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Let me now inscribe to you this volume on the plea of that classic authority who, in the interchange of armom-, " gave Brass for Gold." It is, however, far less to repay the obligation of a debt by giving you a "Roland" — not for your "Oliver," but your " Stepmother" — than for the pleasure of recording one " Fact " in a bulky tome of Fiction, that I now write your name at the head of this page — that fact being, the warm memory I cherish of all our pleasant hours of intercourse, and the sincere value I ])lace upon the honour of your friendship. Yours, in all esteem and affection, CnAiiLES Lever. Palazzo Xinienes, Florence, October -20, 1849. 5f ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOL. L Maritana — Frontispiece. page Vignette Title-page. The Game at Monte 4- The IVIanolo 43 The Two Sisters 50 A Prairie — ^Evening Ride 67 Bravo, Toro ! . . . 73 The Dean shows how to take the Bull by the Horns . . . 101 The Cottage . . 115 The Major " Stops the Way" 141 The Money-Lender 145 A Meeting under the Greenwood Tree 159 A Domestic Detective 174 The Picture-Gallery — Sir Andrew Puzzled . . . . .192 An Evening Scene 208 How TO WORK A Patent Pump 232 The Fisherman's Hut . . . » 252 The Discovery 262 " The Sassenachs" 264 Jim 291 Coronation of Miss Meek 302 ROLAND CASHEL. CHAPTEE I. And thus they lived ye merrie yeare, For they were a jollie crewe Of pleasante laddes that knewe no feare, And — as little of lioiiestie too. Ballade of Capt. Pike. Our tale opens on a gorgeous night of MidsiuTimer — at an era so little remote, that to name the precise year could have no interest for the reader, and in a region whicli seemed to combine all that is de- lightful in climate with whatever is luxuriant and splendid in vegeta- tion. It was upon the bank of a small river, a tributary of the Oronoco, not v.ery distant from the picturesque city of Barcelouetta, that a beautiful villa stood, the elegance of whose architecture, and the lavish magnificence of whose decorations, were alike evidence that neither taste nor wealtb were wanting to its proprietor. In this land where Nature had been so prodigal of her gifts, the luxurious appointments of this princely abode seemed to partake of the character of a fairy palace ; and the admixture of objects of high art, the treasures of Italian galleries and Spanish collections, with, the more vivid realities of the scene, favoured this illusion. The fortunate owner of this paradise was a certain Pedro Eica, who, for something like fourteen years, had been a resident of Columbia. A widower, witb an only child, then an infant of scarce a year old, he had arrived in that country seeking, as he said, by new scenes, and new associa- tions, to erase, so far as might be, the painful memory of his late be- reavement. "While he gave it to be understood that he was a Spaniard by birth, some averred that he was a Mexican ; others, that he was a Texan ; and one or two alleged that he was an American of the States, an as- sumption that the ease and fluency of his English went far to cor- roborate. Of whatever nation he came, certain it is that a mystery hung over both his native land and his history ; and as he showed little YOL, I. B EOLA.ND CASHEL. disposition to enlighten the world on these subjects, as is usual in such cases, his neighbours took their revenge by inventing a hundred stories about hiui, each one only worse than the other. At one time it was said that his wealth was acquired by piracy ; at another, that he absconded from a Texan city, with a large sum belonging to the government ; forgery — breach of trust, were among the commonest allegations ; and the most charitable only averred that he made his money in the slave-trade. It is but fair to say, that the sole foundation for these various rumours lay in the stern distance of his manner, and the cold, almost repulsive, austerity with which he declined all acquaintance with the neighbourhood. These traits, added to the voluptuous splendour of a retinvie and a style of living infinitely above all around, gradually estranged from him the few w^ho attempted to form an intimacy, and left him to live — as it seemed he preferred — a life of solitary magni- ficence ; an object of affected pity to many, but of real envy to all. As his daughter grew up, he was accustomed to visit the sea-coast each summer for some weeks, and from these absences he, now, usually returned with one or two acquaintances, for the most part officers of the Columbian navy, with whom he had formed an intimacy at the sea-side. Such acquaintanceship seemed to increase from year to year, till at last each autumn saw the " Villa de las Noches Entre- tenidas," " of the pleasant nights," crowded with guests, whose wild orgies were in strange contrast to the former stillness and quietude within those walls. A more motley and discordant assemblage it would be hard to con- ceive, consisting as they did of adventurers from every land of Europe. The wild and reckless outcast of every clime and country, the beg- gared speculator, the ruined gambler, the duellist with blood upon his hand, the defaulter w'ith shame upon his forehead. All that good morals reject, and the law pursues, mingled with others whose faults went no further than waste or improvidence, or the more venial sin, that they came poor into the world, and were stamped " Adventurers" from the cradle. A service that never exercised too nice a scrutiny into the habits of its followers, and whose buccaneer life had all the freedom of piracy, with the assumption of a recognised class, offered no mean attraction to the lover of enterprise ; and certainly, if the standard of morals was low, that of daring, reckless adventure, was the very opposite. Amid this pleasant company, we must now ask pardon for intro- ducing our reader, with this saving assurance, that he shall not have long to commune with such compauionsliip. It was, as we have said, a summer's night. A sky, all glittering with stars, spread its dark blue canopy over a scene where, amid the banana, the manioc, and EOLAIfB CASHEL. the plantain, flowers of every bright hue were blooming, and foun- tains gushing; while, through an atmosphere, tremulous with the song of the mocking-bird, fire-flies were glancing and glittering. In the deep piazza before the Villa was now assembled a numerous party of men disposed in every attitude of lounging, ease, and aban- donment ; they seemed, though perhaps after very different estimates, to be enjoying the delicious balm and freshness of the night air. They were of various ages ; and although the greater number showed by their dress that they belonged to the naval service, other signs, not less distinctive, pronounced that they were drawn from classes of life as varied as they were numerous; while, here and there, a Caballero might be seen attired in the picturesque costume of the Caraccas, his many-coloured scarf and plumed hat aiding, in no in- considerable degree, the picturesque effect of a scene Salvator might have painted. Not only beneath the piazza itself, but on the marble steps, and even beneath them again, on the close-shaveu turf, the party lay, sated as it were with splendour, and recruiting strength for new dis- sipations. Some sat talking in low and whispering voices, as if un- willing, even by a sound, to break the stilly calm. Others, in perfect silence, seemed to drink in the soothing influence of that tranquil moment, or smoked the cigarettes in dreamy indolence; while at in- tervals, from the leafy groves, a merry laugh, or the tinkling of a guitar, would mingle with the bubbling murmur of the fountains, making the very stillness yet more still as they ceased. Behind the piazza, and opening by several large windows upon it, could be seen a splendid saloon, resplendent with wax-lights, and still displaying on the loaded table the remnants of a sumptuous repast, amid which vessels of gold and vases of flowers appeared. Here, yet lingered two or three guests — spirits who set no store on an entertainment if it did not degenerate into debauch. A broad alley, flanked by tall hedges of the prickly pear, led from the Villa to a little mound, on which a chesnut-tree stood, the patri- arch of the wood ; a splendid tree it was, and worthy of a better destiny than it now fulfilled, as, lighted up by several lanterns sus- pended from the branches, it spread its shade over a large table where a party were playing at "Monte." Even without the suggestive aid of the large heaps of gold beside each player, and piled in the middle of the table, the grave and stead- fast faces of some, the excited look of others, and the painfid intensity of interest in all, showed that the play was high. Still, although such was the case, and while the players were men whose hot blood and reckless lives did but little dispose them to put the curb upon their tempers, not a word was spoken aloiid ; nor did a gesture or a look b2 4 ROLAND CASHEL. betray the terrible vacillations of hope and fear the cbaugeful fortune of the game engendered. Standing near the table, but not mingling in the play, stood Don Pedi'o himself, his sallow and melancholy featiu'es fixed upon the game, with an expression that might mean sorrow or deep anxiety, it were difficult to say which. Beside him, at a small table littered with papers and writing materials, sat his steward, or inteudant, a German named Greizheimer, a beetle-browed, white-cheeked, thick-lipped fellow, whose aquiline features and gut- tural accents told that lending money at enormous interest was no uncongenial occupation. Such was his present, and indeed almost his only duty ; for, while Don Pedro seldom or never played, gaming was the invariable occupation of the guests, whose means to support it were freely supplied by the steward ; the borrowers either passing a simple note for repayment, or, vrhen the sum was a heavy one, mort- gaging their share in the next prize they should capture. Other contracts, it was rumoured, were occasionally resorted to, but of such we shall speak anon. At a short distance from the table, but sufficiently near to observe the game, stood one on whom nothing short of tlie passion of play could have prevented every eye being bent. But so it was ; she stood alone and unmarked, while all the interest was concentrated upon the game. Dressed in a white tunic or chemise, fastened rou.nd the waist by a gold girdle, stood Maritana Eica, her large and lustrous black eyes eagerly turned to where two youths were standing intensely occupied by the play. Her neck, arms, and shoulders were bare, in Mexican fashion, and even the mantilla she wore over her head was less as a protection than as a necessary accompaniment of a costume, which certainly is of the simplest kind. Except the chemise, she had no other garment, save a jupe of thin lama-wool, beautifully embroidered and studded with precious stones ; this terminated below the middle of the leg, displaying an ankle and foot no Grrecian statue ever surpassed in beaut}'. If the deep brown of her skin almost conveyed the reproach — and such it is — of Indian blood, a passing glance at the delicate outline of her features, and, in particular, of her mouth, at once contradicted the suspicion. The lips were beautifully arched, and, althougli plump and rounded, had none of the fulness of the degraded race. These were now slightl}- parted, displaying teeth of surprising whiteness, and imparting to the whole expression a character of speaking ani- mation. Although not yet sixteen, her figure had all the graceful development of womanhood, without having entirely lost a certain air of fawn-lilce elasticity, which, from time to time, her gestures of impa- tience displayed. The two young men, on whom her interest seemed fixed, were EOLA.KD CASHEL. 5 playing in partnership, and, in their highly-wrought passion, never once looked up from the board. One, somewhat taller and older by a few years, appeared to exercise the guidance of their play ; and it was easy to see, in the swollen and knotted veins of his forehead, in the clenched hands, and in the tremulous lip, the passionate nature of a confirmed gambler. The younger, whose dress of green velvet, slashed and braided in Mexican taste, and whose wide-leaved sombrero was decorated with a long sash of light blue silk, whose deep gold fringe hung upon his shoulder, was evidently one less enamoured of play, and more than once busied himself in arranging the details of his costume, of which he seemed somewhat vain. It was in one of these moments that his eyes met those of Maritana fixed steadfastly upon him, and, fascinated by her unmoved stare, he felt his cheek grow hot, and, whether from a sense of shame or a still more tender motive, the blush spread over his face and forehead. Maritana looked steadily, almost sternly, at him, and then, with a slight toss of her head, so slight that none save he who had watched her intently could read its scornful import, she turned away. The youth did not wait a moment, but, slipping from his place, followed along the alley he had seen her take. He who remained, unconscious of his friend's departure, continued to mutter about the chances of the game, and speculate on the amount he would dare to hazard. " She is against us every time, Eoland !" said he, in a low, half-whispering voice. " Fortune will not smile, woo her how we may! Speak, amigo mio, shall we risk all ?" As he spoke, he began counting the piles of glittering gold before him, but his hand trembled, and the pieces clung to his moist fingers, so that he was too late for the deal. " Sixteen hundred," muttered he to himself " Ten — twenty — thirty." " The bank loses !" cried the croupier, announcing the game. " Loses !" screamed the young man, in an accent whose piercing agony startled the whole board — " loses ! because it was the only time I had no wager. See, Eoland, see how true it is ; there is a curse upon xis." He seized the arm of the person at his side, and clenched it with a convulsive energy as he spoke. " Saperlote ! my young friend : you'll never change luck by tearing my old uniform," growled out a rugged-looking German skipper, who, commanding a small privateer, affected the rank and style of a naval officer. "Oh, is it you, Hans ?" said the youth, carelessly; " I thought it had been one of our own fellows. Only think the bank should lose, because I made no stake ; see now, watch this. Halt!" cried he to the dealer, in a voice that at once arrested his hand. ''You give one 6 E*OI,A.ND CA.SHEL. no time, Sir, to decide upon his game," said he, with a savage irasci- bility, which continued bad luck had carried to the highest pitch. '• Players who risk their two or three crowns may not object ; but, if a man desires to make a heavy stake, it is but common courtesy to wait a moment. A thousand doubloons, the red queen — fifteen hun- dred," added he, quickly, "fifteen, and thirty-five — or eight." So saying, he pushed with both hands the great heap of gold pieces into the middle of the table ; and then, with eyes bloodshot and glaring, he watched each card that fell from the banker's fingers. "When the first row of cards were dealt, all was in his favour, and, as the banker took up the second pack, a loiug suppressed sigh broke from the gambler's bosom. It seemed, at length, as if fortune had grown weary of persecuting him. " Come, Enrique," said a handsomely-dressed and fine-looking man, who stood opposite to him, " luck has turned at last, there is nothing but the queen of spades against you !" As if by some magic spell he haid called the card, the words were not out when it dropped upon the table. A cry of mingled amaze- ment and horror burst from the players, whose natures would seem to recognise some superstitious iufluence in such marked casualties. As for Enrique, he stood perfectly still and silent ; a horrible smile, the ghastly evidence of an hysterical efibrt, sat upon his rigid fea- tures, and at length two or three heavy drops of blood tricliled from his nostril, and fell upon his shirt. '' "Wliere's Eoland ?" said he, in a fiiint whisper, to a young man behind him. " I saw him with Maritana, walking towards the three fountains." Enrique's pallid cheek grew scarlet, and rudely pushing his wa}^ through the crowd, he disappeared from view. " There goes a man in a good humour to board a prize," said one of the bystanders, coolly, and the play proceeded without a moment's interruption. With his broad-leaved hat drawn down upon liis brows, and his head sunk upon his bosom, he traversed the winding walks with the step of one who knew their every turning ; at last he reached a lonely and unfrequented part of the garden, where the path, leading for some distauce along the margin of a small lake, suddenly turned off" towards a flower terrace, in the midst of which " the three foun- tains" stood. Instead of taking the shortest way to the spot, Enrique left the walk and entered a grove of trees, through whose thick shade he pro- ceeded silently and cautiously. The air was calm and motionless, and none save one who had received the education of a prairie hunter, could have followed that track so noiselessly. By degrees the wood ROLAND CASHEL. 7 became open, and his progress more circumspect, Trlien he suddenly halted. Directly in front of him, not twenty paces from where he stood, -n-as the terrace, over which, in the stilly night air, the fountain threw a light spray-like shower, rustling as it fell upon the leaves, with a mur- muring sound. Lower down, was a little basin surrounded by a border of white marble, and beside this two figures were now stand- ing, whom, by the clear starlight, he could easily recognise to be Ro- land and Maritana. The former, with folded arms, and head bent down, as if in thought, leaned against a tree, while Maritana stood beside the fountain, moving her foot to and fro in the clear water, and, as though entirely engrossed by her childish pastime, never bestowed a look upon her companion. At last, she ceased suddenly, and turning abruptly round, so as to stand full in front of him, said, "Well, Senhor, am I to hope our pleasant interview is ended, or have I still to hear more of your complaints, those gentle remonstrances that sound, to my ears at least, more wearisome than words of downright anger ?" " Tou have not heard me patiently," said the youth, advancing to- wards her, while the slightly shaken tones of his voice contrasted strangely with the assured and haughty accents in which he spoke. " Patiently!" echoed she, with a scornful laugh. " And where was this same goodly gift to be learned ? Among the pleasant company we have quitted, Senhor ? whose friendships of a night are cele- brated by a brawl on the morrow ! From the most exemplary crew of the Esmeralda, and, in particular, the worthy lieutenant, Don Eo- land da Castel, who, if report speaks truly, husbands the virtue so rigidly that he cannot spare the smallest portion to expend upon his friends ?" " If my thrift had extended to other matters," said the youth, bitterly, " mayhap I should not have to listen to language like this." " What say you, Sir ?" cried the girl, passionately, as she stamped upon the ground with a gesture of violent anger. " Do you affect to say, that it matters to me whether you stood there as loaded with gold as on the morning you brought back that Mexican prize, and played the hero with such martial modesty ; or as poor — as poor — as bad luck at cards can make you ? If I loved you, I'd have as little care for one event as the other !" " Tou certainly thought more favourably of me then, than now, Maritana!" said Eoland, diffidently. " I know not why you say so !" " At least you accepted mj hand in betrothal " " Stay !" cried she, impetuously. " Did I not tell you, then, be- fore the assembled witnesses — before my father — what a mockery 8 EOLAND CASHEL. this same ceremony was — that its whole aim and object was to take advantage of that disgraceful law that can make an unmarried girl, a widow, to inherit the fortune of one she never would have accepted as her husband ? Speak, Sir ! — and say, did I not tell you this, and more too, that such a bridal ceremony brought little fortune to the bridegroom, for that already I had been thrice a widowed bride? Nay, more, you heard me swear as solemnly, that while I regarded the act as one of deep profanation, I felt in no wise bound by it. It is idle, then, to speak of our betrothal!" " It is true, Maritaiia, you said all this ; although, perhaps, you had not now remembered it, had not some other succeeded to that place in your regard " " There, there !" cried she, stopping him impatiently. " I will not listen again to the bead-roll of your jealousies. People must have loved very little, or too much, to endure that kind of torture. Be- sides, why tell me of these things ? You are, they say, a most ac- complished hunter, and can answer me, — if, when in chase of an ante- lope, a jaguar joins the sport, you do not turn upon him at once, the worthier and nobler enemy, and thus, as it were, protect what had been your prey ?" Tlie youth seemed stung to the quick by this pitiless sarcasm ; and, although he made no reply, his hands, convulsively clutched, bespoke the torrent of agitation within him. " You are right, Maritaiia !" said he, after a pause. " It is idle to talk of our betrothal — I release you." " Eelease one .'" said she, laughing contemptuously ; " this is a task I always perform for myself, Senhor, and by the shortest of methods, as thus." As she spoke, she struggled to tear from her finger a riug, which resisted all her efforts ; at last, by a violent wrench, she suc- ceeded, and holding it up for a second, till the large diamond glittered like a star, she threw it into the still fountain at her feet. " There, amigo mio, I release yoii. — never was freedom more willingly ac- corded !" " Never was there a slave more weary of his servitude!" said the youth, bitterly. " If Don Pedro Eica but tear his accursed bond, I should feel myself my own again." " He will scarce refuse you. Sir, if tlie rumour be correct that says you have lost eleven thousand doubloons at play. The wealthy con- queror stands on very different ground from the ruined gambler. Go to him at once \ Ask back the paper ! Tell him you have neither a heart nor a fortune to bestow upon his daughter! That, as a gambler, fettered by tlie lust for play, you have lost all soul for those hazardous enterprises that win a girl's love, and a father's consent." She waited for a moment, that he might reply ; and then, im- EOLAKD CASHEL. 9 patleut, perhaps, at bis silence, added — "I did uot[tliink, Seulior, you esteemed yourself so rich a prize ! Be of good cheer, however ! They who are less cognisant of your deserts will be more eager to secure them." With these slighting words she turned away. Eoland advanced as if to follow her, but with a contemptuous gesture of the hand she waved him back, and he stood like one spell-bound, gazing after her, till she disappeared in the dark distance. CHAPTEE II. " La diche viene quando no se aguarda." — Spanish Proverb. (Good luck comes wlien it is not looked for.) Eoland looked for some minutes in the direction by which Mari- tafia had gone, and then, with a sudden start, as if of some newly taken resolve, took the path towards the Villa. He had not gone far when, at the turn of the way, he came in front of Enrique, who, with hasty steps, was advancing towards him. " Lost, everything lost!" exclaimed the latter, with a mournful gesture of his hands. " All gone !" cried Eoland. " Every crown in the world !" Be it so ; there is an end of gambling, at least !" cc Tou bear your losses nobly, Senhor !" said Enrique, sneeringiy ; " and, before a fitting avidience, might claim the merit of an accom- plished gamester. I am, however, most unworthy to witness such fine philosophy. I recognise in beggary nothing but disgrace!" " Bear it, then, and the whole load, too!" said Eoland, sneeringiy. " To your solicitations only I yielded in taking my place at that ac- cursed table. I had neither a passion for play, nor the lust for money- getting ; you thought to teach me both, and, peradventure, you have made me despise them more than ever." " "What a moralist!" cried Enrique, laughing insolently, "who dis- covers that he has cared neither for his mistress nor his money till he has lost both." " What do you mean ?" said Eoland, trembling Avith passion. " I never speak in riddles," was the cool reply. " Tliis, then,_is meant as insult," said Eoland, approaching closer, and speaking in a still lower voice ; " or is it merely the passion of a disappointed gambler r" 10 BOLAND CASHEL. " And if it were, amigo mio," retorted the other, " what more fitting stake to set against the anger of a rejected lover ?" " Be it so!" cried Roland, fiercely; "yon never caught up a man more disposed to indulge youj- humour. Shallit be now?" " Could not so much courage keep warm till daylight ?" said Enrique, calmly. " Below the fountains there is a very quiet spot," " At sunrise ?" " At simrise," echoed Enrique, bowing with afi'ected courtesy, till the streamers from his hat touched the ground. " Now for my worthy father-in-law elect," said Eoland ; "and to see him before he may hear of this business, or I may find it difficult to obtain my divorce." When the youth arrived at the Villa, the party were assembled at supper. The great saloon, crowded with guests and hurrying menials, was a scene of joyous but reckless con- viviality, the loud laughter and the louder voices of the company striking on Eoland's ear with a grating discordance he had never ex- perienced before. The sounds of that festivity he had been wont to recognise, as the pleasant evidence of free and high-souled enjoyment, now jarred heavily on his senses, and he wondered within himself how long he had lived in such companionship. Well knowing that the supper party would not remain long at table, while high play continued to have its hold upon the guests, he strolled into one of the shady alleys, watching from time to time for the breaking up of the entertainment. At last some two or three arose, and preceded by servants with lighted flambeaux, took the way towards the gaming-table. They were speedily followed by others, so that in a brief space — except by the usual group of hard-drinking souls, who ventured upon no stake save that of health — the room was deserted. He looked eagerly for Don Pedro, but could not see him, as it was occasionally his practice to retire to his library, long before his guests sought their repose. Eoland made a circuit of the Villa, and soon came to the door of this apartment, which led into a small flower- garden. Tapping gently here, he received a summons to enter, and found himself before Don Pedro, who, seated before a table, appeared deeply immersed in matters of business. Eoland did not need the cold and almost stern reception of his host to make him feel his intrusion very painfully ; and he hastened to express his extreme regret that he should be compelled by any circumstances to trespass on leisure so evidently destined for privacy. "But a few moments' patient hearing," continued he, "will show that to me at least the object of this visit did not admit of delay." " Be seated, Senhor ; and, if I may ask it without incivility, be brief, for I have weighty matters before me." EOLAND CASHEL. 11 " I will endeavour to be so," said Eoland, civilly, and resumed : " This evening, Don Pedro, has seen the last of twenty-eight thousand Spanish dollars, which, five weeks since, I carried here along with me. They were my share, as commander of the Esmeralda, when she cap- tured a Mexican bark in May last. They were won with hard blows and some danger — they were squandered in disgrace at the gaming- table." " Forgive me," said Don Pedro, " you can scarcely adhere to your pledge of brevity if you permit yourself to be led away by moralising ; just say how this event concerns me, and wherefore the present visit." Eoland became red with anger and shame, and when he resumed it was in a voice tremulous with ill-suppressed passion. " I did not come here for your sympathy, Senhor. If the circumstance I have men- tioned had no relation to yourself, you had not seen me here. I say that I have now lost all that I was possessed of in the world." " Again I must interrupt you, Senhor Eoland, by saying that these are details for Geizheimer, not for me. He, as you well know, transacts all matters of money, aad if you desire a loan, or are in want of any immediate assistance, I'm sure you'll find him in every way disposed to meet your wishes." " Thanks, Senhor, but I am not inclined for such aid. I will neither mortgage my blood nor my courage, nor promise three hundred per cent, for the means of a night at the gambling-table." " Then pray. Sir, how am I to understand your visit? Is it in- tended for the sake of retailing to me your want of fortune at play, and charging me with the results of your want of skill or luck ?" " Far from it, Senhor. It is simply to make known that I am ruined ; that I have nothing left me in the world ; and that as one whose fortune has deserted him, I have come to ask back that bond by which I accepted your daughter's hand in betrothal." A burst of laughter from Don Pedro here stopped the speaker, who, with flushed cheek and glaring eyeballs, stared at this sudden outbreak. " Do you know for what you ask me, Senhor ?" said Eica, smiling insolently. " Yes, I ask for what you never could think to enforce — ^to make me, a beggar, the husband of your daughter." " Moat true — I never thought of such an alliance. 1 believe you were told that Columbian law gives these contracts the force of a legal claim, in the event of survivorship ; and you flattered yourself, perhaps too hastily, that other ties more binding still might grow from it. If Fortune was as fickle with you here as at the card-table, the fault is not in me." " But of what avail is it now ?" said Eoland, passionately. " If I died to-morrow, there is not sufficient substance left to buy a suit of mourning for my poor widow." 12 EOLAIS'D OASUEL. " She could, perhaps, dispense with outward grief," said Pedro, sneeringly. " I say again," cried Eoland, witli increased agitation, " this bond is not worth the paper it is written on. I leave the service — I sail into another latitude, and it is invalid — a mere mockery !" " Not so fast. Sir," said Pedro, slowly, " there is a redeeming clause, by which you, on paying seventy thousand doubloons, are released of your contract, with my concurrence. Mark that well — with my con- currence it must be. Now, I have the opinion of learned counsel, in countries where mayhap your adventurous fancy has already carried you, that this clause embraces the option which side of the contract I should desire to enforce." " Such may be your law here ; I can have little doubt that any infamy may pass for justice in this favoured region," said Eoland ; " but I'll never believe that so base a judgment could be uttered where civilisation prevails. At all events, I'll try the case. I now tell you frankly, that, to-morrow, I mean to resign my rank and com- mission in this service ; I mean to quit this country, with no inten- tion ever to revisit it. If you still choose to retain a contract whose illegality needs no stronger proof than that it aifects to bind one party only, I'll not waste further time by thinking of it." "I will keep it, Senhor," interrupted Pedro, calmly. " I knew a youth, once, who had as humble an opinion of his fortunes as you have now ; and yet he died — not in this service, indeed, but in these seas — and his fortune well requited the trouble of its claimant." " I have no right to trespass longer on you, Sir," said Eoland, bowing. " I wish I could thank you for all your hospitality to me with a more fitting courtesy ; I must confess myself your debtor without hope of repayment." " Have you signified to Don Gomez Noronja your intention to resign ?" " I shall do it within half an hour." " Ton forget that your resignation must be accepted by the Minister ; that no peremptory permission can be accorded by a cap- tain in commission, save under a guarantee of ten thousand crowns for a captain, and seven for a lieutenant, the sum to be estreated if tlie individual quit the service without leave. This, at least, is law you cannot dispute !" Eoland hung down his head, thunderstruck by an announcement which, at one swoop, dashed away all his hopes. As he stood silent and overwhelmed, Don Pedro continued : " Tou see. Sir, that the service knows how to value its officers, even when they set little store by the service. Knowing that young men are fickle and fanciful, with caprices that carry them faster than sound judgment, they have made the enactment I speak of. And, even were you to give the KOLAH^^D CASHEL. 13 preliminary notice, where will you be wlien the time expires ? In what parallel south of Cape Horn ? Among the islands of the Southern Pacific"; perhaps upon the coast of Africa ? No, no ; take mv advice ; do not abandon your career ; it is one in which you have already won distinction. Losses at play are easily repaired in these seas. Our navy " " Is nothing better than a system of piracy !" broke in Roland, savagely. " So long as, in ignorance of its real character, I walked beneath your flag, the heaviest crime that could be imputed to me was but the folly of a rash-brained boy. I feel that I know better now ; I'll serve under it no more." " Dangerous words, these, Senhor, if reported in the quarter where they w^ould be noticed." Roland turned an indignant glance at him as he uttered this threat, and with an expression so full of passion, that Rica, for a few seconds, seemed to feel that he had gone too far. " I did but suggest caution, Senhor," said he, timidly. " Take care that you practise as well as preach the habit," mut- tered Roland, " or you'll fi.nd that you have exploded your own mine." This, which he uttered as he left the room, was in reality nothing mflre than a vague menace ; but it was understood in a very different sense by Pedro, who stood pale and trembling with agitation, gazing at the door by which the youth departed. At last he moved forward, and opening it, called out — " Senhor Roland ! Roland, come back ! Let me speak to you again." But already he was far beyond hearing, as with all his speed he hastened down the alley. Don Pedro's resolves were soon formed ; he rang his bell at once, and summoning a servant, asked if Don Gomez Naronja was still at table ? " He has retired to his room, Seuhor," was the reply. A few moments after, Rica entered the chamber of his guest, where he remained in close conversation till nigh daybreak. As he reached his' own apartment, the sound of horses' feet and carriage-wheels was heard upon the gravel, and throwing up the window, Rica called out — " Is that Don Enrique ?" " Yes, Senhor, taking Prench leave, as you. would call it. A bad return for a Spanish welcome ; but duty leaves no alternative." " Are you for the coast, then ?" " "With all speed. Our captain received important despatches in the night. We shall be afloat before forty hours. Adios !" The farewell was cordially re-echoed by Rica, who closed the window, muttering to himself—" So ! all will go well at last." "While Enrique was making all the speed towards the sea-shore a light calcche and four horses could accomplish, Roland was pacing 14 EOLAND CASHEL. witli impatient steps the little plot of grass where so soon he expected to find himself in deadly conflict with his enemy. Never was a man's mind more suited to the purpose for which he waited. Dejected, insulted, and ruined in one night, he had little to live for, and felt far less eager to be revenged of his adversary, than to rid himself of a hated existence. It was to no purpose that he could say, and say truly, that he had never cared for any of these things, of which he now saw himself stripped. His liking for Mari- taiia had never gone beyond great admiration for her beauty, and a certain spitefiil pleasure in exciting those bursts of passion over which she exercised not the slightest control. It was caprice, not love ; the delight of a schoolboy in the power to torment, without the wish to retain. His self-love, then, it was, was wounded on finding that she, with whose temper he had sported, could tiu'u so terribly upon himself. The same feeling was outraged by Enrique, who seemed to know and exult over his defeat. These sources of bitterness, being all aggravated by the insulting manner of Don Pedro, made up a mass of indignant and angry feelings which warred and goaded him almost to madness. The long-expected dawn broke slowly, and although, a few moments after sunrise, the whole sky became of a rich rose colour, these few moments seemed like an age to the impatient thoughts of him wlio thirsted for his vengeance. He walked hastily up and down the space, waiting now and again to listen, and then, disappointed, resumed his path, with some gesture of impatience. At last he heard footsteps approaching. They came nearer and nearer ; and now, he could hear the branches and the trees bend and crack, as some one forced a passage through them. A swell- ing feeling about the heart bespoke the anxiety with which he lis- tened, when a figure appeared, which even at a glance he knew to be not Enrique's. As the man approached he took off his hat re- spectfully, and presented a letter. " From Don Enrique?" said Eoland ; and tlien tearing open the paper, he read : " ' Amigo Mro, — Not mine the fault that I do not stand before you now instead of these few lines ; but Noronja has received news of these Chilian fellows, and sent me to get the craft ready for sea at once. We shall meet thera in a few hours ; and if so, let it be as comrades. The service and our own rules forbid a duel so long as we are afloat and on duty. Whatever be your humour when next we touch shore again, rely upon finding me ready to meet it, either as an enemy or as " 'Tour friend, " ' EWEIQIJE DA COEDOTA.' " EOLAXD CASHEL. 15 A single exclamation of disappointment broke from Eoland, but the moment after all former anger was gone. The old spirit of comrade-affection began to seek its accustomed channels, and ke left the spot, happy to think how different had been his feeling, than if he were quitting it with the blood of his shipmate on his hands. Althougli he now saw that his continuance in the service for the present was inevitable, he had fullj made up his mind to leave it, and, with it, habits of life whose low excesses had now become in- tolerable. So long as the spirit of adventure and daring sustained him, so long the respite of a few months' shore life was a season of pleasure and delight ; but as by degrees the real character of his associates became clearer, and he saw in them men who cared for enterprise no further than for its gain, and calculated each hazardous exploit by its profit, he felt that he was now following the career of a bravo, who hires out his arm and sells his courage. This revolted every sentiment of his mind, and come what would, he resolved to abandon it. In these day-dreams of a new existence the memory of two years passed in the Pampas constantly mingled, and he could not help contrasting the happy and healthful contentment of the simple liunter with the voluptuous but cankered pleasui'es of the wealthy buccaneer. Once more beneath the wooded shades of the tall banana, he thought how free and peaceful his days would glide by, free from the rude conflicts he now witnessed, and the miserable jealousies of these ill-assorted companionships. For some hours he wandered, re- volving thoughts like these ; and at length turned his steps towards the Villa, determined, so long as his captain remained, that he would take up his quarters at Barcelonetta, nor in future accept of the hospitality of Don Eica's house. "With this intention he was return- ing to arrange for the removal of his luggage, when his attention was excited by tbe loud cracking of whips, and the shrill cries that ac- companied the sounds of " The Post ! the Post !" In a moment, every window of the Yilla was thrown open, and heads, in every species of night-gear, and every stage of sleepy astonishment, thrust out ; for the Post, be it observed, was but a monthly phenomenon, and the arrival of letters was very often the signal for a total break-up of the wliole household. Tlie long waggpn, drawn by four black mules, and driven by a fellow whose wide-tasseled sombrero and long moustaches seemed to savour more of the character of a melodrama than real life, stopped before the chief entrance of the Villa, and was immediately sur- rounded by the guests, whose hurried wardrobe could only be excused in so mild a climate. " Anything for me, Truxillo ?" cried one, holding up a dollar temptingly between finger and thumb. " Where are my cigarettes ?" 16 EOLAND CASHEL. " And my mantle ?" " And my gim ?" " And the Senbora's embroidered slippers ?" cried a maid, as she ransacked every corner where the packages lay. The driver, however, paid little attention to these various demands ; but loosening the bridles of his beasts, he proceeded to wash their mouths with some water fetched from the fountain, coolly telling the applicants that they might help themselves, only to spare something for the people of Barcelonetta, for he knew there was a letter or two for that place. " What have we here ?" cried one of the guests, as a mass of some- thing enveloped in a horse-sheet lay rolled up in the foot of the caleche, where the driver sat. "Ah ! par Dies !" cried the man, laughing, " I had nearly forgotten that fellow. He is asleep, poor devil ! He nearly died of cold in the night!" " "Who is he — what is he ?" "A traveller from beyond San Luis in search of Don Pedro." " Of me?" said Don Pedro, whose agitation became, in spite of all his eflbrts, visible to every one ; at the same instant that, pulling back the cloak rudely, he gazed at the sleeping stranger — " I never saw him before." " Come, awake — stir up, Senhor!" said the driver, poking the pas- senger very unceremoniously with his whip. " We are arrived — this is the Villa de las ]N"oches Entretenidas — here is Don Pedro himself !" " The Lord be praised!" said a short, round-faced little man, who, with a nightcap drawn over his ears, and a huge cravat enveloping his chin, now struggled to look around him. " At last!" sighed he ; " I'm sure I almost gave up all hope of it." Tliese words were spoken in English, but even that evidence was not necessary to show that the little plump figure in drab gaiters and shorts was not a Spaniard. "Are you Don Peter, Sir — are you really Don Peter?" said he, rubbing his eyes, and looking hurriedly around to assure himself he was not dreaming. " What is your business with me — or have you any ?" said Eica, in a voice barely above a whisper. " Have I ! — Did I come six thousand miles in search of you ? Oh dear, oh dear. I can scarcely think it all over, even now. But still there may be nothing doue if he isn't here." " AVhat do you mean ?" said Rica, impatiently. " Mr. Eoland Cashel ; Eoland Cashel, Esq., I should call him now, Sir." " That's my name !" said the youth, forcing his way through the crowd, and standing in front of the traveller. EOLA:yD CASHEL. 17 The little man put his hand into a breast-pocket, and drew out a little book, opening which he began to read, comparing the detail as he went on, with the object before him. " Six foot and an inch in height, at least, olive-brown complexion, dark eyes and hair, straight nose, short upper lip, frowns slightly when he speaks ; — just talk a little, will you ?" Cashel could not help smiling at the request ; when tlie other added, " Shows his teeth greatly when he laughs." " Am I a runaway negro from New Orleans that you have taken my portrait so accurately, Sir ?" " Grot that at Demerara," said the little man, putting up the book, " and must say it was very near indeed !" " I have been at Demerara," said Cashel, hoping by the admission to obtain some further insight into the traveller's intentions. " I know that," said the little man. " I tracked you thence to St. Kitts, then to Antigua. I lost you there, but I got up the scent again in Honduras, but only for a short time, and had to try Deme- rara again ; then I dodged down the coast by Pernambuco, but lost you entirely in June : some damned Indian expedition, I believe. But I met a fellow at New Orleans who had seen you at St. Louis, and so I tracked away south " " And in one w^ord, having found me, what was the cause of so much solicitude. Sir ?" said Cashel, who felt by no means comfortable at such a hot and unwearied pursuit. " This can all be better said in the house," interposed Don Eica, who, relieved of any uneasiness on his own account, had suddenly resumed his habitual quiet demeanour. " So I'm thinking too!" said the traveller; " but let me first land my portmanteau ; all the papers are there ; I have not lost sight of it since I started." The parcels were carefully removed under his own inspection, and, accompanied by Doii Pedro Eica and Eoland, the little man entered the Villa. There could be no greater contrast than that between the calm and placid bearing Don Pedro had now assumed, and the agitated and anxious appearance Avhich Cashel exhibited. The very last interview he had sustained in that same spot still dwelt upon his mind ; and when he declined Don Pedro's polite request to be seated, and stood with folded arms before the table, which the traveller had now covered with his papers, a prisoner awaiting the words of his judgment could not have endured a more intense feeling of anxiety. " 'Eoland Cashel, born in York, a.d. 18 — , son of Godfrey Cashel and Sarah, his wife,' " read the little man ; then murmured to him- self, " Certificate of baptism, signed by Joshua Grorgeous, Preben- TOL. I. c 18 EOLAKD CASHEL. dary of the Cathedral ; all right, so far. Now we come to tlie wan- derings. Tour father was quartered at Port-au-Prince, in the year 18—, I believe ?" " He was. I w^as then nine years old," said Cashel. " Qiute correct ; he died there, I understand ?" Cashel assented by a nod. " Upon which event you joined, or was supposed to join, the Broivn Peg, a sloop in the African trade, vrrecked off Fernando Po, same winter ?" " Tes : she was scuttled by the second mate, in a mutiny. But what has all this secret history of me to mean ? Did you come here. Sir, to glean particulars to write my life and adventures ?" " I crave your pardon, most humbly, Mr. Cashel," said the little man, in a perfect agony of humiliation. " I was only recapitulating a few collateral circumstances, by way of proof I was, so to say, testing — that is, I was " " Satisfying yourself as to this gentleman's identity," added Don Pedro. " Exactly so, Sir ; the very words upon the tip of my tongue — satisfying myself that you were the individual alluded to here" — as he spoke, he drew forth a copy of the Times newspaper, whose well- worn and much-thumbed edges bespoke frequent reference — " in this advertisem_ent," said he, handing the paper to Don Pedro, who at once read aloud — " ' Eewaed or 500Z. — Any person giving such information as may lead to the discovery of a young gentleman named Eolaud Cashel, who served for some years on board of various merchant vessels in the Levant, the African, and the "West India trade, and was seen in New Orleans in the autumn of 18 — , will receive the above reward. He was last heard 'of in Mexico, but it is believed that he has since entered the Chilian or Columbian service. He is well known in the Spanish Main, and in many of the cities on the coast, as tlie Ca- ballero.' " Cashel's face was one burning surface of scarlet, as he heard the words of an advertisement which, in his ideas, at once associated him with runaway negroes and escaped felons ; and it was with something like suffocation that he restrained his temper, as he asked wliy, and by whose authority, he was thus described ? The little man looked amazed and confounded at a question which, it w^ould seem, he believed his information had long since anticipated. " Mr. Cashel wishes to know the object of this inquiry — who sent you hither, in fact," said DonEica, beginning himself to lose patience at the slowness of the strangei's appreliensiou. " Mr. Keunyfeck, of Dublin, the law-agent, sent me." E0LA1S"D CASHEl. 19 " Upon -nhat grounds — ■svith what purpose ?" " To tell him that the suit is gained ; that he is now the rightful OAvner of the whole of the Godfrey and Godfrey Browne estates, and lands of Ben Currig, Tulough Callaghau, Knock Swinery, Kildal- looran, Tullimeoran, Ballycanderigan, with all the manorial rights, privileges, and perquisites appertaining to — in a word, Sir, for I see your impatience, to something, a mere trifle, under seventeen thou- sand per annum, not to speak of a sum, at present not exactly known, in bank, besides foreign bonds and securities to a large amount." "While Mr. Simms recited this, with the practised volubility of one who had often gone over the same catalogue before, Cashel stood amazed, and almost stupified, iinable to grasp in his mind the full extent of his good fortune, but catching, here and there, glimpses of the truth, in the few circumstances of family history alluded to. Not so Don Eica ; neither confusion nor hesitation troubled the free working of his acute faculties, but he sat still, patiently watching the efiect of this iatellicrence on the youth before him. At length, perceiving that he did not speak, he himself turned towards the stranger, and saidj " Tou are, doiibtless, a man of the world, Sir, andiieedno apologies for my remarking that good news demands a scrirfciny not less search- ing than its opposite. As the friend of Senhor Cashel" — here he turned a glance beneath his heavy brows at the youth, who, however, seemed not to notice the word — " as his friend, I repeat, deeply inte- rested in whatever afli'ects him, I may, perhaps, be permitted to ask the details of this very remarkable event." " If you mean the trial. Sir, or rather the trials, for there were three at bar, not to mention a suit in equity, and a bill of dis- covery " " No, I should be sorry to trespass so far upon you," interrupted Eica. " What I meant was something in the shape of an assurance — somethmg like satisfactory proof that this narrative, so agreeable to believe, sliould have all the foundation we wish it." " Nothing easier," said Mr. Simms, producing an enormous black leather pocket-book from the breast of his coat, and opening it leisurely on the table before him. " Here are, I fancy, documents quite sufficient to answer all your inqviiries. This is the memo- randum of the verdict taken at Bath, with the note of the Attorney- Oeneral, and the point reserved, in which motion for a new trial was made." " "What is this ?" asked Cashel, now speaking for the first time, as he took up a small book of strange shape, and looked curiously at it. " Cheque-book of the bank of Pordyce and Grange, Lombard- c2 20 EOLAND CASHEL. street," replied Simms ; '• and here, the authority by which you are at liberty to draw on the firm for the balance abeady iu their hands, amounting to — let me see" — here he rapidly set down certain figures on the corner of a piece of paper, and with the speed of lightning performed a sum iu arithmetic — "the sum of one hundred and tAventy-three thousand pounds seven and elevenpence, errors ex- cepted." " This sum is mine!" cried Cashel, as his eyes flashed fire, and his dark cheek grew darker with excitement. " It is only a moiety of your funded property," said Simms. " Cas- tellan and Biggen, the notaries, certify to a much larger amount in the Three per Cents." " And I am at liberty to draw at once for whatever amount I re- quire ?" " Within that sum, certainly. Though, if you desire more, I'm sure they'll not refuse your order." " Leave us for a moment, Sir," said Cashel, in an accent whose trembling eagerness bespoke the agitation he laboured under. " I have something of importance to tell this gentleman." " If you will step this way, Sir," said Don Eica, politel3\ " I have ordered some refreshment in this room, and I believe you will find it awaiting you," Mr. Simms gladly accepted the offered hospitality, and retired. The door was not well closed, when Don Eica advanced with extended hands towards Cashel, and said, " "With all my heart I give you joy — such good fortune as this may, indeed, oblitei-ate every little cloud that has passed between us, and make us once more the friends we have ever been." Cashel crossed his arms on his breast, and coldly replied, " I thank you. But a few hours back, and one-half as much kindness would have made a child of me in feeling. Now it serves only to arouse my indignation, and my anger." " Are you indeed so unjust — so ungenerous as this !" exclaimed Eica, in a tone whose anguish seemed wrung from the very heart. " Unjust — ungenerous ! how?" cried Cashel, passionately. " Both, Sir," said Eica, in a voice of almost commanding severity. " Unjust to suppose, that in thwarting your last resolve to leave a service in which you have already won fame and honour, I was not your best and truest friend ; that in offering every opposition in my power to such a hot-headed resolution, I was not consulting your best interests ; ungenerous to imagine tliat I could feel any other sentiment than delight at your altered fortunes, I, who gave you all tliat was dearest and nearest to me, on earth, my child — my Maritaua." Had it not been for the passionate emotion of the last few words, EOLAND CASHEL. 21 Cashel's anger would have suggested a reply not less indignant than his question ; but the siglit of the hard, the stern, the unflinching Pedro Eica, as he now stood — his face covered by his hands, while his strong chest heaved and throbbed with convulsive energy — this was more than he felt prepared to look on. It was then only by a great effort he could say, " Tou seem to forget, Senhor Eica, how differently you interpreted this same contract but a few hours ago. Tou told me then — I think I hear the words still ringing in my ears — that you never thought of such an alliance ; that your calculations took a less flattering estimate of my relationship." " I spoke in anger, Eoland ; anger caused by your passionate re- solve. Eemember, too, that I preferred holding you to your contract, in preference to allowing you to redeem it by paying the penalty." " Easy alternative," said Cashel, with a scornful laugh ; " you scarcely expected a beggar, a ruined gambler, could pay seventy thousand doubloons. But times are changed, Sir. I am rich now ! rich enough to double the sum you stipulated for. Although I well Ivuow the contract is not worth the pen that wrote it, I am willing to recomise it, at least so far as the forfeit is concerned." " My poor child, my darling Maritana," said Pedro, but in a voice barely audible. The words seemed the feeble utterance of a break- ing heart, " Sorrow not for her, Senhor," said Cashel, hastily. " She has no griefs herself on such a score. It is but a few hours since she told me so." Don Pedro was silent ; but a mournful shake of the head, and a still more mournful smile, seemed to intimate his dissent. " I tell you. Sir, that your own scorn of my alliance was inferior to hers !" cried Cashel, in a voice of deep exasperation. " She even went so far as to say that she was a party to the contract only on the condition of its utter worthlessness. Do not, then, let me hear of regrets for TierT " And you believe this ?" " I believe what I have myself witnessed." '• What, then, if you be a witness to the very opposite ? "What if your ears reveal to you the evidence as strongly against, as now you deem it in favour of, your opinion ?" " I do not catch your meauiug." " I would say, what if from Maritana's own lips you heard an avowal of her affection, would you conceive yourself at liberty to re- deem a contract to which you were only one party, and by mere money — I care not how large you call the sum — to reject the heart you have made your own ?" " IS^o, no, this cannot be/' cried Cashel, struggling in a conflict of uncertainty and fear. 22 E0LA5D. CASHEL. " I know my daugliter, Sir," said. Eedx'o, witli au air of pride lie well knew when and how to assume. " If I but thought so," muttered Cashel to himself, aJid low as the words were, Eica heard them. " I ask you for nothing short of your own conviction — ^the con- viction of youx own ears and eyes. You shall, if you please, remain concealed in her apartment while I question her on the siibject of this attachment. If you. ever supposed me base enough to coerce her judgment, you know Jier too well to believe it to be possible. But I will not insult myself by either supposition. I offer you this test of what I have said ; accept it if you will, and Vvith this condition, that you shall then be free to tear this contract, if you. like, but never be- lieve that I can barter the acknowledged affection of my child, and take money for her misery." Cashel was moved by the truth-like energy of the words he heard ; the very aspect of emotion in one he had never seen save calm, cold, and self-possessed, had its iufluence on him, and he replied, " I con- sent." So faintly, however, were the- words uttered, that he was obliged to repeat them ere they reached Don Pedro's ears. " I will come for you after supper this evening," said E.iea, " Let me find you in the arbour at the end of the ' Hacienda.' Till then, adios." So saying, he motioned to Cashel to follow the stranger. Boland obeyed the suggestion, and they parted. CHAPTEE III. He told them of men tluit cared not a d — n For the law or the new police, And had very few scruples for killing a lamh, If they fancied they wanted the fleece. Sib Petek's Lament; "When Eoland Cashel rejoined Mr. Simms, he found that worthy individual solacing himself for the privations of prairie travel, by such a breakfast as only Don Pedro's larder would produce. Surrounded by various dishes whoso appetising qualities might have suffered some impairment from a more accurate knowledge of their contents — suck- ing-monkeys and young squiiTels among the number — he tasted and sipped, and sipped again, till between the seductions of Sangaree and Cura9oa punch, he had produced that pleasing frame, of miud when even a less gorgeous scene than the windows of the Villa displayed before him, would have appeared delightful. Whether poor JMr. Simms's excess — and such we are compelled to EOLAlfD CASHEL. 2S confess it was — could be excused on the score of long fasting, or the consciousness that he had a right to some indulgence in the hour of victory, he, assuredly, revelled in the fullest enjoyment of this luxurious banquet, and, as Cashel entered the room, had reached the delicious dream-land of misty consciousness, where his late adventures and his former life became most pleasingly commingled ; and Jagiuars, Alligators, Gambusinos, and Eancheros, danced through his brain in company with Barons of the Exchequer and Masters in Chancery. Elevated by the scenes of danger he had passed through— some real, the far greater number imaginary — into the dignity of a hero, he preferred rather to discuss prairie life and scenes in the Havanaiah, to dwelling on the topics so nearly interesting to CasheL- ISTor was E-oland a very patient listener to digressions, which, at ever}'' moment, left the higb road, and wandered into eyery absurd by-path of personal history. '■ I always thought. Sir," said Simms, " and used to say it every- where, too, what a splendid change for you this piece of good fortune would be, springing at a bound, as a body might say, from a powder- monkey into the wealth of a peer of the realm ; but, egad, when I see the glorious life you lead hereabouts, such grog, such tipple, capital house, magnificent country, and, if I may pronounce from tlie view beneath my window, no lack of company, too ! I begin, to feel doubts about it." If Cashel was scarcely pleased at the allusions to himself in this speech, he speedily forgave them in his amusement at the commentary Simms passed on life at the Villa ; but yet would willingly have turned from either theme to that most engrossing one, the circumstances of his altered fortune. Simms, however, was above such grovelling sub- jects ; and, as he sat, glass in hand, gazing out upon the garden, where strolling parties came and went, and loitering groups lingered in the shade, he really fancied the scene a perfect paradise. '' Very hard to leave this, you'll find it!" exclaimed Simms. "I can well imagine life here must be rare fua. How jolly they do seem down there," said he, with a half-longing look at the strange figures, who now and then favoiired him with a salute or a gesture of the hand, as they passed. " Come, let us join them," said Cashel, who, despairing of recalling him to the wished-for topic, was fain to consent to indulge the stranger's humour. " AR naval men ?" asked Simms,.as they issued forth into the lawn. " Most of them are sailors !" said Cashel, equivocating. " That's a fine-looking old fellow beneath the beech-tree, with the long Turkish pipe in his mouth. He's captain of a seventy-four, I take it." 24 ROLAND CASHEL, " He's a Greek inerchantmaD," -nliispered Cashel ; " don't look so hard at him, for he observes you, and is somewhat irascible in temper if stared at," " Indeed, I shouldn't have thouglit " " No matter, do as I tell you ; he stabbed a travelling artist the other day, who fancied he was a fine study, and wished to make a drawing of his head." Simms's jaw dropped suddenly, and a sickly faintness stole over him, that even all his late potations could not supply courage enough to hear such a story unmoved. " And who is he, Sir, yonder ?" asked he, as a youth, with no other clothing than a shirt and trousers, was fencing against a tree, prac- tising, by bounds and springs, every imaginable species of attack and assault. " A young Spaniard from the Basque," said Cashel, coolly ; " he has a duel to-morrow with some fellow in Barcelouetta, and he's getting his wrist into play." Then calling out, he said, " Ah, Jose, you mean to let blood, I see !" " He's only a student," said the youth, with an insolent toss of his head. " But who have we here ?" " A friend and countryman of mine, Mr. Simms," said Cashel, in- troducing tlie little man, who performed a whole circuit round the young Spaniard in salutations. " Come to join us?" asked the youth, surveying him with cool im- pertinence. " What in the devil's name hast thou done that thou shouldst leave the Old World at thy time of life ? Virtuous living or hypocrisy ought to have become a Imbit with thee ere now, old boy ! eh ?" " He's only on a visit," said Cashel, laughing; "he can return to good society ; not like all of us here." " Would you infer from that. Sir " " Keep your temper, Jose," said Cashel, Avith an indescribable as- sumption of insolent superiority ; " or, if you cannot, keep your cou- rage for the students, whose broils best suit you." " You presume somewhat too far on your skill with the rapier, Senhor Cashel," said the other, but in a voice far less elevated than before. " Ton can test the presumption at any momeiit," said Cashel, inso- lently ; " now, if you like it." " Oh, Mr. Cashel! oh, Mr. Eoland! for mercy's sake, don't!" ex- claimed Simms. " Never fear," interposed Cashel ; " that excellent young man has better principles than you fancy, and never neglects, though he some- times forgets himself." BOIAND CASHEL. 25 So saying, he leisurely passed his arm beneath Simms's, and led him forward. " Good day, Senhor Cashel," said a tall and well-dressed man, who made his salutations with a certain air of distinction, that induced Simms to inquire who and what he was. " A general in the service of one of the minor states of Germany," said Cashel ; " a man of great professional skill ; and, it is said, of great personal bravery." " And in what capacity is he here ?" " A refugee. His sentence to be shot was commuted to imprison- ment for life. He made his escape from Spandau, and came here." " What was his crime ?" " Treachery, the very basest one can well conceive ; he commanded the fort of Bergstein, which the French attacked on their advance in the second Austrian campaign. The assailants had no heavy artillery, nor any material for escalade ; but they had money, and gold proved a better battering-train than lead. Plittersdorf — that's the general's name — fired over their heads till he had expended all his ammunition, and then surrendered, with the garrison, as prisoners of war. The French, however, exchanged him afterwards, and he very nearly paid the penalty of his false faith." " And now is he shunned — do people avoid him ?" " How should they — how many here are privileged to look down on a traitor ? Is it the runaway merchant, the defaulting bank clerk, the filching commissary, that can say shame to one whose crime stands higher in the scale of oftence ? the best we can know of any one here is, that his rascality took an aspiring turn ; and yet there are some fellows one would not like to think ill of. Here comes one such ; and as I have something like business to treat of with him, I'll ask you to wait for me, on this bench, till I join you." Without waiting for any reply, Cashel hastened forward, and taking off" his hat, saluted a sallow-looking man of some eight-and-forty or fifty years of age, who, in a loose morning-gown, and with a book in his liand, was strolling along one of the alleys. " Ha, Lieutenant," said the other, as lifting up his eyes he recog- nised Cashel — " making the most of these short hours of pleasure, eh ? You've heard the news, I suppose ; we shall be soon afloat again." " So I've heard. Captain !" replied Cashel ; " but I believe we have taken our last cruise together." " How so, lad ! yoib look well, and in spirits ; and as for myself, I never felt in better humour to try a bout with our friends on the western coast." " You have no friend, Captain, can better like to hear you say so ; 26 ROLAND CASHEE. and as for me, the cliances of fortune have changed. I have disco- vered that I need risk neither head nor limhs for gold ; a worthy man has arrived here to-day with tidings that I am the owner of a large estate, and mare money than I shall well know how to squander, and so " " And so you'll leave us for the land where men have learnt that art ? Quite right, Cashel. At your age a man can accustom himself to any and everything ; at mine — a little later — at mine, for instance, the task is harder. I remember myself some years ago fancying that I should enjoy prodigiously that life of voluptuous civilisation they possess in the ' Old World,' where men's wants are met ere they are well felt, and hundreds, ay thousands, are toiling and thinking to minister to the rich man's pleasures. It so chanced that I took a prize a few weeks after ; she. was a Portuguese barque with specie, broad doubloons and gold bars for the mint at Lisbon, and so I threw up my command and went over to France and to Paris. The first dash was glorious ; all was new, glittering, and splendid ; every sense steeped in a voluptuous entrancement ; thought was out of the ques- tion, and one only could wonder at the barbarism that before seemed to represent life and sorrow for years lost and wasted in grosser en- joyment. Then came a reaction, at first slight, but each day stronger ; the headache of the debauch, the doubt of your mistress's fidelity, your friend's truth,, your own enduring good fortune, all these lie in wait together, and spring out ort you in some gloomy hour, like Malays boarding a vessel at night, and crowding down from maintop and mizen ! There is no withstanding ; you must strilse or fly. I took the last alternative, and, leaving my splendid quarters one morn- ing at daybreak, hastened to Havre. J^ot a thought of regret crossed me ; so quiet a life seemed, to sap my very courage, and prey upon my vitals ; that same night I swung once more in a hammock, with the rushing water beside my ear, and never again tried those dissipa- tions that pall from their very excess ; for, after all, no pleasure is lasting which is not dashed with the sense of danger." While he was yet speaking, a female figure, closely veiled, passed close to where they stood, and, without attracting any notice, slipped into Cashel' s hand a slip of paper. Few as the words it contained were, they seemed to excite his very deepest emotion, and it was with a faltering voice he asked the Captain by what step he could most speedily obtain liis release from the service ? A tiresome statement of official forms was the answer, but Eoland's impatience did not hear it out, as he said, " And is there no other way — by gold, for instance ?" A cold shrug of the shoulders met this sally, and the Captain said, BOLAND CASHEL. 