Btama BY JAMES HARRY ^ENCE ^ulilication^ of tl)e SDunlaj) ^octetp. i^ttD ^enei^ |^o. 2. I^eto^forfi, 1896. This is one of an edition of two hundred and fifty copies printed for the Dunlap Society in the month of December, 1896. . (3c.(^^^^ THE MAGAZINE AND THE DRAMA THE MAGAZINE AND THE DRAMA COMPILED BY JAMES HARRY PENCE "happy shall I BE TO GIVE YOU THE INFOR- MATION YOU DESIRE, IF YOU WILL USE YOUR KNOWLEDGE IN SOME USEFUL WAY." THE CHANCE UTTERANCE OF A FRIEND. NEW-YORK THE DUNLAP SOCIETY 1896 Copyright, 1897, by James Harry Pence I hate explatiations. To me the crudest pencil-sketch means more than volumes of discussion, and I should like to feel assured that the following pages need ?io long com- mentary to make clear their excuse for existence. In them I have tried to give a convenient guide to the mass of lit- erature the tnagazines have published concerning the acted drama and the men and women directly connected with it. Like the city directory, this guide gives no in- formation in the concrete, but tells how arid where that information may be found, — also, by whom it is given, and, in many cases, when it was issued. Such, in the main, is the scope of the present publication. There are, however, a few features of the work that justify particular notice, as, for instance, the arrange- ment of matter according to writers as well as subjects. In this age, when the names of writers often count for nearly as 7?iuch as what is written, circumstances can easily be conceived in which it may be of value to kfiow what, on this subject, any particular writer, actor, or manager has said. This system also discloses the fact that many good men have had a good word to say for the drama. It has beefi necessaty to limit the scope thus outlined to articles on the acted drama/ that is, that portion of the y JViSiagGS drama that has or has had a stage history. Magazine farces and stories in which the scenes or characters are theatrical but fictional, excellent as these may be, do not come within the limit, nor do the bright, interesting '■'■ Drajnatic Departments" of the minor magazines and daily and weekly papers. Dealing, as the present work does, with a special topic, it has been possible to divide the individual subjects more mifiutely and exactly than could be done in a gene- ral index, yet I should be ungrateful and insincere Jiot to acknoivledge ??iy indebtedness to — / am almost willing to say dependence upon — the '■'■Poole " and the " Fletcher " Indexes to Periodical Literature, one of the most valuable series of books this century has produced. It is with pleasure that I acknowledge the courtesy of the late Dr. Poole' s family , of Mr. William I. Fletcher, of Messrs. Hotighton, Mifflin b' Co., and of Mr. R. R. Bowker, in consenting to the adoption in this work of the lines afid methods pursued in '^'^ Poole'' s Index.'' Cinrinnaii, December, 1896. ^Hftbrebiation^, Ag August. Ap April. D December. F February. Ja yaniiary. Je yune. Ji July- My May. Mr March. N November. n. s A^isw Series. O October. S September. Same art. . . . Same Article. Acad Academy London. , „ , . , ) Syracuse, N. Y. . A^^^-(Syr.) ^^'^^^'y 5 g,,^,„^ All the Year All the Year Round London. Amer American Philadelphia. Am. Bibliop American Bibliopolist New York. Am. J. ^^^_^^,S Anterican Journal of Socinn^^ y^^^ I Science S Am. Natural American Naturalist Philadelphia. Amer. Q American Quarterly Review. .Philadelphia. Am. Whig R American Whig Review New York. Anal. M Analectic Magazine Philadelphia. And. R Andover Review Boston. Ann. Register Annual Register. London. Antiq Antiquary London. Appleton Appleton's youmal New York. Arena Arena Boston. Argosy Argosy London. 5llt»brcbiatton^» Art. J Art Journal London. Ath Atheneum London. Allan Atlantic Monthly Boston. Author Author Boston. Bay State Mo. . . .Bay State Monthly Boston. Belgra Belgravia London. Bentley Bentleys Miscellany London. Bibliog Bibliographer London. Blackw Blackwood's Magazine Edinburgh. Brit. Quar. R British Quarterly Review London. Broadw Broadway New York. California Illustrated Maga- ) San Francisco and Cal. Ill , . I A. 17 A { ztne S New York Canad. M Canadian Magazine Toronto. Canad. Mo Canadian Monthly Toronto. Cath. World Catholic World New York. Cent Century Magazine New York. Cent. o. s Scribner's Monthly New York. Chamb. J Chambers' Journal Edinburgh. Chap-Book Chap-Book Chicago. Chaut Chautauqnan New York. _, p ^Church Review, formerly {New Haven and New \ American Church Review. S York. Colburn Colburn s Magazine London. Contemp Contemporary Review London. Contin. Mo Continental Monthly New York. Cornh Comhill Magazine London. Cosmopolis Cosmopolis London. Cosmop ... Cosmopolitan Nezu York. Critic Critic New York. Dark Blue Dark Blue London. Dem. R Detnocratic Review New York. Dial (Ch.) Dial. Chicago. Dr. Mirror Dramatic Mirror New York. Dub. R Dublin Review London. Dub. Univ Dublin University Magazine. .Dublin and London. Eel. M Eclectic Magazine New York, Ed. R Edinburgh Review Edinburgh. Educa Education Boston. English Dom. M, English Domestic Magazine . .Lotulon. 3lltJbrcbiation^. xi Eng. Illust English Illustrated Magazine. London. Evang. R Evangelical Review Gettysburg, Pa. Ev. Sat Every Saturday London. For. Quar. R Foreign Quarterly Review London. For. R Foreign Review London. Fortn Fortnightly Review London. Forum Forum New York. -^ > , -r^ r S Foster s Monthly Reference ) -, . , Foster Mo. Ref. \ t ■ f ■' j v Providence. Fraser Eraser's Magazine London. Galaxy Galaxy New York. Gent. M Gentleman s Magazine London. Godey Godey's Magazine New York. Good Words Good Words London. Green Bag Greeti Bag Boston. Harper Harper's Magazine New York. Harper's W Harper's Weekly New York. Harv. Mo Harvard Monthly Cambridge, Afass. Harv. Grad. Mo.. Harvard Graduates' Monthly .Cambridge, Mass. Hogg Hogg's Instructor. London. House. Words. . .Household Words London. Howitt Howitt's Journal London. Internal. R International Review New York. Illust Illustrator Atlanta. Irish Mo Irish Monthly Dublin. ^ ^ , , i Journal of the Franklin In- ) J. Frank. Inst, j -^ ^^.^^^^ f Philadelphia. T «; PKi i Jounuil of Speculative Phil- \ St. Louis, afterward ' \ osophy ^ New York. Knick Knickerbocker Magazine New York. Knowl Knowledge London. L. H.J Ladies' Home Journal Philadelphia. Lakeside Lakeside Motithly Chicago. Leis. Hour Leisure Hour London. T ,, i Frank Leslie's Popular} ,, „ , ^^^•^° \ Monthly^ ' \NewYork. Lippinc Lippincott's Magazine Philadelphia. Lit.World(Bost.).Z.«V^r3r)' World Boston. Liv. Age Littell 's Living Age Boston. Lon. M London Magazine London. xii ^Hftfirebiation^. Lond. Quart. R. .London Quarterly Review London. Lond. Soc London Society London. Longman Lo7igmans Magazine London. Looker On Looker On New York. Luth. Q Lutheran Quarterly Gettysburg. M. Am. Hist Afagazine of American History. New York. McClure McClure's Magazine New York. Macmil Macmillan s Magazine London. Ti,ti,r- >ir7.,^j- S Manchester, Eng- Manch. G Ma?uhester Guardian < , , ( land. Manhat Manhattan New York. Meth. R Methodist Quarterly Review . .New York. Metrop Metropolitan New York. Mod. R Modern Review London. Month Month London. Mo. Rel. M Monthly Religious Magazine. .Boston. Munsey Mimsey's Magazine New York. Murray Murray's Magazine London. C Museum of Foreign Lit era- ) „, ., , , , . M-^ \ ture,Litteirs. \ PA^l^elM^a. Nation Nation New York. National National Review London. Nat. Q National Quarterly Review. . .New York. New Bohemian . . New Bohemian Cincinnati. New Q New Quarterly Review London. New R New Review London. N. Eng. M New EnglaTid Magazine Boston. Nickell Nickell Magazine Boston. 19th Cent Nineteenth Century London. No. Am North American Review New York. No. Brit North British Review London. O. and N Old and New Boston. Once a Week. . . . Once a Week London. Overland' Overland Mottthly San Francisco, Cat. Pamph Pamphleteer Lxindon Penn Mo Penn Monthly Philadelphia. Peop. J People's Journal London. „ ( Peterson s Ladies' National ) „, ., , , , . Peterson < ,, . i Philadelphia. I Magazine > Phihstine Philistine East Aurora, N. Y. %hhtt)(iiatitm^. Poet Lore Poei Lore Boston. Pop. Sci. Mo Popular Science Monthly New York. Portf Portfolio London. Portf. (Den) Portfolio (Dennie's) Philadelphia. Potter Am. Mo. . .Potter's American Monthly . . .Philadelphia. Princ Princeton Review New York. Pub. Opin Public Opinion New York. Putnam Putnam's Monthly Magazine. New York. Quart Quarterly Review London. Radical Radical Boston. Retros Retrospective Review London. R. of Rs Review of Reviews New York. „ ,^. „ ( Royal Historical Society, } , Roy. Hist. Soc. < i , -^ \ London. London St. James' St. fames' Magazine London. St. Paul's St. Paul's Magazine Lofidon. Sat. R Saturday Review London. Scand Scatidinavia Chicago. Scrib Scribner's Alagazine New York. Select J Select yournal. Boston. Sem Seminary New York. Sharpe Sharpe's London Magazine . . .London. So. Lit. J Southern Literary Journal . . . Charleston. So. Lit. .Mess Southern Literary Messenger . .Richmond, Va. So. M Southern Magazine Baltimore. So. R Southern Review Cliarleston, S. C. Spec Spectator London. S Sunday Magazine London. Tait Tail's Edinburgh Magazine. .Edinburgh. Temp. Bar Temple Bar London. The Theatre London. Tinsley Tinsley's Magazine London. To-Day To-Day London. Unit. R Unitarian Review Boston. Univ. R Universalist Review Boston. Victoria Victoria Magazine London. Wes. J Western Literary Journal Cincinnati. Western Western ^ St. Louis. Westm Westminster London. Writer Writer Boston. Matter contained in the index is arranged according to writers as well as subjects, and the names of writers are inclosed within parentheses. Thus, articles about Joseph Jefferson may be found under heading Jefferson, Joseph ; articles by him under (Jef- ferson, Joseph.) Clie jWaga^tnc anu tl^e Brama* Abbott, Maggie Mitchell. See "Maggie Mitchell.'" (Abbott, Wm.) Gossip of a Player. Knick. 24: 266,359, 531 (S.,0. &D.'44); 25: 14,496 (Ja. & Je.'45); 26: no (Ag.'45)- (a Beckett, Arthur W. ) Gilbert a Becket as a Dramatist. The. n. s. 9 : 146. "Comedy of Errors" at Gray's Inn. The. n. s. 27: 31 (Ja.'96). Earnings of Playwrights and Players. The. n. s. 26 : 209 (0.'95). " Faded Flowers " : History of a Single-Act Play. The. n, s. 25: 204(Ap.'95). Green-Room Recollections of Fechter. The. n. s. 24: ii6(S.'94). A First-Night Audience at the "Lyceum." The. n. s. 25 : 68 (F.'95). Playing befort Royalty. The. n. s. 24: 226 (N.'94). Is Stage "Realism" Outdone? The. n. s. 28: 132 (S. '96). a Becket, Gilbert, as a Dramatist. (A. W. a Beckett) The. n. s. 9: 146. Abington, Mrs. Fanny Barton. Colburn 52: 217. as Lady Teazle. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 16: 198 (F.'76). I €!jc !9^aga$ine anti tijc 2Draitia» (Achorn, A. C.) Ibsen at Home. N. Eng. M. n. s. 13: 337 (F.'96). Acting. Allan. 6S: 858 (D.'gi). Westm. 119: 190 (Ja.'83). (H. Irving) Eng. Illust. 2: 643. Same, Critic 6: 162. Nation 37: 188 (Ag.30,'83). (D. Cook) The.'82, 2: 140. The. n. s. 25: 317 (Je.'9S). Amateur. See "Amateur,^'' "Amateurism,''^ etc. Anatomy of. (W. Archer) Longm. 11 : 266, 375, 498 (Ja., F. & Mr. '88). and Actors. (C. Coquelin) Harper 74: 891 (My. '87). and Authors. (C. Coquelin) Harper 76: 679 (Ap.'88). and Scenery. Sat. R. 71: 549 (My. 9,'9i). as a Fine Art. (H. Bamflyde) The. n. s. 12: 129. as a Means of Making Money. Sat. R. 69: 165 (F. 8,'9o). at the Comedie Frangaise. The. n. s. 22: 73 (Ag.'93). Boucicault on. Spec. 55 : 987 (Jl. 29,'S2). Can it be Taught ? (H. Aide) 19th Cent. 34 : 452 (S.'93). Concerning. (R. Mansfield) No. Am. 159: 337 (S.'94). Diderot's Paradox of. See "Emotionalism^^ etc. Emotional, in Paris. (K. Venning) The. n. s. 10 : 240. Hamlet on. (P. Fitzgerald) The. '80, 2: 152. in Earnest. See "Emotionalism.^'' Irving on. (" Ouida") 19th Cent. 37: 786 (My. '95). Murdoch on. Sat. R. 56: 172 (Ag. 11, '83). The Old, and the New. (G. B. Shaw) Sat. R. 80 : 799 (D.14,'95). The Profession of. The. n. s. 25 : 255 (My. '95). Psychology of. (W. Archer) Ath.'89, i : 156 (F. 2,'89). Some Views of. (T. Salvini) Cent. 19: 194 (D.'90). Study of, in Paris. (J. M. Everts) Cent. 6 : 471 (Jl.'84). Talma on. Sat. R. 55 : 542 (Apr. 28. '83). Nation 37: 188 (Ag. 30,-83). Training for, Value of. (W. Archer) National 7 : 770. Actor, The. (John Drew) Scrib. 15 : 32 (Ja.'94). the Manager, and the Public. (J. Malone) Forum 20 : 235 (0.'95)- €jjc Si[?aga$hic anti t^t E^rama* Actor, and his Duty to his Time. (W. Winter) Tlie. n. s. 14 : 134- He Would be an. (D. Cook) The.'79, i : 21. Legal Status of. (T. Marricott) The. n. s. 25 : 260 (My. '95)- Life of an. (W. B. Kingston) The.'Ss, 2 : 183. London, Forty Years' Recollections of a. (A. V. Campbell) Bentley 27: 481 (1850) 28: 156 (1850). Obloquy of an. Knick. 6 : 216, 541 (S. & D.'35). Management. See " Manaor^ment." Profession of. The. '85, i : 15. Shakspere as an. (A. Cargill) Scribner 9: 613 (My.'gi). Social Status of the. (J. Coleman) National 5 : 20 (Mr. '85). (E. Yates) Temp. Bar 8 : 183 (My.'63). Har- per 78: 316 (Ja.'Sg). (H. Aide) 19th Cent. 17:521 (Mr. '85). Sat. R. 59 : 8 (Je. 3,'85). In England (P. Fitzgerald) ; in France (F. Hawkins) ; in Germany (C. Lowe) The. n. s. 26 : 6 (Jl.'95). vs. Author. Gent. M. n. s. 47: 536 (N.'gi). Actors, Am. Whig R. 6 : 519 (N.'47). Blackw. 8 : 508 (F. '21). Knick. 18: 207 (S.'4l). So. Lit. Mess. 5 : 17 (Ja. '39)- Amateur. See " Amafei/r." American. See " American Actors," etc. and Actors' Fund. Harper 79 : 474 (Ag.'89). and Actresses in Westminster Abbey. Cornh. 67 : 373 (Ap.'93)- " Actors and Actresses," Matthews' and Hutton's. See "Matt/tews" " Hutton," etc. and Managers under Queen Anne. (G. A. Aitken) Ath. '88, 2 : 203, 267. and their Salaries. Harper 2: 403 (F.'5i). and Theatricals. Mus. 3 : 257 (S. '23). Anecdotes of. Fraser 24 : 179 (Ag.'4i). at Drury Lane. Temp. Bar 16 : 540 (Mr.'66). Blunders of. (W. Baynham) The.'79, 2: 147. Cjjc a^affi^Sinc aiiti ttjc SDrama. Actors, Corporation of. (W. E. Henley) The. '80, 2 : 274. Dead and Gone, but Live to Me. The. n. s. 14: 147, 177. Deaths of. Sudden. (S. W. Clarke) The. n. s. 10 : 75. Dramatic Critics as. (H. Souther) Tlnsley 28 : 6o(Ja.'8i). Educated. (C. Maynard) No. Am. 147: 175 (Ag.'88). Education of. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 147 : 435 (O. '88). English. See "English Actors^^ etc. Faces of. (P. Fitzgerald) The.'78, 2 : 354. Foreign, on American Stage. (J. B. Matthews) Scrib. 21 : 521 (F.'Si). Foreign, in England. Cornh. 8: 172 (Ag. 63). French. See " French Actors" etc. Gait's Lives of. Mo. R. 125 : 491. German. See" German Actors,'^ etc. Gossip about. (C. Hervey) The. '84, 2 : 174. Great, of 1775. (Tom Taylor) Victoria i : 83, 245 (My. & O. '63). How, Fared in Reign of Terror. (C. Hervey) Longm. 7 : 309- in Queen Anne's Day. Temp. Bar 53 : 407 (Jl.'78). Instructions to. Dub. Univ. 74 : 452 (O. '69). Italian. See "Italian Actors" etc. Lists of, 1578-1642. (F. G. Fleay) Roy. Hist. Soc. 9: 44- Odd. Chamb. J. 65 : 11 (Ja. 7, '88). of Time of Charles II. Temp. Bar 53 : 554 (Ag. '78). of time of Garrick. Temp. Bar 54: 86 (S.'78). off the Stage, Mrs. Kendal's Advice to. Critic 13 : 134 (Mr. 15, '90). Old. (C. Lamb) Lend. Mo. 5: 174, 305 (F. & Ap.'22); 6: 349 (S.'22). (T. P. Grinstead) Bentley 40: 95 (1856); 46: 508. and New. (L. C. Davis) Galaxy 15 : 660 (My.'73). Old, On Some of the. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 52 : 82, 170 (Ja. & F.'94). Old, Our, Baker's. The. '79. 1 : 206. €^t Sr^aga^inc anb tijc BDrrama. Actors, Old, Studies of. Dub. Univ. 62 : 450 (0.'63). Our. (O. B. Bunce) Galaxy 5 : 165 (F.'68). Puritans and. (W. Wheater) Gent. M. n. s, 5: 178 (F.'93)- Religion of. (C. Lamb) Colburn 6 : 405. Cornli. 15 : 429 (Ap. '67). Reminiscences of. (J. F. Kirk) Lippinc. 33 : 604. Salaries of. (J. Hollingshead) The. '79, i : 107. (A. W. a Beckett) The. n. s. 26: 209 (0.'96). Social Position of. See "Actor, Social Status of^'' etc. Spanish. See "Spanish Actors^^ etc. Strange. (D. Cook) Belgra. 45 : 51. Same Art. Appleton 26 : 267. Strolling. Cornh. 72: 87 (Jl.'95). Same Art. Eel. M. 125 : 374 (S.'95). Thespians out of the Cart. Tinsley I : 36. a Word to. (R. K. Hervey) The. n. s. 10 : 133. Young, Hints to. The. n. s. 18 : 72. Actors, Old. Records of a Stage Veteran. Colburn 41 : 454. Actors' Association. (W. Lestocq) The. n. s. 24: 298 (D.'94). Holiday. (M. Lemon) Ev. Sat. 4: 747. Memories. (W. E. McCann) Lippinc. 3: 262 (Mr. '69). Actress and " Actress." The. n. s. 28 : 59 (Ag.'96). as Usurper of Man's Prerogative. Gent. M. n. s. (Ja.'96). Strolling, Experiences of a. Chamb. J. 56: 473. Actresses, Famous. Appleton 20 : 158. Recollections of. (M. E. W. Sherwood) Lippinc. 53 : 92 (J^-'94)- Titled. (W. Bacheller) Munsey 13: 46 (Ap.'95). (Mrs. Mathews) Bentley 17: 594; 18: 54, 601. Who have become Peeresses. (A. C. Wheeler) Cosmo- pol. 20: 130 (D.'95). a Word About. Lippinc. 23: 126 (Ja.'79). See also " Women,'" etc. of the Age. ( \V. D. Adams) The. n. s. 22: 67 (Ag. '93). €j)c Hr^agajinc anb tl)c SDrania, (Adams, Geo.) The Chinese Theatre. 19th Cent. 37:497 (Mr.'95). (Adams, W. Davenport.) Actors of the Age. I. II. Leading Men. The. n. s. 22: 24 (Jl.'93). III. Leading Ladies. The. n. s. 22: 67 (Ag.'93). IV. Comedians. The. n. s. 22 : 144 (S.'93). V. Comediennes. The. n. s. 22: 196 (0.'93). VI. & VII. The New Generation. The. n. s. 22 : 247, 309 (N. & D.'93). Mary Anderson and her Art. The. n. s. 27 : 273 (My. '96). Stage History of " Antony and Cleopatra." The. n. s. 16: 267. " Apology for My Life." The. n. s. 23 : 70 (F.'94). Burlesque, Old and New. The. n. s. 27: 144 (Mr. '96). Criticism in Advance. The. n. s. 24: 107 (S.'94). Criticism from the Critic's Point of View. The. n. s. 16: 55- Should Critics Write Plays ? The. n. s. 26 : 256 (N.'95). English Stage Dancers. The. n. s. 25 : 76 (F.'95). Decline of Comic Opera. The. n. s. 26 : 202 (0.'95). Silence of Mr. Gilbert. The. n. s. 24: 286 (D.'94). The Keeleys. The. n. s. 26: 328 (D.'gs). Mrs. Langtry at Manchester. The. '83, 2 : 136. G. H. Lewes as a Critic. The. n. s. 27 : 337 (Je.'96). Robt. Lloyd, the Poet of Acting. The. n. s. '79, 2: 78. London Season '90-1. The. n. s. 18 : 53. Questions Connected with the Stage. The. n. s. 25 : 329 (Je.'95)- F. Sarcey on Ibsen. The. n. s. 28 : 19 (Jl.'96). Royalties on Shakspere. The. n. s. 28: 87 (Ag.'96). Stock vs. Star Co. The. '78, i : 277. Miss Terry's Beatrice. The. '80, 2 : 216. E. S. Willard. The. n. s. 16: 161. W. S. Gilbert. Belgra. 45 : 438. Adaptation. (A. D. Vandam) Tinsley 19: 499. See " Composition.''^ C{|c iSl^aga^inc anb tfje SDrama* (Addis, J.) Jaques and the Duke. See "As You Like It.''^ Advertisement, Self-, the Art of. The. n. s. 28 : 140 (S.'96). Advertisement, Theatrical Curiosities of. The. n. s. 16: 221. Adelphi and Haymarket, A Night at. Sharpe 41 : 99. " Adrienne Lecouvreur." See "Eugene Scribe.'''' iEschylus. "Agamemnon." See" College Theatricals," etc. Age, the Comediennes of the. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 22: 196(0.'93). Aid6, Hamilton. Victoria 34: 164. Acting, Can it be Taught ? 19th Cent. 34 : 452 (S.'93). The Actor's Calling. 19th Cent. 17: 521 (Mr. '85). A Dramatic School. The. '82, i : 73. A School of Dramatic Art. 19th Cent. 11 : 567 (Ap.'82). (Aitken, G. A.) Theatrical Lawsuits. Head. 36: 135, 168. Actors and Managers under Queen Anne. Tlie. '88, 2 : 203, 267. (Albert!, C.) Writings of Gustav Freytag. National 10: 80. (Aldrich, Mildred.) Alex. Salvini. Arena 7: 129 (Ja.'93). E. H. Sothern. Arena 6: 517 (0.'92). Juliets of the Stage. Nickell 6: 348 (D. '96). (Aldrich, T. B.) Sargent's Portrait of Edwin Booth at "The Players." Harper 82 : 489 (F. '91). Alexander, Geo., as Bassanio. The. '85, i : 175, 203. and Mrs. Campbell, portrait. The. n. s. 22: 92 (Ag.'93). and Herbert Waring, portrait. The. n. s. 24: 29 (Jl.'94). (Alger, W. R.) Friendships in Shakspere. Chr. Exam. 73: 209, 403. Alisov, Mme. Harper 24: 270 (Ja.'62). (AUen, G. W.) Mary Dyke Duff. Amer. 4 : 170. Allison, Wm.) Jane Hading. The. n. s. 22 : 63 (Ag.'93). 8 €ljc St^nga^tnc anb t{jc SDraitia* (Almy, Percival H. W.) New View of Oscar Wilde. The. n. s. 23: 119 (Mr. '94). Amateur Acting. (W. G. Elliott) National 24: 628. Actor, An. (D. Cook) The.'yS, 2 : 117. Actors. Amateur-Professional. Sat. R. 69 : 196 (F.15,'90). Actors. Professional-Amateur. Sat. R. 69: 13 (Ja. 4/90). (T. E. Pemberton) The. n. s. 25 : 17 (Ja.'95). Actors. All the Year Round 55 : 282. Sat. R. 55 : 594 (My. I2,'83); 60: 806. Actors, Hints to : Making-up. Chamb. J. 64 : 711. Actors, Notes on. Once a Week 13 : 202, 232. Actors' Club, Our. (H. Souther) Tinsley 31 : 83. Actors in Camp. (G. W. Watson) N. Eel. 7: 513. Actors in Ireland. (M. E. Smith) Tinsley 32 : 315. Theatricals. Dub. Univ. 93 : 474. Lippinc. 25 : 515 (Apr. '80). Bentley 3 : 83. Colburn 83 : 340. (G. Kobbe) Cent. 1 5 : 749. Amateurs, About. The. n. s. 23: 339 (Je.'93). See also " Private Theatricals,''^ etc. Ajnelia, Princess of Saxony, Dramas of. (C. C. Felton). No. Am. 52 : 487. American, The, On the Stage. (J. B. Matthews) Scrib. 28 : 321 (Jl.'79)- The, on the English Stage. (H. James, Jr.) Atlan. 68: 846 (D.'9i). American Actors in England. Dem. R. 19: 186. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 82 (Ja.'9i). Actors and Actresses of New York. (J. B. Matthews) Scrib. 17: 769 (Ap.'79). Actresses (A. de Bremont). The. n. s. 9: 324. Actresses, Introduction of, on English Stage. (W. H. Hudson) The. n. s. 10 : 255. American Burlesque. (L. Hutton) Harper 81 : 59(Je.'90). Comedy. Harper 81 : 152 (Je.'9o). Conservatoire, Shall we have an ? (F. H. Sargent) Cent. 6: 475 (Jl. '84). €f|c 3l9a0a$mc anti tijc SDrama. American Drama. Harper 73: 314 (Jl.'86); 79: 3 14 (Jl. '89). (H. Garland) Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 307 (S. 14,'Sg). (A. Daly) No. Am. 142: 485. (L. Hutton) Lippinc. 37: 289 (Mr. '86). (A. E. Lancaster) Potter Am. Mo. 8: 23, 346. (E. A. Poe) Am. Whig. R. 3 : 117. Am. Q, 1:331. Dem, R. 45: 554. Dub. Univ. 74: 319. Same art. Eel. M. 5 : 555. Lond. Mo, 16 : 466. Drama, Beginnings of. (R. Davey) National 19: 802 (Ag.'92). Drama, Characteristics of (A. Hennequin) Arena i : 700. Drama, Future of. (D. Boucicault) Arena 2: 641. Drama, Irving's Influence on. The. n. s. 27: 75 (F.'96). Dramatic Literature, Beginnings of. (P. L. Ford) N. Eng. M. n. s. 9: 673 (F.'94). Tours, Some. (T. Beaugeard) The. n. s. 26 : S9 (Ag.'95). Dramatic Outlook. (J. B. Matthews) 78: 924 (My.'Sg). Dramatists. (A. Hornblow) Munsey 12: 159 (N.'94). Dramatists, Shall We Have? (W. H. Page) Amer. 6: 169. Stage. Harper 73 : 477 (Ag.'86). (W. Archer) National 6: 401. Stage, Beauties on. (J. P. Reed; W. S. Walsh) Cosmo- politan 14: 294 (Ja.'93). Stage, Retrospection of. (J. Bernard) Manhat. 3 : 604. Theater. Am. Arch. 6 : 20, 74 ; 35 : 28 (Ja. 9, '92). (O. Logan) Galaxy 5 : 22. Theatre, Bernard on. Dial (Ch.) 7: 271. Theatre, Dunlap's History of. Am. Q. 12 : 509. Mo. R. 130: 151. Theatre Endowed. (F. J. Carpenter) Dial 21 : (O. i,'96). (H. Modjeska) Forum 14: 337 (N.'92). Theatre, the First. (G. H. Moore) M. Am. Hist. 21 : 58. Theatre, Seilheimer's History of. Ath.'90, i : 156. Americans at the Theatres. Ev. Sat. 10 : 451. " Among the Gods." See " Gallery;' etc. (Anderson, D. J.) Harlequin z« ^jr^r^ww-. The.'79, i: 103. 2 'o €J)c St^agajme anb tlje 2Draitia. Anderson, Mary. The. 84, i: 52. (VV. Archer) The. '85, 2: 175. Acting of. Sat. R. 58 : 343, 590. and her Art. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 27: 273 (My. '96). as She is To-Day. (E. W. Bok) L. H. J. (Mr. '96). Decline of. Critic 7: 193. in England, The. '83, i, 321. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 24: 168. (W. H. Pollock) Cent. 6: 315 (Je. '84), in " Ingomar." The. '83, 2 : 199. in "Lady of Lyons." Sat. R. 56: 571. in " Pygmalion and Galatea." (F. Wedmore) Acad. 24: 440. in " Romeo and Juliet." (Lord Lytton) 19th Cent. 17: 879 (D.'84). (G. E. Humphreys) National 4: 819 (F.'85). in "Winter's Tale." Poet Lore i : 92 (F.'89). Sat. R. 64: 388. (W. Archer) The. n. s. 10: 214. (H. Luders) Amer. 17: 216. "Memories." Dial (Ch.) 20: 265 (My. 1/96). (Anderson, Mary). Girlhood of an Actress. No. Am. l6l : 575 (N.'95)- Extracts from " Memories." L. H. J. (D. '95, Ja. & F. '96). (Anderson, R. B.) Henrik Ibsen. Amer. 4: 8. (Andrews, Maud.) Bernhardt, Terry, and Duse. New Bo- hemian 2 : 184 (My. '96). (Angus, J. K.) A Plea for the Writers of Modern Burlesque. Belgra. 79: 196 (0.'92). "Antony and Cleopatra," (O. F. Emerson) Poet Lore 2 : 71, 125, 188. Comradeship of. (S. E. Pearl) Poet Lore 4: 2i7(Ap.'92). Characters of. (H. S. Wilson) The. n. s. 9 : 59, 127. Stage History of. The. n. s. 16 : 267. See also " Cleopatra^'' etc. €l[|c !Q[9a5a5inc anb tt)c 2Drama, Anstey, F. St-e" F. A. Guthrie.^' Applause. La Claque. (J. P. Simpson) The.'yg, i : i6o. (A. Escott) The. n. s. 27: 259 (My. '96). (G. Hogarth) Bentley 4: 591; Ev, Sat. 9: 331. La Claque in Parisian Theatres. Once a Week 20 : 251. (Same Art. Ev. Sat. 5: 102). Lend. M. 12: 241. (Apthorp, W. F.) Paris Theatres and Concerts. Scrib. il : 3 350, 482, 628 (Ja.'92 et seq.) The Stage. Atlan. 30 : 248. Wagner and Scenic Art. Scrib. 2 : 515 (N.'87). Archer, Wm. The. '86, i : 265, 280. " Masks or Faces ? " Sat. R. 66 : 606 (N. 24,'88). On Playwriting. Sat. R. 73 : 459. to the Rescue. (A. R. Knesst) The. n. s. 26 : 141 (S.'95). (Archer, Wm.) Anatomy of Acting. Longm. 11 : 266,375, 498. Psychology of Acting. Ath.'89, i : 156. Value of Training for Acting. National 7 : 770. American Stage. National 4: 641. Eel. M. 106: 97. Mary Anderson. The. '85, 2 : 175. Mary Anderson in "Winter's Tale." The. n. s. 10: 214. Sarah Bernhardt. National 7: 770 (Ag.'86). Censorship. New R. 6: 566 (My. '92). Duties of Dramatic Critics, igtli Cent. 17: 249 (F.'Ss). Danish Drama of To-day. Fortn. 53: 682 (My. '90). Dumas, y?/j, and the English Drama. Cosmopolis I : 363 ^ (F.'96). Eleanora Duse. Fortn. 64 : 299 (Ag.'95). Dying Drama. New R. i: 367; part in Poet Lore i: 527 (N.'92). Plea for Endowed Theatre. Fortn. 51 : 610 (My. '89). Henrik Ibsen. St. James 4S : 27, 104. Mausoleum of Ibsen. Fortn. 60: 77 (Jl.'93). Ibsen's " Nora." The. '84, I : 209. Mr. and Mrs. Kendal. Longm. 9 : 478. G. H. Lewes and the Stage. Fortn. (F.'96). 2 €Jjc ill9aga$ine anb tf^t 2Drama. (Archer, Wm.) " Macbeth " on the Stage. Eng. lUus. 6 : 233. and Common Sense. Murray 5 : 182. Maurice Maeterlinck. Fortn. 56: 346 (S.'gi). New Drama and the Free Stage. Fortn. 56: 663 (N.'gt). Ophelia and Portia. The. '85, 2: 17. Plays and Acting. Season '92-3. Fortn. 60 : 255 (Ag. '93)- Recent Plays. Fortn. 61 : 600 (My. '94). Plea for Playwright. Fortn. 45 : 816 (D.'Ss). What does the Public Want ? The. '88, i : 269. Local Color of " Romeo and Juliet." Gent. M. n. s. 33 : 443. Same art. Eel. M. 104 : 67. Myths of" Romeo and Juliet." National 4 : 441 (D.'84). Stage and Literature. Fortn. 27: 219 (F.'92). Stage of Greater Britain. National 7: 401 (N.'85). "Twelfth Night" at the Lyceum. Macmil. 50: 271. Webster, Lamb, and Swinburne. New R. 8 : 96 (Ja.'93). " Winter's Tale." The. n. s. 10 : 214. "Winter's Tale." Stage History of. 19th Cent. 22 : 511. W. S. Gilbert. St. James 49 : 287. Is " Othello " fit for the Stage ? St. James 49 : 222. (Armstrong, Chas.) Social Training for Stage Players. The. n. s. 26: 130 (S.'9S). Armstrong, Sydney. (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 51 : 104 (Ja. '93)- (Armstrong, Mrs.) Stage Dresses of the Month. The. n. s. 24: 23, 61 (Jl. & Ag.'94). (Arnold, M.) Persian Miracle Play. Cornh. 24: 668. French Drama. 19th Cent. 6: 228. Same art. Apple- ton 22 : 311. "As You Like It.'' All the Year 44 : 367. (D. Cook) Once a Week 12: 682. (D. J. Snider) Western 2: 104, 167. (A. Lang) Harper 82 : 3. (D. J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos 7 : (0.'73). Characters in. (C. A. Wurtzburg) Poet Lore 4 : 31, 82 (Ja. & F.'92). €|je a^aga^inc anb tlje 2Drama» 13 "As You Like It," Daly's Co. in. See ''Daly's Co.," etc. Jaques and the Duke. (J. Addis) St. James 46 : 402. Plot of. (C. A. Wurtzburg) Poet Lore 3: 341. See also "Rosalind" etc. (Ashhurst, R. L.) " King Henry IV." Poet Lore i : 367. Ashwell, Lena. The. n. s. 22: 181 (0.'93). (Aspden, Hartley. ) Miss Fortesque. The. n. s. 22: 181 (0.'93)- Audience, Duly of an. (E. Faithful) The. '79, 2: 76. (E. Coxon) The. '86, i : 74. Audiences. All the Year 38: 273. An Actor on. The. n. s. 27: 249 (Mr. '96). American. (H. Irving) Fortn. 43 : 197. Same art. Eel. M. 104: 475 ; also Liv. Age 164: 705. American, and Actors. (J. Hatton) The. '81, I : 257. Attitudes of. (Lady Pollock) The. ^80, i : 81. Is Courtesy Extinct Among? (L. Smith) The. n. s. 14: 10. Modern. (F. C. Broughton) The. '78, 2 : 36. Halls, Theatres, and. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 149: 429 (0.'89). (Austen, J.) Plays, First Nights of. The. '79, i : 367. (Austin, Alfred) Divorce between Literature and Stage. Na- tional 2 : 608 (Ja.'84). Cossa Pietro, the Dramatist. Fortn. 37 : 49. (Austin, L. F.) My First Critique. The. '78, 2: 362. Henry Irving. Victoria 28: 441. Theophilus Cibber and Garrick. The. '78, 2 : 121. Australian Drama. (D. Robertson) The. n. s. 9: 23. Theatres. (J. F. Hogan) The. n. s. 14: 296 (D.'89). (A. Brereton) The. n. s. 15 : 40 (Ja.'9o). "Author! Author!" The. n. s. 27: 313 (Je.'96). Author-Critic. See "Criticism," etc. Author-Manager. See " Manager,'" etc. t4 €f)e a9aga5nic anb tfjc SDrama* Author, Miseries of an. Cornh. 8: 498. Authors, Actors, and Amateurs. Dub. Univ. 38 : 407. and Managers. (G. H. Lewes) Westm. 37: 71. Rights of. Colburn 70 : 533. Author's First Night. Cornh. (F.'gG). See also "■Play- wright,^'' ^'Dramatist," etc. (Aveling, E.) " Hamlet " at the Princess's. To-Day 2 : 516. Ibsen's "Nora." To-Day i : 473. (Bacheller, M.) Titled Actresses. Munsey 13: 46 (Ap. '96). (Bacon, Delia.) Shakspere and his Plays. Putnam 7: I. (Badeau, Adam.) Edwin Booth on and off the Stage. McClure 1 : 255 (Ag. '93). (Baker, Barton Henry.) English Actors from Shakspere to Macready. Lippinc. 23: 75 (Je. '79). (Baker, Geo. P.) Children of Panic's. Harv. Mo. 12 ('85). "Epicoene" at Harvard. Harvard Mo. 3: 493 (Je.'95). (Baker, H. Barton.) Geo. Colman, the Elder and the Younger. Belgra. 46: 187. Same art. Ed. M. 98: 214. Old Dublin Stage. Belgra. 39 : 304 (S. '79). Some Famous Juliets. Gent. M. n. s. 33: 594. Story of Lyceum Theatre. Gent. M. n. s. 35 : 493. Discoveries at Drury Lane. The. n. s. 25 : 91 (F. '95). Old Melodrama. Belgra. 50: 331. Home of Melodrama. Lond. Soc. 47 : 141. Old Transpontine Drama. Lond. Soc. 48: 417. National Theatre. Gent. M. n. s. 36: 241. An Old Patent Theatre. Belgra. 54 : 53. Same art. Eel. M. 103: 392. Early Theatres of London. The. n. s. 25 : 91 (F. '95). Some Old Theatrical Memories. Lond. Soc. 44: 601. Famous Theatrical Riots. Belgra. 36 : 476. Theatrical Make-Shifts and Bhinders. Belgra. 37: 214. (Baker, T.) Edwin Booth in Germany. Nation 36: 358. (Balch, W. R.) Tommaso Salvini. Amer. i : 141. €^t !2t^aga5inc and tl)c 2Drama. (Ball, W. T, W. ) Irving's Influence on the American Stage. N. Eng. M. n. s. lo : 173 (Ap.'94). (Ballantyne. E.) Impressions of Australian Drama. The. n.s. 19: 186 (Ap. '92). Continental Music Halls. The. n. s. 17: 121 (Mr. '91). The Stall, the Pit, and the Critic. The. n. s. 1 6 : 20 ( Jl. '90) . Ballet. All the Year 12: 94. (M. E. Haweis) St. Paul 12: 324. and Stage Morality. Blackw. 105 : 354. Same art. Eel. M. 72: 620. History of. (J. B. Matthews) Appleton 19: 306. English. Ev. Sat. 14 : 429. Ballets and Ballet Dancers. (D. Cook) Belgra. 25 : 522. Ballet-Girls of Paris. Lond. Soc. 17: 25, 181. Ev. Sat. 9: 55. Ballet-Dancers. Chamb. J. 19 : 387. (Ballou, W. H.) Joseph Jefferson at Home. Cosmop. 7: 121. (Bamflyde, H.) Acting as a Fine Art. The. n. s. 12: 127 (S. '88). Bancroft, S. B. The. '83, i : 169. Bancroft, Mrs. S. B. C, ne'e Marie Wilton. The. 85, i : 49, 75. US- Mr. and Mrs. Ath., 88, I : 493 (Ap. 21). Sat. R. 65: 473 (Ap. 21, '88). Westm. 129 : 629. (C. Howard) The. n. s. II: 250; 12: 57. (L. C. Cameron) Lond. Soc. 53: 601. (Bandmann, D. E.) German Stage. Macmil. 33 : 430. (Barca, dela, Mme.) The Standard Drama. No. Am. 39 : 329. (Barclay, Thos.) Retirement of M. Got. The. n. s. 25 : 20 (Ja- '95)- (Barham, R. N.) "Merchant of Venice." Bentley 11 : 429. (Barlow, G.) Talent and Genius on the Stage. Contemp. 62: 385 (S. '92). Henry Irving and the English Drama. New R. 7 : 665 (D. '92). x6 Cfjc ^aga^inc anb tjc SDrama* Bamabee, Henry Clay. (F. A. Munsey) Munsey 12: 6l2 (Mr. '95). (Barnard, C.) How to Introduce New Plays. Critic 3: 389. Science on the Stage. Dr. Mirror 23: 575 (J. 4, '90). Bamett, Henry Hyam Vincent. The. n. s. 20: 24 (Jl. '92). Baron, Michel. All the Year 39: 160. (Barr, Amelia E.) Shakspere, Illustrated by Ballads. Harper 63 : 52 (D. '80). Early Home of Adelaide Neilson. Lippinc. 30: 623. Shakspere as a Temperance Leader. Leisure Hour 35: 29- (Barrere, Camille.) Dramas of Victor Hugo. Macmil. 30: 281 (Ag. '74). Barrett, Lawrence. Critic 18: 169. (T. E. Shea) Donahue (S. '96). Acting of. Sat. R. 57: 509. and his Plays. (G. E. Montgomery) Cent. 5 : 954 (Ap. '84). (Barrett, Lawrence.) Vicissitudes of the Drama. No. Am. 146: 203. Edwin Forrest. Cent. 2: 468. Success on the Stage. No. Am. 135 : 580. Barrett, Wilson. The. '83, l : 33. (A. Brereton) The. '82, 2: 161. The. n. s. 27: 129 (Mr. '96). and his Work. (J. Coleman) Longm. 7 : 63. as Claude Melnotte. The. n. s. 11 : 201. as Friar John. The. '81, 2: 41, 240. as Hamlet. Lippmc. 45 : 580. Sat. R. 58 : 527, 595. (H. Norman) Nation 39 : 396. in "The Acrobat." The. n. s. 17: 259. in "Golden Ladder." (M. de Meusiaux)The. n. s. 11 : 85. in "Lights of London." The. n. s. 17: 150. in "Stranger." The. n. s. 17: 142. in "Pharaoh." The. n. s. 20: 202 (N.'92). " Sign of the Cross." (E. A. Gowing) Lond. Soc. 69 : 472. €^e 3r9a0a$ine anti tljc SDrama* n (Barrett, Wilson.) Hamlet. Lippinc. 45 : 580. Barrie, J. M. " Walker, London." The. n. s. 19: 202 (Ap.'ga). (Barron, E. A.) Mrs. Grossmann's Recollections of Edwin Booth. Dial (Ch.) 18: 17 (Ja. i, '95). Henry Irving on the English Drama. Dial (Ch.) 15: 90. Progressive Realism. Dr. Mirror 23: 573 (D. 2I,'89). Barry, Mrs. Eliza. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 29: 166. (A. Brereton) The. '86, 2 : 264. Barry, Helen. The. '81, i : 193-202. (Barry, W.) Dead Plays. St. James 12 : 312. Barrymore, Maurice. The. '86, i : 74. Barton, Fanny. See " Mrs. Abington." (Baston, R.) Passion Play and Pantomime. Dark Blue 4: 486. (Baxter, S.) German Stage. Atlan. 42: 177. Bath, Stage at. Gent. M. n. s. 49: 350 (O. '92). Stage, Annals of. (W. Calvert) The. n. s. 15 : 292. 16: 13, 175- (Baynhan, Geo. W.) Reminiscences of Henry Howe. The. n. s. 27: 268 (My. '96). (Baynhan, W.) Blunders of Actors. The. '79, 2 : 147. (Beale, A.) Theatrical Missions at Macready House, London. Sunday M. 16: 258. Beatrice. (Lady Martin) Blackw. 137: 203. Same art. Liv. Age 164: 602 (Mr. 7, '85). Terry as. See " Ellen Terry.^' See also " Much Ado" etc. Beau Brummel. Harper 83 : 477 (Ag. '91). (Beaugeard, Tiburce.) (Author of "For the Crown.") Fran9ois Coppee. The. n. s. 27: 277 (My. '96). Some American Tours. The. n. s. 26: 89 (Ag. '95). Beaumont, Francis. (C. H. Herford) Acad. 24 : 409. Spec. 57: 1016. Macaulay's Study of. Ath. '84, i : 160. 3 '8 €!)c !3l^ga$mc anti tt)c SDrama* Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher. (C. C. Clarke) Gent. M. n.s. 7 : 27. (J. Pyne) Nat. Q. 23 : 302. (E. P.Whipple) Am. Whig R. 4: 68, 131. Liv. Age 14: 385. Fraser 22: 189; 41: 321, Ed. M. 12: 174. Temp. Bar 42: 460. Brit. Q. 2: 250. (J. R. Lowell) Harper 85 : 757 (O. '92). and Fletcher and Contemporaries. (W. Spalding) Ed. R. 73 : 209. and Fletcher, " A King and No King." (L. M. Griffiths) Poet Lore. 3: 169. (Beck, P.) Realism. The.'83, i : 127. (Bede, C.) Reminiscences of Charlotte Cushman. Belgra. 