: 7fC ( r % '—.»,-)-' ^v^- y ^5 n ^; *i!'/ j:*, , % -iS' X. ' 4 in. Manila Rope 'iOO Staples and Nails 30 4 Iron Rings and Bolts 1.40 4 Rope Thimbles '. 60 Labor 8.75 Total $28.94 Volley Ball Court: Lumber— 2 pes. 5 in. x 5 in. x 10 ft. S4S— Posts $ 1.70 1 Net 1.00 1 Canvas Volley Ball 2.50 Labor — setting posts 50 Total ._ $ 5.70 Basket Ball Court: Lumber — 2 pes. 6 in x 6 in. .x 16 ft. S4S — Posts $4.65 8 pes. 1 in. x 12 in. x 6 ft. SIS— Backs 2.00 1 pr. Goals 4.00 4 3-in. Bolts 15 1 Basket Ball 6.00 Labor : 3.50 Total $20.30 Croquet : 1 Croquet Set $2.50 Total ; $2.50 Tennis : Lumlier— 2 pes. 6 in. x 6 in. x 6 ft. S4S $1.98 Tennis Rackets from $1.50 to $8.00 each Nets from $1.00 to $9,00 each Balls, per doz from $3.00 to $5.00 (Sec Wright & Ditson and A. G. Spaulding & Bros, catalogues for prices on complete sets.) Ping-pong: Lumber — 5 pes. 1 in. x 12 in. x 10 ft. Com. SIS $1.18 1 pc 2 in. .x4xin. x 12 ft. Com. SIS 30 8 pes. ^ in. X 6 in. x 3K> ft. No. 1 S4S 80 Labor 1.60 1 Ping-pong set 2.00 Total $5.88 FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDis ?!• Slide.' Slides may be made up for a great many different prices, rang- ing from $15.00 to $25.00. Good ready made slides may be bought at a cost of from $20.00 to $50.00. BASKET BALL BACKSTOP AND GOALS Rainy Day Apparatus and Games. Nothing helps out in a school for rainy days like a little portable apparatus and a few games, particularly where the pupils have to carry their lunches. The following list offers to teachers a slight suggestion for rainy day equipment : 5 Bean Bag Boards, 2>4 ft. long by 2 ft. wide $1.45 24 Bean Bags, average size 4 in. by 4 in 1.30 Total $2.7; 2 Games of Jack Straws at 25c $ .50 3 Packs of Flinch at 50c 1.50 2 Sets Parchesi at 75c 1.50 4 Sets Dominoes at 50c 2.00 2 1634-iu- by 16 in. Checker Boards at 65c 1.30 2 Sets Checkers at 10c - 20 1 Set Meccano 3.00 Total -..$10.00 a o Z u a. z o o z >• < a >■ z < Oi I J o o X u « < X K FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 23 Lockers. Apparatus of the portable variety, lialls, bats, etc., should have some sort of a home provided for its conservation. If something up-to-date cannot be supplied, it is an easy matter to secure dry goods boxes which may be converted into lockers that will answer the purpose very nicely. For those wishing to construct something better the following figures are given : Lumlicr for Lockers 20 in. x21 in. x 16 ft., which mav lie divided into five compartments ,$ 8.70 5 Hinges and 5 Hasps SO 5 Padlocks 80 5 Aluminum Figures for marking compartments 40 Staining 65 Butts 65 Oil 25 Labor 3.50 Total $15.45 Nets Strung on Wires. Weather proof nets are expensive and few schools can afford to purchase them. Cheap nets stretch and sag to a great degree. This can be easily overcome by stringing the nets on wires and drawing them up tightly before fastening for use. Surface for Athletic Fields, Tennis Courts, etc. The Municipal Engineer- ing Journal of Cincinnati, Ohio, issued January, 1913, gives the following idea for surfacing Athletic Fields, Tennis Courts, etc. : "Three or four inches of COARSE cinders well packed and rolled, covered with one or two inches of SCREENED cinders mixed with equal parts of dampened clay and well rolled will make an ideal play surface for athletic fields. Such a mixture packs well, is springy, does not get dusty in dry weather and can be played on in the rain." SUPERVISION OF SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS The one most important problem that faces any city, large or small, is the boys and girls of that city and the making of each one of those lives an effici- ent one. "We act as we feel." Without health we can do nothing and in order that we may have Health, Growth and Development we must have nutrition, exercise and rest. Nutrition and rest are matters for the consideration of the ])arents, while the playgrounds provide most of the development for the child, which means chiefly play, as the greatest share of his development is secured in play. Character is a matter of choosing to do the right thing when the wrong one is presented. Nowhere as in play is the child given such an opportunitv for the training of character and good citizenship and thpre is nothing in all our school curriculum as educational to him. Nowhere as in play is he given 24 PHYSICAL EDUCATION' COMPLETE such an opportunity to receive from the outside world the most serious and greatest variety of impressions and it is right here, in play, that he learns to express himself clearly and intelligently. In play, children find their objects of deepest and most enduring interests and as habits of thought and action for good or ill are most easily set up in connection -with those things that interest one the most it is but natural that in their play children form habits that cling to them all through life, and play is just as necessary to the life of a little child as air and sunshine are needed to make the little plant a fruitful vine. Playgrounds, to be successful, must be supervised and, furthermore, MUST BE CONTROLLED. Jacob Riis has well said "It is the very parody upon common sense to appropriate money for playgrounds and refuse to do so for supervision. That is indeed saving at the spigot and wasting at the bunghole." The Teacher as a "Play Leader." The teacher as a "Play Leader" has a / field for influence fertile beyond that of any other human being, for it is in I play that children begin their personal relations with each other and it is right here they should be taught the meaning of courtesy, manliness and womanli- ness and that of the greatest word in the true boy's and girl's vocabulary — HONOR. In play they learn to control their muscles, to correlate hand and eye and to establish their rights to exist. Here is where they first learn to recognize the rights of each other and that those rights should be respected. Here also they learn the rules of the game — fair play, "take your turn" and the square deal. In play children soon begin to express the impressions they receive from those with whom they come mostly in contact, namely, parents and teachers. In play it is possible for them to learn to nurse their troubles and pains without a murmur, to be kind to opponents in defeat and thoughtful of them in victory. Only in play is the real child nature displayed. Observe for a short w-hile the children on a playground as they play their various games. One has not long to wait before selecting the "follower," the selfish individ- ual, always elbowing to the front to "play to the grandstand," and the natural leader, with his latent power for good or evil, as environment and influence may determine. Nowhere are life habits so easily formed as on a playground or in play anywhere, for that matter, and a teacher has a score of chances each day to direct habit. In general, children learn their methods of play and their attitude toward it and opponents from those in charge of the play time, there- fore it is of vital importance that the type set before them should be of the higliest and best. Why Supervision Is Necesseury. When playgrounds and playtimes are not supervised we are very apt to find that results obtained are anything but those we desire. A teacher should permit none Init the best conduct at all times and under all circumstances, language only that is respectable and respectful and she should see to it that all children, large and small, weak and strong, are given a fair chance in games and on apparatus and that the play space is pre- " vented from becoming a public nuisance through its noise and disorder. Not all games are safe ones, many of them being extremely dangerous to life and FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 25 liml), and it is is very important that such games be eliminated by the teacher from all use on the playground. A Teacher's Personal Methods. It is very necessary, inilced, that a teacher shuukl know how to he friendly with children, to be a good comrade, to sympathize with them, to take an interest in all their plans and experiences and make a success of helping them in all their right endeavors. A teacher should possess a good working knowledge of all games and the rules that control them if she would hold the interest of the children in her care and be a strong influence in their midst. There is nothing that so quickly diminishes a teacher's influence and standing with children on a playground as ignorance of rules of games, or lack of interest in playground activities. General Ends to be Secured. The general ends to be secured by play, properly supervised, are : 1. Health. 2. Physical strength. 3. Organic strength. 4. The development of a maximum of energy. 5. The happiness of the children. Social Ends to be Secured: 1. Cleanliness. 2. Politeness. 3. Formation of friendships. 4. Obedience to law. 5. Loyalty. 6. Justice. 7. Honesty. 