27 " To corrupt the officials of the Government is called treason hj our laws, and is punishable by death, just like desertion." " Therefore is desertion the better course, as it inyolves none but oncj" said Cashel, laughing, as he turned awar. CHAPTER IV. IMan being reasonable, must dine out; The best of life is. but a dinner-party. AaiPHYTEioN, Canto IV. It was about half-past six of an autumn evening, just as the grey twilight was darkening into the gloom that precedes night, that a servant, dressed in the most decorous black, drew down the window- blinds of a large and splendidly furnished drawing-room of a house in Merrion- square, Dublin. Having- arranged certain portly deep-cushioned chairs into the orderly disorder that invites social groupings, and having disposed various other articles of furniture according to those notions of do- mestic landscape so popular at the present day, he stirred the fire and ^vithdrew : — all these motions being performed with the noiseless de- corum of a church. A glance at the apartment, even by the fitful light of the coal-fire, showed that it was richly, even magnificently furnished. The look- ing-glasses were immense in size, and framed with all that the most lavish art of the carver could display. The hangings were costly Lyons silk, the sofas, tables, and cabinets were all exquisite specimens of modern skill and elegance, while the carpet almost rose above the foot in the delicate softness of its velvet pile. A harp, a grand piafno- forte, and several richly-bound gilded volumes strewed about gave evidence of tastes above the mere voluptuous enjoyment of ease, and in one window stood an embroidery-frame, with its unfinished labour, from which the threads depended in that fashion, that showed it had lately occupied the fair hands of the artist. This very enviable apartment belonged to Mr. Mountjoy Kenny- feck, the leading solicitor of Dublin, a man, who, for something more than thirty years, had stood at the head of his walk in the capital, and was reputed to be one of its most respected and richest citizens. Mrs. Mountjoy Kennyfeck — -neither for our own nor our reader's convenience dare we omit the " prenom" — was of a western family considerably above that of her liege lord and master in matter of genealogy, but whose quarterings had so far survived the family 28 KOLA^'D CASHEL. acres, that she was fain to accept the hand of a wealthy attorney, after having for some years been the belle of her county, and the ad- mired beauty of Castle balls and drawing-rooms. It had been at first, indeed, a very hard struggle for the O'Haras to adopt the style and title of Kennyfeck, and poor Matilda was pitied in all the moods and tenses for exchanging the riotous feu- dalism of Mayo for the decorous quietude and wealthy " insouciance" of a Dublin mansion ; and the various scions of the house did not scruple to express very unqualified opinions on the subject of her fall ; but Time— that heals so much — Time and Mr. Kennyfeck's claret, of which they all drank most liberally during the visits to town, assuaged the rancour of these prejudices, and " Matty," it was hinted, might have done worse ; while some hardy spirit averred that " Kennyfeck, though not one of ourselves, has a great deal of the gentleman about him, notwithstanding." A word of Mr. Kennyfeck himself, and even a word will almost suffice. He was a very tall, pompous-looking personage, with a re- tiring forehead, and a large prominent nose ; he wore a profusion of powder, and always dressed in the most scrupulous black ; he spoke little, and that slowly ; he laughed never. It was not that he was melancholy or depressed ; it seemed rather that his nature had been fashioned in conformity with the onerous responsibilities of his pur- suit, and that he would have deemed any exhibition of mirthful emo- tion unseemly and unbecoming one who, so to say, was a kind of high priest in the temple of equity. Next to the Chancellor's he venerated the decisions of Mrs. Kennyfeck ; after Mrs. Kennyfeck came the Master of the Eolls. This was his brief aud simple faith, and it is astonishing in what simple rules of guidance men amass vast fortunes, and obtain the highest suffrages of civic honour and respect ! Mr. Kennyfeck's family consisted of two daughters : the eldest had been a beauty for some years, and, even at the period our tale opens, had lost few of her attractions. She was tall, dark-haired, and dark- eyed, with an air of what in the Irish capital is called " decided fashion" about her, but in less competent circles might have been called almost eff'rontery. She looked strangers very steadily in the face, spoke with a voice full, firm, and unabashed — no matter what tlie subject, or who the audience — and gave her opinions on people and events with a careless indifference to consequences, that many mistook for high genius, rebellious against control. Olivia, three years younger than her sister, had just come out ; and wlietlicr that her beauty — and she was very handsome — required a different style, or that she saw more clearly " the mistake" in Miss Kennyfeck's manner, but she took a path perfectly her own. She was tenderness itself; a delicacy, .too susceptible for this work-a-day EOLAKD CASHEI. 29 world, pervaded all she said and did — a retiring sensitiveness that she knew, as she plaintively said, would never " let her be loved," overlaid her nature, and made her the victim of her own feelings. Her sketches, everlasting Madonnas dissolved in tears — her music, the most mournful of the melodies — her reading, the most disastrously ending of modern poems — all accorded with this tone ; which, after all, scarcely consorted well with a very blooming cheek, bright hazel eyes, and an air and carriage that showed a full consciousness of her captivations, and no small reliance on her capacity to exercise them. A brief interval after the servant left the room the door opened, and Mrs. Keunyfeck entered. She was dressed for dinner, and if not exactly attired for the reception of a large company, exhibited, in various details of her costume, unequivocal signs of more than com- mon care. A massive diamond brooch fastened the front of her dark velvet dress, and on her fingers sevei'al rings of great value glittered. Miss Keunyfeck, too, who followed her, was, though simply, most becomingly dressed ; the light and floating material of her robe con- trasting well with the more stately folds of the matronly costume of her mother. " I am surprised they are not here before this," said Mrs. Kenny- feck, lying back in the deep recess of a luxiu'ious chair, and placing a screen between herself and the fire. " Tour father said positively on the 5th, and as the weather has been most favourable, I cannot un- derstand the delay. The packets arrive at four, I think ?" " Yes, at four, and the carriage left this at three to fetch them." " Eead the note again — he writes so very briefly always. I'm sure I wish the dear man would understand that I am not a client, and that a letter is not exactly all it might be, because it can be charged its thirteen and fourpence, or six and eightpeuce, or whatever it is." Miss Keunyfeck took an open note from the chimney, and read : "'Dear Mrs. Kenxtfeck, — We have made all the necessary arrangements in London, and shall leave on the 2nd, so as to arrive at Merrion-square by the 5th. Mr. C would, I believe, rather have remained another day in town, but there is no possibility of doing so, as the " Chancellor" will sit on Tuesday. Love to the girls, and believe me, yours, very truly, " ' M. Kennteeck. " ' Invite Jones and Softly to meet us at dinner.' " The clock on the mantelpiece now struck seven, and scarcely had the last chime died away as a carriage drove up to the door. " Here they come, I suppose," said Mrs. Keunyfeck, with a half- sigh. •30 BOLAND CASHEL. " No, mamma ; it is a liackuey-coacli. Mr. Jones, or Mr. Softly, perhaps." " Oh dear ! I had forgotten them. How absurd it was to ask these people, and your father not here!" The door opened, and the servant announced the Eev. Mr. Knos Softly. A very tall, handsome young man entered, and made a most respectful but cordial salutation to the ladies. He was in look and mien the heau ideal of health, strength, and activity, with bright, full, blue eyes, and cheeks rosy as the May. His voice, however, was subdued to the dulcet accent of a low whisper, and his step, as he crossed the room, had the stealthy noiselessness of a cat's approach. " Mr. Kennyfeck quite restored, I hope, from the fatigue of his journey?" " "We've not seen him yet," replied his lady, almost tartly. " He ought to have been here at four o'clock, and yet it's past seven!" " I think I hear a carriasre." "Another " hackney. Miss Kennyfeck was about to say, when she stopped herself, and, at the instant, Counsellor Clare Jones was announced. This gentleman was a rising light of the Irish bar, who had the good fortune to attract Mr. Kennyfeck's attention, and was suddenly transferred from the dull duties of civil bills and declarations to business of a more profitable kind. He had been somewhat success- ful in his college career — carried oif some minor honours — was a noisy member of a debating society, wrote leaders for some provincial papers, and witli overbearing powers of impudence, and a good memory, was a very likely candidate for high forensic honour. Unlike the first arrival, the Counsellor had few, if any, of the forms of good society in his manner or address. His costume, too, was singularly negligent ; and as he ran a very dubious hand through a mass of thick and tangled hair on entering, it was easy to see that the greatest part of his toilet was then and there performed. The splashed appearance of his nether garments, and of shoes that mio-ht have done honour to snipe-shooting, also showed that the carriage which brought him was a mere ceremonial observance, and, as he would himself say, " the act of conveyance was a surplusage." Those who saw him in court pronounced him the most imabashed and cool of men ; but there was certainly a somewhat of haste and impetuosity in his drawing-room manner, that even a weak observer would have ascribed to awkwardness. " How do you do, Mrs. Kennyfeck ? — how do you do. Miss Ken- nyfeck ?— glad to see you. Ah ! Mr. Softly— well, I hope ? Is he come — has he arrived ?" A shake of the head replied in the negative. " Very strange— I can't understand it. We have a consultation with BOIAND CASHEL. 31 the Solicitor- General to-morrow, and a meeting in chambers at four." " I shouldn't wonder if Mr. Cashel detained papa ; he is very young, you know; and London must be so new and strange to him, poor lad!" " Yes; but your father would scarce permit it," said Mrs. Kenny- feck, smartly. " I rather think it must have heen some accidental circumstance — coaches are constantly upsetting, and post-horses can- not always be had." Mr, Knox Softly smiled benignly, as though to say in these sug- gestions Mrs. Kennyfeck was displaying a very laudable spirit of un- certainty as to the course of human events. " Here's Olivia," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, as her younger daughter entered. " Let us hear her impressions — full of forebodings, I don't doubt." Miss Olivia Kennyfeck performed her salutations to the guests with the most faultless grace, throwing into her curtsey to the curate a certain air of filial reverence very pretty to behold, and only a little objectionable on the score of the gentleman's youth and per- sonal attractions ; and then, turning to her mother, said, " You are not uneasy, mamma, I hope ? though, after all, this is about the period of the equinox." " Nonsense, child ! packets are never lost now-a-days in the Irish Channel. It's merely some sudden freak of gaiety — some London distraction detains them. "Will you touch that bell, Mr. Clare Jones ? It is better to order dinner." There was something peremptory in the lady's tone and manner that rather damped the efforts at small-talk — never very vigorous or well-sustained at these ante-dinner moments — nor were any of the party very sorry when the servant announced that the soup was served. CHAPTEE V. The sherry iced— the company still colder. Bell's Images. The party who now took th^eir seats at table were not made of those ingredients whose admixture accomplishes a social meeting. Their natures, pursuits, and tastes were only sufficiently imlike to suggest want of agreement, without possessing the broad contrasts that invite conversation by their own contrariety. Besides this, there was a sense of constraint over every one, from the abseojce of the 32 EOLAND CASHEL. host and his expected guest ; and lastly, the very aspect of a gorge- ously-decorated table with vacant places, has always a chilling influ- ence over those who sit around. A certain amount of propinquity is as essential to conversation, as good roads and easy distances are a necessary condition to a visiting neighbourhood. If you cannot address him or her who sits beside you without attracting the atten- tion of the whole table to your remark, you are equally debarred from the common-j^laces that induce table-talli, or the smart thing that cannot well be said too publicly. The dinner here proceeded in very stately quietude, nor were the efforts of Mr. Jones to introduce a conversational spirit at all suc- cessful ; indeed, that gifted gentleman would have willingly exchanged the unexceptionable cooker}^, and admirably- conditioned wine before him, for the riotous freedom of a bar mess — where sour sherry and nisi-prius jokes abounded, and Father Somebody's song was sure to give the scene a conviviality that only yielded its fascination to blind hookey, or spoiled five. Far otherwise the curate. The angelic smile that sat upon his features mechanically ; his low, soft, liquid voice ; his gentle gestures, and even his little sallies of pleasantry, were in perfect accordance with the decorous solemnity of a scene where the chink of a cut de- canter, or the tingling sound of a silver dish-cover, was heard above the stillness of the company. If, then, Mr. Knox Softly accompanied the ladies to tlie door, and followed them out with his eyes, with an expression beaming regret- fulness at their departure, the Counsellor, very differently-minded, surrounded himself with an array of the dessert-dishes and decanters, and prepared to discuss his wine and walnuts to his perfect content- ment. " You have never met this Mr. Eolaud Casliel, I believe ?" said Mr. Softly, as he filled a very large claret glass and tasted it enjoyably. " Never," replied Jones, whose teeth were busily engaged in smasliing almonds and filberts, in open defiance of a tray of silver nutcrackers before him. " I don't think he has been in Ireland since a mere child, and very little in England." " Then his recovery of the estate was quite unexpected ?" " Mere accident. Kennyfeck came upon the proofs when making some searches for a collateral claim. The story is very short. This lad's father, whose name was Godfrey Cashel, was a poor lieutenant in the 81st, and quartered at Bath, when he chanced to discover that a rich old bachelor there, a certain Godfrey Browne, was a distant re- lation of his mother. He lost no time in making liis acquaintance and explaining the relationsliip, which, however, brought him no more substantial benefit than certain invitations to dinner, and whist parties, where the unfortunate lieutenant lost his half-crowns. EOLAND CA3HEL. 33 " At length a note came one morning inviting him to breakfast and to ' transact a little matter of business.' Poor Grodfrey read the words with every commentary that could flatter his hopes, and set out in better spirits than he had known for many a year before . What then was his dismay to discover that he was only wanted to witness the old gentleman's will ! — a very significant proof that he was not to benefit by its provisions. " With a very ill-repressed sigh, the poor lieutenant threw a glance over the half-opened leaves, where leasehold, and copyhold, and free- liold, and every other ' hold' figured among funded property, consols, and reduced annuities — with money lent on mortgages, shares in various companies, and what not, — a list only to be equalled by the long catalogue of those ' next of kin,' who, to the number of seven- teen, were mentioned as reversionary heirs. " ' You are to sign your name here, Mr. Cashel,' said the solicitor, pointing to a carefully-scratched portion of the parchment, where already the initials were pencilled for his guidance. " 'Paith ! and it's at the other side of the book I'd rather see it,' said the lieutenant, with a sigh. " ' Not, surely, after seventeen others !' exclaimed the astonished attorney. " ' Even so — a chance is better than nothing.' " 'What's that he's saying?' interposed the old man, who sat reading his newspaper at the fire. The matter was soon explained by the attorney, and when he finished, Cashel added — ' That's just it; and I'm to sail for the Cape on the 4th of next month, and if you'll put me down among the rest of the fellows, I'll send you the best pipe of Constantia you ever tasted, as sure as my name is Godfrey Cashel.' " The old man threw his spectacles up on his forehead, wiped his eyes, and then replacing his glasses, took a deliberate survey of the poor lieutenant who had proposed such a very ' soft' bargain. ' Eh ! Clinchet,' said he to the attorney, ' can we do this for him ?' " ' Nothing easier. Sir, — let the gentleman come in last, as residuary legatee, and it alters nothing.' " ' I suppose you count on your good luck,' said old Browne, grin- ning. " ' Oh, then, it's not from my great experience that way,' said Cashel. 'I've been on the 'Duke's list' for promotion seventeen years already, and, for all I see, not a bit nearer it than the first day ; but there's no reason my poor boy should be such an unfortunate devil. Who knows but fortune may make amends to him one of these days ? Come, Sir — is it a bargain ?' " ' To be sure. I'm quite willing — only don't forget the €911- VOL. I. D 34 EOLAND CASHEL. stantia. It's a wine I like a glass of very well indeed, after my dinner.' " The remainder is easily told : the Lieutenant sailed for the Cape, and kept his word, even though it cost him a debt that mortgaged his commission. Old Browne gave a great dinner when the wine arrived, and the very first name on the list of legatees, his nephew, caught a fever on his way home from it, and died in three weeks. " Kennyfeck could tell us, if he were here, what became of each of them in succession ; four were lost, out yachting, at once ; but, sin- gular as it may seem, in nineteen years from the day of that will, every life lapsed — and stranger still, without heirs — and the fortune has now descended to poor Godfrey Cashel's boy, the Lieutenant himself having died in the West Lidies, where he exchanged into a native regiment. That is the whole story, and probably in a romance one would say that the thing was exaggerated, so much more strange is truth than fiction." " And what kind of education did the young man get ?" " I suppose very little, if any. So long as his father lived, he of course held the position of an ofB.cer's son — poor, but in the rank of gentleman. After that, without parents — his mother died when he was an infant — he was thrown upon the world, and after various vicissitudes, became a cabin-boy on board of a merchantman ; then, he was said to be a mate of a vessel in the African trade, employed on the Grold Coast ; just as probably a slaver — and last of all, he was lieu- tenant in the Columbian navy, which, I take it, is a very good name for piracy. It was in the Havannah we got a trace of him, and I assure you, strange as it may sound, Kennyfeck's agent had no small difiiculty in persuading him to abandon that very free and easy ser- vice, to assume the rights and immunities of a very large property. " Kennyfeck was to meet him on his arrival in England, about ten days ago, and they spent a few days in London, and were But hark ! there comes a carriage now — yes, I know the step of his horses — here they are !" CHAPTEE. VI. Ne'er mind his torn, ill -fashioned doublet, Beshrew me! if he's not a pretty man. Don Lopez. The movement and bustle in the hall showed that Mr. Jones's surmise was correct, for scarcely had the carriage stopped than the ROLAND CASHEL. 35 street-door was fluBg wide open, and ]\ir. Pearse, the butler, followed by a strong detachment of bright-liveried menials, stood bowing their respectful compliments to their master and his guest. As Mr. Ken- nyfeck entered the house, he walked slowly and with difficulty, en- deavouring at the same time to avoid all scrutiny of his appearance as he passed through the crowded hall ; but, although his hat was pressed firmly over his brows, it could not entirely conceal a very suspiciously-tinted margin around one eye, while the care with which he defended his left arm, and which he carried in his waistcoat, looked like injury there, also. He, however, made an attempt at a little sprightliness of manner, as, shaking his companion's hand with cordial warmth, he said, " Welcome to Ireland, Mr. Cashel. I hope I shall very often ex- perience the happiness of seeing you under this roof." The person addressed was a remarkably handsome young man, whose air and carriage bespoke, however, much more the confidence that results from a sense of personal gifts, and a bold, daring tem- perament, than that more tempered ease which is the consequence of fashionable breeding. Mr. Kennyfeck's felicitations on their arrival were scarce uttered, ere Cashel had sufficiently recovered from his surprise at the unex- pected magnificence of the house, to make any reply ; for, although as yet advanced no further than the hall, a marble group by Canova, a centre lamp of costly Sevres, and some chairs of carved ebony, served to indicate the expensive style of the remainder of the mansion. "While Cashel, then, muttered his acknowledgments, he added to himself, but jn a voice scarcely less loud, " Devilsh good crib this, Master Kennyfeck." " Pearse," said the host, " is dinner ready ?" " My mistress and the young ladies have dined, Sir ; but Mr. Jones and Mr. Softly are in the parlour." " "Well, let us have something at once ; — or, would you prefer, Mr. Cashel, making any change in your dress first ?" " I say dinner above all things," said the youth, disencumbering himself of a great Mexican mantle. "Perfectly right; quite agree with you," said Kennyfeck, en- deavouring to assume a little of his guest's dash ; " and here "we are. Ah, Jones, how d'ye do ? Mr. Cashel, this is my friend Mr. Jones. Mr. Softly, very glad to see you. Mr. Softly — Mr. Cashel. Don't stir, I beg ; keep your places, we'll have a bit of dinner here, and join you at your wine afterwards. Meanwhile, I'll just step up-stairs, and be back again in a moment — you'll excuse me, I'ni sure ?" " Oh, certainly," cried Cashel, who appeared as if he could excuse 3)2 36 EOLAND CASHEL. anything witli a better grace than the ceremonious slowness of the butler's arrangements. There was a pause of a few seconds as Mr. Kenuyfeclc left the room, broken at last by Mr. Jones asking if they had not been de- tained by contrary winds. " No, I think not ; I fancy the weather was pretty average kind of weather. Had we been expected here earlier?" " Yes ; Mrs. Kenny feck mentioned to me Monday, and afterwards Tuesday, as the very latest day for your arrival." Cashel made no remark, and, soon after, Mr. Pearse's entrance with the soup put an end to the conversation. " Mr. Kennyfeck desired me to say, Sir, not to wait for him — he'll be down presently." " What do you call this soup ?" " Mock-turtle, Sir." " Rather too much Madeira iu it for my taste ; but that shan't prevent my having a glass of wine. Will you permit me, gentlemen ?" The parties bowed politely ; but still the intercourse did not pro- gress ; and in the exchanged glances of those at the large table, and the sidelong looks Cashel occasionally threw towards them, it was easy to see that neither party had made way with the other. " I fear Kennyfeck is not going to make his appearance," said Cashel, as he seemed to hesitate about proceeding with his dinner. " I shouldn't advise you waiting," cried Jones ; " the fish is grow- ing cold." "I suspect Mr. Kennyfeck is fatigued by his journey. Sir," said Mr. Softly, in his most bland of voices ; " I thought I remarked it by his face." " Oh, did you ?" said Cashel, with a very peculiar look of knowing- ness. " Tes ; you are aware, Mr. Cashel," interrupted Jones, " our friend isn't much used to that kind of thing. I suppose it's some years since he has had so much knocking about as in these last few days." " I fancy so," said Casliel, with a significant smile that puzzled tho lawyer exceedingly, and he ate on without making a further remark. The two or three efforts made by Jones and Softly to converse to- gether were, like nearly all similar attempts at perfect ease and self- possession, complete failures, and gradually slided down into mono- syllables, and tlien to silence, when Cashel, wlio seemed to be enjoying his venison and Bordeaux with perfect zest, leaned back in his chair and said, "What kind of place is this same good city of Dublin? What goes forward here ?" As this question was more directly addressed to Jones, that gen- tleman prepared himself, not unwillingly, for an elaborate reply. " Dublin, Mr. Cashel," said he, pretty much in the same tone he EOLAND CASHEI. 37 would have used in opening an address to a jury — "Dublin is a city, which, from a great variety of causes, will always be exposed to very variable and opposing criticism. To begin : it is provincial " " Is it slow?" interrupted Cashel, who listened to this exordium with palpable signs of impatience. " If you mean, has it its share of those habits of dissipation, those excesses so detrimental alike to health and fortune " " 'No, no ; I merely ask what goes on here — how do people amuse themselves ?" said Cashel, fencing to avoid any very lengthened ex- posure of the other's views. " They dine, dance, drink tea, talk politics and scandal, like other folk ; but if you ask what are the distinguishing features of the so- ciety " " "What kind of sport does the country afford ?" interrupted Eolaud, somewhat unceremoniously. " Hunting, shooting, fishing, coursing " " What do you mean by hunting — a fox is it ?" " Tes, fox-hunting and hare-hunting too." A very insolent laugli was Cashel's answer, as, turning to Mr. Softly, he said, " "Well, I own, all this does strike me as a very tire- some kind of life. Do you like Ireland, Sir ?" " I feel a deep interest in it," said the curate, with a most solemn manner. " Tes, that's all very well ; but do you like it ?" " "Were it not for its darkness," said Mr. Softly, sighing, " I should say I liked it." " Darkness," echoed Cashel, " darkness ; why, hang it, you are pretty far north here. "What is the darkness you speak of?" " I alluded to Popery, Sir — to the obscuring mists of superstition and ignorance," replied Mr. Softly, with a kind of energetic timidity that made himself blush. " Oh — I perceive — yes — I understand," muttered Cashel, who cer- tainly felt all the awkwardness of a man caught in a lie. " "We have a very agreeable society among the Bar men," said Jones, returning to the charge in a new direction ; " a great deal of pleasantry and fun goes on at our messes." " Droll fellows, I suppose," said Cashel, carelessly. " I remember I knew a lawyer once, he was mate of a small clipper in the African trade — mischievous kind of devil he was, too — always setting the slaves by the ears, and getting money for settling the differences. They played him a good trick at last." Here he laughed heartily at the recollection for several minutes. ""What was it?" asked Jones, in some curiosity to learn how the Bar was respected on the banks of the Niger. 38 KOLAXD CASHEL. " Tliey painted him black and sold him at Cuba," said Cashel, who once more broke out into laughter at the exceUeuce of the jest. Jones's and Softly's eyes met with a most complete accordance in the glances exchanged. Meanwhile, Cashel drawing his chair towards the larger table, filled his glass and proceeded to smash his walnuts with all the easy contentment of a man who had dined well. "I perceive Mr. Kenny feck is not likely to join us," said Softly, with a half-suggestive look towards the door. "Tired, perhaps," said Jones, affecting what he opined to be the cool indiiference of the highest fashion. "More than that, I suspect," said Cashel, with a most unfeigned carelessness. " Did you remark his eye ?" " Yes !" exclaimed both together. " "What could that mean ?" " A slight bit of a scrimmage we had on the way from town — a " "Mr. Kennyfeck engaged in a row !" cried Softly, almost incredible at the tidings. " Yes. I fancy that is about the best word for it," said Cashel, sipping his wine. " I suppose one ought not to mention these kiud of things, but of course they are safe with you. They'U never go further, I am certain." " Oh, never — not a syllable," chimed in the two. " Well, then, on our way here, I learned that there were to be races a few nailes from Coventry, and as I saw our friend Kennyfeck had no fancy for the sight, I just slipped a few half-crowns into the postboy's hand and told him to drive there instead of taking the Liverpool road. Away we went at a good pace, and in less than an hour reached the course. I wish you saw the old gentleman's face when he awoke from a sound nap, and saw the grand stand with its thousand faces, all in a row, and the" cords, the betting ring, and the whole circumstance of a race-ground. By good luck, too, the sharp jerk of our pvill-up smashed 6. spring, and so we had nothing for it but to leave the chaise and wait till it could be repaired. While my servant was away in search of some kind of a drag or other, to go about the field — there was no walking, what with the crowd and the press of horses, not to speak of the mud that rose over the ankles — we pushed on, that is, I did, with a stout grip of Keunyfeck's arm, lest he should escape — we pushed on, into the ring. Here there was rare fun going forward, every fellow screaming out his bets, and booking them as fast as he could. At first, of course, the whole was all ancient Grreeli to me. I neither knew what they meant by the * favourite,' or 'the odds,' or 'the field,' but one somehow always can pick up a thing quickly, if it be but ' game,' *and so, by watching here, and listening there, I managed to get a kind of inkling of the HOLAJJl) CASHEL. 39 whole afiair, and by dint of some pushing and elbowing, I reached the very centre of the ring where the great Dons of the course were betting together. " ' Taurus even against the field/ cried one. " ' Taurus against the field,' shouted another. " And this same cry was heard on every side. " ' G-ive it in fifties — hundreds if you like better,' said a young fellow, mounted on a smart-looking pony, to his friend, who appeared to reflect on the offer. ' Come, hurry on, man. Let's have a bet, just to give one an interest in the race.' The other shook his head, and the first went on, 'What a slow set, to be sure. — Is no one willing to back the field, even ? Come, then, here's a hundred pound to any man who'll take the field against Taurus, for two thousand.' " ' Let me have your cob,' said I, ' and I'll take the bet.' " He turned round in his saddle, and stared at me, as if I were something more or less than human, while a very general roar of laughing ran around the entire circle. " ' Come away, come away at once,' whispered Kennyfeck, trem- bling with fright. " ' Yes, you had better move off", my frieud,' said a thick-set, rough-looking fellow, in a white coat. " ' What say you to five thousand. Sir, does that suit your book ?' cried the young fellow to me, in a most insolent tone. " ' Oh, let liim alone, my Lord,' said another. ' Take no notice of him.' " ' I say, Grrindle,' cried a tall thin man with moustaches, ' who let these people inside the ring ?' " ' They forces their way, my Lud,' said a little knocker-kneed crea- ture, in a coat four times too big for' him, ' and I says to BUI, de — pend upon it. Bill, them's the swell mob.' " The words were scarcely out of the fellow^'s mouth, when a general cry of the ' swell mob' resounded on ever}' side, and at once they closed upon us — some pushing — others elbowing — driving — and forcing, so that what with the dense crowd, and the tight hold Ken- nyfeck now kept of me, I was pinioned, and could do nothing. At last, by a vigorous twist, I shook them off" from me, and laid two of the foremost at my feet. This I did with a Mexican trick I saw they knew nothing about : you first make a feint at the face, and then, dropping on the Imee, seize the fellow by both legs, and hurl him back on his head — ^just stand up, I'll not hurt you." " Thank you — I understand the description perfectly," said Mr. Softly, pale with terror at the proposed experiment. " Well, the remainder is soon told. They now got in upon us, and of course I needn't say we got confoundedly thrashed — Kennyfeck 40 EOLAND CASnEL. was tumbled about like a football, every one tbat bad notbing else to do bad a kick at bim, and tbere's no saying bow it migbt liave ended bad not a certain Sir Greorge Somebody recognised our poor friend, and rescued bim. I'm not quite sure tbat I was quite myself about tbis time — Kennyfeck bas some stoiy of my getting on some one's borse, and riding about tbe course in searcb of tbe originators of tbe fray ; tbe end of it, bowever, was, we reacbed Liverpool witb sorer bones tban was altogetber pleasant, and altbougb, wben Kennyfeck went to bed, I went to tbe tbeatre, tbe noise only increased my bead- acbe, and it needed a good nigbt's sleep to set me all rigbt agaiu." " Mr. Kennyfeck taken for one of tbe swell mob !" exclaimed Softly, witb a sort of boly borror tbat seemed to sum up bis wbole opinion of tbe narrative. " Very bad, wasn't it ?" said Casbel, pusbing tbe wine past ; " but be's a capital fellow, took tbe wbdle thing in sucb good part, and seems only anxious tbat tbe story sbouldn't get abroad. Of course I needn't repeat my caution on tbat subject ?" " Ob, certainly not ! Sball we join tbe ladies ?" said Mr. Jonea, as be surveyed bis wbiskers, and arranged tbe tie of bis cravat before tbe glass. " I'm quite ready," said Casbel, wbo bad quietly set down in bis own mind tbat tbe ladies of the Kennyfeck family were a kind of female fac-simile of tbe stiff-looking old attorney, and, tberefore, felt very few qualms on tbe subject of bis disordered and slovenly ap- pearance. Scarcely bad Casbel entered tbe drawing-room tban be found bis band grasped in Mr. Kennyfeck's, wben, witli a most dulcet accent, he said, " I knew you'd forgive me — -I told Mrs. Kennyfeck you'd excuse me for not joining you at dinner, but I was really so fatigued. Mrs. Kennyfeck — Mr. Casbel. My daughter, Mr. Casbel. My daughter Olivia. Well now, have you dined heartily — I liope my friends here took care of you?" " I thank you. I never dined better — only sorry not to have had your company. "We have our apologies to make, Mrs. Kennyfeck, for not being earlier ; but, of course, you've beard tbat we did our very utmost." " Ob ! yes, yes ; I explained everything," interrupted Kennyfeck, most eager to stop a possible exposure. " Mrs. Kennyfeck knows it all." Altbougb Casbel's manner and address were of a kind to subject bim to the most severe criticism of the ladies of the Kennyfeck family, they evinced tbe most laudable spirit in their hospitable and even cordial reception of him, Mrs. Kennyfeck makiug room for bim EOLAND CASHEL. 41 to sit on the sofa beside her — a post of honour that even the Castle Aides-de-camp only enjoyed by great favour — while the daughters listened vrith an attention as flattering to Mm as it was galling to tlie other two guests. Mr. Softly, however, resigned himself to this neglect as to a passing cloud of forgetfulness, and betook himself to the columns of the Morning Post for consolation, occasionally glancing over the margin to watch the laughing group around the fire. As for Jones, Mr. .Keunyfeck had withdrawn with that gentleman into a window, where the tactics of some bill in equity engaged their attention, manifestly, however, to the young Barrister's discontent, as his frequent stolen looks towards the ladies evidenced. It was the first time that the Kennyfeeks had ever deigned to listen to any one whose claims to a hearing rested on higher grounds than the light gossip and small-talk of the capital, the small fashionable chit-chat of a provincial city, and which bears the same resemblance to the table-talk of the greater metropolis as do larks to ortolans, when disguised in the same kind of sauce, only those accustomed to the higher flavour being able to detect the difference. It was, then, with as much surprise as pleasure that they found themselves listen- ing to the narratives in which not a single noble or lordly personage figured, nor one single incident occurred reflecting on the taste, the wealth, or the morals of their acquaintance. It was no less a novelty, too, for Cashel, to find any one a listener to descriptions of scenes and habits in whose familiarity he saw nothing strange or remarkable ; so that when the young ladies, at first, attracted by mere curiosity, be- came gradually more and more interested in his stories, his flattered vanity gave new warmth to an enthusiasm always ardent, and he spoke of Prairie life and adventure with a degree of eloquence and power that might have captivated even less indulgent auditors. It was, besides, the first time that they ever had seen great wealth unallied with immense pretension. Cashel, perhaps from character, or that his accession to fortune was too recent, and his consequent ignorance of all that money can do, whichever of these the cause, was certainly the most unassuming young man they had ever met. In com- parison with him, the Aides-de-camp were princes of the blood ; even Mr. Jones put forth a degree of pretension on the score of his abilities, which stood in strong contrast with the unaffected and simple mo- desty of Eoland Cashel. It is but fair to all parties to add, that dark and flashing eyes, shaded by long and drooping lashes ; a high and massive forehead ; a brown, almost Spanish complexion, whose character was increased by a pair of sliort, coal-black moustaches, did not detract from the merit of tales, which, as they chiefly related to feats of personal daring and 42 EOIAND CASHEL. address, were well corroborated by the admirable symmetry and handsome proportions of the relater. Story followed story : now, the scene lay in the low and misty swamps of the Niger, where night resounds with the dull roar of the beasts of prey, and the heavy plash of the sluggish alligator on the muddy shore ; now, it was in the green wood of the Spice Islands, amid an atmosphere scented with perfume, and glittering with every gorgeous hue of plumage and verdure. At one moment he would de- scribe a chase at sea, with all its high and maddening excitement, as each new vicissitude of success or failure arose ; and then he would present some little quiet picture of shore life in a land where the boimdless resources of Nature supply, even anticipate, the wants and luxuries of man. Whatever the interest, and occasionally it rose to a high pitch, that attended his narratives of danger and daring, the little sketches he gave from time to time of the domestic life of these far-away people, seemed to attract the most delighted attention of his fair hearers, par- ticularly when his narrative touched upon the traits, whether of beauty, dress, or demeanour, that distinguish the belles of New Spain. " How difficult," said Miss Kenny feck, " I could almost say, how impossible, to leave a land so abounding in the romance of life, for all the dull and common-place realities of European existence." " How hard to do so without leaving behind the heart that could feel such ecstasies," murmured Olivia, with a half -raised eyelid, and a glance that made Cashel flush with delight. " How shall we ever make Ireland compensate you for quitting so lovely a country," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, with a smile rarely accorded to anything lower that a Viscount. " We have a Mexican proverb. Madam," said Cashel, gaily, " which says, ' Wherever the sun shines, bright eyes shine also ;' but enough of these tiresome memories, in which my egotism will always involve me. Shall we have a Fandango ?" '' I don't know it ; I never saw it danced." "Well, the Manolo, then." " Nor that either," said both girls, laughing. "Well, will you learn? I'll teach you the Manolo. It's very simple. If you'll play the air. Miss Kennyfeck, it runs thus." Here he opened the pianoforte, and after a few chords, struck with a mas- terly linger, he jjlayed a little Spanish dance ; but with a spirit of execution, and in such an exciting character of time and raeasui'e, that a general exclamation of delight broke from the whole room ; Mr. Jones himself forgetting all rivalry, and Mr. Softly laying down his newspaper to listen, and for a moment carried away by the fasci- nation of the spirit-stirring melody. ROLAND CA8HEL. 43 " That is the Manolo ; come, now, and let me teach you, first the air and then the dance." " Oh, I never could succeed to give it that character of bold and haughty defiance it breathes from you," said Miss Kenny feck. " Nay, nay, a man's hand is always so rude and heavy, it needs the taper finger of a lady," — here Cashel bent and kissed the hand he held, but with such a deference and respect in the salute, that de- prived the action, so novel to oiir eyes, of any appearance of a liberty, — "of a lady," he resumed, "to impart the ringing brilliancy of the saucy Manolo." " Then play it over once more, and I'll try," said Miss Kenny feck, vrho was a most accomplished musician, and had even already caught up the greater part of the air. Cashel obeyed, and again the plaudits followed even more en- thusiastically than the first time. "With a precision that called forth many a hearty " bravo" from Eoland, Miss Kenny feck played over the air, catching up all the spirit of its transitions from gay to plaintive, and from tender to a strain bold, daring, and energetic. " Now for the dance," exclaimed Cashel, eagerly, as he busied himself in removing chairs and pushing back sofas. " Will you be kind enough to assist me with this table ?" Mr. Softly, the gentleman thus addressed, rose to comply, his face exhibiting a very amusing struggle between shame and astonishment at tlie position he occupied. The space cleared, Eoland took Olivia's hand, and led her forward with an air of exceeding deference. " Now, Miss Kennyfeck, the step is the easiest thing in the world. It goes so, one two, one, two, three, and then, change— exactly, quite right, you have it perfectly. This is, as it were, an introduction to the dance, but the same step is preserved throughout, merely chang- ing its time with the measure." It would be as impossible to follow, as it would be unfair to weary the reader with the lesson which now began, and yet we would like to linger on the theme, as our memory brings up every graceful gesture, and every proud attitude of the fascinating Manolo. Re- presenting as it does, by pantomimic action, a little episode of devo- tion, in which pursuit and flight, entreaty, rejection, seductive soft- ness, haughty defiance, timid fear, and an even insolent boldness, alternate and succeed each other, all the movements which expressive action can command, whether of figure or feature, are called forth. Now, it is the retii'ing delicacy of shrinking, timid loveliness, half hoping, half fearing, to be pvu'sued — now, the stately defiance of haughty beauty, demanding homage as its due. At one moment, the 44 EOLAND CASHEL. winning seductiveness that invites pursuit, and then, sudden aa the lightning, the disdain that repels advance. Not the least interesting part of the present scene was to watch how Olivia, who, at first, made each step and gesture with diffidence and fear, as she went on, became, as it were, seized with the charac- teristic spirit of the measure ; her features varying with each motive of the music ; her eyes, at one instant half closed in dreamy languor, and at the next flashing in all the brilliancy of conscious beauty. As for Eoland, forgetting, as well he might, all his functions as teacher, he moved with the enthusiastic spirit of the dance — his rapturous gaze displaying the admiration that fettered him ; and when at last, as it were yielding to long-proved devotion, she gave her hand, it needed the explanation, of its being a Mexican fashion to excuse the ardour with which he pressed it to his lips. Mrs. Kennyfeck's applause, however, was none the less warm ; and, if any of the company disapproved, they prudently said nothing ; even Mr. Softly, who only evinced his feeling by a somewhat hasty resump- tion of the Morning Post, while the elder sister, rising from the piano, whispered, as she passed her sister, " Bad jockeyship, Livy dear, to make fast running so early." " And that is the— what d'ye call it, Mr. Cashel ?" said Mrs. Kenny feck. " The Manolo, Madam. It is of Italian origin, rather than Spanish : Calabrian, I fancy ; but, in Mexico, it has become national, and well suits the changeful temper of our Spanish belles, and the style of their light and floating costume." " Tes, I suspect it has a better effect with short drapery than with the sweeping folds of our less picturesque dress," said Miss Kenny- feck, who, for reasons we must not inquire, took a pleasure in quali- fying her approval. " I never saw it appear more graceful," said Cashel, witli a blunt abruptness far more flattering than a studied compliment. Olivia blushed ; ]\Irs. Kennyfeck looked happy, and the elder sister bit her lips, and threw up her eyebrows, with an expression we cannot attempt to render in words. " May I not have the honour of introducing you to tlie Manolo ?" said Cashel, presenting himself before her with a deep bow. " Thank you, I prefer being a spectator ; besides, we could have no music — my sister does not play." Olivia blushed ; and, in her hasty look, there was an expression of gently conveyed reproach, as though to say, " This is unfair." " Do you like music, Mr. Cashel ?" continued Miss Kennyfeck, who saw the slight cloud of disappointment that crossed Eoland's features. "Oh, I'm certain vou do, and 1 know vou sin2;!" EOLA^D CASHEl. 45 " Tes," said Cashel, carelessly ; " as every one sings in that merry land I come from ; but I fear the wild caroUings of a Eanchero would scarce find acceptance in tlie polished ears of Europe." " AVhat are the melodies like, then ?" asked Miss Kennyfeck, throw- ing into the question a most eager interest. " Tou shall hear, if you like," said Eoland, taking up a guitar, and striking a few full chords with a practised hand. " This is one of the war songs ;" and without further preface he began. Had he even been less gifted than he w"as as to voice and musical taste, there was enough in the bold and manly energy of his manner, in the fiery daring of his dark eyes, and the expressive earnestness of his whole bearing, to attract the admiration of his hearers. But besides these advantages, he was not unskilled in the science of music, and even made so poor an instrument a full and masterly accompaniment, imi- tating, as few but Spaniards can do, the distant sound of drums, the dropping fire of cannon, the wild abrupt changes of battle, and the low plaintive sounds of suff"ering and defeat ; so that, as he concluded, the whole character of the performance had ceased to be regarded as a mere musical display, but had the absolute effect of a powerfully- told story. The Keunyfecks had often been called on in society to award their praises to amateur performances, in w^hose, applause, be it said, en pas- sant, a grateful sense of their being concluded always contributes the enthusiasm ; but real admiration and pleasure now made them silent, and as their eyes first turned on the singer and then met, there was a W'Orld of intelligence in that one quiet, fleeting glance, that revealed more of secret thought and feeling than we, as mere chroniclers of events, dare inqvure into. Whether it was that this silence, prolonged for some seconds, sug- gested the move, or that Mr. Jones began to feel how ignoble a part he had been cast for in the whole evening's entertainment, but he rose to take his leave at once, throwing into his manner a certain air of easy self-sufficiency, with which in the " Courts" he had often dis- missed a witness under cross-examination, and by a mere look and gesture contrived to disparage his testimony. None, save Miss Kennyfeck, perceived his tactic. She saw it, how- ever, and, with a readiness all her own, replied by a slight elevation of the eyebrow. Jones saw his " signal acknowledged," and went home contented. Poor man, he was not the first w^ho has been taken into partnership because his small resources were all "ready," and who is ejected from the firm when wider and grander speculations are entered on. I am not certain either that he will be the last ! Mr. Softly next withdrew, his leave-taking having all the blended humility and cordiality of his first arrival ; and now Mr. Kennyfeck 46 EOLAND CASHEL. was awakened out of a very sound nap by his wife saying in his ear, " "Will you ask Mr. Cashel if he'll take a biscuit and a glass of wine before lie retires ?" This proposition was politely declined, and after a very cordial band- shaking with all the members of the family, Cashel said his good night, and retired. CHxiPTEE VII. Ich mochte ihu im Schlafrock sehen. Der Reisende Teufel. I'd like to see him in his robe de chambre. The Travelling Devil. There has always appeared to us something of treachery, not to speak of indelicacy, in the privileges authors are wont to assume in following their characters into their most secret retirement, watching there their every movement and gesture, overhearing their confiden- tial whisperings, nay, sometimes sapping their very thoughts, for the mere indulgence of a prying, intrusive curiosity. For this reason, highly appreciating, as we must do, the admirable wit of the " Diable Boiteip:," and the pleasant familiar humour of the " Hermite de la Chaussee d'Antin," we never could entirely re- concile ourselves to the means by which such amusing views of life were obtained, while we entertain grave doubts if we, that is, the world at large, have any right to form our judgments of people from any other evidence than what is before the public. It appears to us somewhat as if, that following Eomeo or Desdemona into the " Green- room," we should be severe upon the want of keeping which sug- gested the indulgence of a cigar or a pot of porter, and angry at the high-flown illusions so grossly routed and dispelled. "Act well your part — there all the honour lies," said the poet moralist ; but it's rather hard to say, that you are to " act" it, off, as well as on the stage ; and if it be true that no man is a hero to his valet, the valet should say nothing about it ; aud this is the very offence we think novel writers commit, everlastingly stripping off the decorations and destroying the illusions they take such trouble to create, for little else than the vain boastfulness of saying : — See, upon what flimsy materials I can move you to sentiments of grief, laughter, pity, or contempt. Behold of what vulgar ingredients are made up the highest aspirations of genius— the most graceful fascinations of beauty. Having denounced, by this recorded protest, the practice, and dis- claiming, as we must do, all desire to benefit by its enjoyment, we EOLAIfD CASHEL. 47 deaire our reader, particularly if he be of the less worthy gender, to feel a due sense of the obligation he owes us, if we claim his com- pany for half an hour on such a voyage of discovery. Step softly, there is no excuse for noise, as the stair-carpet is thick, and not a sound need be heard. G-ently, as you pass that green door — that is the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Kennyfeck. We will not linger there, nor invade the sanctity of those precincts, within which the mono- tonous tones of Mrs. K. are heard, revelling in that species of do- mestic eloquence which, like the liberty of the press, is oftener plea- sant to those who employ, than to those who receive its judgments. Here, for a few minutes, let us stay. This is Eoland Cashel's apart- ment ; and, strange enough, instead of sleeping, he is up at his table, writing too, he, of all men, the least epistolary. There may be no great indication of character in mere handwriting, but the manner, the gesture, the degree of rapidity of the writer, as seen at the moment, are all full of individuality. Mark, then, with what speed his pen moves ; not the daisy- cutting sling of the accomplished rider, but the slashing gallop of the heavy charger. Many a blot, never an erasure — so, there it goes — "Tours ever, Roland Cashel." And now, be begins another. Come, these are no times for squeamishness. Let us anticipate " Sir James," and read before he seals it. " Dublin. " Mt deab Comeade, — We are neither of us very gifted letter- writers, but events are always enough to tell, even when style be wanting ; and here am I, so overwhelmed by the rush of new sensa- tions, that I know not where to begin, or how to tell what has really happened since we parted, nor distinguish actual stubborn facts from my own fancies. My brief note from Porto Giacomo told you that I had succeeded to something like fifteen thousand pounds a year. I believe it is rather more, with a good round sum, I don't know how much, in bank; and now, here I am, just arrived, but marvellously at home, in the house of the worthy fellow that has established my claim. " If I only knew so much of my good luck, I'd say it was no bad thing to be pleasantly domesticated in a capital mansion, with every refinement and luxury at band, and two such girls, the daughters ! Oh, amigo mio, you'd think wondrous little of the Barcelonetta belles, if I could show you these damsels ! Such tempting shyness — such shrinking playful modesty, and then so frank, without that slap- dash abruptness — Never mind — I own freely that Maritana is lovely — there is not such a mouth — As to a foot — Avell, well. I wish I could take a peep at you all again, just as night closes, and she comes out to take her walk upon the grass, and hear her singing as she 48 ROLAND CASHEL. went, or watch her as she danced the Manolo, which — by the way- one of the girls liere caught up wonderfully, and in almost an instant, too. But the Manolo, with a long, sweeping, flounced, and furbe- lowed petticoat ! Only think of the absurdity. Not but she looked exceedingly pretty the while, but liow much better had she, if one could only have cut half a yard off" her drapery ! " Have you received the pistols I sent from London ? I hope you'll think them handsome— I know they are true, having tried them at thirty-five, and even fifty paces. The yataghan I'm certain you'll admire ; it has the peculiar handle and hilt you're fond of. Pray let ' our friends on the Chilian side learn something of the qualities of the blade itself I have been thinking since about the emeralds— and, perhaps, Maritana may refuse them. If so, do what you will with them, so that I hear no more of the matter. And now for the bond ; — release me from that tie by all means. It is not that I really feel it in the light of a contract — Maritana never did— but I have it ever on my mind like a debt. I give you full powers ; draw upon me for the sum you please, and I promise not to dishonour the cheque. Pedro likes a good bargain, and don't balk him ! " I don't know what your own views are in that quarter, but I tell you frankly that Maritana has higher and bolder aspirations than either you or I were likely to aid her in attaining. She is a proud girl, Enrique, and will never care for any man that is not able and willing to elevate her into a very different sphere from that she moves in. I never actually loved her — I certainly do not do so now — and yet I cannot get her out of my head. '• Before I forget it, let me ask you to pay Euy Dias two hundred doubloons for me. The horse I killed was not worth forty, but these are not times for bargaining, and the fellow didn't want to part with the beast. Alconetti— the Italian in the Plaza— has something against me ; pay it too ; and now that I am on the subject of debts, whenever you next cruise off" Ventillanos, send a party on shore to catch the Dean, and give him four- and- twenty with a rope's-end ; say it is from me ; he'll know why, and so shall you, wlien you inform me that it has been cleverly effected. " Above all, my dear boy, write ; I so long to hear about you all, and to know all that has happened since I left you. Send the old trunks with my uniform to the agents in the Ilavannah ; I'd like to see them once more, Pran9ois may keep anything else of mine, except what you would like to select as a ' souvenir.' Don't let Eica write to me. I feel I should have no chance in a correspondence with him ; nor need I have any, because, whatever you say, I agree to — remember that. " If you can manage about the emeralds, it would be the most EOLAND CASHEL. 49 gratifying news to me. You might tell lier tbat we are so certain of never meeting again, and that all is now over for ever, and so on. — It would have an air of unkindness to reject them. Besides, I see no reason why she should! No matter; I needn't multiply reasons, where if one will not suffice, a thousand must fail, and the chances are, if she suspect my anxiety on the subject, it will decide her against me. Do it, then, all in your own way. " Have I said all I wanted ? Heaven knows, my head is fall ; my heart, too, is not without its load. I wish you were here. I wish it for many reasons. I already begin to suspect you are right about the sudden effect a spring into wealth may produce, but I hope that all you said on that score may not be true. If I thought so, I'd No matter, I'll endeavour to show that you are unjust, and that is better. — Tours ever, " Eolaij^d Cashel. " Don Enrique da Cordova, Lieutenant of the Columbian frigate Esmeralda. Care of Messrs. Eustache et Le Moine, merchants, Havannah." The next epistle which followed was far more brief. It was thus : " Messrs. Vanderhaeghen und Droek, Antwerp. " Enclosed is an order on Hamerton for seventeen thousand four hundred and forty-eight gulden, principal and interest for three years, of an unjust demand made by you on me before the tribunal of Bruges. " You failed, even with all the aid of your knavish laws, and more knavish countrymen, to establish this iniquitous claim ; and only suc- ceeded in exhibiting yourselves as rogues and swindlers, good burgher- like qualities in your commercial city. " I have now paid what I never owed, but there still remains be- tween us an unsettled score. Let my present punctuality guarantee the honourable intentions I entertain of settling it one day, till when, as you have shown yourselves my enemy, " Believe me to be yours, "EoLAND Cashel." The order on the Banker ran as follows : " Pay to Vanderhaeghen und Droek, two of the greatest knaves alive, seventeen thousand four hundred and forty-eight gulden, being the principal and interest for three years of a dishonest claim made upon " EoLAND Cashel. " To Hamerton and Co., Cheapside." "With all that soothing consciousness we hear is the result of good actions, Cashel lay down on his bed immediately ou concluding this TOL. I. E 50 KOLAND CASHEL. last epistle, and was fast asleep almost before tlie superscription was dried. And now, worthy reader, another peep, and we have done. As- cending cautiously the stairs, you pass through a little conservatory, at the end of which a heavy cloth curtain conceals a door. It is that of a dressing-room — off which, at opposite sides, two bedrooms lie. This same dressing-room, with its rose-coloured curtains and ottoman, its kittle toilet-tables of satin-wood, its mirrors framed in alabaster, its cabinets of Buhl, and the book-shelves so coquettishly curtained with Malines lace, is the common property of the two sisters whom we so lately introduced to your notice. There were they wont to sit for hours after the return from a ball, discussing tlie people they had met, their dress, their manner, their foibles and flirtations ; criticising with no mean acuteness all the varied games of match-making mammas and intriguing aunts, and canvassing the schemes and snares ao rife around them. And, oh, ye simple worshippers of muslin-robed innocence ! oh, ye devoted slaves of ringleted loveliness and blooming freshness ! bethink ye what wily projects lie crouching in hearts that would seem the very homes of careless happiness — what calculations — what devices — how many subtleties that only beauty wields or simple man is vanquished by ! It was considerably past midnight as the two girls sat at the fire, their dressing-gowns and slippered feet showing that they had pre- pared for bed ; but the long luxuriant hair, as yet uncurled, flowed in heavy masses on their neck and shoulders. They did not, as usual, converse freely together ; a silence and a kind of constraint sat upon each, and although Olivia held a book before her, it was less for the purpose of reading than as a screen against the fire, while her sister sat with folded arms and gently drooping head, apparently lost in thought. It was after a very lengthened silence, and in a voice which showed that the speaker was following up some train of tliought. Miss Kennyfeck said, " And do you really think him handsome, Olivia ?" " Of whom are you speaking, dear ?" said Olivia, with the very softest accent. Miss Kennyfeck started, her pale cheeks became slightly red, as, with a most keen irony, she replied : " Could you not guess ? Can I mean any one but Mr. Clare Jones ?" " Oh, he's a downright fright," answered the other ; " but what could have made yon think of him ?" " I was not thinldng of him, nor were you either, sister dear," said Miss Kennyfeck, fixing her eyes full upon her; "we were both think- ing of the same person. Come, what use in such subterfuges? Honesty, Livy, may not be the * best policy,' but it has one great . - .^^^^v Til '^ '^^'•1 f •■ !~^ "^ s ^ '- TS EOLANB CASHEL. ' 51 advantage, it saves a deal of time ; and so I repeat my question, do you think him handsome ?" " If you mean Mr. Cashel, dearest," said the younger, half bash- fully, " I rather incline to say he is. His eyes are very good ; his forehead and brow " " There — no inventory, I beg — the man is very well-looking, I dare say; but I own he strikes me as ' tant soit peit, sauvage.'' Don't you think so ?" " True, his manners " " "Why he has none ; the man has a certain rakish free-and-easy de- meanour, that, with somewhat more breeding, would rise as high as ' tigerism,' but now is detestable vulgarity." " Oh, dearest, you are severe." " I rather suspect that you are partial." " I, my dear ! not I, in the least. He is not, by any means, the style of person I like. He can be very amusing, perhaps ; he cer- tainly is very odd — very original." " He is very rich, Livy," said the elder sister, with a most dry gravity. " That can scarcely be called a fault, still less a misfortune," replied Olivia, slyly. " AVell, well, let us have done with aphorisms, and speak openly. If you are really pleased with his manner and address, say so at once, and I'll promise never to criticise too closely a demeanour which, I vow, does not impress me highly — only be candid." " But I do not see any occasion for such candour, my dear. He is no more to me than he is to you. I ask no protestations from you about this Mr. Eolaud Cashel." Miss Keuuyfeck bit her lip and seemed to repress a rising tempta- tion to reply, but was silent for a moment, when she said, in a care- less, easy tone, " Do you know, Livy dearest, that this same Manolo you danced this evening is not by any means a graceful performance to look at, at least when danced with long, sweeping drapery, flapping here and flouncing there. It may suit those half-dressed Mexican damsels who want to display a high arched instep and a rounded ankle, and who know that they are not transgressing the ordinary limits of de- corum in the display ; but certainly yoitr friend Mr. Softly did not accord all his approval. Did you remark him?" " I did not ; I was too much engaged in learning the figure ; but Mr. Sofily disapproves of all dancing." " Oh, I know he does," yawned Miss Kenny feck, as if the very mention of his name, suggested sleep, " the dear man has his own notions of pleasantry— little holy jokes about Adam and Eve. There e2 52 ROLAND CASHEL. is notliing so intolerable to me as the insipid playfulness of your young parson, except, perhaps, the coarse fun of your rising barrister. How I hate Mr. Clare Jones." " He is very under-bred." " He is worse — the rudest person I ever met — so familiar." " AYhy will he always insist on shaking hands ?" " Why will he not at least wash his own, occasionally ?" " And then his jests from the Queen's Bench — the last mot — I'm sure I often wish it were so literally — of some stupid Chief Justice. Well, really, in comparison, your savage friend is a mirror of good looks and good manners." " Good night, my dear," said Olivia, rising, as though to decline a renewal of the combat. " Good night," echoed her sister, bluntly, " and pleasant dreams of ' Eoland the brave — Roland the true ;' the latter quality being the one more in request at this moment." And so, humming the well. known air, she took her candle, and retired. CHAPTEE VIII. Ay I marry — they have wiles, Compared to which, our schemes are honesty ! The Lawyer's Dadghter. ilS'oTWiTHSTANniXG all that we hear said against Castle-building, how few among the uubought pleasures of life are so amusing, nor are we certain that these shadowy speculations — these '' white lies" that we tell to our own conscience — are not so many incentives to noble deeds and generous actions. These " imaginary conversations" lift us out of the jog-trot path of daily intercourse, and call up hopes and aspirations that lie buried under the heavy load of wearisome common- places of w]iich life is made up, and thus permit a man immersed as he may be in the fatigues of a profession, or a counting-house, liarassed by law, or worried by the Three per Cents., to be a hero to his own heart at least for a few minutes once a week. But if " Castle-building" be so pleasurable when a mere visionary scheme, what is it when it comes associated with all the necessary conditions for accomplishment — when not alone the plan and eleva- tion of the edifice are there, but aU the materials and every appliance to realise the conception ? Just fancy yourself " two or three and twenty," waking out of a souud and dreamless sleep, to see the mellow sun of an autumnal morning straining its rays through the curtains of your bedroom. Conceive the short and easy struggle by which, banishing all load of cares and duties by which you were once immersed, you spring, as by EOLAND CASHEL. 