29: 333- (Bedford, H.) T. Salvini. Month 27: 288. Behind the Scenes. (F. C. Burnand) Fortn. 43: 84. Same art. Eel. M. 104: 409. (A. Fleming) Harper 34: 114 (D.'66). (C. W. Stoddard) Atlan. 34: 527 (N.'84). (T. C. Haliburton) Bentley 8: 458. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 7 : 197 Chamb. J. 34 : 129. Atlan. 71 : 856 (Je. '93). Galaxy, 13: 404. (G. Kobbe) Scrib. 4: 435 (O.'SS). Lend. Soc. 4: 385. Chamb. J. 44: 593,51: 638; 52: 178. at Drury Lane. All the Year 60 : 302. at the Lyceum. (P. Fitzgerald) Belgra. 44: 335. Secret Regions of the Stage. (O. Logan.) Harper 48: 628 (O.'SS). Tinsley 10: 285. (Bell, E. I.) Stage as a School of Art. Art. J. 36 : 141. (Bell, R.) Privileges of the Stage. St. James, i : 317. First Theatre in London. Once a Week I : 464 (Same, Liv. Age 64 : 294). Bellew, Kyrle. The. '82, 2: 257, 263. The. n. s. 20: 125. (S.'92). (Bellows, I. F.) Moral Element in Fanny Kemble's " Rec- ords of Later Life." Univ. R. 19: 115. arj)c Si^aga$inc anti tj)c 2Drama« 19 (Belmont, F.) Dumas, yf/j. Tinsley 35 : 35. (Benjamin, P.) Plays of James Sheridan Knowles. No. Am. 40: 141. (Benjamin, S. G. W. ) Passion Play of Persia. Harper 72 : 460 (F.'86). (Bennett, J. B.) History of Theatrical Amusements. Ex. Hist. Soc. 2: 211. Benson, F. R. as Hamlet. The. n. s. 15 : 212. Sat. R. 69: 315- Berringer, Esme. The. n. s. 27: 283 (My. '96). (Bernard, J.) Retrospection of American Drama. Manhat. 3: 604. Bernhardt, Sarah. The. '79, 2: 4. Sat. R. 64: 120. Har- per 51: 635; 62: 306. (W. Archer) National 7: 770 (Ag.'86). (J, B. Matthews) Amer. i : 92. (C. Clark) Chap-Book 5 : 89 (Je. 15, '96). (A. Meynell) Art J. 40: 134. (M. White, Jr.) Munsey 14: 323 (D.'95). (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Lippinc. 27 : iSo (F.'8i). (R. G. White) Atlan. 47: 95. The. n. s. 25: 321 (Je.'95). Terry and Duse. (M. Andrews) New Bohemian 2: 184 (My.'96). and Duse, in " Magda." (G. B. Shaw) Sat. R. 79: 787 (Je. 15, '95). as Cleopatra. Critic 18; 113. Sat. R. 73: 654. Art J. 44: I98(J1.'92). as Joan of Arc. Critic 19 : 269. as Lady Macbeth. Sat. R. 57 : 777. Same, Critic 5 : 8. as Ophelia. Critic 61 : 365. in Boston Book Store. Critic 13: 241 (My.10,'90). in " Hernani." (A. G. Segswick) Nation 31 : 383. in " La Tosca." Critic 18 : 85. (K. Venning) The. n. s. II : 46; 12 : 97. in Oporto. (O. Crawfurd). Acad. 21 : 321 (My. '6, 82). in " PhMre." (A. G. Segswick) Nation 31 : 399. in " Ruy Bias." The. '79, I : 283. Rachel and. (J. P. Simpson) The. '80, 2 : 23. JO Cjjc !3l9aga3inc ant» ti^t BDrama. (Bernhardt, Sarah.) Art of Make-Up. Cosmopolitan (Mr. '96). (Besant, Walter.) J. B. P. Moli^re and his Satire. Temp. Bar 33: 83. J. B. P. Moli^re and his Troupe. Temp. Bar. 32 : 374. Same, Liv. Age no: 163. (Bettany, W. A. L. ) Dramatic Criticism and the Renascent Drama. The. n. s. 19: 277 (Je.'92). Winifred Emery. The. n. s. 22 : 301 (D '93). Five Years of Progress. The. n. s. 23: 241 (My. '94). Four Character Comedians. Tlic. 22 : 9 (Jl.'93). Four Leading Men. The. 20 : 109 (S. '92). Modern Drama as viewed by Mr. Jones. The. 22 : 203 (0.'93). Policy of Our Leading Managers. The. n. s. 23 : 181 (Ap.'94). H. Beerbohm Tree. The. n. s. 19: 69 (F.'92). Mr. and Mrs. Tree at the Haymarket. The. 23 : 75 (F.'94). (Bibb, G. C.) Lady Macbeth. Western I : 287 (My.'75). (Bilson, W. W.) Shylock. The Story of the Bond. Pop. Sci. Mo. 20 : 369. Biographia Dramatica. Blackw. 89 : 212. Biography, Jones's. Quart. 7: 282. (Bispham, W.) Edwin Booth, Memories and Letters. Cent. 47: 132,240 (N. & D.'93). Bjdrnson, Bjornsteme. (R. Buchanan) Contemp. 21 : 45. Appleton 1 1 : 104. Scrib. 20 : 336. and Ibsen. (Mrs. A. Tweedie) Temp. Bar 98 : 536 (Ag. '93)- Dramas of. Macmil. 61 ; 130. (H. H. Boyesen) No. Am. 116: 109. Cjje 3r9aga5me anti t^t )BDrama» 21 (Bjomson, Bjornsterne.) Works of Ibsen. Forum 21 : 318 (My.'96). (Black, Pearl.) Victorien Sardou. Lippinc. 10: 314. (Blackburn, H.) Passion Play at Ober Amniergau. Once a Week 23 : 35. (Blackburn, V.) Eleanora Duse. New R. 13: 39 (Jl.'95)• (Blancllard, L.) The Madness of Hamlet. Colburn 68 : 93. (Blind, K.) Theatres in the Time of Shakspere. Acad. 33 : 390. (Bloede, G.) John McCullough. Western 6 : 352,472. Tennyson's " Harold." Western 3 : 430. (Blouet, Paul) (" Max O'Rell "). Modern English Stage through French Spectacles. Dr. Mirror 23: 580 (F. S.'go). (Bluff, Oliver.) Tree as Hamlet. The. n. s. 19 : l75(Ap.'92). (Bok, Edw. W.) Mary Anderson as She is To-Day. L. H. J. (Mr. '96). Bolton, Lavinia Fenton, Duchess of. The. n. s. 20: 168 (0.'92). Bond, Jessie. The. n. s. 25 : 67 (F.'95). (Bond, R. W.) Carr's " King Arthur." Fortn. 63: 703 (My. '95). Stratford Festival. Macmil. 69 : 451 (Ap. '94). (Bonjour, C.) French Dramatic Opinions. Colburn 52: 363- Booth, Barton. Colburn 54 : 355. and the Actors of Queen Anne's Days. Temp. Bar 53 : 407. 2 2 ci)c ar9aga5inc anti tf^t 2Drama» Booth, Edwin. Harper 22 : 702 (Ap.'6l). Harper 27 : 855 ; 30: 673. Foster Mo. Ref. 3 : 17. Critic 22 : 384(Ag. '93). Public Opinion 15: 284 (Je. I7,'93). (J. Jef- ferson) Critic 25: 210 (S. 29,'94). (H. A. Clapp) Atlan. 72: 307 (S.'93). (J. R. Lows) Nation 56: 434 (Je. I5.'93). (E. C. Stedman) Atlan. 17: 585. (W. Winter) Harper 63 : 61 (Je.'Sl). (L. Hutton) Har- per's W. (Je. i7,'93-) (L. C. Calhoun) Galaxy (with portrait) 7: 77. (H. C. Pedder) Manhat. 3 : 295. Col- burn (with portrait) 168: 64. Across America with. (Elizabeth Robins) Univ. R. 7: 375 (Jl-'9o). An Actor's Recollections of. (Barton Hill) Dr. Mirror 37: 939 (Xnias,'96). Acting of. (O. B. Frothingham) Nation 2 : 395. and J. B. Sat. R. 53 : 273. (A. B. Clarke) Cent. 2 : 468. the Friendship of, and Julia Ward Howe. (F. M. H. Hall) N. Eng. M. n. s. 9: 315 (N.'93). as Bertuccio. Sat. R. 54 : 148 (Jl. 29/82). as Hamlet. Appleton 14: 657,689. Ev. Sat. (with por- trait) 9: 258,273. The. 2 : 351, 'So. as King Lear. The. n. s. 20 : 284 (D.'92). as Richeheu. The. 2: 75, '82. Harper 42 : 296 (Ja.'7l). Ev. Sat. (with portrait) 9 : 402,409; 10: 80,91. Mrs. Grossmann's Recollections of. (E. A. Barron) Dial (Ch.) 18: I7(ja. i,'9S). in Chicago. Lakeside 9 : 349. in England. Harper 63 : 466 (Ag.'8i). in Germany. (T. Baker) Nation 36 : 358. Letters of. (Edwina Booth Grossmann) Century 48 : 803 (0.'94). "The Players' " Tribute to. Critic 23 ; 327 (N. i8,'93). Memories and Letters of. (Wni. Bispham) Cent. 47 : 132,240 (N, & D.'93). Memories of. (Mrs. D. P. Bowers) Cal. III. 5 : 471 (Mr. '94). Cfje Sr9aga5iiic anb tljc SDrama. 23 Booth, Edwin, Memory of, An Actor's. ( Jolin Malone) Forum 15: 594(Jl-'93)- On and Off the Stage. (Adam Badeau) McClure i : 255 (Ag. '93)- Poem on. (Ina Coolbrith) Cal. 111. 4: 364 (Ag.'93). Portrait of, Sargent's at " The Players' " (Poem). (T. B. Aldrich) Harper 82: 489 (F.'gi). Booth, Junius Brutus. (I. C. Pray) Galaxy 2 : 158. All the Year 36 : 77. and Edwin. Sat. R. 53: 273. (A. B. Clarke) Cent. 2: 468. (Botkin, A. C.) Maiming of Hamlet. Lakeside 9 : 444. Boucicault, Dion. Acad. 38: 27S. Critic 17: 158. Sat. R. 70:373. (S. Fiske)The.n.s.24:30i (D.'94). (A. C. Wheeler) Arena 3 : 47 (D.'go). "Formosa." The. n. s. 18: 27. " London Assurance." The. n. s. 17: 41. " Shaughraun." Harper 51 : 293 (Jl.'75). (Boucicault, Dion.) Education of an Actor. No. xAm. 147: 435- Future of American Drama. Arena 2 : 641. Art of Dramatic Composition. No. Am. 126: 430. Coquelin and Irving. No. Am. 145 : 158. Decline of the Drama. No. Am. 125 : 235. Debut and Early Days as a Dramaiist. No. Am. 148: 454, 584- Leaves from a Dramatist's Diary. No. Am. 149 : 228 (Ag.'89). Theatres, Halls, and Audiences. No. Am. 149: 429 (O. '89). A New Cipher. Dr. Mirror 23: 593 (M. io,'9o). The New Departure. Dr. Mirror 22 : 569 (N. 23,'89). Bouff6, Marie. Sat. R. 66 : 603 (N. 24,'88). All the Year 68 : 372. Bourchier, Arthur. The. n. s. 25 : 95 (F.'95). 24 Zi)c 3t9aga5hic anb ttjc SDrama* (Bowen, F.) Emendation of Shakspere. No. Am. 78: 371. (Bowen, G. S.) Realism in Plays. Colo. 169: 10. (Bowers, Mrs. D. P.) Memories of Edwin Booth. Cal. III. 5: 471 (Mr. '94). (Boyes, J. F.) Button Cook. Longm. 3: 179 (D.'83). Boyesen, H. H. On Ibsen. Spec. 72 : 652 (My. I2,'94). Sat. R. 78: 359 (S. 29, '94). (Boyesen, H. H.) Ibsen. " Comedy of Love." Dial (Ch.) 14: 132 (Mr. i,'93). "Doll's House." Cosmopolitan 16: 84 (N.'93). "Peer Gynt." Chaut. 17: 293 (Je.'93). "Wild Duck." Dial (Ch.) 15 : 137 (S. 16. '93). " Little Eyolf." Chap-Book 2 : 247 (F.'95). Henrik Ibsen. Cent. 16: 794 (Mr. '90). Drama of Revolt. Bookman i : 384. Dramas of Bjornson. No. Am. 116 : 109. Braddon, Miss M. E. (H. James, Jr.) Nation i : 593. Same art. Liv. Age 77 : 99. (Brenan, J. C.) Sharpe 39 : 86. (Braddon, Miss.) Hermann Sudermann. National 21 : 751 (Ag.'93)- Sudermann's " Die Ehre." The. n. s. 25 : 131 (Mr. '95). (Brain, Ernest.) French View of the English Stage. The. n. s. 26: 195 (0.'95). Modern German Drama. The. n. s. 25 : 84 (F.'95). Salvini's Reminiscences. The. n. s. 26: 16 (Jl.'95). A French View of Shakspere. The. n. s. 27 : 208 (Ap. '96). Brandon, Olga. The. n. s. 29 : 4 (Jl.'96). Brazil. Theatre at Para. Harper 57 : 357 (Ag.'78). (Brereton, Austin.) Wilson Barrett. The. '82, 2 : 161. Mrs. Eliz, Barry. The. '86, 2 : 264. Drama in New York. The. '84, i : 24. John Henderson. The. '86, i : 303. €jjc Ilt9aga5inc aitb tf|c SDrama. 25 (Brereton, Austin.) H. Irving in America. The. '83, 2: 211,306. Irving in " Waterloo." The. n. s. 24 : 179 (0.'94). Original Cast of " The Rivals " and " The School for Scandal." The. 84, i : 171. The two Anne Oldfields. The. n. s. 26: 21 (Jl. '95). Australian Theatre. The. n. s. 15 : 40 (Ja.'90). Concerning " Second Mrs. Tanqueray." The. n. s. 25 :I52 (Mr. '95). " The Tempest. " The. n. s. 10: 59. (Brockett, L. P.) Charles H. Barton. Appleton 7: 204. (Brooks, S. A.) "Richard III." Acad. 40: 541. (Brooksbank, B.) Henry Irving as a Tragedian. National l: 16. Brough, Fanny. With portrait. The. 28 : 47 (Ja. '92). Brough, Lionel. Once a Week. 26 : 369. The. '84, i : 257. Sydney, Mr. and Mrs. (Lizzie Webster) The. n. s. 23 : 190-206 (Ap. '94). Brough, Sydney and Lionel. The. n. s. 28: 90 (Ag. '96). (Broughton, F. C.) Modern Audiences. The. '78, 2: 36. Broughton, Phyllis. The. '84,2: 219. Brown, Pattie. The. n. s. 23: 310 (Je. '94.) (Browne, F. F.) Recent Books about Shakspere (1884). Dial. (Ch.)4: 252. (Browne, J. H.) T. Salvini. Galaxy 16 : 819. (Browne, M.) Dumas, Ji/s, "Diane de Lys " at the Princess' Theatre. St. Paul's 13: 211. Theatre and Music Halls. Argosy 2 : 117. (Browne, R. C.) Edw. Fitzgerald, Letters of, to Fanny Kemble. Acad. 48: 451 (N. 30, '95). (Browne, W. H.) Falstaff. So. M. 15 : 214. Hamlet. So. M. 15: 106. Browning, Robert. " Stafford " at Oxford Theatre. Poet Lore 2 : 200 (Ap. '90), 4 26 C(jc 09aga5ine anli t)^t SDrama* (Bryce, Jas.) Sardou's "Cleopatra." Contemp. 47: 266 (F. '85). Same art. Liv. Age. 164: 733 (Mr. '85). Buchanan, Robt. (G. H. Lewes) Fortn. i : 443. (G. B. Smith) Contemp. 22 : 873. (A. M. Symington) Good Words 19 : 15. Tinsley 19 : 89. " The Charlatan." Sat. R. 77 : 94 (Ja. 27, '94). (Buchanan, Robt.) Modern Drama and Its Critics. Contemp. 56: 908. H. Caine and.) What is a Tragedy ? Acad. 34 : 15-30. How to Produce a Play at Small Outlay. The. n. s. 29: 9 (Jl. '96). B. Bjornson. Contemp. 21 : 45. Ethics of Play Licensing. The. n. s. 27: 254 (Mr. '96). (Buckley, J. M.) Moral Influence of the Stage. No. Am. 136: 581. Buffoons, Stage. (E. Robins) Allan. 51 : 529. Clowns, Pantomime. (G. Turner) The. '84, I : 194. Fools of Shakspere. (T. R. Slicer) N. Eng. !M. n. s. 12: 374 (My. '95). Harlequins, Concerning. '81, l : 10. in Extremis. (D. J. Anderson) The. '79, i : 103. Harlequins, History of. Temp. Bar 43 : 202. Harlequinade. Chamb. J. 26 : 340. Bulwer, E. L. See " Lord Lytton.^' The Drama of Revolt. Bookman i : 384 (Jl.'95j. (Bunce, O. B.) Some of Our Actors. Galaxy 5 : 165. Burbage, Rich'd. Temple Bar. 53 : 252. Burlesque, Age of. (R. G. White) Galaxy 8: 256. (Brenan, J. C.) Sharpe 39 : 86. (\V. D. Howells) Atlan. 23 : 635. American Burlesque. (L. Hutton) Harper 81 : 59 (Je. '90.) The Founders of. Temple Bar 29 : 31S. Modern, A Plea for the Writers of. (J. K. Angus) Belgra. 79 : 196 (O. '92). €f)c 3r9a0a$mc anti tJjc 2Drama. 2 7 Burlesque, The New and the Old. St. Paul's 4 : 698. The, and the Beautiful. (R. H. Home) Contemp. 18 : 390. Writers of, in England. (C. C. Clarke) Gent. M. n. s. 4: 167. An Old. (D. Cook) The. '82, 2: 267. The Old and the New. (VV. D. Adams) The. n. s. 27 : 144 (Mr. '96). Uses and Abuses of. (T. Heyward) Tinsley 37 : 477. Burlesques. Cornh. 4: 167. Burletta, What is a? (D. Cook) Once a Week 12: 233. Burnand, Frank Cowley. With portrait. The. '79, i : 34 ; '83, I : 105. (Burnand, F. C.) A School for Dramatic Art. (Reply to H. Aide) 19th Cent. 11 : 753 (My. '82). Behind the Scenes. Fortn. 43 : 84. Same art. Eel. M. 104: 409. Councils and Comedians. Fortn. 44: 370. Reminiscences of the Royalty. The. n. s. 27 : 70 (F. '96). Ghost in Hamlet. Month 64 : 64. Burroughs, Marie. (Robt. Edgarton) Lippinc. 51 : 363 (Mr. '93). (Burton, R.) Maurice Maeterlinck. Atlan. 74 : 672 (N. '94). Burton's Theatre, N. Y., Fracas at. The. '82, 2:15. (Bushby, Mrs.) Passion Play at Ober Ammergau. Colburn 147: 288. Butler, Mrs. See "Fanny {or Frances) Kemble.''' (Byron, H. J.) Growls from the Playwright. The. '80, i : 20. Going on the Stage. The. '79, 2 : 130. Causes of Failures of. The. '79, I : 221. Byron and Shelley on the Character of Hamlet. Colburn 29: 327. 28 z^t Sr^agajmc anb tt^c 2Drama. Caine, Lilly Hall. The. n. s. 23 : 250 (My.'94). (Caine, Thomas Henry Hall.) Mrs. Oliphant's Life of R. B. Sheridan. Aca,d. 24: 271. Art of Shakspere. Contemp. 43 : 883. Same art. Eel. M. 10 1 : 240. Coleridge's Lectures on Shakspere. Acad. 25 : 19. Supernatural in Shakspere. Colburn 165 : 1029. What is a Tragedy ? Acad. 34 : 15. (Calcraft, John William. ) See " Co/e. " (Calhoun, L. C.) Edwin Booth. Galaxy 7 : 77. Calls, Stage. (G. Turner) The. '84, i : 296. (Calvert, W.) Annals of the Bath Stage. The. 24: 292; 25 : i3» 175- Chas. Wyndham as David Garrick. The. n. s. 18 : 9. (Cameron, H. L.) The Bancrofts. Lond. Soc. 53: 601. " Camille." See "Ditmas,/i/s." (Campbell, L.) Notes on " King Lear." National 12: 492. (Campbell, Mrs. Patrick.) The. n. s. 25: 292 (My. '95). The. n. s. 22 : 92 (Ag.'93). Canada, Private Theatricals in. Harper 63 : 221 (Jl.'Si). (Capes, F. M. ) Popular Representation of Shakspere. Month 57: 69. (Cargill, Alex.) Shakspere as an Actor. Scribner 9: 613 (My.'9i). (Carlyle, T. ) German Playwrights. For. R. 3: 94. (Carpenter, Fred'k Ives.) An American Endowed Theatre. Dial(Ch.) 21 : 182 (O. i, '96). (Carpenter, Geo. Rice.) Henrik Ibsen. Scribner 5 : 404 (Ap.'89). (Carpenter, W. H.) Freytag on the Technicjue of the Drama. Bookman i : 315 (Je.'95). Bibliography of H. Ibsen. Bookman i : 275. 'Cjje ar^aga$inc anti tJjc SDmma. 29 Carr, J. Comyns. "King Arthur." Sat. R. 79: 93 (Ja. 19, '95). (R. W. Bond) Fortn. 63 : 703 (My. '95). English Actors of Yesterday and To-day. Fortn. 39 : 221. (Carroll, A. L.) A Very Old Play. Galaxy 2 : 530. (Carson, Murray.) The. n. s. 23 : 266 (My. '94). Collaboration. The. n. s. 28: 85 (Ag.'96). (Carson, R. Claude.) A Plea for the Innocuous. The. n. s. 25: 154 (Mr. '95). (Castel6, W. R.) Shakspere's Cordelia. Eel. M. 14: 517. Cavendish, Ada. The. '82, i: 39, 125; 85, i: 159, 204. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 48: 302 (O. I2,'95). (Cayvan, Georgia.) Theatre Days in Japan. Dr. Mirror, 37: 939 (Xmas'96). Cecil, Arthur. The. n. s. 26: 33 (Jl.'95). Celebrities, Bygone. (R. H. Home) Gent. M. n. s. 6 : 247, 660 ; 7 : 88, 468. Censorship of the Drama. Sat. R. 79 : 280 (Mr. 2, '95). Colburn 70: 345. All the Year 76: 294 (Mr.'95). (W. Archer) New R. 6: 566 (My. '92). (A. Good- rich) The. n. s. 19: 232 (My. '92). (G. Moore) New R- 3: 354- The. '78,2: 259,332. Westm. 121: 328. (R. Buchanan) The. n. s. 27 : 254 (Mr. '96). All the Year 33: 79. All the Year 32 : 344,391- Chamb. J. 26: 313. Same art. Liv. Age 52: 26. Chamb. J. 39: 158; 50: 263. Dub. Univ. 68: 525,69: 243. The Censorship of Plays. The. n. s. 25 : 193. (Apr. '95)- Cheap Theatres and the Lord Chamberlain. (A. B. Reach) Peop. J. 3 : 97. Touching the Lord Chamberlain. (Chas. Dickens 2nd) The. n. s. 25 : 10 (Ja. '95). (Chapman, John Jay.) Romeo. Atlan. 78: 707 (N.'96). 30 Ci)c a^aga$ine anb tf)c SDrania. (Charlesworth, H. W.) Playhouse Sonnets. Canad. M. I : 558 (S. '93)- Some Modernisms on the Stage. Canad. M. i : 43 (Mr. '93). "Charley's Aunt" on the Continent. (E. J. Goodman; H. H. Fyfe) The. n. s. 25 : 338 (Je. '95). (Chevalier, Albert.) Costers and Music Halls. Eng. Illust. 10: 479 (Ap.'93). (Chiarini, G.) Two Legends of "Merchant of Venice." Chaut. 17 702 (S. '93). (Child, Theo.) Com^die Fran9aise. Harper 74: 691 (Ap.'87). Drama of the i6th Century. Amer. 5 : 334. French Translations of " Hamlet." The. '81,2: 271. " Hamlet " in Paris. Poet Lore 2 : 557 (N.'9o). "Othello" in Paris. Poet Lore i : 301, 362 (Jl. & Ag. '89). Playwrights of Paris. Contemp. 51 : 712. Washington on the French Stage. Lippinc. 29 : 293 (Mr. '82). Child Life in Shakspere. (M. L. Griffin) Irish Mo. 19: 434. Children, Theatre. Sunday M. 19 : 121. Children on the Stage. (A. Hornblow) Munsey 12 : 32 (0.'94). Chinese Drama. Quart. 16: 396. All the Year 13: 29. (G. Adams) 19th Cent. 37: 497 (Mr. '95). (B. K. Douglas) Contemp. 37: 123. Same art. Eel. M. 94: 349- Chinese Theatre. Spec. 59: 1683. Cornh.9; 297. (H. B. McDonald) Cent. 7 : 27. An Afternoon at. Lond. Soc. 31 : 501. at San Francisco. Harper 66 : 830 (My. '83). In a, (G. H. Fitch) Cent. 2: 1S9 (Je.'82). (G. W. Lamphigh) Macmil. 57: 36. Cjje 9[^aga5inc anb rtjc 2Drama. 3' Chinese and Japanese Theatres. (L. Wingate) Murray 2 : 89, 232. (Chorley, J. R.) Notes on Shakspere. Fraser 59: 543. 60: 49,423- (Chubb, E. W.) Cicero in the Works of Shakspere. Acad. (Syr.) 5: 108. Church and Drama. Harper 26: 564 (Mr. '63). (J.Dyer) Penn Mo. 10 : 374. Theatre Denounced by Jeremy Colher. Harper 50 : 441 (F.'75). Stage from a Clergyman's Point of View. (Rev. T. P. Hughes) Forum 20: 695 (F.'96). Duty of Church as to the Theatre. (N. Hall ; H. C. Shuttleworth). Ch. Lit. il : 302 (S.'94). Church, and the Stage. Victoria 28 : 3S9. Stage and the. Godey 131 : 127 (Ag.'95). Theatre and the. (R. Collyer) Critic 3: 277. Congress on the Drama. The. '78, 2: 255. Cibber, CoUey. "Apology." Spec. 63 : 277. Death and Burial of. (D. Cook) The. '83, 2 : 217. Early Life of. (Lady Lamb) The. '79, i : 92. Cicero in the Works of Shakspere. (E. W. Chubb) Acad. (Syr) 5 : 108. (Clapp, H. A.) Edwin Booth. Allan. 72: 307 (S.'93). Henry Irving. Atlan. 53 : 413. Wm. Warren. Atlan. 26 ; 786. Time in Shakspere's Plays. Atlan. 55 : 386, 543. Claque in Paris Theatres. (L. Kalisch) Ev. Sat. 5 : 102. Claque, La. See "Applause" etc. (Claretie, J.) French View of Henry Irving. The. '79,2: 16. Clarion, Hippolyte. (F. Hawkins) The. '86, i : 291 ; 2 : 20. (Claris, L. J.) Henry Irving as Actor and Artist. The. '82, I : 155. 32 €|)c 3t9n0a$inc anb tgc SDrama, Clark, Charlotte. (L. Wingate) The. '82, 2 : 40, 85, 137. (Clarke, C. C.) Philosophers and Jesters of Shakspere. Gent. M. n. s. no. Burlesque Writers of England. Gent. M. n. s. 7 : 557. (Clarke, H. S.) Stage and Society. The. '85, 2 : 135. Wm. Moy Thomas. The. '85, 2 : 12. Clarke, John S. (Wm. Stuart) Lippinc. 28: 497 (N.'8i). In "The Rivals." The. '85, 2 : 149-167. (Clarke, M. C.) Simpletons of Shakspere. Sharpe 7: 217. Soldiers of Shakspere. Sharpe 9: 24, 143; 10: 196, 349- Individuality of Characters of Shakspere. See " Shakspere^ Admission Prices to Theatres. All the Year 32 : 296. Lawrence and Kemble's Hamlet. Sharpe 6 : 181. Clarke, M. G. (A. Croxton) The. n. s. 22 : 121 (S.'93). (Clarke, S. W.) Sudden Deaths of Actors. The. 19: 75. (Clarke, T. W.) Edmund Kean. Knick. 3: loi. Claudian on the Stage. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 24: 404. (Clay den, P. W.) Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Fortn. 8: 153- Cleopatra, Shakspere's. Tinsley 14: 22. Eraser 40: 277. Cornh. 24: 344. Same art. Eel. M. 77: 582. Clergy and the Drama. (A. T. Davidson) Macmil. 37 : 497. See also " Church and the Drama.'''' (Clifford, Dr.) Can We Have an Ideal Theatre? Young Man's (Mr. '93). Clive, Kitty. (J. E. Molloy) Eng. lUust. 3: 17. (Clodd, E.) Miracle Plays. Longm. 15 : 612. Same art. Eel. M. 14: 74. Liv. Age 185: 431. Clowns, Harlequins, etc. See ^'Buffoons.'''' Cobbett, Wm., Comedies of. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 25 : 465. €jjc 9[9a0a$mc anb t!je SDrama. 33 Cofl&n, Hayden. The. n. s. 23: 326(Je.'94). (Coghlan, Rose.) Personal Requisites of the Stage. Godey 127: 754(D-'93)- (Cohn, A.) A. Dumas,7f/j. Bookman (Ja. '96). {Cole, ]dhn William, pseudonym: "John William Calcraft.") French Dramatists and Actors. Dub. Univ. 43 : 594, 652. Writers against the Stage. Dub. Univ. 38 : 272. Dramatic Writers of Ireland. Dub. Univ. 45: 39,527; 46: 38, 548; 47: 159,359- Theatre Royal, Dublin. Dub. Univ. 72 : 458, 558. Leaves from Portfolio of a Manager. See "Manager.'" Garrick Club Portraits. Dub. Univ. 42: 643; 43: 223, 393- Improvement in Text of Shakspere. Dub. Univ. 41: 356. (Coleman, John.) Social Status of the Actor. Nationals: 20 (Mr. '85). Wilson Barrett and his Work. Longm. 7: 63. Chas. Dillon. Gent. M. n. s. 37: 168. Reminiscences of Henry Howe. The. n. s. 27 : 263 (My. '96). Personal Reminiscences of Chas. Reade. Lippinc. 34: 146, 234, 354 (Ag., S. and O. '84). Fact and Fancies about" Macbeth." Gent. M. n. s. 42: 218. Six Phases in the Life of Moli^re. The. n. s. 22: 128, 184, 315 (S., O. and D. '93.) Romance of Drury Lane. Gent. M. n. s. 57 : 365 (O. '96). (Coleridge, Christabel R.) "Faust" from the Room of the Unlearned. Lond. Soc. 54 : 191 (Aug. '88), Coleridge's Lectures on Shakspere. (T. H. H. Caine) Acad. 25: 19. (Colin, C.) Bjonsterne Bjornson. R. of Rs. 6: 411 (N.'92). 5 34 €|jc 9[9a0a3inc ant) tf^c 2Drama. Collaboration. Sat. R. 56 : 564. (M. Carson.) The. n. s. 28: 85 (Ag. '96). College Theatricals. (J. K. Hosmer) Nation 10 : 6. Blackw. 54: 737. Same art. Eel. M. i: 253. Liv. Agesg: 278. .iEschylus. " Agamemnon," acting of, at Oxford in 1880. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Nation 30: 472. "Antigone" (Sophocles') at Toronto University. Spec. 72: 369 (Mr. 17, '94). Aristophanes. "The Frogs," at Oxford. (H. F. Wil- son) Acad. 41 : 237 (Mr. 5, '92). Ath. '92, l : 318 (Mr. 5, '92). Sat. R. 73 : 244. Temp. Bar 95 : 238 (Jl. '92). The. 28 : 216 (Ap. '92). As we have them. (E. J. Stevenson) No. Am. 158 : 510 (Ap. '94). Browning's " Stafford " at Oxford Univ. Dram. Soc. Poet Lore 2 : 200 (Ap. '90). Costumes in the Greek Play at Harvard. (F. D. Millet) Cent, i: 65 (N. '81). Drama in Colleges. (J. K. Hosmer) Allan. 30: 19 (Jl. '72). Greek Play at Bradfield College, 1892. (L. Dyer) Nation 55 : 26 (Jl. 14, '92). Greek Play at Cambridge. All the Year 57: 421. (G. W. Prothero) Cent. 6: 411 (Jl. '84). Greek Play at Iowa College. "Electra" of Sophocles. R. of Rs. 2: 174 (S. '92). Greek Play at Oxford. The. 'So, 72 : 36. Greek Play at Oxford, 1892. Sat. R. 73 : 244. Ath. '92, I : 318 (Mr. 5, '92). Temp. Bar 95 : 238 (Je. '92). Greek Play at St. Andrews College. The. '82, l : 177. " He Playing She." Scrib. 17: 189. Latin Play at Harvard. (M. H. Morgan) Harv. Grad. Mo. 2 : 335 (Mr. '94) (Je. '94). (H. W. Haynes) Harv. Grad. Mo. 2 : 515. (J. B. Greenough) New Eng. M. n.s. 10: 491 (Jl.'94). (F. G. Ireland) Ediica. R. 8 : 54 (Je. '94)- €1)0 3t9asa5inc anti ttje SDrama. 35 College Theatricals. Ben Jonson. " Epicoene," revival of, at Harvard College. (G. P. Baker) Harv. Grad. Mo. 3: 493 (Je.'95). University Theatricals. Dub. Univ. 95 : 87. University Theatre. (G. Riddle) Am. M. 7 : 459. Collier, Jeremy. Theatre denounced by. Harper 50: 441, (Collier, Robt. Laird.) Henry Irving. Lippinc. 32 : 441 (N.'83). (Collins, M. and J. Lillie.) Madame Modjeska. Temp. Bar 66: 22,551; 67: 73. (Collyer, R.) Theatre and the Church. Critic 3 : 277. Colman, Geo., the Elder and the Younger. (H. B. Baker) Belgra. 46 : 187. Same art. Eel. M. 98 : 214. and D. Garrick," Clandestine Marriage." (P. H. Fitz- gerald) The. 18 : 340. Columbine Question, The. All the Year 35 : 390 (J. 22,'76). Comedians, Among the. (L. C. Davis) Atlan. 19 : 750. of the Age. (W. Davenport Adams) The. n. s. 22 : 144 (S. '93)- Attitude of the Church on. Fortn. 44 : 370. Same art. Eel. M. 105. Four Characters. (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 22 : 9 (Jl-'93)- Com6die Fran9aise. (T. Child) Harper 74 : 691 (Ap. '87). (Ed. Rose)The.'79,l: 311. (C. Hervey) The. '84,2 : i. A Company of Actors. (J. B. Matthews) Scrib. 16 : 837 (O. '78). (A. Strobel) Murray. 6: 334. Same art. Eel. M. "3: 335- and the English Stage. Dub. Univ. 94 : 340. Foyer of. (F. Hawkins) The. '79, i : 360. of To-day. (A. D. Vandam) New R. 9: 314 (S. '93). Origin of. (F. Hawkins) The. '79, i : 286. Visit to. The. '79, i : 277. Women of. (E. A. De Wolfe) Cosmop. 11 : 643. Comedies, Old. Harper 73 : 308 (Jl. '86) ; 75 : 309 (Jl.'SS). 36 cijc iir9aga5hic anb tljc SDrama. Comedy. Monitor 2 : 45. A Half Forgotten. (Laurence Hutton.) Dr. Mirror 23 : 584 (M. 8, '90). Comic Dramatists of the Restoration. (J. Pyne) Na- tional Q. 34: 306. Decline of. Sat. R. 68: 457. Modern. (J. B. Matthews) Princ. n. s. U : 273. Blackw. 19: 46. Modern Tendencies of. (Chas. Wyndham) No. Am. 149 : 607 (D. '89). The Prize. (D. Cook) The. '82, 2 : 65. Two Thousand Years of. (C. S. A. Herford) N. Eng. M. 53: 441. Woman in. (C. T. Congdon) Harper 37: 507 (S. '68). " Comedy of Errors." All the Year 48 : 390. (A. Lang) Harper 82 : 550. (D. J. Snider) Western 2 : 296. Once a Week 14: 380. The"Comedy of Errors "at Gray's Inn. (Arthur a Becket) The. n. s. 27: 31 (Ja. '96). Comic Opera, French. Temp. Bar 47 : 493. The Decline of. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 26 : 202 (0.'95). Composition, Situation and Character. Ev. Sat. 13 : 229. Cornh. 26: 155. Decline of. Blackw. 9 : 279. Dramas for Music, How to Write. (F. A. Laidlaw) The. n. s. 18: 67. Dramatic, Art of. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 126: 40. Oxford Prize Essay I : 167. Dramatic Construction (S. Grundy) The. '81, i : 208. Methods of English Playwrights. Nation 38 : 543. Novels, Dramatization of. (J. B. Matthews) Longm. 14 : 588 (0.'89). Playwriting. (A. Hennequin) Forum 8: 705 (F. '90). (J. Littlejohn) Irish Mo. 17: 356. (C. E. Meetkerke) The. 25: 156. (S. Rosenfeld) Author 3 : 142. Gent. M. n. s. 49: 423 (0.'92). €l)c Sl^aga^inc anJJ rtje SDrama. 37 Composition, an Experiment in. (J. Kirkland) Atlan. 44 : 149 (Ag.'79). Dramatic Canons. (F. Whittaker) Galaxy 23 : 396, 508. Nation 38 : 543. from the Actors' Point of View (W. H. Crane) No. Am. 157: 325 (S.'93)- Hints on. (E. K. Gowing) Writer 7: 113 (Ag.'94). Henry James on. Sat. R. 78: 662 (D. 15, '94). Playwrights, Modern and their Methods. Chamb. J. 69: 352 (Je.'92). W. Archer on. Sat. R. 73 : 459. See also " Construction^'' "Collaboration " etc. (Conant, S. S.) Mrs. .Siddons. Harper 44: 184 (Ja.'72). (Congdon, C. T.) Decline of Tragedy. Harper29: 745 (N. '64.) Woman in Comedy. Harper 37: 507 (S.'68). Conjugal Relations in Dramatic Art. (K. B. Martin) Dial (Ch.)3: 134. Conquest, Geo. The. n. s. 26: 155 (S.'95). Conservatoire, Paris, a Day at. Lippinc. 20 : 512 (0.'77). Shall we have an American? (F. H. Sargent) Cent. 6: 475 (Jl-'84)- Construction, Dramatic. (S. Grundy) The. '81, i : 208. of Theatres. (G. S. Morison) Nation 23 : 355. and Arrangement. (P. Fitzgerald) Art J. 28: 13: 357. Conway, Harry B. With portrait. The. '84, i : 153. Conway, Harry H. With portrait. The. '79, i : 241. (Conway, Moncure D.) Pilgrimage to the Passion Play. Harper 43 : 919 (N.'7i). Faust and Mephistopheles. Harper 38: 540 (Mr.'69). Shylock. 19th Cent. 7: 828 (My. '80). Tercentenary of Shakspere. Harper 29 : 336 (Ag.'64). Conway, W. A. and Mrs. Piozzi. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 27: 538 (N. '81). (Cook, D.) See " Edward Dutton Cook." 38 Cljje a9aga$ine anb ttjc SEtama* Cook, Edw. Button. The. '82, 2 : 212, 272. (J. F. Boyer) Longm. 3: 179 (D.'83). Obituary of. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 24: 404. (Cook, Edw. Dutton.) Amateur Actor. The. '78, 2 : 117. An Old Burlesque. The. '82, 2 : 267. Anne Oldfield. Gent. M. n. s. 28: 157. Art of Acting. The.'82,2: 140. " As You Like It." Once a Week 12 : 682. Ballet and Ballet Dancer. Belgra. 25 : 522. Blackamoors in Othello. Once a Week 15: 202. Burletta? What is a. Once a Week 12: 233. Chas. A. Fechter. The. '79,2: 132. Chas. Jas. Mathews. Gent. M. n. s. 22 : 234, 347. Chas. Kean. Gent. M. n. s. 25 : 712. Concerning Harlequins. The. '81, i : 10. Death and Burial of Colley Cibber. The. '83, 2 : 217. Dickens as a Dramatic Critic. Longm. 2 : 29. Eclipse of Shakspere. Gent. M. n. s. 25 : 302. Ellen Terry. The. 'So, i : 340. Footmen's Gallery. Once a Week 15 : 594. Fred'k Robson. Gent. M. n. s. 28: 715. Garrick and the Shakspere Jubilee. Once a Week 10: 104. Half Price at 9 o'clock. Once a Week 17 : 159. " Hamlet." Once a Week 11 : 622. He Would be an Actor. The.'79, i : 21. Inexplicable Dumb Show. Belgra. 29: 190. John Palmer as Joseph Surface. Gent. M. n. s. 20 : 429. " King Lear " in Paris. The. '81, i : 214. " Macbeth." Once a Week 12 : 380. Mannerisms. The. '79, I : 165. Mrs. Elizabeth Barry. Gent. M. n. s. 29 : 166. Mrs. Fanny Barton Abington. Gent. M. n. s. 16: 198. Nell Gwyn. Gent. M. n. s. 30 : 489. Originality in Plays. The. '79, i : 308. Players and Gentlemen. Once a Week 12 : 706. €Jc ^aqa^rnt nnb rtjc SDrama. 39 (Cook, Edw. Button.) Players and Parsons. The. '78, 2: 269. Rachel. Gent. M. n. s. 25 : 188. Reader of Plays. Belgra. 36 : 432. Shakspere Festival, 1864. Once a Week 10 : 104. Stage Properties. Belgra. 35 : 282. Stage Thunder. Once a Week 14: 685. Strange Actors. Belgra. 45: 51, Same art. Appleton 26 : 267. Strange Players. Eel. M. 97 : 337. Thackeray and the Theatre. Longm. 4 : 409. Same art. Critic 5 : 80, 92. The Prize Comedy, The. '82, 2 : 65. The Right to Hiss. The. '83, 2 : 1 78. " Twelfth Night." Once a Week 14 : 65. W. A. Conway and Mrs. Piozzi. Gent. M. n. s. 27: 538 (N. '81). (Cook, K.) Ancient Drama and Modern Novel. Dark Blue 3 : 709. Cooke. Kean's Monument to. Harper 44: i88(Ja.'72). Cooke, Geo. Fred'k. Harper 35 : 23 (Jl. '67); 63 : 874 (N.'76). The. '82, 2: 279. Mus. 43: 508. Portf. (Den.) 9 : 532, Temp. Bar 50: 189. Same art. Eel. M. 89: 197. (W. Dunlap) Anal. M. i : 404, 466. (Cooke, J.) Astrology of Shakspere. Macniil. 51 : 462. Same art. Liv. Age. 165: 281. Cooper, Thos. A. Chamb. J. 49: 473. Eel. M. 62: 214. Lond. M, 38 : 445. Howitt 3 : 226, 242. Copp6e, Frangois. (T. Beaugeard) The. n. s. 27 : 277 (My. '96). Cordelia. (W. R. Castele) Eel. M, 14: 517. "Coriolanus." (D. J. Snider) Western i : 695, 771. (J. M. Street) N. Eng. M. 51 : 260. on the Stage. (A. Hallam) The. '79, 2 : 22. 40 CIJc Sl^aga^inc nnti t^t SDmma. Coquelin, Benoit Constant. (H. James) Cent, ii: 407. (J. B. Matthews) Scrib. i: 244. Critic 13: 168. Sat. R. 63 : 613. Acting of. (F. H. Williams) Amer. 16: 38. and Jane Hading. Critic 13: 193, 207. and H. Irving. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 145 : 158. as Matthias. Sat. R. 64: 657. at the Lotus Club. Critic 13: 207. Farewell Performances of. Critic 14 : 260. in London. Critic 12 : 260. (Coquelin, Benoit Constant.) Acting and Actors. Harper 64: 891 (My.'87). Acting and Authors. Harper 65 : 679 (Ap. '88). Moliere and Shakspere. Cent. 16: 819. Coquelins, The. (E. A. Morton) The. n. s. 11 : 295. Costers, and Music Halls. (A. Chevalier) Eng. Illust. ID : 479 (Ap. '93). Costumes, Stage History of. Penny M. 5 : 179, 187. Stage, and Shakspere. (O.Wilde) 19th Cent. 40: 456. (Couldock, Chas. W.) My Earliest Stage Recollections. Dr. Mirror 35: 886 (Xmas '95). (Courtenay, T. P.) " King Henry IV." Colburn 54 : 42. "King Henry V." Colburn 54: 251. "King Henry VIII." Colburn 55 : 346. " King Henry VI." 54 : 375, 494; 55 = 57- Shakspere's Historical Plays Historically Considered. See " Shakspere.'''' "Richard II." Colburn 53 : 364. "Richard III." Colburn 55 : 236. (Courtney, W. L.) Dramatic Criticism. Contemp. 46: 691 (N.'93). Same Eel. M. 132: 63 (Jl.'94). Faust on the English Stage. Fortn. 45 : 102. Note on Ibsen. Fortn. 63 : 277 (F.'95). Irving in " Faust." Fortn. 45 : 102. (Coxon, E.) Duties of an Audience. The. '86, i : 74. €Je Sl[9a5a$mc aiiD tjjc SDrama. 41 Craig, Ailsa. The. n. s. 26: 219 (0.'95). (Craik, Mrs. D. M.) Dramatic Art of Present Day. 19th Cent. 416 (S. '86). (Crane, W. H.) Play-writing from the Actor's Point of View. No. Amer. 157: 325 (S.'gs). (Crane, W. W.) Allegory in " Hamlet." Poet Lore 3 : 565. (Cra"wfurd, Oswald.) Bernhardt in Oporto. Acad. 21 : 321 (My. 6,'82). (Creighton, C.) Falstaff's Deathbed. Blackw. 145 : 324. Critic. The Author-Critic. Sat. R. 61 : 503. a, and the Critics Criticized. (C. Scott) The. n. s. 13 : 297. Dickens as a Dramatic. (D. Cook) Longm. 2 : 29. G. H. Lewes as a Dramatic. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 27: 337 (Je.'96). Dramatist: Old and New. The. n. s. 26: 187 (O.'gS). Critics, Dramatic, and the Dramatists. Harper 81: I52(je.'90). Dramatic, Duties of. (W. Archer) 19th Cent., 17: 249 (F.'Ss). Modern Drama and its. (R. Buchanan) Contemp. 56: 908. The Stall, the Pit, and the. (E. Ballantyne) The. n. s. 16 : 20. as Actors. (H. Louther) Tinsley 28 : 60. Criticism, Dramatic. The. 27 : 153. (J. H. McCarthy) Gent. M. n. s. 52 : 313 (Mr. '94). (B. Stoker) No. Am. 158 : 325 (Mr. '94). (W. L. Courtney) Contemp. 64: 691 (N.'93). Same art. Eel. M. 132: 63 (Jl.'94). Amer. I : 121. All the Year 71 : 509 (N. 26, '92). An Actor's Pet Affectation. (Not to read newspaper criticisms.) The. n. s. 27: 125 (Mr. '96). Dramatic, American. Amer. i : 121. Dramatic, and the Renascent Drama. (VV. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 19: 277 (Je.'92). Influence of. (S. J. A. Fitz-Gerald) The. n. s. 24: 238 (N.'94). 6 42 €!jc ^aga3inc anti tfjc SDrama. Criticism, True Power of. (S. J. A. Fitz-Gerald) The. n. s. 27 : 29 (Ja. '96). Dramatic, The Difficulties of. (Cecil Howard) The. n. s. 25: 2i8(Ap.'95). Dramatic, Degeneracy of. The. n. s. 15 : 253. Dramatic, Ethics of. Gent. M. n. s. 49 : 528. Dramatic, from a Dramatic Critic's Point of View. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 16 : 55. First Night Judgment of Plays. Sat. R. 73 : 592. Dramatic, in Paris. (K. Venning) The. 19: 193. Dramatic, Preparation for. (L. M. Kingston) Writer 2 : 79. Shaksperian. (W. H. Pollock) 19th Cent. 11 : 915 (Je. '82). in Advance. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 24: 107 (S.) in Advance. (Clement Scott) The. n. s. 24 : 158. (O. '94). Cant in. Blackw. 19 : 197. Tieck's Criticism. Mo. R. no: 470; III: 457, Mus. 10: 289. Dramatic, A New Guide to. The. n. s. 26 : 251 (N. '95). Manifolded. The. n. s. 26: 206 (O.'gS). Critique, My First. (L. F. Austin) The. '78, 2: 362. (Crosart, A. B.) Chas. T. Turner. Leis. Hr. 24: 711. (Crosby, J.) Puns of Shakspere. Am. Bibliog. 7 : 142. (Cross, Wilbur L.) Ibsen's "Brand." Arena 3: 8o(D.'90). (Croxton, Arthur.) G.Clarke. The. n. s. 22 : 121 (S. '93). Cuba, Theatre, Tacon. Harper 43 : 357 (Ag.'7i). Cuban Theatricals. All the Year 24 : 413. (Cumnoch, R. M.) How Can I become a Distinct Speaker ? Chaut. 10: 320. Ministerial Tone. Chaut. 13 : 53. (Cunningham, Peter.) Nell Gwynn. Gent. M. n. s. 35 : 30, "5. 253. 339. 