NGRAVED '^ WORK OF ASHER B. DURAND University of California • Berkeley CATALOGUE OF THE ENGRAVED WORK OF ASHER B. DURAND EXHIBITED AT THE GROLIER CLUB APRIL, MDCCCXCV Copyright, 1895, By The Grolier Club ASHER BROWN DURAND. IT is not too much to say that the nineteenth century has seen the decadence of the engrav- er's art, and that with its close the work of the burin will virtually have been relegated to the domain of the "lost arts." This is a mourn- ful reflection for those admirers of the graver who call to mind, passing in review, the superb works of such masters as Goltzius, Visscher, Bolswert, Drevet, Wille, Bervic, Morghen, Longhi, Toschi, Strange, Sharp and Durand. It is to the last of these illustrious names that we pay particular homage at this time and it is meet that this association should do so, as Asher Brown Durand is the only American engraver entitled to take his place and hold his rank with the famous ones mentioned. Mr. Durand was of French Huguenot extraction. He was bom in Jefferson Village, now called Ma- plewood, Essex County, New Jersey, August 21st, 1796, and death found him ninety years afterward, September 17th, 1886, on the land where he was born. His father was a mechanical genius with some ability at crude engraving, such as was in 4 INTRODUCTION vogue for adorning metal work during the first quarter of the century, and from him the son early imbibed a taste for the use of the tool which he was destined to employ with so much skill and suc- cess. Shortly after entering his seventeenth year Mr. Durand was apprenticed to Peter Maverick, a well- known letter-engraver of New York, to learn all the branches of the engraver's art, and the first work en- trusted to him was the lettering of a title-page for the " Pilgrim's Progress." The pupil soon outstripped the master, and when his apprenticeship ended, in 1817, he became his master's partner. During the three years of the partnership all the important work of the firm was done by the junior partner, and several specimens of Mr. Durand's engraving at this period, as also of his apprentice work, will be found in the present collection. There will be noticed also shop cards and ball tickets and diplo- mas, which show that he was not above following in the footsteps of Hogarth, Strange, Sharp and others in doing whatever, in those early days, came to his hand to do. His first original work, engraved direct from the painting, was " Old Pat " (No. 144), from a pic- ture by S. L. Waldo, now belonging to the Boston Athenaeum, Its excellence brought the engraver to the notice of Colonel Trumbull, who employed him, when only twenty-four years old, to engrave the large plate from his painting representing the moment when the committee that drew up the INTRODUCTION 5 Declaration of Independence advanced to the table to present the report to the President. This elabo- rate plate (No. 234), for which Mr. Durand was paid $3,000, occupied him more than three years, and, when published, at once established the engraver's reputation. It was not only the first important plate and the largest yet produced in this country, but it was also a remarkable production for so young a man with so little experience. It is worthy of note, in this connection, that there was no printer in this country at that time able to print the plate, and a competent plate printer had to be imported from England for the purpose. Fortunately, in those days we were too wise to enact alien labor laws. At this period engravers seem to have been the most profitably employed of our artists, if not in the execution of works of high art, at least in the per- petuation of portraits of individuals of greater or less importance, some local and others national. The large number of clergymen whose portraits were engraved by Mr. Durand show the religious ele- ment strongly working in our midst. Among them those of Alexander McLeod (No. 61) and the elo- quent John M. Mason (No. 66) are fine examples of the engraver's art, the latter comparing favor- ably with Sharp's Thomas Walker, considered one of the Englishman's great accomplishments in portraiture. While this is true of these early productions, they were mere heralds of what was to come. It is both interesting and instructive to follow and 6 INTRODUCTION observe the steady and continued advancement of Mr. Durand, in the progression of his work, during the eighteen years he labored at it, which show how carefully he studied the works of his great prede- cessors, in the field he had chosen for his own. Bervic's Louis XVI., Morghen's Moncado, com- monly called the White-horse, Strange's Charles I., in his robes, and Titian's Venus, Sharp's John Hun- ter and Doctors of the Church, were a few of his constant companions and guides. He was one of those thorough, conscientious workers who believe that whatever is worth doing is worth doing well ; and therefor he was ever striving onward, upward ; and if in his own modest opinion he did not attain the highest perfection of his art, in the opinion of others, more competent to judge than a man in his own case, he fully reached the pinnacle, when the Ariadne came from his hand. It was his valedic- tory to the burin, which he then forsook for canvas and color, and is as fine an example of line engrav- ing as this century has produced. It is by no means disparaging to Mr. Durand to say that his fame as an engraver overshadows his reputation as a painter, and doubtless will not only so continue, but will become more strongly accen- tuated by time. The reason for this is not difficult to find. As an engraver Asher Brown Durand is facile princeps among his countrymen and quite the peer of any of his European contemporaries ; while his most earnest admirers will not claim this exalted place for him among the painters of this INTRODUCTION 7 land. Nor in saying this are we saying as little as some may esteem. It is true that this country has not produced many engravers who have advanced beyond the mere mechanical dexterity of their craft. But it is no insignificant position, as long as we can point to Edwin, the American Bartolozzi in method though vastly superior in manner, for I have yet to see anything by the Italian-Englishman equal to Edwin's best heads after Stuart; to John Cheney, whose exquisitely delicate plates for the Gifts and Souvenirs of our fathers were valued then, but are even more highly prized now and have been likened, by a most com- petent critic, to beautiful sonnets ; to Burt, lately deceased ; and to Schoff, still among us, but using the needle in place of the graver. The high estimation in which Mr. Durand was held by his contemporaries as a man and as an artist, at a time when he was known only as an engraver, was shown on November 8th, 1825, when at a meeting held in the rooms of the New York Historical Society, to consider the formation of a society for improvement in drawing, which resulted in the foundation of the National Academy of Design, he was the unanimous choice of his brother artists to preside over their deliberations. And it is because Mr. Durand was such a thorough artist and such an exceptionally skillful draughtsman, that he became so eminent an engraver. Look at the delicate treatment shown in the por- trait of the old, old man, Charles Carroll of Car- 8 INTRODUCTION rollton (No. i8), so beautifully tender that when it was exhibited on the other side of Ocean, the quidnuncs there would not believe it had been ex- ecuted on this side. Observe the masterly strength in the patrician head of the artist John Trumbull (No. 107), and point to any head, by any engraver of any time, superior to it in all the qualities that go to make a great print. As has been said of Morghen's Mon- cado, after Van Dyke, " if either painting or en- graving had to disappear, it would be better in the interests of art to lose the former " ; so can be said of this head of Trumbull with even greater reason J for during the progress of the plate the venerable subject gave the engraver several sittings, with the result that the print is virtually an original portrait and far better than the painting. I have no hesita- tion in naming this plate as Mr. Durand's best work, and his reputation, or the reputation of any engraver, could safely rest upon it. In the eyes of some its size may render it too insignificant for such high commendation, but those persons need only to be reminded of the masterly miniatures by Malbone, and Cosway, and Humphreys, to see the error of their view. Mr. Durand was the pioneer in artistic bank-note work, and from 1824 to 1832, was largely occupied in designing and engraving vignettes, which were of a character and style so new in this department of art, as to give it an impetus which it has never since lost. The beauty of his designs and skill in INTRODUCTION 9 handling them appropriately may be seen in many proof specimens exhibited. The most noted achievements of Mr. Durand's burin are his two plates of the nude — Musidora (No. 236), after his own design, published in 1825. and the Ariadne (No. 237), after Vanderlyn's mas- terpiece, published a decade later — in both of which the rendering of the flesh is particularly successful. There was not only a daring boldness in essaying such works at that time, when the community hid its face from the delineation of the human figure, but there was a nobility of purpose, that carried the artist successfully through to their completion, that must win our admiration. I regret that space does not permit a more thorough consideration of these beautiful prints, which are sure to be appreciated by every lover of the refined and pure and chaste in art. These noble qualities are due, in the Musidora, wholly to Mr. Durand's elevated taste, as he was both designer and engraver, while in the Ariadne he has charmingly preserved these characteristics, in the finest nude figure yet painted by an American artist. Mr. Durand's engraved work is all done in pure line and is marked throughout by fine artistic feel- ing. His only deviation from this method was when he attempted a portrait in mezzotinto of his friend, Sylvester Graham, which was never completed, and is the only plate left by him unfinished. With the exception of this plate the present exhibition, composed chiefly of the engraver's reserved proofs. lO INTRODUCTION contains, as far as known, an impression from every plate he engraved, and, in many instances, the progress of the work can be traced through its successive stages. This is notably the case with the Ariadne, where nine states are shown, from the etching to the finished print. The catalogue, however, is not a perfect " Cata- logue Raisonn6," for only the exhibited states arc included. Mr. Durand did some work on two plates which are not exhibited here. Thrice, after he had relin- quished the use of the burin was he induced to take it up again on behalf of struggling brethren. For Schoff's fine print