O- W 1^ Z]>V% 5^ ^Jln iS (L- i^ 65 tJ ^i|) m ^c/AUvaaiu^'^' ^c/Ai in<:,vv"nrr 4^ •■TURR.'.rf Pi <\\i rvfVT;?.v/A ^)l . .K-m' ^=^1 iv^ ir.c T' ?^ AJi ilVJ-JO>' ^?fe)i 1^ 'U.'.U\ Ha . vl V I I P IM U Y / ,' . ■ iiNrvfw\/» r^i 13^1 i^ ^tmi ^J'i13DN^ •"'<>'/U AN^f -mir ^ ^ Ui MEXICO'S TREASURE HOUSE c^'^ MEXICO'S Treasure-House (GUANAJUATO) A7i Illustrated and Descriptive Account of The Mines and. Their Operations in 1906 BY PERCY F. MARTIN, F.R.G.S. Author of "Through Five Republics (of South America) 1905" * J AM not blind to the unison of opinion as expressed by scientists and experts that Mexico will one day furnish the gold, silver and copper of the world; that from her hidden vaults, her subterranean treasure houses, will come the gold, silver, copper and precious stones that will build the em- pires of to-morrow and make future cities of this world veritable New Jerusalems." — The late Cecil Khodes. 44 PAGES ILLUSTRATIONS 6 PANORAMIC VIEWS 2 MAPS AND DIAGRAMS NEW YORK The CHELTENHAM Press MCMVI Copyright 1906 by Percy Folckk Martin of 6 Gray's Inn Square, W. C London, England Contents. rT f / PAGE 7-14 Earl}^ Days in Guanajuato 15-32 The State of Guanajuato 33-50 The "Patio" Process 51-60 Labor, and Mexican Peons 61-71 The Consolidated jNIining & Milling Co 72-82 The Reduction & Mines Co 83-99 The Guanajuato Development Co. (I). . . . 100-111 The Guanajuato Development Co. (II)... 112-126 The Peregrina Mining & Milling Co. (I). 127-139 The Peregrina INIining & Milling Co. (II) 140-152 The Guanajuato Mineral Development Co. 153-162 The Guanajuato Amalgamated Gold Mines Co 163-176 Some Mines with Promising Futures 177-200 Guanajuato Power & Electric Co 201-210 British Capital in Guanajuato 211-228 Prominent Men of Guanajuato 229-252 Conclusion. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.* PLATE. SUBJECT. FACING 1. Panoramic view of the city of Guanajuato, 1906 Title FACING PAGE 2. Mexico's output of silver from 1877-1905 13 3. His Excellency General Porfirio Diaz, President of the Republic 21 4. A typical street in the peon quarter of the city 29 5. A peon standing at the door of his house 37 6. The State Prison, known as "The Carcel" 45 7. Market day in Guanajuato 51 8. Church architecture in Guanajuato District 57 9. The "Patio" process at Guanajuato 63 Preface .. . Chapter I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XL XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVL *The Photographs published in this VoKime have been principally taken for the work by Mr. Percy S. Cox, of Indepeiidencia, Mexico City, and are now given for tha first time. They are all Copyrighted. The Author is also much indebted to the courtesy of Mr. R. H. Burrows, of Guanajuato, for several of the photographs used. PLATE. SUBJECT. FACING PAGE 10. Old style of hoisting: The horse-whim 69 1 1. Quicksilver room in an old Patio mill 73 12. General view of The Consolidated Mining & Milling Co. of Guanajuato 75 13. General view of the Cj-anide Plant belonging to The Con- solidated Mining & Milling Co 77 14. Cyanide plant, office buildings and manager's residence ' of The Consolidated Mining & Milling Co 79 15. A rich portion of the vein at the fifth level 81 16. The vein showing a width of 163 feet from the fifth to the second levels. 17. Table showing official gold output from 1824.-1891. ... 85 18. Boca Mina, at the Valenciana Mine (Reduction & Mines Co.) 89 19. Precipitating plant (interior), Reduction & Mines Co.. . 93 20. Precipitating pl.nit (exterior). Reduction & Mines Co.. . 93 21. Offices and cyanide plant at Hacienda de Flores 97 22. General view of the cyanide plant, Hacienda de Flores. . 108 23. Entrance to the Pinguico Tunnel; belonging to The Gua- najuato Development Co 107 '2i. General shaft of El Cedro Mine, belonging to the Gua- najuato Develo2)ment Co Ill 25. Claims belonging to the Central Group of Klines; The Guanajuato Development Co 115 26. General view of the Central Mine, belonging to the Gua- najuato Development Co 119 27. The Nayal Custom Mill, adjoining the Central Mines; property of Messrs. McElhiney & Bryant 123 28. Site of the new St. Matias Mill, owned by Mr. Frank G. Peck 127 29. The Bryant Dam at the Peregrina Mine, wliieh is now completed 131 SO. The Barrcno shaft of the Peregrina Mine 135 31. Peregrina iiO-stamp mill and foundation of 100-stamp mill, the Peregrina Mining & Milling Co 139 82. House on the San Isidro Ranch, belonging to The Guana- juato Development Co 145 33. Stream feeding the new reservoir during the dry season 149 84. American oak timber on the San Isidro Ranch 153 85. Basin to be submerged behind dam, San Isidro Ranch. . 157 S6. Shaft and electric hoist at the Nueva Luz Mine I6I 37. I. a Torre Mines, which, with the Nueva Luz, are the property of tlie Mineral Development Co 165 38. JesTi.s Maria Mine. La Luz, property of the Amalgamated Gold Mines Co 169 PLATE. SUBJECT. FACING PAGE 39. Dumps on the Jesus Maria Mine, La Luz 173 40. Map of the Guanajuato Mining District, showing the system of veins 179 41. The San Cayetano Mine, property of The United Mex- ican Mining Co 183 42. Panoramic view of the town La Luz, of the Guanajuato District 189 43. Yard of the Refugio Mine, La Luz District, the property of The Guanajuato Development Co 197 44. The El Cubo Mine, near Guanajuato 205 45. The Guanajuato Power & Electric Co., view of Com- pany's substation at Guanajuato 209 46. The Guanajuato Power & Electric Co., interior of sub- station 215 47. Mexico's output of gold, 1877-1905 223 48. Map of the Guanajuato Mining District, showing the districts and areas 229 49- His Excellency the Governor of the Guanajuato State. . 