CtbrarB of fiSnt^antin Site lillbeeler jGe-vay\ /^^ fYhe-eyUA - t^p^ THE Life of the Ancient Greeks BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SYLLABUvS OF CORNKLIv UNIVERSITY LECTURES. BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER. ITHACA, N, Y. 1890. y -I '^ W5 ABBREVIATIONS. BD. Baumeister, Denkmaler des Klassischen Altertums. 3 vols. (1888). BE. Biiclisenschutz, Besitz und Erwerb im griechischen Alterthume (1869). CuRTius Curtius, Ernst. History of Greece. 5 vols. GroTE Grote, George. A History of Greece. 12 vols. GK. The Life of the Greeks and Romans (trans, from the third Ger- man edition). HB. Hermann, Lehrbuch der griechischen Privatalterthiimer, 3d edit. (1882); edited by Bliimner. IvS. Bliimner, Leben und Sitten der Griechen. 3 vols. (1887). MHb, Handbuch der Klassischen Altertums-wissenschaft herausge- geben von Dr. Iwan Miiller (1885-90). PE. Boeckh, Public Economy of the Athenians (transl. from Die Staatshaushaltung der Athener). TT. Bliimner, Terminologie und Technologie der bildenden Kiinste. 4 vols. (1874-87). THE LIFE OF THE ANCIENT. GREEKS. Lecture I. The Physical Geography of Greece. Tozer, Lectures on the Geography of Greece (1873) ; Tozer, Classi- cal Geography (Appletons' Liter. Primers) (1877) ; Bursian, Geogra- phic von Griechenland, 2 vols. (1862) ; Grote, History of Greece, Part II chap, i ; Curtius, History of Greece, I chap, i ; Herman n-Bliim- ner, Griech. Privatalterthiimer, pp. 8 fF. ; Abbott, History of Greece, I chap, i ; Lolling, Miiller's Handb. der Altertumswissenscliaft, III 99 fF. ; Wordsworth, Greece, pictorial, descriptive and historical. On climate : Baedeker's Greece, Introd. pp. 29 fF. ; Wachsmuth, Die Stadt Athen im Altertum, I 100 ff. ; Partsch, Das Klima von Athen, Mete- orol. Zeitschr, 1884, pp. 473 fF. The location of Greece as a whole in relation to the sea and to other lands The mountain ranges Elevation of moun- tains Plains Rivers The coast-line The comparative extent of the land Soil Climate. Lecture II. The Physical Geography of Greece. (CONTINUE^D.) Beside the works already cited : Curtius, Alterthum und Gegenwart, II 22 fF. ; Hehn, The Wanderings of Plants and Animals (Transl. of Kulturpflanzen und Haustiere) ; Williams, Views in Greece, 2 vols., illustr. ; v. Falke, Greece and Rome, illustr. The historical significance of location and climate Pro- ducts of the soil Characteristics of Greek scenery. (i9272 4 Lecture III Characterization of the Greek People. St. John, Hellenes, I 29 ff. ; Felton, Greece, ancient and modern, I 271-309; MahafFy, Social Life in Greece, '228 fF. ; HB. pp. 31-37; Schmidt, L., Die Ethik der alten Griechen, 2 vols. (1882). Pliyic^l ,chaxa,Cteristics Standard of beauty among the 'jGF'reek,sV-5vr6ial.'and intellectual characteristics Modera- te oti>,Suscei?tibility toward the beautiful Fineness of feel- -iiig'-H-Setitinierit of friendship Humanity and inhumanity Mental alertness Avarice Untruth. Lecture IV. The Population. Boeckh, Public Economy of the Athenians, Book I chap, vii ; Clinton, Fasti Hellenici, II 468-484; Belocli, Bevolkerung der grie- chisch-romischen Welt (1886). For the states: Gilbert, Handbuch der griech. Staatsalterthiimer, 2 vols. (1881). For the colonies and leagues : Gilbert, II 397 ff. Estimates of the population of Greece, of Attica, of Athens Methods of determination Division into tribes States Colonies Early leagues Other unifying influences : likeness of speech, community of religion, contrast with the life and manners of the orientals. Lecture V. The Modern State and People of Greece. Fallmerayer, Geschichte der Halbinsel Morea (1830) ; Welchen Einfluss hatte die Besetzung Griechenlands durch die Slaven auf das Schicksal der Stadt Athen ? (1835); Sanders, Volksleben der Neu- griechen (1844) ; Leake, Travels in the Morea, 3 vols. (1830) ; Leake, Travels in Northern Greece, 4 vols. (1835) ; Dodwell, Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, 2 vols. (1819) ; Ross, Grie- chische Inselreisen, 4 vols. (1840) ; Curtius, E., Peloponnesos, 2 vols. (1851) ; Felton, Greece, ancient and modern, II 249 ff. ; Schmidt, B., Das Volksleben der Neugriechen und das hellenische Alterthum (^lOilo. . ^ CU4uMi f^ f^ f ' ZuaXLu.