i % P2 = r- i-"- 1 1 r-S l? 3 C3 I $ I ^ S i i !? V %HAINIHV^ %OJITV3-JO : ^MIVD'JO^ ^OJIIVD-JO^ ^OF-CAIIFO/?^ ^OF-CAllFORto i S^y^^i THE METKOPOLIS 'unl Hatiapment 3Ute t TO WHICH IS ADDED AN APPENDIX CONTAINING OTHER STATUTES RELATING TO THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS, VESTRIES, AND DISTRICT BOARDS OF THE METROPOLIS, TABLE OF CASES, NOTES, AND INDEX. SECOND EDITION- EDMUND HUMPHREY WOOLRYCH, ESQ., Late one of the Metropolitan Police Magistrates. LONDON : SHAW AND SONS, FETTER LANE AND CKANE COURT, 3Lato ^nntorS antr 1880. LONDON : PRINTED BY SHAW AND SONS, FETTER J,ANE. Stack nne 6" TO k83 (-- LIEUTENANT- COLONEL SIR J. M. McGAREL-HOGG, BART., K.C.B., M.P., CHAIRMAN OF THE JEetropolttan iSoarti of SHorfejs, THIS WORK IS, BY PERMISSION, RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY HIS OBEDIENT FAITHFUL SERVANT, THE EDITOR. 2000709 PREFACE. SIXTEEN years have elapsed since the first edition of this work was published, and in the intervening period the great increase of population, the extension of building operations, the effects of recent legislation, and other causes, have largely augmented the labours and responsibilities of the public bodies charged with the local management of the Metropolis. According to the estimate of the Registrar General, based upon the decennial census of 1861, the population within the area subject to the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, which in that year numbered 2,803,989 souls, had, in the year 1878, risen to 3,577,304; whilst the rateable annual value of property within the same limits, which in the year 1863 amounted to 12,569,969, had, at the close of the year 1878, reached 23,960,109. The number of inhabited houses within the same area was also largely increased between the years 1861 and 1871, the date of the last census; their number in the former year having been 360,065, whilst in the latter it was 417,767 : and an examination of the notices of new buildings to District Surveyors, and Vestries and District Boards, and other trustworthy sources of information, affords grounds for the conclusion that the annual rate of increase which b yi PREFACE. prevailed between 1861 and 1871 has, since the last-mentioned date, not only "been maintained but considerably exceeded, The voluminous additions to the statute book since the year 1863 have vastly enlarged the sphere of action of the Metropolitan Boards and Vestries, and embrace within their range almost every branch of local and sanitary administration. The Acts relative to the multifarious operations of the Metropolitan Board of "Works as described in their last annual report are, with the statutes passed in the last Session of Parliament, nearly a hundred in number : to which must be added, in a survey of metropolitan local legislation, a large body of Acts especially appertaining to the general powers and duties of Vestries and District Boards, or relating to limited districts and special localities. In dealing with a mass of material of such extent and diversity, it has been found necessary to make a selection, and to print in extenso only those statutes which relate to the principal ordinary functions of the Metropolitan Authorities, and to embody in notes to those statutes a reference to the material provisions of such enact- ments as were considered of subordinate practical importance or less general application. The present volume contains a large number of Acts which were not comprised in the former edition, whilst three or four only are omitted namely, those authorizing the construction of those great structural works now completed, the Main Drainage and the Embankments of the Thames. The Lands Clauses Con- solidation Act, 1848, is also omitted, by reason of its great length; PREFACE. Vll it having been deemed sufficient to refer to its main provisions in the notes, as to have printed it in its entirety would have neces- sitated the exclusion of matter of greater practical utility. The arrangement in the present collection is substantially similar to that adopted in the former edition. The body of the work comprises the original Act constituting and incorporating the Metropolitan Board and the Vestries and District Boards, with the two principal amending Acts ; whilst the Appendix con- tains statutes relating to the continuance and appropriation of funds applicable to special metropolitan improvements, the bor- rowing of money by the Metropolitan Board, and the assess- ments of that body ; a few Acts supplementing the provisions of the original enactments in reference to matters either omitted from or inadequately dealt with by them ; and a series of enact- ments directed to various important objects connected with the health, safety, convenience, and material and social well-being of the community, such as the protection of life and property against danger from fire, the storage and conveyance of explosives, for ensuring effectual control over the sites, foundations, and con- struction of buildings., the prevention and suppression of nui- sances, and the enforcement of proper sanitary regulations, for preventing the adulteration or deterioration of food and drugs, and the execution of works for protecting low-lying lands from floods and inundations, with various others. Some of these require special notice here. The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, was a 62 Vlll PREFACE. measure which effected extensive alterations in the powers and proceedings of that Board as regarded borrowing and assess- ment. It restrained them, except for a limited period after its passing, from borrowing any money otherwise than in conformity with its provisions, and empowered them to create Metropolitan Consolidated Stock and Terminable Annuities. It required them, in lieu of all other rates or assessments over the Metropolis, to raise a Metropolitan Consolidated Hate, and established a Conso- lidated Loans Fund for paying dividends on and redeeming Consolidated Stock. It enabled them to lend money to the managers of the Metropolitan Asylums District, a provision extended by subsequent legislation to loans to Vestries and District Boards and other public bodies exercising rating powers in the Metropolis. The subsequent Loans and Money Acts of the same Board are referred to in the notes in such a manner as to present a connected view of the existing statute law governing this important branch of their financial proceedings. Another Act requiring observation is the Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1855, with the series of statutes by which it was amended and extended. Unfortunately the law for the prevention and suppression of nuisances and enforcing proper sanitary regu- lations within the metropolitan area must still be sought for in a multiplicity of scattered and isolated enactments, which, though repealed by the Public Health Act,- 1875, as to the rest of the kingdom, are still kept in force in the Metropolis. The Local Government Board, in 1877, introduced into Parliament a Bill proposing, amongst other objects, to repeal the whole of these PREFACE. IX Acts, and to re-enact their main provisions with modifications. The measure failed to secure the approval and support of the Metropolitan authorities ; and, after having reached the second reading, it was withdrawn. The principal ground on which the Bill was objected to was, that it proposed to introduce the Local Government Board as a controlling authority over the Vestries and District Boards, involving, it was said, a prejudicial interference with the independence of those bodies. It is to be regretted that no course was suggested by which the conflicting views of the promoters and opponents of the Bill could be reconciled, and a convenient and beneficial measure allowed to become law, either by the omission, or by some modification of the provisions objected to. Another imp ortant measure, which will be found in the Appendix, is the Metropolis Management and Building Acts (Amendment) Act, 1879), which effects a beneficial extension of the original Building Act. Amongst other provisions, it empowers the Metro- politan Board in certain cases to cause alterations to be made in existing theatres and music-halls, and to make regulations respect- ing the position and structure of new buildings of that descrip- tion; and it empowers the same Body to make bye-laws with respect to the foundations and sites of houses, buildings, &c., and to the mode in which, and material with which, such foundations and sites are -to be made and completed for securing stability, preventing fire, and for purposes of health. The Board have, under this last provision, framed a set of bye-laws for giving effect to the objects contemplated by the Act, These bye-laws which, amongst other requirements, contain stringent regulations with respect to the foundations and sites of buildings, and the description and quality of the substances of walls were confirmed by the Secretary of State as recently as on the 6th of the present month (October, 1879), and they appear thoroughly adapted to give effect to the salutary powers conferred by the Act upon the Metropolitan Board. The number of new statutes appertaining to the functions of the Metropolitan Local Authorities increases year by year, and even in the Session of Parliament just ended several important measures affecting the Metropolis have become law, several of them, however, of too late a period to admit of their being inserted in the body of the work. It has, consequently, become necessary to print them as a Supplement. As several of these make important alterations in the earlier Acts, and materially qualify some of the decisions cited in the notes, it becomes necessary to give a succinct summary of their main provisions here. One of the most important of these measures is the Metro- polis Management (Thames River, Prevention of Floods) Act, 1879, which did not receive the Royal Assent until the llth August last. This enactment demands special notice as con- taining a statutory affirmation of the general law applicable to the obligations of owners and occupiers of low-lying lands liable to inundation, though modified and conditioned by the special requirements of the localities affected by it, and as materially altering some of the provisions of the Management Act of PREFACE. XI 1855. It provides for the execution and maintenance of certain works described as "flood works/' for preventing the overflow of the Thames within the limits of the Metropolis, and for the expenses incurred in relation to such works. The expression " River Thames " is interpreted to include the rivers, streams, and watercourses within the flow and reflow of the tides of that river within the limits of the Act. It defines the expression " flood works/' and describes the conditions and formalities applicable to their execution. It specifies the bodies and persons liable to pro- vide for executing them, and enacts that the Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London, the Vestries and District Boards, and owners of premises respectively, shall, subject to the provi- sions and limitations of the Act, be liable to provide for the execution of the works described. It restrains the Metropolitan Board from directing the execution of any works other than such as are necessary for the protection of lands from floods and inundations caused by the overflow of the Thames, or any works for the embankment of the Thames in the nature of the embank- ments already executed under the authority of special Acts of Par- liament. Amongst its other provisions, the Board are required to cause a plan of the necessary works to be prepared, and to serve notices on the several bodies and individuals affected by them, with provisions for their modification, and power to those bodies to execute the works, and the Metropolitan Board to carry them out in default. It makes the bodies and persons liable to provide for the execution of flood works upon any premises, also liable to repair the banks upon the same, and contains savings in favour of Dock Companies and others. It gives a claim for compensation, Xll PREFACE. subject to the exception in the proviso to the 25th section, against the Metropolitan Board for damage sustained by the execution of flood works, or in respect of any lands or interest in land taken, or used, or injuriously aifected by such works, to be settled, in the event of disagreement, by arbitration, in accordance with the pro- visions of the Act ', and these provisions are to be in substitution of those relating to the tribunal for settling questions of dis- puted compensation contained in the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, or any Act incorporated with it. It provides for the appointment of a Standing Arbitrator for the settlement of claims, and for the recovery of expenses incurred by the Metro- politan Board from the Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London, Vestries, District Boards, and owners. It preserves the liability of persons or bodies., by Act of Parliament, prescription, or otherwise, to maintain and repair river banks, and repeals the provisions contained in the 69th and 70th sections of the Metro- polis Management Act, 1855, so far as they relate to the execution and maintenance of flood works by Vestries and District Boards. This Act effects important changes in the law applicable to the execution and maintainance of works of this nature, and having regard to the comprehensive interpretation given by it to the terms "Bank," "Dam," and "Flood works" an interpretation which seems to embrace a large share of the subjects of jurisdiction and management hitherto vested in the Local Authorities under the 69th section of the Act of 1855, it may, in some cases, become a question of difficulty to determine what powers are still left in those bodies under the original enactments, or to what extent their powers are superseded. PREFACE. XU1 Another important Act of the last Session is the Artizans Dwellings Act (1868) Amendment Act, 1879, which, amongst other provisions, empowers the owner of any premises specified in an order of a Local Authority under the Act of 1868, requiring him to execute any works or to demolish premises, to call upon the Local Authority within three months after service of the order to purchase the premises. In case of no agreement being come to, the amount of compensation is to be settled by arbitration in manner provided by the Act, the arbitrator to be appointed and to be removable by the Local G overnment Board, with special provisions for estimating the value of the premises, and settling the amount of compensation. Additional powers are conferred upon the Local Authority for the recovery of expenses and other objects. In the event of a Local Authority neglecting for the space of three months after notice from the Metropolitan Board to put in force the provisions of the Act, the powers of the Local Authority in respect of the premises in question become vested in the Metropolitan Board, and all expenses incurred by that Board under the Act shall be paid on demand by the defaulting Authority out of the local rates. Another Act of the last session upon a cognate subject is the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879, which, amongst other provisions, amends the 19th section of the Act of 1875, with respect to estimating the amount of com- pensation payable for lands taken in pursuance of the Act, and authorizes the arbitrator to receive evidence that the premises the subject of the inquiry were at the date of the confirming Act XIV PREFACE. or some previous date not earlier than that of the official repre- sentation, in such a condition as to have been a nuisance within the Acts relating to nuisances ; and if the arbitrator is satisfied, that they were so, he is directed to determine what would have been the value of the premises supposing the nuisance to have been abated, and also the expense of abating it ; and the amount of compensation payable shall be an amount equal to the estimated value of the premises after the abatement of the nuisance, and after deducting the estimated expense of abating it. The Act also amends the 5th section of that of 1875 relating to provisions for the accommodation of the working classes, which required the board, except for special reasons, to provide ac- commpdation within the limits of the same area, or in its vicinity, and it enables the confirming authority to authorize or modify an improvement scheme providing accommodation at some place other than within the area or the immediate vicinity of the area comprised in the improvement scheme. The latter of these two Acts will be found at page 582 of this work ; the former in the Supplement. Another Act, which only received the royal assent on the 16th August last, is the Petroleum Act, 1879, which is to be construed as one with the Petroleum Act of 1871. It alters the test denned by the last-named Act, provides for a model of the testing apparatus, and for the verification of any apparatus submitted to the Board of Trade. The first schedule contains a specification of the testing apparatus, with directions for applying what is PREFACE. XV known as the flashing test. The second schedule specifies that part of the Act of 1871, which is either wholly or partially repealed. This Act will also be found in the Supplement. In the Appendix will be found another important measure of the last session, The Sale of Food and Drugs Amendment Act, 1879, enacting by the 2nd section, that in any prosecution under the Food and Drugs Act, 1875, for selling to the prejudice of the purchaser any article or any drug which is not of the nature, sub- stance, and quality of the article demanded, it shall be no defence to allege that the purchaser having bought only for analysis, was not prejudiced by the sale, or that the article, though defective in nature, substance or quality, was not defective in all three respects. Amongst other amendments it empowers the medical officer of health, inspector of nuisances, &c., to procure a sample of milk at the place of delivery, with the same consequences as to analysis, legal proceedings, and penalties, as if the article had been purchased under section 13 of the Food and Drugs Act, 1875. And any street or open place of public resort is defined to come within the 17th section of the Act of 1875. It also contains provisions defining to what extent the sorts of spirits specified may be reduced in strength by the admixture of water, without involving a contravention of the 6th section of the Act of 1875. The law had already been laid down, before the passing of the Act, XVI PREFACE. by the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, in accordance with the provision contained in the 2nd section above cited, and it is now definitively settled by express statutory enact- ments once for all removing doubts as to the construction of the former Act, which seriously obstructed the beneficial action of the Vestries and District Boards in their efforts to carry into execution the provisions of a most useful Act of Parliament. Another statute of the last session to which attention must be called, is the Metropolitan Board of Works Indemnity Act, 1879, which authorizes the Board to defray the expenses of pro- moting two bills in Parliament, one for the supply of water for certain purposes to the Metropolis by the Metropolitan Board of Works, and the other for the purchase by the Board of the under- takings of the several water companies, supplying water to the Metropolis and to certain places in its neighbourhood, and for other purposes. This expenditure was disallowed by the auditor on the ground that in incurring it the Board had exceeded their legal powers. The Act of Parliament sanctioning the expenditure, recites that the bills in question were promoted and the expenses incurred by the Metropolitan Board in good faith, and in the belief that in promoting them they were acting within their legal powers, and it authorizes them to defray the expenses in question when audited and taxed, as if they were expenses legally incurred by them in the execution of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and the Acts amending it. PREFACE, XV11 The last Act to be noticed is the Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act,, 1879, which was passed on the 15th August last, and a reference to it must be added to the list of enactments enumerated in note (d) to section 36 of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, page 257. The statutes in the present collection are accompanied by explanatory notes, showing the amendments and alterations of the earlier Acts effected by subsequent legislation ; and the editor has endeavoured to elucidate their construction by a careful examination of the authorities, and a reference to the reported decisions of the courts on their main provisions, or on analogous enactments in other statutes. Numerous questions have arisen on many of their most important sections, several of which were the subject of protracted litigation, varying decision, and a diversity of opinion among the judges, and only finally decided on appeal to the House of Lords, and not even then with entire unanimity. The decisions, which were reported too late to admit of their being inserted in the body of the work, are referred to in the Addenda. Mr. William Edgar Saunders, Barrister, of the Middle Temple, has assisted the Editor in preparing this work for the press, and he has much pleasure in acknowledging the valuable aid he has afforded him. The task of editing it has involved considerable labour, and in performing it the Editor has used his best exertions so to arrange PREFACE, and explain the matter he has had to deal with as to present to the reader a comprehensive and accurate summary of the laws which it is intended to elucidate, and to render the work a conve- nient book of reference for the use of the legal profession, and a serviceable practical guide to the Metropolitan Boards and Vestries and their officers. LONDON, November, 1879. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION, THE principal Acts contained in this volume, and which form the basis of the present work, are the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, for the better Local Management of the Metropolis, and the three Amending Acts, the 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, the 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, and the 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 ; and other statutes either expressly incorporated with the first-named Act, or having special reference to the powers and duties of the boards and vestries constituted by it, are added by way of Appendix. The object of this publication is to elucidate the construction of those Acts, for which purpose the reported decisions of the courts upon such of their provisions as have received judicial interpretation, and upon analogous enact- ments in other statutes, are collected in the notes. Attention is also directed to those provisions of the original Act which experi- ence had shown to be defective, and to the amendments embodied in the Acts which were subsequently passed. It may well be supposed that an Act of Parliament which gave a municipal organization to the extensive districts described in its schedules, with a rental at the time of its passing (exclusive of the city) amounting to 9,011,220/., and a population of 2,233,108 souls, did not remain exempt from the ordinary litigation attending extensive legislative changes. But to understand the causes which led to the passing of that important measure, and to appreciate its results, it will be desirable, in the first instance, to make some reference to the laws under which the management of the metropolitan dis- tricts as regards their sewerage and paving, their improvements, and other subjects of local administration, had previously been conducted. The limits of the Metropolis, as defined by that Act, include the City of London, and the several parishes and places enumerated in the first three schedules appended to it ; and the definition of the City of London is that given by' the City Sewers Act, the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 163. The city and liberties of London consist of the city within the walls and without the walls, containing together an XX INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. area of about 723 acres. Commissions of sewers were issued to the civic authorities from an early period. It is recorded that a commission was, on the complaint of Heniy de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, directed to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London in the thirty-fifth year of Edward L, requiring them to scour and clear the River Fleet (). The 19 Car. 2, c. 3, for rebuilding the City of London after the Great Fire, vested in the Common Council certain duties relating to sewerage, and empowered that body to appoint persons under the common seal of the Corporation to design and set out sewers, drains, and vaults within the city and liberties. Other Acts were subsequently passed relating to the sewers of the city, viz., the 11 Geo. 3, c. 29, the 33 Geo. 3, c. 75, and the 4 Geo. 4, c. 114. Those Acts, which contained provisions for paving, lighting, and cleansing, and for preventing and remov- ing obstructions and annoyances, were repealed by the above- mentioned Act, the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 163, which has since been amended and extended by the 14 & 15 Viet. c. 91. It is under those Acts that the City Commissioners of Sewers now exercise their powers. By the 7th section, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons are empowered from time to time to appoint by deed under their common seal such persons as they shall think fit for carrying the Act into execution. Under it the sole power of making, repairing, and altering sewers, drains, and vaults, and of paving, lighting, cleansing, and improving the streets within the city, as defined by the Act, is vested in the Mayor and Commonalty, and Citizens of London, to be executed by Commissioners to be nomi- nated and appointed by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, in Common Council assembled, under the common seal. This Act came into operation on the 1st January, 1849, and the clause limiting its continuance to two years, and thence to the end of the then next Session of Parliament, was repealed by the 14 & 15 Viet. c. 91. The sole power conferred by it, of making and maintain- ing sewers within the city to the Corporation, to be exercised in the manner described, must now be regarded as subject to the alteration introduced by the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, by which main sewers have become vested in the Metropolitan Board of Works. Various powers for the regulation of streets and prevention of nuisances are contained in the City Police Act, 2 & 3 Viet. c. 94, The Corporation also, from an early period, made ordinances (a) See " Law of Sewers," by Serj. Woolrych, 2nd ed. p. 2. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. Xxi embodying regulations with respect to building, and legislative provision was made on the same subject in the Act 19 Car. 2, c. 3, and in subsequent statutes. The present Metropolitan Building Act is the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, but certain provisions of the former statutes, 14 Geo. 3, c. 78, and 7 & 8 Viet. c. 84, are still unrepealed (b). Important administrative functions affecting river side property were also exercised by the Corporation of London, in connection with the Conservancy of the River Thames. The Lord Mayor was by an ancient grant from the Crown Con- servator of the Thames, within the Port of London (c), and the Corporation claimed to be entitled to exercise rights of ownership over the bed and soil of the river. This claim, which was con- tested by the Crown, became the subject of a suit in Chancery, instituted by the Attorney- General against the Corporation for the purpose of determining the rights of that body and of the Crown in relation to the bed and soil of the river, and its shores within the flux and reflux of the tide. The suit was brought to a close by an agreement made in the year 1856, by virtue of which, and of another agreement of the 24th February, 1857, a grant of the estate and interest of the Crown was made to the Corporation, in consideration of their paying annually to the Commissioners of AVoods and Forests one-third of the monies, rents, and proceeds which they might receive in respect of sales, leases, grants, or licences for docks, piers, &c., in or upon the bed of the river, or of encroachments, embankments, or inclosures, on or near to it, and of their applying the residue to the improvement of the navigation. That portion of the bed of the river situate in front of lands, &c., belonging to the Crown, or which were the property or in the pos- session of any Government department, was excepted from the grant. The Thames Conservancy Act, the 20 & 21 Viet, c. 147, gave effect to this arrangement, and vested in the Conservators appointed by virtue of its provisions all the estate of the Corporation and of the Crown in the bed and soil of the river, except the portion referred to above reserved to the Crown, and transferred to the same body all such powers and authorities as were theretofore vested in the Crown or Corporation in relation to the conservancy of the river. The Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers, acting under 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, considered that that (6) See the Act 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, post, in the Appendix. (e) Between Staines in Middlesex, and Yuntleet in Kent. XX11 INTRODUCTION TO PIRST EDITION. Act empowered them to execute works on the bed and foreshore of the Thames, without obtaining the permission of the Thames Navigation Committee, the body charged with the exercise of the chief powers of the Corporation, relating to the conservancy of the river, aud when they required to execute such works they did not apply for leave, but merely gave notice to the Committee of their intention to commence them. The Committee, however, claimed the right of giving or withholding permission, and required that the works should be executed under the supervision of the water bailiff, one of their officers ; and there is little doubt that their permission was necessary before any such works could be executed. At present the previous approval of the conservators is clearly requisite before any works on the bed or foreshore, which may affect the navigation, can be carried out, and in a recent case (a) the want of such approval was held to render the proceeding a wrongful one. The Thames Embankment Act, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 93, contains special provisions respecting works on the foreshore, which, however, only apply to that undertaking. As regards its internal government, the administration of local matters within the city of London has for a considerable period rested on a basis which has practically secured for its inhabitants a substantial representation of their interests and wishes. This was pointed out in the Report of the Commissioners appointed in 1853 to inquire into the state of the Corporation (b), and they ascribe this result in a great measure to the mode in which the Common Council is elected. But these advantages were confined to the narrow area included within the city proper, and the metropolitan districts beyond those limits were, until the introduction of the Metropolis Local Management Act, for the most part excluded from their operation. Those extensive districts which were without the city had no general municipal organization, and were for the most part wholly unconnected with each other. Various statutes from time to time defined " the metropolis " for the specific purposes for which they were passed. The earliest example of such a dis- trict was that included in the weekly bills of mortality, which were originally weekly reports or returns by the parish clerks of (a) Brownloiv v. Metropolitan Board of Works, vol. 31, L. J. (N.S.) Q. B. p. 140. (1) See Keport, with minutes of evidence, and Appendix (1854), p. 12. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. Xxiii London, relative to christenings and burials. They are said to have originated in 1562, and additional parishes were from time to time included within them, until they at length comprised the ninety-seven parishes within the city walls, the seventeen parishes without the walls, twenty-four out-parishes in Middlesex and Surrey, and ten parishes in Westminster (c) . In addition to the general statutes affecting the parishes without the city, and within the present metropolitan limits, a large proportion of them were governed by local Acts, of which there are several hundred, pre- senting great diversity in their objects and provisions. The sewerage of the larger portion of those districts was under the control of commissioners appointed under 23 Hen. 8. c. 5. The commissions were seven in number, viz., for Westminster and part of Middlesex, the Tower Hamlets, Saint Katherine's, Poplar and Blackwall, Holborn and Finsbury, Surrey and Kent and Greenwich. They were all subject to the general statutes con- cerning sewers, and several of them had obtained special Acts for extending their powers. The general statutes of sewers applicable to those commissions were 28 Hen. 8, c. 5 (d} ; 3 & 4 Edw. 6, c. 8 ; 13 Eliz. c. 9 ; 7 Anne c. 10 ; and 2 Win. & Ma. sess. 2, c. 8. To these must be added 3 Jas. 1, c. 14, subjecting to the com- mission of sewers the walls, ditches, &c., and watercourses within two miles from the city of London, which waters had their course and fall into the Thames ; and 2 Wm. & Ma. sess. 2, c. 8, pro- viding that all new sewers made within London and Westminster and the other places named at any time since the twelfth year of the reign of Charles the Second should be subject to the jurisdic- tion of the commissioners. The Middlesex commissions were ex- pressly exempted from the operation of the General Sewer Acts, 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22, but the provisions of that enactment applied to those on the south side of the Thames, viz., for Surrey and Kent and Greenwich ; and by the latest of the local Acts relating to one of the commissions in Middlesex, viz., the Westminster, 10 & 11 Viet c. 70, numerous provisions of the general statute were by express reference and incorporation made applicable to that commission, notwithstanding the exception referred to. The commissions which had obtained local Acts were those for West- (c) See Pulling, " Laws of London," p. 264. (d) See reference to earlier statutes concerning sewers, Serj. Woolrych's "Law of Sewers," 2nd ed., p. 5, etseq. XXIV INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. minster, the Holborn and Finsbury, and Surrey and Kent. As many important questions affecting the rights of the present boards and vestries in relation to sewers, the liabilities of private parties with reference to sewerage works, the rights of creditors on the rates and other matters from time to time present themselves and necessitate a reference to those statutes, it will be convenient to enumerate them, and briefly to advert to the more important of their provisions. The local and personal Acts relating to the Westminster commission were 47 Geo. 3, c. 7 ; 52 Geo. 3, c. 48 ; and 10 & 11 Viet. c. 70 ; those applicable to the Holborn and Finsbury commission were 18 Geo. 3, c. 66, and 54 Geo. 3, c. 219 ; and the Acts relating to the Surrey and Kent commission were 49 Geo. 3, c. 183 ; 50 Geo. 3, c. 144 ; 53 Geo. 3, c. 79 ; and 10 & 11 Viet. c. 217. The 47 Geo. 3, c. 7, recited 3 Jas. 1, c. 14, enacting that all sewers, &c., within two miles from the city of London having their course and fall into the Thames, should be subject to the commission, and also recited 2 Wm. & Ma. c. 8, rendering subject to the commission all new sewers made in any of the parishes, &c., enumerated, since the twelfth year of the reign of Charles II. ; and then enacted that all " walls, ditches, sewers, &c.," west of the city of London extending to and including a watercourse dividing the parishes of Chelsea and Fulham, including the several parishes enumerated, having their course and fall into the Thames, should be fully subject to the commissioners of sewers : and it gave the commissioners increased powers for the execution and control of works, and in other respects. The 52 Geo. 3, c. 48, amongst other things, gave the commissioners cer- tain powers for the levying of equal rates ; and 10 & 11 Viet. c. 70, extended the jurisdiction of the commission over all places named or to be named in it, whether or not the tide ebbed and flowed therein ; and gave the commissioners additional powers for the construction of works, for enforcing the construction of sewers by private parties, imposing on such parties the cost of works, for compelling house drainage, and for making rates and other objects. There was also a special Act obtained by the Westminster commissioners for the formation of a sewer at Bayswater, 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 96. This sewer was constructed by means of money borrowed, to be repaid by instalments within twenty years. The whole of the money has been repaid. By 18 Geo. 3, c. 66, the Corporation of London were empowered to construct a new sewer within the prebendal estate of Halliwell INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. XXV and Finsbury, and so much of it as was in the county of Middle- sex was placed under the Holborn and Finsbury commissioners, and in consideration of the benefit accruing to the districts under their charge, those commissioners were directed to pay into the Chamber of the City of London the annual sum of 150 for ever; and it contained other provisions relating to the sewerage of the districts, the mode of making rates, and other matters. By 49 Geo. 3. c. 183, the Surrey and Kent commissioners were, amongst other things, empowered to make new sewers within the parishes named in the Act, to purchase lands mentioned in the schedule, by agreement or compulsorily, and to borrow, on the security of the rates, sums not exceeding 15,000. The 50 Geo. 3, c. 144, directed them to keep separate accounts of the charges of making new sewers in particular parishes, and fixed the pro- portions in which the expenses should be paid; it extended the jurisdiction of the commissioners to other parishes ; and they were empowered to borrow not exceeding 60,000. The 53 Geo. 3, c. 79, authorizes the commissioners to borrow a further sum of 40,000, and provided for the division of districts ; and it gave compulsory powers for the acquisition of lands enumerated in the schedule. The 10 & 11 Viet. c. 217, applied all the powers of the former Acts to the extended districts enumerated in the schedule, and gave increased power for enforcing contribution to the cost of sewers, compelling house drainage and other things. With respect to the paving of the districts under consideration and the suppression of nuisances, it may be here stated that in the year 1817 was passed the Metropolitan General Paving Act, 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, commonly known as Michael Angelo Taylor's Act, which consolidated and reduced into a species of system many of the provisions relating to paving and the regulation and improvement of streets which were contained in the special Acts of particular parishes. It was expressly incorporated in many of the special Acts which were subsequently passed, and where there was no such express incorporation the commis- sioners or trustees exercised some of the powers conferred by it in conjunction with those given by the local Acts under which they were appointed. The operation of that Act was limited to the streets and public places then paved or which might thereafter be paved within the Cities of London and Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, and other parts included within the weekly bills of mortality, and within the parishes of St. Pancras XXVI INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. and St. Marylebone, with certain specified exceptions. Many of the parishes comprised in the present metropolitan limits were neither within the bills of mortality nor included among the parishes specially mentioned in that Act, but 25 and 26 Viet, c. 102, s. 73, has now extended many of its provisions to the whole of the metropolitan districts (a). The Crown estate, near the Regent's Park, Regent Street, and some adjacent localities and certain parts contiguous to the Houses of Parliament were subject to the jurisdiction of a special body of commissioners acting under 5 Geo. 4, c. 100; but by 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, all powers in relation to sewerage which had been vested in those commissioners were transferred to the Metropolitan Commis- sioners of Sewers ; and by a subsequent Act, the Crown Estate Paving Act, 14 & 15 Viet. c. 95, the district was divided, and their powers were distributed between a new body of commis- sioners constituted by that Act ; the Commissioners of Works and Public Buildings, and certain parishes mentioned in the Act. With regard to lighting, many of the parishes of the metropolis had adopted the Lighting and Watching Act, 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90, which still regulates their liability in respect of lighting rates. A portion of the parish of St. Leonard Bromley, now made part of the Poplar district, was formerly within the sewers commission for the levels of Havering and Dagenham, and the commissioners acting under that commission continued to collect rates and exercise powers over it for some time after the Metro- polis Local Management Act came into operation ; but a new commission has since been issued for those levels, and the part of the parish of St. Leonard Bromley referred to was omitted from its limits. Woolwich Avas within the sewers commission east of Lombard's Wall, and was, as regards paving, &c., subject to the provisions of a local Act. In the year 1852 it was constituted a district under the Public Health Act, and placed under the management of a Local Board of Health, which body still carries on all local works within the district ; but main sewerage is, by the Metropolis Local Management Act, subjected to the control of the Metropolitan Board of Works, and the relation of the Local Board of Health to that Board is, as regards assessments and other matters, assimilated to that of the vestries and district boards in the other parts of the metropolis. The (a) See claxises, p. 581, post, Appendix. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. XXV11 turnpike roads north of the Thames are under the management of the commissioners acting under the Consolidating Act, 7 Geo. 4, c. 143, and there are several turnpike trusts south of that river. In enumerating the statutes making provision for the health and well-being of the community it is also necessary to refer to the Nuisances Removal Act, the Acts relating to Public Baths and Wash-houses, to the Registration and Inspection of Com- mon Lodging-houses, and to Extramural Interment, and the burial of the dead in general. It should also be borne in mind in examining the local laws of the metropolis that many special provisions affecting roads, sewers, and other matters appertaining to the functions of the administrative bodies to which the local management of the metropolis is entrusted are contained in private Acts of parliament, such as those relating to Canal, Railway, Water, Gas, Telegraph, and other Companies, many of which supersede or control the provisions of the general law. For some years previous to 1847, questions affecting the health of the community had engaged a large share of public attention, and the results of laborious and intelligent investigation upon subjects embraced within the range of such inquiries were exten- sively circulated. In 1843 the Poor Law Commissioners, who had been appointed to inquire into the sanitary condition of the labour- ing population, drew attention, in the Report of their Secretary, Mr. Chadwick, to the defective state of the sewerage and drainage of the metropolis, and to the inadequacy of the existing law to meet the exigencies of the case. The reports of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of large towns and populous districts appeared in 1844 and 1855, and disclosed the evils at- tending defective drainage, neglect of cleansing and ventilation, and the want of proper supplies of water. The commissioners for inquiring into the means of improving the health of the metropolis made their report in November, 1847, recommending, amongst other things, that the administration of the laws of sewers in the separate districts should be confided to one body of commissioners for the whole metropolis, and suggesting a general survey of the metropolitan districts. In the same month the several separate commissions of sewers were superseded, and new commissions were issued addressed to the same body of commissioners. In Septem- ber, 1848, was passed the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, which authorized the Queen to issue one commission XXV111 INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. for the whole of the parts comprised in the then existing separate commissions, and to include within it the district subject to the Regent Street commissioners acting under 5 Geo. 4, c. 100, and any other parts not more than twelve miles distant from St. Paul's Cathedral which might be named. By this Act all local Acts relating to the former commissions were repealed. The per- sons to be named in the commission, together with the Lord Mayor and four others to be appointed by the Mayor, Aldermen, &c., in Common Council, were constituted the Metropolitan Commis- sioners of Sewers, and were empowered to require the Commis- sioners of Sewers for the city of London to execute works within the city limits with certain special provisions as to their cost ; and the Lord Mayor and the other city members of the commission were authorized to sit and vote at all courts of sewers on questions relative to the exercise of powers affecting the city. The Act in- corporated, with certain exceptions, the powers and provisions of the Statute of Sewers, 23 Hen. 8, c. 5, and of the Acts confirming, explaining, and amending that statute. The first commission issued under the new Act was dated in January, 1849, and it in- cluded the same limits as the former separate commission, together with the Regent Street and Regent's Park district ; but the second commission, issued in October, 1849, added to its other districts the parish of Chiswick. The Commissioners, under a provision contained in the Act, limited the exercise of their powers to what was termed their active jurisdiction; but the limits of that jurisdiction were enlarged, and shortly after the passing of the Act it included an area of 1 12 square miles. This was divided into separate sewerage districts or levels, some of which had been de- termined under the former commissions, whilst others were newly formed under the provisions of this Act. The duration of the Act was limited to two years from its passing, and to the end of the then next session of parliament. It was from time to time re- newed until the passing of the Metropolis Local Management Act in 1855, which continued it till that Act came into operation, when it expired. The series of Acts for continuing and amending the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, were 12 & 13 Viet. c. 93 ; 14 & 15 Viet. c. 75; 15 & 16 Viet. c. 64; 16 & 17 Viet. c. 125; and 17 & 18 Viet. c. 111. An Act was also passed for a special object in 1855, viz., 18 Viet. c. 30. Under one or other of the Acts enumerated, the powers of the commissioners were extended as regarded the enforcement of house drainage, the INTRODUCTION TO FIEST EDITION. XXIX levying of charges for default and improvement rates, compelling contributions to the cost of works, and other objects. One of the Acts referred to authorized the appointment of a chairman and deputy-chairman, the former with a salary ; and with the view of removing objections to the borrowing powers of the commissioners on the ground that the Acts imposed no limit on those powers, the sums which they were authorized to borrow on the security of the rates were restricted first to 300,000 and afterwards to 600,000. Some of the earlier works of the commission failed in conse- quence of special circumstances which arose in the course of their execution, but upon the whole the measures originated by those commissioners were productive of a large amount of public benefit. The subterranean survey deserves especial notice as a work of the highest utility, as without it the preparation of an effectual scheme of drainage would have been wholly impracticable. After the borrowing powers of those commissioners were rendered effectual by the intervention of the Legislature they executed a large number of works, which afforded extensive relief to the districts affected by them. But though they performed their duties conscientiously and well, there is no doubt that the system under which they were appointed was open to objection. That system, which wholly ignored the constitutional relation between taxation and represen- tation, and under which the ratepayers had no voice in the election of those by whom their affairs were administered, could only be of limited duration. The condition of a large part of the metropolis, as regarded its paving and lighting and other subjects of municipal management, was in the highest degree unsatisfactory. Some of the metropo- litan parishes Avhich had a representative constitution, were well and economically managed, but a large number of them were under the control of self-elected bodies, who were to a great extent irres- ponsible to the ratepayers ; and whilst no effectual provision was made for the main objects for which they were appointed, the districts under their charge were burdened with a large expendi- ture and heavy debts. The commissioners appointed in 1853 to inquire into the state of the Corporation of the City of London, had, in their report, already directed their attention to the means of giving a municipal organization to the metropolitan districts, and considered whether it was practicable to effect such an organiza- tion by means of a wider extension of the present boundaries of the XXX INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. city. This notion in the result was rejected, and the report recom- mended a distribution of the metropolis into municipal districts and the creation of a metropolitan board of works to be composed of a limited number of members deputed to it from the council of each metropolitan municipal body, including the corporation of the city, to which should be confided the management of public works in which the metropolis had a common interest. The comprehensive measure introduced in 1855 by Sir Itenjamin Hall, then President of the General Board of Health, gave effect to many of the views expressed in that report, and also embodied other provisions essential to an effectual system of local management of the districts to which it applied. It will be convenient in this place to give an abstract of its chief provisions. The twenty-three larger parishes were to have a separate system of administration under vestries j and the other parishes and places were grouped into districts, and to be managed by district boards. The metropolis, as defined by the Act, is co-extensive with the district of the Registrar-General. Eighteen vestrymen were to be elected for every parish in which the number of rated householders should not exceed 1,000, with six additional vestrymen for every parish in which the number of rated householders should exceed 1,000, and twelve additional vestrymen for every parish in which the number of rated house- holders should exceed 2,000, and in the proportion of twelve additional vestrymen for every thousand rated householders, but so as not to exceed 120 in all. The incumbent and churchwardens were to be a part of the vestry. Parishes containing more than 2,000 rated householders were to be divided into wards. The qualification for a vestryman was the being rated to the relief of the poor on a rental of not less than 40 a year, and he was required to be the occupier of property in the parish ; but where the number of assessments at 40 did not exceed one-sixth of the total number of assessments, a 25 rental was sufficient. Mem- bers of the vestry were to be elected by the rated parishioners, and the district board was to be elected by the vestries mentioned in Schedule (B). A body called the Metropolitan Board of Works w r as constituted. Its members were to be elected by the Corporation of London, the vestries in Schedule (A), and the district boards. The Metropolitan Board, vestries in Schedule (A), and district boards were incorporated. The members of the Metropolitan Board first elected were to appoint a chairman with a salary of not less than Jl,500 or more than 2,000 per annum. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. XXXI The metropolitan board were charged with the maintenance of the main sewers, and with the execution of works for intercepting sewage from the Thames, and were empowered to make orders for maintaining the main and general sewerage, placing streets in more than one parish under one management, naming streets and numbering houses, preserving the regular line of buildings, and for other objects. They were authorised to make, widen and otherwise improve streets, and to effect other objects of public benefit ; but when the estimated cost of works exceeded 50,000, they were to be approved by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works, &c., and when such cost exceeded 100,000 the sanction of Parliament was rendered necessary. The plan of the works for intercepting sewage from the Thames must be approved by the Commissioners of Works and Public Buildings. The vestries and district boards were to maintain existing local sewers, and construct new ones with the previous approval of the Metropolitan Board. The liabilities of individuals ratione tenures, and on other grounds, were preserved. Various powers were conferred upon the vestries, &c., for enforcing house drainage and abating nuisances. The duties, powers, and authorities relating to the paving, lighting, watering, cleansing, or improving parishes and districts, and to the regulation, government, or concerns of any parish or part, except such as related to the affairs of the church or the management or relief of the poor, &c., were vested in the vestries and district boards. But the Act contained a saving of the powers of certain commissioners for the maintenance and management of squares, streets, &c., and for other objects. The powers and duties of sur- veyors of highways were assigned to the vestry and district boards ; they were to be the local authority for executing the Nuisances Removal Act ; the various powers were conferred upon them for regulating streets, preventing injurious interference with the roads or pavements, and the enforcement of sanitary measures. Certain auxiliary powers were given to the boards and vestries for the exe- cution of works. The rates to be levied were a sewers rate, a general rate, and, in some parishes or parts, a lighting rate. The debts and liabilities of the former sewers commissions and paving boards were continued a charge on the districts to which they originally belonged. Borrowing powers were given to the Metro- politan Board and to the vestries and district boards with the consent of the Metropolitan Board. Provisions were made for the auditing of accounts. XXX11 INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. The framers of this measure brought to the performance of their duty extensive knowledge of the multifarious subjects it embraced within its range, and sound judgment in dealing with them ; and, considering the magnitude and diversity of the interests affected by it, the special nature of many of its provisions,, and the other difficulties of the task, it must, upon the whole, be pronounced a judicious and effectual measure. But it could not be expected that an Act dealing with such a variety of interests, and affecting the provisions of so many local Acts, should be free from defects. Experience showed that some of its provisions required amend- ment, and the Acts 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, and 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, were accordingly passed. The former, amongst other pro- visions, declared that all duties, powers, and privileges, including such as related to the affairs of the church or the management or relief of the poor which might be exercised by any open or elected or other vestry, should, with certain exceptions, be deemed to have become vested in the vestries appointed under the original Act. The latter repealed that enactment, by which the approval of Her Majesty's Commissioners of Works was required before any scheme of main drainage could be carried out ; and it empowered the Metropolitan Board to execute works for the object in question according to such plan as they might deem proper. It was also made sufficient that the works should have the effect of preventing sewage passing into the Thames within, instead of in or near the metropolis, as provided by the first Act. Works might be con- structed through, along, over, or under the bed, bank, and shores of the Thames. The Metropolitan Board were empowered to borrow three millions sterling on bonds, debentures, or other securities, and the Commissioners of the Treasury were authorized to guarantee payment of principal and interest. A main drainage rate of 3d. in the pound on the basis of the county rate was created, and all parts of the metropolis were to be regarded as equally benefited by the expenditure. Works on the bed and fore- shore of the Thames were to be subject to the approval of the Admiralty and of the conservators of the Thames. The period for the completion of the main drainage works was extended from the 31st December, 1860, till the 31st December, 1863. These works, which are of vast magnitude and extent, were immediately commenced on the passing of the Act, and they are in active progress. These, as also the other extensive operations of the Board, are explained in their INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. XXX1U report of their proceedings in the execution of the Acts during the past year presented to both Houses of Parliament, conformably to section 200 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120. In the course of expe- rience, further obstacles to the effectual working of the original Act were encountered. An important question arose between the Metropolitan Board and the vestries and district boards, as to the incidence of the debts contracted under the former sewers com- missions. These were apportioned by the Metropolitan Board among the parishes and parts constituting the old sewerage dis- tricts in the ratio of the rateable value of the property within them. Some of the parishes deemed themselves aggrieved by this apportionment, which imposed upon them the cost of works, which, though executed within the same district were not within the local limits of the parish, and urged to Board to alter it. The Board acceded, and prepared a new distribution of the debts, which they embodied in an amending bill. The alterations suggested by the Board in relation to the re-distribution of these debts were, with some exceptions, rejected by the Special Committee of the House of Commons, to which the bill was referred, and, with those exceptions, the original apportionment is still in force. The powers of the Metropolitan Board for compelling prompt payment of their precepts were found insufficient. The provisions of the original Act, directing a different mode of assessment for the expenses of maintaining main sewers from that which applied to the costs of new thoroughfares, and from that which was subse- quently authorized with respect to the cost of the main drainage works, were found anomalous and inconvenient. Further powers were required for the construction of accommodation and subsi- diary works. The regulations respecting the breaking up of turnpike roads were unnecessarily restrictive ; the provisions for preventing wrongful interference with sewers were found inade- quate ; and additional powers were required for compelling the submission of plans, &c., previously to the construction of sewers ; for compelling overseers to enforce payment, by private parties, of the expenses of paving new streets ; for imposing on the owners the cost of sewering streets newly laid out ; for enforcing contri- butions to the cost of sewers by parties draining into them ; and for abating nuisances and enforcing adequate sanitary regulations in general. It may be added that there was no appeal against the decision of the auditors of accounts; and modifications of the provisions of the original Act were needed in other respects. The XXXIV INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. provisions to which the foregoing observations apply are pointed out in the notes to the several sections under which they arise, and the nature and scope of the amendments introduced to meet these and other requirements, and the reasons on which they are founded, are fully explained. Many of the clauses of the bill, however, underwent hasty alteration during its progress through Parliament, and new ones were introduced without its being clearly ascertained whether or not they were consistent with the general provisions of the measure. The consequence has been that several of its enactments are of an incongruous character, and their true construction may probably hereafter be attended with difficulty. But notwithstanding this, the last amending Act has, upon the whole, given to the boards and vestries considerable additional facilities for the performance of their functions. A good deal of discussion has taken place as to the mode in which the members of the Metropolitan Board are chosen, and an impression seems to be gaining ground that direct election by the ratepayers would be preferable to the indirect election by the vestries and district boards which now prevails. The Select Committee of the House of Commons on Metropolis Local Taxation, appointed in 1861, express themselves in their report to this effect. They state that whilst the evidence before them tended to show that the Metro- politan Board, as at present constituted, was fully competent to discharge its duties, greater authority would, in their opinion, attach to its deliberations if its members were elected by the rate- payers directly. Whether that view of the Committee is or is not well founded, the preponderance of opinion among those familar with the working of the Board is, that though an alteration of the mode of election might not send better men to the Board, it would, at all events, secure them greater independence of action. As regards the functions of the vestries and district boards, their periodical reports under the 198th section of the statute referred to, show the large paving and other works which have been exe- cuted, and they constitute an instructive record of sanitary activity in the construction of local sewers, the extension of house drainage, the inspection of the dwellings of the poor by their medical officers, and the removal of trade and other nuisances prejudicial to health. One great source of difficulty with which the metropolitan and other boards and vestries have still to contend, however, remains to be mentioned, and that is the means of providing funds for the extensive improvements demanded by the exigencies of metro- INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. XXX politan traffic. Previously to the passing of the Metropolis Management Act, public improvements had for the most part been effected by the executive government by means of parlia- mentary grants, or by the Corporation of London, out of its own funds, or to a great extent under powers created by special Acts of Parliament. The Metropolitan Board, unlike various municipal corporations, is not in possession of revenues derived from estates, or from tolls, dues, fees, or the like ; and, the whole of the works which have hitherto been executed have been paid for out of the proceeds of direct rates upon house property (a) . The Board did not cease to press their claims in this respect upon the attention of the Government and of Parliament (a), and the result has been to place at their disposal means derived from other sources for executing one of the most important of the under- takings required for the improvement of the metropolis, viz., the Thames embankment. The London Coal and Wine Duties Con- tinuance Act, 1861, 24 & 25 Viet. c. 42, after providing that those duties should, subject to the qualification expressed in the Act, be continued until the 5th July, 1872, enacted that the duties of Id. per ton on coal, culm, and cinders, and of 4?. per tun on wines, and of 8d. on coal, culm, and cinders, should, so soon as all charges on the London Bridge Approaches Fund should be satisfied, be paid to the account of the Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement Fund, and be applied to the improvement of the metropolis, as might thereafter be directed by Parliament. The execution of this important undertaking has since been con- fided by Parliament to the Metropolitan Board, the Thames Embankment Act, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 93, empowering them to execute the necessary works, and the Commissioners of the Treasury being authorized to provide the requisite sums out of, or by charge upon, the Thames Embankment and the Metropolis Improvement Fund. This noble work will, however, be incomplete unless it be accompanied or speedily succeeded by an embankment on the south side of the river. (a) See letter from Mr. Thwaites, chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works, to members of Parliament representing metropolitan constituencies, dated the 18th April, 1859, pointing out the limited resources of the Board, and the vast costs of the improvements required for the purposes of metro- politan traffic. XXXVI INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. The boards and vestries appointed to watch over the local administration of the metropolis have large powers and commen- surate responsibilities ; and whilst past experience justifies the anticipation that their powers will continue to be exercised with judgment and discretion, it is earnestly to be desired that their public usefulness may be promoted by mutual confidence and increased harmony of action. LONDON, November 1, 1862. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120 1 Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1856, 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112 161 Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 167 London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861, 24 & 25 Viet. c. 42 237 Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, 32 & 33 Viet. c. 102 245 Superannuation Allowances to Officers of Vestries and District Boards Act, 1866, 29 Viet. c. 31 270 Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1875, 38 & 39 Viet. c. 33 272 Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, 18 & 19 Viet c. 122 ... 274 Metropolitan Building Act (Amendment) 1860, 23 & 24 Viet. c. 52 320 Metropolitan Building Amendment Act, 1861, 24 & 25 Viet. c. 87 321 Metropolitan Building Act, 1869, 32 & 33 Viet. c. 82 322 Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878, 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32 324 Metropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1865, 28 & 29 Viet. c. 90 ... 337 Metropolitan Commons Act, 1866, 29 & 30 Viet. c. 122 ... 347 Metropolitan Commons Act, 1878, 41 & 42 Viet. c. 71 355 Gardens in Towns Protection Act, 1863, 26 Viet. c. 13 ... 357 Metropolitan Open Spaces Act, 1877, 40 & 41 Viet c. 35 ... 361 Slaughter-houses, &c. (Metropolis) Act, 1874, 37 & 38 Viet c. 67 363 Metropolis Water Act, 1852, 15 & 16 Viet. c. 84 ... ... 371 Metropolis Water Act, 1871, 34 & 35 Viet. c. 113 379 Sales of Gas Act, 1859, 22 & 23 Viet. c. 66 396 Metropolis Gas Act, 1860, 23 & 24 Viet. c. 125 405 d xxxviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Petroleum Act, 1871, 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105 422 Petroleum Act, 1879, 42 & 43 Viet. c. 47 713 Explosives Act, 1875, 38 Viet. c. 17 433 Metropolitan Subways Act, 1868, 31 & 32 Viet. c. 80 493 Tramways Act, 1870, 33 & 34 Viet. c. 78 496 Locomotives Act, 1865, 28 & 29 Viet. c. 83 525 Highways and Locomotives (Amendment) Act, 1878, 41 & 42 Viet. c. 77 532 Destructive Insects Act, 1877, 40 & 41 Viet. c. 68 536 Infant Life Protection Act, 1872, 35 & 36 Viet. c. 38 539 Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868, 31 & 32 Viet. c. 130 544 Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, (1868) Amendment Act, 1879, 42 & 43 Viet. c. 64 720 Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, 38 & 39 Viet. c. 36 560 Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act (1875) Amendment Act, 1879 582 Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875, 38 & 39 Viet. c. 63 ... 585 Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, 42 & 43 Viet. c. 30 598 Diseases Prevention Act, 1855, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 116 600 Nuisances Eemoval Act for England 1855, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 121 604 Nuisances Removal Act for England (Amendment) Act, 1863, 26 & 27 Viet. c. 117 636 Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1860, 23 & 24 Viet. c. 77 630 Sanitary Act, 1866, 29 & 30 Viet. c. 90 638 Sanitary Act, 1868, 31 & 32 Viet. c. 115 656 Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874, 37 & 38 Viet. c. 89 ... 660 General Paving (Metropolis) Act, 1817, 57 Geo. 3, c. 29 ... 663 Thames River (Prevention of Floods) Act, 1879, 42 & 43 Viet. c. cxcviii . 730 TABLE OF CASES. PAGE Aberavon (Mayor of), R. v 3 Abrahams v. London (Lord Mayor of) 94 Adams, Cauuter v 363 Adams v. Bromley Local Board . . . 203 Adams, Lord Rivers v 350 Adamson, Hildreth v. ... 66,199 Addison, Labalmondiere v 296 Ains worth v. Creeke 5 Airedale Drainage Commissioners, Rhodes v 76,94 Akroyd, Barnes v 612, 644 Alee, Easton v. 6 Aldrich, District Sanitary Authori- tiesr 59 Alison, Duckworth v. 90 All Saints, Wigan (Churchwardens of), R.v 161 Alsop, Cross v. 164 Amherst, Austin v 93 Amys v. Creed 610, 644 Anderson v. Fitzgerald 28 Andertonv. Birkenhead Improvement Commissioners 124, 219 Andrews, Budge v 10 Andrews, West v 24 Andrews, Attorney-General v. ... 85 Andrews, Waller v 107 Angell v. Paddington (Vestry of) 60, 204 Angus v. Dalton ... ... ... 73 Anselm v. Barnard 100 Arnold v. Blackett 53 Arnold v. Holbrook 53 Arnold, Weston v 298 Ashby v. Woodthorpe 285 Ashton, Tarry v 67 Ashton-under-Lyne (Mayor of), Bate- man r. ... ... ... ... 85 Aspinall v. London & North- Western Ky. Co 90 Aston, Sanderson v. ... ... ... 28 Aston Local Board, Roderick v. 35, 75 Atherton Local Board of Health, Hes- keth v 60 Atkins, Bennett v 164 At torney- General v. Andrews ... 85 Attorney-General, Bartlett v. ... 28 Attorney-General v. Birmingham (Town Council of) 80 Attorney-General v. Bradford Canal Co 80 Attorney- General v. Brecon (Mayor of) ... 85 d PAGE Attorney-General w.CambridgeGas Co. 63 Attorney- General v. Cockermouth Local Board of Health 80 Attorney-General r. Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum 80,616 Attorney- General v. Compton ... 86 Attorney-General v. Donaldson . . . 101 Attorney- General v. Drapers' Co. ... 162 Attorney-General v. Eastlake ... 86 Attorney-General v. Gee 80 Attorney-General v. Gas Light and Coke Co 416 Attorney-General v. Great Eastern Ry. Co, 209 Attorney-General v. Hackney District Board 35,80,223 Attorney-General v. Halifax (Corpo- ration of) 80 Attorney-General v. Kingston-on- Thames (Corporation of) 80 Attorney-General v. Leeds (Mayor of) 80 Attorney-General v. Luton Board of Health 80 Attorney-General v. Metropolitan Board of Works 79 Attorney-General v. Mutual, &c., As- sociation 6 Attorney- General v. Pearson ... 86 Attorney-General v. Richmond 80, 616 Attorney- General v. Southampton (Guardians of) 86 Attorney- General v. Sunderland (Cor- poration of) 358,361 Attorney- General v. Tyssen-Amherst 350 Attorney- General, Viscount Canter- bury v 312 Attorney-General v. Wandsworth Dis- trict Board 60 Attorney- General v. West Hartlepool Improvement Commissioners ... 86 Attorney-General v. Whitwood Local Board 26 Attorney-General v. Wigan (Mayor of) 85 Attree v. Hawe 248 Auckland (Lord) v. Westminster Dis- trict Board 202, 203, 204 Austin v. St. Mary, Lambeth 40, 42, 194 Austin v. Bethnal Green (Guar- dians of) 89 Austin v. Amherst 93 Avery, Scott r 90 2 xl Talk of Cases. PAGE Backhouse, Bonomi v. ... 73,223 Backhouse, E. v 11 Baddeley, v. Gingell 60,663 Badger v. Denn 278, 286 Badger, North Kent Ry. Co. v. ... 277 Badger, R. v. 291 Badger v. South Yorkshire, &c., Ry. Co 32 Bagshaw v. Buxton 32 Bagshaw v . Buxton Local Board of Health 54 Bailey v. Jamieson 53 Bailey v. Wilkinson 39 Baiss, Hackett v 209 Bakers. Lee 10 Baker v. Marsh ... 6 Baker v. Marylebone (Vestry of) ... 77 Baker, Newman v 285 Baker v. Portsmouth (Mayor of) ... 125 Baker, R. 38, 218 Baker v. Wisbeach (Corporation of) 223 Balls v. Metropolitan Board of Work s 133 134 Barber v. GranthamRy. Co... 94,134 Barber v. Waite 24 Barbett, Mawley v 14 Barker, Gerring v 53 Barnard, Anselm v 100 Barnard, Reading v 304 Barnes v. Akroyd 612, 644 Barnes t>. Chipp 590 Barnes v. Eddleston ... 225, 605, 609, 612 Barnes, N orris v 643 Barnham, Smith v 127 Barnet Rural Sanitary Authority, R. v 46,137,309 Barraclough v. Sheppard 53 Barrett, Islington (Vestry of) v. ... 60 Barrett v. Duke of Bedford 299, 306 Barrett, Ludbrook v. 90 Bartlett u. Attorney-General ... 28 Barton v. Birmingham (Town Clerk of) 164 Barton v. Piggott 122,185 Bassett, Ex parte 613 Bastin, Rippin v 161 Bateman v. Ashton - under - Lyne (Mayorof) 85 Bateman v. Bluck 55, 56 Batley (Mayor of,) Hall v 43 Battenbury, St. Pancras (Vestry of) 61, 133, 206 Batty's Trust, Se 94 Bauinan v. St. Pancras (Vestry of) ... 203 205 Beardmore v. Fox 306 Beck v. Stringer 425 Beckett v. Leeds (Corporation of) ... 54 Beckett v. M idlancl Ry . Co 76 Bedford (Duke of), Barrett v. 299, 306 Bedford (Duke of) v. Dawes ... 77 Bell, Metropolitan Police Receiver v. 137 221, 309 Bembridge, Evans v. 28 Benjamin v. Storr 55 Bennett v. Atkins 164 Bennett, Coggins v 55, 204, 224 Bennett v. Womack 107 Bermondsey (Vestry of) v. Brown ... 53 Bermondsey (Vestry of) v. Johnson 204 224 Bermondsey (Vestry of) v. Ramsey ... 61 217, 648 Berwick-on-Tweed (Mayor of), Os- wald 28 Best v. Staff 650 Bethnal Green (Guardians of), Austin v. 89 Bethnal Green (Vestry of), Harvey v. 53 Bethnal Green (Vestry of), Parsons v. 51 Bibby, Mason v 144 Bidder v. Croydon (Local Board of) ... 80 Biddulph v. St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of) 47 Bidwell, R. v 9 Biggs v. London (Corporation of) ... 77 Billericay Highway Board, Woodard v. 55 Billericay (Guardians of), Lamprell . 89 Binney v. Metropolitan Board of Works 95,134 Bireh v. Marylebone (Vestry of) ... 92 Bird*. Elwes 614 Bird, Jones v. 78 Bird, Re 11 Birkbeck, Ex parte 6 Birkenhead Improvement Commis- sioners, Anderton v. ... 124,219 Birkenhead Improvement Commis- sioners, Mason v 223 Birkhead, Sangster v. ... 299,306 Birmingham (Churchwardens of) v. Shaw 100 Birmingham Gas Light Co., Hop- kinsu 617 Birmingham (Mayor of), Pashby v. 90 Birmingham (Town Clerk of), Bar- ton v 164 Birmingham (Town Council of), Attorney General t. ... 80,81 Birmingham Waterworks Co., Blyth v 39, 78 Biscoe . Great Eastern Ry. Co. ... 78 Bishop, Great Western Ry. Co. v. ... 609 Bisshopp, Tunbridge Wells Local Board of Health v. 650 Black, Edinburgh Street Tramways Co. v 500 Blackburn v. Smaith 90 Blackett, Arnold v 53 Blyth v. Birmingham Water Co. 39, 78 Blyth, Bowman v 397 Blything Union (Guardians of) v. Warton ... .615 Talk of Cases. xli PAGE Blything r. Warton 605 Bluck, Bateman v 55, 56 Blunt v, Harwood 17, 23 Blunt, Iron Ship, &c., Co. v. Body r. Jeffrey 525 Bolfand Ex parte, Winter Re ... 90 Bolton (Mayor of), Wilson v. ... 131 Boodle, Flatcher v 5 Bonomi r. Backhouse ... 73, 223 Boraston, Powell v 126 Bourne Reservoir (Proprietors of), G-rddinr 39 Bouverie v. Miles 663,696 Bowditch v. Wakefield Board of Health 60, 644 Bowes v. Law 126 Bower r. Peate ... 52, 53, 73, 299 Bowles, Hendon (Guardians of) c. ... 612 Bowles r. St. Mary, Islington 59, 206 Bowling Iron Co., Firth v 645 Bowman r. Blyth 397 Boycott, R. r. 2 Brackenbury v. Thoresby 53 Bradbee v. Christ's Hospital 295,297 299 Bradbury r. Morgan 28 Bradby v. Southampton Local Board 134 Bradfield Union, Nicholson v. ... 89 Bradford Canal Co., Attorney Gene- ral v 80 Bradford (Corporation of), Fer- randt' 92, 135 Bradford Local Board . Hop wood... 134 Bradford (Mayor of), Slee r. . . . 125, 204 Bradford (CoYporation of), Pudsey Gas Co. r 63 Bradley, Garnett v 142 Bradley v. Greenwich Board of Works 190 Brand v. Hammersmith Ry. Co. ... 77 Brandon v. Brandon 94, 134 Branilen r. Metropolitan Board of Works 78 Brannan, Steele v 309 Brecon (Mayor of), Attorney-Gene- ral r 85 Brierley Union (Guardians of), Haighr 89 Bright, Gill r 637 Br i ght v. North 85 Brine p. Great Western Ry. Co. ... 78 Briscoe v. Drought 78 Bristol (Mayor, &c., of ), Hall r. ... 76 Bristol (Corporation of ), Quinton v. 93 British Land Co., Plumstead Board of Works r 61 British South America (Standard Bank of) v. Stokes 300, 301 Broadbeut r. Imperial Gas Co. ...76, 78 Bromley Local Board, Adams f. ... 203 Bromley Union, Kirk v 89 PAGE Brooke, Colchester (Mayor of ) v. ... 55 Broughton, Local Board of Health, R.t, 136 Brown, Bermondsey (Vestry of) v.... 53 Brown v. Bussell 612 Brown r. Downs 27 Brown v. London (Mayor, &c. of)... 50 Brown v. Sargent 39 Brown, Hardwick v V ... 23 Browne, Davis 526 Brownlow v. Metropolitan Board of Works 75,78 Bryerr. Willis 301 Brutton v. St. George, Hanover Square 204 Buccleuch (Duke of) v. Metropolitan Board of Works 77,134 Buckley, Small v 611,637 Buckmaster v. Reynolds 13 Budge r. Andrews ... ... ... 10 Burgess v. Northwich Local Board... 135 Burnett, R. r 650 Burns r. Carter 663 Burr, Hattersley v 124 Burridge, Payne v 132 Bury, Robins v 84,203 Bury Improvement Commissioners, Earl of Derby r 35,46,616 Bury Improvement Commissioners, Roberts r 90 Burslem, Meyer v 25 Busby v. Chesterfield Water & Gas Co 91,381 Bush v. Trowbridge Waterworks Co. 78, 98, 135 Bussell, Brown v 612 Buxton, Bagshaw v 32 Buxton Local Board of Health, Bag- shaw v. ... ... ... ... 54 Butler, Lake i' 619 Caballero v. Lewis 91 Cadogan (Earl), R. v. 38 Cadby, Gay v 71, 212 Caffin, Mil ward v 100 Caledonian Ry. Co. v. Ogilvy ...76, 77 Calvert, Ware v 90 Cambrian Ry. Co., R, r. ... 77,135 Cambridge Gas Co., Attorney- Gene- ral t>. 63 Cameron r. Charing Cross Ry. Co. ... 77 Campbell v. East London Water- works Co 91 Campbell v. Maund 11 Canterbury (Mayor of ), Foreman v. 52 Canterbury (Viscount) r. Attorney - General 312 Capper, Ex parte 90 Cardell v. New Quay Local Board ... 364 Card well, Cocker r 634,644 xlii Table of Cases. PAGE Carlisle Local Board, Taite v. ... 104 Carnarvon Ry. Co., Field v 94 Carr, Lewis v. 24 Carruthers, R. v. ... 275, 286, 314 Carter, Burns v 663 Carters. Cropley 2,48,162 Cator v. Lewisham District Board 35, 80, 616 Cattle v. Sjfcckton Waterworks Co. 384 Caudwell vTHanson 292, 296 Caunter v. Adams 163 Chamberlain v. West End of London and Crystal Palace Ry. Co. ... 76 Chambers v. Reid ... 222 Chantrell, R. v 621 Chappell, Whateley v 12 Cbaring Cross Ry. Co., Cameron v.... 77 Charing Cross Ry. Co., Eagle v. ... 77 Charing Cross Ry. Co., St. Thomas's Hospital (Governors of) v, ... 93 Charltou, Coverdale v. 32,54 Charlton, Ludlow (Mayor of) v. ... 89 Chase more v. Richards 78 Chatham (Overseers of), Hughes v.... 2 Chectham v. Manchester (Corp. of) 298 Chelmsford Local Board, Chelmsford Union v 104 Chelmsford Union v. Chelmsford Local Board 104 Chelsea (Vestry of) v. Evans ... 61 Chelsea (Vestry of) v. King 201, 213, 694 Cheshire, R. 637 Cheshire Lines Committee, Grierson v. 92 Chesterfield Water and Gas Co., Busby v 91,381 Child, Tozerv 9,164 Chilton v. London (Corporation of) ... 350 Chipp, Barnes v 590 Christ Church (Overseers of), R. v. 14, 220 Christ's Hospital, Bradbee v. 295, 297, 299 Christie v. St. Luke, Chelsea (Guar- dians of Poor of ) ... 97,99,144 Clark v. St. Pancras (Vestry of) ... 202 Clarke, Duke of Newcastle and others v 32 Clarke, Moore v 299,306 Clarke v. Cuckfield Union (Guardians of 89 Clarke v. Paddington (Vestry of) 41, 42, 187 Clarson, Peters v 76,615 Clayardsf. Dethick 78 Clergy Orphan Corporation, Re ... 262 Clerk enwell (Vestry of), Ecclesiastical Commissioners v. 84,163 Clewer, Metropolitan Board of Works v 219 Clifton Dartmouth Hardness (Mayor of) v. Silly 28 Clothier . Webster 78 Cluffu. Cluff 248 PAGE Cocker v. Card well 634,644 Cockerell, R. 613, 644, 653 Cockermouth Local Board of Health, Attorney-General v 80 Coev. Wise 52 Coggins v. Bennett 55, 204, 224 Coker, Read v 622,623 Colam, Johnson v. ... ... ... 215 Colchester (Mayor of) v. Brooke ... 55 Cole, Mouflet v 619 Coleman, Imperial Mercantile Credit Associations 24 Collingridge r. Royal Exchange As- surance Company 94 Collins v. Middle Level Commis- sioners 78 Collins, Mullins v 587 Collins, R 11 Collins v. Paddington (Vestry of) ... 71 Colne Valley Water Co., Edgware Highway Board r 63 Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, Attor- ney-General v 80,616 Combe, Filby v 70 Combe, R. i> 134 Commercial Gas Co. v. Scott 406, 411 Commercial Ry. Co., Sims v. ... 93 Compton, Attorney-General v. ... 86 Conyer, Titterton v 299 Cook, Jones v 425 Cook v. Ipswich Local Board ... 61 Cook v. Montagu ... 611,644,648 Cook, Morland v 38 Cook v. Ward 26, 181 Cooper, R. v 11 Cooper v. Walker 53 Cooper v. Wandsworth District Board 42, 204 Cooper v. Woolley 644 Core v. James 588 Corn well v. Metropolitan Commis- sioners of Sewers ... ... ... 63 Cotton, R. v 609, 612, 616 Cousins, Humphries v. 645 Coverdale v. Charlton ... 32,54 Cowen v. Phillips 296 Cox v. Midland Counties Ry . Co. ... 90 Cox v. Sheffield Gas Co 63 Cramp, Ex parte 33, 187 Crampton v. Varna Ry. Co 89 Cramvell v. London (Lord Mayor of) 94 Creed, Am ys r 610,644 Creeke, Ainsworth v 5 Crofts v. Haldane 299,301 Crofts v. London & North Western Ry.Co 77,135 Cropley, Carter v 2, 48, 162 Cross, R. 53 Cross v. Alsop 164 Crossdill v. Ratcliff 55 Crossthwaite v, Gardner 90 Table of Cases. xliii PAGE Croy don Gas Co. v. Dickens 28 Croydon Gas & Coke Co., Parry v. ... 617 Croy don (Local Board of), Bidder v. 80 Cubitt . Smith 205,278 Cuckfield Union (Guardians of), darker 89 Cullen v. Morris 9 Cullen v. Trimble 215 Cumberland Blacklead Co., Bales v. . 23 Cumberland (Justices of), R. v. ... 612 Cunningham v. Wolverhampton Local Board of Health 89 Curling v. Johnson 663 Dalton, Angus v 73 D'Arcy v. Tamar, &c., Ry. Co. 89, 178 Darlington Highway Board, Reid v. 52 Davey v. Warne 69,699 Davidson v. McLeod 587,598 Davis, Ex parte 296 Davis v. Browne 526 Davis, Young v 51 Davies, Gaskell v 643 Davies, Lutou Local Board of Health v 100,101 Davies v. Swansea (Corporation of) . 223 Davison v. Gill 54 Davis's Estate and Crystal Palace Ry. Co., Re 297 Daw v. Metropolitan Board of Works 83, 141, 210, 212 Daw, Thomas v 93 Dawes, Duke of Bedford v 77 Dayman, R. v. ... 54, 59, 206, 208, 285 Debenham, Theed 209 De Held, Soltau v 609 Deighton, Smith v 23 Delane v. Hillcoafc 23 Delany v. Metropolitan Board of Works 223 Derm, Badger v 278,286 Dennett, Freud v 88 Denny v. Thwaites ... ... ... 55 Dcthick, Clayards v 78 Derby (Earl of) v. Bury Improvement Commissioners 35,46,616 Derby (Earl of) Winterbotham, v. 55, 77 Devon (Justices of), R. v. ... ... 220 Dickens, Croydon Gas Co. v. ... 28 Dickinson, R. 136 Dimes v. Grand Junction Canal ... 90 Diplock, R. v. 11 District Sanitary Authorities v. Aldrich 59 Dodcl v. Holmes 299 187, 190 Dodd, Law v. 70, 686 Dodd t>. St. Pancras (Vestry of) ... 60 Dodgson, Jacomb v. ... 204,225 Donaldson, Attorney-General v. ... 101 PAGE Donati, Philip v 304 Dorling v. Epsom Local Board of Health 100, 104 Doultonv. Metropolitan Board of Works 95 Doust v. Slater 223 Dover Gas Co. v. Dover (Mayor of) 63 Dover (Mayor of), Dover Gas Co. v. 63 Dover (Mayor of), Pauling v. ... 90 Downs, Brown v. ... ... ... 27 D'Oyly, R. v 11, 14 Draper v. Sperring ... ... ... 612 Drapers' Co., Attorney-General v. ... 162 Drought, Briscoe v. 73 Degden v. Putney (Overseers of) ... 60 Duckworth v. Alison 90 Duncan v. Findlater 62 Eagle v. Charing Cross Railway Co. 77 East Anglian Railway Co. v. Eastern Counties Railway Co 86 Bales v. Cumberland Blacklead Co. 23 Eales, Green v 275 Earith, Palmer v 164 Earle v. Maugham 217,306 Eastbourne (Local Board of), Stiff v. 28 East Dean (Overseers of) v. Everett 101 Eastlake, Attorney-General v. ... 86 Easto, Richards v 275,310 Easton v. Alee 6 Eastern Counties Ry. Co., Anglian Ry. Co. v 86 Eastern Counties Ry. Co., R. v. ... 76 Ecclesiastical Commissioners v. Clerken- well (Vestry of) 84,163 Eddleston, Barnes v. 225, 605, 609, 612 Eddowes. R. v 5 Edinburgh Street Tramways Co. v. Black 600 Edgware Highway Board v. Colne Valley Water Co 63 Edgware Highway Board v. Harrow Gas Co 55,63 Edmundson, R. v 225 Edwards, Frank v 28 Edwards Ex parte, Marylebone Improve- ment Act Re 93 Edwards . Great Eastern Ry. Co. ... 77 Edwards, Young v 124,205 Egerton, Roberts v. ... 587, 588, 595 Electric Telegraph Co., R. v. ... 53, 55 Electric Telegraph Co., Reuter v. ... 89 Elias v. Nightingale 617 Eliott v. Majendie 445 Ellis, Newton v 222,622 Ellis v. Wilmot 29 Ellis v. Woodbridge 63 Ellis, Wray v. ... 137, 221, 309 East London Ry. Co. v. Whitohurch 102 East London Waterworks Co., Camp- bell v 91 xliv Table of Cases. PAGE East London Waterworks Co. v. Ley- ton Sewer Authorities 105 East London Waterworks Co. . Mile End Old Town (Overseers of) ... 105 Elwes, Bird v. 614 Empson v. Metropolitan Board of Works 99,100,101,106 Ennis, Hodgkinson v. 78 Epsom Local Board of Health, Dorling v 100, 104 Epsom Union (Guardians of), R. .... 33 Ernest v. Nicholls 89 Essex (Commissioners of Sewers of), R. r 38 Estate Co , Sims, v 301 Etherington v. Wilson 10 Evans v. Bembridge 28 Evans, Chelsea (Vestry of), . ... 61 Everett, East Dean (Overseers of) v. 101 Everett v. Grapes 213 Evelyn v. Whichcord ... 291, 296 Exeter (Mayor of), R. v 2 Eynsham, Be 14 Farmer, Horne v 103 Farmer, Powell v 126 Fawcett, Harris v 28 Fellowes, Whitehouse v 223 Ferrand v. Bradford (Corporation of) 92, 135 Ferrar v. London (Sewers Commis- sioners of) 77, 92 Festiniog Ry. Co., Jones v 529 Filhy v. Comhe 70 Field v. Carnarvon Ry. Co 94 Fielding v. Rhyl Improvement Com- missioners ... ... ... ... 125 Fields, N icholson v 24 Findlater, Duncan v. 52 Finnis, R. v 122,185 Firth v. Bowling Iron Co 645 Fisher, v. Prowse 53, 295 Fishmongers' Co., Lyon v 34 Fitch, R.v 105 Fitzgerald, Anderson 28 Fitzpatrick v. Kelly 587 Flatcherv. Foodie 5 Fletcher r. Ry lands 78 Fletcher, Skillett v 28 Flight, Metropolitan Board of Works v 296 Flight, R. v 526 Flight v. St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of) 546 Flower r. Low Leighton (Local Board of) 223 Flowers v. Raine 126 Folkestone (Corporation of), v. Wood- ward 204 Forbes, Rankin r 53 PAGE Fordham, R. v 122,185 Foreman v. Canterbury (Mayor of) 52 Fort William (Police Commissioners of), v. Kennedy 204 Foster v. Oxford, &c., Ry. Co. ... 24 Foster, R. v 586,595 Fotherby v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. ... 92 Fowler v. Kensington (Vestry of) ... 213 Fox, Beardmore v 306 Fox, Hobbst* 70 Foxall, Phillips v 28 Francis v. Maas 588 Francomb v. Freeman 612 Frank . Edwards 28 Franklin, St. Leonard, Shoreditch, (Guardians of) v 135,221 Freebody, Tear v. ... 14, 84, 203, 278 Freeman, Francomb, v 612 Freeman v. Read 223 Frend v. Dennett 88 Frewin v. Hastings Local Board of Health 93 Fulham District Board v. Goodwin 187, 190 Fulham District Board of Works, Sheffield v 190 Fulham District Board, Whitchurch v. 61 Fulham Gas Co. v. Metropolitan Board of Works 104 Fullford, R, v 203 Gabriel v. St. James, Westminster (Vestry of) 67 Galloway v. London (Corporation of) 93 Gamble, R. v. 38 Gardner, Crossthwaite v 90 Garnett v. Bradley ... ... 142 Garston Local Board, Waite v. ... 125 Gas Light & Coke Co., Attorney General v 416 G*s Light & Coke Co., Holt v. ... 77 Gas Light & Coke Co. v. Mead ... 410 Gas Light & Coke Co. v. St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of) 72, 412 Gaskell v. Davies 643 Gay v. Cadby 71,212 Geddin v. Bourne Reservoir (Pro- prietor of) 39 Gee, Attorney General v 80 Gee, R. v 616 General Sewage Co., Nuneaton Local Board of Health v 81 General Steam Navigation Co. v. Rolt 90 Gerring . Barker 53 Gibbs, Pybus v 28 Gibson r. Preston (Mayor of) ... 52 Gill, Davison v ... 54 Gingell, Baddeley v 60, 663 Gladwin, Richards v. 5 Glossop, R. v. 114 Table of Cases. xlv PAGE Gloucester, R. v 28 Gloucestershire (Justices of) R. v. ... 101 Glover v. North Staffordshire Ry. Co 76 Godmanchester (Local Board of) R. v. 33 Golding, Williams v. 223 Goldsmid t>. Tunbridge Wells (Im- provement Commissioners of) 80, 81 Goodchild & Lamb, R. v 103 Goodhew . Williams, 5, 9, 10, 12, 24, 163, 183 Gondson v. Richardson 54 Goodwin, Fulham District Board v. 36, 187, 190 Goodwin, London Brighton & South Coast Ry. Co. v 28 Goodyear v. Weymouth (Mayor of) 89 Gordon v. St. James, Westminster (Vestry of) 35,199 Goss, R. v 616 Gourley, Stevens v. 84, 126, 202, 276, 278, 279 Graham, Mailing Union v 28 Grand Junction Canal Co., Dimes v. 90 Grand Junction Canal Co. . Shugar 77, 78 Grantham Ry. Co., Barber v. 94, 134 Grapes, Everett v 213 Grattridge, Young v. 636 Gray v. Pulleu 52,64,194 Gray, Wheeler v 301,310 Grece n. Hunt 190 Great Eastern Ry. Co., Attorney General v 209 Great Eastern Ry. Co., Biscoe v. ... 78 Great Eastern Ry. Co., Edwards v. 77 Great Northern Ry. Co., Hopkins v. 77 Great Northern Ry. Co., R. v. 94, 134 G. Stanmore (Nuisances Removal, Committee of), Toinlinson v. ... 613 Great Western Ry. Co. v. Bishop 609 Great Western Ry. Co., Brine v. ... 78 Great Western Ry. Co., R. v. 98, 99, 101, 185 Great Western Ry. Co., Ranger v. 90 Great Western Ry. Co., Rouch v. ... 90 Great Yarmouth (Corporation of), Preston v 118 Green v. Bales 275 Green, R. v 162 Greene R. v 185 Gwenhalgh, Pindlebury v 52 Greenhalgh, Taylor v 52 Greenhow v. Parker 24 Greenhow, R. v 53 Greenwich Board of Works, Bradley v. 190 Greenwich District Board, Nisbett y 60,61 Greenwich (District Board of) v. Maudsley 53 Greenwich Union, Pimlicd, &c., Tramway Co. v 101 PAGE Grierson v. Cheshire Lines Com- mittee 92 Griffiths v. Longdon, &c., Drainage Board 98 Grissell, Stokes 619 Guest v. Poole, &c., Ry. Co 93 Guest, Sweetman v 101,225 Guppy, Holme v 90 Hackett v. Baiss 209 Hackney District Board, R. v. ... 60 Hackney District Board, Attorney- General v 35, 80, 223 Hague, R. v 13 Haigh v. Brierley Union (Guardians of) 89 Haldane, Crofts v 299,301 Halifax (Corporation of), Attorney- General, t> 80 Halifax (Corporation of), Wilson v... 222 Halifax (Mayor of), Wilson v. ... 63 Halifax Union v. Wheelwright ... 28 Hall v. Batley (Mayor of) 43 Hall v. Bristol (Mayor, &c., of) ... 76 Hall v. Hill 142 Hall, Nichols v 215 Hall i\ Nixon 124 Hall,R. v 2 Hull r. Taylor 27 Hall, Wandsworth District Board v. 203 Halsey, Be 95 Ham (Local Board of Health of), Re 613,620 Hamilton v. St. George, Hanover Square 53, 57 Hammersmith Bridge Co. t. Hammer- smith (Overseers of) .. ... 104 Hammersmith (Overseers of), Ham- mersmith Hridge Co. v 104 Hammersmith Ry. Co., Brand v. ... 77 Hammond v. St. Pancras (Vestry of) 35,39 Hampton, R. v 10 Hamston, Stafford . 100 Hanuay, R. t> 134,225 Hanson, Caudwell v 292,296 Harden, R. v 615 Harding, Higgins v 60 Harding, Mayer v 29,96 Hardwick v. Brown 23 Hardwick, Kidderminster (Mayor of) 89 Hargreaves . Taylor 40 Harring t. Stockton 635 Harri- v. Fawcett 28 Harris, Hunt v 296 Harris, Morish v 126 Harrison v. Leaper ... ... ... 527 Harrold, R. v 10 xlvi Table of Cases. PAGE Harrow Gas Co., Edgeware Highway Board v 55,63 Hartnell v. Ryde Improvement Com- missioners 52 Harvey v. Bethnal Green (Vestry of) 53 Har wood, Blunt v 17,23 Hastings Local Board of Health, Frewin v 93 Hattersley v. Burr 124 Ha we, Attree v 248 Hawker, Mill v 53 Hawkiugs v. Newman ... ... 27 Hawthorn v. Newcastle Ey. Co. ... 90 Hay les's Estate, Re 162 Hayne, Re , ... 94 Haynes, R. v 586 Hay ward v. Lowndes 192 Head and Metropolitan Board of Works, Imperial Gas Light Co. v. 104 Hedger, R. 11 Hely v. Todmorden Local Board of Health 78 Hernans, Lambe v 306 Henderson v. Sherborne 24 Hendon (Guardians of) v. Bowles ... 612 Henley, Lyme Regis (Mayor of) v. 34, 38 Herne Bay (Commissioners of), Webb v 24 Herring v. Metropolitan Board of Works 77 Hertford Union v. Kempton ... 615 Hesketh v. Athertou Local Board of Health 60 Higgins v. Harding ... ... ... 60 Higgius v. North wich Union 225, 613 Higgs, St. Katherine Dock Co. v. ... 100 Hill v. Hall 142 Hill, Ex parte, Roberts, Re 410 Hill, Thompson v 229 Hill, Wanstead Local Board v. ... 364 Hildreth v. Adamson ... 66, 199 Hillcoat, Delane 23 Hindley (Local Board of), White v. 52 Hirst, Poulsmu v 222 Hitchman, Hoyle v 586 Hoare v. Metropolitan Board of Works 350 Hobbs. Fox 70 Hobbs, Ward 215 Hodgkinson v. Ennis ... ... 78 Hodsoll, Loveridge v. 663 Hodson, Liverpool New Cattle Mar- ket Co. v 364 Holboru Union (Guardians of) v. St. Leonard, Shoreditch 52, 70 Holbrook, Arnold v 53 Holden v. Liverpool Gas Co. ... 78 Hole v. Milton (Commissioners of) ... 6 Hole v. Sittingbourne Ry. Co. ... 194 Holland v. Nantwich Highway Board 222 Holland (Lady) v. Kensington Vestry 61 Holliday v. St. Leonard, Shore- ditch Holme. Guppy Holmes, Dodd Holt v. Gaslight and Coke Co. ... Holt v. Rochdale (Mayor of) ... Homersham v. Wolverhampton Waterworks Co Hopkins v. Birmingham Gas Light Co Hopkins v. Great Northern Ry, Co. Hopley, Rook Hopw'ood, Bradford Local Board v. Hore, Muir v. ... ... ... Homer. Farmer Horner, Walker v Hornsby v. St. Luke, Chelsea ... Horridge v. Wilson Horsley, Re, Orde, Ex parte ... 14 How, R. v 11 Howell . London Dock Co. ... 98 Howes . Turner 8 Hoyle v. Hitchman 586 Huckle . Piper 6 Huggins . Ward 215 Hughes v. Chatham (Overseers of) 2 Huline, R. 5 Humphries v. Cousins 645 Hungerford Market Co., R. . 92, 297 Hunt, Grece v 190 Hunt v. Harris 296 Hunt, Oldacre 80 Hunt r. Wimbledon Local Board ... 89 Hurst, Roberts 54 Huskinson, Poole v 53 Hyam v. Webster 64,182,209 Imperial Gas Co., Broadbent v. 76, 78 Imperial Gas Light Co., r. Head and Metropolitan Board of Works ... 104 Imperial Mercantile Credit Associa- tion v. Coleman ... ... ... 24 Imray, Vaughan v. ... ... 7,163 Ingham, R. v. ... 55,114,281,696 Ingoldby, Plumstead Board of Works 61,648 Ipswich Local Board, Cook v. ... 61 Iron Ship, &c., Co. . Blunt 23 Isle of Wight Ferry Co. v. Ryde Commissioners 607 Islington, R. v 10,163 Islington (Vestry of), . Barrett ... 60 Islington Vestry, London (School Board of) 60 Islington Vestry, North London Ry. Co. 60 Itchin Bridge Co. . Southampton Local Board . 224 Table of Cases. xlvii Jacomb v. Dodgson Jacobs, Newington (Vestry of) . James, Core v. James, Paul v. ... Jamieson, Bailey v. ... Jay, R. v Jeffrey, Body v Johnson v. Colam Johnson, Bermondsey (Vestry of ) Johnson, Curling v. ... Johnson, New River Co. v. ... Joliffe v. Wallasey Local Board Jones, R. v. ... Jones v. Bird Jones v. Cook Jones v. Festiniog By. Co. ... Jones, Bobbins v. Jones v. St. John's College, Oxford Judge, Selrnes v r. PAGE 204, 225 ... 53 ... 558 138, 663 ... 53 ... 277 ... 525 ... 215 204, 224 663 76,78 222 25 78 425 529 53 90 Kay, Woolley tf 24 Keane v. Reynolds 55 Kelly, Fitzpatrick v 587 Kemp v. London & Brighton Ry. Co. 93 Kempton, Hertford Union v. ... 615 Kennedy, Fort William (Police Com- missioners of ) v 204 Kenneth, He, Middleton, Exparte ... 12 Kensington (Trustees of), R. v. ... 3 Kensington (Vestry of), Fowler v. ... 213 Kensington Ves'ry, Lady Holland v. 61 Kensington (Vestry of), Sooby v. ... 25 Kerr v. Preston (Corporation of) 203, 204 Kidderminster (Mayor of), v. Hard- wick 89 King, Chelsea (Vestry of) v. 201, 213, 694 Kingston-npon-Hull Local Board, Pearsons 124 Kingston-upon-Hull (Mayor of), Wells v 89 Kingston-on-Thames (Corporation of), Attorney-General v. 80 Kirk v. Bromley Union 89 Kitchener, R. v 529 Knight, Poplar District Board v. 32, 39, 41, 126, 198 Knight v. Pursell 275,303 Knight, Webb v 587 Labalmondiere v. Addison 296 Labalmondiere, Mourilyan v. ... 296 Labalmondiere v. Prest 296 Lade (Sir John) r. Shepherd ... 54 Lake v. Butler 619 Lakeman, Mountstephen v 89 Lambe v. Hemans 306 Lambeth (Vestry of), R. v. 11, 48, 165 Lamprell v. Billericay (Guardinns of) 89 Lancaster Canal Co., Parnaby v. ... 52 Lankester, Le Feuvre v Lapworth, Thompson v. Law, Bowes v. Law v. Dodd Le Feuvre v. Lankester PAGE 24 61, 217 126 70, 686 24 Le Neve v. Mile End Old Town (Vestry of) 53, 67, 144 Lea Conservancy Board, Marchant v. 129 Leadbetter, Southall v ....... 306 Leamington, Ex parts ,.. ... 652 Leaper, Harrison v .......... 627 Lee, Baker v. ......... 10 Lee, Metropolitan Board of Works v. 296 Lee, Redgrove v .......... 126 Lee, Wakefield Local Board of Healths ............. 60 Lee, Ward v. ........ 78 Leeds (Mayor of), Attorney-Gene- ral v ............. 80 Leeds (Mayor of), R. v ....... 8 Leeds (Corporation of), Beckett y. ... 54 Legg, Scott v ...... 285,309 Leigh, R. . ......... 38 Lepine, R. w. ......... 55 Lester, Triggs v .......... 55 Lewis, Caballero v .......... 91 Lewis v. Carr ......... 24 Lewis, St. Luke, Middlesex (Vestry of)t> ............. 44 Lewisham District Board, Cator v. 35, 80, 616 Leyton Sewer Authorities, East Lon- don Waterworks Co. v ....... 105 Lichfield (Mayor, &c. of) v. Simpson 29 Lichfield (Overseers of), Moss v. ... 5 Lilly white w. Trimmer ...... 80 Limehouse District Board of Works, London & Blackwall Ry. Co. v. 64, 142, 277 Linford, R.w ........ 122,185 Lister v. Lobley ......... 76 Littler '. Rhyl Improvement Commis- sioners ............ 94 Liverpool (Corporation of) Exparte 613, 614 Liverpool (Corporation of), Scott v. 90 Liverpool (Corporation of), Steele v. 92 Liverpool Gas Co., Holden t>. ... 78 Liverpool (Mayor of), Wilmer v. ... 86 Liverpool New Cattle Market Co. v. Hodson ............ 364 Livesey, R.u. ......... 60 Livingston v. Ralli ...... 90 Llanfillo (Justices of), R. . ... 285 Lobley, Lister v .......... 76 Local Government Board, R. v. ... 48 Lofthouse, R. v .......... 11 London (Commissioners of Sewers of), Ferrari? .......... 77,92 London (Commissioners of Sewers of) v. Metropolitan Board of Works ... 173 xlviii Table of Cases. PAGE London (Commissioners of Sewers of City of), R. v 69 London (Corporation of), Biggs f. ... 77 London (Corporation of), Chilton v. 350 London (Corporation of), Galloway v. 93 London (Lord Mayor of), Abrahams v. 94 London (Lord Mayor of), Brown v. 50 London (Lord Mayor of), Cranwell v. 94 London (Lord Mayor of), Starr v. ... 94 London (Lord Mayor of), Thorn v.... 89 London (Lord Mayor, &c. of), Tyson v. 94, 134 London (School Board of) v. Islington Vestry 60 London & Blackwall Ry. Co. v. Lime- house District Board of Works 64, 142, 277 London & Blackwall Ry. Co., Pinchin v. 91 London & Blackwall Ry. Co., War- burton v 299 London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. Co. v. Goodwin 28 London & Brighton Ry. Co., Kemp v. 93 London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. Co., Stoneham v 93 London, Chatham & Dover Ry. Co., Martini' 94 London, Chatham & Dover Ry. Co. v. Wands worth District Board of Works 52 London & North Western Ry. Co., Aspinallv 90 London & North Western Ry. Co., Crofts v 77, 135 London & North Western Ry. Co., R. v 134,142 London & North Western Ry. Co., Walker v 90 London & South Western Ry. Co., Wands worth Board of Works v. ...32, 54 London Dock Co., Howell v. . . . 98, 101 London Dock Co., R. v 76 London Dock Co. v. Sinnott 89, 90 London Street Tramways Co., Mur- doch v 505,516 Longdou, &c., Drainage Board, Grif- fiths r 98 Longton Gas Co., R. v 55, 63 Love, Poplar District Board v. ... 61 Loveridge v. Hodsoll 663 Loviboud, R. v 204 Low Leighton (Local Board of), Flower v 223 Lowndes, Hay ward v. 192 Lowndes. Ringland v. 134 Lowndes, Tunstall Turnpike Roads (Trustees of ) v 39 Lowndes, Ward v 118 Ludbrook . Barrett 90 Ludlow (Mayor of ) . Charlton ... 89 Luscomb v, Plymouth Local Board,.. 104 PAGE Luton Board of Health, Attorney- General v 80 Luton Local Board of Health v. Davies 100, 101 Lyon v. Fishmongers' Co 34 Lyme Regis (Mayor of) v. Henley... 34, 38 Lyndon v. Standbridge 70 Maas, Francis v 588 Macey v. Metropolitan Board of Works 76,92 Macgill, R. v 13 Maddams, West Ham Local Board v. 62, 190 Main war ing, Proctor i' 24 Majendie, Eliott v 445 Major v. Park Lane Co. ... 299, 300 Mallam v. Oxford (Guardians of Poor of) 27 Mailing Union v. Graham 28 Manchester (Corp. of), Cheetham v. 298 Manchester, &c. Ry. Co., Ramsdeu v. 92 Marchant v. Lea Conservancy Board 129 Margate ( Borough of ), Margate Pier Co. v 612 Margate Pier Co. v. Margate (Borough of) 612 Marsh, Bakers 6 Marshall v. Smith 125,204 Marsland, Nichols v 78 Martin, Ex parte 81 Martin v. London, Chatham & Dover Ry. Co 94 Martin, R. t> 29 Marylebone (Vestry of), Baker v. ... 77 Marylebone (Vestry of), Birch v. ... 92 Marylebone Improvement Act, Re, Ed- wards, Ex parte 93 Mason v. Bibby 144 Mason v. Birkenhead Improvement Commissioners ... ... ... 223 Mason v. Stokes Bay Pier Co. ... 93 Masters v. Pontypoo'l Local Board 42, 84, 204 Masters, H. v 181 Masters v. Scroggs 100 Maudslay, Greenwich (District Board of)r 53 Maugham, Earle v 217,306 Maund, Campbell v 11 Mawley v. Barbett 14 Mayer v. Harding ... ... ... 29 McBryde, Ex parte 301 McCann.R.* 102 McCarthy, Metropolitan Board of Works v 76 McCarthy, R. v 586 McElroy, Tharsis Sulphur & Copper Co. v 90 Mclntosh v. Midland Counties Ry. Co. 90 Table of Cases. xlix i* PAGE McKinnon v. Simon 51 McMath, Wilson v 14 McLeod, Davidson v. ... 587,598 Mead, Gas Light & Coke Co. v. ... 410 Medlock (Overseers of), R. v. 121, 184 Meek v. Whitechapel Board of Works 79 Mellish, Ex parte 27 Mercer v, Woodgate 53 Merceron.tfe 705,707 Mersey Docks Co. v. Penhallow ... 52 Metropolitan Board of Works, Attorney General v 79 Metropolitan Board of Works, Balls v 133, 134 Metropolitan Board of Works, Binneyv 95, 134 Metropolitan Board of Works, Branilen v 78 Metropolitan Board of Works, Brownlow, v. ... ... 75, 78 Metropolitan Board of Works, Buccleuch (Duke of) v, 77, 134 Metropolitan Board of Works r. Clewer 219 Metropolitan Board of Works, Daw v. 83, 141, 210, 212 Metropolitan Board of Works, Delany v 223 Metropolitan Board of Works, Doulton 95 Metropolitan Board of Works, Empson v 99, 100, 101, 106 Metropolitan Board of Works v, Flight 296 Metropolitan Board of Works, Fulham Gas Co. v 104 Metropolitan Board of Works, Herring v 77 Metropolitan Board of Works, Hoare v 350 Metropolitan Board of Works, v. Lee 296 Metropolitan Board of Works and Lewisham District Board, Stainton v 46 Metropolitan Board of Works, London (Commissioners of Sewers of) v. ... 173 Metropolitan Board of Works . v. McCarthy 76 Metropolitan Board of Works, Macey v 76, 92 Metropolitan Board of Works v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. ... 73,199 Metropolitan Board of Works, North London Ry. Co. v. ... 75, 76, 183 Metropolitan Board of Works v. New- River Co 66, 91 Metropolitan Board of Works, Pettiward v. 25, 62, 76, 78, 88, 113 Metropolitan Board of Works, Pew v. 104, 113, 168 PAGE Metropolitan Board of Works, R. v. 76, 77, 78, 101, 130, 136 Metropolitan Board of Works, Reddinu 93 Metropolitan Board of Works v. Sant 95 Metropolitan Board of Works, Stebbingv. 94 Metropolitan Board of Works, Strattonw 103 Metropolitan Board of Works, Syers v 94, 134 Metropolitan Board of Works, Taylor v 219 Metropolitan Board of Works, Telfordu 349 Metropolitan Board of Works, Temple Pier Co. t> 92 Metropolitan Board of Works, Tulk, v. 357 Metropolitan Board of Works v. Vauxhall Bridge Co 87, 100, 101, 104 Metropolitan Board of Works v. West Ham 101 Metropolitan Board of Works, Wheeler v 102 Metropolitan Board of Works, Wyattw 107, 420 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers, Cornwall u. 63 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers, R.t> 94, 134 Metropolitan District Ry. Co., R. v. . . . 102 Metropolitan Police (Receiver of) v. Bell 137, 221, 309 Metropolitan Police (Receiver of), n.v 129 Metropolitan Ry. Co., Fotherhy v. ... 92 Metropolitan Ry. Co., Horrocks v. 94, 134 Metropolitan Ry, Co., Metropolitan Board of Works v. ... 73,199 Metropolitan Ry. Co., Morgan v. ... 92 Metropolitan Ry. Co., R. r 94 Metropolitan Ry. Co., Rawlinsu. ... 94 Metropolitan Ry. Co., Senior v. ... 77 Metropolitan Ry. Co., Steele v. ... 86 Metti's Estate, Re 94 Meyer v. Harding 96 Meyer v. Burslern 25 Meyer, R. t> 635 Middle Level Commissioners, Col- lins v 78 Middlesex (Justices of), R. v. 616, 621 Middleton, Ex parte , Kenneth, Re... 12 Middleton (Nuisances Removal Com- mittee of), R. v 614, 616 Midland Counties Ry. Co., Cox v. ... 90 Midland Counties Ry. Co., M'Intosh v 90 Midland Ry. Co., Beckett v. ... 76 Midland Ry. Co., R. v. ... 77, 105 Midland Ry. Co., Rickett v. 76, 77 Table of Cases. PAGE Mile End Old Town (Overseers of), East London Waterworks Co. v. ... 105 Mile End Old Town (Vestry of), Le Nevew 53,67,144 Mile End (Vestry of) v. Whitechapel Union (Guardians of) 61 Miles, Bouverie v 663,696 Mill v. Hawker 53 Mills v. Scott 215 Milton (Commissioners of), Hole v. 6 Milton (Commissioners of) Walton v. 6 Milward v. Caffin 100 Montagu, Cook v. ... 611,644,648 Moore v. Clarke 299,306 Morant v. Taylor ... 204, 224, 308 Morgan, Bradbury v 28 Morgan v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. ... 92 Morish . Harris 126 Morland v. Cook 38 Morris, Cullen v 9 Mortimer v. South Wales Ry. Co. ... 94 Moss v. Lichfield (Overseers of) ... 5 Mosside Local Board, Worthington v. 61 Moudetu. Cole 619 Mountstephen v. Lakeman ... ... 89 Mourilyan v. Labalmondiere . . . 296 Muir v. Hore 215 Mullins r. Collins 587 Murdochs. London Street Tramways Co. 505, 516 Mutual, &c., Ch. Association, Attor- ney-General v 6 Nantwich Highway Board, Holland r. 222 National Guardian Assurance Society, Towle v 28 Neate, Thornhill v 90 Neath (Overseers of), R. v 105 Neath, &c., Ry. Co., In re 94 Neath, &c., Ry. Co., Ystalyfera Iron Co. v 93 Nelson, Stracey v 32 Netherton v. Ward 101 New Quay Local Board, Cardell v.... 364 New River Co., Metropolitan Board of Works v 66, 91 New River Co. v. Johnson ... 76,78 Newby v. Sharpe 457 Newcastle (Duke of), and others v. Clarke 32 Newcastle Ry. Co., Hawthorn v. ... 90 Newington (Vestry of) v. Jacobs ... 53 Newman v. Baker 285 Newman, Hawkings v 27 Newman, R.u 101 Newport Board of Health, R. v. ... 61 Newport Dock Co. v. Newport Dock Local Board 105 Newport Dock Local Board, Newport Dock Co, D 105 PAGE Newton p. Ellis 222,622 Nicholls, Ernest v 89 Nicholls . Hall 215 Nichols v. Marsland 78 Nicholson v. Bradfield Union ... 89 Nicholson v. Fields 24 Nightingale, Elias v 617 Nisbett v. Greenwich District Board 60, 61 Nixon, Hall v 124 Norfolk (Commissioners of Sewers of), R. v 85 Norfolk (Justices of), R. r. ... 29, 96 Norris v. Barnes 643 North, Bright v 85 North Brancepeth Coal Co., Salvin v. 644 North Kent Ry. Co. v. Badger ... 277 North London Ry. Co. v. Islington Vestry 60 North London Ry. Co. v. Metropo- litan Board of Works ... 75, 76, 183 North Metropolitan Tramway Co., St. Luke (Vestry of) v. ... 64, 504, 505 North Stafford Ry. Co., Glover v. ... 76 North Staffordshire Ry. Co. v. Tun- stall Local Board of Health ... 83 Northbrook (Earl of) v. Plumstead Board of Works 60,61 Northwich Local Board, Burgess v... 135 Northwich Union, Higgins v. 225, 613 Norton v. Salisbury (Town Clerk of) . 22 Norwich (Mayor, &c., of), Sutton v. 32, 39 81, 144 Nottingham Waterworks Co., R. v... 77 Nowell v. Worcester (Mayor of) ... 89 Nuneaton Local Board of Health v. General Sewage Co 81 Ody, Wells v 299 Oldacre v. Hunt 80 Ogilvy, Caledonian Ry. Co. v. 76, 77 Ohrby v. Ryde Commissioners ... 52 Oldham (Corporation of), Taylor v. 32, 55 Orde, Ex parte, Horsley, Re ... 14 Oswald v. Berwick-on-Tweed (Mayor of) 28 Oxford (Guardians of Poor of), Mai- lam v 27 Oxford, &c., Ry. Co., Poster v. ... 24 Oxford, &c., Ry. Co., Woodcock v. ... 90 Ouse Bank Commissioners, R. p. ... 38 Paddington, (Overseers of,) Ex parte 2 Paddington (Vestry of), Angell v. 60, 204 Paddington (Vestry of), Clarke v. 41, 42 187 Paddington (Vestry of), Collins v. ... 71 Paddington Vestry, Sawyer v. ... 190 Pagham (Commissioners of), R. v. ... 38 Paine v. Strand Union 89 Palmer v. Erith 164 Park Lane Co., Major v. ... 299, 300 Table of Cases. 11 PAGE Parker, Greenhow v. 24 Parkinson, R. v 10 Parnaby v. Lancaster Canal Co. ... 52 Parry v. Croydon Gas and Coke Co. 617 Parsons, Ex parte 34,187 Parsons v. Bethnal Green (Vestry of) 51 Pashby v. Birmingham (Mayor of)... 90 Pashler v. Stevenhill 587 Paul v. James 138,663 Pauling v. Dover (Mayor of) ... 90 Payne v. Burridge 132 Payne, Bye Union (Guardians of) v. 609, 643 Paynter, R. v. 63 Pearson, Attorney General v. ... 86 Pearson v. Kingstoii-upon-Hull Local Board 124 Pearson, Whatman v 323 Peate, Bower v. ... 52, 53, 73, 299 Peck v. Waterloo, &.C., Local Board of Health 144 Penhallow, Mersey Docks Co. v. ... 52 Penny, In re 76,77 Penny v. Penny ... ... ... 94 Perrett, Read v 67 Peto and others v. West Ham ... 105 Petti ward v. Metropolitan Board of Works ... 25, 62, 76, 78, 88, 113 Pew v. Metropolitan Board of Works 104,113,168 Philips v. Donati 304 Phillips, Cowenr 296 Phillips v. Foxall 28 Pickard v. Smith 52,194 Piggott, Barton v 122,185 Pilkington, York (Mayor of) v. ... 204 Pimlico By. Co., Bead v. ... 78, 134, 135 Pimlico, &c., By. Co. v. Greenwich Union 101 Pinchin r. London and Blackwall By. Co 91 Pindlebury v. Greenhalgh 52 Piper, Huckle v 6 Plumstead Board of Works v. British Land Co 61 Plumstead District (Board of Works for) v. Commissioners of Sewers ...37,98 Plumstead Board of Works v. In- goldsby 61,648 Plumstead Board of Works, North- brook (Lord) v 60, 61 Plumstead Board of Works, Pound v. 60 Plymouth Local Board, Luscomb v. 104 Ponsford, B. v 301 Pontypool Local Board, Masters v. 42, 84, 204 Poole v. Huskinson 53 Poole, &c., Ry. Co., Guest v. ... 93 Poor Law Board, R. v. ... 27, 129 Pope a, Searle 588 PAGE Poplar District Board . Knight 32, 39, 41, 126, 198 Poplar District Board v. Love ... 61 Portsea Island Union (Guardians of) v. Whillier 28 Portsmouth (Mayor of), Baker v. ... 125 Poulsmn v. Thirst 222 Pound v. Plumstead Board of Works 60 Powell v. Farmer 126 Powell v. Boraston 126 Powell TL.v 14 Power v. Wigmore ... 291, 292, 309 Poynder, R. i>. 2 Pratt, R. a 696 Prest, Labalmondiere v 296 Preston v. Great Yarmouth (Corpora- tion of ) 118 Preston (Corporation of), Kerr v. 203, 204 Preston (Mayor of), Gibson v. ... 52 Proctor v. Main waring 24 Prowse, Fisher v 53,295 Pudsey Gas Co. v. Bradford (Corpora- tion of) 63 Pullen, Grayv 52,64,194 Pursell, Knight v 275,303 Putney (Overseers of) Dryden v. ... 60 Pybus v. Gibbs 28 Quinton . Bristol (Corporation of) 93 Raine, Flowers v 126 Ralli, Livingston .. 90 Ramsden v. Manchester &c. Ry. Co. 92 Ramsey, Bermondsey (Vestry of) v. 61, 217, 648 Rand, R. v 635 Ranger v. Great Western Ry. Co. ... 90 Rankin v. Forbes 53 Ratcliffe, Crossdillu 55 Rawlins v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. ... 94 Readw.Coker 223,622 Rad, Freeman v 223 Read v. Perrett 67 Read v. Pimlico Ry. Co. ... 78, 94, 134 Read, R.f 185 Reading v. Barnard 304 Reddin v. Metropolitan Board of Works 93 Redgrave v. Lee 126 Redhead, .Re 262 Regent's Canal Co., Ware v 134 R. v. Aberavon (Mayor of) 3 R. v. All Saints, Wigan (Church wardens of ) 161 R. v. Backhouse 11 R.r. Badger 291 R. r. Baker 38,218 R. w. Barnet Rural Sanitary .'Autho- rity 46,137,309 Table of Cases. PAGE R. v. Bidwell 9 R. v. Bird 11 R. v. Boycott 2 R. v. Broughton Local Board of Health 136 R. v. Burnett 650 R. v. Burslem Local Board 135 R. v. Cadogun (Earl) 38 R. v. Cambrian Ry. Co. ... 77, 135 R. v. Carruthers 275,314 R. v. Chantrell 621 R. v. Cheshire 637 R. v. Christ Church (Overseers of) 14, 220 R. v. Cockerell ... 613, 644, 653 R.v.Collins 11 R. v. Combe 134 R. v. Cooper 11 R. t>. Cotton 609,612,616 U.v. Cross 53 R. v. Cumberland (Justices of) ... 612 R. v. D'Oyly 11, 14 R. v. Dayman 54, 59, 206, 208, 285 R. v. Devon (Justices of) 220 R. v. Dickinson 136 R. v. Diplock 11 R. v. Eastern Counties Ry. Co. ... 76 R. v. Eddowes 5 R. v. Edmundson 225 R. v. Electric Telegraph Co.... 53, 55 R. v. Epsom Union (Guardians of)... 33 R. v. Essex (Commissioners of Sewers of) 38 R. v. Exeter (Mayor of) 2 R. v. Finnis 122 R. v. Fitch 105 R. v. Flight 526 R. . Fordham 122, 185 R. v Foster 586, 595 R. . Fullford 203 R. v. Gamble 38 R. v. Gee 616 R. v. Glossop 114 R.U.Gloucester 28 R. v. Gloucestershire (Justices of) ... 101 R. v. Godnianchester (Local Board of) 33 R. v. Goodchild and Lamb 103 R. v. Goss 616 R. v. Great Northern Ry. Co. 94, 134 R. v. Great Western Ry. Co. 98, 99, 101, 185 R. u. Green 162 R. v. Greene 185 R. v. Greenhow 53 R. v. Hackney District Board ... 60 R. v. Hall 2 R. v. Hampton 10 R. v. Hannay 134,225 R. . Harden 615 R. v. Harrold... 10 R. v. Hague R. v. Haynes R. v. Hedger H.v. How R. v. Hulme R. v. Hungerford Market Co. R. v. Islington FAGE ... 13 ... 586 ... 11 ... 11 5 92, 297 10, 163 R. v. Ingham 53, 114, 284 R. v. Jay 277 R. v. Jones ... ... ... ... 25 R. v. Kensington (Trustees of) ... 3 R. v. Kitchener 529 R. v. Lambeth (Churchwardens of) 11, 48, 165 R. v Leeds (iMayor of) 8 R. r. Leigh 38 R. v. Lepine 55 R. v. Linford 122, 185 R.j>. Livesey 60 R. v. Llanfillo (Justices of ) 285 R. v. Local Government Board ... 48 R. v. Lofthouse 11 R. v. London (Commissioners of Sewers of City of) 69 R. v. London Dock Co 76 R. v. London & North Western Ry. Co 134,142 R. v. Longton Gas Co. ... 55, 63 R. v. Lovibond 204 R. v. M'Cann 102 R.v. M'Carty 586 R. v. Macgill 13 R. v. Martin 29 R. v. Masters 184 R. v. Medlock (Overseers of) 121, 184 R. v. Metropolitan Board of Works 76, 77, 78, 101, 130, 136 R. r. Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers 94,134 R. v. Metropolitan District Ry. Co... 102 R. v. Metropolitan Ry. Co 94 R. v. Metropolitan Police (Receiver of) 129 R. v. Meyer 635 R. v. Midland Ry. Co. ... 77, 105 R. v. Middleton (Nuisances Removal Committe of) 614,616 R. v. Middlesex (Justices of) 616, 621 It. v. Neath (Overseers of) 105 R. v. Newman 101 R. i?. Newport Board of Health ... 61 R. v. Norfolk (Commissioners of Sewers of) 85 R. v. Norfolk (Justices of) ... 29, 96 R. v. Nottingham Waterworks Co.... 77 R. v. Ouse Bank Commissioners ... 38 R. v. Pagham (Commissioners of) ... 38 R. v. Parkinson 10 R. v. Paynter 63 R. *. Ponsford . 301 Table of Cases. PAGE R. v. Poor Law Board ... 27,129 K.v.Powell ........... 16 R. v. Poynder ........ 2 E.p.Pratt ........... 696 11. v. Rand ........... 635 It. . Read ........... 185 K. v. Rendle ........... 7,163 R. v. Rippon ........... 8 R. v. Ryde (Mayor of) ..... 25 R. v. St. Alban's Rural Sanitary Au thority ............ 46 R. v. St. George's Union ...... 6 R. v. St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of) ......... 112,139 R. v. St. James, Westminster (Go- vernors of Poor of ) ... ... 122 R. v. St. Leonard, Shoreditch (Vestry of) ............... 69 R, v. St. Luke, Chelsea (Vestry or) 33, 187, 76, 77 R. v. St. Mary, Islington (Vestry of) 71 R. v. St. Mary, Lambeth (Church- wardens of) ...... 6,71,165 R. v. St. Marylebone ......... 2 R. v. St. Pancras ......... 2,11 R. v. St. Pancras Assessment Com- mittee ............ 105 R. v. St. Pancras (Directors of Poor of) ............ 122,162 R. v. St. Pancras (Church Trustees of) ............... 121 R. v. St. Pancras (Inspectors of Votes of) ............... R. v. St. Paul ......... R. v. Saddler's Co .......... 11. v. Salop (Justices of) R. v. Severn and Wye Ry. Co. R. v. Sheffield (Mayor of) R. v. Southerton R. v. Spurrell R. o.Stephen R. v. Stone ......... R. v. Strand District Board. . . R. v. Street R. v. Stretfield ...... 12 53 23 17 53 86 586 2 126 94,134 99, 121 184 48,112 .. 10 .. 86 616 101 R, v. Tewkesbury (Mayor of) ... R. v. Tamworth (Mayor of) ... R. v. Tatham ............ R. v. Tompkins ... ...... R. v. Tower Hamlets (Commissioners of Sewers of) ......... 100 R. . Tower Hill (Trustees of) 48, 146 R. v. Train ............ 55,56 R. v. Vantandillo ......... 650 R. v. Vauu'han ......... 78 R. v. Vauxhall Waterworks Co. . 105 H.v. Walker ............ 82 R. v. Wallasey Local Board of Health 77 R. v. Ward ............ 11 R.t>. Warner ........... 610 PAGE R. v. Warton 38 R. v. Warwick (Mayor of) 86 R. v. Waterhouse 613,642 R. . Watts 295 R. . West Riding of Yorkshire (Jus- tices of) 225,605 R. v. Weymouth (Justices of) ... 635 R. i>. White 11 R. . Whitechapel Board of Works 39 R. v. Whitney 63 R. v. Wilts Canal Co 121 R. v. Winsford 185 R. -u.Wood 136 R v. Woods, &c. (Commissioners of) 92 R.u. Wooding 125 R. v. Worksop Local Board of Health 86 H.v. Wright 100 R. v. York (Mayor of) 26 Reid, Chambers v 222 Reid v. Darlington Highway Board 52 Rendle, R. 7,163 Renter v. Electric Telegraph Co. ... 89 Reynolds, Buckmaster v. ... ... 13 Reynolds, Keane v. ... ... ... 55 Rhodes v. Airedale Drainage Commis- sioners _ ...76,94 Rhyl Improvement Commissioners, Fielding v 125 Rhyl Improvement Commissioners, Littler v 94 Richards, Ex parte 25 Richards v. Easto 275,310 Richards, Chasemore v. ... ... 78 Richards v. Gladwin... ... ... 5 Richards v. Swansea Improvement Co 93 Richardson, Goodson v 54 Richmond, Attorney-General v. 80, 616 Hichmond (Vestry of), Southwark, and Vauxall Waterworks Co. v. ... 91 Rickett v. Midland Railway Co. 76, 77 Ringland v. Lowndes 134 Rippin v. Bastin 161 Rippon, R. t> 8 Rivers (Lord) v. Adams 350 Robbins v. Jones ... ... ... 53 Roberts Re, Hill Ex parte 410 Roberts v. Bury Improvement Com- missioners ... ... ... ... 90 Roberts v. Egerton ... 587, 588, 595 Roberts v. Hurst 54 Roberts v. Sheffield (Mayor of) ... 86 Robins v. Bury 84,203 Rochdale (Mayor of), Holt v. ... 80 Roderick v. Aston Local Board 35, 75 Rolt, General Steam Navigation Co. 90 Rook v. Hopley 593 Ross, Ex parte, St. Pancras, Re ... 12 Rouch v. Great Western Ry. Co. ... 90 liv Table of Cases. PAGE Routh, Simpson v 297 Rowell, Tottenham Local Board of Healths 221,190 Royal Exchange Assurance Co., Col- lingridge v. 94 Ruck v. Williams ... 39 Ryan v. Thompson 217 Ryde (Mayor of), R. v 25 Hyde Commissioners, Hartnell v. ... 52 Ryde Commissioners, Isle of Wight Ferry Co. v. 607 Ryde Commissioners, Ohrhy v. ... 52 Rye Union (Guardians of) v. Payne 609,643 Ry lands, Fletcher v '78 Saddlers' Co., R. v 23 Saffron Hill (Overseers of) Ex parte 296,306 St. Alban's Rural Sanitary Authority, R.v 46 St. Botolph Without Aldgate (Over- seers of the Poor of) v. Whitechapel District Board of Works 97, 98 St. Clement Danes (Election of Vestry- men), fie 9 St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of), Biddulph v 47 St. George, Hanover Square, Brut- ton v 204 St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of), Flighty 526 St. George Hanover Square (Vestry of), Gas Light and Coke Co. v. 72, 412 St. George, Hanover Square, Hamilton v. 53, 57 St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of), R. v 112,139 St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of) v. Sparrow 202,203 St. George's Union, R. v 6 St. Giles, Camberwell (Vestry of) v, Weller 190 St. Helen's Chemical Co. . St. Helen's (Corporation of ) 609 St. Helen's (Corporation of), St. Helen's Chemical Co. v 609 St. James, Westminster (Governors of Poor of), R. v 122 St. James, Westminster (Overseers ot) v. St. Mary, Battersea (Overseers of) 98 St. James, Westminster (Vestry of), Gabriel v 67 St. James, Westminster (Vestry of), Gordon* 35,199 St. John's College, Oxford, Jones v. ... 90 St. Kathcriue Dock Co. v. Higgs 100 St. Leonard, Shoreditch (Guardians of) v. Franklin 135,221 St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Holborn Union (Guardians of) i' 52 St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Holliday v. 52 St. Leonard, Shoreditch (Vestry of), R. 69 St. Luke (Vestry of) a. North Metro- politan Tramway Co. ... 64, 504, 505 St. Luke, Chelsea (Guardians of Poor of), Christie v 97,99,144 St. Luke, Chelsea (Vestry of), Horns- by v 90 St. Luke, Chelsea (Vestry of), R- v. 33, 76, 77, 187 St. Luke, Middlesex (Vestry of) v. Lewis 44 St. Mary, Battersea (Overseers of), St. James, Westminster (Overseers of) 98 St. Mary, Islington, Bowles v. 59, 206 St. Mary, Islington (Vestry of), R. v. 71 St. Mary, Lambeth, Austin v. 40, 42, 194 St. Mary, Lambeth (Churchwardens of), R. v 6,71,165 St. Marylebone, R. v. 2 St. Marylebone (Vestry of), Ex parte 108 St. Marylebone (Vestry of) v. Viret 36 St. Neot's Union (Guardians of), Sanders v 89 St. Pancras Assessment Committee, R. 105 St. Pancras, Ee, Rous, Ex parte ... 12 St. Pancras (Church Trustees of), R. 121 St. Pancras (Directors of Poor of), R. v 122,162 St. Pancras, R. r 2,11 St. Pancras (Vestry of) v. Batter- bury 61,133,206 St. Pancras (Vestry of ), Bauman v. 203, 205 St. Pancras (Vestry of), Clark v. ... 202 St. Pancras (Vestry of), Dodd e. ... 60 St. Pancras (Vestry of), Ham- mond v 35,39 St. Paul, R. v. 53 St. Thomas's Hospital (Governors of) v. Charing Cross Ry. Co 93 Salisbury (Town Clerk of ), Norton v 22 Salop (Just, of ), R. v 17 Salvin v. North Brancepeth Coal Co 644 Sanders v. St. Neot's Union (Guar- dians of ) 89 Sanderson v. Aston ... ... ... 28 Sandys v. Small 587,588 Sangster v. Birkhead ... 299,306 Sansom v. Shoreditch (Vestry of) ... 112 Sant, Metropolitan Board of Works r. 05 Sargent, Brown v 39 Table of Cases. Iv PAGE Saunders, Re 201 Saunders's Estate, Re ... 705,707 Sawyer v. Paddington Vestry . . . 190 Scager, Sweet v 132 Scarborough (Mayor, &c. of ) v. Scar- borough (Rural Sanitary Authority of) 612 Scarborough (Rural Sanitary Autho- rity), Scarborough (Mayor, &c.,of) v. 612 Scholefield 0. Schunk 610 Schunk, Scholefield 610 Scott v. Avery 90 Scott, Commercial Gas Co. v... 406, 411 Scott v. Legg 285, 309 Scott v. Liverpool (Corporation of)... 90 Scott, Mills v ... 215 Scroggs, Masters v \ 100 Searle, Pope v. 588 Seghill (Oyerseers of), Smith v. 2, 164 Selmes v. Judge 223 Senior v. Metropolitan Ry. Co. ... 77 Severn and \Vye Ry. Co., R. v. ... 53 Sewers (Commissioners of), Plumstead District Board of Works v. ... 37 Sharpe, Newby v 457 Shaw, Birmingham (Churchwardens of)u 100 Sheffield v. Fulharn District Board of Works 190 Sheffield (Mayor of), R. v 86 Sheffield (Mayor of), Roberts v. ... 86 Sheffield Gas'Co., Cox v 63 Shepherd, Sir John Lade v.... ... 54 Sheppard, Barraclough v. ... ... 53 Sherborne, Henderson v. ... ... 24 Shillito . Thompson ... 617, 637 Shoreditch (Vestry 'of), Holboru Union (Guardians of) v. ... ... 70 Shoreditch (Vestry of), Saiisomt-. ... 112 Shugar, Grand Junction Canal Co. v. 77 78 Silby, Clifton Dartmouth Hardness (Mayor of) v 28 Simmons, Yarmouth (Corporation of) v 53 Simon, McKinnon v 51 Simpkin, Exparte 621 Simpson, Lichfield (Mayor, &c., of) v. 29 Simpson v. Routh 297 Simpson v. Smith 203 Simpson v. Webb 55 Sims v. Commercial Ry. Co. ... 93 Sims t\ Estate Co 601 Sinnott, London Dock Co. . 89, 90 Sinnott . Whitechapel District (Com- missioners of Works of) 50 Sittingborne Ry. Co., Hole v. ... 194 Skillett v. Fletcher 28 Slater, Doust v 223 Slee v. Bradford (Mayor of) 125, 204 PAGE Sniaitb, Blackburn v. 90 Small v. Buckley 611,637 Small, Sandys v 587,588 Smart v. West Ham Union 89 Smith . Barnham 127 Smith, Cubitt v 278,204 Smith v. Deighton 23 Smith, Marshall v 125,204 Smith, Pickard v 52,194 Smith v. Seghill (Overseers of) 2, 164 Smith, Simpson f 203 Smith v. Smith 80 Smith v. Stokes 527 Smith, Stuart v 306 Smith v. Waghorn 609 Smith v. West Derby Local Board ... 52 Soady v. Wilson 100, 104 Soltau v. De Held 609 Sooby v. Kensington (Vestry of) ... 25 South of Ireland Colliery Co. v. Waddle 89 South Wales Ry. Co., Mortimer v. 94 South Yorkshire, &c., Ry. Co., Badger v 32 Southall . Leadbctter 306 Southampton (Guardians of), At- torney General v 86 Southampton, &c., Bridges Co. -o. Southampton (Local Board of Health of) 36 Southampton Local Board, Bradby v. 134 Southampton Local Board, Itchin Bridge Co. v ... 224 Southampton (Local Board of Health of), Southampton, &c., Bridge Co 36 Southerton, R. f 586 Southwark & Vauxhall Waterworks Co. v. Richmond (Vestry of) ... 91 Sparrow, St. George, Hanover Square (Vestry of) t> 202,203 Spectacle Makers' Co., Sutton v. ... 89 Sperring, Draper v 612 Spurrell, R. v. 2 Staff, Best v. 650 Stafford v. Hamston 100 Stainton v. Metropolitan Board of Works and Lewishaui District Board 46 Stainton v. Woolrych 46 Standbridge, Lyndon v 70 Stanhope v. Thorsby 215 Starr v. London (Lord Mayor of) ... 94 Stehbing v. Metropolitan Board of Works 94 Steele *. Braunan 309 Steele v. Liverpool (Corporation of) ... U2 Steele . Metropolitan Ry. Co. ... 86 ... 126 ... 587 Stephen, R. v. Stevenhill, Pashlcr r. Ivi Table of Cases. PAGE Stevens v. Gourley 84, 202, 276, 278, 279 Stevens . Whistler 54 Stevenson, Wednesbury Local Board of Healths 24,27 Stiff v. Eastbourne (Local Board of) 28 Stockport, &c., Ry. Co., Ee 76 Stockton, Harring v 635 Stockton Waterworks Co., Cattle v . . . 384 Stokes, British South America (Stan- dard Bank of) v 300,301 Stokes v. Grissell 619 Stokes, Smith v 527 Stokes Bay Pier Co., Mason v. ... 93 Stone, R. v 94, 134 Stone v. Yeovil (Mayor of) ... 92, 135 Stoneham v. London Brighton & South Coast Ry. Co 93 Storr, Benjamin v 55 Stracey v. Nelson 32 Strand District Board, R. ... 99, 121 Strand Union, Paine v 89 Stratton v. Metropolitan Board of Works 102 Street, ~R. v 184 Stretfield, R. v 48,112 Stringer, Beck v 425 Stringer v. Sykes 525 Stuart v. Smith 306 Sudlow v. Worthington ... 44, 89 Sunderland (Corporation of), Attor- ney-General v 358,361 Sunderlaud Gas Co., Thompson v. ... 277 Sutton v. Norwich (Mayor, &c., of) 32, 39, 81, 144 Sutton v. Spectacle Makers' Co. ... 89 Swansea (Corporation of). Da vies v... 223 Swansea Improvement Co., Richards v 93 Swanston v. Twickenham Local Board of Health 75 Sweet v. Scager 132 Sweetman v. Guest 101,225 Syers . Metropolitan Board of Works 94,134 Sykes, Stringer v 525 Taylor v. Greenhalgh 52 Taite . Carlisle Local Board ... 104 Tamar, &c., Ry. Co., D'Arcy v. 89, 178 Tamworth (Mayor of), R. v 86 Tarry v. Ashton 67 Tatham, R. v. 616 Taylor, Hall v 27 Taylor, Hargreaves v. 40 Taylor v. Metropolitan Board of Works 219 Taylor, Morant v 204, 224, 308 Taylor v. Oldham (Corporation of) 32,55 PAGE Tear . Freebody 14, 84, 203, 205, 278 Telford r. Metropolitan Board of Works 349 Temple Pier Co. r. Metropolitan Board of Works 92 Tewkesbury, R, v 10 Thackerv. Wilson 306 Thames (Conservators of) v. Victoria Station, &c., Ry. Co 95 Thames (Conservators of), Winch v. 52, 54 Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Co. r. M'Elroy 90 Tbeed v. Debenhain 209 Thomas v. Daw 93 Thompson v. Hill 299,300 Thompson r. Lapworth ... 61,217 Thompson, Ryan v 217 Thompson, Shillito v. ... 617,637 Thompson v. Sunderland Gas Co. ... 277 Thoresby, Brackenbury v 53 Thorsby v. Stanhope 215 Thorn v. London (Lord Mayor of)... 89 Thornhill v. Neate 90 Thwaites, Denny v. ... ... ... 55 Tinkler v. Wands worth District Board of Works 44,128 Titterton v. Conyer 299 Todmorden Local Board of Health, Hely, v ... 78 Todmorden Local Board, Uttley v.... 126 Tomlinson v. Great Stanmore (Nui- sance Removal Committee of) ... 613 Tompkins, R. v. .. 101 Tottenham Local Board v. Rowell 62, 190, 221 Tower Hamlets (Commissioners of Sewers of), R. v 100 Tower Hill (Trustees of), R, v. 48, 146 Towle v. National Guardian Assur- ance Society 28 Towsey v. White ... 24 Tozerv, Child 9,164 Train, R. v 55, 56 Treacher's Settlement, Be 95 Triggs v. Lester ... ... ... 55 Trimble, Cullen v 215 Trimmer, Lilly white v 80 Trowbridge Waterworks, Bush v. 78, 92, 135 Tulk v. Metropolitan Board of Works 357 Tunbridge Wells (Improvement Com- missioners of), Goldsmid v. ... 80 Tunbridge Wells Local Board of Health v. Bisshopp 650 Tunstall Local Board of Health, North Staffordshire Railway Co. v. ... 80 Tunstall Turnpike Roads (Trustees of) v. Lowndes 39 Turner, Howes v 8 Tutin v. West Ham (Local Board of) 47 Table of Cases. PAGE Twickenham Local Board of Health, Swanston v. 75 Tyson v. London (Lord Mayor, &c., of) 94,134 Tyssen-Amherst, Attorney-General v. 350 Uttley v. Todmorden Local Board ... 126 Vantandillo, R. v 650 Varna Railway Co., Compton v. ... 89 x Vaughan v. Imray 7,163 N Vaughan, R. v 78 Vauxhall Bridge Co., Metropolitan Board of Works v. ... 87, 100, 101, 104 Vauxhall Waterworks Co., R, v. ... 105 Verden v. Wray 12 Victoria, &c., Ry. Co., Read v. ... 94 Victoria Station, &c., Ry. Co., Thames (Conservators of) v. 95 Viret, St. Marylebone (Vestry of) Waddle, South of Ireland Colliery Co. v 89 Waghorn, Smith v 609 Waite, Barber v 24 Waite v. Garston Local Board ... 125 Waite, Wingate v 38 Wakefield Local Board, Bowditch v. 60, 644 Wakefield Local Board of Health v. Lee 60 Walker, Cooper v 53 Walker v. Homer 55 Walker v. London & North Western Ry. Co 90 Walker, R. v 82 Walford, Walton (Improvement Com- missioners of ) v. ... ... ... 142 Wallasey Local Board, Jolliffe v. ... 222 Wallasey, Local Board of Health, R. v 77 Waller c. Andrews 107 Walton v. Milton (Commissioners of) 6 Walton (Improvement Commission- ers of ) v. Walford 142 Wandsworth District Board, Attor- ney-General v 60 Wandsworth District Board, Cooper v. 42, . 204 Wandsworth District Board v. Hall 203 Wandsworth District Board of Works, London, Chatham & Dover Ry. Co. v 52 Wandsworth Board of Works v. Lon- don & South Western Ry. Co. ...32, 54 Wandsworth District Board of Works, Tinklers 44,128 Wandsworth District Board, West Middlesex Water Co. v 98 PAGE Wanstead Local Board . Hill ... 364 Wanstead Local Board v. Wooster... 125, 213 Warburton v. London & Blackwall Ry. Co 299 Ward, Cook v 26,181 Wardfl. Hobbs 215 Ward, Huggins v 215 Ward -v. Lee 78 Ward v. Lowndes 118 Ward, Netherton v 101 Ward, R. v 11 Ware v. Calvert 90 Ware v. Regent's Canal Co 134 Warne, Davey v 69, 699 Warner, R. v. 616 Warton, Blything Union (Guardians of) v 615 Warton, Blything v. 605 Warton, R. v 38 Warwick (Mayor of ), R. v 86 Waterhouse, R, v. ... 613, 642, 644 Waterloo, &c., Local Board of Health, Peckw 144 Watts, R.v 295 Watts v. Watts 93 Webb v. Herne Bay (Commissioners of) ' 24 Webb v. Knight 587 Webb, Simpson v 55 Webley v. Woolley 448 Webster, Clothier v 78 Webster, Hyam v 64,182,209 Wednesbury Local Board of Health ^.Stevenson 24,27 Weller, St. Giles, Camberwell (Vestry of) 190 Wells v. Kingston-upon-Hull (Mayor of) 89 Wells v. Ody 299 West v. Andrews 24 West Derby Local Board, Smith v... 52 West End" of London & Crystal Palace Ry. Co., Chamberlain v. ... 76 West Ham Local Board v. Maddams 62, 190 West Ham, Metropolitan Board of Works v 101 West Ham (Local Board of), Tutin v. 47 West Ham, Peto and others v. ... 105 West Ham Union, Smart v 89 West Hartlepool Improvement Com- missioners, Attorney-General v. ... 86 West Middlesex Water Co., v. Wands- worth District Board 98 West Riding of Yorkshire (Justices of), R. 225,605 Westminster District Board, Lord Auckland v. ... 202,203,204 Weston v. Arnold 298 Weymouth (Justices of), R. v. ... 635 Iviii Table of Cases. PAGE Weymouth (Mayor of), Goodyear v... 89 Whateley 0. Chappell 12 "Whatman v. Pearson 223 Wheeler v. Gray 301,310 Wheeler v. Metropolitan Board of Works 102 Wheelwright, Halifax Union v. ... 28 Whichcord, Evelyn v. ... 291,296 Whillier, Portsea Island Union (Guar- dians of) v 28 Whistler, Stevens 54 Whitchurch v. Fulhain District Board 61 White v. Hindley (Local Board of) ... 52 White, R. 11 White, Towsey 24 Whitechapel Board of Works, Meek . 79 Wbitechapel Board of Works, R. v. 39 Whitechapel District Board of Works, St. Botolph Without, Aldgate (Over- seers of the Peor of) v. ... 97, 98 Whitechapel District (Commissioners of Works of), Sinnott v 50 Whitechapel Union (Guardians of), Mile End (Vestry of) v 61 Whitechurch, East London Ry. Co. v. 102 Whitehouse 0. Fellowes 223 Whitney, R. 63 Whitney v. Wycomhe 66 Whitwood Local Board, Attorney-Gene- ral 26 Wigan (Mayor of), Attorney-General 0. 85 Wigmore, Power v 291, 292, 309 Wilkinson, Bailey 39 Williams 0. Golding 223 Williams, Goodhew 0. 5, 9, 10, 12, 24, 163, 183 Williams, Duck 39 Willis, Bryer 301 Wilmer 0. Liverpool (Mayor of) ... 86 Willmott, Ex parte 136 Wilmot, Ellis 29 Wilson 0. Bolton (Mayor of) ... 131 Wilson, Etherington 10 Wilson 0. Halifax (Corporation of) 63, 222 Wilson, Horridge 0. 306 Wilson 0. M'Math ... ... ... 14 Wilson, Soady 100,104 Wilson, Thacker 306 Wilts Canal Co., R, 121 Wimbledon Local Board, Hunt r. ... 89 Winch 0. Thames (Conservators of) 52, 54 Wingate 0. Waite 38 Winsford, R. v 185 Winter, Ee, Holland, Ex parte ... 90 Winterbottom v. Derby (Earl of) 55, 77 Wisbeach (Corporation of), Baker 0. 223 Wise, Coet? 52 Wolverhampton Local Board of Health, Cunningham 89 Wolverhampton Waterworks Co., Homersham 89 Womack, Bennett 107 Wood, R. 136 Woodard 0. Biller icay H igh way Board 55 Woodbridge, Ellis 63 Woodcock 0. Oxford, &c., Ry. Co. ... 90 Woodgate, Mercer 53 Wooding, R. 125 Woods, &c., (Commissioners of), R. 0. 92 Woodthorpe, Ashby 285 Woodward, Folkestone (Corporation of)0 204 Woolley, Cooper 644 Woolley 0. Kay 24 Woolley, Webley 448 Woolrych, Staintou 46 Wooster, Wanstead Local Board v. 125, 213 Worcester (Mayor of), Nowell, 0. ... 39 Worksop Local Board of Health, R. 0. ... 86 Worthington 0. Mosside Local Board 61 Worthington, Sudlow 0. ... 44,89 Wray u.Eilis 137,221,309 Wray, Verden 12 Wright, R. 100 Wyatt 0. Metropolitan Board of Works 107,420 Wycombe, Whitney 66 Yarmouth (Corporation of) 0. Sim- mons 53 Yeovil ( Mayor of), Stone 0. ... 92, 135 York (Mayor of) 0. Pilkington ... 204 York (Mayor of), R, 26 Young 0. Davis 51 Young 0. Edwards ,.. ... 124,205 Young 0. Grattridge 636 Ystalyfera Iron Co. 0. Neath, &c,, Ry. Co 93 T -A.CT FOR THE BETTER LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF THE METROPOLIS(a). 18 & 19 VICT. CAP. 120. lira AUGUST, 1855. WHEREAS it is expedient that provision should be made for the better local management of the metropolis (6) in respect of the sewerage and drainage, and the paving, cleansing, lighting, and improvements thereof (c) : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : (a) This Act has been amended by 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, 38 & 39 Viet. c. 33, and 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32 (Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878). In addition to these, numerous other Acts have been passed relating to the powers and functions of the metropolitan and district boards and vestries, a reference to which will be found in the notes to sections 43 and 67, and other sections of this Act. A selection from the more important of these statutes will be found in the appendix. (J) By the 250th section " the metropolis " is defined to include the city of London and the parishes and places mentioned in the schedules (A), (B), and (C) to the Act ; and the city of London includes all parts now within the jurisdiction of the commissioners of sewers for the city of Lon- don. The 11 & 12 Viet. c. 163 (the City of London Sewers Act, 1848), s. 262, enacts that the word " city " shall mean the city of London and the liberties thereof, and shall include such parts of Holborn, the Minories, and Aldersgate Street, as are or have been usually treated as being within the liberties of the city, and the courts and alleys leading into the same or com- municating therewith, and also the north side of Eldon Street, formerly called Broker Row, Moorfields, and the courts and alleys leading into the same or communicating therewith, and all precincts and places within the city of London or the liberties thereof. See reference in note to section 135, post, to subsequent Acts making provision for the drainage of certain localities not situate within the area under the control of the Metropolitan Board of Works. (c) See section 90, transferring, with certain exceptions, to the vestries and district boards constituted by this Act, in addition to the paving and other matters specified, all other duties, powers, and authorities in anywise re- lating to the regulation, government, or concerns of parishes, &c., and the 3rd section of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, post, transferring to them save as B METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 1. 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 60, repealed so far as re- gards parishes in schedules (A.) and (B.) (a). Vestries in parishes named in either of the Election of Vestries and Auditors in Parishes in Schedules (A.) and (B.) L The Act of the session holden in the first and second years of King William the Fourth, chapter sixty, " For the better Regulation of Vestries, and for the Appointment of Auditors of Accounts in certain Parishes of England and Wales," shall be repealed, from and after the passing of this Act, so far as regards any parish mentioned in either of the Schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act : Provided always, that the vestry and auditors already elected for any such parish under the said Act shall continue to be such vestry and auditors until the first election of vestrymen and auditors for such parish under this Act has taken place, but no longer (6) ; and the provisions of the said Act of King William the Fourth shall con- tinue applicable to every such vestry and to their proceedings, and the books in which the same are entered, and to such auditors and their proceedings accordingly. 2. The vestry in every parish mentioned in either of the schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act shall consist of a certain number of persons qualified and elected as herein provided ; (that is to say) eighteen vestrymen for every parish in which the number of rated house- .schedules (A.) holders (c) shall not exceed one thousand ; and six additional vestry- therein otherwise provided the duties, powers, and privileges (including such as relate to the affairs of the church, or the management or relief of the poor, or the administration of any money or other property applicahle to the relief of the poor) which might have been performed or exercised by any open or elected or other vestry, &c. ; and see as to the purposes and objects of the Act, as collected from its preamble and enactments, the judgment of Lord Justice Turner in Carter v. Cropley, 26 L. J. Ch. 247. (a) The Act here repealed so far as regards parishes mentioned in schedules (A.) and (B.) is that commonly known as Hobhouse's Act, from which several of the provisions in the present Act relating to the constitu- tion of vestries have in substance been adopted. See on the construction of that Act E. T. St. Pancras, 1 A. & E. 80 ; S. v. St. Pancras, 5 N. & M. 219; B. v. St. Marylebone, 5 A. & E. 268; . v. St. Pancras, 11 A. & E. 15; and the cases cited, Chit. Stat. vol. 3, p. 1518, et seq. notes. (J) As to first election of vestrymen and auditors, see sections 7, 11, post. (c) In a case in which A. and his partner had a dwelling house in a town with a counting-house attached to it, the partners using the counting-house daily for their business, and the dwelling-house being occupied by a clerk of the firm and the rent and taxes being paid by the partnership, it was held that each of the partners was a householder within 26 Geo. 3, c. 38; Sex v. Hall, 1 B. & C. 123. So also under similar circumstances, that each of the partners of a firm was a householder within 43 Kliz. c. 2, and liable to serve the office of overseer ; R. v. Poynder, 1 B. & C. 178. Where a servant occupies premises of his master without paying rent, to determine whether he is a householder ^within that statute, the questiou is, whether the occupation is subservient and necessary to the service ; if it is, the occupa- tion is that of the master ; if not, it is that of a tenant, and the servant is a householder ; E. v. Spurrell, L. R. 1 Q. B, 72. See also Smith v. Over- seers o/ Seghill, L. R. 10 Q. B. 422 ; Hughes v. Overseers of Chatham, 5 M. & G. 54 ; and Ex parte Overseers of Paddington, 3 Cox Mag. Ca. 42. As to what constitutes a person an inhabitant householder within the Muni- cipal Corporation Act, refer to E. v. Mayor of Exeter, L. R. 4 Q. B. 110, 114, and see E. v. Boycott, 30 J. P. 406. As to majority of householders 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 2, 3. 3 men, that is, twenty-four vestrymen for every parish in which the Section 2. number of rated householders shall exceed one thousand ; and ' ~ ' twelve additional vestrymen, that is, thirty-six vestrymen, for every a .'~r'' f parish in which the number of rated householders shall exceed two ^ ons ^ st thousand ; and so on at the proportion of twelve additional vestry- m ^ than 120 men for every thousand rated householders : Provided always, that pcrsons qua u_ in no case the number of vestrymen shall exceed one hundred and g^ an d elec- twenty ; provided also, that the incumbent and churchwardens (d) of ted as after each such parish shall constitute a part of the vestry, and shall vote provided, therein, in addition to the elected vestrymen : provided also, that every district rector now constituting in any such parish a part of the vestry thereof, shall continue to constitute a part of the vestry thereof under this Act : provided also, that where in any parish the whole number of persons qualified to be vestrymen shall not amount to eighteen, the vestry thereof shall consist of so many persons as are so qualified, anything in this Act to the contrary notwith- standing. 3. Each of the said parishes which at the time of the passing of Such parishes this Act (e) contains more than two thousand rated householders with more shall be divided into wards ; and it shall be lawful for such person than 2,000 or persons as may be appointed for this purpose as herein provided to rated house- determine and set out, on or before the tenth day of October next, holders to be the number, extent, limits, and boundary lines of such wards, but divided into so nevertheless that no ward shall contain less than five hundred war< l s - rated householders, and that the whole number of wards in any parish shall not exceed eight ; and the person or persons setting out such wards in any parish shall apportion among the several wards the number of vestrymen to be elected for such parish, and shall, in assigning the number of vestrymen to each ward, have regard, as far as in his or their judgment it is practicable, as well to the number of persons rated to the relief of the poor in each ward as to the aggre- gate amount of the sums at which all such persons are rated ; and the number of vestrymen assigned to each ward shall be a number divisible by three ; and a copy of the particulars of such division and apportionment shall be forthwith transmitted to one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state, and also to the vestry clerk of the parish to which such division and apportionment relate ; and if Her Majesty, by the advice of her privy council, approve of such division and apportionment, the particulars thereof shall be published in the London Gazette (/) ; and the parish shall, after such publica- tion, be deemed to be divided into such wards so determined and set out, and such division shall continue and be in force until the same for the purposes of a petition for a charter of incorporation, refer to E. v. Mayor of Aberavon, 28 J. P. 789. (d) Where one of a number of trustees, directed by a local Act to be filled up at certain intervals to fifty -one over and besides the vicar, church- wards, &c., became churchwarden, it was held that no vacancy was thereby created ; R. v. Trustees of Kensington, 2 B. & Ad. 740. (e) The omission in this Act to make provision for a future increase of rated householders is supplied by section 41 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, which provides for the division into wards, by the metropolitan board, of parishes not divided under this Act. Under that enactment the parishes of Hampstead, Battersea, and Wandsworth have been divided into wards. (/) The supplement to the London Gazette of 19th October, 1855, con- tains the orders in council approving the division and apportionment made pursuant to this provision. B 2 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 3, Power to secretary of state to ap- point persons to set out the wards, and apportion number of vestrymen to be elected. If relative amounts of population of wards vary in any future census, the numbers of vestrymen may be al- tered (a). Qualification of vestrymen. be altered as herein provided ; and the number of vestrymen as- signed to each ward shall be the number to be elected for such ward until altered as aforesaid: Provided always, that if Her Majesty, by advice of her privy council, do not approve such division and appor- tionment, such publication as aforesaid shall nevertheless be made, and such division and apportionment be in force for the purpose of any election under the provisions of this Act, until such time as Her Majesty, by advice of her privy council, upon further information and report from any such person or persons, definitely approve the divi- sion of such parish into wards, and of the number of vestrymen assigned to each ward, in manner hereinbefore mentioned : Provided also, that where any parish is already divided into wards under any local Act such parish shall be deemed to be divided into such wards for the purposes of this Act, without any division of such parish into- wards being made as hereinbefore provided, but the number of vestrymen to be elected for such parish shall be apportioned as afore- said among the wards of such parish by such person or persons as may be appointed for that purpose as herein provided. 4. One of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the passing of this Act, appoint not more than four fit persons, the names of such persons to be pub- lished in the London Gazette, to set out the wards into which the said parishes are by this Act directed to be divided, and to apportion the number of vestrymen to be elected for such parishes respectively among such wards, and also to apportion the number of vestrymen to be elected for any parish already divided into wards as aforesaid among such wards ; and any one or more of such persons may be ap- pointed to act as aforesaid separately from any other or others of them as such secretary of state may see fit ; and such secretary of state shall, in case circumstances appear to him so to require, appoint any- other fit person or persons in the place of or in addition to any such* person or persons originally appointed under this provision; and every person appointed to set out such wards shall be paid at a rate not exceeding the sum of 5 5s. for every day that he is employed by virtue of svich appointment, and the amount payable to him in respect of such employment in each parish shall be determined and certified by the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury, and the amount so certified shall be paid out of the poor rates of the parish. 5. When at any time upon any account taken of the population by the authority of parliament, the relative numbers of the inhabited houses in the several wards of any parish divided into wards as aforesaid are found to have varied from those shown by the last previous census, it shall be lawful for the metropolitan board of works, upon the application of the vestry or any ratepayers of such parish, to alter the number of vestrymen assigned to such wards or any of them, but so that the number of vestrymen assigned to each ward shall be a num- ber divisible by three. 6. The vestry elected under this Act in any parish shall consist of persons rated or assessed (6) to the relief of the poor upon a (a) As to future division of parishes into wards, see note to section 3, ante. (b) By the amending Act, 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 4, post, an occupier of a tenement may claim to be rated to the poor rate, whether the landlord be or be not liable to be rated in respect thereof, and by section 6 an occupier rated is deemed to be rated under the Act and shall be entitled to vote in elec- 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. G. :J Section 6. tions of vestrymen, and shall, for the purposes of the Act, be deemed a Note ratepayer, subject to the proviso therein expressed. The 31 & 32 Viet, c. 122, s. 38, provides for the rating of persons coming into occupation (after the making of a rate) of new houses, &c., incomplete or unfit for occupa- tion, or not entered in the valuation list in force when the current rate was made. And 32 & 33 Viet. c. 41 (Poor Rate Assessment and Collection Act, 1869) provides for payment of rates by owners, and rating owners instead of occupiers, and enacts that every payment of a rate by the occupier, not- withstanding the amount may be deducted from his rent, and any payment of a rate by the owner in the manner defined shall be deemed a payment of the poor rate by the occupier for the purpose of any qualification or fran- chise, depending as regards rating upon the payment of the poor rate. It also contains provision for rating successive occupiers and persons coming into occupation of unoccupied hereditaments, &c. The Parliamentary tind Municipal Registration Act, 1878, section 14, recites section 14 of the Poor Rate Assessment and Collection Act, 1869, as to entering occu- piers names in rate book, and declares that it shall not be deemed to apply exclusively to cases where an agreement has been made under section 3 of the Act, but shall be of general application. It had been previously decided under a local improvement act that a person did not possess the requisite qualification for a commissioner by rating who was not rated in any rate made, allowed, and published before the election, although before the election and after the allowance and publication of the last rate he had been entered as rateable in a list added to the rate, and had paid a proportional part of it; E. v. Eddowes, I Ell. and Ell. 330; see 'also Richards v. Gladivin, 27 L. J. M. C 193. By the 17th section of the Poor Rate Assessment and Collection Act, 1869, a poor rate (in the metropolis extended to every rate made by the overseers and chargeable upon the same property as the poor rate) shall be deemed to be made on the day when it is allowed by the justices, and if the justices sever in their allowance, then on the day of the last allowance. Under the Representation of the People Act, 1867, the rate entitling to registration must have been entirely made, i.e., signed, allowed, and published within the qualifying year ; Jones v. Bulb, 5 Cox Mag. Ca. 273 ; see also Ainsworth v. Creelce, L. R. 4 C. P. 470. In 32 & 33 Viet. c. 67, the Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, the term "rate- payer " is defined to mean every person who is liable to any rate or tax in respect of any property entered in any valuation list. Where A. occupied jointly with B., the latter alone being assessed, and A. bond fide paid the rate, but without being called upon to do so, he was held not to be rated within 2 Will. 4, c. 45, s. 27; Moss v. Overseers of Lichfield, 7 M. & Gr. 72 ; and see B. v. Hulme, 4 Q. B. 538. A person was decided not to be disqualified for being put on a borough register of voters because he had not paid some arrears of a poor rate to which he was not rated, but only became liable to pay as incoming tenant by 17 Geo. 2, c. 38. s. 12 ; Flatcher v. Boodle, 34 L. J. C. P. 77. The defendant was joint occupier with his father and brother of heredita- ments within a metropolitan parish. A rate was made in April, 1876, upon the father only. In May the defendant was elected a vestryman and declared by the inspectors after objection to be duly qualified and elected. In June he sat and voted as a vestryman. In July he caused his own name to be inserted in the demand note made in April, and in October, jointly with his father, paid the rate. It was held that the defendant was in May neither " rated " nor " assessed " within the meaning of this enactment, and was not qualified as a vestryman, that the decision of the inspectors was not conclusive, that by sitting and voting in June he had incurred the penalty imposed by section 54, and that his liability to that penalty was not taken away upon the subsequent payment of the rate ; Goodhew v. Wil- liams, L. R. 3 C. P. D. 382, where it is said by one of the judges that a similar rule of construction must be applied to this enactment as in the case of the parliamentary registration acts. Held also, the liability to this penalty was not taken away by section 4 of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, which, i 6 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 6. rental (a) of not less than 40 per annum ; and no person shall be capable of acting or being elected as one of such vestry for any parish unless he is the occupier of a house, lands, tenements, or hereditaments in such parish, and be rated or assessed as aforesaid upon such rental as aforesaid within such parish : Provided always, that in any parish in which the number of poor rate assessments at ,40 or upwards does not exceed one-sixth of the whole number of such assessments (6) it shall not be necessary, in order to qualify a person to be a vestryman, that the amount of rental upon which he is rated or assessed as aforesaid exceed 25 : Provided also, that the joint occupation of any such premises as aforesaid, and a joint rating in respect thereof, shall be sufficient to qualify each joint occupier incase the amount of rental on which all such occupiers are jointly rated will, when divided by the number of occupiers, give for each sueh occupier a sum not less than the amount hereinbefore re- quired. As to the first 7. The first election of vestrymen under this Act in every election of parish shall be holdeii in the month of November next after the passing of this Act, and between the fifth and twenty-first days of that month, and the day on which such election shall commence shall be appointed by the churchwardens of the parish, and twenty- one days previously to the day of election notice of such election- vestrymen under this Act. Where several blocks of buildings were each divided structurally into different suites of rooms, the respective suites were held to be rightly treated as separate hereditaments, and the tenants properly assessed to the poor rate as occupiers ; -R. v. St. George's Union, L. R. 7 Q. B. 90. But for the purposes of the inhabited house duty, each block must be treated as one dwelling-house; Att. Gen. v. Mutual Tontine Westminster Ch. Assoc., L. R, 10 Ex. 305. (a) The 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 8, post, declares that the amount speci- fied in that column in the schedule to the Parochial Assessment Act, 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 96, which is headed "Rateable Value," shall be deemed the rental for the purposes of this Act. See this question raised, before the passing of the amending Act, in R. v. Churchwardens of St. Mary, Lam beth, 20 J. P. 276. The annual value for the qualification of a town coun cillor was held to mean rateable value, and not gross estimated rental 'Baker v. Marsh, 24 L. J. Q. B. 1, and see under a local Act, Easton v Alee, 7 H. & N. 452. By 32 & 33 Viet. c. 67 (Valuation Metropolis Act), the valuation list under the Act shall be conclusive evidence of the gross and rateable value of the hereditaments included therein, and of other matters for the purposes mentioned, including, amongst others, that of determining the qualification of a vestryman and auditor under this Act. To render a party eligible under section 20 of Hobhouse's Act, 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 60. it was held not to be necessary that he should be rated in respect of property in his own possession, but that the rental might be made up of tenements separately held and not in his occupation ; R. y. St. Pancras, 1 A. & Ell. 80. A person who occupied several pieces of land under diffe- rent landlords and was separately rated for them, was allowed to add their rateable values together for the qualification for a countv vote under 30 & 31 Viet. c. 102 ; Huckle v. Piper, 41 L. J. C. P. 42. See disqualifica- tion of an alderman of a municipal borough by ceasing to occupy the qualifying premises, Ex parte Birkleck, L. R. 9 Q. B. 256 ; and as to what was held to be part of a house for the purpose of rateability under a local Act and properly included in the rate; Sole v. Commissioners of Milton; Walton v. Same, 31. J. P. 804. (6) It would seem that where a number of distinct tenements are in the race book included in the same assessment, that constitutes oue assessment for the purposes of this computation. 18 & 19 VICT. c, 120, ss. 710. 7 shall be given in manner hereinafter directed (c) concerning notice of Section 7. election of vestrymen and auditors, and the next such election shall take place on such day in the month of May in the year 1857 as the vestry shall appoint, and every subsequent election shall take place annually in the month of May in every year as the vestry appoint. 8. At the first such election of vestrymen as aforesaid for any The full num- parish, the full number of elective vestrymen of which such vestry ber of vestry- is to consist, as hereinbefore mentioned, shall be elected, and such men to be vestrymen, with such other persons as hereinbefore mentioned, shall chosen at first forthwith be deemed to constitute the vestry of such parish, and election, and shall supersede any existing vestry therein, and exercise the powers existing ves- and privileges held by such existing vestry (d), save as in this Act ^fj?*] 811 ^ 1 ' otherwise provided (e) ; and the authority of such vestry may be seded - pleaded before any justice or justices of the peace, or in any court of law in regard to all parochial property or monies due, or holdings or contracts, or other documents of the like nature, under the control or in the keeping of such existing vestry ; and all parish officers or boards shall account to them in like manner as they are by law liable to account to such existing vestry. 9. One-third of the vestrymen first elected iinder this Act in any As to the parish, or, where such parish is divided into wards under this Act, in term of office each ward of such parish, shall go out of office at the time appointed of vestrymen for the election of vestrymen in the year 1857, one other third of elected at first them at the time appointed for such election in the year 1858, and election, and the remaining third at the time appointed for such election in the as to future year 1859 ; and the vestry shall, at some meeting before the time of elections. the election in 1857, determine by lot which of the members first elected shall constitute the one-third to go out of office in the years 1857 and 1858 respectively ; and all members from time to time elected at the annual elections after the first election, shall go out of office at the time appointed for the annual election in the third fol- lowing year, except such members as are elected to supply vacancies occasioned otherwise than by effluxion of time ; and such last-men- tioned members shall go out of office at the respective times when the terms of office of the members in whose places they are respectively elected would have expired by effluxion of time. 10. At every election of vestrymen under this Act, except the Vacancies to first, for any parish or any ward of any parish, the parishioners of he filled up ;it such parish entitled to vote in such election (/) shall elect as many annnal elec- tions. (c) See section 26 as to the publication of notices and lists. (d) Where by a local Act making the hamlet of Spitalfields a distinct parish, the rector, churchwardens, and others, were constituted the vestry- men of the parish, and by another local Act they were empowered to make poor rates, it was held that the power of making poor rates possessed by the old vestry was transferred to the new vestry, and that the rates made by the latter were valid, the overseers not being entitled to vote ; Vaughan v. Imray, 28 L. J. M. C. 78. See Reg. v. Sendle, note to section 3 of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, post, and notes to section 197, post. (e) This provision transfers to the vestries constituted by this Act all the powers of existing vestries, subject to the restrictions in sections 90 and 91, and to the other provisions of the Act. See now the amending Act, 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 3, post, as to the duties, powers, and privileges declared to have become transferred to vestries and district boards under this Act. (/) See section 16. 8 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 10. vestrymen as there are vacancies in the vestry, or among the vestry- men elected for such ward, whether such vacancies be occasioned by the expiration of the term of office, or by death or otherwise (a). Appoi of au 11. For every parish mentioned in either of the Schedules (A.) auditors of and (B.) to this Act, there shall be elected such number as herein- accounts for after mentioned of the ratepayers of the parish who have signified in parishes in writing their assent to serve to be auditors of accounts, which audi- Schedules (A.) t ors shall be so elected at the same times and in the same manner as and (B.) members of the vestry ; and the number of ratepayers so to be elected auditors in any parish not divided into wards under this Act shall be five, and the number of ratepayers so to be elected auditors in any parish which is divided into wards shall be the same as the number of wards, one auditor being elected in each ward : Provided always, that where the number of wards into which any parish is divided exceeds five, the' vestry of such parish shall at their first meeting after the election of auditors as aforesaid, in any year, elect by ballot from among such auditors five of them, and the five persons so elected by ballot shall be the auditors for such parish exclusively of any other person or persons who may have been elected an auditor or auditors for such parish under the provisions herein contained ; and a list of the five persons so elected by the vestry shall be forthwith published by the churchwardens in the parish as herein provided : Provided also, that no person shall be eligible to fill the office of auditor of accounts who is not qualified to fill the office of vestryman for the parish (6) ; but no person shall be eligible to fill the office of auditor who is a member of the vestry ; and if any person be chosen to be both a member of the vestry and auditor of accounts, he shall be incapable of acting as a vestryman. As to the term 12. The auditors first elected under this Act in any parish as of office of aforesaid shall go out of office at the time appointed for the election auditor. of vestrymen and auditors in the year 1857, and the auditors then elected and to be thereafter elected shall go out of office at the elec- tion of vestrymen and auditors in the year next following their election. Notice of 13. The churchwardens of every parish mentioned in either of elections. the said schedules (A.) and (B.), which is not divided into wards, shall, on some Sunday at least twenty-one days previously to the day; of annual election of vestrymen, cause to be published in such parish as herein provided (c) a notice according to the following form : (a) See as to disqualification of vestrymen, and penalties, section 54 ; and as to the resignation of office and notification thereof, section 55. A notice of election under the Public Health Act, 1848, which omitted to distinguish between ordinary and casual vacancies, was held bad and the election void ; R. v. Rippon, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 217 ; and see R. v. Mayor of Leeds, 7 A. & E. 963. Refer to provision as to casual vacancies in local boards in the Public Health Act, 1875, Sched II., r. 65. (b) As to qualification of vestrymen, see section 6. (c) See mode of publication, s. 26. In the case of Howes v. Turner, 1 L. R., C. P. D. 670, where a defective notice had been given by the town clerk with respect to nomination papers under the Municipal Corporations Act, the election was declared void. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 1315. 9 Parish of [here insert the name of parish]. Section 13. The parishioners duly qualified according to the provisions of the Act of the session holden in the eighteenth and nineteenth year of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act " [here insert the title of the Act], are hereby required to meet at , on the day of , con- formably to the provisions of the said Act, and then and there to consider of and elect fit and proper persons to be vestrymen and auditors of accounts of the parish of for the ensuing year [the words " for the ensuing year " to be omitted in the notice of the first election] ; that is to say, members of the vestry, auditors of accounts. And the churchwardens of every such parish as aforesaid which is divided into wards shall at the time aforesaid cause to he published as herein provided, in each ward of the parish, a notice according to the following form : Parish of , ward of [inserting the parish and ward], The parishioners duly qualified according to the provisions of the Act of parliament of the session holden in the eighteenth and nineteenth years of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act " [here insert the title of this Act], are hereby required to meet at , on the day of , conformably to the provisions of the said Act, and then and there to consider of and elect fit and proper persons to be vestrymen and an auditor of accounts of the parish of , for the ward of , for the ensuing year [the words " for the ensuing year " to be omitted in the notice of the first election], 14. Where any parish is divided into wards, the churchwardens, Church- three clear days at least before the day of election, shall appoint in wardens to writing under their hands a person to preside at such election as appoint per- aforesaid in each of the said wards, except any ward in which one of sons to preside the churchwardens shall preside, and notify such appointment to the , ward vestry clerk of the parish. 15. The rate collectors, or persons appointed by them, shall attend Rate collectors the churchwardens and persons presiding at elections under this Act, to assist at and inspectors of votes (d), to assist in ascertaining that the persons the elections, presenting themselves to vote are parishioners rated to the relief of the poor in the parish, or the respective wards thereof, and duly quali- fied (e) to vote at the election. (d) See case of Ooodhew v. Williams, cited in note to section 6, supra, where it was said by the Court that the decision of the inspectors as to the qualification of a candidate was not conclusive. (e) It was held in a case under the present Act, that the parishioner, at the time of the election of vestrymen, when his vote was challenged for nonpayment of a church rate, might show that the assessment was not due from him at the time of voting, the rate being illegal and void ; Tozer v. Child and another, 25 L. J. Q. B. 337 ; 6 E. & B. 289. If the church- wardens act bond fide in rejecting the vote, they are not liable to an action whether the rate be good or bad ; but otherwise if with a knowledge that the voter is qualified, his voting paper is maliciously refused ; ibid., and see Cullen v. Morris, 2 Stark. R. 577. See in the matter of the Election of Vestrymen for St. Clement Danes, 20 J. P. 131 ; also B. v. Bidwell, 17 L. J. M. C. 99. See now the Act 31 & 32 Viet. c. 109, for the 10 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Form of pro- ceeding at elections. Section 16. 16. On the day of election of vestrymen and auditors in any parish under this Act the parishioners (a) then rated (b) to the relief of the poor in the parish, or, where the parish is divided into wards imder this Act, in the ward thereof (c) for which the election is holden, and who are desirous of voting, shall meet at the place appointed for such election, and shall then and there nominate two ratepayers of the parish, or (if the parish be divided into wards) of the ward for which the election is holden, as fit and proper persons to be inspectors of votes ; and the churchwardens, or, in the case of a ward election, such one of the churchwardens as is present thereat, or, where one ol the churchwardens is not present, the person appointed by them to preside thereat, shall, immediately after such nomination as aforesaid by the parishioners, nominate two other such ratepayers to be such inspectors ; and after such nominations the said parishioners shall elect (d) such persons duly qualified (e) as may be there proposed for the offices of vestrymen and auditors or auditor ; and the chairman abolition of compulsory church rates. Where an assistant overseer appointed to perform certain duties, excluding the making, &c., of rates, joined in making a rate, it was decided that the rate was so far valid that the non-payment of it did not disqualify for the borough franchise ; Baker v. Lee, 34 L. J. C. P. 49. See as to registration of owner R. v. Hampton, 6 B. & S. 923. Where the mayor of a borough erroneously dis- qualified a candidate for the office of councillor the election was held invalid ; Budge v. Andrews, 42 J. P. 744. The votes for a town councillor who was mayor and returning officer, and therefore was disqualified, were held to be not thrown away, unless the voters knew that the candidate was disqualified in point of law; S. v. Mayor of Tewksbury, L. R. 3 Q. B. 629. (a) As to meaning of " parishioner," see Nol. P. L. i. 68, note (1). It was decided in EtJierington v. Wilson, L. E. 20 Eq. 606, that the term " parishioner " could not be applied to a person taking a small tenement temporarily to obtain a qualification for the purpose of the election of a child to Christ's Hospital, but this decision was reversed on appeal, L. B. 1 Ch. Div. 160, where it was laid down that the expression " parishioner " must be taken in its ordinary sense, namely, that of a person occupying premises which are liable to be rated in the parish. (b) As to what amounts to being rated, see note to section 6, and 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 4, post, enabling occupiers to claim to be rated, and section 5 providing that in case of a composition the occupier shall not be bound to pay or tender more than the amount payable under the composition, and section 6 declaring occupiers rated under that Act entitled to vote in the election of vestrymen and auditors. The demand to be rated under the Act should be made on the vestry and not on the overseers ; S. v. Islington, 8 L. T. (N. s.) 231. (c) Under section 6 of 22 Viet. c. 35, where a municipal borough is divided into wards, the person nominating a candidate for a town councillor must be entitled to vote for the particular ward for which he nominates; S. v. Parkinson, L. E. 3, Q. B. 11. (d) See provision in section 39 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, where a person is returned to serve as a vestryman for more than one ward, requiring him before the next meeting of the vestry to signify in writing to the clerk the ward he desires to represent. An elector enrolled as a burgess in two wards of a municipal borough is entitled to vote in either, but when he has voted in one he cannot vote in the other ; S. v. Harrold, 39 J. P. 40. (e) That is, rated or assessed to the relief of the poor on a certain rental and occupying a house, &c., in the parish ; Goodhew v. Williams, cited in note to section 6, ante, and see references in that note. The declaration of the inspectors as to the election is not conclusive ; Ibid. The mayor of a municipal borough was held not disqualified for the office of town councillor, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 1618. 11 at such meeting shall declare (/) the names of the parishioners who Section 16. have been elected by a majority of votes at such meeting : Provided nevertheless, that no person shall be entitled to join or vote in any such election for any parish, or any ward of any parish, or be deemed a ratepayer thereof (g), or be entitled to do any act as such under this Act, unless ne have been rated in such parish to the relief of the poor for one year next before the election, and have paid all parochial rates, taxes, and assessments due (h) from him at the time of so voting or acting, except such as have been made or become due within six months immediately preceding such voting or acting. 17- Provided always, that any five ratepayers may then and there, Power to in writing or otherwise, demand a poll (i) which shall be taken by demand a poll, ballot on the day next following, and shall commence at eight of the which shall clock in the forenoon and close at such hour as hereinafter mentioned; ? e 1 | a ? en ^ that is to say, at six of the clock in the afternoon in the case of any baUot - election to be holden in November, 1855, and at eight of the clock in the afternoon in all other cases ; each ratepayer depositing, as hereinafter provided, two folded papers, one of which papers shall contain the names of the persons for whom such parishioner may vote as fit and proper to be members of the vestry, and the other shall contain the names or name of the persons or person for whom such parishioner may vote as fit and proper to be auditors or auditor of accounts ; and each ratepayer shall have one vote and no more for the members of the vestry, and one vote and no more for the auditors or auditor of accounts to be chosen in the said parish or ward. 18. The person voting shall deposit such folded papers in two Duty of separate sets of balloting glasses or boxes (k), one set for voting papers inspectors of votes. though he could not act as returning officer; E. v. White, L. R. 2 Q. B. 557; and see It. v. Ward, L. R. 7, Q. B. 215. (/) At an election of vestrymen under 1 & 2 Will, 4, c. 60, it was held that the decision of the chairman on a show of hands was not conclusive, but that he was bound 011 a requisition to ascertain the numbers; E. v. St. Pancras, 11 A. & Ell. 15. An election of a member of a local board under the Public Health Act, 1848, in the absence of the chairman was held void ; K.v. Backhouse, L. R. 2, Q. B. 16; 36 L. J. Q. B. 7. See as to what matters the decision of the chairman at the election of a member for a local board is conclusive ; B. v. Collins, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 336. See also B,. v. Diplock, L. R. 4 Q. B. 549, and E. v. Lofthouse, L. R. 1 Q. B. 433. (g) As to what persons shall be deemed to be rated, see Acts and decisions referred to in note section 6, ante. (h) The 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 7, post, enacts that this provision shall not be taken to include church rates. See now the Act for the abolition of compulsory church rates, 31 & 32 Viet. c. 109. (i) In general a poll is demandable by a voter as of right ; see E. \. Hedger, 12 A. & E. 151; Campbell v. Maund, 5 A. & E. 865; S. v. D'Oyly, 12 A. & E. 139 ; and as to mode of taking poll and right to vote, see E. v. Churchwardens, $c., of Lambeth, 8 A. & E. 356 ; -B. v. Vestrymen of St. Pancras, 11 A. & E. 15; E. v. Hedger, supra. Where the demand of a poll by the minority at a meeting of a vestry for the formation of a highway board was refused, the election -was held invalid ; E. v. How, 33 L. J., M. C. 53. Refer to case of the void election of a waywarden under 25 & 26 Viet. c. 61, where a poll had been demanded and not taken; E. v. Cooper, L. R. 5 Q. B, 457. See as to refusal of a poll at a meeting for the adoption of the Local Government Act ; E. v, Bird, 28 J. P. 279. (&) This section is only directory, and where both sets of names were written on one paper, and put into one balloting box, it was held not to in- 12 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 18. for members of vestry, and another set for the voting papers for au- ditors or an auditor ; and the said balloting glasses or boxes shall be closed at the time hereinbefore fixed for the closing of the poll ; and the inspectors (a) for the parish or ward (as the case may be) shall forthwith meet together, and proceed to examine the said votes, and if necessary shall continue the examination by adjournments from day to day, not exceeding two days (Sunday excepted), until they have decided upon the persons duly qualified (V) according to the provisions of this Act who may have been chosen to fill the afore- said offices. Provision for case of equality of votes. If in the interval between elections the vestry of any parish be reduced below two- thirds, the vacancies to be filled up as herein uamed. Penalty for forging or falsifying 19. In case an equality of votes appear to the aforesaid inspectors to be given for any two or more persons to fill either of the said offices, the inspectors shall decide by lot upon the person to be chosen. 20. If in the interval between any election under this Act of vestry- men in any parish and the time at which the next election would in the absence of this enactment have taken place the num- ber of such vestrymen be reduced below two-thirds of the full number, so many vestrymen as may be requisite for filling up such number shall be forthwith elected in like manner as in the case of the annual election of such vestrymen, and the provisions of this Act shall be applicable in the case of such election accordingly, save that the notice of election shall be varied from the form prescribed by this Act so far as may be necessary, and where such parish is divided into wards under this Act each ward shall supply the vacancies among the members elected for the same; and every vestryman elected under this enactment shall go out of office at the time when the term of office of the person in whose place he is elected would have expired by effluxion of time. 21. If any person knowingly personate and falsely assume to vote in the name of any parishioner entitled to vote in any election under this Act (c), or forge or in any way falsify any name or writing in validate the election ; Ex parte Ifiddleton, in tJie matter of Kenneth and others, 25 J. P. 791. (a) See as to appointment of an umpire by the inspectors before com- mencing their duties, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 36, post. (b) Persons claiming to be returned must be rated to the full amount required by the 6th section at the time of voting, and it was held to be the duty of the inspectors of votes to inquire into the qualification of can- didates, and to return the names of those who have the majority of votes, and are also duly qualified ; 'Ex parte Ross, in the matter of the Vestry of St. Pancras, 26 L. J. Q. B. 312 ; S. C. nom. B. v. Inspectors of Votes, fyc., of the Parish of St. Pancras, 7 Ell. & Bl. 954. But see obser- vations of the court as to the effect of the decision of inspectors with respect to the qualification of candidates for the office of vestrymen in Goodhew v. Williams, cited in note to section 6, ante, and see also Ex parte Eoss, 25 L. J. Q. B. 313. (c) The personation at an election of guardians under 14 & 15 Viet. c. 105, of a voter who was dead at the time of the election was decided not to bean offence within section 3 of that Act ; Whateley v. Chappell, L. E. 4 Q. B. 147. The mens rea was held essential to the offence of fabricating a voting paper under the Local Government Act, 1858. As to who is a " party aggrieved " by the fabrication of a voting paper under the Public Health Act, 1875, see Verden v. Wray, L. E. 2 Q. B. D. 608. The offence of 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 2126. 13 any paper purporting to contain the vote or votes of any parishioner Section 21. voting in any such election, or by any contrivance attempt to ob- n 71^1 struct or prevent the purposes of any such election (d), the person so ^ Qr g offending shall, upon conviction before any two or more justices of o^ta^n the peace having jurisdiction in the parish, be liable to a penalty of not less than 10, and not more than .50, and in default 01 payment thereof shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six nor less than three months. 22. The inspectors shall, immediately after they have decided upon A list of whom the aforesaid elections have fallen, deliver to the churchwar- persons elected dens, or to one of them, or other the person presiding at the election, vestrymen a list of the persons chosen by the parishioners to act as vestrymen JJ"[ " ua [\ and auditors or an auditor of accounts ; and the said list, or a copy . ^j^ e ^ "^ thereof, shall be published in the parish as herein provided (e). be published. 23. If any inspector wilfully make or cause to be made an incorrect Penalty on return of the said votes, every such offender shall, upon information inspector laid by any person before two or more justices of the peace having for making jurisdiction in the parish, and upon conviction for such offence be incorrect liable to a penalty of not less than .25, and not exceeding 50. return. 24. The vestry of every parish mentioned in either of the schedules Vestries to (A.) and (B.) to this Act shall provide such places as may be requi- provide site for holding elections of vestrymen and auditors under this Act, places for and taking the poll thereat ; and the expenses of providing such holding places, of publishing notices, of taking the poll, and of making the ele ctions, return at elections of vestrymen and auditors, shall be paid out of a ' the poor rates of the parish by order of the vestry (/) : Provided ^j^. always, that the places requiring to be provided for the first election ^ ^^ under this Act of vestrymen and auditors in any parish shall be pro- vided by the churchwardens, and the expenses of providing the same shall be paid out of the poor rates, upon their order. 25. The provisions hereinbefore contained shall, so far as concerns As to parishes any parish in either of the said schedules (A.) and (B.) in which there having no are no churchwardens, be construed as referring to the overseers of churchwar- the poor instead of the churchwardens. dens - 26. Every notice and list hereinbefore required to be published How notices in any parish or ward of any parish shall be so published by being and lists to fixed in some public and conspicuous situation, on the outside of he published, the outer door or outer wall near the door of every church and public chapel in such parish or ward, including places of public worship which do not belong to the Established Church, and if there be no such building as aforesaid, then in some public and conspicuous situation within such parish or ward. inducing a person to personate a voter at a municipal election was decided to be committed though the vote was not received, and it was not necessary to show that the election vras duly held ; E. v. Hague, 4 B. & S. 715. (d) A rule for a quo warranto to vacate the election of a councillor of a borough was refused where there was no proof of systematic riot or intimida- tion; .K. v. Macaill, 26 J. P. 87; JBuckmaster v. Reynolds, 13 C. B. (N.S.) 62. (e) See section 26. (/) See as to payment of expenses, not otherwise provided for, incurred by vestries in schedule (B.) to this Act, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 16, post. METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 27. 27. If any churchwarden, overseer, rate collector, or other parish officer refuse or neglect to call any meeting, or give any notice, or do any other act required of him under the provisions of this Act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 28. All powers or duties to be performed by the vestry of any parish under this Act may be exercised and performed respectively Churchwar- dens, &c., not complying with Act guilty of mis- demeanor. <}uorum of vestries. Meetings not to be holden in the church (c). Meeting to elect a chair- by the major part of such vestry assembled at any meeting (a), there being not less than five vestrymen present at a meeting of a vestry Avhich consists of not more than eighteen elected vestrymen, and not being less than seven vestrymen present .at a meeting of a vestry which consists of twenty-four elected vestrymen and no more, and not being less than nine vestrymen present at a meeting of a vestry which consists of thirty-six elected vestrymen or upwards, and at every such meeting all questions shall be decided by the votes of the majority (6) of the vestrymen present, and the vestry may act notwithstanding any vacancies therein. 29. In any case in which the vestry-room of any such parish as aforesaid is not sufficiently large f and commodious for any vestry meeting, such meeting shall be held elsewhere within the said parish, but not in the church or chapel thereof. 30. At every meeting of any vestry under this Act, in the absence of the persons authorized by law or custom to take the chair (d), the members present shall elect a chairman for the occasion before pro- ceeding to other business, and the chairman, in case of an equality of votes on any question, shall have a second or casting vote. (a ) As to requirements in notices of vestry meetings in general, see Prideaux, Duties of Churchwardens, 9th ed., p. 87, et seq. The 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 9, post, enables special meetings of vestries to be convened by notice transmitted by the post, and by affixing a notice on or near the door of the building where the meeting is to be holden. See as to day and hour for meetings of vestries, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 37, post. (b) This means an actual majority of the vestrymen assembled, and where a local Act empowered the vestry, or "the major part of them," to remove a poor rate collector, it was held that it was not sufficient at a meeting of thirty- five vestrymen for sixteen to vote for the removal, and eleven against it, the re- maining eight not voting; E. v. Overseers of Christ Church, 26 L. J. M. C. 69 ; affirmed in error, 27 L. J. M. C. 23. See also re Eynsham 18 L. J. Q. B. 210; S. C. 12 Q. B. 398, n.; and Ex parte Orde re Horsley, L. R. 6 Ch. 881, with reference to a majority at a meeting held under a petition for liquidation. As to division after show of hands, Tear v. Freebody, 4 C. B. (N.S.) 228. The Public Health Act, 1875, sch. 1, r. 7, directs that every question at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on that question, and a similar provision is contained in several subsequent acts relating to the powers and duties of the metropolitan board. (c) See 13 & 14 Viet. c. 57, for preventing the holding of vestry or other meetings in churches, &c. (d) See as to the right of the minister to preside at vestry meetings, E. v. D'Oyly, 12 A. & Ell. 139; Wilson v. M'Math, 3 Phill. Ecc. Ca. 67; 3 B. & A. 244, notes; and Mawley v. Barbett, 2 Esp. 687. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 8135. 15 Section 31. Formation of Parishes into Districts, and Constitution of District Boards. 31. For the purposes of this Act the several parishes mentioned in Parishes in the second column of schedule (B.) to this Act shall be united, and schedule (B.) form the respective districts mentioned in conjunction therewith and * be united, named in the first column of the same schedule, and there shall be a and f rm board of works for each such district, composed of the members districts, and elected as hereinafter mentioned for the parishes forming such district i- . * boards con- stituted. 32. The Vestry constituted by this Act in every parish in any Vestries to such district shall, on the 28th day of November in the year 1855, elect members elect the number of persons mentioned in the third column of the of district said schedule (B.) in conjunction with such parish to be a member or hoards, members of the board of works for such district. 33. When at any time hereafter, upon any account taken of the If relative population by the authority of parliament, the relative numbers of numbers of the inhabited houses in the several parishes forming any such district inhabited are found to have varied from those shown by the last previous houses in census, it shall be lawful for the metropolitan board of works con- parishes in stituted by this Act, upon the application of the vestry or any any district ratepayers of any such parish, to alter the number of the members of Y ar y on anv the board of works for such district to be elected for all or any of the JJJ parishes therein (e) ; but so that the number of members to be O f ^^ elected for any such parish, if exceeding three, shall be a number m ^ divisible by three. altered 34. One third of the members of any such board first elected for As to the any parish for which three or more such members are by this Act term of office appointed to be elected shall go out of office at the time hereinafter of members appointed (/) for the election of members of such board in the year of district 1857, one other third of them at the time appointed for such election boards in 1858, and the remaining third at the time appointed for such elected at election in the year 1859 ; and the vestry shall at the time of the fi * election, first election under this Act of such members determine by lot which nd M *? of the members first elected shall constitute the one-third to go out * uture of office in the years 1857 and 1858 respectively ; and all members ous ' elected to supply vacancies occasioned by members going out of office at the expiration of their term of office shall go out of office at the election of members of such board in the third following year. 35. (gr) The vestry of every such parish shall on the first Wednes- Elections to day in the month of June in the year 1857, and in every subsequent be held an- year, elect so many vestrymen of such parish to be members of the nua ^y f r board for the district in which such parish is comprised as may be su PP 1 ji n g necessary for supplying the vacancies among the members of such vacancies board, elected for such parish, occasioned by expiration of the term occa81 ne J ^^ term of office (e) See similar provision with respect to vestries, section 5. (/) See section 35. (g) This section is repealed by the 40th section of the 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, which renders persons qualified by rating and occupation eligible though not vestrymen. 16 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 35. of office of the members going out of office at the time of such election. Provision as to parishes not electing as many as three mem- hers of a district board. Provision as to casual Powers of district boards to be exercised at meetings not less than seven mem- bers being present. Ordinary meetings of district boards. Special meetings of district boards. 36. The members of any such board first elected for parishes for which less than three members are by this Act appointed to be elected shall go out of office on the said first Wednesday in June, 1859, and members subsequently elected for such parishes to supply vacancies occasioned by members going out of office at the expiration of their term of office shall go out of office on the first Wednesday in June in the third year following their election ; and the vestries of such parishes shall on the said first Wednesday in June in the 1859, and in every third following year, elect members in the of the members then going out of office. 37- When any member of any district board dies, resigns, or ceases to be such member, otherwise than by the expiration of his term of office (a), the vestry of the parish for which he was elected shall with all convenient speed elect a person to be a member of such board in his place ; and every member of any such board elected to supply any such vacancy shall go out of office when the term of office of the member in whose place he is elected would have expired by effluxion of time. 38. All powers and duties vested in the board of works for any district may be exercised or performed at any meeting of such board holden under this Act, there being not less than seven members of the board present ; and at every such meeting all questions shall be decided by the votes of the majority (6) of the members present ; and the board may act notwithstanding any vacancies therein, and notwithstanding any omission to elect any member or members of such board, in pursuance of this Act. 39. The first meeting of the board of works for any district shall be holden on the Wednesday in the week next following the election of such board, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the place at which the vestry of the parish in such district first named in schedule (B.) to this Act usually meet ; and every subsequent ordinary meeting shall be holden on and at such day, time, and place as the board may from time to time appoint in this behalf (c), subject, nevertheless, to the provision hereinafter contained (d), appointing the day on which meetings shall be holden for the first election of the metropolitan board of works. 40. A special meeting of any such board may be convened by any five members of the board, or by the clerk of the board, upon the requisition in writing of five members of the board, by a notice to the several members thereof forty-eight hours at least before the time of meeting, such notice to be signed by the members or clerk convening the meeting, and to specify the object thereof (e). (a) See section 54. (6) See as to what is a majority, note to section 28, ante. (c) See provision as to days of meeting of district boards, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 37, post. (d) See section 45. (e) As to the sufficiency of a notice of the object of a vestry meeting under The General Highway Act for stopping up a highway, see S. v. Powell, 42 L. J. M. C. 129 ; L. R. 82 Q. B. 403 ; also of the special purpose 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 4143. 17 41. Every such board shall at every meeting of such board, before Section 41. proceeding to business, elect a chairman of such meeting, and such . ~ chairman, in case of an equality of votes on any question, shall have Chairman to a second or casting vote. ** elected at meeting of board. Incorporation of Vestries and District Boards. 42. The board to be constituted as aforesaid for every such district District shall be a body corporate by the name of " The Board of Works for boards and the district," and the vestry of every parish mentioned in vestries of schedule (A.) to this Act shall be a body corporate, by the name of parishes in " The Vestry of the Parish of , in the County of ," and schedule every such board and vestry shall by such name respectively have CM incorpo- perpetual succession and a common seal (/), and shall sue and be sued, and have power and authority (without any license in mortmain) to take, purchase, and hold land for the purposes of this Act Constitution and Incorporation of Metropolitan Board of Works (g). 43. A board, to be called " The Metropolitan Board of Works," Metropolitan shall be constituted as hereinafter mentioned, and such board shall board of works by such name be a body corporate, and have perpetual succession and constituted and incorpo- rated. of a vestry meeting under 59 Geo. 3, c. 12 ; Blunt v. Sarwood, 8 A. & E. 610 ; see also B. v. Just. Salop, 29 J. P. 260. (f) For decisions as to the necessity of a seal in contracts for works, and documents and proceedings generally, refer to note to section 149, post. (g) The general powers of the Metropolitan Board of Works with respect to sewerage are contained in a series of provisions commencing with the 135th section of this Act together with the 32nd and other sections of the amending Act, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102. The board were also, by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, invested with extended powers for effecting the purification of the Thames and the main drainage of the metropolis. That Act removed the restrictions contained in the 135th & 136th sections of this Act, limiting the period for the completion of the main drainage works, and requiring, before any plan should be carried out, the approval of the commissioners of her majesty's works, and it enacted that the board might execute the necessary works according to such plans as to them might seem proper. It also altered the direction in this section to the effect that works should be executed for preventing the sewage of the metropolis from passing into the Thames in or near to the metropolis, and authorized the board to carry out works for preventing as far as might be practicable the sewage of the metropolis from passing into the Thames within the metropolis. It conferred upon the board additional powers for constructing works under the bed, banks and shores of the Thames, and extended the period for the completion of the works to the 31st December, 1863. It further empowered the board to borrow with the consent of the Treasury, up to the 31st December, 1866, sums not exceeding three million pounds for the purposes of the Act on bonds, debentures, or other securities, on such terms as the commissioners of the Treasury might approve ; and it authorized those commissioners to guarantee payment of principal and interest. It required the board to cause to be raised each year during 40 years from the passing of the Act a sum equivalent to a rate of 3d. in the pound, to be called the Metropolitan Main Drainage Rate, and enacted that for the purposes of the assessment under the Act, all parts of the metropolis should be deemed to be equally benefited ; with a power to the board to make rates on default of the vestries. They were, until the works should be completed, to deodorize the sewage; and the Act required that all works executed under it should be so con- C METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 43. Note. structed and kept as not to be a nuisance. By section 27 of 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, the previous approval of the Admiralty was required of works to be executed upon the bed or shores of the Thames, and by section 28 that of the conservators of the Thames. The powers of the last-mentioned Act were extended by the Metropolitan Main Drainage Extension Act, 1863, which authorized the board to borrow in manner provided any sum not exceeding one million two hundred thousand pounds, in addition to the three million pounds authorized to be borrowed under the former Act. The Commis- sioners of the Treasury were authorized to guarantee the payment of the principal and interest in manner therein mentioned. The same Act made provisions for the application of the moneys borrowed, and ex- tended the time for the completion of the works until the 31st December, 1866. The 28' Viet. c. 19 enlarged the time for the borrowing by the board of the moneys authorized by the Main Drainage Extension Act, 1863. This Act was repealed by the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, to the extent defined by the 3rd schedule, subject to the qualifications expressed in section 5. That Act repealed, with the exceptions mentioned, the 4th section of this Act (21 & 22 Viet. c. 104) and the other sections relating to the borrowing of money, and substituted other pro- visions for this object. The 33 & 34 Viet. c. 140 (Thames Navigation Act, 1870), required the board, at their own expense, to keep the Thames free from banks or other obstructions to the navigation arising from the flow of sewage at their out-falls into the river, with power to dredge and remove such banks or obstructions subject to the approval of the conservators ; and the works were required to be executed under their superintendence, with provisions for the settlement of disputes by arbitration. See reference to Acts for the drainage of certain localities without the limits of the metropolis in note to section 135, ante. The Thames Embankment Act, 1862 (25 & 26 Viet. c. 93) empowered the board to embank the north side of the Thames from Westminster Bridge to Blackfriars Bridge, and to make new streets in and near thereto. The powers of the board in relation to the embankment of the Thames and improvements connected with it were extended and varied by subsequent Acts. See a reference to the whole of these Acts in note to section 9 of 24 & 25 Viet. c. 42, The London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861, post, appendix. Numerous additional duties were imposed upon the metropolitan board by other statutes. The Metropolitan Building Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122 (amended by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 52, 24 & 25 Viet. c. 87, 32 & 33 Viet. c. 82, and 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32) conferred various powers upon them witli respect to the limits of districts, the appointment of district surveyors, the modification of rules for the construction of buildings, and other matters. The 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32, the Metropolitan Management and Build- ing (Amendment) Act, 1878, contains provisions relative to houses and buildings in close proximity to certain roads, &c., empowering the board to . cause alterations to be made in theatres and music halls, to make regulations with respect to the position and structure of new theatres and music halls, the making and preparation of foundations and sites of houses, &c., with other powers. The 28 & 29 Viet. c. 90, Metropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1865, imposes upon the board the obligation of extinguishing fires, and protecting life and property in case of fire within the metropolis, including the city of London. By the 29 & 30 Viet. c. 122, Metropolitan Commons Act, 1866, the same body are empowered to present a memorial to the inclosure commissioners in relation to any common within the area of the metropolis, who are thereupon to make inquiries and prepare a scheme for its management. For a list of the Metropolitan Commons Supplementary Acts confirming schemes prepared by the inclosure commissioners pursuant to this Act for 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 43. 19 Section 43. the management of commons, refer to note to section 3 of the Metropolitan Note. Commons Act, 1866, post, appendix. By 26 Viet. c. 13, an Act for the protection of certain gardens and ornamental grounds in cities and boroughs, the board are appointed to carry out its provisions in any places within their jurisdiction, except in the city of London, where similar powers are exercised by the corporation. The 37 Viet. c. 10 authorizes the board to acquire and maintain Leicester Square as a place of public recreation ; and 40 & 41 Viet. c. 35, Open Spaces (Metropolis) Act, 1877, empowers the board to acquire and hold gardens in squares, &c., for the public benefit. They are by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 125, Metropolitan Gas Act, 1860, together with the vestries and district boards, the local authority for the purposes of the Act. The Sale of Gas Amendment Act, 1861, transferred (so far as relates to the metropolis) to the metropolitan board the powers conferred upon justices of the peace by 22 & 23 Viet. c. 66, as amended by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 146, as to copies of models of gas meters, the appointment of inspectors, &c., and by special Acts relating to particular companies more particularly referred to in the note to Metropolitan Gas Act, 1860, post, appendix, the board are required to perform the duties specified for enforcing compliance with the provisions of the Acts relating to the illuminating power, purity, and pressure of gas and other matters. They are constituted the local authority for the metropolis (except the city of London and its liberties) for the purposes of 38 Viet. c. 1 7, the Explosives Act, 1875, and subject to the exception in section 67 as to the harbour authority : and with similar exceptions, as to the city of London and its liberties for the purposes of 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105, the Petroleum Act, 1871 . They are the local authority for the metropolis (except the city of London and liberties) for the purposes of the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, and also subject to the provision in section 9 to the effect that the corporation shall alone be the local authority for the metro- polis for the purposes of the Act which relate to foreign animals. They are also the local authority for the metropolis (exclusive of the city of London and liberties) for the purposes of the following Acts : The 38 & 39 Viet. c. 36, The Artizans and Labourers Dwelling Improve- ment Act, 1875. The 33 & 34 Viet. c. 78, Tramways Act, 1870. The 37 & 38 Viet. c. 67, Slaughterhouses (Metropolis) Act, 1874. The 34 & 35 Viet. c. 113, Metropolis Water Act, 1871 (to be construed as one with the Act of 1852). The 35 & 36 Viet. c. 38, Infant Life Protection Act, 1872. The 40 & 41 Viet. c. 68, Destructive Insects Act, 1877. The 28 & 29 Viet. c. 83, Act for regulating the use of locomotives on turnpike and other roads, amended by 41 & 42 Viet. c. 77. For a reference to the Acts confirming schemes prepared under the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, for the improve- ment of unhealthy areas, see note to section 6 of that Act, post, appendix. By 31 and 32 Viet. c. 80, Metropolitan Subways Act, 1868, the board are authorized to require companies to lay pipes for water, gas, &c., in the subways. The 41 & 42 Viet. c. 29, Monuments (Metropolis) Act, 1878, invested them with powers for preserving and maintaining the obelisk known as Cleopatra's Needle, and other monuments, and for effecting other objects. Most of the Acts above referred to are printed in the appendix; see 24 & 25 Viet. c. 42, Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861, post appendix, and reference' in notes to that Act, to 26 & 27 Viet., the Coal & Wine Duties Con. Act, 1863, 31 Viet. c. 17, Coal & Wine Duties Con. Act, 1868, and 32 & 33 Viet. c. 19, Kew and other Bridges Act, 1869, incor- porating a joint committee to consist of six members of the corporation of London and six members of metropolitan board for the purpose of ac- celerating the period for freeing from toll the bridges specified, with power to raise money to be applied to that object, and 37 & 38 Viet. c. 21, C2 20 Section 43. Three mem- bers of metro- politan board to he elected for the city. Vestries of single parishes and district elect mem- bers of the metropolitan hoard. Boards for districts of Plumstead and Lewis- ham united for electing a memher of metropolitan board. METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. a common seal (a), and sue and be sued, and have power and authority (without any license in mortmain) to take, purchase, and hold land for the purposes of this Act. 44. The mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in common council assembled, shall, on the 12th day of December, 1855, elect three persons to be members of the said metropolitan board, and shall, when any member of such board elected by the said mayor, aldermen, and commons dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to be such member, elect some person in his place (6). 45. The vestry of each of the parishes mentioned in the first part of the said schedule (A.) shall, at a meeting of such vestry to be holden on the 12th day of December, 1855, elect two persons to be members of the said metropolitan board of works ; and the vestry of each of the parishes mentioned in the second part of the said schedule (A.) except the parish of Kotherhithe, and the board of works for each of the districts mentioned in the first part of the said schedule (B.), shall, at a meeting of such vestry and board respectively to be holden on the last-mentioned day, elect one person to be a member of the said metropolitan board ; and every such vestry and board shall, when any member of such metropolitan board, elected by such vestry or board, dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to be such member, elect a person to be a member of the said metropolitan board in the place of the member so dying, resigning, or otherwise ceasing to be such member. 46. The districts of Plumstead and Lewisham, mentioned in the second part of the said schedule (B.), shall be united for the purpose of electing from time to time a member of the metropolitan board of works ; and the boards of works for such districts shall, at a joint meeting of such boards, to be held on the said 12th day of December, 1855, at the place of meeting of the board of works for the district of Plumstead, elect a person to be a member of the said metropolitan board ; and when any member of such board elected by the boards of works for the said united districts dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to be such member, such boards of works shall, at a joint meeting of such boards to be holden at the place aforesaid, elect some person in his stead ; and such meeting shall be convened as follows ; that is to say, the clerk of the board of works for the district of Plumstead shall communicate with the clerk of the board of works for the dis- Kew and other Bridges Act,'.1869, Amendment Act, 1874, which authorized the raising of an additional sum for the same purpose. The 31 & 32 Viet. c. 154, Lea Conservancy Act, 1868, for the preserva- tion and improvement of the River Lea, incorporates a board of con- servancy to consist of 13 members, one to be appointed by the metropolitan board. By 40 & 41 Viet. c. 17, Metropolitan Bridges Act, 1877, the board are required to extinguish the tolls on the bridges over the Thames, and that over Deptford Creek, and hereafter to maintain such bridges. For an enumeration of the new streets and thoroughfares, and other improvements carried out by the board under the powers conferred by, and statutes obtained under, the 144th section of this Act and the 75th section of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, refer to note to the first-mentioned section, post. (a) See note to section 149, post. (bj See sections 54, 55. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 46-49. 2t trict of Lewisham, and arrange with him the time of such meeting Section 46. of the boards of works for such districts ; and when such arrange- ment has been made, notice of the time, place, and object of such meeting shall be given by such clerks respectively in manner required for notices of special meetings of the boards for such districts ; and every election to be made as aforesaid by the said boards shall be determined by the votes of the majority of the members thereof present at the meeting ; and every such meeting shall, before pro- ceeding to the election, choose a chairman, who shall preside thereat, and shall, in case of an equality of votes for two or more persons, have a second or casting vote. 47. The parishes of Rotherhithe, Saint John, Horselydown, Saint The parish of Olave, and Saint Thomas, Southwark, shall be united for the purpose Rotherhithe of electing from time to time a member of the metropolitan board of and district works ; and the vestries of such several parishes shall, at a joint , of bt. Olave meeting of such vestries to be holden on the said 12th day of. umt f. December, 1855, at the place of meeting of the vestry of the parish J^Tf * f of Saint Olave, elect a person to be a member of the said metropo- the metropo . litan board ; and when any member of the said board elected by such vestries dies, resigns, or otherwise ceases to be such member, such vestries shall, at a joint meeting of such vestries to be holden at the place aforesaid, elect some person in his stead ; and such meeting shall be convened as follows ; that is to say, the vestry clerk of the parish of Saint Olave shall communicate with the vestry clerks of the said other parishes, and arrange with them the time of such meeting ; and when such arrangement has been made, notice of the time, place, and object of such meeting shall be given by the respective vestry clerks of all the said parishes in manner required for notices of vestry meetings ; and every election to be made as aforesaid by the said vestries jointly shall be determined by the votes of the majority of the members thereof present at the meeting; and every such meeting shall, before proceeding to the election, choose a chairman, who shall preside thereat, and shall, in case of an equality of votes for two or more persons, have a second or cast- ing vote. 48. One third of the members first elected as aforesaid of the As to the metropolitan board of works shall go out of office on the second term of Wednesday in June, 1857, one other third of them on the second omce of Wednesday in June, 1858, and the remaining third on the second members of Wednesday in June, 1859 ; and such first elected members shall m etropoli tan determine by lot among themselves which of them shall constitute electee the one third to go out of office in the years 1857 and 1858 re- J io J an d as" spectively; and all members of the said board elected to supply any ^ ft^m^ vacancy occasioned by any member's going out of office by the expira- e i ec tions. tion of his term of office shall go out of office on the second Wednes- day in June in the third year next following the year of his election; and every member of the said board elected to supply any other vacancy shall go out of office when the term of office of the member in whose place he is elected would have expired by effluxion of time. 49. The members first elected of the metropolitan board of works mem b er8 O f shall meet at such time and place as one of Her Majesty's principal metropolitan secretaries of state shall by notice in the London Gazette appoint board to in this behalf, and shall at such meeting, or some meeting to be e i e ct a holden by adjournment thereof (which it shall be competent for the chairman. 22 Section 49. As to ap- pointment of chairman on any vacancy. Powers of metropolitan board to be exercised at not less than nine mem- bers being present. Meetings of the metropo- litan board. METBOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. members present to appoint), elect a chairman of the said 4 board, and shall also decide upon the amount of salary to be paid to such chair- man, such salary not to be less than 1,500 and not to exceed 2,000 per annum ; and such members, before proceeding at any such meet- ing to such election, or to determine the amount of such salary, shall choose from among the members present a chairman of such meet- ing, and such election of the future chairman of the board shall be determined by the votes of the majority of the members present, and in case of an equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote ; and any person may be elected as aforesaid, whether he be or be not a member of the said board ; and such chairman shall be subject to be removed by a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of the members present at any meeting specially convened for considering the question of such removal ; and in case any elected member of the said metropolitan board be appointed chairman thereof, he shall thenceforth be a member thereof by virtue only of his office of chairman, and his place as an elected member shall become vacant, and another shall be elected in his stead. 50. Upon every vacancy in the office of chairman of the said metropolitan board a new chairman shall be appointed, and his salary fixed, in manner hereinbefore mentioned, save that the appoint- ment of such chairman may be made at any such meeting as may be provided in this behalf by the regulations for the time being of the said metropolitan board. 51. All powers and duties vested in the metropolitan board of works may be exercised and performed at any meeting (a) of such board at which not less than nine members of the board are present ; and at every such meeting all questions shall be determined by the votes of the majority (6) of the members present ; and such board may act notwithstanding any vacancies therein, and notwithstanding any omission to elect any member or members of such board in pur- suance of this Act, but such board shall not be deemed to be con- stituted until the first election of a chairman of such board under this Act. 52. The first meeting of the said metropolitan board shall be holden at such time and place as the chairman may appoint, of which notice in writing, signed by such chairman, shall be given to each elected member of the said board, two clear days at the least (c) before the time of such meeting ; and the said board may meet at such times and places as they may from time to time appoint ; and a special meeting of the said board may be convened by the chairman of the said board, or by the clerk thereof, upon the requisition in writing of the chairman or any five members of the board, by a notice to the several members thereof, two clear days at the least (a) By section 202 the metropolitan board, and vestries, and district boards are empowered to make bye-laws for, amongst other purposes, regu- lating the business and proceedings at their meetings and those of com- mittees ; and by section 23 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, resolutions of the metropolitan board, authorizing an expenditure amounting to or exceeding 20,000, are not to be valid unless confirmed at a subsequent meeting. (6) As to what constitutes a majority, see note to section 28, ante. (c) This means two clear days exclusive of the day on which the notice is given, and of the day on which the meeting is to be held. See Norton T. Town Cleric of Salisbury, 4 C. B. 32. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 5254. 23 before the time of meeting, such notice to be signed by the chair- Section 52. man or clerk convening the meeting, and to specify the object (d) thereof. 53. The chairman of the metropolitan board of works for the time Chairman to being elected under this Act shall preside at every meeting of such preside at board at which he is present ; and in case of a vacancy in the office meetings, of such chairman, or in his absence, some other member of such board * n case ^ shall be chosen to preside thereat ; and in case there be an equal vacancy, &c., number of votes upon any question, the chairman presiding at the a temporary meeting shall have a second or casting vote. tecbSen ^ Proceedings concerning Constitution, Procedure, and Officers of Metropolitan and District Boards and Vestries. 54. In case any member of the metropolitan board of works, or of Disqualifies- any district board of works, or of any vestry for any parish men- tions of tioned in schedule (A. ) or (B.) to this Act, or any auditor of the members of accounts of any such board or vestry, be declared bankrupt, or apply metropolitan to take the benefit of or become subject to any Act for the relief board of of insolvent debtors, or compound with his creditors (e), or accept district or hold any office (/ ) under the board or vestry of which he is a boards, of member, or of whose accounts he is auditor, other than, in the case of ves tri e8 / ' any such auditor, his office of auditor, or in any manner be con- F"" 181168 ln (d) As to sufficiency of statement of special purposes for which meeting of vestry held, see Blunt v. Harwood, 8 A. & E. 610; Smith v. Deighton, 8 Moore, P. C. 179. (e) The introductory words in the 19th section of the Public Health Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63, " No bankrupt, insolvent, or other person, not qualified as aforesaid, shall be capable of being elected," &c., do not occur in this section, and the enactment merely enumerates the events in which a member after election shall cease to be a member. The Public Health Act, 1875, sch. 2, r. 5, disqualifies for election, on a local board, a person who is a bankrupt, or whose affairs are under liquidation by arrangement, or who has entered into any composition, &c., so long as any proceedings in relation to such bankruptcy, &c., are pending, and r. 64- of the same schedule describes the events working the disqualification of elected members of boards. It was held under 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, that a bankrupt who had not obtained his certificate was not disqualified from being elected as a town councillor; R. v. Chitty, 5 A. & E. 609. Where under the Municipal Corporation Act a town councillor compounded with his creditors and resigned, and the council without declaring the office void elected him again, the election was held invalid ; Hardioick v. Brown, L. R. 8 C. P. 406. The term " insolvency" operating as a disqualification under a bye- law of a corporation was held to mean public or notorious insolvency as by stopping in business, calling creditors together, or entering into a deed of composition ; R. v. Saddlers' Co., 28 J. P. 36. (/) This clause does not use the expression " of profit," occurring in the 28th section of 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, and in the 9th section of the Com- missioners' Clauses Act, 1847. As to the term " holding an office" within the meaning of articles of association of a Joint Stock Company, see Iron Ship, %c., Company v. Blunt, L. R. 3 C. P. 484, and as to the liability of a trustee of a turupike road accepting the office of treasurer ; Delane v. Hillcoat, 9 B. & C. 310. The appointment by directors of a joint stock company, registered under the Act of 1856, of one of their own number as a salaried officer was held valid under the Act and at common law ; Eales v. Cumberland Blacklead Co., 30 L. J. Ex. 141. 24 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. schedule (A.) and (B.), and of auditors. Section 54. cerned or interested in any contract or work (a) made with or executed for such board or vestry, in every such case such person shall cease to be such member or auditor as aforesaid : Provided always, that no person being a shareholder of any joint stock company shall be dis- abled from continuing or acting as a member of any such board or vestry by reason of any contract between such company and such board or vestry, or of any work executed by such company ; but no such member shall vote upon any question in which such company is interested ; and any person who acts as a member of any such board or vestry, or as auditor of the accounts thereof, after ceasing to be such member or auditor as aforesaid, or who, being a shareholder in any joint stock company, votes upon any question in which such company is interested, and any person who acts as a member of any such vestry as aforesaid without being qualified by rating and occu- pation as required by this Act, shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty of ,50 (b), which may be recovered by any person who may sue for the same in any of the superior courts of law, with full costs of suit : Provided also, that all acts and proceedings of any person ceasing to be such member or auditor, or disabled from acting as aforesaid, shall, if done previously to the recovery of such penalty, be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes whatsoever. Members ol gg ^ ny mem ]5 er O f t ^ e metropolitan board of works, or of any dd' P t ' t vestr y elected for anv P arish mentioned in schedule (A.) or (B.) to this Act, or of the board of works for any district, may at any time (a) Where, in an action for penalties against a town commissioner, under a local Act, incorporating the Commissioners' Clauses Act, 1847, 10 & 11 Viet. c. 16, a "bill addressed by the defendant to the commissioners for lime which he had supplied was produced, it was held to be evidence for the jury that the defendant was concerned in a contract within the 10 & 11 Viet. c. 19, s. 6 ; Nicholson v. Fields, 31 L. J. Ex. 233. This case was distinguished from Woolley v. Kay (infra), where it was apparently the opinion of the court that a mere casual dealing would not be a contract for furnishing, supplying, or selling ; per Pollock, C. B. ibid. See Woolley v. Kay ; 25 L. J. Ex. 351 ; 1 H. & N. 307. In Le Feuvre v. Lankester, 23 L. J. Q. B. 254; 3 Ell. & Bl. 230, it was decided that an alderman of a borough who had openly and bond fide supplied some iron railings to a person contracting with the local board, was not liable to the penalty imposed by 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76, s. 28. Under section 28 of the Municipal Corporation Act the disqualification of an alderman who has an interest in a contract with the council, only applies during the continuance of the con- tract, and he incurs no penalty by acts done after its termination ; Lewis v. Carr, L. R. 1 Ex. D. 484. A surveyor receiving a commission from the manufacturer of bricks sold for works under the Public Health Act, 1848, but not under a contract with the board, was held competent to make an apportionment of the expenses; Wednesbury Local Board of Health v. Stevenson, 27 J. P. 741. See also Foster v. Oxford Sfc., Railway Co., Webb v. Commissioners of Herne Say, L. R. 5 Q. B. 642, and Imperial Mercantile Credit Association v. Coleman, L. R. 6 Ch. 558 ; H. of Lords 189. For decisions on provisions in statutes relative to workhouses, &c., see Greenhow v. Parker, 31 L. J. Ex. 4; West v. Andrews, 5 B. & Aid. 328; Proctor v. Mainwaring, 3 B. & A. 145 ; Towsey v. White 5 B. & C. 125 ; Henderson v. Sherborne, 2 M. & W. 236 ; Barber v. Waite, 1 A. & E. 514. (i) See the case of Goodhew v. Williams, cited in note to section 6, ante, where it was held that the liability to this penalty was not taken away by the provision in the 4th section of the Amending Act 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 5558. 2< resign his office, such resignation of any member of the metropolitan Section 55 board of works to be notified in writing signed by such member to the chairman of such board, and such resignation of any vestryman or member of any such district board to be notified in writing signed by such vestryman or member to the churchwardens of the parish for which he was elected. 56. Any member of the metropolitan board of works, or of any district board of works, or of any such vestry, going out of office, shall, if qualified, be capable of immediate re-election. 57. No resolution or other act of the metropolitan board of works, or of the board of works for any district, or of any such vestry, shall be revoked or altered at any subsequent meeting, unless such sub- sequent meeting be specially convened for the purpose (c), nor unless such revocation or alteration be determined upon by a majority con- sisting of two-thirds of the members of the board, or of the vestrymen present at such subsequent meeting, if the number of members or vestrymen present at such subsequent meeting be not greater by one- fifth than the number present when such resolution was made or such act was done, but if the number of members or vestrymen pre- sent at such subsequent meeting be greater by one-fifth than the number present at such former meeting, then such revocation or alteration may be determined upon by a mere majority. boards, and of vestries of parishes in schedule (A.) or (B.), may resign. Retiring members of boards and vestries may be re-elected. No resolu- tion of me- tropolitan or any district board, or of any vestry, to be revoked at a subse- quent meet- ing, unless under certain circum- stances. 58. It shall be lawful for the metropolitan board of works, and Committees me board of works for any district, and any such vestry respectively, mav ^ e a P~ to appoint a committee or committees for any purposes which, in pointed. the discretion of the board or vestry, would be better regulated and managed by means of such committee, and at any meeting to con- tinue, alter, or discontinue such committee : Provided always, that (c) As to mode of convening a special meeting in the case of the metropolitan board, see section 52, ante ; of vestries, see the Amending Act of 1856, the 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 9, post; and of district boards, section 40, ante. Where at one meeting it was resolved that the name of a street should be altered, and at a subsequent meeting the name was again altered, the latter meeting not having been specially convened in conformity with this enactment, the second resolution was held invalid ; Sooby \. Vestry of Kensington, 35 J. P. 343, and by the court, "the object of the section was to prevent the revocation or alteration of a former order without adequate public notice." Where a metropolitan vestry resolved to pave a street out of the general rate under section 106, and by a subsequent resolution determined to proceed under section 105, imposing the cost of the work on the owners of property, it was decided to be unnecessary to rescind the first resolution ; Vestry of St. George the Martyr v. Pethe- Iridge, 31 J. P. 279. Where a bye-law under the Public Health Act, 1848, provided that no resolution should be altered or rescinded without a month's notice to each member of the board setting forth the proposed alteration, and the local board having passed a resolution for the making of three separate rates, by a subsequent resolution decided on making one general rate without the notice directed by the bje-law, the general rate was held invalid; Meyer v. Burslem, 39 J. P. 437. Semble, that a resolution of a looal board of health dismissing an officer was not a resolution rescind- ing the resolution by which he was appointed within the meaning of a bye-law relative to the rescission of resolutions; Ex parte Richards, L. R. 3 Q. B. D. 368. See R. v. Jones, 42 J. P. 614, and R. v. Mayor of Ryde, 8 Cox. Mag. Ca. 185. 26 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT, and district boards and of vestries to be entered. Section 58. the acts of every such committee shall be submitted to the general body of the board or vestry appointing such committee for their ap- proval (a). Powers of 59 Every committee so appointed may meet from time to time, committees. an( j mav adjourn from place to place, as they may think proper, for carrying into effect the purposes of their appointment ; but no busi- ness shall be transacted at any meeting of the committee unless three members of the committee are present. Minutes of 60. Entries of all proceedings of the metropolitan board of works, proceedings of and every such district board, and of any such vestry, with the metropolitan names of the members who attend each meeting, shall be made in books to be provided and kept for that purpose (b) under the direc- tion of the board or vestry, and shall be signed by the members pre- sent, or any two of them ; and all entries purporting to be so signed shall be received as evidence, without proof of any meeting of the board or vestry having been duly convened or held, or of the pre- sence at any such meeting of the persons named in any such entry as being present thereat, or of such persons being members of the board or vestry, or of the signature of any person by whom any such entry purports to be signed, all which matters shall be presumed until the contrary be proved ; and every such board and vestry shall provide and keep books in which shall be entered true and regular accounts of all sums of money received and paid by them or under their authority, and of all liabilities incurred by them, and of the several purposes for which such sums of money are received and paid and such liabilities incurred, and copies of all contracts entered into by any such board or vestry. All books to 61. All such books shall at all reasonable times be open to the ex- be open to amination of every member of the board and vestry respectively to inspection which such books belong, and of every owner of property, church- warden, overseer, and ratepayer within the metropolis, as regards books of the said metropolitan board, and of every owner of pro- perty, churchwarden, overseer, and ratepayer within any district or parish, as regards books belonging to the district board or vestry (as the case may be), and of every creditor on the rates raised under this Act by any such board or vestry respectively, without fee or reward, and they respectively may take copies of or extracts from such books or any part thereof, without paying for the same ; and in case the members of the board or vestry, or any of them, or any of the officers or servants of the board or vestry having the custody of the said books, being thereunto reasonably requested, refuse to (a) That part of this section which provides that the acts of every com- mittee shall be submitted to the general body for approval is repealed' so far as concerns the metropolitan board, and other provisions are substituted ; 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 31, post. Where a committee appointed under an authority given by the Land Drainage Act, 1861, delegated its duties to a committee of three members, it was decided that every act must be the joint act of the three, and it was not competent for them to apportion their duties among themselves; Cook v. Ward, L. R. 2 C. P. D. 255 (C. A.) (b) In a suit to restrain a local board of health from discharging sewage into a stream, the minute book of the board was, under the circumstances of the case, ordered to be deposited in the Record and Writ Clerks' Office in London; Ait. -Gen. v. Whitwood Local Board, 40 L. J. Ch. 592. See further, S. v. Mayor of York, 1 E. & B. 588. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 6164. 27 permit or do not permit any such owner of property, churchwarden, Section 61. overseer, ratepayer, or creditor to examine the same, or take any copies or extracts, every such member, officer, or servant so offending shall for every such offence, upon a summary conviction thereof be- fore two justices, forfeit any sum not exceeding 10. 62. The metropolitan board of works, and (subject to the provi- Power to sions herein contained) the board of works for every district under metropolitan this Act, and the vestry of every parish mentioned in schedule (A.) board, district to this Act, shall respectively appoint or employ, or continue for the boards, and purposes of this Act, and may remove at pleasure, such clerks, trea- vestries to ap- surers, and surveyors, and such other officers and servants as may be P ^ officers necessary, and may allow to such clerks, treasurers, surveyors W" officers, and servants respectively, such salaries and wages as the board or vestry may think fit. 63. No person holding the office of treasurer under the metropoli- Clerk and tan board, or any district board, or any such vestry, nor his partner, treasurer not nor any person in the service or employ of them or either of them, shall hold, be eligible to, or in any manner assist or officiate in the same P erson> office of clerk (d) ; and neither the person holding the office of clerk, nor his partner, nor any person in the service or employ of them or either of them, shall hold, be eligible to, or in any manner assist or officiate in the office of treasurer ; and every person offend- ing in any of the cases specified in this provision shall forfeit and pay the sum of .100, which may be recovered by any person, with full costs of suit, by action in any of the superior courts of law. 64. No officer or servant of the metropolitan board, or of any Penalty on district board or any such vestry, shall be in anywise concerned or officers, &c., interested in any contract or work made with or executed for such being inter- board or vestry (e) ; and if any such officer or servant be so con- ested in con- cerned or interested, or, under colour of his office or employment, tracts, or ex- exact, take, or accept any fee or reward whatsoever other than his actin g fees- proper salary, wages, and allowances (/) he shall be incapable of ( &c -> possession or power, or to pay over any such moneys as aforesaid, or ^ us ice ., in! ^ if, for the space of five days after being thereunto required, he fail to der to iJJJ deliver up to the board or vestry, or to such person as they may ap- point, all books, papers, writings, property, effects, matters, and things in his possession or power belonging to the board or vestry, then and in every such case a justice shall, on complaint being made to him in that behalf, summon the party charged to appear and answer the complaint before two justices, at a time and place to be specified in the summons (b) ; and upon the appearance of the party charged, or upon proof that the summons was personally served upon him or left at his last known place of abode in England, and if it appear to the last mentioned justices that he has failed to render any such account, or to produce and deliver up any such vouchers or receipts, or any such books, papers, writings, property, effects, mat- ters or things as aforesaid, and that he still fails or refuses so to do, it shall be lawful for them, by warrant under their hands and seal, to commit the offender to gaol (c), there to remain, without bail, until he shall have rendered such account, and produced and delivered up all such vouchers, receipts, books, papers, writings, property, effects, matters, and things in respect of which the charge was made ; and if it appears that the party charged has failed to pay over any Power to levy such moneys as aforesaid, and that he still fails or refuses so to do, it by distress, shall be lawful for the last-mentioned justices, by a like warrant, to cause the same to be levied by distress and sale of his goods and chattels, and in default of any sufficient distress to commit him to Morgan, 1 H. & C. 249 distinguished ; and as to liability of a surety where the principal debtor is discharged by a resolution under section 125 of the Bankruptcy Act, 1869, in the same manner as in an ordinary bankruptcy, refer to Ellis v. Wilmot, L. R. 10 Ex. 10. (b) But an action for a breach of duty in failing to account may be brought against the defaulter; Mayor, $c., of Lichfield v. Simpson, 8 Q. B. 65, where it was decided that the corporation were not restricted to the summary proceedings before justices given by 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 76. (c) In a case under 17 Geo. 2, c. 38, it was decided to be discretionary with the justices whether they would commit to prison an overseer failing to account ; S. v. Justices of Norfolk, 4 B. & Ad. 238. Under a similar section in the Public Health Act, 1875, the imprisonment for a failure to deliver up books is limited to six months. If a collector under a local board refuses to deliver up books, &c., and after notice continues to refuse, the offence is a continuing one, and is not within the limitation of time prescribed by 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 (Jervis' Act). See Mayer v. Harding, 17 L. T. (N.S.) 140 ; and Eeg. v. Martin, L. R. 4 Q. B. 285. 30 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 65. gaol, there to remain, without bail, for a period not exceeding three months, unless such moneys be sooner paid : Provided always, that if the complainant, by deposition on oath, show to the satisfaction of any justice that there is probable cause for believing that the party charged intends to abscond, it shall be lawful for such justice, with- out previous summons, by warrant under his hand and seal, to cause him to be forthwith apprehended ; and in such case the said party shall, within twenty-four hours after apprehension, be brought before the same or some other justice, who may order that he be discharged from custody, if such justice think that there is no sufficient ground for detention, or that he be further detained until he be brought before two justices at a time and place to be named in the order, unless bail to the satisfaction of the justice be given for the appear- ance of the party before such two justices: Provided also, that no such proceeding shall be construed to relieve or discharge any surety of the offender from any liability whatsoever. 66. The metropolitan board of works and every such district board and vestry respectively shall provide and maintain such offices Metropolitan and district boards and vestries to provide proper offices, and cause daily attendance to be given within their respective district or parish as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act, and shall take care that their clerk, or some Vestry" in following provisions to person duly authorised by them in that behalf, attends at their office daily (Sundays, Christmas Day, and Good Friday, and days ap- pointed for any general fast or thanksgiving, alone excepted), for the purpose of receiving notices and transacting the ordinary business of the board or vestry under this Act. Duties and Powers of Vestries and District Boards (a). 67. Where in the provisions hereinafter contained any expression is used referring to the vestry of a parish, such expression shall be (a) Other enactments have considerably extended the powers and duties of metropolitan vestries and district boards. Among the more important of these must be mentioned the Metropolis Gas Act, 1860, 23 & 24 Viet. c. 125, conferring various powers on those bodies in relation to the supply of gas, and by the 4th section of which Act they are with the metropolitan board included under the expression " local authority," which definition is substantially repeated in subsequent special Acts relating to particular gas companies which, however, as to those Acts, repeal various provisions of the Act of 1860, and materially vary others. By 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 73, the power of improving and regulating streets, and for the suppression of nuisances contained in 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, are extended to the metropolis. The 26 Viet. c. 13, Gardens in Towns Protection Act, 1863, contains provisions for placing, in certain events defined by the Act, gardens and ornamental grounds under the charge of vestries and district boards. By section 134 of this Act, they are the authorities for executing the Nuisances Removal Acts, and so also under the Sanitary Act, 1866, which enlarges the definition of the expression " nuisance" and contains various new provisions for enforcing sanitary measures. It also empowers them, on complying with the directions of the 35th section, to make regulations relative to houses let out in lodgings, or occupied by members of more than one family. By the 47th section of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, all persons, other than vestries or district boards, intending to branch sewers into the sewers of the last-mentioned bodies must apply for the previous sanction of the vestry or district board, who, by section 48, before sanctioning the construction of such sewers, are required to submit the plans and sections thereof to the metropolitan board for approval ; and by section 62 of the same Act, in conjunction with section 103 of this Act (1855), district surveyors under the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, are required to report to the 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 67, 68. 31 construed as referring only to the vestry of a parish mentioned in Section 67. schedule (A.) to this Act, unless such construction be repugnant to the context. ^ of a parish 68. Upon the commencement of this Act all sewers vested in the ^schedule Sewers (ex- metropolitan and district boards and vestries as to underground rooms ce m a" m occupied as dwellings. They are the local authorities for their parishes and f ewer sj vested districts for the purposes of 31 & 32 Viet. c. 130, the Artizans and in J e ^.^, Labourers Dwelling's Act, 1868 ; and by 38 & 39 Viet. c. 36, the Artizans ?; nd T 8 ^ and Labourers Dwelling's Improvement Act, 1875, their medical officers of boards (") health are authorized to make official representations to the local authority v with a view to improvement schemes under that Act. They are the " road authority" for the purposes of 33 & 34 Viet. c. 78, the Tramways Act, 1870. They are included among the bodies, &c., on whom notices must be served before any license for the use of any place as a slaughter-house or cow-shed is granted by justices at special sessions under the 93rd section of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, to the intent that they may, if they see fit, show cause against the grant of the license. By 38 & 39 Viet. c. 63, the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875, they are within the metropolis (exclusive of the City of London and liberties thereof) authorized to appoint analysts of all articles of food and drugs sold within their districts, &c., with a power to their medical officer of health or sanitary inspector (amongst others) to proceed for penalties in case of offences against the Act. They are the " sanitary authority" for their parishes and districts for the purposes of the 39 & 40 Viet. c. 75, the Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, 1876, which defines such authority in the metropolis as any local authority acting in the execution of the Nuisances Removal for England Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same. They were the local authority under the 26 & 27 Viet. c. 40, the Bakehouses Regulation Act, 1863, but that Act was repealed by the 41 & 42 Viet. c. 16, Factory and Workshops Act, 1878, which by section 96 defines the term " sanitary authority" to mean any commission, board, or vestry in the metropolis having the like powers as urban or rural sanitary authorities within the mean- ing of the Public Health Act, 1875, and contains enactments relating to the objects provided for by the repealed Act. They are also authorized to adopt proceedings within their parishes and district for the protection of highways, sewers and drains, and other property under provisions contained in special Acts, conferring upon companies and other bodies powers for the construction of railway bridges, the formation of new streets, roads, and various other objects. (J) The effect of this section, in conjunction with section 135, is to vest in the metropolitan board the main sewers enumerated in schedule (D.) to the Act, including the main sewers of the city of London, and all other sewers within the parishes mentioned in schedules (A.) and (B.) in the vestries and district boards. All sewers within the city of London other than the main sewers specified in schedule (D.) remain vested in the commissioners of sewers of the city, who retain all powers relative to sewerage under the City of London Sewers Act, 1848, (11 & 12 Viet. c. 163) which are not transferred to the metropolitan board by virtue of this Act. The sewers existing at Woolwich at the time of the passing of this Act were vested in the local board of health, constituted under the Public Health Act, who, by section 238 of this Act, are made subject to the orders of the metropolitan board in relation to sewerage and other matters in the same manner as vestries. None of the main sewers mentioned in schedule (D.) are in that parish, and any future sewers which may be made, either by the metro- politan or local board of health, will be vested in the respective bodies, subject to the power of adoption by the former under the provisions of this Act. Those sewers, belonging to the metropolitan commissioners, which are situate in districts without the limits of the metropolis as at present defined, are excepted from the property transferred by section 148, The 32 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 68. word " sewer" applies to the subject matters specified in the 350th section Note. of this Act, as extended by the 112th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102. See observations of Kindersley, V.C., in Sulton v. Mayor, fyc., of Norwich, 27 L. J. Ch. 739, as to the meaning of the word " sewer." It originally meant a sea-wall, weir, dam, or defence against tides and inundations, or, according to others, a trench supported by banks for carrying fresh waters into the sea. According to the case of the Poplar District Board v. Knight, 28 L. J. M. C. 37, the word sewer, as used in the 204th and other sections of this Act, includes the wall and bank of the river Thames, pre- serving the low lands contiguous from inundation. It has, however, long since been extended beyond its original signification, and applied to channels both open and covered for the conveyance of feculent drainage. The situa- tion of the sewers dealt with by the present Act, and existing at the time of its passing, is for the most part well known, the greater part of them being laid down upon the sheets of the subterranean survey in the posses- sion of the Metropolitan Board of Works, and by this section all sewers to be hereafter made in parishes or districts described in schedules (A.) and (B.), except such as vest in the Metropolitan Board of Works, will vest in vestries or district boards. Before the passing of the Sewers' Act, 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22, commissioners of sewers, in general, had not such a possession of their works as enabled them to maintain an action of trespass against parties injuring them ; Duke of Newcastle and others v. Clarke, 8 Taunt. 602; and see Stracey v. Nelson, 12 M. & W. 535. The terms of the present enactment vesting the sewers, &c., in boards and ves- tries are very similar to those used in section 96, vesting highways in vestries, &c., under which it seems to have been assumed that the soil of highways had become vested in the district boards and vestries ; Wandsworth Board of Works v. London and South Western Railway Company, 8 Jur. (N.S.) 691, Ch. In the case of Taylor v. Corporation of Oldham, 46 L. J. Ch. D. 105, it is said by the Master of the Rolls that the usual clause in local Acts, vesting sewers in the sewer authority, confers an absolute property in that part of the subsoil occupied by any sewer, and not merely an easement or right of sewerage. In Bagshaw v. Buxton, L. R. 1 Ch. Div. 220, the same judge in commenting upon the word "vested" in the Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1867, with reference to a highway, says : " I mean ' vested sub modo' as far as a highway can be, not giving the board necessarily a right to the soil." But in Coverdale v. Charlton, L. R. 3 Q. B. D. 372 (affirmed by C. A. 43 J. P. 268), it was held that the " vesting" intended by the 149th section of the Public Health Act, 1875, was not merely of the use and control of a lane for highway purposes, but an actual vesting of the property in the soil. See reference to that decision and as to the nature and extent of the " vesting" intended, in note to section 96, post. The making, &c., of a towing-path under powers conferred by a Navigation Act was held not to be a purpose rendering the owner- ship of the soil necessary; Badger v. South Yorkshire, fyc., Railway Co., 1 Ell. & Ell. 347. The present enactment does not contain any words conferring upon boards and vestries the powers and authori- ties given by ordinary sewers commissions, therefore they cannot proceed by presentment, amerciament, &c., for annoyances and encroachments. But sections 68 and 69 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, impose penalties for various acts of wrongful interference with sewers. Neither the present section nor the 135th, vesting the main sewers in the metropolitan board, contains the exception found in the 7th section of the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848 (11 & 12 Viet. c. 112), vesting sewers in those commissioners " sewers made or to be made by any person or persons, for his or their own profit, or for the profit of the proprietors or shareholders." That exception was borrowed from the Public Health Act, 1848, into which it was intro- duced in order to preserve the rights of the Cheltenham Sewers Company, acting under a local Act. See Lawes' edition of the Public Health Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63, note to the 44th section ; and it is retained in the 13th section of the Public Health Act, 1875. See note to that section in 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 68, 69. 33 metropolitan commissioners of sewers (a) which are situate in any Section 68 parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Act (except such sewers as are mentioned in schedule (D.) to this Act), with the walls, defences, banks, outlets, sluices, flaps, penstocks, gullies, grates, works, and things thereunto appertaining, and the materials thereof, with all rights of way and passage used and enjoyed by such commissioners over or to such sewers, works, and things, and all other rights concern- ing or incident to such sewers, works, and things, shall become vested in the vestry of such parish ; and all sewers vested in the said metro- politan commissioners which are situate within any district mentioned in schedule (B.) to this Act, except as before excepted, with all such works and things as aforesaid appertaining thereto, and all rights of way and passage used and enjoyed by such commissioners over or to such sewers, works, and things, and all other rights concerning or incident to such sewers, works, and things, shall become vested in the board of works, for such district ; and all sewers made and to be made within any such parish or district, except sewers and works vested or to be vested in the metropolitan board of works, as hereinafter mentioned shall be vested in such vestry and board respectively. 69. The vestry of every parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Vestries and Act, and the board of works for every district mentioned in schedule district (B.) to this Act, shall (subject to the powers by thig Act vested in boards to the metropolitan board of works (b) ) from time to time repair (c) and repair, &c., maintain the sewers under this Act vested in them, or such of them au sewers as shall not be discontinued, closed up, or destroyed under the powers vested in herein contained, and shall cause to be made (d), repaired, and main- them ' and Lumley's edition of that Act, p. 21, and also E. v. Local Board of God- Manchester, L. R. 1 Q. B. (Ex. Ch.) 328. (a) See 11 & 12 Viet. c. 102, s. 7 (now expired), as to sewers vested in the metropolitan commissioners of sewers. (b) See proviso to this section prohibiting the making of new sewers with- out the previous approval of the Metropolitan Board of Works, and the 138th section, authorizing the metropolitan board to make orders for controlling vestries and district boards as to construction, &c., of sewers, and generally in relation to sewerage. And see now sections 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to the course to be pursued by vestries, dis- trict boards, &c., with respect to the construction of new sewers. See also section 83 of same Act, giving power to the Metropolitan Board of Works to make bye-laws for the guidance of vestries, &c., in the construction of sewers. (c) It was decided to be a good return to a mandamus commanding a board of guardians to repair a sewer, that the sewer had been defectively constructed originally, and if repaired would create a nuisance; S. v. Guard, of Epsom Union, 8 L. T. (N.s.) 383. (d) Though the language of this enactment is imperative, a discretion must be allowed to vestries, &c., as to the time at which such works should be executed ; and, in other respects, therefore, a writ of mandamus which ordered the vestry of a parish, immediately after the receipt of the writ, to cause to be made such sewers and works as might be necessary for effec- tually draining a particular part of the parish, without showing that a rea- sonable time had ekpsed, or that there was a present duty to drain that particular part at once, or that the approval of the metropolitan board had "been obtained, was held to be defective ; R. v. The Vestry of St. Luke, Chelsea, 31 L. J. Q. B. 50. See a full report of this case, setting out the return in txtenso, in 26, J. P. 85. See Exparte Champ, 20 J. P. 756, where a rule for a mandamus to the same vestry to make sewers in another part of the same D 34 Section 69. from time to time to con- struct new onei, &c. METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. tained such sewers and works, or such diversions or alterations of sewers and works, as may be necessary for effectually draining their parish or district (a), and shall cause all banks, wharves, docks, or defences abutting on or adjoining any river, stream, canal, pond, or watercourse (b) in such parish or district to be raised, strengthened,. parish had been discharged for want of a sufficient demand and refusal. See Ex parte Parsons, 22 J. P. 68, where an application for a mandamus to a local board to make a sewer was rejected. (a) See section 58 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, authorizing, subject to certain conditions, the construction of sewerage works by vestries and dis- trict boards beyond the limits of the metropolis ; section 44 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, authorizing owners of land to construct sewers for drainage thereof, at their own expense, and empowering vestries, &c., to contribute to the cost out of the rates ; and 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 52, et seq., as to con- struction of sewers by vestries at the cost, either in whole or in part, of private parties. Refer to Acts relating to the drainage of certain localities without the metropolitan area, cited in note to title of Act, p. 1, ante. (b) The burthen of maintaining the river wall of the Thames in a parish comprised in a district constituted under the Metropolis Local Manage- ment Act, 1855, is now cast upon the board of works of that district, not- withstanding such river wall was included in the area subject to the juris- diction of commissioners acting under a royal commission of sewers ; so held by the Q. B. D. in the case of the board of works for the Plumstead district and the commissioners of sewers for the limits extending from Lombard's Wall to Gravesend Bridge, in the county of Kent. The only notice of this decision is found in the 41st vol. of the Justice of the Peace, p. 388, which only gives a condensed report of the judgment. The editor has since been favoured with a copy of the special case submitted for the opinion of the court, and with a full report of the judgment. From the former it appears, that up to the passing of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, the river wall and defences bounding the levels subject to the jurisdiction of the commissioners, including the wall in question, had under the existing and preceding commissions always been maintained t>y the commissioners out of the funds levied by them as walscot or sewers rates, upon the owners and occupiers chargeable therewith according to the laws of sewers. In the year 1874 the commissioners raised the question of their liability to con- tinue the maintenance of the river wall in the parish of Charlton, alleging- that the burthen of such maintenance was now cast upon the board of works by virtue of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, a liability which was denied by the district board, and the question for the opinion of the court was whether or not the obligation still rested upon the commissioners ; and the court decided that it did not, and that the district board were bound to perform that duty themselves. Mr. Justice Lush in delivering judgment, refers to the words " and shall cause all banks, &c., adjoining any river, &c., to be raised, strengthened, or altered, &c.," and says that they impose a specific obli- gation on the board of works, to protect their district from the inundation of the river, though he was not insensible to the possible inconvenience which might arise from the fact that an existing commission of sewers pro- fessed to embrace the area in question within its original district ; and Mr. Justice Mellor, in delivering judgment against the district board, refers to that provision in the Act (section 159), which enables a vestry or district board to cause the sum required for expenses incurred for the special benefit of a particular part of a parish or district to be levied in that part. See note to section 159, post. Refer to Mayor of Lyme Regis v. Henley, 1 Bing, 6, as to liability of a corporation for expenses incurred for injury resulting from the neglect to repair a sea-wall which they were bound by charter to repair. See as to license by the Thames conservators to a riparian owner to erect an embankment ; Lyon v. Fishmongers' Co., L. R, 1 H. L. (E.) 662. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 69. 35 or altered or repaired, where it may be necessary so to do, for effec- Section 69. tually draining, or protecting from floods or inundation such parish or district ; and it shall be lawful for any such vestry or district board to carry any such sewers or works through, across, or under any turnpike road (c), or any street or place laid out as or intended for a street (d), or through or under any cellar or vault which may be iinder the pavement or carriageway of any street, and into, through, contract, raise, lower, arch over, or otherwise improve or alter all or any of the sewers, watercourses, and works which shall be from time (c) See as to notice and other requirements in breaking up turnpike roads, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 33, post. (d) See interpretation of word " street," section 250. See 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 84, post, empowering vestries, &c., with consent of metropolitan boards, to stop up streets during their works. (e) As to the right of carrying sewers through private property, see notes to section 135 ; and sections 34 and 35 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to notices, plans, &c., of works affecting railways and canals. Under similar words in the Public Health Act, 1875, it was decided that a local board were authorized to make a sewer through private property raised above ground; Roderick v. Aston Local Board, L. R. 7 Ch. 328 (C.A.). Commis- sioners acting under a local Act and the local authority under the Nuisances Removal Act, were held to be empowered to make a sewer through enclosed land adjoining a highway not in the line of an existing watercourse ; Earl Derby v. Bury Imp. Commissioners, L. R. 3 Ex. 121, reversing the deci- sion of the court below. Though a natural watercourse may in some degree be polluted, a district board constituted by this Act has no right to connect it with other sewers so as to become a nuisance; Att.-Gen. v. Hackney Dist. Board, 44 L. J. Ch. 545, nor to pollute water running through the land of another person; Cator v. Lewisham Dist. Board 5 B. & S. 115 ; and it makes no difference that the works of the board are necessary for abating a nuisance on the land of the person complaining, or that the water polluted lay out of the district for which the board was appointed ; ibid. A person sustaining damage by the overflow of a sewer, without the fault of the vestry, has no right of action against that body ; Hammond v. Vestry of St. Pancras, 43 L. J. C. P. 157; and see as to non-liability of a vestry for damage caused by flooding from a gully connected with a drinking foun- tain erected by an association by permission of the vestry ; Gordon v. Vest, of St. James, Westminster, 30 J. P. 24. The Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, 1876, section 3, enacts that every person (denned by section 20 to include corporate and unincorporate bodies) who causes to fall or flow, or knowingly permits to fall or flow, or to be carried into any stream, any solid or liquid sewage matter, shall (subject as in the Act mentioned) be deemed to have committed an offence against the Act ; and see special provision in same section with respect to sanitary authori- ties using the best practicable means for rendering sewage matter harmless. By section 20, the term sanitary authority includes in the metropolis, as de- nned by the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, any local authority acting under the Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same. As to liability of vestries, district boards, and other public bodies, for damage resulting from negligence, see sections 96 and 135, infra, and proceedings for nuisance and injury by the pollution of streams and other acts, section 135. (/) As to compensation for damage, see section 225, and note to sec- tion 135, as to claims for compensation and actions against boards and vestries. D 2 36 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 69. to time vested in them or subject to their order and control, and to discontinue, close up, or destroy such of them as they may deem to have become unnecessary : Provided always, that no new sewer shall be made without the previous approval of the metropolitan board of works (a) : Provided also, that the discontinuance, closing up, de- struction, or alteration of any sewer as aforesaid shall be so done as not to create a nuisance (6) ; and if by reason thereof any person shall be deprived of the lawful use of any covered (c) sewer, it shall be the duty of the vestry or district board to provide some other sewer or a drain as effectual for his use as the sewer of which he is so deprived : Provided also, that where the vestry or district board alter any sewer, or provide a new sewer in substitution for a sewer discontinued, closed up, or destroyed, they may contract or other- wise alter the private drains communicating with the sewer so altered, or with the sewer so discontinued, closed up, or destroyed, or may close up or destroy such private drains, and provide new drains in lieu thereof, as the circumstances of the sewerage may appear to them to require, but so that in every case the altered or substituted drain shall be as effectual for the use of the person entitled thereto as the drain previously used (d). Power to 70. Wherever any party is, by prescription, by reason of tenure, vestries and or otherwise, liable by law to maintain or do any repairs to sewers district boards ^ -watercourses, or works in any such parish or 'district which the (a) See proviso to section 58 of 25 & 26 Viet, c, 102, post, making this con- sent necessary in all cases where new sewers are constructed by any vestry, district board, or other body having control over sewers within the metropolis. (5) Refer to Southampton, Sfc., Bridge Company v. Local Board of Health of Southampton, 28 L. J. Q. B. 41, where it was laid down that an action will lie against a local board for improperly constructing a sewer, and causing a nuisance ; and see notes to sections 96 and 135, infra. (c) The word " covered " does not occur in the 38th section of the Metro- politan Sewers Act (11 & 12 Viet. c. 112), from which this provision has been adopted. This addition was intended to exclude claims by parties draining into open watercourses. (rf) Where a metropolitan vestry proposed under section 73 to make a new scheme of drainage, and upon default of the householders to make new drains, and the vestry made them themselves, and attempted to recover the cost from the householders, the occupier was decided not to he com- pellable to make a new drain or bear the cost of constructing it, on the ground that the facts brought the case under section 69 ; Vestry of St. Marylelone v. Fire*, 34 L. J. M. C. 214. It was decided under section 55 of the Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862, that where a person had constructed a sewer in a new street with the sanction of the metropolitan board, and the district board took it up and laid down another, he was not liable to pay any portion of the cost ; Fulham District Board v. Goodwin. L. R. 1 Ex. D. (C. A.) 400. (e) As to the obligation of individuals in respect of sewers works in general, see Callis, p. 115, and Serg. Woolrych, Law of Sewers, 3rd edition, 87 et seq., and the 15th section of 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22. Amongst the liabilities mentioned by Callis, ubi supra, is what he designates " the cus- tom of Frontagers," and he says, " In 37 Lib. Assis. plac. 10, it seems that the Frontagers are bound to the repairs," and " he whose grounds are next adjoining to a highway is bound to repair the same " ; and again, " the ownership of a bank, wall, or other defence is a sufficient warrant to im- pose the charge of the repairs thereof upon him without being tied thereto by prescription as appears, 8 Hen. 7, fol. 5 ; and it stands with reason that every man should be bound to repair his own, and the consideration is also 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 70. 37 vestry or district board judge it necessary to alter or improve, it Section 70. shall be lawful for them to make such alterations or improvements moving for that his grounds which lie nearest the waters are soonest suhject to drowning, and if any increase he upon the small rivers it falls to his share." This exposition of the law was closely scrutinised and its correct- ness denied hy the court in the recent case of Hudson v. Tabor, L. R. 1 Q, B. D. 225, affirmed on appeal, L. R. 2 Q. B. D. (C. A.) 290 ; 42 J. P. 20, where it was decided that there was no prescriptive liability on the owner of a sea wall to maintain the wall, not only for his own protection, but for the benefit of his neighbours, and that by the common law, apart from prescription, no such liability was cast upon the defendant, the owner ; and the court, after reviewing the cases cited by Coke, say that they do not establish the common law liability contended for. Several examples of liabilities, such as are described in "this section, are found in the records of the former sewers' commissions existing within the metropolitan limits. Under the Greenwich commission various parties were held liable to do works of repair, raise the river wall, scour and bottom ditches, cut weeds, &c,, by reason of tenure. This commission, the limits of which extended from the head of the Ravensbourne to Lombard's wall, in the county of Kent, as also the Surrey and Kent commission, having jurisdiction from East Moulsey, in Surrey, to the river Ravensbourne, in Kent, were both subject to the provisions of 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22. The course pursued by the Greenwich commission was to issue their precept to the sheriff to return a jury, and the jury impannelled were sworn by the court to inquire (amongst other matters) of the persons, &c., who, by reason of their tenure of certain lands, tenements, or hereditaments, were bound to repair or con- tribute to the repair of walls, defences, &c., or do other works the cost of which was not payable out of the general taxes and levies raised within the level, and also to inquire what works were necessary. The jury then heard evidence, and delivered their presentment into court ; upon which the court decreed the works, and ordered notices to be served upon the parties order- ing their execution, on pain of forfeiting certain sums which were specified. Subsequently the wall reeve presented cases of non-repair. Besides the maintenance, &c., of ditches and causeways, some of these works extended to the raising or repairing of the bank or wall of the river Thames, and at one time the liability to perform such works seems to have been considered a ground of exemption from the general assessments imposed upon the level. There are also a few cases of presentments by juries of similar obligations attaching to individuals in the parish of Rotherhithe and else- where within the Surrey and Kent commission, such as to strengthen and heighten the bank and wall of the Thames, so as to resist the tidal waters ; but there is reason to doubt whether, under that commission, those liabilities were, in later times at least, ever enforced by adverse proceedings. Similar liabilities also existed under the Poplar commission, the court proceeding on the presentment of the Marsh jury, and compelling the execution of the requisite works. The terms of the 61st section of 3 & 4 Will. 4 excluded this commission and the other sewers' commissions in Middlesex from its operation ; and the course of proceeding under it somewhat differed from that provided under the commissions south of the Thames, to which the Act applied; but obligations generally similar in character to those existing under the Greenwich commission were habitually enforced. Up to the passing of this Act the river wall in the parish of Charlton had been maintained by the commissioners of sewers for the limits extending from Lombard's wall to Gravesend bridge, out of the funds levied by them as walscot or sewer rates chargeable upon the owners and occupiers of the lands benefited, but it has now been decided by the Q. B. D. in the case of the Board of Works for the Plumstead District v. Commissioners of Sewers (Lombard's wall to Gravesend bridge), referred to in note to section 69, supra, that this Act has cast that obligation upon the district board, who, it is believed, levy special rates under section 159 upon the owners and occupiers of low-lying or marsh lands ; see note to section 159. 38 METBOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 70. therein as they think proper, and to divide the expense of such , , , n alterations or improvements between the party liable to such improvement maintenance or repairs and the parish, district, or persons who in sewers &c would have been wholly liable to the expense of such alterations the expense of or improvements if no party had been liable as aforesaid, so as which to be to throw on the party liable to such maintenance or repairs divided be- such part of the expense of alterations or improvements as may be tween the equal to what would be incurred for such maintenance or repairs, party liable and to throw on the parish, district, or persons aforesaid the residue and the parish of such expense, and to settle and adjust such proportions either by or district. some general regulation or by order in each particular case, as they may think proper : Provided always, that nothing in this Act con- The ordinary mode of establishing such a liability is by the inquisition of a jury ; see Wingate \. Waite, 6M.&W. 739; and.ff. v. Warton, 2 B. & S. 719 ; and liability of a mortgagor to repair a sea wall without notice, S. v. Baker, L. R. 2 Q. B. 621. See further, Morland v. Cook, L. R. 6 Eq. 252; and R. v. Commissioners of Sewers of Essex, 1 B. & C. 477. The present Act, however, contains no provision for summoning a jury. The 144th section of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112 (Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848), provided that the Sewers Act, 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22, should not apply to any commis- sion issued under it, but the 96th section expressly em powered the metropoli- tan commissioners of sewers, on the trial of appeals against sewers rates, to try the question of the appeal by a jury in the same manner as a traverse of a presentment of rateability was triable according to the laws and usages of sewers, and on the trial of such appeals it is obvious that questions affecting liabilities of this nature must sometimes have incidentally arisen. The 59th section of the same Act empowered the metropolitan commissioners to do or direct any work to be done, and exercise all the powers of the Act in relation thereto upon the information or presentment of their surveyor, without any other presentment in relation thereto ; and though the 68th section of the present Act transfers to the vestry, &c., all the rights of their predecessors concerning or incident to sewers, those words do not seem to in- clude the power of proceeding by presentment. The liability might pro- bably be established by production of the inquisitions, decrees, &c., of the sewers' commissioners, and by proof that they were obeyed, though there is authority to show that proof of obedience might be dispensed with. In B. v. Leigh, 2 P. & Dav. 357; S. C. 10 Ad. & E. 398, orders of courts of sewers commencing more than seventy years previously were admitted in evidence, though it was not shown that such orders had been complied with. The court in that case laid it down that such orders were good evidence as adjudications by a court of competent jurisdiction upon the subject-matter, unless they were affected by proof of fraud or collusion, and that at so great a distance of time their execution might be presumed. An indict- ment at common law probably lies against a party liable ratione tenurae to repair, &c. See B. v. Earl Cadogan, 5 B. & Al. 902, where on an indict- ment for a nuisance by not repairing, pursuant to his liability ratione tenurae a bank and wall next the Thames, whereby a highway in the parish of Chelsea was in danger of being flooded, the court refused to grant an in- spection of the court of rolls of the defendant's manor on the ground that the proceeding was a criminal one. In B. v. Gamble, 11 A. & E. 69, the court refused a mandamus to landowners liable ratione tenurae to amend and heighten banks, but that was on the ground that the applicants, the conservators of the Bedford Level, had the authority of commissioners of sewers, and might proceed by presentment ; see B. v. Commissioners of Pagham, 1 B. & C. 255 ; B. v. Ouse Bank Commissioners, 3 A. & E. 844. Refer to the case of The Mayor of Lyme Begis v. Henley, 3 B. & Ad. 77, showing the liability of a corpofatfou under a charter to repair buildings, sea banks, &c , and inasmuch as the obligation concerned the public, that the corporation might be indicted. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 7073. 39 tained shall exempt from liability to do any works, or to pay the Section 70. whole cost thereof, any person who, by prescription, by reason of tenure, or otherwise by law, is so liable. 71. Every district board and vestry shall, by providing proper Gullyholes, traps or other coverings, or by ventilation, or by such other ways &c., to be and means as shall be practicable for that purpose, prevent the trapped (a), effluvia of sewers from exhaling through gullyholes, gratings, or other openings of sewers in any of the streets or other places within their district or parish. 72. Every vestry and district board shall cause the sewers vested Vestries and in them to be constructed, covered, and kept so as not to be a district boards nuisance or injurious to health, and to be properly cleared, cleansed, to cause and emptied, and for the purpose of clearing, cleansing, and empty- sewers to be ing the same they may construct and place, either above or under cleansed, &c. ground, such reservoirs, sluices, engines, or other works as may be W- necessary (c). 73. If any house (d) or building, whether built before or after the Vestry or commencement of this Act, situate within any such parish or district, district board be found not to be drained by a sufficient drain communicating with m certain some sewer, and emptying itself into the same, to the satisfaction of cases ^y the vestry or board of such parish or district, and if a sewer of sum- com P el cient size be within one hundred feet of any part of such house or owners > & c. building, on a lower level than such house or building, it shall be constral! lawful for the vestry or board, at their discretion, by notice in ^j^ j t writing (e), to require the owner of such house or building forthwith, the comm o n or within such reasonable time as may be appointed by the vestry or sewer board, to construct and make from such house or building into any (a) See notice to metropolitan board, &c., required before trapping their sewers, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 27, post. (b) This imposes upon the bodies named the duty of exercising reason- able care to keep sewers clean ; and where the jury found that the obstruction of a drain causing damage could not by the exercise of reasonable care have been foreseen, the vestry were held not liable for a breach of the duty hereby imposed ; Hammond v. Vestry of St. Pancras, L. R. 9 C. P. 316. Where a local board had constructed a sewer without a flap, they were held liable for damages by flooding premises thereby ; Ruck v. Williams, 27 L. 3. Ex. 357. See action against a district board for neglecting to keep a sewer clean ; R. v. Whitechapel Board of Works, 1 F. & F. 144 ; Brown v. Sargent, 1 F. & F. 112; Blyth v. Birmingham Waterworks Company, 25 L. J. Ex. 212; Oeddin v. Proprietors of the Bourne Reservoir, L. R. 3 App. Ca. H. L. 430. (c) A local board of health has no power under Public Health Act, 1848, to enter upon land without the owner's consent for purpose of making reservoirs for retaining the sewage ; Sutton v. Mayor of Norwich, 27 L. J. Cli. 739. (d) The word " house" under the Public Health Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63, was held to apply to a toll-house on a turnpike road ; Trustees of Tunsiall Turnpike Roads \. Lowndes, 20 J. P. 374. In the case of the Poplar District Board v. Knight, 28 L. J. M. C. 37, the Court of Queen's Bench intimated an opinion that a house built with foundations placed on the surface without any digging out, was within the 76th section of this Act. (e) Under section 69 of Public Health Act, 1848, a notice not specify- ing the works, but referring for particulars to the surveyor's oflice, was held sufficient; Bailey v. Wilkinson, 33 L. J. M. C. 161. 40 Section 73. Penalty on owner, &c., for neglect. Provision for combined drainage of blocks of houses (<>). METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. such sewer a covered drain, and such branches thereto, of sucb materials (a), of such size, at such level, and with such fall as shall be adequate for the drainage of such house or building, and its several floors or storeys, and also of its areas, waterclosets, privies, and offices (if any), and for conveying the soil, drainage, and wash therefrom into the said sewer, and to provide fit and proper paved or impermeable sloped surfaces for conveying surface water thereto, and fit and proper sinks, and fit and proper syphoned or otherwise trapped inlets and outlets for hindering stench therefrom, and fit and proper water supply (6), and water supplying pipes, cisterns, and apparatus for scouring the same, and for causing the same to convey away the soil, and fit and proper sand traps, expanding inlets, and other apparatus for hindering the entry of improper substances therein, and all other such fit and proper works and arrangements as may appear to the vestry or board, or to their officers, requisite to secure the safe and proper working of the said drain, and to prevent the same from obstructing or otherwise injuring or impeding the action of the sewer to which it leads ; and it shall be lawful for the said vestry or board to cause the said works to be inspected while in progress, and from time to time during their execution to order such reasonable alterations therein, additions thereto, and abandonment of part or parts thereof, as may to the vestry or board or their officers- appear, on the fuller knowledge afforded by the opening of the ground, requisite to secure the complete and perfect working of such works ; and if the owner of such house or building neglect or refuse, during twenty-eight days after the said notice has been delivered to- such owner, or left at such house or building, to begin to construct such drain and other works aforesaid, or any of them, or thereafter fail to carry them on and complete them with all reasonable despatch, it shall be lawful for the vestry or board to cause the same to be constructed and made (c), and to recover the expenses to be incurred thereby from such owner in the manner hereinafter provided (d). 74. If it a group or detached houses, may be drained and improved more economically or advantageously in combination than separately, and a sewer of suffi- it appear to the vestry or board of any parish or district that or block of contiguous houses, or of adjacent detached or semi- (a) See as to the discretion given to vestries to determine the material to be used, Austin v. St. Mary, Lambeth, cited in note to section 76, post ; and as to the power of a local board of health to decide on the works- requisite for the removal of a nuisance ; Sargreaves v. Taylor, 32 L. J. M. C. Ill ; 3 B. & S. 413. (b) See section 67 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, authorizing vestries to compel owners of houses to obtain supply of water, at a rate not exceed- ing 3d. per week, and as to proceedings in case of deficient supply. (c) See section 64 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, authorizing vestries under this and the 74th, 76th, 81st, 85th, and 86th sections, to execute the works or proceed for the penalties. (d) See sections 225 and 226, post. (e) By the 250th section, any drain for draining a group of houses by a combined operation under the orders of vestries, falls within the definition of a drain as contradistinguished from a sewer. But as combined drainage was laid down before the passing of the Act under the direction of the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers, and claims were made on the vestries to maintain such drainage at the public cost, the meaning of the word " drain " has been extended by the 112th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, so as to include drains of this nature laid down before the passing of the Act. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 7476. 41 cient size already exist or be about to be constructed within one Section 74. hundred feet of any part of such group or block of houses, whether contiguous, detached, or semi-detached, it shall be lawful for such, board or vestry to order that such group or block of houses be drained and improved, as hereinbefore provided, by a combined operation. 75. It shall not be lawful to erect any house or other building in any parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Act, or in any district mentioned in schedule (B.) to this Act, or to rebuild any house or building within any such, parish or district which has been pulled down to or below the floor commonly called the ground floor, or to occupy any house or building so newly built or rebuilt, unless a drain and such branches thereto and other connected works and No house to b built with- out drains constructed to the satis- faction of the vestry or dis- trict board (/). apparatus and water supply as hereinbefore mentioned be constructed and provided to the satisfaction of the surveyor of the vestry of such parish or board of works for such district, of such materials, of such size, at such level, and with such fall as they may direct, so that the same shall be available for the drainage of the lowest floor of such house or building, and of its several floors or stories, and also of its areas, waterclosets, privies, and offices (if any), which drain shall lead from such house or building, or the intended site of such house or building, to such sewer, already made or intended to be constructed near thereto, as the vestry or board shall direct and appoint, or if there be no such sewer existing or intended to be constructed within one hundred feet of any part of the intended site of such house or building, then to such covered cesspool (g) or other place, not being under any dwelling house, as the vestry or board shall direct ; and whenever any house or building is rebuilt as aforesaid, the level of the lowest floor of such house or building shall be raised sufficiently to allow of the construction of such a drain and such branches thereto and other works and apparatus as are hereinbefore required, and for that purpose the levels shall be taken and determined under the direction of the vestry or district board. 76. Before beginning to lay or dig out the foundation (h) of any Notice of (/) Tbis clause is founded on the 46th section of the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 120, but it omits the provision which was contained in that enactment, authorizing the commissioners to compel the owner or occupier of the house to continue sewers situate within a certain distance of the premises to be drained. The intention of this Act seems to be to confine the obligations of private parties to the making of drains, and to throw the responsibility and cost of constructing sewers on public bodies. See Clarke v. Vestry of Paddington, cited in note to sec- tion 76. See now the provisions relating to the construction of sewers in new streets, and in streets in which there had either been no sewers or only open sewers, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 52, et . seq.post, and section 57, giving an appeal to the metropolitan board against orders of vestries, &c., as to the amount or apportionment of the expenses of constructing sewers wholly or partly at the cost of private parties. (ff) See 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 66, post, as to temporary provision for drainage into cesspools or tanks where there are no proper sewers within two hundred feet. (K) By 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 88, post, any person omitting to give this notice is made liable to a penalty not exceeding 51., and to a continuing penalty of 40. for every day such omission shall continue. See case of Poplar District Board of Works v. Knight, 28 L. J. M. C. 37, referred to in note to section 73, supra. See Metropolis Management and 42 Section 76. buildings to be given to the vestry or district board before com- mencing the Power to METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. new house or building (a) within any such parish or district, or to rebuild any house or building therein, and also before making any drain for the purpose of draining directly or indirectly into any sewer under the jurisdiction of the vestry or board of or for any such parish or district, seven days' notice in writing shall be given to -the vestry or board by the person intending to build or rebuild such house or building or to make such drain ; and every such foundation shall be laid at such level as will permit the drainage of such house or building in compliance with this Act, and as the vestry or board shall order, and every such drain (6) shall be made in such direction, manner, and form, and of such materials (c) and workmanship, and with such branches thereto and other connected works and apparatus and water supply as hereinbefore mentioned, and as the vestry or board shall order, and the making of every such drain shall be under the survey and control of the vestry or board ; and the vestry or dis- trict boards shall make their order in relation to the matters afore- said, and cause the same to be notified to the person from whom such notice was received within seven days (d) after the receipt of such notice, and in default of such notice, or if such house, biiilding, or drain, or branches thereto, or other connected works and apparatus and water supply, be begun, erected, made, or provided in any respect contrary to any order of the vestry or board made and notified as aforesaid, or the provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful for the vestry or board to cause such house or building to be demolished or altered, and to cause such drain or branches thereto and other connected works and apparatus and water supply to be relaid. amended, or remade, or, in the event of omission, added, as the case may require, and to recover the expenses thereof from the owner thereof in the manner hereinafter provided (e). 77. (/) It shall be lawful for any person, at his own expense, to Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 (post appendix), empowering the Metropolitan Board of Works to make regulations as to the sites and foun- dations of houses. (a) As to the meaning of word "building " see notes to section 143 of this Act, and section 75 of Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, post. (6) They have no power to order a person to construct a sewer, and where a party had in misapprehension of his rights built one and the vestry had ordered him to continue it, and on non-compliance threatened to put their powers in force, an injunction was granted to restrain them from demolishing or injuring the houses or preventing their completion; Clarke v. Vestry of Paddington, 5 Jur. (N.s.) Ch. 138. (c) Under this section it was held that the vestry have the right to determine which of two descriptions of pipes should be used, and the vestry having required Lambeth pipes, the court refused on information to restrain them from entering upon the plaintiffs premises for the purpose of taking up works constructed with Aylesford pipes ; Austin \. Vestry of St. Mary, Lambeth, 27 L. J. Ch. 677. (d) See extension of this period to 15 days by section 63 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post. (e) A district board have no right to pull down a house under this enactment without giving the owner an opportunity to show cause why it should not be demolished, Cooper v. Wandsworth District Board, 32 L. J. C. P. 185 ; nor a local board of health where a building is alleged to con- travene a bye-law, Masters v. Pontypool Local Board, L. E. 9 Ch. D. 677- As to the recovery of expenses see sections 225, 226, post. (/) This section is repealed by the 61st section of 25 and 26 Viet. c. 102, post, which introduces new provisions with respect to branching drains into sewers. See decision as to the drainage of houses in note to that section, post. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 7780. 43 make or branch any drain into any of the sewers vested in the Section 77. metropolitan hoard of works or any vestry or district board under . this Act, or authorized to be made by them under this Act, such - . Drancl1 a 1 drain being of such a size, and of such conditions, and branched to rontructed such sewer, in such a manner and form of communication in all b me tropo- respects as the vestry or board shall direct or appoint ; and in case ^an board or any person make or branch any drain into any of the said sewers so an y vestry or vested in the vestry or board, or authorized to be made by them district board, under this Act, of a larger size, or of different conditions, or in a under certain different manner and form of communication than shall be directed regulations, or appointed by the vestry or board, every person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding fifty pounds. Penalty. 78. Whenever it is necessary to open any part of the pavement of Power to any street or public place, for the purpose of making or branching metropolitan any private drain into any of the sewers or drains vested in the board or metropolitan board of works, or any vestry or district board under vestry or dis this Act, or authorized to be made by them under this Act, it shall trict board to be lawful for the vestry or board, in case they think fit so to do, to branch private make so much and such part of such private drain, and also to con- " struct so much and such part of the work necessary for branching the same into the public sewers as shall be under or in any street, and , , to recover the expenses incurred thereby from the owner of the ^ Q0ni ^ house, building, or ground to which such private drain belongs, in belong, the manner hereinafter provided (g). 79. It shall be lawful for any such vestry or board to contract and Vestry or agree with the owners or occupiers of any houses, buildings, or district board ground that any drains required to be made, altered, or enlarged by ma y a S ree to such owners shall be constructed, made, altered, and enlarged by the ma ~ e ^f vestry or board ; and the cost price of making, altering, or enlarging drams at * ne such drains, as certified by the surveyor of the vestry or board, shall e *f* n be repaid by the owner or occupier so agreeing to the vestry or board, u ; r m and in default of payment the same may be recovered in the manner herinafter provided. 80. Where any sewer in any of the parishes mentioned in either of Vestry or the schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act, into which any drain shall district board be made or branched, has been built since the third day of Sep- ma y order a tember, 1813, and before the commencement of this Act, at the contribution expense of any person or body other than any commissioners of * owar d s con- sewers, the vestry or district board in whom such sewer is vested may s t ruc ". n * order such sum as they may deem just to be paid and contributed by ^ewers in <**' the owner of the house to which such drain belongs towards the **'" expense of the construction of such sewer, such sum shall, on the receipt thereof by such vestry or board, be paid over to the person or body aforesaid, and such vestry or board may, if they see fit, order and accept payment of such sum, with interest after a rate not exceding b for the 100 by the year, by instalments within any period not exceeding twenty years. (g) As to recovery of expenses, see sections 225, 226, post. (K) As to responsibility of local authority for damage caused by negligent construction of a private drain refer to Hall v. Mayor of Batley, 45 L. T. (N.S.) 148. (i) See section 59 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, extending this pro- vision to main sewers, and to sewers built since 1st January, 1856, or hereafter to be built at the cost of private parties. 44 Section 81. Penalty on erecting or rebuilding without proper water- closets, &c. Power for vestry, &c., to require owners, &c., to provide sufficient water- closets, &c. If owners fail, vestry, &c., to cause the work to be done at their expense. Power for vestries and district boards to authorize inspection of drains, privies, and cesspools. METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. 81. After the commencement of this Act it shall not be lawful newly to erect any house, or to rebuild any house pulled down to the extent aforesaid, within any parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Act, or any district mentioned in schedule (B.) to this Act, without a sufficient watercloset or privy and ashpit furnished with proper doors and coverings, and also furnished as regards the water- closet with suitable water supply and water supply apparatus, and with suitable trapped soilpan and other suitable works and arrange- ments, so far as may be necessary to ensure the efficient operation thereof ; and whosoever shall offend against this enactment shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding 20 (a), and if at any time it appear to the vestry or district board of such parish or district that any house in any such parish or district, whether built before or after the commencement of this Act, is without a sufficient watercloset or privy and ashpit furnished with proper doors and coverings, and with other apparatus and works as aforesaid, the vestry or district board shall, in case the same can be provided without disturbing any build- ing, give notice in writing to the owner or occupier of such house,, requiring him forthwith, or within such reasonable time as shall be specified in such notice, to provide a sufficient watercloset or privy and ashpit so furnished as aforesaid, or either of them, as the case may require (b) ; and if such notice be not complied with, it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board to cause to be constructed a sufficient watercloset or privy and ashpit, or either of them, or do such other works as the case may require, and to recover the expenses incurred by them in so doing from the owner (c) of such house in manner hereinafter provided (d) : Provided always, that where a watercloset or privy has been and is used in common by the inmates of two or more houses, or if in the opinion of the vestry or district board a watercloset or privy may be so used, they need not require the same to be provided for each house. 82. It shall be lawful for any such vestry or board, or for their surveyor or inspector, or such other person as they appoint, to inspect any drain, watercloset, privy, cesspool, or water supply apparatus, or sinks, traps, syphons, pipes, or other works or apparatus connected therewith, within the parish or district of such vestry or board, and for that purpose, at all reasonable times in the daytime, after twenty- four hours' notice in writing has been given to the occupier of the premises to which such drain, watercloset, privy, cesspool, or water supply apparatus, or other connected works or apparatus as aforesaid, is attached, or left upon the premises, or in case of emergency without (a) As to recovery of penalty, see section 227, post. (b) Under this provision, a vestry or district board may require the owner or occupier of a house to provide a sufficient watercloset, and in case of non-compliance, may cause it to be constructed, and may recover the expenses from the owner ; Vestry of St. Luke, Middlesex, v. Lewis, 31 L. J. M. C. 73; but they must exercise their authority with regard to the circumstances of each particular case, and not merely lay down a general rule, such as that all privies in the district shall be turned into water- closets ; Tinkler v. Wandsworth District Board of Works, 27 L. J. Ch. 342. (c) Where works of paving, levelling, &c., a street not a highway, were executed by a contractor for a local board, who through an irregularity in the proceedings failed to recov er their cost from the owners, the contractor was held entitled to recover against the board; Worthington v. Sudlow 31 L. J. Q. B. 131. (d) See section 225, post. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120,' ss. 8285. 45 notice, to enter, "by themselves or their surveyor or inspector and Section 82. workmen, upon any premises, and cause the ground to be opened in any place they think fit, doing as little damage as may be. 83. In case any drain, vvatercloset, privy, cesspool, or water supply, Penalty on or water supply apparatus, or other connected works or apparatus, persons hereinbefore mentioned, be found, on inspection, not to have been improperly made or provided according to the directions or regulations of the making or vestry or district board, or contrary to the provisions of this Act, or altering in case any person, without the consent cf the vestry or district board drains (e). construct, rebuild, or unstop any sewer, drain, watercloset, privy, or cesspool, which may have been ordered by them not to be made, or to be demolished or stopped up, or in case any person discontinue any water supply, or destroy any connected works or apparatus as afore- said, or in case any person, without the consent of the vestry or dis- trict board, break into any sewer vested in such vestry or board, every person (/) so offending shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding 10 ; and in case the person so making any sewer, drain, watercloset, privy, cesspool, or other works or apparatus as aforesaid, contrary to the directions or regulations of the vestry or board, or contrary to the provisions of this Act, or, without such consent as aforesaid, constructing, rebuilding, or unstopping any sewer, drain, watercloset, privy, or cesspool wliich may have been ordered to be demolished or stopped up, or discontinuing any water supply or destroying any connected works or apparatus as aforesaid, or breaking into any such sewer as aforesaid, do not, within fourteen days after notice in writing by the vestry or board, cause such sewer, drain, watercloset, privy, or cesspool to be altered or reinstated in conformity with the directions of the vestry or board, or, as the case may be, to be demolished or stopped up, or such water supply to be renewed, or such connected works or apparatus to be restored, then and in every such case the vestry or board may cause the work to be donej and the expenses thereof shall be paid by the person who has so offended. 84. If such drain, watercloset, privy, cesspool, or water supply, Where no or water supply apparatus, or other connected works and apparatus, default found, be found on inspection as aforesaid to be made to the satisfaction of expenses to the vestry or board, and in proper order and condition, they shall be P aid b >' cause the same to be reinstated and made good as soon as may be, vestr 7 or and the expense of examination, reinstating and making good such board, drain, watercloset, privy, cesspool, or other works or apparatus as aforesaid, shall be defrayed by the vestry or board, and full compen- sation (g) shall be made by them for all damages or injuries done or occasioned by the examination of any such drain, watercloset, privy, cesspool, or other works or apparatus as aforesaid. 85. If, upon such inspection as aforesaid, any drain, watercloset, Vestry or privy, or cesspool appear to be in bad order and condition, or to district board require cleansing, alteration, or amendment, or to be filled up, the * vestry or board shall cause notice in writing to be given to the owner dr (e) See 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, ss. 68 and 69, post, declaring penalties in case of encroachments on or wrongful interference with sewers. (/) The penalties declared by this and other provisions of the Act are, by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 65, post, extended to all persons causing the commission of the offence. (g) See sections 225 and 226, as to the recovery of compensation. 46 Section 85. to be put into proper con- dition, &c., where necessary. Vestry and district board to cause offen- sive ditches, drains, &c., to be cleansed or covered. Where works interfere with any ancient mill, &c., compen- sation to be made, or rights therein purchased. METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. or occupier of the premises upon or in respect of which the inspection was made, requiring him forthwith, or Avithin such reasonable time as shall be specified in such notice, to do the necessary works ; and if such notice be not complied with by the person to whom it is given, the vestry or board may, if they think fit, execute such works, and the expenses (a) incurred by them in so doing shall be paid to them by the owner or occupier of the premises. 86. Every vestry and district board shall drain, cleanse, cover, or fill up, or cause to be drained, cleansed, covered, or filled up, all ponds, pools, open ditches, sewers, drains, and places containing or used for the collection of any drainage, filth, water, matter, or thing of an offensive nature, or likely to be prejudicial to health, which may be situate in their parish or district ; and they shall cause written notice to be given to the person causing any such nuisance, or to the owner or occupier of any premises whereon the same exists, requiring him, within a time to be specified in such notice, to drain, cleanse, cover, or fill up such pond, pool, ditch, sewer, drain, or place, or to construct a proper sewer or drain for the discharge of such filth, water, matter, or thing, or to do such other works as the case may require ; and if the person to whom such notice is given fail to comply therewith, the vestry or board shall execute such works (&) as may be necessary for the abatement of such nuisance, and may recover the expenses thereby incurred from the owner of the premises in manner hereinafter mentioned : Provided always, that it shall be lawful for such vestry or board, where they think it reasonable, to defray all or any portion of such expenses, as expenses of sewerage are to be defrayed under this Act : Provided also, that where any work by any vestry or district board done or required to be done in pursuance of the provisions of this Act interferes with or prejudicially affects any ancient mill, or any right connected there- with, or other right to the use of water, full compensation shall be made to all persons sustaining damage thereby, in manner hereinafter provided (c), or it shall be lawful for the vestry or board, if they think fit, to contract for the purchase of such mill, or any such right connected therewith, or other right to the use of water ; and the provisions of this Act with respect to the purchases by the vestry or board hereinafter authorized shall be applicable to every such pur- chase as aforesaid (d). (a) As to recovery of expenses, see sections 225, 226 (i) By 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 64 (post), the vestry or district board may either execute these works themselves or proceed for penalties. An order of a court of summary jurisdiction to clean a ditch and execute struc- tural work under the Public Health Act, 1875, runs from the date of the decision and not of the service of the order ; R. v. Barnet Rural Sanitary Authority, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 358; and see R. \. St. Allan's Rural Sanitary Authority, 41 J. P. 6. See the power conferred upon the local authority by the 22nd section of the Nuisances Removal Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 121, to lay down a sewer where any ditch, &c., is a nuisance and not necessarily in the old line of watercourse ; Earl of Derby v. Bury Improvement Commis- sioners, L. R. 3 Ex. 121, cited in note to section 69, ante. (c) See sections 225, 226. (d) It was laid down by the Master of the Rolls in Stainton v. Woolrych, Stainton v. Metropolitan Board of Works and the Lewisham District Board of Works, 26 L. J. Ch. 300, that the corresponding proviso in the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, s. 50, was not limited to the previous part of that section, but that it extended to any work done 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 8790. 47 87. It shall be lawful for any vestry or district board, where they Section 87. think fit, to cause the ditches at the sides of or across public roads ~~~ and byeways and public footways (e) to be filled up, and to substi- owe . r to tute pipe or other drains alongside or across such roads and ways, ^strict ar with appropriate shoots and means of conveying water from such Boards to fill roads and ways thereinto, and from time to time to repair and amend ditches the same ; and the surface of land gained by filling up such ditches J the side may, if the vestry or board so think fit and direct, be thrown into O f roa ds, and such roads and ways, and be repairable as part thereof, and be under substitute the control of the surveyors of tLe highways, or other person in charge pipes. of such roads, byeways, or footways. 88. It shall be lawful for every vestry and district board to provide Power to and maintain urinals, waterclosets, privies, and like conveniences, vestries in situations where they deem such accommodation to be required, and district and to supply the same with water, and to defray the expense thereof, board to and any damage occasioned to any person by the erection thereof, and provide the expense of keeping the same in good order, as expenses of sewer- P u " nc con ' age, are to be defrayed under this Act. . veniences (/). 89. If any vestry or district board desire to transfer to the metro- Vestries and politan board of works the powers and duties vested in such vestry district or district board in relation to sewerage and drainage, and a resolu- boards ma J. tion for so transferring such powers and duties be passed by a majority at a meeting of such vestry or district board, specially con- P wers as vened for the purpose of considering the question of such transfer, of thT^etropo- which not less than fourteen days' notice shall have been given, and jj aQ k oar d at which there shall be present not less than two-thirds of the whole Q f wor ]j s fg\ number of such vestry or board, then such powers and duties, and all sewers and property vested in such vestry or board under this Act, for the purposes of or in connexion with such powers and duties, shall, at the expiration of one month after notice from such vestry or board shall have been given under their seal to the said metropolitan board of such resolution having been passed as aforesaid, become vested in the said metropolitan board, and the provisions of this Act for defraying expenses incurred by such board in the execution of this Act shall extend to expenses incurred by them in the execution of the powers and duties so transferred to them. 90. All the duties, powers, and authorities for or in relation to the All powers paving, lighting, watering, cleansing, or improving of any parish relating to or required to be done under the provisions of the Metropolitan Sewers Act. But that cannot be so under this enactment, as it only applies to vestries and district boards, and does not include the metropolitan board. (e) A local board empowered by a local Act to cause offensive ditches at the side of or crossing public roads, &c., to be covered, and to substitute pipe or other drains, were held to have no right to remove posts and rails, and cover a ditch fenced oft' from the highway ; Tutin v. Local Board of West Ham, 8 Cox. Mag. Ca. 194 ; 8 L. R. C. P. 447. (/) An interlocutory injunction against the proposed erection of a urinal in Grosvenor Place, adjacent to the wall of Buckingham Palace, was granted by one of the Vice-Chancellors, but dissolved on appeal to the Lords Jus- tices; SiddulpJt v. Vestry of St. George's Hanover Square, 33 L. J. Ch. 411. (g) By the 28th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, these powers are not to be transferred without the previous consent in writing of the metropolitan board. 48 Section 90. paving, &c. to be vested in vestries and in district boards (a). METBOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Act, or any part of such parish, now vested in any commissioners, or in any body other than the vestry of such parish, or in any officer of any commissioners or other body, and all other duties, powers, and authorities in anywise relating to the regulation, government, or concerns of any such parish or part, or of the inhabitants thereof) except such duties, powers, and authorities as relate to the affairs of the church, or the management or relief of the poor (b), or the administration of any money or other property applicable to the relief of the poor, so far as such duties, powers, and authorities relate thereto), now vested under any local Act of parliament (c) in any commissioners, or in any body other (a) By 25 & 26 Yict. c. 102, s. 73, post, Appendix, certain provisions of the General Paving Act, 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, are extended to the metropolis. The 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 101, post, enables vestries and district boards to put an end to any powers of appointment of inspectors of weights and measures existing under any local Acts in their parishes or districts. But that section is repealed by the Weights and Measures Act, 1878, and see substituted provision in section 55 of that Act. The 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. I, post, provides, that where the power of making church rates was vested in an open vestry, or in any meeting in the nature of an open vestry meeting, such power shall not be deemed to have become vested in the vestry consti- tuted under this Act, and the second section saves the rights of any such open vestry or meeting to make church rates (see now 31 & 32 Viet. c. 109, for the abolition of compulsory church rates), or other powers vested in them, or any elected or other vestry, when such vestry or meeting acts ex- clusively in any district created for ecclesiastical purposes. Section 3 of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, declares that save as thereinbefore otherwise provided, all the duties, &c. (including such as relate to the affairs of the church, or the management or relief of the poor, &c.), shall be deemed to have become transferred to the vestries, &c., constituted under this Act, &c., except duties and powers relating to the affairs of the church, &c., vested in guar- dians, governors, &c. See Carter v. Cropley, cited in note to section 3 of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, post. The power of making a rate under a local Act for payment of the rector's stipend and other objects, was held to be trans- ferred by this enactment to the vestry under this Act ; R. v. Stretfield, 32 L. J. M. C. 236. The obligation to light the half of Vauxhall Bridge, in the parish of Lambeth, was decided to have been transferred from commissioners under a local Act to the vestry of Lambeth by this and the 93rd sections ; .2. v. Vestry of Lambeth, 3 B. & S. 1. The description " Tower, District of" in Schedule B. to this Act sufficiently designates the area both of the " Old Tower Without" and " Great Tower Hill," and the powers and obligation to pave Tower Hill were held to be transferred from trustees under a local Act to the Whitechapel District Board ; E. v. Trustees of Tower Hill, 30 J. P. 506 Q. B. (b) See B. v. Local Government Board, L. R. 9Q. B. 148, as to compen- sation to a solicitor who was employed by trustees whose powers, except those relating to the church, &c , were transferred to the vestry under this Act, and was subsequently deprived of his office by the operation of the Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867. (c) See the 247th section, enacting that all Acts of parliament in force in any parish, &c., to which this Act extends, shall, so far as the same are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be repealed as regards such parish, &c. See a return made to the House of Commons on the motion of Sir B. Hall, relating to the paving, cleansing, lighting, &c., of each parish and extra-parochial place within the city of Westminster, the borough of Marylebone, &c.,and other places included in the weekly bills of mortality; P. P. 127 (ordered to be printed 15th March, 1855.) The return, so far as it extends, shows the parishes to which the Metropolitan General Paving 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 9092. 49 than the vestry of such parish, or in any such officer, shall cease to be Section 90. o vested, and shall, save as herein otherwise provided, become vested in and be performed and exercised by the vestry of such parish under this Act ; and all the duties, powers, and authorities for or in relation to the paving, lighting, watering, cleansing, or improv- ing of any parish included in any district mentioned in schedule (B.) to this Act, or any part of such parish, now vested in any commis- sioners, vestry, or other body, or in any officer of any commissioners or other body, and all other duties, powers, and authorities in any- wise relating to the regulation, government, or concerns of any such parish, or part, or of the inhabitants thereof (except such duties, powers, and authorities as relate to the affairs of the church, or the management or relief of the poor, or the administration of any money or other property applicable to the relief of the poor, so far as such duties, powers, and authorities relate thereto), now vested under any local Act of parliament in any commissioners, vestry, or other body, or in any such officer, shall cease to be so vested, and shall, save as herein otherwise provided, become vested in and be performed and exercised \)y the board of works for such district ; and the provisions of every such Act of parliament as aforesaid shall be applicable to the vestry of every parish mentioned in the said schedule (A.) and to every such district board accordingly, and the offices of all commis- sioners and persons whose powers are determined by this Act shall cease and be determined, and there shall be no new appointment or election to any such office. 91. Provided always, that, save as regards the appointment of Saving as to auditors, nothing in this Act shall divest the vestry of any parish, or baths and any commissioners or burial board appointed by any vestry, of any washhouses, powers or property vested in them respectively under the provisions metropolitan of the Act of the session holden in the ninth and tenth years of Her burials, roar- Majesty, chapter seventy-four, or any Act amending the same, or ** ts . and under the provisions of the Act of the session holden in the fifteenth an table and sixteenth years of Her Majesty, chapter eighty-five, or any Act tr amending the same, or in anywise affect the provisions of any of the said Acts (d) ; and nothing in this Act shall extend to or affect any rights, privileges, powers, or authorities vested in any persons in reference to any market, or any powers or rights for or in relation to the administration of any charitable trusts, save that any powers or rights in relation to any such trusts vested or which would have become vested in the existing vestry of any parish shall be vested in the vestry of such parish as constituted by this Act. 92. Provided also, that all expenses of paving, lighting, watering, Expenses cleansing, or improving any parish or any part of any parish men- incurred tioned in either of the schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act, and all ? nder exist ' other expenses in relation to the regulation, government, or piiblic in & P wer s concerns of any such parish or part, or of the inhabitants thereof relatm ? to Act, 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, the Lighting and Watching Act, 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90 or local Acts apply, and other particulars ; and see Index to the public and private statutes, from 41 Geo. 3 to 22 Viet., part 2, containing local and personal, local and private Acts, compiled by order of the select committee on the library of the House of Lords. (d) See 15 & 16 Viet. c. 85, an Act to amend the laws concerning the burial of the dead in the metropolis, amended by 16 & 17 Viet. c. 134, and 20 & 21 Viet. c. 35. 50 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 92. except only expenses incurred in relation to the affairs of the church, or for the management or relief of the poor, and other expenses by paving, &c., la\y payable out of any poor rate, which are not herein provided for, to be deemed ,^1 be deemed expenses incurred in the execution of this Act, and euSTn" 1 8haU be defra y ed accords 1 )' () execution of this Act. 93. All property, matters, and things whatsoever vested in such As to the commissioners or other body, or in any such officer as aforesaid, under transfer of anv suc ^- ^ c *> * n connex i n with any such duties or powers as afore- property said, hereby transferred to the vestry of any parish or the board of works for any district, shall upon the commencement of this Act be vested in such vestry or board ; and where any such property, matters, or things are vested in any such commissioners or body, or officer, acting for parts extending beyond such parish or district, the metro- politan board of works shall by their order declare in what vestry or district board they shall be vested, and may, if they see fit, appor- tion (6) the same between the vestries and district boards within whose respective districts and parishes such parts may be situate, and the same shall be vested accordingly ; and any money in the posses- sion of any such commissioners or other body, or any such officer, which becomes vested in any such vestry or board under this enact- ment, and the income of any other such property, until sold or dis- posed of, shall be applicable, as nearly as may be, for the like pur- poses as if this Act had not been passed. Existing 94. Provided always, that all contracts (c), agreements, bonds, contracts, ^ covenants, or securities (d) made or entered into with or in favour of &c., to remain or by suc h commissioners or body, or any person in their behalf, or valid. anv suc } 1 omcer as aforesaid, before the commencement of this Act, shall remain as valid and effectual and be proceeded on and enforced as if this Act had not been passed ; and no action, suit, prosecution, or proceeding commenced or carried on by or against such commis- sioners or body or any of them respectively shall abate or be discon- (a) The provisions for defraying these expenses are contained in the 158th and following sections. (b) It^appears by the annual report of the Metropolitan Board of Works, dated the 30th June, 1857, and presented to parliament, that under this provision, and the 180th section, the board had made orders effecting apportionments of assets, debts, and liabilities in the case of the Foundling Estate affecting the parishes of St. Pancras, St. George, Bloomshury, and St. George the Martyr, and of the Commercial-road trust, in which the parishes and hamlets of St. George the East, Mile-end Old-town, Limehouse, Katcliff, and Poplar were interested. The apportionments referred to in that report relating to the Ratcliff trust, the Goswell-strect trust, the Clapham lighting trust, and the St. George's pavement commission have also since been completed. (c) An action commenced after the Act came into operation, upon a contract for cleansing entered into before its passing with trustees under a local Act for a parish within schedule (B.), was held to be correctly brought against the new body, as the parties having control of the funds ulti- mately liable to the payment ; Sinnott v. The Commissioners for Works for the Whitechapel District, 27 L. J. C. P. 177. See action on a bond given by the Corporation of London previously to the passing of the Thames Conservancy Act, Brown v. Mayor, fyc., of London, 31 L. J. Ch. 280. (d) See provisions for discharging existing liabilities under Acts relating to paving, &c., section 180, and cases referred to in note to that section. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 9496. 51 tinued or prejudicially affected by this Act, but shall continue and Section 94. take effect as if this Act had not been passed ; and all moneys coming to such commissioners or body under any such contract, agree- ment, bond, covenant, security, action, suit, or proceeding, and which would have been applicable by them if this Act had not been passed for the purposes of any of the duties or powers hereby transferred to any vestry or district board, shall be paid over to such vestry or board, or as they may direct, and be applied for the like purposes ; and all moneys and liabilities which such commissioners or body, or officer, would have been liable to pay or discharge, under any such contract, agreement, bond, covenant, security, action, suit, or proceed- ing, out of any rates to be levied under any such powers as aforesaid, if this Act had not been passed, and all costs, damages, and expenses which such commissioners or body, or any of them respectively, might, if this Act had not been passed, have legally defrayed out of any such rates, shall be paid out of rates to be levied by such vestry or board as hereinafter provided. 95. Where, under the provisions of any local Act in relation to the Existing paving, lighting, watering, cleansing, or improving of any parish commis- mentioned in either of the schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act, or any sioners, &c., part of any such parish, any election or appointment of any commis- under local sioners or persons whose powers are determined by this Act is Acts con- appointed to take place at any time between the time of the passing tinned in of this Act and the time appointed for the commencement thereof, office until the commissioners or persons now acting under such local Act shall commence- remain in office, and perform and exercise all the duties, powers, and men t i this authorities of such Act, until the commencement of this Act, any- c *' thing in such local Act to the contrary notwithstanding. 96. Every vestry and district board shall, within their parish or Powers and district (exclusively of any other persons whatsoever), execute the duties of office of and be surveyor of highways, and have all such powers, surveyors of authorities, and duties, and be subject to all such liabilities as any highways, surveyor of highways in England is now or may hereafter be invested an d property with or liable to by virtue of his office, under the laws for the time vested in being in force (e), so far as such powers, authorities, duties, and them, trans- re) See 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, Highway Act, 1835, 4 & 5 Viet. c. 51, 8 & 9 Viet. c. 71, and 13 & 14 Viet. c. 99. The 25 & 26 Viet. c. 61, High- way Act, 1862 (amended by 27 & 28 Viet. c. 101), enacts that there shall not be included in any highway district, in pursuance of that Act, any parish or place within the limits of the metropolis denned by the Metro- polis Management Act, 1855. By 41 & 42 Viet. c. 77, Highway and Locomotives (Amendment) Act, 1878, s. 2, the Act shall not, save as thereby expressly provided, apply to any part of the metropolis. The second part of that Act amending the Locomotives Acts, 1861 and 1865, confers powers on the corporation of London and the metropolitan board in relation to locomotives. A surveyor of highways appointed under 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, was held not liable for damages arising from the non-repair of a highway ; Young v. Davis, 31 L. J. Ex. 250, and as to non-liability of a surveyor of county bridges ; McKinnon v. Simon, 9 Ex. 609. The common law liability of a parish to repair its highways is not trans- ferred to vestries by the operation of this Act, and no action lies against a vestry for damage arising from the non-repair of a highway ; Parsons v. Vestry of Bethnal Green, 37 L. J. C. P. 62, in accordance with Young v. E 2 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 96. liabilities are not inconsistent with this Act ; "but all expenses which under any such law ought to be defrayed by highway rates shall , be defrayed by means of the rates to be" raised under this Act, and ^ a11 mone y s which would be applicable in aid of such highway rates ferred to district boards. Davis, supra. NOT against a local board constituted by the Public Health Act; Gibson v. Mayor of Preston, L. R. 5 Q. B. 218, and see White v. Local Board of Hindley, L. R. 10 Q. B. 219, There is no liability on a vestry under this Act for nonfeasance, per Lush, J., in Guardians of Hoi- born 'Union v. St. Leonard's Shoreditch, 41 J. P. 38. But a local board are liable for damage caused by the negligence of one of their servants ; Foreman v. Mayor of Canterbury, 40 L. J. Q. B. 138; L. R. 6 Q. B. 214, contrary to Holliday v. Vestry of St. Leonard Shoreditch, 30 L. J. C. P. 361, which decision was said by Blackburn, J., to have been virtually overruled since the case of the Mersey Docks Co. v. Penhallow, L. R. 1 E. & Ir. App. 93, where it was held on appeal from the Ex. Ch. that trustees empowered by statute to levy tolls, but not deriving any personal benefit are liable in their corporate capacity for damage occasioned by the default of their servants; Parnabyv. Lancaster Canal Co., 11 A. & E. 223, approved of. Certain observations of Lord Cottenham in Duncan v. Find- later, 6 Cl. & F. 894, were dissented from. So also drainage commis- sioners, bound to maintain a sluice, were held not exempted from liability for the negligent performance of that duty by their servants, by reason of their being commissioners for public purposes ; Coe v. Wise, L. R. 1 Q. B. 711. And a body empowered to maintain a towing path and take tolls for the benefit of the public only, were held liable for damage caused by the neglect of that duty ; Winch v. Conservators of Thames, 41 L. J. C. P. 241. And see action for damage from non-repair of a footpath against the com- missioners under a Local Improvement Act incorporating Towns Improve- ment Clauses Act, 1847, and thereby made liable to an indictment for neglect ; Hartnell v. Ryde Improvement Commissioners, 4 B. & S, 361. A local board of health, were held liable for damage arising from the non- repair of a grid part of a sewer, not as surveyors of highways but as owners of the grid ; White v. Hindley Local Board, L. R. 10 Q. B. 219. And see Smith v. West Derby Local Board, L. R. 3 C. P. D. (C.A.) 423, where a local board of health surveyors of highway, and a sewer authority em- ployed a contractor to construct a pipe sewer under a highway, under the superintendence of their surveyor, and the plaintiff's horse was damaged by subsequent subsidence, the board was held liable in an action on the ground that the evidence showed that the work was improperly constructed ; and as to liability for damage from neglect of the duty to fence footpaths imposed by the Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1847 ; Ohrby v. Ryde Commis- sioners, 33 L. J. Q. B. 296. See order of a police magistrate to repair a bridge on the expiration of a turnpike trust ; London Chatham and Dover Railway Co. v. Wandsworth District Board of Works, 42 L. J. M. C. 70. Where a surveyor of highways, appointed by a vestry, lets the work to a contractor and does not personally interfere, he is not responsible for damage occasioned by the negligence of the contractor ; Taylor v. Gh-eenhalgh, L. R. 9 Q. B. 487, but otherwise where he contracts for part of the work only ; Pindlebury v. Greenhalgh (on appeal from Q. B.), L. R. 1 C. A. 37 ; and see Reid v. Darlington Highway Board, 41 J. P. 581 Q. B. Where a work is in course of execution from which danger may arise to others, the party ordering the work is bound to take measures for prevent- ing damage to others, and he cannot divest himself of his liability by trans- ferring the duty to a contractor; Gray v. Pullen, 5 B. & S. 970, 981, and see Sower v. Peate, 40 J. P. 789, and Pickard v. Smith, 10 C. B. (N.S.) 470. Where it is said that " if an independent contractor is employed to do a lawful act ; and in the course of his work he or his servants commit some casual act of wrong or negligence, the principal is not liable, but in this 18 & 19 VICT. c. 1'20, s. 96. 53 shall be applied in aid of the said rates to be raised under this Act, Section 96. and no sucn vestry or board shall be subject to any provisions con- case the act occasioning the injury is one which the contractor was employed to do." See observations of Field, J., in Sower v. Peate supra. See action against a surveyor of a highway board committing a trespass by order of the board on a disputed highway ; Mill v. Hawker, 10 Cox. Mag. Ca. 147 ; 43 L J. Ex. 129 ; 44 L. J. Ex. 49. In a certificate of justices for stopping up a highway within the metro- polis under the General Highway Act, the justices are not called upon to state any of the preliminary matters required by section 84 of the Act ; Harvey v. Vestry of Bethnal Green, 39 J. P. 262, and see observation of Mr. Justice Blackburn, that he did not proceed on the ground of any distinction between a country and a metropolitan vestry. A parish was held not liable to be convicted on an indictment for the non-repair of a sea wall washed away by the sea over which there was an alleged road; S. v. St. Paul, 2 M. & R. 307, and see E. v. Severn and Wye Railway Co., 2 B. & A. 646. A landslip from the encroachment of the sea was determined to be not such a destruction of the highway as to exempt the parish from its liability to repair ; E. v. Greenhow, L. R. 1 Q. B. 703 ; as to implied extinction of right of way by statute, refer to Corporation of Yarmouth v. Simmons, L. R. 10 Ch. D. 511. A metropolitan vestry was held liable to repair the flagstones forming the covering of a cellar and used for passage by the public ; Hamilton v. Vestry St. George's Hanover Square, 43 L. J. M. C. 41. Where access to a road at either end was impossible in consequence of roads leading to it having been legally stopped up, it ceases to be a high- way ; Bailey v. Jamieson, L. R. 1 C. P. D. 329. The public have a primd facie right of passage over the whole road j S,. v. Electric Telegraph Co., 31 L. J. M. C. 166. But there may be a partial dedication of a way ; Le Neve v. Vestry of Mile End Old Town, 27 L. J. Q. B. 208, and see Fisher v. Prowse, 31 L. J. Q. B. 212. There cannot be a qualified dedication subject to the power of resumption ; Barraclough v. Sheppard, 8 A. & E. 99. There may be a dedication of a road for a limited purpose, but not for a limited portion of the public; Poole v. Huskinson, 11 M. &. W. 827, and see Vestry of Bermondsey v. Brown, L. R. 1 Eq. 204; 30 J. P. 118. The same evidence of user will raise the presumption of a right of way for the public along a river wall, as in every other case of uninterrupted user ; District Board of Greenwich v. Maudslay, L. R. 5 Q. B. 397. Where the owner and occupier of premises conveyed goods therefrom across a flagged foot pavement and crushed the paving stones, he could not under the circumstances be convicted under 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 52, s. 72, for a nuisance, as the owner of land dedicated to the public may enjoy all rights consistent with the dedication ; Vestry of Newington v. Jacobs, 41 L. J. M. C. 72. It is a nuisance to plough up a common footpath ; JR. v. Cross, 3 Campb. 226, but there may be a qualified dedication of a way subject to such right ; Mercer v. Woodgate, 39 L. J. M. C. 21. See presumption of a dedication of a street subject to the right of having a cellar flap in it; Fisher v. Prowse, 2 B. & S. 770, and a right of occupier to have steps leading to his house; Cooper v. Walker, ibid., and see Rollins v. Jones, 15 C. B. (N.S.) 221 ; as to a right of way across a field subject to the right of ploughing it up periodically, see Mercer v. Woodgate, supra, Arnold v. Blackett, L. R. 6 Q. B. 433, and refer to Arnold v. Holbrooh, L. R. 8 Q. B. 96; Brackenbury v. Thoresby, 33 J. P. 565, and Rankin v. Forbes, 34 J. P. In Gerring v. Barker, 28 J. P. 615, it was held that there was no evidence of user justifying an innkeeper in putting vehicles on market days on ground forming part of a highway. 54 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 96. cerning the accounts of surveyors of highways, or requiring any ' returns to be made to any special sessions ; and all streets being high- ways (a), and the pavements, stones, and other materials thereof, and all other things provided for the purposes thereof by any surveyor of highways, or by any person serving the office of surveyor of high- ways, or by any vestry or district board under this Act, shall vest in (6) and be under the management and control of the vestry or dis- trict board of the parish or district in which such highways are situate. Although there is no common law right of towing along the bank of a navigable river, there may be a limited dedication to the public for that purpose; Winch v. Thames Conservators, 41 L. J. C. P. 241. (a) A street which has been dedicated and used, but has not been repair- able by the parish in manner provided by 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, may never- theless still be a highway ; Roberts \. Hurst, 15 Q. B. 17 ; and see R. v. Dayman, 26 L. J. M. C. 129. (6) Where a railway company was empowered for public convenience to widen a bridge over a" lane, but their compulsory powers had expired, the Court of Chancery refused to interfere by injunction at the instance of the district board ; for though the soil of the lane was said to be vested in the board, it was for the convenience of the public, and the inconvenience to the public from the works would be little or none ; Board of Works of Wandsworth District v. London and South Western Railway Co., 8 Jur. (N.s.) 691. Ordinarily the freehold of the highway belongs to the owner of the freehold of the soil ; Sir John Lade v. Shepherd, 2 Str. 1004, who is entitled to all trees upon it and mines under it ; 1 Burr. 143 ; and may bring trespass or ejectment ; Stevens v. Whistler, 11 East. 51 ; and ordi- narily the soil of a turnpike road does not vest in turnpike trustees; Damson v. Gill, 1 East. 69. The owner of the soil of a public way was held entitled to an injunction to restrain a stranger from laying down pipes there ; Goodson v Richardson, L. R. 9 Ch. 221. The right of the owner of land abutting' on a highway ad medium filum vice, is founded on a presumption existing only in the absence of evidence of actual ownership ; Beckett v. Corporation of Leeds, L. R. 7 Ch. 421. The meaning of the word " vested " in a sanitary provision under the Public Health Act came under the incidental notice of the Master of the Rolls in Bag- shaw v. Buxton Local Board of Health, L. R. 1 Ch. D. 220, where he uses the expression " vested sub modo, not giving the highway board necessarily a right to the soil." But it was decided in Coverdale v. Charlton, L. R. 3 Q. B. D. 376, that the " vesting" meant by the 149th section of the Public Health Act, 1875, was an actual vesting of the property in the lane, not merely of user and control for highway purposes, and see cases referred to in note to sections 68, 69, ante. See case of Coverdale v. Charlton (affirmed on appeal), 43 J. P. 268, and observations of Lord Justices Bramwell and Brett, to the effect that the " vesting " meant is for the purpose of doing what is usually and necessarily done underneath a street. A wall was held an obstruction within the meaning of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1867, sections 69, 70, whatever the width of the unen- closed part, and the High Court of Justice had jurisdiction to determine whether the ground on which the wall stood was or was not part of the highway; and see observations of the Master of the Rolls as to the rights of surveyors and others for the prevention of nuisances ; Bagshaw v. Buxton Local Board oj Health, L. R., Ch. D. 229. The Highways and Locomotives (Amendment) Act, 1878, section 27, enacts that notwithstanding anything in the Public Health Acts, 1848 and 1875, all mines and minerals of any description whatsoever under any disturnpiked road or highway which has or shall become vested in an urban sanitary authority by virtue of the sections referred to shall belong to the person who would be entitled thereto in case such road or highway had not become so vested. A conviction under the 69th section of 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, was held a 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 97. 55 97. Provided always, that all rates made previously to the com- Section 97. mencement of this Act for defraying the expenses of executing any .T~ duties, powers, and authorities hereby transferred to any vestry or ^ rov | sion as already i in parish __ not been passed (c), and, subject to the payment or retainer thereout schedule (A ) of any sum or expenses lawfully payable out of such respective rates, shall, where such rates are levied in a parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Act, be accounted for and paid over to the vestry of such parish, and shall, where levied in any other parish, be accounted for and paid over to the board of works for the district in which such parish is comprised, and shall in every case be applied in aid of the rates to be raised for the like purposes under this Act in the particular parish or part in which the said rates so made previously to the com- mencement of this Act are levied. defence to a surveyor's pulling down a house pursuant to it, although the conviction was wrongful ; Keane \. Reynolds, 2 E. & B. 748. It was decided in Denny v. Thwaites, L.^R. 2 Ex. D. (C.A.) 21, that a high- way surveyor bond fide taking up drain pipes was not guilty of malicious damage under 24 & 25 Viet. c. 97, s. 52. As to driving cattle through the streets on a Sunday in alleged contraven- tion of a local Act for the parish of Islington, see Triggs v. Lester, 30 J. P. 228. In a proceeding for a penalty for encroachment on a highway hy a building contrary to the 51st section of 27 & 28 Viet. c. 101, the six month's limita- tion in Jervis' Act runs from the completion of the building ; Coggins v. Bennett, L. R. 2 C. P. D. 568, The term "owner" as employed in section 65 of Highway Act, 1835, means the actual occupier of the land whether he be the owner or merely tenant from year to year ; Woodard v. Billericay Highway Board, 43 J. P. 224. . To maintain an action for the obstruction of a highway, the plaintiff must have sustained thereby a special damage apart from the rest of the public ; Winterbottom v. Earl of Derby, 31 J. P. 568, 36 L. J. 194, and 870, Benjamin v. Storr, 43 L. J. C. P. 162 ; Bateman v. Bluck, 18 Q. B., and see Mayor of Colchester v. Brooke, 7 Q. B. 339. It is an indictable nuisance to dig trenches in a highway without parlia- mentary power ; R. v. Langton Gas Co., 2 E. & E. 651, and see R. v. Train, 2 B. & S. 640 ; R. v. Electric Telegraph Co., 31 L. J. M. C. 166. An injunction to restrain a borough corporation from excavating a parish road in order to lay down sewers was refused ; Taylor v. Corporation of Old- ham, L. R. 4 Ch. D. 200. A license by a local board to repair a highway in consideration of an annual payment was held valid ; Edgeioare Highway Board v. Harrow Gas Co., 44 L. J. Q. B. 1. There cannot be a legal custom to put up stalls for the sale of refresh- ments on a highway at statute sessions, and the person erecting such is liable to be convicted under the 72nd section of General Highway Act; Simpson v. Webb, 41 L. J. M. C. 105. Where the jury found an encroachment on a highway to be inappre- ciable, a verdict of not guilty was held justifiable; R. v. Lepine, 33 J. P. 723. Letting trees grow over a highway causing obstruction held not a wilfully obstructing under section 72 of General Highway Act ; Walker v. Harner, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 4 ; and as to rain drip from eaves ; see Crossdill v. Ratcliff, 26 J. P. 807 See 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 71, post, as to transfer of property of surveyors of highways to vestries and district boards, and as to payment to them of income of estates subject to trusts for repair of highways. (f) The arrears must be collected by the new vestry ; R. v. Ingham, 20 J. P. 772. 56 Section 98. Vestry or district board to cause streets to be paved. Owners METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. 98. It shall be lawful for every vestry and district board from time to time to cause all or any of the streets (a) within their parish or district, or any part thereof respectively, to be paved (6) or repaired when and as often and in such form and manner and with such materials as such vestry or board think fit, and to cause the ground or soil thereof to be raised or lowered, and the course of the channels running in, into, or through the same to be turned or altered, in such manner as they think proper, and to alter the position of any mains or pipes (c) in or under such street, such alteration to be made subject to the approval of the engineer of the company to which such mains or pipes belong. 99. Provided always, that whenever the freehold of any court,, passage, or public place, not being a thoroughfare, is vested in the owner of any adjoining house, the paving of such court, passage, or public place shall be done by such owner, if deemed expedient or necessary by the vestry or district board (d). 100. The owner of any such court, passage, or public place, not being a thoroughfare (e), shall, if required by the vestry or district board of the parish or district in which the same is situate, to the satisfac- tion 01 such vestry or district board sufficiently pave, cover the surface of, or repair the same, and lay, at a proper level, through, over, under, or along such part thereof #s such vestry or board may require, a drain, channel, or gutter, and keep such pavement or covering, and drain, channel, or gutter, in good repair, to the satis- faction of such vestry or board ; and if any such owner of any court,, passage, or public place, not being a thoroughfare, do not sufficiently pave or cover the same as aforesaid, or do not lay down therein such drain, channel, or gutter, or do not repair the same respectively, to- the satisfaction of such vestry or board, within 14 days after notice in writing requiring him so to do has been given to him by such vestry or board, every such person so offending shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding 5 (/). Vaults and 101. No vault, arch, or cellar shall be made under any street cellars under without the consent of the vestry or district board of the parish or streets not to district in which the same is situate ; and all such vaults, arches, and freehold of courts, &c. to pave the same. Owner of courts to drain them, and keep the pavement, &c., in repair. Penalty on owners for neglect. (a) By section 250 the word "street" is not to include the carriage-way of any turnpike road. The 244th section places the footpaths of turnpike roads under the management of vestries and district boards. (b) By section 112 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, the word "pave" includes the formation of the roadway or footway of any street. See, as to- the extent of the powers given to vestries, &c., by this section, R. v. Train, and others, 31 L. J. M. C. 169. Laying down a tramway is not a mode of paving within this section, Ibid. (c) See regulations as to the breaking up of pavements by companies, section 109, et seq. (d) See the 78th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to flagging footways at the cost of the occupiers of property abutting on or next to such footways; and section 77 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, as to paving new streets at cost of owners. (e) A road may be a highway, though not a thoroughfare, Bateman v. Muck, 21 L. J. Q. B. 406. (/) 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 81, post, enables the vestry, &c., in lieu of enforcing the penalty, to execute the works and recover the expenses from the owner. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 101108. 57 cellars hereafter to be made within any parish or district mentioned Section 101, in either of the schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act shall be substan- , ~r~ tially made, and so as not to interfere or communicate with any - t ma t e fh drain or sewer under the control of any vestry or district board, or of W1 ou , . f. the metropolitan board of works, without their consents respectively first obtained ; and if any vault, arch, or cellar be made contrary to this provision, it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board, or for the metropolitan board of works, to fill up or alter the same, and the expenses incurred thereby shall be paid by the owner of such vault, arch, or cellar. 102. All vaults, arches, and cellars made either before or after the Vaults, &c., commencement of this Act under any street in any parish or district under streets mentioned in either of the schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act, and to be repaired! all openings into the same in any such street, shall be repaired and by owners or kept in proper order by the owners or occupiers of the houses or occupiers, buildings to which the same respectively belong ; and in case any such vault, arch, or cellar be at any time out of repair, it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board of such parish or district to cause the same to be repaired and put into good order, and to recover the expenses thereof irom such owner in the manner hereinafter provided (h). 103. Any room of a house, the surface of the floor of which room is Provisions more than three feet below the surface of the footway of the adjoin- as to the ing street, and any cellar where such room or cellar is or has been occupation of occupied separately as a dwelling at or before the time of the passing underground of this Act, may continue to be so let or occupied if it possess the r o m8 as following requisites ; that is to say, dwellings (i). If there be an area not less than three feet wide in every part from six inches below the floor of such room or cellar to the surface or level of the ground adjoining to the front, back, or external side thereof, and extending the full length of such side ; If such area, to the extent- of at least five feet long and two feet six inches wide, be in front of the window of such room or cellar, and be opened or covered only with open iron gratings ; If there be in every such room or cellar an open fireplace, with proper flue therefrom ; If there be a window opening of at least nine superficial feet in area, which window opening must be fitted with a frame filled in with glazed sashes, of which at the least four and a half super- ficial feet must be made to open for ventilation : And no such room nor any cellar not so let or occupied as aforesaid (g) See note to section 211 as to appeal against proceedings of vestries under this provision. (h) As to recovery of expenses, see sections 225, 226. This provision applies only to cellars which are a complete construction in themselves, arched over and with roofs independent of the pavement; Hamilton v. Vestry of St. George's, Hanover Square, L. R. 9 Q. B. 42. This section does not make a landlord liable for an accident from a defective cellar-plate where the obligation to repair is by a lease cast upon the tenant. (i) The 23rd section of the Metropolitan Building Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, post, Appendix, lays down rules for the construction of habitable rooms hereafter constructed ; and the 3rd rule makes reference to the pre- sent provision. See penalties imposed by that section. 58 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 103. at or before the time of the passing of this Act shall be so let or occupied unless it possesses the following requisites ; that is to say, Unless the same be in every part thereof at least seven feet in height, measured from the floor to the ceiling thereof ; Unless the same be at least one foot of its height above the .sur- face of the footway of the street adjoining or nearest to the same ; Unless there be outside of and adjoining the same room or cellar, and extending along the entire frontage thereof and upwards, from six inches below the level of the floor thereof up to the surface of the said footway, an open area at least three feet wide in every part ; Unless the same be effectually drained and secured against the rise of effluvia from any sewer or drain ; Unless there be appurtenant to such room or cellar the use of a watercloset or privy, and an ashpit, furnished with proper doors and coverings kept and provided according to the provisions of this Act ; Unless the same have a fireplace with a proper chimney or flue ; Unless the same have an external glazed window of at least nine superficial feet in area clear of the frame, and made to open in such manner as is approved by the surveyor of the metro- politan board of works : Provided always, that in any area adjoining a room or cellar there may be placed steps necessary for access to such room or cellar, and over or across any such area there may be steps necessary for acccess to any building above the room or cellar to which such area adjoins, if the steps in such respective cases be so placed as not to be over or across any such external window : And whosoever lets, occupies, or continues to let, or knowingly suffers to be occupied, any room or cellar contrary to this Act, shall be liable for every such offence to a penalty not exceeding 20s. for every day during which the same continues to be so let or occupied ; and every room or cellar in which any person passes the night shall be deemed to be occupied as a dwelling within the meaning of this Act : and every district surveyor acting under the Act of the session holden in the seventh and eighth years of Her Majesty, chapter eighty-four, or under any Act repealing or amending the same, shall, without any fee or reward, report (a) periodically, and otherwise, as the said metropolitan board may order, to such board all cases in which rooms or cellars are occupied contrary to this enactment in the district of such surveyor, and also to the respective vestries and dis- trict boards all such cases occurring within such parts of his district as may be within their respective parishes and districts ; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to disable other persons from enforcing this enactment, and taking proceedings for penalties there- under. Power to dis- 1^- For tne purpose of enforcing the enactment lastly herein- trict surveyors before contained it shall be lawful for any such district surveyor, or to enter under- for any other person, having reasonable grounds for believing that ground rooms any room or cellar is occupied contrary to such enactment, to demand and cellars. (a) See now section 62 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to reports of district surveyors on underground rooms or cellars occupied as dwellings, not built or constructed in conformity with the rules contained in this section, and as to proof of such occupation. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 104, 105. 59 admission to inspect the same at any time between nine o'clock in Section 104. the morning and six o'clock in the evening ; and if admission be not granted, any justice having jurisdiction in the place where such room If admission or cellar is situate may, on oath before him of belief that such room refused, justice or cellar is occupied contrary to the said enactment, by order under may issue an his hand authorize such district surveyor or other person to enter order (b). into and inspect such room or cellar between the hours aforesaid. 105. In case the owners of the houses (c) forming the greater part of Provisions for any new street (d) laid out or made, or hereafter to be laid out or paving new cfv*U3atc (5) Where justices declined to make an order of entry on lands, under Public Health Act, 1875, s. 305, held they had no power to state a case under 20 & 21 Viet. c. 43 ; District Sanitary Authorities v. Aldrich, 41 J. P. 549. (c) By the 77th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, owners of land are made liable to contribute to the expenses mentioned in this section. It will be convenient to set out the section here, and at the same time to refer to the cases which have arisen under it. It is in the following terms : " Where any vestry or district board shall, under the powers given by section 105 of the firstly-recited Act, have paved or be about to pave any new street, the owners of the land bounding or abutting on such street shall be liable to contribute to the expenses or estimated expenses of paving the same, as well as the owners of houses therein, provided that it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board to charge the owners of land in a less proportion than the owners of house property, should they deem it just and expedient so to do; and any such cost or expenses, including the cost of paving at the points of intersection of streets and all other inci- dental costs and charges, shall be apportioned by the vestry or board, and shall be recoverable either before the work shall be commenced, or during its progress, or after its completion ; and it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board at their discretion to accept payment of the amount appor- tioned or charged in respect of each house or premises by instalments spread over a period not exceeding twenty years, and any such amount shall be recoverable from the present or any future owner of the premises, either by action at law, or in a summary manner before a justice of the peace, at the option of the vestry or board." (d) By 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 112, post, the expression " new street " includes all streets hereafter to be formed or laid out, and a part of any such street, and also all streets, the maintenance of the paving and roadway whereof had not, previously to the passing of this Act, been taken into charge and repaired by the commissioners, trustees, surveyors, or other authorities having control of the pavements or highways in the parish or place in which such streets are situate, and a part of any such street and also all streets partly formed or laid out. The liability to the expenses of paving new streets is by this the 105th section cast upon the owners of the houses forming such street, &c. ; and by the 77th section of the Amending Act, the liability is extended to the " owners of the land bounding or abutting on such street." The language of the 150th section of the Public Health Act, 1875, describes the parties to whom notice is to be given as " the owners or occupiers of the premises fronting, adjoining, or abutting on private streets," and the decisions on that provision threw light upon the enact- ments under consideration, and are referred to here. Where a police magistrate dismissed a summons for a share of the expense of paving a new street, on the ground that the street having been dedicated to the public before the Act, was not a " new street " within its meaning, the court (dissentiente Erie, J.) held that there had been a hear- ing and adjudication ; S. v. Dayman, 26 L. J. M. C. 128. Whether a street is a new street or not is a matter of fact for the justice to determine ; Bowles v. St. Mary's, Islington, 39 J. P., 757. (30 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 105. made, which is not paved (a) to the satisfaction of the vestry or dis- trict board of the parish or district in which such street is situate, be desirous of having the same paved, as hereinafter mentioned, or if such vestry or board deem it necessary or expedient that the same should be so paved, then and in either of such cases such vestry or board shall well and sufficiently pave the same, either throughout the whole breadth of the carriageway and footpaths thereof, or any part of such breadth, and from time to time keep such pavement in good and sufficient repair (6) ; and the owners (c) of the houses (d) forming such street shall, on demand, pay to such vestry or board the amount A country lane repaired by the parish time out of mind becomes a " new street" within the Metropolis Management Acts, when houses are built on the sides of the lane ; and the words " land bounding or abutting on such street " include the soil of private roads leading out of a new street ; Pound v. Plumstead Board of Works ; Lord Northbrook v. Plumstead Board of Works, L. R. 7, Q. B. 183. And the expression " new street " is not confined to streets dedicated to the public ; therefore, where the vestry paved the carriage-way of a road which had not been dedicated, the owners of the houses on either side were held liable to the expenses as it was a new street within section 112 of the Amending Act, 1862 ; Vestry of Islington v. Barrett L. R. 9, Q. B. 278. A bridge over a railway was decided to be a new street within the Metro- polis Management Acts ; North London Railway Company v. Islington Vestry, 8 Cox Mag. Ca. 35. Where houses in a yard communicating by a gateway with a street abutted on houses in the street, they were decided to be situate in the street and liable to a paving rate ; Baddeley v. Qingell, 1 Ex. R. 319 ; and see School Board of London v. Islington Vestry, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 55. Premises divided from a road not being a highway by a small stream, held under the Public Health Act, 1848, to be fronting and abutting on a street ; WakefieU Local Board of Health v. Lee, L. R. 1 Ex. D. (C.A.) 336. In a proceeding before justices, taken to recover expenses of paving under the Public Health Act, it was held competent for the owner to show that the street was a highway, repairable by the parish ; Hesketh v. Local Board of Health of Atherton, L. R. 9 Q. B. 4; and see E. v. Livesey, 20 L. T. (N.S.) 470; and Nisbett v. Greenwich District Board, 39 J. P. 582. (a) See definition of "pave," 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 112. (5) Subsequent repairs to a road must be done at the expense of the vestry, whether it has become a highway or not ; B. v. Hackney District Board, L. R. 8 Q. B. 528. Where the cost of paving a new street had been charged on the general rate, the court ordered the board to restore the amount to the general rate and levy it on owners of house and lands adjoining ; Attorney- General v. Wandsworth District Board, L. R. 6 Ch. D. 539; and see Drydenv. Overseers of Putney, L. R. 1 Ex. D., (C. A.) 223. (c) A trustee of a school for poor children was held liable to the expense of paving, &c., a private street as owner under Public Health Act, 1848; Bowditch v. Wakefield Board of Health, L. R. 6 Q. B. 567. As to liability of owners of premises abutting on a lane not a thorough- fare used for many years as an access to houses; Dodd v. Vestry of St. Pancras, 34 J. P. 517. Where certain land belonging to a railway company, including the slope of an embankment, abutted on a new street paved by the vestry, the railway company were held liable to contribute to the paving as owners of "land;" Higgins v. Harding, L. R. 8 Q. B. 7. A church built on land conveyed to commissioners for building additional churches, is neither a house nor land under this or the 77th section of the 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 105. 61 of the estimated expenses of providing and laying such pavement Section 105. (such amount to be determined by the surveyor for the time being of the vestry or board) (e) ; and in case such estimated expenses exceed the actual expenses of such paving, then the difference between such Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862; Angell v. Vestry of Paddington, L, R. 3 Q. B. 714. As to non-liability to these expenses of the owner in fee of land let for building purposes within this and the Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862; see Lady Holland v. Kensington Vestry, L. R. 2 C. P. 565. Where the owners of land sold for building purposes, made roads across them, and dedicated them to the public, they were held improperly charged with the expense of paving them, as they were not " owners " within these Acts; Plumstead Board of Works v. British Land Company, L. R. 10 Q. B. 203, reversing the judgment of the Q. B. and Northbrook v. Plum- stead, supra, was distinguished. The vestry are the sole judges of the expediency of paving a new street, and the apportionment of their surveyor cannot be questioned before the magistrate ; Vestry of Chelsea v. Evans, 34 J. P. 404 ; Nesbitt v. District Board of Greemoich, L. R 10 Q. B. 465. An apportionment of the expenses on the owners of the houses on one side only of the street is bad ; Vestry of Mile End v. Guardians of Whitechapel Union, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. (C.A.) 680. Where a district board resolved that a whole road should be repaired, and the work was executed in sections, and the expenses were divided amongst the owners of the sections separately, the apportionment was held invalid ; Whitchurch v. Fulham District Board, L. R. 1 Q. B. 233. As to what are lawful expenses, refer to Poplar District Board v. Love, 8 Cox Mag. Ca. 399. As to apportionment of expenses for paving a street under the Public Health Act, 1848, according to frontage; R. v. Newport Board of Health, 3 B. & S. 341. Where a local board of health failed to recover the expenses of sewering, paving, &c., private streets, from ;the owners of the property benefited, the contractor executing the works was held entitled to recover them from the board; Worthington v. Local Board of Mosside, 2 B & S 508. Where an apportionment by a surveyor of the expenses of paving, &c., was a nullity, it was held he might make a second apportionment ; Cook \. Ipswich Local Board, L. R. 6 Q. B. 451. Covenant by tenant to pay expenses of paving new street ; Thompson v. Lapioorth, L. R. 3 C. P. 149. The apportionment of expenses apportioned under section 77 of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, may be recovered from the future owner of the premises in respect of which they are assessed, although there was no arrangement to pay by instalments; Plumstead Board of Works v. Ingoldby, L. R. 8 Ex. (Ex. Ch.) 63, 174, A judgment recovered by a vestry against a former owner of premises for these expenses remaining unsatisfied, is no answer to an action for the same expenses against the tenant of a succeeding owner ; Vestry of Bermondsey v. Ramsey, L. R. 6 C. P. 247. (d) The 77th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, makes owners of land liable to contribute to these expenses, and contains provisions for apportion- ing expenses and accepting payment by instalments. (e) It was decided before the Metropolis Local Management Amendment, Act, 1862, that no action lay at the suit of the vestry against an owner for the amount of these expenses, and they could only be recovered by a proceed- ing before justices, under the 225th section ; Vestry of St. Pancras v. Battenlury, 26 L. J. C. P. 243. See now section 77 of the Act of 1862, post. 62 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 105. estimated expenses and such actual expenses shall be repaid by the said vestry or board to the owners of houses by whom the said sum of money has been paid ; and in case the said estimated expenses be less than the actual expenses of such paving, then the owners of the said houses shall, on demand, pay to the said vestry or board such further sum of money as, together with the sum already paid, amounts to such actual expenses. Vestry or board may declare their intention of repairing any street, not being a high- way (a). Act not to authorize the making any thoroughfore without the consent of the proprietor of the estate. Vestries and district boards may place fences, &c., to foot- ways (c). 1UO. me vesiry or district uoaru 01 any j they think fit, by notice in writing put up : in their parish or district, not being a high\ tion of repairing: the same under this Act, 106. The vestry or district board of any parish or district may, if ---" > in any part of any street iway, declare their inten- tion of repairing the same under this Act, and thereupon the same shall be from time to time repaired by them under the authority of this Act : Provided (6) always, that no street shall be repaired as last aforesaid unless such notice in writing be also given to all persons interested in such street, or if within one mouth after notice in writing has been put up or given, as last aforesaid, any person in- terested in such street, or the person representing or entitled to repre- sent any person interested as aforesaid, by notice in writing to the vestry or object thereto. 107. Nothing in this Act shall extend or be construed to extend to authorize the taking down or removing any bar, gate, rail, or other fence fixed for preventing any throrogughfare into or from any square, street, or way, without the consent of the proprietor of the estate or property upon which such bar, gate, rail, or other fence, square, street, or way shall be situate. 108. It shall be lawful for every vestry and district board, from time to time, to place any posts, fences, and rails on the sides of any footways or carriageways in their parish or district, for the purposes of safety, and to prevent any carriage or cattle from going on the same, and also to place any posts or other erections in any carriage- ways so as to make the crossings thereof less dangerous for foot-pas- sengers, and also from time to time to repair and renew any such posts, rails, or fences, or to remove the same, or any other obstruction or encroachment on any carriageway or footway. (a) Where a vestry gave notice of their intention to repair a street not a highway under this (the 106th) section, and afterwards resolved to pave it under section 105, and the expenses were apportioned among the owners of houses, it was decided that the vestry were not precluded from proceeding er the second resolution, and executing the paving before the general under gen repairs ; Vestry of St. George, Southwark \. Pethebridge, 31 J. P. 279 and that it was not necessary to revoke the first resolution ; Ibid. Where a local board were authorized to recover expenses either summarily or in the county court, the six months limitation was held to apply to either proceeding; West Ham Local Board v. Maddams, 40 J. P. 470 j see also Tottenham Local Board v. Rowell, L. R. 1 Ex. D. 514. (b) This proviso is repealed by the 80th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, which introduces new provisions as to the repair of streets not being highways. (c) By section 58 of 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, the commissioners or*trustees are empowered to erect posts of wood, stone, or iron, for the preservation of the vements and prevention of accidents. Somewhat similar words in the ublic Health Act, 1848, to those contained in this section were decided to pa P 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 109. 63 109. No company or person shall break up or open the pavement, Section 109. surface or soil of any street, the paving whereof is under the control _ and management of the vestry or district board of any parish or dis- Notice to be trict, for the purpose of making and laying down any main of pipes, S lven bv or for any other purpose whatsoever, except in cases of emergency com P^ me ^ arising from defects in pipes or other works without having previously a nJ B j j 1 ^ ^ given three clear days' notice in writing to such vestry or district boards w j ieu board, stating in such notice the name of the street and the particular p avemen t & c part thereof in which such pavement, surface, or soil is intended to j s re q u i re d be broken up or opened, the day on which the work is proposed to ^ b e taken be commenced, and the time within which it will be completed ; up rrf). be permissive only, and that the board had a discretion with respect to placing posts and rails for the safety of foot passengers ; Wilson v. Mayor of Halifax, 32 J. P. 230 ; 37 L. J. Ex. 44. See as to the liability of a parish surveyor under the General Highway Act, 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, s. 24. with respect to securing horse and foot causeways ; Ellis v. Wood- bridge, 29 L. J. M. C. 183 ; and as to unfenced sewers and ditches, Cornwell v. The Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers, 19 J. P. 313, where it was held that the metropolitan commissioners of sewers were not liable for an accident in consequence of a sewer adjoining a highway within their district being unfenced. See also S. v. Whitney, 3 Ad. & Ell. 699. (d) By section 73 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, the powers of the General Paving Act, 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, for improving and regulating streets, and for the suppression of nuisances, are conferred upon vestries and district boards. That Act contains a series of provisions relative to the breaking up of pavements for the works of water and gas companies, and commis- sioners of sewers. Many of these, which extend from the 19th to the 23rd section, inclusive, are superseded by the present Act, but others are still in force. See clauses, post, Appendix. Any company or persons who take up the pavement and dig trenches in the roadway, without parliamentary power for that purpose, and the householder who authorizes such acts, are liable to be indicted for a nuisance; R. v. The Longton Gas Company, 20 L. J. M. C. 118. See a complaint by the Westminster district board against the Gaslight and Coke Company for breaking up the pavement of a street, and as to what amounted to an adjudication by the magistrate ; R. v. Paynter, 26 L. J. M. C. 102; and see further Cox v. Shef- field Gas Co., 31 D. M. & G. 304; Pudsey Gas Co. \. Corporation of Brad- ford, L. R. 15 Ex. 167 ; Dover Gas Co. v. Mayor of Dover, 1 Jur. (N.S.) 812. See Metropolis Gas Act, 1860, section 54, referred to in note to 110, infra. The Metropolitan Subways Act, 1868, empowers the metropolitan board to require companies to lay pipes in the subways referred to, and contains provisions as to the use and supervision of subways, &c. The Tramways Act, 1870, requires the consent of vestries and district boards as " road authorities " for the breaking up of roads by the promoters, and contains provisions with respect to repair, interferences with pipes, tubes, wires, &c., and as to other matters. See the Acts, post, Appendix. A license by a highway board to a gas company, is a good consideration for a permission to the board to make good a road and pay money ; Edgware. Highway Board v. Harrow Dist. Gas Co., 9 Cox Mag. Ca. 254. The Court of Chancery has no jurisdiction to restrain a company from breaking up a street to lay gas pipes in the ordinary manner ; Att.- Gen. v. Cambridge Gas Co. 38 L. J. Ch. 94. Where commissioners were empowered by a local Act passed in 1788, to lighf streets, they were held entitled to break up streets for the purpose of any improved mode of lighting, e.g., by gas ; ibid. As to notice to lay pipes, &c., where no plans had been approved ; Edge- ware Highway Board v. Colne Valley Water Co., L. R. W. N., 1877, p. 154. 64 METKOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 109. and in any such case of emergency as aforesaid such company or per- son shall, within twelve hours after they or he begin to break up or open such pavement, surface, or soil as aforesaid, give such notice as aforesaid to the said vestry or district board ; and no such pavement, soil, or surface shall be broken up or opened for the purpose of laying down any new main of pipes for the conveyance of water during any part of the months of December, January, and February, without the consent of the said vestry or district board ; and no gaslight company shall at any time break up or open any such pavement, surface, or soil for the purpose of laying down any new mains of pipes, without the consent in writing of the said ves company or person offending against such offence forfeit a sum not exce twenty-four hours after notice in writing from the vestry or district board, cause such mains of pipes to be taken up and removed, and the pavement, surface, or soil to be reinstated and put into its former state: Provided always, that any gaslight company may break up or open any such pavement, surface, or soil, for the purpose of laying down and attaching to mains and pipes already existing any new service pipes, on giving to the said vestry or district board, three days at least before so doing, notice of their intention to break up or open such pavement, surface, or soil for such purpose. the consent in writing of the said vestry or district board ; and every pany or person offending against this enactment shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding .5 (a), and shall, within Streets not to be broken up, except under the superin- tendence of vestry or board. Streets broken up to be reinstated without delay. 110. Whenever it is necessary, from any cause whatever, for any company or person t o break up or open the pavement, surface, or soil of any street, such street, and the pavement, surface, and soil thereof, shall be broken up and opened under the superintendence of the vestry or district board of the parish or district in which the same is situate, and in such manner, and as regards gas companies at such time, as they shall direct (b) ; and such company or person shall with all convenient speed complete the work on account of which the same is broken up or opened, and fill in the ground and make good (c) the pavement or surface or soil so broken up or opened, and carry away the rubbish occasioned thereby, and shall in the meantime cause the place where such pavement or surface or soil is so broken up or When a Tramway Company, opened a road for repair of a sinking, under section 28 of the Tramways Act, 1870, and the work was superin- tended by the surveyor of the vestry, the latter was held not entitled to the ex- penses of superintendence ; Vestry of St. Luke's v. N. Metropolitan Tram- way Co.,L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 760. A railway company was held entitled under the powers of a special Act passed before the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, to build a station in a street, subject to the jurisdiction of a district board, without the consent of that board ; London and Blackwall Railway Co. v. Limehouse District Board, 26 L. J. Ch. 164. (a) As to recovery of this and the other penalties incurred under the provisions relative to breaking up pavements, see section 227. (J) The Metropolitan Gas Act, 1860, 23 & 24 Viet. c. 125, s. 54, gives a power to the secretary of state to authorize gas mains or pipes to be laid down by companies in accordance with the provisions of that Act, where the local authority refuse or delay thsir consent. (c) See the 82nd section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to the reinstate- ment of pavements broken up by companies for their works. A contractor who had opened a highway (not a turnpike road) for a sewer, and done the work of filling in properly, was held not liable for damage from sub- sequent subsidence ; Hyam v. Webster, 36 L. J. Q. B. 166 ; L. R. 4 Q. B. (Ex. Ch.) 138; and see Gray v. Pullen, 34 L. J. Q. B. 265. 18 & 19 VIOT. c. 120, ss. 110, 113. 65 opened to be fenced and guarded, and shall set up and maintain upon Section 110 or against the part of the pavement, surface, or soil so broken up or opened a sufficient light during every night that such pavement or surface or soil is continued open or broken up. 111. If any company or person authorized to break up or open any Penalty on of the pavement or surface of any street, for the purpose of laying, persons altering, or repairing any gas, water, or other pipe, or other lawful taking up 'Cause, do not with due diligence cause the ground to be filled in, and pavements the pavement to be reinstated, and the surface to be made good, in a neglecting to proper and substantial manner, or do not in the meantime fence and reinstate guard the same, and affix and maintain lights during the night near them, and to to the places where any ground is open, so as to prevent any acci- P. llgl ?w dent, every such company or other person so offending shall for every ""ul^f- 6 such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding .5, and also a further sum "o^revent 6 not exceeding 40s., for every day during which such offence continues; acc id en t s . and no such pavement shall be considered to have been reinstated in a proper and substantial manner by any such company or other per- son unless the same have been reinstated with the same or similar materials of the like quality and thickness, and cemented and bound together in the same or in an equally substantial manner, as those of which it was composed, in such manner as is satisfactory to the vestry or board. 112. In case any part of the pavement of any street, be sunk, District broken, injured, or damaged, by reason of the breaking, bursting, or board to \vant of repair of any pipe belonging to any water, gas, or other com- ^{ Tec ^ pave- pany, it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board of the parish men ts injured or district in which such pavement is situate, if they deem it expe- by water or dient so to do, to cause notice to be given to the company to whom gas pipes to such pipe is supposed to belong, forthwith well and sufficiently to be repaired repair and make good such pavement ; and if the company to whom by company. such notice is given do not, within forty-eight hours next after such p ena ity f or notice, take up such pavement, and well and sufficiently repair and neglect. amend such pipe, and cause the ground to be well and sufficiently filled in and rammed down, and the said pavement to be relaid and repaired, to the satisfaction of the vestry, or district board, then such company so offending shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding 20. 113. Provided always, that in case it be discovered, after any pave- Company ment in any street has been taken up by any company, and the opening the ground opened, that the pipe beneath the surface of such pavement ground to required to be repaired and amended does not belong to the company repair a pipe to whom such notice has been given as aforesaid, but to some other discovered , given to the company to whom such pipe belongs, and require them ^ v nc to obey, conform to, and comply with the original notice, instead of 8U ^ , co ^ P* 11 ^' the company to whom such original notice was given as aforesaid ; an . , **, and such other company to whom such last-mentioned notice is given 5 as aforesaid shall reimburse and pay, on demand, to the first-mentioned company, the reasonable costs and charges incurred in and about the taking up of the pavement and opening the ground ; and the said last-mentioned company shall obey, conform to, and comply with the said original notice, and execute and perform the work mentioned therein, in such and the same manner, and within such and the same time, in all respects, as if the said original notice had been given to v METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 113. such last-mentioned company, and they shall be liable to and shall incur the same penalties and forfeitures, on neglect so to do, as they would have incurred and been liable to if the said original notice had been given to them in manner before directed with respect to such first-mentioned company, and if the company by whom such pave- ment has been first taken up, and who have opened the ground, neglect to give the notice hereby required to the company to whom such pipe actually belongs, such company so neglecting shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding ,20. Power to 114. Provided also, that whenever the permanent surface or soil vestry or dis- of any street is broken up or opened, it shall be lawful for the vestry trict board or district board of the parish or district in which the same is situate, to reinstate in case they think it expedient so to do, to fill in the ground and to pavement, make good the pavement or surface or soil so broken up or opened, and charge and to carry away the rubbish occasioned thereby, instead of per- the expenses mitting such work to be done by the company or person by whom to the parties. guc h surface or soil is broken up or opened ; and the expenses of filling in such ground and of making good the pavement or soil so broken up or opened shall be repaid, on demand, to the vestry or board by such company or person. Power for 115. It shall be lawful for the vestry or district board of any parish vestry or or district to contract and agree, for any term of years or otherwise, district board w ith the several companies or persons authorized to take up any of the to contract pavements or other formed surface of any of the streets within such company p^g^ or district, for the filling in, paving, and restoring of such parts ring of the said streets as may be from time to time required to be taken up for the purpose of laying, altering, or repairing any pipes or other like purpose. 116. Every vestry and district board shall have full power and authority to cause all or any of the streets in their parish or district to be watered as often as they think fit, and also to cause any wells to be dug and sunk in such public places as they think proper, and also to erect and fix any pumps in any piiblic places, for the gratuitous supply of water (a) to the inhabitants of the parish or district. 117. Every vestry and district board shall cause any footway within their parish or district to be scraped, swept, or cleansed in such manner and at such times as they think fit ; but this enactment shall not relieve any occupier of any house or building or any company whatsoever from any liability (6) to scrape, sweep, or cleanse, or cause to be scraped, swept, or cleansed, any part of any such footway, or from any penalty for neglect so to do. (a) See proviso to section 150, prohibiting boards and vestries from using or permitting the use of any of the works therein described foi- carrying water by supply-pipes to any house or factory for domestic, manu- facturing, or commercial purposes. By the 25 & 26 Yict. c. 102, s. 67, they are empowered, subject to the conditions expressed, to compel a supply of water for houses ; and section 70 enables them to provide and maintain drinking fountains. See Mttropolitan Board of Works v. New Elver Com- pany, 41 J. P. 790, and Hildreth v. Adamson, 8. C. B. (N.S.) 587. As to expenses of repairing a well under 35 & 36 Viet. c. 79, refer to Witncy v. Wycombe, 40 J. P. 149. (b) See the provisions in 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, s. 63, relative to the sweeping and cleansing of footways, and the penalties for neglecting to sweep and cleanse footways in the Metropolitan Police Act, 2 & 3 Yict. c. 47, s. 6. As to the watering of streets. Yostry or district board to cause foot- ways to be cleansed. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 118, 119. 67 118. It shall be lawful for every vestry and district board to Section 118. appoint and pay, or for two or more vestries or district boards to y unite, when necessary, in appointing and paying, suitable persons to jr 6 ? M* d cleanse and sweep, and to keep properly cleansed and swept daily, ^ 8 ric . a * crossings for passengers over the streets and public thoroughfares a ndp^ cross- within their respective jurisdictions, and in such situations as the in sleepers. " said vestries or district boards may from time to time fix and deter- mine, which persons so appointed shall be distinguished by their dress or some distinctive mark as public servants. 119. If any porch, shed, projecting window, step, cellar door, or Owners, &c., window, or steps leading into any cellar or otherwise, lamp, lamp-post, to remove lamp-iron, sign, sign-post, sign-iron, show-board, window-shutter, future pro- wall, gate, fence, or opening, or any other projection or obstruction jections, ou placed or made against or in front of any house or building after the notice from commencement of this Act shall be an annoyance (d) in consequence vestry or of the same projecting into or being made in or endangering or render- district ing less commodious the passage along any street (e) in their parish board (c). or district, it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board to give notice in writing to the owner or occupier of such house or building to remove such projection or obstruction, or to alter the same, in such manner as the vestry or board think fit ; and such owner or occupier shall within fourteen days after the service of such notice upon him remove such projection or obstruction, or alter the same in the manner directed by the vestry or board ; and if the owner or occupier of any Penalty for such house or building neglect or refuse, within fourteen days after neglect. (c) See the 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, s. 72, containing very comprehensive and summary powers for the regulation and removal of encroachments, and projections. Some of these are probably still in force, but in order to apply them with safety they ought to be very carefully compared with this and the following section, and also with the 26th section of the Metropolitan Buildings Act, the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, recognizing the legality of certain projections and regulating them. In some instances, too, the 75th section of the 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, which see, post, as to buildings beyond the general line, may have a bearing on the subject. (d) Under this enactment it seems to be a question for the magistrate to decide whether or not the projection is, or is not, an annoyance ,- Gabriel v. Vestry of St. James, Westminster, 23 J. P. 372. In Read v. Perrett, L. R. 1, Ex. D. C. A. 349, in a proceeding for setting up a projection con- trary to the Metropolitan Police Act, 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47, a. 60, the rejection by the magistrate of the evidence of persons to show that they were not incommoded, was held right. Where a lamp against a house fell in conse- quence of its defective condition and caused injury, the occupier was held liable in damages though he was ignorant of the defect ; Tarry v. Ashton, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 314. (e) The occupiers of houses in a road in the metropolis had used a space of ground between a paved foot-way and the carriage way for the purposes of their trades, paying a small yearly rent to the lord of the manor, subject to which use the public have always passed over this space, as these obstruc- tions would permit, as of right. On the space opposite his house a publican erected a moveable shed, which caused no obstruction to the paved footway. Held, that this space was not a " street," and that the shed was not an obstruction which might be removed by the district board, within the meaning of this and the 120th section. Semite, that this space -had been partially dedicated to the public, and could not be considered private property without any public easement ; Le Neve v. the Vestry of Mile End Old Town, 27 L. J. Q. B. 208. F 2 68 Section 119. Vestry or district board majr remove existing pro- jections, and make compen- sation for the Hoards to be erected during repairs. Penalty on not erecting hoards. No hoard to be erected without license from METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. such notice, to remove such projection or obstruction, or to alter the same, in the manner directed by the vestry or board, he shall forfeit any sum not exceeding 5, and a further sum not exceeding 40s. for every day during which such projection or obstruction continues after the expiration of such fourteen days from the time when he may be convicted of any offence contrary to the provisions hereof. 120. It shall be lawful for every vestry and district board, if any projection or obstruction which has been placed or made against or in front of any house or building in any such street (a) before the commencement of this Act shall be an annoyance as aforesaid, to cause the same to be removed or altered as they think fit: Provided always, that the vestry or board shall give notice in writing of such intended removal or alteration to the owner or occupier against or in front of whose house or building such projection or obstruction shall be, seven days before such removal or alteration shall be commenced, and shall make reasonable compensation to every person who shall incur any loss or damage by such removal, excepting in cases where the obstruction or projection may now be removable under any Act (6), in which case no compensation shall be made. 121. Every person who shall build or begin to build, or to take down or begin to take down, any house, building, or wall, or alter or repair, or begin to alter or repair, the outward part of any house, building, or wall, shall, in all cases in which the footway is thereby obstructed or rendered inconvenient, cause to be put up a proper and sufficient hoard or fence, with a convenient platform and handrail, if there be room enough for the same, to serve as a footway for pas- sengers outside of such hoard or fence, and shall continue such hoard or fence, in such cases as aforesaid, with such platform and handrail, standing and in good condition, to the satisfaction of the vestry or district board of the parish or district in which such house, building, or wall is situate, during such time as may be necessary for the public safety or convenience, and shall, in all cases in which the same is necessary to prevent accidents, cause such hoard or fence to be well lighted during the night ; and every such person who fails to put up such hoard or fence and such platform, with such handrail as aforesaid, or who does not, whilst the said hoard or fence is stand- ing, keep the same well lighted during the night, shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding 5, and a further sum not exceed- ing 40s. for every day during the continuance of such default. 122. It shall not be lawful for any person to erect or set up in any street any hoard or fence or scaffold for any purpose whatever, or any posts, bars, rails, boards, or other things by way of inclosure, for the purpose of making mortar, or of depositing bricks, lime, rubbish, or other materials, without a licence in writing first had and obtained from the clerk or surveyor of the vestry or district board of the (a) See note to last section. (b) At the time of the passing of this Act, 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, did not apply to the whole of the places included within the present metropolitan limits. Certain of its provisions, namely, those relating to the regulation of streets and suppression of nuisances, have since been extended to the whole of them by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102. Some of the local Acts in force in parishes also contain provisions on this subject. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 122124. 69 parish or district in which such street is situate ; and every such Section 122 licence shall state the place where and the purpose for which such hoard or fence, scaffold or inclosure, is to be set up or made, and the vestry or dis- size thereof, and the time for which it is to be permitted to continue, trict board (c). 123. If any person erect or set up in any street any hoard or fence if hoard be or scaffold for any purpose whatever, or any posts, bars, rails, boards, erected or or other things by way of inclosure, for the purpose of making mor- materials be tar, or of depositing bricks, lime, rubbish, or other materials, without deposited in a licence from the vestry or district board, or do any such act as any manner aforesaid in any other manner than as permitted by such licence, or otherwise continue the same beyond the time stated in such licence, or fail to than to the keep any hoard, fence, platform, or handrail in good repair, he shall satisfaction of for every such offence forfeit (e) a sum not exceeding 5, and a fur- * ne yestry ther sum not exceeding 40s. for every day during the continuance of r ~! tri fc such offence ; and it shall be lawful for the vestry or board to board > e , cause such hoard, fence, scaffold, or inclosure to be pulled down, and ^ B ?^ JJ* the materials thereof, and also all the bricks, mortar, lime, or other re building materials, or other matters or things contained within any such enclosure, to be removed and deposited in such place as the vestry or board may think fit, and to be kept until the charges of pulling down and removing the same be paid to the vestry or board ; and in case the same be not claimed and the said charges paid within the space of eight days next after such seizure thereof, it shall be lawful for the vestry or board to order the same to be sold, and by and out of the proceeds of such sale to pay such charges, rendering any surplus to the owner or other person by law entitled thereto ; and in case the proceeds of such sale be insufficient to cover such charges and the charges of selling and disposing of such materials, matters, and things, the deficiency shall be repaid by the owner of such materials, matters, and things to the vestry or district board, on demand. 124. Every person laying out or opening any new street, or build- Providing ing therein, shall, during the operations necessary for forming such against acci- new street, or for building therein, take all such precautions for dents in lay- guarding against injury to the passengers along such street as may be ing ont new directed by the vestry or district board of the parish or district streets, &c. within which such operations are being carried on ; and if any per- son fail to comply with the directions of such vestry or district board, within such time as may be limited by them, such vestry or district board may do whatever may be necessary for carrying the same into (c) The court of Queen's Bench seemed to be of opinion that the grant- ing or refusing this licence was entirely within tbe discretion of the vestry ; S. v. Vestry of St. Leonard? s, Shoreditch, 20 J. P. 404. But at all events they will not interfere when the applicant has taken the matter into his own hands and erected the hoard without leave ; Ibid. Compare 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, s. 75, post, Appendix, as to the erection of hoards, &c. The Com- missioners of Sewers of City of London, acting under City of London Sewers Act, 1848, were held to have no right to require four licences for a hoarding running into four streets, nor to limit the duration of the licence; It. v. Commissioners of Sewers of City of London, 22 E. T. (N.S.) 582. Nor to annex a condition that no placards should be placed on the hoard; S. C. 6 Cox Mag. Ca. 411. (d) Under the 75th section of 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, it was held that a sur- veyor appointed under the Act had no right to remove a ladder placed against a house ; Davey v. Warns, 14 M. & W. 199. (e) See section 227, as to recovery of penalties 70 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 124. en?ect > an( l the expenses thereby incurred shall be repaid to such vestry or district board by the person laying out or opening such new street or building therein, as aforesaid, and shall be recoverable by them from such person in manner provided by this Act. Vestries aud to appoi scavengers. 125. It shall be lawful for every vestry and district board and they district boards are nere l)y required to appoint and employ a sufficient number of bo appoint persons, or to contract (a) with any company or persons, for the sweeping and cleansing of the several streets within their parish or district, and for collecting and removing all dirt, ashes, rubbish, ice, snow, and filth, and for the cleansing out and emptying of privies, and cesspools, sewers, and drains, in or under houses and places within their parish or district (6) ; and such company or persons are hereinafter referred to as scavengers ; and such scavengers or their servants shall, on such days and at such hours and in such manner as the vestry or district board shall from time to time appoint, suffi- ciently execute and perform all such works and duties as they re- spectively are employed or contract to execute or perform ; and if any such company or person fail in any respect properly to execute and perform such works and duties, such company or person shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding .5. 126. Any occupier of any house or land or other person who refuses or does not permit any soil, dirt, ashes, or filth to be taken away by the scavengers appointed by or contracting with any vestry or board as aforesaid, or who obstructs the said scavengers in the per- formance of their duty, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding 5 (c). 127. All dirt, dust, nightsoil, ashes, and rubbish collected as afore- said shall be the property of such vestry or board, and such vestry or board shall have full power to sell and dispose of the same for the purposes of this Act as they shall think proper, and the person pur- chasing the same shall have full power to take, carry away, and dis- pose of the same for his own use, and the money arising from the (a) By section 95 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, vestries, &c., are em- powered to contract for the removal of manure from stables and cowhouses; and by the same Act, section 89, any persons other than the parties con- tracting with the vestry, &c., who shall remove dirt, dust, &c., are made liable to penalties. The vestry of a metropolitan parish were held bound to perform the same duties as regards the removal of dust in the case of a workhouse as of other houses, and in default the expense of such removal might be recovered from them ; Guardians of Holborn Union v. Vestry of Shoreditch, 41 J. P. 38. As to the removal of dust under 21 & 22 Viet, c. 98 (Local Government Act), see Hobbs v. Fox, 31 J. P. 387. (b) By the Metropolitan Police Act, 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47, s. 60, persons are subjected to penalties for emptying privies between the hours of six in the morning and twelve at night, or committing any of the other nuisances there enumerated. Commissioners of sewers and persons in their service, &c., were exempted from the operation of the enactment. (c) See section 27 as to recovery of penalty. The 42nd section of the Public Health Act, 1875, exempts occupiers of houses from a penalty in respect of matters produced on their own premises intended to be re- moved for sale or their own use, and meantime kept so as not to be a nuisance. Ashes from a brassfounder's furnace containing particles of metal were held not " dust, cinders, or ashes " within 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, s. 60 (Metropolitan Paving Act); Law v. Dodd, 17 L. J. M. C. 65; and see Filby v. Combe, 2 M. & W. 677; Lyndon v. Standbridye, 2 H. & N. 45. Penalty for obstructing scavengers iu performance of their duty. Refuse col- lected to be vested in vestry or district board, who may dis- pose of the same towards defraying their ex- penses. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 127130. 71 sale thereof shall be applied towards defraying the expenses of the Section 127 execution of this Act, other than the sewerage expenses. 128. In case any scavenger be required by the owner or occupier of Owners or any house or land to remove the refuse of any trade, manufacture, or occupiers to business (d), or of any building materials, such owner or occupier pay scavengers .shall pay to the scavenger a reasonable sum for such removal, such for removal sum, in case of dispute, to be settled by two justices (e). of refuse of trades. 129. If any dispute or difference of opinion arise between the Dispute as to owner or occupier of any such house or land and the scavengers re- what is refuse quired to move such refuse as to what shall be considered as refuse, of trade > &c -> it shall be lawful for any two justices, upon application made to them to be deter- by either of the parties in difference, to determine whether the sub- mined b . v ject matter of dispute is or is not refuse of trade, manufacture, or J 118 ices ' business, or of any building materials, and in every such case the decision of such justices shall be final and conclusive. 130. Every vestry and district board shall cause the several streets Vestries and within their parish or district to be well and sufficiently lighted, and district boards for that purpose shall maintain, or set up and maintain, a sufficient to cause number of lamps in every such street, and shall cause the same to be streets to be lighted with gas or otherwise, and to continue lighted at and during lighted (/). .such times as such vestry or board may think fit, necessary, or proper; and all public lamps, and the lamp posts and lamp irons and fittings thereof, to be provided by any vestry or district board, shall vest in such vestry or board. (d) Ashes from coals burnt in the furnace of a steam engine for sawing, T 1SailC ? amending or repealing the said Acts or either of them. Acts(V) Duties and Powers of Metropolitan Board of Works (/). 135. The sewers mentioned in schedule (D.) to this Act, being the Main sewers main sewers now vested in the commissioners of sewers of the city vested in the of London and in the metropolitan commissioners of sewers respec- metropolitan tively (g), with the walls, defences, banks, outlets, sluices, flaps, board of penstocks, gullies, grates, works, and things thereunto belonging, and works and the materials thereof, with all rights of way and passage used and power to such enjoyed by such commissioners respectively over and to such sewers, b oar< i P make works, and things, and all other rights concerning or incident to such sewers - sewers (h), works, and things, shall be vested in the metropolitan board of works, and such board shall make (i) such sewers and works (e) See the Nuisances Removal Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 121, and the amending Acts, and the Sanitary Act, 1866, post, Appendix. (/) See note to section 43, ante, as to powers and duties of the metro- politan board under other Acts of parliament. (g) See note to section 68, ante. (h) Whore a railway company, in executing their works, deprived a sewer belonging to the metropolitan board of its lateral support less than 20 years after it was made, it was decided by the Ex. Ch. affirming the judgment of the court below, that the board had acquired no right to such support for their sewer, and could not maintain an action for the sum awarded by the arbitrator under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act for the damage ; Metro- politan Board of Works v. Metropolitan Railway Company, L. R. 3 C. P. 612 ; 4 C. P. (Ex. Ch.) 192. Refer as to liability of 'the occupier and owner of a house for damage to the adjoining house by removal of the adjacent land without leaving sufficient support, Boioer v. Peate, 40 J. P. 789 ; and see onomi v. Backhouse, 9 H. L. Ca. 503 ; as to prescriptive right to lateral support of a house for 20 years, refer to Angus v. Dalton, L. R. 4 Q. B. (C. A.) 162, overruling judgment of Q. B. U. (*') The 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 1, post, describes the works which the 74 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 135. as they may think necessary for preventing all or any part of the sewage (a) within the metropolis from flowing or passing into the river Thames in or near the metropolis, and shall cause such sewers and works to be completed on or before the 31st day of December, 1860 (6), and shall also make all such other sewers and work, and such diversions or alterations of any existing sewers or works vested in them under this Act, as they may from time to time think neces- sary for the effectual sewerage and drainage of the metropolis (c), and board are required to make, as " the necessary sewers and works for the improvement of the main drainage of the metropolis, and for preventing, as far as may be practicable, the sewage of the metropolis from passing into the Thames within the metropolis." See sections 24 and 25 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to formation and maintenance of bridges, arches, culverts, &c. As to obligation of vestries and district boards with respect to the construction of sewers, see the decisions referred to in note to section 69, ante. (a) See definition of the word " sewage " in the 32nd section of 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, for the purification of the Thames and main drainage of the metropolis, post. (b) Extended by section 26 of 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, as explained by section 26 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, to 31st December, 1863. So much of this section as requires the completion of the works on or before the 31st December, 1860, was repealed by the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869. The Metropolitan 'Main Drainage Extension Act, 1863, had extended the time to the 31st December, 1866, and the Metropolitan Main Drainage Extension Act, 1865, extended the time for borrowing the sums authorized to be raised under the last-mentioned Act to 31st December, 1867. (c) See certain Acts relating to the drainage of parishes, &c., not within the metropolitan area ; namely, 34 & 35 Viet. c. 129, which authorises the Hornsey Local Board of Health to make a sewer in the parishes of Stoke Newington and Hornsey, to be connected by a junction with the northern high level sewer, with provisions, amongst others, for the payment of cer- tain sums to the metropolitan board by the local board by way of contribu- tion towards the making and maintaining the high level sewer, and main- taining and working the main drainage system; the 35 & 36 Viet, c. 163, repealing the 30th section of the last-mentioned Act as to the contribution towards the cost of the main drainage system and sub- stituting other provisions, with power to the local board to borrow and to the metropolitan board to lend, with the consent of the treasury, money required for permanent works ; the 36 & 37 Viet. c. 218, au- thorizing the guardians of the Bromley Poor Law Union to connect, subject to the conditions and provisions specified, drains or sewers made or to be constructed within the Beckenham sewage area with the Penge and Bell Green sewer, with provisions for payment by the guardians to the Lewisham district board of the sum specified in the Act and the yearly sums mentioned, and also of certain yearly sums to the Metropolitan Board of Works as contribution towards the cost of the main drainage system, with the power of making assessments for these purposes, and a provision empowering the guardians to borrow and the metropolitan board to lend, with the consent of the treasury, the necessary sums for the purposes of the Act ; the 37 & 38 Viet. c. 97, requiring the metropolitan board to permit the sewage of the South Hornsey district to be delivered into the northern high level and middle level sewers subject to the specified conditions with any others, provisions for payment to the metropolitan board by the local board of a capital sum by way of contribution towards the cost of constructing and maintaining those sewers, and certain yearly sums by way of contributing towards the current cost in respect of the main drainage system, and of other sums therein mentioned ; the 38 & 39 Viet. c. 163, constituting a body to be J o 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 185. 75 shall discontinue, close up, or destroy such sewers for the time being Section 135. vested in them under this Act, as they may deem unnecessary, and such board shall from time to time repair and maintain the sewers so vested in them, or such of them as may not be discontinued, closed up, or destroyed as aforesaid ; and for the purposes aforesaid such board shall have full power and authority to carry any such sewers or works through, across, or under any turnpike road (d) or any steeet (e) or place laid out as or intended for a street, as well beyond as within the limits of the metropolis, or through or under any cellar or vault under the carriageway or pavement of any street and into, through, or under any lands whatsoever (/) within er beyond the said limits, making compensation (g) for any damage done called the West Kent Main Sewerage Board, gives power for the construction of a main sewer from Beckenhamto Dartford and other works, with provisions for communications between sewers of the metropolitan and district boards with the sewers of the sewerage board, and payment of contribution, with powers to the sewerage board to borrow, and to the metropolitan board to lend, money raised by the creation and issue of metropolitan stock. d) See section 33 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, providing for notice ore breaking up turnpike roads and imposing other conditions. (e) See interpretation of word " street," section 250, post, extended by section 112 of Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862. See express power to metropolitan board to stop up streets, roads, or w.ays, during execution of works, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 21, post. (/) The powers conferred by this section did not authorize the board to construct works on the soil or bed of the Thames. That power is however given by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 2, but subject to the condition that the approval of the admiralty should have been previously obtained. Where, therefore, the board had executed works for carrying a sewer iuto the river, by which the plaintiff's ship was damaged, and the approval of the admiralty had not been obtained, they were held liable in an action for obstructing the navigation; Brownlow v. The Metropolitan Board of Works, 31 L. J. C. P. 140. Under the like words in the Public Health Act a local board were held entitled to make a sewer through private property raised above ground ; Roderick v. Aston Local Board, L. R. 5 Ch. Div. 328. See sections 24 and 25 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to communi- cations between lands through which works are carried; the provisions contained in sections 34 and 35 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to notices and other requirements where works will affect any railway or canal; sections 27 and 28 of 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, post, requiring approval of works under that Act by the admiralty and conservators of the Thames ; and section 30, regulating works under or over the river Lea. (g) Under this and the corresponding provision in section 69, boards and vestries are empowered to carry their sewers through any lands, &c. whatsoever, on the sole condition of making compensation, and they are not compelled to purchase the land itself, or any easement in it, and the provisions of the 150th, 151st, and 152nd sections, enabling them to purchase land or rights or easements in land which they may deem necessary for the formation or protection of works, do not restrict the exercise of this power ; North London Railway Company v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 28 L. J. Ch. 909. It was held upon the construction of the Public Health Acts, 1848 and 1875, that a side entrance or man-hole is not necessarily a part of a sewer, and that the power to construct a sewer did not carry with it the right to construct the side entrance on the footpath without the plaintiff's consent, and an injunction was granted to restrain the continuance of the side entrance until the defendants purchased the plaintiff's interest in the land; Swanston v. Twickenham L. B. of Health, 43 J. P. 206. The sole condition to the exercise of the power of carrying sewers through private property is to make compensation. The payment or tender of compensa- 76 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 135. Note. tion is not a condition precedent to the light of entry on lands to execute works; Peters v. Clarson, 7 M. & G. 548; Lister v. Lobley, 7 Ad. & E. 124 ; North London Railway Company v. Metropolitan Board of Works, supra ; Pettiward v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 34 L. J. C. P. 301 ; and Macey v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 33 L. J. Ch. 377. Though the language of this part of the section giving compensation is somewhat different from that used in the 68th section of the Lands Clauses Act, 8 Viet. c. 18, it is similar in effect. The compensation mentioned in the 68th section of the Lands Clauses Act, is " in respect of any lands or of any interest therein which shall have been taken for or injuriously affected by the execution of the works," and the 6th section of the Railway Clauses Act directs full compensation for the value of the lands, &c., " and for all damage sustained by owners, &c.," by reason of the exercise as regards such lands of the powers vested in the company. The last-mentioned Act is, however, not incorporated with this Act. The decisions under the 68th section of the Lands Clauses Act, and other statutes containing compensa- tion clauses, show that compensation can only be claimed for Acts authorized by the statute; Broadbent v. Imperial Gas Company, 26 L. J. Ch. 276; In re Penny, 26 L. J. Q. B. 225; Beckett v. Midland Railway Company, 37 L. J. C. P. 11 ; and see Rhodes v. Airedale Drainage Com- missioners, L. R. 1 C. P. D. 380 ; and Hall v. Mayor, Sfc., of Bristol, L. R. 2 C. P. 322 ; and it can only be claimed where the act occasioning the injury would, without the statute authorizing it, have been the subject of an action at common law ; New River Company v. Johnson, 2 E. & E. 435 ; Hall v. Mayor of Bristol, supra. But this rule does not apply where the act complained of was done on a claimant's own land, taken by a company under a statutory power ; Re Stockport, fyc., Railway Company, 33 L. J. Q. B. 251. If the land is not taken, and nothing is done which would have afforded a cause of action before the Act passed, it does not injuriously affect the land so as to constitute a ground for compensation ; In re Penny, supra; Caledonian Railway Company v. Ogilvy, 2 Macq. H. L. Rep. 229 ; Broadbent v. Imperial Gas Company, 26 L. J. Ch. 276 ; Chamberlain v. West end of London and Crystal Palace Railway Company, 31 L. J. Q. B. 201; Glover v. North Stafford Railway Company, 20 L. J. Q. B. 376 ; R. v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 38 L. J. M. C. 24. The King v. The London Dock Company, 5 A. & E. 163, is overruled by the Queen v. The Eastern Counties Railway Company, 2. Q. B. 347 ; Chamberlain v. West end, Sfc., and Crystal Palace Railway Company, supra. If the proceeding be in excess of the powers conferred by the statute, the remedy is by action ; Broadbent v. Imperial Gas Company, 26 L. J. Ch. 276; Rhodes v. Airsdale Commissioners, L. R. 1 C. P. 402. And the injury in respect of which compensation is claimed, must be a damage to the land, and not merely an injury of a personal nature, though con- nected with the enjoyment of land ; R. v. Metropolitan Board of Works, L. R. 3 C. P. 82; and see Rickett v. Midland Railway Company, L. R. 1 H. L. 205; Beckett v. Midland Railway Company, 37 L. J. C. P. 11; R. v. Metropolitan Board of Works, L. R. 4 Q" B. 358. A physical interference with a right giving additional market value to property apart from any user, gives a title to compensation, as where premises were depreciated by the destruction of a dock, though the claimant had no right to the use of the dock except as one of the public ; Metro- politan Board of Works v. McCarthy, 43 L. J. C. P. 385. The owner of a wharf deprived of free access to the Thames and the means of unloading barges at his wharf, was held entitled to compensation; Macey v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 33 L. J. Ch. 377 ; so where a road was narrowed and the property depreciated ; Beckett v. Midland Railway Company, 37 L. J. C. P. 11; access to a house impeded by the raising of the level of a street; R. v. St. Lukes, Chelsea, L. R. 7 Q. B. Ex. Ch. 148 ; houses depreciated by the diversion of a road, Chamberlain v. Crystal Palace Company, supra : 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 135. 77 Section 135. Note. for the destruction of ancient lights ; D. Bedford v. Dawes, 44 L. J. Ch. 549; Eagle v. Charing Cross Railway Company, 36 L. 3. C. P. 297; and see further Biggs v. Corporation of London, L. R. 15 Eq. 376; It. v. Wallasey Local Board of Health, L. R. 4 Q. B. 351 ; B. v. Midland Rail- way Company, 2 Railway Ca. 1 ; -B. v. Nottingham Waterworks Company, 6 A. & E. 355 ; Caledonian Railway Company v. Ogilvy, 2 Macq. H. L. Rep. 229 ; Winterbotham v. E. Derby, 36 L. J. Ex. 194 ; Holt v. Gas Light and Coke Company, L. R. 7. Q. B. 728 ; Grand Junction Canal Company v. Shugar, L. R. 6 Ch. 483 ; Edwards v. Great Eastern Railway Company, L. R. W. N. (1878), p. 93. It was decided, on appeal to the House of Lords from the judgment of the Ex. Ch. reversing the decision of the Queen's Bench, that where the plaintiff was owner of a house, &c., with an exclusive easement over a causeway and jetty, and under powers conferred hy the Thames Embank- ment Act, 1862, a roadway was substituted for a river frontage, he was entitled to compensation, and that the loss of the use of the river frontage and the consequent loss of privacy and the increase of dust and noise occa- sioning deterioration of the property, were subjects for the arbitrator to consider in deciding the amount of compensation ; D. Buccleuch v. Metro- politan Board of Works, L. R. 3 Ex. 306;. 5 Ex. (Ex. Ch.) 221 ; 5 E. &Ir. App. 418. Where an act containing compulsory powers incorporates the whole of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, a right of compensation is, without any other enactment, confeired upon persons interested in lands injuriously affected by the exercise of statutory powers ; R. v. St. Luke, Chelsea, 40 L. J. Q. B. 305; and see decision in Ferrar v. Sewers Com- missioners of London, 38 L. J. Ex. 17; Ex. Ch. 102; Baker v. Vestry of St. Marylebone, 23 W. R. 848. But where the occupier of premises near the Thames had been accus- tomed to draw water from the river, and bring his barges into a draw dock as a public right only and not as a right attached to the premises, and had been obstructed by the Thames Embankment works, he was held not entitled to compensation; R. v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 38 L. J. Q. B. 20; L. R. 4 Q. B. 358. Loss of trade occasioned by the obstruction of a highway during the execution of works of a railway company, is not an injuriously affecting of the tradesman's interest in his premises entitling him to compensation ; Rickett v. Metropolitan Railway Company, 36 L. J. Q. B. 205 ; overruling Senior v. Metropolitan Railway Company, 2 H. & C. 258 ; see observa- tions of Lord Westbury and the other judges who dissented from this judg- ment. See also Cameron v. Charing Cross Railway Company, 33 L. J. C. P. 313, where it had been decided that this species of injury was the subject of compensation, but the decision was reversed on appeal to Ex. Ch. 13 W. R. 300, 455. There was no right to compensation for damage caused by vibration, after the construction of the works, Brand v. Hammersmith Railway Com- pany, 36 L. J. Q. B. 139, affirmed by H. L., diss. Lord Cairns 38 L. J. Q. B. 265 ; nor for inconveniences caused by a level crossing ; Caledonian Rail- way Company v. Ogilvy, supra ; nor for diminished amenity of residence from being overlooked ; Re Penny, supra ; nor for temporary inconvenience by a hoard during the execution of works, unless the hoard was kept up for an unreasonable time ; Herring v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 34 L. J. C. P. 224 ; nor for subsequent subsidence where the claimant had accepted a sum as compensation for all damage resulting from a railway ; Crofts v. London $ North Western Railway Company, 3 B. & S. 436 ; nor for loss from the discontinuance of the traffic of a ferry in consequence of the erection of a railway bridge ; Hopkins v. Great Northern Railway Com- pany, L. R. 2 Q. B. D. (C. A.) 224, overruling R. v. Cambrian Railway Company, L. R. 6 Q. B. 264; 40 L. J. Q. B. 169. There is no right to compensation for indirect injury resulting from the diversion of traffic, but there is such a right for direct structural injury ; Bigg v. Corporation of London, L. R. 15 Eq. 376 ; nor for a reduction of profits during the 73 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 135. _____^___ Note. interval between notice and taking possession ; R. v. Vauahan, 38 L. J. M. C. 49. Where the metropolitan commissioners of sewers had made a sewer in a public road, thereby tapping certain underground springs, and preventing them from entering a pond, &c., belonging to the prosecutor, it was held in amandamus to the metropolitan board, to whom the liabilities of those com- missioners had been transferred, on the authority of Chasemore v. Richards, 29 L. J. Ex. 81, that the prosecutor had no right of action in respect of such injury independently of the statute, and consequently was not entitled to compensation either under section 50 or section 69 of the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112; R. v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 32 L. J. Q. B. 105, distinguished from Hodgkinson v. Ennis, 32 L. J. Q. B. 231 ; and see Grand Junction Canal Company v. Shugar, L. R. 6 Ch. 483. In Chasemore v. Richards, 29 L. J. Ex. 81, it was decided that no action would lie for damage of this nature, and that the owner of an ancient mill could not maintain an action against the owner of adjacent land who had dug a well on his own land and diverted the underground waters not known to flow in a defined channel, which otherwise would have percolated into the river ; and see New River Company v. Johnson, E. & E. 435. Water which diffuses itself over an indefinite surface is not the subject matter of a right by user. Briscoe v. Drought, 11 Ir. Com. Law R. 250, in error. But where the sewers commissioners had incurred liability, the metropolitan board were held liable to make compensation, though the liability was not known when the powers of the commissioners were determined, and the claim was not made for several years; Pettiward v. Metropolitan Board, 34 L. J. C. P. 301. See an able exposition of the law relating to this subject, with a comprehensive summary of the decisions, in Eyre Lloyd's Law of Compensation, chap. V, 4th ed. In an action for compensation it is a good plea that the lands were not injuriously affected, Read v. Pimlico Railway Company, 32 L. J. Ex. 167. For acts which, notwithstanding the statute containing or incorporating the compensation clause, remain wrongful, the remedy by action is not taken away ; Broadbent v. Imperial Gas Company, 26 L. J. Ch. 276 ; Hely v. Todmorden Local Board of Health, 44 L. J. C. P. 19 ; Biscoe v. Great Eastern Railway Company, L. R. 16 Eq. 636 ; Brine v. Great Western Railway Company, 31 L. J. Q. B. 101 ; Bramlen v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 13 C. B. (N.S.) 768 ; Clothier v. Webster, 9 Jur. (s.s.) 23. As to the liability of drainage commissioners for damage by flooding, see Collins v. Middle Level Commissioners, L. R. 4, C. P. 279. An offer of a sum in respect of knds injuriously affected must be unconditional ; an offer of one snm for compensation and costs is bad; Bush \. Trowbridge Water- works, L. R. 10 Ch. 459. Where the proceeding for want of compliance with a formality prescribed by an Act of parliament became an unlawful one, an action lay ; Brownlow v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 31 L. J. C. P. 140, and not the less so because the contractor may also be responsible for his own acts or defaults ; Hid. But a public body using ordinary caution is not responsible for damage arising from extraordinary causes ; Blyth v. Birmingham Water Company, 11 Ex. 781 ; see Nichols v. Marsland, L. R. 10 Ex. 255, and Fletcher v. Rylands, L. R. 3 H. L. 330. Or for damage arising from the negligence of the plaintiff or of strangers ; Solden v. Liverpool Gas Com- pany, 3 C. B. 1. See as to responsibility of a contractor to commissioners of sewers for an injury resulting from the neglect to fence a trench, where access to a mews was obstructed by the works ; Clayards v. Dethick, 12 Q. B. 439 ; and Jones v. Bird, 5 B. & Aid, 837, 844, as to the suffi- ciency of notice to secure property on the execution of sewerage works and the liability to shore up houses. In Ward v. Lee, 26 L. J. Q. B. 142, it was decided that the contractors of the metropolitan commissioners of sewers, who had broken into an old drain and damaged the property of the plaintiff, but who were found by the jury to have acted bond fide in carry- 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 135. 79 thereby as hereinafter provided (a), and all sewers and works from Section 135. time to time made by the said board, shall vest in them ; and the said board shall cause the sewers vested in them to be constructed, covered, and kept so as not to be a nuisance (6) or injurious to health, and to be properly cleared, cleansed, and emptied, and for the purpose of clearing, cleansing, and emptying the same they may con- ing out the orders of the commissioners, were, by section 28 of the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112 (the Metropolitan Sewers Act, now expired), absolved from personal liability; but that the commissioners were liable for such an injury, and the damages that might be recovered against them would be payable out of the funds at their disposal under section 125 of the statute. See action against a district board constituted under this Act for neglecting to keep a sewer dean, whereby plaintiff's premises were flooded, Meek v. Whitechapel Board of Works, 2 F. & F. 144. Sec cases cited in note to section 69, ante. (a) See section 225 as to settlement and recovery of compensation. (5) In the Attorney-General v. The Metropolitan Board of Works, 27 J. P. Ch. 597, on a bill filed to restrain the defendants from discharging sewage into the river Lea during the construction of the main drainage works, Vice-Chancellor Sir W. P. Wood, in the course of his judgment, said : " My personal impression upon this interlocutory application is that the defendants have no authority under their Acts to do what they have done. Section 135 of the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, does not, in my opinion, give them power to turn the sewage of a district into any navigable river or stream." And further on he says, " I apprehend the distinction in these cases is between nuisances which are the necessary result of the works authorized by the Act, and those nuisances which are not such necessary result, but, ns in this case, only arise from some accidental circumstance, such as the failure of the contractor. Here the nuisance complained of is by no means the necessary result of the execution of the main drainage works, and I cannot hold that it is covered or authorized by anything in the Acts under which the defendants derive their powers." But for the pur- poses of main drainage operations the metropolitan board had powers, in addition to and beyond those adverted to in the judgment in the foregoing case. By the 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 1, they were to carry on and com- plete, with all convenient speed, according to such plan as to them might seem proper, the necessary sewers and works for the improvement of the main drainage, and for preventing, as far as might be practicable, the sewage of the metropolis from passing into the Thames within the metropolis, and (section 2) for the purposes of the Act they were empowered to construct any work through, along, over, or under, the bed, and soil, and banks and shores of the river Thames. These powers were subject to the condition (section 27) that no such works below low water mark which might interfere with the navigation of the river should be executed without having been previously approved of by the admiralty, and (section 28) by the conservators of the Thames. The main drainage works and the enactments under which they were executed, necessarily contemplated an outfall into the Thames. The Rivers Pollution Prevention Act, 1876, 39 & 40 Viet. c. 75, subjecting to penalties every person who should cause to fall, or flow, or to be carried into any stream any solid or liquid sewage matter, recognises that fact by providing, section 18, that nothing in or done under the Act should affect any outfall or other works of the Metropolitan Board of Works (although beyond the metropolis). And the same outfalls are referred to in the provisions of the Thames Navigation Act, 1870, which cast upon the board the duty of keeping the Thames free from such banks or other obstructions to the navigation as may have arisen or may arise from the flow of sewage at their outfalls for the time being into the river; and similar savings as regards these outfalls are contained in other acts. As to proceedings to restrain district boards from executing drainage 80 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 135. works so as to create a nuisance, see Attorney -General v. Hackney District Board, L. R. 20 Eq. 626 ; and Gator v. Lewisham District Board, 5 B. & S. 115, referred to in note to section 69, ante. As to the general law upon the subject of nuisances occasioned by the discharge of sewage and other matters into streams, it has been laid down in numerous cases that public bodies have no right to pour sewage into streams and watercourses so as to cause a nuisance or injuriously affect the rights of individuals ; and where they have done so they have been restrained by injunction, and that not only where they have created a nuisance by pouring sewage into pure streams, but where streams have for many years been to a certain extent contaminated, but the works complained of have materially increased the pollution. In The Attorney- General v. The Town Council of Birmingham, 4 Kay & J. 528, a local board of health were restrained from carrying sewage into a river to the prejudice of the rights of private individuals ; and in Goldsmid v. The Improvement Commissioners of Tunbridge Wells, L. R. 1 Eq. 161 ; 1 Ch. 349, where the sewage of a town had for many years drained into a stream passing through the plaintiff's land, but subsequently, by the increase of the sewer, the stream became perceptibly polluted, the decree of the master of the rolls restraining the commissioners from draining into the stream so as to pollute the water to the injury of the plaintiff was affirmed. Where a local Act incorporating the Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1847, empowered a corporation to drain into a specified river, it was held that section 107 of the latter Act, rendering persons responsible, notwithstanding the statute, for acts amounting to a nuisance at common law, was incor- porated with the local Act, and prohibited such drainage into the river as would create a nuisance; Attorney-General v. Mayor, fyc., of Leeds, 39 L. J. Ch. 25 ; L. R. 5 Ch. 583. See observation of the master of the rolls in Smith v. Smith, 44 L. J. Ch. 632. In the Attorney -General v. Richmond, 35 L. J. Ch. 597, Wood, V. C., says, " No persons are entitled on the ground of ancient custom or privilege to make a river carry off the sewage through drains or to collect the whole into a mass and pour it in at one time in such a quantity that the river cannot perform its function of diluting it on its passage down to the lower riparian proprietors. And see further as to the grounds on which the courts have proceeded in applications for injunctions to restrain nuisances from the pollution of streams and other causes ; Attorney- General v. Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, 38 L. J. Ch. 265 ; Attorney- General v. Corporation of Halifax, 39 L. J. Ch. 129, and North Staffordshire Railway Company v. Tunstall Local Board of Health, 39 L. J. Ch. 131; Holt v. Mayor of Rochdale, 39 L. J. Ch. 761 ; Attorney-General v. Luton Board of Health, 2 Jur. (N.S.) 180; Oldacre v. Hunt, 1 Jur. (N.S.) 785; and see Bidder v. The Local Board of Croydon, 6 L. T. (N.S.) 779 ; and Attorney -General v. Bradford Canal Company, L. R. 2 Eq. 71. But the courts have refused to interfere where the evidence showed that the nuisance complained of was trivial in its character or only temporary in dura- tion. In The Attorney- General v. Gee, L. R. 10 Eq. 131, a bill and information filed to restrain a local board of health from discharging sewage into a river were dismissed with costs, principally on the ground that the injury proved was only trifling. In the Attorney -General v. Corporation of Kingston-on-Thames, 34 L. J. Ch. 481, an injunction to restrain the cor- poration from draining into the Thames was refused because there was no evidence of an existing or strongly probable nuisance. In Attorney-General v. Cockermouth Local Board of Health, L. R. 18 Eq. 172, where a local board discharged sewage into a river in contravention of the Local Govern- ment Amendment Act, 1861, an injunction to restrain them from infringing the Act was granted, though the bill seeking to make out a case of nuisance was dismissed. In Lillywhite v. Trimmer, 36 L. J. Ch. 525, a bill filed to restrain a 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 135, 186. 81 struct and place, either above or under ground, such reservoirs, Section 135. sluices, engines, and other works as may be necessary (a), and may cause the sewage and refuse from such sewers to be sold or disposed of (b) as they may see fit, but so as not to create a nuisance (c), and the money arising thereby shall be applied towards defraying the expenses of such board (d). 136 (e). Before the metropolitan board of works commence any sewers and works for preventing the sewage from passing into the Before works Thames as aforesaid, the plan of the intended sewers and works for . or the purpose aforesaid, together with an estimate of the cost of carry- ing the same into execution, shall be submitted by such board to the commissioners of Her Majesty's works and public buildings ; and no tobe submit- ' such plan shall be carried into effect until the same has been ted to commis- approved by such commissioners. sioners of local board front discharging sewage into a river, causing nuisance and injury to the plaintiff was dismissed, but without costs, the court finding that no material injury had accrued to the plaintiff, and that the nuisance, if any, had been to a great extent abolished since the filing of the bill ; and the Vice-Chan cellor, in delivering judgment, expressed his acquiescence in the law as laid down in the Attorney- General v. Town Council of Bir- mingham, 4 Kay & J. 528, supra, and followed in subsequent decisions. Under the Judicature Act, 1873, s. 89, a county court has, in actions within its jurisdiction, power to grant an injunction against a nuisance, and to commit to prison for disobedience thereto ; Exparte Martin, L. R. 10 Ch. D. 212. (a) A local board of health was held not empowered by the 46th section of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 to enter upon the land of another person without his consent for the purpose of making a tank or reservoir for the reception of sewage, Sutton v. Mayor of Norwich, 27 L. J. Ch. 739. (b) The 28 & 29 Viet. c. 121 (Loc.) (Metropolitan Sewage and Essex Recla- mation Act 1865) authorized the incorporation of a company for utilising the sewage of the metropolis north of the Thames and other purposes. The time for completion was extended by the 29 & 30 Viet. c. 280 (Loc.) to 1866. See bill for an injunction by a local board of health against a sewage company complaining that the company's works were insufficient for treating the sewage successfully, and thereby occasioning a nuisance ; Kuneaton Local Board of Health v. General Sewage Company, L. R. 20, Eq. 127. By the Thames Navigation Act 1870, s. 20, the metropolitan board are required at their own expense to keep the Thames free from banks and obstructions arising from the flow of sewage at their outfalls, with power to dredge and remove banks and obstructions, subject to the approval of the conservators. (c) Refer to note to section 135, supra, as to proceedings to restrain nuisances from sewage, &c. See 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 23, post, as to works and means for deodorizing sewage during the execution of works for the purification of the Thames. See section 24 as to execution of works so as not to create a nuisance, and section 31 as to proceedings by secretary of state on complaint of nuisance. (d) See powers given to metropolitan board to take land for works for deodorization of sewage pending the execution of the main drainage works. 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 3, post. (e) This clause was repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, post, the first section of which directs the board to execute the works of main drainage " according to such plan as to them shall seem proper," thus rendering the approval of the commissioners of works no longer necessary ; see section 25 .of last-named Act ; and by the 9th section the commissioners of the treasury were authorized to appoint inspecting engineers to inspect the main drainage works executed under this Act, and report to the commis- sioners in relation to the expenditure on such works. O g2 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 137. 137. In case it appear to the metropolitan board of works that any - sewers in the metropolis not hereinbefore vested in such board ought Metropolitan ^ Q be cons i(j ere d main sewers, and to be under their management, it board may de- gnall be ]awM for guc]l board> by an order under their seal> to declare bemainr'were tne same to be ma * n sewers > and thereupon the same shall vest in , , , ' and be under the management of the said board ; and it shall also theiHurkdic be ! awfu l for the said board bv any such order to take under their tion sewerage jurisdiction and authority any other matters in relation to sewerage matters under an d to drainage with respect to which jurisdiction or authority is by jurisdiction of this Act vested in any vestry or district board, vestries and district boards. 138. The metropolitan board of works shall from time to time, in Metropolitan order to secure the efficient maintenance of the main and general board to make sewerage of the metropolis, make such general or special order as to orders for con- them may seem proper for the guidance, direction, and control of the trolling ves- vestries of parishes and district boards in the levels, construction, tries and dis- alteration, and maintenance and cleansing of sewers in their respec- trict boards in tive parishes or districts, and for securing the proper connexion and construction of intercommunication of the sewers of the several parishes and districts sewers, &c. () and their communications with the main sewers vested in the said metropolitan board, and generally for the guidance, direction, and control of vestries and district boards in the exercise of their powers and duties in relation to sewerage ; and all such orders shall be bind- ing upon such vestries and boards. Metropolitan 139. The metropolitan board of works, where it appears to them board may expedient that any officer or set of officers necessary for the purposes direct appoint- of this Act should act for a larger area than is comprised in one ments to be parish or district, or for parts of different parishes or districts, may,, made for two -with the consent of the vestries or boards of such parishes or dis- parishes or dis- tricts, direct that such vestries or boards shall unite in the appoint- tricts jointly. ment anx j rem oval of such officer or set of officers ; and the said metropolitan board shall in such cases direct the mode in which the respective bodies or committees thereof shall act together for the purposes of every such appointment and removal, and the propor- tions in which the salary or salaries of such officer or officers shall be borne and paid by every such parish and district respectively. Or may place a 140. It shall be lawful for the metropolitan board of works, where street in diffe- it appears to them that any street or fine of street, being in more rent parishes than one parish or district, should be placed under the exclusive manage- under the ment of one vestry or district board for the purposes of paving, lighting, management watering, and cleansing, or any of them, or for the purposes of sewer- n l- VC f ^ and drama ge> or for all the purposes of this Act. to order that the or part oi a same shall be under the management of such vestry or board accord- them Cr ingly ; and {i sha11 als '' be lawful for the said metropolitan board, ment of vestrv where ii; a PP ears to them that any part of any parish or district is so * detached or situate that it would be convenient for the purposes of (a) The 83rd section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, empowers the metro- politan board to make bye-laws in relation to the matters enumerated in this section ; and see section 45, et seq. of same Act, as to submitting plans to metropolitan board and other regulations in case of the construction of new sewers, branching of drains into sewers, abandonment, &c. of designs for sewers ; and section 32 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, as to compensation where sewers of different parishes are connected. There is 110 express pro- vision for enforcing compliance. In R. v. Walker, 40 J. P. 231, it was decided that an indictment lay for disobedience to an order of commis- sioners made under the Epping Forst Acts. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 140, 141. 83 sewerage or drainage that the same should be placed under the Section 140. management of the vestry or district board of any adjoining parish or district, to order that such part shall, for such purposes be under _ ^ t ij the management of such vestry or district board. 141 (c). It shall be- lawful for the metropolitan board of works Metropolitan from time to time to cause to be painted or affixed on a conspicuous board to regu- part of some house or building at or near each end, corner, or ' a * naming of entrance of every street in the metropolis the name of such street, strefi ** ^ nd and the board may, where more than one street in the metropolis is "' called by the same name, alter the name of any or all such streets, except one, to any other name which to such board may seem fit, and which may be approved by the commissioners of Her Majesty's works and public buildings ; and before any name is given to any new street, notice of the intended name shall be given to the said board, and if there be any street in the metropolis called or about to be called by the same name, the said board may, by notice in writing, stating that there is already a street in the metropolis called or about to be called by the same name, and describing the locality thereof, given to the person by whom notice of such intended name was given to them, at any time within fourteen days after receipt of such last- mentioned notice, object to such intended name ; and it shall not be lawful to set up any name to any new street in the metropolis until the expiration of fourteen days after notice thereof has been given as aforesaid to the said board, or to set up any name objected to as aforesaid ; and the owners or occupiers of houses and buildings in the several streets in the metropolis shall mark such houses or buildings with such numbers or names for the purpose of dis- tinguishing the same as the said board may direct or approve and shall renew the numbers or names of such houses or build- ings as often as they are obliterated or defaced ; and if any occupier of any such house or building neglect for one week after notice from the said board to mark such house or building with such number or name as the said board may direct or approve, or to renew the number or name thereof as aforesaid, he shall be liable to a penalty of not exceeding 40s., and the said board may cause such number or name to be so marked or renewed, and recover the expense thereof from the owner of such house or building in manner hereinafter provided ; and if any person wilfully or maliciously destroy, pull down, obliterate, or deface the name of any street in the metropolis, or the name or number of any house or building in any such street, or paint, affix, or set up any name to any street, or any name or number to any house or building, contrary to this (i) See section 160, as to orders by vestries for payment of expenses of executing the Act in the parts placed under their management under this provision and note to that section. The 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, em- powers the metropolitan board to place roadways, footways, &c., in dif- ferent parishes or districts under the management of one vestry or district board, and to direct in what proportions the cost of constructing sewers, paving, lighting, &c., shall be borne. (e) This section is repealed by section 87 of the Act, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, which re-enacts its provisions with certain modifications. Under this enactment it was held that the metropolitan board possessed the exclusive power of directing how houses should be numbered within the city of London ; and the powers given to the commissioners of sewers for the city by 11 & 12 Viet. c. 163, were in that respect superseded by those more recently conferred upon the metropolitan board ; Daw v. The Metro- politan Board of Works, 31 L. J. C. P. 223. G 2 g4 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 141. enactment, he shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceed- ing 40s. ; and it shall be lawful for the said board to cause such name or number so painted, affixed, or set up contrary to their direction to . be obliterated or destroyed. Register to be 142. The said metropolitan board shall keep a register of all kept of altcra- alterations made by them in the names of streets, and such registers tions m names s h a n \) Q k e pt j n suc }i form as to show the date of every such altera- of streets. tion> an( j tne name O f t jj e s t ree t previous to such alteration as well as the new name thereof. Buildings not 143 (a). No building shall, without the consent in writing of the to be brought metropolitan board of works, be erected beyond the regular line of beyond line of buildings in the street in which the same is situate, in case the dis- street. tance of such line of buildings from the highway do not exceed thirty feet, or within thirty feet of the highway where the distance of the line of buildings therefrom amounts to or exceeds thirty feet, notwithstanding there being gardens or vacant spaces between the line of buildings and the highw-ay ; and in case any building be erected contrary to this enactment, it shall be lawful for the vestry or district board in whose parish or district such building is situate to cause the same to be demolished or set back (as the case may require), and to recover the expenses incurred by them from the owner of the premises in manner provided by this Act. Power to 144. The metropolitan board of works shall have power to make, metropolitan widen, or improve any streets, roads, or ways, for facilitating the board to make passage and traffic between different parts of the metropolis, or to improvements contribute and join with any persons in any such improvements as (*) aforesaid, and to take, by agreement or by gift, any land, rights in land, or property, for the purposes aforesaid (or otherwise) for the (a) This section is repealed by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 75, post, which contains a new set of regulations with respect to buildings beyond the general line, and see section 76 of same Act. Neither this nor the Metro- politan Building Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, contains any definition of the word " building," but under the latter Act it was held that a shop all wood, without footings or any brickwork for a foundation, thirteen feet high and as many wide, built on wooden joists laid on the ground without being let or fastened into the soil, and being capable of being removed in its entirety, was a building within the meaning of that Act ; Stevens v. Oourley, 29 L. J. C. P. 1. It was decided under this provision, and the 3rd section of 19 & 20 Viet. e. 112, that the ecclesiastical commissioners were not empowered to erect a church beyond the regular line of buildings in a street; Ecclesiastical Commissioners v. Vestry of Clerkenwell, 30 L. J. 454, Ch. on appeal. Under this enactment it was decided that it was sufficient if there was a general uniformity in the line of buildings ; Tear v. Freebody, 22 J. P. 707; Robins v. Bury, 25 J. P. 83. The removal of the materials in the former case was held to be a conversion. But see now 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 75, and see the cases referred to in notes to that section, post. Where a local board under Public Health Act 1875, did not within a month signify its disapproval of a plan for building, held it could not afterwards object where the building was exe- cuted in accordance with the plan ; Masters v. Pontypool Local Board of Health, L. R. 9, Ch. D. 677 ; or pull down the building without giving the owner an opportunity of showing cause ; ibid. (b) By 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 10, the power of making application to parliament given to the metropolitan board by this section is declared to apply to applications to parliament for the purpose of parks, pleasure- grounds, places of recreation, &c. See 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, 8. 11, post, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 144. 85 improvement of the metropolis, on such terms and conditions as they Section 144. may think fit ; and such board, where it appears to them that fur- ther powers are required for the purpose of any work for the im- provement of the metropolis or public benefit of the inhabitants thereof, may make applications to parliament (c) for that purpose, and the expenses (d) of such application may be defrayed as other expenses of the said board : [Provided always, that before the metropolitan board of works commence any such works the esti- mated expense whereof shall exceed fifty thousand pounds, the plan of such works, together with an estimate of the cost of carrying the same into execution, shall be submitted by such board to the com- missioners of Her Majesty's works and public buildings ; and no such plan shall be carried into effect until the same has been empowering vestries to take land by agreement or gift for pleasure grounds &c. ; and section 72 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, pout, empowering vestries and district boards, with consent of metropolitan board, to effect improvements within their parish or district, and to borrow money for that purpose ; and section 73, giving the same bodies powers under 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, for im- proving and regulating streets. See clauses, post, Appendix. (c) See reference to the acts obtained by the metropolitan board for the purposes defined by this and the 10th section of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, in note to the last-named section post. (d) The provisions contained in this and the 10th section of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, confer express power upon the metropolitan board to make applications to parliament directed to the object of obtaining further powers for the objects specified ; and the special Acts for improvements pro- moted by the board, generally contain a provision for payment of the expenses of obtaining them as the costs or expenses incurred in the execu- tion of the Metropolis Management Acts. The general principles applicable to the law relating to the payment of expenses of parliamentary proceedings by corporations, local authorities, and other public bodies may be deduced from the following decisions : It was held in Bateman v. Mayor of Ashton-under-Lyne, 3 H. & N. 323, that a company incorporated for supplying a district with water, might lawfully apply to parliament for an extension of their powers, and con- tract for the supply of plans and estimates essential to the application. But commissioners under a local Act were held not entitled to defray out of their funds the expenses of obtaining another Act giving more extensive powers; Attorney-General v. Andrews, 2 McN. and Gordon, 225. Commissioners of sewers may legally incur expenses in endeavouring to procure the rejection or modification of a bill in parliament for carrying out drainage likely to be injurious to their level, as litigation, &c. arising out of their duties within section 16 of 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 22 ; E. v. Commissioners of Sewers of Norfolk, 15 Q. B. 549. And commissioners for maintaining the banks of a river were held entitled to oppose a bill in parliament, the provisions of which they had grounds for believing would be injurious to the lands under their superin- tendence ; Bright v. North, 2 Ph. 216. And in an information to restrain a municipal corporation from apply- ing the borough fund or raising a rate for the purpose of opposing a bill in parliament, the object of which v/as to interfere with the sewage and drainage of the town, it was held not a suit in which success was sufficiently probable to entitle the relator to an interlocutory injunction ; Attorney- General v. Mayor of Wigan, 5 D. M. & G. 52. A municipal corporation has a right under section 92 of the Municipal Corporation Act, or by the general law applicable to trustees, to defray out of the borough funds or rates the expenses of opposing a bill in parliament either attacking their existence as a corporation, their property, or only their rights, powers, and privileges; Attorney- General v. Mayor of Brecon, L. R. 10 Ch. D. 204 ; and as to what expenses incurred by a municipal 86 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 144. approved by sucli commissioners ; and no such works shall be com- menced in cases where the estimated expense thereof shall exceed the sum of one hundred thousand pounds without the previous sanc- tion of parliament (a). Determination of Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. Powers of 145. From and after the commencement of this Act all duties, metropolitan powers, and authorities vested in the metropolitan commissioners of commissioners sewers shall cease to be so vested ; and in the meantime, and until of sewers to such commencement, the metropolitan commission of sewers, and the cease (6). Act of the session h olden in the eleventh and twelfth years of Her Majesty, chapter one hundred and twelve, and the Acts amending the same, shall continue in force. Actions, &c., 146. K o action, suit, prosecution, or other proceedings whatsoever, not to abate, commenced or carried on by or against the said commissioners, shall but to continue a ]j ate or jj e discontinued or prejudicially affected by the determina- f or or against ^ on O f ^ e p 0wers O f 8UC h commissioners, but shall continue and on O e p metropolitan ^ ake effect in f avour O f or aga i ns t the metropolitan board of works board, or j n ^ e ^j^ manner i n a n respects as the same would have con- tinued and taken effect in relation to the said commissioners if this Act had not been passed, and the powers of the said commissioners had continued in full force ; and all decrees and orders made, and all fines, amerciaments, and penalties imposed and incurred, respec- tively, previously to the commencement of this Act, shall and may corporation in opposing a bill in parliament were held not to be expenses necessarily incurred in carrying into effect the provisions of the Municipal Corporation Act within section 92 of the Act, refer to R. v. Mayor of Sheffield, L. R. 6 Q. B. 652. A railway company incorporated by statute cannot, even with the approval of the shareholders, promote a bill in parliament involving an application of its funds to purposes foreign from those for which it was in- corporated ; East Anglian Railway Co. v. Eastern Counties Railway Co. 21 L. J. C. P. 23. See the case of an injunction restraining improvement commissioners from applying moneys produced by rates to the promotion of a bill in parliament for an extension of their district ; Attorney- General v. West Eartlepool Improvement Commissioners, L. R. 10 Eq. 152 ; and refusal of injunction to restrain application for private Acts; Steele v. Metropolitan Railway Co., L. R. 2 Ch. 237; re London, Chatham and Dover Railway Arrangement Act, L. R. 5 Ch. 671. See further Attorney- General v. Guardians of Southampton, 18 L. J. Ch. 393 ; R. v. Worksop Local Board of Health, 21 J. P. 451 ; Wilmer v. Mayor of Liverpool, 41 L. J. Q. B. 175; Attorney-General v. Compton, 1 Y. & Coll. 418; Attorney-General v. Eastlake, 17 Jur. 801 ; Attorney- General v. Pearson, 10 Jur. 661. See further as to costs of applications to parliament by public bodies and payment of costs of legal proceedings out of rates, *&c., Roberts v. Mayor of Sheffield, L. R. 6 Q. B. 652 ; Attorney- General v. West Hartlepool Improvement Commissioners, L. R. 10 Eq. 152; Wilmer v. Mayor of Liverpool, 41 L. J. Q. B. 175; Attorney-General \. Pearson, 10 Jur. 651 ; R. v. Mayor of Warwick, 15 L. J. Q. B. 306 ; R. v. Mayor of Tamworth, 19 L. T. (N. s.) 433. (a) This proviso is repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 25, post, and the approval of the commissioners of works and previous sanction of parlia- ment in the cases specified are no longer necessary. (b) The Acts relating to the metropolitan commissioners of sewers were *,Le Metroiolitf.n Sewers Act, 1848,11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, and the continuing 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 146148. 87 be enforced, levied, recovered, and proceeded for, and all administra- Section 146. tive proceedings commenced previously to the commencement of this Act shall and may be continued, proceeded with, and com- pleted, the metropolitan board of works being, in reference to the matters aforesaid, in all respects substituted in the place of the said commissioners. 147. All rates made by the said commissioners previously to the Rates made by commencement of this Act, or so much thereof as may not have been metropolitan levied and paid, shall be levied by and paid to the metropolitan commissioners board of works, and such board shall have the same rights and <* sewers to be remedies in all respects in relation thereto as would have been had recoverable and might have been exercised by the said commissioners; but all such rates respectively shall, so far as circumstances admit, be applied to the same purposes as the same would have been applic- able to in case the powers of the said commissioners had continued in force, and shall for the purposes of such application (where the circumstances so require) be paid over by the metropolitan board of works, or by their order, to the vestry or district board havmg the management of the sewers in any parish or district under this Act, or as such vestry or board may direct. 148. All property, matters, and things whatsoever vested in the Property metropolitan commissioners of sewers, except such sewers as are vested in ine- hereby vested in any vestry or district board, and except such tropolitan sewers as are not within the limits of the parishes and places men- commissioners tioned in the schedule to this Act, shall be vested in the metropolitan and amending Acts, 12 & 13 Viet. c. 93, 14 & 15 Viet, c.75, 15 & 16 Viet, c. 64, 16 & 17 Viet. c. 125, 17 & 18 Viet. c. 111. An Act was also passed in 1855, 1 8 Viet. c. 30, giving certain special powers in relation to expendi- ture on house drainage. All have now expired. The first of the above-named Acts incorporated 23 Hen. 8, c. 5, with certain exceptions, but none of those provisions are incorporated with the present Act, but the powers of the board and vestries constituted by it are contained in substantive enact- ments. The 182nd section, however, preserves to the metropolitan board the powers conferred by the first of the above Acts in relation to improve- ment rates. The limits of the metropolitan sewers commission very mate- rially differed from those of the metropolis, as defined by the present Act. See, as to the latter, interpretation of the word " metropolis," section 225. The metropolitan commission of sewers which was issued under the power contained in the 1st section of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, included the limits of the commissions commonly known as those of Westminster and part of Middlesex, the Holborn and Finsbnry, the Poplar and Blackwall, the Tower Hamlets, Saint Katherine's, the Surrey and Kent, and the Greenwich. The first metropolitan commission, issued in January, 1849, included within it, under a provision contained in the 1st section of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, the parts subject to the jurisdiction of the commissioners acting under 5 Geo. 4. c. 100, the Regent's Park, Regent Street, &c., issued in October, 1849, and the second added to its other districts the parish of Chiswick. . Those commissioners did not deal with the whole of the area comprised within the foregoing limits, but confined the exercise of their power to what was designated their "active jurisdiction," which was divided into districts and levels, in conformity with the 34th and 35th sections of the Act of 1848. (c) See action brought by the metropolitan board to recover arrears of rates due to the metropolitan commissioners of sewers, Metropolitan Board of Works v. Vauxhall Bridge Co.. 26 L. J. Q. B. 253, and observations in note to section 161. 88 Sectitm 148. of sewers (ex- cept sewers transferred to vestries and district boards) trans- ferred to the metropolitan board of works. Power to beards and vestries to enter into METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. board of works ; and all persons who then owe any money to the said commissioners of sewers, or to any person on behalf of such commissioners, shall pay the same to the metropolitan board of works, or as they may direct ; and all moneys then due and owing by or recoverable from the said commissioners shall be paid by or recoverable from the metropolitan board of works ; and all con- tracts, agreements, bonds, covenants, and securities (a) theretofore made or entered into with or in favour of or by the said commis- sioners, and all contracts, agreements, bonds, covenants, and securi- ties made or entered with or in favour of or by any former or other commissioners, which under the said Act of the eleventh and twelfth years of Her Majesty were to take effect in favour of, against, and with reference to the said metropolitan commissioners of sewers, and are now in force, shall take effect and may be proceeded on and enforced, as near as circumstances admit, in favour of, by, against, and with reference to the metropolitan board of works, as the same would have taken effect and might have been proceeded on and enforced in favour of, by, against, and with reference to the said metropolitan commissioners of sewers if this Act had not been passed, and the powers of such commissioners had continued in full force (6), and any retiring pension or allowance granted under section twenty-seven of the said Act of the eleventh and twelfth years of Her Majesty shall continue payable on the like terms by the said metropolitan board of works (c). Auxiliary Powers common to the Metropolitan Board of Works and to Vestries and District Boards. 149. The metropolitan board of works, and every district board and vestry, may enter into all such contracts as they may think necessary for carrying this Act into execution ; and every such con- tract for works (d) or materials whereof the value or amount exceeds- (a) See special provision for payment of mortgages, &c., of metropolitan board, section 181, post. (b) The metropolitan board were held liable to pay compensation for damage from sewerage works executed under the metropolitan commis- sions of sewers, though no claim was made during the existence of those commissions or till several years afterwards ; re Arbitration of Pettiivard v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 34 L. .T. C. P. 301. (c) The provision referred to authorized the commissioners to order the payment of the pension or allowance on such terms and out of such funds under their disposal as they thought fit. See 213th section of the present Act, as to retiring pensions to officers of metropolitan commissioners not continued in office by metropolitan board, &c., and the Superannuation Allowances to Officers of Boards and Vestries Act, 1866, post appendix, empowering the metropolitan and district boards and vestries to award com- pensation to officers. (d) Under the 85th section of the repealed statute 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63 (Public Health Act, 1848), in which the language was very similar to that used in the present provision, it was decided that the section was not merely directory but created a condition, and that a contract by a local board by resolution not under seal was void ; Frend \. Dennett, 27 L. J. C. P. 314 ; 4 Jur. (N.S.) 897. The general rule is, that all contracts by a corpo- ration must be under their common seal, subject to certain exceptions in the case of contracts of a comparatively unimportant character, such as hiring a cook, or appointing a bailiff. Further exceptions to the rule have been introduced in the case of contracts by trading corporations for carrying on their trade, for works or services incidental and necessary to the pur- 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 149. 89 .10 shall be in writing or print, or partly in writing and partly in. Section 149. print, sealed with the seal of the board or vestry ; and every contract ~~ so entered into, and duly executed by the other parties thereto, shall contracts to: be binding on the board or vestry and their successors, and upon all arrviI JS other parties thereto : Provided always, that it shall be lawful for any such board or vestry to compound with any contractor or other poses of the corporation, contracts which from their nature cannot be under seal, contracts of urgency, &c. See South of Ireland Colliery Company v. Waddle, L. R. 4 C. P. 617, and Renter v. Electric Telegraph Company, 26 L. J. Q. B. 46. It is, however, difficult to apply those rules with certainty, nor is it quite practicable to reconcile the decisions of the courts upon the subject. Most of the authorities were reviewed in the following cases -.Mayor of Ludloio v. Charlton, 6 M. & W. 815 ; Smart v. West Ham Union, 24 L. J. Ex. 201 ; and see cases in Equity, Kirk v. Bromley Union, 2 Ph. 640 ; and Crampton v. Varna Railway Company, L. R. 7 Ch. 562 ; Paine v. Strand Union, 8 Q. B. 326; Homersham v. Wolverhamp- ton Water Works Company, 6 Ex. 137; Kirk v. Sromley Union, 12 Jur. 85 ; Lamprell v. Ouardians of Billericay, 18 L. J. Ex. 282 ; London Dock Company v. Sinnott, 8 Ell. and B. 347. Those authorities show that by the absence of a seal a contract is invalidated. See also Ernest v. Nicholls, 6 H. L. Ca. 40; Austin v. Guardians of Bethnal Green, L. R. 9 C. P. 91 ; and Mayor of Kidderminster v. Hardwick, L. R. 9 Ex. 13. In the following cases the contracts were held binding notwith- standing they were not under seal ; Sanders v. Guardians of St. Neat's Union, 8 Q. B. 810; Clarke \. Guardians of Cuckfield Union, 21 L. J. Q. B. 349; Haigh v. Guardians of North Brierley Union, 28 L. J. Q. B. 62; Nicholson v. Bradfield Union, L. R. 1 Q. B. 620; South of Ireland Colliery Company v. Waddle, supra; Wells v. Mayor of King ston-upon- Hull, L. R. 10 C. P. 402 ; and Goodyear v. Mayor of Weymouth, 35 L. J. C. P. 12. Where the defendants, a local board of health and urban authority under the Public Health Act, 1875, verbally directed their surveyor to employ plaintiff to prepare plans for new offices, and the plans were prepared and approved by the defendant, but there was no con- tract under seal, nor any ratification under seal of the acts of the surveyor, nor any resolution of the board authorizing the preparation of the plans, the contract could not be enforced ; Hunt v. Wimbledon Local Board of Health, L. R. 3 C. P. D. 208. Where a local board entered into a contract for works not under seal, but without obtaining an estimate from their surveyor, as required by the 85th section of the Public Health Act, 1875, it was decided that the pro- vision was only directory, and the contract binding; Nowell v. Mayor of Worcester, 9 Ex. 457; and see Cunningham v. Local Board of Health of Wolverhampton, 7 Ell. & Bl. 107; Sudlow v. Worthington r 2 B. & S. 508. A municipal corporation held not liable for the costs of opposing a bill in Parliament, where the solicitor's retainer was not under seal ; Sutton v. Spectacle Makers' Company, 3 Cox Mag. Ca. 28. Where the seal of a company acting under the Commissioners' Clauses Act, 1845, was affixed to a contract without lawful authority, no liability was incurred ; IfArcy v. Tamar, fyc., Railway Company, L. R. 2 Ex. 158. See circumstances amounting to evidence of the personal liability of the chairman of a local board of health for works executed by a contractor not included in his contract with the board ; Mountstephen v. Lakeman, 36 J. P. 261. In an action by a contractor on a contract with a municipal corporation it was decided that there was no implied contract by the defendants that the plans were practicable, and that the plaintiff's only remedy was to pro- ceed for the extra expenses; Thorn \.Lord Mayor of London, L. R. 9 Ex. 163 ; 10 Ex. 112. In a contract for works, including alterations, it was held that no condition was implied that the alterations might reason- 90 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 149. person in respect of any penalty incurred by reason of the non- performance ot any contract entered into as aforesaid, whether such penalty be mentioned in any such contract or in any bond or other- wise, for such sum of money or other recompense as to the board or vestry may seem proper. Power to compound for penalties in respect of breach of contracts. ably be completed within the time ; Jones v. St. John's College, Oxford, 40 L. J. Q. B. 80; and see Cox \. Midland Counties Railway Company, 3 Ex. 270. As to penalties for non-completion of contract within the stipulated time, see Duckworth v. Alison, 1 M. & W. 412; Holme v. Guppy, 3 M. & W. 387 ; M'Intosh v. Midland Counties Railway, 14 M. & W. 548 ; and see Thornhill v. Neate, 2 L. T. (N.S.) 539. Refer to Exparte Capper, L. K. 4, Ch. D. (C. A.) 724, where the contract pro- vided for payment of a sum as liquidated damages in case of the non-com- pletion of the works within the time limited, and it was held on the facts that the sum was in the nature of a penalty. See a suit by a party to whom the contractor had assigned his contract, and who completed the works, Aspinall v. London and North Western Railway Company, 11 Hare, 325; and where the works were finished by the administrator of the contractor after his death; Crosthwaite v. Gardner, 21 L. J. Q. B. 356. Where a contract empowered a company after notice to take posses- sion of the plant, and they acted on the notice, no relief could be obtained in equity; Ranger v. Great Western Railway Company, 5 H. L. Ca. 72 ; and as to the form of such a notice, see Pauling v. Mayor of Dover, 24 L. J. Ex. 128. See as to the effect of bankruptcy of contractor on right of employer to take possession of the plant, Rouch v. Great Western Railway Company, 4 P. & D. 686 ; Hawthorn v. Newcastle Railway Com,' pany, 3 Q. B. 734* n. See in Re Winter, Ex parte Bolland, L. R. W. N. 1878, p. 67 ; Dimes v. Grand Junction Canal, 3 H. L. Ca. 759. In the case of Walker v. London and North Western Railway Company, L. R. 1 C. P. D. 518, it was decided, on the construction of a contract for building a dock, &c., that the right of insisting upon a forfeiture of material and implements could only be exercised within the time originally limited for "the completion of the works ; Roberts v. Bury Improvement Commissioners, distinguished, L. R. 4 C. P. 755. Engineers' certificates held not written orders within a building contract, requiring written orders for alterations or additions ; Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company v. M'Elroy, L. R. 3 App. Ca. : H. L. (Pt. 2) 1040. As to the sufficiency of certificate, see Pashby v. Mayor of Birmingham, 18 C. B. 2. And where under a similar contract the engineer's certificate was withheld, but it was found not to be fraudulently withheld, relief in equity was refused; Scott v. Corporation of Liverpool, 28 L. J. Ch. 230. A statement of claim by a contractor that the defendant, an architect, in refusing a certificate, was acting not bond fide, but in collusion with a building owner, was held to show a good cause of action ; Ludbrook v. Barrett, 42 J. P. 23. See also Scott v. Aoery, 25 L. J. Ex. 30; Livingston v. Ralli, 24 L. J. Q. B. ; Blackburn v. Smaith, 2 Ex. 183. As to action against a surety where there have been deviations from the contract, see Ware v. Calvert, 7 A. & E. 143 ; and refer to General Steam Navigation Company v. Rolt, 6 C. B. (K.S.) 550; Woodcock v. Oxford and Worcester Railway Company, 1 Dr. 521. See implied covenant by vestry to employ a contractor during the time stipulated in contract ; Hornsby v. Vestry of St. Lukes, Chelsea, 2 L. T. (N.s.) 176. Where a party had tendered for works to an incor- porated company, which tender was accepted by them, but not under seal, and no further contract was executed, it was held that the company could not maintain an action against the party making the tender, as the company did not bring themselves within any of the exceptions to the general rule that a corporation aggregate can only be bound by contracts under the seal of the corporation; London Dock Company v. Sinnott, 27 L. J. Q. B. 129 ; 8 Ell. and Bl. 347. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 150, 151. 91 150. It shall be lawful for the metropolitan board of works and Section 150. every district board and vestry to purchase, or to take on lease for such term as they may think fit, any land, or any right or ease- ment in or over any land which they may deem necessary or expedient for the formation or protection of any works which they are authorized to execute under this Act, also any offices and other buildings, yards, stations, or places for deposit of refuse, materials, and things, or any f or tl ' ie land for the erection and formation of such offices and other buildings, purposes of yards, stations, or places, for deposit ; and also to contract for the pur- this Act. chase, removal, or abatement of any mill-dam, pound, weir, bank, wall, lock, or other obstruction to the flow of water, whereby sewerage or drainage is interrupted or impeded, and for the purchase of any land, or any right or easement in or over any land, which it may be neces- sary or expedient to purchase to prevent the obstruction of sewerage or drainage ; and also to purchase or take on lease as aforesaid the whole or any part of any streams or springs of water, or any rights therein, which it appears to them necessary to acquire and use for the purposes of cleansing sewers and drains, and the other purposes of this Act, or any land which is deemed by them advisable to pur- chase or take on lease for the purpose of drawing or obtaining water from springs, or by sinking of wells, and for making and providing reservoirs, tanks, aqueducts, watercourses, and other works, or for any other purpose connected with the works for obtaining such supply of water as aforesaid : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall authorize the said metropolitan board, or any district board or vestry, to use or permit to be used any such works for the purpose of carrying water by supply pipes into any house or factory for domestic (a), manufacturing, or commercial purposes. 151. For the purpose of enabling the said metropolitan board, and Certain pro- every district board and vestry, to obtain any land, or any right or visions of easement (b) in or over any land, which they respectively may 8 & 9 y ict - require for the purposes of this Act, " The Lands Clauses Consoli- c - 18 > incorpo- dation Act, 1845, except the provisions of that Act with respect to T ^ eA wit1 ' the recovery of forfeitures, penalties, and costs, shall, subject to the this Acfc - provisions herein contained, be incorporated with this Act ; and the provisions of the said Act so incorporated with this Act which would be applicable in the case of a purchase of any land, shall be applicable in the case of a purchase of a right or easement in or over any land ; (a) As to what use of water is included in the expression " domestic use," see Busby v. Chesterfield Water and Gas Company, 27 L. J. M. C. 174. It was decided that the New River Company was not bound to supply water for flushing sewers during the three hottest months of the year at fixed prices, according to their local Act, instead of at rates to be agreed on as provided by the 37th section of the Waterworks Clauses Consolidation Act; Metropolitan Board of Works v. New Ewer Company, 41 J. P. 790. As to effect of the want of the necessary statutory powers for the supply of water, see Southward and Vauxhall Waterworks Company v. Vestry of Richmond. L. R. 3 Ch. D. 82. As to what amounts to a sufficient excuse for not supplying water refer to Campbell \. East London Waterworks Company, 36 J. P. 711 ; and proceedings by Local Board of Health under Public Health Act, 1848, to recover expense of supply of water to a house from the owner; Cabellero v. Lewis, 39 J. P. 615. (b) The word " land " in the Lands Clauses Act does not include an ease- ment ; Pinchin v. London and Blackball Railway Company, 24, L. J. Ch. 417. 92 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 151. and for the purposes of this Act the expression " the promoters of the undertaking," wherever used in the said Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, shall mean the metropolitan board, or the district board or vestry, acting under the provisions of the said Act and this A ct, as the case may be. Lands not to 152. Provided always, that the provisions of the said Lands Clauses be taken Consolidation Act, " with respect to the purchase and taking of lands compulsorily otherwise than by agreement" (a), shall not be incorporated with this (a) The compulsory powers for purchasing and taking land given by this Act, and by the Main Drainage Act, 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, made applicable to all works under that Act, and to certain works authorized by the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, and the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts are, with certain specified exceptions, incorpo- rated with the Thames Embankment Act, 1862, and similar powers are conferred upon the board by special Acts for the formation of new streets, parks, and other public improvements, and for various other purposes. The powers for improving and regulating streets, and for the suppression of nuisances, given by 57 Geo. 3, c. 29, are by the 73rd section of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, extended and made applic- able to the metropolis, the effect of which is to confer upon ve*tries and district boards the compulsory power of purchase given by the 80th section of the former Act. The decisions relative to compensation for damage to land, and pro- ceedings injuriously affecting laud, are referred to in the notes to section 135, ante. Where a metropolitan vestry gave notice to treat for the purchase of pre- mises required to improve a street, it was held that the fact that they were a public body did not exempt them from the obligation imposed by the notice, and that such notice was binding ; Birch v. Vestry of Marylebone ; 5 Cox Mag. Ca. 629 ; and see R. v. Commissioners of Woods, Sfc., 17 L. J. Q. B. 341. The making a tunnel under a building is a taking of part of the build- ing ; Ramsden v. Manchester, Sfc., Railway Company, 1 Ex. 723 ; and as to the " taking and using " a stream within 85th section of Lands Clauses Act and Waterworks Clauses Act, see Bush v. Trowbridge Waterworks Company, 44 L. J. Ch. 235, 645 ; and refer to Stone v. Mayor of Yeovil, 45 L. J. C. P. 657; Ferrand v. Corporation of Bradford, 20 Jur. (N.S.) 175. Where the metropolitan board under the Thames Embankment Act filled up a portion of the river bed, depriving the owner of access to the river, it was decided that they were not taking any right or easement in lands, but that the owner's rights were only injuriously affected, giving- a title to compensation ; Macey v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 33 L. J. Ch. 377. So also where the land was only required for a temporary purpose, it was decided not to be a taking or using making it obligatory to comply with section 84 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act ; Temple Pier Com- pany v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 34 L. J. Ch. 262; and see Ferrar v. Commissioners of Seioers of London, 38 L. J. Ex. 17 ; Ex. Ch. 102. A notice to treat is in general binding; R. v. Hungerford Market Company, 4 B. & Ad. 327 ; Morgan v. Metropolitan Railway Company, L. R. 3C. P. 553; 4 C. P. (Ex. Ch.) 97; Birch v. Vestry of St. Mary- lebone, 5 Cox Mag. Ca. 629 ; Steele v. Corporation of Liverpool, 7 B. & S. 261 ; Fatherly \. Metropolitan Railway Company, L. R. 2 C. P. 188. But where the Commissioners of Woods, &c., gave a notice to treat under the Battersea Park Act, it was held that as they were acting in a public capacity on behalf of the executive government, the notice did not consti- tute a quasi contract enforceable by mandamus ; R. v. Commissioners of Woods, $c., 19 L. J. Q. B. 497. Fee further as to effect of a notice to treat, Grierson v. Cheshire Lines 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 152, 158. 93 Act save for enabling the metropolitan board of works to take land or g ec tion 152 any right or easement in or over land, for the purpose of making any ' sewers or works for preventing the sewage or any part of the sewage except by within the metropolis from passing into the Thames in or near the metropolitan metropolis, or otherwise for the purpose of the sewerage or drainage board with of the metropolis: Provided also, that no land, or right or easement consent of in or over land, for the purposes aforesaid, shall be taken compul- Secretary of sorily by the said board, without the previous consent in writing of State, one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state. 153. The metropolitan board of works, before applying for the Previous consent of the secretary of state for taking land, or any right or ease- notice to be ment in or over land, compulsorily, as aforesaid, shall publish once given (6). at least in each of four consecutive weeks, in one of the daily Committee, L. R, 19 Eq. 83 ; Watts v. Watts, L. R. 17 Eq. 217 ; Guest v. Poole, $c., Railway Company, L. R. 5 C. P. 553 ; Ystalyfera Iron Company v. Neath, $c., Railway Company, L. R. 17 Eq. 142. Where a company has compulsory power of taking land, the subsequent fixing of compensation and purchase money constitute a binding contract for sale and purchase; Mason v. Stokes Bay Pier Company, 32 L. J. Ch. 110. Acts giving to a corporation compulsory power for the purpose of effect- ing public improvements, are not to be construed in the same strict manner as Acts giving like power to any body of adventurers, such, for example, as a railway company ; Galloway v. Corporation of London, 1 H. L. 34 ; and as to what are lauds taken " for the purposes of the Act," Ibid., and see Quintan v. Corporation of Bristol, L. R. 17 Eq. 524. As to what lands are required to be taken, see Governors of St. Thomas's Hospital v. Charing Cross Railway Company, 30 L. J. Ch. 395 ; Thomas v. Daw, L. R. 2 Ch. 1 ; and what is not part of a manufactory within section 92 of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act; Reddin v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 31 L. J. Ch. 660, and refer to Richards v. Swansea Improvement Company, L. R. 9, Ch. D. 425. (b) The course directed by this section is substituted for that prescribed by the 18th and subsequent sections of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 8 & 9 Viet. c. 18, with respect to the service of notices on owners and occupiers. The rules as to the sufficiency of notice under the latter Act requiring an accurate statement of the situation and quantities of the lands and the correctness of the plans will be applicable. See Sims v. Commer- cial Railway Company, 1 Railway Ca. 431 ; and Kemp v. London and Brighton Railway Company, 1 Railway Ca. 495. A provisional order of the secretary of state, which is not valid till confirmed by Act of parlia- ment, is not removable by cer/iorari ; Frewin v. Local Board of Health of Hastings, 3 Cox Mag. Ca. 279. Where the rights of the lord of the manor in respect of a common, had been conveyed to a company under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, but the compensation to the commissioners had not been settled in manner provided by the Act : Held, that any person whose right of common had been disturbed by the works of the company might maintain an action ; Stoneham v. London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Co., 41 L. J. Q. B. 1. The occupiers of copyhold and freehold land, within'the manor of Hack- ney, were held to have no claim to compensation as against the freeholders and copyholders either by custom or prescription ; Austin v. Amherst, L. R. W. N. (1877), p. 270. An interest in property created by an agreement entered into by the owner after a notice to treat has been served on him is not a subject for compensation under the Lands Clauses Act; Re Marylebone Improvement Act, Exparte Edwards, L. R. 12 Eq. 389. A landowner building on land after notice, cannot, under section 92 of the 94 METBOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 153. newspapers published in the metropolis, an advertisement describing the nature of the works in respect of which the land, right, or easement, is proposed to be taken, naming a place where a plan of the proposed works is open for inspection at all reasonable hours, and stating the quantity of land or the particulars of the right or easement that they require for the purpose of such works, and shall Lands Clauses Act compel a company to purchase the house as well as the land; Littlerv.Rhyl Improvement Commissioners, L. R.W.N. (1878) p. 219. Where land is subject to restrictions as in the case of consecrated ground, it cannot be valued as if applied to secular purposes ; Stebbing v. Metro- politan Board of Works, L. R. 6 Q. B. 37. A quarterly tenant at three months' notice has no right to compensation under section 18 of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act; Syers v. Metro- politan, Board of Works, 10 Cox Mag. Ca. 588. See principle for estimating value in case of tenant for life and reversioner in a term of years ; Penny v. Penny, L. R. 5 Eq. 227. See also Ee Metti's Estate, L. R. 7 Eq. 72. Where the actual interest of a tenant is less than a year, though the original term was longer, his compensation must be assessed before justices, and if he proceeds to arbitration, the award is void ; B. v. Great Northern Railway Co., 41 J. P. 197; and see Tyson v. Lord Mayor, S(c., of Lon- don, 41 J. P. C. P. 6. The jury cannot determine a question of right, but only as to the amount of compensation ; He Hayne 13 W. R. 492 ; Brandon v. Brandon, 34 L. J. Ch. 333; nor whether lands have been injuriously affected; Hor- rocks v. Metropolitan Railway Co., 4 B. & S. 315 ; 10 Jur. (N.S.) 204. See Read v. Victoria and Pimlico Railway Co., 32 L. J. Ex. 167 ; R. v. Metropolitan Railway Co., 32 L. J. Q. B. 367 ; Mortimer v. South Wales Railway Co., 28 L. J. Q. B. 129 ; R. v. Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers 22 L. J. Q. B. 234 ; Barber v. Orantham Railway Co. 33 L. J. C. P. 193. Where the umpire in an arbitration under the Lands Clauses Consolida- tion Act made his award in the form of a special case for the opinion of a superior court, it was held that he had no legal power to do so ; Rhodes v. Airsdale Drainage Commissioners, L. R. 9 C. P. 508. Where after the amount of compensation for premises taken by the metro- politan board compulsorily had been determined by an umpire, and the abstract of title had been accepted, the premises were burned down, it was decided that the vendor was entitled to receive the amount of the assurance from the company; Collingridge v. Royal Exchange Assurance Co., 42 J. P. 118. Several claimants under the City Improvements Act, 1847, were held entitled to have their claims assessed separately ; Abrahams v. Lord Mayor of London, L. R. 6 Eq. 625. See Cranwell v. Lord Mayor of London, L. R. 5 Ex.(Ex. Ch.) 284; and Starr v. Lord Mayor of London,~L. R. 7 Eq. 136. A notice to treat under Lands Clauses Consolidation Act is not a contract which requires to be stamped as an agreement ; Rawlins v. Metropolitan Railway Co., 37 L. J. Ch. 824. A notice to treat under section 18 of the same Act is not equivalent to a demand of possession under section 121 ; R. v. Stone, L. R. 1 Q. B. 529. A railway company can only take advantage of the powers of entering on lands under the 85th section of the Act, where the necessity is such as to preclude them from following the slower mode of proceeding applicable to ordinary cases ; Field v. Carnarvon Railway Co., 37 L. J. Ch. 176 ; L. R. 5 Eq. 190; and as to what is included in a bond given under sections 63 and 85 of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act ; in re Neath, Sec., Railwav Co., L. R. 9 Ch. 263. Where a company enter on land under section 85, they cannot compel the owner to produce his title; Martin v. London Chatham, Sfc., Railway Co., 17 L. T. (N.s.)487. Where money was paid in under a bond under the Act, an affidavit by the 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 153, 154. 95 serve a notice on the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed Section 153. lessees, and occupiers of the land intended to be taken, or of the land in or over which such right or easement is intended to be taken, such service to be made four weeks previously to the application to such secretary of state, and such notice shall state the particulars of the land, right, or easement so required, and that the metropolitan board are willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the com- pensation to be made for the damage that may be sustained by reason of the proposed works. 154. The metropolitan board of works, and any district board or p ow er to vestry, may sell and dispose of 'any land purchased by them under dispose of this Act, and any property whatsoever vested in them under this Act, lands or which it may appear to them may be properly sold or disposed of ; property not and for completing and carrying any such sale of any land into effect wanted (a). such board may make and execute a conveyance of the land sold and disposed of as aforesaid unto the purchaser, or as he shall direct, and such conveyance shall be under the seal of the said board or vestry ; and the word" grant" in such conveyance shall have the same opera- tion as by the said Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, is given to the same word in a conveyance of lands made by the promoters of the undertaking ; and a receipt under the seal of the said board or vestry shall be a sufficient discharge to the purchaser of any such land or any other such property as aforesaid for the purchase money in such receipt expressed to be received ; and the money arising from such sale of any land purchased under this Act, and (except as here- inafter otherwise provided) of any such property, shall be applied in aid of the rate out of which the expenses of the purchase of such land or providing such property have been or are authorized to be defrayed under this Act ; and the money arising from the sale of any property- vested in any such board or vestry under this Act, and which, before becoming so vested was vested in any commissioners or other body, tnistees verifying the title was held sufficient; Se Softy's Trust, L.R. W. N. (1877), p. 212. See Ee Halsey, L. R. W. N. 1870), p. 68. As to course to be taken where there were adverse claimants to money paid into court ; Metropolitan Board of Works v. Sant, 38 L. J. Ch. 7; and as to invest- ment of purchase money paid into court, see Re Treacher's Settlement, 5 Cox Mag. Ca. The conservators of the Thames, in whom the bed and foreshore of the river are vested by Act of parliament, were held entitled to compensation for the portion of the river and foreshore on which were built the piers and abutments of the bridge ; Conservators of Thames v.. Victoria Station, &c., Railway Co., L. R. 4 C. P. 59. Section 1 of Lands Clauses Act, 1869, only applies to arbitration pro- ceedings under the Lands Clauses Act, 1845, simply, and not to arbitra- tions which embrace matters which could not be a subject of arbitration under the Act of 1845, except by agreement; Doulton v. Metropolitan Board of Works, L. R. 5 Q. B. 333. See case of Binney v. Metropolitan Board of Works, mentioned in note (o), p. 269, of Eyre Lloyd's Law of Compensa- tion, 4th ed., to the effect that the claimant could not, under section 225 of this Act, have a jury where the premises were only injuriously affected, if the metropolitan board objected. (a) This power is not subject to the restrictions placed upon the aliena- tion of corporate property by municipal corporations by 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 76. s. 94, and 8 Viet. c. 18 (Lands Clauses Act), s. 15. See Arnold on Muni- cipal Corporations, 2nd ed., p. 29, and section 175 of Public Health Act, 1875, as to the purchase and sale of lands by local authorities under that Act. The special Acts obtained by the metropolitan board contain expres* provisions with respect to the sale of land, &c. 96 Section 154. Owners of land may on sale reserve a right of pre- emption. Penalty for withholding property transferred to metropo- litan board or any vestry or district board. Regulations as to break- ing up turnpike roads (c). METEOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. or in any officer of any commissioners or other body, or in any sur- veyor of highways, shall be applied in or towards the discharge of any debts or liabilities for the discharge whereof rates are by this Act authorized to be raised in the parish, or part, to the commis- sioners or other body for the management of the paving, lighting, or cleansing whereof such property may have belonged before the com- mencement of this Act, and, subject as aforesaid, shall be applied in aid of such rate to be raised under this Act in such parish or part as to the board or vestry disposing of such property may seem just ; and any such board or vestry may let any land purchased by or vested in them under this Act, and which for the time being is not required for the purposes thereof, in such manner and on such terms as such board or vestry may see fit. 155. Provided always, that where any land or any right or ease- ment in or over land is purchased by the said metropolitan board, or any district board or vestry, under this Act, it shall be lawful for the owners of or parties entitled to sell or convey such land, right or easement to reserve upon the sale thereof to such board or vestry in and by the conveyance such right of pre-emption to the person for the time being entitled to the land if any) from which the land so purchased was severed, or in or over which such right or easement is granted, as is provided by sections 128, 129, and 130 of the said Lands Clauses Consolidation Act (a); but, except where such right of pre- emption is so reserved, there shall be no such right, notwithstanding the incorporation of the said Land Clauses Consolidation Act with this Act 156. In case any person having the charge, control, or possession of any property, matters, or things vested in the metropolitan board of works, or the vestry of any parish, or any district board, by or under the Act, neglect or refuse to give up the same, on demand, to such board or vestry, or such person as they respectively may order, every person so offending shall, upon being convicted thereof before any two justices of the peace, for every such offence forfeit and pay, over and above the value of the property not given up, such sum not exceeding 5, as the said justices may think fit (b). 157. The metropolitan board of works, and any vestry or district board, may, where necessary for the purpose of executing any work authorized by this Act, open and break up any turnpike road, under and subject to the restrictions and provisions hereinaftei purpose of executing r turnpike lereinafter contained ; that is to say, seven days' previous notice, with a full description of any intended works, shall be left at the office of the commissioners or trustees of the road ; and, except by the permission of the said commissioners or trustees, the traffic of the road shall not at one time be stopped or hindered along more than half of its width, nor, if the half left open be of less than the clear width of fourteen (a) See the Act, post, Appendix. (b) As to recovery of penalty, see section 227, post. In B. v. Just, of Norfolk, 4 B. & Ad. 238, it was held to be discretionary with the justices whether they would or would not commit an overseer for failing to account ; and see Meyer \. Harding, referred to in note to section 65, ante. (c) This section is repealed by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 33, post, which modifies the regulations for breaking up turnpike roads. See section 244, saving rights of commissioners of turnpike roads. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 157, 158. 97 feet, along more than one hundred yards in length ; and no altera- Section 157. tion shall, except by such permission as aforesaid, be made in the inclination of any part of the road of more than one foot in sixty feet ; and all work shall be done under the superintendence of the surveyor of the said commissioners or trustees ; and the party doing the works shall cause all openings in the road to be effectually secured and fenced, and affix and maintain lights during the night near to the place where the ground is open, so as to prevent accidents ; and the said commissioners or trustees are hereby absolved from all liability in respect of any accident arising in consequence of such works ; and the party doing the works shall restore every road so opened or broken up to its original state as to surface and materials, and, in order to meet the future expenses consequent on the subsi- dence of materials newly filled in, shall pay to such commissioners or trustees, on demand, such sum as they shall require for such purpose, not exceeding Is. for every superficial square yard, and, so far as the works affect the same, shall make good all drainage, paving of water channels, kerbs of footpaths, and other matters and things connected with the maintenance of the road ; and in default the surveyor of the said commissioners or trustees may cause the necessary work to be done ; and in all cases of expense incurred by any such surveyor, on the default of the party doing the works, such party shall pay such expense to the commissioners or trustees, on demand. Provisions for defraying Expenses of Vestries and District Boards. 158. Every vestry and district board shall, from time to time, by How sums to order xinder their seal, require the overseers (e) of their parish, or of be raised b*y the several parishes in their district, to levy and to pay over to the vestries and treasurer of such vestry or board, or into any bank in such order district mentioned, and within the time or times thereby limited, the sums boards for which such vestry or board may require for defraying the expenses of defraying the execution of this Act (/) (and such orders may be made wholly *^ eir . or in part in respect of expenses already incurred or of expenses to be ex P enses W> thereafter incurred) ; and every such vestry and board shall distin- guish in their orders sums required for defraying expenses of con- structing, altering, maintaining, and cleansing the sewers or other- wise connected with sewerage, and also, where the Act of the session holden in the third and fourth years of King William the (d) Where parishes have been united into a district under this Act, the expense of keeping the pavements in repair, and every other expense of cleansing and lighting, should be charged on each parish according to its rateable value ; The Overseers of the Poor of St. Soiolph Without, Aldgate v. The Board of Works for the Whitechapel District, 29 L. J. M. C. 228. (e) By the 250th section the term "overseers" includes any persons authorized to make and collect, or cause to be collected, the rate for the relief of the poor in any parish. See Christie v. Guardians of St. Luke's, Chelsea, cited in note to section 161. (/) By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, s. 24, it is enacted that when any vestry or district board require to raise any sum for the purpose of satisfying or replacing any sum expended in satisfying any precept of the metropolitan board, for the purposes of the consolidated rate, such vestry or district board shall distinguish in their order the sum to be levied for that purpose, and the sum (if any) required for other purposes of such vestry and district board. See the Act, post, Appendix. H 98 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 158. Fourth, chapter ninety, or any other Act by virtue whereof land is rated in respect of expenses of lighting at a less amount in proportion to the annual value thereof than houses, or is wholly exempted from being rated in respect of such expenses, is in force in any parish, or any part of any parish, at the time of the passing of this Act, distin- guish, as regards such parish, or part, the sums required for defraying expenses of lighting their parish or district (a) from sums required for defraying other expenses of executing this Act ; but every such vestry and board may cause to be raised as expenses connected with sewer- age such portion of the expenses incident to the conduct of their business in relation to sewerage, in common with the conduct of their other business under this Act, as to such vestry or board may seem just : and the overseers or collectors, in the receipts to be given for the sums levied or collected by them, shall distinguish the rate in the pound required for sewerage expenses, and the rate required for the other expenses of this Act. Vestries and 159. Where it appears to any vestry or district board that all or boards may any part of the expenses for defraying which any sum is by such exempt parts vestry or board ordered to be levied as aforesaid have or has been not benefited incurred for the special benefit of any particular part of their parish by expend!- or district, or otherwise have or has not been incurred for the equal ture from benefit of the whole of their parish or district, such vestry or board payment (t). may, by any such order, direct the sum or sums necessary for defray- ing such expenses or any part thereof to be levied in such part, or exempt any part of such parish or district from the levy, or require a (a) This requires the making of a lighting rate over the whole parish; Overseers of the Parish of St. James, Westminster, v. Overseers of the Parish of St. Mary, Battersea, 29 L. J. M. C. 26. (6) In Howell v. The London Dock Company, 27 L. J. M. C. 177, it was held under this section that if part of the property of the London Dock Company had not equal benefit with the other property in the parish rated to the poor from paving expenses, the company were entitled to be relieved in respect of that part ; and that the company were exempt from being rated in respect of profits not immediately connected with the use of any paved streets. In R. v. The Great Western Railway Company, 28 L. J. M. C, 59, Erie, J., objected to this decision being cited as an authority, and see Overseers of St. Botolph v. Whitechapel District Board, 29 L. J. M. C. 228, cited in note to section 158, ante. Where a district board have come to a decision that a party is not entitled to exemption, the court will not interfere ; West Middlesex Water Company v. Wandsworth District Board, 22 J. P. 336. See as to maintenance of river wall, Plumstead Board of Works v. the Commissioners of Sewers, Lombard's Wall, ftc., cited in note to section 70, ante. It is believed that the last-named board have issued their order to the overseers of the poor to levy and pay over to the credit of the board the sum required for defraying the expenses of cleansing and maintaining the sewers in the low lying or marsh lands of their parish, it being alleged that such expenses had been incurred lor the special benefit of the part of their parish known as P. Marshes. Orders have also been made under this enactment by the Green- wich District Board on the overseers of the parish of Greenwich for pay- ment of sums expended by the board in repairing the wall of the Thames protecting the marsh lands, requiring them to raise the same by a rate on the owner and occupier of the lands and premises defined in the order. As to what expenses incurred by a drainage board under 24 & 25 Viet. c. 153, are properly the subject of a general rate and not of a special rate on owners, refer to Qriffitfis v. Longdon, fyc., Drainage Board, 41 J. P. 25. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 159161. 99 less rate to be levied thereon, as the circumstances of the case may Section 159. require ; and any such "board may refrain, where any entire parish ought in their judgment to be so exempt, from issuing an order for levying any money thereon, notwithstanding they may issue an order or orders for levying sums upon any other parish or parishes in their district. 160. "Where part of any parish is placed for all or any of the pur- Provisions poses of this Act under the management of the vestry or district f r cases board of an adjoining parish or district (c), the sums which such where a part vestry or board may require for defraying the expenses of executing ? a P 8 -" 8 ! 1 this Act by such vestry or board in the part so placed under their 1S 1^ management shall be from time to time paid, upon their orders, by ^ in er f , the vestry of the parish whereof such part is so placed under the O f j m management of such other vestry or board, or if such parish is com- ves try or prised in a district formed by this Act then by the district board of ^^ O f such district ; and such sums shall be raised by the vestry or board adjoining upon whom such orders are made in like manner as if the expenses parish or in respect whereof the same are required had been incurred by them district, in executing this Act. 161. The overseers of the poor of every parish to whom any such Overseers order as aforesaid is issued, shall levy the amount mentioned therein * collect according to the exigency thereof, and shall for that purpose make the rate separate equal pound rates (d) upon their parish, or the part thereof ir upon which any sum specified in such order is required to be levied, manner as in respect of each sum thereby ordered to be levied ; that is to say, , e po a separate rate in respect of each sum ordered to be levied for defray- ' ing expenses connected with sewerage, to be called a sewers rate (e) ; (c) That is under the provision contained in section 140. If the vestry on which an order is made under this section make an order for contribution on another vestry, and the order is good on the face of it, the court will not enter into the propriety of the assessment, but will order a peremptory mandamus ; R. v. Strand District Board, 4 B. & S. 526 ; and it is no answer to the mandamus that the order of the vestry was for payment of expenses incurred before the date of the order of the metropolitan board, or that it was for more than was due, and the only mode of contesting the assessment is said to be before the auditor under section 195 of this Act and the 38th section of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862. (d) Under this Act no rate except the lighting and sewers rate need be kept distinct from the general rate, and all property must be rated to the general rate on the same scale as the poor rate in the parish, without any reference to differential scales of rating prescribed by a local Act ; R. v. The Great Western Railway Company, 28 L. J. M. C. 59. (e) In Christie v. The Guardians of the Poor of St. Luke, Chelsea, 27 L. J. M. C. 153, ic was held that a rate made by the guardians of the poor pursuant to the order of the vestry, to whom a precept had been issued by the Metropolitan Board of Works, requiring them to pay to the treasurer of the board a sum for defraying the expenses of the board was good, though it did not set out the precept or the order of the vestry. There is a right of appeal against such a rate; Empson \. Metropolitan Board of Works, 25 J. P. 677. The sewers rate ordered to be raised by this section is to be levied on the persons, and in respect of the property by law rateable to the relief of the poor in the respective parishes; and it is to be assessed upou the net annual value of such property, ascertained by the rate for the time being for the relief of the poor; subject, however, to the partial exemption 2H 100 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 161. a separate rate in respect of each sum ordered to be levied for defray- ing expenses of lighting (where a separate sum is ordered to be levied for defraying such expenses), to be called a lighting rate ; and a separate rate in respect of e/tch sum ordered to be levied for defray- ing other expenses of executing this Act, to be called a general rate ; and shall make such respective rates of such amount in the pound on the annual value of the property rateable as will in their judgment, created by the 163rd section, providing that particular descriptions of land should be rated only in the proportion of one-fourth, and to the exemptions, reductions, or allowances pointed out by the 164th section. It is likewise subject to the exemptions from the poor rate applicable to property of cer- tain descriptions, or occupied in a particular manner created by express statutes, such as property occupied by .scientific or literary societies, 6 & 7 Viet. c. 36, 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 30, as to churches and chapels, 32 & 33 Viet. c. 40, as to Ragged and Sundays Schools and others. See Lumley's Commentary on the Parochial Assessment Act, 4th edition. And further, it is governed by the peculiar provisions which may exist in particular parishes under local Acts in relation to poor rates. The 32 & 33 Viet. c. 67, Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, which extends only to unions and parishes not in union which are for the time being either wholly or for the greater part in value thereof respectively situate within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, by section 77, schedule 5, repeals various sections of the Union Assessment Committee Act, 1862, and makes the valuation list for the time being conclusive evidence of the gross value, and of the rateable value of the several hereditaments included therein, and of the fact that all the hereditaments required to be inserted therein have been so included for the purpose of any of the following rates which are made during the year that the list is in force ; namely, the county rate, the metropolitan police rate, the church rate, the highway rate, the poor rate, the police, sewers, consolidated, and other rates in the city of London, the sewers, lighting, general, and other rates levied by order of dis- trict boards or vestries, the main drainage improvement and other rates, and sums assessed on any part of the metropolis by the Metropolitan Board of Works, assessments for contributions under the Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867, and every other rate, assessment, and contribution levied, made, and required in the metropolis on the basis of value. As to church rates see Act for " Abolition ot Compulsory Church Rates" in note to section 1 of 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, post. The rule laid down in the text books and established by a long current of authorities has been that all persons whose property derives benefit from the sewers of the commissioners, or other body, are liable to be assessed to the sewers rate in respect of that property. See Anselm v. Barnard, 2 Keb. 675; R. v. Wright, 2 Keb. 42; Masters v. Scroggs, 3 M. & S. 447; Stafford v. Hamston, 2 B. & B. 691 ; JK. v. Commissioners of Seioers for the Tower Hamlets, 9 B. & C. 517 ; St. Katharine Dock Company v. Higgs, 14 L. J. Q. B. 348, affirmed in error, 16 L. J. Q. B. 377 ; Soady v. Wilson, 3 A. & E. 248. The last case is a leading authority on the sub- ject, and see reference to that decision and observations in the judgment of the court upon the case of the Metropolitan Board of Works v. The Vaux- hall Bridge Company, 26 L. J. Q. B. 253, in the note to section 164, infra. See also Serjt. Woolrych, Law of Sewers, p. 66, and Dorling v. Epsom Local Board of Health, 24 L. J. M. C. 152 ; 5 E. & B. 471. All objections against a rate good on the face of it (except for such defects as make the rate a nullity, as where a person is rated in respect of land not in his occupation; Milward v. Coffin, 2 W. Bl. 1330; and see observations of Crompton, J., in Luton Local Board of Health v. Dames, 29 L. J. M. C. 173), must be taken by way of appeal; Empson v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 25 J. P. 677 ; Churchwardens of Bir- mingham v. Shaw, 10 Q. B. 868; 18 L. J. M. C. 89; Luton Local 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 161. 101 having regard to all circumstances, be sufficient to raise the sums Section 161. specified in such order ; and such rates shall be levied on the persons and in respect of the property by law rateable to the relief of the poor in the respective parishes (a), and shall be assessed upon the net annual value of such property ascertained by the rate for the time Board of Health v. Davies, supra, even where the rate was made, not by the overseers but by individuals appointed by the metropolitan board, under section 68, on the default of a district board ; Empson v. Metropolitan Board of Works, supra. Therefore an objection that the property derives no benefit ; R. v. Newman, 29 L. J. M. C. 117, or that the rate was made for an illegal purpose under Public Health Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63 ; Luton Local Board of Health v. Davis, supra, or that it was assessed upon an erroneous principle ; Metropolitan Board of Works v. Vauxhall Bridge Company, 26 L. J. Q. B. 253, can only be taken on appeal ; and if a party wishes to object that he was neither owner nor occupier of the premises rated he must appear and object to the issuing of a distress warrant ; R. v. Tompkins, 31 J. P. 470. A tenement in the King's dockyard, which derived benefit from the sewers, occupied by a government ofllcer who paid no rent, was held liable to berated; Netherton v. Ward, 3 B. & Al. 21; but not property in the personal occupation of the sovereign, as Kensington Palace; Attorney- General v. Donaldson, 10 M. & W. 117. Arrears of poor rates may be levied by others than the immediate successors of those who made the rate ; Overseers of East Dean v. Everett, 25 J. P. 565. A magistrate has no jurisdiction on the hearing of a complaint for non-pay- ment of a sewer rate, to state a case under 20 & 21 Viet. c. 43 ; Reg. \. Newman, supra, and in R. v. Justices of Gloucestershire, 2 E. & E. 420, the justices were held justified in refusing to state a case on the hearing of a summons for non-payment of a sewers rate made under a local Act incor- porating the Public Health Act, 1848. The limitation of six months pro- vided by Jervis 1 Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, s. 11, does not apply to a proceed- ing for enforcing a rate under a local Act by the mere issuing of a distress warrant ;; Sweetman v. Guest, L. R. 3 Q. B. 262. Qucere whether the proceeding constituted "an exercise of summary jurisdiction" so as to enable the justices to state a case under 20 & 21 Viet. c. 43, Ibid. By the Public Health Act, 1875, s. 256, in proceedings for recovery of rates under that Act, the magistrate is to make an order for payment, and in default of compliance to issue a warrant. (a) This directs the vestry to guide itself by the rate for the relief of the poor in each parish, without reference to any distinction in a local Act, and no property should be separately assessed or exempt unless it be so within, the poor rate for the parish ; R. v. Great Western Railway Company, 28 L. J. M. C. 59 ; Howell v. London Dock Company, 27 L. J. M. C. 177, contra, was objected to as an authority by Erie, J., in R. v. Great Western Railway Company, supra. By 32 & 33 Viet. c. 41, s. 20, the words "poor rate" are defined to extend in the metropolis to every rate made by the overseers {i.e., every authority that makes an assessment for the poor rate), and chargeable upon the same property as the poor rate. The metropolitan board are not rateable to the poor or general rate in respect of land occupied by their sewers, but they are so in respect of land and buildings occupied in connection with their sewers and which have an occupation value; R. v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 38 L. J. M. C. 24; and see Metropolitan Board of Works v. West Ham, L. R. 6 Q. B. 193, where it was decided that the sewers within an embankment were not rate- able to the poor rate as not the subject of beneficial occupation, but that the rest of their property, i.e., pumping station, &c., was rateable, .and it made no difference that the embankment was above ground. A tramway company under the Tramways Act, 1870 (33 & 34 Viet. c. 78) were held liable to the poor rate in respect of their occupation of the road by their tramway ; Pimlico, vi 'c j.v -i or sums and shall be raised (e) in lake manner as it the same were required ag^g^d by by the said vestry or board for defraying the expenses of such vestry metropolitan or board in the execution of their powers and duties under this Act board, in relation to the sewerage of their parish or district. 175. The sums which may be assessed from time to time upon any place mentioned in schedule (C.) to this Act, or such part thereof as rovision ior may not be comprised within any parish, or the city of London, shall assessing an be raised by means of a rate to be made and levied as herein pro- . evvm ra * vided ; that is to say, the said metropolitan board shall from time to ^ere'There j 3 time, by warrant under their seal, appoint a proper person to be an rate assessor, for the purpose of assessing the full and fair annual value of /^\ all property in every such place, or such part thereof as aforesaid, " which, if the same were not extra-parochial, would be liable to be rated to the relief of the poor, and rating the same to a rate to be levied under this Act ; and such assessor shall, within forty days after the delivery to him of the warrant of his appointment, make, sign, of Works (Loans) Act, 1869. See reference to the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1875, 38 & 39 Viet, c. 33, with respect to exemptions referred to in note to section 142, ante; and refer to the Act, post, Appendix. (d) The rates made by the commissioners of sewers of the city of Lon- don are made under 11 & 12 Viet. c. 163 (continued by 14 & 15 Viet. c. 91), s. 168, et. seq. They are applicable to the purposes of constructing, alter- ing, repairing and cleansing the sewers of the city. These must now mean sewers other than those enumerated in schedule (D.) to this Act. (e) See section 9 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, authorizing vestries and district boards to pay precepts out of moneys in their possession, and section 10 making it lawful for vestries to include in sewers rates sums they may consider necessary to meet precepts received or to he received, and to make separate rates for metropolis main drainage to meet precepts received or to be received. See reference in note to section 158, ante, to Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, section 24, directing vestries and district boards, in their orders to overseers to pay over moneys to satisfy, &c., the precepts of the metropolitan board for the purpose of the consolidated rate, to distinguish such sums and those (if any) required for other purposes. (/) This and the following sections, down to section 179 inclusive, are virtually repealed by the 12th section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, providing for the assessments on these places, and the issuing of precepts to the bodies having control or authority in them. See 20 Viet. c. 19, declaring that extra-parochial places shall be deemed parishes for the purposes of the poor and other rates. 110 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Allowance to Section 175. and return to the said board an assessment for the place named in such warrant ; and the assessment shall be fairly written in a book, and shall specify, in different columns, the names of the respective 'in- habitants or occupiers of all messuages, lands, tenements, and here- ditaments, the full and fair annual value of the same, and the amount of rate charged on the inhabitants or occupiers thereof, and when the premises are unoccupied, the full and lair annual value thereof to let ; and every such assessor shall be allowed for his trouble and expenses such remuneration as the said board may think fit ; and the same shall be paid out of the amount of the rate which shall be collected after such assessment; and the said rate to be levied as aforesaid shall, for the purposes of the provisions of this Act re- lating to exemption from and reduction or allowance in respect of sewers rate, and relating to deduction and repayment of sums paid on account of sewers rate, be deemed a sewers rate. 176. Provided always, that the places mentioned in schedule (C.) to this Act which are not now under rating for sewers shall not be liable to be rated under this Act, except for the purpose of their con- tributing to the expense of carrying into effect any plan for prevent- ing the sewage of the metropolis from flowing into the river Thames in or near the metropolis, so far as such places respectively shall be benefited. Places in schedule (C.) not now under rating for sewers not to be rated ex- cept for inter- cepting sewers (a). When assess- ment is made, notice thereof to be given, and all persons included in the assessment to have liberty to inspect it, &c. Penalty for refusing in- spection. 177. When such assessment has been allowed by the said board, public notice of such assessment, and of the place where the same may be inspected, shall be given by fixing such notice on the door of the church or chapel or some other conspicuous part of the place to which snch assessment relates, upon the Sunday next or next but one after the same has been so allowed ; and any person in whose custody such assessment may be shall permit every inhabitant or owner or occupier of property included in such assessment to inspect the same, and to make any extracts therefrom, without payment of any fee or reward ; and if such person wilfully neglect or refuse to permit any such inhabitant, owner, or occupier to inspect such assessment or to make any extract therefrom, he shall, on conviction thereof before any two justices of the peace, forfeit for every such offence such sum, not exceeding 5, as the justices think meet. As to the 178. The said board shall from time to time nominate one or more collection of person or persons for levying the amount of rate charged in every th ^ *"*| . such assessment, who shall proceed in the same manner, and shall charged in have the same powers, remedies, and privileges, and be subject to the (a) By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, section 25, the places mentioned in schedule (C.) to this Act and every liberty, precinct, and place in the metropolis shall be liable to the metropolitan consolidated rate, except so far as they may be entitled under the General Improvement Acts, to any exemption from any rate or assessment, or part of a rate ; and for this purpose they shall be deemed to be respectively benefited by all works executed (before or after the passing of the first-named Act) by the board under the Metropolis Main Drainage Acts, and those works shall be deemed works for carrying into effect a plan for preventing the sewage of the metropolis from flowing into the Thames in or near the metropolis. See Act, post, Appendix, and see Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, referred to in note (a) to section 170, supra, making the valuation list for the time being in force, conclusive evidence of the gross and rateable value, for the purposes of the rates, assessments, &c., specified. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 178, 179. HI same regulations and penalties, with reference to the levying of such Section 178. rate, as if he or they were an overseer or overseers of the poor in a - place rated to the relief of the poor, and shall pay over the amount s " of such rate to the treasurer of the said board or otherwise as the assessment said board may direct, or in default thereof shall be proceeded against in the same manner as overseers are by this Act to be proceeded against for non-payment. 179. Provided always, that if any person who has paid the amount Appea i of rate charged upon him by the assessment made by an assessor a ga| ns t appointed under this Act think himself aggrieved by such assessment, assessment, on the ground that such assessment includes property for which he is not rateable under this Act, or that it assesses his rateable property beyond its full and fair annual value, or that any person is omitted out of such assessment, or that the property of any person is assessed below its full and fair annual value, the person so aggrieved may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions for the county or franchise in which the cause of appeal arises, not less than twenty- one days after public notice of such assessment has been given as hereinbefore mentioned ; provided that the person so intending to appeal shall give to the said board a notice in writing of such appeal, and of the cause and matter thereof, ten clear days at the least before such sessions, and shall also, within three days after his notice of appeal, enter into a recognizance before some justice of the peace of the county or franchise, with two sufficient sureties, conditioned to try such appeal at the said sessions, and to abide the order of the court thereupon, and to pay such costs as shall be by the court awarded ; and in case such person appeal on the ground that any person is omitted out of the assessment, or that the property of any person is assessed below its full and fair annual value, the party so appealing shall not only give such notice of appeal to the said board, and enter into such recognizance as aforesaid, but shall also give a like notice of appeal to the person so interested in the event of such appeal as aforesaid ; and the person so interested shall, if he desire it, be heard upon the appeal ; and the justices of the peace at such sessions or some adjournment thereof, upon due proof of the notice having been given, and of the recognizance having been entered into as aforesaid, shall hear and determine the matter of the appeal in a re ij eve ti lc summary manner, and shall make such order therein, with or without appellant costs to either party, as the said justices think proper ; and in case without altcr- the said justices think the appellant entitled to relief, they shall i n g any other order the assessment to be amended in such manner as may be part of it. necessary for giving him relief, and shall also order any money paid by him which he was not liable to pay to be returned to him ; and in case he have appealed on the ground that any person is omitted out of the assessment, the said justices may order the name of such person to be inserted in the assessment, and to be therein rated at such amount as they deem just ; and in case the appellant have appealed on the ground that the property of any person is assessed below its full and fair annual value, the said justices may order the amount at which such person is rated in the assessment to be altered in such manner as they deem just ; and the proper officer of the court shall in each of the cases aforesaid forthwith amend the assess- ment accordingly, but the assessment shall not be quashed or altered with respect to any other person named therein ; and the determina- tion of the justices at any such sessions or adjournment shall be final and conclusive. 112 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 180. Provision for discharging existing liabilities under local Acts relating to paving Ac. (a}. Provisions for discharging existing Liabilities of Boards or Bodies having Powers of paving, etc., and of the Metropolitan Commis- sioners of Sewers. 180. All debts and liabilities legally charged upon or payable out of any rates or assessments authorized to be levied or made under any Act relating to the paving, lighting, watering, cleansing, or improving of any parish in either of the schedules (A.) and (B.) to this Act, or any part of any such parish, shall be charged upon the rates (other than those to be raised for defraying expenses of sewerage, and (where separate rates are made under this Act for defraying expenses of lighting) expenses of lighting,) to be raised under this Act in such parish or part, and the several district boards and vestries shall cause the sums necessary for discharging such debts and liabilities to be raised in their respective districts and parishes accordingly ; and such boards and vestries shall once in every year set aside, out of the rates charged under this Act with such debts and liabilities, such sum as they think proper, not being less than such per centage as hereinafter mentioned ; that is to say, three pounds per centum where the amount of principle debt (exclu- sive 01 annuities) does not exceed one fourth of the rateable value of the property rateable for payment thereof, and in other cases two pounds per centum on the amount of the principal debt (exclusive of annuities), for the purpose of paying off such principal, except where the interest only of such debt is charged upon such rates or assessments as aforesaid, and except also where any such debt was contracted under the authority of a local Act, and the local Act did not require that the principal of such debt should be paid off within a limited time ; and the sums so from time to time set aside, and all moneys applied in augmentation thereof, and the proceeds thereof respectively, shall be applied and dealt with, for the purpose of pay- ing off such principal as aforesaid, in manner by this Act provided with respect to sums set aside for the purpose of providing a fund for paying off mortgages granted under this Act : Provided always, that where any debts or liabilities are charged on any rates or assess- ments not wholly levied or made in or upon any one parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Act, or any one district mentioned in schedule (B.) to this Act, the metropolitan board of works shall apportion such debts and liabilities between the respective parishes and districts in or upon which such rates or assessments are authorized to be levied or made, and shall certify to the district board and vestry respectively of every such district and parish the amount of the apportioned part of such debts and liabilities to be discharged by rates to be raised in such parish or district, or any part thereof, (a) See 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 79, post, authorizing, under special cir- cumstances, sums advanced after the passing of the Act for paving part of the Bedford estate in St. Pancras to be added to debt. A debt incurred by the trustees of Grosvenor Square under a local Act was held to be transferred t the vestry under this enactment ; R. v. Vestry of St. George, Hanover Square, 32 L. J. Q. B. 160 ; see also R. v. Stretfield, 32 L. J. M. C. 236. A vestry was decided to be liable for a proportionate part of rent secured to the owners of land used for making a road, a part of which within the parish was by the Metropolitan Roads Act, 1863, to be maintained by the parish; Sansom v. Vestry of Shoreditch, 38 L. J. C. P. 286. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 180, 181. 113 under this Act, and such apportioned part shall be discharged Section 180. accordingly (6) : Provided also, that nothing in this enactment shall affect the right of any creditor to require payment of any such debt as aforesaid within any less time than is prescribed by this enactment for the payment thereof. 181. Notwithstanding the determination or expiration of the said Provision for Act of the llth and 12th years of her Majesty, chapter one hundred payment of and twelve, all mortgages, annuities, securities, and other debts and liabilities of liabilities which at or immediately before such determination or metropolitan expiration may be a charge on or payable out of all or any of the commissioners rates authorized to be levied thereunder shall continue in full force, * sewers - and be a charge on the districts or parts (c) in which such rates would have been authorized to be levied in case such Act had continued in force, and all persons who may be entitled to any such mort- gages, annuities, or debts, shall have priority in respect of all moneys advanced before the passing of this Act over any moneys advanced to the metropolitan board of works under this Act, and shall have the like priority (d) among themselves as they are now entitled to under the said Act of the eleventh and twelfth years of her Majesty, chapter one hundred and twelve, or any Act continuing or amending the same ; and the sums from time to time becoming payable under or required for payment of the said mortgages, annuities, securities, debts, and liabilities shall be raised by the metropolitan board of works in such districts or parts in like manner as the expenses of such board in the execution of this Act ; and in case any such district or part be wholly or in part without the limits of the metropolis, as denned by this Act, the said metropolitan board shall from time to time issue precepts under their seal to the overseers (e) of the parish or parishes in (6) See note, page 63, ante, as to apportionments made by metropolitan board under this and the 93rd section. (c) See the limits included within the metropolitan commission of sewers, note to section 145, ante. The 25 and 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 2, post, re-distributes the debt in respect of certain works of sewerage, and makes it payable out of moneys borrowed on the security of the main drainage rate; and see section 3 of the same Act, and schedule specifying the securities, &c., on which the debt on the loan from the Clergy Mutual Insurance Society shall stand charged, and note to that section. See also section 4, saving rights and remedies of persons holding securities. The provision in the 22nd section of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1862, relating to consolidated rate, is not to apply to sums levied under this enactment ; see the Act, post, Appendix. Where the metropolitan board apportioned the quota to be paid by a metropolitan parish in respect of a debt incurred by the metropolitan commissioners of sewers according to the rateable value of the property in the entire district, and not on the amount expended in the parish, a rate assessed upon that principle was decided to be valid ; Pew v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 34 L. J. M. C. 97- As to liability of Metropolitan Board of Works for damage from works of the metropolitan commissioners of sewers, refer to Re Arbitration of Pettiward, cited in note to section 148, ante. (d) As to these priorities, see note to section 4 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post. (e) See definition of word " overseer," section 250. Where the metro- politan board issued their precept to the overseers of a parish not within the metropolis as defined by this Act, but liable to a mortgage debt under the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, requiring them to pay a sum" " for defraying the expenses of the board " in the execution of this Act, it was I METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 181. which any part without such limits is comprised, requiring payment to the treasurer of the said board or into any bank in such precepts respectively mentioned, within such respective times as may be therein limited, of such sums as it may be necessary to raise in sw.ch part for the purposes aforesaid ; and the provisions herein contained respecting the levying and payment of money by over- seers in pursuance of any order of a vestry or district board shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis, to and for the levying and payment of money by overseers in pursuance of any such precept as aforesaid of the said metropolitan board (a) ; and the said board shall once in every year set aside such sum as they think proper, not being less than two pounds per centum on the amount of all principal moneys (exclusive of annuities) becoming payable by them under this enactment, for the purpose of paying off all such principal moneys ; and the sums so from time to time set aside, and all moneys applied in augmentation thereof, and the proceeds thereof respectively, shall be applied and dealt with, for the purpose of paying off such principal moneys as aforesaid, in manner by this Act provided (b) with respect to sums set aside for the purpose of providing a sum for paying off mortgages granted under this Act, and the sums to be so set aside shall be raised by such board in manner Where metro- 182. Where the metropolitan commissioners of sewers have in- politan com- curred any expenses authorized by the said Act of the eleventh and missioners of twelfth years of Her Majesty, chapter one hundred and twelve, to be sewers have -p^ by an improvement rate, or as charges for default (c), it shall be incurred ex- lawful for the metropolitan board of works (d) to levy improvement penses to be rateg or c h ar ges for default for the recovery of the whole of such expenses, or such portion thereof as shall still remain due and unpaid, rTes^^&c 1 the * n ^ e manner directed by the said Act, and the said board shall have metropolitan a1 ^ t ^ ie ri gh ts and remedies for the recovery thereof which are now board may levy ves ted in the metropolitan commissioners of sewers in this behalf, such rates as remain due. General Powers to Metropolitan and District Boards and Vestries to borrow. Power to 183. It shall be lawful for the metropolitan board (e) and every held that the precept and a rate made pursuant to it were bad on the face of them as purporting to be made for purposes for which the parish was not liable to be rated; R. v. Ingham, 32 L. J. M. C. 214 ; 4 B. & S. 205. (a) Those provisions are contained in the 161st and following sections; and see section 168, empowering the board to appoint persons to levy on default. The metropolitan board has power under this enactment to appoint a person to make a rate on parishes beyond the metropolis as denned by this Act, but within the limits of the metropolitan sewers commissioners ; R. v. Glossop, 32 L. J. M. C. 92. (b) See sections 190, 191. (c) The chief provisions relating to improvement rates and charges for default were contained in 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, ss. 46, 48, 49, 50, 54, 82 ; 12 & 13 Viet. c. 93, s. 11, and 18 Viet. c. 30, s. 30. (d) The 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, ss. 132, 141, empowered the commissioners to raise these sums by distress and sale. The powers of the board for the recovery of these rates and charges are now to be exercised by the appeal committee. See 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 30, post. (e) The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, 32 & 33 Viet. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 183. 115 district board and vestry, for the purposes of defraying any expenses Section 183. incurred or to be incurred by them in the execution of this Act (/), to , borrow and take up at interest, on the credit of all or any of the " oa ''^ s a * moneys or rates authorized to be raised by -them under this act, any vestries to sums of money necessary for defraying any such expenses ; and for rrow the purpose of securing the repayment of any sums so borrowed, together with such interest as aforesaid, such board or vestry may mortgage and assign over to the persons by or on behalf of whom such sums are advanced the respective moneys or rates upon the c. 102, s. 50 (see the Act, post, Appendix), repeals (except as to securities, &c., granted before the Act) so much of this section as relates to the mode of borrowing by the metropolitan board, and the whole of the succeeding sections from 184 to 191 inclusive, so far as regards the same body. And section 3 enacts that the metropolitan board shall not, except for such temporary period as the Treasury may from time to time sanction, raise otherwise than in conformity with that Act, and with the sanction of the Treasury, any money under any powers of borrowing conferred by the Acts mentioned in the 1st schedule to the Act or otherwise. By section 4 the board may, for the purpose of raising such portions of the loans authorized by the Acts mentioned in the 1st schedule, as the Treasury may from time to time sanction, create capital stock to be called Metropolitan Consolidated Stock, and the Act contains provisions as to security, application of the money raised, and other matters. The Acts enumerated in the 1st schedule above referred to under which the board had borrowed money are classified as General Improvement Acts, Main Drainage Acts, Fire Brigade Act, and Embankment Acts. The 46th section of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 empowers the board, in lieu of consolidated stock, to create terminable an- nuities subject to the conditions therein mentioned. By 40 & 41 Viet. c. 52 (1877), the metropolitan board, with the con- sent of the Treasury, were authorized to raise moneys not exceeding the sum therein limited, by the issue of metropolitan bills in manner and subject to the conditions therein mentioned relating to payment, mode of issue, and other particulars. See notes to Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, post, Appendix. The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, s. 37, empowered the metropolitan board to borrow money with the sanction of the treasury, and also to lend money to the managers of the metropolitan asylum district which they required to borrow under the Metropolitan Poor Act. The 38 & 39 Viet. c. 65 (1875) authorized the board to lend money to any corporation, body of commissioners, burial board, or other public body having power to levy rates in respect of lands in the metropolis ; it also contained provisions relative to the powers of the board for raising money and other purposes, which were limited in time and amount. See a reference to these Acts in notes to Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, post, Appendix. (/) By section 72 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, vestries and district boards are empowered, with the consent of the metropolitan board, to borrow money for improvements within their parish or district. The 34 & 35 Viet. c. 47 authorizes the metropolitan board, with the consent of the Treasury, to lend to, amongst other bodies, vestries and dis- trict boards for works to be executed which appear to the board and Treasury to be permanent works. The 38 & 39 Viet. c. 65 (1875), an Act for the amendment of the Acts relating to the raising of money by the metropolitan board and other pur- poses, contained provisions limiting the powers of the board to lend money in time and amount ; and an Act has since been passed annually authorizing the board to raise and expend the amounts limited by the act for, amongst other purposes, loans to vestries and district boards. I 2 116 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 183. credit of which such sums are borrowed (a) ; and the respective mortgagees shall be entitled to a proportion of the moneys or rates comprised in their respective mortgages, according to the sums in No priority such mortgages mentioned to have been advanced ; and each mort- amongst S a g ee shall be entitled to be repaid the sum so advanced, with mortgagees. interest, without any preference over any other mortgagee or mort- gagees by reason of any priority of advance or the date of his mort- gage : Provided always, that no moneys shall be so borrowed by any district board or vestry without the previous sanction in writing of the said metropolitan board. Power to 184. It shall be lawful for the commissioners acting in the execu- commissioners tion of an Act passed in the session holden in the fourteenth and acting under fifteenth years of Her Majesty, chapter twenty-three, " to authorize 14 & 15 Viet, for a further period the advance of money out of the consolidated c. 23, to make f un d to a limited amount for carrying on public works and fisheries advances (i). an( } employment of the poor," and any Act or Acts for amending or continuing the same, to make advances to any such boardor vestry upon the security of all or any of the moneys or rates to be raised by them under this Act, and without requiring any further or other security than a mortgage of such moneys or rates. Form of 185. Every mortgage authorized to be made under this Act shall mortgage (c). be by deed duly stamped, truly stating the date, consideration, and the time of payment, and shall be sealed with the seal of the board or vestry, and may be made according to the form (E.) contained in the schedule to this Act annexed, or to the like effect, or with such varia- tions or additions in each case as the board or vestry and the party Register of advancing the money intended to be thereby secured may agree to ; mortgages. an( l there shall be kept at the office of the board or vestry a register of the mortgages made by them, and within fourteen days after the date of any mortgage an entry shall be made in the register of the number and date thereof, and of the names and descriptions of the parties thereto, as stated in the deed ; and every such register shall be open to public inspection during office hours at the said office, without fee or reward ; and any clerk or other person having the (a) The 5th section of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, provides that consolidated stock and all dividends and all sums required for the redemption thereof shall be charged indifferently on the whole of the lands, rents, and property belonging to the board, on all moneys which can be raised by rates, and on the improvement fund, subject as therein mentioned. See as to annuities, same Act, section 46, and as to metropolitan bills, 40 & 41 Viet. c. 52. By section 22 of the same Act the metropolitan board for the purposes therein mentioned, including those of defraying the principal and interest, and of the sinking funds for any securities granted by the board for the purposes of the Acts enumerated in the 1st schedule, or any of them, shall assess and raise a rate to be called the Metropolitan Consolidated Rate in manner therein mentioned. (b) Repealed as to metropolitan board; see note to section 183. Sec- tion 20 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post, empowered the public loan com- missioners to lend to metropolitan boards, vestries, &c. By the Metro- politan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, sections 8 & 9, the public works loans commissioners and commissioners for the reduction of the national debt are authorized to lend to the metropolitan board on the secu- rity of consolidated stock. (c) Repealed as to the metropolitan board ; see note to section 183. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 185187. 117 custody of the same, refusing to allow such inspection, shall be liable Section 185. to a penalty not exceeding 5. 186. The board or vestry making any such mortgage may, if they Repayment think proper, fix a time or times for the repayment of all or any of money principal moneys borrowed under this Act, and the payment of the borrowed at a interest thereof respectively, and may provide for the repayment of time agreed such moneys, with interest, by instalments or otherwise, as they may upon (. n\ to time elected by the local board of health of Woolwich, at a meeting of such board, as by this Act directed with respect to the vestry of each of the parishes mentioned in the said sche- dule (A.) : The said metropolitan board shall have and perform, within and in relation to the said parish, all the powers and duties vested in them under this Act, in like manner as within and in relation to other parishes mentioned in the said schedule (A.), save that the said local board shall be subject to all orders of the said metropolitan board in relation to sewerage and otherwise, and to all precepts requiring payment of money, in all respects as the vestries of other parishes in the said schedule (A.) are subject to the same, in lieu of the vestry of the said parish ; and all sums required to be paid by such precepts shall be defrayed out of any moneys carried to the district fund account, or by means of a general district rate to be levied on the whole of the parish of Woolwich, or such part thereof as may be specified in the precept of the said metropolitan board. 239. Where any enclosed garden or ornamental ground is vested Special provi- in or under the maintenance or management of any commissioners sions as to in- or other body, for the use of the inhabitants of any square, crescent, closed gardens circus, street, or. place, surrounding or adjoining such garden or * n squares, &c. ground, and the powers of such commissioners or other body do not ( c )- extend beyond such garden or ground, and such square, crescent, circus, street, or place, or any adjoining street, way, or passage, so far as the same may abut upon any part of any house, shop, building, or tenement situate in or fronting any such square, crescent, circus, street, or place, nothing in this Act shall divest such commissioners or body of any property in such garden or ground, or in any railing or footway bounding the same, or of any duties, powers, or authori- ties now or hereafter vested in any such commissioners or other body, for or in relation to the paving, watering, cleansing, improving, or regulating of such enclosed garden or ornamental ground, or in (b) The parish of Woolwich was constituted a district under the Public Health Act, 1848, (11 & 12 Viet. c. 63,) the provisional order having been confirmed by the 15 & 16 Viet. c. 69. The paving, local sewerage, &c., are administered by the local board of health ; but the parish is by this pro- vision made subject to the jurisdiction of the metropolitan board in relation to sewerage, metropolitan improvements, &c., in the same manner as the other parishes in schedule (A.), the local board being substituted for the vestry, for the purpose of compliance with their orders. The third section of the Local Government Act, 21 & 22 Viet. c. 98, declared that that Act should not be adopted by any place within the limits of the metropolis, as defined by the Metropolis *Local Management Act ; and by the Public Health Act, 1875, the metropolis is excepted from the 5th section dividing England into urban sanitary districts and rural sanitary districts. By sections 108 and 115 of the last-named Act certain powers are conferred upon the local authorities executing the Nuisances Removal Acts within the metropolis. (c) See transfer of debt incurred by trustees of Grosvenor Square to vestry ; X. v. Vestry of St. George Hanover Square, 32 L. J. Q. B. 160, referred to in note to section 180, ante. 140 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 239. relation to the railing or footway bounding the same, or to levy rates for defraying any expenses incurred in the execution of such duties or powers ; and where the maintenance or management of any enclosed garden or ornamental ground is vested in any commissioners or other body, for the use or benefit of the inhabitants of any square, crescent, circus, street, or place surrounding or adjoining the same, who are liable to be assessed for the maintenance thereof, and the powers of such commissioners or other body extend beyond such en- closed garden or ornamental ground, and such square, crescent, circus, street, or place, or such adjoining street, way, or passage as aforesaid, the maintenance and management of such enclosed garden or ornamental ground shall be vested in a committee, consisting of not more than nine nor fewer than three of such inhabitants, and such committee shall be appointed annually in the first week in June by such inhabitants ; and the vestry or board shall from time to time cause to be raised the sums required by such committee for defray- ing the expenses of the maintenance and management of such en- closed garden or ornamental ground, or of such part thereof as is situate within their parish or district, by an addition to the general rate to be assessed on the occupiers of the houses or buildings the occupiers whereof are now liable to be assessed for the same pur- pose : Provided always, that where any such rate which may now be levied for such purpose is limited in amount the rate to be levied under this provision shall be subject to the like limit. Saving of . 240. This Act shall not divest the commissioners from carrying powers and into execution " The Crown Estate Paving Act, 1851," and the sub- property of sisting provisions of the Acts therein recited, or the commissioners of commissioners Her Majesty's works and public buildings, of any of the powers, under 14 & 15 duties, authorities, or property vested in them respectively under the Viet. c. 95 (a), said Acts ; and nothing in this Act shall extend to authorize or em- power any vestry or district board to exercise any power or control whatsoever in respect of paving, maintaining, lighting, watering, cleansing, and regulating any streets or places in the neighbourhood of the houses of parliament, delineated on a plan marked E., referred to by " The Crown Estate Paving Act, 1851," or any portion of the district now under the management of the commissioners for carry- ing into execution the said Crown Estate Paving Act, and the sub- sisting provisions aforesaid, or to exercise any power or control whatsoever in or over any of the gardens or pleasure grounds the management whereof is now or may for the time being be vested in such last-mentioned commissioners ; nor shall any such street or place, or any portion of such district, as aforesaid, be assessed or (a) The powers vested in the commissioners under the 5 Geo. 4, c. 100, so far as concerned the making and maintenance of sewers, drains, and watercourses, and the making of sewers' rates for these purposes, were by the 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, s. 143, transferred to the metropolitan commis- sioners of sewers. The Crown Estate Paving Act, 14 & 15 Viet. c. 95, mentioned in this section, transferred certain portions of the district in- cluded within the above Acts to the parishes, the control over the sewers being still reserved to the metropolitan commissioners. By section 25 the management of the places comprised in plan E. was vested in the commis- sioners of Her Majesty's works, &c. The places comprised in that plan were parts of New Palace Yard, St. Margaret Street, Old Palace Yard, and certain other adjoining streets and places. The jurisdiction of the former commissioners over certain parts of the crown estate near the Regent's Park, &c. was transferred to the commissioners under that Act. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 240243. 141 rated under this Act for defraying any expenses incurred by any Section 240. vestry or district hoard in relation to paving, lighting, watering, or - cleansing, hut snch streets, places, and district shall he subject to all the provisions of this Act relating to sewerage and house drainage, and to be assessed or rated for sewerage expenses incurred by any such vestry or board, and for expenses incurred by the metropolitan board of works, and towards any sums required to be raised by such board under this Act as by this Act provided. 241. Nothing in this Act shall divest the commissioners for the Saving of the time being of Her Majesty's works and public buildings of any power rights of the or property now or which for the time being may be vested in commissioners them ; and nothing in this Act shall extend to authorize or empower of works. any vestry or district board to exercise any power or control whatso- ever in or over any of the royal or public parks, gardens, or pleasure grounds, the management whereof is now or may be for the time being vested in such commissioners ; and nothing in this Act shall abridge, alter, or affect any right, power, exemption, or remedy of the Queen's most excellent Majesty, her heirs or successors, or the said commissioners, in, over, or in relation to the possessions of the crown or of the public. 242. Nothing in this Act shall divest the commissioners of sewers Saving of of the city of London of any powers or property vested in them in powers (6) of relation to such parts of any of the parishes mentioned in schedule c ^y commis- (B.) to this Act as are within the city of London, nor shall such parts sioners O f be subject to be rated or assessed by any district board, but shall be sewei ^ over subject to all the powers of the metropolitan board of works as other c | rtain P ar ts places in the city P of London. lSS? ")'." 243. Nothing in this Act shall extend to or affect any of the rights, Saving rights privileges, powers, or authorities vested in the Metropolitan Sewage of Metropoh- Manure Company by an Act of the session holden in the ninth and *^ n kewage tenth years of Her Majesty, intituled " An Act to incorporate a Com- Manure J pany by the Name of the Metropolitan Sewage Manure Company," PJJjJj or an Act of the session then next following, intituled " An Act for y" , enabling the Metropolitan Sewage Manure Company to alter the Line an( j of their Works, and for other Purposes :" (c) Provided always, that Vict c all rights, powers, and authorities by either of the said Acts vested in the commissioners of sewers for the time being for the city and liberty of Westminster and part of the county of Middlesex (d) shall (5) See note to section 1, ante, for definition of the word " city" in the City of London Sewers Act, 1848. The saving in the present section applies to parishes which are partly within and partly without the city of London, and it provides that nothing in the Act shall divest the commis- sioners of sewers of the city of the powers or property vested in them in relation to such parts of those parishes as are within the city, and that such parts shall not be subject to be rated or assessed by any district board, that is with respect to sewers and other matters reserved to the city of London ; Daw v. Hie Metropolitan Board of Works, 31 L. J. C. P. 223. (c) The Sewage Manure Company under the Acts referred to was esta- blished for the purpose of collecting the sewage of the King's Scholars' Pond and Ranelagh Sewers, and distributing the same for agricultural purposes. It is believed that the operations of this company were discon- tinued many years ago. (d) The Acts imposed upon the company the obligation of giving notice to those commissioners before making any new sewers, and of conforming to their directions in their construction. 142 Section 243. Saving rights of commis- sioners or trustees of turnpike roads. Saving for metropolitan police com- missioners. Not to preju- dice dispute between Bat- tersea and Eepeal of Acts incon- sistent with this Act. In case of conflict with the provi- sions of this Act, provi- sions of local Acts may be METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. be vested in the metropolitan board of works, and the provisions of the said Acts shall be construed as applying to such board in lieu of such commissioners, but any order or act which might have been made or done by the said commissioners at a court of sewers may be made or done by the said metropolitan board at any meeting of such board. 244. Nothing in this Act shall divest the commissioners or trustees of any turnpike road of any powers or property vested in them as such commissioners or trustees, save as herein expressly provided (a) Avith respect to turnpike roads, and save that the footpaths of any such road shall be under the care and management of the vestries and district boards of the parishes or districts in which the same are situate in like manner as other footpaths in such parishes and dis- tricts : Provided always, that the provisions of this Act transferring to vestries and district boards powers and property vested in any commissioner or other body in relation to the paving, lighting, water- ing, cleansing, and improving of their parishes and districts, and all other provisions of this Act incident to or consequent upon such transfer shall apply to all powers and property vested in the trustees of the Commercial-road, so far as regards any streets or highways other than such road, and also so far as regards the footpaths of such road. 245. Nothing in this Act shall interfere with the powers given by law to the commissioners of the police of the metropolis. 246. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prejudice or affect any question as to whether the hamlet of Penge is or is not a part of the parish of Battersea. 247. All Acts of parliament in force in any parish or place to which this Act extends, or in any part of such parish or place, shall, so far as the same are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be repealed (b) as regards such parish or place, or such part thereof, not- withstanding any provisions of this Act continuing and transferring respectively to vestries of parishes and transferring to district boards any duties, powers, or authorities now vested in vestries, commis- sioners, or other bodies. 248. Upon the petition of the metropolitan board of works, or of any district board or vestry, representing to Her Majesty in council that by reason of the provisions of any local Act of parliament relat- ing to any district or parish, or any part thereof respectively, difficul- ties have arisen in the execution of this Act and of such local Act or either of them, and praying for a suspension or alteration of all or any of the provisions of such local Act, or for the establishment of (a) See section 157, ante (now repealed), and section 33 of 25 & 26 Viet, c. 33, post, for regulations as to breaking up turnpike roads. (6) This does not apply to powers contained in a railway Act, per Vice- Chancellor Wood ; London and Blackwall Railway Company v. Board of Works for the Limehouse District, 20 J. P. 789. A subsequent local statute was held not to repeal by implication a general Act with respect to the construction of chimneys ; Hill v. Hall, L. R. 1 Ex. D. (C. A.) 411. See also Improvement Commissioners of Walton v. Walford, 44 L. J. Q. B. 74 ; B. v. London and North Western Eaihoay Company, 46 L. J. M. C. 102 ; Garnett y. Bradley, Ibid., Ex. 545. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, ss. 248250. 143 other provisions in lieu thereof under this enactment, it shall be Section 248. lawful for Her Majesty, by order in council, to suspend or alter all or . ~T~ any of the provisions of such local Act, and to make other provisions va " ed . "J in relation to the matters thereof as Her Majesty, with the advice of g^Uo her privy council, may think necessary under the circumstances of the pe tition f case ; and every such order in council shall be laid before both houses Boards or of parliament within one month after the making thereof, if parlia- vestries, ment be then sitting, or, if parliament be not sitting, then within one month after the next meeting of parliament, and shall be pub- lished in the London Gazette : Provided always, that no such order in council shall remain in force beyond the term of one year from the making thereof. Power to extend Act to adjoining Parishes. 249. In case and when and so often as it is made to appear to Her Act may be Majesty in council, upon the representation of the metropolitan extended by board of works (c) that the provisions of this Act should be extended order in to any parish adjoining the metropolis, and in which there are not COUQ cil to Pus J oin not j y parish less than seven hundred and fifty inhabitants rated to the relief of the poor, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, with the advice of her privy J oinm & e it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, with the advice of her privy council, to order that the provisions of this Act shall extend to such parish, from and after a day to be mentioned in this behalf in the j egs tnan 75^ order in council, and that such parish shall join with any parish or ratepayers parishes or district in such order named in the election from time to time of the member or members of the metropolitan board of works by this Act directed to be elected for such parish or parishes or dis- trict, and to make such provision as to the mode in which every such joint election shall take place, and otherwise in relation thereto, as to Her Majesty in council may seem necessary and proper ; and every such order shall be published in the London Gazette ; and from and after the time mentioned in such order for the extension of the pro- visions of this Act to any parish as aforesaid the provisions of this Act shall extend to and be in force therein, in like manner, so far as circumstances will admit, as such provisions apply to any parish mentioned in schedule (A.) of this Act, subject, never- theless, to the provisions in such order contained in relation to the election by such parish jointly as aforesaid of a member or members of the said metropolitan board : Provided always, that notice of every such representation, and of the time when it shall please Her Majesty to order that the same be taken into consideration by her privy council, shall be published in the London Gazette one month at least before such representation is so considered. Interpretation and Commencement of Act. 250. In the construction of this Act " the metropolis" shall be deemed to include the city of London, and the parishes and places mentioned in the schedules (A.), (B.), and (C.) to this Act ; " the city (c) See provision in 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 42, post, requiring, before any representation is made under this enactment, two months' previous notice to the churchwardens and surveyors of highways of the parish to which the representation relates. (d) See interpretation of terms ill section 112 of amending Act, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post. polls:" 144 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. " the city of London :" " Parish :" " Overseers the poor :" " Rates :" 'Owner:' Section 250. of London" shall be deemed to include all parts now within the juris- diction of the commissioners of sewers for the city of London ; and the word " parish" shall include any place mentioned in schedule (A.) to this Act, and any place or combination of places mentioned in schedule (B.) to this Act, for which one or more member or members is or are to be elected to any district board ; the expression " the over- seers of the poor (a) shall include any persons authorized to make and collect or cause to be collected the rate for the relief of the poor in any parish ; any expression referring to any rate or rates raised under this Act by the metropolitan board of works or any vestry or district board shall mean the sums and rates authorized to be raised by the said metropolitan board and the sums authorized to be raised by any vestry and district board respectively ; the word " owner" (6) shall, except for the purpose of the provision of this Act requiring notice to be served on owners or reputed owners of land, before application to one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state for his consent to exercise powers of taking land, or any right or easement in or over land, compulsorily, mean the person for the time being receiving the rack- rent of the lands or premises in connexion with which the said word is used, whether on his own account or as agent or trustee for any other person, or who would so receive the same if such lands or pre- .mises were let at a rackrent ; the word " street" shall apply to and include any highway (except the carriageway of any turnpike road) and any road, bridge (not being a county bridge), lane, footway, square, court, alley, passage, whether a throughfare or not, and a part of any such highway, road, bridge, lane, footway, square, court, alley, or passage ; the word " drain" shall mean and" include any drain of and used for the drainage of one building only, or premises within the same curtilage, and made merely for the purpose of communicating with a cesspool or other like receptacle for drainage, or with a sewer into which the drainage of two or more buildings or premises occu- pied by different persons is conveyed, and shall also include any drain for draining any group or block of houses by a combined operation under the order of any vestry or district board (d) ; and the word ' Sewer :" " sewer" (e) shall mean and include sewers and drains of every descrip- tion, except drains to which the word " drain," interpreted as afore- Ashpit." said, applies ; and the word " ashpit" shall include " dustbin." Street :" (c) 'Drain:' (a) In Christie v. The Guardians of the Poor of St. Luke, Chelsea, 27 L. J. M. C. 153, it was held to be no objection to a rate made by the guardians of the poor of the parish of St. Luke, Chelsea, pursuant to an order of the vestry, that the order was addressed to the overseers instead of to the guardians. (V) The service of a notice under the 69th section of the Public Health Act, 1848, on a person de facto receiving the rent, was held a service on the " owner" within a similar definition ; Peck v. Waterloo, Sfc., Local Hoard of Health, 33 L. J. M. C. 11, and as to under the same enactment where the name of the owner or occupier was unknown; Mason v. Bibby, Ibid. 105. (c) See Le Neve v. The Vestry of Mile-End Old Town, 27 L. J. Q. B. 208, note to section 119, ante. (d) Or pursuant to the order, or direction, or with the sanction or approval of the metropolitan commissioners of sewers; section 112 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, post. (e) See Sutton v. Mayor of Norwich, 27 L. J. Ch. 739, where it was held that the power to construct sewers does not authorize a local board to enter upon a man's land, against his wish, to construct a reservoir. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, s. 251, SCHED. (A.) 145 251. This Act shall commence and come into operation, save as Section 251. herein otherwise provided, on the 1st day of January, 1856. Commence- ment of Act. SCHEDULE (A.) PART I. Parishes each electing Two Members of the Metropolitan Board of Works. Saint Marylebone. Saint Pancras. Lambeth. Saint George, Hanover Square. Islington, Saint Mary. Shoreditch, Saint Leonard. PART II. Parishes each electing One Member of the Metropolitan Board of Works. Paddington. Saint Matthew, Bethnal Green. Saint Mary, Newington, Surrey. Camberwell. Saint James, Westminster. Saint James and Saint John, Clerkenwell, to be considered as one parish. Chelsea. Kensington, Saint Mary Abbot. Saint Luke, Middlesex. Saint George the Martyr, Southwark. Bermondsey. Saint George in the East. Saint Martin in the Fields. Hamlet of Mile End Old Town. Woolwich. Rotherhithe. Saint John, Hampstead. 146 Sched. (B.) METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. SCHEDULE (B.) PAEISHES UNITED INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE ACT. PAET I. Districts each electing One Member of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Name of District. Parishes. Number of Members to be elected to District Board. Whitechapel District- Saint Mary, Whitechapel - 27 Christchurch, Spitalfields - 12 Saint Botolph, Without Aldgate, in the county of Middlesex - - - 6 Holy Trinity, Minories - Saint Katherine, Precinct 1 of 1 Mile End New Town, Hamlet of - 6 Liberty of Norton Folgate Old Artillery Ground 3 1 Tower, District of (a) 1 TOTAL 58 Westminster District Saint Margaret 30 Saint John the Evangelist 27 TOTAL 57 Greenwich District - Saint Paul, Deptford, in- cluding Hatcham - Saint Nicholas, Deptford - 21 6 Greenwich 30 TOTAL 57 Wandsworth District Clapham ... 18 Tooting Graveney - 3 Streatham 9 Saint Mary, Battersea, excluding Penge - 12 (a) See as to transfer of powers, &c., for paving Tower Hill, transferred to Whitechapel district under section 90 of this Act ; JR. v. Trustees of Tower Hill, cited in note to section 90, ante. 18 & 19 VifcT. c. 120, SCHED. (B.) Kame of District. Parishes. Number of Members to be elected to District Board. Wandsworth District continued. Hackney District Saint Giles District - Holborn District - - Strand District - - Fulham District - - Limeliouse District - Wandsworth - Putney, including Roe- hampton - TOTAL Hackney - Saint Mary, Stoke New- ington - - - - TOTAL Saint Giles in the Fields - Saint George, Bloomsbury TOTAL Saint Andrew, Holborn above Bars - Saint George the Martyr - Saint Sepulchre, in the county of Middlesex Saffron Hill, Hatton Garden, Ely Rents, and Ely Place - The Liberty of Glass-house Yard .... TOTAL Saint Anne, Soho St. Paul, Covent Garden - Saint John the Baptist - Savoy, or Precinct of the Savoy - Saint Mary-le-Strand St. Clement Danes - Liberty of the Rolls TOTAL - - - Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Hammersmith Fulham - TOTAL Saint Anne, Limehouse - Saint John, Wapping Saint Paul, Shadwell Ratcliff, Hamlet of - TOTAL 9 6 57 51 6 57 27 21 48 24 9 6 9 1 49 18 9 1 3 15 3 49 24 15 39 15 3 6 12 36 147 Sched. (B.) L 2 148 METKOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Sched. (B-) Name of District. Parishes. Number of Members tc be elected to District Board. Poplar District - - All Saints, Poplar - Saint Mary, Stratford-le- Bow ---- Saint Leonard, Bromley - 24 9 15 TOTAL 48 Saint Saviour's Dis- Christ Church 15 the Liherty of the Clink) 24 TOTAL 39 PAET II. Districts united for electing one Member of the Metropolitan Board of Works. Name of District. Parishes. Number of Members to be elected to District Board. / Plumstead District united with < Lewisham District Charltoii next Woolwich - Plumstead - Eltham - Lee .... Kidbrooke TOTAL Lewisham, including Syd- enham Chapelry Hamlet of Penge - TOTAL 9 12 6 9 1 37 24 3 27 PAET III. Parish and District united for electing one Member of the Metropolitan Board of Works. The Parish of Ro- therhithe - united with Saint Olave trict Saint Olave Saint Thomas, Southwark Saint John, Horsleydown - TOTAL - 28 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, SCHEDS. (C.), (D.) 149 SchecUC.) SCHEDULE (C.) The Close of the Collegiate Lincoln's Inn. Church of Saint Peter. Gray's Inn. The Charter House. Staple Inn. Inner Temple. Furnival's Inn. Middle Tempie. SCHEDULE (D.) MAIN SEWEKS OF THE METROPOLIS. NORTH SIDE OF THE THAMES. Stamford Brook (West Branch). Commences at an angle in the boundary between the parishes ol Hammersmith and Acton, on the south of the Uxbridge and London Road, and tangent to a footpath running south from East Acton Lane, extending thence in a south-easterly direction to Paddenswick Green, when it joins the east arm of the said brook. Stamford Brook (East Branch). Commences at a point on the boundary between the parishes of Hammersmith, Willesden, and Acton, about 100 feet north-east of the Old Oak Bridge over the North-Western Kailway, extending thence in a southerly direction to Paddenswick Green. The united streams of the above two branches discharge into Hammersmith Creek. Brook Green Sewer. Commences in Wood Lane, at the keeper's lodge, on the south side of Wormwood Scrubs, and discharges into the river Thames by two nutlets, viz., Bridge Road and Queen Street, on the east side of Hammersmith Suspension Bridge. A branch from the above commences in New Road, at the north end of the Grove, and joins the main sewer at Broadway, Hammer- smith. Fulham Sewer. Commences at a sluice in the moat surrounding the Bishop of London's Palace, on the west side of the junction of High Street. Fulham, with the Fulham Road, and discharges into the Thames under the toll-house of Fulham Bridge. 150 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Sched. (D.) Eel Brook Sewer. Commences at a point in North End Road, about 80 feet north- west of Walham Green Church, and discharges into Kensington Canal on the south-east side of the Imperial Gasworks. Counter's Greek Sewer (Main Line). Commences at a point in the Harrow Road, about 200 feet west of Kensal Green. Cemetery Gate, and discharges into the Thames at the outlet now forming on the south-west side of Cremorne Gardens. Counter's Creek Sewer (West Branch). Commences at a culvert under the Grand Junction Canal, on the boundary between the parishes of Kensington and Hammer- smith, at the south-west corner of Kensal Green Cemetery, and joins the above main line at Latimer Road at its junction with the Bromley Road. Counter's Creek Sewer (East Branch). Drains the whole of Kensal New Town, situate in a detached portion of the parish of St. Luke, Chelsea, and part of the parish of St. Mary, Paddington, and passes under the Great Western Railway at a bridge leading to Portobello Lane, on the south-east side of the Western Gasworks, and joins the main sewer at a point about a quarter of a mile north-west of Netting Barn Farm. Counters Creek Sewer (Kensington Branch). Commences in Victoria Grove at about 50 feet to the north of Uxbridge Road, and joins the main line at the junction of Pembroke and Warwick Roads. Sewer to the Metropolitan Sewage Manure Works. Commences at Knightsbridge at its junction with the Ranelagh Sewer, and extends thence in a south-westerly direction to the works at Stanley Bridge. Mill-man's Row Sewer. Commences in Fulham Road, at about 780 feet west, and at about 230 feet east of the junction of Park Walk with Fulham Road, and discharges into the river Thames opposite to MilJman's Row. Church Street Sewer. Commences in Gloucester Road at its junction with Canning Place, at about 750 feet south of Hogmore Lane Gate, and dis- charges into the Thames on the south side of Chelsea Old Church. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, SCHED. (D.) 151 Sclied. (D.) Quern Street Sewer. Commences between Gloucester Road and Hyde Park Gate south, on the south of Kensington Road, and about 300 feet south of Ken- sington Gate, runs through Old Brompton, and discharges into the river Thames on the east side of Chelsea Free Dock. Smith Street Sewer. Commences in the Kensington Road at a point about 750 feet west of Prince of Wales Gate, and, extends thence by Rutland Gate, Rutland Street, and Fulhain Road, on the West of Brompton Crescent, and along College and Markham Streets, and discharges into the Thames on the west side of Chelsea Royal Hospital. Ranelagh Sewer. The branch sewers from Edgware Road, Finchley Road, and Kilburn Vale unite at Kilburn Bridge, and form the main line, which, running in a southerly direction, discharges into the river Thames on the south-east side of Chelsea Royal Hospital. This sewer has several branches, the chief of which commences in Grove End Road, at about 900 feet west of St. John's Wood Road, extending thence by Lisson Grove, New Road, Grand Junc- tion Road, and Albion Street, to a tumbling bay, where it joins the main sewer in Uxbridge Road. King's Scholars? Pond Sewer. Commences in the Finchley Road, at about 1,500 feet above Junction Road toll gate, and discharges into the river Thames at the Equitable Gasworks, about 700 feet above Vauxhall Bridge. King's Scholars' Pond Sewer (Pall Mall Branch). Commences at Waterloo Place, and joins the main line opposite the entrance of Buckingham Palace. Grosvenor Ditch. Commences in Page Street, about 150 feet east of the junction with Regent Street, Vauxhall Bridge Road, and discharges into the river Thames at the northern extremity of Millbank Road. Horseferry Eoad Sewer. Commences in Grey-coat Place, and discharges into the river Thames at the Horseferry Stairs. Wood Street Sewer. Commences in Grey-coat Place, and discharges into the river Thames in the prolongation of Wood Street. 152 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Sche(UD.) Victoria Street Sewer. Commences at Shaftesbury Terrace, Pimlico, and discharges into the Thames at Percy Wharf. Regent Street Sewer (Western Branch). Commences in the outer circle of the Regent's Park, at about 200 feet north-west of Hanover Gate entrance, and joins the eastern branch in the New Road, opposite to the prolongation of Portland Place. Regent Street Sewer (Eastern Branch), Commences in Upper Albany Street, about 200 feet south of Col- lateral Cut Bridge over the Regent's Canal, and joins the western branch at the aforesaid point in the New Road. The main sewer proceeds thence along Regent Street, and dis- charges into the river Thames at Percy Wharf. Northumberland Street Sewer ( Western Branch). Commences in Warren Street, on the north of Fitzroy Square, and proceeds in a southerly direction along Cleveland, Newman, War- dour, Princes, and Panton Streets, Haymarket, to Charing Cross, opposite the district post office. Northumberland Street Sewer (Eastern Branch). Commences in New Road, at about 170 feet west of the junction with Hampstead Road, and proceeds along Tottenham Court Road, High Street, Seven Dials, and St. Martin's Lane, to Charing Cross, when it joins the western branch. The main line proceeds along Northumberland Street, and dis- charges into the Thames at Northumberland Wharf. Savoy Street Sewer. Commences in Stanhope Street, Regent's Park Basin, at a point at about 160 feet north of the junction with Edward Street, and proceeds along Robert, George, Gower, Charlotte, Bloomsbury, Endell, Bow, Wellington, and Savoy Streets, and discharges into the Thames at a point about 100 feet above Waterloo Bridge. Norfolk Street Sewer. Commences at the junction of Drury Lane and Long Acre, and passes by the Olympic Theatre, and along Newcastle Street and Strand, and discharges into the river Thames opposite Norfolk Street. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, SCHED. (D). 153 ScheMD.) Essex Street Sewer (Western Branch). Commences in Russell Square, opposite Montague Place, and pro- ceeds along Montague, Russell, and Museum Streets, Drury Lane, Great Wild Street, and Vere Street, to the junction of the eastern branch at the intersection of Sheffield and Gilbert Streets, Clare Market. Essex Street Sewer (Eastern Branch). Commences at the corner of Tottenham Court Road, and proceeds along New Oxford Street, Newton Street, and Cross Lane, Parker and Great Queen Streets, west side of Lincoln's Inn Fields, to the junction with the western arm above described. The main sewer proceeds thence along Gilbert Street, Clement's Lane, Pickett Street, and Essex Street, and discharges into the river Thames at Temple Pier. Fleet Sewer. Commences in High Street, Hampstead, at the junction of High Street with Flask Walk, extending thence through South End Green, Gordon House Lane, Victoria Road, Great College Street, Old St. Pancras Road, Bagnigge Wells Road, west of Middlesex House of Correction, and by Farringdon Street to Blackfriars Bridge, where it discharges into the river Thames. This sewer has numerous tributaries running into other districts, the chief of which are Camden Road, Caledonian Road, Pentonville Hill, River Street, St. John's Road, Holborn Hill, and Guildford Street. Goswell Street Sewer. Commences in Sydney Street, at the junction of Sydney Grove, and discharges into the Thames at Walbrook. London Bridge Seiver (City Road Branch). Commences at Duncan Terrace, on the west side of the New River, and joins the main line at the north end of Finsbury Pave- ment. Another branch commences in Lonsdale Square, Islington, and extending thence through Barnsbury Street, Richmond Grove, passes under the New River at New North Road Bridge, thence along Port- land Place, King Street, under the Regent's Canal, by Sturt's Lock, Walbrook Street, and Critchill Place, where it joins another branch at St. John's Church, Hoxton. London Bridge Seiver (Balls Pond Branch). Commences on the boundary between St. Mary, Islington, and St. John, Hackney, at Cock and Castle Lane, Dalston, and passes by Ball's Pond and Rosemary Branch Bridge to the junction at St. John's Church, above described. The united sewers then discharge into the river Thames at London Bridge. 154 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. SchecUD.) London Bridge Sewer (Shoreditch Branch.) Commences in Queen's Road, at the junction with Laurel Street, Dalston, and extending thence along Queen's Road, Great Cambridge Street, Hackney Road, Shoreditch, and Bishopsgate, joins the main line at King William's statue. Irongate Sewer. Commences in the City, and proceeds along the south-west side of Houndsditch, west side of Minories, and by the precincts of Old Tower Without, and discharges into the river Thames at Irongate Stairs, on the east of the Tower. Nightingale Lane Sewer. Commences in Union Street, Old Artillery Ground, and Booth Street, Spitalftelds, and extends thence along Commercial, Leonard, Wells, and Parson Streets, and Nightingale Lane, and discharges into the Thames on the western side of the entrance into Hermitage Basin. Hermitage Street Sewer. Commences in Redmead Lane, on the boundary between the parishes of St. John, Wapping, and St. George-in-the-East, and ex- tends thence along Great Hermitage Street, and discharges into the river Thames at about 50 feet east of Union Stairs. Old Gravel Lane Sewer. Commences at the boundary between the parishes of St. George- in-the-East and St. John, Wapping, in Old Gravel Lane, and dis- charges into the river Thames at a point about 110 feet west of the Thames Tunnel. Wapping Wall Sewer. Commences in Green Bank, at the junction of Upper Well Alley, and passes through King Street, and discharges into the river Thames at about 120 feet on the north-east side of New Crane Dock. Shadwell Basin Sewer. Commences on the north side of the Eastern Dock, at the ter- mination of West Gardens, and extends thence between the ware- houses and New Gravel Lane, on the north side of Shadwell Basin, and along Shadwell Dock Street, and discharges into the river Thames at the eastern pier of the Shadwell entrance to the London Docks. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, SCHED. (D). 155 SchedUD.) Pennington Street Sewer. Commences at the boundary between the parishes of St. George- in-the-East and St. John, Wapping, in St. George Street, and extends thence along Pennington Street, Old Gravel Lane, West Gardens, Cow Lane, Little Spring Street, Labour-in- Vain Street, and Lower Shadwell, and discharges into the river Thames at Shadwell Dock Stairs. Eatdiffe Highway Sewer (Western Branch). Commences at the junction of Sherwood Place, with Meed Street, at about 900 feet south-east of Shoreditch Church, and extends along Turvile, Thomas, and High Streets, and Whitechapel Koad, to the junction of New Road with Whitechapel Road. Ratdiffe Highway Sewer (Eastern BrancJi). Commences at the junction of Hague Street with Bethnal Green Road, and extends along Hague Street, Wellington, and Charles Streets, to the junction of New Road with Whitechapel Road, above described. Ratdiffe Highway Sewer (North-Eastern Branch). Commences from the rear of Shoreditch Church, and proceeds along Old Castle Street, Virginia Row, Wellington Row, Old Bethnal Green Road, Cambridge Road, Cleveland Street, King Street, Jamaica Street, Havering Street, and Love Lane, to Ratcliffe Highway. The main sewer proceeds along New Road, Cannon Street Road, St. George's Street, High Street, Shadwell, and Broad Street, and discharges into the river Thames at Ratcliff Cross Stairs. Limekiln Dock Sewer. Commences at the junction of Victoria Road with Bishop's Road, on the south-western side of Bonner's Hall Bridge, leading into Victoria Park, and extends along Victoria Road, east side of Bethnal Green, Globe Road, White Horse Lane, and Rhodeswell Road, and passes under the Regent's Canal at Rhodeswell Wharf, thence along the Black Ditch, Upper North Street, and North Street, ami dis- charges into the river Thames at Limekiln Dock. Great Sluice and Drunken Dock Sluice. These sluices are situated on the eastern side of the Isle of Dogs, and drain the whole of that part of the isle south of the West India Dock Basin. They have four inlet sluices for purposes of flushing. 156 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. ScheMD.) SlacTcwall Sluice. Commences at Batson's Inlet, near Limehouse entrance to the West India Dock, and discharges into the Thames on the north side of the Blackwall entrance to the West India Dock. Eastern, Counties Railway Sewer. Commences at Mile End Bridge, over the Regent's Canal in Bow Road, proceeds along Bow Road, Tredegar Square, and by the rail- way, and discharges into the river Lea, where the viaduct of the said railway crosses that river. Hackney Brook Sewer (Main Line). Commences in the High Road opposite to St. John's Church, Upper Holloway, and extends thence in a south-east direction along Holloway Road to a point about 450 feet south of Tollington Road, thence in an easterly direction by the north of Abney Park Ceme- tery, Hackney Downs, and Hackney Wick, and discharges into the river Lea, immediately to the north of Old Ford Wharf. Hackney Brook Sewer (Wick Lane Branch}. Commences in Old Ford Road, on the east side of Old Ford Bridge, crossing the Regent's Canal, and extends along Grove Road, Wick Lane, and joins the main sewer at Hackney Wick. SOUTH SIDE OF ,THE THAMES. Beverley Brook. Commences on the boundary between the parishes of Putney and Wimbledon, at a point about 1,800 feet south of Beverley Bridge, on the Kingston Road, and discharges into the river Thames about half a mile above Putney Town. Sewer between Parishes of Putney and Wandsworth. Commences on the road from Kingston to Wandsworth, and dis- charges into the river Thames at a point about 1,500 feet below Fulham Bridge. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, SCHED. (D.) 157 Sched. (D.) Watidle River. Commences at a point where the parishes of Streatham and Toot- ing intersect the river, and discharges into the river Thames at the town of Wandsworth. Falcon Brook. Commences at Tooting Common, and discharges into the river Thames at Battersea Creek. Lord Spencer's Seiver. Commences in the town of Battersea, and extends in an easterly direction through Battersea Park, and discharges into the river Thames at about 400 feet below Battersea New Bridge. Heath Wall Sewer (Main Line). Commences at the Falcon Brook at a sluice about 300 feet north of the South- Western Railway, and extending along the south margin of Battersea Fields, discharges into the Thames at Heath Wai? Mill. Heath Wall Sewer (Glapham Rise Branch). Commences on the boundary between the parishes of Clapham and Lambeth at the intersection of New Road with Clapham Rise, and extends along the east .side of Clifton Street, and joins the main sewer at a point about 100 feet north-east of New Road, Battersea Fields. Effra Sewer. Commences at the boundary between the parishes of St. Mary, Lambeth, and Croydon, in Westow Hill Road, immediately opposite to the convent of " Our Lady," and discharges into the river Thames at Vauxhall Creek, on the south side of the Phoenix Gasworks, and near to Vauxhall Bridge. Effra Sewer (Upper Norwood Branch). Commences in Westow Hill Road on the boundary between the parishes of Lambeth and Croydon, at about 200 feet west of the Crystal Palace Hotel, and proceeds northward along the boundary between the parishes of St. Mary, Lambeth, and St. Giles, Camber- well, and joins the main sewer at a point about 230 feet west of Croxted Lane. Duffield and Battle Bridge Sewers. These sewers drain the most densely inhabited portions of the south side. The inlets for flushing purposes are at Kennington, 158 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT SchecLCD.) Vauxhall, Lambetli Church, and Stangate. The outlets are by the following sluices, viz., the Arnold and Dover Sluices, near Waterloo Bridge ; Pudding Mill, near Blackfriars Bridge ; the Boar's Head, Welsh Troopers, Black Lion, and Bear Sluices, near Southwark Bridge ; the Bridge Yard, Battle Bridge ; and Green Bank, in St. Olave, Southwark ; Freeman's Lane, St. John Jerusalem ; and Great St. John, in Horsleydown ; and the Salisbiiry and Duffield Sluices, in Bermondsey. Limekiln Sluice. Drains the open fields of parts of the parish of Rotherhithe, and proceeds along Swan Lane, and discharges into the river Thames at about 300 feet east of the Thames Tunnel. Globe Stairs Sewer. Drains the Northern Basin of the Commercial Dock Company, and extends along the eastern side of St. Paul's Church, Rotherhithe, and part of Rotherhithe Street, and discharges into the river Thames at Globe Stairs. Sewer at Durand's Wharf (Rotherhithe). Commences to the south-east of Bull-Head Dock, Rotherhithe, and pursues an easterly course by Rotherhithe and Lower Queen Street, and discharges into the river /Thames at a " 10 footway/' opposite to Cow Lane. Rotherhithe Pier Sewer. Commences in Trinity Street, at a point about 400 feet south of Cow Lane, and proceeds along Trinity Street, and discharges into the river Thames at Rotherhithe Boat Pier. Earl Sewer (Main Line). Commences in Cold Harbour Lane, at a point about 1,100 feet north-east of its junction with Loughborough Road, and proceeds along High Street, Camberwell, Camberwell Road, Boundary Lane, and eastward along the boundaries of several parishes, and discharges into the river Thames on the boundary between the counties of Surrey and Kent, near to. the Royal Dock Yard, Deptford. Earl Sewer (Wyndham Road Branch). Commences on the east side of Kennington Park, and proceeds along New Row, and southward on the east of Thomas Street, east- ward along Wyndham Road, and joins the main sewer at a point about 100 feet south of Southampton Street, Camberwell. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 120, SCHEDS. (D.), (E.) 159 ScheMD.) Earl Sewer (White Post Lane Branch}. Commences in Victoria Eoad, at the junction with Choumert Place and Cutthroat Lane, near Peckham Eye, and proceeds along Victoria Koad, Hanover Street, Eye Lane, High Street, Meeting House Lane, Halfway House Lane, and White Post Lane, and joins the main sewer at the junction of the parishes of Eotherhithe, St. Paul's, Dept- ford, and St. Giles, Camberwell. Royal Dock Yard Sewer. Commences on the east of Black Horse Bridge, and extends east- ward on the south side of the Mast Pond, and discharges into the river Thames opposite to the Eoyal Victualling Yard. Ravensbourne and Sydenham Sewer. Commences at Bell Green, and extends along and by Catsford Hill Eoad, Lewisham, and Bromley Eoad, Silver Street, Loam Pit Vale, and Mill Lane, and discharges into Deptford Creek at Parish Wharf, near Kingsford Mill. Ravensbourne and Lee Green Seiver. Commences in the Eltham Eoad, about 300 feet east of Lee Green, and proceeds along Lee Eoad, Lewisham Eoad, Bath Place, Egerton Eoad, and North Pole Lane, to a pumping station, where it dis- charges into Deptford Creek, at a point about 400 feet north of the London and Greenwich Eailway. Horseferry Road (Greenwich). Commences in Caroline Street and Eoan Street, and proceeds along Union and Bridge Streets, and discharges into the river Thames at Horseferry. SCHEDULE (E.) Form of Mortgage of Rates. Mortgage, Number ( ). By virtue of an Act passed in the year of the reign of Queen Victoria, intituled [here insert the title of this Act], the metro- politan board of works, or the board of works for the district of , or the vestry of the parish of (as the case may be), in considera- tion of the sum of paid to by A. B., of , for the purposes of the said Act, do grant and assign unto the said A. B., his executors administrators, and assigns, all [here describe the moneys or rates to be mortgaged], to hold to the said A. B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, from the day of the date hereof until the 160 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT, Sched. (E.) said sum of , with interest at the rate of per centum per annum for the same, shall be fully paid and satisfied ; and it is hereby declared that the said principal sum shall be repaid on the day of , and that in the meantime the interest thereof shall be paid on the day of and the day of in every year. In witness whereof the metropolitan board of works, or the said district board, or the said vestry (as the case may be), have hereunto set their seal, this day of , one thousand eight hun- dred and SCHEDULE (F.) Form of Transfer of Mortgage. I, A. Jj. of in consideration of the sum of pounds paid to me by 0. J). of , do hereby transfer to the said 0. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, a certain mortgage, number , bearing date the day of , and made by the metropolitan board of works, or the board of works for the district of , or the vestry of the parish of , for securing the sum of and interest [or, if such transfer be by indorsement on the mortgage, insert, instead of the words after " assigns," the within security], and all my property, right, and interest in and to the money thereby secured, and in and to the moneys thereby assigned. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this day of , one thousand eight hundred and A. B. (L. s.) AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACT OF THE LAST SESSION OF PAR- LIAMENT, CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY, FOR THE BETTER LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF THE METROPOLIS. 19 & 20 VICT. CAP. 112. 29TH JULY, 1856. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Act of the last session of Section 1. parliament, chapter one hundred and twenty, " for the better Local Management of the Metropolis," as hereinafter mentioned : Be it ^ & ^ Viet. therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with c> ^^. the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows : 1. Where at the time of the passing of the said Act the power of Church rates making church rates or rates of the nature of church rates (a) in any where made in parish was vested in any open vestry, or in any meeting in the nature P en vestl 7 of an open vestry meeting, or in any meeting of the parishioners, before passing (a) The Compulsory Church Rates Abolition Act, 1868, 31 & 32 Viet. c. 109, enacts, section 1, that after its passing, no suit shall be instituted or proceedings taken in any ecclesiastical or other court, or before any justice or magistrate to enforce or compel the payment of any church rate made in any parish or place in England or Wales. Section 3 enables church rates to be levied in any parish for paying off any sum of money due on the security of Church rates, or of rates in the nature of church rates. Certain enactments and proceedings are excepted from the operation of the Act, which contains provisions relative to rates applicable partly to ecclesiastical purposes and partly to other purposes, and with respect to other matters. Where money was advanced under 5 Geo. 4 c. 36 by commissioners of public works on the security of certain rates, the commissioners were held not to be deprived of their security, even if, as alleged, the money had been improperly expended; Rippin v. Bastin, 2 L. R. Ecc. Cas. 386. Where by 5 Geo. 4, c. 3fi churchwardens were empowered to borrow money of the public works loan commissioners to be repaid by instalments within twenty years at the furthest, it was held, reversing the judgment of the Queen's Bench, that the statute expressly and impliedly forbade the making of a rate after twenty years ; B. v. Churchwardens of All Saints, Wigan, 41 J. P. 132. M 162 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 1. inhabitants, or ratepayers generally, or of such of the parishioners, inhabitants, or ratepayers as were rated at or above any specified of the Act _ amount or value (whether such vestry or meeting were hold en for the 18 9 T9A , , c. 120, to con- gj^-Q n()t be Deemed to have become vested in the vestry constituted tmue to be so ^ guch ^^ under ^ Raid Act? but shall be exercised as if the said Act has not been passed : Provided (a) always, that this Act shall not affect any such rate made before the passing thereof by any such vestry as last aforesaid. Nothing in 2. Nothing in the said Act or this Act shall affect or be deemed to this Act or in have affected any power of electing or appointing churchwardens or 18 & 19 Viet, making church rates, or other power which, at the time of the pass- c. 120, to affect ing of the said Act, was vested in any such open vestry or meeting as ecclesiastical aforesaid, or any elected or other vestry, where such vestry or meet- districts (&). j n g aC S exclusively for any district (by whatever denomination dis- tinguished) created for ecclesiastical (c) purposes only. Other powers 3. Save as hereinbefore otherwise provided, all the duties, powers^ of vestries and an< l privileges (including such as relate to the affairs of the church, like meetings or the management or relief of the poor, or the administration of any declared to money or other property applicable to the relief of the poor), which have been might have been performed or exercised by any open or elected or transferred to other vestry or any such meeting as aforesaid in any parish, under vestries under any local Act or otherwise, at the time of the passing of the said Act Act 18 & 19 of the last session, shall be deemed to have become transferred to and Viet. c. 120, vested in the vestry constituted by such last-mentioned Act ; except except powers so f ar as anv S uch duties, powers, or privileges may in the case of a transferred parish included in any district mentioned in schedule (B.) to the said Act be vested by section ninety thereof in the board of works of such district : Provided that aU duties and powers relating to the affairs of the church, or the management or relief of the poor, or the (a) This proviso is among the enactments which have ceased to bo iu force, &c. ; expressly repealed by Statute Law Revision Act, 1875. (b) See as to the right of a rector in a newly created parish under a private Act of Parliament to appoint one of the churchwardens ; Green v the Queen, L. R. 1 App. Ca. H. L. 513. (c) The expression " ecclesiastical purposes" by the Church Rate Abolition Act, 1868, is defined to mean the building, rebuilding, enlargement, and repairing of any church or chapel, and any purpose to which by common or ecclesiastical law a church rate is applicable. (d) These "duties, powers, and privileges" relate to the same matters as the " duties, powers, and authorities " mentioned in the original Act, the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, s. 90, and do not apply to the right of presentation to a church vested in trustees in trust for the parishioners and inhabitants ; Carter v. Cropley, 26 L. J. Ch. 246; nor to the right of electing almspeople to a charity vested by the deed of foundation in the minister, churchwardens, overseers of the poor, and such of the parishioners as should pay taxation to the poor, and should not keep inmates or poor lodgers ; Attorney- General v. The Drapers' Company, 22 J. P. 514; (Kindersley V. C.) 27 L. J. Ch. 542. See as to appointment of trustee of a charity by the vestry, constituted by Metropolis Local Management Act, Ee Hayles's Estate., 31 L. J. Ch. 612. This enactment has not repealed the pro- viso in the 197th section of the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, excepting from the operation of the Act accounts subject to the audit of an auditor, under the 4 & 5 Will. 4, c. 76. See S. v. Directors of Poor of St. Pancras, 27 L. J. M. C. 281. 19 & 20 VICT. c. 112, ss. 3, 4. 163 administration of any money or other property applicable to the Section 3. relief of the poor, which at the time of the passing of the said Act were vested in or might be exercised by any guardians, governors, trustees, or commissioners, or any body, other than any open or elected or other vestry, or any such meeting as hereinbefore mentioned, shall continue vested in and be exercised by such guardians, governors, trustees, or commissioners, or other body as aforesaid (e). 4. It shall be lawful for any person occupying any tenement within Occupiers any parish to claim to be rated to the relief of the poor in a ? * laim 1 respect thereof in the rate for the time being, and in all rates to be ( thereafter made in respect of such tenement, whether the landlord be or be not liable to be rated to the relief of the poor in respect thereof (/) ; and upon such occupier so claiming, by notice in writing left at the office or place of residence of the overseers of the poor of the parish, or one of them, and actually paying or tendering at such office or place of residence the full amount of the last-made rate then payable in respect of such premises, such overseers are hereby required to put the name of such occupier on the rate for the time being, and also, without further claim, to put his name upon every subsequent rate made during the time such occupier continues in the occupation of the same premises ; and in case the said overseers neglect or refuse so to do, such occupier shall nevertheless, for the purposes of the said Act, be deemed to have been rated to the said rate in respect of such premises from the period, at which the rate for the time being in respect of which he so claimed to be rated as aforesaid was made, and thenceforth so long as he continues in the occupation of the same premises ( pay over to the treasurer of the said vestry or board, or to any officer, boards ( e )- or into any bank in such order mentioned, the amount mentioned in such order, and the excess, if any, which may have been levied beyond such amount, less the expenses of and incidental to the making and collecting of the same, and shall make out and deliver to the said vestry or board a true and perfect account in writing signed by them, and duly audited by the auditors appointed for such parish or place under the provisions of the firstly recited Act, of all moneys and rates received by them in pursuance of the said order, and shall for such purpose produce to the said auditors the vouchers, counterfoils, or receipts for all payments made to or by them ; and such auditors shall, for the purposes of the said audit, have all and every the powers and authorities given to the auditors named in the 195th section of the firstly recited Act ; and in case any overseers shall fail to pay over such moneys or rates as aforesaid, or to render such account, or to produce such vouchers, counterfoils, and receipts for the space of twenty-one days after being thereunto required, they shall be subject to the penalties mentioned and contained in (c) See 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 15, as to the rates to be made by the metropolitan board on default of vestries, &c. (d) Sec note to section 6, ante. (e) See reference in note to section 9, ante, as to requirements on orders of vestries and district boards OB overseers, and in demand notes and receipts. 176 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 14. the 65th (a) section of the firstly recited Act ; Provided always, that where the term " overseer " or " overseers " shall extend to and include any vestry elected under the firstly hereinbefore recited Act, or any board of trustees or governors of any parish or place chosen under any local Act now in force (6), the provisions of this clause shall not be applicable to such vestry or board of trustees or governors so long as the orders of the vestry or board shall be duly complied with and satisfied ; and in every case in which the vestry does not appoint a collector or collectors to collect such rates, the said over- seers are hereby authorised to employ and pay one or more collector or collectors to collect all such rates, and to take from every such collector security (c) for his duly collecting such rates, and paying over and accounting for the same, and such security shall enure to the benefit of the overseers for the time being of every such parish or place, who shall have all such and the same remedies thereon as the overseers to whom such security was originally given. Power to metropolitan board, ves- tries, and dis- trict boards to demand to be furnished with copies of poor rates, &c. (d). 15. It shall be lawful for the metropolitan board of works, or for the vestry of any parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to the firstly recited Act, or for any district board, b.y order in writing, to require the vestry clerk, overseer, collector, or other person having the custody or control of any rate for the relief of the poor in any parish or place, or of any other rate, or of any book containing a copy of any such rate as aforesaid, to furnish, within such period, not being less than seven days, as shall be limited in such order, a true copy of such rate for the relief of the poor, or other rate, or of such copy thereof as aforesaid, or of such part or parts of the same as shall be specified in such order, on payment or tender for such copy at the rate of Gd. for every twenty-four names (inclusive of all the par- ticulars in the several columns in the rate, so far as such particulars have reference to such names respectively), and the said copy shall be examined by and signed by such vestry, clerk, overseer, collector, or other person, and shall be verified by his solemn declaration, if the said metropolitan board or vestry or district board shall require the same, which solemn declaration any justice of the peace or com- missioner duly authorized, is hereby empowered to administer ; and any person having the custody or control of such rate, or copy thereof, who shall refuse or neglect to make and deliver to such metropolitan board, vestry, or district board, or any person by them authorized to receive the same, such copy or extract, or to make such solemn delaration as aforesaid, shall be liable to a penalty not exceed- (a) By the 65th section, if any officer or servant fail to account, &c., he is to be committed to gaol, there to remain until he shall have rendered a true and perfect account, &c., and if he has failed to pay over moneys, and still fail or refuses to do, the money may be levied by distress, and in default of distress, he may be committed for a period not exceeding three months. See the decisions with respect to a failure to account, &c., referred to in note to section 65 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. (6) See definition of word " overseer," in section 250 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante, p. 188. (c) As to the security for the faithful performance of duty by officers, see note to section 65 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. (d) The 171st section of the original Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, authorized the clerk of the metropolitan board to inspect the county race and city sewer rate valuations and other accounts, and to take extracts, &c. ; and by the 16th section of 21 and 22 Viet. c. 104 (Main Drainage Act), those provisions are extended to all other rates within the metropolis. 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 1519. 177 ing ,10 for every such offence, and to a further penalty not exceeding Section 15- 10 for each and every day during which the said offence shall be continued, to be recovered by a summary proceeding (e). 16. Whenever the vestry of any parish mentioned in schedule (B.) Expenses to the firstly recited Act shall have lawfully incurred any expenses incurred by in the execution of the said recited Acts or this Act, the board of vestries named works for the district in which such parish may be situate shall, in in schedule case the payment of such expenses is not otherwise provided for pay ( B.) in execu- and discharge the amount oi such expenses out of the moneys which tion of Acts they are by the firstly recited Act authorized to raise for the pay- *o *> pad nient of the expenses of the execution of such Act. " v district boards. 17. The sums from time to time assessed by the metropolitan Recovery of board of works upon or in respect of any extra-parochial or other moneys as- property which was included in any separate sewerage district under sessed by the metropolitan commission of sewers, for or towards payment of metropolitan any debt or debts charged upon such district at the determination of board on the said Act of the eleventh and twelfth Victoria, chapter one htm- e r -paro- dred and twelve, or of any interest thereon, for the payment of which * hial provision is not otherwise made in the said recited Acts or this Act, iT shall be paid, on demand, to the said board by the occupier of the tenements or premises, or by the person or persons in receipt of any tolls or profits issuing out of any incorporeal hereditaments in res- pect of which such assessment shall be made, and every such sum may be recovered by the said board by an action at law or by a summary proceeding before a justice at the option of the said board. 18. In any proceedings before any justice or justices, by or on ^ e summons behalf of any vestry, district board, overseer, or collector, against the f^S issue occupier or owner of any premises, for the recovery of any rates r ?~ assessed under the said Acts or this Act which may be in arrear, all . ^ -, the rates for the recovery of which such proceedings shall be taken shall be included in the same summons, and the charge for such summons shall not exceed Is., and the signature of any justice or justices to any such summons may be either in writing or by a stamp atfixed as such justice or justices may direct. 19. Whereas by the firstly recited Act power is given to the metro- Parties lend- politan board of works and to any district board or vestry to borrow in money to money for the purpose of defraying any expenses incurred by them metropolitan in the execution of the said Act, on the credit of all or any of the J" !. ves ." moneys or rates authorized to be raised by them under the said Act: r* es rdlstnc Be it enacted, that no corporate body or person or persons lending or proposing to lend money to the said metropolitan board or any vestry (e) As to recovery of penalty, see section 102, post. (/) The 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, made no provision for the recovery of the sums payable in respect of certain extra-parochial property towards the pay- ment of mortgage debts charged on the sewerage districts in which such property was situated, as they could not be included in the rates made by overseers for payment of the precepts issued to vestries and district boards. (g) By 25 & 26 Viet. c. 82, any number of local rates and taxes due from the same person may be included in the same information, complaint, sum- mons, order, warrant, or other document required by law to be laid before or issued by justices; and the Act provides that no costs shall be allowed in respect of several complaints, &c., when in the opinion of the justices or court one might have sufficed. * a " 178 Section 19. application of money, regu- larity of pro- ceedings, &c. METKOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. oi' district board, under the provisions of the said Acts or this Act, or of any Act or Acts for amending the same, or of any Act or Acts empowering them or either of them to borrow money, shall be bound to see or obliged to inquire whether the money lent or proposed to be lent is advanced for the purposes of such Acts, nor to see or in- quire into the application of the money so lent, or any part thereof ; nor shall any such respective body or person or persons be bound or required to ascertain that the board or vestry so borrowing, or the meeting or meetings of such board or vestry, was or were properly constituted or convened, or that the proceedings at any meeting were legal or regular ; and the common seal of every such board or vestry impressed upon or affixed, pursuant to the order or resolution of such board or vestry (6) to any mortgage, bond, or other instrument which may have been made or granted by the said board or vestry, shall be binding and conclusive on the said board or vestry by whom any such mortgage, bond, or other instrument may have been so sealed and executed, and their successors. 20. It shall be lawful for the commissioners acting in the execution of the Act of the session holden in the nineteenth and twentieth years of Her Majesty, chapter seventeen, and in the execution of any of the Acts recited in that Act, or of any Act or Acts for amending or continuing the same Acts or any of them, to make advances to the metropolitan board of works, or to any vestry or district board, upon the security of all or any of the moneys or rates to be assessed or levied by them under the said recited Acts or this Act, and without requiring any further or other security than a mortgage of such moneys or rates, repayable by such instalments, within a period not exceeding thirty years, as shall in each case be agreed upon. Power to stop 21. It shall be lawful for the said metropolitan board, and they up carriage or are hereby authorized and empowered , during the construction of footways, &c. any works by them under the recited Acts or this Act, subject to the provisions of such Acts to cause to be stopped up all or such part of the carriage or footway of any streets, roads, or ways as may be necessary for the due execution of the said works. Public loans commissioners authorized to lend money to metropolitan board, vestries, &c. (c). Power to metropolitan board to take lands for roads, &c. (d). 22. The compulsory powers of taking land given to the said metro- politan board by the firstly recited Act, and the " Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," shall, subject to the conditions and restric- (a) A provision similar in effect was contained in the 3rd section of 17 & 18 Viet. c. 125, an Act for continuing and amending the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848. This section, the 20th and the 26th sections, are re- pealed so far as regards the Metropolitan Board of Works by the Metro- politan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, except so far as they relate to any securities granted, and the application of any money raised before the passing of the Act, and the rates and moneys for payment of such securi- ties while undischarged. See the 42nd section of the same Act, exempting purchasers of consolidated stock from inquiries into the application of money, regularity of proceedings, &c. (b) Where the seal of a company acting under the Companies Clauses Act, 1815, was affixed to a contract without lawful authority, the company were held not liable ; D'Arcy v. Tamar, $c., Railway Company, L. R. 2 Ex. 158. (c) Repealed so far as regards the Metropolitan Board of Works, except as to securities, &c. See note to preceding section. ( &c ^ by whom such approval shall have been obtained to the said metro- desi S ns r politan board, accompanied by plans and sections showing the nature viousl *L" of the abandonment, extension, contraction, or alteration desired ; prove ^ and no such abandonment, extension, contraction, or alteration shall be made without the previous approval in writing of the said metro- politan board ; and no person other than a vestry or district board shall abandon wholly or in part, or extend, contract, or alter in con- struction, any sewer approved or sanctioned by the metropolitan board of works, without the previous sanction in writing of the vestry or district board in whose parish or district the works were intended to be executed, to be applied for and given in the same manner as hereinbefore directed with respect to new sewers. 51. In case any sewer sanctioned and approved by the metropo- i n case litan board of works as hereinbefore provided shall not be constructed sewer be not or executed within twelve calendar months from the date of such constructed sanction or approval, the works for the construction of such sewer within 12 shall not be executed without a fresh permission by the metropolitan months, fresh board, and their written sanction that the necessary works for the application to construction of such sewer may proceed, to be applied for and be made (6). obtained in manner hereinbefore provided with respect to the original permission for the construction of such sewer. 52. Where any sewer shall, after the passing of this Act, be con- Ex P^ nse f stracted by any vestry or district board in or for the drainage of any gg T gra iVnfw new street (d), or of any house or houses erected since the 1st day of streets and January, 1856, the expense of constructing such sewer and the works greets laid out appertaining thereto, including the cost of gullies, side entrances, smce i s t Jan., lengths of sewer at the intersection of streets, and other incidental 1355 ( c ). charges and expenses shall be borne and defrayed by the owners (e) of such street or houses, and of the land bounding or abutting on such street respectively, and the said expenses shall be apportioned by the vestry or district board in such proportion as they may deem just, and the amount charged upon or payable in respect of each (6) There was a bye-law of the Westminster commission which contained a similar provision. (c) See as to charging a portion of the expenses of arching sewers on occupiers of adjoining lands in the repealed statute relating to the Surrey and Kent sewers commission, 10 & 11 Viet. c. 217 ; analogous provisions in the repealed statute relating to the Westminster commission, 10 & 11 Viet, c. 70 ; and the powers of the commissioners under the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, for compelling sewers constructed to be continued, and as to special rates, contributions, &c. (d) See definition of the expression "new street," section 112. (e) See definition of word "owner" in section 250 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante, with which this Act is to be read as one Act; section 110, post ; and decisions cited in Metropolis Management Act, 1865, section 105, ante, and section 77 of this Act as to who are " owners " within the enact- ments relating to paving new streets. 190 Section 52. Expense of constructing sewers where there had before been only open sewers. METKOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. house or premises shall be payable before the works shall be com- menced, during their progress, or after their completion (a) as the vestry or district board shall in each case determine, either in one sum or by instalments, within such period not exceeding twenty years, as the vestry or district board shall direct ; and any such sum or instalments shall be recoverable from the present or any future owner of the said house or premises either by action at law or in a summary manner before a justice of the peace at the option of the vestry or board (&). 53. Where any sewer shall be constructed by any vestry or dis- trict board in a street (c) in which previously to such construction there had been no sewer, or only an open sewer, but where sewers rates have been levied previously to such construction, the expense of constructing such sewer and the works apertaining thereto, in- cluding the cost of gullies, side entrances, lengths of sewer at the intersection of streets, and other incidental charges and expenses, shall be borne and defrayed in part only by the owners of the houses situated in and of the land bounding and abutting on such street respectively ; and the amount to be borne by such owners shall be determined by the vestry or district board in each particular case, and the residue of such expenses shall be defrayed by the vestry or district board out of the sewers rates levied in their parish or district ; and the amount so charged by the vestry or district board upon or (a) See a similar provision as to the expenses of paving new street, sec- tion 77. (V) Where, under the Local Government Act, a local board had the, option of recovering the expenses of paving and sewering a new street either in the county court or by a summary proceeding, the limitation of six months within Jervis' Act was held to apply to botk proceedings ; Tottenham Local Board of Health v. Rowell, L. R. 1 Ex. D. (c.A.) 514; see also West Ham Local Board of Health v. Maddams, 40 J. P. 470. (c) It was held in Vestry of St. Giles, Camberwell \. Wetter, 17 W. K. 973, that where sewers rates had been charged previous to the construction of a sewer, the whole expense must not be charged on the owners, because the word "street" in the 53rd section applies to any street, whether new or old, in which sewers rates have been levied ; but this case was over- ruled in Sawyer v. Paddington Vestry, 40 L. J. M. C. 8, where it was held that the word " street " in this section does not apply to a " new street " within section 52. Where a new sewer was constructed in a new street, and sewers, rates had been levied there previously to such construc- tion, an apportionment imposing no portion of the cost on the sewers rate is bad ; Sheffield v. Fulham District Board of Works, L. R. 1 Ex. D. (c.A.) 395, where it was said by the court that section 52 did not apply, and even if it did the assessment would appear to be bad, for omitting to impose any part of the cost on the owners of the building land abutting on the ends of the street. Where the respondent had constructed a sewer in a new street with the sanction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, and the appellants took it up and laid down a new sewer : Held the respondent was not liable to pay any part of the cost ; Fulham District Board of Works v. Goodwin, L. R. 1 Ex. D. (C. A.) 400 ; 41 J. P. 139. There is no limit of time for making the apportionment upon the owners; Bradley v. Greemvich Board of Works, L. R. W. N., 1878, p. 123 ; L. R. 3 Q. B. D. 384. The six months limit of time for proceed- ings under Local Government Act, 1858, and Public Health Act, 1848, for recovery of expenses of sewerage, &c., runs from notice of demand, and not from notice of apportionment ; Grece v. Hunt, L. R. 2 Q. B. D. 389. 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 5357, 191 In respect of each house or premises shall be payable, either before Section 53. the works shall be commenced, during their progress, or after their completion, as the vestry or board shall in each case determine, either in one sum or by instalments within such period, not exceed- ing twenty years, as the vestry or board shall direct ; and any such sum or instalment shall be recoverable from the present or any future owner of such house or premises either by action at law or in a summary manner before a justice of the peace, at the option of the vestry or board : Provided that no street or property in respect of which sewers rates have been levied for five years prior to the 1st day of January, 1856, shall be subject to be charged undei* the provision contained in this section. 54. In apportioning the cost of constructing sewers under the pro- Land may be visions contained in the two last preceding sections of this Act charged in a relating to the construction of sewers wholly or partly at the cost less proportion of private parties, it shall be lawful for any vestry or district board than house to charge the owners of land bounding or abutting on any street property. in a less proportion than the owners of house property, should they, under the circumstances of the case, deem it just and expedient so to do. 55. In any case in which the estimated expenses shall exceed the Where esti- actual cost of constructing sewers under the provisions contained in mated ex- the said two preceding sections of this Act relating to the construe- penses exceed tion of sewers wholly or partly at the cost of private parties, then the a 9* ua l cost, diilerence between such estimated expenses and the actual cost shall difference to be repaid by the vestry or board to the owners of the houses or e refunded premises by whom the amount of any such estimated expenses may , ^' * n . wnere have been paid ; and in any case in which the estimated expenses es . s , ? shall be less than the actual cost of constructing any sewer or sewers Srttr Ac (d) under the provisions aforesaid, then the owners of the said houses v. / or premises shall, on demand, pay to the said vestry or board such further sum of money as, together with any sums already paid, will makeup the amount of the actual cost; and the vestry or district board shall have all the same remedies for the recovery of such further sum as are hereinafter given for recovering any expenses apportioned by vestries or district boards under the said enactments. 56. It shall be lawful for the vestry or district board, should they Vestry or dts- deem it reasonable and just so to do, at their discretion to defray, out trict board of the sewers rates to be levied in their parish or district, any portion may defray of the expenses of and incident to the construction of sewers under part of ex- the provisions contained in the said two sections of this Act relating pense out of to the construction of sewers wholly or partly at the cost of private sewer rates parties. ( e l- 57. Any person who may deem himself aggrieved by any order or Appeal resolution of any vestry or district board in relation to the expenses against orders of constructing works under the said two sections of this Act relating of vestries, (d) The provision for repayment of the difference is similar to that con- tained in the 105th section of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante, with respect to the expenses of paving new streets. (e) The 86th section of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, enables vestries, &c., to defray the whole or a portion of the costs of constructing sewers, &c., for the abatement of nuisances, after default by private parties. 192 Sections?. &c., as to amount or apportion- ment of expenses (a). Execution of works of sewerage by vestries and district boards beyond the limits of the metropolis (b). METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. to the construction of sewers wholly or partly at the cost of private parties, or the apportionment of such expenses, may appeal to the metropolitan board of works against such order or resolution, subject in all respects to the directions and provisions contained in the 211th section of the firstly -recited Act, and the section of this Act relative to the form of order to be made by the committee of appeal of the metro- C"tan board of works against orders or acts of vestries or district ds. 58. Whereas the vestries of the parishes mentioned in schedule (A.) of the firstly-recited Act and district boards are, by the 69th section of the said Act, subject to the powers vested in the metropolitan board of works, empowered to make, repair, and maintain sewers vested in them, and to do and perform other works and matters as in the said section is mentioned, and it is. expedient to give increased facilities to such vestries and district boards for the execution and performance of such works and matters : Be it therefore enacted, that whenever it shall be found necessary by the vestry of any parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to the said Act, or by the board of works of any district mentioned in schedule (B.) to the said Act, for the purpose of executing works for any of the purposes mentioned in the said section, to carry any sewer or works within the limits of the metropolis as defined by the said Act, it shall be lawful for any such vestry or district board to execute works in parts situate beyond or without such limits, and to cleanse, repair, and maintain such works as they shall from time to time deem necessary : Provided always : that no work shall be performed or commenced by any vestry or district board beyond the limits of the metropolis as above defined, except for the purpose of continuing or forming part of a work com- menced or executed within their respective parish or district ; nor shall any such works be performed or commenced without the con- sent in writing of the metropolitan board of works for that purpose first had and obtained, nor -without the consent of the vestry or district board, or authorities of the parish or place through which the work may pass ; but if any such vestry or district board or au- thority shall refuse such consent, one of Her Majesty's chief secretaries (a) The sewers themselves must have been previously sanctioned by the metropolitan board, under section 69 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, and 45th and following sections of this Act, and the appeal is limited to the amount of the expenses. (b) There are certain parishes near the central boundary of the metro- polis which, owing to the fall of the ground, can only be drained by means of outfalls traversing districts situate beyond the metropolitan limits, and much inconvenience has been occasioned by the want of a power similar to that conferred by the present section. The power to carry sewers through lands, as well beyond as within the limits of the metropolis, is given by the 135th section of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, to the metropolitan board alone ; the words " beyond the limits," being omitted from the 69th section, defining the powers of the latter for the execution of works. It has been held under the Public Health Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63, that the power of local boards to construct sewers is confined to their own limits, and that the 30th section of the Local Government Act, 21 & 22 Viet. c. 98, only enables those boards to go beyond their own district when it is necessary to do so for the pur- pose of outfall or the distribution of sewage ; Hayward v. Lowndes, 28 L. J. Ch. 400. See reference to Acts containing powers for the drainage of certain parishes and places not within the metropolitan area in note to section 135 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 58, 59. 193 of state shall have authority under this Act to decide whether such Section 58. consent ought to be withheld, and such secretary of state may make such order as to him shall seem just ; but nothing herein contained shall apply to any work for the purpose of the main drainage of the metropolis under the recited Acts : Provided also, that no new sewer either within or beyond the limits of the metropolis shall be made or executed by any vestry, district board, or other body (c) having control over sewers within the metropolis without the previous approval of the said metropolitan board. 59. The provisions contained in the eightieth section of the firstly- Contribution recited Act, empowering vestries and district boards to order, at to cost of their discretion, under the circumstances therein mentioned, such ma in sewers sums as they shall deem just to be paid and contributed by the and sewers owners of houses towards the expense of the construction of sewers built since into which drains from such houses shall be made or branched, shall 1st January, be extended, and the same are hereby extended and made applicable 1853, or here- to the metropolitan board of works with respect to houses draining after to be into main sewers constructed at the expense of any person or body built GO- other than any commissioners of sewers, and which are vested in the metropolitan board ; and the same provisions are hereby extended and made applicable to all sewers within the limits of the metropolis as defined by the firstly-recited Act, built since the 1st day of January, 1856, or which may hereafter be built at the expense of any person or body other than the metropolitan board of works, or any vestry, district board, or other body having control over sewers within the metropolis, into which house drains may be made or branched ; and the said metropolitan board, vestry, district board, or other body, as the case may be, may at their discretion accept payment of contribution from the owners of houses draining into such sewers respectively, either in one sum or by instalments within any period not exceeding twenty years, with interest after a rate not exceeding ,5 by the hundred by the year, as the said board, vestry, or other body shall in each case determine, and shall on receipt of any such contribution or instalment pay over the same to the person or body entitled thereto ; and every sum payable to the said board, vestry, or other body by way of contribution to the construction of sewers shall be recoverable from the present or any future OAvner of the said premises either by action at law or before a justice of the peace in a summary manner, at the option of the board or vestry : Provided that nothing herein contained shall prejudice or affect the right of vestries and district boards to demand and recover from the owners of houses and land the sums charged iipon them (c) This provision goes beyond the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, which applies to the works of vestries and district boards only. The words here used are apparently large enough to include the commissioners of sewers for the city of London. (d) This is an extension of the provisions contained in the 80th section of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, by which the liability to pay contribution to the cost of the construction of sewers is limited to the case of sewers as built previously to the passing of the Act, and to sewers vested in vestries and district boards, but built at the expense of private individuals. The section as here framed, authorizes contribution to the cost of main sewers which have been built at the expense of private parties, and of sewers of every description built since the 1st of January, 1856, or which may here- after be built at the cost of private parties. O 194 Section 59. Where time is given for payment of contribution, the metro- politan board shall keep a register. Regulations respecting openings into sewers (6) . METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. by such vestry and district boards respectively under the provisions contained in this Act (a). 60. In all cases in which time shall be given by the metropolitan board of works, or by any vestry, district board, or other body, for the payment of any contribution to the cost of a sewer as aforesaid, the metropolitan board of works shall keep a register of all such orders for contribution, which register shall contain the description of the premises, the amounts payable, the periods for payment, and other necessary particulars ; and such register shall be open to inspec- tion by parties interested during office hours without payment of fee or reward ; and every vestry, district board, or other body giving time for payment of any such contribution as aforesaid shall forth- with transmit to the said metropolitan board a copy of their order or resolution in that behalf made, and such other particulars' in relation thereto as the said board may deem necessary and .require. 61. The seventy-seventh section of the firstly recited Act is hereby repealed ; and in lieu thereof be it enacted, that no person shall make or branch any sewer or drain, or make any opening into any sewer vested in the metropolitan board of works, or in any vestry or district board, without the previous consent in writing of such board or vestry : Provided that it shall be lawful for any person, with such consent, at his own expense, to make or branch any drain into any sewer vested in such board or vestry, or authorized to be made by them or either of them under the firstly-recited Act or this Act, such drain being of such size, materials, and other conditions, and branched into such sewer in such manner and form of communication in all respects, as the board or vestry shall direct or appoint (c): provided also, that where any contribution to the cost of a sewer is payable in respect of drainage into the same, it shall not be lawful for any person to make or branch any drain into such sewer, except in conformity with the directions of the board or vestry in whom the same shall be vested with respect to payment of contribution under the provisions, contained in the firstly -recited Act and this Act in that behalf (d); (a) This refers to the cost of constructing sewers in new streets, &c., under sections 52 and 53. (b) The section as now re-enacted, imposes the condition of a previous application to and written consent by the respective bodies in whom the sewers are vested, and in general gives more efficient control over the exe- cution of the works. It also provides for paymept of contribution, and, in addition to the penalties incurred by any infraction of its provisions, the wrongful drainage may be cut off. Where a statutory obligation is imposed upon a person, he is liable for any expense in consequence of its having been negligently performed, and this whether it was performed by a contractor engaged by him or by himself. And where A. employed a contractor to lay a drain from his premises to a sewer, through whose negligence damage occurred, Held by the Ex. Ch., reversing the decision of the Q. B., that A. was responsible " in an action by the party injured; Gray v. Pullen, 5 B. & S. 970; and see Hole v. Sitting, bourne Railway Co. 6 H. (STN. 488; and Pickard v. Smith, 10 C. B. (N.S.) 470, as to employers being held responsible for injuries caused by persons employed by them. (c) As to the discretion of the board or vestry with respect to the ma- terials to be used, see Austin v. St. Mary, Lambeth, 27 L. J. Ch. 677, cited in note (c) to section 76, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. (d) See section 80 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante, and section 59 of this Act. 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 6163. 195 and in case any person, without the consent of the said metropolitan Section 61. board, district board, or vestry as aforesaid, make or branch, or cause to be made or branched any sewer or drain, or make any opening into any of the sewers vested in any such board or vestry, or authorized to "be made by them as aforesaid, or if any person make or branch, or cause to be made or branched, any drain of a different construction, size, material, or other conditions, or in another manner or form of com- munication than shall be directed or appointed by such board or vestry, every person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding ,50 ; and the board or vestry may cut off the connexion between such drain and their sewer, or if they shall see fit execute the necessary works for making the said drain conformable to their regulations or directions at the expense of the person making such drain or causing the same to be made, such expenses to be re- covered either by action at law or in a summary manner before a justice of the peace, at the option of the board or vestry. 62. Every district surveyor required to report by the one hundred Reports as to and third section of the firstly-recited Act, shall, without fee or re- underground reward, report to the metropolitan board, and to every vestry and rooms occu- district board in the district in which such surveyor may act, in the F e< ^ ^; s months of June and December in each year, and at all other times dwellings, when he shall be recpaired so to do by any such board or vestry, all underground rooms or cellars occupied as dwellings within the mean- ing of the first-recited Act that are not 'built or constructed in conformity with the rules contained in the said section, and shall in such report set forth the exact locality in which such underground rooms or cellars are situate ; and in any procedings taken to recover the penalty under the said one. hundred and third section of the said Act, such evidence as may give rise to a probable presumption (e) that some person passes the night -in such room or cellar shall be evidence, until the contrary be made to appear, that such has been the case. 63. Whereas by the seventy-sixth section of the firstly-recited Act, Extension of it is provided that the vestry or district board shall make their order time under in relation to the matters therein referred to, and cause the same to be section 76 of notified to the person from whom the notice mentioned in the said 18 & 19 Viet, section was received within seven days after the receipt of such notice, c - 120, for and it is expedient that the time for 'making such order should be making extended : Be it therefore enacted, that where any notice shall have order . s W been given to any vestry or district board pursuant to the said section, vestries -an it shall be lawful for the surveyor of such vestry or board, if he shall ? 1S n , deem it necessary and proper so to do, within three days after the receipt of such notice by the vestry or district board, by writing under his hand directed to and served upon the person giving such notice, to require that the buildings or works referred to therein shall not be proceeded with until after the then next meeting of the said vestry or district board, and until their directions in reference thereto shall have been notified'to such person, provided that the order of the said vestry or district board shall be made and riotified to the said person at the latest within fifteen days after the receipt of such notice by the vestry or district board ; and in case any person shall proceed with (e) It would seem that the evidence raising probable presumption must be such as would constitute reasonable (/rounds within section 10 1 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. 19G METKOPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 63. Where par- ties neglect to carry out works pur- suant to order of vestry, the vestry may recover penalty or do the works T. Penalties in 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ex- tended to persons causing offences (5). Temporary provision for drainage of \ roperty where no proper sewer within 200 feet (c). any building or works contrary to tliis enactment he shall forfeit and pay to the vestry or district board a sum not exceeding 5, and also a further sum of 40s. for every clay during which such offence shall continue, to be recovered by action at law or in a summary manner at the option of the vestry or board. 64. Whereas by the seventy -third, seventy-fourth, seventy -sixtli eighty-first, eighty-fifth, and eighty-sixth sections of the firstly-recited Act, certain works, matters, and things are required to be constructed, made, or executed on the requisition of vestries and district boards by the owners or occupiers of the premises therein referred to; and in case any such owner or occupier refuse or neglect to commence, proceed with, or complete the same, as the case may be, the vestry or district board are authorized to perform and execute such works, mat- ters, and things, and recover the costs incurred thereby in manner therein provided : Be it enacted, that in case of any such neglect ox default by any person or persons to comply with the order of any vestry or district board to execute any works, matters, or things under any of the said provisions, the person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay to the vestry or district board a sum not exceeding ,5, and also a further sum not exceeding 40s. for every day during which such offence shall continue, to be recovered by action at law or before a justice of the peace in a summary manner, at the option of the vestry or district board ; and the vestry or district board may at their, discretion either execute or perform any such works, matters, or things, and recover the costs and expenses thereof from the owner of the property as aforesaid, or proceed for and recover the said penalty or penalties ; but nothing herein contained shall render any person or persons liable to be proceeded against for the penalty as well as for the costs and expenses of the works. 65. The penalties declared by the firstly-recited Act in the case of persons committing the offences mentioned therein are hereby ex- tended and made applicable to all persons causing the commission of any such offences, or by whose order or direction any such offences shall have been committed. 66. Whereas certain property within the limits of the metropolis is so situate as to render it impracticable, or practicable only at undue expense, to connect such property with covered sewers, and it is expe- dient that some temporary provision should be made for draining such property and abating the nuisances existing thereon or caused thereby: Be it therefore enacted, that in any case in which any house or other building, whether erected before or after the passing of this Act, is without sufficient drainage, and there is no proper sewer within two (a) Under the provisions referred to relating to the branching of drains into sewers, the laying on water, the levels of buildings, the construction of house drains, waterelosets, and ashpits, the filling up of ponds, open ditches, &c., vestries and district boards, in case of default by private par- ties in complying with these orders, could only execute the works themselves, and proceed against the parties liable to recover the expenses. This enactment gives them the option of doing the works, or proceeding for penalties, and under the latter alternative it gives them the protection of a magistrate's order. (b) Refer to Jervis' Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, s. 5, as to conviction of every person who shall aid, abet, counsel, or procure the commission of any offence which is or hereafter shall be punishable on summary conviction. (c) The power given by the 75th section of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, calling 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 66, 67. 197 hundred feet of any part of such house or building, it shall be lawful Section 66. for the vestry or district board of the parish or district in which such house or building is situate by notice in writing to require the owner of such house or building to construct and lay from such house or build- ing a covered drain to lead therefrom into a covered watertight cess- pool or tank or other suitable receptacle, not being under a house or within such distance from a house as the vestry or board shall direct, and to construct such cesspool, tank, or receptacle ; and the several provisions (d) in the firstly recited Act with respect to the laying of house drains at the expense of the owners of property, and the recovery of such expenses of and the penalties for any omission in respect to the performance of any such works pursuant to the orders of vestries or district boards in accordance with the directions of the said Act, shall be. extended to and apply to the making of such cess- pools, tanks, receptacles, and drains, and the orders of vestries and district boards in relation thereto and the expenses thereof. 67. If it shall appear to any vestry or district board that any Vestries, &c., house within their respective parishes or districts is without a proper may compel supply of water, and that such supply can be furnished to such house supply of at a rate not exceeding 3d. per week, conformably with the scale of water for rates authorized to be charged by any water company within the houses, metropolis as defined by the firstly -recited Act, the said vestry or district board may give notice in writing to the owner or occupier of such house, requiring him, within a time specified therein, to obtain such supply, and to do all such works as may be necessary for that purpose ; and if such notice be not complied with, the said vestry or district board shall do such works and recover the expenses thereof from the owner of the premises as hereinafter provided ; and any water company shall, upon the requisition of such vestry or board, supply with water such house, and the rates for the supply of such house or houses as aforesaid shall be due and payable by the said owner, and shall be recovered by the company as if such owner had contracted with the company for the supply of such water. In any case where it shall appear to any vestry or district board that the existing supply of water to any house within their respec- tive parishes or districts would be sufficient for such house if the same were inhabited by a lesser number of persons, but is insufficient by reason that the same is inhabited by numerous persons (being more than one single family), it shall be lawful for such vestry or district board to give notice in writing to the occupier of such house, requiring him, within a time specified therein, to obtain such further supply (not exceeding a supply at the rate of thirty gallons per day for each person) as to them shall appear necessary, and to do all such works as may be necessary for that purpose ; and if such notice be not complied with within the time therein specified, it shall be law- ful to take proceedings for overcrowding, in the manner provided by the "Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1855 ;" (e) and upon on parties where there is no existing or intended sewer within one hundred feet of the house or site, to drain into a cesspool, is limited to houses erected or rebuilt after the passing 1 of that Act. This provides temporary means of drainage in cases in which certain property, whether built before or after the Act, must from its situation either drain into cesspools, or remain wholly without drainage. (d) See sections 73, 76, and 77 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. (e) By the 29th section of the Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, 18 & 19 Viet c. 121, on a certificate by the medical oflftcer of health, or, if there be 198 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 67. proof of the fact that the water supply is not sufficient by reason of ~"~ the number of persons inhabiting the said house (being more than one family), it shall be lawful for the justices to make the like order and to inflict the like penalty as in any other case of overcrowding. 68. Every person who shall knowingly erect or place any building, wall, bridge, fence, obstruction, annoyance, or encroachment in, xipon, over, or under any sewer (b) under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan board of works, or of any vestry or district board, and every person obstructing, filling in, or diverting any sewer or drain under the jurisdiction, survey, or control of the metropolitan board, or of any vestry or district board, without the previous consent in writing of the board or vestry in whom the same may be vested, shall, in addition to any other proceeding to which he may be liable therefore, forfeit and pay to such respective board or vestry a sum not exceeding ,20 for every such offence (c) ; and the board or vestry may demolish and remove any such building, wall, bridge, fence, obstruction, annoyance, or encroachment, and perform any works necessary for restoring or reinstating the sewer or other work or thing damaged ; and the party erecting such building, wall, bridge, fence, or causing such obstruction, annoyance, or encroachment, shall also pay the expense of removing and abating them respectively, and of reopening, restoring, repairing, or reinstating any sewer or drain obstructed, tilled in, closed up, or diverted ; and in case of a con- tinuing offence in any of the cases aforesaid, the offender shall be liable to a further penalty, not exceeding 5, for each day after notice thereof from the metropolitan board of works, or from the none, of two qualified medical practitioners, the local authority shall cause proceedings to be taken before the justice to abate such overcrowding, and the justices shall thereupon make such order as they may think fit, and the person permitting such overcrowding shall forfeit a sum not exceeding 40*. See cases referred to in note to Nuisances Removal Acts, post, Appendix. (a) The Metropolis Local Management Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, has no clause similar to that contained in the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, s. 145, preserving, with certain exceptions, the provisions and powers of 23 Hen. 8, c. 5, and the subsequent general Acts relating to commissions of sewers. The 68th and 135th sections of that Act transfer to boards and vestries the rights vested in their predecessors concerning or incident to sewers; but the only remedies against wrongdoers are those contained in the substantive provisions of the Act, viz., the 77th, 83rd, 204th, 205tb, and 206th sections, which are limited to the specific injuries described therein, and fail to reach many of those acts of wrongful interfer- ence with the subject-matters of jurisdiction by the boards and vestries which it is essential to repress or punish. As to the remedies under the general law of sewers in cases of annoyance and encroachment, see Callis on Sewers, 171, 178, Serj. Woolrych, Law of Sewers, p. 126, et seq., 3rd ed., and the decisions, cited in the notes, which tend to elucidate the nature of the wrongful acts described in this and the following section. See note to section 68, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, as to the rights of boards and vestries in relation to sewers. (I) In the case of the Poplar District Board of Works v. Knight and another, referred to in note (b) to section 204 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante, the river bank or wall of the Thames was held to be a sewer within that section ; and see definition of the word " sewer " in section 250 of that Act, ante ; see decisions referred to in note to section 204 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, ante, prohibiting the erection of buildings in, over, or under sewers. (c) As to the recovery of the penalty, see section 102, post. 25 & 26 VIOT. c. 102, ss. 6870. 199 vestry or district board, to be recovered by action, at law or before Section 68- any justice of the peace by a summary proceeding, at the option of the board or vestry : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to prevent or impede the maintenance, repair, or renewal of any buildings or works under which a sewer or drain has been constructed, but so, nevertheless, that such buildings or works shall not injure or obstruct the said sewer or drain (d). 69. Any person who shall take up, remove, demolish, or otherwise Penalty on interfere with any sewer or part of a sewer vested in the metropolitan persons inter- board of Avorks, or in any vestry or district board, without the pre- fering with vious permission in writing of such board or vestry, or who shall sewers, wilfully damage any sewer, bank, defence, wall, penstock, grating, gully, side entrance, tide valve, flap, work, or thing vested in the metropolitan board or any vestry or district board, or do any act by which the drainage of the metropolis or any part thereof may be obstructed or injured, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the said metropolitan board of works, or to the vestry or district board aggrieved by any such act, for every such offence a sum not exceeding 20, and shall also pay to such board or vestry all the expenses of repairing, restoring, reinstating, or amending any sewer or other work or thing so taken up, removed, demolished, damaged, or interfered with, to be recovered by action at law or before a justice of the peace by a summary proceeding, at the option of the board or vestry. 70. The vestry of any parish mentioned in schedule (A.) to the Vestries in said firstly-recited Act and any district board may provide and main- schedule (A.) tain drinking fountains in such convenient and suitable situations as an< ^ district they may deem proper, and may undertake the maintenance of any boards eni- snou ld act in and for the parts to which such local Act underbuy extends, so far as regards their parish or district, and a resolution to local Act in * na * v&ect be passed by a majority (&), at a meeting of the vestry or their parish or b ar( l specially convened for the purpose of consideiing the question district. f determining such duties or powers, of which not less than fourteen days' notice shall have been given, notice of such resolution shall be given by the clerk of such vestry or board to the clerk of the peace for the county in which their parish or district is situate ; and such notice shall be laid by such clerk of the peace before the next court of general or quarter sessions of the peace for such county ; and from and after the receipt of such resolution by such justices the appoint- ment, and all powers of appointment, of any inspector or examiner appointed under any such local Act shall cease so far as regards such parish or district, but not so as to affect any pending proceedings for penalties or otherwise ; and all the provisions of the said Act at the session holden in the fifth and sixth years of King William the Fourth, chapter sixty-three, and of any Act amending the same, shall apply to such parish or district as if such local Act were not in force therein. Penalties may 102. Every penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Act, and made be recovered in recoverable by a summary proceeding, may be recovered before any manner pro- justice of the peace in manner provided by the Act of the vided by 11 & no lden in the eleventh and twelfth years of Her Majesty, chapter J^Vict. forty . three . (a) See 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 63, s. 17 et seq., as to the appointment, &c., of inspectors of weights and measures, and as to the districts for which examiners of weights and balances might be appointed under the earlier Act, 37 Geo. 3, c. 143. K. v. Justices of Devon, 1 B. & Aid. 588. By the Weights and Measures Act, 1878, (6th sched., part 1), this section is re- pealed. By section 55 of the Act where, in the metropolis, any vestry, commissioners, or other body have powers, &c., under any local Act, charter, or otherwise, in relation to the apppointment of inspectors or examiners of weights and measures, such vestry, commissioners, or body may at a meeting specially convened for the purpose, of which not less than fourteen days' notice has been given, resolve that it is expedient that their said duties and powers should cease in such a place. (b) See B. v. Overseers of Christchurch, cited and observations in note to section 28 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante, as to what constitutes a ma- jority. (c) See 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante, as to recovery of penalties by sum- mary proceedings under Jervis' Act, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43. The penalties for any breach of the bye-laws under section 83, ante, are, by virtue of that section, and section 202 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, recoverable by a similar proceeding. The Small Penalties Act, 1865, 28 & 29 Viet. c. 32, enacts 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 103105. 221 103. The expenses incurred by the metropolitan board of works in Section 103. applying for and passing this Act, and preparatory or incident thereto, shall be and are hereby included among the general expenses of the "SJ^J^ ^ said board in the execution of the firstly-recited Act, and may be . , , . defrayed accordingly ; and the expenses incurred by any vestry or duded amon(y district board in relation to this Act shall be and are hereby included genera i ex _ among the other expenses incurred by that vestry or district board penses O f exe . in the execution of the firstly-recited Act, and may be defrayed cu ting Acts, accordingly. 104. The provisions in the two hundred and twenty-seventh sec- Provision as to tion of the firstly-recited Act for the recovery of penalties and for- P e " |iL. , feitures imposed by the said Act is hereby extended to any damages, un( fer ^7tu costs, or expenses payable or recoverable under the said recited Acts ^ ^ \Tf\ct c or this Act ; and any such damages, costs, or expenses, the recovery -^Q extended whereof is not otherwise provided for, may be recovered by summary to ,j amao . eS) proceedings in manner directed by the said section (d). & c> 105. The two hundred and thirty-fourth section of the firstly- Application recited Act is hereby repealed ; and in lieu thereof be it enacted, of penalties that all penalties or forfeitures payable or recoverable under the () firstly-recited Act or this Act, and all penalties or forfeitures recovered by any vestry or district board acting as the local authority for the execution within their respective parish or district of " The Nuis- that where upon summary conviction any offender may be adjudged to pay a penalty not exceeding 5, such offender may, without any warrant of distress, be committed to prison for any term not exceeding the period specified in the scale given in the Act, unless the penalty shall be sooner paid ; and the Act applies to penalties, including costs recoverable in a summary manner, in pursuance of any Act of parliament, whether passed before or after its commencement. (d) Where a local board had the option of recovering the expenses of sewering and paving a. private street, either in the county court or by a summary proceeding before justices, it was held that the six months' limita- tion in Jervis' Act applied to both proceedings ; Tottenham Local Board of Health v. Eowell, L. R. 1 Ex. D. C. A. 514. (e) The 234th section of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120 (hereby repealed), provided that all sums which might be recovered by any vestry on account of any penalty, should be applicable to then- general expenses ; but by section 47 of 2 & 3 Viet. c. 71 (Metropolitan Police), it was enacted that where by any Act or Acts any penalties, &c., were or should thereafter be made recover- able in a summary manner before any justice, &c., and by such Act or Acts the same should be made payable to Her Majesty, or to any body corporate, or to any person or persons whomsoever, save the informer, &c., or any party aggrieved, the same, if recovered before any of the metropolitan police magistrates, should be adjudged to be paid to the receiver of the metropolitan police district. It was held under the 17 & 18 Viet. c. 38 (Suppression of Gaming Houses), that where a conviction took place under that Act at a metropolitan police court, the receiver of the metropolitan police district was entitled to one half of the penalty directed by the Act to be applied in aid of the poor rates; Wray v. Ellis, 28 L. J. M. C. 45. The section as now framed is intended to secure the penalty to those bodies whose property has been injured by the offence, including the metropolitan board, who were not within the repealed enactment. See Receiver of Metropolitan Police v. Bell, L. R. 7 Q. B. 433, as to what penalties recovered before two justices were held not payable to the receiver, and as to disability of a corporation to sue for penalties as a common informer unless expressly empowered by statute ; Guardians of St. Leonard's Shoreditch v. Franklin, L. R. 3 C. P. D. 377. 222 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 105. ances Removal Act, for England, 1855" (a), shall go and be paid in manner hereafter mentioned, anything contained in an Act made and passed in the session holden in the second and third years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter seventy-one, or in any other Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding ; that is to say, one half shall go to the informer, and the remainder shall go to the vestry or district board of the parish or district in which the offence was committed, or to the metropolitan board of works, in case the injury shall have been sustained by or the offence committed in respect of that board ; or if such vestry or district board or the metropolitan board of works be the informers, then the whole of the penalty recovered shall go to them respectively, and all sums which shall go to or be recovered by any board or vestry on account of any penalty or forfeiture shall be paid to their treasurer, or into such bank to their account as they may direct, and shall be applicable towards the general expenses of such board or vestry ; provided that in every case where any board or vestry are liable to any penalty or forfeiture, the whole of such penalty or forfeiture shall go to the informer. Notice of 106. No writ or process shall be sued out against or served upon, action, &c. (J). and no proceeding shall be instituted against the metropolitan board of works, or any vestry or district board, or their clerk, or any clerks, surveyor, contractor, officer, or person whomsoever, acting under their or any of their directions, for anything done or intended to be done under the powers of such board or vestry under the said Acts or this Act (c), until the expiration of one calendar (a) See 18 & 19 Viet. c. 121, s. 38, post, Appendix. (6) This section is founded on the 127th section of the Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, but in addition to the words " writ or process shall be sued out," it uses the words " no proceeding shall be nstituted." (c) An omission to do something to be done for the complete perform- ance of a duty imposed on a public body by statute, or continuing to leave such duty unperformed, amounts to an Act done or intended to be done within the meaning of section 139 of the Public Health Act, 1848; Jolliffe v. Wallasey Local Board, L. R. 9 C. P. 62. Where an inspector was ordered by a district board of works within the metropolis to erect a urinal, and he authorized another person to perform the work, the latter, as well as the inspector, was held entitled to notice of action ; Chambers v. Reid, 30 J. P. 231 ; 13 L. T. (N.S.) 703. A contractor under the metropolitan commission of sewers who, in en- larging a sewer, neglected to pump the sewage, thereby flooding the plaintiffs premises, was held entitled to notice of action; Poulsumv. Thirst, 36 L. J. C. P. 225 ; L. R. 2 C. P. 449. A person who contracted with a local board of health to dig wells under the direction of their surveyor, and caused damage by leaving a hole without a light at night, was held entitled to notice of action under section 264 of Public Health Act, 1875; Newton v. Ellis, 24 L. J. Q. B. 337; 5 E. & B. 115. A local board sued for negligence in not protecting a footpath from a goit, was held entitled to notice of action ; Wilson v. Corporation of Halifax, 37 L. J. Ex. 44; L. R. 3 Ex. 114, and similarly in case of accident from a defective bridge ; Holland v. Nantwich Highway Board, 34 L. T. 137. Although a rate made by defendants as surveyors of highways was bad, the defendants were held entitled under section 109 of the General High- 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, s. 106. 223 month, (d) next after notice in writing shall have been served upon such Section 106. board or vestry, or where the action or proceeding shall be against such officer or other person acting under their or any of their directions shall have been delivered to him or left at his office or place of abode, stating the cause of action or grounds of the proceeding or demand, and the name and place of abode of the intended plaintiff or claimant ( and of his attorney 91- agent in the cause or proceeding ; and upon ' the trial of any action the plaintiff shall not be permitted to go into evidence of any cause or action except such as is stated in the notice so served or delivered, and unless such notice be proved the jury shall find for the defendant ; and every such action and proceeding Limitation. shall be brought or commenced within six months (e) next after the way Act to notice of an action brought to recover the money paid ; Selmes v. Judge, L. R. 6 Q. B. 724. In order to entitle a party to notice of action for a thing done, " in pur- suance of" or "in the execution of" an Act of parliament, it is not neces- sary that he should at the time of doing the act be cognisant of the existence of the statute giving him such protection, or that he should be acting strictly in the execution of it; Head v. Coker, 13 C. B. 850. A letter of plaintiff's attorney claiming compensation, is not sufficient notice; Mason v. Birkenhead Improvement Commissioners, 29 L. J. Ex. 407. Where the servant of the defendant, a contractor under a metropolitan district board of works, left a horse unattended which ran away causing damage ; held, that this was not " a thing done, &c." under the powers f the board requiring notice of action ; Whatman v. Pearson, L. R. 3 C. P. 422. A person who, being called upon by the metropolitan board to make a drain to his premises, committed a trespass, was held not entitled to notice of action ; Doust v. Slater, 38 L. J. Q. B. 159. No notice is required where the action is for the breach of a contract ; Dames v. Corporation of Swansea, 8 Ex. 808. In an action against defendant for negligently performing work, it was held that defendant did not come within the words "other person " in the 18th section of Metropolis Building Act, 1855, and was not entitled to notice of action ; Williams v. Oolding, 35 L. J. C. P. 1. (d) Under an Act requiring one calendar month's notice of action, a notice having been given on the 28th of a month, it was held that an action might be commenced on the 29th of the following month whatever the length of the preceding month ; Freeman v. Read, 32 L. J. Q. B. 322. The provision in this section does not affect the rights of a riparian owner whose stream is being polluted by the works of a district board, to summary relief by information ; Attorney -General v. Hackney District Board, L. R. 20 Eq. 626. In a proceeding to restrain a nuisance by a local sanitary authority by drainage into an open watercourse, the notice prescribed by the Public Health Act, 1875, is not necessary ; Baker v. Corporation of Wisbeach, L. R. W. N. (1877), p. 56 ; the jurisdiction granting summary relief by in- junction is not altered by the Judicature Act ; Ibid. A month's notice of action under the Public Health Act, 1875, is not necessary where the principal object of the action is an injunction to restrain immediate injury. Where plaintiff's case showed compensation for damage to be the principal object, notice of action is necessary ; Flower v. Local Board of Low Leighton, L. R. 5 Ch. Div. (c. A.) 347. (e) It is not necessary that a notice of claim and demand for arbitration for damage done to a building should be made within six months' after the occurrence of the damage ; Delanu v. Metropolitan Board of Works, L. R. 2 C. P. 532 ; 3 C. P. (Ex. Ch.) 111. And as to when cause of action arises, see Bonomi \. Backhouse, 28 L. J. Q. B. 378; Whitehouse v. Fellowes, 10 C. B. (N. s.) 765. 224 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Tender of amends. Section 106. accrual of the cause of action or ground of claim or demand, and not y afterwards, and every such action shall be laid and tried in the county or place where the cause of action accrued (a), and not else- General issue, where ; and the defendant shall in any such action be at liberty to plead the general issue, and give the said recited Acts and this Act and all special matter in evidence thereunder ; and it shall be lawful for the board or vestry, or any person to whom such notice is given as aforesaid, to tender amends to the plaintiff, his attorney or agent, at any time within one calendar month after service of such notice, and in case the same be not accepted to plead such tender in bar, and (by leave of the court) with the general issue or other plea or pleas ; and if upon issue joined upon any plea pleaded to the whole action the jury find generally for the defendant, or if the plaintiff be non- suited or discontinue, or if judgment be given for the defendant, then the defendant shall be entitled to full costs of suit, and have judg- ment accordingly ; and in case the amends tendered be insufficient, it shall be lawful for the defendant, by leave of the court, at any time before trial, to pay into court under plea such sum of money as he may think proper, and (by the like leave) to plead the general issue or other plea or pleas, any rule of court or practice to the con- trary notwithstanding. Penalties to 107. The two hundred and thirty-third section of the firstly-recited be proceeded Act is hereby repealed ; and in lieu thereof be it enacted, that no for within person shall be liable for the payment of any penalty or forfeiture six under the recited Acts or this Act, or any bye-law made by virtue months (6). thereof, for any offence made cognizable before a justice, unless the complaint respecting such offence have been made before such justice within six months next after the commission or discovery of such offence. (a) An enactment in similar terms in the 11 & 12 Vic. c. 63, was decided not to deprive a court or judge of their common law power to change the venue if the ends of justice required it ; Itchin Bridge Company v. South- ampton Local Board, 8 E. & B. 803. See now Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1875, order 36, rule 1, enact- ing that there shall be no local venue for the trial of any action, but when the plaintiff proposes to have the action tried elsewhere than in Middlesex, he shall in his statement of claim name the county or place in which he proposes that the action shall be tried, and the action shall, unless a judge otherwise orders, be tried in the county or place so named. (b) There was a contradiction betwen the text of the repealed section and the marginal note, the former mentioning three, and the latter ^ix months, as the period within which the complaint must have been made. Where a local Act empowered justices to make an order for the demoli- tion of a building erected contrary to the directions of a corporation, it was decided that the complaint must have been made within six months from the completion of the building, as required by the llth section of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 ; Morant v. Taylor, 45 L. J. M. C. 78 ; L. R. 1 Ex. Div. (c.A.) 188. But in Vestry of JBermondsey v. Johnson, L. R. 8 C. P. 441, it was held that this limitation did not apply to an offence under section 76 of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, which only relates to pecuniary penal- ties or forfeitures ; and for encroaching on a highway by a building or fence, under 27 & 28 Viet. c. 101, s. 51, within six months from the com- pletion of the building or fence ; Coggin v. Bennett, L. R. 2 C. P. D. 568. An adjudication of a justice as to the value of an interest in land under sections 22, 24, of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, is not an order for the 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 108112. 225 108. Except as herein specially provided, nothing herein contained Section 108. shall in any way prejudice or affect any act, matter, or thing made, A ct no Tto apply done, or commenced prior to the passing of this Act (c). to things done before its pass- ing, except, &c. 109. Nothing in this Act contained shall be held to make the No further several places named in schedule (C.) of the firstly-recited Act liable "ftachto* laces to any payment or assessment to which they would not have been named in sched! liable if this Act had not been passed. vict *"? 19 110. The said recited Acts and this Act shall be construed together Acts to be na nnp AH- construed as as one Act. one Act . 111. The recited Acts may be respectively cited for all purposes as Short titles. "The Metropolis Management Act, 1855," " The Metropolis Manage- ment Amendment Act, 1856," and "The Metropolis Management Act, 1858;" and this Act may be cited for all purposes as "The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862." 112. In the construction of the recited Acts and this Act the term interpretation " metropolis " shall be deemed to include the city of London and the parishes and places mentioned in the schedules (A.), (B.), and (C.) to the firstly-recited Act ; the word " drain" shall be deemed to apply to and include the subject matters specified in the two hundred and fiftieth section of the firstly-recited Act, and also any drain for drain- ing a group or block of nouses by a combined operation, laid or constructed before the 1st day of January, 1856, pursuant to the order or direction or with the sanction or approval of the metropolitan commissioners of sewers (d); the expression " water company" shall mean and include any of the companies enumerated in the twenty- ninth section of the Act of the session of the fifteenth and sixteenth years of the reign of Queen Victoria, chapter eighty -four, for the making better provision respecting the supply of water to the metro- polis, and also any other company, board, or commission, association, person, or partnership, corporate or unincorporate, for the time being supplying the metropolis or any part thereof with water for domestic use; the word "cattle" shall include sheep, lambs, and swine ; the word "street" shall be deemed to apply to and include the subject matters specified in the two hundred and fiftieth section of the firstly- payment of money within 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43, s. 11 ; and the six months' limitation does not apply ; R. v. Hannay, 44 L. J. M. C. 27. See also Jacombe v. Dodgson, 32 L. J. M. C. 113 ; Sweetman v. Guest, 37 L. J. M. C. 59 ; R. v. Edmundson, 17 Q. B. (N.S.) 67. As to what is a continuing offence making the limitation inapplicable, see Higginsv. Northwich Union, 22 L.T. (N.S.) 752. (c) A notice of rate was held to be " a thing done," within Public Health Act, 1875, section 343 ; R. v. Justices of West Riding of Yorkshire, 4 L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 220 ; and Barnes v. Eddleston, L. R. I Ex. D. 102. (d) The definition of the word " drain," section 250 of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, ante, included the drainage of a block of houses by a combined operation under the order of any vestry or district board, but did not extend to combined drainage laid down before the passing of that Act. That species of drainage, therefore, came within the definition of the word " sewer " in the section referred to, and as such would probably have been maintainable by vestries and district boards out of the public rates. The new definition declares them to be drains, and, as a consequence, sub- jects them to the incidents applicable to private works. Q 226 METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. Section 112. rec i te( l Act, and also any mews and a part thereof ; the expression " new street " shall apply to and include all streets hereafter to be formed or laid out, and a part of any such street, and also all streets, the maintenance of the paving and roadway whereof, had not, pre- viously to the passing of this Act, been taken into charge and assumed by the commissioners, trustees, surveyors, or other authorities having control of the pavements or highways in the parish or place in which such streets are situate, and a part of any such street, and also all streets partly formed or laid out; the word " pave " shall apply to and include the formation of the roadway or footway of any street ; the word "clerk" shall include any officer called or to be called " secretary ;" the word " surveyor " shall include any officer called or to be called "engineer;" the word "print" shall apply to and include every mode of taking impressions, whether by letter press, stereotype, lithography, or otherwise. Finsbury 113. Whereas an Act was passed in the session of parliament holden Park Act, in the twentieth and twenty-first years of Her Majesty, "to enable continued the Metropolitan Board of Works to form a Park for the Northern till 1863 (a). Suburbs of the Metropolis, to be called Finsbury Park:" and whereas it is expedient to continue the said Act [for such period as herein mentioned : Be it therefore enacted, that the said Act shall be con- tinued in force until the 17th day of August, 1863, in like manner as if the time so limited had been the time limited by the said Act of the twentieth and twenty-first years of Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty. Amendment 114. There shall be repealed so much of the one hundred and of 18 & 19 ninety-third section of an Act passed in the session holden in the Viet. c. 120, eighteenth and nineteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, s. 193. chapter one hundred and twenty, intituled " An Act for the better Local Management of the Metropolis," as provides that the auditor of the accounts of the metropolitan board shall be paid by such board not exceeding five guineas for every day he is fully employed on such audit, and all expenses he is put to in the auditing of such accounts ; provided always, that such payment shall not exceed fifty guineas: and in lieu thereof, be it enacted, that the auditor of the accounts of the metropolitan board shall be paid by such board a sum not exceeding two guineas for every day that he is fully employed on such audit, and all expenses that he is put to in the auditing of such accounts, provided that such payments do not in the whole exceed one hundred guineas (b). 115. From and after the passing of this Act all di , ^ authorities under the Local Act of the tenth year of George the uties, powers, and ar of George the Fourth, chapter sirty-eight, now remaining vested in the committee Certain powers under Local . . Act 10 Geo. 4, of management of the affairs of the parish of Saint Paul, C c. 68, respect- Garden, shall cease to be so vested, and shall become vested i ing parish Covent in and (a) By the 27th section of that Act, the powers for the compulsory pur- chase of land could not be exercised after the expiration of five years from its passing, 17th August, 1857. (b) By the Metropolis Local Management Amendment Act, 1858 (21 & 22 Viet. c. 104), s. 8, the auditor is required to cause to be prepared a sepa- rate abstract and statement of the expenditure under that Act ; and a similar provision is contained in 25 & 26 Viet. c. 93, Thames Embankment, and other Acts. By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, section 15, the auditor is to be paid a fee not exceeding 100 guineas. 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, ss. 115117. 227 be performed and exercised by the vestry of such parish, elected under Section 115. the Act of the eighteenth and nineteenth years of Victoria, chapter . , one hundred and twenty, and that the said committee shall cease and hamt Fau1 ' be determined, and no new appointment or election of such committee 116. It shall not be lawful for the metropolitan board of works, or for Saving rights any vestry or district board, to take, use, or in any manner interfere < the crown with any land, soil, tenements, or hereditaments, or any rights, of ji , whatsoever nature, belonging to or enjoyed or exercisable by the -r UC ^ Queen's most excellent Majesty in right of her crown, or in right of the duchy of Lancester, without the consent in writing of the com- missioners for the time being of Her Majesty's woods, forests, and land revenues, or one of them, on behalf of Her Majesty, first had and obtained for that purpose, which consent such commissioners are hereby respectively authorized to give, or without the consent in like manner of the chancellor of the said duchy ; and nothing herein contained shall divest, take away, prejudice, diminish, or alter any estate, right, privilege, power, or authority vested in or enjoyed or exercisable by the Queen's majesty, her heirs or successors, in right of her crown or in right of her duchy of Lancaster : Provided always (c) that nothing herein contained shall in any way lessen, alter, or in any manner prejudice or affect the rights, powers, and authorities of the metropolitan board of works relating to the main drainage of the metropolis, but such rights, powers, and authorities may be put in force as if this section had not been passed. 117. It shall not be lawful for the metropolitan board of works, or Saving rights for any vestry or district board, to take, use, or in any way interfere of the crown with any land, soil, tenements, or hereditaments, or any rights, of in respect of whatsoever nature, belonging to or enjoyed or exercisable by the the duchy of Queen's most excellent Majesty in right of her duchy of Cornwall, Cornwall. without the consent in writing of two or more of the principal officers of the duchy, which consent such principal officers of the duchy are hereby authorized to give ; and nothing herein contained shall divest, take away, prejudice, diminish, or alter any estate, right, privilege, power, or authority vested in or enjoyed or exercisable by the Queen's Majesty, her heirs or successors, in respect of the said duchy : Pro- vided always, that nothing herein contained shall in any way lessen, alter, or in any manner prejudice or affect the rights, powers, and authorities of the metropolitan board of works relating to the main drainage of the metropolis, but such rights, powers, and authorities may be put in force as if this section had not been passed (d). (c) This proviso refers to the power of constructing works for the pur- poses of the main drainage under the bed and soil of the river Thames, .given by the 2nd section of 21 and 22 Viet. c. 104, subject to the conditions imposed by the 27th and 28th sections of the same Act. See Thames Con- servancy Act, 1857, as to the rights of the crown in respect of the foreshore of the Thames. (d) See note to last section. Q 2 228 Sched. (A.) METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT. SCHEDULES TO WHICH THIS ACT REFERS. SCHEDULE (A.) LIST OF CERTAIN SECURITIES AND LIABILITIES OF METROPOLITAN COMMISSIONERS OF SEWEBS. Name of Lender, Party holding Security, or for whose Life Annuity granted. Amount of Loan or Value of Annuity. Date of Loan or Grant of Annuity. s. d. John Newberry George 3,000 llth April, 1823. Mary Robinson .... 2,000 12th March, 1824. G. B. Hart (executors of) - 1,000 B. D. Kershaw - 1,000 m Rev. E. D. Kershaw - 1,000 m Samuel Kershaw 2,000 4th June, 1824. T. W. Meller (executors of) - 3,000 12th Dec. 1828. Do. (do.) 9,500 13th January, 1832. J. Hicks (executors of) John Hobbs .... 5,000 2,000 8th March, 1833. 27th May, 1840. J. G. Hall 1,500 10th Sept. 1847. Helena Balcombe (trustees of) 1,500 Philip Green .... 1 000 James Courthope Peache 10,000 2nd May, 1851. Royal Exchange Assurance Cor- 20 000 17th Sept. 1852. P C Between 1st March, Rock Life Assurance Company 228,800 ] 1854, and 1st (. Feb. 1855. ANNUITIES. (Estimated value, 1st Jan, 1856. Charlotte Swabey- 210 10 19th April, 1816: William Edwards 961 18 7 12th April, 1822. Sarah Dorothy Woodfield 85 19 10th October, 1823. Louisa Turner 1,039 11 4 n Sarah Dorothy Hunt - Maria Woodrofle - 217 13 11 259 13 11 27th August, 1824. 22nd October, 1824. Carolina Jeremy - 544 3 8 28th July, 1826. Margaret Symons 70 4 2 TOTAL . - 295,689 14 7 25 & 26 VICT. c. 102, SCHED. (B.) SCHEDULE (B.) APPOBTIONMENT OF DEBT ON LOAN FEOM THE CLEB an( l cinders, shall continue and be coal duti (a) ^ ev ^ e< l * n the same manner in which the same are now leviable until * '' the 5th day of July, 1872, subject to the following qualification : That, notwithstanding anything contained in the said Acts, no duties shall be payable in respect of any coal, culm, or cinders, unless the same is contained in some ship or vessel arriving at her moorings within some part of the port of London (6) to the westward of Gravesend, within the limits of the metropolitan police district as defined by Act of Parliament (c), or be brought by railway, or by inland navigation, or by some other mode of conveyance within the said limits of the metropolitan police district, including the cities of London and Westminster. Metropolitan 3. After the passing of this Act the expression " London dis- police district trict," (d) used in the said recited Act of the fourteenth and fifteenth substituted for Victoria, chapter one hundred and forty-six, shall no longer have the meaning assigned to it by that Act, but shall mean so much of the several counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Herts, Essex, Bucks, and Berks, as shall be situate within the metropolitan police district, and shall include the cities of London and Westminster. the London district. Commence- ment of metro- politan police district to be marked in canals, rail- ways, and roads. 4. All the directions, powers, and provisions in the said recited Act of the fourteenth and fifteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and forty-six, with respect to returns, certificates, and accounts, and to the erection of boxes, and stations, and boundary stones, or per- manent marks on the point of any canal, inland navigation, or rail- way, or any turnpike or public road which shall be distant twenty miles from the General Post Office, and all other matters and things relating thereto, shall apply to returns, certificates, and accounts, and to the erection of boxes, and stations, and boundary stones, or per- manent marks on the point where any canal, inland navigation, or railway, or any turnpike or public road, first enters or comes within the metropolitan police district. Application of *. The duty of Id. per ton on coals, culm, and cinders shall from duties (e). and after the passing of this Act, and the said duty of 4s. per tun on to lend, on tbe security of the said duties for the year ending the 5th July, 1889, sums not exceeding the amount specified, and for that pur- pose authorized the board to create consolidated stock under the Metro- politan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869. (a) See note to previous section. (J) The port of London extends from Staines, in the county of Middle- sex, to Yantlete Creek, in the county of Kent. (c) See definition of these limits in 10 Geo. 4, c. 44, s. 4, and Schedule to the Act, and 2 & 3 Vic. c. 47, s. 2. (d) The London district was by 14 & 15 Viet. c. 146, s. 50, defined to mean so much of the counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Herts, Bucks, and Berks, as should be situate within the distance of twenty miles in a direct line from the General Post Office, and to include the cities of London and Westminster. (e) The 30th section of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, enacted that in the event therein mentioned the Thames embank- ment or Metropolis Improvement Fund Account should be transferred from the Treasury into the name of the metropolitan board, and the duties pay- able to that account under the London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861, and the Acts continuing the same, should continue to be paid to such account and provided for the application thereof; see the Act, post . CONTINUANCE ACT, 24 & 25 VICT. c. 42, ss. 5 7. 241 wines, and the duty of 8d., part of the said duty of Is., on coals, Section 5 culm, and cinders, shall, from and after such time as all charges on the London Bridge Approaches Fund may be satisfied (/), be paid to an account to be opened in the name of the lords commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury at the Bank of England, to be intituled " The Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement Fund," and such fund shall be applied to the improvement of the metropolis in such manner as may hereafter be determined by parliament. 6. That the net proceeds of the duty of 4d., part of the said duty Application of of Is. on coal, culm, and cinders, shall, from the date of the passing the duty of4d. of this Act, and during the continuance thereof, be applied by the to the payment mayor, commonalty, and citizens of the city of London, in the first ^ ^e interest instance, in payment of the interest and in discharge of the principal an ^ principal or, commonalty, and . su ! of the following sums raised by the said mayor, , . citizens of the city of London, and charged by them upon the said cftar S a *J duty ; viz., the sums 300,000, .200,000, and 40,000, raised for pf n n f s U making and improving Cannon Street, in the city of London, and P for effecting other improvements in the said city as authorized by the Acts of parliament of the tenth and eleventh "Victoria, chapter two hundred and eighty, thirteenth and fourteenth Victoria, chapter fifty- six, and the fifteenth and sixteenth Victoria, chapter seventy-two, and that an account of the receipt and application of the said duty be kept separate and distinct from the accounts of the said mayor, com- monalty, and citizens, and that an abstract of the said account be annually laid by the chamberlain of the said city before both houses of parliament, and that after discharging the said sums and interest, the said duty of 4d. shall be applied by the said corporation of London towards or in aid of such a public improvement or improve- ments in or adjacent to the city of London as parliament shall here- after sanction. 7. There shall be allowed with respect to coals brought within Drawback the port of London, or within the metropolitan police district, and U p n coals to afterwards conveyed to any place beyond the port of London or the continue to be metropolitan police district, a drawback of the same amount and allowed. upon the same conditions as is allowed by the said recited Act of the fourteenth and fifteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and forty-six, and the coal duties, London, &c., Drawback Act, 1857, or one of such Acts, in respect of the coals therein mentioned, and the lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London in common council assembled shall have power, with the consent of the board of trade, to alter, vary, or dispense with any of the forms in relation to the drawback upon coals contained in the said recited Act of the fourteenth and fifteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and forty-six. (/) The 13 & 14 Viet. c. 103, an Act to authorize further charges on the London Bridge Approaches Fund for the completion of certain improve- ments in the metropolis, enacted, that, after payment of all principal moneys, &c., charged on the London Bridge Approaches Fund, the residue or surplus should, during the continuance thereof, be applied to the open- ing an improved line of communication between Coventry Street and Co vent Garden, according to a plan to be thereafter approved by parlia- ment. And by 20 & 21 Viet. sess. 2, 1857, it is provided that the improve- ment authorized by that Act, and called the Covent Garden Approach, shall be deemed the improved line of communication referred to in the said Act of 13 & 14 Viet. c. 103. 242 APPENDIX. COAL AND WINE DUTIES Section 8. 8. The moneys from time to time paid to the account created by " this Act shall, when received, be laid out and invested in the Iraty to be purchase of stock in some of the public stocks or funds, or tipon government or real securities, at interest, in the name of the said r ul t' commissioners, and the said commissioners shall from time to time fund for ' ^ a y ou *' or " ives * ; the yearly dividends or interest of the stocks, funds, improvements anc ^ securities so to be purchased in their names on the account till appro- aforesaid, in like manner, for the purpose of accumulation in the- priated by meantime, until the said fund is appropriated by parliament to the parliament (a), execution of improvements in the metropolis. Consolidation of improve- 9. All moneys, stocks, funds, and securities standing to the account inent funds. of the Metropolis Improvement Fund Account created by the Act of the session of the eighth and ninth years of the reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and one, shall, from and after the passing of this Act, and all moneys, stocks, funds, and securities standing to the account of the London Bridge Approaches- Fund shall, from and after such time as all charges on the said funds may be satisfied, be carried to and form part of the Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement Fund created by this- Act (6), and the said London Bridge Approaches Fund shall thereupon cease and determine. Continuance 10. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the said Act of the session of above- of the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William and Queen mentioned Mary, chapter ten, so far as relates to the levying of the said Wine (a) The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, s. 29, directs in what manner the treasury are to apply the Improvement Fund until 5th July, 1888, and section 30 provides for the eventual transfer of the fund from the treasury to the board. (5) By the 3rd section of the Act for embanking the north side of the river Thames, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 93, Thames Embankment Act, 1862, the expression " Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement Fund " as used in the Act, was interpreted to mean and include the stocks, funds, and securities by this (the Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861) made applicable to improvements in the metropolis, and the duties, income, and moneys by the same Act made applicable to the formation of such fund ; and the 45th section directed in what manner the fund' should be appro- priated. Subsequent Acts contained provisions for charging this fund with the expenses of other undertakings authorized by those Acts, and for better enabling the board to obtain loans on the security of the fund. The works originally authorized by the Thames Embankment Act, 1862, comprised a solid embankment chiefly upon the bed or shore, and upon the northern bank of the Thames between Westminster Bridge and the cast side of the Temple Gardens, and a viaduct from the last-named point to Blackfriars Bridge, with a roadway upon the embankment and viaduct throughout the entire length, such roadway to be 100 feet in width from the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament to the cast end of the Temple Gardens, and 70 feet in width through the remaining part of its length ; the reclaiming and inclosing all or so much of the bed or foreshore of the river Thames, as lay between the then left bank of the river and the intended embankment ; and the making the approach road and certain new streets more particularly described in the 8th section. It empowered the board to borrow, with the consent of the treasury, on the security of the lands and funds acquired under and appropriated to the purposes of the Act, sums not exceeding one million pounds! The provisions of this Act in relation to the works to be executed, the junction of new streets, the borrowing of money, and other matters, were CONTINUANCE ACT, 24 & 25 VICT. c. 42, s. 10. 243 Duties and the said Coal Duties Acts, and all matters therein con- Section 10. Acts, except materially varied by subsequent statutes, and powers were conferred upon ^ a re "' the board for embanking other portions of the river. The 31 & 32 Viet. c. Ill, Thames Embankment (North and South) Act, 1868, enacted that the board should abandon certain parts of the new street described in the 8th section of the Act of 1862, and, amongst other provi- sions, it repealed the 26th, 55th, 61st and 82nd sections of the same Act. The 33 & 34 Viet. c. 92, Thames Embankment (North) Act, 1870, enacted that the board should abandon the proposed new street from the Thames Embankment below Charing Cross Railway Bridge to Wellington Street, Strand, which was authorized by the last cited Act, and repealed the sections of that Act mentioned in the schedule. The 36 & 37 Viet. c. 100, the Charing Cross and Victoria Embankment (Approach) Act, 1873, enabled the board to construct a new street com- mencing at Charing Crosss and terminating at the Victoria Embankment near the Charing Cross Station of the Metropolitan District Railway, and enacted that the Duke of Northumberland and Earl Percy should sell, and the board purchase and take for the purposes of the Act, the lands and pro- perty comprised in the agreements set forth in the schedules, with the requisite powers for carrying into effect the objects of the Act. The board were authorized to apply for the purposes of the Act, any money raised or authorized to be raised by them under any other Act and not required for the purposes of that Act. The 36th and 37th Viet. c. 40, the Thames Embankment (Land) Act, 1873, after reciting, amongst other things, that certain heads of arrange- ment respecting the conveyance by the commissioners of woods and forests to the metropolitan board of works, of certain lands adjacent to the gardens of Fife House, Whitehall, as set forth in the schedule, were proper to be recommended for the consideration of parliament, confirmed and declared valid such beads of arrangement, and by section 4, enacted that all lands acquired by the board in pursuance of the Act should be appropriated for the purposes of a public garden and be maintained by them as such. The 35 & 36 Viet. c. 66, the Thames Embankment (North) Act, 1872, placed the roadway on the Victoria Embankment under the management and control of the board, with the sole power and duty, except as therein expressed, of paving, macadamizing, &c., the same, and with a power to make bye-laws. The 26 & 27 Viet. c. 45, the Metropolis Improvement Act, 1863, em- powered the board to make a new street from Blackfriars to the Mansion House in connection with the embankment on the north side of the Thames. By the 26 & 27 Viet. c. 75, the Thames Embankment (South) Act, 1863, the board were empowered to make and execute in the parish of Saint Mary, Lambeth, the embankment and works, the new street, and other improvements described, and were required to lay out and maintain a public footway of not less than 20 feet in width between certain points specified in the Act. They were authorized to borrow, subject to the pro- visions and on the security on which they were authorized to borrow by the Embankment Act of 1862, to the extent of four hundred and eighty thousand pounds. And 27 & 28 Viet. c. 135, the Thames Embankment Amendment Act, 1864, authorized the board for the purposes of the last- named Act to purchase additional lands and make further improvements in the same parish. The 36 Viet. c. 7, Thames Embankment (South) Act, 1873, placed the wall and footway adjoining the Albert Embankment under the management and control of the metropolitan board, with the power and obligation to repair and maintain the same, and with power to make bye-laws. The 27 & 28 Viet. c. 61, Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improve- ment (Loans) Act, 1864, authorized the commissioners of the treasury to guarantee the payment of the principal and interest of money raised under R2 244 APPENDIX. COAL AND WINE DUTIES CONTINUANCE ACT. Section 10. tained, shall be continued until the fifth day of July, 1872 (a) ; and all t he provisions contained in the said Act of the session of the first and second years of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, to take effect at the end of seven years, therein mentioned, shall take effect as if the 5th day of July, 1872, had been inserted in the said last-mentioned Act instead of the said term of seven years. Short title. 11. This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861." the Acts mentioned in the schedule, and if necessary, to make issues out of the consolidated fund with provisions relative to the advance of money to the board by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt. This Act was repealed by the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869. See schedule 3 to that Act. The 31 & 32 Viet. c. 43, Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improve- ment (Loans) Act, 1868, empowered the board to borrow for the purposes of the Embankment and Improvement Acts, further sums in addition to those authorized by the Acts specified in the schedule to the Act of 1864, not exceeding one million eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds. The 31 & 32 Viet. c. 135, the Thames Embankment (Chelsea) Act, 1868, authorized the board to embank the river Thames between Chelsea Hospital and Battersea Bridge, and make a roadway and execute other works con- nected therewith, with power to carry out auxiliary and connecting works. They were empowered to borrow, subject to the provisions in and on the security on which they were authorized to borrow money by the Thames Embankment Act, 1862, but subject to the charges so created or authorized by the Act and the other Acts specified in the 29th section, to the extent of two hundred an(? eighty-five thousand pounds in addition to any other money which, independently of this Act, they were authorized to borrow. (a) See note to section 1, supra. AN ACT FOR MAKING FURTHER PROVISION RESPECTING THE BORROWING OF MONEY BY THE METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES CONNECTED THEREWITH (a). 32 & 33 VICT. CAP. 102. 9TH AUGUTS, 1869. WHEREAS under the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act the metropolitan board of works has incurred debts now amounting in the whole to nearly eight million pounds : And whereas it is necessary for the board to borrow such further sums for the purposes of the said Acts as, together with the sum already borrowed, will not exceed in the whole the amount of ten million pounds sterling, and it is expedient to authorize the board to raise the whole or any part of the said sum of ten million pounds by loans in manner hereinafter provided, without the guarantee of the commissioners of her Majesty's treasury, and for that purpose to create consolidated stock or annuities charged indifferently on all the securities mentioned in the said Acts, and to establish one fund out of moneys arising from those securities, for the purpose of paying the dividends on and redeeming such stock and annuities : (a) This Act authorizes the board to raise such further sums as with the sum already borrowed will not exceed ten million pounds sterling, and enacts, amongst other things, that after its passing the board shall not raise, except in the case specified, any money under any powers of borrow- ing otherwise than in conformity with the Act. It also empowers the board, for the purposes and in manner mentioned, to create capital stock to be called metropolitan consolidated stock, to be charged indifferently on the whole of the lands, rents, and property belonging to the board under the Acts referred to, and on all money to be raised by rates, and on the im- provement fund, subject to existing charges. It provides for certificates, transfers, and other matters relating to consolidated stock, and empowers the public works loan commissioners and the commissioners for the reduc- tion of the national debt, with the approval of the treasury, to make ad- vances to the board on the security of such stock. The Act also authorizes the board, in lieu of consolidated stock, to create for the like purpose terminable annuities. For the purpose of paying dividends on and redeeming consolidated stock and other purposes, the board are required to raise a rate to be called the metropolitan consolidated rate, in lieu of all other rates or assessments authorized to be assessed by them generally over the metro- polis, to be assessed and raised in manner provided by the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and the amending Acts, with respect to raising the 246 Section 1. Short title. Definition of terms. Exercise by board of borrowing powers. APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD And whereas it is expedient otherwise to amend the Acts relating to the metropolitan board of works : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and tem- poral, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. This Act may be cited as the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869. 2. In this Act, The term " board " means the Metropolitan Board of Works : The term "Treasury" means the commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury : The term " improvement fund " means the Thames embankment and metropolis improvement fund constituted under the London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861, and the Acts amend- ing and continuing the same. Each of the several series of Acts specified in the different parts of the first schedule to this Act is in this Act referred to by the col- lective name given to such series in such separate part. 3. After the passing of this Act the board shall not (except for such temporary period not exceeding six months as the Treasury may from time to time sanction) raise, otherwise than in conformity with this Act and with the sanction of the treasury, any money under sums therein referred to, with special provisions relative to precepts, estimates, and orders by vestries and district boards on overseers. It fur- ther establishes a consolidated loans fund for paying dividends on and re- deeming consolidated stock, and specifies the moneys to be carried to such fund and their application. It contains provisions for the application of moneys becoming part of the improvement fund until the 5th July, 1888, and for a transfer, in the event named, of the improvement fund from the treasury to the board ; and amongst other provisions, it gives the board additional borrowing powers for the purposes specified, and enables them to lend money to the managers of the metropolitan asylums district. The Act also requires the board to prepare a return to be laid before parliament, showing up to 25th March preceding the amount of consolidated stock and other particulars. The first schedule enumerates and classifies the Acts authorizing loans by the board ; the second contains forms of transfer, and the third specifies the enactments repealed, with the date and title of the Acts, and defines the extent of the repeal. This Act was amended by the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1870, the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, which regulates the raising of money by the board for their ex- penditure for general improvements, and contributions for fire brigade purposes, and loans to vestries, district boards, and other bodies ; and contains provisions limiting the amount to be expended by the board for the several purposes named, up to 31st December, 1876, and limits the amounts to be advanced to vestries, district boards, and other bodies, up to the same date, with provisions relating to returns and other matters. Acts have since been passed annually, regulating the raising of money by the board. The last of these Acts is the Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1878, which is to be read as one with the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Acts, 1869 to 1871, and the Metropolitan Board of Works (Moneys Acts, 1875 to 1876. The chief provisions in this series of Acts bearing on the principal Act, are referred to in the notes to its various sections. (LOANS) ACT, 32 & 33 VICT. c. 102, ss. 3 7. 247 any powers of borrowing, whether conferred by the Acts mentioned Section 3. in the first schedule to this Act, or otherwise howsoever. 4. The board, for the purpose of raising such portion of the loans Creation by authorized by the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act for board of con- the purposes of those Acts as the treasury may from time to time solidated sanction, may create capital stock, to be called the metropolitan con- stock ()' solidated stock, in this Act referred to as consolidated stock, and to be issued in such amounts and manner, at such price and times, on such terms, subject to such conditions, with such dividends, and redeem- able (at the option of the board) at par at such times and on such conditions as the treasury, before the creation thereof, may from time to time approve. 5. No holder of any portion of consolidated stock shall have any Security for priority or preference by reason of the prior creation of such stock stock. or otherwise, and all consolidated stock created for the purposes of the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act, or of any Act here- after to be passed, and the dividends thereon, and the sums required for the redemption thereon, shall be charged indifferently on the whole of the lands, rents, and property belonging to the board, under the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act, and on all moneys which can be raised by the board by rates under this Act, and on the improvement fund, subject to all charges existing at the passing of this Act on such lands, rent, property, moneys, and funds respectively, and shall be a first charge thereon after those charges ; and all moneys required for payment of the dividends on such stock, and the sums required to be raised for the redemption of such stock as mentioned in this Act, shall be raised out of the improvement fund and metropolitan consolidated rate as in this Act mentioned. 6. Where any stock has been created under this Act in order to Application of raise any portion of a loan authorized by any of the Acts mentioned money raised, in the first schedule to this Act for the purposes of any of those Acts. such stock is referred to in this Act as created for the purposes of .such Act, and the money raised thereby shall be deemed to have been borrowed under and for the purposes of such Act, and shall {subject to the provisions of this Act) be applied accordingly. 7. All consolidated stock shall be personal estate, and shall not stock, &c., to descend to the heir or be liable to any foreign attachment by the be personal custom of London or otherwise. estate (6). (a) See section 46, infra, as to the creation of terminable annuities. See note to section 36, post, authorizing the board to issue metropolitan bills. By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, section 12, where the board are desirous of obtaining a further Act for raising money, they are to cause the bill to be submitted to parliament, to be accompanied with tables giving such information as the treasury require, for enabling a comparison to be made between the rateable value of the metropolis and the liabilities of the board. By section 13, they are to deliver to the treasury returns shewing, with respect to every parish, &c., in respect of which a loan is obtained from the board, the rateable value of the property therein and its indebtedness; and it authorizes the board to require notices from bodies applying for loans, respecting their financial condition. The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, sec- tion 3, enacts that section 3 of the Married Women's Property Act, 1878, shall, as regards the governor and company of the Bank of England, apply to and extend to consolidated stock. (6) A gift of metropolitan consolidated stock was held to be void under 218 APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS Section 8. 8. The public works loan commissioners may advance money to the board on the security of consolidated stock, and without re- quiring any further or other security, the said advances to be repaid by such instalments and within such period as may in each case be agreed upon with the approval of the treasury. 9. The commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, if they think fit, with the approval of the treasury, may from time to time, out of any moneys coming into their hands under any Act relating to savings banks or to post-office savings banks, make ad- vances to the board on the security of consolidated stock without any further or other security, and may invest the said moneys in such stock. 10. The board shall cause to be kept at their office, or at some bank to be approved by the treasury, books in which the names and addresses of the several persons and bodies corporate from time to time entitled to consolidated stock, and the amounts to which they are respectively entitled, and all transfers thereof, shall be duly entered. 11. Consolidated stock shall be transferred only as follows : (1.) The transfer shall be made in the said books, and shall be signed in such books by the transferee (a) or by his attor- ney duly authorized in that behalf, which authority shall be given by writing under his hand and seal attested by two or more witnesses : (2.) The transfer may be in the form contained in the second schedule to this Act, which shall be effectual in law to pass to the transferee all the interest of the transferor in the stock expressed to be transferred and the dividends thereon : (3.) The acceptance of the transfer may be signified by the transferee or his attorney authorized in manner afore- said in that behalf, subscribing such acceptance in the said Advance of money by public works loan commis- sioners. Investment and advance by commis- sioners for the reduction of the national debt. Books to be kept for con- solidated stock. Transfer of stock. (4.) A person becoming entitled to any stock in consequence of the death, bankruptcy, or marriage of the owner, or by any lawful means other than by transfer under this Act, shall produce such evidence of his title as may be reasonably re- quired by the board, or by the persons or body corporate who keep the said books. No notice of any trust, express, implied, or constructive, shall be entered in the said books or receivable by the board, or by any per- sons or body corporate who keep such books. rn f 12- The board, persons, or body corporate who keep the said books tr rfb k ^ or transfers may, for such period not exceeding fourteen days as (6) ' ' the Mortmain Act, as a gift of impure personalty ; Chiff v. Cluff, L. R, 2 Ch. Div. 222. See as to a gift of railway stock for charitable purposes Attree v. Hawe, L. K. W. N. 1877, p. 227. (a) The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1870, section 7, enacts that this section shall have effect as if " transferor " were substi- tuted for " transferee." (6) The 12th section of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, substitutes for this section a provision that these books may be (LOANS) ACT, 32 & 33 VICT. c. 102, ss. 1216. 249 they may from time to time fix previous to each payment of dividend, Section 12. close the books, and shall give seven days notice of the day on which such books will be closed by advertisement in some daily morning newspaper circulating generally in the metropolis. 13. The books so kept under the provisions of this Act shall be Books to be evidence of all matters therein entered under the provisions of this evidence. Act, and of the title of persons or bodies corporate entered therein as owners of any consolidated stock who are mentioned therein as such owners. 14. The board, persons, or body corporate who keep the said books Certificates of may, if the board think fit, issue to the holder of any consolidated stock. stock a certificate under the hand of some officer of the board or body corporate or of such persons, which certificate shall specify the amount of stock to which such holder is entitled, and such certifi- cate shall be evidence of the title of the holder at the date of the certificate to the amount of stock stated therein, but the want of such certificate shall not prevent the owner of any consolidated stock from transferring the same. 15. If any such certificate be worn out or damaged, then the same Certificate to may, upon the production thereof, be cancelled, and another similar be renewed certificate may be given to the holder of the stock therein specified, when de- or if such certificate be lost or destroyed, then, upon proof thereof stroyed. to the satisfaction of the board, persons, or body corporate who keep the said books, a similar certificate shall be given to the holder of the stock specified in the certificate so lost or destroyed, and in either case a due entry of the substituted certificate shall be made in the said books, and for every such certificate given in pursuance of this section a fee not exceeding two shillings, to be carried to the account of the board, may be demanded. 16. The Stock Certificate Act, 1863 (which relates to the issue to Provisions of holders of stock in the public funds of certificates to bearer trans- 26 & 27 Viet, ferable by delivery), shall extend to consolidated stock in the same c. 28, as to manner as if such Act were herein enacted, with the following certificates to modifications ; namely, bearer, to (1.) The term the bank" shall be construed to mean the board, persons, or body corporate who keep the books for the transfer of consolidated stock : (2.) The terms " public stocks" and " stock" shall be construed to mean consolidated stock : (3.) The term " the books of the bank" shall be construed to mean the books kept for the transfer of consolidated stock in pur- suance of this Act : (4.) All fees shall be paid to the account of the board : closed on any day in the month next preceding that in which the dividends are payable, but so that they be not at any time closed for more than fifteen days, and the persons who on the day of such closing are inscribed as holders of consolidated stock, shall as between them and the transferees be entitled to the dividends thereon becoming payable after that day. (c) The Stock Certificate Act, 1863, enacts that a stock certificate, un- less a name is inscribed therein as provided in the Act, shall entitle the bearer to the stock therein described, and shall be transferable by delivery. 250 Section 16. Arrange- ment with bank. Stamp duty on transfers (a). APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS (5.) There shall be charged on every stock certificate a stamp duty of an amount equal to three times the amount of the stamp duty which would be chargeable on a transfer of the stock specified in the certificate : (6.) The provision respecting a stock certificate, in respect of which no coupons have been presented for payment of a period of ten years, shall not extend to consolidated stock. 17. The board may enter into such arrangement with any bank for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act with reference to the creation and transfer of consolidated stock, and the management thereof, and the keeping of the said books, and for the proper remune- ration of the bank with reference thereto, as may be approved by the Treasury. 18. There shall be paid in respect of every transfer of consolidated stock under this Act a stamp duty of two shillings and sixpence for every full sum of one hundred pounds, and also for any frac- tional part of one hundred pounds, of the nominal amount of the stock transferred. Forgery, &c., 19. For the purposes of the Act of the session of the twenty-fourth of transfers and twenty-fifth years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter ninety-eight, of stock^&c. to consolidate and amend the Statute Law of England and Ireland relating to indictable offences by forgery," all consolidated stock shall be deemed to be capital stock of a body corporate within the meaning of that Act. Making false 20. Any person who with intent to defraud makes any false entry entries^in in or alters any word or figure in any of the said books for transfers, books. ^ or in any manner falsifies any of the said books, or makes any transfer of any consolidated stock, in the name of any person who is not the true owner thereof, shall be guilty of felony, and on convic- tion shall be liable to penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour. Making 21. Any person who, being a clerk, officer, or servant of or out false employed by the board, or the persons or body corporate who keep dividend the books for transfer of consolidated stock, does with intent to warrants. defraud make out or deliver any stock certificate, dividend warrant, or document for the payment of money in relation to any consolidated stock for a greater or less amount than the person on whose behalf such certificate, warrant, or document is made out is entitled to, shall be guilty of felony and shall be liable on conviction to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years, or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour. (a) The 2nd and 3rd sections of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1870, provide for payment by the board, of composition for stamp duty chargeable on transfers, of existing and future stock. The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, authorizes the board to create consoli- dated stock for composition for stamp duty and other charges, and section 8 empowers the board to expend for composition for stamp duty and other expenses, such amount as they may require and the treasury approve, and may raise the same by creating consolidated stock. (LOANS) ACT, 32 & 33 VICT. c. 102, s. 22. 251 22. The board, for the purpose of paying the dividends on and Section 22. redeeming the consolidated stock, and also of defraying the expenses p - authorized to be incurred and incurred by them in the obtaining or ower to the execution of the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act or any of them (c), and of defraying the sums required for the rate payment of the principal and interest of and the sinking funds for any securities granted oy the board for the purposes of those Acts or any of them, before the passing of this Act, shall (in lieu of all rates or assessments (d) authorized at the passing of this Act to be assessed by them generally over the metropolis) from time to time assess and raise a rate to be called the Metropolitan Consolidated Rate, in this Act referred to as the Consolidated Rate. Such rate shall be assessed and raised in manner provided by the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same, with respect to the sums required for defraying the expenses of the board in the execution of that Act, and to sums assessed for the purposes of the Main Drainage Acts (e), and may be assessed wholly or in part in respect of expenses incurred or to be incurred, and also in respect of any unpaid balance of a former rate ; and all the pro- visions of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same concerning the estimate on which assessments by the board are to be made, and for and in relation to the assessing, raising, and enforcing payment of the sums assessed by the board, shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, extend and apply to and in the case of the consolidated rate in the same manner as if that rate were therein mentioned instead of the sums required for defray- ing the expenses of the board incurred in the execution of the (6) The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, s. 2 and sub- sequent Acts, the last of which was the Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1878, limit the aggregate amount which the board were authorized to expend up to the 31st December, 1878, under the 144th section of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and the 72nd section of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, for the purposes specified. (c) By the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings' and Improvement Act, 1875, s. 21, the board are required to levy as part of the consolidated rate, without any demand on the city, a sufficient amount for the purposes of that Act. (d) The provisions relating to the assessments of the board, are contained in a series of enactments, commencing with the 172nd section of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855 to section 177 inclusive. The first named section was repealed by the 5th section of the Metropolis Manage- ment Amendment Act, 1862, which makes new provisions on the subject. The enactments relative to the metropolitan main drainage rate will be found in the 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, (main drainage) in several sections com- mencing with the 10th. (e) The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, s. 3, enacts that where the board by means of money raised by the creation of stock or otherwise duly provide for the principal payable in any year in respect of main drainage securities, it shall not be necessary to include the amount of principal so provided for in any estimate or precept for the consolidated rate, or to raise the same by means of the consolidated rate. And it further enacts that any amount of principal in any year, not so provided for, in or for any year with interest for the same year on the main drainage securities, shall be charged on the consolidated rate with a saving (section 4) for holders of existing securities, and a saving (section 5) of the guarantee given by the treasury for payment of principal and interest of any main drainage securties. 252 APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS Section |22. Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and for the Main Drainage Rate respectively (a). (a) By the Valuation of Property (Metropolis) Act, 1869, s. 45, the valuation list for the time being in force under that Act, shall be conclusive evidence of the gross and of the ratable value of the several hereditaments included therein, and of the fact that all hereditaments required to be inserted therein have been so inserted for the purposes, amongst others, of the main drainage improvement and other rates and sums assessed on any part of the metropolis by the Metropolitan Board of Works. And by- section 17, the clerk of the managers of the metropolitan asylum district is required, within the time in the Act limited, to cause the totals of the gross and ratable values of all the valuation lists to be printed, and a printed copy of all such totals to be sent to, amongst other bodies, &c., the Metro- politan Board of Works. The 38 & 39 Viet. c. 33, s. 1, the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1875, provides that from and after the 6th April, 1876, the metropolitan board, in every assessment made by them upon such parts of the metropolis as contain property wholly or partially exempt from sewer rate, and in the precepts issued for drainage payment of the sums so assessed, shall make an allowance or abatement equal to the exemptions which under the 163rd and 164th sections of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, are entitled to be made in any rate for the purpose of meeting such precept. And by section 2 the overseers and assessment committees acting under the Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, are directed to cause the totals of the gross and ratable value of the property so wholly or partially exempt from sewers rate, and the extent of such exemption, to be ascertained and inserted in the valuation lists, and by section 3, the lists are to be sent by the assessment committee before the 1st November in each year, to the clerk of the managers of the metropolitan asylum district, who shall print and send the said totals and extent of exemptions with the other totals of gross and ratable value required to be printed and sent by the 17th section of the said Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869. From these valuation lists the basis for raising the consolidated rate is computed ; the exemptions directed by 27 & 28 Viet. c. 268, for the commutation of tithes in the city of London and for other purposes, and by the above cited Act 38 & 39 Viet. c. 33, being allowed in ascertaining the rentals. The precepts issued by the board for the payment of the sums assessed upon the metro- polis as modified in accordance with the requirements of the Acts now in force, are in the following form : [In respect of Metropolitan Consolidated Rate.] To the vestry of the parish of in the county of By virtue of the " Metropolis Management Act, 1855," and the Acts for amending, extending, and varying the same ; the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, and subsequent Acts. The Metropolitan Board of "VHURr do issue this their Precept under their common seal to you the said vestry, and do hereby require you to pay to the London and Westminster Bank, No. 1, St. James's Square, in the city of Westminster, treasurer and banker of the said metropolitan board, in respect of the metropolitan consolidated rate, the sum of pounds shillings and pence; in manner following; That is to say, the sum of pounds shillings and pence, part thereof, on or before the 1st day of June, 1879 ; and the sum of pounds shillings and pence, residue thereof, on or before the 1st day of December, 1879 ; the said sum of pounds shillings and pence, being the amount by law chargeable upon the said parish, for payment of principal and interest of, and sinking fund for, securities granted before the passing of the Metropolitan Board of Works (LOANS) ACT, 32 & 33 VIOT. c. 102, s. 22. 253 Every precept issued by the board for the purposes of the metro- Section 22. poll tan consolidated rate shall specify, first the proportion of the amount named in the precept which is required for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of and sinking fund for securities granted by them before the passing of this Act, and the dividends on and the sums required for the redemption oi consolidated stock under this Act, and secondly the proportion of such amount which is required for all other purposes of the board. In making an estimate for the first-mentioned portion of the conso- lidated rate the board shall compute the part required in respect of securities granted or stock issued for the purposes of the Main Drain- age Acts and the Fire Brigade Act respectively. In making an estimate for the last-mentioned portion of the con- solidated rate the board shall not estimate the sum required for the purposes of the Fire Brigade Act as larger than, a sum which would be produced by a rate of one halfpenny in the pound on the gross value of the property assessed to the metropolitan consolidated rate, and shall compute the part of the said portion of the consolidated rate required for those purposes (6). The board shall state in every precept and shall keep a record of all computations required to be made by this section, which record shall be open to inspection by any person on payment of a fee not exceeding one shilling, and shall be conclusive for all purposes what- soever. Nothing in this section shall delay or accelerate, or authorize the board to delay or accelerate, the repayment of any principal or interest of, or the providing of a sinking fund for any securities granted by the board before the passing of this Act for the purposes of the Main Drainage Acts without the consent of the holders thereof; and while such securities remain undischarged the board shall from time to time ascertain the amount which would have been raised by the levying of the main drainage rate, and the Loans Act, 1869, and the dividends on, and the sums required for the redemption of, consolidated stock raised under the said Loans Act, 1869, and subsequent Acts ; and also for all other purposes of the board, as set forth in the schedule annexed ; And which sums they, the said metropolitan board did, on the day of 1879, ascertain and assess upon the said parish, as a portion of the said metropolitan consolidated rate in pursuance of the provisions of the said Acts in that behalf. The schedule with columns and with appropriate headings follows. Dated this day of January, 187 . By Order of the Board, Clerk of the Board. Note. Bridge expenses are required by the " Metropolis Toll Bridges Act, 1877," to be raised in like manner as expenses chargeable upon a general rate, and not as expenses chargeable on a sewers rate. (J) The amount to be expended by the board for the purposes of the Fire Brigade, was limited by subsequent Acts ; see note (5) to section 22, supra. 254 Section 22. Saving of rights (6). APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS ^tf 110111 ^ which would have been so raised shall be charged on the consolidated rate, and be deemed to be from time to time payable thereout before any portion of that rate is applied to any other pur- pose. Nothi in this section shall extend to any sum levied under sec- ong n ts secton sa exen o any sum eve uner sec- tion one hundred and eighty-one of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855 (a). 23. Where any portion oi the consolidated rate represents any rate which for the purposes of any contract or otherwise is deemed to be a landlord's or tenant's rate, such portion shall for those purposes be deemed to be such landlord's or tenant's rate as the case may be, and all rights at the passing of this Act existing as between landlord and tenant, or enjoyed by any person under statute, contract, or other- wise in relation to the sums or rates assessed by the board shall con- tinue to exist and be enjoyed in relation to the consolidated rate as between and by the same persons and in the same manner as in rela- tion to such sums or rates. Orders of vestry and district board for raising money required for consolidated rate (c). Exempted 24. Where a vestry or district board make an order requiring the overseers (including in the term any body of persons performing the duties of overseers) of any parish in their district to levy and pay over the sum which such vestry or district board require to raise for the purpose of satisfying or of replacing any sum expended in satisfy- ing any precept of the board for the purposes of the consolidated rate, such vestry and district board shall distinguish in their order the sum to be levied in such parish for that purpose, and the sum (if any) required for other purposes of such vestry and district board ; and the overseers or collectors shall, in the demand notes or receipts to be given by them for the sums levied or collected in pursuance of such order, distinguish the rate in the pound required to meet the sum specified in the order to be required for the purpose of satisfying such precept, and the rate in the pound specified to be required for other purposes. Every such order, demand note, and receipt shall also specify the whole sum paid by such vestry or district board for satisfying such precept, and the proportions specified in the precept as required for the purposes of securities and consolidated stock, and for other pur- poses of the board respectively, and for the purposes of the Main Drainage Acts and the Fire Brigade Act respectively. 25. The places mentioned in schedule (C.) to the Metropolis Manage- ment Act, 1855, and every liberty, precinct, and place in the metro- polis shall be liable to the metropolitan consolidated rate, except so far as they may be entitled under the General Improvement Acts to (a) The enactment to which this saving applies, relates to the mortgages, annuities, securities, and other debts and liabilities of the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers at or immediately before the determination or expiration of 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112. (b) As to relative rights of landlords and tenants, see Metropolis Management Act, 1855, section 169, and note thereon, and section 96 of Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, repealing sections 217, 218, and 219 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855. (c) See as to raising of money by vestries and district boards, Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855, section 118, et seq., section 174, and section 9 of Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862. (LOANS) ACT, 82 & 33 VICT. c. 102, ss. 2529. 255 any exemption from any rate or assessment or part of a rate ; and Section 25. for this purpose they shall be deemed to be respectively benefited by all works executed (before or after the passing of this Act) by the board under the Main Drainage Acts, and those works shall be deemed works for carrying into effect a plan for preventing the sewage of the metropolis from flowing into the river Thames in or near the metropolis. 26. For the purpose of paying the dividends on and redeeming Consolidated consolidated stock created under this Act there shall be established a loans fund, fund to be called the consolidated loans fund of the metropolis, in this Act referred to as the consolidated loan fund, and, subject to the provisions of this Act, the board shall keep a separate^account of such 27. The board shall carry to the consolidated loans fund the Moneys moneys following (after providing for all charges on such moneys applicable to existing at the passing of this Act and to which the same shall for consolidated the time being be applicable) ; that is to say, loans fund. (1.) All money whether in the nature of capital or otherwise arising from the sale, lease, or other disposition of lands, rents, and property belonging to the board : (2.) The residue of the improvement fund (d) which may come into their hands in the manner mentioned in this Act : (3.) Such an annual sum in every year out of the consolidated rate, and out of the contributions paid to the board in pursuance of the Fire Brigade Act (e) or out of one of such sources as may be equal to two per cent, on the total nominal amount of consolidated stock, whether it has been cancelled or not ; or (4.) Such greater or less annual sum as the Treasury may from time to time approve as being in their opinion necessary in order to pay the dividends on and to redeem all the consoli- dated stock in sixty years from the date of the creation thereof. 28. The board shall from time to time apply the consolidated Application loans fund according to such regulations as may be approved by the of consoli- Treasury, first in the payment of the dividends on consolidated stock, dated loans and then in one or more of the following modes, namely, in pur- ^ un ^ chasing metropolitan consolidated stock, and in redeeming metro- politan consolidated stock, and in payment of the principal of the' securities granted before the passing of this Act. The board may in the meantime invest such fund (subject to the said regulations) in Government securities, the interest of which, and the resulting income thereof, shall form part of the consolidated loans fund and shall be applied and may be invested in the same manner. All consolidated stock purchased and redeemed, and all securities paid in pursuance of this section, shall be cancelled, and thereupon all dividends and interest in respect thereof shall be extinguished. 29. After the passing of this Act, the Treasury shall, in every half Application of Thames (d) See definition of Improvement Fund, section 1, supra. (e) See Fire Brigade Act, post, Appendix. 256 Section 29. embankment fund. APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS year or other period fixed by them, apply all moneys from time to time becoming part of the improvement fund in such half year or other period until the fifth of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, as follows : (1.) In applying in each year, in continuation of the like payments directed by the Thames Embankment and Metropolis Im- provement (Loans) Act, 1868, the sum of one hundred and eighty-five thousand pounds for payment of interest from time to time due, and repayment of the principal moneys advanced on the securities issued before the passing of the last-mentioned Act, with the guarantee of the Treasury, under the Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improve- ment (Loans) Act, 1864, or such other yearly sum as the board and the respective holders of such securities from time to time mutually agree upon, so that such principal moneys, and all interest thereon, may, unless otherwise agreed between such holders and the board, be paid off and dis- charged on or before the fifth day of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. (2.) Then in paying the interest for the time being due on securi- ties granted, after the passing of the Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act, 1868, and before the passing of this Act, under or for the purposes of the Embankment Acts, and in repaying the principal moneys advanced on such securities. (3.) Then in paying the residue to the board to be carried by them to the consolidated loans fund. Transfer of 30- When all securities granted before the passing of this Act with improvement the guarantee of the Treasury, under the Thames Embankment and fund to Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act, 1864, and the Thames Embank - board. ment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act, 1868, or either of those Acts, have either been paid or converted under this Act, the Treasury may declare that all their liability under such guarantee has ceased, and that after the date in that behalf mentioned this sec- tion shall take effect. Such declaration shall be published in the London Gazette, and thereupon after the date in that behalf mentioned in such declaration this section shall take effect, and the Improvement Fund account shall be transferred from the Treasury into the name of the board, and the duties payable to that account under the London Coal and 24 & 25 Viet Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861, and the Acts continuing the c 42 ' same shall continue to be paid to such account, and the improvement fund shall be applied by the board in the manner in which it is directed by this Act to be applied by the Treasury, and the accounts thereof shall, for the purpose of audit and all purposes whatever, be deemed to be accounts of the board, but shall, subject to the provi- sions of this Act, be kept as separate accounts. Separate 31. The board shall cause to be kept proper accounts showing the accounts of appropriation of the moneys raised by the stock created under this amount Act for the purposes of the different series of Acts, namely, the raised for General Improvement Acts, the Main Drainage Acts, the Embank- different ment Acts, and the Fire Brigade Act respectively. Acts. All or any of the accounts of the board may be from time to time consolidated in such manner and on such conditions as the Treasury approve, and the accounts so kept shall be deemed sufficient for the purposes of any Act and all other purposes. (LOANS) ACT, 1869, 82 & 88 VIOT. c. 102, ss. 3236. 257 32. Where the board before the passing of this Act have granted Section 32. any security for the purposes of any of the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act, they may filter into an arrangement with Conversion the holder of such security for the conversion thereof into such amount of consolidated stock as may be arranged between them. Such arrangement shall be made according to such regulations and on such terms as may be approved by the Treasury. 33. Any person who holds any security granted by the board Consent of before the passing of this Act for the purposes of any of the Acts trustees, in- mentioned in the first schedule to this Act, and who is one of the capacitated persons enabled by the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, to persons, &c., sell land under that Act, may consent to any arrangement approved to conver- by the Treasury under this Act, for the conversion of such security sion> into consolidated stock, and to the payment of such security before the time limited for the payment thereof, and accept money for such consent in the same manner as if such person was the absolute owner in his own right of such security, and such person is hereby indem- nified for so doing. 31 For the purpose of raising money, or (6) to pay off any security Creation of granted before the passing of this Act by the board for the purposes S t ck for of any of the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act, and paying off for the purpose of the conversion of any such security, the board may money bor- create (c) consolidated stock under the provisions of this Act in rowed, &c. like manner and with the like sanction as they may create the same for the purpose of raising money for the purposes of the said Acts, and the money raised by such stock shall be applied in such payment, and all stock created under the provisions of this section shall be deemed to be created and the money raised thereby to have been borrowed for the purposes of the Acts for the purpose of which the original security was granted. 35. Where any security granted before the passing of this Act is Sinking paid off out of the Consolidated Loans Fund, or by means of money fund of raised by the creation of stock under this Act, or is converted into existing stock, and there is any sinking fund which has been formed for the securities, payment of such seciirity, either alone or jointly with other securities, the board shall carry to the Consolidated Loans Fund such sinking fund, or such proportion thereof as may be the proportion which such security bears to the total of the securities for which such fund is the sinking fund. 36. The board may create consolidated stock for the purpose of Additional raising, in addition to the loans authorized by the Acts mentioned in borrowing the first schedule to this Act, such further sums as the Treasury may powers of sanction for the following purposes ; namely, board (a). (b) By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, section 9, the word " or " in this line shall be deemed to be omitted. (c) By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, section 8, the board are authorized to exercise this power by substituting consolidated stock for main drainage securities, &c., although the securities may have been paid off. And by section 9, consolidated stock for the purpose of this enact- ment shall be purchased or redeemed and cancelled within 60 years. (d) The Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1877, by section 15, empowers the board to raise money to the amount stated, by the issue of bills, to be called metropolitan bills. And see note to section 3, ante, as to 258 APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS (1.) For the purpose of completing the .works authorized by the Main Drainage Acts, and for covering in and otherwise completing and making efficient the main sewers transferred to and vested in the board by the Metropolis Management Act, 1855: conditions to be observed by the board in bills for raising moneys to be sub- mitted to parliament. The provisions relative to metropolis bills in the last-named Act, are the following : Section 15. Notwithstanding anything in this Act or in any other Act relating to the board contained, the board, with the consent of the Treasury, may from time to time, as they think fit, raise any part of the moneys which they are by this Act authorized to raise, not exceeding, &c., by the issue of bills under this Act. Section 16. A bill under this Act (in this Act referred to as a " metro- politan bill ") shall be a bill in form prescribed by a regulation made in pursuance of this Act for the payment of the principal sum raised therein, in the manner and at the date therein mentioned, so that the date be not less than three nor more than twelve months from the date of the bill. Interest shall be payable in respect of a metropolitan bill at such rate and in such manner as the board, with the consent of the Treasury, may direct. Section 17. All moneys raised by the issue of any metropolitan bills, shall be paid to the board, and shall be expended by them for the purposes for which the same are by this Act authorized to be raised respectively. The principal money and interest expressed in any metropolitan bill to be pay- able, shall be charged on the consolidated rate, and shall be payable out of the said rate, or as regards principal, out of moneys raised by the creation of consolidated stock under this Act for the purpose for which such principal money has been expended, and as regards interest, out of the consolidated loans fund. Section 18. With respect to the issue of metropolitan bills, the following provisions shall have effect : (1.) Metropolitan bills shall be issued under the authority of a warrant sealed by the board and countersigned on behalf of the Treasury. (2.) Each Metropolitan bill shall be for the amount directed by the board. (3.) Each metropolitan bill shall be sealed by the board, the sealing being attested by the clerk in his own name. Section 19. The board may from time to time, with the consent of the Treasury, make, and when -made, rescind, alter, and add to, regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act with respect to metropolitan bills, and in particular, (1.) For regulating (subject to the provisions of this Act) the prepara- tion, form, mode of issue, mode of payment, and cancellation of metropolitan bills : (2.) For regulating the issue of a new metropolitan bill in lieu of one defaced, lost, or destroyed : (3.) For preventing by the use of counterfoils or of a special description of paper or otherwise, fraud in relation to the metropolitan bills: (4.) For the proper discharge to be given upon the payment of a metro- politan bill: Every regulation purporting to be made in pursuance of this section shall be deemed to be within the powers of this Act, and shall have effect as if it were enacted in this Act. Section 20. For the purpose of paying off the principal money of any metropolitan bills, the board may raise any sum which they are by this Act empowered to raise, by the creation of consolidated stock for the purposes for which such principal money has been expended, not exceeding the amount of such principal money, but, save as aforesaid, the powers given to (LOANS) ACT, 1869, 32 & 33 VIOT. c. 102, ss. 36, 37.' 259 (2.) For the purpose of completing the works authorized by the Section 36. Embankment Acts : (3.) For the purpose of providing station houses, fire engines, fire escapes, and permanent plant for the purpose of the Fire Brigade Act : and all the provisions of this Act shall apply in like manner as if such sums were loans authorized by the Main Drainage Acts, the Embankment Acts, and the Fire Brigade Act respectively, and all the provisions of those Acts relating to the execution of works respectively authorized by them shall continue in force and extend to the works executed by means of the money raised in pursuance of this section, and all stock created under this section shall be deemed to be created for the purposes of the above-mentioned Acts respec- tively. 37. Where the managers of the metropolitan asylum district Loans by require to borrow money under " The Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867," board to and the Acts amending the same, such managers may borrow and the managers of board may lend on the security authorized by those Acts such sums metropolitan .as the managers may have been authorized by the poor law board, asylum in pursuance of those Acts, to borrow, not exceeding in the whole five district (a). hundred thousand pounds. the board by this Act to raise moneys for any purposes by the creation of consolidated stock, shall be suspended to the amounts and for the periods to and for which moneys are for the time being authorized by the Treasury to be raised for such purposes respectively by the issue of metropolitan bills. Section 21. Sections eight, nine, ten, and eleven of the Act of the twenty- fourth and twenty-fifth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter ninety- eight, intituled " An Act to consolidate and amend the Statute Law of England and Ireland relating to indictable offences by forgery" (which sections relate to the forgery of and other frauds relating to exchequer bills), shall apply to the metropolitan bills, and shall have effect as if " ex- chequer bill " in those sections included " metropolitan bill." Section 22. The board may enter into such arrangements with any bank approved by the Treasury for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act with respect to the issue of metropolitan bills, and to the payment of the principal sum named therein, and to all matters relating thereto, and for the proper remuneration of such bank with reference thereto, as they may think proper and may be approved by the Treasury. (a) The board of works were empowered to lend further amounts to the manager of the metropolitan asylum district by the Acts of 1871, 1875, 1876, 1877, and 1878. By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, section 14, the metropolitan board required from bodies to which they are authorized to lend money, returns embodying information respecting their financial condition and other matters. By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, section 10, the board are empowered to lend to vestries and district boards, any sum borrowed by them under the Metropolis Local Management Acts for any work which appears to the board and the Treasury to be a permanent work, and this section is to apply mutatis mutandis to every such loan. By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, section 4, no money shall, after the passing of that Act, be lent by the metropolitan board to any vestry or district board under this section. The last-named Act by section 4, authorizes the metropolitan board to lend to vestries and district boards, up to the 31st December, 1876 , money for the purpose of any work, with power to the board and the 8 2 260 APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS Section 37. For the purpose of raising the money so lent to the managers, the board may create consolidated stock under the provisions of this Act,, in like manner and with the like sanction as they may create the same for the purpose of raising money for the purposes of the Acts, mentioned in the first schedule to this Aet, and all the provisions of this Act shall apply as if such money were raised and stock were created for the purposes of the last-mentioned Acts, with this excep- tion, that the money required in pursuance of this section may be borrowed by the board in addition to the sum limited by this Act. All sums received by the board from the said managers in respect of interest on or the principal of such loan shall be carried to the Metropolitan Consolidated Loans Fund. Notwithstanding anything in the Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867, and the Acts amending the same, the amounts so lent by the board shall be repaid to them by the said managers, with interest, within such period not exceeding sixty years as may be agreed upon between the board and the said managers, subject to the approval of the Treasury. The board may lend and the managers may bonow money in pursuance of this section for the purpose of repaying any loan due at the passing of this Act from the said managers. The board and the said managers may execute all such deeds and documents and do all such acts as may be necessary or expedient for carrying this section into effect. Treasury to spread the repayment over a scries of years. It limits the aggregate amount to be lent by the board under this section, and makes pro? vision as to time for repayment and other matters, and enacts that no money shall be lent to vestries or district boards under section 10 of Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871. The 5th section of the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875, authorizes the metropolitan board, up to 31st December, 1876, to lend to the- guardians of a union or parish wholly or for the most part in the metro- polis, and the 6th section enables the board up to the same date to lend to any corporate body, commissioners, burial board, or other public body, having powers to levy, directly or indirectly, rates in respect of lauds in the metro- polis, or to make charges on rates or take dues or impositions in the nature of rates in the metropolis. Provisions are made limiting the aggregats amount to be lent under that section, and relative to the period of re- payment and other things. The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1876, section 7, em- powers the board to lend to vestries and district boards, money required for paying off loans and other purposes up to 31st December, 1877, and limits the amount. Section 8 contains corresponding provisions with respect to boards of guardians, and section 9 with respect to corporations, commis- sioners, &c. The Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, ] 878, extends the amount which maybe lent by the board up to 31st December, 1879, to the manager of the metropolitan asylum district. The Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1878, authorizes the board to raise further sums of money for the purposes therein mentioned, and limits the amount to be lent by them to vestries and district boards and other bodies therein mentioned, up to 31 st December, 1879. See further provisions of the Act of 1877, referred to in note to section 36, ante. The 5th section of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, empowers the board to lend to the school board of London the sums they are authorized to borrow for the erection of schools, with the approval of the education department ; and this provision is extended by the Elementary Education Amendment Act, 1872, to sums required for the erection of offices. (LOANS) ACT, 1869, 32 & 33 VICT. o. 102, ss. 3841. 261 38. The board shall not after th-6 passing of this Act borrow Section 38. exclusively of any amount borrowed for the purposes of a loan to T . .,~T the managers of the metropolitan asylum district an amount which, , imi . together with the amount actually owing by them at the passing of this Act, after deducting the market value at the date of the passing of this Act of all sinking funds created in pursuance of any of the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this Act, and remaining at that date in the hands of the board, exceeds in the whole ten million pounds sterling actually received by them ; provided that this shall not prevent the board from raising any money under the provisions of this Act for the purpose of paying off securities granted before the passing of this Act, and all moneys so raised shall be duly applied by the board accordingly. 39. The dividends on all consolidated stock shall be paid on such Payment of days as may be from time to time fixed by the board with the dividends. approval of the treasury. 40. Any person or body corporate entitled to any consolidated Appointment stock or to any security granted by the board may, if default be pf a receiver made for a period of not less than two months after demand in in certain writing in the payment of dividend on such stock or of interest on cases (*/ any such security, apply to the court of chancery in a summary way for the appointment of a receiver, and the court of chancery may, if the court think fit, on such application appoint a receiver on such terms and conditions, and with such powers, as the court think fit. Such persons shall have the same power of collecting and receiving and applying all moneys liable to be carried under this Act to the consolidated loans fund, and of assessing and raising the metropolitan consolidated rate for the purpose of obtaining such moneys as the board or any officer thereof may have, and shall apply all such moneys, after payment of expenses and costs, under the direction of the court, for the purposes of and in conformity with this Act. The court may at any time discharge such receiver, and shall have full jurisdiction over such receiver, and the applicant and all persons and bodies interested in the acts of the receiver, in the same manner and to the same extent as if a suit had been duly instituted for the administration of the affairs of the board and a receiver had been appointed in such suit. The lord chancellor of Great Britain, with the advice and assis- tance of the lords justices of the court of appeal in chancery, the master of the rolls, and the vice-chancellors, or any two of those judges, may from time to time make general orders for the regulation of the practice of the court of chancery under this section. 41. All sums of money, bills, and drafts which are received by Moneys the board under the provisions of this Act shall from time to time, received by within two days after the same have been received, or within two the board to days after any bill has been accepted, completed, and perfected, if be paid into the same is not accepted, completed, and perfected at the time it is bank to thcir received, be paid by the board into the hands of some bank to be account. treasury, for which officers of such bank shall , appointed by the board with the approval of the t the receipt of one of the cashiers or other officers o (a) The 188th section of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, provides for the appointment of a receiver in case of nonpayment of principal or interest of mortgages under that Act. 262 Section 41. Exemption of purchasers of stock from inquiries into application of money, regularity of proceedings, &c. (). Approval of Treasury Purchasers of land to be freed from charges. APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS be a sufficient discharge ; and all such moneys, bills, and drafts so to be paid as aforesaid shall from time to time be placed to the account of the board with such bank, and shall be applied and disposed of by the board for and towards the several purposes to which the same are by law applicable. 42. A person, or body corporate purchasing any consolidated stock, or advancing money to the board on the security of such stock, shall not be bound to see or inquire whether such stock is created or such advances are required for the purposes of the Acts men- tioned in the first schedule to this Act, or is or are within the borrowing powers of the board, or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or any regulations made thereunder, and shall not be prejudiced by the same not being so, and shall not be bound to see or inquire into the application of the money or any part of the money arising from such stock or advances, or be in any way responsible for the non-application thereof, and shall not be bound to inquire whether the board so raising money, or any meeting thereof, was properly constituted or convened, or that the proceedings at any meeting of such board were legal or regular. 43. The approval, sanction, or certificate of the treasury, where required under this Act, may be signified by the signature of any officer appointed by them for the purpose, and shall, until the con- trary is proved, be deemed to have been given, and the holder of consolidated stock shall not be prejudiced by reason of the absence of any such approval, sanction, or certificate. 44. Where the board sell or lease or otherwise dispose of to any person or body corporate any lands, rents, or property charged under the provisions of this Act as security for any consolidated stock, such land, rents, and property shall in the hands of such person or body cor- porate be absolutely freed of every such charge, and such person or body corporate shall not be bound to see to or inquire into the application of the money arising from such sale to the consolidated loans fund or otherwise in manner directed by this Act, or be in any way responsible for the non-application thereof. Power of board to sell, &c., land. 45. Nothing in this Act shall affect any power or duty of the board to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of land, rents, or property belonging to them or to apply the moneys in the nature of capital arising from such sale, lease, or disposition, in discharge of such liabilities and securities as are a charge on the same in priority to the charge created by this Act, or affect the claim of any person or body cor- porate under any of the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to this (a) By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871, section 13, trustees, executors, &c., empowered to invest money in public stocks or funds or other government securities, may, unless forbidden by the will or other instrument under which they act, invest the same in consolidated stock. See the case of Ee Redhead, L. K. W. N. 1878, p. 194, in which an order was made for the investment of money in consolidated stock. Stock in the funds belonging to a charity incorporated by Act of parliament, may be sold out and reinvested on metropolitan consolidated stock under this Act ; Ee Clergy Orphan Corporation, L. K. 18 Eq. 280. (LOANS) ACT, 1869, 82 & 33 VICT. c. 102, ss. 4547. 263 Act, or otherwise existing at the passing of this Act, to such moneys Section 45. or any part thereof. 46. The board may, in lieu of any portion of consolidated stock Creation by authorized to be created under this Act, create for the like purpose board of terminable annuities, to be called metropolitan annuities, and to be annuities, granted at such rate of interest, on such terms, subject to such con- ditions, and terminable after such number of years as the treasury may before the creation thereof from time to time approve ; and throughout this Act the term "stock" shall be construed to in- clude annuities so created, and all the provisions of this Act shall be construed accordingly, subject to the following qualifications ; namely, (1.) The term " dividend" shall be construed to mean the portion of the annuity which represents interest. (2.) The term "nominal amount of stock " shall be construed to mean the capital value of the annuity at the time when such nominal amount is required to be ascertained, such capital value to be calculated on the same principles as the calcula- tion made at the time of its creation. (3.) The term "redeeming stock" and terms referring thereto shall be construed to mean paying the portion of instalments of any annuity which represents capital. (4.) Instalments of an annuity shall be paid on such days as may from time to time be fixed by the board with the approval of the treasury. (5.) An appointment of a receiver may be made where one or more of the applicants happen to be entitled partly to stock and partly to annuities, or where one or more of the appli- cants happen to be entitled to stock and one or more to annuities, as well as where he or they are entitled to stock alone or annuities alone. (6.) Where power is given by this Act to create stock, or to lay out the consolidated loans fund in the purchase of stock or to convert any security into stock, or to invest in or advance money on the security of stock, such creation, purchase, conversion, investment, or advance may be of, in, into, or on the security of annuities only or partly annuities and partly stock. (7.) There shall be paid in respect of every transfer of metro- politan annuities (6) a stamp duty of two shillings and sixpence for every full sum of one hundred pounds, and also for any fractional part of one hundred pounds of the value of the annuities transferred, which shall be computed in the case of a bonS, fide sale on the amount of the purchase money and in any other case upon the average selling price of the annuities transferred on the day of the date of the transfer. 47. Nothing in this Act shall affect the securities or rights of any Saving rights person or body corporate who may, before the passing of this Act, of holders of have advanced money to the board for the purposes of the Acts existing mentioned in the first schedule to this Act, or who may for the time securities. (5) The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1870, section 4, provides for the payment by the board, of composition for stamp duty chargeable on metropolitan annuities. 264 Section 47. Uncompleted contracts for loans. Annual return to be laid before parliament. Provisions repealed in third schedule. APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS being hold any securities granted by the board under those Acts before the passing of this Act, so long as such persons or body cor- porate have not been paid the principle and interest due in respect of such advances and securities, or made an arrangement for the conversion of such security under this Act ; and nothing in this Act shall prejudice or affect the guarantee given by the treasury before the passing of this Act for the payment of the principal and interest of such securities ; and the treasury and the board shall respectively during the same period (whenever so required by the holders of such securities) apply the improvement fund and the funds and moneys under the control of the board in such manner, and perform all such acts and exercise all such powers, and, if necessary, levy the same rates and assessments as they would have been required to do for the benefit and security of the holders of such securities if this Act had not passed : Provided, that where the repayment of the sums borrowed is made by the security dependent on the state of the funds charged with such repayment, and no time has been expressly limited by the security for the payment of the money advanced to the board thereon, the holder of such security shall not be entitled to have the amount secured thereby paid to him at any earlier time than if this Act had not passed, or to have any larger proportion of the rate or fund which is charged with the same raised or applied, than he would have been entitled to have raised or applied, if this Act had not passed, that is to say, than the proportion which the amount of his security bears to the total amount of securities charged on that rate or fund before the passing of this Act, and having the same rank as to priority, but the board may at any time with his consent repay out of the consolidated loans fund the principal money due on the security. 48. Where at the passing of this Act the board have entered into any contract for any loan, with or without the guarantee of the Treasury thereon, and the whole of such loan has not been paid or the securities therefor have not been granted, for the purposes of this Act, such loan shall be deemed to be actually owing at the date of this Act and to have been advanced, charged, and secured according to the terms of such contract, and the guarantee of the Treasury (if given) to have been given, and the securities for such loan to have been granted and issued before the passing of this Act. 49. On or before the first of June in every year the board shall prepare a return, in such form as may be from time to time directed by the Treasury, showing up to the twenty-fifth of March preceding the amount of consolidated stock, and the application of the money raised by such stock, and the sums carried to and the application of the consolidated loans fund, and such other particulars respecting their loans transactions, and such estimate of the expenditure of the board for all purposes for the year commencing on such twenty-fifth of March, as the Treasury may from time to time require, and such return shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament on or before the said first of June, if Parliament be then sitting, and if not within ten days after the next meeting of Parliament. 50. The Acts mentioned in the third schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent therein mentioned, except so far as they relate to any securities granted and the application of any moneys raised before the passing of this Act, and to the rates and (LOANS) ACT, 1869, 32 & 33 VICT. c. 102, s. 50. 265 moneys for payment of such securities while they remain umlis- Section 50. charged. Provided that this repeal shall not affect anything already done or suffered, or any right already acquired or accrued under such enactments, or any rate or assessment already made or precept already issued, or any remedy or proceeding in respect of such thing, right, rate, assessment, or precept. SCHEDULES. FIRST SCHEDULE. Acts Authorizing Loans. PART I. GENERAL IMPROVEMENT ACTS. 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 20 & 21 Viet. c. cxv. 20 & 21 Viet. c. cl. 21 & 22 Viet. c. xxxvii 27 & 28 Viet. c. iv. 28 & 29 Viet. c. iii. 29 & 30 Viet. c. cl. 31 & 32 Viet. c. vii. The Metropolis Management Act, 1855. The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1856. The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862. Covent Garden approach and Southwark and Westminster communication Act, 1857. The Finsbury Park Act, 1857. Victoria Park Approach Act, 1858. The Southwark Park Act, 1864. Whitechapel and Holborn Improvement Act, 1865. Kensington Improvement Act, 1866. Marylebone (Stingo Lane) Improvement Act, 1868. PART II. MAIN DRAINAGE ACTS. 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104 - 26 & 27 Viet. c. 68 28 & 29 Viet. c. 19 The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1858. The Metropolitan Main Drainage Exten- sion Act, 1863. An Act to extend the period for borrowing the sum authorized to be raised under the Metropolitan Main Drainage Exten- sion Act, 1863. PART III. FIRE BRIGADE ACT. 28 & 29 Viet. c. 190 - - | The Metropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1865. 266 APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS Schedule 1. PART IV. EMBANKMENT ACTS. 25 & 26 Viet. c. 93 26 & 27 Viet. c. 45 26 & 27 Viet. c. 75 27 & 28 Viet. c. cxxxv. - 27 & 28 Viet, c 61 31 & 32 Viet. c. 43 - 31 & 32 Viet. c. cxi. . 31 & 32 Viet. c. cxxxv. - 32 & 33 Viet. c. cxxxiv. The Thames Embankment Act, 1862. The Metropolis Improvement Act, 1863. The Thames Embankment Act, 1863. Thames Embankment Amendment Act, 1864. The Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act, 1864. The Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement (Loans) Act, 1868. The Thames Embankment (North and South) Act, 1868. The Thames Embankment (Chelsea) Act, 1868. The Park Lane Improvement Act, 1869. SECOND SCHEDULE. Forms of Transfer. I, A. JB., of , in consideration of the sum of pounds paid to me by C. D., of , do hereby transfer to the said C. D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, the sum of metropolitan consolidated stock [or annuities] standing in my name in the books kept of such stock [or annuities], and all my property, right, and interest in and to the same and the dividends thereon [or the instalments thereof]. lu witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this day of one thousand eight hundred and A. . (L.S.) I, C. D., do hereby accept the above-named sum of stock [or annuities], and will hold the same subject to the same conditions on which the said transferor held the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this day of one thousand eight hundred and C. D. (L.S.) (LOANS) ACT, 1869, 32 & 33 VICT. c. 102, SCHED. / THIRD SCHEDULE. 267 Schedule 3. Enactments Repealed. "An Act for the better Local Management of the Metropolis." ' Covent Garden Approach and Southwark and West- minster Communication Act, 1857." 'The Finsbury Park Act, 1857." ' An Act to alter and amend the Metropolis Local Management Act (1855), and to extend the powers of the Metropolitan Board of Works for the Purifi- cation of the Thames and the Main Drainage of the Metropolis." 'Victoria Park Approach Act, 1858." 'An Act for embanking the North Side of the River Thames from West- minster Bridge to Black- friars Bridge, and for making new streets in and near thereto." Extent of Repeal. So much of section one hun- dred and thirty-five of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, as provides that the sewers and works therein mentioned shall be completed on or before the 31st of December, 1860; so much of section one hundred and eighty-three as relates to the mode of borrowing by the Metropolitan Board of Works, and sections one hundred and eighty-four to one hundred and ninety-one, both inclusive, so far as regards the Metropolitan Board of Works. Section forty-five from "and for securing" to end of sec- tion, and sections forty-six to fifty-three, both inclusive, and section fifty-six. Section thirty-six from "and for securing^' to end of sec- tion, and sections thirty- seven to forty-four, both in- clusive. Sections four to seven, and ten to twenty-two, all inclusive, and section twenty-six. Section thirty-eight from "and for securing" to end of sec- tion, and sections thirty-nine to forty -four, both inclusive, and section forty-seven. Section thirty-seven, and sec- tions forty-two to forty-six, both inclusive. 268 Schedule 3. APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN BOARD OP WORKS 25 & 26 Viet, c. 102. 26 & 27 Viet, c. 45. 26 & 27 Viet. c. 68. 26 & 27 Viet. c.75. 27 & 28 Viet. c. 61. 27 & 28 Viet. c. iv. 28 & 29 Viet, c. 19. 28 & 29 Viet. c. 90. 28 & 29 Viet c. iii. Title. An Act to amend the Metropolis Local Manage- ment Acts." An Act for making a new street from Blackfriars to the Mansion House in the city of London in connexion with the Em- bankment of the River Thames on the northern side of that river, and for other purposes." 'An Act to extend the powers of the Act relating to the Main Drainage of the Metropolis." ; An Act for the embank- ment of part of the river Thames on the south side thereof, in the parish of Saint Mary Lambeth, and for other purposes." 'An Act for empowering the Commissioners of the Treasury to guarantee, and the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to advance, the sums authorized to be borrowed for the Embank- ment of the Thames and Improvement of the Me- tropolis, and for other purposes connected there- with." ' The Southwark Park Act, 1864." "An Act to extend the period for borrowing the sum authorized to be raised under the Metro- politan Main Drainage Extension Act, 1863." " An Act for the establish- ment of a Fire Brigade within the metropolis. " Whitechapel and Holborn Improvement Act, 1865." Extent of Repeal. Sections nineteen and twenty so far as regards the Metro- politan Board of Works, and section twenty-six. So much of section twenty as incorporates section thirty- seven of the Thames Embank- ment Act, 1862 ; and sections twenty-two and twenty- three. The whole Act. So much of section twenty- one as incorporates section thirty-seven of the Thames Embankment Act, 1862 ; sections twenty-six, twenty- seven, twenty-eight, and twenty-nine. The whole Act. Section thirty-one from "and for securing" to end of sec- tion, and sections thirty-two to thirty-nine, both inclu- sive. The whole Act. Sections nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. Section thirty-one from " and for securing" to end of sec- tion, and section thirty-two to thirty-nine, both inclusive, and section forty-two. (LOANS) ACT, 1869, 32 & 83 VICT. c. 102, SCHKD. 269 Schedule 3. 29 & 30 Viet. c. cl. 31 & 32 Viet. c.43. 31 & 32 Viet, c. vii. 31 & 32 Viet. c. cxi. 31 & 32 Viet. c. exxxv. 32 & 33 Viet, c. cxxxiv. 1 Kensington Improvement Act, 1866." ' An Act for extending the provisions of the Thames Embankment and Metro- polis Improvement(Loans) Act, 1864, and for amend- ing the powers of the Metropolitan Board of Works in relation to loans under that Act." 'Marylebone (Stingo Lane) Improvement Act, 1868." ' The Thames Embankment (North and South) Act, ' The Thames Embankment (Chelsea) Act, 1868." ' The Park Lane Improve- ment Act, 1869." Extent of Bepeal. Section thirty from " and for securing" to end of section, and sections thirty-one to thirty-eight, both inclusive, and section forty-one. The whole Act. Section nineteen from "and for securing" to end of sec- tion, and sections twenty to twenty-six, both inclusive, and section twenty-nine. So much of section eighteen as relates to the mode of bor- rowing, and sections nine- teen to twenty-two, both in- clusive. So much of section twenty- eight as incorporates section thirty-seven of the Thames Embankment Act, 1862; so much of section twenty-nine as relates to the mode of borrowing, and sections thirty to thirty-two, both inclusive. So much of section twenty-five as relates to the mode of bor- rowing, and sections twenty- six to twenty-eight, both inclusive. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SUPERANNUATION ALLOWANCES TO OFFICERS OF VESTRIES AND OTHER BOARDS WITHIN THE AREA OF THE METROPOLIS LOCAL MANAGEMENT ACT. 29 VICT. CAP. 31. 18TH MAY, 1866. WHEREAS it is expedient that provision should be made to enable superannuation allowances to be granted to officers of vestries of any parish and district boards of any district and of other parochial bodies within the metropolis who become disabled by infirmity or age to discharge the duties of their offices : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. The vestry of any parish and district board of any district or any other parochial body within the metropolis, and also the metro- politan board of works, may, at their discretion, grant to any officer in their respective services, including the chairman of the metropo- litan board of works, who shall become incapable of discharging the duties of his office with efficiency by reason of permanent infirmity of mind or body, or of old age, upon his resigning or otherwise ceasing to hold his office, an annual allowance not exceeding in any case two-thirds of his then salary, regard being had to the scale of allowances hereinafter contained, and shall charge such allowance to the fund or funds to which such salary would have been charged if he had continued in his office : Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall affect the powers contained in the two hun- dred and thirteenth section of " The Metropolis Management Act, 1855." Allowances 2. This allowance shall be payable to or in trust for such officer not to be only, and shall not be assignable for nor chargeable with his debts assignable for O r other liabilities without the consent in writing of the vestry, debts, &c. district board, metropolitan board of works, or other parochial body. Vestries, dis- trict boards, and metro- politan board of works may grant super- annuation allowances to officers in certain cases (a). (a) By the Baths and Washhouses Act, 1878 (41 Viet. c. 14), this power is extended to officers and servants employed in baths, washhouses, open bathing places, &c. SUPEEANNUATION ALLOWANCES ACT, 29 VlCT. C. 31, SS. 3 8. 271 3. No officer shall be entitled to such allowance on the ground Section 3. of old age who shall not have completed the full age of sixty T vpflrs J Limitation of grant of 4. Subject to the provisions herein contained, the allowance to be allowances - granted after the commencement of this Act to persons who shall Scale of have served in an established capacity as officers as aforesaid, whether allowances, their remuneration be computed by weekly wages, poundage, or per- centage on collection of rates, or annual salary, shall be as follows ; (that is to say,) To any person who shall have served ten years and upwards, and under eleven years, an annual allowance of ten-sixtieths of the salary and emoluments of his office ; And in like manner an addition of one-sixtieth in respect of each additional year of such service until the completion of a period of service of forty years, Avhen the annual allowance of forty-sixtieths may be granted ; and no addition shall be made in respect of any service beyond forty years ; but in computing the time of an officer's service any period during which such officer shall have been in the ser- vice of a vestry, board of trustees, or other parochial board of the same parish superseded by " The Metropolis Management Act, 1855," or of any parish comprised in the district board granting such allowance, .shall be included. 5. When for the due and efficient discharge of the duties of any Power office professional or other peculiar qualifications not ordinarily to be to increase acquired in the vestry or board's service are required, and any person allowance, having such qualifications shall have been or may be appointed thereto beyond the age of thirty years, any vestry or board may, by order, direct that when any person now holding or who may here- after be appointed to such office shall retire from their service, a number of years, not exceeding ten, to be specified in the said order, shall, in computing the amount of superannuation allowance which may be granted to him under this Act, be added to the number of years during which he may have actually served. 6. Any vestry or board or other parochial body may grant to any Power to person who is compelled to quit their service by reason of severe grant gratui- bodily injury occasioned, without his own default, in the discharge of t^ 63 i* 1 case his public duty, or from infirmity of mind or body, before the com- * retire- pletion of the period which would entitle him to a superannuation ment before allowance, a gratuitv not exceeding three months pay for every two en"* 1 > years of service. superannua- tion allow- 7. No grant shall be made without one month's previous notice, to ance ' be specially given in writing to every member of the vestry or dis- Notice of trict board,' of the proposal to make such grant, and the time when it S?*^ to bc shall be brought forward. S lven - 8. In the construction of this Act the term "metropolis" shall Interpre- have the same interpretation as in the Metropolis Management Act, tation of 1855, and Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862 ; the words terms. " other parochial body " shall mean all trustees, overseers, and others who make the several rates for the purposes of the vestry or the dis- trict board of any district. AN ACT TO AMEND THE METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT ACTS. 38 & 39 VICT. CAP. 33. 29TH JUNE, 1875. WHEREAS by section one hundred and sixty-three of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, it is provided that any sewers rate raised under that Act shall, as regards all land used as arable, meadow, or pasture ground only, or as woodland, orchard, market garden, hop, herb, flower, fruit, or nursery ground, be assessed and levied in the proportion of one fourth part only of the net annual value of sucli land: And whereas by section one hundred and sixty -four of the same Act it is also provided that where any property was, at the time of the issuing of the first commission under the Act of the eleventh and twelfth years of Her Majesty, chapter one hundred and twelve, entitled to exemption from or to any reduction or allowance in respect of the sewers rate, such exemption, reduction, or allowance shall be observed and allowed in levying any sewers rate under that Act: And whereas by virtue of the said recited Act, and the Acts amending the same, the metropolitan board of works do assess the several parts of the metropolis according to the basis on which the printed totals of the valuation lists sent out by the clerk ol the managers of the metropolitan asylum district under " the Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869," are made (), and issue their precepts for sums of money which, by reason of the recited exemptions, cannot be levied upon some of the property included in such assessment, or can only be levied at one fourth of the amount included in such assessment, whereby the parts of the metropolis wherein such exemptions exist are compelled to make a rate at an increased amount in order to meet such precepts : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by (a) The 46th section of 32 & 33 Viet. c. 67, makes the valuation list for the time being in force, conclusive evidence of the gross value and of the rateable value of the hereditaments included therein, and of the fact that all hereditaments required to be inserted therein have been inserted for the purposes of the sewers, lighting, general and other rates levied by order of district boards or vestries, the main drainage improvement and other rates and sums assessed on any part of the metropolis by the metropolitan board of works, and of other rates -which are enumerated. METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT &c., ACT, 1875, 38 & 39 VICT. c. 83. 273 and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, Section 1. and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1 From and after the sixth day of April one thousand eight Metropolitan hundred and seventy- six the metropolitan board of works, in ever)' board of assessment made by them upon such parts of the metropolis as works to contain property wholly or partially exempt from sewers rate, and in make abate- the precepts issued for obtaining payment of the sums so assessed, ment on as- shall make an allowance or abatement equal to the reduction or sessment of exemption which, under the one hundred and sixty-third and one P 8 ^ c* hundred and sixty-fourth sections of the Metropolis Management metro Pe law- ful for such justice to order the owner, or on his default the occupier, of any such structure to take down, repair, or otherwise secure, to the satisfaction of the surveyor who made such survey as aforesaid, or of such other surveyor as the said commissioners may appoint, such structure or such part thereof as appears to him to be in a dangerous state, within a time to be fixed by such justice ; and in case the same is not taken down, repaired, or otherwise secured within the time so limited, the said commissioners may with all convenient speed cause all or so much of such structure as is in a dangerous condition, to be taken down, repaired, or otherwise secured, in such manner as may be requisite ; and all expenses (a) incurred by the said commis- sioners in respect of any dangerous structure by virtue of the second part of this Act shall be paid by the owner (b) of such structure, but without prejudice to his right to recover the same from any lessee or other person liable to the expenses of repairs. 74. If such owner cannot be found, or if, on demand, he refuses or neglects to pay the aforesaid expenses, the said commissioners, after giving three months notice of their intention to do so, by posting a (a) The metropolitan board were held entitled to recover against the owner of a dangerous structure, in addition to the surveyor's fees and sums charged for preparing notices and forms, but not for general office ex- penses ; Metropolitan Board of Works v. Flight, 43 L. J. M. C. 46 ; L. R. 9 Q. B. 58, (b) Persons who were seised in fee of a building used as a chapel, which they had let on lease for a term of twenty years, were held not to be liable to payment of these expenses, and the lessee was decided to be the owner within the meaning of this enactment ; Mourilyan v. Labalmondiere, 30 L. J. M. C. 95. See Ex parte Overseers of Saffron Hill, 18 Jnr. 1104, under section 42 of the former Building Act, 7 & 8 Viet. c. 84. See case where these expenses incurred by a tenant for life became a charge on the property ; Ex parte Davis, 4 Jur. (N.S.) 1029. See as to necessary averments in an order of a magistrate for payment of expenses incurred by commissioners under this section, viz., that the person had been summoned and the com- plaint adjudged to be true ; Labalmondiere v. Prest, 1 E. & E. 527 ; as to time of making complaint in respect of these expenses ; Labalmondiere v. Addison, 1 E. & E. 41. The ground landlord was held not an owner within sections 3 and 51, see Hunt v. Harris, ]9 C. B. (N.S.) 13; Caudwell v. Hanson, L. R. 7 Q. B. 55, and Cowen v. Phillips, 33 Beav. 18. A party having long lease of house at a small ground rent, and subletting it to different inmates at a rackrent, either on lease or from year to year, is owner within these sections ; Hunt and others v. Harris, 3 Cox Mag. Ca. 293. See judgment distinguishing Evelyn v. Whichcord, 27 L. J. M. C. 211 ; and Mourilyan v. Labalmondiere, 16 C. B. (N.S.) 298 ; also a tenant under an agreement for a lease ; Cowen v. Phillips, 33 Beav. 18. The court refused a mandamus to a magistrate to issue a warrant to enforce payment by the incumbent of a district church, All Saint's Church, Lambeth, of the expenses of repairing the tower certified to be dangerous, on the ground that he was not the owner within the Act, although the freehold was vested in him within the Church Building Acts ; Metropolitan Board of Works v. Lee L. R. 4 Q. B. 75. ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, ss. 7477. 297 printed or written notice in a conspicuous place on the structure in PAET II. respect of which or of part of which they have incurred expense, or - on the land whereon it stands, may sell (c) such structure, and they Section 74. shall, after deducting from the proceeds of such sale the amount of s t ruc ture, all expenses (d) incurred by them, restore (e) the surplus (if any) to giving the the owner. surplus to owner, &c. 75. All payments hereby directed to be made by or to the cominis- p ayineu t s DV sioners shall in the cases of payments in respect of any structure or to ^ e y situate within the city of London be made by or to the chamberlain comnris- of the city out of or to the consolidated rate made by the commis- sioners, how sioners of sewers, and in the cases of payments in respect of any made, structure situate elsewhere within the limits of this Act be made by or to the receiver of metropolitan police, in the same manner in which payments are made by or to such chamberlain and receiver respectively in the ordinary course of their business ; but no Com- missioner or other officer shall be liable in respect of any loss that may be sustained by any person in consequence of the exercise by the said commissioners of the powers hereby given them, unless such loss happens through the wilful default of such commissioner or other officer. 76. In cases where any surplus is hereby made payable to any Surplus, how owner, if no demand for the same is made by any person entitled to be applied thereto within one year, then the same shall be paid into the if no demand Bank of England in the name and with the privity of the Ac- made for ' li - countant general of the Court of Chancery (/), to be placed to his account there to the credit of the owner (describing him so far as the commissioners can), subject to the control of the court, and to be paid out to the owner on his applying by petition, and proving his title thereto. 77. There shall be paid to the district surveyor, or to such other p ees to dis- surveyor as aforesaid, in respect of his services under the second part trict surveyor, of this Act, such fees, not exceeding the amounts specified in the second part of the second schedule hereto, as may from time to time be directed by the said metropolitan board. (c) By section 41 of the former Building Act, 7 & 8 Viet. c. 84, the lord mayor and aldermen or overseers were empowered to sell and dispose of such of the materials as they should judge necessary. It is probable that the present enactment gives no greater power. Expenses incurred by a tenant for life in reinstating ruinous structures held a charge on the pro- perty ; He Davis' s Estate and Crystal Palace and WestEnd Railway Com- pany, 3 De G. & J. 144. See as to non-liability of a company to compen- sation under a local Act, where party wall of a house taken was condemned as ruinous ; E. v. Hungerford Market Company, 1 A. & Ell. 668. (d) See Sradbee v. Christ's Hospital, 1 M. & G. 714. The Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878, section 19, empowers the purchaser, his agents and servants, to enter upon land whereon any structure bought is standing, for the purpose of taking down and removing the same; any person who refuses to admit the purchaser, &c., upon such land, or impedes him in removing the materials, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding 10, and to a penalty of 5 for every day after the first day during which such refusal continues. (e) The 41st section of a former Building Act made the surplus payable on demand ; see Simpson v. South, 2 B. & C. 682. (/) Now the paymaster general ; 35 & 36 Viet. c. 44. 298 PART II. Section 78. Metropolitan board may appoint special fees for ser- vices not pro- vided for. Fees to be deemed part of expenses. Justice of peace may APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING to be removed from dan- gerous struc- tures. Powers of commis- sioners to appoint officers. 78. If any special service is required to be performed by the dis- trict surveyor, or by such other surveyor as aforesaid, under the second part of this Act, for which no fee is specified in the said schedule, the said metropolitan board may order such fee to be paid for such service as they think fit. 79. All fees paid to the district surveyor, or to such other surveyor as aforesaid, by virtue of the second part of this Act, shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by the said commissioners in the matter of the dangerous structure in respect of which such fees are paid, and shall be recoverable by them from the owner accordingly. 80. In cases where a structure has been certified by a district sur- veyor, or such other surveyor as aforesaid, to be dangerous to its inmates, a justice of the peace may, if satisfied of the correctness of such certificate (), upon the application of the said commissioners, by order under his hand direct any inmates of such structure to be removed therefrom by a constable or other peace officer, and if they have no other abode he may require them to be received into the workhouse established for the reception of the poor of the place in which such structure is situate. 81. Subject to the approval of one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state, the said commissioners may appoint such persons at such salaries, and make such regulations, as they think fit for carrying into execution the second part of this Act ; and all expenses incurred by them not hereby otherwise provided for shall, in the case of expenses incurred by the said commissioners of police, be deemed to be expenses incurred by them in respect of the police force of which they are commissioners, and be payable accordingly (b) ; and all expenses incurred by the said commissioners of sewers shall be paid out of the said consolidated rate. PAST III. Party Structures. PART III. PARTY STRUCTURES (c). Definition of building owner and adjoining owner. PRELIMINARY. 82. In the construction of the following provisions relating to party structures, such one of the owners of the premises separated by or adjoining to any party structure as is desirous of executing any work in respect to such party structure shall be called the building owner, and the owner of the other premises shall be called the adjoining (a) The certificate of the surveyor of a corporation that a building was dangerous was held conclusive of the fact that it was dangerous; Cheetham v. Corporation of Manchester, 39 J. P. 343. (b) Now the Metropolitan Board of Works, see note to section 70, ante. (c) See definition of " party structure," section 3, ante. In a case under a Local Improvement Act, it was held that a wall might be a party wall to such height as it is common to two buildings, and cease to be a party wall for the rest of its height ; Weston v. Arnold, L. R. 8 Ch. 1084 ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, s. 83. 299 PAST III. EIGHTS OP BUILDING AND ADJOINING OWNERS. Section 83 83. The building owner shall have the following rights in relation Rights of to party structures ; that is to say, building (1.) A right to make good or repair any party structure that is owner ' defective or out of repair : (2.) A right to pull down and rebuild any party structure that is so far defective or out of repair as to make it necessary or desirable to pull down the same (d) : (3.) A right to pull down any timber or other partition that divides any buildings, and is not conformable with the regulations of this Act, and to build instead a party wall conformable thereto : (4.) In the case of buildings having rooms or stories the property of different owners intermixed, a right to pull down such of the said rooms or stories or any part thereof as are not built in conformity with this Act, and to rebuild the same in conformity with this Act : (5.) In the case of buildings connected by arches or communications over public ways or over passages belonging to other persons, a right to pull down such of the said buildings, arches, or communications, or any part thereof, as are not built in conformity with this Act, and to rebuild the same in conformity with this Act : (6.) A right to raise any party structure permitted by this Act to be raised (e) or any external wall built against such party (structure, upon condition of making good all damage occa- sioned thereby to the adjoining premises or to the internal finishings and decorations thereof, and of carrying up to the requisite height all flues and chimney stacks belonging to the adjoining owner on or against such party structure or external wall : (7.) (/) A right to pull down any party structure that is of insuffi- (d) A building owner pulling down a party wall under this section, is not bound to protect by hoarding, rooms of an adjoining owner ; Thompson v. Hill, 39 L. J. C. P. 264. But he is responsible for unnecessary damage ; Sower v. Peate, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 321 ; Dodd v. Holmes, 1 A. & E. 493 ; Crofts v. Haldane, 8 B. & S. 194; Warlurton v. London and Blackwall Railway Company, 1 Rail. C. 558; JSradbee v. Christ's Hospital, 4 M. & G. 714. Held under the Act of Geo. 3, that a general covenant to repair did not render the tenant liable to pay tbe expense of a party wall ; Sangster v. Birkhead, 1 B. & S. 395, but he might bind himself by express covenant ; Barrett v. Duke of Bedford, 8 T. R. 602, and see Moore v. Clarke, 5 Taunt. 89. (e) The right hereby given of raising a party structure on condition of making good all damage, does not authorize the raising of a structure so as to obstruct ancient lights in the adjoining premises ; Crofts v. Haldane, L. R. 2 Q. B. 194 ; 8 B. & S. 194. There being no right given by the Act, there is no question for the arbitrator under section 85, ibid. And see actions for obstructing light under former Building Act; Titterton v. Conyer, 5 Taunt. 465, and Wells v. Ody, 1 M. & W. 452. This section and the 85th do not apply to the case of the mere removal of a building from an adjoining building without disturbing the party structure, and no notice need be given ; Major v. Park Lane Company, L. R. 2 Eq. 453. (f) Although a co-owner of a party wall could not at common law sue the other co-owner for temporarily undermining the foundation of the wall 300 PAET III. Section 83. Eights of adjoining owner. Rules as to exercise of rights by APPENDIX THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING cient strength for any building intended to be built, and to rebuild the same of sufficient strength for the above_ pur- pose, upon condition of making good all damage occasioned thereby to the adjoining premises, or to the internal finish- ings and decorations thereof : (8.) A right to cut into any party structure upon condition of mak- ing good all damage occasioned to the adjoining premises by such operation : (9.) A right to cut away any footing or any chimney breasts, jambs, or flues projecting from any party wall, in order to erect an external wall against such party wall, or for any other pur- pose, upon condition of making good all damage occasioned to the adjoining premises by such operation : (10.) A right to cut away or take down such parts of any wall or building of an adjoining owner as may be necessary in con- sequence of such wall or building overhanging the ground of the building owner, in order to erect an upright wall against the same, on condition of making good any damage sustained by the wall or building by reason of such cutting away or taking down : (11.) A right to perform any other necessary works incident to the connexion of party structure with the premises adjoining thereto : But the above rights shall be subject to this qualification, that any building which has been erected previously to the time of this Act coming into operation shall be deemed to be conformable with the provisions of this Act if it is conformable with the provisions of an Act passed in the fourteenth year of His late Majesty King George the Third, chapter seventy-eight, or with the provisions of the said Act of the eighth year of Her present Majesty, chapter eighty -four. 84. Whenever the building owner proposes to exercise any of the foregoing rights with respect to party structures the adjoining owner may require the building owner to build on any such party structure certain chimney jambs, breasts, or flues, or certain piers or recesses, or any other like works for the convenience of such adjoining owner ; and it shall be the duty of the building owner to comply with such requisition in all cases where the execution of the required works will not be injurious to the building owner, or cause to him unneces- sary inconvenience or unnecessary delay in the exercise of his right ; and any difference that arises between any building owner and adjoining owner in respect of the execution of such works as afore- said shall be determined in manner in which differences between building owners and adjoining owners are hereinafter directed to be determined. 85. The following rales shall be observed with respect to the exercise by building owners and adjoining owners of their respective rights : and making a new foundation when the work involved no danger to the security of the wall, yet when within the area of the Metropolis Building Act, such a right, being a right in relation to a party structure within this section, cannot be carried out when a difference arises (unless both owners concur in the appointment of one surveyor) except by the award of two surveyors, and a third selected by them as provided by section 85, sub- section 7 ; Standard Bank of British South America, v. Stokes, L. K. 9 Ch. D. 68. ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, s. 85. 301 (1.) No building owner shall, except with the consent of the PABT III. adjoining owner, or in cases where any party structure is - dangerous, in which cases the provisions hereby made as to Section 85. dangerous structures shall apply, exercise any right hereby buying and given in respect of any party structure, unless he has given a( jjoinin- at the least three months previous notice (a) to the adjoining owners. owner by delivering the same to him personally, or by sending it by post in a registered letter addressed to such owner at his last known place of abode : (2.) The notice so given shall be in writing or printed, and shall state the nature of the proposed work, and the time at which such work is proposed to be commenced : (3.) No building owner shall exercise any right hereby given to him in such manner or at such time as to cause unnecessary inconvenience to the adjoining owner (6) : (4.) Upon the receipt of such notice the adjoining owner may require the building owner to build or may himself build on any such party structure any works to the construction of which he is hereinbefore mentioned to be entitled : (5.) Any requisition so made by an adjoining owner shall be in writing or printed, and shall be delivered personally to the building owner within one month after the date of the notice being given by him, or be sent by post in a registered letter addressed to him at his last known place of residence: It shall specify the works required by the adjoining owner for his convenience, and shall, if necessary, be accompanied with explanatory plans and drawings : (6.) If either owner does not, within fourteen days after the deli- very to him of any notice or requisition, express his consent thereto, he shall be considered as having dissented therefrom, and thereupon a difference shall be deemed to have arisen between the building owner and the adjoining owner : (7.) (c) In all cases not hereby specially provided for where a dif- ference arises between a building owner and adjoining owner in respect of any matter arising under this Act (d), unless both parties concur in the appointment of one sur- veyor they shall each appoint a surveyor, and the two surveyors so appointed shall select a third surveyor, and such one surveyor, or three surveyors, or any two of them, (a) This notice is not necessary where the person proposes to pull down a party wall between his own premises and premises also belonging to him, but let to a tenant from year to year or a shorter term ; Wheeler v. Oray, 27 L. J. C. P. 267; 28 L. J. C. P. 200. See also Major v. Park Lane Company, cited in note to section 83, sub-section 6, ante. Refer to Sims v. Estate Company, 14 W. R. 419, as to notice to rebuild a wall erroneously described as a party wall. (6) A building owner pulling down a party wall is not bound to make a hoard to protect rooms of adjoining owner exposed by the removal; Thompson v. Hill, 39 L. J. C. P. 264, L. R. 5 C. P. 564; and see JBri/er v. Willis, 23 L. T. (N.S.) 365. See S. v. Ponsford, 12 L. J. Q. B. 313, under the former Act 14 Geo. 3, c. 78, s. 41. (c) See Standard Bank British South America v. Stokes, note to section 83, sub-section 7, supra. (d) But this does not apply where the act done is not authorized by the statute; Crofts v. Haldane, L. R. 2 Q. B. 194. Where surveyors have been appointed to settle differences between a building owner and an adjoining owner as to a party wall, and the surveyors refused to appoint an umpire, the court appointed an umpire under the Common Law Pro- cedure Act, 1854 ; Ex part* HcBryde, L. R. 4 Ch. D. 200. 302 APPENDIX THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING PAST III. shall settle any matter in dispute between such building - and adjoining owner, with power by his or their award to Section 85. determine the right to do, and the time and manner of doing any work, and generally any other matter arising out of or incidental to such difference ; but any time so appointed for doing any work shall not commence until after the expiration of such period of three months, as is hereinbefore mentioned : (8.) Any award given by such one surveyor, or by such three sur- veyors, or any two of them, shall be conclusive, and shall not be questioned in any court, with this exception, that either of the parties to the difference may appeal therefrom to the county court within fourteen days from the date of delivery of any such award as aforesaid, and such county court may, subject as hereinafter mentioned, rescind or modify the award so given in such manner as it thinks just : (9.) If either party to the difference makes default in appointing a surveyor for ten days after notice has been given to him by the other party in manner aforesaid to make such appoint- ment, the party giving the notice may make the appoint- ment in the place of the party so making default : (10.) The costs incurred in obtaining any such award as aforesaid shall be paid by such party as such one surveyor, or three surveyors, or any two of them, may determine : (11.) If the appellant from any such award as aforesaid, on appear- ing before the county court, declares his unwillingness to have the matter decided by such court, and proves to the satisfaction of the judge of such court that in the event of the matter being decided against him he will be liable to pay a sum, exclusive of costs, exceeding fifty pounds, and gives security, to be approved by such judge, duly to pro- secute his appeal and to abide the event thereof, all pro- ceedings in the county court shall thereupon be stayed ; and it shall be lawful for siich appellant to bring an action in one of Her Majesty's superior courts of law at West- minster (a) against the other party to the difference ; and the plaintiff in such action shall deliver to the defendants an issue or issues whereby the matters in difference between them may be tried ; and the form of such issue or issues, in case of dispute, or in case of the nonappearance of the defendant, shall be settled by the court in which the action is brought ; and such action shall be prosecuted and issue or issues tried (6) in the same manner and subject to the same incidents in and subject to which actions are prose- cuted and issues tried in other cases within the jurisdiction of such court, or as near thereto as circumstances admit : (12.) If the parties to any such action agree as to the facts, a special case may be stated for the opinion of any such superior court as aforesaid, and any case so stated may be brought before the court in like manner and subject to the same incidents in and subject to which other special cases are brought before such court, or as near thereto as circiun- stances admit ; and any costs that may have been incurred in the county court by the parties to such action as is mentioned in this section shall be deemed to be costs incurred in such action, and be payable accordingly. (a) Now the High Court of Justice, 36 & 37 Viet. c. 66. (b) See Judicature A ** payment of all such costs and compensation in respect of such work as r ^ < l u . ir . e J may be payable by such building owner. oWner!^ 88. The following rules shall be observed as to expenses in respect Rules as to of any party structure (that is to say) ; expenses As to expenses to be borne jointly by the building owner and in respect adjoining owner : of party (1.) If any party structure is defective or out of repair the expenses structure, of making good or repairing the same shall be borne by the building owner and adjoining owner in due proportion, regard being had to the use that each owner makes of such structure : (2.) If any party structure is pulled down and rebuilt by reason of its being so far defective or out of repair as to make it neces- sary or desirable to pull down the same, the expense of such pulling down and rebuilding shall be borne by the building owner and adjoining owner in due proportion, regard being had to the use that each owner makes of such structure (c) : (3.) If any timber or other partition dividing any building is pulled down, in exercise of the right hereinbefore vested in a building owner, and a party structure built instead thereof, the expense of building such party structure, and also of building any additional party structures that may be required by reason of such partition having been pulled* down, shall be borne by the building owner and adjoining owner in due proportion, regard being had to the use that each owner makes of such party structure, and to the thickness required to the respective buildings parted thereby : (4.) If any room or stories, or any part of rooms or stories, the property of different owners, and intermixed in any build- ing, are pulled down in pursuance of the right hereinbefore vested in any building owner, and rebuilt in conformity with this Act, the expense of such pulling down and rebuild- ing shall be borne r>y the building owner and adjoining (c) Where plaintiff was owner of a boundary wall on his own land, against which he had built some closets, and defendant, his adjoining neighbour, had recently built a substantial structure : held, that so far as these buildings extended against both sides of the wall, it was a "party-wall" within this Act, and defendant was entitled, on giving the proper notice, to take down such part as might be necessary for the purpose of necessary re-building; Knight v.Pursell, L. R. 11 Ch. D. 412. 304 Rim III. Section 88. Account of expenses of works to be delivered to adjoining owner within one month. Adjoining owner may appeal against account. APPENDIX THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING owner iii due proportion, regard being had to the use that each owner makes of such rooms or stories : (5.) If any arches or communications, or any parts thereof, are pulled down in pursuance of the right hereinbefore vested in any building owner, and rebuilt in conformity with this Act, the expense of such pulling down and rebuilding shall be borne by the building owner and adjoining owner in due proportion, regard being had to the use that each owner makes of such arches or communications : As to expenses to be borne by building owner : (6.) If any party structure or external wall built against the same is raised in pursuance of the power hereinbefore vested in any building o\vner, the expense of raising the same, and of making good all such damage, and of carrying up to the requisite height all such flues and chimnies as are herein- before required to be made good and carried up, shall be borne by the building owner : (7.) If any party structure which is of proper materials and sound, or not so far defective or out of repair as to make it neces- sary or desirable to pull down the same, is pulled down and rebuilt by the building owner, the expense of pulling down and rebuilding the same, and of making good all such damage as is hereinbefore required to be made good, shall be borne by the building owner : (8.) If any party structure is cut into by the building owner, the expense of cutting into the same, and of making good any damage hereinbefore required to be made good, shall be borne by such building owner : (9.) If any footing, chimney breast, jambs, or floor is cut away in pursuance of the powers hereinbefore vested in any building owner, the expense of such cutting away, and of making good any damage hereinbefore required to be made good, shall be borne by the building owner. 89. Within one month after the completion of any work which any building owner is by this Act authorized or required to execute, and the expense of which is in whole or in part to be borne by an adjoining owner, such building owner shall deliver to the adjoining owner an account in writing of the expense of the work (a), specifying any deduction to whicli such adjoining owner or other person may be entitled in respect of old materials, or in other respects ; and every such work as aforesaid shall be estimated and valued at fair average rates and prices, according to the nature of the work and the locality, and the market price of materials and labour at the time. 90. At any time within one month after the delivery of such account, the adjoining owner, if dissatisfied therewith, may declare his dissatisfaction to the party delivering the same, by notice in writing given by himself or his agent, and specifying his objections thereto ; and upon such notice having been given a difference shall be deemed to have arisen between the parties, and such difference shall be determined in manner hereinbefore provided (6) for the determination of differences between building and adjoinin- owners. (a) See action for expenses for rebuilding under the former Act, 14 Geo. 3, c.78; Reading v. Barnard, M. & M. 71; see also Philip v. Donati, 2 Taunt. 62. (*) See section 85, sub-section 7, et seq. as to settlement of differences by arbitration. ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, ss. 9196. 305 91. If within such period of one month as aforesaid the party PAST III. receiving such account does not declare in manner aforesaid his dis- _ ~ _ satisfaction therewith, he shall be deemed to have accepted the same, Section yi. and shall pay the same, on demand, to the party delivering the Building -account, and if he fails to do so the amount so due may be recovered owner may as a debt. recover, if no appeal 92. Where the adjoining owner is liable to contribute to the expenses made. of building any party structure, until such contribution is paid the Penalty on building owner at whose expense the same was built shall stand pos- delay of sessed of the sole property in such structure (c). payment by adjoining 93. Where any building owner has incurred any expenses on the owner, requisition of an adjoining owner, the adjoining owner making such As to expenses requisition shall be liable for all such expenses, and in default of pay- incurred on ment the same may be recovered from him as a debt. requisition of adjoining 94. Where any building owner is, by the third part of this Act, owner, liable to make good any damage he may occasion to the property of Penalty on the adjoining owner by any works authorized to be executed by him, building or to do any other thing upon condition of doing which his right to owner execute such works is hereby limited to arise, and such building ^ a i un to owner fails within a reasonable time to make good such damage or to do such thing, he shall incur a penalty, to be recovered before a justice of the peace, not exceeding twenty pounds for each day during which such failure continues. 95. Where, in pursuance of this Act, any consent is required to be Consent given, any notice to be served, or any other thing to be done by, on, haw given or to any owner under disability, such consent may be given, such on Dena ^ notice may be served, and such thing may be done by, on, or to the of P ersons following persons, on behalf of such person under disability ; that is " n v/rt to say, By, on, or to a husband, on behalf of his wife : By, on, or to a trustee, on behalf of his cestuique trust : By, on, or to a guardian or committee, on behalf of an infant, idiot, or lunatic. 96. Where any consent is required to be given or any other thing Consent to be done by any owner in pursuance of this Act, if there is no how given owner capable of giving such consent or of doing such thing, and no on behalf person empowered by this Act to give such consent or to do such * persons thing on behalf of such owner, or if any owner so capable, or any not *? person so empowered, cannot be found, the judge of the county court shall have power to give such consent or do or cause to be done such thing on behalf of such owner, upon such terms and subject to such conditions as he may think fit, having regard alike to the nature and purpose of the subject matter in respect of which such consent is to be given, and to the fair claims of the parties on whose behalf such consent is to be given ; and such judge shall have power to dispense with the service of any notice which would otherwise be required to be served. (c) The words which occurred in the former Building Act, 7 & 8 Viet, c. 84, s. 46, " and of the ground whereon it stands," are omitted from the present enactment. (d) The operations in respect of which this liability arises are described in the 83rd section, ante. I 306 APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING PABT IV. Miscellaneous Provisions. Section 97. T o the Payment of expenses by owners. PAET IV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 97. Where it is hereby declared that expenses are to be borne by __e owner of any premises (including in the term " owner" the adjoining and building owner respectively), the following rules shall be observed with respect to the payment of such expenses : (].) The owner immediately entitled in possession (a), to such pre- mises, or the occupier thereof, shall in the first instance pay such expenses, with this limitation, that no occupier shall be liable to pay any sum exceeding in amount the rent due or that will thereafter accrue due from him in respect of such premises during the period of his occupancy : (2.) If there are more owners than one, every owner shall be liable to contribute to such expenses in proportion to his interest : (3.) If any difference arises as to the amount of contribution, such difference shall be decided by arbitration, to be conducted in manner directed by the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 ; and for that purpose the clauses of the said Act with respect to the settlement of disputes by arbitration shall be incorporated with this Act (6) : (4.) If some of the owners liable to contribution cannot be found, the deficiency so arising shall be divided amongst the parties that can be found : (5.) Any occupier of premises who has paid any expenses under this Act may deduct the amount so paid from any rent pay- able by him to any owner of the same premises (c), and any owner of premises who has paid more than his due propor- tion of any expenses may deduct the amount so overpaid from any rent that may be payable by him to any other owner of the same premises : (6.) If default is made by any owner or occupier in payment of any expenses hereby made payable by him in the first instance, or if default is made by any owner in payment of any other expenses or moneys due from him by way of con- tribution or otherwise in pursuance of this 'Act, then in (a) See Ex parte Overseers of Saffron Rill, 24 L. J. M. C. 56, under section 42, of the former Building Act, 7 & 8 Viet. c. 84. Under the old Building Act, 14 Geo. 3, c. 78, it was held that a general covenant to- repair did not make the tenant liable to any part of the expense of a party wall ; Sangster v. Birkhead, 1 B. & P. 303 ; Beardmore v. Fox, 8 T. B. 214 ; except by express stipulation ; Barrett v. Duke of Bedford, 8 T. E. 602, and see Moore v. Clark, 5 Taunt. 90. As to liability of original lessor after sale of term by lessee, see Southall v. Leadbetter, 3 T. R. 458. And as to a lessee making improvements with resulting improved rent, see Lambe v. Hemans, 2 B. & Al. 467. And see dicta of Lord Kenyon, and Gibbs, C. J., in Stuart v. Smith, 2 Marsh. 435. And as to liability of executors, see Thacker v. Wilson, 3 A. & E. 142. See also Horridge v. Wilson, 11 A. & E. 645. (6) The sections of the Companies Clauses Act relative to the settlement of disputes by arbitration commence with the 128th. (o) But a tenant may, if he chooses, sue for the amount, in lieu of deduct- ing it from his rent ; Earle v. Maugham, 14 C. B. (N.S.) 626. ACT, 1555, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, ss. 97101. addition to any other remedies hereby provided such expenses and moneys, if arising in respect of any matter within the provisions of the third part of this Act, may be recovered as a debt in due course of law, but if arising in respect of any other matter under this Act may be recovered in a summary manner. 307 PABT IV. - Section BY. 98. The following rules shall be observed with respect to the giv- ^Inles as to ing or service of any notice, summons, or order directed to be given scrv ice of or served under this Act in cases not hereinbefore provided for : notices, (1.) A notice, summons, or order may in all cases be served per- summonses, sonally : and orders. (2. ) A notice, summons, or order may be served on any builder by leaving the same or sending it in a registered letter addressed to him at his place of address as stated by him to the dis- trict surveyor, or by putting up such notice, summons, or order on a conspicuous part of the building or premises to which the same relates : (3.) A notice, summons, or order may be served on the owner or occupier of any premises by leaving the same with the occupier of such premises, or with some inmate of his abode, or if there is no occupier by putting up such notice, sum- mons, or order on a conspicuous part of the building or premises to which the same relates ; and it shall not be necessary to name the owner or occupier of such premises ; nevertheless, when the owner of any such premises and his residence, or that of his agent, are known to the party by whom or on whose behalf any notice, summons, or order is intended to be served, it shall be the duty of such party to send every such notice, summons, or order by the post in a registered letter addressed to the residence or last known residence of such owner or of his agent : (4.) A notice, summons, or order may be served on any district surveyor by leaving the same at his office. 99. Whenever any thing is hereby authorized to be done by a As to things county court it may be done as follows ; that is to say, if such thing authorized arises in respect of any structure or other subject matter situate to be done within the city of London or the liberties thereof, by the sheriffs by a county court established by a local Act passed in the eleventh year of the court, reign of Her Majesty, chapter seventy-one, intituled " An Act for the 11 & 12 Viet, more easy recovery of small debts and demands within the city of c. Ixxi. London or the liberties thereof," and if such thing arises in respect of any structure or other subject matter situate elsewhere, by the county court having jurisdiction within the district in which such structure or other subject matter is situate. 100. In cases where jurisdiction is hereby given to a county court, Manner of such court may from time to time make such order in respect of determining- matters so brought before it as it may think fit, with power to settle differences, the time and manner of executing any work, or of doing any other thing, and to put the parties to the case upon such terms as respects the execution of the work as it thinks fit : It shall also have power to award or refuse costs according to circumstances, and to settle the amount thereof. 101. Proceedings in any county court in respect of any matter Form C arising under this Act shall be conducted in the same manner as pro- coimlv court x 2 3Qg APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING Section 101. ceedings are conducted in any case within the ordinary jurisdiction of such court, or as near thereto as circumstances permit ; and orders made by the judge of any such court may be enforced by execution, committal, or otherwise, in a similar manner to that in which the orders of such court are ordinarily enforced. Appeal from jQg. If either party in any case over which jurisdiction is hereby decision of given to a county court feels aggrieved with the decision of such county court. cour t in. respect of any point of law or the admission or rejection of any evidence, he may appeal therefrom in the same manner and upon the same terms in and upon which he might have appealed from the decision of such court in any case within the ordinary juris- diction of such court, or as near thereto as circumstances permit ; but no such appeal shall be allowed unless the value of the matter in difference between the parties exceeds fifty pounds ; and the opinion of the judge before whom the case is tried as to such value shall be conclusive. Recovery of iQ3. All penalties under this Act, and all fees, moneys, costs, or penalties. expenses by this Act directed to be recovered in a summary manner, may be recovered in manner directed by an Act passed in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter forty-three, intituled " An act to facilitate the Performance of the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders (a)," and when- ever anything is hereby authorized or required to be done by or before a justice of the peace it may be done as follows ; that is to say, if such thing arises in respect of any building or wall situate within the city of London, by or before one or more justice or justices of the peace for the said city or by any metropolitan police magis- Application of trate (6), and if such things arise in respect of any building or wall penalties. situate elsewhere within the limits of this Act, by or before any metropolitan police magistrate. 104. Any justice of the peace in any case over which jurisdiction is hereby given to him may make such orders as to the costs of any proceedings of which he has cognizance as he thinks just ; he may also direct the whole or any part of any penalty imposed by him under this A ct to be applied in or towards payment of the costs of Provisions as the proceedings ; and subject to such direction, all penalties shall be to limitation paid into the hands of the treasurer of the said metropolitan board, to of time when be applied in such manner as the said board thinks fit (c). 105. In cases where any building has been erected or work done without due notice being given to the district surveyor, the district surveyor may, at any time within one month after he has discovered (a) It was held that, pursuant to this Act, the complaint upon which an order for demolition is to be founded, must be made within six months after the completion of a building erected contrary to the provisions of a local Act; Morant v. Taylor, L. R. 1 Ex. D. (C.A.) 188; 45 L. J. M. C. 78. (b) This apparently gives a metropolitan police magistrate jurisdiction over matters arising within the city of London. (c) It was held, that before a conviction took place under the 17 & 18 Viet. c. 38 (suppressing gaming houses) at a metropolitan police court, the receiver of metropolitan police was by virtue of the Metropolitan Police Act, ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, ss. 105107. 309 that such building has been erected or work done, enter the premises Section 105. for the purpose of seeing that the regulations of this Act have , ~~7" , been complied with, and the time during which the district sur- JJJJJ e ' veyor may take any proceeding, or do anything authorized or - iven required by this Act to be done by him, in respect of such build- fe ing or work, shall begin to run from the date of his discovering that such building has been erected or work done. 106. In every case, except in respect of fees of a district surveyor, Power to in which jurisdiction is herein-before given to a justice of the appeal to peace, if either party to any such case is dissatisfied with the deter- sn penor mination of the justice so convicting (d), in respect of any point cour * s - of law, or of the admission or rejection of any evidence, such party may, upon giving notice within seven days (e) to the other party of his intention to appeal, appeal therefrom to any of the superior courts of common law at Westminster (/), subject to this restriction, that no such appeal shall be made by any district surveyor except with the consent of the justice before whom the case is tried, and that no such appeal shall be made by any other party to the case except upon giving such security for costs, and, if the case requires it, in addition thereto, such undertaking in respect of desisting in the mean time from any works complained of, or in respect of any other matter or thing arising in the case as the justice thinks fit. 107. Any appeal so made shall be in the form of a special case, Form of to be agreed on by both parties, or, if the parties cannot agree, to be a PPal. settled by the justice from whose decision the appeal is made ; and such case shall be transmitted by the appellant to the rule department of the master's office in the court in which the appeal 2 & 3 Viet. c. 71, s. 47, entitled to one half of the penalty directed by the first-named Act to be applied in aid of the poor rates ; Wray v. Ellis, 28 L. J. M. C. 45. See also Metropolitan Police Receiver v. Bell, L. R. 7 Q. B. 433. The Metropolis Local Management Act, 1862, s. 105, repeals the enact- ment in the first management Act, and provides that notwithstanding the Metropolitan Police Act, the penalties recovered hy the metropolitan board and vestries and district boards, shall, to the extent defined, he paid to their treasurer. This applies to penalties under the Metropolis Management Acts, and not in terms to this, the Metropolitan Building Act. Though the decision in Wray v. Ellis would probably override the preceding enact- ment, if taken alone, it might not be unworthy of attention to consider the effect of the present provision as to the payment of penalties to the metro- politan hoard, with unfettered discretion as to their application, connecting it with the previous section of this Act, and the sections of the Metropolis Local Management Act, relative to the powers, duties and expenses of that hoard. (rf) See appeal from decision of divisional court of appeal, holding that " convicting" means "acting" ; Scott v. Legg, W. N. 1877, p. 110. This section does not preclude a magistrate from stating a case under 20 & 21 Viet. c. 45 ; Power v. Wigmore, L. R. 7 C. P. 386. And see Steele v. Brannan, 41 L. J. M. C. 85. (e) It was held under the Public Health Act, 1875, that the time for appeal ran from the date of the decision, and not from the service of the order; S. v. Barnet Sanitary Authority, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 558. (/) Now the high court of justice. 310 APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING Section 107. is to be brought, and be heard in manner provided by the practice of such court. Notice of 108. No writ or process shall be sued out against any district action. surveyor or other person (a) for anything done or intended to be done under the provisions of this Act until the expiration of one month next after notice in writing has been delivered to him or left at his office or usual place of abode, stating the cause ot action, and the name and place of abode of the intended plaintiff, and of his attorney or agent in the cause ; and upon the trial of any such action the plaintiff shall not be permitted to go into evidence of any cause of action which is not stated in such last-mentioned notice ; and unless such notice is proved the jury shall find for the defendant ; and every such action shall be brought or commenced within six months next after the accrual of the cause of action, and not afterwards, and shall be laid and tried in the county or place where the cause of action occurred, and not elsewhere ; and the defendant shall be at liberty to plead the general issue, and give this Act and all special matter in evidence thereunder (b). PABT V. Repeal of former Acts, and temporary Provisions. Repeal of 8 & 9 Viet, c. 84, except ss. 54 to 63, and 9 & 10 Viet. c. 5. PART V. REPEAL OF FORMER ACTS, AND TEMPORARY PROVISIONS. REPEAL. 109. (c) From and after the commencement of this Act, the follow- ing Acts, that is to say, an Act passed in the eighth year of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter eighty-four, and intituled An Act for regulating the construction and the use of buildings in the metropolis and its neighbourhood, with the exception of the sections relating to dangerous and noxious businesses, and num- bered respectively fifty-four (d), fifty-five, fifty-six fifty-seven, fifty- eight, fifty-nine, sixty, sixty-one, sixty-two, and sixty-three, and (a) As to who is a " person," see Wheeler v. Gray, 4 C. B. (N.S.) 584 ; 6 C. B. (N.S.) 606. (b) See case of Richards v. Easto, 15 M. & W. 244, under the former Building Act, 7 & 8 Viet. c. 84, where it was held that the special matter of defence relied on, could not be given in evidence under the general issue. This right is expressly conferred by this enactment. (c) Statute Law Revision Act, 1875 (38 & 39 Viet. c. 66) (Sched.) repeals this section. (d) The 54th section prohibited the erection of any buildings within a cer- tain distance from any building in use for any of the following businesses ; viz., manufacture of gunpowder, or of detonating powder, or of matches ignitable by friction or otherwise, or other substance liable to sudden ex- plosion, inflammation, or ignition, or of vitriol, or of turpentine, or of naphtha, or of varnish, or of fireworks, or of painted table covers, and any other manufacture dangerous on account of the liability of the materials or substances employed therein to cause sudden fire or explosion; and it prohibited persons from establishing or newly)carrying on any such business within a certain distance from the public way, &c., and imposed penalties. ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, s. 109. an Act passed in the ninth year of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter five, and intituled "An Act to amend an Act for regulating the Construction and Use of Buildings in the Metropolis and its Neighbourhood," are throughout the limits of this Act and elsewhere hereby repealed, subject to the following provisions ; that is to say, 1. That such repeal shall not affect any proceedings authorized to be taken by the said Acts or either of them in respect of any Act, omission, penalty, matter, or thing, and pending before the official referees or any other tribunal at the time of the commencement of this Act : 2.' That in cases where any act, omission, or thing has occurred previously to the time of the commencement of this Act, in respect of which, if this Act had not passed, proceedings might have been taken under the said Acts or either of them, then proceedings in respect of such act, omission, or thing may be had under this Act in manner following ; that is to say, if the matter in question is anything relating to the rights of building and adjoining owners in respect of party structures, proceedings may be had in the county court, but if the matter in question relates to the recovery of any penalty or to any other thing, proceedings may be had before any justice of the peace : 3. (e) That so much of the Act of the fourteenth year of King George the Third, chapter seventy-eight, as was excepted from the The 55tli prohibited the erection of any building of the dwelling-house class within a prescribed distance from any building used for any of the following businesses ; viz., bloodboiler, boneboiler, fellmonger, soap boiler, slaughterer of cattle, sheep, or horses, tallow-melter, tripeboiler, and any other like business offensive or noxious, and the establishment or newly carrying on of any such business within a certain distance from any public way or any building of the dwelling-house class, and imposes penalties. The 56th pre- scribed the mode of imposing penalties, and provided for a mitigation of penalties or a suspension of orders in certain cases. The 57th related to appeals against convictions; the 58th authorized a trial by jury at quarter sessions, and prescribed the course of proceeding ; the 60th preserved common law and statutory remedies ; the 61st provided for the removal of any offensive, noxious, or dangerous business, after memorial to the Queen in council and on payment of compensation ; the 62nd related to the mode of raising funds for payment of compensation ; and the 63rd exempted from the operation of these provisions public gasworks and premises used for the distillation, &c., of spirits, under the survey of commissioners of excise. (e) The 74th section directed the churchwardens, &c., to fix stop blocks, at the charge of the parish, upon the mains and pipes belonging to water- works, with plugs, and empowered them to fix marks or writing on the front of houses over against or near the places where stopblocks, plugs, &c., lie, and provided for the keeping of instruments or keys for opening stockblocks, &c. The 75th directed parishes to keep engines, leather pipes, ladders, &c., and imposed penalties on churchwardens, &c., making default. The 76th directed payment of certain rewards to the turncock of waterworks whose water should first come into a main or pipe at a fire, and to engine keepers bringing parish engines to help to extinguish a fire, which rewards might, in case of default, be levied by distress on churchwardens, &c. The 77th declared that no reward should be payable without approbation of an alderman, com- mon councillor, or justice, &c. The 78th provided for the reimbursement of churchwardens, &c., by the inhabitants or occupiers of rooms, and the tenants, &c., of houses, and it empowered the mayor, justices, &c., to award sums, and provided for the recovery of the sum awarded. The 80th related 312 PAST V. Section 109. As to con- tracts made previously to passing of Act. APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING operation of the said Act of the eighth year of Her present Majesty, chapter eighty-four, (that is to say,) the Sections- numbered respectively seventy-four, seventy-five, seventy- six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight, eighty, eighty-one, eighty- two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, and eighty-six, shall continue in full force. 110. (a) Any contract made previously to the passing of this Act for the erection of a new building shall be carried into effect in the same manner as if this Act had been passed at the time of the making thereof, and the necessary deviations from the terms of such contract may be made accordingly ; and if any dispute arises in respect of any loss sustained by any party to such contract by reason of such necessary deviation, such dispute shall be determined by the county court ; and whenever any costs or expenses have been paid by any owner in pursuance of this Act, then as to any structure held under any lease or agreement made previously to the commencement of this Act it shall beT lawful for such owner to recover the same from the persons hitherto liable by law, or by such existing lease or contract, to maintain or repair the structure in respect of which such costs and expenses have been incurred (6). 111. Nothing herein contained shall vary or affect the rights or liabilities as between landlord and tenant under any contract between them. 112. In cases where any iron building has been constructed 01- is. in the progress of construction previously to the time at which this Act comes into operation, and doubts are entertained whether such building is permitted by law, any person interested in such building, may make an application to the commissioners of works and buildings, to signify their approval of such building ; and the commissioners of works and buildings, upon being satisfied of the stability of such build- into operation, ing, may approve of the same, and upon such approval being given suck building shall be deemed to have been constructed in manner permitted by law, and this section shall come into operation immediately after the passing of this Act. Compensation H3. The official referees and registrar of metropolitan buildings to official Ina 7> within six months from the time at which this Act comes into referees and operation, apply to the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury for registrar. Liabilities under con- tract between landlord and tenant not to be affected. As to iron buildings con structed before this Act comes to the number of engines, &c., for large parishes. The 81st authorized the charges of providing and maintaining engines, &c., to be paid out of poor- rates. The 82nd exempted watermen retained by insurance offices from liability to be impressed. The 83rd authorized governors or directors of insurance offices, in the cases specified, to cause insurance moneys to be laid out in rebuilding houses, &c., burnt down, demolished, or damaged by fire. The 84th subjected servants by carelessness firing a house to a penalty of 100 ; in default of payment, to imprisonment tor eighteen months. The 85th prescribed duties of constables and beadles in case of fire, and the 86th prohibits the bringing of any action against any person in whose house, &c., any tire should accideutly begin, and exempted every such person from liability to make recompense for any damages suffered thereby. (a) Statute Law Revision Act, 1875 (38 & 39 Viet. c. 66) repeals this section as far as the words " county court ; and." (b) See Viscount Canterbury v. Attorney General; 1 Phillimore's. Ca. 306. ACT, 1865, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122, ss. 113, 114. 313 compensation in respect of the loss they have sustained by reason of PART V. the abolition of their offices ; and the commissioners shall take any . such application into consideration, and award such compensation, oection^ Ho. either by way of a gross sum or annual payment, as they think just, having regard to the nature of the office, the time during which the applicant has held the same, and generally to the special circum- stances of each case ; and any compensation so given shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by parliament ; and such compensation, when made by annual payment, shall be subject to this proviso, that if any such official referee or registrar is at any time thereafter appointed to any public office in respect of which he receives a salary, the payment of the compensation awarded to him under this Act shall be suspended so long as he receives such salary, if the amount thereof is greater than such compensation, or if not shall be diminished by the amount of such salary. 114. Any person, except the said official referees and registrar, who Compensation at the time when this Act comes into operation is employed in the to clerks in office of metropolitan buildings may within six months from such office of time apply to the metropolitan board of works for employment, and metropolitan such board shall thereupon take such application into consideration, buildings, and they shall either employ the applicant at a salary not less in amount than that which he enjoyed when in the said office of metro- politan buildings, or at a less salary awarding to him compensation in respect of such diminution of salary, or they shall award to him such compensation, if any, as they, or in the event of the applicant feeling aggrieved with their decision, as the commissioners of the treasury think just, having regard to the nature of the office, the time during which it has been held by the applicant, and generally to the special circumstances of the case ; and any expenses incurred by the said board in carrying into effect this section shall be deemed to be expenses incurred in the execution of the said Act for the better local management of the metropolis, and be raised accordingly ; never- theless, if any such clerk or servant as aforesaid at any time there- after is appointed to any public office, or to any office under the said metropolitan board, in respect of which he receives a salary, the payment of the compensation awarded to him under this Act shall be suspended so long as he receives such salary, if the amount thereof is greater than the amount of such compensation, or if not shall be diminished by the amount of such salary ; but, notwithstanding any- thing herein contained, the metropolitan board may, in the event of their employing any person mentioned in this section, dismiss him, with the consent of the treasury. 314 PAST V. Sched. 1. APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING FIRST SCHEDULE (<*). PRELIMINARY. Structure of 1- -kvery building shall be enclosed with walls constructed of buildings. brick, stone, or other hard and incombustible substances, and the foundations shall rest on the solid ground, or upon concrete or upon other solid substructure. Construction 2. Every wall constructed of brick, stone, or other similar sub- of walls of stances shall be properly bonded and solidly put together with mortar brick, stone, or cement, and no part of such wall shall overhang any part under- &c. neath it, and all return walls shall be properly bonded together. Extra thick- 3. ^^ e thickness of every stone wall in which the beds of the ness of certain masonry are not laid horizontally shall be one third greater than the stone walls. thickness prescribed for stone walls in the rules hereinafter con- tained. Thickness of walls. Height of storv. 4. The thickness of every wall as hereinafter determined shall be the minimum thickness. 5. The height of every topmost story shall be measured from the level of its floor up to the under side of the tie of the roof, or up to half the vertical height of the rafters, when the roof has no tie.; and the height of every other story shall be the clear height 'o>f : such Story exclusive of the thickness of the floor. Height of 6. The height of every external and party wall shall be. measured, external and from the base of the wall to the level of the top of the topmost party walls. story. Length of walls. Footings of walls. 7. Walls are deemed to be divided into distinct lengths by return walls, and the length of every wall is measured from the centre of one return wall to the centre of another ; provided that such return walls are external, party, or cross walls of the thickness hereinafter required, and bonded into the walls so deemed to be divided. 8. The projection of the bottom of the footing of every wall, on each side of the wall, shall be at least equal to one half of the thick- ness of the wall at its base ; and the diminution of the footing of every wall shall be formed in regular offsets, and the height from the bottom of such footing to the base of the wall shall be at the least equal to one half of the thickness of the wall at its base. (a) See R. v. Carruthers, 33 L. J. M. C. 107, cited in note (b) to section 3, ante. ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122 SCHED. 1. 315 PART I. RULES FOR THE WALLS OF DWELLING HOUSES. 1. The external and party walls of dwelling houses shall be made Thickness of throughout the different stories of the thickness shown in the follow- walls of ing table, arranged according to the heights and lengths of the walls, dwelling and calculated for walls up to one hundred feet in height, and sup- posed to be built of bricks not less than eight and a half inches and not more than nine and a half inches in length, the heights of the stories being subject to the condition hereinafter given. houses. 2. TABLE. I. II. III. IV. Height up to 100 feet. Length up to 46 feet. Two stories, 21J inches. Three stories, 17J inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length up to 80 feet. Two stories, 26 inches. Two stories, 21} inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length unlimited. One story, 30 inches. Two stories, 26 inches. Two stories, 21* inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Height up to Length up to 46 feet. Two stories, 21J inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length up to 70 feet. One story, 26 inches. Two stories, 21$ inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length unlimited. One story, 30 inches. Two stories, 26 inches. One story, 21} inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Height up to 80 feet. Length up to 40 feet. One story, 21} inches. Two stories, 17 inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length up to 60 feet. Two stories, 21} inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length unlimited. One story, 26 inches. Two stories, 21} inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Height up to Length up to 40 feet. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length up to 65 feet. One story, 21} inches. Two stories, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length unlimited. One story, 26 inches. Two stories, 21} inches. One story, 17} inches. ' Remainder, 13 inches. Height up to 60 feet. Length up to 30 feet. One story, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length up to 50 feet. Two stories, 17J inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Length unlimited. One story, 21} inches. Two stories, 17 J inches. Remainder, 13 inches. Height up to 50 feet. Length up to 30 feet. Wall below the topmost story, 13 inches. Topmost storv, 8} inches. Remainder, 8} inches. Length up to 46 feet. One story, 17J inches. Rest of wall below topmost story, 13 inches. Topmost story, 8} inches. Remainder, 8i inches. Length unlimited. One story, 21 } inches. One story, 17} inches. Remainder, 13 inches. 316 APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING II. HI. IV. Height up to 40 feet. Length up to 35 feet. Wall below two topmost stories, 13 inches. Two topmost stories, 8J inches. Remainder, 8J inches. Length unlimited. One story, 17J inches. Rest of wall below topmost story, 13 inches. Topmost story, 8J inches. Remainder, 8J inches. Height up to 30 feet. Length up to 35 feet. Wall below two topmost stories, 13 inches. Two topmost stories, 8J inches. Remainder, 8J inches. Length unlimited. Wall below topmost story, 13 inches. Topmost story, 8J inches. Remainder, 8J inches. Height up to 25 feet. Length up to 30 feet. From base to top of wall, 8J inches. Length unlimited. Wall below topmost story, 13 inches. Topmost story, 8J inches. Remainder, 8| inches. Explanation 3. In using the above table the height of the wall is to be reckoned of tables. on the first vertical column on the left hand of the table, and the length of the wall on the corresponding horizontal column. The thickness of the wall in each story is given in inches, and begins with the wall from the base upwards. Qualification tain walls. Condition in respect of ing a certain height. Restriction in cases of cer- tain stories. Thickness of walls built of materials other than such bricks as aforesaid. Rule as to buildings not being public buildings or buildings of the warehouse class. 4. If any external or party wall, measured from centre to centre, is not more than twenty-five feet distant from any other external or party wall to which it is tied by the beams of any floor or floors, other than the ground floor, or the floor of any story formed in the roof, the length of such wall is not to be taken into consideration, and the thickness of the wall will be found in the second vertical column in the above table. 5. If any story exceeds in height sixteen times the thickness pre- scribed for the walls of such story in the above table, the thickness of each external and party wall throughout such story shall be in- creased to one sixteenth part of the height of the story ; but any such additional thickness may be confined to piers properly distributed, of which the collective widths amount to one fourth part of the length of the wall. 6. No story enclosed with walls less than thirteen inches in thick- ness shall be more than ten feet in height. 7. The thickness of any wall of a dwelling house, if built of ma- terials other than such bricks as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be the beds of the masonry are not laid horizontally no diminution shall be allowed in the thickness required by the foregoing rules for such last-mentioned walls. 8. All buildings, excepting public buildings, and such buildings as are hereinafter defined to be buildings of the warehouse class, shall, as respects the thickness of their walls, be subject to the rules given for dwelling houses. ACT, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122 SCHED. 1. 317 PART II. KULES FOR THE WALLS OF BUILDINGS OF THE WAREHOUSE CLASS. n. Sched. 1. 1. The warehouse class shall comprise all warehouses, manufac- Definition of lories, breweries, and distilleries. warehouse class. 2. The external and party walls of buildings of the warehouse class Thickness at shall at the base be made of the thickness shown in the following b aseg table, calculated for walls up to one hundred feet in height, and sup- posed to be built of bricks not less than eight and a half inches and not more than nine and a half inches in length. 3. TABLE. I. II. III. IV. Height up to 100 feet. Length up to 55 feet. Base, 26 inches. Length up to 70 feet. Base, 30 inches. Length unlimited. Base, 34 inches. Height up to 90 feet. Length up to 60 feet. Base, 26 inches. Length up to 70 feet. Base, 30 inches. Length unlimited. Base, 34 inches. Height up to Length up to 45 feet. Base, 21i inches. Length up to 60 feet Base, 26 inches. Length unlimited. Base, 30 inches. Height up to 70 feet. Length up to 30 feet. Base, 17J inches. Length up to 46 feet. Base, 21J inches. Length unlimited. Base, 26 inches. Height up to 60 feet. Length up to 36 feet. Base, 17J inches. Length up to 50 feet. Base, 21 J inches. Length unlimited. Base, 26 inches. Height up to 60 feet. Length up to 40 feet. Base, 17J inches. Length up to 70 feet. Base, 21 J inches. Length unlimited. Base, 26 niches. Height up to 140 feet. Length up to 30 feet. Base, 13 inches. Length up to 60 feet. Base, 17J inches. Length unlimited. Base, 21J inches. Height up to 30 feet. Length up to 45 feet. Base, 13 niches. Length unlimited. Base, 1?J inches. Height up to 25 feet. Length unlimited. Base, 13 inches. 4. The above table is to be used in the same manner as the table Explanation previously given for the walls of dwelling houses, and is subject to ot the same qualifications and conditions respecting walls not more than twenty-five feet distant from each other. 318 PART II. Sched. 1. Thickness at top of walls and through intermediate space. Condition in respect of stories exceed- ing a certain height. Thickness of walls built of materials other than such bricks as] aforesaid. APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING 5. The thickness of the walls'of buildings of the warehouse class at the top,"and for sixteen feet below the top, shall be thirteen inches ; and the intermediate parts of the wall between the base and such sixteen feet below the top shall be built solid throughout the space between straight lines drawn on each side of the wall, and joining the thickness at the base to the thickness at sixteen feet below the top, as above determined ; nevertheless in walls not exceeding thirty feet in height the walls of the topmost story may be eight inches and a half thick. 6. If in any story of a building of the warehouse class the thickness of the wall, as determined by the rules hereinbefore given, is less than one fourteenth part of the height of such story, the thickness of the wall shall be increased to one fourteenth part of the height of the story ; but any such additional thickness may be confined to piers properly distributed, of which the collective widths amount to one fourth part of the length of the wall. 7. The thickness of any wall of a building of the warehouse class, if built of materials other than such bricks as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be sufficient if made of the thickness required by the above tables, or of such less thickness as may be approved by the metropolitan board, with this exception, that in the case of walls built of stone in which the beds of the masonry are not laid horizontally no diminution shall be allowed in the thickness required by the foregoing rules for such last-mentioned walls. MISCELLANEOUS. Cross walls ' e tc* 1688 a cross wa shall be two thirds of the thickness hereinbefore required for an external or party wall of the same dimen- sions, and belonging to the same class of buildings, but never less than eight and a half inches, and no wall subdividing any building shall be deemed to be a cross wall unless it is carried up to two thirds of the height of the external or party walls, and unless the recesses and openings therein do not exceed one half of the vertical surface of the wall in each story. Extra thick- 2 - The thickness of every stone wall in which the beds of the ness of certain masonry are not laid horizontally shall be one third greater than the stone walls. thickness prescribed in the rules aforesaid. 3. Buildings to which the preceding rules are inapplicable require the special sanction of the metropolitan board of works. ACT, 1855, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 122 SCHED. 2. SECOND SCHEDULE. FEES PAYABLE TO DISTRICT SURVEYORS. PART I. PABTI. FEES FOR NEW BUILDINGS. . Sched. 2. s. d. For every building not exceeding four hundred square feet in area, and not more than two stories in height - - 30 For every additional story - 50 For every additional square of 100 feet or fraction of such square ------- --26 But no fee shall exceed ten pounds. And for every building not exceeding four hundred square , . feet in area, and of one story only in height, the fees shall be 15 FEES FOR ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS. For every addition or alteration made to any building after the roof thereof has been covered in, the fee shall be For inspecting the arches or stone floors over or under public ways - - - - 10 For inspecting the formation of openings in party walls - 10 PART II. For inspecting dangerous structures, by directions of the commissioners of police or sewers - - - - 20 N.B. In this schedule "area " shall include the area of any attached building. AN ACT TO ALTER AND AMEND " THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT, 1855." 23 & 24 VICT. CAP. 52. 23RD JULY, 1860. Short title. Rules as to cubical dimen- sions of the metropolitan building Act, 1855, not to apply to build- ings "to be used for the manu- facture of ma- chinery and boilers of steam vessels, provided that such buildings shall consist of one floor only, Ac. (a). WHEREAS certain rules of " The Metropolitan Building Act, 1855," have been found to operate prejudicially by limiting the contents ot buildings to be erected in workshops for the manufacture of the machinery and the boilers of steam vessels, and as the increased and increasing size of such machinery and boilers for the royal and com- mercial marine of this country requires larger areas for their manu- facture than are allowed by such rule, it is expedient to amend the said Act; Be it therefore enacted, by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows : 1. This Act may cited for all purposes as " The Metropolitan Build- ing Act (Amendment) 1860." 