501, 609 ; 36 : 33, 136 (Ja. to Ag.'Si). (Cunliffe, J. W.) Irving in " King Arthur." Canad. M. 6 : 75 (N.'95)- €j)e 9[9aga$inc anb tljc 2?rama» 43 Cushman, Charlotte. The. '78, 2: 172. Victoria 32 : 468. All the Year 41 : 102. (G. F. Ferris) Appleton 11 : 353. (J. D. Stockton) Scrib. 12; 262 (Je.'76). (R. G. White) Nation: 314. (M. Hewitt) Peop. J. 2: 30-47. and Macbeth. (G. F. Ferris) Lakeside 7 : 407. and Rachel. (Mme. de Marguerites) Sharpe 15 : 13. Remembrances of. (C. Bede) Belgra. 29: 333. (Cutter, C. A.) Playwright's Art. Nation 38 : 382. " Cymbeline." All the Year 53 : 532. Acad. 40 : 460. (D.J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. 9: 172. at the Lyceum. (R. W. Bond) Fortn. (N. '96). In a Hindu Playhouse. (H. Littledale) Macmil. 42 : 65. Same art. Liv. Age 145 : 695. Lesson of. (H. P. Goddard) Poet Lore i : 64. Daly, Augustin, His Company in "As You Like It." (C. Howard) The. n. s. 16 : 90. His Company in "Taming the Shrew." (F. A. Marshall; P. Fitzgerald) The. n. s. 12 : 10. His Company in " Railroad of Love." (P. H. Fitzgerald) The. n. s. 11 : 315. Plays in London. Sat. R. 69 : 731; 70: 73, 105. (Daly, A.) American Drama. No. Am. 142: 485. Daly's Stock Co. (L. C. Davis) Lippinc. 32 : 396. Dancers, English Stage. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 25 : 76 (Feb. '95). Dangers, Fire, Panic, Riot, etc. Brooklyn Theatre Fire. Har- per 64: 466 (F.'82). Theatres in Peril from Fire. Harper 64 : 788 (Ap.'82). Theatre Panic. Harper 37 : 708 (0.'68) ; 60 : 788 (Ap. '80). (Daniels, J. A.) Some Eccentric Stage Costumes. The. n. s. 20: 251 (D.'92). Danish Drama. Fortn. 28 : i. (W. Archer) Fortn. 53: 682. Danish National Theatre. Cornh. 30 : 297. 44 Cj)c Ill9aga5inc anb tl)c 2)rama» (Dannreuther, E.) Musical Drama. Macmil. 33 : 80. (D'Arcy, W.) Her Majesty's Theatre. Belgra. 4: 416. Dashwood, Chas. The. n. s. 22: 247 (D.'93). (Daudet, Alphonse.) My " First Night." The. n. s. 25 : 299 (Je.94)- Toilers of the Stage. The. n. s. 24 : i (JL'94). Drunkenness on the Stage. The. n. s. 24: 48 (Ag. '94). (Dauacey, S.) The Stage and Mr. Burnand. Tinsley 36 : 323. Dauvray, Helen, in " A Scrap of Paper." The. n. s. 19: 203 (Ap.'92). Davenport, E. L., Recollections of. (H. P. Goddard) Lippinc. 21 : 463. (Davenport, Fanny.) Some Childish Memories. Lippinc. 42: 565(0. '88). (Davey, Rich'd.) Beginnings of the Drama in America. Na- tional 19: 802 (Ag.'92). Alex. Dumas, yf/j'. The. n. s. 27: 12 (Ja.'gS). Death of Rachel. The. '80, i : 273. Italian Drama. No. Am. 19 : 90. Italian Stage. Lippinc. 15 : 90. M. Ars^ne Houssaye. The. n. s. 27: 271 (My. '96). Modern Criticism. The. n. s. 26: 137 (S.'95). New " Robert Macaire." The. n. s. 26: 30 (Jl.'95). The Italian Stage. The. '80, 2 : 300. (Davidson, A. C.) "Ophelia." The. '81, 2 : 212. (Davis, H.) Shakspere and John Lyly. Poet Lore 5: 177 (Ap.'93)- (Davis, L. Clarke.) " These our Actors." (Daly's Co.) Lippinc. 32: 369. Among the Comedians. Allan. 19 : 750. Drama in Tatters. Chamb. J. 60 : 215. Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Lippinc. 24 : 57 (Jl-'59)- John E. Owens. Atlan. 19: 750. Actors, Old and New. Galaxy 15 : 660. €f|c Sl^aga^me anb tge SDrama* 45 (Davis, L. Clarke. ) Drama in Pliiladelphia. Amer. 3 : 55. Maggie Mitchell and Mary Gannon. Galaxy 6 : 245. Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Atlan. 19: 750. (Davis, Richard Harding.) Mrs. Kendal vs. American Public. The. n. s. 23 : 9 (F.'94) (reprint from Harper's Weekly). Deadheads, What to do With. (A. Patterson) The. 27 n. s. '80 (F.'96). Should they live? (H. C. Newton) The. n. s. 28: 147 (S.'96). (Deane, A. C.) Stage in Fiction. The. n. s. 11 : 104 (S.'92). Dearth of Dramatists. Theatre '80, i : i. Deaths, Sudden, of Actors. (S. W. Clarke) The. n. s. 10 : 75- Deaths and Disasters on the Stage. Chamb. J. 53: 13. (De Br6niont, A.) American Actresses. The. 18: 324. Decay of the Stage. St. Paul's i: 173. Same art. Eel. M. 70: 54- (De Colonne, Vicomte.) Drama in France. Macmil. 34 : 176. (De Cordova, Rudolph.) The Stage as a Career. Forum 17: 622 (Jl.'94). (de Dubor, George.) Plays of Hroswitha. Fortn. 65: 443 (Mr.'96). (DeFalbe, Count.) The Hamlet Saga. 19th Cent. 12: 147 (D.'82). Hamlet, Where he came from. Manhat. i : 132. (De Gibbins, H.) Bjornsterne Bjdrnson. To-day 10: 43. De Grey, Marie. The. '81,2: 129. (De Kay, Chas.) Modjeska. Scrib. 17: 665 (Mr.'79). (De la Barca, Mme. C.) The Drama. No. Am. 39 : 335. (De la K,am6e, L.) See "Ouida." Delaunay, as an Actor. Sat. R. 63 : 725. 46 artje 9[9a0a5inc aiiti tljc SDtania. (De Leon, T. C.) Christmas Pantomimes. Lippinc. 3: 36. (DeLong, M. J.) Faust Legend. Univ. R. 46: 208. Delsarte. (F. A. Duvivage) Atlan. 27 : 613. De Maupassant, Guy, as a Dramatist. (C. Nicholson) Acad. 39: 265. (De Meusiaux, M.) "A Fool's Paradise," "Snowball." See "Sydney Grundy." Wilson Barrett in "The Golden Ladder." "Denise." See" Dumas, filsy (Dennett, J. R.) Theatres of Our Day. Nation 7: 500. Shakspere's Delineation of Insanity. Nation 2 : 758. Desdemona. Am. Mo. M. 7: 209. (D. Fowler) Canad. Mo. 19: 643. (H. F. Martin) Blackw. 129: 325. (Mr. '81). Same art. Eel. M. 96: 643. Same art. Appleton25: 399. Same art. Liv. Age 149: Jo6. See also " Othello.'''' (De Wolfe, E. A.) Women of the Comedie Fran9aise. Cos- mop. II : 643. (Dicey, A. V.) R. B. Sheridan. Nation 39: 136. Dickens, Chas., Amateur Theatricals of. Macmil 23: 206. Same art. Eel. M. 76: 322; also Ev. Sat. lo : 70. and the Play. (G. Turner) The. '85, i : 171. as a Dramatic Critic. (D. Cook) Longm. 2 : 29. as a Dramatist. Spec. 55 : 953. Same art. Liv. Age 154: 362. as a Dramatist and Poet. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 20: 61. on the American Stage. (G. E. Montgomery) No. Am. 8: 190. (Dickens, Chas., 2d.) Censorship. The. n. s. 25 : 10 (Ja.'95). Decadence of Pantomime. The. n. s. 27: 21 (Ja.'96). Difficulties of the Serious Drama. The. n. s. 27: 200 (Ap.'96). Fechter's Acting. Atlan. 24: 242. Cljc ilt9aga$ine anb rtjc SDrama. 47 (Dickens, Chas., 2d.) H. A. Jones on the Renaissance of the Drama. The n. s. 25: 322 (Je.'95). London County Council and the Theatres. The. n. s. 25: i40(Mr.'95). Should Dramatic Critics Write Plays? The. n. s. 26: 256 (N.'95). Theatrical Illusion. The. n. s. 26: 192 (0.'95). The Public's Point of View. The. n. s. 24: 220 (N.'94). Dickinson, Anna. Harper 65 : 300 (Jl. '82). (I.B.Hooker) Nation 7: 391. and the Critics. (E. L. Godkin) Nation 24: 232. Dictator, The New. (C. Scott) The. n. s. 25 : 263 (My. '95). Diderot. Westm. 127: 44. " Paradoxe." See ^^ Emotionalism y DifBiculties, Dramatic. All the Year 73 : 135 (Ag. 5,'93). of Dramatic Criticism. (Cecil Howard) The. n. s. 25: 2i8(Ap.'95). (Dillon, A.) Shakspere and Municipal Theatre. Westm. 143 : 418 (Ap.'9S). Dillon, Chas. (J. Coleman) Gent. M. n. s. 37: 168. (Dithmar, Edw. A.) A Hopeful View. Dr. Mirror, 23: 591 (Ap. 26,'9o). (Dixon, B. H.) "Gag." The. '81, 2: 208. (Dobbin, J. C.) Notes on Playgoers. Tinsley 36: 135. ' (Dobson, A.) Last Appearance of D. Garrick. Longm. 26: 590 (0.'95). Dodd, Jas. Wm., as Sir Benj. Backbite. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 21 : 204. (Dodge, D. K.) Women of Ibsen. N. Eng. M. 56: 118 (F.'92). (Dole, N. H.) Shakspere and the Russian Drama. Poet Lore 1 : 497 (N. '89); 2: 113 (Mr. '90), 566 (N. '90). 48 ci)c 9[9a0a$inc anb tjjc E^mma* (Donne, W. B.) Dramatic Representation. Dark Blue 1 : 70. Ward on English Dramatic Literature. Macmil. 33: 314. (Donnely, T.) Drury Lane. Godey 128: 341 (Mr. '94). Don Q,uixote on the Stage. (A. Escott) The. n. s. 25 : 267 (My.'95)- (Doran, Dr.) Shakspere in France. 19th Cent. 3: 115 (Ja.'78). (Doran J.) French Criticisms on Shakspere. 19th Cent. 3: 115. Same art. Liv. Age 136: 533. Doran's Annals of the Stage. Dub. Univ. 63: 155. (Dorchester, D., Jr.) "Hamlet." Meth. R. 52: 390 (My. & Je.'92). (Dorr, J. C. R.) Caroline Howard Oilman. Critic 13 : 151. (Douglas, B. K.) Chinese Drama. Contemp. 37: 123. Same art. Eel. M. 94 : 349. (Dowden, Edward.) Shakspere's Wisdom of Life. Fortn. 50: 405. Same art. Eel. M. in: 668. Liv. Age 179: 131. Kemble's Notes on Shakspere. Acad. 22 : 409. Shakspere's Historical Plays. Acad. 23 : 90. Some Books on Shakspere. Acad. 28: 127. Women of Shakspere. Contemp. 47: 517. Same art. Liv. Age 165 : 405. (Downes, H.) One Night on the Stage. Once a Week i: 295.317- Drama, Scrib. 21 : 632 (F.'Si). (C. de la Barca) No. Am. 39 : 335' (J- I^- Lowell) No. Am. 66 : 374, 400. (W. B. O. Peabody) No. Am. 31 : 445. (H. Ware, Jr.) No. Am. 45: 313,335- a Course of Reading on the. (J. B. Matthews) Critic 3 : 215. Ancient, and the Modern Novel. (K. Cook) Dark Blue 3 : 709- and Music. Blackw. 6 : 430. Lish Mo. 9 : 104. Cfjc SlBaga$mc anti tje SDrama. 49 Drama and Music Halls. Cornh. 15: 119. as it is. (J. H, McCarthy) Gent. M. n. s. 49 : 533 (N. '92). Character and Tendencies of. Ed. R. 90: 129. Classic, 1858-67. Ch. R. 55 : 39. Classic and Romantic. Putnam's 6: 401. For. Quar. R. 36: 42. Conventionalities of. (F. Parke) Dub. Univ. 85 : 503. Decadent. (Edw. Fuller) Lippinc. 56: 423 (S. '95). (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 125: 235. (H. Quilter) Contemp. 5: 547. Same art. Eel. M, 108: 824. Decadence of. Tait 2 : 380. Decline of. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 125 : 235. (J. B. Matthews) Galaxy 19 : 225. Chamb. J. 38 : 392. Tait n. s. 18 : 600. Tinsley 5 : 293. (S. Grundy) The. n. s. 27: 131 (Mr. '96). 27: 196 (Ap. '96). Deterioration of. (Morris Ross) Poet Lore 3 : 353 (Jl.'gi). Dialogue on. (A. H. Kennedy) 19th Cent. 38 : 322 (Ag.'95). Domestics of the. (W. Gordon) The. '81, 2 : 19. Drunken. (O. Logan) Galaxy 4 : 934. (C. Reade) Spec. 55 : 1079. Dying. (W. Archer) New R. 1 : 367. Poet Lore i : 527 (N.'89). The Eternal Truths of the. (Mme. Fanny Janauschek.) Dr. Mirror, 35 : 886 (Xmas '95). Epitome of. (R. Lee) The. '86, 2 : 258. Footlights of Other Days. Tinsley 10 : 465. For and Against. (J. Pollock) 19th Cent, i : 611. French Opinions of. (C. Bonjour) Colburn 53 : 363. Girardin on. For Quar. R. 33 : 33. Same art. Eel. M. 3: 33- Habitue's Note Book. (C. Hervey) Colburn 84: 122, 535 ; 85: 125,502; 86: 113,383; 87: 373.490; 88: 123, 550; 89 : 129, 381 ; 90 : 1 16, 244. Hazhtt's Lecture on. (T. N. Talfourd) Ed. R. 34 : 438. Historical. Once a Week 28 : 1 70. 7 50 €fjc 9^aga$inc anb tfjc SDrania. Drama, History of. Westm. 67: 364. Ed. R. 1 : 139. in Colleges. See ^'■College Theatricals.'''' in Connection with Fine Arts. Dub. Univ. 28: 97. in Middle A^^es. (T. Wright) Bentley 38 : 298. National Q. 221 : 367. in 16th Cent. (T. Child) Amer. 5 : 344. in Relation to Truth. (M. Michael) Poet Lore 7: 149 (Mr. '95). in Tatters. (L. C. Davis) Chamb. J. 60 : 215. Jewett on. Spec. 59: 873. Legitimate. Harper 72 : 477 (F.'86). Legitimate. Victoria 17 : 461. Lyric. For. Quar. R. 12 : 197. (G. L. Gruneisen) St. James 36 : 363. Means of Regenerating. Colburn 1 : 5. Mediaeval. Knick. 63 : 237. Modern, of England as Viewed by IL A. Jones. (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 22 : 203 (O. '93). Modern. (E. I. Sears) National i : 64. Dial 4 : 307. Tinsley 6: 421. (A. W. Pinero) The. n. s. 25: 346 (Je.'95)- Modern, Dr. Pearson on. (H. A. Jones) 19th Cent. 34: 534 (0.'93)- Modern, Zola's Attack on. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. 9: 160. Mrs. Kendal on. The. '84, 2: 165. Sat. R. 58: 393. Mugwumps of the. (Paul M. Potter) Dr. Mirror, 35 : 886 (Xmas '95). New, and the Free Stage. (W. Archer) Fortn. 56: 663. New. Quart. 182: 399 (0.'95). Ed. R. 71 : 163. of the Future. (A. Hennequin) Arena 3 : 3S5. of the Middle Ages. (J. J. Jusseraud) Chaut. 19 : 65 (Ap.'94). of the Moment. (H. A. Kennedy) 19th Cent. 30: 258 (Ag.'9i). ofi6thCent. Retros. 18 : 396. Sec also''' Early Drama.'''' €fjc !3l^aga5inc anti tjjc SDrama* s^ Drama of the Day, 1859. Bentley l : 550. of the Period. (R. G. White) Galaxy 8: 678. Old, Notes on. (W. C. Hazlitt) Antiq. n. s. 20: 14- 257- Oratory and. (H. R. Haweis) Harper 80: 109 (D. '89). Origin of. (M. F. Sullivan) Month. 50: 554. Origin and Development. National 21 : 68. Past and Present. Broadw. 2 : 1 19. Plain Talk on. (R. Mansfield) No. Am. 155: 308(8. '92). Principles of. (Corneille and Dryden) Fraser 66 : 383. Puritan's Opposition to. No. Brit. 25: i. Regeneration. Westm. 37: 41. Revolution in. Cornh. 39 : 442. Rise and Fall of European. For. Q. 35 : 290. Rise and Progress of. (J. W. Wall) Knick. 44 : 59. Romantic. Blackw. 60: 161. Schlegelon. (W. Hazlitt) Ed. R. 26: 67. Quart. 12: 112. Schlegel's Lecture. Portf. (Den.) 17: 477. Stage Exaggeration. Victoria 24: 457. State and Prospect of. Ed. R. 57: 281. Westm. 20 : 151. Blackw. 17: 727; Mus. 6: 355. Techniqueof, Freytag on. (J. S. Nollen) Dial (Ch.) 18: 77 (F. i,'95)- The. (W. H. Pollock) Contemp. 28 : 54. (Sir C. L. Young) Once a Week 26 : 318, 348. Dem. R. 42 : 16. Co. Lit. J. 4 : 289. Ed. R. 49, 317. So. Lit. Mess. 6: 46; 7: 181. Blackw. II: 440; 18: 240. Brit. & For. R. 2 : 568. Fraser 29 : 181. The, of Revolt. (H. H. Boyesen) Bookman i : 384 (Mr.'95). the Renascence of the English. (E. E. Hale, Jr.) Dial (Ch.) 21 : 149 (S. 16, '96). Tree (H. B.) on. Spec. 67 : 841. under Canvas. Chamb. J. 42 : 321. 52 €jjc !tll9a0a5inc aiib tjjc BDraina* Drama under Difficulty. All the Year 36: 102. Chamb. J. 26: 289. Vicissitudes of. (L. Barrett) No. Am. 146: 203. Will, Live? (Wm. Gillette) Dr. Mirror, 23 : 578 (Jan. 25, '90). Dramas, Stage Right to. Sat. R. 59 : 208. Dramatic Art, P'our Centuries of. (E. W. L.) Lippinc. 27: 522 (My. '81). and Theatrical, Differences of. (F. A. Kemble) Cornh. 8 : 733- Art, School of. See " ScAoo/," etc. Art of the Present Day. (D. M. Craik) 19th Cent. 20 : 416. Art, Past and Present. Dub. Univ. 73: 511. Art, Influence of Theatre on. Lon. M. i : 146. Art. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 23 : 363. Author and the Drainatic Critic, The. (Brander Mat- thews) Dr. Mirror, 23 : 574 (D. 28, '89). Difficulties. All the Year 73 : 135 (Ag. 5, '93). Doing. Dub. Univ. 16: 641 ; 17: 328,599; 18: 180; 19 : 64. Doctors. All the Year 39 : 373. Emancipation. Putnam 2 : 369. in the Far East. (R. W. E. Eastlake) Chamb. J. 72 : 251 (Ja. '95). Opinions. (Mrs. Kendal) Murray 6 : 289, 733. Outlook, 1885. (H. A. Jones) Eng. Illust. 2: 280, 341. Ring. (Sydney Grundy) The. '79, 2 : 273. Representation. (W. B. Donne) Dark Blue i : 70. Sensation. (W. P. Wood) Lakeside 9 : 9. Dramatic License. (W. G. Wills) The. '80, i : 199. Dramatiques, Proverbes. (T. Le Clerq) Lon. M. 12 : 17. Dramatist, My Debut and Early Days as a. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 148: 454 (Ap. '89). 14S: 584 (My. '89). €J|c 09a0a$mc anb tJjc SDrama. 53 Dramatist, Leaves from the Diary of a. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 149 : 228 (Ag. '89). A Dead: a Dialogue. The. 28: 80 (F.'92). Discontents of a. (H. C. Wilson) The.'86, 1 : 175. Grievances of. The.'79, i : 71. Dramatists, Competent. The. '79, i : i. Doctors and. (W. E. McCann) Dr. Mirror 23 : 597 (Je. 7,'90). Foreign, Under American Laws. (E. S. Drone) Scrib. 9: 90 (N.'75). Grievances of. The. '79, i : 71. Modern. Tinsley 6: 421. Women as. All the Year 75 : 296 (S. 29/94). Dearth of. The. '80, i : i. Dresses, Stage, of the Month. (Mrs. Armstrong) The. n. s. 24: 61 (Ag.'94). (Drew, John.) The Actor. Scribner 15 : 32 (Ja.'94). (Drone, E. S.) Foreign Dramatists Under American Laws. Scrib. 9 : 90 (N. '75). Drunkenness on the Stage. (Alphonse Daudet) The. n. s. 24: 48(Ag.'94). Drury Lane. (J. Coleman) Gent. M. n. s. 57: 365 (O. '96). (V. Gribay^doff and T. Donnely.) Godey 128: 341 (Mr. '94)- Old. Harper 22: 126 (D.'6o). Temp. Bar 13: 443. Drury Lane The:itre. (A. Harris) Fortn. 45: 650. All the Year 42 : 346. in Time of James I. (J. Greenstreet) Ath.'85, 2 : 59, 282. Behind Scenes at. All the Year 66 : 302. Managers from Killegrew to Harris. (P. H. Fitzgerald) The. n. s. 9 : 25, 295. Duels, Stage. Sat. R. 71: 582. DuflF, Mary Dyke. (G. W. Allen) Amer. 4: 170. 54 Z^t lll9aga5inc anb tf)c SDraitia* Dumas, Alex., /^r^. Dramas of. (J. B. Matthews) 48: 383. Dramatic Genius of. Knick. 3 : 190. " Francillon." (A. Langel) Nation 44 : 139. Modern Republican Tragedy. Fraser 39 : 188. Theatrical Experience of. Dub. Univ. 77: 241. Dumas Ji^s. Bentley 41 : 347. Lond. See. 25 : 208. Same art. Eel. M. 82: 613. (F. Belmore) Tinsley 35 : 35 (A. Cohns) Bkm. (Ja.'96). (R. Davey) The. n. s 27: 12 (Ja. '96). (J. B. Fletcher) Harv. Mo. 13: i (H. James) New R. (Mr. '96), Temp. Bar 51 : 392 (L. H. Hooper) Lippinc. 21 : 501 (Ap. '78). (J. B Matthews) Internat. 10: 503. (Mme. van de Velde) Fortn. (Ja. '96). and Eng. Drama. (W. Archer) Cosmop. i : 363 (F. '96). at Home. Lit, World (Boston) 24: 176 (Ja. 3, '93). " Camille." Three Ladies of the Camelias : Duse, Bern- hardt, and Nethersole. (B. Fletcher) Godey 132: 477 (Je. '96). "La Dame aux Camelias." Sat. R. 53 : 426. " Denise." (A. Langel) Nation 40 : 136. Sat. R. 59 : 210. " Diane de Lys," at the Princess's Theatre. St. Paul's 13: 211. Du Maurier, George. "Trilby "as a Play. (B. Fletcher) Godey 130: 570 (Je. '95)- (Dunlap, Wm.) Fraser 7: 436. Geo. Fredk. Cooke. Anal. M. i : 404, 466. (Durivage, F. A.) Delsarte. Atlan. 27: 613. Duse, Eleanora. Sat. R. 75 : 571 (My. 27, '93). Ath. '85. I: 673. (W. Archer) Fortn. 64: 299 (Ag. '95). (Black- burn) New R. 13: 39 (Jl. '95). (P. Schleuther) Looker On (Mr. '96). (M. C. Jones) Critic 22: 67, 117 (F. 4, 25, '93). (J. R. Towse) Cent. 51 : 130 (N. '95). as Camille. (P. Houghton) The. n. s. 23: 303 (Je.'94). in " Cavalleria Rusticana," and " La Locandiera." (Philip Houghton) The. n. s. 24 : 27 (Jl. '94). €j)c Sr9a0a5inc anb tt)c SDrama. 55 Duse, Terry, and Bernhardt. (Maud Andrews) New Bohemian 2: 184 (My. '96). Duty of the Church as to the Theatre. (N. Hall ; H. C. Shuttleworth) Ch. Lit. il: 302 (S. '94). (Dyer, J.) Church and the Theatre. Penn Mo. 10: 374. (Dyer, L.) Greek Play at Bradfield College, 1892. Nation 55 •• 26 (Jl. 14,'92). (Dyer, T. F. T.) Out-door Plays. Art. J. 37 : 301. Eastlake, Mary. With portrait. The. '83, i : 310. in " Hoodman Blind." The. '85, 2 : 291, 342. (Eastwick, U. W. E.) Dramatic Art in Far East. Chamb. J. 72: 251 (Ja. '95). (Edgarton, H. E.) Historical Drama. National 17: 743. (Edgarton, Robt.) Marie Burroughs. Lippinc. 51 : 363 (Mr. '93). Edgeworth, Maria. Comic Dramas. Quart. 17: 96. Mo. R. 83: 315. Education. Education of an Actor. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 147: 435. Stage as an Educator. Harper 79 : 474 (Ag. '89). (J. P. Walton) Westm. 142 : 567 (N. '94). (W. O. Partridge) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 21 : 188. (Edwards, C.) Hamlet a Fat Man. Contin Mo. i : 571 (My. '62). Shylock vs. Antonio. Contin. Mo. 3 : 539. (Edwards, E. J.) Oratory: Is it a Lost Art ? Chaut. 14: 445 (Ja. '92). (Edwards, H. Southerland). Drama in Russia. The. n. s. 26: 213(0. '95). Stage Anomalies. Macmil. 41 : 322. Same art. Appleton 23: 358- (Egan, M. F.) "Becket." Cath. World 43 : 382. (Egan, P.) Minor Theatres of London. Allan. 25 : 294. 56 Zl\t !3t9aga$inc anb tfjc SDrama. (Elliott, Henry.) Royalty and Theatre Closing. The. n. s. 27: 154 (Mr. '96). Suburban Theatre. The. n. s. 26: 273 (N. '95). Fanciful Comedy. The. n. s. 28: 77 (Ag. '96). (Elliott, W. G.) Amateur Acting. National 24: 628 (Ja. '95). (Ellis, Leanora Beck.) A Tale of Modern Chivalry : " Prisoner ofZenda." Illusl. (Je. and Jl. '96). (Ellis, R.) Passion Play at Ober Ammergau. Mo. Rel. M. 44 : 209. Elliston, R. W. Manager Drury Lane. Lon. M. i : 69. Temp. Bar 48 : 315. Elliston and Wallack. (J. H. Liddons) Harper 25 : 73 (Je. '62). Ellistoniana. (W. T. Moncrieff) Colburn 67: 22, 532 ; 68 : 99, 529; 69: 129,557. Elizabeth, Queen, Shakspere, Falstaff and. 19th Cent. (F. '96). Elizabethan Stage, The. (W. Poel) The. n. s. 22 : 241 (N. '93). Elizabethan Theatre. (W. A. Leahy) Harv. Mo. 6: 207. Elocution. " How Can I Become a Distinct Speaker ? " (R. M. Cumnoch) Chaut. 10 : 320. Ministerial Tone. (R. M. Cumnoch) Chaut. 13: 53. Elocutionist, My Experience as an. (Cora Urquhart Potter) Lippinc. 37 : 534 (My. '86). Elssler, Fanny, and the Tarantella. So. Lit. Mess. 6 : 700. in London, Paris, and Havanah. Fraser28: 713; 29: 78, 144, 274. (Elze, K.) " King Edward II." Ath. '87, i : 491. (Emerson, O. F.) "Antony and Cleopatra." Poet Lore 2: 71, 125, 188. Emery, Winifred. The. n. s. 22: 196 (O. '93). (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 22 : 301 (D. '93). With portrait. The. n. s. 24 : 282 (D. '94). Zf^t St^agajmc anb tt^t SDrama. 57 Emotional Expression. (A. T. Bruce) Am. Natural. 17 : 613. Emotionalism. Archer's "Masks and Faces." Sat. R. 66: 606 (N. 24, '88). Archer's " Psychology." Ath. '89, i : 156. Diderot's "Paradoxe." Westm. 127: 44. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. 9 : 7. Mr. Irving on the Art of Acting. (" Ouida ") 19th Cent. 37: 786 (My. '95). Empty Benches. Chamb. J. 67 : 830. Endowed Theatres and the American Stage. (Helena Mod- jeska) Forum 14: 337 (N. '92). English Acting in '95. The. n. s. 27: 63 (F. '96). English Actors. His Majesty's Servants. (C. B. L. Wood- burne) Gent. M. n. s. 51 : 60 (Jl. '93). Actors and Actresses. Temple Bar 11 : 135. in Paris. Colburn 5 : 259. English Actresses, Early. Eraser 31 : 673. English Drama. (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 38: 172. (A. B. Walkley) Cosmopolis i: 88 (Ja.'96). Quart. 132: i. Blackw. 14: 421, 723; 18: 119. Blackw. 89: 218; Mo. R. 150: 457; 151: 291; 152: 347. Dub. Univ. 28 : 525, 668. Amer. 12 : 8. in '94 and '95. Sat. R. 80: 107 (Jl. 27, '95). During Commonwealth. (W. H. Hudson) The. n. s. 10: 177. Early. (W. H. Withrow) Meth. R. 54 : 534. Retros. 2 : 70; 3: 97, 142; 16: I. and German. (W. J. Thorns) Colburn 61 : 19. Future of. (H. A. Jones) Univ. R. 9 : 177 (Ag. '93). Lamb's Specimens. Ath. '94, 2: 265 (Ag. 25, '94). Stage Conditions of. (W. A. Leahy) Harv. Mo. 6 : 207. Stage of Greater Britain. National 6 : 401 (N. '85). Anglo-French Drama. Ed. R. 51 : 119. Dawn of. National Q. 28 : 97. 8 58 €l)c 9[9a0a3inc anb tljc 2Drania. English Drama, Decline of. Cornh. 8: 172. ColburniSj: 304. Blackw. 23: 33; Mus. 12: 661. Sharpe. 39: 6,231; 40: 187,230,287; 41: 18. and French. Macmil. 20: 70. Same art. Eel. M. 73: 87. in Time of Elizabeth and James. Cornh. 11 : 604, 706; 12: 86. in 1853. Quart. 95: 71. in 1873. Dub. Univ. 82 : 240, 492. Modern. Blackw. 72 : 209. Dub. R. 2 : 367. No. Brit. 29: 124. Same art. Eel. M. 46: 29. Notes on. So. Lit. Mess. 4 : 533. Old. Retros. 2: 70; 3: 97, 142; II: 123; Mo. R. in: 365; 109: 388. State of. Victoria 28 : 520. of To-day. (H. Merivale) Temp. Bar 77: 371. Same art. Eel. M. 107 : 283. See also " London Drama." English Dramatic Poetry. Quart. 46 : 477. English Dramatists, Old, Lowell on. Lippinc. 70 : 524 (Ap. 22, '93). Dramatists, Old English. (E. P. Whipple) No. Am. 63: 29. So. Lit. Mess. 15: 656. Westm. i: 560. English Players in Paris. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. s. 45: 446. English Playgoer. Tinsley 3 : 634. English Plays on Foreign Stages. All the Year 62 : 19. English Stage and the Com^die Fran9aise. Dub. Univ. 94 : 340. English Stage in 19th Century. (J. H. Siddons) Potter's Am. Mo. 18: 565,639; 19: 14, 139, 245. English Theatre in i8th Century. (J. Picciotto) Dub. Univ. 77: 703. Shortcomings of. (T. Taylor) Dark Blue 1 : 746. Dub. Univ. 28: 525, 668. English Tragedy. Ed. R. 38: 177. (Errington, J.) " Merchant of Venice." M. 61 : 393. orijc 3l9aga5mc anU tJ)c ^rama, 59 (Escott, Arthur.) The Claque. The. n. s. 27: 256 (My. '96). Don Quixote on the Stage. The. n. s. 25: 267 (My. '95). Felons on the Stage. The. n. s. 28: 150 (S. '96). John Hall. The. n. s. 26: 333 (D. '95). Mrs. Stirling. The. n. s. 27 : 86 (F. '96). T. W. Robertson. The. n. s. 26 : 29 (Jl. '95). Esmond, Georgia. The. n. s. 20: 112 (S.'92). (Esmond, Georgia.) Henry V. The. n. s. 19: 198 (Ag. '92). The. 27 : 36 (Ja. '96). (Evans, E. P.) Shakspere : Player and Poet. Lakeside 2: 173. (Everett, A. H.) Goeffry on Dramatic Literature. No. Am. 10: 291. English Drama. No. Am. 38: 172. Spanish Drama. No. Am. 38 : 166. (Everett, E.) Hindu Drama. No. Am. 26 : in. (Everts, Julie M.) StudyofActingin Paris. Cent.6: 47i(JL'84.) Expression, Dramatic. (A. W. Robbins) Lippinc. 53 : 242 (F.'94)- Extravaganza and Spectacle on the Stage. (J. R. Planche) Temp. Bar 3 : 524. (Fairholt, F. W.) At a Pantomime. St. James 3 : 193. "Faded Flower." History of a Single Act Play (A. W. a Beckett) The. n. s. 25 : 204 (Ap.'95). (Faithful, E.) Duty of an Audience. The. '79, 2: 76. (Falconer, E.) Hamlet. The. '79, i: 171. False Emphasis. (W. H. Pollock) The. n. s. 26: 85(Ag. '95). Falstafif, Sir John, Character of. Sat. R. 56: 597; 64: 748; So. M. 15: 214; Westm. 6: 370. Liv. Age 63 : 614. Domestic Character of. Lon. M. i : 194. (J. G. Kelly) Overland 13 : 352. Hackett's. Harper 35 : 394 (Ag.'67). Shakspere's, the Original of. (W. J. Fitzpatrick) Gent. M. n. s. 38 : 428. 6o ci)c 3r9a0a5ine aiiti t^t Drama. Falstaff, Sir John, Historic Element in. (J. Gardnice) Fortn. 19: 333- "King Henry IV," and, on the Stage. (F. Hawkins) The. n. s. 27: 211 (Ap.'96). Shakspere, and Queen EHzabeth. 19th Cent. (F. '96). Was he Immoral? (L. D. Lavvhead) Poet Lore 2: 142. Falstaflf s Deathbed. (C. Creighton) Blackw. 145 : 324. Falstaffs, Famous. (R. W. Lowe) The. 22 : 185. Stage. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. s. 42 : 425. Unknown to Fame. The. 22 : 257. Farren, Eliz. (L. Wingfield) The. '80, i : 319. Farren, W. The. '78, 2 : 360. (Farren W.) Insanity of Hamlet. Lon. M. 9 : 373, 647. Madness of King Lear. Lon. M. 10: 79. Faust. (I. Tourgenieff) Fortn. 62 : 729 (Jl.'94). and Mephistopheles. (W. D. Conway) Harper 38 : 541 (Mr. '69). as a Puppet Show. Cornh. 47 : 92. on English Stage. (J. Hatton) Art J. 38 : 57, 88. (W. D. Courtney) Fortn. 45: 102. (W. H. Pollock) Na- tional 6 : 833. The Stage. (W. S. Sichel) National 6 : 211 (0.'85). Wills', at the Lyceum. (F. A. Marshall) The. '86, i : 59. (Fawcett, E.) Literature and the Drama. Dial (Ch.) 14: 38. Spanish -American Burlesque. Lakeside 4 : 190. Fawcett, John. Colburn 51 : 316. Fechter, Chas. Albert. (K. Field) Atlan. 26: 285. (D. Cook) The. '79, 2: 132. Lit. World (Host.) 13: 309. Sat. R. 55: 237. Harper 24: 562(Mr.'62); 41: 295 (Jl.'jo). (G. B. Woods) O. and N. I : 514. Cornh. 8 : 171. Galaxy 9 : 554. Acting of. (C. Dickens) Atlan. 24: 242. Ev. Sat. 10: 138. Green Room Recollections of. (A. W. a Beckett) The. n. s. 24: 116 (S.'94). €f|e 9[9aga$inc anb tjc SDrama. 6] Fechter, Chas. Albert, as Hamlet. (K. Field) Atlan. 26 : 558. Hamlet of. (R. G. White) Nation. 10: 118, Ev. Sat. 9 : 274, 289. (O. and N.) 3 : 359. St. James 2 : 371. Othello of. Blackw. 90 : 774. Fraser 64 : 772. Realism. (R. G. White) Nation. 10: 364. Fechter's Acting of Shakspere. Dub. Univ. 59 : 170. Felons on the Stage. (A. Escott) The. n. s. 28: 150(8. '96). (Felton, C. C.) Talfourd's " Ion." No. Am. 44 : 485. Dramas of Princess Amelia of Saxony. No. Am. 52 : 478. (Fenn, Geo. Manville.) A Puritan on Plays. The. n. s. 25 : 73 (i'^-'9S)- Fernandez, James. The. n. s. 28: 154 (S. '96). (Ferrier, E.) Loneliness of Hamlet. Evang. R. 21 : 2!0. (Ferris, G. T.) Charlotte Cushman. Appleton 11 : 353. Charlotte Cushman and Lady Macbeth. Lakeside 7 : 407. Fetish, the Public as. (A. B. Walkley) The. n. s. 24: 283 (D. '94). (Feval, B.) V. Sardou. Ev. Sat. i : 719. Fiction, Stage in. (A. C. Deane) The. n. s. 20: 104 (S. '92). Field, Kate, New Departure of. (E. T. Mather) Bay State Mo. 3: 428. (Field, Kate). Chas. A. Fechter. Atlan. 26 : 285. Chas. A. Fechter as Hamlet. Atlan. 26 : 558. W. S. Gilbert. Scrib. 18: 751 (S. '79). Adelaide Ristori. Harper 24 : 720(Ap.'62). Atlan. 19: 493- Genevieve Ward in " Forget-Me-Not." Critic l : 67. Field, Michael, Plays of. (L. Johnson) Acad. 38: 123. Financiers on the Stage. (J. Knight) The. n. s. 27 : 318 (Je. '96). Fires in Theatres, etc. See ''Dafige/s." "First Night, My." An Author's Impression. (Alphonse Daudet) The. n. s. 23 : 299 (Je. '94). 62 Zi)t !tll9a5a5inc aiib tfjc SDrama. First Night, One's, at the Play. (F. Jacox) Colburn 142 : 35. Same art. Liv. Age 96 : 735. First Nights at tlie Play. Dub. Univ. 90 : 226. First Nights of Famous Plays. Chamb. J. 68: 601 (S. 19, '91). in London Theatres. (C. E. Pascoe) Amer. i : 103. (Fiske, Mrs. Minnie Maddern.) Tricks of the Trade. Dr. Mirror, 23 : 589 (Ap. I2,'90). (Fiske, Stephen.) Actor-Management. Dr. Mirror 24 : 601 (Jl- 5. '90). A Note on Dion Boucicault. The. n. s. 24: 301 (D. '94). The Irving Influence in America. The. n. s. 27 : 158. Playwriting Critics. Dr. Mirror, 23 : 583 (M. I, '90). (Fitch, A. S.) Henry Irving and his Work. Manhat. 2: 391- (Fitch, Geo. H.) In a Chinese Theatre. Cent. 2 : 189 (Je. '82). Fitzgerald, Edw. Letters to Fanny Kemble. Temple Bar 104: 27, 473; 105: 33, 486 (Ja., Ag. '95). (R. C. Browne) Acad. 48: 451 (N. 30, '95). (W. Garrison) Nation 61 : 297 (O. 24, '95). (W. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) 19: 174(0. I,'95)- Fitzgerald, Percy. Memoirs of. Sat. R. 79: 679 (My. 25, '95)- (Fitzgerald, Percy.) Daly's Company in "Taming of the Shrew." The. 21 : ID. Dickens as a Dramatist and Poet. Gent. M. n. s. 20: 61. Faces of Actors. The. '78, 2: 354. Garrick Club Portraits. Gent. M. n. s. 18: 561. Life of Garrick. See " Carried." "Hamlet "with Alterations. The. '86, i: 252. Construction and Arrangement of Theatres. Art J. 28: 13. 357- Grand Theatres and Opera Houses. The. n. s. 24: III (S. '94). ^j)c !31^aga5mc anb tfjc SDrama. ^s (Fitzgerald, Percy.) Romance of English Stage. Lippinc. 15: 5i8(Ap. '75). Behind the Scenes at the Lyceum. Belgra. 44: 335. Social Position of the Actor in England. The. n. s. 26 : 6 (Jl. '96). Chronicles of the Stage. Month 42 : 71, 535 ; 43 : 81, 507. (Fitzgerald, Percy and P. H.) On Some of the Old Actors. Gent. M. n. s. 52 : 82, 70 (Ja. & F. '94). Confessions of an Old Esthete. The. '82, i : 8. Geo. Coleman and D. Garrick. The. 18 : 340. First Appearance of David Garrick. The. '82, i : 308. Managers of Drury Lane. The. 18: 28,295. Humors of W. S. Gilbert. The. '81,2: 339. Religion of Hamlet. Month 53 : 64. Same art. Liv. Age 164: 461. First Appearance of John and Fanny Kemble. The. '86, 2: 117. Mrs. Langtry as Pauline. The. '86, i : 221. London Music Halls. National 15 : 379. Sir Edw. B. Lytton's "Lady of Lyons." Gent. M. n. s. 43: 136. Origin and Development of the Play Bill. Gent. M. n. s. 40: 373- Daly's Company in " Railroad of Love." The. 20: 315. R. B. Sheridan's " School for Scandal." The. '82, i : 171. Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A. The. n. s. 27: 29 (Ja. '96). (Fitz-Gerald, S. J. A.) Play Bills Old and New. The. n. s. 15: 292. Influence of Criticism. The. n. s. 24: 238 (N. '94). Lyric Drama and Libretti. The. 29 : 161 (O. '92). (Fitzpatrick, W. J.) Original of Shakspere's Falstaff. Gent. M. n. s. 38: 428. (Fleming, A.) Behind the Scenes. Harper 34: 114 (D. '66). 64 Cljc a9aga5hic nnti ti^c SDrama* (Fleay, F. G.) Who Wrote Our Old Plays? Macmil. 30: 408. Lists of Actors 1578-1642. Roy. Hist. Soc. 9: 44. Text of Shakspere. Macmil. 36: 195. Shakspere's Stage Life. Poet Lore 5 : 7-612 (J.-D.' 93). Fleay's History of London Stage. Poet Lore 3: 149 (Mr. '91). (Fletcher, Beaumont.) " Chimmie Fadden." Godey 132: 361 (Ap. '96). Duse, Bernhardt, and Nethersole as Camille. Godey 132: 477 (My. '96). " Christopher, Jr." Godey 132: 19 (Ja. '96). Frank Daniels in "Wizard of the Nile." Godey 132 : 234 (Mr. '96). "The Heart of Maryland." Godey 132: 180 (F. '96). Frank Mayo as Pudd'nhead Wilson. Godey 131 : 8 (Jl.'95). Mrs. Potter. Godey 131 : 476 (N. '95). The Stage and the Church. Godey 131 : 2S0 (S. '95). Juha Marlowe Taber. Godey 132: 589 (Je. '96). " Trilby" as a Play. Godey 130: 570 (Je. '95). Walker Whiteside as Hamlet. Godey 131 : 624 (D. '95)- Russ Whytal's "For Fair Virginia." Godey 131: 127 (Ag. '95)- (Fletcher, G.) Criticism and Acting of Macbeth. Westm. 41: I. " Merchant of Venice." Fraser 41 : 499,697. (Fletcher, J. B.). Dumas, yf/r. Harv. Mo. 13: i. Florence, Theatres in. (C. Hervey) The. '85, 2 : 35. Florence, Wm. Jermyn. Critic 19: 307. The. '81, 2: 191, 222. Fools. S^e " Buffoons^'' etc. (Ford, Jas. L.) The Independent or Free Theatre of New York. Lippinc. 49: 375 (Mr. '92). €ljc !ar9aga$inc anti tl)c 2Drania. 65 (Ford, Paul Leicester.) Beginnings of American Dramatic Literature. N. Eng. M. n. s. 9: 673 (F. '94). "Formosa." See "Boticicattlt." Forrest, Edwin. Harper 4: 563; 28: 131 (?) (Je. '63). (L. Barrett) Cent. 2 : 468. (L. Barrett) Galaxy 24: 256. (A. E. Lancaster) Potter Am. Mo. 8: 161. Am. Bibliop. 4: 634. Knick. 11 : 85. Alger's Life of. (J. B. Matthews) Nation 25 : 124. in England. Dem. R. 16: 385; 19: 186. and Macready. (S. Osgood) Harper 47: 298 (Jl. '73). Oration of. Dem. R. 3 : 51. Reminiscences of. Potter Am. Mo. 12 : 369. Forsyth, Helen. The. '86, i : 291, 341. Fortescue, Miss. (H. Aspden) The. n. s. 22: 181 (O. '93). Foster, C. S., and Negro Minstrelsy. (R. P. Nevin) Atlan. 20 : 608. (Foster, J.) Plumptre on the Stage. Eel. R. 10: 1031. History of Theatrical Amusements. Eel. R. 10: 1031. (Fowler, D.) Desdemona. Canad. Mo. 19 : 643. Ophelia and Portia. Canad. Mo. 19 : 504. (Fox, H. J.) Genius and Times of Shakspere. Meth. Q. 41 : 623. (Fox, W. J.) W. C. Macready. Peop. J. 2: 323, 347. Foyers of Paris Theatres. Vaudeville. (C. Hervey) The. '82, I : 265. Varietes. (C. Hervey) The. '81,2: 283. Boulevard. (C. Hervey) The. '83, i : 137. Gymnase. (C. Hervey) The. '82, 2 : 153. Italien and Odeon. (C. Hervey) The. '84, 2 : 219. Minor. (C. Hervey) The. '85, i : 63. (Frajicis, L. E.) Uncanny Characters of Shakspere. Educa. II : 293. (Franklyn, C. W.) Shakspere. Westm. 13: 348. 9 66 Cfjc !ai^a0a$inc anti tljc 2Drama. (Frazer, J. G.) Slavonic Parallel to "Merchant of Venice." Acad. 27: 330. Free List Vagaries. The. n. s. 23 : 64 (F. '94). French Actors, Comic. Colburn 6 : 341 ; 8 : 341. Early, Notes on. Colburn 53: 15. in the Green Room. Colburn 4: 309. French Actors and Actresses. (C. Hervey) Colburn 83: 577. Old. AlltheYear,38: 173,413; 39= 160,489; 40: 183:541. French Actresses. Ev. Sat. 15 : 485. A Line of. Temp. Bar 39 : 369. French Comedy. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 18: 43. (F. Sarcey) 19th Cent. 6 : 182 ; Quart. 29 : 414. Westm. 31 : 69. Cornh. 40: 50. after Moli^re's Day. Dub. Univ. 75 : 125. and Comedians in. Bentley 47 : 368. French Drama. (W. Sargent) No. Am. 78: 319. (A. R. Spofford) No. Am. 81 : 336. (A. Langel) Nation 34: 51. (Vicomte de Colonne) Macmil. 34: 176. Lon. 2d. s. 5: 44. For. Quar. Rev. 4: 309; 9: 78; 31 : 140. Quart. 51 : 177. (G. H. Lewes) Westm. 34: 287. Cornh. II : 33. Dem. R. 21 : 333. New R. 10: 127. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 21 : 335. Putnam 6: 401. In 1820. (J. B. Matthews) Amer. i : 124. Present Tendencies of. (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 27: 383- Shakspere in France. (Dr. Doran) 19th Cent. 3: 115 (Ja. '78). of To-day. (W. M. Fullerton) The. n. s. 25 : 81 (F.'95). under Louis XIV. (H. M. Trollope) Macmil. 31 : 522. in London. (M. Arnold) 19th Cent. 6: 228. Same art. Appleton 22: 311. (F. and W. H. Pollock) Dark Blue 2 : 102. in 1875. Dub. Univ. 85 : 204, 379, 743. Quart. 139 : 138. in 1876. Dub. Univ. 87: 108. in i6th Century. Retros. 18 : 396. Modern. (E. I. Sears) Nat. Q. i : 64. Z^t ai^a0a5inc anti tl^c SDrama. 67 French and German Drama. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 21 : 335. French, vs. Greek Drama. (Lord Tennyson) 19th Cent. 7: 58. French Dramatists. (G. T. Lanigan) Amer. 3 : 89. and Actors. (J. W. (Cole) Calcraft). Dub. Univ. 43: 594, 652. French Stage. Macmil. 21 : 400. Penny M. 14: 271,278. Ev. Sat. 9 : 214. Eccentricities of. Temp. Bar 41 : 263. English History and Character of. For. Q. 31 : 140. of To-day. (E. Jerrold) Gent. M. n. s. 12: 704. Old. All the Year 41 : 185, 400 ; 42 : 160, 390. Stage, Beauty on. (E. Halie) Cosmop. 