LIBRARY University of California. Class (^ OZ ^A^£ ^ %))t CuDor iFacstmile Certs fiitt Wanton Date of earliest known 'Edition^ 1560 Date of this hitherto unknown 'Edition^ c. 1565 Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1908 %\}t Cubor jFacstmtle VLtxts Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER J^ice Wanton AN UNRECORDED EDITION (1906) hsued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII GENERAL Wami Ms- Jtice anton T/^/j- facsimile is a faithful reprint of a?! unknown edition of one of the best of the early interludes. Again scholars are indebted to ''''the Irish find of 1906 "y^r the recovery {see other volumes of this series) . It is a matter of congratu- lation that not only the three " lost " plays then brought to light, but also the '''• unknown editions'" of four other early plays have now all been included in " Hie Tudor Facsimile lextsT The original Copy of this edition of " Nice Wafiton " was bought at auction at Sothebys by the trustees of the British Museum [Press-mark C. 34, /. 24), the price paid being f^i^^. Of an earlier edition, printed by John King in 1560, only two copies are known, one in the Devonshire collection and the other in national custody {B.M., C. 12, e. 20). The British Museum authorities have assigned this Copy to " 1565 ? ", no doubt for good reason. Arbers " Tran- script of the Stationers' Register " contains a vast number of references to John Allde, the printer of this edition, but those for and about 1565 have nothing to do with this play. John Allde [Aldaye or Aide) was in business from 1555 to 1584. Mr. J. A. Herbert {of the Manuscript Department, British Museum) writes : " Compared with the original. 1BG974 the title-page is very s?nudgy especially in the places marked''^ \last word of second stanza^ the words " The messenger ^^ and the second column of '■'■players "]. The same fault occurs on A. iv. v., from the second line of Dalilas frst stanza to the end of the song, Mr. Herbert's criticisfn being, " Too heavy and smudgy.'' He likewise characterises in similar terms the 7niddle portions of the last two lines of B. III. v., the tailings of '■'■ dooth" and '■^company" being somewhat confusing. On the last page the " j " of '''■ Sing " in the stage direction is in original a clear unbroken letter {see Introductory Note to " Respublica "). JOHN S. FARMER. i calleDji^icetbatitott. n^ftermpemapfee, C^f e bitaanc^eie; of an tl (re^.* ICl^c motftcc atiD ftet Cbi0»en ^j^e> Ctdo naught ant eneSQpip* iSatlp ©arp iftat toiibe t^o^?|, ...