Btrt togr 'J \y BY KONOLO v>v RICHARD BENTLEY, D.D. A BIBLIOGRAPHY Richard Bentley, D.D. From the Painting by Sir J. Thornhill in the Master's Lodge, Trinity College, Cambridge. RICHARD BENTLEY, D.D. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HIS WORKS AND OF ALL THE LITERATURE CALLED FORTH BY HIS ACTS OR HIS WRITINGS AT Ti BARTHOLOMEW, M.A., OF PETERHOUSE, CAMBRIDGE WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE BY J. W. CLARK, M.A., Hon. Litt.D. (Oxford) . REGISTRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, FORMERLY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE BOWES AND BOWES 1908 CambriBge : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction ......... vii Chronology of Bentley's Life ...... xiii I. Sermons and Charges ........ i II. Discourse of Free-Thinking 13 III. New Testament ......... 20 IV. Phalaris Controversy ........ 26 V. Classics .......... 42 VI. Trinity College and the University .... 60 VII. Miscellanea 75 VIII. Collected Works and Correspondence . . . . 81 IX. Biography and Criticism ....... 88 Appendix .......... 93 Portraits .......... 100 Index 103 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Richard Bentley, D.D. From the Painting by Sir J. Thornhill in the Master's Lodge, Trinity College, Cambridge. Frontispiece Facsimile Letter of Bentley on the Authenticity of I John v. 7. To face p. 20 Charles Boyle, Fourth Earl of Orrery. From the Painting by C. Jervas in the National Portrait Gallery. >? n A 27 Caricature from W. King's Some Account of Horace at Trinity-College^ 1 7 1 2. /•• ^4 Conyers Middleton, D.D. From the Mezzotint by J. Faber junior of J. G. Eckhardt's Painting in the National Portrait Gallery. To face p. 68 INTRODUCTION HISTORY Soon after I had been elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College my friend Dr Luard introduced me to the fascinating subject of Dr Bentley ; and I began without delay to collect the tracts (as they are usually called) relating to his controversy with his College. In those days it was far easier to buy such things at a small price than it is now ; and my collection soon became respectable. As time went on I enlarged the field of my research, and determined to become the possessor of all Bentley's editions and of his various other works, such as his Sermons, Proposals for a new edition of the Greek Testament, etc., which he issued from time to time. As long as Luard lived, I used to discuss my collection with him, and urge him to prepare a bibliography of Bentleiana, which, strange to say, has never been given in full by any of Bentley's biographers. It has always appeared to me specially strange that Bishop Monk should not have added this to his other acts of pious care for Bentley's reputation : for he unquestionably had access to several pieces which it is now difficult, if not impossible, to trace. For such a work Luard was admirably qualified. He had the requisite technical knowledge of books ; he was well versed in the history of classical scholarship during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ; and, for the events of Bentley's Mastership, he knew as much about them and the Fellows of the viii INTRODUCTION College of that day, as if he had himself been one of the Society. But I could never persuade him to begin. Had he once begun he would assuredly have also finished, for he had extraordinary per- severance, and I do not think that he ever left a task half done. When Luard died in 1891 I found that he had bequeathed to me not only his University pamphlets, but also his Bentleiana. By this generous gift I became the fortunate possessor of some of the rarest in the series of Bentley tracts. I now felt that a special obligation was laid upon me to draw up the bibliography which I had once hoped that my friend would write, or at least supervise. But how was I to proceed ? I had new and pressing occupations to attend to, and besides. Bibliography had become a science, and the novice who attempts to register books without careful preliminary training, lays himself open to certain condemnation. So I searched for a collaborator, or rather, for some one who would undertake the really important part of the work, the bibliography, leaving to me the introduction and the index. My good fortune caused me to be introduced to Mr A. T. Bartholomew, of Peterhouse. He was then, as now, an assistant in the University Library, employed on the catalogue of Lord Acton's books ; and, from information given to me by the Librarian and others capable of forming an opinion, was just the man I wanted. Their recommenda- tions have been fully justified by the result. We have worked together for nearly three years, and I have every reason to be more than satisfied with the skill, the diligence, and the historical acumen, with which he has executed his task. As the whole of the bibliography has been written by him, it is easy to see that he is not a mere cataloguer. He has obtained a thorough grasp of the subject, and has added notes, where needed, illustrating many points hitherto left obscure in Bentley's life. INTRODUCTION ix ARRANGEMENT The arrangement of the long and varied series of publications with which we have had to deal has given us much anxiety. Our first idea was to arrange the publications, whether written by Bentley or by others, in strict chronological order ; but we soon found that this would lead to obscurity rather than to clearness, as Bentley was frequently engaged at nearly the same time in studies of the most diverse character. Our final arrangement is as follows : I. Sermons and Charges II. Discourse of Free-Thinking - Theological III. New Testament IV. Phalaris Controversy ) /-i • i ,, ^, . V Classical V. Classics J VI. Trinity College and the University VII. Miscellanea VIII. Collected Works and Correspondence IX. Biography and Criticism. As far as possible chronological order has been observed in each group ; but later editions and translations of any work are described immediately after the first edition, and works immediately bearing on any other work are described in connection with it. We are aware that Bentley's first published work is the Epistola ad Millium published in 1691 (no. 137); but after this an interval of six years occurs before his first Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris (no. 94) was published. We therefore begin with Sermons, because his Boyle Lectures occur in regular sequence in 1692 and 1693. And although there is an interval of more than twenty years before Phileleutherus Lipsiensis published his Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free-Thinking (no. 49) it appeared reasonable to place these X INTRODUCTION two groups in juxta-position as they both deal with the confutation of Atheism, and to join with them the group dealing with the proposed edition of the New Testament. The juxta-position of the Phalaris Controversy with Bentley's editions and emendations of Greek and Latin authors is so obvious as to need no explanation. It must, however, be distinctly understood that no attempt has been made to notice all editions of Greek and Latin authors published since Bentley's death with his notes or em.endations, when those notes or emendations were originally pub- lished during his life. But in the second division of this section we have done our best to include all editions containing notes or emendations left by him in ms. Further we have regarded mss. and Adversaria as not within the scope of the present work. A large body of Adversaria will be found under Bentley in the Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. These include that portion of his library which his nephew and executor gave to his grandson Richard Cumberland, by whom they were sold to Lackington, the well-known bookseller, and by him to the British Museum. A considerable body of Adversaria is also to be found in Trinity College Library ; and Dr James's Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in 'Trinity Library may be consulted for a description of some interesting mss. of Bentley preserved there. We wish our work to be regarded as an Appendix to the elaborate biographies of Bishop Monk and Sir R. C. Jebb. For this reason we do not attempt any notice of Bentley's life, with the exception of a full chronology based on the Annals of Bentley s Life given by Sir R. C. Jebb. In this we have tried to arrange the facts in such a manner as to furnish to those who do not know Bentley a clue to guide them through the labyrinth of his controversies. We have done our best to make this bibliography complete. Beginning with my own collection, we have searched the University INTRODUCTION xi Library and all the Collegiate Libraries in Cambridge, the Bodleian Library, and that of the British Museum. Notwithstanding this care on our own part, and the information we have gained from friends, we cannot be sure that we have included all that appeared in controversies separated from our own time by nearly two centuries. It is, therefore, with considerable diffidence that we present our bibliography to the public, and we shall be grateful for further information. Our special thanks are due to the Master and Fellows of Trinity College for their kindness in allowing us to reproduce the portrait of Bentley, now in the dining-room of the Master's Lodge, painted by Sir James Thornhill in 1710; to the Master and Fellows of Sidney Sussex College for the loan of Bentley's Letter (p. 20), with leave to reproduce it ; to Dr Sandys, Public Orator, for helpful criticism ; to the Librarians of the different Colleges and to Dr Fortescue, Keeper of the Printed Books in the British Museum, who all gave us every facility for studying the collections of Bentley tracts under their care ; to C. E. Sayle, M.A. of S. John's College, for help in drawing up the list of Portraits ; and to E. J. Worman, M.A. of Christ's College, for careful revision of the proofs of the Bibliography. An asterisk (*) has been added to each item in my own collection : in other cases the place where a book may be found has been indicated only when the book in question is of some rarity. The following abbreviations have been used : B.M. = British Museum. Dyce = Works of Richard Bentley^ D.D. collected and edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. [Vols, i — 3. No more appeared.] London, 1836—8. Jebb = Bentley by R. C. Jebb, M.A. London, 1882. Monk = Life of Richard Bentley^ D.D. by J. H. Monk^ D.D. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London, 1833. T.C.C. = Trinity College, Cambridge. xii INTRODUCTION U.L.C. = University Library, Cambridge. Wordsworth = Correspondence of Richard Bentley. [Ed. by Christopher Wordsworth.] 2 vols. London, 1842. We have reprinted in an Appendix {i) A Proposal for building a Royal Library (no. 250) ; (2) the Latin verses which Bentley contributed to two of those collections which it was the fashion to publish when any public event was important enough to notice (nos. 251, 252); (3) his English stanzas in imitation of Horace (no. 253). The first of these is a piece of which only one copy is known — and though the ascription of it to Bentley has been called in question — it seems to us to be sufficiently interesting in itself to warrant reproduction ; the verses which form the second group are entombed in folios not readily accessible in libraries ; while the third, though printed in several places, and notably by Monk, obviously demands the same recognition as the others. At the end of the Appendix will be found a list of all the known portraits of Bentley. We have been at some pains to make this as complete as possible, as the subject has received little or no attention from Bentley' s biographers. J. W\ CLARK. ScRooPE House, Cambridge. 24 April^ 1908. CHRONOLOGY OF BENTLEY'S LIFE CHARLES THE SECOND 1662 Born at Oulton in the parish of Rothwell, near Wakefield, Yorks. (27 Jan.). 1672 10 Is sent to the grammar-school, Wakefield. 1676 14 Entered at S. John's College, Cambridge, as a subsizar (24 May). Matriculates (6 July). 1680 18 Proceeds to B.A. degree (23 Jan.). 1682 20 Appointed by S. John's College to the head-mastership of the grammar-school, Spalding, Line. (March). 1683 21 Made tutor to the son of Edward Stillingfleet, D.D., Dean of S. Paul's. Proceeds to M.A. degree (July). JAMES THE SECOND WILLIAM AND MARY 1689 27 Dr Stillingfleet consecrated Bp. of Worcester (13 Oct.). Bentley accompanies his pupil, James Stillingfleet, to Oxford. 1690 28 Is ordained deacon by Bp. of London, and made chaplain to Bp. of Worcester. Sir William Temple's Essay Upon Jncient and Modern Learning. 1 69 1 29 Death of Hon. Robert Boyle (23 Dec). By his Will the Boyle Lecture founded. Epistola ad Millium [on Malelas]. 1692 30 Appointed first Boyle Lecturer (13 Feb.). Ordained priest, and made prebendary of Worcester Cathedral (8 Oct.). Begins to correspond with J. G. Gr^vius of Utrecht. XIV CHRONOLOGY OF BENTLEY'S LIFE JET. 1694 32 Receives patent as Keeper of the King's Library (6 April). Second course of Boyle Lectures. Wotton's Re/lections. 1695 33 Made Chaplain to the King, and Rector of Hartlebury, Worcester- shire. Elected F.R.S. Boyle edits Phalaris. 1696 34 Selected by University of Cambridge to renovate the Press (10 July). Proceeds to D.D. degree (July). Keeps the Public Act, and preaches before University on Commencement Sunday (5 July). 1697 35 A^^^nAs Fragments of Callimachus to eAxtxonhy Gr2tv\\xs. Founds a Literary Club of which Sir I. Newton, Evelyn, Sir Chr. Wren, and Locke were members. Dissertations upon the Epistles of Phalaris [etc.] in Wotton's Reflections, ed. 2. 1698 36 Bentley's Dissertation... examined by the Hon. Charles Boyle. 1699 37 Death of Bp. Stillingfleet (27 March), Enlarged Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. A Short Account of Dr Bentlefs Humanity and Justice. Garth's Dispensary., with verses on the controversy. 1700 38 Installed Master of Trinity College, Cambridge ( I Feb.). Elected Vice Chancellor for the year 1700 — 1701. 1 70 1 39 Marries Miss Joanna Bernard (4 Jan.). Elected Archdeacon of Ely. ANNE 1704 42 Swift's Tale of a Tub, and Battle of the Books. 1705 43 Queen Anne, with her husband and suite, visits Cambridge (16 April). 1708 46 An Observatory and a Chemical Laboratory constructed in Trinity College. Chapel refitted. Attempts to add the Bowling Green to the garden of the Lodge. Letters to Kuster containing emendations on Aristophanes. 1709 47 Proposes to convert the Combination Room into chambers. Emendations to the Quastiones Tusculante as edited by John Davies, Fellow of Queens' College. 1 7 10 48 Petition against the Master handed to Bp. of Ely as visitor by 30 Fellows of Trinity College (6 Feb.). CHRONOLOGY OF BENTLEY'S LIFE xv ^T. 1 7 10 48 The Present State of Trinity College in Cambridge... Miller's Remarks. Blomer's Full f^iew. True Copy of the Articles against Dr Bent ley. Publishes Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis Reliquias under the pseudonym of Phileleutherus Lipsiensis. Fall of the Godolphin ministry. A Tory ministry under Harley and St John takes office. Bentley tries to obtain a Royal Letter to settle the points in dispute between him and the Fellows (Nov.). Bp. Moore demands an immediate answer to the Articles (2 1 Nov.). Portrait painted by Sir James Thornhill. 171 1 49 Bentley petitions the Queen to assert the right of the Crown as Visitor. She commands Bp. Moore to stay proceedings till Her Majesty's pleasure be known. Bentley's diplomatic letter to Harley, Lord Oxford (12 July). Publication of Horace^ with a dedication to Lord Oxford (8 Dec). 17 12 50 The Crown Lawyers report that the Bp. of Ely is Visitor so far as the Master is concerned, the Crown being General Visitor (9 Jan.)- 1 7 13 51 The Queen allows Bp. Moore to proceed; and a Rule is granted by the Court of Queen's Bench for the Bp. to shew cause why a mandamus should not issue to compel him to discharge his judicial functions. Discourse of Free-Thinkings by Anthony Collins ; Remarks^ by Phileleutherus Lipsiensis (Bentley) ; and The Clergyman's Thanks to Phileleutherus for his Remarks... hy Bp. Fr. Hare. 1 7 14 52 First Trial at Ely House (May — June). Death of Bp. Moore (31 July). Death of Queen Anne (i Aug.). GEORGE THE FIRST Bentley tries to force Miller to vacate his fellowship. Miller petitions the Crown, and also Bp. Fleetwood of Ely. The Bp. refuses to act. XVI CHRONOLOGY OF BENTLEY'S LIFE 17 1 5 53 Thanks of Senate for refutation of Free-Thinkers (4 Jan.). Bp. Moore's Library given to the University by the King (20 Sept.). Jacobite rising in the north. Sermon upon Popery (5 Nov.). Bentley appointed a Syndic to provide for the removal of Bp. Moore's books from London, etc. (9 Nov.). 1 7 16 54 Dr Colbatch appeals to Bp. of Ely against Bentley's method of granting College leases. Bentley writes to the Abp. of Canterbury suggesting an edition of the New Testament on a new plan (15 April). Petition to the Crown, signed by 19 Fellows, praying that the question of the Visitor may be settled (18 May). Address to the King voted by the Senate, through Bentley's diplomacy (16 Oct.). 17 1 7 55 Serjeant Miller publishes An Account of the University of Cambridge [etc.]. Bentley preaches before the King (3 Feb.). Elected Regius Professor of Divinity (3 May). Lays out and plants the College walks. The King visits the University (6 Nov.). At the adjourned Congregation (7 Nov.) Bentley demands four guineas from each D.D., in addition to the usual fee. This payment resisted by Conyers Middleton and others, but paid under protest. Dr Gooch, Master of Gonville and Caius College, elected V.C. Letter on authenticity of i Epist. John v. 7. 17 1 8 56 Middleton sues Bentley for four guineas in the Vice Chancellor's Court, as a debt. Unsuccessful attempt to arrest him. The Court is held (3 Oct.), and decides that Bentley be suspended from all his degrees. His degradation affirmed by the Senate (17 Oct.). He petitions the King for redress. Dr Gooch elected Vice Chancellor for the second time. 17 1 9 57 Full and Impartial Account of all the late Proceedings ...against Dr Bentley. [By Conyers Middleton.] CHRONOLOGY OF BENTLEY'S LIFE xvii j«T. 1 7 19 57 Second Part of the Full and Impartial Jaount.,.[By the same]. Some Remarks upon a Pamphlet entituled The Case of Dr Bentley farther stated... \^y the same]. True Account of the Present State of Trinity College ...{By the same]. Bentley prosecutes Middleton for libel in Court of King's Bench. Dr Gooch elected Vice Chancellor for the third time. 1720 58 Application to the Court of King's Bench to deprive Bentley of his Professorship. Rule discharged. Proposals for Printing a new edition of the New Testament (Oct.). 1 72 1 59 Bentley replies (Jan.). This reply, directed against Colbatch, censured by the Heads. Colbatch prosecutes the printer in Vice Chancellor's Court. This prosecution came to nothing. Middleton publishes Remarks... upon the Proposals anonymously, and subsequently Some further Remarks. He is found guilty of libel by Court of King's Bench (see under 17 19). Is made Proto-bihliothecarius of the University. Colbatch prosecutes Bentley in Vice Chancellor's Court for libel (24 Nov.). 1722 60 Vice Chancellor's Court fixed for 17 January. Bentley absent on the King's service. Proceedings stopped by a Rule from the Court of King's Bench on the motion of Bentley's counsel, and proceedings ultimately dropped on the ground that the offence of the libel complained of was included in the general pardon. Colbatch publishes Jus Academicum. Bentley moves the Court of King's Bench to take cognizance of it as a contempt of their jurisdiction. Rule granted for Wilkin the publisher to shew cause why an attachment should not issue against him. Is committed to prison. Reveals the author's name. Wilkin fined, and Colbatch admitted to bail. Bentley moves the Court for a Rule addressed to the University to shew cause why a mandamus should not issue compelling them to restore him to all his degrees. The mandamus is issued and read to the Senate 10 October. XVlll CHRONOLOGY OF BENTLEY'S LIFE .«T. 1723 61 Colbatch sentenced. Middleton publishes Bibl'tothecte Cantabrigiensis Ordinandi Methodus. Bentley prosecutes him in Court of King's Bench for a libel on the judges (14 May). Is fined ^50. 