of Caius Marius on the ruins of Carthage, after Vanderlyn's Napoleon medal pic- ture, Mr. Durand engraved the head ; he also did the final work on the principal heads in Burt's careful copy of Morghen's " Last Supper," which bears the name of A. L. Dick, who did not do a line of the engraving, being only the pubhsher. The last time Mr. Durand employed the graver upon a plate, was when he gave the finishing touches to the por- trait, after his own painting, of his life-long friend, the poet Bryant, published by " The Century," in 1858 (No. 15). This interesting plate was bitten in by Burt, filled in by Schoff, completed by Alfred Jones to the proof before letter state, and finished by Durand, who gave it the refinement and feeling found in the fettered impressions. It seems almost superfluous even to mention Mr. Durand as a painter, so well known is he as the INTRODUCTION II founder of the American school of open-air land- scapists, he being the first of our artists to paint di- rect from nature. Before he was inspired by Cole to transfer to canvas the meadows and the woods, he was distinguished as a leader among the Amer- ican genre painters who, like Inman, Edmonds, Mount and others, without foreign influence, found at home good subjects to employ their pencils, which they rendered with great ability, and in a manner free and untrammeled as the air they breathed. All who wish to follow Mr. Durand's art career will find it delightfully portrayed, by his son, in a sumptuous volume recently issued, entitled " Life and Times of Asher Brown Durand, by John Durand," to which this exhibition catalogue is a fitting complement. C. H. HART. Note Rect. Rectangle Vig. Vignette H. Heighth W. Width Ins. Inscription All matter printed in Italics is exact transcript of the inscription on the plate. PORTRAITS OF A. B.DURAND DURAND, ASHER B. Bust facing }( to left ; stipple, oval, H. 7^ ; W. 6%. Inscribed, Waldo &^ Jewett pinx. / A. B. Duraftd. / Inciso in America . . . 1820 dal suo amico Michele Pekenino. . . . This plate was used later by Pekenino as a portrait of Bolivar, the oval being enclosed in a straight-ruled rectangle, H. io>^ ; W. 7^; the inscription was changed to : Bolivar, / General y President e de la Repicblica. / de Coldmbia. / (left) Favria, P. (right) St. Gior- gio Sc. 2 DURAND, ASHER B. Bust facing to left ; oval, H.7}4 ; W. 5^ ; in straight-ruled rectangle, the corners cut off. Ins. : (left) Painted by C. L. Elliott ; (right) Engraved by F. Halpin ; (below) Copyright, 1863, by S. P. Avery / Published by Sam. P, Avery, 6g4 Broadway, New York. 3 DURAND, ASHER B. Bust facing }i to left. Rect. H. 5^; W. 3^. Engraved by Alfred Jones for " The Life and Times of A. B. Durand," by John Durand. New York, 1804. PORTRAITS ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY Sixth President of the United States ; born 1767, died 1848 ; Minister to Holland, 1794 ; to Prus- sia, 1797 ; U. S. Senator from Massachusetts, 1803 ; Minister to Russia, 1809 ; Commissioner at Ghent ; Minister to England, 181 5 ; elected President, 1824. Full length, seated in library, facing to right, a book in lap and charts and books on floor. Rect. H. 2oys ; W. 13. Inscription : (left) Painted by T. Sully, (right) Eng. by A.B. Durand / John Quincy Adams. Open letter proof. Engraved in 1825, at the request of Thos. Sully, for W. H. Morgan, a printseller of Phil- adelphia, who paid $700 for the plate. The head in this picture was painted by Stuart. The original painting belongs to Harvard Col- lege. 5 BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM Naval officer ; born 1774, died 1833. Half length, in uniform, full face. Rect. H. 8^ ; W. 7>^. Inscription : (left) Painted l6 ENGRAVED WORK OF by J. Jarvis. (right) Engraved by Peter Maverick. / Commodore Bainbridge. / Pub- lished by P. Maverick, New York, 1820 / 6 BANGS, NATHAN Methodist clergyman ; born 1778, died 1862 ; President of Wesleyan College, 1841. Half length, seated at table, facing to left, right hand holding a pen. Rect. H. || ; W, 3J^. Inscription: (left) Painted by Para- dise; (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand / The Rev. Nathan Bangs, D.D. I. Trial proof before any inscription. II. As described. Engraved for the " Methodist Magazine and Quarterly Review," N. Y., 1830. 7 BARLOW, JOEL American author; born 1755, died 1813 ; pub- lished " The Vision of Columbus," 1787 ; " The Columbiad," 1807 ; Minister to France, 181 1. Half length, seated, facing to right, right hand holding a paper. Rect. H. \\\ ; W. 3)^. In- scription : (left) Painted by Robt. Fulton. (right) Eng. dy A. B. Durand / Joel Barlow. / (facsimile signature). I. Trial proof, face and hand in outline only. II. India proof, as described. Engraved for the National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, 1835. ASHER B. DURAND I7 8 BARNES, JOHN English actor; born 1781, died 1841 ; made first appearance in America, 18 16. Half length, in character, face to left. Rect. H« 3A ' W" 2ff, surrounded by triple line. Inscription : Mr. Barnes / as Billy Lacka- day / Engraved by A. B. Dur and from a painting by J. Neagle / Lopez &^ Wemyss' Edition / Published by A. R. Poole y Philada., 1826 / / This portrait, as well as those of Mrs. Barnes, Mr. Cowell, Mr. Duff, Mr. Forrest, Mr. Hilson, Mrs. Hilson and Mr. Macready, was engraved for a publication called " The Acting American Theatre." It was issued in parts and contained plates by Longacre, Du- rand, Ellis and Edwin. Durand received $75 for each plate he engraved. The originals of these pictures belong to The Players, Gramercy Park, New York. 9 BARNES, MARY GREENHILL English actress ; born 1780, died 1864 ; made first appearance in America, 18 16. Half length, face ^ to left. Rect. H. y/i ; W. 3, surrounded by triple line. Inscription : Mrs. Barnes / as Isabella. / Engraved by A. B. Durand from a painting by J. Neagle / . . . . /Published 1826 /..../ India proof. l8 ENGRAVED WORK OF lO BLAIR, HUGH Bust, in surplice, face ^ to left. Vig. H. 4 ; W. 3^. Inscription : (right) Durand sc. / Hugh Blair D.D. I. Proof. II. As published. Copied from a print. II BOUDINOT, ELIAS Lawyer; born 1740, died 1821 ; President of the Continental Congress, 1782 ; Director of the Mint at Philadelphia, 1795-1805. Half length, seated to left, face front, hold- ing paper in left hand. Rect. H. 12^; W. 9^, surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Painted by Waldo &» Jewett. (cen- tre) Copy Right secured April jo, 1822 (right) Engraved by A, B. Durand. / Elias Boudi- not L,L,D. I. Proof before any inscription. II. As described. 12 BRAITHWAITE, ANNA Religious enthusiast. Bust to right. Vig. H. 6^; W. 4J^. In- scription: (left) Painted by W. Dunlap. (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand. / Anna Braithwaite. / Prinfd by Burton. ASHER B. DURAND I9 BROOKS, JOHN Soldier ; born 1752, died 1825 ; served through- out the Revolution ; Governor of Massachusetts, 1816. Half length, in uniform, to right, seated, left arm resting on arm of chair. Rect. H. 4|| ; ^' SH' Inscription : Painted by G. C. Stuart. Eng. by A. B. Durand from a copy by James Herring / John Brooks. / (facsimile signature) / Copyright .... i8j4 by James Herring .... I. India proof before any inscription. II. As described. Engraved for National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, 1835. 14 BROWN, JACOB Soldier ; born 1775, died 1828 ; served in War of 1812. Half length, in uniform, full face, left hand, holding document and glove, resting on breast. Rect. H. 4^15^ ; W. 3>^. Inscription : Painted by J. W, Jarvis, Eng. by A. B. Durand from a copy by James Herring. / Jacob Brown / (facsimile signature) .... Copy- right . . . i8j4 by James Herring . . . I. Trial proof before any inscription. II. India proof before the name. 20 ENGRAVED WORK OF III. As described. Engraved for National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, 1835. 15 BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN American poet ; born 1794, died 1878 ; " Thana- topsis" published in the ** North American Re- view," 1817. Bust U to right ; in oval, H. 734: ; W. 5|| ; in straight-ruled rectangle,^, H. 8^ ; W. 7^^- Inscription : (facsimile) William Cullen Bryant I Painted by A. B. Durand / En- graved by Alfred Jones and S. A. Schoff / Published by the Century / Copyright 18^8 John Durand. I. Proof before all letter. II. Before the copyright line. III. As described. The final work on this plate was done by Durand. The head was etched on the plate by Charles Burt, filled in by Schoff and finished by Jones to the first state. 16 BYRON, LORD English poet ; born 1788, died 1824. Nearly to waist, to right, facing to left. Rect. H. 2^ ; W. 7.%, surrounded by double ASHER B. DURAND 21 line. Inscription : (left) Thos. Phillips R. A. pinxt. : (right) A. B. Durand sc. / Lord Byron. Engraved from a print for '* The Works of Lord Byron." Published by W. B. Gilley. 17 CANOVA, ANTONIO Italian sculptor ; born 1757, died 1822. A fragment of a vignette portrait. Copied from English engraving by J. Thomson, 1820. 18 CARROLL, CHARLES Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; born 1737, died 1832 ; first U. S. Senator from Mary- land. Half length, seated, full face. Rect. H. 4>i ; W. 3>^. Inscription; (^&i\) Painted by Har- ding (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. Charles Carroll of Carrollton / (facsimile of signa- ture) James Herring, New York. Entered according to act of Congress. I. Proof on India before any inscription. II. India proof, names of artist and en- graver, and Chas. Carroll of Car- rollton, in script. III. As described, on India. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans, 1835. 22 ENGRAVED WORK OF CLARK, LABAN Methodist clergyman ; born 1778, died 1868 ; founder of Wesleyan College and its first Presi- dent. Half length, seated, slightly to right. Vig. H. 4; W. 3^. Inscription: (^tii) Paradise pt. (right) Durand sc. / Rev. Laban Clark, / India proof. Engraved for the " Methodist Magazine," N. Y., 1828. 20 CLARKE, ADAM Methodist clergyman ; born 1762, died 1832. Bust, slightly to right. Vig. H. 6^ ; W. 4^. Inscription : (left) Painted by Partridge. (right) Engraved by Durand. / Adam Clarke, LL.D. / Published by Myers &> Smith, No. S9 Fulton Street, New York. I. On India before any inscription. II. On India as described. 21 CLINTON, DeWITT Statesman; born 1769, died 1828; New York State Senator, 1798 ; U. S. Senator, 1802 ; Mayor of New York, 1802 ; Governor, 181 7. Medallion, diameter 4^^, head in circle, pro- file to right. Inscription (left) : W. J. Coffee, feet, (right) A. B. Durand, sc. Below, four lines of facsimile of letter to Dr. Hosack, ASHER B. DURAND 2$ dated '* Albany, j April, 1817," signed, Dewitt Clinton. India proof. Engraved for " Memoir of De Witt Clinton " by D. Hosack, N. Y., 1829. 