THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID CATALOGUE COLEOPTEEA OF SCOTLAND PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS, EDINBURGH* CATALOGUE OF THE COLEOPTERA OF SCOTLAND ANDREW MURRAY OF CONLAND, W.S. OP THB ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OP EDINBURGH, OP THB ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP PRANCE, ETC. AIDED BY THE REV. WILLIAM LITTLE, MESSIEURS JAMES HARDY, ROBT. HISLOP, JOHN T. SYME, DR W. H. LOWE, AND OTHER SCOTTISH ENTOMOLOGISTS. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCLIII 6,1/vfg PREFACE. THE following Catalogue has been undertaken, not solely with the view of recording some additions to the Insect Fauna of Scotland, but also with the intention of correcting the synonymy of some of the species which have been established on the authority of our great British Entomological authors, where subsequent investigations have shown that species have been improperly multiplied, or new names given to species already described. I have also wished to do something towards making our British Entomologists more familiar than they are with the names generally in use on the Continent. For these reasons I have made the following list a Synonymic Catalogue. I have adopted the arrangement of Redtenbacher, and I have done so notwithstanding some doubts of my own as to its superiority over Latreille's, partly in deference to the opinion which appears to be now generally entertained that it is the most natural, and partly because it comes nearest to that first developed and adopted by our own Stephens, and which is con- sequently already most in use in this country. As regards the synonymy of Continental authors, I have followed Gaubil's catalogue, unless in one or two instances where I had reason to suppose he was in error. As to the synonymy of species described by Mr Stephens, I have had the very great advantage of the free use of my friend Mr Little's M368B48 VI PREFACE. valuable cabinet, which, with few exceptions, had passed through the hands of Mr Stephens, and been almost entirely named by him. I had thus the advantage (second only to the use of Mr Stephens' own specimens) of examining what I may call types of his species. The distance of my place of residence from London rendered it impossible to avail myself with effect of the well-known liberality with which Mr Stephens gave access to his collection : and in estimating the value of any opinion expressed in the following pages upon the synonymy of any of his species, it must be borne in mind that I proceed upon nothing further than the testimony of species named by him ; and that, although in many instances I saw numerous series so named, I have not always found the whole of the series to con- sist of the same insect. I have further availed myself of Dr Schaum's two valuable papers on the synonymy of Mr Stephens' species of Geodephaga and Hydrocantharidse, published in the Annals of Natural His- tory and Zoologist, and of Mr Walton's papers on the Curcu- lionidsB in the Annals of Natural History. I have also been benefited by M. Jacquelin Duval's paper on the genus Bembi- dium, published in the Annals of the ^Entomological Society of France, and by his kindness in comparing my own specimens, and favouring me with his remarks upon them. To M. Aube", Paris, I owe similar thanks for having compared and authentically named my specimens of Cercyon, Anisotoma, Atomaria, and other minute and difficult genera ; also to M. Jekel, Paris, for having performed a similar good office to my Apions ; and to Professor Lacordaire of Liege, for having solved some doubts I had upon some of the Chrysomelidse. I have received similar kindness from Mr Wilson Saunders and Mr Jansen, Mr White of the British Museum, and Mr Walton of London ; and I owe much to the good offices of M. Javet of Paris. I need not make similar acknowledgments for the infor- mation derived from the works of Mulsant, Heer, Redtenbacher, others ; these are public property. PREFACE. Vii The whole of the Scottish Entomologists with whom I was acquainted, and several with whom I had no previous acquaint- ance, cordially aided me in making my list as complete as possible, by communicating to me their several captures. I owe special thanks to the Rev. William Little, Kirkpatrick- Juxta, Dumfriesshire, and to Mr Hardy, Penmanshiel, East Lothian, the latter of whom was kind enough to undertake almost entirely for me the family of the Staphylinidse, to which (of the Coleoptera) he has more particularly directed his attention ; and that family will be found to show marks of the care and accuracy for which he is remarkable. I have had the list of species found near Edinburgh made much more complete than it had previously been, by the infor- mation communicated by Dr Greville, and his son, Mr R. N. Greville, Dr. Lowe, Balgreetf, Mr E-. F. Logan, Duddingstou, and Dr Howden, Musselburgh. My information as to the insects from Lanarkshire and the neighbourhood of Glasgow has been almost wholly received from Mr Hislop, now at Blairlodge, near Falkirk, but formerly resident in Glasgow, who was aided in his investigations in the west by Mr John Gray, and Dr Colquhoun. Mr Morris Young, Paisley, has also contributed notices of some valuable captures in his neighbourhood. Mr Hardy and Mr Hislop have added much to the list of species found in Berwickshire. East Lothian has also been thoroughly examined by Mr Hardy, a work in which he has been well aided by Mr Archibald Hep- burn, near Whittingham. The Aberdeenshire localities like- wise were mostly furnished by Mr Hardy. Mr John T. Syme, now in London, Professor Fleming, of the Free Church College, Edinburgh, Mr George A. Coventry, younger of Shanwell, and myself, have more particularly worked out Fife, Perth, Kinross, and Clackmannan ; and our knowledge of the insects of the eastern part of the first of these counties has been increased by the examination of a large collection made at St Andrews by Mr Harry Goodsir, one of the surgeons Vlll PREFACE. of the unfortunate expedition under Franklin, which his brother, Professor Goodsir, of the University of Edinburgh, kindly in- trusted to me for examination. Mr John T. Syme has also examined the Orkneys and the Island of Mull, the latter of which places has likewise been gone over by Mr Hislop and myself. My information as to Sutherland and Ross-shire has been principally derived from Mr James Wilson of Woodville, one of the authors of the Entomologia Edinensis, and from Mr Hors- burgh, Tongue House, and Mr Andrew Young, Bonar Bridge, Sutherland, who have been kind enough to cause collections to be made for me. To Mr Weaver of Birmingham, and Dr Nelson of Lytham, I owe the knowledge of some interesting novelties taken in their researches in the Black forest, Rannoch. Forfarshire has been most investigated by Dr Greville and myself; and Dumfriesshire has been made entirely his own by the Rev. Mr Little, to whom it will be seen we owe a very large proportion of the rarer Scottish captures. In the Catalogue I have appended the name of the captors of the insect to those species which have only been taken by one or two persons. I have not, in every instance, had the oppor- tunity of making sure, by personal inspection, that species com- municated to me are authentic, but in most instances I have done so; and where I have not, the collector whose name is appended stands responsible for its correctness. EDINBURGH, 7 NELSON STREET, April 1853. tfac^*^ V PiJ&nMjL^ (/ f LJc). S/rlt> CATALOGUE SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA, FAMILY CICINDELIDjE. CICINDELA Lin. X C. CAMPESTRIS Lin. Steph. Occasional throughout Scotland. C. HYBRIDA Lin. Steph. var. maritima Dej. Steph. " Scotland." Stephen^ Manual. FAMILY CARABIDJ. ELAPHRUS Fab. X E. CUPREUS Duft. Steph. Common on banks of lakes, &c. uliginosus Gyll. (not Fab. Steph.) ^E. RIPARIUS Fab. Steph. Common. E. LAPPONICCS Gyll. Steph. Catlaw and Clova mountains in For- farshire running among the grass in boggy places. Miss Lyeii. St Kilda. Mr J. M'Gillivray. Edin. Phil. Jour. 2 CATALOGUE OF BLETHISA Bon. * B. MULTIPUNCTATA Lin. Steph. Occasional on margins of lakes throughout Scotland. PELOPHILA Dej. P. BOREALIS Fab. Var. Arctica Schb'nh. Taken in the Mainland of Orkney Dejeanii Gebler. in considerable numbers. Mr J. T. Syme. NOTIOPHILUS Dumeril. ^ N. AQUATICUS Lin. Steph. Common. *N. SEMIPUNCTATUS Fab. Common. Var. biguttatus Fab. Steph. NEBRIA Lat. Bonelli. HELOBIA Leach, Steph. * N. BREVICOLLIS Fab. Steph. Common everywhere. Var. lata Newm. Steph. Var. varicornis Newm. Steph. XN. NIVALIS Payk. Steph. Common. Balbi Bon. impressa Newm. Steph. Var. Gyllenhallii Curt. Steph. ^Ethiops Steph. C Marshallana Steph. Very plentiful under stones on tops Var. < hyperborea Gyll. of mountains. ( arctica Dej. LEISTUS Frcehl. X L. FULVIBARBIS Hoffm. Dej. Steph. Not rare. XL. PR^IUSTUS Fab. Not rare, rufescens Fab. Dej. Steph. terminatus Panz. Dej. L. SPINILABRIS Fab. Steph. Not uncommon at Pressmenan, rufescens Clair. Duft. Lammermuir Hills. On birch and (llOt Steph.) Oak. Mr Arch. Hepburn. brunneus Marsh. (f ( yew &irvw*4v^. 0V V(VL. C/I^A^ clcx^k irfw^L en, Ifrfrk q? crmwun^ IASL. rid SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA CYCHRUS Fab. XC. KOSTRATUS Lin. Steph. CARABUS Lin. XC. CATENULATUS Fab. Steph. C. MONILIS Fab. Steph. XC. ARVENSIS Fab. Steph. XC, CANCELLATUS III. Steph. granulatus Fab. (not Lin.) *C. CLATHRATUS Fab. Steph. Occasional. Generally distributed. Common. Near Edinburgh. Sir P. Walker. Not very common. Not rare. XC. NITENS Lin. Steph. XC. GLABRATUS Fab. Steph. XC. VIOLACEUS Lin. Steph. XC. HORTENSIS Fab. Dej. nemoralis Muller, Steph. CYMINDIS Lat. Dej. TARUS Clair. Steph. XC. BASALIS Gyll. Steph. punctata Bon. Dej. humeralis Pk. (not Fab, Steph.) DEOMIUS Bon. X D. AGILIS Fab. Steph. truncatus Fab. D. GLABRATUS Duft. Steph. X D. QUADRIMACULATUS Panz. Steph. tfD. QUADRINOTATUS Duft. Steph. XD. FASCIATUS Fab. Dej. Steph. XJD. LINEARIS Bon. Oliv. Steph. punctatostriatus Duft. prsesta Stevens. Granton. Mr R. Logan. Clova mountains, Forfarsh.; Suther- landshire. Sparingly in South of Scotland 5 ah^rjdant in, Mull. Hebrides, &c. Scarce ; but generally distributed in the mountainous parts of Scot- land. More plentiful in the north. North of Scotland. Not common. Occasional throughout Scotland. Common in spring everywhere. Under stones, on tops of high hills throughout Scotland. Under bark. Generally distributed. Cramond. Bare. Rev. w. Little. Under bark. Common. Under bark of fir-trees, near Edinb. Under stones. Salisbury Craigs, Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; East- Lothian ; Fifeshire, &c. Throughout Scotland. CATALOGUE OF D. D. X L. X L. FOVEOLTJS Gyll. Stepli. Dry upland pastures. Arthur Seat ; punctatellus Duft. Dej. Berwickshire, &c. truncatellus Lat. (not Lin. Fab.) TRUNCATELLUS Lin. Stepli. Cramond. Rev. W. Little. LEBIA Lat. LAMPRIAS Bon. Steph. CHLOROCEPHALA Ent. Heft. Scarce. Lairig, in Sutherlandshire ; * Steph. Berwickshire ; near Paisley ; Braid Hills, near Edinburgh. CRUX- MINOR Lin. Fab. var. /3 Beaten off a sallow near Luss, south nd. MI R. end of Loch Lomond . Logan. MISCODERA Esch. Steph. LEIOCHITON Curt. >CM. ARCTICA Pk. Steph. CLIVINA Lat. XC. FOSSOR Lin. Steph. Var. sanguinea Leach. COLLARIS Herbst, Steph. DYSCHIRIUS Pz. jENEUS Zieg. Steph. pusillus Steph. aeratus Hal. Steph. thoracicus ///. Steph. On tops of high hills throughout Scotland. Common. Rare. Not uncommon. Occasional. X C. * j. Steph. thoracicus Oliv. (not Steph.) . GIBBUS Fab. Panz. Steph. gloftosna Herbst. minimus Ahrens, Steph. remotus Marsh. LORICERA Lat. PILICORNIS Fab. Steph. CHLJSNIUS Bon. NIGRICORNIS Fab. Steph. Dollar. J RSehills, Dumfriessh. Mr J - T - s y me - Bev - w - Little - Occasional. Common everywhere. Occasional. South of Scotland ; Edin- burgh ; Perthshire ; Lanarkshire. rw+ f\&AJL~ , /2 irtn^w^ . SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA BADISTER Clair. *B. BIPUSTULATUS Fab. Steph. Occasional. B. HUMERALIS Duft. (2W- Loch Awe. Dr Leach. Ent. Edin. morphus) Steph. sodalis Duft. Sturm. dorsiger Duft. confinis Steph. scapularis Steph. PATROBUS Meg. Dej. XP. EXCAVATUS Pk. velox Fab. rufipes Gyll. Dej. Steph. XP. SEPTENTRIONIS Dej. Schon. alpinus Curt. Steph. SPHODRUS Clair. XS. LEUCOPHTHALMUS Lin. Steph. South of Scotland. Very rare, planus Fab* Dej. niger Payk. Occasional. Sparingly on Bep Loipiond and other Highland mountains. PRISTONYCHUS Dej. . TERRICOLA ///. Dej. Steph. subcyaneus ///. Gyll. CALATHUS Bon. . ROTUNDICOLLIS Dej. piceus Marsh. Steph. Common. Guillane Links. Var. apicalis Newm. Steph. )CC. CISTELOIDES III. Steph. *M3. FLAVIPES Pk. Steph. crocopus Hoffm. Steph. fuscus Steph. (not Fab.) XC. FUSCUS Fab. (not Steph.) Common. rufangulus Steph. ambiguus Pk. XC. OCHROPTERUS Duft. mollis Marsh. Steph. XC. MICROPTERUS Duft. Steph. microcephalus Dej. glabripennis Sturm. melanocephalus var. /3 Gyll Occasional in South of Scotland ; more plentiful in Sutherland and Ross shires. Not very common. Common everywhere. A. Murray. Sandy sea-shores. Not rare. Forfarshire, Aberdeenshire, Perth- shire, &C. Mr James Wilson. Ent. Edin. Musselburgh Links. Rev. w. Little. 6 CATALOGUE OF SYNUCHUS Gyll Steph. TAPHRIA Bon. Dej. X S. VIVALTS ///. Not common. Edinb., Fife, Forfar. nivalis Panz. Dej. Steph. ANCHOMENUS Erichson. (ANCHOMENUS Bon.) )(A. ANGUSTICOLLIS Fab. Dej. More plentiful in the northern than (Platynus Steph.) southern parts of Scotland. ssimilis ^% *; ab. Steph. Common. BIPES Fab. Erich. Steph. Common. pallip^s Fab. Dej. pavidus Panz. (AGONUM Bon. Steph.) )( A. MARGINATUS Lin. Steph. Margins of lakes, &c. throughout Scotland. X A. J&RICETI Knock. Panz. Sturm. Rare. "N>Hir ?f 1 'flji e f'- flllgeag Sterjh. <***+ <+*+"**"* #^V^^T^zC. r.ommunis Dej. Sturm. rufiventris Germar. obtusa Steph. latescens Steph. convexior Steph. plebeia Steph. Var. atrocoerulea (Meg) Steph. atrata Heer. alpicola Heer. ferrea Sturm. )C A. FAMILIARIS Duft. Dej. Steph. Common. Isevis Sturm, Steph. lucida Duft. Steph. cursor Sturm, Steph. vulgaris Mull. var. j8 Sch. X A. TIBIALIS Pk. Dej. Steph. Musselburgh Links. A. Murray. On sandy shores of lakes, &c. Not rare. Occasional. (BRADYTUS /Steph.) . FERRUGINEA Lin. fulva Degeer. pallida Fab. X A. APRICARIA Fab. Steph. torrid us Steph. ^XA. CONSULARIS Duft. Steph. crassus Steph. (LEIRUS Meg. Zimmer.) (CuuTONOTUs Steph.) X A. SPINIPES Lin. Occasional throughout Scotland, picea Fab. aulica ///. Gyll. Dej. Steph. A. CONVEXIUSCULA Marsh. Dej. Steph . Near Edinburgh . 