53 a bound, to tbe joyous fact that you are the owner of a princely for- tune, with health and ardent spirit, a temper capable of, nay, eager for engagement, a fearless courage, and a heart unchilled. Think of this, and say, is not the first-waking half-hour of such thoughts the brightest spot of a whole existence ? Such was the frame of mind in which our hero awoke, and lay for some time to revel in ! We could not, if we would, follow the com- plex tissue of day-dreams that wandered over every clime, and in the luxuriant rapture of power, created scenes of pleasure, of ingredients the most far-fetched and remote. The " actual" demands our atten- tion more urgently than the " ideal," so tliat we are constrained to follow the unpoetical steps of so ignoble a personage as Mr. Phillis — Cashel's new valet — who now broke in upon his master's reveries, as he entered with hot water, and the morning papers. " "What have you got there?" cried Cashel, not altogether pleased at the intrusion. " The morning papers! Lord Ettlecombe" — his former master, and his universal type — " always read the Post, Sir, before he got out of bed." " Well, let me see it," said Cashel, who, already impressed with the necessity of conforming to a new code, was satisfied to take the law even from so humble an authority as his own man. " Tes, Sir. Our arrival is announced very handsomely among the fashionable intelligence, and the Diiblin Mail has copied the para- graph stating that we are speedily about to visit our Irish estates." " Ah, indeed," said Cashel, somewhat flattered at his new-born no- toriety ; " where is all this ?" " Here, Sir, under ' Movements in High Life ;' ' The Duke of Uxoter to Lord Debbington's beautiful villa at Maulish — Sir Harry and Lady Emeline Morpas, &c., — Eosenorris — Lord Fetcherton ' No, here we have it. Sir — ]Mr. Eoland Cashel and suite' — Kennyfeck and self. Sir — ' from Mivart's, for Ireland. We understand that this milUonnaire proprietor is now about to visit his estates in this coun- try, 'preparatory to taking up a residence finally amongst us. If report speak truly, he is as accomplished as wealthy, and will be a very welcome accession to the ranks of our country gentry.' " " How strange that these worthy people should affect to know or care anything about me or my future intentions," said Cashel, inno- cently. " Oh, Sir, they really know nothing — that little thing is mine." " Tours ! how yours ?" " Why, I wrote it, Sir. When I lived with Sir Giles Heathcote, we always fired off a certain number of these signal-guns when we came to a new place. Once the thing was set a-going, the newspaper fellows followed up the lead themselves. They look upon a well- 54 ROLAND CASHEL. known name as of the same value as a fire, or a case of larceny. I have known a case of seduction by a Marquis to take the ' pas' of the last miu'der in the Edgeware-road." " I have no fancy for this species of publicity," said Cashel, seri- ously. " Believe me, Sir, there is nothing to be done without it. The press, Six', is the fourth estate. They can ignore anything now-a- days, from a speech in Parliament to the last new novel, — from the young beauty just come out to the newly-Iauuched liue-of-battle-ship. A friend of mine, some time back, tried the thing to his cost, Sir. He invented an admirable moustache-paste ; he even paid a guinea to an Oxford man for a Greek name for it ; well, Sir, he would not advertise in the dailies, but only in bills. Mark the consequence. One of the morning journals, in announcing the arrival of the Prince of Koemundkuttingeu on a visit to Colonel Sibthorp, mentioned, that in the fraternal embrace of these two distinguished personages, their moustaches, anointed with the new patent adhesive Eukanthe- rostickostecon, became actually so fastened together (as the fellow said, like two clothes-brushes), that after a quarter of an hour's vain struggle they had to be cut asunder. From that moment, Sir, the paste was done up ; he sold it as harness stuff the week after, and left the hair and beard line altogether." As Cashel's dressing proceeded, Mr. Phillis continued to impose upon him those various hints and suggestions respecting costume, for which that accomplished gentleman's gentleman was renowned. " Excuse me, but you are not going to wear that coat, I hope. A morning dress should always incline to what artists call 'neutral tints;' there should also be nothing striking, nothing that would particularly strike the eye, except in those peculiar cases, where the wearer, adopting a certain colour, not usually seen, adheres strictly to it, just as we see my Lord Blenneville with his old coffee-coloured cut-away, and Sir Erancis Homing with his light-blue frock ; Colonel Mordaunt's Hessians are the same kind of thing." " This is all mere trifling," said Cashel, impatiently ; " I don't in- tend to dress like the show-figure in a tailor's shop, to be stared at." " Exactly so, Su- ; that is what I have been saying ; any notoriety is to be avoided where a gentleman has a real position. Now, with a dark frock, grey trousers, and this plain, single-breasted vest, your costume is correct." If Cashel appeared to submit to these dictations with impatience, he, really, received them as laws to which he was, in virtue of his station, to be bound. He had taken Mr. Phillis, exactly as he had engaged the services of a celebrated French cook, as a person to whom a " department" was to be entrusted, and feeling that he was about to enter on a world whose habits of thinking and prejudices eolajStb cashzl. 55 were all strange, he resolved to accept of guidance, with the implicit- ness that he would Jiave shown in taking a pilot to navigate him through a newly-visited channel. Between this sense of submission, and a certain feeling of shame at the mock importance of these consi- derations, Cashel exhibited many symptoms of impatience, as Mr. PhiUis continued his revelations on dress, and was sincerely happy when that refined individual, having slowly surveyed him, pronounced a faint " Yes, very near it," and withdrew. There was a half-glimmering suspicion, like a straggling ray of sunlight stealing tlnrough a torn and ragged cloud, breaking on Eoland's mind, that if wealth were to entail a great many require- ments, no matter how small each, of obedience to the world's pre- scription, he, for one, would prefer his untrammelled freedom to any amount of riches. This was but a fleeting doubt, which he had no time to dwell upon, for already he was informed by the butler that Mrs. Kennyfeck was waiting breakfast for him. Descending the stairs rapidly, he had just reached the landing opposite the drawing-room, when he heard the sounds of a guitar accompaniment, and the sweet silvery tones of a female voice. He listened, and to his amazement heard that the singer was endeavour- ing, and with considerable success, too, to remember his own Mexican air, that he had sung the preceding evening. Somehow, it struck him he had never thought the melody so pretty before ; there was a tenderness in the plaintive parts he could not have conceived. Not so the singer, for after a few efforts to imitate one of Eoland's bolder passages, she drew her finger impatiently across the chords, and exclaimed, " It is of no use, it is only the Caballero himself can do it." " Let him teach you, then !" cried Cashel, as he sprang into the room, wild with delight. " Oh, Mr. Cashel, what a start you've given me !" said Olivia Kennyfeck, as, covered with blushes, and trembling with agitation, she leaned on the back of a chair. . " Oh, pray forgive me," said he, eagerly ; " but I was so surprised, so delighted to hear you recalling that little song, I really forgot everything else. Have I startled you, then ?" " Oh, no ;. it's nothing. I was trying a few chords. I thought I was quite alone." " But you'll permit me to teach you some of our Mexican songs, won't you ? I should be so charmed to hear them sung as you could sing them." " It is too kind of you," said she, timidly ; " but I am no musician. My sister is a most skilful performer ; but I really know nothing — a simple ballad — and a canzonette — are the extent of my efforts." " For our Prairie songs, it is the feeling supplies all the character. 56 ■ EOLAND OASHEL. Tliey are wild, fanciful things, with no higher pretensions than to recal some trait of the land they belong to, and I should be so flattered if you would take an interest in the Par West." " How you must love it ! How you must long to return to it !" said Olivia, raising her long drooping lashes, and letting her eyes rest, with an expression of tender melancholy, on Cashel. What he might have said there is no guessing, — nay, for his sake, and for hers too, it is better not even to speculate on it ; but ere he could reply, another speaker joined in the colloquy, saying — " Good morning, Mr. Cashel. Pray don't forget, when the lesson is over, that we are waiting breakfast." So saying, and with a laugh of saucy railler}". Miss Kennyfeck passed down the stairs, not remain- inn; to hear his answer. " Oil, Mr. Cashel !" exclaimed Olivia, with a tone half reproachful, half shy, " we shall be scolded, — at least, I shall," added she. " It is the unforgivable offence in this house to be late at breakfast." Cashel would very willingly have risked all the consequences of delay for a few minutes longer of their interview, but already she had tripped on down stairs, and with such speed as to enter the break- fast-parlour a few seconds before him. Eoland was welcomed by the family without the slightest shade of dissatisfaction at his late ap- pearance, cordial greetings and friendly inquiries as to how he had rested pouring in on every side. " What's to be done with Mr. Cashel to-day ? I hope he is not to be teased by business people and red-tapery," said Mrs. Kenny- feck to her husband. " I am afraid," said the silky attorney — " I am very much afraid, I must trespass on his kindness to accompany me to the Master's office. There are some little matters which will not wait." " Oh, they must," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, peremptorily. " Who istlie Master — Liddard — isn't it ? Well, tell him to put it off: Mr. Casliel must really have a little peace and quietness after all his fatigues." " It will only take an hour at most, Mrs. Kennyfeck," remonstrated her submissive mate. "Well, tliat is nothing," cried Cashel. "I'm not in the least tired, and the day is long enough for everything." " Then we have a little affair which we can manage at home here about the mortgages. I told you " " I believe you did," replied Cashel, laughing ; " but I don't re- member a word of it. It's about paying some money, isn't it ?" "Yes, it's the redemption of two very heavy claims," exclaimed Kennyfeck, perfectly shocked at the indifference displayed by the young man, — " claims for which we are paying five and a half per cent." "And it would be better to clear them off?" said Cahel, assuming a show of interest in the matter he was far from feeling. EOLAND CASHEL. 57 " Of course it would. There is a very large sum laying to your credit at Falkner's, for which you receive only three per cent." " Don't you perceive how tiresome you are, dear Mr. Kennyfeck ?" said his wife. " Mr. Cashel is bored to death with all this." " Oil, no ! not in the least, Madam. It ought to interest me im- mensely ; and so all these things will, I'm sure ; but I was just thinking at what hour that fellow we met on the packet was to show us those horses he spoke of?" " At four," said Mr. Kennyfeck, with a half-sigh of resignation; " but you'll have ample time for that. I shall only ask you to attend at the Judges' chambers after our consultation." " Well, you are really intolerable !" cried his wife. " "Why cannot you and Jones, and the rest of you, do all this tiresome nonsense, and leave Mr. Cashel to us ? I want to bring him out to visit two or three people ; and the girls have been planning a canter in the Park." " The canter, by all means," said Cashel. " I'm sure, my dear Mr. Kennyfeck, you'll do everything far better without me. I have no head for anything like business ; and so pray, let me accompany the riding party." " The attendance at the Master's is peremptory," sighed the attorney ; " there is no deferring that ; and as to the mortgages, the funds are falling every hour. I should seriously advise selling out at once." " Well, sell out, in Heaven's name. Do all and anything you like, and I promise my most unqualified satisfaction at the result." " There, now," interposed Mrs. Kennyfeck, authoritatively; " don't worry any more, you see how tiresome you are !" And poor Mr. Kennyfeck seemed to see and feel it too, for he hung his head, and sipped his tea in silence. " To-day we dine alone, Mr. Cashel," said Mrs. Kennyfeck ; " but to-morrow I will try to show you some of the Dublin notorieties; at least, such as are to be had in the season. On Friday we plan a little country party into Wicklow ; and I have promised to keep Saturday free, if the Blackenburgs want us." " What shall we say, then, about Tubber-beg, Mr. Cashel ?" said Kennyfeck, withdrawing him into a window-recess. " We ought to give the answer at once." " Faith ! I forgot all about it," said Cashel. " Is that the fishery you told me of ?" " Oh no !" sighed the disconsolate man of law. " It's the farm on the terminable lease, at present held by Cornelius Corrigan ; he asks for a renewal." " Well, let him have it," said Cashel, bluntly, while his eyes were turned towards the fire, where the two sisters, with arms entwined, stood in the most graceful of attitudes. 58 I10LA>-D CASHEL. " Tes, but have you considered the matter maturely ?" rejoined Kennyfeck, laying his hand on Cashel's arm. " Have you taken into account that he only pays eight and sevenpence per acre — the Irish acre, too ; and that a considerable part of that land adjoining the Boat Quay is let, as building plots, for two and sixpence a foot ?" " A devilish pretty foot it is, too," murmured Cashel, musingly. " Eh ! what ?" exclaimed Kennyfeck, perfectly mystified at this response. " Oh ! I meant that I agreed with you," rejoined the young man, reddening, and endeavouring to appear deeply interested. " I quite coincide with your views. Sir." Kennyfeck seemed surprised at this, for he had not, to his know- ledge, ventured on any opinion. " Perhaps," said he, takiug breath for a last effort, " if you'd kiudly look at the map of the estate, and just see where this farm trenches on your own limits, you could judge better about the propriety of the renewal." " Oh, with pleasure!" exclaimed Cashel, while he suffered himself to be led into the study, his face exhibiting very indifferent signs of satisfaction. "Shall we assist iu the consultation, Mr. Cashel?" said Mrs. Kennyfeck, smiling in reply to his reluctant look at leaving. " Oh, by all means !" cried he, enthusiastically : " do come, and give me your advice. Pray, come." " Come, girls," said the mother, " although I perceive Mr. Kenny- feck is terribly shocked at the bare thought of our intrusion ; but be of good courage, we only accompany Mr. Cashel to save him from any long imprisonment." And so she moved majestically forward, her daughters following her. An alchemist would probably have received company in his labo- ratory, or a hermit admitted a jovial party iu his cell, with less of con- straint and dissatisfaction than did Mr. Kennyfeck watch the approach of his wife and daughters to the sanctum of his study. Save at rare intervals, when a disconsolate widow had come to re- solve a question of administration, or a no less forlorn damsel had entered to consult upon an action for "breach of promise," St. Kevin himself had never been less exposed to female intervention. It needed then all his reverence and fear of Mrs. Kennyfeck to sustain the shock to his feelings, as he saw her seat herself in his office-chair, and look around with the air of command that he alone used to exhibit in these regions. " Now for this same map, Mr. Kennyfeck, and let us hear the ques- tion for which this Privy Council has been convened." " This is the map," said Mr. Kennyfeck, unfolding a large scroll, KOLAND CASHEL. 59 " and I believe a single glance will enable Mr. Casbel to perceive that some little deliberation would be advisable before continuing in pos- session a tenant whose holding completely destroys the best feature of the demesne. This red line here is yovu' boundary towards the Limerick road ; here stands the house, which, from the first, was a great mistake. It is built in a hollow without a particle of view ; whereas, had it been placed here, where this cross is marked, the pro- spect would have extended over the whole of Scariff Bay, and by the west, down to Killaloe." " Well, what's to prevent our building it there yet?" interrupted Cashel. " I think it would be rare fun building a house, at least if I may judge from all the amusement I've had in constructing one of leaves and buffalo-hides, in the Prairies." Mrs. Kennyfeck and her eldest daughter smiled their blandest ap- probation, while Olivia murmured in her sister's ear, " Oh dear, he is so very natural, isn't he ?" " That will be a point for ulterior consideration," said Mr. Kenny- feck, who saw the danger of at all wandering from the topic in hand. " Give me your attention now for one moment, Mr. Cashel. Another inconvenience in the situation of the present house is, that it stands scarcely a thousand yards from this red and yellow line here." " WeU, what is that ?" inquired Cashel, who already began to feel interested in the localities. " This — pray observe it well. Sir — this red and yellow line, enclos- ing a tract which borders on the Shannon, and runs, as you may re- mark, into the very heart of the demesne, this is Tubber-beg, the farm in question ; not only encroaching upon your limits, but actually cutting you off from the river, at least your access is limited to a very circuitous road, and which opens upon a very shallow part of the stream." " And who or what is this tenant ?" asked Cashel. " His name is Corrigan, a gentleman by birth, but of a very limited fortune ; he is now an old man, upwards of seventy, I understand." " And how came it that he ever obtained possession of a tract so cir- cumstanced, marring, as you most justly observe, the whole character of the demesne ?" " That would be a long story. Sir — enough, if I mention that his ancestors were the ancient owners of the entire estate, which was lost by an act of confiscation in the year forty-five ; some extenuating circumstances, however, induced the Grovernment to confer upon a younger branch of the family a lease of this small tract called Tubber- beg, to distinguish it from Tubbermore, the larger portion, and this lease it is whose expiration, in a few years, induces the present quere." " Has Mr. Corrigan children ?" 60 EOLAND CASHEL. " No ; his only cliild, a daughter, is dead, but a granddaughter lives now with the old man." " Then what is it he asks ? Is it a renewal of the lease, on the former terms." " "Why, not precisely. I believe he would be willing to pay more." "That's not what I mean," replied Cashel, reddening; "I ask, what terms, as to time, he seeks for. "Would it content him to have the land for his own life ?" " Mr. Kennyfeck, you are really very culpable to leave Mr. Cashel to the decision of matters of this kind — matters in which his kind- liness of heart and inexperience will always betray him into a forget- fulness of his own interest. What has Mr. Cashel to think about this old creature's ancestors, who were rebels, it appears, or his daughter, or his granddaughter ? Here is a simple question of a farm, which actually makes the demesne worthless, and which, by a singular piece of good fortune, is in Mr. Cashel's power to secure." " This is a very correct view, doubtless," said her meek husband, submissively, " but we should also remember " " We have nothing to remember," interrupted Mrs. Kennyfeck, stoutly ; " nothing, save bis interests, who, as I have observed, is of too generous a nature to be trusted with such matters." " Is there no other farm — have we nothing on the property he'd like as well as this ?" asked Cashel. " I fear not. The attachment to a place inhabited for centuries by his ancestry " '' By his fiddlestick," struck in Mrs. Kennyfeck ; " two and six- pence an acre difference would be all the necessary compensation. Mr. Kennyfeck, how can you trifle in this manner, when you see how it will injure the demesne ?" " Oh, ruin it utterly!" exclaimed Miss Kennyfeck. " It completely cuts off the beautiful river and those dear islands," said Olivia. " So it does," said Cashel, musing. " I wonder are they wooded ? I declare I believe they are. Papa, are these little scrubby things meant to represent trees ?" " Oaks and chesnut-trees," responded Mr. Kennyfeck, gravely. " Oh, how I should love a cottage on that island — a real Swiss cot- tage, with its carved galleries, and deep-eaved roof. Who owns these delicious islands ?" , " Mr. Cashel, my dear," said Papa, still bent on examining the map. " Do I, indeed!" cried Eoland, in an ecstasy, "then you shall have your wish, Miss Kennyfeck. J promise you the prettiest Swiss cot- tage that your own taste can devise." " Oh dear, oh pray forgive me." "Oh, Mr. Eoland Cashel. don't think of such a thing! Olivia ROLAND CASHEL. 61 was merely speaking at random. How silly, child, you are to talk that way." ''■ Eeally, Mamma, I had not the slightest suspicion — I wouldn't for the world have said anything if I thought " " Of course not, dear, but pray be guarded. Indeed, I own I never did hear you make a lapse of the kind before ; but you see, Mr. Cashel, you have really made us forget that we were strangers but yesterday, and you are paying the penalty of yoiu* own exceeding kindness. Porget, then, I beseech you, this first transgression." " I shall assuredly keep my promise, Madam," said Cashel, proudly ; " and I have only to hope Miss Kennyfeck will not offend me by de- clining so very humble a present. Now, Sir, for our worthy friend, Mr. Corrigan." " Too fast, a great deal too fast, love," whispered the elder sister in the ear of the younger, and who, to the credit of her tact and in- genuity be it spoken, only gave the most heavenly smile in reply. " I really am puzzled. Sir, what advice to give," said the Attorney, musing. " I have no difficulties of this sentimental kiud," said Mrs. Ken- nyfeck, with a glance of profound depreciation towards her husband ; " and I beg Mr. Cashel to remember that the opportunity now ofiered will possibly never occur again. If the old man is to retain his farm, of course Mr. Cashel would not think of building a new mansion, which must be ill-circumstanced, from what I can hear of the present house. It is equally certain that he would not reside in that." " Is it so very bad ?" asked Cashel, smiling. " It was ill-planned originally, added to in, if possible, worse taste, and then suffered to fall into ruin. It is now something more than eighty years since it saw any other inhabitant than a care-taker." " Well, the picture is certainly not seductive. I rather opine that the best thing we can do, is to throw this old rumbling concern down, at all events : and now once more — what shall we do with Mr. Cor- j rigau ?" " I should advise you not giving any reply before you visit the pro- perty yourself. All business matters will be completed here, I trust, by Saturday. What, then, if we go over on Monday to Tubbermore ?" " Agreed. I have a kind of anxiety to look at the place ; indeed, a mere glance would decide me if I ever care to return to it again." " Then, I perceive, our counsel is of no avail here," said Mrs. Ken- nyfeck, rising, with a very Hi-concealed chagrin. " Nay, Madam, don't say so. Ton never got so far as to give it," cried Cashel. " Oh yes, you forget that I said it would be absurd to hesitate about resuming possession." " Unquestionably," echoed Miss Kennyfeck. " It is merely to in- 62 KOLANI) CASHEL. dulge an old man's caprice at tlie cost of your own comfort and con- venience." " But lie may cling to the spot, sister dear," said Olivia, in an accent only loud enough to be audible by Casbel. " Tou are right," said Eoland in her ear, with a look that spoke his approval far more eloquently. Although Miss Kennyfeck had heard nothing that passed, her quickuess detected the looks of intelligence that were so speedily in- terchanged, and as she left the room, she took occasion to whisper, " Do take advice, dear; there is no keeping up a pace like that." CHAPTEE IX. Bravo, Toro! As it chanced that many of Mr. Kennyfeck's clients were western gentlemen, whose tastes have an unequivocal tendency to all matters relating to horse-flesh, his stable was not less choicely furnished than his cellar; for, besides being always able to command the shrewdest judgments when he decided to make a purchase, many an outstanding balance of long duration, many a debt significantly pen- cilled " doubtful" or " bad," in his note-book, was cleared off by some tall, sinewy steeple-chaser from Galway, or some redoubted per- former with the " Blazers." So well known was this fiict, that several needed no other standard of a neighbour's circumstances, than whether he had contributed or not to the Kennyfeck stud. This brief explanation we have been in- duced to make, to account for the sporting character of a stable whose proprietor never was once seen in the saddle. Par otherwise the ladies of the house ; the mother and daughters, but in particular the elder, rode with all the native grace of Galway ; and as they were invariably well mounted, and their grooms the smartest and best ap- pointed, their "turn-out" was the admiration of tlie capital. It was in vain that the English officials at the Castle, whose super- lative tastes were wont to overshadow mere Irish pretension, endea- voured to compete with these noted equestrians. Secretaries' wives and Chamberlains' daughters, however they might domineer in other matters, were here, at least, surpassed, and it was a conceded fact, that the Kenny fecks rode better, dressed better, and looked better on horseback, than any otlier girls in tlie country. If all tlie critics as to horsemanship pronounced tlie elder unequivocally the superior rider, mere admirers of gracefulness preferred tlie younger sister, BOLAND CASHEL. 63 who, less courageous and self-possessed, invested ter skill with a cer- tain character of timidity that increased the interest her appearance excited. They never rode out without an immense cortege of followers, every well-looking and well-mounted man about town deeming it his devoir to join this party, just as the box of the reigning belle at the Opera is besieged by assiduous visitors. The very being seen in this train was a kind of brevet promotion in fashionable esteem, to which each newly-arrived cornet aspired, and thus the party usually presented a group of brilliant uniforms and dancing plumes, that rivalled in bril- liancy, and far excelled iu amusement, the staff of the Viceroy himself. It would be unfair to suppose that, with all their natural innocence and artlessness, they were entirely ignorant of the sway they thus exercised ; indeed, such a degree of modesty would have trenched upon the incredulous, for how could they doubt what commanders of the forces and deputy-assistant-adjutants assured them, still less ques- tion the veracity of a priace royal, who positively asserted that they "rode better than Quentin's daughter." It was thus a source of no small excitement among the mounted loungers of the capital, when the Kennyfecks issued forth on horse- back, and not, as usual, making the tour of the " Square" to collect their forces, they rode at once down Grafton-street, accompanied by a single cavalier. " "Who have the Kennyfeck girls got with them ?" said a thin- waisted looking Aide-de-camp to a lanky, well-whiskered fellow in a dragoon undress at the Castle gate. " He is new to me — never saw him before. — I say, Lucas, who is that tall fellow on Kennyfeck's brown horse — do you know him ?" " Don't know — can't say," drawled out a very diminutive Hussar Cornet. " He has a look of Merrington," said another, joining the party. " Not a bit of it ; he's much larger. I shouldn't wonder if he's one of the Esterhazys they've caught. There is one of them over here — a Paul or a Nicholas, of the younger branch; — but here's Linton, he'll tell us, if any man can." This speech was addressed to a very dapper, well-dressed man of about thirty, mounted on a small thorough-bred pony, whose splashed and heaving flanks bespoke a hasty ride. " I say, Tom, you met the Kennyfecks — who was that with them ?" " Don't you know him, my Lord ?" said a sharp ringing voice, " that's our newly-arrived millionnaire — Eoland Cashel, our Tipperary Croesus ; — the man with I won't say how many hundred thousands a year, and millions in bank besides." " The devil it is— a good-looking fellow, too." 64 EOLAND CASHEL. " Spooney, I should say," drawled out the Hussar, caressing bis moustache. " One needn't be as smart a fellow as you, Wheeler, with forty thousand a year," said Linton, with a sly glance at the others. " You don't suppose, Tom," said the former speaker, " that the Kennyfecks have any designs in that quarter — egad ! that would be rather aspiring, eh ?" " Very unwise in us to permit it, my Lord," said Linton, in a low tone. " That's a dish wiU bear carving, and let every one have his share." My Lord laughed with a low cuuniug laugh at the suggestion, and nodded an easy assent. Meanwhile the Kennyfecks rode slowly on, and crossing Essex Bridge, continued their way at a foot pace towards the Park, passing in front of the Four Courts, where a very large knot of idlers unco- vered their heads in polite salutation as they went. " That's Kennyfeck's newly-discovered client," cried one ; " a great card, if they can only secure him for one of the girls." " I say, did you remark how the eldest had hira engaged ? She never noticed any of us." " I back Olivia," said another ; " she's a quiet one, but devilish sly for all that." " Depend upon it," interposed an older speaker, " the fellow is up to all that sort of thing." " Jones met him at dinner yesterday at Kennyfeck's, and says he is a regular soft one, and if the girls don't run in opposition to each othei', one is sure to win." " "Why not toss up for him, then ? that would be fairer." " Ay, and more sisterly, too," said the elder speaker. " Jones would be right glad to claim the beaten horse." " Jones, indeed — I can tell you they detest Jones," said a young fellow. "They told you so, eh, Hammond?" said another; while a very hearty laugh at the discomfited youth broke from the remainder. And now to follow our mounted friends, who, having reached the Park, continued still at a walking pace to thread the grassy paths that led through that pleasant tract ; now, hid amid the shade of ancient thorn-trees, now, gaining the open expanse of plain, with its bold background of blue mountains. From the evident attention bestowed by the two sisters, it was clear that Cashel was narrating something of interest, for he spoke of an event which had happened to himself in his Prairie life ; and this alone, independent of all else, w as enough to make the theme amusing. " Does this convey any idea of a Prairie, Mr. Cashel ?" said Miss EOLAND CASHEL. 65 Kennyfeck, as they emerged from a grove of beech-trees, and came upon the wide and stretching plain, so well known to Dubliners as the Fifteen Acres, but which is, in reality, much greater in extent. " I have always fancied tliis great grassy expanse must be like a Prairie." " About as like as yonder cattle to a herd of wild buffaloes," re- plied Eoland, smiling. " Then what is a Prairie like? Do tell us," said Olivia, eagerly. " I can scarcely do so, nor, if I were a painter, do I suppose that I could make a picture of one, because it is less the presence than the total absence of all features of landscape that constitutes the wild and lonely solitude of a Prairie. But fancy a great plain — gently — very gently undulating — not a tree, not a shrub, not a stream to break the dreary uniformity — sometimes, but even that rarely, a little muddy pond of rain-water, stagnant and yellow, is met with, but only seen soon after heavy showers, for the hot sun rapidly absorbs it. Tlie only vegetation, a short yellowed burnt-up grass — not a wild flower or a daisy, if you travelled hundreds of hundreds of miles. On you go, days and days, but the scene never changes. Large cloud sha- dows rest upon the barren expanse, and move slowly and sluggishly away, or sometimes a sharp and pelting shower is borne along, tra- versing hundreds of miles in its course, but these are the only traits of motion in the death-like stillness. At last, perliaps after weeks of wandering, you descry, a long way off, some dark objects dotting the surface, these are buffaloes ; or at sunset, when the thin atmospliere makes everything sharp and distinct, some black spectral shapes seem to glide between you and the red twilight, these are Indian hunters, seen miles off, and by some strange law of nature they are presented to the vision when far, far beyond the range of sight. Such strange apparitions, the consequence of refraction, have led to the most ab- surd superstitions, and all the stories the Germans tell you of their wild huntsmen are nothing to the tales every trapper can recount of war parties seen in the air, and tribes of red men in pursuit of deer and buffaloes, through the clear sky of an autumn evening." " And haveyouyourself met with these wild children of the desert?" said Olivia ; "have you ever been amongst them ?" " Somewhat longer than I fancied," replied Eoland, smiling. "I was a prisoner once with the Camanches." " Oh, let us hear all about it — how did it happen ?" cried both to- gether. " It happened absurdly enough, at least you will say so, when I tell you ; but to a Prairie-hunter the adventure would seem nothing sin- gular. It chanced that some years ago I made one of a hunting party into the Eocky Mountains, and finally as far as Pueblo Santo, tlie last station before entering the hunting-grouuds of the Caman- voL. I. r G6 EOLAKD CASHEL. clies, a verv fierce tribe, and one with whom all the American traders have failed to establish any relations of friendship or commerce. They care nothing for the inventions of civilisation, and, unlike all other Indians, prefer their own bows and arrows to fire-arms. " "We had been now four days within their boundary, and yet never met one of the tribe. Some averred that they always learned by tlie scouts whenever any invasion took place, and retired till they were in sufiicient force to pour down and crush the intruders. Others, who proved better informed, said that they were hunting in a remote tract, several days' journey distant. "We were doubly disappointed, for besides not seeing the Camanches, for which we had a great curiosity, we did not discover any game. The two or three trails we followed led to nothing, nor could a hoof-track be seen for miles and miles of Prairie. In this state of discomfiture, we were sitting one evening around our fires, and debating with ourselves whether to turn back or go on, when, the dispute waxing warm between those of different opinions, I, who hated all disagreements of the kind, slipped quietly away, and throwing the bridle on my horse, I set out for a solitary ramble over the Prairie. " I have the whole scene before me this instant, the solemn desola- tion of that dreary track ! for scarcely had I gone a mile over what seemed a perfectly level plain, when the swelling inequalities of the ground shut out the watch-fires of my companions, and now there was nothing to be seen but the vast expanse of land and sky, each colovired with the same dull leaden tint of coming night ; no horizon was visible, not a star appeared, and in the midst of this grey mono- tony, a stillness prevailed that smote the heart with something more appalling than mere fear. No storm that ever I listened to at sea, not the loudest thunder that ever crashed, or the heaviest sea that ever broke upon a leeward shore at midnight, ever chilled my blood like that terrible stillness. I thought that the dreadful roll of an avalanche, or the heaving ground- swell of an earthquake, had been easier to bear. I believe I actually prayed for something like sound to relieve the horrible tension of my nerves, when, just as if my wish was heard, a low booming sound, like the sea within a rocky cavern, came borne along on the night wind. Then it lulled again, and after a time grew louder. Tliis happened two or three times, so that, half suspecting some self-delusion, I stopped my ears, and then on remov- ing my hands, I heard the noise increasing till it swelled into one dull roaring 'sound, that made the very air vibrate. I thought it must be an earthquake, of which it is said many occur in these re- gions, but, from the dreary uniformity, leave no trace behind. " I resolved to regain my companions at once ; danger is always easier to confront in company, and so I turned my horse's head to EOLAND CASHEL. ' 67 go back. The noise was now deafening, and so stunning that the very ground seemed to give it forth. My poor horse became terrified, his flanks heaved, and he hiboured in his stride as if overcome by fatigue. This again induced me to suspect an earthquake, for 1 knew by what singular instincts animals are apprised of its approach. I therefore gave him the spur, and urged him on with every effort, when suddenly he made a tremendous bound to one side, and set off with the speed of a racer. Stretched to his fullest stride, I was perfectly powerless to restrain him : meanwhile, the loud thundering sounds filled the entire air — more deafening than the greatest artillery ; the crashing uproar smote my ears, and made my brain ring with the vi- bration, and then suddenly the whole plain grew dark behind and at either side of me ; the shadow swept on and on, nearer and nearer, as the sounds increased, till the black surface seemed, as it were, about to close around me ; and now I perceived that the great Prairie, far as my eyes could stretch, was covered by a herd of wild buffaloes ; struck by some sudden terror, they had taken what is called * the Stampedo,' and set out at full speed. In an instant they were around me on every side — a great moving sea of dark-backed monsters — r oaring in terrible uproar, and tossing their savage heads wildly to and fro, in all the paroxysm of terror. To return, or even to estri- c ate myself, was impossible ; the dense mass pressed like a wall at either side of me, and I was borne along in the midst of the heaving herd, without the slightest hope of rescue. I cannot — you would Hot ask me, if even I could — recal the terrors of that dreadful night, w hich in its dark hours compassed the agonies of years. Until the moon got up, I hoped that the herd might pass on, and at last leave me at liberty behind ; but when she rose, and I looked back, I saw the dark sea of hides, aa if covering the whole wide Prairie, while the deep thunder from afar mingled with the louder bellowing of the herd around me. " I suppose my reeling brain became maddened by the excitement ; for even yet, when by any accident I suffer slight illness, terrible fancies of that dreadful scene come back ; and I have been told that, in my wild cries and shouts, I seem encouraging and urging on the infuriate herd, and by my gestures appearing to control and direct their headlong course. Had it been possible, I believe I should have thrown myself to the earth and sought death at once, even in this dreadful form, than live to die the thousand deaths of agony that night inflicted ; but this could not be, and so, as day broke, I was still carried on, not, indeed, with the same speed as before ; weariness weighed on the vast moving mass, but the pressiu-e of those behind still drove them onward. I thought the long hours of darkness were terrible ; and the appalling gloom of night added tortures to my suf- 1^2 G8 KOLAND CASHEl. ferings ; but the glare of daylight, the burning sun, and the clouds of dust, were still worse. I remember, too, when exhaustion had nearly spent my last frail energy, and when my powerless hands, letting fall the bridle, dropped heavily to my side, that the herd suddenly halted — halted, as if arrested by some gigantic hand ; and then the pressure became so dreadful that my bones seemed almost bursting from my flesh, and I screamed aloud in my agony. After this, I remember little else. The other events of that terrible ride are like the sha- dowy spectres of a magic lantern; vague .memories of sufferings, pangs that even yet chill my blood, steal over me, but unconnected and incoherent, so that when, as I afterwards heard, the herd dashed into the Camanche encampment, I have no recollection of anything, except the terror-struck faces of the red men, as they bent before me, and seemed to worship me as a deity. Tes, this terrible tribe, who had scarcely ever been known to spare a white man, not only did not injure, but they treated me with the tenderest care and attention. A singiilar incident had favoured me : one of the wise men had foretold some days before that a herd of wild buflaloes, sent by their god, Anadongu, would speedily appear, and rescue the tribe from the horrors of impending starvation. The prediction was possibly based upon some optical delusion, like that I have mentioned. Whatever its origin, the accomplishment was hailed with ecstasy ; and I myself, a poor, almost dying creature, stained with blood, crushed and speech- less, was regarded as their deliverer and preserver." " How long did you remain amongst them ?" cried Miss Kenny- feck. " And how did you escape ?" asked Olivia. " Were they always equally kind ?" " Were you sorry to leave them ?" were the questions rapidly poured in ere Cashel could reply to any one of them. "I have often heard," said Miss Kennyfeck, " that the greater mental ability of the white man is certain to secure him an ascen- dancy over the minds of savage tribes, and that, if he be spared at first, he is sure in the end to become their chief." " I believe they actually worship any display of intelligence above their own," said Olivia. " These are exaggerated accounts," said Cashel, smiling. " Mar- riage is among savage as among civilised nations, a great stepping- stone to eminence. When a white man is allied with a princess " " Oh, how shocking !" cried both together. " I'm sure no person, anything akin to a gentleman, could dream of such a thing," said Miss Kennyfeck. " It happens now and then, notwithstanding," said Cashel, willi a most provoking gravity. KOIAND CASHEL. 69 While the sisters would have been well pleased had Cashel's per- sonal revelations continued on this theme, they did not venture to explore so dangerous a path, and were both silent. Roland, too, ap- peared buried in some recollection of the past, for he rode on for some time without speaking — a preoccupation on his part which seemed in no wise agreeable to his fair companions. " There are the MacFarlines, Livy," said Miss Kennyfeck ; " and Linton, and Lord Charles, and the rest of them. I declare, I believe they see us, and are coming this way." " "What a bore ! Is there no means of escape ? Mr. Cashel, pray invent one." " I beg pardon. What was it you said ? I have been dreaming for the last three minutes." " Pleasant dreams, I'm certain they were," said Miss Kennyfeck, with a very significant smile ; " eVoked, doubtless, by some little memory of your life among the Camanches." Cashel started and grew red, while his astonishment rendered him speechless. " Here they come ; how provoking," exclaimed Livy. " Who are coming ?" " Some friends of ours, who, strange to say, have the misfortune to be peculiarly disagreeable to my sister Livy to-day, although I have certainly seen Lord Charles contrive to make his company less dis- tasteful at other times." " Oh, my dear Caroline, you know perfectly well " broke in Olivia, with a tone of unfeigned reproach. " Let us ride for it, then," said Miss Kennyfeck, without permit- ting her to finish. " jSTow, Mr. Cashel, a canter — a gallop, if you will." " Quite ready," said Cashel, his animation at once returning at the bare mention ; and away they set, down a gentle slope with wooded sides, then they gained another grassy plain, skirted with trees, at .the end of which a small picturesque cottage stood, the residence of a ranger ; passing this, they arrived at a thick wood, and then slack- ened their pace, as all pursuit might be deemed fruitless. This por- tion of the Park, unlike the rest, seemed devoted to various experi- ments in agriculture and gardening. Here were little enclosed plots of Indian corn and Swedish turnips ; here, small plantations of fruit- trees. Each succeeding Secretary seemed to have left behind him some trace of his own favourite system for the improvement of Ire- land, and one might recal the names of long departed ofl&cials in little experimental specimens of drainage, or fencing, or drill culture, around. Less interested by these patchwork devices, Cashel stood gazing on a beautiful white bull, who grazed in a little paddock care- fully fenced by a strong oak paling. Although of a small breed, he 70 EOLAKD CASHEL. was a perfect specimen of strength and proportion, liis massive and muscular neck and powerful loins contrasting with the lankj and tendonous form of the wild animal of the Prairies. The girls had not remarked that Eoland, beckoning to his servant, despatched him at full speed on an errand, for each was loitering about, amusing herself with some object of the scene. " What has fascinated you, yonder ?" said Miss Kennyfeck, riding up to where Eoland still stood in wondering admiration at the noble animal. " The handsomest bull I ever saw 1" cried he, in all the ecstasy of a " Torero ;" "who ever beheld such a magnificent feUow ? Mark the breadth of his chest, and the immense fore-arm. See how he lashes his tail about. No need of bandilleros to rouse your temper." " Is there no danger of the creature springing over the paling ?" said Olivia, drawing closer to Cashel, and looking at him with a most trustful dependence. Alas for Eoland'a gallantry, he answered the words and not the glance that accompanied them. " No ; he'd never thick of it, if not excited to some excess of passion. I'd not answer for his patience, or our safety either, if reaUy provoked. See ! is not that glorious ?" This burst of enthu- siasm was called forth by the bull, seized with some sudden caprice, taking a circuit of the paddock at fuU speed, his head now raised majestically aloft, and now bent to the ground ; he snatched some tufts of the grass as he went, and fliuig them from him in wild sport. " Bravo, toro!" cried Cashel, in all the excitement of delight and admiration. " Viva el toro !" shouted he; "not a ' Corrida' of the Old "World or the New ever saw a braver beast." Whether in compliance with his humour, or that she really caught up the enthusiasm from Cashel, Miss Kennyfeck joined in all his admiration, and seemed to watch the playful pranks of the great animal with delight. " How you would enjoy a real ' toro machia,' " said Cashel, as he turned towards her, and felt that she was far handsomer than he had ever believed before. Indeed, the heightened colour of exercise, and the flashing brilliancy of her eyes, made her seem so without the additional charm derived from sympathy with his humour. " I should delight in it," cried she, with enthusiasm. "Oh, if I could but see one!" Cashel drew nearer as she spoke, his dark and piercing eyes fixed ■with a look of steadfast admiration, when in a low half whisper he said, " Would you really like it ? Have these wild and desperate games an attraction for you ?" " Oh, do not ask me," she said, in the same low voice. " Why should I confess a wish for that which can never be ?" KOLAND CASHEL. 71 " How can you say that ? Have not far greater and less likely things happened to almost all of us ? Think of me, for instance. Travelling with the Gambusiuos a few months back, and now — now your companion here." If there was not a great deal in the mere words themselves, there was enough in the look of the speaker to make them deeply felt. How much further Cashel might have adventured, and with what additional speculations invested the future, is not for us to say, for, just then, his groom rode up at speed, holding in his hand a great coil of rope, to one end of which a small round ball of wood was fastened. " "What is that for, Mr. Cashel ?" inquired both the girls together, as they saw him adjust the coils lightly on his left arm, and poise the ball in his right hand, " Cannot you guess what it means ?" said Eoland, smiling. " Have you never heard of a lasso ?" "A lasso!" exclaimed both in amazement. "You surely could never intend " " You shall see," cried he, as he made three or four casts vsdth the rope in the air, and caught up the loops again with astonishing dex- terity. " Now only promise me not to be afraid, nor, if possible, let a cry escape, and I'll show you some rare sport. Just take your places here; the horses will stand perfectly quiet." Without waiting for a reply, he ordered the grooms to remain at either side of the young ladies, and then dismounting, he forced open the lock and led his horse into the paddock. This done, he leisurely closed the gate and mounted, every motion being as free from haste and excitement as if made upon the high road. As for the bull, at the noise of the gate on its hinges he lifted up his head, but as it were indiiferent to the cause, he resumed his grazing attitude the moment after. Cashel's first care seemed to be to reconnoitre the ground, for at a slow walk he traversed the space in various directions, carefully exa- mining the footing and watching for any accidental circumstance that might vary the surface. He then rode up to the paling, where in unfeigned terror the two girls sat, silently following him in every motion. " Now, remember," said he, smiling, ''no fears, no terrors. If you were to make me nervous, I should probably miss my cast, and the disgrace, not to speak of anything else, would be dreadful." " Oh ! we'll behave very well," said Miss Kennyfeck, trying to as- sume a composure that her pale cheek and compressed Hps very ill corroborated. As for Olivia, too terrified for words, she merely looked at him, while the tears rolled heavily down her cheeks. " Now, to see if my hand has not forgot its cunning !" said Eoland, as he pressed his horse's flanks, and pushing into a half-gaUop, made 72 KOLAND CA3HEL. a circuit around tLe bull. The scene was a picturesque as well as an excitiug one. The mettlesome horse, on wliich the rider sat with con- summate ease, in his right hand the loose coils of the lasso, with which to accustom his horse he flourished and shook around the head and ears of the animal as he went ; while, with head bent down, and the strong neck slightly retracted, the bull seemed to watch him as he passed, and at length, slowly turning, continued to fix his eyes upon the daring intruder. Grradually narrowing his circle, Cashel was cau- tiously approaching within a suitable distance for the cast, when the bull, as it were losing patience, gave one short hoarse cry and made at him, so sudden the spring, and so infuriate the action, that a scream, from both the sisters together, showed how near the danger must have appeared. Eoland, however, had foreseen from the attitude of the beast what was coming, and by a rapid wheel escaped the charge, and passed close beside the creature's flank unharmed. Twice or thrice the same manoeuvre occurred with the same result, and al- though the horse was terrified to that degree that his sides were one sheet of foam, the control of the rider was perfect, and his every ges- ture bespoke ease and confidence. Suddenly the bull stopped, and retiring till his haunches touched the paling, he seemed surveying the field, and contemplating another and more successful mode of attack. The concentrated passion of the creature's attitude at this moment was very fine, as with red eye- balls and frothed lips he stood, slowly and in heavy strokes lashing his flanks with his long tail. " Is he tired ?" said Miss Kennyfeck, as Cashel stood close to the paling, and breathed his horse, for what he foresaw might be a sharp encounter. " No ! far from it," answered Eoland ; " the fellow has the cunning of an old ' Corridor ;' you'll soon see him attack." The words were not well uttered, when, with a low deep roar, the bull bounded forward, not in a straight line, however, but zig-zagging from left to right, and right to left, as if with the intention of pinning the horseman into a corner. The terrific springs of the great beast, and his still more terrific cries, appeared to paralyse the horse, who stood immovable, nor was it till the savage animal had approached within a few yards of him, that at last he reared up straight, and then, as if overcome by terror, dashed oft' at speed, the bull following. The scene was now one of almost maddening excitement, for al- though the speed of the horse far exceeded that of his pursuer, the bull, by taking a small circle, was rapidly gaining on him, and, before the third circuit of the field was made, was actually almost side by side. Eoland saw all his danger ; he knew well that the slightest swerve, a " single mistake," would be fiital ; but he had been trained J^' EOLAND CASHEL. 73 to peril, and this was not the first time he had played for life and won. It was, then, just at the instant when the bull, narrowing his distance, was ready, by one bound, to drive his horns into the horse's flank, that the youth suddenly reined up, and, throwing the horse nearly on his haunches, suffered his pursuer to shoot ahead. The same instant, at least so it seemed, he rose in his stirrups, and winding the rope three or four times above his head, hurled it forth. Away went the floating coils through the air, and with a sharp snap they caught the animal's fore-legs in their fast embrace. Maddened by the restraint, he plunged forward, but ere he gained the ground, a dexterous pull of the lasso jerked the legs backwards, and the huge beast fell flounder- ing to the earth. The stunning force seemed enough to have extin- guished life, and he lay indeed motionless for a few seconds, when, by a mighty effort, he strove to burst his bonds. Eoland, meanwhile, after a severe struggle to induce his horse to approach, abandoning the eff'ort, sprang to the ground, and by three or foior adroit turns of the lasso over the head and between the horns, completely fettered him, and at each fresh struggle passing new tmms of tlie rope, he so bound liim that the creature lay panting and powerless, his quivering sides and distended nostrils breathing the deep rage that possessed him. " Ah ! Mosquito mio" — the Toridor's usual pet name for a young buR — "you were an easy victory after all, though I believe with a little more practice of the game I should only get off" second best." Tiiere was, if we must confess it, a certain little bit of boastfulness in the speech, the truth being, that the struggle, though brief, had been a sharp one, and so Cashel's air and look bespoke it, as he led his horse out of the paddock. It would be a somewhat nice point — happily, it is not requisite to decide it — whether Eoland was more flattered by the enthusiastic praise of the elder sister, or touched by the silent, but eloquent, look with which Olivia received ])im. "What a splendid sight, what a noble achievement!" said Miss Kenny feck ; " how I thank you for thus giving me, as it were, a peep into Spain, and letting me feel the glorious enthusiasm a deed of heroism can inspire !" '• Are you certain you are not hurt ?" whispered Olivia ; *' the creature's horns certainly grazed you. Oh dear ! how terrible it was at one moment." " Are you going to leave him in his toils ?" said Miss Kennyfeck. " Oh, certainly," replied Cashel, laughing ; " I commit the pleasant office of liberating him to other hands." And so saying, he carelessly mounted his horse, while they pressed him with a hundred questions and inquiries about the late combat. " I shall be amused to hear the reports that will be current to- 74 EOLAISD CASHEL. morrow," said Miss Kennyfeck, " about this aflair. I'm certain the truth will be the last to ooze out. My groom says that the creature belongs to the Lord- Lieutenant, and if so, there will be no end to the stories." Cashel did not seem as much impressed as the sisters expected at this announcement, nor at all aware that he had been constructively afirontiug the Vice-Majesty of the land, and so he chatted away in pleasant indiiference while they continued their ride towards home. CHAPTER X. How kindness all its spirit lends, When we discuss our dearest friends, Not meanly faults and follies hiding. But frankly owning each backsliding, Confessing with polite compassion, " They're very had, but still the fashion." The Mode. The Kennyfecks were without strangers that day, and Cashel, who was now, as it were by unanimous election, received into the bosom of the family, enjoyed for the first time in his life a peep into the science of dinner-giving, in the discussions occasioned by the approach- ing banquet. No sooner were they assembled around the drawing-room fire, than Mrs. Kennyfeck, whose whole soul was occupied by the one event, took occasion, as it were by pure accident, to remember that they " were to have some people to-morrow." Now, the easy non- chalance of the reminiscence and the shortness of the invitation would seem to imply that it was merely one of those slight deviations from daily routine which adds two or three guests to the family table, and so, indeed, did it impress Cashel, who little knew that the dinner in question had been devised, planned, and arranged full three weeks before, and the company packed with a degree of care and selection that evinced all the importance of the event. Time was when the Irish capital enjoyed, and justly, the highest reputation for all that constitutes social success, when around the dinner-tables of the city were met men of the highest order of intel- ligence, men pleased to exercise, without effort or display, all the charm of wit and eloquence, and to make society a brilliant reunion of those gifts which, in the wider sphere of active life, won fame and honours. As the race of these bright conversers died out — for, alas! they belonged to a past era — their places were assumed by others of very dissimilar tastes. Many educated at English universities brought ROLAND CASHEL. 75 back with them to Ireland the more reserved and cautious demeanour of the other country, and thus, if not by their influence, by their mere presence, threw a degree of constraint over the tone of society, which, in destroying its freedom, despoiled it of all its charm. Fashion, that idol of an Englishman's heart, soon became an Irish deity too, and it now grew the " ton" to be English, or at least what was supposed to be such, in dress and manner, in hours, accent, and demeanour. The attempt was never successful ; the reserve and placidity which sit with gracefulness on the high-bred Englishman, was a stiff, uncourteous manner in the more cordial and volatile Irish- man. His own demeanour was a tree that would not bear grafting, and the fruit lost all its raciness by the admixture. The English officials at the Castle, the little staff of a Commander of the Forces, the 'newly-made Bishop fresh from Oxford, even the officers of the last arrived dragoon regiment, became, by right of "accent," the types of manner and breeding in circles where, in the actual enjoyment of social qualities, they were manifestly beneath those over whom they held sway ; however, they were stamped at the great metropolitan mint, and the competitors were deemed a mere depreciated currency, which a few years more would cancel for ever. Mrs. Kennyfeck, as a fashionable dinner-giver, of course selected her company from this more choice section ; a fact which deserves to be recorded, to the credit of her hospitality ; for it was a very rare occurrence, indeed, when she found herself invited by any of those distinguished personages who figured the oftenest at her own table. They thought, perhaps justly, that their condescension was sufficiently great to demand no further acknowledgment ; and that, as virtue is said to be its own reward, theirs was abundantly exhibited in the frankness with which they ate Kennyfeck' s venison and drank his Burgundy, both of which were excellent. Every one dined there, because they knew " they'd meet every one." A pretender in the world of fashion, unlike a pretender to monarchy, is sure to have the best company in his salon ; and so, although you might have met many at the tables of the first men of the country, who were there by virtue of their talents or abilities, at Kennyfeck's the company was sure to be " select." They could not afford dilution, lest they should find themselves at ease ! " Olivia, pray take that newspaper from Mr. Kennyfeck, and let us hear who he has asked to dinner to-morrow," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, gracefully imitating an attitude of Lady Londonderry in the " Book of Beauty." Mr. Kennyfeck heard the request, and started ; his surprise had not been greater if the Chancellor had addressed him as " Tom." It was the first time in his life that an allusion had ever been made to 76 KOLA.ND CASHEL. the bare possibility of his iD.viting the companv of a grand dinner— a prerogative he had never so much as dreamt of— and now he actually heard his wife refer to him, as if he were even a party to the deed. " Invite ! Mrs. Kennyfeck. I'm sure I never thought " " No matter what you thought," said his spouse, reddening at his stupidity. " I wanted to remember who are coming, that we may let Mr. Cashel learn something of our Dublin folk." "Here's a list. Mamma," said Olivia; "and I believe there are no apologies. Shall I read it ?" " Do so, child," said she, but evidently out of humour that the de- lightful little display of indifference and ignorance should not have succeeded better. " Sir Andrew and Lady Janet Macrarline, of course !" cried Miss Kennyfeck; "ain't they first?" • " They are," replied her sister. " Sir Andrew, Mr. Cashel," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, " is a very distin- guished officer, a K.C.B., and something else besides. He was in all the Duke's battles in Spain ; a most gallant officer, but a little rough in manner — Scotch, you know. Lady Janet was sister to Lord "What is that Lord, Caroline? I always forget." " Dumkeeran, Mamma." " Tes, that's it. She's a charming person, but very proud ; very proud indeed — will not visit with the Dublin people ; with us, I must say, I have never seen anything like her kindness ; we are absolutely like sisters. Go on, Olivia." " Lord Charles Trobisher." " And the Honourable Elliot St. Jolm," chimed in her sister ; " Damon and Pythias, where a dinner is concerned." This was said in a whisper. "They are the Aides-de-camp to the Lord-Lieutenant. Lord Charles is younger brother to the Duke of Derweut ; quite the man of fashion, and so amusing ! Oh, he's delightful!" " Charming !" dueted the two sisters. " Mr. St. John is a very nice person, too ; but one never knows him like Lord Charles ; he is more reserved. Olivia, however, says he has a great deal in him." " Oh, Mamma ! I'm sure I don't know ; I only thought him much more conversable than he gets credit for." " "Well, I meant no more," said lier mother, who did not fancy the gathering gloom on Cashel's face at this allusion ; " read on again, child." " Lord Chief Justice Malone." " Oh, Mr. Kennyfeck," said she, playfully, " this is your doing ; I suspected, from your confusion a while ago, Avhat you were at." Tlien, KOLAIfB CASHEL. 77 turning to Eoland, she said : " He is always playing us this trick, Mr. Cashel ; whenever we have a few friends together, he will insist upon inviting some of his old bar cronies !" A deep groan from Mr. Iveunyfeck at the terrible profanity of thus styling the chief of the Common Pleas, made every one start ; but even this, like a skilful tactician, Mrs. Kennyfeck turned to her own advantage. " Pray don't sigli that way. He is a most excellent person, a great lawyer, and, they say, must eventually have the peerage." She nodded to Olivia to proceed, who read on. " The Attorney- Greneral and Mrs. Knivett." " Oh, really, Mr. Kennyfeck, this is pushing prerogative ; don't you think so, Mr. Cashel ? Not but you know the Attorney-General is a great personage in this poor country ; he is member for — where is it?" " Baldoyle, Mamma." " Yes, Member for Baldoyle ; and she was a Miss Gamett, of Eed Gamett, in Antrim ; a most respectable connexion ; so I think we may forgive him. Yes, Mr. Kennyfeck, you are, at least, reprieved." " Here come the "Whites, Mamma. I suppose we may reckon on both, though she, as usual, sends her hopes and fears about being with us at dinner, but will be delighted to come in the evening." " That apology is stereotyped," broke in Miss Kennyfeck, "as well as the little simpering speecb she makes on entering the drawing- room : ' So you see, my dear Mrs. Kennyfeck, there is no resisting you. Colonel "White assured me that your pleasant dinners always set him up for a month — he, he, he.' " If Cashel had not laughed heartily at the lisping imitation, it is possible Mrs. Kennyfeck might have been displeased, but as the quiz " took," she showed no umbrage whatever. " The Honourable Downie Meek, Under Secretary of State," read Olivia, with a little more of emphasis than on the last-mentioned names. " A person you'll be charmed with, Mr. Cashel — so highly in- formed, so well bred, so perfectly habituated to move in the very highest circles," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, giving herself, as she spoke, certain graces of gesture, which she deemed illustrative of distin- guished fashion. " A cucumber dressed in oil," whispered Miss Kennyfeck, who showed more than once a degree of impatience at these eulogistic de- scriptions. " The Dean of Drumcondera, your great favourite. Mamma." " So he is, my dear. Now, Mr. Cashel, I shall insist upon you liking my Dean. I call him my Dean, because one day last spring " 78 EOLA.ND CASHEL. " Mrs. Biles wants to speak to you, Ma'am, for a minute," said the butler, from behind the chair; and, although the interruption was anything but pleasant, yet the summons must be obeyed, for Mrs, Biles was the housekeeper, and any approach to treating her with indifference or contempt on the eve of a great dinner would be about as impolitic as insulting a general who was about to command in a great battle ; so that Mrs. Kennyfeck rose to comply, not even venturing a word of complaint, lest the formidable functionary should hear of it, and take her revenge on the made dishes. " Now for the Dean. Is Mamma out of hearinc: ?" said Miss Kennyfeck, who rejoiced at the casual opportunity of a little portrait- painting in a different style. " Conceive a tall, pompous man, with large white features, and a high bald head with a conical top ; a sharp, clear, but unpleasant voice, always uttering grave nonsense, or sublime absurdity. He was a brilliant light at Oxford, and came over to illumine our darkness, and if pedantry could only supply the deficiency in the potato crop, he would be a providence to the land. His affectation is to know everything, from chuck-farthing to conic sections, and so to diffuse his information as always to talk science to young ladies, and discuss the royal game of goose with Lords of the Treasury. His failures in these attempts at Admirable Crichtonism, would abasli even confidence great as his, but that he is surrounded by a little staff of admirers, who fend off the sneers of the audience, and, like buffers, they break the rude shocks of worldly collision. Socially, he is the tyrant of this capital ; from having learning enough to be more than a match for those he encounters, and skill enough to give his paradoxes a mock air of authority, he usurps a degree of dic- tation and rule that makes society mere slavery. You'll meet him to- morrow evening, and you'll see if he does not know more of Mexico and Savannah life than you do. Take care, I say, that you venture not into the wilds of the Pampas, for you'll have his companionship, not as fellow-traveller, but as guide and instructor. As for myself, whenever I read in the papers of meetings to petition Parliament to repeal this, or redress that, in the name of ' Justice to Ireland,' I ask, why does nobody pray for the recal of the Dean of Drumcondera ?" " Here's Mamma," whispered Olivia, as the drawing-room door opened. " We've done the Dean, Mamma," said Miss Kennyfeck, with calm composure. " "Well, don't you feel that you love him already ? Mr. Cashel, confess that you participate in all my raptures. Oli dear ! I do so admire talent and genius," exclaimed Mrs. Kennyfeck, theatrically. Cashel smiled, and muttered something unintelligible ; and Olivia read on, but with a rapidity that showed the names required no EOLAND OASHEL. 