22 CLINTON, DeWITT Bust, facing to left. Rect. H. y/z; W. 2^' ; surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Henry Inman del. (right) A. B. Durand sc. / (facsimile). De Witt Clinton. Taken by permission from the original painted for C. G. Childs Esq. / Engraved for Harper s Family Library i8jo. India proof. 23 CLINTON, DeWITT • Half length, seated, full face, head resting on right hand. Rect. H. 4^ ; W. 2>-h- Inscrip- tion : (left) Painted by C. Ingham ; (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / De Witt Clinton / (fac- simile signature) / Copyright i834byy«w^. In- scription : (left) Painted by A. L. De Rose. (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand. Two lines in facsimile with signature, David Crockett. I. Proof on India before any inscription. II. As described. 30 DALCHO, FREDERICK Physician ; born 1770, died 1836 ; ordained as minister in Protestant Episcopal Church 1818. Bust, in surplice, slightly to right. Rect. H. 4y3^ ; W. 3jV. surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Painted by C. Eraser. (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. / The Rev. Dr. Dalcho. / Assistant Minister of St. Michael's Church &= Past Grand Chaplain ASHER B. DURAND 27 / Published by Order of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons in / South Carolina. I, India proof, with painter's and en- graver's names only. II. As described. Engraved in 1824. 31 DECATUR, STEPHEN Naval officer ; born 1779, died 1820. Three-quarter length, in uniform ; figure in profile, right hand resting on sword hilt. Rect. H. 4^ ; W. 3^. Inscription : Painted by T. Sully, Eng. by A. B. Dur and from a copy by fames Herring. / Stephen Decatur / facsimile signature / . . . . Copyright, . . . i8j_5 by fames Herring. I. Trial proof on India. II. India proof before the name. III. As described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. 32 DUFF, JOHN Irish actor; born 1787, died 1831 ; made first appearance in America in Boston, 18 10. Half length, in character; face to left. Rect. H. 3^^ ; W. 3^, surrounded by triple line. Inscription : Mr. Duff. / As Marmion / (scratched) Engraved by A. B. Durand from 28 ENGRAVED WORK OF a painting by J. Neagle / Lopez &^ JVemyss' Edition / Published by A. R. Poole, Philada. / 1826 / I. Trial proof on India as described. II. As issued; inscription fully engraved and reading : Printed by B. Rogers / Mr. Duff. / As Marmion / Engraved by A. B. Durand from a painting by J. Neagle / Lopez &^ IVefnyss' Edition / Published by A. R. Poole, Philada / 1826 / Copy Right secured. 33 EPICURUS Greek philosopher ; born 340 B.C., died 270 B.C. Profile bust, to right ; straight ruled back- ground surrounded by wreath ; in small wreath ; / Epicurus, (below) Durand Sc. Oval H. 4; W. 2^. Apprentice work. 34 FINLEY, JAMES B. Methodist clergyman ; born 1781, died 1856. Half length, seated, to left ; holding book in left hand. Vig. H. 4X I W. 3^. Inscription: The Rev. James B. Finley, / Missionary to the Wyandot Indians. ASHER B. DURAND 29 35 FLOYD, WILLIAM Bom 1734, died 1821; signer of the Declaration of Independence ; Member of the Continental Congress, 1775 to 1782 ; New York State Senator, 1777 to 1788. Bust, to left. Rect. H. 3|f ; W. 3y\, sur- rounded by double line. Inscription : William Floyd. / (left) Painted by Earle (right) Eng by A. B. Durand. I. India proof before any inscription. II. India proof as described. III. Inscription changed to: William Floyd / Engraved by A. B. Durand from a painting / in Delapaine s Gallery. Third state used in Sanderson's Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 36 FORREST, EDWIN American actor ; born in Philadelphia in 1806, died there in 1872. Made first appearance in New York in 1826 as Othello. Founded the Edwin Forest Home. Half length, in character, face slightly to right, Rect. H. 3>^ ; W. 3^ ; surrounded by triple line. Inscription : Mr. E. Forrest / As Rolla. / Engraved by A. B. Durand from a painting by f. Neagle. / I. India proof as described. II. Additional inscription : Lopez 6^ 30 ENGRAVED WORK OF Wemyss' Edition. / Published by A. R. Poole, Philada., i82y. / (copyright line). FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN Statesman and philosopher; born in Boston, January 17, 1706 ; died in Philadelphia, April 17, 1790. Bust, with fur cap, to left ; vignette sur- rounded by rays. H. 6^ ; W. 5X. Inscrip- tion : (on rays) B. Franklin (below) Printed and Published by S. Maverick New York. / P. Maverick &» Durand sc. Engraved from a medallion by Jean Baptiste Nini. 38 FULLER, WILLIAM Full length, in fighting rig in ring ; spectators in background. Rect. H. 19^; W. \y/2. Inscription : (left) Painted by C. Ingham. (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand / William Fuller / From the Original Painting in possession of the Gymnasium of New York. / Printed by / Ridley, N. Y. (Engraved 1823.) 39 FURMAN, GARRIT Bust, full face. Vig. H. 2>^ ; W. 1%. In- scription: (left) Painted by T. Cummings. ASHER B. DURAND 3I (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand ; (lyre) / Garrit Furman. India proof. 40 GARRETSON, FREEBORN Methodist clergyman; born in Maryland 1752, died in New York 1827. Nearly to waist, face ^ to right. Rect. H. ^tYf,, W. 3>^, surrounded by double line. Ins. (left) : Painted by Paradise (right) Engraved by Durand. / Rev. Freeborn Garretson. / ^g^d 73. Engraved for Bang's " Memoir of Freeborn Garretson, N. Y., 1832." 41 GASTON, WILLIAM Jurist; born 1778, died 1844; State Senator, North Carolina, 1799 ; Member of Congress 1813-1815 ; Judge of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1 834-1 844. Half length, seated, right hand resting on arm of chair, full face. Rect. H. 4^^^; W. 3^. Inscription : (left) Painted by G. Cooke, (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / William Gaston. / (facsimile signature) Copyright 1834, by James Herring. I. India proof before any inscription. II. On India as described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. 33 ENGRAVED WORK OF 42 GIBBON, EDWARD English historian; born 1737, died 1794. Bust facing to left; in oval, in rectangular frame. Inside measure of oval H. 3j\ ; W. 3. Rect. H. 6f^ ; W. 4y\, surrounded by lines, single at top and right, double at left and bottom. Above oval is slab inscribed : Edward Gibbon, Esqr. Born 8th May, lyjj. Below, in centre is tablet on which is female figure contemplating the ruins of the Col- osseum ; on left, medallion, wolf giving suck to infants Romulus and Remus; on right, medallion, Roman Eagle. Inscription : (left) Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds (right) En- graved by A. B. Durand. This engraving is an exact copy of an Eng- lish print by J. Hall. 43 GIBSON, WILLIAM Surgeon; born 1788, died 1868. Occupied chair of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania for over thirty years. Bust, facing slightly to right ; vig. H. 4^ ; W. 4>^. Inscription: (left) Inman del. (right) Durand sc. / Wm. Gibson, MD. Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsyl^ ASHER B. DURAND 33 44 GRIFFIN, EDMUND DORR, Congregational clergyman ; born 1770, died 1837, President of Williams College 1821-1836. Bust, full face, in surplice. Rect. H. 3>^ ; W. 3; surrounded by straight-ruled border^ ^ in width. Inscription : (left) Pamted by N. Rogers, (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / (facsimile) Edmund D Griffin. I. Proof on India before any inscription. II. Proof on India as described. Engraved for " The Remains of Edmund D. Griffin," New York, 1831. 45 HACKETT, JAMES HENRY, American actor ; born in New York 1800, died 1871. Made first appearance as professional in *' Love in a Village" in 1826. Bust, full face; vig. H. 4, W. 3;^, enclosed in ornamental frame. Inscription : (left) Painted by H. Inman. (centre) Steel Plate. (right) Engraved by A. B, Durand. / Mr. Hackett. / Engraved for the New York Mirror / j8j2. I. Trial proof on India, before any in- inscription or the frame. II. Trial proof, before the frame. Ins.: (left) Ininan pt. (right) A. B. Du- rand Sc. / Mr. Hackett. (script.) III. On India as described. 34 ENGRAVED WORK OF HAMILTON, ALEXANDER Statesman ; born in the West Indies in 1757 ; killed in duel with Aaron Burr, 1804 ; Member of Congress 1782 ; delegate to Constitutional Con- vention, 1787 ; Secretary of the Treasury, 1789. Bust U to left. Rect. H. 4 -j\ ; W. 3|, sur- rounded by line, single top and right, double left and bottom. Inscription : (left) Ceracchi feet. ; (right) A, B. Durand se. / Hamilton. I. India proof before the name. II. As described. Engraved for " Life of A. Hamilton," by J. C. Hamilton, New York, 1834. 47 HEDDING, ELIJAH Methodist Episcopal Bishop ; born 1780, died 1852. Bust, front, face to left. Vig. H. 4X; W. 3^. Inscription: (left) Painted by Paradise (right) Eng. on Steel by A. B. Durand./ The Rev. Elijah Hedding A M. / Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church India proof. Engraved for the Methodist Magazine, New York, 1827. 48 HILSON, ELLEN AUGUSTA Actress ; born in England, 1801 ; died in New York, 1837 ; first appeared on the stage at age of five ; joined the Park Theatre Company in 181 7. ASHER B. DURAND 35 In character, half length, front, face to right. Rect. H. 3 ■j\ ; W. 2 \l, surrounded by line, single on top and right ; double on left and bottom. Inscription : Mrs. Hilson / as Mar- garet Over each. / Engraved by A. B, Du- r and from a painting by J. Neagle./ Lopez &* IVemyss' Edition./ Published by A. R. Poole, Philada., i82y / Copyright secured ac- cording to Law. 49 HILSON, THOMAS Actor; born in England, 1784; died in Louis- ville, Ky.,1834; made first appearance in New York at Park Theatre in 1809. In character, bust }i to left. Rect. H. y/z, W. 3, surrounded by triple line. Inscription : Mr. Hilson / as Tyke. / Engraved by A. B. Durand frojn a paint ijig by J. Neagle./ Lopez &^ Wemyss' Edition. / Published by A. R. Poole, Philada., 1826./ Copy Right secured according to Law. India Proof. 50 HONE, PHILIP Merchant ; born 1769, died 1835 ; Mayor of New York 1825-6. Bust facing to left ; vig. H. 4^ ; W. 5^, Inscription : (left) Painted by Peale (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / The Honorable 36 ENGRAVED WORK OF Philip Hone, / Mayor of the City of New York in 1826. Proof on India. Engraved for " Memoir of the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals. 51 HOSACK, DAVID Scientist ; born 1769, died 1835 ; Professor of Natural History in Columbia College, 1795 ; first President of the New York Historical Society. Half length, facing to left, right hand rest- ing on book on table. Rect. H. \% ; W. 8^. Inscription : (left) Painted by T. Sully. (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. / David Ho- sack M.D., F.R.S. / (facsimile signature) / Copyright 1 834 by James Herring, I. Proof on India before any inscription. II. Proof on India without facsimile auto- graph and copyright line. III. On India as described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. 