1724 62 The Court of King's Bench issues a peremptory mandamus to the University " to restore R. Bentley to all his degrees, and to every other right and privilege of w^hich they had deprived him." Bentley's degrees restored by Grace (26 March). Middleton renews his suit in the Vice Chancellor's Court to recover ^4. 4J. Bishopric of Bristol offered to Bentley, and declined. Affair of the Craven Scholarship. The Senate decides by Grace that in cases of equality that candidate shall be elected for whom the Vice Chancellor has voted (31 Oct.). ' 1725 63 Bentley pays Middleton the ^^4. 4;. in dispute (Feb.). Latin speech at Commencement. 1726 64 Edition of TVr^wf^. 1727 65 Contested election for office of Public Orator (Feb. 1726 — 27), in reference to which Bentley maintained that the Old Statutes of the University were abrogated by those of Elizabeth. Death of Sir I. Newton (20 March). GEORGE THE SECOND 1728 66 The King visits Cambridge (24 Apr.). Bentley dangerously ill of fever. Colbatch and his party prepare for a fresh attack through the Bp. of Ely. Bentley anticipates them by obtaining the consent of the College to a petition to the Crown to interfere (10 Aug.). 1729 67 Publishes The Case of Trinity College in Cambridge. Whether the Crown or the Bp. of Ely he the General Visitor. The Privy Council decides that the Crown cannot interfere (March). Articles of accusation against the Master, drawn up by Colbatch, presented to Bp. Greene. Bentley cited to appear at Ely House on May 5. CHRONOLOGY OF BENTLEY'S LIFE xix JET. 1729 67 He moves the Court of King's Bench to prohibit the Bp. from proceeding against him (3 May). Pope attacks Bentley in The Dunciad. 1730 68 Refuses Deanery of Lincoln. 1 73 1 69 Court of King's Bench prohibits Bp. of Ely from proceeding (Trinity Term). The case carried to the House of Lords. Fire at the Cottonian Library (23 Oct.). Bentley saves the Codex Alexandrinus. 1732 70 Bentley publishes his edition of Pflrrt^/;- i — 55- London, 1815. 8°. 33. Stultitia et Irrationabilitas Atheismi, Demonstrationibus, ab Emolumento atque Voluptate Vitae religiosas, Facultatibus Animae humanae, Structura Corporis animati, Origine £/^;. ^^ 5^ t.v >- Facsimile of Bentley's Letter (no. 70) on the authenticity of I John v. 7. # NEW TESTAMENT 21 74. H KaLvr) AtaOrjKT) Graece. Novum Testamentum Versionis Vulgatae, per S'""" Hieronymum ad vetusta Exemplaria Groeca castigatas et exactae. Utrumque ex antiqulssimis Codd. MSS. cum Graecis tum Latinis, edidit Richardus Bentleius. Proposals for Printing. Collation: F°. 2 leaves. Note: Two editions of the Proposals in this form seem to have been printed late in 1720. The original draft is in Trinity Library. Cp. Middleton's Some Farther Remarks, p. 23. Dyce, in. 480. Monk, II. 127 foil. 75. Remarks, Paragraph by Paragraph, upon the Proposals lately publish'd by Richard Bentley, for a New Edition of the Greek Testament and Latin Version. Doctus criticus & adsuetus urere, secure, indementer omnis generis libros tractare, apices, syllabas, 'voces, dictiones confodere, & stilo exigere, continebittie ille ab integro & intaminato Di'vino' Sapientia monumento crudeles ungues ? Petri Burmanni Orat. Lugd. Bat. 1720. By a Member of the University of Cambridge. London : Printed and Sold by J. Roberts... m.dcc.xxi. Price 6d. Collation: 4°. pp. 24. Note: By Conyers Middleton, D.D. (1683 — 1750). Monk, 11. 130 foil. ^76. The Second Edition. London : Printed and Sold by J. Roberts... M.DCC.XXI. Price 6d. Collation: Same as no. 75. yy, The Third Edition. London : Printed and Sold by J. Roberts... M.DCC.XXI. Collation: Same as no. 75. Note: Middleton's name occurs on the title. Copy: B.M. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY *78. Dr. Bentley's Proposals for Printing a New Edition of the Greek Testament, and St. Hierom's Latin Version. With a full Answer to all the Remarks of a late Pamphleteer. By a Member of Trinity College in Cambridge. Cunarum labor est Angues superare mearum. Ovid. Tollentetnque minas & sibila colla tumentem Dejice Virgil. London: Printed for J. Knapton...MDCcxxi. Collation: 4°. pp. 44. Note: Signed 'J. E.' i.e. Richard Bentley, and dated ^Trinity College, Dec. XXXI. 1720.' Bentley here assumes Colbatch to be the author of Remarksy Paragraph by Paragraph^ and attacks him accordingly. Dyce, III. 481. Monk, 11. 134 foil. 79. Declaration of John Colbatch, D.D. Cambridge, Jan. 20. 1 72 1 disclaiming any connection with Remarks^ Paragraph by Paragraph. Collation: i leaf. Note: Dyce, iii. 481 — 2. Monk, 11. 138 — 9. *8o. Epistolae Duae ad Celeberrimum Doctissimumque Virum F V Professorem Amstelodamensem scriptas. Quarum in altera agitur de Editione Novi Testamenti a Clarissimo Bentleio suscepta, omnesque ejus, adhuc in lucem emissae, Conjecturae de sacro Textu examinantur. In altera vero multae de corruptis (uti videntur) Epistolarum Novi Testamenti locis conjecturae, jam primum editae, proponuntur. Londini : Prostant venales apud Ffanciscum \jic\ Clay...MDCcxxi. Collation : 4°. Title, pp. [ii] ' Lectori ' + 31. Note: By Zachary Pearce (1690 — 1774), Bp of Rochester, who writes under the pseudonym Phileleutherus Londinensis. At the end *Dabam Londini Idibus Januarii.' The initials F. V. stand for Franciscus Valckenaer. Monk, 11. 144 — 5. NEW TESTAMENT 23 ^81. A Letter to the Reverend Master of Trinity-College In Cambridge, Editor of a New Greek and Latin Testament. Tollent/mq; minas & sibila coUa tumentem Dejice Ah Timon, Timon, qua te dementia cepit? Ah, qua te mala mem, miselle Timon? Tune tuis telis moriere ! Ne savi, magne sacerdos. Nihil est, Zolle, quin mali edendo possit depra'varier. "Os fiev inlaraTo TroXXa, (caicwy 5 TjirlaraTo iravTu. Et si non aliqua nocuisset, mortuus esset. astuat ingens Uno in corde odium mixtdq; insania fastu, Et Juriis agitatus amor sceleratus habendi. Answer to the Remarks by J. E., p. i, 12, 16, 24, 26, 28, 39. London: Printed for J. Roberts... 1721. (Price 6^.) Collation: 4°. pp. 23. Note: Signed 'Philalethes. London^ Jan. 25. 1720 — 2i.' Monk, 11. 144. ^82. The Second Edition. London : Printed for J. Roberts ...172 1. Price 6d. Collation : Same as no. 8 1 . 83. Declaration of the Vice-Chancellor and Heads, Feb. 27. 17^, at the instance of John Colbatch, D.D. pronouncing Bentley's Proposals (172 1) to be 'a most virulent and scandalous Libel ; highly injurious to...Dr Colbatch, contrary to good Manners, and a notorious violation of the Statutes and Discipline of this University.' Collation: F°. i leaf. Note: The original draft is in Trinity Library. Dyce, in. 482 — 3. Monk, II. 139. Copies: U.L.C. (Baker MSS. Vol. 27). T.C.C. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY ^84. Some Farther Remarks, Paragraph by Paragraph, upon Pro- posals lately publish'd for a New Edition of a Greek and Latin Testament, by Richard Bentley. Containing a full Answer to the Editor's late Defence of his said Proposals, as well as to all his Objections there made against my former Remarks. Imperitiam tuam nemo potest fortius accusare, quam Tu ipse dum scribis. Hieron. Occupatus ille eruditione secularium liter arum scripturas omninh sanctas ignoraaXaptSos AKpayavTLvojv Tvpavvov ETrtcrToXat. Phalaridis Agrigentinorum Tyranni Epistolae. Ex MSS Recensuit, Versione, Annotationibus, & Vita insuper Authoris Donavit Car. Boyle ex JEdt Christi. E/c ©earpov eV Ofovta, Eret ax^^- Excudebat Johannes Crooke. Collation : 8°. Tide, pp. [xiv] Dedication to Aldrich, Preface, Life of Phalaris + Half-title +156+ [7] Index, etc. Note: Published January i. 1695. Engraved frontispiece (M. Burg, calc. Uni. Ox. sculp.) with motto from Callimachus. Vignette of the Sheldonian theatre on title. Some copies were printed on large paper. In the Preface occurs the reflection on Bentley's conduct in the affair of the MS. of Phalaris — ^...Collatas etiam curavi usque ad Epist. 40 cum MS°. in Bibliothecd Regid^ cujus mihi copiam ulteriorem Bibliothecarius pro singulari sua humanitate negavit.'' Monk, i. 63 foil. *^2. Oxonii, E Typographeo Clarendoniano An. Dom. MDCCxviii. Impensis Stephani Fletcher Bibliopolae. Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [xii] + 154 + [6]. Note: Engr. front, as in no. 91. Vignette of the Clarendon Press on title (M. B[urghers] d. et sculp.). Some copies were printed on large paper. 93. 4>aXaptSo9 ETTtcrroXat. Phalaridis Epistolae. Quas Latinas fecit, et, interpositis Caroli Boyle notis, commentario illustravit Joannes Daniel a Lennep. Mortuo Lennepio, finem operi imposuit, Praefationem, et adnotationes quasdam praefixit L. C. Valckenaer. Groningae, apud Jacobum Bolt, cididcclxxvii. Collation : 4°. pp. xxiv Preface, etc. + 381 + [41] Indexes. Note: A second edition (ed. G. H. Schaefer) appeared at Leipzig in 1823. Monk, r. 126 — 7. *94. Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning. By William Wotton, B.D. Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham. The Second Edition, with Large Additions. 2 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY With a Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themis- tocles, Socrates, Euripides ; &'c. and -^sop's Fables. By Dr Bentley. London, Printed by J. Leake, for Peter Buck... MDCxcvii. (A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and Others ; and the Fables of iEsop. By Richard Bentley, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary and Library-keeper to His Majesty. London, Printed by J. Leake, for Peter Buck...MDCxcvii.) Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [vi] Dedication to the Earl of Nottingham + xxxvii Preface and Postscript + [iii] Contents + 421 + 152 Bentley. Note : The Postscript is dzxed^Jpril 30. 1697.' Corrigenda on reverse of p. 421. Ed. I of Wotton's book appeared in 1694 (no. 90). Bentley's Dissertation, and defence of himself in the affair of the MS. first appeared with ed. 2. Errata on p. 152. For later editions see nos. 109 — 114, 133. Monk, i. 78 foil. 95. Fabularum ^sopicarum Delectus. Oxoniae, E Theatro Shel- doniano. An. Dom. mdcxcviii. Excudebat Johan. Croke. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. [xiii] Dedication, Preface, 'Testimonia de vita et fabulis i^sopi ' + 128 + [7] ' Index Fabularum.' Note: Published January i, 1698. There is an engraved frontispiece, and a vignette of the Sheldonian theatre on the title (M. Burg. del. et sculp.). The editor vv^as Anthony Alsop, of Christ Church, who signs the Dedication. No, 237, Canis in prcesepi, satirises Bentley's conduct with regard to the MS. of Phalaris. Monk, i. 96 foil. Copies : B.M. U.L.C. 96. Examen Poeticum Duplex : sive Musarum Anglicanarum Delectus Alter ; Cui subjicitur Epigrammatum seu Poematum Minorum Specimen Novum. Londini : Impensis Ric. Wel- lington... mdcxcviii. Collation: 8°. Half-title, Tide, pp. [ix] 'Praefatio ' and 'Index' + 219 + Half-title ' Epigrammatum... Specimen Novum ' + [i] 'Praefatio' -f- iii 'Index Lemmatum ' + [i] ' Advertisement. These Plays lately Printed for. ..Richard Wellington.,.' + 56. # PHALARIS CONTROVERSY 29 Note: The Prefaces are dated 'Oxon. Jan. 28. 169^.' The following pieces ridicule Bentley : [Part i.] pp. 149 — 157 Articuli Pads. (By Ed. Ivy ex asde Christi Oxon.) [Part 11.] pp. 46 — 48 Intellectus agens illuminat phantasmata. Ad R. B. hibliothecarium philocriticum. — Forma ultima est specifica. Ad Eundem^ De convers'tone Malela seu Malala nominis Syriaci in Malelas nomen Gr^cum. Monk, I. l 12. Copy: U.L.C. 97. Dr Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris and the Fables of ^sop examin'd by the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq; — Remember M'tlos End ; Wedged in that Timber njjhich he strove to rend. Roscom. Ess. of Trans). Vers. London, Printed for Tho. Bennet... 1698. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. [vi] 'Preface' 4- 290 + [4] 'A Short Account of Dr Bentley, by way of Index.' Note: Errata on p. 290. Some copies were printed on large paper. This was a joint production emanating from Christ Church. Francis Atterbury (1662 — 1732), afterwards Bp of Rochester, says in a letter to Boyle ' In laying the design of the book, in writing above half of it, in reviewing a good part of the rest, in transcribing the whole, and attending the press, half a year of my life went away.' (Epistolary Correspondence^ Vol. li. p. 21.) George Smalridge (1663 — ljig)y afterwards Bp of Bristol, Robert Freind, John Freind, and Anthony Alsop were his collaborators. Ed. 2 appeared in 1698 (no. 98); ed. 3 in 1699 (no. 107); and ed. 4 in 1745 (no. 108). Monk, i. 88 foil., 96 foil. ^98. The Second Edition. London, Printed for Tho. Bennet... 1698, Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [viii] + 290 4- [4]. Note: Monk (l. 107) speaks of the Short Account of Dr Bentley by way of Index as first appearing in ed. 2. It is very frequently found in copies of ed. I. ^99. An Essay, concerning Critical and Curious Learning : In which are contained some Short Reflections on the Controversie betwixt Sir William Temple and Mr. Wotton ; And that 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY betwixt Dr. Bentley and Mr. Boyl. By T. R. Esq ; London, Printed for R. Cumberland... 1698. Collation : 8°. Title, pp. 77. Note: by Thomas Rymer (1641 — 17 13). In the form of a Letter. Erratum on p. 77. Monk, i. 112 foil. *ioo. An Answer to a late Pamphlet, called An Essay concerning Critical and Curious Learning ; In which are contained some short Reflections on the Controversie betwixt Sir William Temple, and Mr Wotton. And that betwixt Dr Bentley, and Mr Boyle. London : Printed and Sold by E. Whitlock ...1698. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. 28. Note : In the form of a Letter dated '■Oxon Aug dth 1698.' Monk, i. 114. *ioi. A Vindication of An Essay concerning Critical and Curious Learning : In which are contained some Short Reflections on the Controversie betwixt Sir William Temple and Mr. Wotton ; and that betwixt Dr. Bentley and Mr. Boyl. In Answer to an Oxford Pamphlet. By the Author of that Essay. — Pudet fuec opprobria Fobis, Et did potuisse, & non potuisse refelli. London, Printed for E. Whitlock... 1698. Collation : 8°. Tide, pp. 54 + [5] * Books Printed for Richard Cum- berland...' Note: In the form of a Letter signed 'T. R.' i.e. Thomas Rymer, and dated 'London, Aug. 23. 1698.' ^102. A View of the Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c. lately Publish'd by the Reverend Dr. Bentley. Also of the Examination of that Dissertation by the Honourable Mr. Boyle. In order to the Manifesting the Incertitude of Heathen Chronology. PHALARIS CONTROVERSY 31 ♦ 'Eyo) 8e Xoyoi' tvbo^ov ovTa>...ov fiot Soko) Trporjafcrdai ^poviKoit rtrrt Xtyofitvois Kavocriv, ovs fivpioi 8iop6ovvTfs a)(pi arjuepov di ov8ev avro'ii, 6po\nyovp.(vop SCvavrai Karaar^iaai rhs dvriXoyias. Plutarch in Vit. Solon, [corrected]. London : Printed by H. C. for John Jones... 1698. Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [v] Preface + 78 + [2] * Books Printed for John Jones...' Note: By John Milner (1628 — 1702). Errata on p. 78. Monk, i. Ill foil. 103. A Free but Modest Censure on the late Controversial Writings and Debates of the Lord Bishop of Worcester and Mr Locke: Mr Edwards and Mr Locke : the Hon^'"^ Charles Boyle, Esq ; and Dr. Bently. Together with Brief Remarks on Monsieur Le Clerc's Ars Critica. By F. B. M.A. of Cambridg. London: Printed for A. Baldwin... 1698. Collation: 4°. pp. 31. Copy: U.L.C. 104. A Journey to London, in the Year, 1698. After the Ingenuous Method of that made by Dr. Martin Lyster to Paris, in the same Year, &c. Written Originally in French, by Monsieur Sorbiere, and Newly Translated into English. London, Printed, and sold by A. Baldwin... 1698. Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [iv] ' Monsieur Sorbeir to the Reader,' ' Contents ' + 34 + [2] ' Upon reviewing my Notes. . .' Note: By Dr William King (1663 — 17 12), who takes occasion to sneer at Bentley — ' I had heard of his singular Humanity both in France, and other places.' Monk, i. 130. 105. An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth. Together with some Remarks on Mr. Whiston's New Theory of the Earth. By Jo. Keill A.M. Coll. Ball. Ox. Oxford, Printed at the Theater 1698. Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [vi] Dedication + 224. Note: This work incidentally attacks Bentley. Ed. 2 appeared at Oxford in 1734. Monk, i. no foil. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY 1 06. Caricature of Bentley, 1698 — 9. ' The Doctor had some Waggs, who were his Enemies even in Cambridge: They drew his Picture in the Hands of Phalans's Guards, who were putting him into their Master's Bull. And out of the Doctor's Mouth came a Label with these Words: / had rather he Roasted than Boyled.' Eustace Budgell's Memoirs of the Earl of Orrery (1732), p. 193. Monk, I. 112. *I07. Dr Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, and the Fables of iEsop examin'd by the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq, — Remember Mao's End; Wedg'd in that Timber, nuhich he str(yve to rend. Roscomm. Ess. of Transl. Vers. The Third Edition With some Additions, occasioned by a Book entituled A View of the Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, &c. London, Printed for Tho. Bennet...i699. Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [vi] + 294 + [4]. Note : Last six pp. wrongly numbered 261 — 266. Eds. i and 2 appeared in 1698 (nos. 97, 98). *io8. The Fourth Edition... London : Printed for Thomas Davies...MDCcxLv. Collation ; 8°. pp. [x] + 294 + [4]. Note: Last six pp. wrongly numbered 261 — 266. *i09. A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. With an Answer to the Objections of the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esquire. By Richard Bentley, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary and Library-keeper to His Majesty. London, Printed by J. H. for Henry Mortlock...and John Hartley... 1699. Collation: 8°. pp. cxii Title and Preface + 549 4- [10] 'Index' and ' Errata.' PHALARIS CONTROVERSY i^;^ Note: This is a much enlarged edition of that portion of Bentlcy's Dissertation (ibgy^ no. 94) which deals with Phalaris. On the reverse of the title is : Mordear Opprobriis Falsis, mutemque Colores ? Falsus Honor ju'Vat, &. Meiidax Infamia terret Quern, nisi Mendacem & Mendosum ? — Horat. Epist. 1, 16. Monk, I. 120 foil. ^iio. To which are added, Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and others ; and the Fables of -^sop ; as originally printed : With Occa- sional Remarks on the Whole. London : Printed by and for W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, mdcclxxvii. Collation : 8°. pp. iii Title and Advertisement + Iviii 'The Author's Preface ' + 456. Note: A reprint of the enlarged Dissertation of 1699 (no. 109), together with the Dissertation upon the Epistles of Thejnistocles^ etc., from the edition of 1697 ('^'^* 94)* Edited by Dr S. Salter, who has reprinted at the end Bentley's Letter to Dr Davies (Wordsworth, cxlvii.), and his Letter to F. Gacon (Wordsworth, cli.). As to this edition see Dyce, i. v. III. A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. With an Answer to the Objections of the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq. By Richard Bentley, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and Library-Keeper to His Majesty. Mordear opprobriis falsis, mutemque colores ? Falsus honor jwvat, et mendax infamia terret Quem, nisi mendacem et mendosum ? Horat. Epist. i, 16. London: Printed and Published by W. M*=Dowall... 1816. Collation : 8°. pp. Ixv Title and Preface 4- 399- Note: Reprint of the Dissertation of 1699 (no. 109). B- 3 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY *ii2. A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris... To which are added, Dr Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and others ; and the Fables of ^sop, as originally printed ; with Occasional Remarks on the Whole. A New Edition. London : Printed by G. Auld ...1817. Collation : 8°. pp. [iii] + Iviii + 456. Note: Reprint of Salter's edition (no. no). 113. Dr. Richard Bentley's Dissertations upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and upon the Fables of ^sop. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Wilhelm Wagner, Ph.D. Berlin. S. Calvary and Co. 1874. Collation : 8°. Title, Contents, pp. xviii Introduction, Reprint of Dyce's Chronological list of pieces connected with the Phalaris Controversy + 624 + [i] Errata. Note: Contains (i) the Dissertation of 1699, (2) discrepancies of the first edition in Wotton's Reflections, 1697, (3) the Dissertation upon the Epistles of Themistocles^ etc. from the first edition, 1697. Bentley's Letters to Barnes and Davies (Wordsworth, xxvi, cxLVii) are reprinted at the end. Constitutes Bd. 21 — 24 of Calvary's 'Philologische und archaeologische Bibliothek.' 114. Dissertations upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and the Fables of ^sop. By Richard Bentley, D.D. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by the late Wilhelm Wagner, Ph.D. Professor at the Johanneum, Hamburg. London: George Bell and Sons... 1883. Collation: Same as no. 113. Note: Duplicate of no. 113, with a new title-page. Part of Bohn's ' Classical Library.' 115. Richardi Bentleii Dissertatio de Phalaridis, Themistoclis, Socratis, Euripidis, aliorumque Epistolis, et de Fabulis Aesopi. Nee non ejusdem Responsio qua Dissertationem de PHALARIS CONTROVERSY 35 Epistolis Phalaridis vindicat a censura Caroli Boyle. Omnia ex Anglico in Latinam sermonem convertit Joannes Daniel a Lennep. Groningae, apud Jacobum Bolt, cididcclxxvii. Collation: 4°. Title, pp. 108 Dissertation ed. 1697 + Ixvi + 303 Dissertation ed. 1699 4- [6] Index. Note: Latin versions of the first edition of the Dissertation (1697, no. 94), and of the enlarged Dissertation (1699, "o- ^^9)- This work is usually found appended to Lennep's edition of Phalaris published in the same year (no. 93). Monk, i. 126 — 7. 116. Richardi Bentleii Opuscula Philologica. Lipsiae, 1781. Collation: S°. Note : Comprises a reprint of Lennep's Latin versions of Bentley's Dissertations (no. 115), together with Bentley's Epistola ad Millium (no. 137). 117. Richardi Bentleii Dissertatio de epistolis Socratis. Latin version in J. C. Orelli's Collectio epistolarum Graecarum. Tom. i. pp. 406 — 425. Lipsiae, 181 5. 118. Rich. Bentleii Dissertatio de fabulis Aesopi. Latin version in Fabulae Aesopicae... Latino versione notisque exornatae cura ac studio Francisci de Furia. pp. cxxxvii — clii. Lipsiae, i8io. 119. Richard Bentley's Abhandlungen iiber die Briefe des Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, und iiber die Fabeln des Aesop. Deutsch von Woldemar Ribbeck. Leipzig, Teubner, 1857. Collation : 8°. pp. xxxii + 652. 120. Examen de la Dissertation de Richard Bentley sur I'authenticite des Lettres de Themistocle, par M. de Koutorga, Professeur d'Histoire a I'Universite de Saint-Petersbourg. Paris, Im- primerie de Ad. R. Laine et J. Havard... 1861. Collation: 4°. Half-title, Title, pp. 27. Copy: B.M. 3—2 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY *i2i. A Short Account of D' Bentley's Humanity and Justice, to those Authors who have written before him : With an Honest Vindication of Tho. Stanley, Esquire, and his Notes on CaUimachus. To which are Added, Some other Observations on that Poet. In a Letter to the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq;. With a Postscript, in Relation to Dr Bentley's late Book against him. To which is added an Appendix, by the Bookseller; wherein the Doctor's Mis-Representations of all the Matters of Fact wherein he is concern'd, in his late Book about Phalaris's Epistles, are modestly consider'd ; with a Letter from the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq ; , on that Subject. quum repetitum 'venerit una Grex a'vium plumas, risum Cornicla mo'vebit, Furtiojis nitdata Co/oribus fVAen all the Birds shall claim their oivn. And enjery borroiv'd Feather's flonun, Honjo mean the Jackdanu looks, for all is gone i London, Printed for Thomas Bennet... 1699. Collation: 8°. Tide, pp. v 'The Preface to the Reader '+ 140 + [i] 'Errata.' ^ote: This tract emanated from Christ Church as a counterblast to the enlarged Dissertation (no. 109). Dr King is supposed to have written Bennet's vindication. Monk, i. 127 foil. 122. The Epistles of Phalaris. Translated into English from the Original Greek. By J. S. Together with an Appendix of some other Epistles lately Discovered in a French MS. London, Printed for Daniel Brown... James Knapton...and Rich. Parker ...1699. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. [iv] ' To the Reader' and ' Errata' + xiii 'An Harangue of Phalaris his Ambassadors to the Priests of Delphos...' 'A Continuation of the former Discourse...' + 223. Note: By Solomon Whately, of Magdalene College, Oxford. Monk, I. 131. Copies: B.M. U.L.C. 1 i PHALARIS CONTROVERSY 37 # 123. The Epistles of Phalaris Translated into English from the Original Greek. By S. Whately, late of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford, M.A. To which is added Sir W. Temple's Character of the Epistles of Phalaris. Together with an Appendix of some other Epistles lately Discovered in a French MS. London, 1699. Collation: 8°. pp. 223. Note: This edition has not been seen. The title and collation are taken from Dyce, i. xv. 124. An Answer to a late Book written against the Learned and Reverend Dr. Bentley, relating to some Manuscript Notes on Callimachus. Together with an Examination of Mr. Bennet's Appendix, to the said Book. London : Printed in the Year, 1699. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. [xii] 'Preface to the Reader,' 'Advertisement' + 209. Note: An answer to no. I2I by S. Whately. The Advertisement reads 'Lately publish'd The Epistles of Phalaris, translated into English from the Original, by the Author of this Answer.' See nos. 122, 123. Errata on p. 209. Monk, i. 131. Copies: B.M. U.L.C. 125. A Chronological Account of the Life of Pythagoras, and of other Famous Men his Contemporaries. With an Epistle to the R'^ Dr. Bentley, about Porphyry's and Jamblichus's Lives of Pythagoras. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Wilham, L*^ B^ of Coventry and Lichfield. London, Printed by J. H. for H. Mortlock...i699. Collation: 8°. pp. Iviii Epistle + 18. Note: By William Lloyd (1627 — 171 7), Bp of Worcester. The preface is dated ''Mar. 30. 1699.' Errata on p. 18. Monk, I- 132—3- 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY "^"126. Dialogues of the Dead. Relating to the present Controversy- concerning the Epistles of Phalaris. By the Author of the Journey to London. London : Printed, and Sold by A. Baldwin... 1 699. Collation : 8°. Half-tide, Title, pp. [iv] ' To the Reader ' + 83 + [2] 'Index.' Note: By Dr William King. Monk, i. 137 — 8. 127. A Letter to the Reverend Dr Bentley. Upon the Contro- versie betwixt him and Mr. Boyle. London, Printed and Sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, mdcxcix. Collation : 4°. Title, pp. 22. Note: Monk, i. 131. Copy: B.M. 128. The Dispensary; a Poem, London, Printed, and Sold by John Nutt... 1699. Collation: 4°. Half-title, Title, pp. 84. Note: Ey Samuel Garth, M.D. (1661 — 1719). In this poem occurs the famous couplet : So diamonds take a lustre from their foil. And to a Bentley 'tis we owe a Boyle. Monk, I. 112. Copy: B.M. ^129. A short Review of the Controversy between Mr. Boyle, and Dr. Bentley. With suitable Reflections upon it. And the Dr's. Advantagious Character of himself at full length. Recommended to the serious perusal of such as propose to be Considered for their Fairness, Modesty, and good temper in Writing. London, Printed for A. Baldwin... 170 1. Collation: 8°. Half-title, Title, pp. [iii] Preface + 158. Note: Attributed to Francis Atterbury. Pp. 154 — 155 are wrongly numbered 138 — 139; p. 158 is wrongly numbered 144. Errata on p. '144.' Monk, I. 178 — 9. PHALARIS CONTROVERSY 39 130. De Veteribus Graecorum Romanorumque Cyclis, obiterque de Cyclo Judaeorum setate Christi, Dissertationes decern, cum Tabulis necessanis...Ab Henrico Dodvvello A. M. Dubliniensi. Oxonii, E Theatre Sheldoniano...MDCCi. Collation: 4°. Title, pp. [xxii] Dedication, Contents, etc. + 919. Note: Bentley saw this work in MS. and disputed Dodwell's opinion on the age of Phalaris and Pythagoras in his Dissertation (1699). Monk, I. 119 — 20. Copies: B.M. U.L.C. 131. Exercitationes Duae : Prima, de ^tate Phalaridis ; Secunda, de JEtRtc Pythagorae Philosophi. Ab Henrico Dodwell, A.M. Dubliniensi. Londini, Impensis Richardi Smith... m dcc iv. Collation : 8°. Title, Dedication, pp. xiii Preface + [vi] Index + 264 + [8] 'Books Printed, and Sold by Richard Smith...' Note: Dodwell here replies to Bentley's criticism of his opinions (expressed in De Feteribus Graecorum Komanorumque Cyclis) on the age of Phalaris and Pythagoras. Monk, i. 179 — 80. Copies : B.M. U.L.C. 132. A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. Diu multumque desideratum. To which is added, An Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. Basima eacabasa eanaa irraurista, diarba da caeotaba fobor camelanth't. lien. Lib. i. c. 18. Jwvatque uo-vos decerpere flores, Insignemque meo capiti petere inde coronam, Fnde prius nulli njelarunt tempora Musa-. Lucret. London: Printed for John Nutt...MDCCiv. Collation: Title, pp. [viii] Dedication to John Lord Sommeis and The Bookseller to the Reader +1 — 11 The Epistle Dedicatory to Prince Posterity + 13 — 31 The Preface + 33 — 221 A Tale of a Tub + 223 — 278 A Full and True Account of the Battel... bet ween the Antient and the Modern Books + 279 — 322 A Discourse concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit... 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY Note: By Jonathan Swift. The Dedication to Prince Posterity is dated ' Decemb. 1697.' In The Tale of a Tub Section iii — *A Digression concerning Critics' — satirises Bentley. He is further ridiculed in ' The Dedication to Prince Posterity,' and in Sections v and X, In The Battel of the Books 'The Episode of B-ntl-y and W-tt-n' is devoted to the Phalaris Controversy. See also no. 134. Monk, I. 92 foil., 180 foil. • # # 133. Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning. To which is now added a Defense Thereof, in Answer to the Objections of Sir W. Temple, and Others. With Observations upon the Tale of a Tub. By William Wotton, B.D. Also, A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, ^c. and the Fables of Aesop. By R. Bentley, D.D. Third Edition Corrected. London : Printed for Tim. Goodwin . . . M Dccv. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. [iv] 'Epistle Dedicatory' + xxxii 'Preface' and ' Postscript ' + [ii] ' Contents ' and ' Errata ' + 541 + [3] ^ Books Printed for Tim. Goodwin.' Note: The Defense is dated '•May 21. 1705.' Bentley's Dissertation (p. 397) and Wotton 's Defense of the Reflections (p. 471) have special title-pages. Ed. I of Wotton's work appeared in 1694 (no. 90); ed. 2 in 1697 (no. 94). The appearance of Bentley's enlarged Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris in 1699 (no. 109) made it inopportune to reprint it in its original form of 1697: Wotton, therefore, only reissued the Dissertation upon the Epistles of Themis- tocles^ etc. omitted by Bentley in 1699. Monk, i. 181 — 2. 134. A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. [Motto as in ed. i, no. 132.] To which is added, An Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. [Mottoes as in ed. i]. The Fifth Edition : With the Author's Apology and Explana- tory Notes. By W. W--tt--n, B.D. and others. London: Printed for John Nutt...MDCcx. Collation : 8°. Title, pp. [xxx] An Apology, Dedication to John Lord Sommers, The Bookseller to the Reader + 344. PHALARIS CONTROVERSY 41 Note: See no. 132. Eds. 2 and 3 appeared in 1704; ed. 4 in 1705. Wotton's Notes were extracted from ed. 3 of his Reflections (no. 133). 135. Memoirs of the Life and Character of the Late Earl of Orrery, and of the Family of the Boyles. Containing several Curious Facts, and Pieces of History, from the Reign of Queen Elisabeth, to the present Times : Extracted from Original Papers and Manuscripts never yet Printed. With a Short Account of the Controversy between the late Earl of Orrery and the Reverend Doctor Bentley ; and some Select Letters of Phalaris, the famous Sicilian Tyrant : Translated from the Greek. By Eustace Budgell Esq ; Te, anlmo repetentem Exempla tuorum, Et Pater JEneas, & A-vunculus excitet Hector. Virg. London: Printed for W. Mears...M.DCcxxxii. Collation : 8°. pp. xl Dedication to John, Earl of Orrery, Contents + 258 + [2] Advertisements. Note: Pp. 156 — 195 are occupied with an account of the Controversy on the Epistles of Phalaris. Mr Budgell sums up the case as follows: 'In short, the Doctor lost, and Mr. Boyle got a great deal of Credit by this Controversy : The World was pleased to see a Toung Man of Quality and Fortune get the better of an old Critick.^ With a portrait of Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery, engraved by Baron. Ed. 2 appeared in 1732; ed. 3 in 1737. 136. The Epistles of Phalaris. Translated from the Greek. To which are added, Some Select Epistles of the most eminent Greek Writers. By Thomas Francklin, M.A. Fellow of Trinity-College, Cambridge. London : Printed for R. Franck- lin... mdccxlix. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. [xii] Dedication to John, Earl of Orrery, and List of Subscribers + xxiii Preface 4- 224. Note: There is an account of the Controversy in the Preface. Francklin believed the Epistles genuine. See Jebb's Bentley, pp. 81 — 2. V. CLASSICS 1. EDITIONS, EMENDATIONS, AND NOTES PUBLISHED BY BENTLEY 2. EDITIONS, EMENDATIONS, AND NOTES PUBLISHED POSTHUMOUSLY I. Editions, Emendations, and Notes published by Bentley. 137. Epistola ad CI. V. Joannem Millium S.T.P. [on Malelas]. Published as an Appendix (98 pp.) to the Historia Chronica of Malelas edited by J. Mill, Oxford, 1691, Reprinted as an Appendix (84 pp.) to the second edition of Bentley's Emendationes in Menandri... Reliquias^ Cambridge, 171 3 (no. 146); in Corpus Byzantines Historia^ Venice, 1733 and Bonn, 1831; and in Opuscula philologica^ Leipzig, 1 78 1 (no. 1x6). Monk, i. 25 foil. ; 138. Bentley's Notes on Philostratus. A specimen of Bentley's proposed edition of Philostratus was printed at Leipzig in 1694, but the undertaking was abandoned. His notes were subsequently published in G. Olearius's edition, Leipzig, 1709. Reprinted in C. L. Kayser's edition, Heidelberg, 1838. Monk, i. 57 foil. 139. Callimachi Fragmenta a Richardo Bentleio collecta. — Richardi Bentleii Animadversiones in nonnulla Hymnorum Callimachi loca. Published in J. G. Graevius's edition, pp. 179 — 438, 457 — 470, Utrecht, MDCXCVii. Reprinted in Ernesti's edition. Vol, i, pp. 271 — 327, 413 — 586 ; Vol. II. pp. I — 16, Leyden, 1761 ; and in Blomfield's edition, pp. 169 — 326, London, 181 5. Monk, i. 76 — 7. CLASSICS 43 140. Richardi Bentleii Emendationes ad Ciceronls Tusculanas. Published as an Appendix (94 pp.) to Dr John Davies's edition, Cambridge, 1709, and, fourth edition, Cambridge, 1738, Reprinted by T. Gaisford in his edition, Oxford, 1805, pp. 397 — 497, together with ' Notae ineditae ' (37 pp.). Davies's second and third editions printed the text as emended by Bentley. Monk, i. 223 foil., II. 116 — 7. 141. M. T. Ciceronis Eplstolarum Selectarum libri tres quos denuo recensuit i^ Notis auxit J. C. Schroderus. Accedunt ejusdem Animadversiones in Emendationes Viri CI. Richardi Bentleii, ad Ciceronis Disputationes Tusculanas, a Joanne Davisio illustratas, nee non Vita Ciceronis a Dionysio Lambino coUecta. Delphis Batavorum Apud Regnerum Boitet. CIDI3CCXXI. Collation : 8°. Engraved title. Title, pp. [xlviii] Preface, etc. + 284 + Index. Copy: B.M. 142. Bentley's Emendations on Hierocles. Published in P. Needham's edition, Cambridge, 1709. Monk, i. 226 foil. 143. Richardi Bentleji Emendationes in Plutum ( Nubes). Excerptse ex Epistolis, ad Ludolphum Kusterum scriptis. Published in L. Kuster's edition, pp. 319 — 324, Amsterdam, 17 10. For the original Letters see Wordsworth, cxxvii, cxxix. Monk, i. 192 foil. Further notes on Aristophanes were published posthumously, see no. 188. 1 44. Menandri et Philemonis Reliquiae, quotquot reperiri potuerunt ; Graece et Latine, cum Notis Hugonis Grotii et Joannis Clerici, qui etiam novam omnium versionem adornavit, Indicesque ad- jecit. Amstelodami, Apud Thomam Lombrail. cid id ccix. Collation : Title, pp. [xiv] Dedication^ Preface, etc. + 375 + [23] Index. Note: With portrait-frontispiece. Monk, i. 267 — 9. Copies: B.M. U.L.C. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY 145. Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis Reliquias, ex nupera Editione Joannis Clerici : Ubi multa Grotii & aliorum, plurima vero Clerici errata castigantur, auctore Phileleuthero Lipsiensi. Est genus hominum, qui esse primos se omnium rerum 'volunt, nee sunt. Ter. Trajecti ad Rhenum, Ex Officina Gulielmi vande Water... CI3 ID ccx. Collation: 8°. Title, pp. [xxxviii] Preface by P. Burman, etc. + 136. Note: By Richard Bentley. Errata on p. 136. Reprinted in A. Meineice's edition of Menander, Berlin, 1823. Monk, I. 269 foil. Copies: B.M. U.L.C. ^146. Accedit Epistola Critica Richardi Bentleii de Johanne Malela Antiocheno ; Scripta anno mdcxci. Editio altera emen- datior. Cantabrigiae : Typis Academicis. Impensis Cornelii Crownfield...MDCcxiii. Collation: 8°. Tide, pp. [ii] * Index Auctorum ' + 160 -f Half-title to Bentley's ' Epistola ' + 84 + [2] ' Index rerum memorabilium.* Note : See no. 137. 147. Infamia Emendationum in Menandri Reliquias nuper editarum Trajecti ad Rhenum auctore Phileleuthero Lipsiensi. Accedit Responsio M. Lucilii Profuturi ad epistolam C. Veratii Philellenis quae exstat in Bibliothecae Choirias parte ix. Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Joh. Arnold. Langerack. 17 10. Collation: 12°. Title, pp. [iv] ' Praefatio ' + 168 + [3] 'Addenda vel Corrigenda.' Note: By Jakob Gronovius (1645 — ^T^^)- Monk, i. 276 — 7. Le Clerc, writing under the pseudonym of C. Veratius Philellen, had published in his Bibliotheque Choisie an attack on Gronovius's Arrian. Copies: B.M. U.L.C. * CLASSICS. HORACE 45 ^48. Philargyrii Cantabrigiensis Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis Reliquias, ex nupera Editione Joannis Clerici. Ubi quaedam Grotii ... Appendix, pp. 11 — 14. Amstelaedami [1755]. Wordsworth, cxcv, cxcvii, ecu. Dyce, III. 478. Monk, II. 120. 275. Letter to Dr J. Davies [probably 171 1]. Printed in the Monthly Review^ Vol. xiv. p. 202 foil. London, 1756. Reprinted in Salter's and Wagner's editions of Bentley's Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris (nos. IIO, 112, 113). Wordsworth, CXLVii. Monk, I. 293. 6—2 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY 276. Letter from J. Le Cierc (25 June 17 10), with Bentley's answer (Kal. Jul. 17 10). Published by Person in Maty''s Review for April 1786 (Vol. ix. p. 254). Wordsworth, cxliii, cxliv. and Note. 277. Epistolae Duae ad Ti. Hemsterhusium ([1705] ; 9 June 1708). Included in Elogium T'lberii HemsterhusUy Auctore Davide Ruhnkenio. Editio secunda...^. 79 foil. Lugduni Batavorum, mdcclxxxix. Reprinted in Ruhnken's Vitae duumvirorum doctrina et mentis excellentium. Leipzig, iSoi ; and in Lindemann's edition of the same, Leipzig, 1822. Wordsworth, ci, cxxiii. Monk, i, 197 foil. 278. Letter to Dr S. Clarke (18 Nov. 17 16). Printed in the European Maga'zine for Dec. 1801 (Vol. XL. p. 409 foil.). London, 1801. Wordsworth, cxcix. 279. Richardi Bentleii et doctorum virorum Epistolae, partim mutuae. Accedit Richardi Dawesii ad Joannem Taylorum epistola singularis. Londini, Typis Bulmerianis. mdcccvii.' Collation : 4°. Half-title, Title, pp. 330 + [i] ^ Nots ' [blank pp. foil.]. Note : Edited by Charles Burney, D.D. (1757-18 17). 150 copies were printed on large paper and 50 on small, all for presentation. There are engraved portraits of Bentley (after Thornhill), and Graevius and facsimile letters of Bentley and Graevius. Contains the bulk of Bentley's correspondence with Graevius, Burman, and Bernard together with some miscellaneous letters. Wordsworth, xx, xxi XXIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX XLVII, XLVIII, XLIX, L, LI, LIV, LV, LIX, LX, LXI, LXII, LXIII, LXV, LXVI LXXII, LXXIII, LXXIV, LXXVII, LXXVIII, LXXIX, LXXX, LXXXI, LXXXII LXXXV, LXXXVI, XCI, XCII, XCIII, XCV, XCVI, XCVIII, CXXXVII, V, XIV X, XII, VIII, XIX, III, XVIII, IV, II, XVII, VI, XIII, XV, XI, VII, IX, CXLIII CXLIV, CXLVII, CLI, CLXXXV, CLXXXIX, CXC, CC, CCXXI, CCXXV, CCXXVI Lxxxiii, CXCIX, ccvii, ccxLvii, ccLviii, ccLxiii, CI, CXXIII. Letter xi in Wordsworth was wrongly printed by Burney as three separate letters (4, 8, and 7 of Bernard's Letters). Letter xiii. in Wordsworth was wrongly printed by Burney as two separate letters (2 and 9 of Bernard's Letters). The letter from J. Capellus to Graevius dated ' Londini, 4°. Cal. Augustas anno mdcc' and that from R. Dawes to J. Taylor dated 'Newcastle, May 31st' were not reprinted by Wordsworth. CORRESPONDENCE 85 280. Letter to Rev. P. Gordon (25 Sept. 1697), Printed in the Classical fournal^ Vol. x. p. 171. London, 18 14. Wordsworth, lxvii. *'28i. Bentleii Epistolae. Letter to Joshua Barnes (22 Feb. 169!), together with a portion of the correspondence between Bentley and Kuster, (1708) included in Museum Criticunij Vol. 11. (No. 7) p. 403 foil. Cambridge, 182 1. Wordsworth, xxvi, cxxi, cxxiv, cxxvi, cxxvii, cxxix. 