2. The rule of " The Metropolitan Building Act, 1855," limiting the cubical dimensions or contents of buildings used either wholly or in part for the purposes of trade or manufacture, shall not after the passing of this Act apply to any building to be used wholly for the manufacture of the machinery and boilers of steam vessels beyond the distance of three miles from Saint Paul's Cathedral : Provided always, that ever}' such building shall consist of one floor only, and shall be constructed of brick, stone, iron, or other incombustible material ; and it shall not be lawful for the owners, lessees, or occupiers thereof, or for any persons interested therein, to use such building for any other purpose than the manufacture of the machinery and the boilers of steam vessels until all the rules and provisions of the said Act, as to party walls and other matters which are applicable to buildings of a similar character, shall have been duly complied with : Provided also, that every such building, if of greater dimen- sions than two hundred and sixteen thousand cubic feet, shall be sub- ject to the approval of the metropolitan board of works, in the same manner as iron buildings or buildings to which the rules of the said Act are inapplicable as set forth in the fifty-sixth section of such Act. (a) See 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, 8. 27, rule 4. AN ACT TO AMEND THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT, 1855. 24 & 25 VICT. CAP. 87. 6TH AUGUST, 1861. WHEREAS by " The Exhibition of 1851, Eoads and Lands Act," all 17 & 18 Viet buildings erected or to be erected by the " Commissioners of the Ex- c - 10 ?. hibition of 1851," were exempted from the operation of the Acts then in force for regulating the construction of buildings in the metropolis and its neighbourhood : And whereas the said last-mentioned Acts were repealed by The Metropolitan Building Act, 1855," and new regulations for the construction of buildings substituted ; but doubts are entertained whether the exemption provided by the said first- Eientioned Act is continued by the said Building Act of 1855: And whereas it is expedient that such doubts should be removed : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1. The first part of the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, containing Provisions the regulations relating to the construction of buildings in the metro- of 18 & 19 polis, shall not, nor shall any provision therein contained, apply to Viet. c. 122, any buildings erected or to be erected by or with the sanction of the n t to apply commissioners for the exhibition of 1851 on any lands belong- to buildings ing to them, and purchased in pursuance of any power vested in them . comm is- by charter or act of parliament, with the exception of such streets or S10 / l .? r . s ^ or ^ ie blocks of buildings as may be erected by them, or with their sane- ?| b ' tl , on of tion, as private dwelling-houses. 2. This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The Metropolitan Short title. Building Amendment Act, 1861." (a) See exemption from operation of part 1 of that Act, section 6, ante. AN ACT TO AMEND THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT, 1855. 32 & 33 VICT. CAP. 82. r 9TH. AUGUST, 1869. 18 & 19 Viet. WHEREAS by " The Metropolitan Building Act, 1855," various c> 22. powers for the regulation and supervision of buildings in the metro- polis are given to the metropolitan board of works: And whereas by Part Two of the same Act certain powers over dan- gerous structures are given to the commissioners of police of the metropolis, and it is expedient to transfer those powers to'the metro- politan board of works: Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and com- mons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Short title. 1- This Act may be cited as " The Metropolitan Building Act, "Act to be 2. This Act shall be construed as one with " The Metropolitan construed with Building Act, 1855," and the Acts amending the same. 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122. 3. This Act shall come into operation on the first day of October, Commence- one tnousan< l e ig nt hundred and sixty-nine, which date is in this Act ~ p Trred to as the commencement of this Act. ment of Act. Transfer of powers over dangerous structures to the metro- politan board of works. Expenses of metropolitan referred to as the commencement of ' 4. The powers given by Part two of " The Metropolitan Building Act, 1855," to the commissioners of police of the metropolis with respect to the survey of and securing and notice respecting structures in a dangerous state, and to taking down, securing, or repairing such structures, and to the recovery of the expenses thereof, and to the ap- pointment of persons and making of regulations for carrying into execu- tion part two of the said Act relating to such structures, shall, on the commencement of this Act, be transferred to and vest in, and may thereafter be exercised by, the metropolitan board of works; and the expression " the commissioners " throughout the said part (so far as regards structures situate within the limits of the said Act, and not within the city of London) shall mean the metropolitan board of works. 5. All payments directed by part two of " The' Metropolitan Build- ing Act, 1855," as amended by this Act, to be made by the metro- METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT, 1869, 32 & 38 VICT. c. 82. limits of that Act, and not within the city of London, and all expenses incurred by the said board in carrying into execution part two of the said Act, shall be deemed to be part of their expenses in carrying worlis - into execution the said Act, and shall be raised and paid accord- ingly- All payments directed by part two of the said Act as amended by this Act to be made to the metropolitan board of works, shall be made in the same manner in which payments are made to the board in the ordinary course of their business. 6. So much of the Metropolitan Building Act 1855, as is set out in Part of the third column of the schedule to this Act is hereby repealed. 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, repealed. SCHEDULE. Part Repealed. 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122. An Act to amend the laws relat- ing to the con- struction of buildings in the metropolis and its neighbour- hood. The following words in section 70 : " but when such structure is situate elsewhere, it shall mean ' the commissioners of police of the metropolis ' or such one of them as may be authorized by one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state to act in the matter of this Act." The following words in section 75 : " and in the cases of payments in respect of any structure situate elsewhere within the limits of this Act be made by or to the receiver of metropolitan police." The following words in section 81 : " sub- ject to the approval of one of Her Ma- jesty's principal secretaries of state;" and the following words in the same section : " and all expenses incurred by them not hereby otherwise provided for shall, in the case of expenses incurred by the said commissioners of police, be deemed to be expenses incurred by them in respect of the police force of which they are commissioners, and be payable accordingly." Y 2 AN ACT TO AMEND THE METKOPOLIS MANAGEMENT ACT, 1855, THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT, 1855, AND THE ACTS AMENDING THE SAME EESPECTIVELY. 41 & 42 VICT. CAP. 32. 22ND JULY, 1878. Section 1. WHEREAS the provisions of the several Acts now in force within the metropolis are insufficient for duly regulating the erection and exten- sion of houses and buidings in close proximity to certain roads, pas- sages, and ways, and it is expedient that for such purpose further and better provisions should be made : And whereas with a view to protect the public frequenting theatres and music halls within the metropolis from danger from fire it is expedient that provisions such as are in this Act contained should be made for empowering the metropolitan board of works (in this Act referred to as "the board") to cause alterations in existing theatres and music halls to be made in certain cases, and to make regulations with respect to the position ar.d structure of new theatres and certain new music halls : And whereas it is expedient to make provisions with respect to the making, tilling up, and preparation of the foundations and sites of houses and buildings to be erected within the metropolis, and with respect to the quality of the substances to be used in the formation or construction of the sites foundations, and walls of such houses and buildings with a view to the stability of the same, the prevention of fires, and for purposes of health : And whereas it is expedient to make further and better provision with respect to the payment of expenses incurred by the board in relation to dangerous structures : And whereas for the purposes aforesaid it is expedient to amend the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, the Metropolitan Bnilding 18 & 19 Viet. Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same respectively : c. 120. Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 18 & 19 Viet, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and tem- c. 122. poral, and commons in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows ; (that is to say,) Short title. PRELIMINARY. 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878. METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT, &c., ACT, 41 & 42 VICT. c. 82, ss. 26. 325 2. This Act shall extend and apply to the metropolis as defined by Section 2 the Metropolis Management Act, 1855. Limits~oTAct 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120 3. This Act shall consist of three parts. Division of Act into tnree parts. PAET I. 4. In this part of this Act Interpretation The term " roadway " in relation to any road, passage, or way shall " Roadway." mean the whole space open for traffic, whether carriage traffic and foot traffic or foot traffic only : The term " centre of the roadway " in relation to any road, passage, " Centre of the or way existing at the time of the passing of this Act or there- roadway." after formed shall mean the centre of the roadway of such road, passage, or way as existing immediately before the time when first after the passing of this Act or the formation of the same any house or building fronting towards or abutting upon such road, passage, or way was begun to be constructed or extended : The term. " the prescribed distance " (a) shall mean twenty feet " The pre- from the centre of the roadway where such roadway is used for scribed dis- the purpose of carriage traffic, and ten feet from the centre of the tance." roadway where such roadway is used for the purposes of foot traffic only. 5. The Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and the Acts amending Metropolis the same, and this part of this Act shall be construed together as one Management Act : Provided always, that nothing in this Act shall be held to limit Acts and or restrict the powers now vested in the commissioners of sewers of this part of the city of London, or in any body or person elsewhere within the Act to ^f metropolis, by an Act passed in the session of parliament held in the construed as fifty-seventh year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled one Act - " An Act for better paving, improving, and regulating the streets of 18 & 19 Viet. the Metropolis and removing and preventing nuisances and obstruc- c. 120. tions therein." 57 Geo. 3, c. xxix. 6. From and after the passing of this Act no house or building As to erection begun to be constructed after the passing of this Act shall be con- of houses or structed or begun to be constructed, and no house or building shall buildings at be extended or begun to be extended, in such manner that the ex- less than ternal wall or front of any such house or building, or, if there be a prescribed forecourt or other space left in front of any such house or building, distance the external fence or boundary of such forecourt or other space, shall f m c ^ ntr be at a distance less than the prescribed distance from the centre of ot road ^ the roadway of any road, passage, or way, whether a thoroughfare or , , , - not being a highway, without the consent in writing of the board (c): i 1 ;^ iways (5). Provided always, that the board may, in any case where they think y (a) See 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 s. 98, requiring existing roads, &c., laid out for building as streets, to be of the full width of forty feet for carriage traffic, and of twenty feet for foot traffic ; and section 202 of the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, empowering the metropolitan board to make bye-laws for regulating the plans, &c., of new streets ; and see the bye-laws of the board pursuant thereto. (6) The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, section 75, pro- hibited the erection of buildings, &c., beyond the general line of buildings, without the consent in writing of the Metropolitan Board of Works. (c) i.e., the Metropolitan Board of Works ; see recital in preamble. 326 PAET I. Section 6. As to erec- tion of houses or buildings at less than prescribed distance from centre of roads, passages, or ways not being high- ways. APPENDIX. METKOPOLIS MANAGEMENT AND BUILDING ACTS it expedient, consent to the construction, formation, or extension of any house, building, forecourt, or space at a distance less than the prescribed distance from the centre of the roadway of any such road, passage, or way, and at such distance from the centre of such roadway, and subject to such conditions and terms (if any) as they may think proper to sanction. In every case where any such house, building, forecourt, or space is constructed, formed, or extended, or is begun to be constructed, formed, or extended, in contravention of the provisions of this sec- tion, at a distance from the centre of the roadway of any such road, passage, or way as aforesaid less than the prescribed distance, or than such other distance as may have been sanctioned by the board, or contrary to the conditions and terms (if any) subject to which such sanction was obtained, the board (a) may serve a notice upon the owner or occupier of the said house, building, forecourt, or space, or upon the builder or person engaged in constructing, forming, or extending the same, requiring him to comply with the provisions of this section, and to caiise such house, building, forecourt, or space, or any part thereof, to be set back so that the external wall of such house or building, or the external fence or boundary of such forecourt or space, shall be at a distance not less than the prescribed distance from the centre of the roadway of such road, passage, or way as afore- said, or at such distance and according to such conditions and terms (if any) as the board may have sanctioned. Provided always, that the preceding provisions of this section shall not affect the construction or extension of any house or building within the limits of any area which may have been lawfully occupied by any house or building at any time within two years before the passing of this Act, or the construction or extension of any house or building lawfully in course of construction or extension at the time of the passing of this Act ; and provided also, that the construction or extension of any house or building in or abutting upon any street existing, formed, or laid out for building at the time of the passing of this Act may be begun and completed in like manner in eveiy respect as if the preceeding provisions of this section had not been made. 7. Where after the passing of this Act any house or building begun to be constructed after the passing of this Act is constructed or is begun to be constructed, or any house or building is extended or begun to be extended, in such manner that the external wall or front of any such house or building, or, if there be a forecourt or other space left in the front of any such house or building, the external fence or boundary of such iorecourt or space, is at a distance from the centre of the roadway of any road, passage, or way (not being a highway) less than the prescribed distance or less than such other distance as may have been sanctioned by the board as hereinafter provided, or where, in relation to any such house, building, or fore- court, or space constructed, formed, or extended at such less distance than the prescribed distance with the sanction of the board as afore- said, the conditions or terms, if any, subject to which such sanction (a) By this enactment the metropolitan board are required to serve notice* and take proceedings under section 8. By the 75th section of the Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, the duty of taking proceedings in case of non-compliance with the Act, is cast upon the vestries and district boards. AMENDMENT ACT, 41 & 42 VICT. c. 32, ss. 7, 8. 32' was obtained have not been complied with, or the time during which PABT I. such sanction was limited to continue has expired, then and in every _ ~ such case, where it is intended that such road, passage, or way shall Section 7. become a highway, a written notice to that effect shall be served upon the board, and thereupon the board may at any time within two months after the receipt of such notice serve a notice upon the owner or occupier of such house, building, forecourt, or space, or the builder or person engaged in constructing, forming, or extending the same, requiring him to cause the same, or any part thereof, to be set back so that the external wall or front of such house or building, or the external fence or boundary of such forecourt or space, shall be at a distance not less than the prescribed distance from the centre of the roadway of such road, passage, or way, or at such distance and accord- ing to such conditions and terms (if any) as the board may have -sanctioned, and unless and until such first-mentioned notice has been given to the board and such last-mentioned notice (if any) has been complied with, such road, passage, or way shall not become a high- way. The board may consent to the construction, formation or extension of any house, building, forecourt, or space at any lesser distance than the prescribed distance from the centre of the roadway of any such road, passage, or way (not being a highway) as aforesaid, to be speci- fied in such consent, or to the continuance of any house, building, forecourt, or space constructed, formed, or extended at such lesser distance, or to the continuance thereof for a limited time only, to be specified in such consent, in such cases and subject to such terms and conditions (if any) as they may think proper. Provided always, that the proceeding provisions of this section shall not affect the construction or extension of any house or building within the limits of any area which may have been lawfully occupied by any house or building at any time within two years before the passing of this Act, or the construction or extension of any house or building lawfully in course of construction or extension at the time of the passing of this Act. 8. In case any owner, occupier, builder, or person during twenty- Proceedings eight days (6) after the service of any notice under the preceding pro- in case of visions of this part of this Act neglects or refuses to comply with the default in requirements of such notice, or after the expiration of such period compliance fails to carry out or complete the works necessary for such compliance with require- with all reasonable despatch, the board may cause complaint thereof mer ^ s of to be made before a justice of the peace, who shall thereupon issue a no " ce - .summons, requiring such owner, occupier, builder, or person to ap- pear at a time and place to be stated in the summons to answer such complaint, and if at the time and place appointed in such summons the said complaint is proved to the satisfaction of the justice before whom the "same is heard, such justice shall make an order in writing on such owner, occupier, builder, or person directing him to comply with the requirements of such notice within such time as such justice may consider reasonable, and such justice shall also make an order for the payment of the costs incurred up to the time of hearing, and of hearing ; and in case such owner, occupier, builder, or person makes default in complying with the requirements of such notice within the time limited by such order, he shall be liable to a penalty (&) By the 45th section of the Metropolitan Building Act, 1845, the builder is required to amend irregularities within forty-eight hours. 328 PART I. Section 8. Streets, roads, &c., formed for foot traffic not to be used without consent of board for carriage traffic unless widened. Streets, roads, &c., formed for foot traffic before pass- ing of Act not to be used without consent of justice for carriage traffic unless widened. Power to board in certain cases to require APPENDIX. METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT AND BUILDING ACTS of not less than forty shillings and not more than five pounds, and to a farther penalty of not less than ten shillings and not more than forty shillings for each day during which such default continues after the first day after the expiration of the time limited by such order for compliance with, the requirements of such notice : Provided always, that this section shall not apply to any noncompliance with, the notice of the board in the case of an intended highway where the same shall not be opened as a highway. 9. No street, road, passage, or way (being a highway) formed or laid out for foot traffic only after the passing of this Act shall, except with the consent of the board, be used for the purposes of carriage traffic, unless the space open for foot traffic and carriage traffic be of the full width of forty feet where there are houses or buildings oa each side thereof, or, where there are houses or buildings only on one side thereof, unless there be a distance of not less than twenty feet from the centre of the space open for foot traffic and carriage traffic and the external walls or fronts of such houses or buildings, or, if there be forecourts or other spaces left in front of such houses or buildings, the external fences or boundaries of such forecourts or other spaces ; and in case any person alters any such street, road, passage, or way, so that it may be used for any traffic other than foot traffic, contrary to the provisions of this section, or takes up or re- moves any post, bar, rail, flagstone, or knowingly does any act r matter or thing to facilitate the use of the same for traffic other than foot traffic, contrary to the provisions of this section, he shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds. 10. No street, road, passage, or way (being a highway) formed or laid out for foot traffic only before the passing of this Act shall be used for the purposes of carriage traffic for any longer period than seven consecutive days without the consent of a justice, unless the- space open for foot traffic and carriage traffic be of the full width of forty feet where there are houses or buildings on each side thereof, or, where there are houses or buildings only on one side thereof, unless there be a distance of not less than twenty feet from the centre of the space open for foot traffic and carriage traffic and the external walls or fronts of such houses or buildings, or, if there be forecourts or other spaces left in front of such houses or building, the external fences or boundaries of such forecourts or other spaces, and any jus- tice may grant such consent as aforesaid, or may do so subject to such, terms and conditions as he may think fit ; provided that twenty- eight days previous notice of any such application to a justice shall be served upon the board, and the board may appear at the time and place fixed for hearing such application and be heard thereon. In case any person alters any such street, road, passage, or way, so that it maybe used for any traffic other than foot traffic, contrary to the provisions of this section, or to any conditions imposed by any such, justice as aforesaid, or takes up or removes any post, bar, rail, flag- stone, or knowingly does any act, matter, or thing to facilitate the use of the same for traffic other than foot traffic, contrary to the pro- visions of this section, he shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 11. Whenever it appears to the board that any house or other place of public resort within the metropolis which was at the time of the passing of this Act authorized to be kept open for the public per- formance of stage plays, and which is kept open for such purpose, AMENDMENT ACT, 1878, 41 & 42 VICT. c. 82, ss. 11, 12. 329 under the authority of letters patent from Her Majesty, her heirs and PART I. successors or predecessors, or of a license granted by the Lord Cham- Qon+ 7/m 1 1 berlain of Her Majesty's household for the time being, or by justices section u of the peace, or that any house, room, or other place of public resort proprietors within the metropolis, containing a superficial area for the accom- O f theatres modation of the public of not less than five hundred square feet, and certain which was at the time of the passing of this Act authorized to be kept music halls open, and which is kept open, for dancing, music, or other public in use at the entertainment of the like kind, under the authority of a license time of the granted by any court of quarter sessions, is so defective in its struc- passing or ture that special danger from fire may result to the public frequent- this Act to ing the same, then and in every such case the board may, with the consent of the Lord Chamberlain in the case of theatres under his jurisdiction, and of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State in all other cases, if in the opinion of the board such structural defects can be remedied at a moderate expenditure, by notice in writing require the owner of such house, room, or other place kept open for any of the purposes aforesaid, under such authority as aforesaid, to make such alterations therein or thereto as may be necessary to remedy such defects, within a reasonable time to be specified in such notice ; and in case such owner fails to comply with the requirements of such notice within such reasonable time as aforesaid, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds for such default, and to a further penalty of five pounds for every day after the first day after the expi- ration of such reasonable time as aforesaid during which such default continues : Provided always, that any such owner may, within four- teen days after the receipt of any such notice as aforesaid, serve notice of appeal against the same upon the board, and thereupon such appeal shall be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed by Her Majesty's first commissioner of works at the request of either party, who shall hear and determine the same, and may, on such evidence as he may think satisfactory, either confirm the notice served by the board, or may confirm the same with such modifications as he may think proper, or refuse to confirm the same, and the decision of such arbi- trator with respect to the requirements contained in any such notice, and the reasonableness of the same, and the persons by whom and the proportions in which the costs of such arbitration are to be paid, shall be final and conclusive and binding upon all parties. In case of an appeal against any such notice, compliance with the requirements of the same may be postponed until after the day upon which such appeal shall be so decided as aforesaid, and the same, if confirmed in whole or in part, shall only take effect as and from such day. 12. The board may from time to time make, alter, vary, and amend Power to such regulations as they may think expedient with respect to the board to requirements for the protection from fire of houses or other places of make regula- (o) The term " public building," as interpreted by the 6th section of the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, includes every building used as a theatre, public ball room, concert room, &c. ; and by the 30th section of the Act, every public building shall be constructed in such a manner as may be approved by the district surveyor, or, in the event of disagreement, may be approved by the Metropolitan Board of Works ; and save in so far as con- cerns the rules of construction, every public building shall be subject to all the provisions of the Act ; section 22 of the same Act contains rules as to material of floors, lobbies, corridors, &c., of public and certain other build- ings. 330 PAET I. - Section 12. tions with respect to new theatres and certain new music halls for pro- tection from fire (a). Provisional license for new pre- raises. APPENDIX. METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT AND BUILDING ACTS public resort within the metropolis to be kept open for the public performance of stage plays, and of houses, rooms, or other places of public resort within the metropolis containing a superficial area for tlie accommodation of the public of not less than five hundred square ^ eet > to be kept open for public dancing, music, or other public enter- tainment of the like kind, under the authority of letters patent from Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, or of licenses by the Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's household, or by any justices of the peace, or by any court of quarter sessions, which may be granted for the first time after the passing of this Act ; and may by such regulations prescribe the requirements as to position and structure of such houses, rooms, or places of public resort which may, in the opinion of the board, be necessary for the protection of all persons who may frequent the same against dangers from fires which may arise therein or in the neighbourhood thereof ; provided that the board may from time to time in any special case dispense with or modify such regulations, or may annex thereto conditions if they think it necessary or expedient so to do. The board shall, after the making, altering, varying, or amending of any such regulations, cause the same to be printed, with the date thereof, and a printed copy thereof shall be kept at the office of the board, and all persons may at all reasonable times inspect such copy without payment, and the board shall cause to be delivered a printed copy, authenticated by their seal, of all regulations for the time being in force to every person applying for the same, on payment by such person of any sum not exceeding five shillings for every such copy. A printed copy of such regulations, dated and authenticated by the seal of the board, shall be conclusive evidence of the existence and of the due making of the same in all proceedings under the same, without adducing proof of such seal or of the fact of such making. From and after the making of any such regulations it shall not be lawful for any person to have or keep open any such house, room, or other place of public resort for any of the purposes afore- said, unless and until the board grant to such person a certificate in writing under their seal, to the effect that such house, room, or other place on its completion in accordance with the regulations made by the board in pursuance of the provisions of this Act for the time being in force, and in so far as the same are applicable to such house or other place, and to the conditions (if any) annexed thereto by the board. In case any such house, room, or place of public resort is opened or kept open by any person for any of the purposes aforesaid, contrary to the provisions of this enactment, such person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds for every day on which such house or place of public resort is so kept open as aforesaid. 13. A person interested in any premises about to be constructed, or in course of construction, which are designed to be licensed and used within the metropolis for the public performance of stage plays, or for public dancing, music, or other public entertainment of the like kind, may apply to the licensing authority for the grant of a provi- sional license in respect of such premises. The grant of such provi- (a) These regulations presumably take effect without the sanction and formalities applicable to bye-laws under section 16. AMENDMENT ACT, 1878, 41 & 42 VICT.C. 32, ss. 1316. 331 sional license shall, in respect of the discretion of the licensing authority and procedure, be subject to the same conditions as those applicable to the grant of a like license which is not provisional. A provisional license so granted shall not be of any force until it has been confirmed by the licensing authority; but the licensing authority shall confirm the same on the production by the applicant of a certifi- cate by the board that the construction of the premises has been com- pleted in accordance with the regulations and conditions made by the board as hereinbefore provided, and on being satisfied that no objec- tion can be made to the character of the holder of such provisional license. PART I. Section 13. PART II. 14. In this part of this Act The term " foundations " shall mean the space immediately beneath the footings of a wall : The term " site " in relation to a house, building, or other erection shall mean the whole space to be occupied by such house, building, or other erection between the level of the bottom of the foundations and the level of the base of walls (6). 15. The Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same, and this part of this Act shall be construed together as one Act. 16. The board may from time to time make, alter, vary, amend, and repeal such bye-laws as they may think expedient with respect to the following matters ; that is to say,) (1.) The foundations of houses, building, and other erections (c), and the sites of houses, buildings, and other erections to be constructed after the passing of this Act, and the mode in which and the materials with which such foundations and sites shall be made, formed, excavated, filled up, prepared, and completed for securing stability, the prevention of fires, and for purposes of health : (2.) The description and quality of the substances of which walls are authorized to be constructed by section twelve of the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, for securing stability, the prevention of fires, and for purposes of health (cQ. (3.) The duties of district surveyors in relation to such founda- tions and sites and substances, and for the guidance and control of such district surveyors in the exercise and discharge of such duties : PAET II. Interpreta- " Founda- 18 & 19 Viet, c. 122, &c., and this part of this Act to be construed as one Act. Power to board to make bye- laws with respect to sites and foundations. 18 & 19 Viet, c. 122, s. 12. (i) By section 3 of the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, the base of the wall " means the course immediately above the footings. (c) No provision was made in the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, for the objects contemplated by this enactment, the 12th section and first schedule merely directing that foundations should rest on the solid ground or upon concrete, or other solid substance. (d) Section 12 of the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, provides that walls shall be constructed of such substances and of such thickness and in. such manner as are mentioned in the first schedule to the Act. PAET II. Section 16. 332 APPENDIX. METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT AND BUILDING ACTS (4.) The regulation of the amounts of the fees to be paid to such district surveyors in respect of the duties imposed upon them by any such bye-laws or by this Act. The board may further provide by any bye-law that in any case in which the board think it expedient they may dispense with the observance of any bye-law made under the authority of this part of this Act, subject to such terms and conditions, if any, as they may think proper; and such terms and conditions may be enforced in like manner in every respect as if the same had been enacted by such bye-law. The board may, subject as hereinafter mentioned, further provide for the due observance of such bye-laws by enacting therein such provisions as they think fit as to the deposit of plans and sections of 18 & 19 Viet, public buildings, and buildings to which section fifty-six of the Me- c. 122, s. 56. tropolitan Building Act, 1855, applies, which shall be constructed after the passing of this Act and as to inspection by the district surveyor or other officer of the board, of houses, buildings, and other erections to be constructed after the passing of this Act, and of the plans and sections relating thereto, and as to the power of the board to cause the removal, alteration, or pulling down of any house, build- ing, or other erection or work done or begun in contravention of any such bye-law, and by imposing such reasonable penalties as they think fit, not exceeding five pounds, for each breach of such bye-law, and in case of a continuing offence a further penalty not exceeding forty shillings for each day after notice of such offence from the board or district surveyor. Any bye-law made in pursuance of this section, and any alteration, variation, and amendment made therein, and any repeal of a bye-law, shall not be of any validity until it has been confirmed by one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state. A bye-law made under this section shall not, nor shall any altera- tion, variation, or amendment therein or repeal thereof, be confirmed by one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state until the expira- tion of two months after a copy of the bye-law, together with notice of the intention to apply for confirmation of the same, has been pub- lished by the board, once at least in each of two consecutive weeks, in two or more newspapers circulating in the metropolis, and copies of such bye-law and notice have been delivered at the office of the Royal Institute of British Architects and of the Institution of Sur- veyors, and to such other societies and persons as such principal secre- tary of state may direct; and any person affected by any such proposed bye-law, or alteration, variation, or amendment in or repeal of any bye-law, may forward notice of his objection to such secretary of state, who shall take the same into consideration. All the provisions contained in sections two hundred and two 18 & 19 Viet, ^d two hundred and three of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, c. 120, ss. 202, as to the making, publication, and evidence of bye-laws made by the 203. board under the authority of the said Act, and as to penalties for breach of the same, and the remission of such penalties, shall extend and apply to the making, publication, and evidence of bye-laws made by the board under the authority of this Act, and to penalties for breach of any such bye-laws, and the remission of such penal- ties. Provisions 17. In case any house, building, or other erection begun to be to buildings, constructed after the passing of this Act is constructed or begun to &c., not be constructed upon any foundations or site or with any substances erected on which have not been made, filled up, and prepared, or which are AMENDMENT ACT, 1878, 41 & 42 VICT. c. 82, ss. 17, 18. 333 not in description and quality in accordance with the provisions of PAST II. the bye-laws relating thereto made under the authority of this Act, or in accordance with the terms and conditions subject to b fiction 17. which the board may have dispensed with the observance of any such f O undations provisions, the district surveyor may forthwith, by notice to be or areas con . served on the occupier of such house, building, or other erection, or formable on the builder, owner, or other person engaged in constructing any such w ith bye- house, building, or other erection as aforesaid, require him to alter, laws, &c. pull down, or remove such house, building, or other erection, or any part thereof, as he may think proper ; and in case any such occupier, builder, owner, or other person, during twenty-eight days after the service of such notice, fails to comply with the requirements of such notice, he shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten shillings and not more than forty shillings for every day from the the time of the service of such notice as aforesaid until such house, building, or other erection, or such part thereof, is altered, pulled down, or removed in accordance with the terms of such notice, and every such penalty shall be in addition to any other penalty for breach of any bye-law. Provided always, that, notwithstanding the imposition and recovery of any penalty, the board at anytime after default in compliance with the requirements of such notice, if they think proper, may cause complaint thereof to be made before a justice of the peace, who shall thereupon issue a summons requiring such occupier, builder, owner, or other person to appear at a time and place to be stated in the summons to answer such complaint, and if at the time and place appointed in such summons the said complaint is proved to the satis- faction of the justice before whom the same is heard, such justice may make an order in writing authorizing the board to enter and alter, pull down, or remove such house, building, or other erection, or any part thereof, and do whatever may be necessary for such pur- pose, and also to remove the materials of which the same was composed to a convenient place, and/unless the expenses of the board be paid to them within fourteen days) subsequently sell the same as they think proper ; [and all expenses incurred in respect of such entering and altering, pulling down, or removing any such house, building, or other erection, and in disposing of the said materials, may be deducted by the board out of the proceeds of such sale, and the balance, if any, shall be paid by the board to the person entitled thereto ; and in case such materials are not sold by the board, or in case the proceeds of the sale of the same are insufficient to defray the expenses incurred by the board as aforesaid, the board may recover such expenses or such insufficiency from such occupier, builder, owner, or other person, together with all costs and expenses in respect thereof, in like manner as if the same were a penalty imposed by this Act 18. Any person affected by any notice under the preceding proyi- Power to sions of this part of this Act may, within seven days after the service appeal. of the same, appeal to the board. All such appeals shall stand referred to the committee of appeal appointed by the board under and in pursuance of section two hundred and twelve, of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, for hearing 18 & 19 Viet. appeals, who may hear and determine the same, and may order the c - 120, s. 212. district surveyor, or any other surveyor, to inspect any foundations, site, house, building, or other erection, and may, on such evidence as they think satisfactory, either confirm the notice served by the dis- trict surveyor, or may confirm the same with such modifications as they think proper, or refuse to confirm the same. 334 PABT II. Section 18, Amendment of section 74 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122, with respect to sale of dangerous structures. Part II of Act not to apply to city of London. APPENDIX. METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT AND BUILDING ACTS In case of an appeal against any such notice, compliance with the requirements of the same may be postponed until after the day upon which such appeal shall be so decided as aforesaid, and the same, if confirmed in whole or in part, shall only take effect as and from such day. 19. Where under the provisions of the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same, with respect to dangerous structures, any structure is sold for payment of the expenses incurred in respect thereof by the board in manner prescribed by section seventy-four of the said Act, the person to whom the same is sold (hereinafter referred to as " the purchaser"), his agents and servants, may enter upon the land whereon such structure is standing for the purpose of taking down the same and of removing the materials of which the same is constructed, and any person who refuses to admit the purchaser, his agents or servants, upon such land, or impedes him in removing such materials, shall be liable on conviction to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and to a further penalty of five pounds for every day after the first day during which such refusal continues. Where the proceeds of the sale of any such structure under the said seventy-fourth section are insufficient to repay the board the amount of the expenses incurred by them in respect of such structure, no part of the land whereon such structure stands or stood shall be built upon until after the balance due to the board in respect of such structure shall have been paid to the board. 20. Provided always, that the provisions of Part II. of this Act shall not extend or apply to the city of London. PART III. 21. The architect of the board, and any other person authorized by the board in writing under their seal, may, at all reasonable times after completion or during construction, enter and inspect any house, room, or other place kept open or intended to be kept open for the public performance of stage plays, or for public dancing, music, or other public entertainment of the like kind affected by any of the pro- visions of this Act, or of any regulations made in pursuance thereof ; and the district surveyor of any district may at all reasonable times during the progress and the three months next after the completion of any house, building, erection, or work in such district affected by and not exempted from any of the provisions of this Act, or by any bye-law made in pursuance of this Act, or by any terms or conditions upon which the observance of any such provisions or any of such bye-laws may have been dispensed with, enter and inspect such house, building, erection, or work; and if any person refuses to admit such architect, person, or surveyor, or to afford him all reasonable assistance in such inspection, in every such case the person so refusing shall incur for each offence a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. Power to 22. For the purpose of complying with the requirements of any owners, &c., to notice or order served or made under the provisions of this Act on enter houses, anv owner, builder, or person in respect of any house, building, or &c., to com- other erection, room, or place, such owner, builder, or person, his ply with servants, workmen, and agents, may, after giving seven days' notice PART III. Power for architect and persons authorized by board, and district surveyor, to enter and inspect theatres, music halls, huildings. and works. AMENDMENT ACT, 1878, 41 & 42 VICT. c. 82, ss. 2226. 335 in writing to the occupier of such house, building, or other erection, PABT III. room, or place, and on production of such notice or order, enter such : house, building, or other erection, room, or place, and do all such section /Z. works, matters, and things therein or thereto, or in connexion there- no tices or with, as may be necessary ; and if any person refuses to admit such order, owner, builder, or person, or his servants or workmen or agents, or to afford them all reasonable assistance, such person shall incur for each offence a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 23. Every penalty imposed by part I. and part III. of this Act Recovery of may be recovered by summary proceedings before any justice in like penalties, manner and subject to the like right of appeal as if the same \rere a penalty recoverable by summary proceedings under the Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same ; and every is & 19 Viet, penalty imposed by part II. of this Act, or by any bye-law made in c. 120. pursuance thereof, may be recovered by summary proceedings before any justice in like manner and subject to the like right of appeal as if the same were a penalty recoverable by summary proceedings under the Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the 18 & 19 Viet. same : Provided always, that in any proceedings against any person c. 122. for more than one penalty in respect of one or more breach or breaches of any provision of this Act or of any bye-law made in pur- suance of this Act, it shall be lawful to include in one summons all such penalties, and the charge for such summons shall not exceed two shillings. 24. Her Majesty's royal palaces, and all buildings, works, and Exceptions grounds excepted from the operation of the Metropolis Management from Metro- Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same, or of any of the said polis Manage- Acts, shall be excepted from the operation of the provisions of this ment Acts Act which are to be constructed with such Acts, and all exemptions extended to from the provisions of any of the said Acts shall extend to such of *his Act. the provisions of this Act as are to be construed 'as aforesaid with 18 & 19 Viet, such Acts. c. 120 (a). 25. Her Majesty's royal palaces, and all buildings, works, and Exceptions grounds excepted from the operation of the Metropolitan Building from Metro- Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same, or of any of the said politan build- Acts, shall be excepted from the operation of the provisions of this in g A C*S ex- Act which are to be construed with such Acts, and all exemptions tended to this from the provisions of any of the said Acts shall extend to such of ^ c *l the provisions of this Act as are to be construed as aforesaid with 18 * ,,7 such Acts. c - 122 (*) 26. Nothing in this Act, or in any bye-law of the board there- Act not to under, shall apply to the Inner Temple, the Middle Temple, Lincoln's a PP ] y to the Inner and (a) These exceptions are apparently contained in the 237th section of the Metropolis Management Act, 1855 (Ely Place, &c.); the 240th section relating to the Crown Estates Paving Act, 1851, the 240th section saving rights of Her Majesty's commissioners of works, &c. ; the 116th section of the Metropolis Local Management Amendment Act, 1862, saving the rights of the crown and the duchy of Lancaster ; the 117th section with a like enactment relating to the duchy of Cornwall ; the 242nd section as to the powers of the city commissioners of sewers; the 243rd section as to the rights of metropolitan sewage manure company ; the 244th section saving rights of commissioners or trustees of turnpike roads; and the 245th section saving the powers of the metropolitan commissioners of police. (6) These exceptions are contained in the 6th section of that Act, and the 2nd section of the Metropolitan Buildings Amendment Act, 1861. 336 APPENDIX. METROPOLIS MANAGEMENT, &c., ACT. PAET III, Inn, Gray's Inn, Staple Inn, Furnival's Inn, or the close of the - collegiate church of Saint Peter, Westminster. Middle 27. Nothing contained in this Act, or in any bye-law thereunder Temple, &c. made, shall apply to or shall authorize or empower the board, or any S vin ri hts vestrv district board, or district surveyor, to take, use, or in any of the crown manner interfere with any land, soil, tenements, or hereditaments, and the duchy or an 7 ri g nts f whatsoever nature, belonging to or enjoyed or of Lancaster, exercisable by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty in right of her crown, or in right of her duchy of Lancaster, without the consent in writing of the commissioners for the time being of Her Majesty's woods, forests, and land revenues, or one of them, on behalf of Her Majesty, in right of her crown, first had and obtained for that purpose (which consent such commissioners are hereby respectively authorized to give), or without the consent in like manner of the chancellor of the said duchy, on behalf of Her Majesty, in right of her said duchy ; neither shall anything contained in this Act, or in any bye-law there- under made, extend to divest, take away, prejudice, diminish, or alter any estate, right, privilege, power, or authority vested in or enjoyed or exerciseable by the Queen's Majesty, her heirs or successors, in right of her crown, or in right of her said duchy ; and nothing con- tained in part I. of this Act shall apply to the extension of Savoy Street or the bridge which the chancellor and council of the said duchy are by the Metropolitan Board of Works (Various Powers) Act, 1875 (a), empowered to make and construct, or to any house or building within the precinct of the Savoy, or upon the land mentioned in section six (b) of the last-mentioned Act, constructed or extended after the passing of this Act, in or abutting upon any road, passage, or way existing, formed, or laid out at the time of the passing of this Act. (a) Which gives power to the metropolitan board of worts to make im- provements in connection with the Victoria Embankment in and near the precinct of the Savoy. (b) Providing that the board may surrender to the duchy of Lancaster two strips of land, parts of, and at the easternmost end of the board's vacant ground ; and any land so granted shall be deemed to be part of the im- provable ground in the liberty of the Savoy, within the meaning of certain letters patent of the llth of October, 51 George 3. AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FIRE BRIGADE WITHIN THE METROPOLIS. 28 & 29 VICT. CAP. 90. 5TH JULY, 1865. WHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision for the protection of life and property from fire within the metropolis : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the " Metropolitan Short title. Fire Brigade Act, 1865." (c). 2. For the purposes of this Act the " metropolis " shall mean the Definition of city of London and all other parishes and places for the time being " Metropolis >: within the jurisdiction of the metropolitan board of works : and " Insu- " Insurance Company " shall include any persons corporate or ranee Coua- (c) This Act, which came into operation on the 1st January, 1866, im- poses upon the metropolitan board, the duty of extinguishing fires and pro- tecting life and property in case of fire within the metropolis, and amongst other provisions it empowered the board to take on lease, purchase, or other- wise acquire station houses or land for affecting its purposes. The stations, plant, and other property belonging to the fire engine establishments of the insurance companies in the metropolis are transferred to the board. It establishes a fire brigade with power to the board to make regulations for the training, discipline, &c. of the men belonging to it. It authorizes ves- tries to allow compensation to engine keepers hitherto employed in the service of fire engines, and requires fire insurance companies to pay to the board an annual contribution to the expenses of executing the Act, and the commissioners of the treasury to pay to the board, by way of contribution to the expenses, such sums as parliament may from time to time grant within a stated limit. This Act contains provisions for meeting expenses not specially provided for, and empowers the board, with the consent of the treasury, to borrow money ; but those sections are now repealed by the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, which substitutes other powers for these purposes, which are referred to in the notes, infra. 338 Section 2. Definition of " Metropolis Local Man- agement Acts." APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE ACT, 1865, tinincorporate, or any person carrying on the business of fire in- surance. 3. The expression "Metropolis Local Management Acts" shall mean the Acts following ; that is to say, " The Metropolis Manage- ment Act, 1855," " The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1856," and " The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862." Duty of metropolitan board in relation to fires. Purchase of buildings and land. Transfer of plant of existing fire offices. Constitution of fire brigade. Establishment and Duties of Fire Brigade. 4. On and after the first day of January one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty six the duty of extinguishing fires and protecting life and property in case of fire shall within the metropolis be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be entrusted to the metropolitan board of works ; and with a view to the performance of that duty it shall be lawful for them to provide and maintain an efficient force of firemen, and to furnish them with all such fire engines, horses, accou- trements, tools, and implements as may be necessary for the complete equipment of the force, or conducive to the efficient performance of their duties. 5. The said board, hereinafter referred to as the board, may take on lease, purchase, or otherwise acquire stations for engines, stables, houses for firemen, and such other houses, buildings, or land as they may think requisite for carrying into effect the purposes of this Act, and may from time to time sell any property acquired by or vested in them for the purposes of this Act The board mav also ( Salaries of fire brigade. Iso contract with any company or persons aiitho- rized to establish the same for the establishment of telegraphic com- munication between the several stations in which their fire engines or firemen are placed, and between any of such stations and other parts of the metropolis. 6. On and after the said first day of January one thousand eight dred and sixty-six all stations, fire engines, fire escapes, plant, and other property belonging to or used by the fire engine establishment of the insurance companies in the metropolis shall vest in or be con- veyed or assigned to the board for all the estate and interest of the said companies therein, upon trust to be applied by the board to the purposes of this Act, but subject to all legal liabilities and obliga- tions attaching thereto, including the payment of all pensions that have been granted to the members of the said fire engine establish- ment, according to a list, that has been furnished to the chairman of the said board by the chief officer of the said fire engine establishment, and all trustees for the same shall be indemnified against such liabilities and obligations. The board may also, if they think fit, purchase the stations, fire engines, and plant belonging to any parish ,, place, or body of persons within their jurisdiction. 7. The force of firemen established under this Act, hereinafter called the metropolitan fire brigade, shall be under the command of an officer, to be called the chief officer of the metropolitan fire brigade. The chief officer and men composing the said fire brigade shall be appointed and removed at the pleasure of the board. 8. The board shall pay such salaries as they think expedient to the 28 & 29 VICT. c. 90, ss. 812. 339 said fire brigade. They may also make such regulations as they Section 8- think fit with respect to the compensation to be made to them in case of accident, or to their wives or families in case of their death ; also with respect to the pensions or allowances to be paid to them in case of retirement ; also with respect to the gratuities to be paid to persons giving notices of fires ; also with respect to gratuities by way of a gross sum or annual payment to be from time to time awarded to any member of the said force, or to any other person, for extraordinary services performed in cases of fire ; also with respect to gratuities to turncocks belonging to waterworks from which a supply of water is quickly derived. 9. The board may by bye-laws make regulations for the training, Power to discipline, and good conduct of the men belonging to the said fire make regula- brigade, for their s necessary i mplements on the occasion of any alarm of fire, an d generally , brigade, for their speedy attendance with engines, fire escapes, and all ti ns * r fr" 6 necessary i mplements on the occasion of any alarm of fire, an d generally for the maintenance in a due state of efficiency of the said brigade, and may annex to any breach of such regulations penalties not exceed- ing in amount forty shillings, but no bye-law under this section shall be of any validity unless it is made and confirmed in manner directed by the Metropolis Local Management Acts ; and all provisions of the said Acts relating to bye-laws shall, with the necessary variations, apply to any bye-laws made in pursuance of this Act. 10. The vestry of any parish or place in the metropolis may allow Compensation such compensation as they think just to any engine keeper or other * P ar ish person employed in the service of fire engines who has hitherto omcers - been paid out of any rate raiseable in such parish or place, and who is deprived of his employment by or in consequence of the passing of this Act, and any compensation so allowed shall be paid out of the rate out of which the salary of the officer so compensated was payable. 11. The board may make such arrangements as they think fit as to As to pur- establishing fire escapes throughout the metropolis. They may for chase of fire that purpose contribute to the funds of the Royal Society for the escapes. Protection of Life from Fire, or of any existing society that provides fire escapes, or may purchase or take by agreement the property of any existing society in their stations and fire escapes, and generally may maintain such fire escapes and do such things as they think expedient towards aiding persons to escape from fire ; and any expenses incurred by them in pursuance of this section shall be deemed to be expenses incurred in carrying into effect this Act. 12. On the occasion of a fire the chief or other officer in charge of As to powers the fire brigade may, in his discretion, take the command of any of fire brigade. volunteer fire brigade or other persons who voluntarily place their services at his disposal, and may remove, or order any fireman to remove, any persons who interfere by their presence with the opera- tions of the tire brigade, and generally he may take any measures that appear expedient for the protection of life and property, with power by himself or his men to break into or through, or take pos- session of, or pull down any premises for the purpose of putting an end to a fire, doing as little damage as possible ; he may also on any such occasion cause the water to be shut off from the mains and pipes of any district, in order to give a greater supply and pressure of water in the district in which the fire has occurred ; and no water company shall be liable to any penalty or claim by reason of any interruption of z2 340 APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN FIBE BRIGADE ACT, 1865, Section 12. the supply of water occasioned only by compliance with the provisions of this section. All police constables shall be authorized to aid the fire brigade in the execution of their duties. They may close any street in or near which a fire is burning, and they may of their own motion, or on the request of the chief or other officer of the fire brigade, remove any persons who interfere by their presence with the operations of the fire brigade. Any damage occasioned by the fire brigade in the due execution of their duties shall be deemed to be damage by fire within the meaning of any policy of insurance against fire. Contributions by insurance offices. Mode of enforcing contributions. Mode of ascertaining proportions of contri- bution. Expenses. 13. Every insurance company that insures from fire any property in the metropolis shall pay annually to the metropolitan board of works, by way of contribution towards the expenses of carrying this Act into'eftect, a sum after the rate of thirty-five pounds in the one million pounds on the gross amounts insured by it, except by way of reassurance, in respect of property in the metropolis for a year, and at a like rate for any fractional part of a million, and for any frac- tional part of a year as well as for any number of years for which the insurance may be made, renewed, or continued. The said payments by insurance companies shall be made quar- terly in advance, on the first of January, first of April, first of July, and first of October in every year ; the first of such payments to be made on the first of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty- six, and such first payment and the other payments for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six to be based upon the amounts insured by the several companies in respect of property in the metro- polis in the year ending the twenty-fourth of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four : provided that any insurance company which at the time of the passing of this Act contributes to the expenses of the said fire engine establishment may, in respect of all payments to be made by it in the years one thousand eight hundred and sixty- six and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, but not after- wards, contribute after the yearly rate of thirty-five pounds in one million pounds of the business in respect of which it contributes to the said fire engine establishment for the present year, according to a return which has been furnished to the chairman of the said metropolitan board, instead of in the manner in this Act pro- vided (a). 14. All contributions due from an insurance company to the board in pursuance of this Act shall be deemed to be specialty debts due from the company to the board, and be recovered accordingly. 15. For the purpose of ascertaining the amount to be contributed by every such insurance company as aforesaid, every insurance com- pany insuring property from fire in the metropolis shall, on the thirtieth day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty- five, with respect to the amounts insured in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty -four, and on the first of June one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and on every succeeding first of June, (a) By the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875, the latter part of this section, beginning " the first of such payments," is expressly repealed. 28 & 29 VICT. c. 90, ss. 1519. 341 or on such other clays as the metropolitan board of works may Section 15. appoint, make a return to the said hoard, in such form as they may require, of the gross amount insured by it in respect of property in the metropolis. There shall be annexed to the return so made a declaration made by the secretary or other officer performing the duties of secretary of the company by whom it is made, stating that he has examined the return with the books of the company, and that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief it contains a true and faitbiul ccount of the gross amount of the sums insured by the company to which he belongs in respect of property in the metropolis. The return made in the June of one year shall not come into effect till the first of January of the succeeding year, and shall be the basis of the contributions for that year. 16. If any insurance company makes default in making such Penalty on returns to the board as are required by this Act, it shall be liable to insurance a penalty (6) not exceeding five pounds for every day during which it company not is so in default. makm & return. 17. The secretary or other officer having the custody of the books Examination and papers of any insurance company that is required to pay a con- of books of tribution to the board in pursuance of this Act shall allow any officer insurance appointed by the board to inspect, during the hours of business, any companies. books and papers that will enable him to ascertain the amount of pro- perty insured by such company in the metropolis, and the amount for which it is insured, and to make extracts from such books or papers ; and any secretary or other such officer as aforesaid of a com- pany failing to comply with the requisitions of this section in respect of such inspections and extracts shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for each offence. 18. The commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury shall pay or Contribu- cause to be paid to the board by way of contribution to the expenses tions by of maintaining the fire brigade such sums as parliament may from time Government to time giant for that purpose, not exceeding in any one year the sum towards of ten thousand pounds. expense of 19. For the purpose of defraying all expenses that may be incurred Expenses of by the board in carrying into effect this Act which are not otherwise Act not provided for, the board may from time to time issue their precepts to specially pro- the overseers of the poor of every parish or place within the metro- nded. for (c). polis, requiring the overseers to pay over the amount mentioned in the precepts to the treasurer of the board or into a bank to be named in the precepts within forty days from the delivery of the precept. The overseers shall comply with the requisitions of any such pre- cept by paying the sums mentioned out of any moneys in their hands applicable to the relief of the poor, or by levying the amount required as part of the rate for the relief of the poor, but no contribution (J) As to recovery of penalties, see section 24. (c) This, and the 20th and 21st sections, are repealed (with the savings expressed) by the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, section 50, and schedule 3, and by the 22nd section of that Act empowering the Board to levy a consolidated rate, they are required, in making any esti- mate, to compute the part required in respect of securities or stock issued for the purposes of the Main Drainage Acts and the Fire Brigade ; and in 342 Section 19. Penalty on non-payment of rate by overseers (a). Power to Board, with consent of Treasury, to borrow not exceeding 40,000 (i). APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE ACT, 1865, required to be paid by any parish or place under this section shall exceed in the whole in any one year the rate of one halfpenny in the pound on the full and fair annual value of property rateable to the relief of the poor within the said parish or place, such lull and fair annual value to be computed in all parts of the metropolis, exclusive of the city of London, according to the last valuation for the time being acted on in assessing the county rate, or, where there is no county rate, according to a like estimate or basis ; and no liberty, pre- cinct, or place shall be exempt from the rate leviable for the purposes of this Act by reason of its being extra-parochial or otherwise ; and in default of proper officers in any liberty, precinct, or place to assess or levy the said rate, the board may appoint such officers, and add the amount of any expenses so incurred to the amount to be raised by the next succeeding rate in such liberty, precinct, or place. Overseers shall for the purposes of levying any amount required to be levied by them under this Act, have the same powers and be subject to the same obligations as in levying a rate for the relief of the poor. The word " overseers " shall include any persons or bodies of per- sons authorised or required to make and collect or cause to be collected rates applicable to the relief of the poor ; and such persons or bodies shall pay to the board the amount so mentioned in the precept out of the said rates. 20. In case the amount ordered by any such precept as aforesaid to be paid by the overseers of any parish or place be not paid in manner directed by such precept and within the time therein specified for that purpose, it shall be lawful for any justice of the peace, upon the complaint by the board or by any person authorised by the board 5> to issue his warrant for levying the amount or so much thereof as may be in arrear by distresss and sale of the goods of all or any of the said overseers, and in case the goods of all the overseers be not sufficient to pay the same, the arrears thereof shall be added to the amount of the next levy which is directed to be made in such parish or place for the purposes of this Act, and shall be collected by the like methods. 21. The board may, with the consent of the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury, borrow any sum not exceeding forty thousand pounds, and apply the &ame for the purposes of this Act ; and all powers contained in the metropolis local management Acts authoris- ing the board to borrow money, or any commissioners or persons to making an estimate for the purposes of the Fire Brigade Act, the Board shall not estimate the sum required as larger than a sum which would be produced by a rate of one halfpenny in the pound on the gross value of the property assessed to the metropolitan consolidation rate. The Metropoli- tan Board of Works (Loans) Acts, 1875, section 3, limits the amount the Board are authorised to expend for the purposes of this Act up to the 31st December, 1876 ; and similar restrictive provisions are contained in subsequent Acts up to the dates therein specified, viz., the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1876, up to 31st December, 1877 ; the Metro- politan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1877, up to 31st December, 1878; and the Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1878, up to 31st December, 1879. (a) See note to section 19, ante. (6) See note to section 19, ante. By the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, section 36, the Board are empowered to create consolidated 28 & 29 VICT. c. 90, ss. 2124. 34,3 lend money to the board, and all other provisions as to the mode of Section 21. borrowing, the repayment of principal or interest, or in anywise relating to borrowing by the board, shall be deemed to apply and to extend to this Act in the same manner as if the moneys borrowed in ptirsuance of this Act were moneys borrowed for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the metropolis local management Acts, or one or more of those Acts. The board shall apply the moneys received by them under this Act in liquidation of the principal and interest of the moneys so borrowed, but no creditor shall be concerned to see to such application, or be liable for any misapplication of the moneys received or borrowed by the board in pursuance of this Act. Miscellaneous. 22. Where any chief officer, or other person who has been employed Power to by the board in any capacity under this Act, and has been discharged turn dis- therefrom, continues to occupy any house or building that may be charged provided for his use, or any part thereof, after one week's notice in officers or wilting from the board to deliver up possession thereof, it shall be meu out of lawful for any police magistrate, on the oath of one witness, stating ??f? s f P ro " such notice to have been given, by warrant under his hand to order ?? ^ any constable to ente.r into the house or building occupied by such discharged chief officer or other person as aforesaid, and to remove him and his family and servants therefrom, and afterwards to deliver the possession thereof to the board, as effectually, to all intents and purposes, as the sheriff having jurisdiction within the place where such house or building is situate might lawfully do by virtue of a writ a judgment at law. 23. If the chimney of any house or other building within the Penalty where metropolis is on tire, the occupier of such house or building shall be chimneys are liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings ; but if such occu- on fire. pier proves that he has incurred such penalty by reason of the neglect or wilful default of any other person, he may recover summarily from such person the whole or any part of the penalty he may have incurred as occupier. 24. All penalties imposed by this Act, or by any bye-law made in Recovery of pursuance thereof, and all expenses and other sums due to the board penalties.(c) in pursuance of this Act, in respect of which no mode of recovery is prescribed, may be recovered summarily before two justices in manner directed by the Act of the Session hold en in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, or any Act amending the same, and when so recovered stock for the purpose of raising, in addition to the loans authorised by the Acts mentioned in the first schedule, such further sums as the Treasury may sanction, for the purpose, amongst others, of providing station houses, fire engines, fire escapes, and permanent plant, for the purposes of this Act, and all the provisions of the Act are to apply as if such sums were loans authorised by this Act and the other Acts referred to. (c) See as to application of penalties under the Metropolis Management Acts, section 105 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, ante, providing for penalties recovered by the Metropolitan Board and Vestries and District Boards, and the enactments and decisions referred to in the note to that section. 344 Section 24. Summary proceedings for deter- mining cer- tain matters. Extension of powers given to two iustices. Audit of accounts, and report by Board, (a) Power to delegate powers of Board to a committee. Establish- ment of salvage force by insurance offices. Brigade when employed beyond the metropolis, or on special services. APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE ACT, 1865, shall be paid to the treasurer of the board, notwithstanding any police Act or other Act of parliament directing a different appropriation of such moneys. 25. Any dispute or other matter which is by this Act directed to be determined summarily by two justices shall be deemed to be a matter in respect of which a complaint is made upon which they have authority by law to make an order for payment of money within the meaning of the said Act of the session holden in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty- three, or any Act amending the same. 26. Any act, power, or jurisdiction hereby authorized to be done or exercised by two justices may be done or exercised by the follow- ing magistrates within their respective jurisdictions: that is to say, by any metropolitan police magistrate sitting alone at a police court or other appointed place, or by the Lord Mayor of the city of London, or any alderman of the said city, sitting alone or with others at the Mansion House or Guildhall. 27. The accounts of the board in respect of expenses incurred by them under this Act shall be audited in the same manner as if they were expenses incurred under the said Metropolis Local Management Acts, and the board shall in each year make a report to one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state of all acts done and expendi- ture incurred by them in pursuance of this Act, and that report shall be laid before parliament within one month after the commencement of the session. 28. The board may delegate any powers conferred on them by this Act to a committee of their body; and such committee shall, to the extent to which such powers are delegated, be deemed to be the board within the meaning of this Act. 29. If the companies insuring property within the metropolis, or any such number of them as may in the opinion of the said board be sufficient, establish a force of men charged with the duty of attending at fires and saving insured property, it shall be the duty of the fire brigade, with the sanction of the board, and subject to any regulations that may be made by the board, to afford the necessary assistance to that force in the performance of their duties, and, upon the application of any officer of that force, to hand over to their custody property that may be saved from fire; and no charge shall be made by the said board for the services thus rendered by the fire brigade. 30. It shall be lawful for the board, when occasion requires, to permit any part of the fire brigade establishment, with their engines, escapes, and other implements, to proceed beyond the limits of the metropolis for the purpose of extinguishing fires. In such case the owner and occupier of the property where the fire has occurred shall liable to defray all the expenses that may be (a) See section 195 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, ante, as to audit of accounts of metropolitan board, and the note to that section. The Metro- politan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, section 31, enacts that the Board shall keep proper accounts, showing the appropriation of the moneys raised by the consolidated stock created under that Act for the purposes, amongst others, of this Act. 28 & 29 VICT. c. 90, ss. 3034. incurred by the fire brigade in attendin 345 Section 30. board a reasonable charge for the attendance of the fire brigade, and the use of their engines, escapes, and other implements. In case of difference between the board and the owner and occupier of such pro- perty, or either of them, the amount of the expenses, as well as the propriety of the fire brigade attending such fire (if the propriety thereof be disputed), shall be summarily determined by two justices. In default of payment, any expenses under this section may be reco- vered by the board in a summary manner. The board may also permit any part of the fire brigade establish- ment to be employed on special services upon such terms of remune- ration as the said board may think just. 31. The metropolitan fire brigade shall in the morning of each day, Board to send with the exception of Sundays, send information, by post or other- information wise, to all the insurance offices contributing for the purposes of this of fires to Act, of all fires which have taken place within the metropolis since offices. the preceding return, in such form as may be agreed upon between the board and the said companies. 32. All the powers now exercised by any local body or officer Transfer to within the metropolis as respects fire-plugs shall henceforth be exer- Board of cised by the board, and the board shall be entitled to receive copies powers of or extracts of all plans kept by any water company under the pro- parishes as vision of the Act of the session of the fifteenth and sixteenth years of to ^ re " Her Majesty, chapter eighty-four ; and every such water company P^ U S S W shall provide at the expense of the board in any mains or pipes within the metropolis plugs for the supply of water in case of fire at such places, of such dimensions, and in such form as the board may require, and the fire brigade shall be at liberty to make such use thereof as they may deem necessary for the purpose of extinguishing any fire ; and every such company shall deposit keys of all their fire-plugs at such places as may be appointed by the board, and the board may put up on any house or building a public notice in some conspicuous place in each street in which a fire-plug is situated, showing its situation. 33. " Owner " in this Act shall mean the person for the time being Definition of receiving the rack-rent of the premises in connexion with which the " owner." word is used, either on his own account or as agent or trustee for some other person, or who would receive the same if the premises were let at rack-rent. Repeal. 34. On and alter the first day of January one thousand eight hun- Partial repeal dred and sixty-six there shall be repealed so much as is unrepealed of unrepealed of an Act passed in the fourteenth year of His late Majesty King sections of George the Third, chapter seventy-eight, and intituled " An Act for 14 Geo - 3 > the further and better regulation of buildings and party walls, and c - 78 ( c )- for the more effectually preventing mischief by fire, within the cities of London and Westminster and the liberties thereof, and other the (b) By the Metropolitan Water Act, 1871, section 34, the operation of this section is made subject to the special provisions therein enumerated, extending the meaning of the term " plugs," as to expenses of providing plugs, and other matters. See the Act, post. (c) This section is repealed by Statute Law Revision Act, 1875. 346 APPENDIX. METEOPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE ACT, 1865, ss. 34, 35. Section 34. parishes, precincts, and places within the weekly bills of mortality, the parishes of St. Marylebone, Paddington, St. Pancras, and St. Luke at Chelsea, in the county of Middlesex, and for indemnifying, under certain conditions, builders and other persons against the penalties to which they are or may be liable for erecting buildings within the limits aforesaid contrary to law," with the exception of sections eighty- three and eighty-six which shall remain in full force, but such repeal shall not affect any penalty or liability incurred under the repealed sections. Partial repeal 35. On and after the first day of January one thousand eight hun- of3&4Will.4, dred and sixty-six section forty-four of an Act passed in the session . 90. holden in the third and fourth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter ninety, shall be repealed so far as respects any parish or place within the limits of the metropolis as defined by this Act ; Provided that the repeal of the said section shall not affect the power of the churchwardens and overseers of any parish or place to contri- bute to the funds of any society that at the time of the passing of this Act maintains fire escapes in such parish or place, unless and until the board purchases the property of such society, or otherwise pro- vides fire escapes in such parish or place. AN ACT TO MAKE PROVISION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, PRO- TECTION, AND MANAGEMENT OF COMMONS NEAR THE METROPOLIS. 29 & 30 VICT. CAP. 122. IOTH AUGUST, 1866. BE it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. This Act may be cited as the Metropolitan Commons Act, Short title. 1866 (a). 2. For the purposes of this Act the local authority in relation to Definition each metropolitan common shall be the authority described as such of local in connexion therewith in the first schedule to this Act ; and for the authority (a) This Act was amended by the Metropolitan Commons Amendment Act, 1869 (32 & 33 Viet. c. 107), and by the Metropolitan Commons Act, 1878 (41 & 42 Viet. c. 71), which see post. By Acts passed subsequently to this Act, schemes prepared by the inclosure commissioners under the provisions of this Act for the management of the following commons, &c., placing them under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, were con- firmed, viz., 84 & 35 Viet. c. 57 (Metropolitan Commons Supplemental Act, 1871) (Blackheath) ; 34 & 35 Viet. c. 63 (Metropolitan Commons Second Supplemental Act, 1871) (Shepherd's Bush Common) ; 35 & 36 Viet. c. 43 (Metropolitan Commons Supplemental Act, 1872) (Hackney Commons); 36 & 37 Viet. c. 86 (Metropolitan Commons Supplemental Act, 1873) (Tooting Beck Common) ; 40 & 41 Viet. c. 201 (Metropolitan Commons Supplemental Act, 1877) (Clapham Common). The 34 & 35 Viet. c. 77, confirms an arrangement between the board and the lord of the manor of Hampstead, for the purchase of the lord's rights over that manor, and by 34 & 35 Viet. c. 181, Wandsworth Common is vested in a body of conser- vators, of whom one is elected by the metropolitan board. See 37 Viet. c. 10, enabling the board to acquire possession of Leicester Square, and the 40 & 41 Viet. c. 35, empowering the board to acquire open spaces for the benefit of the public. It appears from the report of the Metropolitan Board of Works for the year 1877, p. 38, that the area of the parks, commons, and open spaces under the control of the board under various Acts was at the date of that report, l,368f acres, and negotiations were pend- ing for the preservation and management of other commons and lands, and the report contains detailed particulars as to the expenditure of the board for their maintenance and other matters. 348 Section 2. and local rate. Interpre- tation of terms. To what Commons Act applies. Exclusion of authority of commis- sioners to inclose, &c. Memorial for scheme- as to common. APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN COMMONS ACT, 1866, purposes of this Act the local rate in relation to each metropolitan common shall be the rate described in connexion therewith in the same schedule. 3. In this Act The term " common" (a) means land subject at the passing of this Act to any right of common ; the term " commoner" means a person having any such right of common ; the term " manor" includes reputed manor ; and those terms as used in this Act respectively refer to any particular common to which this Act applies, and to every person having a right of common in, over, or affecting that common, and to the manor of the wastes whereof that common is part : The term " the commissioners" means the inclosure commissioners for England and Wales, and the term " assistant commissioner" means the assistant commissioner appointed by the inclosure commissioners. 4. This Act shall apply to any common the whole or any part whereof is situate within the metropolitan police district (6) as denned at the passing of this Act (referred to in this Act as a metropolitan common). 5. After the passing of this Act the commissioners shall not enter- tain an application for the inclosure of a metropolitan common, or any part thereof ; but nothing in this Act shall interfere with the carrying on and completion of proceedings under any provisional order of the commissioners confirmed by Act of parliament passed before or in the present session ; and notwithstanding any proceed- ings taken under any Act other than this Act, or any provisional order of the commissioners made but not already confirmed by Act of parliament, proceedings may be taken under this Act in relation to any metropolitan common. 6. A scheme for the establishment of local management with a view to the expenditure of money 011 the drainage, levelling, and improve- ment of a metropolitan common, and to the making of bye-laws and regulations for the prevention of nuisances and the preservation of order thereon, may be made under this Act, on a memorial in that behalf presented to the commissioners by the lord of the manor or by any commoners, or by the local authority, or in case of a common extending into the districts of two or more of the bodies described in the first schedule to this Act, then by any one or more of such bodies (c). (a) By the Metropolis Commons Amendment Act, 1869, s. 2, the follow- ing words are added to the interpretation of the word common : " and any land subject to be included under the provisions of the 8 & 9 Viet. c. 118." (b) By the Corporation of London (Open Spaces) Act, 1878, the cor- poration of London may acquire by purchase, gift, or otherwise the freehold or interest in common lands not within the Metropolis Local Management Act, but within twenty-five miles of the city, and all rights over such common lands. (c) In addition to the persons here mentioned the Metropolitan Commons Amendment Act, 1869, s. 3, provides that a scheme may be made under this Act on a memorial to the commissioners by any twelve or more rate- payers inhabitants of the parish or parishes in which the metropolitan common is situate. 29 & 30 VICT. c. 122, ss. 713. 349 7. On the presentation of any memorial under this Act the com- Section 7. missioners (if on consideration of the memorial they think fit) may T . : make such examination and inquiry as they think necessary or nc l uir y |" proper in relation to the subject matter of the memorial 8. On such examination and inquiry the commissioners may, if Preparation they think fit, prepare the draft of a scheme respecting the common ^ draft or any part thereof. scheme. 9. Where the commissioners prepare the draft of a scheme, they Printing and shall cause it to he printed, and printed copies of it lo he delivered to publication the memorialists and to the lord of the manor and to the local of draft authority, and shall also cause it, or a proper abstract of it, to be scheme, published and circulated in such manner as they think sufficient for giving information to all parties interested. 10. During two months after the first publication of the draft of Objections a scheme the commissioners shall receive any objections or sugges- a . n< ^ sugges- tions made to them in writing respecting the scheme. * ions respect- 11. At any time after the expiration of those two months the com- Inquiry into missioners, if they think fit, may refer the draft of the scheme to an scneme by assistant commissioner. P ublic sit ' On any such reference the assistant commissioner shall proceed to tings> make an inquiry concerning the subject matter of the scheme, and for that purpose to hold a sitting or sittings in some convenient place in the neighbourhood of the common, and thereat to take and receive any evidence and information offered, and hear and inquire into any objections or suggestions made or to be made during the sitting or sittings, respecting the scheme or the common, with power from time to time to adjourn any sitting. Notice shall be published, in such manner as the commissioners direct, of every such sitting (except an adjourned sitting), fourteen days at least before the holding thereof. 12. The assistant commissioner to whom the draft of a scheme is Report of referred shall make a report in writing to the commissioners setting assistant forth the result of the inquiry, and whether in his opinion the draft commis- of the scheme should be approved with or without alteration, and if sioner. with any, then with what alteration, and his reasons for the same, and the objects and suggestions, if any, made on the inquiry, and his opinion thereon. 13. As soon as may be after the expiration of the said two months, Final settle- or the receipt by the commisssioners of the report of the assistant ment and commissioner (as the case may be), the commissioners shall proceed approval of to consider any objections or suggestions made to them in writing scheme, respecting the scheme, and the report (if any), and thereupon they shall, if they think fit, finally settle and approve of the scehme in such form as they think expedient. (d) See bill to restrain the Metropolitan Board of Works from promoting a scheme for the management of a metropolitan common under this Act, inconsistent with a stipulation in a conveyance of the manor by the plaintiff; Telford v. Metropolitan Board of Works, L. R. 13 Eq. 574. ; 350 Section 14. Scheme to state rights affected. Provision for compen- sation. Appeal against de- termination of commis- 8 & 9 Viet. c. 118, s. 56. Printing and sale of scheme. Scheme when ap- proved to be certified. Printing and publication of scheme. APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN COMMONS ACT, 1866, 14. Every scheme shall state what rights (if any) claimed by any person or class of persons are affected by the scheme, and in what manner and to what extent they are affected thereby, and whether or not the scheme has been in relation thereto consented to by that person or class of persons, or any of them. 15. No estate, interest, or right of a profitable or beneficial (a) nature in, over, or affecting a common shall, except with the consent of the person entitled thereto, be taken away or injuriously affected by any scheme, without compensation being made or provided for the same, and such compensation shall, in case of difference, be ascer- tained and provided in the same manner as if the same compensation were for the compulsory purchase and taking or the injurious affecting of lands under the provisions of the Lands Clauses Consoli- dation Act, 1845, and the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts Amend- ment Act, 1860. 16. If any person claiming any estate, interest, or right in, over, or affecting the common to which any scheme relates is dissatisfied with any determination made or implied by the commissioners or by the scheme concerning any estate, interest, or right in, over, or affecting the common, every such person may obtain a decision thereon in an action at law in the manner provided by section fifty-six of the General Act to facilitate the inclosure and improvement of commons, passed in the session of the eighth and ninth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and eighteen. 17. Every scheme shall contain a provision for the sale at all times of printed copies thereof to all persons desiring to buy the same, at a price not exceeding a reasonable sum to be fixed by the scheme. 18. Every scheme, when approved by the commissioners, shall be certified by them, and sealed with their common seal. 19. Where the commissioners certify a scheme they shall cause printed copies of it to be delivered to the memorialists and to the lord of the manor and to the local authority, and shall also cause it, or a proper abstract of it, to be published and circulated k in such manner as they think sufficient for giving information to all parties interested. (a) The right of maintaining and repairing a sign post to a public house, which post had stood for forty years, is a beneficial right within this enact- ment, and a conviction for erecting a new one in lieu of one taken down under a bye-law of the Metropolitan Board of Works forbidding the erection upon the common of posts, &c., cannot be sustained; Roare v. Metropolitan Board of Works, L. K. 9 Q. B. 296; 43 L. J. M. C. 95. In the case of Attorney- General v. Tyssen-AmTierst, ' Times' April 2nd, 1879, it was held that the right of defendant (who was lord of the manor of Hackney) to dig gravel in Hackney Common, was not affected by the Metropolitan Commons Acts and Hackney Commons Scheme; and that if such beneficial right was interfered with, defendant would be entitled to compensation. A right to cut underwood growing on a common belong- ing to the lord of the manor, cannot exist by custom, prescription, or grant, unless it be a crown grant which incorporates the inhabitants ; Lord Rivers v. Adams, L. R. 3 Ex. D. 361, and see Chilton v. Corporation of London, L. E. 7 Ch. D. 735. 29 & 30 VICT. c. 122, ss. 2026. 351 20. The commissioners shall in the month of February in every Section 20. year make a separate report to Her Majesty of all their proceedings ~~ under this Act during the year ending the thirty-first day of December Annual then last past. T-^ih f * The report shall be laid before both houses of parliament within sof fourteen days after the making thereof, if parliament is then sitting, p ar ]; amcn t and if not, then within fourteen days after the next meeting of parliament. 21. The commissioners in such annual report shall set forth in Contents of full every scheme certified by them during the year to which the report, report relates, and shall state the grounds of their approval thereof, and the objections, if any, made thereto and overruled, and all pro- ceedings had in respect of those objections, and the grounds on which they were overruled. 22. A scheme certified by the commissioners shall not of itself Confirmation have any operation, but the same shall have full operation when of scheme and as confirmed by Act of parliament, with such modifications, if b y 4 ct o any, as to parliament seem fit. parliament. 23. If in the progress through parliament of a bill confirming any Reference of scheme certified by the commissioners a petition is presented to scheme to either house of parliament against the scheme, the bill, as far as it se | ec ' ; cor- relates to the scheme petitioned against, may be referred to a select m committee, and the petitioner shall be allowed to appear and oppose PP secl - as in case of a private bill. 24. All expenses incurred by the commissioners in relation to any Expenses of memorial, or to any scheme consequent thereon, shall be defrayed by scn eme the memorialists, or by any ratepayers or inhabitants of the parish or *? e " r district in or near to which the common is situate, or of the metro- a ^ e . ^. , polis, willing and offering to defray those expenses, or by the local T em authority if willing and 'offering to defray the same ; and the commis- sioners may, if they think fit, on or at any time after the presentation pf the memorial, require the memorialists or those ratepayers or inhabitants, or any of them, or the local authority having offered as aforesaid (as the case may be), to pay to the commissioners such sum as the commissioners think requisite for or on account of those expenses, or to give security to the satisfaction of the commissioners for the payment of those expenses on demand. 25. The local authority may in relation to any metropolitan Power for common for which they are the local authority, and the metropolitan local au- board of works may in relation to any metropolitan common (although thority to not one for which they are the local authority), contribute such contribute amount as they think fit (in a gross sum or by annual payments or f or pur- otherwise) towards the expenses of executing any scheme under this P oses of Act when confirmed by Act of parliament, including the payment of scncme - the compensation (if any) to be paid in pursuance thereof. 26. All expenditure incurred by a local authority under this Act Expenses of shall be defrayed by them out of the local rate, and all expenditure local au- incurred by the metropolitan board of works under this Act, in cases thority to where they are not the local authority, shall be defrayed by them out b f. P au * out of the rate which in the first schedule to this Act is described as the of local local rate in connexion with the metropolitan board of works ; and rate> 352 APPENDIX. THE METROPOLITAN COMMONS ACT, 1866, Section 26. the amount requisite in that behalf respectively shall be raised by means of such respective rate accordingly. Amendment 27. The commissioners may from time to time approve and certify a scheme for amending any scheme confirmed by Act of parliament, and all the provisions of this Act relative to an original scheme shall apply also to an amending scheme, mutatis mutandis. Provision for 28. Where any lord of a manor, commoner, or other person having cases of any estate, interest, or right in, over, or affecting a common is under disability. the disability of infancy, lunacy, or coverture, or other legal dis- ability, or is beyond the seas, his or her guardian, trustee, committee of the estate, husband, or attorney (as the case requires), or in default thereof a person nominated in that behalf by the commissioners under their common seal (which nomination they are hereby empowered to make as occasion requires), shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be substituted in the place of such lord, commoner, or other person. Consent 29. Where any estate, interest, or right in, over, or affecting a with respect common belongs to or is enjoyed by Her Majesty, her heirs or sue- to crown cessors, in right of the crown, or forms part of the possessions of the or duchy Duchy of Lancaster or of the duchy of Cornwall, and consent for the rights. purposes of any scheme under this Act may be given in respect of that estate, interest, or right as follows ; namely, In the first-mentioned case, if the estate, interest, or right is under the management of the commissioners of Her Majesty's woods, forests, and land revenues, then by those commissioners or one of them, with the approval of the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury ; and if it is under the management of the commissioners of Her Majesty's works and public buildings, then by the last-mentioned commissioners, with the like approval : In the secondly-mentioned case by the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, by writing under his hand attested by the clerk of the council of the duchy : In the thirdly-mentioned case by the Duke of Cornwall, or other the persons for the time being empowered to dispose for any purpose of lands of the duchy of Cornwall. Power for 30. Any lord of a manor, commoner, or other person having any lord of manor, estate, interest, or right in, over, or affecting a common may, by a &c., to appoint power of attorney in writing under his hand (which shall be exempt agent. f rom stamp duty), appoint an agent to Act for him for the purposes of any memorial or scheme under this Act. All things by this Act directed or authorized to be done by or with relation to any lord of a manor, commoner, or other person as aforesaid may be lawfully done by or with relation to his agent so appointed. Every such agent may, in the name and on behalf of his principal, sign, concur in, and execute any memorial or Act, or signify con- sent or dissent on any matter arising out of the execution of this Act. Ever ing to the authority committed to him as fully as if the principal had himself acted. Every such power of attorney, or a copy thereof examined and 29 & 30 VICT. c. 122, ss. 8032. 353 authenticated as a true copy by the signature of a witness or witnesses, Section 30. shall be deposited with the commissioners. Any such power of attorney may be in the form given in the second schedule to this Act or to the like effect. 31. Where any estate, interest, or right in, over, or affecting a Provision for common is by deed conveyed for the purposes of a scheme under this conveyance Act, with the approval of the commissioners, the provisions of the to commis- Act of the ninth year of the reign of King George the Second sioners. {chapter thirty-six), " to restrain the disposition of lands whereby the 9 Geo. 2, same become unalienable," shall not apply to the conveyance. Management Act, 1855 (a), have the same power to purchase metropolitan and hold, with a view to prevent the extinction of the rights of boar ? to and common, any saleable rights in common, or any tenement of a com- v| C ^ ir mm0 n moner having annexed thereto rights of common, as is conferred r j jjjg by the fifth paragraph in the eighth section of the Commons Act, ijj & {9 Viet 1876, upon an urban sanitary authority in respect of a suburban c> ^20 common (6). 39 & 4o Viet. c. 56. 3. Sections thirty (c) and thirty-one (d) of the Commons Act, 1876, Extension of (a) See interpretation of the term " metropolis " in the 250th section of the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, and note (b) to Preamble of that Act. (b) The 8th section of the 39 & 40 Viet. c. 56, applies to commons referred to in that Act as suburban commons ; and the fifth paragraph is to the following effect : " They may also, in the case of any such suburban common, purchase and hold as aforesaid, with a view to prevent the extinction of the rights of commoners, any saleable rights in common, or any tenement of a commoner having annexed thereto rights of common." (c) Empowering the county court to hear any case relating to any illegal enclosure or encroachment of or upon such common made after the passing 2 A 2 356 APPENDIX. METROPOLITAN COMMONS ACT, 1878. Section 3. certain pro- visions of 39 & 40 Viet, c. 57 to metropolitan commons. 29 & 30 Viet. c. 122. 32 & 33 Viet. 0,107. shall after the passing of this Act, apply to metropolitan commons within the meaning of the Metropolitan 'Commons Acts of 1866 and of that Act, or to any nuisance impeding the exercise of any right of common arising after the passing of that Act ; and to grant an injunction or make an order for removal or abatement of such enclosure, encroachment, or nuisance. The enactment gives power to any person aggrieved by any injunction, &c., to appeal to the High Court of Justice in manner therein directed, on giving security for costs. (d) Providing that any person intending to enclose or approve a common or part of a common, otherwise than under the provisions of that Act, shall give notice as therein directed, to all persons claiming any legal right in such common or part of a common. AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF CERTAIN GARDEN OR ORNA- MENTAL GROUNDS IN CITIES AND BOROUGHS. 26 VICT. CAP. 13. 4TH MAY, 1863. WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the better protection and charge of enclosed garden or ornamental grounds which have been set apart (a) for the use of the inhabitants of any public square, crescent, circus, street, or other public place surrounding or adjoining .such gardens or grounds in any city or borough : Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. Where in any city or borough any enclosed garden or orna- mental ground has been set apart (a) otherwise than by the revocable permission of the owner thereof in any public square, crescent, circus, street, or other public place, for the use or enjoyment of the inhabi- tants thereof, and where the trustees, commissioners, or other body appointed for the care of the same have neglected to keep it in proper order, or where such garden or ground has not been vested in or placed under the management of any trustees, commissioners, or other body for the care of the same, and from the want of such care, or from any other cause, has been neglected, the metropolitan board of works, where the same is in any place under their jurisdiction, except the city of London (where the provisions of this Act shall be carried into effect by the corporation of the said city), and the corporate (a) The object of the Act was to provide for squares and gardens already set apart for the use of the inhabitants, and not to interfere with the rights of owners of land not so set apart ; Tulk v. Metropolitan Board of Works, 8 B & S. 777. The Leicester Square Act, 1874 vests in the Metropolitan Board of Works the garden or enclosure, Leicester Square, with provisions, giving powers for its management for making bye-laws, &c. ; and 40 & 41 Viet. c. 35, Open Spaces (Metropolis) Act, post, enables the metropolitan board to acquire the control and management of open spaces in and near the metropolis. (J) The Metropolis Management Act, 1855, contained special provisions with respect to any enclosed gardens or ornamental grounds vested in or under the management of any commissioners or other bodies for the use of the inhabitants of any square, crescent, circus, street, or place, surround- ing or adjoining such garden or ground ; and see 40 & 41 Viet. c. 35 (Open Spaces). Section 1. Gardens in certain squares, &c., may be freed from neglect, encroach- ments, &c., and vested in the metro- politan board of works or other corporate authority (V); 358 Section 1. or vested in it committee of rated inha- bitants. APPENDIX. GABDENS IN TOWNS PROTECTION ACT, 1868. authorities in any other city or borough, shall take charge of the same, putting up a notice or notices to that effect in such garden or orna- mental ground, and if after due inquiry the person entitled to any estate of freehold in the same cannot be found, or if it shall be vested in any person by "whom it is held, subject to any condition or reser- vation for keeping the same as and for a garden or pleasure ground, or that the same shall not be built upon, but not otherwise, shall cause any building or other encroachment made therein within the period of twenty years before the passing of this Act to be removed, and (if requested by a majority of two-thirds of the owners and of the occupiers of the houses surrounding the same) shall vest such garden or ornamental ground in a committee consisting of not more than nine nor fewer than three of the rated inhabitants of such houses to be chosen annually by such inhabitants, in order that the same may be kept as a garden or ornamental ground for the use of such inhabi- tants ; and the vestry or board of any and every parish or district within which the same or any part thereof is situate shall from time to time cause to be raised the sums required by such committee for defraying the expenses of the maintenance and management (a) of such enclosed garden or ornamental ground, or of such part thereof as is situate within their parish or district, by an addition to the general rate to be assessed on the occupiers of such houses ; or if the said owners and occupiers shall not agree as aforesaid to undertake the charge of such garden or ornamental ground, the metropolitan board of works or corporate authority aforesaid shall, within six months after the notice hereinbefore mentioned shall have been put up within the same, or within such further time as the said board or authority may think it expedient to allow for such agreement to be come to, vest the same in such vestries or boards, who shall thence- forth take charge of and maintain the same as an open place or street in such manner as shall appear to them most advantageous to the public, subject to the approval of the metropolitan board of works or corporate authority, as the case may require ; saving and always reserving to every person and persons, his and their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all such estate, right, title, and interest as he, she, or they would or ought to have had and enjoyed of, in, to, from, or out of the gardens and grounds aforesaid in case this Act had not Protection of open spaces from encroach- ment. 2. And whereas it is expedient that the same should be carefully protected from undue encroachment, where any right to require that any garden or ornamental ground as aforesaid be kept and maintained as such, or that the same shall not be built upon, shall belong to any person in right of any house or other property, and he shall by notice in writing signed by him addressed to the metropolitan board of works where the same is in any place under their jurisdiction, except the city of London, where the same shall be addressed to the corporation of the said city, or to the corporate authorities in any other city or borough, requesting the said metropolitan board of works or corporate authority to protect the right before mentioned, the said metropolitan board of works or corporate authority, after due inquiry, may, if they shall think fit, accede to such request, and then () See what is within the powers of a municipal corporation as a local board of health, as regards additions to public gardens as conducive to the better enjoyment of the walks and grounds; Attorney -General v. Corpora- tion of Sunderland, L. It. 2 Ch. D. 634. 26VicT.c. 18,ss.2-6. 359 and thereupon the right of such person to require that such garden or Section 2. ornamental ground to be maintained as such, or that the same shall not be built upon, shall thenceforth be vested in such metropolitan board of works or corporate authority, who shall be fully empowered, for and in their own name, to exercise all the rights, powers, and privileges in relation thereto, and take such legal proceedings for asserting, defending, and protecting the same, as the said person might have exercised or taken. 3. Any charge incurred by the metropolitan board of works in the Expenses execution of this Act shall be deemed to be expenses of the said board how to be for payment whereof provision is made by the Act for the better local defrayed, management of the metropolis ; and the expenses incurred by any corporate authority shall be deemed to be expenses necessarily in- curred by them in carrying into execution within and for their city or borough the Act intituled " An Act to Provide for the Regulation 5 & 6 Will. 4, of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales," and any other Act c. 76. amending the same. 4. Where any such garden or ground is managed by any committee Bye-laws for of the inhabitants of any square, crescent, circus, street, or place, such management committee may make, and from time to time revoke and alter bye- of garden, &c. laws for the management of the same, and for the preservation of the trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, rails, fences, seats, summer-houses, and other things therein, which bye-laws shall be entered in a book kept for that purpose by the committee, signed by the chairman of the meeting at which the same shall be passed, and which book shall and may be produced and read, and taken as evidence of such bye-laws, in all courts whatever, and any inhabitant or servant, or other person admitted to such garden by any inhabitant, offending against the same, after they shall have been duly allowed, as hereinafter pro- vided, upon proof thereof before a magistrate acting for the district in which such garden is situate, shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding five pounds : Provided always, that such bye- laws shall not come into operation until the same shall have been allowed by some judge of one of the superior courts, or by the jus- tices in quarter session ; and it shall be incumbent on such judge or justices, on the request of such committee, to inquire into any bye- laws tendered to them for that purpose, and to allow or disallow the same as they think meet. 5. Any police constable who shall see any person throwing any Penalty for rubbish into any such garden, or trespassing therein, or getting over injuring the railings or fence, or stealing or damaging the flowers or plants, or garden, committing any nuisance therein, may apprehend such person, under the authority hereby given to him ; and any person convicted before any magistrate acting for the district shall be liable for each and every offence aforesaid to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings, or to imprisonment for any period not exceeding fourteen days ; and in case it shall be necessary to state in any proceedings the ownership of the property of such garden, flowers, or plants, it shall be sufficient to describe the same as the property of the committee by the name of A. B. and others. 6. The provisions contained in the two hundred and twenty-fifth, Certain pro- two hundred and twenty-sixth, two hundred and twenty-seventh, and visions of two hundred and twenty-eighth sections of the Act passed in the 18 & 19 Viet, session of parliament held in the eighteenth and nineteenth years of c. 120, to be 360 APPENDIX. GAEDENS IN TOWNS PROTECTION ACT, 1863. Section 6. the reign of Her most Gracious Majesty the Queen, chapter one hun- deed and twenty, shall be incorporated in this Act, and shall apply to any penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Act, or any bye-law made in pursuance thereof, in and for every matter or thing done or omitted to be done within the metropolitan district ; and the Act passed in the twelfth year of the reign of Her Majesty the Queen, chapter forty-three, shall apply to every penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Act, or any bye-law made in pursuance thereof, for any matter or thing done or omitted to be done within any other part of England and Wales (a). 7. Nothing in this Act shall extend to or include any garden, ornamental ground, or other land belonging to Her Majesty in right of her crown or of her Duchy of Lancaster, or any garden, orna- mental grounds, or other land for the time being under the manage- ment of the commissioners for the time being of Her Majesty's works and public buildings, or of the commissioners for the time being acting under the Crown Estate Paving Act, 1851, or to any garden, ornamental or other ground for which special provision is made for the due care and protection thereof by any public or private Act of parliament. 8. Nothing in this Act shall extend to Scotland or Ireland. incorporated with this Act, and to apply to penalties, &c., imposed by this Act. 11 & 12 Viet, c. 43, also to apply. Act not to extend to property of the crown or to property under the management of the com- missioners of works, &c. Extent of Act. (a) As to application of penalties, see 105th section of Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, and note. AN ACT FOR AFFORDING FACILITIES FOR THE ENJOYMENT BY THE PUBLIC OF OPEN SPACES IN THE METRO- POLIS (a). 40 & 41 VICT. CAP. 35. 2ND AUGUST, 1877. WHEREAS it is expedient to afford facilities for making available the Section 1. open spaces in and near the metropolis for the use of the inhabitants for exercise and recreation, and to enable the metropolitan board of works to acquire the control and management of such open spaces for such purposes. Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Metropolitan board of works may acquire and hold open spaces for benefit of public (b). 1. The metropolitan board of works may, by purchase or volun- tary sale, or by the gift of the person or persons legally entitled to dispose of the same, acquire or accept the ownership of any open spaces, whether inclosed within rails or pailings, or uninclosed, situated in the metropolis, and hold the same in trust for the 1 perpetual use, thereof by the public for exercise and recreation, and may from time to time make bye-laws for the regulation of such open spaces and may by such bye-laws provide for the removal of any person infring- ing any such bye-law by any officer of the said board or police con- stable. Bye-laws under this section shall be made in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as bye-laws made by the said board Tinder the Metropolis Management Act, 1855. 2. Where any open spaces now are or hereafter may be used as places of exercise and recreation for the inhabitants of certain houses, entrv to and the property and right of user is now or hereafter may be vested P laces 9 18 & 19 Viet, c. 120. in one or more persons as owners or occupiers of such houses, such owners and occupiers (if any) may convey to the metropolitan board e is wholly or partially changed, or by reason only that the building on which it is established having been wholly or partially pulled down or burnt down has been reconstructed without any extension of its area. Repeal and Saving Clauses. 14. There shall be repealed the following enactments ; that is to Repeal of say, Acts. (1.) Sections 55 and 56 (6) of the Act of the session of the seventh and eight years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chap- ter eighty-four, and intituled " An Act for Regulating the Construction and use of Buildings in the Metropolis and its Neighbourhood," so far as relates to the several businesses of a soap boiler, tallow melter, knacker, fellmonger, tripe boiler, or slaughterer of cattle. Provided that the repeal enacted in this Act shall not affect (1.) Anything duly done or suffered under any enactment hereby repealed ; or (2.) Any penalty, forfeiture, or other punishment incurred or to be incurred in respect of any offence against any enactment hereby repealed ; or (3.) The institution of any investigation or legal proceeding or any other remedy for ascertaining, enforcing, or recovering any such liability, penalty, forfeiture, or punishment as aforesaid. 15. All bye-laws and regulations in force at the time of the pass- Continuance ing of this Act, in relation to any of the businesses, for the regula- of bye-la\vs. tion of which a power of making bye-laws is given by this Act, shall continue in force until repealed by bye-laws made in pursuance of this Act, power being given to repeal, in relation to any such last- mentioned business, by bye-law made in pursuance of this Act, any bye-law or regulation in force in relation to such business at the time of the passing of this Act. But from and after the passing of this Act the local authority shall not have power to make any bye- laws or regulations in respect of any business which they are em- powered to regulate by bye-law under this Act except by bye-law made in pursuance of this Act. 16. Nothing in this Act shall render it necessary for the mayor, Exemption aldermen, and commons of the city of London, or their tenants, to regarding the metropolitan (5) The sections here mentioned were included among the enactments excepted from the repeal of former Acts, by the 109th section of the Metro- politan Building Act, 1855. The 55th section contains provisions respect- ing the businesses of blood boiler, bone boiler, fellmonger, slaughterer of cattle, sheep, or horses, soap boiler, tallow melter, and tripe boiler, im- posing penalties in certain cases ; and the 56th section relates to the inflic- tion of penalties, &c. See note to sec; ion 109 of Metropolitan Building Act, 1855. ante. 370 APPENDIX. SLAUGHTER-HOUSES, &c. (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1874. cattle mar- ket, &c. Section 16. make application to the local authority for an order to enable them to slaughter cattle at the metropolitan cattle market, or at the cattle market at Deptford, or enable the local authority to make bye-laws affecting those markets or the slaughter-houses now erected or that may be erected at either of these markets. Saving. -j^ Nothing in this Act contained shall affect the general law of nuisance, or make legal any act or default which would have been illegal if this Act had not passed, or, save as in this Act expressly provided, affect any Act of parliament relating to any business speci- tied in this Act. AN ACT TO MAKE BETTER PROVISION RESPECTING THE SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS (a). 15 & 16 VICT. CAP. 84. 1ST JULY, 1852. WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for securing the supply to the metropolis of pure and wholesome water, and otherwise to make further and better provision in relation to the water supply of the metropolis : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excel- lent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. From and after the thirty-first day of August one thousand Restriction of eight hundred and fifty-five it shall not be lawful for any company to sources supplying the metropolis or any part thereof with water for domestic supply of use, except the governor and company of Chelsea Waterworks, to water to the take any water for such purpose from any part of the river Thames metropolis (5). below Teddington Lock, or from any part of any of the tributary rivers or streams of the river Thames below the highest point where the tide flows in *uch tributary rivers and streams respectively ; and from and after the thirty -first day of August one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, it shall not be lawful for the said governor and company of Chelsea Waterworks to take any water for domestic use from any part of the river Thames below Teddington Lock. 2. From and after the thirty-first day of August one thousand Reservoirs eight hundred and fifty-five every reservoir within a distance in a within a limited dis- ^ (a) This Act was amended by the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, 34 & 35 Viet. c. 113, which requires the companies enumerated in it to give a con- stant supply of pure and wholesome water sufficient for the domestic pur- poses of the inhabitants within the water limits mentioned in the Act, at the pressure described, subject to the conditions specified. See the Act, post. (b) This section is in part repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875, namely, to " and fifty-five," the words " except the governor and company of Chelsea Waterworks," and from "and from and" to the end of the section. 2 B 2 372 Section 2. tance to be covered (a). Water not to be brought within a limited dis- tance in open aqueducts (b). Every com- pany to filter all water sup- plied by them for domestic APPENDIX. THE METROPOLIS WATEK ACT, 1852. not more than five miles, in which water for the supply for domestic use of the metropolis or any part thereof is stored or kept by any company, shall be roofed in or otherwise covered over : Provided always that this provision shall not extend to any reservoir the water from which is subjected by the company to efficient filtration after it is discharged from such reservoir, and before it is passed into the mains or pipes of the company for distribution, or to any reservoir the whole of the water from which, is distributed through distinct mains or pipes for other than domestic purposes, nor to any reservoir whatever the water stored in which, shall be used exclusively for other than domestic purposes. 3. From and after the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty- five, no water shall be brought or con- ducted within the metropolis by any company for the purpose of domestic use otherwise than through pipes or through, covered aqueducts, unless the same shall be afterwards filtered before distri- bution. 4. From and after the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, every company shall effectually filter all water supplied by them within the metropolis for domestic use, before the same shall pass into the pipes for distribution, excepting any water which may be pumped from wells into a covered reservoir or aqueduct, without exposure to the atmosphere, and which shall not be afterwards mixed with, unfiltered water. Company to give notice to board of trade before resort- ing to new sources of supply, who may thereupon appoint an inspector to report. 5. Three months before any company shall resort to any new source of supply, such company shall give notice in writing thereof to the lords of the committee of privy council for trade and planta- tions, hereinafter called the board of trade (6), and thereupon, within one month after receipt of such notice, the said board of trade shall, if they think fit, appoint a competent person as an inspector, who- shall report with respect to any sources then specially authorized by parliament, whether the directions of the special Act have been com- plied with in reference thereto, and with respect to any new sources not specially authorised by parliament, whether the same are capable of supplying good and wholesome water for domestic purposes. Inspector to 6. The inspector so appointed as aforesaid shall within ten days give notice to after such appointment give notice in wilting to the company companies of thereof, and of the time at which he proposes to visit and inspect the said sources, and thereupon, in order to enable him to make such report as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said inspector to enter the lands wherein such sources respectively are situate, and to examine and make inquiry touching the premises. Board of 7. The board of trade shall, within twenty-one days after the trade to receipt from the said inspector of his report, send to such company certify their straight line from Saint Paul's Cathedral in the city of London of his intention to visit new sources. () This section is repealed by the Statute Law Eevision Act, 1875, (schedule) in part, namely, to " and fifty-five." (6) By 35 & 36 Viet. c. 79, s. 35 (the Public Health Act, 1872), the power and duties of the board of trade under, amongst other Acts, this and the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, shall be exercisable and be performed by the Local Government Board. 15 & 16 VICT. c. 84, ss. 715. 373 with respect to any such new sources of supply not specially autho- Section 7. rized by parliament a certificate in writing of their approval or ~ disapproval thereof, and with respect to any such sources as shall ^ P roval or ' S * Pr( then be specially authorized by parliament a notice in writing stating whether in the judgment of the said board of trade (c) the directions of the special Act have in reference thereto been com- plied with. 8. After the company shall have received a certificate that the If board of said board of trade (d) disapproves of any such new source of supply trade dis- not specially authorized by parliament as aforesaid, it shall not be a PP rove > com - lawful for the company to use the said source, and after receipt of P an y not to such notice as aforesaid that in the judgment of the said board of use new source trade the directions of the special Act with reference to any sources 8U PP'y' then specially authorized by parliament have not been complied with, it shall not be lawful for the company, before complying with such directions with reference to such source, to use the same. 9. If at any time complaint as to the quantity or quality of the On water supplied by any company for domestic use be made to the as * board of trade (d) by memorial in writing signed by not less than ,~~ j-~jT f " v . twenty inhabitant householders paying rents for and supplied with ., water by the company, it shall be lawful for the board of trade, ma { a PP oin at any time within one month after the receipt of such complaint, i^q^e a ^ 1( j to appoint a competent person to inquire into and concerning the re p rt. grounds of such complaint, and to report to the board of trade thereon. 10. The person so appointed as aforesaid shall, within three days Powers of after such appointment, give notice thereof in writing to the com- person ap- pany, and after such notice as aforesaid he shall have power to in- pointed, spect and examine the waterworks of the company, and to inquire into and concerning the grounds of such complaint ; and the com- pany and their officers shall afford all reasonable facilities for such inspection, examination, and inquiry. 11. Any person obstructing such inspector in the due prosecution Penalty for of such inspection, examination, or inquiry, shall forfeit and pay any obstructing sum not exceeding ten pounds. inspector. 12. If after receipt of such report it shall appear to the board of If complaint trade (d) that the said complaint is well founded, the board of trade well founded, shall give notice thereof in writing to the company. notice to be given to cora- 13. After the receipt of such notice the company shall and they pany. are hereby required within a reasonable time to remove the grounds Company to of such complaint. remove ground of 14. Every steam engine, furnace, or other work in which coals complaint, which produce smoke during combustion shall be consHmed by any Engines to company for the purpose of the waterworks shall be constructed on con g ume their the most effectual principle for consuming its own smoke. own smo ke. 15. After the expiration of five years from the passing of this Act Provision for every company shall, subject to the provisions of the special Act constant SU P' (c) See note to section 5, ante. 374 APPENDIX. THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1852. Section 15. relating to such company, provide and keep, in the district mains already laid down or hereafter to be laid by them, a constant supply ply of water o f p u ^ e an( j W h lesome water sufficient for the domestic use of the bv everv com- inhalants of all houses supplied by such company, at such pressure as will make the water reach the top storey of the highest of such houses, but not exceeding the level prescribed by the special Act of such company : Provided that no company shall be bound to provide a constant supply of water to any district main until four-fifths of the owners or occupiers of the houses on such main shall by writing under their hands have required such company to provide such supply, nor even upon such requisition, in case it can be shown by any company objecting to the same that more than one-fifth of the houses on such main are not supplied with pipes, cocks, cisterns, machinery, and arrangements of all kinds for the reception and dis- tribution of water, constructed according to the regulations prescribed by the special Act or by this Act, or which any company, with the approval of the board of trade, may from time to time make in that behalf ; and after any such requisition as aforesaid shall have been delivered to the company, it shall be lawful for the surveyor, or any other person acting under the aiithority of the company, between the hours of nine of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon, to enter into any house or houses on such district main, in order to ascertain whether the pipes, cocks, cisterns, and machinery of such house and houses are so constructed as aforesaid ; and provided also, that any company may, with the consent of the board of trade, suspend the giving of such constant supply, or give the same in succession to the several districts of such company or to any parts of such districts as may be found to be convenient ; and provided that it shall be lawful for the company, after due notice, to abstain from supplying, or to cut off the communication pipes, and withdraw the supply of water from any house whereof the pipes, cocks, cisterns, machinery, or arrangements as aforesaid shall not bft in conformity with such regulations ; provided that neither the Kent Waterworks Company nor the Hampstead Waterworks Company shall be required to give such supply at any height exceeding one hundred and eighty feet above Trinity high water mark, nor the East London Waterworks Company be required to give such supply at any height exceeding forty feet above the level of the pavement nearest the point at which such supply shall be required (a). 16. Any company which shall violate, refuse, or neglect to comply with any of the provisions hereinbefore contained shall forfeit to Her Majesty the sum of two hundred pounds, and the further sum of one hundred pounds for every month during which they shall continue to violate or to refuse or neglect to comply with the same after they shall have received notice in writing from the board of trade to dis- continue such violation, refusal, or neglect as aforesaid. 17. Every company shall, within one year after the passing of this Act, cause a map to be made of the district within which any mains (a) This section is repealed by the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, section 5 (Sched. A.) except so much thereof as prescribes the height at which the Kent Waterworks Company and the East London Waterworks Company are respectively required to give their supply. The provisions relating to a constant supply now in force, are contained in theMetropolis Water Act 1871, section 7, et seq. 15 & 16 VICT. c. 84, ss. 1720. 375 or district mains shall have been laid down or formed by them on a Section 17. scale not less than six inches to a mile, and shall cause to be marked thereon the course and situation of all existing mains and district works . f the mains, and shall, within six months from the making of any altera- Companies tions or additions, cause the said maps to be from time to time cor- a n^ ker>t t rected, and such additions made thereto as may show the line and VT inci al situation of all such mains and district mains as may be laid down or office of each formed by them from time to time after the passing of this Act ; compan y, and such map or a copy thereof, with the date expressed thereon of an( j be open the last time when the same shall have been so corrected as aforesaid, to inspec- shall be kept in the principal office of each company, and shall be tion (6). open to the inspection of all persons interested in the same within the said district, who shall be at liberty to take copies of or extracts from the same. 18. Every company, on the application of any person supplied with Companies water by such company, shall furnish to such person the particulars * f urms ' 1 of any district main from which such person is supplied, together with particulars the names of the streets through which such district main passes, and ol ^strict the commencement and termination thereof. reTired (c> 19. And with respect to the yearly receipt and expenditure of Account of every company, the company shall in each year cause an account in receipt and abstract to be prepared of the whole receipt and expenditure of all expenditure rates or other moneys levied under the powers of their Act, under rates, &c., the several distinct heads of receipt and expenditure, with a state- ^ re "/i ment of the balance of such account duly audited and certified by the tobe open to chairman of the company, and also by the auditors thereof, if any, ; nspect io n ( with the scale of rates authorized to be charged by such company, may req after making the allowance of twenty per cent, hereinafter men- inhabita tioned, the said churchwardens and overseers shall, with the consent of the vestry of the said parish, give notice in writing to the owner or occupier of such house, requiring him within a time specified therein to obtain such supply, and do all such works as may be necessary for that purpose ; and if such notice be not complied with the said churchwardens and overseers shall, with the consent afore- said, do such works, and recover the expenses incurred from such (J) See note to section 5, ante. This section is repealed by the statute Law Eevision Act, 1875, in part, namely the words " with the approval of the board of trade." 378 APPENDIX THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1852. Section 27. owner, in like manner and with the same remedies for nonpayment, as rates for the maintenance of the poor are by law recoverable in such parish ; and the company shall, upon the requisition of the said churchwardens and overseers of the poor, supply with water such house or houses ; and the rates for such supply of such house or houses, not exceeding in the whole threepence per week for any one such house, shall be due and payable by the said owner, and shall be recoverable by the company as if such owner had contracted with the company for the supply of such water, and upon such payment the company shall make an allowance of twenty per cent. ; and for the purposes aforesaid the person for the time being receiving the rackrent of any such house as aforesaid, whether on his own account or as agent or trustee for any other person, or who would so receive the same if such house were let at a rackrent, shall be deemed to be the owner of such house. Short title. 28 In citing this Act in other Acts and in legal instruments it shall be enough to use the expression " The Metropolis Water Act, 1852." Interpre- 29. In the construction of this Act the expression " company" tation of shall mean and include any of the companies'hereinafter emimerated ; terms. (that is to. say,) the governor and company of the New River brought from Chadwell and Amwell to London, commonly called " The New River Company ;" the company of proprietors of the East London Waterworks ; the Southwark and vauxhall Water Company ; the West Middlesex Waterworks Company ; the Lambeth Waterworks Company ; the governor and company of Chelsea Waterworks ; the Grand Junction Waterworks Company ; the company of proprietors of the Kent Waterworks ; and the Hampstead Waterworks Company ; and also any other company, board, commissioner, association, person or partnership, corporate or unincorporate, for the time being supply- ing the metropolis or any part thereof with water for domestic use ; the expresgjfcn " the Special Act " shall mean and include this Act, and every and any Act. of parliament relating to the company referred to ; and the expression " the metropolis " shall mean and include all places described or referred to in the schedule to this Act. The SCHEDULE above referred to. All such places lying on the north side or left bank of the river Thames as are within the exterior boundaries of and are within the ambit formed by the parishes of Fulham, Hammersmith, Kensington, Paddington, Hampstead, Hornsey, Tottenham, Saint Pancras, Isling- ton, Stoke Newington, Hackney, Stratford-le-bow, Bromley, Poplar, and Shadwell. Such part of the parish of Chelsea as lies north of the said parish of Kensington. And such parts and places lying on the south side or right bank of the said river as are within the exterior boundaries of and are within the ambit formed by the parishes of Woolwich, Charlton, Greenwich, Deptford, Lee, Lewisham, Camberwell, Lambeth, Streat- ham, Tooting, Wandsworth, and Putney. AN ACT TO AMEND "THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1852;" AND TO MAKE FURTHER PROVISIONS FOR THE DUE SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE METROPOLIS AND CERTAIN PLACES IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD THEREOF. 34 & 35 VICT. CAP. 113. 21ST AUGUST, 1871. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend " The Metropolis Water Act, 15 & \Q Viet. 1852 ;" and to make further provisions for securing to the metropolis c. 84. and to certain places in the neighbourhood thereof a constant supply (Public). of pure and wholesome water : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Preliminary 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The Metropolis Short title. Water Act, 1871." 2. This Act and the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, as the same is This and amended by this Act, shall be read and construed together as one recited Act to Act. be as one. 3. In this Act, The expression " the metropolis " shall mean the metropolis as Interpretation denned by the Metropolis Management Act, 1855 : (a) of terms. The term " company " shall mean and include any of the com- panies following ; that is to say, The governor and company of the New River brought from Chadwell and Amwell to London, commonly called " The New River Company ;" The East London Waterworks ; The Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company ; The company of proprietors of the West Middlesex Water- works Company ; (a) See definition of metropolis in 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, s. 250, and note to preamble of that Act. 380 APPENDIX. THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1871. Section 3. The company of proprietors of Lambeth Waterwork : The governor and company of Chelsea Waterworks ; The Grand Junction Waterworks Company ; The company of proprietors of the Kent Waterworks ; and also any other corporation, company, board, commissioners, association, person, persons, or partnership, for the time being supplying water for domestic use within, the limits of this Act : The term " person " shall include a corporation aggregate or sole : The expression " water limits " in relation to a company shall mean such parts of the limits within which such company is authorized to supply water as are within the limits of this Act : The expression " the special Act," in relation to a company shall mean and include every and any Act of parliament relating to such company : The expression " metropolitan authority" shall mean, in the places specified in the table in the Schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, the bodies or persons named in the same table : The term " district " shall mean the area selected for the purpose of constant supply, such area being within the jurisdiction of a metropolitan authority, and also within the water limits of a company, and being coterminous with some one or more services of such company : The term " premises " shall mean and include any dwelling-house and any part of a dwelling-house, and any stable, yard, or other offices used together or in connexion with any dwelling-house or any part of a dwelling-house : The term " prescribed " shall mean prescribed by any regulations made under the authority of this Act : The term " court of summary jurisdiction " means and includes any justice or justices of the peace, metropolitan police magistrate, or officer, by whatever name called, to whom jurisdiction is given by the Act passed in the session of parliament held in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to facilitate the Performance of the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary Convictions and Orders," and any Acts amending the same : The term " fittings " includes communication pipes, and also all pipes, cocks, cisterns, and other apparatus used or intended for supply of water by a company to a consumer, and for that pur- pose placed in or about the premises of the consumer : The term " owner " means the person who, for the time being, receives the rackrent of the premises with reference to which that term is used, whether on his own account or under or by virtue of any mortgage or charge, or as agent or trustee for any person, or who would so receive the same if the premises were let at a rackrent, and includes every successive owner from time to time of the premises, being such for any part of the time during which the enactment wherein that term is used operates in rela- tion to the premises : Premises shall be deemed to be on the same service, or on a ser- vice, when water is supplied to them by a company from the same service pipe. Limits of * Tne limits within which the provisions of this Act shall be in Act. force and have effect (in this Act referred to as " the limits of this 34 & 35 VICT. c. 113, ss. 4-8. 381 Act ") shall include the metropolis and the several places set out in Section 4. schedule to the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, which do not form part of the metropolis. 5. From and after the passing of this Act, the sections of the Metro- Repeal of polis Water Act, 1852, specified in Schedule (B.) to this Act annexed, parts of _ shall be and the same are hereby repealed, so far as regards their metropolis operation within the limits of this Act : Provided always, that no Water Act, such repeal shall affect any act, matter, or thing duly done or agreed m% (*) upon before the passing of this Act, under the authority of any of the sections of the said Act hereby repealed. 6. From and after the passing of this Act every company shall on Supply of Sundays as on other days supply sufficient pure and wholesome water on water for the domestic use of the inhabitants within their water Sundays, limits. Co'iistant Supply. 7. Subject to the provisions of this Act, every company may, and Companies from and after the expiration of eight months from the passing of to provide this Act every company shall, when required so to do, in the manner constant directed by this Act, provide and keep throughout their water limits (b), supply of or throughout such parts of such limits as they may be required in water, manner aforesaid, a constant supply of pure and wholesome water sufficient for the domestic purposes (c) of the inhabitants within such water limits constantly laid on at such pressure as will make such water reach the top story of the highest houses within such water limits (but not exceeding the level prescribed by the special Act) of such company (which supply is in this Act referred to as a " constant supply ") ; and every such company shall, subject to the provisions of the special Act as the same are amended by this Act, give and con- tinue to give to such inhabitants a constant supply for domestic pur- poses in manner prescribed (d). 8. At any time after the expiration of six months from the passing Application of this Act, the metropolitan authority (e) shall, whenever they are for constant of opinion that there should be in any district a constant supply, supply, make application to the company within the water limits in which such district is situate, requiring a constant supply in such district, and any company may without any such application propose to the metropolitan authority to give a constant supply in any district. (a) These are section 15, except so much thereof as prescribes the height at which the Kent Waterworks Company and the East London Waterworks Company are respectively required to give their supply, sections 19 to 22, both inclusive, and section 2 7. (b) That is such part of the limits within which a company is authorized to supply water, as are within the limits of this Act ; see sections 3 & 4. (c) As to what are domestic purposes, see Busby v. Chesterfield Water and Gas Company, 27 L. J. M. C. 174 referred to in note to section 150 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. (d) That is, if prescribed by any regulations made under the authority of this Act, section 3. (e) See definition of metropolitan authority, section 3, and table in Schedule (A.) to Act. 382 Section 9. Appeal to board of trade (a). Restriction as to com- pulsory supply by companies. APPENDIX. THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1871. 9. When application has been made to any company requiring such company to provide a constant supply, or when any company has given notice to a metropolitan authority of a proposal to give a constant supply in any district, and the company so required, or the metropolitan authority upon whom notice of such proposal has been served, object to such requisition or proposal, it shall be lawful for such company or metropolitan authority, within one month after the making of such application or service of such notice, to present a memorial to the board of trade, setting forth their objections to such requisition or proposal, and the party presenting such memorial, or such company, shall give notice to the other party of the presentation of such memorial, and shall transmit to such party a copy of the same. The board of trade shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the receipt of such memorial, take the same into their consideration, and may, if they think fit, institute any inquiry in relation thereto, and may hear such company and authority desiring to be heard, and may make such order in reference thereto, and as to the costs thereof and incident to the same, as to them shall seem just. 10. No company shall be compelled to give a constant supply to an y premises in any district until the regulations provided for by this Act ^ are ma( j e am | are j^ operation within such district, or if it can e g^Q^yjj jjy g^fr company that at any time after the expiration of two months from the time of the service of any requisition for con- stant supply more than one-fifth of the premises in such district are not provided with the prescribed fittings, without prejudice never- theless to any renewed requisition at a future period. In any district in which any default in respect of the prescribed fittings shall be found the metropolitan authority may by notice in writing require the owner or occupier of any such premises within a time to be specified in such notice, to provide the prescribed fittings, or to cause the fittings in such premises to be repaired, so as to pre- vent any waste of water, and if any person fail to comply with the terms of such notice the metropolitan authority may provide for such premises the 'prescribed fittings, or repair the fittings within the same, as the case may be. The expenses incurred by the metropolitan authority in providing such fittings or in making such repairs shall be paid to them by the person liable to pay the rate for the water supplied, or on whose credit the water is supplied, or by the owner (c) of the premises. All such expenses may be recovered, with costs, from the owner, and to the extent of any rent due by the occupier of the premises, from such occupier, by proceedings in a court of summary jurisdiction, or by action in any court having jurisdiction locally in the matter, as if the same were an ordinary simple contract debt ; and any sum and costs so recovered from an occupier may be deducted by him from the rent payable by him to the owner, and shall be allowed by the owner and every other person interested in the rent, as if the same had been actually paid as rent ; but if in any case an occupier fails to disclose the amount of rent due by him, or the name or address of the owner, he shall .be liable to pay the full amount of such expenses and costs : (a) Now the local government board, see Public Health Act, 1872, sec- tion 35. (&) See provisions as to regulations, section 17, tt se%. (c) See definition of "owner," section 3. 34 & 35 VICT. c. 113, ss. 1014. 383 Provided further, that as between any such owner and occupier Section 10. nothing herein contained shall be taken to affect any contract made between them respecting the payment of the expenses of any such works as aforesaid. 11. It shall be lawful for the board of trade (d) at any time Power to after the expiration of six months from the passing of this Act, to board of require a constant supply to be provided in any district by the com- trade to pany within the water limits of which such district is situate, upon require con- complaint made, and in case it appears to such board, after due f^ 1 " JPPv inquiry,- m certam cases. That the metropolitan authority refuses to make or unreasonably delays making application for such constant supply, or That, by reason of the insufficiency of the existing supply of water in such district, or the unwholesomeness of such water in con- sequence of its being improperly stored, the health of the inhabitants of such, district is or is likely to be prejudicially affected. 12. Where a constant sup that effect shall be served, on upon the company required constant supply is proposed to be given in any district by any com- stant pany, notice to that effect shall be served on behalf of such company ^ " e serve< i upon the metropolitan authority. In every such notice shall be u P on company stated accurately the district in which such constant supply is required rme or proposed to be given, and the day (not being an earlier day than four months after the date of the service of such notice) upon and from which such supply is to commence. 13. Where a constant supply is required in any district, and the Extension company is unable, from want of funds or other cause of any kind, of time to to execute all the necessary works within the time prescribed by companies, this Act, the board of trade (d), if they think fit, may extend the time for the giving of such supply generally, or may extend the time, and direct such supply to be given at different times in succession, to the several parts of such district, in such manner as may be found most convenient : Provided that application be made by the company for such extension of time within one month after the notice referred to in the last preceding section has been served upon them. 14. With respect to cases where a group or number of dwelling- Provision for houses are situate in a court or passage, or otherwise in contiguity supply in with or in close neighbourhood to one another, the following further courts, pas- provisions shall have effect ; that is to say, sages, &c. (1.) If at any time it appears to the board of trade (d) on the report of the nuisance authority, as defined by the Sanitary Act 1866 (e) that a constant supply cannot be well and effectually (d) See note to section 9. (e) Section 15 of the Act referred to, 29 & 30 Viet. c. 90, defines the " nuisance authority" as any authority empowered to execute the Nuisance Removal Acts. Section 14 of the same Act defines " Nuisances Removal Acts" as the Acts of the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 121, and the 23 & 34 Viet. c. 77 as amended hy the Act of 1866. 384 Section 14. Provision for case of frost, &c. Penalties for non- compliance with preced- ing provi- sions (c). APPENDIX. THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1871. provided for that group or number of dwelling-house, except by means of a stand-pipe or other apparatus placed outside the dwelling-houses, the board of trade (a) may from time to time make an order to the effect that such group or number of dwelling-houses may be so supplied, and shall serve the same on the company within whose water limits the dwelling-houses are situate : (2.) If the requisite stand-pipe or other apparatus in accordance with the regulations of the company is provided, then the company shall give to those dwelling-houses a supply accordingly by means of the stand-pipe or other apparatus so provided, and on giving such supply shall be entitled to receive and recover water rates or rents from the owners or occupiers of such dwelling-houses as if the supply had been given in the premises. The expense of providing such stand-pipe or other apparatus shall be borne by the owner given in the premises. The expense of providing such stand-pipe or other apparatus shall be borne by 1 " of the dwelling-houses, or if there is more than one owner then by the respective owners in such proportions as the board of trade (a) shall direct : (3.) The board of trade (a) may at any time abrogate, wholly or in part, the order, or may originally grant it only for a limited period. 15. Notwithstanding anything in this Act, a company shall not be subject to any liability for not giving a constant supply if the want of such supply arises from frost, unusual drought, or other unavoid- able cause or accident (6). 16. Any company which violates, refuses, or neglects to comply with any of the preceding provisions of this Act shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred pounds, and to a further penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds for every month during which such violation or refusal or neglect to comply with the said provi- sions continues after they shall have received notice in writing from the board of trade (d), to discontinue such violation, refusal, or neglect as aforesaid. Regulations. Company 17. Every company shall, within six months after the passing of may make this Act, make regulations for the purposes for which regulations regulations. may be made under the authority of section 26 of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, and the provisions of that section shall apply also to the preventing of undue consumption or contamination of water. (a) See note to section 9. (6) As to non-liability of a company for damage by the leakage of one of their pipes, see Cattle v. Stockton Waterworks Company, L. B. 10 Q. B. (), notice thereof. 33. The absence in respect of any premises of the prescribed fittings after the prescribed time shall be a nuisance, within section 11 and sections 12-19 (inclusive) of the Nuisances Eemoval Act for England, 1855, and within all provisions of the same or any other Act apply- ing, amending, or otherwise relating to those sections ; and that nuisance, if in any case proved to exist, shall be presumed to be such as to render the premises unfit for human habitation within section 13 (c) of the Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1855, unless and I Ahsence of proper water fittings in premises to be a uuisame. (a) See note to section 9. (6) See note to section 14. (c)The provision here mentioned empower:) the justices to prohibit the nsing of the house or building for human habitation until it is rendered fit for that purpose. 34 & 35 VICT. c. 113, ss. 3335. 389 until the contrary is shown to the satisfaction of the justices acting Section 33. under that section. 34. Section 32 of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1865, shall Provision operate, subject and according to the provisions following (that is to respecting say) ; fire-plugs (1.) In that section and in this provision the term "fire-plug" and (&) the term " plug" shall include hydrant and all other appa- ratus necessary or proper in connexion with the Company's pipes for supply of water in case of fire : (2.) Where a company give a constant supply in any part of their water limits they may, if they think fit, give notice thereof to the metropolitan board of works : (3.) If the metropolitan board of works do not within two months after receipt of any such notice specify, as regards that part of the company's water limits, what plugs for supply of water in case of fire, at what places, of what dimensions, and in what form they require the company to provide, then, at any time after the expiration of that time, the company may, if they think fit, provide in and for that part of their water limits such plugs for supply of water in case of fire, at such places, of such dimensions, and in such form as to the company seem necessary or proper : (4.) Thereupon, as regards that part of the company's water limits, the company shall be deemed to have fully discharged all obligations imposed on them by the said section 32 : (5.) All plugs provided by a company in pursuance of this provision may, for the purposes of the fire brigade, be used as if they had been provided on the requisition of the metropolitan board of works under the said section 32 : (6.) The providing of plugs by a company under this provision shall be at the expense of the metropolitan board of works, and the cost, charges, and expenses of the company in or about the providing of the same shall be paid to the company by the metropolitan board of works, on demand, out of their general rate, and in default may be sued for and recovered, with costs, by the company in any court of com- petent jurisdiction for the recovery of any ordinary simple contract debt of the like amount. Quality of Water. 35. The board of trade (e) may at any time, if and when they Power to think fit, appoint a competent person to inquire into and report on board to the quality of the water furnished by any company, notwithstanding appoint per- that no complaint has been made and signed by twenty inhabitant f ons ^ householders, as prescribed by section 9 of the Metropolis Water inc L uire and Act, 1852 ; and sections 10 and 11 and 13, and the other provisions re P as to of that Act, shall apply in every respect as if such person were appointed under section 9 of that Act, and as if any matter reported to the board of trade (e) as requiring alteration on the part of a company had been the subject of a complaint by such householders as aforesaid. (d) The 32nd section here referred to, transfers to the metropolitan board the powers of local bodies, &c., as respects fire-plugs. (e) See note to section 9. 390 APPENDIX. THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1871. Appointment and duties of water examiner. Section 36. 36. There shall be a water examiner, being a competent and impar- tial person, from time to time appointed by and removable by the board of trade (a) who shall from time to time, in such manner as the board of trade (a) direct, examine the water supplied by any com- pany, in order to ascertain whether or not the company have complied with the requirements of section 4 (6) of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, and shall from time to time report the i results of his several examinations to the board of trade (a); and the board of trade (a) shall send a copy of every such report to the company to which the same relates, and the company may, if they think fit, on each occasion of such examination, be represented thereat by some officer, but such officer shall not interfere in the examination. There shall be paid to such water examiner such remuneration by the companies and in such proportions as such board appoints. Accounts. Accounts, &c. Auditor of accounts. Ascertain- ment of capital of companies. 37. Every company shall, on or before the thirty-first day of July in each year, fill up and forward to the board of trade, and to the town clerk of the city of London, and to the metropolitan board of works, and to the vestry clerk of each parish within which water is supplied by each company respectively not within the city of London, a statement of account, made up to the end of their finan- cial year then last passed, in such form and containing such par- ticulars as may from time to time be prescribed by the board of trade (a). Each company shall keep copies of such statement at their office for one year after the date thereof, and sell the same to any applicant at a price not exceeding one shilling for each such copy. In case any company make default in complying with any of the provisions of this section, they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for each day during which such default con- tinues. 38. There shall be an auditor of the accounts of the companies, being a competent and impartial person, from time to time appointed by and removable by the board of trade (a). There shall be paid to such auditor such remuneration by the companies and in such proportions as such board (a) appoints. 39. The auditor shall, with all practicable speed after the passing of this Act, investigate the accounts of the companies, and ascertain and certify the amounts of their capitals, distinguishing share from loan capital, and shall ascertain and certify the capital of each company, and shall from time to time, as new capital shall be expended, in like manner ascertain and certify the amount of such new capital that has been bond fide expended 'for the purposes of the undertaking. Not- withstanding anything in this Act, the auditor shall not inve: (a) See note to section 9. (b) Section 4 enacts that " every company shall effectually filter all water supplied by them within the metropolis for domestic use, before the same shall pass into the pipes for distribution, excepting any water which may be pumped from wells into a covered reservoir or aqueduct, without exposure to the atmosphere and which shall not be afterwards mixed with unaltered water." 84 & 85 VICT. c. 118, ss. 3944. 391 the accounts of any company antecedent to the date mentioned in Section 39. that behalf in relation to such company in the schedule C. to this Act annexed. 40. The auditor shall once in every half year audit the accounts of Periodical the companies. audit of If he finds the accounts correct he shall certify the same, but if in accounts, any instance he finds the accounts of any company incorrect in prin- ciple or in detail, he shall require such company to correct such ac- counts in such manner as he thinks right, and no future dividend shall in any case be declared by any company until their accounts are certified by the auditor : Provided that the suspension of a dividend under this section shall not operate until after the expiration of nine months from the date of the audit. 41. Each company shall, during as well as subsequent to the close Facilities for of that half year to which the accounts relate, give to the auditor, his auditor, clerks and assistants, access to the books and documents of such com- pany, and shall, when required, furnish to him and them all vouchers and information requisite for the purposes of the audit, and shall afford to him and them all facilities for the proper execution of his and their duty; and any company making default in complying with any of the provisions of this section shall, for every such default, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. 42. If any company think themselves aggrieved by any act or de- Arbitration termination of the auditor, the matter in difference shall be referred between to the determination of an arbitrator agreed on between such company auditor and and the auditor, or, in default of agreement, appointed, on the appli- company, cation of either party, by the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas ; and the reference shall be subject and according to the provisions of the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854; and the de- cision of the arbitrator shall be final and conclusive ; and, subject to this provision, such company shall observe and abide by the di- rections and determinations of the auditor. Arbitration. 43. Where any dispute arises between any persons whatsoever in Disputes relation to the execution of this Act, or to any act, matter, or thing may be incident to or consequent upon the execution of the same, and settled by where the method of determining any such question in dispute is arbitration, not expressly provided for, such question may, if the parties so desire, be settled by arbitration in manner prescribed by the Com- panies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 (c), with respect to the settle- ment of disputes by arbitration. Penalties. 44. Every penalty incurred by any company by reason of non- Recovery and npliance with any of the provisions of this Act shall go and belong application to the metropolitan authority within the jurisdiction of which the of penaltie< same has been incurred, and may be sued for and recovered by such (c) Sections 127134. 392 Section 44. proceedings for penalties 1 , &c. APPENEIX. THE METROPOLIS WATER ACT, 1871. metropolitan authority ia any court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of any ordinary simple contract debt of the like amount, and shall be paid and applied as such metropolitan authority shall from time to time direct (). Every such penalty shall be borne and paid (to the satisfaction of the auditor appointed as in this Act provided) exclusively by and out of the divisible profits of the company by whom the penalty is in- curred, and by way of reduction of dividend. 45. Except as is by the next preceding section expressly provided, all penalties under this Act may be sued for and recovered in the court of summary jurisdiction (6). Miscellaneous. Form and service, &c., of instru- ments. Act not to apply to cer- tain property and accounts of the New River Com- pany. 46. Any instrument (including a notice, order resolution, declara- tion, requisition, consent, approval, disapproval, or other document) made, given, delivered, or served under this Act, or any regulation thereunder, may be either in print or in writing (including litho- graph), or partly in print and partly in writing (including lithograph), and, if the instrument of a company shall be sufficiently authen- ticated by the name of their secretary being affixed thereto in print or in writing, or by a stamp on behalf of the company; and it shall be sufficient in all cases where any such instrument is required to be given to or served on the owner or occupier of any premises to address it to such owner or occupier by his description as owner or occupier (as the case may be) of the premises (naming them) in respect of which it is given or served, without further name or description ; and any such instrument may be addressed to owners or occupiers of any number of contiguous or neighbouring premises collectively, and when so addressed may be served on more owners and occupiers than one (so that separate copies be served on the respective owners and occupiers of the several premises concerned); and any such instru- ment may be served on any owner, occupier, or other person either personally or by sending the same through the post in a letter ad- dressed to him by name at his last known place of abode or business, or by delivering the same to some 'inmate at his last known or usual place of abode or business, or in case of an occupier to any inmate of the premises in respect of which it is given or served, or if the premises are unoccupied, and the place of abode of the person to be served is, after diligent inquiry, unknown, it shall be suffi- cient to affix it, or a copy thereof, on some conspicuous part of such premises. 47. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to apply to any of the landed estate, houses, or property of the new River Company not directly used for or connected with their water supply, or to authorize or empower the auditor to investigate or audit any accounts of the New Eiver Company other than those relating to their water supply. (a) As to application of penalties, see 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 105, and npte (e) to that section, p. 221, ante. (b) See interpretation of " court of summary jurisdiction," section 3. 34 & 35 VICT. c. 113, ss. 4851. 393 48. In case any consumer leave the premises where water was sup- Section 48. plied to him without paying to the company the rate due from him, - the company shall not require from the next tenant of the premises Incoming payment of the arrears so left unpaid, unless the incoming tenant tenant n t t agreed with the defaulting consumer to pay the arrears, but the com- PjJ^ arre . pany shall, notwithstanding any such arrears, supply water to the ? ou F m ? incoming tenant, on being required by him so to do. bTexpress ^ 49. Sections 17 and 18 of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, shall a S reement - be read as if instead of the words " district mains" and "district main" Amendment in the said sections the words " pipes " and " pipe " w r ere substituted ^ seC j^ s respectively ; and every company shall, upon the map, and upon every alteration of the same made in conformity with the provisions of the said section 17, as amended by this section, cause to be marked every screw-cock or apparatus by means of which water is permitted to How """' or is prevented from flowing from the main into any pipe within the water limits of such company. 50. Except as in this Act provided, nothing in this Act shall take Saving for away, abridge, or prejudicially affect any right or power which a ordinary company would have had under their special Act or the Metropolis powers. Water Act, 1852, or under any charter or otherwise, if this Act had not been passed. Costs. 51. All costs, charges, and expenses of or incidental to the preparing, Expenses applying for, and passing of this Act, and of promoting the Bill for of Act. the like purposes introduced previous to the same, shall be paid by the mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, and the metropolitan board of works, in such proportions and as and to whom the board of trade (c) shall direct. (c) See note to section 9. 394 APPENDIX THE METBOPOLIS WATER ACT, 1871. Sched. A. SCHEDULE A. Description of Metropolitan Authority. The City of London and the liberties thereof. The metropolis, except the City of London and the liberties thereof. Any place within the limits 'of this Act not included in the above de- scriptions, and under the jurisdic- tion of commissioners, trustees, or other persons intrusted by. any local Act with powers of improv- ing, cleansing, or paving such place. Any place within the limits of this Act not included in the above de- scriptions, and within the juris- diction of local boards constituted in pursuance of the Public Health Act, 1848, and the Local Govern- ment Act, 1858, or one of such Acts. Any place or parish within the limits of this Act not within the above descriptions, and in which a rate is levied for the maintenance of the poor. The mayor, aldermen, and com- mons of the city of London. The metropolitan board of works. The commissioners, trustees, or other persons intrusted by the local Act with powers of improving, cleans- ing, or paving. The local board. The vestry, select vestry, or other body of persons acting by virtue of any Act of Parliament, pre- scription, custom, or otherwise, as or instead of a vestry or select vestry. SCHEDULE B. Parts of the Metropolis Water Act, 1852, which are referred to in section 5 of the foregoing Act, viz. : Section 15, except so much thereof as prescribes the height at which the Kent Waterworks Company and the East London Waterworks Company are respectively required to give their supply, sections 19 to 22, bothin sive, and section 27. 34 & 35 VICT. c. 113. SCHED. 395 SCHEDULE C. Sched. C. Setting forth in relation to each company the date antecedent to which the accounts of such company shall not be investigated. The Governor and Company of the New Kiver brought from Chadwell and Amwell to Lon- don, commonly called the New Kiver Company. The company of proprietors of the East London Waterworks. The Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company - The West Middlesex Waterworks Company The Lambeth Waterworks Company The Governor and Company of Chelsea Water- works. The Grand Junction Waterworks Company The Company of Proprietors of the Kent Water- works. 16th day of July 1866. 15th day of July 1867. 12th day of April 1867. 13th day of May 1869. 13th day of May 1869. 3rd day of June 1864. 29th day of May 1868. 30th day of June 1864. AN ACT FOE REGULATING MEASURES USED IN SALES OF GAS. 22 & 23 VICT. CAP. 66. 13TH AUGUST, 1859. Interpretation of words " meter " and " person." Fixing unit of measure. Models of measures to be made and verified under the direction of the treasury. Models to be deposited. WHEREAS it is expedient that the measurement used in sales of gas for lighting, heating, and other purposes, should be hereafter regu- lated by one uniform standard, and that all meters should be stamped as hereinafter provided : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. In construing this Act the word " meter" shall mean gas meter, and shall include every kind of machine used for measuring gas ; and the word " person " shall include corporations. 2. After the passing of this Act, the only legal standard or unit of measure for the sale of gas by meter shall be the cubic foot contain- ing 62-321 pounds avoirdupois weight of distilled or rained water, weighed in air at the temperature of sixty-two degrees of Fahren- heit's thermometer, the barometer being at thirty inches, except as relates to contracts made before the passing of this Act by which a different unit of measure is adopted, which contracts may not be renewed. 3. Within three months next after the passing of this Act models of gasholders measuring the said cubic foot, and such multiples and decimal parts of the said cubic foot as the lord high treasurer or the commissioners of Her Majesty's treasury of the United Kingdom for the time being shall judge expedient, and from time to time after the expiration of the aforesaid period of three months, models of such further multiples and decimal parts of the said cubic foot as the lord high treasurer or the said commissioners shall from time to time think expedient, shall be carefully made with proper balances, indices, and apparatus, for testing the measurement and registration of meters, and such models shall be verified under the direction of the lord high treasurer or the said commissioners, and when so made and verified shall be deposited in the office of the comptroller general of the Exchequer at Westminster ; and copies of the models so from time to time deposited, verified as aforesaid, shall be sent to the lord mayor of London, and the chief magistrate of Edinburgh and Dublin, and APPENDIX. THE SALES OF GAS ACT, 1859. 397 to the chief magistrate of such other cities and boroughs, and to such Section 3. other places and persons in Her Majesty's dominions, as the said lord high treasurer or the aforesaid commissioners may from time to time direct ; and the said lord high treasurer or the said commissioners shall appoint a competent person or persons to design and make, subject to the approval and by direction of such lord high treasurer or the said commissioners, stamps of a uniform design to be used for stamping meters throughout the United Kingdom, with only such variations of numbers or marks thereon as shall be sufficient to dis- tinguish each inspector's district. 4. In England at some general or quarter sessions of the peace Copies of the within nine months next after the passing of this Act, the justices of models of the peace of every county, riding, or division, or county of a city or gasholder to county of a town, in general or quarter sessions assembled (), and in be provided such boroughs as may adopt this Act, as hereinafter provided, the town by order of council at the meeting next after such adoption (b), and in Scotland general or the justices of the peace at a meeting to be called for the purpose by ( l ua y* ; er ^ the sheriff of each county, and the magistrates of each royal burgh ^ sessions m within nine months after the passing of this Act, and so from time , n ^ an , .' an< " to time at any subsequent general or quarter sessions or meeting so called,, shall determine the number of copies of the said models of g co ti an( i gasholders, with proper balances, indices, and apparatus as aforesaid, which they shall deem requisite for the testing of meters within their respective jurisdictions, and shall direct that such copies, verified and stamped at the Exchequer, together with such number of stamps for stamping meters as they shall deem requisite, shall be provided for the use of the same, and shall fix the places at which such copies and stamps shall be deposited, and shall appoint a sufficient number of Appointment inspectors of meters for the safe custody of such copies and stamps, of inspectors. and for the discharge of the other duties hereinafter mentioned, and shall allot to each inspector a separate district, and from time to time, when necessary; shall subdivide and re-allot such districts, and all such districts shall be distinguished by the number or mark applied thereto on such stamps, and they shall direct what reasonable remu- neration shall be paid to such inspectors for the discharge of such duties as they shall have been ordered by such justices or town council or magistrates as aforesaid to perform, and they are hereby empowered to suspend or dismiss any inspectors so appointed, or to appoint additional inspectors as occasion may require : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to compel any town council in England or royal burgh of Scotland, except such as are county towns, wherein gas is used, to provide copies of the said models and stamps, or to appoint an inspector or inspectors for the performance of the duties prescribed by this Act ; and that it shall be lawful for the justices of the peace in any county, and for the magistrates of any royal burgh within such county, where they shall agree, to unite the whole or a portion of the county with such royal burgh, and to appoint one inspector therefor, and to provide, at their joint expense, copies of the said models and stamps to be used within (a) The powers given by this Act as amended by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 146, are, as to the metropolis, transferred to the Metropolitan Board of Works by 24 & 25 Viet. c. 79, s. I, post. (b) " Where an act is to be done by the order of the legislature at a par- ticular sessions, and at that sessions alone, no subsequent sessions has power to do it, and there is no authority to adjourn ;" L. Campbell in Boivman v. Blyth, 26 L. J. M. C. 57. 398 Section 4. Officers of the Exche- quer at Westminster to stamp copies of models. Expense of providing copies of models and remuneration of inspectors defrayed out of county rates, &c. No maker or seller of meter, or person in the service of any gas company or manufacturer APPENDIX. THE SALES OF GAS ACT, 1859. such united districts : Provided always, that in every borough in England where there is a town council, not being a manufacturer or seller of gas, it shall be lawful for such town council, -within six months after the passing of this Act, after one month's notice duly given in the manner in which notices are usually published by such town council, to adopt this Act, if the majority of the members pre- sent at any council meeting at which the subject is appointed to be considered shall so determine ; and if no resolution to that effect shall be passed within such time, then the justices aforesaid, at their next practicable general or quarter sessions after the expiration of such six months, shall in reference to any borough not so adopting this Act carry this Act into effect ; and in all boroughs as aforesaid in which the town council is a manufacturer or seller of gas, the jus- tices of such boroughs shall have such and the like powers of adopting and carrying into effect the provisions of this Act within such boroughs as by this Act are given to town councils not being manufacturers or sellers of gas. 6. (a) The copies of the said models so directed by the said justices, magistrates, or town council to be verified and stamped at the exche- quer shall be compared with the models deposited with the comp- troller general of the exchequer as aforesaid, and if correct shall be verified and stamped by the comptroller general, or some other officer of the exchequer at Westminster, duly authorized, upon payment of such fees as are at present payable upon verification and stamping a set of measures under the Acts relating to weights and measures, and no stamp duty shall be payable thereon. 7. The expense of providing and transmitting such copies oi models of gasholders, with proper balances, indices, and apparatus as afore- said, and of the stamp to be used by the inspectors, and the remune- ration to the inspectors, shall be paid in England out of the stock raised in such counties, ridings, divisions, counties of cities or counties of towns, and in boroughs out of any funds applicable to lighting purposes, and if no such funds then out of the borough fund; and in Scotland such expenses in the respective shires and stewartries, and cities or royal burghs, shall be assessed by the commissioners of supply upon such shires and stewartries, and upon cities or royal burghs by the magistrates thereof, according to the real rent of lands and heritages as appearing on the valuation roll of such shires, stewartries, and burghs respectively, and in such manner and by such persons as the said commissioners of supply and magistrates respec- tively may determine and appoint, and such assessments shall be collected under the same powers of levying and recovery as are com- petent for levying and recovering the land tax: Provided always, that in the city of London the expenses and remuneration aforesaid shall be paid out of the consolidated rate raised by the commissioners of sewers of the city of London, and in Ireland such expenses in the respective boroughs and towns shall be provided for and paid respec- tively out of any funds applicable to lighting purposes, and if no such fund then out of any other borough or town fund. 8. No maker, repairer, or seller of meters or of gas, or person em- ployed in the making, repairing, or selling of meters or gas, shall be an inspector of meters under the provisions of this Act ; and every inspector shall forthwith enter into a bond or recognizance to the Queen, to be sued for in any courts of record, in such sum, and either (a) Section 5 relates to Ireland only. 22 & 23 VICT. c. 66, ss. 812. with or without a surety or sureties, as the justices, magistrates, town Section 8. council, or other persons by whom he may have been appointed shall fix, for the due and punctual performance of the duties of his office, ot Deters 01 and for the due and punctual payment at such time or times as he ? as ' , an may he directed by the justices, magistrates, town council, or other ^?cbo'tQ persons by whom he may have been appointed, of all fees received by ent g r }nto him under the authority of this Act, and for the safety of the said recognizances copies of models and stamps committed to his charge, and for their due restoration and surrender to such person or persons as may be appointed to receive them by the justices, magistrates, town council, or other persons aforesaid immediately on his removal or other cessation from office. 9. In England the justices in general or quarter sessions assembled, Inspectors to or the town council in boroughs adopting this Act at any meeting attend at thereof, and in Scotland the justices or magistrates at a meeting towns where called for the purpose, and in Ireland the town council or town gas is con- commissioners of any such borough or town as aforesaid, shall deter- sumed, when mine and appoint on what days, at what hours, and what places required by each and every inspector shall attend with the said copies of models justices, and stamps in his custody at each of the several towns and districts within their respective jurisdictions as they shall deem expedient ; and every such inspector so attending shall examine, test, and, if found correct, stamp all such meters as shall be required under the provisions of this Act to be so examined, tested, and stamped, and shall deface or destroy the stamp on any meter tested and found incorrect under the provisions of this Act, and he shall keep a book wherein he shall enter minutes of all such examinations and testings, with the numbers of identity and capacity marked by the manu- facturer on such meters, and give, if required, a certificate under his hand of every such stamping and defacing ; and every inspector shall Inspectors to once in every quarter of a year account to the treasurer of the county, pay fees to riding, division, county of a city or county of a town, or borough or treasurer of town, or to such other person as shall be duly authorized by those by county, &c. whom he may have been appointed, for all fees received by him under this Act, and shall pay the amount thereof to such treasurer as aforesaid, who shall account for the same. 10. No meter duly stamped under the authority of this Act shall Meters when be liable to be re-stamped, although the same be used in any other stamped need place than that at which the same was originally stamped, but shall not be re- be considered as a legal meter throughout the United Kingdom, stamped, unless found to be incorrect within the meaning of this Act. 11. In case any inspector of meters shall stamp any meter without Penalty on duly testing and finding the same to be correct, or shall refuse, or inspector for for three days after being so required under the provisions of this misconduct. Act neglect, without lawful excuse, to test any meter or to stamp any meter found to be correct on being so tested, or shall be guilty of a breach of any duty imposed upon him by this Act, or snail other- wise misconduct himself in the execution of his office, every such offender shall upon conviction forfeit a sum not exceeding 5 for every such offence. 12. No meter shall be stamped which shall be found by the in- Meters not spector to register, or be capable of being made by any contrivance to be stamped for that purpose, or by increase or by decrease of the water in such if more than meter, or by any other means practically prevented in good meters, two per cent, to register, quantities varying from the true standard measure of gas incorrect in 400 APPENDIX. THE SALES OF GAS ACT, 1859. Section 12. more than two per centum in favour of the seller or three per centum in favour of the consumer ; and every meter, whether stamped or unstamped, which shall be found by such inspector to register or be so capable of being made to register quantities varying beyond the limits aforesaid, shall be deemed incorrect within the meaning of this Act ; and every meter which shall be found by such inspector to measure and register quantities accurately, or not varying beyond the limits aforesaid, and shall be found incapable by any such means as aforesaid of being made to register quantities varying beyond the limits aforesaid, shall be considered to be correct, and be stamped as aforesaid in such manner and on .such part of the meter as shall be specially directed by the authority appointing him, or in default of such direction as shall in his opinion best prevent fraud : Provided always, that every meter having a measuring capacity at one revolu- tion or complete action of the meter of not less than five cubic feet, and having permanently marked upon it in some conspicuous place the words " without float," shall be stamped by the inspectors, if found correct, within the meaning of this Act, in all other respects except that it is capable of being made by abstraction of water to register incorrectly against the seller of gas, but it shall not be lawful after the time aforesaid to use in the sale of gas any such meter, when so stamped by the inspector, except by written agreement between the buyer and seller specifying that this description of meter shall be used. 13. The following rules shall be observed by the inspector in test- ing meters under the provisions of this Act : Firstly, the meters shall be tested for soundness or leakage only, and not for percentage of error, when fixed on a horizontal base, and with gas under a pressure equal to a column of water three inches high, with a light or lights consuming not more than one-twentieth part of its measuring capacity per hour marked thereon, nor less than one-half of a cubic foot per hour, for all meters of a measuring capacity not exceeding one hundred cubic feet per hour, and not more than one-fortieth part of its said measuring capacity per hour for all meters of any greater measuring capacity per hour than one hundred cubic feet ; and all meters found to work under such test shall be deemed sound meters, and any meter found not to work under such test shall not be stamped : The meter to be tested for per-centage of error shall be fixed on a horizontal base, and shall be tested at a pressure equal to a column of water five-tenths of an inch high, and passing the quantity of gas or atmospheric air per hour which shall be marked thereon as its measuring capacity per hour, and the water used in such testing, and the air of the room in which such testing shall be made, shall be as favour of the buyer, or three per cent, in favour of the seller, and to be stamped if erroneous to no greater extent. Certain meters incor- rect against the sellers of gas may be used by agree- ment. Rules for testing meters. through the meter. Penalty for 14. If any persons shall make, except under the authority of this counterfeiting Act, or forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be made, except as stamps.^ aforesaid, or forged or counterfeited, or knowingly act or assist in the making, except as aforesaid, or forging or counterfeiting, any .stamp or mark which may be hereafter used for the stamping or marking of any meter under this Act, every person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit on conviction a sum not exceeding .50 or less than 10 ; and if any person shall knowingly sell, utter, or dispose of, let, lend, or expose to sale, any meter with such forged stamp or mark thereon, every person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit on conviction a sum not exceeding 10 or less than 22 & 23 VICT. o. 66, SB. 14 18. 401 40s., and all meters with such forged or counterfeit stamps shall be Section 14. forfeited and destroyed. 15. Any person who shall knowingly repair or alter, or knowingly Penalty for cause to be repaired or altered, or knowingly tamper with, or do any obstructing other act in relation to any stamped meter so as to cause such meter inspector, to register unjustly or fraudulently, or who shall prevent or refuse to allow lawful access to any meter in his possession or control, or the supply of water thereto as hereinafter provided, or shall obstruct or hinder any examination or testing authorized by this Act of any such meter, shall on conviction forfeit a sum not exceeding 5, pay the fees for removing and testing, and the expense of purchasing and fixing a new meter ; provided that the payment of any such penalty as aforesaid shall not exempt the person paying from liability to indictment or other proceeding at law to which he would otherwise be liable, or deprive any person of the right to recover damages against such person for any loss or injury sustained by such Act or default. 16. Every consumer of gas may purchase and use for the measure- Consumers ment of the gas supplied to him any meter duly stamped under the may use any authority of this Act, provided that the gas to be consumed per hour stamped shall not exceed the quantity per hour the meter is intended to measure, meter. so marked on the outside thereof as aforesaid. 17. After the expiration of ten years from the passing of this Act, After ten all meters whatsoever not previously stamped which shall be used years all for buying and selling gas, or for the collecting of any rates or duties, meters to be or for making any charges on the passage, transmission, or convey- stamped, ance of gas, shall be examined and tested under the authority of this Act, and stamped if found correct ; and every person Avho shall after the times respectively fixed by this Act knowingly use any meter which has not been so stamped as aforesaid shall on conviction forfeit a sum not exceeding 5, and any contract, bargain, or sale made by any such meter shall be void ; and every such meter so used shall, on being discovered by any inspector so appointed as aforesaid, be seized, and, on conviction of the person knowingly using or possessing the same, shall be forfeited and destroyed. 18. No meter for the purpose of ascertaining the quantity of gas sold &$&* twelve shall be fixed for use after the expiration of twelve months after the months no passing of this Act, unless the same shall bave its measuring capacity m fr r o at one revolution or complete action of the meter, and also the quantity . ' per hour it is intended to measure in cubic feet, or multiples or decimal parts of a cubic foot, denominated or marked on the outside thereof in legible letters or figures, and shall be stamped by an inspector of meters under the provisions of this Act ; and every person who after the mete ^ may expiration of such twelve months shall fix for use any such meter ^ s t am p e d if before it has been so stamped, shall be liable to a penalty of 5 for required, or every such unstamped meter ; and all meters required to be tested stamped and stamped, except as hereinafter mentioned, shall be delivered meters sub- to the inspector at the place where his testing gasholder and apparatus stituted, at may be kept ; and every purchaser and seller of gas by meter may, tbe expense of at his own expense, at any time after the expiration of the said twelve the person months, require any unstamped meter by which his gas is measured requiring it. to be examined, tested, and, if found correct, stamped, or he may at his own expense substitute a stamped meter in the place of any such unstamped meter : Provided always, that such purchaser or seller of 2 D 402 APPENDIX. THE SALE OF GAS ACT, 1859. Section 18. gas shall, before removal of any such unstamped meter for the pur- poses aforesaid give twenty-four hours' notice in writing of such intended removal to the other party to the contract. Fees for 19. The fees for examination, comparison, and testing, with or testing and without stamping, meters, shall be 6d. for each meter delivering a stamping cubic foot of gas in four or more revolutions or complete repetitions meters. of the action of the meter, and Is. for each meter delivering a cubic foot of gas by any less number of revolutions or complete actions, or one revolution or complete action, and for each meter delivering more than one cubic foot of gas by one revolution or complete action the further sum of one shilling for every cubic foot of gas delivered at one revolution or complete action beyond the first cubic foot. Power to justices and inspectors to enter houses, &c. and inspect gas measures and meters. Disputed decision of inspector to be referred to two inspectors of adjoining districts, &c. 20. In England and in such boroughs and towns as aforesaid in Ireland it shall be lawful for any inspector authorized in writing under the hand of any justice of the peace in England or Ireland, or of any sheriff, justice, or magistrate in Scotland, at the request and expense of any buyer or seller of gas, who shall have given twenty- four hours' notice in writing to the other party to the contract, at all seasonable times to enter any house or shop, store, warehouse, still, yard, or place whatsoever within his jurisdiction where any meter, whether stamped or unstamped, shall be fixed or used, and to examine and test the same, and if necessary for such purpose to remove such meter, doing as little damage thereby as may be ; and if upon such examination and testing it shall appear that any such meter is in- correct within the meaning of this Act, or fraudulent, the same shall not be refixed or used again unless and until altered and repaired so as to measure and register correctly, and stamped ; and the fees on such removal, examination, and testing of a meter, whether stamped and replaced or not, shall be double the fees hereinbefore made payable for testing and stamping, and shall be payable by the buyer or seller of gas as the justice of the peace in England or Ireland, or the sheriff, justice, or magistrate in Scotland, as the case may be, shall determine, and shall be recoverable accordingly : Provided always, that in case the head office of the person or company to whom such notice is to be given shall be more than twenty mi'les distant from the meter referred to in such notice, three days' notice in writing shall be given instead of twenty four hours' notice as aforesaid ; and provided also, that any person duly authorized by any company or person selling gas by meter may supply water to any meter, so as to keep the water at the correct level 21. In case of any dispute between the buyer and seller of gas by meter, or between any owner of a meter and any inspector of meters under this Act, respecting the correctness of any meter, the inspector shall, if required by any such person dissatisfied with his decision, give such party his reasons in writing for such decision, and such party may require such meter to be examined and re-tested by two inspectors of adjoining or neighbouring districts, to be named by an 7 justice of the peace having jurisdiction in the district where such meter shall have been tested ; and the unanimous decision of such last-mentioned inspectors shall be final as to the correctness or incorrectness of such meter, except in case of appeal to the general or quarter sessions ; and in case such two inspectors shall not agree, the decision of the inspector of the district to which such meter belongs shall be considered final, except in case of appeal to the 22 & 23 VICT. c. 66, ss. 2125. 403 general or quarter sessions, as hereinafter provided ; and the ex- Section 21. penses of the proceedings to be taken tinder the powers hereby granted shall be ascertained by the justice, who shall also determine by and to whom the same shall be paid, and such expenses may be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction. 22. In England and in such boroughs and towns as aforesaid in Persons Ireland all persons who may think themselves aggrieved by any aggrieved act or decision of any inspector or inspectors of meters, or by any may appeal to order, judgment, or determination of any justice of the peace, mayor, quarter or chief magistrate, relating to any matter or thing in this Act sessions, mentioned or contained, may appeal to the justices of the peace, recorder, or other presiding officer at the then next practicable general or quarter sessions to be held for the city, borough, or county within which the alleged cause of appeal shall arise, first giving seven days' notice in writing of such intention to appeal, and the grounds and nature thereof, to the party against whom such complaint is intended to be made, and forthwith after such notice entering into a recognizance before some justice of the peace, mayor, or other chief magistrate, with two sufficient sureties, conditioned to try such appeal and abide the order and award of the said court thereon ; and the said justices, recorder, or other presiding officer shall either hear and determine the said complaints at such general or quarter sessions, or, if they think proper, shall adjourn the hearing thereof till the following general or quarter sessions of the peace to be held for such city, borough, or county ; and the said justices, recorder, or other presiding officer may, if they or he see cause, reverse or alter such decision, and mitigate any penalty or forfeiture, and may order any money to be returned which may have been levied in pursuance of such order or determination, and may also order any such further satisfaction to be made to the party injured as they or he shall judge reasonable, and may also order such costs to be paid by the party complained against to the party appealing, or vice versa, as they shall think reasonable. 23. Where any municipal corporation, local board of health, or This Act and two or more justices, or any other corporation or person now have existing powers of appointing inspectors of meters, and they or such in- powers not to specters now have powers of stamping, restamping, examining, or be cumulative, testing meters, those powers and the provisions of this Act shall not be cumulative, but after the expiration of nine months after the passing of this Act the provisions of this Act shall supersede all such powers. 24. No proceeding to be had or taken in pursuance of this Act Proceedings shall be quashed or vacated for want of form, or be removed by not to be certiorari, or by any other writ or proceeding whatsoever, into any quashed for of Her Majesty's courts of record at Westminster or elsewhere, want of any law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding. form or removed. 25. In England and in such boroughs and towns as aforesaid in As to recovery Ireland all fees and penalties received and recovered under this Act and appli- shall be applied in aid of the stock or fund out of which the expenses cation of of carrying the Act into effect shall be defrayed, and in Scotland all penalties, penalties incurred under the provisions of this Act shall be recover- able, with expenses, either before the sheriff of the county, or the magistrate of the burgh or town corporate wherein the same may be incurred or where the offender may reside, or before two or more 2D 2 404 Section 25. Limitation of actions, &c. Plaintiff not to recover after tender of amends. APPENDIX. THE SALE OP GAS ACT, 1859. justices of the peace of such county, at the instance either of the pro- curator fiscal of court or any person who may prosecute for the same; and the whole penalties, after deducting all charges, and such remu- neration to the person prosecuting, as the said justices shall think fit, shall be applied in aid of the funds liable under the provisions of this Act to the cost of providing and maintaining copies of the said models in the place where such penalties shall be awarded ; and it is hereby provided that it shall be competent for the said courts respec- tively to proceed in a summary way and to grant warrant for bringing the parties complained of before them, and upon proof on oath by one or more credible witnesses, or on the confession of the offender, or on other legal evidence, forthwith to give judgment on such complaint without any written pleadings or record of evidence, and to grant warrant for the recovery of such penalties and expenses decerned for, failing payment within fourteen days after conviction, by poind- ing, or by imprisonment for a period, at the discretion of the court, not exceeding sixty days, it being hereby provided that a record should be preserved of the charge and of the judgment pronounced. 27. In all actions brought against any person for anything done in pursuance of this Act, or in the execution of the powers or authorities thereof, such action shall be laid and brought in the county within which the cause of action shall have arisen, and the defendant or defendants in such action may plead the general issue, and give this Act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had there- upon, and that the acts were done in pursuance or by the authority of this Act ; and if they shall appear to have been so done, or that such action shall have been brought otherwise than as hereinbefore directed, then and in every such case the jury shall find for the defendant or defendants ; upon which verdict, or if the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall become nonsuited, or shall suffer a discontinuance of his, her, or their action after the defendant or defendants shall have appeared thereto, or if a verdict shall pass against the plaintiff or plaintiffs therein, or if upon demurrer or otherwise judgment shall be given against the plaintiff or plaintiffs, the defendant or defend- ants shall have his, her, or their costs, and shall have such remedy for recovering the same as defendants have for recovering costs of suit by law in any other cases. 28. No plaintiff shall recover in any action for any irregularity, trespass, or other wrongful proceeding made or committed in the execution of this Act if tender of sufficient amends shall have been made by or on behalf of the party or parties who shall commit such irregularity, trespass, or other wrongful proceeding before such action brought ; and in case no tender shall have been made it shall be lawful for the defendant or defendants in any such action, by leave of the court wherein such action shall depend, at any time before issue joined, to pay into court such sum or sums of money as he, she, or they shall think fit, whereupon proceedings, order, and adjudi- cation shall be had and made in and by such court as in other actions where defendants are allowed to pay money into court. AN ACT FOR BETTER REGULATING THE SUPPLY OF GAS TO THE METROPOLIS (a). 23 & 24 VICT. CAP. 125. 28TH AUGUST, 1860. WHEREAS the following gas companies, that is to say, "The Gaslight and Coke Company," "The City of London Gaslight and Coke Company," " The Commercial Gaslight and Coke Company," "The Equitable Gaslight Company," "The Great Central Gas Consumers' Company," "The Independent Gaslight and Coke Company," " The London Gaslight Company," " The Phoenix Gas- light and Coke Company," "The Ratcliff Gaslight and Coke Company," "The Surrey "Consumers' Gas Comany," "The South Metropolitan Gaslight and Coke Company," "The Western Gas- light Company (limited)," " The Imperial Gaslight and Coke Com- (a) This Act was amended by 24 & 25 Viet. c. 79, whereby the powerg conferred upon justices of the peace by 22 & 23 Viet. c. 66, as amended by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 146, in so far as relates to the metropolis, were transferred to the metropolitan board, with a repeal of part of section 1 of the last- mentioned Act. This Act, the Metropolis Gas Act, 1860, was further amended or varied by subsequent statutes relating to particular companies to the extent therein expressed, viz., the City of London Gas Act, 1868, so far as relates to the city of London, the South Metropolitan Gaslight and Coke Company's Act, 1869, the Imperial Gas Act, 1869, the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, the Gaslight and Coke Company's Act, 1876, and the South Metropolitan Gaslight and Coke Company's Act, 1876. The enactments repealed or varied by these Acts are referred to in the notes. Under these Acts the board are required to appoint examiners to test the gas supplied by different companies, exclusive of the city of London, and to see that the requirements of the Act in respect of the purity and illuminat- ing power of the gas are complied with, &c. By the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, section 33, the prescribed testing places, materials, and apparatus provided by the company, shall be under the control and management of the metropolitan board, but the company may have a separate testing place in the same building ; by section 35, a gas examiner or gas examiners are to be appointed for the several testing places, and subsequent sections contain provisions for daily reports to, amongst others, the metropolitan board, for quarterly reports of the central gas examiner, register of gas, forfeitures for defect of illuminating power, excess of impurity, &c., giving a right to the board to attend the auditing of the company's accounts, with a provision for arbitration, where the board or company think themselves aggrieved by acts, &c., of auditor. The Gas and Waterworks Facilities Act, 1870, and Amendment Act, 1873, do not apply to any place within the metropolis. Section 15 of latter Act. 406 Section 1. Short title. 10 & 11 Viet. c. 15, incorpo- rated with this Act (a). Companies and persons to whom Act applies. Interpretation of terms. APPENDIX. METROPOLIS GAS ACT, 1860. pany," or some of them, are respectively incorporated under the authority of parliament for the purpose of supplying several districts- of the metropolis with gas ; and the said companies, instead ot supplying gas by several mains in the same district, have agreed, _ as far as possible, each one to confine its supply to a separate district,, in order to enconomise capital and avoid the too frequent opening of the public streets ; and, subject to the provisions and restrictions of this Act, it is expedient that such districting should receive the sanction of parliament : And whereas the regulations to which those companies are subject are not uniform : And whereas it is expedient that provisions be made for the due regulation of all companies and persons supplying gas within the metropolis : May it therefore please your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parlia- ment assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows ; that is to say : 1. This Act may for all purposes be cited as "Metropolis Gas- Act, 1860." 2. "The Gasworks Clauses Act, 1847" (except so far as the pro- visions thereof are inconsistent with this Act), is incorporated with and forms part of this Act, and shall apply to the several companies before named or referred to as fully as if the gasworks of the several companies were authorized by this Act ; and the expression " under- takers" in the recited Act shall be held to apply to every gas company affected by this Act ; but it shall not be lawful for any gas company, by the application of any of their profits or funds to make up to the prescribed rate, or the rate of ten pounds per centum per- annum where no such rate shall be prescribed, any dividend which shall have been payable more than six years previously (b) : pro- vided that the powers vested in the justices by the said Act shall be exercised by a magistrate. 3. This Act applies to the several gas companies, and to all persons already or hereafter supplying gas within the metropolis, except as herinafter excepted (c). 4. In the construction of this Act the following words and expres- sions have the following meanings, unless excluded by the subject or context ; that is to say : (a) The Gasworks Clauses Act, 1871, applies to all the companies enume- rated in this Act, and the 36th section of the former Act imposing a penalty whenever the promoters neglect or refuse to supply gas to any occupier within the limits of the special Act, under such pressure as is prescribed, applies to a case where the company has improperly cut off tbe supply of gas ; Commercial Gas Company v. Scott, L. K. 10 Q. B. 400. (b) The City of London Gas Act, 1868, section 3, repeals, so far as it relates to the city of London this (2) section, as far as it incorporates the Gas Works Clauses Act, 1847, with respect to the amount of profit, or where it imposes any restriction in respect of the rate of dividend. The South Metropolitan Gaslight and Coke Company's Act, 1869, section 4 (sched.), contains a similar provision, so also the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, section 3. By the Gaslight and Coke Company's Act, 1868, s. 63, companies are empowered to lay pipes, &c., into, through, or against buildings, with consent of owner or occupier. (c) See section 5 and schedule. 23 & 24 VICT. c. 125, ss. 4, 5. 407 The expression "gas company" or "gas companies" means and Section 4. includes any and every company, and any person or persons, supplying gas within the limits of this Act : The expression "local authority" includes the metropolitan board of works, vestries, and district boards appointed under an Act of the session of the eighteenth and nineteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and twenty, for the local management of the metropolis : The word "inspector" or "inspectors" shall mean any metro- politan gas inspector or inspectors to be appointed under this Act: The word " consumer" means a person receiving or entitled, in accordance with this Act, to receive a supply of gas from any gas company : The word " the metropolis " has the same meaning as in the said Act of the eighteenth and nineteenth years of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and twenty: The word " district " means, with respect to every gas company supplying gas wholly or in part within the metropolis, the dis- trict, so far as it is within the metropolis, within which the gas company are from time to time authorized to supply gas, and means, with respect to any person or persons not being a gas company, but supplying gas wholly or in part within the metropolis, the district within the metropolis within which he or they shall from time to time as a trade or business supply gas : The word " street " includes square, court, alley, highway, lane, road, thoroughfare, and public passage or place : The word " premises " includes public and private messuages, and other buildings, lands, and tenements whatsoever : The word " the gasworks " means the works of the respective gas companies, and the works connected therewith : The word "rate" includes all rents and other payments for a .supply of gas : The word "meter rent" includes all rents and other payments for the use of gas meters : The word " magistrate " means any police or stipendiary magistrate acting in and for the district of the metropolis in which the matter referred to him arises, and in the city of London and the liberties thereof shall mean any justice of the peace for the city of London and the liberties thereof: The words "common gas" shall mean gas of an illuminating power hereinafter denned of not less than twelve candles : The words " cannel gas " shall mean gas of an illuminating power hereinafter defined of not less than twenty candles (d). 5. The limits of this Act shall be the metropolis : provided Limits of Act. always, that this Act and the several clauses and provisions thereof shall not extend or apply or be construed to extend or apply to the several gas companies set forth and enumerated in the schedule annexed to this Act ; provided also, that the districts severally speci- fied and described in the Acts and instrument of incorporation respectively mentioned in the said schedule, or within which the said companies or any of them are now supplying gas (notwithstanding (d) So much of this section as defines the meaning of the words "com- mon gas " and " cannel gas " is repealed by section 3 of the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, as to that company. 408 Section 5. Sanctioning assignment of districts to gas companies to be subject to triennial re- vision. APPENDIX. METROPOLIS GAS ACT, 1860. the said districts, or any portions thereof, are or may be within the limits of the metropolis as defined by this Act), shall not be included or deemed to be included in the expression " the metropolis," or any extension thereof which may hereafter be made, under the provisions of the hereinbefore mentioned Act of the eighteenth and nineteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty ; provided also, that if the said companies or any of them shall supply gas in parts of the metropolis other than those within their respective districts as denned in the said schedule, then the provisions of this Act shall be held to apply to such companies respectively so far only as regards such ex- tended limits as may be within the metropolis. 6. The limits of each of the said companies shall be the respective districts supplied with gas by such companies as the same are denned upon four duplicate maps, signed by the Right Honourable Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron Estcourt, and which maps have been seve- rally deposited with the respective clerks of the peace for the counties of Middlesex, London, Surrey, and Kent ; provided that at the ex- piration of three years next after the passing of this Act, and of every three years thereafter, Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Home Department for the time being may, either upon the appli- cation and with the consent of any two or more of the said gas companies whose districts adjoin one another, make any alteration in the boundaries of such districts, or upon the application of any local authority, or upon the requisition of not less than twenty gas con- sumers within any district or districts proposed to be affected, and upon proof to his satisfaction being given that any of the said gas companies are not in a condition adequately to supply with gas their respective districts, or have substantially failed to fulfil the obliga- tions imposed by this Act, may make such alterations in the boun- daries of such districts, or admit any new company respectively, as he thinks proper ; and all such alterations shall be certified on one or more maps, to be signed by the said Secretary of State, and deposited with one or more of the said clerks of the peace ; and such last- mentioned map or maps shall be binding on all parties, and the pro- visions of this Act shall be held to apply to the several districts, when so altered, and to the several companies affected thereby, as fully and effectually as if no alteration in such districts had been made, and no other company or person than the company to whom such limits are for the time being assigned or shall hereafter be assigned shall supply gas for sale within the said limits, unless authorized by parlia- ment so to do ; provided that before proceeding to consider the necessity for altering any of the said districts the said Secretary of State shall cause at least one month's notice to be given of such application to all parties interested therein or affected thereby, and such notice shall state the day and hour when and the place Avhere such application will be considered ; and notices to be given to any gas company shall be left with the secretary or some other principal officer of the company, and notices to be given to any local authority shall be left with the clerk or some other principal officer of the said local authority. On complaint 7. If a t any time complaints as to the quantity or quality of t as to quantity gas supplied by any company be made to the said secretary ad quality, state ( a ) ^ v memorial in writing from the metropolitan board (a) The South Metropolitan Gas Light and Coke Company Act, 1869, 28 & 24 VICT. c. 125, ss. 714. 409 works, or any vestry or district board of works, signed by their clerks Section 7. respectively, or not less than twenty inhabitant householders paying rates for and supplied with gas by any snch company, it shall be law- secretary of ful for the said secretary, at any time within one month after the state^may receipt of such complaint, to appoint a competent person as inspector a PPi n * a _ to inquire into and concerning the grounds of such complaint, and P ersonas in ~ report to the said secretary thereon. 8. The inspector so appointed as aforesaid shall give notice of his re P ort ( & )- appointment in writing to the company, and at any time after Power of in- twenty-four hours from the time of his giving such notice as afore- specter so said he shall have power to inspect and examine the gasworks of appointed, the company, and to inquire into and concerning the grounds of such complaint, and the company and their officers shall afford all reasonable facilities for such inspection, examination, and inquiry. 9. Any person obstructing such inspector in the due prosecution Penalty on of such inspection, examination, or inquiry shall forfeit and pay any obstructing sum not exceeding ten pounds. inspector. 10. If after receipt of such report it shall appear to the said Notice if secretary that the said complaint is well founded, the said secretary complaint shall give notice thereof in writing to the company. weu founded. 11. After the receipt of such notice the company shall and they Company to are hereby required, within a reasonable time, to remove the grounds remove ground of such complaint. of complaint. 12. Every gas company shall in all things obey the orders of the Gas companies said secretary made in pursuance of this Act, and in default of their to obey orders so doing they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds f secretary of for each offence. state. 13. All the costs, charges, and expenses of and incident to any Cost of alter- inquiry and decision of the said secretary of state under this Act in district, shall from time to time be borne and paid by such parties as the said secretary of state shall direct, and such decision may, upon an exparte application, be made a rule of any of Her Majesty's superior courts of law at Westminster 14. Every gas company from time to time supplying gas within Gas companies any district shall, as to any premises or street within such district not * provide already supplied with gas, and which shall lie within fifty yards of pip es > an( i any existing mains, at their own expense, on being required by the su PPv S* 8 owner or occupier of any premises within the district or in part me jf r ^ at P re " within the district, who shall contract for not less than two years to !^ De( section 4, substitutes as to that company the board of trade for the secre- tary of state. (6) The City of London Gas Act, 1868, repeals (so far as they relate to the city) this and the following sections to 12 inclusive. A similar pro- vision is contained in the South Metropolitan Gas Light and Coke Com- pany's Act, 1869, section 4, as to that company ; and in the Imperial Gas Act, 1869, so far as relates to that company; so also in the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, section 3, as to that company. (c) By the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, that company shall, notwith- standing anything in this Act, not be compelled to lay on gas for a stable, &c., where they do not supply gas to the house, unless the person requiring it agree that the consumption be at the rate of at least 10s. per 410 Section 14. Security to be given to gas company, if required (a). Differences as to security to be determined by a magis- trate. Penalty on gas company APPENDIX. METROPOLIS GAS ACT, 1860. pay gas rates in respect of such supply to an amount equal to twenty per cent, upon the outlay, provide and lay all proper and sufficient communication, service, and other pipes up to the premises of such owner or occupier to communicate with the gas company's mains, and shall, if so required by the owner, occupier, or local aitthority, furnish him or them, at the rate prescribed by this Act, with a supply of gas for the purpose of being used in or on the premises, or for lighting the street, and if so required by the owner or occupier, fur- nish him with one or more meters for ascertaining the quantity of gas consumed ; provided that the gas company shall not be bound to supply more than one meter for each consumer occupying a separate dwelling or apartment, nor any meter exceeding a five-light meter ; provided also, that the meter rent which the said company shall be entitled to claim for such meter shall not exceed ten per cent, on the net cost of such meter ; provided that it shall not be lawful for any company not charging a meter rent on the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty to charge such rent within their district until after the first day of January one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-two. 15. Provided that the owner or occupier, if so required in writing by the gas company or any of their officers, shall, before he is entitled to have the pipes provided and laid, or to have a supply of gas or of meters furnished, give to the gas company such security for the payment of the rate for the gas to be supplied to him, and of the meter rent for every meter to be supplied to him, as he and the gas company agree on. 16. Provided, that if the owner or occupier and the gas company cannot agree thereon, the security to be given shall be determined by a magistrate ; and any single magistrate shall, on the application of the owner or occupier and the gas company, or either of them, determine the nature and amount of the security to be given ; and the security may, as the magistrate thinks fit, be the deposit with the gas company, or with any person approved by the magistrate, or the prepayment to the gas company, of a sum of money or any other security which the magistrate thinks sufficient and reasonable ; and the determination of the magistrate shall be binding on all parties, and final : Provided that if the security be the deposit with the gas company of a sum of money, the gas company shall pay interest thereon to the consumer at such rate as the magistrate shall de- termine. 17. If the gas company, not being entitled to reqiiire or not having annum, or pay the expense of the service pipe and meter. Under a special Act empowering a gas company to levy a distress for sums due for gas described as " rents," it was held that the company were not landlords within section 34 of Bankruptcy Act, 1869, and that the distress was merely a legal process against the estate of the debtor in respect of a provable debt; ex parte Hill, re Roberts, L. R. 6 Ch. Div. 63. (a) This and the 16th section shall, by the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, as to that company, apply to the supply of gas or of meters to a person succeeding as tenant of a house, &c. Where at the time of his entering, gas was consumed as therein provided, under the Gas Light and Coke Company's Act, 1872, it was decided that an incoming tenant was not liable to payment of arrears due from the preceding tenant ; Gas Light and Coke Company v. Mead, 40 J. P. 662. 23 & 24 VICT. c. 125, ss. 1722. 411 required any security, wilfully fail for seven days after being there- Section 17. unto required in writing by the consumer, or where the security ~~ agreed on or determined by the magistrate is given, shall wilfully aiun ** fail for fourteen days thereafter to provide and lay aU proper and | Y^? sufficient communication, service, and other pipes, or to furnish a m te supply of gas, or to furnish any meter, pursuant to the provisions of this Act, then and in every such case the gas company shall, on a summary conviction before a magistrate, forfeit and pay to the con- sumer not exceeding forty shillings for every day after the expiration of seven or fourteen days respectively during which the failure continues. 18. Provided, that every private consumer shall, if so required in writing by the gas company, consume the gas by meter, but any con- sumer may, if he thinks fit, provide his own meter. Gas to be con- sumed by meter if re- quired by companies. ^ Gas companies ma y contract for supply. ^ 19. Subject to the provisions of this Act, every gas company, from time to time, may enter into any contract with any owner, occupier, or local authority for all or any of the following purposes ; that is to say, for supplying him or them with gas, and with pipes, burners, meters, lamps, lamp posts, and other apparatus, and for the repair and cleansing and for the lighting and extinguishing thereof, in such manner and on such terms and conditions as the parties agree. 20. Provided, that, notwithstanding its being required by any Act Contracts of parliament or otherwise that the gas company's contracts shall be valid though under seal, every contract of the gas company entered into in npt under accordance with this Act shall without seal be binding on them, sea ^- if the contract be signed by at least two of their directors, or by their secretary or other officer by the authority of at least two of their directors. 21. Provided, that no contract for any of those purposes shall con- Restrictions tain any term or condition contrary to any of the provisions of this on contracts Act, or for giving in case of difference the sole arbitrament with gas com- thereon to the gas company or any officer or person who is or has been panics. employed by them, or who may have a pecuniary interest in such company, or for requiring any notice by a consumer discontinuing his supply of gas or meter which shall make him liable to pay more than one month's rate or meter rent after the time of the service of the notice, or which shall entitle the gas company, except for breach of any of the provisions of this Act, to discontinue any supply of gas by less than one month's notice in writing to the consumer, unless the rate due for gas shall be in arrear, in which case three day's notice in writing to the consumer shall be sufficient (6). 22. The gas company shall well and effectually light all public Gas companies lamps in all streets which they are required by the local authority to to ^S^t streets light, and shall, according to the terms of their contract, supply to wh e required the local authority so much gas as they require for their public lamps, y , J OC T provided that the gas company shall not be compelled to bight any a street with lamps at a greater distance from each other than seventy- five yards. (J) The gas companies mentioned in this Act are subject to the Gas "Works Clauses Act, 1871, and are liable to conviction for discontinuing the supply of gas without sufficient reason ; Commercial Gas Company v. Scott, 40 J. P. 214. 412 APPENDIX. METROPOLIS GAS ACT, 1860. Section 23. 23. The local authority may provide and keep in repair their own public lamp posts and lamps, and apparatus connected therewith, and, in case of their electing to burn by meter, light and extinguish the lamps, and defray the expenses thereof. 24. Every gas company shall, unless prevented by necessary re- pairs or unavoidable accident, at all times keep all their branch or service pipes fully charged with gas, and the stopcocks so turned as not to prevent the branch or service pipes from being at all times filled with gas. 25. The quality of the common gas supplied by any gas company Local autho- rities may provide lamp posts and lamps (a). Service pipes to be fully charged with gas. Illuminating power and purity of gas (5). shall be, with respect to its illuminating "power at a disfance as near as may be of one thousand yards from the works, such as to produce from an Argand burner having fifteen holes and a seven-inch chim- ney, consuming five cubic feet of gas an hour, a light equal in in- tensity to the light produced by not less than twelve sperm candles of six to the pound, each burning one hundred and twenty grains an hour, and the quality of cannel gas supplied by any gas company shall with respect to its illuminating power at the distance aforesaid be such as to produce from a batswing or fishtail burner consuming five feet of gas per hour a light equal in intensity to twenty such sperm candles, and each such gas shall with respect to its purity be so far free from ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen that it shall not discolour either turmeric paper or paper imbued with acetate or carbonate of lead, when those tests are exposed to a current of gas issuing for one minute under a pressure of five-tenths of an inch ot water, and shall not contain more than twenty grains of sulphur in any form in one hundred cubic feet of gas : Provided that any gas company, and the local authorities of the district supplied by such company, shall be at liberty to agree upon any other or different test by which to ascertain the purity of the gas, or to vary the amounts of ammonia or sulphur in any form hereinbefore allowed, and thereupon the company shall be thenceforth liable to have the purity of their gas tested in the manner so prescribed. Penalty for 26. If the gas supplied by the gas company be at any time of less deficient illuminating power or of less purity than according to this Act it illuminating ought to be, the gas company shall for every such offence, on a sum- power or im- mary conviction before a police magistrate, forfeit a sum not exceed- purity. ing fifty pounds, and also, in addition to that penalty, and whether (a) See Imperial Gas Act, 1869, section 74 ; Commercial Gas Act, 1875, section 68; City of London Gas Act, 1868, section 85 ; and South Metro- politan Gas Light and Coke Company's Act, 1869, section 67, as to the use of street lamp governors and access thereto by the local authority. (b) The City of London Gas Act, 1860, repeals (so far as they relate to the city) this and the following sections to 34 inclusive. A similar pro- vision is contained in the South Metropolitan Gas Light and Coke Com- pany's Act, 1869, section 4 ; also in the Imperial Gas Act, 1869 ; so also in the Commercial Gas Act, 1875. It was decided in the Gas Light and Coke Company v. The Vestry of St. George's, Hanover Square, 41 L. J. Q. B. 360, that the Gas Light and Coke Company's Act, 1868, and the City of London Gas Act, 1868, did not repeal the provisions of this Act as to the purity and quality of the gas, and that the gas company remained subject to those provisions as well as to those contained in the later Acts. 28 & 24 VICT. c. 125, ss. 2632. 413 that penalty be recovered or not, a further sum of ten pounds for Section 26. every day after notice in writing from the local authority during which the offence continues : Provided that such police magistrate shall not convict under this section if it shall be proved to his satis- faction that such defect of gas was occasioned by any unavoidable cause or accident. 27. Every local authority taking any supply of gas according to this Appointment Act shall provide all proper and sufficient apparatus, machinery, and by local autho- instmments for testing the illuminating power and purity of the gas, rity of ex- and from time to time shall appoint, and out of any funds applicable aminer of gas. by them for their local purposes may pay, a chemical examiner or gas engineer, or other competent person to be an examiner for the purposes of this Act ; and every gas company shall, within six months after the passing of this Act, cause to be erected in some convenient place, as near as may be to one thousand yards from their works (such place, in case of dispute between the company and the local authority to be fixed by a police magistrate, upon the application of either party, after hearing the parties thereon), an experimental meter fur- nished with a suitable burner, capable of consuming five cubic feet of gas per hour, with other necessary apparatus for testing the illumi- nating power of the gas. 28. The examiner shall, on giving three hours notice to the secre- Examination tary or engineer of the company, have access at all times to such ex- of gas and perimental meter, and when and so often as is necessary or as he is so report thereon, directed by the local authority appointing him shall examine the illuminating power and the purity of the gas supplied, and shall pre- sent to the local authority, so often as they require, a report stating the number of examinations on which the report is founded, and the maximum, minimum, and average illuminating power and purity, or the illuminating power and purity from day to day or at longer intervals of the gas supplied during the whole period to which the report relates, with such other information and remarks thereon as may be deemed necessary. 29. Provided, that two or more local authorities, if they think fit, Two or more may join in providing the apparatus, machinery, and instruments, l ca l au ^' and in appointing and paying the examiner, and he shall make r ^ e ? ma y his reports to every local authority so joining in appointing and J l n *^ e payinghim. appomtment. 30. The examiner, on payment to him of a fee of ten shillings and Complaint to sixpence by any consumer, shall, at his request, examine and report a magistrate to him on the illuminating power and the purity of the gas supplied as to supply as hereinbefore mentioned ; and any consumer may make complaint ^ S* 3 ' to any magistrate with respect to the illuminating power or purity of the gas supplied to the complainant, and the magistrate may enter- tain and hear the complaint, and proceed thereon according to the provisions of this Act. 31. Any magistrate may direct that notice be given to the com- Hearing on plainant and the gas company to appear and be heard on the com- report, plaint, at such time as he appoints, and each party shall thereupon appear and may be heard before a magistrate, by themselves, their counsels, attorneys, or agents. 32. Where on the hearing, and whether or not the gas company Order on hearing. 414 Section 32. APPENDIX. METROPOLIS GAS ACT, 1860. Gas company to obey order. Gas com- panies to afford facili- ties for examination under this Act. Limit of charge for gas and meters. Determina- tion of existing contracts. Limit of charge for gas supplied to public Difference to be settled by arbitration. 1, it appears to the magistrate that the complaint or any part thereof is well founded, he shall make an order declaring that the same is well founded, and ordering the gas company to pay any penalty or penalties thereby incurred, and to remove within a reasonable time the grounds of complaint, and he may by the order direct that any specific Acts shall be done by the gas company for removing the grounds of complaint, and may make any order as to costs ; and all orders so made shall be final and binding on all parties. 33. Where the gas company are served with any order so made they shall, within the time limited by the order, remove the grounds of complaint thereby declared to be well founded, and pay the penalty or penalties, and the damages (if any) and costs (if any) thereby ordered to be paid by them. 34. The gas company, and their officers, agents, and servants, and, where there is any complaint made, the complainant, shall afford to the examiner appointed by the local authority all reasonable facilities for the respective inspection, examination, and inquiry; and every person obstructing any such examiner so appointed in the exercise of his duties under this Act shall lor every such offence forfeit not ex- ceeding ten pounds. 35. After the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty no gas company shall, except under existing con- tracts, demand or take for any gas or five-light meter supplied by them any sum of money exceeding the rate or meter rent by this Act au- thorized. 36. All contracts made or existing before the first of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty, between any of the gas co'mpa- nies included in this Act and any local authority, for or relating to the supply of gas, shall terminate on the first day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and thereafter the provisions of this Act in all particulars shall apply to such company; provided that from the time of the passing of this Act until the said first day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two the provisions of this Act relating to price, purity, and illuminating power of gas, shall not apply to any such company, unless such company shall elect to adopt them. 37. The gas company shall not charge a higher price by the one thousand cubic feet for gas supplied to any local authority than the lowest rate by the one thousand cubic feet from time to time charged by them to any private consumers, otherwise than by special contract in writing, in the district supplied by the gas company. 38. If any difference arise between any local authority and the gas company with respect to any alteration in the test, or to the rate to be charged for gas supplied or for lighting any public lamp, the dif- (a) This section is repealed by the City of London Gas Act, 1868, so far as it relates to the city, and by the South Metropolitan Gas Light and Coke Company Act, 1869, so far as concerns that company, also so far as relates to the company by the Imperial Gas Act, 1869. This and the 38th section are repealed by the Commercial Gas Act, 1875, so far as relates to that com- pany. 23 & 24 VICT. c. 125, ss. 3841. 415 ference shall be referred to and be determined by arbitration in the Section 38. manner prescribed by the " Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845" (6), with respect to the settlement of disputes by arbitration. 39. In case any consumer leave the premises where gas was sup- Incoming plied to him without paying to the gas company the rate or meter rent tenant not due from him, the gas company shall not require from the next tenant to pay of the premises payment of the arrears so left unpaid unless the incom- arrears of ing tenant agreed with the defaulting consumer to pay the arrears ; outgoing but the gas company shall, notwithstanding any such arrears, in the ab- tenant, sence of collusion between the outgoing and incoming tenant, supply UIUess by gas to the incoming tenant, as required by this Act, on being required ex P ress by him so to do. agreement. 40. No company shall advance the price of gas above the rate taken Appeal by by such company on the first day of January one thousand eight consumers hundred and sixty, whenever such rate is at or above four shillings * home and sixpence per one thousand cubic feet, unless there has been such secretary on increase in the cost of gas, or any other circumstances affecting the n f e P" 06 company, as will warrant such advance : Provided always, that before ^ as ' c '* raising the gas rate in any district the gas company supplying such district shall give notice of their intention to the local authorities of the district in some newspaper circulating within the district for two consecutive weeks at least one month before such alteration in the gas rate shall be made; and in case any local authority shall, within such month, dissent from such alteration, it shall be determined by arbitration in the manner hereinbefore mentioned whether such altera- tion shall be allowed : Provided always, that no gas company shall charge for common gas supplied by them any sum exceeding five shillings and sixpence for every one thousand cubic feet, or for cannel gas any sum exceeding seven shillings and sixpence for every one thousand cubic feet ; provided also, that any company shall be at liberty to change the kind of gas from time to time supplied by such company, whether common or cannel gas, on giving three months' notice of their intention so to do; and upon the expiration of such notice the company shall thenceforth supply gas pursuant thereto under the provisions of this Act until any like notice shall be given for a further change; and when the company shall change the supply from cannel gas to common gas, the rate shall be reduced so as not to exceed four shillings and sixpence per thousand cubic feet, except under the circumstances and in the manner hereinbefore set forth. 41. The said secretary of state may at any time issue a form of Home secre- accounts to be filled up by each of the said gas companies, and such tary may accounts shall state precisely the amounts of the capital of each com- issue form (b) By the City of London Gas Act, 1868, this section shall (so far as relates to the City of London) be read as if the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act'was therein mentioned instead of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act," 1845. The South Metropolitan Gas Light and Coke Companies Act, 1869, section 69 contains a similar enactment. (c) This and section 41 are (so far as they relate to the City) repealed by the City of London Gas Act, 1868, and by the South Metropolitan Gas Light and Coke Company's Act, 1869, section 4, and schedule (so far as relates to that company). Also by the Imperial Gas Act, 1869, as to that company. This and the following sections to 44 inclusive are repealed by the Com- mercial Gas Act, 1875, as to that company. 416 Section 41. of accounts to be filled up by gas companies. Gas corn- cause maps of their districts to be made. As to de- posit and inspection of the maps. Charge for inspection of map. Secretary of state may direct pro- ceedings by the attorney- general against gas companies (o). APPENDIX. METROPOLIS GAS ACT, 1860. pany, and the Acts of parliament or other authority under which the same is raised, and such other information as the said secretary may require, in order to enable him to ascertain the actual state and con- dition of the concerns of such company; and every gas company shall, after receiving notice in writing signed by the said secretary of the form so required by him to be filled up within two months after the general meeting of the company fill up and forward to the said secre- tary an annual statement of accounts in the form so prescribed, and any company which shall fail to furnish such account shall be liable on conviction before a magistrate to forfeit any sum not exceeding fifty pounds; and such statement shall be laid by the secretary of state before both houses of parliament every year. 42. Every gas company shall within one year after the passing of this Act cause a map to be made of the district within which their mains or district mains then lie, on a scale not less than six inches to a mile, and shall cause to be marked thereon the line of all their then existing mains and district mains, and shall once in every year correct such map and make additions thereto as will show the line of all their then mains and district mains as aforesaid. 43. Every map, or a copy thereof, so made by or for each company, with the date expressed thereon of the last time when it was so cor- rected, shall be deposited, certified by their secretary, or clerk by writing under his hand to be a true copy thereof, with the respective clerks of the peace for the counties in which such mains lie, and who are hereby required to receive and keep in safe custody the same; and such maps so deposited shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of all local authorities and consumers, and their respective agents, and they respectively may take copies of or extracts from the same ; and every gas company wilfully 'failing to comply with any of the requirements of this Act with respect to maps, and every person having charge of such maps who shall refuse to allow any person to inspect and take copies of or extracts from such maps, shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceed- ing ten pounds. 44. Every clerk of the peace with whom any map shall be deposited under the provisions of this act may charge and take the sum of one shilling for every inspection of such map, and the further sum of two shillings and sixpence for every extract from or copy taken of such map. 45. If and whenever it appears to the secretary of state that any of the provisions of this Act have been violated or not complied with on the part of any gas company, or that the'gas company are acting in a manner unauthorized by law, and if it appear to him that it would be for the public advantage that the gas company should be restrained from so acting, or compelled to do any act for remedying the wrongful (a) A gas company acting under this Act and the Gas Works Clauses Con- solidation Act, 1867, section 29, are not justified in causing a nuisance, even if their gas cannot be made of the requisite purity without so doing ; Attor- ney- General v. Gas Light and Coke Company, L. R. 7 Ch. D. 217. Qucere whether on the construction of the Acts, the companies were under an obli- gation to supply gas. 23 & 24 VICT. c. 125, ss. 4549. 417 act done by them, the secretary of state may certify the same in writing Section 45. to Her Majesty's attorney-general, and thereupon he, if he be so ad- vised, shall proceed by information, bill, or action, or other such pro- ceeding at law or in equity, as the case requires, to restrain the wrongful acting or to compel the doing of the acts for remedying the wrongful acts; provided always, that the secretary of state shall not give the certificate at a period exceeding one year after the committing of the offence specified in the certificate. 46. Every penalty imposed by this Act, the recovery and applica- Recovery tion of which is" not otherwise specially provided for by this Act, shall and applica- be recovered on summary conviction before a magistrate, and be en- tion of forced, accounted for, and paid to the receiver of the metropolitan penalties, police district, and shall be apportioned in the same manner as penal- ties or fines, other than fines upon drunken persons, or tipon consta- bles for misconduct, or for assaults upon police constables, are by the Act of the third year of Her present Majesty, for regulating police courts in the metropolis, directed to be recovered, enforced, accounted for, paid, and applied (6); and every order or conviction of any magis- trate in respect of any such penalty shall be subject to the like appeal, and upon the same terms, as is by that Act provided in respect of any order or conviction of any magistrate ; and every magistrate by whom any order of conviction is made under this Act shall have the same power of binding over the witnesses examined, and the witnesses shall be entitled to the same allowance of expenses as they would be entitled to in case the order, conviction, and appeal were made under that Act. 47. Every magistrate shall, for the purposes of this Act, have full Jurisdiction jurisdiction and full powers and authorities, over the parties respec- of magis-. tively, and with respect to making orders on the parties respectively, trates for and otherwise, and as to costs, and may issue every such summons, purposes of warrant and other process, and may take such other proceedings as Act. he thinks requisite; and the service of any summons, notice, order, or other process in the matter on such person, or in such manner as a magistrate directs, shall be good service thereof ; and every magistrate may proceed singly in the execution of this Act in such manner as he thinks proper. 48. Nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to For the extend to authorize or empower any gas company to interfere with protection of or abridge any of the rights or privileges of an^y company established water com- for the supply of water to the inhabitants of any parish or place panics, within the metropolis ; and every gas company shall be answerable for any damage, spoil, injury, or mischief which shall be done to any of the pipes, works, or property of any such water company, or which shall or may be sustained by such water company by reason or in consequence of any act, matter, or thing to be done or executed by such gas company, or any of their servants, agents, or workmen. 49. Whenever any gas company, or their servants, agents or work- For laying men, shall dig or sink any trench" for laying any new mains or pipes, pipes to other than service pipes, for the conveyance of gas or other apparatus convey gas. near to which any pipe belonging to any water company for conveying water, or any branch or service pipe for the supply of water to (6) See Act for further improving the police in and near the metropolis, 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47, sections 22 and 77, and 2 & 3 Viet. c. 71, s. 47. 2E Mode of laying pipes. 418 APPENDIX. METKOPOLIS GAS ACT, 1860. Section 49. an J dwelling house or buildings, shall be laid, such gas company, their servants, agents, or workmen, shall give four hours previous notice thereof in writing to the manager or chief clerk, or secretary or engineer, of such water company, such notice to be delivered at the principal office of the company between the hours of ten in the morning and four in the afternoon, and shall, under the inspection of the manager or chief clerk, secretary or engineer for the time being of such water company, protect and secure every such water pipe from any injury, and shall also repair any damage that shall be done to such pipe, and in default of repairing such damage the gas com- pany shall for each such default forfeit and pay to the secretary for the time being of such water company, for the use of the said water company, any sum not exceeding five pounds, and also the costs and expenses which shall have been incurred by the said water company in protecting and securing any such water pipe, or in repairing or making good any injury that may have been done thereto by the means aforesaid, such costs and expenses to be ascertained by any justice, and to be recovered in the same manner as any expenses or penalty under this Act may be recovered. 50. All pipes hereafter to be laid by any gas company for the con- veyance of gas shall be laid at the greatest practicable distance from the nearest part of any pipe then laid down by or by order of any water company for the conveyance of water, and wherever the width of the carriage way or footpath will allow thereof shall be laid at the distance of four feet at least from the nearest part of any such water pipe, unless in cases' where it shall be unavoidably necessary to lay the gas pipe across or nearer to any water pipe, in which case the said gas pipe shall, wherever practicable, be laid over and above the said water pipe, at the greatest practicable distance therefrom, and shall form therewith a right angle, or as near thereto as the situation will admit ; and in every such case the said gas pipe so crossing the said water pipe shall be at least nine feet in length, so that no joint of any gas pipe shall be nearer to any water pipe than four feet at the least, where the width of the road, street, square, market place, lane, alley, passage, court, or other place will admit ; and every such gas pipe so crossing the water pipe shall for the whole length thereof be sufficiently bedded in with good sound clay or other fit materials of a proper consistence, and well worked and rammed into the trench all round the said gas pipe, and in laying down any such gas pipe the gas company shall use such joints as are for the time being of the most improved description for preventing the leakage of gas, and shall in no case join two or more gas pipes together previous to their being laid in the trench, but shall lay each pipe as near as may be in its place in the trench, and shall in such trench properly form the joint- ing with the other pipes to be added thereto with proper and suffi- cient materials, and shall also, whenever practicable, lay and well and sufficiently bed each joint of the main gas pipes and also the joints or screws of the branch or service gas pipes connecting with the main gas pipes, and also the joints of the service or branch pipes for conveying the gas from the main gas pipes to the houses and other buildings, and all other joints, inlets, apertures, or openings which are or shall or may be made in any of the main gas pipes belonging to the company, in such manner and of such material as shall, as far as reasonably practicable, prevent leakage. To prevent 51. "Whenever the water which shall be supplied by any water further con- company shall be contaminated or affected in any way whatsoever by tamination the gas of any gas company, such gas company shall, within twenty- 23 & 24 VICT. c. 125, ss. 61, 52. 419 four hours next after notice thereof in writing, signed by any one of Section 51. the directors or by the secretary for the time being of such water 7~~ company, or by any person using the water of such water company, yL^ ( a \ and left at the office of such gas company, cause measures to be taken ' ^ * effectually to prevent such gas from contaminating or affecting the water of such water company ; and in case such gas company shall not within forty-eight hours next after any such notice so left as aforesaid use all reasonable means to effectually remove the cause of such complaint, and prevent all such contamination whereof notice shall be given as aforesaid, then and in every such case such gas company shall on each complaint whereof notice shall be given as aforesaid forfeit and pay to the secretary of such water company, for the use of such water company, the sum not exceeding ten pounds for each day during which the water supplied by such water company shall remain contaminated or affected by the gas of such gas company ; and every such penalty or forfeiture may be recovered for the use of such water company in the same manner as any other penalty or for- feiture imposed by this Act may be levied and recovered. 52. And whereas it may become a question upon such complaint as aforesaid whether or not the water supplied by any water company For ascertain- within the metropolis be contaminated or affected by the gas of the 1U S ^ the gas company : Be it enacted, that in every such case it shall be lawful wa ^f r for any such water company to dig to and about and to search and examine the mains, pipes, conduits, and apparatus of the gas company adjacent to the pipes of such water company for the purpose of ascer- taining whether or not such contamination proceed or be occasioned by the gas of such gas company, giving twenty-four hours previous notice in writing signed by one of the directors or by the secretary for the time being of such water company, and left at the head office of such gas company, of the intention of such water company so to No. 10, relating to importation of explosive. No. 11, respecting notice to be given of accidents con- nected with the conveyance of explosives other than gunpowder. Orders of Secretary of State. Order of Secretary of State No. 1, applying general rules to floating maga- zines for gunpowder. n No. 2, applying general rules to floating maga- zines for explosives other than gunpowder, whether with or without gunpowder. No. 3, adapting general rules to the packing for conveyance of explosives other than gun- powder. No. 4, making bye-laws as to the conveyance of explosives upon roads and in certain special cases, (a) See definition of expression "this Act," section 108. 38 VIOT. o. 17, ss. 8, 4. 435 3. This Act shall apply to gunpowder and other explosives as Section 3. denned by this section (c). The term " explosive" in this Act Substances (1.) Means gunpowder, nitre-glycerine, dynamite, gun-cotton, JJ.TjJ blasting powders, fulminate of mercury or of other metals, , /i\ coloured fires, and every other substance, whether similar ] to those above mentioned or not, used or manufactured with a view to produce a practical effect by explosion or a pyrotechnic effect ; and (2.) Includes fog signals (d), fireworks, fuzes, rockets, percussion caps, detonators, cartridges, ammunition of all descriptions, and every adaptation or preparation of an explosive as above defined. PART I. LAW RELATING TO GUNPOWDER (e). General Law as to Manufacture and Keeping of Gunpowder. 4. The manufacture of gunpowder shall not, nor shall any pro- cess of such manufacture, be carried on except at a factory for gun- powder either lawfully existing (g) or licensed (h) for the same under this Act. Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the making of a small quantity of gunpowder for the purpose of chemical experi- ment and not for practical use or for sale. Gunpowder to be manu- factured only at factory law- fully existing or licensed under this Act(/). (5) See note to section 106, infra, as to order of council made under that section defining the composition, quality, and character of explosives, and classifying explosives, and section 104 providing that any]substance declared by order in council to be specially dangerous to life or property as liable to explosion, shall be deemed to be an explosive within the meaning of this Act. See special definitions in section 107, and general definitions in section 108 of the Act. (c) See exceptions from the Act and savings, section 97, et seq. (d) Fog signals were held to be fireworks under the 23 & 24 Viet. c. 139, s. 6, and a person who manufactured and kept them upon premises within the specified distance without a license incurred a penalty ; Bliss v. Lilley, 32 L. J. M. C. 3. (e) See section 39 as to the application of this part of the Act to other explosives, subject to the modifications and additions in section 40. (/) By section 105, infra, persons carrying on the processes as therein described, shall be subject to the provisions of the Act, as if they manufac- tured an explosive, and the expression " manufacture" shall be construed accordingly. (g) " Existing" means at the passing of the Act, section 108. See pro- visions in section 14 with reference to existing factories and magazines for gunpowder, and section 20 as to continuing certificates from local authority, and see application of Part I. of the Act to existing factories and magazines. (ti) See section 8 as to grant and confirmation of license, and section 15, et seq, as to licenses for gunpowder stores, and section 49 as to licensing small firework factories. 2 F 2 436 Section 4. Gunpowder (except for private use) to be kept only in existing or new maga- zine or store, or in registered premises. APPENDIX THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. If any person manufactures gunpowder or carries on any process of such manufacture at any place at which he is not allowed by this section so to do, he shall be deemed to manufacture gunpowder at an unauthorized place. Where gunpowder is manufactured at an unauthorized place 1. All or any part of the gunpowder or the ingredients of gun- powder which may be found either in or about such place or in the possession or under the control of any person convicted under this section, may be forfeited ; and 2. The person so manufacturing shall be liable to a penalty (a) not exceeding one hundred pounds a day for every day during which he so manufactures. 5. Gunpowder shall not be kept at any place except as follows ; that is to say, (1.) Except in the factory (either lawfully existing or licensed for the same under this Act) in which it is manufac- tured ; or (2.) Except in a magazine or store for gunpowder either lawfully existing or licensed under this Act for keeping gunpowder ; or (3.) Except in premises registered under this Act for keeping gunpowder. Provided that this section shall not apply (1.) To a person keeping for his private use and not for sale gun- powder to an amount not exceeding on the same premises thirty pounds ; or (2.) To the keeping of any gunpowder by a carrier or other person for the purpose of conveyance, when the same is being con- veyed or kept in accordance with the provisions of this Act with respect to the conveyance of gunpowder. Any gunpowder kept in any place other than as above in this section mentioned shall be deemed to be kept in an unauthorized place. Where any gunpowder is kept in an unauthorized place (1.) All or any part of the gunpowder found in such place may be forfeited ; and (2.) The occupier of such place, and also the owner of, or other person guilty of keeping the gunpowder, shall each be liable to a penalty not exceeding two shillings for every pound of gunpowder so kept. Licensing of Factories and Magazines for Gunpowder. Application 6. A new factory or magazine for gunpowder shall not be esta- for license Wished except on the site and in the manner specified in a license for for new the same granted under this Act. (a) By section 91 every offence under this Act may be prosecuted, and every penalty may be recovered, and all explosives, &c., liable to be forfeited, either on indictment or before a court of summary jurisdiction, subject to the conditions expressed in that and tne following section. Section 79 empowers the court to award absolute imprisonment in certain cases ; see section 93 as to appeal, and section 94 as to constitution of court of sum- mary jurisdiction. See provisions in favour of certain manufacturers and dealers in sections 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 50, and savings in sections 98, 99, 100, and 101. 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 6, 7. 437 An applicant for such a license shall submit to the secretary of Section 6. state the draft of a license accompanied by a plan (drawn to scale) of , the proposed factory or magazine, and the site thereof (which plan actoI 7 or shall be deemed to form part of and to be in this Act included in the m expression "the license"). The draft license shall contain the terms which the applicant pro- poses to have inserted in the license, and shall specify such of the tollowing matters as are applicable ; namely, (a.) The boundaries of the land forming the site of the factory or magazine and either any belt of land surrounding the site which is to be kept clear, and the buildings and works from which it is to be kept clear, or the distances to be main- tained between the factory or magazine, or any part thereof, and other buildings and works ; and (6.) The situation, character, and construction of all the mounds, buildings, and works on or connected with the factory or magazine, and the distances thereof from each other ; and (c.) The nature of the processes to be carried on in the factory and in each part thereof, and the place at which each process of the manufacture, and each description of work connected with the factory or magazine, is to be carried on, and the places in the factory or magazine at which gunpowder and any ingredients of gunpowder, and any articles liable to spontaneous ignition, or inflammable or otherwise dan- gerous are to be kept ; and (d.) The amount of gunpowder and of ingredients thereof wholly or partly mixed to be allowed at the same time in any building or machine or any process of the manufacture or within a limited distance from such building or machine, having regard to the situation or construction of such build- ing, and to the distance thereof from any other building or any works ; and (e.) The situation, in the case of a factory, of each factory maga- zine, and in the case of another magazine, of each building forming part ol such magazine in which gunpowder is to be kept, and the maximum amount of gunpowder to be kept in each factory magazine, and in each such building as aforesaid ; and (/.) The maximum number of persons to be employed in each building in the factory ; and (g.) Any special terms which the applicant may propose by reason of any special circumstances arising from the locality, the situation or construction of any buildings or works, or the nature of any process, or otherwise. The secretary of state, after examination of the proposal, may reject the application altogether or may approve of the draft license, with or without modification or addition, and grant to the applicant permission to apply to the local authority (6) for their assent to the establishment of the factory or magazine on the proposed site. 7. The local authority, upon application being made for their assent Application to the establishment of a new factory or magazine on the proposed for assent of (6) For definition and powers of " local authority" for the purposes of the Act, see sections 67, 68, and 69, and section 70 as to their expenses. 438 Section 7. local autho- rity to site of new factory or magazine. Grant and confirmation of license. APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. site, shall cause notice to be published by the applicant in manner directed by this Act of the application and of the time and place at which they will be prepared to hear the applicant, and any persons objecting to such establishment who have not less than seven clear days before the day of hearing sent to the clerk of the local authority and to the applicant notice of their intention to appear and object, with their name, address, and calling, and a short statement of the grounds of their objection. Upon the hearing of the application, or any adjournment thereof, the local authority may dissent altogether from the establishment of such new factory or magazine on the proposed site, or assent thereto, either absolutely or on any conditions requiring additional restric- tions or precautions. Where the site of the proposed factory or magazine is situate within or within one mile of the limits of the jurisdiction of any urban sanitary authority, or of any harbour authority, the applicant shall serve on such authority, if they are not the local authority, notice of the application and of the time and place of hearing fixed by the local authority. The said notices shall be published and served by the applicant not less than one month before the hearing. The local authority shall fix the time and place of hearing as soon as practicable after application made to them, and the time so fixed shall be as soon as practicable after the expiration of the said month from the publication and service of the notices by the applicant, and their final decision shall be given as soon as practicable after the ex- piration of the said month. The place so fixed shall be situate within the jurisdiction of the local authority, or within a convenient distance of the limits of that jurisdiction. The costs of any objections which the local authority may deem to be frivolous shall be ascertained by an order made by the local autho- rity, and shall be a debt due from the objector to the applicant, of which such order shall be conclusive evidence. Where the site of the proposed factory or magazine is situate partly within the jurisdiction of one local authority and partly within the jurisdiction of another, the assent of both local authorities shall be applied for in manner provided by this Act. 8. If on the hearing of the application for the establishment of a factory or magazine the local authority assent thereto either absolutely or on conditions submitted to by the applicant, the applicant shall be entitled to the license applied for in accordance with the draft ap- proved by the secretary of state, with the addition (if the assent was on conditions) of the additional restrictions and precautions required by those conditions. If the _local authority assent on any conditions not submitted to by the applicant, or dissent, the applicant may appeal to the secretary of state, giving notice of such appeal to the local authority, and requir- ing them to state in writing their reasons for such conditions or dis- sent ; and the secretary of state, after considering the reasons (if any) so stated, and after such inquiry, local or other, as he may think ne- cessary, may if the local authority dissented, refuse the license, or may in either case grant the license applied for in accordance with the draft license either as previously approved by him, or with such modi- fications and additions as he may consider required to meet the (if any) so stated by the local authority. The secretary of state, when satisfied that the factory or magazine 38 VICT. o. 17, SB. 8, 9. is sufficiently completed according to the license to justify the use Section 8. thereof, shall confirm the license, but until so confirmed the license shall not come into force. The land forming the site bounded as described in the license shall, with every mound, building, and work thereon for whatever purpose, be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be the factory or magazine referred to in the license. Regulation of Factories and Magazines for Gunpowder. 9. In every gunpowder factory and magazine (1.) The factory or magazine, or any part thereof, shall not be used Regulation for any purpose not in accordance with the license; and of factories (2.) The terms of the license shall be duly observed, and the manu- a ^d maga- facture or keeping of any process in or work connected with z i nes f r the manufactiire or keeping of gunpowder shall not be car- gunpowder, ried on except in accordance with those terms; and (3.) The factory or magazine and every part thereof shall be maintained in accordance with the license; and any material alteration in the factory or magazine by enlarging or adding to the site, or by externally enlarging or adding to any building, or by altering any mound otherwise than by en- largements or by making any new work, shall not be made except in pursuance of an amending license granted under this Act. In the event of any breach (by any act or default) of this section in any factory or magazine, (a.) All or any part of the gunpowder or ingredients thereof in respect to which, or being in any building or machine in respect to which, the offence was committed, may be forfeited ; and (6.) The occupier (a) shall be liable to a penalty (6) not exceeding in the case of the first offence fifty pounds, and in the case of a second or any subsequent offence one hundred pounds, and in addition fifty pounds for every day during which such breach continues. The occupier of a factory shall not be deemed guilty of a breach of this section for using in a case 'of emergency, or temporarily, one building or part of a building in which any process of the manufac- ture is, under the terms of the license, carried on, for another process of the manufacture, if he do not carry on in such building or part more than one process at the same time, and if the quantity of gun- powder or ingredients thereof in such building or part do not exceed the quantity allowed to be therein, or any less quantity allowed to be in the building or part of a building in which such other process is usually carried on ; and if upon such use being continued after the lapse of twenty-eight days from the first beginning of such use he send notice of such use to a government inspector, and the government inspector do not require the discontinuance of such use. (a) See definition of " occupier," section 108. (6) See section 91, as to prosecution of offences and recovery of penalties under the Act. rules for factories 44Q APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 10. 10. In every gunpowder factory and magazine the following general rules shall be observed : (1.) In a factory every factory magazine, and in any other maga- zine every building in which gunpowder is kept, shall be used only for the keeping of gunpowder, and receptacles for or tools or implements for work connected with the keeping of such gunpowder ; and (2.) The interior of every building in which any process of the manufacture is carried on or in which gunpowder or any ingredients thereof, either mixed or partially mixed, are kept, or in the course of manufacture are liable to be (in this Act referred to as a danger building), and the benches, shelves, and fittings in such building (other than machinery), shall be so constructed or so [lined or covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel in such manner, and the detaching of any grit, iron, steel, or similar substance in such manner, as to come into contact with the gun- powder or ingredients thereof in such building, and such interior, benches, shelves, and fittings shall, so far as reasonably practicable, be kept free from grit and otherwise clean ; and (3.) Every factory magazine and expense magazine in a factory, and every danger building in a magazine, shall have attached thereto a sufficient lightning conductor, unless, by reason of the construction by excavation or the position of such maga- zine or building, or otherwise, the secretary of state consi- ders a conductor unnecessary, and every danger building in a factory shall, if so required by the secretary of state, have attached thereto a sufficient lightning conductor ; and (4.) Charcoal, whether ground or otherwise, and oiled cotton, oiled rags, and oiled waste, and any articles whatever liable to spontaneous ignition, shall not be taken into any danger building, except for the purpose of immediate supply and work or immediate use in such building, and upon the cessation of such work or use shall be forthwith removed ; and (5.) Before repairs are done to or in any room in or other part of a danger building, that room or part shall ,so far as practicable, be cleaned by the removal of all gunpowder, and wholly or partly mixed ingredients thereof, and the thorough wash- out ot such room or part ; and such room or part of the building after being so cleaned shall not be deemed to be a danger building within the meaning of these rules until gun- powder or the wholly or partly mixed ingredients thereof are again taken into it ; and (6.) There shall be constantly kept affixed in every danger build- ing, either outside or inside, in such manner as to be easily read, a statement of the quantities of gunpowder or ingre- dients allowed to be in the building, and a copy of these rules, and of any other part of this Act required by the secretary of state to be affixed, and of such part of the license and special rules made under this Act as apply to the building ; and with the addition in a factory of the name of the building, or words indicating the purpose for which it is used ; and (7.) All tools and implements used in any repairs to or in a danger building shall be made only of wood or copper or brass or some soft metal or material, or shall be covered with some safe and suitable material ; and 38 VICT. c. 17, s. 10. 441 (8.) Due provision shall be made, by the use of suitable working Section 10. clothes without pockets, suitable shoes, searching and other- wise, or by some of such means, for preventing the introduc- tion into any danger building of fire, lucifer matches, or any substance or article likely to cause explosion or fire, and for preventing the introduction of any iron, steel, or grit into any part of a danger building where it would be likely to come into contact with gunpowder or the wholly or partly mixed ingredients thereof ; but this rule shall not prevent the introduction of an artificial light of such construction, position, or character as not to cause any danger of tire or explosion ; and (9.) No person shall smoke in any part of the factory or magazine, except in such part (if any) as may be allowed by the special rules ; and (10.) Any carriage, boat, or other receptacle in which gunpowder, or the wholly or partly mixed ingredients thereof, are con- veyed from one building to another in a factory or magazine, or from any such building to any place outside of such factory or magazine, shall be constructed without any ex- posed iron or steel in the interior thereof, and shall contain only the gunpowder and ingredients, and shall be closed or otherwise properly covered over ; and the gunpowder and ingredients shall be so conveyed with all due diligence, and with such precautions and in such manner as will sufficiently guard against any accidental ignition ; and (11.) A person under the age of sixteen years shall not be em- ployed in or enter any danger building, except in the presence and under the supervision of some grown-up person; and (12.) In a factory the ingredients in course of manufacture into gunpowder shall be removed with all due diligence from each working building so soon as the process connected with those ingredients which is carried on in such building is completed, and all finished gunpowder shall with all due diligence either be removed to a factory magazine, or sent away immediately from the factory, and such ingredients and gunpowder shall be loaded and unloaded with all due diligence ; and (13.) In a factory all ingredients to be made or mixed into gun- powder shall, before being so made or mixed, be carefully sifted, for the purpose of removing therefrom, so far as prac- ticable, all dangerous foreign matter. The secretary of state may, from time to time, by order, make, and when made rescind and alter, such modifications in the foregoing general rules as may appear to him to be necessary for adapting the same to floating magazines, and such modifications shall have effect as if they were contained in this section. In the event of any breach (by any act or default) of the general rules in any factory or magazine, (a.) All or any part of the gunpowder or ingredients thereof in respect to which, or being in any building or machine in respect to which, the offence was committed, may be for- feited ; and (6.) The occupier shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and in addition (in the case of a second offence) ten pounds for every day during which such breach continues. 442 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 11. 11. Every occupier of a gunpowder factory or magazine shall, with the sanction of the secretary of state, make speci Special rules for regula- tion of workmen in factory or magazine. make special rules for the regu- 1 red in or about such factory or magazine, with a view to secure the observance of this Act therein, and the safety and proper discipline of the said persons, and the safety of the public. There may be annexed to any breach of special rules made in pur- suance of this section such penalties, not exceeding forty shillings for each offence, as may be deemed just. The occupier may, and if required by the secretary of state shall, with the sanction of the secretary of state, repeal, alter, or add to any special rules made in pursuance to this section. If an occupier is required by the secretary of state to make, repeal, alter, or add to any rule under this section, and fail within three months after such requisition to comply therewith to the satisfaction of the secretary of state, the secretary of state may make, repeal, alter, or add to the special rules, and anything so done by the secretary of state shall have effect as if done by the occupier with the sanction of the secretary of state. If the occupier feel aggrieved by any such requisition, or by any- thing so done by the secretary of state, he may, after receiving such requisition or notice of the same being so done, require the matter to be referred to arbitration in manner provided by this Act. Alteration of terms of license and enlargement of factory or magazine. Devolution and deter- mination of license. Supplemental as to Factories and Magazines for Gunpowder. 12. Where the occupier of any gunpowder faetory or magazine desires that any alteration should be made in the terms of his license, or any material alteration made in the factory or magazine by enlarg- ing or adding to the site or by externally enlarging or adding to any building, or by altering any mound otherwise than by enlargement, or by making any new work, he may apply for an amending license. If he satisfy the secretary of state that the alteration may be pro- perly permitted, having regard to the safety of the persons employed in the factory or magazine, and will not materially either increase the danger to the public from fire or explosion, or diminish the distance of any danger building in the factory or magazine from any building or work outside and in the neighbourhood of the factory or magazine, or increase the amount of gunpowder allowed to be kept in the fac- tory magazine, or in any building in the magazine, the secretary of state may grant the amending license of his own authority, but save as aforesaid, the provisions of this Act with respect to the applica- tion for and grant of a new license shall apply to such amending license. 13. A gunpowder factory or magazine license shall not be avoided by any change in the occupier of the factory or magazine ; but notice of the name, address, and calling of the new occupier shall be sent to the secretary of state within three months after the change, and in default such new occupier shall be liable to a penalty not exceed- ing twenty shillings for every week during which such default con- tinues. A factory or magazine license shall be determined by a discontinuance of the business carried on in pursuance of any such license if such discontinuance continues for a period of two years or more, or if the factory or magazine is used for any purpose not authorized b the license. 38 VIOT. c. 17, ss. 13, 14. 443 Provided that if the occupier sends to the secretary of state, and Section 13. publishes in manner directed by the secretary of state, a notice to the effect that the right to the factory or magazine license is not in- tended to be surrendered, the license shall not be determined until after the expiration of five years after the first discontinuance of the business, whether the factory or magazine has or has not been used for any piirpose not authorized by the license. Application of Act to existing Factories and Magazines for Gunpowder. 14. A factory or magazine for gunpowder used at the time of the Continuing passing of this Act shall not be deemed to be a lawfully existing certificate for factory or magazine within the meaning of this Act unless the occu- existing fac- pier thereof apply for and obtain in manner provided by this Act a * r i es and certificate (in this Act referred to as a continuing certificate) in res- magazines, pect of such factory or magazine. The occupier desirous of obtaining such certificate shall, before the expiration of three months after the commencement of this Act, send to the secretary of state an application for such certificate, stating his name, address, and calling, and the situation of his factory or magazine, and accompanied with such particulars re- specting the factory or magazine and the site thereof, and the mounds, buildings, and works thereon or connected therewith, and such copies of any plans in the possession of the occupier, as the secretary of state may deem necessary for enabling him to make out the certificate. The secretary of state upon receiving such application shall grant the continuing certificate for the factory or magazine to which the application relates, and shall insert therein, by reference to a plan (which shall be deemed part of the certificate) or otherwise, such particulars as he may consider sufficient to identify the factory or magazine and indicate the site and all the existing mounds, buildings, and works thereon or- connected therewith : the plan so referred to may be either the plan sent by the occupier or such other plan as the secretary of state may cause to be made for the purpose. The continuing certificate shall specify the maximum amount of gunpowder to be kept if the certificate is for a factory in each factory magazine, or in all the factory magazines of the factory, and if for a magazine in each building in the magazine, or in all the buildings of the magazine, and the amount so specified, where the maximum amount so to be kept is at the passing of this Act limited by any Act or by license or otherwise, shall be that amount, and where there is no such limitation, shall be the maximum amount which the fac- tory magazine, or all the factory magazines of the factory, or the building or all the buildings of the magazine, was or were capable of holding on the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. The regulations in part one of the first schedule to this Act shall be deemed to form part of the terms of a continuing certificate for a factory. The land forming the site bounded as described in the certificate shall, with every mound, building, and work thereon, for whatever purpose, be deemed, for the purpose of this Act, to be the factory or magazine referred to in the certificate. Where a license has been obtained before the twenty-fifth day of 444 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 14. February one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, for a factory or magazine for gunpowder, and such factory or magazine has not been completed before the passing of this Act, such factory or maga- zine shall be deemed to be, for the purposes of this section, a fac- tory or magazine for gunpowder used at the time of the passing of this Act : Provided that (1.) The particulars to be stated in the continuing certificate shall, as regards such mounds, buildings, and works as are not completed at the date of the certificate, relate to the same as designed on the commencement of the construction of the factory or magazine ; and (2.) The maximum amount of gunpowder to be specified in the continuing certificate as being allowed to be kept in any building shall, subject to the provisions of any Act or license, be the maximum amount which such building was designed on the commencement of the building thereof to hold, or such less amount as it is completed for holding at the time of the passing of this Act. For the purposes of this Act, a continuing certificate shall (save as otherwise expressly provided) be deemed to be a license, and the fac- tory or magazine, as the case may be, mentioned therein to be a factory or magazine licensed under this Act, and the provisions of this Act shall be construed accordingly. Provided that (1.) It shall not be necessary in any case to apply for the assent of the local authority to an amending license for an altera- tion in the terms of such certificate, or for an alteration in the factory or magazine ; and (2.) Such factory or magazine, if the certificate is determined by the discontinuance of the business carried on therein, shall cease to be deemed an existing factory or magazine. The occupier of any lawfully existing factory or magazine may, until the expiration of the time within which he is required by this section to send to the secretary of state an application for a con- tinuing certificate, and if he has sent such an application as is re- quired by this section may, until he obtains such certificate, carry on his business in such factory or magazine in like manner as if this Act had not passed. CONSUMERS' STORES FOR GUNPOWDER. Licensing and Regulation of Stores. Store license 15. Any person may apply for a license for a gunpowder store to to be obtained the local authority at the time and place appointed by such autho- from local rity, stating his name, address, and calling, the proposed site and authority (a), construction of the store and the amount of gunpowder he proposes to store therein ; and the local authority shall, as soon as practicable, if the proposed site, construction of the store, and amount of gun- powder are in accordance with the order in council hereinafter mentioned, grant to the applicant, on payment of such fee, not ex- () See section 28 as to registers of store licenses and premises regis- tered. 