10: 515. in the l8th Century. The. n. s. 12 : 18. Monologue on. Lippinc. 28: 312 (S. '81). Some Peculiarities of. (W. Thorpe) The. n. s. 24: 51 (Ag. '94; F. I, '95). Contemporary. (A. Hornblow) Cosmop. 15 : 107 (My. '93). French Players, Portraits of. Colburn 20 : 545 ; 25 : 327, 415 ; 28 : 271 ; 29 : 66. and Playhouses. See "French Plays." French Plays. (A. Rhodes) Galaxy 20 : 372. Plays in London. (M. Arnold) 19th Cent, i : 228. Players and Playhouses. Blackw. 61 : 177. French Taste in Theatricals. Dub. Univ. 35 : 769. French Theatre. (H. James, Jr.) Galaxy 23 : 437. (A. Rhodes) Galaxy 19 : 22. Before Moli^re. Dub. Univ. 70 : 243. Green Room of. Colburn 4 : 309. For. Q. 9 : 447. 1870. Ev. Sat. 6: 556. Sarcey on. (J. B. Matthews) Nation 26 : 345. French Theatres. Quart. 17: 441. French Theatricals. All the Year 42 : 570. Dub. Univ. 35 : 769. 68 Cj)c !ill9aga$inc anb tlje 2Drama» French Tragedy. (R. G. White) Allan. 47= 827. Quart. 29: 25. Before Corneille. (G. Saintsbury.) Fraser 100: 456. Tragic Drama. Corneille. Nat. Q. 23 : 256. Freytag, Gustav. On the Technique of the Drama. (J. S. Mollen) Dial (Ch.) 18: 77. (Frost, H. W.) The Stage as it Was. Galaxy 16: 483, 599. (Frothingham, O. B.) Worship of Shakspere. Cent. 7: 780, Acting of Edwin Booth. Nation 2 : 395. Theatres. Nation 2 : 428. Frou-Frou. Authors of the Play. (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 26: 711. (Fryers, A.) Aristode's Definition of Tragedy. The. 26: 227. (Fuller, Edw.) The Decadent Drama. Lippinc. 56: 423 (S. '95). An Independent Theatre. Lippinc. 49: 371 (Mr. '92). The Public and the Theatre. Lippinc. 46: 564 (O. '90). The Theatrical Renaissance of Shakspere. Lippinc. 45 : 3S (J. '90). (Fullerton, H. Morton.) French Drama of To-day. The. n. s. 25: 8i(F. '95). (Furnivall, F. J.) Hamlet's "Sea of Troubles." Acad. 36: 421. (Fyfe, H. H.) " Charley's Aunt " on the Continent. The. n. s. 25: 338(Je. '95)- Pinero's Plays as Literature. The. n. s. 26: 323 (D. '95). Mr. Grundy as Cassandra. The. n. s. 27: 203 (Ap.'96). Gag. B. H. Dixon. The. '81. 2: 208. (Galdemar, A.) Sardou's "Thermidor." Form. 57: 770 (Je. '92). Cfje a9a5a$me anti tje SDrama* 69 Gallery. Gods and Galleries. Tinsley lo: 592. Among the Gods. (M. Pemberton) The. n. s. 20: 74 (Ag. '92). Gallery Scenes, Irish. Harper 42: 505 (F. '71). Pit and Gallery Wit. The. n. s. 16: 117 (Ag. '90). The Maligned Gods. The. n. s. 24: 8 (Jl.'94). Gallery, Footmen's. (D. Cook) Once a Week 15 : 594. Gannon, Mary. (L. C. Davis) Galaxy 6: 245. (Gardnice, J.). Historic Element in Sir John Falstaff. Fortn. 19: 333- (Garland, Hamlin.) American Drama. Lit. World (Bost.) 20: 304. Garrick, David. Harper 69: 53. (H. W. Alden) Harper 37: 172 (Jl. '68). (J. Winsor) Allan. 22: 79 (Jl.'68). All the Year 19 : 346. Belgra. 5 : 99. Chamb. J. 45 : 294. (R, B. Knowles) Dub. Univ. 95 : 207. Quart. 125 : I. Same art. Liv. Age 98 : 451. Temp. Bar 52 : 70. Same art. Eel. M. 90: 336. Dub. Univ. 70: 339. Same art. Liv. Age 96: 309. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 18: 561. Acting of, as Seen in his own Time. (W. H. Pollock) Longm. 6 : 37. and Acting. Anal. M. 5 : 65. as Actor and Manager. Temp. Bar II : 336. and his Fellow Actors. (J. F. Molloy) Eng. Illust. 5 : 189. First Appearance of. (P. Fitzgerald) Theatre '86, I : 308. Last Appearance of. (A. Dobson) Longm. 26 : 590 (O. '95). and Geo. Coleman. "Clandestine Marriage." (P. H. Fitzgerald) The. n. s. 9 : 340. and his Contemporaries. Colburn. 32 : 273. Correspondence of. Mod. R. 126: 167; 127: 321. Delivery of a Passage of Shakspere. Colburn 4 : 551. 70 CJe 09asa$inc auti t|)c 2Drama. Garrick, David. Farewell to the Stage. All the Year i8: 87. as Hamlet. (Lord B. Lytton) Fortn. 15: 221. Same art. Liv. Age 09, 67, 236. and Dr. Johnson. No. Am. 4 : 38. Letters of. Lon. M. 2: 647; 3: 202. Colburn 34: 196. Life of. (P. Fitzgerald) Dub. Univ. 65: 243, 396,603; 66 : 553 ; 67 : 85, 274, 384; 68 : 434, 560, 678 ; 69 : 65, 212,573; 70: 84,213,339. So. R. n. s. 7: 31. Knight's Life of. Ath. 2: 329 (S. 8,'94). and Murphy, Quarrel of. (T. F. Ordish) Bibliog. 6 : 37, 65. New Facts Regarding. Colburn 34: 568. Recollections of. Westm. 17: 67. Blackw. 18: 488. Mus. 8: 78. Rivals and Associates of. Temp. Bar 54 : 86. and Shakspere Jubilee. (D. Cook) Once a Week. 10: 104. and the Shakspere Revival. Temp. Bar 86 : 496. and Mrs. Siddons, Theatrical Farewells of. Ev, Sat. 4 : 161. and his Wife. Eel. M. 45 : 139. Harper 51 : 792 (N. '72). Garrick Club, at the. Spec. 55 : 1613. Theatrical Portraits. (J. W\ (Cole,) Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 42 ■■ 643 ; 43 : 223, 393. (Garrison, W.) Edw. Fitzgerald's Letters to F. Kemble. Nation 61 : 297 (O. '24, '95). Gerard, Florence. The. '80,2: 319. German Drama. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 21 : 335. Colburn 4: 145. Modern. (E. Brain) The. n. s. 25 : 84 (F. '95). and French Drama. (J. Pollock) Contemp. 21 : 335. and Early English (W. J. Thones) Colburn 61 : 19. (S. Whitman) Chaut. 21 : 163 (My. '95). and Its Authors. (F. Spielhagen) Cosmop. 17: 177 (Je. '94). €ljc Si9aga3inc anb ttjc STrama. 7 German Drama. Court Theatre, Twenty-five Years of a. (J. G. Robertson) National 25 : 247 (Ap. '95). Theatres. (C. Hervey) The. '85, 2 : 140. Plays and Actors. For. Quar. R. 32 : 197. Literature of Tragedy. Blackw. 18 : 286. Berlin Theatre, Hundred Years of. Eel. M. 63: 187. German Dramatic Literature. (C. S. Hartmann) Amer. 12: 39. German Playwrights. (T. Carlyle) For. Quar. R. 3 : 94. German Stage. (S. Baxter) Atlan. 42: 177. (D. E. Bande- mann) Macmil. 33 : 430. Glance at. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 14 : 687. German Theatre. (A. Stutzer) Belgra. 28 : 476. German Tragedy, Modern. (R. P. Gillies)For. Quar. R. i : 565. Gesticulation. Tinsley 10 : 656. Italian. Dub. R. 3 : i. Philosophy of Gesture. Portf. 10: 621; 11 : 38. Ghosts on the Stage. Temp. Bar 8 : 503. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 545. Same art. Eel. M. no: 210. Gilbert, John. Harper 79: 634 (S. '89). (J. R. Towse) Cent. 13: 378. Critic 14: 309. in " She Stoops to Conquer." Harper 73: 308 (Jl. '86). (Gilbert, John.) Moral Influence of the Stage. No. Am. 136: 581. Gilbert, Mrs. The. '86, 2 : 106. Gilbert, Wm. Schwenk. The. '83,1: 217. (Kate Field) Scribner 18: 751 (S. '79). (A. Winton) The. n. s. 14: 71. Lond. Soc. 27: 13. (K. Field) Scrib. 18: 751. (W. D. Adams) Belgra. 45 : 438. (W. Archer) St. James 49 : 287. Dark Blue 4 : 707. Once a Week 28: 117. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 24: 286 (D. '94)- At Home. Critic 19: 310. Brantingame Hall. The. n. s. 13: 62. Humors of. (P. Fitzgerald) The. '81, 2: 339. 72 €()c !3r^a0a3inc nnb t^c SDrama, Gilbert, Wm. Schwenk. The Spirit of His Comedies. (A. F. Marshall) Month 55 : 254. and Sir A. Sullivan. Operettas. Harper 72: 476 (F. '86). The. n. s. 15 : 59. "lolanthe." The. '83, i : 20. Sat. R. 54: 764 (?). "Mikado" (W. B. Kingston) The. '85, i : 186. Sat. R. 59: 378. "Mountebanks." Gent. M. n. s. 48: 206 (F. '92). The. n. s. 19: 112 (F. '92). "Patience." The. '81, i: 352. "Pirates of Penzance." (W. B. Kingston) The. '85, i : 80. "Princess Ida." (W. B. Kingston) The. '84, i: 75. Sat. R. 57 : 49. "Ruddygore." (F. Wedmore) Acad. 31 : ilS. Sat. R. 63: 157. The. n. s. 9: 95. Gilchrist, Connie. The. '81, i : 41. Gilchrist's True Story of Hamlet. (G. E. Woodherry) Na- tion 48 : 273. (Giles, H.) Influence of Shakspere. Chr. Exam. 67: 178. (Gildersleeve, B. L. ) iEschylus's "Agamemnon" at Oxford, 1 880. Nation 30: 472. Gillette, Wm. "Held by the Enemy." The. n. s. 9 : 281. (Gillette, Wm.) Will Drama Live? Dr. Mirror, 23: 578 (Jan. 25, '90). (Gillfillan, G.) Hamlet. Eel. M. 24: 61. (Gillies, R. P.) Modern German Tragedy. For. Quar. R. i : 565. Gilman, Caroline Howard. (J. P. R. Dorr) Critic 13: 151. Girardin on the Drama. For. Quar. R. 33 : 33. Same art. Eel. M. 3: 33. (Goddard, H. P.) Recollections of E. L. Davenport. Lippinc. 21 : 463. Lesson of " Cymbeline. " Poet Lore 3 : 572. Cl)c St^agajhtc anb tf^c BDrama. 73 (Godkin, E. L.) Anna Dickinson and the Critics. Nation 24: 232. Goethe as an Actor. (H. S. "Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 36 : 86. Same art. Liv. Age 168 : 500 (F.'86). as a Theatre Manager. (H. Irving). The. n. s. 13: 11. Good Old Ways, The. (Alfred Hennequin) Dr. Mirror, 23: 592 (M. 3,'9o). (Goodman, E. J.) Dr. Ibsen at Christiania. The. n. s. 26: 146 (S.'95). Fifty Years at the Play. The. n. s. 24 : 172 (0.'94). The Werner of Macready. The. '79, 2 : 87. " Charley's Aunt " on the Continent. The. n. s. 25 : 338. (Je.'9S)- (Goodman, W. ) James Maddison Morton. The. '86, n. s. I : 117. (Goodrich, A.) Dramatic Censorship. The. n. s. 28: 232 (My. '92). (Goodwin, G.) The National Theatre Question. The. 2: 346. Goodwin, N. C, in " A Gold Mine." The. n. s. 16: 129. in "The Corncracker." The. n. s. 16: 139. (Gordon, W.) J. S. Knowles' " Hunchback." The. '82, i : 145. "Realism." The. '80, 2 : 283. Domestics of the Drama. The. '81, 2 : 19. (Gorse, E. W.) (H. Ibsen) Fortn. 19: 74. Same art. Ev. Sat. 14: 133. Got, the Retirement of M. (Thos. Barclay) The. n. s. 25 : 20. (Jan. '95). (Gowing, Emilia Aylmer.) " Sign of the Cross." Lond. Soc. 69: 472. Some Shaksperean Women. The. n. s. 12: 80. " Taming of the Shrew." The. n. s. ii: 188. (Gowing, E. K.) Hints on Playvvriting. Writer 7: 113. (Ag.'94)- ID 74 €I)c 0i^»iga3inc anb tf\t SDrama. Grain, Corney. (M. Watson) The. n. s. 25 : 221 (Ap.'95). (Grattan, T. C.) My Acquaintance with Edmund Kean. Colburn 39 : 7, 143. Greek Drama vs. French. (Lord Tennyson) 19th Cent. 7 : 58. Greek Play. " CEdipus " at Harvard. See "College Theatric- als.'''' Green-Room Club. (F. Hawkins) The. n. s. 27: 17 (Ja.'97). (Greenough, J. B.) Latin Play at Harvard. N. Eng. M. n. s. 10: 491 (Jl.'94). (Greenstreet, J.) Drury Lane in Time of James L Ath. '85, 2 : 59, 282. (Greenwell, D.) Players and Lookers On. Gent. M. n. s. 2: 354- (Griarstead, T. P.) Old Actors. Bentley40: 95; 46: 508. Gribay6doff, Alex. Lippinc 25 : 768 (Je.'So). (Griffin, L. M.) Child Life in Shakspere. Irish Mo. 19: 434- (Griffiths, L. M.) Hamlet and Antonio's Revenge. Poet Lore 2 : 414. Romeo and Rosalind. Poet Lore i : 205. (Grinstead, T. P.) Chas. Kean. Bentley 42: 209. W. C. Macready. Bentley 41 : 539. London Theatres. Bentley 35 : 489, 541 ; 36 : 89, 371. Marie Auguste Vestris. Bentley 40: 255. Same art. Eel. M. 39 : 346. (Grossmann, Edvvina Booth.) Letters of Edwin Booth. Cent. 48: 803(0. '94). Grossmann's, Mrs., Recollections of Edwin Booth. (E. A. Barron) Dial (Ch.) 18: 17 (Ja., '95). Grossmith, Weedon. Portrait of, as The New Boy. The. n. s. 24: 72 (Ag.'94). Grossmith, Mr. and Mrs. Weedon. The. n. s. (with portrait) 26: 129 (S. '95). €fjc sr^aga^im anti t^t 2Drama. 75 (Grubb, S. F.) Falstaff. Western 6 : 370. Grundy, Sydney. "A Fool's Paradise." (M. de Meusiaux) The. n. s. 13 : 157. " The Snowball." (M. de Meusiaux) The. n. s. 9 : 274. "A Pair of Spectacles." Sat. R. 69 : 260. "A Village Priest." Sat. R. 69: 436. and the Critics. (M. Watson) The. n. s. 24: 161 (0.'94). as Cassandra. (H. H. Fyfe) The. n. s. 27: 203 (Ap.'gS). (Grundy, Sydney,) Marching to Our Doom. The. n. s. 27: 131, 196 (Mr. & Ap.'96) Dramatic Construction. The. '81, i : 208. Dramatic Ring. The, '79, 2 : 273. Dearth of Originality. The. 2 : 274. (Gruneisen, G. L.) Lyric Drama. St. James 36: 363. (Guthrie, F. A.) Humors of a Minor Theatre. Harper 76: 727 (Ap.'88). London Music Halls. Harper 82 : 190 (Ja.'9i). Gwynn, Nell. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 30: 489. (J. F. Molloy) Eng. Illust. 3 : 541. Same art. Eel. M. 107: 263. (P. Cunningham) Gent. M. n. s. 35 : 30,115, 253. 339, 501, 609; 36: 33, 136. (Ja. to Ag.'5i.) (Mrs. S. C. Hall) Internat. 3: 9. The. n. s. 22: 282. As an Actress. Temp. Bar 53 : 559. Letters of. Blackw. 3 : 547. and Sayings of Charles II. Liv. Age 34 : 397. and Lord Rochester's Poems. Eel. M. 26: 512. Liv. Age 34: 28. (Gwynn, S. L.) Songs of Shakspere. Acad. 48: 369 (N. '95). Recollections of. Colburn 54 : 87. Gwynne, Julia. The. '84, 2 : i, 42. (" H. H, ") See " J/e/en Hunt Jackson." Hackett, James H. Galaxy 14: 550 (0.'72). Falstaff of. Harper 35 : 394 (Ag.'67). 76 ^jjc !3l9a0a5inc anti t^t SDrama» Hading, Jane. (H. St. Maur) Munsey 14: 159 (N.'95). Coquelin and. Critic 13 : 193, 207. (Hading, Jane.) Story of my Career. Cosmop. 6 : 220. (Hales, J. W.) Shakspere and the Jews. Eng. Hist. R. 9: 652 (O. '94). (Hale, E. E., Jr.) Renascence of the Drama. Dial (Ch.) 21 : 149 (S. 16, '96). (Hale, W. S.) Joseph Jefferson's Birthplace. Dr. Mirror, 35 : 886 (Xmas '95). Hal6vy, L. (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 26: 711. (Halie, E.) Beauty on the French Stage. Cosmop. 10: 515. (Hall, F. M. Howe.) Edwin Booth and Julia Ward Howe. N. Eng. M. n. s. 9 : 315 (N.'93). (Hall, G. S.) The Passion Play in 1880. Nation 31 : no. (Hall, Mrs. S. C.) Nell Gwynn. Internal. M. 3 : 9. (Hall, N., and H. C. Shuttleworth.) Duty of the Church as to the Theatre. Ch. Lit. 11 : 302 (S. '94). (Hallam, A.) " Coriolanus " on the Stage. The. '79, 2 : 22. (Hamer, J.) Shakspere. Belgra. 78 : 398 (Ag.'92). Women of Shakspere. Belgra. 77: 304 (Mr. '92). Hamilton, Henry, and Mark Quinton. (C. Howard) The. n. s. 17: 310. Hamlet. (D. Dorchester) Meth. R. 52 : 390 (My. '92). (W. Barrett) Lippinc. 45: 580. (J. E. Murdoch) Forum 9: 496 (Je. '90). (A. Oehlenschlager) Scand. I : 234. (J. R. Lowell) No. Am. 106: 629. Blackw. 2: 504; 24: 585; 37: 236. Eraser 14: i. So. R. 3 : 380. (G. Gillfillan) Eel. M. 24: 61. Anal. M. 5: 68. New Eng. M. 5 : 458. (H. N. Hudson) Am. Whig R. 7: 94, 121. (E. F. Mosby) So. M. 9: 348. (R. G. White) Galaxy 9: 535. (C. H. Bull, Jr.) Poet Lore 3: 615. (Appleton Morgan) Cath. World 44 : 29. Age of. (M. Thomas) Ath. '84, 2 : 703. and Antonio's Revenge. (L. M. Griffiths) Poet Lore 2 : 414. €{)e !9t^a0a$inc anb tJje SDrama, 77 Hamlet and Ophelia. (Carolyn Evans Huse) Looker On 3: 417 (N.'96). (H. Irving) 19th Cent, i : 513. Belleforest's. House. Words 16 : 545. F. R. Benson as. The. 24: 212. Sat. R. 69: 315. Booth as. See " Boot/i.^' a Century of. (L. Hutton) Harper 79: 866 (N.'Sg). and Don Quixote. (I. Tourg^nieff) Fortn. 62 : 191. A Fat Man. (C. Edwards) Contin. M. i : 571 (My. '62). Fechter as. See " Fechter. " From an Actor's Prompt Book. (Herbert Beerbohm Tree) Fortn. Dec. '95. Ghost of. Eraser 32 : 350. Gilchrist's True Story of. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation 48: 273. Irving as. See ^^ Irving.'''' Insanity of. (W. Farrar) Lon. M. 9 : 373, 647. Vic- toria 10 : 204. Life and Philosophy of. Sharpe 19 : 233. Lawrence and Kemble's (M. C. Clarke) Sharp. 6: 181. Loneliness of. (E. Ferrier) Evang. R. 21 : 210. Madness of, Feigned. Blackw. 46 : 449. (L. Blanchard) Colburn68: 93. (H. B. Lathrop) Acad. (Syr.) 7: 89 (Mr. '92). (R. C. MacDonald) Acad. (Syr.) 7: 29 (F. '92). Maiming of. (A. C. Botkin) Lakeside 9 : 444. Myths of. (E. Schuyler) Nation 10: 170. A Northern. (E. Rose) Eraser 95 : 609. How Old Was He ? All the Year 39 : 104. Saga of. (C. De Falbe) 19th Cent. 12 : 947. Sanity of. Foster's Mo. Ref. I : li. and the Playwrights. All the Year 34: 5. Psychological Study of. (A. A. Lipscomb) Meth. Q. 44 : 665. Rossi as. " See Rossi." Something touching Lord (A. Morgan) Cath. World 44: 29. Study of. (H. C. Redder) Manhat. I : 321. 78 ^{)c iH^agajinc anb tf^c SDrama* Hamlet, Subjection of. (C. S. Patterson) Amer. 5 : 185. of the Seine. (Lady Pollock) 19th Cent. 20 : 805 (I). '86). Tree as. See " Tree." "Poor Yorick." (E. A. Wood) The. n. s. 16: 213; 26: 77. Where he Came From. (C. De Falbe) i : 132. Whiteside as. See " Walker Whiteside." Wilson Barrett as. See " W. Barrett." Voltairean. St. Paul's 9: 173. Same art. Liv. Age III : 791. " Hamlet," (G. Dawson) Peop. J. 7 : 279. (D. Cook) Once a Week 1 1 : 621. (D, J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. 7 : (Ap.) 67, (July) 78. (W. H. Browne) So. M. 15 : 106. So. R. n. s. 7 : 271 ; 8 : 1 16 ; 24 : 426. All the Year 42 : 138, 173. Blackw. 37: 236. Same art Mus. 26: 545. Dub. Univ. 88 : 88. (E. Falconer) The. '79, i : 171. (C. Scott) The. '84, 2 : 243. (F. Leifchild) Contemp. 43 : 31. A difficulty in (J. P. Quincy) Atlan. 49 : 388. Allegory in. (W. W. Crane) Poet Lore 3 : 565. Analyzed, Westm. 83 : 65. Byron and Shelley on. Colburn 29: 327. at the Com^die Fran9aise. (C. Seymour) Poet Lore l: 571 (D. '89). and the Critics (E. Roscoe) Victoria 20: 502. of the Day. (Lady Hardy) The. 79: i, 17. Difficulty about. Fraser 99 : 394. Gervinus's Criticism on (E. Roscoe) Victoria 21 : 338. Ghost in. (F. C. Burnand) Month 64: 64. (G. Mc- Donald) Macmil. 34: 351. Goethe on. (H. S. Wilson) Lond. Soc. 28: 308. a Greek. Fraser 102 : 511. The Last. Colburn 152 : 279. Macdonald's Study of. Sat. R. 39 : 243. and " Macbeth " at the Lyceum (M. Seton) Colburn 168 : 178. and the Modern Stage. (M. Morris) Macmil. 65: 357 (Mr. '92). €fjc Sr9a0a5inc anb tfje SDrama, 79 " Hamlet," The New. Tinsley 15 : 676. Oxford Edition. Sat. R. 78: 602 (D. i, '94). Sat. R. 73: 126. in Paris. (T. Child) Poet Lore 2 : 557. (C. Seymour) Poet Lore i : 571. Performance. First Quarto ( f. Knight) The. '81, i : 289. Portraits in. The. '79, i : 209. Porte-Saint-Martin. (J. Knight) The. '86, i : 193. at the Princess'. (E. Aveling) To-Day 2 : 516. Pyrrhus and Hecuba in. (R. G. Latham) Ev. Sat. 11 : 539- Query on. Eraser 99 : 263. Real Significance of. Temp. Bar 80 : 366. Religion of. (P. Eitzgerald) Month 53 : 64. Same art. Liv. Age 164: 461 (E. 26, '85). Retzsch's Outhnes of. Eor. Quar. R. 2: 697. "Sea of Troubles." (F. J. Eurnivall) Acad. 35: 360. as a Solar Myth. (S. Korner) Poet Lore 3 : 214. with Alterations. (P. Eitzgerald) The. '86, i : 252. The Story and the Play. Temp. Bar 43 : 456. and " The Tempest." (E. Walters) Mod. R. 3 : 818. French Translations (T. Child) The. '81, 2 : 271. Hamlets of the Stage. (A. Sage) Atlan. 23 : 665 ; 24 : 188. Hanbury, Lilly. The. n. s. 27: 253 (My. '96). Handkei'chief at the Play. (A. E. Snodgrass) The. n. s. 26 : 279 (N. '95). (Hapgood, N.) Diderot's Paradoxe. Harv. Mo. 9 : 7. Zola's Attack on the Modern Drama. Harv. Mo. 9 : 160. "Happy Land," a Suppressed Burlesque. (E. Righton) The. n. s. 28: 62 (Ag. '96). (Hardy, Lady.) Hamlet of the Day. The. '79, i : 17. Hare, John. The. '80, i : 129; '80,2: 113,163. The. n. s. 25: 38(Je.'95). (A. Escott) The. n. s. 26: 333 (D.'95). Harlequins, etc. See " Buffoans.'" (Harris, M. C.) Playwright's Novitiate. Atlan. 74: 515 (Ag. '94). Harris, Sir Augustus. The. '81, i : 322, 341. The. n. s. 27: SQL '96). (Harris, Sir A.) Drury Lane Theatre. Fortn. 45 : 603. (Harrison, Fred'k.) Revival of the Drama. Forum 16: 184 (O. '93)- (Hart, J. M.) German Criticism of Shakspere. Putnam 16: 353> 562. (Hart, K.) Oaths in Shakspere. Poet Lore 3 : 113. (Hart, E. J.) Romeos Ancient and Modern. The. '82, i : 148. (Hartman, C. S.) Dramatic Literature in Germany. Amer. 12: 39. Harvey, James Clarence. " The Players." Munsey 12 : 581 (Mr.'95). (Hatton, Joseph.) "Becket" at the Lyceum. Art. J. 45: 105 (Ap.'93). " Faust " on the English Stage. Art. J. 38 : 57, 88. Henry Irving at Home. Harper 64 : 382 (F.'82). H. J. Montague and America. The. '78, 2 : 208. Irving in Holland and Belgium. Art. J. 38 : 207, 245. (Hausknecht, Emil. ) Shakspere in Japan. Poet Lore i : 466 (O. '89). (Haweis, H. R.) Oratorio and the Drama. Harper 70 : 109 (D. '89). (Haweis, M. E.) The Ballet. St. Paul 12: 324. (Hawkins, Fred'k. ) Social Position of the Actor in France. The. n. s. 26: 6 (Je.'95). " Becket." The. i : 53. Hippolyte Clarion. The. '86, i : 291 ; 2 : 20. Foyer of the Comedie Frangaise. The. '79, 1 : 360. Origin of the Com6die Fran9aise. The. '79, i : 286. €t)c lir^aga$inc anti tjc SDrama. sj (Hawkins, Fred'k.) Green Room Club. The. n. s. 27: 17 (Ja.'96). Henry Irving. Acad. 44: 197 (S. 2, '93). Henry Irving in " Much Ado About Nothing." The. '82, 2: 212, 294. King Henry IV. and Falstaff on the Stage. The. n. s. 27: 211 (Ap. '96). King Henry VIII. on the Stage. Eng. Illust. 9 : 291 (Ja.'92). King Lear on the Stage. Eng. Illust. 10: 157 (D.'92). Macbeth on the Stage. The. n. s. 12: 281; 13: i. Marie Antoinette and the Stage. The. n. s. 28: 85 (Ag. '96). T. W. Robertson. Acad. 43 : 488 (Je. 3, '93). Shakspere in Blackfriars. The. '78, 2 : 38. (Hawkins, C. H.) Meininger Theatre. Macmil. 35: 482. (Hayman, H. P.) National Theatre. St. James 46: 315. Haymarket. An Old Comedy Theatre. (H. B. Baker) Belgra. 55: 338(Ja.'85). (Haynes, H. W.) Latin Play at Harvard. Harv. Grad. Mo. 2: 515 (Je. '94). ^Hazlitt, W. C.) Notes on the Old Drama. Antiq. n. s. 20 : 14, 257. Hazlitt's Characters of Shakspere. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 28: 472. Quart. 18 : 485. Am. Q. 18 : 485. Anal. M. 11 : 346. Mod. R. 92: 53. Hazlitt, W., and Jeffrey. Blackw. 3 : 303. Lectures. Ed. R. 34 : 438. "New Pygmalion." (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 2 : 303. Schlegel on the Drama. Ed. R. 26: 67. (Heard, J., Jr.) Maurice Maeterlinck. Critic 20: 354 (Je. 25, '92). " Heart of Maryland." See " D. Belasco.'' Heath, Caroline. The. '79, 2 : 189. Henderson, John. (A. Brereton) The. n. s. '86, i : 303. II 82 C!jc 3t9a0a5ine anb tfjc 2Drama. Henley, W. E., Plays of. Gent. M. n. s. 49: 529 (N.'92). and Robt. L. Stevenson. " Macaire." Sat. R. 79: 756 (N. '95)- Tommaso Salvini. National 3 : 199 (Ap. '84). Same art. Liv. Age 164: 468. Cooperation of Actors. The. '80, 2 : 274. (Hennequin, Alfred.) Characteristic of American Drama. Arena l : 700. Drama of the Future. Arena 3: 385. The Good Old Ways. Dr. Mirror 23: 592. (M. 3,'90). Writing for the Stage. Forum 8 : 705 (F.'gS). Henri, Blanche. The. '79, 2 : 94. "Henry IV." Parti. All the Year 53 : 30. Part II. All the Year 53: 53. (Herand, J. A.) Macbeth. Peop. J. 8: 69, 78, 89. (Herford, C. H.) Henrik Ibsen. Acad. 41 : 247 (Mr. 12, '92). Henrik Ibsen's Earlier Work. Lippinc. 49: 351 (Mr. '92). Recent German Works on Shakspere. Acad. 46 : 44 (Jl. 21, '94). (Herford, C. S. A.) Two Thousand Years of Comedy. N. Eng. M. 53: 441. Herman, Henry.and F.Wells. " Golden Band." (C. Howard) The. 19 : 49. Her Majesty's Theatre. (W. D'Arcy) Belgra. 4: 416. Hermione, Shakspere's Character of. (Lady Martin) Blackw. 149: I. The Cutting-out of. (F. H. Pellew) Gent. M. n. s. 47: 519- Hermiones, Some Famous. (C. E. L. Wingate) Cosmop. 10: 314. (Hersee, H.) Opera Bouffe. The. '78, 2: 281. €{)c 3il?aga$inc anti tje SDrama* 83 (Hervey, C.) French Actors and Actresses. Colburn 83 : 577. Gossip about Actors. The. 84, 2: 174. Actors, How they Fared in French Revolution. Longm. 7 : 309- Com^die Fran9aise. The. '84, 2: i. Drama in Paris. Colburn 81 : 484. Drama in Paris since Revolution. Colburn 83 : 255, 388. Theatres in Florence. The. '85, 2 : 35. Foyers of Paris Theatres. See "Foyers." German Theatres. The. '85, 2 : 140. An Habitue's Note-Book. See "Drama." (Hervey, R. K.) A Word to Actors. The. n. s. 10: 133. (Hetherington, J. N.) Fools of Shakspere. Cornh. 40: 722. (Hexamer, C. J.) Construction of Theatre. J. Frank. Inst. 134: 43 (Je. '92). (Heywood, Thos.) A Woman Killed with Kindness. Acad. 34: 375. (F. Marshall) The. 18: 205. (Heywood, Thos., 2nd.) Uses and Abuses of Burlesque. Tinsley 37: 477. Hicks, Mr. Seymour, Portrait of, in " Under the Clock." The. 23: 146 (Mr. '94). (Hill, Barton.) Personal Recollections of Edwin Booth. Dr. Mirror 37 : 939. (Xmas, '96). (Hill, F. H.) Irving's "Henry VHI." Contemp. 61 : 73 (Ja. '92). Hill, J. W., in " Private Secretary." The. '85, i : 69. Hillliouse, J. A., Dramas and Discourses of. Chr. Exam. 27 : 285. (J. G. Palfrey) No. Am. 50: 231. (Hilliard, Kate.) V. Hugo, Dramatist, Novelist, and Poet. Lippinc. 9: 188 (F. '72). (Hillman, S. D.) Modern Theatre and the Attic Tragedy. Met. 18: 341. Hilton, Hilda. The. '81, 2 : 125. 84 €]Jc ar9a0a$inc anb ttjf SDrama* Hindu Drama. Ed. R. io8: 253. (E. Everett) No. Am. 26: III. Blackw. 34: 715; 35: 122. Westm. 54: i. Ed. R. 22: 400. Quart. 45 : 39. (Mrs. Postans) Sharpe II : 212. History and Character of. Westm. 67 : 364. Hindu Theatre, Wilson on. Ed. R. 48 : 328. Hiss and its History. Lippinc. 22: 781 (D. '78). Natural History of, in Theatres. (L. Robinson) No. Am. 157: I04(J1.'93). The Right to. The. '83, 2 : 178. Hissing at the Theatres. Harper 70 : 487. in Theatres. All the Year 28 : 468. in Theatres. (W. H. PoUock) The. n. s. 147 (Mr. '95). Historical Drama and the Teaching of History. (H. E. Edgarton) National 17: 743. Histrionics, The Grand Old Days of. (O. Logan) Harper 69: 48(Je.'79). History of the Stage, Fleay's. Poet Lore 3: 149 (Mr. '91.). Hobsen, Maud, Portrait of. The. n. s. 24: 12 (Jl.'94.) (Hodell, C. W.) The Opening Scenes in Shakspere's Plays. Poet Lore. 6: 169, 337, 452 (Ap., Je., Ag. '94). (Hogan, J. F.) Australian Theatre. The. n. s. 14: 296 (D. '89). (Hogarth, G.) The Claque System. Bentley 4: 591. Holcroft, Thos. English Dom. M. 16: 133. Temp. Bar 54: 469. (Holland, E. G.) " King Richard HI." Contin. M0.2: 320. HoUingshead, John. (y. Knight) The. n. s. 26: 26 (Jl. '85). Shakspere and. (W. C. Pell) Harper 23: 486 (S.'6i). (HoUingsliead, J.) Kate Vaughan. The. n. s. 27: 257 (My.'96). €lj0 9^aga$inc anb t^t 2Drama. 85 (Hollingshead, J.) Salaries of Actors. The. '79, i : 107. Theatrical Bricks and Mortar. The. n. s. 28 : 73 (Ag. '96). (Holme, G. ) The Story of Faust. Munsey 10: 401 (Jan. '94)- Honolulu, Drama in. (C. W. Stoddard) Overland n. s. 2 : 1 18. (Hooker, I. B.) Anna Dickinson. Nation 7: 391. (Hooper, Lucy H.) Alex. Dumas, y?/j. Lippinc. 21 : 501 (Ap. '78). Paris Theatres. Appleton 1 1 : 525, 583, 626; 12 : 454, 716. The Teacher of Rachel. Lippinc. 29: 617 (Je.'82). (Hope, Anthony, and Edw. Rose.) "Prisoner of Zenda." (L. B. Ellis) Illust. (Je. and Jl.'96). Hopeful View, A. (Edw. A. Dithmar) Dr. Mirror 23 : 591. (Ap. 26, '90). (Hopkins, F.) Plays, Players, and Playwrights. Dub. Univ. 93: 210. Hopper, Chas. H. " Chimmie Fadden." (B. Fletcher) Godey 132: 361 (Ap.'96). (Hornblow, Arthur.) French Contemporary Dramatists. Cosmop. 15 : 107 (My. '93). American Dramatists. Munsey 12 : 159 (D. '94). Children on the Stage. Munsey 12 : 32 (O. '94). Favorites of the Paris Stage. Munsey 11 : 479, 591 (Ag. S. '94). Some Paris Stage Beauties. Godey 127: 65 (Jl.'93). (Home, R. H.) Bygone Celebrities. Gent. M. n. s. 6: 247, 660 ; 7 : 88, 468. Hosken, Jas. Dryden. (E. D. A. Morehead) Acad. 42: 125 (Ag. 13, '92). Spec. 69: 230 (Ag. 13, '92). (Hosmer, J. K.) College Theatricals. Atlan. 30: 19 (Jl. '72). Nation 10: 6. (Houghton, Phihp.) Duse as Camille. The. n. s. 23: 303 (Je. '94). 86 cije !sH[^aga5inc anb ttjc SDrama* Houssaye, M. Ars^ne. (R. Davey) The. n. s. 27: 271 (My. '96). (House, E. H.) A Day in a Japanese Theatre. Atlan. 30: 257. (Hovey, Rich'd.) Maurice Maeterlinck. 19th Cent. 37: 491 (Mr.'95). (Howard, Arthur Weyburn.) V. Sardou. Munsey 12 : 137 (D.'94). Howard, Bronson. "Henrietta." The. n. s. 7: 250. "Truth." The. n. s. 16: 190. The Plays of. Cent. 3 : 465. (Howard, Bronson) Old Dry Ink. Dr. Mirror 37 : 939 (Xmas, '96). (Howard, Cecil.) The Bancrofts. The. 20: 250; 21 : 57. R. W. Buchanan and F. Herman's " Blue Bells of Scot- land." The. n. s. 10: 219. Difficulties of Criticism. The. n. s. 25 : 218 (Ap.'95). Daly's Company in " As You Like It." The. n. s. 16 : 90. Herman and Wills, "The Golden Band." The. n. s. 10: 49. "Joseph's Sweetheart." The. n. s. 11 : 212. Mrs. Langtry in "Antony and Cleopatra." The. n. s- 16: 287. Henry Neville as Jack Holt. The. n. s. 19: 155 (Mr. '92). Howe, Henry, Reminiscences of. (J. Coleman; Geo. W. Bayham) The. n. s, 27: 263 (Mr. '96). (Howe, M. A. De W.) Stratford Jubilee, 1769. Harv. Mo. 6 : 96. Howe, Julia Ward, Edwin Booth and. (F. M. H. Hall) N. Eng. M. 9: 315 (N.'93). (Howe, Julia Ward.) " Hamlet " at the Boston. Atlan. 3 : 172. (Howells, Wm. Dean.) A New Taste in Theatricals (Bur- lesques). Atlan. 23: 635. John T. Raymond as Colonel Sellers. Atlan. 35 : 749. Cfje 2l^a0a5ine and tfje SDrama. 87 (Howitt, M.) Charlotte Cushman. Peop. J. 2: 30, 47. (Hubert, P. G.) New York's Lyceum School for Actors. Lip- pine. 35: 483 (My. '85). (Hudson, W. H.) Introducing American Audiences on Eng- lish Stage. The. n. s. 10 : 255. English Drama during Commonwealth. The. n. s. 10 : 177. English Religious Drama and its Stage Arrangements. Antiq. n. s. 15 : 62. At the Old Globe Theatre. The. n. s. 15 : 173. (Hudson, H. N.) Character of Macbeth. Am. Whig R. 6: 581. Hamlet. Am. Whig R. 7: 94, 121. (Hughes, Thos. P.) The Stage from a Clergyman's Point of View. Forum 20: 695 (F. '96). Hugo, Victor. (K. Hilliard) Lippinc. 9: 188 (F. '72). (J. B. Matthews) Scrib. 22: 688. (C. Barrere) Macmil. 30: 281. (F. Kemble) No. Am. 43: 133. Am. Q. 19: 167. Westm. 34: 287. Select J. 3: 57. For. Quar. R. 6: 455; 8: 196; 17: 193. Dem. R. 13: 378. and Shakspere. Amer. 14 : 7. " Hernani." Am. Mo. M. 9: 41. "Hernani." First Performance of. Ev. Sat. 11 : 151. Humors of a Minor Theatre (F. A. Guthrie) Harper 76: 727 (Ap.'88). Humor, New, and Non-Humorists. (J.L.Toole.) National 21 : 449 (Je.'93). (Humphrey, G. E.) Mary Anderson as Juliet. National 4: 812 (F. '85). (Hunt, H. M.) Miracle Play of 1870 at Bethlehem, N. H. Atlan. 20: 732. 88 C|)c ^ci^n^im anb tJjc SDrania. (Hunt, VV. S.) Early Work of Henry Irving. The. n. s. 23: 198 (Ap.'94). (Hunting, G. D.) Moral Purpose in the Modern Drama. The. n. s. 19: 121 (Mr. '92). (Huse, Carolyn Evans.) Hamlet and Ophelia. Looker-On 3: 4i7(N.'96). Hutton Laurence. Curiosities of American Stage. Harper 82: 63 (Mr. '91). Hutton, Laurence, and J. B. Matthews' " American Actors and Actresses." Atlan. 39 : 421. Cent. 2 : 468. (Hutton, Laurence.) American Drama. Lippinc. 37: 289. American Burlesque, The. Harper 81 : 59. Century of Hamlest, A. Harper 79 : 866 (N. '89). Comedy, A Half- forgotten. Dr. Mirror 23: 584 (My. 8, '90). Infant Phenomena. Les. Mo. 21:4 (Ap.'86). Negro on the Stage, The. Harper 79 : 131 (Je. '89). " Look here upon this Picture." Harper 82 : 488. lago. Cornh. 33 : 91. See also" Othello.'''' lago's Conscience. (A. M. Spence) Poet Lore 5 : 194 (Ap. '93)- Ibsen, Henrik. Harper 78: 984 (My. '89). (R. B. Ander- son) Amer. 4: 8. (H. H. Boyesen) Cent. 16: 794 (Mr. '90). (G. R. Carpenter) Scrib. 5 : 404 (Ap. '89). (C. H. Herford) Acad. 41 : 247 (Mr. 12, '92). (A. N. Meyer) Lippinc. 53: 375 (Mr. '94). (F. Sarcey) Cosmop. (Je. '96). (A. Schovelin) Scand. i: 11, 113. (W. L. Courtney) Fortn. 63: 277 (F. '95). and the Morbid Taint. Belgra. 83 : 59 (Ja. '94). and the Students of Christiania. Scand. 2: 311. as an Artist. (L. Simons) Westm. 140: 506 (N. '93)- at Christiania. (E. J. Goodman) The. n. s. 26: 146 (S. '95)- €f^t !3l9aga$inc anb t^c SDrama, 89 Ibsen, Henrik, at Home. (E. O. Achorn) N. Eng. M. (F. '96). Bibliography of. (W. H. Carpenter) Bookman I : 275 (R. B. Johnson) Acad. 45: 285 (Ap. 7, '94). Bjornson and. (Mrs. A. Tweedie) Temp. Bar 98: 536 (Ag. '93)- Boyesen on. Spec. 72: 652 (My. 12, '94). Sat. R. 78: 359 (S. 29, '94). "Brand." (W. M. Payne) Dial (Ch.) 16: 236 (Ap. 16, '94). (W. L. Cross) Arena 3 : 80 (D. '90). Brandes's(or Brand's) Life of. Lit. World (Bost.) 13: 325. " Bygmester Solness." (W. M. Payne) Dial (Ch.) 14: 68 (F. I, '93). "Comedy of Love." (H. H. Boyesen) Dial (Ch.) 14: 132 (Mr. I, '93). "Doll Home" or "Doll's House." (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmop. 16: 84 (N. '93). "Doll's Home" or "Nora." (E. Aveling) To-day l: 473- (W. Archer) The. '84, i : 209. "Doll's Home," etc., Ibsen's Defense of. (C. P.) Poet Lore 2 : 140 (Mr. '90). Dramas of. Sat. R. 55 : 43. (W. Archer) Acad. 23 : 5. Quart. R. 172: 305 (Ap. '91). Earlier Works of. (C. H. Herford) Lippinc. 49: 351 (Mr. '92). (W. S. Hunt) The. n. s. 23 : 198 (Ap. '94). "Ghosts." Poet Lore 6: 356 (Je. '94). (F. Lord) To- day 3 : 29, 65, 106. in London. (H. Waring) The. n. s. 24: 164 (O. '94). Interpretations of. (M. Weigeland) Dial (Ch.) 16: 262 (My. I, '94). Legend. Dial (Ch.) 18: 259 (My. I, '95). "Little Eyolf." Poet Lore 7: 99 (F. '95). (H. H. Boyesen) Chap-Book 2: 247 (F. '95). (W. M. Payne) Dial(Ch.) 18: 5(Ja. I, '95). " Master Builder." Sat. R. 75 : 241 (Mr. 4, '93). Spec. 70: 285 (Mr. 4, '93). Mausoleum of. (W. Archer) Fortn. 60: 77 (Jl. '93). 12 90 CJe !3l^a0a5inc aiib tl)c SDrama. Ibsen, Henrik, Merits and Defects of. (Louis K. R. Laird) New Bohemian 2: 251 (Je. '96). The New. (G. W. Stevens) New R. 12 : 39 (Ja. '95). Same art. Li v. Age 205 : 239 (Ap. 27, '95). "Peer Gynt." (H. H. Boyesen) Chaut. 17: 293 Gent. M. n. s. 49: 553 (N. '92). Sat. R. 74: 417. Sarcey on. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 28: 19 (Jl. '96). Beerbohm Tree on. Gent. M. n. s. 48 : 103 (Ja. '92). "Wild Duck." (H, H. Boyesen) Dial (Ch.) 15: 137 (S. 16, '93). Women of. (D. K. Dodge) N. Eng. 56: 118 (F. '92). (E. W. Gorse) Fortn. 19: 74. Same art. Ev. Sat. 14: 133- Ideal Theatre, Can We Have an? (Dr. Clifford; H. A. Jones) Young Man (Mr.'93). Sat. R. 64: 349. Illusion, Dramatic. (C. Dickens, 2nd) The. n. s. 26: 192 (O. '95)- (L. Wagner) The. n. s. 26: 87 (Ag. '95). Imperfect. (C. Lamb) Lon. M. 12 : 599. Imitation, or Mimicry. (J. W. Slater) J. Sci. 21 : 475. Imogen. (Lady Martin) Blackw. 133: i. Same art. Eel .M. 100: 299. Modjeska as. Critic 12:69. See '■^ Modjeska.^'' upon the Stage. (C. E. L. Wingate) Cosmop. 12 : 525 (Mr. '92). Independent Theatre. (E. Fuller) Lippinc. 49 : 371 (Mr. '92). of New York. (J. L. Ford) Lippinc. 49: 375 (Mr. '92). See also " National Theatre." Inexplicable Dumb Show. (D. Cook) Belgra. 39 : 190. Influence of the Drama, etc. (Tayler Lewis) Harper 5 : 406 (Ag. '52). Blackw. 7: 387. Knick. 7: 7. Moral (J. M. Buckley, J. Gilbert, A. M. Palmer, W. Winter) No. Am. 136: 581. See also '^Education" " Morality," " Church," etc. Influence of " Rip Van Winkle." Harper 65 : 303 (Jl. '82). (Inglis, F.) Italian Drama. No. Am. 39: 329. " Ingomar," Mary Anderson in. The. '83, 2: 199. Innocuous, A Plea for the, (R. C. Carton) The. n. s. 25 : 154 (Mr. '95). Inspiration and Naturalism in Acting. (H. Irving) Educa. 5 : 591. See also " Emotionalism.^' (Ireland, F. G.) "Phormio" at Harvard. Educa. R. 8: 54 (Je. '94). Irish Actors of the l8th Century. Dub. Univ. 62: 3. Drama. Old Dublin Stage. (H. B. Baker) Belgra. 39: 304- Dramatists. (J. W. (Cole) Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 4$: 39,527; 46: 38,548; 47: 15,359. Gallery Scenes. Harper 42 : 505 (F. '71). Theatre Royal, Dublin. (J. W. (Cole) Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 72 : 454, 558. Theatricals. Dub. Univ. 35 : 117,362. Irving, Sir Henry. Harper 64: 382; 68: 314; 69: 308; 71: 148 (Je. '85). Sat. R. 55: 731; 56: 13, 148. The. '78, 2 : 43 ; '84, 1 : 32 ; '81, 1 : 151. The. n. s. 25 : 129 (Mr. '95); 26: I (Jl. '95). (H. A. Clapp) Allan. 53: 413. (R. L. Collier) Lippinc. 32: 441 (N. '83). (J. Leyland) Amer. 6: 312; 7: 122,141. (F.Hawkins) Dial(Ch.)4: 277. (J. R. To\vse)Cent. 5: 660 (Mr. '84). (W. Winter) The. '84, 2: 43, 86. (L. F. Austin) Victoria 22 : 169. (A. Lewis) Dub. Univ. 90 : 284. Victoria 28: 441. Temp. Bar 38: 393; 39: 547. as Actor and Artist. (L. J. Claris) The. '82, i : 155. in America. Sat. R. 56: 693; 57: 606, 795. at Home. (J. Hatton) Harper 64: 382 (F. '82). as a Tragedian. (B. Brooksbank) National 1 : 16. and English Drama. (G. Barlow) New R. 7 : 665 (D.'92). and Diderot's " Paradoxe." (J. Ramsay) National 3 : 99 (Mr. '84). See " Emotionalism." and Salvini. Gent. M. n. s. 14: 609. €j)c !iH[9a0a$ine anb t^t SDrama. Irving, Sir Ilemy, and the Dignity of the Stage. Sat. R. 79: 182 (F. 9, '95). and Miss Terry. Harper 69: 303 (Ag. '84). and his Work. (A. S. Fitch) Manhat. 2: 391. (E. R. Russell) Fortn. 22: 401. as Becket. (H. D. Traill) Acad. 44: 197 (S. 2, '93). as Hamlet. The. '80, 2 : 354. Temp. Bar 55 : 398. Macmil. 