UC-NRLF F. A.FINKES WIDOW SPARKLING AND VINTAGE WINES CHAMPAGNES 809 MONTCOMEPY STREET. SAN FPANCISCO. CAL. ANDRIAN'S SAN FRANCISCO TREET NUMBER AND AR DIRECTORY Supplied by THE SAN FRANCISCO NEWS COMPANY, 747 Howard Street PRICE, 35 Cents Copyrighted 1912 by H, A, Candrian NATIONAL FREIGHT & TRANSFER CO. AND WILSON BROS. CO., inc. G. W. WHITE, Pres. J. W. STERN. VicE-Pres. "the MOVERS' FRIEND" FIRE PROOF STORAGE SEPARATE LOCKED, IRON ROOMS AND VAULTS FORWARDERS THROUGH CAR SERVICE FOR THE SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL EASTERN POINTS PACKING AND SHIPPING EXPERT PACKERS ESTIMATES OR INFORMATION CHEERFULLY FURNISHED OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 1626 - 1636 MARKET ST. BELOW HAIGHT ST. JUNCTION « • PARK i7f CONNECTING ALL* DEPARTMENTS EXPLANATION' The Streets are alphabetically arranged and have the number of the Block* from where they start. The Letter and Figure at the End is the Map Key. We give the Street Car for every Street and Number. With the assistance of this Guide a resident of one day can find any street as well as the one that lived here a lifetime. One hundred Numbers to each Block. The Blocks north of Market contain 6 fifty varas and average north and south 16 Blocks to the mile, and east and west 11 Blocks to the mile. The Blocks south of Market contain 12 fifty varas, 6 Blocks to the mile east and west, and 8 Blocks north and south. INDEX Page Apartment Houses 83 Banks 78-79 Blocks and Buildings 76-78 Clubs 84 Distances (Circles on Map). Grand Lodges 81 Halls 84-85 Hospitals 79-80 Hotels 81-82 Streets of San Francisco 2-74 Street Car Routes 75-76 Theaters 86 LURLINE OCEAN WATER BATHS— Bush and I^arkin Streets, San Francisco. Most sanitary baths in the world. Filtered ocean water plungre comfortably heated. Water in this plunge constantly circulating and filtering. Tub department finest of its kind, each room fitted with a porcelain tub with hot and cold salt and fresh water and showers. Hot air hair driers, electric curl- ing irons, and shampoo rooms for women bathers free. Our own modem laundry. Suits and towels thoroughly washed and sterilized. Inspection invited. Spectators free. All Market or Sutter Street cars transfer to IvUrline Ocean Water Baths, Bush and lyarkin Streets. Branch Tub Baths, 2151 Geary Street, near D.vU.de,o. 2GJL302 STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO 'M^rae In pare^ttiesls (OLD NAME) A (see Anza). A South (see Alvord). Abbey (Alemany), 3644 17th, Fillmore car. Aberdeen — Closed. Acacia, 1000 Ocean Ave. S. to Getz, Ingleside car.. 11 U Academy, Fairmount S. to Charles, 3600 Mission cars 17 Q Acadia, 1600 San Jose Ave. Guerrero cars 14 R Circular Ave 2 Sunnyside Ave 100 Joost Ave 200 Acme Al. (Alta), Douglas nr. 19th, 18th St. car. Acorn Al^ 1115 Leavenworth and (Jalifornia car.. 19 F Acton, Mission S. to Hanover, 5900 Mission cars... 12 W Ada Al. (see Amity) .... 19 G Ada Ct., 620 O'Farrell to Hyde St., Ellis car. Adallne, Diamond to Moore- land, Guerrero car. Adair, Capp to, 1950 Howard cars 18 K Adam, 2780 Army S. to Eve, San Bruno cars 20 N Ade Al. (Adele), 824 Jackson, Powell car. Addison, Bemis W. to 2900 Castro, Guerrero cars . 16 Q Adelaide PI., 521 Taylor, near Geary cars 19 F Adele Al. (see Ade Al.).20 D Adele, Kossuth S. to Hecker, 1800 San Bruno cars. 21 P Adier, 1132 Grant Ave., Kear- ny cars, near Broadway. 21 D Agate Al., 628 Post, Sutter cars, near Taylor St.l9 F Ahlers Ct., 2000 Union to Fil bert, Fillmore cars.. 16 D Alleen, 1876 15th St., near Guerrero cars 17 J Alabama, Division S. to Es- meralda, Bryant cars... 19 M Division and Alameda 100 15th 200 16th Car 300 17th 400 Mariposa 500 18th 600 19th 700 20th 800 21st 900 22nd Car 1000 23rd 1100 24 th Car 1200 25th 1300 26th Car 1400 Serpentine Ave Army 1500 Precita Ave Car 1600 Montcalm, E. s 1701 Norwich, W. s 1700 Rutledge, E. s Ripley 1800 Waltham, W. s Esmeralda Ave Aladdin Ten. (Taylor Ter.), 1914 Taylor, near Union car. Alameda, Bay W. to Harri- son, 500 Kentucky cars.. 20 J Georgia 100 Michigan 200 Illinois 300 Kentucky Cars 400 Tennessee 500 Minnesota 600 Indiana 700 Carolina 1400 DeHaro 1500 Rhode Island 1600 Kansas 8th St Car 1700 Vermont 1800 San Bruno Ave 1900 Utah 2000 Potrero Ave 2100 Hampshire 2200 York 2300 Bryant Cars 2400 Florida 2500 Alaska, 2200 Kentucky cars, 12 blks 26 Q Alaska PI., 2423 Mason to Taylor, Powells cars. 19 B Albany, 1600 Masonic Ave. cars 15 K Albert Al. (see Alert Al.)... 17 J Alberta, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Reis Tr.). Alder, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Reis Tr.). Alder Al. (see Ames St.). 17 M Albion, 1763 15th St. to 17th, Valencia cars 17K Alcatraz, 1800 San Bruno cars, 6 blks. east 21 P Aldlne(now Golden Gate Ave.) IIH Aldrlch Al. (Rose), 32 New Montgomery, Market car. Alemany (see Abbey). Alemany Ave., 4300 Mission car 15 S Alert Al., 210 Dolores, near 15th, Fillmore car. Alexander Ave. (Bay Shore Tr.), 3900 R. R. Ave. car. Alger PI., 449 1st St., near Bryant cars 23 G Alice, 765 Folsom cars, near 3rd St 22 G Allen (see Eastman) 18 O Allison, Mission to Hanna, 5300 Mission cars... 14 W Alma, 900 Clayton to Stan- yan, 18th St. cars 12 L Belvedere 2 Cole 100 Schrader ; 2001- Stanyan —2- Alms House Road, 18th St. car. 3 blks 12 M Alpha, 3400 R. R. Ave., car (Reis Tr.). Alpine, 900 Haight St. cars. near Devisadero 15 K Alta, 1220 Sansome cars, near Union. Alta Al. (see Acme Al.). Altamont (Norma). 1700 Cole to 20th, 18th St. car. Alta Vista, Mason & Vallejo, Kearny car. Alvarado, 50 San Jose Ave., near 22d, Valencia car.. 15 M San Jose Ave 2 Guerrero Dolores Church Sanchez... 24th St. Car 400 Noe 500 Castro Car 600 Diamond Douglas. . .24th St. Car 800 Hoffman Ave 900 Grand View Ave.. Alvord (A St. S), 200 R. R. Ave. cars 26 V Amador, 2200 Kentucky cars, near Arthur Ave. S.24 Q Amazon Ave., 5000 Mission cars, near Munich. Ames (Alder), 3400 21st St., Guerrero cars. Amherst, 2400 San Bruno cars, near Silver Ave 19 T Amity Al. (Ada), 620 O'Far- rell, Ellis car. Anderson, Esmeralda to Cres- cent, 3500 Mission cars'. . 18 R Esmeralda Ave 2 Powhattan 100 Eugenia Ave 200 Cortland Ave 300 Jarboe Ave 400 Tompkins Ave 500 Ogden Ave 600 Crescent Ave 700 Andover, Esmeralda and Bo- cana S. to Benton, 3200 Mission cars 18 R (For No. see Anderson.) Andrew (Army N.),2700 Army N. to San Bruno (Car). Angelica, 3571 19th St., near Guerrero cars. Ankeny PI. (see Anson). Ankeny, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Reis Tr.). Anna Lane (Glasgow) 119 Ellis car. near Powell. Annie, 641 Market cars, near 3rd. Anthony, 570 Mission cars, near 2nd. Anton, 900 Presidio Ave., W Geary cars. Antonio, 409 Jones, Ellis cars, near Jones. Anson PI. (Ankeny), 520 Pow- ell cars. Anza (A St.), 600 Arguello Blvd. W. to 48th Ave., Eddy or Geary cars. (For No. see Clement.) Appleton Ave. (West Ave.), 3600 Mission car 17 Q Apollo, Thornton Ave., 2500 San Bruno cars 21 S Arago, 1800 San Jose Ave,, near Paulding, Guerrero car 14 T Arbor (see Glen Park Ter.). Arch, 3000 San Jose Ave., near Garfield, Guerrero car.9 V Argent Al. (Silver Al.), Grand View to Corbett Ave., 4500 23rd St., 24th St. car 14 M Arguello Blvd. (1st Ave.), 3800 Jackson S. to Parnassus Ave., Eddy cars 11 G Presidio Wall Jackson, E. s Washington, E. s 100 Presidio Terrace Clay, E. s 150 Lake, W. s 201 Sacramento, E. s 200 California Car 300 Cornwall Euclid Ave., E. s 400 Clement, W. s Car 401 Geary 500 Anza, W. s 601 Edward, E. s Balboa, W. s Turk, E. s G. Gate Ave., E. s Cabrillo, W. s McAllister, E. s...Car Fulton Golden Gate Park Lincoln Way. Ellis Car 1201 Frederick, E. s 1200 Hugo, W. s 1251 Carl, E. s 1300 Irving, W. s 1301 Parnassus Ave Hayes Car Arizona, 2200 Kentucky cars. 26 Q Arkansas, 1100 16th St. to Tulare, 8th St. car... 22 K 17th Mariposa 200 18th 300 19th 400 20th 500 22nd & 24th St... Cars 600 23rd 700 25th 800 Army 900 Tulare Arleta, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Reis Tr.). Arlington, San Jose & Charles to Bosworth, Guerrero car 16 R Charles 2 Miguel 100 Mateo 200 Roanoke 300 Natick, N. s Bosworth Arlington Ave. (see Ashton Ave.) 10 V Army, 100 Ohio W. to Fow- ler Ave., Kentucky car. . 15 O Ohio 2 Virginia 100 New York 200 Massachusetts 300 Delaware 400 Maryland 500 Louisiana 600 Georgia 700 Michig-an 800 Illinois 900 Kentucky Car 1000 Tennessee 1100 Minnesota 1200 Indiana '. 1300 Iowa 1400 Pennsylvania Ave 1500 Mississippi I600 Texas I700 Missouri 1800 Connecticut 1900 Arkansas 2000 Wisconsin 2100 Carolina 2200 DeHaro 2300 Rhode Island 2400 Kansas 2500 Vermont 2600 San Bruno Ave 2700 Adam, S. s Andrew, N. s Holladay Ave., S. s... 2801 Potrero Ave., N. s 2800 Cannon, S. s Jork 2900 Precita Ave., S. s gryant Car 2950 ?^orida 3000 Alabama 3050 Harrison 3100 ^Glsom Car 3200 Shotwell 3250 Point opp. Howard... 3300 Mission Car 3400 Bartlett, N. s 3450 Valencia Car 3500 San Jose Ave 3600 Guerrero Car 3700 golores 3800 Church 3900 Sanchez 4000 Noe 4100 Castro Car 4200 Diamond 4300 Douglass 4400 Hoffman Ave 4500 Bellevue 4600 Lincoln Ave 47OO Corbett Ave., N. s Twin Peaks Ave 4800 Stanyan Ave 4900 Stanford Heights Ave. 5000 Fowler Ave Army North (see Andrew). Arthur Ave. (1st Ave. S). fr. Waterfront to Islais Cr. . . 24 P Armstrong Ave. (25th Ave. S.), 2000 R. R. Ave. car... 23 T Ash, 231 Larkin car, near Fulton St 17 H Polk... McAllister Car 100 Van Ness Ave 200 Franklin ___ Gough, East \ 300 Octavia 500 Laguna 600 Buchanan Ash burton, 212 Grant Ave., near Sutter car. Ashbury, 1900 Fulton to 17th, McAllister cars 13 1 Fulton _2 Grove IJO Hayes 20O Fell Panhandle G. G. Park. — — Oak 400 Page 500 Haight 600 Waller 700 Frederick. . .Hayes Car 800 Piedmont, E. s Clifford, 18th St. Car 1001 Downey, W. s -— — • Clayton, W. s. 1100 Ashton Ave. (Arlington), 1900 Ocean Ave. S. to Lake- view, Ingleside car. .10 V Aster, 4100 R. R. Ave. car, 4 blks 16 W Athens, 4300 Mission car to Amazon 15 V Madison ^ ^2 India Ave 100 Avalon Ave 200 Excelsior Ave 300 Brazil Ave JOO Persia Ave 500 Russia Ave 600 France Ave 700 Italy Ave 800 Amazon Atlas, 3300 Octavia to Laguna Fillmore car. Auburn, 1118 Jackson cars to "Do Ol fi P August AI., 722 Green, near Powell, Kearny car. Augusta, 2300 San Bruno cars. near Silver Ave 21 R Waterville ^ ^2 Elmira 100 Charter Oak Ave 200 Boutwell 300 Steuben and San Bru- no Ave Austin, 1223 Larkin cars, near Bush St. Polk 100 Van Ness Ave., Sutter Cars 200 Franklin 300 Gough 400 Octavia --— Avalon, 4300 Mission cars,Lis- bon to La Grande... 17 S Lisbon 300 Madrid JOO Edinburgh 500 Naples 600 Vienna 700 Athens 800 Moscow ^ 900 Munich 1000 La Grande Ave Avery, 1838 Geary cars, near Fillmore. Avoca, 1600 San Jose Ave., near 31st, Guerrero cars. 12 Q Aztec, 3200 Folsom car, near Coso 18 O B St. (see Balboa) 6 H B St. S. (see Boalt) 26 V 1300 1400 1500 Bache, 3900 Mission car, near Crescent Ave 18 R Bacon, 2400 San Bruno car. near Potrero Ave 18 T Bacon PI. (see Quincy). Baden, 100 Circular Ave. to Mangels, Guerrero car. . . 14 S Circular Ave 2 Hearst Ave 100 Sunnyside Ave 200 Joost Ave 300 Mangels Ave 400 Badger, 1600 San Jose Ave. to Springdale, Guerrero car. 15 R Bagley PI (see SavingsUnion) Baker, 1100 Haight to Lewis. Haight cars 14 G Page Ellis Cars 100 Oak Ellis Cars 200 Panhandle G. G. Park. Fell Hayes Cars Grove Fulton McAllister Cars Golden Gate Ave Turk 900 Eddy Calvary Ellis Cemetery O'Farrell Geary Cars Post Sutter Cars Bush 1600 Pine 1700 California Cars 1800 Sacramento Cars 1900 Clay 2000 Washington 2100 Jackson Cars 2200 Pacific Ave 2300 Broadway 2400 \ allejo 2500 Green 2600 Union Cars 2700 Filbert 2800 Miley Greenwich 2900 Lombard 3000 Chestnut 3100 Francisco 3200 Bay 3300 North Point 3400 Beach 3500 Jefferson 3600 Tonciuin 3700 Lewis Baker Ave. (see Barton). 21 P Balance, 412 Jackson to Gold, Sansome cars. Balboa, 600 Arguello Blvd. W. to 49th Ave., Eddy and Geary cars. (For No. see Clement.) Baldwin Ct., 410 Folsom cars, near Fremont. Balmy, 3021 24th St., Folsom cars, near Treat Ave. Bancroft Ave. (26th Ave. S.), 2200 R. R. Ave. car.. 22 T Banks, Esmeralda to Cres- cent, 1800 San Bruno car. 19 R -. (See Anderson for cross st.) Bannam PI., 512 Green to Union, Kearny cars. Barneveld Ave., Crescent to Silver Ave., 1800 San Bru- no cars 20 R Barry (see Campbell Ave) . . . Barstow (W. Eldorado), 1300 6th St., Kentucky car... 22 K Barton (Baker Al.), 1800 San Bruno car E. of Kossuth. 21 P Bartlett, 3251 21st to 26th St., Mission car 18 N 22nd Cars 100 23rd 200 24th 300 25th 400 26th 500 Bartlett Al. (see Beckett). Bartol, Vallejo to 328 Broad- way cars. Battery, 400 Market N. to Bay, Sansome cars.. 21 E Market, W. s 2 Bush 2 Pine 100 California 200 Halleck -r— - Sacramento 300 Commercial Clay 400 Merchant Washington 500 Oregon, E. s Jackson 600 Pacific 700 Broadway 800 Vallejo 900 Green 1000 Commerce, E. s Union 1100 Filbert 1200 Greenwich 1300 Lombard, W. s East North, E. s Bauer, 4650 Mission cars, near Ocean Ave 15 T Baum Al., 700 Union, near Powell, Kearny car. Bay, 1800 Montgomery to Lyon, Kearny cars.. 18 B Kearny Cars 50 Grant Ave 100 Stockton 200 Powell Cars 300 Mason 400 Taylor 500 Jones 600 Columbus Ave Leavenworth 700 Hyde Cars 800 Larkin 900 Polk 1000 Van Ness 1100 Fort Mason Franklin 1200 Gough 1300 Octavia 1400 Laguna 1500 Lobos Square Buchanan 1600 Webster 1700 Fillmore Cars 1800 Steiner 1900 Pierce 2000 Scott 2100 Devisadero 2200 Broderick 2300 Baker Union Cars 2400 Lyon Bay Shore Ave. (Bay Shore Tr.) 3900 R. R. Ave. car. Bay View, 1600 R. R. Ave. to Newhall, Kentucky cars 22 R Bay View PI. (see Black). Bay View Rd., Hecker to Baker, 1900 San Bruno cars 21 "P Beach, 2200 * Grant* to * Lyon, Kearny cars 18 B Embarcadero 2 Stockton 100 Powell 200 Mason 300 Taylor 400 Jones Powell cars 500 Leavenworth 600 Columbus Ave., S. s.. Hyde Cars 700 Larkin 800 Polk 900 Van Ness Ave Fort Mason Laguna 1400 Buchanan 1500 Webster 1600 Fillmore Cars 1700 Steiner 1800 Pierce 1900 Scott 2000 Devisadero 2100 Broderick 2200 Baker Union cars 2300 Lyon Beacon, 2500 Castro to Bemis, Guerrero cars 15 O Beale, 301 Market to Bryant 22 F Mission .'.*.*.*.*.' Cars' 100 Howard Cars 200 Folsom Cars 300 Harrison 400 Bryant 500 Brannan Beavep (Tilden), 254 Noe, Market car, west to 15th ^ ;St 15 K Becker PI., 618 Taylor, near Sutter car. Bedford PL, 808 Jackson, near Powell car. Beldeman, 1990 Ellis car, near Devisadero. Belcher, 720 14th St., near Church, Market car. Belcher Ct. (see Boynton). Beckett (Bartlett Al.), 628 Jackson. Kearny car. Belden, 350 Bush, near Kear- ny cars. Belgrave Ave., 1400 Stanyan, near 18th car 13 L Belknao PI. (Sutter PL), 1720 Sutter car. Belle Ave., 3200 San Jose Ave.. Guerrero car. Bcllair PL, 360 Chestnut, near Dupont. Kearny cars. Bellevue, 4500 24th cars, near Hoffman Ave 14 P Bellevue Ave. (see Burnham) 14 W Belmont Ave., Hayes cars nr. Parnassus 12 L Belmont PL, 539 7th St., bet. Brannan & Bryant cars; Belvedere, 1600 Haight S. to Carmel. Haight Cars 2 Waller 100 Lincoln Way Hayes Car Parnassus Ave 400 Grattan, W. s Alma Ave., W. s 501 Rivoli Ave., W. s 17th 600 Carmel... 18th St. Car 700 Bemis, 2900 Castro to Beacon, Guerrero car 16 R Beacon 2 Fairmount, E. s Miguel, S. s 101 Addison, N. s 200 Mateo, S. s 201 Roanoke, S. s 301 Castro Bennett (Benton), 3316 Octa- via to Laguna, Fillmore car. Bennington, 3500 Mission cars at Cortland Ave 18 Q Benton Ave.,Andover to Cres- cent, 3900 Mission cars.. 18 R Benton (see Bennett). Benson, 900 Presidio Ave., Geary cars. Bergln AL, 2607 Hyde car, near Bay St. Berkeley (W. Diamond), fr. Diamond to Glen Park Ter., Guerrero car... 15 R Berkshire (see Bosworth)15 R Berlin, from Silver Ave., 2300 San Bruno cars 20 S (See Girard for cross st.) Bernal Ave., from Coso, 3100 Mission cars 18 O Bernard, 1529 Taylor, to Lea- venworth, Powell car. Bern Ice, 330 12 th, Harrison to Folsom car. Berry, 2d to DeHaro, Ken- tucky car 22 J 2nd ^2 3rd 100 4th 200 5th 300 6th 400 7th 500 DeHaro Berry PL (see Harlan PL). Berwick PI. (Mariposa Ter.), 1170 Harrison car near 7th. Bessie, 3200 Folsom car, near Precita 19 O Beta (see Rutland). Beulah, 751 Cole, Ellis cars. near Waller 12 .T Beverly (Thornton), E. of Junipero Serra Blvd, In- gleside car 8 V Bigelow, Leland to Astor, 4100 R. R. Ave. cars. 17 W Biggs, 1900 San Bruno cars, near Islals Creek 21 O Birch, 131 Larkln to Buchan- i an, McAllister car... 16 H "Larkin 2 Polk Van Ness 200 Franklin Gough Octavia.McAUister Car 500 Laguna 600 Buchanan 700 Bird, 3455 17th St., near Val- encia car. Bismarck, 6150 Mission cars to Delong 10 W Bishop (Burnside) Ankeny to Harkness, 3400 R. R. Ave. car. (Reis Tr.) Black (Bay View) 1048 Union car, near Jones. Blackstone, 2800 Franklin to Greenwich, Hyde St. cars. Blake, 2600 Turk to Junipero, Geary cars. Blair (View Rd.), Grandview and Acme N. to Corwin, 18th St. car. Blanche, 3900 23rd, 24th St. car, near Sanchez. Bluxome, 622 4th to 5th cars, near Brannan 22 1 1st 2 4th 300 5th 400 6th Boalt (B St. S.), Custer Ave. S to Co. Line, Kentucky car. Boardman PI., 837 Bryant cars, near 6th St. Bocana (North Ave.), 3500 Mission car. * 18 Q Bond, 1651 Mission cars, near 12th. Bond Al. (see Brant Al.) Bonita, 2211 Polk cars, near Vallejo. Bonview, Coso to Cortland, 3500 Mission car. Boston PI., 351 1st St.. off Folsom car. Bosworth, 4000 Mission cars to Burnside 16 R Marsilly 100 Cuvier 200 Milton 300 Rousseau 400 Diamond, Guerrero car 500 Brompton Ave 600 Lippard Ave 700 Clinton Ave 800 Hamilton Ave 900 Burnside Ave 1000 Bourbin(Brisbane), 1624 Eddy car, near Steiner. Bourbon (see Bristol). . .17 O Bourne, 1900 San Bruno cars, Kossuth to Hecker. .21 P Boutwell, 2300 San Bruno cars, nr Charter Oak. 20 R Bow, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Reis. Tr.). Bowdoln, 2300 San Bruno cars, near Hamilton. 19 S Bowie Ave. (see Kissling). — 7- Boyce, 2800 Turk to Geary cars, near Cook 12 G Boyd, 1143 Harrison St., near 7th, Folsom cars. Boynton, 400 Duboce near Church. Market cars. Boylston, 2300 San Bruno cars, off Silver Ave.. 19 R Bradford, 2000 San Bruno cars, off Esmeralda. .19 Q Bradley Ct., 320 Bryant near 1st, Folsom cars. Brady, 1701 Market cars. Brannan, 599 Boale St. to 9th St., Bryant cars 21 I Beale 2 Fremont 100 1st 200 Dover Japan, S. s 2nd 300 Stanford, S. s Center PI., N. s 3rd 400 Ritch Zoe, N. s 4th 500 5th 600 6th 700 Harriet Lucerne ■ Boardman PI., N. s... Butte PI., S. s Gilbert 7th 800 Langton, S. s 8th 900 9th 1000 Dore, N. s 10th and Division Brannan PI. (see Butte). Brant Al., 627 Greenwich nr. Stockton. Kearny cars. Brazil Ave., 4600 Mission cars. near Excelsior 15 T Breen PI., 224 McAllister car near Hyde. Brenham PI., 760 Clay and Kearny cars. Brewster, Isabel to Esmeral- da, 1800 San Bruno cars. 20 P Brice, 2210 Bryant car near 20th St. Bridge PI., 1223 Broadway, Hyde cars. Bright, Palmetto to Garfield, 3000 San Jose Ave., Guer- rero cars 10 V Palmetto Ave 2 Stanley 100 Randolph 200 Sargent 300 Shields 400 Garfield 500 Brighton Ave., 1800 Ocean Ave., Ingleside car.. 11 T Lakeview Ave 2 Grafton Ave 100 Holloway Ave 200 Bristol (Bourbon)] 1900 San Bruno car E to Rhode Island. Brltton, Leland to Medford, 4200 R. R. Ave. car. 19 W Broad, Plymouth to Capital, 28U0 San Jose Ave., Guer- rero cars 10 W San Jose Ave 2 Plymouth Ave 100 Capitol Ave 200 Orizaba Ave Broads PI., 1222 Bush, near Sutter cars. Broadway, 500 Embarcadero to Lyon, Kearny cars . . . 18 D ^^Jmbarcadero, N 2 Davis — Front 100 Battery 200 Stevens Al., S. s Sansome Car 300 Osgood PL, S. s — Barton — Montgomery 400 Rowland, S. s — Kearny Car 500 Pinkney PL, N. s — Columbus Ave — Grant Ave 600 Stockton 700 Cordelia PL, S. s — Churchill Ave., N. s.. — Powell Car 800 Wayne PL, S. s — Mason 900 Salmon, S. s — Himmelman PL, S. s. — Taylor 1000 Florence, N. s — Jones 1100 Leavenworth 1200 Cyrus PL, S. s — Hyde Car 1300 Morrell PL, S. s Larkin 1400 Polk Car 1500 Van Ness Ave 1600 Franklin 1700 Gough 1800 Octavia 1900 Laguna 2000 Buchanan 2100 Webster 2200 Fillmore Car 2300 Steiner 2400 Pierce 2500 Scott 2600 Devisadero Car 2700 Broderick 2800 Baker Union Car 2900 Lyon — Broderick, 900 Waller to Bay near Devisadero, Eddy & Ellis cars 14 I Waller Haight Car 100 Page 200 Oak Car 300 Fell 400 Hayes Car 500 Grove 600 Fulton 700 McAllister Car 800 Golden Gate Ave 900 Turk 1000 Eddy 1100 Ellis 1200 O'Farrell 1300 Geary Car 1400 Garden, E. s Post 1500 Sutter Car 1600 Bush 1700 Pine 1800 California Car 1900 Sacramento Car 2000 Clay 2100 Washington 2200 Jackson Car 2300 Pacific Ave 2400 Broadway 2500 Vallejo 2600 Green 2700 Union Car 2800 Filbert 2900 Greenwich 3000 Lombard 3100 Chestnut 3200 Francisco 3300 Bay 3400 North Point 3500 Beach 3600 Jefferson 3700 Tonquin 3800 Lewis 3900 Bromley PI. (Webster PL), 2414 Webster, near Jack- son, Fillmore car. Brompton Ave. (Fulton Ave.) from Bosworth to Man- gels, Guerrero car... 15 R Bronte, Cortland to Crescent, 1900 San Bruno cars. 20 Q Brook, 3500 Mission cars, nr. 30th St 17 P Brooklyn PI., 833 Sacramento cars, near Grant Ave. Brosnan, 268 Valencia cars„ near 14th St. Brown, Visitacion to Med-1 ford, 4700 Mission cars.? 17 Browns Al. (see Breen PL) Bruce Ave., 800 Ocean, Harolj^ Ave., Ingleside car... 12 Bruce PI. (see Brush PL). Brunswick, 5700 Mission car^ from Curtis to Acton...: 13 "" Curtis lOdi Pope 20a_ Allison 30d| Concord 400 Watt Ave Gutenberg 500 Lowell 600. Whittier 70ffl Oliver 80ff_ Acton 900" Brush PI. (Bruce), 1127 Fol- som car near 7th St. Bryant, 498 Spear St. to Pre- cita Ave, Bryant car. . . . 