7I5A Douglas, Amanda. Floyd Grandon's honor. 47. 82iA Out of the wreck 47.828A Drake, S. A. New England legends and folk lore 28.32OA Drake, the sea king. Towle 38 529 Drawing from memory. Cave" 28. 72oA Drysdale, J., and Hayward, J. W. Health and comfort in house building 19.230 A Dudevant, Mme. A. L., A. D. (George Sand.) Antonia 47.7I5A Dupre, August, and Thudichum, J. L. W. Treatise on the origin, nature and varie- ties of wine i8.72iA Education in its relation to manual industry. McArthur I9.835A Eggleston, George Gary. Signal Boys, The. 47. 328 A Eighteen Christian centuries, The. White. . 12. 31 2 A Electrical appliances of the present day. Heap I9725A Electricity. Its theory, sources and applica- tion. Sprague I9-736A Elevator, The. Howells . .49.725A Emerson, Ralph Wamo. Life of. Holmes.. 33. 222A Etching and etchers. Hamerton 4I.U3A European scenery, picturesque. Colange. .40. 233 A Farmer's veterinary adviser, The. Law.. .I8.829A Farnell's folly. Trowbridge 53- '33^ Field, F. E. Greenhpuse as a winter garden, The I8.S20A Fifty years' observation of men and events. Keyes 34.824A Floyd Grandon's honor. Douglas 47 .821 A Foods. Composition and analysis. Blyth. . 18. n8A Four Georges, The. McCarthy 24-4I8A Fraser, Alexander C. Life and letters of George Berkeley 33-513 A From Greenland's icy mountains. Heber. . .4i.u8A Froude, James A. Thomas Carlyle. A history of this life in London. i834,-i88i . . . . 33-5I9A Thomas Carlyle. A history of the first torty years of his life. 1795-1835 33-5'QA Gardening for pleasure. Henderson IS.82SA Gardner, E. C. Homes and all about them. 29.8188 Gately, M. R. and Beale, C. E. Univetsal educator 4I.228A Gibson, William. Poems of many years and many places 39-426A Great truths from great authors. Anon. . . .41. 233 A Green house as a winter garden, The. Field. i8.82oA Guides and guards in character building. 4 Payne 12. 221 A Hake, A. Egmont. Story of Chinese Gor- don 33.422A Half hours with the stars. Pr6%tor 42-7I7A Hamerton, Philip G. Etching and etch- ers 4I.U3A Hammond, William A. Doctor Grattan 48-4I5A Harte Francis B. On the frontier 48.326A Hartwig, Dr. George. Subterranean world. 41.1 15A Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder Book 37.425 A Hayward, J. W. and Drysdale, J. Health and comfort in house building ig.2$oA Hazard, Willis P. The Jersey, Alderney and Guernsey cow 18.8256 Heap, Major D. P. Electrical appliances of the present day 19.725A HEALTH MYSTERY. 205 Health and comfort in house building. Drys- dale and Hayward ig.2^oA Heber, Reginald. From Greenland's icy mountains 4i.n8A Heimburg, W. A penniless girl 48. I22A Henderson, Mrs. Mary F. Practical cooking and dinner giving 29. 522 A Henderson, Peter. Gardening for pleasure. 18.825 A Henty, J. A. Jack Archer 37-43OA Hill, Thomas E. Manual of social and bus- iness forms 4I.H9A History of rationalism. Hurst !2.62iA History of the Northern Pacific Railroad. Smalley 26.?2iA Hoffman, E. T. W. Weird tales 49.8I9A Holmes, Oliver W. Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson - 33-222A Homes and all about them. Gardner 29.81813 Horse in motion, The. Stillman 42.227A Houdin, Robert, life of Mackenzie 34.6i6A Hovelacque, Abel, science of language, The. Linguistics, philology, etymology. 29.3IJA Howe, E. W. Mystery pf the locks 49. 621 A Story of a country town, 49.62IB Howells, W. D. The elevator 49-625A Huckleberry Finn. Clemens 45-5I5A Humorous poetry of the English language. Parton 4O.413A Hurst, John F. History of rationalism I2.62IA Ideal fanatic. Porch 5I-424A In partnerships. Matthews and Bunner . . . 