^ ^UJJj^ e/o<.ua^ ^^H^ J-flc^ . (iSyi) ; Wachsmuth, C, Das alte Griechenland im neuen (1864) ; MahaiFy, Rambles and Studies in Greece, 2d edit. (1878) ; Snider, A Walk in Hellas (1883) ; Baedeker's Greece, by H. G. Lolling, Introd. pp. 31 ff. (1889) ; Bent, The Cyclades (1885) ; Krumbacher, Grie- chische Reise (1886); Wyse, Impressions of Greece (1871) ; On the language ; Boltz, Die hellenische oder neugriechische Sprache (1881) ; Vincent and Dickson, A Handbook to Modern Greek (1881). The controversy concerning the race-connection of the present population of Greece Various incursions and immi- grations of alien populations Evidences of unbroken line of connection with ancient Greece to be found in various m3^ths, superstitions, and religious observances, in various popular usages and customs, in the language Characteristics of the people Financial and industrial interests Political affairs The church The language. Lecture VI. Attica. Lolling, MHb., Ill 110-121 ; Curtius und Kaupert, Karten von Attika ; Wordsworth, Greece, pp. 65 ff. ; Hertzberg, Athen historisch- topographisch dargestellt (1885) chap, i; Baedeker, Greece, pp. 104 ff.; Mahaffy, Rambles and Studies, chaps, vi, vii. Mountains Plains Rivers Extent of Plains Coast line Climate Vegetation The harbors of Phaleron and Peiraeus. Lecture VII. Athens. Wachsmuth, Die Stadt Athen im Altertum, vol. I (1874) ; Lolling, MHb. Ill 290-335 ; Milchhofer, BD. s. v. Athen ; Hertzberg, Athen ; Curtius und Kaupert, Atlas von Athen ; Harrison and Verrall, Mythol- ogy and Monuments of Ancient Athens (1890) ; Mahaffy, Rambles and Studies, chaps, iii-v ; Gregorovius, Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter, 2 vols, (i^ 6 Outline history of the city The walls The gates The monuments of the lower city, following in general the description of Pausanias, the market-place and buildings near it, the southeastern quarter, the Ilissos district, the street of tripods, the precinct of Dionysos and the theatre, the Askle- pieion, the Odeion of Herodes Atticus, the Pnyx.. Lecture VIII. The Acropolis. Lolling, MHb. Ill 335-352 ; Baedeker's Greece, 55 ff. ; Boetticher, Die AkropoHs ; MichaeHs, Der Parthenon ; Bolm, Die Propylaen der Akropolis zn Athen ; Kekule, Die Reliefs an der Balustrade der Athe- na Nike ; Stuart and Revett, The Antiquities of Athens, 4 vols., smaller edit, 1 vol. Shape and extent History The Propylaea The tem- ple of Athena Nike Objects between the Propylaea and the Parthenon The Parthenon The Brechtheion. Lecture IX. The Greek Family; Marriage and the Wedding. HB. pp. 251-278 ; GK. pp. 190-195 ; Becker's Charicles, Excursus to Scene xii ; St. John, Hellenes, II i fF. ; Felton, Greece, I 343 ff. ; Schreiber, Kulturshist. Bilderatlas, I, Taf. Ixxxi ; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 446 fF. ; Bliimner, BD. s. v. Hochzeit ; Bliimner, LS. I 150 fF. ; Smith's Diet, of Antiquities s. v. Matrimonium. On the Modern Greek usages : Wachsmuth, Das alte Griechenland im neuen, pp. 8i- 105, and Sakellarios, Die Sitten und Gebraiiche der Hochzeit bei den Neugriechen verglichen niit denen der alten Griechen (1880). On the development of the monogamous family system : McLennan, Primi- tive Marriage (1876) ; Morgan, Ancient Society (1878) ; McLennan, The Patriarchal Theory (1885) ; Bachofen, Das Mutterrecht ; Lubbock, The Origin of Civilization (1870) ; Schurman, The Ethical Import of Darwinism, chap. vi. Position of the family in human society Development of the monogamous family system Importance of an under- 7 standing of the Greek family relations Character of the marriage relation in Greece The marriage contract The wedding The Modern Greek wedding. Lecture X. The Life of the Women. HB. pp. 64-75 ; GK. pp. 185 f. ; Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece, "pp. 52 flf., 142 fF., 274 