THE HINDU BOOK ASTROLOGY OR YOGIC KNOWLEDGE Or THE STARS AND PLANETARY FORCES AND HOW TO CONTROL THEtt TO OUR ADVANTAGE BY BHAKTI SEVA (The Blissful Prophet) v QF THE DIVERSITY PUBLISHED BY THE NEW YORK MAGAZINE OF MYSTERIES 22 North William Street, New York City Copyright, 1902 BY THE NEW YOBK MAGAZINE OF MYSTERIES All rights reserved Parts of tho Grand Man Relating to tbe Domain of the Signs. Date of the Signs. Mch. 21 to Apr. 19. Apr. 19 to May 20. May 20 to June 21. June 21 to July 22. July 22 to Aug. 22. Aug. 22 to Sept. 23. Sept. 23 to Oct. 23, Oct. 23 to Nov. 22. Nov. 22 to Dec. 21. Dec. 21 to Jan. 20. Air. Jan. 20 to Feb. 19. Water. 'Feb. 19 to Mch. 21. A ft O * fr CONTENTS. PAGE. THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY INTRODUCTION 7 CAPRICORN 14 AQUARIUS 21 PISCES 28 ARIES 35 TAURUS 42 GEMINI 49 CANCER. 55 LEO 62 VIRGO 69 LIBRA 76 SCORPIO. 83 SAGITTARIUS 90 THE HINDU YOGIS' RULES FOR ATTAINING HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS 97 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY For thousands of years the Hindu Astrologers have by their knowledge of the solar system been enabled to formulate a system of Astrology which enables them to speak with scientific authority and certainty with respect to the planetary influences upon mankind. Each person is born in or under one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and is thus influenced more or less throughout life by the planetary conditions at time of birth. In this work I propose to state the natural tend- encies of each person and in a certain way indicate what they should do and what they should not do to make their life a success. 7 g THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. By referring to your sign, which is indicated by the date and month when you were born, you will see what your natural tendencies are, and what it is best for you to do to attract and use unseen forces and powers which are your birthright, and which will aid you to make your future bright. Each and every person is naturally endowed with peculiar and great powers which make for good, and also are born with tendencies which must be corrected in order that the higher and good i, powers and forces may be able to work to advan- \J tage. No matter how bad your lot may seem to you, and how difficult it is for you to get along in the world, you can readily change all darkness to the brightest sunshine if you only go about it in the right spirit. The first step to take is to fix in your mind a strong desire for what you wish, and persistently and patiently hold this desire until you get it ful- filled. In India, men, through the advice of emi- nent astrologers, will have an aspiration to accom- plish a certain thing, and will persistently hold and believe they will be successful in attaining what they desire until they get their aspiration satisfied. There are three things absolutely essential to happiness and which will always bring success; viz., hope, patience and determination persistent THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 9 determination to reach success. When we learn to exercise our mind and will on hope, patience and determination, we find a wide door open to per- manent health, wealth, honor and happiness. One who grumbles and complains and whines and mur- murs because others are successful will never have fair Fortune's smile ; the unseen powers cannot and will not help any soul who whines, complains and murmurs in a world that is filled with health, wealth and happiness. The grumbler and corn- plainer is never loved ; no one desires to help such a being. Indeed, the world has no use for such persons, as they are repulsive. Their natures are poisoned with pessimism and they repel and drive from them constantly millions of good things. The Devas (angels) can and do help the bright and cheerful ones who are full of hope, and aspire to great and good things; while the lazy, indolent and whining beings are surrounded by low and de- grading forces, which keep them always from everything that is good in this world of good things. There is a cause for every effect. There is a reason why some men and women are successful, and a reason why others are sick and worried and poverty-stricken, miserable and unhappy. Xo one can reach success or happiness until he 10 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. or she first calmly, yet with grim determination, says : I WILL BE WHAT I WILL TO BE. MY LIFE MUST BE ONE OF SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS. MY MISTAKES AND ERRORS WILL NOT DISCOURAGE ME; BUT I WILL PROFIT BY THEM AND MAKE THEM SERVE As STEPPING STONES TO TRUTH AND SUCCESS. It is always wise to calmly reflect upon the past ; but very unwise and exceedingly foolish and weak- ening to brood or worry about the missteps we have taken. No matter what happens to you keep a cheerful and hopeful mind and you will eventually succeed beyond all your fondest expectations. Health, success and happiness is always abundantly measured out by the higher and unseen powers to those who are persistently patient, hopeful and courageous. No matter what one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac you are born under, you can develop into a good and successful person if you will pay strict attention to the golden truths printed in this book. Scarcely one person of the large and growing hu- man family pay enough attention to questions bear- ing upon individual happiness, prosperity, har- mony and health. This book should be read many times and carefully studied because it contains vital truths respecting our well-being. It suggests THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. H to an open and aspiring mind the TEEMENDOUS POWEB OF THE WILL, which, if intelligently exer- cised, can do wonders. Anyone, with a little mental effort, can train and develop the will just as easy as we can train and develop the muscles by persistent physical exercise. "The moment we fully and vitally realize who and what we are, we then begin to build our own world even as God builds His." As long as one thinks he is weak; that he is a poor worm of the dust ; that he has no chance ; that