8. Determination. Cleanliness. "Cleanliness is an instinct, any deviation from which is an abnormality." There is a great diiTerence between chronic dirt and that which is ac- quired during a rousing good game. Dirt acquired under the latter conditions is highly respectable, provided it is not allowed to form a permanent crust. Do not ask or expect clean children to take hold of hands that are dirty. Children should be taught to care for their bodies properly. Unclean children, those who give only the minimum amount of attention to their personal ap- pearance, should not be tolerated on a playground any more than in a school room, but where play spaces are connected with schools there is very little, if any troulile of this sort, as it is controlled through the school. Politeness. It does not require much effort on the part of those in charge to teach politeness, for if a teacher herself is polite, children will, in most cases, imitate her in this respect as in many others. A teacher should em- phasize this point in her contact with children, for then it is that we are apt to secure a good average result from them. She should insist on politeness to / 26 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE everyone, herself included. Children will need instruction in this respect, for they are very rarely naturally polite and do not know what politeness re- quires. Formation of Friendships. A friendly spirit is very essential to the suc- cess of play and it is one of the most valuable kinds of training- that any play- ground can give. Teachers should repress the forward, selfish, obstinate ones, at the same time give all the encouragement possible to the shy and backward children and teach all to be good comrades, good friends every- where. Obedience to Law. Children should be taught to live up to the rules of all games, because they are the rules and that it is the proper thing to do. Do not attempt to make children law-abiding from the fear of penalties. That does not instill in them the lessons we would make life habits. \\'e should teach that right is might. LoyaJty. Strive to secure loyalty in all games, to all teams, to the school and its playground. The attitude of teachers determines the attitude of chil- dren under their control. The idea of games and athletics is defeated when children are taught loxalty that is of the blind sort, when they have it instilled in them that there is no courtesy due opponents and that there is no such thing as the rights of others. We see a great deal of this variety of loyalty in our :)resent day schools and in nearly every case the fault may be traced to the at- -itude of the instructors in charge. Teach children to be courteous winners and graceful losers, qualities that are fundamental to good citizenship. Justice, (a) The teacher should permit no conduct on the playground that does not belong to the "square deal" family. Talk and preach square deal every time the opporttmity presents itself and see to it that the oppor- tunity presents itself so often that square deal becomes a natural thing with children. (b) The older children should not be allowed to take things away from the younger ones. (c) "Take your turn!" is a rule that should apply to all. (d) Do not allow children to remain on coveted apparatus too long. Give all a fair chance. (e) Do not allow children to tantalize and annoy opponents on the play- ground at any time. Honesty. Many are the opportunities for dishonesty in games and a teacher should deal very severely with cheating. Strive to secure honesty above everything else. Determination. It is not uncommon to find children who will try a "stunt" once cjr twice and give it up if liot successful. Some are very easily discouraged if their opponents make a larger score or display more ability in games than they and such children frequently attempt to withdraw from the game and give up entirely. Right here we are afforded one of the best op- portunities to teach children that the will should succeed in spite of every FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 27 obstacle. Keep a plentiful supply of encouragement on hand for use in just such cases. Competition. All life is one great competition and we have it within our power to help boys and girls prepare for it. Competition carried to a high degree is not sport, while the proper dosage is — and most beneficial. The in- tense competition that is a part of so many of the athletic contests of today does away with all the benefits that may have been acquired during the valu- able period of training. Over exertion on the field in competitive games and athletics is far more common than most people realize. A sensible balance should be maintained and it is the duty of every teacher in charge of this work to regulate competition whenever it is possible and it should be made possible by them to regulate it. Talk with the athletes of days that are gone and ybu will hear confessions that will often astonish you. It is one of a teacher's duties to see that this phase of playground work is adjusted for the bovs and girls in his or her care. "OFF TO THE SAND-PILE" SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONTROL OF APPARATUS Sand Bin. 1. The Bin should, by all means, be enclosed in order that it may be kept clean. 2. In some communities it is advisable to change the sand every six or eight weeks. 3. Lunches should not be eaten in the enclosure. 4. Boxes and papers should not be thrown about in the Bin. 5. The sand should be kept moist enough to hold together for the con- struction work of the children. 6. Children should not be permitted to throw sand at each other. Teeters. 1. A child should not jump or slide off the board when another child is up in the air. 2. Little children should not be permitted to stand on the boards to teeter. 3. They should not "bump" in order to attempt to displace the child on the other end of the board. 28 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE 4. To get off the board — the teeter should he first lirought to the horizon- tal position, when the children get off one at a time. (Unless a child knows when his companion is going to get off the teeter board, one of them, and possibly both, may be injured.) Swings. 1. Swings should always be enclosed. Many accidents are thus prevented. 2. Little people should not have to use swings that the older children have. If possible, erect sets for the little ones and separate sets for both the larger boys and girls. If this cannot be done, set definite hours for the use of the swings, that all may have a chance on them. (This applies to a great deal of the apparatus on any playground.) 3. Girls should not be allowed to swing standing up unless they are pro- vided with bloomers, the darker ones being more preferable for playground use. Horizontal Bar. 1. Some provision should be made for a landing pit for use with HIGH bars. 2. See that the bar for girls is located in some more secluded portion of the Playground. 3. Permit no girl to use the Bar who is not provided with Ijloomers. Slide. This piece of apparatus will always require the closest sort of su- pervision. Definite rules for its use should be established and CARRIED OUT. 1. Children should not slide down in any but a sitting position. 2. The soles of the shoes should not come in contact with the slide. 3. Children should take their turn in climbing the stairs. There should be no crowding on this portion of the apparatus. By insisting on this there will be none, and one child will slide at a time. 5. Girls should not be allowed on the Slide who do not wear Playground bloomers. 6. Nails and screws should never be permitted to even peep above the board, or sliding surface. 7. If the Slide is made of copper or zinc sheeting, eternal vigilance must be exercised in its care, for a cut in the plate would cause an ugly wound. If made of wood, it should be watched for splinters. (A wooden Slide should be oiled frequently with raw linseed oil or waxed.) 8. Boys and girls should not have to use the Slide at the same time. Set definite periods for each. A Slide properly belongs to that section of any Playground that is devoted to the little folks. Do not have a stairway built over six feet high for your Primarv children and be sure that the whole jjiece of apparatus is strongly and safely made. (A portion of the outline tised is from "A Normal Course in Play," by The National Playground and Recreative Association of America — by permission.) CHAPTER II Swedish Gymnastics Why We Give Gymnastics — Rules for the Teaching of Gymnastics — ^The Day's Order — Analysis of the Day's Order — Correct Sitting, Stamding and Walking Positions — Some Simple Gymnastic Positions Swedish Educational Gymnastics. "Gymnastics are systematic, bodily exercises, based on scientific principles and founded on physiological rules." Of the four kinds of gymnastics, namely, Medical, Educational, Military and Aesthetic, we consider simply the Educational, or those used with a view to SWEDISH GYMNASTICS. "ARMS SIDEWARD— RAISE !" educating the mind and body. For use in the school room the Swedish System of Educational Gymnastics is the most practical. No apparatus is necessary and every lesson provides a certain number of sets of movements that are given in order, each group having a certain purpose to accomplish. Why We Give Gymnastics. During the majority of hours spent in the schoolroom, children are re(|uired to maintain the sitting position. As their minds are intent upon the work before them, it is very natural for the head and shoulders to droop forward, the chest to become depressed to a greater or less extent, the circulation of blood in the abdominal organs to be checked to a certain degree, while the brain in its activity draws a great deal of blood to that portion of the body. After a little while the mind grows weary of con- centration of its powers upon one thing and the muscles long for an oppor- tunity to share its activity. The circulation of the blood needs to be equalized, respiration deepened and strengthened and poor postures of all kinds need to be corrected, while the body in general needs to be given tone and strength. Rules for Teachers of Gymnastics. The teacher who would lead a class through a lesson in gymnastics, must bear in mind the following rules : 1. The lesson must be planned w-ith care and earnestness and should be learned "liv heart." 30 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE 2. The lesson should be constructed according to the systematic Progres- sive Day's Order, working gradually from the least to the greatest amount of exercise. 