flf. ; Miilier, MHb. IV, i, pp. 448 ff. ; Donald- son, Women in Ancient Greece, Contenip. Review, July, 1878 and March, 1879 \ Bliimner, LS. I pp. 167 ff. ; Smith's Dictionary of An- tiquities, s. V. Tela, Fusus ; St. John, Hellenes, I 369 ff., II 28 ff. ; GoU, Kulturbilder "I 250 ff. ; Becker's Charicles, Bxc. to Sc. xii ; BE. pp. 292 f. ; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf. Ixxxii and Ixxxiii ; Haley, The Social and Domestic Posiiion of Women in Aristophanes, Harvard Stud, in Class. Philol. I, Art. xi (1890). Contrasts between the position of women in the Homeric age, in the classical period, and in the Hellenistic period Restrictions upon the appearance of women outside the home Life at home Occupations : spinning, weaving, etc. (For dress and toilet, vid. Lectt. xv, xvi, xvii) Character of Greek women The Hetairai. Lecture XL The Children. HB. pp. 75-80, 278-301 ; GK. pp. 195-197; Miilier, MHb. IV, i pp. 448 d. ff. ; Becker, Charicles, Exc. ii to Sc. i (ed. G611) ; Mahaffy, Old Greek Education, pp. 9-23, 32-57 ; Grasberger, Erzichung und Un- terricht II, i pp. 28 ff. ; Smith's Diet, of Antiq. 5. v. Amphidromia, Nomen ; BD. s. v. Aussetzen, Ammen, Wickelkinder, Kinderspiele, Schaukeln ; Mahaffy, Social lyife in Greece, pp. '^163 ff. ; Richter, vSpiele der Gr. und Rom. (1887). Relation to family authority Mutual responsibility of parent and child Birth Naming Nursing Food Games and toys Earliest education The ephebes. Lecture XII. The Slaves. Richter, Die Sklaverei im griecliischeii Altertlium (1886) ; Biicli- senschiitz, Besitz und Erwerb im klassischen Alterthume, pp. 104- 208; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. vii ; Boeckh, PE., see index s. V. Slaves ; HB. pp. 80 ff. ; Gilbert, Handbuch der griech. vStaatsalt- erthiimer, I 31-36, 163-168, II 287-294; Busolt, MHb. IV, i pp. 10 fif. ; Smith's Diet, of Autiq. s. v. Servus ; Bliimner, LS. Ill 174 fF. Numbers Legal status The philosophy of slavery Differing condition at different periods The Spartan Helots The Athenian slaves Their relation to masters Occu- pations Punishments Emancipation Nationality Prices of slaves. Lecture XIII. The Greek House. GK. pp. 73-76, 78-84 ; HB. pp. 143 ff. ; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. iii ; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 339 ff. ; Smith, Diet, of Aiitiq. s. v. Domus ; Winckler, Die Wohnhaiiser der Hell enen ; Lange, Hausund Halle; Bliimner, BD. s. v. Haus ; Goll, Kulturbilder ^IH i, ff. The insignificance of private houses in the city during the classical period Materials of these houses Size Gen- eral plan Surroundings of house Entrance Porter Court Various rooms Second floor Roof Stoves Decoration of walls Development of house architecture in the Hellenistic period The Homeric house. Lecture XIV. The Furniture of the House. GK. pp. 134-160; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 376-395 ; Becker's Chari- cles, Exc. ii to Sc. viii (Goll) ; St. John, Hellenes II 97 ff. ; Bliim- ner, Das Kunstgewerbe im Alterthum, II 2-154 1 Weiss, Kostiim- kunde I, i, 855 ff. ; BD. s. v. Tische, Sessel, Fussbank, Betten, Kissen, Truhen, Lampen, Leuchter ; Smith's Diet, of Antiq. s. v. Mensa, Lec- tus, Sella, Thronus, Amphora, Crater, Cyathus, Canthams, Patera, 9 Candelabrum ; Buchholz, Die homerischen Realieii II, 2, pp. 138 ff. ; Miller, Die Beleuchtung im Altertum (1885) ; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf, Ixxxvi. Couches Pillows Mattresses Chairs Tables Jars Vases Jugs Pots Drinking vessels Lamps The furniture of the Homeric house. Lecture XV. Clothing. HB. pp. 172 fF. ; GK. pp. 160-170 ; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. xi ; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 395 fF. ; Bliimiier, LS. I 11-60; BD. s. v. Kleidung, ChiLon, Chlamys, Himation, Giirtel ; Smith's Diet, of An- tiq. s. V. Tunica, Pallium, Peplum, Fibula, Chlamys, Exomis ; Weiss, Kostumkunde I, i. 700 ff. ; Bohlan, De re vestiaria (1885) ; Studniczka, Beitrage zur Geschichte der