10 CATALOGUE OF ANISODACTYLUS Dej. X A. BINOTATUS Fab. Steph. OPHONUS Zeigl XO. OBSCURUS Fab. St^ph. XO. PUNTicoLLis Payk. Steph. ^CO. PUBESCENS Payk. Steph. HARPALUS LatreUle. X H. TARDUS III. Dej. (not Steph.) Occasional, rufimanus Marsh. Steph. fuliginosus Steph. latus Steph. lentus Sturm. Common^ in Mull ; occasional near Paisley, and Glasgow. Raehills. Rev. W. Little. Near Edinburgh, Berwickshire. On sea-coasts ; near Edinburgh, East Lothian, Dumfries, &c. X H. RUBRIPES Gyll. Steph. Petisii Steph. azureus Steph. chloropterus Steph. marginellus Steph. fulvipes Steph. lentus Steph. H. PUNCTIGER Steph. . LIMBATUS Duft. Steph. rufibarbis Fab. flaviventris Sturm. . ^ENEUS Fab. Steph. Proteus Payh. concinnus Steph. subcoeruleus Steph. XH. RUFICORNIS Fab. Steph. pubescens Mull. "f* X3T. * ** STENOLOPHUS (Meg.) Dej. ACUPALPUS Lat. . Occasional ; Dollar, Edinr., Fife. Salisbury Craigs. Ent. Edin. Common. - " ~ ^ *- Common. Common. S. DORSALIS Fab. Dej. Raehills. parvulus (Trechus) Steph. Rev. w. Little. S. BRUNNIPES Duft. Steph. |^Near Paisley? atratus Dej. pallipes Steph. S. LURIDUS Dej. flavicollis Steph. (not Sturm.) i (Nea Mr M. Young.) Moffat Hills. sfear Paisley /\ Mr M. YoungX East Lothian. Mr Hardy. Rev. W. Little. : fa* . I8S6. ffiavri/frvW^,,. . aZtV-z^rt^v-i^ . / P 4-6. y ^/^ c/ SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA X A. t PiciPES Dej. Erich. Steph. OLISTHOPUS Dej. XO. ROTUND ATUS Pk. Steph. rotundicollis Steph. (Odon- tonyx Steph.) PCECILUS Bon. X P. CUPREUS Lin. Steph. Var. rufifemoratus Steph. Var. versicolor Sturm, Steph. A P. LEPIDUS Fab. Steph. ARGUTOR Meg. XA. STRENUUS III. Panz. pullus Gyll. Dej. (not Steph. diligens Steph. A. PYGM^EUS Sturm, Erich. strenuus Dej. Sleph. pullus Steph. interstinctus Steph. j{. Var. erythropus Marsh. Steph. X A. VERNALIS Dej. Steph. rufomarginatus Curl. Steph, OMASEUS Ziegler. FERONIA Dej. X O. NIGRITA Fab. Steph. rufifemoratus Steph. X O. ORINOMUM Leach, Steph. Bulwerii Steph. Not rare. Not rare. Common. Not uncommon. Tollcross, near Glasgow. Mr eisiop. Near Paisley. ) Rare. Common. Occasional in Galloway and ] friessh. Rarer towards the North. Mr M. Young. ^ O. MELANARIUS III. Steph. affinis Steph. STEROPUS Meg. FERONIA Dej. K S. MADIDUS Fab. Steph. H S. ^THIOPS Panz. Steph. Common. ^ Found sparingly in the south, east, and north of Scotland ; more plen- tiful in the west and among the Isjes. /s*-* Abundant. Very common. Not common. West of Scotland. t 8 CATALOGUE OF PLATYSMA Bon. FERONIA Dej. X P. NIGER Fab. Steph. Common. ABAX Bon. FERONIA Dej. X A. STRIOLA Fab. Steph. Occasional throughout Scotland, but not common. BROSCUS Panz. CEPHALOTES, Bon. Dej. X B. CEPHALOTES Lin. Steph. Common on sandy sea-coasts. vulgaris Bon. STOMIS Clair. Dej. \ S. PUMICATUS Panz. Dej. Steph. Occasional. X Oodts ketofio^^ ( [sCcAAXis** J /i&cv^ c, ^^ -, /&Lo*n*j 4JbL**4, SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 11 ( B. BRADYCELLUS Erich. ACUPALPUS Dej. TRECHUS Clair. Steph. COGNATUS Gyll. Dej. suturalis Steph. Deutchii Sahlberg. Alpinus Schon. HARPALINUS Dej. fulvus Steph. pallidus Steph. lapidoouo Daw* B. SIMILIS Erich. ruficollis Steph. B. COLLARIS Pk. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; Renfrewshire. Near Edinburgh ; East Lothian ; Berwickshire, &c. Salisbury Craigs, Moffat Hills, East Lothian, &c. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire. Berwickshire ; near Falkirk ; near Paisley ; Mull; Glasgow, TRECHUS Clair. IT. MICROS Herbst, Steph. rubens Duft. plan at us Duft. sericeus Fletsch. 3 /cragsicprnis Sturm. * / - &/u!#^'TA* 0(*.*4s4--ii (ptMiUjjL . tteb. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA. 15 V B. BIGUTTATUM Fab. Not rare, riparius Oliv. nigrooeneum Sturm. guttula Steph. var. fuscipes Dej. Near Paisley. Mr M. Young. var. vulneratum Dej. Occasional. Near Edinburgh ; Pais- biguttatnm Steph. ley, &c. fuscipes Steph. subfenestratum Steph. B. ^ENEIJM Germar, Steph. (Phi- locthus) Common, marinum Schiodte. 9TH DIVISION. Dej. LOPHA Meg. B. QUABRIGUTTATUM Fab. Dej. Steph. Roxburghshire ; Berwickshire, &c. chlorocephalotes $ Voet. marshy spot near bridge No. 8, var. speculare Kuster. over Union Canal, nearEdinburgh. CB.ARTICULATUM.PaW2. Ben Lomond. Dr Leach. Steph. Illust. pcecila lloffm. Steph. tfSf subglobosus Payk. 10TH DIVISION. Dej. TACHYPUS Meg. Dej. (not Steph.) B. PALLIPES Duft. Steph. Banks of Nith, near Dumfries. Rev. W. Little. ( B. FLAVIPES Lin. Steph. Banks of Teviot, opposite Minto ; impressus .Fottrc. (not Fab.) and Tweed, near Inverleithen ; Berwickshire ; near Paisley, &c. ~""7TT6 FAMILY DYTISCID^E. DYTISCUS Lin. . MARGINALIS Lin. Steph. Found in ponds throughout Scot- semistriatus Lin. land. CD. PUNCTULATUS Fab. Steph. Found in ponds throughout Scot- semisulcatus Mull. land, punctatus Oliv. Erich. porcatus Thunberg. u*ZcocA, Erich. \ A. SULCATUS Lin. Steph. Not rare, cinereus Rossi. Scoticus Curt. Steph. CATALOGUE OF XA. FASCIATUS De Geer, Steph. Taken occasionally, canaliculatus Nicolai, Aube. calignosus Curtis. sulcipennis Sahib. dispar Zieg. Lacord. COLYMBETES Clair. MELADEMA Lop. Scu- LOPTERUS Dej. XC. ruscus Lin. Steph. Occasional. striatus Dej. XC. CONSPERSUS Gyll. Aube (not Marsh.) Forfarshire. Rev. w. Little. notatus Lacord. pulverosus Knock, Sturm, Steph. VC. NOTATUS Fab. Gyll. Steph. Dollar ; Falkjrk ; Berwickshire, punctatus Hoppe. suturalis Lacord. Dej. CaL roridus Mull. flavicollis Esch. XC. COLLARIS Payk. exoletus Forst. Steph. adspersus Panz. (not Fab.) XC. BISTRIATUS Berg. Steph. agilis Payk. Erich, (not Fab.) ILYBIUS Erich. Aube. X I. ATER De Geer, Steph. quadrinotatus Steph. fenestratus Payk I. QUADRIGUTTATUS Lacord. Erich. Dej. obscurus Marsh. Steph. X I. GUTTIGER Gyll. Sahib. Erich. Steph. iramunis Steph. X I. FULGINOSUS Fab. Steph. lacustris Panz. foetidus Mull. AGABUS Leach, Aube. A. AGILIS Fab. Steph. hsemorrhoidalis Fab. var. oblongus III. Gyll. Sturm. ruficollis Schall. Braid marshes, near Edinburgh ; Glasgow. &c. ; abundant, but local near Paisley. Jislfr Dollar ; Swinton, Berwickshire ; near Glasgow and Paisley. Near Edinburgh ; .Dollar ; Kinross- shire ; Berwickshire ; Glasgow. Roxburghshire ; near Edinburgh. Frequent near Paisley. Mr M. Young. Common in pools. Raehills, Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little. r~ {VtA***VL+*4s &A*J0t**'* ^(H. ELEGANS 77%. Not frequent. Edinburgh, Fife, &c. depressus Aube, Steph. (not Fab.) brevis Sturm. X H. DAVISII Curtis, Aube, Steph. Common in running streams, boreal is Aube, Steph. (not Gytt.) minimus Duft. alpinus Duft. septentrionalis Heer. (not Gytt.) X H. FRATER Kunze, Steph. Gyll. Near Edinburgh ; Dollar; Berwick - assimilis Sturm, Payk. shire. halensis Steph. (not Fab.) areolatus Steph. III. (not Duft.) affinis Sturm. X H. SEPTENTRIONALIS Gyll. Devon ; Dollar ; Whitadder ; Esk, fluviatilis Sturm. above Musselburgh. alpinus Kunze, Steph. (not Payk. Gyll) rotundatus Knock. striolatus Dej. X H. RIVALIS Gyll. Common in running streams. fluviatilis Steph. Stephen sii Rudd, Steph. XH. HALENSIS, Fab. Aube. Raehills. Lfull. /*f*. areolatUS Duft. Rev. W. Little. Mr Hislop and Mr Syme. griseostriatus Steph. (not Degeer. Gyll. Aube.) XH. PICIPES Fab. Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little, ovalis Thun. (not Steph.) punctatus Marsh. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 19 SCHONHERRI Aube. $ Falkirk ; Loch Lomond : Bute. consobrinus Zetten. $ 77 ^ " i6 novemlineatus Rudd< Steph. % nigrolineatus Gyll. Steph. $ (not Sturm. Aube,) parallel us Aube^ var. 5 . DORSALIS, Fab. Gyll Raehills. R ev. w. Little. )(H. PALUSTRIS Lin. Sturm. Steph. Erich. Common, sexpustulatus Fab. Steph. lituratus Fab. (not Panz.) proximus Steph. var. Cambriensis Davis, Steph. X H. ERYTHROCEPHALUS Lin. Fab. Gyll. Steph. Aube. Not rare, sericeus Esch. var. deplanatus Gyll. Aube. XH. OVATUS Sturm, (not Fab.) Dollar; Berwickshire, latus lludd. Steph. castaneus Heer. )< H. NIGRITA Fab. Gyll. Sturm, Dollar ; Braid Hills, near Ediii- Erich. (not Steph.) burgh; nqa/ Paisley. Ify6. trivialis Spence, Steph. XANTHOPUS Steph. Dollar ; Swinton ;'' Berwickshire. planus Steph. Man. (not Fab.) flavipes Steph. III. (not Fab.) lituratus Brulle, Aube (not Fab.) X H. PUBESCENS Gyll. Aube, Steph. Not uncommon near Edinburgh ; piceus Sturm, Erich, (not Kinross- shire ; near Paisley, &c. Kir by, Steph) melanocephalus Marsh. Steph. Sturm, (not Gyll. Aube.) caligiuosus Steph. planus Mar^h. Steph. Illust. v #> fusculus Hellw. f // *&. nif/*not*fi* A lt4 * JV X H. VITTULA Erich. Dollar; Fife ; Kinross-shire ; Pajs- nigrita Steph. (not Fab.) jey ; Raehills, &c. "" ambignus ^Iw6^. 20 CATALOGUE OF PLANUS Fab. Gyll. Sturm, Erich. Aube, (not Steph.) Near Edinburgh ; Dumfriesshire ; flavipes Fab. Dollar. ater Forster, Steph. holosericeus Marsh. Steph. 111. pubescens Steph. (not Gyll.) fuscatus Steph. X H. MEMNONIUS Nicolai, Erich. Aube, Steph. Eaehills ; Dollar ; Kinross-shire ; niger Sturm, $ Tweed, Berwickshire. jugularis Bab. $ $ sub-elongatus Steph. <$ jnarginatus Steph. X G. NATATOR Lin. Gyll. Steph. In ponds. Common everywhere. Aube. var. substriatus Steph. )(G. MARINUS Gyll. Ahr. Erich. Duddingston Loch, and Lochend Aube. Steph. Clanal near GJasofow ft.rid Paisley ; natator Fab. (not Lin.) Linlithgow Loch. seneus Steph. var. major (not Aube.) seratus Steph. var. minor. dorsalis Gyll. var. ORECHTOCHILUS Esch. VILLOSUS Fab. Gyll. Steph. In the Jed, near Jedburgh ; Earl- Aube. ston; Loch Lomond; Kelvin ; abundant in Eden, near Nen- thorn. FAMILY HYDROPHILID^. HELOPHORUS Fab. X H. NUBILUS Fab. Steph. Not rare, cinereus Marsh. 1 8 f( ^ ty 0W'uJl4H4**. (ff6. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 23 H . XH E v&/Bru H AQUATICUS Lin. Steph. aeneus lllig. flavipes Herbst. stagnalis Marsh. grandis lllig. H. H. . GRAXULARIS Lin flavipes Fab. aquaticus Fab. griseus Herbst. affinis Marsh. DORSALIS Marsh. FENNICUS Payk. Steph. HYDROCHUS Germar. . BREVIS Herbst. Steph. Common. . Common. Dollar. Mr J. T. Syme. Occasional ; near Edinburgh ; Ber- wickshire ; Aberdeenshire. Braid Hill marshes, near Edinburgh. Abundant. CnTmpnq in riflH-.j . /!*"* H. XH. ELONGATUS Schaller, Steph. cicindeloides Marsh. AUGUSTATUS Mutter, Ger- mar. elongatus Oliv. crenatus Steph. (not Fab.) bicolor Dahl. South of Scotland, near Edinburgh. Braid Hill marshes, near Edin- burgh ; Swinton, Berwickshire ; near Glasgow. /cfJ7(. OCHTHEBIUS Leach, Lat. ENICOCERUS Curtis. O. MARINUS Payk. me rid ion a Us Dfj. pallidipennis Frivaldsky. XO. EXCULPTUS Miill. Germ. $ var. a. viridiseneus Curtis. 9 var. |3. Gibsonii Curtis. $ tristis Curtis. sulcicollis Lintz. O. PYGMAEUS Fab. minimus Fab. riparia (Hydraena) lllig. (not Steph.) impressus Marsh. Dalmeny Park, in a marsh by the Shore. Rev. W. Little. Teviot, Leith, Devon, jCart, &c. .Not scarce. Swinton sea coast, near Cock- bumspath. Mr James Hardy. 24 CATALOGUE OF HYDRJENA Kugelan. X H. RIPARIA Kug. Steph. Common, minimus Payk. (Helophorus.) longipalpis Marsh. Kugellani Leach. X H. NlGRITA (Miill.) Berwickshire. Mr Hardy. pusilla Steph. LIMNEBIUS Leach, Solier. X L. TRUNCATELLUS Thunb. Fab. Not scarce. Erich, (not Steph?) parvulus Herbst. affinis Steph. ater Steph. . NITIDUS Marsh. Steph. Not common. Water - of- Leith ; trancatellus Steph. ? Berwickshire. L. NIGRINUS Marsh. Steph. Occasional. Near Edinburgh ; River nigricans Curt. Annan, near Moffat ; Berwick- lutosus Marsh. Steph. - shire. BEROSUS Leach, Lat. B. LURIDUS Lin. Fab. Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little. (not Steph.) fuscus De Geer. globosus Curt. Steph. ? HYDROBIUS Leach. X H. FUSCIPES Lin. Steph. Common, aquaticus Lin. scarabaeoides Fab. X H. GLOBULUS Payk. (Laccobius) Common. Steph. Syn. limbatus Fab. Steph. Man. minutus Oliv. Marsh. Steph. var. bipustulatus Marsh. Steph. similis De Castelnau. LACCOBIUS Erich. HYDROBIUS Steph. ftjf. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 25 XL. MINUTUS Lin. Erich. Midi. Common. (not Steph.) chrysomelinus Mull. coccinelloides Schrk. marginellus Herbst. bipunctatus Fab. Marsh. Steph. var. striatulus Fab. Steph. var. pallidus De Castel. var. colon Steph. PHILHYDRUS Softer. HYDROBIUS Steph. X P- MELANOCEPHALUS Oliv. Gyll Not common. Fifeshire ; near Pais- Steph. Muls. ley. ochropterus Marsh. Steph. minutus Payk. marginatus Duft. dermestoides Marsh. quadripnnctatus Herbst. bicolor Fab. var. testaceus Fab. Steph. Dollar. Mr j. T. Syme. Muls. torquatus Marsh. Steph. grisescens Sturm. * falvus Marsh. Steph. XP. MARGINELLTJS Fab. Steph. Near Paisley* rare Dollar. affinis Payk. Gyll. Steph. /*3T5 Mr. M. Young. Mr J. T. Syme. var. minutus Fab. margipallens Marsh. CYLLIDIUM Erich. CHAETARTHRIA Water. CCELOSTOMA Brulle. C. SEMINULUM Payk. Among sphagnum, Berwickshire, nigrinus (Dermestes) Marsh. Mr J. Hardy, hemisphericus Dej. CYCLONOTUM Dej. Erich. CCELOSTOMA Brulle. XC. ORBICULARE Fab. Sleph. Scarce. West end of Duddingston Loch ; near Paisley ; Kilmun. 26 CATALOGUE OF SPH^ERIDIUM Fab. yS. SCARAB^EOIDES Lin. Steph. Common. quadrimaculatum Schrank. Steph. bipustulatum Herbst. (not Steph.) j(S. BIPUSTULATUM Fab. Steph. Not rare. hasmorrhoum Schrank. testudinarinm Fourc. margin atum Scriba, Fab. Steph. scarabaeoides Laich. (not Lin. Steph.) semistriatum De Cast. quadrimaculatum Marsh. (not Schrank, Steph.) Daltoni Kirby, Steph. CERCYON Leach. C. OBSOLETUM Gyll. Steph. Muls. Occasional. lugubre Oliv. Marsh. (not Erich. Heer, Muls.) atomarium Payk. K C. H^EMORRHOIDALE Fab. Steph. Common. Muls. melanocephalum var. |3 Illig. obsoletum De CasteL piceum Marsh. Steph. var. impressum Sturm. Bare. Near Edinburgh. Steph. C. H^MORRHOUM Gyll. Steph. Near Edinburgh. Rare. A. Murray. Muls. hsemorrhoidale Fab. melanocephalum var. ft Illig. xanthorrheum Leach, Steph. C. LATERALE Marsh. Steph. Not uncommon. Muls. XC. QUISQUILIUM Lin. Steph. (J Common. Muls. jjiinimus ? Scop. xanthopterum Laich. unipunctatum Fab. Steph. melanocephalus var. Herbst. dispar Payk. var. flavurn Marsh. Steph. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 27 C. UNIPDNCTATUM Lin. Muls. Common. /#** cordiger Fuessly. dispar Payk. quisquilium Steph. $ C. CENTRIMACULATUM Sturm. Edinburgh; Dumfriesshire; Kinross- Erich. Muls. shire, &c. ; common, pvgmaeum Gyll. (not ///. "Muls. Steph.) bimaculatum Steph. ustulatum Kirby. Steph. inustum Marsh. Steph. nubilipenne Steph. PYGM^UM Illig. Steph. Not uncommon. Under decaying rejectamenta on all the coasts. Muls. stercorator Steph. ferrugineum Herbst, (not Steph.) var. conspurcatum Sturm, Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little. Steph. var. merdarium Sturm. Roxburghshire. Ent. Edin. (not Steph.) X C. LITTORALE Gyll. Steph. Muls. ruficorne Kirby, Steph. binotatum Steph. dilatatum Steph. C. FLAVIPES Fab. Steph. Muls. Common, haemorrhoidale Sturm. melanocephalum Gyll. suturale Steph. femorale Steph. picinum Steph. X C. MELANOCEPHALUM Lin. Common. Steph. Muls. C. MINUTUM Fab. Steph. Muls. Near Edinburgh ; Kinross- shire ; triste ///. (not Gyll.) Dumfriesshire, &c. laevigatum Kirby, Steph. convexior Marsh. Steph. convexius Kirby, Steph. convexiusculum Marsh. Steph. . ANALE Payk. Erich. terminatum Marsh. Steph. flavipes Thunberg. apicale Steph. infuscatum Steph. var. marginellum Payk. Near Edinburgh ; Raehills ; Aber- deenshire; Paisley ; Berwickshire, &c. ^o CATALOGUE OF MEGASTERNUM Mulsant. CERCYON Steph. XM. BOLETOPHAGUM Erich. Muls. Steph. Common. acutum Steph. immune Kirby, Steph. stercorarium Marsh. Steph. immaculatum Kirby, Steph. laeve Marsh. Steph. contaminatum Kirby, Steph. ? ferrngineum Marsh. Steph. ? concinnum Marsh. Steph. ? fuscescens Steph. ? immundum Steph. ? CRYPTOPLEURUM Mulsant. CERCYON Steph. X^C. ATOMARIUM Fab. Steph. Common. ' crenatum Panz. Steph. minutum Payk. (not Steph.) merdarium Steph. var. sordidum Marsh. Steph. FAMILY PARNID$. PARNUS Fab. DRYOPS Lot. X P. PROLIFERICORNIS Fab. Not rare. Panz. Steph. auriculatus Oliv. sericeus Leach. niveus Heer. var. impressus Curtis. var. bicolor Curtis. )(P. AURIC ULATUS ///. Panz. Lat. Not rare. Steph. FAMILY ELMIDJE. ELMIS Lat. X E. ^NEUS Steph. Mutter. Dumfriesshire ; Dollar ; Whitadder ; Megerlei Duft. Berwickshire. fy SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 29 . VOLKMARI Lot. Panz. Tweed ; Teviot ; Water- of-Leith ; CarL; Devon, &c. \ E. PARALLELOPIPEDUS III. Devon, at Dead Waters. Not rare (Stenelmis) Steph. in southern counties. ^PE. CUPREUS Steph. Mutter. Wftto fl >f^fe ; Dumfriesshire ; Berwickshire. E. DARGELASII Lat. Waters in south and middle of Scot- tuberculatus Mutt, (not land. GyU.) X variabilis Leach, Steph. X E. LACUSTRIS Spence, Steph. Banks of Teviot opposite Minto. Rather plentiful. Whitadder. E. RUGOSUS Bab. m - Whitadder and Blackadder, in Ber- wickshire. FAMILY IIETEHOCEUIJ) E. HETEROCERUS Bosc. Fab. \H. MARGINATUS Fab. Marshy ground near the shore in Dalmeny Park ; Berwickshire ; near Cambuslang. FAMILY SILPUID E. NECROPHORUS Fab. X N. HUMATOR Fab. Steph. Common under carcases. \ X. VESPILLO Lin. Fab. Steph. Not very common. . VESTTGATOR, Hersch. Steph. Common, sepultor Gyll. (not Charp. Steph.) var. interruptus Steph. Occasional. (not Dej.} . MORTUORUM Fab. Steph. Not very common. NECRODES Wilkin. . LITTORALIS, Lin. Fab. Steph. Common under carcases, clavipes Sulzer. var. lividus Fab. simplicipes Dej. 30 CATALOGUE OF SILPHA Lin. Fab. OICEOPTOMA Leach. PHOSPHUGA Leach. XS< THORACICA Lin. Fab. Steph. XS. RUGOSA Lin. Fab. Steph. S. SINUATA Fab. Oliv. Steph. XS. DISPAR Herbst, Steph. )(S. OPACA Lin. Fab. Steph. S. QUADRIPUNCTATA, Lin. Fab. Steph. XS. TRISTIS Illig. Steph. ^S. OBSCURA Lin. Fab. Steph. XS. NIGRITA Creutzer, Steph. (PHOSPHUGA Leach.) XS. ATRATA Lin. Fab. Steph. SPH^ERITES Duft. HISTER Fab. S. GLABRATUS Fab. Duft. Steph. Berwickshire. CATOPS Fab. Steph. CHOLEVA Lat. Steph. PTOMAPHAGUS, III. Steph. HYDROPHILUS Fab. XC. ANGUSTATUS Fab. Steph. Occasional. (Choleva Steph.) agilis Fab. (not Illig.) elongatus Payk. rufescens Illig. (not Fab.) oblongus Lat. Spence. cisteloides Froehl. VC. FUSCUS Panz. Steph. sericeus Payk. Spence. rufescens Fab. (not ///.) } C. UMBRINUS Erich. Paisley, /t j XC. NIGRICANS Spence. Occasional, fornicatus De Geer, Steph. Soror Newm. Steph.? Occasional Plentiful, i Eare. Dumfriesshire; and near Edinburgh ; Flisk, in Fifeshire. Rare. Under rejectamenta, on shores of Lochleven. Not common. Kinross- shire ; Edin- burgh; Berwickshire; Aberdeen- shire ; Lanarkshire- &c. Very rare. Near Edinburgh ; Perth- shire. Not common. Near Edinburgh. Not common, but generally distri- buted. Not rare. Common. A single specimen. Mr Jas. Hardy. Portobello ; TIA^T "pa.islp.y ; Berwick- shire ; Dumfriesshire. / I J * Mr Morris Young. CtyU/Ufo*sv~* U^y^^^ ^^^^^ trj- SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 31 / C. PICIPES Fab. I sericeus Spence. >f C. GRANDICOLLIS Erich. X C. TRISTIS Panz. Spence. clavicornis Forst. Steph. {jC. LEACHII Spence, Steph. L C. SPENCII & C. CHRYSOMELOIDES Pam. Lat. (C. ELONGATUS Steph. X C. FESTINANS Spence, Steph. montivagus Heer. ? Kellner? C. FULIGINOSUS Erich. Kirbii Spence, Steph. FUMATUS Spence, Erich. Steph. agilis Fab. nigricollis Sturm. Watson i Spence, Steph. Frater Newm. Steph. ? H C. VELOX Spence, Erich. Steph Wilkinii Spence, Steph: nubifer Newm. Steph. SERICEUS Fab. Panz. (not Payk. nor Spence.) truncatus Illig. Steph. villosus Lat. Spence. picipes Kugellan. C. PR^ECOX Erich. C. ANISOTOMOIDES, Spence, Steph. . DAVISII Steph. COLON Herbst. MYLAECHUS Lat. Steph. CATOPS, Sahib. Gyll. C. CLAVIGER Herbst. C. DENTIPES Sahib. X.C. BRUNNEUS Spence, Lat. C. FDSCULUS Erich. Near Edinburgh. Kirkcudbright Dumfriesshire. Dumfriesshire ; Paisley. Near Edinburgh ; near EaMey. Carfin; Raehills ; Berwickshire; Aberdeenshire. Near Edinburgh. Ent. Ed\ Raehills. R ev . \v. Litti^) Near Edinburgh. Not common. East Lothian ; Berwickshire. Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Guillane Links, East Lothian ; Dum- friesshire : Paisley, &c. t ; ) / in)\ -^ Kinross- shire; Dumfriesshire; Edin- burgh. Dumfriesshire, and near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; near Paisley ; Aberdeenshire ; Dollar, &c. Near Edinburgh ; Dumfriesshire ; Renfrewshire V Berwickshire. />** Common. Dumfriesshire. Rev. \v. Little. Not common. Berwickshire ; near Edinburgh, &c. Castle Campbell, near Dollar ; Neii-) thorn. Dumfriesshire. Rev. vv. Little. Near Edinburgh ; Dumfriesshire. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; in. mos$ near Paisley. fSs~t>. Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little. 32 CATALOGUE OF LEPTINUS Mutter. 4- ^ L. TESTACEUS Muller, Hardy. Near Paisley. /6$~6 Mr Morris Young. FAMILY PTILIDjE. In putrid fungi, &c. On wall-tops near Edinburgh. A. Murray. TRICHOPTERYX Kirby, Steph. X T. FASCICULARIS Herbst. atomaria Steph. (not De Geer.) minutissima Marsh. lata Motsch. grandicollis Erich, (not Mark.) T. DEPRESSA Sturm. sericans Heer. volans Motsch. acuminata Motsch. bovina Motsch. PTILIUM Schilp. Erich. TRICHOPTERYX Heer. Alib. Steph. P. KUNZEI Heer. nana Steph. longicorne Marhel, (not Motsch.) P. MINIMUM Herbst. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Dalmeny, &c, foveolatum Allibert. excavatum Mark. limbatum Motsch. (not Heer.) Gallicum Motsch. PTENIDIUM Erichson. ANISARTHRIA Steph. TRICHOPTERYX Heer. Allib. Gillm. Wall-top, Slateford ; Barnton. P. PUSILLUM Gyll. (Scaphi- dium, Gyll.) Steph. nitidum Heer, (not Steph.) quadrifoveolatum Allib. Cramond. Roslin. Ent. Edin. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 33 P. PERPUSILLUM Marsh. Steph. Raehills ; Girrick, Nenthorn. melas Marsh. Steph. nitidum Steph. P. NITIDULUM Marsh. Steph. Cramond. R ev . w. Little. FAMILY ANISOTOMID^E. HYDNOBIUS Schmidt. ANISOTOMA Sturm. LEIODES Steph. H. PUNCTATISSIMUS Steph. ANISOTOMA ttoc. Schmidt. TETRATOMA Panzer. LEIODES Steph. A. CINNAMOMEA Panz. Steph. PICEA Illig. Steph. consobrina Sahl. A. OBESA Schmidt. var. b. picea Gyll. armata Payk. Steph. X A. DUBIA Illig. Var. rufipenne Payk. Steph. A. FERRUGINEA Gyll. Steph. arenaria Rudd. Steph. suturalis Steph. testacea Steph. A. OVALIS Schmidt. Marshami Steph. A. CALCARATA Schm. thoracica Steph. Dillwynii Steph. A. LITURA Steph. A. PALLENS Sturm. A. BADIA Sturm. Steph. (not Schmidt.) laevicollis Sahl. A. PARVULA Sahl. brunnea Gyll. Steph. Gyllenhalii Steph. Badia Schmidt, (not Sturm.) Dalmeny Park. Mr R. N. Greviiie. Vicar's Bridge, Dollar. Mr j. T. Syme. Near Edinburgh ; Paislej. /$& Near Musselburgh. Ent. Edin. Dalmeny Park, Cramond ; Berwick- shire ; Kinross-shirls.. - Near Edinburgh ; Dumfriesshire ; Kinross-shire. Dumfriesshire ; Kinross-shire. Near Edinburgh ; Dumfriesshire. Dumfriesshire ; Edinburgh. Rev. W. Little. Cramond. Rev. w. Little. Cramond. Rev. w. Little. Dalmeny Park; Berwickshire; Gir- rick, Nenthorn. 34 CATALOGUE OF A. MULTISTRIATA Gyll. Steph. Dalmeuy Park. Mr R. N. Greville. A. CASTANEA Illig. Steph. (not Roslin. Cramond. Ent. Edin. Kug.) A. MARITIMA Rudd. Steph. Joppa, near Edinburgh ; Cramond. Mr J. T. Syrae. Rev, W. Little. Dumfriesshire ; near Edinburgh ; Kinross- shire. A. POLITA Mar. Steph. castanea Mar. (not Kug. nor Steph.) A. NIGRICOLLIS Steph. Cramond. Rev. W. Little. COLENIS Erich. ANISOTOMA Schmidt. LEIODES Steph. C. DENTIPES Gyll. Rare. Cramond ; Dalmeny ; Ber- aciculata Steph. wickshire ; Hamilton ; Paisley. immundum (Sphaeridium) Sturm. LIODES Erich. ANISOTOMA Knock. Dej. LEIODES Lot. Steph. L. HUMERALIS Kug. Steph. In fungi. Edinburgh ; Dollar ; Paisley ; Berwickshire ; Aber- "deenshire, &c. AMPHICYLLIS Erich. AGATHiDiUMStow. Steph. A. GLOBUS Fab. Steph. Kelvin Bank ; Cramond ; Mussel- ruficollis Oliv. burgh. var. staphylaeum Gyll. ferrugineum Sturm. Steph. Scarce near Edinburgh. Local, but plentiful, near Paisley. AGATHIDIUM ///. A. NIGRIPENNE Kug. Panz. ruficolle Marsh. Steph. A. ATRUM Steph. (Sphaeridium) Scarce near Edinburgh. Berwick- Pa^, shire and East Lothian, Not rare rufipes Steph. near Paisley, fifi"" A. SEMINULUM Lin. Gyll. Steph. Berwickshire and Aberdeenshire. globoSUm Illig. Mr Jg,s. Hardy. A. LAEVIGATUM Erich. Wall-tops, in autumn. Cramond. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 35 A. NIGRINUM Sturm. Steph. Dalmeny Park ; Cramond. orbiculare Steph. . PUNCTULUM Beck. Corstorphine Hill. Condon, pgfir nanum Steph. Paisley. /Sf& A. MINUTDM Sturm. Steph. Berwickshire. Mr James Hardy. A. CARBONARIUM Sturm. Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little. CLAMBUS Fischer. C. ENSHAMENSIS West. Steph. Raehills ; near Edinburgh ; Ber- wickshire. C. ARMADILLOS De Geer, Steph. Girrick, JSTenthorn. MrHisiop. cephalotes Dej. convexus Marsh. C. NIGRICLAVIS Rudd. Steph. Kelvin, in moss.///^ MrHisiop. FAMILY PHALACRIDjE. PHALACRUS Payk. Ph. CORRUSCUS Panz. Steph. Dumfriesshire. Under bark, near fimetarius Fab. Berwick. ater Panz. Rev - w ' Little. C. C. Babington. Ph. SUBSTRIATUS Gyll. Steph. Girrick, Berwickshire. Mr R. Hisiop. Mille-folii Steph. (not Payk. Gyll.) trichopus Waltl. punctato-striatus Waltl. PH. CARICIS Sturm. Steph. Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little. Mille-folii Gyll III. punctulatus Dej. OLIBRUS Erich. PHALACRUS Payk. Steph. O. CORTICALIS Schdn. Steph. " Ravelstone Wood ; under the bark stercoreus Fab. of firs in winter." Kinross-shire. Dr Leach. Ent. Edin. A. Murray. O. BICOLOR Fab. Steph. var. flavicornis Sturm. Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little. Steph. 36 CATALOGUE OP O. JENEUS Illiger, Fab. Steph. Generally distributed. ovatus Marsh. Steph. cognatus Steph. O. PICEUS (Knock) Steph. Dumfriesshire. R ev . w. Little. FAMILY MTIDIHIDE. CERCUS Lat. Erich. CATERETES Heer. Steph. C. PEDICULARIUS Lin. Fab. Berwickshire and East Lothian. Steph. ^ r J ames Hardy. truncatus Fab. f Spirese (Anisocerus) Howitt, Steph. C. BIPUSTCJLATUS, Payk. Steph. Occasional. BRACHYPTERTJS Kug. CATERETES Steph. XB. URTIC.E Fab. Steph. Very common. /^r6 CARPOPHILUS Leach, Steph. C. HEMIPTERUS Lin. Edinburgh a single specimen ; (in- flexuosus Payk. Steph. troduced from abroad.) A. .Murray. bimaculatus Oliv. cadaverinus Fab. Ficus Fab. C. QUADRISIGNATUS Erich. Edinburgh in a box of figs from Smyrna ; (likewise introduced.) Dr Lowe. EPURJEA Erich. NITIDULA Fab. Steph. ^C E. AESTivAZm. Steph. (not///.) Common near Edinburgh; East depressa Gyll. (not Lin.) Lothian ; Aberdeenshire. obsoleta Herbst< Steph. villosa Thun. Steph. ochracea Erich. \ E. OBSOLETA, Fab. Steph. Linlithgow ; Edinburgh ; Paisley. 7 ^ SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 37 E. PUSILLA Illig. Steph. E. OBLONGA, Herbst, Steph. E. VARIEGATA Herbst, Gyll. impressa Kirby, Steph. E. MELANOCEPHALA, Marsh. In woods near Kirriemuir, Forfar- shire ; Berwickshire ; East Lo- thian; Aberdeenshire. On flowers. Occasional. Edinburgh ; Dollar, &c. Near Edinburgh on plants, and under bark of trees ; Berwickshire. truncata, Kirby, Steph. discolor Wall. ferruginea Heer. var. brunnea, Heer. var. affinis Mar. Steph. E. DECEMGUTTATA Fab. Steph. NITIDULA, Fab. Steph. N. BIPUSTULATA Lin. Steph. SORONIA Erich. NITIDULA, Fab. Heer. Steph. S. PUNCTATISSIMA ///. Steph. $- GRISEA Lin. Steph. var. varia Fab. variegata Oliv. OMOSITA Erich. NITIDULA Fab. Heer, Steph. O. DEPRESSA Lin. Steph. sordid a Fab. Colon Herbst, (not Lin.) varia Oliv. immaculata Oliv. O. COLON Lin. Steph. hsemorrhoidalis Fab. O. DISCOIDEA Fab. Steph. MELIGETHES Kirby, Erich. Steph. NITIDULA Fab. Dej. M. RUFIPES Gyll. Steph. flavimanus Kirby , Steph. Dollar. Bare. Cramond. Mr J. T. Syme. Ent. Edin. Generally distributed, but in no great numbers. Hawick and Jedburgh. Ent. Edin. Scarce. Near Edinburgh, Dollar, &c. On decaying animal matter. Fife- shire. A. Murray. Not rare on bones, &c. Not rare on bones, &c. Occasional. 38 CATALOGUE OP >(M. .ENEUS Fab. Erich. Steph. Common, psyllius Herbst. Urticae Sam. Steph. subtilis Waltl. alpestris Heer. var. coeruleus Herbst, Steph. var. olivaceus Gyll. V M. VIRIDESCENS Fab. Steph. Very common. 