79 special notice. "The Craiifurds, the Smythes, Mrs. Felix Brown, Lady Ernmeline Grrove." " Oh, that dear Lady Ernmeline ! a most gifted creature ; slie's the authoress of some sweet poems. She wrote that touching sonnet in the ' Nobility's Gallery of Loveliness,' beginning, ' Twin Sister of the Evening Star.' — I'm sure you know it." " I'm unfortunate enough never to have seen it," said Cashel. " Well, you shall see the writer to-morrow evening ; I must really take care that you are acquainted. People will tell you that she is affected, and takes airs of authorship ; but remember her literary suc- cess — think of her contributions to the Court Journal.''^ " Those sweet flatteries of the nobility tbat Linton calls court- plaister. Mamma," said Miss Kennyfeck, laughing maliciously. " Linton is very abusive," said her mother, tartly ; " he never has a good word for any one." " He used to be a pet of yours, Mamma," insinuated Olivia. " So he was till he became so intimate with those atrocious Eother- giUs." " Who is he ?" said Cashel. " He's a son of a Sir Greorge Linton." " That's one story. Mamma ; but as nobody ever saw the aforesaid Sir George, the presumption is it may be incorrect. The last version is that he was found, like Moses, the discoverer being Lady Harriet Dropmore, who, with a humanity never to be forgotten — or forgiven," whispered Olivia, " for she has been often tamited with it — took care of the creature, and had it reared — nay, better again, she sent it to Eugby and to Cambridge, got it into Parliament for Elmwood, and has now made it Master of the Horse in Ireland." " He is the most sarcastic person I ever met." " It is such an easy talent," said Miss Kennyfeck ; "the worst of wine makes capital vinegar." " Then here follow a set of soldier people," said Olivia ; " Hussars and Queen's Bays, and a Captain Tanker of the Eoyal Navy — oh, I remember, he has but one arm — and then the Pelertons and the Cuffes." " Well, are we at the end of our muster-roll ?" " Tes, we have nearly reached the dregs of the cup. I see Mr. Knox Softly, and the Townleys !" " Oh, the Townleys ! Poor Mrs. Townley, with her yellow turban and red feathers, that Lord Dunbrock mistook for a vol-movent gar- nished with shrimps." " Caroline t" cried Mrs. Kennyfeck, reprovingly, for her daughter's sallies had more than once verged upon the exhaustion of her pa- tience. 80 EOLAND CASHEL. " We shall not weary you with any description of the ' refreshers,' Mr. Cashel." " Pray who and what are they ?" inquired Cashel. " The ' refreshers' are that amiable but undervalued class in society who are always asked for the evening when the other members of the family are invited to dine. They are the young lady and young gen- tleman class ; the household with ten daughters, and a governess that sings like, anything but, Persiani. They are briefless barristers, with smart whiskers ; and young men reading for the Church, with mous- taches ; infantry officers, old maids, fellows of college, and the gentle- man who tells Irish stories." " Caroline, I really must request " " But, Mamma, Mr. Casliel surely ought to learn the map of the country he is to live in." " I am delighted to acquire my geography so pleasantly," cried Cashel. " Pray go on." " I am bound over," said she, smiling ; " Mamma is looking pen- knives at me, so I suppose I must stop. But as to these same ' re- freshers,' you will easilj'' distinguish tliem from the dinner company. The young ladies are always fresher in their white muslin ; they walk about in gangs, and eat a prodigious deal of bread-and-butter at tea. Well, I have done. Mamma, though I'm sure I was not aware of my transgressions." " I declare Mr. Kennyfeck is asleep again. — Mr. Kennyfeck, have the goodness to wake up and say who is to make the whist-table for Lady Blennerbore." " Yes, my Lord," said Mr. Kennyfeck, waking up and rubbing his eyes, " we'll take a verdict for the plaintiff, leaving the points re- served." A very general laugh here recalled him to himself, as with extreme confusion he continued, " I was so fatigued in the Eolls to-day. It was an argument relative to a trust, Mr. Cashel, which it is of great moment you should be relieved of." " Oh, never trouble your head about it now, Sir," said Cashel, good naturedly. " I am quite grieved at the weariness and fatigue my affairs are costing you." " I was asking about Lady Blennerbore's whist," interposed Mrs. Kennyfeck. " Who have you for her party besides the Chief Jus- tice ?" " Major M'Cartney says he can't aff"ord it, Mamma," said the eldest daughter, slyly. " She is so very lucky with the honours !" " Where is Thorpe," cried Mrs. Kennyfeck, not deigning to notice this speech — "he used to like his rubber ?" " He told me," said Miss Kennyfeck, " that he wouldn't play with EOLAND CASHEL. 81 her Ladyship any more ; that one had some chance formerly, but that since she has had that touch of the palsy, she does what she likes with the Kings and Aces." " This is atrocious ; never let me hear it again," said the Mamma, indignantly; "at all events, old Mr. Moore Hacket will do." " Poor old man, he is so blind that he has to thumb the cards aU over to try and know them by the feel, and then he always washes the King and Queen's faces with a snuffy handkerchief, so that the others are sneezing at every trick they play." " Caroline, you permit yourself to take the most improper free- doms ; I desire that we may have no more of this." " I rather like old Mr. Hacket," said the incorrigible assailant ; " he mistook Mr. Pottinger's bald and polished head for a silver salver, and laid his teacup on it, the last evening he was here." If Cashel could not help smiling at Miss Kennyfeck's sallies, he felt it was in rather a strange spirit of hospitality the approacliing entertainment was given, since few of the guests were spared the most slighting sarcasms, and scarcely for any was there professed the least friendship or affection. He was, however, very new to "the world," and the strange understanding on which its daily intercourse, its social life of dinners, visits, and dejeuners subsists, was perfectly unknown to him. He had much to learn ; but as his nature was of an inquiring character, he was as equal as he was well inclined to its task. It was then, with less enjoyment of the scene for its absur- dity, than actually as an occasion to acquire knowledge of people and modes of living hitherto unknown, he listened gravely to the present discussion, and sat with attentive ears to hear who was to take ill Lady Janet, and whether Sir Archy should precede the Chief Justice or not ; if a Dragoon Colonel should take the pas of an At- torney-General, and whether it made the same difference in an indi- vidual's rank that it did, in his comfort, that he was on the half-pay list. When real rank is concerned, few things are easier than the arrangement of such details; the rules are simple, the exceptions few, if any ; but in a society where the distinctions are inappreciable, where the designations are purely professional, an algebraic equation is simpler of solution than such difficulties. Then came a very animated debate as to the places at table, wherein lay the extreme difficulty of having every one away from the fire and nobody in a draught, except of course those little valued guests who really appeared to play the ignoble part of mortar in a great edifice, being merely the cohesive ingredient that averted friction between more important materials. Next came the oft-disputed question as to whether the champagne should be served with the petits fates, after the fish, or at a remote stage of the second course, the young VOL. r. G S2 EOLAND CASHEL. ladies being eager advocates of the former, Mrs. Kennyfeck as firmly denouncing the practice as a new-fangled thing, that " the Dean " himself said he had never seen at Christchurch ; but the really great debate arose on a still more knotty point, and one on which it ap- peared the family had brought in various bills, withovit ever discover- ing the real remedy : it was by what means — of course, moral force jneans — it were possible to induce old Lady Blennerbore to rise from table whenever Mrs. Kennyfeck had decreed that move to be ne- cessary. It was really moving to listen to Mrs. Kennyfeck's narratives of signals unnoticed and signs unattended to ; that even on the very last day her Ladyship had dined there, Mrs. Kennyfeck had done little else for three-quarters of an hour than half stand and sit down again, to the misery of herself and the discomfort of her neighbours. " Poor dear old thing," said Olivia, " she is so very near-sighted." " Not a bit of it," said her sister ; " don't tell me of bad sight that can distinguish the decanter of port from the claret, which I have Been her do some half-dozen times without one blunder." " I'd certainly stop the supplies," said Cashel ; " wouldn't that do ?" " Impossible !" said Miss Kennyfeck ; " you couldn't starve the whole garrison for one refractory subject." " Mr. Linton's plan was a perfect failure, too," said Mrs. Kenny- feck. " He thought by the introduction of some topic ladies do not usually discuss, that she would certainly withdraw ; on the contrary, her Ladyship called out to me, ' I see your impatience, my dear, but I must hear the end of this naughty story.' We tried the French plan, too, and made the gentlemen rise with us ; but reaUy they were so rude and ill-tempered the entire evening after, I'll never venture on it again." Ilere the whole party sighed and were silent, as if the Avished-for mode of relief were as distant as ever. " Must we really ask those Claridge girls to sing, Mamma ?" said , Miss Kennyfeck, after a long pause. *' Of course you must. They were taught by Costa, and they are always asked wherever they go." " As a matter of curiosity, Mr. Cashel, the thing is worth hearing. Paganini's monochord was nothing to it, for they'll go through a whole scena of Donizetti with only one note on their voice. Oh dear ! how very tiresome it all is : tlie same little scene of pressings, and refusals, and entreaties, and rejections, and the oft-repeated dispute of the sisters between ' Notte divina' and ' Non vedro mai ' ending in that Tyrolese thing, which is on every organ in the streets, and has not the merit of tlie little shaved dog with the hat in his mouth, to make it droll. And then" — hei'e Miss Kennyfeck caught a side EOLAIfD CASHEL. 83 glance of a most rebuking frown on her mother's fa ce, so that adroitly addressing herself to Cashel, she seemed unaware of it — " and then when the singing is over, and those who detest music are taking their revenge by abusing the singers, and people are endeavouring to patch up the interrupted chattings— then, I suppose, we are, quite suddenly, without the slightest premeditation, to suggest a quadrille or carpet- dance. This is to be proposed as a most new and original idea that never occurred to any one before, and is certain to be hailed with a warm enthusiasm : all the young ladies smiling and smirking, and the gentlemen fumbling for their soiled kid gloves— clean ones would destroy the merit of the impromptu." " I'm certain Mr. Cashel's impression of our society here will scarcely be flattering, from what he has heard this evening," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, rising. " He'll see with his own eyes to-morrow night," said Miss Kenny- feck, coolly. " Will you favour me with a little of your time in the morning ?" said Mr. Kennyfeck to Cashel. " I find that I cannot avoid troubling you ; there are s everal documents for signature, and if you could de- vote an hour, or, if possible, two " " I am perfectly atyoiu? orders," said Cashel; "the ladies say that they will not ride, and therefore dispose of me as you like." A hearty good night followed, and the party broke up. CHAPTEE XI. " Geld kann vieles in der Welt."— Wienek Lied. (Money can do much in this world.) Whe^ Cashel descended the stairs to breakfast, he took a peep into the draA\-ing-room as he went, some slight hope of seeing Olivia, per- haps, suggesting the step. He was disappointed, however ; except a sen^ant arranging candles in tlie lustres, the room was empty. The same fate awaited him in the breakfast-room, where a small table, most significantly laid for two, showed that a tete-a-tete with his host was in store for him. Xo wonder, then, if Mr. Kennyfeck saw some- thing of impatience in the air of his young guest, whose eyes turned to the door each time it opened, or were as hastily directed to the garden at each stir without— evident signs of thoughts dii-ected in channels different from the worthy solicitor's. Confess, my dear reader— if you be of the sex to judge of these matters— confess it is excessively provoking, when you have prepared your mind, sharpened your wit— perhaps, too, curled your whiskers g2 84 ROLAND CASHEL, — witli a latent hope that you are to meet and converse witli two very handsome aad sprightly girls, that the interview is converted into a scene with " Papa." For ourselves, who acknowledge to have a kind of Catholicism in these affairs, who like the dear creatures in all the flaunting dash of a riding-hat and habit, cantering away of a breezy day, with laughing voice and half-uncurled hair ; who delight to see them lounging in a britschka or lolling in a phaeton ; who gaze wdtli rapture on charms heightened by the blaze of full-dress, and splendid in all the brilliancy of jewels and flowers ; we own that we have a kind of fondness, almost amounting to a preference, to the prim coquettishness of a morning-dress — some light muslin thing, floating and gauzy — showing the figure to perfection, and in its sim- plicity suiting well the two braids of hair so innocently banded on the cheeks. There is something of conscious power in the quiet garb, a sense of trustfulness ; it is like the warrior advancing without his weapons to a conference that is exceedingly pleasing, seeming to say, You see that I am not a being of tulle, and gauze, and point de Bruxelles, of white satin,'and turquoise, and pink camellias, but a crea- ture whose duties may be in the daily round of life, meant to sit, be- side, on a grassy slope as much as on a velvet ottoman, to talk with, as well as flirt with. We have no means of knowing if Cashel was of our mind, and whether these demi-toilette visions w^ere as suggestive to his as they are to our imagination, but that he bore his disappointment with a very bad grace we can perfectly answer for, and showed, by his dis- tracted manner and inattentive air, that the Papa's companionship was a very poor substitute for the daughters'. It must be owned, too, that Mr. Kennyfeck was scarcely a brilliant eonverser, nor, had he been so, was the matter under consideration of a kind to develop and display his abilities. The worthy solicitor had often promised himself the pleasure he now enjoyed of recounting the whole story of the law proceedings. It was the great event of his own life, " his Waterloo," and he dwelt on every detail with a prosy dalliance that was death to the listener. Legal subtleties, shrewd and cunning devices of crafty counsellors, all the artful dodges of the profession, Cashel heard with a scornful indifference or a down- right apath^r, and it demanded all Mr. Kennyfeck's own enthusiasm in the case to make him persist in a narrative so uninteresting to its only auditor. " I fear I weary you, Mr. Cashel," said the solicitor, " with these details, but I really supposed that you must feel desirous of knowing not only the exact circumstances of your estate, but of learning the very singular history by which your claim was substantiated." " If I am to be frank," said Cashel, boldly, " I must tell you that EOLAXD CASHEL. 85 these things possess not the slightest interest for me. "When I was a gambler — which, unfortunately, I was at one time — whether I won or lost, I never could endure to discuss the game after it was over. So long as there was a goal to reach, few men could feel more ardour in the pursuit. I believe I have the passion for success as strong as my neighbours, but, the struggle over, the prize won, whether hj myself or another, it mattered not, it ceased to have any hold upon me. I could address myself to a new contest, but never look back on the old one." '•' So that," said Kenny feck, drawing a long breath to conceal a sigh, " I am to conclude that this is a topic you would not desire to renew. "Well, I yield, of course ; only pray how am I to obtain your opinion on questions concerning your property ?" " My opinions," said Cashel, " must be mere arbitrary decisions, <;ome to without any knowledge ; that you are well aware of I know nothing of this country — neither its interests, its feelings, nor its iastes. I know just as little of what wealth will do, and what it will not do. Tell me, therefore, in a few words, what other men, situated ■as I am, would pursue, what habits they would adopt, how live, and with whom. If I can conform, without any great sacrifice of per- sonal freedom, I'll do so, because I know of no slavery so bad as notoriety. Just then give me your counsel, and I ask, intending to follow it." Few men were less able than Mr. Kennyfeck to offer a valuable ■opinion on these difficult subjects, but the daily routine of his profes- 'Sional life had made him acquainted with a certain detail that seemed, •to himself at least, an undeviating rule of procedure. He knew that, to the heir of a large estate coming of age, a wife and a seat in Parliament were the two first objects. He had so often been engaged 'in drawing up settlements for the one and raising money for the -other contingency, that they became as associated in his mind with -one-and-twenty years of age as though intended by Nature to de- note it. "With some reserve, which we must not scrutinise, be began with the political object. " I suppose, Sir," said he, " you will desire to enter Parliament r" " I should like it," said Cashel, earnestly, " if a sense of inferiority ■would not weigh too heavily on me to compensate for the pleasure. With an education so neglected as mine, I should run the hazard of either unjustly depreciating my own judgment, or, what is worse, esteeming it at more than its worth. Now, though I suspect that the interest of politics would have a great attraction for me, I should always occupy too humble a station regarding them, to make that interest a higli one. Omit Parliament, then, and what next ?" 86 EOLAND CASHEL. " The duties of a country gentleman are various and important — the management of your estates " " This I must leave in your hands," said Cashel, abruptly. " Sug-. gest something else..", " "Well, of course, these come in a far less important category ; but the style of your living, the maintenance of a house befitting your rank and property, the reception of your country neighbours — all these are duties." " I am very ignorant of forms," said Cashel, haughtily ; " but I opine that if a man spare no money, with a good cook, a good cellar, a good stable, and ' carte hlanche' from the owner to make free with everything, these duties are not very difficult to perform." Had ]\Ir. Kennyfeck known more of such matters, he might have told him that something was still wanting — that something which can throw its perfume of good-breeding and elegance over the humble dinner-party in a cottage, and yet be absent from the gorgeous splen- dour of a banquet in a palace. Mr. Kennyfeck did not know this, so he accorded his fullest assent to Cashel's opinion. " "What comes next ?" said Eoland, impatiently, " for as I am neither politician nor country gentleman, nor can I make a pursuit of mere hospitality, I really do not see what career is open to me." Mr. Kennyfeck had been on the eve of introducing the topic of marriage, when this sally suddenly routed the attempt. The man who saw nothing to occupy him in politics, property, or social inter- course, would scarcely deem a wife an all-sufficient ambition. Mr. Kennyfeck was posed. " I see, Sir, your task is a hard one ; it is no less than to try and conform my savage tastes and habits to civilised usages — a difficult thing, I am certain ; however, I promise compliance with any ritual for a while. I have often been told that the possession of fortune in these countries imposes more restraints in the shape of duties, than does poverty elsewhere. Let me try the problem for myself Now, dictate, and I obey." " After all," said ]\Ir. Kennyfeck, taking courage, '' few men would deem it a hard condition in which to^find themselves — master of above 1G,000Z. a year, to enter Parliament, to keep a good house, and marry — as every person in your circumstances may — the person of his choice." " Oh ! Is matrimony another article of the code ?" said Cashel, smiling. " "Well, that is the greatest feature, because the others are things to abandon, if not found to suit your temper or inclination — but a wife — that does look somewhat more permanent. ISTo matter, I'll adventure all and everything — of course depending on your guidance for the path." KOIi^ND CASHEL. 87 Mr. Kennyfeck was too happy at these signs of confidence to neg- lect an opportunity for strengthening the ties, and commenced a very prudent harangue upon the necessity of Cashel's using great caution in his first steps, and not committing himself by anything like po- litical pledges, till he had firmly decided which side to adopt. " As to society," said he, " of course you will select those who please you most for your intimates ; but in politics there are many considera- tions very different from mere liking. Be only guarded, , however, in the beginning, and you risk nothing by waiting." " And as to the other count in the indictment," said Cashel, inter- •rupting a rather prosy dissertation about political parties — " as to the other count — Matrimony I mean. I conclude, as the world is so exceedingly kind as to take a profound interest in all the sayings and doings of a man with money, that perhaps it is not indiiferent regard- ing so eventful a step as his Marriage. Now, pray, Mr. Kennyfeck, having entered Parliament, kept open house, hunted, shot, raced, dined, gambled, duelled, and the rest, to please society, how must I satisfy its exigencies in this last particular ? I mean-, is there any peculiar style of lady — tall, short, brunette or fair, dark-eyed or blue- eyed, or what, in short, is the person I must marry if I woidd avoid transgressing any of those formidable rules which seem to regulate every action of your lives, and, if I may believe Mr. Phillis, superin- tend the very colour of your cravat and the shape of your hat ?" " Oh, believe me," replied Mr. Kennyfeck, with a bland persuasive- ness, " fashion is only exigeant in small matters ; the really moment- ous affairs of life are always at a man's own disposal. Whoever is fortunate enough to be Mr. Cashel's choice, becomes, by the fact, as elevated above envious criticisms, as she will be above the sphere where they alone prevail." " So far that is very flattering. "Now for another point. There is an old shipmate of mine — a young Spanish officer — who has lived rather a rakish kind of life. I'm not quite sure he has not had a brush or two with our flag, for he dealt a little in ebony — you under- stand — the slave-trade, I mean. How wovild these fine gentlemen, I should like to know, receive him ? Would they look coldly and dis- tantly at him ? I should naturally wish to see him at my house, but not that he might be offered anything like slight or insult." ''- " I should defer it, certainly. I would recommend you not press- ing this visit, till you have surrounded yourself with a certain set, a party by whom you will be known and upheld." " So then, if I understand you aright, I must obtain a kind of security for my social good conduct before the world will trust me ? Now, this does seem rather hard, particularly as no man is guilty till he has been convicted." 88 EOLA.ND CASHEL. " The bail-bond is little else tlian a matter of form," said Mr. Kennyfeck, smiling, and glad to cap an allusion wbicb bis profes- sional pursuits made easy of comprehension. "Well!" sighed Cashel, "I'm not quite certain that this same world of yours and I shall be long friends, if even we begin as such. I have all my life been somewhat of a rebel, except where authority was lax enough to make resistance unnecessary. How am I to get on here, hemmed in and fenced by a hundred restrictions ?" Mr. Kennyfeck could not explain to him that these barriers were less restrictions against personal liberty than defences against ag- gression ; so he only murmured some common-places about " getting habituated," and " time," and so on, and apologised for what he, in reality, might have expatiated on as privileges. " My mistress wishes to know, Sir," said a footman, at this junc- ture, " if Mr. Cashel will drive out with her ? the carriage is at the door." " Delighted !" cried Cashel, looking at the same time mostuncour- teously pleased to get away from his tiresome companion. Cashel found Mrs. Kennyfeck and her daughters seated in a hand- some barouche, whose appointments, bating, perhaps, some little exuberance in display, were all perfect. The ladies, too, were most becomingly attired, and the transition from the little cobwebbed den of tlie solicitor to the free air and pleasant companionship, excited his spirits to the utmost. " How bored you must have been by that interview !" said Mrs. Kennyfeck, as they drove away. " Why do you say so ?" said Cashel, smiling. " You looked so weary, so thoroughly tired out, when you joined us. I'm certain Mr. Kennyfeck has been reading aloud all the deeds and documents of the trial, and reciting the hundred-and-one diffi- culties which his surpassing acuteness, poor dear man ! could alone overcome." " No, indeed you wrong him," said Eoland, witli a laugh ; " lie scarcely alluded to what he might have reasonably dwelt upon with pride, and what demands all my gratitude. He was rather giving me, what I so much stand in need of, a little lecture on my duties and devoirs as a possessor of fortune ; a code, I shame to confess, perfectly strange to me." A very significant glance from Mrs. Kennyfeck towards the girls revealed the full measure of her contempt for the hardihood of poor Mr. Kennyfeck's daring, but quickly assuming a smile, she said, " And are we to be permitted to hear what these excellent counsels were, or are these what the Admiralty calls ' secret instructions ?' " " Not in the least. Mr. Kennyfeck sees plainly enough — it is but EOLAND CASHEL. 89 too palpable — that I am as ignorant of this new world as he himself would be, if dropped down suddenly in an Indian encampment, and that as the thing I detest most in this life is any unnecessary noto- riety, I want to do, as far as in me lies, like my neighbours. I own to you, that the little sketcli with which lie favoured me is not too fascinating, but he assures me that with time, and patience, and zeal, I'll get over my difficulties, and make a very tolerable country gen- tleman." " But, my dear Mr. Cashel," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, with a great emphasis on the epithet, " why do you think of listening to Mr. Ken- nyfeck on such a subject ? Poor man, he takes all his notions of men and manners from the Exchequer and Common Pleas." " Papa's models are all in horse-hair wigs — fat mummies in ermine!" said Miss Kennyfeck. " "When Mr. Cashel knows Lord Charles," said Olivia. " Or Mr. Linton " " Or the Dean," broke in Mrs. Kennyfeck ; " for although a Church- man, his information on every subject is boundless." Miss Kennyfeck gave a sly look towards Cashel, which very pro- bably entered a dissent to her Mamma's opinion. " If I were you," resumed she, tenderly, " I know what I should do ; coolly rejecting all their counsels, I should fashion my life as it pleased myself to live, well assured that in following my bent, I should find plenty of people only too happy to lend me their compa- nionship. Just reflect, for a moment, how very agreeable you can make your house, without in the least compromising any taste or in- clination of your own ; without, in fact, occupying your mind on the subject." *' But the world," remarked Mrs. Kennyfeck, " must be cared for ! It would not do for one in Mr. Cashel's station to form his associates only among those whose agreeability is their recommendation." " Then let him know the Dean, Mummii," said Miss Kennyfeck, slyly- " Yes, my dear," rejoined Mrs. Kennyfeck, not detecting the sar- casm, " I cannot fancy one more capable of affording judicious counsel. You spoke about ordering plate, Mr. Cashel ; but of course you will apply to Storr and Mortimer. Everything is so much better in London ; otherwise, here we are at Leonard's." The carriage drove up, as she spoke, to the door of a very splendid- looking shop, where, in all the attractive display modern taste has invented, plate and jewellery glittered and dazzled. " It was part of Mr. Kennyfeck's counsel this morning," said Cashel, " that I should purchase anything I want in Ireland, so far, . at least, as practicable ; so, if you will aid me in choosing, we'll take the present opportunity." 90 EOLAND CA.SHEL. Mrs. Kennyfeck was overjoyed at the bare mention of sucli an occasion of display, and sailed into the shop with an air that spoke plain as words themselves, " I'm 'come to make your fortune." So palpable, indeed, was the manner of her approach, that the shopman hastily retired to seek the proprietor of the establishment — a little pompous man, with a bald head — who, having a great number of " bad debts" among his high clients, had taken to treating great folk with a very cool assumption of equality. " Mr. Cashel is come to look about some plate, Mr. Leonard. Let U3 see your book of drawiugs ; and have you those models you made for Lord Kelloraue?" "We have better. Ma'am," said Leonard. ""We have the plate itself. If you will step up-stairs. It is all laid out on the tables. The fact is" — here he dropped his voice — " his Lordsliip's marriage with Miss Fenchurch is broken off, and he will not want the plate, and we have his orders to sell it at once." " Aaid is that beautiful pony phaeton, with the two black Arabians, to be sold ?" asked Mrs. Kennyfeck, eagerly. " He only drove them once, I think." " Yes, Madam, everything : they are all to be auctioned at Dycer's to-day." "At what hour?" inquired Cashel. " At three, precisely. Sir." " Then it wants but five minutes of the time," said Cashel, looking at his watch. *' But the plate. Sir ? Such an opportunity may never occur again," broke in Leonard, fearful of seeing his customer depart unprofitably. " Oh, to be sure. Let us see it," said Cashel, as he handed Mrs. Kennyfeck up-stairs. * An exclamation of surprise and delight burst from the party at the magnificent display which greeted them on entering the room. How splendid — what taste — how very beautiful — so elegant — so massive — so chaste ! and fifty other encomiastic phrases. " Very fine, indeed, Ma'am," chimed in Leonard ; " cost fifteen and sevenpence an ounce throughout, and now to be sold for thirteen shillings." " What is the price ?" said Cashel, in a low whisper. " There are, if I remember right. Sir, but I'll ascertain in a mo- ment, eight thousand ounces." " I want to know the sum in one word," rejoined Cashel, hastily. " It will be something like three thousand seven hundred and " "Well, say three thousand seven hundred, it is mine." " These ice-pails are not included, Sir." " Well, send them also, and let me know the price. How handsome EOLAJS'D CASHEL. 91 that brooch is ! Let me see it on your velvet dress, Mrs. Kennyfeck. Yes, that really looks well. Pray let it remain there." " Oh, I could not think of such a thing ! It is far too costly. It is the most splendid " " You'll not refuse me, I hope, a first request. Madam," said he, with a half-offended air. Mrs. Kennyfeck, really overwhelmed by the splendour of the gift, complied with a reluctant shame. " These are the diamonds that were ordered for the bride," said Leonard, opening a jewel-casket, and exhibiting a most magnificent suite. " Oh, how sorry she must be !" cried Miss Kennyfeck, as she sur- veyed the glittering mass. " If she loved him," murmured Olivia, in a low whisper, as if to herself, but overheard by Cashel, who kept his eyes towards her with an expression of deep interest. " If the gentleman stood in need of such a set," said Leonard, " I am empowered to dispose of them at the actual cost. It is old Mr. Tenchurch who suffers all the loss, and he can very well afford it. As a wedding present, Sir " " But I am not going to be married, that I know of," said Cashel, smiling. " Perhaps not this week. Sir, or the next," rejoined the self-suffi- cient jeweller ; " but, of course, that time will come. Two thousand pounds for such a suite is positively getting them a present, to break them up and reset them." " How shocking !" cried Miss Kennyfeck. " Yes, Madam ; but what is to be done ? they only suit large fortunes in their present form ; these, unfortunately, are very rare with us." " A quarter past three !" exclaimed Cashel ; " we shall be too late." " And the diamonds, Sir ?" said Leonard, following him down stairs. " DoyoM think them so handsome?" said Cashel to Olivia, as she walked at his side. " Oh, they are most beautiful," replied she, with a bashful falling of her eyelids. " I'll take them also," whispered Cashel to Leonard, who, for per- haps the only time for years past, accompanied the party, bare-headed, to their carriage, and continued bowing till they drove away. " Dycer's," said Mrs. Kennyfeck ; " and as fast as you can." AVith all their speed they came too late. The beautiful equipage had been already disposed of, and was driving from the gate as they drew up. " How provoking !— how terribly provoking !" exclaimed Mrs. Ken- nyfeck. 92 EOLAND CASHEL. ^' I declare, I tliiuk them handsomer than ever," said Miss Kenny- feck, as she surveyed the two well-matched and highly-bred ponies. " Who bought them ?" asked Mrs. Kennyfeck. " I am the fortunate individual, or rather the unhappy one, who excites such warm regrets," said Mr. Linton, as he lounged on the door of the carriage. " I would I were Eothschdd, or his son, or his godson, to beg your acceptance of them." " What did you give for them, Mr. Linton ?" asked Mrs. Kennyfeck. " How unfair to ask ; and you, too, who understand these things so well." "I want to purchase them," said she, laughing; "that was ray reason." " To you, then, the price is what I have just paid — a hundred and fifty." " How cheap !" " Absolutely for nothing. I bought them on no other account. I really do not want such an equipage." " To be serious, then," resumed Mrs. Kennyfeck, " we came here with Mr. Cashel to purchase them, and just arrived a few minutes too late." " Quite early enough to allow of my being able to render you a slight service ; without, however, the satisfaction of its having de- manded any effort from me. Will you present me to Mr. Cashel ?" The gentlemen bowed and smiled, and Linton resumed. " If you care for the ponies, Mr. Cashel, I am delighted to say they are at your service. I really bought them, as 1 say, because they were going for nothing." Cashel did not know how to return the gene- rosity, but accepted the offer, trusting that time would open an occa- sion to repay the favour. " Shall I send them home to you, or will you drive them ?" " Will you venture to accompany me ?" said Cashel, turning to Olivia Kennyfeck ; who, seeing at once the impropriety of a pro- posal which Eoland's ignorance of the world alone could have com- mitted, was silent and confused. " Are you afraid, my dear ?" inquired Mrs. Kennyfeck, to show that all other objections might be waived. " Oh no, Mamma, if you are not." " The ponies are perfectly quiet," said Linton. " I'm certain nothing will happen," said Miss Kennyfeck, with a most significant glance at her sister. " Take care of her, Mr. Cashel," said the Mamma, asEoland handed the blushing girl to her place. " I haA'e never trusted her in any one's charge before, and if I had not such implicit confidence " Before the sentence was finished, the ponies sprang forward in a ti'ot, the equipage ia a moment fled and disappeared from view. EOLAND CASHEL, 03 "A fine young fellow he seems to be," said Linton, as he raised his hat in adieu; "and so frank, too!" There was a something in his smile that looked too intelligent, but Mrs. Kennyfeck affected not to notice it, as she said " Good-by." CHAPTEE XII. There were lords and ladies — I saw myself — A duke with his Garter, a kniglit with his Guelph, " Orders" — as bright as the eye could see, The " Golden Fleece," and the " Saint Esprit;" Black Eagles, and Lions, and even a Lamb, Such an odd-looking thing from the great " Nizam;" Shamrocks and Thistles there were in a heap, And the Legion of Honour from " Louis Philippe," So I asked myself — Does it not seem queer. What can bring this goodly company here? Mrs. Thorpe's Fete at Twickenham. Although Mrs. Kennyfeck's company were invited for seven o'clock, it was already something more than half-past ere the first guest made his appearance, and he found himself alone in the dra'w- ing-room ; Mrs. Kennyfeck, who was a very shrewd observer of every- thing in high life, having remembered, that it twice occurred to her- self and Mr. K. to have arrived the first at the Secretary's " Lodge," in the Park, and that the noble hostess did not descend till at least some two or three others had joined them. The "first man" to a dinner is the next most miserable thing to the " last man" at leaving it. The cold air of solitude, the awkward- ness of seeming too eager to be punctual, the certainty, almost in- evitable, that the next person who arrives is perfectly odious to you, and that you will have to sustain a tete-a-tete with the man of all others you dislike, all these are the agreeables of the first man ; but he who now liad to sustain them was, happily, indifferent to their tortures. He was an old, very deaf gentleman, who had figured at the dinner-tables of the capital for half a century, on no one plea that any one covdd discover, save that he was a "Eight Honourable." The 'privilege of sitting at the Council had conferred the far plea- santer one of assisting at dinners, and his political career, if not very ambitious, had been, what few men can say, unruffled. He seated himself, then, in a very well-cushioned chair, and with that easy smile of benevolent meaning which certain deaf people assume as a counterpoise for the want of colloquial gifts, prepared to be, or at least to look, a very agreeable old gentleman to the next 94 EOLAND CASHEL. arrival. A full quarter of an hour passed over, without anything to break the decorous stillness of the house ; when suddenly the door was thrown wide, and the butler announced Sir Harvey Upton and Captain Jennings. These were two Hussar officers, who entered with that admirable accompaniment of ■clinking sabres, sabretasches, and spurs, so essential to a cavalry appearance. , " Early, by Jove !" cried one, approaching the mirror over the chimney-piece, and arranging his moustaches, perfectly unmindful of the presence of the Eight Honourable who sat near it. " They are growing worse and worse in this house, I think," cried the other. " The last time I dined here, we sat down at a quarter to nine." " It's all Linton's fault," drawled out the first speaker; "he told a story about Long Wellesley asking some one for ' ten,' and apologis- ing for an early dinner, as he had to speak in the House afterwards. "Who is here ? neat steppers, those horses !" " It is KUgofi", and his new wife, — do you know her ?" " No ; she's not one of those pale girls we used to ride with at Leamington?" There was no time for reply, when the names were announced, "Lord and Lady KHgoff !" and a very weakly-looking old man, with a blue inside vest, and enormous diamond studs in his shirt, entered, supporting a very beautiful young woman, whose proud step and glancing eye were strange contrasts to his feeble and vacant expres- sion. The Hussars exchanged significant but hasty glances, and fell back, while the others advanced up the room. " Our excellent hostess," said my Lord, in a low, but distinct voice, " will soon shame WUton-crescent itself in late hoiu-s. I fancy it's nigh eight o'clock." "It's not their fault, poor things," said she, lying back in a chair and disposing her magnificent dress into the most becoming folds ; " people will come late, do what one may." " They may do «o, that's very true ; but I would beg to observe you need not wait for them." This was said with a smUe towards the Hussars, as though to imply — " There is no reason why you should not express an opinion, if it agree with mine." The Baronet immediately bowed, and smiling so as to show a very white range of teeth beneath his dark moustache, said : " In part, I agree with your Lordship ; but it requires the high hand of fashion to reform the abuse." Here a most insidious glance at her Ladyship most efi"ectually conveyed the point of his meaning. Just then, in all the majesty of crimson velvet, Mrs. Kennyfeck appeared, her comely person heaving under the accumulated splendour of lace, flowers, and jewellery. Her daughters, more siuiply, but still EOLANB CASHEL. 95 handsomely dressed, followed, Mr. Kennyfeck bringing up tlie rear, in very evident confusion at having torn his kid gloves — a misfortune which he was not clear should be buried in silence, or made the sub- ject of public apology. Lady Kilgoff received Mrs. Kennyfeck's excuses for being late with a very quiet, gentle smile ; but my Lord, less given to forgive- ness, held his watch towards Mr. Kennyfeck, and said : " There's always an excuse for a man of business, Sir, or this would be very reprehensible." Fortunately for all parties the company now poured in faster, every instant saw some two or three arrive : indeed, with such speed did they appear, it seemed as if they had all waited for a movement en masse : Judges and Generals, with nieces and daughters manifold, country gentlemen, clients, the elite of Dublin diners-out, the "Whites, the Eigbys, with their ringleted girls, the young Member for Macturk, the Solicitor- General and Mrs. Knivett, and, at last, escorted by his staff of curates and small vicars, came "the Dean" himself, conducting a very learned dissertation on the musical pvo- perties of the " Chickgaukazoo," a three-stringed instrument of an African tribe, and wliich he professed to think " admirably adapted for country congregations too poor to buy an organ!" "Any one could play it. Softly could play it, Mrs. Kennyfeck could " " How do you do, IMr. Dean ?" said that lady, in her sweetest of voices. The Dean accepted the offered hand, but, without attending to the salutation, went on with a very dubious argument respecting the vocal chords in the human throat, which he promised to demonstrate on any thin lady in the company. The Chief Secretary's fortunate arrival, however, rescued the de- voted fair one from the Dean's scientific ardour, for ]\Ir. Meek was a great personage in the chief circles of Dublin. Ajiy ordinary man- ner, in comparison with IMr. Downie Meek's, would be as linsey- wolsey to three-pile velvet ! There was a yielding softness, a deli- cious compliance about him, which won him the world's esteem, and pointed him out to the Cabinet as the very man to be " Secretaiy for Ireland." Conciliation would be a weak word to express the stcave but winning gentleness of his official dealings. The most frank of men, he was unbounded in professions, and if so elegant a person could have taken a hint from so humble a source, we should say, that he had made his zoological studies available and imitated the cuttle- fish, since when close-penned by an enemy he could always escape, bj muddying the water. In this great dialectic of the Castlereagh school he was perfect, and could become totally unintelligible at the shortest notice. After a few almost whispered words to his hostess, Mr. Meek 96 EOLAND CASHEL. bumbly requested to be presented to Mr, Casliel. Eoland, who was then standing beside Miss Kennyfeck, and listening to a rather amusing catalogue of the guests, advanced to make the Secretary's acquaintance. Mr. Downie Meek's approaches were perfect, and in the few words he spoke, most favourably impressed Cushel with his unpretentious, unaffected demeanour. " Are we waiting for any one, Mr. Kennyfeck ?" said his spouse, with a delicious simplicity of voice. " Oh, certainly !" exclaimed her less accomplished husband, " Sir Andrew and Lady Janet MacFarliue, and Lord Charles Probisher, have not arrived." '' It appears to me" — a favourite expression of his Lordship, with a strong emphasis on the pronoun — " it appears to me," said Lord Kilgoff, " that Sir Andrew MacFarline waits for the tattoo at the Eoyal Barrack to dress for dinner ;" and he added, somewhat lower, " I made a vow, which I regret to have broken to-day, never to dine wherever he is invited." " Here they come ! here they come at last !" cried out several voices together, as the heavy tread of carriage-horses was heard ad- vancing, and the loud summons of the footman resounded through the square. Sir Andrew and Lady Janet MacFarline were announced in Mr. Pearse's most impressive manner ; and then, after a slight pause, as if to enable the company to recover themselves from the shock of such august names. Lord Charles Erobisher and Captain Foster. Sir Andrew was a tall, raw-boned, high-cheeked old man, with a white head, red nose, and a very Scotch accent, whose manners, after forty years' training, still spoke of the time that he carried a halberd in the " Black "Watch." Lady Janet was a little, grim-faced, grey- eyed old lady, with a hunch, who with a most inveterate peevishness of voice, and a most decided tendency to make people unhappy, was the terror of the garrison. " "We hae na kept ye waitiu, Mrs. Kannyfack, I humbly hope ?" said Sir Andrew. "A good forty minutes. Sir Andrew," broke in Lord Kilgoff, showing his watch ; "but you are always the last." " He was not recorded as such in the official despatch from ' Maida,' my Lord," said Lady Janet, fiercely ; " but with some people there is more virtue in being early at dinner than first up the breach in an assault !" " The siege will always keep hot, my Lady," interposed a very well whiskered gentleman in a blue coat and two inside-waistcoats, " the soup will not." " Ah ! Mr. Linton," said she, holding out two fingers. " Why weren't you at our pic-nic ?" Then she added, lower : " Give me KOLAXD CASHEL. 97 your arm in to dinner. I can't bear that tiresome old man." Linton bowed and seemed delighted, while a scarcely perceptible motion of the brows conveyed an apology to Miss Kennyfeck. Dinner was at length announced, and after a little of what Sir An- drew called " clubbing the battalions," tliey descended in a long pro- cession. Cashel, after vainly essaying to secure either of the Kenny- feck girls as his companion, being obliged to pair off with Mrs. White, the lady who always declined, but never failed to come. It is a singular fact in the physiology of Amphytrio^ism, that second-class people can always succeed in a "great dinner," though they fail egregiously in all attempts at a small party. We reserve the reason for another time, to record the fact, that Mrs Kennyfeck's table was both costly and splendid : the soups were admirable, the Madeira perfect in flavour, the pafes as hot, and the champagne as cold, the fish as fresh, and the venison as long kept, the curry as high seasoned, and the pine-apple ice as delicately simple, as the most re- fined taste could demand. The material enjoyments were provided with elegance and abundance, and the guests — the little chagrin of the long waiting over— all disposed to be chatty and agreeable. Like a tide first breaking on alow strand, in small and tiny ripples, then gradually coming bolder in, with courage more assured, and greater force, the convel^ation of a dinner usually runs ; till at last at the high flood the great waves tumble madly one upon another, and the wild chorus of the clashing water wakes up " the spirit of the storm." Even without the aid of the " Pliysiologie du Gout," people will talk of eating while they eat, and so the chit-chat was cuisine in all its moods and tenses, each bringing to the common stock some new device in cookery, and some anecdotes of his travelled experience in " gourmaudise," and while Mr. Linton and Lord Charles celebrated the skill of the " Cadran," or the " Schwan" at Vienna, the "Dean" was critically explaining to poor Mrs. Kennyfeck, that Homer's heroes had probably the most "perfect roti that ever was served, the juices of the meat being preserved in such large masses. " Soles, with a 'gratin' of flue gingerbread, I saw at Metternich's," said Mr. Linton, " and they were excellent." " I like old Jules Perregaux's idea better, what he calls his cote- lettes a la financier e.''^ " What are they ? I never tasted them." " Very good mutton cutlets en papillate, the envelopes being billets de banque of a thousand francs each." " Is it permitted to help one's self twice, my Lord?" " I called for the dish again, but found it had been too successful. De Brigues did a neat thing that way, in a little supper he gave to the artistes of the Opera-Comique ; the jellies were all served with TOL. I. H 98 EOLAND CASHEL. rings in them — turquoise, diamond, emerald, pearl, and so on — so that the fair guests had all the excitement of a lottery as the plat came round to them." " The kickshaws required something o' that kind to make them endurable," said Sir Andrew, gruffly ; "gie me a haggis, or a cockie- leekie." "What is that?" said Miss Kennyfeck, who saw with a sharp malice how angrily Lady Janet looked at the notion of the coming explanation. " I'll tell ye wi' pleasure. Miss Kannyfack, hoo to mak' a cockie- leekie!" " Cockie-leekie, «n(?e derivatur cock\e-\eQk\eV cried the Dean, who having taken a breathing canter through Homer and Horace, was quite ready for the moderns. " What, Sir ?" asked Sir Andrew, not understanding the question. " I say, what's the derivation of your cockie-leekie — the etymology of the phrase ?" " I diuna ken, an' I dinna care. It's mair needfu' that one kens hoo to mak' it, than to speer wha gave it the name of cockie-leekie." " More properly pronounced, coc[ a lecher,^^ said the inexorable Dean. " The dish is a French one." " Did ever any one hear the like ?" exclaimed Sir Andrew, utterly confounded by the assertion. " I confess. Sir Andrew," said Linton, " it's rather hard on Scot- land. They say you stole all your ballad-music from Italy, and now they claim your cookery for France !" " The record," said the Attorney- General across the table, " was tried at Trim. Tour Lordships sat with the Chief Baron." " I remember perfectly ; we agreed that the King's Bench ruled right, and that the minor's claim was substantiated." Then turning to Mrs. Kennyfeck, who, out of politeness, had affected to take in- terest in what she could not even understand a syllable of, he entered into a very learned dissertation on " heritaWe property," and the great difficulties that lay in the way of defining its limits. Meanwhile, " Pipeclay," as is not unsuitably styled mess-table talk, passed among the military, with the usual quizzing about regimental oddities. Brownrigg's cob — Hanshaw's whiskers — Talbot's buggy — and Carey's inimitable recipe for punch, the Dean throwing in his negatives here and there, to show that nothing was " too hot or too heavy" for his intellectual fingers. " Bad law ! Mr. Chief Justice," said he, in an authoritative tone. " Doves in a cot, and coneys in a warren, go to the heir. With re- spect to deer " " Oil dear, how tiresome!" whispered Mrs. White to Cashel, wha most heartily assented to the exclamation. KOLAND CASHEL. 99 " What's the name o' that beastie, young gentleman ?" said Sir Andrew, who overheard Casliel recounting some circumstances of Mexican life. " The chiguire — the wild hog of the Caraccas," said Cashel. " They are a harmless sort of animal, and lead somewhat an unhappy life of it ; for when they escape the crocodile in the river, they are certain to fall into the jaws of the jaguar on land." " Pretty much like a member o' the Scotch Kirk in Ireland," said Sir Andrew, "wi' Episcopaalians on the tae haun, and Papishes on the tither. Are thae creatures gude to eat. Sir ?" " The flesh is excellent," broke in the Dean. " They are the Oavia- Capyhara of Linnaeus, and far superior to our European swine." " I only know," said Cashel, abruptly, " that tve never eat them, except when nothing else was to be had. They are rancid and fishy." " A mere prejudice. Sir," responded the Dean. " If you taste the chiguire, to use the vulgar name, and let him lie in steep in a white- "wine vinegar, en marinade, as the French say " " "Where are you to find the white-wine vinegar in the Savannahs ?" said Cashel. " Tou forget, Sir, that we are speaking of a country where a fowl roasted in its* own feathers is a delicacy." " Oh, how very singidar ! Do you mean that you eat it, feathers and all ?" said Mrs. White. " No, Madam. It's a Prairie dish, which I assure you, after all, is not to be despised. The^7«^ is made this way. You take a fowl — the wild turkey, when lucky enough to find one — and cover him all over with soft red clay : the river clay is the best. Tou envelop him completely ; in fact, you make a great ball, somewhat the size of a man's head. This done, you light a fire, and bake the mass. It re- quires, probably, five or six hours to make the clay perfectly hard and dry. When it cracks, the dish is done. You then break open the shell, to the outside of which the feathers adhere, and the fowl, deliciously roasted, stands before you." " How very excellent — le poulet braise' of the French, exactly," said Lord Kilgofi". " How cruel !" " How droll !" " How very shocking !" resounded through the table ; the Dean the only one silent, for it was a theme on which, most singular to say, he could neither record a denial nor a correction. " I vote for a pic-nic," cried Mrs. White, " and that Mr. Cashel shall cook us his dinde a la Mexicaine." " An excellent thought," said several of the younger part of the company. , " A very bad one, in my notion," said Lord Kilgofi", who had no fancy for seeing her Ladyship scaling cliffs, and descending steep paths, when his own frail limbs did not permit of accompanying h2 100 EOLAND CASHEL. her. " Pic-nics are about as vulgar a pastime as one can imagine. Tour dinner is ever a failure ; your wine detestable ; your table equipage arrives, smashed, or topsy-turvy " " TJnde topsy-turvy ? — unde topsy-turvy, Softly ?" said the Dean, turning fiercely on the Curate. " Whence topsy-turvy ? Do you give it up ? Do you, Mr. Attorney? Do you, my Lord ? do you give it up, eh ? I thought so ! Topsy-turvy, quasi, top side t'other way." " It's vera ingenious," said Sir Andrew ; " but I maun say I see no neecessity to be always looking back to whare a word gat his birth, parentage, or eddication." " It suggests unpleasant associations," said Lord KilgofF, looking maliciously towards Linton, who was playing too agreeable to her Ladyship. " The etymology is the key to the true meaning. Sir, many of those expressions popularly termed Bulls " " Oh, a propos of Bulls," said Mr. Meek, in his sweetest accent, " did you hear of a very singular outrage committed yesterday upon the Lord-Lieutenaat's beautiful Swiss bull ?" "Did the Dean pass an hour with him?" whispered Linton to Lady Janet, who hated the dignitary. " It must have been done by Mesmerism, I fancy," rejoined Mr. Meek. " The animal, a most fierce one, was discovered lying in his paddock, so perfectly fettered, head, horns, and feet, that he could not stir. There is every reason to connect the outrage with a political meaning, for in this morning's paper. The Green Isle, there is a letter from Mr. O'Bleather, with a most significant allusion to the occurrence. 'The time is not distant,' says he, 'when John Bull' — mark the phrase — 'tied, fettered, and trammelled, shall lie prostrate at the feet of the once victim of his tyranny.' " " The sedition is most completely proven by the significance of the act," cried out the Chief Justice. " We have, consequently, offered a reward for the discovery of the perpetrators of this insolent offence, alike a crime against property, as an act subversive of the respectful feeling due to the representa- tive of the Sovereign." "What is the amount offered ?" said Cashel. " One hundred pounds, for such information as may lead to the conviction of the person or persons transgressing," replied the At- torney-General. " I feel it would be very unfair to suff'er the Government to pro- ceed in an error as to the aflfair in question ; so that I shall claim the reward, and deliver up the offender," replied Cashel, smiling. " Who can it be ?" cried Mr. Meek, in astonishment. " Myself, Sir," said Cashel. " If you should proceed by indict- ment, as you speak of, I hope the Misses Kenuyfeck may not have to BOLAND CA8HEL. 101 figure as ' aiding and abetting,' for they were present when I lasso'd the animal." " Lasso'd the Swiss bull !" exclaimed several together. "Nothing more simple," said the Dean, holding up his napkin over Mrs. Kennyfeck's head, to the manifest terror of that lady for her yellow turban. " Tou take the loop of a long light rope, and, measuring the distance with your eye, you make the east, in this manner " " Oh dear! oh, Mr. Dean! my bird-of-paradise plume!" " When you represent a bull. Ma'am, you should not have fea- thers," rejoined the implacable Dean, with a very rough endeavour to restore the broken plume. " Had you held your head lower down, in the attitude of a bull's attack, I should have lasso'd you at once, and without difficulty." " Lasso is part of the verb ' to weary,' ' to fatigue,' ' to ennuyer^ in fact," said Mr. Linton, with an admirably-put-on simplicity ; and a very general smile ran through the company. ""When did you see Gosford?" said Meek, addressing one of the Hussar officers, eagrer to relieve the momentarv embarrassment. " Not for six months ; he's in Paris now." " Does he mention me in his letter to you ?" " He does," said the other, but with an evident constraint, and a side-look as he ended. " Yes, faith, he forgets nane of us," said Sir Andrew, with a grin. " He asks after Kannyfack — ould sax-and-eightpence he ca's you — and says he wished you were at Paris, to gie him a dinner at the — what d'ye ca' it ? — the Roshy de something. I see he has a word for ye, my Lord Kilgoff. He wants to know whether my Leddie is like to gie ye an heir to the ancient house o' Kilgoff, in whilk case he'll no be so fond of playing ecarte wi' George Lushington, wha has naething to pay wi' except post-obits on yer Lordship — he ! he ! he ! Ay, and Charlie, my man," continued he, turning to the Aide-de- camp, Lord Charles Frobisher, " he asks if ye hauld four by honours as often as ye used formerly ; he says there's a fellow at Paris ye couldn't hold a candle to — he never deals the adversary a card higher than the nine." The whole company, probably in relief to the evident dismay created by the allusion to Lord Kilgoff, laughed heartily at this sally, and none more than the good-looking fellow the object of it. " But what of Meek, Sir ? — what does he say of Downie ?" " He says vera little about Mister Meek, ava ; he only inquires what changes we have in the poleetical world, and where is that d — d humbug, Downie Meek ?" Another and a heartier laugh now ran through the room, in which Mr. Downie Meek cast tlie most imploring looks around him. 102 ROLAND CASHEL. ""Well," cried^lie, at last, " that's not fair; it is really not fair of Gosford. I appeal to this excellent company if I deserve the title ?" A chorus of negatives went the round, with most energetic as- surances of dissenting from the censure of the letter. " Come now, Sir Andrew," said Meek, who, for once, losing his balance, would not even omit him in the number of approving voices — "come now, Sir Andx'ew, I ask you frankly — am I a humbug?" " I canna tell," said the cautious old General, with a sly shake of the head ; " I can only say, Sir, be ma saul, ye never humbugged me/" This time the laugh was sincere, and actually shook the table. INIrs. Kennyfeck, who now saw that Sir Andrew, to use the phrase em- ployed by his acquaintances, "was up," determined to withdraw, and made her telegraphic signals, which soon were answered along the line, save ^by Lady Janet, who stubbornly adhered to her glass of claret, with some faint hope that the lagging decanter might arrive in her neighbourhood time enough for another. Poor Mrs. Keunyfeck's devices to catch her eye were all in vain ; as well might some bore of the " House" hope for the Speaker's when he was fixedly exchanging glances with " Sir Eobert." She ogled and smiled, but to no purpose. " My Leddy — Leddy Janet," said Sir Andrew. " I hear you, Sir ; I heard you twice already. If you please, my Lord, a very little — Mr. Linton, I beg for the water. I believe, Sir Andrew, you have forgotten Mr. Gosford's kind remembrances to the Dean." " Faith, and so I did, my Leddy. He asks after ye, Mr. Dean, wi' muckle kindness and affection, and says he iiever had a hearty laugh syne the day ye tried to teach Lady Caroline Jedyard to catch a sheep !" The Dean looked stern, and Linton asked for the secret. " It was by handing the beast atweeu yer knees, and so when the Dean pit himself i' the proper position, wi' his legs out, and the shep- hei'd drove the flock towards him, by sair ill-luck it was a ram cam first, and he hoisted his Eeverence up i' the air, and then laid him flat on his back, amaist dead. Ech, Sirs ! but it was a sair fa', no to speak o' the damage done to his black breeches !" This was too much for Lady Janet's endurance, and, amid the loud laughter of some, and the more difiicultly suppressed mirth of others, the ladies arose. " Yer na going, leddies ! I hope that naething I said — Leddy Kilgoff", Leddy Janet, ech. We mun e'en console ourselves wi' the claret." This was saidsotto, as the door closed and the party reseated themselves at the table. " My jo Janet does like to bide a wee," muttered he, half aloud. KOLAKD CASHEL. 103 " Jo !" cried the Dean, " is derived from the Italian ; it's a term of endearment in both languages. It's a corruption of Oioia mia.^' " "What may that mean ?" "My joy! my life!" " Eh, that's it, is it ? Ah, Sir, these derivatives gat mony a twist and turn in the way from one land to the tither." And with this profound bit of moralising, he sipped his glass in reverie. The conversation now became more general, fewer personalities arose, and as the Dean, after a few efforts to correct statements respecting the " pedigrees of race-horses," " the odds at hazard," "the soundings upon the coral reefs," "the best harpoons for the sulphur-bottomed whales," only made new failures, he sulked and sat silent, permitting talk to take its course uninterrupted. The Hussar Baronet paid marked attention to Cashel, and invited him to the mess for the day following. Lord Charles overheard the invitation, and said, "I'll join the party ;" while Mr. Meek, leaning over the table, in a low whisper begged Cashel to preserve the whole bull adventure a secret, as the press was really a most malevolent thing in Ireland ! During the while the Chief Justice slept profoundly, only waking as the bottle came before him, and then dropping off again. The Attorney-General, an overworked man of business, spoke little and guardedly, so that the conversation, principally left to the younger members of the party, ranged over the accustomed topics of hunting, shooting, and deer-stalking, varied by allusion, on Cashel's part, to sports of far higher, because more dangerous, excitement. In the pleasant flurry of being attentively listened to — a new sen- sation for Eoland — he arose and ascended to the drawing-room, where already a numerous party of refreshers had arrived. Here again Cashel discovered that he was a person of notoriety ; and as, notwith- standing all Mr. Downie Meek's precaution, the " Lasso" story had got abroad, the most wonderful versions of the incident were re- peated on every side. " How did you say he effected it, Mr. Linton?" said the old deaf Countess of Dumdrum, making an ear-trumpet of her hand. " By doing what Mr. Meek won't do with the Catholics, my Lady, taking the bull by the horns." " Don't you think he found conciliation of service besides ?" sug- gested Mr. Meek, with an angelic simplicity. " Isn't he handsome ! how graceful 1 So like a Corsair— one of Byron's heroes. I'm dying to know him. Dear me, how those Kennyfeck girls eat him up. Olivia never takes her eyes off him. He looks so bored, poor fellow! he's longing to be let alone." Such were the muttered comments on the new object of Dublin curiosity, who himself was very far from suspecting that his personal distinc- 104 KOLA.ND CASHEL. tion had less share iu his popularity than his rent-roll and his parch- ments. As we are more desirous of recording the impression he him- self created, than of tracing how others appeared to him, we shall make a noiseless turn of the salons, and, spy -fashion, listen behind the chairs. " So you don't think him even good-looking, Lady Kilgoff ?" said Mr. Linton, as he stood half behind her seat. " Certainly not more than good-looking, and not so much as nice- looking — very awkward, and ill at ease he seems." " That will wear oif, when he has the good taste to give up talking to young ladies, and devote himself to the married ones." " Enchanting, positively enchanting, my dear," exclaimed Mrs. Leicester White to a young friend beside her. " That description of the forest, over which the lianas formed an actual roof, the golden fruit hanging a hundred feet above the head, was the most gorgeous picture I ever beheld." " I wish you could persuade him," lisped a young lady with large blue eyes, and a profusiou of yellow hair in ringlets, " to write tliat little story of the Zambo for Lady Blumter's Annual." " I say, Charlie," whispered the Baronet to the Aide-de-camp, " but he's wide awake that Master Cashel ; he's a very shrewd fellow, you'll see." " Do you mean to couch his eyes, Tom ?" said Lord Charles, with his usual slow, lazy intonation ; " what does he say about the races, will he come ?" " Oh, he can't promise ; old Kenny feck has a hold upon him just now about law business." " Tou will impress upon him, my dear Mr. Kennyfeck," said Mr. Meek, who held the lappet of the other's coat, " that there are posi- tively — so to say — but two parties in the country — the Gentleman and the Jacobin. Whig and Tory, orange and green, have had their day ; and the question is now between those who have something to lose, and those who have everything to gain." " I really could wish that you, who are so far better qualified than I am to explain " " So I will — I intend, my dear Sir. Now, when can you dine with me ? Tou must come this week, next I shall be obliged to be in London. Shall we say Wednesday ? Wednesday be it. Above all, take care that he doesn't even meet any of that dangerous faction — those Morgans. Tliey arc the very people to try a game of ascend- ancy over a young man of great prospects and large fortune. 