282. Richardi Bentleii et doctorum vlrorum Epistolae partim mutuae. Ex Editione Londinensi Caroli Burneii repetiit novisque additamentis et Godofredi Hermanni dissertatione de Bentleio eiusque ed. Terentii auxit Frid. Traug. Friede- mann. Accedunt effigies R. Bentleii et L G. Graevii. Lipsiae, 1825. Collation: 8°. pp. xvi Title, Dedication, Preface, Table + 302 + 112 Additamenta, Indices. Note : This collection comprises Burney's edition of 1807 (no. 279), together with the Letters printed in Museum Criticum^ Vol. ii. (No. 7) (no. 281), and the letter from Bentley to G. Richter (no. 269). Prefixed are lithographs by Fricke of the portraits inserted in Burney's edition. ^283. Letters of Mr. Richard Bentley and Dr. Edward Bernard [1689 — 1692]. Included in Museum Criticum^ Vol. 11. (No. 8) p. 533 foil. Cambridge, 1826. Wordsworth, v, xiv, x, xii, viii, xix, in, xviii, iv, 11, xvii, VI, XIII, XV, XI, VII, IX. Burney's errors of arrangement are here corrected (see no. 279 Note). 284. Epistolae Bentleii, Graevii, Ruhnkenii, Wyttenbachii selectae. Annotatione instruxit Fridericus Carolus Kraft, Theolog. et Philosoph. Doctor, Joannei Hamburgensis Director et Pro- fessor. Altonae, Impensis Librariae Hammerichianae. 1831. 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY Collation : 8°. pp. xiv + 374 + [i] Errata. Note : Pp. 3 — 56 contain the whole of Bentley's correspondence with Graevius, together with a letter from Burman to Bentley (15 Jan. 1703). Printed from Friedemann's ed. of 1825 (no. 282). "^285. The Correspondence of Richard Bentley, D.D. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vol. i. (Vol. 11.). London : John Murray... 1 842. Collation : 8°. pp. xxxii Half-title, Title, Dedication to J. H. Monk, Preface, Literary Annals of Dr Bentley, Table of Letters + 432 ; pp. viii Half-title, Title, Table of Letters +433 — 838. Note: Edited, with Notes, by Christopher Wordsworth (1807 — 1885). The arrangement is chronological, and the sources from which the letters are printed are given in the Notes. 250 copies printed. 286. Richard Bentley's Briefwechsel. By J. Bernays. Printed as a review of Wordsworth's edition of Bentley's Correspondence in Rheinisches Museum fiir Philologie. Neue Folge. Jahrg. viii. pp. I — 24. Frankfurt am Main, 1853. Bernays reprints two letters of Bentley to De Veil and P. Burman (Wordsworth, cxvi, ccxxix), and gives a German translation of one to J. Walker (Wordsworth, ccxiii). Part of the article was reprinted in Gesammelte Abhandlungen von yacob Bernays. Hrsg. von H. Usener. Vol. 11. pp. 356 — 60. Berlin, 1885. 287. Correspondence between Roger Cotes and Bentley (May 1709 ; March 17 13). Four Letters included in Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes including Letters of other efninent men,.. pp. I, 148 foil. London, Cambridge, 1850. Wordsworth, cxxxvi, clxix — clxxi. 288. Six Letters to Pieter Burman dated *Londini, April. 5, 1703'; ' Cantabrigiae, Octob. 25, St. Vet. mdccix'; * Cantabrigiae a. d. 19 August! 1710'; * Cantabrigiae, Aug. 25, 1718 ' ; * Cantabrigiae e collegio S. Trinitatis xiii. Aug. mdccxxii ' ; ' Cantabrigiae, April. 22, 1724, stilo vetere.' i # CORRESPONDENCE 87 Printed in Monatsberichte der k. preuss. Akad. der Whs. zu Berlin. Aus dem Jahre i860, p. 544 foil. Reprinted in Bentleil Critica Sacra, p. t6i foil. Cambridge, 1862, and again in Mavricii Havptii Opvscvla. Vol. III. p. 89 foil, Lipsiae, 1876. '289. Letters of Dr. Bentley and his Wife. I. Dr Bentley to Mrs Johanna Bernard. Trin. Sept. 5, 1700. II. Dr Bentley to Mrs Johanna Bernard. London, Nov^"'' lyh, 1700. III. Dr Bentley to Mrs Johanna Bernard. London, Nov^"' 23, 1700. IV. Dr Bentley to Mrs Johanna Bernard. Trin. Coll. Dec. 12, 1700. V. Dr Bentley to Mrs Johanna Bernard. Saturday Night, [1700] St. "James's. VI. Dr Bentley to Mr Leeds. Jan. 29, i7o|. VII. Dr Bentley to the Rev. Mr Posthlethwait. Trin. Coll. Nov. 20, 1707. VIII. Dr Bentley to Dr Stubbe. Jan. 2']th, 1708. IX. Mrs Bentley to Mrs Cumberland. March the 2'jth [ly^'^]. X. Mrs Bentley to Mrs Cumberland. Alay the nth [1732]. Appended to The Diary (1709 — 1720) of Edward Rud... edited... by H. R. Luard, M.J., p. 33 foil. (Camb. Antiquarian Soc. Octavo Publications, v.) Cambridge, i860. 290. A Letter from Dr Bentley to Lord Chancellor King. Com- municated by the Rev. H. R. Luard, M.A., University Registrary (Dec. 2. 1867). The Letter is dated *Trin. Coll. Apr. 28, 1728,' and was printed in Cambridge Antiquarian Communications : being papers presented at the meetings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Vol. ill. pp. 175 — 6. Cambridge, 1879. For other letters of Bentley see nos. 70, 113, 137, 195, 199, 205. IX. BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM ^291. Advertisement. Just ready for the Press, and will speedily be Publish'd. An Essay of an Athenae Cantabrigienses : Or, an Account of the Learned Men that have Flourisht in that Antient and Famous University, from its first Foundation, to this present Time. Containing the Life of the Rev. Dr. Rich. Bentley Master of Trinity Coll. Keeper of the Royal Library at St. James's, and Late Vice-Chancellor : His Extract, Education, Extraordinary progress in Universal Litterature ; his Works, his generous Endeavours for the promoting of Printing ; his Treatment of Printers, and what Encouragement he hath given for the Printing some of the Best of the Classics, and others of the most Celebrated Antient Authors ; his Pompous Buildings, Erected by him ; and his indefatigable Industry and liberal Contribution, towards making the River Cham Navigable. Such Gentle- men as have any Memoirs by them, relating to the Subject aforesaid, and are willing to communicate them ; are desired to send to Mr. John Inwood at Mr. Howard's in Warwick- street near Chearing-cross, and they shall be impartially and candidly inserted, and gratefully acknowledged, if desired. Collation : 4°. i leaf. Note: I joy. See Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne^ Vol. ii. p. 74, Oxford, 1886; and Cambridge Antiquarian Communications^ Vol. VI. pp. 362 — 367. BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM 89 292. Bentley (Richard). Article by Rev. — Hinton. Included in Biographia Britannica...Vo\. ii. p. 734 foil. London, MDCCXLViii. Monk, Preface, p. v, vi. Hinton's article, revised by A. Kippis and Richard Cumberland, was included in Biographia Britannica...The Second Edition... by Andrew Kippis... Vol. ii. p. 224 foil. London, mdcclxxx. Monk, i. i foil. 293. A Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of O d. Containing Some Animadversions upon a Character given of the late Dr. Bentley, in a Letter, from a late Professor in the University of Oxford, to the Right Rev. Author of the Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated. " Jam parce sepulto " London : Printed for J. Wilkie...i767. Collation : S°. pp. 46. Note : Signed ' A Member of the University of Cambridge ' i.e. Richard Cumberland, and addressed to Robert Lov^^th, successively Bishop of St David's, Oxford, and London. The ' Character ' occurs on p. 80 of Lowth's anonymously published 'Letter to the... Author [W. Warburton] of The Divine Legation of Adoses Demonstrated...* Oxford, 1765. See Nichols's Literary Anecdotes^ Vol. v. pp. 624 — 6. Copy: B.M. 294. Hints towards a Life of Dr. Bentley. Nov. 18 [1779]. Signed 'J. N.' i.e. John Nichols, and printed in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1779, pp. 545 — 8. ^295. Reminiscences of Bentley by Richard Cumberland, his grandson. Included in Memoirs of Richard Cumberland written by himself... p. 7 foil. London, 1806, with an engraving by C. Picart of Thornhill's portrait of Bentley. Another edition of the Memoirs appeared in 1807 in two volumes. Monk, 11. 401 foil. 296. Richard Bentley. Biographical Sketch by F. A. Wolf. Included in Analecta Utteraria. Vol. I. pp. i foil., 258, 493 foil. Berolini, 18 17. Reprinted in Kleine Schriften...von Fr. Aug. Wolf Hrsg. durch G. Bernhardy. Vol. 11. p. 1 030 foil. Halle, 1869. 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY 297. Bentley (Richard). Article by F. G. Hand. Included in Allgemeine Encychpddie der Wmemchaften und Kunste... herausgegehen von J. S. Ersch und "J. G. Gruber. Theil ix. p. 48 foil. Leipzig, 1822. *298. The Life of Richard Bentley, D.D. Master of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cam- bridge : With an account of his writings, and anecdotes of many distinguished characters during the period in which he flourished. By James Henry Monk, D.D. Dean of Peterborough. London : Printed for C. J. G. & F. Rivington ...MDCCCXXX. Collation : 4°. pp. xxiii Title, Dedication, Preface, Contents + 668 + Ixxxiii Appendix, Index. Note : Thornhill's portrait prefixed (E. F. Burney del. W. Sharp sculp.). * 299. Second Edition, revised & corrected. In Two Volumes. London Printed for J. G. & F. Rivington... MDCCCXXXIII. Collation : 8°. pp. xix + 428 ; vii + 466. Note : Thornhill's portrait prefixed (Dean sculp. Printed by Brain). 300. Essay on Bentley by Thomas De Quincey. Printed as a review of the first edition of Monk's Life in Blackwood^s Edinburgh Maga%ine^ Vol. xxviii. p. 437 foil., p. 644 foil. Edinburgh, 1830. Re-issued, with alterations, in his Works (1854, etc.). Vol. VII. p. 35 foil, and frequently since. 301. Richard Bentley, D.D. Biographical Sketch by Hartley Coleridge. Included in Biographia Borealis...