18 fl seneus var. y Schon. X M. PEDICULARIUS Gyll. Steph. Plentiful. /*** M. XANTHOCERAS Steph. In flowers. Cramond. Rev. w. Little. M. NIGRINUS Marsh. Kaehills. Dumfriesshire. aathiops Lat. Rev. w. Little. THALYCRA Erich. STRONGYLUS Erich. Dej. Steph. T. SERICEA Sturm. Erich. Near Annan. Ent, Edin. fervida Gyll. Steph. POCADIUS Erich. STRONGYLUS Herbst, Dej. Steph. CYCHRAMUS Heer. y^ P. FERRUGINEUS Fab. Stepfy. .In fungi; rare; near Edinburgh; sestivus Herbst. Coldstream, Berwickshire, striatus Oliv. CYCHRAMUS Kugelann, Erich. STRONGYLUS Herbst, Dej. CAMPTA Kir by, Steph. "^Cc. LUTEUS Fab. Steph. Dumfriesshire Ayrshire^ and SoigljfK of Scotland. ' Wo IPS Fab. Steph. I. QUADRIGUTTATA Fab. VlM'j" 1'ai'Oi ftTc Jff PaiiotOjip Mi t. yuuti^. V I. QUADRIPUNCTATA Herbst, Under bark. Dumfriesshire, Ber- ** Oliv. Steph. wickshire, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire, Glasgow, &c. More readily found among sawn wood. ^* \-J SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 39 X'l. QUADRIPUSTULATA Lin. Found throughout the year under Steph. bark of decayed fir-trees at Rae- quadripustulata De Geer. hills in Dumfriesshire ; Renjigjg- ^jffii Berwickshire. /&?* J. FERRUGINEA Lin. Steph. (Pi- Under bark. Forfarshire ; Dum- tiophagus Schuk.) friesshire ; Berwickshire, &c. dermestoides Panz. linearis Lot. RHIZOPHAGUS Herbst, Gyll. Steph. LYCTUS Fab. Payk. SYNCHITA Duft. R. DEPRESSUS Fab. Berwickshire, and Aberdeenshire. Mr Hardy. XR. FERRUGINEUS Payk. Steph. Not common. ^( R. DISPAR Payk. Steph. Commonest of the genus, elongatus Oliv. bipustulatus var. Duft. )CR. BIPUSTULATUS Fab. Steph. Not uncommon. > dispar var. b. Payk. c. Gyll. bipunctatus Herbst. R. CYLINDRICUS Sleph. Berwickshire and Aberdeenshire. Mr Hardy. TROGOSITA Oliv. Steph. XT. MAURITANICA Lin. Oliv. A single specimen taken in the town caraboides Fab. of Edinburgh. A. Murray. FAMILY COLYUHDE. SARROTRIUM ///. Steph. ORTHOCERUS Lot. X. S. CLAVICORNE Lin. Dalmeny. A single specimen. muticum Lin. Fab. Steph. Rev - w - Little - hirticornis De Geer. DITOMA Illiger. BITOMA Herbst, Steph. SYNCHITA Duft. 40 CATALOGUE OF D. CRENATA Fab. Steph. Duddingston and south of Scotland, var. rufipennis Fab. Ent. Edin. picipes Oliv. FAMILY CRYPTOPHAGIDJ. SYLVANUS Lat. Gyll Steph. LYCTUS Fab. S. FRUMENTARIUS Fab. In Edinburgh. Imported with sugar sexdentatus Fab. from abroad. A. Murray. Surinamensis Lin. Steph. . BIDENTATUS 'Fab. Dvft. Common ; likewise imported, sulcatus Fab. dentatus Marsh. Steph. TELMATOPHILUS Heer. CRYPTOPHAGUS Gyll. Steph. LIMNESIUS Dej. TYPH^EA Kirby. . TYPH.E Fallen, Heer, Steph. Near Dunse, and Simprim, Berwick- shire. T. CARICIS Oliv. Steph. Dollar. Lochend, near Edinburgh. Mr J. T. Syme. A. Murray. ANTHEROPHAGUS Kusch. Lat. Steph. A. SILACEUS Herbst, Steph. Rare. Fifeshire. A. Murray, (not Gyll.) )/A. PALLENS Gyll. Steph. Scarce. Edinburgh, Dumfriesshire, Dollar, Berwickshire. CRYPTOPHAGUS Herbst, Lat. Steph. C. LYCOPERDI Fab. Steph. Not uncommon. Fungorum Panz. Sturm. . SCANICUS Lin. Common. cellaris Fab. Payk. Steph. (not Scopoli.) humeralis Steph. denticulatus Marsh. var. cellaris Sturm. patruelis Sturm. J ^i^c&zjw^t^ i^J&z / TTT^^J&^^ cj&^ \M / If^iilAuJ^t s^Jfi OlA-JL, SCOTTISH COLEOPTEHA 41 \ C. FUMATUS Gyll. Steph. BITUBERCULATUS Kirby, Steph. PARAMECOSOMA Curt. Erich. Steph. P. ABIETIS Payk. Gyll. Ulicis (Cryptophagus) Kirby, Steph. >CP. MELANOCEPHALA Herbst. fungorum Gyll. bicolor Curtis, Steph. ATOMARIA Kirby, Heer, Steph. A. NIGRIPENNIS Payk. GylL Steph. ruficollis Panz. A. MESOMELAS Herbst. Erich. Steph. phoeorrhea Marsh. globula Gyll. dimidiata Marsh. Steph. var. guttula Manner. ,. ATRA Herbst. Gyll. * fimetaria Payk. nitidula Marsh. >.. carbonaria Kirby, J*- rm M - r*l)** 1 /!/..' A. A. A. A. A. fuscata Heer. nigriventris Kirby, Steph. TERMINATA Heer, Er. LINEARIS Steph. pygmaea Heer. Dumetorum Dej. RUFA Chevrier. basella Kirby, Steph. ATRICAPILLA Kirby, Steph. NIGRICEPS Erich. PUSILLA Payk. Gyll. phseogaster Marsh. Steph. thoracica Steph. ruficornis Marsh. Steph. ? Occasional. Jedburgh, an^ also in ^rffyllsbjre. Common. Cramond Park. Very rare. gaisley. R ev . w. Little. Mr M. Young, t Cramond and Dalmeny woods. Among the roots of grass. Not Common. Ent. Edin. ,4* Common. Near Edinburgh. Dalmeny ; Ravel - stone ; Paisley : Berwickshire ; Dumfriesshire, &c. Salisbury Craigs. RaehiUs. A. Murray. Rev. W. Little. Common. Berwickshire. Mr Hardy. Dumfriesshire /? Rev. w. Little. Raehills ; Nenthorn. ,,XV. ANTHRENUS Geoff. A. SCROPHULARI^E Lin. Steph. Very rare. Near Edinburgh. var. Histrio Fab. Ent. Edin. Verbasci Herbst, (not Oliv. nor Fab.) Dalmeny Park ; Girrick ; near Cold- stream. A. VARIUS Fab. (not Steph.) Verbasci Oliv. Steph. tricolor Herbst. pictus Meg. Scrophularias Sum. A. MUS^EORUM Lin. Steph. Verbasci Fab. fuscus Oliv. obscurus Schon. varius Steph. (not Fab.) Jedburgh. Rev. W. Little. FAMILY GEORYSSID^E. GEORYSSUS Lat. G. PYGM^EUS Fab. Steph. dubius Panz. crenulatus Rossi. River Annan, near Moftat. Ent. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 45 FAMILY BYRRHID^E. ASPIDIPHORUS Lat. A. ORBICULATUS Gyll. Steph. Viennensis Zeig. SIMPLOCARIA Marsh. ,S. SEMISTRIATA Fab. Steph. picipes Oliv. Steph. BYRRHUS Lin. ^B. PILULA Lin. Steph. B. FASCIATUS Lin. Fab. Steph. (not Herbst.) B. DORSALIS Fab. Steph. (not Panz.) CYTILLUS Erich. BYRRHUS Fab. Steph. . VARIUS Fab. inaculatus Herbst. sericeus Steph. bicolor Marsh. pilula De Geer. MORYCHUS Erich. BYRRHUS Fab. Steph. M. ^NEUS Fab. Steph. In moss, Berwickshire ; Kirkpatrick Juxta, Dumfriesshire. Occasional. Occasional. On the summits of high hills ; Edinburgh ; Kinross -shire ; Forfarshire ; Sutherland, &c. Musselburgh ; Fife ; Berwickshire, on heaths ; Sutherland, &c. Near Edin. ; Forfarsh. ; Grampians. Not scarce. Very scarce near Edinburgh. Dum- friesshire; more plentiful in Ar- yllshire and Ayrshire ; and abuu- ant on the sandy links of Aber- deen ; also found at St Kilda. FAMILY THROSCIDjE. THROSCUS Lat. Steph. ELATER Lin. Oliv. TRIXAGUS Kugel. 46 CATALOGUE OF ^T. DERMESTOIDES Lin. Steph. Pentlands. Pfliglgy j clavicornis Oliv. adstrictor Fab. FAMILY HISTRIDJ. HISTER Lin. I. UNICOLOR Lin. Steph. Occasional. i*JI. CADAVERINUS Ent: Heft. Not scarce. Steph. brunneus Illig. impressus Fab. H. NEGLECTUS Germ. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Queensferry, Fife, Forfarshire. Y*H. CARBONARIUS Ent: Heft. Steph. Occasional, striatus Illig. XH. PURPURASCENS Payk. Steph. Occasional. >(H. BIMACULATUS Lin. Steph. Portobello; Queensferry; GlasgQff H. DUODECIMSTRIATUS Payk. ^ ^ -+*~ r ._ jfjpbtjjl yCt.^L <7?iS. Kaehills. Rev. W. Little. DENDROPHILUS Leach^ Erich. Steph. HISTER Lin. D. PUNCTATUS Payk. Steph. Under bark of trees at Cramond. SAPRINUS Erich. Steph. HISTER Payk. S. ROTUNDATUS Itt. Steph. Cramond ; Edinburgh and Glasgow. conjugatus /#. Not common. 7^S. JENEUS Fab. Steph. Common in cow-dung in summer months. S. MARITIMUS Kirby, Steph. Under carcasses on shores of Firth of Forth. >C.S. NITIDULUS Fab. Steph. Edinburgh, Dumfries, Kinross shires, ' acuminatus Fab. &c. Common. + semistriatus Ent: I+MJLL&JZU ONTHOPHILUS Leach, Erich. Steph. /*/*- . J^ ^^WC^^ SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 47 . STRIATUS Fab. Steph. Occasional. sulcatus Oliv. (not Fab.) /i, Lat. Steph. A. GLOBOSUS Ent: Heft. Steph. Near Edinburgh. Near Peterhead. A. NIGRICORNIS Ent: Heft. Payk. Raehills. Rev. w. Little. minutus Fab. Steph. FAMILY SCVHAI! EIUE. DIVISION LUCANIDJE. M l Leay. PLATYCERUS Geoff. Lat. Steph. Luc ANUS Lin. CERUCHUS M 1 L. P. CARABOIDES Lin. Steph. Aberdeenshire. SINODENDRON Fab. S. CYLINDRICUM Lin. Steph. Black Forest, Perthshire. Dr Nelson. DIVISION GEOTRUPnXE. GEOTRUPES Lat. >CG. STERCORARIUS Lin. Steph. Common throughout Scotland, /fcd (Jspiniger Marsh. (jr. MUTATOR Marsh. Steph. Galloway. Mr J. T. Syme. stercorarius Herbst. politus Malin. G. PUNCTATOSTRIATUS Kirby^ Steph. Dollar and Aberdeensh. Mr j. T. Syme. . SYLVATICUS Panz. Steph. Not uncommon. stercorosus (Hart.) Scriba. . VSRNALIS Lin. Steph. Cheviots ; Benlomond; Sutherland- "laevis Curt. Steph. shire. * CERATOPHYUS Fisch. GEOTRUTES Lat. Dej. TYPHOUS Leach, Steph. 48 CATALOGUE OP Y C. TYPHOUS Lin. vulgaris Leach, Steph. Forfar shire. Misses Lyell. Ent. Edin. DIVISION COPRID-ZE. ONTHOPHAGUS Lat. ^ O. OVATUS Lin. Steph. $ var. fucatus Muls. + \ \ Plentiful in sheep's dung on south ['ArthurSeat. Dollar. DIVISION APHODIIDJE. COLOBOPTERUS Muls. APHODIUS ///. Steph. C. ERRATICUS Lin. Steph. OTOPHORUS Muls. APHODIUS ///. Steph. O. HJEMORRHOIDALIS Lin. Steph. alpinus Scopoli. granarius Fab. TEUCHESTES Muls. APHODIUS ///. Steph. VT. FOSSOR Lin. Steph. APHODIUS III Steph. SCYBALARIUS Fab. Steph. conflagratus Herbst. conspurcatus Mutter. coprinus Marsh. RUFIMANUS Steph. N/ A. FIMETARIUS Lin. Steph. A. LAPPONUM Schon. Gyll. Rhenonum Zett. subalpinus Hardy. ^ A. ATER De Geer, III. Muls. terrestris Fab. Steph. obscurus Marsh. var. A. terrenus Muls. (not Kirby, Steph.) A. TERRENUS Kirby, Steph. pusillus Marsh. Seaton, near D unbar; Berwickshire. Fields near Colinton, and irrigated meadows at Restalrig. Ent. Edin. Common. Near Edinburgh, Fife, &c. Not very common. Argyllshire. 9&tt> Rev. w. Little. Common, ^{fc Forfarshire ; Perthshire ; Berwick- shire ; hills near Moffat. Common. Fifeshire. A. Murray. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 49 A. QUADRIMACULATUS Lin. Steph. Pentlands. Mr R.Logan. quadripustulatus Fab. saDguinolentus Panz. A. ULIGINOSUS Hardy. Berwickshire ; Grampians in For- farshire. A. PUSILLUS Herbst, Schon. Steph. Musselburgh. Mr J. Howden. granarius Fab. Illig. Steph. granum Gyll. Steph. A. SORDIDUS Fab. III. Steph. Not common. Near Edinburgh ; Fife, var. rufescens Fab. Muls. Common in Berwickshire ; and near Dunbar, in gast Lothian. y( A. MERDARIUS Fab. Steph. Common, ibi v quisquilius Schrank. A. MELANOPUS Kirby, Steph. Not common. A. MELANOSTICTUS (Schup) Schmidt. Near Edinburgh. Not common, conspurcatus Fab. Steph. Ent - Edin - A. INQUINATUS Herbst, Steph. Dollar; Kinross - shire ; Fife; near distinctus Muller. Edinburgh ; Berwickshire, vaginosus Fuessly. conspurcatus Schrank. (not Fab.) tessulattis (?) Laich. attaminatus Marsh. A. TESSULATUS Creutz. Steph. Arthur Seat, inquinatus Oliv. A. STICTICUS Panz. Steph. Near Edinburgh. Ent. Edin. nemoralis Panz. A. PORCUS Fab. Steph. anchoreta Panz. turpis Marsh. var. ruficrus Marsh. Muls. Dollar. Mr j. T. Syme. ACROSSUS Muls. APHODIUS ///. Steph. "X A. RUFIPES Lin. Steph. Common. /Sfj oblongus Schrank. A. LURIDUS Fab. Steph. Not rare, rufipes Illig. var. nigripes Schon. Dej. Steph. The commoner form. V 1 50 CATALOGUE OF A. DEPRESSUS Kugel. Steph. Plentiful in Orkney ; rare elsewhere. nigripes Duft. In bogs in Berwickshire ; near Edin- burgh. MELINOPTERUS Muls. , , APHODIUS III. Steph. CONTAMINATUS Her bst. Steph. Very common in autumn. conspurcatus Oliv. (not Fab.) PRODROMUS Brahm. Steph. Very plentiful in spring and sum contaminatus Herbst. consputus Duft. sphacelatus Zetter. $ Steph. conspurcatus Laich. HEPTAULACUS Muls. APHODIUS ///. Steph. H. Sus Herbst, Steph. Taken most abundantly by J. Eaw- pubescens Oliv. lins, Esq., in a field by Ravelston wood, near Edinburgh. Dr Leach in Steph. Illust. DIASTICTUS Muls. PSAMMODIUS Sturm, Dej. Steph. D. VULNERATUS Sturm. Scarce. Avon, near Linlithgow. Sabuleti ///. Steph. Under stones near Musselburgh. semipunctatus Bon. DIVISION TROGIMJ. JEGIALIA Lat. M. ARENARIA Fab. Shores of Firth of Forth. Occasional. globosa Kug. Steph. TKOX Fab. T. 8CABER Lin. Steph. J ardine Hall. Sir Wm. Jardine, Bart. arenosus Gmel. (not GylL) arenarius Fab. (not Payk.) barbosus Laich. hispidus Payh, (not Laich.) DIVISION MELOLONTHmffi. MELOLONTHA Fab. % M. VULGARIS Fab. Steph. Dalkeith Park, Lanark, Sorn, Rae- majalis Molli. hills, and Mofi^t ; Glencoe, &c. ^L^ QC^y^^r^^i^ $t^ / (LS? cu^^t^^i SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 51 . HIPPOCASTANI Fab. Steph. Hamilton, Falkirk, and Levensjde. vulgaris, var. Oliv. Mr Hi8 Jp. ANOMALA Koppe, Steph. Muls. EUCHLORA, M'Leay, Muls. . FRISCHII Fab. Steph. Sea -shore, Guillane Links; near (not Panz.) Montrose ; Ayrshire, iftt Julii Payk. PHYLLOPERTHA Kirby. . HORTICOLA Lin. Steph. Pentlands, Aberdeensh., Sutherland, Argyllshire, ar. suturalis Nt SERICA M'Leay. BRUNNEA Lin. Steph. fulva De Geer. fulvescens Fourc. Generally distributed throughout Scotland. A crepuscular insect. T. C, DIVISION CETONID.ZE. TRICHIUS Fab. FASCIATUS Lin. Fab. Steph. Perthsh., Inverness, Aberdeensh., &c. succinctus Lat. Most abundant on banks of the Caledonian Canal. CETONIA Fab. AURATA Lin. Steph. Wigtonshire, Ayrshire, tfrf OBSCURA Dej* Black Forest, Perthshire. Mr Weaver. Dr Nelson. FAMILY BUPRESTID$. AGRILUS Curtis. A. LITTLEI Schuck. About three dozen specimens found, on one occasion, on the willow at Raehills, in the month of June. Rev. W. Little. * C. OBSCURA Dej. is considered by recent authors a mere variety of C. ^ENEA Illig. produced by climate or food ; but as it is sufficiently distinct to be readily recognised, and is well known on the Continent by this name, I have preferred to keep it a distinct species. A. M. CATALOGUE OP FAMILY ELATERIDJ. MELANOTUS Esch. L. Redtenbacher. CRATONYCHUS Dej. M. RUFIPES Herbst. Near Edinburgh ; Black Forest, fulvipes Herbst, Steph. Perthshire ; Dumfriesshire. LACON Laporte, L. Redten. AGRYPNUS Esch. Dej. LEPIDOTUS Steph. XL. MURINUS Lin. Steph. Not rare. ATHOUS Esch. X A. HIRTUS Herbst. Common, aterrimus Fab. niger Oliv. Steph. A. LONGICOLLIS Fab. Steph. Dalmeny Park, near Edinburgh, marginatus Payk. marginellus Herbst. X A.H^EMORRHOIDALIS Fab. Steph. Common. /&( ruficaudis Gyll. analis Herbst. var. obscurus Payk. Dollar. Mr j. T. Syme. XA. VITTATUS Fab. Steph. Occasional, subfuscus Gyll. stricticollis Panz. CAMPYLUS Fisch. EXOPHTHALMUS Lat. HAMMONIUS Meg. X C. LINEARIS Fab. Steph. In rotten birch and alder stumps, c? dispar Payk. Berwickshire ; Dumfries ; Dollar. LIMONIUS Esch. Redten. XL. CYLINDRICUS Payk. Steph. Hare. Raeh^Us ; East Lothian ; Berwickshire. L. SERRATICORNIS Payk. Steph. Near the village of Denholm, Rox- serricornis Herbst. burghshire. EnL Edin - >CL. MINUTUS iu. Steph. Scarce. Near Edinburgh ; Ber- ^ * nitidicollis \Meg.) wickshire. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 53 CARDIOPHORUS Esch. Redten. APLOTARSUS Steph. CALODERUS Steph. C. RUFIPES Fab. Steph. Cramond ; Berwickshire, &c. Not scarce. *O. QUERCUS Steph. In company with C. rufipes. Per- haps one of the sexes of that species. C. EQUISETI Herbst, Steph, Rare. Woods near Mortonhall. filiformis Rossi. E "t- Edin. pilosus Herbst. XC. TESTACEUS Fab. Steph. Dalmeny ; south side of Blackford fugax Fab. Hill ; Berwickshire, &c. ELATER Lin. Esch. AMPEDUS (Meg.) Dej. yE. LYTHROPTERUS Germar. Raehills, in decayed birch -trees dur- sanguineus Steph. (not Lin.) ing winter. Very rare. semiruber Hoff. Steph. Rev - w - Little - XE. BALTEATUS Lin. Steph. East Lothian, Pentlands, Renfrew- shire, and Lanarkshire. E. USTULATUS Payh. Steph. Castle Campbell wood, Dollar. Mr J. T. Syme. XE. MARITIMUS Curtis, Steph. "Rfl1]fl.phuJishj water of Dryfe. Mr Curtis. /* Rev. W. Little. CRYPTOHYPNUS Esch. Dej. HYPNOIDUS Steph. . RIPARIUS Fab. Steph. Very common. /&&> feneus Marsh. littoreus Herbst. C. QUADRIPUSTULATUS Fab. Banks of Kinnel. Rev. \v. Little. (not Steph.) Agricola Zetter. Steph. quadrum Gyll. . DERMESTOIDES Herbst, Steph. Not unfrequent under stones on the s Gyll. var. banks of streams. Steph. minimus Dej. CORYMBITES Lat. LUDIUS Dej. CTENICERUS Steph. 54 CATALOGUE O* X C. CUPREUS Fab. Steph. chalybeus Sow. Steph. PECTINICORNIS Lin. Steph. Common. Kinross- shire, Berwicksh., Mull, XC. TESSELLATUS Lin. Steph. var. assimilis Gyll. n, Arffyllsh. ; Black Forest, in Perthshire ; Clova Mountains, in Forfarshire ; Berwickshire. PIACANTHUS Lat. LUDIUS Lat. Dej. D. HOLOSERICEUS Fab. (Lepi- Occasional. dotus) Steph. XD- ^NEUS Lin. (Selatosomus) Steph. var. a impressus Marsh. b Germanus Lin. c cyaneus Marsh. AGRIOTES Esch. CATAPHAGUS Steph. X A. SEGETIS Bierk. Gyll. Local. Arthur Seat and Salisbury Craigs ; Traprain Law. Not very common in other parts- of the country. lineatus Lin. Steph. striatus Fab. XA. OBSCURUS Lin. Gyll. Steph. variabilis Payk. Fab. A. SPUTATOR Lin. Gyll. Steph. SERICOSOMUS Serv. SERIOUS Esch. Steph. X S. BRUNNEUS Lin. Fab. Steph. S. FUGAX Fab. Steph. DOLOPIUS Esch. Steph. X D. MARGINATUS Lin. Steph. lateralis Oliv. dorsalis Payk. tenellus Beck. sticticus Panz. suturalis Marsh. var. fulvus, Marsh. ADKASTUS Esch. Steph. .. LIMBATUS Fab. Steph. Common, Not common. w Near Edinburgh, Dumfriesshire, &c. Very common. Berwickshire. Kare. Raehills ; Black Forest, in Perthshire; Eaehills. Occasional. Rev. W. Little. V- SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA FAMILY CYPHfUVIDH. ATOPA Payk. Steph. XA. CERVINA Fab. Lin. Steph. Occasional. ELODES Lat. CYPHON Payk. Fab. Steph. E. LIVIDA Fab. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Swinton. tenella Oliv. pallida Payk. mollis Marsh. testaceus Steph. (not Dej.) obscurus Steph. assimilis Steph. E. VARIABILIS Thun. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire. pubescens Fab. Steph. Not scarce. minuta Oliv. dorsalis Marsh. E. COARCTATA Payk. livid a Fab. grisea Fab. Steph. concolor Marsh. fuscescens Lat. variabilis var. Thun. X E. PADI Lin. Steph. coarctata var. Payk. discolor Panz. pusilla Dej. var. ater Steph. ? XE. MARGIN ATA Fab. Steph. var. pallida Payk. (not Fab.) circumfusa Marsh. nimbata Panz. var. limbata Dej. E. DEFLEXICOLLIS Mulltr. Pini Curtis. nigricans Dej. pellucens Melsh. PALLIDA Fab. Oliv. melanura Fab. Steph. var. laeta Panz. Steph. minuta Lin. Near Edinburgh ; Raehills ; Dollar ; Berwickshire, &c. Dumfriesshire ; Alloa ; near Dunse. Not common. Near Edinburgh ; Dollar, &c. Berwickshire; on the Whitadder, be- low Abbey St Bathan's ; Girrick. Occasional in woods. 56 CATALOGUE OF FAMILY TELEPHORID^E. DICTYOPTERUS Lot. LYCUS Fab. Lat. D. AURORA Fab. Rannoch in Perthshire. Mr Weaver, coccinea Lin. LAMPYRIS Lin. Dej. Steph. \L. NOCTILUCA Lin. Fab. Steph. In some plenty in the southern parts of Kirkcudbrightshire and Wig- tonshire ; abundant in the east of Berwickshire ; also found in Dum- friesshire, Argyllshire, &c./M^ PODABRUS Fischer. CANTHARIS Fab. Dej. TELEPHORUS Oliv. Steph. ^P. ALPINUS Payk. Steph. Dollar. Abundant in June. Hamil- jtoa ; Penmanshiel wood. lift TELEPHORUS Oliv. Steph. CANTHARIS Fab. Dej. T. FUSCUS Lin. Steph. Near Edinburgh. Ent. Edin. anticus Mark. Dej. XT. RUSTICUS Fallen. Gyll. Steph. Generally distributed. X*T. DISPAR Fab. Steph. Common. lividus Illig. (not Fab. Steph.) >(T. PELLUCIDUS Fab. Gyll. Steph. Not rare. T. CYANIPENNIS Zieg. Dej. Occasional. Edinburgh ; Fife ; For- cyaneus Curt. Steph. far ; Kinross ; Berwickshire, &c. V'T. NIGRICANS Fab. Gyll. Steph. Common. /&f* XT. OBSCURUS Lin. Steph. Near Dollar. Mr j. T. Syme. . FLAVILABRIS Gyll. Steph. Occasional. Near Edinburgh ; Dollar; Berwickshire, & T. PULICARIUS Fab. Steph. Raehills ; Forfarshire. T. LIVIDUS Fab. Steph. Occasional throughout Scotland. T. BICOLOR Fab. Steph. Common. /J^ T. PILOSA Payk. Gyll. Steph. Penmanshiel wood, in East Lothian, rufotestaceus Letzn. Scarce. Mr James Hardie - T. LITURATUS Gyll. Steph. Dalmeny ; Raehills ; Berwickshire. C/i SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 57 RAGONYCHA Esch. CANTHARIS Fab. Dej. TELEPHORUS Oliv. Steph. R. PALUDOSA Fallen. Gytt. In swamps and 'bogs, Berwickshire. aethiops Curtis. Mr Hard y- &. MELANURA Fab. Panz. Steph. Common everywhere in autumn, fcjf . TESTACEA Lin. Gyll. Steph. Not scarce. tfSti yli. PALLIDA Fab. Steph. Common. />5^ pallipes Fab. Illig. Steph. R. ATRA Lin. Steph. Kingussie ; Aberdeenshire. Iridis Marsh. Mr J. T. Syme. MALTHINUS Lat. Dej. Steph. TELEPHORUS Oliv. CANTHARIS Lin. Fab. X M. FLAVEOLUS Herbst, Steph. M. BIGUTTULUS Payk. Steph. ^ M. BTGUTTATUS Lin. Steph. M. SANGUINICOLLIS Sch. Steph. sanguinolentus Gyll. ruficollis Lat. fulvicollis Kirb. Steph. M. MINIMUS Lin. Gyll. marginatus Lat. Steph. M. MELANOCEPHALUS Marsh. Steph. M. CONCOLOR Kirb. Steph. M. BREVICOLLIS Payk. Steph. Dalmeny ; East Lothian ; Dollar ; Berwickshire, &c. Generally distributed. Generally distributed.(<^^. Occasional. Near Edinburgh ; Ber- wickshire. Berwickshire. Berwickshire. Mr James Hardy. Mr James Hardy. Dalkeith Park. A. Murray. Dunglass. Berwickshire. Dum- friesshire, &c. Ormiston. FAMILY HAIiACHIIDJ. MALACHIUS Fab. M. VIRIDIS Fab. Steph. bipustulatus var. d llliy. (not Lin. Fab.) M. VENEUS Fab. Steph. M. MARGINELLUS Fab. Steph. DASYTES Fab. D. ^RATUS Steph. Mr Logan. Near Edinburgh. Ent. Edin. Shores of the Solway. Sir Wm. Jardine/Bart. Dalkeith Park. E A. Murray. 58 CATALOGUE OF AMAURONIA Westwood. APLOCNEMUS Steph. A. IMPRESSUS Marsh. Steph. Dalkeith Park. A. Murray. PHLOIOPHILUS Waterh. /PH. EDWARDSII Waterh. Avon, near Linlithgow. Mr Hisiop. \H. COOPERI Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little. FAMILY CLERID^E. THANASIMUS Lot. TH. FORMICARIUS Fab. Steph. Flisk, in Fifeshire ; Perthshire ; Forfarshire; Aberdeenshire, &c. NECROBIA Lat. ^S. RUFICOLLIS Fab. Steph. Very rare. Near Edinburgh; Dum- friesshire. N. VIOLACEA Lat. Dej. Not rare. On bones, &c. angustata Folder. quadra Marsh. Steph. N. RUFIPES Fab. Steph. Berwickshire only once found. Mr James Hardy. FAMILY PTINIDJS. HEDOBIA Lat. PTINUS Lin. Steph. H. IMPERIALIS Lin. Steph. On birch- trees near Jedburgh. E-nt. Edin. PTINUS Lin. P. SEXPUNCTATUS Panz. Steph. Old wood in houses, &c., in the Edinburgh district. Ent. Edin. FUR Lin. Steph. Not very common. Edinburgh; Germanus Fab. Fife ; Dumfries, &c. clavipes Panz. V P. CRENATUS Fab. Gyll. Steph. The commonest of the species. P. LICHENUM Marsh. Steph. Raehills. V P. HOLOLEUCUS Fold. Steph. Plentiful in houses in Edinburgh. GIBBIUM ScqpoK. G. SCOTIAS Fab. Arlary in Kinross-shire, among a parcel of dried plants from India. Dr G. W. Arnott. ^ (/**/ Y A /JlAst*-^ s7 yS/fo^w^d^Le*^^ SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 59 MEZIUM Leach. X M. SULCATUM Fab. Edinburgh, among a consignment of decapods from Australia. Dr Fleming. FAMILY ANOBIUM Fab. A. PANICEUM Fab. Steph. A. RUFIPES Fab. Steph. elongatum Payk. ^ A. STRIATUM Illig. Steph. pertinax Panz. (not Lin. Steph.) A. TESSELATUM^afi. Gyll. Steph. X A. MOLLE Fab. Steph. A. ABIETIS Fab. Steph. A. ERYTHROPUM Leach, Steph. A. CASTANEUM Oliv. Steph. YNOimil.K. Cramond. Raehills. Dr Greville and Rev. W. Little. Rev. W. Little. Common in old houses. Raehills. R ev . w. Little. Forfarshire ; Kinross- shire ; Ber- wickshire ; near Edinburgh. Near Edinburgh. Mr Jas. Wilson. Ent. Edin. Ravelston Wood, near Edinburgh. Mr Rawlins. Steph. Illust. Alder trees at west end of Dudding- ston Loch ; in woods, Berwick- shire. X C. C. X C. X C. C. CIS Lot. BOLETI Scopoli, Steph. variabilis Fab. picipes Herbst. RUGULOSUS Manner. Mellie. var. pyrocephalus Mellie. Steph. NITIDUS Fab. Steph. . BIDENTATUS 0/117. Steph. $ inermis Marsh. . FESTIVUS Panz. Gyll. pygmaeus Marsh. Steph. PTILINUS Geoff. . COSTATUS Gyll. flabellicornis Dej. pectinicornis Illig. Under bark, and in Polyporus versi- color. Near Edinburgh ; Dum- friesshire ; Kinross-shire. Dollar. Mr J. T. Syme. Dumfriesshire ; Dollar ; near Edin- burgh ; Berwickshire, &c. Raehills; Glasgow. fcr6 In Polyporns versicolor. Berwick- shire. Rare. Mr James Hardy. Near Edinburgh ; Raehills, &c. 60 CATALOGUE OF FAMILY LYMEXYLOMD^E. HYLECGETUS Lat. Steph. LYMEXYLON Fab. H. DERMESTOIDES, Fab. Steph. Black Forest, Rannoch. C? proboSCideUS Fab. Mr R. Weaver. FAMILY BOSTRICHIDJ. TOMICUS Lat. X T. BIDENS Fab. Steph. Edinburgh ; Jedburgh ; Dollar ; (J bidentatus Herbst. Raehills ; Berwickshire ; filasgow. 5 chaicographus Payk. (not Lin.) micrographus Marsh. T. LARICIS Fab. Steph. Dollar. Mr J. T. Syme. T. MONOGRAPHUS Fab. Steph. Orniiston ; East Lothian ; Cramond. FAMILY HYLESINID^E. HYLESINUS Fab. H. CRENATUS Fab. Duft. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Kinross-shire ; Forfarshire. H. SCABER Marsh. Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little. V H. VARIUS Fab. Occasional. / Fraxini Fab. Steph. melanocephalus Fab. pubescens Fab. H. COADUNATUS Marsh. Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little. H. SERICEUS Marsh. Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little. HYLURGUS Erich. V H. PINIPERDA Lin. Steph. Not rare in fir woods. /IJ^ testaceus Fab. HYLASTES Erich. HYLURGUS Lat. Dej. Steph. ^ H. ATER Payk. Steph. Common in fir woods. chloropus Duft. Boleti Marsh. niger Marsh. fiijj^ CX SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 61 X H. ANGUSTATUS Herbst. Steph. Under bark of decaying firs, Ber- wickshire ; Glasgow. H. OBSCURUS Marsh. Steph. Cramond ; Hawthornden ; Berwick- shire. H. RUFESCENS Steph. Alloa. Mr J - T - Svme - H. RUFUS Marsh. Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little. . RHODODACTYLUS Marsh. Near Edinburgh ; Linlithgow; Kin - Steph. ross-shire ; Berwickshire, &c. T FAMILY CURCULIONIDjE. RHYNCOLUS Creutz. Germ. R. CYLINDRIROSTRIS OllV. Raehllls. Rev. W. Little. lignarius Marsh. Stevh. / //? /y 7? a^L & CRYPTORHYNCHUS Illiger. C. LAPATHI Lin. Steph. Coates, near Edinburgh. albicaudis De Geer. Sir P. Walker, Ent. Edin. carbonarius Scopoli. trimaculatus Vod. BARIDIUS Schon. BARIS Germ. Lat. Steph. V B. T- ALBUM Lin. Halleaths Loch, on rushes. Sir Wm. Jardine, Bart. Atriplicis Oliv. Lat. Steph. Dunse ; bogs in Berwickshire, &c. pilistriatUS Steph. Mr Hardy. funerus Herbst. nigrinus Herbst. hypoleucus Marsh. porolosus Lin. BAGOUS Germ. Steph. B. LUTULENTUS GylL Steph. Near Edinburgh. R ev . w. Little, tibialis Steph. binotatus Steph. STYPHLUS Schon. ORTHOC^TES Muller, Steph. S. SETIGER Beck, Schon, Steph. Roxburghshire ; near Corstorphine setosus Dej. hill. ORCHESTES Illig. VO. QUERCUS Lin. Steph. Woods near Edinburgh; Berwick- Viminalis Fab. shire, &c. setosus Mull. Alni Herbst. var. depressus Steph. O. SCUTELLARIS Fab. Steph. Raehills. Rev. W. Little. rufus Schr. Marsh. Viminalis Besser. (not Fab.) Alni, var. c, Payk. stellaris, var. /3, GylL flavus Sturm. testaceus Muller. ^ SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 67 O. MELANOCEPHALUS Oliv. Dalmenj Park. Mr R. N. Grevllle. ferrugineus Marsh. Steph. nigricollis Marsh. Sleph. atricapillus Marsh. Steph. O. ILICIS Fab. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Raehills. Segetis De Geer (not Herbst.) pilosus Fab. Steph. (not Lat.) FAGI Lin. Common. /&M Fragariae Fab. Lot. Calcar Oliv. Lat. Steph. subater Mutter. rhododactylus Marsh. rhodopus Marsh. Steph. O. SlGXIFER Creutz. Raehills. Rev. W. Little. Avellanse Don. Steph. Salicis Lat. hortorum Lat. )( O. Rusci Herbst. On sallows and oaks, Penmanshiel bifasciatus Gyll. Steph. wood ; Berwickshire ; Dumfries - Salicis Schrank. shire, decoratus Steph. affinis Steph. TACHYERGES Schon. T. SALICIS Lin. Steph. Near Edinburgh. Berwickshire, hortorum Oliv. Occasional, scapularis Beck. Caprese Lat. -JCT. STIGMA Germ. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire, on Iota Gyll. hazel ; Glasgow. confondatus Schon. alboscntellatus Dej. rufitarsis Steph. aterrimus Sturm. ANOPLUS Schilpp. )C A. PLANTARIS Noezerti, Steph. Raehills^ Dollar; Berwickshire; Roboris Suffrian. ^Glasgow. brevis Marsh. nitidulus Steph. atratus Sieph. Armeniacae Fab. 68 CATALOGUE OF LITODACTYLUS Redten. PHYTOBIUS Schon. PACHYRHINUS Steph. L. LEUCOGASTER Marsh. Steph. Duddingston Loch. Pond near Myriophylli Gyll. S win ton. L. QUADRITUBERCULATUS Fab. RaeMlls. Rev. w. Little. 4-cornis Payk. Kibis Stroem. 4 -dent at us Steph. L. CANALICULATUS Kirby, Sch. Dumfriesshire. R ev . w. Little. TYCHIUS Steph. M. PICIROSTRIS Fab. cinerascens Gyll. Steph. fuscirostris Payk. AMALUS Schon. A. SCORTILLUM Herbst. Steph. haemorrhous Herbst. Agricola Payk. rubicundus Panz. BALANINUS Germ. B. NUCUM Lin. Steph. gulosus Germ, (not Lat.) B. BRASSIOE Fab. Salicivorus Gyll. Steph. macropus Olw. arcuatus Marsh. cinerascens Lin. scutellaris Steph. var. intermedius # Steph. ANTHONOMUS Germ. A. ULMI De Geer, Steph. pedicularius Lin. Steph. avarus Lot. clavatus Dej. Bavarus Schrank. fasciatus Steph. Pomonae Germ, (not Lin.) Druparum, var. Steph. (not Lin.) Dalmeny Park. Mr R. N. Greville. Near Edinburgh ; Craiglockhart ; Mortonhall ; Dumfriesshire. Woods. Mr R. N. Greville. Dalmeny; Dollar; Berwickshire. Raehills. Dalmeny. Rev. W. Little. Mr R, N. Greville. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA A. iNCURVUsPawz. (not Steph.) Occasional. Near Edinburgh ; Rae- Pomorum, var. b Gyll Steph. hills, &c. avarus Dej. (not Lat.) var. humeralis Panz. var. Cratsegi Chevrol. A. PUBESCENS Payk. Dalmeny. Mr R. N. Gteviiie. )D. PECTORALIS Panz. Steph. Berwickshire. fructum Manner. Mr Hardy. MI-R. Hisiop. rubellus Marsh. var. melanophthalmus Payk. Steph. D. AGNATHUS Dahl. Schon. Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little. majalis Steph. D. TORTRIX Lin. GylL Steph. Lombardy poplars, Caroline Park, Schon. near Edinburgh ; Dunse. arcuatus Steph. MAGDALINUS Germ. TAMNOPHILUS Schon. RHINODES Schon. Dej. MAGDALIS Steph. PHLEGMATICUS Herbst. First discovered at Dalmeny, by Rev. W. Little. since taken in Kinross -shire, by Mr George A. Coventry. . CARBONARIUS Fab. Steph. Black Forest, Rannoch, in Perth - shire. Raehills. Dr Nelson. Rev. W. Little. . STYGIUS Gyll. Dollar. Mrj. T. Syme. aterrimus Germ. Steph. (not Herbst.) Cerasi Oliv. asphaltinus Steph. atramentarius Marsh. Steph. 6 Gccr, Gyll. Not rare on sandy coasts. Near Steph. Edinburgh ; Ayrshire ; East Lo- rotnndatus Lin. thian ; Berwickshire, &c. ater Steph. : illust. niger Steph.: man. (not Fab.) y O. MONTICOLA Dej. Schon. Mountainous parts of Scotland. laevigatus Gyll. Steph. Sutherland, Ross-shire, Forfarshire, arcticus Fab. * Kinross- shire, East Lothian, Ber- wickshire, &c. 72 CATALOGUE OF ,X O. PICIPES Fab. Gyll. Schon. Common everywhere. /&t- asper Marsh. singularis Steph. Schrank. squamiger Marsh. Steph. septentrionis Steph. man. (not Herbst.) granulatus Herbst. dentatus Heer, Schon. notatus Bon. Steph. vastator Marsh. Marquardtii Sclion. Chevrolati Schon. var. minor. ^O. SULCATUS Fab. Steph. Near Edinburgh, Dollar, &c. griseo-punctatus De Geer. strictus Lin. ^ O. RUGIFRONS Gyll. Steph. Generally distributed. Dillwynii Kirby, Steph. var. scaber Steph. O. OVATUS Lin. Steph. Generally distributed. Rosae De Geer. rufipes Scop. Scopolii Lin. vorticosus Schon. pabulinus Germ. Steph. O. SCABROSUS Marsh. Steph. Dollar ; Berwickshire ; East Lo- crispatus Dej. thian, &c. X O. LIGNEUS Oliv. Schon. Near Edinburgh ; Little Ross. /# scabridus Kirby, Schon. Steph. XO. MAURUS Gyll. Steph. Summit of Hartfell; Halleath woods ; Bructeri Illig. Dunoon ; Catlaw in Forfarshire. demotus Schon. Wiesurii Parreyss. Silesiacus Besser. OMIAS Schon. OTIORHYNCHUS Germ. Steph. BRACHYSOMUS Steph. O. BOHEMANNII Schon. Aytoun, Berwickshire. Mr Hardy. X O. HIRSUTULUS Fab. Steph. Scarce. Musselburgh ; Dollar ; Fife ; scabriculus Herbst. Berwickshire. Scaber Mutter. ^. xDfctAJrtn^ y^y*^. Q/ SCOTTISH COLKOl'TEKA 73 O. BRUNNIPES Otic. Occasional. piceus Germ. Stepk. gracilis Beck. Araneiformis Schrank. O. SULCIFRONS Schon. Dalmeny Park ; Girrick ; Penman- shiel; Preston. TRACHYPHLCEUS Germ. T. SCABRICULUS Payk. Gyll. Rare. Berwickshire ; Dumfriesshire. (not Lin.) Mr Hardy. Rev. W. Little. confinis Steph. bifoveolatus Beck. Viverra Herbst. T. SCABER Lin. Blackford hill, near Edinburgh ; tesselatus Marsh. Steph. Dollar ; sea- coast of Berwickshire, echinatus Lej. near Cockburnspath. PHYLLOBIUS Schon. PH. CALCARATUS Fab. Generally distributed. Pyri Illig. Dej. Steph. caesius Marsh. Kirby, Sleph. ?H. ALNETI Fab. Steph. Common on the nettle and uinbelli- Pyri Gyll. Schon. ferous plants in June. /##". Cnides Marsh. Kir by. gn. ARGENTATUS Lin. Steph. Common. sericeus Pilare. PH. MACULICORNIS Germ. Steph. Occasional. . OBLONGUS Lin (Nemoicus,) Common in woods, though some- Steph. what local. floricola Herbst. Pruni Scopola. Querneus Fourc. fuscus Larch. var. rufescens Marsh. )\PH. VESPERTINUS Fab. Common, and generally distributed. Mali Fab. fulvipes Fab. amaurus Marsh. ^PH. UNIFORMIS Marsh. Schon. Common. parvulus Gyll. Steph. minutus Steph. Pomona Schon. ^PH. POMONA Oliv. Germ. Steph. Abundant on nettles, &c. uniformis Steph. albidus Steph. P 74 CATALOGUE OF H. VIRIDICOLLIS Fab. Steph. Very local. Common on nettles near Edinburgh ; East Lothian ; Ber- wickshire. // LIMOBIUS Schon. PHYTONOMUS Schon. HYPERA Germ. Steph. L. DISSIMILIS Gyll. Germ. Schon. Queensferry sea-shore, among Ono- fulvipes Steph. nis arvensis. Dr Grevuie. fumipes Curtis. PHYTONOMUS Schon. HYPERA Germ. Steph. PLINTHUS Lat. V PH. PUNCTATUS Fab. Steph. Occasional. Austriaca Herbst. media Marsh. PH. FASCICULATUS Herbst. Steph. Musselburgh . Dollar. fasciculosa Gyll. Ent - Edin - Mr J - T - syme. Danei OUv. yi Pu.'PoLYGomLin. Steph. Schon. Generally distributed, fasciatus De Geer. striatus Herbst. cinereus OUv. Arator Lin. Steph. canescens Steph. Viciae Steph. picicornis Steph. PH. RUMICIS Lin. Steph. On docks, near Edinburgh ; Kin- Aceto'sae Panz. ross-shire ; Forfarshire ; Berwick - pyrrhodactylus (Procas,) shire; Dumfriesshire, &c. Marsh. Steph. PA. MURINUS Fab. (not Steph.) Sandy ground on coast of Firth of nebulosa Steph. Forth, near Edinburgh ; Dollar ; elongata Steph. (not Payh.) Raehills. fuscocinerea Marsh. PH. PLANTAGINIS Dej. Steph. Dalmeny Park. Mr R. N. Greviiie. villosula Wilk. Steph. ^>C PH. NIGRIROSTRIS Fab. Steph. Common every where, /f-ft PH. VARIABILIS Herbst. Steph. Occasional, near Edinburgh ; Little sublineata Kirb. Steph. Ross; Kirkcudbrightshire; Dum- bimaculatus Marsh. friesshire. postica Gyll. villosula Wilk. Steph. stramineus Marsh. phoeopa Steph. rufipes Steph. /w^^^^ SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA PH. suspiciosus Herbst. Schon. Near Edinburgh. Steph. miles Payk. Steph. bitasniatus Marsh. pedestris Payk. Steph. TROPIPHORUS Schon. BARYNOTUS Germ. Steph. BRACHYRINUS Lat. XT. MERCURIALIS Fab. Schon. Occasional. Steph. lapidarius Payk. lepidotus Herbst. obtusus Bonsd. Lat. Suecicus Lin. attenuatus Dej. var. Terricola Newm. LEIOSOMUS Kirby, Steph. MOLYTES Dej. OVATULUS Clair. Occasional, punctatus Marsh. Steph. deflexus Panz. crassicollis Dej. HYLOBIUS Schon. ABIETIS Lin. Common on fir trees. Pini Marsh. Juniper! Stroem. excavatus Schrank. Norvegicus Petit. tigrinus Fourc. H. PINASTRI Gyll. Said to have been taken in Scotland by Dr Leach. Elit - Edin. BARYNOTUS Germ. Schon. GASTRODUS Dej. MERIONUS Steph. B. OBSCURUS Fab. Steph. Common. /J^Y/ murinus Bonsd. honorus Herbst. pilosus Marsh. vagus Laid. B. MCERENS Fab. Scarce. Lasswade ; Roxburghshire ; Bohemanni Gyll. Dumfriesshire ; Berwickshire. elevatus Marsh. Steph. 76 CATALOGUE OF LIOPHLJEUS Germ. Schon. . NUBILUS Fab. Steph. Not rare. tesselatus Lat. var. Maurus Marsh. Steph. Forfarshire. On umbelliferous plants. Misses Lyeii. ALOPHUS Schon. V A. TRIGUTTATUS Fab. cordiger Suh. melanocardius Herbst. desertus Panz. (Pliytono- mus) Sch. $ striatorostris Marsh. rufimanus Marsh. CLEONUS Schon. C. SULCIROSTRIS Lin. Steph. Not common ; but generally distri- buted. (BOTHYNODERUS Schon.) C. ALBIDUS Fab. Steph. niveus Bonsd. candidus Herbst. affinis Schrank. POLYDRUSUS Germ.^ P. UNDATUS Fab. Steph. tereticollis De Geer. Lat. albofasciatus Herbst. cinereus Schaller. fulvicornis Steph. (not Fab. Gyll) selenius Marsh. rufipes Lin. P. PTERYGOMALIS Schon. flavipes Marsh. P. MICANS Fab. Steph. *. /argentatus Fourc\itd {}** P. CERViNUS'im. Steph. messor Herbst. var. maculatus Herbst. atomarius Dej. griseoseneus De Geer. Rare. Occasionally taken on sandy spots near the shores of the Firth of Forth, and along the sea-coast near Cockburnspath. Portobello, near Edinburgh. Dr Leach - Steph. must. Not common. Roxburghshire; Dum- friesshire ; Dollar ; Pressmenan Wood, East Lothian, on the oak and birch ; Berwickshire. Near Edinburgh, Dumfriesshire, Ber- wickshire. Not common. Near Edinburgh, ^ Dalkeith, Roslin, &c. ; Lanark- shire, near Hamilton :Berwicksh. Local. Common on fir trees in Kin- ross- shire. ,2-pt SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 77 SITONES Schon. SITONA Germ. Steph. S. GRISEUS Fab. (not Steph.) Forfarshire. steph. must. palliatus Oliv. fusca Marsh. Steph. ^S. REGENTSTEINENSIS Herbst. Near Edinburgh; Dollar, Kinross- Steph. shire, Aberdeen, Anyyll.^ir^ East Ulicis Kirby, Steph. Lothian, Berwickshire, Spartii Kirby, Steph. femoralis Steph. pleuritica Steph. X S. SULCIFRONS Thunb. Germ. Schon. Steph. Common. campestris Oliv. tibialis Gyll. Steph. (not Herbst.) subaurata Kirby, Steph. ^S. LINEATUS Lin. Germ. Steph. Very common. / r/< squamosus Lin. intersectus Fourc. chloropus Lin. ruficlavis Marsh. Steph. griseus Marsh, (not Fab. Steph.) XS. FLAVESCENS Marsh. Steph. Common. fWH octo-punctatus Schon. (not Germ.) nigriclavis Marsh. Steph. caninus Gyll. Steph. longiclavis Marsh. Steph. griseus Kirby, Steph. (not Fab.) lineatus Fab. S. HUMERALIS Kirby, Steph. Raehills, Dumfriesshire ; Berwick- Pisi Steph. shire, promptus Schon. HISPIDULUS Fab. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Kinross - shire, Schon. Dumfriesshire, Berwickshire, &c. pallipes Steph. S. SUTURALIS Steph. Dalmeny; Cramond ; Berwickshire, rufipes Marsh, (not Lin.) 78 CATALOGUE OF S. TTBIALIS Herbst, Germ. Schon. Common, chloropus Marsh. lineellus Gyll. Schon. (not Steph.) ambiguus (var.) Schon. albescens Kir by. affinis Kirby. lineatulus Kirby. S. CRINITA Oliv. Steph. Schon. Dalmeny Park. MrR.N.areviiie,ana lineella Steph. Rev. w. Little. albescens Steph. macularius Marsh. SCIAPHILUS Schon. MURICATUS Fab. Steph. Occasional. Near Edinburgh ; Kin- planirostris Lin. ross-shire ; Whittingham, East asperatus Lat. (Brachy- Lothian ; Berwickshire, &c. cerus.) STROPHOSOMUS Bilb. Schon. Steph. CNEORHINUS Schon. Dej. CS. CORYLI Fab. Steph. Very common on hazel and fir. /& illibatus Schon. var. obesus Marsh. Steph. Occasional. Near Edinburgh. cognatus Steph. subrotundus Marsh. Steph. var. cervinus Fab. Dalmeny Park ; Kinross-shire. Asperifoliarum Kirby ^ Steph. rufipes Steph. nigricans Steph. atomarius Marsh. Steph. nebulosus Steph. var. affinis Dej. truncatus Lat. S. RETUSUS Marsh. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; squamulatus Steph. (not Raehil!s, &c. Herbst.) alternans Schon. oxyops Schon. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 79 S. FABER Herbst. Germ. Schon. Not uncommon. chsetophorus Steph. septentrionis Steph. pilosellus Gyll. Steph. limbatus Dej. Marsh, (not Steph.) S. LIMBATUS Steph. Common. CNEORHINUS Schon. THYLACITES Steph. PHILOPEDON Schon. Steph. C. GEMINATUS Fab. Gyll. Steph. Musselburgh Links ; sea- coast, near Schon. SkatSraw, East Lothian, and near albicans Schon. Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, parapleurus Marsh. Steph. maritimus Marsh. scrobiculatus Marsh. Steph. globatus Lat. RAMPHUS Clair. Q\. FLAVICORNIS Clair. Dum. Arthur Seat. Kinross-shire ; Ber- pulicarius Steph. wickshire, &c. APION Herbst, Steph. OXYSTOMA Herbst, Steph. A. POMONA Fab. Steph. Dalmeny Park. MrR. N. Greviiie,and cceruleum Kirby. R ev. w. Little. cyaneum Panz. (not Gyll. Dej.) A. CRACC^E Lin. Steph. Dalmeny Park. MrR.N.Greviiie,and $ ruficorne Germ. Sahib. Rev. w. Little. A. SUBULATUM Kirby, Germ. Berwickshire; Roxburghshire; Dum- Steph. friesshire. A. ^NEUM Fab. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Dalmeny. A. RADIOLUS Kirby, Steph. Common. Near Edinburgh ; Dollar, aterrimum Gyll. var. ameum Payk. A. ONOPORDI Kirby, Steph. Common. Dalmeny Park ; Girrick ; Raehills, &c. A. GTBBIROSTRE Gyll. Sahib. Berwickshire ; Roxburghshire ; Dal- Carduorum Kirby, Dej. meny. Steph. 80 CATALOGUE OF A. HYDROLAPATHI Marsh. Steph. cceruleopenne Steph. A. ULICIS Forst. Steph. (Oxy- stoma Steph.) A. FUSCIROSTRE Fab. Steph. (Oxy&toma Steph.) melanopum Marsh. Steph. A. MALV^E Fab. Steph. A. VICI^E Payk. Dej. Steph. Griesbachii Steph. Trifolii Lin. A. VARIPES Germ. Steph. flavipes Gyll. fl avifemoratum Kirby. A. AFRICANS Herbst, Steph. A. FLAVIPES Fab. Steph. A. ^ESTIVUM Germ. Sahib. Steph. A. ASSIMILE Gyll. Kirby, Sleph. A. MINIATUM Sahib. Dej. frumentarium Steph. (not Lin.) V A. FRUMENTARIUM Lin. Gyll. Sahib. hsematodes Steph. purpureum Lat. ferrugineum Dej. A. CRUENTATUM Walton. A. TENUE Kirby, Steph. A. SENICULUS Kirby, Steph. tenuis Dej. Gyll. plebeium Germ. elongatum Germ. A. ONONIS Kirby, Steph. $ cinerascens Germ. A. ERVI Kirby, Sahib. Steph. var. Lathyri Kirby, Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Raehills. Generally distributed. Very plenti- ful on furze on Musselburgh Links. Juniper Green, near Edinburgh. Mr R. N. Greville. Near Edinburgh. Ent.Edin. Near Edinburgh ; Dollar ; Ber- wickshire. Dalmeny Park. Mr R. N. Greviiie. Very common. Common. Eaehills. Rev. W. Little. Dalmeny Park. Mr R. N. Greviiie. Occasional throughout Scotland. More frequent. Near Penmansheil. Mr. Hardy. Rare. Loanhead and Cramond ; Raehills. Cramond. Rev. W. Little. On Ononis arvensis. Near Edin- burgh, North Berwick, Kinross- shire, Berwickshire, Dumfries- shire, &c. Common on Lathyrus pratensis near Edinburgh ; Dollar ; Ber- wickshire ; Dumfriesshire, &c. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 81 A. LOTI Kirby, Steph. Dalmeny Park ; Berwickshire. A. VIRENS Herbst, Sahib. Steph. Generally distributed. seneocephalum Gyll. cyaneum Dej. Steph. Hydrolapathi Dej. cyaneum Oliv. (not Panz. nor i A. MARCHICUM Herbst, Sahib. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; violaceum Dej. (not Steph) Dumfriesshire. Rumicis Steph. Germ. 82 CATALOGUE OF A. AFFINE Kirby, Germ. Steph. Dumfriesshire; Cramond. Rev. w. Little. A. SUBSULCATUM Marsh. Steph. Dalmeny ; Berwickshire. RHINOMACER Fab. )(R. ATTELABOIDES Fab. Steph. RHYNCHITES Herbst, Steph. DEPORAUS Leach, Steph. R. JEQUATUS Lin. Steph. purpureus Oliv. R. CUPREUS Lin. Steph. aeneus Lat. punctatus Herbst. R. MEGACEPHALUS Germ. angustatus Dej. Alliarise Steph. (not Fab. Dej.) Mannerheimii Humm. laevicollis Steph. cyaneopennis Steph. R. PAUXILLUS Germ. Steph. R. GERMANICUS Herbst. minutus Herbst, Steph. arquatus Dej. viridis Mej. R. FRAGARLE Sturm. Schon. arquatus Dej. seneovirens Marsh. Steph. virescens Zieg. R. NANUS Payk. Alliarias Lin. cylindricus Kirby, Steph. R. BETULETI Fab. Herbst. ft"Bpf- 1llgp Lin. Steph. (Depo- raus Lea. Steph.) R. BETULJE Lin. femoratus Lat. R. OPHTHALMICUS Steph. Scarce. Dalmeny Park; Kirknew- ton ; Peasedean ; Howparkdean ; near Swinton ; Jardine Hall ; Kirk- patrick Juxta ; Rannoch, &c. Slateford. Ent. JEdin. Kirkpatrick Juxta, on the mountain as h. Rev. W. Little. Dalmeny Park ; Girrick ; Penman- shiel wood ; Berwickshire ; Rae- hills ; Dumfriesshire, &c. Kirkpatrick Juxta. R ev . w. Little. Dalmeny Park; Penmanshiel wood. Penmanshiel wood ; Berwickshire ; Raehills ; Dumfriesshire. Penmanshiel wood ; Berwickshire ; Raehills. Roxburghshire and Dumfriesshire ; Berwickshire Roslin. Dollar. Ent. Edin. Mr J. T. Syme, ^&sUxme. S. QUADRIFASCIATA Lin. Steph. Raehills ; Dumfriesshire ; Rannoch. GRAMMOPTERA Serv. Muls. LEPTURA Steph. G. L^VIS Fab. Steph. Peasedean, Berwicksh. ; Midcalder. G. RUFICORNIS Fab. Steph. Colinton, near Edinburgh ; Pease- dean. FAMILY DONACIADJ. DONACIA Fab. CRASSIPES Fab. Steph. striata Panz. micans Hoppe. aquatica var. b. Lin. spinosa De Geer. BIDENS Oliv. (not Dej.) clavipes Payk. cincta Germ. Steph. micans Marsh. aquatica Martyn. D. DENTIPES Fab. Steph. vittata Oliv. fasciata Hoppe. nitida Lin. D. LEMN.E Fab. Steph. margiuata Hoppe. vittata Panz. limbata Panz. lateralis Bon. D. SAGITTARIUS Fab. Steph. aurea Hoppe. bicolor Lin. Mnll. Duddingston Loch and Ravelrig ; Coldingham Moor, Berwickshire. Dollar ; Glasgow ; Coldstream. On aquatic plants in Duddingston Loch ; Lochend. On aquatic plants in ponds near Edinburgh ; jiear Milngavie ; near Glasgow. 