his fate is to be whirled hither and thither by forces over which he has no control, just that long he will be at the mercy of such forces. But, I tell you, everyone can control these forces and powers and can accomplish grand results the very moment he cleanses his mind of fear and doubt about his ability to succeed. As A MAN THINKS So HE WILL BE. Continually think disease and you will continually be weak and sick; continually think poverty and you will continually be poverty- stricken. These are truths, absolute truths. We must strenuously strive to be SOUND, HELP- FUL and SENSIBLE ; we must be strong, self-reliant, self-supporting and not dependent. Servile de- pendence in money Inatters is no longer deemed honorable. Poverty cannot bring happiness. To 12 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. abolish poverty we must work with faith and hope, and banish once and for all time any and all fears of failure, worry about the past, or apprehension about the future. We must live intensely in the present, let go the past, and the future will take care of itself. WE ABE ALL MASTERS OF OUR OWN FATE. FOOLS BELIEVE IN LUCK AND CHANCE. Each one occupies a good place in the Universal Zodiac, and all our sufferings are due entirely to a lack of knowledge and wisdom. Now, my sole aim in writing this book, is to wake people up out of the delusions in which they live. I tell you all, you are greater beings than you imagine you are ; that your dormant or latent powers and forces are great and wonderful; that YOU and YOU alone limit yourself and suffer because you will not rouse your- self to the grand truths which wise and good men have taught for thousands of years, namely, that you are all the children of ONE great loving Father, who is ever trying to point you the way to Eternal happiness through the YOGIS, ADEPTS AND MASTERS who are the mediums through whom God the Blessed Father works to help His children. There is a good time coming for all of us, and we can hasten that time by a little thought. Blessed be all the Yogis, Sankaras, Vidyaranya, THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 13 and King Sudhcwiva, and blessed be all the readers of my books, and may joy, peace, health, prosperity and happiness come to all beings on this planet BHAKTI SEVA, MYSTIC No. 10, 22 North William Street, New York City. THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. V5 All persons born from December 21 to Janua,ry 19, inclusive, were born under the sign of Capricorn. This is the last sign of the Earth Triplicity, and is the dark or mysterious sign of the earth. It will be well for you to study, read much, and do a lot of thinking. Many professional men and women come out of this sign, especially orators, lecturers and teachers. Education and knowledge of all kinds will be very beneficial for you. Work hard at one thing at a time, and don't try to accomplish too many things in a given time. Act as you think best, and don't permit anyone to run your affairs. By attending strictly to your own business, and not meddling or interfering with the affairs of others, you will become very successful. At times you are liable to become blue and depressed. Keally there is no cause for any Capricorn person to ever feel dejected or disheartened, as every thing- good in the Universe is attracted to this sign. By being kind, gentle, noble and generous fou will THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY.* 15 become very magnetic and charming and people will love yon, especially those of the opposite sex. You also have wonderful hypnotic powers which can be brought to a very high degree of develop- ment by always being patient and never allowing yourself to become angry or to feel envious or jealous of others. Both your magnetic and hypnotic powers will lead you to wealth and suc- cess. Be careful of your money, and don't try to help others too much. Always keep well informed of the progress of the world and keep your mind open, broad and tolerant, respect- ing the opinion of others even if you don't believe in them. Always put your whole heart, soul and energy into everything you under- take, no matter if the undertaking is a small one. I know your nature is to do large and great things, and that is all right ; but ever remember if you do the smallest thing in the world successfully it will put you in a position to do something better and greater. All Capricorn people ought to have a good business education, and should ever strive to acquire and save money. I don't mean to be stingy, mean or penurious about money matters, because no one in this great and wonderful age will be much of a success who is not liberal and broad-minded with respect to money matters. The IQ THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. women of this sign are very sensible, practical and lovable ; they make excellent wives, managers of homes and housekeepers of large institutions. Music to you is very beneficial. Some excellent singers, musicians, actors and actresses come out of this sign. Enjoy yourself all you can in a ra- tional and sensible way, such as attending social gatherings, entertainments, concerts, lectures and public meetings. Be moderate and temperate in all you do, and your success and happiness is as- sured. Never doubt your ability to amass money in any line of work which you really love; it is foolish for you to engage in work that is utterly distasteful to you, and in which you cannot will- ingly put your whole heart, head and soul. Ever remember that while wealth is a great thing to have there are other equally as great things for you to acquire, viz., perfect health, and a thorough cul- tivation of your mind and higher nature. Don't be proud, arrogant or dictatorial ; remember we are all of one family and that we are all God's chil- dren. It is difficult to get Capricorn people to give much time to the cultivation of the spiritual side of their natures; yet, when once aroused in this respect they often become enthusiastic and earnest workers in religious causes. Right here I desire to state that it will be well for you to re- THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 17 member that