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 1517. 445 ceeding five shillings, as may be fixed by that authority, the license Section 15. applied for. -. 16. Her Majesty may from time to time, by order in council made Order in on the recommendation of the secretary of state council pre- (1.) Regulate the construction and materials and fittings of gun- !? n m & Sl u *~ powder stors ; and struction of " (2.) Prescribe the buildings and works from which gunpowder s t ores . stores are to be separated, and the distances by which they are to be separated ; and (3.) Prescribe the maximum amount of gunpowder, not exceed- ing two tons, to be kept in stores, graduated according to their construction and situation and their distance from the said buildings and works. Provided that an order under this section shall not require the removal of any building lawfully in use at the date of the making of such order. 17. In every gunpowder store the following general rules shall be General rules observed ; that is to say, for stores. (1.) The provisions of an order in council relating to stores, so far as they apply to such store, shall be duly observed : (2.) There shall not be at the same time in the store an amount of gunpowder exceeding the amount specified in the license ; and (3.) The store shall be used only for the keeping of gunpowder, and receptacles for or tools or implements for work con- nected with the keeping of such gunpowder ; and (4.) The interior of the store, and the benches, shelves, and fit- tings therein, shall be so constructed or so lined or covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel and the detaching of any grit, iron, steel, or similar substance, in such manner as to come into contact with the gunpowder, and such interior, benches, shelves, and fittings shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be kept free from grit, and otherwise clean ; and (5.) The store shall have attached thereto a sufficient lightning con- ductor (6) unless it is made by excavation or is licensed for less than one thousand pounds of gunpowder ; and (6.) Before repairs are done to or in any part of a store, the store shall, so far as is practicable, be cleaned by the removal of all gunpowder and the thorough washing out of the store ; and after such cleaning, these rules shall cease to apply to the store until gunpowder is again taken there ; and (7. ) Ercept after such cleaning, all tools and implements used in or in any repairs to the store shall be made only of wood, copper, or brass, or some soft metal or material, or shall be covered with some safe and suitable material ; and (8.) Due provision shall be made, by the use of suitable working clothes without pockets, suitable shoes, searching, and (6) It was decided under the repealed Act, 23 & 24 Viet. c. 139, s. 2, par. 9, that gunpowder manufacturers who kept gunpowder in a store magazine without having provided lightning conductors, could not be pro- ceeded against under section 4 for keeping gunpowder contrary to the pro- visions of the Act; Miott v. Majendie, L. R. 7 Q. B. 429. 446 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 17. otherwise, or by some of such means, for preventing the in- troduction into the store of fire, lucifer matches, or any substance or article likely to cause explosion or fire, or any iron, steel, or grit ; but this rule shall not prevent the introduction of an artificial light of such construction, position, or character as not to cause any danger of fire or explosion ; and (9.) No person shall smoke in any part of the store ; and (10.) A person under the age of sixteen years shall not be em- ployed in or enter the store, except in the presence and under the supervision of some grown-up person. In the event of any breach (by any act or default) of the general rules in any store, (a.) All or any part of the gunpowder in respect to which or being in the store when the offence was committed may be forfeited ; and (b.) The occupier shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and in addition (in the case of a second offence) ten pounds for every day during wliich such breach con- tinues. Non-transfer- 18. A store license shall be valid only for the person named in it, ability, re- and shall annually, unless the circumstances have so changed that newal, and the grant of a new license would not be authorized by this Act, 011 forms of store application by post or otherwise, and payment of such fee, not ex- licenses, ceeding one shilling, as may be from time to time fixed by the local authority, be renewed by that authority, by endorsement or other- wise, for that year, and unless so renewed shall expire. Store licenses shall be in the form from time to time directed by the secretary of state. Special rules 19. Every occupier of a gunpowder store may, with the sanction for regulation of the secretary of state make, and when made may, with the like of workmen sanction, repeal, alter, or add to, special rules for the regulation of in stores. the persons managing or employed in or about such store, with a view to secure the observance of this Act therein, and the safety and proper discipline of the said persons and the safety of the public. There may be annexed to any breach of special rules made in pur- suance of this section such penalties, not exceeding forty shillings for each offence, as may be deemed just. Definition and continuing certificate for existing stores which are to be subject to this Act. Application of Act to existing Stores for Gunpowder. 20. Any magazine established without a license from a local authority in pursuance of the Gunpowder Act, 1860, or of any en- actment repealed by that Act, for the use of any mine, quarry, colliery, or factory of safety-fuzes, and in use at the passing of this Act, is in this Act referred to as an existing gunpowder store. An existing gunpowder store shall not require a continuing certifi- cate as a magazine from the secretary of state, but shall require a continuing certificate from the local authority, and if such certificate is not applied for and obtained in manner provided by this Act, shall not be deemed to be a lawfully existing store. The occupier of the store desirous of obtaining a continuing certi- cate shall, before the expiration of three months after the commence- ment of this Act, send an application for such certificate to the local authority, stating his name, address, and calling, and the situation 38 VICT. c. 17, SB. 20, 21. 447 and construction of the store, and accompanied by such particulars Section 20. respecting the store as may be necessary to enable the local authority to make out the certificate. The local authority upon receiving such application shall, as soon as practicable, on payment of such fee, not exceeding half-a-crown, as may be fixed by that authority, grant the continuing certificate, inserting therein such particulars as appear to them to be sufficient to identify the store, and inserting the maximum amount of gun- powder which the store is to be limited to hold, and such amount shall be the maximum amount which the store was capable of holding on the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy- five, or such less amount as is limited by the regulations below in this section mentioned. The regulations in Part Two of the first schedule to this Act shall apply to every store to which a continuing certificate is granted, as if they were contained in an order in council under this Act relating to stores. For the purposes of this Act a continuing certificate fer a store shall, save as otherwise expressly provided, be deemed to be a license, and the store a store licensed under this Act, and the provisions of this Act shall be construed accordingly. Provided that (1.) The store shall not be enlarged, or added to, or so altered as to be of a less secure construction, and any breach of this proviso shall be deemed to be a breach of the general rules relating to stores ; and (2.) The continuing certificate shall not be limited in duration, but if the business carried on in the store is discontinued, and either such discontinuance continues for a period of twelve months or more, or the store is used for another purpose, such store shall cease to be deemed an existing gunpowder store. Nothing in this section shall prevent the obtaining for any exist- ing gunpowder store of a license from the local authority under this Act, as in the case of a new store, and a store for which such license is obtained shall, whether a continuing certificate has or has not been previously obtained for the same, cease to be deemed an existing gun- powder store. The occupier of an existing gunpowder store may, until the expi- ration of the time within which he is required by this section to send to the local authority an application for a continuing certificate, and if he has sent such an application as is required by this section may, until the expiration of six months after the expiration of the said time, or any earlier date at which he obtains such certificate, carry on his business in such store in like manner as if this Act had EETAIL DEALING WITH GUNPOWDER. Registration and Regulation of Registered Premises. 21. A person desirous of registering with the local authority any Registration premises for the keeping of gunpowder shall register Ms name and of premises calling, and the said premises (in this Act referred to as his regis- with local tered premises) in such manner and on payment of such fee, not ex- authority (a). ceeding one shilling, as may be directed by the local authority. (a) Section 50 enacts that a person shall not be required to take out a license or to register premises for the keeping of percussion caps or safety 448 Section 21. General rules for registered premises (a). APPENDIX THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Such registration shall be valid only for the person registered and shall be annually renewed by sending by post or otherwise notice of such renewal to the local authority, together with such fee, not ex- ceeding one shilling, as may be fixed by that authority. 22. The following general rules shall be observed with respect to registered premises : (1.) The gunpowder shall be kept in a house or building (6), or in a fire-proof safe, such safe if not within a house or building, to be at a safe distance from any highway, street, public thoroughfare, or public place ; and (2.) The amount of gunpowder on the same registered premises shall not (a.) If it is kept in a substantially constructed building exclusively appropriated for the purpose and de- tached from a dwelling-house, or in a fire-proof safe outside a dwelling house, and detached there- from, and at a safe distance from any highway, street, public thoroughfare, or public place, exceed two hundred pounds ; and (b) (&.) If it is kept inside a dwelling house, or in any building other than as last aforesaid, exceed fifty pounds, unless it is kept in a fire-proof safe within such house or building, in which case the amount shall not exceed one hundred pounds ; and (3.) An article or substance of an explosive or highly inflammable nature shall not be kept in a fire-proof safe with the gun- powder, and in every case shall be kept at a safe distance from the gunpowder or the safe containing the same ; and (4.) Neither the building exclusively appropriated for the purpose of keeping the gunpowder nor the fire-proof safe shall have any exposed iron or steel in the interior thereof ; and (5.) All gunpowder exceeding one pound in amount shall be kept in a substantial case, bag, canister, or other receptacle made and closed so as to prevent the gunpowder from escaping. In the event of any breach (by any act or default) of such general rules in any registered premises, (a.) All or any part of the gunpowder in respect to which, or being in any house, building, place, safe, or receptacle in respect to which the offence was committed may be forfeited ; and (&.) The occupier shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two shillings for every pound of gunpowder in respect of which or being on the premises in which the offence was committed. fuzes for blasting, or fog signals kept by any railway company for use on the railway, or any prescribed explosive ; and section 41 contains an ex- emption in farour of safety cartridges therein provided. (a) The 6th and 7th sections of the repealed Act 23 & 24 Viet. c. 139, were held to apply only to the keeping by manufacturers of the articles named, and a gunmaker who sold wadded cartridges manufactured by others was held not to be within the enactment : Welley v. Woolley L R 7 Q. B. 61. (6) Where any provision of the Act limits the amount of gunpowder, &c., to be allowed in any building at any one time, all gunpowder, &c., within the radius of 20 yards from the building in course of removal from or to the building for the supply and work thereof, shall be deemed to be within the building. 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 2325. 449 Section 23. Supplemental Provisions. 23. The occupier of every factory, magazine, store, and registered Precautions premises for gunpowder, and every person employed in or about the against fire same, shall take all due precaution for the prevention of accidents by or explosion fire or explosion in the same, and for preventing unauthorized persons * ^ e * a ^ en ^y having access to the factory, magazine, or store, or to the gunpowder occu P ier - therein or in the registered premises, and shall abstain from any act whatever which tends to cause fire or explosion and is not reasonably necessary for the purpose of the work in such factory, magazine, store, or premises. Any breach (by any act or default) of this section in any factory, magazine, store or registered premises shall be deemed to be a breach >of the general rules applying thereto. 24. Where any provision of this Act limits the quantity of gun- Explanation pcwder or ingredients of gunpowder to be allowed in any building at as to quan- any one time, all gunpowder and ingredients within the radius of tities of twenty yards from the building and in course either of removal from gunpowder the building, or of removal to the building for the supply and work allowed in thereof, shall be deemed to be in the building : buildings. Provided that, if while the gunpowder or ingredients so in course of removal are within the radius, every machine and manufacturing process in the building is wholly stopped, there may, in addition to the quantity so allowed as aforesaid to be in the building, be within the radius a further quantity of gunpowder and ingredients so in course of removal as aforesaid, not exceeding the quantity specified in that behalf in the license, or in the case of an existing building in a lawfully existing factory for gunpowder ten hundred weight, or any less quantity so allowed as aforesaid to be in the building. Where any provision of this Act limits the quantity of gunpowder or ingredients of gunpowder to be allowed in any machine at any one time, but does not limit the quantity to be in the building containing such machine, the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply so far as circumstances admit, as if such machine were a building. Where the quantity allowed to be in any building is limited to what is required for the immediate supply and work of such building, or by words not specifying the exact quantity, a government inspector who considers that the quantity in any such building is in excess, may, after hearing the explanation of the occupier, require the occupier to diminish such quantity to the maximum named in the requisition. The occupier, if he feel aggrieved by such requisition, may require the matter to be referred to arbitration in manner provided by this Act. The exact quantity to be allowed in such building shall be deter- mined by the requisition, or if the matter is referred to arbitration, by the award. 25. An occupier authorized by this Act to require any matter to Regulations be referred to arbitration may, within one month after receiving the as to arbi- requisition, notice, or document relating to the matter to be so tration. referred, send an objection thereto to the secretary of state ; and if the cause of such objection is not, within one month after such objection is received by the secretary of state, removed by the secre- tary of state waiving or varying the said requisition, notice, document, 450 Section 25. Fees for licenses. Adjoining places occu- pied together to be one place. Register of and registered premises to be kept by local authority. APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. or matter, or otherwise (which the secretary of state is hereby authorized to do), such occupier may, by notice sent within seven days after the expiration of the said month to the secretary of state, require the matter to be referred to arbitration, and the date of the receipt by the secretary of state of the last mentioned notice shall be deemed to be the date of the reference. Arbitrations under this Act shall be conducted in manner provided by the second schedule to this Act. 26. There shall be payable in respect of licenses and continuing certificates granted by the secretary of state such fees as may be from time to time fixed by him with the consent of the treasury, not exceeding the fees in the third schedule to this Act, and if no fee is fixed, the fees mentioned in the said schedule. Such fees shall be taken and paid into the receipt of Her Majesty's exchequer in such manner as the treasury may from time to time direct, and shall be carried to the consolidated fund. The secretary of state may also require any applicant for a new license to pay such sum as the secretary of state may think reasonable for expenses incurred upon any inquiry made by order of the secre- tary of state with respect to the grant of such license. When the local authority do not fix any fee which they are authorised by this Act to fix, the fee payable shall be the maximum fee which such authority are authorized to fix. The fees payable to the local authority in respect of any license, certificate, or otherwise in pursuance of this Act, shall, where the clerk of the local authority is not wholly paid by fees, be carried to the credit of the local rate, or otherwise disposed of as such local authority may direct, and where such clerk is wholly paid by fees, shall, unless the local authority otherwise direct, be paid to- such clerk. 27. For the purposes of the provisions of this Act with respect to the manufacture and keeping of gunpowder, all buildings and places adjoining each other and occupied together shall be deemed to be the same factory, magazine, store, or premises, and shall accordingly be included in one license or one registration. 28. The local authority shall cause registers of all store licenses granted by and of all premises registered with them under this Act to be kept in such form and with such particulars as they may direct. The local authority shall, when so required by the secretary of state, send to him, within the time fixed by such requisition, a copy of such register or any part thereof, and in default the clerk of such authority, and also the authority if they are in fault, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one pound for every day during which such default continues. A ratepayer within the area of the local authority, and a licensee or person registered under this Act, upon payment of a fee of one shilling, and a government inspector, and an officer appointed by any local authority for the purposes of this Act, and an officer of police, without payment, shall be entitled at all reasonable times to inspect and take copies of or extracts from any register kept in pursuance of this section ; and the clerk of the local authority and every other person who fails to allow such inspection or taking copies of or extracts from the same, or demands any unauthorized fee therefor, 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 2833. 451 shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one pound for bach Section 2S. offence. 29. If the occupier of a store or registered premises dies or becomes Provision in bankrupt, or has his affairs liquidated by arrangement, or becomes oasc of death, mentally incapable or otherwise disabled, the person carrying on the &c., of business of such occupier shall not be liable to any penalty or occupier of forfeiture under this Act for carrying on the business and acting store or under the license or registration during such reasonable time as may registered be necessary to allow him to obtain a store license from or to register premises, with the local authority, so that he otherwise conform with the provisions of this Act. Sale of Gunpowder. 30. Gunpowder shall not be hawked, sold, or exposed for sale Restrictioa upon any highway, street, public thoroughfare, or public place. on sale of If any gunpowder is hawked, sold, or exposed for sale in contra- gunpowder vention of this section '-'. , _ in highway* (1.) The person hawking, selling, or exposing for sale the same, c> shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings ; and (2.) All or any part of the gunpowder which is so hawked or exposed for sale, or is found in the possession of any person convicted under this section, may be forfeited. 31. Gunpowder shall not be sold to any child apparently under Penalty for the age of thirteen years ; and any person selling gunpowder in con- sale of gun- travention of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding powder to five pounds. x children. 32. All gunpowder exceeding one pound in weight, when publicly Sale of gun- exposed for sale or sold, shall be in a substantial case, bag, canister, powder to be or other receptacle made and closed so as to prevent the gunpowder * n closed from escaping, and (except when the same is sold to any person packages employed by or on the property occupied by the vendor for imme- labelled . diate use in the service of the vendor or on such property) the outer- most receptacle containing such gunpowdor shall have affixed the ' word " gunpowder" in conspicuous characters by means of a brand or securely attached label, or other mark. If any gunpowder is sold or exposed for sale in contravention of this section 1. The person selling or exposing for sale the same shall be liable : to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings ; and 2. All or any part of the gunpowder so exposed for sale may be forfeited. Conveyance of Gunpowder. 33. The following general rules shall be observed with respect to General the packing of gunpowder for conveyance : rules as to 1. The gunpowder, if not exceeding five pounds in amount shall packing of be contained in a substantial case, bag, canister, or other gunpowder receptacle, made and closed so as to prevent the gunpowder for con- from escaping ; and veyance. 2. The gunpowder, if exceeding five pounds in amount, shall be contained either in a single package or a double package. A APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. single package shall be a box, barrel, or case of sucli strength, construction, and character as may be for the time being approved by the government inspector as being of such , t strength, construction, and character that it will not be broken or accidentally opened, or become defective or insecure whilst being conveyed, and will not allow the gunpowder to escape. If the gunpowder is packed in a double package the inner package shall be a substantial case, bag, canister, or other receptacle made and closed so as to prevent the gun- powder from escaping, and the outer package shall be a box, barrel, or case of wood or metal or other solid material, and shall be of such strength, construction, and character that it will not be broken or accidentally opened, or become defective or insecure whilst being conveyed, and will not allow the gun- powder to escape ; and 3. The interior of every package, whether single or double, shall be kept free from grit and otherwise clean ; and 4. Every package, whether single or double, when actually used for the package of gunpowder, shall not be used for any other purpose ; and 5. There shall not be any iron or steel in the construction of any such single package or inner or outer package, unless the same is effectually covered with tin, zinc, or other material ; and C. The amount of gunpowder in any single package, or if there is a double package in any one outer package, shall not exceed one hundred pounds, except with the consent of and under conditions approved by a government inspector ; and V. On the outermost package there shall be affixed the word "gun- powder" in conspicuous characters by means of a brand or securely attached label or other mark. In the event of any breach (by any act or default) of any general rule in this section, the gunpowder in respect of which the breach is committed may be forfeited, and the person guilty of such breach shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. The secretary of state may from time to time make, and when made, repeal, alter, and add to, rules for the purpose of rescinding, altering, or adding to the general rules contained in this section, and the rules so made by the secretary of state shall have the same effect as if they were enacted in this section. 34. Every harbour authority (a) shall, with the sanction of the board of trade, make bye-laws for regulating the conveyance, loading, and unloading of gunpowder Avithin the jurisdiction of the said authority, and in particular for declaring or regulating all or any of the following matters within the jurisdiction of the said authority ; namely, 1. Determining the notice to be given by ships and boats convey- ing, loading, or unloading gunpowder as merchandise within the said jurisdiction ; and 2. Regulation and navigation and place of mooring of such ships and boats ; and 3. Regulating, subject to the general rules with respect to packing in this Act contained, the mode of stowing and keeping gun- powder on board any such ship or boat, and of giving notice See definition of " harbour authority," section 108. 38 VICT. c. 17, s. 34. by brands, labels, or otherwise of the nature of the package containing the gunpowder ; and 4. Regulating the description, construction, fitting up, and licens- ing of the ships, boats, or carriages to be used for the convey- ance of gunpowder, and the licensing and dress of the persons having charge thereof ; and 5. Prohibiting or subjecting to conditions and restrictions the conveyance of gunpowder with any explosive or any articles or substances, or in passenger ships, boats, trains, or carriages ; and 6. Prohibiting in cases where the loading or unloading of gun- powder within the jurisdiction of such authority appears to l>e specially dangerous to the public such loading or unload- ing, and fixing the places and times at which the gunpowder is to be loaded or unloaded, and the quantity to be loaded or unloaded or conveyed at one time or in one ship, boat, or carriage ; and 7. Regulating the mode of and the precautions to be observed in conveying any gunpowder, and in the loading or unloading any ship, boat, or carriage conveying gunpowder as mer- chandise, and the time during which gunpowder may be kept during such conveyance, loading, or unloading ; and 8. Fixing the times at which lights or fires are to be allowed or not allowed on board such ships or boats, as before mentioned, or at which a constable or officer of the harbour authority is to be on board them ; and 9. Providing for the publication and supply of copies of the bye- laws ; and 10. Enforcing the observance of this Act both by their own ser- vants and agents and also by other persons when within the said jurisdiction ; and 11. Generally for protecting, Avhether by means similar to those above mentioned or not, persons and property from danger. The penalties to be annexed to any breach or attempt to commit any breach of any such bye-laws may be all or any of the following penalties, and may be imposed on such persons and graduated in such manner as may be deemed just, according to the gravity of the offence, and according as it may be a first or second or other subse- quent offence, that is to say, pecuniary penalties not exceeding twenty pounds for each offence, and ten pounds for each day during which the offence continues, and forfeiture of all or any part of the gun- powder in respect of which, or found in the ship, boat, or carriage in respect of which, the breach of bye-law has taken place. In the event of any breach of a bye-law under this section in the case of any ship, boat, carriage, or gunpowder, whether there has or has not been any conviction for such breach, it shall be lawful for the harbour-master, or other officer named in the bye-laws, or any person acting under the orders of the harbour authority, to cause such ship, boat, carriage, or gunpowder, at the expense of the owner thereof, to be removed to such place or otherwise dealt with in such manner as may be in conformity with the bye-laws, and all expenses incurred in such removal may be recovered in the same manner as a penalty under this section, and any person resisting such harbour- master or officer or other person in such removal shall be liable to the same penalties as a person is liable to for obstructing the harbour- master in the execution of his duty. On any part of the coast of the United Kingdom or in any tidal water for which there is no harbour authority, the board of trade APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Bje-Iaws fcy railway and canal company as to con- yeyanco, loading, &c. f gun- fowder. may, if iliey think it expedient, make bye-laws under this section for that part or water as it it were a harbour and they were the harbour authority, and such bye-laws shall be deemed to have been made by a harbour authority with the sanction of the board of trade; and the'y may by such bye-laws define the area within which such bye-laws are to be observed, and the authorities and officers by whom such bye-laws are to be enforced and carried into effect within such area, and every such authority and otlicer shall for the purposes of this Act, other than making bye-laws or assenting to a site for a new factory or magazine, have the same power within the said area as a harbour authority and an officer of a harbour authority have re- spectively under this Act in a harbour. 35. Every railway company and every canal company over whose railway or canal any gunpowder is carried, or intended to be carried, shall, with the sanction of the board of trade, make bye-laws for regulating the conveyance, loading, and unloading of such gun- powder on the railway or canal of the company making the bye- laws, and in particular for declaring and regulating all or any of the following matters in the case of such railway or canal ; that is to say, 1. Determining the notice to be given of the intention to send gunpowder for conveyance as merchandise on the railway or canal ; and 2. Regulating, subject to the general rules with respect to packing in this Act contained, the mode of stowing and keeping gun- powder for conveyance and of giving notice by brands, labels, or otherwise of the nature of the package containing the gun- powder ; and 3. Regulating the description and construction of carriages, ships, or boats to be used in the conveyance of gunpowder ; and 4. Prohibiting or subjecting to conditions and restrictions the conveyance of gunpowder with any explosive, or with any articles or substances, or in passenger trains, carriages, ships, or boats ; and 5. Fixing the places and times at which the gunpowder is to be loaded or unloaded, and the quantity to be loaded or unloaded or conveyed at one time, or in one carriage, ship, or boat ; and G. Determining the precautions to be observed in conveying gun- powder, and in loading and unloading the carnages, ships, and boats used in such conveyance, and the time during which the gunpowder may be kept during such conveyance, loading, and unloading ; and 7. Providing for the publication and supply of copies of the bye- laws ; and 8. Enforcing the observance of this Act both by their servants and agents and also by other persons when on the canal or railway of such company ; and 9. Generally for protecting, whether by means similar to those above mentioned or not, persons and property from danger. Such bye-laws, when confirmed by the board of trade, shall apply to the railway, canal, agents, and servants of the company making the same, and to the persons using such railway or canal, or the pre- mises connected therewith and occupied by or under the control of such company. Y The penalties to be annexed to any breach or attempt to commit . any breach of any auch bye-laws may be all or any of the following 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 3537. 455 penalties, and may be imposed on such persons and graduated in Section 35. such manner as may be deemed just, according to the gravity of the offence, and according as it may be a first, second, or other subsequent offence, that is to say, pecuniary penalties not exceeding twenty pounds for each offence, and ten pounds for each day during which the offence continues, and forfeiture of all or any part of the gun- powder in respect of which, or being in the carriage, ship, or boat or train of carriages, ships, or boats in respect of which, the breach of bye-law has taken place. 36. The occupier of every wharf or dock on or in which gunpowder Bye-laws is loaded or unloaded (if such loading or unloading is not otherwise as to subject to any bye-laws under this Act) may, and if so required by wharves the secretary of state shall, from time to time, with the sanction of in which the secretary of state, make bye-laws for regulating the loading and gunpowder unloading of gunpowder on or in such wharf or dock, and in parti- ^ loaded or cular for declaring or regulating all or any of the matters which can unloaded, be declared or regulated in the case of any wharf or dock within the jurisdiction of a harbour authority by by-laws made by such authority in pursuance of this Act. The penalties to be annexed to any breach, or attempt to commit any breach, of any such bye-laws may be all or any of the following penalties, and may be imposed on such persons and graduated in such manner as may be deemed just, according to the gravity of the offence, and according as it may be a first or second or other sub- sequent offence, that is to say, pecuniary penalties not exceeding twenty pounds for each offence, and ten pounds for each day during which the offence continues, and forfeiture of all or any part of the gunpowder in respect of which, or found on the wharf or in the dock or part of the wharf or dock in respect of which, the breach of bye-law has taken place. Any bye-laws made in pursuance of this section may, and if required by the secretary of state shall, be rescinded, altered, or added to by bye-laws made by the occupier, with the sanction of the secretary of state. If an occupier is required by the secretary of state to make bye- laws under this section for any matter, and fail within three months after such requisition to comply therewith to the satisfaction of the secretary of state, the secretary of state may make such bye-laws, which shall have effect as if made by the occupier with the sanction of the secretary of state. Where by reason of a wharf being a public wharf or otherwise, there is no occupier thereof, or the occupier thereof is unknown, the secretary of state may make bye-laws with respect to such wharf in like manner as if the occupier had failed to comply with his requisi- tion : Provided that where such wharf abuts on any harbour, canal, or railway, the harbour authority or canal or railway company shall have the same power, and, if so required by the secretary of state, shall be under the same obligation to make bye-laws under this section for such wharf as if they were the occupiers thereof. 37. The secretary of state may from time to time make, and when Bye-kws made, rescind, alter, or add to, byerlaws for regulating the convey- as to con- ance, loading, and unloading of gunpowder in any case in which bye- veyance laws made under any other provision of this Act do not apply, and by road or in particular for declaring or regulating all or any of the following otherwise, matters : that is to say, 456 Section 37. Confirmation and publica- tion of bye- laws. APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. 1. Regulating the description and construction of carriages to be used in the conveyance of gunpowder as merchandise; and 2. Prohibiting or subjecting to conditions and restrictions the con- veyance of gunpowder with any explosive, or with any articles or substances, or in passenger carriages ; and 3. Fixing the places and times at which the gunpowder is to be loaded or unloaded, and the quantity to be loaded or unloaded or conveyed at one time or in one carriage ; and 4. Determining the precautions to be observed in conveying gun- powder, and in loading and unloading the carriages used in such conveyance, and the time during which the gunpowder ance, loading and unloading ; may be kept during such conveyance and 5. Providing for the publication and supply of copies of the bye- laws ; and 6. Generally for protecting, whether by means similar to those above mentioned or not, persons or property from danger ; and 7. Adapting on good cause being shown the bye-laws in force under this section to the circumstances of any particular locality. The penalties to be annexed to any breach, or attempt to commit any breach, of any such bye-laws may be all or any of the following penalties, and may be imposed on sueh persons and graduated in such manner as may be deemed just, according to the gravity of the offence, and according as it may be a first, second, or other subsequent offence, that is to say, pecuniary penalties not exceeding twenty pounds for each offence, and ten pounds for each day during which the breach continues, and forfeiture of all or any part of the gunpowder in re- spect of which, or being in the carriage in respect of which, the breach of bye-law has taken place. For the purpose of any mode of conveyance which is not a convey- ance by land this section shall be construed as if ship and boat were included in the term carriage. 38. Any recommendation to Her Majesty in council, any general rules with respect to packing, and any bye- laws which is or are pro- posed to be made under this Act by a secretary of state or the board of trade shall, before being so made, be published in such manner as the secretary of state or the board of trade, as the case may be, may direct as being in his or their opinion sufficient for giving information thereof to all local authorities, corporations, and persons interested. The bye-laws framed by any railway company, canal company, or harbour authority under this Act shall, before being sanctioned by the board of trade, be published in such manner as may be directed by the board of trade, with a notice of the intention of such com- pany or authority to apply for the confirmation thereof, and may be sanctioned by the board of trade with or without any omission, addi- tion, or alteration, or may be disallowed. Every such bye-law may be from time to time added to, altered, or rescinded by a bye-law made in like manner and with the like sanction as the original bye-law. The secretary of state or the board of trade, as the case may be, shall receive and consider any objections or suggestions made by any local authority, corporation, or persons interested with respect to any recommendation, general rules, or bye-laws published in pursuance 38 VICT. c. 17, SB. 3840. 457 of this section, and may, if it seem fit, amend such recommendation, Section 38. general rules, or bye-laws with a view of meeting such objections or suggestions without again publishing the same. PART II. LAW RELATING TO OTHER EXPLOSIVES. Application of Part I. to other Explosives. 39. Subject to the provisions hereafter in this part of this Act P ar * ! relat- contained, Part One of this Act relating to gunpowder shall apply to in g to S*' every other description of explosive, in like manner as if those pro- ponder ap- visions were herein re-enacted with the substitution of that descrip- P|* ed to , tion of explosive for gunpowder. * her e *P l0 ' 40. The following modifications and additions shall be made in and to Part One of this Act as applied to explosives other than gunpowder : (1.) The draft license for a factory or magazine submitted by an applicant to the secretary of state shall specify such parti- culars as the secretary of state may require ; and (2.) The prescribed general rules shall be substituted for the general rules in Part One of this Act relating to factories, magazines, stores, and registered premises respectively ; but no such general rule shall require the removal of any building or work in use at the date of the order in council by which such rule is made ; (3.) The secretary of state may from time to time alter the general rules relating to packing contained in Part One of this Act for the purpose of adapting the same to the packing of any explosive other than gunpowder ; and (4.) For the maximum amount limited by Part One of this Act to be kept for private use and not for sale, or in a store, and for the minimum amount limited by Part One of this Act to be exposed for sale or sold otherwise than in a substantial case, box, canister, or other receptacle as therein men- tioned, there shall be substituted in the case of explo- sives other than gunpowder the following amounts (a) namely, (a) Where such explosive consists of safety cartridges made with gunpowder, an amount containing not more than five times the maximum or minimum amount of gunpowder, as the case may be, above mentioned ; and (6) In the case of any other explosive, the prescribed amount ; and Modification of Part I. a* applied to explosives other than gunpowder. () See Newly v. Sharpe, L. R. 8 Ch. Div. 39, where the landlord let premises for storing cartridges, and after the passing of this Act making it illegal to store cartridges and gunpowder in one building, removed the plaintiff's cartridges, it was held, that the grant of the liberty to the tenant by the landlord to store cartridges, did not imply a warranty of the legality of storing them. 458 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 40. (5.) Two or more descriptions of explosives shall not be kept in the same store or registered premises, except such descrip- tions as may be prescribed in that behalf ; and, wheu so kept, shall be kept subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions ; and (6.) Where any explosive, other than gunpowder, is allowed to be kept in the same store or registered premises with gun- powder, the maximum amount of gunpowder to be kept therein shall be the prescribed amount in lieu of the amount fixed by Part One of this Act ; and (7.) Where any explosive, other than gunpowder, is allowed to be kept in the same magazine, store, or registered premises with gunpowder, the prescribed general rules shall be observed instead of the general rules in Part One of ^this Act ; and (8.) There shall be on the outermost package containing the explo- sive in lieu of the word "gunpowder" the name of the explosive, with the addition of the word " explosive," and if such name is materially false the person selling or exposing for sale such explosive, and also the owner of the explosive, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds : (9.) With respect to the importation from any place out of the United Kingdom of either dynamite or gun-cotton, or any explosive (other than gunpowder, cartridges made with gunpowder, percussion caps, fireworks, and any prescribed explosive), the following provisions shall have effect ; that is to say, (a.) The owner and master of any ship having on board any such explosive shall not permit the same to be unloaded and delivered to any person who does not hold a license to import the same (in this Act called an importation license) from the secretary of state, and any transhipment shall for the pur- pose of this section be deemed to be delivery ; and (b.) The secretary of state may grant an importation license for any such explosive, and may annex thereto any prohibitions and restrictions with respect to the composition and quality of the ex- plosive, and the unloading, landing, delivery, and conveyance thereof, and such further provisions and restrictions as he may think fit, for the protec- tion of the public from danger ; and (c.) The license shall be of such duration as the secretary of state may fix, and shall be available only for the person named in the license ; and (d.) In the event of any breach by any act or default of the provisions of this section with respect to the importation of an explosive, or of the provisions of any importation license, all or any part of the ex- plosive with respect to which such breach is com- mitted, or being in any ship or boat in connexion with which such breach is committed, may be for- leited, and the owner and master of such ship or boat, and the licensee or person to whom the explo- sive is delivered, shall each be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds, and to a further 88 VIOT. c. 17, ss. 4043. 459 penalty not exceeding two shillings for every pound Section 40. of such explosive ; and (e.) The commissioners of customs and their officers shall have the same power with respect to any such explosive, and the ship containing the same, as they have for the time being with respect to any article on the importation of which restrictions are for the time being imposed by the law relating to the customs, and the ship containing the same, and the enactments for the time being in force relating to the customs or any such article or ship shall apply accordingly. 41. Nothing in this act shall apply to the filling or conveying, for Exemption private use and not for sale, of any safety cartridges (a) to the amount of making allowed by this Act to be kept for private use. and carrying safety car- 42. Section twenty-nine of the Passengers Act, 1855, and sections private use. twenty-three to twenty-seven, both inclusive, of the Merchant Ship- E . f ping Act, 1873, shall apply to every explosive within the meaning of -JQ & 19 y f this Act in like manner as they apply to gunpowder. c -Qg s 29 and 36 & 37 Viet. c. 85, Specially Dangerous Explosives. ss. 23-27, to all explosives. 43. Notwithstanding anything in this Act, Her Majesty from time Power to ' r - to time, by order in council, may prohibit, either absolutely, or except prohibit in pursuance of a license of the secretary of state under this Act, or manufacture, may subject to conditions or restrictions the manufacture, keeping, importation, importation from any place out of the United Kingdom, conveyance, storage, and and sale, or any of them, of any explosive which is of so dangerous a carriage of character that, in the judgment of Her Majestv, it is expedient for specially the public safety to make such order . dangerous Provided that such order shall not absolutely prohibit anything ex Pl slves - which may be lawfully done in pursuance of any continuing certi- ficate under this Act. Any explosive manufactured or kept in contravention of any such order shall be deemed to be manufactured or kept, as the case may be, in an unauthorized place. Any explosive conveyed in contravention of any such order shall be deemed to be conveyed in contravention of a bye-law made under this Act with respect to the conveyance of explosives. If any explosive is imported or sold in contravention of any such order, 1. All or any part of such explosive may be forfeited ; and 2. The owner or master of the ship in which it was imported shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten shillings for every pound of such explosive brought in the ship ; and 3. The person to whom it was delivered and the person selling the same shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten shillings for every pound of such explosive delivered or sold or found in his possession. The commissioners of customs and their officers shall have the same power with respect to any such explosive, and the ship contain- ing the same, as they have for the time being with respect to any (a) See definition of " safety cartridge," section 108. 460 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 43. article prohibited to be imported by the law relatin^ ___., he ship containing the same, and the enactments for the time ^ to the customs, and the ship containing the same, and the enactments for the time being in force relating to the customs and any such article or ship shall apply accordingly. Provisions in favour of certain Manufacturers and Dealers. Provision in *4- The occupier of a factory for any explosive shall not be | favour of required by this Act to take out a factory license for making up on makers, &c., such factory the explosive made thereon into cartridges or charges of blasting for cannon or blasting not containing within themselves their own cartridges. means of ignition. The occupier of any magazine, store, or registered premises for keeping any explosive may keep that explosive when made up into such cartridges or charges as above in this section mentioned, as if it were not so made up, and the provisions of this Act with respect to the keeping of any explosive shall apply to the keeping of that ex- plosive when made up into the said cartridges or charges, in like manner as if the explosive were not so made up. Provision in ^5. The occupier of a factory for any explosive who manufactures favour of a new explosive or new form of explosive similar to the one specified makers of in his license, shall not be deemed to be manufactured the same in new explosive an unauthorized place if he manufacture the same on a small scale, for experi- and exclusively for the purpose of trial and not for sale, and he send ment. notice of the same, as soon as he has manufactured it, to the secretary of state, and if he observe the provisions of this Act, so far as they are applicable. Provision in 46. The occupier of a magazine, store, or registered premises for favour of any explosive shall not be required by this Act to take out a factory gnnmakers, license by reason that in connexion wdth such magazine, store, or Ac., making premises he fills for sale or otherwise any cartridge for small arms cartridges. with the said explosive, so that he observe the following regulations ; namely, (1.) There shall not be in the room in which siich filling is being carried on more than five pounds of gunpowder, or the pre- scribed amount of any other explosive, except it is made up into safety cartridges ; and (2.) Any work unconnected with the making of the cartridges shall not be carried on in the room while such filling is being carried on ; and (3.) There shall not be in the room while such filling is being car- ried on any fire nor any artificial light, except a light of such construction, position, or character as not to cause any danger of fire or explosion ; and (4.) In the case of a magazine or store, the room in which the filling is carried on shall be detached from the magazine or store, but in the immediate neighbourhood thereof, and at such distance therefrom as may be specified in the case of a magazine by the license, and in the case of a store by an order in council relating to stores ; and (5.) The occupier shall give notice in the case of a magazine to the secretary of state, and in the case of a store or registered premises to the local authority, that he intends to carry on such filling of cartridges as is allowed by this section. 88 VICT. c. 17, ss. 46, 47. 461 Provided that this section shall not, except with the consent of Section 46. the secretary of state, apply to any magazine or store for which a continuing certificate has been obtained under this Act, which consent the secretary of state, if satisfied that the filling of car- tridges in accordance with this section ought (due regard being had to the safety of the public) to be allowed, may grant either absolutely or upon such conditions as he may, under the special circum- stances of the case, think expedient to secure the safety of the public. The regulations in this section and any conditions so made by the secretary of state as last aforesaid, shafl. be deemed to be general rules under this Act relating to the magazine, store, and registered premises respectively, and the breach of them shall be punished accordingly. 47. The occupier of any magazine or store for any explosive shall Provision in not be required by this Act to take out a factory license by reason favour of that, in connection with such magazine or store, he, by filling car- owners of tridges, making charges, drying, sifting, fitting, or otherwise, adapts mines and or prepares the said explosive for use exclusively in his mine or quarries, as quarry, or in some excavation or work carried on by him or under his * ma] ng control, so that he observe the following regulations ; namely, charges, c., (1.) There shall not be in the workshop in which such adaptation c or preparation is carried on more than one hundred pounds of gunpowder or the prescribed amount of any other explo- sive ; and (2.) Any work unconnected with such adaptation or preparation shall not be carried on in the said workshop while such adaptation or preparation is being carried on ; and {3.) The said workshop shall be detached from the magazine or store, but in the immediate neighbourhood thereof, and at such distance therefrom as may be specified in the case of a magazine by the license, and in the case of a store by an order in council relating to stores ; and (4.) An explosive of one description shall not be converted into an explosive of another description, and shall not be unmade or resolved into its ingredients ; and {5.) The occupier shall give notice in the case of a magazine to the secretary of state, and in the case of a store to the local authority, that he intends to cany on such adaptation or preparation as is allowed by this section. Provided that this section shall not, except with the consent of the secretary of state, apply to any magazine or store for which a con- tinuing certificate has been obtained under this Act, which consent the secretary of state, if satisfied that the adaptation or preparation in accordance with this section ought (due regard being had to the safety of the public) to be allowed, may grant either absolutely or upon such conditions as he may, under the special circumstances of the case, think expedient to secure the safety of the public. The regulations in this section, and any conditions so made by the secretary of state as last aforesaid, shall be deemed to be general rules tinder this Act relating to the magazine and store respectively, and the breach of them shall be punished accordingly. The following general rules shall apply as if the said workshop were a danger buikFng, that is to say, if the adaptation or prepara- tion carried on is of gunpowder only, the general rules with respect to a factory in part one of this Act, and in any other case the pre- scribed general rules ; and the breach of such general rules shall be 462 Section 47. Provision in favour of small fire- work manu- facturer who may obtain a license from the local authority. Licensing by local autho- rity and re- gulation of small fire- work fac- tories. Keeping without a license and conveyance of percussion caps, Ac. APPENDIX THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. punished in like manner as the breach of general rules with respect to a factory. 48. A firework factory shall not be deemed to be a small firework factory for the purpose of this Act if there is upon the same factory at the same time (a.) More than one hundred pounds of any explosive other than manufactured fireworks and coloured fires and stars ; or (6.) More than five hundred pounds of manufactured fireworks, either finished or partly finished ; or (c.) More than twenty-five pounds of coloured fires or stars, not made up into manufactured fireworks. The occupier of a small firework factory shall not be required to obtain a license under part one of this Act for such factory if he has obtained a license from the local authority under this part of this Act. A person having such license from the local authority who manu- factures an explosive (other than nitro-glycerine or any prescribed explosive) for the purpose only of the manufacture of coloured fires or a manufactured firework in accordance with this Act, and does not sell the same except in the form of coloured fires packed in the manner required by this Act, or of a manufactured firework, shall not be deemed to manufacture an explosive in an unauthorized place. 49. Any person may apply for a small firework factory license to the local authority at the time and place appointed by such authority, stating his name, address, and calling, and the proposed site and construction of the factory, and the amount and description of explosive he proposes to have therein, and in any building therein ; and the local authority shall, as soon as practicable, if the proposed site, construction of the factory, and amount of explosive is in accordance with the order in council regulating small firework factories, grant to the applicant, on payment of such fee, not exceed- ing five shillings, as may be fixed by that authority, the license provided for. The powers of this Act of making orders in council with respect to stores and of prescribing general rules with respect to stores shall extend to making orders in council and prescribing general rules with respect to small firework factories and the buildings thereon ; and any breach (by any act or default) of any such general rule shall involve the same penalties and forfeitures as a breach of a general rule relating to stores. A small firework factory license shall be valid only for the person named in it, and the provisions of this Act with respect to the renewal, expiration, and form of store licenses, and fees for such renewal, and to special rules for the regulation of persons managing or employed in or about stores, shall apply in like manner as if they were herein enacted, and in terms made applicable to small firework factory licenses and small firework factories respectively. 50. A person shall not be required by this Act to take out a license or to register any premises for the keeping of percussion caps, or safety-fuzes for blasting, or fog-signals kept by any railway compan}' for use on the railway of such company, or any prescribed explosive. It shall not be obligatory on any harbour authority, railway com- pany, canal company, or occupier of a wharf, to make any bye-laws 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 5052. 463 with respect to the conveyance, loading, or unloading of any explo- Section 50. sives to which this section applies. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty, by order in council, to exempt any explosive to which this section applies, or any description thereof, from any other of the provisions of this Act, or to declare that a license shall be required for the keeping of any explosive to which this section applies, or any description thereof, or that bye-laws shall be made with respect to the loading, unloading, and conveyance thereof. Existing Factories, Magazines, and Stores. 51. In any continuing certificate for a lawfully existing factory or Application magazine for any explosive other than gunpowder, the regulations of Part I. of set out in the first schedule to this Act shall not form part of the the Act to terms of such certificate, but in lieu thereof the secretary of state shall existing insert in the certificate as the terms thereof, factories and (1.) If the factory or magazine is for dynamite or any substance magazines, having nitro-glycerine as one of its component parts or ingredients, the conditions contained in the existing license, with such modifications (if any) as the secretary of state may think necessary in order to bring the same into con- formity with this Act, and also any limitation of time for the expiration of the license contained in the existing license, and also the existing power of the secretary of state to revoke the license ; and (2.) In any other case, such terms as the secretary of state may think expedient, having regard to the conditions (if any) contained in the license under which the factory or maga- zine is established ; and such terms shall include any limitation of time contained in such license, but shall not require the removal of any lawfully existing .building or work. If a new license under this Act is obtained for keeping in an existing gunpowder store any explosive other than gunpowder, the continuing certificate of such store shall be determined, and the store shall cease to be deemed to be an existing gunpowder store within the meaning of this Act 52. Where the license of a factory or magazine for any explo- Continuing give other than gunpowder will expire within twelve months after certificate the commencement of this Act, the occupier of such factory or not required maga/ine shall not require a continuing certificate under this Act, for factory, but until such license expires shall be entitled to use such factory or magazine, or magazine in like manner as if this Act had not passed, without importation prejudice nevertheless to any application by him for a license "cense under this Act for such factory or magazine, but after a license e *?5 in ? 2 under this Act is obtained for the same, or after the expiration of Wltl " n L * the old license, such factory or magazine shall not be deemed to f g^res be a lawfully existing factory or magazine within the meaning of u censed The occupier of any magazine licensed at the time of the passing of glycerine this Act by a general magazine license under the Nitro-glycerine Act, 1869. Act, 1869, shall not require a continuing certificate under this Act, but until the expiration of six months after the commencement of this Act shall be entitled to use such magazine in like manner as if this Act had not passed, without prejudice nevertheless to a license 464 APPENDIX THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 52. under this Act being obtained for the same ; but after a license under this Act is obtained for the same, or after the expiration of the said six months, such license shall determine, and such magazine shall not be .deemed to be a lawfully existing magazine or store within the meaning of this Act. The holder of any importation license under the Nitre-glycerine Act, 1869, shall, until the expiration of six months after the com- mencement of this Act, be entitled to act under such license in like manner as if this Act had not passed, without prejudice nevertheless to any application by him for an importation license under this Act ; but after such license under this Act is obtained, or after the expiration of the said six months, such existing license shall determine. PART III. ADMINISTRATION OF LAW. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. Inspection. Appointment 53. The secretary of state may from time to time by order appoint of government any fit persons to be inspectors for the purposes of this Act, and inspectors. assign them their duties, and award them such salaries as the Com- missioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may approve, and remove such inspectors, and any such inspector is referred to in this Act as a Government inspector. Every order appointing an inspector shall be published in the London Gazette. Disqualifica- tion of persons as inspectors. Powers of government inspectors. 54. Any person who practises or acts, or is a partner with any person who practises or acts, as a manufacturer, storer, carrier, im- porter or exporter of or trader or dealer in an explosive, or holds any patent connected with an explosive, or is otherwise directly or indi- rectly engaged or interested in any such manufacture, storage, con- veyance, importation, exportation, trade, dealing, or patent, shall not act as an inspector under this Act. 55. A Government inspector shall have power to make such exa- mination and inquiry as may be necessary to ascertain whether this Act is complied with, and for that purpose, (1.) He may enter, inspect, and examine any factory, magazine, or store of any explosive, and every part thereof, at all times by day and night, but so as not to unnecessarily im- pede or obstruct the work in such factory, magazine, or store, and may make inquiries as to the observance, of this Act and all matters and things relating to the safety of the public or of the persons employed in or about such factory, magazine, or store ; and (2.) He may enter, inspect, and examine any premises registered under this Act, and every , part thereof, in which any explo- sive is kept, or is reasonably supposed by him to be kept, at all reasonable times by day ; and (3.) He may require the occupier of any factory, magazine, store, 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 5558. 465 or premises -which he ia entitled, under this section, to enter, Section 55. or a person employed by such occupier therein, to give him samples of any explosive or ingredients of an explosive therein, or of any substance therein, the keeping of which is restricted or regulated by this Act, or of any substance therein which the inspector believes to be an explosive, or such ingredients or substance. The occupier of every such factory, magazine, store, and registered premises, his agents and servants, shall furnish the means required by the inspector as necessary for every such entry, inspection, exami- nation, and inquiry. Any person who fails to permit a government inspector to enter, inspect, examine, or make inquiries in pursuance of this section, or to comply with any requisition of such inspector in pursuance of this section, or who in any manner obstructs such inspector in the execu- tion of his duties under this Act, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds for each offence. 56. If in any matter (which is not provided for by any express Notice by provision of this Act) an inspector find any factory, magazine, or government 1 store for an explosive, or any part thereof, or any thing or practice inspector to therein or connected therewith, to be unnecessarily dangerous or defec- remedy tive, so as in his opinion to tend to endanger the public safety or the dangerous bodily safety of any person, such inspector may require the occupier practices, &c., of such factory, magazine, or store to remedy the same. ?; n< * P ena *ty Where the occupier objects to comply with the requisition he may n n " require the matter to be referred to arbitration in manner provided CO? 1181 " 56 - by this Act. No person shall be precluded by any contract from doing such acts as may be necessary to comply with a requisition or award under this section ; and no person shall be liable under any contract to any penalty or forfeiture for doing those acts if he gave notice of such contract to the inspector at or before the time at which the in- spector made the requisition or to the arbitrators before the award was made. If the occupier fail to comply with the requisition or award within twenty days after the expiration of the time for requiring the matter to be referred to arbitration if there is no reference to arbitration, or if there is such a reference after the date of the award, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds for every day during which he so fails to comply. Provided that the court, if satisfied that the occupier has taken active measures for complying with the requisition or award, but has not, with reasonable diligence, been able to complete the works, may adjourn any proceedings taken before them for punishing such failure, and if the works are completed within a reasonable time in the opinion of the court, no penalty shall be inflicted. 57. A report of the proceedings under this Act shall be made Annual annually to the secretary of state, by such inspectors and in such report of manner and form as may be directed by him, and shall be laid before government both houses of parliament inspectors proceedings. 58. The board of trade may from time to time, by order, Inspection direct by railway (a.) Any person acting under the board as an inspector of rail- inspect s or ways to inquire into the observance of this Act by any " ls P e ctrs oi railway company or canal company, and generally to act 466 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 58. with respect to any railway or canal as an inspector tinder this Act ; or (6.) Any person acting under the board as an inspector or other- wise for the purposes of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, or the Acts amending the same (a), to inquire into the ob- servance of this Act in any harbour or in the case of any ship, and generally to act in such harbour and with respect to ships as an inspector under this Act. The board of trade may revoke any such order ; and each such inspector shall, while such order is in force, have for that purpose the same powers and authorities as he has under the Acts in pursuance of which he was originally appointed inspector, and also the powers and authorities of a government inspector under this Act. of 35 & 36 Viet. c. 76, and c. 77 to magazines used for mines. License and special rules certified by government inspector to be evidence. 35 & 36 Viet. c. 76, s. 59. Keeping and carriage of samples by government inspector. Salaries of government inspectors and expenses of Act. Notice to be given of accidents connected with ex- plosive. 59. Where a magazine or store is established for the purpose of any mine subject to the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1872, or the Metal- liferous Mines Regulation Act, 1872, by the owner (as denned by such Act) of the mine, the secretary of state may from time to time by order direct an inspector under either of those Acts to act Math respect to such magazine or store as a government inspector under this Act, and may revoke any such order ; and such inspector shall, while such order is in force, have for that purpose the same powers and authorities as he has under the said Acts, and also the powers and authorities of a government inspector under this Act. 60. A copy of any license confirmed by the secretary of state under this Act, and of any special rules under this Act, certified by a government inspector, shall be evidence of such license and special rules respectively, and of the fact of such license having been duly granted and confirmed and such special rules duly established under this Act. _ 61. A government inspector, and any other person authorized by him for the purpose, may keep and convey any sample taken for the purposes of this Act by or by authority of such inspector, so that the amount of it do not exceed what is reasonably necessary for the pur- pose of enabling such inspector to perform his duties under this Act, and be kept and carried with all due precautions to prevent acci- dent ; and such inspector or person shall not be liable to any penalty, punishment, or forfeiture under this or any other Act for keeping or conveying such sample. 62. The salaries of the government inspectors, and the expenses incurred by the secretaiy of state or the government inspectors in carrying this Act into execution, shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by parliament. Accidents, 63. Whenever there occurs any accident by explosion or by fire in or about or in connexion with any factoiy, magazine, or store, or any accident by explosion or by fire causing loss of life or personal injiuy in or about or in connexion with any registered premises, the (a) 36 & 37 Viet. c. 85, a, 2328, and 38 & 39 Viet. c. 17, s. 42. 88 VICT, c. 17, ss. G3, 64. 457 occupier of such factory, magazine, store, or premises shall forth- Section 63. with send or cause to be sent notice of such accident and of the loss of life or personal injury (if any) occasioned thereby to the secretary of state. A notice of any accident of which notice is sent in pursuance of this section to a government inspector need not be sent to any inspector or sub-inspector of factories or any inspector of mines. Where in, about, or in connexion with any carriage, ship, or boat, either conveying an explosive, or on or from which an explosive is being loaded or unloaded, there occurs any accident by explosion or by fire causing loss of life or personal injury, or if the amount of explosive conveyed or being so loaded or unloaded exceeds in the case of gunpowder half a ton, and in the case of any other explosive the prescribed amount, any accident by explosion or by fire, the owner or master of such carriage, ship, or boat, and the owner of the explo- sive conveyed therein or being loaded or unloaded therefrom, or one of them, shall forthwith send or cause to be sent notice of such acci- dent, and of the loss of life or personal injury, if any, occasioned thereby, to the secretary of state. Every such occupier, owner, or master as aforesaid who fails to comply with this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 61 Where an accident by explosion or fire has occurred in, and Eeconstruc- wholly or partly destroyed a factory magazine, or any magazine or tion of store, the factory magazine, magazine, or store shall not be recon- buildings structed, and any further supply of an explosive shall not be put destroyed by therein, except with the permission of the secretary of state ; and any accident, explosive put therein in contravention of this section shall be deemed to be kept in an unauthorized place, and the offence may be punished accordingly : Provided, that this enactment shall not prevent the reconstruction of a factory .magazine in any lawfully existing factory upon such site in the factory, and with such precautions as may seem reasonable to the secretary of state, due regard being had to the working of the factory as well as to the safety of the public and of the persons em- ployed therein. Where an accident by explosion or fire in a factory has wholly or partly destroyed any building of such factory as to which a govern- ment inspector has previously to the accident sent to the occupier a notice that the building is unduly near to some building or work outside the factory, such building shall be reconstructed only upon such site in the factory and with such precautions as may seem rea- sonable to the secretary of state, due regard being had to the working of the factory as well as to the safety of the public and of the persons employed therein. Where an accident by explosion or by fire in a factory has wholly or partly destroyed two or more buildings in such factory, not more than one of such buildings shall be reconstructed except with the permission of the secretary of state ; provided that this enactment shall not apply to any buildings in a lawfully existing factory, if either both or all such buildings are incorporating mills, or if as regards any other buildings a government inspector has not previously to the accident sent to the occupier a notice that such bxuldings are unduly near to each other. Where a building is constructed on a different site in pursuance of this section, the secretary of state shall cause the necessary alterations 2 H 2 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875, to be made in the license, and such alterations shall be deemed to be part of the license. The reconstruction of any building in contravention of this section shall be deemed to be a breach of the terms of the license, and shall be punished accordingly. 65. With respect to coroners inquests on the bodies of persons whose death may have been caused by the explosion of any explosive or by any accident in connexion with an explosive, the following pro- visions shall have effect : (1.) Where a coroner holds an inquest upon a body of any person whose death may have been caused by any accident of which notice is required by this Act to be given to the secretary of state, or by the explosion of any explosive, the coroner shall adjoxirn such inquest unless a government inspector, or some person on behalf of the secretary of state, is present to watch the proceedings : (2.) The coroner, at least four days before holding the adjourned inquest, shall send to the secretary of state notice in. writing of the time and place of holding the adjourned inquest : (3.) The coroner, before the adjournment, may take evidence to identify the body, and may order the interment thereof : (4.) If an explosion or accident has not occasioned the death of more than one person, and the coroner has sent to the secretary of state notice of the time and place of holding the inquest not less than forty-eight hours before the npe him to adjourn such inquest in pursuance of this section time ii(|i of holding the same, it shall not be imperative on to if the majority of the jury think it unnecessary adjourn : (5.) A government inspector or person employed on behalf of the secretary of state shall be at liberty at any such inquest to examine any witness, subject nevertheless to the order of the coroner on points of law : (6.) Where evidence is given at an inquest at which no govern- ment inspector or person employed on behalf of the secre- tary of state is present, of any neglect as having caused or contributed to the explosion or accident, or of any defect in or about or in connexion with any factory, magazine, store, or registered premises, or any carriage, ship, or boat carrying an explosive, appearing to the coroner or jiiry to require a remedy, the coroner shall send to the secretary of state notice in writing of such neglect or defect. 66. The secretary of state may direct an inquiry to be made by a government inspector into the cause of any accident which is caused by an explosion or fire either in connexion with any explosive, or of which notice is required by this Act to be given to the secretary of state, and where it appears to the secretary of state, either before or after the commencement of any such inquiry, that a more formal investigation of the accident, and of the causes thereof, and of the circumstances attending the same, is expedient, the secretary of state may by order direct such investigation to be held, and with respect to such inquiry and investigation the following provisions .shall have effect : 38 VICT. c. 17, s. 66. 469 (1.) The secretary of state may, by the same or any subsequent Section 66. order, appoint any person or persons possessing legal or special knowledge to assist the government inspector in holding the formal investigation, or may direct the county court judge, stipendiary magistrate, metropolitan police magistrate, or other person or persons named in the same or any subsequent order, to hold the same with the assistance of a government inspector or any other assessor or assessors named in the order : (2.) The persons holding any such formal investigation (in this section referred to as the court) shall hold the same in open court in such manner and under such conditions as they may think most effectual for ascertaining the causes and circumstances of the accident, and enabling them to make the report in this section mentioned : (3.) The court shall have for the purpose of such investiga- tion all the powers of a court of summary jurisdiction when acting as a court in hearing informations for offences against this Act, and all the powers of a government in- spector under this Act, and in addition the following powers ; namely, (.) They may enter and inspect any place or building the entry or inspection whereof appears to them requisite for the said purpose : (6.) They may by summons under their hands require the attendance of all such persons as they think fit to call before them and examine for the said purpose, and may for such purpose require an- swers or returns to such inquiries as they think fit to make : (c.) They may require the production of all books, papers, and documents which they consider important for the said purpose : (rf.) They may administer an oath, and require any person examined to make and sign a declaration of the truth of the statements made by him in his examination : (e.) Persons attending as witnesses before the court shall be allowed such expenses as would be allowed to witnesses attending before a court of record ; and in case of dispute as to the amount to be allowed, the same shall be referred by the court to a master of one of the superior courts, who, on request under the hands of the members of the court, shall ascertain and certify the proper amount of such expenses : (4.) The government inspector making an inquiry into any accident and the court holding an investigation of any accident under this section shall make a report to the secretary of state, stating the causes of the accident and all the circumstances attending the same, and any observations thereon or on the evidence or on any matters arising out of the inquiry or investigation which he or they think right to make to the secretary of state, and the secretary of state shall cause every such report to be made public in such manner as he thinks expedient : (5.) All expenses incurred in and about an inquiry or investigation under this section shaU be deemed to be part of the expenses APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. of the secretary of state in carrying this Act into execu- tion : and (6.) Any person who without reasonable excuse (proof whereof shall lie on him) either fails, after having had the expenses (if any) to which he is entitled tendered to him, to comply with any summons or requisition of a court holding an investigation under this Act, or prevents or impedes such court in the execution of their duty, shall for every such offence incur a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and in the case of a failure to comply with a requisition for making any return or producing any document, not exceeding ten pounds during every day that such failure continues. Local Supervision. Definition and Powers of Local Authority. 67- The local authority, for the purposes of this Act, shall be (1.) In the city of London, except as hereafter in this section mentioned, the court of the lord mayor and aldermen of the said city ; and (2.) In the metropolis, (that is, in places for the time being within the jurisdiction of the metropolitan board of works under the Metropolis Management Act, 1855,) except the city of London, and except as hereafter in this section men- tioned, the metropolitan board of works ; and (3.) In any borough in England which is not assessed to the county rate of any countv by the justices of such county, except as hereafter in this section mentioned, the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses acting by the council ; and (4.) In any harbour within the jurisdiction of a harbour authority, whether situate or not within the jurisdiction of any local authority before in this section mentioned, the har- bour authority, to the exclusion of any other local authority ; and (5.) In any place in which there is no local authority as before in this section denned, the justices in petty sessions 68. The council of any borough which is assessed to the county rate of any county by the justices of such county and the commis- sioners of any improvement district may by order of a secretary of state made upon the application of such council or commissioners, and published in the London Gazette, be declared to be a local authority for the purposes of this Act, and thereupon shall become a local authority accordingly for such part of their borough or district as is not included in any harbour, to the exclusion of the justices in petty sessions. 69. It shall be the duty of every local atithority to carry into effect within their jurisdiction the powers vested in them under this Act. Any officer authorized by the local authority may, on producing, if demanded, either a copy of his authority purporting to be certified by the clerk or some member of the local authority, or some other sufficient evidence of his authority, require- the occupier of any store (not being subject to the inspection under this Act of any inspector 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 6972. 471 of mines) or any registered premises, or any small firework factor}', Section 69. to show him every or any place and all or any of the receptacles in which any explosive or ingredient of an explosive, or any substance the keeping of which is restricted or regulated by this Act, that is in his possession is kept, and to give him samples of such explosive, ingredient, or substance, or of any substance which the officer believes to be an explosive or such ingredient or substance. Any occupier of a store or registered premises or a small fire- work factory who refuses to comply with any such reqxiisition of an officer of the local authority, or to give him such assistance as he may require for the purpose of this section, or who wilfully obstructs the local authority, or any officer of the local authority, in the execution of this Act, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 70. All expenses incurred by any local authority in carrying into Expenses of effect the execution of this Act, including the salary and expenses of local autho- any officer directed by them to act under this Act, shall be paid out rity. of the local rate. The local rate shall for the purposes of this Act mean as follows ; that is to say, In the city of London the consolidated rate ; In the metropolis (exclusive of the city of London) the consolidated rate as levied in the metropolis exclusive of the city of London, and without any demand on such city ; In a borough the borough fund or borough rate ; In a harbour any moneys, fund, or rate applicable or leviable by the harbour authority for any harbour purposes ; In any place where the justices in petty sessions are the local authority the county rate ; and In an improvement district any fund, moneys, or rate applicable or leviable by the improvement commissioners for any purposes of improvement within their district ; And the local rate or any increase of the local rate may notwith- standing any limitation in any Act be levied for the purposes of this Act. Poii'cr of Local Authority to provide Carriages and Magazines. 71. Every harbour authority () and canal company shall, in Undertaking addition to any other powers they may have for the like purpose, of carriage by have power to provide carriages, ships, and boats for the conveyance, harbour loading, or unloading of an explosive within the jurisdiction of authority and such authority or company, and may charge a reasonable sum canal com- fixed by a bye-law under this Act for the use of such carriage, .ship, P anv - or boat. 72. Where any local authority other than justices in petty sessions Provision of satisfy the secretary of state that the erection of a magazine by such magazines by authority, either within or without their jurisdiction, for the keeping local autho- of any explosive, would conduce to the safety of the public within rity. their jurisdiction, and would not be injurious to any harbour or Urban sanitary district out of their jurisdiction, the secretary of state may grant a license under this Act for such magazine. Where the magazine is without the jurisdiction of the local autho- rity erecting the same, the assent of the local authority within whose (a) Sec definition of " harbour authority, " section 108. 472 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 72. jurisdiction the site is situate to such site shall be applied for in ~~ manner provided by this Act, and when the magazine is within the said jurisdiction notice of the application to the secretary of state for the license shall be given in like manner as notice of the intention to apply for the assent of the local authority to a site is required by this Act to be given. The local authority may, for the purpose of cany such license, acquire any land or right over land, or appropriate any land or right belonging to them, and acquire or build a magazine, and may maintain and manage such magazine, and may charge for the use by persons of any such magazine such reasonable sums as they may from time to time, with the approval of the secretary of state, fix. Such sums shall be applied in aid of the local rate, and the ex- penses incurred for the purposes of this section may be defrayed out of the local rate, and the local authority may borrow on the security of the local rate the amount required for the purpose of acquiring any land or right over land, or acquiring or building a magazine in pursuance of this section. Any such loan shall be made with the approval, in the case of a council, of the treasury, and in the case of improvement commis- sioners, of the local government board, and in the case of a harbour authority, of the board of trade. For the purpose of such borrowing the clauses of the Commis- sioners Clauses Act, 1847, with respect to the mortgages to be executed by the commissioners, shall be incorporated with this Act, and in the construction of those clauses for the purpose of this Act, this Act shall be deemed to be the special Act, and the local authority which is borrowing shall be deemed to be the commis- sioners. For the purpose of the purchase of any land or right over land for the purpose of this section the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and the Acts amending the same (except so much as relates to the purchase of land otherwise than by agreement), shall be incorporated with this section, and in construing those Acts for the purposes of this section the special Act shall be construed to mean this Act, and the promoters of the undertaking shall be construed to mean the local authority, and land shall be construed to include any right over land. Where any offence under this Act is committed in or about any magazine erected in pursuance of this section, such offence may be prosecuted and tried and the penalty and forfeiture therefore re- covered either in the county or place in which the magazine is situate, or in any adjoining county or place. Search fo explosive when in place in contraven- tion of this Act, or offence being com- mitted with respect to it. General Power of Search, 73. Where any of the following officers^ namely, any government inspector, or any constable or any officer of the local authority, if siich constable or officer is specially authorized either () by a warrant of a justice (which warrant such justice may grant upon reasonable ground being assigned on oath), or (b) (where it appears to a super- intendent or other officer of police of equal or superior rank, or to a government inspector, that the case is one of emergency and that the delay in obtaining a warrant would be likely to endanger life), by a written order from such superintendent, officer, or inspector, has reasonable cause to believe that any offence has been or is being com- 38 VICT. c. 17, ss, 73, 74. 473 mitted with respect to an explosive in any place (whether a building Section 73. or not, or a carriage, .boat, or ship) or that any explosive is in any such place in contravention of this Act, or that the provisions of this Act are not duly observed in any such place, such officer may, on producing, if demanded, in the case of a government inspector a copy of his appointment, and in the case of any other officer his authority, enter at any time, and if needs be by force, and as well on Sunday as on other days, the said place, and every part thereof, and examine the same, and search for explosives therein, and take samples of any explosive and ingredient of an explosive therein, and any substance reasonably supposed to be an explosive, or such in- gredient Avhich may be found therein. Any person who, by himself or by others, fails to admit into any place occupied by or under the control of such person any officer demanding to enter in pursuance of this section, or in any way ob- structs such officer in the execution of his duty under this section, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds, and shall also be liable to forfeit all explosives, and ingredients thereof, which are at the time of the offence in his possession or under his control at the said place. Where a constable or officer of the local authority specially autho- rized by written authority other than a wan-ant of a justice of the peace, enters and searches as above provided, a special report in writing of every act done by such constable or officer in pursuance of that authority, and of the grounds on which it is done, shall be forthwith sent by the person by whom or under whose authority it was done to the secretary of state. 74. Where any of the following officers, namely, any government Seizure and inspector, or any constable, or any officer of the local authority, has detention of reasonable cause to believe that any explosive or ingredient of an explosives explosive or substance found by him is liable to be forfeited under liable * f r- this Act, he may seize and detain the same until some court of sum- feiture ( a )- mary jurisdiction has determined whether the same is or is not so liable to be forfeited, and with respect [thereto the following provi- sions shall have effect : (1.) The officer seizing may either require the occupier of the place in which it was seized (whether a building or not, or a carriage, boat, or ship) to detain the same in such place or in any place under the control of such occupier, or may re- move it in such manner and to such place as will in his opinion least endanger the public safety, and there detain it, and may, where the matter appears to him to be urgent and fraught with serious public danger, and he is a govern- ment inspector, or is authorized by an order from a govern- ment inspector or a justice of the peace, or from a superin- tendent or other officer of police of equal or superior rank, (a) The Metropolitan Police Act, 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47, s. 35, authorizes a super- intendent or inspector of the metropolitan police at hours specified, to enter any ship and (except Her Majesty's ships) to search for and seize unlawful quantities of gunpowder. The 17th section of the repealed Act 23 & 24 Viet. c. 139, empowered the secretary of state to authorize persons to inspect mills in which gun- powder, &c., was manufactured or kept. And section 27 required the con- servators of the river Thames to appoint persons to search for gunpowder in vessels (except Her Majesty's ships) in the river Thames above Blackwall. 474 Section 74. Inspection of wharf, car- riage, boat, &c., with ex- plosives in transitu. APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. cause the same to be destroyed or otherwise rendered harm- less ; but before destroying or rendering harmless the same he shall take and keep a sample thereof, and shall, if re- quired, give a portion of the sample to the person owning the explosive, or having the same under his control at the time of the seizure ; and any such occupier who, by himself or by others, fails to keep the same when he is required in pursuance of this section to- detain it, and any sucli occu- pier or other person who, except with the authority of the officer seizing the same, or of a government inspector, or in case of emergency for the purpose of preventing explosion or fire, removes, alters, or in any way tampers or deals with the same while so detained, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds, and shall also be liable to forfeit all explosives, and ingredients thereof, which are at the time of the oft'ence in his possession or under his control at the said place : (2.) The proceedings before a court of summary jurisdiction for determining whether the same is or is not liable to for- feiture shall be commenced as soon as practicable after the seizure ; and (3.) The receptacles containing the same may be seized, detained, and removed in like manner as the contents thereof ; and (4.) The officer seizing the same may use for the purposes of the removal and detention thereof any ship, boat, or carriage in which the same was seized, and any tug, tender, engine, tackle, beasts, and accoutrements belonging to or drawing or provided for drawing such sliip, boat, or carriage, and shall pay to the owner a reasonable compensation for such use, to be determined, in case of dispute, by a court of sum- mary jurisdiction, and to be recovered in like manner as penalties under this Act ; and (5.) The same shall, so far as practicable, be kept and conveyed in accordance with this Act, and with all due precaution to prevent accident, but the person seizing, removing, de- taining, keeping, or conveying the same shall not be liable to any penalty, punishment, or forfeiture under this or any other Act, or to any damages, for keeping or conveying the same, ao that he use all such 'due precautions as aforesaid ; and (6.) The officer seizing the same, or dealing with the same in pur- suance of this section, shall not be liable to damages or otherwise in respect of such seizure or dealing, or any act incidental to or consequential thereon, unless it is proved that he made such seizure without reasonable cause, or that he caused damage to the article seized by some wilful neg- lect or default. 75. Any of the following officers, namely, any government inspec- tor under this Act, any chief officer of "police, and any superior officer appointed for the purposes of this Act where the justices in petty sessions are the local authority, by the court of quarter sessions to which such justices belong, and in the case of any other local authority by the local authority itself may, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this Act with respect to the conveyance, loading, unloading, and importation of an explosive are complied with, enter, inspect, and examine at any time, and as well on Sundays as on other days, the wharf, carriage, ship, or boat of any carrier or other person who conveys goods for hire, or of 38 VICT. c. 17, ss. 7577. the occupier of any factory, magazine, or store, or of the importer Section 75. of any explosive, on or in which wharf, carriage, ship, or boat, he has reasonable cause to suppose an explosive to be for the purpose of or in course of conveyance, but so as not to unnecessarily obstruct the work or business of any such carrier, person, occupier, or im- porter. Any such officer, if he find any offence being committed under this Act in any such wharf, carriage, ship, or boat, or on any public wharf, may seize and detain or remove the said carriage, ship, or boat, or the explosive, in such manner and with such precautions as appear to him to be necessary to remove any danger to the public, and may seize and detain the said explosive, as if it were liable to forfeiture. Any officer above mentioned in this section, and any officer of police, or officer of the local authority who has reasonable cause to suppose that any offence against this Act is being committed in respect of any carriage (not being on a railway) or any boat con- veying, loading, or unloading any explosive, and that the case is one of emergency, and that the delay in obtaining a warrant will be likely to endanger life, may stop, and enter, inspect, and examine, such carriage or boat, and by detention or removal thereof or other- wise take such precautions as may be reasonably necessary for re- moving such danger, in like manner as if such explosive were liable to forfeiture. Every officer shall for the purpose of this section have the same powers and be in the same position as if he were authorized by a search warrant granted under this Act, and any person failing to admit or obstructing such officer shall be liable to the same penalty. 76. When[a government inspector, constable, or officer of the local Payment for authority in 'pursuance of this Act takes samples of any explosive, samples of or ingredient, or substance, he shall pay for or tender payment for explosives, the same to such amount as he considers to be the market value thereof, and the occupier of the place in which, or the owner of the bulk from which, the sample was taken, may recover any excess of the real value over the amount so paid or tendered, and any amount so tendered, -from the inspector, constable, or officer taking the .sample as a debt in the county court of the district within which the sample was taken. PART IV. SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS, LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, EXEMPTIONS, AND DEFINITIONS. Supplemental Provisions. 77. Any person who enters Without permission or otherwise tres- Penalty cm passes upon any factory, magazine, or store, or the land immediately aud removal adjoining thereto which is occupied by the occupier of such factory, of trespassers, magazine, or store, or on any wharf for which bye-laws are made by the occupier thereof under this Act, shall for every such offence, if not otherwise punishable, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, and may be forthwith removed from such factory, magazine, 476 Section 77. Arrest with- out warrant of persons committing dangerous offences. Imprison- ment for wilful act or neglect endanger- ing life or limb. Penalty for throwing fireworks in thorough- fare. Forgery and falsification of docu- ments. Punishment for defacing notices. Provisions &s to orders APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. store, land, or wharf, by any constable, or by the occupier of such factory, magazine, store, or wharf, or any agent or servant of or other person authorized by such occupier. Any person other than the occupier of or person employed in or about any factory, magazine, or store who is found committing any ' act which tends to cause explosion or fire in or about such factory, magazine, or store, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds. The occupier of any such factory, magazine, store, or wharf shall post up in some conspicuous place or places a notice or notices warn- ing all persons of their liability to penalties under this section ; but the absence of any such notice or notices shall not exempt a person from a penalty under this section. 78. Any person who is found committing any act for which he is liable to a penalty under this Act, and which tends to cause explosion or fire in or about any factory, magazine, store, railway, canal, har- bour, or Avharf, or any carriage, ship, or boat, may be apprehended without a warrant by a constable, or an officer of the local authority, or by the occupier* of or the agent or servant of or other person authorized by the occupier of such factory, magazine, store, or wharf, or by any agent or servant of or other person authorized by the rail- way or canal company or harbour authority, and be removed from the place at which he is arrested, and conveyed as soon as con- veniently may be before a court of summary jurisdiction. 79. Where any person is guilty of any offence which under this Act is punishable by a pecuniary penalty only, and which, in the opinion of the court that tries the case, was reasonably calculated to endanger the safety of or to cause serious personal injury to any of the public or the persons employed in or about any factory, magazine, store, or registered premises, or any harbour, railway, canal, wharf, ship, boat, carriage, or place where such offence is committed, or to cause a dangerous accident, and was committed wilfully by the per- sonal act, personal default, or personal negligence of the person accused, such person shall be liable, if the court is of opinion that a pecuniary penalty will not meet the circumstances of the case, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceed- ing six months. 80. If any person throw, cast, or fire any fireworks in or into any highway, street, thoroughfare, or public place, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. 81. Every person who forges or counterfeits any license, certificate, document, or plan granted or required in pursuance or for the pur- poses of this Act, or gives or signs any such document or plan which is to his knowledge false in any material particular, or wilfully makes use of any such forged, counterfeit, or false license, certificate, docu- ment, or plan, shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a term not exceeding two years. 82. Every person who, without due authority, pulls down, injures, or defaces any notice, copy of rules, or document, when affixed in pursuance of this Act, or of the special rules, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two pounds. 83. Her Majesty may from time to time make orders in council for 38 Vioi. c. 17, ss. 8886. 477 doing anything which is in this Act expressed to be authorized, Section 83. directed, regulated, prescribed, or done by order in council. . Every order in council or order of the secretary of state which pur- m ? oul i c , ports to be made in pursuance of this Act shall be presumed to have a orders or been duly made and to be within the powers of this Act, and no s | objection to the legality thereof shall be entertained in any legal proceeding whatever. Every order in council made in pursuance of this Act shall take effect as if it were enacted in this Act, and shall be published in the London Gazette, and shall be laid before both houses of parliament within one month after it is made, if parliament be then sitting, or if not, within one month after the commencement of the then next session of parliament. Her Majesty may by order in council, and a secretary of state may by order, from time to time revoke, add to, or alter any previous orders in council or orders of the secretary of state, as the case may be, under this Act. 84. All bye-laws, notices, and documents directed by this Act to Publication be published or advertised shall, save as otherwise provided by this of byelaws,! Act, be published in the place which such notices and documents notices, affect, by advertisement in some newspapers circulating generally &c. in such place, or by placards or handbills, or in such manner as the secretary of state may from time to time direct as being in his opinion sufficient for giving information thereof to all persons interested. 85. All orders, permissions, notices, and documents issued or given Requisitions, by the secretary of state for the purposes of this Act, and all notices notices, &c., under this Act, shall be in writing or print, or partly in writing and to be iii partly in print, and all notices and documents required by this Act to writing, be served, given, or sent by, on, or to a government inspector or & c - an( l secretary of state may be sent by post, by a prepaid letter, and if sent llow t " by post shall be deemed to have been served, given, and received 8erved - respectively at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post ; and in proving such service, giving, or sending, it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the notice was properly addressed and prepaid and put into. the post. "All notices and documents directed by or required for the purposes of this Act to be given or sent to the secretary of state shall, if sent to a government inspector under this Act, be deemed to have been sent to the secretary of state. All notices and documents directed by or required for the purposes of this Act to be given or sent to a local authority may be sent, by post or otherwise, to the clerk or office of the local authority, or delivered to some person employed by them for the purposes of this Act. 86. Where any enactment refers to any power of searching for Construction gunpowder, or to any provisions of an Act of the twelfth year of King of enact- George the Third, chapter sixty-one, or of any Act repealed by this m en . ts ' Act relative to the search for gunpowder, such enactment shall be terrm g g deemed to refer to the provisions of this Act with respect to the P owe p J search for and seizure, detention, and removal of an explosive by a ^^1111- government inspector, powder" 478 APPENDIX, THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875, Section 87. Exemption of occupier from penalty upon proof " of another being real offender. Legal Proceedings, 87, Where any offence under this Act for which the occupier of any factory, magazine, store, or registered premises is liable to a penalty or forfeiture has in fact been committed by some other person, such other person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. Where such occupier is charged with an offence so committed by some other person, the occupier shall be exempt from any penalty and forfeiture upon proving that he had supplied proper means and issued proper orders for the observance and used due diligence to enforce the observance of this Act, and that the offence in question was actually committed by some other person without his connivance, and if the actual offender be alive, that he has taken all practicable means in his power to prosecute such offender to conviction. Where a government inspector, or an officer of the local authority, or the local authority, is satisfied, before instituting a proceeding for any offence under this Act against an occupier, that such occupier, if such proceeding were instituted against him, woiild under the fore- going provisions of this section, upon taking all practicable means in his power to prosecute the actual offender to conviction, be exempt from any penalty and forfeiture, and the occupier gives all facilities in his power for "proceeding against and convicting the person whom the inspector, officer, or local authority believes actually to have com- mitted the offence, the inspector, officer, or local authority shall pro- ceed against that person in the first instance, without first proceeding against the occupier. The occupier or other defendant, when charged in respect of any offence by another person, may, if he think fit, be sworn and examined as an ordinary witness in the case. Where any offence under this Act for which any warehouseman, carrier, occupier of a wharf or dock, or owner or master of any ship, boat, or carriage, is liable to a penalty or forfeiture, has in fact been committed by some other person, this section shall apply in like manner as if the warehouseman, carrier, occupier of a wharf or dock, owner, or master were such an occupier as above in this section mentioned. Exemption of carrier and owner and master of ship where con- signee, &c., ill fault. 88. Where a earner or owner or master of a ship or boat is pre- vented from complying with this Act by the wilful act, neglect, or default of the consignor or consignee of the explosive, or other person, or by the improper refusal of the consignee or other person to accept delivery of the explosive, such consignor, consignee, or other person who is guilty ot such wilful act, neglect, default, or refusal shall be liable to the same penalty to which the carrier, owner, or master is liable for a breach of this Act, and his conviction shall exempt the carrier, owner, or master from any penalty or forfeiture under this Act. Supplemental 89. Where a court before whom a person is convicted of an offence provisions against this Act has power to forfeit any explosive owned by or as to for- found in the possession or under the control of such person, the feiture of court may, if it think it just and expedient, in lieu of forfeiting explosive, gucn explosive, impose upon such person, in addition to any other 88 VICT, c. 17, ss. 8992. 479 penalty or punishment, a penalty not exceeding such sum as appears Section 89. to the court to be the value of the explosive so liable to be forfeited. Where any explosive, or ingredient of an explosive, is alleged to be liable iinder this Act to be forfeited, any indictment, information, or complaint may be laid against the owner of such explosive or ingre- . dient, for the purpose only of enforcing such forfeiture, and where the owner is unknown, or cannot be found, a court may cause a notice to be advertised, stating that unless cause is shown to the contrary at the time and place named in the notice, such explosive will be for- feited, and at such time and place the court, after hearing the owner or any person on his behalf (who may be present), may order all or any part of such explosive or ingredient to be forfeited. 90. For all the purposes of this Act Jurisdiction (1.) Any harbour, tidal water, or inland water which runs between * n *^ a ^ or abuts on or forms the boundary of the jurisdiction of two wa * ers or on or more courts shall be deemed to be wholly within the bountla es. jurisdiction of each of such courts : and (2.) Any tidal water not included in the foregoing descriptions, and within the territorial jurisdiction of Her Majesty, and adjacent to or surrounding any part of the shore of the United Kingdom, and any pier, jetty, mole, or work extend- ing into the same, shall be deemed to form part of the shore to which such water or part of the sea is adjacent, or which it surrounds. 91. Every offence under this Act may be prosecuted and every Prosecution penalty under this Act may be recovered, and all explosives and in- of offences gredients liable to be forfeited under this Act may be forfeited either either sum- on indictment or before a court of summary jurisdiction, in manner niarily or directed by the Summary Jurisdiction Acts. on indict- Pro vided that the penalty imposed by a court of summary juris- men t- diction shall not exceed one hundred pounds exclusive of costs, and exclusive of any forfeiture or penalty in lieu of forfeiture, and the term of imprisonment imposed by any such court shall not exceed one month. All costs and money directed to be recovered as penalties may be recovered before a court of summary jurisdiction in manner directed by the Summary Jurisdiction Acts. A court of summary jurisdiction may by order prohibit a person from doing any act for doing which such person has twice been convicted under this Act, and may order any person disobeying such summary order to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding six months. 92. Where a person is accused before a court of summary jurisdic- tion of any offence under this Act, the penalty for which offence as assigned by this Act, exclusive of forfeiture, exceeds one hundred pounds, the accused may, on appearing before the court of summary jurisdiction, declare that he objects to being tried for such offence by a court of summary jurisdiction, and thereupon the court of sum- mary jurisdiction may deal with the case in all respects as if the accused were charged with an indictable offence and not an offence punishable on summary conviction, and the offence may be prosecuted on indictment accordingly. Power of offender in certain cases to elect to be tried on indictment, and not by summary jurisdiction, 480 Section 93- Appeal to quarter sessions. 24 & 25 Viet. c. 96. Constitution of court, Distress of j ship. Application of penalties and disposal of forfeitures. APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. 93. If any party feels aggrieved by any summary order made by a court of summary jurisdiction under this Act, or by any order or conviction made by a court of summary jurisdiction in determining any complaint or information under this Act, by which, order or conviction the sum adjudged to be paid, including costs, and includ- ing the value of any forfeiture, exceeds twenty pounds, the party so aggrieved may appeal therefrom to quarter sessions, in manner pro- vided with respect to an appeal to quarter sessions by section one hundred and ten of the Act of the session of the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter ninety-six. 94. The court of summary jurisdiction, when hearing and deter- mining an information or complaint, in respect of any offence under this Act, shall be constituted either of two or more justices of the peace in petty sessions sitting at a place appointed for holding petty sessions, or of some magistrate or officer sitting alone or with others at some court or other place appointed for the administration of justice, and for the time being empowered by law to do alone any act authorised to be done by more than one justice of the peace. 95. Where the owner or master of a ship or boat is adjudged to pay a penalty for an offence committed with or in relation to such ship or boat, the court may, in addition to any other power they may have for the purpose of compelling payment of such penalty, direct the same to be levied by distress or arrestment and sale of the said ship or boat and her tackle. 96. All penalties imposed in pursiiance of this A ct by a court of summary jurisdiction upon the prosecution of a government inspector shall, notwithstanding anything in any other Act, be paid into the receipt of Her Majesty's exchequer, in such manner as the treasury may from time to time direct, and be carried to the consolidated fluid. Any explosive or ingredient forfeited in pursuance of this Act may be sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the court declaring the forfeiture, or the secretary of state, may direct, and the proceeds of any siich sale or disposal shall be paid, applied, and accounted for in like manner as penalties under this Act. The receptacle containing any such explosive or ingredient may be forfeited, sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of, in like manner as the contents thereof. _ The provisions of Part Three of this Act with respect to an explo- sive, or ingredient of an explosive, seized in pursuance of this Act, and to the officer seizing, removing, detaining, keeping, or conveying, or otherwise dealing with the same, shall apply to any explosive and ingredient declared by any court to be forfeited, and to the officer removing, detaining, keeping, conveying, selling, destroying, or otherwise disposing of the same. The court declaring the forfeiture, or the secretary of state direct- ing the sale or other disposal of any forfeited explosive or ingredient, and the receptacles thereof, may require the owner of such explosive or ingredient to permit the use of any ship, boat, or carriage contain- ing such explosive or ingredient for the purpose of such sale or disposal, upon payment of a reasonable compensation for the same, to be determined in case of dispute by_ a court of summary jurisdic- tion ; and where the explosive or ingredient is directed to be destroyed, the owner and the person having possession of such explo- 88 VICT. o. 17, ss. 96, 97. 481 sive or ingredient, and the owner and master of the ship, boat, or car- Section 96. riage containing the same, or some one of them, shall destroy the same accordingly, and if the court or secretary of state so order, the ship, boat, or carriage may be detained until the same is so destroyed ; and if the secretary of state is satisfied that default has been made in complying with any such direction by him or by a court, and that the detention of the ship, boat, or carriage will not secure the safety of the public, and that it is impracticable, having regard to the safety of the public or of the persons employed in such destruc- tion, to effect the same without using such ship, boat, or carriage, or otherwise dealing with such ship, boat, or carriage, in like manner as if it were a receptacle for an explosive forfeited under this Act, the secretary of state may direct such ship, boat, and carriage, or any of them, to be, and the same may accordingly be, so used or dealt with, Exemptions and Savings, 97. This Act shall not apply Exemption (1.) To any factory, magazine, store, premises, wharf, place, or ofgovern- explosive under the control of a secretary of state, the com- ment fac- missioners of the admiralty, or other department of the tories, &c., government, or otherwise held for the service of the crown, fr m tlj e Act - or to the manufacture, keeping, or importation of such explosive ; or (2.) To any of Her Majesty's ships, boats or carriages ; or (3.) To the keeping or making up, or adapting for use of any explosive issued by or by the authority of a secretary _ of state for the use of any volunteer corps or administrative regiment, or by or by the authority of the commissioners of the admiralty for the use of any force under the control of those commissioners, so far as such explosive is kept, made up, and adapted for use in accordance with the regulations of the secretary of state of the said commissioners, as the case may be ; or (4.) To any storehouse appointed for receiving any such explosive as last above mentioned in pursuance of section twenty-six of the Volunteer Act, 1863, and any Act amending the 26 & 27 Viet, same, or otherwise, if such storehouse is approved by the c. 65. secretary of state or the commissioners of the admiralty, as the case may be, as a fit place for the storing of such explo- sive, and is managed in accordance with the regulations of a secretary of state or such commissioners for the manage- ment of suck storehouses, or for the management of the like storehouses appointed for the use of Her Majesty's army or navy ; or (5.) To the conveyance of any explosive under the control oi a secretary of state, the commissioners of the admiralty, or other department of the government, or to the conveyance of any explosive otherwise held for the service of the crown when the same is being conveyed in accordance with the regulations of a secretary of state or the commissioners of the admiralty or other department of the government^ Provided that every person who enters without permission or otherwise trespasses upon any factory, magazine, or storehouse above in this section mentioned or the land immediately adjoining tneret in the occupation of the crown or of a secretary of state or the com- missioners of the admiralty or other department of the government, 482 Section 97. Saving for rocket and fog stations. 17 & 18 Viet. c. 104, s. 389. Exemption of magazines in the Mersey. Saving for master of ship and carrier in case of emergency. Saving for rockets, gun- powder, &c., on hoard ship in com- pliance with 17 & 18 Viet. c. 104. Saving clause as to liability. APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. or if it adjoin such a storehouse in the occupation of the officer or person in whom such storehouse is vested, and any person found committing any act tending to cause explosion or fire in or about such factory, magazine, or storehouse, shall be liable to the like penalty, and may be removed and arrested in like manner as if this section had not been enacted and this Act applied to such fac- tory, magazine, or storehouse, as above in this section mentioned. 98. This Act shall not apply (1.) To the keeping of any rockets for use in any apparatus for saving life, kept under the control of the commissioners of the admiralty or the board of trade ; or (2.) To the keeping of any explosive kept for the purpose of sig- nalling at or near a station on the sea coast, under the control of any general lighthouse authority, as defined by the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854. 99. Nothing in this Act with respect to the keeping of gunpowder shall apply to any vessel for the storage of gunpowder moored in the river Mersey at a place appointed either before or after the passing of this Act, in pursuance of the Act of the session of the fourteenth and fifteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter sixty- seven, intituled " An Act to repeal so much of an Act of the twelfth year of King George the Third relating to the making, keeping, and carriage of gunpowder, as exempts therefrom certain gunpowder magazines and stores near Liverpool, and to make certain temporary provisions with regard to the said magazines and stores ; " nor shall anything in this Act affect the powers of the commissioners of the admiralty, or a secretary of state, or the commissioners for the con- servancy of the river Mersey under the said Act : Provided that any explosive other than gunpowder shall not be kept in such vessel except in pursuance of a license under tliis Act. 100. Nothing in this Act shall render liable to any penalty or forfeiture the owner or master of any ship or boat, or any carrier or warehouseman, or the person having charge of any carriage, for any act done in breach of this Act, if he prove that by reason of stress of weather, inevitable accident, or other emergency, the doing of such Act was, under the circumstances, necessary and proper. 101. Where any gunpowder, rockets, or other explosive are on board any ship in pursuance of the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, and the Acts amending the same, or any order or regulation made under any of those Acts, nothing in this Act shall apply to such gunpowder, rockets, or explosive, except that the con- veyance and keeping thereof on board the ship or elsewhere while the ship is in harbour shall be subject to the bye-laws under this Act, and bye-laws under this Act may be made for regulating such con- veyance and keeping. 102. This Act shall not, save as herein expressly provided, exempt any person from any action or suit in respect of any nuisance, tort, or otherwise, which might, but for the provisions of this Act, have been brought against him. This Act shall not exempt any person from any indictment or other proceeding for a miisance, or for an oiTence which is indictable at 88 VICT. c. 17, ss. 102105. common law, or by any Act of parliament other than this Act, so that Section 102. no person be punished twice for the same offence. When proceedings are taken before any court against any person in respect of any offence under this Act, which is also an offence indictable at common law or by some Act of parliament other than this Act, the court may direct that, instead of such proceedings being continued, proceedings shall be taken for indicting such person at common law or under some Act of parliament other than this Act. A continuing certificate granted under this Act shall not make lawful any factory, magazine, or store, or any part thereof, which immediately before the passing of this Act was unlawful. 103. All powers given by this Act shall be deemed to be in addi- Powers of tion to and not in derogation of any other powers conferred on any Act cumula- local authority by Act of parliament, but the secretary of state may, tive with on the application of any local authority, or of any council of a power to boroitgh, or any urban sanitary authority, or on the application of a ** e P ro " any persons making, keeping, importing, exporting, or selling any visional order explosive within the jurisdiction of any local authority, council, or r or re P e ^ lin & urban sanitary authority, after notice to such authority, make an order for repealing, altering, or amending all or any of the provisions of any Act of parliament, charter, or custom respecting the manufac- ture, keeping, conveyance, importation, exportation, or sale of an explosive, or the powers of such council or authority for regulating the same, or otherwise in relation to an explosive. Notice of the draft of every such order shall be advertised not less than one month before the order is made, and the secretary of state shall consider all objections to such draft order sent to him in writing during the said month, and shall, if it seem to him necessary, direct a local inquiry into the validity of any such objections. Any such order shall be of no force unless confirmed by parliament, but when so confirmed shall have effect, with such modifications or alterations as may be therein made by parliament. If while a Bill confirming any such order is pending in either house of parliament, a petition is presented against such order, the Bill, so far as it relates to such order, may be referred to a select committee, and the petitioner shall be allowed to appear and oppose the same as in the case of a Bill for a private Act. An order under this section may also be made for revoking or altering an order under this section previously made and confirmed by parliament, Definitions. 104. Her Majesty may, by order in council, declare that any sub- Extension of stance which appears to Her Majesty to be specially dangerous to definition of life or property by reason either of its explosive properties, or of any explosive process in the manufacture thereof being liable to explosion, shall other be deemed to be an explosive within the meaning of this Act, and explosive the provisions of this Act (subject to such exceptions, limitations, and s restrictions as may be specified in the order) shaU accordingly extend to such substance in like manner as if it were included in the term explosive in this Act. 105. Any person who carries on any of the following processes, Persons ear- namely, the process of dividing into its component parts or otherwise rying on 212 484 Section 105. certain pro- deemed manufac- turers. Definition and classi- fication of explosives by order in council (a). Definition of "chief officer of police." " Police dis- trict." General definitions, APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. breaking up or unmaking any explosive, or making fit for use any damaged explosive, or the process of remaking, altering, or repairing any explosive, shall be subject to the provisions of this Act as if he manufactured an explosive, and the expression " manufacture" shall in this Act be construed accordingly. 106. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty from time to time, by order in council, to define, for the purposes of this Act, the com- position, quality, and character of any explosive, and to classify explosives. Where the composition, quality, or character of any explosive has been denned by an order in council, any article alleged to be such explosive wliich differs from such definition in composition, quality, or character, whether by reason of deterioration or otherwise, shall not be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be the explosive so defined. 107. In this Act The expression " chief officer of police " means (1.) In the city of London and the liberties thereof, the commis- sioners of city police ; and (2.) In the metropolitan police district, the commissioner or any assistant commissioner or any district superintendent of metropolitan police ; and (3.) Elsewhere the chief constable, or head constable, or other officer, by whatever name called, having the chief com- mand of the police in the police district in reference to which such expression occurs : The expression " police district " means (1.) The city of London and the liberties thereof ; and (2.) The metropolitan police district ; and (3.) Any county, or liberty of a county, borough, town, place, or union, or combination of places maintaining a separate police force ; and all the police under one chief constable shall be deemed to constitute one force for the purposes of this section. 108. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires The expression " this Act " includes any license, certificate, bye- law, regulation, rule, and order granted or made in pursuance of this Act : The expression " existing " means existing at the passing of this Act \ The expression person " includes a body corporate : The expression " occupier" includes any number of persons and a body corporate ; and in the case of any manufacture or trade, includes any person carrying on such manufacture or trade : The expression " master " includes every person (except a pilot) having command or charge of a ship, and in reference to any boat belonging to a ship, means the master of the ship ; and when used in reference to any other boat, includes every person having command or charge of such boat : The expression " magazine " includes any ship or other vessel used for the purpose of keeping any explosive : (a) See order of council in London Gazette of 10th August, 1875, direct- ing that explosives shall be divided into seven classes. 38 VICT. c. 17, s. 108. 485 The expression " factory magazine " means a building for keeping Section 108. the finished explosive made in the factory, and includes, if such explosive is not gunpowder, any building for keeping the partly manufactured explosive or the ingredients of such explosive which is mentioned in that behalf in the license : The expression "store" means an existing gunpowder store as denned by this Act, or a place for keeping an explosive licensed by a license granted by a local authority under this Act: The expression " secretary of state " means one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state : The expression " warehouseman " includes all persons owning or managing any warehouse, store, wharf, or other premises in which goods are deposited : The expression " carrier " includes all persons carrying goods or passengers for hire by land or water : The expression " harbour authority " means any person or body of persons, corporate or unincorporate, being or claiming to be proprietor or proprietors of or intrusted with the duty or in- vested with the power of improving, managing, maintaining, or regulating any harbour properly so called, whether natural or artificial, and any port, haven, and estuary, or intrusted with the duty of conserving, maintaining, or improving the naviga- tion of any tidal water, and any such harbour, port, haven, estuary, tidal water, and any wharf, dock, pier, jetty, and work, and other area, whether land or water, over which the harbour authority as above defined have control or exercise powers, are in the other portions of this Act included in the expression "harbour" : The expression "canal company" means any person or body of persons, corporate or unincorporate, being owner or lessee or owners or lessees of, or working, or entitled to charge tolls for the use of any canal in the United Kingdom, constructed^ carried on under the powers of any Act of parliament, or in- trusted with the duty of conserving, maintaining, or improving the navigation of any inland water, and every such canal and inland water under the control of a canal company as above defined, and any wharf, dock, pier, jetty, and work in or at which barges do or can ship or unship goods or passengers, and other area, whether land or water, which belong to or are under the control of such canal company, are in the other portions of this Act included in the expression " canal " : The expression "tidal water" means any part of the sea or of a river within the ebb and flow of the tides at ordinary spring tides : The expression " inland water " means any canal, river, navigation, lake, or water which is not tidal AVater : The expression " railway company " means any person or body of persons, corporate or unincorporate, being the owner or lessee or owners or lessees of or working any railway worked by steam or otherwise than by animal power in the United Kingdom, con- structed or carried on under the powers of any Act of parlia- ment and used for public traffic, and every building, station, wharf, clock, and place, which belong to or are under the con- trol of a railway company, are in the other portions of this Act included in the expression " railway": The expression "wharf" includes any quay, landing place, siding, or other place at which goods are landed, loaded, or un Liny, ui. loaded : 486 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Section 108. The expression "carriage" includes any carriage, waggon, cart, truck, vehicle, or other means of conveying goods or passengers by land, in whatever manner the same may be propelled : The expression " ship " includes every description of vessel used in sea navigation, whether propelled by oars or otherwise : The expression " boat " means every vessel not a ship as above de- nned which is used in navigation in any inland water or any harbour, whether propelled by oars or otherwise : The expression " prescribed " means prescribed by order in council : The expression " borough " means any place for the time being subject to the Act of the session oi the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, intituled " An Act to provide for the regulation of municipal corporations in England and Wales," and the Acts amending the same : The expression " county " does not include a county of a city or a county of a town : Every riding, division, liberty, or part of a county having a separate commission of the peace and separate court of quarter sessions is for the purposes of this Act to be deemed to be a county : The expressions "urban sanitary district" and "urban sanitary authority " mean the districts and authorities declared to be urban sanitary districts and authorities by the Public Health Act, 1872 ; and any urban sanitary district which is an Im- provement Act district within the meaning of that Act, is in this Act referred to as an improvement district ; and the ex- pression "improvement commissioners" in this Act means the commissioners who are the urban sanitary aiithority for such district : The expression " safety cartridges " means cartridges for small anus of which the case can be extracted from the small arm after firing, and w T hich are so closed as to prevent any explosion in one cartridge being communicated to other cartridges : The expression " Gunpowder Act, 1860," means the Act of the session of the twenty -third and twenty-fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and thirty-nine, intituled " An Act to amend the law concerning the making, keeping, and carriage of gunpowder and compositions of an ex- plosive nature, and concerning the manufacture, sale, and use of fireworks," and the Acts amending the same : The expression "summary jurisdiction Acts" means the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders," and any Acts amending the The expression " court of summary jurisdiction " means any jus- tice or justices of the peace, metropolitan police magistrate, stipendiary, or other magistrate or officer, by whatever name called, to whom jurisdiction is given by the summary jurisdic- tion Acts or any Acts therein referred to : The expression " quarter sessions " includes general sessions, [The sections of the Act from 109 to 115 inclusive, apply to Scotland ; and from 116 to 121 inclusive, to Ireland.] 38 VICT. c. 17, s. 122. 487 Section 122. Repeal of Ads. 122. The Acts specified in the fourth schedule to this Act are Repeal of cer- hereby repealed from and after the commencement of this Act, and tain Acts and the Act specified in the fifth schedule to this Act is hereby repealed part of Act in from and after the commencement of this Act to the extent in the 4fc h and 5th third column of that schedule mentioned. schedules. Provided that (1.) The enactments hereby repealed shall continue in force For the purpose of any business or thing which any per- son is authorized to carry on or do in like manner as if this Act had not passed, for the time during which such business or thing is authorized to be carried on or done ; and (2.) Any rules made in pursuance of any enactment hereby re- pealed, for the purpose of regulating the conduct of ser- vants and workmen employed in any mill, magazine, or place, shall continue in force, and the penalties under the said enactments for a breach of such rules may be enforced, until the expiration of three months after the grant of a continuing certificate under this Act to the occupier of such mill, magazine, or place, and such further period as the secretary of state may by order direct, for the purpose of enabling such occupier to make special rules under this Act ; and (3.) This repeal shall not affect (a.) The past operation of any enactment hereby repealed, nor anything duly done or suffered under any enactment hereby repealed ; or (6.) Any right, privilege, obligation, or liability acquired, accrued, or incurred under any enactment hereby re- pealed ; or (c.) Any penalty, forfeiture, or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed against any enactment hereby repealed ; or (d) Any investigation, legal proceeding, or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture, or punishment as aforesaid ; and any such in- vestigation, legal proceeding, and remedy may be carried on as if this Act had not passed ; and (4.) This repeal shall not revive any enactment, right, privilege, matter, or thing not in force or existing at the commence- ment of this Act. 488 APPENDIX, THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Sched. 1, SCHEDULES. FIRST SCHEDULE. PART I. Gunpoicder Factories. Regulations which are to form part of the terms of every continuing certificate of a factory for gunpowder. (1.) The quantity of gunpowder or ingredients to be made into gunpowder to be at one time under any single pair of mill stones or rollers or runners shall not exceed fifty pounds as respects sporting and government powder, and sixty pounds as respects all inferior powders ; and every in- corporating mill or group of incorporating mills shall be provided with a charge house for the store of mill charges, properly constructed of stone or brick, and situate at a safe and suitable distance from each incorporating mill or group of incorporating mills : (2.) The quantity of gunpowder to be subjected to pressure at one time in any press house shall not exceed ten hundred- weight : (3.) The quantity of gunpowder to be corned or granulated at one time in any corning or granulating house shall not exceed twelve hundredweight : (-4.) The quantity of gunpowder to be dried at one time in one stove or place used for the drying of gunpowder shall not exceed fifty hundredweight : (5.) The respective quantities to be at any one time in any press house or corning or granulating house shall not exceed twice the respective quantities hereby allowed to be sub- jected to pressure and to be corned or granulated at one time ; and the quantity to be at any one time in any drying house or dusting house shall not be more than is necessary for the immediate supply and work of such house ; and for the purposes of this provision any building used with any such press house, corning or granulating house, drying house or dusting house, shall be deemed part thereof, save only magazines constructed with stone or brick and situate forty yards at least from every such press house or other house as aforesaid (hereinafter distinguished as expense magazines), and save only the stove in which the powder which has been dried may be cooling : (6.) Every person keeping or using any mill for the making of gunpowder shall have (in addition to the expense magazines) a good and sufficient factory magazine or magazines, situate (unless otherwise authorized by a certificate of the secre- 38 ?ICT. c. 17, SCHED. 1. 439 tary of state under the Gunpowder Act, 1860) at least one Sched. 1. hundred and forty yards distant from the mill or mills and every press house and other house or place used for or in the making of gunpowder, such magazine or magazines to be well and substantially built with brick or stone, and situate in such place as may have been lawfully used or duly licensed by justices before the commencement of the Gun- powder Act, 1860, and not made unlawful by that Act, or may have been after the commencement of that Act duly licensed under the Gunpowder Act, 1860 : (7.) No maker of gunpowder shall keep or permit to be kept any charcoal within twenty yards of any mill or other engine for making gunpowder, or of any press house, or drying, corning, or dusting house or other place used in or for the making of gunpowder, or any magazine or storehouse thereto belonging. PART II. Gunpoicder Stores* Regulations which are to form part of the terms of every continuing certificate for a gunpowder store. (1.) The store shall be exclusively for the use of a mine, quarry, colliery, or factory for safety fuzes : (2.) The amount of gunpowder in the store shall not exceed, if the store is well and substantially built of brick or stone, four thousand pounds, and in any other case three hundred pounds : (3.) Where the amount of gunpowder in the store exceeds three hundred pounds, such store shall, unless otherwise autho- rized before the passing of this Act by a certificate of the .secretary of state, be within two hundred yards of the mine, quarry, colliery, or factory for safety fuzes, or one of the mines, quarries, collieries, or factories for safety fuzes for the use of which such gunpowder is kept, and not within two hundred yards of any inhabited house without the consent in writing of the occupier of such house : (4.) Where such certificate has been given, the conditions on which it was given shall be duly observed as if they were contained in this schedule : (5.) Where the amount of gunpowder does not exceed three hundred pounds, the store shall be within two hundred yards of the mine, quarry, colliery, or factory for the use of Avhich it is erected, and unless it was erected and used for the said purpose before the passing of the Gunpowder Act, 1860, shall not be within two hundred yards from any inhabited house without the consent in writing of the occupier of such house : (6.) The store shall not be within the city of London or West- minster or within three miles of either of them, or within any borough or market town or one mile of the same, or within two miles of any palace or house of residence of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, or within two miles of any gun- powder magazine belonging to the crown, or within half a mile of any parish church. 490 APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. Sched. 2. SECOND SCHEDULE. Arbitration. Provisions With respect to arbitrations under this Act, the following provi- as to arbitra- sions shall have effect : tlons> (1.) The parties to the arbitration are in this section deemed to be the occupier of the factory, magazine, or store on the one hand, and on the other the government inspector (on behalf of the secretary of state) : (2.) Each of the parties to the arbitration may, within twenty- one days after the date of the reference, appoint an arbitrator : (3.) No person shall act as arbitrator or umpire under this Act who is employed in or in the management of or is directly or indirectly interested in the manufacture, trade, factory, magazine, store, business, or premises to which the arbi- . tration relates, or is in any manner interested directly or indirectly in the matter to which the arbitration relates : (4.) The appointment of an arbitrator under this section shall be- in writing, and notice of the appointment shall be forthwith sent to the other party to the arbitration, and shall not be revoked without the consent of such other party : (5.) The death, removal, or other change in any of the parties to the arbitration shall not affect the proceedings under this section : (6.) If within the said twenty-one days either of the parties fail to appoint an arbitrator, the arbitrator appointed by the other party may proceed to hear and determine the matter in difference, and in such case the award of the single arbitrator shall be final : (7.) If before an award has been made any arbitrator appointed by . either party die or become incapable to act, or for fourteen days refuse or neglect to act, the party by Avhom such arbi- trator was appointed may appoint some other person to act in his place ; and if he fail to do so within fourteen days after notice in writing from the other party for that pur- pose, the remaining arbitrator may proceed to hear and determine the matters in difference, and in such case the award of such single arbitrator shall be final : (8.) In either of the foregoing cases where an arbitrator is em- powered to act singly, upon one of the parties failing to appoint, the party so failing may, before the single arbi- trator has actually proceeded in the arbitration, appoint an arbitrator, who shall then act as if no failure had been made : (9.) If the arbitrators fail to make their award within twenty-one days after the day on which the last of them was appointed, or within such extended time (if any) as may have been appointed for that purpose by both arbitrators under their hands, the matter in difference shall be determined by the Umpire appointed as herein-after mentioned : (10.) The arbitrators, before they enter upon the matters referred to them, shall appoint by writing under their hands an umpire to decide on points on which they may differ : 38 VICT. c. 17, SCHEDS. 2, 3. 491 (11.) If the umpire clie or become incapable to act before he lias Sched. 2. made his award, or refuses to make his award within a reasonable time after the matter has been brought within his cognizance, the persons or person who apppointed such umpire shall forthwith appoint another umpire in his place : (12.) If the arbitrators refuse or fail or for seven days after the request of either party neglect to appoint an umpire, then on the application of either party an umpire shall be ap- pointed by the chairman of the quarter sessions of the peace within, the jurisdiction of which the factory, magazine, or store is situate : (13.) The decision of every umpire on the matters referred to him shall be final : (14.) If a single arbitrator fail to make his award within twenty- one days after the day on which he was appointed, the party who appointed him may appoint another arbitrator to act in his place : The arbitrator and their umpire or any of them may examine the parties and their witnesses on oath, they may also consult any counsel, engineer, or scientific person whom they may think it expedient to consult : (15.) The payment, if any, to be made to any arbitrator or umpire for his services shall be fixed by the secretary of state, and together with the costs of the arbitration and award shall be paid by the parties, or one of them, according as the award may direct. Such costs may be taxed by a master of one of the superior courts, who, on the written applica- tion of either of the parties, shall ascertain and certify the proper amount of such costs. The amount, if any, pay- able by the secretary of state shall be paid as part of the expenses of inspectors under this Act. The amount, if any, payable by any other party may in the event of nonpay- ment be recovered in the same manner as penalties under this Act. THIRD SCHEDULE. Maximum Fees for Licenses granted by the Secretary of State. Factory license, original - Ten pounds. Do., amending - Mve pounds. Do.* renewal when lost - - - Five shillings. Magazine license, original ... - Ten pounds. Do., amending - Five pounds. Do., renewal when lost - - - Five shillings, Importation license, first grant - - - One pound, Do., renewal Ten shillings. Containing certificate Forty shillings. 492 Sched. 4. APPENDIX. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. FOUKTH SCHEDULE. Session and Chapter. Title. 23 & 24 Viet. c. 139 24 & 25 Viet. c. 130 25 & 26 Viet. c. 98 - 29 & 30 Viet. c. 69 - 32 & 33 Viet. c. 113 - An Act to amend the law concerning the making, keeping, and carriage of gun- powder and compositions of an explosive nature, and concerning the manufacture, sale, and use of fireworks. An Act for amending an Act passed in the last session of parliament to amend the law concerning the making, keeping, and carriage of gunpowder and compositions of an explosive nature, and concerning the manufacture, sale, and use of fireworks. An Act for the amendment of an Act of the session of the twenty-third and twenty- fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and thirty- nine, intituled an Act to amend the law concerning the making, keeping, and car- riage of gunpowder and compositions of an explosive nature, and concerning the manu- facture, sale, and use of fireworks, and of an Act amending the last-mentioned Act. An Act for the amendment of the law with respect to the carriage and deposit of dan- gerous goods. An Act to prohibit for a limited time the importation and to restrict and regulate the carriage of nitro-glycerinc. FIFTH SCHEDULE. Session and Chapter, Abbreviated Title. Extent of Repeal. 26 & 27 Viet. c. 65. The Volunteer Act, 1863. Section twenty-six from "all exemp- tions contained in the Gunpowder Act, 1860," inclu- sive, to the end of the section. AN ACT TO MAKE PROVISION RESPECTING THE USE OF SUBWAYS CONSTRUCTED BY THE METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS IN THE METROPOLIS, 31 & 32 VICT. CAP, 80, 25TH JUNE, 1868, WHEREAS subways have been constructed or are proposed to be con- structed in the new streets and roadways which the metropolitan board of works, in this Act called " the board," are by virtue of the several Acts set forth in the schedule to this Act authorized to make within the metropolis : And whereas, in order to prevent incon- venience to the public by the frequent breaking up of the said streets and roadways, it is expedient to enable the board to require com- panies or persons intending or required to place Avater, gas, and other pipes in the said streets and roadways to lay the same in the subways upon proper terms and conditions ; and it is also expedient to make other provision respecting the use of subways in the metropolis : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. This Act mav be cited as " The Metropolitan Subways Act, Short title. 1868." 2. In tliis Act the term " subway" means an arched passage or Interpreta- covered way under the surface of a street constructed for the recep- tion of tion of gas, water, and other pipes ; the term " street" has the same terms, meaning as it has in " The Metropolis Management Act, 1855," and shall include any roadway on any embankment or land reclaimed from the river Thames or connected therewith ; the term " pipe" includes gas pipe, water pipe, tube for telegraph wires or other tube, and any apparatus connected with a pipe or tube ; the expression " the metropolis" means the metropolis as denned by " The Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862." 3. This Act shall apply only to the several subways under any Extent of street constructed under the powers of the respective Acts set forth Act. in the schedule to this Act annexed. 4. Where any company, body, or person is desirous of laying or As to new may be required to lay any pipe under the surface of any street under pipes. 494 APPENDIX THE METROPOLITAN SUBWAYS ACT, 1868, Section 4. which there is a subway to which this Act applies, and the board, by notice served on such company, body, or person, requires them or him to lay the same in the subway, then notwithstanding anything in any special or general Act of parliament contained, it shall not be lawful for such company, body, or person to lay the same under the surface of the street otherwise than; in the subway, or after the service of such notice to open or break up the street for that purpose. Power for board to re- quire com- panies, &c., to use sub- ways. Remedies against com- panics, &c., violating foregoing provisions. As to exist- ing pipes in streets in which there is a subway. Right of all companies, &c., to use subways. Pipes to be maintained l>y com- panies, &c. As to super- vision. 5. If any company, body, or person lays a pipe or opens or breaks np a street in any respect in contravention of the foregoing provision, they or he shall for every such offence (without prejudice to any other remedy or proceeding against them or him) be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds ; and the board (whether hav- ing the control or management of the surface and soil of the street or not), if they think fit, may remove the pipe so laid, and may fill in the ground and make good the surface and pavement of the street so opened or broken up, and the expenses incurred by the board in so doing shall be repaid, on demand, to the board by such company, body, or person, and in default of payment may be recovered us a penalty (a) is under this Act recoverable. 6. Where the board has before or after the passing of this Act constructed a subway tinder any street to which this Act applies, and a pipe has been laid under the surface of the street otherwise than in the subway, the board may, by notice served on the company, body, or person to whom such pipe belongs, require them or him to remove the same into the subway, and the cost of such removal shall be defrayed by the board ; and if any difference arise as to the reason- able amount of such cost, the same shall be settled by an arbitrator to be appointed by the board of trade on the application of either party, and the cost of the reference shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator ; and if default be made by the company in the removal of any such pipe, the board, whether having the control or manage- ment of the surface and soil of the street or not, if they think fit, may take up the pipe in respect of which default is made, and may remove the same into the subway, and if it be necessary for the pur- pose of such removal to substitute new pipes for the existing pipes in the street, the arbitrator may apportion the cost of such substi- tution between the board and the company, body, or person, if he considers the company, body, or person derive any benefit from the substitution. 7. This board shall, so far as space will admit, and without favour or preference, allow pipes to be laid in a subway. 8. All pipes placed in the subways shall be maintained by the companies, bodies, or persons to whom the same belong, under the supervision of an officer appointed by the board, and the subway shall be maintained by the board in an efficient state of ventilation and repair, and free from water and other obstruction in the way of the companies, bodies, and persons using the same. 9. The supervision of the pipes and the general supervision of the subways to be provided by the board shall be in such manner and upon such terms, pecuniary and otherwise, as may be agreed upon (a) See section 10, infra, 31 & 32 VICT. c. 80, ss. 912, SCHED. 495 between the board and the company, body, and person using the sub- Section 9. way, and, in case of difference, the manner and terms of such super- vision shall be determined by the board of trade, or by an arbitrator appointed by that board, on the application of either party, and the costs of the reference shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator, and each party shall do all Acts necessary to give effect to such arbitration. 10. For the purposes and in the execution of this Act, the board Application shall have and may exercise all such powers, privileges, and authori- to this Act of ties as are conferred on the board by the Acts constituting and regu- powers, &c., lating the board, and as far as may be the provisions of those Acts f Local shall apply for the purposes and in the execution of this Act, and in Management particular the provisions of those Acts relative to bye-laws shall Actj &c> extend to empower the board to make, alter, and repeal bye-laws (b) See section for regulating the use of subways constructed by the board before 202 and or after the passing of this Act, and of the communications there- following with ; and penalties (c) under this Act shall be recoverable and sections of applicable as penalties under the said Acts are recoverable and Q e Loeal applicable. J-jj 11. No bye-laws made under the authority of this Act shall come No bye-laws into operation until the same be allowed by the board of trade, and to come into twenty-one days' notice of the intention to apply to the board of operation trade for the allowance of such bye-laws shall be given to the gas until allowed and water companies supplying gas and water in the districts in which b J tbe the subways to which such bye-laws relate shall be situate ; and the board of board of trade may allow, disallow, or alter any such bye-laws as they * ra ^ e ' think proper. 12. The costs, charges, and expenses of and incidental and prelimi- Expenses nary to the obtaining and passing of this Act, and incurred by the of Act. board in relation thereto, and of carrying the same into effect, shall be paid by the board out of the funds which they may raise within the metropolis, as denned by " The Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862," under the powers and provisions of " The Metro- polis Management Act, 1855," and the Acts amending the same. The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Act refers. Acts authorizing the making, by the metropolitan board of works, of new streets and roadways. 1. Covent Garden Approach, and Southwark and Westminster Communication Act, 1857. 2. Victoria Park Approach Act, 1858. 3. The Thames Embankment Act, 1862. 4. The Thames Embankment Act, 1863. 5. The Metropolis Improvement Act, 1863. 6. The Thames Embankment Act, 1864. 7. The Whitechapel and Holborn Improvement Act, 1865. (b) See 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, s. 202. (c) Sec 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, s. 227. AN ACT TO FACILITATE THE CONSTRUCTION AND TO REGU- LATE THE WORKING OF TRAMWAYS. 33 & 34 VICT. CAP. 78. 9ra AUGUST, 1870. BE it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Short title, Limitation of Act. Interpreta- tion of terms. Preliminary. 1, This Act may be cited for all purposes Act, 1870," 2, This Act shall not extend to Ireland. : The Tramway,' 3, For the purposes of this Act the terms hereinafter mentioned shall have the meanings hereinafter assigned to them ; that is to Bay, The terms " local authority" and "local rate" shall mean respectively the bodies of persons and rate named in the table in Part One of the schedule (A.) to this Act annexed : The term " road" shall mean any carriageway being a public high- way, and the carriageway of any bridge forming part of or lead- ing to the same : The term "road authority* shall mean, in the districts specified in the table in Part Two 'in the schedule (A.) to this Act annexed, the bodies of persons named in the same table, and elsewhere any local authority, board, town council, body corporate, com- missioners, trustees, vestry, or other body or persons in whom a road as denned by this Act is vested, or who have the power to maintain or repair such road : The term "district," in relation to a local authority or road authority, shall mean the area within the jurisdiction of such local authority or road authority : The term " prescribed" shall mean prescribed by any rules made in pursuance of this Act : The term " the Lands Clauses Acts" means, so far as the provi- sional order in which that term is used relates to England, The 33 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 35. Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 ; and, so far as the same relates to Scotland, the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845 ; together with, in each case, the Lands Clauses Con- solidation Acts Amendment Act, 1860 : The term " two justices" shall, in addition to its ordinary significa- tion, mean one stipendiary or police magistrate acting in any police court for the district. 497 PART I. 'Provisional Orders authorising the Construction of Tramways. 4. Provisional orders authorizing the construction of tramways in By whom any district may be obtained by provisional (1.) The local authority of such district ; or by orders au- (2.) Any person, persons, corporation, or company, with the con- thorisiug tho sent of the local authority of such district ; or of the road construction authority of such district where such district is or forms ^ tramways part of a highway district formed under the provisions of llia y ^ c " The Highway Acts :" obtained. And any such local authority, person, persons, corporation, or com- pany shall be deemed to be. promoters of a tramway, and are in this Act referred to as " the promoters." Application for a provisional order shall not be made by any local authority until such application shall be approved in the manner prescribed in Part III. of the schedule A. to this Act annexed (a). Where in any district there is a road authority distinct from the local authority (6), the consent of such road authority shall also be necessary in any case where power is sought to break up any road (c) subject to the jurisdiction of such road authority, before any provi- sional order can be obtained. 5. Where it is proposed to lay down a tramway in two or more The board districts, and any local or road authority having jurisdiction in any of trade of such districts does not consent thereto, the board of trade (d) may, may in cer- nevertheless, make a provisional order authorizing the construction tain cases of such tramway if they are satisfied, after inquiry ( A If tlie P romoters > empowered by any provisional order under Sration *ll t0 make - ? . tramwa y' do not > within two years from the date of prescrLd Ju ^ ^^ r W 1 lthm an y shorter P eriod Prescribed therein, complete time. tramway and open it for public traffic ; or, (a) As to validity of provisional order, see Edinburgh Street Tramways Company v. Slack, L. E. 2 Sc. App. Cas. 336. (b) See section 14 supra. 83 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 18, 19. 501 If within one year from the date of the provisional order, or within Section 18- such shorter time as is prescribed in the same, the works are not substantially commenced ; or, If the works having been commenced are suspended without a reason sufficient in the opinion of the board of trade to warrant such suspension ; the powers given by the provisional order to the promoters for con- structing such tramway, executing such works, or otherwise in relation thereto, shall cease to be exercised, except as to so much of the same as is then completed, unless the time be prolonged by the special di- rection of the board of trade ; and as to so much of the same as is then completed the board of trade may allow the said powers to continue and to be exercised if they shall think fit, but failing such permission the same shall cease to be exercised, and where such permission is withheld then so much of the said tramway as is then completed shall be deemed to be a tramway to which all the provisions of this Act relating to the discontinuance of tramways after proof of such discon- tinuance shall apply, and may be dealt with accordingly. A notice London or relates is situate in England or Scotland, to the effect that a tramway has not been completed and opened for public traffic, or that the works have not been substantially commenced, or that they have been sus- pended without sufficient reason, shall be conclusive evidence for the purposes of this section of such non-completion, non- commencement, or suspension. 19. When a tramway has been completed under the authority of a Local autho- provisional order by any local authority, or where any local authority rity may nas under the provisions of this Act acquired possession of any tram- lease or take way (c), such authority may, with the consent of the board of trade, toUs ' and subject to the provisions of this Act, by lease, to be approved of by the board of trade, demise to any person, persons, corporation, or company the right of user by such person, persons, corporation, or company of the tramway, and of demanding and taking in respect of the same the tolls and charges authorized ; or such authority may leave such tramway open to be used by the public, and may in respect of such user demand and take the tolls and charges authorized ; but nothing in this Act contained shall authorize any local autho- rity to place or run carriages upon such tramway, and to demand and take tolls and charges in respect of the use of such carriages. Notice of the intention to make such lease shall be published by the local authority by advertisement, and a copy of such lease shall be deposited according to the regulations contained in Part I. of the schedule (C.) to this Act annexed ; and unless such notice is given, and such copy deposited, such lease shall not be approved of by the board of trade. Every such lease shall be made for a term or for terms not exceed- ing in the whole twenty-one years. On the determination of any lease made under this Act, the local authority may from time to time, with the consent of the board of trade, by lease, demise such rights for such further term or terms, not exceeding in any case twenty-one years, as the said board may approve. Every such lease shall imply a condition of re-entry if at any time (c) See provision for future purchase of tramways by local authorities section 43. 502 APPENDIX THE TEAMWAYS ACT, 1870. How ex- penses to be defrayed. Section 19, after the making of the same the lessees discontinue the working 01 the tramway leased, or of any part thereof, for the space of three calendar months (such discontinuance not being occasioned by cir- cumstances beyond the control of such lessees, for which purpose the want of sufficient funds shall not be considered a circumstance beyond their control). The person, persons, corporation, or company to whom any such lease may be made are in this Act referred to as " lessees." 20. Where the local authority in any district are the promoters of any tramway, they shall pay all expenses incurred by them in apply- ing for and obtaining a provisional order and carrying into effect the purposes of such provisional order out of the local rate (a), and any such expenses shall be deemed to be purposes for which such local rate may be made, and to which the same may be applied. Where the local rate is limited by law to a certain amount, and is by reason of such limitation insufficient for the payment of sxich ex- penses, the board of trade may, by the provisional order, extend the limit of such local rate to such amount as they shall think fit, and prescribe for the payment of such expenses. Such local authority may, for the purposes of such provisional order, borrow and take up at interest, on the credit of such local rate, any sums of money necessary for defraying any such expenses ; and for the purpose of securing the repayment of any sums so borrowed, together with such interest as aforesaid, such local authority may mortgage to the persons by or on behalf of whom such sums are advanced such local rate ; but the exercise of the above-mentioned power shall be subject to the following regulations : (1.) The money so borrowed shall not exceed such sum as may be sanctioned by the board of trade ; (2.) The money may be borrowed for such time, not exceeding thirty years, as such local authority, with the sanction of the board of trade, shall determine ; and, subject as afore- said to the repayment within thirty years, such local autho- rity may^ either pay off the moneys so borrowed by equal annual instalments, or they may in every year set apart as a sinking fund, and accumulate in the way of compound interest by investing the same in the purchase of exche- quer bills or other government securities, such sum as will be sufficient to pay off the moneys so borrowed, or a part thereof, at such times as the local authority may de- termine. The provisions of " The Commissioners Clauses Act, 1847," with respect to the mortgages to be executed by the Commissioners, shall apply to any mortgage executed under the foregoing provisions of this section, and for the purposes of such application the said provisions shall be incorporated with this Act. For the purposes of such incorporation, the terms " the special Act," and " the commissioners," shall be construed to mean respectively a provisional order under this Act, and the local authority. Such local authority shall keep separate accounts of all moneys paid by them in applying for, obtaining, and carrying into effect any such provisional order, and in the repayment of moneys borrowed, and of all moneys received by them by way of rent or tolls in respect of the tramway axithorized thereby. (a) In the metropolis (exclusive of the city of^London), the metropolitan consolidated rate ; schedule A., Part I. 33 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 2025. 503 When, after payment of all charges incurred under the authority Section 20. of this Act, and necessary for giving effect to such provisional order, there shall be remaining in the hands of such local authority any of the moneys received by them by way of rent or tolls in respect of the tramway authorized by such provisional order, such moneys shall be applied by them to the purposes for which the local rate may be by them applied. 21. The metropolitan board of works may, in order to raise Metropolitan money for the purpose of carrying into effect the purposes of any Board may, provisional order obtained by them, create additional stock, not ex- for carrying ceeding in the whole three hundred thousand pounds, under " The Provisional Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869," in like manner, Order into and with the like sanction, in and with which they may create e ^ ec ^> create stock in order to raise money for the purposes of the Acts mentioned in the first schedule to that Act ; and all the provisions of that Act shall apply as if that money were raised and that stock were created for the purposes of the last-mentioned Acts, with the exception that the money required for the purposes of any such provisional order may be borrowed by them in addition to the sum limited by section thirty-eight of "The Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869." PART II. Construction of Tramways. 22. Part II. and Part III. of this Act shall apply to every tramway As to incor- which is hereafter authorized by any provisional order or Act of poration of parliament, and shall be incorporated with such provisional order Parts II. and or Act, and all the said provisions of this Act, save so far as they III. of this shall be expressly varied or excepted by any such provisional order Act with or Act, shall apply to the undertaking authorized thereby, so far as Provisional the same shall be applicable to such undertaking, and shall, with Urder MM! the provisions of every other Act or part of any Act which shall be S I incorporated therewith, form part of the said provisional order or Act, and be construed therewith as forming one provisional order or Act, as the case may be. 23. In Part II. and Part III. of this Act, the term "special Act" "Special shall be construed to mean any Act of parliament which shall be here- Act : " after passed or any provisional order authorizing the construction of a tramway, and with which the said parts of this Act shall be incor- porated as aforesaid : 24. The term "the promoters " shall mean any person, persons, "Promoters." corporation, company, or local authority authorized by special Act to construct a tramway. 25. Every tramway which is hereafter authorized by special Act Mode of shall' be constructed on such gauge as may be prescribed by such formation of special Act, and if no gauge is thereby prescribed, on such gauge as tramways, will admit of the use upon such tramways of carriages constructed APPENDIX. THE TBAMWAYS ACT, 1870. for use upon railways of a gauge of four feet eight inches and half an inch, and shall be laid and maintained in such manner that the uppermost surface of the rail shall be on a level with the surface of the road, and shall not be opened for public traffic until the same has been inspected and certified to be fit for such traffic, in the prescribed manner. 26. The promoters from time to time, for the purpose of making, forming, laying down, maintaining, and renewing any tramway duly authorized, or any part or parts thereof respectively, may open and break up any road, subject to the following regulations : 1. They shall give to the road authority notice of their intention, specifying the time at which they will begin to do so, and the portion of road proposed to be opened or broken up, such notice to be given seven days at least before the commencement of the work (a) : 2. They shall not open, or break up, or alter the level of any road, except under the superintendence and to the reasonable satisfaction of the road authority, unless that authority refuses or neglects to give such superintendence at the time specified in the notice, or discontinues the same during the work : 3. They shall pay all reasonable expenses to which the road autho- rity is put on account of such superintendence (6) : 4. They shall not, without the consent of the road authority, open 01 break up at any one time a greater length than one hundred yards of any road which does not exceed a quarter of a mile in length, and in the case of any road exceeding a quarter of a mile in length the promoters shall leave an interval of at least a quarter of a mile between any two places at which they may open or break up the road, and they shall not open or break up at any such place a greater length than one hundred yards. Where the carriageway over any bridge forms part of or is a road within the jurisdiction of a road authority, but such bridge is vested in some person or persons, corporation, or company, distinct from such road authority, any work which the promoters may be empowered to construct, and which affects or in anywise interferes with the structural works of such bridge, shall be constructed under the superintendence (at the cost of the promoters) and to the reason- able satisfaction of such person, persons, corporation, or company, unless after notice to be given by the promoters seven days at least before the commencement of such work such superintendence is refused or withheld. Where the carriageway in or upon which any tramway is proposed to be formed or laid down is crossed by any railway or tramway OH the level, any work which the promoters may be empowered to con- struct, and which affects or in anywise interferes with such railway (a) See case cited in note (6) infra. (b) Where a tramway company, without any previous notice, on different occasions lifted and relaid paving stones, and the surveyor of the plaintiffs, the road authority, from time to time inspected and examined the work while being done by the defendants ; held, that what the defendants had done came under section 28 and not under this section, and the plaintiffs were not entitled to be paid by the defendants the expenses of the superintendence : Vestry of St. Lnke v. North Metropolitan Tramn-'t// Company, L. B. 1 Q. B. D. 760. 83 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 2628. 505 or tramway, or the traffic thereon, shall be constructed and maintained Section 26 under the superintendence (at the cost of the promoters) and to the reasonable satisfaction of the person, corporation, or company owning such railway or tramway, unless after notice to be given by the pro- moters seven days at least before the commencement of such work such superintendence is refused or withheld. 27. When the promoters have opened or broken up any portion of Completion any road, they shall be under the following further obligations ; of works namely, and rein- 1, They shall, with all convenient speed, and in all cases within statement four weeks at the most (unless the road authority otherwise of roa &' consents in writing) complete the work on account of which they opened or broke up the same, and (subject to the forma- tion, maintenance, or renewal of the tramway) fill in the ground and make good the surface, and, to the satisfaction of the road authority, restore the portion of the road to as good condition as that in which it was before it was opened or broken up, and clear away all surplus paving or metalling material or rubbish occasioned thereby : 2, They shall in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened or broken up to be fenced and watched, and to be properly lighted at night : 3, They shall bear or pay all reasonable expenses of the repair of the road for six months after the same is restored, as far as those expenses are increased by the opening or breaking up. If the promoters aforesaid fail to comply in any respect with the provisions of the present section, they shall for every such offence (without prejudice to the enforcement of specific performance of the requirements of this Act or to any other remedy against them) be liable to a penalty (c) not exceeding twenty pounds, and to a further penalty not exceeding five pounds for each day during which any such failure continues after the first clay on which such penalty is incurred. 28. The promoters shall, at their own expense, at all times mam- Repair of tain and keep in good condition and repair, with such materials and part of road in such manner as the road authority shall direct, and to their satis- where tram- faction, so much of any road whereon any tramway belonging to way is laid (rf). them is laid as lies between the rails of the tramway and (where two tramways are laid by the same promoters in any road at a distance of not more than four feet from each other) the portion of the road between the tramways, and in every case so much of the road as extends eighteen inches beyond the rails of and on each side of any such tramway. If the promoters abandon their undertaking, or any part of the same, and take up any tramway or any part of any tram- way belonging to them, they shall with all convenient speed, and in all cases within six weeks at the most (unless the road authority otherwise consents in writing) fill in the ground and make good the surface, and, to the satisfaction of the road authority, restore the por- (c) As to recovery of tolls, penalties and charges, see section 56. (d) It was decided in the case of Murdoch v. London Street Tramways Company, reported in the " Times," May 30th, 1879, that a penalty for non- repair of a tramway could not be sued for by a private individual. See Vestry of St. Liike v. The Metropolitan Tramways Company, cited in note to section 26, supra. 506 APPENDIX. THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. Road autho- rity and pro- moters may contract for paving roads on which tramways are laid. Provisions as to gas and water com- panies. Section 28. ^ion of the road upon which, such tramway was laid to as good a condition as that in which it was before such tramway was laid thereon, and clear away all surplus paving or metalling material or rubbish occasioned by such work ; and they shall in the meantime cause the place where the road is opened or broken up to be fenced and watched, and to be properly lighted at night : Provided always, that if the promoters fail to comply with the provisions of this section, the road authority, if they think fit, may themselves at any time, after seven days notice to the promoters, open and break up the road, and do the works necessary for the repair and maintenance or restora- tion of the road, to the extent in this section above mentioned, and the expense incurred by the road authority in so doing shall be re- paid to them by the promoters, 29. The road authority on the one hand and the promoters on the other hand may from time to time enter into and carry into effect, and from time to time alter, renew, or vary, contracts, agreements, or arrangements with respect to the paving and keeping in repair of the whole or any portion of the roadway of any road on which the promoters shall lay any tramway, and the proportion to be paid by either of them of the expense of such paving and keeping in repair. 30. For the purpose of making, forming, laying down, maintain- ing, repairing, or renewing any of their tramways, the promoters may from time to time, where and as far as it is necessary, or may appear expedient for the purpose of preventing frequent interruption of the traffic by repairs or works in connexion with the same, alter the position of any mains or pipes for the supply of gas or water, or any tube, wires, or apparatus for telegraphic or other purposes, subject to the provisions of this Act, and also subject to the following restric- tions ; (that is to say,) 1. Before laying down a tramway in a road in which any mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus may be laid, the promoters shall, whether they contemplate altering the position of any such mains or pipes, wires, or apparatus, or not, give seven days notice to the company, persons, or person to whom such mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus may belong or by whom they are controlled, of their intention to lay down or alter the tramway, and shall at the same time deliver a plan and section of the proposed work. If it should appear to any such company or person that the construction of the tramway as proposed would endanger any such main or pipe, tube, wire, or apparatus, or interfere with or impede the supply of water or gas or the telegraphic or other communication, such com- pany or person (as the case may be) may give notice to the promoters to lower or otherwise alter the position of the said mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus in such manner as may be considered necessary, and any difference as to the necessity of any such lowering or alteration shall be settled in manner provided by tliis Act for the settlement of differences between the promoters and other companies or persons, and all alterations to be made under this section shall be made with as little detriment and inconvenience to the company or per- son to whom such mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus may belong, or by whom the same are controlled, or to 1 Ill- inhabitants of the district, as the circumstances will admit, and under the superintendence of such company or person or of their surveyor or engineer if they or he think fit to attend, 88 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 80, 81. 507 after receiving not less than forty-eight hours notice for that Section 30 purpose, Avhich notice the promoters are hereby required to k give: 2. The promoters shall not remove or displace any of the mains or pipes, valves, syphons, plugs, tubes, wires, or apparatus, or other works belonging to or controlled by any such company or person, or do anything to impede the passage of water or gas or the telegraphic or other communication into or through such mains or pipes, without the consent of such company or person, or in any other manner than such company or person shall approve, until good and sufficient mains, pipes, valves, syphons, plugs, and other works necessary or proper for con- tinuing the supply of water or gas or telegraphic or other communication, as sufficiently as the same was supplied by the mains or pipes, tubes, wires, or apparatus proposed to be re- moved or displaced, shall at the expense of the promoters have been first made and laid down in lieu thereof and ready for use, and to the satisfaction of the surveyor or engineer of such- water or gas or other company, or of such person, or, in case of disagreement between such surveyor or engineer and the promoters, as an engineer appointed by the board of trade shall direct : 4. The promoters shall not lay down any such pipes contrary to the regulations of any act of parliament relating to such water or gas or other company, or relating to telegraphs : 4. The promoters shall make good all damage done by them to property belonging to or controlled by any such company or person, and shall make full compensation to all parties for any loss or damage which they may sustain by reason of any interference Avith such property, or with the private service pipes of any person supplied by any such company or person with water or gas : 5. If by any such operations as aforesaid the promoters interrupt the supply of water or gas in or through any main or main pipe they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds for every day upon which such supply shall be so interrupted. 31. Where in any district any tramway or any work connected For pro- therewith interferes with any sewer, drain, watercourse, subway, tection of defence, or work in such district, or in any way affects the sewerage sewers, &c. or drainage of such district, the promoters shall not commence any tramway or work until they shall have given to the proper authority fourteen days previous notice in writing of their intention to com- mence the same, by leaving such notice at the principal office of such authority with all necessary particulars relating thereto, nor until such authority shall have signified their approval of the same, unless such authority do not signify their approval, disapproval, or other directions within fourteen days after service of the said notice and particulars as aforesaid, and the promoters shall comply with and conform to all reasonable directions and regulations of the said au- thority in the execution of the said works, and shall provide by new, altered, or substituted works, in such manner as such authority shall reasonably require, for the proper protection of and for preventing injury or impediment to the sewers and works hereinbefore referred to, by or by reason of the tramways, and shall save harmless the said authority against all and every the expense to be occasioned thereby ; and all such works shall be done under the direction, superintendence, Eights of authorities and com- panies, &c. to open roads. 508 APPENDIX. THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. Section 31, and control of the engineer or other officer or officers of the said authority, at the reasonable costs, charges, and expenses in all respects of the promoters ; and when any new, altered, or substituted work as aforesaid, or any works or defence connected therewith, shall be completed by or at the costs, charges, or expenses of the promoters, under the provisions of this Act, the same shall thereafter be as fully and completely under the direction, jurisdiction, and control of the said authority and be maintained by them as any sewers or works. 32. Nothing in this Act shall take away or abridge any power to open or break up any road along or across which any tramway is laid, or any other power vested in any local authority or road au- thority for any of the purposes for which such authority is respec- tively constituted, or in any company, body, or person for the purpose of laying down, repairing, altering, or removing any pipe for the supply of gas or water, or any tubes, wires, or apparatus for telegraphic or other purposes, but in the exercise of such power every such local authority, road authority, company, body, or person, shall be subject to the following restrictions ; (that is to say,) 1. They shall cause as little detriment or inconvenience to the pro- moters and lessees as circumstances admit : 2. Before they commence any work whereby the traffic on the tramway will be interrupted they shall (except in cases of urgency, in which cases no notice shall be necessary) give to the promoters and lessees, if there be any, notice of their in- tention to commence such work, specifying the time at which they will begin to do so, such notice to be given eighteen hours at least before the commencement of the work : 3. They shall not be liable to pay to the promoters or lessees any compensation for injury done to the tramway by the execution of such work, or for loss of traffic occasioned thereby, or for the reasonable exercise of the powers so vested in them as aforesaid : 4. Whenever for the purpose of enabling them to execute such work the local authority or the road authority shall so require, the promoters or lessees shall either stop traffic on the tram- way to which the notice shall refer, where it would otherwise interfere with such work, or shore up and secure the same at their own risk and cost during the execution of the work there : Provided that such work shall always be completed by the local authority or the road authority, as the case may be, with all reasonable expedition : 5. Any company, body, or person shall not execute such work so far as it immediately affects the tramway except under the superintendence of the promoters, unless they refuse or neglect to give such superintendence at the time specified in the notice for the commencement of the work or discontinue the same during the progress of the work ; and they shall execute such work at their own expense, and to the reasonable satis- faction_ of the promoters : Provided that any additional ex- pense imposed upon them by reason of the existence of the tramway in any road or place where any such mains, pipes, tubes, Avires, or apparatus shall have been laid before the con- struction of such tramway shall be borne by the promoters. Difference 33. If any difference arises between the promoters or lessees on the between one hand and any local authority or road authority, or any gas or promoters water company, or any company, body, or person to" whom any sewer, 33 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 3335. 509 drain, tube, wires, or apparatus for telegraphic or other purposes may Section 33. belong, or any other company, on the other hand, with respect to any interference or control exercised, or claimed to be exercised, by and road them or him, or on their or his behalf, or by the promoters or lessees authority, by virtue of this Act, in relation to any tramway or work, or in re- &c< lation to any work or proceeding of the local authority, road au- thority, body, company, or person, or with respect to the propriety of or the mode of execution of any work relating to any tramway, or with respect to the amount of any compensation to be made by or to the promoters or lessees, or on the question whether any work is such as ought reasonably to satisfy the local authority, road authority, body, company, or person concerned, or with respect to any other subject or thing regulated by or comprised in this Act, the matter in difference shall (unless otherwise specially provided by this Act) be .settled by an engineer or other fit person nominated (a) as referee by the board of trade on the application of either party, and the expenses of the reference shall be borne and paid as the referee directs. PART III. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Carriages. 34. The promoters of tramways authorized by special Act and their rWer for lessees may use on their tramways carriages with flange wheels or promoters to wheels suitable only to run on the rail prescribed by such Act ; and, use tramways subject to the provisions of such special Act and of this Act, the pro- with flange- looters and their lessees shall have the exclusive use of their tramways wheeled car- for carriages with flange wheels or other wheels suitable only to run riages, &c< on the prescribed rail. All carnages used on any tramway shall be moved by the power prescribed by the special Act, and where no such power is prescribed, by animal power only. No carriage tised on any tramway which is hereafter authorized by special Act shall extend beyond the outer edge of the wheels of such carriage more than eleven inches on each side. Licenses to use Tramiuays.] 35. If at any time after any tramway or part of any tramway shall Licenses to have been for three years opened for public traffic in any district it use the traui- shall be represented in writing to the board of trade by the local way may in authority of such district or by twenty inhabitant ratepayers of such certain events district, or by the road authority of any road in which such tramway be granted or part of a tramway is laid, that the public are deprived of the full to i , . benefit of the tramway, the board of trade may (if they consider P ar * es Y that, primti facie, the case is one for inquiry) direct an inquiry by a , ie , oa referee under this Act into the truth of the representation, and if the See regulations as to enquiries before referee, section 63. 510 APPENDIX. THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. Section 35. referee report that the truth of the representation has been proved to his satisfaction, the board may from time to time grant licenses to any company or person to use such tramway in addition to the pro- moters or their lessees, for such traffic as is authorized by the special Act, with carriages to be approved by the board, subject to the fol- lowing provisions, conditions, and restrictions ; that is to say, 1. The license shall be for any period not less than one year nor more than three years from the date of the license, but shall be renewable by the board, if they upon inquiry think tit : 2. The license shall be to iise the whole of such tramway for the time being opened for public traffic, or such part or parts of such tramway as the board, having reference to the cause for granting the license, shall think right : 3. The license shall direct the number of carriages which the licensee or licensees shall run upon such tramway, and the mode in which and times at which such carriages shall be run : 4. The licenses shall specify the tolls to be paid to the promoters or to their lessees by the licensee or licensees for the use of the tramways : 5. The licensee or licensees, and their officers and servants, shall permit one person duly authorized for that purpose by the pro- moters, or by their lessees, to ride free of charge in or upon each carriage of the licensee or licensees ran upon the tramways for the whole or any part of the journey : 6. The board of trade may at any time after the granting of any license revoke, alter, or modify the same for good cause shown to them. In default of payment of tolls licensee's carriages may be detained and sold. 36. If on demand any licensee fail to pay the tolls due in respect of any passengers carried in any carriage it shall be lawful for the promoters or their lessees, to whom the same are payable, to detain and sell such carriage, or if the same shall have been removed from the tramway or premises of such promoters or lessees, to detain and sell any other carriages on such tramway or premises belonging to such licensee, and out of the moneys arising from such sale to retain the tolls payable as aforesaid, and all charges and expenses of such detention and sale, rendering the overplus (if any) of such moneys and such of the carriages as shall remain unsold to the person entitled thereto. Licensees to 37. Every licensee shall on demand give to an officer or servant give account authorized in that behalf by the promoters or their lessees entitled of passengers to be paid tolls by such licensee, an exact account in writing signed carried by by such licensee of the number of passengers conveyed by any and every carriage used by him on the tramways. them. 38. If any such licensee fails to give such account to such officer or servant demanding the same as aforesaid, or if any such licensee with intent to avoid the payment of any tolls gives a false accountj he shall- for every such offence forfeit to the promoters, or to their lessees entitled to be paid tolls by such licensee, a sum not exceed- ing five pounds, and such penalty shall be in addition to any tolls payable in respect of the passengers carried by any such carriage. Disputes as to 39. If any dispute arise concerning the amount of the tolls due to Licensees not giving account of passengers carried liable to penalty. 33 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 3941. 51 the promoters or to their lessees from any licensee, or concerning the Section 39. charges occasioned by any detention or sale of any carriage under the provisions herein contained, the same shall be settled in England by amoun * of two justices, and in Scotland by the sheriff or two justices, and it I|i^, shall be lawful for the promoters or their lessees in the meanwhile . ! to detain the carriage, or (if the case so require) the proceeds of the J sale thereof. 40. Every licensee shall be answerable for any trespass or damage Owners of done by his carriages or horses, or by any of the servants or persons carriages employed by him, to or upon the tramway, or to or upon the property liable for of any other person, and, without prejudice to the right of action damage done against the licensee or any other person, every such servant or other by their person may lawfully be convicted of such trespass or damage in servants. England before two justices, and in Scotland before the sheriff or two justices, either by the confession of the party offending or 'by the oath of some credible witness ; and upon such conviction every such licensee shall pay to the promoters, lessees, or persons injured, as the case may be, the damage, to be ascertained by such justices, so that the same do not exceed fifty pounds. Discontinuance of Tramways. 41. If at any time after the opening of any tramway in any district Tramways for traffic the promoters discontinue the working of such tramway, or to be removed of any part thereof, for the space of three calendar months (such dis- in certain continuance not being occasioned by circumstances beyond the control cases, of such promoters, for which purpose the want of sufficient funds shall not be considered a circumstance beyond their control), and such dis- continuance is proved to the satisfaction of the board of trade, the said board, if they think fit, may by order declare that the powers of the promoters in respect of such tramway or the part thereof so discon- tinued shall, from the date of such order, be at an end, and thereupon the said powers of the promoters shall cease and determine, unless the same are purchased by the local authority in manner by this Act pro- vided. Where any such order has been made, the road authority of such district may at any time after the expirarion of two months from the date of such order, under the authority of a certificate to that effect by the board of trade, remove the tramway or part of the tram- way so discontinued, and the promoters shall pay to the road authority the cost of such removal and of the making good of the road by the road authority, such cost to be certified by the clerk for the time being, or by some other authorized officer of the road authority, whose certificate shall be final and conclusive ; and if the promoters fail to pay the amount so certified within one calendar month after delivery to them of such certificate or a copy thereof, the road authority may, without any previous notice to the promoters (but without prejudice to any other remedy which they may have for the recovery of the amount), sell and dispose of the materials of the tramway or part of tramway removed, either by public auction or private sale, and for such sum or sums, and to such person or persons, as the road, authority may think fit, and may out of the proceeds of such sale pay and re- imburse themselves the amount of the cost certified as aforesaid and of the cost of sale, and the balance (if any) of the proceeds of the sale shall be paid over by the road authority to the promoters. 512 APPENDIX, THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. Section 42. Proceedings in case of insolvency of promoters. Insolvency of Promoters. 42. If at any time after the opening of any tramway in any district. for traffic, it appears to the local authority or the road Authority of such district that the promoters of such tramway are insolvent, so that they are unable to maintain such tramway, or work the same with advantage to the public, and such road authority makes a representa- tion to that effect to the board of trade, the board of trade may direct an inquiry by a referee into the truth of the representation, and if the referee shall find that the promoters are so insolvent as aforesaid, the board of trade may, by order, declare that the powers of the pro- moters shall, at the expiration of six calendar months from the making of the order, bo at an end, and the powers of the promoters shall cease and determine at the expiration of the said period, unless the same are purchased by the local authority in manner by this Act provided ; and thereupon such road authority may remove the tramway in like manner and subject to the same provisions as to the payment of the costs of such removal, and to the same remedy for recovery of such costs, in every respect as in cases of removal under the next preceding section. Future pur- chase of undertaking by local authority. PurcJiase of Tramways (a). 43. Where the promoters of a traimvay in any district are not the local authority, the local authority, if," by resolution passed at a special meeting of the members constituting such local authority, they so decide, may within six calendar months after the expiration of a period of twenty-one years from the time when such promoters were empowered to construct such tramway, and within six months after the expiration of every subsequent period of seven years, or within three months after any order made by the board of trade under either of the two iiext preceding sections, with the approval of the board ol trade, by notice in writing require such promoters to sell, and there- upon such promoters shall sell to them their undertaking, or so much of the same as is within such district, upon terms of paying the then value (exclusive of any allowance for past or future profits of the imdertaking, or any compensation for compulsory sale, or other con- sideration whatsoever) of the tramway, and all lands, buildings, works, materials, and plant of the promoters suitable to and used by them for the purposes of their undertaking within such district, such Value to be in case of difference determined by an engineer or other fit person nominated as referee by the board of trade on the applica- tion of either party, and the expenses of the reference to be borne and paid as the referee directs. And when any such sale has been made, all the rights, powers, and authorities of such promoters in respect to the undertaking sold, or where any order has been made by the board of trade under either of the next preceding sections, all the rights, powers, and authorities of such promoters previous to the making of such order in respect to the undertaking sold, shall be transferred to, vested in, and may be exercised by the authority to whom the same has been sold, in like manner as if such tramway was constructed by such authority under the powers conferred upon them by a pro- fa) Sec power of purchase and sale with consent of board of trade, in next section. 33 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 43, 44. 513 visional order under this Act, and in reference to the same they shall Section 43. be deemed to be the promoters. No such resolution shall be valid unless a month's previous notice of the meeting, and of the purpose thereof, has been given in manner in which notices of meetings of such local authority are usually given (6), nor unless two thirds of the members constituting such local au- thority are present and vote at the meeting, and a majority of those present and voting concur in the resolution ; provided that if in Scotland the local authority be the road trustees, it shall not be neces- sary that two-thirds of such trustees shall be present at the meeting, but the resolution shall not be valid unless two- thirds of the in embers present vote in favour of such resolution, and unless the said resolu- tion is confirmed in like manner at another meeting called as afore- said and held not less than three weeks and not more than six weeks thereafter ; and it shall be lawful for the chairman of any such meet- ing, with the consent of a majority of the members present, to adjourn the same from time to time. The local authority in any district may pay the purchase money and all expenses incurred by them in the purchase of any under- taking under the authority of this section out of the like rate, and shall have the like powers to borrow on the security of the same as if such expenses were incurred in applying for, obtaining, and carrying into effect any provisional order obtained by them under this Act. Where the local rate is limited by law to a certain amount, and is by reason of such limitation insufficient for the payment of such purchase money and expenses, the board of trade may by provisional order extend the limit of such local rate to such amount as they shall think fit and prescribe for the payment of such purchase money and expenses. Every such provisional order shall be confirmed in like manner as a provisional order under the authority of Part I. of this Act, and until such confirmation such provisional order shall not have any operation. Subject and according to the preceding provisions of this section two or more local authorities may jointly purchase any undertaking or so much of the same as is within their districts. 44. Where any tramway in any district has been opened for traffic Power of for a period of six months the promoters may, with the consent of the sale, board of trade, sell their undertaking to any person, persons, corpora- tion, or company, or to the local authority of such district ; and when any such sale has been made all the rights, powers, authorities, obliga- tions, and liabilities of such promoters in respect to the undertaking sold shall be transferred to, vested in, and may be exercised by, and shall attach to the person, persons, corporation, company, or local authority to whom the same has been sold, in like manner as if such tramway was constructed by such person, persons, corporation, com- pany, or local authority under the powers conferred upon them by special Act, and in reference to the same they shall be deemed to be the promoters. Provided always, that a local authority shall not purchase any undertaking under the provisions of this section unless they shall decide to make such purchase by resolution passed at a special meet- (&) As to notices of special meeting sec section 52 of Metropolis Man- agement Act, 1855. 2 L APPENDIX. THE TKAMWAYS ACT, 1870. ing of the members constituting such local authority, which resolution shall be made in the same manner and shall be subject to the same conditions as to validity as resolutions made in regard to the pur- chases by the next preceding section authorized. Where any purchase is made by any local authority under the provisions of this section, such local authority may pay the pur- chase money and all expenses incurred by them in making such purchase out of the like funds, and for such purposes shall have all and the like powers and be subject to all the like conditions as if such purchase were made under the authority of the next preceding section. Tolk. 45. The promoters or lessees of a tramway authorized by special Act may demand and take, in respect of such tramway, tolls and charges not exceeding the sums specified in such special Act, subject and according to the regulations therein specified. A list of all'the tolls and charges authorized to be taken shall be exhibited in a con- spicuous place inside and outside each of the carnages used upon the tramways. Bye-laifs. 46. Subject to the provisions of the special Act authorising any tramway and this Act, The local authority of any district in which the same is laid down may, from time to time, make regulations as to the follow- ing matters : The rate of speed to be observed in travelling upon the tramway : The distances at which carriages using the tramway shall be allowed to follow one after the other :. The stopping of carriages using the tramway : The traffic on the road in which the tramway is laid. The promoters of any tramway and their lessees may from time to time make regulations, For preventing the commission of any nuisance in or upon any ^ carriage, or in or against any premises belonging to them : For regulating the travelling in or upon any carriage belonging to And for better enforcing the observance of all or any of such regula- tions, it shall be lawful for such local authority and promoters respectively to make bye-laws for all or any of the aforesaid pur- poses, and from time to time repeal or alter such bye-laws, and make new bye-laws, provided that such bye-laws be not repugnant to the laws of that part of the United Kingdom where the same are to have enect. Notice of the making of any bye-law under the provisions of this Act shall be published by the local authority or the promoters mak- ing the same by advertisement, according to the regulations contained in Tart II. of the schedule (C.) to this Act annexed, and unless such notice is published in manner aforesaid such bye-law shall be dis- allowed by the board of trade. No such bye-law shall have any force or effect which shall be dis- allowed by the board of trade within two calendar months after a true copy of such bye- law shall have been laid before the board, and 33 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 4650. 515 a true copy of every such proposed Lye-law shall, not less than two Section 46. calendar months before such bye-law shall come into operation, bo sent to the board of trade, and shall be delivered to the promoters of such tramway if the same was made by the local authority, and to such local authority if made by the promoters. 47. An}' such bye-law may impose reasonable penalties for offences Penalties against the same, not exceeding forty shillings for each offence, with may be or without further penalties for continuing offences, not exceeding imposed iu for any continuing offence ten shillings for every day during which bye-laws, the offence continues (a) ; but all bye-laws shall be so framed as to allow in every case part only of the maximum penalty being ordered to be paid. to license drivers, conductors, &c. 48. The local authority shall have the like power of making and Power to enforcing rules and regulations, and of granting licenses with respect local authority to all carriages using the tramways, and to all drivers, conductors, and A ' other persons having charge of or using the same, and to the stand- ings for the same, as they are for the time being entitled to make, enforce, and grant with respect to hackney carriages, and the drivers and other persons having the charge thereof, and to the standings for the same in the streets and district of or under the control of the local authority : Provided always, that in any district in which any of the powers aforesaid in relation to hackney carriages and the matters aforesaid in connexion therewith are vested in any authority other than the local authority of such district, such authority shall have and may exercise the powers by this section conferred upon the local authority, Offences. 49. If any person wilfully obstructs any person acting under the Penalty for authority of any promoters in the lawful exercise of their powers in obstruction setting out or making, forming, laying down, repairing, or renewing of promo- a tramway, or defaces or destroys any mark made for the purposes ters in lay- of setting out the line of the tramway, or damages or destroys any ing out train - property of the promoters, lessees, or licensees, he shall for every way. such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. 60. If any person, without lawful excuse (the proof whereof shall Penalties f or lie on him), wilfully does any of the following things ; (namely,) Interferes with, removes, or alters any part of a traniwav or of the _ * , , *,i * works connected therewith ; Places or throws any stones, dirt, wood, refuse, or other material on any part of a tramway ; Does or causes to be done anything in such manner as to obstruct any carriage using a tramway, or to endanger the lives of persons therein or thereon ; Or knowingly aids or assists in the doing of any such thing ; he shall for every such offence be liable (in addition to any proceed- ings by way of indictment or otherwise to which he may be subject) to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. wilful injury ." tion to tiaiii- wav c f a \ ' * ' (a) As to recovery of penalties, see section 56; 2L2 516 Section 51. Penalty on passengers practising frauds on the pro- moters. Transient offenders.' Penalty for bringing dangerous goods ou the tramway. Penalty for persons using tram- ways with with flange wheels, &c. APPENDIX. THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. 51. If any person travelling or having travelled in any carriage on any tramway avoids or attempts to avoid payment of his fare, or if any person having paid his fare for a certain distance knowingly and wilfully proceeds in any such carriage beyond such distance, and does not pay the additional fare for the additional distance, or attempts to avoid payment thereof, or if any person knowingly and wilfully refuses or neglects on arriving at the point to which he has paid his fare to quit such carriage, every such person shall, for every such offence, be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings. 52. It shall be lawful for any officer or servant of the promoters or lessees of any tramway, and all persons called by him to his assistance, to seize and detain any person discovered either in or after committing or attempting to commit any such offence as in the next preceding section is mentioned, and whose name or residence is unknown to such officer or servant, until such person can be con- veniently taken before a justice, or until he be otherwise discharged by due course of law. 53. No person shall be entitled to cany or to require to be carried on any tramway any goods which may be of a dangerous nature, and if any person send by any tramway any such goods without dis- tinctly marking their nature on the outside of the package contain- ing the same, or otherwise giving notice in writing to the book- keeper or other servant with whom the same are left at the time of such sending, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds for every such offence, and it shall be lawful for such pro- moters or lessees to refuse to take any parcel that they may suspect to contain goods of a dangerous nature, or require the same to be opened to ascertain the fact. 54. If any person (except under a lease from or by agreement with the promoters, or under license from the board of trade, as by this Act provided), uses a tramway or any part thereof with carriages hav- ing flange wheels or other wheels suitable only to run on the rail of such tramway, such person shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. Miscellaneous. Promoters c lessees to be respon- sible for all damages. llecovery of tolls, penalties, &c. (a) 55. The promoters or lessees, as the case may be, shall be answer- able for all accidents, damages, and injuries happening through their act or default, or through the act or default of any person in their employment by reason or in consequence of any of their works or carriages, and shall save harmless all road andjother authorities, com- panies, or bodies, collectively and individually, and their officers and servants, from all damages and costs in respect of such accidents, damages, and injuries. 56. All tolls, penalties, and charges under this Act, or under any bye-law made inpursuance of this Act, may be recovered and enforced as follows ; in England before two justices of the peace in manner directed by the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years (a) See case of Murdoch v. London Street Tramways Company, cited in note to section 28, ante. 83 & 34 VICT. c. 78, ss. 5663. 517 of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled Section 56. " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of the justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders," and any Act amending the same, and in Scotland before the sheriff or two justices as penalties under the Railways Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845. 57. Notwithstanding anything in this Act contained the promoters Right O f of any tramway shall not acquire or be deemed to acquire any right user only, other than that of user of any road along or across which they lay any tramway, nor shall anything contained in this Act exempt the promoters of any tramway laid along any turnpike road, or any other person using such tramway, from the payment of such tolls as may be levied in respect of the use of such road by the trustees thereof. 58. The trustees of any turnpike road and the promoters of any Arrange- tramway proposed to be laid or laid along the same may, with the meats approval of the board of trade, enter into agreements with each other between turn- for the payment of a composition to such trustees in respect of the pike road user of such road for such tramway and the conveyance of traffic trustees and thereon, and may with the same approval alter such agreement from promoters, time to time. 59. Nothing in this Act shall limit or interfere with the rights of Reservation any owner, lessee, or occupier of any mines or minerals lying under of rights of or adjacent to any road along or across which any tramway shall be owners, &c., laid to work such mines and minerals, nor shall any such owner, of mines, lessee, or occupier be liable to make good or pay compensation for any damage wnich may be occasioned to such tramway by the work- ing in the usual and ordinary course of their mines or minerals. 60. Nothing in this Act shall take away or affect any power which Reserving any road authority, or the owners, commissioners, undertakers, or powers lessees of any railway, tramway, or inland navigation, may have by of street law to widen, alter, divert, or improve any road, railway, tramway, authorities or inland navigation. road 61. Nothing in this Act shall limit the powers of the local Power for authority or police (6) in any district to regulate the passage of any local or traffic along or across any road along or across which any tramways police au- are laid down, and such authority or police may exercise their thorities to authority as well on as off the tramway, and with respect as well regulate to the traffic of the promoters or of lessees as to the traffic of other traffic in persons. roads. 62. Nothing in this Act or in any bye-law made under this Act Reservation shall take away or abridge the right of the public to pass along or of right of across every or any part of any road along or across which any tram- public to way is laid, whether on or off the tramway, with, carriages not e roads, having flange wheels or wheels suitable only to run on the rail of the tramway. 63. Every inquiry which by this Act the board of trade are Regulating empowered to make or direct shall be made in accordance with the inquiries following provisions : betbre (J) See 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47 (Metropolitan Police), ss. 52 and 53 as to powers of commissioner of police with respect to traffic in streets, and the Metropolitan Streets Act, 1867. APPENDIX. THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. 1. The inquiry shall be held in public before an officer to be appointed in that behalf by the board, hereinafter called the referee, and whose appointment shall be by writing, which shall specify all the matters referred to him : 2. Ten days notice at the least shall be given by the referee to the parties upon whose representation the board of trade shall have directed the inquiry, of the time and place at which the inquiry is to be commenced : 3. The inquiry shall be commenced at the time and place so appointed, and the referee may adjourn the inquiry from time to time as may be necessary to such time and place as he may think fit : 4. The referee by summons shall, on the application of any party interested in the inquiry, require the attendance before him- self, at a place and time to be mentioned in the summons, of any person to be examined as a witness before him, and every person summoned shall attend the referee, and answer all questions touching the matter to be inquired into, and any person who wilfully disobeys any such summons or refuses to answer any question put to him by such referee for the pur- poses of the said inqixiry shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds : Provided always, that no person shall be required to attend in obedience to any such summons xrnless the reasonable charges of his attendance shall have been paid or tendered to him, and no person shall be required in any case in obedience to any such summons to travel more than ten miles from his place of abode : . 5. The referee may and shall administer an oath, or an affirmation where an affirmation in lieu of an oath would be admitted in a court of justice, to any person tendered or summoned as a witness on the inquiry : 6. Any person who upon oath or affirmation wilfully gives false evidence before the referee shall be deemed guilty of perjury: 7. The referee shall make his report to the board of trade in writ- ing, and shall deliver copies of the report upon request to all or any of the parties to the inquiry. 64. The board of trade may from time to time make, and, when made, may rescind, annul, or add to, rules with respect to the follow- ing matters : 1. The proceedings to be had before the board under this Act : 2. The payment of money or lodgment of securities by way of deposits, the repayment and forfeiture of the same, the invest- ment of the same, the amount and payment of interest or dividends from time to time accruing due on such deposits : 3. The plans and sections of any works to be deposited by pro- moters under this Act : 4. As to any other matter or thing in respect of which it may be expedient to make rules for the purpose of carrying this Act into execution. Any rules made in pursuance of this section shall be deemed to be within the powers conferred by this Act, and shall be of the same force as if enacted in this Act, and shall be judicially noticed. Any rules made in pursuance of this section shall be laid before parliament within three weeks after they are made, if parliament be then sitting, and if parliament be not then sitting, within three weeks after the beginning of the then next session of parliament. 83 & 34 VICT. c. 78, SCHED. A, SCHEDULE A, PART i. Districts of Local Authorities. Description of Local Au- thority of District set opposite its Name. The L.ocal Bate. ENGLAITD AND WALES. The city of London and The Mayor, Aldermen, The consolidated sewers the liberties thereof. and Commons of the rate. City of London. The metropolis (1.) - . The Metropolitan Board The metropolitan con- of Works. solidated rate. Boroughs (2.) - The mayor, aldermen, The borough fund or and burgesses, acting by the council. other property appli- cable to the purposes of a borough rate, or the borough rate. Any place not included in The commissioners, Any rate leviable by the above descriptions, trustees, or other per- such commissioners, and under the jurisdic- tion of commissioners, sons intrusted by the LocalAct with powers trustees, or other persons, or other trustees, or other per- sons intrusted by any of improving, cleans- sing, or paving the funds applicable by them to the purposes Local Act with powers town. of improving, cleans- of improving, cleans- ing, or paving the ing, or paving any town. town. Any place not included The local board. General district rate. in the above descrip- tions, and within the jurisdiction of local board constituted in pursuance of the Public Health Act, 1848, and the Local Government Act, 1858, or one of such Acts. Any place or parish not The vestry, select ves- The poor rate. within the above de- try, or other body of scriptions, and in which persons, acting by a rate is levied for the virtue of any Act of maintenance of the parliament, prescrip- poor, tion, custom, or other- wise, as or instead of a vestry or select vestry. Notes. (I.) "The metropolis" shall include all parishes and places in which the Metropolitan Board of Works have power to levy a main drainage rate, except the city of London and the liberties thereof. (2.) " Borough" shall mean any place for the time being subject to an Act passed in the session holden in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, intituled " An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales." 520 APPENDIX, THE TKAMWAYS ACT, 1870. Sched. A, Districts of Local Authorities. Description of Local Au- thority of District set opposite its Name. The Local Rate. SCOTLAND. Places within the juris- diction of any town conncil, and not sub- ject to the separate 'jurisdiction of police commissioners or trustees. In places within the juris- diction of police com- missioners or trustees exercising the func- tions of police com- missioners under any general or local Act. In any parish or part thereof over which the jurisdiction of a town council or of police commissioners or trustees exercising the functions of police commissioners does not extend. The town council. The police commis- sioners or trustees. The road trustees hav- ing the management of any road on which a tramway is pro- posed to be con- structed. The prison ment or police as- sessment, as the local authority shall resolve. The tolls, duties, and assessments leviable by the road trustees. PART II. Districts of Road Authorities. Description of Road Au- thority of Districts set opposite its Name. Parishes within the me- The vestries appointed tropolis (1.) mentioned in schedule (A.) to the for the purposes of the Metropolis Manage- Metropolis Manage- ment Act, 1855. ment Act, 1855. Districts within the me- The'board of works for tropolis (1.) formed by the union of the the district appointed for the purpose of the parishes mentioned in Metropolis Manage- schedule (B.) to the ment Act, 1855. Metropolis Manage- ment Act, 1855. Note. (1.) The term "metropolis" has Parti, of the schedule, part the same meaning as in 33 & 34 Vicx. c. 78, SCHEDS. A., B. 521 Sched, A, PART III. Approval of Application by Local Authority for a Provisional Order. The approval of any intended application for a Provisional Order by a local authority shall be in manner following ; that is to say, A resolution approving of the intention to make such application shall be passed at a special meeting of the members constituting such local authority. Such special meeting shall not be held unless a month's previous notice of the same, and of the purpose thereof, has been given in manner in which notices of meeting of such local authority are iisually given, (a) Such resolution shall not be passed unless two thirds of the mem- bers constituting such local authority are present and vote at such special meeting and a majority of those present and voting concur in the resolution ; provided that if in Scotland the local authority be the road trustees, it shall not be necessary that two thirds of such trustees shall be present at the meeting, but the resolution shall not be valid unless two thirds of the members present vote in favour of such resolution, and unless the said resolution is confirmed in like manner at another meeting called as aforesaid and held not less than three weeks and not more than six weeks thereafter. Where any such resolution relating to the metropolis as the same is defined in Part I. of this sche- dule, or to any district in Scotland of which road trustees are the local authority, has been passed in manner aforesaid, the intended application to which such resolution relates shall be deemed to be approved. SCHEDULE B. PROVISIONAL ORDERS. PART I. Advertisement in October or November of intended application. (1.) Every advertisement is to contain the following particulars : 1. The objects of the intended application. 2. A general description of the nature of the proposed works, if any. 3. The names of the townlands, parishes, townships, and extra- (a) See section 52 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, as to notices of special meeting. That directs two clear days previous notice, whereas this provision requires a month's previous notice of the meeting. 522 APPENDIX. THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. Schecl. B. parochial places in which the proposed works, if any, will be made. 4. The times and places at which the deposit under Part II. of this schedule will be made. 5. An office, either in London or at the place to which the intended application relates, at which printed copies of the draft provisional order, when deposited, and of the provisional order, when made, will be obtainable as herein- after provided. (2.) The whole notice is to be included in one advertisement, which is to be headed with a short title descriptive of the undertaking. (3.) The advertisement is to be inserted once at least in each of two successive weeks in some one and the same newspaper published in the district affected by the proposed under- taking, where the proposed works (if any) will be made ; or if there be no such newspaper, then in some one and the same newspaper published in the county in which every such district, or some part thereof, is situate ; or if there be none, then in some one and the same newspaper pub- lished in some adjoining or neighbouring county. PART II. Deposit on or before 30th November. (1.) The promoters are to deposit 1. A copy of the advertisement published by them. 2. A proper plan and section of the proposed works, if any, such plan and section to be prepared according to such regu- lations as may from time to time be made by the board of trade in that behalf. (2.) The documents aforesaid are to be deposited for public in- spection In England, in the office of the clerk of the peace for every county, riding, or division, and of the parish clerk of every parish and the office of the local authority of every district in or through which any such undertaking is proposed to be made ; in Scotland, in the office of the principal sheriff clerk for every county, district, or division which will be affected by the proposed undertaking, or in which any proposed new work will be made. (3.) The documents aforesaid are also to be deposited at the office of the board of trade. PART III. Deposit on or before 23rd December. (1.) The promoters are to deposit at the office of the board of 1. A memorial signed by the promoters, headed with a short title descriptive of the undertaking (corresponding with 33 & 34 VICT. c. 78, SCHED, B. 523 that at the head of the advertisement), addressed to the Sched. B. board of trade, and praying for a provisional order, 2. A printed draft of the provisional order as proposed by the promoters, with any schedule referred to therein. 3. An estimate of the expense of the proposed works, if any, signed by the persons making the same. (2.) They are also to deposit a sufficient number of such printed copies at the office named in that behalf in the advertise- ment ; such copies to be there furnished to all persons ap- plying for them at the price of not more than one shilling each. (3.) The memorial of the promoters (to be written on foolscap paper, bookwise, with quarter margin) is to be in the follow- ing form, with such variations as circumstances require : [Short title of undertaking.'] To the board of trade, The memorial of the promoters of [sliort title of undertaking] : Showeth as follows ; 1. Your memorialists have published, in accordance with the requirements of the Tramways Act, 1870, the following adver- tisement : [Here advertisement to be set out verbatim.~\ 2. Your memorialists have also deposited, in accordance with the requirements of the said Act, copies of the said advertisement and \liere state deposit oftJte several matters required oy Act.~\ Your memorialists, therefore, pray that a provisional order may be made in the terms of the draft pro- posed by your memorialists, or in such other terms as may seem meet. A.S. C.D. Promoters. PART IV. Deposit and advertisement of Provisional Order when made. (1.) The promoters are to deposit printed copies of the provi- sional order, when settled and made, for public inspection in the offices of clerks of the peace and sheriff clerks, where the documents required to be deposited by them under Part II. of this schedule were deposited. (2.) They are also to deposit a sufficient number of such printed copies at the office named in that behalf in the advertise- ment, such copies to be there furnished to all persons apply- ing for them at the price of not more than each. (3.) They are also to publish the provisional order as an adver- tisement once in the local newspaper in which the original advertisement of the intended application was published, or, in case the same shall no longer be published, in some otlier newspaper published in the district. 524 APPENDIX, THE TRAMWAYS ACT, 1870. Sched. C, SCHEDULE C. PART I. Notice and Deposit of Lease by Local Authority. One month before any lease is submitted to the board of trade, notice of the intention to make such lease shall be given by adver- tisement. (1.) Every advertisement is to contain 1. The term of the lease. 2. The rent reserved. 3. A general description of the covenants and conditions con- tained therein. 4. The place where the same is deposited for public inspection. (2.) The advertisement is to be inserted once at least in each of two successive weeks in some one and the same newspaper published in the district affected by the proposed lease ; or if there be no such newspaper, then in some one and the same newspaper published in the county in which such dis- trict, or some part thereof, is situate ; or if there be none, then in some one and the same newspaper published in some adjoining or neighbouring county. (3.) The advertisement is also, in every case, to be inserted once at least in the London or Edinburgh Gazette, accordingly as the district to which it relates is situate in England or Scot- land. Deposit. A copy of such lease shall be deposited for public inspection during office hours at the office of the local authority or at some other con- venient place within the district to which such lease relates. PART II. Notice of Bye-laws. Within one month after the making of any bye-law notice of the making of the same, and a copy of such bye-law, shall be published by advertisement in manner following : (1.) The advertisement is to be inserted once at least in each of two successive weeks in some one and the same newspaper published in the district affected by such bye-law ; or if there be no such newspaper, then in some one and the same newspaper published in the county in which such district, or some part thereof, is situate ; or if there be none, then in some one and the same newspaper published in some adjoin- ing or neighbouring county. (2.) The advertisement is also, in every case, to be inserted once at least in the London or Edinburgh Gazette, accordingly as the district to which it relates is situate in England or Scot- land. AN ACT FOR FURTHER REGULATING THE USE OF LOCOMO- TIVES ON TURNPIKE AND OTHER ROADS FOR AGRICULTURAL AND OTHER PURPOSES. 28 & 29 VICT. CAP. 83. STH JULY, 1865. WHEREAS by the " Locomotives Act, 1861," certain provision was 24 & 25 Viet, made for regulating the use of locomotives on turnpike and other c. 70. roads, and it is expedient that further and fuller provision should be made for that object : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present par- liament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. This Act shall not come into operation till the first day of Sep- Commence- tember, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, which day is inent of Act. hereinafter referred to as the commencement of the Act, and shall cease and determine on the first of September; one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven (a). 2. After the commencement of this Act, and so long as the same Certain shall continue in force, the fifth, ninth, eleventh, and fifteenth sec- sections of tions of the said recited Act, and all orders made in pursuance of the ^4 & 2o Viet. said fifth section, are hereby repealed. c - 7 ' ,.. repealed (J). (a) This Act is amended by the Highways and Locomotives Amendment Act, 1878, and the recited Act, the Locomotives Act, 1861, was continued by the Temporary Laws Continuance Acts, by the last of which, the 41 & 42 Viet. c. 70, this (the 28 & 29 Viet. c. 83), was, so far as it is not repealed, continued till 31st December, 1879. It was held under 24 & 25 Viet. c. 70, s. 3, that no shoes or bearing sur- face complied with the Act unless similar to the tires prescribed, viz., uniform smooth surface bands, nine inches at least wide round the whole circumference, and that these bands must be continuous (save in so far as the joints might render perfect continuity impossible) ; Body v. Jeffery, L. R. 3 Ex. D. 95; following Stringer v. Sykes, L. R. 2 Ex. D. 240. See judgment of Hawkins, J., in firstly-cited case, referring to provisions respecting the gauge of wheels, &c., in Turnpike Acts. (b) The 5th section provides for the discontinuance of the use of certain 526 Section 3. Rules for the manner of working locomotives on turnpike roads and highways ;is herein stated. APPENDIX. THE LOCOMOTIVES ACT, 1865. Penalty on non-coin- pliance with rules. Limit of speed of locomotives . Every locomotive propelled by steam or any otner uian anm rer on aiiy turnpike road or public highway shall be worl mling to the following rules and regulations ; viz.: i'irstly, at least three persons shall be employed to drive 3. Every locomotive propelled by steam or any other than animal power on anv timmike road or public highway shall be worked according to Firstly , conduct such locomotive, and if more than two waggons or carriages be attached thereto, an additional person shall be employed, who shall take charge of such waggons or carriages: Secondly (a), one of such persons, Avliile any locomotive is in motion, shall precede such locomotive on foot by not less than sixty yard*, and shall cany a red flag constantly displayed, and shall warn the riders and drivers of horses of the approach of such locomo- tives, and shall signal the driver thereof when it shall be neces- sary to stop, and shall assist horses, and carriages drawn by horses, passing the same (6) : Thirdly, the drivers of such locomotives shall give as much space as possible for the passing of other traffic : Fourthly, the whistle of such locomotive shall not be sounded for any purpose whatever ; nor shall the cylinder taps be opened within sight of any person riding, driving, leading, or in charge of a horse upon the road ; nor shall the steam be allowed to attain a pressure such as to exceed the limit fixed by the safety- valve, so that no steam shall blow off when the locomotive is upon the road : Fifthly, every such locomotive shall be instantly stopped, on the person preceding the same, or any other person with a horse, or carriage drawn by a horse, putting up his hand as a signal to require such locomotive to be stopped. Sixthly, any person in charge of any such lococoinotive shall pro- vide two efficient lights to be affixed conspicuously, one at each side on the front of the same, between the hours of one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise : In the event of a non-compliance with any of the provisions of this section, the owner of the locomotive shall, on summary conviction thereof before two justices, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten Cnds ; but it shall be lawful for such owner, on proving that he incurred such penalty by reason of the negligence or wilful de- fault of any person in charge of or in attendance on such locomotive, to recover summarily from such person the Avhole or any part of the penalty he may have incurred as owner. 4. Subject and without prejudice to the regulations hereinafter authorized to be made by local authorities (c), it shall not be lawful to drive any such locomotive along any turnpike road or public locomotives on roads if they cause excessive wear and tear of the highways, or are dangerous or inconvenient to the public. The 9th section provides for the regulation of locomotives on roads. The llth section regulates the speed at which locomotives are to travel on roads. The 15th section extends the Act to Great Britain. (a) This section is, so far as relates to England, repealed by the High- ways and Locomotives Amendment Act, 1878. See substituted provision, post. (b) This section is not the less complied with because such person, whilst preceding the locomotive on foot, leads a horse and cart of his own : Davis v. Browne, 48 L. J. M. C. 92. (c) See definition of local authorities, and as to their power to make orders as to the hours at which locomotives are to pass through places subject to their jurisdiction, and other things, in section 8. 28 & 29 VICT. c. 88, ss, 48. 527 highway 'at a greater speed than four miles an hour, or through Section 4. any city, town, or village at a greater speed than two miles an hour ; and any person acting contrary thereto shall for every such offence, on turnpike on summary conviction thereof, forfeit any sum not exceeding ten J*oads an< * pounds. \*&y*. 5. (d) Subject to the provisions of this Act, any locomotive which Size and shall not exceed nine feet in width or fourteen tons in weight may be weight of used on any i turnpike road or public highway, provided that the locomotives wheels of such locomotive be constructed according to the requirements which may of the said recited Act ; and no locomotive exceeding nine feet in be used, width or fourteen tons in weight shall be used on any such road, except subject to the provisions contained in the third section of the said Act as to the use of locomotives exceeding seven feet in width and twelve tons in weight. 6. Any provision in any Act(e) contained prohibiting, under penalty, Restrictions the erection and use of any steam engine, gin, or other like machine, as to the use or any machinery attached thereto, within the distance of twenty-five of steam yards from any part of any turnpike road, highway, carriageway, or engines cartway, unless such steam engine, gin, or other like engine or ma- within chinery be within some house or other building, or behind some wall, twenty-five fence, or screen sufficient to conceal or screen the same from such yar ds * turnpike road, highway, carriageway or cartway, shall not extend to roac | s not prohibit the use of any locomotive steam engine for the purpose of ^P p y ?. . ploughing within such distance of any such turnpike road, highway, used for carriageway, or cartway, provided a person shall be stationed in the road, and employed to signal the driver when it shall be necessary to stop, and to assist horses, and carriages drawn by horses, passing the same, and provided the driver of the engine do stop in proper time. 7. The name and residence of the owner of every locomotive shall Name and be affixed thereto in a conspicuous manner. If it is not so affixed residence the owner shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a penalty not of owner exceeding two pounds. to be affixed to locomo- tives. 8. (/) The following local authorities ; (that is to say,) Powcr to 1. In the city of London and liberties thereof, the court of the i oca \ Lord Mayor and aldermen ; authorities to 2. In the metropolis, as defined by the Act of the session of the ma t c orders eighteenth and nineteenth years of Her present Maj esty, chapter as to hours, (d) This section and section 3 of Locomotives Act, 1861, are, so far as relates to England repealed, and other provisions as to the construc- tion of locomotives are substituted. See the section, post. (e) Under the General Highway Act, 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50, prohibiting under penalty the erection of any steam engine, &c., within twenty-five yards from any part of any carriageway or cartway, except with certain precautions, it was held that a portable steam threshing machine on wheels not removed while at work, and employed within the prohibited distance, was a nuisance : Smith v. Stokes, 32 L. J. M. C. 199. But to charge the owner, he must have been present when, or known that it was employed : Harrison v. Leaper, 26 J. P. 373. (/) This section is repealed by the Highways and Locomotive Amendment Act, 1878, s. 31. See substituted provision, post. The same Act by section 30 repeals section 8 of the Locomotive Act, 1871, so far as relates to England, and enacts in lieu thereof, that steam locomotives shall be so constructed as to consume their own smoke. 528 Section 8. &c., locomo- tives may pass through cities, &c. APPENDIX. THE LOCOMOTIVES ACT 1865. one hundred and twenty (except the city of London), the me- tropolitan board of works ; In any borough in England the population of which shall have exceeded five thousand at the last census, t borough ; last census, the council of the Penalty on acting con- trary to such orders. 4. In any borough or town in England the population of which shall have exceeded five thousand at the last censiis, not within the jurisdiction of a council, but within the jurisdic- tion of any trustees or improvement commissioners appointed under any public or private Act of parliament, the trustees or commissioners ; 5. In any borough or town in Scotland the population of which shall have exceeded ten thousand at the last census, within the jurisdiction of a town council, the town council, and in any such town in Scotland not within the jurisdiction of a town council, but subject to the jurisdiction of police commis- sioners, or of trustees exercising under any public or private Act of parliament the functions of police commissioners, the police commissioners, or, where there are no police commis- sioners, then the trustees, may make orders as to the hours during which (and as to the speed, not in any case to exceed two miles an hour, at which,) locomotives are to pass through the city or place subject to their respective juris- dictions ; and any person in charge of a locomotive acting contrary to such regulations shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Every order made in pursuance of this section shall be reduced into Avriting, and shall have affixed thereto the common seal of the local authority, where they have a common seal, and shall be signed by the members of the local authority, or any two of them, where they have not a common seal : A copy of such order shall be affixed to some public place within the jurisdiction of the local authority, and advertised in some news- paper circulating within the jurisdiction of the local authority, and the production of a newspaper containing such advertisement shall be evidence of the copy having been advertised in pursuance of this Act. 9. For the purposes of this Act, the county surveyor of each county in Ireland shall be deemed to be the conservator of all the roads in the county of which he is surveyor, made or repaired by grand jury presentment ; and it shall not be lawful to use any locomotive, other than those specially authorized by this Act, OH any such road in any county in Ireland, without the consent in writing of the county sur- veyor thereof, approved of by one or more justices sitting at petty sessions ; and all compensation for damage done by any locomotive to any bridge, gullet, or arch, or any of the walls, buttresses, or supports thereof, on any such road in any county in Ireland, shall be recover- able in the name of the county surveyor thereof, for and on behalf of the county, from the party liable to pay the same, such compensation, if not exceeding ten pounds, to be recovered in a summary way by summons at petty sessions, and if over ten pounds to be recovered by process in the civil bill court. How penalties 10- Every penalty imposed by the provisions of this Act shall, in to be recovered Ireland, be recoverable before a justice or justices of the peace in petty sessions, subject and according to the provisions of "The Petty Sessions In Ireland the county surveyor to be deemed the conservator of the roads in his county, and proceedings for damage to be taken in his name. 28 & 29 VICT. c. 83, ss. 1018. 529 (Ireland) Act, 1851," and any Act amending the same, and shall bo Section 10. applied according to the provisions of "The Fines (Ireland) Act, 1851," ancl any Act amending the -same. " 11. Nothing in this Act contained shall repeal, alter, or in anyway Section 41 of affect the provisions of the forty-first section of " The Thames Em- 25 & 26 "Viet. bankment Act, 1862 (a)." c. 93, not to be affected. 12. Nothing in this Act contained shall authorize any person to Saving as to use a locomotive which may be so constructed or used as to be a actions at public nuisance at common law, and nothing herein contained shall law. affect the right of any person to recover damages in respect of any injury he may have sustained in consequence of the use of a loco- motive (6). 13. This Act may be cited as " The Locomotives Act, 1865 ; " and Short title* 'The Locomotives Act, 1861," and this Act, shall be construed together as one Act. (a) Which enacts that " it shall not be lawful for any person to use a locomotive engine propelled by steam along the streets or roadways con- structed under tbe provisions of the Act." (b) It was held under section 7 of 24 & 25 Viet. c. 70, relative to the repair of bridges damaged by any locomotive, by and at the expense of the owner of or person having charge of such locomotive, that it did not apply to a county bridge : JReg. v. KitcJiener, L. R. 2 C. C. 88 : see as to liabilities for damage by a locomotive steam engine of a company not liaving statutory powers to use locomotives, though negligence was negatived, Jones v. Fes- tinlog Railway Company, L. 11. 3 Q. B. 733. AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAW RELATING TO HIGHWAYS IN ENGLAND AND THE ACTS RELATING TO LOCOMO- TIVES ON ROADS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 41 & 42 VICT. CAP. 77. 16TH AUGUST, 1878. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to highways in England, and to amend the Locomotives Acts, 1861 and 1865 : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Com- mons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : PART II (). AMENDMENT OP LOCOMOTIVE ACTS, 1861 AND 1865. 28. Section three of the Locomotive Act, 1861, and section five of the Locomotive Act, 1865, are hereby repealed, so far as relates to England, and in lieu thereof be it enacted that it shall not be law- ful to use on any turnpike road or highway a locomotive constructed otherwise than in accordance with the following provisions ; (that is to say,) (1.) A locomotive not drawing any carriage, and not exceeding in weight three tons, shall have the tires of the wheels thereof not less than three inches in width, with an additional inch for every ton or fraction of a ton above the first three tons ; and (2.) A locomotive drawing any waggon or carriage shall have the tires of the driving wheels thereof not less than two inches in width for every ton in weight of the locomotive, unless the diameter of such Avheels shall exceed five feet, when the () Part 1. applies to highways, &c., not in the metropolis. 41 & 42 VICT. c. 77, ss. 2831. 531 width of the tires may be reduced in the same proportion Section 28. as the diameter of the wheels is increased, but in such case the width of such tires shall not be less than fourteen inches ; and (3.) A locomotive shall not exceed nine feet in width or fourteen tons in weight, except as hereinafter provided ; and (4.) The driving wheels of a locomotive shall be cylindrical and smooth-soled, or shod with diagonal cross-bars of not lesa than three inches in width nor more than three quarters of an inch in thickness, extending the full breadth of the tire, and the space intervening between each such cross-bar shall not exceed three inches. The owner of any locomotive used contrary to the foregoing pro- visions shall for every such offence be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds : Provided that the mayor, aldermen, and commons in the city of London, and the metropolitan board of works in the me- tropolis, exclusive of the city of London, and the council of any borough which has a separate court of quarter sessions, and the county authority of any county, may, on the application of the owner of any locomotive exceeding nine feet in width or fourteen tons in weight, authorize such locomotive to be used on any turnpike road or highway within the areas respectively above mentioned, or part of any such road or highway, under such conditions (if any) as to them may appear desirable. Provided also, that the owner of a locomotive used con- trary to the provisions of sub-section two of this section shall not be deemed guilty of an offence under this section if he proves to the satis- faction of the court having cognizance of the case that such locomotive was constructed before the passing of this Act, and that the tires of the wheels thereof are not less than nine inches in width. 29. The paragraph numbered "secondly" of section three of the Amendment Locomotive Act, 1865, is hereby repealed, so far as relates to of 28 & 29 England, and in lieu thereof the following paragraph is hereby sub- Vict - c. 83, stituted ; namely, s * ** " Secondly, one of such persons, while the locomotive is in motion, shall precede by at least twenty yards the locomotive on foot, and shall in case of need assist horses, and carriages drawn by horses, passing the same." 30. Section eight of the Locomotive Act, 1861, is hereby repealed, Steam loconio- so far as relates to England ; and in lien thereof, be it enacted that tives to be every locomotive used on any turnpike road or highway shall be con- constructed structed on the principle of consuming its own smoke ; and any person so as to con- using any locomotive not so constructed, or not consuming, so far as sume their practicable, its own smoke, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five ^ ( T e ' . pounds for every day during which such locomotive is used on any ^ 4&2a Viet, such turnpike road or highway. c> ' 31. Section eight of the Locomotive Act, 1865, is hereby repealed, Power to local so far as relates to England ; and in lieu thereof, be it enacted that authorities to the mayor, aldermen, and commons in the city of London, and the make orders metropolitan board of works in the metropolis, exclusive of the city as * h ur! J of London, and the council of any borough which has a separate court during which of quarter sessions, and the county authority of any county may make Io bye-laws as to the hours during which locomotives are not to pass m ' l y l xu over the turnpike roads or highways situate within the areas respec- loa Si 2 M 2 APPENDIX THE HIGHWAYS AND LOCOMOTIVES (AMENDMENT) tively above-mentioned, the hoxirs being in all cases consecutive hours and no more than eight out of the twenty-four, and for regulating the use of locomotives upon any highway, or preventing such use upon every bridge where such authority is satisfied that such use would be attended with danger to the public ; and any person in charge of a locomotive acting contrary to such bye-laws shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds. Power of 32. A county authority may from time to time make, alter, and county autho- re peal bye-laws for granting annual licenses to locomotives used within rity to license their county, and the fee (not exceeding ten pounds) to be paid in locomotives. respect of each license ; and the owner of any locomotive for which a license is required under any bye-law so made Avho uses or permits the same to be used in contravention of any such bye-law shall be liable to a fine not exceeding forty shillings for every day on which the same is so used. All fees received under this section shall be earned to and applied as part of the county rate. This section shall not apply to any locomotive used solely for agri- cultural purposes. Duration of 33. This part of this Act shall remain in force so long only as the part II. of Locomotive Act, 1865, continues in force. PAttT III. Procedure and Definitions. Continuation 34. It shall be lawful for the local government board to submit any of provisional provisional order made by them under this Act to parliament for con- order, firmation, and without such confirmation a provisional order shall not be of any validity. Confirmation 35. A bye-law made under this Act, and any alteration made of bye-laws. therein and any repeal of a bye-law, shall not be of any validity until it has been submitted to and confirmed by the local government board. A bye-law made under this Act shall not, nor shall any alteration therein or addition thereto or repeal thereof, be confirmed until the expiration of one month after notice of the intention to apply for con- firmation of the same has been given by the authority making the same in one or more local newspapers circulating in their county or district. Recovery of 36. All offences, fines, and expenses under this Act, or any bye-law penalties and made in pursuance of this Act, may be prosecuted, enforced, and re- expenses, covered before a court of summary jurisdiction in manner provided by the Summary Jurisdiction Acts. ACT, 1878, 41 & 42 VICT. c. 77, ss. 36, 37. 533 The expression "the Summary Jurisdiction Acts" means the Act Section 36. of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders," inclusive of any Acts amending the same. The expression "court of summary jurisdiction " means and in- cludes any justice or justices of the peace, metropolitan police magis- trate, stipendiary or other magistrate, or officer, by whatever name called, to whom jurisdiction is given by the Summary Jurisdiction Acts : Provided that the court, when hearing and determining an information or complaint under this Act, shall be constituted either of two or more justices of the peace in petty sessions, sitting at a place appointed for holding petty session, or of some magistrate or officer sitting alone or with others at some court or other place appointed for the administration of justice, and for the time being empowered by law to do alone any act authorized to be done by more than one justice of the peace. 37. If any party thinks himself aggrieved by any conviction or Form of ap- order made by a court of summary jurisdiction on determining any peal to quarter information or complaint under this Act, the party so aggrieved sessions, may appeal therefrom, subject to the conditions and regulations following : (1.) The appeal shall be made to the next practicable court of quarter sessions for the county or place where the decision appealed from was given holden not less than twenty-one days after the decision of the court from which the appeal is made ; and (2.) The appellant shall, within ten days after the pronouncing by the court of the decision appealed from, give notice to the , other party and to the court of summary jurisdiction of his intention to appeal and of the ground thereof: such notice of appeal shall be in writing signed by the person or persons giving the same, or by his, her, or their solicitor, on his, her, or their behalf ; and (3.) The appellant shall, within three days after such notice, enter into a recognizance before a justice of the peace, with two sufficient sureties, conditioned personally to try such appeal, and to abide the judgment of the court thereon and to pay such costs as may be awarded by the court, or give such other security by deposit of money or otherwise as the justice may allow ; and (4.) Where the appellant is in custody the justice may, if he think fit, on the appellant entering into such recognizance or giving such other security as aforesaid, release him from custody : (5.) The court of appeal may adjourn the appeal, and upon the hearing thereof they may confirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the court of summary jurisdiction, or remit the matter to the coiirt of summary jurisdiction with the opinion of the court of appeal thereon, or make such other order in the matter as the court thinks just, and if the matter be re- mitted to the court of summary jurisdiction the said last- mentioned court shall thereupon re- hear and decide the information or complaint in accordance with the opinion of 534 Section 37. Interpreta- tion. 25 & 26 Viet. c.61. 27 & 28 Viet, c. 101. 25 & 26 Viet. c.61. 27 & 28 Viet. c. 101. 25 & 26 Viet. c.61. 27 & 28 Viet. c. 101. 38 & 39 Viet. c. 55. 38 & 39 Viet, c. 55. 18 & 19 Viet, c. 120. APPENDIX. THE HIGHWAYS AND LOCOMOTIVES (AMENDMENT) the said court of appeal. The court of appeal may also make Mich order as to costs to be paid by either party as the court thinks just. 38. In this Act " County " has the same meaning as it has in the Highway Acts, 1862 and 1864, except that every liberty not being assessable to the county rate of the county or counties within which it is locally situate shall, for the purposes of this Act other than those relating to the formation and alteration of highway districts, and the transfer of the powers of a highway board, be deemed to be a separate county : "County authority" means the justices of a county in general or quarter sessions assembled : " Borough " means any place for the time being subject to the Act of the session of the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, intituled " An Act to provide for the regulation of municipal corporations in England and Wales," and the Acts amending the same : " Highway district " means a district constituted in pursuance of the Highway Act, 1862, and the Highway Act, 1864, or one of such Acts : " Highway board " means the highway board having jurisdiction within a highway district : " Highway parish " means a parish or place included or capable of being included in a highway district in pursuance of the High- way Acts, 1862 and 1864, or one of such Acts : " Highway authority " means .is respects an urban sanitary district the urban sanitary authority, and as respects a high- way district the highway board, and as respects a highway parish the surveyor or surveyors or other officers performing similar duties : " Rural sanitary district " and " rural sanitary authority " mean respectively the districts and authorities declared to be rural sanitary districts and authorities by the Public Health Act, 1875: " Urban sanitary district " and " urban sanitary authority " mean respectively the districts and authorities declared to be urban sanitary districts and authorities by the Public Health Act, 1875, except that for the purposes of this Act no borough having a separate court of quarter sessions, and no part of any such borough, shall be deemed to be or to be included in any such district, and where part of a parish is included in such district for the purpose only of the repairs of the highways such part shall be deemed to be included in the district for the purposes of this Act : " The metropolis" means the parishes and places mentioned in the schedules A., B., and C., annexed to the Metropolis Manage- ment Act, 1855, and any parish to which such Act may be extended by order in council in manner in the said Act provided ; also the city of London and the liberties of the said city : " Quarter sessions " includes general sessions : "Petty sessional division" means any division for the holding a special sessions formed or to be formed under the provi- sions of the Act of the ninth year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, chapter forty-three, or any Act amending the same ; also any division of a co ACT, 1878, 41 & 42 VICT. c. 77, s. 38. 535 a riding, division, parts, or liberty of a county, having a Section 38. separate commission of the peace, in and for which petty sessions or special sessions are usually held, whether in one or more place or places in accordance with any custom, or otherwise than under the said last - mentioned Act ; but does not include any city, borough, town corporate, or district con- stituted a petty sessional division by the Act of the session, of the twelfth and thirteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter eighteen, intituled "An Act for the holding of petty sessions of the peace in boroughs, and for providing places for the holding of such petty session in counties and boroughs : " " Locomotive " means a locomotive propelled by steam or by other than animal power : " Person " includes a body of persons corporate or unincorporate. AN ACT FOR PREVENTING THE INTRODUCTION & SPREADING OF INSECTS DESTRUCTIVE TO CROPS. 40 & 41 VICT. CAP. 68. 14TH AUGUST, 1877. BE it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Section 1. Power to privy council to make orders for preventing introduction of destructive insects. Great Britain. 1. The lords and others of Her Majesty's most honourable privy council (in this Act referred to as the privy council) may from time to time make such orders as they think expedient for preventing the introduction into Great Britain of the insect designated as Dorypliora, decernlineata, and commonly called the Colorado beetle. Any such order, if the privy council think fit, may prohibit or regulate the landing in Great Britain of potatoes, or of the stalk and leaves of potatoes, or other vegetable substance, or other article, brought from any place out of Great Britain, the landing whereot may appear to the privy council likely to introduce the said insect into Great Britain, and may direct or authorise the destruction of any such article, if landed. If any person lands or attempts to land any article in contravention of any order under this Act, such article shall be liable to be forfeited in like manner as goods the importation whereof is prohibited by the Acts relating to the customs are liable to be forfeited (a) ; and the person so offending shall be liable, according to those Acts, to such penalties as are imposed on persons importing or attempting to im- port goods the importation whereof is prohibited by those Acts. Power to 2. The privy council may from time to time make such orders as privy council they think expedient for preventing the spreading in Great Britain of to make orders the said insect. for preventing Any such order may, if the privy council think fit, direct or autho- spreading of r i.ie the removal or destruction of any crop of potatoes or other crop insects. (a) The term " Customs Acts " is by the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, section 5, defined to mean the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, and any enactment amending or substituted for that Act. See note to sec- tion 65 of the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, posl. 40 & 41 VICT. c. 68, ss. 24. 537 or substance on which the said insect in any stage of existence is Section 2. found, or to or by means of which the said insect may appear to the privy council likely to spread, and the entering on any land for the purpose of such removal or destruction, or for the purpose of any examination or inquiry authorised by the order, or for any other pur- pose of the order. Any such order may, if the privy council think fit, prohibit the keeping, selling, or exposing or offering for sale, or the keeping of living specimens of the said insect, in any stage of existence, or the distribution in any manner of such specimens. Any such order may impose penalties for offences against the order, not exceeding ten pounds for any offence ; and those penalties shall by virtue of this Act be recoverable, with costs, on summary con- viction before two justices of the peace, and shall be applied as penalties recovered under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 32 & 33 Viet. 1869 (b), are applicable. c. 96. 3. Where by any order under this Act the privy council direct or Compensation authorise the removal or destruction of any crop, they may direct or for crops. authorise the payment by the local authority of compensation for the crop ; and the local authority shall pay the same, subject and accord- ing to the following provisions : (1.) In the case of a crop on which the said insect, in any stage of existence, is found, the compensation shall not exceed one- half of the value of the crop. (2.) In every other case the compensation shall not exceed three- fourths of the value of the crop. (3.) The value of the crop shall in each case be taken to be the value which, in ordinary circumstances, the crop would have had at the time of its removal or destruction. (4.) The local authority may, if they think fit, require the value of the crop to be ascertained by their officer or by arbitra- tion. (').) The local authority may, if they think fit, withhold compen- tion if, in relation to the crop, the owner or the person having charge thereof, has, in their judgment, done any- thing in contravention of, or failed to do anything in com- pliance with, any order under this Act. 4. The local authorities under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Local antho- Act, 1869, with their respective districts local rates, clerks, and com- rities nd mittees, shall be in like manner local authorities for the purposes of execution of this Act. orders of The privy council may, if they think fit, require a local authority connc " W- to carry into effect any order of the privy council under this Act. The expenses incurred and compensation paid by a local authority in pursuance of any order under this Act shall be paid by them out of the local rate. Eveiy local authority shall keep, in such manner and form as the privy council from time to time by order direct, a record relative to (b) The Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, section 4, enacts that that Act shall, instead of the Act here named, be deemed to be referred to in this Act, and penalties under the provisions of that Act shall be recover- able in manner provided in Parts II. and III. of the first-named Act. Penalties are recoverable under section 63. Part III. refers to Scotland. (c) The local authorities, under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878, are described in section 9, second schedule. 538 APPENDIX. THE DESTRUCTIVE INSECTS ACT, 1877. Section 4. proceedings in pursuance of any order under this Act, stating the date of the removal or destruction of any crop or substance, and other proper particulars, which record shall be admitted in evidence. 5. Every order of the privy council under this Act shall be pub- lished, if it relates to England, in the London Gazette, and if it relates Publication of orders of council. Exercise of powers of Act by privy council. AlsJlctij 11 IL relates tu j-iai^janu.j xii LJ.J.C -LJUIIU.UJ.I v^a^cttcj cuiu n it nUttwM to Scotland, in the Edinburgh Gazette ; save that, where the order affects only specified lands, the insertion in the London or Edinburgh Gazette (as the case may require) of a notice of the making of the order shall be sufficient. Any order of the privy council under this Act shall be published by any local authority, to whom it is sent by the privy council for publication, in such manner as the privy council direct, and subject to, or in the absence of, any such direction, in such manner as the local authority think sufficient and proper to ensure publicity. 6. The powers by this Act conferred on the privy council may be exercised by any two or more of the lords and others of the privy council, and, as regards the making of orders affecting only specified lands, may be exercised by the lord president or one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state. General. Orders to be 8. () Every order under this Act shall be laid before both houses laid before of parliament within ten days after the making thereof, if parliament houses of par- is then sitting, and if not, then within ten days after the next meet- liament. ing of parliament. Expenses of 9. The expenses of the execution of this Act, other than expenses Act. and compensation paid by local authorities, shall be paid out of money to be provided by parliament. Short title. 10 - Tnis Act ma y be cited as " Tlie Destructive Insects Act, 1877." (a) Section 7 relates to Ireland only. AN ACT FOR THE BETTER PROTECTION OF INFANT LIFE. 35 & 36 VICT. CAP. 38. 25TH JULY, 1872. WHEREAS it is expedient to make better provision for the protection of infants intrusted to persons to be nursed or maintained for hire or reward in that behalf: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. The term " Summary Jurisdiction Acts " means as follows : Interpretation As to England, the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth clause - years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders," and any Acts amending the same ; As to Scotland, " The Summary Procedure Act, 1864 ; " As to Ireland, within the police district of Dublin metropolis, the Acts regulating the powers and duties of justices of the peace for such district or of the police of such district ; and elsewhere in Ireland, the Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, and any Act amending the same : The term " court of summary jurisdiction " means and includes any justice or justices of the peace, sheriff or sheriff substitute, metropolitan police magistrate, stipendiary or other magistrate or authority, by whatever name called, to whom jurisdiction is given by the summary jurisdiction Acts or any Acts therein referred to, or to proceedings before whom the provisions of the Summary Jurisdic- tion Acts are or may be made applicable: In this Act the words " local rate," "local jurisdiction," and "local authority," mean, in reference to the districts mentioned in the first column of the First Schedule annexed hereto, the rate, jurisdiction, and authority mentioned in the second, third, and fourth columns of the said schedule, and such schedule and the notes thereto annexed shall be deemed to be part of this Act. 2. From and after the commencement of this Act it shall not be Houses of lawful for any person to retain or receive for hire or reward in that persons re- behalf more than one infant, and in case of twins more than two taining or infants, under the age of one year for the purpose of nursing or receiving for 540 APPENDIX. THE INFANT LIFE PEOTECTION ACT, 1872. Section 2, maintaining such infants apart from their parents for a longer period than twenty-four hours, except in a house which has been registered as herein provided. 3. The local authority shall cause a register to be kept in which shall be entered the name of every person applying to register any house for the purposes of this Act, and the situation of every such house, and the local authority shall from time to time make bye-laws for fixing the number of infants who may be received into each house so registered ; the registration shall remain in force for one year ; no fee shall be charged for registration. Every person who receives or retains any infant in contravention to the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of an offence against this Act. 4. The local authority may refuse to register any house, unless they are satisfied that such house is suitable for the purposes for which it is to be registered, and unless they are satisfied by the production of certificates that the person applying to be registered is of good character, and able to maintain such infants. 5. The person registered as aforesaid shall immediately enter in a register to be kept by him the name, sex, and age of each infant under his care, and the date at which and the names and addresses of the persons from whom they were received, and shall also enter in the said register the time whe hire two or more infants for the pur- pose of nurs- ing to be registered, llegister of names and houses to be kept by local authority. Local autho- rity may re- fuse to register. Persons whoso names and houses are registered to keep a register of infants and to produce it when lawfully required. leii and the names and addresses of the per- son by whom every such infant received and retained as aforesaid shall be removed immediately after the removal of such infant, and shall produce the said register when required to do so by the local authority ; and in the event of his refusing so to produce the said register or neglecting to enter in a register the name, sex, and age of each of the said infants, and the date at which and the names and addresses of the persons from whom they were received and by whom they were removed respectively, shall be liable to a penalty not ex- ceeding five pounds. The person registered shall be entitled to re- ceive gratuitously from the local authority a book of forms for the registration of infants ; such register may be in the form contained in the second schedule to this Act. 6. If any person shall make false representations with a view to being registered under this Act, or shall forge any certificate for the purpose of this Act, or make use of any forged certificate, knowing it to be forged, or shall falsify any register kept in pursuance of this Act, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act (a). 7. If it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the local authority that any person whose house has been so registered as aforesaid has been guiltyof serious neglect, or is incapable ol providing the infants intrusted to his cave with proper food and attention, or that the house specified in the register has become unfit for the reception of infants, it shall be lawful for the local authority to strike his name and house off the register. Inquest to be g -p] ie p ergon registered as aforesaid shall within twenty-four hours 1 after the death of every infant so retained or received cause notice thereof to be given to the coroner for the district within which the Forgery of certificate and falsifying register. Local autho- rity may strike name and house off register for neglect, &c. of infant. (a) As to prosecution of offences, see section 11 ; and punishment, sec- tion 9. 35 & 36 VICT. c. 38, ss. 8, 13. 541 said infant died, and the said coroner shall hold an inquest on the Section 8. body of every such infant unless a certificate under the hand of a registered medical practitioner shall be produced to him by the per- son so registered certifying that such registered medical practitioner has personally attended or examined such infant, and specifying the cause of its death, and the said coroner shall be satisfied by such certificate that there is no ground for holding such inquest. If the person so registered shall neglect to give notice as aforesaid he shall be guilty of an offence under this Act. 9. Every person guilty of an offence under this Act shall be liable Punishment to imprisonment for not more than six months, with or without hard for offence labour, or to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, as a court of sum- under this mary jurisdiction may award, and shall in addition be liable to have Act. his name struck off the register. 10. All expenses incurred in and about the execution of this Act Payment of shall be defrayed out of the local rate (6). expenses out of local rate. 11. Any offence under this Act may be prosecuted before a court offence how of summary jurisdiction (c) in manner provided by the Summary ^ j, e prose- Jurisdiction Acts : Provided as follows : cuted The description of any offence under this Act in the words of such Act, or as near thereto as may be, shall be sufficient in law: Any exception, exemption, proviso, excuse, or qualification, whether it does or does not accompany the description of the offence in this Act, may be proved by the defendant, but need not be specified or negatived in the information, and if so specified or negatived, no proof in relation to the matters so specified or negatived shall be required on the part of the informant or prosecutor: The court of summary jurisdiction, when hearing, trying, deter- mining, and adjudging an information or complaint in respect of any offence or matter arising under this Act, shall be constituted either of two or more justices of the peace in petty sessions, or of some magistrate or officer sitting alone or with others at some court or other place appointed for the administration of justice, and for the time being empowered by law to do alone any act authorized to be done by more than one justice of the peace. 12. Any moneys arising from fees or fines under this Act shall be Application of paid to the account of the local rate, and be applied to the purposes penalties re- to which that rate is applicable. covered under the Act. 13. The provisions of this Act shall not extend to the relatives or Exceptions guardians of any infant retained or received as aforesaid, nor to in- f r0 m provi- stitutions established for the protection or care of infants, nor to any sions of Act. person receiving any infant for the purpose of nursing or maintain- ing sxich infant under the provisions of any Act for the relief of the poor. (b) In the metropolis, exclusive of the city of London, the rate or fund applicable to the payment of the general expenses of the board. (c) See interpretation, section 1. 542 APPENDIX. THE INFANT LIFE PROTECTION ACT, 1872. Section 15. ***. () This Act shall commence on the first day of November, ' one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. Commence- ment of Act. 16. This Act may be cited as " The Infant Life Protection Act, Short title. 1872." THE FIRST SCHEDULE, REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ACT. ENGLAND. District. Local Kate. Local Jurisdiction. Local Authority. Counties, except the metropolis and city of London. The county rate or rate in the nature of a county rate. Petty sessional di- vision. Justices in petty sessions. The metropolis - Rate or fund ap- plicable to the payment of the general expen- ses of the board. Area of the me- tropolis. The metropolitan hoard of works. City of London and the liberties thereof. Consolidated sewers rate. Area of the city of London and the liberties thereof. Common council, Boroughs - - - The borough fund or bo- rough rate. Area of borough Council. " County " shall not include a county of a city or county of a town, but shall include any riding, division, parts, or liberty of a county having a separate commission ol the peace. Where a county or liberty of a county having a separate commis- sion of the peace" is not divided into petty sessional divisions, such county or liberty of a county shall itself for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be a petty sessional division of the county by which it is constituted or in which it is geographically situate. " The metropolis " shall include all parishes and places in which the metropolitan board of works have power to levy a main drainage rate, exclusive of the city of London and the liberties thereof. " Borough" shall mean any place for the time being subject to an (a) Section 14 applies to Scotland only. 35 & 36 VICT. c. 38. SCHEDS. 1, 2. 543 Act passed in the session holden in the fifth and sixth years of the Sched. 1. reign of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, intituled " An Act made to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corpora- tions in England and Wales," and having a separate court of quarter Every place that is not, according to the foregoing definitions, a borough, a county, or part of the metropolis, or city of London, or the liberties thereof, shall be deemed to form part of the county, as hereinbefore defined, to the county rate of which it is assessed, or, if not so assessed, of the county within which it is situate (&). THE SECOND SCHEDULE, REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ACT. REGISTER OF INFANTS. Name and Name and Date at Address of Date at Address which re- Name. Sex. Age. Person which re- of Person ceived. from whom moved. by whom received. removed. (b) The remainder of this schedule applies to Scotland and Ireland ex- clusively. AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER DWELLINGS FOR ARTIZANS AND LABOURERS. 31 & 32 VICT. CAP. 130. 31ST JULY, 1868. WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for taking down or im- proving dwellings occupied by working men and their families which are unlit for human habitation, and for the building and maintenance of better dwellings for such persons instead thereof : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. In citing this Act it shall be sufficient to use the words " The Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868." 2. This Act shall apply only to the places named in the iirsl column of Table (A.) in the first schedule annexed hereto ; and "local authority," "local rate," and "clerk of local authority" shall mean " the bodies of persons," () " rate/' and " officer " in that table in that behalf mentioned ; and the said table shall be of the same force as if it were enacted in the body of this Act : Provided always, that this Act shall not apply to any city, borough, town, or place that would otherwise be included within the said table, the popula- tion whereof does not according to the census for the time being in force amount to the number of ten thousand persons. Intcrpreta- 3. The following words and expressions have in this Act the tion ot following meanings, unless excluded by the subject or context ; (that terms : is to say,) " Street " and r ^ ae wor( i " street " includes any court, alley, street, square, or row minw " of houses : (a) In the metropolis, (exclusive of the city of London aud its liberties) tlic vestries aud district boards under the 18 & ID Viet. c. 120, within their respective parishes and districts. The " local rate " is declared to be the rate to be levied for defraying the expenses of the last-named Act, and the "clerk of the local authority" the clerk of the vestries or district boards. 31 & 32 VICT. c. 130, ss. 3, 4. 545 The word " premises" means any dwelling house or inhabited Section 3. - building, and the site thereof, with the yard, garden, outhouses, ft ~r~ and appurtenances belonging thereto or usually enjoyed there- "remises : with. The expression " owner " in addition to the definition given by the "Owner :" Lands Clauses Act (6) shall include all lessees or mortgagees of any premises required to be dealt with under this Act, except persons holding or entitled to the rents and profits of such pre- mises for a term of years, of which twenty-one years do not remain unexpired : "Person" shall include a body of persons, corporate or unin- "Person:'* corporate : " Quarter sessions " shall include general sessions, and in Ireland " Quarter shall mean, in towns and boroughs where there are separate sessions:" quarter sessions, the quarter sessions of said boroughs and towns, and in boroughs where there are no separate quarter sessions, the quarter sessions of the divisions of the courts in which such towns or boroughs shall be situate : " Officer of health " shall mean and include medical officer of " Officer of health, sanitary inspector, or any statutory officer performing health:" the duties which a medical officer or sanitary inspector performs under or by "virtue of any act of parliament : In all cases 'in which the name of a local authority, local court, " Local magistrate, or officer having any local jurisdiction in respect of officer," &c.: their or his office is referred to, without mention of the locality to which the jurisdiction extends, such reference is to be under- stood to indicate the local authority, local court, magistrate, or officer having jurisdiction in that place within which are situate the premises or other subject matter or any part thereof to which such reference applies : " The metropolis " shall not include the city of London or the " The liberties thereof, but shall include all other parishes or places metropolis : " within the jurisdiction of the metropolitan board of works : " Borough " " Borough " in England shall mean any place for the time being "* England, subject to the Act passed in the session holden in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, intituled, " An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales : " Burgh " in Scotland shall mean any place returning or contribut- " Burgh " ing to return members to parliament, or any place subject to the in Scotland : jurisdiction of a town council : " Borough " in Ireland shall mean any place for the time being " Borough " subject to an Act passed in the session of the third and fourth hi Ireland : years of the reign of her present majesty, chapter one hundred and eight, and intituled, " An Act for the Regulation of Munici- pal Corporations in Ireland." 