&oontlt^atui(lbeuap0^t>* <> ' filolienaus>tbe^cet:t)nbo^eir ?uJaUau • J^anttltl^ejaoije; Cfntp^tnteD at £on ^e tooalD poutft (^oalD be bepttti aU) alU)ap. 23p coicectton m ttntea( rcafenabie rte, Co bt ta\xq,pt (o fear €»oi 9 ttietc p^mce)^ iibap» Co seclearnmg ano^iualttte^ tberbp tomointaio: «an boned qntet ufeco^i;eQ;»otioenc aUDapi Co (15OD0 latD anotbe ftin90 (oMt is( certaitu 3f cbilDjieo be nuOeD in iblene^ anb iU 3nD b^ougbe iip ibecm itig barb to refrain.* ^no b^tttbemftom naturali tDunc eulU aj$ lieer tn t^0 ^mttiuit pe (UaU fee plain. ^p t ODo c^dbjeti b^ttgbt t)p luautonSp in plap» tttliom tbe motbfc eiccareD tjolitn ^e tl^ottib rbafure: Cbep'odflfbtliiwilaunfcetnbmtfcbeefall^ap* ^ taS t(3ep enb.e^etr lintfi in mlferabU )»t(^^ (Ome iHfot^eritertbiabeb bptoo^toip flirame, l^at fte iDaier tbt eauft of tbetr to^eccbeo life.* i&>o penbue anb (oiototttifo^tbeir beatb Q)e betami 4|iai in be(patc (^e tPoqloQea jiierlelf noicb a bntfe« Cben ^er i^onniic^atnabeis bp interpietadon* if^tf^ifiM^ of cornet ber iipnrpofe toaap** ®p t^e ^er^peursg^e Qiuetb ^er goblp contolaticu 3nb (0 (ofi(ititcmc paff^t^i atuap 3 ^okntp itstnitiQ tdeif euer lotur betimDe. ^no tf 3 go b£fo;e tt^ep Doo me t^ete/ CO complain to mp mot^ecQte foi ci^e^ (ale? :3eetn9 (lec tetiDec tfOltnaiS toil the beat* &o^t) tn t^tler pecplejpttte nibattoap d^all J tuW M)()ac itotl become of t^m^ d^oD CDem grace (eni^ Coapplpct^etrleacntngano tbetr maner^ ameno* ^B^siit ano 2Daii(a come in fmiiag, l$at toe comen,anof)eer toe loiaen: ano lieer toetotUbtoe abtoe ap. ! e.fpcb^f3t^ettii,(a}Xyfpzciaitj^ponti(ktidtdiUu «8m& ^obcmejQ?becommetbmaiOj$alttap» ^ CilBCbatpouooltebepesttecmonefons^ Umim' I C?f a Or It l^all coS p oablotneier ere it be lons^ Jifoiaei. \ ^Ti^tvt notaO^ameottietrttanbjflrtoplap^ ysma. }3.ofini^ pour learning t^UiS^euerpDapf rtog^t Xerning b^mgetb bnoiebge of ($oD ^ doneH Ituing ; ^^e^matpji fibarrantpoumaifterftoDppefee. SOaftta*. ■ c iLearne apace filler ano after to fpin ano (oU)e: ^^'"^ I ano ott^er bufajinelp pointiafto bnoa>e^ ^..^ . C^Pi" <" Quoirpoa ; 5 iDit&pour Ucele-s? DpDinDe .• ^*°'**'^| fozagoo^ntoure^unt^jatcataftcrlunDe. i } CH^iit) fpeafemg cojcupt^ gooD manecja? S). ]aanl ^"^ara*: ComeleC^£?goitpett)tlto(coo!c(jt^Dap- root^fap j (^aibe l^enifo} carping (9 long** si&ir. soetb out; 3^.ii*. . , tfk>i y inael (i;<5o get t^^e ^encc tbp mout^ fafof t)0^(e Oung;« |)oa}paetrnaerQ)bacrpo|Cf^aUt))eDcui(e< a:tiu0 prthngtofcOooU 3t^(nk)};St)nt)otfe^ ^rifttintitn^Dpe fD^t^uOjnlD^niet fo^coloe: anD (iU to Itueitn fcace cf a ctiiuIe,Q)tro tuouiof )a!