31 : 236. Belgra. 25 : 182. All the Year 33 : 179. Victoria 24: 169. The. '79, 1 : 339. as King Arthur. (J. W. Cunliffe) Canad. M. 6: 75 (N. '95). as King Lear. (E. R. Russell) 19th Cent. 33: 44 (Ja. '93). (H. J. Jennings) Gent. M. n. s. 49: 624, 634 (D. '92). Sat. R. 74: 676 (D. 10, '92). The. n. s. 20: 278 (D. '92). as Macbeth. (A. G. L.) Poet Lore i : 46 (Ja. '89). as Shylock. Appleton 23 : 84. as Wolsey. The. n. s. 19: loi (F. '92), CoqueHn and. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 145: 158. A French View of. (J. Claretie) The. '79, 2: 16. Harvard College, Address at. Critic 24: 204 (Mr. 24, '94). How, Rose to Fame. (H. St. Maur) Munsey 14 : 652 (Mr. '96). in "The Bells." (J. R. Towse) Nation 37: 369. Once a Week 26: 57. in "Faust." Spec. 58: 1753. Sat. R. 61 : 48; 62: 89. (W. L. Courtney) Fortn. 45 : 102. (W. H. Pollock) Lippinc. 27 : 443 (Ap. '86). in Henry VHL (F. H. Hill) Contemp. 61: 73 (Ja. '92). Gent. M. n. s. 48: 209 (F. '92). in " Merchant of Venice. ' ' Harper 68 : 3 14 ( F. '84) . The. '80, 1 : 16. in "Much Ado." Sat. R. 54 : 536. Spec. 55: 1312. (F. Hawkins) The. '82, 2 : 212, 294. in "Romeo and Juliet." Sat. R. 53: 299. The. '82, 1 : 233. Spec. 55 : 325. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 21 : 200. in "Twelfth Night." (J. Knight) The. '84, 2: 55. Cftc a^aga^me anti tgc SDrama* 93 Irving, Sir Henry, in "Waterloo." (A. Brereton) The. n. s. 24: 179 (0.'94). in Holland and Belgium. (J. Hatton) Art J. 38 : 207, 245. in the Provinces. The. '78, 2 : 169. The. '83, 2 : 196. in the Ridiculous. Sat. R. 79: 619 (My. '95). in Shaksperian Characters. (E. R. Russell) Fortn. 40: 466. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 22: 303. Influence of. (W. T. W. Ball) New Eng. M. n. s. 10 : 173 (Ap.'94). Influence in America, The. (Stephen Fiske) Dr. Mirror. See " Fiske." The Knighting of. Sat. R. 79: 718 (Ja. i, '95). Ladies' Debate on. The. '83, 1 : 78, 193. on the Art of Acting. (L. de la Ramee) ("Ouida") 19th Cent. 37: 786 (My. '95). See '■'■Emotionalism.'''' on the English Drama. (E. A. Barron) Dial (Ch.) 15: 90. on a Municipal Theatre. The. n. s. 24: 211 (N.'94). on the Position of the Actor. The. n. s. 25 : 125 (Mr. '95). Second Tour. The. '84,2: 227; '85, i: 27, 237. Stage Management of. (W. H. Pollock) Cent. 4: 953 (O. '83). (Irving, Sir Henry.) Actor Management. 19th Cent. 26: 1040 (Je. '90). An Actor's Notes of Shakspere. I. Third Murderer in "Macbeth." II. Hamlet and Ophelia. III. " Lookhere upon this picture, and on this." IV. Coquelin on Actors and Acting. 19th Cent. 21 : Soo (Je. '87). The American Audience. Fortn. 37: 197. Same art. Liv. Age 164: 730 (Mr. 21, '85). My Four Favorite Parts. (Hamlet, Richard III., lago, and Lear) Forum 16: 33 (S. '93). Goethe as a Theatre Manager. The. n. s. 13: 11. Municipal Theatres. The. n. s. 24: 216 (N. '94). Misconceptions about the Stage. I9lh Cent. 32 : 670 (O. '92). 94 €l)c a9aga5inc aiiti tfjc SDmma. (Irving, Sir Henry.) Inspiration and Naturalism in Dramatic Art. Educa. 5 : 591. Hamlet and Ophelia. 19th Cent. 1 : 513. Irving's Shylock. (A. B. MacMahon) Dial (Ch.) 15: 215 (O. 16, '93). Irving, Miss Isabel, Portrait of. The. 23: 86 (F. '94). Italian Drama. Sat. R. 63: 438. (W. H. Prescott) No. Am. 33 : 60. No. Am. 5 : 182. The. 80, 2 : 300. Sat. R. 63: 84 (Ja. 15, '87). (R. Davey) Lippinc. 15: 90. Fraser 26 : 236. Colburn 53 : 337 ; 54 : 409. For. Quar. R. 27 : I. (F. Inglis) No. Am. 39: 329. Blackw. 18: 545'; 19: 176; 20: 164; 21 : 727; 22 : 571 : (R. Davey) No. Am. 19: 90. (C. M. Phillimore) Macmil. 34: 319, 324.535; 36: 218, 376; 39: 198. Colburn 53: 337; 54: 409. Blackw. 53: 551. Early. (G. E. Mackay) Gent. M. n. s. 20 : 478. Rural. Sat. R. 63 : 84 (Ja. 15, '87). Modem. Sat. R. 63 : 438. Italian Stage. (R. Davey) The. '80, 2: 300. Italian Tragedy. Amer.Quar. R. 15 : 351. For. Quar. R. i : 135. Quart. 24: 72. Mod. R. 94: 526. Lon. M. 116: 366. Jacks, Clara. The. n. s. 28 : 126 (S. '96). (Jackson, Helen Hunt.) ("H. H,") Ober Ammergau, Village of. Cent. 3: 663 (M. '83). Passion Play. Cent. 3: 913 (Ap. '83). (Jacox, F.) One's First Night at the Play. Colburn 142 : 35. Same art. Li v. Age 96 : 735. Jaeger, Life of Henrik Ibsen. Quart. 172: 305 (Ap. '91). James, David. The. '84, 2 : 285, 320. James, Henry, Jr., at Playwriting. Sat. R. 78: 662 (D. 15, '94)- €()c !3r9a0a3inc aiib t^t SDrama, 95 (James, Henry, Jr.) The American on the London Stage. Atlan. 68: 846. Miss M. E. Braddon. Nation I : 593. Same art. Liv. Age 77: 99. Coquelin. Cent. II : 407. Dumas, Ji/s. New R. (M.'96). N. Y. Herald and Bost. Herald, Feb. 23, '96. French Theatre. Galaxy 23 : 437. Frances Anne Kemble. Temp. Bar 97 : 503 (Jl. '93). London Theatres. Nation 28: 400. Galaxy 23 : 661. Reminiscences of Macready. Nation 20 : 297. Tommaso Salvini. Atlan. 51 : 377. " School for Scandal " at the Boston Museum. Atlan. 34: 754- Tennyson's " Harold." Nation 24: 43. James, Kate. The. n. s. 19: 197 (Ap.'92). Janauschek, Mme. Fanny. McClure3: 346 (S. '96). (Janauschek, Mme. Fanny.) Eternal Truths of the Drama. Dr. Mirror 35 : 886 (Xmas, '95). Japan, Shakspere in. (E. Hausknecht) Poet Lore i : 466 (O. '89). Theatre Days in. (Georgia Cayvan) Dr. Mirror 37: 939 (Xmas, '96). Japanese Ballet. Potter Am. Mo. 15 : '96. Japanese Play. Belgra. 86 : 359 (S. '95). Japanese Theatre. (T. J. Nakagawa) Scrib. 7: 603 (My. '90). (J. C. W. Parr) The. '84, 2 : 184. (E. B. Rodgers) Outing 25 : 191 (D. '94). (E. R. Scudmore) Cosmop. 10: 685. All the Year 38 : 40. Appleton2: 449,481. Galaxy 21 : 75. A Day in. (E. H. House) Atlan. 30: 257. Same art. Cornh. 26: 341. Japanese Theatres. Eng. Dom. M. 17: 186. Chinese and. (L. Wingate) Murray 2: 89, 232. 96 €ljc !3l9aga5inc anb tjc SDrama. (Jastrow, M. Jr.) "Moving wood" in "Macbeth," Arabic version of. Poet Lore 2 : 247. Sliylock. PennMo. 11: 725. Jefferson, Joseph. (M. Bacheller) Munsey 12: 497 (F.'95). (J. B. Runnion) Lippinc. 4: 167 (Ag.'69). (J, R. Towse) Cent. 5: 476 (Ja.'84). (Wm. Winter) Har- per 73: 39i(Ag.'86). As Rip Van Winkle. Ev. Sat. 10: 153, 162. (S. John- son) Radical 6 : 133. (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation 9 : 247. (L. C. Davis) Atlan. 19: 750. Appleton 19: 146. O. and N. 2: 684. (L. C. Davis) Lippinc. 24: 57. Scrib. 1 : 216 (D. '70). Harper 42: 614 (Ap. '71). (G. A. Pierce) Atlan. 52: 695. At Home. (W. H. Ballou) Cosmop. 7: 121. at the Normal College. Critic 27 : 284 (N. 2, '95). Autobiography of, Review of. (B. Matthews) Nation 51 : 386. (J. B. Runnion) Dial (Ch.) il : 237. Birthplace of. (W. S. Hale) Dr. Mirror 35: 886. (Xmas, '95). in "The Rivals." Scrib. 22: 183 (D. '80). Winter's Life of. Dial (Ch.) 17: 256 (N. i,'94). (Jefferson, Joseph). Autobiography. Cent. 17: 3,184,367, 494, 643, 803; 18: 135, 263, 406, 538, 704,814 (N.'89 to 0.'9o). Edwin Booth. Critic 25 : 210 (S. 29, '94). Success on the Stage. No. Am. 135 : 580 (D.'82). Jeffries, Maud. The. n. s. 27: 156 (Mr.'96). (Jeffrey, F.) Hazlitt on the Characters of Shakspere. Ed. R. 28 : 472. Jeffrey, J., and Wm. Hazlitt. Blackw. 3: 303. (Jennings, H. J.) Irving as King Lear. Gent. M. n. s. 49: 624 (D.'92). "King Lear" at the Lyceum. Gent. M. n. s. 49: 624, 634 (D.'92). " King Lear," Famous Actors in. Gent. M. n. s. 49: 509 (N.'92). €jje ^r^aga^iitc anti tlje Eirama. 97 (Jenkin, Fleeming.) Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth. 19th Cent. 3: 296 (F. '78). (Jerrold, E.) Dumas, y?/j-. Temp. Bar 54; 392. French Drama of To-day. Gent. M. n. s. 12: 704. Jews, Stage. Sat. R. 62: 451. See also '' Shy lock," "Mer- chant of Venice^'' etc. Jewett, on the Drama. Spec. 59 : 873. Joan of Arc, Bernhardt as. Critic 19 : 269. (Johnson, L.) Plays of Michael Field. Acad. 38: 123. R. L. Stevenson as a Dramatist. Acad. 43 : 473 (Je. 3,'93). (Johnson, R. B.) Books about Ibsen. Acad. 45 : 285 (Ap. 7,'94). (Johnson, S.) J. Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Radical 6 : 133. (Johnson, C. P.) Dramatic Adaptations of the Works of Thackeray. Ath. '92, 2: 107, 171 (JI. & Ag.). Johnson, Dr., and Garrick. No. Am. 4: 38. (Johnson, C. F.) Kingjohn and Richard II. N. Eng. M.45 : 219. Jonson, Ben. Brit. Quar. R. 25 : 285. (Johnston, Richard Malcolm). Delicacy of Sbakspere. Cath. World 39 : 119. Tragic Lovers of Shakspere, Cath. World 40 : 84. Jones, Henry Arthur. The. 86, 2: 132,174. (J.A.Hamilton) Munsey 11 : 174 (My. '94). "Dancing Girl." Sat. R. 71: 99. " Dancing Girl," Moral Purpose in. (J. D. Hunting) The. n. s. 18: 121 (Mr. '92). " Hard Hit." (E. A. Bendall) The. n. s. 8: 99. "Judah." Sat. R. 69: 640. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 37: 396. Harper 73 : 478 (Ag. '86). Play-Making. Sat. R. 72: 690(0. 19, '91). " Renaissance of the Drama." Quart. 182: 399 (O. '95). (Chas. Dickens, 2nd) The. n. s. 25 : 322 (Je. '95). "Saints and Sinners." (H. Norman) Nation 39: 371. 13 98 €()c 3>9aga3inc anb t^t 2Drama» (Jones, Henry Arthur.) Author. Dr. Mirror 23: 590 (Ap. 19, '90). The Bible and the Stage. New R. (F. '93). Can we have an Ideal Theatre? Young Man (Mr. '93). First Night Judgment of Plays. 19th Cent. 26: 43 (Jl. '89). Future of the Enghsh Drama. New. R. 9: 177 (Ag. '93), Literary Drama. (Reply to H. D. Traill) New R. (Ja. '92). Outlook of Drama, 1885. Eng. Illust. 2: 280,341. Dr. Pearson on the Modern Drama. 19th Cent. 34 : 543 (O. '93)- A Playwright's Grumble. To-day (D. '84). Religion and the Stage. 19th Cent. (Ja. '95). Science of the Drama. New R. 5 : 83. Theatre and the Mob. 19th Cent. 14: 441 (S. '83). (Jones, H. K.) The "Tempest." J. Spec. Philos. 9: 293. (Jones, M. C.) Eleanora Duse. Critic 26: 67, 117 (F. 4, 25, '93)- (Jones, W. W.) Thos. W. Robertson. The. '79, i : 355. Juliet. Eng. Dom. M. 16: 278. (O. Thorpe) The. n. s. 22: 353 (N.'93). (Lady Martin) Blackw. 131 : 141. Same art. Liv. Age 152 : 245, 738. Mary Anderson as. See "Mary Andersoti." Modjeska as. See "Modjeskay Juliets, Some Famous. (H. B. Baker) Gent. M. n. s. 33: 594. (B. Sturgess) Peterson n. s. 6: 1065 (0.'96). Juliets of the Stage. (M. Aldrich) Nickell 6: 348 (D.'96). See also "Romeo and Jtdiet^'' "Shakspere," etc. "Julius Caesar." (D. J. Snider) Western 2 : 38, 77. Same art. J. Spec. Philos. 6 : 234. Blackw. 37 : 747. (W. J. Rolfe) Poet Lore 6: 7 (Ja. '94). (Jusseraud, J. J.) Drama of the Middle Ages. Chant. 19: 65 (Ap.'94). €j|c ar9aga5inc anti tfje 2Dtama. 99 Kean, Chas. (T. P. Grinstead) Bentley 42: 209. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 25: 712. Dub. Univ. 36: 412. Same art. Eel. M. 21 : 538. Ev. Sat. 5: 251. and the Modern Stage. Ev. Sat. 5 : 552. Life and Times of. Eraser 60: 361. New Q. 8: 285. Kean, Edmund. Harper 24: 72;6i: 875 (N.'7S);69: 59. (T, W. Clark) Knick. 3: loi ; 6: 216. Blackw. 3: 77; 16: 271; 38: 71. Quart. 54: 109. Ann. Register 8: 438. Chamb. J. 46: 423. Temp. Bar 49: 180. Same art. Eel. M. 88 : 414. Same art. Liv. Age 132 : 668. and John Kemble. (T. Martin) 19th Cent. 7: 291. Eel. M. 94: 542. as King Lear. Lon. M. i : 686. Early Days of. Eraser 7 : 734 ; 8 : 499. Colburn 40 : 434. Life of. Quart. 54: 109. Mod. R. 137: 348. My Aequaintanee vi'ith. (T. C. Grattan) Colburn 39: 7, 143- Recolleetions of. Colburn 41 : 51. Portrait of, at the Garrick Club. The. n. s. 26 : 71 (Ag. '95). Sean's Monument to Cooke. Harper 44: 188 (Ja.'72). (Keeler, R.) Three Years a Negro Minstrel. Atlan. 24: 71. Keeley, Mrs., and the Queen. The. n. s. 25: 198 (Ap.'95). Keeleys, The. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 26: 328 (D.'95). (Kelly, J. G.) Falstaff. Overland I3 : 352. Kemble, Chas. Harper 44: 188. Kemble, Frances Anne (Fanny), (Mrs. Butler). Galaxy 6: 797. Internat. M. 1 : 310. Liv. Age 139: 628. Appleton 21: 273. Harper 24: 75; 30: 394; 59: 72. Temp. Bar 66: 172. Same art. Eel. M. lOO: 104. Temp. Bar 102: 326 (Jl.'94). (H. Lee) Atlan. 71 : 662 (My. '93). (MacMahon) Belgra. 80: 373 (Ap.'93). Same art. Liv. Age 197: 692 (Je. 10, '93). (Mrs. Ritehie) Macmil. 68: 190 (Jl.'93)- (H. James) Temp. Bar 97 : 503 (Jl.'93)- Sat. R. 75 : 67 (Ja. 21, '93). The. '79, i : 224. too cjc !tir9a0a$inc aiiti tje SDrama* Kemble, Frances Anne (Fanny), (Mrs. Butler). " American Journal." Tait n. s. 2: 465. and her Critics. Fraser 12 : 327. at Lenox. (C. B. Todd) Lippinc. 52: 66 (Jl.'93). Death of. Critic 22 : 372 (Mr. '93). "Journal." Quart. 54: 39. Mod. R. 137: 402. "Plays." Liv. Age 80: 118. First Appearance of. (P. Fitzgerald) The. '86, 2: 117. "Journal in America." Quart. 54: 39. So. Lit. Mess. 1 : 524. (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 41 : 109. Am. Mo. M. 5: 280. Ed. R. 61: 379. " Record of Girlhood." Quart. 154: 83 (Jl. '82). (B. Murphy) Cath. World 30: 334. Internat. R. 6: 589. Penn. M. 10: 231. "Record of Later Life." Sat. R. 54: 56. Spec. 55: 595. Lit. World (Bost.) 13: 310. Ath. '82, 2: 39. Quart. 154: 83 (Jl.'82). Same art. Liv. Age 154: 707. Lippinc. 30: 442 (O. '82). (G. T. Lanigan) Amer. 4: 266. Moral Element in " Records etc." (L F. Bellows) Univ. R. 19: 115. (Kemble, Frances Anne). Autobiographical Recollections. Atlan. 36: 152, 722; 37: 76, 711; T,8: 32, 705; 39: 73. 432- On the Stage. Harper 28: 364 (F. '64). T. Salvini in " Othello." Temp. Bar 71 : 368. Notes on Shakspere. Spec. 56 : 53. Blackw. 1 : 455. Atlan. 6 : 288. Mrs. Siddons. Harper 28 : 364 (F. '64). Notes on the Characters of " Macbeth." Macmil. 16: 76. Same art. Liv. Age 93 : 523. Lady Macbeth. Macmil. 17: 354. Queen Katharine and Wolsey in " King Henry VIII." Lippinc. 16: 685. Differences of Dramatic and Theatrical. Cornh. 8 : 733- CJje !3t^a0a$tne anb tJje SDrama. loi Kemble, John Philip. Harper 26: 72. (S. S. Conant)44: 184; 59: 56. (J. H. Reynolds) So. Lit. Mess. 19: 164. Lon. M. 7: 449. Portf. (Den.) 30: 194. and Mrs. Siddons. Chamb. J. 48: 701. Same art. Eel. M. 78: 196,358. Temp. Bar 50: 467. Same art. Eel. M. 89: 440. Same art. Liv. Age 134: 675. Boaden's Life of. (Sir W. Scott) Quart. 34:197. Westm. 3 : 487. Colburn 13 : 572. First Appearance of. (P. Fitzgerald) The. 2 : 117. First Appearance, An Eye-witness of. (Theo. Martin) 19th Cent. 7 : 276 (F. '80). Same art. Eel. M. 94 : 542. Notes on, in Shakspere. (E. Dowden) Acad. 22: 409. Poetical and Literary Character of. Colburn 34: 174. Retirement of. Dub. Univ. 71 : 552. Kemble, Roger. Harper 44 : 186. Kemble, Stephen. Harper 44: 195. Kendal, Wm. Hunter. The. '78, 2: 106; '80, i: 80; '84, l: 61. (W. Archer) Longm. 9: 478. Hare and. Management of the St. James Theatre. The. n. s. 12: 134. Kendal, Mrs. The. '83, i: 214; '78, 2: 106; '80, i: 97; '83, 1 : 214. (W. Archer) Longm. 9 : 478. and Mrs. Tanqueray. The. n. s. 22: 320 (D. '93). Dramatic Opinions. Sat. R. 69 : 453. First Appearance in London. (G. Towse) The. n. s. II : on the Drama. The. '84, 2 : 165. Sat. R. 58 : 393. vs. American Public. (R. H. Davis) The. n. s. 23: 91 (F. '94). Reprint from Harper's Weekly. (Kendal, Mrs.) Dramatic Opinions. Murray 6: 289,733. (Kennard, Mrs. Arthur.) Rachel. 19th Cent. 14: 1030 (D. '83). (Kennedy, C. L.) Henry Irving as Hamlet. Belgra. 25: 182. 102 Cjjc !ill[9aga5ine anb t!)c 2Drama» (Kennedy, H. A.) A Dialogue on the Drama. 19th Cent. 38 : 322 (Ag. '95). Drama of the Moment. 19th Cent. 30: 258 (Ag. '91). (Kent, P.) The Funeral of Moliere. The. n. s. il : 296. "King Arthur " on the Stage. (Henry Elliot) The. n. s. 24: 169 (O. '94). See" Comyns Cam" "King Edward II." (K. Elze) Ath. '87, i: 491. (B. G. Kinnear) Ath. '87, 1 : 521. (B. Nicholson) Ath. '87, l: 554- King Henry IV. and Falstaff on the Stage. (F. Hawkins) The. n. s. 27: 211 (Ap. '96). "King Henry IV." (D. J. Snider) Western 3: 344, 396, 447. (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 54: 42. Blackw. 39: 699. (R. L. Ashhurst) Poet Lore I : 367. "King Henry V." (D. J. Snider) Western 3 : 541. (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 54: 251. All the Year 43 : 510. "King Henry VI." (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 54: 375,494; 55= 57- " King Henry VI. Part I." Knowl. 11 : 244. "King Henry VIII." (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 55: 346. Gent. M, n. s. 48: 214 (F, '92) ; 427 (Ap. '92). at the Lyceum Theatre. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 41: 70 (Jan. 16, '92). On the Stage (F. Hawkins) Eng. Illust. 9 : 291 (Ja. '92). (R. W. Lowe and W. Archer) Longm. 19: 249, 624, 634 (Ja. '92). Characters of Queen Katharine and Cardinal Wolsey. (F. A. Kemble) Lipp. 16: 685. "King John." (D. J. Snider) Western 3: 89, 157. (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 53 : 250. All the Year 49 : 222. at Oxford. Sat. R. 71 : 195. and "Richard II." (C. F, Johnson) N. Eng. M. 45 : 219. Z^t ^a^a^im anb tfje 2>ramn, 103 King Lear and his Court. Hogg 6: i6l. Edwin Booth as. See "Booth, Edwin.'''' History of. (G. W. Davey) The. n. s. 20: 209 (N. '92). Irving's. (Edw. R. Russell) 19th Cent. 33: 44 (Ja. '93)- Madness of. (W. Farren) Lon. M. 10: 79. Salvini's. (Emma Lazarus) Cent. 4: 88 (My. '83). "King Lear." (L. Campbell) National 12: 492. (D. J. Snider) Western I : 135, 230, 271. (R. G. White) Atlan. 46 : ill; 48 : 824. All the Year 46 : 462 ; Appleton 25 : 83. Fortn. 23 : 83. as it was Written. Colburn 41 : 216. at the Lyceum (H. J. Jennings). Gent. M. n. s. 49: 624, 634 (D. '92). Famous Actors in (H. J. Jennings). Gent. M. n. s. 49 : 502. in Paris (T. Cook) The. I, 214. On the Stage (F. Hawkins). See Hawkins. Salvini's Impressions of Lear. Cent. 5 : 563 (F. '84). King Lear's Fool. Cornh. 52 : 365. "King Richard H." (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 53: 364. (D. J. Snider) Western 3: 223, 280. King Richard IIL On the Stage. The. n. s. 13 : 220. "King Richard HI." (E. G. Holland) Contin. Mo. 2: 320. (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 55 : 236. (J. R. Lowell) Atlan. 68: 816. (S. A. Brooks) Acad. 40: 541. Lowell on. Critic 10: 116. (King, J.) Genius of Shakspere. Canad. Mo. 10: 501. (Kingdon, L. M.) Preparation for Dramatic Criticism. Writer 2: 79. (Kingston, W. B.) Gilbert and Sullivan: "Pirates of Penzance." The. '85, i : 80. ".Princess Ida." The. '84, I : 75. " Mikado." The. '85, I : 186. Accessorial Music. The. n. s. 25 : 143 (Mr. '95). 104 €j)c 3t9nsa$inc anb t^t SDrama* (Kingston, W. B.) Incidental Music. The. n. s. 25: 290 (My.'95)- Life of an Actor. The. '85, 2 : 183. Shylock in Germany. The. 80, i : 17, 86. Rossi on Hamlet. The. '84, i : 173; '84,2: 190. (Kingsley, L. ) Players and Puritans. No. Brit. 25: i. (Kinnear, B. G.) « King Edward II." Ath. '87, i : 521. (Kirk, John Foster.) Shakspere's Tragedies on the Stage. Lippinc. 33 : 501, 604 (My. & Je. '84). (Kirkland, Joseph.) An Experiment in Playwriting. Atlan. 44: 149 (Ag. '77). Kissing on the Stage. (E. Rose) The. n. s. 25 : 149 (Mr. '95). (Knesst, Audin R.) Wm. Archer to the Rescue. The. n. s. 26: 141 (S. '95). Knight, Joseph. Life of Garrick. Ath. 2 : 329 (S. 8, '94). (Knight, Joseph.) Financier on the Stage. The. n. s. 27 : 318 (Je. '96). John Hollingshead. The. n. s. 26: 26 (Jl. '95). Irving's « Twelfth Night." The. '84, 2 : 55. Hamlet. The. '86, I : 193. Hamlet, First Quarto, Performance of. The. n. s. '81, 1 : 298. J. L. Toole. The. '80, i : 24. (Knowles, Richard Brinsley.) David Garrick. Dub. Univ. 95: 207. Knowles, James Sheridan. Fraser 14 : 272. Blackw. 94 : 429. Dub. Univ. 40 : 428. Nat. Q. 6 : 356. "The Hunchback." (W. Gordon) The. '82, i : 145. " Hunchback" and " Virginius." All the Year 59 : 28, 58. Eccentricities of. Ev. Sat. Ii : 438. Later Dramas of. Colburn 97 : 59. Same art. Eel. M. 28: 329. Love Chase. Mod. R. 144: 411. Plays of. Fraser. 13: 451. (P. Benjamin) No. Am. 40: 141. Mod. R. 93: 53; 128: 64; 131: 176 €j)e Qi^agajiitc anb tl^c E>rama. 105 Knowles, James Sheridan, Sonnets to. (Charles Lamb) Lon. M. 2 : 302. "Virginius." Lon. M. i : 692. Visit to Cork. New Eng. M. 8 : 63. "Woman's Wit." (Comedy). Dub. R. 5 : 229. Mod. R. 146 : 326. (Kobb6, Gustav.) Behind the Scenes of an Opera House. Scrib. 4 : 435 (O. '88). (Keener, S.) Hamlet as a Solar Myth. Poet Lore 3: 214. (Kalisch, L.) Claque in Paris Theatres. Ev. Sat. 5 : 102. (Lacy, Henry.) Fact and Fiction about Shakspere. The. n. s. 25 : 88 (F. '95). (Lacy, J.) Theatricals of Our Day, (1824). Lon. M. 10: 635. Lady Macbeth. (F. A. Kemble) Macmil. 17: 354. Same art. Liv. Age 97 : 724. Eel. M. 70 : 481. (G. C. Bibb) Western 1 : 287. Portf. (Den.) 11 : 238. (J. A. St. John) Eel. M. 16 : 202. Ev. Sat. 5 : 242. (R. Munro) J. Spec. Philos. 21 : 30. Bernhardt as. Sat. R. 57: 777. Same art. Critic 5 : 8. Charlotte Cushman as. (G. F. Ferris) Lakeside 7: 407. 5*^1?" Ciishmati.'" Modjeska as. Poet Lore 4 : 42 ( Ja. 92). See " Modjeska. " Mrs. Siddons as. (Fleeming Jenkin) 19th Cent. 3 : 296 (F. '78). " Lady of Lyons. " See "Lytton. " (Laidlaw, F. A.) How to Write Dramas for Music. The. n. s. 18: 67. (Laird, Louis K. R.) H. Ibsen's Merits and Defects. New Bohemian 2: 251 (Je. '96). (Lamb, Charles.) Old Actors. Lon. Mod. 5: 174,305; 6: 349. Imperfect Dramatic Illusion. Lon. M. 12 : 599. Sonnets to James Sheridan Knowles. Lon. M. 2 : 302. Criticism of Passages of " The Tempest." Lon. M. 8: 492. 14 [o6 ^jc !3i9aga5inc anti i^t 2Drama. (Lamb, Lady.) Early Life of Colley Gibber. The. '79, i : 92. (Lamphigh, G. W.) In a Chinese Theatre. Macmil. 57: 36. (Lancaster, A. E.) Edwin Forrest. Potter Am. Mo. 8: 161. American Drama. Potter Am. Mo. 8: 23, 346. (Lang, Andrew.) J. B. P. Moliere. Scrib. 9: 725. "As You Like It." Harper 82 : 3. " Comedy of Errors." Harper 82 : 550- " Measure for Measure." Harper 84: 62. " Merchant of Venice." Harper 80 : 355. "Merry Wives of Windsor." Harper 80:3. " Much Ado About Nothing." Harper 83: 489. "The Taming of the Shrew." Harper 90: 89 (D. '94). "Winter's Tale." Harper 88: 710 (Ap. '94). "Tempest." Harper 84: 653 (Ap. '92). (Langel, A.) French Drama. Nation 34: 51. " Princess of Bagdad," " Denise," " Francillon." Ste "£>umas,yi/s." "Theodora," "Georgette," "Madame Sans Gene." Se^ " Vic tor ten Sardoti.''^ Langtry, Mrs. Lillian. The. '82, i: 65, 113; '82, 2: 233. as an Actress. Sat. R. 54: 441. Spec. 55: 1507. as Cleopatra. (C. Howard) The. n. s. 16 : 287. as Pauline. The.'85, i : i. (P.Fitzgerald) '86,1: 221. as Rosalind. The. n. s. 13: 210. Sat. R. 69: 258. at Manchester. (W. D. Adams) The. '83, 2 : 136. (Lanigan, G. L.) Modern Dramatists. Amer. 3: 89. Fanny Kemble's Records of Later Life. Amer. 4: 266. (Latham, R. G.) Pyrrhus and Hecuba in " Hamlet." Ev. Sat. 11: 539- "Titus Andronicus." Eraser 82: 361. (Lathe, A. M.) "Midsummer Night's Dream." Educa. 12: 406 (My. '92). "Two Gentlemen of Verona." Acad. (Syr.) 7: 24 (F. '92.) Zl)t aii^aga$inc anti t][)c ^tama* 107 (Lathrop, Geo. P.) Personality and Situations in Plays. Dr. Mirror 23 : 587 (M 29, '90). Author and Theatre. Dr. Mirror 24 : 600 (Je. 28, '90). (Lathrop, H. B.) "Hamlet." Acad. (Syr.) 7: 89 (Mr. '92). (Lathrop, Lorin A.) A Day with Mr. Willard. The. n. s. 23: 59 (F. '94)- "La Tosca." See " Victorien Sardoii,''' etc. Launce and his Dog. (J. C. Lockhart) Manch. 2, i : 86. (Lawhead, L. D.) Was Falstaff Immoral? Poet Lore 3: 142. (Lawler, H. D.) Moli^re the Dramatist. Poet Lore (Ap.'96). Lawrence, Everetta. The. '86, i : 59. American Actors in England. Gent. M. n. s. 46 : 82. (Lawrence, W. J.) Stage Falstaffs. Gent. M. n. s. 42: 425- Genesis of Pantomime. The. n. s. 25 : 28 (Ja. '95). Pantomime in U. S. The. n. s. 27 : 83 (F. '96). Sensation Scenes. Gent. M. n. s. 37: 400. Stage Ghosts. Gent. M. n. s. 39 : 545. Same art. Eel. M. no: 210. English Players in Paris. Gent. M. n. s. 45 : 446. Laws affecting the Theatre. (R. V. Rodgers) Green Bag 6: 259. 321, 376 (Je., Jl. and Ag. '94). (Lazarus, Emma.) T. Salvini. Cent, i: no (N. '81). T. Salvini as Lear. Cent. 4: 88 (Mr. '83). Lea, Marion. The. n. s. 19: 202 (Ap. '92). Leading Men of the Present Day. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 22 : 24 (Jl. '93). (Leahy, W. A.) Stage Conditions of English Drama. Harv. Mo. 6: 207. English Elizabethan Theatre. Harv. Mo. 6: 207. (Le Clercq, Theodore). Proverbes Dramatiques. Lon. M. 12: 17. (Lee, R.) Epitome of the Drama. The. '86, 2 : 258. io8 ^()c at^aga^inc anb tljc SDrama. (Lee, S. R.) Original of Shylock. Gent. M. n. s. 24: 185. (Lee, H.) Frances Anne Kemble. Atlan. 71: 662 (My. '93). Lee, Nathaniel. (M. E. Wotton). The. '86, 2 : 76. (Lee, Vernon). The Dramatic and the Undramatic. Contemp. 50 : 239 (Ag. '86). Leg Business. (Oliver Logan) Galaxy 4: 440. Legouv6, E. Spec. 71 : 402 (S. 23, '93). (Leifcliild, F.) Hamlet. Contemp. 43 : 31. Leighton, Margaret. The. '81, i: 321,343. Lemaitre, Fred'k. (C. Barrere) Gent. M. n. s. 13 : 447. (W. Sikes) Lippinc. 15: 588 (My. '75). Lond. Soc. 9: 552. (J. W. Sherer) Gent. M. n. s. 36: 147. Eel. M. 106: 467. Lond. Soc. 39: 155. Robert Macaire and Ruy Bias. Temp. Bar 62 : 537. Sat. R. 55 : 467. Lemaitre, Jules. Sat. R. 79 : 857 (Je. 29, '95). (Lemon, M.) Actors' Holiday. Ev. Sat. 4: 747. (Lenning, T.) "Macbeth." Penn Mo. i : 172. (Leppington, C. H.) Work and Wages Behind the Scenes. National 17: 245 (Ap. '91). Leslie, Fanny. The. '82, 1 : 193, 218. Miss. Recollection of Charles Mathews. Godey 31:6. Lessing and the German Drama. (W. L. Phelps) N. Eng. M. 51 : 198. Dramatic Notes. Macmil. 57: 488. fLestocqjW.) Actors' Association. The. n. s. 24: 298(0. '94). Levey, the Sisters. The. n. s. 24 : 56 (Ag. '94). Lewes, Geo. H., and the Stage. (W. Archer) Fortn. (F. '96). (A. Trollope) Fortn. 31 : 18. Same art. Liv. Age. 140 : 307. Nature 19: 106. Pop. Sci. Mo. 9: 743. (G. M. Towle) Appleton 5 : 133. Peop. J. 10 : 323. as a Dramatic Critic. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 27: 337 (Je. '96). C|)c ^ais&^im anb tfjc SDrama. 109 (Lewes, Geo. H.) "On Actors and Acting." Lippinc. 31 : 647 (My. '78). Authors and Managers. Westm. 37: 71. French Criticisms of Shakspere. Cornh. ir : 33, 256. French Drama. Westm. 34: 287. Cornh. 11 : 33. Classifying Theatres. Ed. R. 78: 382 (O. '43). Theatres and Dramatic Reform. Ed. R. 78 : 382. Recent Tragedies. Westm. 37: 321. (Lewis, A.) Henry Irving. Dub. Univ. 90: 284. Lewis, James. (L. Richardson) Metrop. 4: 341 (D. '96). (Lewis, Tayler.) Influences of the Theatres. Harper 5 : 406 (Ag. '52). (Ley land, J.) Henry Irving. Amer. 6: 312; 7: 122,141. Libretti, Lyric Drama and. (S. J. A. Fitz-Gerald) The. n. s. 20: 161 (O. '92). Librettist, the Good. The. n. s. 13: 241. License, Dramatic. (W. G. Wills) The. '80, i : 199. (Lillie, J.) Helena Modjeska. Temp. Bar 66: 22,551; 67: 73- Linden, Laura. The. '85, 2: 233, 281. Linden, Marie. The. '83, 2 : 162. Lindley, Henrietta. The. '86,2: 117, 173. (Linton, Mrs. Lynn.) The Stage as a Profession for Women. National 5: 8 (Mr. '85). (Lippman, von, E. O.) Ignorance of Shakspere. New R. 4: 250. (Lipscomb, A. A.) Hamlet, a Psychological Study. Meth. R. 44: 665. Literature and the Drama. (E. Fawcett) Dial (Ch.) 14: 38. (H. D. Traill) New R. 5: 502. (G. Moore) Fortn. 52 : 620 (D. '89). Poet Lore 2 : 33 (Ja. '90). (F. Marshall) The. '78, 2 : 23. €fte a^aga^inc anb tjc SDrama* Literature and the Stage. (Earl Lylton) Fortn. 40 : 12, 215. Same art. Eel. M. loi : 501, 658. and the Stage, Divorce between. (Alfred Austin) National 2: 680 (Ja. '84). on the Stage. Dial (Ch.) 13 : 336 (D. '92). American Dramatic, Beginnings of. (P. L. P'ord) N. Eng. M. n. s. 9: 673 (F. 9, '94). Dramatic, Extracts from. (G. Moore) Poet Lore 2 : 33 (Ja. '90). Dramatic, Geoffrey on. (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 10 : 291. Am. Q. 8: 134. Westm. 18: 31. Lon. M. 22: 298. So. R. 16 : 377, Ward on English Dramatic. (W. B. Donne) Macmil. 33: 314- Dramatic, in 1869. Colburn 146: 92. and the Drama. Mod. R. 129: 461. Fraser 41 : 69. Dramatic. (Lady Pollock) Temp. Bar 44: 331. Literary Drama, Mr. Pinero and. The n. s. 22 : 3 (Jl. '93). Plays, the Productions of. (H. B. Tree) Fortn. 54: 925- (Littledale, H.) Cymbelinein a Hindu Drama. Macmil. 42 : 65. Same art. Liv. Age 145 : 695. (Littlejohn, J.) Playwriting. Irish Mo. 17: 356. Living Pictures. New R. ii: 461 (N. '94). Lloyd, Robt. The Poet of Acting. (W. D. Adams) The. '79,2: 78. (Lloyd, W. W.) Emendations in Shakspere. Ath. '84, i : 727. " Romeo and Juliet." Ath. '84, 2 : 402. "Measure for Measure." Ath. '8^, i : 636. (Lockhart, J. C.) Launce and His Dog. Manch. Q. i : 86. (Logan, OHve.) Grand Old Days of Histrionics. Harper 69: 48 (Je. '79). Secret Regions of the Stage. Harper 48: 629 (Ap. '74). €t)e !2l9a5a5hic anb tJjc SDrama. (Logan, Olive.) Leg Business. Galaxy 4: 440. American and Foreign Theatres. Galaxy 5 : 22. Drunken Drama. Galaxy 4 : 934. Grand Days of English Stage. Harper 59 : 48. London and Actors (W. Thornbury). Belgra. 7: 360, 546; 8: 70,230,394; 10: 104,248,512. County Councils and the Theatres. (Chas. Dickens 2nd.) The. n. s. 25: 140 (Mr. '95). County Council and Theatre. The. n. s. 24: 105 (S. '94)- at the Old Globe Theatre. (W. H. Hudson) The. n. s. 15: 173. Drama. Fraser 71: 124. Fraser 38 : 41. Blackw. 2: 426, 567, 664; 3: 77, 207, 329; 4: 443.708; 5: 71, 317; 6: 51, 624; 7: 182, 307. See also "English Drama." Stage, the American on the. (H. Jarnes, Jr.) Atlan. 68: 846. Theatre. (H. F. Randolph) N. Eng. M. n. s. 10: 318 (My. '94). Theatre, First, in. (R. Bell) Once a Week I : 464. Same art. Liv. Age 64 : 249. Theatres. (T. P. Grinstead) Bentley 35 : 489, 541 ; 36: 89,371. (H. James, Jr.) Galaxy 23 : 661. Blackw. 71 : 460, 596. (H. James) Nation 28 : 400. Scrib. 21 : 354. Dark Blue 2: 761. Broadw. 6 : 283. Mus. 9 : 247. Scrib. 21 : 354 (Ja. '81). (G. Turner) The. n. s. 14: 65. Theatres and their Plays. Temp. Bar 38 : 256; 39 : 547. Theatres, In. (A. B. Walkley) Cosmopohs 4 : 74 (O. '96). Ordish's Early Theatres. Sat. R. 78: 462 (0. 27, '94). Season of '90 and '91. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 18: 53- the Minor Theatres of. (P. Egan) Atlan. 25 : 294. Theatres, Outlook of, 1892. Sat. R. 74: 220. " London Assurance." See " Bojicicaiilt." 112 €J)c 3r9aga$inc aiiti tjc SDrania. (Lord, F.) Ibsen's " Ghosts." To-day 3 : 29,65, 106. (Louther, H.) Audiences at the Play. Tinsley 26 : 51. My First Drama. Tinsley 30 : 337. Our Amateur Dramatic Club. Tinsley 31 : 57. Critics as Actors. Tinsley 28 : 60. Round and About Stage Entrances. Tinsley 26 : 381. Theatrical Bohemia. Tinsley 29 : 240. Lovell, W. T. The. n. s. 22 : 212 (O. '93). (Lowe, R. W.) Famous Falstaffs. The. n. s. 13: 185. (Lowe, Chas.) Social Position of Actors in Germany. The. n. s. 26 : 6 (Jl. '95). (Lowell, James Russell.) The Drama. No. Am. 66 : 374,400. Genius of Shakspere. No. Am. 106: 629. " King Richard III." Atlan. 68 : 816. (Liiders, C. H.) Mary Anderson in "Winter's Tale." Amer. 17: 216. Lust of Self. (Mrs. E. S. WiUard) The. n. s. 17: 5. Lyceum School for Actors (New York). (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation 39: 195. (P. G. Hubert, Jr.) Lippinc. 35: 483 (My. '85). Lyceum Theatre. (H. B. Baker) Gent. M. n. s. 35 : 493. A First Night Audience at. (Arthur a Becket) The. n. s. 25: 68(F. '95). Behind the Scenes at. (P. Fitzgerald) Belgra. 44 : 335. Lyly, John, Shakspere and. (H. Davis) Poet Lore 5 : 177 (Ap. '93)- Ljrric Drama and Libretti. (S. J. A. Fitz-Gerald) The. n. s. 20 : 161 (O. '92). Lytton, Edward Lytton Bulwer, Baron Lytton, Dramas of. So. Lit. Mess. 3: 90. Dub. Univ. 15: 267,412. " Lady of Lyons." (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 43 : 136. Mary Anderson in. Sat. R. 57: 571 (N. 3. '83). "Richelieu." Harper 42: 296 (Ja. '71). Temp. Bar 38: 168. Colburn 26: 491. So. Lit. Mess. 5: 509, 532. Dub. Univ. 82 : 626. €|)c ar^a0a$iitc anti tf^c SDrama. "3 (Lytton, Robert Lytton Bulwer, Earl of Lytton.) Garrick as Hamlet. Fortn. 15: 221,352 (F. and Mr. '71). Same art. Liv. Age 109 : 67, 236. Stage in Relation to Literature. Fortn. 40: 12, 215. Same art. Eel. M. loi : 501, 658. Macaire, Robert, the New. (Rich'd Davey) The. n. s. 26 : 30 (Jl- '95)- (Macaulay, Thomas Babington.) Comic Dramatists of the Restoration. Ed. R. 72 : 49. Mus. 42 : 31. Macbeth and David. Mo. Rel. M. 37: 117. as the Celtic Type. (M. O'Neill) Blackw. 150: 376. and Lady Macbeth. (P. W. Clayden) Fortn. 8 : 153. Considered as a Celt. (J. D. Montgomery) National 13: 181. "Macbeth." (J. E. Murdoch) Forum 10: 72 (S. '90). (J. Coleman) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 218. (H. N. Hudson) Am. Whig R. 6: 581. Westm. 41: i. Blackw. 63: 292. Eraser 22: 613; 23: 295; 24: 401; 25: 81. (E. F. Mosby) So. M. 9 : 348. (T. Lenning) Penn Mo. I : 172. (My. '70). (F. A. Kemble) Macmil. 16: 76. Same art. Liv. Age 93: 523. Cornh. 59: 133- Analysis of Motive in. Foster Mo. Ref. I : 47. and Common Sense. (W. Archer) Murray 5 : 182. Controversy about. (F. Thompson) Dub. R. 105 : 140. (D. J. Snider) Western i : 557,601. Cornh. 32: 577. (J. A. Heraud) Peop. J. 8 : 69, 78, 89. (D. Cook) Once a Week 12 : 3S0. Criticism and Acting of. (G. Fletcher) Westm. 41 : i. Distortions of. The English Stage. Nat. R. 17: 292. Ethics of. Dub. Univ. 65 : 280. Fletcher's studies in. Sat. R. 67: 391. Irving's Production of. Sat. R. 67 : 373. Spec. 62 : 9. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 35 : 14. IS 114 Cfje a^aga5mc anb tt^t 2Drama. "Macbeth," Milton's objection to the treatment of. (J. W. Hales) 19th Cent. 30: 319. Morals and Metaphysics of. (C. Turner). Then. s. 14 : 1. Morality of. New Eng. M. i : 297. " Moving wood" in, Arabic version of. (M. Jastrow, Jr. ) Poet Lore 2 : 247. Music of. Ev. Sat. 9 : 263. On the Stage. All the Year 35 : 52. (W. Archer and R. W. Lowe) Eng. Illust. 6 : 233. (F. Hawkins) The. n. s. 12: 281 ; 13 : I. Retzsch's Outlines of. For. Quart. R. 12 : 445. Revival of. Chamb. J. 19: 214. Sensational Notice of. All the Year 11 : 115. Studies in. (A. H. Tolman) Atlan. 69: 241 (F.'92). Supernatural in. (W. Townsend) Canad. Mo. 3 : 199 (Jl. '94). Third Murderer in. (H. Irving) 19th Cent, i : 327. True Tale of. Chamb. J. 2: 40. With Kelly's Music. (A. A. Wheeler) Overland n. s. 7: 185. (MacCarthy, John.) Use and Abuse of the Stage. Cath. World 15 : 836 (S. '72). (MacDonald, R. C.) Insanity of Hamlet. Acad. (Syr.) 7: 29 (F. '92). (Mackail, J. W.) "Becket." Acad. 26:421. (MacKay, G. E.) Early Italian Drama. Gent. M. n. s. 20: 478. Macklin, Charles. Irish Dramatist. Irish Q. 3: 857. Temp. Bar 52: 173. (MacMahon, A. B.) Henry Irving's Shylock. Dial (Ch.) 15: 215 (O. 16, '93). (MacMahon, E.) Frances Anne Kemble. Belgra. 80: 373 (Ap. '93)- Zf^t i3l^a0a5ine anti tfje E^rania* ^s Macready, Wm. Chas. Harper 26: 515 (Mr. '63). Apple- ton 9: 689. (W. J. Fox) Peop. J. 2 : 323,347. (H. S. Wilson) Lond. Soc. 25 : 220. (T. P. Grinstead) Bent- ley 41 : 539. Temp. Bar 38 : 347; 44: 71; 54: 239. Pollock's Reminiscences of. Sat. R. 58 : 730. Forrest and. (S. Osgood) Harper 47 : 298 (Jl. '73). Forrest and, Riot in New York. (W. C. Miller) Longm. 3: 636. Farewell to the Stage. Liv. Age 29 : 219. Eel. M. 22: 543. Peop. J. II: 146. Reminiscences of. Ed. R. 141: 416. Quart. 138: 305. Same art. Eel. M. 85 : i. Liv. Age 125 : 771. Westm. 104: 22. (H. James, Jr.) Nation 20: 297. Riot in New York, October, 1848. St. James' 18: 409. Werner of. (E. J. Goodman) The. '79, 2 : 87. Macready House, London, Theatrical Mission at. (A. Beale) S. 16: 258. (McCann, W. E.) Actors' Memories. Lippinc. 3: 262 (Mr. '69). Dramatists and Doctors. Dr. Mirror 23 : 597. (Je. 7, '90). (McCarthy, J. H.) Dramatic Criticism. Gent. M. n. s. 52: 313 (Mr. '94). Drama as it is. Gent. M. n. s. 49: 533 (N.'92). (McCloskey, J. J.) The "Old Bowery." Dr. Mirror 37: 939 (Xmas, '96). McCuUough, John. Overland n. s. 6 : 566. The. '81, 1 : 369. (G. Bloede) Western 6: 352, 472. Colburn, with portrait, 168: 619. as Virginius. The. '81, 2 : 120. (McCullough, J.) Success on the Stage. No. Am. 135 : 580 (D. '82). (McDonald, G.) ' Ghost in "Hamlet." Macmil. 34: 351. (McDonald, H. B.) Chinese Theatre. Cent. 7: 27. (McKenna, E. M.) Ellen Terry. McClure 2 : 457 (Ap. '94). 