altgriechischen Tracht (1886) ; Buchholz, Homerische Realien II, 2, pp. 260-274 ; Helbig, Das homerische Epos von den Denkmalern erlaiitert, pp. 115 ff. ; Smith, J. M., Ancient GreeV Female Costume (2d edit. 1883) ; Hope, Costumes of the An- cients (181 2) ; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf. Ixxxiv. Costume and climate Costume and civilization The clothing of the primitive Greeks Clothing in the Homeric age The introduction of the tunic for men The period from Homer to the Persian wars The classical period Special garments : TreVA-O?, apo<;-, ;(Aatva, ;)(tTaJv, IfxaTLov, i^MfXLS, xA.a/xv?, ^oAta The girdle The color of garments Ten- dencies of fashion in the Hellenistic period. Lecture XVI. Dress for the Head and Feet. GK. pp. 170-178; Blumner, LS. I 60-90 ; Muller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 426-433 ; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. xi ; Blumner, BD. s. v. Haar- tracht, Barttracht, Kopfbedeckung, Fussbekleidung ; Smith's Diet. Antiq. s. v. Coma, Barba, Pileus, Calceus, Sandalium, Cothurnus ; Buchholz, Hom. Realien II, 2, pp. 274-279. lO Treatment of hair among men in the heroic age The elaborate frisure of the lonico- Asiatic |civilization (yth-sth centur>0 The temperate style of the classical age The Laconomania The beard at different periods The history of shaving Barbers and barber-shops Hats Styles of wearing the hair among women Head-dresses Sandals and shoes. Lecture XVII. The Toilet and the Bath. HB. pp. 200 fF. ; Bliiiimer, Kunstgewerbe im Altertum II 127 fif. ; Becker's Charicles, Exc. iii to Sc. viii ; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 444 fF. ; Bliimner, LS. I 178 ff. ; St. John, Hellenes II 65 fF. ; Smith, Diet. Antiq. .y. v. Balneae ; BD. s. v. Baden, Spiegel, Schminken, Sonnen- schirm, Facher. Cn Ornaments, etc.,cF. Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 433 fF.; GK. pp. 178 fF. The bath in Homeric times In classical times Public fountains and baths Oil Perfumes Rouge Jewelry and ornaments. Lecture XVIII. Food and Drink. HB. pp. 214-235 ; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. vi ; Miiller, MHb. IV, I, pp. 441 fif.; Bliimner, LS. II, 34 fif.; PE. chaps, xv, xvi, xvii ; Bliimner, TT. I, pp. i fif.; St. John, Hellenes II 125 fif. General characteristics of the Greek cuisine The prepa- ration of meal Different sorts Varieties of bread lycav- en Cakes Vegetables Oil Meat Fish Eggs Cheese Wine Varieties Method of preparation and use. II Lecture XIX. Table Usages, GK. pp. 264 fF.; HB. pp. 235 fF.; Becker's Charicles, Bxc. to Sc. vi ; Smith's Diet. Antiq. s. v. Coena, Symposium ; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 445 b and c ; Bliimner, L;S. II 29-34, 36-45 ; MahafFy, Social Life in Greece, chap, ^xi ; BD. s. v. Mahlzeiten, Symposion, Kranze, Kot- tabos, Gaukler ; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf. Ixxvi and Ixxvii ; Goll, Die griech. und rom. Kiiche, Kulturbilder ^11 74 ff. Arrangement of table and seats at different periods Ser- vice The courses Table manners Dishes Drinking customs The symposia. LfCCture XX. The Cost of Living. Boeckh, PE. chap, i-xxi ; BE. pp. 347 ff. Inadequacy of all direct comparisons of ancient money val- ues with our own Variations in the value of gold and sil- ver Wages and incomes Profits of trade Price of houses Price of grain Of bread Of wine Of oil Of meat and other table supplies Of clothing Estimated mini- mum cost of living compared with the known rate of wages Cost of living among the wealthier. Lecture XXI. The Daily Life. HB. pp. 121 ff.; Bliimner, LS. II, i ff. Conditions in Athens best known Difficulty of judging to what extent they are peculiar Peculiar conditions in Sparta Divisions of the day at Athens Clocks Morn- ing hours : ablutions, toilet, first meal Visits Marketing General appearance of street, houses, and shops Market- place The assembly The courts Other public service 12 The festivals Noon The noon-day meal The public baths Wine shops and gambling houses