(ia. C/Rot 3 bp r^e ntalTe 3 bao racier be U^acD tt)ere» Clrtit 3I90UID nt (jiQaldns itfte a tnome foj fear« 3 am fun bumcD in &pirtim^t,xn totntrcfo) color* ^abctb ntp limm^^ aro(^ a^D m{) beautie bic^pt 3f3a)oulDl3feitailt9eplx^ottID3(l)aum» ; V 3 (boufo ontrr be fair tooman 3 oace tav* Cmaci C^ofiCethobutlcaatei, V " :.. t©bere>^©aBbaucgabOcbe?c, % aftsoofjWrtfJeatiD.bfeer. -m^' >ap.. >aWa» C^bSooDb^otbetietWiio^ , 3tDiineuecgomoKto((ool.' ^ battle C^auc fc^i^lwe^rtltei . '.fj.::^ci:tvi : n\».r ^ fareU(j€lour*o^b ; w.i•^batCa't^cr(ba{befal^^'' '--.«^ C3 lalaif. C^bzb'tbbatro:pi)girip(mtJi? i^oto tmbappp ace c Wlojten rioUj a oapejB? f ainb m moie^iutp to fep tftie tjCuefiOi ; i i • Cbtiti3arcu^«maiflra(«fbcmw«Bilt3apcief: ^ j! TX:t)it\) i)S a great caufe tbi^ bavme Decapejef. ^ jlPo^ClMlD^epb^ott^^Si^^ioiefii^^tdnupiaiSa.. ...^ cv ' •*' - 5Uatb^(ftp ftintftjffitpc anD nifobeDient centmue alfear; '^ neigljbouc of mine ^atb cftilDji n iJccrbp, 3lDie.DirobcDtent,p;ouD>UantcnanDnice.- 2B0^rt)ep romebprtepoooftjctx)btucnc00aj?lr, ia:Ucic}^3cent0fotoCutifat^^(ur4lp arc not U)ife« ^j)ep Uug^ me to Cco;ac u;^en Jiav mine aouiU* 3 trill goftetD t^eir i^acenra^ nei^ftboucli ; ^eiicr in better ttme t^ieir moti;cf: u Ijtctb^* <15oD Caacpou goOtp/ 3 am tjetp fap n?, (QTbatpoucoauncenosDtocometbi^ U)8^: I 3 lott^ to talfte tDtt^ Fou a tt)oo;o o; ttoam» S p;ap pou tafee it freenoip tUat 3 ^aU fap* acmaelrourConne anDyour oaui^^ecr JDajila, Boomei^;ctuDttirne)ioaplFmo?^anDm.ojt; • iCJicp Doo beat mp cftilDjc n lapj^icb sr^wftl/ mj^foje. <(lDbef^(i3on:eanDcarijea^t5jepgoebptyct&^F» - *•' oi>tetoWame» \ jg^^t^ ^[€tf%,tf pbti i>8ttrnamoiemen tijatto top, Pr map boioe poor tung ano get pe aijDap^ aia^poozefoule^U^cp&taticooiaUDar* 3nfearebfacbur(f.ant)ifalittlett)epplap. * j^ebratisfiocm iibeaDcuiIiUpbtntbrp come ^om^ pour miarcQ^ip iDodlD Qaue me lap on. 3f Ji&oulDbeatibemCoofta^mrncompIam: 23p tbe maate t6 in a ocbile 3 Q^oulD mabe tbe lame^ Cniaii* ^i3€ not offcnoeD 3 p;ap poii 3 mua fap mo;c« Pour .^cnnc 10 (ujpemo iiybt tingteo to be.- pour t>au8bter botb nfcc tricft0 tbjce o;i foare; ^eaort)emiatimeie(l£k)urrepeDoo(ce« i^c ti^at fparet^ t^e roD bataft m et Salomon fobetcojmtfonDootb mean? 0ot f beat ano bounce tljcm to miUf tljejn Iame« ]9gdnt(ppf. |r (Soo t^anb pou mi(lc|gf H am \3ocl at cafe, ^ucft a fool to tea/t^ nu pjcacljtng a8( (l)^ pleatc* Bajwc >>e be Ipc tbriuoeaDlp 3 ftaotoe plaim :3ccau(€ tl)cp go ftauComlp pe oifoaim Coiaiia. (E'a:Denont^cotftcca0 tt)cliDou|3lccmpla(ti. T5\u pour ott)^c donne t^ qood uo tljanlt to poUt Cbffe tJHl pe mafee naugljt bp Duef e 3|efu* nmtiw* l! eein8 p« tabeit fo, ftecc mp leaoe 3 tafee4. eti) fcjtfi ^eantippe. Ca^acpgooDltucftflttepouanodPoD bcttut^poa £&p tWDm oim ^^^^^^ accucftH tt^inkt C9ep be coJnplatneD on \»\^ttt tact t^ep go^ ^^at fo; t^etc pieature tUe v ratdbt Ditn tu l^ot (o,bp t(t0 tbep be come from tcool ful KDerp? 