6 Zf^t ^a^a^mt anb tf^t SDtama, Maeterlinck, Maurice. (W. Archer) Fortn. 56 : 346. (R. Burton) Allan. 74: 672 (N. '94). Poet Lores: 151 (Mr. '93). (R. Hovey) 19th Cent. 37: 491 (Mr. '95). (J. Heard, Jr.) Critic 20 : 354 (Je. 25, '92). (J. Sharp) Acad. 41 : 270 (Mr. 19, '92). Plays of. Spec. 69 : 455 (O. i, '92). "Princess Maline " and "The Intruder." Ath. '92, I : 525 (Ap. 23, '92). Maid Marian on the Stage. (A. B. Walkley) The. n. s. 19 : 277 (My. '92). (Maitland, J. A. Fuller.) Falstaff and the New Italian Opera. 19th Cent. 33 : 803 (My. '93). Incidental Music in Plays. The. n. s. 25 : 200 (Ap. '95). Musical Instruments as Stage " Props." The. n. s. 26: 269 (N. '95). (Malcomb, E. H.) Theatrical Retrospections. Sharpe 46: 116; 47: 150. (Mallock, W. H.) A Socialist in a Corner Fortn. 61 : 693 (My. '94). (Malone, John.) The Actor, the Manager, and the Public. Forum 20: 235(0. '95). An Actor's Memory of Edwin Booth. Forum 15 : 594. (Jl- '93)- Booth, the Elder, A Memento of. Dr. Mirror 37 : 939. (Xmas, '96). Catholic View of Shakspere. Cath. World 55 : 71^ (Ag. '92). The House of " The Players." Dr. Mirror 35: 886. (Xmas, '95). Shakspere and the Church. Seminary i : 8, 9, li (Jl. '93). Management. Actor Management. Gent. M. n. s. 47: 320 (H. A. Jones and H. B. Tree) Fortn. 54: i. Sat. R. 67: 276; 69: 767, 795; 70: 168. (Stephen Fiske) Dr. Mirror, 24: 601 (Jl. 5, '90). €f)e lar^agajine anb tl)e 2Drama» "7 Management. Actor Managers. (Bram Stoker, Henry Irving, Charles Wyndham) 19th Cent. 26: 1040 (Je. '90). Author Managers. Gent. M. n. s. 47 : 535. The Actor Management and the Dramatist. (Lady Pol- lock) Temp. Bar 44 : 33. Manager, the Actor, the, and the Public. (John Malone) Fo- rum 20: 235 (0.'95). Leaves from Portfolio of a. (J. W. (Cole) Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 36: 656 (D. '50); 37: 217, 720 (F. and Je. '51); 38: 39, 272 (Jl. and S. '51); 39: 423, 564, 679 (Ap. My. and Je. '51). Managers, Actors and, under Queen Anne. (G. A. Aitken) Ath. '88, 2 : 203, 267. of Drury Lane from Killegrew to Harris. (P. H. Fitz- gerald) The. n. s. 9 : 28, 295. Actors as. Sat. R. 67: 276; 69: 767, 795; 70: 168. Policy of our Leading. (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 22: 182 (Ap.'94). Manager's Note-Book. Colburn 51 : 485, 530; 52 : 63, 323 ; 53: 101,530; 54: 87,457. Mannerism. (D. Cook) The. '79, i : 165. Mansfield, Richard, on Staten Island. Harper 83 : 149 (Je. '91). as Richard III. (C. Porter) Poet Lore 2 : 30 (Ja. '90). Sat. R. 67 : 341, 406. (Mansfield, Richard.) Concerning Acting. No. Am. 197: 337 (S.'94). A Plain Talk on the Drama. No. Am. 155 : 308 (S.'92). (March, F. A.) "As You Like It." Nation 52: 202. "Tempest." Nation 55 : 112 (Ag. 11, '92). (Marie, C.) My Acquaintance with Rachel. Harper 16: 805 (My.'58). Marie Antoinette and the Stage. (F. Hawkins) The. n. s. 28: 8o(Ag.'96). II 8 CJ)c a9a0a$mc aitU tjjc SDrarna* (Marguerites, Mme. de) C. Cushman and Rachel. Sharpe 15: 13- Marlowe, Christopher, and his Times. (E. Norton) Harv. Mo. I : 50. "Doctor Faustus." Blackw. i: 388. Temp. Bar 98: 515- "Edward II." Blackw. 2 : 27. "Jew of Malta." Blackw. 2 : 260. "Tamburlane the Great." (F. Rogers) Acad. 34: 244. Marlowe, Julia. See "Mrs. Julia Marlowe Taber." as Rosalind. Poet Lore i : 141. (Marricott, Thos.) Legal Status of the Actor. The. n. s. 25 : 260 (My. '95). (Marshall, A. F.) Spirit of Gilbert's Comedies. Month 55 : 254- (Marshall, F. H.) Daly's Company in "The Taming of the Shrew." The. n. s. 12: 10. Wills' " Faust " at the Lyceum. The. '86, i : 59. Thomas Hey wood. The. n. s. 9 : 205. (Marshall, E.) The Dramatic Season. McClure4: 179 (Ja. '95). (Marston, W.) Helena Modjeska in England. Critic i : 144. (Martin, Lady: Helen Faucit). SomeofShakspere's Characters. Beatrice. Blackw. 137: 203. Same art. Liv. Age 164: 602 (M. 7, '85). Juliet. Blackw. 131 : 31,141. Same art. Liv. Age 152: 245. 738. Ophelia. Blackw. 129: 66. Same art. Liv. Age 149: 33. Rosalind. Blackw. 136: 399. Desdeniona. Blackw. 129: 324. Same art. Eel. i\L 96: 643. Liv. Age 149 : 206. Appleton 25 : 399. Portia. Blackw. 129: 198. Same art. Eel. M. 96: 478. Liv. Age 149 : 145. Appleton 25 : 312. Imogen. Blackw. 133 : I. Same art. Eel. M. 100 : 299. Hermione. Blackw. 149 : I. €|jc a^aga5mc aiib t^c SDrama* 119 (Martin, Theo.) An Eye Witness of John Kemble's first ap- pearance. 19th Cent. 7: 276 (F.'8o). Same art. Eel. M. 94: 542. Edmund Kean and Charles Kemble. 19th Cent, y: 291. Shylock. The. '79, 2 : 253. (Martin, K. B.) Conjugal Relations in Dramatic Art. Dial (Ch.)3: 134. (Marx, E.) How Shakspere became Popular in Germany. Gent. M. n. s. 24 : 707. Masks or Faces? See "IVilliam Archer." Mason, John. The. n. s. 18 : 25. (Mather, E. I.) New Departure of Kate Field. Bay State Mo. 3 : 428. Mathews, Charles Harper i : 185 (Jl.'So). Comedian. Blackw. 45: 229; 46: 781. Temp. Bar 48 : 482. Ev. Sat. 15 : 631. Lon. M. I : 570. (J. C. Young) Canad. Mo. 2 : 183, 274. and King of Sandwich Islands. Ev. Sat. 11 : 71. Gossip about. Colburn 80 : 290. Memoirs of. Quart. 63: 192. Mod. R. 148: 100; 150: 308. My Acquaintance with. Eraser 13 : 343. Recollections of. (Miss Leslie) Godey 31 : 6. Colburn 51: 493; 52: 297. Mathews, Mrs. Charles (H. Twiss) Bentley 22 : 93. (Mathews, Mrs.) Ennobled Actresses. Bentley 17: 594; 18: 54, 601. Mathews, Charles James Macmil. 40: 470. Same art. Apple- ton 22: 546. Ev. Sat. 9: 129. Canad. Mo. 16: 555. Month 38: 601. as Sir Charles Coldstream. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 22: 234,347. (Mathieu, E. A.) Talma and the Drama. The. '83, i : 265. Matthews, Ethel. The. n. s. 19: 144 (Mr. '92). 20 Cj)c ar9aga$inc nntr tf^t SDrama* (Mathews, Fanny Aymar.) A Plea for the Play Writer. Godey 127: 466 (O. '93). Woman and Amateur Acting. No. Am. 159 : 759 (D.'94), (Matthews, J. B., and J. Brander.) See '■'■Matthews, Brajider." (Matthews, J. Brander, and L. Hutton.) American Actors and Actresses. Atlan. 59: 421. (Matthews, Brander.) The American on the Stage. Cent. o. s. 78: 321 (Jl. '79). The Dramatic Author and the Dramatic Critic. Dr. Mirror 23 : 574 (D. 28, '89). Actors and Actresses of New York. Cent. o. s. 17: 769 (Ap. '79)- A Company of Actors (Comedie Frangaise). Cent. o. s. 16: 837(0.-78). Alger's Life of Edwin Forrest. Nation 25: 124. Dramatic Outlook in America. Harper 78: 924 (My. '89). Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson. Nation 51 : 386. About the Ballet. Appleton 19 : 306. Sarah Bernhardt. Amer. i : 92. Comedies, Light. Cent. o. s. 15 : 890. Comic Dramatist, A French. Atlan. 46 : 48. Modern Comedy. Princ. n. s. 11 : 273. Coquehn. Scrib. 1 : 244 (F, '87). Course of Reading on the Drama. Critic 3 : 215. Damned Plays. Lippinc. 19: 625 (My. '77). Dramas of Dumas the Elder. Atlan. 48 : 383. Dumas, yf/j. Internal. 10: 503. Foreign Actors on the American Stage. Cent. o. s. 21 : 521 (F. '81). French Drama in 1820. Amer. i : 124. French Plays for American Amateurs. Cent. o. s. 15 : 131. Meilhac and Hal6vy, Authors of "Frou-Frou." Lippinc. 26: 711 (D. '80). Moli^re: The Life and Legend. Lippinc. 23: 431 (Ap. '79). "The Players." Cent. 21 : 28. Present Tendencies of French Drama. Lippinc. 27: 383 (Ap. '81). Private Theatricals. Cent. o. s. 15 : 430. Cgc Ct^aga^me anb tijjc SDrama. 121 (Matthews, Brander.) The Dramatization of Novels. Longm. 14: 588(0. '89). Sarcey on the French Theatre. Nation 26 : 345. Scribe, Eugene. Atlan. 47: 678. Sheridan's "Critic." Lippinc. 24: 629 (N. '79). Sheridan's " Rivals." Cent. o. s. 21 : 182. Sheridan as a Dramatist. Amer. i : 205, 222. Sheridan and his Biographers. Princ. n. s. 13 : 292. Victorien Sardou. Internat. R. i : 552. Victor Hugo. Scrib. 22 : 688. Maud, Cyril. The. n. s. 24: 304 (D. '94). Maurice, Edw., Mrs. (Annie Hughes) and Mr. The. n. s. 27: 69 (F. '96). (Maynard, C.) Educated Actors. No. Am. 147: 175. Theatre of To-day. Cosmop. 12: 725 (Ap. '92). Mayo, Frank. "Pudd'nhead Wilson." (B. Fletcher) Godey 131: 8 (Jl. '95)- Measor, Miss. The. '82, 2 : 65, 98. "Measure for Measure." (D.J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. 9: 312. (W. H. Pater) Fortn. 22: 652. All the Year 45 : 63. Cong. 1 : 402. (A. Lang) Harper 84 : 62. Notes on. (W. W. Lloyd) Ath. '83, i : 636. (H. B. Wheatley) Antiq. n. s. 8 : 200. Mediaeval Drama, Poetic Element in. (D. Coit) Atlan. 56: 407. Meetkerke, C. E. Playwriting. The. n. s. 16: 156. Meilhac, Henri, and Ludovic Halevy. (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 26: 711. Melodrama, Old. (H. B. Baker) Belgra. 50 : 331. Possibilities of. Spec. 56: 1691. All the Year. 41 : 436. Meininger Theatre. (C. H. Hawkins) Macmil. 35: 482. (C. D. Waldstein) Harper 82 : 743. Meininger Realism. (W. Archer) St. James 49 : 71. Memories, Rare Old Dramatic. (W. Miller) The. '81, i : 218. 16 22 z^t 99aga5inc anb tf^t Sirama. Mephistopheles and the Student. Tait i : 477. MepMstopheles, A Night with. Dub. Univ. 26: 571. "Merchant of Venice." (D. J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. 6: 130,361. (R. H. Barham) Bentley II : 429. Temp. Bar 20: 210. All the Year 43: 495. Blackw. 40: 429. (G. Fletcher) Fraser 41 : 499, 697. (J. Spedd- ing) Cornh. 41 : 276. Same art. Appleton 23 : 450. (A. Lang) Harper 80: 655. (J. Errington) Month 61 •■ 393- (W. J. Rolfe) Poet Lore i : 514. French Version of. Lippinc. 35 : 78. Slavonic Parallel to. (J. G. Fraser) Acad. 27: 330. Two Legends of. (G. Chiarini) Chaut. 17: 702 (S. '93). (Meredith, E. A.) Talfourd's "Ion." Canad. Mo. 8: 38. (Merington, Marguerite.) Women Characters of Moliere. Chaut. N. '96. Pub. Opin. 21 : 63 (N. 12, '96). (Merivale, H.) English Drama of To-day. Temp. Bar 77: 371. Same art. Eel. M. 107: 283. "Merry Wives of Windsor." (D. J. Snider) Western 2: 722. All the Year 47 : 77. (A. Lang) Harper 80: 3. and Queen Elizabeth. (A. Morgan) Cath. World 45 : 348. (Mew, J.) Modern Persian Stage. Fortn. 65 : 902 (Je. '96). (Meyer, A. N.) H. Ibsen. Lippinc. 53: 375 (Mr. '94). (Meynell, A.) Sarah Bernhardt. Art J. 40 : 134. (Michael, H. A.) Drama in Relation to Truth. Poet Lore 7: 149 (Mr. '95). "Midsummer Night's Dream." Ed. R. 87: 418. Blackw. 40 : 139. (D. J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. 8 : 165. All the Year 43 : iii. Fraser 50 : 677. (A. M. Lethe) Educa. 12 : 406 (Mr. '92). (J. Wedgewood) Contemp. 57: 580. Daly's Rendering of. Critic 12 : 69. Fairy Lore in. (E. G. Skeat) Poet Lore 3 : 177. Revival of. (G. E. Montgomery) Cosmop. 5 : 91. Millard, Evelyn. (Mrs. Anthony Hope) The. n. s. 27: 317 (Je. '96). €Jc 9^aga3mc aiiti tjc 2Drama. 123 (Miller, D. F.) Rare Old Dramatic Memories. The. '8i, i : 218. (Miller, W. C.) Macready Riot in New York. Longm. 3: 636. Miller, Maude. The. n. s. 22 : 136 (S. '93). (Millet, F. D.) Costumes of Greek Play at Harvard. Cent. I : 65 (N.'Si). Minstrel, Negro, Three Years as a. (R. Keeler) Allan. 24: 71. Minstrelsy, Negro. (J. J. Trux) Putnam 5 : 73. (C. S. Foster; R. P. Nevin) Atlan. 20: 608. Ancient and Modern. Mod. R. 119: 260. Retros. 16: 391- Miracle Plays. (E. Clodd) Longm. 15 : 612. Same art. Eel. M. 114: 74. Liv. Age 185: 431. at Bethlehem, N. H., in 1870. (H. M. Hunt) Atlan. 26: 732. Mysteries and Moralities. (Lady F. P. Verney) Con- temp. 25 : 595. Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn. " Deborah," a Play. The. 28 : 202 (Ap. '92). Mitchell, Maggie. (L. C. Davis) Galaxy 6 : 245. (Mitchell, Maggie.) Success on the Stage. No. Am. 135: 580 (D. '82). Modern Theatres and Intellectuality. (H. B. Stephens) Canad. Mo. 17: 368. Modernisms on the Stage. (H. W. Charlesworth) Canad. Mo. i: 43 (M. '93). Modjeska, Helena Benda, Countess Chlapowska. The. '80 2: 35. (Chas. de Kay) Scrib. 17: 665 (Mr. '79). (M. Collins and J- Lillie) Temp. Bar 66: 22, 551 ; 67: 73. (J. R. Towse) Cent. 5: 22 (N. '83). Scrib. 17: 665. (J. Forbes Robertson) St. James' 48 : 16. Colburn 168 : 264. 24 Cl)c !3l9a0a5inc aiib t^t SDtama* Modjeska, Helena Benda, Countess Chlapowska, as Juliet. The. '80, 2: 241. as Imogen. Critic 12 : 69. as Lady Macbeth. Critici5:259. Poet Lore 4: 41 (Ja. '92). as Portia. Critic 15 : 220. Chat with. Poet Lore i : 524 (N. '89). in England. (W. Marston) Critic I : 144. (Modjeska, Helena Benda, Countess Chlapowska.) Autobio- graphic Reminiscences. Arena i : 298, 403. Endowed Theatre and American Stage. Forum 14 : 337 (N. '92). Success on the Stage. No. Am. 135 : 580 (D. '82). (Moir, G.) German Criticism of Shakspere. Blackw. 37: 236,523.747; 39: 699; 40: 139,427. Moliere, J. B. P. (A. Lang) Scrib. 9: 725 (Je. '91). (H. D. Lawhead) Poet Lore (Ap. '96). (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 23: 421 (Ap. '79). (John Coleman) The. n. s. 22: 128, 184, 315 (S., O., and D. '93). (H. M. Trollope) Eraser 169: 273. Blackw. 120: 172. Penny M. 10 : 305. Eel. M., with portrait, 75 : 372. Tait n. s. 20 : 65, 129. Same art. Eel. M. 29 : 34. Ed. R. 82: 172. Same art. Liv. Age 6: 521. (Sir W. Scott) For. Quar. R. 2 : 306. Same art. Mus. 13 : 113. Mod. R. 109: 370. (J. B. Matthews) Nation 29: 129. Mod. R. 145 : 347. St. James' 28 : 97, 1S8. and the Doctors of his Day. All the Year 9: 136. Liv. Age 78 : 448. and La Grange. Cornh. 41 : 434. at Home and at the Play. Ev. Sat. 5 : 495. and Shakspere. (C. Coquelin) Cent. 16 : 819. and his Satire. (W. Besant) Temp. Bar 33 : 8^. and his Troupe. (W. Besant) Temp. Bar 32 : 374. Liv. Age no : 163. and his Wife. (G. Hogarth) Bentley 4: 451. and his World. Temp. Bar 49 : 335. Same art. Liv. Age 133: 195. €j)c !9)[?aga5inc anb tfjc SDrania. 125 Moliere, J. B. P., Career of. Dub. Univ. 71 : 345, 470, 553- Comedies of. (E. I. Sears) Nat. Q. 5 : 83. Debut on the Stage. (H. M. Trollope) Blackw. 150: 486. Funeral of. (P. Kent) The. n. s. 12 : 296. Genius of. Colburn 37 : 429. Humor of. (A. Tetley) Macmil. 56 : 190. Leaves from the Laurel of. Cornh. 40 : 190. Life and Legend of. (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 23 : 431- Life and Times of. Dub. Univ. 66 : 3. Same art. Eel. M. 65: 579- Life and Writings of. (W. H. Prescott) No. Am. 27 : 372. " Le Misanthrope. " (H. M. Trollope) Gent. M. n. s. 40 : 192. "Tartufe." (H. M. Trollope) Blackw. 154: 641 (N. '93). Maison de, Visit to. Lippinc. 25 : 124 (Ja. '80). Moy Thomas on. Sat. R. 71 : 290. Wife of. (G. Moriarty) Gent. M. n. s. 43 : 20. Woman Characters of. (M. Merington) Chaut. (N. '96). Same art. Pub. Opin. 21 : 63 (N. 12, '96). Recent Edition of Works of. 1875. Ed. R. 142: 337. Spare Minutes with. (F. R. Thomas) Victoria 31 : 118, 306; 32: 36,438. (Mollen, J. S.) Freytagon the Technique of the Drama. Dial (Ch.)i8: 77 (F.I, '95). (Molloy, J. F.) Kitty Clive. Enghsh Ulust. 3:17. Garrick and his Fellow Players. Eng. Illust. 5: 189. Nell Gwynn, Player and Courtier. Eng. Illust. 3: 541. Same art. Eel. M. 107 : 263. (Moncrieff, W. T.) Ellistoniana. Colburn 67 : 22, 532 ; 68 : 99,529569: 129,559. 126 ^j)c ar^aga^hic anb tfjc SDraiiia. Monologue, on the French Stage. Lippinc. 28: 312 (S. '81). (Monroe, H.) Hugo on Shakspere. Dial(Ch.)7: 181. Montague, Henry J., and America. (J. Hatton) The. '78, 2 : 208. (Montgomery, G. E.) Barrett (L.) and His Plays. Cent. 5 : 954. (Ap. '84). Dickens on the American Stage. Amer. 8 : 190. " Players' " Club. Cosmop. 7: 141. Bad Air in the Theatre. Engin. M. 3 : 190 (My. '92). Ideal Dramatic Criticism. Writer 1 : 121. Revival of "Midsummer Night's Dream." Cosmop. 5: 91. (Montgomery, J. D.) Macbeth Considered as a Celt. Na- tional 13: 81. (Moore, E. A.) Moral Proportion and Fatalism of Passion in Shakspere. Poet Lore 7: 75, 551 (Ap. and N. '95). (Moore, G.) Dramatic Censorship. New R. 3 : 354. Our Dramatists and their Literature. Fortn. 52: 620. (Moore, G. H.) The First American Theatre. M. Am. Hist. 21: 58. Moore, Mary. The. '86,2: 293, 332. The. n. s. 26: 5 (Jl. '95)- Moral Influence of the Drama. (J. M. Buckley, and others) No. Am. 136 : 581. Morality and the Playhouse. Harper 83: 797 (N. '91). All the Year 21 : 324, 349, 372 (Mr. 6, 13, 20, '69). Pamph. 12: 49. Morals. Victoria 25 : 739. Moral Purpose in H. A. Jones's " Dancing Girl." (J. D. Hunting) The. n. s. 19: 121 (Mr. '92). Moral Responsibility of Novel and Drama. Critic 25 : 323, 356 (N. 17, 24, '94). See "Influence" "Church and Drama," etc. €^t a9aga5inc anb tfje SDramn. 127 (Morehead, E. D. A.) Dramas of James Dry den Hosken. Acad. 42: 125 (Ag. 13, '92). (Morgan, Appleton.) Hamlet. Cath. World 44 : 29. " Merry Wives" and Queen Elizabeth. Cath. World 45 : 348. Shakspere and his Esthetic Critics. Cath. World 40: 379- Shakspere as a Dialect Artist. Cath. World 52: 849. Shakspere, First Publisher. Cath. World 51 : 606. Shakspere, Text Growth and Vicissitudes of the. Cath. World 46: 68. Shakspere, Handwriting. Cath. World 50 : 165. Shakspere, How to Study. Cath. World 57: 777. Shakspere, Much Ado about the Sonnets. Cath. World 42: 212. Shakspere, " Pericles." Cath. World 50 : 723. Shaksperian Plays, Doubtful. Cath. World 55 : 203, 397. Shaksperian Chronology, A Study in, Cath. World 62: 449. (Morgan, M. H.) Latin Play at Harvard. Harv. Grad. Mo. 2: 345 (Mr. '94). (Morley, G.) Commemorations of Shakspere. Poet Lore 2: 252, 607; 3: 204. Shaksperian Celebrations. Belgra. 82 : 72 (S. '93). (Morley, H.) School for Dramatic Art. The. '80, i : 76. (Morin, A.) Ventilation of New Paris Theatres. J. Frank. Inst. 76: 369. (Morison, G. S.) Construction of Theatres. Nation 23 : 355. Morris, Clara. (C. Stuart) The. '81, i : 145. (Morris, Clara.) Reflections of an Actress. No. Am. 153: 329- Morris, Felix, in "On 'Change." The. '86, l : 132, 136. (Morris, M.) Hamlet and the Modern Stage. Macmil. 65 : 357 (Mr. '92). 128 Cf)c ^[^nga^mc anb t()c SDranin* (Morrison, G. E.) Past Dramatic Season. The. n. s. 22: 134 (S. 93)- (Morton, E. A.) The Coquelins. The. n. s. 11 : 295. Morton, James Maddison. (W. Goodman) The. '86, i : 117. Morton, John Maddison. (C. Scott) Lond. Soc. 49 : 66. (Mosby, E. F.) Hamlet. So. M. 9 : 348. Macbeth. So. M. 9: 348. Mounting of Plays. Harper 43 : 296 (Jl. '71). Mouth, The Player's. Scrib. 11 : 660 (My. '92). Mowatt, Anna Cora. See "Mrs. Ritchie.'''' "Much Ado About Nothing." (D. J. Snider) Western 2: 641. All the Year 45 : 222. (W. J. Rolfe) Poet Lore 4: 184 (Ap. '92). (A. Lang) Harper 83: 489. Irving's Production of. Sat. R. 63 : 875. Knowl. 2 : 388,406. Sat. R. 54 : 536. Spec. 55 : 1312. (F.Haw- kins) The. '82, 2 : 212, 294. (C. A. Wurtzburg) Poet Lore 6: 491 (O. '94); 616 (D.'94). Character in. (C. A. Wurtzburg) Poet Lore 6 : 126. (Mr. '94)- Dramatic Passion in. (C. A. Wurtzburg) Poet Lore 6 : 550 (N.'94). Introduction to. (C. A. Wurtzburg) Poet Lore 6 : 70 (F. '94)- Munich, Shakspere's Stage at. Poet Lore i : 47 (Ja. '89). Theatre in. Temp. Bar 6 : 476. Municipal Theatres. (W. H. Pollock) The. n. s. 25 : 15 (Ja. '95)- (Munro, R.) Lady Macbeth. J. Spec. Philos. 21 : 30. (Munsey, Frank A.) Henry Clay Barnabee. Munsey 12 : 612 (Mr. '95). Murdoch, James E. On Acting. Sat. R. 56: 172. " The Stage." (J. B. Runnion) Dial (Ch.) i : 107. CJc 3l9aga$iitc anb ttjc E>rama. 129 (Murdoch, J. £.) Short Study of Hamlet. Forum 9: 496 (Jl. '90). Short Study of Macbeth. Forum 10: 72 (S. '90). (Murphy, B.) F. A. Kemble. " Records of a Girlhood." Cath. World 30 : 334. Murphy, Quarrel of Garrick and. (T. F. Ordish) Bibliog. 6: 37,65. Murray, Alma. The. '82. 2 : 193, 218. (Murray, H.) The Actor at School. The. n. s. 11 : 71. (Murray, J.) Shaksperian Acted Drama. Overland n. s. 22: 355(0. '93). (Murray, L.) Ophelia. Canad. M. 13 : 137. Music, Incidental, in Plays. (J. A. F. Maitland) The. n. s. 25: 200 (Ap. '95). Blackw. 6: 430. Irish Q. 9 : 104. All the Year 26 : 369. How to Write Dramas for. (F. A. Laidlaw) The. n. s. 18: 67. in Plays. I. Accessorial. II. Incidental. (W. B. King- ston) The. n. s. 25: 143, 290 (Mr., and My. '95). Music Hall in England, Distinction between, and the Theatre. Spec. 68: 673 (My. 14, '92). Music Halls. (M. Browne) Argosy 2 : 117. (T.Hopkins) Dub. Univ. 92: 192. (G. T. Little) Lond. Soc. 70: 25 (Jl. '96). (D. Wallis) Longm. 22 : 163 (Je. '93). Cornh. 60 : 68. Age before. All the Year 31 : 175. Chat about. (H. Louther) Tinsley 27: 364. Continental. (E. Ballantyne) The. n. s. 17: 121. London. (P. Fitzgerald) National 15 : 379. (F. A. Guthrie) Harper 82: 190 (Ja. '91). London County Council and. The. n. s. 24 : 277 (D.'84). Morality of. Spec. 63 : 461. Pedigree of. (E. R. Pennell) Contemp. 63: 375 (Ap.'83). Same art. Eel. M. 120 : 792 (Je. '93). vs. the Drama. Cornh. 15: 119. 17 t3o €5c 3!9affa5inc aitb tijc 2Drama. Musical Drama. (E. Dannreuther) Macmil. 33: 80. Hogarth on. Mod. R. 146: 533. (S. A. Eliot) No. Am. 43 : 76. Musical Instruments as Stage " Props." The. n. s. 26: 269 (N. '95). (Nakagawa, T. J.) Theatres of Japan. Scrib. 7: 603 (My. '90). National Theatre Question. (G. Goodvidn) The. '78, 2 : 346. (H. Irving) No. Am. 146: 103. Scrib. 10: 526. Victoria 24 : 329. An Independent Theatre. (Edw. Fuller) Lippinc. 40 : 371 (Mr. '92). Absence of, in 19th Century. (H. P. Hayman) St. James' 46: 315, Naturalism vs. Romanticism. The. n. s. 18 : 109. See also " EfHotionalism.'^ Negro on the Stage. (L. Hutton) Harper 79: 131 (Je. '89). Neill, Ross. Dramas. Sat. R. 55 : 503. Neilson, Adelaide. The. '79, i : 155; '80, 2 : 255, 271. Early Home of. (A. E. Barr) Lippinc. 30 : 623. Neilson, Julia. (Mrs. Fred. Terry) The. n. s. 17: 215. Nethersole, Olga. The. n. s. 24 : 215 (N. '94). as Camille. Critic 25: 300 (N. 3, '94). (B. Fletcher) Godey 132: 477 (My. '96). in "The Transgressor." Critic 25 : 259 (O. 20, '94). Neville, Henry S. The. '79, 2 : 28; '84,2: 141,163. as Jack Holt. (C. Howard) The. n. s. 19: 155 (Mr. '92). (Nevin, R. P.) C. S. Foster and Negro Minstrelsy. Allan. 20 : 608. (Newton, H. Chance.) Should Deadheads Live? The. n. s. 28: 147 (S. '96). New York, Drama in. (Austin Brereton) The. '84, i : 24. New York Season, 1893-94. (Fred'k A. Schwab) Cosmop. 17: 18 (My. '94). €ljc ^aqa^im anb tje S^rama* 131 New York Theatres, Old. Harper 74: 643 (Mr. '87). Appleton 8 : 576. Atlan. 43 : 452 ; 47 : 362. (Nicholson, B.) "King Edward II." Ath. '87, i : 554. (Nicholson, C.) "Becket." Mouth 35 : 309. Guy de Maupassant as a Dramatist. Acad. 39: 265. (Noel, R. R.) Stage Recollections. Fraser 91 : 326. (Norman, H.) W. Barrett as Hamlet. Nation 39: 396. Henry Irving in America. Nation 37 : 9. (Northcott, John.) Advantages of Comparison. The. n. s. 26 : 83 (Ag. '95). (Norton, E.) C. Marlowe and his Times. Harv. Mo. i : 50. Novel and the Drama. Advice to Authors. Blackw. 57 : 679. Novel, Victorian, and Elizabethan Drama. Lippinc. 47: 520 (Ap. '91). Novels, Dramatization of. (J. B. Matthews) Longm. 14 : 588 (O. '89). Ev. Sat. 9: 835. (J. M. Porter) Macmil. 40: 244. " Ober Ammergau." See " Passion Play." (Oehlenschlager, A.) Hamlet. Scand. i : 234. (Ogilvy, R.) Low Life on the Stage. Once a Week 17 : 408, 428. (Ogilvy, Arthur.) Theatricals in Stangate. Once a Week 17: 19 (Jl. 6, '67). O'Keefe, John. Colburn 16: 345; 17: 17,564; 47: 232. (O'Keene, F.) Victorien Sardou at Marley. The. '79, 2: 137. Old Bowery Theatre. The. (J. J. McCloskey) Dr. Mirror 37: 939 (Xmas '96). Old Dry Ink. (Bronson Howard) Dr. Mirror 37: 939 (Xmas, '96). Oldfield, Anne. Harper 69: 51. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 28: 157. 132 €()c 3r^a0a5inc anb t^c SDrama. Oldfields, The Two. (A. Brereton) The. n. s. 26: 21 (Jl. '95)- (Oliver, M.) Four Months on the Stage. Allan. 21 : 225. O'Neill, Ehzabeth. Temp. Bar 54 : 243. (J. H. Stocqueler) Belgra. 19 : 238. (T. P. Grinstead) Bentley 41 : 642. Lon. M. I: 162. Blackw. 47: 47. Harper 69: 281. (O'Neill, M.) "Macbeth." Blackw. 150: 376. Opera Bouffe (H. Hersee) The. '78,2: 281. and its Managers, 1871. Ev. Sat. 10: 114. Rise and Fall of. (C. W. Scott) Lond. Soc. 27 : 42. Op6ra Comique, French. Temp. Bar 47 : 493. Ophelia, Bernhardt as. Sat. R. 61 : 365. Character of. (Lady Martin : Helen Faucit) Blackw. 129 : 66. Same art. Liv. Age 149 : 33. Madness of. (W. Farren) Lon. M. 9 : 485. (G. Venables) National 4 : 833 (F. '85). Brief for. (C.Walton) Poet Lore 3 : 569. (G. C. Davidson) The. '81, 2 : 212. and Portia. (W. Archer) The. '85, 2: 17. See also "J/amlet." Oratorio and Drama. (H. R. Haweis) Harper 80 : 109 (D. '89). Oratory: Is it a Lost Art? (E. J. Edwards) Chaut. 14: 445 (Ja. '92). Ordish's Early London Theatre. Sat. R. 78: 462 (0. '27, '94)- (Ordish, T. F.) Quarrel of Garrick and Murphy. Bibliog. 6: 37,67. Originality, Dearth of. (S. Grundy) The. 78, 2 : 274. (Osboume, J. D.) A Modern Playwright. (E. Scribe) Scrib. 17: 59 (N. '78). €j)c 9[9aga5inc anb tljc SDrama. 133 (Osgood, S.) Forrest and Macready. Harper 47: 298 (Jl. '73)- (Osgood, F.) American Conversational Voice: Why it is Bad. Forum 19: 501 (Je.'gS). Othello, Blackamoors in. (D. Cook) Once a Week 15: 502. Costume of. Once a Week 15 : 272. Not a Negro. Am. Bibliog. 7 : 258. Real Character of. Temp. Bar 40 : 506. T. Salvini as. Lippinc. 12: 742 (D. '73). See also "Sal- vini,^^ etc. The Stage. (J. H. Browne) Galaxy 16 : 819. " Othello." (D. J. Snider) Western i : 423, 473. and the Players. All the Year 34: 269. at the Princess'. Once a Week 5 : 628. Furness', Ed. (E. Whitney) N. Eng. M. 47: 412. Genesis of. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 385. Is it fit for the Stage? (W. Archer) St. James' 49: 222. In Paris. (T. Child) Poet Lore l : 301, 362 (Jl. and Ag. '89). (D. Cook) The. '80, 2 : 209. Memoranda by Actors. Foster Mo. Ref. i : 43. Notes on. Cornh. 18 : 419. (" Ouida.") H. Irving on the Art of Acting. 19th Cent. 37 : 786 (My. '95). Outdoor Plays. (T. F. T. Dyer) Art J. 37 : 301. Owens, John E. (E. L. Davis) Atlan. 19 : 750. (Page, W. H.) Shall we have American Dramatists? Amer. 6: 169. (Paget, V.) Shakspere's Predecessors. Acad. 25: 159. (Palmer, A. M.) Moral Influence of the Drama. No. Am. 136: 581. Why Theatrical Managers Reject Plays. Forum 15: 614 (Je. '93)- 34 Cf)c a^aga^inc anb tijc SDrama* Palmer, John, as Joseph Surface. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 20 : 429. Palmer, Minnie. The. '84, i : 104. Panics, Riots, etc. See "Dangers^ Pantomime, At a. (F. W. Fairholt) St. James' 3 : 193. and Pandemonium. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 11 : 165. " Book " of the. (T. E. Pemberton) The. n. s. 27 : 25 (Ja. '96). Decadence of. (C. Dickens, 2nd) The. n. s. 27: 21 (Ja. '96). English. Chamb. J. 47 : 49, 72. English Origin of. Temp. Bar 55 : 93. Genesis of. (W. J. Lawrence) The. n. s. 25 : 28 (Ja.'gS). in United States. (W. J. Lawrence) The. n. s. 27: 83 (F. '96). Introduction of. Once a Week 26 : 77. Nemesis of. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 25 : 340. Rehearsals of. Dub. Univ. 38 : 39. Pantomimes. All the Year 17: 189. Temp. Bar i : 181. Chamb. J. 41 : 30. Christmas. (T. C. DeLeon) Lippinc. 3 : 36. History of. Fraser 33 : 43. Lond. Soc. 7 : 204. Paris, Acting in. Emotional. (K. Venning) The. n. s. 10: 240. Study of Acting in (Julie M. Everts) Cent. 6: 471 (Jl. '84). Dub. Univ. 64: 591. Conservatoire, A Day at the. Lippinc. 20: 512 (O. '77). Drama before Moli^re. Cornh. 26 : 90. Drama in. (C. Hervey) Colburn 81 : 484; 82: 125, 318. Dub. Univ. 64: 591. Fraser, 70: 678. Westm. 71: 416. Drama Since the Revolution. (C. Hervey) Colburn 83 : 255. 388. Playwrights of Paris. (T. Child) Contemp. 51 : 712. Shakspere at the Paris Exposition. (J. C. King) Poet Lore 1 : 560 (D. '89). €fte !Si9aga5mc anb ttjc SDrama. 135 Paris, Stage Beauties, Some. (A. Hornblow) Godey 127: 65 (Jl- '93)- Stage, Favorites of. (A. Hornblow) Munsey II : 479 591 (Ag. and S. '94). Theatre, Mediaeval. Cornh. 21 : 595. Theatres. Harper 8: 311 (F. '54). Harper 35: 239 (Jl. '67). Irish Q. 8: 88. (L. H. Hooper) Appleton II: 525, 583,626; 12: 454, 716. (J. B. Runnion) Dial (Ch.) i: 5. Bentley 25 : 369. Blackw. 74: 78. Lord. See. 25: 398, 536; 26: 17, 293; 27: 207. House. Words 6 : 63. Once a Week. 18 : loi, 123. N. Eng. M. 8 : 279. Theatres and Concerts. (W. F. Apthorp) Scrib. II : 3. 335. 482, 682 (Ja. '92). Theatres, and Moli^re. Cornh. 26 : 90. Theatres, Anecdotes of. Bentley 41 : 21. Theatres, Architecture of. Art J. 31 : 265. Theatres, Claque in. See "Applause.''^ Theatres, Foyers of. See "Foyers.''^ Theatres, in Middle Ages. Cornh. 21 : 595. Theatres, Scenes from. Dub. Univ. 73: 574. Ev. Sat. 7: 705- (Parke, F.) Conventionalities of the Drama. Dub. Univ. 83: 503- (Partridge, W. O.) Drama in Relation to Education. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 21 : 188. (Pascoe, C. E.) First Nights in London Theatres. Amer. l: 103. Passion Play of Persia. (G. W. Benjamin) Harper 72 : 460 (F. '86). (Pater, W. H.) "Measure for Measure." Fortn. 22: 652. (Pater, W.) End of Kings of Shakspere. Scrib. 5 : 506. (Patterson, C. S.) Hamlet. Amer. 5: 185. (Patterson, Alf ) What to do with Deadheads. The. n. s. 27: 80 (F. '96). [36 €f)c ar9aga3mc anb t^t Wtama. Park Theatre, Old, of New York. Harper 21 : I25( D. '61); 40: 605 (Mr. '70). (Parker, Gilbert.) Herbert Beerbohm Tree. Lippinc. 55: 117 (Ja. '95)- (Parker, Nellie Louise.) Some Neglected Plays. Belgra. 84 : 412 (Ag. '94). Play Bills, Past and Present. The. n. s. 20: 8 (Jl. '92). British Tar on the Stage. The. n. s. 25 : 24 (Ja. 95). (Parr, J. C. W.) Japanese Theatre. The. '84, 2 : 184. (Partridge, W. O.) Drama in Relation to Education. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 21 : 188. Passion Play (Ober Ammergau). Leisure Hour 20 : 342, 432, 688. The. '80, i : 255. Cath. World 12: 81. Blackw. 107: 381. Am. Church R. 24: 187. O. and N. 2: 173. Rel. M. 44 : 209. So. M. 1 1 : 423. Nation 1 1 : 226. Liv. Age 27: 87. (H.Blackburn) Once a Week 23: 35. (Mrs. Bushby) Colburn 147: 28S. (R. Ellis) Mo. Rel. M. 44: 209. (H. H. Jackson) Cent. 3: 663, 913 (Mr. and Ap. '83.) (M. D. Conway) Harper 43: 919 (N. '71). i860. Macmil. 2 : 463. Same art. Liv. Age 67 : 482. 1870. Harper 42: 174 (Ja. '71). Month 13: 340. 1870 and 1880. (W. S. Perry) Ch. R. 35 : i. 1880. (G. S. Hall) Nation 31 : no. N. Eng. M. 39 : 794. Cath. World 31 : 648, 736. and Symbolic Christianity. (R. St. J. Tyrwhitt) Con- temp. 18 : 234. Passion Play at Brixlegg. All the Year 20 : 397. in Havana. (B. Peytoulbard) St. James' 46 : 424. of the Kreuzschule. Lippinc. 17: 125. Persian. (M. Arnold) Cornh. 24: 688. Same art. Liv. Age 12: 3. Eel. M. 78: 157. Ev. Sat. 12: l. Harper 72: 460. Tuscan. Sat. R. 56 : 432 (O. 6, '83). €l)c !3r^aga3inc anti tljc SDrama, 137 Passion Plays. Lippinc. 9 : 237. Colburn 167 : I. and Pantomime. (R. Baston) Dark Blue 4: 486. History of. Blackw. 106 : 671. Same art. Liv. Age 104 : 142. Pattison, Kate. Victoria 31 : 534. Paulton, Harry and Edw. The. n. s. 19 : 255 (My. '92). (Payne, Wm. Morton.) Ibsen's "Brand." Dial (Ch.) 16: 236. Ibsen's " Bygmester Solness." Dial (Ch.) 14: 68 (F. I, '93)- Ibsen's " Little Eyolf." Dial (Ch.) 18: 5 CJa. '95). (Peabody, W. B. O.) The Drama. No. Am. 31 : 445. (Peart, S. E.) Portia vs. the Lawyers. Poet Lore 2: 658. Antony and Cleopatra, Comradeship of. Poet Lore 4 : 217 (Ap. '92). (Pedder, H. C.) Hamlet. Manhat. i: 321. Edwin Booth. Manhat. 3 : 295. (Pell, W. C.) Shakspere and Holinshed. Harper 23: 486 (S. '61). Pemberton's Life of T. W. Robertson. Spec. 70: 192 (F. ",'93)- (Pemberton, M.) Among the "Gods." The. n. s. 20: 74 (Ag. '92). (Pemberton, T. Edgar.) "Book" of the Pantomime. The. n. s. 27: 25 (Ja. '96). A Sheaf of Old Play-Bills. The. n. s. 26: 79 (Ag. '95). Some Faded Photographs. The. n. s. 25: 334 (Je. '95). Theatrical Portraits in a Deanery. The. n. s. 24: 235 (N. '94). Professional Amateur Actors . The. n. s. 25 : 17 (Ja.'95). (Pennell, E. R.) Pedigree of the Music Hall. Contemp. 63: 375 (Ap. '93). Same art. Eel. M. 120: 792 (Je. '93). Pepys, Samuel, at the Play. The. '84, i : 201. 18 [38 €|j0 !3l^aga5ine anb tfjc SDrama. (Perry, W. S.) Passion Play of 1870 and 1880. Ch. R. 35: I- Persian Drama. Farce. Sat. R. 55 : 56. See " Passion Play, Persian." Persian, Stage, Modern (J. Mew) Fortn. 65 : 902 (]e.'g6). Miracle Play. Ed. R. 151 : 141. (M. Arnold) Cornh. 24: 668. (Peytoulbard, B.) Passion Play in Havana. St. James' 46 : 424. Phaedra and Ph^d re. (Lord Tennyson) 19th Cent. 7: 58 (Ja. '50.) (Phelps, C. H.) Shylock w. Antonio. Atlan. 57: 463. (Phelps, W. L.) Lessing and the German Drama. N. Eng. M. 51 : 198. Philadelphia, Drama in. (L. C. Davis) Amer. 3: 55. Drama, support of. Harper 64: 337 (F. '82). Philippi, Rosina. The. n. s. 27: 219 (Ap. '96). Philipps, Kate. The. '79,2: 9; '85, i: 215,259. (Phillimore, W. P.) Shakspere and Gloucestershire. An- tiq. n. s. 4 : 10. Photography, Theatrical, Humors of. The. n. s. 20 : 267 (D. '92). Photographs, Some Faded. (T. E. Pemberton) The. n. s. 25 : 334 (Ja- '95)- (Picciotto, J.) English Theatre in i8th Century. Dub. Univ. 77: 703. (Pierce, G. A.) Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Atlan. 52: 695. Pietro, Cossa. The Dramatist. Ed. R. 155: 26. (A. Aus- tin) Fortn. 37 : 49. €f^t ^a^si^im anb tfje 2Drama. 139 Pinero, Arthur Wing. The. n. s. 22 : 30 (Jl. '93). and Farce. (R. F. Sharpe) The. n. s. 20: 154 (O. '92). and the Literary Drama. The. n. s. 22 : 3 (Jl. '93). Published Plays of. Quart. 182: 399 (O. '95). "Second Mrs. Tanqueray." (A. Brereton) The. n. s. 25: 192 (Mr. '95). " Second Mrs. Tanqueray " from a Girl's Point of View. The. n. s. 22 : 139 (S. '93). (Pinero, Arthur Wing.) The New Dramatic School. The. n. s. 13: 317. Modern Drama. The. n. s. 25: 346 (Je.'95). Pinero's Plays as Literature. (H. H. Fyfe) The. n. s. 26: 323 (D.'95). Piozzi, Mrs., W. A. Conway and. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 27: 538(N.'8i). Pit, The, the Stalls, and the Critic. (E. Ballantyne) The. n. s. 16: 20. See also "Gallery J''' In the. All the Year 26 : 563. Ev. Sat. 1 1 : 558. Planch.6, Jas. R., Theatrical Recollections of. Temp. Bar 36: 391. Lond. Soc. 19: 305, 507; 20: 61, 333. Chamb. J. 49 : 600. Ev. Sat. Ii : 415. (Plaiich6, Jas. R.) Extravaganza and Spectacle on the Stage. Temp. Bar 3 : 524. Play, At the. Cornh. 5: 84. (E. Yates) Temp. Bar 19: 476. Dickens at the. (G. Turner) The. '85, i : 171. Play-Bills, Old and New. (S. J. A. Fitz-Gerald) The. n. s. 15: 292. Recollection of. (C. H. Potter) Arena 4: 604. Old, A Sheaf of, (T. E. Pemberton) The. n. s. 26 : 79 (Ag. '95). Origin and Development of. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 40 : 373. I40 Cljc ^a^n^int anb rtjc 2Drama, Play-Bills, Past and Present. (N. L. Parker) The. n. s. 20: 8 (Jl.'92). All the Year 26 : 606. Old. All the Year 42 : 64. Player, Gossip of a. (W. Abbott.) See" IV. Abbott." Player Kings and Queens. All the Year 47 : 256. Player, Life of a Strolling. Fraser 34 : 253. " Players, The " (Club). Critic 14 : 9. (J. B. Matthews) Cent. 21 : 28. (G. E. Montgomery) Cosmop. 7: 411. (James Clarence Harvey) Munsey 12 : 581. Tribute to Edwin Booth. Critic 23: 327 (N, 18, '93). The House of. (John Malone) Dr. Mirror, 35: 886 (Xmas'95). Players and Critics. Fraser 68 : 767. Confessions of. Chamb. J. 18 : 397. and Gentlemen. (D. Cook) Once a Week 12 : 706. Interviewing of. (W. H. Pollock) The. n. s. 25 : 326 (Je.'95)- and Lookers-On. (D. Greenwell) Gent. M. n. s. 2: 354- and Playgoers of Twenty-five Years Ago. (J. ihornbury) Galaxy 21 : 581. and Playwrights. (T. Hopkins) Dub. Univ. 93: 210. and Puritans. (L. Kingsley) No. Brit. 25 : i. Strange. (D. Cook) Eel. M. 97 : 337. Strolling. (H. B. Baker) Belgra. 36 : 30. All the Year 28: 37. Dub. Univ. 72: 123. Playgoers, All the Year 34 : 197. of Our Day. Gent. M. n. s. 7: 591, 683, 846; 8: 73: 712. Playgoing. Eraser 59 : 249. Playhouses and the Players. Fraser 1 : 644. and their Prospects 1836. Colburn 48 : 165. Playing and Learning. Chamb. J. 37 : 243. €|)c iSl^agajine anti t^t E'tama* h' Plays, Damned. (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 19: 625 (My.'77)- Causes of Failure of. (H. J. Byron) The. '79, 1 : 221. Dead. (VV. Barry) St. James' 12: 312. Excluded. Westm. 