21 H Spear Main Beale Fremont 1st Rincon Sterling PL, N. s 2d Car Center PL, S. s 3rd Car 500 Ritch, S. s r Zeno, S. s — ^ 4th Car 60( —8- . Car 800 900 5th 700 Oak Grove, N. s Morris 6th Harriet Boardman PL S. Gilbert, S. s.... 7th Langton Chesley, N. s Victor PI., S. s Kate, S. s Decatur, S. s 8th Car 1000 Converse, N. s 9th Car 1100 Dore 10th Car 1200 Juniper, N. s 11th 1300 Division 1400 Alameda 1500 15th 1600 16th 1700 17th 1800 Mariposa * 1900 18th 2000 19th 2100 20th 2200 Brice Ter., W. s 21st 2300 22nd 2400 23rd 2500 24th 2600 25th 2700 26th 2800 Army Precita Ave Bryant Ct. (see Bradley). Bryant Ter. (see Brice). Buchanan, 1900 Market car, from Duboce to Lewis... 16 I Market & Duboce Ave. 2 Hermann 100 Waller 200 Laussat, W. s Haight Car Page Lily Oak Hickory Fell Linden Hayes Car Ivy Grove Birch Fulton 900 Ash, E. s McAllister Car 1000 Golden Gate Ave 1100 Turk Car 1200 Larch Eddy Car 1300 Willow Ellis Car 1400 Olive, E. s O'Farrell Car 1500 Canning Ct., E. s Geary Car 1600 Post 1700 Sutter Car 1800 Bush 1900 Pine 2000 California Car 2100 Sacramento Car 2200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Clay 2300 Washington 2400 Jackson Car 2500 Pacific Ave 2600 Broadway 2700 Vallejo 2800 Green 2900 Union Car 3000 Filbert 3100 Plx>ey. W. s Greenwich 3200 Mculton, W. s Lombard 3300 Magnolia dK stnut Lobos Square Bay 3600 North Point 3700 Beach 3800 Jefferson 3900 Tonquin 4000 Lewis Buell (Grant), 4500 Mission car, Legrand S to Dwight 17 V Buena Vista (see Bonview) . . 18 O Buena Vista Ave., around the Park to 1300 Haight St. cars. Haight 1 Waller, E. s 101 Duboce Ave E. s Buena Vista Ter., S. s. 201 Park Hill Ave., S. s. . . 301 Second Angle S. W... 401 Congress.. 18th St. Car 501 Java, W. s 601 Frederick, W. s 701 Central Ave., W. s 801 Waller, W. s 901 Haight Buena Vista Ter. (S. Broder- ick), 1000 Haight car 15 K Burcham PI., 103 Leaven- worth, near Turk St. cars Burgoyne PI., 1307 Pacific near Hyde St. car. Burke (2d Ave. S) Bay W to Islais Creek, 2300 Ken- tucky car. Burnett, from Bellgrave S. to Surry, 18th and 24th St. cars. Burnett PI. (see Treasury PI.). Burnham (Bellevue Ave.), 5400 Mission car, Watt to Acton. Burnett Ave. (Lincoln Ave.). 1500 Cole S. to 28th, 18th and 24th St. cars. Burns PI., 230 11th St., near Folsom car. Burnslde (see Bishop). Burnslde Ave., Glen to Man- gels, Guerrero car. ..14 R Burritt, 613 Bush & Powell car. Burrows, near Charter Oak, 2500 San Bruno cars.... 18 S (See Woolsey for cross st.) Bush at Sansome & Market to Presidio Ave., Sutter car 19 E --9— Market — Battery 100 Sansome 200 Treasury PI., N. s — Montgomery Car 300 Trinity, S. s — Belden, N. s — Kearny Car 400 St. George's Al., N. s. — Claude Lane, S. s — Mark Lane, S. s — Grant Ave 500 Chatham PL, N. s — Stockton 600 Burritt, S. s — Monroe, N. s — Chelsea PL, S. s — Powell Car 700 Mason 800 Taylor 900 Jones 1000 Leavenworth 1100 Hyde Car 1200 Larkin 1300 Polk Car 1400 Van Ness Ave 1500 Franklin 1600 Gough 1700 Octavia 1800 Laguna 1900 Buchanan 2000 Webster 2100 Cottage Row, S. s — Fillmore Car 2200 Steiner 2300 Pierce 2400 Scott 2500 Divisadero Car 2600 Broderick 2700 Baker 2800 Lyon 2900 Presidio Ave Bush St. PL, 720 Bush, near Powell cars, Butler, Esmeralda to Cort- land, 1800 San Bruno Ave car 20 P Butler PL (Brannan PL), 719 Brannan near 6th cars. Butte PL (Brannan), 719 Brannan near 6th cars. Byrne, 1700 San Bruno cars, near Islais Creek. Byington, 1341 Webster, near Ellis car. Byxbee, Worchester to Hal- loway, 3000 Mission cars 8 V C (see Cabrillo) 6 I C St. S. (see Coleman). 25 V Cabot, Franconia to Peralta, 1800 San Bruno car.. 20 P Cabrillo (C St.), 700 Arguella Blvd., McAllister car. (For No. see Clement.) Cadell AL, 512 Union, near Kearny car. Calne Ave., 2400 San Jose to Majestic, Guerrero car 12 V Calaveras, Bay to 1st Ave. S., 2200 Kentucky cars.. 24 P Caledonia, 1689 15th, Mission car, near Valencia. Calhoun, 226 Green, Kearny cars, near Sansome. California, Market at Drumm to 32d Ave., California & Sutter cars 20 E Drumm 2 Davis 100 Front 200 Battery 300 Sansome 400 Leidesdorff Montgomery Car 500 Spring Kearny Car 600 St. Ann PL, S. s Quincy, S. s Grant Ave 700 Sabin PL, N. s Stockton 800 Ellick Lane, N. s Joice Miles Ct., N. s Powell Car 900 Mason 1000 Cushman, N. s Taylor 1100 Jones 1200 Leavenworth 1300 Helen, S. s Hyde Car 1400 Larkin 1500 Polk Car 1600 Van Ness Ave 1700 Franklin 1800 Gough 1900 Octavia ZOOO Laguna 2100 Buchanan 2200 Webster 2300 Middle, S. s Fillmore Car 2400^ ' Steiner 2500 Pierce 2600 Scott 2700 Divisadero Car 2800 Broderick 2900 Baker 3000 Lyon 3100 Presidio Ave Car 3200 Laurel Hill Cemetery. Walnut, N. s 3300 Laurel, N s 3400 Locust, N. s 3500 Spruce, N. s 3600 Maple, N s 3700 Parker Ave., S. s 3701 Commonwealth Ave. S. Cherry, N. s Jordan Ave., S. s. . . . Palm Ave., S. s Arguello Blvd 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4100 4th Ave 4200j 5th Ave 4300 Cornwall, S. s 6th Ave 4400 7th Ave 4500 8th Ave 4600 9th Ave 4700 10th Ave 4800 nth Ave 4900 12th Ave 5000 13th Ave 5100 14th Ave 5200 15th Ave 5300 16th Ave 5400 17th Ave 5500 18th Ave 5600 -10— 19th Ave 5700 20th Ave 5800 21st Ave 5900 22nd Ave 6000 23rd Ave 6100 24th Ave 6200 25th Ave 6300 26th Ave 6400 27th Ave 6500 28th Ave 6600 29th Ave 6700 30th Ave 6800 31st Ave 6900 32nd Ave 7000 California S. (see Cornwall) California Ave. (see Cole- ridge) 17 P Cameron Al. (Church Al.), 800 Washington nr. Kear- ny cars. Calumet PI. (Fillmore PI.), 2011 Fillmore car. Campbell Ave. (Barry), 3400 R.R. Ave. car (Reis Tr.). Cambridge (Hamlin), Silver to Arleta Ave., 2400 San Bruno car 18 T Camp, 451 Guerrero car, near 16th St. Campton PI. (Stockton PL), 217 Grant Ave., Sutter car. Canal, Mission to Congdo'-.. 4100 Mission cars 16 R Canning Ct. (Clarence Ct.), 1514 Buchanan nr. Geary cars. Cannon (see Hampshire). Capistrano Ave., 4300 Mission car. Capitol Ave., Palmetto to Ocean Ave., Guerrero car 10 V Palmetto Ave 2 Sagamore 100 Sadowa 200 Broad 300 Farallones 400 Lobos 500 Minerva 600 Montana 700 Thrift 800 Lake View Ave 900 Grafton Ave 1000 Holloway Ave 1100 DeMontfort Ave 1200 Capp, 1551 15th"st'to 26th Mission cars 18 N 15th 2 Adair, B. s 16th Car 100 17th 200 18th 300 19th 400 20th 500 21st 600 22nd 700 23rd 800 24th 900 25th 1000 26th Car 1100 Serpentine Ave Card Al., 1429 Stockton, near Kearny car. Carl, 800 Clayton to 1st Ave.. Hayes car 12 J C'ayton 2 Cole 100 Shrader, S. s Stanyan 200 Willard 300 Arguella Blvd Carloo PI., 251 O'Farrell, near Powell car. Carmel, 1000 Ashbury, near 18th St. car 13 L Carmellta, 667 Waller and Pierce, Haight cars.. 15 J Carmine PI. (Caroline PL), 1220 Powell, cars near Pacific. Carolina, Alameda to Islaiy Creek, 8th St. car... 21 N Alameda 2 15th 100 16th Car 200 17th 30» Mariposa 400 18th 500 19th 600 20th 700 21st 800 22nd Car 900 23rd 1100 24th 1200 25th 1300 Army 1500 Islais Creek Carolina PI. (see Carmine). Cam PI., 2700 R. R. Ave.. cars near 32nd Ave. S. 22 T Carrie, 1500 San Jose Ave.. near Bosworth, Guerrero cars 15 II Carroll Ave. (27th Ave. S.). 2300 R. R. Ave. car.. 22 V Carson, Douglas and 19th to Seward, 18th St. car. Carter, Leland to Co. Line. 4200 R. R. Ave. cars. 17 V Carver, Esmeralda to Pow- hattan, 1900 San Bruno cars 20 I' Case, near Islais Creek, 2200 San Bruno cars 19 R Casein Ave., 230 Douglass to Corbett, 18th St. car. 14 I. Douglass :: Clover, N. s 100 Danvers, N. s 200 Nome Ave., S. s 201 Mono Al 300 Falcon Ave 400 Corbett Ave Castro, 800 Duboce Ave. S. to Chenery, Haight and Market cars 16 I. Duboce Ave 2 14th 100 Henry 15th 200 Beaver 16th 300 States, W. s Market, E. s Car 17th 400 Spaulding Ct., E. s 18th Car 500 19th 600 20th 700 Liberty, E. s 21st 800 —11— Hill, E. s 1 22nd 90(1 Alvarado 100(1 23rd 1100 Elizabeth 1200 24th Car 1300 Jersey 1400 25th 1500 Clipper 1600 26th 1700 Army 1800 27th 1900 Duncan 2000 28th 2100 Valley 2200 29th Car 2300 Day 2400 30th 2500 Beacon 2600 31st W. s 2700 El Monte, Guerrero car Beacon, E. s 2801 Addison, E. s 2901 Sussex, W. s 3000 Bemis, E. s 3001 Laidley, E. s 3101 Surrey, W. s 3100 Chenery Catharine Ct., 2400 Mission cars. Cayuga Ave., 100 Ocean Ave., Ingleside car 14 U Cedar (see Ceylon). Cedar, 913 Larkin to Laguna, near Post, Geary cars . . . .16 G Larkin !! Polk 100 Van Ness Ave Franklin Gough Octavia 500 Laguna Center PI., 435 Bryant car, near 2nd St, Central Ave., 1200 Waller to Turk, near Lyon, Haight car 13 ;( Buena Vista Ave Waller 50 Haight Car 100 Page Car 200 Oak Car Panhandle, G. G. Park Fell 400 Hayes Car 500 Grove 600 Fulton 700 McAllister Car 800 Golden Gate Ave 900 Turk — Central Ct. (see Conway). Central PI. (see St. Anne) Ceres, Thornton to Williams, 1700 R. R. Ave. car. 22 R Ceylon (Cedar), 220 Clay cai- near Davis. Chambers, 714 Front and Broadway, Kearny car. Channel (Waterway) 22 J Chapultepec (see Winfield). Charles, 3150 Mission to Chen ery, Guerrero cars.. 16 Q Charles PI. (see Charlestowri PL). Charleton Ct. (Olive Ct.),1923 Union car near Laguna. Charlestown PI. (Charles PI.) 572 Harrison, Folsom car» near 1st St. Charter Oak Ave., Helena to Woolsey, 2400 San Bruno cars 20 S Islais Creek Channel. 2 Helena 100 Augusta 200 Silver Ave 300 Thornton Ave 500 28th Ave. S 600 Burrows 29th Ave. S 700 Bacon Pacheco 800 Fitzgerald Wayland 90« Oilman Woolsey 1000 ; Chase Ct. (Coulton Ct.), 12th i and Brady, Market car. Chatham PI., 526 Bush, Sut- ter car, near Grant Ave.. Chattanooga, 3567 21st St. to Jersey, 24th car, near' Dolores 17 M 22nd 100 23rd 200 24th 300 Jersey , Chatterton PI. (Michigan Pl.>' 21st and Michigan, Ken- tucky car. Chelsea PI., 623 Bush, near Grant Ave., Sutter car. Chenery (Glen Ave.), 200 30th St., S.W., Guerrer(> car 16 R Thirtieth Randall 100 J Fairmount 2001 Charles, S. s Whitney, N. s Miguel 300 Mateo 400 Roanoke 500 Natick, S. s 60A Castro, N. s 60() Carrie, S. s Diamond 700 Brompton Ave 750 Lippard Ave 800 Chilton Ave 850 Hamerton Ave 900 Burnside Ave 950 Surrey Mizpah 1000 Elk Cherry, 3700 California car, near Maple 11 ¥ Presidio Wall 2 Jackson 100 Washington 200 Clay 300 Sacramento, Eddy Car 400 California Car Chesley, 1143 Harrison cars, near 7th St. Chester Ave., 3600 San Jose Ave, Worcester to Belle, Guerrero car. Chestnut, 1500 Sansome to Lyon, Kearny and Union cars 14 C Sansome Car 2 Montgomery Car 100 •I I — X2— Winthrop, S. s — Kearny Car 200 Grant Ave 300 Belleair PI., N. s - Stockton 400 Powell Car 500 Venard Al., S. s - Mason 600 Taylor 701 Columbus Ave 700 Jones 800 Leavenworth 900 Hyde Car 1000 Larkin 1100 Polk 1200 Van Ness Ave 1300 Franklin 1400 Gough 1500 Octavia 1600 Lobos Square Laguna 1701 Buchanan, S. s 1801 Webster 1900 Fillmore 2000 Steiner 2100 Pierce 2200 Scott 2300 Divisadero 2400 Broderick 2500 Baker 2600 Lyon Child (Good Children), 432 Greenwich, Kearny car. Chilton Ave. (Clinton Ave.), Glen to Mangells, Guer- rero car 15 R China, Front to 3rd Ave. S.. 2200 Kentucky cars.. 28 S China Ave., changed to Ex- celsior. Chula La (Church La), 344 Dolores near 16th, Fill- more car. Church, Duboce to 30th, 500 Hermann Market cars... 17 M Hermann 2 Duboce Ave 100 Reservoir, E. s 14th Market Car 200 15th 300 16th Car 400 Chula Lane, E. s.... 17th 500 Dorland 18th Car 600 Hancock, W. s 19th 700 Cumberland, W. s 20th 800 Liberty 21st 900 Hill, W. s 22nd 1000 23rd 1100 Elizabeth, W. s 24th Car 1200 Jersey 25th 1300 Clipper 26th 1400 Army 27th 1500 Duncan 28th 1600 Valley 29th Car 1700 Day 30th Church Al. (See Cameron). Church Ave. (see Churchill). Church Lane (see Chula). Churchill (Church Ave.). 734 Broadway to Vallejo, Kearny car. Circular Ave., Joost to Have- lock, 1500 San Jose, Guer- rero car 13 S City Hall Ave., 100 McAllis- ter car, near Leaven- worth 19 J Clara (Clary), from Ritch to 6th car, 337 4th St. cars. Clary (see Clara) 21 H Clara Ave. (see Ord)...14 L Clara La. (see Claude). Clarence Ct. (see Canning). Clarence PI., 160 Townsend, near 3d St. cars. Clarendon Ave., 4900 18th, cars, near Ashbury.13 L Clarion Al., 2112 Mission cars, near 17th St. Clark, 520 Drumm to Front, Union car. Clarkson, 30th and Burnett Ave., 24th St. cars... 12 Q Claude La. (Clara La.), 206 Sutter cars near Kearny car. Claussen Ct., 1400 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car. Clay, 100 Embarcadero W. to Arguello Blvd., Clay St. cars 18 E Embarcadero, N 2 Drumm 100 Davis 200 Ceylon, N. s Front 300 Battery 400 Sansome Car 500 LeidesdorfC, S. s Montgomery Car 600 Kearny Car 700 Brenham PL, N. s Grant Ave 800 Waverly PI SpofPord, N. s Stockton 900 Collier, N. s Joice PI., S. s Parkhurst Al., N. s... Powell Car 1000 Codman PI., N. s Freemann Ct., S. s... Wetmore PI., N. s Tay, S. s Mason 1100 Cushman, S. s Taylor 1200 Jones 1300 Reed, N. s Leavenworth 1400 Hyde 1500 Torrens, N. s Larkin 1600 Polk Car 1700 Van Ness av 1800 Franklin 1900 Gough Lafayette Park Laguna 2200 -13- Buchanan 2300 Webster 2400 Fillmore Car 2500 Steiner 2601 Alta Plaza Pierce, S. s 2701 Scott : 2800 Divisadero Car 2900 Broderick 3000 Baker 3100 Lyon 3200 Presidio Ave 3300 Walnut 3400 Laurel 3500 Locust 3600 Spruce 3700 Maple 3800 Cherry 3900 Arguello Blvd Clay Ave. (see Collier). Clayton, 1901 Fulton to Ash- bury, McAllister car. 13 K Fulton 2 Grove 100 Hayes Car 200 Fell Panhandle G. G. Park Oak .Car 400 Page ., 500 Haight Car 600 Waller... 18th St. Car 700 Frederick, Hayes car. 800 Carl, W. s Parnassus Ave., W. s. 901 Ashbury, 18th St. Car 1100 17th 1200 Clarendon Ave. & Car- mel, W. s • Villa Ter., W. s Deming, E. s 1300 Pemberton PL, W. s. Corbett Ave Clement, 400 Arguello Blvd. to 49th, Clement Car. 6 G 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave Car 7th Ave 8th Ave Car 9th Ave 10th Ave nth Ave 12th Ave 13th Ave 14th Ave 15th Ave 16th Ave 17th Ave 18th Ave 19th Ave 20th Ave 21st Ave 22nd Ave 23rd Ave 24th Ave.. 25th Ave 26th Ave 27th Ave 28th Ave 29th Ave 30th Ave 31st Ave 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 32nd Ave 3100 33rd Ave 3200 Lincoln Park, N. s. 34th Ave 3301 35th Ave 3401 36th Ave 3501 37th Ave 3601 38th Ave 3701 39th Ave 3801 U. S. Govt. Res 40th Ave 3901 41st Ave 4001 42nd Ave 4101 43rd Ave 4201 44th Ave 4301 45th Ave 4401 46th Ave 4501 47th Ave 4601 48th Ave Clementina, 252 1st St. to 9th, Folsom car 22 G l«t 2 Ecker Oscar Al., N. s 2nd E. fr. 3rd 100 3rd Car E. fr. 4th 200 4th Car 300 5th Car 400 6th Car " 7th E. fr. 8th Car 600 8th 700 9th Car Cleveland, 313 7th St., near Folsom car. Cliff Ave. (see Point Lobos Ave.) 2 G Clifford (16th St.), Juno to Ashbury, 18th St. car. Clinton Ave. (see Chilton Ave.) 15 R Clinton Park, 1431 Stevenson near Duboce 17 J Stevenson •• .. ^^2 Valencia Car 100 Guerrero 200 Dolores • • — r Clipper, 1220 Dolores, Church to Hoffman Ave. car. 15 O Dolores ^ ^2 Church 100 Sanchez 200 Noe 300 Castro* Car 400 Diamond 500 Douglass 600 Homestead, N. s -—— Hoffman Ave 700 Fountain, N. s -— — Bellevue 800 High Clover, 4601 18th St. car, nr. Hattie. ^ „ , Clyde, 222 Townsend, near 6a car. ^ ^ ■ Code, 3200 San Jose Ave., D&m Long to St. Charles Ave.,* Guerrero car. Codman PI., 1008 Washing- ton, near Powell car. Cohen PI., 521 Ellis cars, nr. Colin Vf. (Ciottage PI.). 618 Jones, near Geary cars. Colby(College)2500 San Bruno cars 1^ ^ —14— Cole, 2100 Fulton to 18th St. fiaight & 18th cars. . 12 K Fulton Car 2 Grove 100 Hayes Car 200 Fell Panhandle G. G. Park Oak, Ellis Car 400 Page 500 Haight Car 600 Waller. .18th St. Car 700 Beulah. W. s Frederick 800 Carl Hayes Car 900 Parnassus Ave 1000 Grattan 1100 Alma Ave 1200 Rivoll Ave 1300 17th 1400 Carmel College (see Colby) 19 T College Ave., Silver Ave. to Ordway. 3000 Mission car. Coleman (C St. S.), water- front to Co. Line, Ken- tucky cars. Coleridge (California Ave.), Coso to Cortland, 3150 Mission. Colllngwood, 4051 17th to 22d, Castro car 15 M 17th 2 18th 100 19th 200 20th 300 i^^ :::::::::::::::::: Jl!^ Collins, 2500 Geary car 10 XT Collier PI." (Clay Ave.)', 912 Clay cars, near Powell cars. Colorado, Bay to India Basin. Kentucky cars 26 Q Colonial Ter., Parnassus and 2d Ave., Hayes cars Colton, 27 Brady, Market car, near 12th St. Colton Ct. (see Chase). Colton PI. (see Colusa PI.) Columbus Ave. (Montgom- ery), 600 Washington, N. to Beach, Union car. Washington & Mont- gomery 2 Maiden Lane, W. s... Gibb, W. s Jackson * 100 Kearny Car Pacific 200 Adler __ Broadway 300 Grant Ave Tracy PI., S. s Vallejo 400 Stockton 500 Green 501 Union Car Washington Square... Powell Car Filbert 700 Grover PI., E. s Scotland, W. s Greenwich 800 Mason Jansen, S. s Lombard 900 Newell, N. s Taylor Chestnut 1000 Houston, W. s Francisco 1100 Jones Bay 1200 North Point 1300 Leavenworth Beach Colusa PI. (Colton PL), 12th near Mission cars. Commerce, 1019 Front to Bat- tery, Kearny cars. Commercial, 19 Embarcadero to Grant Ave., Sacra- mento car 21 B Drumm 100 Davis 200 Front 300 Battery 400 Sansome Car 500 LeidesdorfC Montgomery Car 600 Kearny Car 700 Grant Ave Commonwealth Ave., 3200 California to Geary car 12 G Concord, 5400 Mission car to Co. Line 13 W Condon (see 1500 Hamp- shire). Congdon, Canal to Silver Ave., 4100 Mission cars.. 16 S Canal 2 Trumbull 100 Ney 200 Maynard 300 Silver \ Congo (Tustin), Circular Ave. to Mangels, Guerrero car 14 S Circular Ave 2 Flood Ave 100 Hearst Ave 200 Sunnyside Ave 300 Joost Ave 400 Mangels Ave 500 Stillings Ave 600 Martha Ave 700 Bosworth Congress, 401 Buena Vista Ave., 18th St. car... 14 K Conkling, 2401 San Bruno car, near Silver Ave. 21 Q Connecticut, 1100 16th St, to Army, 8th St. cars.. 22 K 16th 2 17th 100 Mariposa 200 18th 300 19th 400 20th 500 22nd 700 23rd 900 25th 1100 Army 1300 Tulare Conrad, Diamond to Sussex Guerrero car. Contra Costa Ave. (Front Ave.) 25 Q Converse, 1017 Bryant cars, near 8th St. -15- 200 loo 400 401 501 600 Conway Ct. (Central Ct), 31 Haight cars, near Gough. Cook, 2500 Geary cars, near Blake 12 G Coolldge PI. (Wall PI.), 1336 Jackson, Hyde car. Cooper Al., 623 Jackson, near Kearny cars. Copper Al., 300 Falcon to Bur- nett Ave., 18th car.. 14 L Cora, Leland to Medford, 4000 R. R. Ave. car 19 W Cordelia (Virginia PL), 810 Pacific, Kearny car. Corbett Ave., 4200 17th to Fowler Ave., 18th & 24th St. cars 14 K Douglass and 17th ... 2 Ord Ave 100 Hattie, S. « Corbin PI., N. ■ Danvers, S. s Mars, W. s Mono Al., E. s Clayton, N. s Casein Ave., S. s... Iron Al Copper Al ,. Glendale Remain 700 Morgan Al Dixie Al 800 Argent Al., E. s. . Hopkins, W. s.... 23rd, E. s 901 Golding Al Grand View Ave. and 24th, E. s 1001 Fen ton Al 1100 High 1101 26th Burnett Ave 1200 Army, S. s Twin Peaks Ave 1300 Kenyon Ave 1400 Stanford Heights Ave. 1500 Fowler Ave 1600 Corbett PI. (see Corbin). Corbin PI. (Corbett PI.), 4401 17th St., 18th St. cars nr. Temple. Cortland Ave., Mission to S. Bruno, both cars 19 Q Mission 2 Coleridge Ave., N. s.. Prospect Ave 100 Winfield Ave., N. s... Elsie 200 Bon View, N. s Bocana 300 Bennington 400 Wool, N. s Andover Ave 500 Moultrie 600 Anderson 700 Ellsworth 800 Gates 900 Folsom 1000 Banks, Mission car... 1100 Prentiss 1200 Nevada Ave 1300 Putnam, S. s 1400 Nebraska Ave., N. s.. 1401 Bronte, S. s Bradford 1500 Peralta Ave 1600 Holladay Ave 1701 100 101 200 201 Hilton, S. s San Bruno Ave Cornwall (California S.), 301 Arguello Blvd. W. to 5th Ave., Clement car. Arguello Blvd 2 2d Ave 100 3rd Ave 200 4th Ave 300 5th Ave Corwin (Stanton), 400 Doug- las to Falcon, 18th St. car. Cosmo PI. (Lewis PI.) Tay- lor near Post, Geary car. Coso Ave., Precita to Bo- cana, 3200 Mission car... 18 P Precita Ave Coleridge Ave., S. s.. Bernal Ave. and Mon- tezuma, N. s Lundy's Lane, S. s Prospect Ave., S. s... Winfield Ave., S. s... Aztec, N. s Elsie, S. s Bonview, S. s Bocana Ave. & Shot- well Costa, 1800 San Bruno cars, near Holladay 20 P Cotta (see Lamartine). Cottage PI. (see Colin). Cottage Row, 1914 Sutter car, near Fillmore. Cotter, 4350 Mission car to Alemany 15 T Cowden, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Reis. Tr.). Cowell PI. (Flint Al.), 220 Vallejo, Kearny car, near Sansome. Cram PI., 1120 Golden Gate, Fillmore car. Crane, Paul to Salinas, 2900 San Bruno car 21 T Craut, Mission to Silver Ave., 4100 Mission car 16 S Crescent Ave., Mission to San Bruno, both cars 18 R Mission 2 Leese, N. s 101 Murray Ave., N. s 200 Roscoe, S. s 300 Porter, S. s Bache, S. s Andover 400 Moultrie 500 Anderson 600 Ellsworth 700 Gates 800 Folsom 900 Banks 1000 Prentiss HOO Salem, S. s 1200 Nevada, N. s 1201 Putnam, N. s Weldon, S. s 1300 Bronte. N. s 1301 Saul, S. s 1400 Bradford, N. s 1401 San Bruno Ave Crocker, 1399 Stevenson, Mis- sion car, near 12th St. i -16- Crocker Blvd., 6200 Mission St. car. Croke (Santa Rosa Ave.). Cronogue Al., 3400 21st to 23rd St., Guerrero car. Crooks, 236 Townsend, near 3rd St. car. Cross, Pope to Co. Line, 5300 Misson car 14 W Crown Ter., Clarendon Ave. to Pemberton PI., 18th St. car. Crystal, 3000 San Jose Ave. to Go. Line, Guerrero car 10 W Cumberland, 724 Guerrero car near 19th St. to Noe.l6 L Dolores Church 200 Sanchez 300 Noe Cumberland PI. (see Cunning- ham). Cum Cook Al., 1021 Grant Ave. & Jackson, Kearny car. Cunningham PI. (Cumberland PI.), 824 Valencia car, nr. 19th St. Curtis, Morse to Hanah, 5200 Mission car 14 W Cushman (Yerba Buena), 1020 California cars, near Ma- son. Custer Ave. (3rd Ave. S.), 100 R. R. Ave. car 25 Q Custom House PI., 420 Wash- ington, near Sansome car Cuvler, 1300 San Jose Ave. to Mission car 16 S Cypress, 3223 24th St, Mis- sion cars, near Capp St. Cyrus PI. (Morse PL), 1203 Broadway, Hyde car. D St. S. (see Donahue). Dakota, Front to India Basin, R. R. Ave. cars 26 P Dale PI., 221 Golden Gate. 10th St. car, near Hyde St. Daggett (South), 300 Ken- tucky car 22 J Dame, 30th to Randall, Guer- rero car 17 Q Danton, 1500 San Jose to Springdale, Guerrero car 15 S Danvers (Nome), 301 Corbett Ave. to Eagle, 18th St. car 14 L Darren PI. (Norton PI.), 232 Filbert, Kearny car. Dartmouth, Silver to Ordway, 2300 San Bruno cars. 19 T Davidson Ave. (4th Ave. S.), Hunter's Point to Islais Cr., 200 R. R. Ave. car 24 Q Davis, 200 Market to Vallejo, Kearny car 22 E Market and Pine 2 California 100 Sacramento 200 Commercial Clay ' 300 Washington 400 Oregon Jackson 500 Clark Pacific 600 Broadway 700 Vallejo 800 Embarcadero Dawson PI., 1018 Mason, near Sacramento car. Day, 750 San Jose to Fowler Ave., Guerrero car, near 29th St 15 P San Jose Ave 2 Dolores 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Church Sanchez Noe Castro . Diamond Douglass Hoffman Dayton Ave., 3200 Steiner W Fillmore car. Dearborn, 3469 17th, Valen- cia and Guerrero cars. DeBoom, 581 2nd, Harrison to Bryant car. Decatur, 971 Bryant car, be- tween 7th and 8th. Decker Ai., 308 7th St., near Folsom car. DeHaro, 600 Division to Nor- man, Kentucky dar. .21 M Division 2 Berry, E. s Alameda 100 15th 200 16th 300 17th 400 Mariposa 500 18th 600 19th 700 20th 800 22nd 1000 23rd 1200 24th 1300 25th 1400 Army 1600 Dehon, 3433 16th St. car, near Church. Delano Ave. (Delaware), 400 Ocean Ave. to Ottawa. Guerrero car 13 U 2 100 200 400 500 600 700 800 900 Santa Ysabel Ave San Juan Ave. . . Santa Ynez Ave Ocean Ave Oneida Ave Seneca Ave Geneva Ave Niagara Ave Mt. Vernon Ave Ottawa Ave Delaware, Bay to 1st Ave., 1000 Kentucky car.. 25 O Delaware Ave. (see Delano). 