3 ttti pi^rpace meat to mafte tt^emmrrp. ^irfmil ClLo/IO.ftcetlbunflh^^' 3niquifie,3irhtael afma.i* C^^atig(ftenotopel)aU0l)erf ano SDaUia come Sia! C^luUp minion loouer, intogitjicr. ^itogK Cfo?nogolDet3il3«Jitte^jfr4 t^er iZDekome mp D^onp ape. ^tyiieitiaenc^canRna toAhia. anoplapftecpattei !r , K 31 am pourjefi anD pou mine)t»ic^ all mp J^att* amquu ^i3ptbe malTe it isf tMcl fung: acepou not Co^p pou ate a maio (b lonair CLiBo U(tu no pouc maioen t^eao ti$ fuu» a&tuei. iLC^at bttaue pour b^ot^cr ODtl be a tlab (Kb antqtii* 3m)i!S Batiia pe ran Capaii murt; bp ^im if p< tvil^ C33P ^(m(quoD pou;Me bat^ YDUoje^ tQ)o o{ t|);ee: ^aitia» :$ut ilcieipour mtfitonBolbp (§o8S(boDp. 3c ftaiet^ not C^e Doot^ ^olDe pou a$ muc^: CP^ ip^ faUip $e B9tl plap me no rurt^ tarb» ^. ^ Ci&ot ft ef pcjs to boo pour tjart gooo: j^^ia^ 3 couf D tel tobo put a bone in pour QooD» tU^l^eace Q)^o|e o; pou bear me a boic on t^e ear: ycmno. tii^tu ifi mine ear bnaue dri^e ano t^on bare* mu* \ (do Cuffer ^im t^uie^ pe be no mam 3Cpou tx)iil not reuenge me 3 ODil finbe one* iq:o res Co i!tt!e bp me pou !]Dere not mnn^- lUteUtt (10 no matter ^bougbpou boo noi:/(^eakpe{actnpoo^fooU B^i^oi diti4» Cn^el no mo^e a boo let aa t^t^ go*- Kniqa^ | W>t binftolb muH be f reenbie; it muQ be fo« j Comeon,comeon,come,on» ^ecaffftfc* »i l^cer tl)cp be t^at U)ill boo b)$ all goob: . on t^e fca);o 3r'pe ur^ it long pour 6ear tpii groioe :^oug() pour sonad* C^^oinc on hxiam KBit^ Cb^i(iejB( curSe; (t^oob imuu , . 3 mufl iiaue (ome of tbp monep Cbou Qaa picht out of t^p fat^er)^? purOe. C^c bp t^^ maCTe if be ran get W vnrde, ^aiti«. i ^oii? aub t^eti be mabctf) it bp bait c^e \)?urSe^ iLJbe^pepoubotbeixiboicanbbcdar: airmaeit OF THE * '\ UNIVFRSiTY ] r ^ " 3 tgil plap a ccobon o.i tU)o beer ij?> i»our (leue. ffmaeU ^CfeftmpebgfccuanttoarbojC^pfuilman; #^ittcc Jmqume a cri^jiamebi^ ^* Jd^n.^^ >iWa. ^£n^&iitcan>oufapbp!rta(ftcc3ni(iju«Uf* intqnf. 3 io :iur Ijnit fluD &tj2f name inoftc ^«il|>» imt\f C(2^rameccpBaWagooD!ucb3t»awaiitt|>|p, )cr; -^ '3 t»tll ajuuepou botftcbpaho bp* l^rmaei. <[Comeon but Qcd let bje^ l^^aue a (ong.