86 CATALOGUE OF t D. IMPRESSA Gyll. Steph. Ayrshire. MI- Hardy. D. MENYANTHIDIS Fab. Steph. Duddingston Loch. Scarce. crassipes Lin. (not Fab.) clavipes Fab. simplex Payh. Marsh. D. LINEARIS Hoppe^ Steph. Common on reedy lakes and ponds. simplex Fab. t - TYPELE Brahm. linearis var. b. Gyll. . SIMPLEX Fab. Steph. semi-cuprea Panz. vulgaris Lin. . SERICEA Illig. Gyll. Proteus Steph. HAEMOOTA Mej. MACROPLEA Curt. Steph. H. ZOSTERS Fab. Steph. Ruppix Germ. Schiodtei Guerin. mutica Fab. (not Payk.) [ear Glasgow. Mr R. Braid ponds; Lochleven. Dollar ; Braid marshes ,* Berwick- shire. Loch of For far. Dr Gilbert M'Na FAMILY CHRYSOMELID^E. DIVISION LEMID-E. VL /^ LEMA Fab. CRIOCERIS Geoff. Steph. L. RUGICOLLIS Suffrian. OntheEden,nearNenthorn. Girrick. Mr Hardy. Mr Hisiop. Occasional throughout Scotland. - Near Edinbui-gh. Mr R. N. Greviiie. Dollar ; near Edinburgh ; Penman- shiel. Curtis, Steph. cyanella Fab. Gyll. XL. CYANELLA Fab. Steph. '* var. A obscura ? Steph. . MELANOPA Lin. Steph. Horclei Fourc. cyanipennis Duft. Lr.) Dej. Rev. W. Little. Rev. W. Little. Rev. W. Little. PLECTROSCELIS (Chev CELETOCNEMA Steph. DENTIPES Ent : Heft. Steph. Occasional. concinna Marsh. picipes Kir by, Steph. ARIDELLA Payk. Steph. Not rare. ARGOPUS Fisch. Dej. SPH^ERODERMA Steph. TESTACEUS Fab. Steph. Occasional. CARDUI Kirby, Gyll. East Lothian. Mr Hardy. , If ft. SCOTTISH COLEOPTEHA 91 APTEROPODA (Chen.) Redten. SPH^ERODERMA Steph. MNIOPHILA Steph. Raehills ; near Glasgow ; Dum- barton.. A. CILIATA Otiv. Hedera3 111 globus Duff. orbiculata Marsh. Steph. Graminis Ent: Heft, ^A. MUSCORUM Ent: Heft. Steph. Not uncommon at Raehills ; Ed- Gibbium Melsh. mondsdean, Berwickshire ; plen- Leodiensis Wesm. tiful near BothwelL Sfs'6 "~ DIVISION CHRYSOMELID31. TIMARCHIA (Meg.) Lat. TENEBRICOSA Fab. Kirkcudbrightshire, laevigata Duff. Steph. (not Dej.) Rev. Mr Lamb. CHRYSOMELA Lin. H.EMOPTERA Lin. Steph. Hottentota Fab. SANGUINOLENTA Lin. rubromarginata De Geer. distinguenda Steph. C. MARGINALIS Duft. VEF. /(C. MARGIN ATA Lin. Steph. XC. BANKSII Fab. Steph. rubrocuprea Fourc. C. LAMINA Fab. laevicollis Oliv. heteropunctata Meg. Scarce. Near Edinburgh, Queens - ferry, Dollar, &c. Queensferry. First found in the Orkney Islands, by Professor Edward Forbes ; afterwards in great plenty, by Mr J. T. Syme. Rare. Near Edinburgh, Dumfries- shire, &c. Ayrshire.. Dr Gilbert M'Nab. On the sea- coast at the foot of the Peaseburn, Berwickshire ; Dum- friesshire. 92 CATALOGUE OF VC. FUG AT A Fab. gemellata Rossi. Hyperici Steph. (not Kin- derm.) VARIANS Fab. Steph. XC. FULGIDA Fab. Steph. Graminis var. Manner. aurolimbata Besser. C. GRAMINIS Lin. Steph. y C. FASTUOSA Lin. Steph. ^C. STAPHYJUEA Lin. Steph. /C C. POLITA Lin. Steph. LIN A (Meg.) Redten. MELASOMA (Dillw.) Steph. L. POPULI Lin. Steph. L. AENEA Lin. Steph. Rothesay ; Berwickshire ; Dumfries- " shire. ' Dollar ; Linlithgow ; Berwickshire ; Dumfriesshire. Forfarshire ; Argyllshire ; Arrap^ Inveray. t Mr. Biyth. Common on Lamium album a very brilliant variety found in Orkney and Western Islands. Not uncommon. Occasional. Rare. Near Edinburgh ; Flisk ; Dollar ; Whittingham, East Lo- thian. On alders near Kirkpatrick Juxta, and abundant on the south bank of the Whitadder, above the Re- treat. GASTROPHYSA (Chev.) Redten. PHAEDON (Meg.) Steph. J(G. POLYGONI Lin. Steph. Common. . - V G. RAPHANI Fab. Steph. Common on dock leaves. ' \ritiHnla /^/ii Oliv. PHRATORA Redten. (Chev.) PHAEDON Steph. (Pii. VITELLINAE Lin. Steph. In great numbers on willow bushes, vulgatissima Lin. var. unicolor Marsh. Steph. Not common. . DISCOIDEUS Illig. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire j sutufalis Westm. Thunb. Dumfriesshire ; Stirlingshire, limbatus Kirby, Steph. discipennis Sturm. var. pusillus Mull. atriceps Steph. Pini (ftyrrhus) Marsh. rufipes (Meg.) plagiatus Kullbug, Thunb. pilosus Herbst. 96 CATALOGUE OP EHYZOBIUS JSteph. Muls. NUNDINA Dej. Redten. X R LITURA Fab. Steph. Occasional, var. hypomelanus (Dermes- tes) Marsh. Aurora Panz. coadnutus Marsh. lividus Oliv. chrysomeloides Herbst. testaceus Fab. fasciatus Fab. pallid us Marsh. Absinthii Marsh. COCCIDULA Kug. Red. Muls. CACICULA Steph. . RUFA Herbst. Occasional, pectoralis Fab. Steph. testacea Kin. Thunb. rosea (Silphd) Marsh. HIPPODAMIA Chev. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. Redten. H. TREDECIMPUNCTATA Lin. Scarce. Near Edinburgh. Ent. Edin. Steph. trinacris Fourc. 14-punctata Don. JDALIA Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. V I. LIVIDA De Geer. pallida Thunb. obsoleta Schneider. var. M-nigrum Illig. Steph. Kirkpatrick Juxta. Fir trees, Pen- manshiel wood, Berwickshire. BIPUNCTATA Lin. Common./*^ dispar Illig. Steph. var. 4-pustulata Scop. Lin. 6-pustulata Scut. Lin. ^V 7 /^- L^to^^T tra*j&yj SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 97 COCCINELLA Lin. Muls. Steph. XC. UNDECIMPUNCTATA Lin. Common. Steph. collaris Payk. X C. QUINQUEPUNCTATA Lin. Common. , Steph. ^CC. SEPTEMPUNCTATAZm.^e/?^. Common.' Xc. VARIABILIS Illig. Steph. Very common. 14-punctata Miiller. 13-maculata Frst. subpunctata Schrk. 13-notata Thunb. 12-punctata var. Zsch. humeralis Schall. Steph. C. CONGLOMERATA Lin. Steph. Raehills ; Berwickshire. ^C. HIEROGLYPHICA Lin. Steph. Occasional. HARMONIA Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. H. IMPUSTULATA Lin. Steph. Near Dalkeith ; Raehiils. rose a De Geer. 16-punctata Scopoli. 16-maculata Fab. conglobata Fourc. Oliv. MYRRHA Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. X M. OCTODECIMO UTTATA Lin. Far from common. Near Edin- Steph. burgh ; Raehills ; Berwickshire. MYSIA Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. 1C M. OBLONGOGUTTATA Zm. Steph. Not scarce. ANATIS Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. AyA. OCELLATA Lin. Steph. Rare. Kinross-shire ; Aberdeen- shire ; Berwickshire. CATALOGUE OF CALVIA Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. QUATUORDECIMGUTTATA Near Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; Lin. Steph. Ayrshire ; Raehills, &c. "~~7#jr6. HALYZIA Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. H.SEDEciMGUTTATAiiw.^^. Roslin ; Cramond -, Raehills, &c. THEA Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. Steph. T. PUNCTATA Lin. vigintiduopunctata Lin. Near Coates. Ent. Edin. Steph. LASIA Hope, Muls. COCCINELLA Lin. SUBCOCCLNELLA Huber. CYNGETIS Steph. EPILACHNA Redten. L. GLOBOSA Schneider, Sleph. Berwickshire ; Raehills. 24-punctata Fab. gibbosa Dumeril. 25-punctata Lin. $ Saponariae Huber. FAMILY LYCOPERDINID^E. ENDOMYCHUS Panz. E. COCCINEUS JAn. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Musselburgh ; Pressmeuan wood, East Lothian, and Penmanshiel wood, Berwick- shire. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA FAMILY BLAPSID^. BLAPS Fab. \ B. MORTISAGA Lin. Steph. Generally distributed. J&, *** " <***&* **&* FAMILY OPATRIDjE. PHILAX (Meg. Dej.) Brulle. PHYLAN Steph. X.PH. CRENATUS Dej. gibbus Bonelli, Steph. Ayrshire. Southerness. Mr J. P. nftv Si * Wm - Jardine. BOLITOPHAGUS Illig. Fab. B. RETICULATUS Lin. Black Forest, Rannoch. Mr R, Weaver. crenatus Fab. gibbus Panz. FAMILY TENEBRIONIDJE. HETEROPHAGA Dej. Redten. ALPHITOBIUS Steph. . FAGI Panz. Duft. In a loaf in Glasgow. MrHisiop. Oryzse Herbst. picipes Steph. mauritanica Dej. Steph. f TRTBOLIUM M l Leay, Steph. STENE Steph. COLYDIUM Herbst. T. CASTANEUM Herbst. M'Z. Edinburgh, (probably introduced.) Steph. A.Murray. ferrugineum Fab. Steph. testaceum Fab. 100 CATALOGUE OF TENEBRIO Lin. Steph. '. MOLITOR Lin. Steph. Edinburgh, &c. % Vy T. OBSCURUS Fab. Steph. Edinburgh; between Leith and Portobello ; Dunse. FAMILY IIELOPID^E. HELOPS Fab. H. C.ERULEUS Lin. Fab. Steph. Near Edinburgh. Ent. Edin. chalybeus Oliv. violaceus Marsh. . CARABOIDES Panz. Steph. Scarce. Near Edinburgh ; Dalkeith ; striatus Oliv. Raehills ; L'ittle Ross ; Kirkcud- Dermestoides Illig. brightshire. FAMILY CISTELIDJ!. CISTELA Fab. MURINA Fab. Steph. Common. variabilis Dahl. Reppensis Herbst. Maura Fab. fusca Marsh. FAMILY SERROPALPIDjE. MELANDRYA Fab. M. CARABOIDES Lin. Steph. Woods about Ormiston, and near servata Fab. Sturm. Musselburgh. Ent. Edin. PYTHO Lot. P. DEPRESSUS Lin. Black Forest, Rannoch, Perthshire. C03ruleuS Panz. Mr Weaver and Dr Nelson. castaneus Panz. /\& Kirby, Steph. E. SIGNATUS Reich. Cramond ; near Penmanshiel, Ber- Kirbyi Denny. wickshire. unicolor Kirby. nanus Aube. E. REICBENBACHII Leach, Steph. Berwickshire ; Dumfriesshire. Staphylinoides Kirby. FAMILY STAPHYLINIDjE. MYRMEDONIA Erichson. ALEOCHARA Grav. Lat.^ ASTILBUS Dill. Steph. DRUSILLA Leach, Manner/mm. ZYRAS Steph. PELLA Steph. . CANALICULATA Fab. Erich. Heaths, and on the sea-coast ; occa- Steph. sionally in ants' nests. M. LTMBATA Payk. Erich. Steph. Sea - coast near Cockburnspath, in divisus Marsh. nests of Formica flava. Mr Hardy. Ia3vis Grav. foveicollis Dej. M.COLLARIS Payk. Erich. Steph. Lurgie loch, near Hume, Berwick- (Bolitochara.) shire. Mr Hislop. AUTALIA Leach, Steph. Erich. X A. IMPRESSA Oliv. Steph. Erich. In fungi. Queensferry ; Dalmeny ; plicata Kirby, Steph. Berwickshire ; Kinross-shire, ruficornis Kirby, Steph. \ A. RIVULARIS Grav. Steph. Penmanshiel; Glasgow ; Girrick, &c. Erich. aterrima Steph. angusticollis Steph. FALAGRIA Leach, Erich. X F . SULCATULA Gravenh. Steph. Near Edinburgh ; Glasgow, lllust. Sulcata var. b. Gyll. Steph. Man. polita Curtis. X F- OBSCURA Gravenh. Near Paisley. 1131$ Mr Young. H 106 CATALOGUE OF BOLITOCHARA Man- nerh. Erich. Steph. . LUNULATA Payk. Steph. Erich. . OBLIQUA Erich. Steph. Under bark. Howpark deau, and near Mellerstain, Berwickshire ; OCALEA Erich. Steph. ^ O. PIC ATA Kirby * Steph. castanea Erich. CALODERA Mannerh. Erich. Steph. . NIGRICOLLIS Payk. Erich. Steph. C. LONGITARSIS Kirby, Erich. Steph. (Ischnopoda.) TACHYUSA Erich. T. UMBRATICA Erich. foveola Leach, Steph. (Bolitochara.) T. FRONTALIS Kirby, Steph. (Ischnopoda.) immunita Erich. ? T. FLAVITARSIS Sahlberg, Hardy. T. CARBONARIA Mannh. Hardy. PHLCEOPORA Erich. . CORTICALIS Gravenh. tenuis Gravenh. HOMALOTA Erich. CALLICERUS Grav. BOLITOCHARA Steph. H. GRAMINICOLA Grav. Erich. Steph. linearis Gyll. longuiscula Gyll. longicornis var. b. Gyll. moesta Zetterstedt. fracticornis Lacord. rufitarsis Kirby, Steph. Under bark. Near Edinburgh ; Ber- wickshire and East Lothian; las- gow. Berwickshire ; Edinburgh ; Aber- deenshire. Rare. South Queensferry ; Simp- rim, Berwickshire, &c. Not uncommon. Berwickshire and Aberdeenshire. Mr Hardy. Banks of streams, Berwickshire ; Aberdeenshire. Mr Hardy. Rare. Presmennan lake, East Lothian. Mr Hardy. Rare. Border of a pond near Swin- ton Hill, Berwickshire. Mr Hardy. Glasgow ; Raehills. Berwickshire ; Aberdeenshire ; Kin- ross-shire. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 107 H. VICINA Kirby, Steph. umbonata Erich. H. ELONGATULA Grav. Erich. Steph. term in alls Grav. teres Grav. complaiia Manner!/. oblonga Lacord. ex ills Manner h. planiuscula Mannerh. depressiuscula Mannerh. elongata Kirby, Steph. H. ANGUSTULA Gyll. Erich. Steph. pilosella Steph. linearis var. Grav. CIRCELLAKIS Grav. Erich. Steph. cingulata Kirby, Steph. ochropa Kirby, Steph. contigua Kirby, Steph. H. RUFESCENS Kirby, Steph. lllust. circellaris var. Steph. Man. var. nigricaus^/%, (Steph. Cat) BRUNNEA Fab. Erich. Steph. depressa Gyll. nigriceps Marsh. cinnaraomea Steph. lllust. zonalis Kirby, Steph. atriceps Kirby, Steph. thoracica Steph. H. SERICANS Grav. Gyll. Heer. Erich. socialis var. Erich. H. SOCIALIS Payk. Erich. Steph. Boleti Grav. sordidus Marsh. castanoptera Mannh. longicornis Gyll. nigritula Grav. euryptera Steph. pallidipenni^ Kirby. xanthoptera Kirby, Steph. femorata Marsh. Steph. Not common. Penmanshiel ; Kin- ross-shire. Swampy places. Penmanshiel; Gir- rick. Rare. Banks of the Eye, Berwick- shire. Mr Hardy. Beneath stones on moors, &c. Com- mon. Not common ; under bark, and in Polypori, Berwickshire ; Aberdeen- shire ; Kinross-shire. In fungi. Howpark dean, andMeller- stain, Berwickshire ; Dalmeny. Under sea- weed, and between fissures of rocks near high-water mark, Berwickshire ; shores of Forth. In fungi, &c. Common. 108 CATALOGUE OF H. AUTUMNALIS Erich. Hardy. Moist places. Edinburgh ; East Lothian ; Peterhead ; Berwick- shire ; Kinross -shire. H. PUSILLA Grav. Steph. Raehills. R ev . w. Little. H. ANALIS Grav. Erich. Steph. Under stones on heaths, &c. Com- bifoveolata Mannh. mon. inquinula Kirby, Steph. foveolata Kirby, Steph. venustula Wilkin. nigro-fusca Kirby, Steph. H. CAUTA Erich. Hardy. Not uncommon. H. CELATA Erich. Hardy. With the preceding. H. LONGICORNIS Grav. Erich. Not common. Berwickshire ; Aber- Steph. deenshire; Kinross-shire, validicornis Mannh. consimilis Kirby, Steph. fumosa Wilkin. ^ H. LIVIDIPENNIS Mawz^. Erich. Edinburgh district; Berwickshire; Steph. Kinross-shire ; Glasgow -lff& livid a Erich. (Oxypoda.) ^f H. FUNGI Grav. Edinburgh district. Dr Greviiie. xanthopa Kirby, Steph. tricolor Kirby, Steph. H. HYGROPHILA Hardy. Borders of streams. Berwickshire ; Kinross-shire ; Aberdeenshire ; Edinburgh district. H.FOVEATOCOLLis/forfa/,^^. Taken in Scotland by Messrs Turner and Hooker. Steph. Illust. OXYPODA Erich. Steph. O. RUFICORNIS Grav. ? Steph. Raehills. Rev. w. Little, j yiO. UMBRATA Gyll. Erich. Steph. Dalmeny ; Berwickshire ; Kinross- ] shire ; Gjasgow. y\ O. LONGIUSCULA Grav. Erich. Peasedean, Berwickshire ; Glasgow.