13 U Delgado PI., 1910 Hyde car, near Union. DeLong, 3000 San Jose to Co. Line, Guerrero car... 9 W Liebig 2 Rice, S. s Goethe & Rhine, S. s. Crystal, N. s Orizaba Ave., N. s.. Bismarck, S. s Prim, S. s 101 100 200 201 Head 300 Santa Cruz Ave., S. s. San Diego Ave 400 Code 500 DeLong Ave. (see Delmar). Delmar (DeLong Ave.), 1319 Waller, near Masonic, Haight car. Delta (Rice Tr.), 3900 R. R. Ave. car. Deming (18th St.), Lower Ter. to Clayton, 18th St. car. DeMontford Ave., Ocean Ave. to Arlington, Ingleside cars 10 T Miramar Ave 2 Capitol Ave 100 Faxon Ave 200 Jules Ave 300 Ashton Ave Derby, 500 TaylO'r, near Geary car. Desmond, 4000 R. R. Ave. car, near Co. Line.. 20 W Detroit, 1700 San Jose, Cir- cular to Surrey, Guerrero car Circular Ave. .... 13 S 2 Judson Ave 100 Staples Ave 200 Flood -Ave 300 Hearst Ave 400 Sunnyside Ave. . . 500 Joost Ave 600 Mangels Ave 700 Melrose Ave 800 34th . . . 900 Surrey ivisadero, 1000 14th St. to Lewis, Haight and Ellis cars IK T Lloyd, E. s Waller 200 Haight .Car 250 Page 300 Oak Ellis Car 400 Fell 500 Hayes • Car 600 Grove 700 Fulton 800 McAllister .Car 900 Golden Gate Ave 1000 Turk .Car 1100 Eddy .Car 1200 Ellis .Car 1300 O'Farrell .Car 1400 Geary .Car 1500 Garden Ave., W. s. .. Post 1600 Sutter .Car 1700 Bush 1800 Pine 1900 California .Car 2000 Sacramento .Car 2100 Clay 2200 Washington 2300 Jackson .Car 2400 Pacific Ave 2500 Broadway 2600 Vallejo 2700 Green 2800 Union .Car 2900 Filbert 3000 Greenwich 3100 Lombard 3200 Chestnut 3300 Francisco 3400 Bay 3500 North Point 3600 Beach 3700 Jefferson 3800 Tonquin 3900 Lewis 4000 Dewey Boulevard (closed) In- gleside cars 10 P DeWolf, 2800 San Jose, Guer- rero car 11 W Diamond, 4101 17th St., Cas- tro car 15 M 17th 2 18th 19th .Car 100 200 20th 300 21st 400 22nd 500 Alvarado 23rd 600 Elizabeth 24th Jersey .... 700 .Car 800 900 25th 1000 Clipper 26th 1100 1200 Army Castro 27th Car 1300 1400 Duncan 1500 28th 1600 Valley .... 1700 29th .Car 1800 Day 1900 30th 2000 Beacon 31st 2100 Adaline, E. s West Diamond, W. s. 2300 Hiliritas Ave., W. s... Conrad, S. s 2400 Moreland, N. s Mof fitt E s r Arbor ...Guerrero Sussex Surrey Chenery Wilder car .... 2600 .... 2700 .... 2800 Bosworth 2900 San Jose Ave. & Cir- cular Ave Diamond Al. (see Dixie). Diana, Thornton to Williams, 1700 R. R. Ave. car.. 22 S Dickenson, 2200 San Bruno car 20 Q DIgby, 260*0 Castro to Beacon, Guerrero car 16 Q Dikeman PI., 219 Mason, near Ellis car. Division, Berry near 7th to Florida, 9th and Bryant car 20 J King and DeHaro Rhode Island, S. 8th N s 2 s. .. 100 Kansas S. s. . . . .... 101 Vermont, S. s San Bruno Ave., S 9th N s .*s!! 201 200 Utah S s Brannan, N. s Potrero Ave., S. s 301 10th N. s 300 Hanipshire, S. s. York, S. s —18— 100 200 300 400 Bryant Car 400 Florida Dixie Al. (Diamond Al.), View to Lincoln Ave./ 24 St. cars. Dock, submerged 26 W; Dodge, 433 Turk, near Eddy' cars. Dolores, L'OOO Market car at Duboce S. to San Jose Ave 17 K Market 2 Clinton Park, E. s. 14th IBtli Alert Al., W. s 16th Chula La., W. s... 17th Railway, E. s Borland 18th Car 500 19th 600 Cumberland, E. s 20th 700 Liberty 21st 800 22nd Car 900 23rd 1000 24th Car 1100 Jersey, W. s ■ 25th 1200 Clipper, W. s 26th 1300 Army 27th 1400 Duncan 28th 1500 Valley :... 29th Car 1600 Day 30th 1700 San Jose Ave., Guer- rero car Donah, closed, 4800 Mission cars 16 W Donahue (D St. S.), Water- front to Co. Line, Ken- tucky cars. Donner Ave. (28th Ave. S.), 2300 R. R. Ave. car. 22 U Done, 1325 Howard car to Brannan, near 9th St. Howard 2 Folsom Car 100 Harrison 200 Bryant Car 300 Brannan Dore Al. (see Doric.) Doriand, 526 Guerrero car to Sanchez, near 17th St. . 16 L Guerrero 2 Dolores 100 Church 200 Sanchez Doric Al. (Dore Al.), 927 Jackson, nr. Powell cars. Douglas, 3800 16th St. S. to 30th, Castro car 14 N States 2 17th & CorbeVt* Ave.*!.* 100 18th Car 200 Caselli Ave., W. s ^ 19th 300 Carson Ave., W. s.... Seward, W. s 20th, E. s 401 Corwin, W. s 400 Remain, W. s 21st 500 22nd 600 Alvarado, W. s 23rd 700 Elizabeth 24th Car 800 Jersey, E. s 25th 900 Clipper 1000 26th 1100 Army 1200 27th 1300 Duncan 1400 28th 1500 Valley 1600 29th 1700 Day 1800 30th Dover, 230 Brannan car, near 2nd St. Dow PI., 360 2nd, Bryant car. Downey (Tremont Ave.), 1419 Waller to S. of Frederick, Hayes or 18th St. car. Drake (see W. Clay) Drumm, 100 Market to Paci- fic, Kearny cars 22 D Market California 2 Sacramento 100 Commercial • Clay 200 Merchant, E. s Washington 300 Oregon Jackson 400 Clark, W. s Pacific 500 Embarcadero Drummond Al. (Eureka AL), 1800 Oakdale Ave. near Phelps, Kentucky car. Dublin, 4700 Mission car. 16 V Duboce Ave., 1700 Mission car, 13th to Buena Vista Ave., Haight car 17 J Mission and Otis 2 Woodward's, S. s Stevenson, N. s Valencia 100 Elgin Park, N. s Pearl, N. s Guerrero 200 Market .♦ Buchanan, N. s 300 Webster, N. s Church 400 Fillmore, N. s Belcher, S. s Sanchez, S. s Steiner, N. s Duboce Park, N. s Noe, S. s Scott, N. s Castro, S. s Divisadero Alpine Buena Vista Ave. and Ter Dunbar Al., 643 Washington, Kearny car. Duncan, 600 San Jose Ave. to Fowler Ave., Guerrero car 15 O 501 601 700 701 800 900 -19- Tiffany Ave. and Va- lencia San Jose Ave — Guerrero 100 Dolores 200 Church 29th Car 300 Sanchez 400 Noe 500 Castro Car 600 Newburg-, N. s — Diamond 700 Douglass 800 Hoffman Av., 24th Car 900 Bellevue 1000 Lincoln 1100 Twin Peaks Ave 1200 Kenyon 1300 Stanford Heights Ave. 1400 Fowler Ave Duncombe Al., 724 Jackson, near Grant Ave., Kearny cars. Dunne Al., 1118 Kearny cars, near Broadway. Dunshee, 1300 R. R. Ave. cars 22 Q Dupont, now Grant Ave., Kearny car 21 E Dwight, 3000 San Bruno car 19 T E St. S. (see Earle) 24 V Eagle (see Yukon). Eagle, 300 Douglass, 18th car, near 19th St 14 L Earle (B St. S.), India to Co. Line, R. R. Ave. car. East St. (see Embarcadero). 22 C East St. South (see Embar- cadero) 22 C East Arbor (see Orchard). East Ave. (see Highland). East Park (see Park). East Lake Ave. (see Winni- peg). Eastman (West End and Al- len), 1226 Green, Union car. E. Railroad Ave., Hillcrest. Eaton Al., 735 Green, near Powell, Kearny cars. Ecker, 529 Market to Folsom cars. Eddy, 1000 Market to St. Joseph Av., Powell, Eddy cars 18 G Market and Powell 2 Anna Lane, N. s Mason 100 Taylor 200 Jones 300 Wagner Al., S. s Leavenworth 400 Hyde 500 Larkin 600 Polk 700 Van Ness Ave 800 Franklin 900 Gough 1000 Jefferson Square Octavia 1100 Laguna 1200 Buchanan 1300 Webster 1400 Fillmore 1500 Steiner 1600 Bourbin, N. s Pierce 1700 Farren, N. s Scott 1800 Divisadero 1900 Broderick 2000 St. Joseph's Ave Eddy, West (see Edward). Eddy PI., 19 Eddy cars, near Mason. Edgar PI. (see Edgardo). Edgardo PI. (Edgar PL), Grant Ave. and Green- wich, Kearny car. Edgar Ave., 900 Ocean Ave. to Acacia, Ingleside cars 12 U Edgewood Ave. (Sunset Ave.) Parnassus and Arguello Blvd., Hayes car 12 L Edinburgh, Silver to Amazon, 4700 Mission cars... 15 U Edith, 1711 Grant Ave. at Greenwich, Kearny cars. Edna, Havelock to Surrey, 1700 San Jose Ave., Guerrero cars 13 S Havelock 2 Marston Ave 100 Judson Ave 200 Staples Ave 300 Flood Ave 400 Hearst Ave 500 Sunnyside Ave 600 Joost Ave 700 Mangels Ave 800 Melrose Ave 900 34th 1000 Surrey Edward (Eddy St. W.), 70ii Arguello Blvd., near Bal- boa, Geary car. Egbert Ave. (29th Ave. S.). 2400 R. R. Ave. car.. 23 U 18th St., Water Front to Dan- vers, 8th & 18th St. cars, 19 I, Water Front Jl Maryland 100 Louisiana 200 Georgia 300 Michigan 400 Illinois 50li Kentucky Car 600 Tennessee 700 Minnesota 80(1 Indiana 900 Iowa 1000 Pennsylvania Ave 1100 Mississippi 120(1 Texas 1300 Missouri 140(1 Connecticut 150(: Arkansas 1600 Wisconsin 1700 Carolina 1800 DeHaro 1900 Rhode Island 200(» Kansas 2100 Vermont 2200 San Bruno Ave 2300 Utah 2400 Potrero Ave 2500 Hampshire 2600 York 2700 -20— Bryant Oar 2800 1 15th and Carolina 90(i Florida 2900 Hooper, E. s Alabama 3000 1 Irwin, E. s Harrison 3100 i 16th Division, N. s jEldrldge, 1137 Harrison cars. Treat Ave., S. s 1 near 7th St. Folsom Car 3200 Eldorado, Bay W. to 6th. Shotwell 1 Kentucky cars 23 K: Howard Car 3300 11th St., 1501 Market to Bry- Capp Mission Car 3400 San Carlos Lexington Valencia Car 3500 Lapidge. S. s Linda, S. s Guerrero Car 3600 Oakwood, S. s Dolores 3700 Church 3800 ant, 10th St. cars... 18 :i Market :; Mission Car 100 Minna, W. s Natoma Howard Car 20(» Kissling Burns PI., W. s Folsom Car 300 Harrison 400 Bryant Car • Sanchez 390 Iron Al., 500 Corbett Ave., E. to Falcon, 18th car.. 13 L Irving (I St.) 7 K (For Nos. see I St.) Irwin, Bay, W. to 8th, Ken- tucky cars 22 J Isabel, Wolfe, S. to Rutledge, 1700 San Bruno cars. 20 O Isis, 314 l^ith St., near Fol- som car. Islais, Bay, W. to 1800 San Bruno cars, R. R. Ave. cars 21 P I'aly Ave., 5000 Mission car 14 U (For Nos. see Russia). Uy, Polk, near Hayes car, W. to Webster 16 H Polk 2 Van Ness Ave Franklin 200 Gou^h Car 300 Octavia 400 Laguna 500 Buchanan 600 Webster J (see Judah) 6 L For No. see I J St. S. (see Jennings).. 23 T Jackson, 300 Embarcadero, W. to Arguello Blvd., Jackson and Clay St. cars 19 D Embarcadero St. N... 2 Drumm 50 Davis 100 Front 200 Battery 300 Sansome Car 400 Balance, N. s Jessop PL, S. s Montgomery Car 500 Columbus Ave Kearny Car 600 Cooper Al., S. s Wentworth PI., S. s.. Beckett Al., N. s Grant Ave 700 St. Louis AL, S. s Jason Ct., N. s Ross AL, S. s Duncombe AL, N. s... Portola AL, N. s Stockton 800 James Al Bedford PL, N. s Trenton Stone, S. s Ade AL, N. s Powell Car 900 L')oric AL, S. s Mason Car 1000 Marcy PL, S. s Auburn, N. s Taylor 1100 Jones 1200 Leavenworth 1300 Coolldge PL, N. s Hyde Car 1400 Larkin 1500 Polk Car 1600 —36— Van Ness Ave 1700 Franklin 1800 Gouffh 1900 Octavia 2000 Laguna 2100 Buchanan 2200 Webster 2300 Fillmore Car 2400 Steiner 2500 Alta Plaza, S. s Pierce, N. s 2600 Scott 2700 DIvisadero 2800 Broderick 2900 Baker 3000 Lyon 3100 Presidio Ave 3200 Walnut 3300 Laurel 3400 Locust 3500 Spruce 3600 Maple 3700 Cherry 3800 Ar.t;uello Blvd Jackson Al. (see James). Jackson Ct. (see Jason). James Al. (Jackson Al.), N. from Washington, near Grant Ave., Kearny car. Jamestown Ave. (34th Ave. S.), 2900 R. R. Ave. car. . 23 V Jansen, 850 Greenwich, near Powell cars. Japan, 200 Brannan, near 1st, Mail Dock car 23 H Japan Ave., now Avalon. Jarboe (Jefferson), 3600 Mis- sion car. E. to 2100 San Bruno car 19 Q Andover Ave 2 Moultrie 100 Anderson 200 Ellsworth 300 Gates 400 Folsom 500 Banks 600 Prentiss 700 Nevada Ave 800 Putnam 900 Bronte 1000 Bradford 1100 Peralta Ave 1200 Holladay Ave 1300 San Bruno Ave Jarnac, 1700 San Jose to Cir- cular Ave., Guerrero car 14 S Jason Ct. (Sullivan Al.), 720 Jackson, nr. Kearnv car. Jasper PI. (Union PI.), 520 Union, near Kearny cars. Java, Buena Vista to Ma- sonic Ave. car 14 K Jefferson, 2600 Powell, Em- barcadero, W. to Lyon, Kearny cars 18 A Powell 2 Mason 100 Taylor 200 Jones 300 Leavenworth 400 Hyde Car 500 Larkin 600 Polk 700 Van Ness Ave Ft. Mason. Laguna 1200 Buchanan 1300 Webster 1400 I^^illmore Car 1500 Steiner 1600 Pierce 1700 Scott 1800 Divisadero 1900 Broderick 2000 Baker Union csir 2100 Lyon Jefferson Ave. (see Jarboe). Jennings (J St. S.). 100 Ar- thur Ave., S to county line, R. R. Ave. car. Jerome Al., 513 Pacific, near Kearny cars. Jerrold Ave. (10th Ave. S.), 800 R. R. Ave. car... 25 R Jersey, 1150 Dolores to Doug- las, 24th St. cars 16 M Dolores 2 Chattanooga, N. s.... Church 100 Vicksburg Sanchez 200 Noe 300 Castro Car 400 ^ Diamond 500 Douglas Jessie, 48 1st St., W. to Mc- Coppin, Mission car. 21 G 1st 2 Ecker Anthony 2nd New Montgomery. Annie Third E. fr. 4th 4th 100 200 300 Mint 400 500 600 800 900 6 th 7th . 8th . 9th . 10th nth 12th McCoppin 1300 Jessop PI. (Jones Al.), 534 Washington, near Mont- gomery car. John, 1213 Powell cars, near Jackson. Johnston Ave., 3300 Geary cars 12 G •oice^ Prospect PL), 712 Pine. N. to Clay car or Powell cai. Jones, 1100 Market cars, cor. McAllister North to Bay, Hyde cars 19 G Golden Gate Ave 100 Turk Car 200 Eddy Car 300 Ellis Car 400 Antonio, W. s Steveloe PL, E. s O'Farrell Car 500 Geary Car 600 Maggie AL, E. s Colin PL, E. s -37- Post 700 Cosmo PI., E. s Sutter Car 800 Bush 900 Pine 1000 California Car 1100 Sacramento Car 1200 Pleasant, E. s Clay Car 1300 Washington Car 1400 Jackson Car 1500 Pacific 1600 Bernard Broadway 1700 Glover, W. s Vallejo 1800 Green 1900 Macondray Union Car 2000 Filbert 2100 Valparaiso, E. s Greenwich 2200 Lombard 2300 Chestnut 2400 Houston, E. s Francisco 2500 Columbus Ave Bay 2600 North Point 2700 Beach 2800 Jefferson 2900 Embarcadero Jones Al. (Jessop PI.). Jordan Ave., 3500 Geary cars 12 G Joost Ave., Diamond to Ham- burg-, 1600 San Jose. Guerrero car 12 R (For No. see Hearst.) Josephine, 2600 Geary car Josiah Ave., Ridge to Sum mer, 2400 San Jose, Guer rero car 11 V Joy, Holladay to Brewster, 1800 San Bruno cars. 20 P Judah (J St.), 1400 Arguella Blvd., W. to Ocean, Ellis car. Judson Ave. (Wieland Ave.), 1800 San Jose Ave., Guer- rero car 13 S Jules Ave., Lakeview to 1900 Ocean Ave., Ingleside car 10 U Julia, 1158 Mission car, near 7th St. Julian Ave., 323 14th to 16th, Mission cars. Julius, 334 Lombard, near Kearny cars. Juniper, 1417 Folsom car, near 10th St. Junlpero Serra Blvd, Ocean Ave. to county line, Ingleside car 8 T Juno, 1600 Masonic Ave. car to Lower Terrace 14 K Jupiter, 2400 San Bruno cars, near Thornton Ave..22R Jurl, 321 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car, near 25th. K St. (see Kirkham) 6 L K St. S. (see Keith) 23 T Kansas, 600 8th St. cars. Di- vision to Orleans 21 N (For No. see Alabama.) | Kate, 965 Bryant car, near 7th St. Kearny, 700 Market, cor. Geary, N. to Bay, Kearny car, opp. 3rd St 21 E Manila, W s 2 Post 100 Vermehr PI., E. s Sutter 200 Hardie PL, E. s Bush 300 Pine 400 Summer, E. s California 500 Sacramento 600 Commercial Clay 700 Merchant, E. s Washington 800 Jackson 900 Columbus Ave Pacific 1000 Nottingham PL, E. sJ Broadway 1100 Dunne's AL, E. s Hinckley Vallejo 1200 San Antonio, W. s Green 1300 Union 1400 Filbert 1500 Greenwich 1600 Lombard 1700 Chestnut 1800 Francisco 1900 Bay 2000 Embarcadero Keith (K St. S.), 200 Arthur ^ Ave., S. to R. R. Ave. car. Kent, 1811 Mason, Powell car, near Union. Kentucky, 4th and Channel, S. to Burke Ave. S., Ken- tucky cars 24 M Channel 2 Hooper 100 Irwin 200 Hubbel 300 4th Daggett 400 Merrimac 500 Alameda 600 El Dorado 700 16th 800 17th 900 Mariposa 1000 18th 1100 19th 1200 20th 1300 22nd 1500 23rd 1600 24th 1100 25th 1800 26th 1900 Army 2000 Marin 2100 Tulare . ............. ■ Islais Creek Channel.. Islais 2201 Arthur Ave. So 2300 Burke Ave. So Kenyon Ave. (Stanyan Ave.), 4700 24th St. car 13 Q Keyes Al., 906 Pacific, near Powell cars. 100 200 300 400 500 600 Key Ave. (35th Ave. S.), 3000 R. R. Ave. car 22 W Kimball PI., 1420 Sacramonto, near Hyde, California cars. King, 799 2nd St.. W. to Di- vision, 3rd St. cars... 21 I 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Division Kingston, 3416 Mission cars. near 30th St 17 P KisslIng (Bowie Ave.), 220 11th St., near Folsom cars. Klrkham (K St.), 1400 David- son, W. to Ocean, Ellis car. KIrkwood Ave. (11th Ave. S.), Waterfront to Islais Cr., R. R. Ave. car. . .24 R Knights PI., 4900 Mission cars, near Oneida... 14 U Knox, 4300 Mission cars, Peru, S. to Olmstead Kohier *PI*.,* 3'2'l ' Green,' ' near Kearny cars. Kossuth, 1800 San Bruno cars, Barneveld to Alca- traz 21 P Kramer PI., 503 Greenwich, near Grant Ave., Kearnv cars. Krausgrlll PI., 526 Filbert near Grant Ave., Kearnv cars. L (see Lawton) 6 M L South (see Lane) 22 T Lafayette, 1527 Mission cars, near 11th St. Lafayette PI. (see Varreness PI.) La Grand Ave., 4300 Mission cars, Peru S. to Russia.. . 16 V Laguna, 300 Hermann St.. opp. Guerrero, N. to Bay. Market cars 17 I Market and Hermann. 2 Waller 100 Haip:ht Car 200 Rose, E. s Page 300 Lily Oak 400 Hickory Fell 500 Linden Hayes 600 Ivy Grove 700 Birch Fulton 800 Ash McAllister Car 900 Golden Gate Ave 1001 Jefferson Square Turk Car 1101 Fddy Car 1200 Willow Ellis (jar 1300 Olive O'Farrell Car 1400 Myrtle, E. s Geary Car 1500 Cedar, E. s Post 1600 Hemlock, W. s Sutter Car 1700 Bush 1800 Pine 1000 California Car 2000 Sacramento Car 2101 Lafayette Park Clay. W. s 2201 Washington Car 2300 .Tackson Car 2400 Pacific Ave 2500 Broadway 2600 Vallejo 2700 Green 2800 Union Car 2900 Filbert 3000 Harris PI., E. s Greenwich 3100 Lombard 3200 Magnolia, W. s Chestnut 3300 Lobos Square. Francisco 3400 Bay 3500 Fort Mason. Tonquin Laldly, 30th S. to Castro, Guerrero car 16 R Thirtieth 2 Noe, N. s Harry, S. s 100 Harper, N. s 101 Fairmount 200 Miguel 300 Mateo 400 Roanoke 500 Castro Laguna Honda Rd., Jc. of Corbett Ave. & Fowler to Relief Home 11 Q Lake, 200 Arguello Blvd., W. to 32nd, California & Eddy cars 6 F Argueilo Blvd 2 2nd Ave 100 3rd Ave 200 4th Ave., S. s 301 5th Ave 400 6th Ave 500 7th Ave 600 8th Ave 700 9th Ave 800 10th Ave 900 11th Ave 1000 12th Ave 1100 13th Ave 1200 14th Ave 1300 15th Ave 1400 16th Ave 1500 17th Ave 1600 18th Ave 1700 19th Ave 1800 20th Ave 1900 21st Ave 2000 22nd Ave 2100 23rd Ave 2200 24th Ave 2300 25th Ave 2400 26th Ave 2500 27th Ave 2600 -39— 28th Ave 2700 29th Ave 2800 30th Ave 2900 31st Ave 3000 32nd Ave 3100 Lakeview Ave., 2500 San Jose W. to Orizaba, Guerrero car 10 V La Martina (Cotta), 4400 Mission car 15 R Landers, 1950 15th, Fillmore car, near Church. Lane (L St. S.), 300 Arthur Ave. S to Carroll Ave, R. R. Ave car. Langton, 1113 Howard car to Brannan, near 7th St. Howard Car Polsom Car 100 Decker AL, E. s — Harrison 200 Bryant Car 300 Brannan 400 Lansing (Laurel PL), 350 1st near Folsom car. La Playa (49th Ave.), 4700 Balboa St. S. to Judah Ellis & Ocean Car 2 H Lapidge, 3541 18th St., car, near Guerrero. Larch (Laurel Ave.), 700 Van Ness Ave. W. to Web ster; Eddy St. car. Van Ness 200 Franklin — Buchanan 700 Webster Larkin, 1300 Market cars, cor. Hayes, N. to Lewis, opp. 9th St 18 G Market and Hayes ... 2 City Hall Ave., E. s.. Grove, W. s 101 Birch, W. s Fulton, W. s 201 Ash, W- s McAllister Car 300 Redwood, W. s Golden Gate Ave 400 Turk Car 500 Eddy Car 600 Willow, W. s Ellis Car 700 Olive, W. s O'Farrell Car 800 Myrtle, W. s Geary Car 900 Cedar, W. s Post 1000 Hemlock, W. s Sutter Car 1100 Fern, W. s Bush 1200 Austin, W. s Pine 1300 California Car 1400 Sacramento Car 1500 Clay 1600 Washington Car 1700 Jackson Car 1800 Pacific, E. s 1900 Pacific Ave., W. s 1901 Broadway 2000 Vallejo 2100 Green 2200 Rockland, E. s Union Car 2300 Filbert 2400 Greenwich 2500 Lombard 2600 Chestnut 2700 Francisco, W. s 2801 Bay 2900 North Point 3000 Beach 3100 Jefferson 3200 Tonquin La Salle Ave. (12th Ave. S.). 1000 R. R. Ave. car.. 25 S Laskie, 1232 Mission cars, nr. 8th St. Latham PI., 203 Mason, near Ellis car. Latona, 1600 R. R. Ave. car, near Bay View. Laura, Huron to 5800 Mission cars 12 W Laura PI (see Petrarch PI.). Laurel, 3300 Pacific Aye. to California, Eddy cars.l2 F (For No. see Cherry.) Laurel Ave. (see Larch) .16 G Laurel PI. (see Lansing). Laussat, 221 Buchanan, W. to Steiner, Haight cars. Lawrence Ave. (Sherman Ave.), 4900 Mission car to San Jose Ave 11 W Lawton (L St.), 1600 6th Ave. W. to Ocean, Ellis car. Layton, 2300 San Bruno cars, near Silver Ave 21 Q Leavenworth, 100 McAllister N. to Bay, Leavenworth car 19 G (For No. see Hyde.) Le Conte Ave. (36th Ave. S.), 3000 R. R. Ave. car. Ledyard, 2300 San Bruno Ave. cars for Silver S 21 R Lee (see Hilton). Lee Ave., 1200 Ocean Ave. to LEikeview, Ingleside car. . Leese ' '(Hoily),' ' 3706 Mission car • IJ I^ LeIdesdorff, 322 Pine to Clay, near Montgomery car. Pine ^ California Car 100 Halleck, B. s -— - Sacramento 200 Commercial Clay Car Leiand Ave., 3400 R. R. Ave. car W. to Saratoga (Reis Tr.). San Bruno Ave 2 Desmond, S. s 51 Alpha, N. s 100 Peabody, S. s l&i Rutland, S. s 201 Cora, S. s... 251 Vassalboro, S. s 301 Delta, N. s 300 Schwerin, S. s Rey, S. s -—- Elliott, N. s 400 Britton, S. s Loehr, S. s -— Sawyer, S. s 500 Hahn, S. s Lena PI., 1001 Illinois. Ken- tucky cars, near 20th St. Leo, N. W. from 4200 Mis- sion car to Watson. Leona Ten. (Lyon Ter.), 1320 Lyon St., Geary car. Leroy PI., 1354 Sacramento cars, near Jones. Lessing, 6000 Mission cars near County Line.. 11 W Levant, 1600 Masonic Ave car, near Con?:ress. .14 K Lewis, Polk West to Lyon, Union cars 14 A Lewis PI. (see Cosmo PI.). Lexington, 3475 18th to 21st St., Valencia car 17 L Sycamore Ave 2 18th 100 19th 200 20th 300 21st Liberty, 956 Valencia car, 20th St. to Castro car.... 15 L Valencia 2 Guerrero Car 100 Dolores 200 Church 300 Sanchez 400 Noe 500 Castro Lick Al. (see Elim Al). Lick PI., 14 Post, near Sut- ter cars. LIda PI., 3026 15th St.. Fill- more cars, near Mission, Llebig, 6000 Mission cars. nr. County Line 11 W LInadel (see Niag-ra Ave.). Lilac, 3275 24th St., near Mis sion cars. Lily, 17 Franklin St. to Bu chanan, Haight cars.. 16 T Franklin 2 Gough 100 Octavia 200 Laguna 300 Buchanan 400 Lincoln (see Macondray). Lincoln Ave. (see Burnett). Lincoln PI. (see Hastings). Lincoln Way (H St.). from Arguello Blvd. W. to Ocean. Ellis car 7 K (For Nos. see I St.) Linda. 