1 Ill'' ^'^ MARKR. BERK^tCY shcLIBRARY UNIVERSITY OP ^^AUFORNIA Re-arrang ^y "ROME'S RECRUITS:" ^ IList of PROTESTANTS WHO HAVE BECOME CATHOLICS SINCE THE TRACTARIAN MOVEMENT. Re'printed, with numerous additions and corrections, fronti "The Whitehall Review" Of September 28th, October 5t/i, 72tli, and 79th, 7878. PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF " THE WHITEHALL REVIEW." And Sold by James Parker & Co., 377, Strand, and at Oxford; and by Burns & Oatks, Portman Street, W. 1878. PEEFACE. ME publication in four successive numbers of The Whitehall Review of the names of those Protestants who have become CathoHcs since the Tractarian move- ment, led to the almost general suggestion that Rome's Recruits should be permanently embodied in a pamphlet. This has now been done. The lists which appeared in The Whitehall Review have been carefully revised, corrected, and considerably augmented ; and the result is the compilation of what must be regarded as the first List of Converts to Catholicism of a reliable nature. While the idea of issuing such a statement of** Perversions " or *' Conversions " was received with unanimous favour for the silly letter addressed to the Morning Post by Sir Edward Sullivan can only be regarded as the wild effusion of an ultra-Protestant gone very wrong great curiosity has been manifested as to the sources from whence we derived our information. The modus operandi was very simple. Possessed of a considerable nucleus, our hands were strengthened immediately after the appearance of the first list by 071 IT PREFACE. the co-operation of nearly all the converts themselves, who> hastened to beg the addition of their names to the muster-roll. While the Roman Clergy have materially assisted us in the compilation of the List of Recruits, it is worth noting that we have had no help from the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, nor from Monsignor Capel. On the other hand, we have received English additions to the List from all parts of the Continent, and even from the United States. The Whitehall List does not, of course, in any way repre- sent the actual numbers of those who have gone over from the Anglican to the Roman Communion. But then it was no part of our scheme to sliow how many have left us ; all we essayed was the publication of the names of the elite ; and in this it is almost impossible to say to what extent we have been successful. THE EDITOR OF ''THE WHITEHALL REVIEW." November Sth, iSyS. MR. GLADSTONE ON '* ROME'S RECRUITS." Hawardcn, Oct. ir, 1878. Dear Sir, I thank you for sending me The Whitehall Review with the various lists of secessions to the Roman Church. I am glad they have been collected, and I am further glad to hear they are to be published in the form of a pamphlet. For good, according to some, or for evil, according to others, they form as a group an event of much interest and significance. It woiild very greatly add to the value of the coming pamphlet if an approximate statement of dates could be made part of it. To give the year in each case would probably be very difficult ; but would it be difficult to give decades .'' Say from 1820 or 1830. Even to divide yet more largely would still be useful ; as thus : T. Before 1840. 2. 184060. 3. Since i860. You will, I am sure, excuse this suggestion, and again accept my thanks. I remain, your very faithful W. E. Gladstone. It would also be matter of interest to note : 1. The number of peers. 2. Of members of titled families. 3. Of clerg}'. 4. Of Oxford men. 5. Of ladies. But perhaps yon will leave all this to readers to extract for themselves. How Ready Price One Shilling, IN HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED WRAPPER' THE WHITEHALL ANNUAL, Containing Stories, Sketches, and Poems by OUIDA, Major G. J. Whyte-Melville, F. C. Burnand, Lady Violet Greville, John Hollingshead, Henriette A. Duff, SARAH BERNHARDT. Published at "THE WHITEHALL REVIEW OFFICE, 5, York Street, Covent Garden, London. EOME'S EECEUITS. The Earl of Ashburnham. John Bridge AspinaU, Q.C., Recorder of Liverpool. Rev. W. H. Anderdon, M.A., Bennet Scholar of University College, Oxford ; Vicar of St. Margaret's, Leicester. A Jesuit. Rev. T. W. AUies, ^LA., Fellovy of Wadhara College, Oxford ; Chaplain to Bishop of London. Author of " The Church of England cleared from the charge of Schism;" "The See of St. Peter," Sec, Sec. WilUam E. Addis, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford. A priest of the oratory. Bernard Addis. A Jesuit. Rev. George Akers, AI.A., Oriel College, Oxford. A priest. H. A. Arden. A Dominican priest. Frederic Antrobus, son of Baronet. Priest of the Oratory. Commander Algar, R.N. Kev. J. Algar, M.A., Fellow of University ColJege, Oxford. Ihomas Arnold, M.A. (Oxford), youngest son of Dr. Arnold, of Rugby. Arthur A'Beckett. Chisholm Anstey, sometime M.P., and Attorney-General, Hong Kong. Miss Aglionby. Anne, wife of the 7th Duke of Argyll. Rev. George Angus, B.A., Oxford ; Curate of Prestbnry. Priest. Rev. Septimus Andrews, M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford ; Vicar of Market Harbro'. A priest. Lady A. Acheson. Lady O. Acheson. Lady Arundell, sister of the ist Duke of Buckingham, and \vife of the loth Lord Arundell of Wardour. The Duchess of Athole. Rev. Joseph Atkinson, Priest of the Order of Charity. Rev. E. W. Attwood, Curate of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch. Walter Marsham Adams, B.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford. Miss Agnew, daughter of Baronet, and author of * Geraldine." The Lady Annaly. Mrs. Weston Cracroft-Amcotts, wife of Colonel Cracroft-Amcotts, of Walcot HaU. Henry V. Arkell. A priest. Arnold, University College, Oxford. Miss Lloyd-Anstruther. A nun. Mrs. Athy, Renville, Galway. The Misses Adams. Mrs. Anstice, widow of Rev. Joseph Anstice, of King's College, London. Airs. Robert Wigram Arkwright, of Nor- manton Turville Hall, Leicestershire. Major-General Stewart Allan, Bengal Army. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A'Beckett. Mrs. Alleyne, widow of Rev. Joseph Alleyne, M.A., Oxford; two sons and a daughter. Mrs. Adderley, sister-in-law of Lord Norton. Henry Alexander, barrister-at-law. Mrs. Amott, widow of a clergyman. Charies Francis Allnatt, Trinity College, Dublin; son of late Charles Blake Allnatt, of Shrewsbury, barrister-at-law. Mrs. Ainsworth, North Wales. A nun. Miss Arthur, Sister of Sir Frederic Arthur. William Archer, Registrar-General, Victoria. Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnot. Miss Arbuthnot. A nun. Mrs. Falconer Atlee. Albert Atlee, and the Misses Atlcc. The Marquis of Bute. Rev. Stuart Eyre Bathurst, M.A., FeUow of Merton College, Oxford; Rector of Kibworth Beauchamp, son of Sir James Bathurst, and grandson of Bishop of Norwich. A priest. ROME'S RECRUITS. John Edward Bowden, author of the Memoirs of Father Faber. Oratorian. Charles Henry Bowden. Oratorian. Henry G. Sebastian Bowden, Scots Fusi- lier Guards. Oratorian. John Bethell, brother of Lord Westbury. Augustus P. Bethell. A piiest. Rev. G. F. L. Bampfield, B.A., late scholar of Lincoln College, and First Class in Classics, Oxford. A priest. Rev. Sir John Croker Barrow, Bart., M.A., Oxford. Lady Barrow and Family. Miss Barrow, sister of the Baronet. Rev. Henry Bedford, M.A., St. Peter's College, Cambridge ; Curate of Christ Church, Hoxton. F, C. Bumand, author of " Happy Thoughts," &c., &c. Henry Bellingham, M.A., S.C.L., Exeter College, Oxford ; Barrister-at-Law, Private Chamberlain to Pope Leo. XIIL ; eldest son of Sir Alan Bellingham, Bart , of Castle Belling- ham, Co. Louth. Mrs. Major Browne. Rev. E. G. Klirwan Browne ; Curate at Bawdsey, Norwich ; nephew of Sir W. Nott, K.C.B. Sir George Bowyer, Bart., M.P., D.C.L. (Oxford.) Arthur Bovill, nephev/ of Lord Justice Bovill. Rev. R. W. Brundritt, M.A., Christ College, Cambridge. A priest. Rev. F. Bown, M.A., Curate of St. George's-in-the-East. A priest. Edmund R. P. Bastard, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford, Double First Class; Kitley, Devon. Rev. C. B. Bridges, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford. Robert Braithwaite, B.A. (Oxford), barrister-at-law. Isabella, wife of 8th Baron Beaumont, and daughter of 3rd Baron Kilmaine. Henry, 9th Baron Beaumont. W. H. Brown, B.A. (London). Rev. W. H. Bliss, Magdalen College, Oxford, Rector of Hincksey. Miss Tatton Browne. Edward Badeley, M.A. Sergeant Bellasis. Rev. Professor Barff, M.A., Christ's Col- lege, Cambridge ; Curate of Holy Trinity, Hull. Rev. Robert Belaney, M.,A., St. Cathe- rine's College, Cambridge ; Vicar of Arlington. A priest. Rev. G. Burder, M.A.., Magdalen Hall, Oxford ; Curate at Ruardean. A Cis- tercian monk. Rev. W. B. B. Brownlow, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; Curate at Torquay. A priest. James Bums, Publisher. Charles Alban Buckler, Architect. Albert Buckler, now a Dominican monk. Edmund Buckler, ditto. Reginald Buckler, ditto. Rev. Thomas Jones Burton, Curate at St. Paul's, Brompton. Rev. Thomas Burton, M.A., Cambridge, Curate at St. James', Enfield. A priest. J. G. Biggar, M.P. Captain and Mrs. Boetler. Rev. J. C. M. Bellew, M.A. (Oxford), the Elocutionist. The Duchess of Buccleuch. David Hunter Blair, son of Sir David Blair, Bart., M.A., Magdalen College, Oxford. A priest. Miss Emily Bowles, author of several popular stories. Richard Burchett, late Head Master of South Kensington Art Schools. Rev. B. H. Birks, Curate