Dinner Sym- posium. Lecture XXII. Sickness, Physic, and Physicians. Haser, Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medicin, -I 62 fF. ; Encyclop. Britaimica s. v. Medicine ; Smith's Diet. Aiitiq. s. v. Medicus, Medi- cina ; Smith's Diet, of Biography and Mythology s. v. Hippoerates, Galenus, Aesculapius ; HE. pp. 351 if.; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. viii ; MahafFy, Social Life in Greece, ''290 fF.; St. John, Hellenes III 201 fF.; Bliimner, LS. II 62 fF.; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 458 b and fF.; BD. s V. Aerzte, Apothekeii. On the cult, of Asklepios : Milchhofer, BD. I 194 ff. ; von Wilamowitz, Isyllos von Epidauros, Philol. Unter- suchungen, IX (1886) ; Kohler, Mittheilungen des deutschen archeol. Inst, zu Athen, II 171 fF., 229 fF.; Baunack, Studien I, i, pp. 109 (In- scriptions of Epidauros) ; Curtius, E., Nord und Siid, April, 1877, pp. 95 ff. Three-fold connection of modern medical science with the Greek Surgery and physicians in Homer The cult of Asklepios Its relation to later medical tradition Relics of the Asklepieia of Athens and at Epidauros The inscrip- tions of Epidauros Hippocrates Medical ethics Writ- ings Hippocrates to Galen Medicine venders at Athens Doctors Remedies. Lecture XXIII. Death and Burial. GK. pp. 287-293; HB. pp. 361-387 ; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 261 c and fF. ; Bliimner, LS. II 73 fF. ; St. John, Hellenes III 414-440 ; Beck- er's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. ix ; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf. xciv f. ; Stackelberg, Die Graoer der Hellenen, illustr. (1883) ; Smith, Diet. Antiq. s. v. Funus ; BD. s. v. Ausstellen, Bestattung, Aschengefasse, Graber, Totenkultus ; Century Magazine, April, 1882, pp. 836 fF.; Wachsmuth, Das alte Griechenl. im neuen, 105 fF. T^***-'*-*' . ~ 13 Death Care for body The -n-poOea-L^ Lament Fu- neral procession Service at grave Funeral Feast Meth- ods of burial Coffins Tombs and monuments. Lecture XXIV. Society and Social Entertainment. HB. pp. 500 ff.; St. John, Hellenes II 204 ff., 170 ff.; Mahaffy, So- cial lyife in Greece, ^46 f., 102 fF., 312 fF. ; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 478 ^andfF. ; Bliimner, IvS. II 37-61; Ohlert, Ratsel und Gesellschafts- spiele der alten Griechen (1886). Social opportunities Social companies Conventional manners Responsibility of host Music Conversation Riddles Stories Games Jugglers Dancers Jesters. Lecture XXV. The Greek Religion. Reseller's Lexikon der griech. und rom. Mythologie ; Welcker, Griech. Gotterlelire, 3 vols. (1862) ; Preller, Griech. Mythologie, 2 vols., 3d edit. (1875) ; Nagelsbach, Homerische Theologie (1840) ; Coulan- ges, The Ancient City, introd. and first six chapters ; MahafFy, Social Life in Greece, chap, xii ; Grote, Part I, chap, xvi ; Hermann-Stark, Lehrbuch der gottesdienstlichen Alterthiimer ; Bliimner, LS. II p. 155 ff.; St. John, Hellenes I 349 ff.; Abbott, E., The Theology and Ethics of Sophocles, Hellenica, pp. 33 ff.; Curtius, E., Die Idee der Unster- blichkeit bei den Alten, Alterthum und Gegenwart, I 121 ff. ; Smith, R., The Religion of the Semites, Lect. I and II (1890) ; G611, Toler- anz, Sektirerei und Proselytenmacherei, Kulturbilder ^I 278 ff. ; Pack- ard, Studies in Greek thought, pp. i ff. Peculiarities in the relation of the individual Greek to his religion Nature worship Its conception of deity De- velopment of attributes The theogony Development of the personality of Apollo Dionysos Athene Hermes Ancestor worship Family religion Influence of the rise of philosophy The religious spirit of the fifth and fourth centuries at Athens. 