35.^0 18th St. car, near Guerrero car. Linden, 111 Van Ness Ave. to Webster. Hayes car. E. fr. Van Ness Ave.. 2 Van Ness Ave 100 Franklin 200 Goush Car 300 Octaria 4<;0 Laguna 500 Buchanan 60. » Webster LIppard Ave. (Clinton Ave.) Glen to Joost Ave., Guer- rero car 16 R Lisbon, 100 Silver Ave. S. to Amazon, 4300 Mission! car 14 U I (For No. see Athens.) I Lizzie, Prospect to 3421 Mis- sion cars 17 P Llewellyn, Freedom to Nashua, 1800 San Bruno Ave. cars 21 P Lloyd, 21 Scott St.. Haight cars, near Waller. Lobos, 2700 San Jose Ave., near Co. Line, Guerrero cars 10 V Locksley Ave. (Serpentine Rd.), 1400 4th Are., Hayes car 10 L Locust, 3500 Jackson to Cali- fornia, Eddy cars 12 F Locust Ave. (see Redwood).. 16 H Loehr, 4000 R. R. Ave. cars, Leland Ave. S. to County Line 18 W Logan, Russia & La Grande Aves., 4700 Mission cars 16 V Lombard, Embarcadero W. to Lyon, Kearny and Union cars 14 B Embarcadero and Bat- tery 2 Sansome Car 100 Montgomery 200 Wlnthrop, N. s Kearny Car 300 Child, S. s Julius, N. s Grant Ave 400 Wells Ct, S. s Stockton 500 Tuscany Al., S. s Powell Car 600 Greenwich Al., S. s... Mason 700 Columbus Ave Jansen, S. s Taylor 800 Jones yOO Leavenworth 1000 Hyde Car 1100 Larkln 120O Polk Car ISOO Van Ness Ave 1400' Franklin ..Union Car 150O Gough 1600' Octavia 1700' Laguna 1800 Buchanan 1900 Webster 2000 Fillmore Car 2100 ■ Stelner 2200 Holden, S. s Pierce 2300 Scott 2400 Dlvlsadero 2500 Broderlck 2600 P>ak«'r Car 2700 Lyon Lombard PI.(seeTuscany Al.) London, Avalon to Amazon. 4400 Mission cars 14 U (For No. see Athens.) Loom is, 1800 San Bruno Ave. cars 21 F Lotta (see Woodland). Louisa Al., 323 4th St., near Folsom cars. Louisiana, 18th to Arthur Ave., Kentucky cars. 25 L —41- Loulsburg, 801 Ocean Ave. to Ridge Lane, Ingleside car 12 U Lowell, 5500 Mission cars, nr. County Line 13 W Lower Ter. (Uranus), 4500 17th St. S. to Deming, 18th St. car 13 K Luck, 1700 San Bruno cars.. 21 P Lucky (Garfield Ave.), 3071 24th St. to 26th, near Fol- som cars . Lucy Ave., Tliornton to Will- iams, 1700 R. R. Ave. cars 22 R Lulu, 33rd to Hamburg, 1600 San Jose, Guerrero cars 12 Q Lundy's Lane, 3100 Mission cars, Coso to Virginia 17 P Lusk Al., 222 Townsend, near Kearny cars. Lucerne (Geneva), 729 Bran nan cars, near 6th. Lyell, 1500 San Jose, Guer- rero cars 15 R Lynch, 1607 Leavenworth, nr. Broadway, Hyde cars. Lyon, 1200 Haight cars N. to the Bay 13 G Haight 2 Page 100 Oak Panhandle G. G. Pk. . . Fell 300 Hayes Car 400 Grove 500 Fulton 600 McAllister Car 700 Golden Gate Ave 800 Turk Calvary Cemetery Geary Car 1300 Leona Ter., W. s M St. S. (see Mendell) . .. .2 S Macedonia, Montcalm to Brewster, 1700 San Bruno cars 20 O Mackey, 5400 Mission cars, near County Line.. 13 W Macondray (Lincoln), 1811 Taylor, near Union cars. Madison, 300 Silver Ave. S. to Olmstead, Mission cars 17 T Madison Ave. (see Merlin). Madrid, 100 Silver Ave. S. to Amazon, Mission car. 15 U 2 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Sil-ver Ave. India Ave Avalon Ave Excelsior Ave Brazil Ave Persia Ave Russia Ave France Ave Italy Ave Amazon Maggie AI., 608 Jones, Geary cars. Magnolia, 3221 Laguna, Lombard, Fillmore car.. 16 C MagneV *PI.V*1508 Mason and Broadway, Kearny cars. Maiden La., 23 Columbus Ave., nr. Jackson, Union Main, 20*0 Market car to Bry- ant 22 F near near Market Mission 100 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. 300 400 Howard Folsom Elkhart, W. s. Harrison Bryant • • • Majestic Ave., Ridge to Sum- mer, 2500 San Jose, Guerrero car .11 v Post'".. V.V.'..'.'.*.r! !'..'! 1400 Maiden Al., 573 Howard car. Qnf+oy Car 1500' near 1st St. lush r::::::::^^ ieoo Malvma pi., 1019 Mason, near ■piTip ** 1700 Clay cars. ^ California * " * Car 1800 Manchester, Bessie to Ripley, Sacramento ' ! ! '. ! ! ! cir 1900 , 200 Precita Ave.. Folsom Washington"::::::::: l?00 ManTels-Xve.VieOO 'Sa^n Jo^ Jackson Car 2200 Ave., Guerrero car.. 12 R Pacific AVe........... 2300 Manila (Union Sq. Ave.). 23 Presidio Military Res. i ^^.^^S^n^ll*,. -RrnTio Ave Broadway 2400 Mansel, 3200 San Bruno Ave. VaUei^ .... 2500 car W. to Gambter . . 19 U Green ::::::::::::::: 26OO Mansfleld, 4300 Mission cars Union Car 2700 d^^i^^..^^®- -^ ,V •^•«' "k in Filbert 2800 Maple, 3600 Jackson S. to Greenwich 2900 California, Eddy cars^. . .^ fers^Su't ::::::::::::: 3?oSMapie-ct;(Ro^sem^^^^ Francisco .. 3200 Marcy^PI. 1^007 Ja^^^^^^^^^ NS?th Point 3400 Marengo, Wat^^loo to Dick- Beach 3500 enson, 2000 San Bruno Jefferson 3600 ^^^^^'A* V 9Von ^'a'A lose Tonquin 3700 Margaret Ave., 2500 San Jose^ T.pwis 3800 Guerrero car. ••••••• ^\J^ Lyon Ter: '(see Leona Ter.). Maraaret PI. (see Margrave Sacramento car. M St. (see Moraga) 6 Mi —42- Margaret PI. (see Margrave PI. (Margaret PI.), 532 Vallejo, Kearny car. Marin, 900 Pennsylvania, Kentucky car 23 O Marion PI., 010 Union St. cars, near Jones. Mariposa, r>00 Illinois, Ken- lucky cu,r, W. to Harri- son. Bryant car VJ K Maryland 2 Louisiana 100 Georgia 200 Michigan 300 Illinois 400 Kentucky Car 500 Tennessee 600 Minnesota 700 Indiana 800 Iowa 8th St. Car 900 Pennsylvania Ave 1000 Mississippi 1100 Texas 1200 Missouri 1300 Connecticut 1400 Arkansas 1500 Wisconsin 1600 Carolina 1700 DeHaro 1800 Rhode Island 1900 Kansas 2000 Vermont 2100 San Bruno Ave 2200 Utah 2300 Potrero Ave 2400 Hampshire 2500 York 2600 Bryant Car 2700 Florida 2800 Alabama 2900 Harrison Mariposa Ten. (see Berwick PL). Market, Ferry Depot W. to 17th, Market cars 19 H Sacramento, Embar- cadero, Stuart 2 California, Spear 100 Drumm, Main 200 Davis, Pine, Beale... 300 Front, Bush, Fremont 400 Battery, 1st 500 Sansome, Sutter Montgomery, Post, 2nd , 600 Kearny, Geary, 3rd... 700 Grant Ave., O'Farrell Stockton, Ellis, 4th.. 800 Powell, Eddy, 5th 900 Mason, Turk Taylor, Golden Gate Ave., 6th 1000 Jones, McAllister, 7th 1100 Marshall Sq 1200 Larkin, Hayes, 9th... 1300 Polk, Fell, 10th 1400 Van Ness, Oak, 11th.. 1500 Franklin, Page, 12th.. 1600 Brady, S. s Rose, N. s Gough, Haight, Valen- cia 1700 Octavia, Waller, Her- mann 1800 Laguna, Guerrero 1900 Hermann, N. s Pearl, S. s Buchanan, Duboce, Dolores 2000 Church. 14th 2100 Sanchez, 15th 2200 Noe, 16th 2300 Castro, 17th Mark La. (Mary La.), 425 Hush, Kearny car. Mars, 4151 17th St.. 18th St. car- Corbett and Clara. Marshall (see Maynard)..16 S Marshall Sq., 1200 Market, opp. Sth St. Marsily, 4000 Mission cars (St. Mary's Ave.)... 16 R Martha, Tustin to Stillings Ave., Guerrero cars. Marston Ave. (Milton Ave.), 1850 San Jose Ave., Guer- rero car 13 S Martin, 1400 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car 15 Q Mary, 927 Mission car, near Sth St. Maryland, Central Basin, 20th to 22nd, Kentucky car. . 24 N Mary Lane (see Mark La.). Mason, 950 Market cars, cor. Turk, N. to Bay 20 F Market and Turk 2 Eddy 100 Ellis 200 Latham PI., W. s Dikeman PI., W. s... O'Farrell 300 Ellwood, E. s Geary 400 Derby, W. s Post 500 Sutter 600 Bush 700 Hooker Al., E. s Pine 800 Frank. W. s California 900 Sacramento 1000 Ewer PI., W. s Malvina PI., W. s Dawson PI., E. s Clay 1100 Shephard PI., E. s Truett. W. s Washington 1200 Jackson 1300 John. E. s Pacific 1400 Broadway 1500 Vallejo 1600 Green 1700 Winter La., E. s Webb PI., W. s ■ Union 1800 Kent, W. s Filbert 1900 Valparaiso, W. s Greenwich 2000 Columbus Ave Lombard 2100 Chestnut 2200 Water, W. s Francisco 2300 Vandewater Bay 2400 North Point 2500 Beach 2600 Jefferson 2700 Embarcadero —43— Masonic Ave., 2600 Geary car, S. to Albany, McAllister car 13 I Geary 2 St. Rose's. W. s 100 Turk 300 Masonic Cemetery. Golden Gate Ave 400 McAllister Car 500 Fulton 600 Grove 700 Hayes Car 800 Fell Panhandle G. G. Park Oak 1000 Page 1100 Haight Car 1200 Waller 1300 Frederick 18th Car 1400 Java, E. s 1500 Piedmont, W. s Congress 1600 Levant, S. s Park Hill Ave., N. s.. 1700 16th, S. s 1701 Albany ■ Massachusetts, Bay to Arthur Ave., Kentucky cars 25 O Massasoit, Franconia to Rut- lege, 1800 San Bruno cars .. 20 P Mateo, 1400 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car 16 R Mayflower, Holladay to Ne- vada, 1800 San Bruno cars 20 O Maynard (Marshall), 4300 Mission car 16 S Mazzini, Marin to Tulare 1700 San Bruno cars. 21 O McAllister, 1100 Market cor. Jones, W. to 1st Ave., McAllister cars 10 G Market and Jones 2 City Hall Ave., S. s.. Leavenworth, N. s 100 Hyde 200 Breen PL, N. s Larkin Car 300 Polk 400 Van Ness Ave 500 Franklin 600 Gough Car 700 Octavia 800 Laguna 900 Buchanan 1000 Webster 1100 Fillmore Car 1200 Steiner 1300 Pierce 1400 Scott 1500 Divisadero Car 1600 Broderick 1700 Baker 1800 Lyon 1900 Central Ave 2000 Masonic Ave Masonic Cemetery. Parker Ave 2500 N. Stanyan 2600 Reynolds, N. s Parsons, S. s Otis 2 Jessie, S. s Stevenson, S. s Valencia Car 100 Elgin Pk., S. s Mccormick PI., 1425 Pacific Ave., near Hyde cars. McDermott PI., 217 Jones, nr. Hyde cars. McLea Ct., 475 9th St., near Harrison, Polk cars. Meacham PI., 921 Post, near Hyde, 10th St. cars. McKlnley Ave., 4000 San Bruno car. McKinnon Ave. (13th Ave. S.), 1100 R. R. Ave. car.. 25 S Meade Ave. (37th Ave. S.), 3000 R. R. Ave. car. Medau PI., 508 Filbert, near Kearny cars. Medford, near Co. Line, 4200 R. R. Ave. cars 17 W Medway Al. (see Severn). Melrose Ave., 1600 San Jose, Guerrero car 12 R Melvin, 31st to Castro, Guer- rero cars. Mendell (M. St. S.), 600 Ar- thur Ave., R. R. Ave. car. Mendocino, Bay to Arthur Ave., R. R. Ave. car. 25 F Merced Ave. (San Mateo), along County Line, Mis- sion car. Merchant, Embarcadero to Kearny car 21 E Drumm Davis Front 300 Battery 400 Sansome Car 500 Montgomery Car 600 Dunbar AL, N. s Kearny Car Mercury, Thornton, 2400 San Bruno Ave. cars 21 R Merlin (Madison Ave.), 919 Harrison, Fol£»om car. Merrill, 2300 San Bruno Ave. cars 19 R Merrimac, 3rd and Kentucky cars *^3 J Merritt, 12 Hattie St. to Dan- vers, 18th St. car. Mersey (Trent Al), 3710 23rd St., near Dolores, 24th St. car. Mexico, near India, 2200 Ken- tucky 26 Q Michigan, 18th S. to Tulare, 3rd and Kentucky car.. 25 L "(For No. see Illinois.) Michigan Ave., changed to Palm Ave. Michigan PI. (see Chatterton PL). ^llard :::!.*:! 2700 Middle, 2220 Pine, California Areiiello BlVd cars, near Webster. McCoppin (Herman), 1950 Midway, 222 Francisco, near Ma?ket car. I Kearny car. —44— Midway (Glon I'ark Ter),(see Nordhoff). Miguel, 1200 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car 16 R Miles Ct., 834 California cars, near Powell. Miles PI. (see Miller PI.). MIley (Presidio), 2850 Baker, Union car. Mill, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Rcis Tr.). Mills PI. (soe Tillman Al). Miller PI., 938 Sacramento car, near Powell. Milliken (now San Bruno Ave.) 20 W Milton, near County Line, 4000 Mission car 16 R Milton Ave. (see Marston).. 13 S Minerva, 2700 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car 10 V Minna, 122 1st St., Mission car, W. to 15th 20 G 1st 2 Shaw Al., N. s 2nd 100 New Montgomery — 3rd Car 200 4th Car 300 5th Car 400 Mary — 6th Car 500 Russ, S. s — 7th 600 Julia — 8th Car 700 9th Car — 10th Car 900 11th 1000 Lafayette — 12th — 13th — 14th Car 1300 15th Minnesota, 16th S. to Tulare, 3rd and Kentucky cars.. 23 M (For No. see Indiana.) Mint, 5th St. cor. Mission cars. Miramar Ave., 1600 Ocean Ave., Ingleside cars.. 10 U Mission, from Embarcadero, Mission car to County Line 19 H Embarcadero Steuart — Spear 100 Main 200 Beale 300 Fremont 400 1st 500 Ecker, N. s Shaw Al., S. s . Anthony, N. s 2nd Car 600 New Montgomery Annie, N. s 3rd Car 700 4th Car 800 5th Car 900 Mint, N. s Mary, S. s 6th Car 1000 1700 7th 1100 Julia, S. s 8th Car 1200 Laskle, N. s 9th Car 1300 Washburn, S. s Grace, S. s 10th Car 1400 nth 1500 Lafayette, S. s 12th, N. s Otis, N. s 1600 12th, S. s 1601 Bond, E. s 13th, E. s 1701 Otis, W. s Duboce Ave., W. s... Erie, E. s 14th Car 15th 16th Car 17th Clarion Al., W. s Sycamore, W. s 18th 19th 20th C^atherine Ct 21st 22nd Car 23rd 24th 25th 26th Serpentine Ave., E. s. Army Precita Ave., E. s.... Powers Ave., E. s Fair Ave., E. s Valencia (jar Everett PL, W. s 29th, W. s Car Virginia Ave., E. s Godeus, E. s Eugenia Ave., E. s... 30th, W. s Lizzie, E s Kingston, W. s Cortland Ave Car Brook, W. s Santa Marina, E. s.. Randall, W. s Appleton, E. s Charles, W s Highland Ave Leese, E. s Park, W. s Richland Ave College Ave., W. s.... Crescent Ave., E. s... St. Mary's Ave., W. s. Bosworth, W. s Springdale and Cu- vier, W. s Craut and Canal, E. s Trumbull, E. s Ney, E. s MaynaVd, E. s Silver Ave., E. s Tingley, W. s Theresa, W. s Cotter, W. s Francis, W. s., Excelsior Ave., E. s.. Santa Rosa Ave., W. s Harrington, W. s 4000 4201 4301 4300 4400 4501 -45^ Brazil Ave., K. s 4601 Norton, W. s 4600 Bauer, W. s Ocean Ave., W. s. .Gar Ruth. W. s... — - Persia Ave., E. s 4701 Leo, W. s.... -— - Russia Ave., E. s 4801 Onondaga Ave 4b00 France Ave., E. s 4J01 Italy Ave., B. s 5001 5050 5101 5100 5200 5201 5300 5301 5401 5400 5500 5650 5701 5700 5801 5800 5901 5900 Mohawk Ave., W. s. Amazon, E. s Geneva Ave., W. s. Niagara Ave., W. s. Pope, E. s.......... Mt. Vernon Ave., W. Allison, E. s Goncord Ave., E. s.. Ottawa Ave., W. s.. Florentine, E. s Foote Ave., W. s... Naglee 5600 Lowell, E. s 5601 Morse, E. s Whipple Ave., W. s. Whittier, E. s Farragut Ave., W. s. Laura, W. s Oliver, E. s T^awrence Ave., W. s. Acton, E. s Sickles Ave., W. s.. Huron Ave., W. s Templeton Ave 6001 Liebig, W. s 6000 Green Ave 6101 Goethe, W s 6100 Bismarck, W. _ Grocker Blvd 6201 Prim, W. s • • 6200 San Jose Ave Gar Mississippi, 900 16th S. to Tu; lare, Kentucky car.. 2 2 N (For No. see Missouri.) Missouri, 1000 16th S. to Tu- lare, Kentucky car.. 2 2 N 16th ,2 mh m\ Mariposa 18th 19th Tomasa and Butler Ave. 2 Isabel and Brewster. . 100 Macedonia, S. s Franconia Ave 200 Peralta Ave .' 300 Alabama Montezuma, Goso to Shot- well, 3175 Mission car. . . 18 P Montgomery, 600 Market to Francisco, Montgomery car 21 E Market and Post 2 Sutter Car 100 Bush 200 Pine 300 Summer, W. s Galifornia Car 400 Sacramento 500 Commercial Glay Car 600 Merchant Washington 700 Columbus. . .Union Car Jackson Car 800 Gold. E. s • Pacific 900 Verdi PL, W. s Broadway Car 1000 Vallejo 1100 Green 1200 Montague PL, W. s. . . • Union 1300 School AL, W. s Alta Filbert 1400 Greenwich 1500 Lombard 1600 Chestnut 1700 Francisco 1800 Embarcadero Montgomery Ave. (see Co- lumbus) 19 C Montnomery Ct. (see Verdi PL). Monticello, Worchester to ' " Guerrero car. . .Car Garfield, 2001 8 V 300 Moore PL, 1230 Union cars, 400! near Hyde, o^tti .... 500 Moraga (M St.), 1600 7th Ave. nd :::::::::::: 700, w._to__ocean. Ems car^ orJb '. ... 1100 Moreland (Glen Park), Castro Army 1300 Mizpah, Sussex to Surrey (Glen Park), Guerrero car. Moffitt, Castro to Diamond (Glen Park), Guerrero car. Mohawk Ave., near Co. Line, 5000 Mission car 14 Ij Mono (Moss AL), Falcon Ave. N. W. to Corbett, 18th St. car. Monroe, 612 Bush, near Powell cars. Montana, 2700 San Jose Guerrero car 10 V Montague PL (Moulton PL). 1209 Montgomery, Kearny car. . . , Montcalm, Tomasa to Ala bama, 1700 San Bruno cars ^" ^ to Diamond, Guerrero car. Morgan AL (Pearl AL), Grand View to Corbett, 24th St. car. Morrel! PL, 1400 Pacific, Lar- kin car, near Hyde. Morris, 973 Harrison cars, nr. 6th St. Morse, 5600 Mission cars to Newton 13 W Morse PL (see Cyrus PL). Moscow, Madison to Amazon, 4300 Mission car 15 U Moss, 1071 Howard car, near 6th St. _ ^ Moss AL (see Mono) 13 L Moulton, 3200 Fillmore car, near Lombard 15 C Moulton PL (see Montague). Moultrie, Coso to Crescent, 3100 Mission car 18 R (For No. see Anderson.) Mt. Vernon Ave., 5200 Mis- sion cars to Gctz. . . .13 V (For No. see Geneva.) Mountain Spring Ave., J^iir- nett Ave. to Stanyan. 18th St. car 13 IJ Mulford, 814 Taylor, Sutter car, near Bush. I Mullen, from Peralta to Ala- bama, San Bruno car. Munich, India S. to Franco. 4700 Mission car 15 V (For No. see Athens.) Murray (South Ave.), Holly to Crescent, 3900 Mission car 18 Q Myra, 1600 San Jose Ave., I Guerrero cars 12 Qi Myrtle, 817 Larkin cars to Laguna. Larkin 2 Polk 100 Van Ness Ave 200 Franklin 300 Gough Ellis Car Octavia 500 Laguna N St. (see Noriega) 6 M N St. S. (see Newhall) . . .21 S Naglee Ave., 5500 Mission car to San Jose 12 V Napier Al., 220 Filbert. Kearny car, near Montgy. Naples, Silver to Amazon. 4400 Mission cars... 15 V Napoleon, 1900 San Bruno Ave. car, near Islais Cr. 21 O Nashua, 1900 San Bruno Ave. car, nr. Islais Cr 21 Q Natlck, 601 Chenery to Ar- lington. Guerrero car.l6R Natoma, 148 Fremont W. to 15th St., Howard car.20H Fremont 2 1st 2nd New Montgomery 3rd Car 4th Car Howard Ct, 5th Car Mary 6th Car 500 Russ 550 100 200 300 400 600 700 900 1000 7th 8th Car 9th Car 10th Car 11th Lafayette 12th 13th 14th Car 1300 15th Nebraska, Powhattan to Cortland, 1900 San Bruno Ave. car 20 P Melson Ave. (38th Ave.S.).3300 R. R. Ave. car 22 V Neptune, Thornton to Will- iams, 1700 R. R. Ave. car 22 S Nevada, Esmeralda to Cres- cent, 1900 San Bruno Avo. car 19 Q New (soc W. Clay) 6 B New Anthony (sec An- thony). Newburg (New Grove), 600 27th St., Castro car. Newell, 710 Lombard, near Union car. Newcomb Ave. (14th Ave.S.), 1200 R. R. Ave. car.. 25 S Newhall (N St. S.), 800 R. R. Ave. car 21 S New Grove Ave. (sec New- burg). Newman, Holly I'k. to An- dover, 3600 Mission car.. 18 Q New Montgomery, 617 Mar- ket car to Howard. Market 2 Stevenson, E. s Jessie Aldrich Al., W. s Mission 100 Minna Natoma Howard New Orleans Al., 1100 Green, near Hyde car. Newton, 5300 Mission cars, near County Line.. 14 W New York, Bay S. to Ar- thur Ave, 1900 Kentucky car 25 6 Ney, 4100 Mission car, Cong- don 16 S Niagara Ave. (Unadilla), 5100 Mission car, W. to Howth 13 V (For Nos. see Geneva Ave.) 19th St., 100 Delaware W. to Douglas, 8th and 18th St. car 19 L Illinois 500 Kentucky Car 600 Tennessee 700 Minnesota 800 Indiana 900 Iowa 1000 Pennsylvania Ave 1100 Mississippi 1200 Texas 1300 Missouri 8th Car 1400 Connecticut 1500 Arkansas 1600 Wisconsin 1700 Carolina 1800 DeHaro 1900 Rhode Island 2000 Kansas 2100 Vermont 2200 San Bruno Ave 2300 Utah 2400 Potrero Ave 2500 Hampshire 2600 York 2700 Bryant Car 2800 Florida 2900 Alabama 3000 Harrison 3100 Treat Ave 3150 Folsom Car 3200 Shotwell 3250 Howard Car 3300 Capp 3350 Mission Car 3400 San Carlos Lexington —47— Valencia Car 3500 Lapidge, N. s Angelica, S. s Guerrero Car 3600 Dolores Church 3800 Sanchez 3900 Noe 4000 Hartford 4050 Castro Car 4100 Collingwood 4200 Diamond 4300 Eureka 4400 Douglas 4500 200 feet west 19th Ave., 1700 Lake. S. to Sloat Blvd., Ellis and California cars 18 H (For No. see 15th Ave.) 19th Ave. S. (see Shafter Ave.) 24 T 9th St., 1301 Market to Di- vision, 9th St. car 18 I Market 2 Stevenson, E. s Jessie, W. s Mission 100 Minna, E. s Natoma, E. s Howard 200 Tehama, E. s Clementina, E. s Folsom 300 Ringold, E. s Sheridan, W. s Harrison 400 McLea Ct., E. s Bryant 500 Brannan 600 Division and San Bru- no Ave , . 9th Ave., 700 Lake, S. to Pacheco, Ellis and Eddy cars 10 H (For No. see 8th Ave.) 9th Ave. S. (see Innes Ave.) 25 R Noble Al., 1508 Grant Ave. nr. Union, Kearny cars. Noe, 700 Duboce Ave. S. to 30th, Valencia and Mar- ket cars 16 M Duboce Ave 2 14th 100 Henry 150 15th 200 Beaver, W. s 250 16th Market Car 300 17th 400 Ford, E. s 18th Car 500 Hancock, E. s 19th 600 Cumberland, E. s 20th 700 Liberty 21st 800 Hill 22nd 900 Alvarado 23rd 1000 Elizabeth , 24th Car 1100; .Tprsey ' 25th 1200i Clipper 26th 1300 Army 27th 1400 Duncan 28th 1500 Valley 29th Car 1600 Day 30th 1700 Laidley Nome (see Danvers) 15 L Nordhoff (Midway), Glen Pk. Ter., Guerrero car. Norfolk, 1575 Folsom cars, nr. 11th St. Noriega (N St.), 1700 7th Ave. W. to Ocean, Ellis car 6 M Norma (see Altamont) . . .13 L Norman, 1700 San Bruno Ave. cars, near Islais Creek 21 Q North Ave. (see Bocana).18Q North Point, 2000 Kearny cars, W. to Lyon .... 