0' Growl wants a few men of standing to give an air of substance and respect- ability to the movement. Lord Witherton will be most kind to your young friend, but you must press upon him the necessity of being EOLAlfD CASHEL. 105 presented at once — we want to make him a D.L,, and if he enters Parliament, to give him the Lieutenancy of the County," "While all these various criticisms were circulating, and amid an atmosphere, as it were, impregnated by plots and schemes of every kind, Cashel stood a very amused spectator of a scene wherein he never knew he was the chief actor. It would indeed have seemed incredible to him that he eouM, by any change of fortune, become an object of interested speculation to Lords, Ladies, Members of the Government, Church Dignitaries, and others. He was unaware that the man of fortune, with a hand to oifer, a considerable share of the influence property always gives, livings to bestow, and money to lose, may be a very legitimate mark for the enterprising schemes of Mammas and Ministers, suggesting hopes alike to black-coats and black-legs. Perhaps, among the pleasant bits of credulity which we enjoy through life, there is none sweeter than that implicit faith we repose in the cordial expressions and flattering opinions bestowed upon us, when starting in the race, by many who merely, in the jockey phrase, " standing to win" upon us, have their own, and not our interest before them in the encouragement they bestow. The discovery of the cheat is soon made, and we are too prone to revenge our own over-confidence by a general distrust, from which, again, experience, later on, rallies us. So that a young man's course is usually from over-simplicity to over-shrewdness, and then again to that negligent half-faith which either, according to the calibre of the wearer, conceals deep knowledge of life, or hides a mistaken notion of it. Let us return to Cashel, who now stood at a table, around which a considerable number of tlie party were grouped, examining a number of drawings, which Mr. Pepystell, the fashionable architect, had that day sent for Roland's inspection : — Houses, villas, castles, cottages, abbeys, shooting-boxes, gate-lodges, Tudor and Saxon, Nor- man and Saracenic, — everything that the morbid imagination of arcliitecture run mad could devise and amalgamate between the chaste elegance of the. Greek and the tinkling absurdity of the Chinese. " I do so love a cottage ornee," said Mrs. White, taking up a very beautiful representation of one, where rose-coloured curtains, and a group on a grass-plot, with gay dresses and parasols, entered into the composite architecture. " To my fancy, that would be a very Paradise." " Oh, Mamma! isn't that so like dear old Kilgoran!" said a tall, thin young lady, handing an Abbey, as large as Westminster, to another in widow's black. " Oh, Maria ! I wonder at your showing me what must bring up sucli sad memories !" said the Mamma, affectedly, while she pressed her handkerchief to her eyes. 106 EOLAND CASUEL. " If she means her father's house," said Lady Janet to Liuton, " it's about as like a like as — Lord Kilgoff to the Farnese Hercules ; or his ■wife to any other lady in the Peerage." " Tou remember Kilgoran, my Lord," said the lady in black to the Chief Justice ; " does that remind you of it ?" " Very like — very like, indeed. Madam," said the old Judge, look- ing at a rock-work grotto in a fish-pond. ""What's this?" cried another, taking up a great Saxon fortress, with bastions, and gate-towers, and curtains, as gloomy and sombre as Indian-ink could make it. " As a residence, I think that is far too solemn-looking and sad." •' What did you say it was, Sir ?" asked the Judge. " The elevation for tlie new gaol at Naas, my Lord," replied Linton, gravely. " I'm very glad to hear it. We have been sadly crippled for room there latterly." " Do you approve of the Panopticon plan, my Lord ?" said Mrs. White, who never omitted a question when a hard word could be introduced. "It is, Madam — you are perfectly correct," said the obsequious old Judge — " very much the same kind of thing as the Pantech- nicon." " Talking of Panopticon, where's Kilgoff?" whispered Linton to one of the Hussars. " Don't you see him yonder, behind the harp ? How that poor woman must be bored by such espionnage /" " If you mean to build a house. Sir," said Lady Janet, addressing Cashel with a tone of authority, " don't, I entreat of you, adopt any of these absurd outrages upon taste and convenience, but have a good square stone edifice." " Pour, or even five stories high," broke in Linton, gravely. "Four quite enough," resumed she, "with a roomy hall, and all the reception-rooms leading off it. Let your bedrooms " "Be numerous enough, at all events," said Linton again. " Of course ; and so arranged that you can devote one story to families exclusively." " Tes ; the gargons should have their dens as remote as possible from the quieter regions." " Have a mass of small sitting-rooms beside the larger salons. In a country-house there's nothing like letting people form their own little coteries." " Wouldn't you have a theatre ?" asked Mrs. White. " There might be, if the circumstances admitted. But with a billiard-room and a ball-room " " And a snug crib for smoking," whispered one of the military. ROLAKD CASHKL. 107 "I don't see any better style of house," said Linton, gravely, " than those great hotels one finds on the Ehine, and in Germany generally : they have ample accommodation, and are so divided that you can have your own suite of rooms to yourself." " Mathews used to keep house after that fashion," said Lord Kil- gofl', approaching the table. " Every one ordered his own dinner, and eat it either in his own apartment or in the dining-room. Tou were invited for four days, never more." " That was a great error ; except in that particular, I should re- commend the plan to Mr. Eoland Cash el's consideration." " I never heard of it before," said Cashel ; " pray enlighten me on the subject." "Avery respectable country gentleman. Sir," said Lord Kilgofl", "who had the whim to see his company without paying what he deemed the heaviest penalty — the fatigue of playing host. He there- fore invited his friends to come and do what they pleased — eat, drink, drive, ride, play — exactly as they fancied ; only never to notice him otherwise than as one of the j^ests." " I like his notion prodigiously," cried Cashel ; " I should be de- lighted to imitate him." " Nothing easier, Sir," said my Lord; " with Mr. Linton for your Prime Minister, the administration is perfectly practicable." " Might I venture on such a liberty ?" "Too happy to be President of your Council," said Linton, gaily. A very entreating kind of look from Olivia Kennyfeck here met Cashel's eyes, and he remarked that she left the place beside the table and walked into the other room ; he himself, although dying to follow herj had no alternative but to remain and continue the con- versation. " The first point, then," resumed Linton, " is the house. In what state is your present mansion ?" "A ruin, I believe," said Cashel. " How picturesque !" exclaimed Mrs. Leicester "White. " I fancy not. Madam," rejoined Cashel. " I understand it is about the least prepossessing bit of stone and mortar the country can ex- hibit." " No matter, let us see it ; we'll improvise something, and get it ready for the Christmas holidays," said Linton. "We have — let us see — we have about two months for our preparation, and, therefore, no time to lose. "We must premise to the honourable company that our accommodation is of the simplest ; ' roughing' shall be the order of the day. Ladies are not to look for Lyons silk ottomans in their dressing-rooms, nor shall we promise that our conservatory furnish a fresh bouquet for each fair guest at breakfast." "Two months are four centuries!" said Mrs. "White; we shall 108 EOLAND CASHEL. accept of no apologies for any short-comings, after such an age of time to prepare." " You can have your fish from Limerick every day," said an old bluff-looking gentleman in a brown wig. " There's a capital fellow, called Tom Cox, by the way, somewhere down in that country, who used to paint our scenes for the Garrison Theatricals. Could you make him out, he'd be so useful," said one of the military. " By all means get up some hurdle-racing," cried another. Meanwhile, Eoland Cashel approached Olivia Kennyfeck, who was affecting to seek for some piece of music on the pianoforte. " Why do you look so sad ?" said he, in a low tone, and seeming to assist her in the search. " Do I ?" said she, with the most graceful look of artlessness. " I'm sure I didn't know it." " There again, what a deep sigh that was ; come, pray tell me, if I dare to know, what has grieved you ?" " Oh, nothing, nothing whatever. I'm sure I never felt in better spirits. Dear me ! Mr. Cashel, how terrified I am, there's that dreadful Lady Janet has seen us talking together." "Well, and what then?" " Oh, she is so mischievous, and says such horrid, spiteful things. It was she that said it " " Said what — what did she say r" cried he, eagerly. "Oh, what have I done!" exclaimed she, covering her face with her hands. " Not for the world would I have said the words. Oh, Mr. Cashel, you, who are so good and so generous, do not ask me more." " I really comprehend nothing of all this," said Cashel, who now began to suspect that she had overheard some speecli reflecting upon him, and had, without intending, revealed it ; " at the same time. I must say, if I had the right, I should insist on knovring what you heard." " Perhaps he has the right," muttered she, lialf aloud, as if speak- ing unconsciously; " I believe he lias." " Yes, yes, be assured of it ; — what were the words r" " Oh, I shall die of shame. I'll never be able to speak to you again ; but don't look angry, promise that you'll forget them, swear you'll never think of my liaving told them, and I'll try." " Yes, anything, everything ; let me hear them." "Well," — here she hung her head till the long ringlets fell straight from her fair forehead, and half concealed the blushing cheek, which each moment grew redder — " I am so terrified, but you'll forgive it — I know you will — well, she said, looking towards you, ' I am not acquainted with this young gentleman yet, but if 1 should have that nOLAND CASHEL. 109 honour soou, I'll take the liberty to tell him that the worthy father's zeal in his service is iU-requited by his stealing the affections of his youngest daughter.' " Scarcely were the words uttered, when, as if the strength that sustained her up to that moment suddenly failed, she reeled back and sank fainting on a sofa. Happily for Cashel's character for propriety, a very general rush of ladies, old and young, to the spot, prevented him taking her in his arms and carrying her to the balcony for air ; but a universal demand for sal volatile, aromatic vinegar, open windows, and all the usual restoratives, concealed his agitation, which really was extreme. " You are quite well now, dearest," said her Mamma, bathing her temples, and so artistically, as to make her pale face seem even more beautiful in the slight dishevelment of her hair. " It was the heat." " Yes, Mamma," muttered she, quite low. " Hem ! I thought so," whispered Lady Janet to a neighbour. " She was too warm." " I really wish that young ladies would reserve these scenes for fitting times and places. That open window has brought back my lumbago," said Lord Kilgoff. " The true treatment for syncope," broke in the Dean, " is not by stimulants. The want of blood on the brain is produced by mecha- nical causes, and you have merely to hold the person up by the legs " " Oh, Mr, Dean ! Oh, fie 1" cried twenty voices together. " The Dean is only exemplifying his etymology on ' top side t'other way,' " cried Linton. " Lord Kilgoff's carriage stops the way," said a servant. And now, the first announcement given, a very general air of leave-taking per- vaded the company. " Won't you have some more muffling ? — nothing round your throat? — a little negus, my Lord, before venturing into the night air."—" How early !"— " How late 1" — " What a pleasant evening 1" — " What a fine night!" — " May I offer you my arm ? — mind that step — good-by, good-by — don't forget to-morrow." — " Your shawl is blue— that's Lady Janet's."—" Which is your hat?"—" That's not mine. Thanks — don't take so much trouble." — " Not your carriage, it is the next but one — mind the draught." — A hundred good nights, and they are gone ! So ends a dinner-party, and of all the company not a vestige is seen, save the blaze of the low-burned wax-lights, the faded flowers, the deranged furniture, and the jaded looks of those, whose faces wreathed in smiles for six mortal hours, seek at last the hard-bought and well-earned iudulgence of a hearty yawn ! 110 EOLAND CASHEL. CHAPTEE XIII. He was, the world said, a jovial fellow, Who ne'er was known at Fortune to repine ; Increasing years had rendered him more mellow, And age improved him — as it did his wine. Sir Gavin Gwtnne. The Sliannon, after expanding into that noble sheet of water called Lough Derg, suddenly turns to the southward, and.enters the valley of KiUaloe, one of the most beautiful tracts of country which Ireland, so rich in river scenery, can boast. The transition from the wide lake with its sombre background of grey mountain and rocky islands, bleak and bare, to the cultivated aspect of this favoured spot, is like that experienced in passing from beneath the gloom of lowering thunder-clouds into light and joyous sunshine, Eich waving woods of every tint and hue of foliage, with here and there some spreading lawns of deepest green, clothe the mountains on either side, while in bright eddies the rapid river glides in between, circling and winding as in playful wantonness, till on the far distance it is seen passing beneath the ancient bridge of Killaloe, whose cathedral towers stand out against the sky. On first emerging from the Lake, the river takes an abrupt bend round a rocky point, and then sweeping back again in a bold curve, forms a little bay of deep and tranquil water, descending towards which the rich meadows ai-e seen, dotted with groups of ancient forest trees, and backed by a dense skirting of timber. At one spot, wliere the steep declivity of the groimd scarce affords footing for the tall asli-trees, stands a little cottage, at the extremity of which is an old square tower ; this is Tubber-beg. As you sail down the river you catch but one fleeting glance at the cottage, and when you look again it is gone ! The projecting head- lands, with the tall trees, have hidden it, and you almost fancy that you had not seen it. If you enter the little bay, however, and leaving the strong current, run into the deep water under shore, you arrive at a spot which your memory will retain for many a day after. In front of the cottage, and descending by a series of terraces, to which art has but little contributed, are a number of flower plots, whose delicious odours float over the still water, while in every gorgeous hue are seen the camellia, the oleander, and the cactus, with the tulip, the ranunculus, and the carnation, all flourishing in a luxuriance, which care, and the favoured aspect of this sheltered nook, combine to effect. Behind and around, on either side, the dark-leaved hoUy, EOLAND CASHEL. Ill the laiirustinus, and the arbutus, are seen in all the profusion of leaf and hlossom a mild, moist air secures, and forming a framework, in which stands the cottage itself, its deep-tliatched eave, and porch of rustic-work trellised and festooned with creeping plants, almost blending its colour witli the surrounding foliage. Through the open windows a peep within displays the handsomely disposed rooms, abounding in all the evidences of cultivated taste and refinement. Books, in several of the modern languages, are scattered on the table, music, drawings of the surrounding scenery, in water-colour or pencil, all that can betoken minds carefully trained and exercised, and by their very diversity showing in what a world of self-stored resources their possessors must live ; the easel, the embroidery-frame, the chess- board, the half-finished manuscript, the newly-copied music, the very sprig of fern which marks the page in the little volume on Botany, slight things in themselves, but revealing so much of daily life! If the cottage be an almost ideal representation of rustic elegance and simplicity, its situation is still more remarkable for beauty, for while Art has developed all the resources of the ground, Nature, in her own boundless profusion, has assembled here almost every ingre- dient of the picturesque, and as if to impart a sense of life and motion to the stilly calm, a tumbling sheet of water gushes down between the rocks, and in bounding leaps descends towards the Shannon, of which it is a tributary. A narrow path, defended by a little railing of rustic-work, sepa- rates the end of the cottage from the deep gorge of the waterfall, but through the open window the eye can peer down into the boiling abyss of spray and foam beneath, and catch a glimpse of the bridge, which, formed of a fallen ash-tree, spans the torrent. Traversed in every direction by paths, some galleried along the face, others cut in the substance of the rock, you can pass hours in rambling among these wikl and leafy solitudes, now, lost in shade, now, emerging again, to see the great river gliding along, the white sails dotting its calm surface. "Well did Mr. Kennyfeek observe to Eoland Cashel, that it was the most beautiful feature of his whole demesne, and that its possession by another not only cut him off from the Shannon in its handsomest part, but actually deprived the place of all pretension to extent and grandeur. The spreading woods of Tubbermore were, as it seemed, the background to the cottage scene, and possessed no cliaracter to show that they were the property of the greater proprietor. The house itself Avas not likely to vindicate the claim the locality- denied. It was built M'ith a total disregard to aspect or architecture. It was a large four-storied edifice, to which, by way of taking off from the unpicturesque height, two wings bad been planned ; one of these only was finished, the otlier, half-built, had been suffered to fall into, 112 BOLAND CASHBL. ruin. At the back, a high brick wall enclosed a space inteuded for a garden, but never put into cultivation, and now a mere nursery of tall docks and thistles, whose gigantic size almost overtopped the wall. All the dirt and slovenliness of a cottier habitant — for the house was occupied by what is misnamed " a care-taker" — were seen on every baud. One of the great rooms held the family ; its fellow, on the opposite side of the hall, contained a cow and two pigs ; cabbage- stalks and half-rotting potato-tops steamed their pestilential vapours beneath the windows ; while half-naked children added the discord, the only thing wanting to complete the sum of miserable, squalid discomfort, so sadly general among the peasantry. If one needed an illustration of the evils of absenteeism, a better could not be found than in the ruinous, damp, discoloured building, with its falling roof and broken windows. The wide and spreading lawn, thick grown with thistles ; the trees broken or barked by cattle ; tlie gates that hung by a single hinge, or were broken up piecemeal for firing, all evidenced the sad state of neglectful indifference by which property is wrecked and a country ruined ! Nor was the figure then seated on the broken door-step an unfitting accompaniment to such a scene ; — a mau somewhat past the middle period of life, whose ragged, tattered dress bespoke great poverty, his hat drawn down over his eyes, so as partly to conceal a countenance by no means pre- possessing; beside him lay a long, old-fashioned musket, the stock mended by some rude country hand. This was Tom Keane, the " care-taker," who in all the indolent enjoyment of ofiice, sat smoking his " dudeen," and calmly surveying tlie process by w^hich a young heifer was cropping the yearling shoots of an ash-tree. Twice was his name called by a w^oman's voice from within the house before he took any notice of it. " Arrah, Tom, are ye asleep ?" said she, coming to the door, and showing a figure whose wretchedness was even greater than his own ; while a certain delicacy of feature, an expression of a mild and pleasing character, still lingered on a face where want and privation had set many a mark. " Tom, alanah !" said she, in a tone of coaxing softness, " sure it's time to go down to the post-office. Ye know how anxious the ould man is for a letter." " Ay, and he has rayson, too," said Tom, without stirring. " And Miss Mary herself was up here yesterday evening to bid you go early, and, if there was a letter, to bring it in all haste." " And what for need I make haste ?" said the man, sulkily. " Is it any matther to me whether he gets one or no. Will / be richer or poorer? Poorer!" added he, with a savage laugh; "be gorra! that wud be hard, anyhow. That's a comfort old Corrigan hasn't. If they turn him out of the place, then he'll know what it ia to be poor!" IIOLAND CASHEL. 113 " Oh, Tom, acushla ! don't say that, and he so good to us, and the young lady that was so kind when the childer had the measles, comin' twice — no, bub three times a day, with everything she could think of." "Wasn't it to please herself? Who axed her?" said Tom, savagely. "Oh dear! oh. dear!" sighed the woman. "Them's the hard words — 'to please herself !' " " Ay, just so ! When ye know them people as well as me, you'll say the same. That's what they like — to make themselves great among the poor ; giving a trifle here, and a penny there ; making gruel for this one, and tay for that ; marchin' in as if they owned the house, and turning up their noses at everything they see. ' Why don't you sweep before the door, Nancy ?' — ' Has the pig any right to be eating there out of the kish with the childer ?' — ' Te ought to send that child to school' — and, ' What's your husband doing ?' — that's the cry with them. 'What's your husband doing? — Is he getting the wheat in, or is he at the potatoes ?' Tear and ages !" cried he, with a wild energy, " what does any one of themselves do from morning till night, that they're come to spyin' after a poor man, to ax ' Is he workin' like a naygur ?' But, we'll teach them something yet — a lesson they're long wanting. Listen to this." He took, as he spoke, a soiled and ragged newspaper from his ]iocket, and after seeking some minutes for the place, he read in a broken voice: " ' The days to come' — ay, here it is — ' The days to come. — Let the poor man remember tliat there is a future before him, that, if he have but courage and boldness, will pay for the past. Turn about's fair play, my Lords and Gentlemen ! You've had the pack in your own hands long enough, and dealt yourselves all the trumps. Now, give us the cards for a while. Tou say our fingers are dirty ; so they are, with work and toil, black and dirty ! but not as black as your own hearts. Hurrah ! for a new deal on a bran-new table ; Ireland the stakes, and the players her own stout sons !' Them's fine sintiments," said he, putting up the paper — " fine sintiments ! and the sooner we thry them the better. That's the real song," said he, reciting with energy — " Oh ! the days to come, the days to come, When Erin shall have her own, boys! When we'll pay the debts our fathers owed, And reap what they have sown, boys!" He sprang to his feet as he concluded, shouldering his musket, strode out, as if in a marching step, and repeating to himself, as he went, the last line of the song. About half an hour's brisk walking brought him to a low wicket, which opened on the high road, a little distance from which stood the small village of Derraheeny, the post- TOL. I. I 114 , EOLAKD CASHEL. town of the neighbourliood. The little crowd wliicli usually as- sembled at the passing of the coach had already dispersed, when Tom Keane presented himself at the window, and asked, in a tone of voice subdued almost to softness — " Have you anything for Mr. Corrigan this morning, Ma'am ?" " Yes ; there are two letters and a newspaper," replied a sharp voice from within. " One-and-foUrpence to pay." " She didn't give me any money, Ma'am, but Miss Mary said " " Tou can take them," interrupted the post-mistress, hastily handing them out, and slamming the little window to at the same instant. " There's more' of it !" muttered Tom ; " and if it was for one the letters was, I might sell my cow before I'd get trust for the price of them !" And with this reflection he plodded moodily homeward. Scarcely, however, had he entered the thick plantation, than he seated himself beneath a tree, and proceeded to take a careful and strict scrutiny of the two letters ; carefully spelling over each address, and poising them in his hands, as if the weight could assist his guesses as to the contents. " That's Mr. Kennyfeck's big seal. I know it well," said he, gazing on the pretentious coat of arms which emblazoned the attorney's letter, " I can make nothing of the other at all. ' Cor- nelius Corrigan, Esq., Tubber-beg, Derraheeny' — sorra more!" It was in vain that he held it open, lozenge fashion, to peep within — but one page only was written, and he could not see that. Kennyfeck's letter was enclosed in an envelope, so that here, too, he was balked, and at last was fain to slip the newspaper from its cover — a last re- source to learn sometliing underhand ! The newspaper did not contain anything peculiarly interesting, save in a single paragraph, which announced the intention of Eoland Cashel, Esq., of Tubbermore Castle, to contest the County at the approaching General Election. " We are informed," said the writer, " on competent authority, that this gentleman intends to make the ancestral seat his chief residence in future ; and that already preparations are making to render this princely mansion in every respect worthy of the vast fortune of its proprietor." " Eaith, and the ' princely mansion' requires a thing or two to make it all perfect," said Tom, with a sardonic laugh, while in a lower tone he muttered — " maybe, for all the time he'll stay there, it's not worth his while to spend the money on it," Having re-read the paragraph, he carefully replaced the paper in its cover and continued his way, not, however, towards his own home, but entering a little woodland path that led direct towards the Shannon. After passing a short dis- tance he came to a little low hedge of beech and birch, through which a neat rustic gate led and opened upon a closely-shaven lawn. The neatly-gravelled walk, the flower-beds^ the delicious perfume that was diff'used on every side, the occasional peeps at the eddying river, The Cotl-a^e EOIAND CASHEL. 115 and tlie cottage itself, seen at intervals between the evergreens that studded the lawn, were wide contrasts to the ruinous desolation of tlie " Great House," and as if unwilling to feel their influence, Tom pulled his hat deeper over his brows, and never" looked at either side as he advanced. The part of the cottage towards which he was ap- proaching contained a long verandah, supported by pillars of rustic- work, within which, opening by three large windows, was the prin- cipal drawing-room. Here, now, at a small writing-table, sat a young girl, whose white dress admirably set off the graceful outline of her figure, seen within the half-darkened room : her features were pale, but beautiftdly regular, and the masses of her hair, black as night, which she wore twisted on the back of the head, like a cameo, gave a character of classic elegance and simplicity to the whole. TVithout, and under the verandah, an old man, tall, and slightly bowed in the shoulders, walked slowly up and down. It needed not the careful nicety of his long queue, the spotless whiteness of his cambric shu't and vest, nor the perfection of his nicely-fitting nankeen pantaloons, to bespeak him a gentleman of the past day. There was a certain suave gentleness in his bland look, an air of easy courtesy in his every motion, a kind of well-bred mannerism in the very car- riage of his gold-headed cane, that told of a time when the graces of deportment were a study, and when our modern careless freedom had been deemed the very acme of rudeness. He was dictating, as was his wont each morning, some reminiscence of his early life, when he had served in the Body- Guard of Louis XVI., and where he had borne his part in the stormy scenes of that eventful era. The me- mory of that most benevolent monarch, the fascinations of that Queen whom to serve was to idolise, had sufficed to soften the hardships of' a life, which from year to year pressed more heavily, and were at last, after many a struggle, impressing their lines upon a brow where age alone had never written grief. On the morning in question, instead of rapidly pouring forth his recollections, which usually came in groups, pressing one upon the other, he hesitated often, sometimes forgetting " where he was," in his narrative, and more than once ceasing to speak altogether ; he walked in reverie, and seeming deeply preoccupied. His granddaughter had noticed this change, but cautiously abstain- ing from anything that might betray her consciousness, she sat, pen in hand, waiting, her lustrous eyes watching each gesture with an intensity of interest that amounted to actual suffering. " I fear, Mary," said he, with an effort to smile, " we must give it up for to-day. The present is too strong for the past, just as sorrow is always an overmatch for joy. Watching for the post has routed all my thoughts, and I can think of nothing but what tidings may reach me from Dublin." i2 116 EOLANO CASHEL. " Tou have no fears, Sir," said she, rising and drawing her arm within his, " that your application could be rejected ; you ask nothing unusual or unreasonable — a brief renewal of a lease where you have expended a fortune." " True, true, dear child. Let us, however, not look on the case with our eyes alone, but see it as others may. But here comes Tom. — Well, what news, Tom ; are there letters ?" " Yes, Sir, here's two ; there's one-and-fourpence to be paid." " Let me see them," cried the old man, impatiently, as he snatched them, and hastily re-entered the house. " Is Cathleen better to-day '?" said the young lady, addressing the peasant. " Yes, Miss, glory be to Grod, she's betther. Thanks to yourself and Him. Oh, then, it's of yer beautiful face she does be dramin' every night. Says she, ' It's Miss Mary, I think, is singing to me, when I hear the birds in my sleep.' " " Poor child, give her this little book for me, and say I'll come up and see her this evening, if I can. Mrs. Moore will send her the broth ; I hope she'll soon be able to eat something. Good-by, Tom." A deep-drawn heavy sigh from within the cottage here made her abruptly conclude the interview and hasten in. The door of her grandfather's little dressing-room was, however, locked, and after a noiseless effort to turn the handle, she withdrew to the drawing-room, to wait in deep anxiety for his coming. The old man sat with his head supported on both hands, gazing steadfastly at two open letters, which lay on the table before him ; had they contained a sentence of death his aspect could scarce have been more sad and sorrow-struck ! One was from Mr. Kennyfeck, aud ran thus : " Dear Me. Coreigan, — I have had a brief conversation with Mr. Koland Cashel on the subject of your renewal, and I am grieved to say that he does not seem disposed to accede to your wishes. Enter- taining, as he does, the intention to make Tubbermore his chief resi- dence in Ireland, his desire is, I believe, to connect the farm in your . holding with the demesne. This will at once explain that it is not a question of demanding a higher rent from you, but simply of carry- ing out a plan for the enlargement and improvement of the grounds pertaining to the ' Hall.' " The matter is, however, by no means decided upon ; nor will it be, in all probability, before you have an opportunity of meeting Mr. Cashel personally. His present intention is to visit your neighbour- hood next week. " I am, dear Sir, truly yours, " M. Kennyfeck. " Cornelius Corrigan, Esq., Tubber-beg Cottage." EOLAND CASHEL. 117 The second letter was as follows : " Simpkins and Green have the honour to forward for acceptance the enclosed bill for two hundred and seventeen pounds, at three months, Mr. Heneage Leicester, of New Orleans, on Mr. Corrigan. "They are authorised also to state that Mr. Leicester's affairs have suffered considerably from the consequence of the commercial distress at N. 0., and his personal property has been totally lost by the earth- quake which took place on the 11th and 12th ultimo. He therefore trusts to Mr. C 's efforts to contribute to his aid by a greater exertion than usual, and will draw upon him for two sums of one hundred, at dates of six and nine months, which he hopes may suit his convenience, and be duly honoured. Mr. Leicester continues to hope that he may be able to visit Europe in the spring, where his great anxiety to see his daughter will call him." " The ruin is now complete," said the old man. " I have struggled for years with poverty and privation to ward off this hour — but, like destiny, it will not be averted ! Despoiled of fortune — turned from the home where I have lived from my childhood — bereft of all ! I could bear up still if she were but left to me — but now, he threatens to take her, my child, my hope, my life ! And the world will stand by him, and say, 'He is her father! He, that broke the mother's heart — my own darling girl ! — and now comes to rob me — a poor helpless old man, of all my companionship and my pride. Alas, alas ! the pride, perhaps, deserves the chastisement. Poor Mary — how will she ever learn to look on him with a daughter's affection ? — What a life will hers be ! And this deception, how will it, how can it ever be explained ? I have always said that he was dead." Such, in broken half-sentences, were the words he spoke, while thick-coming sobs almost choked his utterance. " This cannot be helped," said he, taking up the pen and writing his name across the bill. " So much I can meet, by selling our little fur- niture here ; we shall need it no more, for we have no longer a home.- Where to, then.?" He shook his hands in mournful despair, and walked towards the window. Mary was standing outside, in the little flower-garden, as- sisting the old gardener to fasten some stray tendrils of a japonica between two trees. " We must try and shelter this window, Ned," said she, "from the morning sun. It comes in too strongly here in Papa's library. By next summer, I hope to see a thick trellis of leaves across the whole casement." " By next summer," repeated the old man, from within, with a trembling voice ; " and M"ho Avill be here to see it ?" 118 KOLAND CASHEL. " This little hedge, too, must be overgrown with that creeping plant we got from America, the white liana. I want the beech to be com- pletely hid beneath the blossoms, and they come out in May." " In May!" said the poor old man, with an accent of inexpressible sadness, as though the very promise of spring had unfolded a deep vista of years of sufiering. " But why care for the home, if she, who made its sunshine, is taken from me ? What matters it where I linger on, or how, the last few hours of a life, bereft of its only enjoy- ment ? — she, that in my old age, renewed all the memories of my early and my happy days." He sat down and covered his face with his hands, and when he withdrew them, the whole character and expression of the counte- nance had changed ; a dull, meaningless look had replaced the mild and cheerful beam of his soft blue eyes ; the cheeks were flattened, and the mouth, so ready with its gentle smile, now remained partly open, and slightly drawn to one side. He made an effort to speak, but a thickened guttural utterance rendered the words scarcely intelligible. He approached the window and beckoned with his hand. The next instant, pale with terror, but still composed and seeming calm, Mary was beside him. " You are not well, dear Papa," she said, with a great effort to appear at ease. " You must lie down — here will do — on this sofa ; I'll close the curtain, and send over for Tiernay ; he said he should be back from Limerick this morning." A gentle pressure of her hand to his lips, and a faint smile, seemed to assent. She opened the window, and whispered a few words to the gardener, and then closing it, noiselessly, drew the curtain, and sat down on a low stool beside the sofa where he lay. So still and motionless did he remain, that she thought he slept ; indeed, the long-drawn breathing, and the repose of his attitude, betokened sleep. Mary did not venture to move, but sat, one hand clasped in his, the other resting on his forehead, still and silent. The darkened room, the unbroken silence, the figure of him in whom was centred her every thought and hope, lying sick before her, sank with a dreary weight upon her heart ; and in the gloom of her sorrow dark foreboding of future evil arose, vague terrors of trials, new and hard to bear! That strange prescience, which never is wanting in great afilictions, and seems itself a Heaven-sent warning to prepare for the coming blow, revealed a time of sore trouble and calamity before her. " Let him be but spared to me," she cried, in her heart-uttered prayer, "and let me be so fashioned in spirit and temper that I may minister to him through every hour — cheering, consoling, and encouraging. Giving of my youth its gift of hope- EOLAND CASHEL. 119 fulness and trust, and borrowing of Ms age its serenity and resigna- tion. But oh, that I may not be left solitary and alone, unfriended and unsupported !" A gusb. of tears, the first she shed, here burst forth, and, in the transport of her grief, brought calm to her mind once more. A low tap at the window, and a voice in whisper, aroused her. " It is the doctor. Miss — Dr. Tiernay," said the gardener. * A motion to admit him was all her reply, and with noiseless step the physician entered and approached the sofa. He felt the pulse, and listened to the respiration of the sick man, and then, withdrawing the curtain so as to let the light fall upon his features, steadily con- templated their expression. As he looked, his own countenance grew graver and sadder ; and it was with an air of deep solemnity that he took Mary's hand, and led her from the room. With a weight like lead upon her heart Mary moved away. " When did it happen ?" whispered he, when he had closed the door behind them. " Happen !" gasped she, in agony; "what do you mean ?" "I meant when — this — occurred," replied he, faltering; "was he in his usual health this morning ?" " Tes, perfectly — a little less composed — anxious about his letters — uneasy at the delay — but no more." " Ton do not know if he received any unpleasant tidings, or heard anything to distress him ?" '•' He may have done so," answered she, sadly, " for he locked his door and read over his letters by himself. When I saw him next, he was standing at the window, and beckoning to me." A gentle tap at the door here interrupted the colloquy, and the old housekeeper whispered, " The master. Miss, wants to spake with the doctor ; he's better now." " Oh, let me see him," cried Mary, springing towards the door. But Dr. Tiernay interposed gently, and said, " No, this might prove dangerous; remain here till I have seen and spoken with him." Mary assented by a gesture, and sat down without speaking. " Sit down, Tiernay," said the sick man, as the Doctor came to his bedside — " sit down, and let me speak while I have strength. Every- thing is against us, Tiernay. We are not to get the renewal : this young Mr. Cashel wants the cottage — we must tdrn out. I'll have to do so, even before the gale-day ; but what matter about me ! It's that poor child I'm thinking of " Here he stopped, and was some minutes before he could resume. " There — read that ; that will teU you all." Tiernay took the crumpled letter, wMch the old man had all this while held firmly in his closed grasp, and read it, " Well, that's bad news, isn't it ?" said Corrigan ; " not the biU — 120 BOLAJs'T) CASHEL. I don't mean that ; but he's coming back ; do you see the threat ?— he's coming back again." " How can he ?" said the Doctor. " The man committed a forgery ; how will he dare to return here and place his neck in a halter?" " Tou forget whose evidence alone can convict him — mine ; the name he forged was mine, the sum he took was mine — nearly all I had in the world— but he has nothing to fear from me, whatever I may have to dread from /«»?." " How can he have any terror for you .'"' " He can take her away ; not from me, for she'll soon be separated by a stronger hand than his, but I can't bear to think that she'll be in his power. Tiernay, this is what is cutting into my heart now as I lie here, and leaves me no rest to think of the brief minutes before me. Tell me, is there no way to avoid this ? Think of something, my old friend — take this weight off ray dying heart, and my last breath will bless you." " Are there any relations, or friends ?" " None, not one ; I'm the last of the tree — the one old rotten branch left. I was thinking of a nunnery, Tiernay, one of those con- vents in France or the Low Countries ; but even there, if he found her out, he coiild legally demand her to be restored to him ; and he would find her, ay, that he would ! There never was a thing yet that man couldn't do when he set his heart on it; and, the more the obstacles, the greater his wish. I heard him say it with his own lips, that he never had any fancy for my poor Lucy, till he overheard lier one day saying, that ' she never hated any one till she knew him.' From that hour, he swore to himself she should be his wife ! Heaven knows if the hate was not better bestowed than the love ; and yet, she did love him to the last, ay, even after cruelty and desertion — ay, after his supposed death ; when she heard that he married another, and was living in splendour at Cadiz, ay, Tiernay ! after all that, she told me, on her death-bed, she loved him still !" " I think the nunnery is the best resource," said the Doctor, re- calling the sick man from a theme where his emotions were already too powerfully excited. " I believe it is," said the old man, with more of energy than be- fore : " and I feel almost as if Providence would give me strength and health to take her there myself, and see her safe before I die. Feel that pulse now — isn't it stronger ?" " You are better, much better already," said the Doctor ; " and now, keep quiet and composed. Don't speak — if it was possible, I'd say don't think — for a few hours. The worst is nigh over." " I thought so, Tiernay. I felt it was what old Joe Henchy used to call ' a run-away knock.' " And, with a faint smile, the old man pressed his hand, and said, " Good-by." EOLAND CASHEL. 121 Scarcely, bowever, had the Doctor reached the door, when he called him back. " Tiernay," said he, " it's of no use telling me to lie still, and keep quiet, and the rest of it. I continue, asleep or awake, to think over what's coming. There is but one way to give me peace — give me some hope. I'll tell you now how that is to be done ; but, first of all, can you spare three days from home ?" " To be sure I can ; a week, if it would serve you. Where am I to go?" " To Dublin ! Tiernay. You'll have to go up there, and see this young man, Cashel, yourself, and speak to him for me. Tell him nothing of our present distress or poverty, but just let him see who it is that he is turning out of the lands where their fathers lived for hundreds of years. Tell liim, that the Corrigans is the oldest stock in the whole country; that the time was, from the old square tower on Garraguin, you couldn't see a spot of ground that wasn't our own ! Tell him" — and, as he spoke, his flashing eye and heightened colour showed how the theme agitated and excited him — " tell him, that if he turns us from hearth and home, it is not as if it was like some poor cotter " He paused, his lips trembled, and the big tears burst from his eyes and rolled heavily down his face. " Oh ! God forgive me for saying the words !" cried he, in an accent of deep agony. " Why wouldn't the humblest peasant that ever crouched to his meal of potatoes beside the little turf fire of his cabin, love his home as well as the best blood in the land ? No, no, Mat, it's little kindness we'd deserve on such a plea as that." " There, there, don't agitate yourself. I know what you mean, and what you'd like me to say." " You do not," rejoined the old man, querulously, " for I haven't said it yet. Nor I can't think of it now. Ah, Mat" — here his voice softened once more into its habitual key — " that was a cruel thought of me, a while ago ; and faith, Mr. Cashel might well suspect, if he heard it, that I wasn't one of the old good blood of the Corrigans, that could talk that way of the poor ; but so it is. There isn't a bad trait in a man's heart that is not the twin-brother of his selfishness. And now I'll say no more ; do the best you can for us, that's all. ^ I was going to bid you tell him that we have an old claim on the whole estate, that some of the lawyers say is 'good — that the Crown have taken off" the confiscation in the time of my great father, Phil Cor- rigan — but sure he wouldn't mind that ; besides, that's not the way to ask a favour." *' You mustn't go on talking this way ; see how hot your hand is." "Well, maybe it will be cold enough soon! There is another thing, Mat. You must call on Murphy with the bill of sale of the furniture and the books, and get money to meet these bills. There 122 ROLAND CASHEl. they are ; I endorsed them this morniug. Tell Green it's no use sending me the other bills ; I'U not have means to take them up, and it would he only disgracing my name for nothing to write it on them. I'll be longing to see you back again, Mat, and hear your tidings ; so God bless you, and send you safe home to us." " I'll set off to-night," said the Doctor, rising and shaking his hand ; " your attack is passed over, and there's no more danger, if you'll keep quiet." " There's another thing. Mat," said the sick man, smiling faintly, and with a strange meaning. " Call at 28, Drogheda-street, and ask the people to show you the room Con Corrigan fought the duel in with Colonel Battley. It was only twelve feet long and ten wide, a little place off the drawing-room, and the Colonel woiddn't even con- sent that we should stand in the corners. Look and see if the bullet is in the wall still. The old Marquis used to have it fresh painted red every year, on the anniversary of the day. Oh dear, oh dear, but they were the strange times, then ! ay, and pleasant times too." And with such reflections on the past, he fell off" into a dreamy half- consciousness, during which Tiernay stole from the room, and left him alone. Eaint and trembling with agitation, Mary Leicester was standing all this while at the door of the sick-chamber. " Did I hear aright, Doctor ?" said she ; " was that his voice that sounded so cheerfully ?" " Yes, my dear Miss Mary, the peril is by, but be cautious. Let him not speak so much, even with you. This is a sweet, quiet spot. Heaven grant he may long enjoy it." Mary's lips muttered some words inaudibly, and they parted. She sat down alone, in the little porch under the eave ; the day was a delicious one in autumn, calm, mellow, and peaceful ; a breeze, too faint to ripple the river, stirred the flowers, and shook forth their odour. The cottage, the leafy shade, through which the tempered sunlight fell in fanciful shapes upon the gravel — the many-coloured blossoms of the rich garden — the clear and tranquil river — the hum of the distant waterfall — they were all such sights and sounds as breathe of home and home's happiness, and so had she felt them to be tin an unknown fear found entrance into her heart, and spread its darkness there. What a terrible sensation comes with a first sorrow ! KOI.AXD CASHEL, 123 CHAPTEE XIV. With fame and fortune on the cast, He never rose a winner: And learned to know himself at last, " A miserable sinner." Bell. It was about ten days or a fortnight after the great Kennyfeck dinner, when ail the gossip about its pretension, duhiess, and bad taste had died away, and the worthy guests so bored by the festivity began to wonder " when they would give another," that a gentleman sat at breakfast in one of those large, dingy-looking, low-ceilinged apartments which are the choice abodes of the Vice-Eegal stalf in the Castle of Dublin. The tawdry and time-discoloured gildings, the worn and faded silk hangings, the portraits of bygone state coun- cillors and commanders-in-chief, grievously riddled by rapier-points and pistol-shots, were not without an emblematic meaning of the past glories of that seat of Government, now so sadly fallen from its once high and palmy state. Although still a young man, the present occupant of the chamber appeared middle-aged, so much had dissipation and excess done the work of time on his constitution. A jaded, wearied look, a sleepy, indolent expression of the eye, certain hard lines about the angles of the mouth, betokened one who played a high game with life, and rarely arose a winner. Although his whole appearance bespoke birth and blood rather than intellect or ability, there was enough in Lis high and squarely-shaped head, his deep dark eye, and his firm, sharply-cut mouth, to. augur that incapacity could not be reckoned among the causes of any failures he incurred in his career. He was in every respect the heau ideal of that strange solecism in our social code, "the younger son." His brother, the Duke of Derwent, had eighty thousand a year. He had exactly three hundred. His Grace owned three houses, which might well be called palaces, besides a grouse lodge in the Highlands, a yachting station at Cowes, and a villa at Hyeres in France. My Lord was but too happy to be the possessor of the three cobwebbed chambers of a Vice-Eegal Aide-de- camp, and enjoy the pay of his troop without joining his regiment. Yet these two men were reared exactly alike ! As much habituated to evei'y requirement and luxury of wealth as his elder brother, the younger suddenly discovered that, once beyond the shadow of his father's house, aU his worldly resources were something more than what the cook, and something less than the valet, received. He had 124 EOLAND CASHEL. been taught one valuable lesson, however, which was, that as the State loves a rich aristocracy, it burdens itself with the maintenance of all those who might prove a drain on its resources, and that it is ever careful to provide for the Lord Georges and Lord Charleses of its noble houses. To this provision he believed he had a legal claim : at all events, he knew it to be a right uncontested by those less highly born. The system which excludes men from the career of commerce, in compensation opens the billiard-room, the whist-table, and the betting- ring, and many a high capacity has been exercised in such spheres as these, whose resources might have won honour and distinction in very different fields of enterprise. "Whether Lord Charles Frobisher knew this, and felt that there was better in him, or whether his successes were below his hopes, certain is it, he was a depressed, dejected man, who lounged through life in a languid indolence, caring for nothing, not even himself. There was some story of an unfortunate attachment, some love affair, with a very beautiful but portionless cousin, who married a Marquis, to which many ascribed the prevailing melancholy of liis character, but they who remembered him as a schoolboy said he was always shy and reserved, and saw nothing strange in his bearing as a man. The breakfast-table, covered with all that could stimulate ap- petite, and yet, with all untasted, was not a bad emblem of one who with many a gift to win an upward way, yet lived on in all the tawdry insignificance of a Court Aide-de-camp. A very weak glass of claret and water, with a piece of dry toast, formed his meal, and even these stood on the corner of a writing-table, at which he sat, rising some- times to look out of the window, or pace the room with slow, uncer- tain steps. Before him lay an unfinished letter, which, to judge from the slow progress it made, and the frequent interruptions to its course, seemed to occasion some difficulty in the composition, and yet the same epistle began " My dear Sydney," and was addressed to his brother. Here it is : " Mt dear Sydney, — I suppose, from not hearing from you some weeks back, that my last, which I addressed to the Clarendon, has never reached you, nor is it of any consequence. It would be too late now to ask you about Scott's horses. Cobham told us how you stood yourself, and that was enough to guide the poor devils here with their ponies and fifties. We all got a squeeze on the ' Mare.' I hear you won seven thousand besides the stakes. I hope the report may be true. Is Raucus in training for the Spring Meeting or not ? If so, let me have some trifle on him in your own book. " I perceive you voted on Brougham's amendment against our people ; I conclude you were right, but it will malie them very stub- EOLAKD CASHEL. 125 born witla me about tbe excbange. N bas ab-eady remarked upou wbat be calls tbe 'intolerable independence of some Noble Lords.' I wisb I knew tbe clue to your proceeding — are you at liberty to give it ? I did not answer tbe question in your last letter. — Of course I am tired of Ireland, but as tbe alternatives are a ' Com- pound in Calcutta, or tbe Grovernraent House, Quebec,' I may as well remain wbere I am. I don't know tbat a Staff-officer, like Madeira, improves by a sea-voyage. " Tou say nothing of Georgina, so tbat I bope ber cbest is better, and tbat Nice may not be necessary. I believe, if climate were needed, you would find Lisbon, or ratber Cintra, better than any part of Italy, and possessed of one great advantage — few of our rambling countrymen. N commended your bauncb so bigbly, and took sucb pains to record bis praises, tbat I suspect be looks for a repetition of the favour. If you are shooting bucks, perhaps you would send him a quarter." Two sentences, half finished and erased, here showed that tbe writer experienced a difficulty in continuing. Indeed, bis flurried manner as be resumed tbe letter proved it. At last be went on. " I bate asking favours, my dear Sydney, but there is one which, if not positively repugnant to you to grant, will much oblige me. There is a young millionnaire here, a Mr. Casbel, wishes to be a member of your Tacbt Club, and as I have given a promise to make interest in his behalf with you, it would be conferring a great obliga- tion on me were I to make the request successfully. So far as I can learn, there is no reason against bis admission, and as regards pro- perty, many reasons in his favour. If you can do this for me, then, you will render me a considerable service. " Of course I do not intend to fix any acquaintanceship upon you, nor in any other way, save the bean in the ballot-box, and a civil word in proposing, inflict you witb wbat Eigby calls 'Protective Duties.' I should have been spared in giving you this trouble but for Tom Linton, who, witb bis accustomed good nature at other men's cost, suggested tbe step to Casbel, and told him, besides, that my brother was Vice- Admiral of tbe Yacht Tleet. " If Emily wants a match for tbe chesnut pony, I know of one here perfect in every respect, and to be had very cheap. Let me know about this soon ; and also tbe club matter, as I have promised to visit Casliel at bis country-house ; and in case of refusal on your part, this would be unpleasant. Thanks for your invitation for Christmas, which I cannot accept of. Hope and Eversbam are both on leave, so tbat I must remain here. N continues to ask you here ; but my advice is, as it bas ever been, not to come. The climate detestable — the houses dull and dirty ; no shooting, nor any bunting, at least witb such horses as you are accustomed to ride. 126 EOLAND CASHEL. " I am glad you took my counsel about the mortgagie. There is no property here worth seventeen years' purcliase, iu the present aspect of politics. Love to Jane and the girls, and believe me ever yours, " Chaeles Eeobishee." This task completed, he turned to the morning papers ; which, with a mass of tradesmen's bills, notes, and cards of invitation, littered the table. He had not read long, when a deep-drawn yawn from the further end of the room aroused him, and Frobisher arose and walked towards a sofa, on which Avas stretched a man, somewhat about the middle of life, but whose bright eye and fresh complexion showed little touch of time. His dress, slightly disordered, was a dinner costume, and rather inclined towards over-particularity ; at least, the jewelled buttons of his vest and shirt evinced a taste for display that seemed not ill to consort with the easy effrontery of his look. Taking his watch from his pocket he held it to his ear, saying, " There is an accomplishment, Charley, I've never been able to acquire — to wind my watch at supper-time. What hour is it ?" " Two," said the other, laconically. " By Jove ! how I must have slept. Have you been to bed ?" " Of course. But, I'd swear with less success than you have had on that old sofa. I scarcely closed my eyes for ten minutes together." " That downy sleep only comes of a good conscience and a heart at ease with itself," said the other. " Tou young gentlemen, who lead bad lives, know very little about the balmy repose of the tranquil mind." " Have you forgotten that you were to ride out with Lady Cecilia this morning ?" said Frobisber, abruptly. " Not a bit of it. I even dreamed we were cantering together along the sands, where I was amusing her Ladyship with some choice morceaux of scandal from that set in society she professes to hold in such horror that she will not receive them at Court, but for whose daily sayings and doings she has the keenest zest." " Foster is gone with her," rejoined Lord Charles, " and I suspect she is just as well pleased. Before this he has told her everything about our late sitting, and the play, and the rest of it !" " Of course he has ; and she is dying to ask Mr. Softly, the young chaplain's advice, whether rooting us all out would not be a ' good work.' " " Since when have you become so squeamish about card-playing, Mr. Linton ?" " I ? Not in the least ! I'm only afraid that some of my friends may turn to be so, when they hear of my successes. Tou know what happened to Wycherley, wlien he got that knack of always turning up a King ? Some one asked Kuxton what was to be done about it. ' Is EOLAND CASHEL. 127 it certain ?' said be. ' Perfectly certain ; we have seen him do it a hundred times !' ' Then back him,' said old Euxton ; ' that's my advice to you.' " As he said this, he drew a chair towards the table, and proceeded to fill out a cup of chocolate. " Where do you get these anchovies, Charley ? Burke has got some, but not half the size." " They are ordered for the household. Lawson can tell you aU about 'em," said the other, carelessly. " But, I say, what bets did you book on Laplander?" " Took him against the field for seven hundred even." " A bad bet then — I call it a very bad bet." " So should I, if I didn't know Erebus is dead lame." " I've seen a horse run to win with a contracted heel before now," said Lord Charles, with a most knowing look. " So have I ! but not on stony ground. No ! no ! you may depend upon it !" " I don't want to depend upon it," said the other, snappishly. " I shall not venture five pounds on the race. I remember once some- thing of an implicit reliance on a piece of information of the kind." " Well ! you know how that happened. I gave Hilyard's valet fifty pounds to get a peep at his master's betting-book, and the fellow told Hilyard, who immediately made up a book express, and let us all in for a smart sum. I am sure I was the heaviest loser in the affair." " So you ought, too. The contrivance was a very rascally one ; and deserved its penalty." " The expression is not parliamentary, my Lord," said Linton, with a slight flushing of the cheek, " and so I must call you to order." " Is Turcoman to run?" asked Lord Charles, negligently. " No ! I have persuaded Cashel to buy him, and he has taken him out of training." " Well, you really go very straightforward in your work, Linton. I must say, you are as plucky a rogue as I've ever heard of. Pray, now, how do you manage to keep up your influence over that youth ? he always appears to me to be a rash-headed, wilful kind of fellow there would be no guiding." " Simply, by always keeping him in occupation. There are people like spavined horses, and one must always get them warm in their woi^, and they never show the blemish. Now, I have been eternally alongside of Cashel. One day buying horses — another, pictures — another time, it was furniture— carriages — saddlery — till we have fiUed that great old house of the ex-Chancellor's with an assemblage of objects, living and inanimate, it would take a month to chronicle." " Some kind friend may open his eye to aU this one of these days, Master Linton — and then " "By that time," said Linton, "his clairvoyance will be too late. 128 nOLAXD CASHEL. Like many a man I've known, he'll be a capital judge of claret when his cellar has been emptied." " You were a large winner last night, Linton ?" " Twelve hundred and fifty. It might have been double the amount, but I've taken a hint from Splasher's Physiology. He says nothing encourages a plethora like small bleedings. And you Charley; what did you do?" " Sixty pounds !" replied he, shortly. " I never venture out of my depth." " And you mean to infer that J do, my Lord," said Linton, trying to smile, while evidently piqued by the remark. "Well, I plead guilty to the charge. I have a notion in my head that seven feet of water drowns a man just as effectually as seven hundred fiithoms in the blue Atlantic. Now you know, as well as 1, that neither of us could afford to lose sixty pounds thrice running, so let us not talk of venturing out of our depth; which, I take it, would be to paddle in very shallow water indeed." For an instant it seemed as if Lord Charles would have given an angry reply to this sally : but, as hastily checking the emotion, he walked to the window, and appeared to be lost in thought; while Liuton continued his breakfast with all the zest of a hungry man. " I'll give up play altogether," said Frobisher. " That I've resolved upon. This will go abroad, rely upon it. Some of the papers will get hold of it, and we shall see some startling paragraphs about — 'Eecent Discoveries in the Vice-Eegal Household' — 'Nefarious System of High Play at the Castle,' and so on. Now, it's all very well for you, who neither care who's in or out, or hold any appoint- ment here ; but, remember, there are others — myself, for instance — who have no fancy for this kind of publicity." " In the first place," interrupted Linton, " there is no danger; and, in the second, if there were, it's right well remunerated. Tour appointment here, with all its contingent advantages, of which, not to excite your blushes, we shall say nothing, is some three or four hundred a year. Now, a lucky evening, and courage to back the luck — a quality, by the way, I never yet found in one Englishman in a hundred — is worth this twice or thrice told. Besides, remember, that this wild bull of the Prairies has come of himself into our hunting-grounds. If we don't harpoon him, somebody else will. A beast of such fat on the haunches is not going to escape scot free ; and lastly, by falling into good hands, he shall have the advantage of being cut up artistically, and not mauled and mangled by the rude fingers of the ignorant. Faith, as for myself, I think I richly merit all the spoils I shall obtain !" " As how, pray ?" asked Lord Charles, languidly. " lu the first place, to speak of the present — I have ridden out ROLAND CASHEL. 129 with him — sat beside him on the box of his drag — he is seen with me in public, and has been heard to call me ' Linton,' on the ride at Dycer's. My tradespeople have become his tradespeople. The tailor who re- served his master-stroke of genius for me, now shares his favours with him. In fact, Charley, we are one. Secondly, as regards the future, see from what perils I shall rescue him. He shall not marry Livy Kennyfeck— he shall not go into Parliament for the Liberal interest — • nor for any interest, if I can help it — he shall not muddle away a fine fortune in fattening Durham bulls, and Berkshire boars ; neither shall he excel in rearing mangel-wurzel or beetroot. I'll teach him to have a soul above subsoiling, and a spirit above green crops. He shall not fall into the hands of Downie Meek, and barter his birthright for a Whig baronetcy ; neither shall he be the victim of right honourable artifices, and marry a Lady Juliana, or Cecilia. In fine, I'll secure him from public meetings, and agricultural societies, twaddling dinners, horticultural breakfasts, the Irish Academy, and Mrs. White." " These are great deservings indeed," said Lord Charles, affectedly. " So they are," said the other ; " nor do I believe there ie another man about town could pilot the channel but myself. It is only reasonable, then, if I save the craft, that I should claim the salvage. Now, the next point is, will you be one of the crew ? I'll take you with pleasure, but there's no impressment. All I ask is secrecy, whether you say yea or nay." " Let me hear what the service is to be like." " Well, we shall first of all cruise — confound metaphors — let us talk plainly. Cashel has given me a carte hlancJie to fill his house with guests and good things. The company and the cuisine are both to be among my attributions, and I intend tliat we should do the thing right royally. Selection and exclusiveness are, of course, out of the question. There are so many cock-tails to run — there can be no disqualification. Our savage friend, in fact, insists on asking every- body he sees, and we are lucky if we escape the Infantry and the Junior Bar. Here's the list — a goodly catalogue truly, and such a Macedoine of incongruities has been rarely assembled, even at old Kennyfeck' s dinner- table." " Why, I see few others than the people we met there t'other day." " Not many ; but please to remember that even a country-house has limits, and that some of the guests, at least, must have separate rooms. To be serious, Charley, I have misused the King's press damnably ; we have such a party as few have ever witnessed. There are tlie Kilgoft's, the Whites, the Hamiltons, along with the Clau Kennyfeck, the Eidleys, and Mathew Hannigan, Esquire, of Bally- Hannigan, the new JMember of Parliament for Dunrone, and the last convert to the soothing doctrines of Downie Meek." VOL. I. K 130 ' ROLAND CASHEL. " Is Downie coining ?" lisped the Aide-de-camp, " Ay, and his daughter too. He wrote one of his velvety epistles, setting forth the prayer of his petition, in favour of ' a little girl, yet only in the nursery.' " " Tes, yes ; I know all that. Well, I'm not sorry. I like Jemmy. She is a confounded deal better than her father, and is a capital weight to put on a young horse, and a very neat hand too. "Who next ? Not the Dean, I hope." " No ; we divided on the Dean, and carried his exclusion by a large majority. Mrs. Kennyfeck was, I believe, alone in the lobby." " Glad of that ! No one can expect an Irish visit in the country without rain, and he's an awful fellow to be caged with, when out- o'-door work is impracticable." " Then there are the Latrobes and the Heatherbys ; in fact, the old set, with a Polish fellow, of course a Count — Deuroominski ; a literary tourist, brought by Mrs. White, called Howie ; and a small little dark man, one used to see two seasons ago, that sings the melo- dies and tells Irish legends — I forget the name." " Promiscuous and varied, certainly ; and what is the order of the course ? Are there to be games, rural sports, fireworks, soaped pigs, and other like intellectualities ?" " Precisely ; a kind of coming-of-age thing on a grand scale. I have engaged Somerton's clief; he has just left his place. Gunter sends over one of his people ; and Dubos, of the Cadran Bleu, is to forward two hampers per week from Paris. Hicksley is also to pro- vide all requisites for private theatricals. In fact, nearly everything has been attended to, save the horse department ; I wish you'd take that under your protectorate ; we shall want any number of screyrs, for saddle and harness, with drags, breaks, and machines of all kinds, to drive about in. Do, pray, be master of the horse." " Thanks ; but I hate and detest trouble of all kinds. So far as selling you two of my own — a wall-eye and a bone-spavin included — I consent." " Agreed ; everything in your stable carries a side-saddle, that I know, so name your figure." " A hundred ; they'd bring close on fifty at Dycer's any day ; so, I am not exorbitant, as these are election times." " There's the ticket, then," said Linton, taking out a cheque-book and filling up a leaf for the sum, which he tore out and presented to Lord Charles. " What, has he really so far installed you as to " " As to give blank cheques," said the other, holding up the book in evidence, where "Roland Cashel" was written on a vast number of pages. " I never knew the glorious sense of generosity before, Charley. I have heard a great deal about liberal sentiments, and all ROLAND CASHEL. 