14 Lecture XXVI. The Greek Worship. Beside the works cited under preceding : Seeniann, Die gottesdien- stlichen Gebraiiclie der Gr. und Rom.; Stengel, MHb. V, 3, pp. i ff. ; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf. xi-xvi. Altars Temples Priests : selection, training, appear- ance, life, duties Diviners and magicians Oracles Sac- rifice ; its idea, its forms Prayer The mysteries Fes- tivals. Lecture XXVII. The Greek Theory of Education. Grasberger, Brzichung und Unterricht ini griech. Altertuni, 2 vols. (1864-1881) ; Schmidt, Geschichte der Padagogik, vol. I (1873) ; Mahaf- fy. Old Greek Education (1882) ; Wilkins, Essay on National Educa- tion in Greece (1873) I Browning, O., Introduction to the History of Educational Theories, (1881), chap, i ; Packard, On Plato's System of Education, Studies in Greek Thought, pp. 65 ff. ; Nettleship, The Theory of Education in Plato's republic, Abbott's Hellenica, pp. 67 ff.; iSTewman, The Politics of Aristotle, vol. I, introd. 344 ff. Importance of an understanding of these theories Con- cerning theories of education in general Greek idea of the purpose and aim of education compared with the views of modern educators Subjects for instruction Methods of instruction. Lecture XXVIII. Schools and Teachers. Beside works cited under preceding : Becker's Charicles, Exc. ii to Sc. i; St. John, Hellenes I 164 ff.; BD. s. v. Schulen, Padagogen ; Bliimner, LS. I 113 ff.; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 451 ff-; HB. pp. 311 ff.; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf Ixxxix ff.; GK. pp. 197 ff. 15 lyack of public provision Age of attendance Time of day Vacations School-rooms Apparatus Object teaching Arithmetic Numbers of pupils Teachers Courses Methods The higher education Development of universities. Lecture XXIX. Athletics, Buchholz, Homerisclie Reahen II, i, 288 ff.; GK. pp. 212 ff., 115 ff.; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. v ; Mahaffy, Old Greek Education, 25 ff.; MahafFy, Social Life in Greece, 336 ff.; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 451 c and ff. ; Bliimner, LS. II pp. 94 ff. ; St. John, Hellenes I 1 89 ff. ; BD. 5. V. Gymnastik, Hanteln, Ringkampf, Diskoswerfen, Werfen mit Speeren, Wettlauf, Fiinfkampf, Faustkampf, Pankration, Atlileten.; Smith, Diet. Antiq. s. v. Gymnasium, Halteres, Stadium, Discus, Luc- ta. Pancratium, Cestus ; HB. pp. 341 ff.; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf xxi f ; Bintz, Die Gymnastik der Hellenen (1878) ; Krause, Gym- nastik und Agonistik der Hellenen, 2 vols. (1841) ; Jager, Die Gym- nastik der Hellenen (1881) ; Haase, Erscli und Griiber Encyclop. s. v. Palastra. ; Botticher, Olympia pp. 89 ff, ; Grasberger, Erziehung und Unterricht, vol. I, chaps, i and iii. Relation to education Relation to religion Relation to art Palaestra Gymnasium Preparation for exercise Bath Chariot race Boxing Wrestling Foot-race Quoits Lance-throwing Leaping Ball-games Decline of gymnastics in professionalism. Lecture XXX. Music. GK. pp. 199 ff.; St. John, Hellenes I 184 ff.; Bliimner, LS. II 138 ff.; HB. pp. 317 ff.; BD. s. v. Musik, Floten, Saiteninstrumente ; Miiller, MHb. IV, I, 452 <^ and ^; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf vii ; Mahaffy, Old Greek Education, 36 ff., 61 ff. : Westphal, Die Musik des griech. Altertums (1883) ; Girard, ^'education ath^nienne pp. 185 ff. (i^ Value of the Greek word ' music ' The rhapsodes Music in education The Greek scale The modes i6 Stringed instruments Wind instruments Clanging in- struments. Lecture XXXI. The Theatre. Klein, Geschichte des Dramas, vols. I and II (1865) ; Moulton, The Ancient Classical Drama (^90) ; Jebb, Primer of Greek Literature, pp. 69 ff. ; Donaldson, the Theatre of the Greeks, 6th edit. (1849) ; Hermann- Miiller, Griech. Biihnenalterthiimer (Hermann's Lehrbuch III, 2) (18S6) ; Oehmichen, Das Biihnenwesen der Griech. und Rom. MHb. V, 3, pp. 222 fF. (1890) ; Opitz, Schauspiel und Theaterwesen der Griech. und Romer (1889) ; Haigh, The Attic theatre, pp. loi ff. (1889) ; Ar- ticles by Harrison and Haigh in Classical Review, IV 274 ff. (June, 1890) ; Harrison- Verrall, Mythology and Monuments of ancient Ath- ens, pp. 271 ff. (1890) ; Arnold, BD. s. v. Theatergebaiide, Milchhofer, BD. s. V. Athen, pp, 190 ff.; GK. pp. 121 ff.; Wheeler, J. R., Papers of the American school of