3. Have the children arranged in the aisles according to height. This plan permits a teacher to see the work which is being done by each child. 4. It is very important that all commands and instructions be given in a quick tone, one full of life and snap. Energy and vim should be expressed in every move the teacher makes. Gymnastic lessons that are aimless and life- less lose all their value. 5. Children should be taught to execute all exercises with seriousness and precision and should be encouraged to eni];)loy the greatest power of which they are capable in the execution of the Day's Order. 6. Exercises should be repeated from one to ten times, but NEVER required of the child so often as to produce fatigue. Gymnastics TAUGHT INTELLIGENTLY NEED NEVER PRODUCE AN ILL EFFECT. A lesson in gymnastics should alwa}-s produce the result that is intended — that of refreshing and invigorating the mind and body. 7. Teach children to breathe easily and naturally during the lesson. (They should be cautioned against holding the breath during exercise of any kind.) The Day's Order. A Days' Order comprises the following groups of exercises : 1. ORDER EXERCISES. 2. LEG EXERCISES. 3. ARCH EXERCISES. 4. HEAVE EXERCISES. 5. BALANCE EXERCISES. 6. BACK EXERCISES. 7. ABDOMINAL EXERCISES. 8. LATERAL TRUNK EXERCISES. 9. JUMPING EXERCISES. 10. SLOW LEG, OR COOLING OFF EXERCISES. IL RESPIRATORY EXERCISES. Analysis of the Day's Order. The ORDER EXERCISES are intended to draw the pupil's mind away innn the work he has been doing and to con- centrate his thoughts and attention upon the gymnastic lesson about to be given. A number of these exercises should be given in quick succession and the teacher should not be satisfied to proceed with the work until she has secured the alertness in obeying commands that is necessary for beneficial work. The LEG EXERCISES are given for the purpose of drawing the blood in larger quantities to the lower extremities, thus relieving the brain and the partial congestion in the abdominal organs. These exercises also stimulate the general circulation. The ARCH EXERCISES expand and raise the chest and straighten the upper part of the back and neck. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 31 The HEAVE EXERCISES lift and broaden the chest and give great strength to the spine. (By following the above four sets of gymnastic movements we have sent to the muscles more blood that is purer and l^etter and more venous blood has been sent on to the heart and lungs for purification. The mind is relieved from the strain previously put upon it and muscular response to the v.":ll is now secured, while a stronger foundation for the following groups of exercises has been supplied.) The BALANCE EXERCISES train for equililjrium and the ability to control the body in difficult positions, at the same time educating the sense of correct and graceful pose. The BACK EXERCISES train for correct carriage of the shoulder blades and back and 1)y giving strength to the muscles on each side of the spinal col- umn, do much toward correcting faulty growth of the spine. SWEDISH GYMNASTICS. ••.4RMS FORWARD— BEND I" The ABDOMINAL EXERCISES and those concerned with the fore part of the Ijody strengthen the abdominal wall muscles and stimulate the ab- dominal organs by the change of pressure that is exerted upon them. The LATERAL TRUNK EXERCISES strengthen the waist muscles, stimulate internal organs and tone up the spinal nerves. (The movements mentioned above, followed in order and gradualh- in- creased in force, require stronger action from the circulatory and respiratory organs. The exercises should never be pushed to the point where the pupil becomes breathless or suffers any uncomfortable heart symptoms.) The JUMPING and RUNNING EXERCISES have an all-arounrting the body on the tree he is about to saw into pieces, while the left hand grasps the upper or left hand end of the saw, the right the lower, or right hand end of the saw (hands about two feet apart), when to rhythmical counting or music he pushes down on "the saw" and raises it just as if sawing a log. The KNEES should bend, and not the back, as the child pushes down on his saw. 3. Splitting the Pieces. The child stands with feet apart, both hands clasped and close together as if grasping an ax handle and raised directly OVERHEAD. Bend the body backward and then lower the hands quickly and with force, as if splitting a piece of wood on the ground in front of the body. GARDENERS 1. Clearing the Garden. The left foot is placed forward, knee bent, right foot to the rear and knee straight, hands clasped and extended for- ward as if grasping a rake handle. Now pull back to the right side of the body while the left knee is in the straight position and the right bent. Change after a few counts to the right foot forward, etc. (Repeat in slow succession.) 2. Hoeing the Garden. The left foot is placed slightly in advance of the right, both knees straight, the hands are clasped as if grasping a hoe handle right in advance of the left. Raise and lower in quick succession to rep- resent chopping movements of the hoe. Reverse by placing the right foot forward and the left hand in advance of the right, etc. AT THE SEASHORE 1. Swimming. Bend the arms in front of the chest, palms of the hands pressed together, fingers pointing forward. Stretch the arms forward as far as possible, turn the hands so that the backs of the thumbs and TWO FIRST FINGERS ONLY are touching. Now push the arms to the sides, height of shoulders and to the rear as far as possible, then return the arms to the first position in front of the chest and repeat. 2. Climbing Ropes. The right hand is clasped as if grasping the rope and raised high above the head, the left foot raised, head well bent back- ward and eyes looking to the ceiling. Pull down with the right hand, lower the left foot then raise the left hand and right foot. (Repeat in slow succession.) 46 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE GATHERING ORANGES 1. Picking Oranges. Raise on the tip-toes as high as possible, stretch the right hand high overhead, the head tipped back, and pick the orange. Repeat several times, then change to the left. 2. Shaking the Orange Tree. The child stands with feet apart, hands are clasped in front of the body, the right above the left. Trunk is bent alternately to the right and left. GYMNASTIC STORIES FOR GRADE I NUTTING TRIP A VISIT TO THE FARM A VISIT FROM SANTA GLAUS FIRE DRILL PLAYING SOLDIER SPRING-TIME fuse in October) ( ( November) December) January) Februar)') March) The stories used in First Grades should be short, with but few changes, however, the breathing exercises should be given plenty of drill. If used for Second Grades much more active work should be done by providing several dififerent changes. By the use of simple gymnastic stories, which the children enjoy acting, we are enabled to start them on their way toward the more formal lessons which follow. A Nutting Trip, as given below, is but a suggestion for teachers who are interested in the work of these grades. The length of the story must, of course, depend upon the time allowed and should be easily completed in one period. (Note: As soon as the children have the idea, it is well to drop as much of the story-telling as possible, thus gradually liaving them accomplish more and more along the line of the various exercises.) NUTTING TRIP "ATTENTION ! To-day we are going to the woods to gather nuts. (The children assume the position of ATTENTION, heels together, hands at their sides, chests raised and heads erect.) We will have to run some for we have quite far to go. (Children place hands on hips and to the count "1, 2, 3, Run!" they run in place, to the teacher's rhythmical counting.) We must run faster, faster, faster, now slower, slower, slower and HALT! (See that they raise their feet well during all the running.) FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 47 I think we ought to rest a little hit for that was a long run. Let us all take a deep hreath, another one, another and still another. Here we are at the brook ! We must make a big jump or some one is going to get wet. Ready! One! Two ! Three ! and over we go ! Now, come with me, for we have such a big hill to climb and every- one of us make high steps or we are not going to reach the top. (Teach the children to take plenty of air in their lungs during all breathing exercises.) (Before jumping the brook the chil- dren stand with heels together, hands on hips, bodies erect and at the count 1, raise their heels, 2, bend their knees and at 3, jump a distance of from fourteen to sixteen inches. Care should be used to in- struct them to land on their toes and spring to position instead of landing on their feet squarely.) (The children raise, first, the left knee, then the right, continuing as many times as seems wise, encour- aging them all the while to raise their knees as high as possible.) I can see the trees ahead, not very far. Let us have a race to see who will reach them first. That was certainly a long race and I think we will have to rest a little and take some deep breaths before we can gather any nuts. Now, we are rested and all ready, I am sure, to gather some of these splendid nuts. Let us pick the ones olif the ground first. (The starting command is given and the imaginary race is on, of course all the while the children are running in their own places. Here you will find ample opportunity to correct poor postures, for in their excitement they are apt to bend over.) (All take several deep breaths.) (At the count 1, they bend knees, while a count from 1-8 is given for them as they gather nuts with the left hand. Same for the right. Here, they should be taught to keep their backs as straight as possible, the body well balanced, the heels being oilf the floor. The movement for picking up the nuts should be made toward the side rather than the front of the body.) 48 PHYSICAL EDUCATION' COMPLETE All It]), and see if we cannot s^ct some off the trees, but we must reach for them. If we stand on tip-toe we can get those larsje ones uu there. i think it is time for some deep breaths after all that work. Before we start for home let us play we are big, black crows, the same as those we saw sitting so quietly on the fence when we were climbing the hill. And let us all be little rabbits, too. .