131 that kind o' tiling ; but now, for the first time, do I feel the real en- joyment of indulgence. To understand this liberty aright, however, a man must have a squeeze — such a squeeze as I have experienced myself once or twice in life ; and then, my boy, as the song says," — here, with a bold rattling air, he sang to a popular melody — When of luck you've no card up, And feel yourself " hard-up," And cannot imagine a method to win ; When " friends" take to shy you. And Jews to deny you, How pleasant to dip in another man's tin. Not seeking nor craving, Some pettiful saving, You draw as you like upon Drummond or Gwynne, And while pleasure pursuing, You know there's no ruing The cost that comes out of another man's tin. Eh, Charley ! that's the toast we ' Chevaliers Modernes' should drink before the health of the Eoyal Family." " The Royal Family," sneered Frobisher ; " I never observed that loyalty was a very remarkable trait in your character." " The greater injustice yours, then," said Linton. " I conceived a very early attachment to Monarchy, on learning the importance of the King at ecarte." " I should have thought the Knave had !uore of your sympathy," said the other. " Inasmuch as he follows the Queen, I suppose," said Linton, good-humouredly, laughing ; " but come, don't look so grave, old fellow ; had I been a political ' intrigant'' and devoted these goodly talents of mine to small state rogueries in committees and adjourned debates, I'd have been somebody in these dull times of aspiring me- diocrity, but as my ambitions have never soared beyond the posses- sion of what may carry on the war of life, irrespective of its graver honours, you moralists — Heaven bless the mark ! — rather regard me distrustfully. Now, let me tell you a secret, and it's one worth the knowing. There is nothing so fatal to a man's success in life as ' a little character ;' a really great one may dispense with every kind of ability and acquirement : get your name once up in our English public, and you may talk, preach, and write the most rank nonsense with a very long impunity ; -but a little character, like a small swim- ming bladder, only buoys you up long enough to reach deep water, and be drowned. To journey the road of life with this, is to 'carry weight.' Take my advice — I give it in all sincerity — you are as poor a man as myself; there are thousands of luxuries you can afford your- self, but this is too costly an indulgence for a small fortune. Your ' little character' is a kind of cankering conscience, not strong enough to keep you out of wickedness, but sufficiently active to make you k2 332 ROLAND CASHEL. miserable afterwards. An everlasting suggester of small scruples, it leaves a man no time for anything but petty expedients and devices, and you hang suspended all your life between desire and denial, with- out the comfort of the one or the credit of the other." " Is the sermon over f " said Lord Charles, rather aifectedly than really feeling tired of the " tirade," " or are you only rehearsing the homily before you preach it to E-oland Cashel ?" " Quite wrong there, my Lord," said Linton, with the same imper- turbable temper. " Cashel is rich enough to afford himself any ca- price, even a good name, if he like it. Tou and I must take ours as "we do railway tickets, any number that's given us!" And with this speech, delivered in an air of perfect quietude, but still emphatically slow, he settled his hat on before the glass, arranged his whiskers, and walked away. Lord Charles, for a second, seemed disposed to make an angry reply, but correcting the impulse, he Avalked to the window in silence, " I have half a mind to spoil your game, my worthy friend," muttered be, as the other passed across the court-yard ; " one word to Cashel would do it. To be sure it is exploding the mine with one's own hand to the fusee ; that's to be thought of." And so saying, he lay down on the sofa to ruminate. CHAPTEE XV. Not half so skilled in means and ways, The " hungry Greek" of classic days His cards with far less cunning plays. Than eke, our modern sharper ! When Linton had determined within himself to make Cashel " his own," his first care was to withdraw him from the daily society of the Kennyfecks, by whose familiar intercourse a great share of influence was already enjoyed over their young guest. This was not so easy a task as he had at first imagined. Cashel had tasted of the pleasant fascination of easy intimacy with two young and pretty girls, eagerly bent on being agreeable to him. He was in all the full enjoyment of that rare union, the pleasure of being at home and yet an honoured guest ; and it was only when Linton suggested that late hours and irregular habits were but little in accordance with the decorous pro- priety of a family, that Cashel yielded, and consented to remove his residence to a great furnished house in " Stephen's Green," where some bygone Chancellor once held his state. Linton well knew that if " Necessity" be the mother of invention, EOLAND CASHEL. 133 " Propinquity" is the father of love ; that there is notliing so sug- gestive of the tender passion as that lackadaisical state to which lounging at home contributes, and the chance meetings with a pretty girl. The little intercourse on the stairs going down to breakfast, the dalliance in the conservatory, the chit-chat before dinner, are far more formidable than all the formal meetings under the blaze of wax- liglits, and amid the crush of white satin. " If I leave him much longer among them," said he to himself, " he'll marry one of these girls ; and then adieu to all influence over him ! No more ecarte — no more indiscriminate purchases of every- thing T propose — no more giving ' the odds against the field,' A wife and a wife's family are heavy recognisances against a bachelor friend's counsels." Cashel was really sorry to leave the house where his time had passed so pleasantly. The very alternation of his interest regarding the two sisters had kept his mind in a state of pleasant incertitude, now, see- ing something to prefer in this, now in that, while, at the same time, suggesting on their part greater efforts to please and amuse him. If Mr. Kennyfeck deemed Cashel's removal a very natural step, and one which his position in some sort demanded, not so his wife. She in- veiglied powerfully against the dangerous intimacy of Linton, and the ruinous consequences such an ascendancy would lead to. " Tou should tell Mr. Cashel who this man is," said she, imperiously. " But that is exactly what nobody knows," meekly responded Mr. Kenny feck. " Pshaw, every one knows all about him ! Tou can tell him how he ruined young Rushbrook, and in less than two years left him without a shilling." Mr. Kennyfeck shook his head, as though to say that the evidence was by no means conclusive on that count. "Tes, you may affect not to believe it," said she, angrily, "but didn't George Lawson see the cheque for eight thousand paid to Linton at Latouche's bank, and that was one evening's work." " There was a great deal of high play, I've heard, among them." "Oh, indeed! you've heard that much," said she, scornfully; " probably, too, you heard how Linton paid seventy thousand pounds for part of the Dangwood estate — he, that had not sixpence three months previous. I tell you, Mr. Kennyfeck, that you have laboured to very little purpose to establish this young man's claim, if you are to stand by and see his property portioned among sliarpers. There ! don't start and look so frightened ; there's nobody listening, and if there were, too, I don't care. I tell you, Mr. Kennyfeck, that if it weren't for your' foolish insufficiency, Cashel would propose for Olivia. Yes! the thing is plain as possible. He fell in love with her the very night he arrived. Every one saw it. Jane Lyons told 134 ROLAND CASHEL. me how it was remarked the day the company dined here. Leonard told over Dublin how she chose the diamonds, and that Cashel dis- tinctly referred to her before buying them. Then, they were seen together driving through the streets. What more would you have ? And now you suffer all this to be undone for the selfish objects of Mr. Linton ; but I tell you, Mr. Kennyfeck, if you're a fool, I am not." " But really I don't see " " You don't see ! I'm sure you do not. You'd see, however, if it were a case for an action in the Courts — a vulgar appeal to twelve greasy jurors — you'd see then. There is quite enough for a shabby verdict ! But I regard the affair very differently, and I tell you franldy, if I see Cashel draw off in his attentions, I'll send for my cousin O'Grorman. I believe you can assure your young client that he'll find there's no joking with him." Now this was the " most unkindest cut of all ;" for if report spoke truly, Mr. Kennyfeck had himself experienced from that gentleman a species of moral force impulsion which left the most unpleasant reminiscences behind. " I beseech you to remember, Mrs. Kennyfeck, that this agency is one of the best in Ireland." " So much the more reason to have the principal your son-in-law." " I'd have you reflect how little success coercion is like to have with a person of Mr. Cashel's temper," " Peter is the best shot in Ballinasloe," rejoined Mrs. Kennyfeck, sententiously. Mr. Kennyfeck nodded a full assent ; but seemed to hazard a doubt as to the efficiency of such skill. " I repeat, Sir, I'll send for him. Peter knows pretty well what ought to be done in such matters, and it's a comfort to think there is some spirit on one side of the family, at least." Whether to afford a practical illustration, albeit negatively, or that he dreaded a con- tinuance of the controversy, Mr. Kennyfeck feigned a business ap- pointment, and retired, leaving his spouse to ponder over her threat, and resolve with herself as to the advantage of Peter's alliance. While this conjugal discussion engaged Papa and Mamma, Cashel was endeavouring to explain to the fair daughters the reasons for his departure, affecting to see that the multiplicity of his engagements and duties required a step which he owned was far from agreeable to bis feelings. " I suspected how soon you would weary of us," said Olivia, in a half whisper. " We ouglit to have remembered, Livy," said the elder sister, " how little woidd our claims upon Mr. Cashel appear, when confronted with those of a higher station in the world." EOLAND CASIIEL. 135 " I assure you, 3 ou wrong both yourselves and me. I never " " Oh, I am certain you never imagined this step. I can well believe, tliat if it were not for advice — not very disinterested, per- haps — you would have still condescended to regard this as your liorae." " If I suspected that this removal would in the least affect the sen- timents I entertain for my kind friends here, or in any way alter those I trust they feel for me, I'd never have adopted, or, having adopted, never execute it." " We are really very much to blame, Mr. Cashel," said Olivia, bashfully, " in suffering our feelings to sway you on a matter like this. It was only too kind of you to come here at first : and per- haps even yet you will come occasionally to see us." " Yes, Mr. Cashel, Livy is right ; we are very selfish in our wishes, and very inconsiderate besides. Your position in the world requires a certain mode of living, a certain class of acquaintances, which are not ours. It is far better, then, that we should resign ourselves to an interruption, than wait for an actual breach of intimacy." Cashel was totally at a loss to see how his mere change of residence could possibly imply a whole train of altered feelings and relations, and was about to express his astonishment on that score, when Linton's phaeton drove up to the door, according to an appointment they had made the day before, to breakfast with the officers of a regiment quartered a short distance from town. " There is your friend, Mr. Cashel," said Miss Kennyfeck, with a marked emphasis on the word. Cashel muttered something about a rendezvous, and took up his hat, when a servant entered to request he would favour Mr. Kennyfeck with a brief interview before going out. " Are we to see you at dinner to-day ?" said Olivia, languidly, " I hope so. Mrs. Kennyfeck has been kind enough to ask me, and I hope to have the pleasure." " Will Mr. Linton give leave?" said Miss Kennyfeck, laughing; and then, seeing a cloud on Cashel's brow, added, " I meant, if you had made no appointment with him." " I'm self-willed enough to follow my own bent generally," said he, abruptly, and left the room. " You owe that gentleman a heavy grudge, Livy," said Miss Ken- nyfeck, as she approached the window and looked out. " Whom do you mean, dear ?" " Mr. Linton. Were it not for him, I half think you might have succeeded." " I really cannot comprehend you," cried the younger, witli well- assumed astonishment. " Of course not, my dear. Still, it was a difficult game, even if left 136 EOLAND CASHEL. all to yourself. He was always likely to smash the tackle at the moment when almost caught. There, don't look so puzzled, dear ; I was only following out a little reverie — that's all." Meanwhile Cashel hastily descended the stairs, not over good- humouredly commenting on Mr. Kennyfeck's ill-chosen moment for a business conversation. " I can only stay a few minutes, or ratlier seconds," cried he, as he opened tlie door of the study ; and then checked himself as he perceived a short, stout, elderly man, of vene- rable appearance, who rose respectfully from his chair as he came in. " Doctor Tiernay — Mr. Cashel," said Kennyfeck, presenting the stranger. " I have taken the liberty to delay you. Sir, since it would be a great convenience if you could accord this gentleman a brief hearing at present ; he has come above a hundred miles to crave it, and must leave Dublin by the afternoon mail." " Without it be Mr. Cashel's pleasure to detain me," said the Doctor, submissivel3\ " He is a tenant of your Tubbertnore estate, Sir," resumed Ken- nyfeck, " a very near neighbour." " I regret that I am pressed for time at this moment. Sir," said Cashel, drawing on his gloves impatiently ; " but I believe it is the less consequence, inasmuch as I really know nothing — absolutely no- thing — and you, Mr. Kennyfeck, know everything, aboiit that pro- perty, and are by far the best person to hear and decide upon this gentleman's proposition, whatever it be." *' It is a case that must be decided by yourself, Sir," said the Doctor. " It is neither a matter of law nor right, but a simple question of whether you will do an act of great kindness to the oldest tenant on your property, a man who, now overtaken by years and sickness, may not, perhaps, be alive at ray return, to hear of your benevolence." " It is about this renewal. Sir," interposed Kennyfeck, who saw Cashel's increasing impatience to be away. " Mr. Corrigan's lease expires on the 25th." " He is now struck by paralysis," interrupted the Doctor ; " and his only prayer is to be sufiered to die beneath the roof where he has lived for fifty years." " A tenant at will," interposed Kennyfeck. " Gri'acious Heaven ! how could he suppose I should dream of dis- possessing him ?" cried Cashel. " Of course. Sir, the house is his own so long as he pleases to hold it. Tell him so. Mr. Kennyfeck will tell him from me, that he need not give the matter another thought. I am sincerely grieved that it should have already caused him so much anxiety." " Ah, Sir," cried the Doctor, while two very dubious drops twinkled in his eyes, " you are, indeed, worthy of the good fortune that has bduJlun you. My poor old friend will bless you with a prouder heart ROLAND CASHEL. " 137 in his belief in human nature, than even his gratitude could suggest. Farewell, Sir, and may you long live to be as happy as you know how to make others," With an impulse of irrepressible warmth the old man seized Cashel's hand in both his own, and pressed it cordially, when the door sud- denly opened, and Linton, dressed in a riding costume, appeared. " AVhat, Eoland, at business so early ? Do you know you're an hour behind time ?" " I do ; but I couldn't help it — in fact, this was unexpected " " It was an act of benevolence, Sir, detained Mr. Cashel," inter- rupted the Doctor. " I believe no appointment can be broken with a safer apology." " Ho ! ho !" said Linton, throwing up his eyebrows, as if he sus- pected a snare to his friend's simplicity. " Which of the Missions to convert the Blacks, or what family of continuous twins are you patronising?" " Good-by, Sir," said the Doctor, turning towards Cashel. " I'd ask your pardon for the liberty I have already taken with you, it I were not about to transgress again." Here he looked Linton fully in the face. " Mr. Cashel has done a kind and worthy action this morning. Sir ; but if he does many more such, and keep your com- pany, he is not only a good man, but the strongest principled one I ever met wdth." As the last word was uttered, the door closed after him, and he was gone. " So then, I'm the Mephistopheles to your Faust," said Linton, laughing heartily ; " but what piece of credulous benevolence has cost you this panegyric and me this censure ?" " Oh, a mere trifle," said Cashel, preparing to leave — •" a simple grant of renewal to an old tenant on my estate." " Only that," said Linton, affecting the coolest indifference, while by a keen glance at Kennyfeck he revealed a profound consciousness of his friend's simplicity. " Nothing more, upon my honour ; that little cottage of Tubber- beg." " Not that fishing lodge beside the river, in an angle of your own demesne ?" asked Linton, eagerly. " The same— why, what of it ?" " Nothing, save that your magnanimity is but one-sided, since only so late as Thursday last, when we looked over the map together, you gave me that cottage until such time as you should include the farm within the demesne." "By Jupiter, and so I did!" exclaimed Cashel, while a flush of shame covered his face and forehead : " what a confounded memory I have ! What is to be done ?" 138 ■ EOLAND CASHEL. " Ob, never fret about it," said Linton, taking bis arm, and leading liim away. " The tbing is easily settled. Wbat do I want with a cottage ? The old gentleman is, doubtless, a far more rural personage tban I should prove. Let us not forget Aubrey's breakfast, which, ' if we wait mucb longer, will be a luncheon. The ladies well, Mr. Kennyfeck ?" This was the first time be bad noticed tbat gen- tleman. " Quite well, Mr. Linton," said he, bowing politely. " Pray present my respects. By the way, you don't want a side- saddle horse, do you ?" " I thank you, we are supplied." " "Wbat a pity ! I've got such a grey, witb tbat swinging low can- tering action Miss Kennyfeck likes ; she rides so well ! I wish siie'd try bim." A shake of the bead and a bland smile intimated a mild refusal. " Inexorable fatber ! Come, Casbel, you shall make the amende for baviag given away my cottage ; you must buy Reginald, and make bim a present to the lady." " Agreed," said Casbel ; " send bim over to-day ; be's mine, or ratber Miss Kennyfeck's. Nay, Sir, really I will not be opposed. Mr. Ken- nyfeck, I insist." The wortby attorney yielded, but not without reluctance, and saw them depart, witb grave misgivings tbat the old Doctor's sentiment was truly spoken, and tbat Linton's companionsbip was a most un- bappy accident. " I must get into Parliament," said Linton, as be seated bimself beside Casbel in tbe pbaeton, " if it were only to quote you as oue of that much-belied class, tbe Irisb Landlord. Tbe man who grants renewals of bis best land on terms contracted three hundred years ago, is very mucb wanting just now. AVhat a sensation it will create in the House, when they cry ' Name, name !' and I reply tbat I am uuder a positive personal injunction not to name, and then Sharman Crawford, or one of tbat set, rises and avers that be believed tbe Ho- nourable and Learned Gentleman's statement to be perfectly un- founded. Amid a deluge of ' Ohs !' I stand up and boldly declare tbat further reserve is no longer possible, and that tbe gentleman whom I am so proud to call my friend is Eoland Casbel, Esq., of Tub- bermore. There's immortality for you, for that evening at any rate. You'll be toasted at Bellamy's, at supper, and by tbe white-beaded old crentlemen who sit in the window at tlie Carlton." " You'll not bint that I had already made a present of the lauds wbeti I displayed so much munificence," said Casbel, smiling. " Not a syllable ; but I'll tell tbe secret to the Opposition, if you ever grow restive," said Linton, with a laugh, in which, bad Eoland studied Lavater, he might have read a valuable lesson. EOLAND CA8UEL. 139 ^^ Apropos of Parliament, Kennyfeck persists in boring me about it, and that Mr. Downie Meek seems to have it at heart that I am to represent sometliing or somebody, well knowing, the while, that I cannot possibly be supposed to understand anything of the interests wliereon I should be called to vote and legislate." "That's not so much consequence," said Linton; "you'd find a very strong section of the House very like yourself, but the thing would bore you ; you would neither like the fatigue nor the slavery of it ; and, positively, there is no excitement, save for the half-dozen who really contest the race. Meek, and others of the same stamp will tell you that property should be represented in the Legislature. I agree fully with the sentiment, so it should. So also should a man's rents be collected, but that's no reason he should be his own agent, when he can find another, far more capable, ready for oflice. — Touch that off-side horse, he'll skulk his collar when he can. — Now, if you have county or borough influence going a begging, send in your no- minee, any fellow who'll suit your views, and express your opinions — myself, for instance," said he, laughing, " for want of a better. — Those manes don't lie right ; that near-sider's falls on the wrong side of the neck, — The great secret for any man situated as you are, is to avoid all complications, political, social, and matrimonial. You have a glorious open country before you, if there be no cross-riding to spoil your run." "Well, I am. not above taking advice," said Cashel, "but really I must own that, from the little I've seen of the matter, it seems harder to go through life with a good fortune than without a shilling. I know that as a poor man, very lately " " Come, come, you know very little of what poverty means ; you've been leading a gay life in a land where men do, by one bold enter- prise, the work which costs years of slow toil in our tamer regions. Now I should have liked that kind of thing myself. Ay, you may smile, that a man who devotes a large share of each day to the tie of his cravat, and the immaculate elegance of his boots, should venture to talk of Prairie life and adventure. Take care — by Jove ! I thought vou were into that apple-stall." " Never say it twice," cried Cashel, gaily. " I'm beginning to feel confoundedly tired of this life here ; and, if I don't find that it im- proves on acquaintance, I'll take a run down west, just to refresh my spirits. "Will you come with me ?" " With my whole heart I join the proposal ; but you are not serious ; I know you are merely jesting in all this." " Perfectly serious. I am decidedly weary of seven o'clock din- ners and morning calls. But here we are." As he spoke, they drove into the barrack-yard, where groups of lounging officers, in every variety of undress, were seen in all the 14.0 EOLAND CASHEL. insipid enjoyment of that cigar-smoking existence, which forms the first article in our military code of education. The gallant — th Light Dragoons were a " fast regiment," and the inventors of that new locomotive on the road to ruin, called a " mess breakfast" — a meal where champagne flows with a profusion rarely seen at dinner, and by which men begin the day in a frame of mind that would not be very decorous even when concluding it. Cashel, being an honoured guest, drank wine with every one, not to speak of participating in various little bibatory trios and quartets, so that when the entertainment drew to a close, he was very far from that self-possession and command which, with all his high spirit, seldom deserted him. A tremendous fall of rain, that showed no prospect of ceasing, had just set in, so that the party agreed to repair to the Major's rooms, and make a pool at ecarte. After some talking about play in general, and some quizzing about not being able to bet a sum such as Cashel would care to play for, the game began. Notwithstanding the apologies, the play was high, so much so, that Cashel, never a very shrewd observer, could not help remarking that several of the players could not conceal the anxiety the game inspired. Roland himself joined less from inclination than fellowship, and far better pleased to be at liberty to chat with some of the others, than to be seated at the table, he arose each time he lost, well content to pay for freedom by his gold. His natural indifference, added to a perfect carelessness about money, induced him to accept any bet that was offered, and these were freely proposed, since, in play parlance, " the run was against him ;" so that, ere the trumpet-call announced the time to dress for the mess, he had lost heavily. " You have no idea how much you have lost," said Linton, in a low voice, and with a gravity of manner almost reproacliful. " Not the slightest," said Cashel, laughing. " I can tell you then, for Lhave totted it up. This morning's work has cost you seven thousand some hundred pounds." "Indeed!" said Cashel, a flush rather of shame than displeasure mantling on his features. " I'll give it up, in future." " No, no ! not till you've had your revenge," whispered Linton. " We'll stay for the mess, and have at them again. The night is ter- rific, and no possibility of leaving." The mess followed, and although play was to succeed it, the party drank freely, and sat long over tlieir wine, even Linton himself seem- ing to linger at the table, and leave it with regret. As for Cashel, for the first time in his life he wished to play. No desire for money-getting, no mean passion for gain suggested the wish, it was simply a piqued vanity at being beaten; a sense of in- dignity that his inferiority should seem to be implied, even in so / f >"'X. -r-t^ ROLAND CASHEL. 141 trifling a matter, urged him on, and he was one of the first to vote for a return to ecarte. Except Linton, there was not probably one who could be called a good player in the party — but luck, which has more than the mastery over skill, supplied the place of knowledge, and Cashel was the only heavy loser of the whole assembly. Stung by continued failure, too, he betted madly and foolishly, so that as the day was breaking, and the stir in the barrack-yard announced the approaching parade, his losses reached more than double what they had been in the morning. " I say, lads !" said the Major, as they all arose from the table, " one word before you go." So saying, he turned the key in the door, and stood with his back against it. " Before any one leaves the room, each must promise on his honour not to mention a syllable of this night's business. "We all know that we have been playing far higher stakes than ever we've been in the habit of. The report, if it get abroad, would ruin the regiment." " Oh, we all promise not a word shall be said about it," cried out several voices together. " There's the second trumpet !" So saying, they hastened pell-mell to dress for the parade, while Cashel, taking Linton's arm, set out homewards. *' I say, Tom !" said Roland, after they had walked on for some time in silence, " I am somewhat ashamed of this exploit of mine, and would not for a great deal that Kennyfeck should know it. Is there no way of getting this money by loan— for if I draw now " " Make your mind quite easy ; I'll arrange that for you. Don't worry yourself about it. It's a bore, of course, to lose a round sum like that ; but you can afford it, my boy, that's one comfort. If it had been I, by Jove, the half of it would have drained the well !" This said, he hastily changed the topic, and they walked along chatting of everything save the late party. CHAPTEE XVI. The money that " at play" ia spent, Must oft be raised at " cent, per cent." The Mode. " Good night, or rather good morrow," said Linton, as he stood with Cashel on the steps of his newly-taken residence. Cashel made no reply ; his thoughts were recurring to the scene of the late debauch, and in some pangs of self-reproach he was "recalling the heavy sum he had lost. " You spoke of my being able to raise 142 ROLAND CASHEL. this money, Linton, without Kennyfeck's knowing ; for I am really ashamed of the affair. Tell me how can it be done ?" " Nothing easier." " Nay, but when ? for if I must confess it, I can think of nothing else till it be arranged." " What a timid conscience yours must be," said Linton, laughing, "that cannot sleep lest the ghosts of his I. O.'s should haunt him." " The fact is so, nevertheless. The very gloomy moments of my life have been associated with play transactions. This shall be the last." " What folly ! Tou suffer mere passing impressions to wear deep into your nature ; you that should be a man of nerve and vigour. What can it possibly signify that you have thrown away a few hun- dreds, or a few thousands either ?" " Very little as regards the money, I own ; but I'm not certain how long my indifference respecting play might last. I am not sure how long I could endure being beaten — for that is the sense losing sug- gests — without a desire to conquer in turn. Now up to this I have played to oblige others, without interest or excitement of any kind. What if I should change and become a gambler from clioice ?" " Why, if you propound the question with that solemn air, you'll almost frighten me into believing it would be something very terrible ; but if you ask me simply what would be the result of your growing fond of play, I'll tell you fairly, it's a pleasure gained, one of the few resources which only a rich man can afford with impunity, so much the more fascinating, that it can be indulged in such perfect accord- ance with every humour of a man's mind. If you are so inclined, you play low, and coquet with fortune, or if lavishly given, you throw the reins loose and go free. Now it seems to me that nothing could better suit tlie careless, open-banded freedom of your habits than the vacillations of high play. It's the only way that even for a moment you can taste the sensation of being hard pressed, while in the high flood of luck you can feel that gushing sense of power that somehow seems to be the secret soul of gold !" " Men must lose with a very different look upon their features before I can win with the ecstasy you speak of," cried Cashel. " But where are we straying to— what part of the town have we got into ?" " This is the cattle-market," said Linton, " and I have brought you here because I saw you'd not close your eyes till that silly affair was settled, and here we are now at Dan Iloare's counting-house, the man of all others to aid us. Follow me ; I ouglit to know the stairs well, • in daylight or dark." Cautiously following his guide, Cashel mounted a half-rotten, creaky stair, which passed up between two damp and mildewed walls, and BOLAND CASHEL. 143 entered a small chamber whose one window looked ont in a dirty court. The only furniture consisted of two deal chairs and a table, on which various inscriptions made by penknives betokened the patience and zeal of former visitors. Linton passed on to the end of the chamber, where was a narrow door, but suddenly halted as his eye caught a little slip of paper attached to a sliding panel, and which bore the word " Engaged." " Ha !" cried he, " one here already ! Tou see, early as it is, Dan is at work, discounting and protesting as usual. By the way, I have forgot one essential : he never gives a stamp, and so I must provide one. "Wait for me here ; there is a place in the neighbourhood where they can be had, and I'll be back presently." Cashel sat himself down in the cheerless little den, thinking of the many who might have waited there before, in so many frames of anxiety and torturing suspense. His own memory could recal a some- what similar character in Geizheimer, and while he was thus remem- bering some features of the past, he fell into a reverie, forgetting time and place together, the sound of voices from the adjoining room serving rather to lidl than arouse his attention. At last a word caught his ear. He started suddenly, and looking about him for a second, experienced almost a difficulty to remember where he was. Could it be possible, or was it mere fancy ? but he believed he heard his name mentioned by some one within that room. Less caring to know how or by whom the name was spoken than if the fact were actually so, he leaned forward on his chair, and bent his ear to listen, when he heard, in a voice louder than had been used before, the fol- lowing words : " It may be all as you say, Sir ; I won't pretend to throw a doubt upon your words ; but, as a mere man of business, I may be per- mitted to say that this promise, however satisfactory to your friend's feelings, is not worth a sixpence in law. Corrigan asks for a renewal of his lease, and the other says, ' Keep your holding — don't disturb yourself,' and there he is, a tenant at will. 'Now, for the purposes you have in view towards me, that pledge goes for nothing. I cannot renew these bills upon such frail security. If the old man cannot find means to meet them, Leicester must, that's all." " Leicester is a villain !" cried another and a deeper voice, whose tones seemed not quite strange to Eoland's ears. " He has ruined my poor old friend ; he will soon leave him houseless, and he threatens to leave hiui almost friendless too." "He told me," said the other, "he should certainly claim his daughter, and means to return next summer for that purpose." " I almost hope poor Con will never live to see that day," said the former, with a heavy sigh. 144 EOLAND CASHEL. " Well, to return to our own affair, Sir, I tell you, frankly, I don't consider Cashel's promise deserving of any consideration. He, doubt- less, means to keep it ; that's the very most anybody can say about it. But remember what a life he is leading: he has drawn above thirty thousand out of Latrobe's hands in three months — no one knows for what. He has got among a set of men who play high, and cannot pay if they lose. Now, his estate is a good one ; but it can't last for ever. My notion is that the young fellow will end as he began, and become a buccaneer once more." " He has a long course to run ere that comes," said the other, " Not so long as you fancy. There are demands upon liim from quarters you little suspect, or that, for the moment, lie little suspects himself. It would surprise you to hear that he is in Leicester's hands too." " Eoland Cashel — Mr. Cashel, in Leicester's hands ! How do you mean?" Just at this instant Linton's foot was heard ascending the stairs, and Cashel, whose eagerness to hear the remainder became a perfect torture of anxiety, was forced to lose the opportunity. " What a hunt I have had," said Linton, as he entered, flushed and ■weary-looking. " Our amount is rather above the ordinary mark, and I found it almost impossible to procure the stamps. Are you tired waiting ?" " No — nothing to speak of," said Cashel, confusedly. " Well, I fancy our friend here has had much more than his share of an audience. I'll see and unearth him." And so saying, Linton knocked with his cane at the door. A low murmuring of voices succeeded, the sound of feet followed, and soon after the door was opened, and a small, thin, pale-faced man in black appeared. " Good morning, Mr. Hoare. Here have we been playing ante- chamber to your serene highness for full an hour. This is Mr. Eoland Cashel, Mr. Hoare, who wishes to make your acquaintance." The little man turned his quick grey eyes towards Cashel with a most scrutinising keenness ; but, as suddenly withdrawing them, in- vited both to enter. " Be seated, gentlemen. Pardon the bumble accommodation of this place. Take a chair, Mr. Linton." " We want tin, Mr. Hoare," said Linton, slapping his boot with his cane : " that most universal and vulgar want. My friend here desires to raise a sum, without having recourse to his agent, and I believe no man can aid in a little secret-service transaction Like your- self." " Is the sum a large one, Sir ?" said Hoare, addressing Cashel. j: / i '!'!> Mont V .Ljtj, KOLAND CASIIEL. 145 " I cannot tell you exactly," said Cashel, in some confusion at the confession of his ignorance. " I fancy it must be close on ten or twelve thousand pounds." " More like twenty !" cried Linton, coolly. Then turning to Hoare, he went on: " My friend here is, happily for him, very little skilled in affairs of this kind ; and as his security is about the best that can be offered, he need not buy his experience very dearly. Now just tell us, frankly, how, when, and on what terms he can have this money." " Money is scarce just now, Sir," said Hoare ; " but as to securities, ]\Jr. Cashel's bills are quite sufficient. There is no necessity for any legal expenses whatever. I need not say that the transaction shall be perfectly secret ; in fact, I'll keep the bills in my own hands till due." " There, that's the man I told you he was," cried Linton. " A Croesus in generosity as in gold. I would I were your son, or your son-in-law, Hoare." " Too much honour, Mr. Linton," said the money-lender, whose slight flush did not betoken a concurrence in his own words. " Now to business," continued he, addressing Cashel. "If you favour me with your name on four bills for five thousand each, and the accom- panying charges for interest, discount, commission, and so on, I'll engage that you have this money within the week." " Could it not be to-morrow ? I should like greatly to have the whole off my mind ; and as I mean not to play again " "Pooh, pooh," said Linton, stopping an explanation he was by no means pleased Hoare should hear; "time enough for resolutions, and time enough for payment too. By the end of the week, Hoare, will do perfectly. Tou can bring the bills with you to my quarters, say on Saturday morning, and we'll drive over to Mr. Cashel's." " Very well. I'll be punctual. At eleven on Saturday expect me. May I bring that little thing of yours for 200^. with it, Mr. Linton ?" " Of course you may not. "Where do you expect me to find money for the debts of last year ? My dear Hoare, I have no more memory for such things than I have for tlie sorrows of ciiildhood." " Ah, very well. Sir, we'll keep it over," said Hoare, smiling. " Let him bring it," whispered Cashel, " and include it in one of my bills. There's nothing so worrying as an overhanging debt." " Do you think so ?" replied Linton. " Bless me, I never felt that. A life without duns is like a sky without a cloud, very agree- able for a short time, but soon becoming wearisome from very mono- tony. You grow as sick of uninterrupted blue as ever you did of impending rain and storm. Let me have the landscape effect of light VOL. I. L 14G ROLAND CASnEL. and shadow over existencp. The brilliant bits are then ten times as glorious in colour, and the dark shadows of one's mortgages only heighten the warmth of the picture. Ask Hoare, there, ^e'll tell you. I actually cherish my debts." " Very true, Sir ; you cannot bear to part with them either." " Well said, old Moses ; the ' interest' they inspire is too strong for one's feelings. But hark ! 1 hear some fresh arrivals without. Another boat-load of the d d has crossed the Styx." " Thanks for the simile. Sir," said Hoare, smiling faintly. " On Saturday." " On Saturday," repeated Linton. Cashel lingered as he left tlie room ; a longing desire to speak one word, to ask one question of Hoare — who was this Leicester of whom he spoke ? — was uppermost in his mind, and yet he did not dare to own he had heard the words. He could have wished, too, to com- municate his thoughts to Linton, but a secret fear told him that per- haps the mystery might be one he would not wish revealed. " Why so thoughtful, Eoland ?" said Linton, after traversing some streets in silence. " My friend Hoare has not terrified you ?" " JS^o, I was not thinking of him," said Cashel. "What kind of character does he bear ?" " Pretty much that of all his class. Sharp enough, when sharpness is called for, and seemingly liberal if liberality pays better. To me he has been ever generous. Why, Heaven knows ; I suppose the secret will out one of these days. I'm sure I don't ask for it." Linton's flippancy, for the first time, was distasteful to Cashel. If the school in which he was bred taught little remorse about the sin of incurring debt, it inculcated, however, a manly self-reliance, to clear off the encumbrance by some personal effort, and he by no means sympathised with the cool indifference of Linton's philosophy. Linton, always shrewd enough to know when he had not " made a hit," at once turned the conversation into another cliannel, by asking at what time Cashel proposed to receive his visitors at Tub- bermore. "Is the honour seriously intended me ?" said Cashel, "or is it merely a piece of fashionable quizzing this promised visit, for I owti I scarcely supposed so many fine people would like to encounter the hard usage of such an old ruin as I hear this must be." " You'll have them to a certainty. 1 doubt if there will be a single apology. I know at this instant the most urgent solicitations have been employed to procure invitations." "With all my heart, then," cried Cashel; "only remember the order of the course depends on you. I know nothing of how they ought to be entertained or amused. Take the whole affair into your own hands, and I shall concur in everything." ROLAXD CASH EL. 147 " Originality is always better than imitation, but still if one cannot strike out a totally new line, what do you think of taking old Mathews of Johnstown for our model, and invite all our guests w'ith free permission to dine, breakfast, and sup at what hour, and in what parties they please ? This combines the unbridled freedom of an inn with the hospitality of a country house. Groups form as fancy dic- tates. New combinations spring up each day — no fatigue, no ennui can ensue with such endless changes in companionship, and you your- self, instead of the fatiguing duties of a host, are at liberty, like any of your guests, to join this party or that." " I like the notion immensely — how would our friends take it, for that is the point ?" " It w^ould be popular with every one, for it will suit your people who know and like to mix with every set in society, and at the same time gratify your ' exclusives,' who can form their own little coteries with all the jealous selection they love. Besides, it avoids another and a great difficulty. Had you received in ordinary fashion, you must have asked some lady-friend to have done tlie honours for you. This would have been a matter of the greatest embarrassment. The Kennyfecks have not rank enough — old Lady Janet would have frightened every one away— Mrs. White would have filled the house with her own ' blues,' and banished every one else — and as for Lady Kilgoff — w^ho besides being a very pretty woman and well-mannered, has an exceedingly fascinating way with strangers — ' My Lord' is so jealous, so absurdly, madly jealous, that she dare not ask after the success of a shooting-party without his suspecting an allegorical allu- sion to Cupid and his shafts." " Well, then, let us resolve to receive ' en Mathews,' and now, when shall we name the day ?" " Let us wait till the result of the division be known in Parliament. A change of Ministers is hinted at, and if it were to occur, you'll have every one hastening away to his county for the new election ; by Saturday we shall learn everything, and that will be time enougli." " In any case, I had better set off and see what can be done to put the house in a fit state to receive them," " Leave all that to me. I'll take Popham, the architect, down with me, and you need never trouble your head about the matter. It's quite clear people who accept an invitation like the present, must put up with a hundred small penalties on convenience. The liberty of such a house always repays whatever is wanting on the score of cere- monial and order, and your fine guests, who would perhaps give themselves airs towards the Kennyfecks and their set — if meetino- them elsewhere — will here affect, at least, a tone of good-natured equality, just as in revolutionary times people shake hands with their hairdresser." l2 148 ROLAKD CASHEL. " But how to amuse or even occupy them, tliat is a great puzzle to me." " Leave them perfectly to their own devices. In fun there should be always free-trade. Protection ruins it. But all this is Egyptian to you, so go to bed and sleep soundly, and leave the cares of state to me. On me the glory or disgrace, The pride of triumph or the shame of fall." "Then I'll think no more of the matter," said Cashel ; "and so good-by." " Now for a twenty-four hours' sleep," said Linton, " and then, once more, to roll the stone of life, which, by the way, gives the lie to the old adage, for unquestionably it does ' gather moss' as we grow older." CHAPTER XVII. Confound their politics ! — National Anthem. LiNTOK was very far from indulging that dreamy inactivity of which he spoke. Plans and schemes of various kinds occupied his thoughts too intently to admit of slumber. Indeed, his theory was, that if a man could not dream of some happy mode of advancing his fortune, sleep was a fearful inroad upon his worldly career. He at once hastened home to read his letters and newspapers, and so important did their intelligence seem, that he only delayed to change his dress and eat a hurried breakfast, when he repaired to the Castle, where a few minutes previously the Secretary, Mr. Downie Meek, had arrived from his lodge in the Park. " Safe once more. Meek," said he, entering the official chamber, where, immersed in printed returns, petitions, and remonstrances, sat the busy Secretary. " Ah, Linton !" you are the lienvenu. "We are to have another heat for the race, though I own it scarcely looks promising." " Particularly as you are going to carry weight," said Linton, laughing. "It's true, I suppose, that the Irish party have joined you ?" " There was no help for it," said the Secretary, with a despondent gesture of the eyebrows ; " we had no alternative save accepting the greasy voices, or go out. Some deemed the former the better course, but others remembered the story of the Brahmin, who engaged to teach the ass to speak in ten years, or else forfeit his ow^n head." ROLAND CASHEL. 149 " And perfectly right," interrupted Linton. " Tlie Brahmin had only three chances in his favour. Now, your King may die too, and you have any number of asses to be got rid of." " Let us be serious, Tom. What are our prospects at a general election? Are the lauded gentry growing afraid of the 0' Gorman party, or are they still hanging back, resentful of Peel's desertion?" " They are very conservative — that is, they want to keep their properties, and pay the least possible taxation. Be cautious, how- ever, and you have thera all your own. The Irish party being now Avith you, begin by some marked favour to the Protestant Church. Hear me out. This will alarm the Romanists, and cause a kind of split amongst them. Such as have, or expect to have place, will stand by you ; the others will show fight. You have then an oppor- tunity of proclaiming yourselves a strong Protestant Cabinet, and the ultras, who hate Peel, will at least affect to believe you. While the country is thus agitated, go to the elections. Tour friends, amid so many unsettled opinions, cannot be expected to take pledges, or, better still, they cannot accept any, subject to various contingencies never to arise." " I am sorely afraid of this splitting up the forces," said Meek, doubtfully. " It's your true game, depend upon it," said Linton. " These Irish allies are unwieldy — when numerous. I remember once calling on Tom Scott, the trainer, one day, and while we went through the stables, I could not help remarking the fine family of boys he had. ' Tes, Sir,' said Tom, modestly, ' they're good-looking chaps, and smart ones. God Almighty keep 'em little. Sir!' " " Ah, very true," sighed Meek; " God Almighty keep 'em little !" " Then," resumed Linton, " you have never played out that golden game of Irish legislation, which consists in enacting a law, and always ruling against it. Decide for the Education System, but promote the men who oppose it. Condemn the public conduct of certain parties, and then let them figure as Baronets, or Lieutenants of Counties, in the next Gazette, and to crown all, seek out every now and then some red-hot supporter of Government, and degrade him from the bench of magistrates for maladministration ! This, which in England would seem rather chaotic legislation, will, to Irish intelligence, smack like even-handed justice." " We have a bad press," said Meek, peevishly. " No matter, it has the less influence. Believe me, it will be an evil day for you Downing-street gentlemen when Ireland possesses a really able and independent press — when, avoiding topics of mere irritating tendency, men address themselves to the actual wants of tiie country, exemplifying, as they disclose them, the inaptitude and lolly of English legislation. Don't wait for that day, Meek. In all 150 ROLAND CASHEL. tikeliliood it is distant euougli, but iu any case don't hasten its coming by your prayers." " Tou mustn't broacb these doctrines out of doors, Tom," said Meeli, in a soft, caressing tone ; " there is a horrid cant getting up just now against English rule, and in favour of native manufactures." " Which be they Meek ? I never heard of them. Maynooth is the only factory I know of in the land, and a brisk trade it has, home and colonial." " Tou know as well as any man the benefits we have conferred on this country." " Tes, it demands no great tax on memory to repeat them. You found a starving peasantry of a couple of millions, and being unable or incompetent to aid them, you ruined the gentry to keep them company. Tou saw a mangy miserable dog with famine in his flank and death in his eye, and answering his appeal to your compassion, you cut an inch oS his tail and told him to eat it." "Tou are too bad, Tom — a great deal too bad. What are you looking for ?" " Nothing at present," was the cool reply. " What in prospective, then ?" " I should like to be the Secretary for Ireland, Meek, whenever they shelve you among the other unredeemed pledges in that pawn- office, the Board of Trade." Meek affected a laugh, but not over successfully, while, to turn the conversation, he said, " A propos to your friend Cashel, I have not been able to show him any attentions, so occupied have I been with one thing and another. Let us make a dinner for him." " No, no, he doesn't care for such things. Come and join his house- warming on the Shannon, that will be far better." " I mean it, but I should like, also, to see him here. He knows the Kilgoff's, doesn't he ?" " Slightly. By the way, what are you going to do vnth my Lord ? He wants, like Sancho, to be Governor of an island." " What an old bore! without brains, fortune, or influence." " He has a very pretty wife. Meek. Don't you think the Foreign Office would recognise that claim ?" " So they send him out of this, I am content. But to return to ■what we were talking about. Shall we say Friday ? or will Saturday suit you ? and we'll make up a small party." " I fear not. I mean to leave town by the end of the w^eek." " Not for any time ?" " A few days only, and then I sliall be at your orders — meanwhile, leave Cashel to himself; he has got some suspicions — Heaven knows whence or how — that his borough influence makes him a very im- portant card just now ; therefore don't notice him — starve him out, KOLAND CASHEL. 151 and you'll liave him come forth with a white flag one of these days. I know him well, and the chances are, that if he were to attribute any of your civilities to the score of your calculation respecting his political influence, he would at once become your most determined opponent." " But his borough " " Let him represent it himself, Meek, and it's the next best thing to disfranchisement." " He would not be likely to accept any advice from us ?" asked Meek, half timidly. " To a certainty he would not, although proffered in your own most insinuating manner. Come, Meek, no nonsense ; you must look out for a seat for your 'protege, Clare .Tones, elsewhere ; though I tell you frankly he is not worth the trouble." " I declare you are all wroiig, Linton — quite wrong ; I was think- ing whether from motives of delicacy you would not like to press your own claim, which we might, with so much propriety." " Tlianks," said Linton ; while a sly twinkle of his eye showed that he did not care to disguise the spirit of mistrust with which he heard the speech. " Thanks ; you are too generous, and I am too modest, so let us not think more of the matter." " What is Cashel's real fortune ?" said Meek, not sorry to turn the conversation into a less dangerous channel ; " one hears so many absurd and extravagant reports, it is hard to know what to believe." " Kennyfeck calls it fourteen thousand a year above all charges and cost of collection." " And your own opinion ?" Linton shrugged his shoulders carelessly, and said, " There or thereabouts. I fancy that his ready money has been greatly over- rated. But why do you ask ? Tour people wouldn't give him a peerage, would they ?" " Not now, of course," said Meek, hesitating. " Nor at any time, I trust," said Linton, authoritatively. " The man does not know how to behave as a plain country gentle- man ; why increase his embarrassments by making him a Lord ? Besides, you should take cai'e in these new creations who are your peeresses, or one of these days you'll have old Kennyfeck fancying that he is a noble himself." "There is no danger to be apprehended in that quarter ?" asked Meek, with some trepidation of manner. " Yes, but there is, though, and very considerable, too. He has been living in the house with those girls — clever and shrewd girls, too. He is more at his ease there than elsewhere. They listen patiently to his tiresome Prairie stories, and are indulgent to all his little ' escapades' — as a ' lianchero ;' in a word, he is a hero there. 152 EOLAND CASHEL. and never leaves the tlireshold without losing some of the charms of the illusion." " And you saw all this ?" " Yes." " And suffered it ?" " Yes. What would you have me do? Had there been only one girl in the case — I might have married her. But it is only in Botany, or the Bay of that name, that the English permit polygamy." " I am very sorry to hear this," said Meek, gravely. " I am very sorry to have it to tell, Meek," said the other. " He might marry so well !" muttered Meek, half in soliloquy. " To be sure he might ; and in good hands — I mean in those of a man who sees his way in life — cut a very fair figure, too. But it won t do to appear in London with a second or third-rate woman, whose only recommendation is the prettiness that has fascinated ' Castle Bails' in Dublin." " Let us talk over this again, Liuton," said Meek, arranging his papers, and affecting to be busied. " With all my heart ; indeed, it was a subject I intended to speak to you about. I have a little theory thereanent myself.'' " Have you, indeed ?" said Meek, looking up with animation. "Yes, but it needs your counsel — perhaps something more, I should say — but another time — good-by, good by." And without waiting to say or hear more, Linton lounged out of the room, leaving the Secretary thoughtful and serious, behind him. CHAPTER XVIII. Nor lives the heart so cold and dark But in its depths some lingering spark Ot love is cherished there ! The Outlaw. When Tom Linton parted with Mr. Meek he repaired to the club in Kildare-street to listen to the gossip on the rumoured dissolution of Parliament, and pick up what he could of the prevailing tone among the country gentry. His appearance was eagerly hailed^by many, who regarded him as generally well informed on all the changes and turns of party war- fare ; but, as he professed the most complete ignorance of everything, and seemed to devour with greedy curiosity the most common-place announcements, he waa speedily deserted and suffered to pursue his work of inquiry imiiiolested. Not that indeed there was much to ROLAND CASIIEL. 153 learn ; the tone of banter and raillery with which, from want of all real political influence, men in Ireland accustom themselves to dis- cuss grave questions, concealing tlieir real sentiments, or investing tliem with a ludicrous exaggeration, oftentimes foiled even the shrewd perception of Tom Linton. He did, however, learn so much as showed him that all the ordinary landmarks of party being lost, men were beginning to feel themselves at liberty to adopt any leadership which pleased them, without suffer- ing the stain of desertion. They thought themselves betrayed by each of the great political chiefs in turn, and began to fancy that the best course for them in future would be to make specific terms for any support they should accord. Suggestions to this end thrown out iu all the bantering gaiety of Irish manner might mean anytliing, or notliing, and so Linton well knew, as he listened to them. He had taken liis place at a whist-table, that he might, while seem- ingly preocupied, hear what was said around him, and although no error of play, nor a single mistake in the game, marked the different direction of his attention, he contrived to learn much of the opinion prevalent in certain circles. " That is the luckiest fellow in Europe," said one of his late an- tagonists ; " as usual, he rises the only winner." " You can scarcely call it luck," said another ; " he is a irst-rate player, and always so cool." Meanwhile, Linton, mounting his horse, rode slowly along the streets till he arrived at Bilton's Hotel, where a handsome britschka was standing, whose large up-standing horses and richly-mounted harnessing gave token of London rather than of Dublin taste. " Is her Ladyship going out, Halpin !" said he to the footman. " Her Ladyship ordered the carriage for four precisely. Sir," Linton mused for a second or two, and then asked if Lord KilgofF were at home ; and not waiting for a reply, passed on. No sooner, however, had he reached the landing-place, and was be- yond the observation of the servant, than he halted and appeared to reflect. At last, as if having made his resolve, he turned to descend the stairs, when the drawing-room door opened and Lord KilgofF ap- peared. " Tlie very man I wanted. Linton, come here," cried he, re-enter- ing the room. " I was just on my way to you, my Lord," said Linton, with well- aflfected eagerness. " Are they out, Linton, are they ' out ?' " said he, in breathless impatience. " No, my Lord. I've seen Meek ; they're safe for the present. A coalition has been formed with O'Morgan and his party, which secures a working majority of forty-five or fifty." 15f BOLAND CASHEL. " This is certain, Linton — may I rely upon it ?" " You may, my Lord, with confidence." " Then I suppose the moment is come wlien my adhesion would be most well-timed. It's a grave question, Tom ; everything depends on it. If I join them and they go out " " Why your Lordship goes out too, without ever having the satis- faction of being ' in.' " " Not if they gave me the mission to Florence, Tom. They never remove the smaller legations in any change of parties." " But you could not help resigning, ray Lord ; you should follow your friends," said Linton, with an assumed air of high prin- ciple. " Not a bit of it; I'd hold on. I see no reason whatever for such a course. I have made a rough draft of a letter, which Hindley should show to Peel. See here, this is the important passage. I presuppose that I had already given Hindley my resignation to hand in to Aberdeen, but that yielding to his arguments, who refuses to deliver it, I have reconsidered the matter. Now, listen : — ' Ton say that my functions are not of a nature to admit any line of partisan- ship, and that a man of honourable views can serve his country under a Whig or Tory administration, irrespective of his own preference for one ©r the other. I feel this to be true. I know that, in my own official career, I have always forgotten the peculiar politics of my masters ; but another question arises, — how shall I be judged by others ? for while I confess to you that I entertain for Peel's capacity a respect I have never been able to feel for the Whig leaders, yet family prejudices, connexions, a hundred minor circumstances, some purely accidental, threw me among the ranks of that party, and a sense of consistency kept me where very probably unbiased judgment had never suffered me to remain.' " " Amazingly good ! very well done, indeed !" said Linton, in whose dubious smile younger eyes than Lord KilgofF's might have red the most insolent expression of contempt ; not, indeed, at the hypocriwy, but at tlie poor attempt to give it colour. " There could be no thought of removing a man with such sentiments." " I think not, Linton. It would be a gross and flagrant case of official tyranny to do so, — a case for inquiry in tlie House, — a motion to produce the correspondence " " Better not, my Lord," said Linton, dryly ; " that is an admirable letter addressed to your friend Lord Hiiulley ; but in a blue book it won't read so well. Take my advice : hold on if you can, go if you must, but don't ask questions, at all events." " Perhaps you are right, Tom," said Kilgoif, musing. " Now for another point, my Lord ; this visit to Mr. Cashel " " I've declined it," said Lord Kilgoff, reddening, and with a look of KOLAND CAS II EL. 155 extreme irritation. "The note is there sealed on the table, and shall be sent within an hour." " I am not at liberty to ask your reasons, my Lord," said Linton, gravely and respectfully, " but I am certainly free to state my own, why I think you ought most positively to go there." " You may, certainly," said Lord Kilgoff, rising impatiently, and pacing the room ; " I shall not interrupt you, but I shall also pledge myself not to let them influence me in the slightest degree. My mind is made up. Sir." "Then I shall speak with more freedom," said Linton, boldly; " because, having no pretension to change your sentiments, I am merely desirous to record my own." Lord Kilgoff made no reply, but continued his walk, while Linton resumed : " Now, I see your impatience, my Lord, and will not trespass on it. Here, in three words, is my case. The borough of Drumkeeran returns a member to Parliament ; Hebden, who represents it, is about to accept the Hundreds ; Cashel owns the town." " And if he does, Sir, what signifies it to me ?" broke in Lord Kilgoff; "I have not the slightest influence over that gentleman's opinions. He was rude enough to give me a very flat contradiction in the only discussion we ever held together. I venture to assert, from what I have seen of him, that any direction of his course in Parliament would be totally impossible. He is self-willed, obstinate, and opinionated." " Granted, my Lord ; he is the very calibre to run through his own, and ruin any other man's fortune." " Well, Sir, and this is the person whose services you think it worth my while obtaining ?" " I never said so, my Lord." " "What, didn't I hear you this moment " " No, you heard me say that the borough is his, but you never heard me say that he ought to be its member. For that honour I had another in my eye, one over whom your Lordship's influence has never yet been doubted." " Whom do you mean ?" " Tom Linton, my Lord ; a very unworthy, but a most devoted, partisan of your Lordship's." " What ! Tom,— t/ou in Parliament ?" " Even so, my Lord," said Linton, for once in his life — perliaps, the only time — that a flash of angry meaning coloured his calm features. "1 am sorry that the notion should so palpably wake your Lordship's amazement." " No — no — no ! I didn't mean that. I was only surprised. In fact, you took me unawares — we were talking of Casbel." ' 156 EOLAND CASHEL. " Precisely, ray Lord ; we were discussing the probable career of a person so eminently gifted with statesmanlike qualities ; then, how could I possibly hope for patience when introducing to your notice abilities so humble as my own ?" " But is it possible — is this practicable, Linton ?" " "With your assistance it is certain. The influence of your Lord- ship's rank would give such weight to your opinions, that if you were only to say to him, * Send Linton into Parliament as your member,' the thing is done." " I have my doubts." " I have none whatever — I know the man well. He is dying to conform to anything that he supposes to be the discipline of his class. Tell him he ought, and he never resists." " I had resolved on not paying this visit," said KilgofT, after a brief pause ; " reasons of sufficient weight determined me." " Oh, my Lord, pardon the freedom, but I must say that they had need be strong reasons to weigh against all the advantages I can show from the opposite course." " They are. Sir, very strong reasons, nor do I deem it necessary to advert to them again ; enough that I esteem them sufficient." " Of course, my Lord, I never dreamed of calling them in ques- tion : they must needs be cogent arguments which counterpoise the opposite scale — a high diplomatic career — a representative Peerage — this there could be no doubt of." " How do you mean ?" broke in Kilgoff, abruptly. " Simply that this young man becomes your trump card, if you only please to take him up. As yet he has resisted the advances made by Downie Meek and his set, because of my watchfulness, but sooner or later some party will catch him, and when one thinks how few men with a large unencumbered fortune we possess here, with a great county interest, two boroughs — for he owns Knockgarvan as well— the prize is really worth having, particularly as it only needs the stretch- ing out the hand to take." Lord Kilgoff mused and seemed to ponder over the words. He entertained small doubts of his "friend" Linton's capacity; but he had very considerable suspicions of his principles, and it is a strange fact that people willing to commit very gross breaches of fair dealing themselves are exceedingly scrupulous respecting the fair fame of their associates in iniquity, so admirably accommodating is a worldly conscience ! " Well, Sir," said he, at length, " the price— name the price. What are we to pay for the article ? — that is the question." " I have said, my Lord, it is to be bad for asking. Tour Lordship has only to take the territory, as our naval men do the chance islands ROLAND CASHEL. 