classical studies, I 121-179 ; Schreiber, Bilder- atlas I, Taf. i, ii. Rise and development of the drama in outline Begin- nings of theatre - building Vitruvius The orchestra The stage Present controversy concerning the stage in early theatres /Seats of spectators Passages Entrances Dimensions Acoustics Remnants of the theatre at Athens At Epidauros Roman theatres. Lecture XXXII. The Dramatic Representations. From works cited above : Hermann-Miiller, pp. 107 ff.; Oehmichen, pp. 191-222, 248 ff.; Schreiber, Taf. iii-v ; GK. pp. 275 ff.; Opitz, pp. 125 ff.; Haigh, pp. 65-100; 164 ff.; and also, Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. X ; BD. .s. v. Theatervorstellung, Trauerspiel, Lustspiel, Chor, Schauspieler ; G611, Kulturbilder, ^I 320 ff. ; Bliimner, LS. Ill 45 ff-; St. John, Hellenes II 220 ; Millet, Costumes in the Greek play at Harvard, Century Magazine, Nov., 1881, pp. 65 ff.; Norman, An Ac- count of the Harvard Greek Play, illustr. (1882) ; Speed-Pry or. The Oedipus Tyrannus, Record of performance in Cambridge, Eng., Nov. 1887. 17 Time and occasion Expense and provision therefor The Choregus Preparation and rehearsal The judges and the award The stage, decorations, scenery, and scenic machinery The actors Nnmber Distribution of parts Elocution Gesture Costume Masks The chorus, its office March and dance Musical accompaniment The audience Did women attend ? Behavior of the au- dience. Lecture XXXIII. Agriculture and Stock. HB. pp. 93-120 fF.; Boeckh, PB. (see table of contents); St. John, Hellenes II 269 if.; Bliimner, LS. Ill 144 ff.; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, 466 b and ff. ; BK. pp. 293 ff.; BD. s. v. Ackerban ; Smith's Diet. Antiq. s. V. Agricultura ; Schrader, Prehistoric Antiquities of the Aryan Peo- ple, Part IV, chaps, ii-v (Transl. of Sprachvergleichung und Urge- schichte, 2d edit. 1890) ; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf. Ixiv f On the animals: Keller, Thiere des classischen Alterthums (1887); Imhoof- Blumer und Keller, Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Miinzen und Gemmen (1889) ; Baranski, Geschichte der Thierzucht und Thiermedicin ini Alterthum (1886); Hehn, The Wanderings of Plants and Animals (Trsl. 1888). Primitive agricultural conditions Family property Property -rights Value of land Agricultural methods The plow Threshing Winnowing Irrigation Gar- dens Wine-culture Oil-culture Sheep Goats Cat- tle Horses Mules Dogs Cats Other pet animals Geese Pigeons Cocks Monkeys. Lecture XXXIV. Merchants and Trade. HB. pp. 419 ff., 452 ff.; St. John, Hellenes III 276 ff.; Becker's Char- icles, Bxc. to Sc. iv ; Bliimner, LS. Ill 165 ff.; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 473 b and ff.; BD. s. v. Banken ; BE. pp. 356 ff.; Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece, chap, xiii ; G611, Kulturbilder 31 134 ff. ; Richter, Han- del und Verkehr (1886). On book-trade : G611, Kulturbilder =^II 207 ff.; BE. 571 ff-; Becker-Goll, Charicles, Exc. ii to Sc iii ; Schmitz, Schriftsteller und Buchhandler in Athen (1876). Greeks as a trading people Social and political standing of the merchant-class Retail trade Shops Common articles of trade Commerce and wholesale trade Materi- als of commerce Book trade Imports and exports Banking and bankers Capital and interest. Lecture XXXV. Weights and Measures. Nissen, MHb. I 665 ff.; Hultsch, Griech. uud rom. Metrologie, 2d edit. (1882) ; Smith's Diet. Antiq. pp. 1225 ff.; HB. pp. 438 ff. Measures of length Their historic importance Devel- opment Relation to other measures Measures of surface Measures of capacity Of weight Different Greek standards and their relation. Lecture XXXVI. Money- Head, Historia Numorum (1887) ; Gardner, Types of Greek coins (1883) ; Head, Coins of the Ancients, 2d edit. (1881) ; BE. pp. 478 ff.; Stillman, The coinage of the Greeks, Century Magaz. xxxiii, 788 ff, (April, 1887). The communication of weight and money standards from Asia to Europe The different standards Conflict of the Aeginetan and