at Arley. A priest. Rev. H. Bittleston, M.A., St. John's College, Oxford, Curate at All Saints', Margaret Street. Priest of the Oratory. Lewin Bowring, C.B., son of Sir John Bowring, Bengal C.S. Private Secre- tary to Lord Canning. C. A. Bowring, Trinity College, Cam- bridge ; son of Sir John. A Jesuit. T. E. Bridgctt, St. John's College, Cam- bridge. A priest. Rev. William Hamilton Bodley, Curate of Tenison Chapel, Regent Street, Queen's College, Cambridge. A priest. Henry Bacchus, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Rev. H. Bayley, St. John's College, Cam- bridge. A priest. Rev. W. Bell, St. John's College, Cam- bridge. Rev. F. Balston, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford. A priest. Rev. Frederick De Betham, Christ Col- lege, Cambridge. A Jesuit. Rev. T. Bowdler, Curate of Tennison Chapel. Rev. F. S. Bowles, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. A priest. W. H. Buckle, Controller of Customs. Walter Buckle, Exeter College, Oxford. A priest. Rev. Robert Butler, M.A., Brasenose College, Oxford ; Warden of the House of Charity, Soho. Rev. E. H. Ballard, M.A., Wadham Col- lege, Oxford. A priest. George Frederic Ballard, Worcester Col- lege, Oxford. A priest. Lieutenant Bastard, R.N. ROME'S RECRUITS. .9 Rev. Matthew Bridges, a contributor to the Edinburgh Rtvirw. H. R Bagshawe, Q.C., County Court Judge ; son of Sir William Bagshawe, and father of the Bishop of Nottingham. Mrs. Bagshawe, daughter of John Gun- ning, C.B* The Eari of Buchan. Mrs. Bridgman, Frogmore, Herefordshire. Mrs. Boyce, Cheltenham. Rev. Caithness Brodie, of Brodie ; Curate of St. Stephen's, Kensington. C. H. Bromby, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, son of the Bishop of Tasmania. Mrs. Barnes, of Gilling Castle, Yorkshire. Mrs. and the Misses Bostock, Cheltenham. E. G. Stanley Browne, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Late Countess of Buchan. Rev. J. W. Barlow. W. S. Bosanquet. Leicester Buckingham, Author. Rev. George Whitefiekl Benjamin, D.D., Curate of the English Church at Rome. Miss Bowring, daughter of Sir John Bowring. A nun at Hong Kong. George Bentley, King's College, London. Rev. William Maziere Brady, D.D. ; Trinity College, Dublin ; Chaplain to the Lord-Lieutenant. Chamberlain to the Pope. Mrs. William Maziere Brady. Captain Farmer Bailey. Rev. G. R. Burrows, M.A., Queen's Col- lege, Oxford. Miss Burnett. Rev. Francis Bayly. Priest. Rev. A. J. D. Bradley, B.A., Oxford ; Curate of St. Martin's, Liverpool. Priest. Mrs. Bengough and Miss Bengough. Rev. Dr. Barrow, Principal of St. Ed- mund's Hall, Oxford. A Jesuit. Lady Burke, daughter of the Right Hon. J. Calcraft. Sir J. Bradstreet, Bart. Rev. Evan Baillie, M.A., Trinity College, Oxford ; Rector of Lawshall. ^Irs. Beckwith, wife of General Beckwith. Rev. J. Harris Burton, Glenalmond Coll. ; incumbent of St. John's, Selkirk. Captain J. O. Burgoyne. The Viscountess Bury. Colonel and Mrs. Buckle. James Britten, F.L.S., of the British Museum. Clare, wife of Captain Joseph Boulderson, and daughter of J. C. M. Belle w, the elocutionist. Evelyn Belle w, son of the elocutionist. Harold Kyrie Bellew, ditto. James Brown, LL.D. Philip Burchett, author of well-known works on Geometry'. Arnold Baker, Exeter College, Oxford. Mrs. Di^bv Boycott, senior. Essex Digby Boycott. Mrs. Essex Digby Boycott. The Comtesse Geraldme Digby Boycott, Chanoinesse of the RoysU Chapter of St. Anne, Munich. Madame Mabel Digby Boycott. A nun. Mrs. Blunt, of Crabbets, near Crawley^ Sussex. Rev. Greorge Bampton. A Jesuit. Francis Bacon, formerly lay-worker at St. Peter's, London Docks. A priest. W. H. Bartlett. Dommican priest. Francis G. Beresford, of the War Office, Rev. H. G. J. Brasnell, Chaplain of Lin- coin Gaol. Rev. J. Carr Browne. Rev. W. P. Bum, Incumbent near Rother- ham. Swinburne Berkeley. Colonel Blair, Scots Fusilier Guards. James Francis Wedderbum Bisshop, of Bramdean House, Hants. Philip George Crosbie Bisshop. R. C. A, Boyd, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The Honourable Charles Bertie, late 47th Regiment, son of the Earl of Abingdon. The Lady Elizabeth Bertie, daughter of the Eari. The Lady Evelyn Bertie, ditto. Mrs. Bacchus, daughter of late Professor Cumming, of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, and Rector of North Runcton. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Barclay. Mrs. Richard Digby Beste, of Botleigh Grange, Hants. Miss Bradley. Captain F. Berthon, son of the Vicar of Romsey. The Honourable George Bennett, Rifle Brigade. J. Bentley, architect. The late William Bond of St. Mawgan, Cornwall, with four sons (all priests) and four daughters (all nuns). Alfred Bunn, librettist. J. Baxter, Oxford, and Mrs. Baxter. .Miss Blunt, daughter of Consul at .Smyrna. Henry Charles Brandling. Miss Beresford, niece of first Marquis of Waterford. Miss Bathurst, granddaughter of Bishop Bathurst, of Norwich. Miss Ballantine, daughter of Serjeant Ballantine. Mrs. Hill Burton. A. Blunden, son of Sir D. Blunden, Bart. Benjamin J. Butland, Trinity College, Cambridge. A priest. J. R. Beste. Mrs. Brine, wife of Colonel Frederic Brine, R.E. 10 ROME'S RECRUITS. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Buttemer. Captain William Edward Buller, late 14th Light Dragoons. Charles Bishop, solicitor ; Registrar of the Oxford County Court: Mrs. Charles Bishop and Miss Bishop. Clement Barraud. A Jesuit. Miss Caroline Burke, daughter of Lady Burke. Mrs. Bateman, wife of Dr. Bateman, of Folkestone. Mrs. Beaumont, of Guildford. Mrs. Raymond Barker, wife of nephew of Dr. Pusey, and two sons (one a Jesuit.) J. G. H. Barnes, Wadham College, Ox- ford. H. W. Brewer, architect. William Brewer, Solicitor. F. Orlando Bridgeman, of the Earl of Bradford's family. Miss Busk. Miss Bristow and Miss F. Bristow, daughters of Captain Bristow. ^liss Barnes. George Beardmore. Mrs. Blyth, wife of Rev. F. C. Blyth. Mrs. Booth, Ashby Manor, Lincoln. Mrs. Bayne, two sons and two daughters. Miss E. Beresford, niece of the late Arch- bishop (Lord Decies) of Tuam. The Honourable Mrs. Brown, grand- daughter of the above Archbishop. Mrs. Burrowes, great-granddaughter of the above Archbishop. ^Irs. Bishop {n^e O'Connor Morris). Mrs. Andrew Brown, cousin of the late Bishop Forbes. Miss N. G. Blunt. Miss Blunt, daughter of Consul at Symma. Algernon Brown, son of Dr. Brown of Brighton. John Biden. A Jesuit. Captain Bathurst, R.N. Captain Joseph Boulderson, late 68th Light Infantry. ]Miss Diana Baring. J. F. Boyd. Mrs. Bliss, widow of Rev. William Bliss. The late Sir Arthur Blennerhassett, Bart. Madame Belloc {ne'e Bessie Rayner Parkes) , a Unitarian, a descendant of Dr. Priestley, and a well-known writer. Joseph M. Browne, grandson of Captain Browne, R.N., of SHgo. Mrs. Boynton, wife of Captain George Boynton, and aunt of Sir Henry Boyn- ton, Bart. John Bradney, of Bayford Lodge, son of clergyman. ]Mrs. Bowyer, sister-in-law of Sir George Bowyer, Bart. Mrs. Baumgardt, widow of Major-General John G, Baumgardt, C.B. G. Bridgett, Assistant Commissary-General C. J. Bridgett. Mrs. Hamilton Bradford. James Browne, of Browneville, co. Gal way. Valentine Browne, C.E. Mrs. Bleakly, wife of a clergyman, and her children. Mrs, William Bocock, of Kirtling, New- market. Miss Brand, sister of Speaker of the House of Commons. Captain Gerard Bolton. Alan H. Brodrick. De la Barre, Bodenham, Herefordshire. Henry bherston Baker, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. Mrs. Brown, wife of Captain David Brown, 14th Light Dragoons. Henry and Frederic Brown, of the East India Company's Service. A. Gordon Breton, solicitor. Mrs. Boyce, wife of Rev. W. Boyce, of Cheltenham College. Captain Bernard, R.A., son of Rev. S. E. Bernard. jSIrs. J. M. Bellew, widow of the elocu- tionist. Lady Caroline Barham, sister of the Earl of Thanet. Madame Gaggiolti Barham, daughter of Lady Caroline Barham. H. S. Butterfield, son of Rev. H. Butter- field, rector of Fulmer, Bucks. Mrs. Blythe, wife of Captain Blythe. Captain Francis Scawen Blunt, of the Rifle Brigade. MissHonoria Berwicke. ASister of Charity. Mrs, Bowden, daughter of the late Sir John Swinburne, Bart. The late Miss Bowden. A nun. Miss Emily Bowden. The late Captain Henry Bowden, of the Guards. Founder of the Catholic Church at Chislehurst. The late Mrs. Henry Bowden, nee Burgoyne, Miss Sarah Brigstocke. The Countess Dowager of Clare. Lord Courtenay. Rev. Henry James Coleridge, M.A., Fel- low of Oriel College, Oxford ; Scholar of Trinity, First Class in Classics, and brother of Lord Coleridge. A Jesuit. Miss Coleridge. Rev. G. L. Crawley, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford ; Cm-ate of St. Saviour's, Leeds. A priest. Frederick Capes, Proctor. W. S. Coward, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, H.M. Inspector of Schools. ROME S RECRUITS. A. J. Christie, M.A., Fellow of Oriel Col- lege Oxford, First Class in Classics and Second in Mathematice. A Jesuit Rev. Edwanl Caswall, M.A., Brascnose College, Oxford ; Curate at Stratfortl- under-thc-Casllc. A priest of the Oratory. Rev. Verney Cave-Browne-Cave, son of Sir J. R. Cave-Browne-Cave, Bart. A priest. Arthur B. Cumbcrlege, Trinity College, Cambridge. A priest. Lady Chatterton, Authoress. Rev. John Somers Cocks, Rector of Sheviock, Exeter. Rev. Danvers Clarke, M.A., Exeter Col- lege, Oxford ; incumbent in Sussex and Rural Dean. Richard Clarke, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. A