18 B North Stanyan, 2300 Fulton, McAllister car. Norton, 4600 Mission car to Alemany 15 T Norton PI. (see Darrell). Norwich, 1724 Alabama, near Ripley, Folsom car.. 19 P Nottingham PI. (St. Charles PL), 1020 Kearny car, nr. Broadway. Nueva Ave., 4000 San Bruno car. O St. (see Ortega) 6 N Oak, 1500 Market car, cor. 11th to Stanyan, Masonic car 13 J Market and Van Ness Ave 2 Franklin 100 Go ugh Car 200 Octavia 300 Laguna 400 Buchanan 500 Webster 600 Fillmore Car 700 Steiner 800 Eva Ter., N. s Pierce 900 Scott 1000 Divisadero Car 1100 Broderick 1200 Baker, S. s 1301 Panhandle G. G. Park. Lyon 1401 Central Ave 1501 Masonic Ave 1601 Ashbury 1701 Clayton 1801 Cole 1901 Shrader 2001 Stanyan Car Oakdale Ave. (15th Ave. S.), waterfront N. W. to Hol- laday Ave., R. R. Ave. cars 24 S Oak Grove, 955 Harrison, nr. 5th St. cars. Oakwood, 3663 18th St. car. near Guerrero 11 T Ocean Ave., 4700 Mission W. Sloat Blvd., lnslositl<' car i:? T Pehino Ave :^0l San Jose Ave 401 San Miguel 501 Tara 601 Louisburg 701 Howth 801 Phelan Ave 900 Harold Ave 1001 Lee Ave 1101 Brighton Ave 1201 Plymouth Ave 1301 Golden State Ave 1401 Miramar Ave 1501 Capitol Ave 1601 Faxon Ave 1701 Jules Ave 1801 Ashton Ave inOl Juniporo Serra Ocean Blvd. (Great Hi.2:h- wav) 2 N Ocean Tr. (see Sunset Ter.). Octavia, 1800 Market car. cor. Hermann, N. to Bay 17 H Market and Waller 2 ITaii^ht Car 100 Rose Page 200 Lily Oak 300 H ickory Fell 400 I^inden Hayes Car 500 Ivy Grove 600 Birch, W. s Fulton 700 Ash W. s McAllister" V.V.V.V.Car 800 Golden Gate Ave Jefferson Sq. Eddy Car 1100 Willow Ellis Car 1200 Olive, W. s • O'Farrell 1300 Myrtle, W. s Geary Car 1400 Cedar, W. s Post 1500 Hemlock, W. s Sutter Car 1600 Bush 1700 Austin, E. s Pine 1800 California Car 1900 Sacramento Car Lafayette Park Washington 2200 Jackson 2300 Pacific Ave 2400 Broadway 2500 Vallejo 2600 Green 2700 Union Car 2800 Filbert 2900 Greenwich 3000 Lombard 3100 Chestnut 3200 Francisco 3300 Bay O'Farrell, 750 Market and Market and Grant Ave. 2 Savings Union PL.N.s. Stockton 100 Powell Car 200 Carlos, S. s Ellwood, N s Mason 300 Taylor 400 Shannon, N. s Jones Car 500 Leavenworth Car 600 Harlem Al., N. s Ada Ct., N. s Hyde 700 Larkin Car 800 Polk 900 Van Ness Ave 1000 Franklin 1100 Gough 1200 ■ Octavia 1300 Laguna 1400 Buchanan 1500 Hollis. S. s Webster 1600 Fillmore Car 1700 Steiner 1800 Pierce, S. s 1901 Elton Lane N. s Scott 2000 Beideman, S. s Divisadero Car 2100 Broderick 2200 St. Joseph's Ave Ogden Ave. (Old Hickory), from Andover to Cres- cent, 2100 San Bruno car. Ohio PI. (see Osgood PL). Ohio, R. R. Ave. car (sub- merged) 26 N Oklahoma (Virginia), 1900 Kentucky car 26 N Old Hickory (see Ogden Ave.) 18 I Olive, 715 Larkin • to Bu- chanan, near Ellis car.. ^ ••/.• 16 G Larkm 2 Polk 100 Van Ness Ave 200 Franklin 300 Gough Octavia 500 Laguna 600 Buchanan Olive Ct. (see Charlton). Oliver, 5800 Mission cars, nr. County Line. Olmstead, 3100 San Bruno Ave. car, W. to La Grande 19 t OIney Ave. (39th Ave. S.), 3400 R. R. Ave. car.. 22 V Olympus, 4600 17th St., 18th St. car, near Ashbury. Oneida Ave., 2100 San Jose. Guerrero car 14 V Oneota, 3400 R. R. Ave. car (Reis Tr.) Onondaga, 4800 Mission to San Jose, Ingleside cars _ 14 U Opal PI., 20 Taylor, _ . --, near „ _ Turk, Market cars. Grant to St. Joseph Ave..iOphlr Al., 616 Post, near Sut- Hyde cars .19 Gi ter cars. —49— 400 401 501 500 601 Orange Al., 3500 24th St., nr. Valencia cars. Orchard (E. Arbor), Glen Park Ter., Guerrero car. Ord (Clara Ave.), 4500 18th St. car, N. to 16th... 14L. Ordway, 3300 San Bruno cars, W. to Oxford.. 21 U Oregon, 300 Drumm W. to Battery, Sansome car.. 22 D Orient, 3828 23rd St. and Church, 24th St. cars. Orizaba Ave., 3100 San Jose Ave., Guerrero cars. 10 B De Lx)ng 2 Palmetto Ave 100 Sagamore, E. s . . . Sadowa, E. s 200 Stanley, W. s 201 Broad, E. s Farallones, E. s 300 Randolph, W. s 301 Lobos, E. s Minerva, E. s Sargent, W. s Montana. E. s Thrift, E. s Shields, W. s Lakeview Ave., E. s. Garfield, W. s Grafton Ave. E. s. Ingleside car 700 Orleans, Marin to Tulare, 1700 San Bruno cars. 21 O Orsenius, 1800 San Bruno cars, 15th and Nashua.. 21 P Ortega (O St.), 1800 8th Ave. W. to Ocean, Ellis car.. 6 N Osage Al., 3400 24th St., nr. Mission cars. Oscar Al., 252 1st St., near Howard cars. Osgood PI. (Ohio PL), 420 Pacific, Kearny car. Oswego, 1500 San Jose Ave., Guerrero cars 12 Q Otega Ave., 2400 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car.. 12 V Otsego Ave. (W. Lake Ave.), fr. 200 Ocean Ave. S. to Mt. Vernon Ave., Mission car 13 U Otis (W. Mission). 1600 Mis sion car, near 12th St. Ottawa Ave., 5300 Mission cars, W. to San Jose.. 13 V Oxford, Silver Ave. to Ord- way, 4300 Mission cars.. P St. (see Pacheco) 6 N P St. S. (see Phelps) ... .22 Q Pacheco (P St.), 1900 9th Ave. W. to Ocean, Ellis car 7 N Pacheco Ave. (Crocker Bay Shore Tr.),. 4000 San Bruno car. Pacific, 400 Drumm W. to Larkin, Jackson car. 19 D Embarcadero 2 Drumm 50 Davis .,,,,,,......... 100 Front 200 Battery 300 Sansome Car 400 Osgood PL, N. s Montgomery Car 500 Jerome AL, S. s Kearny Car 600 Columbus Ave Beckett AL, S. s Grant Ave 700 Pelton PL, N. s Stockton 800 Cordelia, N. s Trenton, S. s Powell Car 900 Wayne PL, N s Mason 1000 Salmon, N. s Auburn, S. s Himmelman PL, N. s. Taylor 1100 Jones 1200 Leavenworth 1300 Hyde 1400 Morrell PL, N. s McCormick, S. s Larkin Pacific Ave., Larkin W. to Spruce, Jackson car. 19 D Larkin . 1500 Polk 1600 Van Ness Ave 1700 Franklin 1800 Gough 1900 Octavia 2000 Laguna 2100 Buchanan 2200 Webster 2300 Fillmore Car 2400 Steiner 2500 Pierce 2600 Scott 2700 Divisadero Car 2800 Broderick 2900 Baker 3000 Lyon 3100 Presidio Ave 3200 Walnut 3301 Presidio Military Res. Laurel 3401 Locust Pacific Al. (see Pelton PL). Page, 1600 Market, cor. 12th St. to Stanyan, Hayes & Ellis cars 14 J Market and Franklin. 2 Gough Car 100 Octavia 200 Laguna 300 Buchanan 400 Webster 500 Fillmore Car 600 Steiner 700 Pierce 800 Scott 900 Divisadero Car 1000 Broderick 1100 Baker 1200 Lyon 1300 Central Ave 1400 Masonic Ave 1500 Ashbury 1600 Clayton 1700 Cole ..: 1800 Shrader 1900 Stanyan Car -50— 100 101 Pagoda PI. (IMochc Al.), 830 Sacramento car, near Stockton. Palm Ave., 3r)00 deary car.. 12 a Palmer (see Whitney)... 16r Palmetto, 3000 San Jose Ave to Chester, Guerrero cai 9 W San Jose Ave '2 Regent, S. s Capitol Ave., N. s Liebipr. S. s Crystal, S. s Orizaba Ave 200 Bright, N. s Head 300 Victoria Ramsell and Worces- ter Ave St. Charles Ave 600 Chester Ave 70(' Palo Alto Ave. (20th St.), fr Burnett Ave. to W. of Stanyan, 18th St. car. Palou Ave. (16th Ave. S.) Bay to Islais Cr., R. R Ave. car 24 S' Panama (Hillcrest), Guer- rero car to County Jjine. Pardee Al., 1623 Dupont, nea; Filbert, Kearny car. Park (E. & W. Park), 3800 Mission car 17 Q Parker Al. (see Parkhurst Al.). Parker Ave., 3700 California S. to Fulton 12 G California Car 2 Laurel Hill Cemetery. Euclid Ave. . . Clement Car 101 Geary Car 200 St. Rose's 300 Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Turk 500 Masonic Cemetery. McAllister, W. s 701 Fulton Car Park Ct. (see Prior Ct.). Park Hill Ave., 1000 Haighl car 14 K Parkhurst Al. (Parker Al.) 926 Clay car., nr. Powell. Park La. S. (see Varney PI.) Park La. N. (see Taber PL) Parkway (see Payson St.) Parkside Ave. (see Parsons) Paris, Excelsior to Amazon 4300 Mission car 15 U Parnassus Ave., 800 Clayton to 5th Ave., Masonic car 11 K Clayton 1' Belvedere, S 4th Ave 700 5th Ave Parsons (Parkside Ave.), 2300 Fulton, nr. Stanyan, Mc- Allister car 11 I Patterson, 1800 San Bruno Ave., Guerrero car.. 20 P Patton, West Ave. to High- land, 3600 Mission car. . 17 Q Paul (see Saul) 20 Q Paul Ave., 2700 R. R. Ave. car to Charter Oak.. 21 T Paulding, 1800 San Jose Ave.. Guerrero car 13 S Payson (Parkway). Chester, near Randolph, 3000 Guerrero car. Peabody, 4000 R. R. Ave. cars, nr. Co. Line.. 20 W '=»earl, 1000 Market car.. 17 J Pearl Al. (see Morgan Al.). Pelham, 1800 San Bruno Ave. car, near Byrne 21 P Pemberton PI., 1321 Clayton, 18th St. cars. Pelton (Pacific Al.), 720 Pa- cific, near Kearny car. Peninsula Ave., Vista to Ray- mond. 3400 R.R. Ave. car. Pennsylvania, 800 16th St. S. to Tulare, Kentucky car 23 N (For No. see Iowa.) Peoria (Crocker Tr.), Mis- sion car to County Line. Peralta Ave., 2100 San Bruno ear 19 Q TTolladay Ave 2 Butler, S. s Hampshire, N. s Tomasa. S. s York, N. s Franconia. S. s IHorida, N. s Wolfe, E. s Montcalm 300 Rutledge 400 Samoset. E. s Ripley, W. s 500 Cabot. E. s 501 Star. E. s Esmeralda Ave 600 Mayflower • Powhattan 700 Cortland Ave 800 Jarboe Ave 900 Tompkins and Cres- cent Ave Perine PI., 2108 Steiner. Fill- more car, nr. California. Peru (see India Ave.). Perry, 423 3rd St. cars, near Harrison. 101 100 200 Perry Ave. (see Reynolds). Cole 100 Persia Ave., 4700 Mission cars Shrader to I^a Grande 15 U Stanyan 200 peters Ave.. 3200 Mission car. Woodland Ave., S. s. Petrarch PI. (Laura PI.), 325 Willard 30( | Pine. nr. Sansome cars. Arguello Blvd 400 pfeiffer, 1915 Grant Ave., nr. Affiliated Colleges. I Chestnut, Kearny car. 2nd Ave., N. s 500 Phelan Ave., 900 Ocean Ave.. 3rd Ave., N s 6001 Inglcside car 12 T —51— 500 800 900 1000 Phelps (P St. S.). 100 R. R. Ave. car. to San Bruno car. Piedmont, 1535 Masonic car to Congress 14 K Pierce, 600 Waller, N. to Bay, Fillmore car 15 1 Duboce Pk 2 Waller 100 Haight Car 200 Page Car 300 Oak Car 400 Fell Hayes Car Alamo Square. Fulton McAllister Car Golden Gate Ave Elm, W. s Turk Car 1100 Eddy Car 1200 Ellis Car 1300 O'Farrell Car Geary Car Hamilton Square. Post 1600 Sutter Car 1700 Bush 1800 Pine 1900 California Car 2000 Ferine PL, E. s. Sacramento Car 2100 Clay Alta Plaza. Jackson 2400 Pacific Ave 2500 Broadway 2600 Vallejo 2700 Green 2800 Union Car 2900 Filbert 3000 Greenwich 3100 Regley PL, E. s Lombard 3200 Chestnut 3300 Francisco 3400 Bay 3500 North Point 3600 Beach 3700 Jefferson 3800 Tonquin 3900 Lewis Pine, 300 Market W. to Pre sidio Ave., California car 19 F Market and Davis 2 Front 100 Battery . . . : 200 Sansome Car 300 Leidesdorff, N. s Exchange PL, S. s Petrarch PL, S. s Montgomery Car 400 Belden, S. s Kearny Car 500 St George AL, S. s... St. Anne Quincy Grant Ave 600 Stockton 700 Monroe, S. s Joice, N. s Powell Car 800 Mason 900 Pine PL, N. s Taylor , , 1000 Jones 1100 Leavenworth 1200 Hyde Car 1300 Larkin 1400 Polk Car 1500 ' Van Ness Ave 1600 Franklin 1700 Gough 1800 Octavia 1900 Laguna 2000 Buchanan 2100 Webster 2200 Middle, N. s Fillmore Car 2300 Steiner 2400 Pierce 2500 Scott 2600 Divisadero 2700 Broderick 2800 Baker 2900 Lyon 3000 Presidio Ave Pine PI., 908 Pine, near Ma- son, California car. Pink AL, 1900 Market cars. Pinkney PI., 520 Broadway, near Kearny cars. Pino AL, 3400 Judah, near 35th Ave., Ellis car.. 5 L Pioche, Silver to Madison, 4300 Mission car 17 S Pioche Al. (see Pagoda PL). Pioneer PL, 24 4th St. cars, near Market. Piper AL, 527 Market cars, bet. 1st and 2nd. Pixley, 3121 Buchanan to Steiner, Fillmore car. 15 C Pleasant, 1135 Taylor, near Clay St. cars. Plumas, 400 Arthur, R. R. Ave. car 25 P Plymouth Ave., 2800 San Jose, Guerrero car. . .11 V Pluto, 4061 16th St., to Lower Ter., 18th St. cars.. 13 K Pt. Lobos Ave. (formerly Cliff Ave.), 5000 Geary St. to 49th Ave., Clement car.. 2 G Pt. Lobos Ave. (now Geary). Polk, 1400 Market "cars, cor. 10th St., N. to Lewis, Polk cars 18 H Market and Fell 2 Hayes Car 100 Ivy, W. s Grove 200 Birch, E. s Fulton 300 Ash McAllister Car 400 Redwood Golden Gate Ave 500 Elm, W. s Turk Car 600 Eddy Car 700 Willow Ellis Car 800 Olive O'Farrell 900 Myrtle Geary Car 1000 Cedar Post 1100 Hemlock Sutter Car 1200 Fern Bush 1300 Austin Pine 1400 California Car 1500 Sacramento Car IfiOO Clav 1700 Wasliinj^ton Car ISOO Jaokuon Car litOO Pacific Ave 2000 Broadway 2100 Vallejo 2200 Bonita, W. s Green 2300 Union Car 2400 Filbert 2500 Greenwich 2600 Lombard 2700 Chestnut 2800 Francisco - 2900 Bay 3000 North Point 3100 Beach 3200 Jefferson 3300 Tonquin 3400 Lewis 3500 Pollard PI., 524 Vallejo, near Kearny cars. Pollock, 1900 R. R. Ave. car. nr. Bay & Co. Line. .27 W Pomona, Bay View to Will- iams, 1700 R. R. Ave. car 22 R Pond, 3529 16th St., nr. Noe. Market cais. Pope, 5200 Mission cars to Hanna 14 W Poplar, 3500 24th St., near Valencia St. cars. Porter, 3900 Mission cars, Crescent to Benton.. 18 R Porter Ave. (see Ellington Ave.) 12 W Portola, 559 Waller, Haight car, near Steiner. Portola Al., 775 Jackson, Kearnv car. Post, 600 Market St. cars. Montgomery W. to Pre- sidio Ave., Sutter car. . . 19 F Market and Mont- gomery 2 Lick PI., N. s Kearny Car 100 Gardner, N. s Grant Ave 200 Stockton 300 Union Sq., S. s Powell Car 400 Mason 500 Taylor 600 Ophir Al., N. s Shannon, S. s Agate Al., N. s Jones 700 Leavenworth 800 Hyde Car 900 Meacham PL, S. s Larkin 1000 Polk Car 1100 Van Ness Ave 1200 Franklin 1300 Gough 1400 Octavia 1500 Laguna 1600 Buchanan 1700 Webster 1800 FMllmore Car 1900 Avery, S. s Steiner 2000 Hamilton Square. Pierce 2100 Scott 2200 Divlsadero Car 2300 Erkson Ct., N. s Broderick 2400 Baker 2500 Lyon 2600 Presidio Ave Potrero Ave., 200 Division to Army, Bryant car.. 20 M Division 2 Alameda 100 15th 200 16th Car 300 17th 400 Mariposa BOO 18th 600 19th 700 20th 800 21st. W. s 900 22nd Car 1000 23rd 1100 24th Car 1200 25th 1300 Serpentine Ave Army Powell, 900 Market & Eddy, N. to Bay, Powell cars.. 20 F Market and Eddy 2 Ellis Car 100 O'Farrell 200 Geary Car 301 Union Sq., E. s Post 400 Sutter Car 500 Anson PI., E. s Bush 600 Fella PI., E. s Pine 700 California Car 800 Sacramento 900 Clay Car 1000 Washington 1100 Jackson 1200 John, W s Carmine PI., E. s...,. Pacific 1300 Fisher Al., E. s Broadway 1400 Vallejo 1500 Green 1600 Union Car 1701 Washington Square. Columbus Ave Filbert 1800 Greenwich 1900 Lombard 2000 Chestnut 2100 Francisco 2200 Vandewater, W. s... Bay 2300 North Point 2400 Beach 2500 Embarcadero and Jef- ferson Powell Ave. (see Powers). Powers Ave. (Powell Ave.) 3177 Mission car, near Precita Ave 18 O Powhattan Ave., 1800 San Bruno cars or 3200 Mis- sion car 18 P Bocana 2 Andover 100 Moultrie 200 Anderson 300 Ellsworth 400 Gates 500 Folsom 600 Banks 700 Prentiss " 800 Nevada 900 Rosecrans, N. s. Nebraska, S. s 1000 Carver, N. s 1001 Bradford 1100 Peralta Ave 1200 Pranconia, N. s. Holladay Ave Prague, La Grande to France, 4500 Mission car 16 V Excelsior and La Grande Aves Brazil Ave 100 Persia Ave 200 Russia Ave 300 Pratt PI. (see Eliick Lane). Precita Ave., Coso to Army and York, 3100 Mission car 18 O Mission 2 Coso Ave., S. s 100 Angle, opp. Howard.. 200 Shotwell, N. s 251 Folsom Car 300 Treat Ave., S. s 350 Harrison 400 Alabama 500 Florida 600 Bryant, N. s Army and York • Prentiss, Esmeralda to Cres- cent, 1800 San Bruno cars 19 Q Prescott Ct., 317 Vallejo, nr, Sansome cars. President, 3726 16th St., near Castro car 15 K Presidio Ave., 3200 Pacific to Geary, Sutter car. Presidio Wall Pacific Ave. Prim, 3200 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car 9W Primrose (Rose Lyon), 1400 Clement car, near 16th Ave 8 G Princeton, Silver to Mansell, 2400 San Bruno cars. 19 T Pringle Ct., 216 Greenwich, near Sansome car. Prior Ct. (Park), 9th Ave., near Fulton, McAllister car. Prospect Ave., Coso to Cort- land, 3100 Mission cars.. 17 P Coso Ave 2 Esmeralda Ave 100 Virginia Ave 200 Heyman Ave., W. s.. Eugenia Ave 300 Lizzie, W. s Cortland Ave Prospect Pi. (see Joice). Prosper, 3515 16th St., near Noe. Market cars. Pulaski Ave. (40th Ave. S.). 3600 San Bruno, R. R. Ave. cars 22 W Putnam, Cortland to Cres- cent, 2000 San Bruno Ave. cars 19 Q Cortland Ave 2 Jarboe Ave 100 Tompkins Ave 200 Ogden Ave 300 Crescent Ave Q St. (see Quintara) 6 N Q St. S. (see Quint). Quane (Quince Al.), 3441 21st St., near Dolores, 24th St. car. Quebec Ave. (41st Ave. S.), 3700 San Bruno, R. R. Ave. car 22 W Quesada (17th Ave. S.), 1500 R. R. Ave. car 23 S Quince Al. (see Quane). Quincy (Bacon), 536 Pine, nr. Kearny car. Quint (Q St. S.), 700 Arthur Ave., R. R. Ave. car. 22 Q Quintara (Q St.), 2000 10th Ave., W. to Ocean, Elli'S 100 200 300 400 50') 600 Jackson Car Washington Clay Sacramento. .Eddy Car California Car Pine Bush 700 Sutter Car 800 Post 900 Anton, W. s Benson, W. s Geary Car Presidio (see Miley). Presidio Ter., 3400 Washing- ton, N. to Presidio, Eddy car. Price Row, 540 Green, near Kearny car. Priest, 1321 Washington, nr. Jones. .14 F| car 6 N 2|R St. (see Rivira) 6 O R St. S. (see Rankin).. 22 Q Rae Ave., 5500 Mission car. Railroad Ave., 2300 Kentucky 23 Q 2 100 200 300 car Burke Custer Ave... Davidson Ave. Phelps Evans Ave. Fairfax Ave 400 Galvez Ave 500 Hudson Ave 600 Innes Ave 700 Newhall - Jerrold Ave 800 Kirkwood 900 La Salle Ave., W. s... 1000 McKinnon Ave 1100 Newcomb Ave 1200 Oakdale Ave 1300 Mendell, E. s -54— Palou Ave 1400!Redwood Ct., 2100 Howard Quesada Ave 1500 car, near 17th St. Shafter Ave., E. s Thomas Ave., E. s 1701 Thornton Ave., W. s. 1700 Underwood Ave., E. s. Van Dyke, E. s 1801 Williams Ave., W. s. . 1800 Lane Wallace, E. s 1900 Yosemite Ave 2000 Armstrong- Ave 2100 Bancroft Ave 2200 Carroll Ave 2300 I^arkin W. to Laguna. McAllister car 16 H T.arkin 2 Polk 100 Van Noss Ave 200 Franklin (lOiigh car Octavia Laguna 600 Redfield Al., 1915 Taylor, nr. Union car. Redondo, 3000 R. R. Ave. car. Donner Ave., E. s 2400 Reed, 1331 Clay car, near Egbert Ave., E. s 2500 Keith Fitzgerald Ave., E. s. 2600 Paul Ave.. W. s 2700 Oilman Ave., E. s 2701 Hollister Ave., E. s.. Ing:erson Ave., E. s.. Salinas Ave., W. s... >801 2800 Jamestown Ave 2900 Key Ave 3000 Le Conte Ave 3100 Meade Ave 3200 Nelson Ave 3300 Olney Ave 3400 San Bruno Ave. Railway, Dolores, near 17th, Guerrero cars 17 L Ralston, 3100 San Jose Ave. Guerrero cars 9 V Ramona, 525 14th St., Guer- rero car. Ramsell, 100 San Jose Ave.. Guerrero cars 9 V Randall (Palmer). 3500 Mis- sion car, W. to Harper. . -^.•••, 16 Q Mission 2 San Jose Ave., N. s.. Chenery 100 Dame 150 Whitney 200 Sanchez 300 Harper Randall PI. fsee Southard). Randolph, 2700 San Jose Ave., Guerrero cars 9 V Orizaba Ave 2 Bright 100 Head 200 Victoria 300 Ramsell 400 Arch 500 Vernon 600 Ralston 700 Byxbee, N. s 800 Worcester Ave., S. s.. Chester Ave Rankin CR St. S.). Burke S. to Thomas, R. R. Ave. car 22 Q Rausch, 1130 Folsom car, nr. 7th. Raymond Ave., 3400 R. R. Avo. oar (Rois Tr.). San Bruno Ave Jones. Reed PI. (see Reno). Regent, 3000 San Jose Ave.. Guerrero car 11 W Regley PI., 3120 Pierce, Fill- moro car, nr. Greenwich. Reno PI. (Reed PI.), 329 Green, nr. Kearny car. Reservoir, 2000 Market car. near 14th St 15 J Revere Ave. (18th Ave. S.), Waterfront to Islais Cr., R. R. Ave. car. Rey, 4000 R. R. Ave. car, nr. County Line 19 W Reynolds (Perry Ave.), 2600 McAllister car, nr. Stan- yan. Rhine, 3200 San Jose Ave.. Guerrero car 9 W Rhode Island, 2 Division St. S. to Mazzini, Howard car 21 N Division 2 Alameda 100 15th 200 16th 300 17th 400 Mariposa 500 18th 600 19th 700 20th 800 22nd 1000 Humboldt 1100 23rd 1200 24th 1300 25th 1400 Army 1600 Rice, 3100 San Jose Ave.. (]ruerrero car 10 W Richardson PI. (Folsom PI.). 310 Folsom car, near Beale 22 F Richland Ave., 3800 Mission car to Andover 17 Q S. P. Railway 2 Mission 100 Leese 200 Murray 300 Andover Ave Richmond Ct., Geary, near 14th Ave., Clement car. Richmond Ave. (now Euclid). Ridge Lane, 2400 San Jose. Guerrero car 12 U Alpha 100 RIckard, 2200 San Bruno cars, Rutland Tslais Creek 20 R T^elta 300 Richter Ave. (42nd Ave. S.). Fvlliot 400 3800 R. R. Ave. car. 22 W Sawyer 500 Riley (see Pleasant). —55— Rincon Ave., 625 2nd St. cars, near Brannan. Rincon Ct. (see Elkhart). Rincon (Ellery), 553 Harrison cars, near 2nd St. Ringold, 316 8th St. cars Polsom cars. Ripley, 3200 Folsom car to Alabama- 19 P Shotwell 2 Manchester, N. s Folsom . . 100 Harrison, N. s Alabama 200 Peralta Ave RItch, 721 Folsom car to Townsend, near 3rd St. Folsom 2 Clara, W. s Harrison Bryant 200 Brannan 300 Townsend Rivera (R St.), 2100 10th Ave. W. to Ocean, Ellis car.. 6 O RIvoli, 800 Clayton, nr. 17th, 18th St. car 12 K Roach, 930 Filbert, Union car, near Jones. Roanoke, 1500 San Jose, Guerrero car 15 R Rockland, 2218 Larkin cars. near Union. Rodgers (Folsom Ave.), 1149 Folsom car, near 7th. 20 T Romain, 400 Douglas, 18th St. car, near 21st St. Rome, Niagara to Ottawa, 5100 Mission car 13 V Rondell PI., 3017 16th St. car, near Valencia. Roscoe, Crescent to Benton, 3900 Mission cars 18 R Rose Al. (see Aldrich Al.). Rose, 1600 Market car, W. to Laguna 17 I Rose Lyon (see Primrose) . . 8 G Rosecrans, 1900 San Bruno Ave, car, Esmeralda to Powhattan 20 P Roosevelt Ave., 6100 Mission car. Rosemont PI. (Maple Ct.), 500 14th, near Guerrero Rotteck, 1500 San Jose Ave, Guerrero car 16 R Ross Al. (Stouts Al.), 830 Washington, Powell car. Rosseau, 1500 San Jose, Guer- rero car 16 R Rowland, 429 Broadway, nr. Kearny car. Russ, 1048 Howard car, near 6th car. Minna 2 Natoma — Howard 100 Folsom — Russell, 1911 Hyde car, near Green. Russia, 4700 Mission car to La Grande 15 U Mission 2 London 100 Paris '. 200 Lisbon 300 Madrid 400 Edinburgh 500 Naples 600 Vienna 700 Athens 800 Moscow _ ^00 Munich IJOO Prague 1100 Dublin 1200 La Grande Ave. Ruth, 4700 Mission car. Rutland (Beta), fr. Harkness to Co. Line, 3400 R. R. Ave. car 19 W Rutledge, 1900 San Bruno Ave. cars 20 P Ryan Ave., 500 Precita Ave., near York, Folsom car.. 20 O S (see Santiago) •. . . 7 O S St. S. (see Selby) 22 P Sabin PI. (Salina PI.). 738 California car, nr. Stock- ton. Sacramento, Embarcadero & Market W. to Arguello Blvd., Sacramento and Eddy car 19 E Market 2 Drumm 100 Davis 200 Front 300 Battery 400 Sansome Car 500 LeidesdorfC — — Montgomery Car 600 Spring, S. s • . . — - Kearny Car 700 Grant Ave 800 Waverly PL, N. s Pagoda PI., N. s Brooklyn PI., S. s — — Stockton 900 Joice Miller PL, N. s -— - Powell Car 1000 Mason HOO Cushman -— — Taylor 1200 Jones 1300 Lysett PL, S. s Leroy PI Golden Ct, S. s -— - Leavenworth 1400 Kimball PI Hyde Car 1500 . Larkin 1600 ' Polk Car 1700 Van Ness Ave 1800 Franklin 1900 Gough 2001 Lafayette Park. Octavia 2101 Laguna, S. s 2200 Buchanan 2300 Webster 2400 Fillmore Car 2500 Steiner 2600 Pierce 2700 Scott 2800 Divisadero Car 2900 Broderick...Eddy Car 3000 Baker 3100 Lyon 3200 Presidio Ave 33D0 Walnut 3400 Laurel 3500 Locust 3600 Spruce 3700 Maple 3800 Cherry 3900 Argruella Blvd Sadowa, 2800 San Jose Ave.. Guerrero car 10 W Sagamore, 2800 San Jose. Guerrero car 10 W Salem, 2100 San Bruno Ave. ^ ..<•:»•• 1!) H Salinas Ave., 2800 R. R. Ave. cars 21 U Sallna PI. (see Sabin PI.). " Salmon, 1020 Pacific, Powell car, near Mason. Salome, 1900 San Bruno Ave. car 21 Q Samoset, 1800 San Bruno cars ^ 20 P Sampson Ave. (43rd Ave. S.). 