Buboean standards Beginnings of Greek coinage Religious character of early type Introduction of portraiture Symbolism of coins. Lecture XXXVII. The Arts and Industries. Bliimner, GewerbHche Thatigkeit der Volker des klassischen Alter- thums (1869); Bliimner, TT. 4 vols. (1874-87); Biichsenschiitz, BE. (1869) ; Biichsenschiitz, Die Hauptstatten des Gewerbefleisses im klass. Alterthume (1869) ; Bliimner, Das Knnstgewerbe im Alterthum 19 2 Abthlg. (1885) ; St. John, Hellenes III 96-244 ; G611, Kulturbilder ^I 162 fF.; Bliimner, LS. pp. 153 ff.; Miiller, MHb. IV, i, pp. 470 ff.; HB. pp. 400 fF.; Becker-Goll, Charicles, III 93 ff.; BD. s. v. Holzarbeit, Tischler, Schmiede, Goldarbeit, Backerei, Brot, Schuhmacher, Wal- ker, Thonarbeit, Glas ; Smith's Diet. Autiq. s. v. Fullo, Pistor. Athens as a manufacturing town Position of the indus- trial classes -r- Carpenters Cabinet-makers Blacksmiths Workers in bronze Goldsmiths Bakers and cooks Tanners Shoemakers Dyers Art of Dyeing Tyrian purple Potters Glass-blowers Barbers. Lecture XXXVIII. Travel, Inns, Roads, Conveyance. HB. pp. 479 ff. ; Becker's Charicles, Exc. to Sc. i; G611, Kulturbil- der :^I 38 ff. ; Friedlander, Sittengeschichte Roms -^11 85 ff. ; BD. s. v. Wirtshaiiser ; Smith's Diet. Antiq. .s. v. Hospitium ; Curtius, E., Die Gastfreundschaft, Alterthum und Gegenwart I 203 ff.; Curtius, E., Ueber den Wegeban der Griechen, Abhaudl, d. Berl. Akad, 1854, pp. 221 ff. On carriages : BD. s. v. Wagen ; vSmith's Diet. Antiq. s. v. Planstrum, Frenum ; Buchholz, Horn. Realien II, i, 217 ff.; GK. pp 248 ff. ; Ginzrot, Die Wagen und Fulirwerke der Griechen und Romer (1817) ; HB. pp. 481 ff. Hindrances to travel in antiquity The institution of guest-friendship (lei/oSoKta) Inns and taverns Travel in the Roman period Roads Homeric vehicles Wagons The harness. Lecture XXXIX. The Army, Armor, and Tactics. GK. pp. 231 ff.; Schreiber, Bilderatlas I, Taf. xxxivff.; Bliimner, IvS. Ill 105 ff.; Goll, Kulturbilder, ^I 187 ff.; BD. s. v. Festungskrieg, Waffen ; Smith's Diet. Antiq. s. v. Exercitus ; Weiss, Kostumkunde, vol. II ; Riistow und Koclily, Geschiclite des griech. Kriegswesens (1852) ; Herrmann -Droysen, Heerwesen und Kriegfiihrung der Griech- en (Ivchrb. der gr. Antiq. II, 2) (1889) ; Fickelscherer, Kriegswesen der Alien (1888) ; Bauer, Kriegsalterthiimer, MHB. IV, i, 225 ff.; Hel- 20 big, Das homerische Epos aus den Denkmalern erlaiitert, pp. 195 ff. ; Jalms, Gescliichte des Kriegswesens (1880) ; Dodge, Alexander, A his- tory of the origin and growth of the art of war from the earliest times to the battle of Ipsus (1890). On mercenaries : BE. pp. 350 ff. ; Her- mann-Droysen, pp. 74 ff. The organization of the Spartan army Of the Athenian army Employment of mercenaries The army on the march In camp In battle ; the general method of con- ducting a battle Spartan infantry tactics Spartan caval- r>^ Athenian infantry tactics Athenian cavalry Theb- an tactics Innovations of Philip and Alexander Armor Weapons Fortifications Heavy Artillery Siege. Lecture XL. The Marine. GK. 254 ff.; Smith's Diet. Antiq. s. v. Navis, Trierarchia ; Bliimner, LS. Ill 137 ff.; Bauer, MHb. IV, i, 276 ff.; Hermann-Droysen, Heer- wesen und Kriegsfiihrung pp. 271 ff. ; Assmann, BD. s. v. Seewesen ; Fickelscherer, Kriegswesen der Alten, pp. 107 ff. ; Schreiber, Bilder- atlas I, Taf xlv ff. ; Boeckh, Urkunden iiber das Seewesen des atti- schen Staates (1840) ; Breusing, Die Nautik der Alten (1886) ; Goll, Kulturbilder, ^I 386 ff. The oldest ships Vessels of two or more banks of oars Method of rowing them Rigging for sails Rudders Oars Anchors Sea-fights Harbors and appointments Organization of the Athenian navy The trierarchy. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. RECEfVeo OEC2i;66,ioAiy L OAN DE P T. {JAR 7 1968 8 ^^ ;o^ MAK 1 9 1998 0> <^ W LD 21A-60m-7,'66 (G4427sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley AtE iNTS croRN ,NA1-TV OURTH -H DAY 60272 \-^ y p UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARES CDSMfifi3330