\n(l — away, go all the little rab- l)ils over the hill. Tt is growing late and we must hurry home. I believe we can run all the way if we take the short path. All ready? Then away we go! (They begin picking from the trees b\- raising the hand well up over the head, while the teacher counts eight as they pick with the left hand and the same for the right.) (The children raise their heels well off the floor and continue to pick to the count, first for the left and then the right hand.) (All take deep breaths.) (All place hands on hips and at the command, raise the left foot, the weight of the body being placed on the right foot. This position is held for several seconds, when the left is placed on the floor and the right one raised, while the left bears the weight of the body. They soon learn to maintain a balance for quite a little time.) (Hands are placed on hips, heels to- gether and at the count 1, the heels are raised, count 2, the knees are bent, the backs to be kept as straight as possible, and heads erect. \^'hiIe in this position, the command is given for all the litllij rabbits to look first to the left, and then to the right, repeating as often as desired.) (The children make one or two hop- ping movements, jumping twelve or fourteen inches in imitation of the rabbits hopping over the hill — after which, bring them to the standing position again.) (Children place hands on hips and at the command, run in place accord- ing to the count given.) FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 49 Well, here we are at the gate and (All take several deep brbaths, ac- now for a few deep breaths before cording to the teacher's commands.) we say 'Good-bye.' " The following outlines of gymnastic stories are given for the purpose of assisting teachers to form their stories for the children of the First Grade. A VISIT TO THE FARM We are going to visit in the country for a week. Must run to catch the train. Climb up the steps. Deep breaths to rest. Imitate the bell at starting, the sound of the train in motion and whistle. Arrive at the station. Jump from the train. Climb into the carriage. Imitate the prancing, proud steps and slow trots of the horses on the way from the station to the house. The farm is reached. Jump from the carriage. Run into the house. Deep breaths to rest. A VISIT FROM SANTA CLAUS Santa Claus has a long ways to come, so his reindeer must travel fast. Climb up and get on the house-top. Deep breaths. Santa Claus is so big he has to "squirm and squirm" to get down the chimney. (Let the children suggest the toys that go in the stocking and then imitate them.) Climb and climb out of the chimney. Deep breaths. Reindeer run, and more - - - Deep breaths. FIRE DRILL Sound of the fire bell. Arrange in groups of six or eight, plenty of distance, for the horses. Run to the fire. Climb the ladder. Draw up the hose. Deep breaths, exhale, making swishing noise as they bend at the waist and turn the water on the fire. so PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Down the ladder. (Bend alternately to the right and left side as though going down the ladder.) Horses slow trot back to the hose house, legs raised high. Deep breaths. PLAYING SOLDIER Patriotic suggestions of soldier movements. Formal drill. Marching. Flag waving. Salute, etc. SPRING-TIME All represent little seeds. Seeds are planted. (Deep knee bending for this.) The seeds are going to grow to be great trees, taller and taller, then - - - The branches and little leaves appear. (In this exercise the children come from the low, deep knee-bending exercise, gradually to the tallest they can make themselves by standing on tip-toe and the up- ward stretching of their hands to imitate the leaves.) Wind shakes the trees and leaves. A great storm. Grows calmer and - - - All is still. Deep breaths. GYMNASTIC LESSONS Note: The order "Class — ATTENTION!" is to be given at the begin- ning of each exercise and the order "In Place — REST!" at the close of each as it is completed.) The class should be called to "ATTENTION !" within a period of from five to ten seconds after the order "In Place — REST!" has been given, other- wise the work becomes a drag and no benefit is derived therefrom. Each set of exercises should be given a sufficient number of times to allow a pupil to become familiar with it in a little while and to permit of each set ac- complishing the results we are after, however, it should be borne in mind that it is harmful to overdo the lesson. These things must be left to the good judg- ment of the leader, the teacher. Plenty of deep breathing exercises should he introduced throughout the lesson, whether the lesson, as planned, calls for them or not. Especially are these exercises necessary after the more strenuous portion of the work, such as all jumping exercises or folk dancing. ANALYSIS OF AN EXERCISE Hips— FIRM! Feet sideward— PLACE! 1,2. Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 51 Hips — FIRM! Feet sideward — PLACE! 1, 2, are commands used to place the body in the accurate position for the exercise which follows : Exercise.' Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels —SINK! The exercise may be given to the count 1, 2, 3, 4 and repeated as often as the teacher thinks best. POSITION! is the command which completes or closes this particular exercise, and so it is with all the others. TEN LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE I (Repeat All Exercises Several Times) For April, May and June Lesson 1. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST! Breathe, closing nostrils alternately by pressing forefinger ON the side of the nose. Smelling flowers — both nostrils open. (Note: Be sure mouths are closed.) GAME— SQUIRREL AND NUT— PAGE 125 Twice Daily — 1st Week. Lesson II. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION 1 Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! In Place— REST I Breathe looking at the leaves on the trees. GAME— HIDE THE THIMBLE— PAGE 120 Twice Daily — 2nd Week. Lesson III. Twice Dzuly — 3rd Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM ! Breathe to the slow count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. GAME- BEAN BAGS LEFT AND RIGHT— PAGE 126 Lesson IV. Twice Daily — 4th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST! Hips— FIRM ! Neck— FIRM ! ATTENTION or POSITION! Breathe — Arms sideward raise height of shoulders. Arms sink as children exhale. GAME— BASKET BEAN BAG TOSS— PAGE 126 52 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson V. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION! Hips— FIRM ! In Place— REST! Head backward— PULL! Head return to— POSITION! Arms forward raise and INHALE I Arms sideward lower and EXHALE ! GAME— FOX AND DUCKS— PAGE 124 Twice Daily — 5th Week. Lesson VL 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS I POSITION ! Sideward— DRESS I POSITION ! In Place— REST! POSITION! Hips— FIRM— INHALE ! EXHALE! MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM Twice Daily— 6th Week. Lesson VIL Twice Daily — 7 th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! In Place— REST! POSITION! Arms sideward — RAISE! Arms upward — RAISE! (Palms facing). Arms lower. Breathe, smelling flowers. GAME— PLAY TROTTING HORSES ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson VIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS! POSITION! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE' Hips firm and— INHALE! EXHALE! POSITION ! GAME— THE LOST CHILD— PAGE 127 Twice Daily— 8th Week. Lesson IX. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION! In Place— RE.ST! POSITION ! Left foot sideward— PLACE ! Twice Daily— 9th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 53 Left foot— REPLACE ! Repeat — right foot. Breathe to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Exhale to the count of 1,2, 3, 4, 5. GAME— THE JOLLY MILLER— PAGE 124 Lesson X. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily — 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST! POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Arms sideward — raise and INHALE! Arms lower and EXHALE I GAME— "ON MY WAY TO SCHOOL"— PAGE 127 TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE II (Repeat All Exercises Several Times) Lesson 1. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily — 1st Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In Place— REST! POSITION ! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION 1 Sideward— DRESS ! POSITION I Arms sideward raise and INHALE! Arms lower and EXHALE! GAME— BLACKBOARD RELAY RACE NO. 1— PAGE 123 Lesson II. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily — Znd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM I Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN 1 POSITION! In Place— REST! POSITION! Arms overhead circle and IXHaLE! Arms lower and EXHALE ! GAME— BASKET BEAN BAG TOSS— PAGE 126 Lesson III. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily — 3rd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms downward — .STRETCH ! S4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms sideward and upward raise and INHALE! Arms lower and EXHALE ! GAME— HUCKLE, BUCKLE, BEANSTALK— PAGE 128 Lesson IV. Lesson V. Lesson VL 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION 1 Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM I Feet sideways — PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2.) Feet together — PLACE! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2.) POSITION ! Hips firm and INHALE! (Count 1.) EXHALE! (Count 2.) POSITION ! GAME— RING TOSS— PAGE 126 Twice Daily — 4th Week. 10 Minutes Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward — RAISE! Arms downward — SINK ! Hips— FIRM I Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION! Arms overhead circle AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE ! GAME— TOUCH— PAGE 128 Twice Daily — 5th Week. Twice Daily — 6th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Forward— DRESS ! Sideward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms sideward — RAISE! Arms downward — SINK ! Hips firm AND INHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. HOLD to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. EXHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. GAME— SIMON SAYS— PAGE 131 FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS SS Lesson VII. Lesson VIII. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward — BEND! POSITION ! Arms sideward — DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms overhead circle AND INHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Arms lower AND I>:XHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. GAME— THE LOST CHILD— PAGE 127 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 8th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND! POSITION Hips— FIRM I Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Shoulders backward move AND INHALE ! Shoulders to position AND EXHALE! GAME— BEAN BAG SIX— PAGE 125 Lesson IX. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily — 9th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward and upward — RAISE ! Arms forward and downward — SINK! Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways — PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2.) Feet together— PLACE ! (Begin with left foot and count 1, 2.) POSITION ! Inhale slowly to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Exhale slowly to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. GAME— BEAN BAG OVERHEAD— PASS— PAGE 125 Lesson X. Twice Daily— 10th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Arms upward — BEND ! POSITION ! Arms forward and upward raise AND INHALE ! Arms forward and downward sink AND EXHALE ! GAME— CHANGING SEATS— PAGE 129 56 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Twice Daily — 11th Week. Lesson XI. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION! Arms forward — BEND! POSITION ! Arms overhead — CIRCLE (Count 1). Arms lower (Count 2). Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! POSITION ! Shoulders backward move AND INHALE! Shoulders to position AND EXHALE ! GAME— CIRCLE BEAN BAG TOSS NO. 1— PAGE 126 Lesson XII. Lesson XIII. Lesson XIV. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Feet sideward — PLACE ! (Begin with left foot and count 1, 2). Feet together— PLACE ! (Begin with left foot and count 1, 2). Arms overhead circle AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! GAME— TICK, TACK, TOW— PAGE 129 Twice Daily— 12th Week Twice Daily— 13th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— PLACE! Foot— REPLACE ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms upward— STRETCH ! POSITION! INHALE slowly to the count 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. EXHALE slowiy to the count 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION! Forward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Sideward— DRESS ! POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND ! Arms downward — STRETCH ! Arms sideward raise AND INHALE! Twice Daily— 14th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 57 Arms lower AND EXHALE ! GAME— "ON MY WAY TO SCHOOL"— PAGE 127 Lesson XV. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily — 15th Week Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward- PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! In Place— REST ! POSITION ! Arms forward — BEND ! POSITION! Arms sideward and upward raise AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE ! GAME— BEAN BAGS LEFT AND RIGHT— PAGE 126 Lesson XVI. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 16th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms forward — BEND! Arms sideward — FLING! POSITION ! In place— REST ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK ! Arms overhead circle AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson XVII 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 17th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM! POSITION ! Neck— FIRM ! POSITION! Arms upward — BEND! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! INHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9. 10. EXHALE to the count 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. GAME— HIDE THE THIMBLE— PAGE 120 Lesson XVIII. 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 18th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Forward— DRESS ! Sideward— DRESS! ss PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson XIX. Lesson XX. Arms upward — BEND ! Arms sideward— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head return to POSITION! Arms overhead circle AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE ! SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION 1 Left foot forward— PLACE! Feet change (Count 1, 2). POSITION! In Place— REST! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK! Arms forward and upward raise AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! RUNNING IN PLACE (Count 20, sections of 5). 10 Minutes. Twice Daily— 20th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward — BEND! Arms backward— STRETCH ! POSITION! In Place— REST ! Hips— FIRM ! Neck— FIRM! Feet sideways — PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1.2). Feet together— PLACE ! (Begin with the left foot and count 1, 2). Inhale to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. Exhale to the count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. GAME— SQUIRREL AND NUT— PAGE 125 TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE III (Repeat all exercises several times.) Lesson L 10 Minutes Daily — 1st Week Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 59 ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Deep Breathing. POSITION ! GAME— BLACKBOARD RELAY RACE NO. 2— PAGE 130 Lesson II. Lesson III. Lesson IV. V. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! In place— REST ! ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Neck— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION! Deep breathing. GAME— OCCUPATION— PAGE 131 Daily— 2nd Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION! In place— REST ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE! Right foot forward— PLACE! REPLACE! POSITION! Deep Breathing. SLOW MARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM. Daily— 3rd Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! Hips— FIRM ! POSITION ! In place— REST! POSITION! Arms sideways — RAISE! Arms— LOWER ! Left foot sideward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Same with the right. Arms overhead circle AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! GAME— SIMON SAYS— PAGE 131 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM! POSITION! Neck— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE! Daily— 4th Week. Daily— 5th Week. 60 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson VI. Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Arms sideward raise AND INHALE! Arms lower AND EXHALE! SKIP ABOUl THE ROOM 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST ! POSITION! Head— FIRM! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! GAME— FOLLOW THE LEADER— PAGE 131 Lesson VIL Lesson VI H. Lesson IX. Daily— 6th Week 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! In place— REST! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! POSITION ! Arms sideways — RAISE! Arms — SINK! Deep breathing. (Inhale as arms are raised slowly sideways and exhale as arms sink.) 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIRM! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM DEEP BREATHING DaUy— 7th Week. Daily— 8th Week. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE I Feet— OPEN ! Hips— FIRM ! Head firm and heels— RAISE ! Heels— SINK! POSITION I Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. GAME— PUSSY WANTS A CORNER— PAGE 131 Daily— 9th Week. Lesson X. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM! POSITION! Head firm and feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Hips — FIRM! Feet sidewa3's- Daily— 10th Week. -JUMP! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 61 Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! ( Hands are brought quickly to sides as the pupil jumps to the original position.) Deep breathing. GAME— HOPPING RELAY RACE NO. 2— PAGE 129 Lesson XL 10 Minutes. DaUy— 11th Week Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Arms sideways— RAISE! Arms SINK! Deep breathing. MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson XII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION I In place— REST ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot sideways — PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE! Right foot sideways — PLACE! Foot— REPLACE 1 POSITION ! Head firm and left foot sideways — PLACE ! Foot replace and hands — POSITION ! Repeat with right. BEAN BAG OVERHEAD— PASS— PAGE 125 Daily— 12th Week. Lesson XIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot backward— PLACE! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot backward— PLACE! Foot— REPLACE I Head backward— PULL! Head to— POSITION I Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Deep breathing. FOLK DANCE— DANISH DANCE OF GREETING Daily— 13th Week. 62 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson XIV. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Arms upward— BEND! POSITION! Arms upward — BEND! (Count 1.) Arms sideways — STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND! 1— STRETCH! 2—, etc. POSITION! Deep breathing. MARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM DaUy— 14th Week. Lesson XV. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIRM! POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Arms forward — BEND! Arms sideways — FLING! BEND! FLING! BEND! FLING! POSITION! Deep breathing. GAME— CIRCLE BEAN BAG TOSS NO. 2— PAGE 132 Daily— 15th Week. Lesson XVI. etc. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Mark time— MARK 1, 2, 1, 2 Class— HALT! 1,2. Hips firm and heels — RAISE ! Quick mark time— MARK ! 1, 2. 1, 2, etc. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Hips f^rm and feet— CLOSE ! Deep breath and head backward — PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Slow, deep breathing. GAME— CAT AND MICE— PAGE 132 Daily— 16th Week. Lesson XVII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head— FIRM ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP! Trunk forward— BEND ! 'r.\ISE! BEND! RAISE! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! In place— REST! Daily— 17th Week. FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 63 POSITION ! MARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson XVIII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 18th Week. Qass— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot backward— PLACE ! Foot— REPLACE ! Right foot backward— PLACE! Foot— REPLACE ! Left foot backward— PLACE! Feet— CHANGE! 1, 2. POSITION I Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLING! POSITION ! Hips firm and with a deep breath chest — RAISE! Chest— SINK! RAISE! SINK! GAME— CROSSING THE BROOK— PAGE 133 Lesson XIX. 10 Minutes. Daily— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Head to the left— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! Head to the right— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION! Arms sideways — RAISE ! Fingers— CLOSE ! OPEN! CLOSE! OPEN! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! With a deep breath, head backward — PULL ! Head to— POSITION! Count 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Deep breathing. GAAIE— SQUIRREL AND NUT— PAGE 125 Lesson XX. 10 Minutes. Daily— 20th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left foot sideways — PLACE! Foot— REPLACE! Repeat with the right. Arms upward — BEND! (Count 1.) Arms upward— STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND ! 1— STRETCH ! 2— etc. POSITION! Hips firm and heels — RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! and POSITION! Deep breathing. GAME— BEAN BAG OVERHEAD PASS— PAGE 125 64 PHYSICAL EDUCATIOX COMTLETE TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE IV (Repeat all exercises several times.) Lesson I. 10 Minutes. Daily — 1st Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST ! ATTENTION! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! Arms upward — Bend! (Count 1.) Arms downward— STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND I FLING! (Count 1, 2, etc.) POSITION ! With a deep breath, head backward — PULL! Head to position and — EXHALE! GAME— HORNS— PAGE 135 Lesson IL 10 Minutes. Daily— 2nd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! In place— REST! ATTENTION! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP ! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! (Count I.) BEND! (Count 2.) Etc. POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND! (Count 1.) . Arms sideways — STRETCH! (Count 2.) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) POSITION ! Arms upward — BEND! (Count 1.) Arms downward — STRETCH ! (Count 2.) BEND! (1) STRETCH! (2) Etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! With a deep breath, head backward — PULL! Head to position and EXHALE ! FOLK DANCE— SHOEMAKERS' DANCE. Lesson III. 10 Minutes. Daily— 3rd Week. Class— ATTENTION! Left— FACE! (Count 1! 2! i Hips— FIRM ! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Heels— RAISE! Spring, jump, ready— GO ! 1, 2. 1, 2. etc. (Children jump from the astride to the fundamental, then to astride position, etc.) Class— HALT! 1,2,3. POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AXD PLAYGROUNDS 65 With a deep breath, arms sideways — RAISE! SINK! 1, 2, etc. (As the arms sink, children exhale.) GAME— BEAN BAG LEFT AND RIGHT— TOSS !— PAGE 126 Lesson IV. 10 Minutes. Daily — 4th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— FACE! (Count 1, 2.) Left— FACE! 1, 2, Arms forward— BEND! FLING! Etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left foot— RAISE! Foot downward — PLACE ! Repeat with right. POSITION! Hips^FIRM! Feet sideways— PLACE! (Left, count 1, R-2.) Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! POSITION ! Mark time— MARK! 1,2. 1,2. 1,2. Etc. Class— HALT! 1,2. With a deep breath, arms forward, upward — RAISE! Slowly exhale and downward — SINK! Lesson V. 10 Minutes. Daily — 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Left— FACE! 1, 2, etc. Right— FACE! 1,2. 1, 2, Etc. In place— REST! Class— ATTENTION 1 Beginning with the left foot, alternate. Heels— RAISE! SINK! (Count 1, 2. 1, 2. Etc.) Class— HALT ! POSITION ! Feet— CLOSE! Arms upward— BEND! Arms upward— STRETCH ! BEND ! STRETCH ! POSITION ! Hips firm and deep breathing. Lesson VI. 10 Minutes. Daily— 6th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left about— FACE! 1,2. Etc. Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP! Trunk forward— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Arms sideways raise and heels — RAISE ! Arms and heels — SINK! Hips— FIRM ! With a deep breath, head backward — PULL! Head to position and EXHALE! GAME— VOLLEY BALL SEAT RELAY I^C&— PAGE 135 66 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson VII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right about— FACE! 1,2. 1,2. Etc. Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Trunl< forward- BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION 1 In place— REST! Arms forward — BEND! Arms sideways fling and heels — RAISE! BEND! FLING! Etc. Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips firm and slow, deep breathing. GAME— "I SAY STOOP!"— PAGE 134 Lesson VIII. 10 Minutes. Class— ATTENTION ! Left about— FACE! 1,2. Right about— FACE ! 1,2. Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP! Left hip and right neck — FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! Etc. POSITION! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Hands— TURN ! Arms upward — RAISE! Arms sideways — SINK! Hands— TURN! POSITION! SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM. DEEP BREATHING. Daily— 8th Week. Lesson IX. Class— ATTENTION ! 10 Minutes. Daily— 9th Week. One step forward — MARCH ! (Left, right.) Left— FACE! 1,2. One step to the left— MARCH ! Left— FACE! 1,2. Left— FACE! 1,2. Left— FACE! 1,2. In place— REST! POSITION! Alternate toe-raising — RAISE! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Class— HALT ! POSITION ! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Heels— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 67 Arms forward, upward — RAISE! SINK! (Inhale as raise and exhale as lower.) Lesson X. 10 Minutes. Daily— 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Four steps forward, beginning with the left foot — MARCH! 1, 2, 3, 4. Right about— FACE ! 1,2. Four steps forward— MARCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. Right— FACE! 1,2. Right— FACE! 1,2. Hips— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Arms sideways and downward — STRETCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION! Deep breathing. Run about the room in single file. SLOW MARCHING. Lesson XL 10 Minutes. Daily — 11th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Right— DRESS! Eyes— FRONT! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE ! Etc. POSITION ! Arms upward— BEND ! Sideways— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! Etc. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Arms sideways — RAISE ! Arm— ROTATION ! 1,2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— JUMP! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! Etc. POSITION!! Mark time— MARK! About the room, forward— MARCH ! March to position. Arms overhead to circle — RAISE ! Inhale as raise. Arms — SINK ! Exhale as sink. Repeat very slowly. 68 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson XII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 12th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE! Or'EN! Head— FIRM! Hips— FIRM ! Arms sideways — RAISE! SINK! Hips— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! In place— REST! Arms upward— BEND! Sideways— STRETCH ! POSITION! Arms sideways AND heels— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION ! Left arm forward and upward — FLING! Arms— CHANGE! POSITION! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE ! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Trunk to the right— TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION! Hips firm and heels— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION ! Hips firm and with a deep breath, chest — RAISE! Slowly— SINK! Lesson XIII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 13th Week Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE! Right— FACE! Left— DRESS! Right— DRESS ! POSITION! Hips firm and feet sidcwavs — PLACE! 1, 2. Head backward— PULL! ' Head to— POSITION! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Arms forward— BEND ! Sideways— FLING ! POSITION ! In place— REST ! Hips— FIRM ! Left knee upward— BEND I Downward— PLACE ! 1. 2. 1, 2. Repeat with the right. POSITION! Arms upward — BEND! (Count 1.) Left arm upward and right arm sideways — STRETCH ! (2) BEND! (3) STRETCH! (4) POSITION! Repeat, using right arm for upward — STRETCH ! Hips firm and heels — RAISE ! Mark time— MARK! 1,2. L 2. 1,2. L 2. Etc. Class— HALT! 1,2. Heels— SINK! POSITION! With a deep breath, arms sideways — RAISE! SINKl FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 69 Lesson XIV. 10 Minutes. Daily— 14th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot sideways— PLACE! REPLACE! Repeat with the right foot. Hips— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Head to the left— BEND! RAISE! Head to the right— BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Arms forward— BEND! FLING! Hips— FIRM! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right— POSITION ! Head— FIRM! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE! Repeat with the right foot. POSITION! Arms sideways— RAISE! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! BEND ! RAISE ! Etc. POSITION! Hips firm and heels — RAISE! Astride— JUMP! 1. 2. 1, 2. Etc. Class— HALT! 1,2. Heels— SINK! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Deep, slow breathing. GAME— COLORS— PAGE 145 Lesson XV. 10 Minutes. DaUy— 15th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE! 1,2. Right— FACE ! 1,2. Hips — FIRM I Alternate toe-raising — GO! 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Arms upward— BEND! Sideways— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND ! Downward— STRETCH ! CHANGE! (Count 1, 2, 3, 4.) POSITION! Arms forward, upward— FLING ! LOWER! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Right hip and left head— FIRM ! With a deep breath, trunk lift and to the left — BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right— POSITION ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JL^MP! 70 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Heels— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! With a deep breath, arms sideways — RAISE! SINK! MARCHING. Lesson XVI. 10 Minutes. Daily— 16th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Hips— FIRM! Head— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP ! Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Arms sideways— RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Etc. Hips— FIRM! Left foot sideways— RAISE! Hop on the right, twice. Change to the left and hop, twice. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Arms upward — BEND! (Count 1.) Arms sideways — STRETCH ! (Count 2.) Arms— BEND! (Count 3.) Arms downward— STRETCH ! (Count 4.) POSITION ! Head— FIRM ! Trunk lift and to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Astride— JUMP ! 1,2. 1,2. 1,2. Etc. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Deep breath, chest— R.A.ISE ! SINK! RAISE. I SINK! Etc. Lesson XVII. 10 Minutes. Daily— 17th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Quick running in place— GO! Class— HALT! 1,2,3,4. POSITION! Hips firm and feet— CLOSE! With a deep breath, head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION! Repeat, counting, 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet— POSITION ! Head— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Arms forward— BEND! FLING! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 71 Wood Play. (Imitate sawing wood.) Arms circle overhead and INHALE. Arms lower and EXHALE. MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM. Lesson XVIIL 10 Minutes. DaUy— 18th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! One step forward— MARCH ! (Left, right.) One step backward— MARCH ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Hips— FIRM! Left foot outward— PLACE! Foot— REPLACE ! POSITION ! Repeat with the right foot and— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms sideways and downward— STRETCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND! Downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right foot— POSITION ! Feet sideways jump and head — FIRM ! Trunk forward— BEND ! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE! SINK! Count 1, 2, etc. Foot— REPLACE! Right foot forward— PLACE ! Repeat. Foot— REPLACE ! POSITION ! DEEP BREATHING. Lesson XIX, 10 Minutes. DaQy— 19th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Slowl}- run about the room and return to place. ATTENTION ! Head— FIRM ! Hips— FIRM ! Left hip and right head— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEXD! FLING! POSITION! Arms upward fling and feet— CLOSE! POSITION! Arms sideways stretch and heels — RAISE! Arms bend and heels — LOWER ! I, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 72 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Class— HALT! 1,2,3,4! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Left leg sideways— RAISE! LOWER! R.\ISE1 LOWER! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Hips firm and feet astride— JUMP ! 1, 2, 3, 4. Class— HALT ! 1, 2, 3, 4. POSITION I Arm raising sideways, hand turning and deep breathing. Lesson XX. 10 Minutes. Daily— 20th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Left— FACE! Right about— FACE! Left— FACE! Arms sideways raise and trunk to the left — BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Hips firm, trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! R.\ISE ! Trunk lift and to the right— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION ! Arms sideways— FLING! SINK! FLING! SINK! Arms upward— BEND! Sideways— STRETCH ! Hands— TURN ! Arms upward— RAISE ! POSITION ! Head— FIRM! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! .^rms forward bend and INHALE! Sideways fling and EXHALE! 1,2. 1,2. 1,2. POSITION ! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 73 TWENTY LESSONS IN GYMNASTICS FOR GRADE V. Lesson 1. 15 Minutes. Daily — 1st Week. (Repeat all exercises several times.) Class— ATTENTIOxN! Left— FACE! Right— FACE! Left— DRESS! FRONT! Right— DRESS ! FRONT! Hips— FIRM ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Alternate heels then toes— RAISE! 1, 2. 1, 2. POSITION ! Arms sideways— STRETCH ! Count 2—1, 2—1, 2, etc. Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Head— FIRiM! Hips— FIRM ! Left head and right hip— FIRM ! CHANGE ! CHANGE ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND! RAISE! Trunk lift and to the right- BEND! RAISE! Alternating. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Astride— JUMP! Count 1 Heels— RAISE! 2— Knees— BEND ! 3^Knees— STRETCH ! 4— Heels— SINK! Arms sideways raise and slowly INHALE! Arms sink and EXHALE 1 Lesson II. 15 Minutes. Daily — 2nd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left foot forward— PLACE! REPLACE! Right foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE! Left— FACE! Right— FACE! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1,2, etc. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLING! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Arms half forward — BEND! Arm— ROTATION ! 1, 2—1, 2, etc. POSITION! 74 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— PLACE! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Heels— RAISE! Quick mark time— MARK! Class— HALT! 1,2,3,4. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath, heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! and EXHALE! Lesson III. 15 Minutes. Daily — 3rd Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— DRESS! FRONT! Right— DRESS! FRONT! Hips— FIRM! Head— FIRM ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Arms forward— BEND! FLING! BEND! FLING! (Quick time.) POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left knee upward— BEND! Forward— STRETCH ! BEND ! Downward— STRETCH ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Arms half forward— BEND ! Arm— ROTATION ! 1, 2. 1, 2. POSITION! Feet close and hips — FIRM ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND ! RAISE! Repeat right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Left foot forward and right foot backward — JUMP! CHANGE !— to the count 2. 1,2. 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT ! 1,2. Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Arms sideways raise and — INHALE ! Arms sink and — EXHALE! SLOW MARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM Lesson IV. 15 Minutes. Daily — 4th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE! Right— FACE! Left about— FACE! Right about— FACE! Hips— FIRM! Head to the left— BEND! RAISE! etc. Repeat to the right. POSITION! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Arms forward— BEND! FLING! BEND! FLING! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 75 Left arm sideways and right arm upward — STRETCH ! CHANGE! (To count 1, 2.) Class— HALT! POSITION! Left hip and right head— FIRM ! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Hands change and trunk to the right — TWIST ! Forward— TWIST ! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Astride— JUMP! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! SLOW MARCHING ABOUT THE ROOM. Lesson V. 15 Minutes. Daily — 5th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Right— FACE ! Hips— FIRM! Head to the left— TWIST! Head backward— PULL ! POSITION! (Is done by pulling the head back in the direction of the opposite shoulder.) Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms upward and backward — STRETCH! 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left leg height of hip— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways— JUMP ! Heels— RAISE! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms forward— BEND ! FLING! BEND! FLING! Trunk— RAISE ! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Left foot forward— PLACE ! and head— FIRM ! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Feet— CHANGE! Trunk to the right— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Hands and feet— POSITION ! DEEP BREATHING. Lesson VI. 15 Minutes, Daily— 6th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! Left about— FACE ! Right about— FACE ! Hips— FIRM! Left foot forward— PLACE! Heels— RAISE! SINK! 1,2. 1,2. Feet— CHANGE! 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! 76 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— JUMP ! Head to the left— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right. Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! 1,2,3,4. 1,2,3,4. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — PLACE! 1, 2. HeeLs— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! POSITION! In place— JUMP ! (Count 1, Heels— RAISE! Count 2, Knees— BEND ! Count 3, JUMP! Count 4, Land on toes and bend knees. Count 5, Knees— STRETCH ! Count 6, Heels— SINK !) Arms sideways raise and — INHALE ! Sink and— EXHALE ! MARCH ABOUT THE ROOM. Lesson VII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 7th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Left— DRESS! FRONT! Right— DRESS ! FRONT! Left about— FACE! Right about— FACE! POSITION! Arms sideward, upward raise and heels — RAISE ! Arms and heels — SINK! Hips— FIRM ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION ! Arms upward, sideward and downward — STRETCH! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Feet sideward— PLACE! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! Heels— SINK! POSITION! Arms sideward and upward — RAISE! Trunk forward — BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Toes— RAISE! 1,2. 1.2. POSITION! Arms overhead, circle and — INHALE! Arms sink and— EXHALE ! SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM. Lesson VIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 8th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE ! Right— FACE ! Feet— CLOSl'l ! Feet— OPEN! Left foot sideways— PLACE ! REPLACE! Right foot backward— PLACE! REPLACE' FOR SCHOOLS AXD PLAYGROUNDS 77 Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— JUMP! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting I, 2, etc. Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Arms forward— BEND ! Sideways— FLING ! BEND! FLING! POSITION! Head— FIRM! Left foot sideways— RAISE ! SINK! RAISE! SINK! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Hips firm and feet sideways — JUMP! Arms forward and upward— FLING 1 LOWER ! FLING ! LOWER ! POSITION ! Arms forward bend and feet — CLOSE! Sideways fling and feet— OPEN ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Feet astride— JUMP! 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left leg backward— RAISE! SINK! Repeat with the right leg. POSITION! Arms sideward and upward raise and — INHALE ! Arms lower and — EXHALE ! Lesson IX. 15 Minutes. Daily— 9th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms upward— BEND ! POSITION ! Feet— CLOSE ! Feet— OPEN ! ATTENTION ! Feet sideways place and arms sideways — STRETCH ! 1, 2. Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND ! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Arms sideward and downward — STRETCH ! 1, 2, 3, 4. Class — HALT ! 1,2. POSITION! Arms half sideward— BEND ! Arm— ROTATION ! 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Arms forward bend feet sideward — JUMP ! Arms sideward fling and heels — RAISE! Arms bend and heels— SINK! 1,2. 1,2. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! High knee upward bending, beginning with the left foot — GO! 1,2. 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT! 1,2. POSITION! Arms sideward overhead, circle and — INHALE! Lower and — EXHALE! 78 PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMPLETE Lesson X. 15 Minutes. Daily — 10th Week. Class— ATTENTION! Arms sideward— RAISE! SINK! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! Right about— FACE! Left about— FACE! Head— FIRM ! With a deep breath, trunk Hft and to the left— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Arms upward and sideward— STRETCH ! BEND! STRETCH! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM ! Left knee upward— BEND ! Forward— STRETCH ! BEND ! Downward— STRETCH ! Repeat with the right, alternately. POSITION I Feet sideways — PLACE ! Trunk forward — BEND! Arms forward and upward — FLING! RETURN ! FLING ! RETURN ! Trunk— RAISE ! POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Left foot sideways— RAISE! Hop twice on the right and — CHANGE! Hop twice on the left and — CHANGE! Class— HALT! 1, 2. POSITION! Arms forward bend and — INHALE! Arms sideways fling and — EXHALE! Lesson XL 15 Minutes. Daily — 11th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— FACE! Right— FACE! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! Heels— RAISE! Heels— SINK! Heels — RAISE! Knees bend and arms sideward, upward — RAISE! Knees stretch, arms and heels — SINK! POSITION! Head— FIRM! With deep breath, chest— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Heels raise, arms forward and upward — FLING ! LOWER ! etc. POSITION ! Left arm upward and right arm backward — STRETCH ! CHANGE! 1,2,3,4. POSITION! Hips— FIRM ! Heels— RAISE ! Hop on right foot and left foot sideward — RAISE! (Quick change, alternating — count 1.2; 1,2; 1,2. Class — HALT ! 1, 2.) POSITION ! Arms sideward raise and — INHALE! Arms lower and — EXHALE! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAVGROUXDS 79 Lesson XII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 12th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Mark time— MARK! 1,2. 1,2. Class— HALT ! 1,2. Left— FACE! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN ! Right— FACE! Arms sideward raise and feet — CLOSE ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. Hands and feet — POSITION! Arms sideward — downward and backward — STRETCH ! Hips— FIRM! Left foot forward— PLACE! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ' Heels— SINK 1 POSITION! Repeat with the right. POSITION! Arms upward— BEND! Left arm sideward— STRETCH ! Arms— CHANGE! 1,2,3,4. Class— HALT! 1.2. POSITION! Arms sideways — RAISE ! Left leg backward— RAISE! Left leg downward— PLACE ! Repeat with the right. POSITION ! Arms upward stretch and feet sideways — PLACE ! Trunk forward— BEND! RAISE! BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Heels— RAISE! QUICK CHANGE! (Jumping exercise.) Hips— FIRM ! Slowly INHALE ! and EXHALE ! POSITION ! Lesson XIII. 15 Minutes. Daily— 13th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Arms sideways— RAISE! LOWER! Left foot forward— PLACE ! REPLACE ! Right— FACE ! Left— FACE ! Hips— FIRM! Head to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST ! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Arms sideward stretch and heels — RAISE! Arms bend and heels — SINK! Hips— FIRM ! Deep breath and chest— RAISE! SINK! RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Left foot sideward— PLACE! Trunk to the left— TWIST! Forward— TWIST! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Arms upward, sideward — RAISE! (Inhale) Arms— SINK! (Exhale) SKIP ABOUT THE ROOM. 80 PHYSICAL EDUCATION" COMPLETE Lesson XIV. 15 Minutes. Daily— 14th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Left— DRESS! FRONT! Right— DRESS! FRONT! Feet— CLOSE! Feet— OPEN! Heels— RAISE! SINK! Hips— FIRM! Head to left— BEND! RAISE! POSITION! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Hips— FIRM 1 Feet sideways— PLACE! Trunk forward— BEND ! Head— ROTATION ! 1, 2. 3, 4. Trunk— RAISE! Hands and feet quickly— POSITION ! Hips— FIRM! Feet sideways— PLACE ! Head backward— PULL ! Head to— POSITION ! Repeat, counting 1, 2, etc. POSITION! Left hip. right head— FIRxM ! Trunk lift and to the left— BEND! RAISE! Arms— CHANGE ! Repeat to the right. POSITION! Hips— FIRM! With a deep breath, chest— RAISE! SINK! POSITION! Lesson XV. 15 Minutes. Daily— 15th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Count off by twos— START! 1,2. 1, 2. Head— FIRM! Hips— FIRM ! CHANGE! CHANGE! POSITION! Hips— FIRM! Head backward— PULL! Head to— POSITION ! Arms sideward and downward — STRETCH ! Hips— FIRM! Heels— RAISE! Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Heels— SINK ! POSITION ! Trunk forward— BEND ! Arms sideways— RAISE ! Arms downward— SINK! Trunk— RAl'SE! Hips— FIRM! Left foot forward— PLACE ! Feet— CHANGE! Count 1, 2—1, 2, etc. POSITION! Head— FIRM! Trunk to the left— BEND! RAISE! Repeat to the right. POSITION ! Count 1, 2, 3, 4. Head— FIRM! Feet sideways— PLACE I Knees— BEND! Knees— STRETCH ! Hands and feet, quickly— POSITION ! Arms sideward, upward — RAISE! Arms downward— SINK! POSITION! FOR SCHOOLS AND PLAYGROUNDS 81 Lesson XVI. 15 Minutes. Daily— 16th Week. Class— ATTENTION ! Right— FACE ! Right alx.ut— FACE ! Left about— FACE! Left— FACE! Arms sideward- -RAISE ! Head to the left— TWIST! Head bacl