* pDaiiU c^iamcoatentfot&atittenotlonjj* 0tl^ tiiaO banc &noc%0; , J©i^l5 3Dfflfeerto;on0: ' W jDaUa. f(aanfjeii?cliatje'tinA' toi!t. .3f^aUpotcceifb0lot^;, 3nujtii. CiB?ft<>«s^Mo(rt)%tftl^be(ib|K)p^fn(£iwte^^ ^liia. iTjt f fenmief^lppiatffO sitie mr pout ftani^'^ ' • • §ii(qai CJttJouiDtftoulia^ftlht^fmitirtct? -^- 3(m£W C^rtbe!rw(lei:at«i^ct||cn)i.;pounDlJ?c«rfter. l^UuenatdUv ^00 C^oo pott nki ig bcbnauepour noDDle* H^^ej C Ceil mnie: Bmui l^aue at itanD it bjewfojail inp fathers? Wite# S-V^* CJtisdottbpfti^ajoiinD^teutoonc: a„^qa|i Cai^et()e]BiceBa!tIacaaon« I CComeonfmei ^{jacaaetNtties&t. 2DaItl& C^;iacattt)efatref!: 1 Caucpe loft all poannonep note/* m-w*' CPca,3 tftanft t&at feaaue gt fac& a aiftoje aies t^on iS ft Ijg? no matter 3 toil bauc monp o; 3 ibii ttoete: ^ i }3p 903^ bioao 3 m\ rob 19? nm J mt^et* ' pea ano it be m fdt^er> ^s<»eti^ottt« CCC^Ott bop bp tfte made toil clime tlje lat&er. anl^irf i m f(rra,3 looue a Sbeneb tl^at can be imelp.- &\^z percetuetti mp nante tnitii a m%h of mine tH 3fa)ej^oplapbootponanpman; t!^ mti m^ ^im a^ fmt a0 30b anon^ XITeiBaHIaietteeiti^atpont^aucmunf ' CS>ic 3 tiab ten ftiilmgjf m^n 3 begun, maitfa. 3nDbeece;eJalleueci^factWng. ILPoulpe!ifeeato^ojic,po«i^3ueb(Wiiapo«n^ aniqcfrf C^n tt^e oeuil Ha^e mc to t^e gcouno. - £c>u(a^ ^ 3toa [■ 1 CUtbflfcctpotttpotWtbpiJourifurmiflre?* {5^ Caitdap hnauc not riiine bP tbc maffc, ii3! t£!?fiefDpgoDtigtucpoutyi0toboot.' (tcsiuetljbcra iiiia. £)Utn)boj(obnauc3|bcft|;etotbp^a«toot. Wotoi . D^Ut^ourobmeanDbcatmeto^ fqa/. IC3ln r^e U)ap of cojtrectton bac a bIoT))e o^ ttDo« [itia. CCo^rect t^p DO ggeje; c^ou C^ait not cojtccct me.- 3 toil Ume potxt ixnmtfi &tfb cut J i»arranc tl)ee« poti t4mi( 3 liaitc no f ceettOj^ipe^ 3 ^aue m fto^e.* 3 goob fcloQ9 o; tU3o»pcrc^aunce mo;e« .^ pea bp t^e malTe c^ep mil boic pou fo» tbf le^ s^tv 3i linttf e 3 founD ttee>$ a Itnaue 3 leue ti)zt f^^cu It^nu ^! 45np iMo^e,Ddope deat t^i^taoe^ )Looum9T39lienCQeij$plea(eDf I ^benfl^et)e(angi:pt^u0(bielDeD, y dice! blotter, ^lOcr tobo^e, C^Do Qraft)B^of an tl treei 3 ftU tatp no longer \^tt, jFartxielidE^oD beb)ttt) pe« aiiid C3laiBl^^l^^^^^^^)^^(b^dt3dnt, 1 ^^^ ^" !g@oite mtferable catetf c^t eur r Mon^ bo^ne: ^f °' jFnf of pam and (o^oboe,croolteD ano (ame» B h?d^ ^tufc tt)ttt) DifeaCeie^ in t^i^i ibo^lo foilo^ne^ toon ^P nnen>eiB( are Q^ flell) eaten tS potbjSTt hc& ^P ^^<^^)^ ^1 of acbe ano great pain; fgr^p beao i^ baioe tbat bare pealoto \otk0» CrooheD 3creep to tbe rart!) again* ^ine epe figb^t ifS Dim,mp batiDjS? tremble $ Qa&e> ^Bt> (lomacbabbotetbaUbinoe of meat. - jlrot lacb of clotbes^ great coloe 3 tabe, ^ben appetite fcruetb 3 can get no meaf» ^^,^ere 3 tpa^ fair ano amtable of fac^> 00^ 00b am 3 (ottle atiD bo^ttble eo ret: aili tl)(S^ 1 b^ue DeferucD fo} Ucl^ of gcace^ mUlr fo^ mp rittite;a; (i^oo Dootlj plague m«. a^p parentis DID tUlrmecDeptoece to blame. . ^ in (leD of co;ceccton»m H Dto me maituatti: 3 f d (0 nought anD (^all ope tt)icb O^ame^ pet all c^t^ ()e( not