- Steph. procerulea Mannh. XO. ALTERNANS Grav. Ityich. Edinburgh district ; Berwickshire; Steph. Kinross-shire, &c. concinna Leach, Steph. O. TESTACEA Erich. Hardy. Beneath bark of fir, Penmanshiel wood, Berwickshire. Mr Hardy. O. BREVICORNIS Kirby, Steph. Penmanshiel ; near Edinburgh, cuniculina Erich. SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 109 ALEOCHARA Grav. Erich. Steph. CERANOTA Steph. POLYSTOMA Steph. A. FUSCIPES Fab. Erich. Steph. Edinburgh ; Berwickshire, lata Grav. recurva Kirby. A. BREVIPENNIS Grav. Erich. Near Edinburgh. A. Murray. Steph. carnivora Gyll. . NITEDA Grav. Erich. Steph. Generally distributed. / varians Grav. carbouarius Grav. Steph. chalcopterus Marsh. Steph. pilipes Kirby, Steph. PH. ALBIPES Erich. Hardy. Rare. Penmanshiel ; Prestonpans ; nitens Steph. * south of Scotland, caliginosus Steph. (Quedius.) ^PH. XANTHOLOMA Grav. Erich. Beneath sea- weed abundant. XWfc^ Steph. lateralis Kirby, Steph. * (Cafius.) littoralis Steph. (Cafius.) tessellatus Steph. (Cafius.) PH. FUCICOLA Leach, Erich. Sea- shore, Dalmeny. Rev. w. Little. Curt. Steph. PH. CEPHALOTES Grav. Erich. Rare. Edinburgh ; Aberdeenshire ; Steph. (Bisnius.) Berwickshire, rotundiceps Kirby, Steph. (Bisnius.) PH. FIMETARIUS Grav. Erich. Common. Steph. rigidicornis Grav. lucid us Steph. PH. SORDIDUS Grav. Erich. Not common. Berwickshire ; East Steph. Lothian ; Edinburgh, pachycephalus Nordm. PH. FUMIGATUS Erich. Raehills. Rev. W. Little. atratus var. intermedius Grav. obscurus Steph. ? 120 CATALOGUE OF . SANGUINOLENTUS Grav. Erich. Steph. contaminatus Grav. Kare. Penmanshiel. PH. BiPUSTULATUsParaz. Erich. Edinburgh. Steph. Mr Hardy. Rev. W. Little. VARIANS Payk. Erich. opacus Grav. bipustulatus var. 1 , 2, 4-7. Grav. bimaculatus Marsh. lituratus Kirby, Steph. aciculatus Steph. bipustulatus var. b. Grav. var. a. varians Fab. opacus Grav. aterrirnus Marsh. Steph. var. b. punctiventris Kirby, Steph. opacus Steph. var. c. obscuripennis Kirby, Steph. longicornis Kirby, Steph. scybalarius Nordm. fuscicornis Nordm. var. d. intaminatus Kirby, Steph. var. c. agilis Grav. Steph. parvicornis Grav. discoideus Lacord. suaveolens Kirby, Steph. ? (Gabrius.) PH. DEBILIS Grav. Erich. lucidus Grav. fimetarius var. Grav. fuscicornis Kirby, Steph. (Bisnius.) agilis Lacord. (PH. VENTRALIS Grav. Erich. Steph. immundus Grav. anthrax Grav. Common. Rare. Penmanshiel. Mr Hardy. Berwickshire ; Aberdeenshire ; Kin- ross-shire. / Watsoni Kirby, Steph. impressicollis Steph. puncticollis Howitt, Steph. (Bisnius.) PH. PROCERULEUS Grav. Erich. Rare. Near Cockburnspath, Ber- Steph. (Xantholinus.) wickshire. Mr Hardy, planatus Grav. PH. ELOXGATULUS Erich. Rare. South of Scotland ; Kinross- semipunctatus/&>6#,Sfej9A.? shire. A. Murray. (Gabrius.) QUEDIUS Leach, Steph. Erich. MICROS A URUS Dej. Steph. RAPHIRUS Leach, Steph. PHILONTHUS Heer. LATERALIS Grav. Erich. Edinburgh district ; Berwickshire; Steph. jGJ^sgow ; Kinross-shire. I 122 CATALOGUE OP . FULGIDUS Fab. Erich. var. a. Elytris rufis. fulgidus Fab. Heer. fuscipennis Block. rufitarsis Marsh. Steph. distiuctus Runde. hoemopterus Kirby^ Steph. hoemorrhous Kirby, Steph. humeralis Kirby, Steph. iracundus Say. floralis Lacord. assimilis Nordm. var. b. Elytris concoloribus. nitidus Grav. Steph. variabilis Gyll Steph. mesomelinus Marsh. Gronlandicus Zetter- stedt. occultus Lacord. Not common. Edinburgh; Glasgow ; Kinross-shire, &c. Not uncommon. Generally distributed. ,. IMPRESSUS Payk. Erich. Steph. cinctus Payk. marginellus Marsh. nitidus var. 6, Grav. MOLOCHINUS Grav. Erich. laticollis Lacord. picipennis Pai/k. Steph. Lapponicus Zetterstedt. Isevicollis Runde. denudatus Kirby, Steph. FnoxTALisNordmann, Erich. Common everywhere, tristis Steph. ( Q. LAEVIGATUS Gyll. ? FULIGINOSUS Grav. Erich. tristis Grav. dilatatus Marsh. picicornis Kirby* Steph. gracilis Kir by, Steph. PICIPES Mannerh. Erich. Steph. pyrrhopus Kirby, Steph. variicolor Nordm. Common. Edinburgh district ; Glasgow. Mr Hislop. Berwickshire ; minutum Sahib. "/?- J* LITHOCHARIS Dej. Erich. MEDON Steph. SUNIUS Steph. P^EDERUS Grav. L. MELANOCEPHALA Fab. Erich. Near Dumfries and Raehills. Steph. Rev - w - Little - tricolor Marsh. bicolor Oliv. ruficorne Latr. (Lathro- bium.) XL. OCHRACEA Grav. Erich. Berwickshire ; Mid-Lothian ; Aber- Steph. deenshire. rubricollis Grav. Steph. testacea Lacord. f &W* SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 125 STILICUS Latr. Erich. RUGILUS Leach. S. AFFINIS Erich. Hardy. Berwickshire ; Dalmeny Park. S. PUNCTIPENNIS Kirby, Steph. Moffat. Rev. w. Little. . ORBICULATUS Payk. Steph. Edinburgh ; Cramond ; Berwicksh. Erich. SUNIUS Leach, Erich. (not Steph.) ASTENUS Dej. Steph. >^S. ANGUSTATUS Fab. Erich. Rare. Edinburgh district ; Dum- Steph. friesshire ; Berwickshire ; East gracilis Payk. Lothian ; Kinross-shire. S. BRUNNEUS Kirby, Steph. Kinross-shire. A. Murray. P^DERUS Fab. P. LITTORALIS Grav. Steph. Rare. Near Edinburgh. Ent. Edin. DIANOUS Leach, Steph. Erich. Xl>. CCERULESCENS Gyll. Erich. Not common. Near Edinburgh ; Steph. near Glasffow^ Berwickshire ; East biguttatus Ljungh. (Stenus.) Lothian ; .Dumfriesshire, &c. rugulosus Steph. STENUS Lat. ST. BIGUTTATUS Lin. Erich. South of Scotland. Sttph. bipustulatus Ljungh. X.ST. GUTTULA Mutter, Erich. Banks of streams. Near Edinburgh ; Steph. Berwickshire ; south of Scotland. Kirbyi Leach, Gyll. Curtis. biguttatus, var. Grav. X$T. BIMACULATUS Gyll. Erich. Berwickshire ; south of Scotland. Steph. Juno Grav. Lacord. biguttatus Marsh. (Steph.) ST. JUNO Fab. Erich. Steph. Wet places common. Edinburgh ; clavicornis Fab. Berwickshire, &c. buphthalmus Latr. Boops Grav. 126 CATALOGUE OF ST. BUPHTHALMUS Grav. Erich. Steph. Boops Ljungh. clavicornis Panz. canaliculatus Lacord. palposus Zetterst. ? V ST. PUSILLUS Kirby, Steph. exiguus Erich. ST. NANUS Steph. pusillus Erich. X ST. BOOPS Gyll. Steph. Heer. clavicornis Scop. Steph. buphthalmus Schrank. Cicindeloides Ljungh. nigricornis Kirby, Steph. speculator Lacord. Erich. y^ ST. NIGRITULUS Gyll. Erich. unicolor Kirby, Steph. }( ST. BINOTATUS Ljungh. Gyll. Erich. laevior Kirby, Steph. V ST. PUBESCENS Kirby, Steph. *. subimpressus Erich. ST. PALLITARSIS Kirby, Steph. binotatus, var. b. Gyll. plantaris Erich. ST. NITIDUS Kirby, Steph. phasopus Kirby, Steph. ? plancus Erich. ST. PICIPES Kirby, Steph. rusticus Erich. obliquus Heer. :. NITIDIUSCULUS Kirby, Steph. ^ tempestivus Erich. ST. IMPRESSUS Germ. Erich. proboscideus Germ. Aceris Kirby, Steph. Near Edinburgh. Kinross -shire ; Berwickshire ; south of Scotland. Common. Edinburgh; Berwickshire; Stirlingshire, &c. Common. Edinburgh; Kinross-shire; Berwickshire ; Aberdeenshire ; south of Scotland. Common. Edinburgh ; Berwick- shire, &c. South of Scotland. R ev . w. Little. Borders of ponds. Edinburgh ; Swin- ton, Berwickshire ; south of Scot- land. Borders of ponds ; Edinburgh, near Swinton ; south of Scotland. Edinburgh district ; Kinross- shire. Near Swinton, Berwickshire. Mr Hardy. Near Edinburgh. Berwickshire ; Aberdeenshire ; Kinross-shire. Sides of streams and wet marshes. Berwickshire; Aberdeenshire; near Edinburgh ; Kinross -shire, &c. Common. Edinburgh ; Aberdeen- shire ; Berwickshire ; Kinross-shire, &c: SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 127 ST. PROBOSCIDEUS Gyll. Heer. Marshes. Edinburgh ; Berwick- canaliculatus Kirby, Steph. shire ; south of Scotland, palustris Erich. ST. PALLIPES Grav. Erich. Moffat ; Nenthorn and Mellerstain. immunis Marsh. Steph. ST. FLAVIPES Kirby, Steph. Penmanshiel and Nenthorn ; near filum Erich. Edinburgh. ST. TARSALIS Ljungh. Erich. Rare. Raehills ; Blackburn Rigg Steph. * wood, Berwickshire, buphthalmus Ljungh. clavicornis Grav. riparius Runde. nigriclavis Kirby, Steph. rufitarsis Kirby ^ Steph. flavitarsis Within. Steph. . OCULATUS GylL Erich. Steph. Common. similis Herbst. clavicornis Marsh. ST. CICINDELOIDES Grav. Rare. Near Ormiston. Dr j. Howden. Erich. Steph. buphthalmus Rossi. clavicornis Rossi. biguttatus, var. Oliv. (Paderus.) siinilis, var. . Ljungh. ST. FULVICORNIS Kirby i Steph. In moss. Penmanshiel. Mr Hardy, paganus Erich. ST. BRUNNIPES Kirby, Common, latifrons Erich. BLEDIUS Leach. HESPEROPHILUS Steph. B. FRACTICORNIS Payk. Erich. Steph. Gallicus Grav. pallipes Lacord. var. Elytris rufis. Near Swinton hill, Berwickshire, tricornis var. minor Grav. Mr Hardy. B. OPACUS Block. Erich. Rare. Sea-coast near Cockburns- castaneipennis Mannerh. path. Mr Hardy, hcemopterus Kirby, Steph. l-S CATALOGUE OF X H. ,si IVI-KKKANKI s Mtrkel, //. llanlti. Ixuiks of streams. Cly do: .Berwick- shire; luverosk; south of Scotland. PLATYSTETHUS Man- ner/trim. X 1*. MORSITANS PayA. JEricrt. Common. trilobus (>/;. Steph. p:illidiponnis Paar. f/leer. areuarius Fourc* striolaius Lacord. inordax SaJilb. suU'atus Marsh. Steph. bninniponuis Steph. OXYTELUS (/rot?. . RUGOSUS Fo cariuatus Panz. Steph. piceus (V/r. striatus ^fr^m, sulcatus jPot/rc. v:u. pulcher (i'rav terrestris Lacord. laqaeatas Afctrsh. O. SCULPTUS G'raw. JEricfc. louirioornis J/a/incrAm. antennatns A'triy, *X O. SCULPTURATUS (?rat>. . Common. flavipes Lacord. O. NITKNS Marsh. Sttph. luteipenuis Erich. O, FLAVIPES Stepk. O. NITIDULUS (?rw. jEWc*, Stfph. piceus Schrank. piceus var . py gmeus Payk. rugulosus Say. ruficrus Kirby, Edinburgh; Kinross-shire ; Benviok- shire; south of Scotland. Common. Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; Duubar ; south of Scotland. Soa-eoast near Cockburnspath. Mr Hardy. Edinburgh; Berwickshire; Whitting- ham ; south of Scotland : Aber- deenshire ; Kinross-shire. M JL&JLepiriv-, SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 129 O. PALLIPES Kirby, Steph. Edinburgh; Dunbar; south of Scot- depressus Gyll. land. complanatus Erich. . DEPRESSUS Grav. Erich. Steph. Common. pusillus Mannerh. Steph. tetracarinatus Block. TROGOPHL^US Mannerh. OXYTELUS Gyll. CARPALIMUS Sleph. TJENODOMA Mannerh. TRENOSOMA Steph. T. SCROBICULATUS Erich. Stichell Linn. Mr Hisiop. T. BILINEATUS Kirby, Steph. Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; Aberdeen - Erich. shire ; south of Scotland. corticinus GylL var. inquilinus Erich. T. FULIGINOSUS Grav. Erich. Penmanshiel. Mr Hardy. Steph. . PUSILLUS Grav. (Aleo- Berwickshire ; Aberdeenshire. chard) Erich. Steph. fuliginosus Gyll. corticinus Lacord. picipennis Kirby, Steph. THINOBIUS Kiesenwetter. TH. LONGIPENNIS Heer. (Horn- Among gravel, side of the Pease- alota.) burn, Berwickshire. Mr Hardy. ciliatus Kies. COPEOPHILUS Latreille. OMALIUM Grav. ELONIUM Leach. ANTHOBIUM Lacord. . STRIATULUS Fab. Erich. Scarce. Edinburgh ; Aberdeenshire ; Steph. Berwickshire, &c. rugosus Oliv. laesus Germ. (Oxytelus.) 130 CATALOGUE OF DELEASTER Erich. ^\ D. DICHROUS Grav. Erich. Raehills, and Braid burn, nearEdin- Steph. burgh. Rev. W. Little. Brassier Schrank. ? (Sta- phylinus.) Leachii Curtis^ (Lesteva.) MICRALYMMA Westwood. OMALIUM GylL ^X M. BREVIPENNE GylL Erich. Between layers of shale rocks be- Johnstonis Westw. Steph. tween tide- marks; Dalmeny; South Queensferry ; Prestonpans ; Dun- bar ; Berwickshire. SYNTOMIUM Curtis. ^XS. ^NEUM Muller, GylL Erich. In moss. Edinburgh ; Dalmeny ; nigroaeneum Curt. Steph. Raehills ; Jedburgh ; Berwickshire. ANTHOPHAGUS Grav. Erich. LESTEVA Latreille, Steph. XA. ALPINUS Fab. Erich. Steph. Dumfriesshire. Rev. w. Little- mandibularis GylL Lapponicus Mannerh. flavipennis Lacord. maxillosus Zetterstedt. V A. CARABOIDES Lin. Erich. Dalmeny ; Berwickshire ; Aberdeen- Steph. shire, &c. testaceus Lacord. A. TESTACEUS Grav. Erich. Near Jedburgh. Rev. w. Little. Steph. Caraboides var. c. GylL GEODROMUS Heer. ANTHOPHAGUS Grav. Erich. LESTEVA Steph. XG. PLAGIATUS Fab. Heer. Erich. Perthshire ; Berwickshire. Steph. suturalis Lacord. longipes Mannerh. ? Hookeri Kirby, Steph. C var. Elytris nigris concoloribus. nigrita, Muller . globuiicollis Mann. Steph. **L *jr+*^tr SCOTTISH COLEOPTERA 131 G. CANALICULATUS Kir by, Near Edinburgh ; Raehills, &c. Steph. Kunzei Heer. LESTEVA Za*. XL. BICOLOR Fab. Erich. Common, by borders of streams. / punctulata Lat. obscura Payk. Steph. intermedia Grav. dimidiatus Panz. (Carabus.) Staphylinoides Marsh. (Carabus.) XL. IMPRESSA Kirby, Steph. Swamps. Berwickshire; Edinburgh; punctata Erich. Aberdeenshire ; Kinross-shire, villosus Waltl. (Anthophagus.) ARPEDIUM Erich. OMALIUM Grav. Steph. XA. BRACHYPTERUM Grav. Near Edinburgh ; Dumfriesshire. Erich. Hardy. impressum Zetterstedt. Gyllenhalii Sahlberg. A. SUBPUBESCENS Kirby, In the blooms of broom and furze, Steph. Berwickshire, humile Erich. myops Holiday. \ ACIDOTA Leach. . CRENATA Fab. Erich. Steph. Rare. Dalmeny ; Caithness ; the castaneum Grav. Grampians ; Milnegraden, Ber- rufa Grav. Mann. wickshire ; Minto, &c. A. CRUENTATA Mann. Erich. Among decaying fir-leaves, Penman- rufa Gyll. Steph. shiel wood ; Raehills. OLOPHRUM Erich. ANTHOBIUM Steph. . PICEUM Gyll. Erich. Steph. Marshes. Raehills ; Dalmeny ; Ber- Blattoides Ahrens. wickshire ; Aberdeenshire. O. CONSIMILE Gyll. Erich. South of Scotland. Rev. w. Little. Steph. boralis J Payk. 132 CATALOGUE OF LATHRBOEUM Erich. X L- ATROCEPHALUM Gyll. Erich. Berwickshire ; Presmennan ; Edin- Steph. burgh; Minto; Aberdeenshire, &c. melanocephalum Runde. Marsh. Steph. loDgipenne Kirby, Steph. ? unicolor Marsh. Steph. ? DELIPHRUM Erich. D. TECTUM Payk. Erich. Steph. Edinburgh ; Berwickshire ; south of laeve Grav. (Omalium) (not Scotland. Steph.) OMALIUM Grav. X O. RIVULARE Payk. Erich. Common. Steph. incisum Grav. cursor Mutter. Oxyacanthse Lacord. fuscum Steph. O. L^EVIUSCULUM Gyll. Beneath sea-weed. Berwickshire ; laeve Steph. (not Grav.) Dunbar ; Dalineny. O. OXYACANTH^; Grav. Erich. Scarce. Kaehills ; Dalmeny ; Ber- (not Steph.) wickshire. piceum Kirby, Steph. . FOSSULATUM Erich. Not frequent. Edinburgh ; Berwick- caesum Gyll. Steph. (not shire ; Aberdeenshire ; Kinross- Grav.) shire. O. CONFORMATUM Hardy. Near Penmanshiel. Mr Hardy. O. FLORALE Payk. Erich. Steph. Not common. Kaehills ; Pease Viburni Gyll. Steph. bridge, Berwickshire ; Kinross- rufipes Fourc. shire. O. STRIATUM Grav. Erich. Not common. Near Penmanshiel. Steph. Mr Hardy. minutum Oliv. XYLODROMUS Heer. OMALIUM Grav. Erich. Steph. X. CONCINNUS Marsh. Steph. Edinburgh ; Berwickshire. Erich. Heer. <+L <$