3800 R. R. Ave. car.. 22 W San Antonio, 510 Vallejo, nr. Kearny cars. San Bruno Ave., 100 Division S. to County Line, San Bruno car 20 N Division 2 A lameda 100 15th 200 H>th Car 300 17th 400 Mariposa 500 18th 600 19th 700 20th Buena Vista Square. 21st 900 22nd City and County Hos- pital. 23rd 1200 24th 1300 25th 1400 Andrew, W. s Army 1500 Eve, W. s 1600 S. of Eve 1700 Oakdale Ave., S., E. s. 1800 Flower. E. s | N. of Cortland Ave... 1900 Cortland Ave 2000 Waterloo. E. s 2001 Hilton, W. s Jarboe Ave., W. s Holladay Ave., W. s. 2100 Dickenson, E. s 2101 Peralta and Tompkins Aves., W. s Crescent Ave., W. s. . . Barneveld Ave., E. s. Islais Creek , 2200 Rickard, W. s Augusta. E. s 2301 1 Gaven, W. s 2300 ' Sweenv. W. s Hale. W. s ' Silver Ave 2400 Silliman. W. s 2450 Thornton Ave., E. s... 2501 Felton, W. s 2500 Burrows 2600 Bacon 2700 Wayland ^8^0 Woolsey 2900 Dwight, W. s 3000 Paul Ave., E. s 3001 Olmstead, W. s 3100 Ware. E. s 3101 Mansoll. W. s 3200 Salinas and Key Aves., E. s 3201 Le Conte Ave. S., E. s. Lane. E. s 3301 Ordway, W. s 3300 Meade Ave., E. s 3401 Ward, W. s 3400 NeLson Ave., E. s -— — Keith 3501 Harkness. W. s 3500 Olncy Ave., E. s -— — Wilde. W. s 3600 Railroad Ave. E. s.. 3601 Campbell, W. -s 3700 Berlin. N. s 3800 Goottingon. N. s 3900 Somerset. W. s 4000 Teddy Ave.. W. s 4100 Arleta Ave., W. s 4200 Hav Shore Ave 4?01 Raymond Ave.. W. s.. 4300 Leland Ave.. W. s 4400 Visitacion Ave 4500 Sunnydalc Ave 4600 Medford San Carlos, Sycamore to 21st. 2100 Mission car 17 L Sycamore Ave 2 18th 100 19th 200 20th 300 21st San Carlos Ave. (Hillcrest) (see Santa Cruz Ave.) San Diego (Hillcrest), from S. P. Ry. S. to Co. Line, 5000 Mission car. Sanchez, 400 Duboce Ave. S. to Randall. Market & Va- lencia cars 16 M Duboce Ave 2 14th 100 Henry, W. s 15th Market Car 200 16th 300 17th 400 Dorland, E. s 451 Ford, W. s 450 18th Car 500 Hancock 550 19th 600 Cumberland 650 20th 700 Liberty ^^^O 21st 800 Hill 85C 22nd 90O Alvarado, W. s 950 23rd 1000 Elizabeth 1050 24th Car 1100 Jersey 25th 1200 Clipper 26th 1300 Army 27th X400 —57— 1500 Duncan 28th Valley 29th Car 1600 Day 30th Guerrero Car 1700 Randall San Gabriel Ave., 1800 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car. San Jose Ave., 3300 22nd Si. S. to Co. Line, Guerrero car 17 O 100 22nd Alvarado, W. s. 23rd Elizabeth, W. s 24th 25th Juri 26th Army . . • 27th, W. ■ Duncan 28th, W. s Guerrero, W. s Valley, W. s . . . 29th Day, W. 8 30th Kingston, E. s Brook, E. s Dolores, W. s Randall six blocks closed by S. P. R. R. June. Diamond and Circular Aves Garden Lane, E. s... Tingley, E. s Theresa, E. s Cotter, E. s Capistrano Ave., E. s Santa Rosa E. s Jarnac, W. s Santa Ysabel Paulding, W. s San .Juan 1901 Havelock, W. s 1900 Balboa Park Santa Ynez E, .Car 700 '.'.'. '. 800 900 Prim Shakespeare Mission Car San Juan Ave., 1900 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car. San Luis Ave. (Hillcrest), San Diego to S. P. Ry.. Mission car. San Mateo (Merced Ave.), along Co. Line, Mission car. San Miguel, 500 Ocean Ave., Guerrero car 12 U Sansome, 500 Market cars, N. to Chestnut, Sansome car 21 F Market and Sutter 2 Bush 100 Pine 200 California 300 Halleck Sacramento , . 400 Commercial Clay 500 Merchant Washington 600 Jackson 700 Gold, W. s Pacific 800 Stevens Al., E. s Broadway 900 Vallejo 1000 Green 1100 Union 1200 Alta, W. s Filbert 1300 Greenwich 1400 Lombard 1500 Chestnut Embarcadero Santa Barbara (Hillcrest), De jgQ^j j Long S. to Co. Line, Mis- 10QA sion car. Santa Cruz Ave. (San Carlos j Ave.) (Hillcrest), De Long Ave. S. to Co. Line, Mis- sion car. Santa Marina, 3500 Mission cars E. to Elsie 17 P 1600 1601 1701 Road to Branch Jails. 2000 Santa Rosa Ave. (Croke), Ocean Ave 2100 1800 San Jose Ave., Oneida Ave., E. s Guerrero car. Seneca Ave., E. s 2200 Santa Ynez Ave., 2000 San Geneva Ave 230C Jose Ave.. Guerrero car. Niagara Ave 2400 Santiago (S St.), 11th Ave. Mt. Vernon Ave 2500 W. to Ocean, Ellis car.. Ottawa Ave., E. s ' 7 O Saratoga, 4700 Mission car, 2601' near County Line... 17 U 2600 Sargent, 2700 San Jose Ave., 2651 Guerrero car 8 U 2701 Saul (Paul), 2100 San Bruno 2700 car to Islais Cr 20 Q Farragut, E. s 2801 Saturn (Serpentine PL), 4200 Broad, W. s 2800 i 17th St., near Clara, 18th Lawrence Ave., E. s.. 2901' St. cars 14 K Sadowa, W. s 2900 Savings Union PI. (Bagby Sagamore, W. s 2950 1 PI.), 18 O'Farrell cars, Sickles Ave., E. s 30011 near Stockton. Plymouth Ave., W. s.. 3000 Sawyer (Fay), 4100 R. R. Regent, E. s Ave. cars, near County Liebig 3100' Line 18 W Rice, W. s Schiller, 4100 R. R. Ave. cars, Goethe 3200 1 nr. County Line ... 17 W County Line. .School Al., 1311 Montgomery, Bismark 1 nr. Union, Kearny cars. —58— Ridge La., W. s. Foote Ave., E. s Lakeview Ave,, W. s. Naglee Ave., E. s Worden Ave., E, s... Farallones, W. s . Schoettler Ct., 25th & York. Bryant cars. Schwerin, 4100 R. R. Avo. cars. nr. Co. Line.. 19 W Scotia Ave. (Scott Ave). Sil- ver Ave, S. to Tliornton. San Bruno car 21 R Scotland, 730 Filbert, near Powell, Kearny cars. Scott, 700 Duboce Ave. N. to Lewis, Haight & Fillmore cars 15 I Duboce Ave 2 Lloyd, W. s Waller 100 Haight Car 200 Page 300 Oak 400 Fell 500 Hayes Car 601 Alamo Square. Grove 701 Fulton 800 McAllister Car 900 Golden Gate Ave 1000 Elm. E. s Turk 1100 Eddy Car 1200 Ellis Car 1300 O'Farrell 1400 Geary Car 1501 Hamilton Square. Post 1600 Sutter Car 1700 Bush 1800 Pine 1900 California Car 2000 Sacramento 2100 Clay 2201 Alta Plaza. Washington 2301 Jackson 2400 Pacific Ave 2500 Broadway 2600 Vallejo 2700 Green 2800 Union Car 2900 Filbert 3000 Greenwich 3100 Lombard 3200 Chestnut 3300 Francisco 3400 Bay 3500 North Point 3600 Beach 3700 Jefferson 3800 Tonquin 3900 Lewis Scott Ave. (see Scotia Ave.) 21 R Scott PI. (see Wayne PI.). Sears, 5000 Mission cars, nr. County Line 11 W 2nd St., 600 Market St. cars S. to Berry, Bryant car 21 F Market Car 2 Stevenson Jessie, W. s Mission Car 100 Minna Natoma Howard Car 200 Tehama Clementina, E. s Folsom Car 300 Dow PI., W. s Harrison 400 Stillman, W. s Bryant 500 Tabor PI.. W. s Federal K. s South Park. W. s — ;- I )e Boom, E. s Brannan 600 Townsend 700 King 800 Berry 2nd Ave., 100 Lake St. S. to Parnassus, Ellis & Eddy car 10 G Lake 100 California Cornwall 200 Clement 300 Geary 400 Anza 500 Balboa 600 Cabrillo 700 Fulton Golden Gate Park. Lincoln Way 1200 Hugo 1250 Irving 1300 Parnassus Ave. Hayes 2nd Ave. S. (see Burke). 25 P Selby (S St. S.), fr. Islais Cr. S. to Thomas Ave... 22 P Seneca Ave., 2100 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car. . .13 T Serpentine Ave., 3717 Mission car & 3000 Folsom car 19 O Serpentine PI. (see Lower Ter.) 14 K Serpentine Rd. (see Locksley Ave.) 10 L 17th St., 400 Illinois-Ken- tucky car, W. to Stanyan, 8th & 18th St. cars.. 19 K Maryland 2 Louisiana 100 Georgia 200 Michigan 30D Illinois 400 Kentucky Car 500 Tennessee 600 Minnesota 700 Indiana 800 Iowa 900 Pennsylvania Ave 1000 Mississippi 1100 Texas 8th St. Car 1200 Missouri 1300 Connecticut 1400 Arkansas 1500 Wisconsin 1600 Carolina 1700 De Haro 1800 Rhode Island 1900 Kansas 2000 Vermont 2100 San Bruno Ave 2200 Utah 2300 Potrero 2400 Hampshire 2500 York, N. s 2600 Bryant Car 2700 Florida 2800 Alabama 2900 Harrison 3000 —59— Division — Folsom Car 3100 Shotwell 3150 Howard Car 3200 Capp 3250 Mission Car 3300 •Hoff, N. s - Valencia Car 3400 Albion, N. s — Dearborn, S. s — Guerrero Car 3500 Dolores 3600 Abbey, N. s — Church 3700 Harlow, N. s — Dehon, N. s — Sanchez 3800 Prosper, N. s — Pond, N. s — Noe 3900 Market Car — Castro 18th St. Car 4000 Collingwood, S. s 4051 Diamond, S. s 4101 Eureka, S. s 4151 Douglass 4200 Ord 4300 Corbin PL, S. s 4401 Temple, N. s 4400 Mars, S. s — Lower Ter 4500 Olympus, N. s — Clayton 4600 Belvedere 4700 Cole 4800 Shrader 4900 Stanyan Ellis Car 17th Ave., 1600 Lake St.- California car S. to X, Ellis car 8 H 17th Ave. S. (see Quesada) . . 24 S 7th St., 1100 Market car S. to 16th, 8th St. cars 19 H Market 2 Stevenson — — Jessie, W. s Mission Car 100 Minna Natoma Howard Car 200 Folsom Car 300 Decker Al., W. s Cleveland, E. s Harrison Car 400 Bryant Car 500 Brannan Car 600 Townsend 700 King 800 Berry 900 Channel 1000 Hooper 1100 Irwin 1200 Hubbell 1300 Daggett 1400 16th and Mississippi.. 1500 17th 7th Ave., 600 Lake S. to N St., Eddy & Ellis car.lOH 7th Ave. S. (see Galvez Ave.) 23 Q Severance (Surman), 3400 R. R. Ave. car. Severn (Medway Al.), 3780 23rd St., 24th St. car. Seward, 350 Douglass, near 20th, 18th St. car... 15 M Seymour, 1717 Turk car, nr. Scott. Shakespeare, 3200 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car... 9 W Shatter Ave. (19th Ave. S.), Waterfront to Islais Cr., R. R. Ave. car 23 S Shannon (William), 418 O'Farrell, near Jones car. Sharon, 2051 15th, Market car, near Church. Sharp PL, 1129 Union car, nr. Hyde car. Shaw AL, 541 Mission car, bet. 1st and 2nd. Shepherd PL, 1110 Mason, nr. Clay, Powell car. Sheridan, 326 9th St. car, nr. Folsom. Sherman, 1035 Folsom car, near 6th St. Sherman Ave. (see Lawrence Ave.) 11 W Sherwood PL, 133 3rd St. car, near Mission. Shields, 2700 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car 8 U Orizaba Ave 2 Bright 100 Head 200 Victoria 300 Ramsell 400 Arch 500 Vernon 600 Ralston 700 Byxbee 800 Monticello 900 Beverly 1000 Ship, R. R. Ave. car. S. to County Line 26 W Shipley, 321 4th St., Eliza PI. to 6th, Folsom car... 21 H Eliza 2 Louisa AL, N. s Alice, N. s 50 4th 100 5th 200 Falmouth, N. s 250 6th Short, 200 Falcon Ave., 18th St. car 14 L Short AL (now Yukon). Shotwell, 150 14th St., Es- meralda Ave., Folsom car : 19 M 14th . . 2 15th . . . . 100 16th . . . . 200 17th . . . . 300 18th . . . . 400 19th . . . . 500 20th .. . . 600 21st .. . . 700 22nd . . . . 800 23rd . . . . 900 24th .. . . 1000 25th .. . . 1100 26th . . 1 '>nft Army 1 SOft Precita Ave. Ave., uma, W. s Bernal Montez Aztec. W. s... W. s.. .. 1500 —60— Stoneman, E. s 160*. Coso Ave.. W. s 1600 Ripley. E. s Esmeralda Ave Schrader, 2100 Fulton S. to 17th, Hayes and Ellis cars I'. J Fulton Car 2 Grove lOv' Hayes Car 200 Fell Panhandle G. G. Park. Oak Car 400 Pa^o Car 500 Haiprht Car 600 Waller Car 700 Boulah 800 Frederick Carl Hayes Car 1000 Parnassus Ave 1100 Grattan 1200 Alma 1300 Rivoli 1400 17th 1500 Carmel, E. s Sickles Ave., 5000 Mission cars, near Co. Line.. 11 VV Silliman, Girard to Moscow, 2400 San Bruno cars. 18 S San Bruno Ave 2 Girard 100 Berlin 200 Goettingen • 300 Somerset 400 Holyoke 50" Hamilton 600 Bowdoin 700 Dartmouth 800 College 900 TTniversity 1000 Princeton 1x00 Amherst 1200 Yale 1300 Cambridge 1400 Oxford 1500 Harvard 1600 Gambler 1700 Madison 1800 Moscow Sliver (see Stillman) 22 H Silver Al. (see Argent Al.).. 14 M Sliver Ave., 4300 Mission car or 2300 San Bruno car 16 S Mission 2 Peril Ave., S. s Lisbon. S. s 100 Craut, N. s 101 Madrid, S. s Edinburgh, S. s 20o Congdon, N. s 201 Naples, S. s Vienna, S. s. Madison, S. s 300 Gambler, S. s Harvard. S. s 400 Oxford. S. s Cambridge, S. s 500 Yale. S. s Amherst, S. s 60<> Princeton, S. s 700 TTniversity, S. s Colby. S. s 800 Dartmouth. S. s Bowdoin, S. s 900 Hamilton. S. s Boyleston, N s 1001 Holyoke, S. s 1000 Someiset, S. s Merrill, N s 1101 Goettingen, S. s 1100 Berlin, S. s Barneveld Ave., N. s. 1201 Girard, S. s 1200 San liruno Ave. . .Car 1300 Boutwell, N. s Charter Oak Ave 1400 Elmlra. N. s 1501 Ledyard, S. s 1500 Waterville, N. s Augusta, N. s 1601 Scotia Ave., S. s 1600 Conkling, N. s Lay ton, N. s Thomas Ave., N. s 1701 Shafter Ave., N. s 1801 Revere Ave., N s 1901 Quesada, N. s 15th St., 300 Ilinois W. to Masonic, 8th and 18th St. car 19 K Water Front 2 Illinois 300 Kentucky Car 400 Tennessee 500 6th, N. s 600 Minnesota, S. s 601 Indiana, S. s Closed Iowa, S. s 701 Yuma, N. s 700 Pennsylvania Ave.,S.s. 801 Barstow, N. s 800 Mississippi, S. s 901 7th, N. s 900 Texas, S. s Daggett, N. s 1000 Missouri, S. s 1001 Connecticut, S. s 1101 Hubbell, N. s 1100 Arkansas, S. s 1201 8th, N. s 1200 Wisconsin 1300 Carolina 1400 De Haro 1500 Rhode Island 1600 Kansas 1700 Vermont 1800 San Bruno Ave 1900 Utah 2000 Potrero Ave 2100 Hampshire 2200 York, N. s 2300 Bryant Car 2400 Florida. . .Fillmore Car 2500 Alabama 2600 Harrison 2700 Treat Ave 2701 Folsom Car 2800 Shotwell 2850 Howard Car 2900 Capp Mission Car 3000 Lida PI., N. s Hoff. S. s •Julian Ave., N. s Rondel PI., S. s Caledonia, N. s Valencia Car 3100 Albion Guerrero Car 3200 Spencer, N. s . — «1— Stringham, 1800 San Bruno car, near 15th Ave. S. St. Anne (St. Mary & Cen- tral PI.), 507 Pine, near Kearny car. St. Charles Ave., Worcester S. to Co. Line, Guerrero car. St. Charles PI. (see Notting- ham PI.). St. George's Al., 408 Bush, near Kearny car. St. Germain Ave., Burnett to Stanyan, 18th St. car.. 13 L St. Joseph's Ave., 2200 Geary car to Turk 14 G St. Louis Al., Grant, near Jackson, Kearny car. St. Mary's Ave., 3900 Mission car, near Bosworth..l6 R St. Mary's PI. (see St. Anne St.). St. Rose's Ave., Masonic W. to Henderson, 2700 Geary car 12 G Masonic Ave 2 Wood, N. s 100 Collins, N. s 200 Blake, N. s 300 Cook, N. s 400 Boyce, N. s 500 Parker Ave 600 Johnston Ave., N. s.. 700 Henderson Ave Sullivan Al., (see Jason). Summer, 450 Kearnv car. Summitt, 2700 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car 11 V Sumner, 1153 Howard car, near 7th St. Sunny Ct., 1619 Geary car, near Webster. Sunnydale, 4100 R. R. Ave. car, near Co. Line.. 17 W Sunnyside Ave., 1600 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car. 12 R Sunshine Ave., 207 8th St. car, near Howard. Sunset Ter. (Ocean Ter.). 4600 Clement car to 48th Ave. Sunset Ave., (now Edge- wood) 12 L Surman (see Severence (Reis Tr.). Surrey, 2900 Castro to Dia- mond, Guerrero car. .13 Q Castro 2 1 Diamond 100 Lippard Ave., S. s 201 Van Buren 300 Swiss Ave., N. s Chenery and Mizpah.. Sussex, 2900 Castro to Doug- lass, Guerrero car... 12 Q Castro 2 Martin, N. s Diamond 100 Van Buren, S. s. ..... . Conrad, N. s Swiss Ave , 300 Mizpah, S. s...,.^ Elk, S. s 401 Arbor Sutro Height Ave., 46th to 48th, near Anza, Clement car. Sutter, 500 Market, W. to, Presidio Ave., Sutter car 19 F Sansome and Market. . 2 Montgomery 100 Trinity Lick PI., S. s Kearny Car 200 Claude Lane Grant Ave 300 Stockton 400 Powell Car 500 Mason 600 Taylor 700 Jones 800 Leavenworth 900 Hyde Car 1000 Larkin 1100 Polk Car 1200 Van Ness Ave 1300 Franklin 1400 Gough 1500 Octavia 1600 Laguna 1700 Belknap, N. s Buchanan 1800 Webster 1900 Cottage Row, N. s Fillmore Car 2000 Steiner 2100 Pierce 2200 Scott 2300 Divisadero Car 2400 Broderick 2500 Baker 2600 Lyon 2700 Presidio Ave Sutter PI. (see Belknap PI.). Swan, 1800 San Bruno Ave. car, nr. 15th Ave. S..21 P Sweeney, 2300 San Bruno Ave. car 19 R Swiss Ave., Glen Park Ter. to Surrey, Guerrero car. Sycamore, 2122 Mission car, near 17th St. T St. (now Taraval). T St. S. (see Toland) . . . .22 P Taber PI. (Park La. N.), 517 3rd St. car., nr. Brannan. Tacoma, 1400 Clement car, near 15th Ave. Talbert, 4100 R. R. Ave. car, near Co. Line 20 W Tara, 700 Ocean Ave., Ingle- side car 12 U Taraval (T St.), 12th Ave. W. to Ocean, Ellis and In- gleside car 6 P Tay, 1013 Clay St. cars, near Powell. Taylor, 1000 Market car. N. to Beach 20 G Market and G. G. Ave. 2 Opal PL, E. s Turk Car 100 Eddy Car 200 Ellis 300 O'Farrell 400 Geary Car 500 Derby, E. s ' Adelaide PI., W. s Post Car 600 Cosmo PI., W. s Hobart Al., E. s Sutter Car 70(' Bush 80<' Mulford Al., E. s Pine 90(1 California Car lOOt- Sacramento Car 1100 Pleasant, W. s Clay Car 1200 Wasliingrton Car 1300 Jackson Car 1 400 Pacific 1500 Bernard, W. s Broadway 1600 Fallon PL, E. s Vallejo 170(1 Green 1800 Macondray, W. s Union Car 190i' Aladdin Ter., E. s.,.. Redfield Al., W. s Filbert 2000 Valparaiso, E. s Greenwich 2101 Lombard 2200 Columbus Ave Chestnut 2300 Water, E. s Francisco 240( Vandewater, E. s Bay 2500 North Point 260' Beach 2700 Jefferson 2800 Embarcadero Taylor Ter. (see Aladdin Ter.). Teddy Ave., 3400 R. R. Ave. (Reis Tr.). Tehama, 224 1st St. nr. How- ard car 21 G 1st Maiden Al., N. s. . 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Tehama Al. (sea Sloan Al.). Tehama PI. (see Tenny PI.). Telegraph PI. (see Child St.). Temjple, 4200 17th St., nea. CJlara, 18th St. car.. 14 K Templeton Ave., 3800 R. R. Ave. cars. Tennessee, 100 South St. to Tulare, Kentucky car.. 23 N Mariposa GOO 18th 700 19th 800 20th 900 Kentucky PI., E. s 1000 22nd 1100 23rd 1200 24th 1300 10th St., 1401 Market cars S. to Division. Market 2 Stevenson, E. s Jessie, W. s 100 200 300 400 700 Mission 100 Minna, W. s Natoma, W. s Howard ;.... 200 Polsom 300 Sheridan, E. s Harrison 40O Bryant 500 Division and Brannan. 10th Ave., 900 Lake S. to Riviera, Ellis and Eddy cars, California cars.. 9 H (Nos. see 8th Ave.) 10th Ave. S. (see Jerrold Ave.) 25 R Tenny PI. (Tehama PI.), 223 1st St., Folsom car. Tevis, R. R. Ave. car, near County Line 26 W Texas, 900 16th Sc. to Tu- lare, Kentucky car.. 22 N 16th 2 17th 100 Mariposa 200 18th 8th St. Car 300 19th 400 20th 500 22nd 700 23rd 900 25th 1100 Army 1300 Tulare The Embarcadero (East, N.& S.), Folsom N. to Tay- lor 22 C Folsom Car 2 Howard Car 200 Mission Car 100 Market Car 2 Commercial Clay Car 101 Merchant Washington 201 Oregon Jackson 301 Pacific 401 Drumm Broadway Car 501 Vallejo 601 Davis and Green 701 Union 801 Front and P'ilbert 901 Greenwich 1001 Battery and Lombard. 1101 Sansome and Chest- nut Car 1201 Francisco 1301 Montgomery Bay 1400 Kearny and North Pt. 1501 Grant Ave. and Beach 1601 Stockton 1701 Powell & Jefferson Car 1801 Mason 1901 Taylor •... Theresa, 4350 Mission cars to Alemany 15 S 3rd St., 700 Market car, opp. Kearny 21 G Market 2 Stevenson Jessie, E. s Mission Car 100 Minna Sherwood PL, E. s Natoma, W. s Hunt, E. s Dolores 3300 Landers, N. s — Church 3400 Harlow, S. s — Sharon, N. s — Dehon, S. s — Sanchez 3500 Prosper, S. s — Pond, S. s ~ Market Car — Noe 3600 Castro 3700 Flint, N. s - W. of Flint 3800 Masonic. .18th St. Car — E. of Juno 4000 16th Ave., 1500 Lake S. Eddy and Ellis cars 8 H (For Nos. see 15th Ave.) 16th Ave. S. (see Palou Ave.) 24 S 6th St., 1000 Market S. to 16th, 6th St. car.... 20 H Market Car Stevenson — Jessie — Mission Car 100 Minna — Natoma — Howard Car 200 Tehama, E. s — Clementina, E. s — Folsom Car 300 Shipley, E. s — Clara, E. s — Harrison Car 400 Bryant Car 500 Brannan Car 600 Bluxome, E. s — Townsend 700 King 800 Berry 900 Channel 1000 Hooper 1100 Irwin 1200 Hubbell 1300 Daggett 1400 Barstow 1500 Yuma 1600 16th 6th Ave., 500 Lake S. to Kirkham, Eddy & Ellis cars 10 H (For Nos. see 8th Ave.) 6th Ave. S. (see Fairfax) . . 25 R Sloan AI. (Tehama Al.), Fol- som, near 1st. Sloat Blvd., Corbett Ave. W. to Ocean, Parkside or In- gleside car 7Q Somerset, 4000 San Bruno car 20 S Sonoma, 412 Green, near Kearny car. South (see Daggett) 22 J Southard (Randall PI.), 1124 Greenwich, Hyde car. South Ave. (see Murray) . . 18 Q S. Broderick (see Buena Vis- ta Ter.) 15 K South Park, 520 2nd cars, nr. Bryant. Sparta, 3400 R. R. Ave. car i'i 800 900 1100 1200 Steiner Portola, S. s Pierce Carmelita, S. s Scott Divisadero Broderick Buena Vista Ave... Buena Vista Park. Buena Vista Ave Central Ave ^ Masonic Ave Car 1300 Delmar, S. s Ashbury 1400 Downey, S. s Clayton 18th Car 1500 Belvedere Cole 1600 Shrader 1700 Stanyan Walnut, 3300 Pacific to Cali- fornia cars 13 E Walnut Ave. (see Hemlock) 16 F Walter, 600 Duboce, nr. Noe, Haight car. Waltham, 3300 Folsom car, near Esmeralda 19 P Ward, 3400 R. R. Ave., cars, nr. County Line 21 U Ware, 2900 San Bruno Ave. car 21 T Warner PI. (Vernon PL), 1928 Hyde car, near Union. Washburn (Wash'ton Ave.), 1315 Mission car. Washington, Embarcadero W. to Arguello Blvd, Cali- fornia car 18 E Embarcadero 2 Drumm 100 Davis 200 Ceylon, S. s Front 300 Battery 400 Sansome Car 500 Jessop PI., N. s Montgomery Car 601 Columbus Ave., N. s. 600 Dunbar Al., S. s Kearny Car 700 Brenham PI., S. s Wentworth, N. s Grant Ave 800 Waverly PL, S .s Ross AL, N. s Spofford, S. s Cameron AL, N. s —72- Stockton 900 Hopcton Ter., S. s... Trenton, N. s Stone. N. s Powell Car 1000 Codman PI., S. s Wetmore PL, S. s Mason 1100 Taylor 1200 Jones 1300 Priest, S. s Reed, S. s Leavenworth 1400 Hyde Car 1500 Larkin 1600 Polk Car 1700 Van Ness Ave 1800 Franklin 1900 Gough 4 2000 Lafayette Park. Octavia 2100 Laguna 2200 Buchanan 2300 Webster 2400 Fillmore Car 5500 Steiner Alta Plaza. Scott 2800 Divisadero 2900 Broderick 3000 Baker 3100 Lyon 3200 Presidio Ave.Eddy car 3300 Walnut 3400 Laurel 3500 Locust 3600 Spruce 3700 Maple 3800 Cherry 3900 A rguella Blvd Washington Al. (see Went- worth). Washington Ave. (Wash- burn St.). Washoe PI., 816 Vallejo, near Kearny car. Water, 2219 Mason to Taylor, Kearny car. Water Front (S. San Fran- cisco) 98 V Waterloo, "2666 * San "Bruno Ave. cars 20 Q Waterviile, 2200 San Bruno Ave. cars 21 Q Watson PI., 4700 Mission car 14 T Watt Ave., 5500 Mission car, near Co. Line 13 W Waverly PI., 816 Sacramento car, near Grant Ave. Wawona (W St.), 15th Ave. W. to Ocean, Ellis or In- gleside car 7 Q Wayland, 2800 San Bruno car to La Grande 18 T Wayne PI. (Scott PL). 