52 HUNTER, JOHN Eminent English surgeon ; born 1728, died 1793 ; Fellow Royal Society. Bust, to left; vig. H. i^; W. i^. Inscription : Mente et Manu / University of the State of ASHER B. DURAND 37 New York. / Principles and Practice of / Surgery / By / Alexander H. Stevens^ M.D. Proof on India. Card of admission to Lectures. 53 ITURBIDE, AGUSTIN DE Emperor of Mexico ; born 1783, died 1824 ; commanded Royalist forces against the Mexican insurrectionists, 18 10-1820, then joined the Mex- icans and assumed command ; Declaration of In- dependence proclaimed 1821. Crowned Emperor July, 1822 ; election as Emperor declared void by Congress ; exiled February, 1823 ; returned to Mexico July, 1824, and was arrested and executed as a traitor July 19, 1824. Bust, to left ; vig. H. 2^ ; W. 2^. Inscrip- tion : (right) A. B. Durand sc. / Iturbide. 54 JACKSON, ANDREW Seventh President of the United States ; born 1767, died 1845 ; first Congressional representative from Tennessee. Full length, in uniform, right hand grasping drawn sword, chapeau and cloak in left, facing to left ; at left horse held by orderly ; at right a battle scene ; in right foreground a cannon- ball and dismantled gun-carriage. Rect. H. 7.0% \ W. 14^. Inscription : (left) Painted by John Vanderlyn. (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand. / (centre) New York, Published 38 ENGRAVED WORK OF June 1828. / General Andrew Jackson. / Printed by James R. Burton. I. Unfinished proof; face, epaulettes, fob, sword, cockade of orderly and battle scene only in outline. II. Open letter proof on India as described. Engraved in 1828 on order of Mr. S. Con- verse. 55 JAY, JOHN Statesman ; born 1745, died 1829 ; Minister to Spain, 1778 ; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1789; Governor of New York, 1795-1801. Three-quarter length, seated, facing to right, right arm resting on table, left hand holding a paper. Rect. H. \%\ W. 31^. Inscription: (left) Painted by Stuart dr^ Trumbull ; (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. / John Jay / (fac- simile signature) copyright .... i8j4 by James Herring. I. Trial proof on India before any inscrip- tion II. India proof before the name. III. As described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans, 1835. 56 JAY, WILLIAM Half length, in surplice, nearly full face, right hand holding eye-glasses. Vig. H. 4>^ ; W. ASHER B. DURAND 39 4>^. Inscription: (left) Branwhite deL\ (right) A. B. Durand sc. / Rev. William Jay. / Armstrong &» Plaskitt, Baltimore. .,./... (Copyright), 1823 .. . /. . . I. Proof before any inscription. II. As described. 57 JONES, GEORGE Medallion, 5 in. in diameter ; bust ; Ins. around top : Georgius Jones. Histrio ; (below) Natus MDCCCX. (left) Drawn by F. S. Agate. (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. Outline. Better known as the " Count Joannes," En- graved 1833. 58 JOSEPHUS Bust, in robe and turban, face slightly to right. Rect. H. 3|| ; W. 3, surrounded by double line. Engraved in stipple. Inscription : P. Maverick sc. / Josephus. / Published by D. Huntington. Apprentice work. 59 KENT, JAMES Jurist ; born 1763, died 1847 ; Professor of Law at Columbia College ; Recorder of New York, 1797 ; Justice of Supreme Court, 1798 ; Chancellor of 40 ENGRAVED WORK OF State of New York, 1814, Published " Commen- taries on American Law," i826-'30. Half length, seated, to right. Rect. H. 4^ ; W. 3>^. Inscription : (left) Painted by F. R. Spencer, (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / James Kent, LL. D. / (facsimile signature) / Copyright i8j4, by James Herring I. India proof before the name. II. As described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. 60 LARNED, SYLVESTER Presbyterian clergyman ; born 1796, died 1820. Half length, left hand resting on book. Rect. H. \o\i ; W. 7J^. Surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Painted by B. Met- calf, (right) Eng, by A. B. Durand. / Rev. Sylvester Lamed / Late Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at New Orleans, 61 LEWIS, MORGAN Statesman; born 1754, died 1844; served in Revolution ; Attorney-General of the State of New York, 1791 ; Chief Justice of Supreme Court, 1792 ; Governor, 1804; Quartermaster-General of the United States, 1812. Half length, seated nearly full face, right hand holding spectacles. Rect. H. 4J^ ; W. ASHER B. DURAND 41 3|^. Inscription : (left) Painted by James Herring (right) Engraved by Durand &^ Paradise / Morgan Lewis / (facsimile signa- nature) / . . . (Copyright) i8j6, by James Herring. . . . / . . . / I. Proof on India. II. On plate paper. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. 62 McLEOD, ALEXANDER Presbyterian clergyman ; born in Scotland, 1774 ; died in New York, 1833. Half length, seated, to left, hands clasped. Rect. H. 8yV ; W. 6^', surrounded by line, single on top and right, double on bottom and left. Ins. : (left) Painted by Waldo &^ Jewett (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand. / Rev. Alexander McLeod D.D. 63 MACREADY, WILLIAM C. English actor ; born 1793, died 1873 ; made first appearance in 1810 ; visited the United States in 1826, 1843 and 1848. Bust facing to left. Rect. H. 3^^^ ; W. y/%, surrounded by double line. Inscription : Mr. Macready / As Macbeth. / Engraved by A. B. Durand Jrom a painting by J. Neagle / Lopes &^ Wemyss' Edition / Published by Thos. T. Ash, Philada., 1827 / . . . / 42 ENGRAVED WORK OF I. Trial proof before any inscription or surrounding lines. II. Unique trial before inscription, with autographic suggestions of artist. III. Proof on India as described. IV. As published. 64 MACREADY, WILLIAM C. Full length in chains. Rect. H. 3^ ; W. 2^. Inscription : (left) Painted by H. Inman (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / William Tell. / Printed by J. Burton. I. India proof. II. As published. Engraved for the annual " The Talisman." 65 MANNERS, JOSEPH MOUNTJOY Englishman, educated as Methodist clergyman, but was expelled from the ministry. Bust, full face, Vig. H. 4 ; W. 3^. Ins. : This Portrait is published to iden- ^^fy .../.../ Joseph Mountjoy Manners, / (nine lines descriptive of his char- acter) / Published for the benefit of the com- munity by A.B. Durand, New York Dec. 8th 1823. ASHER B. DURAND 43 66 MA-NUNCUE Bust, nearly full face. Vig. H. 3^ ; W. 3^. Inscription : (left) Painted by J. Paradise (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand on steel. / Ma-Nuncue, / an Indian Chief of the Wy- andot Tribe &> a licenced / Preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 67 MARSHALL, JOHN Jurist ; born 1755, died 1835 ; served in the Rev- olution ; Member of the Virginia House of Dele- gates, 1782 ; Minister to France, 1797 ; elected to Congress, 1799 ; Secretary of State, 1800 ; ap- pointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1801. Half length, seated,full face, right arm resting on table. Rect. H. 4||; W. 3%^. Inscription: (left) Painted by Henry Inman. (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / John Marshall LL.D (facsimile signature) Copyright . . . i8jj by James Herring. I. Early trial proof on India, head, hand, and book in outline only, no inscrip- tion. II. Trial proof on India, neckcloth in out line. III. Proof before the name. IV. Before copyright line. V. As described. 44 ENGRAVED WORK OF Original picture owned by Law Association, Philadelphia. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans, 1835. 68 MASON, JOHN M. Clergyman ; born 1770, died 1829. Bust to left, face ^4 to left. Rect. H. 12^ ; W. 9^, surrounded by lines, double top and right, triple left and bottom. Inscription : (left) Paint- ed by J. W. Jarvis, Esq., i8og. (centre) Published by F. D. Alleti 1822, Copyright se- cured. / (right) E7igraved by A. B.Duraftd / John M. Mason. D.D. S. T. P. / President of Dickinson College, (right) Printed by Andrew Maverick. 69 MATHEWS, J. McF. Clergyman; born 1785, died 1870 ; founder and first Chancellor of the University of New York. Bust, in surplice, to right. Vig. H. 6^ ; W. 6. Inscription : (left) Painted by Waldo &^ Jewett (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Rev. J. M. Mathews. 70 MATTHIAS, I. B. Bust, full face. Vig. H. 4 ; W. 3^4:. In- ASHER B. DURAND 45 scription : (left) Paradise pt. (right) Du- rattd sc. / Rev. I. B. Matthias, I. Proof on India. II. As described. 71 MILLEDOLER, PHILIP Presbyterian clergyman ; born 1775, died 1852. Bust, in surplice, to left. Vig. H. 7 ; W. 6>^. Inscription : (left) Painted by Waldo &» Jewett (right) Durand sc. / Rev. Philip Milledoler D.D. 72 MILNOR, JAMES Episcopal clergyman ; born 1773, died 1844 ; Member of Congress, 1811 ; ordained, 1815. Half length, seated, to right, in surplice. Rect. H. 7^; W. 6%, surrounded by line single top and left, double on right and bot- tom. Inscription : (left) Painted by Waldo &^ Jewett. (centre) i8ig (right) Eng. by P. Maverick. Durand &^ Co. / Rev. James Milnor D.D. / Rector oj St. George's Church, N. York. I. Trial proof, before any inscription or surrounding lines. II. As described. 46 ENGRAVED WORK OF n MITCHILL, SAMUEL L. Scientist ; born 1764, died 1831. Bust, in gown. Vig. H. 4^ ; W. 3^. In- scription : (left) Painted by Jarvis (right) Eng. by Durand j Samuel L. Mitchill M &^ LL,D. / Late Representative and Sen- ator in Congress &^ President of / the State &» County Medical Societies of New York. Professor of Botany &^ Materia Me die a in the University — Surgeon — / General of the Militia — President of the Lyceum /for Natural History, &^c. &^c. / From the original Painting in the Hall of the New York Literary &^ Philosophical Society 1824. Engraved for " Memoir of the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals." 74 MONROE, JAMES Fifth President of the United States ; born 1758, died 1831 ; served in the Revolution ; Member of the Continental Congress; U. S. Senator, 1790; Envoy to France, 1794-1796 ; Governor of Vir- ginia, 1 799-1802 ; with R. R. Livingston negoti- ated the treaty for the Louisiana purchase, 1803 ; Secretary of State, 1811-1817 ; elected President, 1816. Half length, face % to right. Rect. H. 4^^^ ; W. 3j'^. Inscription : Eng. by A. B. Durand ASHER B. DURAND 47 from the Painting by J. Vanderlyn in the City Hall New York, /JAMES MONROE / (facsimile signature) Copyright 1835 by James Herring. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. 75 MOTT, VALENTINE Surgeon ; born 1785, died 1865. Bust, facing to right. Vig. H. 4X ; W. 3)^. Inscription : Valentine Mott, M.D. / Fro- fessor of Surgery in the University of New York / Drawn by H, Inman Engraved by A. B. Durand. 76 MURRAY, LINDLEY Grammarian ; born 1745, died 1826 ; his " Eng- lish Grammar " was first published in 1795. Bust, to left. Rect. H. 5 ; W. 3^, sur- rounded by triple line. Inscription : (left) Westoby pinxit (right) Durand sculpsit / (facsimile) Lindley Murray. India proof. Engraved for " Memoirs of L. Murray," New York, 1827. n NOTT, ELIPHALET Presbyterian clergyman ; born 1773, died 1866 ; in 1804 was elected President of Union College. 