baU mp greef atio patn«. Ci)e t)30iune of mp conCcience t^at QiaU neuec B^ ', SDccuCetb me Dapip mo;e ano mo^c ^0 oft baue 31 (mneo )33{lfuilp* C^ac 3 fear to be DamneD tb^rfo)e. C la^at t]doful U)t8bt art tboa tel me, ^^^ i^bat b?er mode greeuouQp Dood laments Confelfe t^e tractb ano 3 U3tl comfoit t^eCr 23p tbe tDoop ot dE^oD omnipotent* , 311 c^ougb pour time poubauemifpent* * lacpent ano amenb lobile pe baue (pacer 3inb (Bod tbi^redo^ pou to beli^ ano grace* ' CCo tet pou ttibo Jam ] oare not fo^ Qame» ^^^^ ©utmpftltbplfuiiigbatbbjougbtmein tbW eafe jPui oft foi mp Qmntonneje^pou oio meblamr* ' pet to taUM pour councel 3 bao not tbe grace#^ Co be redoieo to beltb aiaiS tc t^ pa% JBiCeafeiBSbaae b^ougbt me bntafucboecap? i^elp me iDitb pour almeiS fibbtle mp life ooot^ IsHSi Cbat mz a to^etcb aie? 3 am 3 map go mp map- C^ti^tt) me pour name Ccfter 3 pou p.xap> ysavm^ 3fnb 3^11 l^elp pou at pour neeO: 23otbe foule ua^ boop 3 Cdfl fteb. C?ou baue namei^me alreop if 3 DurQ be (o bolDe )^aI(I^' pour (tSer B^lilatbat sotetcb 3 anv aSt^mnttmtoj^ig pe ftnouie of oloe* [ anai^biiotbcr tbcr<)aueb^ou(il)t mttotW Qamr. W^t von 0}ent to (cool mp b;ot^ec ei 3 ^^outD plap .* ^'Mte> c^iDc auD fcoioe )»Ul3 man anD txicman» a ddouIDi 3nD pou bp co^ration tbep bept in att): fi^^en me srue btg ooeloere ourop anb bolDe; 23p fatber ano motber tx^(i^c not a Rt:a;9e. S^mati marret fo| me to; i am paa* 25ut ifmaei our b;otber i$i in great teoperbpe: tn Daunger to come C6 (b^me at tbe id(l» l^e frametb bi^ ituing Co mtcbeDlp* tohfi. C^^l fift^'^ 3 ^tt^t feareope tooulb be naugbtf " * pour UtoD bebauiour roje greewetb mp bart: Co train poufrom btceall mcancjO? 1 baue tougbtf S5ut m batmpet Ml 3 plap a b;otberl r part# jToMbe CbultiG? mo^ep^ccu)^ mode aecrlpbougbt ftaitbtbeblooDofcb^eopmstbtrfo^e.- Co faue (t firft a meane mud be foU8bt« St ^oDg bano bp €W^t mnniai onelp fauiour. ConCtber B^altla (3oD^ tatberip gooDnr^, UBbtcb to; pour eaCc batb b;ougbi vonin ti^ig taut Scourging pou tt>ttb btis rob iioutle^^ Itbat knotting pour (elf pe mtgbt cauf oji grace. pefeem to repent but j ootit tabecbcr. fo} pour fmneg: oj fo: t^e miferp pou be in: fSarncQtp repent to; pour ftn ratber. Soi tbefe plague;^ ore but (be reUoarD of fm* i5ut Co repent tbat poudn no mt>|e> 3nb tben beleeue tDitb (IcDtaO fattb- Cbdt <3ob Doll fc^giue pou fo^ euermoK* JToj ^0 fo; i>oui; boDp it It be curable a ttll cauCc to Uc bcalcbyoj ourmg rout M«- .rfc*^ .