4. If in any place to which this Act applies there is no officer of As to ap- health within the meaning of this Act, the local authority, with the pointment of approval of one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state, shall officers of forthwith appoint such an officer for such period as shall be necessary, health and (6) Hie Land Clauses Act, 1845, 8 Viet. c. 18, s. 3, defines the word " owner " as any person or corporation who under the provisions of that or a special Act would be enabled to sell and convey lands to the promoters of the undertaking. 2N APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS ACT, 1868. payment of salaries (a). Section 4. shall assign him his duties, and pay him such salary or emolument out of the local rate as they, with such approval as aforesaid, shall think fit. The local authority, with the like approval, may from time to time remove any officer appointed under this section, and in manner aforesaid appoint another officer in his place. 5. If in any place to which, this Act applies the officer of health (b) find that any premises (c) therein are in a condition or state danger- ous to health so as to be unfit for human habitation, (d) he shall report the same in manner hereinafter provided to the local authority. Officer of Health to deliver copies of report to clerk of local autho- rity, who shall refer the same to a surveyor, &c. Local autho- rity to cause copies of reports to be given to owner, who may object to the same, and to pre- pare plan and specifi- cation of required works. Clerk of local autho- 6. Eveiy report made under this Act by the officer of health (e) shall be made in writing and delivered to the clerk of the local au- thority, and the local authority shall refer such report to a surveyor or engineer, who shall thereupon consider the report so furnished to him, and report to the local authority what is the cause of the evil so reported on, and the remedy thereof, and if such evil is occasioned by defects in any premises, whether the same can be remedied by structural alterations and improvements or otherwise, or whether such premises, or any and what part thereof, ought to be demo- lished. 7. Upon receipt of the report of the surveyor and engineer the local authority shall cause copies of both the reports to be given to the owner, with notice of the time and place appointed by the local authority for the consideration thereof, and such owner shall be at libertv to attend and to state his objections (if any) to such reports, or either of them, including therein any objection that the necessary works ought to be done by or at the expense of some other person or persons, or at the expense" of the parish or district in which the pre- mises are situate ; and on such objections the local authority shall make an order in writing, signed by the clerk of such local authority, which shall be subject to appeal in manner hereinafter mentioned ; and if such objections are overruled, the local authority, if they deem it necessary, shall caused to be prepared a plan and specification of the works (if any), and an estimate of the cost of such works, re- quired to be executed. 8. The clerk of the local authority shall thereupon forthwith give notice to the owner of the premises, informing him that a plan and (a) This section is repealed by the Public Health Act, 1872, section 11, enacting that all powers and duties conferred and imposed on officers of health under this Act shall be exercised and performed by the medical officers of health from time to time appointed under the Sanitary Acts or that Act, or any local Act. (b) See note to last section. (c) See definition of " premises," section 3. (d) Where the officer of health reported that several houses were unfit for human habitation, and the local authority (the vestry) made an order for the demolition of the whole, and the sessions on appeal made an order directing structural alterations in the whole of the houses, the Queen's Bench decided that the order of the vestry was good ; Flight v. Vestry of Kt. George's, Hanover Square, 25 L. T.(N.S.) 24, ; 35 J. P. 389 (nom. E. \. Flight.) (e) Sec note to section 4, supra. 31 & 32 VICT. c. 130, ss. 810. 547 specification and estimate of the cost of such works as are required in Section 8 reference thereto have been prepared, and that such plan and specifi- cation and estimate may, if such owner think fit, be inspected and rit y to give transcribed by him or his agent at the office of the clerk of the local notice to authority without charge ; and any such owner may at any time owner f within three weeks after the receipt of such notice state in writing P laU) &c - to the clerk of the local authority, any objection which he may of r fl u ' ed .L -.,.-__ ^ ^ -, , . ./.' *, J. ., J works hav- thority shall thereupon make such order in relation thereto as they may think fit ; and if they decide that any alteration is to be made in the said plan, specification, and estimate, the local authority shall cause such alteration to be made accordingly, and the plan and speci- fication and estimate so amended shall be the plan and specification and estimate according to which the works shall be executed. 9. Any person aggrieved by any order of the local authority, or Persons his agent, may appeal against the same to the court of quarter sessions aggrieved held next after the making of the said order, but the appellant shall by order not be heard in support of the appeal unless, Avithin one calendar of local month after the making of the order appealed against, he give to the authority clerk of the local authority notice in writing stating his intention to mav a PP ea appeal, together with a statement in writing of the grounds of appeal, a ami and shall, within two days after giving such notice, enter into a same, recognizance before some justice of the peace, with sufficient securi- ties, conditioned to try such appeal at the said court, and to abide the order of and pay such costs as may be awarded by the court or any adjournment thereof ; and the court, upon the appearing of the parties, or upon their making default, shall have full power and jurisdiction to make such order and give such directions as under the circumstances shall seem just, and may, according to its discretion, award such costs to the party appealing or appealed against as they think proper, and the determination of the court in or concerning the premises shall be conclusive and binding on all persons to all intents and purposes whatsoever : Provided, First, that if there be not time to give such notice and enter into such recognizance as aforesaid, then such appeal may be made to, and such notice, statement, and recognizance be given and entered into for the next sessions at which the appeal can be heard : Secondly, that on the hearing of the appeal no grounds of appeal shall be gone into or entertained other than those set forth in such statement as aforesaid : Thirdly, that in any case of appeal the court shall, at the request of either party, state the facts specially for the determination, in England or Ireland, of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench, or in Scotland of either division of the court of session, in which case it shall be lawful to remove the proceedings, by, writ of certiorari or by petition, into the said Courts of Queen's Bench or to the court of session respectively : Fourthly, that pending any appeal no work shall be done nor pro- ceedings taken under any order until after the determination ol such appeal, or it shall cease to be prosecuted. 10. If the owner Appeal from the decision of the local authority Owner may upon the objection that he is not responsible for the state and con- appeal where! dition of Ms premises, he shall be bound to give notice of his appeal, 2x2 548 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS ACT, 1868. Section 10 and a statement in writing of the ground thereof, to the person or ' persons, or to the parish or district, alleged by him to be the occasion local antho- of his premises being in such a state or condition as to render them rity is liable to be reported upon under the provisions of the Act, and such against him. person or persons, or parish or district, may appear before the court, and be heard against his or their alleged liability. 11. If the local authority shall decide in favour of the objection of the owner of the premises that some other person or persons, or that the parish or district in which the premises are situate, is or are responsible for the state and condition of his premises, the local au- thority shall forthwith send copies of the reports of the officer of health and of the surveyor or engineer to such person or persons, or to the officer of such parish or district, together with notice of his or their alleged liability, and shall appoint a time and place for hear- ing the parties so alleged to be liable, and give notice thereof to the said parties and also to the owner of the premises, and the local au- thority shall make such order thereupon as to them shall seem just, and the same shall be subject to appeal in manner aforesaid. 12. If and whenever any four or more householders living in or near to any street by writing under their hands represent to the officer of health that in or near that street any premises are in a condition or state dangerous to health so as to be unfit for human habitation, he shall forthwith inspect the premises, and report thereon ; but the absence of any such representation shall not excuse him from inspect- ing any premises, and reporting thereon. 13. In the event of the local authority declining or neglecting for the space of three calendar months after receiving such report to take any proceedings to put this Act in force, the householders who signed such representation may address a memorial to the secretary of state (a) stating the circumstances, and asking that an inquiry be made, and upon receipt of such memorial the said secretary of state may direct the local authority to proceed under the provisions of the Act, and such direction shall be binding on the local authority. 14. Within three calendar months after the service on the owner of the order by the clerk of the local authority, or, in the case oi appeal, within one calendar month after the order of quarter sessions, or, in the event of a further appeal, within one calendar month after the order of the court of final appeal, the persons so served with the order of the local authority shall each of them signify in writing to the clerk of the local authority whether he is willing to effect the works required to be executed ; and where two or more persons shall signify, the right of effecting the works shall be given first to the person whose ownership is first or earliest in title. 15. Where the owner of the premises and his residence or place of business are known to the local authority, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the local authority, if the owner be residing or have a place of business within the district of such local authority, to give any notice by this Act required to be served on him to the owner, or for Where local authority decide in favour of owner, reports and notices to be sent to parties liable. On representa- tion by house- holders that disease exists in any house, officer of health to inspect and report. If local authority neglect to enforce Act, secretary of state may compel it to proceed. Owner to signify to clerk of local autho- rity whether he is willing to execute specified works. Service of notice on owner whose name and residence are kuowu. (a) These powers and duties are uow transferred to the loeal government, board by the 34 & 35 Viet. c. 70. Sec section 1, and schedules. 31 & 32 VICT. c. 130, sa. 1520. 549 him, to some inmate of his place of residence or business within the Section 15. place ; and if he be not residing within such district, or has no place of business therein, then to send the notice by post in a registered letter addressed to the owner at his place of residence or business ; provided that the notice served upon the agent of the owner shall be deemed notice to the owner. 16. Where the owner of the premises or his residence or place of Service of business is not known to, or after diligent inquiry cannot be found notice on by the local authority, then the clerk of the local authority may owner whose serve the notice by leaving it, addressed to the owner, with some name or resi- occupier of the premises, or if there be not an occupier, then by dence not causing it to be put up on some conspicuous part of the premises. known. 17. Every notice required to be given by the clerk of the local Notices to be authority by this Act shall be in writing or print, or partly in writing signed by the and partly in print, and shall be signed by the clerk of the local local autho- authority or deputy appointed by him. rity- 18. The owner on whom the local authority shall have imposed in Local autho- the first instance the duty of executing the work shall within two rity to require calendar months thereafter, commence the works as shown on the owners to plan and described in the specification, and shall diligently proceed execute works with and complete the same in conformity with the specification to *? m s P e cinca- the satisfaction of the surveyor or engineer appointed by the local ^ on> authority ; and if such owner shall fail therein, the local authority Khali require the owner next in order as aforesaid to execute the said works, and in case of his default shall require the remaining owners in their order as aforesaid ; and if all such owners shall make default, Proceedings the local authority shall, as the case may seem to them to require, of local autho- either order the premises to be shut up or to be demolished, or may rity in case themselves execute the required works in conformity with the speci- owners fication. neglect. 19. Where the local authority themselves execute the works, they Provision in may apply to the court of quarter sessions having jurisdiction over case lop*! the place of which they are the local authority for an order charging authority on the premises on which the works have been executed the amount themselves of all costs, charges, and expenses that have been incurred by such exe( j u t' e the authority in or about the execution of such works, including the works ' costs of obtaining the order ; and the court of quarter sessions, when satisfied of the amount so expended, shall make an order accordingly, charging on the premises the amount of such costs, charges, and expenses, together with interest at the rate of four pounds per cent, per annum, and such order shall be filed and recorded in manner hereinafter mentioned, and thereupon the amount of principal and interest thereby secured shall be a charge on the house, bearing interest at four per centum, and having priority over all other estates, incumbrances, and interest whatsoever, and the local authority shall, for the purpose of obtaining satisfaction of the monies so charged, or of any interest thereon, be deemed to be a mortgagee of an absolute estate in the house, and shall be invested with all the powers con- ferred on mortgagees by Part II. of the Act of the session of the twenty-third and twenty-fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and forty-five, and in Scotland such order shall be recorded in the appropriate register of sasines. 20. If the requirements of the order involve the total demolition, Local antho- and not the improvement of the premises specified therein, the owner rity to pay 550 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS ACT, 1868. Section 20 shall, within three months after service of the order, proceed to take down and remove the premises, and if such owner fail therein, then the local authority shall proceed to take down and remove the same ; and the local authority shall sell the materials, and, after deducting the expenses incident to such taking down and removal, pay over the balance of monies, if any, to the owner. 21. Where at the tiniB of making the order the premises specified therein, or any part thereof, are or is subject to any tenancy from year to year, or for a year or for any less term, the local authority shall give notice to every such tenant, stating the time at which such tenancy will be determined. Remedies of' 22. Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall pre- owner for judice or interfere with the rights or remedies of any owner for the In-each of breach, nonobservance, or nonperformance of any covenant or con- covenant, &c., tract entered into by a tenant or lessee in reference to any premises not to be pre- in respect of which any order shall be made by a local authority ; judiced. an( j jf an y owner shall be obliged to take possession of any premises in order to comply with any order made under the provisions of this A ct, such entry or taking posseesion shall not affect his right to avail himself of any such breach, nonobservance, or nonperformance that may have occurred prior to his so taking possession. Owner instead of effecting improvements may take down pre- mises. Application may be made to justices where more than one owner of premises included in order under Act, and any one owner neglects to comply with such order. 23. If the order be that the premises require improvement, the owner, including therein the owner of the first estate of inheritance, if he think fit, may, instead of effecting the works required by the plan and specification, take down the premises ; but in every such case, and also in the event of the owner desiring to retain the site of the premises required by the order to be totally demolished, no house or other building or erection shall be erected on all or any part of the site of the premises so taken down which shall be injurious to health ; and the local authority may at any time make an order upon the owner to abate or alter the said house, building, or erection, as the case may require ; and in the event of noncompliance with such order the local authority may, at the expense of the owner thereof, abate or alter any house or other building or erection at any time wholly or partly erected contrary to the provisions of this section. 24. Where there are two or more owners of any premises, and it appears to any two justices in petty sessions, on application of any owner of such premises, that the interest of the applicant in the pre- mises will be prejudiced by the neglect and default of any other owner to deal with the premises in conformity with the order so made, it shall be lawful for such justices, if the applicant undertake to their satisfaction to bring the 'premises into conformity with such order, to make an order empowering the applicant forthwith to take possession of the premises and to do all such works as may be neces- sary for bringing the same into conformity with such order, and within such time as shall be fixed by such justices, and on noncom- pliance by such last-mentioned applicant with his undertaking it shall be lawful for the justices to make a like order in favour of any other owner. Grant of 25. Where any owner has completed any works required to be annuity to executed by a local authority in pursuance of this Act, lie may on owner on the completion thereof apply to the local authority for a charging completion of order charging on the premises on which the works have been works. executed an annuity as compensation to the owner for the expendi- 81 & 32 VIOT. c. 130, ss. 2530. 551 tiire incurred by him in executing such works, and shall produce to Section 25. the local authority the certificate of their surveyor or engineer that the works have been executed to his satisfaction, and also the accounts and vouchers for such works, and the local authority, when satisfied that the owner has duly executed such works, shall make a charging order accordingly. The annuity charged shall be a sum of six pounds for every 100 of such expenditure, and so in proportion for any less sum, to com- mence from the date of the order, and to be payable for a term of thirty years to the owner named in such order, his executors, admi- nistrators, or assigns. Charging orders made under this Act shall be made according to the form, marked A. in the second schedule hereto annexed, or as near thereto as the circumstances of the case will admit. The costs of obtaining the order to be allowed by the local autho- rity shall be deemed to be part of the expenditure incurred by the owner. 26. Every annuity created by a charging order under this Act shall Incidence of be a charge on the premises comprised in the order, having priority charge, over all existing and future estates, interests, and incumbrances, with the exception of quitrents and other charges incident to tenure, tithe commutation rentcharges, and any charges created under any Act authorizing advances of public money ; and where more annui- ties than one are chargeable under this Act on any premises, such annuities shall, as between themselves, take order according to their respective dates. 27. Every annuity charged on any premises by a charging order Charges under this Act may be recovered by the persons for the time being recoverable as entitled to the same by the same means and in the like manner in all rentcharges respects as if it were a rentcharge granted by deed out of the premises in lieu of by the owner thereof. tlthes - 28. An order made in pursuance of this Act charging an annuity An order to be on any premises shall be, both at law and in equity, conclusive evi- evidence of dence that all notices, Acts, and proceedings by this Act directed compliance with reference to or consequent on the obtaining such order, or the Wltu Act - making such charge, have been duly served, done, and taken, and that such charge has been duly created, and that it is a valid charge on the premises declared to be subject thereto. 29. Every charging order made in pursuance of this Act relating Registry of to premises in Middlesex or Yorkshire shall be registered in the same charging order manner respectively as if such charge were made by deed by the on ^ premises it absolute owner of such lands without the aid of this Act ; and a copy Diddles of every such charging order of the certificate of such surveyor or * engineer as aforesaid, together with a copy of the accounts as passed by the local authority, and which copies shall be certified to be true copies by the clerk of such local authority, shall, within six months after the date of such charging order, be deposited with the clerk of the peace of the county in which the premises are situate, who shall be entitled to a fee of ten shillings for filing and recording the same ; and every charging order made in pursuance of this Act relating to premises in Scotland shall be recorded in the appropriate register of sasines. 30. The proprietor of any charge may, by deed under seal, stamped Assignmen of with the same ad valorem stamp as if it were an assignment of a charge. 552 APPENDIX THE AETIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS ACT, 1868, Power to public works loan commis- sioners to advance moneys to local authority Service of notice on the local authority. Notices served by local autho- rity to be signed by the clerk. Penalty for obstructing officer of health, &c., in execution of Act. Penalty for preventing execution of Act. Section 30. charge created by deed, assign the benefit of the charging order, or of any portion of the charge comprised therein, to any other person ; and on such assignment being executed the assignee shall have the same rights under the order as the proprietor would have had if no such assignment had been executed ; and any assignee of a charging order may, by deed stamped in manner aforesaid, assign the charge to any other person. Any assignment of a charging order may be in the form marked B. in the schedule hereto, or in any other con- venient form. As to expenses 31. All expenses incurred by the local authority in pursuance of of local autho- this Act shall be defrayed by them out of a special local rate, not nty- exceeding twopence in the pound in any year, which they are hereby empowered to assess and levy for the purposes of this Act. 32. The public works loan commissioners, as denned by the Public Works Loan Act, 1853, may, if they think fit, lend to any local autho- rity, and any local authority may borrow from the said commissioners, such sums as the said authority may require for the purposes of this Act, but the amount of every loan shall be sanctioned by the lords commissioners of the treasury. 33. Any summons, notice, writ, or other proceeding at law or in equity, or otherwise, in relation to carrying into effect the objects and purposes of this Act, required to be served upon the local autho- rity, may be lawfully served by delivering the same to the clerk of the local authority, or leaving the same at his office with some person employed there by him. 34. Any notice, demand, or other written document served by the local authority for the purposes of this Act shall be signed by the clerk of the local authority. 35. Where any person at any time obstructs the officer of health or other person acting in the performance of anything which the local authority or their officers respectively are by this Act required or authorized to do, every person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit not exceeding twenty pounds. 36. If the occupier of any premises prevents the owner thereof, or if the owner or occupier of any premises prevents the officer of health, or their officers, agents, servants, or workmen, from carrying into effect with respect to the premises any of the provisions of this Act, after notice of the intention so to do has been given to the occupier, or, as the case shall be, to the owner, any justice on proof thereof may make an order in writing requiring the occupier to permit the owner, or, as the case shall be, requiring the owner or occupier, or both, to permit the officer of health, or the local authority, and their officers, agents, servants, and workmen, to do all things requisite for carrying into effect with respect to the premises the provisions of this Act ; and if at the expiration of ten days after the service of such order of the justice the occupier or owner fails to comply therewith, every person so offending shall for every day during which the failure continues forfeit not exceeding twenty pounds : Provided that during any such failure by the occupier the owner, unless assenting thereto, shall not be liable to the forfeiture. Appearance 37. The local authority may appear before any judge, justices, of local antho- borough magistrates, sheriff, or sheriff substitute, by their clerk, and 81 & 82 VICT. c, 130, S3. 3741. 553 any company or body corporate may appear before the said magis- Section 37. trate or magistrates by any member of the'ir board of management. 38. Penalties under this Act may be recovered before two justices Eecovery of in manner directed by an Act passed in the session holden in the penalties, eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter forty-three, intituled "An Act to facilitate the Performance of the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions within England and Wales with respect to Summary Convictions and Orders," or any Act amending the same, and in Scotland by summary complaint before the sheriff, sheriff substitute, or two jus- tices, or in boroughs before the magistrates, in manner provided by " The Summary Procedure Act, 1864," and in Ireland in manner directed by " The Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851," and any Act amending the same. 39. For the purpose of adapting this Act to Scotland the follow- Application of ing alteration shall be made ; that is to say, Act to Scot- 1. " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act (Scotland) 1845," shall land. ])e substituted for "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 : " 2. All the judicial powers given to justices in quarter sessions by this Act shall be exercised by sheriffs of counties or sheriff substitutes ; and wherever by this Act an appeal is given to the court of quarter sessions, and thence to the court of Queen's bench, such appeal shall be to the sheriff of the county, and from him to the court of sessions in the usual manner. 40. For the purpose of adapting this Act to Ireland the words Application "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," shall mean "The of Act to Railway Act, Ireland, 1851," and the several Acts amending the Ireland. 41. Any Act, power, or jurisdiction hereby authorized to be done Jurisdiction or exercised by two justices may be done or exercised by the follow- of certain ing magistrates within their respective jurisdictions ; that is to say : magistrates. As to England, by any metropolitan police magistrate or other stipen- diary magistrate sitting alone at a police court or other appointed place, or by the lord mayor of the city of London, or any alderman of the said city, sitting alone or with others, at the Mansion House or Guildhall ; as to Scotland, by the sheriff or sheriff substi- tute, or by any two magistrates of a burgh ; and as to Ireland, by any one or more divisional magistrates of police in the police dis- trict of Dublin, and elsewhere by two or more justices of the peace in petty sessions. 554 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS ACT, 1868, SCHEDULES. FIRST SCHEDULE, TABLE A. ENGLAND AND WALES,. Places to which Act applies. Description of Local Authority. Description of Local Rate. Description of Clerk of Local Authority. The city of London andj the liberties thereof. Commissioners of sewers of the city The consolidated rate 11 & 12 Viet. The clerk to the commissioners. ( 11 & 12 Viet. of London. c. 163, s. 158. 11 & 12 Viet. J c. 163. Local Act 11 & 12 c. 163, s. 25. Local Acts < 14 & 15 vict. Viet. c. 163. (. c. 91. The Metropolis . . . The vestries and dis- trict boards under Rate to be levied for defraying the Clerk of the vestries or district boards. the Act 18 & 19 expenses of the Viet. c. 120, within Act 18 & 19 Viet. their respective c. 120. parishes and dis- tricts. Boroughs not within the jurisdiction of such The mayor, alder- men, and bur- The borough fund or other property The town clerk. local board as afore- gesses acting by applicable to the said. the council. purposes of a borough rate or the borough rate. Any town not included The commissioners, Any rate leviable by The clerk of the in the above descrip- trustees, or other such commission- commissioners or tions and under the jurisdiction of com- missioners, trustees, or other persons en- persons entrusted by the local Act with powers of improving, cleans- ers, trustees, or other persons, or other funds ap- plicable by them trustees or other persons or other officer performing the duties of clerk. trusted by any local ing, or paving the to the purposes of Act with powers of town. improving, cleans- improving, cleansing, ing, or paving the or paving any town. town. Places within the juris- The local board . . General district rate Clerk of the local diction of local boards, 11 & 12 Viet. c. 63, board or other constituted in pursu- ance of The Public s. 87. officer performing duties of clerk. Health Act, 1848, and 11 & 12 Viet. The Local Govern- c. 63, s. 37. ment Act, 1858, or one of such Acts. 31 & 32 VICT. c. 130, SCHED. 1. 555 Places to which Act applies. Description of Local Authority. Description of Local . Rate. Description of Clerk of Local Authority. SCOTLAND. Burghs . ... The magistrates and The revenue of tlic Town Clerk. town council. burgh or the local rate leviable for prison purposes under 23 & 24 Viet. c. 105, or any other local rate leviable by the town council. Places where police com- The police or other Property or rate Clerk of the com- missioners or trustees commissioners or belonging to or missioners or trus- exercise the functions trustees. leviable by the tees or any other of police commission- ers acting under " The commissioners or trustees. officer performing the duties of clerk. General Police and Improvement (Scot- land) Act," or trus- tees or commissioners acting under any ge- neral or local Act. IRELAND. The City of Dublin . . The right honour- able the lord The borough fund or borough im- The town clerk. mayor, aldermen, provement rate. and burgesses act- ing by the council. Towns corporate or bo- The mayor, alder- The borough fund, The town clerk. roughs (with the ex- men, and bur- or town fund, or ception of the city of gesses acting by borough rate. Dublin). the council. Towns having town com- missioners under 9 The town commis- sioners or other Any rate leviable by these bodies, or The clerk of the commissioners or Geo.4,c.82,orl7&18 governing body. any fund belong- other governing Viet. c. 103, or any ing to them ap- body. Acts amending the plicable in the same, or having com- whole or in part missioners or other to the making governing body under or repairing of any local Act. sewers within their jurisdictoin. 556 Sched. 2. Insert Description of local authority. Insert description of premises charged. APPENDIX. THE ABTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS ACT, 1868. SECOND SCHEDULE. FORM MARKED A. TJie Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868. County of parish of No. Charging Order. The being the local authority under the above-mentioned Act, do, by this order under their hands and seal, charge the inheritance or fee of the premises mentioned in the schedule hereto, with the payment to of the sum of pounds, payable yearly on the day of for the term of years, and being in consideration of an expenditure of pounds incurred by him in respect of the said premises. * SCHEDULE. FORM MARKED B. Form of Assignment of Charge. To be endorsed on Charging Order. Dated tho day of I, the within named , in pursuance of the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868, and in consideration of pounds this day paid to me, hereby assign to the within-mentioned charge. (Signed) THIRD SCHEDULE. T. Form of Order by Court of Quarter Sessions or Petty Sessions or Court of Burgh Magistrates in Scotland. Be it remembered, that on the day of 18 upon the report hereinafter mentioned, we, tho undersigned justices, assembled at tho court of quarter sessions holdeu in and for the county of , or assembled in 81 & 32 VICT. c. 180, SCHED. 8. 557 petty sessions for the division or district of the borough or county of , Sched. 3. or members of the court of burgh magistrates for \_as the case may be~], do hereby order and determine that one or more house or houses or buildings situate in a certain court or alley within the borough or burgh, known or designated as court or alley [or otherwise distinguishing the premises'], and specified in the report of the officer of health for the dated the day of 18 , is or are unfit for human habitation, and ought to be improved or demolished [as the case may 5e], in pursuance of " The Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868." II. Form of Notice by Clerk of tlie Peace, Clerk of tlie Justices, or Clerk of the Court of Burgh Magistrates in Scotland to Clerk of Local Authority. Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868. I, A.S., clerk of the peace or clerk of the justices [or clerk of the court of burgh magistrates] for the , do hereby certify, that on the day of 18 the justices assembled at the court of quarter sessions, or assembled at the petty sessions for the [or court of the burgh magis- trates] [ea the case may be'], made an order, of which the following is a true copy: [Here give a copy of the Presentment, Form L] As witness my hand, this day of in the year of our Lord 18 . (Signed) (A.B.) clerk of the peace or clerk of the justices for [or clerk of the court of burgh magistrates]- To the clerk of the of AN ACT FOR FACILITATING THE IMPROVEMENT OF TH DWELLINGS OF THE WORKING CLASSES IN LARGE TOWNS (a). 38 & 39 VICT. CAP. 36. 29TH JUNE, 1875. WHEREAS various portions of many cities and boroughs are so built, and the buildings thereon are so densely inhabited as to be highly injurious to the moral and physical welfare of the inhabitants : And whereas there are in such portions of cities and boroughs as aforesaid a great number of houses, courts, and 'alleys which, by reason of the want of light, air, ventilation, or of proper conveniences, or from other causes, are unfit for human habitation, and fevers and diseases are constantly generated there, causing death and loss of health, not only in the courts and alleys but also in other parts of such cities and boroughs : And whereas it often happens that owing to the above circum- stances, and to the fact that such houses, courts, and alleys are the property of several owners, it is not in the power of any one owner to make such alterations as are necessary for the public health : And whereas it is necessary for the public health that many of such houses, courts, and alleys should be pulled down, and such portions of the said cities and boroughs should be reconstructed : And whereas in connexion with the reconstruction of those portions of such cities and boroughs it is expedient that provision be made for dwellings for the working class who may be displaced in consequence thereof : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : (a) See section 2 as to application of the Act to certain districts arid places by name, and to others according to population. The Acts confirm- ing the improvement schemes promoted by the Metropolitan Board of Works as the local authority of the metropolis (exclusive of the city of London and its liberties), on the 31st December, 1878, were the Metropolis (White- chapel and Limehouse) Improvement Scheme Confirmation Act, 39 & 40 Viet. c. 200 ; Metropolis (Golden Lane, &c.) Improvement, &c. Act, 40 & 41 Viet. c. 100 ; Metropolis (Goulston Street, &c. Whitechapel) Improve- ment, &c. Act, 40 & 41 Viet. c. 103 ; Metropolis (Great Wild Street, &c.) Improvement, &c. Act, 40 & 41 Viet. c. 133; Metropolis (Bowman's Buildings, &c. Islington) Improvement, &c. Act, 41 & 42 Viet. c. 112. This Act was amended by the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879 (42 & 43 Viet. c. 63), which see post, p. 582. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36, ss. 13. 559 Section 1. Preliminary. 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The Artizans and Short title. Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875." x - Sh ^ ap ? ly only to Application (1.1 The city of London ; and of Act to (2.) The metropolis, exclusive of the city of London ; (c) and certain dis- (3.) Urban sanitary districts in England containing, according to tricts, and the last published census, for the time being a population of description twenty-five thousand and upwards ; of lo cal (4.) Urban sanitary districts in Ireland containing, according to the autn ority (b). last published census, a population of twenty-five thousand and upwards ; and the local authority shall be as follows ; that is to say, _ (1.) As respects the city of London, the commissioners of sewers ; and (2.) As respects the metropolis, the metropolitan board ot works ; and (3.) As respects each urban sanitary district, the urban sanitary authority of that district. PART I. UNHEALTHY AREAS. 1. Sdwme by Local Authority. 3. Where an official representation as hereinafter mentioned (d) is Local autho- rnade to the local authority (e) that any houses, courts, or alleys rit y on being within a certain area under the jurisdiction of the local authority are satisfied by unfit for human habitation, or that diseases indicating a generally low condition of health amongst the population have been from time to time prevalent in a certain area within the jurisdiction of the local authority, and that such prevalence may reasonably be attri- sc buted to the closeness, narrowness, and bad arrangement or the bad to makc condition of the streets and houses or groups of houses within such sc h eme f or area, or to the want of light, air, ventilation, or proper conveniences, j^s improve- or to any other sanitary defects, or to one or more of such causes, and nient. that the evils connected with such houses, courts, or alleys, and the .sanitary defects in such area, cannot be effectually remedied other- wise than by an improvement scheme for the re-arrangement and reconstruction of the streets and houses within such area, or of some of such streets or houses, the local authority shall take such repre- (b) See provision in section 30 as to places in which local Acts are in force, providing for objects the same as or similar to the objects of this Act. (c) Including the liberties thereof, see section 31. (rf) See section 4. (e) As to who are the " local authority" see section 2, supra. 560 Section 3. APPENDIX. THE AETIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT sentation into their consideration, and if satisfied of the truth thereof, and of the sufficiency of their resources, shall pass a resolution to the effect that such area is an unhealthy area, and that an improvement scheme ought to be made in respect of such area (a), and after pass- ing such resolution they shall forthwith proceed to make a scheme for the improvement of such area (b). Provided always, that no person being beneficially interested in any lands within such area shall vote as members of the local authority upon such resolution, or upon any question relating to the purchase or taking of lands in which he is so interested. If any person votes in contravention ot this proviso, he shall, on summary conviction, incur a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds ; ch vote shall not invalidate an resolu- tion passed by the local authority. Official representa- tion by whom to be made. Requisites of improve- ment scheme of local authority (/). but the fact of his giving suc Provided always, that any number of such areas may be included in one improvement scheme. 4. An official representation shall mean, in the metropolis, a repre- sentation made by the medical officer of health of any district board, or vestry, or by such medical officer as is hereafter in this Act men- tioned, (c) to the local aiithority, and elsewhere shall mean a repre- sentation made to the local authority by the medical officer of health of such authority. A medical officer acting in pursuance of this Act shall make such representation whenever he sees cause to make the same ; (d) and if two or more justices of the peace acting within the jurisdiction for which he is medical officer, or twelve or more persons liable to be rated to any rate o\\t of the proceeds of Avhich the expenses of the local authority under this Act are made payable, complain to him of the unhealthiness of am area within such juris- diction, it shall be the duty of the officer forthwith to inspect such area, and to make an official representation stating the facts of the case, and whether in his opinion the area is an unhealthy area or not an unhealthy area, for the purposes of this Act (e). 5. The improvement scheme of a local authority shall be accom- panied by maps, particulars, and estimates ; it may exclude any part of the area in respect of which an. official representation is made, or include any neighbouring lands, if the local authority are of opinion that such exclusion is expedient or inclusion is necessary for making their scheme efficient for sanitary purposes ; it may also provide for widening any existing approaches to the unhealthy area or otherwise persons of the working class as may be displaced in the area with () As to proceeding where local authority fail to pass a resolution in relation to an official representation, see section 8. (b) As to requisite of improvement scheme, see section 6, and coufirma* tion of scheme, section 6. (c) See sections 13 and 14. (d) See section 15, providing for inquiry where the medical officer fails to make representation, &c. (e) As to penalties for obstructing medical officers of health or officers of the local or confirming authority, sec section 29> (/) That part of this section which requires accommodation fol- the working classes to be provided within the same area or its vicinity is amended by the 4th section of the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879, w ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36, ss. 5, 6. 561 respect to which the scheme is proposed, in suitable dwellings, which, Section 5. unless there are any special reasons to the contrary, shall be situate within the- limits of the same firea, or in the vicinity thereof ; it shall also provide for proper sanitary arrangements. It may "also provide for such scheme or any part thereof being carried out and effected by the person entitled to the first estate of freehold in any property subject to the scheme or with the concurrence of such person, under the superintendence and control of the local authority, and upon such terms and conditions to be embodied in the scheme as may be agreed upon between the local authority and such person. 2. Confirmation of ticheme. (g) 6. Upon the completion of an improvement scheme the local Improve- authority shall ment scheme Publish, during three consecutive weeks in the month of September, by provi- or October, or November, in some one and the same newspaper cir- sional order culating within the jurisdiction of the local authority, an advertise- to be con ' ment stating the fact of a scheme having been made, the limits of the trm . ed by area to which the scheme relates, and naming a place within such P arliamen t area or in the vicinity thereof where a copy of the scheme may be Publication seen at all reasonable hours ; and, of notices. During the month next following the month in which such adver- Service of tisement is published serve a notice on every owner or reputed owner, notices, lessee or reputed lessee, and occupier of any lands proposed to be (K) taken compulsorily, so far as such persons can reasonably be ascer- tained, stating that such lands are proposed to be taken compulsorily for the purpose of an improvement scheme, and in the case of any owner or reputed owner, lessee or reputed lessee, requiring an answer stating whether the person so served dissents or not in respect of taking such lands, such notice to be served (a.) By. delivery of the same personally to the person required to be served, or if such person is absent abroad, or cannot be found, to his agent, or if no agent can be found, then by leaving the same on the premises ; or, (6.) By leaving the same at the usual or last known place of abode of such person as aforesaid ; or, (c.) By forwarding the same by post in a prepaid letter ad- dressed to the usual or last known place of abode of such person. One notice addressed to the occupier or occupiers without naming him or them, and left at any house, shall be deemed to be a notice served on the occupier or on all the occupiers of any such house (i). (g) The report of the board, dated the 31st December, 1877, presented to parliament, gives a detailed and succint narrative of the operations of the board under the Act, showing the number of official representations made to them by the medical officers of the metropolis, and the course adopted by the board with respect to each. The report sets forth their proceedings in execution of the Acts already obtained, with tabular state- ments showing in the case of each improvement the number of persons displaced, the number of persons for whom accommodation is provided by the respective schemes, the nature of such accommodation, and other particulars relating to the improvements in question. (h) See section 27, empowering confirming authority to dispense with advertisements and notices in certain cases. (i) See provision in section 11, requiring the local authority after the passing of the confirming Act, to give notice of their intention to take houses, by placards, handbills, &c., and as to the certificate of a justice. 2 o 562 APPENDIX. THE AKTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPEDIMENT Section 6. Upon compliance with, the provisions contained in this section with respect to the publication of an advertisement and the service of notices, the local authority shall present a petition, if such aiithority be the commissioners of sewers or the metropolitan board of works to a secretary of state, and if such authority be an urban sanitary authority to the local government board, praying that an order may be made confirming such scheme. The petition shall be accompanied by a copy of the scheme, and shall state the names of the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, who have dissented in respect of the taking their lands, and shall be supported by such evidence as the secretary of state or local government board, according to the circumstances of the case (in this Act referred to as the confirming authority), may from time to time require : If, on consideration of the petition and on proof of the publication of the proper advertisements and the service of the proper notices, the confirming authority think fit to proceed with the case, they shall direct a local inquiry (a) to be held in, or in the vicinity of, the area to which the scheme relates, for the purpose of ascertaining the cor- rectness of the official representation made as to the area and the sufficiency of the scheme provided for its improvement, and any local objections to be made to such scheme : After receiving the report made upon such inquiry, the confirming authority may make a provisional order declaring the limits of the area to which the scheme relates, and authorizing such scheme to be carried into execution. Such provisional order may be made either absolutely or with such conditions and modifications of the scheme as the confirming authority may think fit, so that no addition be made to the lands proposed in the scheme to be taken compulsorily, and it shall be the duty of the local authority to serve a copy of any provisional order so made in the manner and upon the persons in which and upon whom notices in respect of lands proposed to be taken compulsorily are required by this Act to be served, except tenants for a month or a less period than a month. A provisional order made in pursuance of this section shall not be of any validity until and unless it has been confirmed by Act of par- liament ; and it shall be lawful for the confirming authority, as soon as conveniently may be, to obtain such confirmation, and any provi- sional order made in pursuance of this Act, when confirmed by par- liament, with such modifications as may seem fit to parliament, shall be deemed to be a public general Act of parliament, and is in this Act referred to as the confirming Act. The confirming authority may make such order as they think fit in favour of any person whose lands were proposed by the scheme to be taken compulsorily for the allowance of the reasonable costs, charges, and expenses properly incurred by him in opposing such scheme. All costs, charges, and expenses incurred by the confirming autho- rity in relation to any provisional order under this Act shall, to such amount as the confirming authority think proper to direct, and all costs, charges, and expenses of any person to such amount as may be allowed to him by the confirming authority in pursuance of the aforesaid power, shall be deemed to be an expense incurred by the local authority under this Act,(6) and shall be paid to the confirming (a) See sections 16 and 17 as to proceedings where a local inquiry is directed. (b) See section 21 as to separate account by local authority of receipt and expenditure under the Act> formation of " dwelling house improve* inent fund, 5 ' definition of " local rates," borrowing powers^ and audit. ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36, ss. 69. 563 authority and to sucli person respectively, in such manner and at such Section 6. times and either in one sum or by instalments as the confirming authority may order, with power for the confirming authority to direct interest to be paid at such rate not exceeding five pounds in the hundred by the year as the confirming authority may cletennine, upon any sum for the time being due in respect of such costs, charges, and expenses as aforesaid. Any order made by the confirming authority in pursuance of this section may be made a rule of one of Her Majesty's superior courts, and be enforced accordingly. 7. Where any bill for confirming a provisional order authorizing Costs to be an improvement scheme is referred to a committee of either house of awarded in parliament upon the petition of any person opposing such bill, the certain cases, committee shall take into consideration the circumstances under which such opposition is made to the bill, and whether such opposition was or was not 'justified by such circumstances, and shall award costs accordingly to be paid by the promoters or the opponents of the bill as the committee may think just. Any costs under this section may be taxed and recovered in the manner in which costs may be taxed and recovered under the Act of the session of the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter twenty-seven. The decision of the majority of the members of the committee for the time being present and voting on any question under this section shall be deemed to be the decision of the committee. 8. Where an official representation is made to the local authority Inquiry on with a view to their passing a resolution in favour of an improvement refusal of scheme, and they fail to pass any resolution in relation to such repre- local autho- sentation, or pass a resolution to the effect that they will not proceed rity to make with such scheme, such local authority shall, as soon as possible, send an improve- a copy of the official representation, accompanied by their reasons for ment scheme, not acting upon it, to the confirming authority, and upon the receipt thereof, the confirming authority may direct a local inquiry to be held, and a report to be made to them with respect to the correctness of the official representation made to the local authority, and any matters connected therewith on which the confirming authority may desire to be informed. 3. Execution of Scheme by Local Authority. 9. When the confirming Act authorizing any improvement scheme Duty of local of a local authority under this Act has been passed by parliament, it authority to shall be the duty of that authority to take steps for purchasing the carry scheme lands required for the scheme, (c) and otherwise for carrying the when con- scheme into execution as soon as practicable. They may sell or let firmed, into all or any part of the area to which such scheme relates to any pur- execution. (c) By 41 & 42 Viet. c. 42 (Commutation of Tithes), in cases where land charged with rent-charge in lieu of tithes is taken for, amongst other pur- poses, the carrying out of any improvements under this Act, the persons proposing to carry out the improvements shall, as soon as they are in pos- session of the land, and before it is applied to the purposes mentioned, apply to the Tithe Commissioners to order the redemption of the rent- charge for a sum of money equal to twenty-five times the amount thereof; 2 o 2 564 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT Section 9, chasers or lessees for the purposes and under the condition that such purchasers or lessees will, as respects the land so purchased by or leased to them, carry the scheme into execution ; and in particular they may insert in any grant or lease of any part of the area provi- sions binding the grantee or lessee to build thereon as in the grant or lease prescribed, and to maintain and repair the buildings, and prohibiting the division of buildings, and any addition to or altera- tion of the character of buildings without the consent of the local authority, and for the re-vesting of the land in the local authority, or their re-entry thereon, on breach of any provision in the grant or lease. The local authority may also engage with any body of trustees, society or societies, persons or person, to carry the whole or any part of such scheme into effect upon such terms as the local authority may think expedient, but the local authority shall not themselves, with- out the express approval of the confirming authority, undertake the rebuilding of the houses or the execution of any part of the scheme, except that they may take down any or all of the buildings upon the area, and clear the whole or any part thereof, and may lay out, form, pave, sewer, and complete all such streets upon the land purchased by them as they may think fit, and all streets so laid out and com- pleted shall thenceforth be public streets, repairable by the same authority as other streets in the district. Provided that in any grant or lease of any part of the area which may be appropriated by the scheme for the erection of dwellings for the working classes, the local authority shall impose suitable con- ditions and restrictions as to the elevation, size, and design of the houses, and the extent of the accommodation to be afforded thereby, and shall make due provision for the maintenance of proper sanitary arrangements. Provided also, that in any case in which the local authority erect any dwellings out of funds to be provided under this Act, they shall, unless the confirming authority shall otherwise determine, sell and dispose of all such dwellings within ten years from the time of the completion thereof. _The local authority may, where they think it expedient so to do, without themselves acquiring the land, or after or subject to their acquiring any part thereof, contract with the person entitled to the first estate of freehold in any land comprised in an improvement scheme for the carrying out of the scheme in respect of such land by such person. 10. If within five years after the removal of any buildings on the land set aside by any provisional order as sites for working men's dwellings the local authority have failed to sell or let such land for the purposes prescribed by the scheme, or have failed to make arrangements for the erection of the said dwellings, the confirming authority may order the said land to be sold by'piiblic auction or public tender, with full power to fix a reserve price, subject to the conditions imposed by the scheme, and to any modifications thereof which may be made in pursuance of this Act, and to a special condition on the part of the purchaser to erect upon the said land dwellings for the working classes, in accordance with plans to be approved by the local authority, and subject to such other reser- vations and regulations as the confirming authority may deem necessary. Notice to 11. The local authority shall, not less than thirteen weeks before occupiers by taking any fifteen houses or more, make known their intention to placards. take the same by placards, handbills, or other general notices placed Completion of scheme on failure by local authority. ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36, ss. 11, 12. 565 in public view upon or within a reasonable distance of such houses, Section 11. and the local authority shall not take any such houses until they have obtained a certificate of a justice of the peace that it has been proved to his satisfaction that the local authority have made known, in manner required by this section, their intention to take such houses. 12. The confirming authority, on application from the local autho- Power of rity, and on its being proved to their satisfaction that an improvement confirming can be made in the details of any scheme, and that due provision has authority been made or secured for the accommodation in suitable dwellings of to modify as many persons of the working class as may be displaced in the area authorized to which such scheme relates, either in manner provided by the scneme - scheme or in some other manner, or will be more advantageously made or secured under the proposed alteration, may permit the local authority to modify any part of an improvement scheme authorized by the confirming Act which it may appear inexpedient to carry into execution in accordance with such Act. A statement of any modifications permitted to be made in any part of an improvement scheme in pursuance of this section shall Be laid by the confirming authority before both houses of parliament as soon as practicable after they are made, if parliament be then sitting, and if not, within one month after the next meeting of par- liament : provided always, that if such modification or alteration shall require a larger public expenditure than that sanctioned by the former scheme, or the taking of any property otherwise than by agreement, or shall affect injuriously other property in a manner different to that proposed in the former scheme without the consent of the owner and occupier of any such property, it must be made by provisional order to be confirmed by Act of parliament in the manner provided in section six of this Act on the completion of an improve- ment scheme. APPENDIX. THE ABTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT PART II. PROVISIONS ANCILLARY TO IMPROVEMENT SCHEME. Medical officer of health in metropolis. Provision in medical officer of health. Inquiry on default of medical officer in certain cases. As to Local Authority. 1. Medical Officer. 13. The metropolitan board of works may, with the assent of a secretary of state, at any time appoint one or more legally qualified medical practitioner or practitioners, with such remuneration as they think fit, for the purpose of better carrying into effect this Act in the metropolis. Any officer so appointed by the metropolitan board of works shall be deemed to be a medical officer of health of a local authority within the meaning of this Act, and shall perform the duties and be subject to the liabilities which such medical officer is by this Act required to perform and be subject to. 14. In case of the illness or unavoidable absence of the medical officer of health, the district board, vestry, or local authority, as the case may be, may (subject to the approval of the confirming aiitho- rity) appoint a duly qualified medical practitioner, who shall for the period of six calendar months, or any less period to be named in the appointment, have and perform all the powers and duties of a medical officer of health under this Act. 15. Where twelve or more ratepayers have complained to a medical officer of the unhealthiness of any area within the jurisdiction of such officer, and the medical officer has failed to inspect such area, or to make an official representation with respect thereto, or has made an official representation to the effect that in his opinion the area is not an unhealthy area, such ratepayers may appeal to the confirming authority, and, upon their giving security to the satisfaction of that authority for costs, the confirming authority shall appoint a medical officer to inspect such area and to make representation to the confirming authority, stating the facts of the case, and whether, in his opinion, the area is an i\nhealthy area or not an unhealthy area. The representation so made shall be transmitted by the confirming authority to the local authority, and if it state that the area is an unhealthy area the local authority shall proceed therein in the same manner as if it were an official representation made to that authority. The confirming authority shall make such order as to the costs of the inquiry as they think just, with power to require the whole or any part of such costs to be paid by the appellants where the officer appointed is of opinion that the area is not an unhealthy area, and to declare the whole or any part of such costs to be payable by the local authority where such officer is of opinion that the area is an unhealthy area. Any order made by the confirming authority in pursuance of this section may be made a rule of one of Her Majesty's superior courts, and be enforced accordingly. ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36, ss. 1619. 2. Local inquiry. 567 Section 16, 16. Where a local inquiry is directed, an officer shall be sent by Proceedings the confirming authority to the area to which such inquiry relates on local for the purpose of making an inquiry into the correctness of the inquiry, official representation made to the local authority as to such area being an unhealthy area, and into the sufficiency of the scheme provided for its improvement, and into any local objections to be made to such scheme. 17. Before commencing such inquiry the officer appointed to con- Notice of duct the same shall make public by advertisement or otherwise in inquiry to such manner as he thinks best calculated to give information to the be publicly persons residing in the area his intention to make such inquiry, and given. a statement of a time and place at which he will be prepared to hear all persons desirous of being heard before him upon the subject of the inquiry. 18. The officer conducting such inquiry shall have power to ad- Power to minister an oath ; he shall report the result of the inquiry to the administer confirming authority, who shall deal with such report in such manner oath. as they think expedient. 3. Acquisition of Land. 19. (1.) The clauses of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, Acquisition with respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by of land (). agreement shall not, except to the extent set forth in the schedule hereto, apply to any lands taken in pursuance of this Act, but save as aforesaid the said Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act Amendment Act, 1860, as amended by the provisions contained in the schedule hereto, shall regulate and apply to the purchase and taking of lands in England, and shall for that purpose be deemed to form part of this Act in the same manner as if they were enacted in the body thereof ; and (2.) " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," as amended by " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1860," " The Eailways Act (Ireland), 1851," The Railways Act (Ireland) 1860," " The Railways Act (Ireland), 1864," and "The Railways Traverse Act," shall, subject to the pro- visions following, regulate and apply to the purchase and taking of lands in Ireland, and shall for this purpose be deemed to form part of this Act, in the same manner as if they were enacted in the body hereof, Subject, as respects both England and Ireland, to the provisions following ; that is to say, (1.) This Act shall authorize the taking by agreement any lands which the local authority may require for the purpose of carrying into effect the scheme authorized by any confirm- ing Act, but it shall authorize the taking by the exercise of (a) By section 31 denned to include messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of any tenure, and any right over land ; and see as to redemp- tion of rentcharge on lands purchased, note to section 9, supra. 568 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT Section 19. anv compulsory powers of such lands only as are proposed -~- v by the scheme in the confirming Act to be taken com- pulsorily. (2.) Whenever the compensation payable in respect of any lands or of any interest in any lands proposed to be taken com- pulsorily in pursuance of this Act requires to be assessed, (a) the estimate of the value of such lands or interests shall be based upon the fair market value, as estimated at the time of the valuation being made of such lands, and of the several interests in such lands, due regard being had to the nature and then condition of the property, and the probable duration of the buildings in their existing state, and to the state of repair thereof, and all circumstances affecting such value, without any additional allowance in respect of the compulsory purchase of an area or of any part of an area in respect of which an official representation has been made, or of any lands which in the (opinion of the arbitrator have been included in a scheme as falling under the description of property named in the third section of this Act : (3.) In the construction of the said Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts, and the provisions in the said schedule, this Act shall be deemed to be the special Act, and the local au- thority shall be deemed to be the promoters of the under- taking ; and the period after which the powers for the compulsory purchase or taking of lands shall not be exercised shall be three years after the passing of the confirming Act. Extinction of 20- Upon the purchase by the local authority of any lands required right? of way j for the purpose of carrying into effect any scheme authorized by a and other easements,. confirming Act, all rights of way, rights of laying down or of con- tinuing any pipes, sewers, or drains on, through, or under such lands, or part thereof^and all other rights or easements in or relating to such lands, or any part thereof, shall be extinguished, and all the soil of such ways, and the property in the pipes, sewers, or drains, shall vest in the local authority, subject to this provision that compensation shall be paid by the local authority to any persons or bodies of per- sons proved to have sustained loss by this section, and such com- pensation shall be determined in the manner in which compensation for lands is determinable under this Act, or as near thereto as circum- stances admit. Formation of improvement fund for purposes of this Act. 21. A separate account shall be kept by the local authorityof their receipts and expenditure in respect of any transactions under this Act. Their receipts shall form a fund (in this Act referred to as " The Dwelling-house Improvement Fund "), and their expenditure shall be made out of such fund. The moneys required in the first instance to establish such fund, and any deficiency for the purposes of this Act from time to time appearing in such fund by reason of the excess of expenditure over receipts, shall be supplied out of the local rates or out of moneys borrowed in pursuance of this Act. In settling any accounts of the local authority in respect of any transactions under this Act, care shall be taken that as far as may (a) See amendment of this provision by the third section of the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879 (post), authorizing the arbitrator to receive evidence that the property was in such a condition as to be a nuisance within the Acts relating to nuisances. ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36, ss, 21, 22. 569 be practicable all expenditure shall ultimately be defrayed out of Section 21. the property dealt with under this Act ; and any balance of profit made by the local authority under this Act shall be applicable to any purposes to which the local rates are for the time being applicable. The local rates shall, in the case of the commissioners of sewers, mean the sewer rate and the consolidated rate leviable by such com- missioners, or either of such rates. The metropolitan board of works shall levy as part of the metro- politan consolidated rate within the area of the metropolis, without making any demand on the city of London, a sufficient amount for the purposes of this Act, and the part so levied shall, for the purposes of this Act, in the case of the metropolitan board of works, be referred to and included under the expression " local rates." The " local rates " shall in the case of an urban sanitary authority mean all or any rates or rate levied throughout the district of such authority, and out of which the local authority is authorized to pay any expenses incurred under the Sanitary Acts, as denned by the Public Health Act, 1872, and by the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1874. The local authority may carry to the account of the Dwelling-house Improvement Fund any moneys or the produce of any property, which moneys or produce are or is legally applicable to purposes similar to the purposes of this Act ; and in case of doubt as to whether, in any particular case, the purposes are similar to the purposes of this Act, it shall be lawful for the confirming authority to decide such question, and such decision shall be conclusive. 22. Any local authority under this Act may for the purposes of this Power of Act borrow any moneys on the security of any lands, houses, or other borrowing property acquired by them under this Act, and may mortgage such money for lands, houses, or other property to any person advancing such moneys, the purposes and it shall not be in any way incumbent on the mortgagees to see to the application of such moneys, nor shall they be responsible for the misapplication thereof. Every local authority borrowing on the credit of such lands, houses, or other property as aforesaid may pay out of local rates the interest of any moneys so borrowed by them. Any local authority under this Act borrowing any moneys on the security of any lands, houses, or other property as aforesaid may execute such instruments by way of security, with such power of sale and other conditions as they think expedient. An urban sanitary authority shall have the same power of borrow- ing on the credit of the local rates such sums of money as they may require for the purposes of this Act as they have under section forty of the Public Health Act, 1872, or under the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1874, for sanitary purposes. The commissioners of sewers may borrow and take up at interest such money on the credit of the local rates, or any of them, as they may require for the purposes of this Act and may mortgage any such rate or rates to the persons by or on behalf of whom such money is ad- vanced for securing the repayment to them of the sums borrowed, with interest thereon, and for the purposes of any mortgages so made by the commissioners of sewers the clauses of the Commissioners Clauses Act, 1847, with respect to the mortgages to be executed by the commissioners shall be incorporated with this Act ; and in the construction of that Act " the special Act " shall mean this Act ; " the commissioners " shall mean the commissioners of sewers ; " the clerk of the commissioners" shall include any officer appointed for the pur- 570 APPENDIX. THE ABTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPEOVEMEKT Section 22. P ose ty tne commissioners of sewers by this Act ; and the mortgagees or assignees of any mortgage made as last aforesaid may enforce pay- ment of the arrears of principal and interest due to them by the appointment of a receiver. The metropolitan board of works may, with the assent of the treasury, create consolidated stock under the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, for the purpose of raising such sums as they may require for the purposes of this Act, but there shall be repaid to the consolidated rate out of the local rate all moneys required for pay- ment of the dividends on and the redemption of the consolidated stock created for the purposes of this Act. The public works loans commissioners, or, in the case of Ireland, the commissioners of public works, acting with the consent of the treasury, may, on the recommendation of the confirming authority, lend to any local authority any money required by them for purposes of this Act, on the security, in the case of the metropolitan board of works, of consolidated stock created under the Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, and in any other case on the security of the local rates. Such loan shall be repaid within such period, not exceeding fifty years, as may be recommended by the confirming authority, and shall bear interest at the rate of three and a half per cent per annum, or such higher rate as may in the judgment of the treasury be necessary to enable the loan to be made without loss to the exchequer. Any limit imposed on or in respect of local rates by any Act of parliament other than this Act shall not apply to any rate required to be levied for the purpose of defraying any expenses under this Act. iudit of 23. The accounts of the commissioners of sewers and the accounts accounts. of the metropolitan board of works under this Act shall respectively be audited in the same manner and with the same power in the officers auditing the same in which the accounts of those bodies when acting in their capacities of commissioners of sewers and metropolitan board of works, are for the time being required to be audited by law (a). The accounts of an urban sanitary authority under this Act shall be audited in the same manner and with the same power in the officers auditing the same in which the accounts of that authority in its character of sanitary authority are for the time being required to be audited by law. (a) That is, pursuant to section 192, et seq., of Metropolis Local Manage- ment Act, 1855, ante. ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c, 36, ss. 2430. 571 Section 24. PART III. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 24. Any petition or document proceeding from a local authority Provision may "be authenticated by their seal where such authority have a seal, where local and in any other case by the signature of any two or more members authority of the local authority, or in such other manner as the confirming ^ as no sea ^ authority may require. Notices. 25. Any notice required to be served upon the local authority may Service of be lawfully served by delivering the same to the clerk of the local au- notice on thority, or leaving the same at his office with some person employed the local there by him. authority. 26. The confirming authority may from time to time by order Power of prescribe the forms of advertisements and notices under this Act ; it confirming shall not be obligatory on any persons to adopt such forms, but the authority as same, when adopted, shall be deemed sufficient for all the purposes * adver- of this Act. tiseinents and notices. 27. The confirming authority may, on the consideration of any Power of petition of a local authority for an order confirming a scheme, dispense confirming with the publication of any advertisement, or the service of any notice, authority to proof of which publication or service is not given to them as required dispense ^ by this Act, where reasonable cause is shownito their satisfaction why w ith ntic such publication or service should be dispensed with, and such dis- in cer tain pensation may be made by the confirming authority, either uncondi- cases - tionally or upon such condition as to the publication of other advertisements and the service of other notices or otherwise as the confirming authority may think fit, due care being taken by the confirming authority to prevent the interest of any person being prejudiced by the fact of the publication of any advertisement or the service of any notice being dispensed with in pursuance of this section. 28. Any notice served by the local authority for the purposes of this Authentica- Act may be signed by the clerk of the local authority. tion f served by" Penalties. the local authority. 29. Where any person obstructs the officer of health or any officer p ena it y f or of the local or confirming authority acting in the performance of obstructing anything which the local or confirming authority are by this Act officers in required or authorized to do, every person so offending shall, on execution of summary conviction, for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceed- Act. ing twenty pounds. Saving Clauses. 30. Where in any place to which this Act applies, any local Act is Relation of in force providing for objects the same as or similar to the objects of local Acts to general Acts. notices 572 Section 30. Definitions of terms of Act. " Secretary of state." " Person." ' Lands." " The city of London." " The Metro- polis." " A district board or vestry." "Medical officer of health," "Local Government Board." "Clerk of local autho- rity." " Superior courts." " The trea- sury." "This Act." APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT this Act (a), the enactments of such local Act may be enforced at the discretion of the local authority either instead of or in concur- rence with this Act ; provided that the local authority of any place to which this Act applies shall not, by reason of any local Act within its jurisdiction, be exempted from the performance of any duty or obligation to which such authority are subject under this Act. Definitions. 31. The expressions hereinafter mentioned shall respectively have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there is something in the context inconsistent with such meanings ; that is to say, "Secretary of state" means one of Her Majesty's principal secreta- ries of state : "Person" shall include a body of persons, corporate or unin- corporate : " Lands " shall include messuages, lands, tenenements, heredita- ments of any tenure, and any right over land : " The city of London" shall include the liberties thereof : " The metropolis " shall not include the city of London or the liber- ties thereof, but shall include all other parishes or places within the jurisdiction of the metropolitan board of works : " A district board or vestry " within the metropolis means a dis- trict board or vestry as incorporated by the Metropolis Manage- ment Act, 1855: " Medical officer of health " shall, in the case of Ireland, mean consulting sanitary officer: " Local government board " shall, in the case of Ireland, mean Local Government Board of Ireland: "Clerk of local authority" shall, in the case of Ireland, mean executive sanitary officer and acting clerk: "Superior courts" shall mean, in the case of Ireland, Her Majesty's superior courts in Ireland : " The treasury " shall mean the lords commissioners of the trea- sury, or any two of them: "This Act" includes any confirming Act as hereinbefore defined. SCHEDULE. (&) Provisions with respect to the purchase and taking of lands in England otherwise than by agreement, and otherwise amending the Lands Clauses Act, 1845. Deposit of Maps and Plans. (1.) The local authority shall as soon as practicable after the pass- ing of the confirming Act cause to be made out, and to be (a) By section 31 the expression " this Act," is defined to include any confirming Act. (V) By the Artizans .and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879, section 2 (post), this schedule is to be construed as if the schedule to that Act formed part thereof, ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36 SCHED. 573 signed by their clerk or some other principal officer ap- Schedule, pointed by them, maps and schedules of all lauds proposed to be taken compulsorily (which lands are hereinafter re- ferred to as the scheduled lands), together with the names, so far as the same can be reasonably ascertained, of all persons interested in such lands as owners or reputed owners, lessees, or reputed lessees, or occupiers. (2.) The maps made by the local authority shall be upon such scale and be framed in such manner as may be prescribed by the confirming authority. (3.) The local authority shall deposit such maps and schedules at the office of the confirming authority, and shall deposit and keep copies of such maps and schedules at the office of the local authority. Appointment of Arbitrator. (4.) After such deposit at the office of the confirming authority as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the confirming authority, upon the application of the local authority, to appoint an arbitrator between the local authority and the persons interested in such of the scheduled lands, or lands in- juriously affected by the execution of such scheme, so far as compensation for the same has not been made the subject of agreement. Proceedings on Arbitration. (5.) Before any arbitrator enters upon any inquiry he shall, in the presence of a justice of the peace, make and subscribe the following declaration ; that is to say, " I, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely declare, that I will faithfully and honestly, and to the best of my skill and ability, hear and determine the matters referred to me under the provisions of the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875. "A. B. " Made and subscribed in the presence of And such declaration shall be annexed to the award when made ; and if any arbitrator, having made such declaration, wilfully act contrary thereto, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (6.) As soon as an arbitrator has been appointed as aforesaid, the confirming authority shall deliver to him the maps and schedules deposited at their office, and the local authority shall publish once in each of three successive weeks the following particulars : (,) The appointment of the arbitrator: (&.) The deposit at the office of the local authority of the copies of such maps and schedules as aforesaid, with a descrip- tion of the situation of such office, and a statement of the time at which such copies may be inspected by any person desirous of inspecting the same : (c.) A requisition directing the owners of or parties by this Act enabled to sell and convey or release any of the said scheduled lands, or any lands injuriously affected by the execution of the scheme of the local authority or any interest in such lands, to deliver to the arbitrator, on or 574 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT Schedule. before a day fixed by the arbitrator and named in such requisition (and being a day not earlier than twenty-one days from the date of the insertion of the last of such notices), a short statement in writing of the nature of their respective claims. (7.) The arbitrator shall, after the expiration of the period within which such claims are required to be delivered to him as aforesaid, and so far as such claims may not be settled by agreement, proceed to inquire into and adjudicate according to the basis provided in this Act upon the compensation to be paid in respect of the scheduled lands, and of the several interests in such lands, and the compensation to be made for injury to any lands as are mentioned in his ap- pointment injuriously affected by the execution of the scheme of the local authority. (8.) The arbitrator shall, after due inquiry and examination, frame a provisional award, setting forth the compensation to be paid by the local authority in respect of the several inte- rests in the said scheduled lands, and also, where any in- quiry relates to injury to any lands injuriously affected by the execution of the scheme of the local authority, the compensation payable in respect of such injury. (9.) The provisional award shall be deposited at the office of the confirming authority, and a copy shall be deposited at the office of the local authority. (10.) The arbitrator shall cause notice of such award to be given to all persons entitled to compensation under the same, or who have made a claim before such arbitrator as claimants for compensation ; the arbitrator shall cause notice to be published once in each of three successive weeks, stating that a copy of the provisional award has been deposited at the office of the local authority, and he shall in the notice of the award given to such persons as aforesaid, and also in the published notice, appoint a time and place, or times and places, for holding a meeting or meetings to hear objections against such provisional award (the first such meeting to be not earlier than twenty-one days after the last day of publication of the said notice). (11.) The arbitrator shall hold such meeting or meetings according to such notices, and thereat hear and determine} any ob- jections which may then and there be made to such pro- visional award by any person interested therein, or adjourn the further hearing thereof, if the arbitrator see fit, to a future meeting, and may take any measures which he may deem proper for ascertaining the compensation payable in respect of any such lands or interests as aforesaid, or the justice or propriety or any other matter of such provisional award, and may from time to time, if he see occasion, ap- point and hold further meetings forbearing and determining objections to such provisional award, of Avhich further meetings, when not holden by adjournment, notipe shall be given in manner hereinbefore directed. (12.) When the arbitrator has heard and determined all such ob- jections, and made such inquiries as he may think neces- sary in relation thereto, and made such alterations (if any) as he may deem proper in the provisional award, he shall confirm such award under his hand and seal accordingly ; and thereupon such award shall be final, and be binding ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36. SCHED. 575 and conclusive (subject to the provisions concerning an Schedule, appeal hereinafter contained) upon all persons whomsoever, and no such award shall be set aside for irregularity in matter of form. (13.) Such final award as aforesaid shall be deposited at the office of the confirming authority, and a copy thereof shall be deposited at the office of the local authority, and the local authority shall thereupon publish once in each of three suc- cessive weeks notice of the deposit having been made at the office of the local authority of a copy of the award so con- firmed, and a further notice requiring all persons claiming to have any right to or interest in the lands (the compensa- tion to be paid in respect of which is ascertained by such award) to deliver to the local authority, on or before a day to be named in such notice (such day not being earlier than twenty-one days from the date of the last publication of the notice), a short statement in writing of the nature of such claim, and a short abstract of the title on which the same is ftnmded ; and such statement and abstract shall be paid for by the local authority. Such abstract of title, in the case of a person claiming a fee simple interest in the land, shall commence twenty years previous to the date of the claim, except there has been an absolute conveyance on sale within twenty years, and more than ten years, previous to the claim when the abstract shall commence with such conveyance. Payment of Purcluise Moiuy. (14.) Within thirty days from the delivery of sucli statement and abstract as aforesaid to the local authority, the local autho- rity shall, where it appears to them that any person so claiming is absolutely entitled to the lands, estate, or inte- rest claimed by him, deliver to such person on demand, a certificate stating the amount of the compensation to which he is entitled under the said award. (15.) Every such certificate shall be prepared by and at the costs of the local authority ; and where any agreement has been entered into as to the compensation payable in respect of the interest of any person in any lands, the local authority may, where it appears to them that such person is abso- lutely entitled, deliver to such person a like certificate. (16.) The local authority shall, thirty days after demand, pay to the party to whom any such certificate is given, or otherwise as herein provided in the cases hereinafter mentioned, the amount of moneys specified to be payable by such certifi- cate to the party to whom or in whose favour such certifi- cate is given, His or her executors, administrators, or assigns. (17.) If the local authority Avilfully make default in such pay- ment as aforesaid, then the party named in such certificate shall be entitled to enter up judgment against the local authority in any of Her Majesty's superior courts of law at Westminster, or in any court to which the jurisdiction of such courts may be transferred (a), for the amount of the (a) Now, under Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, to one of the divisions of the High Court of Justice. APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT Schedule. imms specified, in such certificate, in the same manner in all respects as if he had been, by warrant of attorney from the local authority, authorized to enter up judgment for the amount mentioned in the certificate, with costs, as is usual in like cases ; and all moneys payable under such certifi- cates, or to be recovered by such judgments as aforesaid, shall at law and in equity 'be taken as personal estate as from the time of the local authority entering on any such lands as aforesaid. (18.) When and so soon as the local authority have paid to the party to whom, any such certificate as aforesaid is given, or otherwise, as herein provided, in the cases hereinafter men- tioned, the amount specified to be payable by such certifi- cate to the party to whom or in whose favour the certificate is given, his executors, administrators, or assigns, it shall be lawful for the local authority, upon obtaining such receipt as hereinafter mentioned, from time to time to enter upon any lands in respect of which such certificate is given, and thenceforth to hold the same for the estate or interest in respect of which the amount specified in such certificate was payable. (19.) In every case in which any moneys are paid by any local authority under this Act, for such compensation as aforesaid, the party receiving such moneys shall give to the local authority a receipt for the same, and such receipt shall have the effect of a grant, release, and conveyance of all the estate and interest of such party, and of all parties claim- ing under or through him, in the lands in respect of which such monies are paid, provided such receipt has an ad valorem stamp of the same amount impressed thereon in respect of the purchase moneys mentioned in such certifi- cate as would have been necessary if such receipt had been an actual conveyance of such estate or interest, every such receipt to be prepared by and at the costs of the local authority. (20.) If it appear to the local authority, from any such statement and abstract as aforesaid, or otherwise, that the party making any such claim as aforesaid is not absolutely en- titled to the lands, estate, or interest in respect of which his claim is made, or is under any disability, or if the title to such lands, estate, or interest be not satisfactorily deduced to the local authority, then and in every such case the amount to be paid by the local authority in respect of such lands, estate, or interest as aforesaid shall be paid and applied as provided by the clauses of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, as amended by the Court of Chancery Funds Act, 1872, " with respect to the purchase money or compensation coming to parties having limited interests, or prevented from treating, or not making title." (21.) Where any person claiming any right or interest in any lands refuses to produce his title to the same, or where the local authority have under the provisions of this Act taken possession of any lands in respect of the compensation whereof, or of any estate or interest wherein, no claim has been made within one year from the time of the local authority taking possession, or if any party to whom any such certificate has been given or tendered refuses to receive such certificate, or to accept the amount therein specified ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36. SCKED. 577 as payable to him, then and in any such case the amount Schedule, payable by the local authority in respect of such lands estate, or interest, or the amount specified in such certifi- cate, shall be paid into the Bank of England, in manner provided by the last -mentioned clauses of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, as amended by the Court of Chancery Funds Act, 1872, and the amount so paid into the said bank shall be accordingly dealt with as by the said Act provided. (22.) Nothing herein contained shall prevent the local authority from requiring any further abstract or evidence of title respecting any lands included in any such award as afore- said, in addition to the abstract or statement hereinbefore mentioned, if they think fit, so as the same be obtained at the cost of the local authority. (23) If from any reason whatever the local authority does not deliver the certificate aforesaid to any party claiming to be entitled to any interest in any lands the possession whereof has been taken by the local authority as aforesaid, then the right to have a certificate according to the provisions of this Act may, at the costs and charges of the local authority, be enforced by any party or parties, by application to the high court of chancery, or any court to which the jurisdiction of the high court of chancery may be transferred, in a sum- mary way by petition, and all other rights and interests of any party or parties arising under the provisions of this Act may be in like manner enforced against the local authority by such application as aforesaid. Entry on Lands on making Deposit. (24.) Where the local authority are desirous, for the purposes of their works, of entering upon any lands before they would be entitled to enter thereon under the provisions herein- before contained, it shall be lawful for the local authority, at any time, after the arbitrator has framed his provisional award, upon depositing in the Bank of England such sum as the arbitrator may certify to be in his opinion the proper amount to be so deposited in respect of any lands authorized to be purchased or taken by the local authority, and men- tioned in such provisional award, to enter upon and use such lands for the purposes of the improvement scheme of the local authority ; and the arbitrator shall, upon the request of the local authority, at any time after he has framed such provisional award, certify under his hand the sum which, in his opinion, should be so deposited by the local authority in respect of any lands mentioned in such provisional award before they enter upon and use the same as aforesaid, and the sum to be so certified shall be the sum or the amount of the several sums set forth in such pro- visional award as the sum or sums to be paid by the local authority in respect of such lands, or such greater amount as to the arbitrator, under the circumstances of the case, may seem proper ; and, notwithstanding such entry aa aforesaid, all proceedings for and in relation to the comple- tion of the award, the delivery of certificates, and other proceedings under this Act, shall be had, and payments 2 P 578 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &c., DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT Schedule. made, as if such entry and deposit had not "been made ; provided that the local authority shall, where they enter upon any lands "by virtue of this present provision, pay interest at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum upon the compensation money payable by them in respect of any lands so entered upon, from the time of their entry xintil the time of the payment of such money and interest to the party entitled thereto, or where, under the provisions of this Act, such compensation is required to be paid into the said bank, then until the same, with such interest, is paid into such bank accordingly ; and where under this pro- vision interest is payable on any compensation money the certificate to be delivered by the local authority in respect thereof shall specify that interest is so payable, and the same shall be recoverable in like manner as the principal money mentioned in such certificate. (25.) The money so deposited as last aforesaid shall be paid into the Bank of England to such account as may from time to time be directed by any regulation or Act for the time being in force in relation to moneys deposited in the bank in similar cases, or to such account as may be directed by any order of the court of chancery, or of any court to whom the powers of the court of chancery may be transferred, and remain in the bank by way of security to the parties interested in the lands which have been so entered upon, for the payment of the money to become payable by the local authority in respect thereof under the award of the arbitrator ; and the money so deposited may, on the appli- cation by petition of the local authority, be ordered to be invested in bank annuities or government securities, and accumulated ; and upon such payment as aforesaid by the local authority it shall be lawful for the court of chancery, or any other court to which the jurisdiction of the court of chancery may be transferred, upon a like application, to order the money so deposited, or the funds in which the same shall have been invested, together with the accu- mulation thereof, to be repaid or transferred to the local authority, or, in default of such payment as aforesaid by the local authority, it shall be lawful for the said court to order the same to be applied in such manner as it thinks fit for the benefit of the parties for whose security the same shall so have been deposited. Appeal (26.) Where the party named in any certificate issued under the provisions hereinbefore contained of the amount of the compensation ascertained by any award under this Act (or any party claiming under the party so named) is dissatisfied with the amount in such certificate certified to be payable, and such amount exceeds five hundred pounds, and Witere any party claiming any interest in any moneys so paid into court as aforesaid is dissatisfied with the amount of the price or compensation in respect of which such moneys are paid into court, and such amount exceeds five hundred pounds^ also Where the local authority is dissatisfied with the amount of com- pensation which the arbitrator appointed under the pro- ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36. SCHED. 579 visions of this Act has awarded to be paid by the local Schedule, authority to any person in respect of any estate or interest in lands, and such amount exceed the sum of five hundred pounds ; The party dissatisfied may submit the question of the proper amount of compensation to a jury, provided that such party give notice in writing to the other party of their intention to appeal within ten days after the cause of appeal has arisen. The cause of appeal shall be deemed to have arisen, (1.) Where a certificate has been issued as aforesaid, at the date of the issue of the certificate : (2.) Where moneys have been paid into court, at the date of the payment into court : (3.) Where the local authority appeals, at the date of the making of the final award. (27.) Where a notice has been given under this Act of an appeal to a jury in respect of compensation for land, or any interest in land, a question of disputed compensation required to be determined by the verdict of a jury shall be deemed to have arisen within the meaning of the Lands Clauses Con- solidation Act, 1845, and all the provisions of that Act contained in sections thirty-eight to fifty-seven, both inclu- sive, shall be deemed to apply, except sections forty-seven and fifty-one (a) : Provided also, that, (1.) Where the local authority appeals, that authority shall be deemed to be the plaintiff, and the party entitled to com- pensation to be the defendant ; and (2.) Where the party claiming compensation appeals, then, in case the verdict of the jury is for a sum exceeding the award of the arbitrator, the local authority shall pay to such party the costs of the trial, such costs to be taxed and ascertained in the same manner as costs are by law ascertained on the trial of issues tried in the court of Queen's Bench, or any court to which the jurisdiction of the court of Queen's Bench may be transferred (6) ; but in case the verdict of the jury is for a sum not exceeding the award of the arbitrator, the party appealing shall pay to the local authority the costs of the trial to be taxed and ascertained in manner aforesaid. (3.) Where the local authority is the appellant, (1.) Notwithstanding the verdict of the jury may be for a sum less than that awarded by the arbitrator, the local authority shall paj r to the other party such sum not exceeding twenty pounds for the costs of the trial as the sheriff or other officer before whom the same is tried shall direct ; and, (2.) In case the verdict of the jury is for a sum equal to or exceeding the award of the arbitrator, the local autho- rity shall pay to the other party the costs of the trial, such costs to be taxed and ascertained in manner afore- said. (a) Section 47 relates to the failure of the party claiming compensation to appear at the time appointed for the inquiry, and section 51 directs how the costs of the inquiry are to be borne, (b) Now, under Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, to a division of the high court of justice; 2 P 2 580 APPENDIX. THE ARTIZANS, &e,, DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT Schedule. (4.) The amount of compensation awarded by the arbitrator shall not be communicated to the jury, but they shall be required to make an independent assessment of the amount of com- pensation to which the party claiming compensation is entitled. Costs of Arbitration. (28.) The salary or remuneration, travelling and other expenses of the arbitrator, and all costs charges, and expenses (if any) which may be incurred by the confirming authority in carrying the provisions of this Act into execution, shall be paid by the local authority ; and the amount of such costs, charges, and expenses shall from time to time be certified by the confirming authority after first hearing any objections that may be made to the reasonableness of any such costs, charges, and expenses by or on behalf of the local autho- rity ; and every certificate of the said confirming authority certifying the amount of such costs, charges, and expenses, thall'be taken as proof in all proceedings at law or in equity of the amount of such respective costs, charges, and ex- penses, and the amount so certified shall be a debt due from the local authority to the crown, and shall be recoverable accordingly. Further, any such certificate may be made a rule of one of the superior courts of law on the application of any party named therein, and may be enforced accord- ingly- (29.) It shall be lawful for the arbitrator, where he thinks fit, upon the request of any party by whom any claim has been made before him, to certify the amount of the costs properly incurred by such party in relation to the arbitration, and the amount of the costs so certified shall be paid by the local authority ; and if within seven days after demand the amount so certi- fied be not paid to the party entitled to receive the same, such amount shall be recoverable as a debt from such local authority, with interest at the rate of five per cent, for any time during which the same remains unpaid after such seven days as aforesaid, but no such certificate shall be given where the arbitrator has awarded the same or a less sum than has been offered by the local authority in respect of such claim before the appointment of the arbitrator. Miscellaneous. (30.) The arbitrator may call for the production of any documents in the possession or power of the local authority, or of any party making any claim under the provisions of this Act, which such arbitrator may think necessary for determining any question or matter to be determined by him under this Act, and may examine any such party and his witnesses, and the witnesses for the local authority, on oath, and administer the oaths necessary for that purpose. (31.) If any arbitrator appointed in pursuance of this Act die, or refuse, decline, or become incapable to act, the confirming authority may appoint an arbitrator in his place, who shall have the same powers and authorities as the arbitrator first appoiiited ; and upon the appointment of any arbitrator in ACT, 1875. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 36. SCHED. 581 the place of an arbitrator dying, or refusing, declining, or Schedule, becoming incapable to act, all the documents relating to the matter of the arbitration which were in the possession of such arbitrator shall be delivered to the arbitrator appointed in his place, and the local authority shall publish notice of such appointment in the London Gazette. (32.) All notices required by this schedule to be published shall be published in some one and the same newspaper circulating within the jurisdiction of the local authority, and where no other form of service is prescribed all notices required to be served or given by the local authority under this schedule or otherwise upon any persons interested in or entitled to sell lands, shall be served in manner in which notice of lands proposed to be taken conipulsorily for the purpose of an improvement scheme are directed by this Act to be served upon owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers. AN ACT TO AMEND THE ARTIZANS AND LABOURERS DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT ACT, 1875. 42 & 43 VICT. CAP. 63. 15TH AUGUST, 1879. compensa- tion.^) BE it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. This Act may be cited as the " Artizans and Labourers Dwell- ings Improvement Act, 1879." This Act shall be construed as one with the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, (in this Act referred to as the principal Act,) and the principal Act and this Act may be cited together as the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improve- ment Acts, 1875 and 1879. 2. The schedule to the principal Act shall be construed as if the schedule to this Act formed part thereof. 3. On the occasion of assessing the compensation payable under any improvement scheme in respect of any house or premises situate within an unhealthy area, evidence shall be receivable by the arbi- trator to prove that at the date of the confirming Act authorizing such scheme, or at some previous date not earlier than the date of the official representation in which the scheme originated, such house or premises was by reason of its iinhealthy state, or by reason of overcrowding or otherwise, in such a condition as to have been a nuisance within the meaning of the Acts relating to nuisances ; (?;) and if the arbitrator is satisfied that from either of such causes as afore- said, such house or premises was, at such dates as aforesaid or either of them, a nuisance as aforesaid, he shall then determine what would have been the value of such house or premises supposing the nuisance to have been abated, and what would have been the expense of abating the nuisance ; and the amount of compensation payable in respect of such house or premises shall be an amount equal to the estimated value of the house or premises after the nuisance was abated, and after deducting the estimated expense of abating the nuisance. (a) This amends the 19th section, sub-sect. 2, as to the estimate of value. (b) See definition of these Acts, section 5, infra. 42 & 43 VICT. c. 63, ss. 4, 5. SCHED. 583 4. Whereas by the fifth section of the principal Act it is provided, Section 4. amongst other things, that an improvement scheme of a local au- thority shall provide for the accommodation of at least as many Amendment persons of the working classes as may be displaced in the area with * 38 & 39 respect to which the scheme is proposed in suitable dwellings which, Viet. c. 36, unless there are special reasons to the contrary, shall be situate within Sl 5j . a ? to tbe the limits of the same area or in the vicinity thereof : provision of And whereas it not unfrequently happens that, having due regard ^ ccomm ? a " to the requirements of persons of the working classes displaced by an . . improvement scheme, equally convenient accommodation at a much c i ass( ! s less cost can be furnished to such persons or some of them at some place other than within the area or the immediate vicinity of the urea from which they have been displaced : Be it enacted that Where it is proved to the satisfaction of the confirming authority on an application to authorize or modify an improvement scheme that equally convenient accommodation can be provided for any persons of the working classes displaced by an improvement scheme at some place other than within the area or the immediate vicinity of the area comprised in the improvement scheme, and it is also proved to the satisfaction of such authority that the required accommodation has been or is about to be forthwith provided, it shall be lawful for the confirming authority accordingly to authorize any such improve- ment scheme, or to permit a modification of any such scheme, and the requirements of the principal Act with respect to providing accommodation for persons of the working class shall, to the extent to which accommodation is provided in accordance with this section, be deemed to have been complied with. A ]ocal authority may for purpose of providing accommodation for persons of the working classes displaced by any improvement scheme, appropriate any lands for the time being belonging to them which are suitable for the purpose, or may purchase by agreement any such further lands as may be convenient. 5. The Acts relating to nuisances mean Definition of "Acts as respects any place in Ireland, the Public Health (Ireland) Act, relating to^ 1878, and any local Act which contains any provisions with nuisances/' respect to nuisances in that place ; and 41 & 42 Viet, as respects the metropolis, as defined by the Public Health Act, 1875, the Nuisances Removal Acts as defined by the Sanitary 38 & 39 Viet. Act, 1866, or any Act amending the same, and any local Act c - 55 - which contains any provisions with respect to nuisances in that 29 & 30 Viet. place ; and c. 41. as respects any other place in England, the Public Health Act, 38 & 39 Viet. 1875, and any local Act which contains any provisions with c - 55 - respect to nuisances in that place. SCHEDULE. 1. The publication by the local authority of the appointment of Notice of the arbitrator, and the other particulars mentioned in article six of appointment the schedule to the principal Act, shall be made not only by ad- of arbitrator, vertisement, but also by placards and handbills affixed in conspicuous APPENDIX THE ABTIZANS, &c., IMPROVEMENT ACT, 1879. places on or near the lands to be taken, and also by leaving a notice thereof at each house proposed to be taken, and also by sending a notice thereof by post to the persons interested in such lands as owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, so far as they can be reasonably ascertained. 2. The arbitrator shall have the same power of apportioning any rent-service, rentcharge, chief or other rent, payment, or incumbrance, or any rent payable in respect of lands comprised in a lease, as two justices have under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845. 3. Notwithstanding anything in section ninety-two of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, the arbitrator may determine that such part of any house, building, or manufactory as is proposed to be taken by the local authority can be taken without material damage to such house, building, or manufactory, and if he so determine may award compensation in respect of the severance of the part so pro- posed to be taken, in addition to the value of that part, and there- upon the party interested shall be required to sell and convey to the local authority such part, without the local authority being obliged to purchase the greater part or the whole of such house, building, or manufactory. The local authority, or any person interested, if dissatisfied with a determination under this enactment, may, in manner provided by article twenty -six of the schedule to the principal Act, submit the question of whether the said part can be taken without material damage, as well as the question of the proper amount of compensa- tion, to a jury ; and the notice of intention to appeal shall be given within the same time as notice of intention to appeal against the amoiint of compensation awarded is required to be given. 4. The amount of purchase money or compensation to be paid in pursuance of section one hundred and twenty-four of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, in respect of any estate, right, or interest in or charge affecting any of the scheduled lands which the local authority have through mistake or inadvertance failed or omitted duly to purchase or make compensation for, shall be awarded by the arbitrator and be paid, in like manner, as near as may be, as the same would have been awarded and paid if the claim of such estate, right, interest, or charge had been delivered to the arbitrator before the day fixed for the delivery of statements of claims ; with this qualification, that the first award of the arbitrator shall be final, and not provisional. If the arbitrator is satisfied that the failure or omission to purchase the said estate, right, interest, or charge arose from any default on the part either of the claimant or of the local authority, he may direct the costs to be paid by the party so in default. AN ACT TO REPEAL THE ADULTERATION OF FOOD ACTS AND TO MAKE BETTER PROVISION FOR THE SALE OF FOOD AND DRUGS IN A PURE STATE, (a) 38 & 39 VICT. CAP. 63. HTH AUGUST, 1875. WHEREAS it is desirable that the Acts now in force relating to the adulteration of food should be repealed, and that the law regarding the sale of food and drugs in a pure and genuine condition should be amended : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. From the commencement of this Act the statutes of the twenty- Eepeal of third and twenty-fourth of Victoria, chapter eighty-four, of the thirty- statutes, first and thirty-second of Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty- one, section twenty-four, of the thirty-third and thirty-fourth of Victoria, chapter twenty -six, section three, and of the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth of Victoria, chapter seventy-four, shall be repealed, except in regard to any appointment made under them and not then determined, and in regard to any offence committed against them or any prosecution or other act commenced and not concluded or com- pleted, and any payment of money then due in respect of any provi- sion thereof. 2. The term " food" shall include every article used for food or Interpreta- drink by man, other than drugs or water : tion of The term " drug" shall include medicine for internal or external words, use : The term "county" shall include every county, riding, and division, as well as every county of a city or town not being a borough : The term "justices" shall include any police and stipendiary magis- trate invested with the powers of a justice of the peace in England, and any divisional justices in Ireland. (a) This Act was amended by 42 and 43 Viet. c. 30, which refers to this Act as the principal Act, See the amending Act, post. 586 Section 3, Prohibition of the mix- jug of inju- rious ingre- dients, and of selling the same. Prohibition of the mix- ing of drugs with inju- rious ingre- dients, and of selling the same. Exemption in case of proof of absence of knowledge. Prohibition of the sale of articles of food and of drugs not of the proper nature, sub- stance, and quality. APPENDIX. THE SALE OF FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, 1875. Description of Offences. 3. No person shall mix, colour, stain, or powder, or order or permit any other person to mix, colour, stain, or powder, any article of food (a) with any ingredient or material so as to render the article injurious to health (b), with intent that the same may be sold in that state, and no person shall sell any such article so mixed, coloured, stained, or powdered, under a penalty in each case not exceeding fifty pounds for the first offence ; every offence, after a conviction for a first offence, shall be a misdemeanor, for which the person, on con- viction, shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding six months with hard labour. 4. No person shall, except for the purpose of compounding as hereinafter described, (c) mix, colour, stain, or powder, or order or permit any other person to mix, colour, stain, or powder, any drug with any ingredient or material so as to affect injuriously the quality or potency of such drug, with intent that the same may be sold in that state, and no person shall sell any such drug so mixed, coloured, stained, or powdered, under the same penalty in each case respectively as in the preceding section for a first and subsequent offence. 5. Provided that no person shall be liable to be convicted under either of the two last foregoing sections of this Act in respect of the sale of any article of food, or of any drug, if he shows to the satis- faction of the justice or court before whom he is charged that he did not know (d) of the article of food or drug sold by him being so mixed, coloured, stained, or powdered as in either of those sections mentioned, and that he could not with reasonable diligence have obtained that knowledge. 6. No person shall sell to the prejudice of the purchaser (e) any article of food or any drug which is not of the nature, substance, and (a) Including " every article used for food or drink by man other than drugs or water," section 2, ante. (b) It is a common law misdemeanor to sell unwholesome victuals; E. v. Haynes, 4 M. & S. 220, and R. v. Southerton, 6 East. 133 j Lord Ellenborough referred to E. v. M ' Carty, 2 L. Raymond, 1179 ; and see S. v. Foster, 46 L. J. M. C. 128. (c) This seems to refer to section 6, sub-section (3), and section 7, but these contain no directions as to compounding drugs or other articles. (d) The necessity of showing that the act was done knowingly is con- fined to the prohibitions in the 3rd and 4th sections, and does not apply to that in the 6th. (e) The vexed question whether a sale to a public officer for the purpose of analysis was a sale to the prejudice of the purchaser within this enact- ment, has been set at rest by the Sale of Food and Drugs Amendment Act, 1879 (post). But before that Act it had already been decided that such a sale was a contravention of the Act ; and where an inspector, appointed under section 13, purchased for analysis an article of food, and took the proceedings prescribed by this Act, and it was proved that the article was not of the nature, substance, and quality of the article demanded, but an inferior article, though not known by him to be so at the time of the pur- chase ; held, that this was a " sale to the prejudice of the purchaser " 88 & 89 VICT. c. G3, s. 6. 587 quality (/) of the article demanded by such purchaser (gr), under a Section 6. penalty not exceeding twenty pounds : provided that an offence shall within this section. The case of Davidson v. MoLeod, referred to in note (g) below, was dissented from. Hoyle v. Hitohman, 48 L. J. M. C. 97. By the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, post, section 2, it is enacted that " In any prosecution under the provisions of the prin- cipal Act for selling to the prejudice of the purchaser any article of food or any drug which is not of the nature, substance, and quality of the article demanded by such purchaser, it shall be no defence to any such prosecution to allege that the purchaser, having bought only for analysis, was not pre- judiced by such sale." (/) By the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, post, section 2, it is enacted that " it shall not be a good defence to prove that the article of food or drug in question, though defective in nature, or in sub- stance, or in quality, was not defective in all three respects." (g) It was not necessary under the repealed Act 35 & 36 Viet. c. 74, that any proof should be given of the knowledge of the adulteration, and where the defendant sold as unadulterated an article which was in fact adulterated, without having declared the admixture to the purchaser in conformity with section 3, he was held liable to conviction ; Fitzpatrick v. Kelly, 37 J. P. 373. See Mullins v. Collins, 22 W. E. 297, and Roberts v. Egerton, 43 L. J. M. C. 135. In a case in which gin was diluted with water, and the magistrate found that the quantity of water was in excess of what could properly be added, the conviction was affirmed ; Webb v. Knight, 41 J. P. 388 ; L. K. 2 Q. B. D. 530. Where the appellant sold gin adulterated with 44 per cent, of water, and the justices found as a fact that the dilution was excessive, a conviction was sustained for selling an article hot of the nature, substance, and quality demanded; Pashler \. Stevenill, 41 J. P. (C. A.) 136. By the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, post, section 6, it is enacted that " In determining whether an offence has been committed under section 6 of the principal Act, by selling to the prejudice of the pur- chaser, spirits not adulterated otherwise than by the admixture of water, it shall be a good defence to prove that such admixture has not reduced the spirit more than twenty-five degrees under proof for brandy, whisky, or rum, or thirty-five degrees under proof for gin." In the case of Davidson v. McLeod, before the high court of justiciary at Edinburgh, referred to in the J. P., January, 1878, on appeal against a con- viction by the sheriff in Glasgow for selling, to a city inspector of health, cream in which the per centage of fatty matter was greatly below the standard of cream as sold in that city, it was held that to sustain the con- viction, the article must be different in all three respects, viz., nature, sub- stance, and quality, that these words could not be disjoined, and that the very nature of the substance must be altered ; and secondly, that it was not and could not be alleged that the purchase was to the prejudice of the purchaser, as the power of compulsory purchase given to a public officer was given with a view to prosecutions under sections 3 and 5 only, and the con- viction was quashed; dissentientibus Lords CraigTiill and Adam. This decision was dissented from in Hoyle v. Hitchman, cited in note (e) to section 6, ante,- and see now Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, section 2, post. Where the seller brings to the purchaser's knowledge the fact that the article sold is not of the nature, &c., of the article he demands, the sale is not to his predudice within section 6, though the seller puts no label on the bottle containing the article as directed by the 8th section of the Act, as it is not intended that the mode pointed out by that section should be the only method of bringing home knowledge to the purchaser ; Sandys v. Small, L. R. 3 Q. B. D. 449. See article on this Act in the Justice of the Peace, vol. 42, July 6, 1878. 588 APPENDIX. THE SALE OP FOOD AND DKUGS ACT, 1875. Section 6. n t be deemed to "be committed under this section in the following cases ; that is to say, (a) (1.) Where any matter or ingredient not injurious to health has been added to the food or drug because the same is re- quired for the production or. preparation thereof as an article of commerce, in a state fit for carriage or consump- tion, and not fraudulently to increase the bulk, weight, or measure of the food or drug, or conceal the inferior quality thereof. (2.) Where the drug or food is a proprietary medicine, or is the subject of a patent in force, and is supplied in the state required by the specification of the patent ; (3.) Where the food or drug is compounded as in this Act men- tioned ; (b) (4.) Where the food or drug is unavoidably mixed with some extraneous matter in the process of collection or prepara- tion. Provision for 7. No person shall sell any compound article of food or com- poundedartlcles pounded drug which is not composed of ingredients in accordance of food and with the demand of the purchaser, under a penalty not exceeding Bounded twenty pounds. 8. Provided that no person shall be guilty of any such offence as aforesaid in respect of the sale of an article of food or a drug mixed with any matter or ingredient not injurious to health, and not intended fraudulently to increase its bulk, weight, or measure, or article or drug, to the effect that the same is mixed. 9. No person shall, with the intent that the same may be sold in its altered state without notice, abstract from an article of food any part of it so as to affect injuriously its quality, substance, or nature, and no person shall sell any article so altered without making dis- Under the Adulteration of Seeds Act, 32 & 33 Viet. c. 112, s. 3, subject- ing to a penalty any person who adulterates seed, it was held to be no offence to use sulphur to make old sound seed appear new seed, so long {as the seed was not made to appear of a different species; Francis v. Haas, L. R. 3 Q. B. D. 341. See now the Act to amend the Adultera- tion of Seeds Act, 1878, enacting that under section 2 of Adulteration of Seeds Act, 1869, the term " to dye seeds" shall mean " to apply to seeds any process of colouring, dyeing, or sulphur smoking." Under the 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 37, s. 8, prohibiting the use of any other than certain specified ingredients in making bread for sale, there must have been guilty knowledge ; Core v. James, L. R. 7 Q. B. 135. (a) See Roberts v. Egerton, 43 L. J. M. C. 135. (b) See note (c) to section 4, ante. (c) It is not intended that the mode pointed out by this section should be the only mode of bringing home knowledge to the purchaser. See Sandys v. Small, L. R. 3 Q. B. D. 449, cited in note (g), supra. Under the repealed statute 35 & 36 Viet. c. 74, the seller was not required to disclose the substance, &c., of the materials contained in the admixture, and where a grocer sold a packet of mustard and told the pur- chaser he did not sell it as pure mustard, and pointed to a label containing a notification to that effect, he was held not liable to be convicted ; Pope v. Searle, 43 L. J. M. C. 129. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 63, ss. 912. 589 closure of the alteration, under a penalty in each case not exceeding Section 9. twenty pounds. rf fy ~ before sale, Appointment, and Duties of Analysts, and Proceedings to obtain and selling Analysis. n ot i ce . 10. In the city of London and the liberties thereof the commis- Appointment sioners of sewers of the city of London and the liberties thereof, and of analysts, in all other parts of the metropolis the vestries and district boards acting in execution of the Act for the better local management of the metropolis, the court of quarter sessions of every county, and the town council of every borough having a separate court of quarter sessions, or having under any general or local Act of parliament or otherwise a separate police establishment, may, as soon as convenient after the passing of this Act, where no appointment has been hitherto made, and in all cases as and when vacancies in the office occur, or when required so to do by the local government board, shall, for their respective city, districts, coanties, or boroughs, appoint one or more persons possessing competent knowledge, skill, and experience, as analysts of all articles of food and drugs sold within the said city, metropolitan districts, counties, or boroughs, and shall pay to such analysts such remuneration as shall be mutually agreed upon, and may remove him or them as they shall deem proper ; but such appointments and removals shall at all times be subject to the approval of the local government board, who may require satisfactory proof of competency to be supplied to them, and may give their approval absolutely or with modifications as to the period of the appointment and removal, or otherwise : Provided, that no person shall hereafter be appointed an analyst for any place under this section who shall be engaged directly or indirectly in any trade or business connected with the sale of food or drugs in such place. In Scotland the like powers shall be conferred and the like duties shall be imposed upon the commissioners of supply at their ordinary meetings for counties, and the commissioners or boards of police, or where there are no such commissioners or boards, upon the town councils for boroughs within their several jurisdictions ; provided that one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state in Scotland shall be substituted for the local government board of England. In Ireland the like powers and duties shall be conferred and imposed respectively upon the grand jury of every county and town council of every borough ; provided that the local government board of Ireland shall be substituted for the local government board of England. 11 The town council of any borough may agree that the analyst Town appointed by any neighbouring borough or for the county in which council of the borough is situated, shall act for their borough during such time a borough as the said council shall think proper, and shall make due provision may engage for the payment of his remuneration, and if such analyst shall con- the analyst gent, he shall during such time be the analyst for such borough for of another the purposes of this Act. borough or of the county. 12. Any purchaser of an article of food or of a drug in any place Power to being a district, county, city, or borough where there is any analyst purchaser appointed under this or any Act hereby repealed shall be entitled, of an on payment to such analyst of a sum not exceeding ten shillings and article of sixpence, or if there be no such analyst then acting for such place, to 590 Section 12. Provision for dealing with the sample when purchased. Provision when sample is not di- vided. Provision for sending article to the analyst through the post-office. Person re- fusing to sell APPENDIX. THE SALE OF FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, 1875". the analyst of another place, ot such sum as may be agreed upon between such person and the analyst, to have such article analysed by such analyst, and to receive from him a certificate of the result of 13. Any medical officer of health, inspector of nuisances, or in- spector of weights and measures, or any inspector of a market, or any police constable under the direction and at the cost of the local authority appointing such officer, inspector, or constable, or charged with the execution of this Act, may procure any sample of food or drugs, and if he suspect the same to have been sold to him contrary to any provision of this Act, shall submit the same to be analysed by the analyst of the district or place for which he acts, or if there be no such analyst then acting for such place to the analyst of another place, and such analyst shall, upon receiving payment as is provided in the last section, with all convenient speed analyse the same and give a certificate to such officer, wherein he shall specify the result of the analysis. 14. The person purchasing any article with the intention of sub- mitting the same to analysis shall, after the purchase shall have been completed, forthwith notify (a) to the seller or his agent selling the article his intention to have the same analysed by the public analyst, and shall offer to divide the article into three parts to be then and there separated, and each part to be marked and sealed or fastened np in such manner as its nature will permit, and shall, if required to do so, proceed accordingly, and shall deliver one of the parts to the seller or his agent. He shall aftenvards retain one of the said parts for future com- parison and submit the third part, if he deems it right to have the article analysed, to the analyst. 15. If the seller or his agent do not accept the offer of the pur- chaser to divide the article purchased in his presence, the analyst receiving the article for analysis shall divide the same into two parts, and shall seal or fasten up one of those parts and shall cause it to be delivered, either upon receipt of the sample or when he supplies his certificate to the purchaser, who shall retain the same for production in case proceedings shall afterwards be taken in the matter. 16. If the analyst do not reside within two miles of the residence of the person requiring the article to be analysed, such article may be forwarded to the analyst through the post office as a registered letter, subject to any regulations (6) which the postmaster-general may make in reference to the carrying and delivery of such article, and the charge for the postage of such article shall be deemed one of the charges of this Act or of the prosecution, as the case may be. 17. If any such officer, inspector, or constable, as above described, shall apply to purchase any article of food or any drug exposed to (a) The notification required by this section is a condition precedent to a prosecution, and in a case in which it was omitted, the conviction was quashed ; Sanies v. Chipp, L. R. 3 Ex. D. 176. (J) See Local Government Board's Circular, dated 20th September, 1875, respecting the transmission and analysis in disputed cases under this Act, with regulations issued by the postmaster-general, 6th September, 1875> for the transmission by post, of samples for analysis. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 63, ss. 1720. 591 sale, Or on sale by retail on any premises or in any shop or stores (c), Section 17. and shall tender the price for the quantity which he shall require for the purpose of analysis, not being more than shall be reasonably f n J arti ^ e requisite, and the person exposing the same for sale shall refuse to sell v ^," 7 - officer the same to such officer, inspector, or constable, such person shall be ~J ,, liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. 18. The certificate of the analysis shall be in the form set forth in Form of the the schedule hereto, or to the like effect. certificate. (d) 19. Every analyst appointed under any Act hereby repealed or this Quarterly Act shall report quarterly to the authority appointing him the report of the number of articles analysed by him under this Act during the fore- analyst, going quarter, and shall specify the result of each analysis and the sum paid to him in respect thereof, and such report shall be pre- sented at the next meeting of the authority appointing such analyst, and every such authority shall annually transmit to the local govern- ment board, at such time and in such form as the board shall direct, a certified copy of such quarterly report. Proceedings against Offenders. 20. When the analyst having analysed any article shall have given Proceedings ! t'.C .!__ _.C J.1. _ 1.L JT_ 1_- 1_ -J_ __ Jl J rt O his certificate of the result, from which it may appear that an offence against against some one of the provisions of this Act has been committed, offenders, the person causing the analysis to be made may take proceedings for (e) the recovery of the penalty herein imposed for such offence, before any justices in petty sessions assembled having jurisdiction in the place where the article or drug sold was actually delivered to the pur- chaser, in a summary manner. Every penalty imposed by this Act shall be recovered in England in the manner prescribed by the eleventh and twelfth of Victoria, chapter forty-three. In Ireland such penalties and proceedings shall be recoverable, and may be taken with respect to the police district of Dublin metropolis, subject and according to the provisions of any Act regulating the powers and duties of justices of the peace for such district, or of the police of such district ; and with respect to other parts of Ireland, before a justice or justices of the peace sitting in petty sessions, subject and according to the provisions of " The (c) By the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, post, section 3, an officer, inspector, or constable may obtain a sample of milk at the place of delivery to submit to analysis ; section 4 imposes a penalty for refusal ; and by section 5 any street or open place of public resort shall be held to come within the meaning of this section. (d) See directions at foot of the statutory form of certificate, as to what matters the analyst has a discretion, and those which he is bound to notice in his observations. (e) By the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, post, section 10, " The summons to appear before the magistrates shall be served upon the person charged with violating the provisions of the principal Act within a reasonable time, and in the case of a perishable article not exceed- ing twenty-eight days from the time of the purchase from such person for test purposes of the food or drug, and the summons shall not be made return- able in a less time than seven days from the clay it is served upon the person summoned." 592 APPENDIX. THE SALE OF FOOD AND DKUGS ACT, 1875. and any Act amending the Section 20. Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act> 1851, same. Every penalty herein imposed may be reduced or mitigated accord ing to the judgment of the justices. Certificate of f analyst primd facie evidence for the prosecu- tion, but analyst to be called if required. Defendant and his wife may be examined. 21. At the hearing of the information in such proceeding the production of the certificate of the analyst shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated, unless the defendant shall require that the analyst shall be called as a witness, and the parts of the articles retained by the person who purchased the article shall be produced, and the defendant may, if he think fit, tender himself and his wife to be examined on his behalf, and he or she shall, if he so desire, be examined accordingly. Power to justices to have articles of food aud drug analysed. 22. The justices before whom any complaint may be made, or the court before whom any appeal may be heard, under this Act may, upon the request of either party, in their discretion cause any article of food or drug to be sent to the commissioners of inland revenue, who shall thereupon direct the chemical officers of their department at Somerset House to make the analysis, and give a certificate to such justices of the result of the analysis ; and the expense of such analysis shall be paid by the complainant or the defendant as the justices may by order direct. Appeal to quarter scssious. 23. Any person who has been convicted of any offence punishable by any Act hereby repealed or by this Act by any justices may appeal in England to the next general or quarter sessions of the peace which shall be held for the city, county, town, or place wherein such con- viction shall have been made, provided that such person enter into a recognizance within three days next after such conviction, with two sufficient sureties, conditioned to try such appeal, and to be forth- coming to abide the judgment and determination of the court at such general or quarter sessions, and to pay such costs as shall be by such court awarded ; and the justices before whom such conviction shall be had are hereby empowered and required to take such recogni- zance ; and the court at such general or quarter sessions are hereby required to hear and determine the matter of such appeal, and may award such costs to the party appealing or appealed against as they or he shall think proper. In Ireland any person who has been convicted of any offence punishable by this Act may appeal to the next court of quarter sessions to be held in the same division of the county where the con- viction shall be made by any justice or justices in any petty sessions district, or to the recorder at his next sessions where the conviction shall be made by the divisional justices in the police district of Dublin metropolis, or to the recorder of any corporate or borough lown when the conviction shall be made by any justice or justices in such corporate or boroiigh town (unless when any such sessions shall commence within ten days from the date of any such conviction, in which case, if the appellant sees fit, the appeal may be made to the next succeeding sessions to be held for such division or town), and it shall be lawful for such court of quarter sessions or recorder (as the case may be) to decide such appeal, if made in such form and manner and such notices as are required by the said petty sessions Acts respectively herein-before mentioned as to appeals against orders made by justices at petty sessions, and all the provisions of the said petty sessions Acts respectively as to making appeals and as to 88 & 39 VICT. c. 63, ss. 2327. 593 executing the orders made 011 appeal, or the original orders where the Section 23 appeals shall not be duly prosecuted, shall [also apply to any appeal made under this Act. 24. In any prosecution under this Act, where the fact of an In any pro- article having been sold in a mixed state has been proved, if the secution defendant shall desire to rely upon any exception or provision defendant to contained in this Act, it shall be incumbent upon him to prove the P rove that he same. is protected by exception or provision. 25. If the defendant in any prosecution under this Act prove to Defendant to bo the satisfaction of the justices or court that he had purchased the dls charged if he article in question as the same in nature, substance, and quality as bought the that demanded of him by the prosecutor, and with a written warranty article la the to that effected) that he had no reason to believe at the time when he low^mfwith sold it that the article was otherwise, and that he sold it in the same a warranty, state as when he purchased it, he shall be discharged from the pro- NO costs except secution, bxtt shall be liable to pay the costs incurred by the prose- on issues proved cutor, unless he shall have given due notice to him that he will rely a s ainst 1 * im< on the above defence. 26. Every penalty imposed and recovered under this Act shall Application be paid in the case of a prosecution by any officer, inspector, or of penalties, constable of the authority who shall have appointed an analyst or agreed to the acting of an analyst within their district, to such officer, inspector, or constable, and shall be by him paid to the authority for whom he acts, and be applied towards the expenses of executing this Act, any statute to the contrary notwithstanding ; but in the case of any other prosecution the same shall be paid and applied in England according to the law regulating the application of penalties for offences punishable in a summary manner, and in Ireland in the manner directed by the Fines Act, Ireland, 1851, and the Acts amending the same. 27. Any person who shall forge, or shall utter, knowing it to be Punishment forged for the purposes of this Act, any certificate or any writing pur- for forging porting to contain a warranty, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and certificate or be punishable on conviction by imprisonment for a term of not warranty; exceeding two years with hard labour ; Every person who shall wilfully apply to an article of food, or a f? wilful drug, in any proceedings under this Act, a certificate or warranty misapplica- given in relation to any other article or drug, shall be guilty of an ** on ^ offence under this Act, and be liable to a penalty not exceeding warranty; twenty pounds ; Every person who shall give a false warranty in writing to any for false purchaser in respect of an article of food or a drug sold by him as warranty ) principal or agent, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act, and be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds ; And every person who shall wilfully give a label with any article for false sold by him which shall falsely describe the article sold, shall be label. (a) In a prosecution for selling lard adulterated with 15 per cent, of water, it was held that an invoice was not a written warranty within this enactment so as to discharge the defendant : Rook v. Hopley, L. B. 3 Ex. D. 209. 2 Q 594 APPENDIX. THE SALE OF FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, 1875. Section 27. guilty of an offence under this Act, and be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. Proceedings by indict- ment and contracts not to be affected.(a) 28. Nothing in this Act contained shall affect the power of pro- ceeding by indictment, or take away any other remedy against any offender under this Act, or in any way interfere with contracts and bargains between individuals, and the rights and remedies belonging thereto. Provided that in any action brought by any person for a breach of contract on the sale of any article of food or of any drug, such person may recover alone or in addition to any other damages recoverable by him the amount of any penalty in which he may have been con- victed under this Act, together with the costs paid by him upon such conviction and those incurred by him in and about his defence thereto, if he prove that the article or drug the subject of such conviction was sold to him as and for an article or drug of the same nature, substance, and quality as that which was demanded of him, and that he purchased it not knowing it to be otherwise, and afterwards sold it in the same state in which he purchased it ; the defendant in such action being nevertheless at liberty to prove that the conviction was wrongful, or that the amount of costs awarded or claimed was unreasonable. Expenses of executing the, Act. Expenses 29. The expenses of executing this Act shall be borne, in the city of executing of London and the liberties thereof, by the consolidated rates raised Act. by the commissioners of sewers of the city of London and the liberties thereof, and in the rest of the metropolis by any rates or funds applicable to the purposes of the Act for the better local manage- ment of the metropolis, and otherwise as regards England, in counties by the county rate, and in boroughs by the borough fund or rate ; (I) and as regards Ireland, in counties by the grand jury cess, and in boroughs by the borough fund or rate ; all such expenses payable in any county out of grand jury cess shall be paid by the treasurer of such county ; and The grand jury of any such county shall, at any assizes at which it is proved that any such expenses have been incurred or paid without previous application to presentment sessions, present to be raised off and paid by such county the moneys required to defray the same. (a) See note (i) to section 3, ante. (b) By the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879, post, section 8 : " The town council of any borough having a separate court of quarter sessions shall be exempt from contributing towards the expenses incurred in the execution of the principal Act in respect of the county within which such borough is situate, and the treasurer of the county shall exclude the expenses so incurred from the account required by section one hundred and seventeen of the Municipal Corporation Act, 1835, to be sent by him to such town council ; section 9 provides for boroughs with separate police establishments. 38 & 39 VICT. c. 63, ss. 3033. 595 Special Provision as to Tea, Sect ^ 30> 30. From and after the first day of January one thousand eight Tea to be hundred and seventy-six all tea imported as merchandize into and examined by landed at any port in Great Britain or Ireland shall be subject to the customs examination by persons to be appointed by the commissioners of . n im P r t a * customs, subject to the approval of the treasury, for the inspection ^ on * and analysis thereof, for which purpose samples may, when deemed necessary by such inspectors, be taken and with all convenient speed be examined by the analysts to be so appointed ; and if upon such analysis the same shall be found to be mixed with other substances or exhausted tea, (c) the same shall not be delivered unless with the sanction of the said commissioners, and on such terms and conditions as they shall see fit to direct, either for home consumption or for use as ships' stores or for exportation ; but if on such inspection and analysis it shall appear that such tea is in the opinion of the analyst unfit for human food, (d) the same shall be forfeited and destroyed or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the said com- missioners may direct. 31. Tea to which the term " exhausted " is applied in this Act Interpreta- shall mean and include any tea which has been deprived of its tion of Act. proper quality, strength, or virtue by steeping, infusion, decoction, or other means. 32. For the purposes of this Act every liberty of a cinque port not Provision comprised within the jurisdiction of a borough shall be part of the for the county in which it is situated, and subject to the jurisdiction of the liberty of a justices of such county. cinque port, (e) 33. In the application of this Act to Scotland the following pro- Application visions shall have effect : of the Act 1. The term " misdemeanor " shall mean " a crime or offence :" to Scotland. 2. The term " defendant " shall mean " defender " and include "respondent:" 3. The term " information " shall include " complaint :" 4. This Act shall be read and construed as if for the term "jus- tices," wherever it occurs therein, the term " sheriff " were substituted : 5. The term " sheriff" shall include " sheriff substitute :" 6. The term "borough" shall mean any royal burgh and any burgh returning or contributing to return a member to Par- liament : (c) See interpretation of term "exhausted" in next section. (d) See as to adulteration of tea, JR. v. Foster, 46 L. J. M. C. 128 j Roberts v. Egerton, 43 L. J. M. C. 135 ; L. E. 9 Q. B. 494, 499, which was a conviction under the 35 & 36 Viet. c. 74, ss. 2 and 3, on the ground that in the case of a simple commodity like tea, the mode by which it was coloured was an adulteration, and this adulteration, though known to the trade, being unknown to the public, the tea must be taken to be sold as unadulterated. (e) By section 7 of the Pood and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879,^0^, " every liberty having a separate court of quarter sessions, except a liberty of a cinque port, shall be deemed to be a county within the meauing of this Act." 2 Q 2 596 APPENDIX. THE SALE OF FOOD AND DKUGS ACT, 1875, Section 33. 7. The expenses of executing this Act shall be borne in Scotland, in counties by the county general assessment, and in burghs by the police assessment : 8. This Act shall be read and construed as if for the expression "the local government board," wherever it occurs therein, the expression ' one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state " were substituted : 9. All penalties provided by this Act to be recovered in a sum- mary manner shall be recovered before the sheriff of the county in the sheriff court, or at the option of the person seeking to recover the same in the police court, in any place where a sheriff officiates as a police magistrate under the pro- visions of " The Summary Procedure Act, 1864," or of the police Act in force for the time in any place in which a sheriff officiates as aforesaid, and all the jurisdiction, powers, and authorities necessary for this purpose are hereby conferred on sheriffs : Every such penalty may be recovered at the instance of the procurator fiscal of the jurisdiction, or of the person who caused the analysis to be made from which it appeared that an offence had been committed against some one 01 the provisions of this Act : Every penalty imposed and recovered under this Act shall be paid to the clerk of court, and by him shall be accounted for and paid to the treasurer of the county general assess- ment, or the police assessment of the burgh, as the sheriff shall direct : 10. Every penalty imposed by this Act may be reduced or miti- gated according to the judgment of the sheriff : 11. It shall be competent to any person aggrieved by any con- viction by a sheriff in any summary proceeding under this Act to appeal against the same to the next circuit court, or where there are no circuit courts to the high court of justiciary at Edinburgh, in the manner prescribed by such of the pro- visions of the Act of the twentieth year of the reign of King George the Second, chapter forty-three, and any Acts amend- ing the same, as relate to appeals in matters criminal, and by and under the rules, limitations, conditions, and restrictions contained in the said provisions. Interpreta- tion of terms in application of Act to Ireland. 34. In the application of this Act to Ireland, The term " borough " shall mean any borough subject to the Act of the session of the third and fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and eight, inti- tuled " An Act for the regulation of Municipal Corporations in Ireland :" The term " county " shall include a county of a city and a county of a town not being a borough : The term " assizes " shall, with respect to the county of Dublin, mean " presenting term : " The term " treasurer of the county " shall include any person or persons or bank in any county performing duties analogous to those of the treasurer of the county in counties, and, with respect to the county of Dublin, it shall mean the finance committee : 38 & 89 VICT. c. 68, ss. 34 36. SCHEDULE. 597 The term " police constable " shall mean, with respect to the police Section 34, district ot Dublin metropolis, constable of the Dublin metro- politan police, and with respect to any other part of Ireland, constable of the royal Irish constabulary. 35. This Act shall commence on the first day of October one Commence- thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. ment of the Act. 36.^This Act may be cited as " The Sale of Food and Drugs Act, Title of the SCHEDULE. FORM OF CERTIFICATE. To (a) I, the undersigned, public analyst for the , do herehy certify that I received on the day of , 18 , from (b) , a sample of for analysis (which then weighed (c) ), and have analysed the same, and declare the result of my analysis to be as follows : I am of opinion that the same is a sample of genuine or, I am of opinion that the said sample contained the parts as under or the per-centages of foreign ingredients as under. Observatiotis (d). As witness my hand this day of A.B., at (a) Here insert the name of the person submitting the article for analysis. (b) Here insert the name of the person delivering the sample. (c) When the article cannot be conveniently weighed, this passage may be erased, or the blank may be left unfilled. (d) Here the analyst may insert at his discretion his opinion as to whether the mixture (if any) was for the purpose of rendering the article portable or palatable, or of preserving it, or of improving the appearance, or was unavoidable, and may state whether in excess of what is ordinary, or other- wise, and whether the ingredients or materials mixed are or are not injurious to health. In the case of a certificate regarding milk, butter, or any article liable to decomposition, the analyst shall specially report whether any cliange had taken place in the constitution of the article that would interfere with the analysis. AN ACT TO AMEND THE SALE OF FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, 1875. 42 & 43 VICT. CAP. 30. 21ST JULY, 1879. 38 & 39 Viet, c.63. Short title. In sale of adulterated articles no defence to allege pur. chase for analysis. Officer, in- spector, or constable may obtain a sample of milk at the place of delivery to submit to analyst. WHEREAS conflicting decisions have been given in England and in Scotland (a) in regard to the meaning and effect of section six of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875, in this Act referred to as the principal Act, and it is expedient, in this respect and otherwise, to amend the said Act : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879. 2. In any prosecution under the provisions of the principal Act (6) for selling to the prejudice of the purchaser any article of food or any drug, which is not of the nature, substance, and quality of the article demanded by such purchaser, it shall be no defence to any such pro- secution to allege that the purchaser, having bought only for analysis, was not prejudiced by such sale. Neither shall it be a good defence to prove that the article of food or drug in question, though defective in nature or in substance or in quality, was not defective in all three respects. 3. Any medical officer of health, inspector of nuisances, or inspector of weights and measures, or any inspector of a market, or any police constable under the direction and at the cost of the local authority appointing such officer, inspector, or constable, or charged with the exe- cution of this Act, may procure at the place of delivery (c) any sample of any milk in course of delivery to the purchaser or consignee in pursuance of any contract for the sale to such purchaser or consignee of such milk ; and such officer, inspector, or constable, if he suspect the same to have been sold contrary to any of the provisions of the principal Act, shall submit the same to be analysed, and the same shall be analysed, and proceedings shall be taken, and penalties on conviction be enforced in like manner in all respects as if such officer, inspector, or constable had purchased the same from the seller or consignor under section thirteen of the principal Act. (a) This apparently refers to the case of Davidson v. McLeod before the high court of justiciary at Edinburgh, cited in note (g), p. 587, ante. (b) That is under section 6. (c) This and the following section get rid of the restriction as to the place of sale in section 17 of the principal Act. 42 & 43 VICT. c. 30, ss. 410. 599 4. The seller or consignor or any person or persons entrusted by him for the time being with the charge of such milk, if he shall Section 4. refuse to allow such officer, inspector, or constable to take the p ena u v f or Quantity which such officer, inspector, or constable shaU require for re f usa l to the purpose of analysis, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding cri ve m ;ik f or ten pounds. analysis. 5. Any street or open place of public resort shall be held to come Extension of within the meaning of section seventeen of the principal Act. Act as to sale in streets, &c. 6. In determining whether an offence has been committed under Reduction section six of the said Act by selling, to the prejudice of the allowed to the purchaser, spirits not adulterated otherwise than by the admixture extent of of water (d), it shall be a good defence to prove that such admixture 25 degrees has not reduced the spirit to more than twenty-five degrees under under proof proof for brandy, whisky, or rum, or thirty-five degrees under proof f r brandy, for gin. whisky, or rum, and 35 7. Every liberty having a separate court of quarter sessions, except de o reesf orgin. a liberty of a cinque port, shall be deemed to be a county within the Extension of meaning of the said Act. meaning of " county." 8. The town council of any borough having a separate court of Quarter quarter sessions shall be exempt from contributing towards the sessions expenses incurred in the execution of the principal Act in respect boroughs not of the county within which such borough is situate, and the to contribute treasurer of the county shall exclude the expenses so incurred from * county the account required by section one hundred and seventeen of the analyst. Municipal Corporation Act, 1835, to be sent by him to such town 5 & 6 Will. 4, council. c. 76. 9. The town council of any borough having under any general Provision for or local Act of parliament, or otherwise, a separate police establish- boroughs ment, and being liable to be assessed to the county rate of the with separate county within which the borough is situate, shall be paid by the police, justices of such county the proportionate amount contributed towards the expenses incurred by the county in the execution of the principal Act by the several parishes and parts of parishes within such borough in respect of the rateable value of the property assessable therein, as ascertained by the valuation lists for the time being in force. 10. In all prosecutions under the principal Act, and notwith- Special pro- standing the provisions of section twenty of the said Act, the vision as to summons to appear before the magistrates shall be served upon the time for . person charged with violating the provisions of the said Act within proceedings, a reasonable time, and in the case of a perishable article not exceed- ing twenty-eight days from the time of the purchase from such person for test purposes of the food or drug, for the sale of which in contravention to the terms of the principal Act the seller is rendered liable to prosecution, and particulars of the offence or offences against the said Act of Avhich the seller is accused, and also the name of the prosecutor, shall be stated on the summons, and the summons shall not be made returnable in a less time than seven days from the day it is served upon the person summoned. (d) As to cases on the dilution of spirits with water before this Act refer to note (ff), p. 587, ante. AN ACT FOR THE BETTER PREVENTION OF DISEASES. 18 & 19 VICT. CAP. 116. 14TH AUGUST, 1855. WHEREAS the provisions of " The Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act, 1848," amended by " The Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Amendment Act, 1849," in so far as the same relate to the prevention or mitigation of epidemic, endemic, or con- tagious diseases, are defective, and it is expedient to substitute other provisions more effectual in that behalf : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Short title. 1- This Act may be cited for all purposes as the " Diseases Preven- tion Act, 1855 " (a). Local autho- 2. The local authority for executing this Act shall be the local rity for authority acting in execution of any general Act in force for the time execution of being for the removal of nuisances (b). Act. Expenses of ^. '^ ne ex P enses incurred in execution of this Act shall be borne A c out of the rates or funds administered by such local authority, under the provisions and for the purposes of any such general Act as is referred to in the preceding section (c). Power of 4. The local authority and their officers shall have power of entry entry. for the purposes of this Act, and for executing or superintending the execution of the regulations and directions of the general board issued under this Act. Power to 5. Whenever any part of England appears to be threatened with (a) This Act is repealed, except so far as relates to the metropolis, by the Public Health Act, 1875, s. 343, sched. 5, Part 1, except as to any thing duly done or suffered, &c., or any right or liability acquired. See note to section 1 of Nuisances Eemoval Act for England, 1855, post. (b) This and the 3rd section, and every other enactment constituting a local authority for the execution of this Act or providing for the expenses of the execution thereof, except those contained in the 18 & 19 Viet, c. 120, the Metropolis Local Management Act, were repealed by the 23 & 24 Viet. c. 77, s. 10. Sec Act, post. (c) See note to preceding section. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 116, ss. 58. 601 or is affected by any formidable epidemic, endemic, or contagious Section 5, disease, the lords and others of Her Majesty's most honourable privy council, or any three or more of them (the lord president of the P ri . v y council council or one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state being *? lssue orders one) may, by order or orders to be by them from time to time made, : hat P rovisions direct that the provisions herein contained for the prevention of p rei ^ on * diseases be put in force in England, or in such parts thereof as in J? r such order or orders respectively may be 'expressed, and may from J f diseases time to time, as to all or any of the parts to which any such order or may be put orders extend, and in like manner revoke or renew any such order ; in force (cZ) and, subject to revocation and renewal as aforesaid, every such order shall be in force for six calendar months, or for such shorter period as in such order shall be expressed ; and every such order of Her Majesty's privy council, or of any members thereof, as aforesaid, shall be certified under the hand of the clerk in ordinary of Her Majesty's privy council, and shall be published in the London Gazette ; and such publication shall be conclusive evidence of such order to all intents and purposes. 6. From time to time after the issuing of any such order as afore- Power to said, and whilst the same continues in force, the general board of general board health (e) may issue directions and regulations, as the said board of health to think fit issue regula- For the speedy interment of the dead : tions to carr y For house to house visitation : ou * such P ro ' For the dispensing of medicines, guarding against the spread of vlslons ' disease, and affording to persons afflicted by or threatened with such epidemic, endemic, or contagious diseases, such medical aid and such accommodation as may be required : And from time to time in like manner may revoke, renew, and alter Local extent any such directions and regulations as to the said board appears and duration expedient, to extend to all parts in which the provisions of this Act of regulations for the prevention of disease shall for the time being be put in force f general under such orders as aforesaid, unless such directions and regulations board, be expressly confined to some of such parts, and then to such parts as therein are specified ; and (subject to the power of revocation and alteration herein contained) such directions and regulations shall continue in force so long as the said provisions of this Act shall under such order be applicable to the same parts. 7. Every such direction and regulation as aforesaid, when issued, Publication shall be published in the London Gazette, and the Gazette in which O f such regu- such direction or regulation was published shall be conclusive lations. evidence of the direction or regulation so published, to all intents and purposes. 8. The local authority shall superintend and see to the execution The local (d) The provisions relating to the prevention of epidemic diseases in the Public Health Act, 1875, are contained in the 134th to the 140th sections inclusive. They apply to the districts of local authorities as defined by this (e) The powers of general board of health became vested in privy council by 21 and 22 Vicfc. c. 97. By the Public Health Act, 1875, section 130, the local government board were empowered to make, alter, and revoke regulations for treatment of persons afflicted with cholera or any other epidemic, endemic, or infectious disease, and preventing the spread of such diseases. 602 APPENDIX. THE DISEASES PREVENTION ACT, 1855. Section 8. f sucn di rect i Qlls an( l regulations, and shall appoint and pay such medical or other officers or persons, and do and provide all such acts, matters, and things, as may be necessary for mitigating such disease, or for superintending or aiding in the execution of such directions and regulations, or for executing the same, as the case may require. authority to see to the execution of guoh regula- tions, &c. and may direct proge- cutions for violating the game. Orders of council, direc- tions and regulationg to be laid before parliament. Order in council may extend to parts and arms of the sea. () Medical officers of unions and others entitled to costs of attending sick on board vessels, when required by orders of general board of health, (c) ecu- .on or 9. The local authority may from time to time direct any pros tions or legal proceedings for or in respect of the wilful violatio neglect of any such direction and regulation. 10. Every order of Her Majesty's privy coiincil, and every direc- tion and regulation of the general board of health, under this Act, shall be laid before both houses of parliament forthwith upon the issuing thereof, if parliament be then sitting, and if not, then within fourteen days next after the commencement of the then next session of parliament. 11. Orders in council issued in pursuance of this Act for putting in force the provisions for the prevention of disease in the said Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Acts contained, in Great Britain, may extend to parts and arms of the sea lying within the jurisdiction of the admiralty ; and the board of health (b) for England may issue under this Act directions and regulations for cleansing, purifying, ventilating, and disinfecting, and providing medical aid and accommodation, and preventing disease in ships and vessels, as well upon arms and parts of the sea aforesaid as upon inland waters. 12. Whenever in compliance with any regulation of the general board of health, which they may be empowered to make under this Act, any medical officer appointed under and by virtue of the laws for the time being for the relief of the poor, shall perform any medical service on board of any vessel, such medical officer shall be entitled to charge extra for any such service, at the general rate of his allowance for his services for the union or place for which he is appointed, and such charges shall be payable by the captain of the vessel, on behalf of the owners, together with any reasonable expenses for the treatment of the sick ; and if such services shall be rendered by any medical practitioner who is not a union or parish officer, he shall be entitled to charges for any service rendered on board, with extra remuneration on account of distance, at the same rate as those which he is in the habit of receiving from private patients of the class of those attended and treated on shipboard, to be paid as aforesaid ; and in case of dispute in respect of such charges, such dispute may, where the charges do not exceed 20, be determined summarily, at the place where the dispute arises, as in case of seamen's wages not exceeding .50, according to the provisions of the law (d) in that (a) See Sanitary Act, 1866, section 52, with respect to vessels having on board persons affected with infectious diseases ; and Public Health Act, 1875, sched. 5, Part III, declaring such vessels to be within 6 Geo. 4, c. 78, although they had not commenced their voyage or have sailed from, or are bound to, some place in the United Kingdom. (6) See note to section 6. (c) Compare section 138 of Public Health Act, 1875. (d) According to provisions contained in sections 188, 523, of Mer- chant Shipping Act, 17 & 18 Viet. c. 104. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 116, ss; 1215. 603 behalf for the time being in force ; and any justice before whom Section 12. complaint is made shall determine summarily as to the amount which is reasonable, according to the accustomed rate of charge within the place for attendance on patients of the like class or con- ditions as those in respect of whom the charge is made. 13. The directions and regulations df the general board of health Authentica- xtnder this enactment shall be under the seal of the said board, and tions of the hand of the president or two or more members thereof ; and any directions and copy of such regulations purporting to bear such seal and signature, regulations whether the said signature and seal be respectively impressed and f general written, or printed only, shall be evidence in all proceedings in which board of such regulations may come in question. health, (e) 14. Whoever wilfully obstructs any person acting under the Penalty for authority or employed in the execution of this Act, and whosoever obstructing wilfully violates any direction or regulation issued by the general execution of board of health as aforesaid, shall be liable for every such offence to Act. a penalty not exceeding 5, to be appropriated in or towards defraying the expenses of executing this Act. 15. The provisions of any general Act in force for the removal Certain pro- of nuisances, with regard to the service of notices, the proof of orders visions of or resolutions of the local authority, and the recovery of penalties, Nuisances shall extend and apply to this Act. (e) Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act, 1878. this Act. AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND AMEND THE NUISANCES REMOVAL AND DISEASES PREVENTION ACTS, 1848 AND 1849 (a), 18 & 19 VICT. CAP. 121, 14TH AUGUST, 1855. 11 & 12 Viet. WHEREAS the provisions of " The Nuisances Removal and Diseases c. 111. Prevention Act, 1848," amended by " The Nuisances Removal and 12 & 13 Viet. Diseases Prevention Amendment Act 1849," are defective, and it is c. 123. expedient to repeal the said Acts, as far as relates to England, and to substitute other provisions more effectual in that behalf : Be it there- fore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Recited Acts 1. From and after the passing of this Act, the said Acts are by repealed as this section repealed as far as relates to England : Provided always, far as relates that all proceedings commenced or taken under the said Acts, and to England, (a) This Act was amended by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 77, and 26 & 27 Viet. c. 117 (Nuisances Removal Acts for England Amendment Act, 1863), 29 & 30 Viet. c. 41 (Nuisances Removal Act, No. 1, 1866), and 29 & 30 Viet. c. 90 (Sanitary Act, 1866). The whole of these Acts and this Act were, by The Public Health Act, 1872, 35 & 36 Viet. c. 79, s. 60, included in the expression " Nuisances Removal Acts." The Sanitary Act, 1866, was amended by 31 & 32 Viet. c. 100 (Sanitary Loans Act, 1869), 33 & 34 Viet. c. 53 (Sanitary Act, 1870), 35 & 36 Viet. c. 79 (The Public Health Act, 1872), and 37 & 38 Viet. c. 84 (Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874). The 38 & 39 Viet. c. 55 (The Public Health Act, 1875), which consoli- dates and embodies in a single statute the scattered and isolated provisions contained in various Acts relating to the powers and duties of sanitary authorities in England, repeals the whole of the foregoing enactments, except so far as relates to the metropolis (section 343, Sched. V., Part I.), subject to the savings and qualifications in that section. The repeal of the Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874, by the Act of 1875, also excepts the metropolitan police district as well as the metropolis. The second section enacts that the Act shall not extend to Scotland or Ireland, nor, save as therein expressly provided, to the metropolis as defined by the Metropolis Management Act, 3 855. There are very few provisions which apply to the metropolis, and those which do are referred to in the notes appended to this and the amending Acts which follow, 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 1, 2. 605 not yet completed, may be proceeded with under the said Acts ; Section 1, and all contracts or works undertaken by virtue of the said Acts shaU continue and be effectual as if the said Acts had not been exce P t 1 ^ s to repealed. proceedings commenced, (b) 2. In this Act the following words and expressions have the mean- Interpreta- ings by this section hereinafter assigned to them, unless such mean- tion of certain ings be repugnant to or inconsistent with the context ; (that is to terms used in say,) the word " place " includes any city, borough, district under the this Act. Public Health Act, parish, township, or hamlet, or part of any such city, borough, district, town, parish, township, or hamlet ; the word " guardians " includes the directors, wardens, overseers, governors, or other like officers having the management of the poor for any parish, or place where the matter or any part of the matter requiring the cognizance of any such officer arises ; the word " borough," and the expressions "may or, aldermen, and burgesses," "council," and "borough fund," have respectively the same meaning as in the Acts for the regulation of municipal corporations, and shall also respectively mean, include, and apply to any royal borough, royal town, or other town having a warden, high bailiff, borough reeve, or other chief officer, and burgesses or inhabitants, however designated, associated with him in the government or management thereof, or any town or place having a governing body therein in the nature of a corporation or otherwise, and to the chief officers and governing bodies of such boroughs, towns, and places, and to the funds and property under the management of or at the disposal of such chief officers and governing bodies; the expression "Improvement Act" means an Act for regulating and managing the police of, and for draining, cleansing, paving, lighting, watching, and improving a place, and an Act for any of those purposes; the word "owner" includes any person receiving rents of the property in respect of which that word is used from the occupier of such property on his own account, or as trustee or agent for any other person, or as receiver or sequestrator appointed by the court of chancery or under any order thereof, or who would receive the same if such property were let to a tenant (c); the word " premises " extends to all messuages, lands, or tenements, whether open or inclosed, whether built on or not, and whether public or private ; the word " parish " includes every township or place separately maintaining its poor, or separately maintaining its own highways ; the expression " quarter sessions " means the court of general or quarter sessions of the peace for a county, riding, or divi- sion of a county, city, or borough ; the word " person," and words applying to any person or individual, apply to and include corpora- tions, whether aggregate or sole ; and the expression "two justices" shall, in addition to its ordinary signification, mean one stipendiary or police magistrate acting in any police court for the district. (J) After the passing of the Public Health Act, 1875, a local board made a rate referring to a repealed Act. Held, that the notice of the rate was a "thing done" within the provision, section 343, of the Act, and valid j R. v. West Riding Yorkshire, JJ., L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 220. An order prohibiting a smoke nuisance before the passing of the same Act, held, "a liability" within the same provision; Barnes v. Eddleston, L. K. 1 Ex. D., 102. (c) See failure of local authority to recover expenses of works for abate- ment of nuisance against parties acting under power of attorney as owners in BlyiUng v. Warton, 3 B. & S. p. 352. 606 APPENDIX. THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOB ENGLAND, 1855. PAET I. Section 3. The local authority to execute this Act in places as herein stated (a) PART I. And with respect to tlie constitution of the local authority for the execution of this Act, the expenses of its execution, the description of nuisances that may be dealt with under it, and the powers of entry for the purposes of the Act, be it enacted thus : 3. The following bodies shall respectively be the local authority to execute this Act in the districts hereunder stated in England : In any place within which the Public Health Act is or shall be in force, the local board of health : In any other place wherein a council exists or shall exist, the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses by the council, except in the city of London and the liberties thereof, where the local autho- rity shall be the commissioners of sewers for the time being ; and except in the city of Oxford and borough of Cambridge, where the local authority shall be the commissioners acting in execution of the Local Improvement Acts in force respectively in the said city and borough : In any place in which there is no local board of health or council, and where there are or shall be trustees or commissioners under an improvement Act, such trustees or commissioners : In any place within which there is no such local board of health nor council, body of trustees, or commissioners, and where there is or shall be a board for the repair of the highways of such place, that board : In any place where there is no such local board of health, council, body of trustees, or commissioners, nor highway board, a com- mittee for carrying this Act into execution, by the name of " The Nuisances Removal Committee," of which the surveyor or surveyors of highways for the time being of such place shall be ex officio a member or members, may be annually chosen by the vestry on the same day as the overseers or surveyors of high- ways, and the first of such committees may be chosen at a vestry to be specially held for that purpose ; and such committee may consist of such number of members us the vestry shall determine, not being more than twelve, exclusive of such surveyor or sur- veyors, and of such committee three shall be a quorum : In any place wherein there is no such local board of health, council, body of trustees or commissioners, highway board or committee appointed as aforesaid, and wherein there is or shall be a board of inspectors for lighting or Avatching under the Act 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90, that board with the surveyor of high- ways : (re) This and the 6th, 7th, and 9th sections of this Act arc repealed by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 77, s. 1, save as to charges and expenses already incurred, &c. Section 6 of that Act contains a provision, that as regards the metropolis, vestries, and district hoards within their respective parishes and districts, shall continue to he the local authority for the execution of the Nuisances Removal Act, and their charges and expenses shall be defrayed as if that Act (23 & 24 Viet. c. 77) had not been passed; and by the Sanitary Act, 1866, the term " nuisance authority " is denned to mean, any authority empowered to execute the Nuisances Removal Acts. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 37. 607 In any place in which there is no such local board of health, PABT I. council, body of trustees, or commissioners, nor highway board, -7- nor committee appointed as aforesaid, nor board of inspectors Section 3. for lighting and watching, the guardians and overseers of the poor and the surveyors of the highways in and for such place. 4. On any vacancy in such nuisances removal coinmitte arising As to filling from death, change of residence or otherwise, notice shall be given U P vacancies, by the committee to the churchwardens, who shall forthwith summon a meeting of the vestry, and fill up such vacancy by election ; and until such vacancy is filled up the remaining members of the committee may act in all respects as if their number was com- plete. 5. The local authority may appoint any committee of their own Power to local body to receive notices, take proceedings, and in all or certain speci- authority to lied respects execute this Act, Avhereof two shall be a quorum ; and appoint corn- such local authority, or their committee, may, in each particular case, mitteau by order in writing (6) iinder the hand of the chairman of such body or committee, empower any officer or person to make complaints and take proceeding on their behalf. 6. In extra-parochial places not comprised within the jurisdiction of As to the exe- any of the local authorities aforesaid, and having a population of not cution of this less than two hundred persons, the local authority for the execution Act in extra- of this Act shall be a nuisance removal committee, elected annually parochial by the householders within the extra parochial place : places, (c) The first election of such committee shall take place at a meeting of such householders summoned for that purpose by the church- wardens of the adjacent place having the largest common boun- dary, with such extra-parochial place ; and Subsequent elections shall be held annually on some day in Easter week at meetings summoned by the chairman of the authority for the year preceding : Extra-parochial places not so comprised as aforesaid, and having a population of less than two hundred persons, shall for the pur- pose of this Act be attached to and form part of the adjacent place having the largest common boundary with the extra-paro- chial place, and notice of vestry meetings for the election of a local authority under and for the purposes of this Act shall be given in such extra-parochial places, and the householders within such places may attend such vestry meetings, and vote on such elections. 7. All charges and expenses incurred by the local authority in As to defray - executing this Act, and not recovered, as by this Act provided, may ing expenses be defrayed as follows ; to wit, of executing Out of general district rates, where the local authority is a local tnis Acfc - ( d ) board of health ; Out of the borough fund or borough rate, where the local authority is the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses by the council, or if there (6) The order must have been in writing; Isle of Wight Ferry Com- pany v. Eyde Commissioners, 25 J. P. 454. (c) Repealed by 23 & 24 Viet. c. 77, with a saving in favour of vestries aud district boards in the metropolis. See note to section 3, ante. (d) See note to section 3, ante. 608 APPENDIX. THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOR ENGLAND, 1855. PART. I. be an improvement Act for the borough administered by the q TT~ _ council, then out of rates levied thereunder applicable to the pur- oection /. p 0seg O f mc fa improvement Act ; or in the city of London and the liberties thereof, any rates or funds administered by the commis- sioners of sewers for the said city and liberties : Provided always, that in the city of Oxford and borough of Cambridge . such expenses shall be deemed annual charges and expenses of cleansing the streets of the said city and borough respectively, and shall be so payable ; Out of the rates levied for the purposes of improvement under any improvement Act, where the local authority is a body of trus- tees or commissioners acting in execution of the powers of such an Act ; Out ol highway rates, or any fund applicable in aid or in lieu thereof, where the local authority is a highway board, or a nuisance re- moval committee ; Out of the rates for lighting and watching, where the local autho- rity is a board of inspectors appointed for lighting and watching ; And if there be no such rates or funds, or if the local authority be the guardians and surveyors of highways, then out of the rates or funds applicable to the relief of the poor of the parish or place wherein such rates or funds are collected or arise, if such parish or place be co-extensive with the district within which the charges and expenses are incurred, but if such parish or place be now or hereafter shall be partly comprised within and partly without the limits of a place where a local authority, other than a high- way board, nuisance removal committee, inspectors of watching and lighting, and surveyors or guardians and surveyors exists or shall exist, all the charges and expenses incurred in the district comprising that part of the parish or place which is excluded from such limits shall be defrayed out of any highway rate or rates, or any funds applicable in lieu thereof, collected or raised within the part so excluded ; and if there be more than one highway rate collected within such district, the local authority shall settle the proportion in which the respective parties or places liable thereto shall bear such charges and expenses ; and if any portion of such excluded part be exempt from such highway rate or rates, then all the charges and expenses in- curred in the whole of such excluded part shall be defrayed out of any district police rate or other rate which may by the Act 12 & 13 Viet. cap. 65, be raised and assessed upon such excluded part. And when the local authority has not control of such rates or funds, the officer or person having the custody or control thereof shall pay over the amount to the local authority, on the order of two justices, directed to such officer or person ; and on neglect or refusal to pay the sum specified in such order for six days after the service thereof, the same may, by warrant under the hands of the same or any two justices, be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the officer or person in default, and such levy shall include the costs of such distress and sale : In extra-parochial places having a population of not less than two hundred persons, out of a rate assessed by the local authority on all such property in the place as would be assessable to highway rate if such rate were levied therein : In extra-parochial places having a population of less than two hundred persons, out of a similar rate assessed by the surveyor 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 7, 8. 609 of highways of the adjacent place having the largest common PAET I. boundary with such extra-parochial place : -7- And the local authority in the first case, and the surveyor of high- Section 7. ways in the second, may levy and collect the sums so assessed, in the same manner, and with the same remedies in case of any default in payment thereof, and with the same right of appeal against the amount of such assessment reserved to the person assessed, as are provided by the law in force for the time being with regard to rates for the repair of highways. 8. The word " nuisances " (a) under this Act shall include What arc Any premises in such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious deemed nui- to health : sauces under Any pool, ditch, gutter, watercourse, privy, urinal, cesspool, this Act. drain, or ashpit so foul as to be a nuisance or injurious to health : Any animal so kept as to be a nuisance or injurious to health : Any accumulation or deposit (b) which is a nuisance or injurious to health : Provided always, that no such accumulation or deposit as shall be necessary for the effectual carrying on of any business or manu- facture shall be punishable as a nuisance under this section when it is proved to the satisfaction of the justices that the accumulation or deposit has not been kept longer than is necessary for the pur- ' (a) This definition of the term " nuisances " is by the Sanitary Act, 1866, section 19, extended to houses overcrowded, fireplaces, furnaces and chimneys (not in private dwelling houses) in the condition described in that section ; see the Act post. The 108 section of the Public Health Act, 1875, em- powering local authorities to proceed in case of nuisances caused by acts or defaults without their district, is extended to the metropolis so far as to authorize certain proceedings to be taken under it by any nuisance authority (i.e. the local authority in the metropolis for the execution of the Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, and the Acts amending the same) in respect of nuisances within the area of their jurisdiction caused by acts, &c., within the district of a local authority under the Public Health Act. It had been previously decided that where certain brewers had poured refuse into a river in one parish and created a nuisance in another, the local authority could not prefer a com- plaint: E. v. Cotton, 28 L. J. M. C. 22. The dripping of water from a railway bridge upon a highway underneath, was held not to be a nuisance within this Act : Great Western Railway Company v. Bishop, L. R. 7 Q. B. 550 ; 41 L. J. M. C. 120; as to nuisances within this Act see Soltau v. De Held, 2 Sim. (N.S.) 133. The escape of sulphuretted hydrogen gas from a sewer which appellants were bound to cleanse, was held a nuisance within this section (8), and res- pondents might make complaint though they might have contributed to the nuisance : St. Helen's Chemical Company v. Corporation of St. Helen's, L. R. 1 Ex. D. (C. A.) 196. A house which is so overcrowded as to be dangerous or prejudicial to the health of thf ; inmates, is included within the definitions of " nuisances " in section 19 < f 29 & 30 Viet. c. 90, although occupied by one family only : Guard, of liye Union v. Payne, 40 J. P. 166; 44 L. J. M. C. 148. An ordei to discontinue black smoke under a repealed Act was held to be a " liability " within saving of xepealing Act : Barnes v. Eddleston,i>. R. 1 Ex. D. 1C2. (b) T'ie nuisance must be injurious to health : Great Western Railway Compaq v. Bishop, L. R. 7 Q.B. 550; and see Smith v. Waghorn, 27 J.P. 744; F^e section 53 of Sanitary Act, 1866, as to the periodical removal of mamr'c in mews, stables, &c. 2 R 610 APPENDIX. THE NUISANCES EEMOVAL ACT FOR ENGLAND, 1855. PABT I. poses of such business or manufacture, and that the best available means have been taken for protecting the public from injury to health Section 8. thereby (). Power to local autho- rity to appoint a sanitary inspector, and allow him a proper salary (b). Notice of nuisances to be given to local autho- rity, &c., to ground pro- ceedings (c). Power of entry to local autho- rity or their officer (d). 9. The local authority shall, for the purposes of this Act, appoint or employ, or join with other local authorities in appoint- ing or employing, a sanitary inspector or inspectors, and may appoint a convenient place for his or their office, and may allow to eveiy such person on account of his employment a proper salary or allow- ance ; and where local authorities join in such appointment or em- ployment they may apportion among themselves the payment of such salary or allowance : provided always, that where the local authority has already appointed an officer who executes the duties of such inspector under any improvement Act, it shall not be necessary to appoint any other inspector under this Act, but the inspector acting in execution of the improvement Act shall have all the powers, authorities, and privileges granted to any inspector appointed under this Act. 10. Notice of nuisance may be given to the local authority by any person aggrieved thereby, or by any of the following persons ; the sanitary inspector or any paid officer under the said local authority ; two or more inhabitant householders of the parish or place to which the notice relates ; the relieving officer of the union or parish; any constable or any officer of the constabulary or police force of the district or place ; and in case the premises be a common lodg- ing house, any person appointed for the inspection of common lodging houses ; and the local authority may take cognizance of any such nuisance after entry made as hereinafter provided, or in conformity with any improvement Act under which the inspector has been appointed. 11. The local authority shall have power of entry for the following purposes of this Act, and under the follo^-- : 1. To ground proceedings. For this purpose, when they or any of (a) See Sckolefield v. SchunTc, 19 J. P. 84. (b) Repealed : see note to section 3, ante. (c) See Sanitary Act, 1866, section 20, wan respect to thn rlnt.v nf the nuisance authority as to the inspection of nuisances, &i; By the Sanitary Act, 1866, section 35, on application by the nuisance authority, the secretary of state (now the local government board) may, in manner therein described, declare the enactment mentioned in that section to be in force, empowering a nuisance authority to make regulations for fixing the number of persons who may occupy a house or part of a house let in lodgings or occupied by members of more than one famify, for regis- tration of such houses and other purposes ; and see section 37 empowering the nuisance authority to provide hospitals, &c., and section 38 e, seq. as to penalties when persons suffering from contagious or infectious diseases expose themselves, or persons letting premises in which infected persons ba.v ? InHw' and section 42 as to cellar dwellings. (d) By the Sanitary Act, 1866, section 31, the power ot entry 'nay nc~ exercised at any hour when the business in respect of which the nuisance arises is in progress, &c. ; and see as to time within which justice's order is in force : Amys v. Creed, L. E. 4 Q. B. 122, cited in note to section I'l of Sanitary Act, 1866, post. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 11, 12. able grounds for believing that a nuisance exists on any private premises (e), demand may be made by them or their officer, on any person having custody of the premises, of admission to inspect the same, at any hour between nine in the morning and six in the evening ; and if admission be not granted, any justice having juris- diction in the place may, on oath made before him of belief in the existence of the nuisance, and after reasonable notice of the intended application to such justice being given in writing to the party on whose premises the nuisance is believed to exist, by order under his hand require the person having the custody of the premises to admit the local authority or their officer ; and if no person having custody of the premises can be discovered, any such justice may and shall, on oath made before him of belief in the existence of such nuisance, and of the fact that no person having custody of the premises can be discovered, by order under his hand authorize the local authority or their officers to enter the premises between the hours aforesaid. 2. To examine premises where nuisances exist, to ascertain the course of drains, and to execute or inspect works ordered by justices to be done under this Act. For these purposes, whenever, under the provisions of this Act, a nuisance has been ascertained to exist, or when an order of abatement or prohibition under this Act has been made, or when it becomes necessary to ascertain the course of a drain, the local authority may enter on the premises, by themselves or their officers, between the' hours aforesaid, until the nuisance shall have been abated, or the course of the drain shall have been ascertained, or the works ordered to be done shall have been completed, as the case may be. 3. To remove or abate a nuisance in case of non-compliance with or infringement of the order of justices, or to inspect or examine any carcase, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread or flour (/), under the powers and for the purposes of this Act. For this purpose the local authority or their officer may from time to time enter the premises where the nuisance exists, or the carcase, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, or flour is found, at all reasonable hours (g), or at all hours during which busi- ness is carried on on such premises, without notice. 611 PAST L Section 11. PART II. FABTII. With regard to the removal of nuisances, be it enacted thus : 12. In any case where a nuisance is so ascertained by the local Proceedings authority to exist, or where the nuisance in their opinion did exist by local at the time when the notice was given, and, although the same may authority (e) By the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, section 113, ante, the absence of the prescribed fittings after the prescribed time, is declared to be a nui- sance within this and sections 12-19 inclusive, and all the provisions of this Act. (/) By the Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874, the provision is extended to " milk." (g) The question what is a reasonable time must depend on circum- stances : Cook v. Montagu, 41 L. J. M. C. 198 ; L. K. 7 Q. B. 418 } Small v, BucUey, 32 L. T. (N.S.) 727. 2 B 2 APPENDIX. THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOR ENGLAND, 1855. PABT II. Section 12. If proved to justices that nuisance, exists, &c., they shall issue order for abate- ment, &c. have been since removed or discontinued, is in their opinion likely to recur or to be repeated on the same premises or any part thereof, they shall cause complaint thereof to be made before a justice of the peace ; and such justice shall thereupon issue a summons requiring the person by whose act, default, permission, or sufferance the nuisance arises or continues, or, if such person cannot be found or ascertained, the owner or occupier of the premises on which the nuisance arises, to appear before any two justices, in petty sessions assembled, at the usual place of meeting, who shall proceed to in- quire into the said complaint ; and if it be proved to their satisfac- tion that the nuisance exists, or did exist at the time when the notice was given, or, if removed or discontinued since the notice was given, that it is likely to recur or to be repeated, the justices shall make an order in writing under their hands and seals on such per- son, owner, or occupier for the abatement or discontinuance and pro- hibition of the nuisance as hereinafter mentioned, and shall .also (a) By the action of the sea a quantity of seaweed was drifted into a har- bour, and, being left there, became a nuisance ; held, that the conipany in whom the harbour was vested, were bound to remove it, and not having done so, an order was rightly made upon them under this section ; Mar- gate Pier Company v. Borough of Margate, 5 Cox Mag. Cases ; 20 L. T. (n.s.) 564. The owner of a market was held liable for a nuisance caused by the droppings of sheep left in pens in the market, as a person by whose act, default, or sufferance, the nuisance was created ; Draper \. Sperring, 10 C. B. (N.S.) 113. An owner of works was held liable for a nuisance caused by acts of his servants ; Sanies v. Akroyd, 41 L. J. M. C. 110. An order was made by justices for the abatement of an existing nuisance and for the prohibition of its recurrence ; held, that so much of the order as directed an abatement was bad, but the part prohibiting recurrence was good; Mayor, Sfc., of Scarborough v. Rural Sanitary Authority of Scar- borough, L. K. 1 Ex. D. 344 ; and see B. v. Justices of Cumberland, 41 J. P. 454. When the accumulation occasioned by the flow of sewage from several houses caused a nuisance, the occupier of each house was decided to be liable ; Guardians of Hendon v. Bowles, 20 L. T. (N.S.) 609. Persons in whose premises nuisance commences, are liable as persons by whose acts the nuisance arose; Brown v. Bussell, Francomb v. Freeman, L. R. 3 Q. B. 251. The jurisdiction of justices only arises where both cause and efi'ect of nuisance are within area of local authority ; R. v. Cotton, 1 E. & E. 1203. But see now Public Health Act, 1875, section 108. An order of abatement of a nuisance having bceii made, the nuisance continuing, an order prohibiting the recurrence was made. Two informa- tions having been laid, one in respect of each order, but both founded on the same nuisance, it was held that the act complained of being the same in each case, there could not be two convictions in respect of it ; Eddleston v. Barnes, L. E. 1 Ex. D. 67. The 13th section of 23 & 24 Viet. c. 77, directs the justices to issue a summons upon complaint by any inhabitant of any parish or place of the existence of any nuisance on any private premises, and the justices hearing the complaint are to act in relation thereto as in cases under this section. The Sanitary Act, 1866, section 21, requires notice to be given to the person by whose act, default, or sufferance the nuisances arises, before taking pro- ceedings under this section. And see proviso as to notice where the nui- sance arises from the want or defective construction of any structural con- venience; and 22nd and following sections as to the cleansing and disinfec- ting of houses, and other requirements. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 1214. 613 make an order for the payment of all costs incurred up to the time PAST II. of hearing or making the order for abatement or discontinuance or - prohibition of the nuisance. Section 12. 13. By their order the justices may require the person on whom Justices order it is made to provide sufficient privy accommodation, means of f r abate- drainage or ventilation, or to make safe and habitable, or to pave, ment (*) cleanse, whitewash, disinfect, or purify the premises which are a nuisance or injurious to health, or such part thereof as the justices may direct in their order, or to drain, empty, cleanse, fill up, amend, or remove the injurious pool, ditch, gutter, watercourse, privy, urinal, cesspool, drain, or ashpit which is a nuisance or injurious to health, or to provide a substitute for that complained of, or to carry away the accumulation or deposit which is a nuisance or injurious to health, or to provide for the cleanly and wholesome keeping of the animal kept so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health, or if it be ' proved to the justices to be impossible so to provide, then to remove the animal, or any or all of these things (according to the nature of the nuisance), or to do such other works or acts as are necessary to abate the nuisance complained of, in such manner and within such time as in such order shall be specified ; and if the justices are of opinion that such or the like nuisance is likely to recur, the justices may further prohibit the recurrence of it, and direct the works necessary to prevent such recurrence, as the case may in the judg- ment of "such justices require ; and if the nuisance proved to exist Prohibitive be such as to render a house or building, in the judgment of the order against justices, unfit for human habitation, they may prohibit the using future nui- thereof for that purpose until it is rendered fit for that purpose in the sauce. judgment of the justices, and on their being satisfied that it has been rendered fit for 'such purpose they may determine their previous order by another declaring such house habitable, from the date of which, other order such house may be let or inhabited. 14. Any person not obeying the said order for abatement shall, if Penalty for he fail to satisfy the justices that he has used all due diligence to contravention carry out such order, 'be liable for every such offence to a penalty of of order of not more than ten .shillings per day during his default : and any per- abatement ; eon knowingly and wilfully acting contrary to the said order of pro- and of p ro - hibition shall be liable for every such offence to a penalty not ex- bibition (c). ceedino 1 twenty shillings per day during such contrary action ; and Local autho- the local authority may (d) under the powers of entry given by this rity may enter Act enter the premises to which the order relates, and remove or and removes abate the nuisance condemned or prohibited, and do whatever may abate nui- (6) This order cannot be appealed against; Ex parte Corporation of Lt M P \n'ov on owner,'and in default on local authority, and the latter did not act, owner was held liable to conviction; Tomlinson v. Nuisance Re- moval Committee of Great Stanmore, 12 L. T. (N.S.) 118. A local board are not compilable by mandamus to enforce an order they had obtained; Ex parte Sassett, 1 E. & B. 280. See now Sanitary Act, 1866 section 49, as to defaults by nuisance authorities and other bodies, . (N.S.) 752; and as to continuing offence, S. v. Waterhouse L. E. 7. . B. 54 (J) 4 te J wOT' BiM,26L.J.M. N.S. ; a 54 (J) 4 te J wOT'd?'are 5 'discretionary; Re Local Board of Health of 614 PAET II. Section 14, Appeal against order of prohibi- tion. Appeal against order of abatement when struc- tural works are required If person causing nui- sance cannot be found, local autho- rity to exe- cute order at once. Manure, &c., to be sold. Costs and ex- penses of works to be paid by per- son on whom order is made, or owner or occupier (c). APPENDIX, THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOR ENGLAND, 1855. be necessary in. execution of such order, and charge the cost to the person on whom the order is made, as hereinafter provided. 15. Any such order of prohibition may be appealed against as provided in this Act. 16. When it shall appear to the justices that the execution o structural works is required for the abatement of a nuisance, they may direct such works to be carried out under the direction or with the consent or approval of any public board, trustees, or commis- sioners having jurisdiction in the place in respect of such works; and if within seven days from the date of the order the person on whom it is made shall have given notice to the local authority of his intention to appeal against it as provided in this Act, and shall have entered into recognizances to try such appeal as provided by this Act, and shall appeal accordingly, no liability to penalty shall arise, or shall any work be done nor proceedings taken under such order until after the determination of such appeal, unless such appeal cease to be prosecuted. 17. Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the justices that the person by whose act or default the nuisance arises, or the owner or occupier of the premises, is not known or cannot be found, then such order may be addressed to and executed by such local autho- rity, and the cost defrayed out of the rates or funds applicable to the execution of this Act (6). 18. Any matter or thing removed by the local authority in pur- suance of this enactment may be sold by public auction, after not less than five days' notice by posting bills distributed in the locality, unless in cases where the delay would be prejudicial to health, when the justices may direct the immediate removal, destruction or sale of the matter or thing ; and the money arising from the sale retained by the local authority, and applied in payment of all expenses in- curred under this Act with reference to such nuisance, and the sur- plus, if any, shall be paid, on demand, by the local authority, to the owner of such matter or thing. 19. All reasonable costs and expenses from, time to time incurred in making a complaint, or giving notice, or in obtaining an order of justices under this Act, or in carrying the same into effect under this Act, shall be deemed to be money paid for the use and at the request of the person on whom the order is made, or if the order be made on the local authority, or if no order be made, but the nuisance be (o) As to what is an order to abate, and not to execute structural works, see Hxparte Mayor of Liverpool, 27 L. J.M. C. 89. Order of justices is not necessary for executing structural works ; JK. v. Nuisances Removal Committee of Middleton, 28 L. J. M. C. 41. (b) See Sanitary Act, 1866, section 21, as to abatement in certain nui- sances by and at the cost of nuisance authority. (c) See Sanitary Act, 1866, section 34, conferring a discretion on the nui- sance authority to demand payment from owner or occupier, and as to de- duction from rent by occupier. It was held in Bird v. Elwes, 37 L. J. Ex. 91, that a landlord was not liable under an agreement by him to repair, to cleanse a piece of water, and that the expense of removing the nuisance was not a charge within the meaning of the agreement. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 1922. 615 proved to have existed wheu the complaint was made or the notice PAET IL given, then of the person by whose act or default the nuisance was a , . caused ; and in case of nuisances caused by the act or default of the Section 19. owner of premises, the said premises shall be and continue charge- able with such costs and expenses, and also with the amount of any penalties incurred under this Act, until the same be fully discharged, provided that such costs and expenses shall not exceed in the whole one year's rackrent of the premises ; and such costs and expenses, said justices shall have power to divide such costs, expenses, and penalties between the persons by whose act or default the nuisance arises, in such manner as they shall consider reasonable ; and if it appear to them that a complaint made under this Act is frivolous or unfounded, they may order the payment by the local authority .or person making the complaint of the costs incurred by the person against whom the complaint is made, or any part thereof. 20. Where any costs, expenses, or penalties are due under or in Proceedings consequence of any order of justices made in pursuance of this Act before justices as aforesaid, any jiistice of the peace, upon the application of the ^ recover local authority, shall issue a summons requiring the person from expenses, whom they are due to appear before two justices at a time and place to be named therein ; and upon proof to the satisfaction of the jus- tices present that any such costs, expenses, or penalties are so due, such justices, unless they think fit to excuse the party summoned upon the ground of poverty or other special circumstances, shall, by order in writing under their hands and seals, order him to pay the amount to the local authority at once, or by such instalments as the justices think fit, together with the charges attending such applica- tion and the proceedings thereon ; and if the amount of such order, or any instalment thereof, be not paid within fourteen days after the same is due, the same may, by warrant of the said or other justices, be levied by distress and sale. 21. All surveyors and district surveyors may make, scour, cleanse, Surveyors of and keep open all ditches, gutters, drains, or watercourses in and highways to through any lands or grounds adjoining or lying near to any high- ~ ie way, upon paying the owner or occupier of such lands or- grounds, dltc t ncs &c< provided they are not waste or common, for the damages which he ayin r ^ & shall thereby sustain, to be settled and paid in such manner as the ^ or ^ ' ^ damages for getting materials in enclosed lands or grounds are / e \ directed to be settled and paid by the law in force for the time being with regard to highways. 22. Whenever any ditch, gutter, drain, or watercourse used or p ower to partly used for the conveyance of any water, filth, sewage, or other i oca i au t local autho- rity to cover If, on default of owner, local authority execute the order, the owner is not liable under this section to an action for money paid ; Guardians of Blything Union v. Warton, 32 L. J. M. C. 132. (d) It was decided under 11 & 12 Viet. c. 123, s. 3, that the county court had jurisdiction whatever the amount of costs, and notwithstanding a question of title was involved ; E. v. Harden, 2 E. & B. 128 ; 22 L. J. Q. B. 299. See Hertford Union v. Kimpton, 25 L. J. M. C. 41. (e) Tender of satisfaction or 'payment is not a condition precedent to the right of entry; Peters v. Clarson, 7 M. & G. 548. 616 APPENDIX. THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOE ENGLAND, 1855. PABT II. matter from any house, buildings, or premises is a nuisance within - the meaning of this Act, and cannot, in the opinion of the local Section 22. authority, be rendered innocuous without the laying down of a d ' rove sewer or of some other structure along the same or part thereof or onen dibches instead thereof, such local authority shaU and they are hereby re- Ac, (a). ' quired to lay down such sewer or other structure, and to keep the same in good and serviceable repair ; and they are hereby declared to have the same powers as to entering lands for the purposes thereof, and to be entitled to recover the same penalties in case of interference, as are contained in the sixty-seventh and sixty-eighth sections of the Act passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws relating to Highways in England " ; and such local authority are hereby authorized and empowered to assess (b) every house, building, or premises then or at any time thereafter using for the purposes aforesaid the said ditch, gutter, drain, water- course, sewer, or other structure, to such payment, either immediate or annual, or distributed over a term of years, as they shall think just and reasonable, and, after fourteen days' notice at the least left on the premises so assessed, to levy and collect the sum and sums so assessed in the same manner, and with the same remedies in case of default in payment thereof, as highway rates are by the law in force for the time being leviable and collectable, and with the same right and power of appeal (c) against the amount of such assessment reserved to the person or person so assessed as by the law for the time being in force shall be given against any rate made for the re- pair of the highways ; and the provisions contained in this section shall be deemed to be part of the law relating to highways in Eng- land : Provided always, that where such ditch, gutter, drain, or watercourse shall, as to parts thereof, be within the jurisdiction of different local authorities, this enactment shall apply to each local authority only as to so much of the works hereby required, and the expenses thereof, as is included within the respective j urisdiction of that authority : Provided also, that such assessment shall in no case exceed a shilling in the pound on the assessment to the highway rate, if any. (a) Members of a highway board being the local authority under this Act, were restrained from allowing fresh communications with a sewer so as to occasion a nuisance; Attorney- General v. Richmond, L. E. 2 Eq. 300. And see Cator \. Lewisham District Board, 5 B. & S. 115; Attorney- General v. Colmey Hatch Lunatic Asylum, L. E. 4 Ch. 146 ; E. Derby v. Bury Improvement Commissioners (cited in note to section 69 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, that a sewer may be laid down in a new line, not necessarily in the line of the old watercourse) ; and decisions cited in sec- tions 69 and 135 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, ante. (6) Local authority has no power to assess houses in another parish for the expenses of continuing a sewer ; R. v. Warner, 27 L. J. M. C. 144 ; R. v. Tatham, 8 E. & B. 915 ; and see S. v. Cotton, 28 L. J. M. C. 22. An assesemeut is not bad because it does not provide for houses which might be aftewards built, and use the sewer ; R. v. Justices of Middlesex, 2 Jur. (N.S.) 1045. And as to what is using a sewer, and liability to second assessment, R. v. Warner, 6 E. & B. 395. Houses must be assessed before highways can be resorted to ; R. v. Goss, 30 L. J. M. C. 41. As to mandamus to nuisances removal committee to construct a sewer, see R. v. Gee. 23 J. P. 374; 28 L. J. Q. B. 298. (c) As to time for notic.e of appeal, and application of limit of one shilling in the pound, R. v. Nuisance Removal Committee of Middleton , 1 E. & E. 98. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 2826. 23. Any person (d) or company engaged in the manufacture of gas PABT II. who shall at any time cause or suffer (e) to be brought or to flow into - any stream, reservoir, or aqueduct, pond or place for water, or into Section 23. any drain communicating therewith, any washing or other substance p ena it v f or produced in making or supplying gas, or shall wilfully do any Act causing connected with the making or supplying of gas whereby the water in wa ter to be any such stream, reservoir, aqueduct, pond or place for water shall corrupted by be fouled, shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of two hundred gas wash- pounds, ings. 24. Such penalty may be recovered, with full costs of suit, in any Penalty to of the superior courts, by the person into whose water such washing be sued for or other substance shall be conveyed or shall flow, or whose water in superior shall be fouled by any such Act as aforesaid, or if there be no such courts person, or in default of proceedings by such person, after notice to within six him from the local authority of their intention to proceed for such months, penalty, by the local authority ; but such penalty shall not be recoverable unless it be sued for during the continuance of the offence, or within six months after it shall have ceased. 25. In addition to the said penalty of two hundred pounds (and Daily penalty whether such penalty shall have been recovered or not), the person during or company so offending shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds (to * ne con - be recovered in the like manner) for each day during which such tinuance of washing or other substance shall be brought or shall flow as afore- *^e on PART III. PAETIIT. And with regard to procedure under this Act, be it enacted, That 31. Notices, summonses, and orders under this Act may be served Service of by delivering the same to or at the residence of the persons to whom notices, they are respectively addressed, and where addressed to the owner or summonses, occupier of premises they may also be served by delivering the same and orders. or a true copy thereof to some person upon the premises, or if there be no person upon the premises who can be so served, by fixing the same upon some conspicuous part of the premises, or if the person shall reside at a distance of more than five miles (e) from the office of the inspector then by a registered letter through the post. 32. Copies of any orders or resolutions of the local authority or their committee, purporting to be signed by the chairman of such resolutions (d) By section 48 of Sanitary Act, 1866, any local board, sewer authority, or nuisance authority may appear before justices, &c., by their clerk or any officer or member authorized generally, or in respect of any special proceed- ings, by resolution. (e) To be measured in a straight line as the crow flies ; Stokes v. GrisseU, 14 C. B. 678; Lake v. Butler, 24 L. J. Q. B. 273 ; Mwfllet v. Cole, L. R. 7 Ex. 70. APPENDIX. THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOR ENGLAND, 1855. body or committee, shall, unless the contrary be shown, be received as evidence thereof, without proof of their meeting, or of the official character or signature of the person signing the same. 33. Where proceedings under this Act are to be taken against several persons in respect of one nuisance caused by the joint Act or default of such persons, it shall be lawful for the local authority to include such persons in one complaint, and for the justices to include such persons in one summons, and any order made in such a case may be made upon all or any number of the persons included in the summons, and the costs may be distributed as to the justices may appear fair and reasonable. 34. In case of any demand or complaint under this Act to which two or more persons, being owners or occupiers of premises, or partly the one or partly the other, may be answerable jointly or in common or severally, it shall be sufficient to proceed against any one or more of them without proceeding against the others or other of them ; but nothing herein contained shall prevent the parties so proceeded against from recovering contribution in any case in which they would now be entitled to contribution by law. 36. Whenever in any proceeding under this Act, whether written or otherwise, it shall become necessary to mention or refer to the owner or occupier of any premises it shall be sufficient to designate him as the " owner" or " occupier" of such premises, without name or further description. 36. Whoever refuses to obey an order of justices under this Act for admission on premises of the local authority or their officers, or Avilfully obstructs any person acting under the authority or employed in the execution of this Act, shall be liable for every such offence to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. 37. If the occupier of any premises prevent the owner thereof from obeying or carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, any justice to whom application is made in this behalf shall by order in writing require such occupier to desist from such prevention, or to permit the execution of the works required to be executed, provided that such works appear to such justice to be necessary for the pur- pose of obeying or carrying into effect the provisions of this Act ; and if within twenty-four hours after the service of such order the occu- pier against whom it is made do not comply therewith, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for every day afterwards during the continuance of such noncompliance. 38. Penalties imposed by this Act for offences committed and sums of money ordered to be paid under this Act may be recovered by persons thereto competent in England, according to the provisions of the Act of the eleventh and twelfth years of the present reign, chapter forty- three ; and all penalties recovered by the local authority (a) Be Local Soard of Ham, 26 L. J. M. C. 64; R. v. Jenkins, 32 L. J. M. C. 1. Cft) Sanitary Act, 1866, section 45, imposes penalty of 5 for wilfully damaging works] or property belonging to, among others, any nuisance authority. 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, ss. 3842. 621 under this Act shall be paid to them, to be by them applied in aid of PAET III. their expenses under this Act. Section 38. 39. No order, nor any other proceeding, matter, or tiling done or p roc eedhios transacted in or relating to the execution of this Act, shall be vacated, nofc to be * quashed, or set aside for want of form, nor shall any order, nor any quashed for other proceeding, matter, or thing done or transacted in relation to wa nt of the execution of this Act, be removed or removable by certiarari, form, (c) or by any other writ or process whatsoever, into any of the superior courts ; and proceedings under this Act against several persons included in one complaint shall not abate by reason of the death of any among the persons so included, but all such proceedings may be carried on as if the deceased person had not been originally so included. 40. Appeals under this Act shall be to the court of quarter ses- Appeals _ sions held next after the making of the order appealed against ; but un in this, to 18 & 19 VICT c. 121, SCHEDS. 627 wit, that he the said C.D. [here describe the act of prevention generally. Schedules. according to the circumstances ; for instance thus, doth refuse to quit the said house, the same having by the order of justices been declared unfit for human habitation, or doth prevent the said A.B. from cleansing or white- washing or purifying the said dwelling house, or erecting a privy or drain, or breaking an aperture for ventilation, or cleansing a drain, ditch, gutter, watercourse, privy, urinal, cesspool, or ashpit which is a nuisance or injurious to health] : And whereas the said C.D. has been summoned to answer the said complaint, and has not shown sufficient cause against the same, and it appears to me that [describe the act or works to be done] is necessary for the purpose of enabling the said A.B. to obey and carry into effect the provisions of the said Act, I do hereby order that the said C.D. do permit the said A.B. [describe the act or works to be done] in the manner required by the said Act. Given under my hand and seal, this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and E.F. (l.s.) (H.) Simmons for Non-payment of Costs, Expenses, or Penalties. Sect. 20. To [describe the person from whom the costs, expenses, and penalties are due]. County of "V You are required to appear before two of Her or Borough of I Majesty's justices of the peace [or one of the or District of ( magistrates of the police courts of the metro- to wit. J polis, or the stipendiary magistrates] of the county [or other jurisdiction] of , at the petty sessions [or court], holden at , on the day of next, at the hour of in the noon, to answer the complaint this day made to me by [or by on behalf of] [naming the local authority}, that the sum of pounds, being costs and expenses incurred by you under and in relation to a certain complaint touching [describe the nuisance], and an order of [describe the person making the order] duly made m pur- suance of the Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1855 [if penalties are due, add, and also the sum of being the amount of penalties pay- able by you for disobedience of the said order], remains unpaid and due ^Giveii^nder the hand of me, J. P., esquire, one of Her Majesty's justices of the neace acting in and for the [jurisdiction stated in the margin] [or one of "the magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis, or stipendiary magistrate of ] the day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and FOEM (I.) Order for payment of Costs, Expenses, and Penalties, Sect. 20. To [name the person on whom the order is made] County, &c., ) WHEBEAS complaint has been made before us [or me] for to wit \ that [recite cause of complaint]. ,.. And whereas the said [naming ihe person against whom the complaint is made] has this day appeared before us the said justices [or before n 2 S 2 (328 THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOR ENGLAND, 1855. Schedules. sa ^ magistrates of the police courts of the metropolis, or as the case may be], to answer this matter of the said complaint : [or, in case the party charged do not appear, say~] And whereas it has heen this day satisfactorily proved to us [or mel that a true copy of the summons requiring the said [naming the person charged} to appear before us [or me] this day hath been duly served according to the said Act : Now, having heard the matter of the said complaint, we [or I] do adjudge the said [naming the person charged] to pay forthwith [or by instalments of , payable respectively on or before the ] to the said [naming the person or local authority to whom the costs adjudged are payable'], the sum of for costs in this behalf, and to [naming the person or authority to whom the expenses are payable'} the sum of for expenses in this behalf [ if penalties are due, add, and the sum of for penalties incurred in relation to the premises] , together with the sum of being the charges attending the application for this order and proceedings thereon ; and if the said several sums, amounting in the whole to [or if any one of the said instalments] be not paid within four- teen days after the same is due as aforesaid, we [or I] hereby order that the same be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said , and in default of sufficient distress in that behalf adjudge the said to be imprisoned in the common gaol [or house of correction, as the cafe may be}, at , in the said county [or as the case may be} for the space of such time, not exceeding three calendar months, as the jus- tices may think fit, unless the said several sums [or sum], and all costs and charges of the said distress [and of the commitment and carrying of the said to the said house of correction or common gaol, or as the case may be}, shall be sooner paid. Given under our [or my hands, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , at , in the [county, or as the case may be} aforesaid. POEM (K.) Warrant of Distress. Sect. 20. To the constable of and to all other officers in the said county [or as the case may be~\. WHEREAS on last past complaint was made before the under- signed, two of Her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said county of [or as the case may be~\ [or a magistrate of the police courts of the metropolis or stipendiary magistrate, as the case may be} for that [tyc., as in the order} ; and thereupon, having considered the matter of the said complaint, we [or I] adjudge the said [set out from Form K. the adjudication of payment, and the order for distress and for imprisonment in default of distress} : And whereas the time in and by the said order appointed for the payment of the said several sums of and hath elapsed, but the said hath not paid the same or any part thereof within fourteen days after the date fixed by the order for such pay- ment, but therein hath made default : These are therefore to command you in Her Majesty's name forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said A. S., and if within the space of days after the making of such distress the said last-mentioned sums, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and do pay the money arising from such sale over to the clerk of the justices of the peace for the divison of in the said [county, or as the case may be}, that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand, to the said ; and if no such distress 18 & 19 VICT. c. 121, SCHEDS. can be found, then that you certify the same unto me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as to the law doth appertain. 629 Given under our [or my] hands and seal, this in the year of our Lord one thousand eight , in the [county] aforesaid. day of hundred and at (1. S.) A. S. C. D. (FORM L.) Return of Proceedings under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, by the [name the Local Authority at length]. From 25th March, 1855, to 25th March, 1856. Date of Notice. By whom given. Nature of Nuisance. Proceedings taken. Remarks : With any special Work done under the Acts without any Notice. 16 April .. The Inspector.... Foul drainage from house. Owner put down good drain, on Several houses being In a like po- sition, the highway surveyor summons, with- laid down a sewer In the old out justice's or- watercourse, and each house der. was charged a proportionate sum for the same, of which 18 April .. Two neighbours ". . Offensive cesspool. Abated by local authority. the highest sum was 10. Renewed once ; but penalty re- covered and no subsequent renewal attempted. Dated this 26th day of March, 1856. [To be signed by the chairman of the local authority.] AN ACT TO AMEND THE ACTS FOR THE REMOVAL OF NUISANCES AND THE PREVENTION OF DISEASES (). 23 & 24 VICT. CAP. 77. 6TH AUGUST, 1860. 18 & 19 Viet. WHEREAS the provisions of " The Nuisances Removal Act for England, cc. 121, and 1855," and " The Diseases Prevention Act, 1855," concerning the local 116. authority for the execution of the said Acts are defective, and it is expedient that the said Acts should be amended as hereinafter mentioned : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the autho- rity of the same, as follows : Nuisances Removal. Sections 3, 6, 7 and 9 of 18 & 19 Viet, c. 121, repealed. Local autho- rity to execute the Nuisances Removal Act. 1. Section three, section six, section seven, and section nine of the said "Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1855," shall be repealed : Provided always, that such repeal as aforesaid shall not extend to any charges or expenses already incurred, but the same may be defrayed and recovered, and all proceedings commenced or taken under the said Act, and not yet completed, may be proceeded with, and all con- tracts under the said Act shall continue and be as effectual, as if this Act had not been passed. 2. The following bodies shall respectively be the local authority to execute the said Nuisances Removal Act in the districts hereunder stated in England : In any place within which the Public Health Act is or shall be in force, the local board of health : (a) This Act is repealed by the Public Health Act, 1875, sched. 5. Part I. except so far as relates to the metropolis. This Act was amended by 29 & 30 Viet. c. 90 (Sanitary Act, 1866), and Part II. of that Act is, by section 14, to be construed as one with the 18 & 19 Viet. c. 121 (the Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1855), and this Act. 23 & 24 VICT. o. 77, ss. 24. 631 In any other place wherein a council exists or shall exist, the Section 2. mayor, aldermen, and burgesses by the council, except in the city of London and the liberties thereof, where the local autho- rity shall be the commissioners of sewers for the time being, and except in the city of Oxford and borough of Cambridge, where the local authority shall be the commissioners acting in execution of the Local Improvement Acts in force respectively in the said city and borough : In any place in which there is no local board of health or council, and where there are or shall be trustees or com- missioners under an improvement Act, such trustees or com- missioners : In any place within which there is no such local board of health, council, body of trustees, or commissioners, if there be a board of guardians of the poor for such place, or for any parish or union within which such place is situate, such board of guardians, and, if there be no such board of guardians, the overseers of the poor for such place, or for the parish of which such place forms part. 3. Provided, that in any place where a highway board or " The Highway Nuisances Removal Committee " chosen by the vestry in pursuance board or of the said Act is subsisting, and at the time of the passing of this Act nuisances employs or joins with other local authorities in employing a sanitary removal inspector or inspectors, such highway board or nuisances removal committees committee may continue to act, and a like committee may be annually ? ow 8ubs ^ chosen by the vestry for such place in the same manner as if this in & ma J J* 6 Act had not been passed ; but in case in any year the nuisances re- c< moval committee be not chosen for such place in manner provided th J^ , by the said Act, or if the highway board or committee now subsisting gantry or hereafter chosen fail for two months in any year to appoint or em- inspectors (5). ploy a sanitary inspector or inspectors, the authority of such highway board or committee shall cease, and no like committee shall be chosen for such place, and the same body or persons shall thenceforth be the local authority for the place as if no such highway board or committee had been appointed therein. 4. All charges and expenses incurred by the local authority in How expenses executing the said Nuisances Removal Act, and not recovered as of local autho- therein provided, shall be defrayed as follows ; to wit, &y to be Out of general district rates where the local authority is a local defrayed. board of health : Out of the borough fund or borough rate where the local autho- rity is the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses by the council : Provided 'always, that in the city of Oxford and borough of Cambridge such expenses shall be deemed annual charges and expenses of cleans- ing the streets of the said city and borough respectively, and shall be so payable: Out of the rates levied for purposes of improvement under any improvement Act, where the local authority is a body or trus- tees or commissioners acting in execution of the powers of such an Act : (6) This section is repealed by the 17th section of the]Sanitary Act, 1866, but the repealing section is not to extend to any vestry or district board tinder the Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855, or to any committee appointed by such vestry or district board for the purpose of carrying into effect the nuisances removal Acts or any of them. APPENDIX, THE NUISANCES REMOVAL AND DISEASES PREVENTION Where a board of guardians for a union is such local authority for the whole of such union, such charges and expenses shall be defrayed by means of an addition to be made to the rate for the relief of the poor of the parist or parishes for which the expense has been incurred, and be raised and paid in like manner as money expended for the relief of the poor : Where the board of guardians for a union is such local authority for two or more places maintaining their own poor, but not for all such places in such union, such charges and expenses shall be paid out of the poor rates of the places aforesaid for which the board is the local authority : Where the board of guardians for a union is under this Act the local authority for a single place maintaining its own poor, and where the board of guardians for any single place, or the over- seers of any such place, or " The Nuisances Removal Com- mittee " continued or chosen as hereinbefore provided in any such place, are under this Act the local authority for such place, such charges and expenses shall be defrayed out of the rates for the relief of the poor thereof : Where the board of guardians for a union is under this Act the local authority for part only of any place maintaining its own poor, together with the whole of any other siich place or part of any other such place, such board shall apportion such charges and expenses between or among any or every such part and any or every such place ; and so much of such charges and expenses as may be apportioned to any or every such place for the whole of which such board is the 'local authority shall be defrayed out of the rates or funds applicable to the relief of the poor thereof : So much of any such charges and expenses as may be apportioned to part of a place maintaining its own poor, and any such charges and expenses incurred by any board of guardians or overseers, where such board or overseers are the local authority for part of any such place only, shall be defrayed by means of an addition to be made to the rate for the relief of the poor thereof, and be raised and paid in like manner as money expended for the relief of the poor. 5. Provided, that the board of guardians for a union may appoint a committee or committees of their own body, under section five of the said Nuisances Removal Act, to act in and for one or more of the parishes or places for which the board is the local aiithority ; and every committee so appointed shall have the full power of executing the said Acts in all respects, within the specified place or places for which it is appointed, unless its power be expressly limited by the terms of its appointment ; and the board of guardians shall cause the charges and expenses of every such committee to be paid oxit of the poor rates of the place or places for which such committee is appointed; and where a committee is so appointed for any such place or places the charges and expenses of the board as local authority for or in respect of the place or places for which a committee is not appointed shall be paid or contributed by such last-mentioned place or places in like manner as the expenses of a committee : provided that where any one such committee is appointed for all the places for which the board is the local authority its charges and expenses shall be contri- buted and paid in like manner as the charges and expenses of the board would have been contribiited and paid if such committee had not been appointed. ACT, I860. 23 & 24 VICT. c. 77, ss. 611. 633 6. Provided also, that as regards the metropolis, the vestries and Section 6. district boards under the Act of the session holden in the eighteenth and nineteenth years of her Majesty, chapter one hundred and twenty, within their respective parishes and districts, shall continue and be the local authorities for the execution of the said nuisances removal . * Act, and their charges and expenses shall be defrayed as if this Act t , f had not been passed. poliT 7. All wells, fountains, and pumps provided under section fifty of Wells, &c., " The Public Health Act, 1848," or otherwise, for the use of the in- belonging to habitants of any place, and not being the property of or vested in any any place person or corporation other than officers of such place, shall be vested vested in in the local authority under this Act for such place, who shall from to"* 1 autho- time to time cause to be kept in good repair and condition and free rity > ** ()- from pollution all wells, fountains, and pumps vested in them under this Act, and may also keep in good repair and condition and free from pollution other wells, fountains, and pumps dedicated to or open to the use of the inhabitants of such place. 8. If any person do any act whatsoever whereby any fountain Penalty for or pump is wilfully or maliciously damaged, or the water of any fouling well, fountain, or pump is polluted or fouled, he shall, upon sum- water, mary conviction of such offence before two justices, forfeit a sum not exceeding five pounds for such offence, and a further sum not exceeding twenty shillings for every day during which such offence is continued after written notice from the local .authority in relation thereto ; but nothing herein contained shall extend to any offence provided against by section twenty-three of the said " Nuisances Removal Act." 9. Local authorities under this Act may, for the purposes of the Appointment Act, severally appoint or employ inspectors of nuisances, and make of inspectors such payments as they see fit for the remuneration and expenses of nuisances, of such inspectors. Diseases Prevention. 10. Sections two and three of " The Diseases Prevention Act, 1855," Sections 2 and every other enactment constituting a local authority for the exe- and 3 of cution of the same Act, or providing for the expenses of the execution 18 & 19 Viet, thereof, except those contained in the eighteenth and nineteenth of c. 116, Victoria, chapter one hundred and twenty, the Metropolis Local repealed. Management Act, shall be repealed. 11. The board of guardians for every union, or parish not within Guardians an union, in England shall be the local authority for executing the and over- said Diseases Prevention Act in every place within their respective seers of the unions and parishes, and in every parish and place in England not poor to be within a union, and for which there is no board of guardians, the the local overseers of the poor shall be the local authority to execute the same authorities Act ; and the expenses incurred in the execution of such Act by the f?f executing board of guardians for a union shall be defrayed out of the common Diseases fund thereof, and the expenses of the board of guardians or overseers ^T of the poor of any single parish or place shall be defrayed out of the Act - rates for the relief of the poor of such parish or place ; provided that (a) By the Sanitary Act, 1866, the property in wells, &c., vested in the nuisance authority under this section, is vested in the sewer authority where that authority supplies water to its district. APPENDIX. THE NUISANCES REMOVAL AND DISEASES PREVENTION Section 11. every such board of guardians shall, for the execution of the said Act for the prevention of diseases, have the like powers of appointing committees, with the like authority, and where any such committee is appointed the expenses thereof and of the board shall be paid in the same manner, as hereinbefore provided where such a board is the local authority for the execution of the said Nuisances Removal Act ; provided also, that any expenses already incurred by any local autho- rity in the execution of the said Act shall be defrayed as if this Act had not been passed ; provided, moreover, that in respect of any place where, under this Act, the local authority for executing the nuisances removal Act is any other body than the board of guardians or the overseers of the poor, the privy council, if it see fit, may, in the manner provided for the exercise of its powers under the Public Health Act, 1858, authorize such other body to be, instead of the board of guardians or the overseers of the poor, the local authority for executing the diseases prevention Act ; provided also, that as regards the metropolis the vestries and district boards under the Act of the session holden in the eighteenth and nineteenth years of her Majesty, chapter one hundred and twenty, within "their respective parishes and districts, shall continue to be the local autho- rities for the execution of the said " Diseases Prevention Act, 1855," and their charges and expenses shall be defrayed as if this Act had not been passed. 12. It shall be lawful for the local authority for executing the said " Diseases Prevention Act " to provide and maintain a carriage or carriages suitable for the conveyance of persons suffering under any contagious or infectious disease, and to convey such sick and diseased persons as may be residing within such locality to any hospital or other place of destination, and the expenses thereof shall be deemed to be an expense incurred in executing the said Act. Justices, on theappli- cation of household- era, may order the removal of nuisances (a). 13. Upon complaint before a justice of the peace by any inhabitant of any parish or place of the existence of any nuisance on any private premises in the same parish or place, such justice shall issue a sum- mons requiring the person by whose Act, default, permission, or sufferance the nuisance arises, or if such person cannot be found or ascertained, the owner or occupier of the premises on which the nui- sance arises, to appear before two justices in petty sessions assembled at their usual place of meeting, who shall proceed to inquire into the said complaint, and act in relation thereto as in cases where complaint is made by a local authority under section twelve of the said Nuisances Removal Act, and as if the person making the complaint were such local authority : provided always, that it shall be lawful for the said justices, if they see fit, to adjourn the hearing or further hearing of such summons for an examination of the premises where the nuisance is alleged to exist, and to require the admission or authorize the entry into such premises of any constable or other person or. persons, and thereupon the person or persons authorized by the order of the justices may enter and act as the local authority might under a like order (a) When the complaint is made by an inhabitant under this section the notice directed by the 29 & 30 Viet. c. 90, s. 21, in proceeding by a local authority is not requisite : Cocker v. Cardwell, 33 J. P. 758 ; L. R. 5 Q.B. 15. The right of complaint hereby given is extended to nuisances in any parish or place, whether in private or public premises, and may be exercised by any inhabitant in such parish or place, or by any owner of premises situated therein, or by any other person aggrieved or injuriously affected thereby. ACT, I860. 23 & 24 VICT. c, 77, ss. 1316. 635 made by any justice under section eleven of the said Act : provided Section 13. also, that the costs in the case of every such application shall be in the discretion of the justices, and payment thereof may be ordered and enforced as in other cases of summary adjudication by justices : any order made by justices under this enactment shall be attended with the like penalties and consequences for disobedience thereof and subject to the like appeal as any order made under section twelve of the said nuisances removal Act, and the justices making such order may thereby authorize any constable or other person or persons to do all Acts for removing or abating the nuisance condemned or prohibited, and for executing such order, in like manner as a local authority obtaining the like order might do under the said Act, and to charge the costs to the person on whom the order is made, as is provided in the case where a like order is obtained and executed by such local authority. 14. The guardians of any union, or parish not within an union, Guardians may at any time employ one of their medical officers to make inquiry may procure and report upon the sanitary state of their union or parish, or any sanitary re- part thereof, and pay a reasonable compensation for the same out of P rts and their common fund. pay for the same. 15. The several words used in this Act shall be construed in the i n t er pre- same manner as is declared with reference to the same words in the tation of above-cited Act, termed " The Nuisances Removal Act for England, terms. 1855," and all the provisions therein, and in " The Diseases Preven- tion Act, 1855," contained, shall respectively be applicable to this Act, except so far as they shall be hereby repealed, or be inconsistent with anything herein provided. 16. No justice of the peace shall, unless objected to at the hearing Justices not of any complaint or charge, be deemed incapable of acting in cases incapable of other than appeals arising under the said Nuisances Removal Act by acting by reason of his being a member of any body hereby declared to be the being local authority to execute the said Act, or by reason of his being a members of contributor, or liable to contribute, to any rate or fund out of which bodies to _ it is hereby provided that all charges and expenses incurred in. execute A ui- executing the said Act, and not recovered as therein provided shaD, " (J) This section is repealed by 29 & 30 Viet. c. 41, s. 1, and by section 2 of that Act it is enacted, that no justice of the peace shall be deemed inca- pable of acting in cases under the Nuisances Removal Act or the Act of the 29 & 30 Viet. c. 77, by reason of his being a member of any body declared to be the authority to execute the said Act, or by reason of his being a contributor or liable to contribute to any rate or fund, out of which it is thereby provided that all charges and expenses incurred in executing the said Act, and not recovered as therein provided, shall be defrayed : see as to what disqualifies justice, 22. v. Meyer, L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 173. The mere possibility of bias in favour of one of the parties does not ipso facto void the justice's decision : J2. v. Rand, L. R. 1 Q. B. 230. A convicting justice under a local Act is not disqualified by reason of being member of a corporation : Earring v. Stockton, 31 J. P. 420. A justice, a member of a sanitary board, is not competent under section 258 of Public Health Act, 1875, to adjudicate upon a prosecution, which in that capacity he had been a party to instituting; R. v. Justices of WeymoutA, 48 L. J. This last Act, 29 & 30 Viet. c. 41, is repealed except so far as relates to the metropolis: see reference to repealing section in note to caption of Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1855, ante. AN ACT TO AMEND THE NUISANCES REMOVAL ACT FOR ENGLAND, 1855, WITH RESPECT TO THE SEIZURE OF DISEASED AND UNWHOLESOME MEAT (a). 26 & 27 VICT. CAP. 117. 28TH JULY, 1863. WHEREAS the provisions of "The Nuisances? Removal Act for England, 1855," with regard to the inspection and seizure of diseased and iinwholesome meat, are defective ; and it is therefore expedient that the same should be repealed, and that other and more effectual provisions in that behalf should be substituted therefor : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. From and after the passing of this Act, the twenty-sixth section of the said Act is repealed. 2. The medical officer of health or inspector of nuisances may at all reasonable times inspect and examine any animal, carcase, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, or flour (6) exposed for sale, or deposited in any place (c) for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale, and intended for the food of man, the proof that the same was not exposed or deposited for such purpose or pur- poses, or was not intended for the food of man, resting with the party charged ; and in case any such animal, carcase, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, or flour appear to him to be (a) This Act is repealed by the Public Health Act, 1875, schedule 5, Part I, except so far as relates to the metropolis. See note to title of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, ante. (b) By the Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874, extended to "milk," iu the same manner as if that word had been introduced after the word " flour," wherever that word occurs in this section. (c) Where two carcases of cows unfit for food were found in a yard at the back of a butcher's house, with a slaughter-house on one side of the yard, the yard was held to be "a place" within tbis provision; and the word " place" in section 3 is not to be limited to places ejusdem generis with "slaughter-house, shop, building, or market;" Young v. Orattridtje, 38 L. J. M. C.67; L.R.4Q.B.166. 26 & 27 VICT. c. 117, ss. 25. diseased, or unsound, or unwholesome, or unfit for the food of man, Section 2. it shall be lawful for such medical officer of health or inspector of " nuisances to seize, take, and cariy away the same, or direct the same to be seized, taken, and carried away by any officer, servant, or assistant, in order to have the same dealt with by a justice ; and if it shall appear to the justice that any such animal, or any of the said articles, is diseased, or unsound or unwholesome, or unfit for the food of man (d), lie shall order (e) the same to be destroyed, or so disposed of as to prevent such animal or articles from being exposed for sale or used for such food ; and the person to whom such animal, carcase, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, or flour belongs or did belong at the time of sale or of exposure for sale, or in whose possession or on whose premises the same is found, shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds for every animal, carcase, or fish, of piece of meat, flesh, or fish, or any poultry or game, or for the parcel of fruit, vegetables, com, bread, or flour so found, or, at the discretion of the justice, without the inflic- tion of a fine, to imprisonment in the. common gaol or house of cor- rection for a term of not more than "three- calendar months. 3. In case any person shall in any manner prevent (/) such medical Penalty for officer of health or inspector of nuisances from entering any slaughter- obstructing house, shop, building, market, or other place where such animal medical carcase, meat, poultry, or fish is kept for the purpose of sale or of officer of preparation for sale, or shall in any manner obstruct or impede him, health, & s. 13, the notice directed by this enactment is not necessary ; Cocker v. Cardwell, 33 J. P. 758. (d) A person who does not receive the rent from the occupier of the premises is not owner within this enactment ; Cook v. Montagu, L. R. 7 Q. B. 418, and see also Bowditcli V. Wakefield Local Board, L. R. 6 Q. B. 567; 36 J. P. 197. 29 & 80 VICT. c. 90, ss. 2124. 645 or occupier of the premises on which the nuisance arises, to abate the PAST n. same, and for that purpose to execute such works and to do all such c ~ things as may be necessary within a time to be specified in the notice: Section 21. provided, First, that where the nuisance arises from the want or defective construction of any structural convenience, or where there is no occupier of the premises, notice under this section shall be served on the owner ; Secondly, that where the person causing the nuisance cannot be found, and it is clear that the nuisance does not arise or continue by the act, default, or sufferance of the owner or occupier (e) of the premises, then the nuisance authority may itself abate the same without further order, and the cost of so doing shall be part of the costs of executing the nuisances removal Acts, and borne accordingly. 22. If the nuisance authority shall be of opinion, upon the certifi- Power to cate of any legally qualified medical practitioner, that the cleansing cause pre- and disinfecting of any house or part thereof, and of any articles mises to be therein likely to retain infection, would tend to prevent or check cleansed or infectious or contagious disease, it shall be the duty of the nuisance otherwise authority to give notice in writing requiring the owner or occupier disinfected, of such house or part thereof to cleanse and disinfect the same as the case may require ; and if tlje person to whom notice is so given fail to comply therewith within the time specified in the notice, he shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one shilling and not exceeding ten shillings for every day during which he continues to make dei'ault ; and the nuisance authority shall cause such house or part thereof to be cleansed and disinfected, and may recover the expenses incurred from the owner or occupier in default in a sum- mary manner ; when the owner or occupier of any such house or part thereof as is referred to in this section is from poverty or otherwise unable, in the opinion of the nuisance authority, effec- tually to carry out the requirements of this section, such authority may without enforcing such requirements on such owner or occu- pier with his consent, at his own expense, cleanse and disinfect such house or part thereof and any articles therein likely to retain infection. 23. The nuisance authority in each district may provide a proper p ower to place with all necessary apparatus and attendance, for the dismlec- provide tion of woollen articles, clothing, or bedding which have become means of infected, and they may cause any articles brought for disinfection to disinfection, be disinfected free of charge. 24 It shall be lawful at all times for the nuisance authority to Nuisance provide and maintain a carriage or carriages suitable for the convey- authorities ance of persons suffering under any contagious or infectious disease, may provide and to pay the expense of conveying any person therein to a hospital carnages for or place for the reception of the sick or to his own home. TTtd? persons. (e) See Humphries v. Cousins, L. R. 2 C. P. D. 239, where a person was held liable for damage clone by a drain, though he did not know of its existence; approved in IMh v. Bowling Iron Company, L. E. 3 C. P. D. 259. 46 APPENDIX. THE SANITARY ACT, 1866. P.ABT II. 25. If any person suffering from any dangerous infectious disorder , _ shall enter any public conveyance without previously notifying to >ectlon 25. th e owner or driver thereof that he is so suffering, he shall on con- viction thereof before any justice be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, and shall also be ordered by such justice to pay to such owner and driver all the losses and expenses they may suffer in carrying into effect the provisions of this Act ; and no owner or driver of any jtublic conveyance shall be required to convey any person so suffering until they shall have been first paid a sum sufficient to cover all such losses and expenses. 26. Where a hospital or place for the reception of the sick is pro- vided within the district of a nuisance authority, any justice may, with the consent of the superintending body of such hospital or place, by order on a certificate signed by a legally qualified medical practitioner, direct the removal to such hospital or place for the reception of the sick, at the cost of the nuisance authority, of any person suffering from any dangerous contagious or infectious dis- order, being without proper lodging or accommodation, or lodged in a room occupied by more than one family, or being on board any ship or vessel. 27. Any nuisance authority may (6) provide a proper place for the reception of dead bodies, and where any such place has been pro- vided and any dead body of one who has died of any infectious disease is retained in a room in which persons live or sleep, or any dead body which is in such a state as to endanger the health of the inmates of the same house or room is retained in such house or room, any justice may, on a certificate signed by a legally qualified medical practitioner, order the body to be removed to such proper place of reception at the cost of the nuisance authority, and direct the same to be buried within a time to be limited in such order ; and unless the friends or relations of the deceased undertake to bury the body within the time so limited, and do bury the same, it shall be the duty of the relieving officer to bury such body at the expense of the poor rate, but any expense so incurred may be recovered by the relieving officer in a summary manner from any person legally liable to pay the expense of such burial. 28. Any nuisance authority may provide a proper place (otherwise than at a workhouse or at a mortuary house as lastly herein-before provided for) for the reception of dead bodies for and during the time required to conduct any post-mortem examination ordered by (a) By the Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874 (37 & 38 Viet. c. 89), s. 51, it 'is enacted that every hospital or place for the reception of the sick which shall be declared by an order of the local government board to be within a convenient distance of the district of any authority for the pur- poses of that section, shall be deemed to be within the district of such authority ; and as to order of justices and penalty for disobedience, see section, post. (b) This seems to leave it to the discretion of the nuisance authority to provide mortuaries. The 141st section of the Public Health Act, 1875, after the word may in the corresponding enactment, introduces the words "and if required by the local government board shall." But this does not apply to the metropolis. 29 & 30 VICT. c. 90, ss. 2833. the coroner of the district or other constituted authority, and may PAET II. make such regulations as they may deem fit for the maintenance, _ : support, and management of such place ; and where any such place Section 28. .has been provided, any coroner or other constituted authority may order the removal of the body for carrying out such post-mortem examination and the re-removal of such body, such costs of removal and re-removal to be paid in the same manner and out of the same fund as the costs and fees for post-mortem examinations when ordered by the coroner. 29. Any nuisance authority may, with the sanction of the privy Power to council, signified in manner provided by " The Public Health Act, remove to 1858," lay down rules for the removal to any hospital to which such hospital sick authority is entitled to remove patients, and for keeping in such persons hospital so long as may be necessary any persons brought within their brought by district by any ship or boat who are infected with a dangerous and shi P s - infectious disorder, and they may by such rules impose any penalty not exceeding five pounds on any person committing any offence against the same. 30. For the purposes of this Act any ship, vessel, or boat that is in Provision as a place not within the district of a nuisance authority shall be to district of deemed to be within the district of such nuisance authority as may nuisance be prescribed by the privy council, and until a nuisance authority authority has been prescribed then of the nuisance authority whose district extending nearest adjoins the place where such ship, vessel, or boat is lying, the to places distance being measured in a straight line, but nothing in this Act where ships contained shall enable any nuisance authority to interfere with any are ^ m S- ship, vessel, or boat that is not in British waters. 31. The power of entry given to the authorities by the eleventh Power of section of the Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, may be exercised at any entry to hour when the business in respect of which the nuisance arises is in nuisance progress or is usually carried on. (c) authority or And any justices order once issued under the said section shall their officer continue in force until the nuisance has been abated, or the work under section for which the entry was necessary has been done. ** ^ ^ & 19 32. Any ship or vessel lying in any river, harbour, or other water Provision as shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the nuisance authority of the to ships district within which such river, harbour, or other water is, and be within the within the provisions of the Nuisances Removal Acts, in the same jurisdiction of manner as if it were a house within such jurisdiction, and the master nuisance or other officer in charge of such ship shall be deemed for the pur- authority, poses of the Nuisances Removal Acts to be the occupier of such ship or vessel; but this section shall not apply to any ship or vessel belonging to Her Majesty or to any foreign government. 33. Where the guardians are the nuisance authority for part of Provision for any parish only, and shall require to expend money on account of raising money such part in execution of the provisions of the said Acts, the over- in divided seers of the parish shall upon receipt of an order from the said guar- parishes, dians, raise the requisite amount from the persons liable to be assessed (c) The llth section of the Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, authorizes an entry at any hour between 9 a,m and 6 p.m. 648 APPENDIX. THE SANITARY ACT, 1866. PAST II. to the poor rate therein by a rate to be made in like manner as a - poor rate, and shall have all the same powers of making and recover- Section 33. ing the same, and of paying the expense of collecting the rate when made, and shall account to the auditor of the district for receipt and disbursement of the same, in like manner, and with the same con- sequences, as in the case of the poor rate made by them. Nuisance authority may require payment of costs or ex- penses ' from owner or occupier, and occupier paying to deduct from rent (a). 34. That it shall be lawful for the nuisance authority, at their discretion, to require the payment of any costs or expenses (6) which the owner of any premises may be liable to pay under the said Nui- sances Removal Acts or this Act, either from the owner or from any person who then or at any time thereafter occupies such pre- mises, and such owner or occupier (c) shall be liable to pay the same, and the same shall be recovered in manner authorized by the Nuisance Removal Acts, and the owner shall allow such occupier to deduct the sums of money which he so pays out of the rent from time to time becoming due in respect of the said premises, as if the same had been actually paid to such owner as part of such rent : Provided always, that no such occupier should be required to pay any further sum than the amount of rent for the time being due from him, or which, after such demand of such costs or expenses from such occupier, and after notice not to pay his landlord any rent with- out first deducting the amount of such costs or expenses, becomes payable by such occupier, unless he refuse, on application being made to him for that purpose by or on behalf of the nuisance authority, truly to disclose the amount of his rent and the name and address of the person to whom such rent is payable, but the burden of proof that the sum demanded from any such occupier is greater than the rent due by him at the time of such notice, or which has since accrued, shall lie upon such occupier ; provided also, that nothing herein contained shall be taken to affect any contract made or to be made between any owner or occupier of any house, building, or other property whereof it is or may be agreed that the occupier shall pay or discharge all rates, dues, and sums of money payable in respect of such house, building, or other property, or to affect any contract whatsoever between landlord or tenant. (a) See Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, ss. 7 and 19, as to costs and (6) The Public Health Act, 1872, section 20 (repealed by the Public Health Act, 1875, except so far as relates to the metropolis) is extended to the port of London, but the Lord Mayor, &c., of the city of London shall be deemed to he the sanitary authority of the port of London, and shall pay out of their corporate funds all their expenses as such port sanitary authority. (c) Under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, and this Act, it was held that defendant was not owner, as he did not receive the rent from the occupier, Cook v. Montagu, 41 L. J. M. C. 140 ; L. R. 7 Q. B. 418. Under section 96 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 (Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862), containing similar words, it was held that an unsatisfied judgment against the owner did not bar an action against the occupier for the same expenses ; Vestry o f Bermondsey v. Ramsey, L. R. 6 C. P. 247. As to proceedings against the subsequent owner, see Plwnstead Board of Works v. IngoUby, L, R. 8 Ex. 174, & 80 VICT. c. 90, ss. 8537. 549 PIBT HI. PART III. Section 35. Miscellaneous. 35. On application to one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of In cities, state by the nuisance authority of the city of London, or any district boroughs, or or parish included within the Act for the better local government of towns, secre- the metropolis, or of any municipal borough, or of any place under tary of state, the Local Government Act, 1858, or any local improvement Act, or on application of any city or town containing, according to the census for the time of nuisance being in force, a population of not less than five thousand inhabitants, authority, the secretary of state may, as he may think fit, by notice to be pub- mav empower lished in the London Gazette, declare the following enactment to them * make be in force in the district of such nuisance authority, and from and ^ e ^\ at . lons as after the publication of such notice the nuisance authority shall be I* empowered to make regulations for the following matters ; that is lses ' to say, 1. For fixing the number of persons who may occupy a house or part of a house which is let in lodgings or occupied by members of more than one family : 2. For the registration of houses thus let or occupied in lodg- ings : 3. For the inspection of such houses, and the keping the same in a cleanly and wholesome state : 4. For enforcing therein the provision of privy accommoda- tion and other appliances and means of cleanliness in proportion to the number of lodgings and occupiers, and the cleansing and ventilation of the common passages and staircases : 5. For the cleansing and lime-whiting at stated times of such premises : The nuisance authority may provide for the enforcement of the above regulations by penaties not exceeding forty shillings for any one offence, with an additional penalty not exceeding twenty shillings for every day during which a default in obeying such regu- lations may continue ; but such regulations shall not be of any validity unless and until they shall have been confirmed by the secretary of state. But this section shall not apply to common lodging houses within the provisions of the Common Lodging Houses Act, 1851, or any Act amending the same. 36. Where two convictions against the provisions of any Act Cases in relating to the overcrowding of a house, or the occupation of a cellar which two as a separate dwelling place, shall have taken place within the period convictions of three months, whether the persons so convicted were or were not have occurred the same, it shall be lawful for any two justices to direct the closing within three of such premises for such time as they may deem necessary, and, in months. the case of cellars occupied as aforesaid, to empower the nuisance authority to permanently close the same, in such manner as they may deem fit, at their own cost. 37. The sewer authority, or in the metropolis the nuisance Power to pro- APPENDIX. THE SANITARY ACT, 1866. authority, may provide for the iise of the inhabitants within its district hospitals or temporary places for the reception of the sick. Such authority may itself build such hospitals or places of recep- tion, or make contracts for the use of any existing hospital or part of a hospital, or for the temporary use of any place for the reception of the sick. It may enter into any agreement with any person or body of per- sons having the management of any hospital for the reception of the sick inhabitants of its district, on payment by the sewer authority of such annual or other sum as may be agreed upon. The carrying into effect this section shall in the case of a sewer authority be deemed to be one of the purposes of the said Sewage Utilization Act, 1865, and all the provisions of the said Act shall apply accordingly. Two or more authorities having respectively the power to provide separate hospitals may combine in providing a common hospital, and all expenses incurred by such authorities in providing such hospital shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by them respectively in carrying into effect the purposes of this Act. 38. Any person suffering from any dangerous infectious disorder who wilfully exposes himself, without proper precaution against spreading the said disorder, in any street, public place, or public conveyance, and any person in charge (b) of one so suffering who so exposes the sufferer, and any owner or driver of a public convey- ance who does not immediately provide for the disinfection of his conveyance after it has, with the knowledge of such owner or driver, conveyed any such, sufferer, and any person who without previous disinfection gives, lends, sells, transmits, or exposes any bedding, clothing, rags, or other things which have been exposed to infection from such disorders (c), shall, on conviction of such offence before any justice, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds : Pro- vided that no proceedings under this section shall be taken against persons transmitting with proper precautions any such bedding (a) By 31 & 32 Viet. c. 115, s. 10, the nuisance authority in the metro- polis shall have the like power as contained in this section, for the tempo- rary supply of medicine and medical assistance for the poorer inhabitants; but such power shall not be exercised without sanction of the privy council. (b) See Tunbridge Wells Local Board of Health v. Sisshopp, L. E. 2 C. P. D. 187, as to circumstances under which a surgeon was held not liable to a penalty under section 126 of Public Health Act, 1875, as being in charge of and exposing a person suffering from au infectious disorder ; see Best v. Staff, Q. B. M. T. 1872, referred to in Lumley's Public Health Act, 1875, p. 105, note (n), where a person knowingly took a child recover- ing from small pox to a lodging at the sea side without communicating the fact. It is an indictable offence to expose unnecessarily, persons affected with the small pox in the public streets ; S. v. Burnett, 4 M. & S. 272 ; E. v. Vantandillo, 4 M. & S. 73 ; referred to in Lumley's Public Health Act, 1875, p. 105, note (). (c) By the Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874, section 52, the 51st and 52nd sections of the Public Health Act, 1872, shall apply to the metro- polis. The sections provide for the destruction of bedding, clothing, &c., which have been exposed to infection from any dangerous infectious dis- order. 29 & 30 VICT. c. 90, ss. 3844. 55 j clothing, rags, or other things for the purpose of having the same PABT III. disinfected. _ Section 38. 39. If any person knowingly lets any house, room, or part of a PenaltTon house in which any person suffering from any dangerous infec- persons letting tious disorder has been to any other person without having such houses in house, room, or part of a house, and all articles therein liable to which in- retain infection, disinfected to the satisfaction of a qualified medical fected persons practitioner as testified by a certificate given by him, such person have been shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. For the lodging- purposes of this section the keeper of an inn shall be deemed to let part of a house to any person admitted as a guest into such inn. 40. Where in any place two or more boards of guardians or local authorities have jurisdiction, the privy council may, by any order made under the Diseases Prevention Act, 1855, authorize or require ?\ , such boards to act together for the purposes of that Act, and may authrit prescribe the mode of such joint action and of defraying the costs f or executing thereof - Diseases Prevention 41. In any proceedings under the Common Lodging Houses Act, Act. 1851, if the inmates of any house or part of a house allege that they Evidence of are members of the same family, the burden of proving such allega- f am ii y i n tion shall lie on the persons making it. case of overcrowded 42. The sixty-seventh section of the Public Health Act, 1848, houses. relating to cellar dwellings, shall apply to every place in England Extension to and Ireland where such dwellings are not regulated by any other the whole of Act of parliament, and in applying that section to places where England and it is not in force at the time of the passing of this Act the expression Ireland of " this Act " shall be construed to mean the " Sanitary Act, 1866," section 67 of and not the said Public Health Act, 1848. In construing the said H & 12 Viet. sixty-seventh section as applied by this Act nuisance authority shall c - 63 (d). be substituted for the local board. 43. Local boards acting in execution of the local government Act, Local board in 1858, may adopt the Act to Encourage the Establishment of Public certain cases Baths and Washhouses, and any Act amending the same, for districts ma J adopt in which those Acts are not already in force, and when they have Baths and adopted the said Acts they shall have all the powers, duties, and Washhouses rights of commissioners under the said Acts ; and all expenses in- Acts< curred by any local board in carrying into execution the Acts referred to in this section shall be defrayed out of the general district rates, and all receipts by them under the said Acts shall be carried to the district fund account. 44. When the district of a burial board is conterminous with Power to the district of a local board of health, the burial board may, by burial boai resolution of the vestry, and by agreement of the burial board in certain (d) See Metropolis Management Act, 1855, section 103, ante, as to cellar- dwellings. The Public Health Act, 1875, repealed the Public Health Act, 1848, and by section 71 of the Act of 1875, " it shall not be lawful to let or occupy or suffer to be occupied separately as a dwelling any cellar (including, for the purposes of this Act, in that expression any vault, or underground room) built or rebuilt after the passing of this Act, or which is not lawfully so let or occupied at the time of the passing of this Act." APPENDIX THE SANITARY ACT, 1866. and local board, transfer to the local board all their estate, pro- perty, rights, powers, duties, and liabilities, and from and after such transfer the local board shall have all such estate, property, rights, powers, duties, and liabilities as if the local board had been appointed a burial board by order in council under the fourth sec- tion of the Act of the session of the twentieth and twenty-first years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter eighty-one. Penalty for 45. If any person wilfully damages any works or property belong, wilful damage ing to any local board, sewer authority, or nuisance authority, he of works. shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. Incorporation 46. The following bodies, that is to say, local boards, sewer of sanitary authorities, and nuisance authorities, if not already incorporated, shall respectively be bodies corporate designated by such names as 652 PAET III. Section 44. cases to transfer their powers to local board. authorities (a). Extent of authority to make provi- sional orders respecting lands under sect. 75 of 21 & 22 Viet, s. 98. Appearance of local au- thorities in legal pro- ceedings (J). Mode of pro- they may usually bear or adopt, with power to sue and be sued in such names, and to hold lands for the purposes of the several Acts conferring powers on such bodies respectively in their several characters of local boards, sewer authorities, or nuisance autho- rities. 47. The authority conferred on one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state by section seventy -five of the Local Government Act, 1858, to empower by provisional order a local board to put in force, with reference to the land referred to in such order, the powers of the Land Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, with respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by agreement, shall extend and apply and shall be deemed to have always extended and applied to every case in which, by the Public Health Act, 1848, and tne Local Government Act, 1858, or either of them, or any Act extending or amending those Acts, or either of them, a local board are authorized to purchase, provide, use, or take lands or premises for any of the purposes of the said Acts, or either of them, or of any such Act as aforesaid ; and sections seventy -three and eighty-four of the Public Health Act, 1848, shall be construed as if the words " by agreement " therein respectively used had been expressly repealed by section seventy-five of the Local Government Act, 1858. 48. Any local board, sewer authority, or nuisance authority may appear before any justice or justices, or in any legal proceeding, by its clerk or by any officer or member authorized generally or in respect of any special proceeding by resolution of such board or authority, and such person being so authorized shall be at liberty to institute and carry on any proceeding which the nuisance authority is authorized to institute and carry on under the Nuisance Removal Acts or this Act. 49. Where complaint is made to one of Her Majesty's principa (a) By the Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855, section 134, ante, vestries and district boards are to be the local authorities to execute the Nuisances Removal Acts. (J) On complaint to justices for infringement of a byelaw of a local board, held they were not bound to adjudicate, unless the clerk of the board attended either personally, or by counsel or attorney ; ex parte Leamington 26 J. P. 84. 29 & 30 VICT. c. 90, ss. 4951. 553 secretaries of state that a sewer authority or local board of health has PAST III. made default in providing its district with sufficient sewers, or in the _ - maintenance of existing sewers, or in providing its district with a Section 49. supply of water in cases where danger arises to the health of the Ceding where inhabitants from the insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the existing se wer au- supply of water, and a proper supply can be got at a reasonable cost, thority has or that a nuisance authority has made default in enforcing the pro- made default visions of the Nuisance Eemoval Acts (d), or that a local board has in providing made default in enforcing the provisions of the Local Government sufficient Act, the said secretary of state, if satisfied after due inquiry made sewers, by him that the authority has been guilty of the alleged default, &c. (e). shall make an order limiting a time for the performance of its duty in the matter of such complaint (e), and if such duty is not performed by the time limited in the order, the said secretary of state shall appoint some person to perform the same, and shall by order direct that the expenses (/) of performing the same, together with a reason- able remuneration to the person appointed for superintending such performance, and amounting to a sum specified in the order, together with the costs of the proceedings, shall be paid by the authority in default ; and any order made for the payment of such costs and expenses may be removed into the court of Queen's Bench, and be enforced in the same manner as if the same were an order of such court. 50. All expenses incurred by a sewers authority or local board in Recovery of giving a supply of water to premises under the provisions of the certain ex- seventy-sixth section of the Public Health Act, 1848, or the fifty- pensesof first section of the Local Government Act, 1858, and recoverable water supply, from the owners of the premises supplied, may be recovered in a summary manner. 51. All penalties imposed by the Act of the sixth year of King Power to re- George the fourth, chapter seventy-eight, intituled " An Act to re- duce penalties peal the several Laws relating to quarantine, and to make other pro- imposed by visions in lieu thereof," may be reduced by the justices or court 6 Geo. 4, having jurisdiction in respect of such penalties to such sum as the c - 78. justices or court think just. (c) An order under this enactment, requires the sewer authority to com- mence the works within a stated period, and a subsequent order reciting default and appointing a person to do the work, was held to be valid, It. v. CocJcerell, L. K. 6 Q. B. 252 ; 40 L. J. M. C. 153. (d) By the Sanitary Act, 1868, 31 & 32 Viet. c. 115, s. 8, it is provided that the sum specified in the order of the secretary of state, together with costs of proceedings, shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by the autho- rity in default, and to be a debt due from such authority ; and see enact* ment, post. By the Sanitary Loans Act, 1869, the public works loan commissioners may advance money to secretary of state for purpose of defraying any expenses incurred in the performance of the duty of a defaulting local authority ; see note to section 8 of Sanitary Act, 1868, post. (e) By Public Health Act, 1875, section 299, where a local government board have made an order under this section, the order may be enforced by mandamus notwithstanding the provision for the performance of the duty, in the event of the continued default of sanitary authority. (/) The corresponding section of the Public Health Act, 1875 (s. 299), empowers the local government board to enforce their order by or by the appointment of a person to perform the duty. 654 Part III. Section 51. Description of vessels within provisions of 6 Geo. 4, c. 78 (a). Periodical re- moval of manure in mews, &c. Recovery of penalties. APPENDIX. THE SANITARY ACT, 1866. 