5O.226A In the Tennessee mountains. Craddock. . . .45.223A In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring for- ties. Brassey 56.6i9A In wartime. Mitchell 50. 133A Indoor amusements. Cassell 28. 720 A Ismailia. Baker 56.827A Italian rambles. Jarves 29-I23A Jack Archer. Henty 37-43OA Jackson, Helen. (H. H.) Ramona 49-4I9A James, Henry. A little tour in -France 49439A James, Henry, Jr. Tales of three cities. . . .49.443A Jarves, James J. Italian rambles 29-I23A Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. .34.8^ Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey cow, The. Hazard 18. 8256 Jones, William C. Review of Attorney- General Black's report on the land titles in California 7.211 Joynson, Francis H., ed. Mechanic's and student's guide in the designing and con- Joynson (continued) struction of general machine gearing I9-3I6A Keller, Franz. The Amazon and Madeira rivers 4I.I25A Kellogg, Elijah. The unseen hand 37-324A Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observation of men and events 34.824A Knox, Thomas W. Voyage of the " Vivian" . 42. 7 1 4A Lady or the tiger, The. Stockton 53.722A Lalor, John J., ed. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the po- litical history of the United States 42.7I6A Langley, William. Piers, the plowman. . .39. 126 A Lathrop, George P. Newport 49. 138A Latin literature, history of. Simcox 3I.3I5A Lavater, John C. Essays on physiognomy. 42. n6A Law, James. The farmer's veterinary ad- viser i8.82gA Laws and government of England, from the first times to the reign of Queen Eliza- beth, The. From notes of John Sheldon by Nathaniel Bacon 22.625A Light in lands of darkness. Young I2.3I5A Little tour in France, A. James 49.439 A Livingstone, David, life and labors of. Chambliss 32. H7A Locke, John S. The art of correspondence. 30.51 2A Macdonald, George. St. George and St. Mi- chael 50.423A Mackay, Charles, ed. Thousand and one gems of poetry 4O.544A Mackenzie, R. Shelton. Life of Robert Hou- din 34.6i6A Mansfield, Edward D. Winfield Scott, Lieut. Gen., life of 34.62OA Manual of social and business forms. Hill.4I.lI9A Matthews, Brander, and Bunner, H. C. In partnerships 5O.226A McArthur, Arthur. Education and its rela- to manual industry I9.835A McCarthy, Justin. Four Georges, The. . .24-4i8A Mechanic's and student's guide in the design- ing and construction of general machine gearing. Joynson, ed I9-3I6A Middle kingdom, The. Williams 26.417!] Military life in Italy. De Amicis 56-3^ Mining Camps. Shinn 2I.436A MissTommy. Craik 45-"SA Mitchell, S. W. In war time 50. 133A My Lady Pocahontas. Cooke 45.432 A Mystery of the locks, The. Howe 49.62iA 206 NATURE'S ROE. Nature's serial story. Roe 52. 823 A Needham, George C. Street Arabs and gut- ter snipes 51. 835 A New England legends and folk lore. Drake. 28. 320 A New lands within the Arctic circle. Payer. 57. 329 A Newport. Lathrop 49. 138A New Testament in English, Wycliffe and Purvey ii.4i6A New Testament. Danish and English 16-313 New Testament. Dutch and English 16.315 New Testament. English 16.318 New Testament. German and English 16.316 New Testament. Greek 16.314 New Testament. Hawaiian and English 16.312 New Year's masque and other poems. Thomas. 40.358A No name series. Barrington's fate 5I.719A No name series. Diane Coryval 51 .720 A No name series. Princess Amelie 51.726A Oil regions of Pennsylvania. Bright 24. 1 1 1 A Oliphant, Mrs. Orphans, and Caleb FieKl.-5l.623A On horseback in Cappadocia. Barrows. . . .56. 833!? On the frontier. Harle 48-326A Oiice upon a time. Craigie 36. 