924 Pacific, rowell cars. Webb (see Spring). Webb PL, 1719 Mason, near Sacramento car. Webster, 300 Duboce Ave. N. to Lewis 16 J Duboce Ave 2 Hermann 50 Germania, W. s., 100 Waller 100 Laussat, E. s Malj^ht Car 200 Page 300 Oak 400 Hickory, E. s Fell 500 Linden, E. s Hayes Car 600 Ivy, E. s Grove 700 Fulton 800 McAllister Car 900 Golden Gates Ave 1000 Turk Car 1100 Larch TOddy Car 1200 Kills Car 1300 Byington Ave., W. s.. O'Farrell Car 1400 Geary Car 1500 Post 1600 Sutter Car 1700 Bush 1800 Wilmot, W. s Pine 1900 California Car 2000 Sacramento Car 2100 Clay z:jOO Washington Car 2300 Jackson Car 2400 Bromley PL, E. s Pacific Ave 2500 Broadway , 2600 Vallejo 2700 Green 2800 Union Car 2900 Filbert 3000 Pixley Greenwich 3100 Moulton ■ Lombard 3200 Magnolia, E. s Chestnut 3301 Lobos Square. Francisco 3401 Bay 3500 North Point 3600 Beach 3700 Jefferson 3800 Tohquin 3900 Lewis Webster PI. (see Bromley PL). Weldon, 2100 San Bruno cars, nr. Islais Creek 20 R Wellington Ave., 3800 R. R. Ave. cars. Well's Ct., 425 LombaLrd, nr. Kearny car. Welsh, 537 4th St. car, near Bryant. Wentworth PI. (Washington PL), 746 Washington, Kearny car. West Ave. (see Appleton Ave.) ...17 Q West Clay, California car 6 E W. Diamond (see Berkeley). W. Eldorado (see Barstow).. 22 K W. End Al. (see Eastman). W. Lake Ave. (see Otsego Ave.) 13 V W. Mission (see Otis)... 18 J W. Park (see Park) 17 Q —73- Wetmore PI., 1018 Clay car, iWlsconsIn, 1200 16th St. S. to near Powell cars. Wheat, 3000 San Bruno Ave. car 21 V Wheeler Ave., 3800 R. R. Ave. car. Wheelock PI., 734 Vallejo, nr. Kearny car. Whipple Ave. (Worden Ave.). 5700 Mission W. to San Jose Ave., Mission or Guerrero car. White, 1322 Vallejo, near California car. White's PI. (see Victor). Whiting, 1814 Grant Ave., nr. Kearny car. Whitney (Palmer), 351 30tli St. S. to Chenery 16 P Whittier, 5700 Mission car, nr. County Line 12 W Wieland, 4100 R. R. Ave. car, nr. County Line 18 W Wieland Ave. (see Judson Ave.) 13 S Wilde, 3400 R. R. Ave: car. nr. County Line 21 V Wilder, 617 Chenery, Guer- rero car 15 R Wildey Ave. (see Wilmot). Willard, 500 Lincoln Way to Woodland, Hayes car. . Eddy W."V. '.*.'. '. '.'.'.'. V. 2 Turk 100 Aldine 200 Golden Gate Ave 201 McAllister Car 300 Fulton Golden Gate Park. Frederick 1200 Carl 1300 Parnassus Ave 1400 Farnsworth La Woodland • — -— William (see Shannon), 418 O'Farrell, near Jones car. Williams Ave., 1800 R- ^R; Ave. car 22 S Wllliar Ave., 2400 San Jose Ave., Guerrero car. .Willow, 621 Larkin car to Buchanan, Eddy car. 16 G Larkin • • • • _2 Polk Car 100 Van Ness Ave 200 Franklin '300 Gough 400 Octavia 500 Laguna 600 Buchanan ;•••:• iIiq Wilmot (Wildey Ave.), 1819 Webster, near Bush, Fill- more car. Windsor PI. (Green PL), 328 Green, Kearny car. Winfield (formerly Chapul- tepec), Coso to Cortland. 3100 Mission cars 17 Q Winnipeg (Wyoming Ave.), 5200 Mission car, fr. Mt^ Vernon S. to Regent. im WInslow (see Franconia) .20P Winter, 1718 Mason, near Kearny car. Winthrop, 224 Lom^bard, near Union car. Tulare, Kentucky car... 22 M Wolfe, 1700 San Bruno Ave. car 20 O Wood, 300 Point Lobos Ave., nr. Masonic Ave., Geary car. Woodland Ave. (Lotta), 200 Parnassus Ave. Hayes car 12 L Woodwards, 319 13th St., nr. Valencia car. Wool, 3400 Mission car, near County Line 18 Q Woolsey, 2900 San Bruno Ave. car W.to La Grande 18 T Charter Oak Ave 2 San Bruno Ave . . . Car lOO Girard 200 Berlin 300 Goettingen 400 Somerset '. oOO Holyoke 600 Hamilton 700 Bowdoin 800 Dartmouth 900 College 1000 University HOO Princeton 1200 Amherst 1300 Yale 1400 Cambridge 1500 Oxford 1600 Harvard 1700 Gambler 1800 Madison 1900 Knox 2000 Mansfield 2100 Ion 2200 Buell 2300 Saratoga 2400 La Grande Ave Worchester Ave., 3200 San Jose, Guerrero car... 8 V Worden, 306 Francisco, near Kearny car. Worden Ave. (see Whipple Ave.) ...12 V Worth, 4300 21st W. to Doug- lass, 24th St. car. Wyant, 3400 R. R. Ave. (Reis Tr.). Wyoming, 1900 Kentucky car 26 N Wyoming Ave. (see Winni- peg Ave.) 12 V X St., (see Yorba) 3 K Yale, 2400 San Bruno Ave. car ■•IS 1 Yerba Buena (see Cushman). York, 300 Division to Peralta Ave., Bryant car 20 N Yorba (X St.), Ellis or In- gleside car 3 R Yosemlte Ave. (24th Ave. S.), 2000 R. R. Ave. car.. 23 T Yukon, Eagle and Short, fr. Short to Falcon Ave., 18th St. car 14 L Yuma, 600 16th St., Kentucky car 23 K Zeno PI. (Zoe PI.), 317 Fol- som car, near Beale. Zoe, 537 Bryant car, near 2nd. Zoe PI. (see Zeno PL). -■74- SAN FRANCISCO CAR ROUTES ROUTES UNDERLINED ARE OWL CARS Bosworth St. — From Mis- sion and Bosworth to Glen Park. Bryant— From 26th & Mis- sion, via 26th. Bryant, 10th. Brannan, 2nd and Market. Castro Cable — From 26th & Castro Sts.. via Castro to 18th and Castro Sts. DIvlsadero — From Sacra- mento, via DIvlsadero to Jackson St. Eighth and Eighteenth From 8th and Market, via 8th, Bryant, 16th, Kansas, 17th, Connecticut, 18th, Ken- tucky, Railroad Ave. to 23rd Eighteenth— From 3rd and Harrison, via Harrison, 14th, Guerrero, 18th, Falcon Ave.. Casselli Ave.. Ashbury, Fred- erick, Clayton, Waller to Stanyan. Ellis and Ocean (Route 20; — From 3rd and Townsend Depot, via Townsend, 4th, Ellis. Hyde, O'Farrell, Divis- adero, Oak. Stanyan, Fred- erick, Arguella Blvd., Lincoln Way, 49th Ave. to Balboa St. Return via Page St. Fillmore Hill— From Broad- way and Fillmore, via Fill- more to Bay SL Fillmore (Route 22)— From Broadway and Fillmore, via Fillmore, Duboce, to Church, 16th and Bryant Sts. Fillmore & Mission (Route 23) — From Divisadero, via Sacramento, Fillmore Mc- Allister, Gough, Market, Va- lencia, Mission to Rich- land Av. Folsom — From Ferry, via East St., Folsom to Precita Ave. Return via same route, except Steuart, Howard, to East St. Guerrero (Route 26) — From Ferry, via East St.. Mission, 14th, Guerrero, San Jose Ave., 30th St., Chenery, Dia- mond, San Jose Ave. to Daly's Hill (County Line.) Haight St. (Route 7)— From the Ferry, via Market, Haight to Stanyan. Hayes (Route 6) — From Ferry via Market, Hayes, Fillmore, Oak, Masonic Ave.. Frederick, Clayton, Carl, Stanyan, Parnassus Ave. to Affiliated Colleges. Return via Page St. Harrison St. — From S. P. Depot, via 3rd, Brannan, to 2nd, to Bryant, to Stanley PI., to Harrison, to East, to Howard, to Ferry. Hayes and Ellis (Route 21) — From S. P. Depot, via Townsend, 4th, Ellis, Hyde. O'Farrell. Divisadero, Hayes. Stanyan to Fulton. Return via Ellis. Howard — From the Ferry, via East, Howard, 24th to Rhode Island. Ingleslde (Route 12) — From Ferry, via East St., Mission, Onondaga Ave., Ocean Ave., to Ingleside Beach. Jackson — From Powell and Market Sts., via Powell, Jack- son to Steiner. Return from Jackson & Steiner, via Stei- ner, Washington, Powell to Market St. Kearny and Beach (Route 15) — From 3rd and Townsend Depot, via 3d. Kearny, Broad- way, Powell to Jefferson. Return via Powell. Montgom- ery Ave., Union, Stockton. Kentucky (Route 16) — From Ferry, via 3rd. Berry, 4th, Kentucky, to 23rd Ave. First and Fifth — From Pa- cific Mail Dock at 1st St., Brannan, 3rd, Townsend, 4th, Brannan, 5th St., to Market. Market (Route 8) — From the Ferry, via Market, Cas- tro to 18th St. Mission and 24th (Route 11) — From the Ferry, via East St., Mission, 22nd St., Chattanooga, 24th to Hoff- man Ave. Mission (Route 18)— From Daly City to 5th and Market. McAllister (Route 5) — From Ferry, via Market, McAllis- ter, Private Right of Way Fulton to Beach, Montgomery and Tenth — From 10th and Bryant Sts., via 10th, Polk, Grove, City Hall Ave., Leavenworth, Post, Montgomery, Washing- ton to Kearny. Ninth and Polk (Route 19) — From 9th and Brannan. via 9th, Larkin, Post, Polk to Lombard. Pacific Ave. — From Polk, via Pacific Ave. to Divisa- dero. Parkside O. & B. — From 20th Ave. and Lincoln Way, south on 20th Ave. to Tara- val St., west to 26th Ave. From 26th Ave. to 33rd Ave. and Vicente St. —75— Powell — From Powell and Market Sts., via Powell, Jackson, Mason, Columbus Ave., Taylor to Bay St. Re- turn via Taylor, Columbus Ave., Mason, Washington & Powell Sts. to Market St. Railroad Ave.— From 23rd and Railroad Ave., via Rail- road Ave. to 6-Mile House. Richmond and Cortland (Route 24) — From Bank St., via Cortland Ave., Mission, 16th, Church, Duboce, Fill- more, Oak, Divisadero, Sac- ramento, Arguella Blvd., Lake, 6th Ave., Fulton to 8th Ave. Return via 8th Ave. and over Page. Sacramento — From Ferry, via East St., Sacramento and Fillmore. Return via Sacra mento, Larkin and Clay Sts. to Ferry. San Bruno Ave. — From 5th and Market via 5th, Mission, 22nd, Howard, 26th, Folsom, Precita, Army, San Bruno Road to Dwight St. San Mateo — From 5th and Market, via 5th, Mission, San Jose Road to Holy Cross Cemetery, thence by Private Right of Way to Burlingame, San Mateo. Sixth St. (Sansome)— From 6th and Brannan, via 6th St., Taylor to Post, to Kear- ny, via Bush, Sansome, to Chestnut. So. S. F. R. R. & P. Co.— From Holy Cross Cemetery to South San Francisco, via Private Right of Way to Paint Factory. Sunnyslde (Route 10) — Same route as Guerrero, ex- cept that it terminates at Sunnyside and Genessee Ave. Sutter & California (Route 1) — From Sutter and San- some, via Sutter, Presidio Ave., California, 33rd Ave. to 48th Ave., Cliff House. Sutter and Clement (Route 2) — From Sutter and San- some, via Sutter, Presidio Ave., California, Parker Ave., Euclid Ave., Arguella Blvd., Clement, 33rd Ave., Geary. 48th Ave,, to Sutro Baths. Sutter and Jackson (Route 3) — From Sutter and San- some, via Sutter, Fillmore, Jackson to Presidio Ave. & California. Turk and Eddy (Route 4) — From Ferries, via Market, Eddy, Divisadero, Sacramen- to, 1st Ave., Lake, 6th Ave., Clement, 8th Ave., Fulton. Return via Fulton, 6th Ave., Lake and Turk. Valencia (Route 9)— From the Ferry, via Market, Va- lencia, Mission to 29th, to Noe St. VIsitaclon Valley — From Mission and Amazon Ave., Private Right of Way to Walbridge Ave., to Schwerin, McDonald to County Line (R. R. Ave. car). California — Market & Cali- fornia, west on California to Presidio Ave. Hyde St.— Market to O'Far- rell to Jones, to Pine, to Hyde, to Bay. Union — Ferry to Washing- to Columbus Ave., to Union, to Presidio. BUILDINGS Abrahamson, 304 Grant Ave. Adam Grant, 114 Sansome. Adams, 180 Sutter. Addison Head, 209 Post. Alaska Com., 310 Sansome. Alien, Wiley B., 135 Kearny. Alto, 381 Bush. Anglo, 3004-16th. Appraisers, San. & Wash. Applied Arts, 334 Sutter. Armsby, 629 Howard. Aronson, 86-3rd. Atlas, 2d & Mission Babcock, 310 California. Balboa, 593 Market. Banca Popul, 4 Columbus Ave Bank of Italy, 550 Montg. Bancroft, 731 Market. Bay City, 966 Market. Bemis, 270 Sutter. Benson, 338 Pine. Blumenberg, 247 Pine. B'nal B'rith, 149 Eddy. Board of Trade, 106 Pine. Boyd Block, 356 Market Brandenstein, 88 1st. Bride, 684 Mission. Broderick, 1211 Polk. Buckley, 95 Market. Builders' Ex., 185 Stevenson. Bulkhead, 9 Mission. Bulletin, 767 Market. Bullock & Jones, 85 Post. Burbank, 316 Post. Butler, 135 Stockton. California, 255 California. Cal. Optical, 146 Grant Ave. Calkins, 313 Battery. Callaghan, 1112 Market Calleau, Armand, Geary & Grant. Call, 703 Market. Canton Bank, 649 Kearny Carmen-Johnson, 340 San'sm. Central, 1214 Polk. Central Realty, 154 Sutter. Central Trust, 568 G. G. Ave. Charleston, 251 Kearny. Chronicle, 690 Market. City Hall, McAllister & Hyde City of Paris, 126 Stockton. Clicquot, 330 Jackson. ■75— Clunle, 519 California. Cochrane, 251 Kearny. Colson, 212 Stockton. Columbia, 832 Market. Commercial, 833 Market. Commercial Bank., 149 Calif. Continental, 2 G. G. Ave. Consular, 510 Battery. Cordes, Rochat, 126 Post. Court, 30-7th. Criminal Courts, 216 McAll. Crocker, 620 Market. Dean, 964 Market. Delger, 1005 Market. Delbert, 943 Van Ness. Directory, 934 Market. Dolllver, Miss. & N. Montg. Donahue, 89 Battery. Dorn, 207 Powell. Douglas, 908 Market. Driscoll, 375 Sutter. Dunne, 15 Sto^ikton. Electric, 171 2nd. Elkan Gunst, 323 Geary. Elks, Powell & Sutter. Ferry, Ft. of Market. Fife, 1 Drumm. First Natl. Bk., Post & Mont. Fisher, 41 Grant Ave. Flannery, 702 Market. Flood, 870 Market. Foxcroft, 68 Post. Frank, 412 Battery. French Bank, 110 Sutter. Furrier, 45 Grant Ave. Gaffney, 376 Sutter. Gage, 1122 Market. Galen, 391 Sutter. G. G., 1028 Market. Goldberg Bowen, 254 Sutter. Grace, 873rd. Grant, 1095 Market. Gunst, 3rd & Mission. Halsey, 424 California. Hannah, 142 Sansome. Hansford, 268 Market. Harding, 34 Ellis. Hastings, 162 Post. Head, Post & Grant. Hearst, 3rd and Market H el bush, 75 Sutter. Hendy, 61 Fremont. Hewes, 995 Market. Hibernia, 11 Jones. Hirsch & Kaiser, 220 Post. Hooker & Lent, 503 Market. Humboldt Bank, 785 Market. Hyman Well, 4th & Mission. Ibis, 427 Bush Insurance, 311 California. Investors, 787 Market. Italian Am. Bank, 460 Mtg. Jackson, 156 2nd. Jewelers, 150 Post. Kamm, 717 Market. Keil, 770 Mission. Keyes, 26 Monts^omery. Kllborn & Hayden, 42 Mkt. Kittle, 210 California. Koenig, 101 Post. Koenig & Collins, 121 Geary. Kohl, Calif. & Montff. Kohler «. Chase, 26 O'Farrell Krelder, 322 Bush. Labor Council, 316 14th. Land, 28 Sansome, 119 Bush. Lathrop, 275 Post. —77- Llebes, 117 Post. Lincoln BIk., 883 Market. Lincoln, 246, Powell. Lick, 35 Montgomery. Lick, 62 Post. Lick, 1(;3 Sutter. Lovick, :M Koarny. Lumbermans, 110 Market. Luning, Oscar, 45 Kearny. Lyon & Hoag, 636 Market. Lyons, 130 Kearny. Magee, 714 Market. Man. Jewelers, 451 Bush. Marcuse, M., 39 Battery. Marine, 214 Front. Marine Corps, 182 2nd. Marlon, 116 Geary. Maritime, 172 Embarcadero Marson, 1380 Sutter. Marston, 244 Kearny. Marvin, 24 California. Maskey, 46 Kearny. McCloud, 406 Sutter. McCreery, 221 Sansome. McDonough, 333 Kearny. McGregor, 210 Pine. McNutt, Kahn, 1st & Folsom Mechanics Bank, 948 Market. Mech. Institute, 55 Post. Mercedes, 251 Post. Merimac, 10 Embarcadero Methodist Ep., 3 City H. Av. Metropolis Bk., 625 Market. Metropolitan Life, Pine & Stockton. Merchants Ex., 431 Calif. Merritt, 600-612 Howard. Midway, 779 Market. Mills, 216 Montgomery. Mint, 5th & Mission. Mission, 3080 16th. Monadnock, 681 Market. Montgomery, 628 Montg. Moore, 233 Pine. Morgan, 600 Mission Moss, 115 Grant Ave. Mulrhead, 1278 Market. Murphy, 602 California. Musto, 705 Battery. Mutual Life, 222 Sansome. Mutual Sav., 704 Market. Nevada Bank. 14 Montg'm'y. New Custom House, San- some & Battery. New Crocker, Post & Kearnv. New Erie, 1151 Polk. Newman, Levison, 1136 Sut. News Letter, 773 Market. Newton, 735 Battery. NIantIc, 509 Sansome. Odd Fellows, 28 7th. Oil Exchange, 339 Bush. Ortmann, 86 Post. Pacific, 821 Market. Pacific T. & T., 445 Bush. Painter, 511 Washington. Paragon, 101 Geary. Payne, Warren, 245 Calif. Peterson, 753 Market. Phelan, 760 Market. Phoenix, 228 Grant Ave. Phoenix, 621 Sansome. Portuguese A. B., 347 Front. Post Office, 7th & Mission. Postal Telegraph, 22 Battery. Potter, 136 Leidesdorff. Powell, 111 Ellis. Prudential, 456 Kearny. RapPf 121 2d. Realty, 660 Market. Red Men's, 240 G. G. Ave. Revere, 739 Market. Rialto, Mission & N. Montg. RIncon, 143 2d. Robbins, 222 Kearny. Rochat Cordes, 126 Post. Roesch, 1886 Mission. Rosenbaum, 353 Kearny. Rosenstock, 80 Geary. Rosenthal, 165 Post. Rosslter, 47 Kearny. Rothchild, 239 Geary. Royal Ins., 201 Sansome. Ruff, 916 Kearny. Russ, 235 Montgomery. Sachs, 140 Geary. Safe Deposit, 328 Montgy. S. F. Natl. Bk., 454 Gal. Santa Clara, 172 G. G. Ave. Santa Marina, 110 Market. Savage, 207 Powell. Schmledel, 604 Montgomery. Schmidt, 12 Geary. Schroth, 240 Stockton. Schubert, 8005 16th. Security, 343 Sansome. Selby, Thomas, 116 Calif. Sentinel, 916 Kearny. Shawmut, 507 Mission. Sheldon, 461 Market. Sherwood, 320 Market. Shirley, 560 Kearny. Shreve, 210 Post Sierra, 343 Front. Simon, E., 130 Geary. Spreckels, 570 California. Spreckels, Claus, 703 Market Spreckels Annex, 707 Mkt. St. Clair, 16 California. St. Paul, 291 Geary. Standard, 338 Pine. Stein hart, Sutter & Hyde. Stock Exchange, 353 Bush. Stovel, 136 Leidesdorff. Suter, 325 Bush. System, 515 Market. Title & G., 250 Montgomery. Umbsen, 20 Montgomery. Underbill, 617 Montgomery. Union League, 144 Powell. Union Square, 350 Post. Union Trust, 14 Montgy. Upham, 150 Pine. Voorheis, 1334 Van Ness. Welch, 244 California. Wells Fargo, 85 2d. West Bank, 830 Market. West Coast L., 354 Pine. Western Met N. Bank, 625 Market Western U., 258 Montgy. Whitney, 133 Geary. Whitteil, 166 Geary. Williams, 693 Mission. Wilson, 127 Montgomery. Woods, F. H., 4 17 Mon tgy. BANKS— NATIONAL. American National of San Francisco, 427 California. Tel. Douglas 2385. Anglo and London-Paris National Bank, Sutter and San- some. Tel. Kearny 5100. Bank of California, California and Sansome. Tel. Kearny 434. Canadian Bank of Commerce, 450 California. Tel. Douglas 2783 Crocker National Bank, Post and Market. Tel. Kearny 7. ,, . rn i First National Bank, Post and Montgomery. Tel. Douglas 4567. Mercantile National, 464 California. Tel. Kearny 601. Merchants National Bank, Geary and Market. Tel. ICeamy 44 Seaboard National Bank, 101 Market. Tel. Douglas 1191. Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, Nevada Bank Bldg. Tel. Sutter 1500. ,, , . ^ ivt Western-Metropolis National Bank, Market and New Montgomery. Tel. Douglas 1295. BANKS^SAVING. Bank of Italy, Market St. Branch, Market and Mason. Tel. Douglas 8414. _^^ ,^ ^ Columbus Savings & Loan Society, 700 Montgomery. Tel. Kearny 372. ^ , x^ lAot French Savings Bank, 108 Sutter. Tel. Kearny 1421. German Sav. & Loan Soc, 526 California. Tel Sutter 880. German Savings & Loan Society, 2572 Mission. Tel. IVIission 466 German Savings & Loan Society, 432 Clement. TeL Pacific 2730. ^ ^ ,_ .,,, .^ Hibernia Savings & Loan Society, Jones and McAllister. Tel. Market 871. , „, , ^^ »jt% Humboldt Savings Bank, 783 Market. Tel. Kearny 249. Mission Savings, Valencia and Sixteenth. Tel. Market 650. Mission Savings Bank, 2631 Mission. Tel. Market 2110. Mutual Savings Bank, 706 Market. Tel Kearny 787. San Francisco Savings Union, Grant Ave. and O Farrell. Tel. Kearny 4990. —78— BANKS— Continued. Scandinavian Savings Bank, Chronicle Bldg. Tel. Kearny 44. _ , Security Savings Bank, 316 Montgomery. Tel. Kearny 4792. BANKS— STATE AND TRUST. Anglo-Cal. Trust Co., Sansome and Market. Tel. Kearny 1})00. Banca Popolare Operaria Itallana, Montgomery ave. and MontfiTomery. Tel. Kearny 2754. Bank of British North America, Battery and California. Tel. Kearny 267. „ , Bank of California, California and Sansome. Tel. Kearny 434. Bank of Commerce. 1432 Fillmore. Tel. West 1411. Hank of Daniel Mover. 244 Pino. Tol. Kearny 758. Bank of Italy, Clav and Montgomery. Tel. Douglas 3414. Bank of Italv, Market St. Branch, Market and Mason. Tol Kearny 1290. California Safe Deposit & Trust Co., 324 Montgomery. Tel. Kearny 4580. Canton Bank, 653 Kearny. Tel Douglas 5032. Central Trust Co. of California, Sansome and Market. Tel. Kearny 1900. Citizens' State Bank. 441 California. Tel. Kearny 4580. City and County Bank, 5th and Market. Tel. Doug- las 4690. Donohue-Kelly Banking Co., Montgomery and Sutter. Tel. Kearny 206. First Federal Trust Co., Post and Montgomery. Tel. Douglas 4567. French-American Bank, 108 Sutter. Tel. Kearny 1421. Fugazi Banca Populare, 2 Montgomery Ave. Tel. Kearny 2754. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., 401 Montgomery. Tel Kearny 1398. International Banking Corporation, Mills Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1875. Italian-American Bank, 460 Montgomery. Tel. Kearny 215. Italian Popular Bank, 2 Columbus Ave. Tel. Kearny 2754. Marine Trust & Savings Bank, 100 Market. Tel. Douglas 4200. «. ^ ,., Mercantile Trust Co. of San Francisco, 464 California. Tel. Kearny 601. Mission Bank, 16th and Julian Ave. Tel. Market 1140. Portuguese-American Bank, Clay and Front. Tel. Kearny 2179. Swiss-American Bank. 14 Sansome, Tel. Kearny 1900. Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., 415 Sansome. Tel. Kearny 1396. HOSPITALS, HOMES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Adler's Sanatorium, Van Ness and Broadway. Tel. Frank- lin 488. Almshouse, 7th ave. and Serpentine road. Tel. Park 80. Buena Vista Sanatorium, 21 Buena Vista ave. Tel. Park 456. California Hospital Co.. 3 City Hall Ave. Tel. Market 655. Children's Hospital (Alexander's Maternity), 3700 Cali- fornia. Tel. Pacific 1654. Children's Hospital, California and Maple. Tel. Pa- cific 4480. , Citv and Count v Hospital for Tuberculosis, 22nd and Po- trero. Tel. Mission 674. Citv and Countv Ho.spital, Relief Home. Tel. Market 297. Clara Barton Hospital. 