157 they meet with in the Southern Pacific. Land and plant your flag — voila toutV " But you have heard me observe already," said he, in a querulous tone, " that I dislike the prospect of this visit — that in fact it would be exceedingly disagreeable to me." " Then I have nothing more to say, my Lord," said Linton, coolly, while he took up his hat and gloves. " 1 can only congratulate you on the excellence of your political prospects, which can dispense with a strong alliance to be had so easily." " Our measures of value are very different, Mr. Linton," said Lord Kilgoff, proudly. " Still, to prove that this is no caprice on my part" — here he stopped abruptly, while his heightened colour showed the degree of embarrassment he laboured under — " to show you that I have— in order to explain my motives " Here he took a cau- tious glance around the room, walked to the door, opened and shut it again, and then drawing his arm within Linton's, led him towards a window. For a second or two he seemed undecided, and at last, by a great effort, he whispered a few words in Linton's ear. Had any third party been there to watch the effect of the whispered confidence, he might easily have read in the speaking brilliancy of Linton's eyes and in his assured look, that it was of a nature to give him the greatest pleasure. But scarce had his Lordship done speak- ing, when these signs of pleasure gave way to a cold, almost stern air of morality, and he said, " But surely, my Lord, it were far better to leave her Ladyship to deal with such insolent pretension " " Hush, not so loud ; speak lower. So I should, Linton, but women never will see anything in these airs of puppyism. They persist in thinking or saying, at least, that they are mere modern fashionable manners, and this endurance on their part gives encouragement. And then, when there happens to be some disparity of years — Lady Kil- goff is my junior — the censorious world seizes on the shadow of a scandal ; in fact. Sir, I will not consent to afford matter for news- paper asterisks or figurative description." " Tour Lordship never had a better opportunity of giving open defiance to botli. These airs of Cashel are, as you remark, mere puppyism, assumed to get credit for a certain fashionable character for levity. To avoid him would be to acknowledge that there was danger in his society. I don't go so far as to say that he would assert as much, but most assuredly the world would for him. I think I hear the ready comments on your absence : ' Were not the Kilgofts expected here ?' ' Oh, they were invited, but Lord Kilgoff was afraid to venture. Cashel had been paying attentions.' In a word, every species of impertinence that malevolence and envy can fancy would be fabricated. Tour Lordship knows tlie world far better than I do ; 158 KOLA.NI) CASHEL. and knows, besides, the heavy*price a man pays for being the pos- sessor of a bigh capacity and a bandsoaie wife ; these are two insults that the less fortunate in life never do, or never can forgive." " Well, what is it you counsel ?" " To meet these calumnies in the face ; small slanders, like weak fires, are to be trampled out ; to tamper with such, is to fan the flame, which at last will scorch you. Besides, to take another view of the matter : her Ladyship is young, and has been much admired ; how will she accept this seclusion? I don't speak of the present case; besides, I suppose that this country visit would bore her beyond measure. But how will slie regard it in other instances ? Is it not an implied fear on your Lordship's part ? you, who have really no- thing to dread in competition with any man. I only know, if I were in your place, how I should actually seize the very opportunity of openly flouting such calumnious rumour ; never was there an occa- sion to do so on cheaper terms. This Eoland Cashel is an underbred boy." " There is a great deal in what you say, Linton. But as jealousy is a feeling of which I have never had any experience, I was only- anxious on Lady Kilgofi^s account, that the thoughtless gaiety of a very young and handsome woman should not expose her to the sar- castic insinuations of an impertinent world. She is gay in manner — there is an air of lively imagination " " No more than what the French call ' amahilite,' my Lord, which, like the famed armour of Milan, is not the less defensive that it is so beautiful in all its details." " "Well, then, I'll not send the note," said Lord Kilgoff", as he took up the letter, and tearing it, threw the fragments into the fire. " Of course, Linton, this conversation is strictly confidential ?" " Tour Lordship has never found me unworthy of such a trust." " Never ; nor, I must say, would it be for your advantage to become so." Linton bit his lip, and for a second or two seemed burning to make a rejoinder, but overcoming the temptation, assumed his careless smile, and said, " I leave you, my Lord, greatly gratified that chance led me to pay this visit. I sincerely believe that in the counsels I have offered, I have at least been able to be of service to you." Lord Kilgoff" presented his hand in aclmowledgment of the speech, but it was accorded with an air which seemed to say, " Well, here is a receipt in full for your devotedness." Linton took it in the same spirit, and left the room, as though deeply impressed with all the honour he enjoyed in such a noble friendship. kolajs^d cashel. 159 Hastening down the stairs, he sprang into the saddle of his horse, and cauterinw up the street, turned towards the road which leads to the PhcEuix Park. It was about the hour when the equipages were wont to throng that promenade, but Linton did not seem desirous of joiniu"- that gay crowd, for he took a cross path through the fields, and after a sharp ride of half an hour, reached a low paling whicli skirted the Park on the eastward ; here, at a small cottage kept by one of the rangers, a little door led in, passing through which he found himself in one of the long green alleys of that beautiful tract. A boy, who seemed to be ready waiting, now took his horse, and Linton entered the wood and disappeared. He did not proceed far, however, within the shady copse, for after going a short distance he perceived a carriage standing in the lane, by the door of which a footman waited, with a shawl upon his arm. The coachman, with his whip poled, sat talking with his fellow-servant, so that Linton saw" that the carriage had no occupant. He now hastened along, and speedily emerging at a little grassy opening of the wood, came in sight of a lady walking at some distance in front. The fashionable air and splendid dress, which might have suited the most brilliant promenade of a great city, seemed strange in such a lone, unvisited spot. Linton lost no time in overtaking her, only diminishing his speed as he came closer, when, with his hat removed, and in an attitude of the most hiunble deference, he said, " Pray let me stand excused if I am somewhat behind my time ; the fault was not my own." " Oh, say nothing about it," said a soft musical voice, and Lady Kilgoif turned an easy smile towards him. " ' Qui s'excuse, s'accuse,' savs the French proverb, and /never dreamt of the accusation. Is it not a lovely day here ?" Linton was too much piqued to answer at once, but recovering, he said : " Without seeking to apologise for an absence that was not felt, let me return to the subject. I assure your Ladyship that I had been detained by Lord Kilgoff who was pleased to bestow a more than ordinary share of his confidence upon me, and even condescended to ask my counsel." "• How flattering ! Which you gave, I hope, with all the sincerity for which you are famous." Linton tried to smile, but not very successfully. " What then was this wonderful mystery ? Not the representa- tive Peerage, I trust ; I'm sure I hope that question is at rest for ever." " Tou are quite safe there — he never mentioned it." " Oh, then it was his Diplomatic ambition— ain't I right ? Ah, I knew it. How very silly, or how very wacked you must be, Mr. 160 EOLAND CASHEL. Linton, to encourage these day-dreams— you who have not the excuse of hallucinations, wlio read the book of life as it is written, without fanciful interpretations." " I certainly must disclaim your panegyric. I had one hallucina- tion, if so you term it ; it was that you wished, ardently wished, for the position which a foreign ' mission' bestows. A very natural wish, I freely own, in one so worthy in every way to grace and adorn it." " Well, so I did some time back, but I've changed my mind. I don't think I should like it— I have been reconsidering the subject." " And your Ladyship inclines now rather to seclusion and rural pleasures— how fortunate that I should have been able to serve your interests there also." " What do you mean ?" said she, with a stare, while a deep scarlet suffused her clieek. " I alluded to a country visit which you fancied might be made so agreeably, but which his Lordship had the bad taste to regard less favourably." " AVell, Sir, you did not presume to give any opinion ?" " I really did. I had all the hardihood to brave Lord Kilgoff's most fixed resolves. Tou were aware that he declined Mr. Cashel's invitation ?" She nodded, and he went on. " Probably, too, knowing the reasons for that refusal ?" " No, Sir ; the matter was indifferent to me, so I never troubled my head about it. My Lord said we shouldn't go, and I said, ' Very well,' and there it ended." Now, although this was spoken with a most admirably feigned in- difference, Linton was too shrewd an observer not to penetrate the deception. " I am doubly unlucky this day," said he, at last, " first to employ all my artifices to plan a ministerial success to which you are actually averse, and secondly, to carry a point to which you are indifferent." " Dare I ask, if the question be not an indiscreet one, what peculiar interest Mr. Liuton can have, either in our acceptance or refusal of this invitation ?" " Have I not said that I believed you desired it ?" replied he, with a most meaning look. " Indeed you read inclinations most skilfully, only that you in- terpret them by anticipation." " This is too much," said Linton, in a voice whose passionate ear- nestness showed that all dissimulation was at an end, " far too much ! The genteel comedy that we play before the world, Madam, might be laid aside for a few moments here. When I asked for this interview, and you consented to give it " EOLAND CASHEL. 161 ^' It -n-as on the express stipulation that you should treat me as you do in society, Sir," broke she in — " that there should be no attempt to fixll back upon an intimacy -which can never be resumed." " When I promised, I intended to have kept my word, Laura," said he, in deep dejection ; " I believed I could have stifled the passion that consumes me, and talked to you in the words of sincere, devoted friendship, but I cannot. Old memories of once happiness, brought up too vividly by seeing you, as I used to see you, when in many a country walk we sauntered on, dreaming of the time when, mine, by every tie of right, as by aflection " " How you requited that affection, Linton !" said she, in a tone whose deep reproach seemed actually to stun him. Then suddenly changing to an air of disdainful anger, she continued : " Tou are a bold man, Linton. I thought it would be too much for even ^our hardihood to recur to a theme so full of humiliation for yourself; but I know your theory, Sir : you think there is a kind of heroism in exaggerated baseness, and that it is no less great to transcend men in crime than in virtue. Tou dare to speak of an affection that you be- trayed and bartered for money!" " I made you a Peeress, Madam. "When you were Laura Gardiner, you couldn't have spoken to me as you now speak." " If I consented to the vile contract, it was that, when I discovered your baseness, any refuge was preferable to being the wife of one like you!" " A most complimentary assurance, not only to myself, but his Lordship," said Linton, with an insolent smile. " 'Now, hear me," said she, not noticing the taunt, but speaking with a voice of deep collected earnestness. " It is in vain to build i;pon time or perseverance— the allies you trust so deeply — to renew the ties broken for ever. If I had no other higher and more sustain- ing motive, my knowledge of you would be enough to rescue me from this danger. I know you well, Linton. Tou have often told me what an enemy you could be. This, at least, I believe of all that you have ever sworn I I have a full faith, too, in your ingenuity and skill : and yet I would rather brave botli — ay, both hate and craft — than trust to what you call your honour." " Tou do indeed know me well, Laura," said he, in a voice broken and faltering, " or you never had dared to speak such words to me. There is not one breathing could have uttered them and not pay the penalty, save yourself. I feel in my inmost heart how deeply I have wronged you, but is not my whole life an atonement for the wrong ? Am I not heart-broken and wretched, without a hope or a future ? "What greater punishment did any one ever incur than to live in the daily sight and contemplation of a bliss that his own folly or madness TOL. I. M 1G2 EOLAND CASHEL. Las for ever denied 'liim ; and yet, to tliat same suffering do I cling, as the last tie that binds me to existence. To see you in the world, to watch you, to mark the effect your grace and beauty are making on all around you — how every fascination calls up its tribute of admi- ration — how with each day some new excellence develops itself, till you seem inexhaustible in all the traits of graceful womanhood, this has been the cherished happiness of my life ! It was to this end I laboured to induce the acceptance of that invitation that once more, beneath the same roof, I should see you for days long. Tour own heart must confess how I have never before the world forgotten the distance that separates us. There is then no fear that I should resign every joy that yet remains to me for any momentary indul- gence of speaking to you as my heart feels. No, no, Laura, you have nothing to dread either from my hate or my love." " To what end, then, was it that you asked me to meet you here to-day?" said she, in a voice in which a touch of compassionate sorrow was blended. " Simply to entreat, that if I should succeed in persuading his Lord- ship to accept this visit, you would throw no obstacle in the way on your side." " And if I consent, shall I have no cause to rue my compliance ?" " So far as depends on me, none, on my honour." It had been better for Linton's cause that he had omitted the last words ; at least, as Laura turned away her head, a curl of insolent meaning was on her lip, but she did not speak, and they now walked along, side by side, in silence. " Tou will go, then ?" said he, at last, in a low whisper. " Tes," said she, faintly. Linton stole a glance at her unperceived, and suddenly the sparkle of his eyes and the elation of his whole expression showed the trans- port of pleasure he experienced. "Now for one word of caution," said Linton, as drawing closer to her side he assumed the tone of sincere friendship. " Lord Kilgoff has just revealed to me, in deep confidence, that he has been much offended by certain attentions shown to you by this Mr. Cash el, and which were of so marked a nature that he was almost determined never to admit his intimacy in future. Had his Lordship known you as well as I do, he might have spared himself this anxiety. I believe such savage excellence as his has few attractions for you, nor, save the admiration that all must yield you, has the youth taste or feeling to appreciate your excellence. However, ' my Lord' is jealous ; let it be your care, by knowledge of the fact, not to incur anything to sustain the suspicion." " How very absurd all this is. Do you know that Mr. Cashel did not condescend to pay me the poor compliment of a special invitation I EOLAND CASHEL. 163 to his house, but asked my Lord to come, and hoped I would accom- pany him ; just as people invite their humbler acquaintances, hoping that only half the request may be accorded." " He is underbred even to barbarism," said Linton. " He seems a most good-natured creature and full of generosity." " Overwealth has sometimes that air. When the glass is brimful, none but the steadiest hand can carry, without spilling, the wine." " He does not appear even to make the effort. They tell me he has squandered some thousands already, making presents to every one who will accept them." " He gave me this cane," said Linton, superciliously, exhibiting a, little riding-cane, which he had taken himself out of Cashel's hand, and was of no value whatever. " Not any great evidence of exag- gerated generosity," said he. " As to his house, however, I trust its honours may be well done ; he has given me carte hlancTie, and I must only try and not disgrace my prerogative." "How very late it is— nearly seven," said Lady Kilgoff, looking at her watch. " Shall I see your Ladyship to your carriage ?" said Linton. " I think not," said she, blushing slightly ; " as I left it unaccom- panied, so I shall return to it. Grood-by." She held out her hand as she spoke, but slightly averted her head, so that Linton could not mark the expression of her features. As it was, he pressed the gloved fingers to his lips, but, when doing so, contrived to unclasp her bracelet, a singularly rich one, and a present from Lord Kilgoff on the day of her marriage. This he let fall noise- lessly on the grass, and murmured, in a low, sad voice, " Good-by," Lady Kilgoff, hastily wrapping her shawl about her, left the spot. Linton watched her till he had seen her seated in the carriage, and continued to gaze after it, as it drove rapidly away, and so intently occupied by his thoughts, that he did not notice the approach of a horseman, who came up at a walking pace behind him. " Eh, Tom !" cried out Lord Charles Erobisher, " this is flying at high game !" "Ton are mistaken, Charley," said he, in some confusion. " This ' meeting under the greenwood-tree' was nothing less than a love affair." " Oh, hang your morality, Mr. Joseph ; it's rather good fun to see the ' insolent beauty' of the season capitulating." " Wrong again," said Linton, affecting a laugh, " Everton is in a scrape, and his v/ife wants me to get him out of the way " " Nonsense, man, I saw the carriage ; there is no need of mystify- ing here. Besides, it's no affair of mine — I'm sure I wish it were ! But come, what are the odds on Hitchley's colt— are seven to two taken ?" m2 164 EOLAND CASHEL. " Don't bet," said Linton, knowingly ; " there is something ' wrong' in that stable, and I hav'n't found out the secret." " "What a deep fellow you are, Tom." " Nothing of the kind, Charley. If I were, you'd never have dis- covered it. Tour only deep fellow is he that the world deems shallow — your light-hearted, rattling knave, whose imputed thoughtlessness covers every breach of faith, and makes his veriest schemes seem purely accident. But, once get the repute of beiug a clever or a smart fellow, and success is tenfold more difficidt. The world, then, only plays with you as one does with a sharper, betting small stakes, and keeping a steady eye on the cards. Tour own sleepy eye, Charley, your languid, careless look, are a better provision than most men give their younger children." Lord Charles lifted his long eyelashes lazily, and, for a second, something like a sparkle lit up his cold, dark eye, but it was gone in a moment, and his habitually lethargic expression once more returned. " Ton heard that we were nearly ' out,' I suppose ?" said he, after a pause." " Tes. This is the second time that I bought Downie Meek's carriage-horses on the rumour of a change of administration." "And sold them back again at double the price, when he found that the ministry were safe !" " To be sure ; wasn't it a ' good hedge' for him to be Secretary for Ireland at the cost of a hundred or so ?" " Tou'll get the name of spreading the false intelligence, Tom, if you always profit so much by it." " With all my heart. I wish sincerely some good-natured fellow would lay to my charge a little roguery that I had no share in. I Lave experienced all manner and shades of sensations, but injured in- nocence, that would really be new to me." " Well," sighed Lord Charles, with a yawn, " I suppose we have only a short time before us here. The end of the session will scarcely see us in office." " About that : by keeping all hands at the pumps we may float the ship into harbour, but no more." " And what's to become of us ?" said the Aide-de-Camp, with a deep depression in his accent. " The usual lot of a crew paid ofi",'' cried Linton, laughing ; " look out for a new craft in commission, and go to sea again. As for you, Charley, you can either marry something in the printed calico line, with a hundred and fifty thousand, or, if you prefer it, exchange into -a light cavalry corps at Suntanterabund." " And you ?" said Lord Charles, with something almost of stern- ness. " I ? Oh, as for me, I have many alternatives. I can remain a ROLAND CASHEL. 165 Whig, and demand ofl&ce from the Tories — a claim Peel has never resisted. I can turn Eepealer, and be pensioned by something in the Colonies. I can be a ^Yaiter on Providence, and live on all parties by turns. In fact, Charley, there never was a better age for your ' ad- venturer' tlian this year of our Lord 18 — . All the geography of party has been erased, and it is open to every man to lay down new territorial limits." "But for any case of the kind you should have a seat in Parlia- ment." " So I mean it, my boy. I intend to represent I'm sure I forget the name of my constituency — in the next assemblage of the collective wisdom." " How do you manage the qualification ?" said the Aide-de-Camp, slyly- , " The man wlio gives the borough must take care of that ; it's no affair of mine," said Linton, carelessly. " I only supply the politics ?" " And what are they to be ?" " Cela dei^end. Tou might as well ask me what dress I'll wear in the changeable climate of an Irish July." " Then you'll take no pledges ?" " To be sure I will ; every one asked of me. I only stipulate to accompany each with a crotchet of my own, so that, like^the gentle- man who emptied his snuff-box over the peas, I'll leave the dish un- eatable by any but myself" " "Well, good-by, Tom," said Lord Charles, laughing. " If you only be as loyal in love as you promise to be in politics, our fair friend is scarcely fortvinate." And so saying, he cantered slowly away. " Poor fellow !" said Linton, contemptuously, " your little bit of principle haunts you like a superstition." And with this reflection, he stepped out briskly to where the boy was standing with his horse. " Oh, Mr. Linton, darlin', only sixpence ! and I here this two hours?" said the ragged urchin, with a cunning leer, half roguery, half shame. " And where could you have earned sixpence, you scoundrel, in that time?" cried Linton, affecting anger. " Paix, I'd have earned half-a-crown if I'd got up on the beast and rode down to Bilton's," said the fellow, grinning. " You'd have bad your skull cracked with this cane the next time I met you for your pains," said the other, really enraged, while he chucked a shilling at him. " Success to your honour — all's right," said the boy. And touch- ing his cap, he scampered off into the wood, and disappeared. " Tou shall have a sea voyage, my friend," said Linton, looking after him ; " a young gentleman with such powers of observation would have a fine opeuiug in our colonies." And away he rode 166 EOLAliirD CASHEL. towards town, liis brain revolving many a complex scheme and lucky- stratagem, but still with ready smile acknowledging each salutation of bis friends, and conveying tbe impression of being one whose easy nature was unruffled by a care. CHAPTEE XIX. Of " sweet fifteen" no mortal e'er afraid is, Your real " man-traps" are old maiden ladies. The Legacy. It was late that same afternoon ere Cashel awoke. Mr. PhiUis had twice adventured into the room on tiptoe, and as stealthily re- tired, and was now, for the third time, about to retreat, when Eoland called him back. " Beg pardon. Sir ; but Mrs. Kennyfeck's footman has been here twice for the answer to this note." " Let me see it," said Cashel, taking a highly-perfumed epistle, whose tinted paper, seal, and superscription were all in the perfection of epistolary coquetry. " Dear Me. Cashel, — Mamma desires me to convey her reproaches for your shocking forgetfulness of yesterday, when, after promising to dine here, you never appeared. She will, however, not only for- give the past, but be grateful for the present, if you will come to us to-day at seven. " Believe me, very truly yours, " Olivia Kennyfeck." Simple and common-place as the words were, Cashel read them over more than once. I know not if any of my male readers can corroborate me, but I have always thought there is some mysterious attraction in even the most every-day epistle of a young and pretty woman. The commonest social forms assume a different meaning, and we read the four letters which spell " dear" in any acceptation very remote from what they inspire when written by one's law agent ; and then, the concluding " yours truly," or " faithfully yours," or better again, " ever yours," what suggestive little words they are ! how insinuating in their por- traiture of a tie, which possibly might, but does not, actually bind the parties. If my readers concur not in these sympathies, I have great satis- EOLAND CASHEL. 167 faction in saying that Eoland Casliel did. He not only sat gazing at the few lines, but lie looked so long at them as to half believe that the first word was a superlative ; then, suddenly rousing himself, he asked the hour. It was abeady past six. He had only time, then, for a verbal " "With pleasure," and to dress for dinner. It seemed like a reproach on his late mode of living, the pile of un- opened letters, which in imposing mass INIr. Phillis had arrayed on his master's dressing-table. They contained specimens of everything epistolary which falls to the lot of those favoured children of fortune who, having " much to give," are great favourites with the world. There were dear little pressing invitations signed by the lady of the house, and indited in all the caligraphy of the governess. There were begging letters from clergymen with large families, men who gave so " many hostages to fortune," that they actually ruined themselves in their own " recognisances." Platteries, which, if not written on tinted paper, might have made it blush to bear them, mixed up with tradesmen's assurances of fidelity and punctuality ; and bashful apolo- gies for the indelicacy of any allusion to money. Oh, it is a very sweet world this of ours, and amiable withal ! save that the angelic smile it bestows on one part of the creation has a sorry counterpart in the sardonic grin with which it regards the other. Our friend Cashel was in the former category, and he tossed over the letters carelessly, rarely breaking a seal, and, even then, satisfied with a mere glance at the contents, or the name of the writer, when he suddenly caught sight of a large square-shaped epistle, marked " Sea letter." It was in a hand he well knew, that of his old comrade Enrique, and burning with anxiety to hear of him, he threw himself into a chair, and broke the seal. The very first words which met his eye shocked him. " St. Kitt's, Jamaica. " Ay, Eoland, even so. St. Kitt's, Jamaica ! heavily ironed in a cell at the top of a strong tower over the sea, with an armed sentry at my door, I write this ! a prisoner fettered and chained, I, that could not brook the very orders of discipline ! "Well, well, it is only cowardice to repine. Truth is, amigo, I've had no luck since you left us. It was doubtless yours that sustained me so long, and when you withdrew from the firm, I became bankrupt, and yet, this is pretty much what we used once, in merry mood, to predict for each other, 'the loop and the leap.' " How shall I teU you so briefly as neither to weary you to read, nor myself to write it, my last sad misfortune. I say the last, because the bad luck took a run against me. Pirst, I lost everything I possessed at play — the very pistols you sent me, I staked and lost. "Worse still, Roland — and faith I don't think I could make the con- 168 EOLAND CASIIEL. fessiou, if a few hours, or a few days more, were not to hide my sliame in a felon's grave — I played the jewels you sent liere for Maritaiia. She refused them with words of bitterness and anger. Partly from the irritated feeling of the moment, partly from the curse of a gambler's spirit — the hope to weary out the malice of Fortune — I threw them on the Monte-table. Of course I lost. It was soon after this Barcelonetta was laid in ruin by a shock of earthquake, the gi-eatest ever experienced here. The ' Quadro' is a mere mass of chaotic rubbish. The ' Puerta Mayor,' with all its statues, is en- gulphed, and an arm of the sea now washes np and over the beautiful gardens where the Governor gave his fete. The Villa, too, rent from roof to basement, is a ruin ; vast yawning gnlfs intersect the par- terres everywliere ; the fountains are dried up ; the trees blasted by lightning ; and a red-brown surface of ashes strewn over the beauteous turf where we used to stroll by moonlight. The old tree that shel- tered our Monte-table stands uninjured, as if in mockery over our disasters ! Maritaiia's hammock was slung beneath the branches, and there she lay, careless of — nay, I could almost say, if the words did not seem too strange for trutli, actually pleased by — the dreadful event. I went to take leave of her; it was the last night we were to spend on shore. I little knew it was to be the last time we should ever meet. Pedro passed the night among the ruins of the Villa, endeavouring to recover papers and valuables amid that disastrous mass. Geizheimer was always with him, and as IN'oronja and the rest soon fell off to sleep, wearied by a day of great fatigue, I sat alone beside her hammock till day was breaking. Oh, would that night could have lasted for years, so sweetly tranquil were the starlit hours, so calm and yet so full of hopeful promise. What brilliant pictures of ambition did slie, that young, untaught girl, present to my eyes — how teach me to long for a cause whose rewards were higher, and greater, and nobler than the prizes of tliis wayward life. I would have spoken of my affection, my deep-felt, long-cherished love, but, with a half-scornful laugh, she stopped me, saying, ' Is this leafy shade so like a fair lady's boudoir that you can persuade yourself to trifle thus, or is your own position so dazzling that you deem the offer to share it a flattery ?' " " I'm afraid, Sir," said Mr. Phillis, here obtruding his head into the room, " that you'll be very late. It is already more than half- past seven o'clock." " So it is!" exclaimed Cashcl, starting up, while he muttered some- thing not exceedingly complimentary to liis host's engagement. " Is the carriage ready?" Aud without staying to hear the reply, hurried down stairs, the open letter still in his hand. Scarcely seated in the carriage, Cashel resumed the reading of the EOLAND CASHEL. 169 letter. Eager to trace the circumstance wliicli led to liis friend's captivity, he hastily ran his eyes over the lines till he came to the followinir : " There could be no doubt of it. The Esmeralda, our noble frigate, was not in the service of the Eepiiblic, but by some ■ infamous treaty between Pedro and Narochez, the minister, was per- mitted to carry the flag of Columbia. We were slavers, buccaneers, pirates — not sailors of a state. When, therefore, the British war- brig Scoi-pion sent a gun across our bows, with an order to lie to, and we replied by showing our main-deck ports open, and our long eighteens all ready, the challenge could not be mistaken. We were near enough to hear the cheering, and it seemed, too, they heard ours; we wanted but you, Eoland, among us to have made our excitement madness!" The carriage drew up at Kenuyfeck's door as Cashel had read thus far, and in a state of mind bordering on fever he entered the hall and passed up the stairs. The clock struck eight as he presented himself in the drawing-room, where the family were assembled, the number increased by two strangers, who were introduced to Eoland as Mrs. Keunyfeck's sister. Miss O'Hara, an elderly maiden lady, with a light brown wig ; and a raw-boned, much- freckled young man, Peter O' Gor- man, her nephew. Nothing could be more cordial than the reception of the Kenny- fecks ; they afiected not to think that it was so late, vowed that the clock was too fast, was certain that Mr. Cashel's watch was right ; in fact, his presence was a receipt in full for all the anxieties of delay, and so they made him feel it. There was a little quizzing of Eoland, as they seated themselves at table, over his forgetfulness of the day before, but so good- humouredly as not to occasion, even to himself, the slightest embar- rassment. "At breakfast at the barrack!" repeated Miss Kennyfeck after him. " What a formidable affair, if it always lasts twenty-four hours." " What do you mean? How do you know that ?" asked Eoland, half in shame, half in surprise, at this knowledge of his movements. " Not to speak of the brilliant conversation, heightened by all the excitement of wit, champagne, and hazard — dreadful competitors with such tiresome society as ours," said Olivia. " Never mind them, Mr. Cashel," broke in Miss O'Hara, in a mellifluous Doric ; " 'tis jealous they are, because you liked the officers better than themselves." A most energetic dissent was entered by Cashel to this supposi- tion, who nevertheless felt grateful for the advocacy of the old lady. " When I was in the Cape Coast Pencibles," broke in Peter, with an accent that would have induced one to believe Africa was on the 170 V EOLAND CASHEL. Shannon, " we used to sit up all night, — it was so hot in the day ; but we always called it breakfast, for you see -" " And when are we to visit your pictures, ]\Ir. Cashel ?" said Mrs. Kennyfeck, whose efforts to suppress Peter were not merely vocal, as that injured individual's shins might attest. " That depends entirely on you, Madam," said Eoland, bowing. " I have only to say, the earlier the more agreeable to me." " He has such a beautiful collection," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, turning to her sister. " Indeed, then, I delight in pictures," said "Aunt Panny," as her nieces called her. " I went the other day to Mount Bennett, to see a portrait painted by Eousseau." " By Eubens, I suppose you mean, Aunt," interposed IMiss Kenny- feck, tartly. " So it may be, my dear, I never know the names right ; but it was a dark old man, with a hairy cap and a long grey beard, as like Father Morris Heffernan as ever it could stare." " Is your new Carlo Dolce so very like Olivia?" interposed Mrs. Kennyfeck, who was sadly hampered by her country relatives and their reminiscences. " So very like, Madam, that I beg you to accept it as a portrait," replied Eoland. " Upon my word, then, young gentleman, you're not so fond of a pretty face as you might be," broke in Aunt Fanny, " or you wouldn't be so ready to give it away." A very hearty laugh at the old lady's eccentricity relieved Cashel from all necessity of explanation. " The old masters are so good," said ]Mrs. Kennyfeck ; " I delight in their fine vigorous touch." " "Why don't they put more clothes on their figures," said Aunt Fanny ; " even a warm climate is no excuse for the way the creatures went about." " If you saw them in Hickweretickanookee," said Peter, " King John never wore anything but a cocked- hat and a pair of short black gaiters the missionary gave him for learning the Lord's Prayer." " I hear that Lady Janet said Cary would be an excellent study for Helen M'Gregor," said Mrs. Kennyfeck. " It was scarcely civil, however." " It was more— downright rude," said Cashel, reddening ; " but Miss Kennyfeck can afi"ord to pay the penalty beauty always yields to its opposite." " There, my dear, that's a compliment," said Aunt Fanny, " and don't be displeased. I say, darling, didn't he say a while ago you were like somebody at Carlow ?" " A Carlo Dolce, Aimt," broke in both sisters, laughing ; and so the dinner proceeded amid common-places, relieved occasionally from EQLAND CASHEL. 171 their flatness by the absurdities of Aunt Fanny, -who seemed as good- naturedly proof against ridicule as she was likely to evoke it. Peter was the first to rise from table, as he was anxious to go to "the play," aud the ladies soon retired to the drawing-room, Mrs. Kennyfeck slyly whispering, as she passed behind Roland's chair, an entreaty that he would not long delay in following them. Cash el's anxiety to close his tete-a-tete arose from another cause — his burning anxiety to finish Enrique's letter ; while Kennyfeck himself seemed beating about, uncertain how to open subjects he desired to have dis- cussed. After a long pause, he said : " I was speaking to Pepystell yesterday, and he is of opinion that there is no use in preserving any part of the old structure at Tubber- more — the great difficulty of adapting a new character of architec- ture to the old would not repay the cost." Cashel nodded a careless assent, and, after a pause, Eennyfeck resumed : " It might be of some convenience at present, however, to let the building stand as it is. A residence of one kind or other you will want, particularly as the elections are approaching." Another nod in silence was all the reply. " Pepystell's estimate is large — don't you think so ?" He nodded again. " Nearly seventy thousand pounds ! And that does not include the gate tower, which seems a point for after consideration." " I remember," muttered Cashel, in a voice that implied anything rather than a mind attentive to the subject before it, " Now, it would be as well," said Mr. Kennyfeck, drawing a long breath, and as it were preparing himself for a great eff"ort, " to put a little order into our afiairs. Your first year or two will be costly ones — building expenses, equipage, horses, furniture, election charges. Much of your capital is vested in foreign securities, which it would be injurious to sell at this moment. Don't you think" — here he changed his voice to an almost insinuating softness — " don't you think that by devoting a certain portion of your income — say a third, or one-half, perhaps — for the present, to meet these charges " He paused, for he saw from Cashel's occupied look that he was not attending to his words. " Well — continue," said Eoland, affecting to wait for his conclusion. " I was about to ask, Sir," said Kennyfeck, boldly, " what sum would you deem sufilcient for your yearly expenditure ?" " "What is the amount of my income ?" asked Cashel, bluntly. " In good years, something above sixteen thousand pounds ; in bad ones somewhat less than twelve." " "Well, then — you have the scale of my expenditure at once." " Not your whole income ?" exclaimed Kennyfeck, astonished. 172 EOLAND CASHEL. " Even so. I see no earthly reason for boarding. I do not find tliat squandering money is any very liigh enjoyment ; I am certain scraping and saving it would aftbrd me still less pleasure." " But there are always casualties demanding extraordinary expense — a contested election, for instance." " I'll not try it — I don't intend to enter Parliament." " "When you marry " " Perhaps I shall not do that either." " "Well, suras lost at play — the turf has pressed on many a strong pocket." " Play has no fascination for me, I can give it up — I may almost say I have done so." " Not without paying a heavy penalty, however," said Kennyfeck, whose animation showed that he had at last approached the territory he was so long in searcli of. "How do you mean?" said Cashel, blushing deeply, as he began to fear that by some accident his secret visit to the money-lender had reached Kennyfeck's ears. " Your drafts on Latrobe, Sir, whose account I have received to- day, are very heavy." " Oh, is that all?" said Cashel, carelessly. " All ! all !" repeated Kennyfeck ; then, suddenly correcting him- self, he added, " I am almost certain. Sir, that your generous habits have over-mastered your prudence. Are you aware of having drawn fifty thousand pounds?" " No, I really was not," replied Cashel, smiling more at the attor- ney's look of consternation than anything else. " I fancied about half as much. Pray tell me some of the items. No, no, not from book ; that looks too formal — just from memory." " Well, there are horses without number — one bought with all his engagements for the Oaks, which amount to a forfeiture of four thou- sand pounds." " I remember that— a piece of Linton's blundering ; but he lost more heavily himself, poor fellow, our steed Lanzknecht having turned out a dead failure." " Then there is something about a villa at Cowes, which I. am cer- tain you never saw." " No ; but I have a drawing of it somewhere— a pretty thing under a cliff, with a beautiful bay of deep water, and good anchorage. Linton knows all about it." " Twelve thousand pounds is a large sum to give without ever seeing the purchase." " So it is — but go on." " I cannot remember one-half ; but there is plate and jewels ; suras BOLAKD CASHEL. 173 advanced for building ; subscriptions to everything and everybody ; a heavy amount transmitted to the Havannah." " Very true ; and that reminds me of a letter which I received at the very moment I was leaving home. Have I your leave to finish the reading ? It is from au old and valued comrade." " Of course — don't think of me for an instant," said Kennyfeck, scarcely able to repress an open acknowledgment of his amazement at the coolness which could turn from so interesting a topic to the doubtless common-place narrative of some Mexican sailor. Casliel was, meanwhile, searching every pocket for the letter, which he well remembered, after reading in the carriage, to have crushed in his hand as he ascended the stairs. " I have dropped this letter," said he, in a voice of great agitation. " May I ask if your servants have found it ?" The bell was rung, and the butler at once interrogated. He had seen nothing, neither had the footman. They both remembered, however, that Mr. Phillis had accompanied his master to the foot of the stairs to receive some directions, and then left him to return with the carriage. " So, then, Phillis must have found it," said Cashel, rising hastily ; and, without a word of apology or excuse, he bade his host a hurried good evening, and left the room. " Won't you have the carriage ? "Will you not stay for a cup of tea?" cried Mr. Kennyfeck, hastening after him. But the hall-door had already banged heavily behind him, and he was gone. "When Cashel reached his house, it was to endure increased anxiety, for Mr. Phillis had gone out, and, like a true gentleman's gentleman, none of the other servants knew anything of his haunts, or when he woidd return. Leaving Cashel, then, to the tortures of a suspense which his fervid nature made almost intolerable, we shall return for a brief space to the house he had just quitted, and to the drawing-room, ■where, in momentary expectation of his appearance, the ladies sat, maintaining that species of "staccato" conversation which can afford interruption with least inconvenience. It is our duty to add, that we bring the reader back here less with any direct object as to what is actually going forward, than to make hiiu better acquainted with the new arrival. Had Miss O'Hara been the mere quiet, easy-going, simple-minded elderly maiden she seemed to Cashel's eyes, the step on our part had not been needed ; she might, like some other characters of our tale, have been suffered to glide by, as ghosts or stage-supernumeraries do, unquestioned and undetained ; but she possessed qualities of a kind to demand somewhat more consideration. Aunt Fanny, to give her the title by which she was best known, was, in reality, a person of 174 EOLAND CASHEL. tlie keenest insiglit into others — reading people at sight, and endowed with a species of intuitive perception of all the possible motives which lead to any action. Eesiding totally in a small town in the west of Ireland, she rarely visited the capital, and was now, in fact, brought up " special" by her sister, Mrs. Kennyfeck, who desired to have her advice and counsel on the prospect of securing Cashel for one or other of her daughters. It was so far a wise step, that in such a conjunc- ture no higher opinion could have been obtained. " It was like getting a private hint from the Chancellor about a cause in equity." This was Mr. Kennyfeck's own illustration. Aunt Panny was then there in the guise of a Domestic Detective, to Avatch proceedings and report on them — a function which simplifies the due conduct of a case, be it in love or law, beyond anything. " How agreeable your Papa must be tliis evening, my dear," said Mrs. Kennyfeck, as with a glance at the clock on the mantelpiece she recognised that it was near ten. " I'm sure he is deep in one of his interminable kw arguments, which always make Mr, Cashel so sleepy and so stupid, that he never recovers for the rest of the evening." " He ought to find the drawing-room all the pleasanter for the contrast," remarked Miss O'Hara, dryly. " I like to see young men — mind me well, young men, it doesn't do with old ones — thoroughly bored before they come among the ladies. The sudden change to the tea, and the wax-lights and the bright eyes are trying stimulants. Let tliem, however, be what they call ' pleasant' below stairs, and they are sure to come up flushed and excited, well satisfied with the host's claret, and only anxious to order the carriage. "What o'clock is it now ?" " A quarter-past ten, Aunt," " Too late ; full three-quarters too late," ejaculated she, with the tone of an oracle. " Tliere is nothing your father could have to say should have detained him till now. Play that little Mexican thing again, my dear ; and, Livy, love, leave the door a little open ; don't you find the heat of this room intolerable ?" The young ladies obeyed, and meanwhile Aunt Fanny, drawing her chair closer to her sister's, said, in a low tone : " "Well, explain the matter more clearly. Did he give her the dia- monds ?" " No ; that is the strangest of all," responded Mrs. Kennyfeck. " He just told Leonard to send them home, and we never heard more about them." Aunt Panny shook her head. " Ton know, he asked Olivia, as they were going down stairs, what she thought of them ; and she replied, ' They're beautiful.' " o > n- KOLAND CASHEL. 175 " How did she say it, tliough — was it like a mere casual remark, or did she make it with feeliug ?" " With feeling," echoed IVIrs. Kennyfeck, pursing up her lips. " Well ?" " Well," he just said, ' I'll take them,' and there was an end of it." Aunt Fanny seemed to reflect, and, after some time, said : " Now, as to the horse, when did he make her a present of that ?" " It was to Caroline he gave the horse ; sure I told you already." " Very true, so you did : a had feature of the case, too ! She ought to have declined it somehow." " So she would," broke in Mrs. Kennyfeck; "but, you perceive, it was very doubtful, at the time, which of the girls he preferred." " And you teU me this Mr. Linton has such influence over him." " The most absolute. It is only a few weeks since they became ac- quainted, and now they are inseparable." " "WTiat is he like — Linton himself?" Mrs. Kennyfeck gave a most significant signal, by closing up her lips, and slowly nodding her head — a gesture that seemed weU under- stood. " Does Kennyfeck know nothing of his affairs — has he no private history of the man, which might be useful to us ?" " Don't think of that, my dear," rejoined Mrs. Kennyfeck, know-, ingly ; " but here they come at last." This was said with reference to the sound of footsteps on the stairs, which gradually approached, and at last Mr. Kennyfeck made his appearance in the drawing-room. " Where is Mr. Cashel — is he gone ?" asked Mrs. Kennyfeck, in an accent of unusual anxiety. " He went away above an hour ago. He wanted to see a letter, or to write one, or to look for one he had lost — I forget which." " I'm certain you do !" observed Mrs. Kennyfeck, with an expres- sion of unequivocal contempt. " I am perfectly certain we need not look to you for either information or assistance." Poor Mr. Kennyfeck was dumbfounded. The very words were riddles to him, and he turned to each person about him id silent en- treaty for explanation — but none came. " What had you been conversing about ?" asked Aunt Fanny, in that encouraging tone lawyers sometimes use to draw out a reluctant or bashful witness. " Of his money afi'airs. Miss O'Hara ; and I am grieved to say that the subject had so little interest for him, tliat he started up and left me on suddenly remembering something about a letter." " Which something you have totally forgotten," remarked Mrs. Kennyfeck, tartly. " And yet it would be a most important fact for us," observed Aunt 176 KOLAXD CASHEL. Fanny, "witli judicial solemnity ; " a letter, whether to read or to write, of such pressing necessity, implies much." " Come, Livy, dear," said Miss Kennyfeck, rising from the piano- forte, and addressing her sister, who sat reading on the sofa, "?wy canzonette and ?/oz«' beautiful attitude are so much sweetness thrown away. He's gone without even a thought of either ! There, there, don't look so innocently vacant — you understand me perfectly." A very gentle smile was all the younger sister's reply as she left the room. " Depend upon it, my dear," said Miss O'Hara to Mrs. Kennyfeck, "that youjig man had made some unhappy connexion, that's the secret of this letter, and when tliey get into a scrape of the kind it puts marriage out of their heads aKogether. It was the same with Captain Morris" — here she whispered still lower, the only audible words being, "without my ever suspecting — one evening — a low creature — never set eyes upon — ah, man, man !" And with this ex- clamation aloud, Aunt Fanny took her candle and retired. About a minute after, however, she re-entered tlie drawing-room, and advancing close to her sister, said, with all the solemnity of deep thought : " Peter is no good in this case, my dear ; send him home at once. That man will ' blaze' for the asking." And with a nod of immense significance she finally withdrew. CHAPTER XX. Arcades ambo — Blackguards both. In tlie window of a very pretty cottage room overlooking the LifFey, and that romantic drive so well known to Dubliners as the " low road" to Lucan, sat Tom Linton. He was enjoying a cigar and a glass of weak negus, as a man may enjoy such luxuries seated in the easiest of chairs, looking out upon one of the sweetest of woodland landscapes, and feeling the while that the whole was "his own." If conscientious scruples had been any part of the gentleman's life phi- losophy, he might have suifered some misgivings, seeing that the cottage itself, its furniture, the plate, the very horses in the stable and the grooms about it, had been won at the liazard-table, and from one wliose beggary ended in suicide. But Linton did not dwell on sucli things, and if they did for an instant cross his mind, he dismissed them at once with a contemptuous pity for the man who could not EOLAND CASHEL. 177 build up a fortune by the arts with which he had lost one. He had not begun the world himself with much principle, and all his expe- riences went to prove that even less would suffice, and that for the purposes of the station he occupied, and the society he frequented, it was only necessary that he should not transgress in his dealings with men of a certain rank and condition ; so that while every transaction Avith people of class and fashion should be strictly on "the square," he was at perfect liberty to practise any number of sharp things with all beneath them. It was the old axiom of knight-errantry adapted to our own century, which made every weapon fair used against the plebeian ! From a pleasant reverie over some late successes and some future ones in anticipation, he was aroused by a gentle tap at the door. " Come in," said he ; " I think I guess who it is — Phillis, eh ?" " Yes, Sir, you're quite correct," said that individual, advancing from the misty twilight of the room, which was only partly lighted by a single alabaster lamp. " I thought I'd find you at home. Sir, and I knew this letter might interest you. He dropped it when going up the stairs at Kennyfeck's, and could scarcely have read it through." " Sit down, George — sit down, man — what will you take ? I see you've had a fast drive ; if that was your car I heard on the road, your pace was tremendous. "What shall it be — claret — sherry — brandy-and-water ?" " If you please. Sir, sherry. I have lost all palate for Bordeaux since I came to Mr. Cashel. "We get abominable wine from CuUan." " So I remarked myself; but this must be looked to. Come, try that ; it's some of Gordon's, and he would not send a bad bottle to me." '' I'm very certain of that, Sir. It is excellent." " Now then for the epistle." So saying, he lighted a taper and prepared to read. " Jamaica — oh, a shipmate's letter." " A curious one, too. Sir, as you'll say when you read it." Linton, without reply, began to read, nor did he break silence till he finished, when, laying down the paper, he said, " And this very fellow who writes this lie actually spoke of inviting to Ireland — to stay some time at his house — to be introduced, in fact, to his ac- quaintances as a personal friend." " It's very sad, Sir," sighed Phillis. " I have long been of opinion that I must leave him. The appointments, it is true, are good, per- quisites, too, very handsome — but the future, Mr. Linton — what a future it will be!" " It need not be a very near one, at all events," said Linton, smiling ; " you've read this ?" " Jusfc threw an eye over it. Sir !" TOL. I. N 178 EOLAND CASHEL. " Well, you see that your excellent master has been little better than a pirate or a slaver." " Very shocking, indeed, Sir !" " Of coiirse this must not get abroad, George." " It would ruin me utterly, Sir." " To be sure it would. No nobleman, nor any gentleman of rank or fashion, could think of engaging your services after such an ap- pointment. Happily, Greorge, you may not require such, if you only mind your hits. Tour master can afford to make your fortune, and never know himself the poorer, Come, how go on matters latterly at No. 50?" " Pretty much as usual, Sir ; two dinner-parties last week." " I know all about them, though I affected to be engaged and didn't dine there. "What I want is, to hear of these Kennyfecks — do they come much after him ?" " Only once. Sir, when they came to see the house and stopped to luncheon." " Well, was he particular in his attentions to either of the daugh- ters ?" " Very attentive indeed. Sir, to the younger. She dropped her handkerchief in the gallery, and ran back for it, and so did he, Sir." " Tou followed, of course ?" " I did, Sir, and she was blushing very much as I came in, and I heard her say something about ' forgiving him,' and then they left the room." " And what of Kennyfeck, has he had any conversations with him on business ?" " None, Sir ; I have strictly followed your orders, and never ad- mitted him." " Lord Charles Trobisher was a large winner t'other night ?" said Linton, after a pause. " Yes, Sir, so I heard them say at supper, and Mr. Cashel first gave him a cheque and then changed his mind, and I saw him hand, over a heavy sum in notes." "Indeed!" muttered Linton to himself; "and my worthy friend Charley did not confess this to me. — Have you taken care that the people don't send in their bills and accounts, as I meutioned ?" " Tes, Sir ; with few exceptions, nothing of the kind comes." " What brought that Mr. Clare Jones so frequently of late?" " He came twice in Mr. Downie Meek's carriage. Sir, but sat all the while outside, while Mr. Meek was with my master ; the third day, however, he was sent for to come in, and spent nearly an hour in the study." " Well, what took place ?" " I could only hear part of the conversation, Sir, as I feared I might EOLAND CASHEL. 179 be sent for. The subject was a seat in Parliament, which Mr. Cashel owns, and that Mr. Meek is desirous of procuring for Jones." " Ha ! ha ! my little Judas ! is that your game ? Go on, George, this interests me." " I have little more to tell, Sir, for Mr. Meek always speaks so low, and my master scarcely said anything." "And Jones?" " He merely remarked on the identity of his political principles with those of the present Government." " Of course ; the fellow began as a Eadical, and then turned Tory, and now is a "Whig. Blue and yellow when mixed always make green. But how did it end ?" " As well as I could perceive. Sir, without any promise. My master was to deliberate and send his answer." " Let neither have access to him till you hear from me again — mark that ?" " You shall be obeyed, Sir." " Did Lord Kilgoff call ?" " Twice, Sir ; but my master was out. I followed your directions, however, and said that her Ladyship was with him, and he seemed much provoked at not finding him at home." " Well, how did he take it — did he make any remark ?" " A half smile, Sir ; nothing more." " But said nothing ?" " Not a word, Sir." Linton arose and walked the room in deep meditation ; at last he said, " Tou had better let him have those letters we held back the last two days, to-day. He'll not think deeply over his losses on the Derby while dwelling on this missing letter." " I don't suspect his losses. Sir, will cause much uneasiness on any score ; money occupies very little of his thoughts." " True ; but here the sum is a very heavy one. I made the book myself, and stood to win thirty thousand pounds ; but no matter, it can't be helped now — better luck another time. Now, another point. It strikes me of late, that he seems bored somewhat by the kind of life he is leading, and that these carouses at the messes are becoming just as distasteful to him as the heavy dinner-parties with the Dean and the rest of them. Is that your opinion ?" " Perfectly, Sir. He even said as much to me t'other evening, when he came back from a late supper. He is always wishing for the yacht to come over — speaks every now and then of taking a run over to London and Paris—in fact, Sir, he is bored here. There is no dis- guising it." " I feared as much, George ; I suspected, many a day ago, he would n2 180 EOLAND CASHEL, not be long satisfied with the provincial boards. But this must not be ; once away from Dublin, he is lost to us for ever. I know, and so do you know, the hands be would fall into in town. Better let him get back to his old prairie haunts, for a while, than that." " Not so very unlikely, Sir. He sits poring over maps and charts for hours together, and scans the new coast survey like a man bent on exploring the scenes for himself. It is hard to say what is best to do with him." "I'll tell you what lie must not be permitted to do with himself: he must not leave Ireland — be must not marry — he must not enter Parliament — and, for the moment, to employ his thoughts and banish ennui, we'll get up the house-warming at Tubbermore. I mean to set off thither to-morrow." "WithoutMr. Cashel, Sir?" " Of course ; be it your care that matters are well looked to in my absence, and as Kenny feck's house is safer than the barracks, he may dine there as often as he pleases. Keep a watch on Jones — not that I think he'll be very dangerous ; see after Lord Charles, whether he may try to profit by my absence ; and, above all, write me a bulletin each day." Mr. Phillis promised a strict obedience to orders, and rose to retire, pleading the necessity of his being at home when his master returned. " What of this letter, Sir? Shall I contrive to place it in his pocket, and discover it as he is undressing ? He never suspects any- thing or anybody." " No, George, I'll keep it ; it may turn out useful to us one of these days, there's no knowing when or how. I'm curious, too, to see how he will act witli reference to it — whether he will venture on any confidence towards me. I suspect not; he never alludes to his bygones. The only terror his mind is capable of would seem the fear of fashionable contempt. If he ever lose this, he's lost to us for ever." This was said rather in soliloquy than addressed to Phillis, who did not appear to catch the meaning of the remark. " Tou'U leave this note on his table, and take care he sees it. It is to remind him of an appointment here to-morrow with Hoare, the money-lender, at eleven o'clock, punctually." Phillis took the note, and after a very respectful leave-taking, withdrew. " Yes," said Linton, musing, as he leaned against the window, " all goes fairly so far. Mr. Phillis may live to see himself once more a Merchant-Tailor in Cheapside, and Tom Linton, luider the buckler of his M.P., defy duns and bums, and be again a denizen of the only city worth living in." He then reseated himticif in an easy-chaii", and prepared to con over the letter, to which he had only given a passing attention. The EOLAKD CASHEIi. 181 narrative of Enrique, full of exciting details and halr-breadtli 'scapes, ■was, however, far less an object of interest to Linton than the con- sideration how far a character like this might be made use of for the purpose of threat and intimidation over Cashel. His reflections ran somewhat thus : Tlie day may come, — is, per- haps, even now nigh, — when Cashel shall reject my influence and ascendancy. There never has been anything which could even coun- terfeit friendship between us — close intimacy has been all. To main- tain that hold over him so necessary to my fortunes, I must be in a position to menace. Eoland, himself, has opened the way to this by his own reserve. The very concealment he has practised implies fear ; — otherwise, wh}^, in all the openness of our familiar intercourse, never have mentioned Enrique's name ; still more, never once alluded to this Maritaria ? It is clear enough with what shame he looks back on the past. Let mine be the task to increase that feeling, and build up the fear of the world's ridicule, till he shall be the slave of every ■whisper that syllables his name ! The higher his path in society, the greater the depth to which disclosures may consign him ; and what disclosure so certainly ruinous as to connect him with the lawless marauders of the Spanish Main — the slave and the pirate ? His dear friend, a felon, taken in open fight by a Bwtish cruiser ! Mari- tana,' too, may serye us ; her name as mistress — or, if need be, as "wife — will effectually oppose any matrimonial speculations here. So far, this letter has been a rare piece of fortune ! Eor some moments he walked the room with excited and animated looks, the alternating shades of pleasure and its opposite flitting rapidly across his strong features. At last he broke out in words : " Ay, Cashel, I am as suddenly enriched as yourself, — but with a difierent heritage. Tours was Gold. Mine, Eevenge ! And there are many to wliom I could pay the old debt home. There's Forster, with his story of Ascot, and his black-ball ' at Graham's ! — a double debt, with years of heavy interest upon it. There's Howard, too, that closed his book at Tattersall's, after tearing out the leaf that had my name ! Frobisher himself daring his petty insolence at every turn! — all these cry for acquittance, and shall have it. There are few men of my own standing, that with moneyed means at my command, I could not ruin ! And, ungallant as the boast may be, some fair ladies, too ! How I have longed for the day, how I have schemed and plotted for it! and now it comes almost unlocked for. " Another month or two of this wasteful extravagance, and Cashel will be deeply, seriously embarrassed. Kennyfeck will suggest re- trenchment and economy ; that shall be met with an insidious doubt of the '^good man's honesty. And how easy to impeach it ! The schemes of his wife and daughter will aid the accusation. Eolanv\ shall, meanwhile, learn the discomfort of being ' hard up.' The im- 182 EOLAND CASHEL. portunity — nay, the insolence — of duns shall assail him at every post and every hour. From this there is but one bold, short step — and take it he must — make me his agent. That done, all the rest is easy. Embarrassment and injurious reports will soon drive him from the country, 'and from an estate he shall never revisit as his own ! So far — the first act of the drama. The second discovers Tom Linton the owner of Tubbermore, and the host of Lord and Lady Kilgofi", who have condescendingly agreed to pass the Easter recess with him. Mr. Linton has made a very splendid maiden speech, which, however, puzzles the Ministers and the Times, and, if he were not a man per- fectly indifferent to place, would expose him to the imputation of courting it. " And Laura all this while !" said he, in a voice whose accents trembled with intense feeling, " can she forgive the past ? Will old memories revive old affections, or will they rot into hatred ? Well," cried he, sternly, " whichever way they turn, I'm prepared." There was a tone of triumphant meaning in his last words that seemed to thrill through his frame, and as he threw himself back upon a seat, and gazed out upon the starry sky,: his features wore the look of proud and insolent defiance. " So is it," said he, after a pause ; " one must be alone — friendless, and alone — in life, to dare the world so fearlessly." He filled a goblet of sherry, and, as he drank it off", cried, " Courage ! Tom Linton against ' the field !' " CHAPTER XXI. Eternal friendship let us swear, In fraud at least — " nous serons freres." Robert Macaike. Cashel passed a night of feverish anxiety. Enrique's uncertain fate was never out of his thoughts ; and if for a moment he dropped off" to sleep, he immediately awoke with a sudden start, — some fancied cry for help, — some heart-uttered appeal to him for assistance break- ing in upon his weary slumber. How ardently did he wish for some one friend to whom he might confide his difficulty, and from whom receive advice and counsel. Linton's shrewdness and knowledge of life pointed him out as the fittest ; but how to reveal to his fashionable friend the secrets of that buccaneering life he had himself so lately quitted ? How expose himself to the dreaded depreciation a " fine gentleman" might visit on a career passed amid slavera and pirates ? A month or two pre- ROLAND CASHEL. 