without any exception every great and true man and woman in all history was a lover of God and obeyed the Divine Law. You may question this, but look into the matter fairly, deeply and honestly and you will find my statement is the absolute truth. Avoid being skeptical or pes- simistic ; don't talk too much, but be a good lis- tener. You can become a very good and useful citizen by holding in your mind high and noble thoughts, and keeping well balanced. When a Capricorn person can fully control their mind so that he or she will not be angry, and free from worry or anxiety, there is no telling how wonderful they will become in their achievements. By often silently thinking and meditating on life and its meaning- and the beautiful and higher things in life you will draw to you the Life forces of the Universe arid all the good planetary and solar forces of your sign which will bring you to the greatest success and complete and perfect happiness. A study of occult science, philosophy and metaphysical works would be of untold advantage to you. Many of the greatest men and women in the world were born in your sign. This planet's attraction for you is very strong, and you must be very careful to control all your appetites, passions and desires with an iron will, which you possess and can use. lg THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. if you see fit to do so. There is scarcely any limit to your powers if you only will exercise your won- derful will intelligently. A happy marriage is es- sential to the success and happiness of Capricorn people of both sexes. In India the Yogic astrol- ogers say to you people, get married and follow the Divine command by raising a family of children. We also are very strict in our advice to Capricorn people, that they must love their fellowmen and do unto all as they would be done by. The Golden Rule has been practised in India for thousands of years before the Christian Era. Your sign is gov- erned by Saturn, and you are continually sur- rounded by planetary forces and solar fluids which can help you. Now, dear friend, be guided by what I say, as I love you dearly and wish to see you make your life a grand success. You can read every word in this book many times to great ad- vantage. A Capricorn person is very foolish to ever doubt his or her ability to succeed. This sign is governed by Saturn, and the gems are white onyx and moonstone. The astral colors are garnet, brown, silver-gray and black. The diseases that you are most likely to suffer from are indigestion and melancholia. You are also given to over-work, because of your determina- tion to succeed in whatever you undertake. THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 19 Your best companions are those born in Taurus, Yirgo and Libra, also those born in your own sign People born in this sign are usually short of stat- ure, and sometimes have dark complexions and hair, with remarkably expressive eyes. May the peace and blessings of the Blessed' One and all the Devas (angels) and all Yogis of the Universe be ever with you, dear sister or brother of Capricorn. Bhakti Seva. CUSPS. If your first breath was drawn when one sign was taking the place of another, you will partake of the characteristics of both signs. Hence you belong to the Cusp. The residence in a sign con- sists of six days ; any time less endows one with some of the qualities of the preceding sign. THE CUSP OF SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN. December 21 to 27. These Cuspers are, as a rule, happier than those born in the sign Capricorn. The social and intel- lectual ambition of Capricorn is modified by the 20 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. democratic attributes of Sagittarius. The natives of this cusp are among the greatest thinkers of the world. They are natural teachers of the young, and are much fonder of children than the average Capricorner. The successful training of musical talent is easily developed by the response of earth to fire, and the companionable influence of Jupi- ter. People born in this cusp are just and kindly are great observers and fine critics. They do not fall in love easily, and when they marry it is be- cause of affection. They are exact, methodical and efficient in all they undertake. They are good dancers, good linguists, and the best of traveling companions. THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. All persons born from January 20 to February 18, inclusive, were born under the sign of Aquarius, This is the last sign of the Air Triplicity, and people born under it will do well to give the strict- est heed and attention to what I say here. Your strength and power lies wholly within your own hands, and it is very important that you so think and live as to bring out your great possibilities. You must not rely on your friends for help, but must be thoroughly self-reliant, self-supporting and independent But you should rely on and pay great attention to the teachings and writings of good and great men and women, who are striving to help mankind. You have days of great happi- ness and days of great misery, and you must learn how to avoid these blue spells and have all of your days bright and happy. This can be done by your understanding once and for all time that you are possessed of unusual powers and abilities; but, if you are lazy and blue you cannot use these powers. Wake up, then, and by your will throw off all 22 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. doubts of your ability to make a grand success of life. When you do this then will come to you great health and wealth, and your rare and natural tal- ents will be amply rewarded. You have wonder- ful magnetic and hypnotic powers, which you can develop to a very high degree by keeping quiet and calm and free from all worry. As a matter of fact your planetary and solar forces will carry you through any and all sickness or trouble if you will only remain quiet and give them a chance to work. But the very moment you begin to doubt, fret or worry about any good thing coming to you these forces cannot work. Work, and lots of it, is what you require, and you will not amount to a great deal