131 A Orphans, and Caleb Field. Oliphant 5I.623A Our young folks' Josephus. Shepard 23.1 12A Out of the wreck. Douglas 47.828A Outlines of historic ornament. Redgrave, erf. Parton, James. Captains of industry 34. Caricature and other comic art 42.5I5A Humorous poetry of the English language. 4O.4I3A Pattou, A. A. Art of voice production. . . .3i.8a6A Payer, Julius. New lands within the Arctic circle 57-329A Payne, C. H. Guides and guards in charac- ter building 12.221 A Penniless girl, A. Mrs. A. L. Wister, trtuu... 48. i22A Periodicals. American monthly magazine.. .41.211 American annual register. 1829-30 14.212 American quarterly review 14.511 Annual register of history, politics and litera- ture . 15.611 and 15.511 I'lackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Ameri- can edition *$-3 l $ Chinese repository, The. 1832-1851 '4-5 12 Coast review 16.41 1 European magazine and London review. . . . 15.314 Hatching's California magazine I 4-5 I 3 Hesperian, The I4-3 11 Periodicals (continued) Knickerbocker magazine 16.61 1 Museum of literature, The 16.612 New York review, The 16.311 National recorder, The 16.513 New monthly magazine 16.613 North American review 14.61 1 Princeton magazine 16.511 Peterson's magazine 1 5- 3 J I Portfolio, The iS-3'3 Pacific Expositor, The iS-3'6 Portland pleasure boat i6.'4i2 Universal magazine, The I5-3 12 United service journal and naval military magazine, The. 1840 15-3I2A Wood's household magazine 1 S-3 1 7 Physiognomy, essays on. Lavater 42. 1 1 6 A Piers, the plowman. Langley 39. 126 A Pillars of the house. Yonge 54. 1 28 A Poe, Edgar Allan, life of. Woodberry 35-323A Poems of many years and many places. Gib- son 39-436A Pole, William. Philosophy of whist 42. 521 A Politics, an introduction to the study of com- parative constitutional law. Crane and Moses 2i.6i9-\ Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Brand. 41. 4i6A Porch, Hester E. An ideal fanatic 5I.424A Practical cooking and dinner giving. Hen- derson 29. 522A Pressense E. de. A study of origins I2.223A Princess Amelia. No name series 5I-726A Proctor, Richard A. Half hours with the stars, 42.7I7A Purvey, John. New testament in English.. n.4i6A Pycroft, Rev. James, A course of English reading 3i.72iA Queens of Scotland. Strickland 35.511 A Races of European Tnrkey, The. Clark. . .22. 221 A Ramona. Helen Jackson, (II. H.) 49 41 9A Randall, Anna T. Choice readings 3 1.725 A Readers' handbook of the American revolu- tion, 1761-1783. Winsor 40.235 A Redgrave, Gilbert R. ed. Outlines of his- toric ornament 42.4i4-\ Religious encyclopaedia, A. Schaff 42.2I2A Review of Attorney General Black's report on the land titles in California. Jones 7.211 Education. The Rhode Island schoolmaster. 15.412 Roe, Rev. E. P. Natures serial story 52.823A Young girl's wooing, A 52.7 1 1. A ROMAN WIKSOB. 207 Roman lawyer in Jerusalem, A. Story 3i.2i6A Roman Life in the days of Cicero. Church. 28. 7 26 A Roosa, Daniel B. St John. A Doctor's sug- gestions 3I.626A Schaff, Philip, ed. A religious encyclo- paedia 42.2I2A Schliemann, Dr. Henry, Troja 42.2I4A Science of gems, jewels, coins and medals, The. Ancient and modern. Billings. 4i.52gA Science language, The. Hovelacque 29. 317 A Scott, Michael. Tom Cringle's log 52.63OA Scott, Lieut. Gen. Winfield, life of. Mans- field 34.620A Scrolls, monograms, ornaments, crests, etc., for the use of artists, designers, engravers and art workmen. Anon 42.21 5 A Scudder, Horace E. and Taylor, Marie Han- sen. Life and letters of Bayard Taylor. 35. S3oA Shepard, William. Our young folks' Jo- sephus 23. ii2A Shinn, Charles Howard. Mining camps. ..21 -436A Signal boys, The Eggleston 47 . 