52. Every vessel having on board any person affected with a dangerous or infectious disorder shall be deemed to be within the provisions of the Act of the sixth year of King George the Fourth, chapter seventy-eight, although such vessel has not commenced her voyage, or has come from or is bound for some place in the United Kingdom ; and the lords and others of Her Majesty's most honour- able privy council, or any three or more of them (the lord president of the council or one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state being one), may, by order or orders to be by them from time to time made, make such rules, orders, and regulations as to them shall seem fit, and every such order shall be certified under the hand of the clerk in ordinary of Her Majesty's privy council, and shall be pub- lished in the London Ga/ette, and such publication shall be conclu- sive evidence of such order (b) to all intents and purposes ; and such orders shall be binding and be carried into effect as soon as the same shall have been so published, or at such other time as shall be fixed by such orders, with a view to the treatment of persons affected with cholera and epidemic, endemic, and contagious disease, and prevent- ing the spread of cholera and such other diseases as well on the seas, rivers and waters of the United Kingdom, and on the high seas within three miles of the coasts thereof, as on land ; and to declare and determine by Avhat nuisance authority or authorities such orders, rules, and regulations shall be enforced and executed ; and any ex- penses incurred by any such nuisance authority or authorities shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by it or them in carrying into effect the Nuisances Removal Acts. 53. Where notice has been given by the nuisance authority, or their officer or officers, for the periodical removal of manure or other refuse matter from mews, stables, or other premises (whether such notice shall be by public announcement in the locality or otherwise), and subsequent to such notice the person or persons to whom the manure or other refuse matter belongs shall not so remove the same, or shall permit a further accumulation, and shall not continue such periodical removal at such intervals as the nuisance authority, or their officer or officers, shall direct, he or they shall be liable, with- out further notice, to a penalty of twenty shillings per day for every day during which such manure or other refuse matter shall be per- mitted to accumulate, such penalty to be recovered in a summary manner : Provided always, that this section shall not apply to any place where the board of guardians or overseers of the poor are the nuisance authority. 54. Penalties under this Act, and expenses directed to be recovered in a summary manner, may be recovered before two justices in man- ner directed by an Act passed in the session holden in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, chap- ter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions within England (a) This provision is re-enacted in the third part of Sched. 5 to the Public Health Act, 1875, which repeals this Act to the extent specified in Part I. of same schedule, except so far as relates to the metropolis. By the Public Health Act, 1875, section 291, the Corporation of London are the Port Sanitary Authorities for the city of London. (b) Qucere, whether these rules and regulations are still in force : see Lumley's Public Health Act, 1875, p. 108, note (i). 29 & 30 VICT. c. 90, ss. 54, 55. 655 and Wales with respect to Summary Convictions and Orders," or any Part HI. Act amending the same. ~ - 4 55. All powers given by this Act shall be deemed to be in addition Powers of to and not in derogation of any other powers conferred on any local Act cumula- authority by Act of parliament, law, or custom, and such authority tive. may exercise such other powers in the same manner as if this Act had not passed (c). SECOND SCHEDULE. Statutes Repealed. Local Boards of Health Act for Ireland, 1818 ; statute 58 Geo. 3, c. 47, ss. 10 to 15 inclusive. Officers of Health Act for Ireland, 1819 ; statute 59 Geo. 3, c. 41. Nitisance Eemoval and Disease Prevention Act, 1848. Nuisance Removal and Disease Prevention Act, 1849. (c) The 4th part of the Act, except the second schedule, applies ex- clusively to Ireland. AN ACT TO AMEND THE SANITARY ACT, 1866 (a). 31 & 32 VICT. CAP. 115. 31ST JULY, 1868. WHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision for the removal on r on IT- 4. f refuse matter irom dwelling-houses, and to amend the Sanitary c 90. Act) 1866: ~ Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Short title. Application of Act. Definition of " sewer autho- rity." Power to sewer autho- rity in relation to privies. 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Sanitary Act, 1868. 2. This Act shall not extend to Scotland or Ireland. 3. " Sewer authority in this Act shall have the same meaning as it has in the Sewage Utilization Act, 1865. 4. The following sections of the Public Health Act, 1848, as amended by any subsequent Act of parliament, that is to say. (1.) The fifty-first section, requiring every new house and every house pulled down to or below the ground floor and re- built to have a sufficient watercloset or privy and ashpit : (2.) And the fifty-fourth section as amended by any subsequent Act of parliament, providing that the local board of health shall see that drains, waterclosets, privies, and ashpits within their district do not become a nuisance ; shall extend to the district of every sewer authority in which there is no enactment of any public or private Act of parliament to the like effect in force ; and the said sections when so extended shall be construed in reference to the district of any sewer authority as if the expression " sewer authority " Avere inserted therein in the place of the expression " local board," and any officer for the time being appointed by the sewer authority to examine any premises shall (a) This Act is repealed by the Public Health Act, 1875, Sched. 5 Part I., except so far as relates to the metropolis. 31 & 32 VICT. c. 115, ss. 47. (557 be deemed to be the surveyor within the meantng of the said Section 4 sections. _Where the sewer authority and the nuisance authority of a dis- trict are different bodies of men, the jurisdiction of the nuisance authority shall cease within such district in relation to all matters within the purview of the said sections of the Public Health Act, 1848 ; and any sewer authority to whose district the said sections are extended making default in enforcing their provisions shall be sub- ject to proceedings under the Sanitary Act, 1866, in the same manner as if it had made default in providing its district with sufficient sewers. 5. A sewer authority shall within their district have all the powers Power of vested in a local board by the thirty-second section of the Local sewer uutho- Government Act, 1858, as amended by any subsequent Act of parlia- rities to ment, so far as relates to sewerage. (1.) The removal of house refuse from premises ; (2.) The cleansing of privies, ashpits, and cesspools ; and the paragraphs numbered (1), (2), and (3) of the said section shall be construed in reference to the district of any sewer authority as if the expression "sewer authority " were inserted therein in the place of the expression " local board." Where the sewer authority and the nuisance authority are diffe- rent bodies of men, the jurisdiction of the nuisance authority in such district shall cease in respect to all matters over which the sewer authority acquires power by this section. 6. The provisions of the Public Health Act, 1848, relating to Incorporation private improvement expenses, as amended by any subsequent of provisions Act of parliament, shall be deemed to be incorporated with this Act, of 11 & 12 so far as may be required for carrying into effect any provision of Viet. c. 63, as this Act. to private im- provement ex- 7. Any enactment of any Act of parliament in force in any place P cns cs. requiring the construction of a watercloset shall, with the approval Earthclosets of the local authority, be satisfied by the construction of an earth- may in certain closet, or other place for the reception and deodorization of foocal cases be con- matter, made and used in accordance with any regulation from time structed in- to time issued by the local authority. stead of watcr- The local authority may as respects any houses in which such c l se ts. earthclosets or other places as aforesaid are in use with their approval, dispense with the supply of water required by any contract or enact- ment to be furnished to the waterclosets in such houses, on such terms as may be agreed upon between such authority and the persons or body of persons providing or required to provide such supply of water. The local authority may themselves undertake or contract with any person to undertake a supply of dry earth or other deodorizing substance to any house or houses within their district for the purpose of any earthclosets or other places as aforesaid. The local authority may themselves construct or require to be constructed earthclosets or other such places as aforesaid in all cases where, under any enactment in force, they might construct water- closets or privies, or require the same to be constructed, with this restriction, that no person shall be required to construct an earth- closet or other place, as aforesaid in any house instead of a water- closet if he prefer to comply with the provisions of the enactment in force requiring the construction of a watercloset, and a supply of 2 u 658 Section 7. Provision for recovery of expenses by secretary of state (a). APPENDIX THE SANITARY ACT, 1868. water for other purposes is furnished to such house, and that no per- son shall be put to greater expense in constructing an earthcloset or other place as aforesaid than lie would be put to by compliance with the provisions of any enactment as to waterclosets or privy accommo- dation which he might have been compelled to comply with if this section had not been passed. Local authority shall, for the purposes of this Act, mean any local board and any sewer authority. 8. Whereas by the forty -ninth section of the Sanitary Act, 1866, power is given to one of her Majesty's principal secretaries of state in case of any sewer authority, local board, or nuisance authority making default in performing the sanitary duties specified in the said section, and imposed on them by Act of parliament, to appoint a person to perform the same, and to direct by order that the expenses of performing the same, together with a reasonable remuneration to the person appointed for superintending such performance, and amounting to a sum specified in the order, together with the costs of the proceedings, shall be paid by the authority in default, and that any order made for the payment of such costs and expenses may be removed into the Court of Queen's Bench, and be enforced in the same manner as if the same were an order of such court : And whereas it is expedient to make further provision for enforcing payment of any sum so specified as aforesaid in the order of the secretary of state, together with the costs of the proceedings occa- sioned by the default made in payment of such sum : Be it enacted, that the sum so specified in the order of the secre- tary of state, . together with the costs of the proceedings, shall be deemed to be expenses properly incurred by the authority in default (a) By 32 & 33 Viet. c. 100 (repealed except as to the metropolis), the secretary of state is empowered from time to time to certify under his hand, the amount of expenses incurred, or an estimate of the expense about to be incurred by any person appointed by him for the purpose of performing the duty of a defaulting local authority. Also the amount of any loan re- quired for either of the purposes herein mentioned, and such certificate shall be conclusive as to the matters to which it refers. Section 5. Public works loans commissioners may advance to the secre- tary of state, or any person appointed by him, the amount of the loan so certified, and the secretary of state, or the person so appointed, may, by instrument under his hand, charge the local rate with the repayment of the principal and interest in respect of such loan. Certificate of secretary of state conclusive evidence that all the requirements of the 49th section of the Sanitary Act, 1866, and any other enactment relating thereto, have been complied with. Section 6. Principal money and interest may he enforced in addition to other remedies, in manner provided by 8th section of Sanitary Act, 1868. Section 7. Overplus (if any) to be paid to the defaulting authority. Section 8. Secretary of state may change person appointed in default of local authority. Section 9. As to costs of inquiries or proceedings. Section 10. Definition of expenses. By 33 & 34 Viet. c. 53 (Sanitary Act, 1870), section 2 : For purposes of 26th section of Sanitary Act, 1866, every hospital or place for the re- ception of sick within the metropolis deemed to be within the district of every nuisance authority in the metropolis. See Public Health Act, 1872, s. 34, as to transfer of certain powers and duties of secretary of state to local government board. This act is re- pealed by the Public Health Act, 1875, but this (the 34th) section is re- enacted by the same act, section 343, and sched. 5, part 3. 31 & 32 VICT. c. 115, ss. 811. 559 and to be a debt due from such authority, and payable out of any Section 8 moneys in the hands of such authority or their officers, or out of any rate applicable to the payment of any expenses properly incurred by the defaulting authority, and which rate is in this section referred to as the local rate ; and in the event of any authority refusing to pay any such sum with costs as aforesaid within a period of fourteen days after demand, the secretary of state may by precept empower any person to levy by and out of the local rate such sum (the amount to be specified in the precept) as may, in the opinion of the said secre- tary of state, be sufficient to defray the debt so due from the default- ing authority, and all expenses incurred in consequence of the non- payment of such debt ; and any person or persons so empowered shall have the same powers of levying the local rate, and requiring all officers of the defaulting authority to pay over any moneys in their hands, as the defaulting authority itself would have in the case of expenses legally payable out of a local rate to be raised by such authority ; and the said person or persons, after repaying all sums of money so due in respect of the precept, shall pay the overplus, if any (the amount to be ascertained by the secretary of state), to or to the order of the defaulting authority. 9. Penalties under any section incorporated with this Act shall be As to recovery recovered in manner directed by the Act passed in the session holden of penalties, in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of her present Majesty, chapter forty-three. All powers conferred by this Act shall be deemed to be in addition to and not in derogation of any other powers conferred by any other Act of parliament, and any such other powers may be exercised as if this Act had not passed. Nothing in this Act contained shall be deemed to exempt any person from any penalty to which he would have been liable if this Act had not been passed. in pursuance of this Act shall for the same offence be liable to a penalty under any other Act. 10. The sewer authority, or in the metropolis the nuisance autho- Amendment rity, shall have the like power to make provision for the temporary of section 37 supply of medicine and medical assistance for the poorer inhabitants * ^9 & 30 as it now has to provide hospitals or temporary places for the recep- 1C '* c< *** tion of the sick under the thirty-seventh section of the Sanitary Act, 1866, but such power to make provision for the temporary supply of medicine and medical assistance shall not be exercised without the sanction of Her Majesty's privy council. 11 In the construction of the first part of the Sanitary Act, 1866, Construction " owner" shall have the same meaning as it has in the second part of first . part of the said Act ; and notices may be served for the purposes of the Sani ^. r y first part of the said Act in the same manner in which they are re- Act 186b< quired to be served under the second part of the said Act. 2u2 AN ACT TO AMEND AND EXTEND THE SANITARY LAWS. 37 & 38 VICT. CAP. 89. ?TH AUGUST, 1874. WHEREAS it is expedien that the Sanitaiy Acts should be explained and amended, and that sundry other provisions should be made to extend the same: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Miscellaneous Sanitary provisions. Provision for 50 (a). If it shall be represented to any nuisance authority in the polluted water metropolis or to any sanitary authority that within their district the in wells and -water in any well, tank, or cistern, public or private, or supplied pumps. from any public pump, and used or likely to be used for domestic purposes, is so polluted as to be injurious to health, such authority may apply to any justices having jurisdiction within their district, in petty sessions assembled, for an order to remedy the same, and thereupon such justices shall summon the person occupying the pre- mises to which the well, tank, or cistern belongs, if it be private, and as regards any public well, tank, or cistern, or pump, such other person as shall be alleged in the application to be interested in the same, and .shall either dismiss the application or make such an order in the case, by directing the well, tank, or cistern, or pump to be permanently or temporarily closed, or the water to be used for certain purposes only, or providing otherwise, as shall appear to them .to be requisite to prevent injury to the health of persons drinking the water. For the purposes of such inquiry, the said justices may cause the water to be analysed at the cost of the sanitary authority applying. And all the expenses incurred by such authority in and about the procuring of this order, and in carrying it into execution, shall be charged upon the funds applicable to their general expenditure, but (a) The previous sections do not apply to the metropolis. This act is repealed by the Public Health Act (1875), except as to the metropolis or inetropolitan police district. 37 & 38 VICT. c. 89, ss. 5055. in the case of a rural sanitary authority, shall be deemed to be Section 50 special expenses within the meaning of the Sanitary Acts. Provided that where the order is made in respect of any private well, tank, or cistern, any person aggrieved thereby may appeal against the same in the manner provided by the one hundred and thirty-fifth section of the Public Health Act, 1848, and with the same incidents and consequences. Where the justices dismiss the application, they may, if they think fit, award such costs to the person summoned as to them shall appear to be reasonable. 51. For the purposes of the twenty-sixth section of the Sanitary Hospital when Act, 1866, every hospital or place foi the reception of the sick which to be deemed shall be declared by an order of the local government board to be within dis- situated within a convenient distance of the district of any authority, trict - for the purposes of that section shall be deemed to be within the district of such authority. Where a justice shall make an order under that section for the re- Provision for moval of a sick person to a hospital or other place, he shall address it the execution to such police or other officer as he shall consider expedient ; and of order of a every person wilfully disobeying the order, or obstructing the execti- justice re- tion of the same, shall be guilty of an offence punishable on sum- moving sick mary conviction before two justices, and be liable to a penalty not person to a exceeding ten pounds. hospital. 52. The fifty-first and fifty-second sections of the principal Act Extension of .shall apply to the metropolis, and the local authorities empowered to 35 & 36 Viet. execute the Nuisance Eemoval Acts in the metropolis and in the city c - ? d > ss - 51 of London respectively shall be deemed to be sanitary authorities 52> to the within the operation of the said fifty-first section, and 'shall be em- metropolis. powered to pay the expenses to be incurred by them iinder those sections out of their general rate. 53. The right of complaint given by the thirteenth section of the Extension of twenty-third and twenty-fourth years of the reign of her Majesty, right of corn- chapter seventy-seven, shall extend to nuisances in any parish or plaint under place, whether on private or public premises, and may be exercised Nuisances by any inhabitant in such parish or place, or by any owner of premises Rem <>val Acts. situated therein, or by any other person aggrieved or injuriously affected thereby. 54. The second section of the Nuisances Removal Act for England ^provisions (Amendment) Act, 1863, shall extend to milk in the same manner as ^^^ ^J if that word had been introduced after the word ' flour ' wherever mova i ^ c ^ f or the word ' flour ' occurs in the said section ; and the justice who under the said section is empowered to convict the offender therein (Amendment) described may be other than the justice who may have ordered the Act, 1863, ex- article to be disposed of or destroyed. tended. 55. On complaint made by a medical officer of health or by any Warrant may inspector or other officer of a nuisance authority in the metropolis, b e granted by or of any sanitary authority upon oath, any justice may grant a a justice to warrant to any such officer to enter any building or part of a build- search for nn- ing or other place in which the complainant has reasonable ground sound food. for believing that any animal, carcase, meat, poultry, game, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, flour, milk, intended for sale for the food of man, which is so diseased, unsound, or unwholesome as to be unfit for the food of man, is kept or concealed, and to search for, seize, and carry away any such animal, carcase, meat, poultry, game, 662 Section 55. Penalty on false repre- sentations with respect to infectious disease. Interpreta- tion of words. Extent of Act. Title of Act. APPENDIX, THE SANITARY LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1874. fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, flour, or milk, in order to have the sarae dealt with in manner provided by law ; and any person ob- structing any such officer in performance of any duty under this sec- tion shall, in addition to any other punishment to which he may be subject, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 56. If any owner or occupier or person employed to let for hire, or to show for the purposes of letting for hire, any house or part of a house, when questioned by any person negotiating for the hire of sucli liouse or part of a house as to the fact of there being in such house, or having within six weeks previously been therein, any person suffering from an infectious, contagious, or epidemic disease, Know- ingly makes a false answer to such question, the person so answering falsely shall be guilty of an offence punishable on summary con- viction, and, at the discretion of the justices having cognizance of the case, be liable to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding one month, or to pay a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. Interpretation of Words. 57. All the words used in this Act shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Sanitary Acts as denned by the principal Act ; and all the provisions of the Sanitary Acts shall apply to this Act, except so far as they shall be repealed hereby, or shall be incon- sistent with anything herein contained. Provided that all rights, powers, and authorities saved by any of the said Acts, and not transferred or expressly repealed by this Act, and all enactments incidental to such rights, powers, and authorities, shall be and remain in full force and validity. The term " sanitary authority " used in the forty-first and forty- second sections of the Public Health Act, 1872, shall be held to in- clude a local board of health constituted for the purposes of main sewerage only ; and the term " consent " used in the twenty-fifth sec- tion of the said Act shall be deemed to apply and to have applied to a consent given either before or after the passing of the resolution for the adoption of the Acts or for the constitution of the district therein referred to. 58. This Act shall not apply to Scotland or Ireland. 59. This Act may be cited as the Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874. AN ACT FOR BETTER PAVING, IMPROVING, AND REGULATING THE STREETS OF THE METROPOLIS, AND REMOVING AND PREVENTING NUISANCES AND OBSTRUCTIONS THEREIN (a). 57 GEO. III. CAP. 29. 16-TH JUNE, 1817. WHEREAS many of the streets and public places within that part of the metropolis which is situate within the weekly bills of mortality, and the parishes of Saint Pancras and Saint Marylebone, in the county of Middlesex, are divided into parochial and other districts, and are paved and repaired and regulated, and obstructions and nuisances therein are removed, under the direction of certain commissioners or trustees, or other persons appointed to superintend and regulate the same in each of such parochial or other districts, by virtue of certain local Acts of parliament ; and the pavements of many of such streets and public places are often in a state dangerous to passengers, and frequently contain nuisances and obstructions which are offensive or injurious : And whereas it would materially tend to the remedying of such defects in the pavements, and such nuisances, if more summary means of compelling the speedy reparation of the pavements of such streets and public places, and of enforcing due regulations as to the various water and gas companies and commissioners of sewers, by whom the pavements of such streets and public places have been frequently (a) By the 73rd section of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, p. 201, ante, the powers of improving and regulating streets, and for the suppression of nuisances contained in this Act, shall, so far as the same is in force and is not incon- sistent with the provisions of the therein recited Acts and that Act, extend to the metropolis, including any unpaved streets, notwithstanding any ex- ception therein contained. See note to 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 73, ante. This Act did not empower commissioners acting under it to take under their jurisdiction footpaths at the side of a turnpike road ; Loveridge v. Hodsoll, 2 B. & Ad. 602, or to enter private property, such as Ely Place, Holborn ; Paul v. James, 1 Ga. & Dav. 316. As to the construction of this Act, see Bouverie v. Miles, 1 B. & Ad. 38 ; Loveridge \. Hodsoll, supra ; Baddeley v. Oingell, 1 Ex. 319 ; Sums v. Carter, 5 Bing. 429 ; Curling \. Johnson, 3 Moore & Sc. 498. The 12th section of 5 & 6 Will. 4, c. 50 (Highway Act, 1835), enacts that nothing in that Act shall be construed to abridge, repeal, alter, amend, or interfere with the powers and provisions contained in this Aet. 064 Section 5. Act to ex- tend to all streets within the metropolis and the bills of mortality, and Pan eras and Mary- lebone. Certain house- krepers in any part of the metro- polis may give notice to surveyors of any dan- gerous or very defective pavement, and shall require the reparat on thereot. APPENDIX. THE GENEBAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. displaced ; and also if more adequate funds and authorities were given to the said several commissioners, trustees, and other persons having the superintendence and regulation of the pavements of such streets and public places ; for which purposes, may it p'easw your Majesty that it may be^nacted ; and he it enacted by the King's most excellent Majest> , by and with the advice an hin three days after the day whereon such notice shall have been given to or left for him as aforesaid ; and if the costs and charges of and about the repairing of such pavement will exceed the sum of .2, but will not exceed the sum of 10, then he shall cause such dangerous or very defective pavement to be effectually repaired within seven days after the day whereon such notice shall have been given to or left for him as aforesaid ; and in either of such cases, such surveyor may and shall cause such pavements to be effectually repaired by and of his own authority, and without any order or direction from the commis- sioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pave- ments of the parochial or other district wherein he shall be appointed to act ; and the costs and charges of such effectual reparation shall be paid by such commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements of the parochial or other district wherein such dangerous or very defective pavement may he situate ; but if it shall appear to the said surveyor, upon the inspection of the pavements described in any notice to be given to or left for him as aforesaid, that the same is really in a state dangerous to passengers, or so very defective as to occasion serious inconvenience to passengers and car- riages, and that the costs and charges of and about the effectual reparation of such part of the said pavements as may then be in a state dangerous to passengers, or so very defective as to occasion serious inconvenience to passengers and carriages, will exceed the sum of .10, then and in every such case the said surveyor shall deliver a copy of the notice given to or left for him as aforesaid, to the clerk or clerks or other proper officer of the commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements of such parochial or other district, within three days after such notice shall have been given to or left for him as aforesaid, and shall in writing require such clerk or clerks or other proper officer, duly to summon a general meeting of the com- missioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pave- ments of such parochial or other district, according to the usual custom of such clerk or clerks or other proper officer, or to the direc- tions ot the local Act or Acts of parliament under or by virtue whereof such commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control ot the pavements of and in such parochial or other district, shall be appointed ; and that such clerk or clerks, or other proper officer, within two days after he shall receive such notice and requisition from the said surveyor, shall summon or cause to be summoned a general meeting of the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the con- trol of the pavements of and in such parochial or other distnet, to be held within four days then next, for the purpose of considering the notice given to or left for the surveyor appointed by them as aforesaid ; and that the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) AcT,'1817. the control of the pavements of such parochial or other district, or a sufficLat nuu- ber of them for the transaction of business, according to the provisions of the local Act or Acts of parliament under or by virtue of which they are or shall be appointed, shall assemble at their usual place of meeting pursuant to such summons, and shall then and the ?e consider such notice so given to or left for the said surveyor of the pavements of such parochial or other district ; and if such part of the pavement described in such notice, or any part thereof, shall really be in a state dangerous to passengers, or so very defective as to occa- sion serious inconvenience to passengers and carriages, then such commissioners or trustees or other persons shall then and there direct the effectual reparation of such part of the pavements mentioned in the said notice as may be dangerous to passengers, or so very defec- tive as aforesaid, and shall cause the same and every part thereof to be so effectually repaired, at their cost and charges, within twenty- eight days then next, if the charges of and about so effectually repair- ing the same will not in their judgment exceed the sum of ,50, and within six weeks then next if the charges of and about so effectually repairing the same will in their judgment exceed the said sum of 50. 8. And be it further enacted, that if at any time or times hereafter the pavement of any street or public place within the jurisdiction of this Act, being in a state dangerous to passengers, or so very defec- tive as to occasion serious inconvenience to passengers and carriages, whereof a notice prepared and signed as hereinbefore is directed, shall have been given to or left for any person being a surveyor of the pavements of the parochial or other district wherein the pavement so dangerous to passengers or so very defective as aforesaid, may be situate, shall not be sufficiently repaired within the times herein- before appointed for the reparation thereof, (that is to say,) within three days from the day whereon the said notice shall have been given or left as aforesaid, if the costs and charges of and about such repair would not exceed the sum of 2, and within seven days from the day whereon the said notice shall have been given or left as afore- said, if the costs and charges of and about such repair would not exceed the sum of 10, and within twenty-eight days from the day whereon the said notice shall have been given or left as aforesaid, if the cost and charges of and about such repair would not exceed the sum of 50, and within six weeks next after the said notice shall have been given or left as aforesaid, if the costs and charges of and about such repair would not exceed the sum of 50, then it shall and may be lawful to and for the person or persons by whom any notice signed as hereinbefore is directed shall have been given or left as aforesaid, to apply and complain to any two justices of the peace acting for the city, borough, or county wherein the pavement of the street or public place described in the notice so given or left as afore- said shall be situate, and that upon proof upon oath, by one or more credible witness or witnesses, that a notice prepared and signed as hereinbefore is directed, had been given to or left for a person appointed and notified to be a surveyor of the pavements of such parochial or other district wherein the pavement described in such notice may be situate, and according to the directions of this Act, and that the part of the pavements in any street or public place described in such notice, and being in a state dangerous to passengers, . or so very defective as to occasion serious inconvenience to passengers and carriages, had not been sufficiently repaired within the time hereinbefore limited by this Act, according to the costs and charges 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, s. 8. 667 which must be incurred in and about such reparation ; then such Section 8. justices of the peace, by a summons under their hands, shall require the said person, being appointed and notified to be a surveyor of the pavements for the parochial or other district wherein the pavement of any street or public place dangerous to passengers, or so very defective as aforesaid, shall be situate, to or for whom the said notice, prepared and signed as aforesaid, shall have been given or left, accord- ing to the directions of this Act, to appear before them the said jus- tices, at a place and time to be mentioned in such summons (and the time being twenty-four hours at the least after the said summons shall have been given to the said surveyor, or shall have been left for him at his dwelling house or office within the parochial or other district the pavement whereof he shall be appointed to survey, inscribed on the boards hereinbefore directed to be set up in every parochial and other district within the jurisdiction of this Act), and then and there to show cause why the pavement described in the said notice hath not been sufficiently repaired according to such notice within the times hereinbefore by this Act limited, according to the expense which must be incurred in and about such repair ; and that if the said surveyor, or some person authorized by him, shall not attend before the said justices at the time and place mentioned in such summons, or if he 'or such other person authorized by him shall then and there attend, and shall not show to them the said jus- tices a sufficient cause or sufficient causes why the said pavement described in the said notice given to or left for the said surveyor as hereinbefore is directed, and every part thereof, have not been suffi- ciently repaired according to such notice, then and upon proof upon oath by two or more credible witnesses that the pavement described in the said notice is then dangerous to passengers, or so very defec- tive as aforesaid, and that the same is situate within the parochial or other district for which the said surveyor shall have been .appointed and notified as appointed to act, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said justices by order under their hands and seals, to order and direct that the said surveyor shall pay to the person or persons by whom the said notice shall have been signed as aforesaid, such sum of money as he or they shall have legally expended for the cost and charges of such summons and order, and which said sum of money so by the said justices ordered to be paid by the said surveyor shall and may be recovered in the same manner in which any other forfeitures and penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act ; and the said justices shall also then and there, by an order under their hands and seals, order the said surveyor to sufficiently repair or cause to be repaired all the pavements described in the said notice being in a state dangerous to passengers, or so very defective as aforesaid, and being in the parochial or other district wherein he the said surveyor shall have been appointed to act as sur- veyor of the pavement, within three days then next if the costs and charges of and about such repair will not exceed the sum of 2, and within seven days then next if the costs and charges of and about the said repair will not exceed the sum of 10, and within twenty-eight days then next if the costs and charges of and about such repair will exceed the sum of .10, but will not exceed the sum of 50, and within six weeks then next if the cost and charges of and about such repair will exceed the sum of .50 ; and the said order of the said two justices of the peace, within twenty-four hours after the same shall be made, shall be given to the said surveyor, or left for him at his . dwelling house or office within the parish or other district the pave- ment whereof he shall be appointed to survey, inscribed on the said 368 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 8. boards hereinbefore directed to be set up, and shall be obeyed and performed by him ; and he the said surveyor shall sufficiently repair the said pavements, or cause the same to be sufficiently repaired, within the time to be directed by the said order, at the costs and charges of the commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements of that parochial or other district wherein the pavement shall be situate which by such order shall be so ordered to be repaired ; but if the said surveyor, or any person authorized by him, shall attend before the said justices at the time and place mentioned in such summons, and shall show to the said justices that such notice was not prepared and signed and given or left according to the directions of this Act, or that the pavement described in such notice was not in a state dangerous to passengers, or was not in a state so very defective as to occasion serious incon- venience to passengers and a/mges, either at the time of the delivery of such notice, or at the time of the application of the person or persons signing such notice to such justices, or shall then and there nhow to such justices such other cause or causes as they shall deem sufficient why the said pavements have not been repaired according to such notice, then in any or either of the said cases the said justices shall dismiss the said complaint of the person or persons by whom the said notice shall have been signed as aforesaid, and by an order under their hands and seals shall declare that such person or persons having signed the said notice, and having made the application and complaint to them the said justices, hath or have forfeited the sum of 40s. , and shall direct the same sum of 40s. to be paid by him or them to the said surveyor or other person authorized by him, then attending before the said justices, for his own use and benefit ; and such sum of 40s. so forfeited shall be recovered in the manner in which other forfeitures and penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act : Provided always, and be it hereby also enacted, that if it shall appear to the said j ustices of the peace that the costs and charges of and about the repair of any pavement so by them ordered to be repaired as aforesaid will exceed the sum of 50, or that such reparation cannot be probably completed within six weeks then next, then and in such case, or under any other special circumstances, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said justices to extend any of the times for completing the repair of any such pavement to some other time beyond the period of six weeks, or beyond the other periods mentioned by this Act, at their discretion, and so that such repair be completed with all the expedition which the extent of such repair and such special circumstances, in the judg- ment of the said justices of the peace, will permit. 9. And be it further enacted, that if any person from time to time hereafter, being the surveyor of the pavements of any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, and being sum- moned by any two justices of the peace as hereinbefore is directed, shall refuse or neglect, either personally or by some person authorized by him, to attend before such justices at the time and place to be mentioned in such summons, or shall refuse or neglect to perform and obey any order which may be legally made by such two justices of the peace, under their hands and seals, as hereinbefore is directed, and which shall direct, according to the provisions of this Act, the reparation of any pavements dangerous to any passengers, or so very defective as to occasion serious inconvenience to passengers and car- riages in any streets or public places within the parochial or other district for which he shall be appointed to act as a surveyor of the 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 9, 12. 669 pavements, and to perform and obey the same within the time sped- Section 9. tied therein (he having notice thereof as hereinbefore is directed, and not being prevented from the observance and performance of such order by frost or other unavoidable circumstances, or by the neglect or proceedings of any water or gas company or commissioners of sewers), then and in such case the said person being the surveyor as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for such refusal or neglect any sum not exceeding .10 for the first offence, and a sum not exceeding .20 for the second offence, and a sum not exceeding ,30 for every third offence, to be recovered in such manner as other penalties or for- feitures are by this Act hereinafter directed to be recovered, and to be paid, when recovered, to the churchwardens or overseers of the poor of the parish or district wherein any such dangerous or defec- tive pavement shall be situate, and to be by them applied to and for the use of the poor of such parish or district, and in aid of the rates for the relief of the poor ot such parish or district, and to no other person or persons, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever ; and such person who shall be guilty of such third offence shall thereafter become disqualified from acting in the said office of a surveyor of the pavements in the same or in any other parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, and from being re-appointed or appointed thereto, and from acting therein, either gratuitously or otherwise, or under any pretence whatsoever unless he shall so act under the direction and by the command of the commissioners, trustees, or other persons by whom he shall have been appointed : Provided always, that all costs, charges, and expenses which such person, being the surveyor of the pavements of any parochial or other district, shall incur or expend in and about the observance and per- formance of any such order made by the said two justices of the peace as aforesaid for the reparation of the pavements in such paro- chial or other district being dangerous to passengers or very defective as aforesaid, as hereinbefore is directed, or which he shall incur or be put unto in consequence of his refusal or neglect to perform and obey any such order by the directions in writing of the commis- sioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pave- ments of the parochial or other district for which he may be ap- pointed to act, shall be forthwith paid or reimbursed to him by such commissioners or trustees, or other persons, out of the moneys which they shall then possess, or shall first thereafter receive, by virtue or on account of any rates or assessments thentofore or thereafter made, for and towards the expenses of the paving or reparation of the pave- ment of such parochial or other district, or otherwise, by virtue of any local Act or Acts of parliament or by virtue of this Act, 12. And be it further enacted, that all new or complete mains or j; cw maum pipes for the conveyance of water, or inflammable air or gas, which O f wa t cr after the passing of this Act shall be laid down beneath the surface pipes, &c. to of any streets or public places within the jurisdiction of this Act, by be made of or on account of any water or gaslight company, and whether such iron, and not new or complete main of pipes shall or shall not be substituted for or laid down added to any other complete main or mains of pipes for the convey- during the ance of water or inflammable air or gas, theretofore laid down for the months of conveyance of water, or k of inflammable air or gas, shall consist and _ (a) The provisions contained in this section relative to breaking up pavements, seem to be superseded by section 109 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. February (a). (370 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 12 ^ e made of iron alone, and of no other material ; and the pavements of any streets or public places within the jurisdiction of this Act, or any part thereof, shall not be broken or taken up for the purpose of laying down any new main of pipes, for the conveyance of water or of inflammable air or gas, during any part of the months of December, January, or February in any year ; and also that from and after ten years from the passing of this Act all and every new main pipe and pipes for the conveyance of water, or of inflammable air or gas, which shall be laid down by or on account of any water or gaslight company, or other persons, shall consist and be made of iron alone, and of no other material ; and all and every new service and other pipes shall not consist or be made of wood, but shall consist or be made of iron or lead, or of some durable material ; and that if any water or gas- light company, or any other person, shall break or take up, or cause to be broken or taken up, any such pavement for the purposes afore- said during the months aforesaid, or shall lay or cause to be laid down any pipes consisting or made of any materials in violation of the provisions of this Act, then and in every such case the company or other person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of 5 for every square foot of pavement which shall be so broken or taken up by them or on their account, and the like sum for every foot in length of pipe which shall be so laid down consisting or made of any such material ; and which said forfeitures and penalties shall be recoverable in the same manner in which other forfeitures and penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act : Provided always, that nothing herein contained- shall extend or be construed to extend to hinder or prevent any water company, at any time within or after the space of ten years from the passing of this Act, from repairing all or any of their present mains or service pipes, which are not constructed of iron, with wood or such other materials whereof such mains or pipes are now constructed. Plans of 13. And be it further enacted, that it shall and may be lawful to pipes and and for any person appointed to act as a surveyor of the pavements sewers may in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, be examined and to and for any other person or persons appointed by the commis- by surveyors sioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pave- of pavement, ments of any such parochial or other district, when he shall be directed so to do by the commissioners or trustees, or other persons by whom he or they shall be appointed to act, from time to time and at any times between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and of four of the clock in the afternoon of any day not being a Sun- day or holiday appointed by law, at the office or counting-house of any water or gaslight company, any of who.e pipes for the convey- ance of water or of inflammable air or gas shall then be laid beneath the surface of any of the streets or public places within each of such parochial or other districts, the pavements Avhereof shall be under the control of such several commissioners or trustees, or other persons, or for which any such surveyor shall be appointed to act, and at the office of any commissioners of sewers then having jurisdiction over the common and public drains and sewers within every such parochial or other district, to examine and inspect any and every map or plan, or draft or survey, or delineation or description of all and every the main of pipes and pipes belonging to any of such water or gaslight companies, then possessed by them, or being in their custody or power, and any and every map or plan, or draft or survey, delineation or description, of the common and public drains or sewers being within such parochial or other district, and under the juriedic- 671 Section 13. 57 GEO. 8, c. 29, ss. 1315. t ion of such commissioners of sewers, then possessed by them, or being in their custody or power, he such surveyor for the time being, or such other person or persons appointed by the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in any such parochial or other district, having given to a clerk or secretary of any such company or commissioners of sewers, or having left at the office or counting-house of such company or commissioners of sewers, two days previous notice in writing of his or their intention to attend at the office or counting-house of such companies or com- missioners of sewers for the purpose aforesaid ; and that the secretary or clerk or some other officer of such company or commissioners of sewers, shall then and there produce and show, or cause to be pro- duced and shown, unto such surveyor or other person or persons, all and every the maps, plans, drafts, surveys, delineations, and descrip- tions aforesaid, in the custody or power of the said company or com- missioners of sewers, and shall permit him or them then and there to take extracts therefrom, or copies thereof, or of and from any of them, or any part of any of them, so far as may relate to the mains of pipes or pipes, and to the public or common sewers or drains which shall be laid or be beneath the surface of the streets or public places within the parochial or other districts for which such surveyor of pavements, or other person or persons appointed by any such commissioners or trus- tees, or other persons having the control of pavements, shall be deputed or directed to act. 14. And be-it further enacted, that all and every the secretaries or clerks, surveyors or inspectors, and the several and respective turn- cocks, employed or appointed, or hereafter being employed or ap- pointed by all and every the water and gaslight companies, any of whose pipes shall be laid beneath the surface of any street or public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, and also all and every the clerk and clerks, secretary and secre- taries appointed or being hereafter appointed by any commissioners of sewers whose jurisdiction shall extend over the common or public drains or sewers within every such parochial or other district, within forty days next after the passing of this Act, or within the space of five days next after he or they shall be hereafter severally appointed to such several offices, situations, or employments, shall give notice in writing to each and every of the clerk or clerks to the commis- sioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements, or to the surveyor and surveyors of the pavements of each parochial or other district, beneath the surface of the streets or public places wherein the mains or pipes of such company, or any of them, shall be laid, or there shall be any common or public drains or sewers within the jurisdiction of such commissioners of sewers, of his, their, and every of their Christian and surnames and place or places of abode, and of the company or commissioners of sewers by whom he or they is or are, or hath or have been so appointed or em- ployed, and also of the place which is appointed as the office or counting-house of the said company or commissioners of sewers ; and that in case any such person or persons shall neglect to give such notice within the respective times aforesaid, every such person or persons so offending in either of the said cases shall forfeit and pay the sum of .10, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are hereafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. 15. And be it further enacted, that when and so often as it shall Surveyor Officers of companies, &c. to notify their names and places of abode to surveyors of pavements, 672 Section 15. may require repair of pipes and drains when defective. Notice to be given to re- pair them. APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. appear to any person appointed to Act as a surveyor of pavements in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, that any pipe or pipes, stopcock, plug, or other thing belonging to any water or gaslight company, or that any public sewer beneath the surface of the pavement of any street or public place within such parochial or other district, be broken or damaged, it shall be lawful for such surveyor, and he is hereby required to give immediate notice, signed by himself, to the company or commissioners of sewers to whom it may appear to him that such pipe or stopcock, plug, or other thing, or sewer, doth or may belong, by either giving such notice to a clerk or secretary, or to a turncock of such company, or to a clerk or secretary of such commissioners of sewers, or to some or one of them, or by leaving the same at the place or places of abode of some or one of them, or at the office or counting-house of such com- pany or commissioners of sewers, and shall require that such pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing, or sewer, be examined, and, if needful, that such pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing be repaired, altered, amended, or renewed, and such sewer be repaired by such company, or commissioners of sewers ; and that within forty- eight hours after such notice shall be so given or left as aforesaid, the said company or commissioners of sewers, to or for whom, or to or for whose officer or servant such notice shall have been given or left as aforesaid, shall cause to be taken up the pavement of the street or public place beneath which the pipe, stopcock, plug, or other defective thing, or sewer, shall be, and shall cause the ground to be opened, and shall also cause the said pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing to be substan- tially repaired, altered, amended, or renewed, or the said sewer to be examined, and, if necessary, to be substantially repaired, and the ground properly filled in with hard rubbish or other good materials, and rammed down, within forty-eight hours next after such notice shall be given or left as aforesaid, or with all convenient expedition, in the judgment of the commissioners, trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in the parochial or other district wherein such pavement, street, or public place shall be situate, and to their satisfaction, or the satisfaction of any three or more of them ; and also within twelve hours after such pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing shall be so substantially repaired, altered, amended, or renewed, or such sewer shall be so substantially repaired, and the ground above the same shall be so filled in and rammed down, the said company or commissioners of sewers shall cause notice thereof, signed by the clerk or secretary to such company or com- missioners of sewers, to be given to the said surveyor of pavements, or to the pavior or paviors or other persons then employed or ap- pointed by the commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, to pave and repair the pavements within such parochial or other district, as the said commissioners or trustees or other persons for the time being may from time to time direct, that such examination, and, if necessary, such reparation, alteration, amendment, or renewal, hath been made pursuant to such notice of the surveyor of pavements, and that the ground hath been refilled and rammed down, that the pavement in such street or public place may be forthwith relaid in the manner directed by this Act ; and in case the water or gas company, or commissioners of sewers, to or for whom such notice of the surveyor of pavements shall have been given or left as aforesaid, and to whom such pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing, or sewer, referred to in such notice shall belong, shall neglect to cause the same to be repaired, altered, or amended, or renewed, as the case may be, 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 15, 16. 673 and the ground to be filled in and rammed down to the satisfaction Section 15. of the said commissioners, trustees, or other persons having the con- trol of the pavements in such parochial or other district, or any three tliein, and or more of them within the time hereinbefore limited and appointed g^ng for those purposes, or shall neglect to give or cause to be given notice n tice thereof as aforesaid to the said surveyor of the pavements, or to the ereof pavior or paviors, or other persons employed or appointed by the tae P avior commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, to pave and repair the pavement within such parochial or other district ; then the said company or commissioners of sewers shall for the first neglect and offence forfeit and pay the sum of .5, and for the second neglect and offence shall forfeit and shall pay the sum of 8, and for the third and every subsequent neglect and offence shall forfeit and shall pay the sum of .10, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. 16. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that in case it shall and if such happen and it shall be discovered, after any pavement in any street request or public place shall have been taken up, and the ground shall have should not been opened, that any pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing, beneath be made to the surface of the pavement of any street or public place, which shall the P r per have appeared to any surveyor of pavements to require to be repaired, P art i es sub- altered, amended, or renewed, shall not belong to the water or gas sequent in- company to or for whom such notice for the reparation, alteration, amendment, or renewal thereof as aforesaid shall have been given or left as is hereinbefore directed by the said surveyor, but to some other water or gas company, or to some other persons, then such company to or for whom the said notice of the said surveyor of pave- ments shall have been given or left, within twenty-four hours, after the notice from the said surveyor of pavements shall have been given or left as aforesaid, shall cause a notice, signed by the secretary or clerk, to be given in the same manner hereinbefore directed as to the service of the original notice to the company or other persons to whom the pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing shall appear to belong, which did appear to the said surveyor of pavements to require repara- tion, alteration, amendment, or renewal, and shall thereby require them to obey and perform and comply with the said original notice from the said surveyor of pavements, instead of the company to whom such original notice had been given ; and that such company or other persons to whom such pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing, shall belong, shall reimburse and pay on demand to the first-men- tioned company to or for whom the original notice may have been given or left, the reasonable costs and charges which they shall have incurred in and about taking up the pavements and opening the ground, and shall obey, execute, and perform the said original notice of the said surveyor, and the directions of this Act relating thereto, in such and the same manner, and within such and the same time, in all respects, as if the said original notice from the said surveyor had been given to them ; and they shall be liable to and shall incur the same penalties and forfeitures on neglect so to do, as they ought to have done, or would have been liable to, and would have incurred, if the said original notice had been given to them in manner before directed ; and that the company by whom the pavements shall be first taken Up and the ground shall be opened, who shall neglect to give the notices hereby required to the company to whom the pipe, stopcock, plug, or other thing, which shall appear to the surveyor of 2 X 674 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 16, tne pavements to require reparation, alteration, amendment, or re- newal, shall appear to belong, in manner hereinbefore directed, shall for the first neglect and offence forfeit and pay the sum of 5, and for the second neglect and offence shall forfeit and shall pay the sum of .8, and for the third and every subsequent neglect and offence shall forfeit and pay the sum of ,10, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. llepairs and works by companies, &c., to be executed with all convenient expedition. 17. And be it further enacted, that whenever after the passing of this Act any water or gaslight company, or commissioners of sewers, pursuant to the provisions hereinbefore contained, shall take up or cause to be taken up any pavement of any street or public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, or shall place in any street or public place any pipes, or other materials and things, for the purpose of executing any works beneath the surface of any street or public place, or otherwise, all and every such works shall be executed and completed within such reasonable time as the commissioners or trustees, or any other persons having the control of the pavements of the streets and public places in such parochial or other district, or any three or more of them, shall from time to time and at any time direct and appoint ; and, also, that all such pipes or other materials and things shall be and remain on the surface of any such street or public place, and of any streets and public places in any parochial or other district, for no longer period than shall be un- avoidably necessary in the judgment of the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, or any three or more of them ; and also that the same pipes or other materials and things shall be from time to time and at all times removed and taken away off and from the surface of any and every street or public place by the water or gas- light company, or commissioners of sewers, or by the officers or ser- vants of the company, or commissioners of sewers, by whom or by whose order, or by whose officers or servants, or for whose offices or works, all or any such pipes or other materials or things shall have been brought to and placed on the surface of such streets or public places, or any of them, and at their costs and charges, within forty- eight hours after such company or commissioners of sewers shall have been required to remove and take away the same by the commis- sioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pave- ments in any such parochial or other district, or any three or more of them, by a notice signed by three or more of such commis- sioners or trustees or other persons, and given to such company or commissioners of sewers, or left for them at the dwelling house or place of abode of any secretary or clerk or turncock employed by such company, or of a clerk or secretary to such commissioners of sewers, or at the office or counting-house of such company or commis- sioners of sewers ; and that in case any company or commissioners of sewers shall at any time or times neglect to comply with any and every such notice, and to obey all and every the directions which the said commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in any parochial or other district, or any of them, . are by this Act authorized and empowered to give, then and in every or any such case such company or commissioners of sewers shall for the first neglect and offence forfeit and shall pay the sum of 5, and for the second neglect and offence shall forfeit and shall pay the sum of 8, and for the third and every subsequent neglect and offence shall forfeit and pay the sum of ,10, to be recovered in the same 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 1719. 675 manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are directed to be re- Section 17 covered by virtue of this Act. 18. And be it further enacted, that all dirt, gravel, filth, rubbish, Rubbish and and other things, which at any time or times after the passing of this obstructions Act, shall be placed, collected, or occasioned by or by means of any occasioned water or gaslight company, or commissioners of sewers, or of any re- i n streets by pairs or other works executed and performed or intended to be exe- th , e repairs cuted and performed by their officers or servants, or by their orders of FPes, &c. or directions, or on their account, in any streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, by the taking up of the' pavement of such streets or public places, or any of them, or by opening the ground beneath the surface of such streets or public places, or by the execution of the works of any water or gaslight company or otherwise, or which shall be in anywise conse- quent thereon or incidental thereto, in the judgment of the commis- sioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pave- ments of the streets and public places in any such parochial or other district, or any three or more of them, shall be from time to time and at all times collected and removed and carried away, by or at the costs and charges of such company or commissioners of sewers, with all practicable expedition, and to the satisfaction of such commis- sioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pave- ments in such parochial or other district, or any three or more of them; and that such company or commissioners of sewers shall especially so do whenever they shall be required so to do by any notice from such commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, or any three of them, or from any surveyor of the pavements appointed by them, signed by them or him, and given to such company or commissioners of sewers, or left for them at the dwelling house or place of abode of any sec- retary or clerk or turncock employed by such company or commis- sioners of sewers, or at any office or counting-house of such company, or of any clerk or secretary to any such commissioners of sewers ; and that in case any such company or commissioners of sewers shall neglect to collect, carry away, and remove, or cause to be collected, carried away, and removed, from all and every such streets and public places, all such dirt, gravel, filth, rubbish, and other things whatso- ever, within twenty -four hours after any such notice shall be from time to time given or left as aforesaid, to the satisfaction of such com- missioners or trustees, or other persons by whom any such notice shall be signed, then the said company or commissioners of sewers shall for every such neglect and offence forfeit and shall pay the sum of ,5 to be recovered and applied in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are hereinafter directed to be recovered and applied by virtue of this Act. 19. And be it further enacted, that from time to time and at all Bars, watch- times after the passing of this Act, all and every water or gaslight mcn > an( * company or commissioners of sewers, who shall take up or shall cause *ber secu- or direct the taking up of any pavement in any street or public place " ties a ^ *? in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, *? e P. rovided for the purpose of laying down or repairing any pipe or other thing, u . nn g ^ re- or any sewer or drain beneath the surface of any street or public place, pay r e S ments or for executing any other works or otherwise, from time to time and preven t' accidents (a). (a) Compare 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, s. Ill, ante. 2x2 676 APPENDIX. THE GENEKAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 19. at all times, from the commencement until the completion of all and every such works, and from the breaking up of the said pavement of any street or public place until the same pavement shall be relaid and repaved, at their costs and charges (unless the said works shall be completed during the day on which the said works shall be com- menced) shall place or cause to be placed such posts, rails, bars, or ropes, lanthorns and watchmen, in any and every such street or public place, and adopt and execute all such other means for the prevention of any accidents or mischief to any passengers, horses, cattle, or car- riages, and every other public inconvenience, to the satisfaction of the commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements of the parochial or other district wherein any such street or public place shall be situate, or of a surveyor of pavements or other officer or person appointed by them, in the manner and whenever from time to time such company or commissioners of sewers shall be required so to do by such surveyor of the pavements, or any officer or person appointed by the commissioners, trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, by any notice to be signed by him or them, and given to such com- }>any or commissioners of sewers, or left for them at the dwelling louse or place of abode of any secretary or clerk or turncock employed by such company, or of any clerk or secretary to any such commis- sioners of sewers, or at any office or counting-house of such company or commissioners of sewers ; and that in case any such company or commissioners of sewers, for three hours after any such notice as afore- said, signed as aforesaid, be given or left as aforesaid, shall neglect to place, or shall neglect to continue for the time before limited, in any street or public place, such posts, rails, bars, or ropes, lanthorns and watchmen, or to adopt and execute any and every other means for the purposes aforesaid, to the satisfaction of the commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements of the parochial or other district wherein any such street or public place shall be situate, or of a surveyor of pavements or other officer or per- son appointed by them, by whom any such notice shall be signed, pursuant to and in the manner directed by any such notice as afore- said, given or left as aforesaid, then and in every such case the said company or commissioners of sewers shall for every such neglect and offence forfeit and pay the sum of ,5, to be also recovered in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. ^Breaches in ^- ^ nc ^ ^ e ^ hereby further enacted, that in case at any time or the pavement times hereafter any pavement in any streets or public places in any may be parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act shall, by inclosed. the breaking or falling-in or decay of any sewer or drain, cesspool or watercourse, or any pipe or pipes, stopcock, plug, or other thing, become broken or irregular so as to be dangerous or hazardous to pas- sengers or carriages, it shall and may be lawful to and for any surveyor of the pavements for any such parochial or other district to cause and direct such part of the pavements of any streets or public places as he shall deem so dangerous or hazardous to be forthwith inclosed, in such manner, by such persons, and with such materials as he may direct, and as may be needful to prevent such danger and hazard to passengers or carriages ; and that the costs and charges incurred thereabouts shall be ascertained and determined by him, and shall be paid and discharged by the commissioners of sewers, water or gas company, or other person or persons to whom the sewer or drain, cesspool or watercourse, pipe or pipes, stopcock, plug, or other thing 57 GKO. 3, c. 29, ss. 2022. 677 so broken, fallen in, or decayed, and by the breach, falling-in, or Section 20. decay whereof such breach or irregularity of the pavements as afore- said may have been occasioned, and shall and may be certified to them or him, and be paid by them or him within the time, and shall and may be recovered from them or him in such and the same manner as is by this Act directed, limited, and authorized as to any moneys to become due from any persons whomsoever for the costs and charges of repairing or paving or repaving any pavements of any streets or public places by the commissioners or trustees or other person having the control of the pavements in any streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act. 21 And be it further enacted, that no water company whose mains Stand cocks or pipes shall be laid beneath the surface of any street or public place placed during in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, frosts regu- shall place or set up, or cause to be placed or set up, any stand cock lated. or pump, or other instrument, machine, or thing, for the "supply of water in times of frost or otherwise, in any public street or place within the jurisdiction of this Act, which shall be furnished with any other than a metal cock and spout, to be to the satisfaction of the sur- veyor of the pavements for such parochial or other district for the time being ; and that any water company who shall set up, or cause to be set up, any other stand cock, pump, or other instrument, ma- chine, or thing, furnished with any other than a metal cock and spout, in any street or public place, and which shall not be to the satisfac- tion of the surveyor of the pavements for such parochial or other district, shall forfeit and shall pay for every such offence the sum of 20s., to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. 22. And be it further enacted, that in case any water or gaslight Works neg- company, or commissioners of sewers, at any time or times after lectedby the passing of this Act, shall neglect to take up the pavement in companies, any street or public place in any parochial or other district within &c., may be the jurisdiction of this Act ; or to open any ground beneath the executed by surface of such street or public place ; or substantially to repair, surveyors of alter, or amend, or renew any pipe, plug, stop cock, or other thing, pavements, or any public sewer, as the case may be ; or to give the notices required by this Act to any other company, or to any paviors, sur- veyors of pavements, or other persons ; or to remove or take away any pipes, or other materials or things from any street or public place ; or to collect and carry away or remove all dirt, gravel, filth, rubbish, and other things, from any street or public place ; or to place and continue posts, rails, bars, or ropes, lanthorns and watch- men, in any street or public place ; or to do and execute all and every sueh works and things, and all or any other works and things directed and required by this Act to be done and executed by any such company or commissioners of sewers, and pursuant to any notice given or left as herein directed by any commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places within any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, or by the surveyors of pavements, or other officers or persons appointed by them or otherwise, and to their respective satisfaction, and within the several times and periods specified and directed by this Act ; then and in every or any of such cases, and at all times afterwards, it shall and may be lawful to and for any surveyor of the pave- ment of the parochial or other district wherein the street or public 678 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 22, P^ ace sna U be situate as to which any such neglect shall occur, and - all and every such surveyors are hereby empowered and required, forthwith to cause all and every such several works, matters, and things, which shall not be executed and performed by every such company or commissioners of sewers, or which shall not be well, sub- stantially, and effectually executed and performed to his or their satisfaction, or to the satisfaction of the commissioners or trustees, or other persons by whom he or they shall be appointed, within the times and periods limited by this Act to be well and effectually per- formed, to his or their satisfaction, or to the satisfaction of such com- missioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, as herein provided, at the costs and charges of such company or commissioners of sewers who shall have so neglected well, substantially, and effectually to per- form and execute the same, and every of them, and every part thereof ; and that such costs and charges and every of them shall be reim- bursed and paid by any and every such company or commissioners of sewers to such surveyor or surveyors of pavements, or to the person or persons employed by him or them to perform and execute any or every of such works, or to the commissioners or trastees, or other persons having the control of the pavements of the parochial or other district within which such works shall be performed and executed, or to their treasurer, or to such other person or persons as such commissioners or trustees or other persons shall from time to time appoint to receive the same ; and that the amount of such costs and charges, and of the moneys so to be paid, being directed by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, shall be ascer- tained and notified, and certified and recovered (over and above all and every the penalties and forfeitures which may be incurred for any such neglect by virtue of this Act) in the same manner in which any costs and charges which may be incurred, and any moneys which may become due, for and about and in respect of the relaying or repairing of any pavements hereafter broken or taken up in any streets or public places by or by the direction or on account of any company, commissioners of sewers, or other persons, are to be ascer- tained and notified and certified, and may be recovered by virtue of this Act. Pavements 23. And be it further enacted, that when and as often as any taken up by pavement of any streets or public places in any parochial or other companies, district within the jurisdiction of this Act shall be broken or taken &c., to be U p "by an y -water or gaslight company, or by any commissioners of relaid by com- sewers, or by any person or persons acting by or under their respec- missioners ^ ve or d ers or authorities, or by any other person or persons by the of pave- directions of this Act, or by and with or without the consent of ment. (a) ^ e conim i ss i oners O r trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in any parochial or other district wherein any street or public place shall be situate, the pavements whereof or any part whereof shall be broken or taken up, then all such part and parts of the pavements of any such street or public place which from time to time and at all times shall be so broken or taken up as aforesaid, and the pavement contiguous thereto, as far as may be rendered necessary in the judgment of a surveyor of pavements to such commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, and after the ground opened shall be refilled and rammed down pursuant to the directions of this Act, shall be (a) Compare section 110 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, and 25 & 26 Viet. c. 162, s.82. 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, s. 28. 679 with all convenient speed completely and substantially repaved, with Section 23. all necessary stones, ballast, gravel, and other materials, and shall ~"~ be kept in complete repair, by the pavior or mason then contracting with or employed by such commissioners or trustees or other persons, or by such person or persons as they may from time to time appoint for that purpose, under the inspection and direction and to the satis- faction of the said surveyor of pavements to the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, for the periods following ; (that is to say,) all such part or parts of the pavements of any such street or public place which from time to time and at all times shall be so broken or taken up as aforesaid, and the pavement contiguous thereto as afore- said, which shall be so broken or taken up for the purpose of making and laying down any main or mains of pipes, or of substi- tuting iron for wooden pipes, or of making any sewer, vault, or drain, for twelve calendar months next ensuing the breaking and taking up of the same pavements ; and all such part or parts of the pavements of any such street or public place, which from time to time and at all times shall be so broken or taken up as aforesaid, and the pavement contiguous thereto as aforesaid, which shall be so broken or taken up for the purpose of altering the position of or of repairing any pipes, stopcocks, or plugs, or of repairing, cleansing, or altering any sewer, vault, or drain, for three calendar months next ensuing the breaking and taking up the same pavements ; and that the costs, charges, and expenses of taking out any ground, and filling in hard rubbish or other good materials, and of repairing and keeping in necessary repair for the periods aforesaid all or any such paverneat in manner afore- said, and all the expenses of cartage, and all other charges and ex- penses atending the same, as well as all costs and charges which may be incurred pursuant to the directions of this Act by any surveyor of pavements in and about executing and performing any works or matters neglected to be executed and performed by any company or commis- sioners of sewers, as hereinbefore directed, shall be ascertained and fixed from time to time by the surveyor of pavements to such com- missioners or trustees or other persons within whose parochial or other districts such works or other matters shall have been performed and executed, or such pavements shall have been broken up and repaved ; and such costs and charges from, time to time, when- ever directed by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, shall be certified by their clerk or clerks, surveyor or sur- veyors of pavements, or one of them, or some other officer or servant appointed by them, by a note to be given to the said company or commissioners of sewers, or other persons who shall have neglected to perform or execute such works, or by whom or by whose orders or authorities or on whose account such pavement shall have been broken or taken up, or to be left for such company, commissioners of sewers, or other person or persons, at their dwelling-house or dwelling- houses, or place or places of abode, or at any office or counting-house of any such company or commissioners of sewers, or at the dweDing- house or place of abode of any secretary, clerk, or turncock employed by such company, or of any clerk or secretary to any such commis- sioners of sewers ; and that the full amount of the costs and charges an ^ th e so certified shall be paid within two months after the same note shall charges repaid be given or left as aforesaid, by such company or commissioners of to them sewers, or other person or persons to or for whom the same note by such shall have been given or left as aforesaid, to the surveyor of pave- companies, ments, or to the treasurer to such commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements as aforesaid, or to the mason or pavior or other person or persons by whom any such 680 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 23 wor ^ s or matters shall have been clone and performed, or to such other v ' person or persons as the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, by the said note of their clerk or clerks, surveyor or sur- veyors, or other officer or servant, shall direct and appoint to receive the same, or any part thereof ; and the receipt or receipts of the person or persons so appointed to receive the same shall be a good and effectual discharge or discharges for any and every such pay- ment, and for all and every the moneys in any such receipt or receipts expressed and acknowledged to have been received ; and also that in case at any time or times the full amount of such costs and charges, so certified as aforesaid, shall not be &o fully paid without any deduc- tion or abatement whatsoever, within two months after such note as aforesaid shall have been given or left aforesaid, and although no other demand shall be made of any such amount of costs and charges, or any part thereof, then from time to time and at all times after- wards it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners or trus- tees, or other persons having the control of the pavements as aforesaid, to recover double the amount of such costs and charges so certified and being unpaid, of and from the company or commissioners of sewers, or other person or persons to or from whom such note shall have been given or left as aforesaid, either by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such company or commissioners of sewers or other person or persons, by a warrant under the hand and seal of any justice of the peace for the city, borough, or county wherein such parochial or other district shall be situate, and which warrant every such justice is hereby empowered and required to grant, upon proof of the service of such note as aforesaid, and of the nonpayment of the costs and charges thereby certified, by the oath or affirmation. of the person who shall have left any such note as directed by this Act, and by the oath or affirmation of the person or persons appointed by such note to receive such costs and charges of the nonpayment thereof, and every part thereof, to him or them, and which oath or affirmation any and every such justice of the peace is hereby em- powered and required to administer, or to recover the same and every part thereof in any court or courts of request or county court, or by any action or actions in any court of law ; and that in any such pro- ceedings in any court or courts of request or county court, or in any such action or actions, it shall be only necessary for the said com- missioners or trustees or other persons, or the complainant or com- plainants, plaintiff or plaintiffs, in any such proceedings or actions, to prove the service of such note pursuant to the directions of this Act, to entitle him or them to recover by such proceedings, or by such action or actions from the said company or commissioners of sewers or other person or persons, double the full amount of such costs and charges so certified by such note, unless the said company or commissioners of sewers or other person or persons shall prove, upon the return of the summons in such proceedings in any court or courts of requests or county court, or on the trial of such action or actions, the actual payment of the full amount of the costs and charges so certified, within two months after the said note was left as afore- said, to the person or persons thereby appointed to receive the same, and that in any and every such action or actions no essoign, protec- tion, or wager of law, or plea in abatement, or any dilatory plea, or more than one imparlance, shall be allowed. Commis- 52. And be it further enacted, that it shall and may be lawful to sioners, &c., and for the commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the may pave control of the pavements of the streets and public places in any 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, s. 52. 681 parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, from Section 52. time to time to pave and keep in repair, or cause to be paved and . . kept in repair, or to enter into any contract or contracts for paving streets with and keeping in repair, all or any part or parts of the carriageways or tbei . r rt: icts footways of all or any of the streets or public places in their respec- P av . 1D g ma- tive parochial or other districts within the jurisdiction of this Act ; J^JJJJ } ^ in| and also that all and every the pavements, stones, posts, and other ^ em t a \ . materials which now are or which may be hereafter placed in the foot or carriageways of any streets or public places within their respective parochial or other districts, which shall have been or may from time to time be paved or repaired by the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavement in each of their respective parochial or other districts, and all things and implements which shall be then laid down, or may be purchased, provided, or made use of by them therein or thereabouts, shall be and the same are hereby vested in the respective commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements of the streets and public places within each of their respective parochial or other districts, and shall and may be laid and stated as their property according to the general name or title by which they are distinguished in the respective local Act or Acts of parliament relating to their respective parochial or other districts, under and by virtue whereof they are or shall be from time to time appointed to act, and not according to their individual name or names, in any indictment, information, or other proceeding which may be preferred or filed, or taken against any person or persons, for removing or taking away, stealing, detaining, spoiling, injuring, or destroying the same pave- ments or materials, or implements or things, or any of them, or any part or parts thereof; and also that it shall and may be lawful for them from time to time to order all or any of the stones and other materials then being in any such streets or public places as they may from time to time pave or repair, to be made use of in or towards the paving or repairing the foot or carriageway pavements in any streets or public places within their respective parochial or other districts ; and also may from time to time purchase, or rent upon lease or otherwise, any premises which they may think necessary, for the purpose of laying or depositing or otherwise disposing of all or any of their stones or other materials or implements, for and until such time as they shall use the same ; and also that they may from and to be time to time sell and dispose of all or any part of the old pavements disposed of or other materials or implements possessed by or belonging to them, by them; to such person or persons as shall be willing to purchase the same, they applying the moneys arising from time to time by any and every such sales in aid of the moneys raised and to be raised within their respective parochial or other districts for or towards the expense of paving and repairing the pavements therein ; and also and that shall and may cause to be dug, carted, and carried out of or brought necessary into any streets or public places within their respective parochial or materials may other districts, and shall and may purchase any such gravel, stones, be purchased, and other materials, horses, carts, and tools, and employ such arti- and workmen fleers, workmen, labourers, carters, and other persons, and issue such employed, money on those accounts, and do all and every such other acts and things as the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements as aforesaid, may from time to time judge necessary or expedient for or towards or about the paving or (a) See section 98 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante; and sections 77, 78, 80, 81 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, ante. 682 Section 52. May stop up streets during reparations ; and may alter the channels therein ; and may raise or lower pipes. Pavements not to be removed without per- mission. APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. repairing the pavements of any streets or public places within their respective parochial or other districts, or incidental thereto ; and also that they or their respective surveyor or surveyors of the pavements, or any inspectors or other officers by them appointed for the time being, shall and may from time to time cause the ground of any streets or public places within their respective parochial or other dis- tricts to be raised or lowered in such manner as they or he shall think necessary ; and also that they or their respective surveyors, inspec- tors, or other officers for the time being, during the time of the paving or of the repairing the pavements of any streets or public places within their respective parochial or other districts, or of any grates, drains, or sewers therein, shall and may order the necessary materials to be placed or deposited in any such street or public place, or in any adjoining street or public place ; and may stop up the way through or along any such street or public place, or any adjoining street or public place, for the purposes aforesaid, for as long time as they shall from time to time think necessary ; and also that they or their respective surveyors, inspectors, or other officers for the time being, shall or may from time to time direct and cause the course of any gutter or channel, running in or through any streets or public places within their respective parochial or other districts, to be turned or altered in such manner as they shall think proper, and to direct and cause the grates already placed or hereafter to be placed over any sewers (at their charge) to be removed and replaced in such manned and at such place and places as they shall think proper ; and also that they or their respective surveyors, inspectors, or other officers for the time being, may (at such their charges) raise, sink, or other- wise alter, or cause or direct to be raised, sunk, or altered, any pipes or plugs, or the situation or position of any pipes or plugs of any water or gaslight companies, or any of the leaden or other pipe's which may be laid into or from any of the mains or pipes of any of the said companies, when and as often and in such places as they or their respective surveyors, inspectors, or other officers for the time being shall deem expedient, for the purpose of the better paving or repairing or keeping in repair the pavement of the streets or public places within their respective parochial or other districts, but with as little detriment and inconvenience to the said companies, as in the judgment of the said surveyors, inspectors, or other officers, the circumstances will permit. 63. And be it further enacted, that no person or persons shall take or break up, or cause to be taken or broken up, any pavement in any street or public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, or make any alteration therein, under any pretence whatsoever, without the consent of the commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, or their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being, first obtained aud certified under the hand or hands of their clerk or clerks, or surveyor or surveyors for the time being ; and that all and every person and persons to whom such consent shall be granted, shall be subject and liable to all the provisions in this Act contained in respect to the water and gaslight companies and the commissioners of sewers, as to the reparation of the pavements, and as to the removal of all rubbish and other obstructions, and as to the provision of bars, watchmen, and other securities, and to all penalties by this Act imposed on the breach of any of such provisions respectively, and to such other conditions and regulations as the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 53, 57. 683 consenting as aforesaid, shall stipulate and direct, and shall obey and Section 53. perform the same and every of them (a) ; and that in case any person or persons (except water and gaslight companies and the commis- sioners of sewers, and who are to conform to the particular provisions of this Act relating to them), shall take or break up, or cause to be taken or broken up, or shall wilfully damage any pavement in any streets or public places, or shall make or cause to be made any alter- ation therein, without such consent as aforesaid, certified as aforesaid, then any and every such person or persons in every such case so offending, shall for each and every such offence forfeit and pay a sum not being less than 5, nor exceeding 10 ; and also for each and every square foot of such pavement exceeding one foot so taken or broken up or altered, or so wilfully damaged, shall forfeit and pay any sum not being less than 5 nor exceeding 10, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. 57. And be it further enacted, that whenever from time to time or Private drains at any time hereafter it shall appear to the commissioners or trustees, also to be or other persons having the control of the pavements of the streets cleansed, and public places in any parochial or other district within the juris- diction of this Act, or to any two or more of them, or to their surveyor or surveyors for the time being, or any of them, that any private drain, sewer, cesspool, gutter, or watercourse, running beneath or above, or communicating with any other drain or sewer beneath any of the pavements of any of the streets or public places in any such parochial or other district, doth require to be repaired, amended, altered, emptied, or cleansed, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the con- trol of such pavements as aforesaid, or any two or more of them, or their surveyor or surveyors as aforesaid for the time being, or any of them, to give or cause to be given a notice or notices under their hands, or under the hand or hands of such surveyor or surveyors of pavements for the time being, to or for the owner or owners or for the occupier or occupiers of all or any messuages, houses, lands, or other hereditaments to whom such drain, sewer, cesspool, gutter, or watercourse shall belong, or by whom the same shall be used or enjoyed, or from whose messuages, houses, lands, or hereditaments any such drain, sewer, gutter, or watercourse shall proceed or flow, or wherewith the same or any such cesspool shall communicate, well and sufficiently to repair, amend, alter, empty, or cleanse the same and every part thereof; and in case any such owner or owners, occupier or occupiers, within three days after any such notice shall be given or left as aforesaid, shall not well and effectually repair, amend, alter, empty, or cleanse any such drain or sewer and every part thereof, pursuant to such notice, and to the satisfaction of the said com- missioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or of their surveyor or surveyors for the time being, then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or for their surveyor or surveyors for the time being, to direct such drain, sewer, cesspool, gutter, or watercourse to be repaired, amended, altered, emptied, or cleansed, with such materials and in such manner as they or he may direct, and by such person or persons as they or he may from time to time appoint ; and that the amount of the charges and expenses incurred thereabouts, and also of taking up, relaying, (a) See section 109 of 18 & 19 Viet, c. 120, ante. 684 Section 57. Posts may be erected for the preser- vation of the pavements and pre- vention of accidents. Commis- sioners, &., may appoint scavengers (a). APPENDIX. THE GENEBAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. or repairing any pavements in any streets or public places which may for those purposes or any of them be taken up, shall be ascer- tained and determined by such surveyor or surveyors of pavements as aforesaid, and shall be certified by him or them to such owner or owners, occupier or occupiers, and shall be paid by him or them within the same time, and may be recovered, with the same penalties in case of nonpayment, in such and the same manner, and by such and the same proceedings, as are by this Act authorized and directed for the ascertaining and determining, certifying and recovering any moneys to become due and to be recovered from any person whomsoever, for the costs and charges of repairing or paving or repaving any pavements of any streets or public places by the com- missioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in any streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act. 58. And be it further enacted, that the said commissioners or trus- tees or other persons having the control of the pavements of the streets and piiblic places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, may cause posts of wood, stone, or iron to be set up near or adjoining the foot pavements, in such part or parts of all or any of the streets or public places within their respective parochial or other districts, as they shall judge necessary ; and also shall and may set up posts and rails near or adjoining to any vacant ground, or other exposed or dangerous place, abutting upon or adjoin- ing to any of the streets or public places in such parochial or other district, in case they shall think proper so to do, for preventing accidents or casualties ; and if any person or persons shall wilfully or carelessly knock down, break, damage, or injure such posts or rails, or any of them, every person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not being less than 40s. nor exceeding 10 ; and shall also make a full satisfaction (to be ascertained by the justice before whom such offender or offenders shall be convicted), to such commissioners, trustees, or other person or persons having the control of the pavements in the parochial or other district within which the offence shall be committed, for the damage so done ; and that such penalty and satisfaction shall be recovered in the same manner in which penalties and forfeitures are hereinafter directed to be re- covered by virtue of this Act. 59. And be it further enacted, that it shall be lawful for the com- missioners, trustees, or any other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, and who by any local Act or Acts of parliament relating thereto are also authorized and em- powered to direct the cleansing of the streets or public places within such parochial or other district, at any time or times hereafter to agree by private contract or by public auction, or by tender or proposal if they shall think fit, for any time not exceeding three years, with any person or persons to be the scavenger or scavengers, raker or rakers, cleanser or cleansers of the streets and public places within the said parochial or other district : and such person or persons, on a certain day in every week, and oftener when thereunto required by any tltree or more of the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, or by the surveyor of the pavements of such parochial () Compare section 125 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ante. 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 59, 60. 685 or other district, or any inspector or other officer or person appointed Section 59. by them or any of them, shall bring or cause to be brought con- venient carriages into all such streets or public places where such carriages can be drawn near or pass unto, and at or before their ap- proach, by bell, horn, clapper, or otherwise by a loud noise or cry, shall give notice to the inhabitants, and shall give the like notice in every other place into which the said carriages cannot pass and abide, and such scavengers, rakers, or cleansers shall take and carry away, or cause to be taken and carried away, from the respective houses and premises of the inhabitants or occupiers, their soil, ashes, cinders, rubbish, dust, dirt, and filth, and all which the said scavengers, rakers, or cleansers, shall carry away, or cause to be carried away, at their own costs and charges, upon pain of forfeiting a sum of 40s. for every neglect or default (except nevertheless all such rubbish, earth, dust, and filth as shall be occasioned by building, repairing, amending, or altering any house or houses, or any other building or buildings, or by cleansing or repairing any drain or sewer); and also that the said rubbish, earth, dust, or soil thereby occasioned, and every part thereof, within the space of twelve hours after the same or any part thereof shall be first left or placed in any street or public place, shall be carried away by or at the charge of the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of such houses and buildings, or by the commissioners of such sewers respectively as aforesaid : and that such owners or occupiers or commissioners neglecting to remove the same, and every part thereof, or to cause the same to be removed within the time above limited, shall forfeit and pay the sum of 5 for every neglect to remove the same within the time above limited ; and also that if any person or persons shall refuse to permit such other soil, ashes, cinders, rubbish, dust, dirt, or filth to be taken away by the scavengers, rakers, or cleansers, or other persons appointed by and agreeing with the said commissioners or trustees, or other per- sons as aforesaid, then every such person or persons so offending shall in like manner forfeit and shall pay the like sum of ,5 : Provided always, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commis- missioners, trustees, or other persons having the control as aforesaid, either to contract and agree with and to appoint the same person or persons, or a different person and other persons, to be the scaven- gers, rakers, or cleansers, within their parochial or other district, of the streets or public places therein, and to be the persons to collect and carry away and possess and retain the soil, ashes, cinders, rub- bish, dust, dirt, and filth from the houses and premises Avithin their respective parochial or other districts, as they shall deem most ex- pedient ; but that the right and benefit of such soil, ashes, cinders, rubbish, dust, dirt, and filth shall belong exclusively to the person or persons who shall be from time to time by the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, appointed to collect and possess the same ; anything in any local Act or Acts of parliament or in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. 60. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons, other Dust to be re- than the scavengers, rakers, or cleansers of any parochial or other moved only district, or the other person or persons employed or appointed by or ty scavengers contracting with the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons 80 appointed. as aforesaid, to collect and retain the dust, cinders, or ashes within their respective parochial or other district, or those employed by and under such person or persons, shall on any pretence whatsoever go about to collect or gather, or shall ask for, receive, or carry away any 686 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 60. dust, cinders, or ashes (a), it shall and may be lawful for any justice of the peace for the city, borough, or county within which such parochial or other district may be situate, upon complaint to him made, to grant a warrant to bring before him such offender or offenders, and also for any person or persons who shall see any such offence committed to seize, and also for any other person or persons to assist in seizing, the offender or offenders, together with the horses, asses, cattle, carts, trucks, wheelbarrows, or other carriages, or imple- ments made use of for carrying the same away ; and by the autho- rity of this Act and without any other warrant, to convey him, her, or them before such justice of the peace, or any justice of the peace for the said city, borough, or county ; and such justice shall and he is hereby authorized and required to examine upon oath the person or persons apprehending such offender or offenders, and any witness or witnesses who shall appear to give information or evidence touching such offence ; and if the party or parties shall be convicted of going about to collect or gather, or of asking for, receiving, or carry- ing away any dust, cinders, or ashes from any house or other premises within any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, not being the person or persons employed or appointed by or contracting with the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements within such parochial or other district, to collect and possess the dust, cinders, and ashes from the houses and premises therein, or not acting with or under his or their authority, he, she, or they, shall respectively, for the first offence, forfeit and pay the sum of 10 ; for the second offence, the sum of 15 ; and for the third and every other subsequent offence, the sum of 20 ; and one moiety of which respective penalties shall be paid to the informer or informers, or to the person or persons who shall apprehend the offender or offenders, and the other moiety shall be paid and shall belong to the person or persons so employed or ap- pointed by or contracting with the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid ; and if such offender or offenders shall not on conviction pay the said penalty or penalties, such justice is hereby required to direct such horses, asses, cattle, carts, trucks, wheel- barrows, or other carriages or implements which shall have been so seized, to be appraised and sold ; and after deducting out of the moneys to arise by such sale the penalty or penalties incurred, to- gether with the reasonable charges and expenses of such warrant, and of such distress, appraisement, and sale, the overplus thereof shall be returned upon demand to the party or parties whose horses or other things shall be appraised and sold ; and in case there shall have been no such seizure as aforesaid, or if the horses, asses, cattle, carts, or other things which shall be appraised and sold, shall not produce a sufficient sum of money to pay the said penalty or penal- ties, charges, and expenses, then if such offender or offenders shall not upon the conviction pay the said penalty or penalties, or such part or parts of the said penalty or penalties, charges, and expenses, which shall remain over and above the produce of the horses, asses, cattle, carts, and other things so seized and sold, then such justice is hereby required to commit such offender or offenders to the common gaol or house of correction for the city, borough, or county where such parochial or other district shall be situate, there to be kept to (a) Ashes from a brass founder's furnace containing particles of metal not "dust, cinders, or ashes," within this section; Law v. Dodd, 17 L. J. M. C. 65. 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 6063. 687 hard labour for any time not exceeding thirty days, unless such Section 60. penalty or penalties, and charges and expenses, and every part thereof, shall be sooner paid and satisfied. 61. And be it further enacted, that in case such person or persons On the neg- so employed or appointed by or contracting with the said commis- lect of scaven- sioners or trustees or other persons for the purposes aforesaid, shall gers to re- neglect for the space of seven days to bring or cause to be brought move dust for carts or proper carriages into all the streets or public places as afore- seven da y s > said where such carriages can pass, and to give notice in manner *e " us ^ may aforesaid to the inhabitants of their coming, for the purpose of taking " e rem ve( * by away such dust, dirt, soil, rubbish, filth, cinders, and ashes, and to &n J give the like notice in every place into which the said carts and pers carnages cannot pass, or to take away and remove all such dust, dirt, soil, rubbish, filth, or cinders, or ashes from the houses and premises of all and every the inhabitants of such streets or public places, or from such part or parts of such houses or premises where such dust, dirt, soil, rubbish, filth, cinders, and ashes shall be deposited, that then (after twenty -four hours' notice given to such person or persons so employed or appointed by or contracting with the said commis- sioners or trustees or other persons for the purposes aforesaid, or left for him or them at his or their usual house or houses, yard, or other premises, requiring him or them to bring or cause to be brought carts or carriages to take away their dust, dirt, filth, cinders, or ashes, and to take away and remove the same from their respective houses and premises), it shall and may be lawful for such of the inhabi- tants of such of the said streets or public places, who shall have given such notice as aforesaid, to give away or to sell their dust, dirt, filth, cinders, or ashes to any person or persons whomsoever ; and that such person or persons who shall take and carry away the said dust, dirt, filth, cinders, or ashes, shall not be subject or liable to any penalty or penalties for so doing upon every such neglect ; anything in this Act or in any local Act or Acts of parliament contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. 62. And be it further enacted, that no scavenger, raker, or cleanser, Dirt not to be or any other person, shall sweep, rake, or place any of the slop, mud, swept into any dirt, dust, rubbish, ashes, filth, or soil found or being in any streets common or public places in any parochial or other district within the juris- sewer, diction of this Act, or any other slop, mud, dirt, dust, rubbish, ashes, filth, soil, or other articles or things, over any grate or grates placed above or communicating with any common or public drain, or sewer, or into any common or public drain or sewer ; and that any and every scavenger, raker, or cleanser, or any other person or persons who shall so offend, shall for every such offence forfeit and shall pay the sum of 5, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties and forfeitures are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. 63. And be it further enacted, that every occupier of any house, Footways to tenement, warehouse, shop, shed, coach-house, stable, chapel, meet- be swept daily ing-house, or other public or private building in any street or public during frost place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of an( i snow (6). this Act, during the continuance of frost, or after or during the fall (b) See 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47, s. 60, for further improving the police in and near the metropolis. 688 APPENDIX. THE GENEKAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Nuisances and annoyances from beating carpets, breaking horses, driving barrows and carriages on pavements, and throwing filth pro- hibited. Section 63. of snow, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, shall once in every clay before the hour of ten of the clock in the forenoon of each day, except Sunday, sweep and cleanse, or cause to be swept and cleansed, the footway all along the front side or back walls of their respective houses, tenements, warehouses, shops, sheds, coach- houses, stables, chapels, meeting houses, or other public or private building ; and that every occupier who shall neglect so to do shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding the sum of 10s., to be levied and recovered and applied in such and the same manner in which other penalties are by this Act hereinafter directed to be recovered and applied ; and also that the owner or owners of any house or other tenements within the jurisdiction of this Act, wliich may be let, furnished, or in divided apartments, shall be deemed and taken, for the purpose of this provision, to be the occupier or occupiers of every such house or other tenement respectively. 64. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons shall, in any street or public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, at any time or times hereafter, beat or dust any carpet or carpets ; or shall drive any carriage or carriages, for the purpose of breaking, exercising, or trying horses ; or shall ride any horse, mare, or gelding, for the purpose of exer- cising, ailing, trying, showing, or exposing such horse, mare, or gelding for sale (otherwise than by passing through such streets or other public places) ; or shall throw, cast, or lay, or shall cause, Sennit, or- suffer to be thrown, cast, or laid, or to remain, any ashes, ust, dirt, rubbish, offal, dung, soil, blood, or other filth or annoy- ance, or any matter or thing, in or upon the carriageway or footway pavement of any such street or other public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act ; or shall kill, slaughter, scald, dress, or cut up any beast, swine, calf, sheep, lamb, or other cattle, in or so near to any of the said streets or other public places, so that any blood or filth shall run or flow upon or over, or be on any or either of such pavements : or shall run, roll, drive, draw, or place, or cause, permit, or suffer to be run, rolled, driven, drawn, or placed, upon any of the said footway pavements of any street or public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, any waggon, cart, dray, sledge, or other carriage, or any wheel, wheelbarrow, handbarrow, or truck, or any hogshead, cart, or barrel , or shall wilfully ride, lead, or drive any horse, ass, mule, or other beast, upon any of the footway pavements aforesaid, then and in every such case it shall and may be lawful to and for any justice of the peace for the city, borough, or county wherein any such parochial or other district may be situate, and he is hereby required, upon complaint to him made upon oath or affir- mation of one or more credible witness or witnesses, to issue a sum- mons requiring such offender or offenders to appear before him, at such time and place as shall be in such summons specified ; or it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or persons whomso- ever, who shall see any such offence committed, if he or they shall think proper, to seize, and also for any other person or persons to assist in seizing, such offender or offenders by the authority of this Act, and by such authority, and without any other authority or warrant whatsoever, to convey such offender or offenders before some justice of the peace for the city, borough, or county wherein any such parochial or other district may be situate ; and upon the party or parties appearing in pursuance of such summons, or not appearing 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 64, 65. 689 after having been so summoned, or being brought before such justice Section 64- when so seized or otherwise, he the said justice shall proceed to ex- amine upon oath or affirmation any witness or witnesses who shall appear or be produced to give evidence touching such offence ; and if the party or parties accused shall be convicted of any or either of the offences as aforesaid upon his or their own confession, or upon the oath or affirmation of one or more credible witness or witnesses as aforesaid, then and in every such case the person or persons so con- victed shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than 40s. nor exceeding 5 for each and every offence ; and that one moiety of every such penalty shall be paid to the informer or informers, or to the person or persons who shall apprehend such offender or offenders ; and the other moiety thereof shall be paid to the treasurer or treasurers of the commissioners, trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in the parochial or other district wherein any such offence or offences shall have been committed. 65. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons at any Annoyances time or times hereafter shall set or place, or cause or permit to be set from stalls, or placed by any servant or person employed by him, her, or them, baskets, and or otherwise, any stall board, chopping block, show board on hinges wares and or otherwise, basket, wares, merchandise, casks, or goods of any kind other matters whatsoever ; or shall hoop, place, wash, or cleanse, or cause to be prohibited, hooped, washed, or cleansed, any pipe, barrel, cask, or vessel, in or and punish- upon or over any part of the carriage or footways in any streets or a "* e on public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction renewa a ^er of this Act ; or shall set out, lay, or place, or cause or procure, permit n( jtice; and or suffer to be set out, laid, or placed, any coach, cart, wain, waggon, art ;g^ dray, wheelbarrow, handbarrow, sledge, truck or other carriage upon ^ e ge - z , ^, any of the said carriage-ways (except such coaches, chariots, and SQ [^ / a \ chairs as have been or shall be hereafter licensed by the coinmis- sioners for regulating and licensing hackney coaches, chariots, and chairs, and which stand for hire according to the statutes and bye- laws made for those purposes), and also except for the necessary time of loading or unloading any cart, wain, waggon, dray, sledge, truck, or other carriage, or taking up or setting down any fare, or waiting for passengers when actually hired, or harnessing or unharnessing the horses from any coach, cart, wain, waggon, dray, sledge, truck, or other carriage ; or if any person or persons shall set or place, or cause to be set or placed, in or upon or over any of the said carriage or footways, any timber, stones, bricks, lime or other materials or things for building whatsoever (unless the same shall be enclosed as in and by any local Act or Acts of parliament, or by this Act, or some of them, may be directed), or any other matters or things whatsoever ; or shall hang out or expose, or cause or permit to be hung out or exposed, any meat or offal, or other matter or thing whatsoever, from any house or houses, or other buildings or premises belonging to or occupied by him, her, or them, over any part of either of such pavements, or over any area or areas of any houses or other buildings or premises, or shall place or put out, or cause or permit to be placed (a) See 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47, s. 60, sub-sect. 7 (Metropolitan Police Act), and Streets Traffic Act, 1867, 30 & 31 Viet. c. 134; and 31 Viet. c. 5, s. 1, enacting that section 6 of last named Act shall not apply to costermongers carrying on their business in accordance with the regulations of the conv rnissioners of police* 2Y 690 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 65. or put out, any garden or other pots (except the same shall be per- fectly secured from falling, to the satisfaction cf the commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in any such parochial or other district, or of the surveyor of the pave- ments for the time being), or any other matter or thing, from and on the outside of the front or any other part of any house or houses, or other buildings or premises, over or next unto any such street or public place ; and shall not immediately remove all or any such matters or things, being thereunto required by any surveyor or sur- veyors of pavements, or by any other person or persons employed or appointed by the commissioners, trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in any parochial or other district ; and whether the same shall have been so set or placed, exposed or put out by himself, herself, or themselves personally, or by any of his, her, or their servants, or by any person or persons employed by him, her, or them, and shall not continue and keep the same so removed ; or if any person or persons, having in pursuance of any such requi- sition or requisitions as aforesaid, removed or caused to be removed any such stall board, show board, chopping block, basket, wares, merchandize, casks, goods, coach, cart, wain, waggon, dray, wheel- barrow, handbarrow, sledge, truck, carriage, timber, stones, bricks, lime, meat, offal, garden pots, or other matters or things, shall at any time thereafter again set, lay, or place, expose or put out, or cause, procure, permit or suffer to be again set, laid, or placed, exposed or put out, the same or any of them, or any other stall board, show board, chopping block, basket, wares, merchandise, goods, coach, cart, wain, waggon, dray, wheelbarrow, handbarrow, sledge, truck, timber, stones, bricks, Lime, meat, offal, garden pots, or other matters or things whatsoever (save and except as aforesaid), in or upon or over any of the carriage or footways of or next unto any streets or public places within the same parochial or other district as aforesaid ; then and in every such case it shall and may be lawful to and for any justice of the peace for the city, borough, or county wherein the said parochial or other district may be situate, and he is hereby required, upon complaint to him made by any one or more credible witness or witnesses upon oath, to issue a summons requiring the person or persons accused of such offence, or the owner or owners of the goods, materials, meat, offal, garden pots, matters or things, or of the coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, trucks, or other carriages, which shall be so set or placed, exposed or set out, or the master or masters of the person or persons, by whose servants, or by the person or persons employed by whom, such offence shall have been committed, to appear before him, or before any other justice of the peace for the same city, borough, or county, as shall be then or there present, at such time or place as shall be in such summons specified, and then and there to proceed to examine upon oath or affirmation any witness or witnesses who shall appear or be produced to give evidence touching such offence ; and if the person or persons so offending shall be convicted of any or either of the offences aforesaid, upon his, her, or their own con- fession, or upon the oath or affirmation of one or more credible witness or witnesses as aforesaid, he, she, or they who shall be so convicted, and the owner or owners of such goods, materials, meat, offal, garden pots, matters or things, or of the coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, trucks, or other carriages which shall be so set or placed, exposed or set out as aforesaid, and the master or masters, employer or employers of the person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay for the first offence the sum of 40s., 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, s. 65. 691 and for the second and every subsequent offence any sum not exceed- Section 65. ing 5 ; and that such respective penalties shall be paid to the treasurer or treasurers of the commissioners, trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in the parochial or other district wherein any such offence shall have been committed, or to such other person or persons as they shall direct and appoint ; and also, that not only shall such penalties become payable and to be recovered, but that it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or persons appointed or to be appointed by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid for that purpose, without any warrant or other authority than this Act, to seize any such stall board, show board, chopping block, basket, wares, merchandise, casks, goods, coach, cart, wain, waggon, dray, wheelbarrow, handbarrow, sledge, truck> or other carriage, together with the horse or horses, ass or asses, mule or mules, if any shall be thereunto belonging, with the harness, gear, and accoutre- ments thereof, or any such timber or other materials, or other matters or things aforesaid, or any of them ; and in case any of the wares, goods, and merchandises so seized shall be perishable, or shall be articles of food, then the same shall be immediately forfeited, and such person or persons who shall seize the same shall deliver the same or cause the same to be delivered to the churchwardens or over- seers of the poor, or to some of them, or to the master of any work- house situate in the said parochial or other district, or of the parish whereunto such district shall belong ; and the same shall and may be given and distributed by him or them unto one or among any one or more of the poor inhabitants of the said parochial or other district, or of such workhouse, to and for his or their benefit ; but otherwise such person or persons shall cause the stall board, basket, cask, goods, coach, cart, wain, waggon, dray, wheelbarrow, handbarrow, sledge, truck, or other carriage, horse or horses, asses or mules, or any materials and things so seized, to be removed to any place appointed for the reception thereof in any such parochial or other district, if any such there be, and otherwise to such place or places as he or they shall judge convenient, giving parole or written notice of such place or places whereunto the same shall be removed, unto the owner, driver, or other person having any interest in the goods, coach, cart, wain, waggon, dray, wheelbarrow, handbarrow, sledge, truck, or other carriages, horses, asses, mules, materials, or other things so seized or removed, if he, she, or they shall be then and there present ; and the same shall be there kept and detained until such owner, driver, or other person interested therein as aforesaid shall cause to be paid the said penalty, together with the charges for taking or removing the same, and of keeping such horse or horses, asses or mules, if any ; and in case the goods, carriage, horses, materials, or other things so removed (not being perishable or articles of food) shall not be claimed, and the said penalty and charges be paid, within five days next after such removal thereof, then and in every such case it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, or their surveyor of the pavements, or any other person to be appointed by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, to order the same to be appraised and sold ; and the overplus of the money arising by such sale shall be returned to the owner or owners thereof, if he or they shall have given such notice as aforesaid, after deducting the said penalty, and such costs, charges, and expenses attending such seizing, removing, keeping, appraising, and selling the same, as the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or 2 Y2 692 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 65. an y surveyor of the pavements in any parochial or other district, shall ascertain and allow. For the removal of nuisances and annoy- ances, a repetition of notices unne- cessary. 66. And be it further enacted, that in all cases where by this Act, or by any local Act or Acts of parliament relating to any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, it may be directed, required, and provided that any person or persons setting or placing any stall board, chopping block, basket, wares, merchan- dize, pipe, barrel, cask, or vessel, goods, timber, stones, bricks, lime, or any other materials, matters, or things, or causing or procuring the same or any of them to be set or placed upon any of the carriage or foot pavements or otherwise, contrary to the regulations herein or in any such local Act or Acts contained, in any of the streets or public places within the jurisdiction of this Act, or that any person or persons driving or placing any coach, cart, waggon, dray, wheel- barrow, handbarrow, sledge, truck, or other carriage, in or upon or over any of the foot pavements in any streets or places within the jurisdiction of this Act, or causing or procuring the same to be so driven or placed, shall have notice and be required to remove the same previous to such person or persons being subject or liable to the penalty or penalties imposed by virtue of such local Act or Acts or of this Act, and to the seizure, forfeiture, appropriation, appraisement, or sale of any such goods, materials, matters, and other things, coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, trucks, or other carriages, in manner directed by such local Act or Acts or by this Act, then if any person or persons shall set or place any goods, materials, matters, or other things, or shall set, place, or drive any coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, trucks, or other carriages upon or over the said pavements, or any of them, or any part thereof, at any time or times subsequent to his, her, or their having received such notice, or having oeen required to remove the same, or any other goods, materials, matters, or things, or any other coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, tracks, or other carriages from off the said pave- ments or any of them, or shall cause or permit the same or any of them to be set or placed or driven by his or their servants, or by any person or persons employed by him or them ; in any and every such case it shall not be necessary or requisite that any person or persons, seeing such offence or offences committed again, should require the removal of the said goods, materials, matters, or things, or coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, trucks, or other carriages ; but the same or any of them, being so again set, placed, or driven in, upon, or over the said pavements or any of them, or any part thereof, contrary to the directions of any such local Act or Acts of parliament, or of this Act, shall and may be seized, forfeited, removed, applied, detained, appraised, and sold, in manner herein provided as to any other goods, materials, matters, or things, or coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, tracks, or other carriages, which shall not be removed on a requi- sition or notice being given so to do as hereinbefore provided ; and the person or persons so committing the said offence or offences, and the owner or owners of the goods, materials, matters, or other things, or coaches, carts, waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, trucks, or other carriages which shall be so placed or driven, and the master or masters, employer or employers of the person or persons so offending, shall be subject and liable to the same penalty or penalties, forfeitures, proceedings, charges, and punishments, as if such person or persons offending had neglected or refused to remove 67 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 6668. 693 the said goods, materials, matters, or other things, or coaches, carts, Section 66. waggons, drays, wheelbarrows, handbarrows, sledges, trucks, or other carriages, when required so to do, under and by virtue of any local Act or Acts of parliament, or of this Act ; and although the said notices or requisitions shall not have been repeated or again given to the person or persons committing or directing or permitting such offence or offences, or any of them ; anything in this Act or in any local or other Act or Acts of parliament to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. % 67. And be it further enacted, that in case any hog-stye, slaughter- Hog-styes house, horse-boiling establishment, or any other matter which, in the an ^ other judgment of the commissioners or trustees, or other persons having nuisan ces the control of the pavements in any parochial or other district within ma y j? e , r< r" the jurisdiction of this Act, is a nuisance to the other inhabitants of movea W- such parochial or other district or any of them, at any time or times hereafter shall be in any of the streets, lanes, or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavement of the said streets and public places, upon complaint thereof to them made by any inhabitant, and after due investigation of such complaint, by notice in writing under the hand or hands of any of their surveyor or surveyors, or of their clerk or clerks for the time being, to order that every or any such hog-stye, necessary-house, slaughter-house, or other matter, being a nuisance, shall be forthwith remedied or removed ; and if the same shall not be remedied or removed within seven days after such notice given to the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of the premises wherein such nuisance or nuisances shall be situate, or left for him, her, or them at his, her, or their last or usual place or places of abode, or on the said premises, then every such owner or occupier so neglect- ing to remedy or remove such nuisance pursuant to such notice, and to the satisfaction of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, or of their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being, shall forfeit and pay the sum of 10 for every such neglect and disobedience ; and also it may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons, to indict or cause to be indicted such person or persons so neglecting or disobeying any such notice, at the then next or at any future general or quarter sessions or adjourned quarter sessions of the peace, for the city, borough, or county wherein such parochial or other district may be situate, for such nuisance, or for such disobedience and offence ; and such person or persons being found guilty thereof, such nuisance or nuisances shall be removed, taken down, and abated according to law with regard to public or common nuisances, or may be subject to such punishment for a misdemeanor, as the justices assembled at a general quarter, or adjourned sessions for the said city, borough, or county, may direct. 68. And be it further enacted, that no person or persons whom- Swine not to soever, at any time or times hereafter, shall breed, feed, or keep any be *ept nor kind (or species of swine in any house, building, yard, garden, or to wander in other hereditaments situate and being in or within forty yards of any the sfcreets (") (a) Compare section 91 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, ante, and section 92 et seq., of same Act. (b) By 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, 73, the powers of improving streets, &c., and for the suppression of nuisances given by this Act, are applied to the larger 694 APPENDIX, THE GENERAL PAYING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 68. street or public place in any parochial or other district within the ~~~ jurisdiction of this Act, nor shall suffer any kind or species of swine belonging to him or them to stray or go about in any street or public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act ; and that any person or persons who shall so offend, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of 40s., and shall also forfeit the said swine and every of them unto the commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in any such parochial or other district ; and that it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, or their surveyor or surveyors, inspector or inspectors, or any other officer or person or persons directed and appointed by them, and for any constables and headboroughs, at all times hereafter all such swine to seize, take, drive, and carry away, and sell for the best price that can be reason- ably had ; and the money thereby produced, after deducting all costs and charges of and incidental to such seizure, removal and sale, to pay to the treasurer or treasurers of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, or to such other person or persons as the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid shall from time to time direct and appoint. Lime not to 69. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons at any be slacked in time or times hereafter shall sift, screen, or slack, or cause to be sifted, the streets. screened, or slacked, any lime in any street or public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, or shall cause the same to be done, without the consent of the commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in such parochial or other district, or of their surveyor or surveyors of pavements for the time being, and without also previously erecting an hoard or inclosure, with the license of the surveyor or surveyors of the pavements in any such parochial or other district first obtained, as directed in any local Act or Acts of parliament relating to any such parochial or other district, or in this Act, and which hoard or enclosure shall inclose all such lime when and as it shall be sifted, screened, or slacked ; then he, she, or they shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not being less than 10s. nor exceeding ,5, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties are hereafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. Entrances to 79. And be it further enacted, that if at any time or times here- ih rS l t ^ ter *^ e owner or owners > occupier or occupiers, of any house, build- coamolesto ing, or premises, in any parochial or other district within thejuris- e covered diction of this Act, having any iron or wooden rails or bars over the ea (a) areag or O p enm g to anv kitchens or cellars or other part or parts of his or their house, building, or premises, beneath the surface of the foot pavements of any streets or public places in any such parochial or other district, or having any doorway or entrance into the base- districts namely, the metropolis as defined by the Metropolis Management Act, 1855. Held, that the powers conferred hy the 68th section of this Act, being a power of prevention and not of suppression, did not apply to the larger district ; Vestry of Chelsea v. King, 34 L. J. M. C. 9 ; compare section 91 of Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, imposing a penalty for keeping swine in improper situations, &c. ; also section 8 of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, and 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47 (Metropolitan Police), s. 60, sub-section 5. (a) See 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, ss. 101 and 102, ante. 57 GEO. 8, c. 29, s. 70. 695 ment or cellar story thereof, shall not either keep the same or the Section 70- walls of such kitchens or cellars, in sufficient and good repair, or safely and securely guard and constantly keep the same securely guarded by a rail or rails, or cover the same over with a strong flap or trap-door, according to the nature of the case, and to the satis- faction of the commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, or of the surveyor or surveyors of the pavements in any such parochial or other district for the time being, or of any inspectors or other officers or persons appointed by the said commissioners, trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, or some of them, and so as to prevent danger to persons passing and repassing ; or if any such occupier or occupiers do or shall leave open, or not sufficiently and substantially cover and keep covered and secured to such satisfaction as aforesaid, any coal or other hole, funnel, trap-door, or cellar-flap, belonging to or connected with his, her, or their respective houses, buildings, or premises (save and except only during such reasonable time as any coals, wood, casks, or other things shall be putting down or taking out of any such vault or basement story, or during such reasonable time as the flap, trap-door, or covering thereof shall be altering, repairing, or amending) ; or if such owner or owners, occupier or occupiers, shall not repair, and from time to time keep in good and substantial repair, to the satisfaction of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons, or of the said surveyor or surveyors, inspectors, or other persons appointed by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, all and every or any such iron or wooden rails, guard rails, flaps, trap-doors, and other covering ; then and in every such case the person or persons neglecting so to do shall for every or any such offence forfeit and pay any sum not being less than 40s. nor exceeding 5, to be recovered in such and the same manner in which other penalties are hereafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act ; and that in any or either of such cases of neglect, it shall and may be also lawful to and for any two or more of the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, and without the authority of any public or general meeting, or for their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being, or for their in- spectors, or for any other person by such commissioners or trustees or other persons appointed as aforesaid, to cause all and every such doorways, entrances, holes, and funnels to be'well and securely covered over and guarded, and all iron or wooden rails, or guard rails, flaps, trap-doors, or coverings, to be well and substantially repaired or renewed, by such person or persons as they shall think proper to employ, and with such materials and in such manner as they or he may direct, and that all the costs, charges, and expenses attending the same be ascertained and certified by the surveyor or surveyors of the pavements, in any such parochial or other district, and shall be borne and paid by the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers, or other person or persons so neglecting to repair and make good the same in manner aforesaid ; and that if such costs, charges, and ex- penses shall not be so paid by such person or persons to the said surveyor or surveyors, or to such other person or persons as he or they shall or may appoint to receive the same within twenty-four hours after an account of the costs, charges, and expenses so ascer- tained and certified shall have been given to or left for such person or persons at or on such houses, buildings, or premises, then double the amount of the sum so certified shall become due and payable from such person or persons, over and above the other penalties hereby imposed, and shall and may be recovered and levied in such 696 Section 70. Holes exca- vated for vaults to be inclosed. Encroach, ments and projections to be regu- lated (a). APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAYING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. and the same manner in which any other penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered, or in which any moneys may be recovered from any water or gaslight companies, or any other persons, for or on account of any costs and charges of relaying any pavements, by virtue of any local Act or Acts of parliament relating to such parochial or other districts, or of this Act. 71. And be it further enacted, that if at any time or times here- after any person or persons shall dig or make or cause to be dug or made any hole, or leave or cause to be left any hole before any vacant ground, or before or behind or on the side of any house or other tenement or building erected or being erected or about to be erected in and adjoining to any street or public place formed or to be formed or forming in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, for the purposes of making any vault or vaults, or the foundation or foundations to such houses or other buildings, or for any other purpose whatsoever, and shall not forthwith inclose the same in a good and sufficient manner, to the satisfaction of the sur- veyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being to the com- missioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in such parochial or other district, or shall keep up or cause to be kept up and continued any such enclosure for any time which shall be longer than shall be absolutely necessary in the opinion of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or of their surveyor or surveyors of pavements for the time being, or shall not, when thereunto required by such surveyor or surveyors, or either of them, well and sufficiently fence or inclose any such hole or holes, or area or areas, or space or spaces, opened or left open, and intended for an area or areas, foundation or founda- tions, or for any other purpose whatsoever, in the front of or behind or on the side of such vacant ground, house, or other tenement or building in and adjoining to any such street or public place formed or to be formed or forming, within six hours after he or they shall be required so to do by the said surveyor or surveyors of pavements, and in the manner and with such materials as he or they shall direct, and to his or their satisfaction, then and in every or any such case he or they to offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, and for every such refusal or neglect, any sum not being less than 40s. nor exceeding ,5, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. 72. And be it further enacted, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees or other persons having (a) See ss. 101, 102, 119, and 120 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, and 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, ss. 124, 125, ante ; and ss. 153, 154, 156, of City of London Sewers Act, 1849 ; 11 & 12 Viet. c. 163. See also rules as to projections in section 26 of Metropolitan Buildings Act, 18 & 19 Viet. c. 122. It was decided iu a case under the former building Act, 7 & 8 Viet. c. 84, that its provisions did not authorize a projection contrary to this Act, and that a magistrate had power to order its removal ; It. v. Ingham, 17 Q. B. 884. And see _R. v. Pratt, 24 L. T. 235. Power to remove without compensation, was held to be limited to things projecting over the public way, and not to extend to the railings of the area of a house : ouverie v. Miles, 1 B. & Ad. 38, 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, s. 72. 697 the control of the pavements of the streets and public places in any Section 72. parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, and for their surveyor or surveyors of pavements, from time to time and at all times hereafter to regulate or remove, in such manner as he or they shall from time to time judge proper, all signs, sign irons, sign posts, and other posts, sheds, penthouses, spouts, gutters, steps, stairs, cellar doors, bow and other windows, projecting over any part of either of the footways or carriage-ways of any of the said streets or public places, window shutters, stumps, shades, rails, pales, palisades, porches, bulks, show glasses and show boards, pools, cesspools, cisterns and reservoirs for water, and all other or any fixed or moveable pro- jections, on hinges or otherwise, from the fronts or sides of any house or houses or other buildings, and now affixed or belonging to, or which shall be hereafter affixed or belonging to any house or houses or other buildings in or abutting upon or contiguous to any streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, or to the owner or owners or occupier or occupiers of any such houses or other buildings, and which in the judgment of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or of their surveyor or surveyors of pavements for the time being, then do or may obstruct the circulation of light and air, or are inconvenient or incommodious to any passengers along the carriage or foot ways of any of the said streets or public places of or within the jurisdiction of this Act, or any part thereof, or to any inhabitants of such paro- chial or other district ; and that the same, and all the roofs, cornices, eaves, and penthouses of or belonging to such houses or buildings respectively, and all water pipes or trunks affixed or belonging or to be affixed or belonging to any such houses or other buildings respec- tively, shall from time to time and at all times be regulated, removed, placed, and altered by the owner or owners or occupier or occupiers of such houses or other buildings respectively, as in the judgment of the commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being, shall be necessary or desirable for the public convenience ; and that in case any person or persons owning or occupying any house or houses or other buildings in or abutting upon or contiguous to any streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, on being recjuired by any notice signed by any three or more commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements in the parochial or other district within which the said house or houses or buildings may be situate, or by their surveyor or surveyors of pavements for the time being, given to or left for such person or persons, or any of them, in or at or upon the said house or houses or other buildings or any of them, or at his or their usual or last known place or places of abode, shall not from time to time and at all times immediately either entirely remove or alter, to the satis- faction of the said commissioners or trustees or other person having the control of the pavements in any such parochial or other district, or of their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being, any signs, sign irons, sign posts, and other posts, sheds, penthouses, spouts, gutters, steps, stairs, cellar doors, bow and other windows, window shutters, stumps, shades, sun blinds, awnings, rails, pales, palisades, porches, bulks, show glasses and show boards, pools, cess- pools, cisterns, and reservoirs, or other things then fastened or affixed, or belonging to or connected with any such house or houses or other buildings, and all other fixed or moveable projections or things pro- jecting from the fronts or sides of, or added or appendarit or belong- ing to any house or houses or other buildings, or to the owner or 698 Section 72. Slop to be carried only in covered Certain nuisances fineable. APPENDIX, THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. owners or occupier or occupiers of any such house or houses or other buildings, over any footways or carriageways of any streets or public places within the jurisdiction of this Act, or any part, or any of them, and the roofs, cornices, eaves and penthouses, waterpipes or trunks, affixed or to be affixed, or belonging or to belong unto or connected with any of such houses or buildings respectively ; then and in every such case any and every such person or persons refusing or neglecting immediately so to do, to the satisfaction of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or of their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being, shall for every such offence, and upon every such refusal or neglect, forfeit and pay a sum not being less than 40s. nor exceeding .5, and which may be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. 73. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons at any time or times hereafter shall drive or cause to be driven any cart or other carnage with any soap lees, night soil, ammoniacal liquor, slop, filth, or channel mire or dirt therein, through or in any of the streets or other public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, without such cart or other carriage having a proper covering or boards called flash boards, to prevent the same from slopping or spilling in any of the said streets or other public places ; or sha] at any time or times hereafter drive or cause to be driven any cart or other carriage with any soap lees, night soil, or ammoniacal liquor therein, through or in any of the streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, between the hours of six of the clock in the morning and eight of the clock in the evening of any day ; or shall fill any such covered cart or other carriage, so as to turn over or cast any soap lees, night soil, ammo- niacal liquor, slop, mire, or channel dirt or filth, in or upon any of the said streets or other public places ; it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons whomsoever to seize and apprehend and to assist in seizing and apprehending the offender or offenders, and by the authority of this Act, and without any other warrant or authority, to convey him or them before some justice of the peace for the city, borough, or county wherein such parochial or other district shall be situate ; and which justice is hereby authorized and required to hear evidence and determine upon such offence ; and every person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of 5, to be recovered in the same manner as other penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act : Provided always, that in case the person or persons so offending cannot be apprehended, then the owner or owners of such cart or carriage in which such soap lees, night soil, ammoniacal liquor, slop, filth, mire, or channel dirt shall be put or placed, and also the employer or employers of the person or persons so offending, shall be liable to and shall forfeit and pay such penalty as aforesaid, to be recovered as aforesaid. 74. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons at any time or times hereafter shall empty or begin to empty any bog-house or bog-houses, or to take away any night soil from any house or houses or premises within the streets or other public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, or shall come with carts or carriages for that purpose (save and except between the hours of twelve of the clock in the night and five of the clock in the morning from Lady-day to Michaelmas in every year, and between twelve of the clock at night and six of the clock in the morning from 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 74, 75. 699 Michaelmas to Lady-day in every year) ; or if any person or persons Section 74, shall put up or cast or cause to be put or cast out of any cart or tub or otherwise any night soil in or near any of the streets or other public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, it shall be lawful for any constables, headboroughs, patrols, beadles, or watchmen (and they are hereby strictly charged and re- quired and directed so to do), or for any other person or persons whomsoever, without any warrant or other authority than this Act, to apprehend and carry any person or persons guilty of the said offences, or either of them, to any watchhouse of the parochial or other district wherein such offence shall have been committed, or to any other place of confinement or security, and from thence to convey him, her, or them, as soon as conveniently may be, before some justice of the peace, for the city, borough, or county wherein such parochial or other district shall be situate, who (upon oath or affirma- tion made of such offence or offences as aforesaid) shall commit every such offender or offenders to the house of correction for the same city, borough, or county wherein such parochial or other district shall be situate as aforesaid, for any time not exceeding thirty days, to be com- puted from the day of commitment ; and the owner or owners of any carts, carriages, horses, or beasts employed in and about emptying or removing such night soil, or coming for that purpose (save and except within the hours hereby allowed), or the employer or employers of any person or persons who shall so put or cast out any such night soil, shall forfeit the sum of b for every such offence ; and any person or persons may seize such carts or carriages, or the horses or beasts drawing the same, with the gears, harness, and accoutrements, and remove or take such carts or carriages, horses or beasts, to such place in the said parochial or other district, as may be appointed for such or similar purposes, if any such there be, or otherwise to such place or places as the surveyor or surveyors of the pavements of such parochial or other district shall order and direct, there to be detained until the owner or owners, employer or employers, shall pay the said penalty, together with all costs, charges and expenses incurred in and about or relating to the seizure, removing, and keeping the said carts or carriages or horses, or in any manner incident thereto ; and in case the same shall not be demanded, and the said penalty, and all such costs, charges, and expenses, to be ascertained and determined by the surveyor or surveyors of the pavements of the said parochial or other district for the time being, and within five days next after such seizure, then it shall be lawful for such surveyor or surveyors to order the same to be appraised and sold, and the money arising therefrom shall be applied in payment of such penalty and costs, charges and expenses ; and after deducting the same, the overplus, as so ascertained by the said surveyor or surveyors, may be paid to the owner or owners thereof, when he or they shall apply for the same ; and also that one moiety of such penalty shall belong to and shall be paid to or among the person or persons giving information of such offences, or any of them, and apprehending the offender or offenders, and seizing, removing, and detaining such carts or carriages, and horses or beasts, as hereinbefore is authorized and directed. 75. And be it further enacted, that no person or persons whomso- Hoards to be ' erected but not without (a) A ladder placed against a house for the purpose of whitewashing, was ' eave W 1 held not to be within this provision ; Davey v. Warne, 14 M. & W. 199. See 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, s. 122, ante. 700 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 75, ever shall erect, place, set up, or build, in any street or other public place in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act at any time or times hereafter, any hoard or scaffolding, or place or erect any posts, bars, rails, boards, or other thing, by way of inclosure, for the purpose of making mortar, or of depositing or sifting, screening or slacking any bricks, stone, lime, sand, or any other materials for building or repairing any house or other tenement or erection, or for other works, or for any other purpose, without leave or licence first had and obtained under the hand or hands of the surveyor or surveyors for the time being of the pavements of such parochial or other district, who is and are hereby required to grant the same forthwith for the purpose of making mortar, and depositing or sifting, screening, or slacking any bricks, stone, lime, sand, or any other materials for building or repairing any house or other tene- ment or erection specifying therein the length of time for which the same when so erected or set up may be continued, and giving such other directions respecting the same as he or they may think neces- sary, on being paid by every person so applying for such licence the sum of 2s. 6d. ; and that if any person or persons shall erect, place, set up, or build, or cause or permit to be erected, placed, set up, or built, any such hoard or scaffolding, or any inclosure, posts, bars, or rails, or any other matter or thing for the purposes aforesaid, or for any other purpose, without the leave or licence, signed as aforesaid, of the said surveyor or surveyors of the pavements so had and obtained, or shall erect, set up, or build the same, or cause or permit the same to be set up or erected in any other manner, or to be con- tinued for any longer time than shall be allowed or expressed in such licence, then and in either of the said cases such person or persons, or the person or persons by whom he or they shall or may be employed, shall forfeit and pay the sum. of 10s. for every day that the same shall have been and shall be set up and continued ; and also that it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements of such parochial or other district, or for the said surveyor or surveyors of the pavements for the time being, to cause the same to be pulled down and removed, and the same and all the materials thereof, and of every part thereof, to be kept and detained until such person or persons shall and do pay to the said surveyor or surveyors of the pavements, or tofthe person or persons in whose custody the same shall be, all the penalties incurred by such person or persons, together with the charges of pulling down, removing, and keeping the same, to be ascertained and determined by the said surveyor or surveyors ; and in case the same shall not be claimed, and the said penalties and charges aforesaid shall not be paid within the space of five days next after the pulling down and removal thereof, then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commis- sioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, or for their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements, to order or cause the same to be appraised and sold ; and the money arising therefrom, after deduct- ing all the said charges, shall be paid to the treasurer or treasurers of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or to such other person or persons as they from time to time shall or may direct or appoint. Courts may 79. And whereas there are in certain parochial or other districts be stopped within the jurisdiction of this Act certain courts, alleys, and places up with the which, without inconvenience to the public, might be discontinued approbation and stopped up, and which, from their private and confined situation, of two or and by being harbours or receptacles for filth and rubbish, are 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 79, 80. 70l noisome and offensive ; Be it therefore further enacted, that if upon Section 79. ' for the city, borough, or county wherein such court, alley, or place may ore J us " be situate, it shall to them appear that any such court, alley, or ? place is become unnecessary, and may, without inconvenience to the wv , e public, or to the owners of houses or tenements adjoining thereto, be ^ n ^g discontinued and stopped up, then and in such case it shall and may owners e be lawful to and for such justices, by and with the consent of the con ticruous commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements of the streets and public places in such parochial or other district, testified by writing under the hand of the clerk or clerks to such commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid for the time being, and by and with the consent of the owner and owners of the houses, lands, or tenements adjoining to four parts in five in the length of any such court, alley, or place, testified by writing under his, her, or their hand or hands, at any special session to be holden for that purpose, by order under the hands and seals of such justices, to discontinue and stop up any and every such court, alley, or place ; and all such courts, alleys, and places, or such proportion thereof as may ad join to the houses or tenements of such person who shall have so consented, shall be discontinued and stopped up accord- ingly, subject to appeal as hereinafter is mentioned : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend so as to authorize the discontinuing or stopping up any court, alley, or place, or any part or parts thereof, whereby or in con- sequence Avhereof any house, tenement, or land shall be so inclosed (unless with such consent as aforesaid) that the owner or owners thereof shall be prevented from passing freely to and repassing freely from such house, tenement, or land. 80. And be it further enacted, that for the improvement of the Streets may streets and public places in the parochial or other districts within the be widened jurisdiction of this Act, and for the public advantage, it shall and an ^ im- may be lawful to and for the commissioners or trustees, or other proved with sons having the control of the pavements of any parochial or other trict, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to alter, widen, turn, or extend any of the streets or other public places within any such parochial or other district (except turnpike roads), and to lengthen and continue or open the same from the sides or ends of any streets or public places within any parochial or other district, into any other street or public place within such or any other paro- chial or other district, and to raise, level, lower, drain, ballast, gravel, or pave such new part or parts of any such streets or public places so altered, widened, extended, opened, or lengthened as aforesaid ; and that if any houses, walls, buildings, lands, tenements, and heredita- ments, or any part thereof, shall be adjudged by the said commis- sioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, to project into, obstruct, or prevent them from so altering, turning, widening, extend- ing, lengthening, continuing, or opening the said streets or public places within the said parochial or other district, and that the pos- session, occupation, and purchase of such houses, walls, buildings, lands, tenements, or hereditaments will be necessary for that pur- pose, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, and they shall have full power and authority to treat, contract, and agree, or to employ any person or persons to treat, contract, and agree with the several owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of all such houses, walls, buildings, lands, and hereditaments, of whatsoever nature, tenure, kind, or consen t of owners - 702 Section 80. Corporate or collegiate bodies and incapaci- tated persons enabled to sell. When par- ties refuse or are un- APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. quality, for the purposes aforesaid, and to pay for the same such sum and sums of money as shall be agreed upon by the said commis- sioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, and the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers thereof, out of the money to arise and be raised and to be received by them, either by virtue of any local Act or Acts of parliament relating to such parochial or other districts, or of this Act, and to pull down, use, sell, or dispose of such houses, walls, and buildings, and the materials thereof, and lay the sites thereof, and also such other lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or so much thereof as they the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, shall think proper, into the said streets, or other public places ; and all such new parts of such streets or public places, and the owners and occupiers of houses and buildings, mes- suages, and other hereditaments therein and adjoining thereto, shall be subject and liable to all the rates, assessments, powers, provisions, orders, clauses, and things to be made by virtue of or contained in any local Act or Acts of parliament relating to such parochial or other district, or by virtue of or contained in this Act in the same manner as the present streets and public places included in any such local Act or Acts, or within the jurisdiction of this Act, and the owners and occupiers of houses or buildings, and messuages or other hereditaments therein and adjoining thereto. 81. And be it further enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for all bodies politic, corporate, or collegiate, corporations aggregate or sole, tenants for life or in tail, or others having a partial or qualified interest or estate in any houses, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, husbands, femes covert, guardians, trustees, and feoffes in trust for charities or other purposes, committees, executors, or administrators, and all other persons whomsoever, not only on behalf of themselves, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, but also on behalf of all persons entitled in reversion or remainder expectant on an estate tail, and on behalf of all persons entitled in reversion or remainder expectant on an estate for life, or other less estate, or by way of executory devise, in case such persons shall be incapacitated or decline to treat, and on behalf of their respective wives and cestuique trusts, whether infants, issue unborn, lunatics, idiots, femes covert or others, and for all and every other person or persons whomsoever who are and shall be seised, possessed of, or interested in any such houses, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, to treat and agree with the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act as aforesaid, for the absolute sale thereof, and to sell and convey to the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, by feoffment, lease and release, or bargain and sale, by deed indented and enrolled in any of His Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, for such valuable consideration as shall be bond fide agreed upon for such houses, lands, tenements, or hereditaments as shall be adjudged necessary and convenient for the purposes afore- said ; and that all contracts, agreements, sales, or conveyances which shall be bond fide made for the purposes aforesaid, shall be good and eifectual in the law to all intents and purposes ; anything to the con- trary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. 82. And be it further enacted, that if any body or bodies politic, corporate, or collegiate, or any other person or persons seised or pos- sessed of or interested in any such houses, buildings, lands, tenements, 57 GEO 8, o. 29, s. 82. 703 or hereditaments as aforesaid, shall refuse to treat or agree, or shall Section 82- not agree, or by reason of absence or disability cannot agree with the said commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of * e , ^ the pavements of any streets or public places in any parochial or l^c otto* other district within the j urisdiction of this Act, or with any person P j g ^ i f or or persons authorized by them, for the sale and conveyance of their i m p anne i. respective estates and interest therein, or cannot be found or known, un ~ a j ur y or shall not produce and evince a clear title to the premises they are in possession of, or to the interest they claim therein, to the satisfac- tion of the said commissioners or trustees or other,persons as aforesaid, or of the person or persons so authorized by them, then and in every such case it shall be lawful for the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, and they are hereby required to issue a warrant or warrants, precept or precepts, directed to the sheriff or sheriffs, or bailiff or other proper officer of the city, borough, or county wherein the premises shall respectively lie or be, who is hereby authorized, directed, and required accordingly to impannei, summon, and return a competent number of substantial and disin- terested persons qualified to serve on juries, not less than forty-eight nor more than seventy-two ; and out of such persons so to be impan- nelled, summoned, and returned, a jury of twelve men shall be drawn I . , by some indifferent person to be by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid appointed, in such manner as juries for the trial of issues joined in His Majesty's courts at West- minster are by an Act made in the third year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the second, intituled " An Act for the w ho are to better Regulation of Juries," are directed to be drawn ; which be drawn as persons, so to be impannelled, summoned, and returned as aforesaid, 3 Geo. 2, are hereby required to come and appear before the justices of the c. 25, directs peace for the city, borough, or county wherein the premises shall lie () or be, at some court of general or quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the same city, borough, or county, or at some adjournment thereof, as in such warrant or warrants, precept or pre- cepts, shall be directed and appointed, and to attend such court of general or quarter sessions from day to day until discharged by the said court ; and all parties concerned shall and may have their Jurymen lawful challenges against any of the said jurymen, but shall not be at may be liberty to challenge the array ; and the said justices are hereby challenged, authorized and empowered, by precept or precepts, from time to time as occasion shall require, to call before them all and every person and persons whomsoever who shall be thought proper and necessary to be examined as a witness or witnesses on his, her, or their oath or oaths, touching or concerning the premises ; and the said justices, if they justices think tit, shall and may, on the application of either party, likewise on the ' authorize the said jury to view the place or places or premises in application question, in such manner as they shall direct ; and the said justices of either shall have power to adjourn such court from day to day as occasion party, may shall require, and to command such jury, witnesses, and parties to direct a attend until all such affairs for which they were summoned shall be view of the concluded ; and the said jury upon their oaths (which oaths, as also premises, the oaths of such person or persons as shall be called upon to give Jury to evidence, the said justices are hereby empowered and required to assess the administer) shall inquire of the value of such houses, buildings, value on (a) The law relating to juries is consolidated by 6 Geo. 4, c, 50, and amended by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 107 j 33 & 34 Viet. c. 77, and 34 & 35 Viet. c.2. r 04 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 82. lands, tenements, or hereditaments, and of the proportionable value of the respective estates and interest of all and every person and persons seised or possessed thereof, or interested therein, or of or in any part or parts thereof, and shall assess and award the sum or sums of money to be paid to such person or persons, party or parties respectively, for the purchase of such houses, buildings, lands, tene- ments, or hereditaments, and of such respective estates and interest therein, and also for goodwill, improvements, or any injury or damage whatsoever that may affect any such person or persons, party or parties, either as leaseholders or tenants at will, provided that such goodwill shall be estimated by what, in the opinion of such jury, the same would have been worth in case the improvements intended by this Act had not been in contemplation ; and the said justices shall and may give judgment for such sum or sums of money so to be which verdict or verdicts, and the judgment and judg- Verdict of the jury, &c., to be final, pre- vious notice being given to the parties interested. If the sum assessed shall not exceed the sum offered, the costs of such assessment, &c., to be paid by such body politic, &c., and the commis- sioners, &c., may retain the same ments, determination and determinations thereupon (notice in writ- ing being given to the person or persons interested or claiming so to be, at least fourteen days before the time of the meeting of the said justices as aforesaid and jury, by leaving such notice at the dwelling house of such person and persons, or at his, her, or their last usual place or places of abode, or with some tenant or occupier of the pre- mises respectively intended to be valued), shall be binding and con- clusive to all intents and purposes whatsoever against all bodies politic, corporate, and collegiate, and all and every person and persons claiming any estate, right, title, trust, use, or interest, in, to, or out of such houses, buildings, lands, tenements, or hereditaments and premises in possession, reversion, remainder, or expectancy, as well infants and issue unborn, lunatics, idiots, and femes covert, and persons under any other legal incapacity or disability, as all other eestuique trusts, their, his, and her heirs, successors, executors, and administrators, and against all other persons whomsoever ; and the said verdicts, judgments, and determinations, and all other proceed- ings of the said justices and juries, so to be made, given, and pro- nounced as aforesaid, shall be fairly written, on parchment, and signed by the clerk of the peace for the time being of the city, borough, or county wherein the premises shall respectively lie or be ; and in case it shall so happen that the sum or sums of money so to be assessed and awarded in consequence of such refusal to treat and agree as aforesaid, as the value of such houses, buildings, lands, tene- ments, or hereditaments, or as such proportional value as aforesaid, and as the recompense and* satisfaction to be made for the injury or damage sustained as before mentioned respectively, shall not exceed the sum or sums of money which the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, or any person or persons authorized by them, shall have previously offered to pay as and for such value, recompense, and satisfaction ; then and in every such case all the reasonable costs, charges, and expenses of causing and procuring such value and recompense to be assessed and awarded as aforesaid, and also assessing and awarding the same, shall be borne and paid by the body or bodies politic, corporate, or collegiate, or other person or persons so seised or possessed of or interested in such houses, build- ings, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, and so refusing to treat and agree as before mentioned respectively ; and the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, are hereby authorized and empowered to deduct and retain the said costs, charges, and expenses out of the sum or sums of money so to be assessed or awarded as aforesaid, or out of any part thereof : Provided always, that in all cases where any person or persons shall by reason of absence have been pre- 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 82 84. 705 vented from treating about such recompense or satisfaction as afore- Section 82. said, such costs and charges shall be borne and paid by the said , 777" commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, in manner ' aforesaid. 83. And be it further enacted, that the said justices shall have Justices em- power from time to time to impose any reasonable fine, not exceeding powered to the sum of ,20, on such sheriff or bailiff, or his deputy or deputies, impose fines bailiffs or agents respectively, making default in the premises, and on ** any of the persons who shall be summoned and returned on any such attendancc - jury or juries, and shall not appear, without sufficient excuse, or appearing shall refuse to be sworn on the said jury or juries, or being so sworn shall not give his or their verdict ; and also on any person or persons who shall be summoned to give evidence touching any of the matters aforesaid, and shall not attend, or attending shall refuse to be sworn, or to affirm, or who shall refuse to give his, her, or their evidence, and on any person or persons who shall in any other manner wilfully neglect his, her, or their duty in the premises, con- trary to the true intent and meaning of this Act ; and from time to time to levy such fine or fines, by order of the said justices, by dis- tress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels, together with the reasonable charges of every such distress and sale, returning the overplus (if any) to the owner or owners ; and that a copy of the order of the said justices, signed by the clerk of the peace for the time being of the city, borough, or county wherein the premises shall lie or be, as the case shall require, shall respectively be sufficient au- thority to the person or persons therein to be appointed, and to every other person acting or aiding and assisting therein, to make such distress and sale ; and all such fines shall be paid to the treasurer or treasurers of the commissioners or trustees, or other pel-sons as aforesaid, having the control of the pavements in the parochial or other district wherein such premises shall lie or be, or to such other person or persons as they may respectively from time to time appoint. 84. And be it further enacted, that if any money shall be agreed Application or awarded to be paid for any lands, buildings, tenements or here- of compen- ditaments, or for any other matter, right, or interest, of what nature sation where or kind soever, purchased, taken, or used by virtue of the powers exceeding of this Act for the purpose thereof, which shall belong to any corpora- 200. (a) tion, feme covert, infant, lunatic, or person or persons under any other disability or incapacity, such money shall, in case the same shall amount to the sum of .200, with all convenient speed be paid into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the accountant general of the high court of chancery, to be placed to his account there ex parte the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements of the streets or public places in the parochial or other districts within the jurisdiction of this Act, wherein such lands, buildings, tenements, or hereditaments shall be or lie as aforesaid, together with the name or names of such per- son or persons as the said commissioners or trustees or other persons (a) The court has jurisdiction under sections 84 & 85 of this Act, to order payment of the costs of an interim investment in lands (including the costs of a petition) of the purchase money of land taken by a district board of works under this Act : Re Merceron, L. E. 7 Ch. D. 184; Be Saunters' a Estate, L. R. 8 Eq. 681, considered. 2 z 706 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 84. as a f res aicl, by writing signed by them, shall direct and appoint, to the intent that such money shall be applied, under the direction and with the approbation of the said court, to be signified by an order made xvpon a petition to be preferred in a summary way by the person or persons who would have been entitled to the rents and profits of the said lands, buildings, tenements, or hereditaments, in the purchase of land tax, or discharge of any debt or debts, or such other incumbrance or part thereof as the said court shall authorize to be paid, affecting the same lands, buildings, tenements, or heredita- ments, or affecting other lands, buildings, tenements, or hereditaments standing settled therewith to the same or the like uses, intents, or purposes ; or where such money shall not be applied, then the same shall be laid out and invested, under the like direction and approba- tion of the said court, in the purchase of other messuages, lands, buildings, tenements, or hereditaments, which shall be conveyed and settled to, for, and upon such and the like uses, trasts, intents, and purposes, and in the same manner, as the messuages, lands, build- ings, tenements, and hereditaments which shall be so purchased, taken, or used as aforesaid, stood settled or limited, or such of them as at the time of making such conveyance and settlement shall be existing undetermined and capable of taking effect ; and in the meantime and until such purchase shall be made, the said money shall, by order of the court of chancery, upon application thereto, be invested by the said accountant-general, in his name, in the purchase of ,3 per centum Consolidated or ,3 per centum Reduced Bank Annuities; and in the meantime and until the said bank annuities shall be ordered by the said court to be sold for the purposes aforesaid, the dividends and annual produce of the said consolidated or reduced bank annui- ties shall from time to time be paid, by order of the said court, to the person or persons who would for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the said lands, buildings, tenements, and hereditaments so hereby directed to be purchased, in case such pur- chase or settlement were made. Application where the compensa- tion does not exceed 200. nor less than 20. 85. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that if any money so agreed or awarded to be paid for any lands, buildings, tenements, or hereditaments, or for any other matter, right, or interest, of Avhat nature or kind soever, purchased, taken, or vised for the purposes aforesaid, and belonging to any corporation, or to any person or per- sons under disability or incapacity as aforesaid, shall be less than the sum of 200, and shall exceed the sum of 20, then and in all such cases the same shall, at the option of the person or persons for the time being entitled to the rents and profits of the hereditaments so purchased, taken, or used, or of his, her, or their guardian or guardians, committee or committees, in case of infancy or lunacy, to be signified in writing under their respective hands, be paid into the bank in the name and with the privity of the said accountant- general of the high court of chancery, and be placed to his account as aforesaid, in order to be applied in manner hereinbefore directed ; or otherwise the same shall be paid, at the like option, to two trustees, to be nominated by the person or persons making such option, and approved of by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid (such nomination and appropriation to be signified in writing under the hands of the nominating and approving parties), in order that such principal money, and the dividends arising thereon, may be applied in any manner hereinbefore directed, so far as the case may be applicable, without obtaining or being required to obtain the direction or approbation of the court of chancery. 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 8689. 707 86. Provided also, and be it further enacted, that where such Section 86. money so agreed or awarded to be paid as next before mentioned . - shall be less than 20, then and in all such cases the same shall be Application applied to the use of the person or persons who would for the time wnere c being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the hereditaments and premises so purchased, taken, or used for the purposes of this Act, in such manner as the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, shall think fit ; or in case of infancy or lunacy, then to his, her, or their guardian or guardians, committee or com- mittees, to and for the use and benefit of such person or persons so entitled respectively. 87. And be it further enacted, that upon payment of any sum or sums so agreed or awarded to the party or parties to whom the same shall be so awarded, or upon the deposit of the same in the Bank of England in manner by this Act directed (as the case may be), the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in respect whereof the same shall have been so paid or deposited as aforesaid, shall vest in the commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid for the time being, in manner and for the purposes aforesaid, who shall be deemed in law to be in the actual possession thereof to all intents and purposes whatsoever, freed and discharged from all former and other estates, rights, titles, interests, claims, and demands whatsoever. 88. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that where any question shall arise touching the title of any person to any money to be paid into the Bank of England in the name and with the privity of the accountant-general of the court of chancery, in pursuance of this Act, for the purchase of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or of any estate, right, or interest in any hinds, tenements, or heredita- ments to be purchased in pursuance of this Act, or to any bank annuities to be purchased with any such money, or the dividends or interest of any such bank annuities, the person or persons who shall have been in possession of such lands, tenements, or hereditaments at the time of such purchase, and all persons claiming under such person or persons, or under the possession of such person or persons, shall be deemed and taken to have been lawfully entitled to such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, according to such possession, until the contrary shall be shown to the satisfaction of the said court of chancery ; and the dividends or interest of the bank annuities to be purchased with such money, and also the capital of such bank annuities, shall be paid, applied, and disposed of accordingly, unless it shall be made appear to the said court that such possession was a wrongful possession, and that some other person or persons was or were lawfully entitled to such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or to some estate or interest therein. On payment of the pur- chase money premises t< v^. 111 com ' j?* 88 iers Where any -^ ^ e pe rson who - possession of the lands, &c. at the time of such purchase, shall be titled there- te > according to suc 89. Provided also, and be it further enacted, that where by reason of any disability or incapacity of the person or persons or corporation (a) See the case of Me Merceron, L. R. 7 Ch. D. 184, referred to in note to section 84, ante. The court of chancery has jurisdiction under this enactment to order payment of the costs of a petition for payment out of court, and to separate accounts of the purchase money of houses taken by a vestry under the provisions of this Act for the purpose of widening a street ; In re Sounder* Estate, L. R. 8 Eq. 681. 2 Z 2 The court of chancery may order reasonable expenses of purchase to be paid by the commis- sioncrs, & c , (#). 708 Section 89, Tenants at will, &c., to deliver possession on six months' notice. APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. entitled to any lands, tenements, or hereditaments to be purchased, or purchased under the authority of this Act, the purchase money for the same shall be required to be paid into the court of Chancery, and to be applied in the purchase of other lands, tenemements, or hereditaments, to be settled to the like uses in pursuance of this Act, it shall be lawful for the said court of chancery to order the ex- penses of all purchases from time to time to be made in pursuance of this Act, or so much of such expenses as the said court shall deem reasonable, to be paid by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, who shall from time to time pay such sums of money for such purposes as the said court shall direct. 90. And be it further enacted, that every tenant at will or lessee for a year, or any other person or persons in possession of any such houses, buildings, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, or any part thereof, which shall be purchased by virtue and for the purposes of this Act, and who shall have no greater interest in the premises than as tenant at will or lessee for a year, or from year to year, shall deliver up the possession of such premises to the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in the parochial or other division within the jurisdiction of this Act, wherein such houses, buildings, lands, tenements and hereditaments, or to such person or persons as the said c&mmissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid shall appoint to take possession of the same, upon having six calendar months' notice to quit such possession from the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or from the person or persons so authorized by them ; and such person or persons in possession shall at the end of the said six calendar months, whether such notice be given with reference to the time or times of such tenants holding or not, or so soon as he, she, or they shall be required, peaceably and quietly deliver up the possession of the said premises to the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, or the person or persons authorized by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid to take possession thereof ; and in case any such tenant should be com- pelled to quit before the expiration of his or her term in any such premises, then and in such case the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, shall and they are hereby required to make satisfaction and compensation for the loss or damage which he or she shall or may sustain thereby ; and in case any difference or dispute shall arise as to the amount of such satisfac- tion or compensation, the same shall or may be determined, settled, and ascertained by a jury, in such and the like manner as the sum or sums of money to be paid for the purchase of any lands, tene- ments, or hereditaments, is herein directed to be determined, settled, and ascertained ; and that in case any such person or persons so in possession as aforesaid shall refuse to give such possession as afore- said, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, to issue their precept or precepts to the sheriff or sheriff's, or bailiff, or other proper officer of the city, borough, or county wherein such parochial or other district shall be situate, to deliver possession of the said premises to such person or persons as shall in such precept or precepts be nominated to receive the same ; and the said sheriff or sheriffs or bailiff, and every other proper officer, is hereby authorized and re- quired to deliver such possession accordingly of the said premises, and to levy such costs as shall accrue from the issuing and execution goods. 67 GEO. 8, c. 29, ss. 9098. 709 us so refusing to Section his, her, or their of such precept or precepts on the person or persons so refusing to Section 90. give possession as aforesaid, by distress and sale of hi 91. And be it further enacted, that all and every person and Mortgagees, persons who shall have any mortgage or mortgages on such houses, 01 \ tender of buildings, lands, tenements and hereditaments, not being in posses- principal sion thereof by virtue of such mortgage or mortgages, shall on the and mterest > tender of the principal money and interest due thereon, together convey ; with the amount of six calendar months' interest on the said principal, by the said commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in such parochial or other district, within the jurisdiction of this Act, wherein the said houses, buildings, lands, tenements, and here- ditaments shall lie or be as aforesaid, or by such person or persons as they shall appoint, immediately convey, assign, and transfer such mortgage or mortgages to the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or to such person or persons as they shall appoint ; or in case such mortgagee or mortgagees shall have notice in writing from the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or from such person or persons as they shall appoint, that they will pay off and discharge the principal money and interest which shall be due on the said mortgage or mortgages at the end or expiration of six calendar months, to be somputed from the day of giving such notice, that then at the end of the said six calendar months, on payment of the principal and interest so due, such mortgagee or mortgagees shall convey, assign, and transfer his, her, or their interest in the premises to the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, or to such person or persons as shall be appointed in trust for them ; and in case the mortgagee on refusal, or mortgagees shall refuse to convey and assign as aforesaid on interest to such tender or payment, that then all interest on every such mort- cease. gage shall from thenceforth cease and determine. 92. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that in case the The mort- sum due upon any such mortgage or mortgages, with all interest due gagees not thereon, shall amount to more than the real value of the premises, to be paid to be ascertained as directed by this Act, then the said commissioners more than or trustees or other persons as aforesaid shall not be liable to pay the real to the mortgagee or mortgagees more than such real value of such value of premises, so ascertained as aforesaid. premises. 93. And be it further enacted, that the conveyance of any such Bargains and estate or interest of any feme covert to the said commissioners or sales to have trustees or other persons as aforesaid for the time being, or any five the force of or more of them, or any person or persons in trust for them, by fines and indenture or indentures of bargain and sale, sealed and delivered recoveries. by such feme covert, in the presence of and attested by two credible witnesses, and duly acknowledged, and to be enrolled in the high court of chancery within six calendar months after the making thereof, shall as effectually and absolutely convey the estate and interest of such feme, covert in the premises as any fine or fines, recovery or recoveries, would or could do, if levied or suffered thereof in due form of law ; and further, that all bargains and sales whatsoever to be made of any such houses, buildings, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, as shall be purchased by the com- missioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid for the time being, by virtue and for the purposes of this Act, and enrolled 710 Section 93. Upon pay- ment of principal and interest into the bank, premises to vest in the commis- sioners, &c. Monies to be paid or ten- dered before any use made of the premises. Estates may be sold, the persons of whom they were bought having the first offer. APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. as aforesaid, shall have the like force, effect, and operation in law, to all intents and purposes, as any fine or fines, recovery or recoveries whatsoever would have had if levied or suffered by the bargainer or bargainers, or any person or persons seised of or entitled to any estate or interest in the premises in trust for such bargainer or bargainers, in any manner or form, whatsoever. 94. And be it further enacted, that upon payment of the principal money and interest due on any mortgage as aforesaid into the Bank of England, at the end of six calendar months from the day of giving such notice as aforesaid, for the use of the mortgagee or mortgagees, the cashier or cashiers of the bank shall give a receipt or receipts for the said money, in like manner as is hereinbefore directed in cases of other payments into the bank ; and thereupon all the estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, property, claim and demand of the said mortgagee or mortgagees, and of all and every person or persons in trust for him, her, or them, shall vest in the said com- missioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, and they shall be deemed to be in the actual possession of the premises comprised in such mortgage or mortgages, to all intents and purposes whatsoever. 95. And be it further enacted, that all sums of money, or other consideration, recompense, or satisfaction, to be paid or made pur- suant to any such agreement or verdict as aforesaid, or in discharge of any such mortgage, shall be paid or tendered to the party or parties entitled to the same, or paid into the Bank of England as aforesaid, before the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as afore- said, or any person or persons authorized by them, shall proceed to pull down any house or houses, or other erections or buildings comprised in or affected by such agreement, verdict, or mortgage respectively, or to use the ground for any of the purposes before mentioned in this Act. 96. And be it further enacted, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, from time to time absolutely to sell and dispose of all or any of the freehold or leasehold estates, lands, houses, hereditaments, and premises which shall hereafter be conveyed to them in pursuance of this Act or otherwise ; provided that the said freehold or lease- hold estates, lands, houses, hereditaments, and premises so purchased are first offered for sale to the respective person or persons of or from whom the premises respectively were purchased by or on behalf of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid ; and if such Eor persons respectively shall not then and thereupon agree fc with respect to and on account of the price thereof as after mentioned), or shall refuse (except with respect to and on account of the price thereof) to purchase the same respectively an affidavit shall be made and sworn before a master in the high court of chancery, or before one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the city, borough, or county wherein such parochial or other district shall be situate (who are hereby respectively em- powered and directed to take the same), by some person or persons uninterested in the said freehold or leasehold estates, lands, houses, hereditaments, or premises, stating that such offer was made by or on the behalf of the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, and that such offer was not then and thereupon agreed to, or was refused by the person or persons to whom the same 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 96, 109. 711 was so offered ; and that any such affidavit shall in all courts what- Section 96. soever be sufficient evidence and proof that such offer was made, and was not agreed to, or was refused by the person or persons to whom such offer was made, as the case may be ; and in case such person or persons shall be desirous of repurchasing the same, and he, she, or they, and the said commissioners, or trustees, or other persons as aforesaid, shall differ and not agree with respect to the price thereof, then the price or prices thereof shall be ascertained by a jury, in the manner hereinbefore directed with respect to the disputed value of premises to be purchased by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid in pursuance of this Act ; and the expense of hearing and determining such differences shall be borne and paid in like manner as is hereinbefore directed with respect to such purchase made by the said commis- sioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid (mutatis mutandis) and the money to arise by the sale or sales which may be made by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid, of such freehold or leasehold estates, lands, houses, hereditaments, and premises, shall be applied by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid to the purposes of the local Act or Acts of parliament relating to the parochial or other division over the pavement whereof they shall possess a control, or to the purposes of this Act, but the purchaser or purchasers thereof shall not be answerable or accountable for any misapplication or nonapplication of the money paid by him or them for such freehold or leasehold estates, lands, .houses, hereditaments, and premises. 109. And be it further enacted, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the commissioners or trustees, or other persons having the control of the pavements in the streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, from time to time and at all times afterwards to assemble and meet to- gether for the execution of the local Act or Acts of parliament whereby or by virtue whereof they may have been appointed, and of this Act, within their respective parochial or other district or else- where, and may adjourn such meetings from time to time as they shall think proper ; but that one such general meeting shall be held at least once in every calendar month, and that five or more of such commissioners or trustees or other persons shall attend at and be necessary to constitute every such general meeting ; and the acts, resolutions, and proceedings of the majority present at such meet- ings shall be deemed and considered to be the acts, resolutions, and proceedings of such meetings ; and that such commissioners or trustees or other persons as aforesaid may retain and employ and discharge and pay such clerks, surveyors, inspectors, and other persons, as they from time to time shall deem expedient ; and also shall and may deduct and allow to themselves and to each other, and to their officers and servants, all expenses necessarily incurred in and about the execution of any local Act or Acts of parliament, or of this Act ; and also shall and may from time to time purchase or rent upon lease, for a term or terms of years or otherwise, or may erect, fur- nish, alter or improve any houses, offices, and other places which they may deem necessary or expedient for their places of meeting, or for the transaction of their official business, or for the deposit and safe custody of their books, vouchers, and documents ; and also may purchase or rent upon lease or otherwise from time to time such place or places to be called " The Green Yard " for such parochial or other district, for the reception, deposit, and safe custody of any Commissioners may meet and may have offices and places where strays or goods may Le impounded. 712 APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. Section 109. article seized and removed by virtue of any local Act or Acts of parliament, or of this Act, within their respective parochial or otlier districts, or of any horses, beasts, cattle, or any animals or otlier things which may be found straying, or which shall be in or about any streets or public places within their respective parochial or other district, or which, according to any local Act or Acts of parliament or to this Act, or to the common or statute law, may be impounded ; and may appoint any person or persons to inhabit and take care of such houses, offices, and other places of meeting, and to have the custody and care of such books, vouchers, and documents, and to take care of and superintend such places of deposit as aforesaid ; and may appoint the fees and charges which shall be paid and payable, and which may be demanded on or for the deposit and safe custody of any such, articles so seized, or of any horses, beasts, cattle, animals, or other things which shall be there impounded as afore- said ; and that the same fees and charges shall be so paid before any such articles or things shall be given up or restored to any persons whomsoever, or shall and may be deducted out of the proceeds of any appraisement or sale of any such articles and things, and which maybe effected thereof under and by virtue of any local Act or Acts of parliament, or of this Act. 122. And be it further enacted, that if any person or persons shall at any time or times hereafter in any manner whatsoever wil- fully obstruct, hinder, or molest any commissioners or trustees or any other persons having the control of the pavements in any streets or public places in any parochial or other district within the juris- diction of this Act, or any surveyor or surveyors of pavements, or any other officer officers, person or persons whomsoever, who are or shall be appointed or employed to put in execution this Act or any local Act or Acts of parliament by the said commissioners or trustees or other persons having the control of the pavements of the streets and public places in any such parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, in the performance or execution of his or their duty, then every person or persons so oftending shall for the first offence forfeit the sum ot .5, and for the second offence the sum of 10, and for the third or any subsequent offence the sum of 20, to be recovered in the same manner in which other penalties are hereinafter directed to be recovered by virtue of this Act. Justices may 123. And be it further enacted, that in all cases where one or proceed on more justice or justices of the peace is or are or may be empowered complaint of by law to proceed on the complaint of the commissioners or trustees, commissioners, or other persons having the control of the pavements in any streets or public places in any parochial or other district Avithin the juris- diction of this Act, or any of them, it shall and may be lawful for such justice or justices of the peace, and he or they is and are hereby required to proceed on the complaint of any one of the said com- missioners or trustees or other such persons, or of their surveyor or surveyors of the pavements, or of their clerk or clerks for the time being, or any of them, or of any person or persons whom they or any two or more of them by writing under their hands shall appoint for that purpose, in such and the like manner to all intents and pur- poses as if such complaint had been made by such commissioners or trustees or other such persons as aforesaid, or any or all of them. Local Paving 138. Provided also, and be it enacted, that neither any Act or Acts Acts of parlia- o f parliament relating either exclusively to the paving or repairing Commissioners and surveyors not to be obstructed in performance of their duty. 57 GEO. 3, c. 29, ss. 138, 142, 144. 713 the pavements of the streets or public places in any parochial or Section 138, other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, or relating thereto jointly with any other object or purpose, nor any clause, matter, or P 1611 ? provision therein contained, shall be hereby repealed ; but that the her J re commissioners, trustees, or other persons by any such local Act or ^ Acts of parliament vested with the control or superintendence of the pavement of the streets and public places in every such parochial or other district shall retain and may exercise all and every the powers and authorities by all and every such local Act and Acts of parliament conferred upon them or any of them ; and that they may from time to time and at all times, either act under and upon all or any of the provisions, clauses, powers, and authorities of such Act or Acts of parliament, or under any of the provisions, clauses, powers, and authorities of this Act, as they from time to time, upon each emergency or each particular occasion, may think proper and deem most expedient ; but subject nevertheless to all the provisions contained in this Act as to the appointment of surveyors of the pavement in every parochial or other district, and as to the means hereby provided for compelling the speedy and effectual reparation of imperfect pavement in all streets and public places within the jurisdiction of this Act, and the regulation and improvement of such streets, and removal and prevention of nuisances and obstructions, according to the provisions of this Act. 142. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that nothing in Not to autho- this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to autho- rize tho rize the taking down or removing any bar, gate, rail, or other fence making any fixed for preventing any thoroughfare into or from any square, thoroughfare street, or way, without the consent of the owner of the estate or without cou- property upon which such bars, gates, rails, or other fences, squares, sen ^ f the streets, or ways shall be situate. owner of the estate. 144. And whereas by an Act passed in the fifty-sixth year of the Certain pro- reign of His present Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend two Acts visions in the made in the fifty-third year of the Reign of His present Majesty, Act of 56 for opening a more convenient Communication from Marylebone Creo. 3, c. 128, Park to Charing Cross and for paving the Streets to be made in not to be Marylebone Park ; and to enable His Majesty to grant small Portions [ eC< i? d y . of Land as Sites for public Buildings, or to be used as Cemeteries this Act ( a )' within the Bills of Mortality ; " it was enacted, that it should be lawful for the commissioners for executing that Act to authorize and permit the building or erecting and making of any porticoes, arcades, and other covered ways projecting from any buildings or houses which should or might be built on the sides of the new streets, squares, circusses, ways, courts, passages, or places comprised within the provisions of the said Act, extending over any footways of the said streets, squares, circusses, ways, courts, passages, or places under the restrictions therein mentioned ; and to permit the erecting or making, or continuing or suffering to remain the fronts of any houses or buildings in the said streets, squares, circusses, ways, courts, passages, and places, in such manner as that some fronts might recede behind or advance before others, and with bow windows or other projections, and with virandas, alcoves, balconies, pilasters, columns, and shop windows, or other projections under the restrictions therein mentioned : Now therefore be it enacted, that nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to alter, abridge, () See Crown Estate Paving Act, 1851, 14 & 15 Viet. c. 95. 714 Section 144, Houses, &c., within the parish of Saint Maryle- bone, in the line of the new street, or in Maryle- bone Park, to be rated at a specific sum. APPENDIX. THE GENERAL PAVING (METROPOLIS) ACT, 1817. repeal, or affect any of the said provisions in the said recited Act of the fifty-sixth year of the reign of His present Majesty contained, or to authorize or empower any surveyor of pavements or other person or persons, to remove or alter, or to require the removal or alteration of any porticoes, arcades, or other covered ways, bow windows, virandas, alcoves, balconies, pilaster columns, architectural orna- ments, or other projections which have been heretofore or shall be hereafter authorized or permitted, by the commissioners for the time being for executing the said recited Act, to be made in or to any houses or other erections, which shall have been or shall or may be erected or built in any of the streets, squares, circusses, ways, courts, passages, or places comprised within the provisions of the said recited Act of the fifty-sixth year of the reign of his present Majesty. 145. And whereas by the said last-mentioned Act it was enacted, that such of the houses, buildings, lands, and hereditaments, which were intended to be taken and used under the provisions and for the purposes of the first Act therein recited, as are situate in the parish of Saint Marylebone, and also the houses and buildings to be erected on the said lands, should for ever thereafter, in making any rates or assessments for the paving, repairing, watching, lighting, and cleans- ing the several streets and other places in the said parish of Saint Marylebone, be charged and assessed thereto, as being altogether and in the whole of the yearly rent or value of six thousand and eighty- four pounds, and no more ; and that the same should for ever there- after be charged and assessed and rated at the said yearly rent of six thousand and eighty -four pounds, whether the rents or values of the same should be more or less ; be it therefore further enacted, that nothing herein contained shall be construed or extend to alter, repeal, or annul the provisions contained in the said recited Act of the fifty-sixth year of the reign of His present Majesty, with rela- tion thereto ; but that all such houses, buildings, lands, and here- ditaments comprised within the provisions of the said recited Act of the fifty-sixth year of His present Majesty's reign, as are situate within the said parish of Saint Marylebone, shall for all the pur- poses of this Act be charged and assessed as being altogether and in the whole of the said yearly rent or value of six thousand and eighty-four pounds, and no more ; and that the said sum of six thousand and eighty-four pounds shall at all times hereafter, and for all the purposes of this Act, be deemed and taken to be the annual rent or value of all such houses, buildings, lands, and hereditaments; anything hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. Provisions of 147. Provided also, and be it further enacted, that neither this Act, the Act not nor any enactment, clause, provision, matter, or thing herein con- to aflect turn- tained shall extend or be construed to extend to any turnpike road or pike roads. turnpike roads, or to any part of any turnpike road or turnpike roads, whether the same shall be paved or unpaved, now being in any parochial or other district within the jurisdiction of this Act, but that the same shall be completely and entirely exempted there- from ; anything herein contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. Public Act. 148. And be it further enacted, that this Act shall be deemed and taken to be a public Act, and shall be judiciously taken notice of as such by all judges, justices, and others, without being specially pleaded. SUPPLEMENT. ACTS PASSED IN THE LAST SESSION OP PARLIAMENT. AN ACT TO CONTINUE AND AMEND THE PETROLEUM ACT, 1871. 42 & 43 VICT. CAP. 47. HTH AUGUST, 1879. BE it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the autho- rity of the same, as follows : 1. This Act may be cited as the Petroleum Act, 1879. Short title This Act shall be construed as one with the Petroleum Act, 1871, JJ of n ^" and together with that Act may be cited as the Petroleum Acts, 04 & 35 \~ict, 1871 and 1879. c> 105- 2. Whereas by the Petroleum Act, 1871, it is enacted that the Alteration of term " petroleum to which this Act applies " means such of the ^st. petroleum denned by that Act as, when tested in manner set forth in 34 & 35 Vlot< Schedule One to that Act, gives off an inflammable vapour at a c> temperature of less than one hundred degrees of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer, and it is expedient to alter the said test : Be it therefore enacted that In the Petroleum Act, 1871, the term " petroleum to which this 34 & 35 Viet. Act applies " shall mean such of the petroleum denned by section 3 c - 105 - of that Act as, when tested in manner set forth in Schedule One to this Act, gives off an inflammable vapour at a temperature of less than seventy-three degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer. 716 Section 2. 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105. Verification of test appa- ratus. Continuance of 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105. Commence- ment of Act. Repeal of part of 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105. 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105. 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105. SUPPLEMENT. THE PETEOLEUM ACT, 1879. Every reference in the Petroleum Act, 1871, to Schedule One to that Act shall be construed to refer to Schedule One to this Act. 3. A model of the apparatus for testing petroleum, as described in Schedule One to this Act, shall be deposited with the board of trade and the board of trade shall, on payment of such fee, not exceeding five shillings, as they from time to time prescribe, cause to be com- pared with such model and verified every apparatus constructed in accordance with Schedule One to this Act which is submitted to them for the purpose, and if the same' is found correct shall stamp the same with a mark approved of by the board and notified in the London Gazette. An apparatus for testing petroleum purporting to be stamped with the said mark shall until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been verified by the board of trade. All fees under this section shall be paid into the exchequer. 4. The Petroleum Act, 1871, shall continue in force until other- wise directed by parliament. 5. This Act shall come into operation on the thirty-first day of December one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, which day is in this Act referred to as the commencement of this Act. 6. The Petroleum Act, 1871, shall be repealed after the com- mencement of this Act to the extent in the third column v of the second schedule to this Act mentioned. Provided that any sample of petroleum taken before the com- mencement of this Act shall be tested in manner set forth in Schedule One to the Petroleum Act, 1871, and any offence committed before the commencement of this Act shall be prosecuted, and any investi- gation, legal proceeding, or remedy in relation to such offence, or to any act done before the commencement of this Act, shall be insti- tuted, carried on, and have effect as if the provisions of this Act, other than those continuing the Petroleum Act, 1871, had not been FIRST SCHEDULE. MODE OP TESTING PETROLEUM so AS TO ASCERTAIN THE TEM- PERATURE AT WHICH IT WILL GIVE OFF INFLAMMABLE VAPOUR. Specification of the Test Apparatus. The following is a description of the details of the apparatus : The oil cup consists of a cylindrical vessel 2" diameter, 2^" height (internal), with outward projecting rim ^/' wide, f from the top, and 1" from the bottom of the cup. It is made of gun metal or brass (17 B. W. G.) tinned inside. A bracket, consisting of a short stout piece of wire bent upwards and terminating in a point, is fixed to the inside of the cup to serve as a gauge. The distance of the point from the bottom of the cup is 1J". The cup is provided 42 & 43 VICT. c. 47. SCHED. 717 with a close-fitting overlapping cover made of brass (22 B.W.G.), Schedule 1. which carries the thermometer and test-lamp. The latter is sus- pended from two supports from the side by means of trunnions rn which it may be made to oscillate, it is provided with a spout, mouth of which is one- sixteenth of an inch in diameter. The socket which is to hold the thermometer is fixed at such an angle and its length is so adjusted that the bulb of the thermometer when in- serted to its full depth shall be ij" below the centre of the lid. The cover is provided with three square holes, one in the centre, rs" by T^"? and two smaller ones, ^" by &", close to the sides and opposite each other. These three holes may be closed and xincovered by means of a slide moving in grooves, and having perforations cor- responding to those on the lid. In moving the slide so as to uncover the holes, the oscillating lamp is caught by a pin fixed in the slide, and tilted in such a way as to bring the end of the spout just below the surface of the lid. Upon the slide being pushed back so as to cover the holes, the lamp returns to its original position. Upon the cover, in front of and in line with the mouth of the lamp, is fixed a white bead, the dimensions of which represent the size of the test flame to be used. The bath or heated vessel consists of two flat-bottomed copper cylinders (24 B.W.G.), an inner one of 3" diameter and 2" height, and an outer one of 5^" diameter and 5f " height ; they are soldered to a circular copper plate (20 B. W.G.) perforated in the centre, which forms the top of the bath, in such a manner as to enclose the space between the two cylinders, but leaving access to the inner cylinder. The top of the bath projects both outwards and inwards about f" ; that is, its diameter is about f " greater than that of the body of the bath, while the diameter of the circular opening in the centre is about the same amount less than that of the inner copper cylinder. To the inner projection of the top is fastened, by six small screws, a flat ring of ebonite, the screws being sunk below the surface of the ebonite, to avoid metallic contact between the bath and the oil cup. The exact distance between the sides and bottom of the bath and of the oil lamp is one-half of an inch. A split socket similar to that on the cover of the oil cup, but set at a right angle, allows a ther- mometer to be inserted into the space between the two cylinders. The bath is further provided with a funnel, an overflow pipe, and two loop handles. The bath rests upon a cast-iron tripod stand, to the ring of which is attached a copper cylinder or jacket (24 B.W.G.) flanged at the top, and of such dimensions that the bath, while firmly resting on the iron ring, just touches with its projecting top the inward-turned flange. The diameter of this outer jacket is 6$". One of the three legs of the stand serves as support for the spirit lamp attached to it by means of a small swing bracket. The distance of the wick holder from the bottom of the bath is 1". Two thermometers are provided with the apparatus, the one for ascertaining the temperature of the bath, the other for determining the flashing point. The thermometer for ascertaining the tempera- ture of the water has a long bulb and a space at the top. Its range is from about 90 to 190 Fahrenheit. The scale (in degrees of Fahrenheit) is marked on an ivory back fastened to the tube in the usual way. It is fitted with a metal collar, fitting the socket, and the part of the tube below the scale should have a length of about 3" measured from the lower end of the scale to the end of the bulb. The thermometer for ascertaining the temperature of the oil 718 SUPPLEMENT. THE PETROLEUM ACT, 1879. Schedule 1. is fitted with collar and ivory scale in a similar manner to the one described. It has a round bulb, a space at the top, and ranges from about 55 F. to 150 F. ; it measures from end of ivory back to bulb af* NOTE. A model apparatus is deposited at the weights and mea- sures department of the board of trade. Directions for applying the Flashing Test. 1. The test apparatus is to be placed for use in a position where it is not exposed to currents of air or draughts. 2. The heating vessel or water bath is filled by pouring water into the funnel until it begins to flow out at the spout of the vessel. The temperature of the water at the commencement of the test is to be 130 Fahrenheit, and this is attained in the first instance either by mixing hot and cold water in the bath, or in a vessel from which the bath is filled, until the thermometer which is provided for testing the temperature of the water gives the proper indication, or by heat- ing the water with the spirit lamp (which is attached to the stand of the apparatus) until the required temperature is indicated. If the water has been heated too highly, it is easily reduced to 130 by pouring in cold water little by little (to replace a portion of the warm water) until the thermometer gives the proper reading. When a test has been completed, this water bath is again raised to 130 by placing the lamp underneath, and the result is readily ob- tained while the petroleum cup is being emptied, cooled, and refilled with a fresh sample to be tested. The lamp is then turned on its swivel from under the apparatus, and the next test is proceeded with. 3. The test lamp is prepared for use by fitting it with a piece of flat plaited candle wick, and filling it with colza or rape oil up to the lower edge of the opening of the spout or wick tube. The lamp is trimmed so that when lighted it gives a flame of about O15 of an inch diameter, and this size of flame which is represented by the projecting white bead on the cover of the oil cup is readily maintained by simple manipulation from time to time with a small wire trimmer. When gas is available it may be conveniently used in place of the little oil lamp, and for this purpose a test-flame arrangement for use with gas may be substituted for the lamp. 4. The bath having been raised to the proper temperature, the oil to be tested is introduced into the petroleum cup, being poured in slowly until the level of the liquid just reaches the point of the gauge which is fixed in the cup. In warm weather the temperature of the room in Avhich the samples to be tested have been kept should be observed in the first instance, and if it exceeds 65 U the samples to be tested should be cooled down (to about 60) by immersing the bottles containing them in cold water, or by any other convenient method. The lid of the cup, with the slide closed, is then put on, and the cup is placed into the bath or heating vessel. The ther- mometer in the lid of the cup has been adjusted so as to have its bulb just immersed in the liquid, and its position is not under any circumstances to be altered. When the cup has been placed in the proper position, the scale of the thermometer faces the operator. 5. The test lamp is then placed in a position upon the lid of the cup, the lead line or pendulum, which has been fixed in a convenient position in front of the operator is set in motion, and the rise of the thermometer in the petroleum cup is watched. When the tempera- ture has reached about 66 the operation of testing is to be com- 42 & 43 VICT. o. 47. SCHED. 719 mencecl, the test flame being applied once for every rise of one degree, in the following manner : The slide is slowly drawn open while the pendulum performs three oscillations, and is closed during the fourth oscillation. NOTE. If it is desired to employ the test apparatus to determine the flashing points of oil of very low volatility, the mode of pro- ceeding is to be modified as follows : The air-chamber which surrounds the cup is filled with cold water, to a depth of li inches, and the heating vessel or water bath is filled as usual, but also with cold water. The lamp is then placed iinder the apparatus and kept there during the entire operation. If a very heavy oil is being dealt with, the operation may be commenced with water previously heated to 120, instead of with cold water. Schedule 1. SECOND SCHEDULE. ACT REPEALED. Year and Chapter. Title. Extent of Repeal. 34 & 35 Viet. c. 105 The Petroleum Act, 1871. Section three, from "and the term petroleum to which this Act applies" inclusive to the end of the section. Section eighteen. AN ACT TO EXTEND THE POWERS OF THE ARTIZANS DWELL- INGS ACT OF 1868, BY PROVISIONS FOR COMPEN- SATION AND REBUILDING. 42 & 43 VICT. CAP. 64. 15TH AUGUST, 1879. 31 & 32 Viet, c. 130. Short title, and con- struction of Act. 31 & 32 Viet. c. 130. Application of Act, and definition of " local autho- rity," "local rate," and "clerk of local autho- rity." 31 & 32 Viet, c. 130. Officer of health. 31 & 32 Viet, c. 130. 38 & 39 Viet, c. 55. 41 & 42 Viet, c. 52. 8 & 9 Viet. WHEREAS it is expedient to extend and amend the provisions of the Artisans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868 : Be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in the present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows : 1. This Act may be cited as the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act (1868) Amendment Act, 1879, and shall, so far as is consistent with the tenor thereof, be construed together with the Artizans and Laboiirers Dwellings Act, 1868 (hereinafter referred to as "the Act of 1868 "), as one Act. 2. The Act shall apply only to the places named in the first column of table (A.) in the first schedule annexed hereto, and " local autho- rity," " local rate," and " clerk of local authority " shall mean the " bodies of persons," " rate," and " officer " in that table in that behalf mentioned ; and the said table, and the explanation annexed thereto, shall be of the same force as if they were enacted in the body of the Act of 1868 and this Act, 3. The term "officer of health "as used in the Act of 1868, shall, as respects any urban sanitary district in England, mean the medical officer of health appointed by the urban sanitary authority of the district under the Public Health Act, 1875, and as respects any urban sanitary district in Ireland shall mean the medical officer of health appointed by the urban sanitary authority of the district under the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, and shall not include any other officer. 4. The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, and the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts Amendment Act, 1860, except the pro- 42 & 43 VICT. c. 64, ss. 47. 721 visions of those Acts with respect to the purchase and taking oflands Section 4. otherwise than by agreement, and with respect to the entry on lands by the promoters of the undertaking, and save so far as any of the oV& aTv' t provisions of those Acts respectively are expressly varied by or are -i^fi ' inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are incorporated with c ' iub ' mcc the Act of 1868 as amended by this Act, and for the purposes of P such incorporation the Act of 1868, as amended by this Act, shall be ^1 & 32 Viet. deemed to be the special Act, and the local authority to be the pro- c> 1^. moters of the undertaking. Owner may 5. Notwithstanding anything in the Act of 1868, the owner of require local any premises specified in an order of the local authority made under authority that Act, and requiring him to execute any works or to demolish to purchase such premises, may, within three months after service on him of the premises' order, require the local authority in writing to purchase such premises. 31 & 32 Vict - 6. Where the owner of any premises has in manner aforesaid I Q default required the local authority to purchase the same, and no agree- of agreement ment is come to between such owner and the local authority as to amount of the amount of the compensation to be paid by the local authority, the compensa- amount of the compensation to be paid by the local authority for the ?j . premises shall be settled by arbitration in manner provided by this f c v- t Act - tion. r l 7. In all cases in which the amount of any compensation is, in Provisions piirsuance of this Act, to be settled by arbitration, the following as to arbi- provisions shall have effect ; (namely,) tration. (1.) The amount of compensation shall be settled by an arbitrator to be appointed and removable by the local government board ; (2.) In settling the amount of any compensation (a.) The estimate of the value of the premises shall be based on the fair market value as estimated at the time of the valuation being made of such premises, and of the several interests in such premises, due regard being had to the nature and then condition of the property and the probable duration of the buildings in their existing state, and to the state of repair thereof, and all circumstances affecting such value, and without any additional allowance in respect of compulsory purchase ; and (6.) The arbitrator shall have regard to and make an allowance in respect of any increased value which, in his opinion, will be given to other premises of the same owner by the alteration or demolition by the local authority of the premises ; (3.) On payment or tender to the person entitled to receive the same of the amount of compensation agreed or awarded to be paid in respect of the premises, or on payment thereof in manner prescribed by the Lands Clauses Con- 8 & 9 Viet, solidation Act, 1845, the owner shall, when required by c. 18. the local authority, convey his interest in such premises to them, or as they may direct ; and in default thereof, or if the owner fails to adduce a good title to such pre- mises to the satisfaction of the local authority, it shall be lawful for the local authority, if they think fit, to execute a deed poll in such manner, and with such consequences, as 3 A 722 Section 7. 8 & 9 Viet, c. 18. 8 & 9 Viet, c. 18. Applica- tion of 31 & 32 Viet, c. 130, s. 23, to site of purchased premises. Recovery of expenses incurred by local autho- rity in executing works. Disposal of land ac- quired by local autho- rity under 30 & 31 Viet. c. 130. SUPPLEMENT. ARTIZANS AND LABOURERS DWELLINGS ACT (1868) are mentioned in the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845; (4.) Sections thirty -two, thirty - three, thirty -five, thirty -six, and thirty-seven of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 ; shall apply, with any necessary modifications, to an arbitration and to an arbitrator appointed under this Act: (5.) The arbitrator may, by one award, settle the amount or amounts of compensation payable in respect of all or any of the premises included in one or more order or orders made by the local authority ; (6.) In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacity, refusal, or neglect to act of any arbitrator before he shall have made his award, the local government board may appoint another arbitrator, to whom all documents relating to the matter of the arbitration which were in the possession ot the former arbitrator shall be delivered ; (7.) The arbitrator may, where he thinks fit, on the request of any party by whom any claim has been made before him, certify the amount of the costs properly incurred by such . party in relation to the arbitration, and the amount of the costs so certified shall be paid by the local authority ; and if within seven days after demand the amount so certified be not paid to the party entitled to receive the same, such amount shall b6 recoverable as a debt from the local authority with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum for any time during which the same remains unpaid after such seven days as aforesaid, but no such cer- tificate shall be given where the arbitrator has awarded the same or a less sum than has been offered by the local autho- rity in respect of such claim before the appointment of the arbitrator ; (8.) The award of an arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties. 8. Section twenty-three of the Act of 1868 shall apply to the site of any premises purchased by a local authority which the owner has elected to retain under the provisions of this Act. 9. Where the local authority, on default of the owner of any pre- mises, themselves execute the required works, they may sell the old materials and retain the proceeds towards the expenses incurred by them in executing such works, and may recover the balance of such expenses from such owner as a debt due from him by action in any court of competent jurisdiction. The expression " court of competent jurisdiction " shall, for the purposes of this section, be read and have effect as if the debt herein referred to were a simple contract debt, and not a debt or demand created by statute. 10. Any land or premises acquired by any local authority under the Act of 1868 and this Act may from time to time be sold, let, and disposed of in like manner as any other lands acquired for sanitary purposes by such authority, and not needed for the purposes for which they were acquired ; but in cases where the approbation of any government department is required for any such disposal, then only with that approbation. AMENDMENT ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VICT. c. 64, ss. 1114. 723 11. A local authority may, where they so think fit, dedicate any Section 11. land acquired by them under the authority of the Act of 1868 and this Act as a highway or other public place. Local autho- rity may 12. In the event of any local authority within the metropolis de- i^^ clining or neglecting for the space of three months after receiving a highway, &c. notice from the metropolitan board of works (hereinafter called the 39 & 31 Vict' board) requiring such local authority to put in force the provisions of c . 130. this Act, in respect of any premises described in such notice, then -^ , ' ,., and in such case all the powers vested in the local authority under y^ e T ?^ i this Act, so far as relates to any such premises, shall become vested empowere( j in the said board, and the board shall have power so far as relates to ^ enforce any such premises to act in all respects lor the purposes of this Act as Act in case though they were the local authority, and all expenses incurred by i oca i autho- the board under this Act may be recovered by the board from and rity fail to shall upon demand be paid by the local authority out of the local do so. rates which they are authorized to make or apply for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred by them under this Act, and the amounts so payable to the board may and shall be included in the precepts from time to time issued by the board under the Metropolis Management Acts to the local authority. 13. Section two of the Act of 1868 and the first schedule to that 31 & 32 Vict - Act are hereby repealed. e - \ 30 > s - 2 > and sched. 1. 14. In the metropolis the local authority or their lessees shall hold Appropriation .ill property acquired by them under this Act upon trust to carry f property into effect some one or more of the purposes thereof : acquired by The purposes of this Act shall in the metropolis be deemed to be local auth - First, the providing by the construction of new buildings, or the n v' repairing or improvement of existing buildings, the labouring classes with suitable dwellings situate within the jurisdiction of the local authority : Second, the opening out of closed or partially closed alleys or courts inhabited by the labouring classes, and the widening of the same, by pulling down any building, or otherwise leaving such open spaces as may be necessary to make such alleys or courts healthful : But subject to the aforesaid trust, the local authority or lessees may from time to time sell, exchange, lease, or otherwise dispose of any premises acquired by them under this Act : Provided that if any property acquired by the local authority xmder this Act shall not within seven years after the acquisition thereof be disposed of by way of absolute sale or of exchange, or by lease for a period of not less than ninety -nine years, or be effectually dealt with by way of public improvement, then and in such case the property so acquired may be sold by the order of one of Her Majesty's principal secre- taries of state, by public auction or public tender, with full power to fix a reserve price and subject to such terms and conditions as the said secretary of state shall deem proper, and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting the whole of the expenses attending the same shall be paid to the local authority to be by them applied to the purposes of this Act, and a receipt signed by the said secretary of state for the amount of the purchase money shall absolutely vest such property in the purchaser for the whole estate and interest of the local authority therein subject to the before-mentioned terms and conditions. 3A2 724 SUPPLEMENT. AKTIZANS AND LABOURERS DWELLINGS ACT (18G8) quiring pro- perty under this Act to execute works to satisfaction of surveyor. Section 15. 15. Every lessee \vlio in the metropolis shall acquire any property under this Act shall forthwith, at his own costs, charges, and ex- penses, proceed to execute thereon, to the satisfaction of the surveyor of the local authority, the works shown on the plans referred to in the specifications prepared by the local authority, and such other works (being for some one or more of the purposes of this Act) as may have been agreed upon between the local authority and the lessee ; and if the lessee shall at any time, in the opinion of the surveyor of the local authority, fail to exercise due diligence in the execution of the works, the local authority may, by themselves, their contractors, servants, workmen, and agents, enter upon the premises and execute the works so far as the same shall be incom- plete, and reimburse themselves all costs, charges, and expenses incident to the execution of such works by sale of the old materials so far as the same may extend, or may recover from the parties making default the amount of such costs, charges, and expenses as a debt in Her Majesty's high court of justice, and shall also have an express charge upon the premises in respect of such amount, which charge may be realized by a sale of the premises, or any part thereof. Lessee to give security for execution of works. Premises, &c. to be for- feited on lessee not completing works within specified time. Annual ac- count to be presented by the local authority. Contracts for building, repairing, lighting, watering, &c. workmen's dwellings. 16. In the metropolis the local authority may also, by the reso- lution empowering any lessee to acquire property under this Act, require such lessee to give such security as the local authority shall think fit for the due execution by the lessee of the works to be done by them. 17. If any lessee shall not, within three calendar months after he shall have obtained possession of any part of the premises in the metropolis, commence the execution of the works to be done by him, or if he shall not complete the same to the satisfaction of the local authority within one year after obtaining such possession, or within such extended time as the local authority shall by resolution deter- mine, then the premises, together with all building materials, plant, tools, and other articles and effects thereon, shall be absolutely forfeited to and vest in the local authority, and they shall thenceforth hold the same for the purposes of this Act 18. Every local authority shall, in the metropolis, every year present to one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state, and in all other places shall present to the local government board, in such form as he directs, an account of what has been done, and of all moneys received and paid by them during the previous year with a view to carrying into effect the purposes of this Act 19. The local authority in the metropolis may from time to time, with the sanction and approval of one of Her Majesty's secretaries of state, enter into any contract with any persons or companies for building and for altering and enlarging, repairing, and otherwise im- proving such workmen's dwellings, forming part of any premises held by the said authority for the purposes of this Act, and for light- ing and for supplying the same with water, and for fitting up the same respectively, and for furnishing any materials and things, and for executing and doing any other works and things necessary for the purposes of this Act ; which contracts respectively shall specify the several works and things to be executed, furnished, and done, and the prices to be paid for the same, and the times when the works and things are to be executed, furnished, and done, and the penalties AMENDMENT ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VICT. c. 64, ss. 1922. 725 to be suffered in cases of non-performance ; and true copies of all Section 19. such contracts shall be entered in books to be kept for the purpose : Provided always, that no contract above the value or sum of one hundred pounds shall be entered into by the local authority for the purposes of this Act, unless previous to the making thereof fourteen days notice shall have been given in one or more of the public newspapers published in or circulating within the jurisdiction of the local authority, expressing the intention of entering into such con- tract, in order that any person willing to undertake the same may make proposals for that purpose, to be offered to the local authority at a certain time and place in such notice to be mentioned ; but it shall not be incumbent on the local authority to contract with the person offering the lowest price. 20. The local authority may from time to time make, alter, and Power of repeal byelaws for the regulation of the dwellings belonging to local autho- them under this Act, and there may be imposed by such byelaws rity to make a penalty, recoverable in a summary manner, not exceeding two byelaws for pounds for any breach of the byelaws by the tenants or occupiers regulation of the said houses. A copy of such byelaws shaU be given to every f dwelling- tenant or occupier upon his taking possession of every such dwelling, houses - or of any portion thereof. A byelaw under this Act and any alteration made therein, and any repeal of a byelaw, shall not be of any validity until it has been submitted to and confirmed by one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state in the case of the metropolis or by the local government board in the case of all other places. 21. -All expenses incurred by the local authority in pursuance of Expenses this Act shall be defrayed by them out of the local rate ; and it shall of local be lawful for the local authority, notwithstanding any limit con- authority, tained in any Act of parliament respecting any local rate, to levy such local rate, or any increase of the same, not exceeding twopence in the pound in any year, for the purposes of this Act 22. The public works loan commissioners, as defined by the As to loans Public "Works Loan Act, 1853, or in the metropolis the metropolitan from public board of works, may, if they think fit, lend to any local authority, works loan and any local authority may borrow from the said commissioners, or cpmmis- in the metropolis from the metropolitan board of works, such sums sion ers. as the said authority may require for the purposes of this Act, 16 & 17 Viet. subject to the following regulations : c. 40. 1. The amount of every loan shall be sanctioned by the commis- sioners of the treasury : 2. No loan shall be made except for the purpose of defraying the cost of building suitable dwellings for the labouring classes, or of defraying the cost of purchasing sites, and of building thereon such dwellings ; 3. Every loan, with interest thereon at such rate as shall be agreed upon, but not a less rate of interest than four per centum per annum, shall be secured by a mortgage, in the form set forth in the third schedule hereto, of certain dwellings for the labouring classes erected or improved, or about to be erected or improved, by a local authority, in pursuance of this Act, and of the sites of such dwellings, and the appurtenances, if any, and also by a mortgage of the local rate : 4 Any sum borrowed on mortgage under this section may be 726 Section 22. Jurisdiction of certain magistrates. Application of Act to Scotland. 8 & 9 Viet. c. 18. 8 & 9 Viet. c. 19. Application of Act to Ireland. 8 & 9 Viet. c.18. 23 & 24 Viet. c. 106. 14 & 15 Viet. c. 70. 23 & 24 Viet. c.97. 27 & 28 Viet. e. 71. 31 & 32 Viet. c.70. SUPPLEMENT. AETIZANS AND LABOUEEBS DWELLINGS ACT (1868) paid off by sale of the premises comprised in such mortgage, or by instalments, or otherwise, as may be agreed upon between the parties, so that the period of the borrowing do not exceed seven years : 5. The amount borrowed by any local authority on the mortgage of any buildings and sites, and of the local rate, shall not exceed the estimated value of the proposed buildings, includ- ing the sites thereof, comprised in such mortgage, such value to be ascertained in manner approved by the said public works loan commissioners : 6. The powers conferred by Act of parliament on the said public works loan commissioners in relation to loans shall apply to any loans made under this section. 23. Any act, power, or jurisdiction hereby authorized to be done or exercised by two justices may be done or exercised by the follow- ing magistrates within their respective jurisdictions ; that is to say, as to England, by any metropolitan police magistrate or other stipendiary or police magistrate sitting alone at a police court or other appointed place, or by the lord mayor of the city of London, or any alderman of the said city, sitting alone or with others, at the Mansion House or Guildhall ; as to Scotland, by the sheriff or sheriff substitute, or by any two magistrates of a burgh ; and as to Ireland, by any one or more divisional magistrates of police in the police district of Dublin, and elsewhere by two or more justices of the peace in petty sessions. 24. In the application of this Act to Scotland the following pro- vision shall have effect : (1.) This Act shall be read and construed as if for the expression " the local government board," wherever it occurs therein, the expression "the secretary of state" were substituted, and the expression " the secretary of state" shall mean one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state : (2.) The term "the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," means the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845; and sections thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-five, thirty-six, and thirty-seven of the former Act shall mean sections thirty-one, thirty-three, and thirty-four of the latter Act. 25. In the application of this Act to Ireland the following provi- sions shall take effect : (1.) The term "the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," means and includes the said Act as the same is amended by the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts Amendment Act, 1860, the Kailways Act (Ireland), 1851, the Eailways Act (Ireland), 1860, the Railways Act (Ireland), 1864, and the Railway Traverse Act : (2.) The term "the local government board" means the local government board for Ireland : (3.) The term "public works loan commissioners" means the com- missioners for public works in Ireland. AMENDMENT ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VICT. c. 64, SCHED. 1. 727 SCHEDULES. FIRST SCHEDULE. TABLE A. ENGLAND AND WALES. Places to which Act applies. Description of Local Authority. Description of Local Rate. Description of Clerk of Local Authority. The city of London and the liberties thereof. Commissioners of sewers of the city The consolidated rate 11 & 12 Viet. The clerk to the commissioners. ( 11 & 12 Viet. of London. c. 163, s. 158. 11 & 12 Viet. \ c ig3 Local Act 11 & 12 c. 163, s. 25. LocalActs jl4&15Vict. Viet. c. 163. C c. 91. The vestry of each parish, or the board Rate to be levied in the metropolis in Clerk of the vestry or district board. of works of each the same manner district elected as the rate leviable under the Metro- by law by the The metropolis, exclu- sive of the city of_ London and the" polis Local Mana- gement Act, 1855, and the Acts vestry or district board of works re- spectively. liberties thereof. amending the same 25 & 26 Viet. c. 120, within their re- s. 5. spective parishes and districts. The metropolitan board of works. Boroughs or urban sani- tary district as afore- said. The urban sanitary authority. The fund or rate out of which the general expenses of the execution of The clerk of the urban sanitary au- thority. the Public Health Act, 1875, are de- frayed by the urban sanitary au- thority. 728 SUPPLEMENT. ARTIZANS AND LABOURERS DWELLINGS ACT (1868) Places to which Act applies. Description of Local Authority. Description of Local Rate. Description of Clerk of Local Authority. SCOTLAND. Burghs . The magistrates and The revenue of the Town Clerk. town council. burgh or any local rate leviable for prison purposes under 23 & 24 Viet. c. 105, or any other local rate leviable by the town council. Places where police com- missioners or trustees The police or other commissioners or Property or rate belonging to or Clerk of the com- missioners or trus- exercise the functions trustees. leviable by the tees or any other of police commission- ers acting under " The commissioners or trustees. officer performing the duties of clerk. General Police and Improvement (Scot- land) Act," or trus- tees or commissioners acting under any ge- neral or local Act. IRELAND. The City of Dublin . . The right honour- The borough fund The town clerk. able the lord or borough or im- mayor, aldermen, provement rate. and burgesses in council. Towns corporate or bo- The mayor, alder- The borough fund, The town clerk. roughs (with the ex- men, and bur- or town fund, or ception of the city of gesses acting in borough rate. Dublin). council. Towns having town com- The town commis- Any rate leviable by The clerk of the missioners under 9 sioners or other these bodies, or commissioners or Geo.4,c.82,orl7&18 governing body. any fund belong- other governing Viet. c. 103, or any ing to them ap- body. Acts amending the plicable in the same, or having com- whole or in part missioners or other to the making governing body under any local Act. or repairing of sewers within their jurisdiction. Explanation. For the purposes of this Act the following words shall have the meanings hereinafter assigned to them ; (that is to say,) (1.) " The metropolis" has the same meaning as it has in the Metropolis Management Act, 1855. (2.) "Burgh" in Scotland shall mean any place returning or contributing to return members to parliament, or any place subject to the jurisdiction of a town council. (3.) " Borough" in Ireland shall mean any place for the time being subject to the Act passed in the session of the third and fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and eight, and intituled " An Act for the regulation of Municipal CorDorsitions in Ireland." AMENDMENT ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VICT. c. 64, SCHED, 2. 729 Sched. 2. SECOND SCHEDULE. I. Form of Order by Court of Quarter Sessions or Petty Sessions or Court of Burgh Magistrates in Scotland. Be it remembered, that on the day of 18 upon the report hereinafter mentioned, we, the undersigned justices, assembled at the court of quarter sessions holden in and for the county of , or assembled in petty sessions for the division or district of the borough or county of , or members of the court of burgh magistrates for [ standing, lying, running, and being in the respective counties of Essex, Middlesex, and Kent, and except in so far as the said rights and powers are varied by or are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act they shall continue in full force. Maintenance of banks. 23. The bodies and persons by this Act liable to provide for the Maintenance execution of flood works upon any premises shall respectively be and repair liable to maintain and repair the banks upon the same, and shall for of banks, the purpose of such maintenance and repair, in accordance with any plan or specifications approved of by the board, have all and the same powers, and be subject to all and the same conditions as are by the preceding provisions of this Act conferred and imposed upon them respectively with respect to the execution of flood works in accordance with plans by the board. 23. From and after the passing of this Act, if any person make Penalty for any alteration to any bank so as to affect the security of the premises alteration of upon which the same is situate, or of any other premises adjacent or banks with- near thereto, from flooding caused by the overflow of the river out consent Thames, without the previous sanction in writing of the board, such ot b ard. person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and in the case of a continuing offence to a further penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every day after the first day after the making of such 3 B 738 Section 23, Survey and repair of dangerous or insufficient banks and maintenance and repair of SUPPLEMENT, THAMES RIVER PREVENTION OF FLOODS alteration until the same be sanctioned by the board as aforesaid, or if the same is not so sanctioned until such bank be restored to its former condition to the satisfaction of the board. 24. Whenever it is made known to the board that any bank in any parish or in any district within the limits of this Act is out of repair, dangerous, or insufficient for the effectual protection of any premises within the limits of this Act from floods or inundations caused by the overflow of the river Thames, they shall require a survey of such bank to be made by the district surveyor or by some other competent surveyor, and it shall also be the duty of the dis- trict surveyor to make known to the board any information he may receive with respect to any bank being in such state as aforesaid : Upon completion of his survey such district or other surveyor shall certify to the board his opinion as to the state of any such bank as aforesaid : If such certificate is to the effect that such bank is not out of re- pair, dangerous, or insufficient for the purposes aforesaid, no further proceedings shall be had in respect thereof ; but If it is to the effect that such bank is out of repair, dangerous, or insufficient for the purposes aforesaid, the board shall cause notice thereof to be served upon the commissioners of sewers of the city of London, the vestry of any parish, or the board of works for any district, or owner of premises liable to execute flood works in rela- tion thereto, specifying the flood works which are in their opinion necessary for repairing such bank, removing any cause of danger in relation thereto, or rendering the same sufficient for the purposes aforesaid (which works are in this Act referred to as " works of maintenance "), and transmitting therewith a plan showing the line and level of the same, and such sections, estimates, and other infor- mation relating to the same as they may think proper, and there- upon all the preceding provisions of this Act as to the giving notices to the board in relation to the execution of such works, and to objec- tions as to the mode of such execution, and to the execution of such works, shall extend and apply to the giving of notices to the board in relation to the execution of such works of maintenance, and to objections as to the mode of such execution, and to the execution of such works of maintenance, in like manner in every respect as though such works of maintenance had been works shown on the plan referred to in such preceding provisions and prepared by the board immediately after the passing of this Act as aforesaid. Mode of ascertaining amount of compensation for damages caused by execution of flood works, &c. 25. Any person or body who claims compensation for any damage caused by the execution of any flood works under the authority of this Act, or in respect of any lands or any interest in lands taken or used for the purposes of or injuriously affected by the execution of flood works under the authority of this Act, may claim such com- pensation from the board ; and if such person or body and the board do not agree with respect to such claim, then and in every such case the .validity of such claim and the amount of compensation (if any) payable in respect thereof shall, on the application of either party, be determined by arbitration by the standing arbitrator hereinafter referred to, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and such provisions shall be in substitution for the provisions with respect to the tribunal for determining the settlement of ques- ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VIOT. c. cxcvni., ss. 2527. 739 tions of disputed compensation contained in the principal Act or any Section 25. Act incorporated therewith, and the amount of compensation pay- able in respect of any such claim, when agreed upon or determined as aforesaid, shall be paid by the board as though the same were compensation payable in respect of lands taken under the authority of the principal Act ; Provided always, that the owner or occupier of any lands shall not be entitled to any compensation on account of the execution by himself or by 'any other person or body of any flood works for which such owner is in pursuance of this Act liable to provide upon any lands of which he is the owner or occupier un- less after the execution of such works such lands are permanently injuriously affected thereby, and then only to the extent of such permanent injury. 26. When any claim is made for compensation under the authority Powers of of this Act the standing arbitrator shall have power to decide upon standing the validity of such claim, and to determine what (if any) cpmpen- arbitrator as sation shall be made to the person or body making such claim, and am <>unt ot in adjudicating upon such claim the standing arbitrator shall have compensation, regard to the nature of the flood works with respect to which the claim has arisen, the manner in which the same have been executed, the benefit (if any) which has accrued or which may reasonably be expected to accrue to the person or body making such claim by reason of the execution of such works, and generally to all the cir- cumstances of the case ; and the standing arbitrator may, in deter- mining the compensation to be paid for any lands or interest in lands taken or injuriously affected under the authority of this Act, accord- ing as he shall think fit, include in or exclude from such compensa- tion an allowance in respect of the compulsory powers of this Act, and he may make such order as to the payment of the costs of such arbitration wholly or in part by the board or the claimant, as he shall think just. 27. For the purpose of determining the validity of claims for com- Appointment pensation and the amount of compensation payable in respect of any f standing claim declared to be valid by this Act directed to be settled by arbi- arbitrator, tration, there shall be an arbitrator, in this Act called the " standing arbitrator," appointed and acting as follows ; (that is to say,) (1.) The secretary of state shall, before the 31st day of December in the year 1879, and before the same day of December in every third succeeding year, by writing under his hand appoint a standing arbitrator and fix the remuneration to be paid to him, and every person so appointed shall continue in office for three years from such 31st day of December in such years respectively: (2.) Any standing arbitrator may be removed from his office by the secretary of state by writing under his hand : (3.) If any standing arbitrator during his term of office dies or resigns or is removed from office, the secretary of state shall in manner aforesaid, within one month after notice of his death or resignation or removal, appoint another person to be a standing arbitrator in his place, and the person so ap- pointed shall continue in office as long only as the person in whose place he is appointed would have been entitled to continue in office : (4) The remuneration of the standing arbitrator shall be paid by the board. Before any standing arbitrator enters upon the duties of his office SB 2 740 SUPPLEMENT. THAMES BIVEK PKEVENTION OP FLOODS Section 27. he shall, in the presence of a justice, make and subscribe the following declaration ; (that is to say,) " I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will faithfiilly and honestly, and to the best of my skill and ability, hear and determine all matters which may from time to time be referred to me under the provisions of the Metropolis Manage- ment (Thames River Prevention of Floods) Amendment Act, 1879. A. B." And if the standing arbitrator having made such declaration wilfully acts contrary thereto, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. If any reference is pending before a standing arbitrator at the time when he resigns or goes out of office by effluxion of time, it shall nevertheless be proceeded with by him, and his decision shall have the like effect as if he had not resigned or gone out of office. Proceedings 28. The standing arbitrator shall appoint a place and time for before the hearing of any matter coming before him, and shall cause six days standing previous notice thereof to be given in such manner as he shall think arbitrator. proper, and at such place and time shall consider such matter and hear the parties appearing by themselves, their counsel, solicitors, or agents, and' take evidence, and the standing arbitrator may administer an oath or an affirmation (where an affirmation in lieu of an oath would be admitted in a court of justice) to any person before hearing any evidence from him, and may admit the affidavit or declaration of any person. The standing arbitrator, on the application of any party, may by summons require the attendance before him of any person to be examined as a witness before him, and may, on the like application, by summons require any person to bring before him all books, papers, and writings in his possession, custody or control relating to any matter to be inquired into by the standing arbitrator. Every person so summoned shall attend the standing arbitrator and answer all questions touching the matter to be inquired into, and bring and produce all papers, books, and writings required according to the tenor of the summons ; and every such person not attending in obedience to such summons, or refusing to answer such questions, or failing to bring or produce such papers, books, and writings as aforesaid, shall be liable, if the standing arbitrator shall so order, to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds : Provided that any person so summoned shall not be bound to obey the summons unless a reason- able sum is first paid or tendered to him for his expenses. If any person on examination on oath or affirmation before the standing arbitrator, or in any affidavit or declaration used before the standing arbitrator, wilfully gives false evidence, he shall be deemed guilty of perjury. In case any party fail to appear at the time and place appointed for the hearing of any matter by the standing arbitrator, the stand- ing arbitrator may proceed with the hearing of such matter in the absence of such party. The decision of the standing arbitrator in any arbitration under this Act shall be final and binding upon the parties to such arbitration. No award made by the standing arbitrator in accordance with this Act shall be set aside for any irregularity or informality. ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VICT. c. cxcvni., ss. 2931. 741 Financial. 29. The expenses from time to time incurred by the commissioners Section 29. of sewers of the city of London in the execution of any flood works p avmen ^ O f under this Act, and any expenses which the board may from time to ex p enseg O f time require payment of from the said commissioners as hereinafter comm j s . provided, shall be paid by the said commissioners out of any rates s i onerg O f which the said commissioners are authorized to direct to be made sewers of under any Act relating to the sewerage of the said city, or out of c ity of moneys borrowed on the security of such rates ; and the said com- London. missi oners shall have full power from time to time to raise the amount of any such expenses, and the interest on any moneys borrowed aa aforesaid, and any moneys required for the repayment thereof, by any such rate which they may be authorized to direct to be made as aforesaid or by any addition thereto. 30. Any vestry or district board, for the purposes of paying any Payment of expenses from time to time incurred by them in the execution of any expenses of flood works under this Act, or any expenses which the board may vestries and from time to time require payment of as hereinafter provided, shall district from time to time raise the 'sums they may require by borrowing or boarcls ' by means of rates in every respect as if such expenses were expenses of such vestry or district board incurred in the execution by them of the principal Act in relation to the sewerage of their parish or district ; and any such vestry or district board in any case in which it appears to them that such expenses have been incurred for the special benefit of any particular part of their parish or district, or have not been incurred for the equal benefit of the whole of their parish or district, may by order direct the sum or sums necessary for defraying such expenses, or any part thereof, to be levied in such part or exempt any part of such parish or district from the rates, or require a less rate to be levied thereon, as the cir- cumstances of the case may require ; and any such district board may refrain, where any entire parish or parishes ought in their judg- ment to be so exempt, from levying any money thereon, notwith- standing they may issue any order or orders for levying sums upon any other parish or parishes in their district. All the provisions of the principal Act concerning orders by vestries and district boards requiring overseers of parishes to levy and pay sums required by vestries and district boards for defraying their expenses in relation to the sewerage of their parish or district as poses, and for levying and enforcing payment of the same, shall extend and apply to and in the case of all sums required by vestries and district boards for defraying the expenses incurred by them in the execution of this Act, and for paying interest on moneys borrowed for the payment of such expenses and for repaying such moneys under the authority of this Act. 31. Where the board execute any flood works for the execution of Power to which the commissioners of sewers of the city of London, the vestry board to re- of any parish, the board of works of any district, or any owner of cover expen- premises were or was liable to provide, they may by order require ses incurred payment of and recover the whole or such part as they may think by them just of the expenses incurred by them in respect of the execution of * n whole or in part. 742 SUPPLEMENT. THAMES RIVER PREVENTION OP FLOODS Section 31. the same (exclusive of any moneys paid or any expenses incurred by them in respect of or in relation to compensation) from the said commissioners, from such vestry, board of works, or owner : ProAdded also, that if the said commissioners or any vestry, district board, or owner feel aggrieved by the amount of any sum required by order of the board to be paid by them or him in respect of any such expenses so incurred by the board as aforesaid, they or he may at any time within twenty-one days after service of any such order decline to pay such amount, and thereupon the amount of such sum shall be determined by arbitration by the standing arbitrator, who, upon the application of either party, shall, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, determine the amount of the sum to be paid to the board in respect of such expenses, and shall make such order as to the payment of the costs of such arbitration as he shall think just, and the amount so fixed shall be paid to and may be recovered by the board. Where any sum is payable to the board by any owner of premises in pursuance of this section, the board shall, if required by siich owner, accept payment of such sum by half-yearly instalments of such amount as will be sufficient to discharge the same, together with interest on so much thereof as shall for the time being remain unpaid, at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, in thirty years from the date when such sum became payable by such owner, and thereupon the board shall be entitled from time to time to require payment of such half-yearly instalments from the owner of such premises for the time being ; and until all such instalments shall be fully paid off they shall be a charge upon such premises in priority of all other charges and incumbrances whatsoever, except the land tax and the property tax charged upon the owner, and shall from time to time be paid by the owner of such premises for the time being to and may be recovered by the board. Rentcharge may be granted in respect of works. 32. Where any owner of lands has incurred any expenses in pur- suance of this Act, the Board on being satisfied that such expenses have been duly incurred, may by order under their seal grant to such owner a yearly rentcharge issuable out of the lands in respect whereof such expenses have been incurred and specified in such order, and thereupon such lands shall be subject to and charged with the pay- ment of such rentcharge in priority of all other charges or incum- brances whatsoever (except the land tax and the property tax charged upon the owner), and such rentcharge shall be payable by the person who for the time being is the owner of such premises. Such rentcharge shall be personal estate, and shall begin to accrue from the day of completion of the works in respect of which sucli expenses shall in any such order be expressed to have been incurred, and shall be payable by equal half-yearly payments on the days mentioned in such order during a term not exceeding thirty years, in such manner that the whole of such expenses, with the cost of pre- paring the said order, together with interest thereon respectively at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum on the sum from time to time remaining unpaid, shall be repaid at the end of the said term. At any time before the expiration of the term during which any such instalments or any such rentcharge are or is payable, the person liable to pay the same may redeem such instalment or rentcharge by paying to the board or to the person entitled to receive the expenses in respect of which such instalments are payable or such rentcharge was granted, or such part thereof respectively as may not have been ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VICT. c, cxcvm., ss. 8285. 743 defrayed by the half-yearly payments of such instalments or rent- Section 32. charge respectively already made. Whenever any annual payment by way of instalment or rent- charge is under this Act payable by the owner for the time being of any lands, and such owner for thirty days after notice requiring him to pay the same makes default in paying the same, then and in every such case the board or the person entitled thereto shall be at liberty to require the occupier of such premises to pay the same to them or him, and in case any such occupier shall for fourteen days after notice in writing by the board or person so entitled as aforesaid requiring him to make such payment make default therein, then and in every such case the board or such person entitled as aforesaid may recover the amount due in respect of such rentcharge or instalments from such occupier in the same manner and with the like remedies_in every respect as if they or he were overseers of the poor of the parish in which such premises are situate, and as if the amount due were poor rates in arrear in respect of such premises : Provided always, that where any payment is made by or recovered from any occupier tinder this section, he shall be entitled to deduct the amount of the same from any payment he may from time to time be liable to make to the owner until he be reimbursed such amount. 33. The board, for the purpose of paying any expenses from time Power to to time incurred by them under this Act, may apply any moneys apply moneys raised or authorised to be raised by them under any Act of parlia- raised under ment and not required for the purposes of that Act, and also any other Acts to moneys which they may be authorized to raise for the purposes of expenses this Act. incurred by board under 34. All expenses incurred by the board in the execution by them Expenses of of this Act, and not hereby otherwise provided for, shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by them in the execution of the principal Act, and shall be raised and paid accordingly. 35. Nothing in this Act contained shall exempt from liability to As to liability maintain and repair any bank any person or body who is by Act of in respect of parliament, by prescription, or by reason of tenure, or otherwise by certain flood law liable to maintain or do any repairs to any bank : Provided works for always, that whenever any flood works have been executed by any which persons body or person in pursuance of this Act affecting such bank, and in are liable relief of the liability of the person or body liable to maintain or do ^y Act of ' any repair to such bank as aforesaid in respect of such maintenance and repair thereof, then and in every such case the person or body P7 P rescn P' so liable as aforesaid shall pay to the body or person executing such l f , ' works such sum as is hereafter in this section mentioned. ^ j aw The sum to be paid by such person or body in respect of such works shall be such sum as may be agreed on between such person or body and the body or person executing such works as aforesaid, or in default of agreement as may be settled by arbitration by the standing arbitrator, who, upon the application of either party, shall settle the same, and shall in settling the same have regard to the expenses which the person or body by whom such sum is to be paid would have reasonably been liable to incur in respect of the maintenance or repair of such bank as aforesaid if such works had not been executed as aforesaid, and who shall make such order as to the payment of the costs of such arbitration as he shall think just. 744 Section 35. Recovery of expenses. As to notices and orders. Agreement between landlord and tenant not to be avoided. Saving rights of the conser- vators of the river Thames. Saving rights of SUPPLEMENT, THAMES RIVER PREVENTION OF FLOODS Any moneys received by the board, the commissioners of sewers of the city of London, the vestry of any parish, or the board of works of any district under the provisions of this section, shall be applied by them towards the payment of the expenses which they have incurred or may incur in the execution of works in pursuance of the provisions of this Act. Where the expenses of any such works are made a charge by the board upon any premises, any moneys received by the board in respect of the same under the provisions of this section shall be applied by the board in reduction of the amount of such charge. Miscellaneous. 36. Any expenses recoverable by the board under the authority of this Act may be recovered in manner prescribed by the principal Act with respect to the recovery of expenses directed by that Act to be recovered in a summary manner. 37. A notice or order under this Act may be wholly or partly in writing or in print, and may be served on the owner or occupier of any premises by leaving the same with the occupier of such pre- mises or with some inmate of his abode, or if there is no occupier by putting up such notice, plan, or order on a conspicuous part of the building or premises to which the same relates, and it shall not be necessary to name the owner or occupier of such premises ; never- theless, when the owner of any such premises and his residence or that of his agent is known to or can with reasonable diligence be discovered by the party by whom or on whose behalf any notice or order is intended to be served, it shall be the duty of such party to send a copy of every such notice or order by the post in a registered letter addressed to the residence or last known residence of such owner or of his agent. The term " notice" in this section shall include plan. 38. Nothing in this Act contained shall be taken to avoid any contract made between any landlord and tenant of any lands to which the provisions of this Act relate with respect to the execution of any flood works or of any other works for the protection of such lands or any lands adjoining or near the same from floods or inundations caused by the overflow of the river Thames, or with respect to the maintenance and repair of such lands, or of any house, building, or other erection thereupon, or with respect to any payments, rates, dues, and sums of money payable in respect of such lands, house, building, or other erection ; and any moneys paid by any landlord or any tenant in pursuance of this Act, in relation to any matters with respect to which under any such contract such tenant or landlord is liable, may be recovered by such landlord as rent due by such tenant, or be deducted by such tenant from any rent from time to time due by him to such landlord. 39. Nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to prejudice or derogate from the estates or rights of the con- servators of the river Thames, or to prohibit, defeat, alter, or diminish any power, authority, or jurisdiction which at the time of the passing of this Act the said conservators did or might lawfully claim, use, or exercise. 40. Nothing contained in this Act shall extend to authorise the board to take, use, enter upon, or interfere with any land, soil, or ACT, 1879. 42 & 43 VICT. c. cxcvra., ss. 4045. 745 water, or any rights in respect thereof, belonging to Her Majesty, her Section 40. heirs or successors, in right of the duchy of Cornwall without the consent in writing of some two or more of such of the regular officers the duchy of the said duchy or of such other persons as may be duly authorised of Cornwall. under the provisions of the Duchy of Cornwall Management Act, 26 & 27 Viet. 1863, section 39, to exercise all or any of the rights, powers, privi- c. 49. leges, and authorities by the said Act" made exercisable or otherwise for the time being exercisable in relation to the said duchy, or belonging to the Duke of Cornwall for the time being, without the consent of such duke, testified in writing under the seal of the duchy of Cornwall, first had and obtained for that purpose, or to take away, diminish, alter, prejudice, or affect any property, rights, profits, pri- vileges, powers, or authorities vested in or enjoyed by Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, in right of the duchy of Cornwall, or in or by the Duke of Cornwall for the time being. 41. Nothing contained in this Act shall authorise the board, the Saviug commissioners of sewers of the city of London, the vestry of any rights of parish, the board of works for any district, or any owner of premises the Crown. liable to execute flood works, to take, use, or in any manner interfere with any land or hereditaments, or any rights of whatsoever descrip- tion, belonging to the Queen's most excellent Majesty in right of her crown and under the management of the commissioners of Her Majesty's woods, forests, and land revenues, or either of them, with- out the consent in writing of the same commissioners, or one of them, on behalf of Her Majesty, first had and obtained for that purpose (which consent such commissioners are hereby respectively au- thorised to give) ; neither shall anything in the said Act contained extend to take away, prejudice, diminish, or alter any of the estates, rights, privileges, powers, or authorities vested in or enjoyed or exercisable by the Queen's Majesty, her heirs or successors. 42. Nothing in this Act shall authorise the board to exercise any Saving rights power or control whatsoever in or over any lands or hereditaments Aspect of "ra- 11 which now are or hereafter shall be vested in the crown or in the perty vested in commissioners of Her Majesty's works and public buildings for he commit" 1 public purposes or for the public service, or under the management gioners of Her of the said commissioners for the like purposes or service. Majesty's 43. From and after the passing of this Act the provisions of sec- So much^ sec- of the principal Act, so far as they of | & i^Vict. tions sixty-nine and seventy of the princi . relate to the execution and maintenance of flood works and banks as c. 120, as relate defined by this Act by vestries and district boards, shall cease to be tc^ce^'to in force or to have effect. be in force. 44. Every penalty, fine, or forfeiture imposed by this Act, or for Recovery default or breach of any regulation, restriction, or condition made or andappl ca- imposed in pursuance thereof, may be sued for and recovered by the t } on of penal- board, or any officer or servant by them authorized, as if it were a " es> penalty or forfeiture imposed by the principal Act, and shall be paid to the board and applied by them towards the expenses of carrying this Act into execution, anything contained in an Act made and passed in the session holden in the second and third years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter seventy-one, or in any other Act or Acts, to the contrary notwithstanding, 45. The costs, charges, and expenses preliminary to and of and Expenses of incidental to the preparing of, applying for, obtaining, and passing of Act; this Act shall be paid by the board. 3 C INDEX. A PAGE Abatement See Nuisance. metropolitan board to make, on assessment in respect of property exempt from sewers rate 273 Abettor provision as to, causing offences ... 196 Abstract of accounts of metropolitan board and district boards and vestries 122 of accounts of vestries and district boards to be printed annually, and sent to metropolitan board ... ... 123 Accesses to stairs (Metropolitan Building Act) 283 Accidents And see Building, Street. lights on works, during night, to prevent ... ... ... 65 precautions against, by persons laying out or building in new street ... ... ... ... 69 connected with explosive, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... 466 reconstruction of buildings destroyed by 467 coroners inquest on death from 468 Accounts See Auditor. annual, to be kept by metropolitan and district boards and vestries 120 of other parochial boards in parishes in schedules (A) and(B) 122 abstract to be made in June in each year 122 abstract to be printed 122 and sent to metropolitan board 123 to be open to inspection 123 copies of, may be sold 123 of metropolitan board, to be laid before parliament ... 124 metropolitan board to keep separate, of amount raised for different Acts (Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869) 256 may be consolidated ... 256 of expenses of works respecting party structure to be deli- vered to adjoining owner (Metropolitan Building Act, 1855) ... 7. 304 appeal against, by adj oining owner 304 audit of, in respect of expenses incurred under Fire Brigade of water companies (Metropolitan Water Act, 1871) ... 390 3 c 2 ii Index, ACCOUNTS continued. ' PAGE audit of, of water companies 390 form of, in case ot gas companies (Metropolis Gas Act, 1860) 415 audit of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Im- provement Act, 1875 570 local authority to present annual, to secretary of state, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 724 Act Metropolis Local Management, 1855 ... ... ... 1 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 60, repealed as regards parishes in scheds. (A. ) & (B.), except as provided 2 local, certain powers under, to be vested in vestries and district boards 47 Metropolitan Market Act, 1851, license of slaughter-houses under ... ... ... ... 72 baths and washhouses, burials, &c., Acts, saving 49 Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Acts, vestries and district boards to execute duties and powers under 73 Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, not to abridge powers of commissioners of sewers, &c. ... ... ... ... 