until you keep fully occupied in some line of work which you have a taste or inclination for. You must not be proud or vain, or think too much of yourself. If ycu do you will not be as charming as you could by being quiet and modest. Persons born in your sign have no reason whatever to idly sit about deploring their misfortunes or inability to succeed, for, I tell you, positively, you can succeed far beyond your fondest expectations, if you will go about it as directed here and elsewhere in this book. Head this book carefully and thoughtfully many times when yow are calm and quiet ; its teachings can direct you to THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 23 all you desire. People of your sign who worry and fret and become discouraged surround themselves with the repelling forces of the Universe, which will cause their friends and acquaintances to dis- like them; indeed, they drive people from them who could be of great assistance, when in moody or blue fits. Don't live in the senses too much. Re- member you are not here to eat, drink and be merry all the time. Realize that you have duties to per- form ; that God intends each one of His children to do certain work, reap the reward and be cheerful and happy. Don't be afraid or timid or half- hearted in your undertakings, whether it is in amassing money, making love or acquiring knowl- edge. Whatever you attempt to do or desire to be- come will be accomplished, providing you have full faith in your ability to succeed. You ought to read a great deal of newspapers, magazines and books. Reading the lives of successful men and women will help you wonderfully. Don't care what people think or say about your actions. Be good and honest and do the very best you can without fear of criticism or without caring what your friends will think about it. Forge ahead, with strong will, and grim determination to succeed, and your suc- cess will be assured. Don't talk at all with your friends about the great things you intend doing; ^4 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. keep a closed mouth and quietly and intently go about doing your work or carrying out your plans, and then you will succeed. All this advice will apply to social achievements, business success or love affairs, and is written for both sexes. You can succeed in anything you undertake when once you understand or realize that you must have no fears or doubts about your ability to succeed. Always be careful to think alone over a project, an under- taking or selection of a calling, and after cool and careful thought, if you arrive at a conclusion just what you want to do, go about it, without consult- ing anyone, fully determined you will succeed. Economy and strict application to business is the foundation of all wealth. Pay as you go and keep out of debt. Debt weakens and makes an arrant coward of one born in your sign. Attention to re- ligion and philosoplgrwill be very beneficial to you. Try to feel and realize that there is a Great and Good God back of everything you see; that this world, this Universe, You, did not happen by chance. When aroused to Spiritual or Divine truths the. Aquarius people are marvelous beings. In India, the Yogis, who are the most wonderful people in the world, give their whole lives to wor- ship and the service of God ; they are mighty work- ers and do a great amount of good. We say to you THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 25 of the Aquarius sign have faith and hope, be cheer- ful and happy, and then the good forces, which are the unseen powers, will all work for your good. The Devas (angels), of which there are countless numbers, will begin to help you just as soon as you have a sincere desire to be a good or great person. Understand, your great help can come from your- self, and when you arouse your will and spirit these unseen forces and powers will be at hand to guide and help you. Either sex of this sign ought to make a happy marriage and surround their home with c By knowing and correcting our faults we be- come great. Strenuously strive to go onward, for- ward and upward ; be progressive ; don't lag at the tail end of the procession, but be at the head. Cast out of your mind forever all fear, doubt, lack of hope, and thoughts of failure, and your life will be bright and happy. This sign is governed by Saturn and Uranus; the gems are sapphire, opal and turquoise ; and the astral colors are blue, pink and Nile green. The diseases that you are most likely to suffer from are rheumatism, pains in the head and feet, brain difficulties, low circulation, loss of vital heat, nervous diseases and gloomy forebodings. Your best companions are those born in Aries, 26 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. Sagittarius and Aquarius, and sometimes you would work harmoniously with Libra people. People born in this sign are usually tall, digni- fied, healthy, robust, and have clear complexions. May the peace and blessings of the Blessed One, and all the Devas (angels), and all the Yogis of the Universe be ever with you, dear sister or brother of Aquarius. Bhakti Seva. CUSPS. If your first breath was drawn when one sign was taking the place of another, you will partake of the characteristics of both signs. Hence you belong to the Cusp. The residence in a sign con- sists of six days, any time less endows one with some of the qualities of the preceding sign. THE CUSP OF CAPRICORN AQUARIUS. This is the union of two negative signs the last sign of the air, the last sign of the earth. From a business point this is said to be the chief cusp for both men and women. The men are cool in their performances and calculations, and are in- genious and are unusually exact. The women have THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 27 a natural gift for business. They can run most any kind of an establishment with ease and success. The pronounced ideas concerning economy insure people born in this cusp plenty of this world's goods. They are original in their ideas and some- times exceedingly stubborn. They are spasmodic- ally generous, giving where other people do not give, and withholding where others give. They enjoy philanthropic