1360 Post. Tel. Franklin 1924. Emergency Hospital. Mission Branch, 23rd and Potrero ave. Tel. Mission 4400. Emergency Hospital. Central, Gough and Golden Gate ave. Tel. Franklin 1906. —79— HOSPITALS— Continued. Emergency Hospital, Harbor, 7 Clay. Tel. Kearny 1145. Emergency Hospital, Park, Waller and Stanyan. Tel. Park 382. Emergency Hospital, Potrero, 1152 Kentucky. Tel. Mis- sion 5016. Florence Crittenton Home, 344 20th ave. Tel. Pa- cific 90. Francisca Maternity Hospital, 2835 Clement. Tel. Pacific 156. French Hospital, Point Lobos and 5th aves. Tel. Pa- cffic 1614. Gatlin Institute of California, 1428 Golden Gate ave. Tel. West 75. German Hospital, 14th and Noe. Tel. Park 349. Grace Darling Assn., Delger Bldg. Tel. Market 368. Hahnemann Hospital, California and Maple. Tel. Pa- cific 1620. Home Sanatorium, Colma. Tel. Mission 375. Hydro Institute, Pacific Bldg. Tel. Sutter 1700. Irving Sanatorium, 906 Eddy. Tel. Franklin 379. Isolation Hospital, Army and De Haro. Tel. Mir55:on 06. Keeley Institute, 2930 Sacramento. Tel. West 8152. Lane Hospital, Clay and Webster. Tel. West 6L03. Leper Department Isolation Hospital, San Bruno and Army. Tel. Mission 238. Liberty Hospital Corp., Union Square Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2222. McNutt Hospital, 1055 Pine. Tel. Franklin 7266. Morton, The, 775 Cole. Tel. Park 5306. Mount Zion Hospital, 2341 Sutter. Tel. West 450. Municipal Clinic, 682 Commercial. Tel. Sutter 2012. Neal Institute, 1409 Sutter. Tel. Franklin 1098. North American Hospital Association, 948 Market. Tel. Douglas 2831. Northwestern Hospital Inc., 1430 McAllister. Tel. West 4660. Northwestern Pacific R. R. Hospital, Head Bldg. Tel. Sutter 1359. San Francisco Dog Hospital, 1371 Fulton. Tel. West 8312. San Francisco Home for Incurables, 1442 Fulton. Tel. West 2789. San Francisco Hospital, 22d and Potrero Ave. Tel. Mis- sion 7231. San Francisco Hospital Assn., 291 Geary. Tel. Douglas 54. San Francisco Lying-in Hospital, 2835 Clement. Tel. Pacific 156. San Francisco Maternity Home, 1195 Valencia. Tel. Mission 526. S. F. Sanatorium (liquor cases only), 1911 Van Ness. Tel. Franklin 7470. Santa Fe Ry. Co. Hospital Dept., Butler Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1952. Southern Pacific General Hospital, Fell and Baker Tel. West 6153. St. Anthony Hospital Co., Pacific Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3304. St. Francis Hospital, Hyde and Bush. Tel. Franklin 6464. St. Helena Sanitarium, 916 Laguna. Tel. Park 731. St. Joseph's Hospital, Park Hill and Buena Vista ave. Tel. Market 320. St. Luke's Hospital, 27th and Valencia. Tel. Mis- sion 1820. St. Mary's Hospital, Hayes and Stanyan. Tel. Pacific 4240. St. Thomas Hospital, 300 Page. Tel. Park 326. Saint Winifred Sanatorium, 1065 Sutter. Tel. Frank- lin 136. Trinity Hospital, 1500 Page. Tel. Park 6700. United Hospital Assn., Shreve Bldg. Tel. Kearny 4579. U. S. General Hospital, Presidio. Tel. West 6160. U. S. Marine Hospital, 13th ave. and Lake. Tel. Pa- cific 1618. Univ. of Cal. Hospital, 2nd and Parnassus ave. Tel. Park 178. Veterans Home of Cal., 333 Kearny. Tel. Douglas 3578. ' Ward, Dr. Florence, Hyde and Bush. Tel. Franklin 456. GRAND LODGES. A. O. Foresters— Pacific Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3289. A. O. U. W.— Paciflc Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2343. A. & A. S. R.— Sutter and Van Ness. Tel. Franklin 74. A. O. Hibernians — New Era Hall. B. P. O. Elks— 818 Hayes St. Druids — Laguna and Hayes. Tel. Market 167. Eagles— 245 Golden Gate Ave. Tel. Market 2296. Fraternal Brotherhood — Paciflc Bldg. Tel. Douglas 231. Foresters of America — Grant Bldg. Tel Market 1G58. I. O. B'nal B'rith- B'nal B'rlth Hall. I. O. of Red Men— 240 G. Gate Ave. Tel. Franklin 3219. Knights of Honor— 1416 Stelner. Tel. West 8343. Knights of Pythias— 115 Valencia. Tel. Market 3255. Knights of Columbus— 2425 Pine St. Tel. West 8129. Knights of the Royal Arch— Mechanics' Bank Bldg. Tel. Sutter 418. Lincoln Annuity Union — 323 Geary. Tel. Kearny 5840. Maccabees— 240 Golden Gate Ave. Tel. Franklin 3219. Masons — Glaus Spreckels Bldg Tel. Kearny 29.S?. Masonic Board of Relief — Hewes Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3306. Modern Woodmen — Paciflc Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2579. National Union— Phelan Bldg. Tel. Sutter 1547. N. S. G. W.— 135 Stockton St. Tel. Kearny 1223. N. D. G. W.— 1278 Market St. Tel. Park 885. Odd Fellows— I. O. O. F. Building, 7th and Market. Tel. Market 98«. Odd Fellows' Relief— Fraternal Hall, 1254 Market. Order Hermans Sons— 2249 Clement St. Tel. Paciflc 1277. Order Sons St. George — 1675 Market. Tel. Mission 5897. Rebekahs— I. O. O. F. Building, 7th and Market. Tel. Market 936. Royal Arcanum — 127 Montgomery St. Tel. Douglasi 1333. Sons of the Am. Revolution — 930 Green. Tel. Franklin 1176. Spanish War Veterans— 2909 Folsom. Tel. Park 2831. Tribe of Ben Hur— 3265 16th St. Woodmen of the World — 995 Market. Tel. Kearny 4437. HOTELS Burlington, 125 Larkin Butler, 246 Mason Cadillac, Eddy & Leav'wth California, Hyde & Calif. Carling, 1154 Market Carlton, 545 Turk Carmel, 1859 Post Casa Loma, Fell & Fillmore Cecil, 91 Turk Central, 3rd & Bryant Chantilly, 342 Sutter Charlevoix, Pine & Leav'wth Clay, 378 3rd Cliff House, Ocean Beach Colonial, Stockton nr Sutter Columbia, Taylor & O'Farrell Continental, 127 Ellis Crescent, 1801 California Crocker Hotel Co., Shreve Bldg. Dale, 34 Turk Denniston, 991 Valencia Denver, 223 3rd Dewey, 794 Howard Dorchester, Sutter & Gough Earl Cliff, 1201 Gough Eaton, 360 Eddy Edinboro, 1239 Polk Elk, Larkin & Post El Drisco, 2901 Paciflc Ave. 'Ellis, 450 Ellis Abbey, 440 Post Adeline, 640 Eddy Adena, 144 O'Farrell Adrian, 493 Eddy Albert, 293 4th Albany, 187 3rd Alexander, 352 Geary Alma, 335 Stockton Alta, 165 3rd American, 720 Howard Anona, 2910 San Bruno Are Apollo, 1130 Market Arcadia, 1645 Buchanan ARGONAUT, 44 4th Arlington, Ellis & L'vn'wth Atlanta, 7th & Mission Balboa, "•60 Eddv Baldwin, Grant Av nr Sutter Baltimore, 1015 Van Ness Bay State, 275 O'Farrell Belleclair, O'Farrell & Po'wl Bellevue, Geary & Taylor Belmont, 730 Eddy Berlin, 559 Valencia Bon Air, Oak & Stanyan Bradbury, Polk & California Broadway, 2048 Polk Brooklyn, 369 1st Brule, 670 Eddy —81— Empress, 144 Eddy- Empire, 111 Taylor European, 847 Montgomery Exeter, 154 Ellis Fairfax, 420 Eddy FAIRMONT, Calif. & Powell Francisco, 373 Ellis Glen, Mason and Turk Golden Eagle, 253 3rd Golden Gate, 700 Stanyan GOLDEN WEST, Ellis & Powell Goodfrlend, 245 Powell Grand, 55 Taylor GRAND CENTRAL, Market & Polk Grand Southern, 1941 Mission. Granada, Sutter & Hyde Grand Union, 528 Kearny Graystone, Geary nr. Grant Grant, 753 Bush Hamlin, Eddy & Leav'wth Harbor, 132 East Hayward, 235 O'Farrell HERBERT'S BACHELOR, 151 Powell Herald, Eddy & Jones Helvetia, 637 California Holland, Ellis nr. Powell Howard, 6th & Howard Imperial, 951 Eddy International, 850 Kearny Irving, 447 Eddy Irwin, 4th & Mission JEFFERSON, Turk & Gough Kirk, Haight & Stanyan Langham, 141 Eddy Lansdale, 619 Larkin Larsen, 56 Eddy Lick, 5th & Mission Lincoln, 365 Golden Gate Av. Maitiand, 116 Mason IVIajestic, Sutter & Gough Manhattan, Eddy & Taylor Maison Doree, 153 Ellis Maison Tortonl, 362 Geary Manhattan, Eddy & Taylor MANX, O'Farrell & Powell Marlboro, 1544 Polk Martin, 893 Van Ness Av. Martinet, Geary & Van Ness MenIo, 340 O'Farrell Merlin, Ellis nr. Powell Merritt, 1836 Geary Metropole, 1105 G. G. Av. Miles, Jones & O'Farrell Mission, 16th & Howard Mission Central, 504 Valencia Monroe, 1822 Sacramento National, 1139 Market Netherlands, 4th & Howard Nevada, 825 Van Ness Ave. New Poodle Dog, Post & Polk New Western, 808 Kearny Niagara, 789 Howard Norden, Howard & 4th Normandie, Sutter & Gough North, 310 Montgomery North German, 900 Brannan Oak, 131 Fell Oaklin, Franklin & Oak Oakwood, 44 5th Occidental, 175 3rd Ormond, 440 Eddy Oregon, 1912 Fillmore Orpheum Annex, 167 O'Far- rell Orlando, 995 Howard Oxford, Post & Franklin Pacific Grand, 127 Ellis Paisley, 432 Geary PALACE, Market & New Montgomery Palo Alto, 1550 Polk Pleasanton, 545 Turk Portoia, Turk nr. Taylor Princeton, 311 Kearny Raleigh, Sutter nr. Webster Raleigh Annex, 1826 Post Ramona, 140 Mason Rand. 91 Turk Regent, 562 Sutter Reich, Bush & Jones Reo, 422 Valencia Rex, 236 3rd Rey, 515 Bush Rhein, 2815 16th Richelieu, Van Ness & Geary Rio, 664 Sacramento Ritz, 551 Kearny Robins, Post & Jones Rocklln, 309 Leavenworth Rockhampton, 419 G. G. Av. Rosslyn, Eddy & Leaven'wth Russ, 520 Hayes Russell, 160 Eddy Sahleim, Polk & Bush San Marco, 386 Geary Savoy, Ellis & Van Ness Av. Seattle, 37 6th Sheridan, 364 9th Sierra, 610 McAllister Silver, 456 3rd Splendid, Page & Masonic Stadium, Page & Stanyan Stanford, Bush & Kearny Stanley, 1542 California Star, 1740 Ellis Stenton, Eddy nr. Larkin STEWART, Geary nr. Powell Strand, 415 O'Farrell Stratford, Powell nr. Geary Sunset, 153 Market St. Ann, Turk & Taylor St. Beryl, Geary nr Van Ness St. Cecile, Fell nr. Van Ness St. Charles, 355 Grant Av. ST. FRANCIS, Geary & Powell St. Ives, Eddy & Larkin St. James, Fulton & Van Ness Av. St. Louis, 920 Montgomery St. Moritz, Geary & Mason St. Paul, 935 Kearny St. Rose, 1492 Ellis Swiss-American, 530 Bdwy Tallac, 140 Ellis Taylor, 74 Turk Thorndale, 640 G. G. Av. —82- Turin, 670 Broadway Turpin, 17 Powell Tyrone, 907 Golden Gate Av. Twin Oaks, 1010 Post Union Square, Post & Stock- ton Van Ness, 619 Van Ness Av. Vermont, 147 Valencia Victoria, Bush & Stockton VON DORN, Turk nr. Jones Waldemar, Baker & Fell Waldorf, 128 Jones Warren, 459 Turk Wayne, 417 Gou^h Wellington, Geary nr. Jones West, 156 3rd Western Pacific, Bryant & 8th Wlllard, 637 McAllister Wiltshire Bachelors, Stock- ton nr. Sutter Windsor, 240 Eddy Winchester, 3rd nr. Market Winchester Annex, HO 3rd Winton, 445 O'Farroll Wm. Tell, Clay nr. Kearny Womans, I^aguna Kr Turk Yale, 453 Kearny Yorke, California & T^arkln Yosemlte, Turk nr. 'J'aylor Young, Turk & Taylor Ziegle, 27 Monroe APARTMENT HOUSES Aberdeen, 1224 Hyde Adeline, 514 Guerrero Adrian, 1100 Jackson Ainsley, 640 Turk Ainsworth, 1240 California Algoma, 1050 Post Alhambra, 1756 California Allen, 1437 Polk Alta, 1270 McAllister Alta Casa, Cal. & Powell Amity, 445 Octavia Arcadia, Hyde & O'Farrell Arcona, 851 California Ardell, The, 1740 Pacific Arden, 1005 Larkin Ardmore, 1525 Clay Ardoise, 1791 Pine Argyle, McAllister & Leaven- Ariel, 1293 O'Farrell Arlin, 344 Ellis Art Nouveau, 1220 Pine Astor, 1501 Leavenworth Atherstone, 545 O'Farrell Athmore, O'Farrell & Jones Audubon, 978 Ellis Bahia Vista, 840 California Baldwin, 1036 Polk Beatle, 1849 Jackson Beck, 660 Bush Benedict, 1678 Sacramento Bergren, 1424 Gough Berkshire, 729 Jones Bonlta, 18th & Castro Brompton, 1424 Polk Bruckton, 745 Pine Brunhilde,, 857 Ellis Buckeye, The, 438 O'Farrell Buchanan, 415 Buchanan Bungalow, 1515 Leavenworth Casa Blanca, 594 Valencia Casa Loma, 903 Pine Casa Madrona, 116 Frederick Castlereagh, 1373 Clay Charlemagne, 1035 Geary Charington, Cal. & Leav'wth Chesterfield, Powell & Bush Chismore, Bush & Jones Claire, The, 1560 Sac'mto. Claridge, 749 Taylor Clarlngton, 629 G. G. Av. Clifton, 1436 California Clinton, 1400 Jones Cornelia, 641 O'Farrell Colonial, 3169 California Crawford, 620 Eddy Craig Court, 2186 Calif. Crossways, Frederick & Ash bury Curtaz, Leavn'wth nr. Bush De Lasalle, 1200 Pine De La Sierra, Sac. & Larkin Delevan, 244 Montgomery Dell, 1466 Powell Douglass, 1000 Hyde Doric, 866 Post Dolores, 16th & Market. Drexel. 119 Haight Driscoll, Geary & Jones Duboce, 400 Duboce Av. El Forrest, 825 Bush Elizabeth, 2504 Clay Ellis, 450 Ellis Ellsworth, 1580 Jackson Empire Court, 1091 Bush Empire, 1040 Leavenworth Essex, 1667 Haight Eulalia, 615 Cole Eureka, 17th & Market Everdene, 1418 Larkin Everett, 829 Fell Fair Oaks, 799 Oak Fairmont, 2127 Fillmore Fink, Market & Gough Fordham, 796 Pine Gables, Clay & Larkin Garland, 1059 O'Farrell Georgina, 1225 Pine Glenwood, 416' Turk Grand Rapids, 245 Leav'wth. Gresso, 636 Washington Hamilton, 409 Ellis Hendrick Hudson, 1204 Ma- son Highland, 1385 Clay Hillcrest, Calif. & Jones Jones, Jones & Post Kenllworth, Bush & Powell Keystone, Wash. & Hyde King Edward, 275 Turk Larchmont, 1270 Pine Larkin, 712 Larkin Laurel, 970 Post Lee, 1740 Polk Leesmont, Calif. & Stockton Lincoln, 1312 Jackson LIndo, Pine & Jones Lundy, 512 Frederick Luxor, 720 Jones Malta, 2065 Market Marathon, 710 Ellis Marie Antoinette, 1201 Pine Mary Frances, 1030 Post Matabelle, Bush & Burritt PI. Melbourne, 1350 Pine Merodlne, 1714 Clay —83— Michigan, 225 Taylor Montclair, Pine & Taylor Morrill's, 730 Leavenworth Mt. Washington, 1401 Jones Natalia, Stockton & Bush Noe, 17th &, Noe. Nottingham, 1650 California Omar, 1151 Post Piccadilly Bachelor, Post & Mason Princeton, 322 14th Quincy, Quincy nr. Pine Revoy, 1346 Pine Richelieu, 3415 22nd Rosemont, 214 Haight Sandringham, 1152 Eddy St. Andrews, 1597 Jackson St. Charles, 1474 Sacramento St. Cloud, 170 6th St. Dominic, Bush & Jones St. Dunston, 1315 Polk St. Elmo, 1452 Devisadero St. Gabriel, 1739 Pine St. Hllaire, 1523 Laguna St. John, 1625 Polk St. Lorenz, 1344 Jackson St. Mungo, Golden Gate Av. & Fillmore St. Xavier, 2335 Pacific Av. St. Ivonne, Taylor &, Clay Stanford, 1590 California Stein hart, 952 Sutter Stratford, 1650 Jones Sutter, 724 Leavenworth Valmar, 1751 Market Van Ness, 2128 Van Ness Av. Vendome, 1990 Washington Venice, Post & Taylor Virginia, 1031 Leavenworth Waldorf, Ellis & Leav'wth. Warrin, Post & Jones Washington, 1327 Leav'wth. Whiteside, 625 Taylor Wilson, Eddy & Taylor Windemere, 776 Bush Winton, 445 O'Farrell Verba Buena, 1114 Sac'mto. Zenobia, 947 Bush Alaska, 832 Market Alhambra, 1109 Market Alta, 126 Post Argonaut, Powell & Post Arlon, Devisadero & Bush Army & Navy, 126 Post Bohemian, Post & Taylor Bnai Brith, 915 Van Ness Av. California, 1750 Clay California Camera, 833 Mkt. California Lawn Tennis, Bush & Scott Century, 1355 Franklin Cercle de ('Union, 220 Post Cercle Francais, 1509 Gough Colonial, 207 Powell Columbia Graduate Nurses, 2548 Fillmore Columbia Park, 458 Guerrero Commonwealth, First Natl. Bank Bldg. ' Concordia, 1142 Van Ness Av. Cornell Athletic, 925 Golden Gate Av. Cosmos, 1534 Sutter Deutscher, 149 Mason Dolphin, foot of Van Ness Av. Family, 1900 Franklin Forum, 220 Post Francisco, 1750 California Graduate Nurses, 2270 Sutter CLUBS Kingston, 216 Powell Merchants', Merchant Ex. Bldg. Merchants' Exchange, Merch. Ex. Bldg. Mission Turn Verein, 18th nr. Valencia New California Jocky, 709 Mission Norwegian Fram, 220 Pierce Olympic, Post nr. Mason Pacific Aero, 914 Pacific Bdg. Pacific Union, Cal. & Mason Park Driving, 36th Av. & C. Presidio Golf, 1st Av. & Pre- sidio Gate Press, 833 Market Sequoia, 251 Post S. F. Golf & Country, Ingle- side Race Track S. F. Turn Verein, 2428 Sut- ter S. F. Yacht, Sausalito St. Margaret's, 1541 Calif. Transportation, Flood Bldg. Union League, Powell & O'Farrell University, Powell & Calif. Verein Eintracht, 237 12th HALLS. Advance Hall — 316 Fourteenth. Albert Pike Memorial Temple — 1859 Geary. Arcanium Hall— 1638 Eddy. Bent's Hall — 3001 Twenty-second. B'nai B'rith Hall — Van Ness Avenue and Ash. Ben Hur Hall— 3265 Sixteenth. Callegari's Hall— 421 Union. Century Club — Cor. Franklin and Sutter. Coleman's Hall— 1988 Bush. Collingwood — Eighteenth and Collingwood. Cotillion— 159 Church. Devisadero Hall — 321 Devisadero. Dolores Hall— 3278 Sixteenth. Druids' Hall— 680 McAllister. Duveneck's Hall — Twenty-fourth and Church. —84— HALLS — Continued Eagles' Hall--1695 Market and 245 Golden Gate Ave. Eastern Star Chapter's Hall — 169 Church. Eintracht Hall— 237 Twelfth. Equality Hall— 139 Albion Avenue. Excelsior Hall — 2337 Mission. Findlay's Dancing Academy — 3245 Sixteenth. Foresters' Hall — I, near Eleventh Avenue. Foresters' Hall— 1426 Ellis. Franklin Hall— 1881 Fillmore. Fraternal Hall— 1919 Sutter. Garibaldi Hall — Broadway and Kearny. Germania Hall — Fifteenth and Mission. Golden Gate Hall— 2135 Sutter. Golden West Hall— 174 Castro. Hamilton Hall— 1545 Stelner. Hibernian Hall— 454 Valencia. I. O. O. F. Fraternal Hall— 1254 Market. Improvement Hall— 2269 Market. King Solomon's Hall— 1745 Fillmore. Knights of Honor Hall— 1416 Steiner. Knights of Red Branch— 1133 Mission. Labor Council Hall — 316 Fourteenth. Larkin Hall— 590 Eddy. Laurel Hall — 512 Railroad Avenue. Liberty Hall— 1791 Mission. LIguri Hall— 4441 Mission. Lyra Hall — Church, corner Twenty-eighth. Lyric Hall — Larkin and Turk. Maennerbund — 1180 Potrero Avenue. Mangel's Hall — Twenty-fourth and Folsom. Marine Engineers' Hall — 45 Steuart. Maple Hall— 1514 Polk. Masonic Hall— 2666 Mission. Mission Masonic Temple — 2668 Mission. Mission Turn Verein Hall— 3543 Eighteenth. Mowry's Hall — Corner Laguna and Grove. National Hall— 566 Fulton. Native Sons' Hall — Gough and Geary. Neegaard's Hall — 806 Larkin. New Era Hall— 2121 Market. Nunan Hall— 1254 Market. Oakwood Hall — 1805 Devisadero. Plant's Hall — Twenty-fourth and Douglass. Polito Hall— 3265 Sixteenth. Puckett's Assembly Hall— 1268 Sutter. Raymond Hall— 1713 Twentieth. Redmen's Hall — 240 Golden Gate Avenue. Richmond Hall — 309 Fourth Avenue. Roesch Hall — Fifteenth and Mission. Scottish Rite Temple — Cor. Sutter and Van Ness Avenue. Sheet Metal Workers' Hall — 224 Guerrero. S. F. Turn Verein — Sutter, near Devisadero. St. George Hall— 1675 Market. St. Helen Hall— 2089 Fifteenth. Starr King Memorial Hall — Capp, corner Twentieth. Stegeman's — Corner Clinton Park and Valencia. Steimke's Hall— 2760 Octavia. Swedish-American Hall— 2174 Market. Teamsters' Hall — 530 Bryant. Twin Peaks Hall — Corner Seventeenth and Noe. Union Hall— 316 Fourteenth. Valencia Hall— 357% Valencia. Veteran Hall — 432 Duboce Avenue. Washington Square Hall— 1525 Stockton. Wolf's Hall — 3 Plymouth Avenue. Woodmen Building — 3345 Seventeenth. Young Men's Institute Hall — 92 Sanchez. Young Men's Hebrew Association Hall — Page, near St^ny^?!: —85— THEATERS. Alcazar — O'Farrell between Powell and Mason. American— 7th and Market. Tel. Market 381. Columbia— Geary and Mason. Tel. Franklin 150. Cort— Ellis and Market. Tel. Sutter 2460. Empress— Market opposite Mason. Tel. Sutter 1473. Garrick— Ellis near Fillmore. Tel. West 1194. Mission— 22nd and Mission. Tel. Market 531. Novelty— O'Farrell and Steiner. Tel. West 3990. National— Post and Steiner, vaudeville. Tel. West 370. Orpheum — Vaudeville, O'Farrell, between Stockton and Powell. Tel. West 6000. Pantages — Market opposite Mason. Portola — Market st., vaudeville and moving pictures. Princess— Ellis and Fillmore. Tel. West 6110. Savoy— McAllister near Market. Tel. Market 130. Valencia— 14th and Valencia. Tel. Market 17. Wigwam— 22nd and Mission. Tel. Market 2884. Wine Room, "Heidelberg Inn," 35 Ellis St. The "Heidelberg Inn" resembles the famous Inn, in fl par old Heidelberg, Germany. It is without a doubt tht only place of Us kind in San Francisco When you enter the place, its surroundings are such that you have at once that feeling, "Here I am at home. -$6- NATIONAL BEER Now Bottled at the Brewery The Perfect Home Beer Its Taste is a Charm ft] Only the very finest ingredients brewed and bottled in the modern scientific way and in strict conformity with the Pure Food Laws JiT JtLL DEALERS National Brewino CORNER FULTON AND WEBSTER STREETS SAN FRANCISCO PHONES : PACIFIC PARK 33 HOME S 3261 —87- JOHN HERMANN President PHONFS • \ Home J 1742 i-HUINlib . ^ Kearny 543 n' The Hermann Safe Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Vaults and Deposit Boxes EXPERT WORK DONE IN OPENING AND REPAIRING SAFES AND LOCKS Special Styles of SAFES, VAULTS and all kinds of Iron Work Built to Order 120-130 FOLSOM ST. San Francisco, Cat. Hansen & EIricli Ml I Metis Furnishers and Hatters :: :: ^ WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS AT EITHER OF OUR STORES WHILE IN THE CITY. EXAMINER BUILDING Market and Third Streets CLUNIE BUILDING Montgomery and California Sts. t —89— stopims! When in need of anything in the line of KODAKS and SUPPLIES consult our line, which is complete DEVELOPING, PRINTING and ENLARGING at Reasonable Prices Large Assortment of PENNANTS of CITIES and COLLEGES at Prices from 25c to $1.50 STATIONERY, CUTLERY and LEATHER GOODS GUIDE BOOKS and MAPS TWO STORES THAT MAN PITTS 771 MARKET STREET AND 1556 FILLMORE ST., COR. GEARY -90— E. C. HUGHES. President ADOLPH MEESE. Secretary CATALOGS and PAMPHLETS A SPECIALTY E.C.Hughes Co. PRINTERS ENGRAVERS BOOKBINDERS 151 Minna Street Near New Montgomery SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PRINTERS AND BINDERS OF CANDRIAN'S MAPS AND HANDY GUIDES TELEPHONE KEARNY 806 —91— Tins of four sizes 4 for lOc 10 for 25c 50 for 1.20c 100 for 2.35c Manufactured by Liebig's Extract of Meat Co., Ltd. Established 1865 Originators 'of Concentrated Beef Foods Cattle Ranches exceed 5,000,000 acres CORNEILLE DAVID CgL CO., Sole Agents 24 California Street San Francisco A. PETZOLD Telephone Kearny 912 R. PAGE August Petzold & Co. COOPERS MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Liquor and Wine Work REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE 724-732 BATTERY ST. SAN FRANCISCO Between Pacific Street and Broadway Huber Catering Co. 282 CASTRO STREET Telephone Market 239 San Francisco, Cal. BANQUETS, SMOKERS, WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS, DINNERS, Etc. We Rent Chairs, Tables, Crockery, Glassware Silverware, Etc. Telephone Market 2145 Home Phone J 2145 C. Farrenkopf & Sons ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK MANUFACTURERS OF Grill Work, Stair Rails, Fire Escapes, Elevator Cars, Elevator Enclosures, Bank and Office, Counter and Enclosure Work Sash Bars. Store Fronts, Etc. 623 Minna Street, near 7th St., San Francisco, Cal. —92— ^has. Weidner PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO San Francisco and California Views m 787 Market Street Near Fourth PHONE KEARNY 3213 —93— For a "Treat that can't he beat" Call for OLD GILT EDGE WHISKEY RYE OR BOURBON ALSO OLD IDENTICAL WHISKEY ^;^^/^. Bottled Bond WICHMAN, LUTfiEN & CO. SOLE PROPRIETORS -94— "Children's Play Ground," Golden Gate Park. (Weidner Photo) "Telearaph Hill," San Francisco, Cal. (Weidner Photo) i —95- CHARLES LOESCH, Manager PACIFIC PHONI West 3555 West 3556 HOME S 238^ California Baking Co Eat Oom Paul Breac Largest and Most Modern Bakery in the West CAPACITY 100,000 LOAVES DAILY S. W. CORNER Fillmore and Eddy St SAN FRANCISCO phone Mission 1180 )akville Wine Company CHAS. RYHNER. Prop. renters in First I ri n n r?^iers in ti HOOO m^mioRs ODO&L ?J5J5J|JS Dl}{IDOD D&fflD! DfooDraoi DDODB^ DjODDDOD treets Acme Bee] For health J>/N/AfG kOOMo jLicTioNELLIS-nARKETA?D5T0CRT0Nsn 35-;57 EU-IS ST«>..^vv.»SAN FRANCISCO ACME BREWING C( SANSOME AND GREENWICH S J. P. RETTENMAYER President and Brewma E. C. Hughes Co. 151 Minna St., S. F. Guylord Bro... Inc { f\ (J^ /4 I Stockton, Calif. . M. Reg. U.S.Pat.O' J14./3D?. ^^i9 -^5CJ li/X THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY '■j:& \^<^^ :'^