Jesuit. Rev. R. A. Coffin, Christ Church, Oxford, Rector of St. Mary Magdalen's, Oxford. A priest. Rev. A. E. Coffin, Magdalen College, Oxford. Rev. H. Coombes, Curate of St. Saviour's, Leeds. "William Chatto, M.A., Emanuel College, Cambridge. Built Catholic Church at St. Mary Church, Torquay. Rev. C. Cholmondeley, Balliol College, Oxford. Priest and canon. Rev. G. F. Case, M. A., Brasenose College, Oxford, Curate of All Saints', Margaret- street. Priest and Canon. Rev. H. G. Coope, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford ; curate at Bucknell. J. J. Caiman, B.A., Worcester College, Oxford. Mrs. Ross Church (Florence Marryat). Miss Cusack, niece of Sir Ralph Cusack, known in Catholic literature as *' the Nun of Kenmare." Rev. C. W. Cavendish, M.A., Trinity College, Oxford ; rector of Casterton. The late Mrs. Charles Cavendish. Arthur V. L. Coombs, M. A., Oriel College, Oxford ; Captain Dorset Militia. Private Chamberlain to the late and to the pre- sent Pope. Dr. Copeland, of Cheltenham. Mrs. Copeland, tt4e Bacchus. J. A. Cook, Barrister-at-Law. J. A. Charles. A priest. Mrs. Clark, wife of Prebendary Clark, of Taunton. Mrs. Codd, wife of Rev. E. T. Codd, Vicar of Bbhop's Tachbrook, "Warwick- shire. Mrs. Cholmeley, Brandsby Hall, York- shire. Rev. John Coventry, M.A., Magdalen Hall, Oxford ; Rector of Tywardreath ; grandson of Earl of Coventry. Alphonsus Coventry. A Servite priest. Miss Cook, St. James's-square, Notting Hill. Colonel Clifton, of Lytham, Lancashire. Miss Clifton, daughter of Capt. and Lady Bertha Clifton. Miss Cotton, daughter of the Provost of "Worcester College, Oxferd, and niece of Dr. Pusey. Colonel Colt hurst, brother of late Sir G. Colthurst, of Blarney, Co. Cork. Joseph Clark, M.A., Magdalen College' Oxford. A Passionist priest. Robert Colthurst. J. Coleman, Worcester College, Oxford. Chandler, All Souls' College, Oxford. Rev. C. Cox, B.A., Exeter College, Oxford. The late Eari of Castlestuart. Sir Gilbert E. Campbell, Bart. Rev. Robert Campbell, M. A., Cambridge; chaplain to Bishop of Aberdeen, and canon of Perth Cathedral. R. D. B. Cunninghame, J.P., Hensol. C. E. H. Edmonstoune-Cranstoun, J. P., Corehouse. A. J. Cliffe, D.L., Bellevue, "Wexford. Captain Cliffe. Captain Warner "W. Garden. Rev. Dr. J. T. CoUett (Baptist). Th. K. Chambers, M.A., M.D., Christ Church, Oxford. Rev. F. C. A. Clifford, M. A., Cambridge ; Curate of Elveden, Suffolk. Rev. Th. Lloyd Coghlan, sen., B.A., Trinity College, Dublin; Rector of Moume Abbey, Cork. A priest. The late Mrs. T. L. Coghlan. Rev. Th. L. Coghlan, jun., Curate at Stonehouse ; now Army Chaplain. Rev. John Collins, M.A., Oxford ; Curat at Birkenhead. Mrs. Hy. Clayton, of Ingatestone. The Lady Chichester. Captain Chichester, Dragoon Guards. Miss Chambers, formerly Mother Eldress of the Devonport Sisters, under the direction of Miss Sellon Mrs. Coxon, wife of M. A. Coxon, Bombay C. S., and daughter of Sir George An- derson, Governor of Ceylon. Mrs. Attwell Coxon, of Hong Kong. Major Archibald Chisholm. Mrs. Caroline Chisholm (wifeof the Major), The Emigrant's Friend." Rev. Dr. T. A. Crowther. Priest. Mrs. Moreton-Craigie of Moreton Hall, Cheshire. Miss Cope, daughter of Rev. Sir "W, Cope, Bart. Rev. H. Collins, curate at St. George's- in-the-East. Priest. "William Collis. Priest and Canon. Robert Clarke, M.R.C.S. A priest. 12 ROME'S RECRUITS. J. Cookesley, M.D. The Honourable Mrs. Woodhouse Currie, daughter of Lord Lyveden. Rev. A. D. R. Campbell, Curate of Ash- ley, Newmarket. Rev. H. W. Challis, M.A. ; scholar of Merton College, Oxford. Mrs. Cannon, wife of General Cannon, of Folkestone, and the Misses Cannon. Arthur Charles Croker, formerly an officer of the 7/ th Regiment, and son of the late Colonel Croker of the i8th Hussars. Mrs. and Miss Comyn, of Plymouth. Charles Comberbach. Priest. Miss Ellen Cottam. W. A. Osborne Christmas, nephew of W. Christmas, formerly M.P. and D.L. of Whitfield, Waterford. Mrs. and Miss G. Veronica Christmas. The Lady Katherine Coke, daughter of the Earl of Wilton. Miss Crosse. The Lady Codrington. Henry Glutton, architect. Anthony Cope, son of Rev. Sir W. Cope, Bart. Mrs. Anthony Cope. Mrs. Bertram Currie. Captain Cox. Miss Claxton, now Marchesadi Salvo. Augustus Craven, husband of the author , of " Le Recit d'une Soeur." Mrs. John Coventry, wife of clergyman. Henry Ferrers Croxon. Compton Croxton. Constance Croxton. Mrs. Campbell, wife of the member for North Staffordshire. Mrs. Cooper, wife of Colonel Morse Cooper. John Cooper. H. Stonehewer Cooper. Charles Cholmondeley, a Cheshire squire, brother of Mr. Cholmondeley, of Con- doverPark, Salop, and nephew of Bishop Heber. A priest. Mrs. John Christie, of Stanley Crescent, Notting Hill. C. H. Clarke, M.D. Dr. Counsellor. Francis Macnaraara Calcutt, formerly M.P. for County Clare. Arthur L. Chattaway. A priest. W. W. Cook. A priest. George E. Clerk, brother of Sir Douglas Clerk, Bart., of Penicuik. Mrs. and Miss Lane Clarke, Guernsey. Lady Adelaide Cathcart. Lady Katherine Elizabeth Coclirane, daughter of the loth Earl of Dundonald. Mrs. Henry Caulfield. Miss Camsew, sister-in-law of Dean Cowie, of Manchester. Mrs. Charles ClifFe. Miss Churchill, daughter of 2\Iajor-General Churchill. Alderman Chambers, ex-Mayor of Mar- gate. Aliss Chandless, daughter of the Q C. A nun. Andrew Currie, sculptor. Mr. Carew, of the War Office. Thompson Cooper, journalist and author. Miss Laura Chesshyre, daughter of a clergyman. Miss Margaret Wyatt Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. William Codrington, Wroughton House, Swindon. The Honourable Miss Crewe, sister of Lord Crewe. Airs. Coates, of Reigate. H. Considine, D.L., Derk. Mrs. Clutterbuck, sister of Sir John Croker Barrow, Bart. Mrs. Crowe, wife of Captain Crowe, of Folkestone. The Honourable Mrs. Colonel Clifford. Airs. Moss Cooper, sister of 'Mr. Walter, M.P., of The Times. Miss Courtenay, sister of the Bishop of Jamaica. James Carter, Priest and Chamberlain to the late Pope. % Miss Clifford, of Came, co. Cavan. Miss Wilmot Chetwode, daughter of Edmund and Lady Janet Wilmot Chetwode, of Woodbrook, Queen's County. Miss Janet Wilmot Chetwode. Miss Carrington, daughter of a clergyman. Henry Co well. A Jesuit. Archibald D. L. Campbell, nephew of D. Campbell, of Lochnell. Donald C. V. Campbell, son of James Archibald Campbell, of Inverawe. A Jesuit. Joseph Corbett. A priest. Mrs. Chirol, wife of Rev. A. Chirol. Mrs. Clavering, ofCallaly. Captain and Mrs. Collard, of Waltham- stow. Mrs. Connolly. A nun. Baronne de Corson, relative of Cardinal Manning. Miss Christian, sister of Judge Christian. Duchess de Sforza Cesarini, nee Caroline Shirley. Edwin Chabot, Churchwarden of St. James', Hatcham. , Captain Cuffe, of Connaught. D The Earl of Denbigh. Rev. Nicholas Darnell, M.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford ; son of the Rector of Stanhope. A priest. ROME S RECRUITS. The Countess D'Albanic, widow of the late Count D'Albanic. Lady Alice, wife of Count Stuart d'Albanie, and daughter of 17th Earl of ErroU. Edward Hencage Dering, of the Cold- stream Guards, author of ' Sherborne" and other novels. J. B. Dalgaims, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. An eminent writer in the Contemporary Rtview^ and elsewhere. A priest of the Oratory. Lord Archibald Douglas, son of 7th Mar- quis of -Quecnsberry. A priest. Lady Gertrude Douglas. Dr. Duke, of Hastings. Dr. Duke, of St. Leonard's. Captain Dash wood, of Torquay. Sir Charles Douglas, author of ** Long Resistance and ultimate Conversion." Lady Douglas. Sir Vere de Vere, Bart. The Lady De Vere. Aubrey de Vere, the poet. Stephen de Vere, some time M.P. for Limerick. The late Lady de Trafford. C. Devas, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford. Ambrose PhiUipps de Lisle, of Garcndon Park and Grace Dieu Manor, Leices- tershire. Kenelm H. Digby, Trinity College, Cam- bridge, author of * The Broadstone of Honour," &c. Rev. T. Dykes, M.A., Clare College, Cambridge, Curate at Hull. A Jesuit. Captain D swell, Jesuit Lay Brother. Rev. Edward B. Deane, D.C.L., FeUow of All Souls' College, Oxford ; Kector of Lewknor. Mrs. E. Deane. Rev. T. D. Dove, A M., Emmanuel Col- lege, Cambridge ; curate of St. Mary ^lagdalen's, Munster-square. J. H. Dale, Trinity College, Camb., Curate of Frome S el wood, A priest. Rev. W. Dodsworth, B.D., Camb., Vicar of Christ Church, St. Pancras. Rev. J. Douglas, B.A., Christ Church, Oxford; curate of Emscote. A priest. H. Denny, St. John's College, Oxford. Sir Charles and Lady d'Albiac. Joseph Davenport, B.A., Jesus College, Cambridge. R. De Barry, Weston Hall, Warwickshire. The late Earl of Dunraven. The Honourable Lady Duncan. Miss Duncan, daughter of the Hon. Lady Duncan. Sir Compton Domvile, Bart. Rev. Alfred J. Dayman, B.A., Exeter Collt je, Oxford ; Curate of Wasperton. Miss D'Eyncourt. Mrs. D. K. Dewar. Rev. D. Erskine Dewar, Fellow of New College, Oxford ; rector of Eticsiho i>c. Wm. Douglas Dick, of Tullymct. Richard Hay Drummond, of H.iwthorn- den, son of Lite Sir Hay Drutnmond, Bart., and desendant of the poet. Madame D'Arras, daughter of late Sir E. H. Lechmere, Bart. Rev. Hubert De Burgh, Curate at Law- shall. A priest. George Dover, M.A., Exeter College Oxford. A Jesuit. Dawe, of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. A priest. Rev. J. P. Durell, University College, Oxford ; now Tutor, Catholic University College, Kensington. The Honourable Mrs. Robert Daly. Mrs. Archibald Dunn. The Honourable Mrs. Captain