UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES DEC 71962 LIBRARY ^Circular No. 218.GCVT. PUBS. ROOM ADDITIONAL ENTRIES UNDER THE ENLARGED HOMESTEAD ACTS— INSTRUCTIONS. Department of the Interior, \ Gene ral Land Office, Was/ungto7i, D. C, 31 arch 17, 1913. Registers and Receivers, United States land ofires, Arizona, Cali- fornia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, W ashingtcni, and Wyoming. Sirs : For your information there is hereto appended a copy of the act of Congress approved February 11. 1013 (Public, No. 369), amending sections 3 and 4 of the acts of FeJbruary 19. 1909 (35 Stat.. 639), and June IT, 1910 (36 Stat., 531). providing- for enLarged home- steads. The amendatory act in no way affects entries made under section 6 of either of the enlarged homestead acts. The area required to be cultivated is reduced to one-sixteenth of the area embraced in the entry beginning with the second year of such entry and one-eighth of the area beginning with the third year, thus carrying into the enlarged homestead laws the reduction of cultivation effected by the three-year homestead law of June 6. 1912 (37 Stat., 123).. As i^rovidecl by the latter act the cultivation of at least one-eighth must be continued up to the time proof is submitted. A pei"Son who has made original entry under section 2289 of the Revised Statutes and subsequently an additional entiy under section 3 of the enlarged homestead acts may make proof under either of the following conditions : CULTIVATION. (1) By showing compliance with the requirements of the law apr plicable to his original entry, and that after the date of additional entry he cultivated, in addition to such cultivation as was relied upon and used in perfecting title to the original entry, an amount equal to one-sixteenth of the area of the additional entry for one year not later than the second year of such additional entry, and one-eighth the following year and each succeeding year until proof is submitted. The cultivation in support of the additional entry may be maintained upon either entry. (2) When proof is submitted on both entries at the same time, by showing the cultivation of an amount equal to one-sixteenth of the combined area of the two entries for one year, increased to one-eighth the succeeding year, and that such latter amount of cultivation has continued until offer of proof. If cultivation in these amounts can be shown, proof may be submitted Avithout regard to the date of the 83713°— 13 additional entry, i. e., the required amount of cultivation may have been performed in whole or in part on the original entry before the additional entry Avas made, and proof on the additional need be de- ferred only until the showing indicated can be made. Such combined proof may be submitted not later than seven years from the date of the original entry. RESIDENCE. In instances where proof is first made on the original entry meeting the requirement of the homestead law respecting residence, no further showing in this particular will be exacted in making proof upon the additional entry: neither will a period of residence be exacted in proof upon the combined entry in excess of that required under the original entry. PROOF SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 11, 1913. Proofs heretofore submitted, and which have not been acted upon, will receive cxmsideration under the provisions of this act and the act of June 6. 19l!2. "N^Hiere proofs have been heretofore submitted, but were rejected solely because compliance with the requii"ements of the law did not continue for the required period after the date of the additional entry, apjalications for reconsideration will be entertained if seasonably filed. A'ery respectfully. Fred Dennett, Comndstiioner. Approved : Lewis C. Laylin, Assistant Seci'etary. (llffl^S.^. REGjONAL LIBRARY FACILITY ^^}'^ YRL AA 000 622™ 7 0Q/1^I737£ [Public, No. mo.] AN ACT To amend an act entitled "An :i