236 PREFACE. "Know thy opportunity.'' -PiTTACUS. WORKS UPON MEXICO, although not numerous, have, of late years at least, been readily procurable; but for the most part they have dealt with the past history of the Republic, relating to its early troubles and ignoring the present and future greatness of this remarkable country. In regard to Mexico's principal asset, viz : its mines, I can but repeat the words of the poet Byron, that "the best of prophets of the future, is the past"; and if only what has been will be again the mineral wealth of all the rest of the world will have to stand the test of keen comparison, and must be prepared to meet with a shock of surprise. A temporary visit to the Guanajuato district, where a great revival of interest among the mines has set in, convinced me that were the investing public of the Uni- ted States and Great Britain to know something more than they do about this very remarkable mineral camp, it must prove of infinite benefit to them and of material advantage to Guanajuato itself. Thus, in my travels through INIexico for the purpose of collecting materials for a book on the whole of the Republic — which is to be published towards the middle of next year — I found it expedient to tarry awhile in Page 7 Mexico's Treasure-House Guanajuato, and there to study the conditions and prospects of a district which I always beheved, and now know, will one day not far distant rival the famous Rand itself, and prove to be an important apartment in that "treasure-house" from which will come the gold, silver, copper and precious stones "that will build the empire of to-morrow, and make future cities of this world veri- table Jerusalcms." which were the words in which the late Cecil Rhodes once described ^lexico. "Civilizing by syndicate" is not a bad method to adopt, provided the members of such "syndicate" are men of honor as well as enterprise, and both remember and observe the conditions under which this kind of civilization should be conducted, — that is to say, so as to benefit the country generalty as well as to enrich themselves. The Anglo-Saxon races have already "cornered," if I may adopt such a term, four-fifths of the gold-producing mines of the world, and it is, there- fore, eminently fit that the magnificent mineral interests of Mexico should be likewise mainly in their hands. But for British capital in the first instance and more from America in the second, probably the mineral riches of Mexico might have lain dormant or but imperfectly developed for many years, neither the Spanish pioneers nor the Mexican proprietors having had the means or the scientific knowledge to work the mines beyond a cer- tain j)()int. Forei/.;n capital and foreign brains have, however, joined together to some purpose, and the con- sequence of tills combination must be as beneficial to Mexico and to the Mexicans as to the enterprising finan- ciers who ha\e come forward at the psychological nujment to helj) in the country's development. Guanajuato's Future 9 The Guanajuato gold and silver mines differ from most other mines of the world inasmuch as there is ab- solutely nothing conjectural nor problematical about them. For close upon four hundred years they have been not only known but actively worked, and they have from first to last contributed about three-fifths of the total amount of the world's supply of silver. "Imag- ination rules the world," as Napoleon once declared; there is, however, no sort of imagination about this state- ment. In this unpretentious volume I have attempted, to the best of my ability, to provide some description of an exceptionally promising mining district, and before all the good things in it have been- appropriated. It is not unusual to proclaim the virtues of an individual after his death, ignoring all his abilities and attributes while he is still preserved among us. Much about the same kind of policy is adopted with regard to profitable com- mercial enterprises, which are not infrequently intro- duced to public notice after the cream has been hcked off by favored insiders. Probably this might have been the case with the Guanajuato gold and silver mines, but for the fortunate circumstance which brought me here and which has en- abled me to learn something of the district which is destined shortly to astonish the investing world under the new regime of improved treatment and scientific development through which it is passing. I honestly believe that Guanajuato is destined to take first rank among the gold and silver camps of the world, and it is because of this conviction that I desire Anglo-Saxon in- vestors, who have followed my writings for some twenty 10 Mexico's Treasu re-House years upon both sides of the Atlantic, to share in the gol- den possihilities which are here unfolded. In this treasure-house of ^Mexico — Guanajuato — are vast riches whicli may still to-day be sharcd-in by those who have earl\ knowledge of their