^^ J \i3tl clothe atiO feeD pou ais 3 am able. ^p ^* Come rmcc go itott^ me pou Uaue necD of relcef; *' C3i)9^ d most ot ci^e councrie tjeer am 3 tome» K>antcig j&rntbptbeKmsj^maicdietu&tcetoboo: an^sef Cf^eeflp to pjiocceo in iuogement on a felon* f !!l^"|* 3 tatp foj tfte Utroit of tjje queft ere 3 go. j **5;« pe anotv l^mUl ccome on (ufi 3 p^ap pou come on. }3epou all agceeo in one/* f ca mp )lo]iD eucrp ct^one. ^nc fpcaheeb ro^ ^ qneS SD^ere Jfmael toa0 inotteD bp ctoelue men; t[|L i0ffellonp»bursiarp9anDmurt^er.* ^ ' 30 r^e moitement DedacetU > boijk?> Q)^ere $ Vobcm pe bearo ic reao to pou lacclp iw o^oec pou U)itb tbe (^Q atiD all true men. S3e cbargeb on pour otbe^ to gme t^erbit b fcectip M)betb(( JCmael tberof be giitp o^ bn^tttpe^ ^nefo; |[(]5tup(mp&o;p;dnDmoaesiUie: i qaett. f^Q^iit tbou^^ng mp &o;d tbou DDbo^tbn oobbpi Ijiiqaitfe (£aPf ^geetiiont lEI^a/t^a tl)ougb 3 come in ruoelp benotagafb moiiotg 3 mutt uioQ^^b a feat in tiaOe* 0) ame, 3. \ 3[ft3uec3a8fttttDoWrWl|Mfctfoo.uljt5cDame Jit 1 carcti ber in \np cluccij ] ttii ^cr taaie« iODf all ti)t0 m^Ue ^no\joe pe not mp name^ a am rt3t)t iDo^^ipful matHer too^olp (^ame. ISU^ matter t(iat 3 notD come about.- i)a(euent^(ie^]putpouout ofoour* C^ece 1^ one j^anttppe a cuctt (9|oia)e: 3 tl^mli all tbe ddo^ID oootl^ i^er ftnoQoc. &\ic\} a taoe Qe I0 auo io cura a quene: l^^e a)oulD out tcolDc (be DeuUio; Dam 9 tDeen. &itsi tWtm itoom^n batt) b3be$ t!)»ee.- CtDatn tbe o eerea Darlingje^ tiia( migljt bee. 3lifm:jel anb fate BaUla tfteCe tDDo/ BDttbtt^rlouc t3arnabai$ ]bauenotbms to do. 3111 tuaei gooD tbac tbe(e oibUnsja^ Doo migbt: (tDere*lr^,irt jie.fcolDf 0} f(3bt» CapDes(,B(u>ci^(r^,cMp ano (o fo^tU*- 311 tbefe tbelr maniinp soouio take in goob tbont^ 4. |3olDC(t*B^iiia ^r Dmqfyttt IS beao of f pQtksiz ano ber (one bangb in tf^md ^ taaitetb bt^ loci(i$« iQDbeCe neT)dei$ t»a ] tel bet ^ tbe matcec (o ftanu-* ^ ,, (Cbat(!ie^albe(bine>matae(SOoilDipCI}ame# ^^ ^^*h ©a,b3,ba. Mwmetj) |^eac?;p:ace%commetb bcccbp: 3(pobe no mooiibS of ber no not 1. ^b mi(f cess {anttppe 3 can tell pou netbejf .* flDbe fait 092ncb pauc Deer d ausb^ec Baltla** 3i beao of tbepoc^is^ talienat tbe aetoeier* 3nD tbp HtmaeUbat p^etp bop. ^bom t bacetap poulooueb berptkjcl: 3«( baiigeD in cbainc^e^ euerp man can ccl. leuerp man faitb % bausbcer t»ajS a ttrost Odbo^ie, anD L attD tbp tonne n tUong ei^eef ant) a ntatO^tttt to. It maa nceDjQl greme pou YDunoerou^ (o^e. ^cti tuu taunt mo moca p ^lufo^c^p Capnotxp 1C^cau(eaC ti^titotmis^taen oerppou. jac tt)c caafe of e^eir deat^ lie InanlD IbMttii* l»flttUouftoauii.''tfte3Dmilflopt^Ftijctft» ._ ^^ CftouOMltDpcJttojajawttimoiciftamc* S?