328 A Simcox, George A. History of Latin Liter- ature 3I.3I5A Skeat, Rev. Walter W. ed. Chaucer. The Chanouns, Yemannes tale, Pardoneres tale. The Second Nonnes tale, The tale of the Man of Lawe 4O.49OA Vision of William concerning Piers, the plowman 39. 1 26 A. Smalley, Eugene V. History of the North- ern Pacific railroad 26. 721 A Smith, Gustavus W. Confederate war pa- pers 26. 726A Smith, H. S. (Hesba Stretton.) Carola. -52.2I5A Snake dance of the Moquis of Arizona, The. Bourke 56.6166 Sprague, John T. Electricity; its theory, sources, and applications I9-736A St. George and St. Michael. Macdonald.. 50.423 A Stephen ; M. D. Warner 54.5I3A Stevens, Frances. Usages of the best so- ciety 3I.2I3A Stillman, J. D. B. Horse in motion 42.227A Stockton, Frank R. The lady or the tiger. 53. 722A Story, W. W. Roman lawyer in Jerusalem. 31. 2i6A Story of a country town, The. Howe 49.621!} Street Arabs and gutter snipes. Needham . 5I.835A Strickland, Agnes. Queens of Scotland ... 35. 51 1 A Studies in Paris. De Amicis 56-3I8A Stndley, Mary J. What our girls ought to Studley (continued) know 3I.2I7A Study of origins, A. De Pressense I2.223A Submarine warfare, offensive and defensive. Barnes 20. 625 A Subterranean world, The. Hartwig 4i.ii5A Swinburne, Algernon C. A century of roun- dels and other poems 40. 32gA Swinton, William. The twelve decisive bat- tles of the war 26.621 A Tales of three cities. James 49. 443 A Taylor, Bayard. Life and letters of. Han- son Taylor and Scudder 35-53A Taylor, Marie Hansen and Scudder, H. E. and letters of Bayard Taylor 35- 53^- Thomas, Edith W. New Year's masque and t other poems 40.358A Thousand and one gems of poetry. Mackay.4O.544A Thudichum, J. W. L. , and Dupre t August. Treatise on the origin, nature, and varie- ties of wine 18.721 A Tom Cringle's log, Scott 52.63OA Towle, George M. Drake, the sea king 38.529 Towne, Belle K. Around the ranch .53. 221 A Tracy, Roger S. Essentials of anatomy, physiology and hygiene 20 .728 A Troja. Schliemann .42.214^ .Trowbridge, J. T. Farnell's folly 53-J33A Turgenef, Ivan S. Annouchka 53. 136 A Twelve decisive battles of the war, The. Swinton 26.621 A Twenty-six hours a day. Blake 44.212^ Universal educator, Gately and Beale 4I.228A Unseen hand, The. Kellogg 37- 324A Usages of the best society. Stevens 3I.2I3A Valentine Vox. Cockton 45- 5 28A Voice production, art of. Pattou 3I.826A Voyage of the "Vivian. '* Knox 42.7I4A Warden, F. Deldee; or the iron hand 54-726A Warner, Susan. Stephen M. D 54- 5 ' 3 A Weird tales. Hoffmann 49.8igA What our girls ought to know. Studley 3I.2I7A Whist, philosophy of. Pole 42. 521 A White, Rev. James. Eighteen Christian centuries, I2-3I2A White, Richard E. Cross of Monterey, . ..4O.367A Williams, S. Wells. Middle kingdom,. . .26.417!) Wine, treatise on the origin, nature and va- rieties of. Thudichum and Dupre . . . i8.72iA Wing and wing. Cooper 45- 222A Winsor, Justin. Reader's handbook of the 208 WINSOE YOUNG. Winsor (continued) American revolution, 1761-1783 40.235 A Wister, Mrs. A. L., trans. A penniless girl. 48. 1 22 A Wonder book. Hawthorne 37 . 425A Wonders of the deep. De Vere 20. 331 A Woodberry, George E. Life of Edgar Al- lan Poe 35 323A Wright, William. Oil regions of Pennsyl- Wright (continued) - vania 24. 1 1 1 A Wycliffe, John. New Testament in English. n.4i6A Year's housekeeping in South Africa, A. Barker 56.833A Yonge, Charlotte M. Pillars of the house. 54. 128A Young, Robert. Light in lands of dark- ness 12. 31 5 A Young girl's wooing, A. Roe 52.71 lA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-20m-7,'61 (C1437s4)444 z 733 011A5 Miel - I Catalogue of the Oakland Free Public Library 2 733 01U5 1885