J. B. Dormer. Mrs. Miles Dormer. Thomas Drinkwater. A priest. Captain Dugmore, 64th Regt. The Honourable Mrs. Dugmore, daughter of Lord Brougham. Rev. Alexander Donaldson, curate at Farm borough. Mrs. George Dunn, of Harley-street. J. C. Dunn, B.A., New College, Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dyatt. Rev. Joshua Dixon, Brasenose College, Oxford. A missionary priest in Texas. J. W. W. Drew, M.A., St. Alban's Hall, Oxford. A priest. Rev. William V. Dawson, M.A., Oxford. Incumbent in Diocese of Ripon. C. E. B. Davis, B.A., London. Mrs. De Burgh, wife of the Vicar of West Drayton. Rev. C. H. Dixon, Curate at Fewston. Mary, wife of Marmaduke Dolman, Bar- rister-at-law, and daughter of Major Waud, late of Chester Court and Mans- ton Hall, Yorks. W. E. Dobson, J.P., The Park, Notting. ham. Miss Du Boulay, of Torquay. A nun. Mrs. Duff. The Honourable Mrs. Davison, widow of General Davison, and daughter of Lord Graves. Rev. Joseph Darlington, Brasenose Col- lege, Oxford. Archibald Donaldson, nephew of Professor Donaldson. Charles Dawson, Pembroke College, Ox- ford. The Misses Dashwood, daughters of Ad- miral Dashwood. Rev. John Tindal Durell, St. Peter's Col- lege, Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dashwood, of St. Michael's Torre, Devon. M ROME'S RECRUITS. Mrs. Dunlop, wife of Admiral Dunlop. Captain Dunlop, son of Admiral Dunlop, C.B. Mrs. Darcy, wife of Colonel Darcy, late Governor of the Falkland Islands'. iMrs. Warren Darley. Henry Wanen Darley. Mrs. Colonel Dorat. Miss Drane, author of" Christian Schools and Scholars," and other works. A Dominican nun. The blisses Dunsford. Mrs. Dayman, wife of the Rector of Shil- lingstone. The Hon, Mrs. De Moleyns, widow of the Hon. Colonel De Moleyns. Mrs. De Gemon, of Athcarne Castle {nee Braham), niece of Lady Waldegrave. Rev. Edward B. Douglas. Priest and canon. Madame De la Haye, sister of Dowager Lady Inchiqnin. Lady Elizabeth Douglas, daughter of the 2nd Earl Cathcart. Mrs. Dawson, daughter of Admiral Sir !Michael Seymour, and widow of Colonel Dawson, 90th Regiment, ^liss Dawson, Miss Lina Dawson, and Miss Effie Dawson, daughters of above. :Mrs. Dobson, wife of William E. Dobson, J.P. H. Davey of the War Office. The Honourable Mr. Dillon, late of the Home Office. James Dees, J.P., Northumberland. Captain and Mrs. Davidson, of Folkestone. Mrs. Doughan, Orrell Park, Aintree. Frederic Smith-Dodsworth, son of Sir Charles Smith-Dodsworth, Bart. Mrs. Frederic Smith-Dodsworth. Countess de Damas de Hautefort, nde Young. Captain W. N. Darnell, 84th Regiment. Mrs. W. N. Darnell. Mrs. Duke, sister of Dowager Duchess of Argyll. Lady Elizabeth Douglas, sister of Marchioness of Queensberry. Sister Drummond and Miss M.Drummond, son and daughter of Maurice and the Hon. Mrs. Drummond. Miss Danveis, of Chiselhurst. Miss Dixon, daughter of General Dixon. A nun. The Lord Emly, some time Postmaster- General. W. Martin Edmunds, Trinity College, Cambridge. Rev. John Charies Earie, B.A., Oriel College, Oxford, Curate at Ongar ; Author of Poems. V. D. H. Carey Elwes, Billing Hall;,. Northamptonshire. Rev. Edgar E. Estcourt, M.A., Exeter^ College, Oxford ; curate at Cirencester. A priest and canon. Rev. T. A. Eaglesim, M.A., Worcesterr College ; Curate of St. Paul's, Oxford. Henry A. Eliot, Merton College, Ox- ford. Charles O. Eaton, M.A., Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, D.L., Tolethorpe: Hall, Stamford. Mrs. Eaton. Rev. George B. Erskine, M.A., Merton. College, Oxford. F. C. Ellis, Queen's College, Oxford. J. Ellis, St. John's College, Oxford. Captain Windsor Carey Elwes, Scots Guards. Rev. W. Eye of St. George's Mission. Rev. Edwards, Curate of St. Matthias',, Stoke Newington. Richard Eaton, D L., Barrister-at-law. Mrs. Richard Eaton. Dr. Ewart, M.D. Captain Ellerby, R. A.^ A. T. Wyatt-Edgell, Christ Church>. Oxford. The Honourable Mrs. Wyatt - Edgell^^ daughter and co-heiress of the Baroness. Braye. Miss Wyatt-Edgell. Miss Caroline ^I. Edgar, authoress.. John Eustace, Quaker. Miss Earle, daughter of an Essex vicar* William Edgcome. A Jesuit. Richard Edgcome. A priest. Mrs. Eyre and Miss Caroline Ejre. The late Viscountess Fielding. Alexander G. FuUerton, some time At- tache at the French Embassy. Lady Georgiana Fullerton, sister of thor present Earl Granville. George Lane Fox, jun., Christ Church,. Oxford ; Bramham, Yorkshire. The late Mrs. George Lane Fox, daughter of General Slade, Rev. Frederick W. Faber, Fellow of Uni- versity College, Oxford ; Rector of Elton ; founder of the Brompton Ora- tory and a voluminous writer. Rev. Ed. Bowles Knottesford Fortescue, M.A., Wadham College, Oxford ; Dean of St. Ninian's, Perth, and brother-in- law of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Hon. Mrs. Percy Fitzgerald, daughter ol loth Viscount Massereene and Ferrard. Henry Foley, solicitor. A Jesuit Lay Brother. Dr. Fincham, M.A., St, John's College,, Oxford. ROME'S RECRUITS. 5 Rev. Henry Foimby, M.A., Brasenose College, Oxford ; Rector of Ruardean. A priest. J. F. Flockhart, Jesus College, Camb. Rev. Comte de la Felde, Vicar of Forting- ton, Chichester. Field-Marshal Sir J. Foster Fitzgerald. Lady Louisa Fitzgibbon, daughter of the late Earl of Clare. Jas. Ogilvie Fairlee, B.A., Christ Church, Oxford ; and his brother. Gerald C. Purcell Fitzgerald, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Rev. Wm. Felgate, Trinity College, Cambridge. Rev. Wm. Fothergill, Curate of St. Paul's, Knightsbridge. Thos. Foster, LL.D , Trinity College, Cambridge. Mrs. William Froude, sister-in-law of the historian. Hurrell Froude, nephew of historian. Edmund Froude, ditto. Miss Froude, niece of historian. Miss Fane, daughter of Prebendary Fane. Rev. John Frederick Fagge, B.A., University College, Oxford ; Vicar of Aston Cantlow ; brother of the Baronet. !Mrs. Fagge. Rev. P. Fletcher, B.A., Exeter College, Oxford ; Curate of St. Bartholomew s, Brighton. Rev. Alfred Fawkes, M.A., Balliol Col- lege, Oxford ; ditto. Miss Christina Forbes, of Inveman. The Lady Featherstone. William Farren, the actor. Dr. Fowler and family, of Cheltenham. Reginald Fowler, son of Dr. Fowler of Cheltenham. A priest Rev. T. Burnes Floyer, J.P, for County of Stafford. Rev. C. J. P. Forster, Curate at Stoke Abbas ; and Mrs. Forster. Rev. W. G. Freeman, of Plymouth. IMrs. W. G. Freeman. Rev. G. Ford, Curate of St. Mary's, Soho. George French Flowers, Musical Doctor, Oxford. Henry Frye, late of Madras Army. Miss Mary Dominica Ford, foundress of St. Margaret's Home. The Lady Forster, wife of Sir Charles Forster, M.P.,ofLyswaysHall, Stafford. Mrs. John Fottrell. Mrs, Fuller, widow of Captain Fuller the sculptor. F. J. F. Fegen, Barrister-at-law. Colonel and Mrs. Flamstead. Miss Fountaine, daughter of Andrew Foun- taine, of Narford Hall, Norfolk. Miss Foljambe. The late James Firebrace, attorney. Miss Geraldine Penrose Fttzrerald, sister of R. W. Penrose Fitzgerald of Cork- begg Castle, Coimty Cork. The late .Samuel Firebrace, LI..D., Judge at Demcrara ; his three sons and two daughters. Cottcnham Fannefi M.D., and Mr. Farmer. Mrs. Ferrers. W. F. B'inlason, barrister-at>law. Laurence C. Pridcaux Fox, a Quaker. A priest. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fothergill, Whick- ham Park, near Newcastle-on-Tyne. Charles, Augustus, John, Valentme, and Louis, sons of the Hon. Gerald and Lady Louisa Fitzgibbon. Miss Florence Fitzgibbon. A nun. J. H. Flesher, B.A., Christ's College, Cam- bridge. Miss Ellen France, built the Church at Leamington. Mrs. Saville Foljambe. Emma and Cecilia, daughters of Vicc- Admiral Sir T. F. Frecmantle, Bart. Reginald Forbes, cousin of the late Bishop of Brechin. Afrs. Miles Fletcher. Mrs. Ferrers, of Baddesley Clinton. The Lady Elizabeth Foote, daughter of 5th M irquis of Queensberry. Mrs. J. A. Fox, youngest daughter of the late Count W. F. Wratislaw, of Rugbv. Mrs. Fortescue, granddaughter of Lady Caroline Barham. William Foster, solicitor, Alawick. Dr. Farmer. Richard FitzPatrick, brother of Lord Castletown. Robert Fetherstone, J.P.forco. Limerick. The Earl of Gainsborough. The Countess of Gainsborough. Ignatius Grant, St. John's College, Oxford. A Jesuit. Rev. E. S. Grindle, M.A., "Presbyter Anglicanus," late Scholar of Queen's College, Oxford ; curate of St. Paul's, Brighton. Earl of Granard. Colonel W. H. Graham. Rev. C. B. Garside, M.A., Brasenose Col- lege, Oxford ; Curate of All Saints', Margaret-street. A priest. Nathaniel Goldsmid, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. Mrs. Nathaniel Goldsmid. Mrs. Milner Gibson, wife of former M.P. John Godard, celebrated in early photo- graphy. Thomas Gaisford, J.P. i6 ROME S RECRUITS. Lady Alice Gaisford. Edward Dwyer Gray, M.P., Proprietor of " The Freeman's Journal." Theodore Galton, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge ; Hadzor, Worcestershire. Rev. John Melville Glenie, :M.A., St. Mary's Hall, Oxford ; Perpetual Curate of Mark. A Priest and canon. F. J. Gordon, St. Peter's College, Cam- bridge. Rev. J. Gordon, Curate of Christ Church, St. Pancras, London. A Priest of the Orator}-. Rev. R. Gordon, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford. Miss Gladstone, sister of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. Philip Gordon. A Priest of the Oratory. Rev. T. Goodwin, Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford. H. de G. Grissell, B. A., Brasenose College, Oxford. Chamberlain to the Pope. Colonel Gerard, of Rocksoles, Scotland. Rev. Harman