^ 3i wU get me Ijence out of tftc^ap. tr t^c tddo^e fl^oulD opr men SDo^^ tiieblantei Cftat3lul(eaber»baatie0tt)omo£ap. iNsae^^K^* C^laia^' ala^> ano tt>el ato ip* i^aatkmc; 3 map eurCe t^s time tliax J uoa^tmitte: l^euec bao moman (uc^ foj^uo^ ] oare fap,^ aiajE^ ttoo of mp c^tlD;en ai:eCo;;loiLAe. ^pfairDau9^t€i:Baiaat0 DeaDofttKPt^b^ iQ^DeecConne itmaeltianseotiptncl^tieii: aiajs^ tbe taiaoe mattet^ W P^om locl()$> totltci) l^i£tf^ mp Wt atu) pcrcec^mp^^atof^^ H)bp (l^ottlD tx)tl poa tpil pour (elf fo ; pour otnne offenee^ 3lnD (eem fo^ euer to epcluDe <5oD0 mercp f to (P^D f o j grace call I^^Jf ail toc^loipcarcjaf let paffe ano t^llr ^ * ano ttiu0 comiojt mp latj^er 3 piap pen bartilp; 3 ^aue a little to lap i t]Qil come bp anb bp. a^iflWicntleauDicncebpt^r^cntetlucrpemep ^ott)Dang€rou0rtt0(o|^tbefra!ltirofHoirtb «c» &utl)(mt£a9d gouecnaunre to iKtc dt itbe^ctC) ^mi^^biunttfi a!$ t^Ce happen of truet^» V ' ^^iAitcaipttijSt^mo^inet^^ ^^^ ^ - 26p negl^sence of Mttfi anD not mtns pafn-* 3n timt gooo lerning anD quaiute^ to attattt fll^erto^e e)co;ting all parentis toOetitiigeatf Jn diitngmg i3p t^eir Cb(iD;en to be cixtixmipttU Heft tDtp fall (0 be etui be net negUgent, ^^.^ 23ut cU4ftife tft em ere tftep be fo;e mtect* ^^'^ Accept tQetc tt)el Doomg* in tl t^ein retect. S rung plane pou map plat ano bo)» a0 pontofl: ttii^ereu gcocoet^ ftrong tt^erc SdUit abioefta» <0uen Co bp Cbiio^u in t(et( tenoee ager pe map)]poo^ktbemU&e uiaic to poor oiDne intent 23uttfpouaiffertUemlon9toliuetn outrage, tljjeptxjil beftocDpanDOif anD DbWnotteUnt, ^ .. , ig)pecWlD;enietpouct >letb;sfp;:apfo;t()et)ono$abIe countaa g^nobtlttie* tbat tf^ep map alloateis coufatl in l»((Da e ti trlqui? 0oDfaue]^i^ueene,^realme9 comanaUie* (1^ yf or THE UNIVERSITY OF 3t in aoot) to be mcrp, C3 Smik 23UC bono can be merp^ nipne i^ctbacbatt)apu(ecoti(tunref nftptr!3 ©emapttjclbeiuer^ C3 Biiotbcr UouX"^ i^bo ^t6 a pttte confrience U\ mu Unetfje? j|^ontatiof^n(cl( JinCneft^e. C3 fSngto^ €t^ett mullttfollooo of ncceCricte/ |it|?cr, c^ no man can be merp^ I I ianertie of itfclf dootb pttrcneje(gftte» I pomnud afbf icof (2D^obm true brtfcoe, Cben QUI be giut it anb none tep^eau» C3 anototDemap.bemecp* fb ^sntmt t jEC tt^ pjiactife of a cottfcteoce ptatt Co toDiu ano feacd^oD auD^b^c allure: ttCben m4p t^g )oei be nierp. WI|dl(^H ^ ^tte t(iai can anb bnl Doo t^(i^^ 3fter t^U^euorialUnsbitirei -, pet not bp Def act but bp gift iimjj, U C^ece!)3p abiopntng; bnto ie)atnt ^ilOjCD^ Cbuccb tn tbe idolccie^ bp 3o^n9Ub€. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONUY-TIl. NO. 642^5 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recaU. MAR 1 7^/1: LD2lA-60m-6,'69 (J90968l0)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley mMS..?,^^*<^'-EY LIBRARIES CDS5ES^b7E iio