work, but are liable to tire of it if it interferes with their business. THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. s All persons born from February 19 to March 20, inclusive, were born under the sign of Pisces. Pisces people are born in the last sign of the Water Triplicity, and have a deep, hidden love na- ture ; they are naturally noble, generous and help- ful. In India the Astrologers give much atten- tion to Pisces people and I intend here to give you words of advice, which, if heeded and followed, will lead you into the very highest realms of hap- piness. First you must understand that your realm is the kingdom of the soul; that you must ever strive to live a clean, pure life, be kind, gentle and loving to all beings, especially animals. The world always needs loving people, and it al- ways amply rewards them with all the good things of the world. You can help others ;tnd by doing so will help yourself. The most successful men and women in this world are those who are charming, magnetic and hypnotic, and the only way to get these wonderful THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 29 powers in their highest degree is for you to always think well of everyone, to wish everyone in the world success and happiness and never in the slightest way have any feelings of anger, jealousy or envy. The very best of us at times are apt to have these bad thoughts enter our minds, but with patience and practice we can learn to throw such bad and weakening thoughts out of the mind and put in their place higher and better thoughts. Now, this is what you must ever strive to do, and then you will attract powers and forces which will make every being dearly love you, especially the oppo- site sex. The world will never love or serve a low-minded man or woman. You must always fi spire to be great and good, and distinctly under- stand that if you are good, honest, just and true, you will do a great amount of good in the world and reap the richest awards. By letting your higher or best nature dominate your lower nature you will draw to you anything you desire. Great health, prosperity and happiness is yours if you will only DC true to yourself. Many fine musicians, artists, art critics, poets, writers and lecturers come out of this sign. Pisces people also naturally have good judgment and discriminating powers, which place them in high positions of trust and responsi- bility, and we find among them, private secretaries, 3f) THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. stenographers, bookkeepers, cashiers and treasur- ers. Always avoid anything that is low, vulgar, coarse or common. Spend a great deal of your time in reading poetry, history, biography and other good and elevating literature. Listening to much music will be very beneficial to your health and also in developing latent forces within you. I would also advise you to give time to outdoor ex- ercise, especially in the fields and woods, where you can observe nature. Associate all you can with quiet, calm and thoughtful persons, and be alone with good thoughts some time each day. If you have a tendency to talk about yourself, stop it ; no one loves an egotist. At times you may feel that all the world is against you, but I say positively that this is bad thinking and is not true ; for, as a general thing, all the world loves a Pisces person, especially when they have cultivated the higher nature. You are really a very powerful person, and you can increase your force and powers by al- ways being patient, calm and cheerful. God has endowed you with great natural gifts, and you must realize this fact, and then you will be very successful and very happy. Be broad, liberal and tolerant, and never think falsely, such as, for in- stance, that any one religion is the only true one. God, in His great wisdom, manifests Himself in THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 31 many ways and through many religions and many sects. Therefore, I say, with divine knowledge and wisdom, that all religions are good for man. This is the age of tolerance and liberality. Dog- mas and Creeds keep one in bondage. Fretting, worrying, anxiety and impatience are your faults at times, and if you want health, wealth and happiness, it will be necessary for you to stop this sort of thing at once, and for all time. Mor- bid and gloomy feelings will only keep you down and cause untold suffering and agony of mind. If you are inclined to be blue, dejected or depressed, go off in a quiet spot all alone, and silently and earnestly pray to God for Light, Love and Direc- tion, and your prayers will be immediately an- swered immediate relief will come to you. Peo- ple of your sign reach their highest achievement and greatest happiness when they learn to place all their trust and hope in the Blessed One God Good. He is the All in All and A1J Love, and is always ready to help us if we will only give Him a chance to do so. Don't be obstinate or stubborn or unreasonable, ns this attitude of mind will make you suffer from painful nervousness, melancholy and despondency. The Pisces people must be very careful to not al- low their minds to dwell on one thing too much, 32 THE HINDU BOOK OP ASTROLOGY. and therefore ought to have diversified employ- ments. Another thing, you must curb all foolish emotions and learn to attend strictly to your own affairs, and never, in any way, meddle or interfere with the business of others. Pisces people of both sexes ought to get married and have children. A pleasant, harmonious home of their own is very es- sential to their happiness. In amassing wealth you can do it easily if you will be quiet, patient and calm about it ; but if you hurry and worry about money, you are apt to be poor invite poverty. You must learn to become calm, quiet, tranquil, restful and reposeful before the great and wonderful unseen planetary and solar forces can help you. I have surely pointed the way for your success, and I sincerely hope you will be guided by my words. This sign is governed by Jupiter and Neptune. The gems are chrysolite, pink shell and moonstone. The astral colors are white, pink, emerald-green and black. The diseases that you are most likely to