opportunities and who do not hesitate to avail themselves of them. The time is not yet when everything in tlie shape of a sound (ruanajuato property is ''up in the skies," as is the case witli some other Mexican mines, such as the Dos Estrel- las in Michoacan State, the shares, of $100 each, of which are selling for $8,500 and have been sold at the stu])endous figure of $9,500. When it is remembered that in Mexico between the years 1887 and 1889 as much as $14,401,048 (say £2,880,000) was produced by the mines of Guanajuato alone, sufficient should have been said to prove the great value of these mines and the ra- tional probal)ility of their continuing to yield handsome returns to their fortunate proprietors. Those wlio ti()ul)le to read the following pages will realize why it is that these mines are passing into the hands of Anglo-Saxon capitalists one by one, and how llie opjjortunities which exist to-day for participating in this attractive enterprise may soon fade away. I would desire to point out that in the subjoined chaj)ters I have not availed myself of the privilege claimed by so many writers, and assumed the mantle of the i)r()})lRt. 1 have contented myself with speaking of things as they actually are or have been, rather than as tliey may be: ])crmitting my readers to draw their own conclusions, which the data and descriptions afforded should enable them readily to do. From niy varied experiences, gathered upon nearly One Billion Dollars! 11 every gold-field of the world and a quarter-of-a-cen- tury's uninterrupted writings ujjon such forms of in- vestment, I feel certain that no necessity exists for "cramming facts down the throats" of the intelligent reading public. I provide the material, collected and sifted, if I may say so, with much care and no small amount of trouble; it is for those who read them to accept or reject the statements therein set forth. I can only sslj, however, that those who enter now into the but partially occupied field of industry which the gold and silver mines of Guanajuato hold open, be- fore the finest of these opportunities have been seized upon and closed, should have but little cause to regret their decision. The invaluable adjuncts of a stable government, a settled country and the best class of financial interests of the United States and Great Brit- ain represented in the management at work, are all here; these should form the best recommendations, next to the unquestioned richness of the mines themselves, for all who are desirous of participating in Mexico's treasures. Those who have formed the impression that the Rand in the Transvaal is the only wonderful producer in the world, and who have heard of the celebrated West Australian and British Columbian mines, have probably but little knowledge of what the Mexican mines, and especially those situated in the Guanajuato district, have achieved. At Guanajuato the principal or "mother vein" has jdelded the sum of $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars), as sufficiently proved by the Mint and Government records. The chief mines situated on the mother vein (Veta Madre) include the famous 12 Mexico's Treasure-House \'alenciana, the Rayas, the ^lellado, the Cata and the Sirena, etc. Of these the Valenciana has been the greatest silver prochicer, having to its credit the sub- stantial sum of $300,000,000 and having been worked down to a depth of 2,400 feet on the inchne. Taking the ^^■hole of these mines together, covering as they do an area of 10,000 feet on its strike, the output has been over Ji^800,000,0()0, while the average depth worked with- in that course has been something less than 1,.300 feet. Perhaps no closer explanation of the output of silver from Mexico during recent times could be offered than by means of the diagram to be found elsewhere, for A\hieh I ma\' say I am indebted to the courtesy of the Editor of The Financial Neics (of London, England), and for which great newspaper I have had the honor to act as Special Foreign Correspondent for nearly a fifth of a century. It is only necessary to add that my illustration com- prises seven main perpendicular divisions, each division including four years' total silver output, commencing witli the period 1877-81 and ending with the period of four years 1902-5. At the margin on either side of the design a scale of million dollars is seen, rising from zero, by equal divisions of $25,000,000, to a total of $350,- 000,000 at the summit. The total output for each period of four j^ears having been computed from official figures, vertical black cohimns. corresponding by their varying heights to the amount i'ov each period, appear in each division, and in juxtaposition with the scale in the margin. It will be seen from the total figures given of the ])roduction of sihcr during the four years 1877-81 on the diagram, .MEXICO: OUTPUT OF SILVER,I877-I905^. 5 JSj:-'81\1SS2-S \]SSJ-(^\1800-5 \lSi)^'l\lS()8-'0l\lQ02-0S. .500 215 ?.S0 .225 20G . .qi . .160 J2S f7£\/CO: EXPO.^r^ or .'KSTTALS \ Sc^ D . IQCO-OI /Q0r-03 ICI02-03 /qC3 -otf /go-f-.os 00^ S,^.'ii>6 'gi/s.2s6. ^.■^6$.il3 /^••J26-f3'P /jd^ii-f( ^ L\£f> . T2.4lC.e6S ^^,632.-*-J' JJ.SJ^T'^ ■;q.lio.6<)o 6Jnsi-ft' COPPBH - ii.nv" /6a*fssi Z0I22.Z38. 2S.!3-f.2/6 i^.80J,420 LE.AD . Xc6ii^S sjjosfj- SbbeZ'H} ^ Si.Sb!-8