131 : 237. Licenser of. See ^^ Censorship.'''' New, How to Introduce. (C. Barnard) Critic 3 : 389. Personality and Situations in Plays. (Geo. P. Lathrop) Dr. Mirror, 23 : 587 (M. 29, '90). and Players. All the Year 17 : 202, 224. and Players, Old. (R. Lytton) Fortn. 15: 221, 352. Some Neglected. (N. L. Parker) Belgra. 84: 412 (Ag.'94). Suppression of, 1647. Cornh. 5 : 167. Recent. (W. Archer) Fortn. 61 : 600 (My. '94). and Their Providers. Fraser 48 : 342. Why Theatrical Managers Reject. (A. M. Palmer) Fo- rum 15: 614 (Jl. '93). Plays and Players, About. Appletoni7: 174. Playwrights of Paris. (T. Child) Contemp. 51 : 712. Modern, and their Methods. Chamb. J. 69 : 352 (Je. '92), a Plea for. (F. A. Matthews) Godey 27: 466 (O. '93). Playwright's Novitiate. (M. C. Harris) Atlan. 74: 515 (Ag. '94). Playwrights, Earnings of. (A. a Becket) The. n. s. 26 : 209 (O. '95)- Playwriting Critics. (Stephen Fiske) Dr. Mirror 23: 583 (M. I, '90). Playwriting. See " Composition, Dramatic, Art of." Advice on. Cornh. 2 : 742. Past and Present. (L. Wagner) The. n. s. 28: 66 (Ag. '96). (Phillimore, C. M.) Italian Drama. See " Italian Drama." (Poe, E. A.) American Drama. Am. Whig. R. 2 : 117. (Poel, Wm.) The Stage in Shakspere's Day. National 15: 782 (Ag. '90). Elizabethan Drama. The. n. s. 22: 241 (N. '93). 142 ^rtjc ar^agajine anb tljc SDcama* Poetry, Dramatic. Dub. Univ. 23 : 19. Dramatic English. Quart. 46: 477. Mod. R. 125: 377. Westm. 18: 51. Dramatic, English, in Age of Elizabeth. Brit. Quar. R. 14: 39- Polish Theatres. Sat. R. 73: 385, 507, 737. (Pollock, Walter Herries.) Mary Anderson in London. Cent. 6: 315 (Je. '84). Acting of Garrick as Seen in his own Time. Longm. 6: 37- The Drama. Contemp. 28 : 54. False Emphasis. The. n. s. 26 : 85 (Ag. '95). " Faust" at the Lyceum. National 6: 833 (F. '86). Hissing in Theatres. The. n. s. 25: 147 (Mr. '95). Irving's " Faust." Lippinc. 37: 443 (Ap. '86). Irving's Stage Management. Cent. 4: 953 (0. '83). Should Shakspere be Acted? National 19: 231 (Ap. '92). Shaksperian Criticism. 19th Cent, il: 915 (Je. '82). A Glance at the Stage. National 5: 646 (Jl. '85). Stage Swordsmanship. The. n. s. 27: 321 (Je. '96). (Pollock, J.) For and Against the Drama. 19th Cent, i: 611. German and French Drama. Contemp. 21 : 335. Dramatic Art. Contemp. 23 : 363. French Drama. Contemp. 21 : 335. French Comedy. Contemp. 18 : 43. German Drama. Contemp. 21 : 335. (Pollock, F., and W. H.) French Drama in London. Dark Blue 2 : 102. (Poole, J.) Theatre Royal, Little Pedlington. Colburn 49: 101,557. (Porter, Charlotte.) Richard Mansfield as Richard IIL Poet Lore 2 : 30 (Ja. '90). Open Letter to Ada Rehan. Poet Lore 2: 291 (N. '90). Browning's Tribute to Shakspere. Poet Lore 3 : 216. (Porter, J. M.) Dramatization of Novels. Macmil. 40: 244. €tjc Si9aga5mc aiib tt^e E^rama. 143 Portia. (Lady Martin) Blackw. 129: 198. Same art. Liv, Age 149: 145. Eel. M. 96: 47S. Appleton25: 312. Modjeska as. See " Modjeska.'''' Ophelia and. (W. Archer) The. '85, 2 : 17. Terry as. See " Terry." vs. the Lawyers. (S. E. Peart) Poet Lore 2: 658. Portraits, Theatrical, in a Deanery. (T. E. Pemberton) The. n. s. 24: 235 (N. '94). (Postans, Mrs.) Hindu Drama. Sharpe il : 212. Potter, Mrs., in " Queen's Necklace." (B. Fletcher) Godey 131: 476 (N. '95). (Potter, Paul M.) Mugwumps of the Drama. Dr. Mirror 35: 886 (Xmas, '95). Potter, C. H. Recollections of Old Play- Bills. Arena 4: 604. (Potter, Cora Urquhart.) My Experiences as an Elocutionist. Lippinc. 37: 534 (My. '86). Powell, Wm. Colburn 52 : 379. (Power, G. S.) Realism. Colburn 169: 10. (Pray, I. C.) J. B. Booth. Galaxy 2: 158. (Prescott, W. H.) Italian Drama. No. Am. 33 : 60. Spanish Drama. No. Am. 70 : 28. Life and Writings of Moliere. No. Am. 27 : 372. (Price, A.) In a Provincial Playhouse. Lond. Soc. 56: 524. "Prisoner of Zenda." See" A. Hope'''' and" Edw. Rose.'''' Private Theatricals. Colburn 56: 248. Dub. Univ. 35 : 714. in Canada. Harper 63: 221 (Jl. '81). Old and New. St. Paul's 2 : 472. See also " Amateur" etc. Progress, Five Years of. (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 23 : 241 (My. '94). t44 €|)c St^aga$mc anti tlje SDrama. "Promise of May." See " Tennyson, Alfred^ Pronunciation, an Epidemic of Slovenliness in. (G. W Dancy) The. n. s. 20 : 97 (S. '92). (Prothero, G. W.) A Greek Play at Cambridge. Cent. 6: 411 (Je. '84). Proverbes Dramatiques. (T. Le Clercq) Lon. M. 12: 17. Provinces, Criticism in the. The. n. s. 28 : 143 (S. '96). Provincial Playhouse, in a. (A. Price) Lond. Soc. 56 : 524. Public, the Actor, the Manager and the. (John Malone) Forum 20: 235 (O. '95). and the Stage. (Edw. Fuller) Lippinc. 46: 564 (O. '90). as Fetish. (A. B. Walkley) The. n. s. 24: 283 (D. '94). What does the, want? (W. Archer) The. '85, i : 269. Public's Point of View, The. (Chas. Dickens 2d) The. n. s. 24 : 220 (N. '94). " Pudd'nhead Wilson. " See " Frank Mayo:' Puritan on Plays. (G. M. Fenn) The. n. s. 25 : 73. Puritans and the Theatre. Cong, i : 592. Opposition to the Drama. No. Brit. 25 : I. and Actors. (W. Wheater) Gent. M. n. s. 50: 178 (F. '93)- " Pygmalion and Galatea," Mary Anderson in. See " Mary Andeison.'" (Pyne, J.) Comic Drama of the Restoration. National Q. 34: 306. (ftuilter, H.) Decline of the Drama. Contemp. 51 : 547. Same art. Eel. M. 108: 824. (Q,uincy, J. P.) A Difficulty in " Hamlet." Atlan. 49 : 388. Z^c 9[9aga$mc anti t^t SDrama. 145 Rachel, Eliza Felix. Harper 8: 133 (D. '53); 10: 129, 414 (D. '54, F. '55); 11: 12, 559, 842 (Je., S. and N. '55); 12: 852 (My. '56); 16: 703 (Ap. '58); 17: 129 (Je. '58); 33: 528 (S. '66). Blackw. 132: 271, Same art. Eel. M. 97: 587, Liv. Age 155 : 156. Belgra. 34: 154. Bentley43: 140; 45: 530. Cornh. 9: 440; Liv. Age 56: 755; 58: 297; 67: 6. Putnam 6: 290. Sharpe 27 : 87. Galaxy 2 : 84. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 25: 188. (Mme. de Marguerites) Sharpe 15 : 13. (Mrs. A. (W. H.) Kennard) 19th Cent. 14: 1030 (D. '83). (H. S. Wilson) Lond. Soc. 25 : 222. and Sarah Bernhardt. (J. P. Simpson) The. '80, 2 : 23. and Charlotte Cushman. (Mme. de Marguerites) Sharpe 15: 13- My Acquaintance with. (C. Marie) Harper 16: 805 (My. '58). Death of. (R. Davey) The. '80, i : 273. in United States. The. '82, 2 : 200. Letters of. The. '83, l : 342. Teacher of. M. Samson. (Lucy H. Hooper) Lippinc. 29: 617 (Je. '92). Racine and his Tragedies. Dub. Univ. 74: 225. Ev. Sat. 8: 341. (Ramsay, J.) Irving and Diderot's " Paradoxe." National 3 : 99 (Mr. '84). (Randolph, H. F.) London Theatres 1550-1650. N. Eng. M. n. s. 10: 318 (My. '94). Rankin, Arthur McKee. Colburn 167 : 302. Raymond, John T., as Colonel Sellers. (W. D. Howells) Atlan. 35 : 749. (Reade, A. B.) Cheap Theatres and the Lord Chamberlain. Peop. J. 3 : 97. Reade, Charles. Personal Reminiscences of. (J. Coleman) Lippinc. 34: 146, 234, 354 (Ag., S. and O. '84). (Reade, Chas.) Drama of "Drink." Spec. 55 : 1079. 19 146 €Ijc 3t9aga5inc anb t^t SDrama* (Reade, W. B.) English Stage. Galaxy 3: 271. Reader of Plays. (D. Cook) Belgra. 36: 432. Realism. (P. Beck) The. '83, 2: 127. (W. Gordon) The. '80, 2 : 283. in Modern Drama. (H. D. Traill) 19th Cent. 26: 864 (D. '94). in Plays and Playing. (G. S. Power) Colburn 169: 10. Realism, Stage: Is it Outdone? (A. W. a Beckett) The. n. s. 28: 132 (S. '96). Realist, Dramatic, to his Critics. (G. B. Shaw) New R. 1 1 : 56 (Jl. '94). Same art. Eel. M. 123: 326. Recitation, Dramatic. (F. E. M. Steel) Westm. 132 : 530. Recollections, My Earliest Stage. (Chas. W. Couldock) Dr. Mirror 35 : 886 (Xmas, '95). Reform, Dramatic. (T. J. Serle) Colburn 166: 8. Victoria 31: I. (Reed, J. P.) Beauties on the American Stage. Cosmop. 14: 294 (Ja. '93)- Reed, Alf. German. (M. Watson) The. n. s. 25: 221 (Ap. '95)- Rehan, Ada. (C. Porter) Poet Lore 2: 591 (N. '90). Religion, the Bible, and the Stage. Spec. 70: 155 (F. 4, '93). Religion of the Stage. The. n. s. 26: 313 (D. '95). (C. Lamb) Colburn 6: 405. See " Ckurc/i and Drama" " Morality,'' etc. Reminiscences, Theatrical. All the Year 64 : 32. Reminiscences. See "Memories and Reminiscences" etc. Renaissance of the Drama. See '■^ H. A. Jones" "Revolu- tion" etc. Restoration, Comic Dramatists of the. (T. B. Macaulay) Ed. R. 72 : 49. (J. Pyne) Nat. Q. 34 : 306. Review of Pollock's Reminiscences of Macready. Sat. R. 58: 730- €Jc St^aga^hic anb tifjc SDrama. 147 Revolution, Theatrical. The. n. s. 22: 189, 254, 324 (O., N. and D. '93) ; 23: 83, 137, 191,265,306 (F., Mr.,Ap., My. and Je. '94); 24: 19 (Jl. '94). (Reynolds, J. H.) John Philip Kemble. So. Lit. Mess. 19: 164. (Rhodes, A.) French Plays. Galaxy 20: 372. French Theatre. Galaxy 19 : 22. V. Sardou. Galaxy 17: 485. French Theatre. Galaxy 19 : 22. (Richardson, L.) James Lewis. Metrop. 4: 341 (D. '96). Richelieu, (Cardinal), Armand Jean du Plessis, as a Drama- tist. (L. H. Hooper) Lippinc. 23: 627. " Richelieu." See " Lord Lyttoji." Righton, Edw. The. n. s. 26: 102 (Ag. '95). (Righton, Edw.) "The Happy Land," a Suppressed Bur- lesque. The. n. s. 28 : 63 (Ag. '96). Rip Van Winkle, Legend of. Harper 67: 617. Original of. Lon. M. 5 : 229. See also " Joseph Jefferson^^ etc. Ristori, Adelaide. Harper II : 416, 559 (Ag. and O. '55); 33: 528 (S. '66); 34: 123 (D. '66). (K. Field) Atlan. 19: 493. Cornh. 8: 172. (K. Field) Harper 34: 740. Putnam 10: 363. Acting of. (O. B. Frothingham) Nation 2 : 254, 336. as Marie Antionette. (K. Field) Lippinc. i: 175 (F. '68). Ritchie, Mrs. Anna Cora Mowatt. (M. Howitt) Howitt 3 : 146, 167, 181. Autobiography of. (Dr. Walker) Evang. R. 8: 564. Liv. Age 41 : 33. (Ritchie, Mrs.) Frances Anne Kemble. Macmil. 68: 190 (Jl. '93)- (Robbins, A. W.) Dramatic Expression. Lippinc. 53: 242 (F. '94). [48 Cjjc !tlt9a0a$tnc anb tijc SDrama, (Robertson, D.) Australian Drama. The. n. s. 9: 23. Robertson, T. W., the Younger. (A. Escott) The. n. s. 26: 29 (Jl. '95). Robertson, Johnstone Forbes. The. '83, i : 311. The. n. s. 23: 8 (Ja. '94). The. n. s. 27: 5 (Ja. '96). (Robertson, Johnstone Forbes.) Helena Modjeska. St. James' 48 : 16. (Robertson, J. G.) Twenty-five Years of a German Court Theatre. National 25 : 247 (Ap. '95). Reminiscences, Autobiographical, Modjeska, Helena Benda, Countess Chlapowska. Arena i : 298, 403. Robertson, Mary Lytton. The. '80, i : 255. Robertson, T. W. Lippinc. 15 : 768 (Je.'75). (W. W. Jones) The.'79, i: 355. (F. Hawkins) Acad. 43: 488 (Je. 3, '93). Temp. Bar. 44: 199. Ev. Sat. 10: 270. Lond. Soc. 42 (D. '82). Comedies of. Broadw. 6: 570. O. and N. 3: 617. Ev. Sat. 9 : 339. Death of. Ev. Sat. 10 : 186. Pemberton's Life of. Spec. 70 : 192 (F. 11, '93). " School." Once a Week 20 : 238. (Robins, Elizabeth.) Across America with Edwin Booth. Univ. R. 7: 375 (Jl.'90). Stage Buffoons. Atlan. 51 : 529. (Robinson, P.) "Titus Andronicus." Contemp. 65: 392 (Mr. '94). Same. art. Eel. M. 122 : 547 (Ap. '94). (Robinson, L.) Natural History of the Hiss. No. Am. 157: 104 (Jl. '93). Robinson, Mary, as Perdita. (D. Cook) Once a Week 12 : 625, 648. Temp. Bar 51 : 536. Robinson, Fred'k. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s, 28: 715. (G. A. Sala) Atlan. 13 : 715 (W. J. Prowse) Sharpe 35 : 192. (Robb, T. D.) Elizabethan Drama and the Victorian Novel. Lippinc. 47: 520 (Ap. '91). Cjje !3i^a0a$inc anti tfjc Crania. 149 (Rodgers, E. B.) Japanese Theatre. Outing 25: 191 (D. '94)- (Rogers, F.) Marlowe's " Tamburlane the Great." Acad. 34 : 244- Rome, Theatre of. Colburn, 47: 31. (Rolfe, W. J.) Division of Plays of Shakspere into Scenes. Lit. World (Bost.) 13: il. Eyes of Shakspere. Poet Lore i : 479. "Much Ado About Nothing." Poet Lore 4: 184 (Ap. '92). " Julius Csesar." Poet Lore 6 : 7 (Ja. '94). " Merchant of Venice." Poet Lore 3 : 514. " Tempest." Poet Lore 3: 190. Romeo, Study of. (J. J. Chapman) Atlan. 78 : 707 (N. '96). and Rosaline. (L. M. Griffiths) Poet Lore i : 205. " Romeo and Juliet." (D. J. Snider) Western i : 37, 71. All the Year 44: 42. Temp. Bar. 9: 209. Blackw. 37: 523. Same art. Mus. 26 : 615. Act. 3, Scene 2. (W. W. Lloyd) Ath. '84, 2 : 402. (A. Williams and others) Ath. '84, 2 : 465. At the Lyceum. (E. K. Russell) Macmil. 46 : 325. Characters of Peter and the Apothecary. Cornh. 49 : 188. Corte's Account of. Antiq. n. s. 3 : 265. (F. O'Kane) The. n. s. 26 : 149 (S. '95). Criticism and Acting of. Westm. 44: i. in French. (C. Seymour) Poet Lore 3 : 27. Irving in. See " Irving.'''' Local Color in. (W. Archer) Gent. M. n. s. 33: 440. Same art. Eel. M. 104 : 67. Myths of. (W. Archer) National 4 : 441 (D. '84). Story of. (H. B. Wheatley) Antiq. n. s. 5 : 250; 6 : 246. Text of. (F. G. Fleay) Macmil. 36: 195. All the Year 49: 157. See " Juliet;' " Shakspere;' etc. The. '83, 2 : I. Romeos, Ancient and Modern. (S. J. Hart) The. '82, i : so ^{)c ^aga^int anb tljc 2Drama. Rorke, Kate. The. n. s. 22: 16 (Jl. '93); 24: 157 (O. '94)- Rorke, Mary. The. '82,2: 1,60; '84,2: 109, 162. in " Harbor Lights." The. '86, i : 117, 162. Rosalind, Shakspere's Character of. Cornh. 16 : 474. (Lady Martin) Blackw. 136 : 399. The. '85, i : 127. a Few Words about Miss Faucit's. Poet Lore i : 145 (Mr.'89). on the Stage. (R. G. White) Atlan. 51 : 248. Miss Faucit as. See " Aliss Paucity Mrs. Langtry as. See " Mrs. Langtry." Julia Marlowe as. See" Julia Mai-lowe Taber." Mrs. Siddons as. See" Mrs. Siddons." See " Shakspere;' "As You Like It,'' etc. (Roscoe, E.) Hamlet and the Critics. Victoria 20 : 502. Hamlet, Gervinus' Criticism on. Victoria 21 : 338. Ophelia. Victoria 18: 117. (Rose, Edw.) Comedie Fran9aise. The. '79, i : 311. Kissing on the Stage. The. n. s. 25 : 149 (Mr. '95). ■ Shakspere and History. Fraser 93 : 546. Shakspere as an Adapter. Macmil. 39 : 69. Wagner as a Dramatist. Fraser 99: 519. Rose, Edw. and Anthony Hope. " Prisoner of Zenda." (L. B. Ellis) lUust. (Je. and Jl.'96). Rosalie, Amy, The. '78, 2 : 336. The. '84, i : 152. (Rosenfeld, Sidney.) Play writing. Author 3 : 142. (Ross, Morris.) Deterioration of the Stage. Poet Lore 3: 353 (Jl- '90- Rossi, Ernesto, and St. Petersburg. (A. Monroe) The. n. s. 26: 24(J1.'95). as Hamlet. (W. B. Kingston) The. '84, i : 173; 2: 90. €Je !3l9aga5inc anb tfje SDrama. 151 Royalty, Playing Before. (A. k Becket) The. n. s. 24: 226 (N. '94). Theatre, Reminiscences of. (F. C. Burnand) The. n. s. 27: 6 (Ja. '96). and Theatre Closing. (H. Elliott) The. n. s. 27: 154 (Mr. '96). (Runnion, J. B.) Henry Irving. Dial (Ch.) 4: 277. T. Salvini. Dial (Ch.) Autobiog. 15: 298 (N. 16, '93). On and Off the Stage. Lakeside 2: 299. Paris Theatres. Dial (Ch.) i : 5. Joseph Jefferson. Lippinc. 4: 167 (Ag.'69). Review of Jefferson's Autobiography. Dial(Ch.)ii: 237. Murdoch's "The Stage." Dial (Ch.) i : 107. Recent Stage Literature. Dial (Ch.)2: 259. Rush, Benjamin. Harper 7: 157; 47: 453. Ruskin, John. His Early Theatre Going. Liv. Age 168: 766 (Mr. 20, '86). (Russell, Edw. R.) Work of Henry Irving. Fortn. 42: 401 ; 40: 466. (Russell, E. K.) " Romeo and Juliet " at the Lyceum. Macmil. 46: 325. Irving's King Lear. 19th Cent. 33 : 44 (Ja. '93). Heroines of Shakspere. Victoria 53: 126, 333. Russian Drama. So. Lit. Mess. 24: 250. (H. S. Edwards) The. n. s. 26 : 213 (0.'95). Ed. R. 128 : 158. and Polish Theatre. Internat. M. 11 : 225. Shakspere and. (W. H. Dole) Poet Lore i : 497; 2 : 113, 566 (N. '89, M. & N. '90). Dramatist, Alex. Gribayedof. See " Gribayedof^'' etc. Theatres. Harper 26 : 602 (Ap. '63). Sec '^Madame Alisov," Rutty, Herbert Waring. See"H. Waring.'''' Ryley, Madeline Lucette. " Christopher, Jr." (B.Fletcher) Godey 132 : 19 (Ja. '96). 152 €l)c ar^aga^mc anb tjc 2Drama» Ryan, Katie. The. '8l, i : 103. Ryder, John, Recollections of. (H.Turner) The. '85, i: St. John, Florence. The. n. s. 22 : 252 (N. '93). (St. Maur, Harry.) Jane Hading. Munsey 14 : 159 (N. '95). (Sage, A.) Hamlet of the Stage. Atlan. 23: 665; 24: 188. (Saintsbury, G.) French Tragedy. Fraser 100: 456. (Sala, G. A.) Stage Costumes. Belgra. 8: loi. Comedies of William Cobbett. Belgra 25 : 465. (Fred'k Robson) Atlan. 13 : 715. Pantomime and Pandemonium. Belgra. II : 165. Nemesis of Pantomime. Belgra. 25 : 340. Salaries, Actors and their. Harper 2: 403 (F. '51) (A. a Becket) The. n. s. 25 : 209 (O. '95). (Salmon, Edw.) Democracy and the Drama. National 12 : 398 (N. '88). Salvini, Alexander. (M. Aldrich) Arena 7: 129 (Ja. '93). Salvini, Tommaso. Sat. R. 57: 345, 373, 474- Temp. Bar 57: 67. Spec. 57: 376. St. James' 36: 329. (H. B. Bedford) Month 27: 288. (H. James, Jr.) Atlan. 51: 377. (E. Lazarus) Cent, i : no (N. '81). (W. E. Henley) National 3 : 199 (Ap. '84). Same art. Liv. Age 161: 468. (W. R. Balch). Amer. i : 141. and Mr. Irving. Gent. M. n. s. 14 : 609. as Hamlet. Gent. M. n. s. 15: 46. as King Lear. Cent. 5: 563 (F. '84). The. n. s. 20: 281 (D. '92). (E. Lazarus) Cent. 4: 88 (My. '83). as Othello. Lippinc. 12: 742 (D. '73). (J. H. Browne) Galaxy 16: 819. (R. G. White) Nation 17: 46. (F. Kemble) Temp, Bar 71 : 368. as Saul in Alfieri's tragedy. (E. Shinn) Nation 19 : 14. Autobiography of. (J. B. Runnion) Dial (Ch.) 15: 298 (N. 16, '93). On Shakspere. (H. Zimmern) Gent. M. n. s. 32: 131. Cgc 9[9a0a$me anb tjjc SDrama. 153 (Salvini, Tommaso.) Some Views of Acting. Cent. 19: 194. Impressions of Some of Shakspere's Characters, Cent. I :ii7 (N. '81). Impressions of Lear. Cent. 5 : 563 (F. '84). I^eaves from the Autobiography of. Cent. 23 : 230 (D. '92) ; 45 : 588 (F. '83) ; 46 : 90, 927 (My., and O. '93). (Samson, Adelaide Louise.) Seven Notable American Stars. Metrop. 4: 366 (D, '96). Samson, M., Teacher of Rachel. (L. H. Hooper) Lippinc. 29: 617 (Ja. '82). (Sarcey, Francisque.) At Chicago. Scrib. 13: 677 (My. '93)- French Comedy. 19th Cent. 6 : 182. Sardou, Victorien. Harper 47 : 841. (J. B. Matthews) In- ternat. R. 7: 552. (P. Feval) Ev. Sat. l: 719. (A. W. Howard) Munsey 12: 137 (D. '94). (P. Black) Lippinc. ID : 314. at Marley. (F. O'Kane) The. '79, 2: 137. Breakfast with. (A. Rhodes) Galaxy 17: 485. "Cleopatra." (C. Seymour) Poet Lore 2: 654 (D. '90). Art J. 44 : 98 (Jl. '92). " Daniel Rochat." The. '80, 1 : 154. "Fedora." (W. F. Waller) The. '83, i: 85, 362, 378. "Georgette." (A. Langel) Nation 42: 9. "Madame Sans Gene." (A. Langel) Nation 57: 445 (D. 14, '93). "Theodora." (A. Langel) Nation 42: 9. (J. Bryce) Contemp. 47: 266 (F. '85). Same art. Liv. Age 164: 733 (Mr. '85). "Thermidor." Sat. R. 73: 626. (A. Goldemar) Fortn. 57: 770 (Ja. '92). (Sargent, Franklin H.) Shall We Have an American Con- servatoire? Cent. 6: 475 (Jl. '84). Dramatic Teaching Abroad. Looker On I : 522 (Mr. '96). 20 154 €f)c a^aga^inc anb tlfjc 2Drama. (Sargent, W.) The French Drama. No. Am. 78: 319. Scenery, Dress, and Decorations. (G. Turner) The. '80, i : 350. Schiller. Dramatic Character of. So. Lit. J. 4: 70,327. Shakspere, and ^Eschylus. Blackw. 69 : 641 . " Maria Stuart." (H. S. Wilson) The. '80, 2: 167. Schlegel's Lectures on the Drama. Portf. (Den.) 17: 477. on the Drama. (W. Hazlitt) Ed. R. 26: 67. (Schleuther, Paul.) Eleanora Duse. Looker On (Mr. '96). School of Dramatic Art. Spec. 66: 169. (H. Aid^) 19th Cent. II : 567 (Ap. '82). (F. C. Burnand) 19th Cent. 11: 753 (My. '82). (C. Scott) The. '82, 2: 193. (H. Aide) The. '82, i : 73. (H. Morley) The. '80, i : 76. (S. J. A. Fitz-Gerald) The. n. s. 25 : 344 (Je. '95). The New. (A. W. Pinero) The. n. s. 13: 317. London as. Sat. R. 66: 522 (N. 3, '88). PossibiHties of a. Sat. R. 66: 581 and 615 (N. 17 and 24, '88). Provinces as a. Sat. R. 66: 433 (O. 13, '88). Dramatic Teaching Abroad. (F. H. Sargent) Looker On I : 522 (Mr. '96). *' School for Scandal." See " R. B. Shendan," etc. (Schovelin, T. A.) Henrik Ibsen. Scand. i : 11,133. (Schuyler, E.) Myths of " Hamlet. " Nation 10: 170. (Schwab, Fred'k A.) New York Season, '93 and '94. Cos- mop. 17: 18 (My. '94). Scotland, Drama in. Hogg 8: 392,412. Scott, Clement. The. '86, i : i. (Scott, Clement.) A Critic of the Critics Criticized. The. n. s. 13 : 297. A School of Dramatic Art. The. '82, 2 : 193. First Night Criticism. The. n. s. 24: 100 (S. '94). Criticism in Advance. The. n. s. 24: 158 (O, '94). "Hamlet." The. '84, 2 : 243. Zi^t a^aga^mc anb tl[jc SDrama. 155 (Scott, Clement.) James Maddison Morton. Lond. See. 49 : 66. The Modern Society Play. The. n. s. 25 : 6 (Ja. '95). The New Dictator. The. n. s. 25: 263 (My. '95). Two Dramatic Revolutions. No. Am. 157: 476 (O. '93). Why Do We Go to the Play? The. n. s. 11 : 117. Worship of Bad Plays. The. n. s. 16: 261. (Scott, Sir Walter.) Braden's Life of John P. Kemble. Quart. 34: 197- Life and Writings of Moli^re. For. Quar. R. 2 : 306. Same art. Mus. 13: 113. Scribe, Augustin Eugene. Harper 22: 849. (J. D. Os- borne) Scrib. 17: 59 (N. '78). (J. P. Simpson) The. '80,2: 333. "Adrienne Lecouvreur." (C. E. Meetkerke) Argosy 55: 106 (F. '93). Temp. Bar 49 : 534. Appleton's 24 : 250. (Scudamore, E. R.) Japanese Theatre. Cosmop. 10: 685. (Sears, E. I.) Modern French Drama. National Q. i : 64. " Second Mrs. Tanqueray, The." See "A. W. Pinetv.'" (Sedgwick, A. G.) A School for Actors. Nation 39: 195. Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle. Nation 9 : 247. Lyceum School for Actors. Nation 39 : 195. Sensation Scenes. (W. J. Lawrence.) Gent. M. n. s. 37: 400. (Serle, T. J.) Dramatic Reform. Colburn 166: 8. (Seton, M.) " Hamlet " and " Macbeth" at the Lyceum. Col- burn 160: 175. Recent Shaksperian Revivals. Colburn 160: 175,346. (Severance, Alice.) Julia Marlowe Taber. Godey 132: 401 (Ap. '96). (Seymour, Chas.) "Hamlet" at the Com6die Fran9aise. Poet Lore i : 571 (D. '89) . " Romeo and Juliet " in French. Poet Lore 3 : 27. Sardou's "Cleopatra." Poet Lore 2: 654(0. '90), 156 €f)c i]l9ii0a$inc anb rtjc SDrania. Shakspere, William. Ath. '89, 2 : 139. Spec. 62:517. (C. W. Franklyn) Westm. 132 : 348. Belgra. 78 : 398 (Ag. '92). (J. Stoughton) Leisure Hour 13: 215, 279. No. Brit. 12 : 115. Retros. 7 : 378. Westm. 20 : 151 ; 26:30. Fraser2i : 493, 740. (Cartlinal Wiseman) Cath. World l: 548. (A. King) Argosy 16: 216. Loncl. Quart. R. 22: 201. (M. Bell) Cath. World 29: 67. Canad. M. 17: 408. Wes. J. 6 : 273, 545. Lond. Soc. 5: 413- Note. — For Plays, CJiaracters, and Actors, see the several names of same. A French View of. (Ernest Brain) The. n. s. 27: 208 (Ap. '96). Actors, Original, of his Plays. Temp. Bar 53: 252. An Actor's Notes on. (H. Irving) 19th. Cent. 5 : 260. an American Point of View, from. (J. G. Shea) Cath. World 25 : 422. and his Esthetic Critics. (A. Morgan) Cath. World 40 : 379- and his Critics. So. Lit. Mess. 4: 132. Knick. 32: 518. Hogg 14: 345. Dub. Univ. 61 : 3. and the Church. (John Malone) The Seminary i : 8, 9, 1 1 (Jl. '93)- and the Drama. Blackw. 59 : 534. and Gloucestershire. (W. P. Fillimore) Antiq. n. s. 4: 10. and History. Knowl. Ii: 75. (E. Rose) Macmil. 39: 69. and Holinshed. (W. C. Pell) Harper 23: 486 (S. '61). and Ben Jonson, Quarrel Between. No. Brit. 52 : 394. and the Jews. (J. N. Hales) Eng. Hist. R. 9 : 652 (O. '94). and John Lyly. (H. Davis) Poet Lore 5: 177 (Ap. '93)- C{)c 9[^a0a$inc anti t^c SDrama. 157 Shakspere, William, and his Latest Stage Interpreters. Fraser 64 : 772. and Moli^re. (C. 'Coquelin) Cent. i6 : 819. and a Municipal Theatre. (A. Dillon) Westm. 143: 418 (Ap. '95). and Stage Costumes. (O. Wilde) 19th Cent. 17: 800. and his Plays. (Delia Bacon) Putnam 7: i, and Russian Drama. (N. H. Dole) Poet Lore i : 497 (N. '89); 2 : 113, 566 (Mr. and N. '90). Times of. (H. J. Fox) Meth. Q. 41 : 623. and Venice. Quart. 169: 26 (Jl. '89). Art of. Victoria i: 481. (R. G. White) Atlan. 3: 657. (T. H. Caine) Contemp. 43 : 883. Same art. Eel. M. loi : 240. as an Actor. (A. Cargill) Scrib. 9: 613 (My. '91). as an Adapter. (E. Rose) Macmil. 39: 69. as an Artist. O. and N. 2 : 367. as a Dialect Artist. (A. Morgan) Cath. World 52 : 849. as a Historian. Dub. R. 9: 316. Spec. 68 : 265 (F. 20, '92). as a Dramatic Model. (W, Spink) National 6: 384 (N. '85). Same art. Eel. M, 106: 86. as a Moral Teacher. Leis. Hour 13: 281. as Player and Poet. (E. P. Evans) Lakeside 2 : 173. as a Temperance Teacher. (A. E. Barr) Leis. Hour 35 : 29. as a Theatre Proprietor. (H. Weight) Antiq. n. s. 4: 142. Astrology of. (J. Cooke) Macmil. 51 : 462. Same art. Liv. Age 165: 281. Ballads Illustrating. (A. E. Barr) Harper 62 : 52 (D. '80). Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher. Fraser 16 : 527. Blemishes in the Writings of — the Spots on the Sun. (D. Boucicault) Arena i : 131. Booth's Letter Perfect. Colburn 124 : 192. Browning's Tribute to. (C. Porter) Poet Lore 3: 216. 58 €ljjc Si^aga^mc anb tjjc SDrama» Shakspere, William, Catholic View of. (J. Malone) Cath. World 55 : 716 (Ag. '92). Characters of. Amer. 3 : 141; 7: 126,561. Characters of, Individuality of. (M. C. Clarke) Sharpe 6: 181 ; 7: 217; 8: 19, 88; 9: 24, 143: 10: 196, 349; II: 168,343; 13: 139. Characters of, Impressions of Some. (T. Salvini) Cent. I : 117. Child-Life in. (M. L. Griffin) Irish Mo. 19: 434. Cicero in the Works of. Acad. (Syr.) 5: 108. Coleridge's Lectures on. (T. H. Caine) Acad. 25 : 19. Comedies of. (D. J. Snider) Westm. 2: 219. Comedies of, Time in. (H. A. Clapp) Atlan. 55: 386. Commemorations. (G. Morley) Poet Lore 2 : 252, 607 ; 3 : 204. (G. Morley) Belgra. 82 : 72 (S. '93). Critics of, English and Foreign. Ed. R. 90: 39. Criticism. (W. H. Pollock) 19th Cent. II : 915. Criticism of. A New Inductive Science. (G. E. Wood- berry) Nation 41 : 201. Criticism on. Sharpe 37 : 180, 232, 290 ; 41 : 293. Ed. R. 98 : 709. Am. Church R. 26 : 497. Crotchet-Mongers. Book Lore 4: 153. Delicacy of. (Richard Malcolm Johnston) Cath. World 39: 119. Division of Plays into Scenes. (W. J. Rolfe) Lit. World (Bost.) 13 : II. Eclipse of. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 25 : 302. Editions of. Liv. Age 62: 265. Emendations in. (W. W. Lloyd) Ath. '84, i : 727. (F. Bowen) No. Am. 78: 371. Emphasis, Capitals of. The. '79, i : 66. English Kings of. (W. Pater) Scrib. 5 : 506. Ethics of. (I. F. Bellows) Unit. R. 24 : 336. Eyes in. (W. J. Rolfe) Poet Lore i : 479. Falstaffand Queen lilizabeth. 19th Cent. (F. '96). F. A. Kemble's Notes on. (E. Dowden) Acad. 22 : 409. Blackw. I : 455. Spec. 56 : 53. C()c lH9aga5mc and ti\e 2Drama. 159 Shakspere, William, Fact and Fiction About. (Henry Lacy) The. n. s. 25: 88 (F.'gs)- Female Characters of. No. Brit. 8 : 265. Same art. Eel. M. 14: I. Blackw. 33: 124, 541. (Lady Mar- tin) Blackw. 129 : 66, 198, 324. Same art. Appleton 25 : 246, 312, 399. Also Eel. AT. 96 : 301, 487, 643. Also Liv. Age 149: 33,145,206. Portf. (Den.) 31: 47. Tait n. s. 16: 696, 796; 17: 165. See" IVomen of Shakspere^'' etc. First Publisher. (Appleton Morgan) Cath. World 51 : 606. Fools of. (J. N. Hetherington) Cornh. 40: 720. (M. C. Clarke) Sharpe 8 : 88. Friendship in. (W. R. Alger^ Chr. Exam. 73 : 209, 403. Tait n. s. 19 : 696, 796. Friendship, Female. Penny M. 10 : 109. French Criticism of. Chamb. J. 29: 215,368. (G. H. Lewes) Cornh. II : 33,256. (J. Doran) 19th Cent. 3: 115. Same art. Liv. Age. 136: 533. Temp. Bar II : 537. Lon. M. i : 126. From an American Point of View. (J. G. Shea) Cath. World 25 : 422. Genius of. (J. R. Lowell) No. Am. 106: 629. (E. P. Whipple) Atlan. 20: 178. (J. King) Canad. Mo. 10: 501. Gentlemen, Delineation of. Temp. Bar 23 : 104. German Criticism of. (J. M. Hart) Putnam 16: 353, 562. (G. Moir) Blackw. 37 : 236, 523, 747 ; 39 : 699 ; 40: 139,427. O. and N. 6: 198. Broadw. 10: 33. Gervinus on. Westm. 8: 371. Ed. R. 117: 491. Going to the Play with. All the Year 6 : 379. Guesses at. (H. Schiitz Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 57: 423 (O. '96). Handwriting. (Appleton Morgan) Cath. World 50: 165. Hazlitt's Characters of Shakspere. (F. Jeffrey) Ed. R. 28 : 472. Quart. 18: 485. Am. Q. 18: 485. Anal. M. ii: 346. Mod. R. 92 : 53. [6o cfjc a^aga^ine anb tfje SDtrama, Shakspere, William, Heroines of, (Mrs. A. Gowing) The. n. s. 12: 80. (E. R. Russell) Victoria 33: 126,333. (M, Davies) Colburn 154: 716; 155: 78, 633. (E. Spence) The. n. s. 17: 135. Historical Plays. J. Spec. Philos. 11 : 79. Ed. R. 73: 54. (E. Dowden) Acad. 23 : 90. Historically Considered. (T. P. Courtenay) Colburn 53 : 250, 364, 463 ; 54 : 42, 494 ; 55 : 57, 236, 346. How he became Popular in Germany. (E. Marx) Gent. M. n. s. 24 : 707. How to Study. (Appleton Morgan) Cath. World 57: 777. Hugo on. (H. Monroe) Dial(Ch.) 7: 181. Ignorance of. (E. O. von Lippman) New R. 4: 250. Immortal Creations of. Brit. Quar. R. 77 : 349. Improving. Knovvl. 10 : 226. In and Out of. The. n. s. 14 : 225 ; 15 : 19. In Blackfriars, (F. Hawkins) The. '78, 2: 38. In Dutch. (T. H. de Beer) Poet Lore i : 259. In Germany. Blackw. 39 : 699. In His Own Theatre. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation 43 : 140. In Japan. (E. Hausknecht) Poet Lore i : 466. In Nineteenth Century. Sat. R. 53 : 493. In Paris. (S. Austin) Ed. R. 83 : 47. Same art. Liv. Age 8 : 495. Influence of. (H. Giles) Chr. Exam. 67: 178. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 147 : 680. Insanity in. (J. R. Dennett) Nation 2 : 758. Jest Book of. Retros. 18: 313. Literature on. Bentley 2 : 30. Literature, Recent, 1840. Ed. R. 71 : 446. Lovers in Plays of. (D. H. Wlieeler) Chaut. 15 : 558 (A. '92). Mad. All the Year 11 : 346. Melancholy of. Nat. Q. 2 : 340. Cfjc ar^aga^iitc anb tgc SDirama* i6] Shakspere, William, Merry Men of. (C. W. Watson) So. M. i6: 397»565; 17= 46- Misconceptions of, on the Stage. N. Eng. M. 9 : 435. Misimproved. Once a Week 21 : 12. Moral Proportion and Fatalism of Passion in Tragedies of (E. A. Moore) Poet Lore 7: 75, 551 (Ag.-N. '95). Much Ado about the Sonnets. (Appleton Morgan) Cath. World. 42 : 212. Municipal Theatre. (A. Dillon) Westm. 143 : 418 (Ap. '93)- Music of. All the Year 9: 103, 131, 155. Mutilated Anew. The. n. s. 26 : 63 (Ag. '95). New Interpretations of. Ed. R. 136 : 335. New Readings in. Blackw. 74 : 181, 451. Non-dramatic in. (H. S. Wilson) Internat. R. 4: 751. Notes on. (F. A. Kemble) Atlan. 6 : 288. Oaths in. Poet Lore 3 : 113. On French Stage. (F. C. de Sumichrast) Harv. Mo. 18: 43 (Ap. '94)- On the Stage. Sharpe 33 : 142. On the Stage and in the Study. (H. Irving) Good Words 24: 32, On Women. Eng. Dom. M. 9: 331. See also" Women of Shakspere." Opening Scenes in his Plays. (C. W. Hodell) Poet Lore 6 : 169, 337, 452 (Ap., Je. and Ag. '94). People for whom he Wrote. (C. D. Warner) Atlan. 43 : 729; 44: 44. Philosophers and Jesters of. (C. C. Clarke) Gent. M. n. s. 306 : 634. Plays, Time in. (H. A. Clapp) Atlan. 55: 543. Popular Representations of. (F. M. Capes) Month 57: 69, Predecessors of. Sat. R. 57: 481. (V. Paget) Acad. 25: 159. Quart. 161 : 330. Psychology of. Liv. Age 64 : 700. Puns of. (J. Crosby) Am. Bibliog. 7: 142. Reading. (R. G.White) Galaxy 22 : 518,637; 23 : 70,233. 21 62 Cf)c £l^a0a$mc anb tfjc 2Drama. Shakspere, William, Recent German Works on. (C. H. Har- ford) Acad. 46: 44 (Jl. 21, '94). Recent Revivals of. Spec. 64 : 587. Self Drawn. Know^l. 1 1 : 99, 244. Seven Ages. Knick. ii: 114,500; 12: 21,113,232. Simpletons of. (M. C. Clarke) Sharpe 7: 217. Soldiers of. (M. C. Clarke) Sharpe 9: 24, 143; 10: 196, 349- Some Books on. (E. Dowden) Acad. 28: 127. Some Women of. (Mrs. A. Gowing) The. n. s. 12: 80. Songs of. (S. L. Gwynn) Acad. 48: 369 (N. '95). Stage Adaptations of. Cornh. 8 : 48. Stage Directions of. Sat. R. 65 : 788. Stage Life of. (F. G. Fleay) Poet Lore 5 : 7, 612 (Ja., and D. '93). Stratford Festival. (R. W. Bond) Macmil. 69: 451 (Ap. '94). Supernatural in. (T. H. H. Caine) Colburn 165 : 1029. Westm. 108: 375. Same art. Liv. Age 135: 369. Tercentenary of, at Home. (M. D. Conway) Harper 29 : 336 (Ag. '64). Text, Growth and Vicissitudes of the. (Appleton Mor- gan) Cath. World 46 : 68. Theatre in Time of. (K. Blind) Acad. 33 : 390. Theatrical Renaissance of. (E. Fuller) Lippinc. 45: 88. The Playwright. (T. Parker) Harv. Mo. 6: 138. Three Desperate Deaths in. (H. S. Wilson) The. '85, i : 159- Trades and Crafts of. ( F. Talbot) Belgra. 26 : 49. Tragedies on the Stage. (John Foster Kirk) Lippinc. 33 : 501, 604 (My. and Je. '84). Tragic Lovers of. (Richard Malcolm Johnston) Cath. World 40 : 84. T. Salvini on. (H. Zimmern) Gent. M. n. s. 32: 131. Uncanny Characters of. (L. E. Francis) Educa. 11 : 293- Variorum, Spec. 69: 324 (S. 3, '92). Cjjc !3l^aga$ine anti tlje B?rattia» 163 Shakspere, William, Villains of. St. James' 27 : 632. What Lurks Behind. (W. Whitman) Critic 4 : 145. Why Did He Write Tragedies? Cornh. 42: 153. Wisdom of Life. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 50: 405. Without End. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. M. n. s. 41 : 428. Women of. (E. Dowden) Contemp. 47: 517. Same art. Liv. Age 165 : 405. Worship of. (O. B. Frothingham) Cent. 7 : 780. Young Men of. Westm. 106 : 452. Shaksperian Chronology. (Appleton Morgan) Cath. World 62 : 449. Acted Drama. (J. Murray) Overland n. s. 22 : 355 (O. '93)- Festival, 1864. Chamb. J. 41 : 337. (D. Cook) Once a Week ID : 104. Jubilee and Festivals. Chamb. J. 41 : 123. Jubilee of 1 769. Broadw. 3 : 317. Dub. Univ. 65 : 603, Meeting at " Garrick's Head." Lon. M. 18: 9. Plays, Doubtful. (Appleton Morgan) Calh. World 55 : 203, 397- Revivals, Garrick and. Temp. Bar 86 : 496. Revivals in London. (J. R. Sturgis) Internat. R. 6: 650. Revivals, Recent. (M. Seton) Colburn 160: 175, 346. (Sharp, R. F.) Pinero (A. W.) and Farce. The. n. s. 20: 154 (O. '92). (Sharp, W.) Maurice Maeterlinck. Acad. 41: 270 (Mr. 19, '92). " Shaughraun. " See " Boucicault. " (Shaw, George Bernard.) A Dramatic Realist to his Critics. New R. II : 56 (Je. '94). Same art. Eel. M. 123: 326. Bernhardt and Duse in " Magda." Sat. R. 79: 787 (Je. 15, '95). The Old Acting and the New. Sat. R. (D. 14, '95)- (Shea, Thos. E.) Glance at Lawrence Barrett. Donahue (S. '96). [64 Cfje !iH[9a0a$mc anb tfje SDrama, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Harper 8: 215; 26 : 72 ; 60: 505. (A. V, Dicey) Nation 39: 136. The. n. s. 27: 332 (Je. '96). Mrs. Oliphant's Life of. See "Mrs. Oliphant," etc. and his Biographers. (J. B. Matthews) Princ. n. s. 13 : 292. as a Dramatist. (J. B. Matthews) Amer. i : 205, 221. "Critic." (J. B. Matthews) Lippinc. 24: 629 (N. '79). " Rivals." Foster Mo. Ref. i : 15. " Rivals " and " School for Scandal." All the Year 58 : 541,557- "Rivals" and "School for Scandal," .Original Cast of. (A. Brereton) The. '84, 1 : 171. "School for Scandal." (F. Wedmore) Acad. 21: 109. (P. Fitzgerald) The. '82, i: 171. (A. G. Whitian; Atlan. 52 : 566. "School for Scandal "at Boston Museum. (H.James, Jr.) Atlan. 34: 754. (Sherwood, M. E. W.) Recollections of Actresses. Lippinc. 53: 92 (Ja. '94). (Shinn, E.) T. Salvini. Nation 19: 14. (Shuttle-worth, H. C.,N. Hall and). Duty of Church as to the Theatre. Chr. Lit. il : 302 (S. '94). Shylock. (M. Jostrow) Penn Mo. 11 : 725 (M. D. Conway) 19th Cent. 7: 828. (T. Martin) Tre. '79, 2: 253- in Germany. (W. B. Kingston) The. '80, 1:17, 86. Original of. (S. R. Lee) Gent. M. n. s. 24: 185. V. Antonio. (C. Edwards) Contin. M. 3 : 539. (C. H. Phelps) Atlan. 57: 463. Whitewashed. Temp. Bar 45 : 65. Same art. Eel. M. 85:617. Siberia, Theatres in. Harper 37: 457 (S. '68). Siam, Theatre in Bankok. Harper 41 : 362 (Ag. '70). Cfje St^aga^inc anb tgc SDrama, 165 (Sichel, Walter S.) The Stage "Faust." National 6: 211 (O. '85). (Siddons, J. H.) British Stage of 19th Century. Foster Mo. Ref. 18: 565,639; 19: 14,139,245. Sarah Kemble Siddons. Harper 26: 790 (My. '63). Theatrical Recollections. Temp. Bar 56: 458. Siddons, Mrs. Scott. Victoria 9 : 60. Siddons, Sarah Kemble. Harper 26 : 72. (S. S. Conant) Harper 44 : 184 (Ja. '72). (F. A. Kemble) Harper 28: 364 (F. '64). (J. H. Siddons) Harper 26: 790 (My. '63). as Rosalind. Poet Lore i : 196 (Ap. '89), (Sigmund, G. F.) Theatres 2000 Years Ago. Luth, Q. 3: 124. Sixteenth Century, Drama of. See "Early Drama." (Simons, L.) Ibsen as an Artist. Westm. 