suffer from are pains in the head, feet and back, and weakness of the digestive organs, and you are lia- ble to have periods of despondency. Your best companions are those born in Virgo and Capricorn, THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 33 People born in this sign are usually full-faced, with placid, sleepy eyes, and are inclined to be round-shouldered. May the peace and blessings of the Blessed One, and all the Devas (angels) and all the Yogis of the Universe be ever with you, dear sister or brother of Pisces. Bhakti Seva. CUSPS. If your first breath was drawn when one sign was taking the place of another, you will partake of the characteristics of both signs. Hence you belong to the Cusp. The residence in a sign con- sists of six days, any time less endows one with some of the qualities of the preceding sign. THE CUSP OF AQUAEIUS PISCES. February 19 to 25. The natives of this cusp are honorable in their business relations, and endeavor to carry this prin- ciple of truth and justice in everything they do, but they have very little conscience about social engagements. They are liable to be peculiar. They 34 THE HINDU BOOK OP ASTROLOGY. wish to oblige everybody, and so they promise and forget, or promise and ignore. They enjoy to be j astefully dressed, and are great lovers of a com- J oination of colors in their dress. They are fond of talking of their own achievements, but are not liable to tell of their failures, sicknesses or troubles. When happily married, they are the most joyous people on earth. There are also a few gay Lothar- ios and heartless coquettes in this cusp. They have the best disposition of any of the twelve cusps, and they seldom if ever lose their good tem- per. THE HINDU BOOK OP ASTROLOGY. 35 AU persons born from March 21 to April 19, in- clusive, were born under the sign of Aries. This is the head of the Fire Triplieity, and is a most favorable sign to be born under. Your suc- cess in everything depends upon tremendous push, energy and systematic effort. You must be stub- bornly persistent in carrying your projects to a suc- cessful end. Men and women of the Aries sign, when they do not fear opposition and are sincerely honest and earnest, become great leaders. The planetary and solar forces which surround you can be of greater help when you are kind, gentle, noble, generous, agreeable and affable. At such times you are very fascinating, charming and exceed- ingly magnetic and hypnotic. Any man or woman who has magnetism is a grand success in every- thing. Education, culture and lots of reading will make you a brilliant and charming conversation- alist. Knowledge and wisdom are of great impor- tance to you, and you can acquire the same without 3(J THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. much difficulty; if you will set your mind with grim determination that you must have knowledge, powers and forces which are yours by birth will help you. We Yogis positively know that the Devas (angels) will help all Aries people who have faith in themselves, and are hopeful, cheerful and courageous. There are no powers in the Universe that can help in the slightest degree anyone who whines, murmurs, complains and broods over trou- bles or obstacles. There is a way out of every trouble, and the calm, quiet, patient being soon dis- covers that way and is helped by unseen powers. When the higher or spiritual side of the Aries nature is cultivated, it makes a wonderfully strong character, with extraordinary psychic powers for banishing all ill, sorrows and troubles. You can acquire clairvoyant powers when you can learn to diligently apply yourself to trying to improve your mind and body by thought and study. It is very important that you think highly and live simply. Only do one thing at a time and learn to con- centrate and apply your mind to that one thing alone and not scatter and throw away your force on a number of undertakings. Steady application is absolutely necessary in amassing wealth and having perfect health and happiness. It will be of advantage to you to study THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 37 occult science and metaphysics. Many such works are published, and if you have a strong desire to know about these subjects you will find a way of laying your hands on the right works at the right time. Always remember you can make a grand success in anything you undertake if you so be- lieve at the commencement of the undertaking and persistently hold to that thought until the end. Aries people of a true religious nature, who per- sistently and silently pray to God for help, light and direction, invariably have their prayers an- swered. And now a few words of caution about envy and jealousy. Often Aries people have envious and jealous thoughts, which retard their progress and dwarf their nature. To counteract this bad and injurious state of mind learn to give forth thoughts of love and kindness to all your fellow beings, and especially learn to love your enemies and those who are more successful than you are. In love affairs you will be a dire failure if you are the least bit jealous. No one can really love or admire any- one tainted the least bit with jealousy. Love is always driven away by jealousy. Moreover, there can be no happiness where there is jealousy. In business matters, envy of others 7 success is disas- trous to one's own success. It should delight you 38 THB HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. beyond all measure to see everyone succeed, and you should never gloat over the failure of anyone who is competing with you. A great man or woman is always above all envy or all jealousy. Selfishness, anger, intense greed and impatience can also block your way to success. You must always strive to be large and broadminded, liberal, tolerant and not bigoted. These are the men and women of the world who succeed the broad- minded people. Now I tell you emphatically that any Aries person who will be guided by my ad- vice, as given here, can without a question of doubt become perfectly healthy, vigorous and powerful, lovable and charming, and wealthy and happy. Associate all you can with good, wise, educated and successful people, and in conversation do little talk- ing yourself, but a great deal of observation and thinking. This is a rule observed by all who de- sire to become wise and great Life and its proper conduct is the greatest problem man has to solve, and we must silently and alone give much thought to it. When you have a very important matter to decide, take plenty of time in arriving at a deci- sion; you should always be in a quiet and calm state of mind in settling important matters. Anger, haste and excitement have caused much failure, much sadness and much sorrow in this world. THE HINDU BOOK OP ASTROLOGY. 