48 ENGRAVED WORK OF Bust, in surplice, to right, face front. Rect. H. 4y^^ ; W. 3>^, surrounded by line single top and right, double on left and bottom. Inscrip- tion : (left) Painted by Ames (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Rev. Eliphalet Nott D.D., LL.D. / Engraved expressly for the Parthenon. I. Trial proof on India, neckcloth in out- line. II. Finished proof before any inscription. III. As described. Engraved 1833. 78 OGDEN, AARON Soldier ; born 1756, died 1839 J served in the Revolution ; U. S. Senator from New Jersey, 1 801 ; Governor of New Jersey, 1812. Bust, ^ to right. Rect. H. 4,^ ; W. 3^^. Inscription : Pahited and engraved by A. B. Durand. J Aarojt Ogden, / (facsimile signa- ture.) Copyright . . . i8j4 by James Her- ring .... I. Trial proof, ruff and decoration in out- line. II. Proof before any inscription. III. As described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. Original picture in New York Historical Society. ASHER B. DURAND 49 79 OLIN, STEPHEN Methodist clergyman ; born 1797, died 1851 ; President of Randolph Macon College, 1834 ; President of Wesleyan College, 1842. Half length, facing to left. Vig. U. 43/ ; W. 3X. Inscription: (left) Paradise Pt ; (right) Durand Sc. Rev. Stephen Olin. 80 OTIS, JAMES Statesman ; born 1725, died 1783 ; argued against the issuing of " Writs of Assistance " ; fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Half length, facing to left. Rect. H. 4 ; W. 3>^, surrounded by line single on top and left, double on right and bottom. Inscription : (left) /. Blackburn pinxt ^755 (right) A. Durand sc. /James Otis. Engraved for Tudor's " Life of James Otis," Boston, 1823. 81 PATTON, WILLIAM Presbyterian clergyman ; born 1798, died 1879. Half-length, seated, to right. Rect. H. 5 ; W. 4y^^, surrounded by double line. Inscrip- tion : (left) Metcalf pinxt. (right) Durand sc. / Rev. Wm. Patton, A.M. I. Proof before any inscription. II. As described. 50 ENGRAVED WORK OF 82 PAULDING, WILLIAM Lawyer ; born 1769, died 1854 ; Member of Congress, 1811 ; Mayor of New York, 1824. Bust, face % to right ; vig. H. 4^ ; W. 4^. Inscription : (left) Drawn &^ Engraved / by A. B. Durand 1826 / The Honorable Wil- liam Paulding / Mayor of the City of New York in 1824 &^ 182^. India proof. Engraved for " Memoir of the Celebration of the New York Canals." 83 PEKENINO, MICHELE Italian engraver. Half length, seated, to right, right hand hold- ing pen. Vig. H. 7% \ W. 6%. Inscription: Mel. Pekenino, Pen-Designer. / None but Nature taught hifn. / Drawn and Engraved by his friend A. B. Durand, New York, 1820. 84 PHOEBUS, WILLIAM Methodist clergyman ; born 1754, died 1831. Bust facing to right. Vig. H. 5>^ ; W. 3^^, Inscription : (left) Paradise pinx. (right) Durand sc. / Rev. William Phoebus, / Aged 69 ASHER B. DURAND 5 1 India proof. Engraved for the Methodist Magazine, New York, 1823. 85 PHYSICK, PHILIP SYNG Surgeon ; born 1768, died 1837. Bust, nearly full face. Vig. H. 4^ ; W. 3^. Inscription: (left) Inman 1824 (right) A. B. Durand sc. / Philip Syng Physick M.D. / Professor of Anatomy in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvaia India proof. 86 PINCKNEY, CHARLES COLESWORTH Soldier and statesman ; born 1746, died 1825. Bust, in uniform, full face. Rect. H. 4% ; W. y/z, surrounded by double line. Inscrip- tion : (left) H. B. Bounetheau Del. (right) A. B. Durand sc. / Majr. Genl. Charles Colesworth Pinckney. 87 PINKNEY, WILLIAM Statesman ; born 1764, 1822 ; United States Com- missioner to England, 1796 ; Minister to England, 1807 ; Member of Congress, 181 5 ; Minister to Russia, 1816 ; U. S. Senator from Maryland, 1820. Bust, to left. Vig. H. 4; W. 3^. Inscrip- 52 ENGRAVED WORK OF tion : (left) Painted by R. Peak (right) Eng, by A. B. Durand / William Pinkney / Bur- ton Print. India proof. Engraved for Wheaton's " Life of William Pinkney," 1826. 88 PLATT, JONAS Jurist ; born 1769, died 1834 ; Member of Con- gress, 1 796-1 801 ; of New York State Senate, 1810-1813 ; Justice of the N. Y. Supreme Court, 1814-1823. Half length, left hand holding an open book. Rect. H. 2>}i; W. 6ji. Inscription, (left) Painted by J. Trumbull, (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Judge Piatt. ... 4 lines of verse in Latin. . . . India proof. 89 PLESSIS, JOSEPH OCTAVE Roman Catholic Bishop ; bom 1763, died 1825. Full length, in ecclesiastical robes, holding letter, standing by a table on which are a cru- cifix, books, etc. Rect. H. i6>^ ; W. ii>^; surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Painted by James (right) Eng. by Durand. / Joseph Octave Plessis / Catholic Bishop of Quebec. ASHER B. DURAND ^ 90 RAPELJE, REM Bust, full face, with large hat. Oval in rec- tangle. H. 3-^; W. 2^, surrounded by line, single on top and left, double on right and bottom. Inscription : (right) En£^. by A, B. Durand / Rem Rapelje REESE, RICHARD Bust, to left, face front. Vig. H. 4)^ ; W. 3>^. Inscription : (left) Paradise pinx. (right) Durand sc. / Rev. Richard Reese / Late Rep- resentative from the British to the Ameri- can / General Conference. I. India proof as described. II. As published. 92 ROMEYN, J. B. Presbyterian clergyman ; born 1777, died 1825. Half length, seated, to left. Rect. H. 8 ; W. dyi, surrounded by line, single on top and right, double on left and bottom. Inscription : (left) Painted by Waldo &<> Jewel t. (centre) Published, New York, May jst, 1820, (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand / Rev. J. B. Romeyn D.D. I. Proof before the name. II. As described. 54" ENGRAVED WORK OF 93 ROSS, WILLIAM Half length, to right, face front, left hand holding a book. Vig. H. 4^ ; W. 3^. In- scription: (left) Paradise pt. (right) Du- rand sc. / Rev. William Ross. / Aged J2. 94 SAINT ANTHONY Head, U to left. Vig. H. y/2 ; W. y/. 95 SALABERRY, CHARLES MICHAEL DTRUMBERRY DE Canadian soldier ; born 1778, died 1829. Half length, in uniform, to right, sword under left arm, in frame, on upper part of which are the obverse and reverse of medal struck to commemorate the battle of Chateaugay; on lower part a view of the battle, with date 26 October, 1813. Rect. H. 7>^ ; W. 6>^. In- scription : (left) Painted by A. Dickifison (right) Eng. by A. B. Dur and / Lieut. Col- onel . . . Charles de Salaberry / C. B. Com- mandant . . . le Regiment des / Voltigeurs . . . Canadiens &^ca. &^ca. &^ca. Ins. di- vided by arms. Proof on India. ASHER B. DURAND 55 96 SANDS, ROBERT C. American author ; born 1799, died 1832. Bust facing ^ to left. Vig. H. 4^ ; W. 3^. Inscription : (left) R. W. Weir pt. (right) A. B. Durand Sc. / (facsimile) Robert C. Sands. I. India proof. II. Plain impression. 97 SAURIN, JAMES In surplice and wig ; half length, face ^ to left. Rect. H. 4 |f'; W. 2>Hf surrounded by single line. Inscription : (left) B. Ptcart delin. (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand / Rev. James Saurzn / Published by D. A. Borrenstein, Princeton, N. /"., Sept. 1821. Engraved from a print. 98 SCOTT, WALTER Full length, seated on a stone by a wall ; }i to left, holding a book in the left hand, a pencil in the right. Rect. H. ->,% ; W. 2%, Inscrip- tion : (left) H. Raeburn del. (right) P. Mav- erick &= Durand sc. / Walter Scott , Esq. Engraved for " The Poetical Works of Walter Scott, Esq.," New York, James Eastburn & Co., 1819. Engraved from a print. 56 ENGRAVED WORK OF 99 SEDGWICK, CATHARINE MARIA Author ; born 1789, died 1867. Half length, face ^ to left, left elbow rest- ing on a pedestal. Rect. H. 4^^^ ; W. 3y\. Inscription : (left) Painted by Chas. Ing- ham (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Catharine M. Sedgwick / (facsimile signa- ture) . . (copyright) . . . i8j2 by James Her- ring, ../.../ India proof. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. TOO SHELBY, ISAAC Soldier ; born 1750, died 1826 ; served in the Revolution and the War of 1812. On the admis- sion of Kentucky as a State in 1792 he was elected Governor. Bust X to left. Rect. H. 4^; W. 3^. Inscription : (left) Painted by Jouitt. (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. / Isaac Shelby. / (facsimile signature) Copyright 1883 hy James Herring. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. lOI SOULE, JOSHUA Methodist Episcopal bishop ; born 1781, died 1867. ASHER B. DURAND 57 Bust, face slightly to left. Vig. H. 5X ; W. 3)^. Inscription: (left) Paradise pinxt. (right) Dura fid sc. / Rev. Joshua Soule. I. Proof before any inscription. II. As described. Engraved for the Methodist Magazine, New York, 1822. 102 SPRAGUE, WILLIAM BUEL Presbyterian clergyman ; born 1795, died 1876. Half length, in surplice, nearly full face. Rect. H. 4^; W. 3^. Inscription: (left) Painted by S. F. B. Morse (right) Eng. byA.B. Durand / Rev. Dr. W. B. Sprague. / (facsimile signature). I. Proof on India before any inscription. II. India proof with names of painter and engraver. III. As described. Engraved in 1 834 to order. 103 SPRING, GARDINER Presbyterian clergyman ; born 1785, died 1873. Bust to left. Rect. H. 12X ; W. io>^. Proof before any inscription. 104 STUART, GILBERT American artist ; born 1755, died 1828. 58 ENGRAVED WORK OF Bust ^ to left. Rect. H. 4>^ ; W. 3^. Inscription : Engraved by A. B. Durand from an original miniature by Sarah Good- rich. / Gilbert Charles Stuart. / (facsimile signature) / Copyright 1833 by James Her- ring. I. Unfinished trial proof. II. India proof before any inscription. III. As described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. • Americans. 105 SUMMERFIELD, JOHN Methodist clergyman ; born in England 1798, died in New York 1825. Bust % to left. Vig. H. 6>^ ; W. 5^. Inscription : (left) Painted by Waldo &^ Jewett (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand / Rev. John Summerjield / A.M. / New York. Published by Saml L. Waldo. Copyright . . . December 1822. 106 SWAIM, WILLIAM Bust, to left. Vig. H. 4^4^ ; W. 3^. In- scription : (left) Inman del. (right) A. B. Durand sc. / Willia?n Swaim. I. India proof before any inscription. II. As described. ASHER B. DURAND 59 THOMSON, JAMES English poet ; born 1700, died 1748. Bust, facing to right. Oval H. 3 ; W. 2^. Engraved in stipple, surrounded by dotted line- Proof before any inscription. Apprentice work. 108 TRUMBULL, JOHN American artist ; born 1756, died 1843. Half length, face ^ to right. Rect. H. 4^; W. 3 ^. Inscription : (left) Painted by Waldo &> Jewett. (centre) for the Trumbull Gallery, Yale College, New Haven, (right) Engraved by A.B. Durand / John Trumbull (facsimile signature) / Copyright i8jj . ... by James Herring. I. Unfinished trial proof. II. Unfinished trial proof with additional work. III. Proof before any inscription. IV. India proof as described. Engraved for the Nat. Port. Gall, of Dist. Americans. 