TJ OK THE NATIONAL GUARD OF CALIFORNIA. Ad opted SAN .FHANCISCO: E. C. HUGETE^, PKINT, 511 SANSOME STREET. I 8 7.8 . IF*. TJ JLi !K3 OF THE jjin*i NATIONAL GUARD OF CALIFORNIA, Adopted SAN FBANCISCO: E. C. HtTGHES, PRINT, 511 SANSOME STREET. 1878. EULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SECOND BRIGADE, >fktioi\al G^iikfd of ADOPTED" PEEAMELE. We, the undersigned, commissioned )fficers of the First Cavalry Battalion, Second Brigade, National Guard of Cali- ? ornia, organized under arid in accordance vvith the "Provisions of the Codes relative :o the Militia of the State of California," lave adopted the following Eules and Regulations for our civil government while not in active service, and do hereby mutually pledge ourselves to their sup- port. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE SECOND BRIGADE, of ADOPTED PKEAMBLE. We, the undersigned, commissioned officers of the First Cavalry Battalion, Second Brigade, National Guard of Cali- fornia, organized under and in accordance with the "Provisions of the Codes relative to the Militia of the State of California," have adopted the following Kules and Regulations for our civil government while not in active service, and do hereby mutually pledge ourselves to their sup- port. RULES AND REGULATIONS. EULES AND BEGULATIONS. NAME AND MEMBERSHIP. SECTION 1. This Board shall be known as the BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE FIRST CAVALRY BATTALION, SECOND BRIGADE, NATIONAL GUARD. OF CALIFORNIA, and shall consist of all the commissioned officers of the Battalion. MEETINGS. SEC. 2. The regular meetings for the transaction of business shall be held on the first Tuesday of every month, at eight o'clock, p. M., unless otherwise ordered. SEC. 3. The annual meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday oi January of each year, at eight o'clock, p. M. SEC. 4. Special meetings may be called by the Commander, when deemed neces- sary, or at the request of not less than three commissioned officers. SEC. 5. No officer who shall owe the Battalion a sum exceeding five dollars, and no officer of any company which shall owe the Battalion a sum exceeding four months' dues shall have the right to speak or to vote at any "meeting of the Board of Officers; and at all meetings of the Board, a majority of the officers not RULES AND REGULATIONS. 5 thus disqualified shall constitute a quorum. A list of such disqualified officers, showing the amounts due from them or from their companies, shall, at each meeting, be handed bv the Treasurer to the senior officer present at the hour fixed for hold- ing the meeting. If a quorum shall not have assembled within half an hour there- after, those present, after noting absentees, may adjourn. OFFICERS. SEC. 6. The civil officers of the Bat- talion shall consist of a Secretary, and a Treasurer. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. SEC. 7. Thre senior ^reside at all meetings. The Battalion Commander shall act as chairman ex officio of all Committees. SEC. 8. The Adjutant shall act as Secretary. He shall keep a correct roll of all the officers, and record the pro- ceedings of all meetings in a book kept for that purpose, which book he shall bring or send to every business meeting of the Board. He shall issue notices of all meetings, and do and perform any and all business appertaining to the office oi 6 RULES AND REGULATIONS. Secretary. And upon retiring from office he shall deliver to his successor all the books and papers in his possession belong- ing to the Battalion. SEC. 9 ^Tinrftpipper skal^be ele^ed by bftllftt at pfifh fmnun.l mating, ftf-at. nnc'h other tiniP, n,Fi n, YR-r-nnry nrrnrn. He shall keep a true and just account of all dues, fines, and assesments levied ; collect all moneys, and hold them on special deposit"; shall pay all bills that have been audited by the Finance Committee, and shall pay, as they accrue, the salary of the armorer, and the bills for gas and water. He shall submit his books and vouchers quarterly to the Finance Com- mittee for examination, and shall render to the Board in writing, a monthly report of all receipts and dsbursements. He shall cause all bills and vouchers to be placed on file ; and upon retiring from office he shall deliver to his successor all the books, papers and moneys in his possession belonging to the Battalion. SEC. 10. The bills audited by the Finance Committee, exclusive of those for gas, water, and the salary of the armorer, shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of twenty-five dollars per month, RULES AND REGULATIONS. except when authorized by a vote of the Board. COMMITTEES. SEC. 11. The Standing Committees shall be a Finance Committee, a Music Committee, a Uniform Committee, and an Armory Committee. APPOINTMENT AND DUTIES OF COMMITTEES SEC. 12. The Finance Committee shall consist of three officers, who shall be elected by ballot at each annual meeting of the Board, and in case of a vacancy at the next regular meeting of said Board. The duties of this Committee shall be to generally supervise the battalion finances, audit all bills and accounts against the Battalion, examine the Treas- urer's books and vouchers, and report thereon semi-annually, in writing, to the Board; and recommend from time to time such measures as in their judgment will promote the interests of the Bat- talion. SEC. 13. The Music Committee shall consist of three officers, who shall be selected in the same manner as the Finance Committee, whose