39 A happy marriage is a good thing for Aries peo- 1 pie of both sexes, and in the selection of a life part- ner don't be in too great a hurry. If you are married, then continually study and plan to make your home a bright and happy one. If there is not harmony, peace and happiness in your home, the chances are that it is your fault, as Aries people often cause unhappiness by their anger, selfishness and jealousy. This sign is governed by Mars and Neptune ; the gems are amethyst-Brazilian and diamond. The astral colors are white and rose pink. The diseases that you are most likely to suffer from are headache, affections of the eyes, stomach troubles and paralysis. Your best companions are those born in Sagit- tarius and your own sign. There are really two distinct types of Aries peo- ple ; one type is tall, spare, with oval face, swarthy complexion and large shoulders; the other type is short of stature. May the peace and blessing of the Blessed One, and all the Devas (angels) and all the Yogis of the Universe be ever with you, dear sister or brother of Aries. BhaJcti Seva. 40 THE HINDU BOOK OP ASTROLOGY. CUSPS. If your first breath was drawn when one sign was taking the place of another, you will partake of the characteristics of both signs. Hence you be- long to the Cusp. The residence in a sign consists of six days, any time less endows one with some of the qualities of the preceding sign. THE CUSP OF PISCES ARIES. March 21 to 27. \ This cusp is a union of the feet intellect head, which insures remarkable brain power and capac- ity to carry business projects of all kinds to suc- cessful conclusions. They have remarkable en- thusiasm and kindliness, which makes them charm- ing friends and companions. Their loyalty is as steadfast as the day is long. They depend upon their intuition, which is remarkable, and their in- tuition never fails them. The women are unusu- ally fond of men's society and enjoy having a large number of strings to their bow, and do not care to forfeit this pleasure for marriage. The men are more given to marriage than the women, but they have a way of calculating conditions and look be- THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 4^ fore they leap. The genius of this cusp is absolute cleanliness, inside and out. They have warm hearts and cool passions, and are called the con- solers of the world. 42 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. All persons born from April 20 to May 19, inclu- sive, were born under the sign of Taurus. This is the head sign of the Earth Triplicity, and the Taurus people naturally living in the realm of their sensations and emotions, must give great heed to doing certain things, or else they will suffer much. In the first place, you must control your appetites and passions. I know you are gen- erous and like to entertain your friends with good dinners, but don't do too much of it, as you often place them in an embarrassing position, as they are not able to always return your kind and gen- erous favors. Taurus people can amass great for- tunes, if they are true to their higher nature, which is to be large-minded, broad and liberal in all they do. It is easier for you to make money than it is to save it. I would advise you to get into the habit of saving a little money regularly for a rainy day; although the true developed Taurus person will see few if any "Kainy Days." You are naturally THE HINDU BOOK OP ASTROLOGY. 4.3 strong intellectually, and ought to cultivate your mind by wide and extensive reading. Some great writers, public speakers, preachers and lecturers come out of your sign. It does not make much difference what profession or line of work you choose, you will be very successful in it, provided you will put all of your mind, heart and soul into it. In other words, your success depends upon being earnestly enthusiastic over anything you have under way. You are a natural born leader, and must not allow others to dictate to you what to do. Don't be proud, vain or arrogant, or even dictatorial, but go along quietly, carrying out what- ever plans you may have in hand, and which Leem right to you, without permitting anyone to influence your course of procedure. Your inner self the true man will decide better what to do than anyone else can. In love matters, social at- tainments and leadership, you will excel, provid- ing you will be guided by what I write here. Practice silence and patience, and don't think or talk much about what a great person you are. Kealize quietly that you are great, but avoid being egotistical, and then you will be very charming, fascinating, magnetic and hypnotic, drawing to yourself all the good things of the Universe. At all times you must have self-control, and under- 44 THE HINDU BOOK OP ASTROLOGY. stand if you cannot control yourself, you cannot help or control others, and what is best of all, con- trol and use to your great advantage the good and wonderful planetary forces and solar fluids, which surround all Taurus people. Mildness, gentleness and consideration for others whom you feel are inferior to yourself, will make you a wonderful man or woman. Women of this sign must not be overbearing and dictatorial, but gentle, mild and calm, and then they will wield a tremendous force. Anyone who has not self-control is not reliable, and does not inspire confidence or respect. Taurus people, as a rule, have a natural tendency to eat and drink too much, and by not curbing their appetites, bring on disease, depression, mor- bid and melancholy feelings the blues. When- ever you feel blue or dejected, fast for a day