109 TRUMBULL, JOHN American poet ; born 1750, died 1831. Author of ** McFingal." Bust, to left. Rect. H. 3^; W. y/%, sur- 6o ENGRAVED WORK OF rounded by line, single on top and left, double on right and bottom. Inscription : (left) Painted by John Trumbull, lygj. (right) Eng. by P. Maverick, Durand &^ Co. / John Trumbull Esq. / Printed by Russell. Engraved for " The Poetical Works of John Trumbull," Hartford, 1820. no VAN RENSSELAER, STEPHEN Eighth patroon of Rensselaerwick ; born 1765, died 1868. Bust, face ^ to right. Rect. H. 4 ; W. 3^^, surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Painted by A. Dickinson (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. / (facsimile) V Rensselaer. I. Trial proof before the name. II. As described. Engraved 1827. Ill WASHINGTON, GEORGE First President of the United States; born 1732, died 1799 I Commander-in-Chief during the Rev- olution ; resigned his commission 23d December, 1783 ; elected President 6th April, 1789. Bust, profile to right. Vig. H. 3|| ; W. 2y%. Inscription : Washington / From Houdon's Bust / Engraved by A. B. Du- rand i8js / Printed by R. Neale. Engraved for " The Writings of Washing- ton," Boston, 1834. ASHER B. DURAND 6l 112 WASHINGTON, GEORGE Bust, ^ to left. Rect. H. 4>^ ; W. 3|4^. Inscription in script : (left) G. C. Stuart pt. (right) A, B, Dur and sc./ From the Original Picture in the possession of the Athenceum Boston. I. Trial proof on India as described. II. India proof. Inscription changed to read : Washington / From the picture in the possession the Athe- nceum / Boston. III. Artist's and engraver's names changed from script to block letter, and in ad- dition, below : Printed by R. Neale. Engraved for " The Writings of Washing- ton," Boston, 1834. For this and the previous plate, which were engraved in 1833, Durand received $300. 113 WASHINGTON, GEORGE Half length, in uniform, face }i to left. Rect. H. 4>^ ; W. ->>%• Inscription : Eng. by A. B. Durand from the full length Portrait by Col. Trumbull belonging to Yale Col- lege. / George Washington / (facsimile signature) .... (Copyright) . . . 1834 by fames Herring / / I. India proof before any inscription. 62 ENGRAVED WOPK OF II. On India as described. Engraved for the " National Portrait Gal- lery of Distinguished Americans." 114 WASHINGTON, GEORGE Bust, in oval, H. i||; W. ly'^, within rec- tangle of straight ruled lines, H. 2X ; W. 2X- An early experiment engraved in stipple. 115 WEBSTER, NOAH Philologist ; born 1758, died 1843. Half length, seated, to left, left hand hold- ing a sheet of paper. Rect. H. 5^^ ; W. 4X. surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Painted by S. F. B. Morse (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Noah Webster LL.D. / I. India proof before any inscription. II. As described. 116 WESLEY, JOHN Founder of Methodism ; born 1703, died 1791. Three-quarter length, standing, in surplice. Rect. H. 4^ ; W. 4^, surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) From a scarce Print published in the Year 176^ (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Revd. John Wesley, M.A. / Aged 63. India proof. ASHER B. DURAND 6^ 117 WEST, BENJAMIN American artist ; born 1738, died 1820. Bust, to right. Vig. H. 2^ ; W. 2>^. In- scription '. A. B. Durand del. et sc. Engraved from bust by Chantrey, belonging to American Academy of Fine Arts for ad- dress by Gulian C. Verplanck 1825. 118 WILBUR, HERVEY Congregational clergyman ; born 1787, died 1852. Bust, facing to left. Rect. H. 3>^ ; W. 2i|, surrounded by double line. Inscription : (left) Metcalf pinxt. (right) Durand Sc. / Rev. Nervy Wilbur, A.M. / I. India proof, before any inscription or surrounding line. II. India proof, as described. III. Inscription changed to : (left) Metcalf pinxt. &^ Pubd. (right) Durand sc. (below) vignette, two books, one entitled " Reference Bible,' sheet of paper and a pen / Rev. Hervey Wilbur, A.M. 119 WILLIAMSON, HUGH Author ; born 1735, died 18 19. Bust, % to right. Rect. H. \\\\ W. 3^, 64 ENGRAVED WORK OF surrounded by line, single top and left, double right and bottom. Inscription : (left) Painted by J, Trumbull, (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand. / Hugh Wzlh'amson, M.D. LL.D. Engraved for " Memoir of Hugh William- son by D. Hosack." 120 WOLCOTT, OLIVER Statesman ; born 1760, died 1833. Bust, to left. Rect. H. 2>% ; W. 7. Inscrip- tion : (centre) Engraved by A. B. Durand, / New York. / His Excellency Oliver Wol- cott, / Governor of the State of Connecticut, / From an original picture painted by Sully, in the possession of / William Grade, Esqr. Engraved in 1820. 121 WOOLSEY, ELIJAH Bust, nearly full face. Vig. H. 4>^ ; W. 3^. Inscription : (left) Paradise pt. (right) Durand sc. / Rev. Elijah IVoolsey. ASHER B. DURAND 65 EARLY AND APPRENTICE WORK. For other work of this class see Nos. 5, 33 37,42, 58,94, 107, 114. 122 ORIGINAL DESIGN Woman seated beneath two trees, cattle in the distance. Rect. H. 2% \ W. i^. En- graved in imitation of etching. 123 GROUP At left a young man standing, holding a musket ; in centre, an old man seated, another man standing behind chair; at right a figure of a man, partly showing, leaning on staff. Rect.H.4A; W. 2^. 124 PINDER OF WAKEFIELD At left foreground, man and woman stand- ing with arms linked, at right three figures partly hidden by bush ; in right background a house, clump of trees and church tower 66 ENGRAVED WORK OF showing above. Rect. H. 4X ; W. 2^. Fin- der of Wakefield. Engraved at the age of fifteen. 125 PLANTATION SCENE At left, in foreground, two men standing, one holding dog by collar, the face of a third man showing in the rear ; at right a group of ne- groes dancing in a circle. Rect. H. 3^ ; W. 2^. 126 A CAT Cat in the foreground, house and fence in background. Rect. H. 2y\ ; W. 2\\. En- graved in imitation of etching. 127 CHINESE AGRICULTURAL SCENES Eight sections on one plate, showing imple- ments of agriculture and method of irrigation. Rect. H. 8|| ; W. 7. Inscription : (right) P. Maverick sc. / Agriculture 128 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Nine instruments, and in centre a Chinese man playing. Rect. H. Sy^^; W. 6X. In- scription : (right) P. Maverick sc. / Musical Instruments. Plate II. ASHER B. DURAND 67 129 GREEK TOMB Three sections, upper one showing ground view of ruin ; middle, ground plan ; lower, en- trance. Inscription over door. Rect. H. Sji ; W. 6^\. 130 SEPULCHRE OF JESUS CHRIST Plate showing ground F/an of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, three views of the Sepulchre, and one of Calvary. Rect. H. 6^ ; W. 8X. Inscription: (left) P. Maverick sc. Sepulchre of fesus Christ. Plate II. 131 ROMAN TRIREME Broadside view, sails set. Rect. H. (>y% ; W. 8^. 132 ROMAN TRIREME Three sections on one plate. No. i. Cross section ; No . 2, Bow ; No. j», Stern, below, a scale. 133 NOAH'S ARK Six sections on one plate. No. /, Frame- work ; No. 2, Plan of the 2nd story ; No. j», 68 ENGRAVED WORK OF Elevation ; No. 4, Section ; No. 5 &» No. 6, Stalls for cattle. Rect. H. 8>^ ; W. 6>^. In- scription : (left) P. Maverick, sc. / Con- struction of Noah's Ark. 134 EGYPTIAN WHEAT An ear of wheat. Rect. H. 8>^ ; W. 6>^. Inscription : (upper right corner) Fragment No. (below) Species of Egyptian Wheat, THE LOCUST Seven sections on one plate, five being en- gravings from antique gems. Rect. H. ^\\ ; W. 6y\. Inscription : (upper right comer) Fragment No. XLIV., p. (below) The Lo- cust. 136 SYRIAN ANIMALS Six varieties shown on one plate. Rect. H. 1\\ ; W. 6>^. Inscription : (right) P. Maver- ick set. (below) Syrian Animals. 137 THE OSTRICH Two birds, giving front and back views. Rect. H. 7}4; W. 6j\. Inscription : (right) P. Maverick sc. (below) The Ostrich. ASHER B. DURAND 69 CHERUBIM Four Cherubim on one plate. Engraved in stipple. Rect. H.yj/s; W. 6>^. Inscription : Cherubim from Calmet, TITLE FOR DRAWING BOOK Draped female figure, seated, left foot ex- tended, right hand holding pencil, left, palette and brushes ; to right of figure three cupids hover around slab bearing inscription : Cipri- anfs / Rudiments / of / Drawing. / En- graved for / &> Published by / P. Maverick / New York. Rect. H. 73^ ; W. ioj|. Engraved in stipple. 140 PLATE FOR DRAWING BOOK Three cupids, half length. Engraved in stipple. Rect. n.7%\ W. II. 141 PLATE FOR DRAWING BOOK Three heads, an old man and two young women. Engraved in stipple. Rect. H. 7X ; W. lofl ; left, G. B. Cipriani del. 7© ENGRAVED WORK OF 142 PLATE FOR DRAWING BOOK Nude male figure, seated, feet crossed and extended to left, left hand holding tablet in lap. Rect. H. 6% ; W. 9)^. Etched copy of en- graving for drawing book. 143 THE ARABIAN NIGHTS Three plates. Rect. H. 5 ; W. 3^. a. Sinbad and the Old Man of the Sea. b. The Story of Zobeide. c. The History of Camalalzaman and of Badoura. 144 OLD PAT Bust, face slightly to left. Vig. H. 4 ; W. 3^. Inscription at left, Painted by S. T. Waldo ; right, Eng. by A. B. Durand. This was the first plate engraved by Durand direct from a painting. The original is called " A Beggar with a Bone," and is in the Boston Athenaeum. 145 SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS, ILLUSTRA- TIONS TO Published by Durell, New York. ASHER B. DURAND 71 Six plates. Rect. H. 4^ ; W. 2%. Eng. by P. Maverick &^ Durand, being copies from English plates. a. Hamlet Drawn by Loutherbourg b. King Lear c. Othello " " Thurston d. Pericles " " R. K. Porter e. Cymbeline " •' J. Thurston f. Romeo and Juliet " " Uwins 146 SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS, ILLUS- TRATIONS TO Six volumes containing frontispieces, and vignettes on engraved titles. The title reads : The I Poetical Works / of / Walter Scott, Esq. I Illustrated with Engravings /from the designs of / Richard Westall, Esq. R.A./ . . . / (vignette) New York, / Pub- lished by James East burn &> Co. / 181Q. / Frontispieces, H. 3>^ ; W. 2}i \ vignettes H. 2; W. 2%. a. Vol. L Lay of the Last Minstrel . . . Canto V. Stan. XXV. (left) R. Westall R. A. del. (right) P. Maverick &> Durand sc, b. " Vignette (left) Westall del. (right) P. Maver- ick (Sn* Durand sc. 72 ENGRAVED WORK OF c. Vol. II. Helvellyn. (left) Drawn by Richd. Westall. R, A. (right) Engd. by P. Maverick &> Durand. d. " Vignette, Don Roderick Stan. XXIII, (left) R. Westall, R.A. Del. (right) P. Maverick Durand. h. " Vignette; (right) P. Maverick &» Durand sc. i. Vol. V. Rokeby. Canto IV. Stan. XIV. (left) Slot hard del. (right) P. Maverick &= Durand sc. k. " Vignette ; (right) P. Maverick &> Durand sc. I. Vol. VI. Lord of the Isles. Canto V. Stan. XXX. (left) Westall pinxt. (right) P. Maverick &^ Durand sc. m. •' Vignette ; (left) ^. ^^j/«// ^^/. (right) P. Maverick &» Durand sc. For Portrait of Scott included in this publication see No. 98. ASHER B. DURAND 73 YOUNG'S NIGHT THOUGHTS, ILLUS- TRATIONS TO Night. I. Rect. H. 3i|; W. 2j^. Inscrip- tion : (left) Drawn by T. Uwins (right) Eng, by P. Maverick &> Durand 148 COWPER'S POEMS, ILLUSTRATIONS TO Engraved by P. Maverick &^ Durand, These plates are copies of EngHsh engravings by Edward Portburyand J. H. Robinson from designs by Westall. a. On His Mother s Picture y Vig. H. 3 ; W. i\\. b. The Rose. Rect. H. 3>^ ; W. 2^. c. The Lily and the Rose. Vig. H. 2^ ; W.2>^. 