^y Hartley Coleridge, p. 65 foil. London, 1833. Biographia Borealis was re-issued in 1836 as The Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire^ and a new edition appeared in 1852 as Lives of Northern Worthies. BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM 91 *302. Particulars of Bentley's proceedings, 1 709 — i 718. Included in The Diary (1709 — 1720) of Edward Rud... edited... by H. R. Luard, M.A. (Camb. Antiquarian Soc. Octavo Publications, v.). Cambridge, i860. ^303. Richard Bentley. Eine Biographie von Jacob Maehly. Mit einem Anhang Bentley'scher Anecdota zu Homer. Leipzig. Verlag von B. G. Teubner. 1868. Collation : 8°. pp. iv Title, Index + 179. 304. Bentley (Richard). Article by Mark Pattison. Included in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ninth Edition. Vol. ill. p. 578 foil. London, 1875. 305. Great Scholars. Buchanan, Bentley, Porson, Parr, and Others. By Henry James Nicoll. Edinburgh : Macniven and Wallace... 1880. Collation : 8°. Half-title, Title, pp. [iv] Preface, Contents + 251- Note : The chapter dealing with Bentley occupies pp. 35 — 90. Reprinted London, 1880. New edition London, 1884. *3o6. Bentley. By R. C. Jebb, M.A., LL.D. Edin... London : Macmillan and Co. 1882. Collation : 8°. pp. xi Half-title, Title, Prefatory note. Annals of Bentley's Life, Contents + 224. Note : One of the 'English Men of Letters.' Reprinted in 1902. 307. Richard Bentley. Eine Biographie. Von R.C. Jebb. Autorisirte Ubersetzung von E. Wohler. Berlin, Gaertner... 1885. Collation : 8°. pp. xii + 244. *3o8. Bentley (Richard). Article by R. C. Jebb, M.A. Included in Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. iv. p. 306 foil. London, 1885. 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY 309. Richard Bentley : seine Bemiihungen, Streitigkeiten, und Verdienste. Von J. G. von Herder. Printed in Herder's Sdmmtliche JVerke. Hrsg. von B. Suphan. Vol. xxiv. pp. 183—188. Berlin, 1886. # 3 10. Accounts, of Bentley's Life and Work by J. E. Sandys, Litt.D. (i) In Social England... edited by H. D. Traill. Vol. v. p. 59 foil. London, 1896 ; and in the Illustrated Edition, Vol. v. p. 80 foil. London, 1904, with reproduction of Hudson's portrait of Bentley. (ii) In his History of Classical Scholarship. Vol. 11. Chap. xxiv. pp. 401 — 410, with reproduction of Dean's engraving of Thornhill's portrait. APPENDIX A Proposal for building A Royal LIBRARY, And establishing it by ^rt of iarliament* The Royal Library now at St. James s^ designed and founded for publick use, was in the time of King James I. in a flourishing condition, well stored with all sorts of good Books of That and the preceding Age, from the beginning of Printing. But in the succeeding Reigns it has gradually gone to Decay, to the great dishonour of the Crown and the whole Nation. The Room is miserably out of Repair ; and so little, that it will not contain the Books that belong to it. A Collection of ancient Medals, once the best in Europe^ is embezzled and quite lost. There has been no supply of Books from abroad for the space of Sixty years last : nor any allowance for Binding ; so that many valuable Manuscripts are spoil'd for want of Covers : and above a Thousand Books printed in England^ and brought in Quires to the Library, as due by the Act for Printing, are all unbound and useless. It is therefore humbly proposed, as a thing that will highly conduce to the Publick good, the Glory of His Majesty's Reign, and the Honour of the Parliament ; * Reprinted from a copy in the British Museum. See Bibliography, no. 250. 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY I. That His Majesty be graciously pleased to assign a Corner of St. James's Park, on the South side, near the Garden of the late Sir John Cutler^ for the building of a new Library, and in the Neighbour- hood of it a competent Dwelling for the Library-Keeper. IL This Situation will have all the advantages that can be wished. 'Tis an elevated Soil, and a dry sandy Ground ; the Air clear, and the Light free ; the Building, not contiguous to any Houses, will be safer from Fire ; a Coach-way will be made to it out of 'Tuttk-street, Westminster ; the Front of it will be paralell to the Park-Walk ; and the Park will receive no Injury, but a great Ornament by it. III. That the said Library be built, and a perpetual yearly Revenue for the Purchase of Books setled on it by Act of Parlia- ment : Which Revenue may be under the Direction and Disposal of Curators, who are from time to time to make report to His Majesty of the State and Condition of the Library. The Curators to be IV. The choice of a proper Fund, whence the said Revenue may be raised, is left to the Wisdom of the Parliament. In the mean time, This following is humbly offer'd to Consideration. V. That, as soon as the present Tax of 40 per Cent., upon Foreign Paper, and 20 per Cent upon English, shall either expire or be taken off; there be laid a very small Tax of ...per Cent, (as it shall be judged sufficient for the uses of such a Library) upon Imported Paper only, leaving our own Manufacture free. Which Tax may be collected by His Majesty's Officers of the Customs, and paid to such Person or Persons, as shall be appointed by the Curators. VI. This being so easie a Tax, and a Burthen scarce to be felt, can create no Damp upon the Stationer's Trade. And whatsoever shall be paid by them upon this foot, being to be laid out in the APPENDIX 95 Purchase of Books, will return among them again. So that 'tis but giving with one hand, what they will receive with the other. VII. And whereas our Own White-Paper Manufacture, that was growing up so hopefully, and deserves the greatest Encouragement, being all clear gains to the Kingdom, is now almost quite sunk under the weight of the present tax ; this new one upon Imported Paper, with an Exemption of our Own, will set Ours upon the higher Ground, and give it a new Life. For whatsoever is taken from the one, is as good as given to the other. So that even without regard to this design of a Library, the Tax will be a publick Benefit. VIII. A Library erected upon this certain and perpetual Fund, may be so contriv'd for Capaciousness and Convenience, that every one that comes there, may have 200,000 Volumes, ready for his use and service. And Societies may be formed, that shall meet, and have Conferences there about matters of Learning. The Royal Society is a noble Instance in one Branch of Knowledge ; what Advantage and Glory may accrue to the Nation, by such Assemblies not confined to one Subject, but free to all parts of good Learning. IX. The Wall that shall encompass the Library, may be cased on the inside with Marbles of ancient Inscriptions, Basso Relievo's, ^fc. either found in our own Kingdom, or easily and cheaply to be had from the African Coast, and Greece, and Asia the Less. Those few Antiquities procured from the Greek Islands by the Lord Arundel, and since pubHshed both at home and abroad, are an evidence what great advancement of Learning, and honour to the Nation may be acquired by this means. X. Upon this Parliamentary Fund, the Curators, if occasion be, may take up Money at Interest, so as to lay out two or three years Revenues to buy whole Libraries at once : As at this very time, the incomparable Collections of Thuanus in France, and Marquardus Gudius in Germany, might be purchas'd at a very low Value. 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BENTLEY XL And since the Writings of the English nation have at present that great Reputation abroad, -that many Persons of all Countries learn our Language, and several travel hither for the advantage of Conversation : 'Tis easie to foresee, how much this Glory will be advanced, by erecting a free Library of all sorts of Books, where every Foreigner will have such convenience of studying. XIL 'Tis our Publick Interest and Profit, to have the Gentry of Foreign Nations acquainted with England, and have part of their Education here. And more Money will be annually imported and spent here by such Students from abroad, than the Whole Charge and Revenue of the Library will amount to. 2 [Verses on the death of Prince William, 1700*.] OUID querar ? An proprio sub pondere Magna fatiscunt, Et Natura labat dotibus ipsa suis .'' Sic moriens, Gulielme, & sceptra & vota tuorum Destituens, brevis heu Spes, diuturnus Amor. An potius, terras Deus indignatus inertes, lUustres Animas ad supera alta vocat } Nee moreris, Gulielme, volas sed vivus ad astra, • i^theriis vectus qualis Enochus equis. Et positis novus exuviis, roseo ore refulges Inter caelicolas conspiciendus Avos. Interea flendo nos frustra ducimus horas, Viventi & cassas solvimus exsequias. Scilicet : at sine Te tristi hie marcescere in aevo, Illud erit nobis, bis, Gulielme, mori. Rich. Bentley, S.T.P. Coll. Trin. Magister. * Reprinted from Threnodia Academic Cantabrigiensis in... Obitum . . . Princip'ts Gulielmi Dticis Glocestrensis. Cantabrigiae, mdcc. See Bibliography, no. 251. APPENDIX [Verses on the death of Prince George, 1708*.] I. Ad REGINAM. ACCIPE communis solatia publica luctus, ^ ^ Anna, nee alloquiis dulcibus obde fores. Namque ut Marlburii percussit nuntius aures, Dum tibi per Flandras fulminat ense plagas ; Oppetiisse tuas, Regina, Animaeque Torique Participem, ac morbo succubuisse gravi : NoN, ait ardentem lacrimis restinguere curam Nunc opus, aut querulis perdere verba modis. Pro lacrimis, refluant hostili sanguine rivi : Pro questu, reboent tympana mixta tubis. Dixit : & attoniti dira formidine Galli Bruxellis trepidae terga dedere fugae : Objectoque alii tentantes flumine Martem De Scaldi in Stygias praecipitantur aquas. II. Allocutio ad Sepulchrum. T~\ELUBRA Regum, prisca Manium domus, ^^ Suprema Britonum Principum palatia, Horrore dio plena, plena numine ; Laxate claustra, ferreosque liminis Reserate postes : Georgii Magni sacer Portatur ad vos lugubri pompa Cinis, Uxoris Ann^ atque Anglic lacrimis madens. Eheu ! quis hostis Gallus, aut quis impiae Roma tyrannus coccinatus, non tuo Dolore doleat, Anna, non flenti affleat ? Huic 6 quietas intimis Penetralibus Parate sedes ; qua (nefas) tot Liberum Jacent acerbo rapta fato corpora : Reprinted from Epicedium Cantabrigiense in.. . Georgium . . . Regina Ann