duty it will be RULES AND REGULATIONS. to provide music for the Battalion, and to make every necessary arrangement connected therewith, subject to the approval of the Commander. SEC. 14. The Uniform Committee shall consist of the commanders of companies. The duties of this Committee shall be to keep an accurate account of all uniforms, and other property belonging to the Battalion, in a book kept by the chair- man for that purpose, which book shall at all times be open for the inspection of the Commander ; they shall issue uniforms as directed by the Board, by order on the Quartermaster, he taking receipts there- for from the various Company Com- manders ; they shall keep an accurate account, in addition to that which bhall be kept by the Treasurer, of all receipts and disbursements of the Uniform Fund, and take entire charge of any matter relating to uniforms, and they shall render to the Board semi-annually a report in writing, and submit such recommenda- tions from time to time as they may deem proper. SEC. 15. The Armory Committee shall consist of one or more commissioned offi- cers, to be appointed by the presiding RULES AND REGULATIONS. 9 officer. The duties of this Committee shall be to see that the Armory is kept in order and that all rules pertaining to the same are complied with. DUES, FINES AND ASSESSMENTS. SEC. 16. The regular monthly Dues, payable in advance, shall be as follows: from each Field or Staff Officer, two dol- lars; from each Line Officer, one dollar; from each Company, twenty-five dollars. SEC. 17. In addition to all fines and penalties imposed by Court-martial under the State law, the following fines shall be imposed by the presiding officer^ and recorded by the Secretary (who shall afterwards hand a list thereof to the Treasurer), at each regular meeting; upon each officer for non-attendance at any regular or special meeting when duly notified, one dollar; for tardy attendance as above, fifty cents.- Upon each officer for delay in transmitting' any report or other paper required by the State law or by Battalion orders duly received by him, for each day, fifty cents. The above fines may be remitted by a two -thirds vote of the Board. SEC. 18. Assessments upon the mem- bers of this Board may be levied by a vote 10 RULES AND REGULATIONS. of two-thirds of the members not dis- qualified. Assessments upon the Compa- nies may be levied by a two-thirds vote ot the company officers ; and those officers otherwise disqualified may nevertheless be allowed to speak and vote upon such questions. BATTALION ACCOUNTS AND FUNDS. SEC. 19. There shall be two regular Funds, the accounts of which (as well as of special Funds for temporary purposes) shall be kept separate by the Treasurer in his books and reports. The "Headquarters Fund" shall consist of the allowance made by the State to the Battalion Commander, who shall dis- burse the same as he may deem best, ren- dering a report thereof, as often as twice in each year, to the 4 Treasurer, who shall incorporate the results thereof in his annual report. The "Armory Fund" shall consist of the twenty-five dollars per month from each company and the dues and fines paid by the officers, and shall be charged with the salary of the armorer, and with gas, water, and other incidental expenses of of the Battalion. KULES AND REGULATIONS. 11 All amounts due from officers, as well as from companies, shall be treated as assets of the Battalion, and shall be so reported by the Treasurer. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. SEC. 20. Proposed alterations or amend- ments to these rules and regulations must be distinctly stated in writing at a regu- lar meeting of the Board, and lie over until the next regular meeting of said Board, when the concurrence of two- thirds of the members present will be necessary to the adoption of such alter- ation or alterations, amendment or amend- ments. SEC. 21. Any section or sections of these rules and regulations may be sus- pended during any meeting, by the con- sent of two-thirds of the members present. SEC. 22. All elections for officers and members of committees will require a majority vote of all members present. ORDER OF BUSINESS. SEC 23. The order of business shall be as follows: 1. Eoll Call. 2. Reading of Minutes of preceding Meeting. 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 3. Report of Treasurer. 4. Reports of Committees. 5. Collection of Dues, Fines, and Assessments. 6. Unfinished Business. 7. Appointment of Armory Committee. 8. Has any officer changed his address. 9. New Business. 10. Informal discussion and suggestions upon the welfare of the Battalion. SEC. 24. The Board shall be governed by the usual Parliamentary rules, and Gnohingls Manual shall be authority in the settlement of disputes. SEC. 25. The present officers of the Bat- talion, and all those who may hereafter be elected to office, shall subscribe to these rules and regulations, and pledge them- selves as bound in honor thereby. 13 OFFICERS OF THE BATTALION R. H. ORTON, Major. WM. G. ELLIOTT, Adjutant 3&BK-&. SPREOEEt^r Commissary. rf\ WM. CORCORAN, Quartermaster, (\, ^ CALVIN NUTTING, JR., Paymaster, P. H. McELHINNY, Inspector of Rifle Practice, G. J. VAN VLACK, Surgeon. CO. "A." H W. GRAY, Captain, / , 1st Lieut., ^^ 611 * ERUIN, Jr. 2d Lieut -^ Co. <4 B.^ C. C KEENE, Captain, , QrC. L. BEINE6KE. 2d Lieut., 6. Jr. 2d Lieut. Co. U C." M. GREANY, Captain, Q A- ^-P. F MceHftATH, 1st Lieut., 6/* v. N.ENNIS, ad-Xieu M. H. GAFFNEY, Jr. 2d Lieut,