Grisewood, B.A., Christ Church, Oxford ; Daylesford' House. The Lady Gjey, daughter of Admiral Sir Robert Spencer. Rev. A. B. Gurdon, M.A., Cambridge. A priest. J. Grainger, Chamberlain to the Pope. Rev. PMlip Gurdon, M.A., University College, Oxford ; rector of Ossington. The Hon. Ashley Carr Glyn, University College, Oxford. Salmon Grouse, Queen's College, Oxford. Bengal C.S. Rev. William Goldstone, St. Michael's, Wakefield. Rev. T. H. Grantham, Curate of Slinfold, Sussex. Mrs. T. H. Grantham, wife of ex-curate of Slinfold. Rev. J. J. Greene, M.A., Curate of St. Bartholomew's, Brighton. Mrs. Galton, wife of Rev. J. L. Galton, Rector of St. Sidwell's, Exeter. Hugh Gladstone, cousin of the late Pre- mier. Mrs. Greatheed, of Prestbur}-, Chelten- ham. Rev. W. Rees Gawthom. Rev. Dr. Goltz, Christ College, Cam- bridge; Rector of Christ Church, South- wark. James Grant, the novelist. The late Countess of Granard. The Lady Gray of Gray. Miss Gordon, of Prince's Gate. Miss A. M. Gordon, of Abergeldie. Rev. E. Peel Gamett, M.A., Brasenose College ; Curate of Trinity Church, Oxford. Priest of oratory. Major F. W. Gamett, late 85th Regi- ment. H. Percy Gamett, 32nd Regiment. Mrs. Gruggen, wife of Vicar of Pockling- ton. Samuel Grimshaw, Erwood Hall, Bux- ton. Mrs. Graham, of Wimbomne. Everard Green, F.S.A. Mrs. Goodlake. Colonel Pollock Gore. Mrs. Douglas Cunningham Graham. Miss E. Cunningham Graham. Mrs. Gamett, daughter of Colonel F. H. Custance. Arthur H. Galton, Clare College, Cam- bridge. Le Marchant Gosselin, Christ Church, Ox- ford. Robert H. Gosselin. Mrs. Grisewood. Mr. Gatty, son of Mrs. Alfred Gatty. Major Gape, of St. Albans. The Lady Guy, widow of Sir Philip Guy. E. Gamett. Mrs. Charles Martin Green, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Miss Gream, daughter of the Rector of Rotherfield. Miss Hilda Gream, daughter of Rev. NeviJe Gream, Inspector of Schools. Baker Gabb, lawyer, of Abergavenny. Miss Galton, GlengariiFe, Bournemouth. G. R. Gordon, Ellon Castle, Aberdeen- shire, grandson of Lord Aberdeen. F. W. E. Gruggen, solicitor. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Grant. The Misses Grenfell. I. Goddard, now Rector of St. Mary's, Chislehurst, and a monsignor. Mrs, Gretton, of Swindon Hall, Gloucester- shire. Mr. and Mrs. George Gretton. Thomas Grinfield, son of Rev. Thomas Grinfield. Rev. Andrew Green, M.A., Trinity Col- lege, Cam-bridge ; Curate of St. Paul's^ Oxford. Mrs. Andrew Green. ]SIrs. Green, nee Biddulph, co. Tipperary. Mrs. Gavin, wife of Major Gavin, co. Limerick. Mrs.Grace,ofGracefield, wife and family. Charles E. MacDougall, son of Hon. Mr.. Justice MacDougall. Mrs. C. E. MacDougall, daughter of Colonel J. Jackson, Madras Army. N John Henry Newman, Fellow of Oriel College, and Vicar of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford; Superior of the Bir- mingham Oratory. The Duchess of Norfolk. The Dowager Duchess of Norfollc. Hon. Charles Horatio Nelson, son of 3rd Earl Nelson. Rev. F. J. New, M.A., St. John's College^ Oxford ; Curate of Christ Church, St. Pancras. Francis Thomas New, solicitor. Mrs. F. T. New, cousin of the late Bishop Selwyn and of the late Lord Justice Selwyn. Colonel Selwyn New, late of Madras Army. Mortimer New. Hon. Wm. North, son of Baroness North^ Life Guards; heir apparent to Barony of North. Rev. A. Newdigate, Vicar of Kirk Hal- lam, and cousin of Mr. Newdegate, M.P. William Payne Neville, M.A., Trinity College, Oxford. A priest. Rev. David Charles Nicols, M.A., St, Peter's College, Cambridge ; Curate at All Saint's, Margaret Street. ROMK'S RECRUITS. aj 3lev. F. R. Neve, M A., Oriel College, Oxford ; Vicar of Poole Keynes. A priest and canon. Richard Neavc, of the War Office. Rev. T. Spencer Northcote, M.A., Scholar of Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, and First Class in Classics ; Curate at Ilfra- combe. A priest and canon. The Lord Norrc>'s, son and heir of the Earl of Abingdon. The Countess Dowager of Ncwburgh. Kev. W. Hayes Neligan, Curate of St. Margaret's, Leicester. A priest. IRalnh H. C. Nevile, Trinity Coll., Cam., of Wcllingorc Hall, Grantham. Cant. Iltid XichoU, R.N., second son of the late Right Hon. John Nicholl, M.P. Lieut. Ernest Nightingale, son of the Baronet. Rev. Geo. B. Norman, M.A., Trinity Coll., Cam. ; Curate of Wooton. Rev. Willis Nevins, Curate of St. Jude's, Southsea ; author of various works. Mrs. Willis Nevins. Rev. T. N. Norton, Curate at Devizes. Rev. H. Nelson, Curate at Frome Sel- wood. Honourable Mrs. North. Henry Norris. A priest. Mrs. Stafford Northcote. Captain Nesbitt, late of Royal Artiller)'. Miss Greville Nugent, granddaughter of the Marquis of Westmeath. Rev. Francis H. Nash, A.M., son of Rev. Dr. Nash. Mrs. F. H. Nash. William Nicholson, late Major 3rd Royal Lancashire Militia. Rev. Lord Francis Godolphin Osborne, M.A., Cambridge ; Rector of Elm, Frome, son of 8th Duke of Leeds Rev. R. B. Osborne, Vicar of Dunston, son of S. G. O." Rev. Frederick Oakeley, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Select Preacher and Public Examiner at the University ot Oxford ; Minister of All Saint's, Mar- garet Street. A priest and canon. William Wilfrid Oates, publisher. Rev. Henry Nutcomb Oxenham, M.A., Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford. The Earl of Oxford. Rev. R. Omsby, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, First Class in Classics ; Curate at Chichester. Sebastian Okeley, M.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge ; University Travelling Bachelor. Rev. James Orr, B.A., Oriel College, Oxford. Rev. George Oldham, M.A., Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge; Curate at Dorking. A priest ; built St. Mary Magdalen's at Bnghton. Rev. Jas. O'Brien, M.A., Sidney Sussex Col., Cam., V. Lyneham. A priest. ife of O'Brien. M.R.I.A. Mrs. O Brien, wii J. H. Archer The late John Oxenford, dramatic author and critic of the Times. William Eddowes Owen, M.A., son of a Protestant Canon. A priest. Rev. M. O'Connor, an Irish Rector. The Countess of Orford. Mrs. Denis O'Conor, wife of M.P. for County Sligo, and daughter of Rev. W. Kevill-Davies of Croft Castle, Hertford- shire. Mrs. Daniel O'Connell, wife of late M.P. for Tralee. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ottywell, Baptists. Miss Alice O Hanlon, of Manchester. Mrs. Oddie, of Colney House, Herts. Misses Georgiana and Katherine Oddie* nuns. Arthur, Claude, and Philip Oddie. Captain H. Oddie, rsth Regiment. Mrs. Owen, wife of a Protestant canon. Octavius Owen. Mrs. O'Flaherty, widow of Anthony O'Flaherty, formerly M.P. for Galway. Mrs. O'Grady, of Onslow Square. Miss Agnes and Miss La;titia Oliver, cousins of the late Bishop Selwyn. ^Irs. O'Mahony, wife of E. W. O'Mahony, barrister-at-law, daughter of Colonel Peisley L'Estrange, and sister-in-law of the Most Rev. Marcus Beresford, Pro- testant Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. Major-General Patterson. Rev. James Laird Patterson, M.A., Trinity College, Curate of St. Thomas, Oxford. A priest and monsignor. Professor Paley, M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge, grandson of the author of the " Evidences." Miss Peel, sister of Sir Lawrence Peel. Coventry Patmore, author of "The Angel in the House." L. D. Powles, Barrister-at-Law. Rev. Thomas Alder Pope, M.A,, Tesus College, Cambridge ; Rector of St. Matthias, Stoke Newington. A priest of the Birmingham Oratory. Rev. R. V. Pope, B.A., London ; Mis- sionary of the S.P.G. in India. Now Master at the Oratory School, Birming- ham. Mrs. Pittar, author of ** Conversion by my Bible and Prayer-book." 24 ROME'S RECRUITS. Rev. T. G. Pearse, B.A., Cambridge. Rev. Daniel Parsons, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford. Mrs. Parsons, authoress. Rev. J. H. Pye, M.A.., Trinity College, Cambridge, Rector of Clifton Camp- ville. Now a Bairister-at-Law. Mrs. H. J. Pye, daughter of the late Bishop Wilberforce. Rev. William Palmer, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, and elder brother of Lord Selborne. Augustus Welby Pugin, the reviver of Gothic Architecture in England. Miss Adelaide Anne Procter, the poetess. Wellesley Prendergast. F. R. Wegg-Prosser, B. A., Balliol College, Oxford, Deputy-Lieutenant, J.P., and some time M.P.' for Hertfordshire. Edward Purbrick, Christ Church, Oxford. A Jesuit, and Rector of Stonyhurst College. James Purbrick, Christ Church, Oxford, solicitor. A Jesuit. Rev. J. Hungerford Pollen, M.A., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and now of South Kensington Museum ; and Mrs. Pollen. Sir Richard Hungerford Pollen, Bart. Rev. W. G. Penny, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford, Vicar of Askenden. A priest. Professor Pepper, of the Polytechnic. F. H. PownaU, son of Hemy Pownall, J.P. of Spring-grove. Eev. T. B. Parkinson, M.A., Queen's Col- lege, Cambridge ; Incumbent of St. Mary's, Wakefield. A Jesuit. W. Z. Palmer, M.A., Oxford. J. O'Fallon Pope, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford. A Jesuit. Henry Watson Parker, solicitor. Harriet Elizabeth, sister of the late Sir Joseph Peacock, Bart. Rev. J. Plumer, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford, son of the late Master of the Rolls. Mrs. Priestman, of Benwell House, near Newcastle-on-Tyne. Rev.William Pope, B. A., Christ's College, Cambridge, curate near Bolton. A priest. The Hon. Captain Pakenham, of the Guards, nephew of the Duke of Wel- lington and Equerry of the Queen. A