183 vious, be could not have understood ^ucli scruples ; but already tlie frivolities and excesses of daily habit had throvra an air of savage rudeness over the memory of his Western existence, and he had not the courage to brave the comments it might suggest. To this false shame had Linton brought him, acting on a naturally sensitive nature, by those insidious and imperceptible counsels which represent the world — meaning, thereby, that portion of it who are in the purple and fine linen category — as the last appeal in all cases, not alone of a man's breeding and pretensions, but of his honour and independence. It was not without many a severe struggle, and many a heartfelt repining, Cashel felt himself surrender the free action of his natural independence to the petty and formal restrictions of a code like this. But there was an innate dread of notoriety, a sensitive shrinking from remark, that made him actually timid about transgressing whatever he was told to be an ordinance of fashion. To dress in a particular way — to frequent certain places — to be known to certain people — to go out at certain hours — and so on, were become to his mind as the actual requirements of his station, and often did he regret the hour when he had parted with his untrammelled freedom to live a life of routine and monotony. Shrinking, then, from any confidence in Linton, he next thought of Kennyfeck ; and, although not placing a high value on his skill and correctness in such a difficulty, he resolved, at all hazards, to consult him on the course to be followed. He had been often told how gladly Government favours the possessor of fortune and influence. Now, thought he, is the time to test the problem. " All of mine is at their service, if they but liberate my poor comrade." So saying to himself, he had just reached the hall, when the sound of wheels approached the door. A carriage drew up, and Linton, followed by Mr. Hoare, the money-lender, descended. " Oh, I had entirely forgotten this afiair," cried Cashel, as he met them ; " can we not fix another day ?" " Impossible, Sir; I leave town to-night." " Another hour to-day, then ?" said Cashel, impatiently. " This will be very difficult. Sir. I have some very pressing en- gagements, all of which were formed subject to your convenience in this business." " But while you are discussing the postponement, you could finish the whole afiair," cried Linton, drawing his arm within Cashel's, and leading him along towards the library. " By Jove ! it does give a man a sublime idea of wealth, to be sure," said he, laughing, " to see the cool indifference with which you can propose to defer an inter- view that brings you some fifteen thousand pounds. As for me, I'd make the Viceroy himself play ' ante-chamber,' if little Hoare paid me a visit." 184 EOLAITD CASHEI. ""Well, be it so; only let us despatch," said Casliel, "for I am anxious to catcli Kennyfeck before be goes down to Court." " I'll not detain you many minutes, Sir," said Hoare, drawing fortb a very capacious black leather pocket-book and opening it on the table. " There are the bills drawn as agreed upon — at three and six months — here is a statement of the charges for interest, commission, and " " I am quite satisfied it is all right," said Cashel, pushing the paper carelessly from him. " I have borrowed money onceor twice in my life, and always thought anything liberal which did not exceed cent, per cent." " "We are content with much less. Sir, as you will perceive," said Hoare, smiling. Six per cent, interest, one-half commission " " Yes, yes — it is all perfectly correct," broke in Cashel. " I sign my name here — and here ?" " And here, also, Sir. There is also a policy of insurance on your life." " "What does that mean ?" " Oh, a usual kind of security in these cases," said Linton ; " be- cause if you were to die before the bills came due " " I see it all — whatever you please," said Cashel, taking up his hat and gloves. " Now, will you pardon me for taking a very abrupt leave ?" " Tou are forgetting a very material point. Sir," said Hoare ; " this is an order on Frend and Beggan for the money." " Very true. The fact is, gentlemen, my head is none of the clearest to-day. Good-by — good-by." " Ten to one all that haste is to keep some appointment with one of Kennyfeck's daughters," said Hoare, as he shook the sand over the freshly-signed bills, when the heavy bang of the hall-door announced Cashel's departure. " I fancy not," said Linton, musing ; " I believe I can guess the secret." " "What am I to do with these, Mr. Linton ?" said the other, not heeding the last observation, as he took two pieces of paper from the pocket of his book. " What are they ?" said Linton, stretcliing at full length on a sofa. "Two bills, Avith the endorsement of Thomas Linton." " Then are two ten-shilling stamps spoiled and good for nothing,'' replied Linton, "which, without that respectable signature, might have helped to ruin somebody worth ruining." " One will be due on Saturday, the 12th. The other " "Don't trouble yourself about the dates, Hoare. I'll renew as often as you please — I'll do anything but pay." KOLAXD CASHEL. 185 " Come, Sir, I'll make a generous proposition : I liave made a good morning's work. Tou shall have them both for a hundred." " Thanks for the liberality," said Linton, laughing. " Tou bought them for fifty." " I know that very well ; but remember, you were a very depre- ciated stock at that time. Now, you are at a premium. I hear you Lave been a considerable winner from our friend here." " Then you are misinformed. I have won less than the others — far less than I might have done. The fact is, Hoare, I have been playing a back game — what jockeys call holding my stride." " Well, take care you don't wait too long," said Hoare, senten- tiously. " How do you mean ?" said Linton, sitting up, and showing more animation than he had exhibited before. " You have your secret — I have mine," replied Hoare, dryly, as he replaced the bills in his pocket-book, and clasped it. " "What if we exchange prisoners, Hoare ?" " It would be like most of your compacts, Mr. Linton, all the odds in your own favour." " I doubt whether any man makes such compacts with yo?^," replied Linton ; " but why higgle this way ? ' Eemember,' as JPeacham says, * that we could hang one another ;' and there is an ugly adage about what happens — when people sucb as you and I ' fall out.' " "So there is; and, strange enough, I was just thinking of it. Come, what is your secret ?" " Eead that," said Linton, placing Enrique's letter in his hand, while he sat down, directly in front, to watch the effect it might produce. Hoare read slowly and attentively ; some passages he re-read three or four times ; and then, laying down the letter, he seemed to reflect on its contents. " Tou scarcely thought what kind of company our friend used to keep formerly ?" asked Linton, sneeringly. " I knew all about that tolerably well. I was rather puzzling myself a little about this Pedro Eica ; that same trick of capturing the slavers, and then selling the slaves, is worthy of one I could men- tion, not to speak of the double treachery of informing against his comrades, and sending the English frigate after them." " A deep hand he must be," remarked Linton, coolly. " A very deep one ; but what is Cashel likely to do here ?" " Nothing ; he has no clue whatever to the business ; the letter itself he had not time to read through, when he dropped it, and " " I understand — perfectly. This accounts for his agitation. "Well, 186 EOLAITD CASHEL. I must say, my secret is tlie better of the two, and, as usual, you have made a good bargain." " Not better than your morning's work here, Hoare ; — confess that." " Ah, there will not be many more such harvests to reap," said he, sighing. " How so ? his fortune is scarcely breached, as yet." " He spends money fast," said Hoare, gravely ; " even now, see what sums he has squandered — think of the presents he has lavished — diamonds — h orses ' ' " As to the Kennyfeck affair, it was better than getting into a ma- trimonial scrape, which I fancy I have rescued him from." " Oh no, nothing of the kind. Pirate as he is, he wouldn't ven- ture on that." " "Why so — what do you mean ?" " Simply, that he is married already ; at least, that species of be- trothal which goes for marriage in his free and easy country." " Married !" exclaimed Linton, in utter amazement ; " and he never even hinted in the most distant manner to this," " And yet the obligation is sufficiently binding, according to Co- lumbian law, to give his widow the benefit of. all property he might die possessed of in that Eepublic." " And he knows this himself?" " So well, that he has already proposed a very large sum as forfeit to break the contract." " And this has been refused ?" " Yes. The girl's father has thought it better to follow your own plan, and make a ' waiting race,' well knowing, that if Cashel does not return to claim her as his wife — or that, which is not improbable, she may marry more advantageously — he will always be ready to pay the forfeit." " May I learn his name ?" "No!" " Nor his daughter's ? — the Christian name, I mean." " To what end ? It would be a mere idle curiosity, for I should exact a pledge of your never divulging it." " Of course," said Linton, carelessly. " It was, as you say, a mere idle wish. Was this a love affair, then, for it has a most commercial air?" " I really don't know that ; I fancy that they were both very young, and very ignorant of what they were pledging, and just as indifferent to the consequences." " She was handsome, this " " Maritaiia is beautiful, they say," said Hoare, who inadvertently let slip the name he had refused to divulge. EOLAND CASHEL. 187 Linton's quick ear caught it at once, but as rapidly affected not to notice it, as he said, " But I really do not see as yet how this affects what we were just speaking of?" " It will do so, however — and ere long. These people, who were immensely rich some time back, are now, by one of the convulsions so frequent in those countries, reduced to absolute poverty. They will, doubtless, follow Cashel here, and seek a fulfilment of his con- tract. I need not tell you, Mr. Linton, what must ensue on such a demand. It would be hard to say whether acceptance or refusal would be worse. In a word, the father-in-law is a man of such a character, there is only one thing would be more ruinous than his enmity, and that is, any alliance with him. Let him but arrive in this country, and every gentleman of station and class will fall back from Cashel's in- timacy ; and even those — I'll not mention names," said he, smiling — " who could gloss over some of their prejudices with gold-leaf, will soon discover that a shrewder eye than Cashel's will be on them, and that all attempts to profit by his easiness of temper and reckless nature, will be met by one who has never yet been foiled in a game of artifice and deceit." " Then I perceive we have a very short tether," said Linton, gravely ; " when may this worthy gentleman be looked for ?" " At any moment. I believe early in spring, however, will be the time." " Well, that gives us a few months ; during which I must contrive to 'get in for this borough of Derraheeny But hark! is that a carriage at the door ? — yes, by Jove ! , The Kennyfecks. I remember, he had asked them to-day to come and see his pictures. I say, Hoare, step out by the back way — we must not be caught together here. I'll make my escape afterwards." Already the thundering knock of the footman resounded through the house, and Hoare, not losing a moment, left the library, and hastened through the garden at the rear of the house ; while Linton, seizing some writing materials, hurried up-stairs, and established himself in a small boudoir off one of the drawing-rooms, carefully letting down the Venetians as he entered, and leaving the chamber but half lighted ; this done, he drew a screen in front of him, and waited patiently. 188 . EOLAND CASHEL. CHAPTER XXII. Ignored the schools of France and Spain, And of the Netherlands not surer, He knew not Cuyp from Claude Lorraine, Nor Dow from Albert Durer. Bell's Images. Scarcely had the Kennyfecks' carriage driven from the door, when the stately equipage of the MacFarlines drew up, which was soon after followed by the very small pony phaeton of Mrs. Leicester White, that lady herself driving, and having for her companion a large high-shouldered, spectacled gentleman, whose glances, at once inquiring and critical, pronounced him as one of her numerous proteges in art, science, or letters. This visit to the " Cashel Gallery," as she somewhat grandilo- quently designated the collection, had been a thing of her own plan- ning ; first, because Mrs. "White was an adept in that skilful diplo- macy which so happily makes plans for pleasure at other people's houses — and oh, what numbers there are! — delightful, charming people as the world calls them ! whose gift goes no further than this, that they keep a registry of their friends' accommodation, and know to a nicety the season to dine here, to sup there, to pic-nic at one place, and to " spend the day" — horrible expression of a more horrible fact — at another. But Mrs. White had also another object in view on the present occasion, which was, to introduce her companion, Mr. Elias Howie, to her Dublin acquaintance. Mr. Elias Howie was one of a peculiar class, which this age, so fertile in inventions, has engendered, a publisber's man-of-all-work, ready for everything, from statistics to satire, and equally prepared to expound prophecy, or write squibs for " Punch." Not that lodgings were not inhabited in Grub-street before our day, but that it remained for the glory of this century to see that numerous horde of Tourist authors held in leash by fashionable book- sellers, and every now and then let slip over some country, to which plague, pestilence, or famine, had given a newer and more terrible interest. In this novel walk of literature Mr. Howie was one of the chief proficients ; he was the creator of that new school of travel which, writing expressly for London readers, refers everything to the standard of "town ;" and whether it be a trait of Icelandic life, or some remnant of old world existence in the far East, all must be brought for trial to the bar of " Seven Dials," or stand to plead in the EOLAND CASHEL. 189 dock of Pall-mall or Piccadilly. "Whatever errors or misconceptions he miglit fall into respecting his subjects, he made none regarding his readers. He knew them by heart — their leanings, their weakness, and their prejudices ; and how pleasantly could he flatter their town- bred self-sufficiency — how slyly insinuate their vast superiority over all other citizens, insidiously assuring them that the Thames at Eich- mond was infinitely finer than the Ehine or the Danube, and that a trip to Margate was richer in repayal than a visit to the Bosphorus ! Ireland was, just at the time we speak of, a splendid field for hia peculiar talents. The misery-mongers had had their day. The world was somewhat weary of Landlordism, Pauperism, and Protestantism, and all the other " isms" of that unhappy country. There was nothing that had not been said over the overgrown Church establishment, — the devouring Middleman, — Cottier misery — and Celtic barbarism ; people grew weary of hearing about a nation so endowed with capabilities, and which yet did nothing, and rather than puzzle their heads any further, they voted Ireland a " bore." It was just then that "this inspired Cockney" determined to try a new phase of the subject, and this was not to counsel nor console, not to lament over nor bewail our varied mass of errors and misfortunes, but to laugh at us. To hunt out as many incongruities — many, real enough, some, fictitious — as he could find ; to unveil all that he could discover of social anomaly ; and, without any reference to, or any knowledge of, the people, to bring them up for judgment before his less volatile and more happily circumstanced countrymen, certain of the verdict he sought for — a hearty laugh. His mission was to make " Punch" out of Ireland, and none more capable than he for the office. A word of Mr. Howie in the flesh, and we have done. He was large and heavily built, but neither muscular nor athletic ; his frame and all his gestures indicated weakness and uncertainty. His head was capacious, but not remarkable for what phrenologists call moral development, while the sinister expression of his eyes — half submis- sive, half satirical — suggested doubts of his sincerity. There was nothing honest about him but his mouth ; this was large, full, thick- lipped, and sensual ; the mouth of one who loved to dine well, and yet felt that his agreeability was an ample receipt in full for the best entertainment that ever graced Blackwall or the " Preres." It is a heavy infliction that we story-tellers are compelled to lay upon our readers and ourselves, thus to interrupt our narrative by a lengthened description of a character not essentially belonging to our story ; we had rather, far rather, been enabled to imitate Mrs. AVhite, as she advanced into the circle in the drawing-room, saying, " Mr. Cashel, allow me to present to your favourable notice my distinguished friend, Mr. Howie, Lady Janet MacParline, Mr. Howie" — soUo — 190 KOLAND CASHEL. " the author of ' Snooks in the Holy Land,' — the wittiest thing of the day, — Sir Andrew will be delighted with him, — has been all over the scenes of the Peninsular war. — Mrs. Kennyfeck, ]Mr. Howie." Mr. Howie made his round of salutations, and although by his awkwardness tacitly acknowledging that they were palpably more habituated to the world's ways than himself, yet inwardly consoled by remarking certaia little traits of manner and accent sufficiently provincial to be treasured up, and become very droll in print or a copper etching. " It's a vara new pleasure ye are able to confer upon your friends, Mr. Cashel," said Sir Andrew, " to show them so fine a collection o' pictures in Ireland, whar, methinks, the arts ha' no enjoyed too mickle encouragement." " I confess," said Cashel, modestly, " I am but ill qualified to ex- tend the kind of patronage that would be serviceable, had I even the means ; I have not the slightest pretension to knowledge or judgment. The few I have purchased have been as articles of furniture, pleasant to look at, without any pretension to high excellence." " Just as Admiral Dalrymple paid ten pounds for a dunghill when he turned farmer," whispered Mr. Howie in Mrs. "White's ear, "and then said, ' he had only bought it because some one said it was a good thing, but tliat, now, he'd give any man "twenty" to teU him what to do with it.' " Mrs. White burst into a loud fit of laughter, exclaiming, " Oh, how clever, how good ! Pray, Mr. Howie, tell Lady Janet, —tell Mr. Cashel that." " Oh, Madam!" cried the terrified tourist, who had not discovered before the very shallow discrimination of his gifted acquaintance. " If it is so vara good," said Sir Andrew, " we maun insist on hearin' it." " No, no ! nothing of the kind," interposed Howie ; " besides, the observation was only intended for Mrs. White's ear." " Very true," said that lady, affecting a look of consciousness. " The odious woman," whispered Miss Kennyfeck to her sister ; " see how delighted she looks to be compromised." " If we had Linton," said Cashel, politely offering his arm to Lady Janet, as he led her into the so-called gallery, " he could explain every- thing for us. We have, however, a kind of catalogue here. This large landscape is said to be by Both." " If she be a coo," said Sir Andrew, " I maun say it's the first time I ever seen ane wi' the head ower the tail." " Nonsense," said Lady Janet ; " don't ye perceive that the animal is fore-shortened, and is represented lookiug backwards ?" " I ken nothing aboot that ; she may be shortened in the fore-parts, EOLAND CASHEL. 191 an ye say, and that may be some peculiar breed, but what brings her head ower her rump ?" Sir Andrew was left to finish his criticism alone, the company moving on to a portrait assigned to Vandyck, as Diedrich von Aeveng- hem, Burgomaster of Antwerp. "A fine head!" exclaimed Mrs. Wliite, authpritatively ; "don't you think so, IVIr. Howie ?" " A very choice specimen of the great master, for which, doubtless, you gave a large sum ?" " Four hundred, if I remember aright," said Cashel. " I think he maught hae a clean face for that money," broke in Sir Andrew. *' What do you mean. Sir ?" said Miss Kennyfeck, insidiously, and delighted at the misery Lady Janet endured from his remarks. ."■ Don't ye mind the smut he has on ane cheek ?" " It's the shadow of his nose. Sir Andrew," broke in Lady Janet, with a sharpness of rebuke there was no misunderstanding. " Eh, my Leddy, so it may, but ye need na bite mine off, for a' that I" And so saying, the discomfited veteran fell back in high dudgeon. The party now broke into the twos and threes invariable on such occasions, and while INIrs. Kennyfeck and her elder daughter paid their most devoted attentions to Lady Janet, Mrs. "White and the author paired ofi", leaving Olivia Kennyfeck to the guidance of Cashel. " So you'U positively not tell me what it is that preys on your mind this morning ?" said she, in the most insinuating of soft accents. Cashel shook his head moiirnfully, and said : " "Why should I tell you of what it is impossible you could give me any counsel in, while your sympathy would only cause imeasiness to yourself?" " But you forget our compact," said she, archly ; "there was to be perfect confidence on both sides, was there not ?" " Certainly. Now, when shall we begin ?" " Have you not begun already ?" " I fancy not. Do you remember two evenings ago, when I came suddenly into the drawing-room and found you pencil in hand, and you, instead of at once showing me what you had been sketching, shut the portfolio, and carried it off, despite all my entreaties— nay, aU my just demands ?" " Oh, but," said she, smiling, "confidence is one thing— confession is another." " Too subtle distinctions for me," cried Cashel. " I foolishly sup- posed that there was to be an unreserved " " Speak lower, for mercy sake !— don't you perceive Lady Janet trying to hear everything you. say." This was said in a soft whisper, while she added aloud, " I think you said it was a Corregio, Mr. 192 EOLAND CASHEL. Casliel," as they stood before a very liglitly-clad Magdalen, wlio seemed endeavouring to make up for tlie deficiency of her costume by draping across her bosom the voluptuous masses of her golden hair. " I think a Corregio," said Cashel, confused at the sudden artifice ; "but who has the catalogue ? — oh, Sir Andrew; tell us about number fifty-eight." " Fefty-eight, fefty-eight," mumbled Sir Andrew a number of times to himself, and then, having found the number, he approached the picture and surveyed it attentively. " Well, Sir, what is it called ?" said Olivia. " It's vara singular," said Sir Andrew, still gazing at the canvas, " but doubtless Corregio knew weel what he was aboot. . This," said he, "is a picture of Sain John the Baaptist in a raiment of caamel's hair." No sense of propriety was proof against this announcement ; a laugh, loud and general, burst forth, during which Lady Janet, snatch- ing the book indignantly from his hands, cried, " You were looking at sixty-eight, Sir Andrew, not fifty-eight ; and you have made yourself perfectly ridiculous." " By my saul, I believe so," muttered the old gentleman, in deep anger; " I've been looking at ' saxty-eight' ower long already!" Fortunately, this sarcasm was not heard by her against whom it was directed, and they who did hear it were fain to suppress their laughter as .well as they were able. The party was now increased by the arrival of the Dean and liis " ancient," Mr. Softly, to the mani- fest delight of Mrs. Kennyfeck, who at once exclaimed, " Ah, we shall now hear something really instructive." The erudite churchman, after a very abrupt notice of the com- pany, started at speed without losing a moment. His attention being caught by some curious tableau of the interior of tlie great Pyramid, he immediately commenced an explanation of the various figures, the costumes and weapons, which he said were all masonicj showing that Pharaoh, wore an apron exactly like the Duke of Sussex, and that every emblem of the " arch" was to be found among the great of Ancient Egypt. Wliile thus employed, Mr. Howie, seated in a corner, was busily sketching the whole. party for an illustration to his new book on Ire- land, and once more Cashel and his com2)anion found themselves, of course by the merest accident, standing opposite the sathe picture in a little boudoir off the large gallery. The subject was a scene from Faust, where Marguerite, leaning on her lover's arm, is walking in a garden by moonlight, and seeking by a mode of divination common in Germany to ascertain his truth, which is by plucking one by one the petals of a flower, saying alternately, " He loves me, he loves me not ;" and then, by the result of the last-plucked leaf, deciding which The Piclur.e-^'Tnllerv. ''.ir Aiuiro •O W 1 1 I I vv In(;j EOLAND CASHEL. 193 fate is accomplislied. CasLel first explained the meaning of the trial and then taking a rose from one of the flower vases, he said, " Let me see if you can understand my teaching ; you have only to say ' Er liebfc mich,' and ' Er liebt mich nicht.' " " But how can I ?" said she, with a look of beaming innocence, " if there be none who " " No matter," said Cashel ; " besides, is it not possible you could be loved, and yet never know it ? Now for the ordeal." " Er liebt mich nicht," said Olivia, with a low, silvery voice, as she plucked the first petal ofl", and threw it on the floor. " You begin inauspiciously, and, I must say, unfairly, too," said Cashel. " The first augury is in favour of love." " Er liebt niich," said she, tremulously, and the leaf broke in her fingers. " Ha!" sighed she, " what does that imply? Is it, that he only loves by half his heart ?" " That cannot be," said Cashel; " it is rather that you treated his aflectiou harshly." " Should it not bear a little ? — ought it to give way at once ?" " Nor will it," said he, more earnestly, " if you deal but fairly. Come, I will teach you a still more simple, and yet unerring test." A heavy sigh from behind the Chinese screen made both the speakers start ; and while Olivia, pale with terror, sank into a chair, Cashel hastened to see what had caused the alarm. "Linton, upon my life!" exclaimed he, in a low whisper, as, on tiptoe, he returned to the place beside her. " Oh, Mr. Cashel; oh dear, Mr. Cashel " " Dearest Olivia " " Heigho !" broke in Linton ; and Eoland and his companion slipped noiselessly from the room, and, unperceived, mixed with the general company, who sat in rapt attention while the Dean explained that Painting was nothing more nor less than an optical delusion — a theory which seemed to delight Mrs. Kennyfeck in the same proportion that it puzzled her. Fortunately, the announcement that luncheon was on the table cut short the dissertation, and the party descended, all more or less content, to make material enjoyments succeed to intel- lectual ones. " Well," whispered Miss Kennyfeck to her sister, as they descended the stairs, " did he ?" An almost inaudible " No" was the reply. " Tour eyes are very red for nothing, my dear," rejoined the elder. " I diuna ken. Sir," said Sir Andrew to Softly, as he made use of his arm for support — " I dinna ken how ye understand your theory aboot optical delusions, but I maun say, it seems to me a vara strange way for men o' your cloth to pass the morning' starin' at naked weemen — creatures, too, that if they ever leeved at all, must ha' led VOL. I, O . 194; EOLAND CASHEL. the maist abondoned lives. I take it, that Diana herself was no better than a cuttie ; do ye mark hoo she does no scruple to show a bra pair of legs " " "With respect to the Heathen Mythology," broke in Softly, in a voice he hoped might subdue the discussion " Don't tell me aboot the Haythins, Sir ; flesh and bluid is a' the same, whatever Kirk it follows." Before they were seated at table, Linton had joiaed them, explain- ing, in the most natural way in the world, that, having sat down to write in the boudoir, he had fallen fast asleep, and was only awakened by Mr, Phillis having accidentally discovered him. A look of quick intelligence passed between Cashel and Olivia at this narrative ; the young lady soon appeared to have recovered from her former em- barrassment, and the luncheon proceeded pleasantly to all parties. Mr. Howie enjoyed himself to the utmost, not only by the reflection that a hearty luncheon at two would save an hotel dinner at six, but that the Dean and Sir Andrew were two originals worth five pound apiece even for " Punch." As to Cashel, a glance at the author's note-book would show how he impressed that gifted personage : " ' E. C. :' — a snob — rich — and gullible ; his pictures, all the house- hold gods at Christie's, the Vandyck, late a sign of the Marquis of Granby, at Windsor. Mem. : not over safe to quiz him." " But we'll see later on." " Visit him at his country seat, ' if pos.' " " Who is our spectacled friend ?" said Linton, as they drove away from the door. " Some distinguished author, whose name I have forgotten." " Shrewd-looking fellow, — think I have seen him at Ascot. What brings him over here?" " To write a book, I fancy." " What a bore. This is the age of detectives with a vengeance. Well, don't let him in again, that's all. By Jove ! it's easier, now-a- days, to escape the Queen's Bench than the Illustrated News." " A note from Mr. Kenny feck. Sir," said Mr. Phillis, " and the man waits for an answer." Linton, taking up a book, affected to read, but in reality placed himself so as to watch Cashel's features as he perused the letter, whose size and shape pronounced to be something unusual. Hurriedly mumbling over a rather tedious exordium on the various views the writer had taken of a subject, Cashel's eyes suddenly flashed as he drew forth a small printed paragraph, cut from the column of a news- paper, and which went thus : — " It will be, doubtless, in our readers' recollection how a short time back an armed slaver, sailiug under the flag of Columbia, was taken, after a most severe and sanguinary en- gagement by H.M. brig Hornet. The commander, a young Spaniard of singularly handsome exterior, and with all the bearing and appear- EOIAND CASHEL. 195 ance of a rank very different from his mode of life, was carried off and confined in St. Kitt's till such time as he could be hrou'ght to trial. Eepresentatious from the Grovernment of the Eepublic were, however, made, and a claim preferred for indemnity, not only for the loss of the vessel and property, but for the loss of life and other injury incurred on the capture. While this singular demand was under investigation, the young Spaniard alluded to contrived to break his bonds and escape : the only mode of doing which was by a leap into the sea from the parapet of the fortress, a height, we are informed, of nigh one hundred feet. They who are acquainted with the locality assert that if he even survived the desperate leap, he must inevitably have fallen a victim to the sharks who frequent the bay to catch the bodies of all who die in the prison, and who, it would appear, are thus un- ceremoniously disposed of. This supposition would seem, however, in some respect, contradicted, by the circumstance that a Venezuelan cruiser, which hung about the shore for the two preceding days, sailed on the very night of his escape, and, in all probability, with him on board." " I could swear he is safe !" cried Cashel, in an ecstasy of enthu- siasm ; " he's a glorious fellow." " "Who is that ?" said Linton, looking up ; " any one I know ?" " ISfo, indeed !" said Cashel. Then suddenly checking himself in a speech whose opening accents were far from flattering, he added, " One you never even heard of." He once more addressed himself to the letter, which, however, merely contained some not very brilliant commentaries of Mr. Kennyfeck over the preceding extract, and which, after enumerating a great many modes of investigating the event, concluded with the only thing like common-sense in the whole, by recommending a strict silence and secrecy about it all. Cashel was closing the epistle, when he caught on the turn-down the following lines : " Mr. Linton has written to me about something like a legal transfer of the cottage' and lands of Tubber-beg, which he mentions your having presented to him. "What reply am I to return to this ? I stated that you had already assured Mr. Corrigau, the present tenant, of an undisturbed possession of the tenure, but Mr. L. interrupted my explanation by saying that he only desired an assignment of the property, such as would give a Parliamentary qualification, and that all pledges made to Mr. C. he would regard as equally binding on himself." Cashel' s first impulse, when he had read thus for, was to show Linton the paragraph, and frankly ask him what he wished to be done ; indeed, he had already advanced towards him with that object, when he checked himself. " It might seem ungracious to ask any o2 196 EOLAND CASHEL. explanation. There liad been already a moment of awkwardness about that same cottage, and Linton bad behaved so well ; and, of course, only asking bim for the possession as a means of qualifying, Corrigan need never hear of it. Besides, he could make Linton a pre- sent of mucb greater real value as soon as the circumstances of the estate became better known." Such and sucb-like reasonings passed bastily througb bis brain ; and as all bis resolves were quickly formed, and as quickly acted on, he sat down and wrote : " Dear Me. Kennyfeck, — Many thanks for the information of your note, wbicb has served to allay all my anxiety for a valued friend. As to Linton, you will bave the goodness to satisfy bim in every particular, and make all and every legal title be desires to tbe cottage and grounds of Tubber-beg. Althougb be is now at my side while I write, I bave not alluded to the subject, feeling tbe awkward- ness of touching on a theme so delicate. Say, however, for me, that Corrigan is not to be disturbed, nor any pledge I bave made towards bim — no matter bow liberally construed by bim — to be, in any re- spect, infringed. — Tours, in great haste, " E. C )5 " "Why you are quite a man of business to-day, Casbel, with your correspondence and letter-writing ; and I'm sorry for it, for I wanted to bave a bit of serious talk with you — that is, if it do not bore you." " 'Not in the least. I was, I own it, nervous and uneasy this morn- ing ; now, however, my mind is at ease, and I am quite ready for anything." " Well, then, without preamble, are you still of tbe same mind about Parliament, because tbe time is hastening on when you ought to come to some decision on the matter ?" " I bave never bestowed a thought on the matter since," said Casbel. " Tbe truth is, when I bear people talk politics in society, I am only astonished at their seeming bigotry and one-sidedness ; and when I read newspapers of opposite opinions, I am equally confounded at tbe excellent arguments they display for diametrically contradictory lines of action, so that mypolitical education makes but little progress." " What you say is perfectly just," said Linton, appearing to reflect profoundly. " A man of real independeuce — not tlie mere independ- ence of fortune, but the far liigher independence of personal character — has much to endure in our tangled and complex system of legisla- tion. As for yourself, for instance, who can afi'ord to despise pa- tronage, who have neither sons to advance in the Navy, nor nepliews in tbe Foreign Office, wlio neitlier want the Bath nor a Baronetcy, who would be as sick of tbe flatteries as you would be disgusted with the servility of party — why you should submit to tbe dust and beat, the turmoil and fatigue of a session, I can't think. And how you EOLAND CASHEL. 197 would be bored — bored by the ceaseless reiterations niglit after nigbt, the same arguments growing gradually weaker as the echo grew fainter : bored by the bits of ' Horace' got off by heart to wind up with ; bored by the bad jests of witty members ; bored by Peel's candour, and Palmerston's petulance ; by Cobden's unblushing effron- tery, and Hume's tiresome placidity. Tou'd never know a happy day nor a joyous hour till you accepted the Chiltern Hundreds, and cut them all. IS'o ; the better course for you would be, choose a nominee for your borough ; select a man in whom you have confidence. Think of some one over whom your influence would be complete, who would have no other aim than in following out your suggestions ; some one, in fact, who unites sufiicient ability with personal friendship. "What d'ye think of Kennyfeck ?" " Poor Kennyfeck," said Cashel, laughing, " he'd never think of such a thing." " I don't know," said Linton, musing ; " it might not suit him, but his wife would like it prodigiously." " Shall I propose it, then ?" said Cashel. " Better not, perhaps," said Linton, appearing to reflect ; " his in- come, which is a right good one, is professional. This, of course, he'd forfeit by accepting a seat in the House. Besides, really, the poor man would make no way. No, we must think of some one else. Do you like White ?" " Leicester "White ? I detest the man, and the wife too." " Well, there's Probisher, a fellow of good name and family. I'd not go bail for his preferring your interests to his own, but as times go, you might chance upon worse. Will you have Probisher ?" " I have no objection," said Cashel, carelessly; "would he like it himself?" " Would he like anything that might help him to a step in the regiment, or place him in a position to sell himself, you, and the borough constituency, to the highest bidder?" said Linton, irritated at Cashel's half assent. " AVell, if these be his principles," cried Cashel, laughing, " I think we'd better put him aside." " You're right ; he'd never do,"_said Linton, recovering all his self- possession ; " what you want, is a man sufiiciently unconnected with ties of family or party, to see in you his patron and his object, and who, with cleverness enough to enunciate the views you desire to see prevail, has also the strong bond of personal regard to make him always even more the friend than the follower." " I only know of one man who realises all this combination," said Cashel, smiling, " and Tie wouldn't answer." "Who is he, — and why ?" asked Linton, in vain endeavouring to look easy and unconcerned. 198 E0LA5s'D CASHEL. " Tom Linton is the man, and liis invincible laziness the ' why.' Isn't that true ?" " By George, Cashel, if you're content with the first part of the assertion, I'll pledge mjself to remedy the latter. I own, frankly, it is a career for which I have no predilection ; if I had, I should have been ' in' many years ago. I have all my life held very cheap your great Political leaders, both as regards capacity and character, and I have ever fancied that I should have had some success in the lists ; but I have always loved ease, and that best of ease, independence. If you think, however, that I can worthily represent you in Parlia- ment, and that you could safely trust to my discretion the knotty question of Political war, say the word, my boy, and I'll fling my ' far niente' habits to the wind, and you shall have all the merit of developing the promising member for what's the name of it ?" " Derraheeny." " Exactly, — the honourable and learned — for Derraheeny. I rather like the title." " "Well, Linton, if you are really serious " " Most assuredly, serious ; and more, to prove it, I shall ask you to clench our bargain at once. It is not enough that you make me your nominee, but you must also render me eligible to become so." " I don't clearly compreliend " " I'll enlighten you. Our venerable Constitution, perfectly irre- spective of the Tom Lintons of this world, — a race which, by the way, never dies out, probably because they have avoided intermarriage, — has decided that a man must possess something besides his wits to be qualified as ' Member of Parliament ;' a strange law, because the afore- said wits are all that the Honourable House has any reason to lay claim to. This same something which guarantees that a man has a legislative capacity, amounts to some hundreds a year. Don't be im- patient, and come out with any piece of rash generosity ; I don't want you to make a present of an estate — only to lend me one ! To be qualified, either as a candidate for the House or a Gentleman rider, one only needs a friend, — a well-to-do friend, — who'll say, ' He's all right.' " " I'm quite ready to vouch for you, Tom ; but you'll have to take the aifair into your own management." " Oh, it's easy enough. That same cottage and the farm which we spoke of the other day, Kennyfeck can make out a kind of conveyance, or whatever the instrument is called, by which it acknowledges me for its owner, vice Eoland Cashel, Esquire. This, properly sealed, signed, and so on, will defy the most searching Committee that ever pried into any gentleman's private circumstances." " Then explain it all to Kennyfeck, and say that I wish it done at once." EOLAND CASHEL. 199 " Nay, Cashel, pardon me. My ugliest enemy will not call me punctilious, but I must stand upon a bit of ceremony here. This must be ordered by yourself. Tou are doing a gracious thing — a devilish kind thing — it must not be done by halves. "Were I to com- municate this to Kennyfeck, he'll unquestionably obey the direction, but most certainly he'd say, to the first man he met, ' See how Linton has managed to trick Cashel out of a very considerable slice of landed property.' He'd not take much trouble to state the nature of our compact ; he'd rather blink the whole arrangement altogether, and make the thing seem a direct gift. Now, I have too much pride on your account, and my own too, to stand this." " "Well, well, it shall be as you like ; only I trow I disagree with you about old Kennyfeck: he's a fine straight-hearted fellow — he's " " He's an attorney, Cashel. These fellows can no more compre- hend a transfer of property without a trial at bar, or a suit in Equity, than an Irish second can understand a falling out without one of the parties being brought home on a door. Besides, he has rather a grudge against me. I never told you — indeed, I never meant to tell you — but I can have no secrets from you. Tou know the youngest girl, Olivia ?" " Tes, go on," said Cashel, red and pale by turns. " "Well, I flirted a good deal last winter with her. Upon my life, I did not intend it to have gone so far ; I suppose it must have gone far, though, because she became desperately in love. She is very pretty, certainly, and a really good little girl — mais, que voulez-vous ? If I tie a fly on my hook I can't aflford to see a flounder or a perch walk ofi" with it — it's the speckled monster of the stream I fish for. They ought to have known that themselves, — I've no doubt they did, too ; but they were determined, as they say here, to die ' innocent,' and so one fine morning I was just going to join the hounds at Finglas, when old Kennyfeck, very trimly dressed and looking unutterable importance, entered my lodgings. There's a formula for these kind of explanations — I've gone through seven of these myself, and I'll swear that every papa has opened the conference with a solemn ap- peal to Heaven ' that he never was aware of the attentions shown his daughter, nor the state of his dear child's afieetions, till last evening.' They always assiu'e you, besides, that if they could give a million and a half as dowry, you are the very man — the actual one individual — they would have selected ; so that on an average most young ladies have met with at least half a dozen parties whom the fathers have pronounced to be, separately, the one most valued. Kennyfeck be- haved, I must say, admirably. His wife would have a Galway cousin sent for, and a duel ; some other kind friend suggested to have me waylaid and thrashed. He calmly heard me for about ten minutes, 200 EOLAND CASHEL. and tlien taking up His hat and gloves, said, ' Take your rule,' and so it ended. I dined there the next Sunday — yes, that's part of my system : I never permit people to nourish small grudges, and go about abusing me to my acquaintances. If they will do that, I overwhelm them by their duplicity, as I am seen constantly in their intimacy, and remarkable for always speaking well of them, so that the world will certainly give it against them. The gist of all this tiresome story is, that Kennyfeck and the ladies would, if occasion served, pay off the old debt to me ; therefore, beware if you hear me canvassed in that quarter!" Linton, like many other cunning people, very often lapsed into little confessions of the tactics by vrhich he played his game in the ■world, and although Cashel was not by any means a dangerous con- fidant to such disclosures, he now marked with feelings not all akin to satisfaction this acknowledgment of his friend's skill. " Tou'd never have shown your face there again, I'll wager a hun- dred !" said Linton, reading in the black look of Eoland's counte- nance an expression he did not fancy. " You are right. I should have deemed it unfair to impose on the young lady a part so full of awkwardness as every meeting must necessitate." " That comes of your innocence about women, my dear friend. They have face for anything. It is not hypocrisy, it is not that they do not feel, and feel deeply, but their sense of command, their in- stinct of what is becoming, is a thousand times finer than ours ; and I am certain that when we take all manner of care to, what is called, spare their feelings, we are in reality only sparing them a cherished opportunity of exercising a control over those feelings \vhich we foolishly suppose to be as ungovernable as our own." Either not agreeing with the sentiment, or unable to cope with its subtlety, Cashel sat some time without speaking. Prom Olivia Ken- nyfeck his thoughts reverted to one in every respect unlike her — the daring, impetuous Maritaiia. He wondered wdthin himself w^hether Iter bold, impassioned nature could be comprehended within Linton's category, and a secret sense of rejoicing thrilled through him as he replied to himself in the negative. " I'd wager a trifle, Eoland, from that easy smile you wear, that your memory has called up one example, at least, luifavourable to my theory. Eh ! I have guessed aright. Come then, out with it, man — who is this peerless paragon of pure ingenuous truth ? — who is she whose natui'e is the transparent crystal where fair thoughts are en- shrined ? No denizen of our misty northland, I'll be sworn, but some fair Mexican, with as little disguise as drapery. Confess, I say — there is a confession, I'll be sworn — and so make a clean breast of it." EOLAND CASHEL. 201 It struck CasTiel, wlille Linton was speaking, liow effectually Ma- ritaiia herself, by one proud look, one haughty gesture, would have silenced such flippant raillery ; and he could not help feeling it a kind of treason to their old friendship that he should listen to it in patient endurance. "Listen to me, amigo mio," said he, in a tone of earnest passion, that seemed almost estranged from his nature latterly — "listen to me, while I tell you that in those far-away countries, whose people you regard with such contemptuous pity, there are women — ay, young girls — whose daring spirit would shame the courage of many of those fine gentlemen we spend our lives with ; and I, for one, have so much of the Indian in me, as to think that courage is the first of virtues," " I cannot help fancying," said Linton, with an almost impercep- tible raillery, " that there are other qualities would please me as well in a wife or a mistress." " I have no doubt of it, — and suit you better, too," said Cashel, savagely ; then hastily correcting 'himself for his rude speech, he added, " I believe, in good earnest, that you would as little sympa- thise with that land and its people, as I do with this. Ay, if you want a confession, there's one for you. I'm longing to be back once more among the vast prairies of the "West, galloping free after the dark-backed bisons, and strolling along in the silent forests. The enervation of this life wearies and depresses me, — worse than all, I feel that, with a little more of it, I shall lose all energy and zest for that activity of body, which, to men like myself, supplies the place of thought, — a little more of it, and I shall sink into that languid routine where dissipation supplies the only excitement." " This is a mere passing caprice ; a man who has wealth " " There it is," cried Cashel, interrupting him impetuously ; "that is the eternal burden of your song. As if wealth, in forestalling the necessity for labour, did not, at the same time, deprive life of all the zeal of enterprise. "When I have stepped into my boat to board a Chilian frigate, I have had a prouder throbbing at my heart than ever the sight of that banker's cheque-book has given me. There's many a Gambusino in the Eocky Mountains a happier — ay, and a finer fellow, too, than the gayest of those gallants that ever squandered the gold Jie quarried ! But why go on ? — we are speaking in unknown tongues to each other." The tone of irritation into which, as it seems unconsciously, Cashel had fallen, was not lost on the keen perception of Linton, and he was not sorry to feign a pretext for closing an interview whose continuance might be unpleasant. " I was thinking of a hurried trip down to Tubbermore," said he, rising; "we shall have these guests of yours in open rebellion, if we 202 EOLAND CASHEL. don't affect at least sometliing like preparation for their reception. I'll take Perystell along with me, and we'll see what can be done to get the old house in trim." " Thanks," said Cashel, as he walked up and down, his thoughts seeming engaged on some other theme. " I'll write to you a report of the actual condition of the fortress," said Linton, assuming all his habitual easy freedom of manner, " and then, if you think of anything to suggest, you'll let me hear." " Yes, I'll write," said Cashel, still musing on his own thoughts. " I see pretty plainly," cried Linton, laughing, "there is no earthly use in asking you questions just now, your brain being otherwise oc- cupied, and so, good-by." " Good-by — good-by," said Cashel, endeavouring, but not with a very good grace, to shake off his preoccupation while he shook hands with him ; and Linton descended the stairs, humming an opera air, with all the seeming light-heartedness of a very careless nature. Cashel, meanwhile, sat down, and with his head resting on his hand, pondered over their late interview. There were two circumstances which both puzzled and distressed him. How came it that Linton should have written this note to Ivennyfeck on a subject which only seemed to have actually suggested itself in the course of this their very last conversation ? Had he already planned the whole campaign respecting the seat in Parliament and the qualification, and was his apparently chance allusion to these topics a thing studied and devised beforehand ? This, if true, would argue very ill for his friend's candour and fair dealing ; and yet, how explain it otherwise ? "Was there any other seat open to him for which to need a qualification ? If so, he had never spoken of it. It was the first time in his life that Cashel had conceived a suspicion of one whom he had regarded in the light of friend, and only they who have undergone a similar trial can understand the poignant suffering of the feeling ; and yet, palpable as the cause for such a doubt was, he had never entertained it had not Linton spoken disparagingly of the Kennyfecks ! This is a curious trait of human nature, but one wortli consideration ; and while leav- ing it to the elucidation the penetration of each reader may suggest, we only reiterate the fact, that while Cashel could, without an effort, have forgiven the duplicity practised on himself, the levity Linton employed respecting Olivia engendered doubts of his honour too grave to be easily combated. As for Linton, scarcely had he quitted Cashel, than he hastened to call on Kcnnyfeck ; he had written the note already alluded to, to leave at the house should the solicitor be from home ; but having left it, by accident, on his writing-table, his servant, discovering it to be sealed and addressed, had, without further question, left it at Kennyfeck's EOLAND CASHEL. 203 house. As Linton went along, he searched his pockets for the epistle, but consoled himself by remembering how he had left it at home. A few moments later found him at Kennyfeck's door. The at- torney was at home, and, without any announcement, Linton entered the study where he sat. " I was this instant writing to you, Sir," said Kennyfeck, rising, and placing a seat for him ; " Mr. Cashel, on being informed of the wish expressed in your note " " Of what note ?" said Linton, in a voice of, for him, very unusual agitation. " This note — here. Sir — dated — no, by-the-by, it is not dated, but brought by your servant two hours ago." Linton took the paper, glanced his eye over it, and then, in mingled chagrin and forgetfuluess, tore it, and threw the fragments into the fire. " There is some mistake about this," said he, slowly, and giving himself time to consider what turn he should lend it. " This is Mr. Cashel's reply, Sir," said Kennyfeck, after pausing some moments, but in vain, for tlie explanation. Linton eagerly caught the letter and read it through, and whatever scruples or fear he might have conceived from any other man's it seemed as if he had little dread of Cashel's penetration, for his as- sured and easy smile at once showed that he had regained his wonted tranquillity. " You will then take the necessary steps without delay, Kenny- feck," said he. "The elections cannot be very distant, and it is better to be prepared." As he spoke he threw the letter back upon the table, but in a moment afterwards, while taking oif his gloves, managed to seize it and convey it to his pocket. " You know far better than I do, Kennyfeck," resumed he, " how sharp the lawyers can be in picking out any flaw respecting title and so forth ; for this reason be careful that this document shall be as regular and binding as need be." " It shall be submitted for counsel's opinion this evening, Sir " " Not to Jones, then ; I don't fancy that gentleman, although I know he has some of your confidence ; send it to Hammond." " As you please, Sir." " Another point. You'll not insert any clause respecting the tenant in possession ; it would only be hampering us with another defence against some legal subtlety or other." " Mr. Cashel does not desire this, Sir." " Of course not, — you understand what the whole thing means. Well, I must say good-by ; you'll have all ready by the time I return to town. My respects to the drawing-room. Adieu." 204- EOLAKD CASHEL. " That was a bad blunder about the note," muttered Linton, as he walked along towards home, " and might have lost the game, if the antagonist had any skill whatever." CHAPTER XXIII. Let's see the field, and mark it well, For, here, will be the battle. Ottocae. " Does this path lead to the house, friend ?" said a gentleman, whose dress bespoke recent travel, to the haggard, discontented figure of a man, who, seated on a stone beside a low and broken wicket, was lazily filling his pipe, and occasionally throwing stealthy glances at the stranger. A short nod of the head was the reply. " You belong to the place, I suppose?" " Maybe I do ; and what then ?" " Simply that, as I am desirous of going thither, I shoiild be glad of your showing me the way." " Troth, an' there's little to see when you get there," rejoined the other, sarcastically. " What are you by trade, if it's not displeasin' to ye ?" " That's the very question I was about to ask you," said Linton, for it was himself ; " you appear to have a very easy mode of life, whatever it be, since you are so indifterent about earning half-a- crown." Tom Keane arose from his seat, and made an awkward attempt at saluting, as he said, " 'Tis the dusk o' the evening prevented me seeing yer Honer, or I wouldn't be so bowld. This is tlie way to the Hall, sure enough." " This place has been greatly neglected of late," said Linton, as they walked along side by side, and endeavouring by a tone of fami- liarity, to set his companion at ease. " Troth, it is neglected, and always was as long as I remember. I was reared in it, and I never knew it other ; thistles and docks as big as your leg, everywhere, and the grass choked up with moss." " How came it to be so completely left to ruin ?" " Anan !" muttered he, as if not well comprehending the question, but, in reality, a mere device employed to give him more time to scan the stranger, and guess at his probable object. " I was asking," said Linton, " how it happened that a fine old place like this was suffered to go to wreck and ruin ?" EOLAND CASHEL. 205 " Faix, it's ould enough, anyhow," said the other, with a coarse laugh. " And large too." " Ter Houer was here afore ?" said Tom, stealthily glancing at him under his brows. " I'm thinking I remember yer Honer's faytures. You wouldn't be the gentleman that came down with Mr. Duffy ?" '■ JSTo ; this is my first visit to these parts ; now, where does this little road lead ? It seems to be better cared for than the rest, and the gate, too, is neatly kept." " That goes down to the cottage. Sir, — Tubber-beg, as they call it. Ter Honer isn't Mr. Cashel himself ?" said Tom, reverentially taking off his tattered hat, and attempting an air of com'tesy, which sat mar- vellously ill upon him. " I have not that good luck, my friend." " 'Tis good luck ye may call it," sighed Tom, — " a good luck that doesn't fall to many ; but, maybe, ye don't want it ; maybe, yer Honer " " And who lives in the cottage of Tubber-beg ?" said Linton, inter- rupting. " One Corrigan, Sir ; an ould man and his granddaughter." " Good kind of people, are they ?" " Ayeh ! there's worse, and there's betther ! They're as proud as Lucifer, and poor as naygurs." " And this is the Hall itself!" exclaimed Linton, as he stopped directly in front of the old dilapidated building, whose deformities were only exaggerated by the patchy effect of a faint moonlight. " Ay, there it is," grinned Tom, "and no beauty either; and ugly as it looks without, it's worse within ! There's cracks in the walls ye could put your hand through, and the windows is rotten, where they stand." " It is not very tempting, certainly, as a residence," said Linton, smiling. " Ah, but if ye heerd the cats, the way they do be racin' and huntin' each other at night, and the wind bellowsin' down the chimbleys, such screechin' and yellin' as it keeps, and then, the slates rattlin', till ye'd think the ould roof was comin' off altogether — be my soul, there's many a man wouldn't take the property and sleep a night in that house." ^' One would do a great deal, notwithstanding, for a fine estate like this," said Linton, dryly. There was something, either in the words or the accent, that touched Tom Keane's sympathy for the speaker ; some strange sus- picion, perhaps, that he was one, whose fortune, like his own, was not beyond the casualties and chances of life, and it was with a species of 206 ROLAND CASHEIi. coarse friendship that lie said, " Ali, if we had it between us we'd do well." " Eight well, — no need to ask for better," said Linton, with a heartiness of assent that made the other perfectly at ease. " I'm cu- rious to have a look at the inside of the place ; I suppose there is no hindrance?" " None in life ! I live below, and, faix, there's no living anywhere else, for most of the stairs is burned, and, as I towld ye, the rats has up-stairs all to themselves. Nancy, give us a light," cried he, pass- ing into the dark and spacious hall, " I'm going to show a gentleman the curiosities. I ax your Honer's pardon, the place isn't so clean as it might be." Linton gave one peep into the long and gloomy chamber, where the whole family were huddled together in all the wretchedness and dis- order of a cabin, and at once drew back. "The cows is on the other side," said the man "and, beyond, there's four rooms was never plastered ; and there, where you see the straw, that's the billiard-room, and inside of it again, there's a place for play-actin', and, more by token, there's a quare thing there." " What's that ?" asked Linton, whose curiosity was excited by the remark. " Come, and I'll show yer Honer." So saying, he led on through a narrow corridor, and passing through two or three dilapidated, ruined chambers, they entered a large and spacious apartment, whose sloping floor at once showed Linton that they were standing on the stage of a theatre. Tom Keane held up the flickering light, that the other might see the torn and tattered remnants of the decorations, and the fragments of scenes, as they flapped to and fro. " It's a dbroU place, anyhow," said he, " and there's scarce a bit of it hasn't a trap-door, or some other contrivance of the like ; but here's one stranger than all ; this is what I towld yer Honer about." He walked, as he spoke, to the back wall of the building, where, on the surface of the plaster, a rude scene, representing a wood, was painted, at one side of which a massive pile of rock, overgrown with creepers, stood. " Now, ye'd never guess what was there," said Tom, holding the candle in diff'erent situations to exhibit the scene ; " and, indeed, I found it by chance myself; see this," — and he pressed a small but scarcely perceptible knob of brass in the wall, and at once, what appeared to be the sur- face of the rock, slid back, discovering a dark space beliind. " Come on now, after me," continued he. Linton followed, and they ascended a narrow stair constructed in the substance of the wall, and barely sufficient to admit one person. Arriving at the top, after a few seconds' delay, Tom opened a small door, and they stood in a large, and well-proportioned room, where EOLAND CASHEL, 207 some wormeaten bed furniture yet remained. The door had been once, as a small fragment of glass showed, the frame of a large mirror, and must have been quite beyond the reach of ordinary powers of de- tection. " That was a cunning way to steal down among the play aethers," said Keane, grinning, while Linton, with the greatest attention, re- marked the position of the door and its secret fastening. " I suppose no one but yourself knows of this stair?" said Linton. " Sorra one. Sir, except, maybe, some of the smugglers that used to come here long ago from the mouth of the Shannon. This was one of their hiding-places." " "WeU, if this old mansion comes ever to be inhabited, one might have rare fun by means of that passage ; so be sure you keep the secret well. Let that be a padlock on your lips." And, so saying, he took a sovereign from his purse and gave it him. " Tour name is " " Tom, yer Honer — Tom Keane ; and, by this and by that, I'm ready to do yer Honer's bidding from this hour out " " "Well, we shall be good friends, I see," interrupted Linton ; " you may, perhaps, be useful to me, and I can also be able to serve you. Now, which is the regular entrance to this chamber ?" " There, Sir ; it's the last door as ye see in the long passage. • Them is all bedrooms along there, but it's not safe to walk down, for the floor is rotten." Linton noted down in a memory far from defective the circum- stances of the chamber, and then followed his guide through the re- mainder of the house, which in every quarter presented the same pic- ture of ruin and decay. " The bit of candle is near out," said Tom, " but sure there isn't much more to be seen; there's rooms there was never opened, and more, on the other side, the same. The place is as big as a barrack, and here we are once more on the grand stair." Por once, the name was not ill applied, as, constructed of Portland stone, and railed with massive banisters of iron, it presented features of solidity and endurance, in marked contrast to the other portions of the edifice. Linton cast one more glance around the gloomy entrance, and sallied forth into the free air. " I'll see you to-morrow, Tom," said he, " and we'll have some talk together. Good night." " Good night, and good luck to yer Honer ; but won't you let me see your Honer out of the grounds— as far as the big gate, at least ?" " Thanks ; I know the road perfectly already, and I rather like a lonely stroll of a fine night like this." Tom, accordingly, reiterated his good wishes, and Linton was suf- fered to pursue his way unaccompanied. Increasing his speed as he arrived at a turn of the road, he took the path which led off the main 208 EOLAND CASHEL. approach, and led down by the river-side to the cottage of Tubber- beg. There was a feeling of strong interest which prompted him to see this cottage, which now he might call his own ; and as he went, he regarded the little clumps of ornamental planting, the well-kept walks, the neat palings, the quaint benches beneath the trees, with very different feelings from those he had bestowed on the last- visited scene. JS'or was he insensible to the landscape beauty which certain vistas opened, and, seen even by the faint light of a new moon, were still rich promises of picturesque situation. Suddenly, and without any anticipation, he found himself, on turn- ing a little copse of evergreens, in front of the cottage, and almost beneath the shadow of its deep porch. Whatever his previous feel- ings of self-iuterest in every detail around, they were speedily routed by the scene before him. In a large and well-furnished drawing-room, where a single lamp was shining, sat an old man in an easy chair, his features, his attitude, and his whole bearing indicating the traces of recent illness. Beside him, on a low stool, almost at his feet, was a young girl of singular beauty — the plastic grace of her figure, the easy motion of thehead, as from time to time she raised it to throw upwards a look of affec- tionate reverence, and the long, loose masses of her hair, which, acci- dentally unfastened, fell on either- shoulder, making rather one of those ideals which a Eaphael can conceive than a mere creature of every-day existence. Although late autumn, the windows lay open to the ground, for, as yet, no touch of coming vrinter had visited this secluded and favoured spot. In the still quiet of the night, Iter voice, for she alone spoke, could be hea:rd ; at first, the mere murmur of the accents reached Linton's ears, but even from them he could gather the tone of cheering and encouragement in which she spoke. At length he heard her say,' in a voice of almost tremulous enthusiasm, " It was so like you, dear papa, not to tell this Mr. Cashel that you had yourself a claim, and, as many think, a rightful one, to this same estate, and -thus "not trouble the stream of his munificence." " Nay, child, it, had been as impolitic as unworthy to do so," said the old man ; " he who stoops to receive a favour should detract no- thing from the generous sentiment of the granter." " Tor my part, I would tell him," said she, eagerly, " that his noble conduct has for ever barred my prosecuting such a claim, and that if, to-morrow, the fairest proofs of my right should reach me, I'd throw them in the fire." " To get credit for such self-sacrifice, Mary, one must be inde- pendent of all hypothesis ; one must do, and not merely promise. Now, it would be hard to expect Mr. Cashel to feel the same convic- tion I do, that this confiscation was repealed by letters under the hand of Majesty itself. The Brownes, through whom Cashel inherits, An Evenings Scene KOLAND CAS EEL. 209 were the stewards of my ancestors, entrusted with all their secret affairs, and cognisant of all their family matters. From the humble position of dependents, they suddenly sprang into wealth and fortune and ended by purchasing the very estate they once lived on as day- labourers — sold as it was, like all confiscated estates, for a mere frac- tion of its value." " Ob, base ingratitude !" " Worse still ; it is said, and with great reason to believe it true, that Hammond Browne, who was sent over to London by my great- grandfather to negotiate with tlie Government, actually received the free pardon and the release of the confiscation, but concealed and made away with both, and, to prevent my grandfather beinr y< .v^ ^. >&Aava9n-^'^ "^Anvaaiii^'^ .4? § 1 < 'i^ ?^ 'h S^K C5 IV3J0^ ^ O U- , •r< >>■ jO-v 'i :jjf «£:> ■T^cin,. it.m ii\^ ^ ^v)i- ICnr^. 4J > 7 :0 •<^ i^V •S" o 2 t/. - » » r I ( 1 1 1 \ / r f w . I', SV^ .•is --■ i ;.>,• . -lU - ^ r I iiih < I.v /-, ^1 ir iuH\ /rnr. irir »iirci r^ V C f iDIi A hV /-. 5J- xu.l]V3-J0^ ^, N^ L 006 21 1 407 9 .s ';!': ■>>■ '<^ AA 000 372 780 7 , 1 1 c H 1 1 1 \ / c n r , uic iiirrir^ ' JLiJ; \IP.i iV> ♦ , % >\^' ^v. <: io <= ^J^:?lJDrtVSUi^" v/, V ^ ^ iY>* ^-Ayviidl i i \i '{) ,1 \': /i .^CUDDaDV/i. C^ \x / J t 1 ■ _l J ' ^. -^"X OF-C;, :S, .'dlriv'^ 'JililJW-^' 'I 1 >^ uj,\i.^;ii»\* 33 tJ C3 S- 'vi'L// 1 in\/'