140: 506 (N. '93). (Simpson, J. P.) The Claque. The. '79, i : 160. Rachel and Sarah Bernhardt. The. '80, 2 : 23. Eugene Scribe. The. '80, 2 : 333. Benjamin Webster. The. '82, 2: 83. (Skeat, E. G.) Fairy Lore in " Midsummer Night's Dream." Poet Lore 3: 177. (Slater, J. W.) Imitation or Mimicry. J. Sci. 21 : 475. (Slade, R. Jope.) Playgoers' Club. The. n. s. 22: 273 (N, '93)- (Smith, M, E.) Actors in England in Olden Days. Tinsley 34: 619. (Smith, L.) Is Courtesy Extinct Among the Audiences ? The. n. s. 14: 10 (Jl. '89). Smith, Wm., 1730-1819. The Original Charles Surface. (D. Cook) Gent. M. n. s. 19: 261. Recollections of. Colburn 51 : 323. 66 cije Sx^a^a^int anti tjjc SDrama* (Snider, D. J.) "As You Like It." Western 2: 104, 167. J. Spec. Philos. 7: 74. "Comedy of Errors." Western 2 : 296. " Coriolanus." Western 1 : 695,771. "Cymbeline." J. Spec. Philos. 9: 172. "Hamlet." J. Spec. Philos. 7: 67. "Julius Caesar." Western 2 : 38, 77. Same art. J. Spec. Philos. 6: 234. " King Henry IV." Western 3: 344,396,447. "King Henry V." Western 3 : 541. "King John." Western 3 : 89,157. " King Lear." Western 1 : 135, 230, 271. " King Richard IL" Western 3 : 223, 280. "Macbeth." Western 1 : 557,601. " Measure for Measure," J. Spec. Philos. 9: 312. " Merchant of Venice." J. Spec. Philos. 6: 130,361. " Merry Wives of Windsor." Western 2 : 722. " Midsummer Night's Dream." J. Spec. Philos. 8: 165. "Much Ado About Nothing." Western 2: 641. "Othello." Western 1 : 423,473. " Romeo and Juliet." Western i : 37, 71. Shakspere's Comedies. Western 2 : 219. " Taming of the Shrew." Western 2 : 321. "Tempest." J. Spec. Philos. 9: 293. " Twelfth Night." Western 2 : 413. "Two Gentlemen of Verona." J. Spec. Philos. 10: 194. "Winter's Tale." J. Spec. Philos. 9: 80. (Snodgrass, A. E.) The Pocket Handkerchief at the Play. The. n. s. 26: 279 (N. '95). Social Position of Actors. (E. Yates) Temp. Bar 8 : 183. Recognition of Players. Harper 78: 316 (Ja. '89). Training for Stage Players. (C. Armstrong) The. n. s. 26: 130 (S. '95). Society Play, The Modern. (C. Scott) The. n. s. 25 : i (Ja. '95)- €{)c a9aga5inc aiib tf^c SDrama, 167 Somerset, Mr. and Miss. The. n. s. 26: 282 (N. '95). Sonnets of the Playhouse. (H. W. Charlesworth) Canad. Mo. I : 558 (S. '93). Sothern, E. A., Obituary of. Harper 72 : 790 (Ap. '86). Sothem, E. H. (M. Aldrich) Arena 6: 517 (O. '92). (Southey, R.) Spanish Drama. Quart. 25 : i. Spanish Actors in Paris. Colburn 80: iii. Calderon and Lope de Vega. For, Quart. R. 31 : 502. Drama. (R. Southey) Quart. 25 : i. (A. H. Everett) No. Am. 38 : 166. (W. H. Prescott) No. Am. 70 : 28. (T. M. Watson) The. n. s. lo: 127. (J. R. Chorley) Eraser 59 : 543 ; 60 : 49, 423. Drama, Modern. Colburn 1 1 : 87, 180. Drama, Early. Am. Q. 4: 308. Blackw. 17: 641; 18: 680. Early, Interludes of. Colburn 5: 549. Playwrights, Early. St. James' 14: 24. Stage, Historical Characters of. Appleton 24 : i6o. Theatres. Quart. 59: 36. Dub. R. 13: 207. Appleton 23: 563- Spanish- American Burlesque. (E. Fawcett) Lakeside 4: 190. Speakman, Walter. The. '82, i : 344. (Spedding, J.) "Merchant of Venice." Cornh. 41 : 276. Same art. Appleton 23 : 450. (Speed, John Gilmer.) A Week in the New York Theatres. Forum 49: 118 (Mr. '95). (Spence, Edw. F.) Acting of Com^die Fran9aise. The. n. s. 22: 73 (Ag. '93)- (Spence, E. ) Shakspere's Comedy Heroines. The. n. s. 17 135- (Spence, A. M.) lago's Conscience. Poet Lore 5 : 194 (Ap. '93)- 68 C()c 3l9aga5inc anb t()c SDrama. (Spielhagen, F,) Modern German Drama and its Authors. Cosmop. 17: 177 (Je. '94). (Spink, Wm.) Shakspere as a Dramatic Model. National 6 : 384 (Nov. '85). Same art. Eel. M. 106: 86. (SpoflEbrd, A. R.) The French Drama. No, Am. 81 : 336. Stage, English. National 2: 412. (T. Taylor) Ev. Sat. 7: 193. Westm. 59: 89. (W. B. Reade) Galaxy 3: 271. Dark Blue 2 : 635. and the Poet. (Lady Pollock) Temp. Bar 44: 331. Anecdotes of. Eel. M. 26: 178. Annals of. Mod. R. 125 : 337. Anomalies. (H. S. Edwards) Macmil. 41 : 322. Same art. Appleton 23 : 358. Appointments. All the Year 10 : 229. Arrangements in Theaters. Appleton 3 : 589. Art To-Day. The. n. s. 24: 151 (O. '94). as a Trade. Sat. R. 76: 678 (D. 16, '93). As it Was. (H. W. Frost) Galaxy 16 : 483, 599. As it Was in 1850. Bentley 27 : 298. Banquets. Ev. Sat. 12 : 153. Bunn on the. Mod. R. 152: 459. Chronicles of the. (P. Fitzgerald) Month 43 : 81, 507; 42 : 71, 535- Costumes. (G. A. Sala) Belgra. 8 : loi. Door Lover, A. The. n. s. 19: 245 (My '92). Door, Through the. The. n. s. 25 : 63 (F. '95). Doors. All the Year 37 : 85. Dresses of i8th Cent. Chamb. J. 69: 789 (D. '92). Emotion. Bentley 51 : 45. English, Annals of. Chamb. J. 41 : 317. English, Early. (J. L. Stewart) Canad. Mo. 14 : 33. Temp. Bar 53 : 243. English, Grand Days of the. (Olive Logan) Harper 59 : 48. Enghsh, in Time of Charles IL Temp. Bar 53 : 554. Enghsh, Present State of (1871). Temp. Bar ;i^: 456. English, Present State of the (1874). Temp. Bar 40, 470. i €jjc 3r^aga5im anb tjc SDrama. 169 stage, English, Recollections of Planche. Temp. Bar 36 : 391, English, Reminiscences of. Temp. Bar il : 135. Entrances. Round and About. (H. Louther) Tinsley 26 : 381. French and the French People. Mod. R. 155 : 43. French and the Revolution. Cornh. 39: 442. French, Some Eccentricities of the. Temp. Bar 41 : 263. Same art. Ev. Sat. 16 : 598. Glance at. (W. H. Pollock) National 5 : 646 (Jl. '85). Going on the. St. James' 23 : 609. Impromptus. Chamb. J. 43 : 177. Same art. Ev. Sat. i: 377- in Relation to the Fine Arts. Victoria 17 : 362. in Shakspere's Day. (Wm. Poel) National 15 : 782 (Ag. '90). Literature, Recent. (J. B. Runnion) Dial (Ch.) 2 : 259. Lovers. Ev. Sat. 10: 282. Low Life on. (R. Ogilvy) Once a Week 17 : 408, 42S. MetropoHtan. Blackvv. 48 : 234. Misconceptions about the. (H. Irving) 19th Cent. 32: 670 (O. '92). Modern. Harper 72: 80$ (Ap. '86). Modern. Mod. R. 163 : 406. Morality and the Ballet. Blackw. 105 : 354. Same art. Eel. M. 72 : 620. of To-Day (1870). St. James' 25 : 49. of To-Day. The. n. s. 24 : 99 (S. '94). Old. Chamb. J. 43 : 379. On and Off the. (Peyton Wrey) Lond. Soc. 29 : 68. (J. B. Runnion) Lakeside 2 : 299. On the Stage. Harper 28 : 364 (F. '64). One Night on the. (H. Downes) Once a Week 1 : 295, 317- Personal Requisites for. (Rose Coghlan) Godey's 127: 754 (D- '93)- Ping Kee's View of. Blackw. 57 : 415. Pity the Poor Drama. St, Paul's 10 : 505. 22 70 €I)c 09a5a5inc anb tfje ^ama» stage, Players and Playhouses. St. Paul's 3 : 35. Plumptre on. (J. Foster) Ed. R. 10: 1031. Politics on. Colburn 135 : IIO. Privileges of. (R. Bell) St. James' I : 317. Properties. (D. Cook) Belgra. 35 : 282. Queen and the Squire. Cornh. 3 : 517, 681. Questions Connected with. (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 25 : 329 (Je. '95). Recollections. (R. R. Noel) Fraser 91 : 326. Saints of. Cornh. 15 : 429. Scenery of. Art J. 2 : 127, 232 ; 4 : 158, 261 ; 5 : 228 ; 7 : 212. Secret Regions of. (Olive Logan) Harper 48 : 628. Slips on. Cornh. 15 : 665. Society on. Lond. Soc. 17: 193. State of. Fraser 17: 156. Stars, Seven Notable American. (A. L. Samson) Met- rop. 4 : 366 (D. '96). Storms. All the Year 28 : 304. Struck. (H. D. Traill) National 19: 457 (Je. '92). Supers on. Chamb. J. 55 : 332. Swindles. St. James' 23 : 140. Tendencies of. (Dr. Walker) Evang. R. 8 : 564. The, and Nature. (J. Weiss) Putnam 14 : 63. The, Murdoch on. (J. B. Runnion) Dial (Ch.) i : 107. Thunder. (D. Cook) Once a Week 14: 685. Traditions. All the Year 39 : 533. Use and Abuse of. (J. M. MacCarthy) Cath. World. 15=836. Whispers. 26: 468. Ev. Sat. il : 455. Writers Against. (J. W. (Cole) Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 38 : 272. Stalls, The, the Pit and the Critics. (E. Ballantyne) The. n. s. 16 : 20. See also " Gallery" etc. (Stedman, E. C.) Edwin Booth. Atlan. 17: 585. (Steel, F. E. M.) Dramatic Recitation. Westm. 132: 530. €fte Sl^aga^mc anti t^e 2Dirama» 17 ^ (Stephens, H. B.) Modern Theatres and Intellectuality. Canad. Mo. 17: 368. (Stevens, G. W.) The New Henrik Ibsen. New R. 12: 39 (J^- '95)' Same art. Liv. Age 205 : 239 (Ap. 27, '95)- (Stevenson, E. I.) College Theatricals. No. Am. 158: 510 (Ap. '94). Stevenson, Robert Louis, as a Dramatist. (L. Johnson) Acad. 43: 473 (Je. 3, '93). (Stewart, J. L.) Early English Stage. Canad. Mo. 14: 33. Stirling, Mrs. (Fanny Clifton). The. '83, i : 385. (Arthur Escott) The. n. s. 27: 86 (F. '96). Sullivan, Sir Arthur. Dub. Univ. 94: 485. (K. Field) Scrib. 18 : 904. (Stockton, John D.) Charlotte Cushman. Scrib. 12 : 262 (Je. '76). (Stoddard, Alfred.) Sydney Armstrong. Lippinc. 51 : 104 (Ja. '93)- Julia Marlowe. Lippinc. 48 : 306. E. S. Willard. Lippinc. 51 : 768 (Je. '93). (Stoddard, Chas. Warren.) Behind the Scenes. Atlan. 34: 527 (N. '84). Drama in Honolulu. Overland n. s. 2 : 118. (Stoker, Bram.) Actor Management. 19th Cent. 26: 1040 (Je. '90). Dramatic Criticism. No. Am. 158: 325 (Mr. '94). Storms on the Stage. Ev. Sat. 13 : 269. (Stoughton, J.) William Shakspere. Leis. Hour 13 : 215, 279. " Strafford." See " Browning:' (Strobel, A.) Com^die Fran9aise. Murray 6: 335. Same art. Eel. M. 113: 552. Strolling Players. See " flayers." (St. John, J. A.) Lady Macbeth. Eel. M. 16: 202. 72 €^c sr^aga^mc anti tjjc SDrama* (Street, J. M.) " Coriolanus." N. Eng. M. 51 : 260. (Stuart, C.) Clara Morris. The. '81, i : 145. (Stuart, Wm.) John S. Clarke. Lippinc. 18: 497. (Sturgess, Beatrice.) Some Famous Juliets. Peterson n. s. 6: 1065 (O. '96). Sturgis, Julian. Comedies. Spec. 55 : 445. Spec. 55 : 960. Sat. R. 53 : 675. (Sturgis, J. R.) Shaksperian Revivals in London. Internat. R. 6 : 650. (Stutzer, A.) Theatre in Germany. Belgra. 6 : 476; 28: 476. Subsidized Theatres. See " National Theatre^'' etc. Suburban Theatres. (H. Elliott) The. n. s. 26: 273 (N. '95)- Success on the Stage. (J. McCuUough, J. Jefferson, Maggie Mitchell, Modjeska, L. Barrett, Wm. Warren) No. Am. (Je. '90). Sudermann, Hermann. (Miss Braddon) National 21 : 751 (Ag- '93)- "Die Ehre." Quart. 182: 399 (O. '95). (Miss Braddon) The. n. s. 25 : 131 (Mr. '95). "Heimath." Quart. 142: 399 (O. '95). Sullivan, Sir Arthur. (K. Field) Scrib. iS: 904. See also " Gilbert and Sullivan." (Sullivan, M. F.) Origin of the Drama. Month 50: 554. " Supe," Amateur, Story of an. (R. Keeler) Atlan. 32 : 77. *' Supers" at the Theatre. All the Year 27 : 438. Supernumeraries, Gentlemen, in Canada. The. n. s. 26 : 277 (N. '95)- Swedish Drama. For. Quar, R. 2: 208. Lippinc. 15: 123 (Ja. '75)- See ^"^ Norwegian Drama." Sweden, Drama in. The. n. s. 27 : 340 (Ja. '96). Swordsmansbip, Stage. (W. H. Pollock) The. n. s. 27 : 321 (Je. '96). €l)c 2l9^ga$inc anb tjc SDrama. 173 Taber, Julia Marlowe, Mrs. (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 48 : 306. (B. Fletcher) Godey 132 : 589 (Je. '96). as Rosalind. Poet Lore i : 141 (Mr. '89). Tableaux, A Chapter on. Scribner : (N. '80). (Talbot, F.) Trades and Crafts of Shakspere. Belgra. 26: 49. Talent and Genius on the Stage. (G. Barlow) Contemp. 62 : 385 (D. '92). (Talfourd, T. N. ) Hazlitt's Lectures on the Drama. Ed. R. 34 : 438. Talfourd, T. Noon. Athenian Captive : a Tragedy. Ed. R. 68 : 181. Mod. R. 146: 173. Dub. R. 5:224. Ion : a Tragedy. Quart. 54 : 505. Ed. R. 63 : 143. Blackw. 126: 419. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 44: 485. (T. D. Woolsey) Chr. Q. Spec. 10: 156. Fraser 14: 218. Colburn 47: 342. So. Lit. J. 4: 289. (E. A. Meredith) Canad. Mo. 8 : 38. Talma, Frangois Joseph, and the Dramatic Art. (E. A. Mathieu) The. '83, i : 265. Blackw. 18 : 297. All the Year 40 : 183. Temp. Bar. 47 : 27. Same art. Eel. M. 87: 205. Dub. Univ. 48: 704. Same art. Eel. M. 40: 216. Colburn 5 : 12 ; 56 : 1$ ; 72 : 536. As an Actor. Ev. Sat. 10 : 334. "Taming of the Shrew." Harper 75 : 152 (Je. '87). (F. A. Marshall and P. Fitzgerald) The. n. s. 12 : 10. Temp. Bar. 35 : 539. All the Year 44: 511. (D. J. Snider) Western 2 : 321. (Mrs. A. Gowing) The. n. s. H: 188. (A. Lang) Harper 90 : 89 (D. '94). (Tawse, G.) First Appearance of Mrs. Kendal in London. The. n. s. il : 33. (Taylor, T.) Shortcomings of English Theatre. Dark Blue I : 746. English Stage. Ev. Sat. 7 : 193. (Taylor, W. M.) The Essentials of Eloquence. Princ. 3: 177. 74 €{)c im^^ga^mc anti tfjc 2Drama. "Tempest." (A. Lang) Harper 84: 653 (Ap. '92). (F. A. March) Nation 55 : 112 (Ag. 11, '92). Burnand's Burlesque on. Sat. R. 56 : 275. Miranda and Ferdinand, Caliban and Ariel (W. J. Rolfe) Poet Lore 3 : 190. Montague on. Sat. R. 55 : 590. On the Stage. (A. Brereton) The. n. s. 10 : 59. (Ten Brock, A.) Passion Play at Ober Ammergau. Hours at Home 3: 527. Tendencies of Shakspere. All the Year 46 : 38. Same art. Appleton 25 : 144. Tennyson, Lord Alfred. Ed. R. 145 : 383. " Becket." Ath. '85, i : 7. Sat. R. 58 : 757 ; 75 : 145 (F. '93). Spec. 57: 1699. Blackw. 138: 57. Eel. M. 105: 418, Macmil. 51 : 287 (F. '85). (M. F. Egan) Cath. W. 42: 382. (J. W. Mackail) Acad. 26: 421. (F. Hawkins) The. '85, 1 : 53. (C. Nicholson) The Month 35 : 309. "Becket" at the Lyceum. Spec. 70: 253 (F. '25, '93). (F. Wedmore) Acad. 43 = I5« (F- 18, '93). (J- Hatton) Art J. 45 : 105 (Ap. '93). "The Cup" and "The Falcon." Spec. 57: 316. Ath. '84, I : 310. Appleton 25 : 253. St. James' 48 : 195. "Promise of May." Sat. R. 54: 670. Spec. 55: 1474. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 22 : 370. Harper 66 : 269 (F. '83). "Queen Mary." Quart. 139: 231 (JI.'75). Greek Drama vs. French. 19th Cent. 7 : 58. "Harold." (H. James, Jr.) Nation 24: 43. (G. Bloede) Western 3 : 430. Chr. Obs. 77 : 308. Terriss, William. The. '82, 2 : 332 ; '83, i : 329 ; n. s. 25 : 224 (Ap. '95)- as Romeo. The. '85, l : 16. Ellaline. The. n. s. 23 : 130 (Mr. '94). Terry, Edward. The. n. s. 19 : 47 (Ja. '92). Terry, Ellen. The. '78, 2: i, 15; '83,2: 30. (D. Cook) The. '80, I : 340. The. n. s. 25 : 160 (Mr. '95). (E. M. McKenna) McClure 2: 457 (Ap. '94). ^Tfte ^a0a5inc anb rtje 2Drama, 175 Terry, Ellen, as Beatrice. (W. D. Adams) The. '80, 2 : 216. as Portia. The. '80, i : 49. as Queen Catharine. The. n. s. 19 : loi (F. '92). Bernhardt, Duse, and. (Maud Andrews) New Bohemian 2: 184 (My. '96). Irving and. Harper 69 : 303 (Ag. '84). See also *^ Irving.'''' Terry, Fred. Mr. and Mrs. (Julia Neilson). The. n. s. 24: 102, 118 (S. '94). (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 19 : 109 (S. '92). Terry, Marion. The. '78,2: 267; '83, I: 94; n. s. 25: 197 (Ap. '95). as Mrs. Erlyne. The. n. s. 19: 201 (Ap. '92). Tercentenary of Shakspere. (M.D.Conway) Harper 29 : 337. N. E. Reg. 18: 319. Brit. Quar. R. 29: 253. Text of Shakspere. (R. G. White) Atlan. 8 : 257. So. Lit. Mess. 3: 761, Improvements in. (J.W. (Cole) Calcraft) Dub. Univ. 41 : 356. (Tetley, A.) Humor of Moli^re. Macmil. 56: 190. Thackeray, Wm. M., and the Theater. (D. Cook) Longm. 4 : 409. Same art. Critic 5 : 80, 92. Dramatic Adaptation of Works of. (C. P. Johnson) Ath. 2: 107, 171 (Jl. and Ag. '92). Theater, an American Endowed. (Fredk. Ives Carpenter): Dial (Ch.) 21 (O. i, '96). Architecture of. (E. A. E. Woodrow.) Am. Arch. 44: 18, 59, 119; 45: 35. 71; 46: 24, 124 (Ap.-D.'94). Author and. (Geo. P. Lathrop) Dr. Mirror 24: 600 (Je. 28, '90). Buildings. (J. Hollingshead) The. n. s. 28: 73 (Ag. '96). Building, Regulations for. Am. Arch. 36: 38, 103; 38: 22, iiS (Ap. 16 and My. 4, '92). 76 Cjjc a^aga^inc anti t^t SDrama* Theater, and the Church. (J. Dyer) Penn Mo. 10 : 374. Duty of the Church as to the. (N. Hall; H. C. Shuttle- worth) Chr. Lit. II: 302 (S. '94). and the Clergy. (A. T. Davidson) Macmil. 37: 497. of Our Day. All the Year 42 : 346. Going. Cong. 2 : 305, 434. Half Price at 9 o'clock. (D. Cook) Once a Week 17: 759- How Can It Be Improved? Chr. Obs. 51 : 297, 450. How to Enjoy the. (J. J. Wood) The. n. s. 20 : 15 (Je. '92). Influence of, on Dramatic Art. Lon. M. i : 146. Minor, Humors of. (F. A. Guthrie) Harper 76: 727 (Ap. '88). Mission of. St. James' 45 : 75. Modern and Attic Tragedy. (S. D. Hillman) Meth. Q. 18 • 335- Revival of Modern. Temp. Bar 44: 199. Our, a Word About. Fraser57: 231. Picnic at Gateshead, Eng. (1892). Spec. 68: l2(Ap. '92). Royal, Little Pedlington. (J.Poole) Colburn 49: loi, 557- Spence at Fiesole. Temp. Bar 13 : 258. The. Ch. R. 2: 393. Ed. R. 90: 129. of To-Day. (C. Maynard) Cosmop. 12: 725 (Ap. '92). in Time of Shakspere. (K. Blind) Acad. 33 : 390. Theaters. (O. B. Frothingham) Nation 2 : 428. Irish Q. 6: 983- and Actors of London. (W. Thornbury) Belgra. 7 : 360, 546; 8: 70,230,394; 10: 104,248,512. and Dramatic Reform. (G. H. Lewes) Ed. R. 78: 382. and Music Halls. (J. M. Browne) Argosy 2: 117. and Music Halls in England, Difference between. Spec. 68: 673 (My. 14, '92). Bad Air in. (C. S. Montgomery) Engin. M. 3 : 190. Classifying. (G. H. Lewes) Ed. R. 78: 382 (0. '43). €l)e 9[9aga$mc anti t!|c SDrama. 177 Theaters, Construction and Interior Arrangement of. (C. J. Hexamer) J. Frank. Inst. 134: 43 (Jl. '92). Grand, and Opera House. (P. Fitzgerald) The n. s. 24: III (S. '94). Hall, and Audiences. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. 149: 429 (O. '89). vs. Music Halls. Sat. R. 71 : 320, 672. 2000 Years Ago. (G. F. Sigmund) Luth. Q. 3: 124. English. Dark Blue 2 : 626. Ev. Sat. 5 : 814. Th6atre, Fran9ais. Quart. 139: 138. and its Soci^taires. (Mile. Blaze de Bury). 19th Cent. 25: 795 (Je. '89)531: 72 (Jl. '89). Theatrical Lawsuits. (G. A. Aitken) Acad. 36: 135, 168. Year, R6sum^ of, 1891-92. (W. Adams) The. n. s. 20: 49 (Ag. '92). Thespian Casts. Tinsley 18 : 71, 587. The Indignation of Mr. Clement Scott. The. n. s. 26: 126 (S. '95)- "The Players." Critic 14: 9. The Stage. ( W. F. Apthorp) Atlan. 30 : 248. Three Centuries of Shakspere. Nat. Q. 17: 277. Thomas, Ambroise. (J. A. F. Maitland) The. n. s. 27 : 140 (Mr. '96). Thomas, Charles. "The Scarecrow." The. n. s. 14: 35. (Thomas, F. R.) Spare Minutes with Moli^re. Victoria 31: 118,306; 32: 36,438. (Thomas, M.) Age of Hamlet. Ath. '84, 2: 703. Thomas, Mrs. Moy. (H. S. Clarke) The. '85, 2 : 13. (Thompson, F.) Controversy about Macbeth. Dub, R. 105 : 140. (Thompson, J. P.) Rip Van Winkle Legend. Harper 67: 617. (Thornberry, J.) Players and Playgoers of Twenty-five Years Ago. Galaxy 21 : 581. 23 78 €IJc a^aga^inc anti t^t aDrania. (Thornbury, W.) London Theatres and Actors. Belgra. 7: 360, 546; 8: 70, 230, 394; 10: 104, 248, 512. (Thorns, W. J.) German Drama and Early English. Col- burn 61 : 19. (Thorpe, Otway.) Juliet. The. n. s. 22: 253 (N. '93). (Thorpe, Win ton.) Peculiarity of French Stage. The. n. s. 24: 51 (Ag. '94). Tilbury, Zeffie, in " Ruth's Romance." The. '85, i: 247, 260. "Titus Andronicus." Knowl. 11 : 99. (F. Robinson) Contemp. 65: 392 (Mr. '94). Same art Eel. M. 121: 547 (Ap. '94)- Also Liv. Age 201, 233 (Ap. '94). (R. G. Latham) Eraser 82: 361. (Todd, C. B.) Fanny Kemble at Lennox. Lippinc. 52: 66 (Jl- '93)- Toilers of the Stage. (Alphonse Daudet) The. n. s. 24 : I (Jl. '94). (Tolman, x\. H.) Studies in Macbeth. Atlan. 69: 241 (F. '92). (Tompkins, I. G.) Women of Shakspere. Chaut. 16: 74 (O. '92). Toole, John Lawrence. The. '79, 2 : 151. The. '80, i : 317. Once a Week, 26 : 233. Tinsley, 14: 221. Ev. Sat. 15 : 442. (J. Knight) The. '80, i : 24. Reminiscences. Spec. 68 : 782 (Je. 4, '92). Humor, New, and Non-Humorists. National 21 : 449 (Je. '73)- (Towle, G. M.) G. H. Lewes. Appleton 5: 133. (Townsend, H.) American Theatres. Am. Arch. 35: 28 (Ja. 9, '92). (Townsend, W.) Clown in "Twelfth Night." Canad. Mo. 4: 59 (N. '94). (Towse, J. Rankin.) Edwin Booth. Nation 56: 434 (Je. 13, '93)- Eleanora Duse. Cent. 51 : 130 (N. '95). John Gilbert. Cent. 13 : 378. Z^c Si^aga^mc anb tljc SDtama. 179 (Towse, J. Rankin.) Henry Irving. Cent. 5 : 660 (Mr. '84). Henry Irving in " The Bells." Nation 37 : 369. Joseph Jefferson as Caleb Plummer. Cent. 5 : 476 (Je. '84). Helena Modjeska. Cent. $: 22 (N. '83). Trade Unionism for Actors. Sat. R. 71 : 129. Tragedy, Aristotle's Definition of. (A. Fryers) The. n. s. 17: 227. What is a? (H. Caine and R. Buchanan) Acad. 34: IS. 3°- Decline of. (C. T. Congdon) Harper 29 : 745 (N. '64). Rymer on. (T. N. Talfourd) Retros. I : I. Tragedy Writers and Writing. The. n. s. 20: 529 (O. '92). Tragedies, Recent. (G. H. Lewes) Westm. 37 : 321. (Traill, H. D.) Irving's Becket. National 21 : 14 (Mr. '93). Literary Drama. National 5 : 502. Realism in the Modern Drama. 19th Cent. 36: 864 (D. '94)- Stage Struck. National 19: 457 (Je. '92). H. B. Tree's Hamlet. National 19: 225 (Ap. '92). Training, Social, for Actors. (C. Armstrong) The. n. s. 26: 130 (S. '95). Tree, Herbert Beerbohm. The. '81, l : 52; '84,2: 71,107. (G. Parker) Lippinc. 55: 117 (Ja. '95). The. n. s. 19: 175 (Ap. '92). as Svengali in "Trilby." The. n. s. 26: 316. (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 19: 69 (F. '92). as Hamlet. Ath. '92, 1 : 189 (F. '92). Gent. M. n. s. 48: 316 (Mr. '92). Spec. 68: 398 (Ap. '92). (H. D. Traill) National 19: 225 (Ap. '92). (Tree, Herbert Beerbohm.) Actors as Managers. Fortn. 54:1. Hamlet from an Actor's Prompt book. Fortn. (Dec. '95). on the Drama. Spec. 67: 841. So Cjje 3r^aga$mc anb tfje SDrama* (Tree, Herbert Beerbohm.) on Henrik Ibsen. Gent. M. n. s. 48 : 103 (Ja. '92). Should Dramatic Critics Write Plays ? The. n. s. 26 : 317 (D- '95)- The Production of Literary Plays. Fortn. 54: 925. Tree, Mr. and Mrs., at the Haymarket. (W. A. L. Bettany) The. 23: 75(F. '94)- Tree, Mrs. Beerbohm. The. n, s. 28: 59 (Ag. '96). Tree's Monday Nights of Literary Plays, Mr. Fortn. 54: 925. Tricks of the Trade. (Mrs. Minnie Maddern Fiske) Dr. Mirror 23 : 589 (Ap. 12, '90). " Trilby." See " George Du Matirier." (Trollope, A.) George H. Lewes. Fortn. 31:15. Same art. Liv. Age 140 : 307. (Trollope, H. M.) French Drama. Macmil. 31 : 522. J. B. P. MoHere. Fraser 169: 273. Moli^re, D^but on the Stage. Blackw. 150: 4S6. " Le Misanthrope." Gent. M. n. s. 40: 192. "Tartufe." Blackw. 154: 641 (N. '93). (Trumbull, Jonathan.) Walt Whitman's View of Shakspere. Poet Lore 2 : 368 (Jl. '90). (Trux, J. J.) Negro Minstrelsy. Putnam 5 : 73. Turner, Chas. T. (A. B. Grosart) Leis. Hour 24: 711. (Turner, Godfrey.) Amusement of the English People. 19th Cent. 2: 820 (D. '77). Dickens and the Play. The. '85, i : 171. Falstaff's Letters. The. '85, 2 : 291. Pantomime Clowns. The. '84, i : 194. Theaters of London. The. n. s. 14: 65. (Turner, H.) Recollections of John Ryder. The. '85, i : 222. (Tweedie, Mrs. Alex.) Bjornsen and Ibsen. Temp. Bar 98: 536 (Ag. '93). (Twiss, H.) Mrs. Charles Mathews. Bentley22: 93. C!)c 9[^aga5inc anb tfjc SDtama, iSi "Two Gentlemen of Verona." (D. J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. id: 194. (A. M. Lethe) Acad. (Syr.) 7: 24 (F. '92). (Tyrwhitt, R. St. J.) Passion Play and Symbolic Christianity. Contemp. 18 : 234. (TJpson, A. J.) Frances Anne Kemble in America. Critic 22 : 152 (Mr. II, '93). Vanbrugh, Violet. The. n. s. 25 : 5 (Ja. '95). (Van de Velde, Mme.) Alex. Dumas, Ji/s. Fortn. (Ja. '96): (Vandam, A. D.) Comedie Fran9aise of To-Day. New R. 9 : 314 (S. '93). Adaptation. Tinsley 19 : 499. (Van Rensselaer, W. G.) Sarah Bernhardt. Lippinc. 27: 180 (F. '81). (Venables, Gilbert.) Ophelia's Madness. National 4 : 853 (F. '85). (Venning, K.) Emotional Acting in Paris. The. n. s. 10: 240. Bernhardt as La Tosca. The. n. s. II : 46; 12 : 97. The. 20 : 46 : 21 : 97. Critic 18 : 85. Dramatic Criticism in Paris. The. n. s. 10 : 193. Vestris, Marie Augusta. (T. P. Grinstead) Bentley 40 : 255. Same art. Eel. M. 39^: 346. Voice, Culture of. Allan. 63 : 568. See £/oc7(h'on," etc. American Conversational. Why it is Bad. (F. Osgood) Forum 19 : 501 (Je. '95). Training of. Allan. 62 : 715. Vanderfelt, E. H., as Judah. The. n. s. 19: 152 (Mr. '92). Vaughan, Kate. (K. HoUingshead) The. n. s. 27 : 257 (My. '96). (Verney, Lady F. P.) Mysteries and Moralities. Conlemp. 25 : 595. 82 OTlJc a9a0a5tnc anb tfjc SDrama* Ventilation of New Paris Theatres. (A. Morin) J. Frank. Inst. 76: 369. Ventilating, Warming, and Fire-Proofing of Theatres. J. Frank. Inst. 76 : 170. Wagner as a Dramatist. (E. Rose) Fraser (99: 519). (Wagner, Leopold.) Dramatic Illusion. The. n. s. 26: 87 (Ag. '95)- Playwriting, Past and Present. The. n. s. 28: 66 (Ag. '96). (Waldstein, Chas. D.) Court Theatre of Meiningen. Har- per 82 : 743. (Walker, Dr.) Autobiography of Mrs. Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie. Howitt 3 : 146,168,181. Tendencies of the Stage. Evang. R. 8 : 564. (Walkley, A. B.) Enghsh Drama. Cosmopolis i : 88 (Ja. '96). Maid Marian on the Stage. The. n. s. 19: 277 (My. '92). Some Plays of the Day. Fortn. 59: 468 (Ap. '93). Theatres in London. Cosmopolis 4 : 74 (O. '96). The Public as Fetish. The. n. s. 24: 283 (D. '94). (Wall, A. H.) Actor-Managers. Lond. Soc. 43: 296. (Wall, J. W.) Rise and Progress of the Drama. Knick. 44 : 59- Wallack, Elliston and. (J. H. Siddons) Harper 25 : 73 (Je. '62). Wallack, J. W. Harper 24 : 73. (Wallack, Lester. ) Memories of the Last Fifty Years. Scrib. 4 : 411, 582, 719 (O., N. and D. '88). Waller, Lewis. The. n. s. 24: 248 (N. '94). (W. A. L. Bettany) The. n. s. 20: 109 (S. '92). (Waller, W. F.) Sardou's "Cl^opatre." The. '83, I: 85, 362, 378. (Wallis, D.) At the Music Hall. Longm. 22: 163 (Je. '93). ^l)c 2t9aga5inc anb tf^e SDrama. 183 (Walsh, W. S.) Beauties on the American Stage. Cosmop. 14: 294 (Ja. '93). (Walters, F.) "Hamlet" and" Tempest," Mod. R. 3: 818. (Walton, C.) Ophelia. Poet Lore 3 : 569. (Walton, J. P.) The Stage as an Educator. Westm. 142: 567 (N. '94). Ward, Genevieve. Victoria 31 : 153. The. '80,1: 193; n. s. 26: 69 (Ag. '95). in "Forget-Me-Not." (K. Field) Critic i: 67. Ward on English Dramatic Literature. (W. B. Donne) Mac- mil- 33: 314- Warden, Florence. "House on the Marsh." Lit. World (Bost.)i5: 325. The. '85, 2: 1,53. (Ware, H., Jr.) The Drama. No. Am. 45 : 313, 335. Waring, Herbert. (W. Rutty) The. n. s. 20: 109 (S. '92) ; 24 : 29 (Jl. '94) ; 25 : 349 (Je. '95). The. n. s. 24: 164(0. '94). (Warner, C. D.) People for whom Shakspere Wrote. Allan. 43: 729; 44: 44. Warner, Chas. The. '79, i : 109 ; '85, 2 : 307, 340. The. n. s. 27: 343 (Je. '96). Warner, Miss Grace. The. n. s. 27 : 343 (Je. '96). Warren, Wm. (L. C. Davis) Atlan. 19: 750. Ev. Sat. 10: 330. (H. A. Clapp) Atlan. 62: 786. (Warren, Wm.) Success on the Stage. No. Am. 135: 580 (D. '82). Washington, George, on the French Stage. (T. Child) Lip- pinc. 19: 293 (Mr. '82). Watson, Alf. E. T. The. '86, i : 190. (Watson, C. W.) Merry Men of Shakspere. So. M. 16: 397.565; 17: 46. 84 €f)c Sl^aga^me anb tlje SDrama* (Watson, Malcomb.) Charity Matinees. The. n. s. 27: 216 (Ap. '96). Death of A. G. Reed and C. Green. The. n. s. 25 : 221 (Ap. '95). Mr. Grundy and the Critics. The. n. s. 24: l6l (0.'94). Spanish Drama. The. n. s. 10: 127. Turn of the Tide. The. n. s. 26: 134 (S. '95). Webster, Benjamin. The. n. s. 20: 23 (Jl. '92). (J. P. Simpson) The. '82, 2 : 83. Acad. 22 : 56. Webster, Benjamin, 2d, Mr. and Mrs. The. n. s. 26: 191 (O. '95). Wilde, Oscar. "Lady Windermere's Fan." Spec. 69: 767 (N. 6, '92). Wildenbruch, von, Ernst. Poet Lore 3: 481 (S. '91). (Wedmore, Frederick.) Mary Anderson in England. Acad. 24: 168. Mary Anderson in " Pygmalion and Galatea." Acad. 24 : 440. " Becket" at the Lyceum. Acad. 43 : 158 (F. 18, '93). Ada Cavendish. Acad. 48: 302 (O. 12, '95). " Claudian " on the Stage. Acad. 24 : 404. Obituary of Edw. Dutton Cook. Acad. 24 : 404. Revival of the Drama in London. 19th Cent. 13 : 217. "Jane Eyre " on the Stage. Acad. 23 : 33. " Fedora " on the Stage. Acad. 23 : 336. Henry Irving in " Romeo and Juliet." Acad. 21 : 200. " School for Scandal." Acad. 21 : 109. Irving's Macbeth. Acad. 35 : 14. "King Henry VHL" at the Lyceum. Eng. lUust. 9 : 291 (Ja. '92). W. S. Gilbert's "Ruddygore." Acad, 31 : 118. Zola and the Comddie FranQaise. Gent. M. n. s. 23 : 60. (Wedgwood, J.) Midsummer Night's Dream. Contemp. 57: 580. (Weiss, J.) The Stage and Nature. Putnam 14: 63. €^t ^a^t^im anb tfjc SDrama, 185 (Weigland, M.) Interpretations of Ibsen. Dial (Ch.) i6: 262 (My. I, '94). ("Westbrook, Raymond.) The Domestic Drama. Atlan. 41: 353 (Mr. '78). Westminster Abbey, Actors and Actresses in. Cornh. 67 : 373 (Ap. '93)- (Wheatley, H. B.) Story of "Romeo and Juliet." Antiq. n. s. 5 : 250 ; 6 : 246. "Measure for Measure." Antiq. n. s. 8 : 200. ("Wheeler, A. A.) " Macbeth " with Kelly's Music. Overland n. s. 7: 185. (Wheeler, A. C.) Actresses Who Have Become Peeresses. Cosmop. 20: 130 (D. '95). Dion Boucicault. Arena 3: 47 (D. 'go). Extinction of Shakspere. Arena l : 423. Wheeler, D. H. Lovers in Shakspere. Chaut. 15 : 558 (Ag. '92). (Whipple, E. P.) The Genius of Shakspere. Atlan. 20: 178. Old English Dramatists. No. Am. 6^ : 29. (White, M., Jr.) Sarah Bernhardt. Munsey 14: 323 (D. '95). (White, R. G.) Drama of the Period. Galaxy 8 : 678. Fechter's Hamlet. Nation ID: Il8. Fechter's Realism. Nation ID : 364. French Tragedy. Atlan. 47 : 827. Hamlet. Galaxy 9 : 535. King Lear. Atlan. 46 : 1 1 1 ; 48 : 824. Sarah Bernhardt. Atlan. 47 : 95. Stage Rosalinds. Atlan. 51 : 248. T. Salvini. Nation 17: 213. Text of Shakspere. Atlan. 8 : 257. The Art of Shakspere. Atlan. 3 : 657. "The School for Scandal." Atlan. 52 : 566. (Whitman, S.) German Drama. Chaut. 21 : 163 (My. '95). 24 1 86 (^{)c St^aga^inc anb tljc SDrama* (Whitman, W.) Shakspere's Historical Plays. Critic 4: " "White Rose." See " R. Buchanan,^'' etc. Whiteside, Walker, as Hamlet. (B. Fletcher) Godey 131 : 624 (D. '95). (Whitney, E.) Othello. N. Eng. M. 47: 412. (Whittaker, F.) Dramatic Canon. Galaxy 23 : 396, 508. Whytal, Russ. " For Fair Virginia." (Beaumont Fletcher) Godey 131 : 127 (Ag. '95). Wigs. All the Year 28 : 103. Leisure Hour, 20 : 300 ; 28 : 37, 61. (O. A. Bierstadt.) Lippinc. 35: 512. Wilde, Oscar, New Views of. (P. H. W. Almy) The. n. s. 24: 119 (Mr. '94). "Ideal Husband." (G. B. Shaw) Sat. R. 79 : 44 (Ja. 12, '95)- " Importance of Being in Earnest." (G. B. Shaw) Sat. R. 79: 249 (F. 23, '95). " Lady Windermere's Fan." Spec. 69 : 767 (N. 26, '92). The. n. s. 19 : 200 (Ap. '92). "Salome." Sat. R. 74: 18. Shakspere and Stage Costume. 19th Cent. 17: 800. Wilkinson, Tate. Temp. Bar 46: 24. (L. A. Lathrop) The. n. s. 23: 59 (F. '94). Willard, Edw. S. The. '83, 2 : 57, 91 ; n. s. 24: 185 (O. '94). (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 51: 768 (Je. '93). (W. D. Adams) The. n. s. 16: 161. as Dick Venables. The. n. s. 15 : 210. in "The Deacon." The. n. s. 16: 185. (Williams, A.) " Romeo and Juliet." Ath. '84, 2 : 465. Williams, Chas. Hanbury. Harper 37: 177 (Jl. '68). (Williams, F, H.) Acting of Coquelin. Amer. 16 : 38. (Williams, S. F.) Times and Associates of Shakspere. Lit. World (Bost.) 14: 196, 212, 230. Willis, Nathaniel P., Dramas of. (C. C. Felton) No. Am. 51: 141. Wilson, Francis, at Home. (A. H. Paine) Metrop. 4: 285 (N. '96). (Wilson, Francis.) "I Remember." Lippinc. 47: 116 (Ja. '91). (Wilson, H. S.) Aristophanes' " The Frogs." Acad. 41: 237 (Mr. 5, '92). Characters of Antony and Cleopatra. The. n. s. 19 : 59, 127. Discontents of a Dramatist. The. '86, i : 175. Gent. M. n. s. 36: 86. Same art. Li v. Age 168: 500 (F. '86). German Stage. Gent. M. n. s. 14: 687. Goethe as an Actor. Gent. M. n. s. 36 : 86. Same art. Liv. Age 168: 500 (F. '86). Goethe on Hamlet. Lond. Soc. 28 : 308. Guesses at Shakspere. Gent. M. n. s. 57: 423 (O. '96). Rachel, F. Lond. Soc. 25 : 222. Schiller's " Maria Stuart." The. '80, 2: 167. Shakspere Without End. Gent. M. n. s. 4: 428. The Non-Dramatic in Shakspere. Internat. R. 4: 751. Three Desperate Deaths in Shakspere. The. '85, i : 137. W. C. Macready. Lond. Soc. 25 : 222. (Wingate, Chas. E. L.) Our Actors and Their Preferences. Lippinc. 39: 339 (F. '87). Imogen on the Stage. Cosmop. 12 : 525 (Mr. '92). (Wingate, L.) Chinese and Japanese Theatres. Murray 2: 89, 232. (Wingfield, L.) Elizabeth Farren. The. '80, 2: 319. (Winsor, J.) David Garrick. Allan. 22: 79 (Jl. '68). Shakspere-Shapleigh Entanglement. Allan. 59 : 617. t88 Cjje iili^aga^ine anb t^t SDraina* "Winter's Tale," Mary Anderson in. See " Jfary Ander- son, ^^ etc. (W. Archer) The. n. s. lo: 214. Acad. 41: 18 (Ja. 2, '92). (A. Lang) Harper 88: 710 (Ap. '94). All the Year 41 : 321. (D. J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. 9 : 80. Stage History of. (W. Archer) 19th Cent. 12: 511. (Wills, W. G.) Dramatic License. The. '80, i : 199. (Winter, Wm.) The Actor and his Duty to his Time. The. 23: 134- Edwin Booth. Harper 63: 61 (Je. 81). Henry Irving. The. '84, 2 : 43, 86. Joseph Jefferson. Harper 73: 391 (Ag. '86). The Jeffersons. Cent. 2 : 468. Moral Influence of the Drama. No. Am. 136: 581. (Winton, A.) W.S.Gilbert. The. n. s. 14 : 71. (Withrow, W. H.) Early English Drama. Meth. R. 54: 534- Woffington, Margaret. Dub. Univ. 64: 180. (F. P. Cobbe) St. James' 43 : 807. Daly's Tribute to " Peg." Sat. R. 65 : 671. and G. A. Bellamy, Rival Actresses. Temp. Bar 52 : 316. Career of. (D. Cook) Once a Week 9 : 61. Margaret (" Peg "). Sat. R. 58 : 605. Recollections of. Colburn 52 : 383. Woman in Comedy. (C. T. Congdon) Harper 37: 507 (S. '68). Woman Characters of Moli^re. Pub. Opin. 21 : 63 (N. 12, '96). Women Dramatists. English Dom. M. 11 : 27. Women and Amateur Acting. (F. A. Matthews) No. Am. 159: 759 (D. '94)- as Dramatists. All the Year 75 : 296 (S. 29, '94). as Writers of Female Comedy. (H. EUiott) The. n. s. 27: 328 (Je. '96). Cfje a9aga$me anb tge SDrama, 189 Women in the Drama. Victoria l8: 552. Attending Theatre. Chr. Mo. Spec. 9 : 411. of Com^die Fran9aise. (E. A. de Wolfe) Cosmop. II : 643- Shakspere's, Portraiture of. (E. Dowden) Contemp. 47 : 517 (Ap. '85). Stage as a Profession for. (Mrs. L. Linton) National 5 : 8 (Mr. '85). (Wood, E. A.) Poor Yorick. The. n. s. 16: 313; 17: 77. (Wood, J. J.) How to Enjoy the Theatre. The. n. s. 20: IS (Je. '92). (Wood, W. P.) Dramatic Sensation. Lakeside 9: 9. (Woodberry, G. E.) Gilchrist's True Story of Hamlet. Nation 48 : 273. Shakspere in his own Theatre. Nation 43 : 140. Shaksperian Criticism. Nation 41 : 201. (Woodbourne, G. B. L.) English Actors, Her Majesty's Servants. Gent. M. n. s. 51 : 60 (Jl. '93). (Woods, G. B.) Charles A. Fechter. O. and N. I ; 514. (Woolsey, T. D. ) Talfourd's " Ion." Chr. Quart. Spec. 10 : 156. Woodward, Harry. Colburn 53 : 109. Work and Wages Behind the Scenes. (C. H. Lippington) National 17: 245. (Wotton, M. E.) Nathaniel Lee. The. '86, 2 : 76. (Wrey, P.) W. S. Gilbert. Lend. Soc. 27: 13. On and Off the Stage. Lond. Soc. 29 : 68. (Wright, H.) Shakspere as Theatre Proprietor. Antiq. 4: 142. (Wright, T.) Drama in Middle Ages. Bentley 38: 298. (Wurtzburg, C. A.) "As You Like It." Poet Lore 4: 31, 81 (Ja. and F, '92). "Much Ado About Nothing." Poet Lore 6: 491, 616 (O. and D. '94). t9o ^iic ^a^n^int anti tljc 2Dcama* (Wurtzburg, C. A.) " Much Ado About Nothing." Dramatic Passion in. Poet Lore 6: 550 (N. '94). " Much Ado About Nothing," Introduction to. Poet Lore 6 : 70 (F. '94). Wyndham, Charles, as Charles Surface. The. n. s. 17: 253. as David Garrick. (W. Calvert) The. n. s. 18: 9; 27: 194 (Ap. '96). in " London Assurance." The n. s. 17: 41. in " She Stoops to Conquer." The n. s. 15 : 311. as Bob Sacket. The. n. s. 19 : 50 (Ja. '92). as Peregrine Porter. The n. s. 19: 153 (Mr. '92). (Wyndham, Charles.) Actor Management. 19th Cent. 26 : 1040 (Je. '90). Tendencies of Modern Comedy. No. Am. 149: 607 (D. '87). (Yates, E.) At the Play. Temp. Bar 19: 476. Yohe, May. The. n. s. 23 : 26 (Ja. '94) ; 26 : 255 (N. '95). (Young, J. C.) Charles Mathews. Canad. Mo. 2 : 183, 274. Young, Sir Charles. "Linda Grey." The. n. s. 17: 254. (Young, Sir Charles.) The Drama. Once a Week 26: 318 348. (Zimmern, H.) T. Salvini on Shakspere. Gent. M. n. s. 32: 131. Zola, Emile. Attack on Modern Drama. (M. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. 9 : 160. Zola and the Comedie Fran9aise. (F. Wedmore) Gent. M. n. s. 23: 60. IP 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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