or stop eating and drinking so much, keep cool and quiet, and you will soon recover your spirits and be bright and cheerful. Always look upon the opposite sex with pure minds, for overwhelming disaster now and then comes to the Taurus person who is not pure in mind with respect to the opposite sex. Your great force and power is in making your higher nature rule and dominate your lower nature your brutal instincts. When in a passion Taurus (the Bull) THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 45 people often rip and tear about with the madness of an infuriated bull. You should always be on your guard to not let your angry passions rise and make you ridiculous to all who see you perform. Anger is very weakening, and always destroys charm of character. No one can love one who gets angry spells. One of the worst faults of the Tau- rus sign is anger. Many a person can trace mis- fortune, sickness and even failure to a spell of anger. Madness and anger are the signs of an un- balanced mind ; indeed, it is often the sign or fore- runner of insanity. Don't be too exacting, arbi- trary or domineering, and understand others have rights which must be respected. Naturally, no matter how careful you may be to avoid it, you will have your own way, especially when your way is the right and true way. Taurus men must not be harsh or cruel to their wives, but kind and loving. If you are a married man, and disobey this command of the Yogis, you will suffer greatly. Woman is the grandest and best being in the world ; she is not the weaker ves- ^ sel, but is by all odds the finest organization in the universe. In India woman stands at the head of creation. Many Hindus worship God as Mother of mankind not Father. Woman should com- mand our highest love and highest respect. 46 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. All Taurus people will find much happiness in marriage, especially if the marriage is blessed with children. Many a man in this sign has reached his highest success after marriage. In love affairs you can be very successful if you will exercise mildness, gentleness and patience. Now remember you can be mighty, great and good, happy and pros- perous only when you conquer your lower nature. ''The greatest of all conquests is the conquest of self." This sign is governed by Venus. The gems are moss agate and emerald. The astral colors are red and lemon yellow. The diseases which you are most likely to suffer from are heart troubles, dropsy, tumors and sometimes apoplexy and brain disorders. Your best companions are those born under Capricorn and Libra. People born in this sign usually have full faces, wide noses and mouths, shining flesh inclined to reddishness and are generally powerfully built. May the peace and blessings of the Blessed One, and all the Devas (angels) and all the Yogis of the Universe be ever with you, dear sister or brother of Taurus. Bhakti Seva. THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 47 CUSPS. If your first breath was drawn when one sign was taking the place of another, you will partake of the characteristics of both signs. Hence, you be- long to the Cusp. The residence in a sign consists of six days ; any time less endows one with some of the qualities of the preceding sign. THE CUSP OF ARIES TAURUS. April 19 to 25. These natives have a wiry, tenacious nature, and show remarkable strength in all mental condi- tions. It is their nature to load their friends and neighbors with good things to wear and good things to eat. They are fond of the very best things, have good taste, and their beneficiaries are in luck. The impulse of the sex is strong, and they are apt, to make unhappy marriages. Their natural tend- encies are toward the very highest heights, but if the native of this sign decides to touch the bottom of dissipation and sensuality he will do so. They are called "The children of the four horns," on account of their invincible determination to win. The Ram is fearless and busy, the Bull is fearless and dominant. The natives of this cusp are liable 48 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. to think they know it all, and are given to inflict their advice upon their families and associates. Their capacity is unbounded and they are born rulers. THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. 4.9 'I persons born from May 20 to June 20, inclu- sive, were born under the sign of Gemini. This is the head sign of the Air Triplicity. -i imini people have a vivacious, restless and anx- uns nature. This is the sign of the Twins, and L ; born in it have two distinct and pronounced na- cres one very low and one very high. As they } apt to be extremists in everything they do, they ! --ially experience alternately the very highest i>cess and great failure are either very strong I healthy, or are weakly and sick. There is only :.3 thing for a Gemini person to do, and that is first realize his dual nature and then go to work ith a grim determination to kill the lower or base ure. It can be done, and when accomplished, the Gemini man or woman rises to the very high- est success and happiness. You will find you have two minds all the time in intense action ; one says do this and the other says do that. You want to travel and you want to stay at home ; you want to 50 THE HINDU BOOK OF ASTROLOGY. work like a demon, and you want to be as lazy and indolent as a drone. Always restless, always anx- ious and apprehensive, and yet at times very calm. This restless, nervous temperament is due to fear and doubt, and must be supplanted by courage t hope and faith. As a matter of fact, there is person who can do more and a thieve greater succ/ e than you can if you wil only understand ho* 1 , favorably you are born am your great and wond ful forces of the unseen which are alwuy ready to help you, if you v e these pov ers half a chance. You must ate and patient, and keep in a calm, condition, when great and good thing to you in abundance. In other wordb, i of your trust and confidence in the Great and God who made and rules ALL in this universe, know you are apt to doubt this truth, but stop I moment and be reasonable use your fine anc great mind. Look about you