Passionist. Miss Prestwich, sister of Professor Prest- wich, F.R.S. Miss Pritchard, daughter of the Rev. Pro- fessor Pritchard. A nun. John Philp, publisher. Rev. J. A. Poole, B A., Curate of St. John's, Miles Platting, Lancashire. Miss Plues, Superior of Ladies' Home, Kensington Square. John Procter, a Quaker. Mrs. C. Prichard. The late Countess of Portarlington, daughter of 3rd Marquis of London- derry, and sister-in-law of the Duke o& Marlborough. Robert B. Phillip5, M.A , Trinity Col., Oxford, D.L., of Longworth, Hereford. Rev. Ch. E. Parry, B.A. A priest. The Hon. Esther Pomeroy, sister of Vis- count Harberton. Rev.H. M. Parker, M.A., Lincoln College, Oxford ; Curate of St. Bartholomew's,, Brighton. Colonel Lenox Prendergast. Mrs. Lenox Prendergast, daughter of Neili Malcolm . A. R. Pryor, B.A., University College^ Oxford. Charles F. Palmer, author of " History of Tamworth " and ** Life of Cardinals Howard." A Dominican priest. Edward Powell, Scholar of Magdaleifc College, Oxford. J, O. Halliwell-PhilliDS. Captain C. C. Pye. J. S. Smyth-Pigott, Brockley Hall. Alfred C. Smyth-Pigott, BrocUey HaU. W. E. Poynter, B.A., Queen's College^ Cambridge. F. A. Pope, Wadham College, Oxford. Charles Henry Poole, B.L., St Alban Hall^ Oxford. Miss Pope, Miss L. Pope, and Miss E^ Pope. All nuns. Admiral Peirse. Miss Ciara Phillpotts, granddaughter o^ late Bishop of Exeter. Miss Palk. Owen Philips, Trinity Coll., Cambridge^ Captain Pearse, R.N., Devonport. John O. Payne, M.A., St. Peter's Col- lege, Cambridge ; Curate at Linslade,. Bucks. A. G. Payne, B.A., St. Peter's College,. Cambridge. Dr. and Mrs. Penrice. Mrs. Pybus and family. Mrs. Coventry Patmore, daughter of Sir John Byles, the judge. Captain W. Prentis, late Scots Greys. William Purdue, architect. MiS. Paravacini, wife of Bursar of Balliol College, Oxford. The Lady Elizabeth Peat, niece of Sir Walter Scott. Miss Emily Peel, niece of Sir Laurence Peel. Edward Peacock, F.S.A., Bottesford Manor, Lincoln. Henrietta, daughter of Sir T. Phillips,. Bart. Charles Parfitt. Priest and monsignor. F. Potter, M.A., Merton College, Ox- ford ; son of Member for Rochdale. ROMB*S RECRUITS. 25 Miss Kdith Potter, daughter of the Mem- ber for Rochdale. Miss Pennell, daughter of Admiral Pennell. Captain Pauli, R.N., now in the Consular Service. Mrs. Partridge, widow of the late Dr. Partridge, of Brook-street, Grosvenor- cquare ; her two sons and a daughter. Lucy, wife of Rev. G. P. Phillips and -sister of Dr. Vaughan, Master of the Temple. Rev. G. Phillips, nephew of Dr. Vaughan. A priest. Miss Gertrude Phillips, niece of Dr. Vaughan. A nun. Mrs. K. V. Pope, niece of Dr, Vaughan. Miss Amy Pope, daughter of W. H. Pope, Judge in Pnnce Edward's Island. Edlward Plater, of the War Office. J. R. Poole, solicitor. Mrs. J. Ruscomb Poole. The Misses Poole. Mrs. Powell, daughter of Captain John Lumsden, of Clova, Aberdeenshire. Dr. Peart, J.P., Kildare. William Pigott, solicitor, Portarlington. Miss Piggott, authoress. Lieutenant-Colonel Palmer, Alnwick. W. F. Paul, of the Colonial Service. Edmund Peel, nephew of Sir Lawrence Peel. William Peel, ditto. The Misses Perceval, daughters of a clergy- man. One of them a nun. Mrs. Pratt, daughter of Sir John Leth- bridge, Bart. Mrs. Purcell, daughter of Sir John Leth- bridge, Bart. Mrs. Pugin, widow of Augustus Welby Pugin, architect. Mrs. R. Lyndsey Dillon Purcell. Robert Priest, St. Augustine's College, Canterbury. George Godfrey Place, barrister-at-law, Dublin. Mrs. Prickett, wife of Colonel Prickett, of Boreas Hill, near Hull, and daughter of the late Sir Charles Dodsworth. Mr. Plummer, solicitor, Falmouth, and Mrs. Plummer. Mr. and Mrs. De la Pole. Mrs. Croker Pennell, daughter of late Sir William FoUett. Q Caroline, Marchioness of Quecnsberry. The Marquis of Ripon. The Honourable Mrs. David Ross, of Bladensberg, daughter of Ninth Viscount Massareene and Ferrard, and Miss Ross. Edmund F. T. Ross of Bladensberg, Royal Engineers. John Ross of Bladensberg, Coldstream Guards. Hon. Mrs. John Ross of Bladensberg, daughter of loth Viscount Massareene and Ferrard. Robert S. Ross of Bladensberg, MA., Exeter College ; barrister-at-law. A Jesuit. G. Elliot Ranken, B.A., Scholar of Uni- vcrsity College, Oxford ; formerly Captain, Royal Glamorgan Artillery. Pnvate Chamberlain to late and present Pope. Rev. Martin Luther Rule, B. A., Pembroke College, Cambridge, Curate at Brighton. Son of Dr. Rule, Wesleyan Minister. Rev. Henry Augustus Rawes, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. A priest. Rev. George Rose, M.A., reader at the Temple Church, and since known as " Arthur Sketchley." William W. Roberts, M.A., Oxford. A priest. Rev. Walter Croke Robinson, M.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford. A priest. James Boon Rowe, St. John's College, Cambridge. A priest of the Oratory. Rev. Seton P. Rooke, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford; Curate of St. Saviour's, Leeds. A Dominican priest. Rev. E. Ransford, St. John's College, Cambridge. M. J. Rhodes, M.A., Trinity CoUege, Cambridge. John Edmund Reade, author of poems. Mrs. J. E. Reade, niece of Sir John Chandos Reade, Bart. P. Le Page Renouf, Pembroke College, Oxford, H.M. Inspector of Schools. Rev. M. Watts Russell, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford; Vicar of Bcneficld; Ham Hall, Staffordshire. A priest. M. Watts Russell, jun. A Passionist. Rsv. T. C. Robertson, Chaplain to Duke of Buccleuch. Rev. George Dudley Ryder, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford ; son of Bishop of Lichfield, and grandson of the Earl of Harrowby. Henry Ignatius Dudley Ryder. A priest. Cyril Ryder. A priest. Charles E. Ryder. A priest. George Lisle Ryder, of the Treasury. James Burton Robertson, author of various philosophical works. Thomas Rawlinson, M.A., brother of Sii Henry Rawlinson. W. J. B. Richards, St. Mary Hall, Ox- ford. A priest. G. J. Richards, St. Mary HaU, Oxford. 26 ROME'S RECRUITS. Mrs. Howard Rice, wife of Vicar of . Sutton Courtney. Stephen Ram, D.L., of Ramsfort, Gorey. Rev. Richard E. Rann, B.A., Queen's College, Oxford, Vicar of Thatcham, Berks. Lieutenant Randolph, R.N. John Henry Rohrs, Fellow of Jesus Col- lege, Cambridge. Arthur Russell, son of Rev. A. B. Rus- sell, Rector of Laverton. A priest. F. Peel Round, B.A., Balliol College, Oxford ; Gentleman Usher of the Green Rod. Sir Percival RadclifFe, Bart. T. A. Robinson, Corpus Christi, Oxford ; Lieutenant in the Artillery. H. L. Reader, B A., Merton College, Ox- ford. A priest and Carthusian. Frederick W. Ratcliff, Birmingham. Joseph Redman ; formerly a lay worker at St. Peter's, London Docks. A priest. Mrs. Routh, wife of the Rector of Tile- hurst. Eev. F. Remington, B.A., Cambridge, Curate at Folkestone ; his wife and his sister. Rev. W. H. Ratcliffe, Curate of St. Mary Magdalen's, Paddington. Mrs. Radley, of Lambate Grange. Rev. E. Randolph, M.A., Jesus College, Cambridge ; Vicar of St. Clement's, Cambridge. Mrs. E. Randolph and family. Rev. C. R. Rowlatt, Curate at Grays Thurrock. Rev. Charles George Ramsey. W. H. Roberts, M.A., Cambridge, D.L., Recorder of Grantham. Miss Neville Rolfe, W. S. Rockstro. Mrs. and Miss Rose. Sir Arthur Rumbold, Bart. "W. M. J. Ring. A priest. Miss Rivaz. Miss Rokeby, of Arthingworth Manor House, Northamptonshire. Miss Rudsdell and Miss Mary Rudsdell, daughters of Sir Joseph Rudsdell, K.C.M.G., Grenadier Guards. Miss M. Roberts, daughter of the late W. Roberts, of Harbome Hall. R. Richardson, Priest of the Order of Charity. George Richardson, solicitor, Manchester. Miss Boss, of Edge Hill, Liverpool. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Reynolds. John Roberts, of the War Office. Denham Robinson, of the War Office. Mr. Rolph, of the War Office. Mrs. and the Misses Watts Russell. Miss Rogers, daughter of the late Francis Newman Rogers, Q.C., Recorder of Exeter. Captain Rayner, late 5th Royal Lancashire- Militia. Captain Godfrey E. A. Radcliffe, brother of Sir J. P. Radcliffe, Bart. The Misses Rodwell, daughters of the Rector of Ethelburga's. One of them- a Carmelite nun. Humphrey Ravenscroft, of Lincoln's Inn, Mr. and Mrs. David P. Watts Russell. Miss Louisa Radcliffe, of Morehampton: House, Donnybrook, S. H. Rowson. A priest. The Rev. Orby Shipley. Mrs. Shipley. Rev. John R. Shortland, M.A., Oriel' College, Oxfoid, Curate at Kibworth Beauchamp. A priest and canon. S. N. Stokes, B.A., Scholar of Trinity- College, Cambridge ; H.M. Inspector of Schools. Mrs. S. N. Stokes. C. S. Stokes, Trinity College, Cambridge. Hon. and Rev. George Spencer, son of" 2nd Earl Spencer, K.G., and Chaplair* to Bishop Blomfield of London. A Passionist priest. Mrs. Slade, wife of General Slade. Sir William Stewart, Bart., of Murthley. Rev. Charles Seager, M.A., Worcester College ; Assistant Professor of Hebrew at Oxford. Charles Seager, jun. A priest. J. R, Hope- Scott, M.A., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, Q.C., D.C.L. Mrs. Hope-Scott, granddaughter of Sir Walter Scott. Rev. Ambrose St. John, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford ; curate at East Farleigh. A priest of the Oratory. Rev. Edward Gifford Shapcote, B.A.,. Christi College, Cambridge, Curate of St. George-in-the-East. The late Sir John Simeon, Bart, M.P. The Hon. Dowager Lady Simeon. Miss Surtees, Hamsterley Hull, Durham, Rev. Richard Waldo Sibthorpe, B.D.,. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford ;: Incumbent at Ryde. A priest. Rev. John Campbell Smith, M.A., Cam- bridge. Reginald Schomberg, Barrister-at-law. William Simpson, Trinity College, Cam- bridge ; Lord of the Manor of Mitcham,. and a descendant of Archbishop Cran- mer. Robert Simpson, St. John's CoUege^ Oxford. A priest. Rev. Richard Simpson, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford ; vicar of Mitcham. Mrs. Richard Simpson, nee Cranmer. Miss Emily Simpson. A nun. ROME'S RECRUITS. lEdward Swainson, Trinity College, Cam- bridge. A priest. Rev R. Stanton, B.A., Brasenose Col- lege, Oxford. A priest of the Oratory. Rev. Bernard Smith, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, Vicar of Lcadenham. A priest and canon. Edward Scargill, Queen's College, Cam- bridge. Wrangler. John Stephens, Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Rev. Thomas Scratton, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford, Curate at Benson. A priest. J. J. Saint, B.A., Christ Church, Oxford, Recorder of Newark, ^liss Stanley, daughter of Bishop Stanley of Norwich and sister of the Dean of Westminster. J. Simpson, M.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. A priest. Rev. Robt. K. Sconce, B.A., Brasenose College, Oxford. Rev. Jas. A. Stewart, M.A., St. John's College, Camb., Rector of Vange, Essex ; his son and daughter. W. Clement Scott, journalist and dra- matic author. Captain F. Shelton, late 93rd Highlanders. Mrs. Shelton. J. P. H. W>Tidham Spedding, Wliite- haven, Trinity College, Cambridge. C. J. Moncrieff Smyth, Christ's College, Cambridge. A priest. Rev. Edwin Trevelyan Smith, M.A., St. John's College, Camb., Vicar of Can- nock. Mrs. Edwin Trevelyan Smith, sister of late Rev. J. Riddell, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Balliol College, Oxford. Sir John Sutton, Bart. Mr. and Mrs. Schenk, of Brighton. Miss Statter, daughter of Vicar of Worm- inghall. Rev. James Scratton, M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge, Curate at Sitting- bourne. A priest. The Misses Somerville, daughters of the celebrated Mrs. Somerville. Arthur John Shelley, nephew of the late Sir John Shelley, Bart., M.P. for West- minster. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, of Ballechin. Marmaduke Sellon. Charles Sellon. Rev. J. Hansom Sperling, Rector of West- bourne, Sussex. Mrs. Sperling and family. Rev. James Stewart, M.A., Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge ; Curate of Wolver- stone, Professor at the Catholic University of Ireland. H. Stevenson. F. A. Sass, M.R.C.D. Edward A. Selle. A priest. Christopher Scott. Priest and canon. Alexander B. Shea, barrister-at-law. Mrs. Alexander B. Shea. Rev. Fenwick Skrimshire, son of late Rector of Hertford. A priest. Mrs. H. Fenwick Skrimshire, wife of late Rector of Hertford, five sons and two daughters. Rev. Thomas Stephens, Vicar of Rather- sage. Philip Serle, Balliol College, Oxford. Rev. J. A. Stothert. '^Ipiscopal Church of Scotland. Rev. W. A. Scott, Rector n^ar Birmbg- ham. Rev. James Hy. Shcpp?_d, >T.A., Queen's College, Oxiord. Miss Fanny Lillias Samler, daughter of the late Major Samler. Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd, of Richmond. Mrs. Story, wife of Admiral Story, R.N. E. E. Sass, M.D., and Mrs. Sass. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., Durham. A Jesuit. Sir Andrew Smith, K.C.B. Captain John Ramsay Slade, R.H.A. Mrs. J. Somervell, granddaughter of the Earl of Camperdown. Rev. Parks Smith, M.A., Vicar of St. John's, Torquay. Mrs. Stewart, wife of Colonel Stewart of Folkestone, and Miss Alice Stewart, Sisters of St. Catherine's Anglican Convent, Folkestone. Miss Eliza Allen Starr, authoress. Lady Anne Sherson, sister of the Marquis of Townshend. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey St. Aubyn. Lieutenant St. Andrew St. John, R.N. Mrs. St. Andrew St. John. Rev. Joseph Searle. A priest. Edward Stillwell, late of the War Office. Mrs. Edward Stillwell. Dr. Shears of Streatham. Miss Frances Sidebottom, daughter of a clergyman. Thomas H. Shaw, author of " Reasons for Returning to the True Fold." Sydney F. Smith. A Jesuit. Mr. George Lynch Staunton. Superior and six Sisters of St. Mary's Protestant Priory, Hackney. All now Catholic nuns. Miss Fanny A. Seymour, daughter of G. E. Seymour, of Forest Hill, Windsor. Frances, sister of Sir Richard Sutton, Bart. Francis Sutton, of Revell Grange, Shef- field. Mrs. Walter Shiriey. Miss Margaret Speid, of Fometh. Miss Soames, of Irnham Hall, Grantham. 23 ROME'S RECRUITS. Philip Sheplieard, M.D., and the Misses Shepheard. jSIr. and Mrs. Rutherford Smith. iMiss Stuart, Anglican Sister at Oxford. Lieutenant Thomas Say, Bombay Army ; his wife, daughter, and two sons. Captain H. N. R. Storks, late 9-th Regi- ment. Miss Spicer, of Spy Park, Wiltshire. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Savory. Major "John Sewell. A Jesuit. Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley. Miss Smith, daughter of an Essex vicar. Miss Murray Stewart. AVilliam Shapter, son of Dr. Shapter of Exeter. A Jesuit. Miss Shapter. A Poor Clare. Mis. Spearman, daughter-in-law of the Right Hon, Sir A. Y. Spearman, Bart. A. St. John Seally, Lieutenant H.M.'s Artillery Militia, grandson of Rev. John Seally, LL.D. Mrs. A. St. John Seally, with three sons and three daughters. Edward Scholefield, brother of M.P. for Birmingham. Robert Shuttleworth, M.D. William Sankey, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. JNIrs. William Sankey,* two sons and two daughters. Robert Sutton Swabey, organist and com- poser. Mrs. Colonel Simmonds, daughter of Sir Robert Graham, Bart. William Henry and Robert Graham Sim- monds, sons of above. A. P. Skene, Durham University. Mrs. Sutcliffe, wife of the late Dii-ector of Public Instruction, Bengal. Hon, and Rev. George Talbot, M.A., Balliol College, Oxford, son of 3rd Baron Talbot de Malahide, and vicar of Evercreech, Somersetshire. A priest and monsignor. Hon. Gilbert Chetwynd Talbot, Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, son of 2nd Earl Talbot, and uncle of the present Earl of Shrewsbury. A priest and monsignor. T. J. Thompson, Trinity College, Camb. ; father of painter of the "Roll Call." Mrs, T. J. Thompson. Miss Elizabeth Thompson, painter of the " Roll Call." Miss Alice Christiana Gertrude Thompson, author of * Preludes." Rev. Lord Charles Thynne, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford, son of 2nd Earl of Bath, vicar of Longbridge, rector of Kingston Deverell, and canon of Canterbury. Lady Charles Thynne, daughter of Right Rev. R. Bagot, Bishop of Bath and Wells. J. W. N. Townsend, of Clifton, A priest. Rev. Edward Healy Thompson, M.A., Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; Curate of St James's, Piccadilly. Stephen Taylor, barrister-at-law. Rev. W. G. Todd, M.A., Trinity College, Dublin; Curate of St. James', Bristol. A priest and canon. Rev. Reginald Tuke. Rev. William Tylee, B.A., Oriel College, Oxford. A priest. General Tylee. Mrs. Tylee, wife of General Tylee. Rev. Gordon Thompson, M.A., Scholar of Sidney SuGsex College, Cambridge. George Tickell, M.A., Fellow of University College, Oxford. A Jesuit missionary in the West Indies. Rev. C. Thomas, B.A., Exeter College, Oxford. Rev. F. W. Trenow, St. John's College, Oxford; Curate at Northfield. A Dominican priest. J. T. D. Tumbull, of the Record Office. Lady Caroline Townley. Miss L. Taunton, daughter of Sir John Taunton. Major F. Trevor. F. W. Tarleton, barrister-at-law. Rev. Wniiam Traies, M.A., Fellow of Mertou College, Oxford ; curate of St. John the Evangelist, Holborn. J. Toovey, the Piccadilly publisher. Dr. Twycross (Oxford). Major C. Lennox Tredcroft, J.P., R.H.A. Mrs. C, L. Tredcroft, daughter of the late Sir William Scott, of Ancrum, Bart., M.P. Mrs. Tayler, widow of P.ector of St. Matthias", Stoke Nev/ington. Charles Tregenna, B.A.,WorcesterCollege, Oxford. Captain Trendell, of the Ryde Militia. F. Trench, Balliol College, Oxford. Emilius Watson-Taylor, of Headington Manor. The Honourable Mrs. William le Poer Trench. Rev. Henry Thompson, Curate at Ash- ford. Thomas Trickett, R.N. Mrs. Thomas, wife of late Rev. D. Thomas. Captain Thomas R. G, Tickell, Mr. and Mrs. John Tharpe. Mrs. Tracy Tumerelli, sister of Thomson Hankey, M.P., and cousin of Earl Bathurst. ROME'S RECRUITS. 