622 payment of liabities of metropolitan commissioners of sewers under 87 Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, incorporation of certain provisions ... ... ... ... ... 91 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90 (Lighting) sums for defraying ex- penses of lighting parishes, &c 98 Metropolitan Sewers Act, 1848, and amending Acts powers under to cease ... ... ... ... ... 86 exemptions under, from sewers rate to be allowed 103 Valuation (Metropolis), 1 869 100 14 & 15 Viet. c. 23 advances by commissioners under ... 116 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 recovery of penalties under 135 5 & 6 Viet. c. 48 for paving Ely Place, saving of powers of commissioners under ... " 138 Crown Estate Paving Act, 1851 saving of powers and property of commissioners under ... ... ... 140 Acts relating to Metropolitan Sewage Manure Company, saving of rights under ... ... ... 141 in force in any parish, &c., within the Act repeal of, so far as inconsistent with Act ... ... ... ... 142 extension of, to certain parishes by order in council . . . 143 interpretation of 143 commencement of ... ... ... ... ... ... 145 19 & 20 Viet. c. 1 12, to amend Metropolis Management Act' 1855 1 161 Compulsory Church Rate Abolition, 1868 ... 161n powers under local, declared to be transferred to vestries, &c. 1 62 Poor Rate Assessment and Collection, 1869 164 Parochial Assessment Act rental under, for qualification of vestryman or auditor ... ... ... jg5 Metropolis Management Act Amendment Act, 1862 ... 167 powers under Lands Clauses Consolidation Act to take land for roads, &c. ... ... ... 1 73 General Paving (Metropolis) Act, 57 Geo. 3, c. 29 certain powers under, to extend to metropolis 201 Index. iii ACT continued. PAGE 7 Geo. 4, c. 142 (Turnpike Trusts), 140th section of, re- pealed 202 Metropolitan Market Act, 1857 35th section of, repealed 213 14 & 15 Viet. c. 61, and 20 & 21 Viet c. 21 notice of ap- plication for license for slaughter-house under ... 216 Metropolitan Police, application of penalties 221 short titles of Metropolis Management Acts ... ... 225 Stock Certificate, 1863 249 Metropolitan Poor, 1867 259 10 Geo, 4, c. 68 (St. Paul's, Covent Garden) certain powers under, to become vested in vestry of parish 333 relating to Thames embankments ... 243?i Finsbury Park Act continues ... ... ... ... 226 Companies' Clauses, 1845, incorporated with Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, for certain purposes 306 9 Geo. 2, c. 36, not to apply to conveyances under Metro- politan Commons A ct ... ... ... ... ... 353 Gas Works Clauses, 1847, incorporated with Metropolis Gas Act, 1860, except as provided 406 list of, authorizing making of roadways (see Subways Act) 49 Action by, or against, commissioners under local Acts, not to abate 50 by, or against, metropolitan commissioners of sewers, not to abate 86 tender of amends before 133 for the recovery of sums assessed on extra-parochial pro- perty for payment of debts 177 for the recovery of compensation or remuneration for con- necting sewers ... ... ... ... 182 for recovery of expenses of constructing sewers in new streets 190 for recovery of expenses of sewers in places where pre- viously open or no sewers 190 for the recovery of contributions to the expense of sewers . 193 for expense of works for making drains in lieu of those improperly executed ... ... ... 194 penalty for not executing works pursuant to sections 73, 74, 76, 81, 85 and 86 of original Act, may be reco- vered by ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 196 penalty for placing building or encroachment on sewers may be recovered by ... ... ... 198 penalty for interfering with sewers maybe recovered by... 199 for expenses of removing buildings unlawfully erected beyond general line ... ... ... ... ... 206 for expenses of paving new street ... ... 206 expenses of draining courts, &c., on default, may be reco- vered by 208 against metropolitan board, vestries and district boards, and officers ... ... ... ... 222 against boards and vestries, to be brought within six months 223 notice, venue, limitation, &c. 223 addition or alteration to building under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 278 to be tried in the county or place where cause of, accrued . 224 defendant in, may plead the general issue 224 notice of, under Building Act 310 iv Index. ACTION continued. PAGE limitation of time for bringing ... ... ... ... 310 venue; pleading in ... ' : iJ.' r ''- ;: . v . 1 . t ^ ... 310 limitation of, under Gas Act, 1859 ... -j..i -:tH, i; .iul< ; ... 404 Addition or alteration under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 ... 278 to works for house drainage ... ... ... 40 Adjoining Owner definition of, under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 ... 298 rights of, in respect of party structures 300 rules as to exercise of rights by, in respect of party structure 301 rules as to expenses to be borne jointly by building owner and 303 security by building owner 303 account of expenses of works to be delivered to ... ... 304 may appeal against account ... ... ... 304 where building owner has incurred expenses on requisition of, to be liable for expenses ... ... 305 until payment of expenses building owner to stand pos- sessed of structure 305 Admiralty approval of, for works on bed or foreshore of Thames ... I8n Adulteration See Food and Drugs. Advances See Loan, Mortgage. Agent person receiving rack-rent as, within definition of owner, under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 144 under Nuisances Removal Act 605 lord of the manor, &c., may appoint, for purposes of scheme as to common 352 Agreement, Bond, &e See Contract. existing with any commissioners or public bodies to remain valid 50 between landlord and tenant not to be affected, as to pay* ment of rates, &c. 132 between the London and North -Western Railway Com- pany and St. Pancras paving commissioners con- firmed 138 saving of rights as between landlord and tenant, in relation to consolidated rate (Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869) 254 between landlord and tenant not affected by Thames Floods Prevention Act 744 between turnpike trustees and promoters of tramway as to user of road 517 Allowance to assessors of rates in places in sched. (C) ... ... ... 110 retiring, to officers of commissioners of sewers 129 metropolitan board, district boards, and vestries may grant superannuation, in certain cases ... ... ... 270 not to be assignable for debts, &c 270 restriction as to age ... ... ... ... 271 Index. v ALLOWANCE continued. PAGE scale of superannuation ... 271 power to increase, in case of certain officers 271 or abatement in assessment of metropolitan board in respect of property wholly or partially exempt from sewers rate ... 273 to fire brigade on retirement 339 Alteration of numbers of vestrymen 4 of members of metropolitan board of works 15 in sewers, by vestries and district boards ... ... ... 35 of works for house drainage ... ... ... ... ... 40 in names of streets, register to be kept 84 of buildings, except as provided, subject to rules of Metro- politan Building Act 279 by metropolitan board of rules as to thickness of walls . . . 293 to building, fee for 319 in theatres, &c., in case of structural defects 329 of terms of license under Explosives Act, 1875 442 of building, under Metropolis Management and Building Act Amendment Act, 1878 333 of price of gas, notice of 415 of level of rail way or canal 183 Amendment of assessments and precepts ... 175 of thing done contrary to rules of Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 290 Amends tender of 133 board or vestry may tender, after notice of action, and plead same, &c 224 plaintiif in action under Gas Act, 1859, not to recover after tender of 404 Amount if, of compensation is disputed, may be ascertained and recovered before justices, if under 50, if over, by arbitration 133 Analysis of food and drugs under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 590 certificate of 591 primd facie evidence at hearing of information ... ... 592 form of... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 597 in sale of adulterated food no defence that it was purchased for, (Food and Drugs Act, 1879) 598 Analyst appointment and duties of, under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 588 town council of a borough may engage, of another borough of the county 589 purchaser of an article of food may send it to 589 quarterly report of ... 591 certificate of ', primd facie evidence for prosecution,.. ... 692 vi Index. Animal PAGE so kept as to be a nuisance under Nuisances Eemoval Act 609 unfit for food of man, a nuisance under the Nuisances Kemoval Act, 1855 637 slaughter of, under Contagious Diseases Act, 1878 ... 214?i Annoyance by projections, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 67,68 from breaking horses, stalls, baskets, &c., under General Paving Act (Metropolis) 688,689 Annual Reports See Eeports. Annuities creation by metropolitan board of 263 payment of instalments on ... ... ... ... ... 263 grant of, as compensation to owners of premises under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868 550 incidence of charge 551 charges recoverable as rentcharge in lieu of tithes ... 551 assignment of charge ... ... ... ... 551 Apparatus for scouring pipes, &c. ... ... 40 for water supply to closets 44 traps for drains, &c. , bye-laws as to 1 24 for cisterns, under Water Act, 1 852 376 Appeal against rates for defraying expenses of vestries and district boards 102 against rates for defraying expenses of metropolitan board, sched. (C.) Ill notice of ... ... ... Ill to metropolitan board against orders of district board and vestries in relation to construction, &c., of buildings, sewers, &c. 128 limitation of time for 128 appointment of committee for hearing ... ... ... 129 under 2nd part of Metropolis Management and Building Act Amendment Act, 1878, referred to committee ... 333 committee of, may allow, or dismiss, or quash or vary order 180 officers of paving boards, &c., may, if claim to compensa- tion is rejected by vestry or district board 130 to quarter sessions against decision of justices 136 limitation, notice, recognizance ... 136 to metropolitan board against orders of board and vestries as to amount of expenses ... ... 191 in case of unfairness in totals of value of property exempt from sewers rate 273 by adjoining owner against account of expenses respecting party structure (Metropolitan Building Act, 1855) ... 304 from decision of county court 308 as to, from decision of justices to superior courts 309 from notice by district surveyor requiring owner, &c., to pull down, &c., building not erected in conformity with bye-laws 333 against determination of commissioners under Commons Act, 1866 350 Index. vii APPEAL continued. PAGE to quarter sessions, under Slaughter-houses Act 366 to board of trade by water company, in case of application to supply water to a district (Water Act, 1871) (now to local government board) ... ... ... ... 382 by person aggrieved by decision of inspector of meters may, to quarter sessions (Gas Act, 1859) 403 by consumers to home secretary on rise of price of gas ... 415 under Explosives Act, 1875, by persons aggrieved, to quarter sessions ... ... ... 480 to quarter sessions, under Highways and Locomotives Act, 1878 ... 533 by person aggrieved, against decision of local authority under Artizaus and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868... 547 as to cause of, &c., under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 578 by person aggrieved, under Sale of FoodandDrugs Act, 1875 592 against order of abatement of nuisances under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 614 when structural works are required 614 against order of prohibition to be to quarter sessions ... 621 Appearance of nuisance authority in legal proceedings by clerk, or by officer, or member 652 Application of Penalties See Penalty. Appointment of persons to set out wards and apportion vestrymen to be elected 4 of auditors for parishes in scheds. (A. and B.) 8 of persons to preside at ward elections 9 of chairman of metropolitan board on vacancy 22 of committees ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 of officers 27 of medical officers of health ... ... ... ... ... 72 of inspectors of nuisances ... ... ... ... ... 72 of officers in cases of united parishes or districts ... ... 82 of assessor by metropolitan board 109 of collectors of rates charged on places in sched (C.). ... 110 of receiver on application of mortgagee ... ... ... 118 of auditor of accounts of metropolitan board ... ... 120 of committees for hearing appeals ... .';". J 129 of umpire, by inspectors of votes 183 of receiver, in certain cases ... 261 of assistant surveyor 288 of a water examiner, under Water Act, 1871 390 of inspectors of meters, under Sales of Gas Act, 1859 ... 397 of gas inspector 409 by local authority of examiner of gas ... ... ... 413 of government inspectors, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... 464 of officer of health, Artizans, &c,, Dwellings Act, 1868 ... 545 of medical officer under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improve- ment Act, 1875 566 by secretary of state on default of nuisance authority to perform duties ... ... ... 653 of standing arbitrator under Thames Floods, &c., Act ... 739 viii Index i Apportionment PAGE of debts and liabilities ... ... ... ... ... 112 by vestry or district boards, between two or more persons required to do any act, &c. ... ... 131 of vestrymen of parishes hereafter found to contain more than 2,000 rated householders 186 between owners and district board or vestry, of expenses of sewers 190 in apportioning cost of sewers, land to be charged in a less proportion than house property 191 appeal to metropolitan board against orders of boards and vestries as to, of expenses ... 191 of debts of Clergy Mutual Assurance Society 229 Approval by metropolitan board of building to which rules of Metro- politan Building Act, 1855, inapplicable 293 Aqueduct See Water, Water Supply. Arable Land as to rating of 103 Arbitration amount of compensation by board and vestries, if over ,50 to be settled by 134 mode of proceeding in 134 award of surveyor in difference between building and adjoining owners under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 302 between water companies and auditor of accounts of water companies 391 disputes in relation to Water Act, 1871, to be settled by... 391 provisions as to, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 721 differences between local authority and gas companies to be settled by 414 under special Act where metropolitan board or company think themselves aggrieved ... ... ... ... 405n '<. regulations as to, under Explosives Act, 1875 449 provisions as to ... ... ... ... ... ... 490 determination of differences as to supervision of pipes in subways ... ... ... 495 differences between road authority and promoters of tram- way to be settled by, under Tramway Act, 1870 ... 508 regulations as to inquiry by referee ... ... ... ... 518 proceedings on, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 t:-,>. ; - 573 award of arbitrator 575 as to the costs of ... ... ... 579 proceedings on, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879 582 provisions as to, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 ... ... 721 under Metropolis Management (Thames River Prevention of Floods) Amendment Act, 1879 738 reference to legal decisions as to rights, liabilities, and pro- ceedings under 1347?, 135 Index. is. Arbitrator 1 PAGE j urisdiction of, confined to amount 1 34 appointment of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 573 notice of appointment of, under Artizans, &c., Act, 1879... 583 power of, as to apportionment ... ... 584 standing, appointment, duties, &c., of, under Metropolis Management (Thames River Prevention of Floods) Amendment Act, 1879 739 Arch See Cellar. as to, over public ways, Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 283 as to, under public ways 284 Architect See Superintending Architect. Area of house or building, drainage of ... ... 40 of cellar dwellings, under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 5? definition of, under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 ... 275 limitation of 285 size of, for determining fees payable 319 unhealthy, scheme for improvement of, Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 559 provisions of Amending Act ... 582 Arrears of rate not recovered by distress against overseer, to be levied on parish 105 of water rate, non-liability of outgoing tenant for, except by agreement ... ... ,. 393 of gas rate or meter rent, out-tenant not liable for, except by agreement ... ... 415 Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868 544 and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 720 and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1875 658 and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1875, Amendment Act, 1879 582 Ashes See Refuse. Ashpit And see Watercloset. house to be provided with sufficient 44 to include dustbin ... ... ... ... 144 Assessments by vestries and district boards orders of vestries anl district boards on overseers for levy- ing and paying over sums required for defraying expenses of execution of Metropolis Management Act, orders to distinguish objects for which required 97 exemption of parts not benefited 98 provision for, where part of a parish is placed under man- agement of vestry or district board of adjoining parish 99 rates to be made by overseers for levying the amount men- tioned in orders 99 to be levied on persons amVproperty rateable to relief of poor 101 X Index. ASSESSMENTS continued. PAGE valuation list under Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, con- clusive evidence of rateable value 100i rateability of public buildings 102 exception in case of places of worship, &c 102 land used as arable, meadow, or pasture ground or for other purposes specified, rateable to sewers rate at one-fourth of value 103 exemptions from sewers rate existing at time of issuing of first commission under 11 & 12 Viet. c. 112, to be allowed 103 existing exemptions from lighting rates to be allowed ... 105 warrant of distress where amount not paid ... ... 106 provision where vestry of parish in sched. (A.) make poor rate 106 appointment of special persons to levy rates in certain cases 106 when tenant entitled to deduct sewers rate against or to be repaid by landlord ... 107 discharge of local liabilities out of rates 112 requirements in orders of vestries and district boards on overseers for levying sums required for satisfying or replacing any sum expended in satisfying precept of metropolitan board for the purposes of the Consoli- dated Rate (Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869) 254 Assessments by Metropolitan Board board to assess and raise consolidated rate in lieu of all rates or assessments assessed generally over the metro- polis (Metropolitan Board of Works Loans Act, 1869) 251 to be assessed and raised in manner provided by Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and amending acts for ex- penses of executing Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and for purposes of Main Drainage Act 251 provisions for defraying expenses of board in Metropolis Management Act, 1855 107 assessment by board under 170th section of Metropolis Management Act, 1855 (repealed by Metropolis Man- agement Amendment Act, 1862, s. 5) ... 107 substituted provisions in that enactment ... ... ... 172 power to inspect county rates (Metropolis Management Act, 1855) 108 precepts to chamberlain for payment of sums assessed upon city of London, and how satisfied 108,109 time for payment of sums assessed on vestries and district boards, and how to be raised ... ... ... ... 109 provisions where Ho poor rate 109 extent of liability of places in sched. (C.) to rating for sewers 110 enactments relating to metropolitan main drainage rate ... 251u notice and inspection of assessment ... ... 110 penalty for refusing inspection 110 metropolitan board to appoint persons to levy rates charged in 110 mode of levying ... , 110 appeal against Ill alteration of, without altering other parts ... Ill Index. xi ASSESSMENTS continued. PAGE liabilities payable out of, made under local Acts, with certain exceptions 112 provision as to liabilities of metropolitan commissioners of sewers 113 precepts to overseers of parts without metropolis ... ... 113 special provisions respecting, on Ely Place and mews ... 138 amendment or revocation of ... ... ... ... ... 175 enactments as to metropolitan main drainage rate in 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104 251w form of assessment by metropolitan board in respect of consolidated rate.'. 252n metropolitan board to make abatement on, of parts of metropolis exempt from sewers rate ... ... ... 273 as to, of compensation, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879 582 Assessor metropolitan board to appoint ... ... ... ... 109 of rates in places where there is no poor rate, sched. (C.) 109 allowance to ... ... 110 Assistant Commissioner under Commons Act, 1866, may be appointed by inclosure commissioners to inquire into schemes as to commons 340 report of 349 Asylum District (Metropolitan) loans by managers of See Loans. Attendance of members of vestries and district boards to be entered 26 at offices of boards and vestries, daily ' *"''''... ... 30 Attorney- General proceedings by, against gas companies by direction of secre- tary of state 416 Attorney, Power of See Power of Attorney. Auditor elected under Hobhouse's Act to continue duties until election under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 ... 2 election of, under that Act ... ... 8 number of ... ... ... ... 8 term of office of 8 of accounts of metropolitan board to be appointed by secre- tary of state 120 to be appointed by treasury instead of secretary of state (Metropolitan Board of "Works (Loans) Act, 1871, sec- tion 18) 12071 remuneration of 120 of metropolitan board to be paid two guineas a day, but not to exceed in all 100 guineas (Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862) 226 of district boards to be elected by boards 121 duties of 121 to cause abstract of accounts to be made 122 xii Index. AUDITOR continued. PAGE elected under Act may audit accounts of other parochial boards 122 occupier rated for one year may vote for election of ... 164 on demand, to state his reason for allowance or disallow- ance 184 certiorari to remove same t .. 184 condition of recognizance ... 184 board of trade to appoint, of accounts of water companies under Water Act, 1871 (now local government board) 390 Authentication of notices, demands and other documents by hoards and vestries ,"'.- \ ... 133 of bye-laws 124 Award See Arbitration. B. Bakehouses Regulation Act, 1863 (re- pealed by Factory and Workshops Act, 1878) 31w Bank See Sewer. abutting, &c., on any stream to he maintained hy vestries or district board to prevent inundation 34 repealed as to flood works by Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 745 of main sewers to be vested in metropolitan board of works ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 definition of, under Thames Biver Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 731 as to maintenance and repair of 737 penalty for alteration of, without consent of board . . . 737 survey and repair of dangerous or insufficient ... ... 738 Ballot poll by, at elections of vestrymen and auditors 11 mortgages to be paid off by 119 auditors of district boards to be chosen by . -_>^i. :;. ... 121 Bankrupt disqualification of member of metropolitan board, &c., becoming 23 proof of debts to boards and vestries by persons becoming 133 Baths and \Vashhouses saving asto 49 Battersea, Parish of division of, into wards 3n question between, and Penge not to be affected 142 Bedford, Duke of provision for sums paid by, to parties making roads, &c., on his estate .,, ... ... ... 207 Index. xiii Bills PAGE (Metropolitan) under Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1877 25771 in parliament, expenses of promoting or opposing ... 85w Blood Boiler See Slaughterhouses. Board See Metropolitan Board of Works, District Board of Works. notice, penalty for injuring, removing, &c.... ... ... 213 Board of Trade consent of, for alteration of level of railway or canal ... 183 to appoint an inspector to report upon new sources of water supply under Water Act, 1871 372 powers of, under Metropolis Water Acts, 1852 and 1871 transferred to local government board ... 372, 382n. to certify their approval or disapproval of new sources ... 372 may appoint a person to inquire and report as to quality " and quantity of water 373 may direct prosecutions to enforce provisions of Water Act, 1852 376 regulations of water companies to be made with approval of 377 water companies may appeal to, in case of application to supply water to a district ... ... 382 may require constant supply of water by companies in cer- tain cases 383 in default of water companies, may appoint person to re- port as to regulations and may make same ... ... 385 confirmation, &c., of regulations of water companies by ... 385 to appoint persons to inquire and report as to quality of water 389 to appoint auditor of accounts of water companies ... 390 powers of, as to difference respecting pipes in subways ... 495 to determine on application for, and objection to, pro- visional order lor construction of tramway under Tramways Act, 1870 498 power for, to make provisional order ... 498 may revoke, amend, extend, or vary provisional order ... 500 may authorize joint work of tramways 500 may dispense with consent of local or road authority ... 497 Bone Boiler See Slaughter-houses. Books of minutes of proceedings and of accounts to be kept by boards and vestries ... ... 26 to be open to inspection 26 extracts from, may be taken... 26 penalty for refusing inspection of, or extracts from ... 27 to be kept for consolidated stock 248 examination of, of insurance companies by metropolitan board under Fire Brigade Act, 1865 341 Borrowing by metropolitan board. See Metropolitan Board, Consoli- dated Stock, Loan, Mortgage. by vestries and district boards. See Mortgage, Vestry, District Board. xiv Index. Bressummer PAGE rules as to, in Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 288 Bridges within definition of "street" in Metropolis Management Act, 1855 ... 144 metropolitan board to maintain all, culverts, &c., erected by them (Metropolis Management Act, 1862) ... 179 over canals may be made, widened, &c., by district boards and vestries with consent of metropolitan board and canal company 200 Builder definition of, under Building Act, 1855 276 before commencing building to give notice to district sur- veyor 288 notice to be evidence against, of intended works 289 penalty on, neglecting to give notice 289 district surveyor to give notice to, in case of irregularity 289 on non-compliance with notice, justice to summon and make order to comply with requisition 290 penalty on non-compliance with order of justice ... ... 290 periods when district surveyor is entitled to fees ... ... 291 expenses of obtaining approval of metropolitan board to be borne by 294 penalty on, not erecting buildings in conformity with bye- laws (Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878) 333 may appeal ... 333 Building AetS See Metropolitan Building Acts. Building Owner definition of, under Building Act, 1855 298 rights of, in respect of party structures 299 rules as to exercise of rights by, in respect of party struc- tures 301 rules as to expenses to be borne jointly by, and adjoining owner ... _ 303 security to be given by, if required by adjoining owner ... 303 as to expenses to be borne by ... ... ... ... 304 to deliver an account of expenses of works to adjoining owner within one month ... ... 304 power for, to make entry on premises to effect works ... 303 penalty on persons obstructing 303 penalty on, failing to execute required works ... ... 305 if adjoining owner neglects to pay expenses, to stand " of structure ... 305 where, has incurred expenses on requisition of adjoining owner, latter to be liable for all expenses ... ... 305 Buildings, &e. See House. before laying foundation of, notice to be given to vestry or district board (Metropolis Management Act, 1855) 42 not to be brought beyond the regular line without the con- sent of the metropolitan board... ... 84 in case of contravention vestry or district board may de- molish or set back ... ... ... ... ... 84 Index. TV BUILDINGS continued. PAGE repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, which contains new provisions . ... ... 202 public, now rateable to continue rateable with certain ex- ceptions ... 102 bye-laws as to level of sites of (Metropolis Management Act, 1855) ... ... 125 bye-laws under Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment, as to sites and foundations of ... ... 331 not to be erected over or under any sewer without consent of board or vestry 126 extended powers und'er Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862, in case of unauthorized interference with sewers by building 198,199 if erected without consent may be demolished 126 appeal to metropolitan board against orders of boards and vestries, with respect to construction of 128 penalty for erecting, on sewers without consent, Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862 198 under which sewers, &c., are constructed, maintenance, &c., of 199 not to exceed beyond general line without consent of metro- politan board ... ... ... ... 202 projecting beyond general line when taken down to be set back 202 height of, in new streets ... 209 regulation and supervision of, under Building Act, 1855 276 exempt from operation of part I. of Act 276 rules as to accesses and stairs in certain 283 rules as to separation of 285 rules as to limitation of area of 285 rules as to uniting ... ... ... ... 285 to be supervised by district surveyor 286 as to open spaces near 286 before, commenced, builder to give notice to district surveyor ... ... 288 district surveyor not to act in cases of, under his profes- sional superintendence 288 district surveyor may enter and inspect, affected by Act . . . 289 to which rules of Act are inapplicable 293 preliminary rules in first sched. as to 314 provisions as to limitation of time when due notice as to, erected, or work done, has not been given 308 as to construction of, first sched. ... 314 to which rules in first sched. are inapplicable require special sanction of metropolitan board 318 as to erection of, at less than prescribed distance from centre of roads, passages, or ways being highways under Building (Amendment) Act, 1878 325 provisions as to, not erected in conformity with bye-laws 332 penalty on builder ... ... 333 owner, &c., may enter, to comply with notices or order upon giving notice to occupier ... ... 334 purchase of, for purposes of fire brigade, under Fire Brigade Act, 1865 338 removal from, of discharged officers, &c ... 343 as to quantities of gunpowder allowed in, under Explosives Act, 1875 449 3D xvi Index. BUILDINGS continued. PAGE from which gunpowder stores are to be separated... ... 445 adjoining, occupied as one, to be considered one, under Explosives Act, 1875 450 reconstruction of, destroyed by accident connected with explosives ... ... ... ... ... ... 467 as to erection, maintenance, &c., of, under improvement scheme, Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 564 Burial of dead, saving of powers in Act relating to ... ... 49 grounds not rateable ... ... ... ... 102 ~\J _ Business bye-laws for regulating, at meetings ... ... ... 124 trade, manufacture, &c., causing effluvia, procedure as to, Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 ... ... ... ... 618 appeal and recognizance ... ... ... ... ... 618 proceedings in superior court on demand of defendant ... 619 Act relating to offensive Slaughter-houses (Metropolis Act), 1874 ' ... ... ... 363 prohibition of establishing anew certain ... ... ... 363 certain, not to be established anew without consent of local authority 369 definition of slaughterer of cattle ... ... ... ... 368 Bye-laws boards, and vestries may make, alter, and repeal ... ... 124 to be made by metropolitan board ... ... ... ... 124 authentication of 124 penalty for breach of ... 125 justices may remit penalties for breach of ... ... ... 125 to be confirmed at a subsequent meeting ... ... ... 125 publication and evidence of 125 no penalty lo be imposed until, approved by secretary of state 125 no person to be liable to penalty under, unless sued for within three months (repealed by 106th section of Metropolis Management Act, 1862) 137 may be made by metropolitan board for guidance of ves- tries, &c., in construction of sewers (Metropolis Man- agement Amendment Act, 1862) 209 penalties under, may be proceeded for within six months 224 metropolitan board may make, with respect to sites and foundations of buildings under Building (Amendment) Act, 1878 331 penalty on builder not erecting buildings in conformity with 333 for regulation of fire brigade, under Fire Brigade Act, 1865 339 for management of gardens in squares, &c., under Gardens in Towns Protection Act, 1863 359 by local authority, under Slaughter-houses Act ... ... 364 as to ships carrying.petroleum, under Petroleum Act, 1871 424 by harbour authority as to conveyance, loading, &c., of gunpowder, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... ... 452 by railway and canal companies as to conveyance of gun- powder ... ... ... ... 454 Index. xvii BYE-LAWS continued. PAGE as to conveyance or loading of gunpowder ... 455 publication of ... ... 477 as to, under Subways Act, 1868 495 by local authority, under Tramways Act, 1870 514 notice of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 524 confirmation of, under Highways and Locomotives Amend- ment Act, 1878 532 of local authority, respecting workmen's dwellings, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 725 c. Canal rating of 105/1 plans of works affecting, to be submitted to companies ... 183 as to alteration of level of ... ... ... ... ... 183 bridges over, may be built and repaired by district boards and vestries with consent of metropolitan board and company 200 companies, consent of, necessary before building, &c., bridges over canals ... ... ... ... ... 200 company, bye-laws of, as to conveyance, &c., of gunpowder (Explosives Act, 1875) 454 as to carriage, &c., of explosives by - 471 Candle-house, &e. See Trade. Capital auditor to ascertain, of water companies, under Water Act, 1871 390 Carriageway See Road, Street. of turnpike road excepted from definition of "street" ... 144 included in, under Thames Floods Prevention Act ... 731 annoyance by stalls, wares, carts, carriages, &c., on, and footways, under General Paving Act 689 Cattle slaughterer of, Slaughter-houses, &c. (Metropolis) Act, 1874 364 exemption of metropolitan cattle and Deptford markets ... 364n, provisions in case of cattle plague, Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 214n Cellar under streets not to be made without consent of vestry or district board 56 if improperly made may be filled up or altered ... ... 57 to be repaired by owner or occupier 57 occupation of, as dwelling-house 57 provisions as to size, ventilation, &c. ... 57 penalty for offending against provisions respecting ... 58 district surveyor to report infringment of Act respecting ... 58 district surveyor may enter and inspect ... 58 if admission be refused, justice may order admission to ... 58 metropolitan board may carry sewers under, &c., any .., 75 3 D 2 xviii Index. CELLAB continued. PAGE half-yearly reports of, occupied as dwellings, to be made by district surveyor to boards and vestries 195 to be covered and secured, General Paving Act (Metro- polis) .... .--vwW - 694 Certificate of medical officer of health under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 197 as to, of consolidated stock ... ... 249 to be renewed when destroyed ... 249 on completion of survey of dangerous structure, district or other competent survey or to give (Metropolitan Build- ing Act, 1855, Part II.) 295 proceedings to be taken in respect of ... ... ... 295 continuing, for existing gunpowder factories and magazines, under Explosives Act, 1875 443 continuing, for existing stores for gunpowder ... ... 446 continuing, not required for factory, magazine, or importa- tion license expiring within 12 months, or for stores licensed under Nitro-Glycerine Act, 1869 463 of analyst, under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 ... 591 form of 597 of warranty, forgery, &c., of ... ... ... ... ... 592 of medical practitioner for removal to hospital of person suffering from contagious, &c. . disease ... ... ... 646 of medical officer of health for cleansing and disinfecting premises 645 Certiorari proceedings not to be removed by, except as specially provided 136 to remove allowance, &c., disallowance, or surcharge by auditor of accounts of vestry or district board ... 184 Cesspool as to drainage into covered, when no sewer within 100 feet 41 officers of vestries or boards may inspect ... 44 ... 45 or district board may, after notice, do work and charge expense to offender ... 45 where no default found, expenses to be defrayed by vestry orboard ... 45 if found in bad order, board or vestry to give notice for works to be done 45 if works not done, vestry or board to do works, and charge expenses to owner or occupier ... 45 vestries and district boards to appoint persons to empty ... 70 where there is no proper sewer within 200 feet, house may be drained into, as a temporary measure ... ... 196 Chairman declaration of, at elections of vestrymen and auditors ... 11 in absence of persons authorized by law or custom to take chair vestry to elect, at meetings 14 election of, at meetings of district board of works ... ... 17 election of, of metropolitan board of works 21 oiiicers ui vesines or uoarus may inspect ... penalty for improperly making or altering ... Avhen improperly made or altered, vestry or - may, after notice, do work and chargi Index, xix CHAIRMAN continued. PAGE to preside at meetings ... ... ... 23 where votes equal, to have a second or casting vote ... 23 appointment of, on vacancy 22 of committees 129 Chamberlain of City of London precepts for payment of money to be addressed to 108 to pay moneys required, and be reimbursed out of rates made by commissioners of sewers for city ... ... 109 Chapel exemption from liability to rates 102 as to liability for expenses of repairs (Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, Part II.) 296 Charging Order under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868, to be registered 551 form of 556 Charities vestry to make annual list of, to be open to inspection ... 123 Chimneys and Flues rules as to construction of, under Building Act, 1855 ... 281 penalty on occupier in case of fire, under Fire Brigade Act, 1865 343 Church all duties, &c., as relate to the affairs of the, vested in any commissioners, &c., to remain so vested ... ... 48 not a house or land within 105th section of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, or 77th section of Amending Act of 1862 60tt not to be erected beyond regular line of buildings 34?* whether a hoiise under local Act ... ... 204n as to liability for expenses of repairing, under Metro- politan Building Act, 1855, Part II. (Dangerous Structures) 296 exemption from liability to rates ... ... ... ... 102 Church Rates as to power of making ... ... ... ... ... 48 made in open vestry before Metropolis Management Act, 1855 161 provisions of Compulsory Church Rates Abolition Act, 1868 IQln where, at time of passing of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, were made in open vestry, to continue to be so made 161 payment of, not necessary to entitle voter to vote at elec- tions of vestrymen or auditois ... ... 164 Churchwardens to give notice of election of vestrymen and auditors of parishes not divided into wards 8 parishes divided into wards ... 9 to appoint persons to preside at ward elections ... ... 9 not complying with Act, guilty of misdemeanor ... ... 14 xx Index. CHURCHWARDENS continued. PAGE nothing in Metropolis Management Acts to affect power of election 162 duty of, on receiving intention of metropolitan board to represent that adjoining parish shall be included in Acts (Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862) 187 Cistern to be supplied with proper ball-cock or other apparatus, under Water Act, 1852 376 closets and baths to be so constructed as to prevent waste or the flow or return of impure matter into the mains, &c. ... 376 Cleansing See Footpath, Paving, Street. of sewers by boards and vestries 39 ditches, pools, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 46 of sewers by metropolitan board ... ... ... ... 79 cesspools, &c., bye-laws as to ... 124 of premises, ditches, drains, &c., under Nuisance Removal Act, 1855 613 of houses let out in lodgings, &c., under Sanitary Act, 1866 649 Cleopatra's Needle See Monuments. Clergy Mutual Assurance Society apportionment on parishes, &c., of debt due to 170 apportionment of debt in respect of loan from, with amount charged on each parish, &c., sched B 229 Clerk of district board to convene special meeting on requisition 16 of metropolitan board to convene special meeting on requi- sition ... ... ... ... ... 22 of boards and vestries and treasurer or partner, &c, not to be same person ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 penalty on, for offending against enactment 27 to inspect county rate, &c. ... 108 to register transfer of mortgages ... ... ... ... 119 to lay accounts and books before auditor 121 notices, &c., on metropolitan board and district boards and vestries, may be served on... ... 132 to represent board or vestry in all proceedings in bank- ruptcy 133 authentication of documents by signature of 133 denned to include " secretary " (Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862) 226 compensation to, in office of metropolitan buildings, under ^Building Act, 1855 313 to give notice of preparation of plan of required works, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings'Act, 1868 546 Close Fires Metropolitan Building Act, 1 855 282 Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861 237 drawback upon coal to continue to be allowed 241 continuation of duties under ... . 240 Index. Xxi COAL AND WINE DUTIES, &c. continued. PAGE application of duties 240 application of duties to the payment of the interest and principal of sums charged thereon for improvements. .. 241 duties to form an accumulating fund for improvements till appropriated by parliament ... ... 242 Collector See Bate Collector. metropolitan board to appoint, of rates charged in assess- ment places in sched. (C.) 110 overseers may employ, to collect rates ... 176 to give security ... ... ... ... ... ... 176 to furnish copies of poor rate to metropolitan board, ves- tries and district boards, and to' sign and verify the same , 176 penalty for neglect ... ... ... ... ... ... 176 Colorado Beetle See Destructive Insects Act, 1877. Commission of Sewers (Metropolitan) determination of 86 Commissioners of Works to approve plan for intercepting sewers from Thames (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 1) ... 81 plans and estimates of works exceeding fifty thousand pounds, to be submitted to (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104) 85 may make advances for the purposes of Act 116 saving of rights, powers, and property of 141 Act for protection of gardens in towns not to apply to pro- perty of 360 special provision as to gardens, &c., in squares vested in ... 139 saving of powers of, under Crown Estate Paving Act, 1860 140 of works, saving of right of 141 of sewers of city of London, saving of rights of ... ... 141 of police, powers of, transferred to metropolitan board of works by Metropolitan Building Act, 1869) 295w in case of structure certified to be dangerous, notice to be given to owner by ... ... ... 295 on non-compliance of owner, may take down or repair and recover expenses ... ... ... ... ... 296 if owner cannot be found, may sell structure, giving sur- plus to owner ... ... ... ... 296 payments by or to, how made ... ... 297 powers of, to appoint officers 298 powers and duties of, under General Paving Act, 1817 ... 711 of exhibition of 1851 provisions of Building Act, 1855, not to apply to buildings of... ... ... 321 of public loans may advance moneys to boards and vestries 178 of sewers, savings in local Acts applicable to, to apply to boards and vestries 128 of sewers of city of London, metropolitan board yearly in- spect rates made by ... 108 chamberlain of city to pay monies required, and to be reimbursed out of rates made by 109 saving of powers of, as to certain parts of parishes in sched. (B.) 141 xxii Index. COMMISSIONERS continued. PAGE powers to, to execute flood works under Thames River Pre- vention of Floods Act, 1879 733 of treasury, contribution by, towards expenses of fire bri- gade 341 of turnpike roads, rights, powers, &c., not affected by Act 142 definition of, under Metropolitan Commons Act 348 under local Acts, powers of, except as provided, to be vested in vestries and district boards ... 48 exception as to baths and washhouses, metropolitan burials, markets, and Charitable Trusts Acts 49 property of, vested in board or vestry ... 50 where acting beyond parish or district, metropolitan board may declare to which the property shall belong ... 50 money in possession of, and income of property, to be dis- posed of as if Act had not passed " ... 50 existing contracts of, to remain valid ... ... ... 50 action by, or against, not to abate 50 monies coming to or payable by, to be paid to or by vestry or board ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 existing, to remain in office till commencement of Act ... 51 Committee boards of vestries may appoint 25 acts of, to be submitted to general body for approval ... 26 repealed so far as respects the metropolitan board 181 metropolitan board to appoint, to hear appeals ... ... 129 appeals under Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878, referred to 333 management of inclosed gardens, &c., in squares, &c., to be vested in, of inhabitants ... 160 of appeal may allow or dismiss appeal, or quash or vary order appealed against ... ... ... ... ... 180 of appeal may make improvement rates or charges for expenses of works of private improvements executed by metropolitan commissioners of sewers, and enforce same 180 metropolitan board may delegate powers under Fire Brigade Act, to 344 appeals to, under Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment, 1878 333 Commons Act (Metropolitan) 1866, and see Scheme 347 interpretation of common ... 348 to what commons Act applies 348 provisions relative to scheme for improvement of 348, 350, 351 memorial for scheme ... ... 348 enquiry, draft scheme 349 report of assistant commissioner ... 349 compensation for taking, &c., estate, interest, &c., in ... 350 confirmation of scheme by parliament ... ... ... 351 power to crown to vest manorial rights in commissioners 353 provisions of 9 Geo. 2, c. 46, not to apply to conveyance of common to commissioners ... 353 power to metropolitan board to hold and acquire rights in commons * 355 Commons Act (Metropolitan), 1878 t 355 Index. xxiii COMMONS ACT (METROPOLITAN), 1866 continued. PAGE extension to metropolitan commons of certain provisions of Commons Act, 1876 355 Metropolitan Commons Supplemental Acts 346n Compensation by vestries and boards for damage done in inspecting, &c. , cesspools, &c 45 by vestries and district boards for damage in execution of sewers and works ... ... ... 35 by vestries or district boards, for interference with ancient mill 46 for removing existing projections ... ... 68 by metropolitan board, for damage done in carrying out sewerage works ... ... 75 for damage by works of metropolitan commissioners of sewers ... 38 reference to legal decisions respecting 75 statement of, in notice to owners and occupiers, when lands require to be taken ... ... ... 95 amount of, under Act, if disputed, to be settled by two justices 133 if more than fifty pounds, to be settled by arbitration according to provisions of Lands Clauses Act 134 mode of proceeding where amount of, is to be settled by justices 135 by surveyors, &c., for damage in getting materials, Nuisances Removal Act ... 615 metropolitan board may award to persons aggrieved by orders, &c., of boards and vestries ... . 128 to officers of commissioners of sewers to officers of paving boards to cease if officer is employed by board or vestry to be paid out of general rates 129 129 130 ... 130 metropolitan board may pay, to owners of lands in lieu of constructing and maintaining bridges, &c. ... ... 179 in respect of communications with sewers in different parishes ... ... ... ... 181 for taking or injuriously affecting property of railway or canal company 183 nothing in Act to affect right of companies to 183 to official referees and registrar of metropolitan buildings, under Building Act, 1855 312 by building owner in pulling down wall 300, 304 to clerks in office of metropolitan buildings 313 tinder Fire Brigade Act, to parish officers . . . to fire brigade in case of accident, and as to salaries pensions, &c revisions for, under schemes as to commons 339 339 350 or destruction of crops by order of Privy Council, under Destructive Insects Act, 1877 537 for animals affected with contagious disease and slaughtered 214re to owners when premises totally demolished under Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Act, 1868 550 payment of, under Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Act, 1875 575 as to assessment of, under Artizans and Labourers' Dwel- lings Improvement Act, 1879 ... . i4 582 xriv Index. COMPENSATION continued. PAGE amendment of Lands Clauses Act, with respect to, where properties severed 584 as to amount of, or purchase-money omitted ta be made by local authority 584 by promoters under Tramways Act, for loss or damage occasioned by them 506 settlement of amount of, as between promoters and road authority 509 for injury by use of locomotive 528 application of, under General Paving Act 705 under Metropolis Management (Thames Floods Prevention of) Act, 1879 738 Composition with landlord as to payment of rate, not to be disturbed ... 164 provisions of 32 & 33 Viet. c. 41, as to agreement by owners to pay rates ... ... 164n. As to effect of allowance or deduction as regards qualification for franchise, see reference to Assessed Bates Act, 1879, in addenda to note in page 164. Computations metropolitan board to state in every precept, and to keep a record cf all ... ... 253 Condition as to erection of buildings beyond general line ... ... 205 in permission of metropolitan board as to width, &c., of new street 219 ott consent for building house, &c., at less than prescribed distance from centre of roadway, Metropolis Manage- ment and Building Acts Amendment ... 327 on grant of license, Petroleum Act 426, 427 on assent of local authority for establishment of new fac- tory, Explosives Act 439 on consent of secretary of state as to magazines or stores, Explosives Act 461 in order of metropolitan board for erection of temporary dams, Thames Floods Prevention Act 733 as to elevation of houses, Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improve- ment Act, 1875 564 Confirmation of schemes as to commons by Act of parliament, under Commons Act, 1866 351 of regulations of water companies 385 of improvement scheme, under Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 562 enquiry by confirming authority on refusal of local au- thority to make scheme 563 modification of scheme 565 Confirming Authority Artizans, &c. , Dwellings Improvement Act, 1 875 583 Consent See Board of Trade, Secretary of State, Treasury. of vestries and district boards as to vaults, arches, and cellars 56 of metropolitan board for making of new sewer 1 93 Index. xxv COSSEKT continued. PAGE of metropolitan board for improvements by vestries and district boards 200 of metropolitan board for buildings beyond general line... 202 conditions as to such buildings 205 of metropolitan board for stopping up street by vestries and district boards 209 placing buildings on sewers without consent of boards and vestries 198,199 of metropolitan board for works by vestries and district boards beyond limits of metropolis 192 of metropolitan board for improvements by vestries and district boards 200 in case of joint appointment of officer for several parishes . 82 of vestry for requisition to owner of house to provide water supply 377 of Her Majesty in council for alteration of the rules of the Building Act as to thickness of walls 293 under Building Act, how given on behalf of persons under disability 305 how given on behalf of persons not to be found 305 under Commons Act with respect to rights of crown, &c.... 352 Consolidated Loans Fund for paying dividends on and redeeming consolidated stock 255 application of 255 sinking fund of existftg securities may be carried to ... 257 Consolidated Rate power of metropolitan board to levy 251 to be assessed and raised in like manner as sums required for execution of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, and for purposes of Main Drainage Acts 251 precepts of metropolitan board for 252n orders of district boards and vestries for raising money required for 254 places in sched. (C) to 18 & 19 Viet c. 120, to be liable to, except where entitled under General Improvement Acts to exemption 254 Consolidated Stock creation by metropolitan board of 247 lands, rents, &c., of board, security for 247 application of money raised by 247 to be personal estate 247 books for .. 248 transferof 248 advance of money by public works loan commissioners on security of 248 advances by commissioners for reduction of national debt on security of 248 certificates of 249 Stock Certificate Act, 1863, to extend to 249 stamp duty on transfers 250 forgery, &c., of transfers 250 consolidated loans fund to be established for paying divi- dends on and redeeming 255 creation of, for raising further sums 257 xxvi Index. CONSOLIDATED STOCK continued. PAGE metropolitan board may create, for paying off money borrowed, &c 257 conversion of existing securities into 257 annual return of, to be laid before parliament 264 forms of transfer of, second schedule 266 Consolidation of improvement funds, Coal and Wine Duties Act . . . 242 by Public Health Act, 1875, of provisions relating to sani- tary authorities 604?i Construction See Sewers, Works. Consumer of gas may use any stamped meter under Gas Act, 1859 ... 401 of gas may make complaint to magistrate as to supply of gas, under Gas Act, 1860 413 appeal by, to home secretary on rise in price of gas ... 415 stores for gunpowder of, Explosives Act 444 Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 abstract of provisions of ... ... 214u decisions on repealed Act 215?& Contagious, &e., Disorder removal to hospital of person suffering from ... ... 646 Contamination See Water, Nuisances Removal and Sanitary Acts. of water, under Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 419 Contract power for boards, &c., to enter into ... ... 88 for works to be under seal ... 88 copies of, of boards and vestries, to be kept ... ... 26 officers not to be interested in ... ... 27 existing, to remain valid ... ... ... 50 vestries and district boards may make, with companies for restoring pavements ... ... ... 66 entered into with commissioners of sewers transferred to metropolitan board of works ... ... 88 entered into during preceding year, amount of ... ... 120 as to uncompleted, for loans 264 as to, made previously to passing of Building Act, 1855, for erection of new buildings ... ... 312 for establishing telegraphic communication, Fire Brigade Act 338 of gas companies to be valid though not under seal, under Gas Act, I860 "..V ' 411 restrictions on, with gas companies ... ... ... ... 411 determination, under Gas Act, 1860, of existing, ... ... 414 not to be affected by provisions of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 594 by local authority for building, &c., workmen's dwellings under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 724 Index. xxvii Contractor ,. PAGE vestries and district boards may compound with, in respect of any penalty for breach of contract ... 89 Contribution vestry or district board may order, towards construction of sewer ... ... ... 43 to cost of main sewers under section 80 of original Act extended to metropolitan board 193 boards and vestries may accept, in one sum or by instal- ments 193 metropolitan board to keep register of, when time for payment given ... 194 directions as to, on branching sewers... ... 194 by owners of land and houses towards expenses of paving new streets ... ... ... ... 206 under Fire Brigade Act, by insurance companies 340 modeof ascertaining proportions of ... 340 mode of enforcing ... ... 340 by government towards expenses of tire brigade ... ... 341 by local authority for purpose of common scheme under Commons Act, 1866 ... ... 153 Conveniences (public) 47 Conversion of existing securities into consolidated stock 257 Cornwall, Duchy of saving rights of the crown in respect of 227 consent of, under Metropolitan Commons Act 352 Coroners' Inquest provisions as to, on death from accident connected with explosives, under Explosives Act, 1875 468 Corporate Bodies powers of, for sale and disposal of land ... ... ... 95 as to power of, to sell property, under General Paving Act 702 Corporation of City of London See London. Costs See Appeal, Expenses. recovery of amount of, under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 135 penalties extended to ... 135 recovery of, under Act of 1862 221 of suit 224 on summary proceedings under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 313 on appeal to quarter sessions under Slaughter-houses Act, 1874 366 of confirming authority under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 562 of iill for confirming provisional order referred to com- mittee of house of parliament ... 563 xxviii Index. COSTS continued. PAGE of obtaining order of justices under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 614 recoverable under 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 620 on complaint of householder, Nuisances Removal, &c., Act, 1860 635 payment of, to nuisance authority by owner or occupier ... 648 on arbitration under Artizaus, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868 ... 722 on arbitration under Thames River Floods Prevention Act 737 Counters Creek debt for works, to be paid out of main drainage rates ... 169 County Authority bye-laws by, for granting licenses to use locomotives . . , 532 County Court things authorized to be done by, under Building Act, determination of differences, and form of proceedings in 307 appeal from decision of ... ... ... ... ... 308 judge to give consent required under Building Act if owner cannot be found 305 County Rate basis of assessments of metropolitan board ... ... ... 107 (See now Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, in note to section 161 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855) ... 100 Court, Passage, or Public Place when freehold, to be paved by owner 56 penalty on owner failing to pave and drain ... ... 56 where owners of, omit to drain or pave, district board or vestry may do so and charge expenses in lieu of penalty 208 provision for water supply in, ... ... ... ... 383 may be stopped up with consent, under General Paving Act 700 Court of Summary Jurisdiction recovery of penalties by summary proceeding ... ... 135 extended to damages, costs, &c. ... ... ... ... 221 recovery by vestries and district boards of expenses of works 196 recovery by, of penalties, &c., for encroachments on sewers 199 of expenses of executing order of magistrate in case of building beyond general line ... ... ... ... 205 of expenses of paving new street ... ... ... ... 206 of paving court on default of owner 208 on determination of matters under Fire Brigade Act ... 344 definition of, under Slaughter-houses Act ... ... ... 366 definition of, under Water Act, 1871 380 may settle disputes as to sufficiency, &c., of prescribed fittings ... 388 constitution of, in case of offences under Infant Life Pro- tection Act 541 Covenants existing, with any commissioners or public bodies, to remain valid 50 Index.. xxix Cow-houses PAGE as to provisions of Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 214n to be licensed by justices; notice to be given to district board or vestiy who may show cause ... ... ... 215 district boards and vestries may contract for removal of manure from 216 Crops compensation for, where destroyed by order of Privy Council, under Destructive Insects Act, 1877 537 Crossing Sweepers vestries and district boards may appoint and pay ... ... 67 to have distinctive mark as public servants ... ... 67 Cross Walls definition of under Building Act, 1855 ... ... ... 275 thickness of, first sched. ... ... ... ... ... 318 Crown ' saving rights of, (Metropolitan Management Act, 1855) ... 227 power for, to vest memorial, &c., rights in commissioners (Metropolitan Commons Act, 186) 353 Gardens in Towns Protection Act not to extend to property of 360 Crown Estate Paving Act, 1851 saving of powers of commissioners for executing, 1 40 D. Dairyman licensing of premises used by, ... ... ... ... 215 Damage See Compensation. Dangerous Structure- See Structure, District Surveyor. Dead Bodies places for reception of, post-mortem examinations, &c., Sanitary Act, 1866 646 Debt of boards, &c., under local Acts, how to be discharged ... 112 of metropolitan commissioners of sewers ... ... ... 113 proof of, by boards and vestries, in bankruptcy 133 for Counters Creek and Ravensbouvne works distributed, Metropolis Mauagement Amendment Act, 1862 ... 169 apportionment of ... ... ... ... ... 170, 229 due to Clergy Mutual Assurance Society 170 nothing in amending Acts to affect priority under original Act 171 recovery of money assessed by metropolitan board on extra- parochial property for payment of 177 xxx Index. Default PAGE of local authority, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1875 564 under Artizans, &c., Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 ... 723 secretary of state may appoint person to do duty on default of local authority, under Sanitary Loans Act, 1869... 658n Defects (Structural) in theatres, music halls, &c., Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment 328 Defendant plea by, in action against boards and vestries 328 pica by, in prosecution under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 593 what does not amount to defence in sale of adulterated articles (Sale of Food and Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1879) 598 Demand See Notice. Destructive Insects Act, 1877 536 orders of Privy Council for preventing introduction, &c., of destructive insects, and for preventing spreading of... 536 compensation for crops 537 local authorities ... ... ... ... 537 Discovery of irregularity by district surveyor when no notice given, Metropolitan Building Act 308 Discontinuance of tramways ... ... 511 Diseases (Contagious or Infectious) carriages for conveying persons suffering under . . . 634, 645 duties of nuisance authority for preventing or checking diseases 645 means of disinfection ... ... ... ... 645 penalty on person suffering under, entering public con- veyance 646 disinfection of premises, Sanitary Act, 1866 645 of conveyance ... ... ... ... ... 650 Diseases Prevention Act, 1855 600 Distress where officer fails to account 29 against goods of overseers failing to pay over money ... 105 District formation of parishes in sched. B. into ... 15 provision as to payment of a sum for the management of part of adjoining ... ... 99 precept for sums assessed on, in sched. (B.) to be directed to district board ... . 108 Index. xxxi DISTRICT continued. PAGE each electing one member of metropolitan board of works, ached. (B), part 1 146 united for electing one member of metropolitan board, sched. (B), part II 148 and parish united for electing one member of metropolitan board, sched. (B), part III 148 (Tower) meaning of 48n (London) meaning of, in Coal and Wine Duties (Continuance) Act, 1861 240 (Woolwich) under Public Health Act, 1848 I39n definition of, under Water Act, 1871 380 definition of, under Gas Act, 1860 407 District Board of Works See Local Authority, Nuisance Authority. constitution of, 15 election of members of 17 meetings ... ... ... ... 17 incorporation of ... ... 15 election of chairman ... ... ... 16 disqualification of members and auditors 23 penalty for acting as member or auditor of, when disqualified ... 24 revocation or alteration of resolutions 25 appointment of committees 25 minutes of proceedings ... ... ... ... ... 26 inspection of books ... ... ... ... 26 appointment and removal of officers ... 27 clerk and treasurer of, partner, &c., not to be same person -27 penalty on officers interested in contracts, or exacting fees 27 officers, &c., of, intrusted with money to give security ... 28 duties and powers of 30 as to sewers see Sewer ... ... ... 31 as to drainage see Drain ... ... ... 40 to cause offensive ditches, drains, &c., to be cleansed and covered ... ... ... 46 compensation for interference with ancient mill, or right connected therewith ... ... 46 may provide public conveniences 47 may transfer their powers as to sewerage to metropolitan board 47 consent of metropolitan board required for transfer, Metro- polis Management Amendment Act, 1862 ... y . 180 powers relating to paving, lighting, &c., vested in commis- sioners, &c., to vest in ... ... 47 property of commissioners, &c., relating to paving, &c., transferred ... 50 existing contracts, &c. , to remain valid ... 50 to execute office of, and be surveyor of highways within their district 51 rights and liabilities of ... ... ... ... ... 51?i not subject to provisions of Highway Act concerning ac- counts of, and returns by surveyors of highways ... 53 all highways, paveftients, and materials, vested in... ... 54 balance of rates already levied, to be paid to 55 may cause streets to be paved ,., ... 56 3 K xxxii Index. DISTRICT BOARD OF WORKS continued. PAGE pavement of courts by owner of freehold ... ... ... 56 may alter position of companies' pipes ... ... ... 56 vaults and cellars not to be made without consent of ... 56 may fill up or alter vaults or cellars if improperly made 57 may repair vaults and cellars on default of owner, and re- cover expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 district surveyor to report the occupation of rooms and cellars contrary to the regulations of ... ... ... 58 paving new streets, at expense of owners 60 may give notice of intention to repair any street, not being a highway ... ... 62 may place fences to footways, crossings, &c. 62 notice to be given to, by companies, &c. when pavement is required to be taken up... ... ... ... ... 63 to superintend breaking up of pavements, &c. ... ... 64 to give notice to companies to repair pavements injured by them ... ... ... 65 pavements, &c. , to be reinstated by companies to satisfaction of 65 may reinstate pavement, and charge expenses to the parties 66 may contract with companies for restoring pavements ... 66 to cause footways to be cleansed 66 power to water streets, sink wells, and erect pumps ... 66 notice to owner, &c., to remove projections, &c., made after commencement of Act ... ... ... ... ... 67 may remove existing projections and make compensation 68 no hoarding to be erected without licence from ... ... 68 may remove hoarding, &c.,not satisfactorily erected or kept in good repair 69 dirt, soil, ashes, &c., to be vested in ... ... ... .. 70 streets to be lighted to appoint inspectors of nuisances to appoint medical offi 110 slaughter-houses to cers of health... ) slaughter-houses to be licensed without notice to 71 72 72 72 repealed by Metropolitan Management Act, 1862, with sub- stituted provisions ... ... ... 213 to be local authorities to execute Nuisances Removal Acts 73 streets situate in more than one parish may be placed under management of one ... ... 82 metropolitan board may with consent of, appoint officers for two or more parishes conjointly 82 metropolitan board to make orders for guidance, &c., of, in matters relating to sewerage ... ... 82 may demolish or set back buildings brought beyond regular line of street (repealed by Metropolis Management Act, 1862,s.75) 84 repealed by section 75 of Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862, with substituted provisions ... ... 202 complaint by, under Metropolis Management Act, s. 75, where building beyond general line 202 rates made by commissioners of sewers to be paid to, by order of metropolitan board ... ... ... ... 87 may enter into contracts for carrying Act into execution... 88 requirements in contract for works ... ... ... 88 may compound with contractor in respect of penalty for breach of ... 89 Index. xxxiii DISTRICT BOARD OP WORKS continued. PAGE may purchase or lease lands for purposes of Act 91 power of, to dispose of or let lands or property not wanted 95 penalty for withholding property transferred to 96 may break up turnpike road, subject to certain restrictions 96 repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, s. 105, which substituted other provisions ... 182 provisions for defraying expenses of, in execution of Act 97 to distinguish sums required for sewerage purposes, and in certain cases for lighting, and those required for other purposes 97 may exempt from payment parts not benefited by expen- diture 98 how sums to be raised where part of parish is under manage- ment of adjoining 99 on default of overseers to pay rates, collector may be ap- pointed 106 precept for sums assessed on districts in sched. (B.) to be directed to 108 payment by, of sums assessed by metropolitan board ... 109 to raise moneys to discharge existing debts and liabilities 112 power to borrow money on mortgage, with sanction of me- tropolitan board 114 by, to be by deed stamped ... ... . 116 116 117 117 117 117 interest" to cease on expiration of notice to pay off mortgage debt 117 mortgages, how to be paid off. .. ... ... 119 accounts of, to be balanced to end of year 120 to elect auditor by ballot ... ... ... 121 accounts of, how to be audited ... ... 121 annual report and summary to be made by 122 abstract of account of, to be made 122 to send copy of same, with list of officers to metropolitan board 123 to allow inspection of, and furnish copies 123 power ot, to make, alter and repeal bye-laws for purposes specified 124 penalties for breach thereof ... ... ... 125 no penalty to be imposed unless bye-law approved by sec- retary of state ... ... ... ... ... ... 125 publication and evidence of bye-laws ... ... ... 125 provisions for protection of property and works of ... 126 no buildings to be erected over sewer without consent of... 126 extended powers conferred on, in case of unauthorized in- terference with sewer, &c., by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862. ss. 68, 69 198,199 payment of penalty and expenses under Metropolis Manage- ment Amendment Act, 1 862 1 99 penalty for wilfully damaging, &c., lamps or other pro- perty of 127 appeal to metropolitan board against orders of, with respect to the construction of buildings, sewers, &c, ... .,. 128 3E2 public works loan commissioners may make advances to may borrow money to pay off existing securities ... may fix a time for repayment of money borrowed... to pay interest half-yearly ... may pay off money on giving six months' notice xxxiv Index. DISTRICT BOARD OP WORKS continued. PAGE savings, &c. , in local Acts applicable to commissioners of sewers to apply to 128 may award compensation to officers of paving boards, &c,... 129 where claim rejected by, person may appeal to metropolitan board 130 compensation to cease if officer is employed by ... ... 130 may require payment of expenses from occupier, to be after- wards deducted from rent ... ... ... ... 131 may apportion the payment of money or execution of works between two or more persons 131 may accept repayment by instalments 131 as to service of notice on 132 amount of compensation, &c., to be made by, if disputed, and under 50 to be settled by justices, if over, by arbitration 133 clerk of, may prove debts in bankruptcy 133 one-half of penalty if not otherwise provided for to go to 137 repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, with substituted provisions 221 variation of, provisions in local Acts at variance with Act, by order in council ... ... ... ... ... J42 empowered to take ground to be maintained as an open space or pleasure ground ... ... ... ... 166 may pay precept of metropolitan board out of moneys in their hands ... ... ... ... ... ... 173 may demand to be furnished with copies of poor rates ... 176 to pay vestries named in sched. (B) to original Act, ex- penses incurred in execution of Acts ... ... ... 177 persons lending money to, not bound to inquire into appli- cation of money, regularity of proceedings, &c. ... 177 public loan commissioners may make advances to ... 178 communications with sewers in adjoining parish or dis- trict 181 communication to be made to satisfaction of adjoining parish ... ... ... ... ... 181 metropolitan board may order payment of compensation or remuneration 182 adjoining parish or district may recover same from, by action or summary proceeding ... ... 182 may open and break up turnpike roads, subject to certain restrictions 182 may not alter the level of any railway or canal without consent of company, or, if refused, without consent of board of trade 183 may contribute to expense of drainage works executed by owner or occupier of land ... ... 187 officers of health for, to make annual report to 187 to submit plans of new sewers to metropolitan board ... 188 to give three days' notice before connecting any sewer with a main sewer 188 sanction of, to the branching of sewers into main or district sewers by private persons ... ... ... ... 188 to obtain approval of metropolitan board before sanctioning the branching of sewers by private persons ... ... 188 in case of alteration or abandonment of works, notice to be given to. and to sanction same ... ... ... ... 189 index. XXXV DISTRICT BOARD OP WORKS continued. PAGE may apportion the expenses of sewers in new streets amongst the owners, &c., in one sum, or by instal- ments within twenty years 189 may apportion expenses of sewers in places where pre- viously there were only open sewers, &c., between owners and, in one sum, or by instalments 190 where estimated expenses exceed the cost, the difference to be refunded by, and where less than, to be paid to ... 191 may charge land less than house property ... ... ... 191 may defray part of expense out of sewers' rates ... ... 191 appeal against orders of, as to amount of expenses, to metropolitan board 191 may execute, &c., sewerage works beyond the limits of metropolis ... ... ... ... 192 but only with consent of metropolitan board and autho- rities through whose district work passes 192 no new sewer to be made by, without consent of metro- politan board 193 may accept payment of contribution by instalments ... 193 to transmit to metropolitan board particulars of contri- bution where time given ... ... 194 no sewer or drain to be branched into a sewer of, without consent of ... ... ... ... ... ... 194 penalty, and communication may be cut off, and works executed by 195 extension of time under section 76 of original Act for noti- fying orders of ... ... ... ... 195 half-yearly reports of cellars occupied as dwelling to be made by district surveyor to " 195 where orders made by, with respect to drains, &c., under sections 73, 74, 76, 81, 85 and 86 of original Act, may proceed for penalty, or do works ... ... ... 196 person not to be proceeded against both for penalty and expense of works 196 may order owner or occupier to lay on water, or may do works and recover expenses ... ... 1 97 or where supply insufficient, may order increased supply, &c 197 where there is no sewer, to require owners of houses to construct cesspool ... ... ... ... ... 197 empowered to provide and maintain drinking fountains... 199 income of estates, property, &c. subject to trusts for repair of highways, to be paid over to 200 may widen streets, &c. with the consent of metropolitan board, or contribute to same ... ... 200 may take, by agreement or gift, land for that purpose, and make bridge, &c., over canal with consent of company 200 may borrow money necessary for such improvements . . . 201 prohibition against removal of bar, gate, rail, &c., without consent of proprietor of estate 201 may flag footpaths, and charge occupiers with cost ... 206 may apportion costs of paving new streets, and may accept amount by instalments, and recover same 206 may drain and pave courts and passages, and charge owner with cost ... 208 to give notice of intention to repair streets not being high- ways 208 Xxxvi Index. DISTRICT BOARD OP WORKS continued. PAGE may, with consent of metropolitan board, stop up streets during execution of works 209 bye-laws may be made by metropolitan board for guidance of, in construction of sewers ... 209 may paint or affix names of streets 210 on receiving order of metropolitan board, to give notice to owners to mark their nouses with numbers or names, penalty for not obeying 211 may contract for removal of manure from stables or cow- houses 216 one month's notice to be given to, of intention to apply for license for slaughter-house ... ... ... ... 216 power of, to borrow moneys for improvement of streets ... 219 one month's notice of action to be given to ... ... 222 loans to, by metropolitan board, under Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, and Money Acts ... 246u orders of, for raising money required for consolidated rate 254 may grant superannuation allowances to officers in certain cases 270 powers to, and vestries to execute flood works, under Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 ... 733 District Mains water companies to furnish particulars of, when required 375 District Surveyor appointed under Building Act may enter rooms and cellars occupied contrary to Metropolis Management Act, 1855 58 to make half-yearly reports to boards and vestries as to cellars occupied as dwellings ... ... ... ... 195 definition of, under Building Act, 1855 276 notices to 283 provisions as to ... 286 buildings to be supervised by ... 286 powers of metropolitan board respecting 287 examination of, as to competency ... ... 287 may appoint deputy, with consent of metropolitan board 287 notice to, by builder 288 to cause mles of Act to be observed ... 288 not to act in case of works under his professional super- intendence 288 may enter and inspect buildings affected by Act 289 notice by, to builder, in case oi irregularity 289 order of justices to comply with requisition of ... ... 290 penalty for non-compliance with order ... 290 when entitled to sell building 290 metropolitan board may appoint special fees for, for services of, not provided for ... ... ... 291 periods when, entitled to fees 291 fees of 291 schedule of fees of ... 319 fees for special services 298 payments to, in respect of matters in first part of second schedule 291 returns 'by 292 Index. xxxvii DISTRICT SURVEYOR continued. PAGE monthly returns by, to metropolitan board 292 returns duly signed, a certificate that works conformable to Act ' 292 superintending architect of metropolitan board to audit accounts of fees charged by 292 metropolitan board may pay salaries instead of fees ... 294 fees received by, to be paid to superintending architect ... 294 to see plans carried into execution 294 survey of dangerous structures by ... 295 order of justices for removal of inmates from ... ... 298 on completion of survey of dangerous structures to give certificate 295 fees paid to, to be deemed part of expenses 298 fees payable to, under Metropolis Management and Build- ing Acts Amendment Act, 1878 332 may enter and inspect theatres, music halls, buildings, and works 334 survey by, of dangerous or insufficient bank, &c., under Thames Floods Prevention Act, 1879 738 Ditch See Drain. to be cleansed, covered, or filled up if a nuisance 46 by the side of roads may be filled up, and pipes sub- stituted 47 so foul as to be a nuisance within Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 609 order to drain, cleanse, &c 613 order prohibiting recurrence... 613 execution of structural works for abatement of nuisance ... 614 surveyors to make, scour, cleanse, &c. 615 may lay down sewer where necessary to abate nuisance, 615, 616 local authority empowered to assess houses, buildings, &c., using sewer 616 Dividends on consolidated stock to be paid as board, with approval of Treasury, shall direct 261 clerks, &c., making out false warrants to be guilty of felony 250 Division of parishes into wards ... ... ... 3 of buildings under Metropolitan Building Act 285 Dock Company saving in favour of, Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 735 rating of 98?i, 105n Documents authentication of, by signature of clerk 133 forgery and falsification of, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... 476 Drainage See Drain, Sewei', Sewer Authority, Main Drainage. Drain definition of, under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 ... 144 under Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862 ... 225 xxxviii Index. DRAIN continued. owner of house required to make sufficient combined drainage of blocks of houses ... ... ... 40 notice of intention to build, to be given to boards and vestries ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 to be made as vestry or district board shall order 42 vestry or board may make, for houses at the owner's expense ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 branching private drains into sewers ... 43 repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, which introduces new provisions 194 as to inspection of ... ... ... 44 penalty for improperly making or altering ... ... 45 as to expenses, when no default found ... ... ... 45 power of vestries or district boards to put into proper con- dition 46 vestries and district boards may transfer their powers as to drainage to metropolitan board ... ... ... ... 47 previous consent of metropolitan board required for transfer 180 vestries and district boards may substitute, for ditches ... 47 vestries and district boards to appoint persons to cleanse... 70 penalty on persons sweeping dirt, &c., into... ... ... 126 penalties under other Acts for offences of a similar nature l2Qn seven days' notice must be given before, can be branched into main sewer ... ... ... ... ... ... 188 where there is no sewer, houses may temporarily be drained into a cesspool, and enactments of original Act as to, to apply 196 penalty on persons making any drain into any sewer belonging to board or vestry without notice 212 as to cleansing of, under General Paving Act ... ... 683 foul, a nuisance under Nuisances Kemoval Act ... ... 609 proceedings for removal of nuisance ... ... ... 611 surveyor to cleanse, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 615 laying down sewer in... ... ... ... ... ... 616 repair, &c., of, under General Paving Act (Metropolis) ... 671 Drawback upon coals to continue to be allowed ... ... ... 241 Drinking Fountain district boards and vestries in sched. (A) to original Act empowered to provide and maintain ... ... ... 199 Drugs See Food. Dust See Refuse. Dwelling S, and see House, Building. half-yearly reports of cellars, occupied as, to be made by district surveyor to boards and vestries ... ... 195 rules for walls of, first sched. Part I., Building Act, 1855... 315 thickness of walls of, first sched., Part I. ... ... ... 315 provision for water supply in, in courts, passages, &c., under Water Act, 1871 383 contracts by local authority for building, &c., workmen's, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 t 724 Index xxxix DWELLINGS continued. PAGE power of local authority to make bye-laws respecting workmen's ... ... ... ... ... ... 725 (Artizans and Labourers) Act, 1868 544 Amending Act, 1879 720 (Artizans and Labourers) Improvement Act, 1875 ... 558 Amending Act, 1879 582 E. Easement See Land. purchase of, for preventing obstruction of sewage, &c. ... 91 notice of taking ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 extinction of, under Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 568 Ecclesiastical District nothing in original or amendment Act to affect ... ... 162 Effluvia trade, business, &c., causing See Trade. Election See Metropolitan Board, District Board, Vestry. of officers, out of vestries under local Acts 137 occupiers rated for one year may vote for, of vestrymen or auditors ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 164 to fill vacancy where vestrymen elected for more than one ward 185 to be held annually for supplying vacancies ... ... 185 Ely Place and Mews commissioners for paving, lighting, &c., to retain their powers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 138 to be subject to Act as to sewerage and drainage ... ... 138 Embankment of River Thames Acts relating to Sin, 242?i Encroachment on Sewers See Metropolitan Board, District Board. on highways and roads, reference to legal decisions on ... 55n under General Paving Act (Metropolis) 696 Engineer surveyor to include ... ... ... ... ... ... 220 plans of works affecting railways and canals, to be sub- mitted to, if there is a dispute 183 inspection of lands by, for flood works, Thames Flood Pre- vention Act 736 Engines for cleansing, &c., sewers of metropolitan board 81 used for purposes of waterworks to consume their own smoke under Water Act, 1 852 373 Entry to inspect underground rooms ... ... 58 justice may make order for ... ... ... ... ... 58 for inspection of drains, &c 68 by vestries and district boards on lands for execution of works . 76?t powers of privy council with respect to ... 600 local board charged with execxition of r( xl Index. ENTRY continued. PAGE right of, to open spaces may be conveyed to metropolitan board for use of public, under Open Spaces Act, 1877 361 on lands by local authority under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1875 577 local authority and officers to have power of, under Diseases Prevention Act, 1855 600 under Diseases Prevention Act ... ... 601 and under Nuisances Kemoval Act, 1855 610 under Sanitary Act, 1866 647 on lands by engineer of metropolitan board, under Thames Floods Prevention Act 736 Epidemic Disease with respect t regulations... Erection beyond general line of buildings in streets, &c. ... ... 203 Escapes, Fire Fire Brigade Act 339 Estates, Charities, and Bequests vestries to publish lists of, with situation and application 123 lists of, to be open to inspection ... ... 123 Estimate of value of property for assessment under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 108 of annual value of property for assessment by metropo- litan board, under Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862 173 valuation list under Valuation Metropolis Act, 1869, now conclusive evidence of ... lOOn and plans of metropolitan board of works for the intercep- tion of sewage to be submitted to commissioners of works (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104) 81 of expenses of paving new streets, section 105 of Metropolis Management Act, 1855 61 under s. 77 of Metropolitan Management Amendment Act, 1862... 206 for consolidated rate of metropolitan board under Loans Act, 1869 251 computations for ... 253 for consolidated rate, requirements in ... 253 of expenses under Tramway Act, 1870 523 under Artizans Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 ... 566 for flood works under Thames Floods Prevention Act ... 732 Evidence of minutes of proceedings ... ... 26 of bye-laws, orders, &c. ... 125 in action against boards or vestries 223 Exemption See Assessment, Metropolitan Building Act, Explosives. Expenses of elections of vestrymen and auditors to be paid out o poor rates 13 Index. xli EXPENSES continued. PAGE of public conveniences to be defrayed as expenses of sewerage ... ... ... ... ... 47 of paving, &c., incurred under previous powers to be deemed incurred under Act 49 which, commissioners might have legally defrayed, to be paid out of rates levied by vestry or district board ... 51 of altering vaults or cellars improperly made to be paid by owner 57 of paving new streets to be paid by owners of houses in same 60 if estimated, for paving new street exceed actual, difference to be repaid to owners by vestry or district board ... 61 if estimated, be less than the actual, owners shall pay difference... ... ... ... ... 62 reimbursement of, as between gas and water companies ... 65 of reinstating pavement, may be charged to gas and water companies ... ... ... ... 66 incurred by vestry or district board in taking precautions for preventing accidents, to be repaid by person laying out or building in any new street 70 dirt, soil, ashes, &c., vested in vestries and district boards, may be sold towards defraying, except sewerage ... 70 money arising from sale of refuse of sewage to be applied towards defraying, of board 81 of demolishing or setting back buildings may be recovered from owner ... ... ... 84 of vestries and district boards, in execution of Act, how to be defrayed 97 of metropolitan board in execution of Act, how to be defrayed 107 precepts to be issued to city chamberlain, and to vestries, and district boards for payment of 108 chamberlain to pay, and be reimbursed 109 Vestries and district boards to pay, and to raise amount as they raise sums to pay their own ... ... ... 109 rates for defraying, in places in sched. (C ) 109 metropolitan board and vestries and district boards may borrow money for defraying, of Act ... 114 provisions now in force as to borrowing by metropolitan board 114n, incurred by demolishing buildings erected over sewers without consent, to be paid, by person erecting ... 126 re-payment of, payable by private parties, may be spread over a period not exceeding twenty years 131 occupiers may be required to pay, for which owners are liable, to be deducted from rent ... ... ... 131 of works ordered by vestries and district boards may be apportioned between two or more persons 131 if amount of, is disputed, may be ascertained and recovered before justices if under .50, if over, by arbitration ... 133 mode of proceeding to recover 221 special provisions as to, respecting Ely Place and Mews ... 138 incurred by vestries named in sched. (B.) to original Act, in execution of Acts, to be paid by district boards ... 177 of constructing sewers in new streets to be borne by owners, and apportioned by district board or vestry, in one sum, or by instalments 189 xlii Index. EXPENSES cowiwmed. PAGE of constructing sewers where previously there were open sewers, to be borne part by owners and part by board or vestry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 190 when estimated, exceed cost, difference to be refunded by district board or vestry, and when less, to be paid to board or vestry ... ... ... ... ... ... 191 part of, may be paid by district board or vestry out of sewers' rates 191 appeal to metropolitan board against order of district board or vestry against amount or apportionment of ... 191 contribution to, of main sewers extended to metropolitan board 193 incurred by district boards and vestries for improvements to be paid out of general rate ... ... ... ... 200 of paving new streets ... ... ... ... 206 of flagging footpaths, to be levied on occupiers 260 of carrying Building Act, 1855, into execution, how to be borne 295 of district surveyor of making building conformable to Act 290 in respect of dangerous structures 296 rules as to, in respect of party structures ... ... ... 303 as to, to be borne jointly by building and adjoining owners ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 303 as to, to be borne by building owner 304 accounts of, of works to be delivered to adjoining owner within one month ... ... ... ... ... 304 where building owner has incurred, on requisition of ad- joining owner, the latter to be liable for 305 penalty on delay of payment of, by adjoining owner ... 305 as to payment of, by owners ... ... ... ... ... 306 of Fire Brigade Act, not otherwise provided for 341 contribution by government towards, of fire brigade . . . 341 recovery of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 343 of fire brigade, when employed beyond metropolis, or on special services 344 of scheme as to common ... ... ... ... ... 351 of local authority and metropolitan board under Commons Act 351 charges incurred by metropolitan board under Commons Act, deemed to be, incurred under Metropolis Local Management Act ... ... ... 359 with respect to open spaces, to be paid by metropolitan board out of their funds... ... ... 362 of Water Act, 1871 393 of any inquiry under Gas Act, 1860, to be borne as secre- tary of state may direct ... ... ... 409 of Gas Act, 1860 420 of executing Infant Life Protection Act 450 as to, incurred under Subways Act, 1868 ..." ... ... 495 as to, payable by promoters of tramway after restoration of road ... .;. .,. 505 as to, of construction of tramway where local authority are the promoters ... ... ... ... ... ... 502 recovery of, under Highways and Locomotive Act, 1878... 532 of executing Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 594 quarter sessions boroughs to be exempt from, incurred in county, under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 ... 599 Index. xliii EXPENSES continued. PAGE provision for boroughs with separate police ... ... 599 as to defraying, of execution of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 607 of works incurred in execution of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, to be paid by person on whom order is made, or owner or occupier 614 as to proceedings before justices to recover... ... ... 615 incurred by secretary of state on default of nuisance authority 658 as to, of local authority under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 725 of Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 ... 568 payment oi, of commissioners of sewers of city of London, vestries and district boards, under Thames River Pre- vention of Floods Act, 1879 741 Explosives, and see Factory, Gunpoivder. Explosives Act, 1875 417 definition of explosive, under Act ... ... 435 orders in council and orders of secretary of state under Act 434?i application of Act to existing stores for gunpowder ... 446 part I. of Act relating to gunpowder applied to other explosives ... ... ... ... ... ... 457 modification of part I. of Act as applied to explosives other than gunpowder ... ... ... ... ... ... 457 prosecution of offences under Act 479 power to prohibit manufacture, importation, storage, and carriage of specially dangerous ... ... ... ... 459 provision in Explosives Act, 1875, in favour of makers of new, for experiment ... ... ... ... ... 460 notice to be given of accidents connected with ... ... 466 reconstruction of buildings destroyed by accident connected with 467 provisions as to coroners' inquests on deaths from accidents connected with 468 provisions as to inquiries into accidents connected with 468 power of harbour authority and canal company as to car- riage of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 471 search for, when in place in contravention of Act, or offence being committed with respect to ... .. 472 in transitu.. inspectors may seize and detain, liable to forfeiture inspection of wharf, carriage, boat, &c., with, in tra supplemental provisions as to forfeiture of ... exemption of, in government factories, &c., and under con trol of government exemption of magazines in river Mersey extension of definition of, to other explosive substances persons carrying on certain processes with respect to, to be deemed to be manufacturers of . . . 473 474 478 481 482 483 483 definition and classification of, by order in council ... 484 External Wall definition of, in Building Act, 1855 275 as to timber in 279 height and thickness of parapet of 280 height of, first schedule 314 xliv Index. Extra-Parochial Places and Property PAGE rates for defraying expenses in ... ... ... ... 109 sums collected in, beyond amount of rate for main drainage, to be placed to their credit ... ... ... ... 174 how sums assessed for main drainage rate are to be paid... 174 precept to be addressed to persons having authority in ... 174 to raise money by separate rate in like manner as a sewers rate ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 on default by collectors, enactments with respect to vestries, Scc., to be applicable 175 Bums assessed on, by metropolitan board for payment of debts 177 recovery of, by action, or before justice 177 F. Factory application for license for new, for gunpowder under Ex- plosives Act, 1875 436 application for assent of local authority to site of new ... 437 regulations as to, for gunpowder ... ... 439 general rules for gunpowder, and magazines 440 special rules for regulation of workmen in, or magazine... 442 alteration of terms of license for, and enlargement of ... 442 continuing certificate for existing, or magazine ... ... 443 precautions by occupier of, for gunpowder, against fire or explosion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 449 application of Part I. of Explosives Act to existing . . . 463 reconstruction of, destroyed by accident by explosion or fire 467 penalty on and removal of trespassers in ... 475 arrest without warrant of persons committing dangerous offences in any 476 exemption of occupier of, from penalty upon proof of another being real offender ... 478 exemption of government from Explosives Act, 1875 ... 481 not kept in a cleanly state, &c., a nuisance under Sanitary Act, 1866 643 Factory and Workshops Act, 1878 reference to 3ln Fees payable to district surveyors, under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 ... 291,319 metropolitan board may appoint special, for services not provided for 291 when district surveyors entitled to ... ... ... ... 291 superintending architect of metropolitan board to audit accounts of 292 paid to district surveyors to be deemed part of expenses 298 of district surveyor, under Metropolis Management and Buildings Act Amendment 332 for sanction of local authority, under Slaughter Houses Act 367 inspectors of meters to pay, to treasurer of county, &c., under Gas Act, 1859 399 for testing and stamping meters ... ... 402 for licenses under Explosives Act, 1875 450 Index. xlv Fellmonger See Slaughter-homes. PAGE Fences, &e. vestries and district boards may place, to footways, &c. ... 62 vestries and district boards from time to time to repair ... 62 consent of proprietor of, required, previous to removal of 62 no, for preventing thoroughfare to be removed without consent of proprietor ... ... ... ... ... 201 Fire, and see Fire Brigade Act. regulations by metropolitan board with respect to new theatres and music halls for protection from, under Building (Amendment) Act, 1878 330 duty of metropolitan board in relation to ... ... ... 338 metropolitan board to send information of, to insurance offices 345 Fire Brigade Act, 1865 337 establishment and duties of brigade ... ... ... 338 constitution of 338 as to powers of, in case of fire 339 contribution to expenses by insurance companies ... ... 340 returns by, and examination of books of ... 341 contributions by commissioners of Treasury to expenses of 341 expenses of Act, not otherwise provided for 341 repealed, with exceptions, by Metropolitan Board of Works Loans Act, 1861 341 subsequent Acts as to securities and expenditure for pur- poses of Act ... ... ... ... ... ... 341n metropolitan board may make bye-laws for regulation of 339 expenses of, when employed beyond metropolis, or on spe- cial services 344 Fire Plugs transfer of, to metropolitan board 345 include hydrants 389 operation of 32nd section of Fire Brigade Act as to ... 389 Fire Escapes purchase of 339 Fireworks factory, provisions as to, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... 462 license to occupier of small firework factory ... ... 462 regulation of ... ... ... ... ... 462 penalty for throwing, in any public place under Explosives Act, 1875 476 Fittings water companies may issue notice to owners and occupiers to provide prescribed, under Water Act, 1871 ... 387 in case of default by owner or occupier, company may provide or repair, at owner's or occupier's expense . . . 387 officers of water companies may enter premises for inspec- tion and repair of 388 settlement of disputes as to sufficiency, &c., of 388 absence of prescribed water fittings, to be deemed a nuisance 388 xlvi Index, Flood Works PAGE definition of, under Thames Eiver Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 731 not to be executed except in accordance with plans ... 731 bodies and persons liable to execution of ... ... ... 732 powers of metropolitan board respecting 732 powers for execution of ... ... ... ... ... 734 power to construct, on shores and bed of Thames ... 735 provision as to certain dock companies ... ... ... 735 on shore of river Lea to be approved by the Lea conser- vancy board 737 so much of sections 69 and 70 of 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, as relate to, to cease to be in force ... ... ... 745 Floods prevention of, Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 730 Floors rules as to, and stairs in certain buildings ... ... ... 283 Flues Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 281 Food prohibition of mixing of injurious ingredients with articles, and of selling the same xinder Food and Drugs Act, 1875 586 exemption in case of absence of knowledge ... ... 586 prohibition of the sale of articles of, and drugs not of the nature, substance, and quality demanded ... ... 586 provision for sale of compounded articles of ... ... 587 prohibition of abstraction of any part of an article of, before sale, and selling without notice... .,. ... 587 proceeding for selling adulterated, under Act of 1879, what not a defence ... ... ... ... 598 forgery, &c., of certificate of warranty ... ... ... 594 procedure with respect to ... ... ... ... ... 599 penalty under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, for sale of unwholesome 617 as to seizure, &c., of unwholesome, under Nuisances Re- moval Act, 1863 636 Food and Drugs Act, 1875 585 Food and Drugs Amendment Act, 1879 598 Foot and Mouth Disease Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 ... ; '^vJ u ' K ... 214n Footpath vestries and district boards may place fences to 62 to be cleansed by vestries or district boards when neces- sary 66 occupier not relieved from liability to cleanse 66 where obstructed, during repair of a house, hoarding to be erected 68 of roads to be under management of vestries or district boards of parishes, &c., in which they may be situate 142 Index. xlvii FOOTPATH continued. PAGE and carriageways may be stopped by metropolitan board in execution of works ... ... ... ... ... 178 district boards and vestries may flag, and charge occupier with cost ." 206 metropolitan board may place roads and, in different parishes or districts under management of one vestry or district board 210 as to cleansing, &c., of, under General Paving Act, ... 687 made for foot traffic, not to be used for carriage traffic unless widened ... ... ... ... ... ... 328 Form of notice of election of vestrymen and auditors 9 of proceedings at elections ... ... ... ... ... 10 of mortgage of rates, sched. (E.) ... ... ... ... 159 of transfer of mortgages, sehed. (F.) 160 of precept and assessment, sched. (C.) 173 of assessment, sched. (C.) 232 of precept sched. (C.) 232 of precept issued by board for payment of sums assessed upon metropolis by board now in use 252n of transfer of consolidated stock, 2nd sched. ... ... 266 metropolitan board to issue, of notices ... ... ... 293 of appeal from decision of justices under Building Act to superior court ... ... ... ... ... ... 309 of power of attorney under Commons Act, 1866 ... ... 354 of assignment of charge, &c., under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868 556 of notices, summonses, &c., under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 623 Fund (Improvement) definition, Metropolitan Board of Worka (Loans) Act, 1869 246 Foundation of buildings, metropolitan board empowered to make bye- laws as to... ... 331 interpretation of term 331 G. Garden Ground to be rated to sewers' rate at one-fourth net annual value 103 Gardens in squares, &c., special provisions as to, in Metropolis Management Act, 1855 139 bye-laws for management of, in squares, &c., under Gar- dens, &c., Protection Act, 1863 359 in certain squares, &c., set apart for use of inhabitants and neglected by trustees, &c., metropolitan board or other corporate authority to take charge of 357 or vested in a committee of rated inhabitants 358 penalty for injuring ... 359 Leicester Square vested in metropolitan board under Leices- ter Square Act 35671 Gardens in Towns Protection Act, 1863 357 3 F xlviii . Indite. Gas PAGE Sale of Gas Act, 1859 396 Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 405 provisions of Sale of Gas Act, 1859... ''^''v..'' ; 396 consumers of, may use any stamped meter '' vji' 1 ' 1 - ... 401 provisions of Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 ... ' ;i ' 7 .^> J ' ... 405 companies and persons to whom Act applies ... ... 406 incorporation of Gas Works Clauses Act, with Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 ... J '^.^ & './* of <;. 406 interpretation of terms ... ^^.Vl'F^^i 1 /^- 1 ^^/? 1 ^ ... 406 limits of Act "'^iVi 1 ' I " t .<.'i "I ... 407 of districts for supply by companies ... ... ... 408 sanctioning assignment of districts to, to be subject to triennial revision by secretary of state... ... ... 408 on complaint as to quality or quantity, secretary of state may appoint an inspector to inquire and report . . . 408 gas companies to supply, and upon notice, to remove ground of complaint as to quality, &c., of ... ... 409 security to company ... ... ... ... ... ... 410 settlement by magistrate in case of difference 410 to be consumed by meter if required by gas company ... 411 gas companies may contract for the supply of ... ... 411 contracts of companies to be valid, though not under seal 411 restrictions on contracts with companies ... ... ... 411 companies to light streets when required by local authority 411 penalty for failing to provide pipes or supply of gas or meters ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 411 service pipes to be fully charged with ' ^.. ... ... 412 illuminating power and purity of ... ... ... ... 412 penalty for deficient power or purity of 412 appointment of an examiner of ... ... 413 consumer of, may make complaint to magistrate as to supply of 413 examination of, and report thereon ... ... ... ... 413 companies to obey order of justice on complaint as to supply 414 differences between companies and local authority to be settled by arbitration ... ... ... 414 limit of charge by companies for, and meters ... ... 414 limit of charge for, supplied to public lamps ... ... 414 appeal by consumers to home secretary on rise of price of 415 proceedings against company by attorney -general 416 companies to cause maps of their districts to be made ... 416 as to laying pipes for conveying ... ... ... ... 417 companies not to interfere, &c., with property of water companies ... ... ... ... ... ... 417 as to preventing contamination of water by ... ... 419 Acts amending Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 ... J . r ,;;/- ^ ... 405% appointment of, examiner by local authority ... ... 413 examination of gas and report thereon by examiner ... 413 appointment of examiner by metropolitan board under special Acts, testing, &c. .'.'" "'y.*" L ... 405n Gas and Water Companies mains and pipes of, may be moved in paving streets by vestries and district boards ... ... 66 to break up and restore pavements under superintendence of vestry or district board 64 Index. xlix GAS AND WATER COMPANIES continued. PAGE to reinstate same without delay 64 to cause pavement to be fenced in meantime ... ... 64 to place lights at night 65 water mains not to be laid in December, January, or Feb- ruary, without consent 64 penalty on, offending ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 opening ground and discovering pipe to belong to another company, to give notice to such other company, and be reimbursed expenses 65 penalty on, for neglecting to reinstate pavements, &c., not fencing, and lighting same at night ... ... ... 65 to repair pavements inj ured . . . ... ... ... ... 65 penalty for neglect 65 where vestry or district board reinstate pavement, expenses may be charged to ... ... . . . ... ... 66 to reinstate pavement broken up by them, or pay expenses, &c 208 provisions as to pipes, &c., Subways Act, 1868 493 provisions in Tramways Act, 1870, as to ... ... ... 506 Gasworks Clauses Act, 1847, incorporated with Gas Act, 1860, except as provided ... 406 General Board of Health to issue regulations under Diseases Prevention Act, 1855... 601 power of, now vested in privy council ... ... ... 601 General Improvement Acts list of, schedule, Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 'vw\<7ijw<3jcri 263 General Rate overseers to make ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 purposes to which applicable ... ... ... ... 100 to be assessed on net annual value ascertained by rate for relief of the poor 101 valuation list under Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, conclusive evidence of gross and rateable value ... lOOn expenses of providing and maintaining drinking fountains to be paid out of ... 199 expenses incurred by boards and vestries in improvements to be paid out of 200 under Ariizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868 554 tinder Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 ... 594 not to be applied to paving new street in first instance ... 60% General Rules metropolitan board may make, under Metropolitan Build- ing Act, 1855 ..". 293 Grant meaning of word in conveyances by boards and vestries as in Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 95 Grating See Gullyhole. Gratuity to officers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27n. power to grant, in case of retirement before entitled to superannuation allowance ... ... ... ... 271 notice of grant of, to be given 271 3 F 2 1 Index. Guardians PAGE where hitherto elected out of vestry to continue 137 office of, not to be determined by Act ... ... ... 137 loans to, by metropolitan board ... ... ... ... 200?!. Ground (Arable, Meadow, Pasture, &e.) See Assessment, Rate, Garden, Gullyhole to be trapped (Metropolis Management Act, 1855) ... 39 not to be trapped, without consent of metropolitan board of works (Metropolis Management (Amendment) Act, 1862) ' 180 Gunpowder general law as to manufacture and keeping of, under Explosives Act 1875 435 to be manufactured only at factories lawfully existing or licensed under Explosives Act, 1875 ... ... ... 435 except for private use, to be kept only in existing or new magazine or store, or in registered premises ... ... 436 licensing of factories and magazines for ... ... ... 436 regulations as to factories and magazines for 439 consumers' stores for ... ... ... ... ... ... 444 licensing and regulation of same ... ... ... ... 444 order in council prescribing situation and construction of stores for ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 445 general rules for stores for ... ... ... ... ... 445 non-transferability, renewal, and forms of licenses for stores for 446 registration with local authority, of premises for keeping of " 447 retail dealing with ... ... ... ... ... ... 447 general rules for registered premises for keeping of ... 448 explanation as to quantities of, allowed in buildings . . . 449 restriction on sale of, in highways, &c. ... 451 penalty for sale of, to children ... ... ... ... 451 exposed for sale, or sold, to be in closed packages, labelled 451 general rules as to packing of, for conveyance ... ... 451 bye-laws by harbour authority as to conveyance, loading, &c., of 452 bye-laws by companies as to conveyance, &c., of ... ... 454 bye-laws as to wharves where, is loaded or unloaded ... 455 bye-laws as to conveyance, by road or otherwise, or loading of 455 construction of enactments referring to powers of searching for 477 H. Habitation house unfit for See House. Harbour Authority bye-laws by, as to conveyance, loading, &c., of gunpowder, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... 452 undertaking of, of carriage of explosives ... 471 definition of expression 485 tndex. H Health See Medical Officer of Health. PAGE premises in such a state as to be injurious to, Nuisances KemovalAct 600 extension of definition ... ... ... 643 mixing ingredients injurious to, Sale of Food and Drugs Act ... .. 586 Highway Rates expenses defrayed out of, under highway laws, to be paid from rates, under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 52 as to rates already made ... 55 Highway within definition of " street " except carriageway of turnpike road 188 vestry and district board to execute office of surveyor of highways... ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 to have powers, and be subject to liabilities of surveyor of highways ... ... ... ... ... 51 provision as to expenses ... ... ... 52 as to rates already made in parish in sched. A 55 compensation to paid surveyor ... ... ... ... 130 reference to Acts relating to highways which apply to the metropolis ... ... ... ... ... ... 5ln reference to cases relating to rights and liabilities of sur- veyors of highways ... ... ... ... ... 5 In meaning of word " vested," in 96th section of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and analogous enactments ... 54?i meaning of " street," extended, so as to include carriage- way of turnpike road, &c. (Thames River (Preven- tion of Floods) Act 731 by Tramways Act, "road" is interpreted to mean any carriage-way, viz. a highway... 496 as to damage to and encroachments on ... 55n, filling up ditches at sides of 47 vestry or district board may give notice of intention to repair street, not .being ... ... ... ... ... 02 as to erection of buildings at less than prescribed distance from centre of roads, &c., being ... ... ... 325 restriction as to sale of gunpowder in 451 no proceedings for annexation of any parish to be taken under 249th section of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, until metropolitan board have given notice to churchwardens and surveyors of highways ... ... 187 property and income subject to trusts for repair of, to vest in district boards and vestries ... ... ... ... 200 surveyor of, to cleanse ditches, &c., paying owners, &c., for damages, under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 ... 615 Highways and Locomotive (Amend- ment) Act, 1878 531 construction of locomotive to be used on highway, and repeal of sections 3 and 5 of Act of 1865 as to England 530,531 bye-laws as to hours during which locomotives on, to pass over highways ... ... ... 531 steam locomotives to be constructed so as to consume their own smoke ... ... 531 duration of Act 532 Hi Index. Hoarding PAGE to be erected during the repairing of houses ... ... 68 not to be erected without a license ... ... ... ... 68 to be lighted at night, penalty ............ 68 if not satisfactorily erected and kept in good repair, may be removed and sold ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 not to be erected without leave, under General Paving Act ..................... 699 Hogstyes provision as to General Paving Act (Metropolis) ...... 693 Hornsey drainage of, ... ... ... ... '.''..",'... ... 74u Horsleydown united to Rotherhithe, St. Olave, and Southwark, to elect a member to metropolitan board ... ... ... 21 Hospital power of nuisance authority to provide ... ... ... 650 order of justice on medical certificate for removal of person suffering from contagious, &c. disease to ... ... 646 when deemed to be within district for purposes of Sanitary Act, 1866 ..................... 661 House See Building, Drain. meaning of ...... ............... 39?i before commencing the building of, seven days' notice to be given to vestry or district board ......... 41 foundation of, to be laid at a level to permit drainage ... 42 pro visions for drainage of ... ... ... ... ... 43 regulations as to letting as dwellings underground rooms in 58 district surveyor appointed under Metropolitan Building Act, may enter and inspect underground rooms in ... 57 owners of, to pay expenses of paving new streets ... ... 59 owners of land liable to contribute (Metropolis Manage- ment (Amendment) Act, 1862 ..'. ...... 59,206 projections in front of, made after passing of Act to be removed ..................... 67 existing projections may be removed on payment of compensation ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 hoarding to be erected during repair of ......... 68 as to naming of streets and numbering of houses ... ... 83 repealed, with altered provisions by Metropolis Manage- ment Amendment Act, 1862, s. 87 ......... 87 in apportioning cost of constructing sewers, land to be charged in less proportion than ......... 191 penalty on persons beginning to lay foundation of, without notice ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 212 as to erection of, at less than prescribed distance from centre of roads, passages, or ways, being highways Metro- polis Management and Building Acts (Amendment) Act, 1878 ..................... 325 erection of, in roads not highways ... ... ... ... 326 open space near dwelling, under Building Act, 1855 ... 286 rules for walls of dwelling ............... 315 meaning of " site " in relation to ... ......... 331 foundations of, bye-law as to ... ... ... ... 331 .Index. liu HOUSE continued. PAGE provisions as to, "where contravening bye-law 332 within definition of " premises " Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868 545 assessment of, using sewer laid down to ahate nuisance Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 616 unfit for habitation, Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 ... 612 let out in lodgings, regulations by nuisance authority under Sanitary Act, 1866 649 house to house visitation, under Diseases Prevention Act, 1855 601 as to drainage of, under Sanitary Act, 1866 640 overcrowded so as to be dangerous to health of inmates, a nuisance within Nuisances Removal Acts ... ... 643 dangerous to passers-by, an indictable nuisance ... ... 295w of public lesort, &c., Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment ... ... 329 Householders number of, to determine number of vestrymen ... ... 2 meaning of expression in this and other Acts ... ... 2n division of parishes into wards where more than 2000 at passing of Act ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 parishes, upon any account of population taken by autho- rity of parliament found to contain more than 2000 rated, may be divided into wards ... 186 wards not to contain less than 500 rated ... ... ... 186 Hydrants See Fire Plugs. Improvement powers for, vested in commissioners, &c., transferred to vestries and district boards 47 expenses of, under existing powers, to be deemed expenses incurred in execution of Act ... ... ..- ... 49 power to metropolitan board to improve streets, &c., or to contribute and join with others in any such im- provement ... ... ... ... 84 extended by 19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 10, to applications to parliament for parks, &c. 165 reference to Acts obtained by the board as to streets and parks 166?t reference to Acts obtained by the board for the manage- ment of commons ... ... ... 347?i reference to Thames Embankment Act and improvements connected therewith 242>i vestries and district boards impowered to effect, with con- sent of metropolitan board ... 200 plans and estimates of, for works exceeding ^50,000, to be submitted to commissioners of works (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 25) 85 cost of, where exceeding jl()0,000, to be sanctioned by par- liament (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 25) ... 86 provision for discharging existing liabilities under local Acts relating to 112 Acts obtained by board under the foregoing powers ... 166 special provisions respecting, in Ely Place and Mews ... 138 liv IMPROVEMENT continued. PAUE powers of improving and regulating streets under General Paving Act (Metropolis) ... ... ... ... 201 to which coal and wine duties applicable 239?i Act, definition of, in Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 ... 605 Improvement Acts (General), enumeration of, first sched. toMetropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 ... 265 of commons, under Metropolitan Commons Act, 1866 ... 345 Improvement Fund Thames Embankment Metropolis Improvement Fund meaning of, in Thames Embankment Act, 1862 ... 24271 consolidation of ... ... ... ... 242 coal and wine duties to form an accumulating, till appro- priated by parliament under Coal and Wine Duties Act, 1861 242 charges on, by subsequent Acts 242?i definition of _ 246 event in which, to be transferred to metropolitan board . . . 256 formation of, for purposes of Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 568 Improvement Rate for expenses incurred by metropolitan commissioners of sewers, may be levied by metropolitan boai'd ... 114 committee of appeal may make, for expense of improve- ments executed by metropolitan commissioners of sewers, and may summon defaulter and issue distress 180 Improvement Scheme for unhealthy areas by local authority, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1875 559 requisites of, by local authority ... ... 560 by provisional order to be confirmed by parliament ... 561 to be carried into execution by local authority ... ... 563 on failure by local authority, confirming authority to com- plete ' 564 variation of 5th section of Act of 1875 as to accommodation of the working-classes, Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1879 583 Inelosure See Garden, Hoarding. nothing by way of, to be erected without license ... ... 68 if not satisfactorily erected or kept in. good repair, may be removed and sold ... ... ... 69 Inelosure Commissioners not to entertain any application for inclosure of a metro- politan common under Commons Act, 1866 ... .. 348 memorial for scheme as to commons to inquiry into memorial by preparation by, of draft of scheme ... to cause draft scheme to be printed and published may refer scheme to assistant commissioner to settle and approve of scheme if, think fit appeal against determination of, by persons affected annual report of, to be laid before both houses of parliament 351 amendment of schemes by 352 provision for conveyance of commons to ... 353 348 349 349 349 349 349 350 Index. Iv Income PAGE of property vested in surveyors of highways, to vest in district boards and vestries 200 Incorporation of metropolitan board, district boards, and vestries of parishes in sched. (A.) ... ... ... ... ... 17 of authorities under Sanitary Act, 1866 (if not already incorporated) ... ... ... ... ... ... 652 of joint committee of corporation and metropolitan board under Kew and other Bridges Act ... ... ... 239 of Acts, see Act. Infant persons receiving two or more, for purpose of nursing, to register house under Infant Life Protection Act, 1872 539 inquest to be held on death of ... ... ... ... 540 a register to be kept ... ... ... ... ... ... 540 Infant Life Protection Act, 1872 539 Infectious Disorder See Nuisances Removal and Sanitary Acts. Inflammable Substance, and see Petroleum. powers given by Petroleum Act, 1871, with respect to, to be in addition to previous powers ... ... ... 430 Informer one-half of penalty itnder Act to go to, if not otherwise provided for ... ... ... ... 137 where vestry or district board are liable to any penalty, the whole shall go to (repealed by Metropolis Manage- ment Amendment Act, 1862, s. 107) 137 substituted provision as to application of penalty 221 as to operation of Metropolitan Police Act on application of penalty ... ... ... ... ... ... 22ln Inhabitants requisition of, Sanitary Act, 1866 ... 643 Inner and Middle Temples, &e. rating of, N to sewers rate, to what extent ... ... ... 110 to what extent liable to metropolitan consolidated rate ... 254 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32, not to apply to 335 Inquiry provisions as to, into accidents connected with explosives, under Explosives Act, 1875 468 by inclosure commissioners ... ... 348 expenses thereof ... ... ... ... 351 by board of trade (now local government board), on com- plaint as to supply of water ... 373 as to quality of water, under Water Act, 1871 388 by inspector, as to supply of gas ... 408 by board of trade, under Tramways Act ... 497 proceedings on local, as to unhealthy area, under Artizans, &c. Dwellings Act, 1875 567 notice of, to be publicly given ... 567 power to administer oath at 567 Ivi In deal. Insolvent See Bankrupt. Inspection minute books, &c. , to be open to ... ... 26 of drains, water-closets, &c., may be ordered by vestries and district boards ... ... ... ... ... 44 where no default found on, payment of expenses to be paid by vestry or district board 45 of county rate and basis, by metropolitan board ... ... 108 of assessment on places in sched. (C), to be allowed ... 110 penalty for refusing 110 of reports of vestries and district boards to be allowed ... 123 of premises, for purposes of flood works ... 736 Inspector appointed by privy council, empowered to enter slaughter- houses and knackers' yards for detection of disease, under Slaughter-houses Act, 1874 368 to give notice to company of his intention to visit new sources of water supply, under Water Act, 1852 ... 372 appointment of, to report upon new sources of water supply 372 appointment of, to inquire and report, where complaint is made as to quality and quantity of water ... ... 373 penalty for obstructing ... 373 powers of board of trade, under Metropolitan Water Acts, 1852 and 1871, are to be exerciseable by Local Government Board (Public Health Act, 1872) ... 372/t appointment of, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... ... 464 disqualification of person as ., ,.., -i^-, .;' ^64 powers of .,,?;;.. 464 notice by, to remedy dangerous practices, &c. ... ... 465 annual report by ... ... ... ... ... ... 465 inspection by railway, and of board of trade, under Explo- sives Act, 1875 465 copy of license and special rules certified by, to be evidence ... ... ... ... noQ O 466 keeping and carriage of samples by ... ij",,.' i c- -166 salary of 466 may search for explosives ... ... ... 472 may seize and detain explosives liable to forfeiture ... 473 may inspect wharf, carriage, boat, &c., with explosives in transitu ... ... ... ... ... 474 payment for samples of explosives by 475 Inspectors of Gas secretary of state may appoint ... ... ... ... 409 under Acts relating to certain companies, board of trade substituted for secretary of state ... ... ... 408)4 power of, so appointed ... ... ... 409 penalty on obstructing 409 Inspectors of Meters appointment of, under Gas Act, 1859 ... ... ... 397 remuneration of 398 not to be makers or sellers of meters, or to be in service of gas companies ... ... 398 to enter into bond or recognizance for due performance of duties 399 Index. Ivii INSPECTORS OP METERS continued. PAGE to attend at towns where gas is consumed, when required by justices 399 to pay fees to treasurer of county, &c. ... ... ... 399 penalty on, for misconduct 399 penalty for obstructing ... ... ... ... ... 401 may enter houses, &c., to inspect gas measures and meters 402 in case of dispute, decision of, to be referred to two, of adjoining districts 402 pei-sons aggrieved by decision, may appeal to quarter sessions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 403 Gas Act, 1859, and existing powers as to, not to be cumu- lative 403 Inspectors of Nuisances may inspect drains, waterclosets, &c., after giving twenty- four hours' notice 44 vestries and district boards may appoint 72 duties of 72 Inspectors of Weights and Measures powers of appointment of, by local Act vested in vestry, &c., may be put an end to ... ... ... ... 220 repealed, by Weights and Measures Act, which contains new provisions 220 Inspectors of Votes election of, at election of vestrymen and auditors 10 duties of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 to decide by lot when there is an equality of votes ... 12 whether decision conclusive or not ... ... ... ... 5n to publish list of vestrymen and auditors chosen 13 penalty on, for making incorrect return ... 13 may appoint an umpire (Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862) 183 Insurance Company definition of under Fire Brigade Act, 1865 ... ... 337 contribution by, to metropolitan board ... ... ... 340 contributions due from, deemed specialty debts due to board 340 to make a return to metropolitan board, of gross amount insured by it, in respect of property in the metropolis 340 penalty on, not making return ... ... ... ... 341 examination of books of, by metropolitan board 341 may establish a salvage force ... ... ... ... 344 metropolitan board to send information of fires to ... 345 Interest See Mortgage. to cease on expiration of notice to pay off mortgage debt... 117 I o be paid half-yearly 117 Interpretation See Terms. Iron Building or other building to which rules of Metropolitan Building Act inapplicable ... ... ... ... ... ... 293 as to, constructed before passing of Building Act, 1855 ... 312 Irregularity See District Surveyor. Iviii Index. J. Joint Occupation PAGE as to, for qualification for voting for boards and vestries ... 6 Joint Stock Company persons shareholders in, may be members of vestries or dis- trict boards, but not to vote when the company is interested 24 proviso as to officers of boards and vestries... ... ... 28 Justice See Penalty. Proceeding in case of officers failing to render account of moneys 29 may make order of admission to inspect underground rooms ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 to settle disputes as to payment of scavengers for removing refuse of trade 71 and also as to what is refuse ... 71 may order distress of overseers' goods, if they neglect to pay over rates ordered to be levied 105 to hear and determine appeals against rate made by assessor ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ill may appoint receiver of rates for payment of mortgage ' money and rates 118 determination by, of questions concerning damages, costs, or expenses ... ... ... ... 135 extended to damages, &c., not otherwise provided for ... 221 compensation, damages, and expenses, if disputed, and under ,50, to be ascertained by ... ... ... 133 penalties to be recovered before, as provided by 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 135 liability for damage where party has incurred penalty, may be enforced before ... ... ... ... ... 136 to hear and determine complaints against offenders whose name and residence unknown ... ... .... ... 136 appeal against decision of, to quarter sessions ... ... 136 in any proceedings for recovery of rates before, one sum- mons only to issue ... ... ... ... ... 177 signature of, to summons may be in writing or by stamp 177 recovery of money assessed on extra-parochial places for debts, before ... ... ... ... ... ,.. 177 recovery of expenses of sewers in new streets before ... 190 contribution to expenses of sewers may be recovered before 193 expenses of works of branching drains incurred by trustees, &c., may be recovered before ... ... ... ... 195 may hear and determine complaint where building erected beyond general line Metropolis Management (Amend- 'l' 11 ment) Act, 1862 203 if order disobeyed, building may be demolished, and ex- penses recovered 205 recovery of costs of paving new street before 206 recovery of expenses of draining courts, &c., on default before 208 grant of licenses for cow-houses and slaughter-houses by justices in special sessions ... ... 215 penalties and forfeitures recoverable before, as provided by 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 220 Index. lix JUSTICE continued. PAGE on non-compliance by builder, with notice by district sur- veyor, may make order to comply with requisition, under Building Act, 1865 ..." 290 may cause inmates to be removed from structure certified to be dangerous 298 appeal from determination of, to superior court of common law 309 hearing on complaint as to supply of gas, under Gas Act, 1860 413 order by ... ... ... ... ... 413 jurisdiction of, for purposes of Explosives Act, 1875 ... 417 power to, on request of party to have article of food or drugs analysed at Somerset House, under Food and Drugs Act, 1875 592 order of, under llth section of Nuisance Removal Act, 1855, to admit local authority or their officer to inspect premises ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 611 to order abatement, or discontinuance, and prohibition of nuisance 612 requisition in writing by ten inhabitants sufficient to autho- rize complaint to, under 27th section of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 618 order of, in case of overcrowded house 619 on complaint of nuisance by inhabitant, may inquire and act in relation thereto, imder section 12 of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, and Nuisances Removal Act, 1860 634 not incapable of acting by being member of local authority 635 may order animal, carcase, meat, &c., unfit for food to be destroyed, and penalty on person in whose possession found 637 warrant of, to authorize officer of police to enter dwelling- house 642 order by, to admit nuisance authority or their officer for purposes of Sanitary Act, 1866, as well as to ground proceedings under 12th section of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 644 duration of order of, under llth section of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 646 direction of, for closing premises where two convictions under any Act relating to overcrowding or illegal occupation of cellar ... ... ... ... ... 649 appearance of nuisance authority, &c., before, on legal pro- ceedings by clerk or by officer or member authorized in manner directed ... ... ... ... ... 652 order by, for closing well, tank, &c., when water polluted 660 may cause water to be analyzed 660 requirements in order of, for removal of sick persons to hospital ... ... ... ... ... 661 proceedings against surveyor of pavements under General Paving (Metropolis) Act, where pavement out of repair ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 666 fines on persons returned as jurors, &c., for non-attendance, default, &c 705 K. Knacker See Slaughter-houses. Ix Index. L. Label PAGE on vessel containing petroleum, under Petroleum Act, 1871 425 protection under Food and Drugs Act, 1875, by giving ... 587 Lamp See Lighting. wilfully damaging, penalty for 127 carelessly or accidentally damaging, damage to be paid ... 127 local authority may provide lamp-posts, &c. ... ... 412 limit of charge for gas supplied to public ... : ..','' ->>' ... 414 lamp-post, penalty for defacing ... .'.;., ... ;; ... 213 Land power of boards and vestries to purchase and lease ... 91 to enable the purchase of, certain provisions of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act incorporated ... ... 91 easement not included in, under Lands Clauses Consoli- dation Act ... ... ... ... ... ... 91 not to be taken compulsorily, except by metropolitan board with consent of secretary of state ... ... 92 notice by advertisement to be given before applying for consent to take ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 as to compulsory powers of taking, vested in metropolitan boards and vestries under other Acts ... ... ... 92 reference to legal decisions as to taking and using, damag- ing or inj uriously affecting 75n, 93 power to dispose of or let, not wanted, and application of money arising from sale of ... ... 95 owner of, may on sale reserve a right of pre-emption ... 96 used as arable, meadow, &c., to be rated to sewers rate at one-fourth part of net annual value ... ... ... 103 to be rated to lighting rate at a rate three times less than other property ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 existing exemptions from lighting rated allowed in rating 105 district boards and vestries may take, to be maintained as an open space or pleasure ground ... ... ... 166 compulsory powers of taking, by metropolitan board, ex- tended to, for roads, and depositing earth and materials 178 owner of, may execute drainage works at own expense ... 187 owner of, abutting, to pay contribution to paving new streets ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 206 may be charged in less proportion than house property for paving 206 power of metropolitan board to sell, &c., not affected by Metropolitan Board of Works Loans Act, 1869 ... 262 purchasers of, from metropolitan board to be freed from charges ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 262 purchase of, for purposes of fire brigade, under Fire Brigade Act, 1865 338 acquisition of, under Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 567 as to redemption of tithe rent charge on, for purposes of Act 564?i appropriation of, for improvement scheme ... ... ... 583 interpretation of, under Thames River (Prevention of Floods) Act r/uftacuV.; 731 entry upon, for purposes of flood works ... ' '.*;"""' l ... 734 power to inspect, for purposes of flood works ... ... 736 rent charge on, in respect of works ... ... ... ... 742 Index. Ixi Lands Clauses Consolidation Act PAGE to enable the purchase of lands, certain provisions incor- porated with Act... ... ... ... ... ... 91 compulsory powers under, with certain exceptions, incor- porated with Thames Embankment and other Acts ... 92n amount of compensation if over ,50 to be settled by arbi- tration, according to provisions contained in ... ... 134 compulsory powers of taking land by metropolitan board, given by, extend to land for road, and deposit of earth and materials ... ... ... ... ... ... 178 incorporation of, with Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 720 Landlord See Owner. tenant may, when entitled, if Act had not passed, deduct sewers' rate from rent of ... ... ... ... 107 agreements between, and tenant, as to payment of rates, &c., not affected by Act 132 nothing in Act to vary liability to poor rate ... ... 164 liability when tenant makes default in payment of poor rate for which he claimed to be rated 164 saving of rights of .., 254 nothing in Building Act, 1855, to affect rights or liabilities between, and tenant ... ... ... ... ... 312 Legal Proceedings See Proceedings. Lessee execution of works by, Artizans, &c. Dwellings Act (1868) Amendment Act, 1879 724 Lewisham See Plumstead. Liabilities books of account of, of boards and vestries to be kept ... 28 of commissioners under local Acts to be paid out of rates levied by vestry or district board 51 discharge of, under local Acts ... ... 112 of metropolitan commissioners of sewers ... ... ... 113 list of, of metropolitan commissioners of sewers, sched. (A.) 228 License See Cowhouse, Hoarding, Slaurjiiter-home, Petroleum. in writing, to be obtained from vestry or district board, previous to erection of hoard ... ... ... , . . 68 to state place where, and purposes for which hoarding to be set up 69 not to be given for slaughter-house without notice to vestry or district board ... ... ... ... ... ... 72 repealed by 92nd section of Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, with altered provisions ... 215 granted under repealed sections of original Act and Metro- politan Market Act, 1857, to continue in force (Metro- polis Management Act, 1862) 214 justices to grant, for cow-houses and slaughter-houses ... 215 one month's notice to be given of intention to apply for ... 216 amendment of law as to renewal of, for slaughter-houses in special session Slaughter-houses (Metropolis) Act, 1874 367 Ixii Index. LICENSE continued. PAGE as to provisional, for new premises for performance of stage plays, &c., Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 330 mode of granting, under Petroleum Act, 1871 ... ... 426 where refused, applicant may memorialize secretary of state or lord lieutenant ... . . ... ... ... 427 application for, for new gunpowder factory (Explosives Act, 1875) 436 grant and confirmation, of ... ... ... ... ... 438 register of store, and registered premises to be kept by local aiithority ... ... ... ... 450 alteration of terms of, and enlargement of factory or magazine 442 devolution and determination of ... ... ... ... 442 to be obtained for consumers' stores for gunpowder, from local authority ... ... ... ... ... ... 444 non-transferability, removal, and forms of, for stores . . . 446 fees for, and for continuing certificates ... ... 450,491 in what cases continuing certificate not required 463 to use tramway may be granted to third parties by board of trade 509 rules as to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 510 Licensee in default of payment of tolls by, of tramway, carriages may be detained and sold under Tramways Act, 1870 510 to give account of number of passengers conveyed in tramway ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 510 penalty for non-compliance ... ... ... ... ... 510 of tramway liable for damage done by carriages or servants 511 Lighting, Paving, \Vatering, &c. powers and duties relating to, vested in vestries and dis- trict boards ... ... ... ... 47 expenses of, under existing powers to be deemed expenses incurred in execution of Act ... ... ... ... 49 vestries and district boards to cause the, of streets ... 71 rates for, how to be collected 99 rate, in what cases overseers to make ... 100 provision for discharging existing liabilities under local Act relating to 112 penalty for wilfully damaging lamps for ... ... ... 127 any one accidentally damaging lamps for, to pay amount of damage 127 Lime not to be slacked, &c., in streets without consent 694 Limitation See Appeal. of time for appealing against orders of boards and vestries 128 as to recognizance, &c., on appeal against assessment on places in sched. (C.) ... ... ... Ill on appeal against adjudication of justices with respect to penalty under Act 136 for claim of compensation by officers of parliamentary board whose power determined by Act ... ... 130 on appeal against rejection of claim 130 of time for claim of compensation by paid surveyor of highways 130 Jndex. Ixiii LIMITATION continued. PAGK of time for completion of works specified in Main Drainage Act 179 of time for bringing action against boards and vestries, six months 223 of time for suing for penalties, six months ... 224 with respect to notice by district surveyor in case of irre- gularity under Metropolis Building Act, 1855 ... 290 on appeal against account of building owner 304 provisions as to, of time, when due notice as to buildings erected or work done has not been given 308 on appeal to superior court against order of justices ... 309 as to application for compensation by appeal before regis- trar of metropolitan buildings ... ... ... ... 312 of time for appeal, Locomotive Act Amendment Act ... 533 Line of Building See Building, Street. Lists of persons chosen as vestrymen and auditors to be pub- lished ^ 13 penalty on inspector making incorrect 13 how to be published ... 13 of members and officers of vestries and district boards to be sent to metropolitan board 123 may be sold 123 of estates, charities, and bequests to be made by vestries and published ... 123 to be open to inspection 123 Loan to metropolitan boards and vestries, under 14 & 15 Viet. c. 43, s. 23 ... 116 repealed as to metropolitan board by Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 264 to metropolitan board by public works loan commissioners and commissioners for reduction of national debt ... 248 where obtained by vestries, &c., from metropolitan board, reference concerning rateable value of property and financial condition 247w by metropolitan board to managers of metropolitan asylum district ... ^ 259 to public bodies, vestries, and district boards, &c. ... 259, ZQOn to metropolitan commissioners of sewers, apportionment, &c 228 Acts authorizing, first schedule Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 265 as to, to local authority under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 725 Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 245 Local Acts See Commissioners. power of paving, &c., under, to vest in vestries and district boards 48 transfer of property 50 existing contracts valid 50 provision for discharging liabilities of bodies acting under 112 time of collecting rates under, to be altered, if necessary... 120 3 G Ixiv Index. LOCAL ACTS continued. PAGE savings and provisions in, as to commissioners of sewers to apply to boards and vestries 128 repeal of Acts inconsistent with Act ... ... ... 142 variation of provisions of, by order in council ... ... 142 Local Authority See Nuisances Eemoval and Sanitary Acts. description of, under Commons Act, 1866 ... ' -,'..'"- ... 354 may contribute for purposes of scheme as to common ... 351 expenses of, to be paid out of local rate ... ... ... 351 definition of, under Slaughter-houses, &c., (Metropolis) Act, 1874 368 certain trades may be established anew with sanction of ... 364 power of, to make bye-laws ... ... ... ... ... 364 fees for sanction of ... ... ... ... ... ... 367 definition of, under Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 407 gas companies to light streets when required by ... ... 411 may provide lamp-posts and lamps ... ... ... ... 412 to appoint gas examiner ... ... ... ... ... 413 two or more, may join in appointment ... ... ... 413 differences between, and gas companies to be settled by arbitration 414 expenditure of... ... ... ... ... ... ... 421 definition of, under Petroleum Act, 1871 ... ... ... 426 testing of petroleum by officer of 427 definition of, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... ... ... 470 application for assent of, to site of new factory or magazine for gunpowder ... . . . ... ... ... ... 437 registration with, of premises for keeping of gunpowder ... 447 to keep a register of store licenses and registered premises 450 power of certain local bodies to become 470 duty of, and power of officer of ... ... ... ... 470 expenses of, under Act to be paid out of the local rate ... 471 definition of, under Tramways Act, 1 870 496 may lease or take tolls of tramways... ... 501 as to expenses of construction of tramway, where, are the promoters ... ... ... ... 502 as to purchase of tramway by ... ... ... ... 512 may make bye-laws ... ... ... ... ... ... 514 may license drivers, conductors, &c... ... ... ... 515 power for, or police authorities to regulate traffic in roads on which tramway is laid ... ... ... ... 517 as to approval of application by, for provisional order ... 521 definition of limits in which, emposvered to make orders as to hours during which lomotives may pass over roads ... ... ... ... 531 under Locomotives Act, 1865 527 may make orders as to hours, &c., when locomotives may pass through towns 527 definition of, and powers under Destructive Insects Act, 1877 537 to give copies of reports of surveyor, under Artizans, and . Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868, to owner ... ... 546 description of, under Artizans &c., Dwellings Act, 1868 ... 554 to give notice to owner of preparation of plans of required works 546 persons aggrieved, may appeal ... ... 547 Index, Ixv LOCAL AUTHORITY continued. PAGE where decision is in favour of owner, report, &c., to be sent to parties liable ... ... ... ... 548 provision where, execute required works themselves ... 550 to pay compensation when total demolition required ... 550 definition of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875... ... ... 559 scheme for improvement of unhealthy areas by ... . . 559 requisites of improvement scheme by duty of, to carry improvement scheme, when confirmed into execution entry on lands and deposit of money by ... definition of, under Diseases Prevention Act, 1858 560 563 577 601 to see to execution of regulations issued under Act when empowered to execute Nuisance Removal Act, 1855 601 as to appointment of sanitary inspector by, \inder Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 610 notice of nuisances to be given to 610 as to power of entry of ... ... 610 proceedings by, before justices in case of nuisances likely to recur, &c 611 may enter and remove nuisance 613 may cover and improve sewers 615 how expenses of, to be defrayed ... ... 631 vestries and district boards to be, for metropolis (Nuisance Removal and 1 )iseases Prevention Act, 1860) 633 under Petroleum Act, 1871 ... 426 under Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 ... ... 214)t description of metropolitan authority under Metropolis Water Act, 1871 394 Infant Life Protection Act ... 542 definition of, under Artizans Dwellings Act, 1868, Amend- ment Act, 1879 722 recovery of expenses incurred by ... ... ... ... 722 disposal of land acquired by 722 may dedicate land as highway or other public place ... 723 metropolitan board to enforce Act on neglect of 723 appropriation of property acquired by 723 to present annual account to secretary of state _ 724 contracts by, for building, &c., workmen's dwellings ... 724 power of, to make bye-laws respecting dwellings 725 as to expenses of ... ... 725 loans to, by public works loan commissioners 725 Local Rate description of, under Commons Act, 1866 ... ... ... 354 payment of expenses of local authority out of 351 definition of, under Explosives A.ct, 1875 471 expenses of local authority under Act to be paid out of ... 471 Locomotive rules for manner of working on turnpike roads and high- ways under Locomotives Act, 1865 526 penalty on non-compliance with rules 526 as to speed of, on turnpike roads and highways 526 as to size and weight of 527 restrictions as to use of steam engines within twenty-five yards of road not to apply to, used for ploughing pur- poses 527 3a2 Ixvi Index. LOCOMOTIVE continued. PAGE name and residence of owner to be affixed to ... ... 527 local authorities may make orders as to hours, &c., when, may pass through towns 527 description of, under Act ... 527 penalty for non-compliance with orders _ 528 saving in Act as to actions at law respecting ... ... 529 as to weight of and construction of wheels of, under Amend- ment Act, 1878 530 steam, to be constructed so as to consume their own smoke 531 local authority may make orders as to hours during which, may pass over roads 531 county authority may make bye-laws for granting licenses touse 532 Locomotives Act, 1865 525 Highways and Locomotives Amendment Act, 1878 ... 530 Lodging secretary of state may empower nuisance authority to make regulations as to houses let out in, under Sanitary Act, 1866 649 provision not to apply to lodging-houses within Common Lodging Houses Act 649 London city of, included in metropolis, as denned by Metropolis Management Act, 1855 1 meaning of word, in City of London Sewers Act, 1848 ... In lord mayor, aldermen, and commons to elect three mem- bers of metropolitan board for 20 sewers in schedule D. vested in commissioners of sewers for, to be vested in metropolitan board of works ... 73 assessment of rates on ... 107 precepts for payment of money to be addressed to chamber- lain 108 chamberlain to pay moneys required, and be reimbursed out of rates made by commissioners of sewers ... 109 savings, &c., in local Acts applicable to commissioners of sewers to apply to commissioners of sewers for ... 128 saving of powers of commissioners of sewers of 141 interpretation of "city" ... ... ... 144 powers conferred on the metropolitan board as to naming and numbering of streets and houses to extend to ... 212 metropolis to include... ... 225 Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, nothing in building Act to affect powers of commissioners of sewers of 276 Part II. of 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32, not to apply to 334 reference to powers and duties of the corporation of Lon- don under various Acts relating to or operating on the metropolis 18, 19, notes statement of accounts of water companies to be sent to town clerk of, under Water Act, 1871 390 as to weight, &c., of locomotives to be used on roads in, . under Highways and Locomotives (Amendment) Act, 1878 ... 531 bridge approaches fund 237, 238?i duties under Coal and Wine Continuance Act, levied by corporation of, and application of duties by 259?i lndex t Ixvii LONDON continued. PAGE meaning of expression " London district" 240 port of, its extent 240u joint committee of corporation of, and metropolitan board, constituted by Kew and other Bridges Act ... ... 239n London and North-^Vestern Ry. Co. agreement between the St. Pancras paving commissioners and, confirmed ... ... ... ... ... ... 138 London Gazette particulars of division of parishes and apportionments of vestrymen, to be published in 3 names of persons appointed to set out wards to be pub- lished in... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 orders in council varying provisions of local Acts to be published in ... ... ... 143 orders in council extending Act to adjoining parishes to be published in ... 143 division of parishes where more than 2,000 rated house- holders, into wards, and apportionment of vestrymen, to be published in 186 if approved by secretary of state to be again pxiblished in. . . 186 or secretary may alter same and, publish alteration in ... 186 notice of constant supply of water to be published in ... 386 Lord Lieutenant in case of refusal of license under Petroleum Act, 1871, applicant may memorialize, or secretary of state ... 427 M. Magazine See Factory. Main Drainage metropolitan board to execute such works as are necessary to prevent sewage flowing into the Thames in or near metropolis 74 empowered by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, to execute works for preventing sewage from passing into the Thames urithin the metropolis ... I7n extended, powers given by Act Yin extension of powers under subsequent enactments. . . ... 18n contributions to cost of, by parishes, &c., beyond metro- politan area 74n, creation of consolidated stock for raising portion of loans... 247 list of Main Drainage Acts authorizing loans ... ... 265 Main Drainage Rate statutory provisions under which assessed ... ... ... 251 debt of Counters Creek works and part of debt of Eavens- bourne works to be paid out of moneys raised on, (Metropolis Local Management Act, 1862) .. ... 167 certain expenses in respect of Victoria Street sewer to be paid out of moneys raised on ... ... 170 sums received on account of, from places in schedule (C.) of original Act, beyond amount of, may be placed to their credit 174 how to be assessed in places in schedule (C.) to original Act 174 Ixviii Index. MAIN DKAINAGE RATE continued. PAGE vestries to include in sewers rate precept of metropolitan board ; and may make a separate rate for ... ... 174 sums collected in places in schedule (C.) to 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, beyond amount of rate for, to be placed to credit of such places ... ... ... ... 174 metropolitan board required to levy consolidated rate in lieu of all rates or assessments authorized to be assessed by them generally over the metropolis ... ... 251 Main Sewers See Sewer. of metropolis, list and description of, in schedule (D.) ... 149 Mains water, not to be laid in December, January, or February, without consent ... ... ... ... 64 gas, not to be laid at any time without consent 64 three days' notice to be given when new service pipes to be laid to existing , 64 Main, District See District Main. Manure See Nuisances Removal and Sanitary Acts. Manure Manufacturer See Slaughter-houses. Map of underground works of water companies to be made and kept at principal office of each company, and to be open to inspection ... ... ... ... ... 375 gas companies to cause, of their districts to be made ... 416 as to deposit and inspection of ... ... ... ... 416 charge for inspection of 416 Measure fixing unit of, for sale of gas by meter ... ... ... 396 Medical Officer as to payment of, when required to attend sick on board vessels, under Diseases Prevention Act, 1855 ... 602 Medical Officers of Health vestries and district boards to appoint and pay ... ... 72 salary of, duties of, maybe removed... ... ... ... 72 to make annual report to vestry or district board 187 Medicine temporary supply of, by nuisance authority; Sanitary Act, 1868 659 Meeting of vestry not to beheld in a church... ... 14 of vestry for election of chairman ... 14 ordinary and special, of district board ... 16 election of chairman at ... ... ... ... ... 17 of metropolitan board 21, 22 special meetings ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 of vestries may be convened by notice sent by clerk three days before, and by affixing near place of ... ... 165 district boards and vestries may appoint days for ... 184 special, of vestries, convening of 165 liideat. Ixix Memorial PAGE for scheme as to common, under Commons Act, 1 866 . . . 348 inquiry into, by commissioners 349 Meter under Gas Act, 1859, definition of 396 models of, to be made and verified under direction of the Treasury ... 396 models to be deposited in certain places 396 appointment of inspectors of gas ... ... 397 when stamped need not be re-stamped 399 penalty for counterfeiting stamps for marking _ ... v . 400 not to be stamped if more than two per cent, incorrect in favour of the buyer, or three per cent, in favour of the seller ... 400 certain, incorrect against the sellers of gas may be used by agreement 400 rules for testing ... ... ... 400 consumer of gas may use any stamped ... ... ... 401 ten years after passing Gas Act, 1859, to be stamped ... 401 after twelve months from passing of Act, not to be sold unless stamped ... ... ... 401 penalty for fixing, before being stamped ... 401 fees for testing and stamping ... ... ... ... 402 gas companies to provide, at prescribed rents, under Gas Act, 1860 409 limit of charge by companies for, and gas 414 inspectors of see Inspectors of Meters. Metropolis interpretation of ... ... ... ... 143 power of metropolitan board to make improvements in ... 84 main sewers of, sched. (D.) 149 sewers and works may be executed by district boards and vestries beyond limits of, with consent of metropolitan board, &c ... ... 192 not to apply to any work for purposes of main drainage of 193 certain powers of Metropolitan Paving Act to extend to, as defined by 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, and 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 201 definition of, under Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862 225 definition of, under Fire Brigade Act 337 definition of, under Open Spaces Act, 1877 definition of, under Slaughter-houses Act, 1874 restriction as to sources of supply of water to the Water Act, 1852 , under 368 371 definition of, under Water Act, 1871 379 definition of, under Gas Act, 1860 407 definition of, under Subways Act, 1868 ... 493 definition of, under Highways and Locomotives (Amend- ment) Act, 1878 ... 534 definition of, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868 ... 545 under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 ... 572 General Paving Act to extend to all streets in 664 Local Management Act, 1855 1 Local Management Act, 1856 ... ... ... ... 161 Local Management Act, 1862 ... 167 Ixx Index. METROPOLIS continued. PAGE Management (Amendment) Act, 1875 272 Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 ... 324 Management (Thames Eiver Prevention of Floods) Act, 1879 730 Metropolitan Asylum District metropolitan board may lend money to managers of ... 259 Metropolitan Authority definition of under Metropolis Water Act, 1871 380 may apply to water companies for a .supply of water to any district 381 notice of regulations of water companies to be given to ... 385 Metropolitan Bills (Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1877), s. 15 257% Metropolitan Board of ^Works constitution and incorporation of ... ... 17 powers of, with respect to sewerage and other matters tinder Metropolis Management Act, 1855, and other Acts I7ra election of members of ... 20 election of chairman, and term of office of members of ... 21 as to meetings of 22 chairman to preside 23 disqualification of members and auditors of 23 revocation or alteration of resolutions 25 appointment of committees 25 inspection of books ... ... 26 clerk and treasurer of, not to be same person 27 penalty on officers, &c., of, being interested in contracts of, or exacting or accepting fees ... ... ... ... 27 officers, &c., to give security when entrusted with money 28 to provide proper offices and attendance 30 main sewers (schedule D. to Act) vested in 73 powers as to sewerage see Sewers ... ... 73 to regulate naming of streets and numbering ot houses ... 83 buildings not to be brought beyond regular line of street, without consent of 84 repealed by section 87 of Metropolis Management Amend- ment Act, 1862, which prohibits building beyond general line and makes other alterations 202 power of, to make improvements ... 84 if cost of improvement by, exceed fifty thousand pounds, plans to be laid before commissioners of works (re- pealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 25) 85 if cost exceed one hundred thousand pounds, plans to be sanctioned by parliament (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 25) 86 proceedings by or against the metropolitan commissioners of sewers to be continued by or against 86 property of commissioners of sewers to be transferred to 87 may purchase or lease lands for purposes of Act ... ... 91 not to take lands or easements compulsorily, except with consent of secretary of state ... ... 92 may break up turnpike roads, subject to certain restrictions (repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, s. 33, which contains substituted provisions) 96, 182 Index. Ixxi METROPOLITAN BOARD OP WORKS continued. PAGE provisions for defraying expenses of, in execution of Act ... 107 repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, section 5 which contains new provisions ... 172 to issue precepts to the chamberlain of the city, and to vestries and district boards ... ... ... ... 108 payment of sums assessed on vestries and district boards to 109 assessment on places in sched. (C.) ... ... 109 appeal against assessment ... ... ... Ill may under certain circumstances apportion debts of old commissioners 112 to discharge liabilities of metropolitan commissioners of sewers ... ... ... ... 113 to levy improvement rates for recovery of expenses in- curred by metropolitan commissioners of sewers ... 114 general powers to borrow for defraying expenses of execut- ing Act 114 repealed with certain exceptions as to Metropolitan Board by Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, which contains new provisions ... ... 114ft may give sanction to vestries and district boards to borrow 114 to keep annual accounts ... ... 120 auditor of accounts of, to be appointed by secretary of state (by Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, s. 18, to be appointed by treasury) ... 120 accounts of, how to be audited 121 remun eration of auditor 120 and note to make amraal report of proceedings 123 may make, alter, and repeal bye-laws for objects specified 124 publication and evidence of bye-laws of ... 125 provisions for protection of property and works of ... 126 no buildings to be erected over a sewer without consent of 126 prohibition of placing buildings, &c., on sewers, under Metropolis Management Act, 1862 198 penalty for wilfully damaging, &c., lamps or other pro- perty of 127 appeal to, against orders, &c., of boards and vestries with respect to constructions of buildings, sewers, &c. ... 128 to appoint committee to hear appeals ... 129 may grant retiring pensions or allowances to officers of metropolitan commissioners of sewers ... ... ... 129 may confirm allowances to officers of paving boards, &c. ... 130 persons whose claim to compensation is rejected by boards or vestries may appeal to 130 as to service of notices on ... ... ... 132 amount of compensation if disputed, where claim under 50 to be settled by justice, if over, by arbitra- tion 133 authentication of documents by ... / ... 153 apportionment of money owing by, to Clergy Mutual Assurance Society 170 sums to be assessed by, for defraying expenses of execution of Act 172 and note by Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869, sec- tion 22, consolidated rates to be levied in lieu of all rates and assessments authorized to be assessed by board generally on the metropolis 251 form of assessment now in use ,.. 252?i Ixxii Index. METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS continued. PAGE rates by, to be assessed and charged in the same manner as the county rate ... ... ... ... ... ... 173 valuation lists under Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, now conclusive lOOu how to assess places in sched. (C.) to original Act ... ... 174 may amend or revoke assessment or precept ... ... 175 may demand copies of poor rates ... 176 recovery of moneys assessed by, on extra-parochial property for payment of debts ... ... ... 177 may take lands for roads, and for deposit of earth and materials ... ... ... ... ... 178 may stop up carriage and footways in order to execute works 178 to maintain all bridges, culverts, &c., erected by them ... 179 votes by, exceeding 20,000 to be confirmed at a subse- quent meeting ... ... ... ... ... ... 179 committee of appeal of, may allow or dismiss appeal, or quash or vary order 180 transfer of powers of district boards and vestries as to sewerage, &c., not to be made without consent of ... 180 may open and break up turnpike roads, subject to certain restrictions ... ... ... ... ... ... 182 may set out wards, on application of vestry, &c., where parish found to contain more than 2000 rated house- holders 186 to apportion vestrymen to be elected ... ... ... 186 appeal to, against orders of district boards and vestries, as to amount of apportionment of expenses of works ... 191 may sanction the execution of works by district boards or vestries, beyond the limits of the metropolis ... ... 192 half-yearly report of cellars occupied as dwellings to be made to, by district surveyor ... ... 195 consent of, necessary before making improvements by district boards and vestries 200 no building to be erected beyond general line without con- sent of 202 no building in a new street, except a church or chapel, to exceed defined height, without consent of ... ... 209 may place, roadway, &c. in different parishes or districts, under management of one vestry or district board ... 210 one calendar month's notice of action to be given to metro- politan board, vestries, &c., and officers, and as to limi- tation, venue, plea, &c 222 powers and duties of, for effecting improvements and other objects conferred by other statutes ... ... ... 239?i reference to Acts relating to the embankment of the Thames 242?i to constitute, with Corporation of London, joint committee under Kew and other Bridges Act 239?t after passing of Act, no borrowing powers to be exercised, except in conformity therewith (Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869) 246 creation by, of consolidated stock ... ... ... ... 247 may issue certificates of consolidated stock ... ... 249 power of, to levy consolidated rate 251 eventual transfer of improvement fund to ... .,. ... 256 additional borrowing powers of ... 257 may create consolidated stock for paying oft' money bor- rowed, &c. 257 Index. Ixxiii METROPOLITAN BOARD OP WORKS continued. PAGE may carry sinking fund to consolidated loans fund . . . 257 limit of borrowing powers of ... ... ... ... ... 261 other Acts relating to borrowing by the board 2A6n power of, to sell, &c. land 262 may create annuities ... ... ... ... ... ... 263 may raise money by issue of metropolitan bills, Metro- politan Board of Works (Money) Act, 1877 ... 257?i may grant superannuation allowances to officers in certain cases 270 to make abatement on assessment of parts of metropolis containing property exempt from sewers' rate ... 273 powers of, under Building Act See Building, Building and Adjoining Owner, District Surveyor, Structure ... 293 transfer of powers of commissioners of police as to dan- gerous structures to ... ... ... 322 may make regulations as to new theatres and certain new music-halls for protection from fire ... ... ... 330 power of, to make bye-laws with respect to sites and foun- dations of houses... ... ... ... ... ... 331 duty of, in relation to fire under Fire Brigade Act ... 338 may make regulations for fire brigade ... ... ... 339 may examine books of insurance companies 341 to make annual reports to secretary of state of acts done and expenditure incurred under Fire-brigade Act ... 344 powers and duties of, under Commons Act, 1866 355 gardens in squares, &c. may be freed from neglect, &c. and vested in, under Gardens in Towns Protection Act, 1863 357 under Open Spaces Act, 1877 363 under Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 408 under special Acts relating to particular gas companies ... 4Q5n under Slaughter-houses (Metropolis) Act ... 363 tinder Metropolis Water Act, 1871 380 under Explosives Act 417 under Petroleum Acts 423, 7 1 5 Under Subways Act ... ... ... ... 493 under Tramways Act... ... ... ... ... ... 496 under Locomotives Acts 525,530 under Destructive Insects Act ... ... ... ... 536 under Artizans Dwellings Act, 1875 and 1879 ... 558, 582 Under (Metropolis) Monuments Act ... ... 19u to make plan of necessary flood works, and serve notice 011 parties affected, under Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 732 limitation of powers of, as to works 733 powers as to works of a temporary character ... ... 733 power to, to execute flood works in default of commis- sioners of sewers, vestries, &c. ... ... ... ... 734 powers to, to take lands 735 authority by, to commissioners of sewers, vestries, &c., to take and use premises ... ... ... ... ... 735 power to construct flood works on, through, and under bed, banks, and shore of Thames ... ... ... ... 735 previous sanction of, for alteration of banks ... ... 737 survey of bank by district surveyor on requisition of ... 738 claims on, for compensation for damage, &c. ... ... 738 proceedings in arbitration ... ... ... 739 Ixxiv Index. METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT, 1855 continued. PAGB recovery of expenses by ... ... ... 741 application of monies raised under other Acts and expenses of, under this Act 744 expenses, how raised and paid 748 Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 245 Metropolitan Building Act, 1855. See Building, District Surveyor, Adjoining and Building Owner, Structure ... ... 274 commencement of 274 interpretation of terms 274 limits of 276 division of ... ... ... 276 to extend to all places within limits denned by 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120 276 not to affect powers vested in commissioners of sewers of city of London ... ... ... ... ... ... 276 buildings exempt from operation of Part 1. 277 regulation and supervision of buildings 276 as to alterations and additions ... 278 rules for construction of buildings 279 district surveyors 286 expenses 294 dangerous structures ... 306 party structures 298 service of summons 307 determination of differences 307 appeal 308 penalties 308 notice of action, &c 310 repeal and temporary provisions 310 compensation to official referees, &c. 312 schedules 314 to apply (subject to exemptions) to all new buildings ... 278 powers given by, to commissioners of police, to be trans- ferred to metropolitan board of works ... 322 amendment of section 74 of, with respect to sale of dan- gerous structure ... ... 334 Amendment Act, 1860 320 Amendment Act, 1861 321 Amendment Act, 1869 322 Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 324 Metropolitan Burials Acts saving as to ... ... ... 49 Metropolitan Cattle Market exemption in Slaughter-houses Act respecting 369 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers sewers vested in, to be vested in metropolitan board of works ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 powers of, to cease 86 actions by, or against, not to abate ... ... 86 property of, to be transferred to metropolitan board of works 87 Index. Ixxv METROPOLITAN COMMISSIONERS OF SEWERS continued. PAGE provisions for paymeiit of liabilities of 113 savings in local Acts applicable to, to apply to boards and vestries 128 officers of, may be pensioned 129 list of securities and liabilities of, sched. (A.) 228 Metropolitan Market Acts as to slaughter-houses licensed under 72 section 35 of, 1857, repealed by Metropolis Management Act Amendment Act, 1862 213 Act of 1862 not to extend to slaughter-houses erected under authority of, 1851 or 1857 216 Metropolitan Paving Act, 1817 633 certain provisions of, to extend to metropolis as denned by 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120, and 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 201 Metropolitan Police District substituted for London district (Coal and Wine Duties Continuance Act, 1861) 240 as to erection of boundary stones or permanent marks on point where canals, railways, and roads eater district, and as to the other matters specified ... 240 excepted from repeal of Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874, effected by Public Health Act, 1875 604n Metropolitan Sewage Manure Company saving of rights of ... ... ... ... 141 Milk officer may obtain samples of, at place of delivery, for purpose of analysis, under Food and Drugs Amend- ment Act, 1879 598 penalty for refusal to give, for analysis ... ... ... 598 section 2 of Nuisances Removal Act, 1863, to extend to ... 661 purveyors of, and stores, shops, vessels for containing, &c., orders of privy council in relation to, Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 . ... 214n Mill compensation for interference with ancient ... ... 46 vestry or district board empowered to purchase rights in... 46 Minutes See Books. to be kept of proceedings by metropolitan board, and vestries and district boards ... ... ... ... 26 to be signed by members present, or two of them ... ... 26 purporting to be so signed, to be received as evidence ... 26 to be open to inspection by parties specified ... ... 26 Model See Metei-. Money See Borrowing, Loan, Mortgage, Monuments (Metropolis) Act, 1878 reference to 19n Mortgage securities by commissioners of sewers, to have priority over those granted subsequently 113 Ixxvi Index. MORTGAGE contimied. PAGE provisions relating to the borrowing of money, by metro- politan board, vestries and district boards ... ... 114 repealed as to metropolitan board of works by Metropo- litan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 ... ... 267 by vestries and district boards for improvements effected with consent of metropolitan board ... 201 commissioners under 14 & 15 Viet. c. 23, may advance money to (repealed as to the metropolitan board) ... 116 mortgage of rates 116, 159 form of 116 register of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 repayment of moneys borrowed on, with interest ... ... 117 how to be paid off, when no provision as to time ... 117 repayment of moneys borrowed on, may be enforced by appointment of a receiver ... ... ... ... 118 sinking-fund to be formed for paying off ... ... ... 119 to be paid off, as drawn by lot 119 on loans to vestries and district boards by metropolitan board 259n, 260n by vestries, &c., for payment of expenses, under Thames Floods Prevention Act 741 N. New Building See Building, House. with exemptions mentioned, Building Act, 1855, to apply to all ."iniMr. '-. ; 278 what are 278 alterations in, to be subject to regulations of Act 278 as to contracts for erection of, previously to passing of Build- ing Act, 1855 312 width of existing roads, &c., laid out for building as a street, Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862 218 New River Company Water Act, 1871, not to apply to certain property and ac- counts of 392 New Street See Street, Road. definition of 226 5 revisions for paving ... ... ... 59 ecisions on this and analogous enactments ... ... 59n expenses of paving, to be borne by owners of houses ... 59 liability to pave, extended to owners of land ... ... 206 height of buildings in 209 provisions as to erection of buildings in, in Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 325 Nitro-Glyeerine Act, 1869 continuing certificate not required for stores licensed under ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 463 Notice to be published by churchwardens before election of vestry- men under Metropolis Management Act ... ... 6,8 forms of, of election ... ... ... ... 9 how to be published ... ... ... 13 as to service of, on metropolitan board, and district boards and vestries 132 Index. Ixxvii NOTICE continued. PAGE may be in writing or print, and are sufficiently authenti- cated, if signed by clerk or person giving it 133 of meetings of vestry may be sent through post, and affixed near door of next place of meeting ... ... ... 165 penalty for defacing, affixed by board or vestry 213 as to, of intention to build ... ... ... 41 to owner of house to provide water-closet ... ... 44 by vestry or district board of intention to repair a street not a highway ... ... ... ... 62 by companies when pavement, &c., required to be taken up 63 by companies where pipe discovered to belong to another company ... ... ... ... ... 65 by vestry or district board to remove projections ... ... 67 seven days', to be given by vestry or district board previous to the removal of certain projections ... ... ... 68 no slaughter-house to be licensed without notice to vestry or district board ... 72 to metropolitan board of proposed names of streets ... 83 to be given where land or easement required to be taken 93 of intention to break up turnpike road to be given re- pealed by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 3 96 see substituted provision _ ... 182 public, of assessment on places in sched. (C.) to be given 110 of appeal against assessment of rate... ... ... ... Ill service of, on mortgagee to be personal, or at residence, or if unknown, then to be advertized ... ... ... 117 for repayment of mortgage money, when no time is specified 117 interest to cease on expiration of ... ... ... ... 117 of payment of mortgage after ballot to be given to mortgagee 120 of appeal against orders of vestries or district boards in re- lation to construction of works .. ... ... 128 of appeal against determination or adjudication of justice 136 of claim by occupier entitled to be rated ... ... ... 163 by metropolitan board of intention to make representation that adjoining parish should be included in Act ... 187 length of notice required before drains can be branched into main sewers ... ... ... ... ... 188 of intention to connect sewers with a main sewer ... 188 to metropolitan board of alteration or abandonment of design in sewer to be given 189 extension of time of, under section 76 and following sections of original Act as to draining of houses, &c 195 to owners or occupiers by district boards and vestries of in- tention to repair streets, not being highways . . . 208 penalty on persons beginning to lay foundations of houses without giving ... ... ... ... ... ... 212 of intention to apply for license for keeping slaughter-house 216 of action or proceeding against metropolitan board, ves- tries, &c. 222 to district surveyors by builders, Metropolis Building Act, 1855 288 penalty on builders neglecting to give notice of intended works 289 to be evidence of intended works ... ... ... ... 289 by district surveyor to builder in case of irregularity . . . 289 metropolitan board to issue forms of 293 rules as to service of, under Act 307 Ixxviii Index. NOTICE continued. PAGE as to limitation of time, when clue notice of building erected or work done, has not been given 308 of action 310 requiring or proposing constant supply of water, to be served on company or metropolitan authority, under Water Act, 1871 383 of regulations of water companies to be delivered to metro- politan authority ... ., 385 relating to constant supply of water to be published in London Gazette, &c. " 386 when to be given to gas company on complaint as to quality, &c., of gas, under Gas Act, 1859 409 by master or owner of ship carrying petroleum under Pe- troleum Act, 1871 424 punishment for defacing, under Explosives Act 476 under Explosives Act to be in writing ; as to service of ... 477 under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868, to be signed by local authority ... ... ... ... 549 as to service, &c., of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwell- ings Improvement Act, 1875 ... ... 571 to gas and water companies, Tramways Act ... ... 506 in case of interference with sewers ... ... ... ... 506 of nuisance to local authority under Nuisances Kernoval Act, 1855 ... 610 service of, &c., under Nuisances Eemoval Act, 1855 ... 619 not required when complaint made by inhabitant under section 13 of Nuisances Kemoval, &c., Act, 1860 ... 634?i by nuisance authority or chief officer of police, pursuant to 21st section of Sanitary Act, 1866 644 in London Gazette by secretary of state that enactment in section 35 of Sanitary Act, 1866, in force in district of nuisance authority 649 board, penalty for defacing, injuring, &c ... 213 to surveyor of pavements, clerks, &c., under General Paving Act (Metropolis), of name, place of abode, &c. ... 671 to repair defective pipes, &c. ... ... 672 to remove nuisances and annoyances ... ... ... 692 to remove projection, &c 697 from metropolitan board to local authority neglecting to Bat in force provisions of Artizans and Labourers wellings Act (1868) Amendment Act, 1879 723 by metropolitan board of preparation of plan of flood works under Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 732 to commissioners of sewers, vestries, &c., by metropolitan board of objection to works ... 732 by commissioners of sewers, vestries, &c., to metropolitan board of intention to execute works 734 consequences of neglect to give notice 734 by metropolitan board to dock companies as to raising level of bank, &c 736 by companies to metropolitan board as to arbitration ... 736 with reference to survey and repair of dangerous or insuffi- cient banks ... 738 by standing arbitrator, of time and place for arbitration . . . 740 as to requisites in, service of, &c. ... ... ... ... 744 board, penalty for defacing, injuring, &c 213 Index. Ixxix PAGE Nuisance Authority See Nuisances Removal and Sanitary Acts. Nuisance discontinuance, closiiig-up, c., of sewer not to create ... 36 vestries and district boards to cause sewers to be con- structed so as not to be ... ... ... ... ... 39 vestries and district boards to cause ponds, ditches, c., to be cleansed, and as to notice to owners, &c ....... 46 decisions as to, arising under highway and other Acts . . . 55n from keeping swine ... ... ... ... ... ... 213 reference to decisions as to, from discharge of sewage into streams ...... ............... 79n metropolitan board to execute sewerage works so as not tobe ..................... 79 house in such a state as to be dangerous to passers by an indictable nuisance at common law ... ... ... 295n, saving in Slaughter-houses Act respecting the general law of ........................ 370 absence of prescribed water fittings to be deemed ... 388 under General Paving Act, series of sections commencing with the 64th .................. 638 on assessment of compensation under Artizans, &c., Dwel- lings Improvement Act, arbitrator may receive evidence that premises a nuisance. Amendment Act, 1879 ..................... 582 Nuisance Removal and Sanitary Acts Nuisances Removal Act for England, 1 855 ......... 604 definition of nuisance under ............ 606 extended by Sanitary Act, 1866 ...... ...... 642 notice of nuisance to be given to local authority ...... 610 power of entry ... ... ... ... ... ... 610 proceedings before justices ............ 612, 613 order for abatement or prohibition ............ 613 penalty for disobedience of order and entry by local autho- rity to remove ... ...... ... ... ... 613 appeal against order of prohibition ... ...... ... 614 appeal against order of abatement when structural works directed ..................... 614 costs and expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... 614 surveyor of highways to cleanse ditches, c. ... .. 615 616 617 617 622 laying down sewer and assessment for cost penalty for fouling water by gas washings ... penalty on sale of unwholesome meat, &c. ... ... Act not to interfere with navigation of river or canal arising from noxious trades, businesses, processes or manu- factures ..................... 618 reference of case to superior court ... ... ...... 619 provisions as to procedure ... ... ... ... ... 619 schedules of forms .................. justices, on application of householder, may order removal of, under Nuisances Removal Act, 1860 ...... 634 where water supply is insufficient, by reason of overcrowd- ing, proceedings may be taken under ... ...... 197 power of police with respect to, under Sanitary Act. 1866 ..................... 642 3 H Ixxx Index. NUISANCE REMOVAL AND SANITARY ACTS continued. PAGE vestries and district boards to be local authorities to execute ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 23 & 24 Viet. c. 77, &c., to amend the Acts for the removal of nuisances and prevention of diseases 630 the Nuisances Removal Act for England (Amendment) Act, 1863 636 the Sanitary Act, 1866 638 nuisance authority referred to mean any authority em- powered to execute Nuisance Removal Acts ... ... 642 as to persons suffering from dangerous contagious or infec- tious disorder 646 the Sanitary Act, 1868 656 the Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1876 660 for removal of, and annoyances under General Paving Act, repetition of notices unnecessary ... 692 removal of hog-sties, slaughter-houses, and other nui- . 693 o. Obstruction See Projection, Penalty. of election of vestrymen, &c. 13 of officers in execution of duty ... ... 127 in upon or under sewer ." 198 Occupier See Owner. notice of inspection of drains, &c, to be given to 44 not relieved from liability to cleanse footpath 66 penalty on, obstructing execution of works, or not dis- closing owner's name ... ... ... 127 to pay expenses for which owners are liable, and afterwards deduct them from rent ... ... ... ... ... 131 not to be required to pay more than the amount of rent due from him ... ... ... ... 131 agreements between, and owner, not affected by Act ... 132 may claim to be rated, whether owner is liable or not ... 163 if overseer refuse, to be deemed to be rated ... ... 163 rated for one year may vote for election of vestrymen or auditors ... ... 164 only liable for his share of composition with landlord ... 164 district boards and vestries may flag footj ath, and charge, with cost 206 district board and vestries may require payment of costs and expenses from, who may deduct same from rent, but not to interfere with agreement with owner ... 217 deduction from rent by, Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 306 penalty on, where chimney on fire 343 precautions by, of factory, &c., for gunpowder against fire or explosion under Explosives Act, 1875 449 provision in case of death, &c., of, of stores or registered premises 451 exemption of, of factory, &c., from penalty, upon proof of another being real offender ... ... 478 notice to, of improvement scheme, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1875, by placards 565 designation of, under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 ... 626 Index. Ixxxl Offender See Penalty. PAGE against Act, whose name and residence unknown, may be seized and brought at once before justices without warrant .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 136 penalties on, against Act, extended to persons causing offence 196 imprisonment of, for wilful act or neglect endangering life or limb, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... ... ... 476 prosecution of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 479 power of, in certain cases to elect to be tried on indictment and not by summary jurisdiction 479 appeal by, to quarter sessions 480 proceedings against, under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 591 Officer penalty on, refusing inspection of books 26 may be appointed by metropolitan board, vestries, and district boards ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 clerk and treasurer not to be the same person 27 not to be interested in any contract, or exact fees ... ... 27 may be shareholders in joint stock companies 28 intrusted with money, to give security ... 28 to make out and deliver accounts of moneys received and paid 29 in default may be summoned and committed 29 warrant of distress against goods of 29 defaulters may be apprehended under warrant, and held to bail 30 may be appointed for two or more parishes conjointly ... 82 penalty for obstructing, in execution of duty ... ... 127 retiring allowances and compensation to, of commissioners of sewers 129 compensation to, of paving boards, &c. ... ... ... 129 may appeal when claim to compensation rejected ... ... 130 compensation to, to cease if employed by boards or vestries 130 of boards and vestries may seize and detain offenders whose name and residence are unknown 136 joint action of vestries in the election of, under local Acts 137 where elected out of vestry may so be elected under this Act 137 metropolitan board, district boards, and vestries may grant superannuation allowance to, in certain cases... ... 270 powers of commissioners to appoint ... ... ... ... 298 vestries may allow compensation under Fire Brigade Act to parish 339 metropolitan board may, under Fire Brigade Act, turn dis- charged, and men out of houses provided for them ... 343 of water companies may enter premises for inspection and repair of fittings, under Water Act, 1871 _ 388 may obtain a sample of food or drug to submit to analyst under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 590 person refusing to sell any article to, liable to penalty ... 590 may obtain sample of milk at place of delivery for purpose of analysis, under Food and Drugs Amendment Act, 1879 598 of companies to notify names and places of abode to sur- veyors of pavements under General Paving (Metro- polis) Act 671 3 H 2 Ixxxii Index. Officer of Health PAGE as to appointment and payment of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868 ... 545 to report as to condition of premises, and deliver same to local authority ... ... ... ... 546 to inspect and report where complaint of premises is made by householders 548 penalty for obstructing, in execution of duty . . . . 552 metropolitan board to appoint, in metropolis under Arti zans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1875 .. .. 566 provision in case of absence of 566 inquiry on default of, in certain cases ... ; .... >t .. 666 penalty for obstructing ... ... ... .. ... 571 definition of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 720 Offices to. b.e provided by metropolitan board, vestries, and dis- . tnct boards ... 30 officers to attend at : '- '..^ ;i W,. ' >v. ... 30 Official Representation definition of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Im- provement Act, 1875 560 by whom to be made -....' ... 560 Openings Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 279 Open Space as to, near buildings ... ... ... ... 286 protection of, from encroachment ... ... 358 metropolitan board may acquire and hold, for benefit of public under Open Spaces Act, 1877 361 right of entry to, may be conveyed to metropolitan board 361 metropolitan board to make provisions for, maintaining and protecting 362 metropolitan board to pay out of funds at their disposal expenses with respect to ... ... ... ... 362 Open Spaces Act, 1877 361 Order in Council provisions in local Acts at variance with Act, may be varied by 142 to be published in Gazette 143 in force for one year 143 Act may be extended to adjoining parishes by 143 may direct Petroleum Act, 1871, to apply to other sub- stances 429 under Explosives Act, 1875 434 provisions as to, under Explosives Act, 1875 476 and regulations issued under Diseases Prevention Act, 1855, to be laid before parliament 602 may extend to parts and arm of the sea 602 for temporary supply of medicine by nuisance authority... 659 Index. Ixxxiii Order PAGE of Justice See Justice. of vestries and district hoards as to house drainage and other matters ... ... ... ... 42 of metropolitan board for guidance of vestries as to sewerage 82 vestries and district boards may issue, for levying of rates 97 to distinguish in, the sums required for defraying sewerage expenses and those required for general purposes ... 97 vestries and district boards may refrain from issuing, where parish not benefited 99 appeal to metropolitan board by person aggrieved by, of district boards and vestries ... ... ... ... 128 of boards and vestries not to be quashed for want of form 136 appeal against, of district boards and vestries, as to amount of expenses, to metropolitan board ... 191 on appeal against, committee of appeal may quash, confirm, vary, &c 180 extension of time under section 76 of original Act for making, by district boards and vestries 195 of district boards and vestries for raising money required for consolidated rate ... ... 254 rules as to service of, under Building Act, 1855 307 of secretary of state, Gas Act, 1860 409 publication of, of privy council, under Destructive Insects Acts, 1877 538 to be laid before houses of parliament ... 538 Ornamental Ground See Gardens. Overcrowding any house so overcrowded as to be dangerous or prej ndicial to the health of the inmates, a nuisance within s. 19 of Sanitary Act, 1866 643 as to insufficient water supply by reason of overcrowding 197 Overseers of the Poor interpretation of term ... ... 144 provisions of Act to refer to, in parishes where no church- wardens 13 not complying with Act, guilty of misdemeanor 14 to levy sums for defraying expenses of vestry and district board 97 to collect rates under Act in same manner as poor rates ... 99 on default of, to pay rates, collector may be appointed ... 106 on non-payment of rate by, goods of, may be distrained . . . 106 to rate occupier on tender of rate 163 if, refuse to put occupier's name on the rate, occupier shall be deemed to be rated ... 163 to pay over and account for moneys to vestries and district boards " 175 penalties incurred by, for default for twenty-one days ... 175 to whom s. 16 of Metropolis Management Act, 1862, does not apply 176 may employ collector to collect rates 176 to furnish copies of poor rate to metropolitan board, vestries and district boards, and to sign and verify same ... 176 penalty for neglect 176 penalty under Fire Brigade Act, on non-payment of rate by 342. Ixxxiv Index. Owner See Occupier. PAGE in certain cases, to construct drain into common sewer ... 39 penalty on, for neglect _ 40 expenses of branching private drains into sewers, may be recovered from ... 43 house drains may be made by vestries and district boards at expense of, or occupier ... 43 where vestry or district board may order contribution from 43 penalty on, for neglecting to provide watercloset, &c. ... 44 to provide watercloset, ashpit, &c 44 of courts, to pave and drain the same if required by vestry or district board ... ... ... 56 penalty on, for non-compliance ... ... 56 or occupier to pay expenses of repairing vaults and cellars 57 penalty on, or occupier of having underground rooms contrary to Act ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 of houses, to pay expenses of paving new streets 59 consent of, required, previous to making a thoroughfare through any street, &c. ... ... ... 62 or occupier to remove projections on notice from vestry or district board ... ... ... ... ... ... 67 or occupier to have seven days' notice previous to removal of projections ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 or occupier to pay scavengers for removal of refuse of trades 71 justices to determine as to what is refuse of trades ... 71 or occiipier to mark houses with numbers or names as metropolitan board shall direct... ... 83 or occupier to receive notice when lands required to be taken ... 95 of lands, may on sale, reserve a right of pre-emption ... 96 or occupier of property, other than land, to be rated to lighting rate, at a rate three times greater than land . . . 105 to reimburse occupier, expenses paid by him 131 agreement between, and occupier not to be affected ... 132 as to service of notices on, or occupier ... ... ... 132 interpretation of ... ... 144 or occupier of land may execute drainage works at own expense ... ... 187 district board or vestry may contribute to expense of works executed by, or occupier 187 expense of constructing sewers in new streets to be borne by 189 expenses of constructing sewers where previously there were open sewers, to be borne part by, and part by board or vestry ... ... ... 190 of land, to be charged in a less proportion than, of house property ... ... 191 district board or vestry may give notice to, or occupier to supply house with water ; or to increase supply . . . 197 of land abutting, to pay contribution towards cost of paving new streets 206 notice to, or occupier of intention of boards or vestries to repair street not being a highway, how to be given ... 208 of court, &c., omitting to drain, works may be done by district board or vestry and charged on 208 to number or mark houses as metropolitan board may direct 211 district boards and vestries may require payment of costs or expenses from ... ,.. ... ... ... ... 216 Index. Ixxxv OWNER continued. PAGE occupier may deduct same from rent payable to 217 nothing to alter agreement between occupier and 217 deduction by, paying rent, from the rent paid by him ... 217 of dangerous structure to take down or repair same (Metro- politan Building Act, 1 855) 296 on non-compliance, justice to summon, and make order to comply with requisition ... ... ... ... ... 296 on refusal, commissioners may take down or repair, and recover expenses from ... ... ... 296 if, cannot be found, commissioners may sell structure ... 296 if, cannot be found, consent to be given by county court judge 305 as to payment of expenses by ... ... ... ... 306 to set back houses erected at less than prescribed distance from centre of road, &c. (Metropolis Management and Building Acts (Amendment) Act, 1878 326 proceedings in case of default by, in compliance with notice ' ... .*. 327 power to, to enter house, &c., to comply with notices or orders, upon giving notice to occupier 334 definition of, under Fire Brigade Act ... ... ... 345 water companies may issue notice to, and occupier to provide prescribed fittings, under Water Act, 1871 387 to provide prescribed fittings within two months 387 in case of default, company may provide, &c., fittings, at expense of, or occupier ... ... ... ... 387 notice by master or, of ship carrying petroleum, under Petroleum Act 424 exemption under Explosives Act of, of ship where con- signor, &c., in fault ... ... ... ... ... 478 may appeal against decision of local authority under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868 547 to signify local authority as to willingness to execute works ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 548 service of notice on, whose name and residence are known 548 where not known ... ... ... ... ... ... 549 remedies of, for breach of covenant 550 to execute works as specified by local authority ... ... 550 proceedings in case of neglect ... ... 550 Avhere two or more, and one neglects, application to be made to justices ... ... ... ... ... ... 550 grant of annuity as compensation to, on completion of works 550 may require local authority to purchase premises under Amendment Act, 1879 721 designation of, xxnder Nuisances Kemoval Act, 1855 ... 620 definition of, under Thames Eiver Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 731 power of entry to, when liable to execute flood works ... 734 p Pargeting flues 281 Parish See Vestry, Vestryman. interpretation of ... ... ... ... ... ... 144 repeal of 1 & 2 "Will. 4, c. 80, so far as regard?, in sched. (A) and (B) 2 Ixxxvi Index. PARISH continued. PAGE constitution of vestries ... ... ... 2 division into wards and proceedings relative thereto ... 3 formation of parishes in sched. (B) into districts ... ... 15 provision in case of alteration of relative number of inhabited houses in 15 duties and powers of vestries of parishes in sched. (A) ... 30 under other enactments ... 30n regulation and government of parishes, sched. (B), to be vested in board of works ... ... 15, 30 expenses of paving, &c., to be deemed expenses incurred in execution of Act ... ... ... 49 provision as to rates already made in, mentioned in sched. (A) , 55 part of, may be placed under control of adjoining, where more convenient for purposes of sewerage 82 order of vestry of, in sched. A. on overseers to levy rates 97 part of, placed under control of ad j oining parish, how to berated 99 precept for sums assessed by metropolitan board on, in fiched. (A) to be directed to vestry 108 provision for joint action of vestries of, in scheds. (A) and (B) ' ... 137 Act may be extended to adjoining, by order in council ... 143 each electing two members of metropolitan board of works, sched. (A) part 1 145 each electing one member of metropolitan board of works, sched. (A) part 2 145 united into districts for purposes of Act, sched. (B) ... 146 and district united for electing one member of metropolitan board, sched. (B), part 3 148 and places on which Clergy Mutual loan to be charged ... 170 containing more than 2,000 rated householders on future census, may be divided into Avards ... ... ... 186 no proceeding with respect to adjoining parish under the 249th section of original Act, without two months' notice 186 Parishioner election of vestrymen, &c., by ... ... ... ... 10 meaning of term ... ... ... ... ... ... I0n Park boards and vestries not to exercise control over royal or public parks, gardens, or pleasure grounds ... ... 141 powers conferred on metropolitan board by the 44th section of Metropolis Management Act, 1855, extended to applications to parliament for power to provide, &c... 165 reference to Acts obtained by the board for the forma- tion of parks and other improvements ... 165, 347 Parliament where plans and estimates of works exceed one hundred thousand pounds to be sanctioned by 86 reports of metropolitan board to be laid before (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104, s. 25) 124 applications to, by metropolitan board for powers to make improvements ... ... ,., ... ... ... 85 Index. Ixxxvii PARLIAMENT continued. PAGE for providing parks, &c 165 determination by, of application of Thames embankment and metropolitan improvement fund 241 application by, of duty of 4d. on coals, &c 241 accumulating fund until appropriation of moneys by ... 242 annual return to, by metropolitan board of amount of con- solidated stock, application of money raised thereby and other particulars 264 report of metropolitan board, under Fire Brigade Act, 1865, to be laid before 344 report of commissioners, under Metropolitan Commons Act, 1866, to be laid before 351 confirmation by, of scheme of commissioners by Act of ... 351 reference to select committee of, of scheme as to manage- ment of metropolitan commons ... ... ... ... 35 1 confirmation by, of improvement scheme, under Arti- zans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1 875 561 Parochial Board accounts of, may be audited by auditors under Act ... 122 Party Structure definition of, under Building Act, 1855 .... '...,v' ... 275 right of building owner in respect of ... ... ... 299 rights of adjoining owner in respect of ... 300 rules as to exercise of right by building and adjoining owners in respect of 301 rules as to expenses in respect of 303 as to expenses to be borne jointly by building and adjoin- ing owners ... ... ... ... 303 as to expenses to be borne by building owner 304 account of expenses of, to be delivered to adjoining owner 304 Party Wall definition of, under Building Act, 1855 275 as to chases in 280 height of, above roof 280 rules as to openings in, dividing buildings 286 height of, first schedule 314 provisions relating to party structures 298 Passage See Court. Pasture Ground, ratability of, See Land. Pavement reinstatement of, broken up by works of companies, &c. ... 208 as to complaint by householders as to, under General Paving (Metropolis) Act ... 664 as to proceedings in relation to repairs of, &c., under General Paving Act 67G Paving, &c. powers relating to, to be vested in vestries and district boards ... ... ... ... ... 47 expenses of, under existing powers to be deemed expenses incurred in execution of Act . 49 Ixxxviii Index. PAVING, &c. continued. PAGE of courts to be done by owners if deemed necessary by vestry or district board ... ... ... 56 ofnewstreets ... 60 public buildings and void spaces to continue rateable to rates for cost of 102 provision for discharging existing liabilities under local Acts relating to 112 special provisions respecting, as to Ely Place and mews ... 138 of certain streets in St, Pancras, agreement as to ... ... 138 of new streets, owners of land abutting to contribute to cost of 206 definition of " new street " ... ... ... 226 provisions in General Paving Act (Metropolis) relating to regulation of streets and suppression of nuisances to apply to metropolis, as defined by Metropolis Manage- ment Acts ... 201 Act, General (Metropolis), certain provisions of, incor- porated with Metropolis Management Acts 663 Penalty for personating voter, forging or falsifying voting papers, &c. 12 on inspector maki ng incorrect returns 13 on members of vestries and district boards, and on auditors acting without qualification ... ... 24 on officer refusing inspection of books ... ... ... 27 on person acting as clerk and treasurer at the same time... 27 on officer being interested in contract or exacting fees ... 27 for neglecting to make drains ... ... ... ... 40 for making drains contrary to order of vestry, &c 43 on persons erecting houses without watercloset or privy, &c. 44 for imperfectly making or altering drains ... ... ... 45 on owner, for neglecting to pave and drain courts and pas- sages 56 on persons letting or occupying cellars, &c., contrary to Act 58 on companies neglecting to give notice of breaking up street 64 on companies neglecting to reinstate pavements, &c., for not fencing same, and lighting same at night 65 on companies not repairing street damaged by pipe bursting ... ... ... 65 on companies, for neglecting to give notice of repair of pipe 66 occupier not relieved from, neglecting to cleanse footpath 66 on owner, for neglecting to remove projections 67 for not erecting hoards during repairs ... 68 for not satisfactorily erecting or repairing hoarding . . 69 on scavengers failing to perform duties . . 70 for obstructing scavengers ... ... ... 70 vestries and district boards may compound with contractor in respect of, for breach of contract ... 89 for withholding property transferred to vestry or district board ... 96 for refusing to allow clerk of metropolitan board to inspect, &c., rates 108 for refusing inspection of assessment of rate 110 Index, Ixxxix PENALTY continued. PAGE on clerk, refusing to allow inspection of mortgage register . 117 not to be imposed by bye-law unless approved by secretary ofstate 125 for breach of bye-laws 125 justices may remit .. ... ... 125 for sweeping dirt, &c., into sewers or drains or into the Thames 126 tinder Metropolitan Police and Thames Conservancy Acts 126n for wilfully damaging, &c., lamps 127 for obstructing officers or workmen in the execution of their duty 127 on occupiers obstructing execution of works, or refusing to give owner's name 127 damage to be made good in addition to ... 135 every, imposed under Act, not otherwise provided for, may be recovered by summary proceedings before justice. . . 135 appeal against adjudication as to, to quarter sessions ... 136 to be sued for within three months ... ... 137 repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, s. 107, which substitutes six months 224 application of ... ... ... ... ... 137 for refusing or neglecting to furnish copies of poor rate ... 176 for branching, &c., sewers in different manner from that directed by board or vestry ... ... ... ... 195 all, under original Act, extended to persons causing offences 196 for proceeding with works contrary to section 63 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102 196 for not executing works pursuant to sections 73, 74, 76, 81, 85, and 86 of original Act 196 where water supply insufficient by reason of overcrowding 197 for placing building or encroachment over sewers, in addi- tion to other remedies ... ... 198 for unauthorized interference with sewers or things con- nected with them _ 199 for fouling water, or damaging drinking fountains ... 199 for erecting building beyond general line ... ... ... 206 for erecting building in new street exceeding the denned height 210 on occupier, for neglecting to number or mark houses as directed 211 for defacing name of street or house 212 for wrongfully collecting dust, ashes, &c 212 on persons beginning to lay the foundations of house with- outnotice 212 for affixing bills on lamp-posts, &c., or defacing notice boards, &c 213 for keeping swine in improper situations ... 213 on persons using cow-houses or slaughter-houses which have not been licensed ... ... ... 215 to be recovered as provided by 11 & 12 Viet. c. 43 ... 220 provisions of original Act as to, extended to damages, costs, or expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... 221 for non-compliance with rules as to habitable rooms, under Building Act, 1855 283 for non-compliance with rules as to close fires and pipes for conveying vapour, &c. ... ... ... ... 283 xc Index. PENALTY continued. PAGE on builders neglecting to give notice of intended works . . . 289 for refusal to admit surveyor to inspect building 289 for non-compliance with order of justice ... ... ... 290 on Workmen, &c., doing anything contrary to rules of Act 290 on persons obstructing building owner entering premises to effect works 303 penalty on building owner failing to execute required works 305 on delay of payment of expenses of party structure by ad- joining owner ... ... ... ... ... ... 305 recovery of ''^, k r -'V. ; j' : '''... 308 application of '.';i'.U ;J1 < ... 308 subject to direction of justice, to be paid to treasurer of metropolitan board ... ... ... ... ... 308 for infringement of rule against using for carriage traffic, roads formed for foot traffic 328 on builder, &c., not erecting buildings in conformity with bye-laws 333 for refusal to admit officers of board to inspect theatres, music halls, works, &c 334 recovery of, under 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32 (Metropolis Man- agement and Building Acts Amendment, 1878) ... 335 Summary Jurisdiction Act ... ... ... ... Addenda on insurance company not making return as to amount insured in respect of property in the metropolis ... 341 under Fire Brigade Act, on non-payment of rate by over- seers 342 recovery of 343 on occupier, where chimneys on fire ... . . , ... 343 for injuring gardens in squares, &c., under Gardens in Towns Protection Act, 1863 359 for establishing anew certain premises within limits of Slaughter-houses Act 364 for obstructing inspector appointed to examine into quality and quantity of water 373 for non-compliance with provisions of Water Act, 1852 ... 374 for non-compliance with provisions of Water Act, 1871 ... 384 for offences against regulations of water companies . . . 385 recovery and application of, under Water Act, 1871 ... 391 summary proceedings for ... ... ... ... ... 392 for misconduct of inspectors of gas-meters, under Sale of Gas Act, 1859 399 for counterfeiting stamps for marking meters ... ... 400 for obstructing meter inspector ... -US'. ;; v.t". ji ... 401 as to recovery and application of ... ' y.\ ; . . . ... 403 on gas company failing to provide pipes, or supply of gas or of meters, under Gas Act, 1860 ... ... ... 411 for deficient illuminating power or purity of gas ... ... 412 recovery and application of... ... 417 for not having label on vessels carrying petroleum, under Petroleum Act, 1871 425 for refusing information or obstructing officer appointed to examine petroleum ... ... ... ... ... 428 proceedings for ... ... ... ... ... ... 429 for breach of rules for stores for gunpowder, under Explo- sives Act, 1875 446 for sale of gunpowder to children ... ... ... ... 4f> ] Index. xci PENALTY continued. PAGE for breach of rales as to package of gunpowder for convey- ance 452 for breach of bye-laws as to conveyance, &c., of gun- powder ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 453 for breach of order as to carriage, &c., of specially danger- ous explosives 459 on and removal of trespassers in factories, &c. ... ... 475 for throAving fireworks in any thoroughfare ... ... 476 application of, and forfeiture 480 for obstruction of promoters in laying out tramway, under Tramways Act, 1870 515 for wilful injury or obstruction to tramway ' ,;^ r ... 515 on passengers on tramway practising frauds -..: -.'..i ' $ ... 516 for bringing dangerous goods on a tramway i ;!.*'.;>'' *>' ... 516 recovery of ... ... ... ... ... 516 recovery of, under Highways and Locomotive Act, 1878 532 for offence, nnder Infant Life Protection Act ... ... 541 application of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 541 for preventing execution of Artizans and Labourers Dwell- ings Act, 1868 552 recovery of 553 for refusing to sell any article of food or drag to officer, under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 590 application of ... ... ..."' ' wivfif-.... 593 for forging certificate or warrant ... :-w]&ti ai Ixwitn. ... 593 for wilful misapplication of warranty A. -.'jiu:d!.uu"i ... 593 forfalse label 593 for obstructing execution of Diseases Prevention Act, 1855 COS for contravention of order of abatement and prohibition of nuisance ... ... ... ... 613 under Nuisances Kemoval Act, 1855, for causing water to be corrupted by gas washings 617 for exposure for sale of unwholesome meat, &c 617 for obstructing execution of Act ... ... 620 on occupier obstructing owner in carrying out necessary works &i ii*.iVLvi V i;:i.v ..uiw- 620 as to recovery of ... 620 for fouling water of well, pump, &c., under Nuisances Removal Act, I860 633 for exposure for sale, &c. of unwholesome food under Nuisances Removal Act, 1863 636 for obstructing officer of health, &c. ... ... ... 637 on person suffering from infectious disorder entering public conveyance, without notice to driver 646 on person with infectious disorder exposing himself ... 650 on persons letting houses in which infected persons have been lodging ... ... ... 651 recovery of, under Sanitary Act, 1866 654 recovery of, under Sanitary Act, 1868 ... ... ... 659 on false representations of owner or occupier of house as to infectious, &c. disease 662 for breach of regulations, &c. as to temporary works under Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 ... 733 recovery and application of ... 745 Penge, Hamlet of question between and Battersea, not to be affected ... 142 xcii Index. Pension See Compensation. PAGE Petroleum Act, 1871 interpretation of terms , - 1 -> /;-.v vr ; ... 422 definition of ... ... ... ... ... 423 bye-laws as to ships carrying ... ... 424 notice, by master or owner of ship carrying label on vessels containing petroleum penalty for non-compliance ... ... .'uta. regulations as to storage of ... ... ;r, -^w mode of granting licenses application of Act to other substances testing of, by officer of local authority ... 424 ... 425 ... 425 ... 425 ... 426 ... 429 ... 427 penalty for "refusing information to,"or obstructing officer appointed to examine ... ... ... 428 search for 428 directions for testing, to ascertain the temperature at which it gives off inflammable vapour, sched. 1, Petroleum Act, 1871 431 alteration of test, under Petroleum Act, 1879 ... ... 715 mode of testing ... ... ... ... ... ... 716 proceedings for offences, penalties, &c., under ... ... 429 duration of Act 431, and note Petroleum Act, 1879 verification of apparatus ... ... ... ... ... 716 repeal of part of Act of 1871 716 mode of testing 1st sched 716 Pipes See Ditch. vestry and district board may substitute, for ditches ... 47 vestry and district board may alter position of companies' 56 notice to be given by companies of taking up pavement to lay 63 companies to repair pavements injured by bursting, &c., of ... 65 notice to be given by companies opening ground to repair, and discovering them to belong to another company, to be reimbursed expenses 65 vestry or district board may contract with companies for restoring pavements removed by laying, &c 66 restriction as to communication with, of water companies, under Water Act, 1852 377 gas companies to provide, under Gas Act, i860 409 service, to be fully charged with gas 412 as to laying, for conveying gas ... ... 417 mode of laying 418 power for metropolitan board to require companies to lay new, in subways, under Subways Act, 1868 ... ... 493 as to existing, in streets in, where there is a subway ... 494 right of all companies to lay, in subways 494 to be maintained by companies ... ... 494 as to supervision of 494 as to new water, under General Paving (Metropolis) Act ... .. 669 plans of, may be examined by surveyors of pavements ... 670 surveyor may require repair of, when defective 671 penalty for non-repair 672 Index. xciii Plan PAGE of intercepting sewers to "be submitted to commissioners of works (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104) 87 of new sewers to be submitted by vestries, &c., to metro- politan board 188 of works affecting railways or canals to be submitted to companies 183 district surveyor to see, of works carried into execution ... 294 deposit of maps and, under Artizans and Labourers Dwell- ings Improvement Act, 1875 ... ... ... ... 572 to be made by board of flood works, under Thames Floods Prevention Act, 1879 732 Pleasure Grounds See Park. Plumstead united with Lewisham for electing a member of metro- politan, board ... ... ... ... 20 Police, Commissioners of See Commissioners of Police. Polluted Water in Wells, &e. See Pumps. Poor all duties, &c., as relate to the management or relief of the, vested in any commissioners, &c., to remain so vested 48 Poor Rate persons appointed to set out wards, &c., to be paid out of 4 payment of expenses of elections out of ... ... ... 13 overseers to collect rates under Act in same manner as ... 99 valuation list for time being conclusive evidence of gross and rateable value ... ... ... 100 where vestry of parish in sched. (A.) make, they may levy for purposes of Act ... ... ... 106 assessing and levying rates in places where there is no ... 109 occupier may claim to be rated to, whether owner is liable or not ... ... 163 and on tender of amount entitled to have his name put on 163 compositions for, not to be disturbed 164 reference to Poor Rate Assessment and Collection Act, 1869 f;A;v^V, 164n liability of landlord to, not altered ... ... ... ... 164 if tenant claiming to be rated make default, landlord liable for 164 occupier having paid, may vote for election of vestrymen or auditors 166 metropolitan board, and vestries and district boards may demand copies of payment for verification of ... 174 Power of Attorney form of, under Commons Act, 1866 ... 364 Precept to be issued for the payment of moneys assessed by metro-* politan board 108 form now in use for precepts of metropolitan board ... 252ra xciv Index. PRECEPT continued. PAGE vestries and district boards may pay, out of moneys in their hands and reimburse themselves 173 vestries may include, of metropolitan board in sewers' rate 174 to be issued for levying main drainage rate in places in sched. (C.) to original Act ... ... ... ... 174 may be amended or revoked by metropolitan board ... 175 metropolitan board to state in every precept all computa- tions required to be made ... ... ... ... 253 requirements in, issued for the purposes of consolidated rate 253 Premises compensation by vestry, &c. for removing existing pro- jections ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 registration of, for keeping of gunpowder, with local autho- rity under Explosives Act, 1875 447 general rules for registered ... ... ... 448 interpretation of, under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Act, 1868 547 interpretation of, under Thames Floods Prevention Act ... 731 meaning of term in Metropolitan Water Act, 1871 ... 380 Prescribed meaning of expression in Explosives Act ... ... ... 486 meaning of, in Tramways A ct 496 .Prescribed Distance definition of expression in Metropolis Management and Buildings Acts Amendment ... ... ... ... 325 Privy See Waterdoset. Proceedings notice of, against boards and vestries, for thing done or intended to be done under Act... ... ... ... 322 service of summons, writ, &c., on boards and vestries ... 132 minutes of, of vestries and district boards to be entered in books 26 by, or against commissioners under local Acts, not to abate 50 by or against metropolitan commissioners of sewers not to abate 86 annual report of, of metropolitan board to be made out and sent to secretary of state, &c. ... ... ... 123 not to be quashed for AV ant of form... ... ... ... 136 form of, in county court under Building Act, 1855 ... 307 in case of default in compliance with notice requiring houses to be set back 327 representation of boards and vestries on, under bankruptcy and insolvency 133 tender of amends for wrongful, under Metropolis Manage- ment or incorporated Acts ... ... 133 not to be quashed for want of form or removed by ccrtiorari, except as provided 136 legal, under Slaughterhouses Act ... ... ... ... 365 by board of trade (now Local Government Board) to enforce provisions of Water Act, 1852 376 power transferred to local government board by Public Health Act, 1872 372 Indue. XCV PROCEEDINGS continued. PAGE against water company by attorney-general, Metropolis ' Water Act, 1852 . 376 sanction and limitation of ... ... ... ... ... 376 under Gas Act, 1859, not to be quashed for want of form, &c. 403 secretary of state may direct attorney-general to take, against gas companies ... ... ... ... ... 416 for offences, penalties, &c., tinder Petroleum Act, 1871 ... 429 by indictment and contracts not to be affected by Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 594 special provision as to time for, under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 699 as to, under Nuisances Removal Act against several per- sons for same offence ... ... ... ... ... 620 under Act not to be quashed for want of form 621 appearance of local authority in legal 652 Process See Action, Penalty, Proceedings. Projection owner to remove future, on notice from vestry, &e., penalty for neglect ... ... ... ... ... ... 67 vestry or district board may remove existing, on payment of compensation ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 beyond general line, when taken down to be set back ... 202 beyond general line, not to be erected without consent of metropolitan board ... ... ... ... ... 202 who may impose conditions ... ... ... ... ... 205 rules as to, under Building Act, 1855 284 except as provided, not to extend beyond general line of fronts in street without sanction of metropolitan board ... 285 as to regulation of, and encroachments under General Paving Act 696 Promoters of Tramways definition of, under Tramways Act, 1870 503 to deposit ,4 per cent, on estimate of expenses of construc- tion in prescribed bank ... ... ... ... ... 499 to publish provisional order by deposit and advertisement 499 cesser of powers of, at expiration of prescribed time ... 500 to reinstate road after completion of tramway 505 to repair part of road where tramway is laid ... ... 505 differences between, and road authority to be settled by arbitration ... ... ... ... 508 proceedings in case of insolvency of . . . ... ... ... 512 as to power of sale by ... ... ... ... ... 513 as to tolls and charges to be taken by 514 may make certain regulations ... ... ... ... 514 to be responsible for all damage caused by themselves or servants ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 516 as to arrangements between trustees of turnpike roads and 517 as to deposit of documents by ... ... ... ... 522 as to deposit and advertisement of provisional order when made 523 Tramways Act, 1870 496 Promoters of Undertaking meaning of, where used in Lands Clauses Act for purposes of Metropolis Management Act 92 3 I xcv Index. Property PAGE transfer of, of commissioners of paving, &c. 50 of surveyors of highways, transfer of ... 54 Act not to authorize making a thoroughfare through private, without consent of owner ... ... ... 62 as to right of carrying sewers through private 35 and note, 75 and note of commissioners of sewers vested in metropolitan board of works ... ... ... ... 87 under Baths and Washhouses Acts, &c 49 vested in commissioners, &c., acting for parts beyond parish or district to be apportioned by metropolitan board... 50 not wanted, boards and vestries empowered to sell and dispose of... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 penalty for withholding, vested in vestry or district board 96 rates to be levied on persons and in respect of property rate- able to relief of poor ... ... ... ... ... 101 existing exemptions of, in respect of sewers' rate to be allowed 103 other than land to be rated to lighting rate, at a rate three times greater than land ... ... ... ... ... 105 provisions for protection of, of boards and vestries 126, 198 damage done to, to be made good, in addition to penalty 135 as to, in garden or enclosed ground ... ... ... ... 139 saving of, of commissioners, under Crown Estate Paving Act 140 saving of, of commissioners of sewers of city of London ... 141 saving of, of commissioners of turnpike roads ... ... 142 temporary provision for drainage of, where no proper sewer within 200 feet 196 vested in surveyors of highways, subject to trusts for repair of highways, to be vested in boards and vestries 200 totals of value of, exempt from sewers' rate to be inserted in valuation lists 273 as to severance of, under Artizaus and Labourers Dwelling Improvement Act, 1879 584 may be sold by commissioners under General Paving Act 710 appropriation of, acquired by local authority under Arti- zans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, Amendment Act, 1879 723 Provisional Order as to, authorising the construction of tramways, under Tramways Act, 1870 497 power of board of trade to make ... 498 form and contents of ... ... ... ... 498 as to notices and deposit of documents by promotersintend- ing'to apply for ... 498 to specify nature of traffic on tramway, and tolls and charges ... ... ... 490 as to cost of .,. 499 promoters of tramway to publish by deposit and advertise- ment 499 confirmation of, by act of parliament 499 incorporation of Lands Clauses Act with, 50( ) board of trade may revoke, amend, extend or vary . . . 5( )( ) metropolitan board may create stock for carrying into effect 503 as to approval of application by local authority for ... 521 advertisement of, to contain certain particulars 521 Index. xcvii PROVISIONAL OEDER continued. PAGE as to deposit and advertisement of, when made ... ... 523 local government board to submit, to parliament for con- firmation, under Highways and Locomotives (Amend- ment) Act, 1878 532 Public Building See Building. to continue rateable ... ... ... ... ... ... 102 definition of, under Building Act, 1855 275 construction of 286 Public Conveniences may be provided by vestries and district boards ... ... 47 Public Works Loan Commissioners advance of money by, on security of consolidated stock ... 248 Pumps vestries and district boards may sink wells and erect pumpa in public places for gratuitous supply of water ... 66 power for boards and vestries to purchase water from springs, &c., for obtaining water supply 91 not to authorize supply for domestic, manufacturing, or commercial purposes penalty for disfiguring, injuring, &c., any street-post, lamp-post, pump, or building vested in vestry, &c., 213 provisions in Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874, as to polluted water, from well, tank, &c 660 Purchase See Land, Lands Clauses Consolidation Act. of land by vestries and boards ... ... ... ... 91 application of money received for, ol land when re-sold ... 95 Purchaser exemption of, of stock from enquiries into application of money, &c., under Loans Act, 1869 262 of land to be free from charges ... ... 262 provision for dealing with sample of food or drug by, when purchased for analysis under Sale of Food and Drugs Act 590 o. Qualification of vestrymen ... ... ... 5 by joint occupation 6 of auditor 8 ofvoters ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Quarter Sessions See Appeal. appeal to, against assessment of rate ... ... ... Ill appeal to, against adjudication of penalty 136 court of, may adjourn, and may make such order as seems reasonable 136 may order costs of appeal 136 Quorum of vestries ... 14 of district boards ... 16 of metropolitan board of works 22 3 I 2 xcviii Index. E. Railway PAGE plans of works affecting, to be submitted to company ... 183 line of, not to be altered without consent ... ... ... 183 Rate Collector to assist at Avard elections 9 neglecting to perform duties required by Act guilty of misdemeanor ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 for levying money on default of overseers, &c. ... ... 106 for collecting assessment on places in sched. (C.) ... ... 110 for collecting sums for discharging liability of metropolitan commissioners of sewers... ... ... ... ... 113 Rateable Value what to be deemed " rental " for purposes of 18 & 19 Viet c. 120 (19 & 20 Viet. c. 112, s. 8) 165 by Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 186!), s. 5, valuation list conclusive evidence of IQon Rate Sec Assessment, Consolidated Hate, ^lortgaye, Poor Eate. interpretation of expression ... ... ... ... ... 144 expenses formerly defrayed out of highway, to be defrayed out of rates under Act ... ... ... ... ... 52 made previously to Act to be levied and collected, and balance paid to vestiy or district board ... ... 55 made by metropolitan commissioners of sewers to be paid to metropolitan board, or by their order to vestries or district boards ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 orders of vestries and district boards on overseers to levy and pay over sums required 97 to overseers to make a sewers rate, a lighting rate in certain cases, and a general rate ... ... ... 99 to be levied on persons and in respect of property rateable to the poor KM) proceedings by, in relation to, and remedies, &c., of overseers 100 public buildings and void spaces to continue rateable to, for cost of paving ... ... ... ... ... 102 land to be rated to sewers', at one fourth part of annual value 103 exemption in respect of sewers', to be allowed ... ... 103 existing exemptions of land from lighting, to be allowed... 105 on non-payment, distress to issue against goods of overseers 106 vestry and district board may on default of overseers pay- ing the amount of, required, and metropolitan board may on default of vestry or district board appoint persons to levy 106 where vestry of parish in sched. (A) make poor, they may levy for purposes of Act ... ... ... ... 106 tenant may, if entitled if Act had not passed, deduct sewers', from rent ... ... ... 107 provisions relating to the assessments of the metropolitan board and payment thereof (repealed by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 105, s. 5) 107 consolidated rate, metropolitan board required to make in lieu of all other rates or assessments authorised to be assessed generally over the metropolis (Metropolitan Board of Works Loans Act, 1869) 251 Index. xcix RATE continued. PAGE provision for assessing and levying in places in sched. (C.) and as to their liability to be rated for sewers 109, 110 inspection, appeal, &c ... 110 liabilities payable out of, levied under local Acts, to be charged upon rates levied under Act ... ... ... 112 liabilities charged upon rates under the Metropolitan Sewers Acts to be a charge on districts, &c., in which rates would have been levied if Act had continued in force 113 as to improvement, made by commissioners of sewers ... 114 in what cases metropolitan board may alter the time for making and collecting rates under local Acts... ... 120 form of mortgage of, sched. (E) ... ... ... ... 159 form of transfer of mortgage of, sched. (F) ... ... ... 160 to what extent, may be expended on pleasure grounds ... 166 provisions relating to assessments by metropolitan board Metropolis Local Management (Amendment) Act, 1862 173 mode of assessment of consolidated rate, precepts, esti- mates,&c. 252,253 form of precept 252?i special provisions as to securities for Main Drainage Acts, securities, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 253 rights in respect of, as between landlord and tenant . . . 254 requirements in orders of vestries and district boards in orders for raising moneys for ... ... ... ... 254 liability of places in sched. (C) 286 in proceedings before justices by vestry, district board, &c., for recovery of rate under Act, one summons only to issue " ... 177 district boards and vestries may defray part of expense of constructing private sewers out of sewers' rate ... 191 may be made for nagging footpaths, and levied on occupiers 206 metropolitan board may under Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, pay salaries out of rates under Metropolis Management Act, 1855 294 water companies to prepare account of receipt and expendi- ture of, to be open to inspection, under Water Act, 1852 375 Ratepayer See Vestry. Ravensbourne part of debt of works to be paid out of main drainage rate 169 Receiver of rates to reimburse mortgagee, may be appointed by justices 118 no application for appointment of, to be entertained unless sums owing amount to one thousand pounds ... ... Ill appointment of, in certain cases, under Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 261 Recesses Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 279 Recognizance person appealing against rate to enter into ... ... ... Ill appellant .against decision of justices, to enter into... ... 136 inspectors of meters to enter into, under Has Act, 1859 ... 399 c Index. Rector PAGE where now a member of vestry, to remain so 3 Referee as to regulating inquiries before, appointed under Train- ways Act, 1870 517 Refuse, Dirt, Dust, Night Soil, Ashes, and Rubbish collected by scavengers to be property of vestiy or district board,' and may be sold towards expenses 70 owner or occupier to pay scavengers for removal of refuse oftrade ... ... 71 sewage and, of sewers may be sold or disposed of, so as not to be a nuisance ... " 81 no soil, rubbish, or filth to be swept into sewers, drains, or Thames under penalty ... ... 126 penalty on persons wrongfully collecting ... 212 district boards and vestries may appoint persons or con- tract for removal of manure and refuse straw from stables or cow-houses ... ... ... ... ... 216 Register to be kept of alterations in names of streets ... ... 84 of mortgages to be kept ... ... ... ... ... 119 to be open to inspection by parties interested 194 metropolitan board to keep, where time is given for pay- ment of contribution ... ... 194 of store licenses and registered premises to be kept by local authority, under Explosives Act, 1875 450 of houses where two or more infants are nursed for hire, under Infant Life Protection Act, 1872 539 local authority to keep 540 local authority may refuse to 540 persons receiving infants to keep 540 forgery and falsification of ... ... ... ... ... 540 local authority may strike name off, for neglect, &c. ... 540 Regulations See Rules. water companies may make, under Water Act, 1871 ... 384 water companies may amend 385 in default of companies board of trade may appoint person to report as to, and may make same ... ... ... 385 penalty for offences against 385 notice of, to be delivered to metropolitan authority . . . 385 confirmation of, by board of trade ... 385 as to storage of petroleum under Petroleum Act, 1871 ... 425 as to factories and magazines for gunpowder under Explo- sives Act, 1875 439 as to terms of certificate of gunpowder factory 483 as to those of certificate for gunpowder store 489 general board of health to issue, under Diseases Prevention Act, 1855 601 local authority to see to execution of ... 601 Rent tenant may, when entitled, deduct sewers rate from ... 107 occupier paying expenses for which owner is liable to de- duct snme from ,. , 131 Index. ci RENT continued. PAGE repealed with altered provisions by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, s. 96 216 Rental meaning of, in sched. to 6 & 7 Will. 4, c. 96 165 Renteharge tithe, redemption of ... 564 annuity recoverable as, Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improve- ment Act, 1868 351 may be granted in respect of expenses of works, under " Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 ... 742 Repair See Metropolitan Board of Works, District Board, Sewer, Highway, Street, Parti/- Structure Repayment of money borrowed on mortgage ... ... 117 to vestry or district board of expenses payable by private parties by instalments 131 Repeal of 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 60, as to parishes in sched. (A) & (B)... 2 of enactments, inconsistent with this Act ... ... ... 142 of section 170 of original Act (Metropolis Management, 1855), except as to matters commenced, &c. ... ... 172 of part of section 58 of original Act 181 of section 157 of original Act 182 of section 35 of original Act ... ... ... 185 of section 77 of original Act ... ... ... ... ... 194 of section 143 of original Act, and section 140 of 5 Geo. 4, c.142 202 of proviso to section 106 of original Act ... ... ... 208 of section 141 of original Act ... ... ... 210 of section 131 of original Act, and section 35 of Metropo- litan Market Act, 1857 21 of sections 217, 218, and 219, of original Act 216 of section 234 of original Act 221 of section 233 of original Act 224 of part of section 193 of original Act ... ... ... 220 of Acts mentioned in third sched. of 32 & 33 Viet. c. 102, with exceptions and to extent mentioned 264 tinder Building Act, 1855 310 of 8 & 9 Viet. c. 84, with certain exceptions 310 of part of certain sections of Building Act, 1855 ... ... 333 partial repeal of unrepealed sections of 14 Geo. 3, c. 78 (Me- tropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1855) 345 partial of 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 90 346 of sections 55 & 56 of the Building Act, 1855 369 of part of Water Act, 1852 ... 381 of certain provisions of Metropolis Gas Act, 1860, as to particular companies ... 405re of Acts in sched. 2 of Petroleum Act, 1871 431 of enactments in 4th & 5th sched. of Explosives Act, 1875 487 by Locomotive Act, 1865, of sections 5, 9, 11 & 15 of Loco- motives Act, 1861 525 of section 3 of Locomotive Act, 1861, and section 5 of Loco- motive Act, 1 865, as to England 53!) cii Index. BEPEAL continued., PAGE of section 8 of Locomotive Act, 1861, and section 8 of Loco- motive Act, 1865, as to England ... 531 of paragraph numbered " secondly " of section 3 of Loco- motive Act, 1865, as to England 531 of 23 & 24 Viet. c. 84 ; 31 & 32 Viet. c. 121, s. 24 ; 33 & 34 Viet. c. 26, s. 3 ; 35 & 36 Viet. c. 74, by Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 585 of 12 & 13 Viet. c. 123, and 11 & 12 Viet. c. Ill, by Nui- sances Removal Act, 1855 604 of sections 3, 6, 7 and 9, of Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, by Nuisances Removal Act, 1860 630 of sections 2, 3, of Diseases Prevention Act, 1855, by Nui- sances Removal Act, 1860 633 of section 3 of 23 & 24 Viet, c. 77, by Sanitary Act, 1866 _... 642 by Highway Act, 1835. of powers, &c., in General Paving Act (Metropolis)./. 663 of part of section 3 and section 18 of Petroleum Act, 1871, by Petroleum Act 1879 719 of section 2 of Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, by Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1879 722 partial, of sections 69 and 70 of original Act as to flood works and banks 745 Report of district surveyors as to underground rooms occupied as dwellings 57,195 of metropolitan board, to be laid before parliament ... 124 vestries and district boards to make annual ... ... 122 copy of, to be sent to metropolitan board ... ... ... 123 to be open to inspection ; copies may be sold ... ... 123 metropolitan board to make, in June of every year 1 23 by Metropolitan Board of Works Loans Act, 1871, Decem- ber substituted for June... ... ... ... ... 123u to send same to secretary of state, &c. ... ... ... 123 copy to treasurer, Metropolitan Board of Works Loans Act, 1871 123n medical officer of health to make annual, to vestry or dis- trict board 187 vestries and district boards to append only the annual, of officer of health, to their annual ... 187 to Privy Council under Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 ; 214 metropolitan board to make annual, to secretary of state, of Acts done and expenditure incurred under Fire Brigade Act 344 annual, of inclosure commissioners to be laid before houses of parliament under Commons Act, 1866 ... ... 351 contents of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 351 by water examiner under Water Act, 1871 390 by examiner of gas under Metropolis Gas Act, 1860 ... 413 tinder Acts relating to certain gas companies ... ... 405?i annual, by inspectors under Explosives Act, 1875 465 of officer of health under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1868, as to condition of streets 546 under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, to confirming authoritv... ... ... 563 Index. ciii Reservoir PAGE metropolitan board empowered to construct, for clearing, cleansing, &c., sewers ... ... ... ... ... Sin within a limited distance to be covered, under Water Act, 1852 371 Resolution formalities necessary for revoking or altering resolutions or Acts 25 Retail Dealing in gunpowder ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 447 Return penalty on inspector of votes for making incorrect ... 13 to House of Commons (in 1855) as to local and other Acts applying to metropolis ... ... ... ... ... 48?i to metropolitan board by bodies borrowing money as to financial condition, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 259n by metropolitan board to parliament with respect to amount, application, &c., of consolidated stock ... ... ... 264 by district surveyor to metropolitan board of notices, complaints, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 292 by insurance companies to metropolitan board in respect of property insured ... ... ... ... ... 340 Road And see Street. regulations as to breaking up turnpike ... ... ... 96 repealed by section 33 of 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, which con- tains substituted provisions 96n and footways may be stopped up by metropolitan board to execute works ... ... ... ... ... ... 178 metropolitan board may take land for ... ... ... 178 sums to be paid by the Duke of Bedford to parties making, on his estate, to be added to the debt of that part of the parish 207 metropolitan board may place, in different parishes or dis- tricts, under management of one vestry or district board 210 laid out as streets to be of full width of forty feet for car- riage traffic and twenty feet for foot traffic 218 to be deemed to be new streets and subject to same regula- tions as ... ... ... ... ... 219 as to erection of buildings at less than prescribed distance from centre of, being highways, under Buildings Amendment Act, 1878 325 formed for foot traffic not to be used without consent of metropolitan board for carriage traffic, unless widened 328 interpretation of, under Tramways Act, 1870 496 Road Authority interpretation of term under Tramways Act, 1870 ... 496 promoters of tramway may contract with, for paving roada on which tramways are laid ... ... 506 differences between, and promoters of tramway to be settled by arbitration 508 reservation of powers of, to widen roads, &c. ... ... 517 Roof as to construction of, under Building Act, 1855 ... ... 280 height of party walls above ... ... ... ... ... 280 civ Index. Rooms (Habitable) PAGE Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 283 Rotherhithe Horselyclown, St. Olave, and Southwark united with, to elect a member of metropolitan board... 21 Rubbish See Refuse. Rules See Regulations. of Metropolitan Building Act, 1855, as to roofs, stairs, Avails, &c., of buildings 279 as to uniting buildings ... ... ... 285 district surveyors to cause, to be observed ... 288 penalties on workmen doing anything contrary to ... 290 metropolitan board may modify, as to thickness of walls 293 buildings to which, of Act are inapplicable ... ... 293 metropolitan board may make general ... ... ... 293 as to exercise of rights by building and adjoining owners 300 as to expenses in respect of party structures 303 as to payment of expenses by owners ... ... ... 306 as to service of notices, summonses, and orders 307 for the walls of dwelling-houses 315 for Walls of buildings of warehouse class ... ... ... 317 of Building Act, 1855, not to apply to buildings of com- missioners of Exhibition of 1851 ... 321 of water companies, under Metropolis Water Act, 1852 ... 377 for testing gas meters, under Sale of Gas Act, 1859 ... 400 general, for gunpowder factories and magazines, under Explosives Act, 1 875 '. ... 440 special, for regulation of workmen in factories and maga- zines 442 general, for stores for gunpowder ... ... 445 penalty for breach of ... ... ... ... ... ... 44(5 special, for regulation of workmen in stores 446 general, for premises registered for keeping of gunpowder 448 general, as to packing of gunpowder for conveyance ... 451 penalty for breach of 452 for carrying Tramways Act, 1870, into effect ... ... 518 for the manner of working locomotives on turnpike roads and highways ... 526 penalty for non compliance .,' : -V, / " MG s. St. Olave united to Horselydown, Eotherhithe, and Southwark to elect a member to metropolitan board... ... ... 21 St. Paneras, Parish of maintenance of streets mentioned in an agreement with the London and North-Western Railway Company to be vested in 138 St. Paul, Covent Garden transfer of duties and powers of committee of manage- ment and vestry ... ... ... ... ... ... 226 S a le See Land, Structure, Tramway, Petroleum, Food, s, Nuisances h'emoral, and Sanitary Ac.i.s, Index. cv PAGE Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 ... 585 (Amendment) Act, 1879 598 Sale of Gas Act, 1859 396 See Gas, Gas and Water Companies. Salvage Force establishment of, by insurance companies under Fire Brigade Act, 1865 344 Sample of food or drug 590 Sanitary Act, 1866 638 Sanitary Act, 1868 656 Sanitary Law Amendment Act, 1874 ... 660 See Nuisances Bem&val and Sanitary Acts. Sanitary Authority incorporation of, under Sanitary Act, 1866, where not already incorporated ... ... ... ... ... 652 appearance of, in legal proceedings 652 Sanitary Inspector as to appointment of, xinder Nuisances Eemoval Act, 1855 610 Saving as to baths and washhouses, metropolitan burials, markets, and Charitable Trusts Act 49 of crown estate paving commissioners ... 140 of commissioners of works and public buildings 141 of powers of city commissioners of sewers over certain parts in sched. (B.) 141 of metropolitan sewage manure company ... ... ... 141 of commissioners or trustees of turnpike roads 142 of metropolitan police commissioners ... 142 rights and remedies of mortgagees 171 in local Acts applicable to commissioners of sewers, to apply to boards and vestries under Act 128 of rights as between landlord and tenant, Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 254 of rights of the Crown and Duchy of Lancaster under 41 & 42 Viet. c. 32 336 in Slaughterhouses Act respecting the general law of nui- sance 370 under Water Act, 1871, for ordinary powers of water com- panies 393 as to jurisdiction of courts of law and equity under Gas Act, 1860 420 rights of metropolitan board, district boards, vestries, &c. 420 in Explosives Act, 1875, of master of ship and carrier in case of emergency 482 for rockets, gunpowder, &c., on board ship in compliance with Merchant Shipping Act, 1854 482 as to liability under Explosives Act 482 cvi Index. SAVING continued. PAGE in Locomotive Act, 1865, of provision in section 41 of Thames Embankment Act, 1862 529 under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 622 rights of conservators of river Thames, Crown, &c., under Thames Kiver Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 .., 744 Scaffolding not to be erected without license 69 penalty on improperly erecting ... ... ... ... 09 if erected without license may be removed 69 Scavengers vestries and district boards to appoint ... ... ... 70 penalty on, neglecting duties ... ... ... ... 70 penalty for obstructing 70 inspector of nuisances to superintend duties of ... ... 72 owner to pay, for removal of refuse of trades ... ... 71 not to sweep dirt, &c., into sewers or drains, or into the Thames 126 as to penalties for similar offences under Thames Conser- vancy and other Acts ... ... ... 126 penalty for so doing ... ... ... ... 126 as to duties of, under General Paving Act 684 Scheme See Improvement Scheme. memorial for, as to commons under Commons Act, 1866 348 to be printed and published ... ... ... 340 objections and suggestions respecting, to be received by commissioners ... ... ... ... .. ... 349 ... 349 ... 349 ... 350 ... 350 ... 350 ... 351 . 351 final settlement and approval of preparation by commissioners of draft to state what rights are affected printing, and sale of copies of when approved, to be certified confirmation of, by Act of parliament contribution by local authority for purposes of reference of, to select committee ... ... ... ... 351 expenses of, to be defrayed by memorialists, &c. ... ... 351 amendment of, by commissioners 352 Search power of, under Explosives Act, 1875 ... ... ... 475 under Petroleum Act 428 inspection, &c., of animal intended for food ... ... 636 for gunpowder ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 477 Secretary of State to appoint persons to set out wards ... ... ... ... 4 lands not to be taken compulsorily, except by the metro- politan board with consent of 92 to appoint axiditor of accounts of metropolitan board ... 120 to be appointed by Treasury instead of by Secretary of State, Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1871 120)i annual report of metropolitan board to be sent to... ... 123 to lay annual report before parliament 124 division of parish containing more than 2000 rated house- holders into wards, and appointment of vestrymen to be submitted to, who may approve or alter ... 186 Index. evil SECRETARY OF STATE continued. PAGE cases in which, may make order as to execution of sewer- age works by vestries or district boards beyond limits of metropolis ... ... ... ... ... ... 192 to appoint gas inspector under Gas Act, 1860 ... ... 409 gas companies to obey orders of ... ... ... ... 409 expenses of inquiry under Gas Act, 1860, to be borne as, shall direct 409 may issue form of accounts to be filled up by gas com- panies 415 may direct proceedings by the attorney-general against gas companies ... ... ... ... ... ... 416 in case of refusal of license under Petroleum Act, 1871, applicant may memorialize, or lord-lieutenant . . . 427 complaint to, of default by nuisance authority in certain provisions of Nuisances Eemoval Act . . ... 653 proceedings thereon ... ... ... j..v.iu: iu. .>;. ... 653 Security See Liabilities. for faithful performance of duties by officers '. ,,.^dT ... 28 by rate collector appointed by overseers ... .-.jijj.-HWt^j .. 176 metropolitan board, and vestries and district boards, may borrow money to pay off existing ... ... ... 117 nothing in Act to prejudice rights of persons holding ... 171 list of securities of metropolitan commissioners of sewers, sched. (A.) 228 for consolidated stock 247 conversion of existing, into consolidated stock 257 conversion of, into consolidated stock with approval of treasury ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 257 saving rights of holders of existing ... ... ... ... 263 by building owner, if required by adjoining owner, under Building Act, 1855 303 to gas companies for payment of gas rate, &c., if required 410 differences as to, to be determined by a magistrate ... 410 separation of buildings ... ... ... ... ... 285 Service Sec Notice. Sewage works for interception of ... ... ... ... ... 74 alteration of description of works, and definition of " sewage " in section 32 of 21 & 22 Viet. c. 104 73, 74 legal proceedings where, discharged into stream ... .... 79u reservoirs, sluices, &c. , for emptying sewers 81 sale or disposal of 81 Avorks, &c., for deodorization of, pending execution of main drainage works ... ... ... ... ... 81?i Sewerage See Sewer* Sewer statutory interpretation of word ... ... 144 reference to cases where meaning of, considered 32?i main sewers (sched. (D.) to Metropolis Management Act, 1855) vested in metropolitan board of works ... 73 enumeration and description of (sched. (D.) ) 149 modification of term, by enlarged interpretation of " drain" (25 & 26 Viet. c. 102) 223 cviii Index. SEWER continued. VAGE enlargement, contraction, &c., of, within definition of " flood works " under 42 & 43 Viet. c. 198 730 duty of board as to construction of, and works for pre- venting sewage from passing into the Thames in or near to the metropolis ... ... 74 required by 21 & 22 Viet, c. 104, s. 1, to construct works for preventing, as far as practicable, sewage from passing into the Thames ivithin the metropolis ... 74?t extended powers of metropolitan board under that Act for constructing main drainage works ... ... ... I7n provisions of subsequent Acts in relation to main drainage works 18?i provisions as to sums assessed for main drainage rate (Metropolitan Board of Vr^orks (Loans) Act, 1869) ... 251 list of main drainage Acts authorizing loans ... ... 265 reference to Acts relative to sewerage and drainage of parts without metropolis ... ... 74?^ powers, &c., of board as to construction of, for sewerage and drainage of metropolis ... ... ... ... 74 power to carry through, across or under, &e., turnpike roads or any lands whatsoever 75 repair and maintenance of ... ... ... 75 compensation for damage ... ... ... 75 construction, &c., of, so as not to be a nuisance ... ... 79 power to construct reservoirs, sluices, engines, &c., for clearing, cleansing, and emptying ... ... ... 81 law applicable to discharge of sewage into streams ...79, SOn submission of plan of intercepting works to commissioners of works (repealed by 21 & 22 Viet, c, 104) 81 power to metropolitan board to take under jurisdiction other matters in relation to sewerage and drainage ... 82 to make general or special orders for guidance, &c., of ves- tries and district boards in the construction of sewers, &c 82 powers to make bye-laws relative to communications with sewers 124 power to make bye-laws as to levels, dimensions, construc- tion, &c., of sewers (25 & 26 Viet, c. 102) 209 powers for purchase or lease of lands for purposes of works 91 penalty for sweeping rubbish, &c., into sewers ... ... 126 distribution and apportionment of debts incurred by metro- politan commissioners of sewers in construction of sewerage works (25 & 26 Viet. c. 102) 167 additional powers to board for execution of works ... 178 power of vestries as to sewerage, &c., not to be transferred to metropolitan board without their consent ... ... 1 80 as to communication between sewers in different parishes, compensation, &c. 181 alteration, &c., of, included in expression " flood works " (Thames Floods Prevention Act, 1879) 73l construction of sewers by owners or occupiers of land at their own expense, and power to vestries and district boards to contribute ... ... *.. 18? directions and regulations as to construction of sewers by Vestries and district boards, and others, and submission of plans to metropolitan board 198 Index. cue SEWER continued. PAGE appeal to metropolitan board against orders of vestries or district boards as to expense of constructing sewers, wholly or partly at cost of private parties ... ... 192 as to consent of metropolitan board for construction of sewers beyond limits of metropolis ... ... ... 192 contribution to cost of main sewers ... ... ... 193 regulations respecting openings into sewers. .. ... ... 194 abatements, &c., in respect of property wholly or partially exempt from ratability for sewers ... ... ... 273 power to local authority under Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, to sewer streets and land purchased 564 saving of powers of city commissioners of sewers in relation to parts of parishes in sched. (B.) ... ... .. 141 except main, vested in vestries and district boards .. 31 vestries and district boards to make and repair 33 may be carried through, across, or under turnpike road street, &c., or any lands whatsoever ... 35 where person deprived of use of, new one to be made 36 conditions on which, may be substituted for private drains 36 where there is a liability \>j prescription, tenure, or other- wise, to maintain a sewer or bank, vestry or district board may do works and divide expense with party liable ... 37 examination of law applicable to obligations of individuals in respect of sewerage works ... ... ... ... 36?i vestries and district boards to supply traps to 39 not without consent of metropolitan board 180 to be kept covered and cleansed, so as not to be a nuisance 39 where within 100 feet of a house, owner to drain into ... 39 works may be done by vestry or district board in default 40 where, of a sufficient size, blocks of houses may be drained in combination ... ... ... 40 where no sewer within. 100 feet, drain to be made to covered cesspool ... ... 41 temporary provision for drainage where no proper sewer within 200 feet 196 drains may be branched into, under regulations ... ... 43 repealed by Metropolis Management Act, 1862, s. 61, which introduces new provisions 194 vestries or district works may branch drains into, at owner's expense ... ... ... ... ... 43 vestry or district board may order contribution towards construction of ... 43 if person improperly make or alter, vestry or district board may, after notice and default, make good the same and charge expense 45 penalty under 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, ss. 68, 69, for wrongful interference with sewers 198,199 Vestry or district board to cause offensive, to be cleansed and covered ... ; 46 vestry or district board may fill up, open, and substitute pipes ... ... 47 powers and duties of vestries and district boards as to, may be transferred to metropolitan board. (Previous con- sent in writing of metropolitan board necessary for such transfer, 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 28) 47 ex Index. SEWER continued PAGE vestries and district boards to appoint persons to cleanse... 70 vestries and district boards to distinguish, in their orders, the sums required for defraying expenses of cleansing, &c. , sewers, and those required for general purposes ... 97 rates for see Bate ... ... ... ... 99 buildings not to be erected over or under, \vithout consent of board or vestry ... 126 penalty for building on, or otherwise encroaching on 198, 199 dirt, &c., not to be swept into ... ... 126 appeal to metropolitan board against orders of boards and vestries with respect to construction of ... ... 128 three days' notice to be given of intention to connect, with main sewer ... ... ... ... ... ... 188 district board and vestry to submit plan of new sewer to metropolitan board ... ... ... ... ... 188 vestry or district board to sanction the branching of, by private persons into main or district ... 188 before district board or vestry sanctions the construction of, to apply for approval of metropolitan board 188 seven days' notice to be given before, can be branched into main sewer 188 in case of alteration or abandonment of, fresh sanction to be obtained 189 if not constructed within twelve months, fresh application necessary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 189 expense of constructing, in new street, and street laid out since January, 1856 189 expense of constructing, when previously only open sewer ." 190 in apportioning cost of, under 52nd and 53rd sections, land may be charged in a less proportion than house pro- perty 191 district board or vestry may defray part of expenses out of, rates 191 appeal to metropolitan board against order of board or vestry as to amount and apportionment of expenses of 191 may be made by district board or vestry, with consent of metropolitan board, &c., beyond limits of metropolis 192 no new, to be made by district board or vestry without consent of metropolitan board 193 power of ordering contribution to expense of main sewers extended to metropolitan board ... ... ... 193 or drains, not to be branched, without consent of board or vestry 194 may only be branched in conformity with directions as to payment of contribution ... 194 bye-laws may be made by metropolitan board for the guidance of vestries, &c., in the construction of ... 209 provisions in Tramways Act, 1870, as to protection of ... 507 power to local authority, under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, to sewer, pave,&c., streets on land purchased ... 564 power to local authority under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855, to lay down sewer, &c., for removal of nui- sances 4 615 Sewers' Rate See Rate. Index. cxi Ship PAGE provisions as to landing, &c., of foreign animals, under Contagions Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878 214n, bye-laws as to, carrying petroleum, under Petroleum Act, 1871 424 notice by master or owner of, carrying petroleum 424 provision as to owner and master of ship having on board dynamite, &c 458 provision by harbour authority, &c., for conveyance of explosives 471 seizure, &c., of explosives in, under Explosives Act, 1875 . 473 inspection of, conveying explosives, oy government in- spector, &c. ... ... ... ... 474 exemption under Explosives Act, 1875, of master or OAvner of, where consignee, &c. in fault ... ... ... 478 distress and sale of, on non-payment of penalty ... ... 480 definition of, under Explosives Act 486 as to cleansing, purifying, &c., and expenses of medical officers, under Diseases Prevention Act, 1855 602 inspection bv sanitary inspector of carcase, meat, &c., landed from * 617 bringing infected person ... ... ... ... ... 647 Showboard (projecting) 67 Side Entrance whether part of sewer ... ... ... 75?i Sign, Signpost (projecting) 67 Sinks inlets, outlets 647 Site interpretation of, under Metropolis Management and Buildings Acts Amendment Acts, 1878 331 metropolitan board, may make bye -laws with respect to sites of buildings... ... ... ... ... ... 331 Slaughter-houses (Metropolis) Act, 1874 363 licensing of 363)i regulations as to business of blood -boiler, bone -boiler, manure manufacturer, soap - boiler, tallow - rnelter, knacker 364 regulations as to business of fellmonger, tripe - boiler, slaughterer of cattle, &c. ... ... 364 amendment of law as to, renewal of license for slaughter- house in special session under Metropolis Manage- ment Amendment Act, 1862 367 powers of inspectors of Privy Council ... 368?i Sluice See Metropolitan Board of Works, Reservoir. Small Firework Factory provision in favour of owner of, who may obtain a license from the local authority ... ... 462 licensing by local authority and regulation of 462 3 K cxii Index. Smoke PAGE Nuisances Eemoval Act, 1855, not to impair powers con- ferred by Act for abatement of nuisances from smoke of furnaces, &c., in metropolis, &c 622 duties of nuisance authority for abating 644 fireplace or furnace not consuming as far as practicable smoke arising from combustible, a nuisance. Sanitary _Act, 1866, s. 19 643 engines used for water-works to consume their own, under Water Act, 1852 373 steam locomotives to cons time their own, under Locomo- tives Act, 1878 531 penalty for non-compliance 531 Soap-boiler See Slaughter houses (Metropolitan) Act, 1874. Space, Open See Open Space. Spirits as to reduction of strength by admixture of ^water, under Sale of Food and Drags Act, 1879 ..." 599 Square See Street. Act not to authorize the taking down of any bar, gate, &c., for any thoroughfare into or from, without consent of owner 62 saving of powers of commissioners under Crown Estate Paving Act in respect of gardens or pleasure grounds 140 special provision as to gardens in ... ... ... ... 139 gardens set apart for use of inhabitants of square, crescent, &c., and neglected, may be taken charge of and vested in metropolitan board or other corporate authority, under Gardens in Towns Protection Act, 1863 ... 357 or vested in a committee of rated inhabitants 358 bye-laws for management of gardens in ... 359 Stairs rules as to accesses, in certain buildings 283 Stamp stamping and verification of copies of models of gasholders, Sale of Gas Act, 1859 398 penalty for counterfeiting, for stamping or marking meters 400 Stamp Duty on transfers of consolidated stock 250 composition for, under Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1870 250 creation of consolidated stock for, composition for Metro- politan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1875 250n Steam Vessels special provisions as to buildings for machinery for ... 320 Steps (projecting) 67 Stock Certificates Act to apply to consolidated stock 249 Index. cxiii Store PAGE licensing and regulation of consumers', for gunpowder, under Explosives Act, 1875 444 general rules for ... ... ... ... 445 order in council prescribing situation and construction of . 445 definition of, and continuing certificate for existing, which are to be subject to Act ... ... ... 446 non-transferability, renewal, and form of license for ... 446 special rules for regulation of workmen in _ ... 446 provision in case of death, &c., of occupier of, or registered premises ... ... ... ... ... 451 Street And see Road, HigJiway. interpretation of 144 extended by 19 & 20 Viet. c. 102, s. 112 225 being highways, and the pavements and other materials thereof, to vest in vestries and district boards ... 54 vestries and district boards to cause streets to be paved ... 57 not to remove bars, gates, &c., to prevent thoroughfare without consent of owner ... ... ... ... 62 posts, fences, and rails may be erected at side of, &c... ... 62 companies not to break up, without consent 63 except in cases of emergency 63 breaking up, by companies under superintendence of ves- tries or district boards, and reinstatement ... ... 64 extension of obligation of companies, &c., as to reinstate- ment of 208 penalty on failing to reinstate ... ... 65 where pavement damaged by bursting of pipe, vestry or dis- trict board to give notice to company to repair same . 65 broken up by companies may be repaired by vestries, &c., and expenses charged ... ... ... ... ... 66 vestries and district boards may contract with companies for restoring ground broken up in ... ... ... 66 closing of streets by vestries and district boards during execution of works ... ... ... ... ... 209 new street, interpretation of ... ... ... ... ... 226 provisions for paving, at expense of owners of property ... 59 extended to owners of land ... ... ... ... ... 206 notice by vestry, &c., of undertaking to repair street not being a highway ... ... ... ... 62 substituted provisions as to repair of, not being highway 208 height of buildings in certain new streets ... .. ... 209 power of vestries and district board to water 66 occupiers still liable to cleanse footways 66 crossing sweepers ... ... 67 notice to owners to remove projections made after Act ... 67 projections made before Act may be removed by vestry or district board, on notice and payment of compensation 68 persons laying out, or building in new, to take precautions for preventing accidents ... ... ... 69 streets to be lighted... 71 metropolitan board and vestries and district boards may carry sewer into, through, &c., any 35, 75 in different parishes may be placed under management of one vestry or district board 82 as to naming ... 83 metropolitan board to regulate naming of 83 3 K 2 cxiv Index. STREET continued. PAGE repealed by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 87, and substituted pro- visions made ... ... 210 buildings not to be brought beyond regular line ... ... 84 repealed by 25 & 26 Viet. c. 102, s. 75, which contains new regulations as to general lin e 202 metropolitan board may make, widen, or improve ... 84 paving of certain, in St. Pancras, agreement as to ... ... 138 boards and vestries may, with consent of metropolitan board widen and improve ... ... ... ... 200 width of roads laid out for carriage traffic, and foot traffic . 218 prescribed distance from centre of, being highway, Metro- polis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 325 not being highway ... ... ... ... ... ... 326 district boards and vestries may borrow money for im- provement of 219 requirements as to use for carriage traffic of street formed for foot traffic, Metropolis Management Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878 328 gas companies to light, when required by local authority under Gas Act, 1860 411 provisions with respect to pipes, &c., in new streets of metropolitan board, under Subways Act, 1868 ... 493 power to break up, for construction of tramways, under Tramways Act, 1870 504 as to reinstatement of . . . ... ... ... ... ... 505 formation, paving, sewering, &c., of streets upon land pur- chased by local authority, under Artizans, &c., Dwel- lings Improvement Act, 1875 ... ... ... ... 564 or open place of public resort to come within section 17 of Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 599 repairs and works in, under General Paving Act ... ... 674 paving of ... ... ... ... ... 680 widening and improvement of 701 Structural Work under Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 ... ... ... 614 Structure no building, structure, &c., to be erected beyond general line without consent of metropolitan board 202 survey to be made of dangerous, under Building Act, 1855 295 where certified to be dangerous, to be shored up, and a hoard or fence erected ... ... ... 295 notice to be given to owner or occupier of dangerous, to repair same 295 if owner refuses to take down or repair dangerous, commis- sioners may do the work, and recover expenses . . . 296 if owner cannot be found, commissioners may sell ... 296 justices may cause inmates to be removed from 298 transfer of powers of commissioners of police as to, to metropolitan board ... . . , ... 322 expenses of board in respect of 322 provision as to sale of, under Metropolitan Building Act> 1855 334 penalty for refusing to admit purchaser ... ... ... 834 persons to whom, are sold may enter and remove same . 334 Index. cxv STRUCTURE continued. PAGE fees for inspection of ... ... ... ... ... ... 319 party, interpretation of, Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 275 provisions relating to ... ... ... 298 Subway power for metropolitan board to require companies to lay new pipes in, under Subways Act, 1863 494 penalty for breach of provision ... 494 as to existing pipes in streets in which there is a 494 right of all companies to lay pipes in 494 acts authorizing making of ... ... ... ... ... 495 Subways Act, 1868 493 Summary Jurisdiction See Court of Summary Jurisdiction. Summons service of, on metropolitan board, and district boards and vestries 132 in proceedings before justices for recovery of rates, one only to issue ... ... ... ... ... ... 177 rules as to service of, under Building Act, 1855 307 Sunday companies to supply water on, under Water Act, 1871 ... 381 Superannuation Allowances Act, 1866 270 Superintending Architect of metropolitan buildings to audit accounts of fees by district surveyors, under Building Act," 1855 ... ... ... 292 appointment of ... ... ... ... 294 not to practice as an architect 294 may appoint deputy 294 salary of 294 to pay moneys received by him to metropolitan board ... 294 may enter and inspect theatres, music halls, buildings, and works 334 Supply (Constant) See Water. Surety And see Security. of officer defaulting, not relieved by proceeding against offender 30 Surplus lands and property, power to dispose of 95 in case of commissioners selling dangerous structure, to be given to owner, under Building Act, 1855 297 how to be applied, if no demand made for it 297 disposal of land by local authority under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879 722,723 Surveyor of Highways See Highway. Swine penalty for keeping, in improper situations 213 keeping of, in front of streets, under 2 & 3 Viet. c. 47, s. 6, sub-sect. 5, so as to be a nuisance 213?* not to be kept in certain places, nor to wander in streets, under General Paving Act ... .., 693 cxvi Index. T. Table PAGE Building Act, 1855, first schedule, Part 1 315 explanation of ... ... ... , 316 Tallow-melter See Slaughter-houses (Metropolis) Act, 1874. Tank, &C., polluted water in 660 Tea to be examined by the customs, on importation, under Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 595 interpretation of term "exhausted" as applied to ... ... 595 Tenant See Landlord, Owner, Occupier. may, when entitled, deduct sewers' rate from rent ... 107 agreements between, and landlord, as to payment of rates, &c., not affected by Act 132 if, makes default in payment of poor rate after claim, land- lord to be liable 164 saving of rights of, under Loans Act, 1 869 254 nothing in Building Act, 1855, to affect rights or liabilities between landlord and ... ... ... 312 incoming, not to pay arrears of water rate of outgoing tenant, under Water Act, 1871 393 incoming, not to pay arrears of gas rate of outgoing, unless by express agreement, under Gas Act, 1860 ... ... 415 delivery of possession of premises by, under General Paving Act 708 Tender See Amends. Tenement qualification of occupier of, for election as vestryman by rental of ... ... ... 6,n small, rating of ... ... ... ... 164?i person occupying any, may claim to be rated, whether landlord liable or not 163 Terms interpretation or definition of, in 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120 ... 143 in Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862 ... 225 in Metropolitan Board of Works (Loans) Act, 1869 ... 246 in Metropolitan Building Act, 1855 275 in Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878, part 1 325 part 2 331 in Metropolitan Fire Brigade Act, 1865 337 in Metropolitan Commons Act, 1866 348 Open Spaces Act, 1877 362 in Slaughter-houses (Metropolitan) Act, 1874 368 under Water Act, 1852 378 under Water Act, 1871 379 in sale of Gas Act, 1859 396 in Gas Act, 1860 407 in Petroleum Act, 1871 422 in Explosives Act, 1875 435,470,483, 484 in Subways Act, 1868 493 Index. cxvii TERMS continued. PAGE in Tramways Act, 1870 496 tinder Highways and Locomotives Amendment Act, 1878 534 under Infant Life Protection Act 539 under Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Act, 1868 ... 544 in Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 572 in Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 585 in Nuisances Removal Act, 1855 605, 609 under Sanitary Act, 1866 643 under Sanitary Act, 1874 662 in Petroleum Act, 1879 715 under Thames River Protection of Floods Act, 1879 ... 730 Test, Testing See Gas, Petroleum. Thames Embankment and Metropolis Improvement Fund payment of certain duties on coals, &c., to account of ... 241 definition of, Metropolitan Board of Works Loans Act, 1869 246 application of ... ... 256 eventual transfer of, to metropolitan board 256 Thames, Embankment of, reference to statutes relating to 18?i, 2427i Thames River metropolitan board to execute such works as are necessary to prevent sewage flowing into (Metropolis Manage- ment Act, 1855) 74 alteration in description of intercepting sewers by 21 & 22 Viet c. 104, s. 1 73?i works on soil or bed of ... ... 75 approval of, by conservators of ... ... 77n metropolitan board to keep, free from banks and obstruc- tions from sewage at outfalls, Thames Navigation Act, 1870, section 20 , 81n prohibition of sweeping soil, rubbish, &c., into sewers, &c., discharging into, and penalty 126 penalty under Thames Conservancy Act, 1864, for putting rubbish, &c., into ... 126n reference to Rivers Pollution Act, 1876 127?i Acts relating to the embankments of 242n, 266 provisions for freeing from tolls certain bridges over ... 239n restrictions as to taking water from, for supply for domestic use (Metropolis Water Act, 1852) 371 penalty on gas company for causing or suffering gas wash- ings into any stream ... ... ... ... ... 617 definition of, under Thames River Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 731 (Metropolis Management) Prevention of Floods Act, 1879 727 Theatres metropolitan board may require proprietors of, and certain music halls in use at time of passing of Act, to remedy structural defects, under Building (Amendment) Act, 1878 328 metropolitan board may make regulations as to new, and new music halls with respect to protection from fire 330 cxviii Index. THEATRES contimied. PAGE architect, &c., of board may enter and inspect music halls, buildings, and works ... ... ... ... ... 334 penalty for refusal to admit 334 Thoroughfare no bar, &c., for preventing, to be removed without consent of owner ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 no bar, &c., to be removed without consent, &c., in making improvements by district boards, &c. ... ... ... 201 Tidal \Vaters, Boundaries, &c. jurisdiction in, under Explosives Act, 1875 479 rivers, &c., within flow and re-flow of Thames included in expression " Eiver Thames," Thames Floods Preven- tion Act, 1879 731 Title arbitrator or jury for assessing compensation, no power to inquire into ... ... ... ... ... ... 134u owner whose land entered on under section 85 of Lands Clauses Act not compellable to produce 95n evidence of, to lands in award (Artizans, &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875) 577 as to question of, under General Paving Act 707 Tolls enactments for freeing certain bridges from ... ... 239?i in default of payment of, by licensee of tramway, carriages may be sold under Tramways Act, 1870 510 disputes between promoters and licensee of tramway as to amount of, due, to be settled by justices ... ... 510 as to, and charges to be taken by promoters of tramway ... 514 recovery of ... ... ... ... ... 516 local authority may lease or take 501 Totals of Rateable Value of property exempt from sewers rate to be inserted in valuation lists ... ... ... ... ... ... 273 to be printed by clerk of managers of metropolitan asylum district 273 appeal in case of unfairness in 273 Towns regulations as to construction of tramways in, under Tram- ways Act, 1870 499 Trade refuse of, may be removed by scavengers on payment ... 71 dispute as to what is refuse of, to be determined by jus- tices 71 noxious or offensive, as to nuisance from candle-house, &c., or any manufactory, &c., for any trade causing effluvia (Nuisances Kemoval Act, 1855) 618 absolute prohibition against establishing anew certain, within limits of Slaughter-houses Act, 1874 363 penalty for offending ... ... ... ... ... ... 363 certain, may be established anew with sanction of local authority ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 364 when to be deemed to be established ane\v ... ... 368 Index. cxix Trade (Board of) See Board of Trade. PAGE Tramway provisional order authorizing construction of, under Tramways Act, 1870 497 by whom may be obtained ... ... ... ... ... 497 board of trade may dispense with consent of local autho- rity for construction of 497 deposit by promoters on estimate of expense of construc- tion 499 regulations as to construction of, in towns 499 board of trade may authorize two or more local authorities to construct 500 local authority may lease, or take tolls of ... ... ... 501 as to construction of ... ... ... ... ... ... 503 mode of formation of ... ... ... 503 power to break up streets, Scc. for construction of 504 promoters of to repair part of road where, laid 505 road authority and promoters may contract for paving roads on which, laid 506 provisions in Act as to gas and water companies ... ... 506 rights of authorities and companies to open roads on which, laid 508 board of trade may grant license to use, to third parties ... 509 rules as to carriages to be used on 509 in default of payment of tolls by licensee of, carriages may be detained and sold 510 licensee of, liable for damage done by carriages, ser- vants, &c 511 as to removal of, in certain cases ... ... . . 511 512 512 513 515 516 516 proceedings in case of insolvency of promoters as to purchase of undertaking by local authority as to power of sale of, by promoters penalties for injury and obstruction to penalty on passengers on, practising frauds penalty for bringing dangerous goods on ... reservation of right of public to use roads on which, laid 517 reservation of rights of owners, &c., of mines 517 as to user of road by promoters of 517 notice and deposit of lease of, by local authority 524 Tramways Act, 18 7O 496 Transfer See Loan, Thames Embankment Improve- ment Fund. of powers as to sewerage and drainage by vestries, &c., to metropolitan board 47,180 of powers relating to paving, improvements, &c., to vestries and district boards ... 47 of property ... ... 50 of mortgages 118 form of, of mortgage of rates, sched. (F.) ... 160 of consolidated stock ... ... ... 248 closing of, books 248 stamp duty on, of consolidated stock ... ... ... 250 forgery, &c., of, of stock ... ... ... ... ... 250 of improvement fund to metropolitan board 256 cxx Index. TRANSFER continued. PAGE forms of, of consolidated stock, second schedule 266 to metropolitan board of existing fire offices under Fire Brigade Act 338 to board of powers of parishes as to fire-phigs 345 Trapped Inlets, &e. ^, v >f '^Sf>< 647 Treasurer and clerk not to be the same person 27 payment to, by overseers of sums raised pursuant to orders of boards and vestries 97,108,175 Treasury certificate of, of amount payable to person appointed to set out wards ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 to appoint auditor of metropolitan board instead of secretary of state 120?i consent of, for metropolitan board to borrow for purposes of main drainage 17 payment of principal and interest of moneys borrowed for main drainage, guaranteed by ... ... 18w eventual transfer from, of Thames Embankment Fund to metropolitan board 256 sanction of, for raising money by metropolitan board ... 247 tables to accompany bills submitted by metropolitan board to parliament for powers to borrow, returns to treasury showing rateable value of property, &c. ... 247w approval of, of advances by commissioners for reduction of national debt to metropolitan board ... ... ... 248 /, of annual sum to be carried to consolidated loansfund ... ... ... 255 application of fund according to regulations approved by... 255 application by, of Thames Embankment fund 255 additional borrowing powers of metropolitan board with sanction of ... ... ... ... ... ... 257 powers and duties of, with respect to issue of metropolitan bills and mode of proceeding in relation thereto 258, 259u loans by metropolitan board to vestries and district boards for works appearing to metropolitan board and treasury to be permanent works. . . ... ... ... ... 259 approval, sanction, &c., of, how signified 262 direction of, as to form of annual returns by metropolitan board showing amount of consolidated stock, &c. . . . 264 contribution by, to expenses of Fire Brigade ... ... 341 approval of, for appointment of persons by commissioners of customs for examination of tea, Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875 595 Trespass Tender of amends for, committed in execution of Act ... 133 Tripe Boiler See Slaughter Houses (Metropolis) Act, 1874 Trustees saving powers of, of turnpike road ... ... ... ... 14 empowered to invest trust money in consolidated stock... 262?i Index. cxxi Turnpike Road PAGE boards and vestries may breakup, &c 96 repealed by Metropolis Management Amendment Act, 1862, which contains new regulations 182 saving powers of trustees of ... ... 142 footpaths of, to be under control of boards and vestries ... 142 provisions of General Paving Act (Metropolis), not to affect 714 u. Umpire inspectors of votes may appoint, whose decision shall be final 183 Underground Room See Cellar, House. works, map of (Metropolis "Water Act, 1852) 375 Uniting Buildings 285 V. Vacancy See District Board, Metropolitan Board, Vestry. Valuation List under Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, conclusive evi- dence of gross and rateable value of property ICKtoi totals of value of property exempt from sewers rate, to be inserted in ... ... ... ... 273 Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869 reference to provisions of lOOro Vault See Cellar. Vestry Act 1 & 2 Will. 4, c. 60, for better regulation of, &c., repealed as to scheds. (A) and (B) of Act (subject to proviso) 2 constitution of, in parishes in scheds. (A) and (B) 2 qualification of persons to be elected for ... 4 when constituted under Act to supersede any existing vestry save as provided 7 I election by, of auditors where number of wards exceeds five ... 8 of every parish in scheds. (A) and (B) to provide places for election of vestrymen and auditors, and as to expenses and provision as to first election 13 powers to be exercised by majority at meetings, and as to quorum 14 place of meeting of ... 14 chairman of meeting of ... ... 14 to elect members of district board 15 application of, to metropolitan board for alteration in numbers of members of district board ... 15 annual election by, to supply vacancies by expiration of office 15 election by in place of those going out of office 16 cxxii Index. VESTRY continued. PAGE duty of, in case of casual vacancy 16 of parish in sched. (A) to be a body corporate 17 of parishes in sched. (A) to elect members of metropolitan board 20 of parishes united for electing members of metropolitan board 21 disqualification of members ... ... ... 23 procedure, and affairs of ... ... ... ... ... 23 duties and powers of, in parishes in sched. (A) as to sewerage, drainage, cleansing ditches, &c. as to transfer of powers under local Acts, &c. ... as to highways ... as to paving regulation, and cleansing and manage- ment of streets, and as to vaults, cellars and fences at sides of footways, &c as to paving new streets... ... ... as to breaking up streets as to lighting streets as to licensing slaughter-houses, &c as to appointment of medical officers and inspectors of nuisances ... ... ... ... under Nuisances Removal Acts ... as to buildings beyond general line as to contracts as to purchasing and leasing land, &c.... as to assessments, &c., rating ... ... as to accounts as to bye-laws as to damage to or arising from interference with pro- perty of under Gas Act, 1860 under Tramways Act, 1870 under Artizans, &c., Dwellings Act, 1860, Amend- ment 1879 under General Paving Act (Metropolis) under Thames Floods Prevention Act, 1879 borrowing powers of audit, annual reports ... ... provision where vestry in parish in sched. (A) makes poor rate 106 )to make out and publish a yearly list of estates and charities and bequests, with situation and application thereof 123 claim for compensation for loss by officers of paving board 129 as to service of notice on vestry ... ... ... ... 132 as to parishes in scheds. (A) and (B) acting jointly or in union, in exercise of any powers, and as to guardians, trustees, &c 137 where power to make church rate in open vestry existed, to continue (19 & 20 Viet. c. 112) 161 Compulsory Church Rates Abolition Act, 1868 IGln powers vested in, in ecclesiastical districts, not affected ... 162 except as above, all powers and privileges transferred to, under 18 & 19 Viet. c. 120 162 and except as to powers and duties vested in district boards 162 mode of convening meetings of ... ... ... ... 165 Index. cxxiii VESTRY continued. PAGE repeal of 35th section of original Act as to elections of, to supply vacancies ... ... ... ... ... ... 185 vesting in, of duties, powers, &c., vested by 10 Geo. 4, c. 68> in the committee of management of St. Pauls, Covent Garden 226 may allow compensation to officers deprived of office (Fire Brigade Act) 339 Act 29 Viet. c. 31, as to superannuation allowances to officers of 270 Vestry Clerk See Overseer. Vestrymen number of, for parishes 2 number of, for wards 3 secretary of state to appoint person to apportion ... ... 4 number of, for wards, may be altered ... ... ... 4 qualification of ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 joint occupation by ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 first election of, under Act 6 full number of, to be elected ... , 7 existing, superseded ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 term of office ... ... ... ... ... 7 vacating office ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 election of, to supply vacancies ... ... ... ... 7 { not to be auditors ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 form of notice of election ... ... ... ... ... 9 each ratepayer to have one vote for ... ... ' . f . fi . ... 11 disqualification of ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 may resign office 24 occupier rated for one year may vote for election of ... 164 when elected for more than one ward ... 185 division of parish into wards in case of future increase of rated householders ... ... 186 Victoria Street Sewer repayment of sums expended on," out of money raised on security of main drainage rate ... ... ... ... 170 Void Spaces to continue rateable 102 Vote each ratepayer to have one for auditors, and one for vestrymen 11 duty of inspectors of 11 decision of, how far conclusive ... ... 5n provision in case of equality of ... ... 12 personation of parishioner entitled to 12 of majority to decide questions at meetings ... 16, 22 when voter qualified to vote at elections 10 chairman of metropolitan board to have second or casting, in case of equal number of ... ... 23 member of vestry, &c. , being a shareholder of contracting companies not to vote on questions in which company interested > _ 24 resolution of metropolitan board authorising expenditure of 20,000 to be confirmed at subsequent meeting ... 179 cxxiv Index. Voting Paper PAGE at election of vestrymen and auditors 10 falsifying 12 w. Wall See Building, House, Cross Wall, External Watt, Party Wall. structure and thickness of, under Building Act, 1855 ... 279 rules as to recesses and openings in ... ... 279 as to power of metropolitan board to alter rules for regula- tion of thickness of 293 construction of, first schedule ... ... ... ... 314 thickness of 314 base of, defined ... ... ... 275 external, defined 275 party, defined ... ... ... 275 cross, defined ... ... ... 275 length of, first schedule 314 lootings of 314 rules for, of dwelling houses, first schedule, Part I. ... 315 thickness of, of dwelling houses, first schedule, Part I. ... 315 substances of which, authorised to be made by Metropolis Management and Building Act Amendment Act, 1878 331 external, of building from centre of roadway ... ... 325 "Wards parishes containing, at passing of Act, more than 2,000 rated householders to be divided into ... ... ... 3 to be set out by persons appointed by secretary of state ... 4 alteration of numbers of vestrymen in case of variation in relative numbers of inhabited houses 4 vestryman elected for more than one ... 185 elections to fill vacancies in 185 parish found on future census to contain more than 2,000 rated householders may be divided into ... ... 186 not to contain less than 500 rated householders 186 number of, not to exceed eight 186 Warehouse rules for walls of, under Building Act, 1855, first schedule, Part II , 317 definition of f\..^ ... 317 Water Act, 1852 Water Act, 1871 Water definition of water companies under Metro'polis Manage- ment Act, 1855 225 restriction as to sources of supply of, to the metropolis, under Water Act, 1852 371 not to be brought within a certain distance in open aqueducts 372 companies to filter all, supplied for domestic use 372 proceedings in case of complaint as to quality and quantity of ... . 373 OCT221985 ^4? < ,OV^ Wfc ^ cs fiRARY^, - \r ^ * Jf? i 1 : ajnv3jo^ ' iF-CALIFO^ ^ ii 3= A\\E-UNIVERS/A i 1 3 2 f =o s V y M so A 000018198 2 > ^OKALIF(%,