149 AKENSIDE'S PLEASURES OF IMAGI- NATION, ILLUSTRATION TO Rect. H. 3^; W. 2^. Inscription: (left) P. Maverick, Durand &^ Co. sc. / line of verse . . / Pleasures of Imagination Book. . . . Line. . . , 74 ENGRAVED WORK OF 150 THOMSON'S SEASONS, ILLUSTRA- TIONS TO Rect. U.y^; W. 2)4; P. Maverick, Du- rand &■= Co. sc. a. Autumn The Gleaners, line 16^. b. Winter The death of the horse, line jq8. BYRON'S WORKS, ILLUSTRATIONS TO Four volumes with frontispieces, and vig- nettes on engraved titles. The title page reads : The Works / of the / Right Honorable / Lord Byron. / . . . / (vignette with verse below) New York, Published by W. B. Gilley, No Q2 Broadway. Vol. IL was published by E. Duyckinck &^ G. Long. a. Vol. L Childe Harold. Canto IL Stanza LXI, Circular in ornamental border, H. 4il ; W. 3X ; (left) Corbould del; (right) P. Maverick, Durand &^ Co. sc. h. " Childe Harold. Vignette H. 2>^ ; W. 2y\ ; (left) Corbould del. (right) P. Maverick, Durand 6^ Co. c. Vol. \\. The Corsair. Canto. 2, Line 1042. Rect. H. 2%', W. 2.-1V; (left) Drawn ASHER B. DURAND 75 by R. West all R. A. (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand d. " The Bride of Abydos. Canto i. Stanza 12. Vignette H. 2^-^ ; W. i ^ ; (left) Westall del (right) Durand sc. e. Vol. III. Siege of Corinth, Line ^^o. Circular in ornamental border, H. 4>^ ; W. 2^; (left) H. Corbould del; (right) P. Maverick, Durand &^ Co, f. " Prisoner of Chillon Vignette H, 2tV ; W. 2t^ ; (left) H. Corbould del. (right) P. Maverick, Durand &» Co. g. Vol. IV. Byron s Poems. Poem 20, I. g. Circular in ornamental border, H. 4^; W. 3||, (left) P. Maverick, Durand &^ Co. sc. h. " Hebrew Melodies, Destruction of Sennacherib. Vignette H. lyi', W. 2%. (left) Corbould del (right) P. Maverick, Durand &> Co. For portrait of Byron issued with this Edi- tion see No. 16. 152 THEODORE CLARK, BUSINESS CARD Figure of Justice standing by pedestal on which is inscribed : Theodore Clark / Hat Maker, / Corner of Chatham &» / Pearl Streets. / New York. Vig. H. 4^ ; W. 4^ (below) P. Maverick Durand Or' Co. sc. 76 ENGRAVED WORK OF IVES & WHITE, BUSINESS CARD Patent / Water Proof. Beehive on pedestal on which is inscribed, Ives &^ White / 1^0 / Water Street. / New York (below) P. Maverick, Durand &^ Co. Vig. H. 3H ; W. 2^. 154 ANDREW MAVERICK, BUSINESS CARD Figure of Hope, in skiff with anchor, (above, 3it leit) /'esp^re d' avoir Succh, (right) P. Maverick &^ Durand Engravers (below) Andrew Maverick, / Copper Plate Printer / 21 Liberty Street .... New York. / . . . . / MILTON'S PARADISE LOST Drawn by Richard West all, R. A. En- graved by A. B. Durand a. Book III. I. 66/. Two Seraphs. Vig. H. 2tI ; W.2}4, after plate by Chas. Heath. b. Book. X. I. Q40 Adam and Eve. Vig. H. 2>^ ; W. i\\y after plate by W. Finden. ASHER B. DURAND 77 156 ELIZABETH, OR THE EXILES OF SIBERIA By Madame Cottin. a. Frontispiece. Rect. H. 3 ; W. 2X- b. Vig. on title, H. 2^ ; W. 2X. CAMPBELL'S PLEASURES OF HOPE A girl seated on cliff. Rect. H. 3^1^ ; W. 2^^, (left) Drawn by R. West all R. A. (right) Engrav'd by A. B. Durand (two lines of verse). A copy of plate by Chas. Heath. 158 THE TRAVELER Man with staff standing by trunk of tree. Rect. H. 3; W. 2^^, surrounded by double line. Inscription: (left) Westall del. (right) Durand sc. / The Traveler. BEATTIE'S MINSTREL A youth seated beneath a tree. Rect. H. 3 ; W. 2}i\ (left) Painted by R. Cook (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand (two lines of verse), Minstrel page 75. 78 ENGRAVED WORK OF i6o MOSES ON MT. SINAI RECEIVING COMMANDMENTS Vig. H. 3V^; W. 2^, (left) Westall del, (right) Durand sc. (below) New York, / Pub- lished by Henry I. Megarey. i6i RURAL HOURS a. Title, Rural Hours / a poem / vignette H. 2% W. 2^, (two lines of verse), Design' d by G. Fur man. Engraved by A.B. Durand b. Spring; Yoke of oxen by plow. Vig. H. 7.}i ; W. 2}i. Design' d by G. Furman, Engraved by A. B. Durand c. Summer. Vig. H. 2/^ ; W. 2^, (two lines of verse). Drawn by R. Westall R. A., Engraved by A, B. Durand This plate is a copy of an engraving by W. Finden for Falconer's Shipwreck. d. Autumn. Vig. H. 2% ; W. 2%, Drawn by G. Furman, Engraved by A. B. Durand e. Winter. Vig. H. 2)^ ; W. 2>^, Drawn by G. Furman Engraved by A. B. Durand 162 YAMOYDEN, ILLUSTRATIONS TO By J. W. Eastburn, New York, 1820. a. Frontispiece. Rect. H. 4|| ; W. 3-^^, (left) Drawn by J. Neil son. (right) Eng. ASHER B. DURAND 79 by A. B. Durand, / Seat of King Philip, Engraved title ; Yamoyden/A Tale of/ The Wars of King Philip. Vignette, H. 2^ ; W. 3, (left) Neilson del. (right) Durand sc. 163 COOKE, GEORGE FREDERICK Monument to the memory of. Pedestal surmounted by an urn. H. 9|| ; W. T)i. Inscription on face : Erected / to / the Memory / of j George Frederick Cooke / by / Edmund Kean / of / the / Theatre Royal Drury Lane / 1821, / Three King- doms claim his birth, / Both Hemispheres pronounce his worth. / Fecerunt W. &* J. Frazee (below) Drawn &^ Engraved by A. B. Durand from the Original in St. Paul's Churchyard, built by W. &> J. Fra- zee / New York. Published by Wm. S. Griffen &> Wm. B. Acock, fune 1821. / Copy Right secured. 164 MONTICELLO Front view of house, trees to right and left. Rect. H. 4^; W. 6, surrounded by line. In- scription : (centre) Durand sc. / Sketch of Mr. Jefferson's Seat, Monticello. 8o ENGRAVED WORK OF 165 APOLLO BELVIDERE Statue, H. 6^. Inscription : (right) Durand sc. (below) AnOAAS2N Engraved for address before the American Academy of Fine Arts, by Robert Ray, New York, Nov. 17th, 1825. 166 RUTGERS MEDICAL COLLEGE Front view of four-story building. H. 4>^; W. 3. Inscription : (left) /. Evers del. / Rutgers Medical College. / Instituted Octr. 26th 1826. Engraved for the inaugural address of Dr. Hosack. 167 WEST POINT FOUNDRY, BUSINESS CARD A side view of the foundry, below a machine for boring cannon, on face of which is West Point Foundery. Engraved from a drawing by Dr. Neilson. 168 J. WILSON, BUSINESS CARD Arms of the State of New York, below which is engraved J. Wilson's / Improved, Best, / Elastic, Beaver Hat. / Broadway 160 ASHER B. DURAND 8 1 New York. / N. B. ../..,/.../ ht- low, view from the Battery. A. B. Durand sc. Original design, 169 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, CERTIFICATE OF The Half Moon in middle foreground, the Palisades in background, Indians in a canoe paddling towards the ship. Vig. H. 5 ; W. (>y%. Inscription: (above) The Arrival of Henry Hudson on the 4th Septr. i6og (below, at left) L. Simond del. (right) A. B. Durand sc. 170 TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, CERTIF- ICATE OF Vig. H. 5X ; w. 9^. In centre a printing press, above which is eagle with outstretched wings, bearing in tal- ons a medallion portrait of Franklin ; allegori- cal figures typifying, at right, light and inde- pendence ; at left, ignorance and bondage. Original design by Durand. 171 BIBLE SOCIETY, CERTIFICATE OF Oval, H. 4; W. 7% (left) G. Miller del. (right) A. B. Durand sc. 82 ENGRAVED WORK OF In centre on flat rock, a printing press by which are two figures distributing Bibles and tracts to all nations of the earth. 172 BALL TICKET H. 3 ; w. 4A. Annual Caledonian Ball. Three figures in Highland costume, between two columns. On left column, Bannockburn, on right, Luncarty, (left) A. del (right) A, B. Durand sc. I. Trial proof on India before lettering. II. As described, on India. This ticket, as well as No. 173, was designed by John Allan, the Scottish-American biblio- phile. BALL TICKET H.2^; W.4X. Ladies Ticket / of Admission to the / An- nual Caledonian / Ball. / (two lines) A. del. A. B. Durand sc. India proof. ERIE CANAL CELEBRATION Above, in circle, ij\ in diameter, Pan and Neptune, inscribed above. Alliance of Neptune ASHER B. DURAND 83 and Pan, below, Union of Erie with the At- lantic. Below, the invitation, reading, The Corpor- ation of the / City of (vignette, arms of New York) N. York / Invite. . . . to partici- pate with them in the Celebration on the Com- pletion of / the Erie Canal, to meet at the City Hall on . . . the / . . . day of . . . at . . . o'clock, and proceed / with them in the Steam Boat to Sandy Hook, / Grand Canal Commenced 4th fuly, 1817. Completed 26th October 182^. / Durand &> Wright. LECTURE TICKET Medallion, 1-^^ in diameter. Juno seated ; in- scribed, IVNONI LVCINAE. Below: En- graved by A B Durand / (two lines of Latin) / University of the State of N. York / Obstetrics / and the / Diseases of Women &^ Children / By fohn W. Francis MD. 6^ P. / For . . . No. . . Session of 182. . . . 176 AMERICAN ECLIPSE Stable boy at left, holding horse by bridle. Vig. H. 4>^ ; W. 7. Inscription : (left) Painted by A. Fisher, (right) Eng by A. B. Durand 1824 / American Eclipse / From 84 ENGRAVED WORK OF the Original Painting the Property of Charles Henry Hall Esqr. of N. York. 177 LADY LIGHTFOOT Mare and foal in foreground. Rect. H. 3y\; W. 5)^. Inscription: (left) Wm Eiffe Pinxt. (right) A. B, Durand Sept / Lady Lightfoot / Owned by Charles Henry Hall / Engraved by his order for the American Turf Register &> Sporting Magazine. ASHER B. DURAND 85 BANK NOTE VIGNETTES 178 SPECIMEN SHEET H. i6>^ ; W. I2y'^. Specimen of Bank Note Engraving / By A. B. » C Durand, Wright &^ Co. / New York July 182'j Styles of lathe-work, vignettes, and lettering. In lathe-work borders are portraits of Lafay- ette, Sir Walter Raleigh, John Jay, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Washington, John Adams, Franklin, Hamilton, Elias Boudinot,and Fene- lon. Among the vignettes there are of Wash- ington two classical and one equestrian statues, one equestrian portrait, one bust on pedestal at right of figure of Justice, and one medallion portrait supported by figure of Justice; of Franklin, a full-length portrait seated. 179 GEORGE WASHINGTON Full-length statue in uniform, left hand rest- ing on broken pillar. H. 2y\;W. i>^. After Houdin. 86 ENGRAVED WORK OF i8o GEORGE WASHINGTON Full-length classical statue, draped ; left hand supporting bundle of arrows. H. 2^ ; W.i|. 181 GEORGE WASHINGTON Full-length statue in robes, holding scroll in right hand. H. 2^-^ ; W. i|. 182 LAFAYETTE Full length, in great coat, right hand holding hat and cane, H. 2^^\ W. iy\. After Ary Scheffer. 183 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Bust in frame, H. 1^ ; W. \\. After por- trait by Duplessis. Oval lathe-work above and below. 184 PORTRAIT Bust in frame, H. i^ ; W. f|. ASHER B. DURAND 87 185 RAILWAY CUT H. i^;.W. ^. 186 BALTIMORE BATTLE MONUMENT H. 2^; W. Ji. 187 INDIAN'S HEAD In lathe-work frame, H. 2|^; W. i. 188 ARMS OF NEW YORK CITY At left an Indian seated, at right a sailor seated on cannon. H. i>^ ; W. 2j^. 189 ARMS OF LOUISIANA Supported at left by figure of Liberty, at right by Indian seated. H. ly^^ ; W. 2%. 160 SHIELD Bearing arms of the 13 original States and shield of the United States, with eagle ; at left a figure of Liberty seated. H. i%\ W. 2y\. 88 ENGRAVED WORK OF 191 TWO FEMALE FIGURES Typifying Agriculture and Liberty H. i^ ; W. 2. 192 HEAD OF INFANT BACCHUS " After Stothard. H. ^ ; W. i|. 193 FEMALE FIGURE Representing Commerce, seated on a chest, balance in left hand. At right a horse and dray, and a man han- dling cases; a schooner in background. H.iX; W.2X. 194 SHIELD Bearing arm holdmg a hammer, supported at left by figure of Minerva, at right by Justice. H. iX ; W. 1%. A, B, Durand SHIELD (Blank) supported by figures of Agriculture and Plenty, H. i^V ; W. ^y^. ASHER B. DURAND 89 196 LATHE-WORK OVAL AS SHIELD Supported by figures of Ceres and Liberty. H. i}i; W. 2)4. 197 HEBE Seated, left hand resting on urn, pouring drink for eagle. H. iA;W.2A. 198 HEBE Seated, offering cup to eagle. H. I >^ ; W. 2^^. A. B. Durand 199 FIGURE Representing Mechanics, seated, left arm resting on cog-wheel. H. i^ ; W. 2^. 200 FIGURE Representing Chemistry, seated by still. H. iX; w.2^. 201 COW-HERD Seated on a stump, cattle at right. H. \% V^.2%. 90 ENGRAVED WORK OF 202 EAGLE With outspread wings on rock surrounded by water. H. i^ ; W. 2^. (left) H. Inman del. (right) A. B. Durand sc. 203 ANGEL AND CUPID Lifting curtain from shield bearing an eagle with wings out-spread, standing on a globe. H. i>^; W.2tV 204 PEACE Seated, holding an olive branch in right hand, left hand around an eagle in lap ; ships in left background. H. ij^; W. 2^^ 205 CERES Seated, a sickle in the right hand, left hand resting on sheaf of wheat. H. i>^ ; W. 7.%, 206 MALE FIGURE Seated, at right an anvil, cog-wheel, etc.; at left, in background, a ship. H. i>^ ; W. 7.%. ASHER B. DURAND 9I 207 FEMALE FIGURE Left arm resting on short column, in left background a stone bridge, over which stage coach is passing. H. i^ ; W. 2%. 208 JUPITER Reclining on cloud, eagle at left. H. i^ ; W. 2}i. 209 JUPITER Riding on back of eagle, a cupid on each side. H. i^ ; W. 2||. (right) A. B. Durand 210 SHIELD OF UNITED STATES Draped with American flag, supported at left by female figure, at right by eagle. H. i>^ ; 92 ENGRAVED WORK OF ENGRAVINGS FOR ANNUALS 211 THE GHOST OF DARIUS Rect. H. 3^; W. 3. Inscription: Qeh) Painted by Henry Inman. (below) The Ghost of Darius India proof. 212 THE WIFE Rect. H. 3|^; W. 3. Inscription: Oeft) Painted by S. F. B. Morse (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand, (below) The Wife, India proof. 213 SISTERS Rect. H. 2f| ; W. 3||. Inscription : (left) Painted by S. F. B. Morse, (right) Engraved by A, B. Durand (below) Sisters 214 THE DYING GREEK Rect. H. 3; W. 3^. Inscription: (left) Painted by Robert W. Weir, (right) En- ASHER B. DURAND 93 graved by A. B. Durand. (below) The Dying Greek. India proof. Engraved for the Talisman. 215 GREEK BOY Portrait of Evangelides, a student at Columbia College. Rect. H. y/z ; W. 2|^, Inscription : (left) Painted by Robt. W. Weir, (right) En- graved by A. B. Durand. / Greek Boy / . . . 2 lines . . . / From the Original Painting in the possession of Saml. Ward Esq. / Printed by J. R. Burton. India proof. 216 GREEK LOVERS Rect. H. 3>^ ; W. 214:. Ins. at left : Painted by Robt. W. Weir, (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Greek Lovers. India proof. Engraved for " The Atlantic Souvenir," 1825. Also used in " The Lady's Cabinet Album," N.Y., 1834. 217 GIPSEYING PARTY Rect. H. 3yV ; W. \^. Ins. (left) Painted by C. R. Leslie (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand /Gipssying Party. /From the origi- 94 ENGRAVED WORK OF nal Picture in the possession of Rob. Donald- son, Esq., New York. I. Trial proof, figures in outline. II. India proof as described. 2X8 ANNE PAGE, SLENDER AND SHAL- LOW Rect. H. 2f| ; W. 3^*^, surrounded by double line. Ins. (left) Painted by C. R. Leslie, (right) Eng. on steel by A. B. Dur and / Anne Page, Slender Engraved by A. B. Durand. India proof. g6 ENGRAVED WORK OF 223 THE DUCHESS AND SANCHO PANZA Rect. H. 3yV ; W. 4. Inscription : (left) Painted by C. R. Leslie (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand India proof before the name. Engraved for the Atlantic Souvenir, 1832. 224 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR Rect. H. y/2 ; W. 4yV Inscription : (left) Painted by Henry Inman (right) Etigraved by A, B. Durand I The Bride of Lammermoor. I. India proof before any inscription. II. India proof as described. 225 THE WHITE PLUME Rect. H. 4^ ; W. 3>^. Inscription : (left) Painted by Chas. higham (right) Engraved by A. B, Durand / The White Plume / New York Published by Monson Bancroft jSg Broadway. I. India proof before any inscription. II. On India as described. This plate is a portrait of Miss Jane Riker Lawrence, afterwards Mrs. Benj. F. Lee. ASHER B. DURAND 97 226 ABANDONED Rect. H. 3; W. 4yV. Inscription (left) Vigueron Pt. (right) A. B. Durand sc. / Alas / that it should ever have been born ! / Published by Wright &^ Owen, New York. 227 NEW YORK MIRROR, ENGRAVED TITLE H. 9H ; W. 7||. Inscription : The / New York Mirror : / A Weekly Journal, / Devoted to Literature and the Fine Arts. / Embel- lished with Engravings and Music (vignette H. A% ; W. 6%) (left) Drawn by P. W. Weir, (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Vol- ume IX. / New York : / i8ji. India proof. Landscapes Six plates engraved in 1830 for Part I. of what was projected as a serial publication called American Landscape, to contain plates of American scenery. William Cullen Bryant wrote the prospectus and descriptive text. Only one number was issued. These plates were afterwards issued with the New York Mirror, being enclosed in ornamental borders and inscriptions changed from ; Published by Elam Bliss, etc., to. Engraved for the New York Mirror, 98 ENGRAVED WORK OF 228 WINNIPISEOGEE LAKE Rect. H. 4tV; W. sH' Inscription: (left) Painted by T. Cole (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand / Winnipiseogee Lake. / Published by Elam Bliss, New York / Printed by Wade India proof. 229 FQRT PUTNAM Rect. H. 4>^ ; W. 6yV Inscription : (left) Painted by Robt, W. Weir (right) Etched by by J. Smillie, finished by A. B. Durand / Fort Putnam. / Published by Elam Bliss New York / Printed by Wade India proof. 230 CATSKILL MOUNTAINS Rect. H. 4j\ ; W. 5||. Inscription : Painted &^ Engraved by A. B. Durand / Catskill Mountains / Published by Elam Bliss New York / Printed by Wade. I. Unfinished trial proof on India. II. India proof as described. 231 DELAWARE WATER GAP Rect. H. ^y% ; W. 6. Inscription : Drawn &» Engraved by A. B. Durand / Delaware ASHER B. DURAND 99 Water- Gap. / Published by Elam Bliss New York. I. Unfinished trial proof on India. Inscrip- tion reading ; (left) Painted &^ etched (right) by A. B. Durand. II. India proof as described. 232 WEEHAWKEN Rect. H. 4^ ; W. 5||- Inscription : (left) Painted by W. J. Bennett (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand / Wee haw ken / Published by Elam Bliss New York / Printed by Wade I. Unfinished trial proof on India. II. Trial proof, some additional work. III. India proof as described. 233 FALLS OF THE SAWKILL Rect. H. 6yV; W. 4iV Inscription: (left) Painted by W. J. Bennett (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand / Falls of the Sawkill. / Published by Elam Bliss New York / Printed by Wade India proof. lOO ENGRAVED WORK OF LARGE PLATES 234 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Rect. H. 29f|^ ; W. 30X. Inscription : (left) Painted by John Trumbnll. (centre) Copy Right secured according to the Act of Con- gress Deer. 20th 1820. (right) Engraved by A. B. Durand. (below) The Declaration of Inde- pendence of the United States of America./ July 4th 1776. I. Etched state, figures in outline only. Inscription scratched, reading : (left)/. Trumbull Esq. Pinxt. (centre) Copy Right Dec. 20th 1820 (right) A. B. Durand Sculpt, (below) De- claration of Independence II. The figures on the right nearly finished. III. Figures completed except as to wigs, neckcloths and stockings ; the flag at right background in outline only. IV. Papers on the table still in outline. V. Finished proof. Inscription the same as in first state. VI. Inscription changed to read as de- scribed. Durand was commissioned by Trumbull to engrave this plate for the sum of $3,000. He ASHER B. DURAND lOI was engaged on it for three years, the plate being finished and published late in 1823. The original painting is now in the Trumbull Gallery at Yale College, New Haven. This painting was the original composition for the large picture in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington. 235 KEY TO THE DECLARATION OF IN- DEPENDENCE Heads in outline with numbers referring to facsimile signatures below. 236 MUSIDORA Rect.^A' W. io||. Slightly draped full-length figure of a woman standing at edge of a stream, right hand resting on rock, face to right. Inscription : Designed &^ Engraved by A. B. Durand, New York 182^ / Musidora / (3 lines of verse from Thompson's Seasons) / Printed by Burton &^ Valentine, New York. ARIADNE Nude figure lying at full length asleep ; left arm thrown over head. In background trees at left and centre ; at right a view of the shore and out to sea ; hauled up on the beach is a I02 ENGRAVED WORK OF galley around which are grouped five figures ; smoke is rising from fire beyond the edge of the hill. Rect. H. 14^^; W. 17^. Inscription: (at left) Painted by J. Vanderlyn (right) En- graved by A. B. Durand. / Ariadne. / Pub- lished by A. B. Durand, Hodgson, Boys, &» Graves, London, &^ Rittner &> Goussil d Paris i8j^ / Co^yvighi . . . i8j^ by A. B. Durand . . . / Printed by A. King. I. Etched state, figure in outline, no sky in right background. Inscription : in script (left) J. Vanderlyn pt. (right; A. B. Durand Aq. II. Additional work in the background, the sky put in and some further work in the foreground, water along the horizon still white. III. On India ; engraved state ; figure filled in ; white line in distant water darkened ; folds of drapery still in outline. Inscription at right changed to A. B. Durand sc. IV. Additional dotted lines on figure, drapery completed and flowers and grass in the foreground worked up. V. On India. Additional work through- out, blossoms of plant in left fore- ground filled in, shadows in light background deepened. The first proof printed by King. ASHER B. DURAND I03 VI. Inscription changed to : (left) Paint- ed by J. Vanderlyn (right) Eng. by A. B. Durand. On India, King's sixth proof. VII. With pubHcation and copyright lines, and Printed by A. King, but be- fore the name. VIII. Open letter proof on India as de- scribed, signed by Durand. The original painting is in the Gallery of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Du- rand made copy in oil of the original paint- ing, reducing to size of the engraved plate, and engraved from this copy. Cl)e (Broltcr Club (Cttjcntp^nine