3> iMrs. Trevor, daughter of General Trevor, of Plymouth, and wife of Bri;jadicr- Gcncral William Cosmo Trevor, C.B. Claude and Hubert Trevor, sons of the above. Miss Temple, an East Grinstead sister. Huph Taylor. A priest. S. W. Tucker, solicitor. Mr. and Mrs. William Scott Tucker. Lynall Thomas. ^irs. Lynall Thomas, daughter of Captain Marryat, R.N., the novelist. Ihe Misses M. and F. Thomas. Nuns. T. S. Tordiffe, of Bath. Miss Tow-nsend, daughter of a clergyman. Mrs. Twycross, Gorton Lodge, CUpham Common. Mrs. Harrington Trevelyan. Mr. Twynam, solicitor, Rugeley ; and Mrs. Twynam. F. Till, solicitor, Folkestone ; his wife and son. Henry Tuck, Ingatestone Hall, Essex. G. H. Thurston, surgeon. J. Kellyer Tozer, of Cliffden, Teign- mouth, Devon. Mrs. Todd, daughter of Rev. Robert Hoare, B.A., and widow of Edwin Todd, Member of Colonial Parliament. Mrs. Topham, wife of J. Topham, M.D. Charles Trotter, of Woodhill, J.P. and D.L. for Perthshire. The late Mrs. Charles Trotter. Charles F. Graham Trotter, J. P., late of 93rd Sutherland Highlanders. Miss Temple, daughter of Admiral Temple, Truro. Marcus Talbot, Ennis, co. Clare. Mrs. Tebay, wife of Dr. Tebay. De I.acy Towle, solicitor. U The Hon. Mrs. David Urquhart, sister of Lord Carlingford. Arthur Pollard- Urquhart, of Lincoln Col- lege, Oxford. A priest. Francis Gregor Urquhart. Mrs. F. G. Urquhart. Mrs. Uniacke, widow of Captain Uniacke, Rifle Brigade. E. T. Vaughan, B.A., Christ Church, Oxford. Oliver Vassall, Balliol College, Oxford. Rev. E. Vale, Curate of St. Andrew's, Wells-street. Cecil Vernon and Miss Vernon. Captain Vaughton. MLss Vinning, the singer. Mrs. Vansittart, wife of Rev. C. Vansit- tart. I Nicholas Vansittart. I Arthur Vansittart. Bcxlcy Vansittart. Sir Francis Vincent, Bart. The Hon. G. Vaughan. ; Langton (reorge Verc. A priest. ^^iss Vinall. A Dominican nun. Miss A. Vinall, Anglican Sister at Oxford. [ Marie, wife of General Voyle. Miss Vale, of Great Malvern. Mrs. Ventris, wife of a clergyman, and the Misses Ventris. The Baroness dc Villefranchc. John Varley, St. Augustine's College,. Canterbur}-. W Rev. Samuel Wayte, B.D., late President of Trinity College, Oxford. Florence, Marchioness of Waterford. Mrs. Walford, of Hatfield Place, near Chelmsford, daughter of Rev. Henrr Hutton, D.D. Rev. Edward Walford, M.A., scholar of Balliol Coll. Oxford. John T. Walford, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Camb., and Assistant-Master at Eton. A Jesuit. Frederick Walford. Rev. Henry Walker, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford, Curate at Hardenhuish. A W priest, illiam Wilberforce, some time M.P., for Hull, eldest son of the Slave Emanci- pator. Mrs. William Wilberforce, daughter of John Owen, founder of the Bible Society. Rev. H. W. Wilberforce, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford, Vicar of East Far- leigh. Ven. Robert Isaac Wilberforce, Fellow of Oriel, Archdeacon of York. William Wilberforce, junior, M.A., Ox- ford, grandson of the Slavery Aboli- tionist. Arthur Bertrand Wilberforce. Dominican priest. Francis R. Ward, Solicitor. Rev. W. G. Ward, M.A., D. Ph., FeUow^ of Balliol College, Oxford, and late editor of the * Dublin Review ; " Weston Manor, Isle of Wight. Mrs. W. G. Ward. Rev. J. B. White, B.A., Brasenose Col- lege, Oxford, Curate of St. John the Divine, Kennington. Henr}- Waller, Barrister-at-Law, Sir Bouchier Wrey, Bart. Captain Granville Wood, R.N. A Jesuit. F. F. WeUs, M.A., Trinity College, Cam- bridge, son of Lady Elizabeth Wells. Rev. John H. Wynne, B.C.L. and Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford. A Jesuit* 30 ROMES RECRUITS. Kev. J. Walker, M.A., Brasenose Col- lege, Oxford. Priest and canon. I^ev. J, G. Wenham, B.A., Magdalen College, Oxford. Priest and canon. Rev. A. D. Wackerbath, M.A., Queen's College, Cambridge. Rev. J. M. Watson, M.A., Caius College, Cambridge. A. J. Walker, Emmanuel College, Cam- bridge. Rev. Richard Ward, M.A., Oriel College, Oxford, Incumbent at Skipton. A priest and canon, Robert Walker, Lincoln College, Ox- ford. Rev. W. Wheeler, B.D., Fellow of Mag- dalen College, Oxford ; Rector of New and Old Shoreham. A priest. T. F. Wetherell, Brasenose College, Oxford. Rev. W. Wingfield, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford. Rev. J. H. Woodward, ]M.A., Oxford, Vicar of St. James's, Bristol. Rev. Gresham Wells, M.A., Merton Col- lege, Oxford ; son of Sir Mordaunt Wells ; Curate of All Saints', Margaret- street. Now a Barrister. W. W. WardeU, Architect. Mrs. Warden. Charles C. Noel Welman, Norton Manor, Taunton. Mrs. Noel Welman. Rev. Thomas Wells, curate at Liverpool. A priest. Rev. H. Wardroper, St. Mary Hall, Ox- ford. Alexander Wood, M.A., Trinity Coll., Oxford. Grenville Wood, barrister-at-law. Rev. E. J.Watson, M. A., Christ's College Cambridge ; Curate of St. Leonard's- on-Sea. Rev. F. M. Wyndham, M.A., Merton College, Oxford ; Curate of St. George's in-the-East. A priest. Rev. William Winchester, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford. Chamberlain to the Pope. Rev. J. Trevor White, Curate of Norton, St. Phillip. Robert Washbourne, publisher. C. Matthew Wayte, M.D., brother of late President of Trinity College, Ox- ford. Rev. R. Webb, M.A., Lincoln College, Oxford ; Vicar of Hambleton-with- Braunston. Mrs. WcrsleyWors wick, daughter of Rev. R. Stephens, B.D., Vicar of Belgrave cum-Bristall. Rev. Jabez Watson, M.A., Magdalen College, Camb. ; Curate at Lostwithiei. Charles Walker, Brighton ; author of many ritualistic works. General Webber. Rev. J. P. Warmoll, Curate of St. Bar- nabas, Pimlico. Priest. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goulbourne Walpole. C. W. Wyatt. Rev. Wm. A.Weguelin, B.A. Cambridge ; Vicar of South Stoke. Major H. L. Wickham. Rev. E. H. Woodall, M.A., Exeter Col- lege, Oxford ; Rector of St. Margaret's, Canterbury. A priest. Ch. D. R. Williamson, B.A., University College, Oxford, only son of Col. Williamson of Perth. Priest of the Oratoiy. B. A. Westermann, Oriel College, Oxford. William Whitmee. Priest. Mrs. Wrey, sister-in-law of Sir Bouchier Wrey, Bart. Mrs. Wait, daughter of J. C. M. Bellew, the elocutionist. Rev. C. and Mrs. Whish. Frederic Waddy, artist. Mrs. Webber, wife of Sub-Dean of St, Pauls. Mrs. Woodward, wife of Vicar of Folke- stone. Matthew Woodward, son of the Vicar. Mrs. Ward, wife of Vicar of St. Raphael's, Bristol. A. J. Wallace, M.A., Cambridge. A priest. R. Williams, M.A., Oriel College, Ox- ford. Walter Workman, B.A., Queen's College, Oxford. Rev. Samuel Ware, curate of Bedford Leigh. Arthur Wilson, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford. Titus Hibbert Ware, of Hallbams, Ches- hire. Rev. B. Wilson, Vicar of Fordham. Rev. Edmund A. V/illett, M.A., Cam- bridge, Vicar in the Diocese of Ely. AV. H. J. Weale, Archaeologist. Frederic Westlake, Professor at Royal Academy of Music. Philip Westlake. Nath. Westlake. Mrs. Waring. Frances, wife of Dr. Wootten, of Oxford, matron of Dr. Newman's school at Birmingham. Miss Corry Wallace, daughter of Colonel Wallace. William Wasteneys, Barrister-at-law. Mrs. William Wasteneys. The Lady Dorothy Walpole, daughter of EarlofOrford. The Lady Maude Walpole, daughter of Earl of Orford. ROME'S RECRUITS. 3 Professor Wingham, Royal Academy of Music. The Honourable Mrs. Woulfe, daughter of Lord (i raves. The Lady Webster. The Misses Ward, daughters of the Hon. and Rev. Henry Ward,of Killinchy, Co. Down. Rev. W. H. Wilson, M.A., Queen's Col- lege, Cambridge ; Curate at Fromc Sel- wood. A priest. Miss Edith Whitfield. Captain and Mrs. Wilde. Miss Nona Warburton. Mrs. Walter Workman. Mrs. Wordsworth, the lady who survived the wreck of the Strathmore. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wordsworth. F. C. Collins WUson, Trinity College, Cambridge. William Wood. A Franciscan friar. Hubert J. Wood. A priest. The Misses Woodward, nieces of Lord Middleton. E. Windeyer, King's College, London. J. J. Watts, of Hawksdale Hall, Cumber- land. Eliza Harriet, sister of Sir John Eardley- Wilmot, Bart. John Berry Walford, barrister- at-law. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Mrs. John Berry Walford, and a son and daughter. Richard Walford. George Wilson, quaker. A priest. S. S. Wayte, father of the late President of Trinity College, Oxford. Miss Wood, daughter of Canon Wood, of Canterbury. Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley. Miss Warner, daughter of a clergyman. ^Irs. Wood, wife of Canon Wood. Mrs. Weguelin, wife of a clergyman. Miss Wilson, Anglican Sister at Oxford. A Dominican nun. The Misses Winthrop, daughters of Cap- tain Hay Winthrop, R.N. Ivan W. Watson, of Torquay. Sir Charles Wolseley, grandfather of the present baronet. Mrs. Walcott, wife of Colonel Walcoft. Miss Wildman, daughter of Colonel Wild- man. William Wagstaff, formerly of Forchabers, N.B. Mrs. Wyse, widow of a naval officer. Mrs. Ward, wife of Dr. Ward, M.P. for Galway. Miss West, sister of J. R, West, of Alscot Park. Mrs. Wilson and Charles K. P. Wilson, of Kelso, N.B. The Baroness Wartzburg, sister of Lord Lyons. Mrs. Weston, daughter of Sir John Lethe- bridge, liart, Mrs. Waylcn, and the Misses Edith and" Elizabeth Waylen. Miss Wilcox, now Countess de la Torre- Diaz. Miss Wingham. A Protestant nun. Mrs. Wilkinson, wife of a clergyman. Dr. West. The Hon. Admiral Wodehouse. ^Irs. Mundy Wood. Rev. C. F. Wordsworth, Magdalen Hall,. Oxford ; Domestic Chaplain to Mar- chioness of Bath. Mrs. C. F. Wordsworth. J. T. Withers, solicitor, and Mrs. Withers. J. S. WoodrofTe, barrister-at-law, and his- wife. F. H. Woodroffe, Indian District Judge, and his wife. Captain Wilson, Edinburgh. Mrs. Wilmer, widow of Lieut. Colonel W. Wilmer, H.M. 8th Hussars. Mr. Deputy Young, ICnight of S. Gregory, Rev. George B. Yard, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. A priest. Rev. W. V. Yarworth, Curate at West- bury. Captain C. Yeoman. Rev. C. B. Young, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. Rev. W. H. Youngman, Cambridge. E. Youngman, St. John's College, Oxford. Pym Yeatman, Emanuel College, Cam- bridge ; Barrister-at-Law and historical writer. Mrs. Pyra Yeatman and family. Major Yard. Dr. Yonge, of Liskeard. Mrs. Younger, of Haggerstone House. Miss Lilian Younge and Miss Olive Younge, daughter of the late Major Younge, H.E.I.C.S. jrUDD AND CO., rUCENlX PRINTING WORKS, DOCTORS' COMMONS, LONDON, E.C. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 64V. tlHi^' REC'D LD APR29'fi4-10P lt JU N 41969 71 <'69-toAi t-Vr-Di UCiriTi Doe end of SPRING Quart sr c ubjoa to recall aft e r -' ^ tf I S '71 ^ it ^ # *>. LD 21A-40m-ll,'63 (E1602slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley