m m m J ^ DARRYLL GAP; OE, WHETHER IT PAID. BY VIRGINIA F. TOWNSEND. But who can so forecast the years, Or seek with gain his loss to match, Or reach a hand through time to catch The far-off interest of tears ? TENNYSON. BOSTON: WILLIAM V. SPENCER, 203 WASHINGTON STREET. 1866. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, .by WILLIAM V. SPENCER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts Stereotyped at the Boston Stereotype Foundry, No. 4 Spring Lane. Presswork by John Wilson and Son. TO MY BOOK, AXD WITH IT ALL OUR MEMORIES OF TWO SUMMERS AT THE MOUNTAINS. V. F. T. DAERYLL GAP; OK, WHETHER IT CHAPTER I. " AND so we are now really rich folks ! Just to think of it ! " said the first voice, a young, eager, feminine one, pendulous be- twixt wonder and exultation. " I tell you, though, boys, won't it be fun to spread ourselves on lunches at the Astor and Delmonico's ? " said the second voice, with a certain gruffness all through it, and a chuckle through the gruffness. " Yes, father," subjoined Mrs. Darryll, more from that habit of admonition which is apt to manifest itself in the mother of a large household, than from any lack of appreciation of the good fortune which had fallen so suddenly into the lap of her family. " You'll have to keep a sharp lookout, or your boys and girls '11 make the money fly faster than you can bring it in. It's my opinion that they'd use up a mint in a short time, if they were free to get at it." Mrs. Darryll's voice, about on a level with its sentiments and general style of expression, was a fair interpretation of the wo- man herself, a well-meaning, tolerably kind-hearted one, bound up in a good many prejudices, with no great force of character, a narrow range of living and feeling, and a good deal of un- conscious selfishness. 1* (5) 6 DARRYLL GAP, OB Whatsoever virtues she possessed flourished iu her domestic atmosphere, for she was a devoted wife and mother ; but she had not sympathies of heart or intellect wide enough to grasp much outside of her family. " I've no doubt," said Tom, whose years divided equally the interval betwixt his second sister and third brother, "she'll keep the old bag of coppers in a corner of the cupboard, and expect we'll go to her regularly on training days for our allowance of three cents to invest in gingerbread, molasses candy, and peanuts." There was a chorus of laughter among the boys, showing that Tom's wit, at his mother's expense, was highly appreciated. Andrew, the eldest of the brothers, slapped the other approv- ingly on the back, and said, " That's jolly ! " which adjective expressed with him a high sense of satisfaction ; and then Tom was universally regarded as the wit of the family. " Boys ! boys ! " said the head of the household, standing with his back to the fire, and his hands behind him. Pie was in such an immensely good humor to-night, that it was impos- sible for him to put anything more than a mild flavor of objur- gation in these monosyllables. There he stood, in his small back parlor, a well enough looking man, somewhat stout, but alert withal, good strong features, and gray eyes, in which there was a shrewd twinkle, and dark hair glazed with gray, for the owner was a little this side or the other of his half century. Ella, the second daughter, and first speaker, had expressed in those words, " To think we are really rich people ! " the feeling that was uppermost in the mind of John Darryll and each member of his family. It carried with it an entirely new sen- sation. No wonder they were a little dizzy and dazzled. " It seems, somehow, too sudden and strange to be true, just like a beautiful dream that one loses sight of the first moment one wakes in the morning, or like those old, foolish, delightful ' Arabian Nights,' with Aladdin's lamp shining through them all. I used to draw a long breath, squatted down with my WHETHER IT PAID. 7 book on my knees, before the fireplace in the old house, and rub my eyes hard, and the beautiful visions would all vanish, and there was nothing but the great black chimney, and the crane with the hooks on it. Won't this grand fortune of ours do the same, pa?" I think if " one who was born blind," or any keen interpret- er of the meaning and spirit of voices, had listened to each of the family's, he would have chosen this as the one that suited him best. A young voice, like the first speaker's, and with some general likeness of tone betwixt them, clear, animated, but with a certain steadiness and sweetness, which gave it an individuality of its own amongst the others. " I fancy not, my daughter." This expression was the ten- derest in which Mr. Darryll ever indulged, the highest devel- opment in speech, at least, of his paternal feeling. " I should be likely to see that there was something more solid than the lamp of a what-you-call-'em, at the bottom of my enter- prises ! " rubbing his hands with a pleasant accession of self- importance, and a very imperfect comprehension of his daugh- ter's allusion. "But Aladdin's lamp wasn't so much out of the way, after all, for your enterprises have a decidedly ' oily ' foundation, father ! " interposed here the wit of the family. There was a laugh now, in which every one joined, for they were all in a humor to enjoy any jest on the one topic of interest, and were not disposed to be very critical respecting the quality of the wit. As these people are all assembled in family conclave, and with that freedom of speech and manner which best reveals one's individuality, there is no better time than the present to introduce them to you. Mr. John Darryll is the generic success of the nineteenth century. He began life as a common chore boy on a farm, coming of poor, but honest, homely stock. His ambition never took kindly to farm work, though he owed to that his stub- bornly healthful constitution. He married his wife, a fresh, 8 DAERTLL GAP, OR comely country girl, with no more fortune than himself; but both were industrious and prudent, and John Darryll managed with the toil of his hands to make a little home of his own, and here his six boys and girls were born to him with one or two years ranging betwixt their ages. After a while he sold his small farm, invested his little for- tune in a dry goods and grocery store in a neighboring town, and the next ten or twelve years he had a sharp struggle to meet the requirements of his growing family, and gradually enlarge his stock of goods. At last he grew sick .of such a " one horse concern," as he inelegantly termed his business, sold out, and came to the city to try his fortunes. It was a dangerous experiment for a man in his forties, and with so many young mouths depending upon him for bread. He tried several sorts of business, agencies, clerkships, and the like, and could only, as Mrs. Darryll was forever assuring her children, " keep his head above water." In the luckiest hour of his life, however, as he at least regard- ed it, he was induced to close up a bargain for a tract of land in Pennsylvania, which a business acquaintance let him have " for a mere song," as the former was anxious to go west. The whole property covered a narrow valley, choked in between two high, rugged hills, and was known thenceforward by'the name of " Darryll Gap." When, however, several years more went by, and nobody took the acres, Mr. John Darryll thought that he had made a poor investment, even at the low price at which he obtained them, and fretted over the two or three hundred dollars that were buried in the Gap. But one day petroleum oil was discovered on a creek in the very heart of the acres. That discovery sent up the land in a few days a thousand fold. Experiments proved it fine boring territory. A company was organized immediately. The wind of fortune shifted at last, and sent favoring gales towards John Darryll. In less than three weeks after the petroleum was dis- covered on Darryll Gap, he disposed of it for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That was several years ago, and the oil WHETHER IT PAID. 9 speculation had not yet reached its climacteric. If he had waited a couple later, he would probably have realized half a million from the sale of his " piece of land," as he had begun rather contemptuously to term it. And so on the evening of the day in which the sale had transpired, Mr. Darryll, a good deal excited and dizzy with his sudden elevation, stood in the midst of the family, who had been informed, from the begin- ning, of the successive steps of his good fortune. His wife, a blooming matron, sat near him with her knitting lying in her lap, quite too much excited this evening for even such play- work as finishing off a mitten. Her features still retained something of the comely freshness which attracted her husband in the days when he drove the cows every night to her father's barn-yard ; and her dark abundant hair, which was the vanity of her girlhood, did" not necessitate a cap yet, though it was slightly sanded with gray. The boys and girls muster in equal force, half a dozen in all ; the former in different periods of adolescence hearty, healthy, with heads that promise well undar the right sort of develop- ment, but with a coarseness of speech and manner, a kind of " Young America " assertion, which, disagreeable as it was, would, one charitably hoped, be outgrown with completed man- hood. There was no doubt that all these were bright and capable youths, and each one promised to share in the general good looks of the family. Agnes, the youngest of the girls, was just outside her fifteenth birthday. Jerusha, the eldest, was almost twenty-two ; and Ella was nineteen, with her brother Andrew a year her senior, as Guy was of his sister Agnes, while Thomas was late in his teens ; and the whole family from the father downward had a tendency to look younger than its years. Ella was supposed to be rather the beauty of the family. She had more bloom than either the eldest or the youngest sister, with her mother's features and brilliant eyes. She had a good deal of outward brightness aud swift perception, and a certain peremptoriness of manner which always demanded as a right something which others conceded to it. 10 DARRTLL GAP, OR Agnes, in some sense the pet of the family, was pretty much her mother over again, with larger opportunities, both social arid educational, and with somewhat more emphasis of character. Jerusha, the eldest girl, had been named in memory of her grandmother ; but partly because the first syllable gave it so old- fashioned a sound, and partly because of indolence, it had been elided, and she was universally known in the family, and out of it, as "Rusha," the name at least having the merit of not being common. She had a clear, pale complexion, dark brownish eyes, wonderful at times for their beauty, and the mouth would have been too large had it not been for its vivid color. This girl was not like any of her brothers and sisters. Faults and weaknesses she had, like all the others, and the atmosphere of her home, the daily tone and spirit of the household, was not one to stimulate her finest and best possibilities. But she had deeper enthusiasms, loftier appreciations and ideals, than any of the rest. Her intellect was of a finer, higher order than any other member of the family's, the eldest daughter being regarded as a little of a " blue stocking," or a little romantic, or both. " And now, pa," said Ella, in her bright, peremptory way, " what are you going to do with all this money? " " O, I presume that I shall find ways to employ it," trying to appear dignified, and succeeding in being important and pompous. " But people will expect something of us now, you know, pa, very different from what we have been." " Of cotirse they will, pa," chimed in Agnes, who was sway- ing backwards and forwards in her low rocking-chair. " We must make a show with it ! " " That's it ; put the thing pat," interposed Guy, the youngest of the brothers. " "What sort of a show, then?" asked Mr. Darryll, looking round pleasant and patronizing upon his assembled household. Ella undertook to explain. " Agnes is right, pa. It won't do for us to live in this miserable hand-to-mouth way any longer." And the speaker looked around the family sitting-room, with WHETHER IT PAID. 11 its neat and comfortable, but by no means elegant furniture, with eyes that the new fortune had greatly enlightened as to its shabbiness. " We must have a new house up town, or on Fifth Avenue, and it must be furnished in the latest style, with velvet carpets, and tall mirrors, and rosewood furniture, and all that sort of thing. In short," waxing energetic as she proceeded, " every- body will hear that you have suddenly become a nabob, and I think we'd better cut a dash at the beginning don't you, Rusha?" " Ye-es," answered the eldest sister, her imagination revel- ling, after the fashion of youth, in a dazzling perspective of splendor and luxury, and yet not quite enjoying the way in which Ella had " put" their transition from one life to another. " And I'll cut old Holmes and his counter from this hour," stoutly asseverated Guy, who was errand boy in a grocery store, and he rose up and strutted about the room with a great accession of importance, beginning to realize the fact that he was now a rich man's son. " And pictures, and a library, and a conservatory 0, pa, will it not be our Aladdin's palace after all ! " It was Rusha who spoke again, the young, eager, delighted soul, just as much rapt up in the dazzling visions that this wealth conjured as any of the others, only seeking its chief enjoyment on somewhat higher levels than they. " The sooner we are out of this life the better," continued Ella. " How I shall enjoy seeing some of our neighbors stare ! only, of course, we must drop our old associates. It will never do to carry them into the best society, which, of course, will open its doors to us now." "But must I give up Gracie Thorpe too, sister?" interposed Agnes, with a faint little note of regret in her voice, as though this sacrifice of her friendship to her fortunes was a side of the picture that she had not before contemplated. " No, indeed," said Rusha, fervently ; " be loyal to your one friendship, even if your father has made a fortune." 12 DAEETLL GAP, OR " Ella will be the one that'll put on airs. Won't she spread it on thick, though, boys?" laughed Andrew. His sister was quite equal to defending herself, and begged him to remember that whatever he had been, he was to turn over a new leaf now. " And do let a fellow come in for his share," said Guy, the youngest of the brothers. " I move that we keep horses, not merely for the girls to go shopping and making calls with, but to let us fellows show you what horseback riding is ! " " I expect," said his father, who enjoyed his children's " non- sense," as he called it to them, because it served in some sense to give tangibility to his wealth, " that Guy will be the fast young man of the family ! " Tom insisted that he was going to see something of the world. Everything in New York had got to be an old story to him. " Perhaps we'll go to Europe one of these days O, Tom ! " exclaimed Rusha, with that indrawn breath of hers that was her strongest exclamation point of enjoyment ; " what must it be to feast one's self on those treasures of art, to see Mont Blanc, find sail down the Mediterranean, and wander among the ruins of old Rome, and enrich one's whole soul with a sight of that old world (hat would be new to us." " And then," interposed Ella, " it's extremely fashionable to go abroad. 'When I was in Paris,' has a distinguished sound ; " and she poised that pretty head of hers in a way that would have been amusing if it had not been sad also. " There, boys, didn't I tell you so? Just see the airs now ! " said Andrew, with a chuckle, hitting his brother Tom under the ribs. Ella turned on him this time with a good deal of vehemence, and she did not confine her expostulations to himself, but made them include the trio of brothers. " I do hope you'll remember, all of you boys, to make some improvement in your manners, and leave your vulgar slang phrases behind you with your poverty. Do, if it's possible, try and be gentlemen." WHETHER IT PAID. 13 " I intend to be my own master," replied Tom, " gentleman or no gentleman. It'll be fun not to have old Jerome scolding and cussing because I haven't got the office fire going in time. Nothing to do now." " Boys," said Rusha, " your education has been neglected, you know. Now I think you'd better go to work the first thing and improve yourselves prepare for college, for instating." " Time enough to think about that next year," added Andrew. " After a fellow's been a slave all his life, he likes to have a lit- tle taste of laziness and fun." " That's so ! " fervently indorsed Tom. " And, pa," piped up Agnes, " shall we really have a car- riage and horses to ride up to Stewart's and out to Central Park, and a driver too, with a black band round his hat, and one of those odd cloaks with the funny little capes like deep ruffles?" " Of course we shall," said Ella, without waiting for the pa- ternal affirmative. " And, pa,jiow you've got the money, the sooner you get out of this place the better," with a gesture ex- pressive of unutterable contempt at the room and its appoint- ments. " I really want to knol^what it will be to live in a grand house, and keep a carriage, and have servants to wait upon one, and plenty of money to spend." " So do I, quite as much as you, Ella," said the elder sister's voice, with a little natural quaver of gravity in it. Rusha was always in earnest about whatever she said. " Only I want we should take our new life upon us with grace and dignity, and not have people to whom riches is no novelty quietly sneer about us as ' mushroom aristocracy.' Don't let us make ourselves ridiculous in any way." " Of course not, Rusha. But I've no doubt that there will be plenty of ' sour grapes ' talk about us. However, I think I can stand my ground," looking defiant and self-assertive. " But," interposed Mrs. Darryll at last, for the juvenile por- tion of the family had monopolized all the talk during the last hour, while the elders had listened in a kind of half-pleased, 2 14 DAERYLL GAP, OE half-bewilldered acquiescence to the plans and visions of the fu- ture, " but you know I haven't been used to this sort of style that you talk about, and I shouldn't know how to preside at din- ner parties, and give swarees don't you call them, Rusha? I should make a balk of it." " O, ma, those things will come in naturally enough don't be alarmed," said Ella, comforting and patronizing. " I saw a book on etiquette down town at a stand ; I'll bring it home for the edification of the family ; and we'll all take turns studying it," laughed Andrew, getting up and stretching his limbs. " I say, boys, who'll be the lady of the family? " This ques- tion was from Guy, surveying his trio of sisters critically. " Our Ella will carry it off with a high hand. Won't she sail round, though, under diamonds, and feathers, and a rustle of silk ? whew ! " added Andrew, this closing monosyllable giv- ing tenfold emphasis to what went before. "But," said Tom, with whom his eldest sister was a favorite, " after all, Rusha '11 be the real, genuine article, boys. She won't have so many airs and flourishes, maybe ; but somehow the big house, and the carriage, and all those things '11 seem to come natural to her, just as if she'd been used to 'em all her life see, now, if I ain't right ! " Tom had his reward, although it did not come with any words ; but Rusha turned and smiled on him, with such a grate- ful appreciation of a compliment, whose flattering delicacy he himself only half comprehended, that Tom felt doubly fortified in his opinion. Ella looked the least bit aggrieved. " See if I don't do credit to my new home when I get there ! " she said. And in a certain and outward sense, she would. There was a great deal of adaptation about the girl, and she had that quick perception and self-reliance which would avail her vastly in her new position and circumstances. "When we get there," duplicated Andrew "that's the rub ; the governor hasn't promised to buy the big house yet." WHETHER IT PAID. 15 " 0, but you will, pa ! you won't disgrace your family by keeping us in this horrible hole any longer, now you've got the money to put us in a decent one ? " " Why, you said that it was a really charming house when we moved up here last spring from the old place," answered Mr. Darryll, without any definite intention of denying his daugh- ter's request, but only because it gave him a pleasant sense of power, to be appealed to on so large a scale. " But we were poor folks then. Don't you see the differ- ence, pa? " " I should think he ought to, after the way his boys and girls have gone on to-night," interposed Mrs. Darryll. " O, well, mother, let 'em alone. You and I were young folks once, and built our castles, too," rubbing his hands briskly together, as John Darryll never did, except when he was in a mood of extreme good-nature. " But, pa, we must have the house, you know ; our hearts are all set upon that." It was Rusha speaking here. " Well, I'll see, if I have time, about hunting up some real estate broker to-morrow. One of your big houses up town will make a hole in the money, and your father isn't worth a mint." " Yes, but he is worth two hundred and fifty thousand. Just think of it ! " Ella's figures sounded very large and extremely pleasant in the ears of all her family, and her father evidently considered them a convincing argument, for he made no reply, and they all knew that the " house up town " was gained. Mrs. Darryll drew a long sigh. " I must say, one thing '11 seem good to me," she said, in a tone of mild self-gratulation " I shan't have to spend all my Saturdays darnin' stockings. I've dreaded for years to see 'em come in from the wash. Growin' boys are so hard on heels and toes ! " There was a chorus of shouts. " If I was in Japan, now," said Ella, " I should know that speech came from ma ! That's her greatest source of delight in our new fortune." " And do you remember, ma," said Rusha, " the old silk you 16 DARRYLL GAP, OR had turned and dyed for me when I was sixteen ? It was your wedding-dress ; and how proud I was of it, for it was my first silk ! If we could only have looked forward to this time ! But I wonder if I shall ever be prouder and happier, in the new ele- gant dresses I expect to have, than I was in that old one ! " It was Rusha's words and sentiments which always struck the highest or tenderest chords in the family heart. A little tremulousness went over the mother's face at this allusion ; then the tears came. " Ah, John ! " she said, with a sort of long sob betwixt all the words " do you remember that night we were married, and how my father surprised and overjoyed us both by putting a ptrse in my hand with a hundred dollars in it, to set us up in housekeeping ; and with what you had to add to it, it made the little home down there by the green look real snug? "We had happy times then. I wonder if they'll be better in the big house we're to have ! " They were all touched, more or less, by the mother's words. A new expression came over the father's hard, shrewd face. " Well, Lydia," he said softly and kindly, " we've had a good many years of hard pulling, and we've weathered some pretty tough squalls together ; it's only fair you and I should have a little comfort at last." I think any wise, true soul, who estimated life and the things that belong to it at their real value, would have been unspeak- ably saddened at the spirit in which this household received the riches which had so suddenly fallen into its possession a thing to take delight in, to rejoice over, most certainly, but also to make one grateful and humble as before God. But here there was no thought of Him in all the new joy and exultation no sense of vastly increased responsibilities of talents given, to be required again no entering into the sol- emn depths and meaning of those words, " Mine own, with usury ! " The spirit in which this household received its new gift was utterly of the earth, earthy. The living in a fine house, the " making a show," the new importance which it should give WHETHER IT PAID. 17 them among men and women, was their chief thought and delight, which was weak and vulgar enough at the best, and at the worst was selfishness and sin. Alas for those boys, coming up into manhood alas for those girls, in the blossoming of girl and womanhood, with the new power and the new influences for good thrown suddenly into their unused hands, and with no thought beyond the pleas- ures, and luxuries, and idlenesses in which it should indulge them ! If John Darryll, the " oil speculator," the man whom they said on " 'Change " had done a " big thing," had gathei'ed his family about him that night, and thanked God for this new wealth, how different it would all have been ! But amid the general rejoicing there was no thought of a thank-offering to the Giver no purpose of doing good with the new power and influence as each " found opportunity." And seeing of how low, and coarse, and material a sort was the spirit in which the Darrylls took their wealth, and the use they intended to make of it, one could not but wonder whether the money would prove a blessing or a curse to them. Rusha presented the brightest feature in the picture. In almost every speech of hers that evening was manifested a finer and loftier spirit than in the others. But perhaps she would never find any greater enjoyment in this wealth than in the new conditions of art, the new forms of intellectual and aesthetic cultivation, in which she could now indulge. This was vastly more commendable than the mere sensuous gratifications and petty ambitions in which her brothers and sisters took delight. But would Rusha's influence end there? Had she, with all her finer feelings and deeper enthusiasms, convictions strong enough to withstand the general influences of her family, and of the social atmosphere about her? She was young, impulsive, full of faults and weaknesses, and her early training had never stimulated or braced the highest quali- ties of the girl. Was it not probable that, in the pride and glamour of the new life, she too would become a weak, selfish, 2* 18 DARRYLL GAP, OR fashionable woman ? And for those boys, one trembled for them. It was at just the most dangerous time of their lives that the money had fallen to them ; temptation and allurement of every sort would now open to their youth, and there was in their father's house no safeguard of prayer, no God in all their thoughts. And yet John Darryll secretly believed himself full as good, or a little better than most men. In a general way, and after the fashion of the world, he was honest" in all his dealings, and meant to do right ; and alas ! how many of those successful oil speculators, who have reaped harvests of fortunes during the last years, were better or wiser than this man or his household ? WHETHER IT PAID. 19 CHAPTER II. " WE have had new neighbors during your absence. Fletcher," said the young lady, passing her brother his second cup of coffee, just replenished from a costly but old-fashioned service so much of the latter as to give it a certain sacredness of family tradition and association. " Neighbors, Angeline ! What a flavor of the country, and of homely, primitive ways and times that word has ! I thought it had grown obsolete here in New York." " I believe you are right ; I used the word for want of a better." " And in which house are these new ' neighbors ' of ours domiciled?" " In the brown stone one, almost directly opposite." " Who and what are they ? " " Mushroom aristocracy," answered the other lady, who % sat at the table, and who was both sensible and satirical. The lady behind the coffee-urn smiled. " It's true, Fletcher, as Sicily's severest irony always is. The head of the family has made a fortune in some lucky oil speculation, and it's quite apparent from various indications that the first article of their faith in money is to make a display with it. These people do on all occasions. They keep a carriage, and a groom, and a butler, and all that sort of thing; but all this sets on them with an air of freshness." " You and Sicily must have observed them narrowly ! " " How can one help it," said the last-named sister, " when one lives opposite? And then it's sort of refreshing to see these people, and how they carry the new fortune." "It must -take away one's breath a little, this stepping at 20 DARRYLL GAP, OR once into riches ; but after all, one can bear it well enough, if the head be sound, and above all, if the heart be good." "I'm afraid," said Sicily, without any irony this time, " that there's a little weakness in both, in the case of the people oppo- site. The mother, a good-looking matron on the whole, but a little dowdy and overdressed, gets into her carriage every morn- ing with an air of self-consciousness that would not be possible with a lady who had kept a carriage and a groom all her life. The father is a stout man, a little beyond his prime, with a shrewd, business sort of a face, and a little pompousness of gait, that I fancy is an accessory of his fortune. Then there are several boys, that smoke cigars and swing ornamental canes with a flourish, and I think bid fair to become fast young men." " The right sort of experience will take all that out of them. However, it's the most dangerous period of their lives to tide them over," answered the young man, speaking more to himself than to his sisters. " In a different way, it is hardly less so for the girls, I think," replied the lady who had last spoken. " There are girls, then ? " " Yes ; young, blooming, pretty ; I've made out three of them, who usually go out with mamma. The youngest is a little girl still, with a face after her mother's pattern, adding somewhat more of force and refinement, and the others are in the early blossom of womanhood, neither out of their teens, I should think pretty, showy girls, who doubtless will spend papa's money, and be the finest illustration in dress and man- ners of his new wealth." " Fletcher," said the elder sister, with a little^ smile, " doesn't this breakfast-talk of ours sound very much like gossip ? " " I was about to remark again that you must have established a very persistent espionage from your chamber windows, to be so well enlightened with regard to the characters and habits of your neighbors." " Now, Fletcher, who is ironical ? " said the younger sister, with a little pout which sat prettily on the red bloom of her lips. "Was it I, or the truth, that made the irony, Sicily? But WHETHER IT PAID. 21 an interest in others may have its rise in some of the kindliest feelings of our nature, and whether this talk of ours be gossip, depends upon several things the spirit in which it goes on, and to whom it is addressed." " And then, how can one live opposite people for five months, as we have, and have daily glimpses of them, without reaching some conclusions regarding their breeding, characters, and so on ? " " Quite true, Sicily ; and people who have made fortunes of a sudden, and ascended from comparative poverty into riches, are interesting. One likes to watch the individualities crop out, to observe how they carry their wealth, and in what ways and to what extent their fortunes improve them. And with our peculiar national development, and the new avenues of enter- prise laid open here to all men, our American people are on every hand jumping into fortunes. How will these men who have made their ' pile ' how will their wives, and sons and daughters, use this new power placed in their hands, is a ques- tion which has vast meanings and relations. Will they, as a class, do any good with their wealth ? Will they make a thank- offering to God of any portion of it? Will it make them stronger, nobler, better men and women because their spheres of influence are so much enlarged because they touch life on so many sides? Or will the voice of their soul be the old one ' I will pull down my barns and build greater ' ? " He mur- mured over the last words to himself, as he pushed back his chair from the table. These three comprised, with a couple of domestics, the family of Fletcher Rochford. He was at this time, at least, thirty-three years old, a physician, a man of fine talents, of wide and varied cultivation, for he had had large opportunities of study and travel. His father, engaged in commerce, had been regarded as a rich man in his day, although he could hardly have been so in the present one ; but he was a liberal and intelligent man, and spared no expense in the cultivation of his sons and daughters. Mrs. Rochford was a woman of unusual graces of mind and heart ; but she died before her sou had graduated, although she 22 DAEETLL GAP, OR lived long enough to impart the lasting influences of her fine and forcible character to all her children, and each one would have been different without just such a mother. After he had studied his profession, the young physician went abroad, and was summoned home the third year by the sudden death of his father. And from that time Fletcher Rochford had, in some sense, taken the place of his parent to his sisters. There had always existed among the members of this family a singularly deep and beautiful tenderness, and as they could not endure the pros- pect of separation, and as the brother's profession made it almost a necessity that he should not locate in the old county town of his birth, the young people removed to New York. Dr. Rochford was ardently attached to his profession, espe- cially to certain branches of surgery, and his skill in these afforded him a practice almost unparalleled in the case of so young a man. At the close of his fifth year in New York, he again visited Europe, and was absent somewhat less than a year, engaged in investigations and discoveries more or less intimately connected with his profession, and the talk at the breakfast-table transpired on the third morning after Dr. Roch- ford's return. His sisters Angeline and Sicily had only a faint family like- ness to each other. Angeline was seven and Sicily nine years their brother's junior. Both had the fine family features, with the bright eyes and delicate bloom of the lips. Angeline's eyes were, however, like her brother's, of a gray, luminous brown, and Sicily had her father's keen bine ones. The sisters differed, too, in character. Nobody would be likely to know either well without loving her. Angeline's was a strong, sweet, womanly nature ; Sicily was bright, impulsive, with a natural gift for satire that her kindly heart tried to dis- cipline, and that played usually harmless as heat lightning about her talk. Both of the sisters were eminently fitted to adorn society, for to their cultivation and varied accomplishments they united social gifts of no ordinary kind. But they both had, too, their T ETHER IT PAID. 23 mother's home tastes, and found beneath their own roof their highest satisfaction. Books and art in various forms absorbed much of their time. And then they were the dispensers of a large amount of unobtrusive charities charity of that sort which requires personal cognizance of its beneficiaries, and which therefore goes the farthest and is the most helpful. So, to a large degree, both of the young ladies abjured fash- ionable society, but they had an inner circle of friends of the best sort men and women earnest, cultivated, of real worth of heart and mind. I have not left Fletcher Rochford to the last because I re- garded him as the least important member of the family. Nei- ther inside of it, where his word was law, nor in the world where he moved in varied relations among men and women, was he so estimated. As for his sisters, they both regarded him with a sort of idolatrous affection ; indeed, few brothers have been what this one had in care and tenderness since the day of their father's death. In person he was rather tall, slender-limbed, with a strong, manly face, but very far from a hand-some one. Near-sighted, he was in the habit of wearing spectacles, through which one only caught occasionally the flash of those gray, dark eyes. The general habit of Fletcher Rochford' s face was grave ; but his smile, if it once came, entered your heart like sunlight. Naturally of a fiery temper, and, he said, of a domineering and exacting spirit, these qualities had been modified and sweetened by deep Christian convictions and life. Fletcher Rochford had certainly some peculiar temptations to intellectual pride and inordinate self-esteem, but his faith, and the daily life he lived " as unto God," kept him in great meas- ure from what would probably otherwise bave been his " beset- ting sins." Have I made him clear to you this man of strong, keen, cultivated mind, of broad and generous sympathies, all that was in him harmonized by his simple, vital Christianity? In their style of living, the Rochfords were extremely unos- tentatious. The tastes of the whole family were of that simple, 24 DABBYLL GAP, OK quiet sort which avoids all display. So far as was possible in a city, they conserved old home habits and style of living ; but there was a fine harmony in the appointments of every room which would have pleased the eyes of an artist. Pictures, bronzes, statuettes, made color and grace everywhere. There was a small conservatory, where birds sang, and which made a bit of summer through every winter, and pretty brackets in corners, and baskets over which vines and mosses trailed, and paintings, gems of color and bloom, feeding the eye and educat- ing the taste into a finer and deeper enjoyment of all the beauty which its Maker's hand has scattered broadcast upon the Avorld. " O, Fletcher ! you don't know, you dear old fellow, half how good it seems to get you back here again ! " exclaimed Sicily Rochford, in her pretty, impulsive fashion, as her brother rose up from the table, and turned to the mantel to examine a small box of geological specimens, which he had disinterred from one of his trunks the night before. "Does it, my dear girl?" bending down and kissing both cheeks. " I bear you witness that there has not been a morn- ing nor evening in the whole three hundred and sixty-five in which I have been absent from you, that I have not, in spirit, sat down at this table with you and Angeline." ,*' And during any one of those three hundred and sixty-five mornings and evenings, if you had walked suddenly in, you would have found plate and napkin laid for you in your old seat as they were this morning," said the elder sister. " We kept that back, though, in all our letters, to tell you on your return." The doctor had removed his spectacles, and there was a sudden flash and melting of his eyes. " O, Angeline ! " There was a little pause here. " If you had written me that, girls, added to all you did say, and my inexpressible longing to see you, I doubt whether I should not have taken the next steamer for home." " And missed your sail on the Nile and your sight of the Pyramids ! " interposed Sicily. " Even so, for a sight of your dear faces," drawing both of these close together, and holding them within his two palms WHETHER IT PAID. 25 until the girls cried out that he was pinching their cheeks unmercifully. "But," said Augeliue, "you will never be quite Fletcher again until you get rid of some of that tan which makes you look like an East Indian and O, Sicily, here is a gray hair ! " running up her soft fingers among the thick brown locks. " It is not the first one, O, Angeline. You know we come of a race whose locks grow white early." " Yes, and I read in Godey's Lady's Book the other day that gray hairs were ornamental," said Sicily. "Then I shall cherish mine. Well, girls, what are your plans for this morning?" " They are briefly told. You are to have the easy chair by the grate-fire in the sitting-room, and Sicily and I are to sit by you, and hear the rest of your adventures in Rome and your ascent of Mount Vesuvius." " And do you know," interpolated Sicily, with her little bright twinkle of a laugh, " that it struck me this morning at breakfast as absurd enough to find, after a whole year's absence, and with so much to hear and tell both on Fletcher's side and on ours, that we could find nothing better to talk of than the people who live opposite, with whom we have never exchanged a syllable whose names even we do not know ! " " The fact might suggest some interesting discussion in men- tal philosophy, but we will not enter that field this morning." " I hope not," said Sicily, making a wry face out of her fair one. " I want you to carry us into physical, not metaphysical, scenery for the present." He laughed, pinched her cheek, and sat down, running his fingers through his hair, as was a habit of his, and recalling his journey through Italy. Just then Angeline brought her father's Bible, and laid it on her brother's knee. " We have a double reason to read and give thanks now," she said, her hand dwelling a moment fondly on his shoulder. And he knew that it was for his sake she said it. 3 26 DARRYLL GAP, OR CHAPTER III. As a general thing, people ascend very smoothly and natu- rally into good fortunes. It is much harder and slower to learn how to bear and use poverty than it is wealth. The Darrylls formed no exception to this rule ; and in a very little while that sense of novelty in contemplating their wealth, which incarnated itself in Ella's " To think we are rich people now ! " had quite worn oif. Riches seemed indeed, the natural element of these people, in which they could disport themselves as smoothly as fish in waters, and the memory of the old days of anxiety and comparative poverty grew to each member of the family very much " like a dream when one awaketh." Paterfamilias had invested a considerable slice of his for- tune in a five-story brown stone palace, on one of the most fashionable streets up town. The upholstering was of the very latest style damask and velvet, gilt and rosewood a little too showy, perhaps, for people who liked quiet tones, but iu very good taste after all everything of this sort being referred to the decision of the elder sisters, and the whole appointments forming a kind of compromise betwixt the tastes of the two Rusha's inclining always to dark, plain tones in everything, and Ella's to higher and more salient ones. For the rest, they kept their fine carriage, their blood horses, their liveried coachman. They had servants, and silver, and whatsoever else they regarded as indispensable to illustrate their new wealth and importance. Mrs. Darryll rustled in brocades and point lace. These seemed to justify the air which she felt it incumbent on her to cultivate in the new home, whose honors she always did with a little inward trepidation. It was an easy matter, of course, for the whole family to WHETHER IT PAID. 27 obtain the " entree " of the best society, as they termed the fashionable people who called in carriages and left cards for soirees. Ella affiliated at once with all the gayeties and excitements of fashionable life. She fairly radiated at balls, operas, and grand parties, and always proved herself equal to the occasion. She was of just the material of which belles are made dashing, showy, vivacious. Her dresses gave promise of equalling in number and style Queen Elizabeth's traditional wardrobe, and were always, from bonnet-string to .shoe-tie, of the latest and most expensive sort. With the elder sister it was somewhat different. That she enjoyed to the full, as was natural to her age and circumstances, this new life of elegance and luxury, could not be for a moment disputed. Who would not? The riches that enable one to touch life on so many new sides, that open to it so many new ave- nues of beauty and enjoyment, are pleasant and to be desired. Jerusha Darryll had her diamonds, her fine laces, her multiform and costly dresses, like her sister. She joined more or less in the gayeties of the season, and the circle amid which she was thrown ; but after all, there was a difference. Ella was always " raving," as her brother Andrew, somewhat contemptuously, termed her chatter, about the opera. Rusha's highest enjoy- ment was in pictures and sculpture, above all in the little alcove library, with its dark-grained cases of books, and its pearly- tinted walls hung with little gems of color and fine engravings, where she passed with her books several hours of every day. Ella dabbled in French because it was fashionable. Rusha had several masters, and devoted herself to varied forms of study, simply for the love of it. Agnes aspired to "come out" as soon as they were estab- lished in their new home ; but this was overruled by her sisters, and the eldest daughter represented to her parents in such forci- ble terms the importance to their youngest daughter of strict devotion to study during the next three or four years, that her father resolutely placed Agnes at a day-school, and her mother insisted on a prompt attendance. 28 DAERTLL . GAP, OB The best thing about the girl was, that she was loyal, through all their change of fortunes, to the favorite playfellow of humbler days, fortified in this devotion by her elder sister, although Ella more than once insinuated that it was best now to ignore all past and vulgar associations. But with the utterance of this sentiment Rusha always came bravely to the rescue. " How can you, Ella, put such false notions into the child's head?" with that little indignant throb along her tones that they all knew so well. '.' Agnes' friend is a sweet, ladylike little girl, in every way as worthy of her friendship as she was before our father made his foi'tune." " I don't dispute that, Rusha ; neither need you fire up so ; but, of course, one must drop old friends and associations with new habits and styles of living. I fancy even you, with all your high-flown sentiment, would find it rather disagreeable to introduce some of our former acquaintances into our pres- ent set." " That may be ; but I would not forsake a friend that I had loved and trusted above all others, solely because my father had made a fortune, and hers had not." And Agnes, with that perplexed, girlish face of hers, alter- nating from one sister to the other, would catch the contagion of the higher sentiment of her elder sister, and say, fervently, "I know you're right, Rusha, and I won't give up dear little Gracie because I'm rich, anyhow." And whatsoever salt of right feeling and true purpose was to be found in this family, it was hidden in the soul of Jerusha Darryll. But was it sufficient to save her or them or among such counteracting influences would it too, " lose its savor"? As for John Darryll, the mania of speculation had taken pos- session of him, body and soul. He found ways and means enough to dispose of the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which at first seemed so vast and inexhaustible to him. Indeed, that sum had dwindled in his thought to greatly smaller propor- tions since the night on which he declared himself its possessor WHETHER IT PAID. 29 to his family. He had embarked in various speculations since that time, in most of which he had been successful ; but, if the truth must be told, his temper had not improved with his for- tunes. He had really fewer genial moods in his family than when he was a poor man ; he was nervous, irritable, abstracted, and his mind seemed constantly to revolve about " stocks," " shares," and " dividends." He was forever complaining of the expenses and extravagance of his family, but for all this he never absolutely restricted them, and entertained an unac- knowledged conviction that his present style of living was the necessary concomitant of his fortunes. He had, of course, very little oversight of his sons, although he had included them all in his business ; but the duties of the young men at the office were merely nominal, and their time was pretty much at their own disposal. The dangers that inhered in this new wealth was greatest for them. Andrew aspired to be a " fast young man." He smoked the finest Havanas, rode fast horses, joined a club, was out late at suppers and theatres, affected the slang phrases of his " set," and afforded a mischievous example to his brothers, who were both at the most flexible and imitative age. Indeed, Tom and Guy attempted a certain style of*" rowdy- ism " in their talk and manners which made their mother shake her head sometimes, and wonder " what her boys was coming to ; " but she had a vague impression that no serious moral mis- chief could ever befall any of her children ; and their father was now so much engrossed with business that she shrank from calling his attention to any delinquencies of his sons ; so, much that was wrong went unrebuked, for Mrs. Darryll's ob- jurgations lacked character and force, and had a strange facility of " going in at one ear and out at the other." There was therefore very little home restraint upon the young men, who followed pretty much the devices of their own hearts and the desires of their own eyes, regarding themselves as amenable to neither God nor man. " Guy," exclaimed Andrew to his youngest brother one even- 3* 30 DARRYLL GAP, OR ing, as the family rose from the dinner-table, and walked into the drawing-room, " I want your night-key, for I shan't be in before two o'clock off on a bust to-night." "What have you done with your own?" asked the youth, evidently in some doubt about granting this request. "Lost it last night at the club-supper capital time we fel- lows had there ! " " By jingo ! " interpolated Tom, " I mean to join that club next month ; jolly fellows they ! " and he fingered the mustache which he had been assiduously cultivating, and which made now a faint yellow line about his upper lip. " You'd better believe that. Sow their wild oats with a ven- geance, sir ! " added the elder brother, taking out a cigar, and lighting a taper at the grate. "Well, Andrew, let's make it a bargain. You shall have the night-key if you'll take me to the club some evening ? " pro- posed Guy, who was still in the clumsiness and awkwardness of the transition period from boyhood to youth. Andrew surveyed his brother patronizingly. He had himself emerged somewhat suddenly from his chrysalis into a certain sort of dandyism. He had a trim figure, which his fashionable tailor invested with the finest of broadcloth, and the slight swagger which he affected in his gait pervaded more or less his manners and talk ; but there had been, as each of his family could testify, a great deal of kindliness in Andrew's nature at the beginning. He had no lack of smartness and intelligence, either ; the great danger lay for him in his father's wealth. " You're a little too fresh for the club yet," he said. " When you're slightly riper, I'll take you out ; " and with this promise Guy had to be content, and handed over the key. The large drawing-room, with its handsome appointments, its velvet carpets and lounging chairs, its gilt, and marble, and damask, was a wonderful contrast to the quiet little sitting- room, in which, less than a year before, the family of the Dar- rylls had discussed their new fortunes. WHETHER IT PAID. 31 The father sat in the corner he and his chair had appropri- ated from the beginning, absorbed in the papers which were scattered about him. His wife, fatigued Avith her day's shop- ping, was starting up at intervals out of little dozes that appeared likely to concentrate themselves into a nap. The trio of brothers had settled themselves about the table. Rusha had comfortably bestowed herself on a corner of the lounge, and Avas absorbed in her book. Ella sat a little apart, contemplating a new set of ebony inlaid with pearl, Avhich she had purchased that very day, and Agnes was leaning over her sister's chair, in admiring and slightly covetous contemplation. " See here," exclaimed Ella, looking up with sudden anima- tion, " it is high time that AVC gave a party ; I mean a real crush something that Avill create a sensation. Society has claims upon us now, and we've been invited out so frequently, that it Avon't do to let the matter slide any longer. Do you hear Avhat I say, Rusha?" " Ye-es," answered that young lady, looking up from her book Avith a pre-occupied manner. " Well, you're as much interested in the matter as I am ; I want the thing to go off in grand style." "A Number One," interjected Tom. " Precisely ; I'm au fait in these things now. "We needn't have any trouble Avith the entertainment, for the confectioner will see to all that. The only thing Avill be to get up cards of invitation and our dresses, and play host and hostess as though we had given parties all our lives." " She'll make the governor's money fly won't she, though ! " exclaimed Andrew, shaking the ashes from his cigar. "Well, what's the money good for, except to spend?" re- torted his sister. " That's it ; go in for a bender when you get a chance ! " pursued Tom. "But, Rusha, about the party you know it Avill all fall on your shoulders and mine, and I want you to wake up to the im- portance of it." 32 DABBTLL GAP, OR " I suppose I must," closing her book this time with a sort of bored air. " Must ! why, I thought you liked parties, and would enter into one of your own with spirit ? " " I grew tired of them, to tell the truth, before the season was half over. They're all glitter, display, vapidness ; still, as we are in society, I suppose there's no help for it ; we must fulfil the duties it imposes." " I think it's too bad," interposed Agnes, who occasionally waxed restive under school-discipline, "that you all can have a good time, and be in society, and do just as you like, and I have to be bound down to my books and lessons, and can't have a bit of fun." " Never mind ; your turn's coming, and you'll spread your- self like the rest of them one of these days," answered Tom. " Now stop your talk and come back to the party," said Ella, with that peremptoriness which it required some effort to resist. " When shall it come off, Rusha ? " " Whenever you like, only I think the sooner it is over the better." "You are funny, Rusha. One would expect, now, you'd enter into the thing with your whole heart. For my part, I expect to enjoy it vastly," getting up and sweeping the carpet with the trail of her purple silk. The next half hour was passed in discussion, animated, at least on one sister's part, and in which the other gradually became interested, on the time, numbers, and general details of the anticipated party. At last, when these had been in a measure settled, Ella turned to her father, having learned from experience that an unexpected and importunate attack on his purse was the surest method of carrying her point, "Do you hear, pa? We are going to have a grand recep- tion, Wednesday night, week after next, and you must let us prepare for it." " A regular squelcher fuss and feathers ! " added the eldest son of the family. WHETHER IT PAID. 33 " O, Andrew," said Rusha, with a flash of annoyance in her face, " I do wish you'd be gentleman enough to drop those slang phrases, at least in the presence of your mother and sisters." " If you are so very squeamish, you can put your fingers in your ears, I s'pose. What's the use of catching a fellow up every time he opens his mouth ? " retorted Andrew, in a surly tone. " Tut, tut, no quarrelling here ! " This was from Mr. Dar- ryll, who had just roused himself from a contemplation of the rise at the Stock Board that day, and on whom the last remarks had made some vague impression. " What's this you're saying about grand parties, Ella?" The question somehow penetrated the " nap " into which Mrs. Darryll's intermittent dozes had confirmed themselves. She started up from the depths of her luxurious chair, rubbed her eyes, and looked in a sort of vague perplexity from her husband to her daughter ; but the look settled at last into one of intense interest. Ella answered her father's question by going straight to the point, amplifying somewhat on the imperative necessity of the party, and concluding with a general description of the way in which the whole must be carried out, as though it was a thing already settled beyond contravention. " Piece of extravagant nonsense ! The fact is, my family have got it into their heads that I'm made of money." " No use for the governor to storm ; he'll have to shell out ! " muttered Andrew to his brothers, eliciting from both a laugh and a " That's so ! Ella comes right down on him like a thou- sand of brick ! " " Pa ! " John Darryll's second daughter infused into that correlative an emphasis whose meaning was perfectly apparent to those who heard it. " Would you have your family relin- quish society altogether? Or have it said that while you al- lowed your wife and daughters to go to parties you were too stingy to give one in turn ? " This was turning a view of the case towards the successful 34 DARRYLL GAP, OR speculator which he had never contemplated. He changed his argument, aqd somewhat mollified his tone. " Awful bore," he muttered. " Rush and jam. Always set my face against them." It was now Rusha's turn to speak. " But, pa, you know, as Ella says, we owe something to society. I am sure, for my own part, I heartily wish the thing was over ; but the only way is to get through with it." " And a pretty bill of expense you'll make of it among you, before that," added Mr. Darryll. " But it w'ill be our only party this season, pa, and we'll have all our friends, and do the thing up at once," said Ella, by way of reducing her father to complacency. Here Mrs. Darryll interposed in a voice faintly querulous. " I s'pose the care will all come on me for you girls will have your heads full of nothing but dress, and fol-de-rol, and I never shall be able to get through it in the world." "O, ma, now don't go to* fretting," expostulated Ella, in not the most respectful tone in the world, but that was probably less the daughter's than the mother's fault. " The whole thing will be managed without giving you any further trouble than to receive your guests," and she went on for the next half hour, proving how admirably her active observation and perceptive faculties had served her, and how entirely she was at home in all the details of a fashionable party. At the end of this time, Andrew, having despatched his sec- ond cigar, rose up, evidently with the intention of going out. He was arrested near the door by his father's inquiry, " Off again to-night, Andrew? Where do you spend your evenings ? " The young man looked a little surprised, and not over-much pleased, at this instance of paternal solicitude, but he an- swered, " I was going over to the club to see some of the fellows." " Well, I hope you'll look out sharp what sort of company you keep. I didn't relish the actions of some of those young WHETHER IT PAID. 35 cronies of yours, who dropped into the office to-day. It was evident that they had more wine than wit aboard." " They're a jolly crew, and had just come in from a horse- race on the Bloomingdale road, and their side had won the bets," replied Andrew, half standing on the defensive, half apologetic for his friends, and he went out. " Andrew laid a two hundred dollar wager in that race. I overheard them talking it over," muttered Guy to his brother. "Hush," said Tom ; " the governor will hear you, and then there will be a storm. But Andrew was a lucky dog, for he won the bet." "Yes, and sunk most of it in a treat the same night. It takes him to put things through with a vengeance, and he has a way of making the governor fork over, as none of the rest of us can." Rusha had closed her book, for she was naturally of a rest- less habit, never occupying one place or attitude for any length of time, and she walked up to the mirror on one side of the room, and stood a moment in front of it. A vast mirror it was, occupying with its heavy gilding the place of honor betwixt twin fleeces of lace curtains, and re- peating to the life the large room and the figures that occupied it. Her father and mother on either side of the mantel, her sisters making a pretty tableau at a side table, the fine, showy figure in contrast with that light, girlish one beside it, while Ella was busily occupied in pencilling down a list of invita- tions foj the projected party. And near where she stood, at another and larger table, were her brothers, in those loose, self- assertive attitudes, which harmonized with their general style of talk. Of all these things Rusha had a vague, half-conscious im- pression, as she stood close to the mirror, and of the face look- ing at hers, with a sudden surprise and fear in the bright, dark eyes, that did not end there, but somehow invested every fea- ture, even to the lips, which were slightly dropped apart, as one's are apt to be when intently listening. 36 DAEEYLL GAP, OR Nobody saw this face in the mirror, or the one outside of it. The brothers went on talking, in a low, chuckling sort of tone, quite unconscious indeed that Rusha had changed her position. In a moment, however, Tom rose, throwing a glance in the direction of his father, who was once more deep in the Stock Board, and left the room. He was drawing on his overcoat, when a soft hand was laid on his arm, and turning he encountered Rusha, with something in her face he could not tell what, until her words made it clear. " O, Tom, that was not true what you said about Andrew, just now?" " What business had you to overhear it anyhow?" he an- swered, considerably annoyed. " I stood by the glass, and I couldn't help it. But, Tom, this is terrible ! If Andrew is spending his father's money in betting and drinking, surely you ought to tell him ! " " I think I see myself doing it ! " his annoyance working into high displeasure. " A pretty storm we should have about our ears. Girls better mind their own affairs, and not poke them- selves into their brothers' business." She would not be rebuffed even by such harshness as this. " It is my business, Tom," she said, with a little quiver in her voice, " if any of the brothers that I love are in danger of* temptation, or of falling into any habits which I know are wrong, and sin." " O, bosh ! " with a petulant movement of the arm on which her hand lay. " Tom ! " "Well," half angry, half ashamed of himself, and his answer combining defence of himself and accusation of his sister, " I say now, Avhat is a fellow to do when a girl comes round him with the pious and pathetic in this style ! Of course Andrew must sow his wild oats, and have his little sprees like the rest of his set. They're all young fellows in high life." " What do you mean by ' sprees,' Tom?" WHETHER IT PAID. 37 "Yon must be green, Rusha, to ask that question." " Perhaps so, but I asked it." " Well, then, getting tight more or less, on champagne and claret." "Tom," the gravity of her face deepening into a shocked expression, "you do not mean to say that our Andrew gets drunk ? " " That's putting it like a -girl. I mean only to say, that he does just the very things that the rest of his set do, whether it's betting on fast horses, playing cards, or drinking champagne. Where's th^harm of it?" " O, Tom, has it come to this, and his father and mother not suspecting a word of it !" " Rusha Darryll, you are just making a fool of yourself. Do you think your brothers at least Andrew and I are going to ask their marm every time they go out, or have you following, and whining about in this fashion, as though a glass of cham- pagne, or a fast horse, was the highway to ruin? I say, I won't stand it," pushing away her hand with considerable roughness, and settling himself in his overcoat with a good deal of demon- stration. " O, Tom, this from you ! " said Rusha, with a little grieved, underdrawn breath ; to which her brother made no reply, draw- ing oil his gloves, and taking his hat and his cane, and going out, not speaking another word. Just as he turned to close the door, however, the young man darted a glance back, and saw his sister standing there, at the foot of the wide flight of stairs, her head leaning against the- balustrade, and the tears shining in her eyes. The front door swung sharply to,- she heard his feet ring down the front steps, and still she stood there, just as Tom had seen her last, and as his thought carried her down the street, with the troubled, grieved look in her face, which he could not put away. She was standing there still, two or three minutes later, when the key was turned again in the lock, and Tom en- tered, "and found her just as he bad left her. 4 38 DAEEYLL GAP, OE " Knsha," he said, ' ; I s'pose I was a kind of brute to answer you just as I did, but you know how it is we fellows can't bear to have girls come round, sticking their fingers in our affairs. It springs us right off. But, corne now, you mustn't mind my talk." Rusha knew that with his quick temper it had cost Torn some- thing to return and make this concession, and that he was at least two thirds ashamed of an act. that did credit to his better nature. She yielded to her first impulse of forgiveness and affection, and reached up and kissed him. " O get out ! " but the words did not go into h,is tone, and her ground was safe now. " You will not be angry with me again for loving you too well, Tom ? If any grief should come to you, or Andrew, or Guy, it would break my heart ! " " There it goes again ; fretting yourself over a glass of cham- pagne ; silly girl ! " But she knew now that her words had touched the tender place in the boy's nature, hidden under many foibles and boyish weaknesses, but when it was found, kindly, loyal, true. " Then if you think I am foolish, remember that it is my love for you that makes me so ; but I know, Tom, perhaps bet- ter than you think, some of the dangers that lie in wait on every side to destroy young men, body and soul. 0, Tom, I must be earnest now. You will not go near them you will fly from them as you would from pestilence, or fire, or death ! " In her fervor she had clasped both hands on his shoulder. No danger of his shaking them off now. " Rusha," said Thomas Darryll, deeply moved in spite of himself, "there is nothing in the whole world that would save me from going wrong so quick as the thought of you ! " Her whole face trembled in a smile that was not less bright because one saw that it lay close to tears. " Well, Tom, that shall be our bond ; whenever these friends of yours tempt you to do anything wrong to follow them WHETHER IT PAID, 39 into any path where you know lurks danger, or sin you will think of me?" "Yes, I promise;" he bent down and kissed her a most unusual demonstration on his part, for Tom had the dislike to family caressing which is natural to the transition period. That night, somewhere among the small hours, Andrew Darryll returned home, so intoxicated that he could not find his own chamber, and stumbled up another flight of stairs into the butler's, who had to assist him to bed, and whom he bribed not to tell his father. So the skeleton hid itself in the closet of John Darryll's magnificent home, and one day it might come to light, in all its hideousness and terror 1 40 DARBTLL GAP, OR CHAPTER IV. IN due time the party transpired. This one did not differ widely from those of its class ; at least it had no strong features of individuality, which would have struck any one who viewed it superficially. People who deal in inflated adjectives (and the feminine portion of the guests were largely of this class) called it a " magnificent affair," " a perfect rush." There was, of course, the usual amount of glitter and display. The head of the family had borne, with what equanimity he could, the constant drain on his purse which the party involved ; not, however, without frequent objurgations, and signs some- times of absolute rebellion ; but his wife and daughters man- aged to impress him, more or less, with the fact that the ex- pense was one of the necessities of their position, to which he submitted not with a good grace. So the party was as fine and brilliant as money could make it. There was the crowd of ladies, perfumy, radiant in diamonds, rustling in silks, dainty in fine laces, and with that "company expression" which so painfully supersedes all naturalness. The rooms were fragrant at midwinter with the sweet, pas- sionate perfumes of tropical summers ; the music was, at least, of the costliest sort, and the supper was the crowning glory of the entertainment. The tables were radiant with cut glass and silver, and it seemed as though every country in the world brought some tributary to the board, either in game, or fruit, or choice con- fections, or wines that held the glow of rubies, and the glitter of gold. As for the family, Mrs. Darryll had rehearsed her part so frequently, that she got through with it to-night with ample WHETHER IT PAID. 41 credit to herself; her girls were, each in her own way, fully equal to the occasion, and there were few who outshone, in bloom and grace, the daughters of the host that night. The latter was bland and social, enjoying to a considerable degree these material evidences of his wealth and importance, and his youngest sons circulated among the guests and liked the " show," as Tom expressed it, " immensely." The eldest brother was absent. His mother was the first to discover this, late in the evening, and commented on it to her husband when she had an opportunity, with some anxiety. Andrew had evinced as much interest in the preparations for the party as the rest of the family, joking about the whole thing in his slang fashion, and ordering an entire new suit for the occasion. The disquietude which Mrs. Darryll expressed at her son's absence was, however, allayed by her husband's " O, well, give yourself no concern. He'll be along, sooner or later. Taken up with some affair at the club, I suppose ! " and he turned to address a broker, whose acquaintance he had recently formed at the stock board, a broad-shouldered, rubi- cund-faced man, with a little, thin-visaged, dark-complexioned, over-dressed woman hanging on his arm. The dancing formed, of course, the principal feature of the evening, and through every set, the graceful figure of Ella Dar- ryll floated light as a fairy. Kusha, who was never intoxicated with this amusement, joined in it for a while, and then managed to have some excuse for declining all invitations for the rest of the evening. It was a singular fact in this girl's character that an unaccountable sadness was sure to steal over her in a gay crowd. It had come over her spirits to-night, like some faint mists driven of the winds to these bright coasts of her life, and Rusha Darryll stood by one of the side tables, and looked over the dazzling scene before her, with thought and feeling in strange, sharp contrast with it. She had, after the first reluc- tance, thrown herself heart and soul into the preparations for this evening ; she had looked forward to it with the eager antici- 4* 42 DABBYLL GAP, OR pations of 'youth and hope, for it was a necessity of this girl's nature to do whatsoever she did, heartily, vitally. But now, half as in a dream, she heard the hum of the voices, as one hears the moan of the sea ; she saw the long train of dancers swing to and fro before her. "What did it all mean what was it all worth ? " she asked herself. " Whither were all those men and women going? What were they living for ? Had they found out any true worth and meaning in life?" How like a masquerade, or a mere farce, the whole thing seemed to her as she gazed ! How unreal, ho'w hollow ! How everything associated with all this display and splendor seemed, for the moment, pitiful and barren to this girl's thought ! For such things as these, did she and the peo- ple about her live? And what would the end of all this be? And how in the strange, vast, mysterious eternity that lay a little way beyond for all of them, and that held such close and vital relations with this life, would look interests, purposes, pleasure like these ? She drew a sigh the hungry, lonely, soul of this girl, articu- lating instinctively its want and bewilderment, its half-born aspirations and needs. There was nothing in her life or asso- ciations, nothing in either the domestic or social atmosphere around her, to stimulate the best and noblest part of her. Everything here was material, earthly, in a sense, coarse. And so her soul, baffled, perplexed, wearied, drew into itself and sighed. " Rusha, what are you thinking of? " Ella Darryll fluttered to her sister's side, flushed with her last dance, her face radiant with excitement, as she waved her fan to and fro. " I don't know ; " feeling that this was quite the truth, and that, in any case, it would be hopeless to attempt to put her thoughts into words. " How are you enjoying it? " " O, splendidly ! Everything is going off in first rate style." At this moment a group of gentlemen and ladies approached the sisters, and they were soon absorbed in light talk and bad- inage. WHETHER IT PAID. 43 Among this group was one gentleman who seemed to eclipse the others in various ways. He had an easy, indolent, graceful air, which women of a certain style greatly admired. He had a dark, somewhat thin face, which was called handsome by those who did not penetrate its expression. There was an air of self-assertion, an offensive superciliousness about this man, repugnant to all fine and matured souls of men and women ; and yet, with young, inexperienced, fashionable girls, and some- times with their mammas, he was a great favorite. They called his person and style " distingue* ; " they repeated the pretty nothings which he was such an adept in making on all occasions. The man affected, too, a sort of indifference, a half contempt- uous indolence in speech and manner, which, to use his own phrase, *' he found took immensely with the women." He came of an old family, prided himself largely on his blood and breed- ing ; but I think the soul of no good man or woman ever sounded that of Derrick Howe without finding the hollowness and selfish- ness which lay beneath, a man who had no faith in God nor himself, in man nor woman, whose dominant purpose in life was his own comfort and ease. He had an intellect sharp but shallow, luxurious tastes, but indolent and somewhat dissolute habits. And with the last vestige of his fortune drifting away from him, it had of late entered into this man's thought to take to wife some young and pretty woman, who could replenish his exhausted fortunes with her dowry. Derrick Howe was in his most brilliant vein to-night, as the perpetual giggle of the gayly-dressed group of young ladies around the table testified for the next fifteen minutes. At the end of that time supper was announced, and Mr. Howe con- ducted Ella Darryll to the table, and that young lady was in consequence the object of the secret envy of several of her fash- ionable friends. "Isn't he delightful?" whispered Ella to her sister, when her cavalier had gone off a moment in quest of some jelly for the younger lady. 44 DAEBTLL GAP, OR "Who?" the speaker's attention divided betwixt her cream and her sister's question. " You are the funniest girl in the world, Rusha ! As if I could mean anybody but Mr. Howe ! " " O, yes, I understand now. I don't like him, Ella," with a good deal of emphasis. " Why, Rusha Darryll ! He's perfectly splendid the most gentlemanly and agreeable man that is present to-night." " That may be, if equal constituents of vanity and coxcombry can make one this ! " Rusha could be both satirical and disagreeable when any- thing offended her, which, with her strong feelings and keen intuitions of one sort and another, was frequently the case. Ella deigned no reply to this satire, except a glance, which expressed a good deal of suppressed indignation ; but at that moment Mr. Howe presented himself with a quaking stratum" of jelly, and she received this with a smile which must certainly have amply rewarded the gentleman for all the trouble which he had taken, and during the remainder of the evening they danced frequently together. It was long after midnight before the party broke up, and the tired family had concentrated itself in one of the large par- lors to discuss the events of the evening. They were all in good humor, for on the whole the party had been a success ; so there was a general congratulatory and half- complimentary tone in this summing up of the whole affair. " I thought I got along with my part pretty well, father, con- sidering it was a new thing to me," said Mrs. Darryll, address- ing herself to her husband, but in reality looking for her indorsement from her daughters. " O, ma, you did splendidly ! " answered Ella. " The whole thing went off capitally, and did us all immense credit." " Well, I must say I'm glad it's over with," added Rusha, unclasping the bracelets from her small wrists. " I wish we were going to have another to-morrow night," subjoined Agnes. WHETHER IT PAID. 45 " Come, come," interposed Mr. Darryll, " it's almost morning DOW, and high time these lights were out. Get to bed, every one of you, and leave the talking until to-morrow." Mrs. Darryll rose up to set an example of obedience to her children, when Tom suddenly spoke up " I say, where' s Andrew? He hasn't been in to-night." "Sure enough. What does it mean?" Mrs. Darryll' s ma- ternal solicitude suddenly active. " I was asking your father about it." At that moment the front-door bell rang violently. Most of those who heard it were not people of particularly fine imagina- tion or sensibilities ; but somehow that late midnight summons, following so soon on the scenes of splendor and hilarity in which they had all been partakers, seemed to come now with a sound of doom to all their ears. Each one leaned forward and lis- tened breathlessly, while into the silence came the sharp click of silver and china from the dining-room beyond, where the ser- vants were despoiling the tables. They heard the front door open, and then a quick exclama- tion of surprise and terror, followed by the heavy tread of sev- eral feet in the hall. I am sure every face was pale that the servant confronted when he opened the parlor door. " Mr. Darryll," he said, " your son has met with an accident." - " What is it what is it O, my boy ! " It was the mother's sharp cry that broke out first, and with one impulse they all followed her as she rushed into the hall, and there, bruised, bleeding, unconscious, they found Andrew Darryll in the arms of two men. The white face, the limp figure, as it met their gaze, looked like death. There was a sharp cry of pain from half a dozen voices, and the next two or three minutes held a scene one would not like to witness again in a lifetime. " Perhaps he is not dead yet somebody run for the nearest doctor ! " They were all standing, a pale-faced, horror-stricken group, around the prostrate form of Andrew Darryll, their elegant 46 DABEYLL GAP, OR dresses in strange contrast with their attitudes, when Mr. Dar- ryll spoke these words. And then there flashed across Rusha Darryll's thought the plate which she must have unconsciously observed sometime on the door of the house opposite. She did not wait for another word, and nobody observed her as she rushed out of the front door, and down the steps, and across the street, and pulled the bell as one would on a sum- mons for life or death. Dr. Rochford sat in his library, although it was long after midnight. He had returned from a visit to some distant pa- tients, and not feeling sleepy, had concluded to read for half an hour before retiring, and from reading he had relapsed into a sort of reverie, out of which the loud peal of the bell sharply roused him. He hurried to the door, and when he opened it, he saw stand- ing there in the flood of gaslight, which poured down from the street lamp, a vision which Fletcher Rochford will never forget to the latest hour of his life. I do not think that Rusha Darryll was beautiful either as girl or woman, after the fashion that most people call beauty ; but somehow, as she stood there in the gaslight, in her dress of white moire-antique, the snowy surf of soft laces around her half-bared arms, the brown hair which had fallen loose around her white face, as she looked up at Fletcher Rochford som'e- how, I think she made at that moment a picture such as per- haps she never had before and never might again. " Is Dr. Rochford in?" she gasped. " I am he." His words few and straight to the point, as he saw her stress, whatever that might be, required. " My brother is dead or dying ; come over and try to save him ! " with a quick gesture of head and arm which designated the opposite house. " Wait one moment ! " and with professional instinct the young physician started for a little case of instruments and specifics, which, under God, had saved more than one human WHETHER IT PAID. 47 life, in some sudden peril, when a few minutes' delay was cer- tain death. But Rusha, not comprehending his movement, sprang for- ward and caught his hand the soft, cold fingers clutching over his " O, sir, do not wait Andrew may be dying! Come with me ! " " My child, I go for something that may save his life ; " and he seated her down in a chair which stood in the hall, and hur- ried into his library. He could not pause to comfort her now. When he returned a moment later, she rose up to meet him with something in her face that it pained him to see ; but she did not speak ; she simply rushed on before him across the street, his rapid strides following behind, and so Fletcher Roch- ford entered the house, about whose inmates he and his sister had had their pleasant gossip at the breakfast-table several months before. The shivering group, gathered around Andrew Darryll in the parlor, which so lately had been such a scene of life and gayety, awaited in silence the young doctor's verdict whether " for life or death." It did not take the skilful surgeon long to reach the facts of the case. Andrew Darryll had broken two of his ribs, and had received some internal injuries of a more or less serious nature ; but he was alive. " O, my boy ! my pretty boy ! " moaned the mother, forgetful in her tenderness, and grief, and joy, that the young man before her was anything but the first-born son she had fondled so often in her lap ; and John Darryll, although he was not naturally a demonstrative man, in his relief, wrung Dr. Rochford's hand, as though with him had rested the power of life or death. In a few moments the young man was restored to partial consciousness. Meanwhile Mr. Darryll had penetrated, 1)y a close investigation of the men who brought his son home, the disgraceful causes which had resulted in the latter's present condition. Andrew had made an engagement at his club, and gone round 48 . DABETLL GAP, OR early in the evening to the rooms, intending to return home in time for the party. The young man had recently joined a soci- ety of what he called " good fellows, though a little fast," the first article of whose constitution, and the last one, for that mat- ter, was " to eat, drink, and take the world easily." Some members of a rival club happened to be present on this evening, and a proposition that both sides should " stand treat for a supper " was eagerly accepted by all parties. They ad- journed to a fashionable restaurant, ordered whatever edibles their appetites suggested, the most prominent demand being " champagne and claret," and passed by natural gradations from conviviality to boisterousness, thence to irascibility, and from this last to brutality. Both sides, having their natural feeling of rivalry fired by liquor, closed in a fight so fierce that it would certainly have been deadly if weapons of that sort had been at hand. As it was, they pummelled and disfigured each other cruelly, and some of the soberest of the party, with the proprietor of the restaurant, were obliged to summon the police to interfere. Andrew was perhaps the severest sufferer of all, though sev- eral young men, belonging to the " first families," had been borne away disfigured and unconscious. Some of young Darryll's friends had taken him in charge, thus shielding him from the disgrace of being publicly involved in the riot, had hired a carriage and bribed two of the waiters to accompany him home. And this was the closing scene of the night of the Darrylls' grand party 1 WHETHER IT PAID. 49 CHAPTER V. N FAMILY affection struck its roots deep in all the race of the Darrylls. It did not manifest itself in the every-day home at- mosphere in its finest and highest development in gentle, thoughtful courtesies of speech and deed ; but the old family love showed itself faithful and strong when any stress of grief or need brought it to the surface. Dr. Rochford certainly saw the family on its best side for the next month. He had shown at the beginning so clear a com- prehension of the patient's case, and his skill had been sub- stantiated in such high quarters, that Mr. Darryll had been very glad to secure the young doctor's services in the case of his eldest son. There was, at first, room for keen solicitude on the part of Andrew Darryll's family. The ribs, although badly fractured, would be restored with skill and time, and the internal strains and bruises did not prove themselves of so vital a nature as was at first apprehended. But the danger lay in the fever, which set in fiercely before the youth's entire return to consciousness. In that sick chamber, where the eldest son lay in a struggle for life or death, the family put off all the weaknesses and affec- tations, which, under other circumstances, would certainly have provoked the pitying contempt of Fletcher Rochford. For there was in this man, naturally, a keen sense of the ridiculous, and a kind of vehement impatience of all sophistries and super- ficialities. He could not affiliate with them. He liked earnest, downright people, to get at the core of things, and one of his dangers lay, at some periods of his life, in a tendency to self- will and domination. x But the man who could see down with such an unerring aim 50 DABRYLL GAP, OR into the faults and weaknesses of others, had been candid with himself. He knew his own dangers and temptations. He had laid them bare before God, as man never can to the tenderest human love, and in his sore strife with these he had learned slowly a new humility, a new charity for others, a charity that, as his years ripened, grew more all-embracing in scope and depth. He remembered always that it was for just such sinners as these, that the Master whom he served put aside all the glory of heaven and came into the world to save. John Darryll's face smoothed out of its hard lines, when he entered the sick room every morning with the doctor, and his wife forgot that she had the part of mistress of her elegant house to sustain, and was only the absorbed, anxious, self-sac- rificing mother, that, let come what would, of good or evil, of prosperity or adversity, lay at the bottom of this woman's na- ture, as strong as life itself. Ella, too, put aside the larger half of her airiness and per- emptoriness, and was at Andrew's bedside, at least, the serious, kindly sister ; and Agnes and her brothers, after their own fashion, indicated the fear and hope, which for the time super- seded all others, and drew the whole family together in one close bond of sympathy. But there was one face which, in the eyes of Dr. Roch- ford, wore always an intenser strain of anxiety and ten- derness than any of the others. Perhaps it did not to nurse or watcher, but for him, he could not dissociate it from that fair, white face, with the awful, appealing terror which held possession of it on that midnight, when he opened the door and it first lifted itself to him out of the darkness. And for this face, half unconsciously to himself, Dr. Rochford looked often- est, and to it he most frequently addressed himself during those long days, when death hung darkly over the splendid home of the Darrylls, just as it hangs, sooner or later, alike over palace and hovel. But the strong youth of Andrew Darryll fought the battle bravely, and came out at last victorious. Dr. Rochford knew WHETHER IT PAID. 51 this before lie had seeii his patient, when Rusha came out sud- denly one morning from the sick chamber, and met him on the landing. There was a bright, warm agitation over all her face. " O, doctor ! " she said, springing towards him, in her irrepressible gladness " he slept three hours last night, and woke up and knew us all ! He will get well now ? " " I believe so God willing ! " The tears spun into her eyes. He saw her try to shut them back quickly, but they baffled her, dripping through her eyelids, and making a sudden dew on her cheek. She turned away with a little apologetic gesture, but without uttering a single word, and he wondered, as his glance followed her to her own chamber, whether this girl would forget to carry her new joy to the God who had given back to them her brother's life. But somehow he did not wonder this of any of the others, although John Darryll met him at the chamber threshold with that sharp, busi- ness look, half superseded by some other feeling which just now possessed the uppermost room in his heart and thought, and he grasped the young doctor's hand, and said, with fervent grati- tude, " There is no mistaking that he is better. Sir, you have saved my boy's life ! " And the weak, anxious mother, who had never left the post by her sou's bedside, looked up and waited in a tumult of hope and fear for the doctor's verdict. He did not even touch the invalid's pulse ; he just glanced at the pale face, with the soft, warm glow of slumber all over it, and he said, " The crisis is past, now ; yon must go at once to your own room, Mrs. Darryll, and get the rest that you need." Mrs. Darryll tottered to the nearest chair ; the sudden relief from the awful fear Avhich had held her for days was too much for the weak nerves that had borne themselves bravely through the crisis. She sank into hysterics. Before the next week was over Andrew Darryll had made rapid marches on the way to recovery, and the household, which had intermitted for a little while its life of ambitions and affec- tations, was settling back into the old grooves again. 52 DAEEYLL GAP, OR Ella was the first to react. As soou as the pressure of im- mediate danger was over, the glamour of that world which made her life resumed its old domination over her. Andrew's room became, for several hours of each day, a sort of centre of attraction to the whole household, and as his conva- lescence advanced, animated discussions on all domestic topics ensued about his bedside, with the mother's ever-recurring parenthesis " Hush, there, children ! You shall every one leave the room, if you make such a noise. How can the poor boy ever get well, with such a set of magpies around him ? " As for Andrew, this illness brought out the best side of the young man. Whatever lesson this misfortune might have for him, he was obliged to apply it himself, for even his father, who was not usually backward in attributing blame where he fancied it deserved, could not regard Andrew as anything but the victim of others' cruelty, not perceiving, as he would if his son had not met with so summary a punishment, that the young man was equally involved in fault with his companions. Mrs. Darryll would have regarded it as barbarous cruelty to charge Andrew with the slightest blame, " after all the poor boy had suffered ; " and, if this was the sentiment of the older members of the family, the younger ones would not be likely to get in advance of it. But it was to be hoped that the young man's conscience and Andrew had one, under all his faults and selfishnesses would make itself heard as he lay in the grasp of that weakness and suffering which his own sin had brought down on himself. One morning, less than a week after the crisis had passed, Ella came into the chamber, hardly able to restrain her eager- ness sufficiently to close the door softly, as the sufferer's head required. " We've had invitations to a dinner-party at the Leavitts' for to-morrow night ; how I wish we could go don't you, Rusha ! " " No, I never want to go to another party, seems to me, when I remember our last one." Rusha, with her impatient impulses, always spoke on first WHETHER IT PAID. 53 thought. Did some twinge of the broken ribs make Andrew wince, or did the swift shadow which crossed his face have its rise in that association of his sister's, for which he could not but hold himself responsible? Nobody noticed it at -the moment, and Ella continued, half apologetic, half on the defensive : " But you see, Rusha, this isn't a real party ; only a little dinner company of a dozen or so, and two or three tables of euchre for the evening. I can't see what harm there is in going now. Andrew 's getting well ; but of course I'm ready to stay at home if it will be of the slightest use." " Not a bit of it ; you've been kept in the house long enough for me, and it must be an awful bore. Go, and have a good time, girls," here interposed Andrew Darryll, with the authority of convalescence. " I'd rather stay at home," said Rusha, with that sort of im- patient decisiveness which indicates a sensitive and forcible nature, whether for good or evil. " Dinner parties are to me always intolerable bores ; and I hate euchre ! " with a little series of shudders, as the name suggested some insufferably stupid evenings. " Rusha, you are the oddest girl, now 1 The Leavitts are among the first people in our set. One is sure to meet the best folks there, and their attention is really very flattering to us." " Well, I'll cheerfully make over my share in it to you, and I'll stay at home with Andrew," voice and face softening out of their coldness as she glanced in the direction of the couch. "Had you really rather, Rusha?" It was an auspicious feature of Andrew's illness that he now displayed an interest in his sister's wishes which he never had in health. " Really, I'd rather, Andrew," and she went over to the bed- side now, and laid her little soft, cool hand on his forehead. She never had ventured such a caress but once before. Ella, unmindful of this, stood absorbed in thought, drumming softly on the window pane. She turned round at last " I shall wear my blue moire-antique, with my point lace set 5* 54 DARRYLL OAF, OR and the new pearls. The whole will look splendid in the evening," and she hurried out of the room, intent on some minor arrangements for her toilet. " It was too bad too bad ! " murmured Andrew, as the door closed on his sister, and he thought Ruslia had followed her. "What is too bad, Andrew?" sitting down now in the wide easy-chair by his bedside. " I didn't know that you were here, Rusha." "No matter tell me, Andrew." " That I spoiled the party for you all the other night." She put down her soft warm cheek to his on the bed "Dear Andrew, we never thought of that only that your life was spared to us." " But that does not make it any better for me, you know. I was a great rascal, Rusha." " You are a great big darling now, any way ! " He laughed at this speech, which gave such inherent evi- dence of coming from a woman's lips. But suddenly her face grew .serious. " O, Andrew, you will promise me one thing ; promise me for all the life to come ! " and she clung to him, as he lay there on the sick bed. "What is it?" " That you will never gamble, never drink at the club again, so long as you live, no matter what temptations beset you, no matter how your friends entreat you, or how they try to break down your promise by argument and ridicule ! " The tears entered Andrew DarrylPs eyes. " Yes, I promise you, Rusha. There's no safety for a fellow, only to stand up stiff, and stick to his word through thick and thin," half to himself. " Put your hands in mine, and promise me then, solemnly, that let come what will, you cannot be moved you will never drink never gamble again ! " He laid his hand on hers, and repeated the promise, strong in his own strength, not knowing that that would be like flax before WHETHER IT PAID. 55 devouring flames. What an easy matter it seemed to make this promise, lying there in the shadowy sick chamber, with all the high, fierce spirit of his youth put to sleep by his long ill- ness ! How small a thing it looked to both brother and sister to keep to the right then ! Ah, how little they either of them guessed through what fire of temptations, through what awful stress and strain of body and soul, he must hold fast, as for life or death, to the pledge he had made ! The noisy, greedy world stood outside, waiting its time, and neither of these young souls had learned by experience, that the only safe anchorage for them, when the trial came down mightily, was the grace of Him who has said, " Ye shall not be tempted above that ye are able to bear." 56 DAEETLL GAP, OR CHAPTER VI. IT was a pleasant thing to see the Darryll family on that noon, three weeks later, when Andrew came down stairs, by the doctor's permission, to dine. Every one partook of the general joy of seeing him resume his old seat, although the sharp, pale face, and the dark rings around the eyes, presented a sad contrast to the strong, healthy countenance in its opening manhood, which sat there a month and a half before. " Old hoss, it's jolly to see you down here again," said Tom, giving his brother so hearty a slap on the shoulder that it sent a twinge through him ; but Andrew was in too pleased and softened a mood to "growl" now, as, in his well days he had, over smaller annoyances. "Bless his heart so it is!" said Mrs. Darryll, the face under her elaborate cap in a glow of tenderness, and she looked as though she were half inclined to spring right up from the table, rush round to her son, and give him a real motherly hug. But the presence of the waiter, and a lurking feeling that there might be something that savored of low breeding in any strong display of emotion, prevented the maternal demonstra- tion. " Have a little of the turkey, Andrew?" asked Mr. Darryll, who was rapidly dismembering a fowl, over whose prepara- tion a scientific cook had presided. " You know the doctor says you may indulge temperately now, in whatever your appetite craves." " I'll take some of the breast," said Andrew. " Capital fel- low, that doctor," he continued. "You don't know, Ilusha, what you missed this morning when you were out riding with mamma, for he told Ella and me about his first visit to Pom- peii." WHETHER IT PAID. 57 " I dou't believe she'd have given up ' Central Park,' though, for any story. You ought to have seen the ecstasies she went into over it," remarked. Mrs. Darryll. " O, it was beautiful ! " said Rusha, with that indrawn breath which, with her, always expressed her highest sense of enjoyment. " I seemed all the time to be riding through some enchanted land, and I really began to wonder whether there were such things as sorrow, pain, misery, in the world. There were the trees all astir with the new spring life in them, and the little birds singing everywhere for joy, and the sweet, fresh smell of the sprouting grasses, that carried me back to the old field beyond the house at Mystic, and the warm, bright spring sunshine over everything, and the charming pictures one came upon at every new curve of the road. I wanted to stay there forever. Wasn't it enchanting, mamma ? " " Well, yes, I must say it was pretty. Take a little of the cranberry sauce, Andrew ? " Ella burst into a merry laugh. She had a quick sense of the ridiculous. " Mother never will sympathize with your enthusiasms, Rusha. She's hopelessly practical. And for my part I must own that I think Central Park is a sort of bore when you've been over it a few times. I enjoy it, though, on Saturday af- ternoons, when the drive is full of elegant turnouts, and the music O, that is ravishing ! " " To me, that is the least agreeable season to visit the Park." " O, well, that's because you are funny, Rusha." " Funny," and " odd," were the two very inadequate adjec- tives in which Ella habitually concentrated her sense of her elder sister's strong individuality. " But I should like to hear what the doctor said about Pom- peii. Can't you repeat it?" asked Rusha, too familiar with Ella's ambiguous expressions respecting her character and con- duct to bestow a second thought on them. " O, it would spoil it all, Rusha, to give the story second- hand. You must get him to repeat it. Dr. Rochford is splen- 58 DARRTLL GAP, OR did only somehow I never feel quite at my ease with him." " I never thought of that, Ella," said Eusha. " There is more thought, sense, cultivation in what he says in five minutes, than there is in a whole evening's chatter with the silly-brained, daintily-gloved puppets one meets at parties. How insufferable they are ! " " "Why, Rusha, how severe you are ! " exclaimed Ella, in a tone which seemed to resent this remark, almost *as a personal affront. " J don't think, with all Dr. Rochford's superiority, that he is as agreeable as some gentlemen we have met in so- ciety but perhaps that is because he is not my style." "Who is one of those gentlemen, then?" asked Rusha, in a tone which indicated her profound belief that her sister must now beat an ignominious retreat. " Well, for instance, Mr. Derrick Howe." If a slight reluctance preceded the name, she brought it out full and decisive at last. " Derrick Howe ! " repeated Rusha Darryll, settling her knife and fork on her plate, and herself back in her chair. " You don't mean to say that you would compare such a man as Dr. Rochford with Derrick Howe ! The very idea is pre- posterous ! Why, he isn't to be mentioned ia the same day with him ! " her remarks growing in exaggeration as they in- creased in number, after, I am sorry to say, the tendency of her sex. " That is because he doesn't happen to be after your style, Rusha," coming to the defence with considerable vehemence. " Mr. Howe is a most accomplished gentleman, I am sure, and is considered a great ornament to society, and any lady may regard herself honored on whom he chooses to bestow his at- tentions/' " That's a matter of opinion," with a tone whose meaning was unmistakable. "Who's that who's that, girls?" interposed Mr. Darryll, who had leisure now to attend to his daughters' talk, while the waiter was busily putting the table in order for dessert. WHETHER IT PAID. 59 "We were talking about Mr. Derrick Howe you remem- ber, pa, the gentleman that the ladies admired so much at our party?" The successful speculator was on the whole a tolerably shrewd judge of men. He had a certain acquired sharpness in gauging their depths, which was the natural result of being constantly thrown amongst them in a variety of business rela- tions. " Confounded lazy dog," speaking in his rapid, decided way. " A mere lady's man just fit to dandle round silly girls, make smooth speeches, and pick up their handkerchiefs. No solidity, no depth to him. Miserable spendthrift too takes on airs run through what was left of his father's property, and lives now on his old name." Ella's color had brightened perceptibly during this very sweep- ing analysis of the young man's character, and she had played with her napkin ring in a manner that would have indicated to a close observer both disturbance and displeasure ; but she con- tented herself with muttering in an undertone to Agnes, who happened to sit next her " Papa generally does people injustice whom he does not understand." " I say," said Tom, during the process of amalgamating the sauce with his pudding, " I saw a real lady last night. No airs nor fol-de-rol, but the genuine article Simon pure." " AVhere did you come across her at Barnum's Museum?" asked Ella, something having ruffled her humor, which, in justice to her, was generally a good one. " Barnum's Museum ! " repeated Tom, indignantly. " If you meant that for a joke, it's a failure. I saw her in her own house and that happened to be just across the street when I called about that last prescription for Andrew. The lady was the doctor's sister ; I knew that as soon as I set my eyes on her, though, you come to search for it close, the family likeness isn't striking." " O, do tell me about her, Tom. What did she say ? " asked Itusha, in a voice that betrayed keen interest. 60 DAERJLL GAP, OB " There isn't much to tell. We didn't talk more than three minutes before the doctor came in. It was all in the tone, movement, manner ; and that spoke for itself. There are plenty of gentlemen and ladies got up for occasions. On the street, in a call, or at a party, they're all right ; but this one you'd know somehow would be a lady just the same down in the kitchen, with her washerwoman, with her seamstress, or on the loneliest island in the world. It's in her a part of her- self as much as the color of her eyes. And that's the kind I like not those that are off and on help me out with it, Rusha." " Intermittent ladies is, I suspect, what you mean." " That's it. You always do scent out the right word for a fellow, just as a cat will go straight to the hole where the mouse is." " That's a .pretty compliment, Tom, only you might have put it in prettier words." " O, bother ! A fellow can't be always mincing after his speech like a pedagogue. So he gets the meaning out, that's the chief thing." Here Guy spoke up. " O, father, I saw your name in the paper this morning as one of the directors of the new * Ameri- can Eagle Petroleum Company.' I didn't know as you'd gone in there." " They've got my name in ! " dipping a corner of his napkin in the finger-glass. " I didn't know anything about it either, until two or three days ago, when a couple of the stockholders called to see me and said they would like to have my name, and would put me down for a thousand shares." "What did that mean, husband?" asked Mrs. Darryll, and the sons and daughters listened attentively. Anything that concerned " pa's " credit or importance was interesting to the whole family. So John Darryll sat at the head of his table, with a pleasant sense of increased weight in both his social and financial relations. " O, men don't do such things for nothing. I saw through WHETHER IT PAID. 61 the wire-pulling at once. I've got up a name now for success in ' striking ile,' and the men who are getting up the new com- pany thought it would go down better if ' John Darryll, Esquire,' showed in capitals amongst them ; and the thousand shares was simply a complimentary way of buying the use of it. It's all a fair bargain in business." " But do you know whether this new company is likely to succeed they say the market's glutted with bogus ones ? " inquired Tom. " That's true enough. This is as likely to turn out a rotten concern as any of the others ; but that's not my business ; I didn't offer to sell my name, but I let them have it when they asked for it, and they gave me what they thought it was worth." " Somebody '11 be pretty certain to get their fingers scorched," remarked Guy, oracularly. " Somebody's pretty certain to every day," added his father. " The way a large proportion of these petroleum companies is managed is a warning to a man to look sharp on all sides be- fore he goes in, or he will be singed as sure as he's alive. A few men, who understand the ropes, will buy a piece of land somewhere among the oil regions for a mere song, set the people wild about the fortunes it promises to yield the know- ing ones are up to that sort of thing crowd the stock into the market, get a few strong names, and blow the trumpets in the newspapers ; and so the green ones go in, expecting to reap tremendous fortunes in an incredibly short space of time, and ten to one get wofully bit." Proving by his concluding sen- tence, which was, in his own estimation, the sum of all the others, that, however sound John Darryll might be iu petro- leum, he was " shaky" in some of the root principles of gram- mar. " What a dishonorable piece of business ! No decent man would have anything to do with it 1 " exclaimed Rusha, in a heat of indignation. " Plenty of men who call themselves decent do," answered her father, emphatically. " In war all's fair. And it's pretty 6 62 DABETLL GAP, OR much so in business. If a man won't look out for himself, no- body is going to trouble himself to do it for him. This world is pretty largely made up of two sorts those that know how to feather their nest and those that allow themselves to be plucked ; and the latter's the larger by a vast odds." With which philosophical view of life, Mr. Darryll helped himself to some nuts, complacently reflecting that he belonged to the fortunate minority of his classification. " But, pa," continued Rusha,, " you don't suppose that this ' American Eagle Petroleum Company,' which has your name, is one of these abominable impositions you've been talking about?" " I don't suppose anything about it. It's not my concern. The stockholders must look out for that. It's just what I said likely to be a rotten thing as any of them." " But as your name is there, it seems to me you're respon- sible for the honor of the' company." " Not at all ; I didn't ask them to take my name. It was their own offer." " Well, but you allowed the company to retain it, and it seems the managers fancied it would have influence in attract- ing others to invest." " That's their look out, not mine, child. The concern may be a sound one for all I know, and if it isn't, I haven't the time to poke my head into its affairs ; and the probability is, all would be fair outside, and if the thing was leaky at bottom, I shouldn't be able to discover it. These managers are shrewd folks." Rusha was by no means convinced. That stubborn instinct of truth, that going right down to the core of things, which was perhaps her greatest virtue, made her sometimes an uncomfort- able opponent in an argument, at the bottom of which lay any sophistry. " But, pa," she continued, raising her voice a little, till its strong, clear earnestness held every ear at the table attentive, " a man's name, wherever he puts it, is his bond, his pledge of honor and integrity ; and yours stands a witness for the sound- WHETHER IT PAID. 63 ness of this Petroleum Company before the whole world ; and as for that thousand shares, it's a mere bribe, so long as you know nothing about the thing. A mean business, any way it can be shown. If it was my name, I wouldn't have it stand there a single day." " Rusha, you talk like a woman, or a foolish, romantic girl," answered her father, in a slightly irritated tone. " What do you know about business ? " " It won't do to carry girlish, high-flown notions into that any more than it will into a good many other things I've told you about," sagely, if not very luminously, remarked Mrs. Darryll, probing an English walnut with her nut-picker. Rusha never deserted an argument half way. " But, pa, supposing now that some ill-informed, credulous persons some widows or orphans, for instance taking your word for just what it means, a witness for the integrity of this company, should invest their money all, perhaps, they've got in the woi-ld in these shares, and the whole thing should turn out bogus. These people would be ruined, and the influence of your name there would just do it ! " " Bravo ! " exclaimed Tom, " Rusha's got the best of the argument now." " Rusha just knows nothing at all about it," subjoined her father, in a voice tinctured more strongly than before with annoyance. " It don't do for men in business to go to dealing with ' supposes ' and ' perhapses.' All superfine notions of that sort must be left to people who don't have to make money, and can spend their time hunting up nice moral distinctions." A free and easy style of conversation, which, if it lacked rev- erence, had its advantages, always obtained betwixt parents and children in the household of the Darrylls. Rusha's face settled down now into that look of still inflexi- bility which they all understood so well, and which was so apt to terminate any family discussions. " Well, there's one thing I do know if I do stay at home," she said, " and that is, if there be such a thing as right, honor, truth, they ought to enter into one's business as well as any 64 DARRYLL GAP, OB other duty or relation in life ; and if my name stood where yours does, pa, my conscience would give me no rest until I'd had it struck off, and the company could take back their shares until I knew it was an honest one." "But supposing it should be and it's as likely as nine tenths of them and the shares should yield me something handsome in the way of dividends what then ? " asked her father, a little triumphantly. " I don't think she'd have any scruples about using the money in that case, pa," interposed Mrs. Darryll, who somehow felt it incumbent on her to take up the defence in behalf of her hus- band more anxious that her children should think it would not be possible for their father to do anything which was not strictly just and right, than concerned about the thing itself. " She was teasing me this morning for an India shawl. Just try her with that, and I don't think she'll inquire very closely where the money came from ! " There was a loud chorus of laughter, in which all the young voices joined, Rusha's as heartily as any of the others. She could always bear having the laugh turned against her. " She's got you this time, Rusha ! " said Guy, nodding his head towards his elder sister. " You've made a strong point against me, ma, but I'll be true to my principles ; I'll give up the India shawl if pa will take his name from the ' American Eagle Petroleum Company.' " " Good ! Rusha '11 die game ! " said Tom, expressing with more emphasis than elegance his sense of his sister's adherence to her convictions of right. " Pa," said Ella, " I don't happen to be troubled with any such high-flown notions. You just hold fast to the shares, and when the first dividends come in, let me have an India shawl, and I won't ask any questions." The talk had grown playful now ; and yet how much sober truth underlay it ! " Michael," said Mr. Darryll to the waiter, settling in this way the matter under discussion, " let's have up a couple of that new claret. We'll drink to Andrew's recovery this time." WHETHER IT PAID. CHAPTER VII. "WELL, who is going to church this morning?" said Mr. Darryll, as the coachman presented himself at the door of the sitting-room one Sunday morning for orders. There was a little stir amongst the assembled family. Mrs. Darryll rose up and walked to the window, from which the sky afforded a narrow limit for observations. Hers were not of the most promising kind. A thin gray curtain of haze covered over the sky, with here and there a little seam of azure. It was in early April now, and phases of the sky were not to be depended upon. " Do you think it's going to rain, pa? " asked the lady, unable to reach an independent conclusion. Mr. Darryll roused himself from the Sunday Herald, in which he was again deeply buried, smoothed his whiskers, looked out of the window. " Doubtful," was his verdict ; " wind isn't in the right direction." " Well, then, we'll have the carriage up, and the whole family had better turn out ; it looks respectable, and your father 's rented one of the best pews." " Mother advocates going to church on principles of econ- omy," laughed Tom, who was walking up and down the room with his hands in his pockets. " She'd think the money was wasted if every seat in the pew wasn't filled ! " There was a laugh at mother's expense, which she bore with equanimity. And then Ella turned to her sisters and said, "Our new bonnets came last night. Don't you think we'd better go, girls ? " Rusha looked up from her book with a sort of yawn. " I don't think that motive would be strong enough to take me out of the house to-day," she said. 6* 66 DAEBTLL GAP, OR " Why, isn't that as good as any? " asked Guy, who, having passed his fifteenth birthday, had attained that period when boys hold their opinions with a little more positiveness than they do at any other period of their lives. " I thought girls and ladies never went to church for any better reason than to flourish their fine dresses and bonnets ! " Andrew laughed, and called Guy a " trump ; " but Rusha said nothing, only she looked serious. " Come, come, this isn't settling the matter about church," iuterposed Mrs. Darryll. " Pa, hadn't you better go, and take all your boys and girls ? " " Not this morning, I believe, mother," getting up with a yawn. " But the rest of you'd better muster in strong force. Get out the carriage, Rufus, at half past ten." There ensued a quarter of an hour's animated discussion betwixt Ella and Agnes on the dresses they would wear that morning, and on the people who occupied the pews adjoining theirs, while Rusha walked up and down the room, as was a habit with her, her hands locked behind her, her face drooped forwards, with the thoughtful expression that always gave it a touch of sadness. The boys had distributed themselves in various lounging atti- tudes. Tom and Guy were comparing bosom-pins, and Andrew, who was now able to accomplish daily the descent of the stairs, was listening to the talk, and laying plans for the next week, when he expected to get out for the first time. " Pa," said Ella, suddenly breaking into and stopping the chatter of her brothers, " it's April already, and high time for us to make our plans for the summer. The Lorings were ask- ing me about them yesterday. We shall shut up house, of course, at the commencement of the season, and take the water- ing-places and all those things in order Newport, the White Mountains, Saratoga, and Niagara. We can do them all in one season, and we ought to begin to see about our wardrobes by the very next week." " O, won't it be splendid and I shall go too ! " said Agnes, clapping her hands with girlish enthusiasm. WHETHER IT PAID. 67 " Come, come, children it's Sunday ; I'm amazed that you'll talk about such matters to-day ! " said Mrs. Dairy 11, who always had a traditional regard for religion a feeling that it was something proper and necessary without which, in short, no family could be respectable in this world or safe in the next. She had felt it her duty to insist upon all its outward obser- vances with her young household, such as going to church, at- tending the Sunday-school, contributing to the missionary fund, subscribing for a religious paper, and was always ready with pecuniary and personal aid for all societies that had general con- fidence and patronage for good works. She had faithfully inducted each one of her children into the catechism and commandments, and devoutly believed that this system, with an occasional interlarding of pious talk, would amply fortify them against all the temptations which the world, the flesh, and the devil could bring to bear. As for her husband, he had, in a general way, abetted his wife's practice, believing that religion was a good thing for women and a growing family. It helped to promote general good order in society, as well as in households, and there was no doubt something in it ; but just what or how much, no per- sonal experience here had ever enlightened the soul of John Darryll. "We must have the horses at the watering-places," con- tinued Tom, all regard for his mother's reproval absorbed in the interest which he took in the topic under discussion. *' Young Fordham was telling me about the crack horses they always have at the Springs, and the races they had there last year. Finest that ever came off. Zounds ! it must be a capital sight, Andrew, to see such a show of horse-flesh ! " Before the elder of the brothers could indorse this sentiment, Ella broke -in with " Of course we shall go in the best style if we go at all. Our carriage, and a maid, and all that, will be quite indispensable." " Boys and girls," interposed Mrs. Darryll, this time with decided authority, " I should like to know if you are a set of 68 DARRYLL GAP, OR heathen ! What do you s'pose you're all coming to, talking about horse-races and such things Sunday morning?" " Well, for my part, I don't see as it's any worse to talk about those things than it is about ' Gold, and Hudson, and Bank Stocks,' as pa does every Sunday, when he can get any- body to listen," answered Ella, with some acerbity, being placed so strongly on the defensive. " I've just been wondering," said Rusha, pausing suddenly in her walk, and standing still by the table, " whether there is any such thing in the whole world as religion ? " " Why, Rusha ! " exclaimed her mother, lifting up both hands " how you do talk ! " " Nevertheless, it's the truth, mother," her voice growing solemn in its earnestness ; " I don't mean a religion of tradi- tions or respectabilities ; nor one of forms ; nor outside ob- servances ; but I mean a religion of the heart and soul ; something that is stronger and more precious than life itself; something genuine to the core, known and lived every day ; something that one can hold fast through all loss and change, through all joy and sorrow, and that one knows can be carried out from this world into the next." For a moment nobody spoke. Mrs. Darryll looked a little solemn and perplexed. Perhaps just then each soul in that room had some vague consciousness of inward reproval and need. " I s'pose that was the sort of religion the old martyrs had, when they lay down in dungeons and went to the stake wasn't it, ma ? " said Agnes. " I s'pose it was, my child," answered the lady ; but somehow she did not seem quite confident. " They lived so long ago," continued Rusha, the gravity in her face touching her voice. " If I could only know one man or woman in the world who really lived, or actually tried to, the religion that so many profess ! I know plenty of folks that are kind, well-meaning, good-hearted, and all that ; but I mean something that goes deeper. I read about religion in books ; I WHETHER IT PAID. (59 hear the ministers preach it ; and I sometimes long to say boldly to some of them, ' Do you really believe what you say up there in the pulpit? Do you carry it down with you into every-day life ? Is it more to you than your salary, your position, your honors dearer than life itself? ' ' " Then there are the missionaries, you know," subjoined Agnes, somewhat timidly. " Hypocrites and humbugs, half of 'em ! " muttered Guy ; " have a good time off there, converting the heathen, and mak- ing folks at home support 'em." " Guy, don't speak in that way of good folks," said Mrs. Darryll, regarding it incumbent on her to interfere, and yet unable to bring the slightest argument against her son's whole- sale accusations. " Of course," continued Rusha, resuming her walk, " nobody doubts that there are good, honest people, who want to do just what is right ; but how far these are in their beliefs and experi- ences the victims of false education and honest mistake, is a question beyond my depth. I wish I knew where truth was ! " speaking half to herself now. " The fact is, human nature's pretty much the same every- where ; I've found that out in my dealings with men," remarked Mr. Darryll. " Every one looks out sharp for himself. Reli- gion sounds well in the pulpit and in books, and is all right enough in its way ; but these fine-spun theories don't answer in the hard grip and tussle of life." " In short, governor, your creed isn't founded on cant, but on hard dollars and cents," said Andrew, attempting to be humorous. " Well, it's my opinion every man's is, in the long run, and get to the bottom of the matter," answered paterfamilias , rumpling his Herald. " And when one looks abroad on the people one knows," con- tinued Rusha, " they're no better than we, living on the same plane, influenced by just the same motives, pursuing the very same objects. I wish, as I said, I knew one man or woman in 70 DAEETLL GAP, OR the whole world in whose intelligent goodness I should have solid, unquestioning faith." " I think, for my part, we're about as good as most folks," said Ella, a little annoyed at the way her sister disposed of her family in this regard. " I'm sure pa pays a tremendous rent for his pew, in the most fashionable church." " Yes ; but he pays that to the god of fashion, not to the God of the church." " Well, I presume our motives are just as good as our neigh- bors'." " That's just what I was saying," answered Rusha, dryly. The mother interposed here. " Come, come, girls, you haven't a minute to spare. Go right up stairs and dress, or you won't be ready for church." Poor Rusha with her soul groping in the dark, uttering its long plaint for something which the world could not give it ! The family atmosphere was dense and material, and the so- ciety amidst which she moved was pretty much of the same quality. She had never been thrown into the company of high- minded Christian men and women, and though all that was aspiring and truest in her thrilled responsive when she heard of the excellence of goodness and the beauty of truth and self- sacrifice, she wondered whether this was ever brought down into the actual and real whether these high-spun, rose-colored theories ever existed outside of sermons and books. Her soul wanted the eternal anchorage, to hide itself in the strong tower of -the blessed promises of God. Unsettled and uncertain, it carried through the days the doubts that would not be silenced, the chill and darkness which only a living faith in Christ Jesus, with religious culture and its slow daily growth in the soul, could warm and illuminate. The shallower natures of the others could, in some sense, satisfy themselves with the world and its prosperities ; but for her, though her father had made his great fortune, though lux- uries and splendors surrounded and persuaded her on every side, she was still poor Rusha ! WHETHER IT PAID. 71 CHAPTER VIII. " CONFOUND this Administration ! Driving the country, neck and heels, straight into ruin ! " Having thus delivered himself, Mr. Darryll dashed down the paper and seized the poker, and commenced a vigorous onslaught on the lowest stratum of coals this exercise proving a sort of safety valve through which his indignation could vent itself. " Dear me, John, what is to pay now?" asked Mrs. Dar- ryll, gathering up in her lap, in order to screen it from a shower of ash dust, a long turnpike of white ruffling, over which her needle was laboriously plodding. " You better ask me what isn't to pay ! " retorted the lady's spouse, in tones which indicated a strong tendency to use the poker on some more sentient object than the coals. " Block- heads and knaves at the head of our Government. Steered us, with their eyes open, right into this civil war, and all they care for now is to feather their own nests and run everybody straight into bankruptcy. Here they are talking about another draft, and taxing a man now every lime he turns round. We can't stand this much longer. I thought when we commenced this thing we were going to put it through in nine months ; and now, after a year of fighting, the end looks farther off than at the beginning ! " Mr. Darryll had commenced his diatribes on civil and mili- tary affairs with only his wife for auditor, she being, on this ground, one of the acquiescent and monosyllabic type, her opin- ions and sentiments on all public matters being a faithful reflex of her husband's. This was not precisely the case with the sons and daughters, although there was no doubt that the home-talk colored more or less the political views of most of them. 72 DARRYLL GAP, OR And one after another the boys and girls had dropped in, and stood now grouped around in various attitudes of indolence or interest, listeniug to the conversation. " But, pa," interposed Rusha, standing on the defensive, " you remember that Washington made a greater mistake than our Government did when he wrote to his wife, at the time of his taking command of the Continental army, that the war would probably be over by the following autumn. What a point the Tories must have made of that false prophecy through all the seven years that followed ! " Mr. Darryll cleared his throat in order to gain time. He had that reverence for Washington, and all the great actors of the Revolution, which is inborn with every American. " That's another thing," he said, seizing hold of the first point that presented itself. " The questions at issue are en- tirely different. We haven't got any such men now as we had then." " I should think not," added Ella, who had a constitutional dislike of radicalism, and a general impression that the "first society " did not indorse the present Administration. " Look at Abraham Lincoln ! " " What's the matter with him ? " asked Rusha, tartly. Her sister was, of course, ready with the stock objection. " O, he isn't a gentleman. Such an awkward, inelegant man at the head of our nation ! It's really dreadful ! " , " I presume that your dancing-master would do the honors of the White House with a much better grace than our Presi- dent, and that is, of course, much more important than sound wisdom or integrity of character, than strength of purpose or love of justice and righteousness, in the man who stands at the nation's helm, now that she is in this awful peril for life or for death ! " The voice of Rusha Darryll held now that lingering sarcasm which they all perfectly understood, and, if the truth must be told, secretly dreaded a little. Ella was a good deal nettled. Of course her position was WHETHER IT PAID. 73 totally indefensible, now that moral instead of physical quali- ties formed the grounds of the defence ; but she had one shaft left, tipped with a little venom. She sent it home now. "Are you an abolitionist, Rusha, I should like to know? One would imagine it by the way you talk." That name had had, during their childhood, an exceedingly bad odor in the Darryll family. Perhaps it still retained some old power of association over Rusha's mind, for her answer hardly met it squarely ; and then it was several years ago, and people have grown in the last three. " I hardly know what you mean by abolitionist, Ella ; but of one thing I am certain, that slavery, in any form, is a sin and a curse to a people, and against it, so long as I live, I will set my face, whatever you or anybody else may call me." This was certainly throwing down the gauntlet in an atmos- phere where it required some moral courage to do it ; but dur- ing the latter part of Rusha's speech, Guy had entered, thus completing the family circle. The boy had happened during the last week to light on Uncle Tom's Cabin for the first time, he having hitherto religiously avoided it, hearing his father, who had never so much as read the title page, denounce the book as a " miserable incendiary work," this remark being plagiarized from an adverse newspaper criticism. Of course with the first chapter Guy was committed to the end. And as a consequence of reading the book, he had accepted an invitation of a young friend* given half in sport, to go and hear Wendell Phillips lecture the preceding evening. The transcendent power of the book had wrought strongly on the rough, boyish sympathies of Guy Darryll, and the eloquence of the lecturer completely brought him over. His family was quite ignorant of the sudden revolution which his political con- victions had undergone, and each one was electrified to see him stand up boldly now, the ruddy, immature face glowing with the fervor of his sentiments as he delivered them " I say I'm an abolitionist to the core ! Go in for the nigger strong. They've just as good rights as white folks ; and so 7 74 DAEETLL GAP, OB long as they're human beings, we've no business to buy and sell 'em ; and I'm ready to fight anybody who says we have ! " growing belligerent as he proceeded. Guy's avowal was received with shouts of merriment by his brothers, and with various interjections of surprise or dismay from the rest of the family, with the exception of Rusha, who patted her youngest brother on the shoulder, and said, encour- agingly " Bravo, Guy ! That's the sort of talk I like ! " " Well, it isn't what I do, by a long shot," said her father, vastly surprised and a good deal displeased at this defection of his youngest son. " Where in the world did you get such notions as those, Guy ? " The boy had an impression that his authorities would by no means enhance the value of his convictions in his father's esti- mation ; so he wisely kept them to himself, only saying, with an air of profound sagacity, in amusing contrast with his boyish face " O, I've thought and read a good deal lately ; and these are my opinions, and I shall hold them as long as I live, without fear or favor." " Well, all I've got to say is, you'd better wait until you're a little older and wiser than you are now, before you put forth your sentiments in such a fashion," said his father. Guy, secretly primed with Wendell Phillips and Harriet Beecher Stowe, turned suddenly a strong fire from his battery on his father "Do you approve of slavery, father? Do you think it's right to sell men and women on the auction block as though they were cattle? Do you think it's right to separate husbands and wives, and tear little children away from their fathers and mothers to hang up women by the wrists and whip their bare backs till they're raw, and send blood-hounds to bring them down when they run away from their masters ? Do you think it's right to do these things because one man has a white skin and the other a black one ? " WHETHER IT PAID. 75 John Darryll hemmed. His old, sound New England train- ing, and at bottom the sturdy sense of right and justice, the common humanity which no political sophistries nor partisan feelings could overcome, rose up in stout condemnation of the facts that young boy of his had put so strongly. " Of course I don't," he answered, very crossly, but still very positively. " None of my family ever heard me contend that slavery was right. I've always admitted the thing was a wrong and a shame ; but as we'd got it, and the Constitution admits it, the best way was to let it all alone, and it would be its own remedy in time. You see what all this talk and agitation about the thing has brought the country to ; I've said it would be so for years, and now we've got into a war with no end to it, and nobody to manage it." " If slavery carries its own remedy in itself, why doesn't murder, or arson, or any other crime ? " persisted Rusha. *' There, you see, pa, I told you so," said Ella, in a tone half deprecatory, half positive. " Your oldest daughter is an out-and-out abolitionist ! " " Well, I'm sure, John, she never got it from me," added Mrs. Darryll. " No, ma," laughed Rusha, good naturedly " whatever my opinions are, you shan't be responsible for them." " But, Rusha," continued Ella, standing by the mantel, and looking at her sister with some perplexity, " I do think you have a tendency toward isms. You have, somehow I can't just explain \vhat I mean the sort of character and enthu- siasm that runs away with folks ! I shouldn't wonder the least if under a certain set of influences you should turn Woman's Rights, or take to lecturing in public, or some such dreadful thing." " You are complimentary, Ella. But give yourself no alarm, my dear. The consciousness of my own fatal lack of gifts will keep me always from the Rostrum." " I'm not so sure about that," added Tom. " Rusha can talk, when she gets the steam on, better than a good many miu- 76 isters ; and then she always looks so well when she gets ex- cited ! " " Tom, don't ! " interposed Ella again, her imagination tak- ing the alarm at even the playful suggestion of such a prospect. " If the day should ever come when my sister rises up in a public hall to speak, I shall want to hide my head the rest of my life for shame ; I never could show my face in society after such a disgrace ! " " You'd better think of something that's likely to happen," suggested Mr. Darryll, who never gave himself much concern about improbabilities of this sort. " I see we're going to have another draft, and it's as likely to fall on Torn or Andrew as anybody." " O, pa ! " This little interjection fell from Mrs. Darryll ; but it said what the hearts of mothers with goodly sons had been saying for more than two years over all the land. An- drew's fractured ribs were now so far restored as to make an impending draft a source of alarm in his case. " And substitutes cost a small fortune now-a-days," said the head of the family, returning to the old ground of offence. " But, pa, you know you'd rather pay any amount of money, than have either of your boys go to the war and get shot, or fall into the hands of those dreadful Rebels," expostulated Mrs. Darryll. " We'd better make any sacrifices rather than have that happen." " Yes ; I wonder, if worse came to worse, how many gew- gaws your girls would be willing to sacrifice at the watering- places, where they intend to figure this summer ? " retorted Mr. Darryll, who was in the habit of visiting on domestic affairs the ill humor engendered by a contemplation of public ones. " I'm sure we'd all be willing to make any sacrifice, rather than see our Andrew or Tom go to the war," answered Mrs. Darryll, meekly ; and Ella, who had meditated a strong attack on her father's pockets that day the summer's wardrobe be- ing now in an advanced state of preparation concluded to defer her appeal to a more favorable occasion. WHETHER IT PAID. 77 One thing was certain. John Darryll was an habitual grum- bler, and his threats always kept far ahead of his deeds, as was a fact well known and acted on at all times in the bosom of his own family. And the same rule would, in a measure, apply to his habit of regarding all public affairs. The man was not without a feeling of patriotism. The echo, as it rolled over the land, of the first shot on that lonely fort by the sea, had roused the lu'tirt of John Darryll with the rest of his countrymen. For the time being, a new love of country, a burning desire to avenge her wrong and retrieve her honor, superseded every other feel- ing in the soul of the man. He averred himself ready to take his gun and go. down South, and do his part in putting down the rebellion that had taken him by such surprise ; for he, like the majority of Northern men, had believed in his heart that South Carolina, and the other seceded states, could not be really " in earnest." But John Darryll was not a man of abiding faith in things invisible. He had not those strong moral convictions which make a man, no matter how dark and desperate a cause may seem, anchor his hope on the eternal foundations of truth and justice, on which that cause rests. And so, when defeat and disaster overtook our armies ; when mistakes, that the very nature of things rendered unavoidable, were committed on every hand, then John Darryll's faith waxed faint. Certainly those long four years tried every man, and when Ihe war, with its high prices and heavy taxes, began to touch the pockets of men like Mr. Darryll that was their weak point then they began to grumble at the blunders and tyran> nies of the Government. John Darryll had been brought up in a school of the old Jackson and Jefferson type. The names still possessed a strong traditional power over his mind ! That both these men were fervent patriots, however strongly partisan, nobody could attempt to deny. But John Darryll had 7* 78 DABRYLL GAP, OR an impression, based on no intelligent insight into the course of events, and on very insufficient knowledge of the real char- acter of the great men whose names were always on his lips, that if they had only managed affairs, things would have turned out smooth and satisfactory to all parties. He had no wide moral outlooks, and present mistake or dis- aster was to him absolute proof of either incapacity or villany. And how many men were there, who felt and talked like this one through all the nation's long four years' baptism of fire and blood, and who only begin to see with clearer vision now that the cloud and fire of the battle are rolling away ! Blessed are those who, not seeing, yet have believed ! WHETHER IT PAID. 79 CHAPTER IX. SICILY ROCHFORD had been absent in the country for most of the spring, visiting a sister of her father's. Two or three days after her return she said to her brother " Well, Fletcher, I hear that you have made the acquaintance of the family across the street, under circumstances, too, which are apt to show peo- ple's characters in dishabille, as physicians oftenest see them. Tell me something about them." The young doctor put down his paper and leaned his head back on his chair a fine head, both artists and physiognomists had called it, surveying it, however, from somewhat different stand-points. It was just at twilight, and the little family of three were gathered in the study, in that indolent, social mood which usu- ally follows a day of bustling activities of one sort and another, and the Rochfords were, every one of them, from constitution, habit, and conscience, full of varied plans and industries, which never allowed time to hang heavy on their hands. The day had been warm for it was late in the May. A golden glow of twilight filled the room. All through it were afloat odors of hyacinths and roses, with the luscious sweetness of orange blossoms from a little conservatory, which opened like a green, flowery glade out from one side of the study. " Fletcher looks tired, Sicily," said Angeline, as she noticed with the swiftness of intent affection the posture which the head took, half unconsciously. " If I am, there is no rest so pleasant and entire as talking with you, girls. Now, what do you want to know about the people opposite, Sicily?" " Well, whether our conjectures, when you first came home, about the sort of people they were, turned out to be true." 80 DAEETLL GAP, OR " You know the circumstances which first introduced them to me?" " Yes ; Angeline related them to me this morning. I think your meeting with the young lady would have been decidedly romantic had the occasion been less serious." " It was serious to her then a matter of life and death. Poor girl ! there were no disguises there. That wild, white, frightened face, under its shadow of dark brown hair, contrasted awfully with the rich dress and the quiver of the jewels on her arms and neck. I never saw a sharper agony in any face. I can never get it out of hers, although I have seen it since very luminous with smiles and happiness." " She is your favorite of the family, Angeline says." Fletcher Rochford turned and smiled on the elder of his sis- ters. " How do you know that ? " he said " did I tell you ? " " As though I wasn't acute enough to find that out without your saying so ! " " What is her name? " asked Sicily. Her brother smiled again this time with a twinkle in his eyes. " Jerusha ! " he said, pronouncing the name with im- mense unction. Sicily screwed her face into an expression indescribable, unless her own solitary comment pronounced it " Distressing ! " " I don't think it is to the owner thereof, Sicily ; and then they call her ' Rusha,' which I like better than most of your new-fangled pet names." " Rusha ! Rusha ! that is a decided improvement ; it has really a pretty sound about it." " But really, Sicily, I don't dislike Jerusha," interposed An- geline. " There is a hearty, honest sound to the name, that somehow I fancy/' "It is a matter of taste," replied her sister. " However, if one likes the owner of the name, it makes but little difference what the latter is." " Yes," said her brother ; and he said no more, only sat still, musing. At last Sicily reminded him WHETHER IT PAID. gj "What are you thinking of, Fletcher?" " Of this girl, Rusha Darryll. I pitied her that night on which I first saw her, and I pity her still, although any one who knew perhaps even she herself would think the emotion wasted in her case." " In what respect do you find that she needs it then? " This was Angeline's question. " Because there is a fine, strong, most womanly nature in that girl, shut up and feeding on itself. One sees how it is. The tone of her home, the personal atmospheres of those around her, have all had, more or less, a coarse, materializing influ- ence. The right kind of moral culture and stimulus would have made of that girl a high-souled, deep-hearted, under God, truly Christian woman. The fair, delicate face it is that sort of delicacy which, without physical unsoundness, indicates an ex- tremely sensitive nervous organization, that face, even in its utmost brightness and it has phases of such is haunted to me always with some wistfulness and unrest. I can understand what it all means, too. There is an inward, half-conscious pro- test going on all the while against the sort of influences among which her life has unfolded. The whole spirit of the family is dense gravitates earthward. And yet, as I said, there is the making of a noble woman in that girl, only there is a great deal against her at present." " You must have studied her face closely, Fletcher," remarked Sicily, archly. " Otherwise I should not be a good physician," answered the doctor, grave as any judge, though he caught the twinkle of a smile, and understood perfectly what it meant. " Perhaps she will grope her way out into the light," answered Angeline. " Perhaps that is the best one can say. But the world, the flesh, and the devil are three strong forces, and in certain directions this new fortune will bring them to bear strongly on her." " Is there nothing to be said of the rest of the family?" 82 DARETLL GAP, OR " Of the father, not much. He is simply a successful specu- lator a sharp, bustling man; and the mother is kindly, and fussy, and narrow ; and the sons are of the Young America type, with great danger of making shipwreck on the new for- tune ; and of the daughters, one is pretty, showy, with a cer- tain outward brilliancy, that has little depth, but tells in society ; and the youngest daughter is a nice little school-girl the mother's pattern, a good deal improved." What reply the young ladies would have made to this rapid but discriminating analysis of the Darryll household, never transpired, for at that moment the housemaid presented herself at the door, saying " There's an old woman and a young sol- dier down stairs, doctor. I told 'em it was out of your hours ; but they said you'd see 'em, if I'd just say ' Benjamin Stowell and his mother.' " It had been the doctor's hospital day, a day always of ex- hausting work, both of mind and body. A look of weariness had hovered over his face, even in the restful home scenes and talk ; but a sudden animation displaced all other expression, as he said " Show them up here at once." " Is it a private interview? " asked Sicily, for the name was new to both her and Angeline. " No ; stay, both of you, in that corner. It will be worth see- ing, and it will not embarrass them if they do not observe you." As he spoke, there entered the room a small, withered old woman, with a dark, thin face, all broken up now with some strong rush of feeling. She wore a new black silk dress and tidy shawl and bonnet. By her side was a sturdy, broad-shoul- dered, sun-browned youth, in army blue. The doctor rose and held out his hand, with his best smile on his face, and his heartiest welcome in his tones. " I am glad to see you, my friends." The little, withered old woman sprang forward, and griped his hand in both of hers ; her face quivered all over betwixt smiles and sobs. " Benjamin's going, doctor," she said, choking over the words. WHETHER IT PAID. 83 " So I see ; and you're making every man, woman, and child your debtor, by giving him to his country now, my dear friend." The words did the poor old mother good. He could see, as he turned to shake hands with Benjamin, that she straightened herself up, the big tears a-twinkle on her cheeks, and the pride and tenderness together making an unutterable pathos in her face " I couldn't let him go, doctor, without first coming round here to say good by to you. There isn't many a mother '11 give a finer-looking boy than that to fight for his country." The young man's face flushed through its tan. " You won't mind what the old woman says, doctor, now I'm going off? " apologetically. "Ah, Ben, my boy, you'll mind it one of these days, when you get down there in the thick of the fight, and every word of love and praise will come back then, and be the sweetest memory your heart will carry," answered Dr. Kochford. " He's your gift as much as mine, doctor," continued the old woman, entirely unobservant in her agitation of the two ladies in the shadow, who sat intently watching the scene "I shouldn't have had my Ben to give to his country, if it hadn't been for you ! " " I shall have part and lot in one soldier, then. After your mother, remember me, Ben." The private found his voice now. He grasped Dr. Eoch- ford's hand " You needn't ask that, doctor. As if I could ever put you anywhere but next to her, when I remember that day you found me in the street, and carried me to the hospital, and nursed me through all that long sickness, and went after the poor old woman, and brought her down your own self to sea her boy that didn't deserve it " " Don't say that now, Benny," put in the old woman, with the tears dripping down her withered cheeks. " He was a good boy, al'ays, doctor, and he'll go down to the fight with his poor old mother's blessin' on his head. It mayn't be much, but it's all she's got." 84 DARETLL GAP, OR " I think it is more than honors or diadems," said the doc- tor. " May the old mother's blessing and prayer ' cover your head in the day of battle,' Benjamin ! " " Ah, doctor, you know jest how to find the right word to take the sore ache out of a body's heart. Mine had it at the thought of giving up my only boy, until I made up my mind to go with him." " Going with him! Mrs. Stowell?" repeated the doctor, in amazement. " Yes," a new resolution smoothing out the lines of the dark old face. " Benny 's all I've got ; and my post will be close to him, as long as we live. Other mothers have got boys down there that need tender nursing ; and, though I'm an old woman, I've got strength left yet to bind up wounds, and carry cold water, and speak comfortin' words ; and every single boy down in the army will sort of seem as if he was my own, now Ben- ny 's there, and taking care of them other mothers' boys will be kinder doin' it for him." " That hospital work down there I'm afraid it will be too much for you, Mrs. Stowell," said the doctor, doubtfully. " It won't be half so hard as to stay away and think of what might be happenin' to him ; " she reached up her hand and patted the thick, dark hair in a way that must have drawn tears from colder eyes than any of those who watched her. And the doctor saw that she was wiser than he. There was no more time to spare. Benjamin's regiment was to leave the next day, but there was a touch of feminine vanity which drew smiles through the tears of both Angeline and Sicily Rochford, as the old woman drew aside her shawl and pointed to her black silk dress. " You see, Benjamin wanted his old mother to look sort o' scrumptious, when he introduced her to the officers. He got all these new things with his bounty money," turning her back in order that he might inspect her new shawl, and the neat black bonnet, for each of which, the doctor, equally amused and touched, had just the appropriate word. WHETHER IT PAID. 85 " Good by, Benjamin. Good by, Mrs. Stowell," wringing the hands of both, and kissing the old woman's cheek. " One of these days I may find you down there, for it seems to me that my work lies in the same direction as yours. And, Ben- jamin, remember your friend's last words. Be worthy of your God, your country, and your old mother." The old woman straightened her bent figure as she took her stalwart son's arm, and so they went out the old woman and the young man to the war together. For a while not one of those whom they left behind spoke a word. At last Sicily drew up to her brother, laid her hand on his shoulder, and said, " Tell us what that meant, Fletcher." He did not seem in a hurry to do it then, and Angeline added, after a little, " We are waiting, Fletcher." " In brief then, girls, some business took me one day last autumn down among the piers by the river. And near one of these I came across a young man in a sailor's garb, lying in a pool of blood. Either my pity or my professional instincts must have been arrested, for I leaned down and removed the tarpaulin which shaded his eyes. The face turned up to me was totally unconscious, and ghastly enough a good, honest face, as I read at the first glance, although there was a strong odor of liquor about it. " I saw the whole thing at once. A young sailor, just landed, had been decoyed into some of the dens that infest that part of the city, plied with strong drink, probably been robbed of his money, and thrust out in the end, to live or die, as might be. Some vehicle had evidently gone over him, for on exami- nation I found his arm broken, his collar-bone fractured. " To make the story short, I got help, and took the youth up to the hospital, and brought him back to life, though not to his wits for weeks afterwards. " The injury and exposure produced inward inflammation, and when we got the better of that, the typhoid set in, and he 8 86 DAERTLL GAP, OE had a hard pull for life. I learned that my conjectures were correct. The lad was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow down in Maine. He had been smitten with a mania for the sea, but this his first voyage had cured him of it, and he was returning to his mother, with a resolution to go into farm work, as his father had before him, when he was decoyed into a miserable drinking hole, by some of the ship hands, and there was an end of his money, and, if I had not picked him up, of his life. " The way that boy used to talk of his mother touched me. I knew she was looking for him night and day, now the vessel had got in, and I finally made up my mind, after get- ting her address, to go for her, as the son hung betwixt life and death, the chances for either seeming, to human vision, about equal. " You see it was one of those cases where letters wouldn't do ; besides, the old woman had never been fifty miles from home, and couldn't easily find her way to the city alone. I managed to take a couple of nights for the journey, and so didn't lose much time, brought her to her son, and for the end what you have just seen relates it. My care has been re- warded a thousand fold." " And you gave up two nights to find that old woman and bring her to her son, when no day ever allows you an hour for rest ! " said Sicily. " People have done greater things than that, without praise or reward," answered Fletcher Rochford. " O, knightly heart and eloquent tongue ! " said Angeline, fondly, slipping her arm around her brother's neck. " Now stop, girls, stop just where you are," he said, posi- tively. " If there is anything in the world that will spoil a fellow, that will make him vain and self-conceited, it's talk of that sort ! The truth is, as Carlyle says, you women are nat- ural worshippers, and it's your misfortune that your divinities are made of such dreadfully frail stuff." The girls laughed merrily, and patted their brother on the WHETHER IT PAID. 87 shoulder, as they stood on each side of him, but he kept on gravely for all that. " I honestly believe that the females of my own household have done more to inflate my besetting sins, than all the rest of the world put together ! " " Why, Fletcher ! " was the duet that now saluted his ears. " It's the terrible fact. You and mother were always laud- iug me for things that deserved no praise, and if I hadn't guarded against these influences, I should have turned out a veritable coxcomb. I am not the stuff to stand such talk. I think very few of my sex are." " I have never perceived any injurious effects, but as you insist on them so positively, Sicily and I will give you some doses of a different kind," laughed Angeline. The doctor laughed too, pinching her cheek at this ambig- uous threat ; but then he said, " It is a serious matter, girls, and I believe this tendency of worship in your sex is one of the underlying causes of a great deal of marital unhappiness. You women make divinities of your husbands. Your worship inflates their self-love, their pride, and in the end develops them into tyrants. " A woman when she marries a man ought not to merge her individuality wholly in his, but to strive with all the power of her affection to brace him where he is weak, to make of him, in short, a stronger, better, nobler man. That is her work and her duty, not to swallow all that he says and does, in a blind adora- tion, which in the end is wholesome for neither of them." " I think," said Sicily, her bright face now as thoughtful as her brother's, " that you are right in the cases of many hus- bands and wives ; but how can a woman's admiration harm one who, like yourself, always holds her so far above men ? " " It will take too long to go into the philosophy of the thing, my dear. The fact which I draw from my own experience is enough. However, I may have found my grain of leaven in that ; for didn't I always know, in the midst of all your and our mother's praises of me, how far, come to the test, in char- 88 DARRTLL GAP, OR ity, in self-sacrifice, in quiet endurance, after the manner of your sex, you'd outshine any of my poor virtues? I always kept that thought before me. Look at that old woman, for in- stance, going down there to the hospitals, to give the remnant of her strength and her days to nursing the soldiers. There is something sublime in sacrifice of that sort. It makes me hum- ble to think of it." " And if it comes home to you, how much more to us?" an- swered Angeline. " I felt reproved and ashamed to see that withered old woman go out of the door so strong in her purpose of work and help, and I with my young strength staying behind, living from day to day my life of luxurious ease. My place is down there in the hospitals, too, Fletcher," turning her face anxiously to his. " Not yet, my dear girl. There may be a time when I must let you go, if the war, whose end no man now can foresee, shall continue. But you are not wasting your life while you are helping and blessing so many others ; and there is a chance of your breaking down in the hospitals during the heats of the sum- mer, and the need there is hot so imperative that you should run that risk." " But you talked of going to the old woman, Fletcher. Surely, if ever a man's did, your work seems to lie at home." "It is that thought only which has kept me from going be- fore. But I am not certain about this. When one hears the stories of young, inexperienced, and ignorant surgeons, and the work they make of some of our brave fellows, one's blood goes up to boiling. I might save a few limbs from rough handling if I was down there." The girls shuddered. The doctor saw that he had pursued this topic far enough. Before he started another, however, Sicily, who had remained silent during the last part of the con- versation, came around to his chair, and leaning over it, said, " We must not be divided in our work. When you and Angeline go, I shall accompany you." " It does not seem ready to our hand yet, so far as we can WHETHER IT PAID. 89 see," he said. " When it is, I trust that none of us will shrink back." So the matter rested. As they went out to tea, for Dr. Rochford never sacrificed health to custom, and would not patronize bed-time dinners even in New York, he said to his sisters, " I suppose it's time to think something about country quar- ters. Have you any plans for the summer ? " " Only in negations," answered Angeline. " I'm not going to any fashionable watering-places this season. If we leave the city at all, let us find some place where we can have freedom and quiet in our own way. Saratoga, for instance, and a civil war would be two vast inconsistencies." " There is more harmony in the names than in the things just now," said her brother. " I know of a fine old place by the sea-shore, whose hostess is an aunt of a classmate of mine, where I think I might secure you snug quarters. Your toilets there will not be the supreme object of life, and you'll have delicious air, and glimpses, if you cultivate them, into the lives of the fishermen, both professional and domestic, for their homes are scattered along the shore ; and you'll have, back among the hills, scenery of the wildest and most picturesque, and society, when you want it, of the best." " O, Fletcher, that is the very place let us go there ! " cried both the girls ; and Sicily added, " You will run up occa- sionally, and give us a sail, and help us gather seaweed ? " " You may depend on me whenever I can wrest out a day from my work." And then the girls they were young girls still, and of that sort whose youth is so deep that its springs will never fail utterly went to weaving all sorts of pretty little projects for the summer. What bright little jests flashed and twinkled through the merry talk ! What peals of laughter, what sparkles of repartee, in which each tried to get ahead of the other, and in which Fletcher usually formed the target for his sisters' jokes ; although it must be admitted that the man was fully capable of defending himself. 8* 90 This supper, at the close of the twilight was the happiest hour of the day. Here each showed its brightest self to the other, and whatever perplexed or disturbed was by mutual consent banished from the table. Fletcher Rochford's profession necessarily entailed a great deal of care and labor on one who put into it so much of heart and soul as he did, and his patients included all classes, although his beneficiaries formed the largest of these, and the man used to feel, far oftener than he told his sisters, that if it were not for this home warmth, and rest, and brightness, he could hardly bear up under the varied pressure and the multiform duties of each day. With him, however, and with his sisters, in a large sense, the mirthfulness had a background of earnestness and gravity ; perhaps the outward sparkle was all the brighter for the time on that very account. And when at last the supper was over, and they had all adjourned to the small study again, he caught a gleam of moon- light on the carpet, and walked to the window. Standing there a moment, watching the stars in the May sky, Dr. Rochford saw a face at the opposite window a finely outlined face, that, having seen once, held his memory always. It was looking up at the stars too. Perhaps it was the man's fancy, but it seemed to him that, even at that distance, he could detect some- thing wistful in the gaze. Below there were brilliant lights, and people moving to and fro. "What did that solitary watcher see there?" he wondered. " Had the stars yonder, and the moon, walking amid them in her white glory, any eloquent language of their Maker's power and strength above all, and O, how much better than all, of His eternal love? Did the thought of the young girl, watching there, go up beyond all these, his visible signs set in the sky, to her Father's heart and home, towards which, or away from which, this softly-flowing night was carrying her, as it was all the world?" All these questions, and some more, wandered through his mind as he stood there looking at the house opposite and the WHETHER IT PAID. 91 face at the front chamber window. At last it went away ; so did he, drawing the curtain. " Sing something, girls," he said, resuming his easy chair. "What shall it be, sacred or sentimental?" asked Angeline, turning over the music sheets. " Sing one of our mother's favorites that dear old " ' The spacious firmament on high.' " Angeline's hands swept the keys, her voice took up the sweet old melody, haunted with tender associations to them, as wild flowers with sweet odors. Sicily joined her in a moment, and afterwards her brother's voice crept in, and the grand old words rolled down on a great wave of melody to the close. 92 DAEBTLL GAP, OB CHAPTER X. THAT John Darryll's fortune was likely to prove a bait to a certain class of suitors for his daughters, was a fact to which the shrewd speculator was sufficiently alive. Had he not been the possessor of a dollar in the world, each one of his girls had personal attractions sufficient to afford a reasonable prospect of eligible husbands, and, in some sense, their chances for future happiness might have been greater. It was certain that Mr. Darryll's acquaintance with men had not impressed him with a high sense of their disinterestedness, either in their social or business relations. Since the sudden acquisition of his riches, his opinion of the motives which dominated his fellow-beings seemed to have undergone an immense change for the worse, and he regarded it as a religious duty to impress his own con- victions upon his family, especially upon his daughters, who needed, in his opinion, some safeguard against fortune-hunters. You would have thought, to hear this man talk, that there was no such thing as real integrity, disinterestedness, magnanimity, to be found in the world that all men in their business transac- tions, and in their daily living, followed selfishness, in its varied forms, as the governing law of their lives. He did not wholly deny kindly impulses to his race ; he even admitted the existence of occasional benevolent feelings in man- kind ; but come to the real impelling motives of every man's conduct, " get down," as he expressed it, " to the bottom of his life and acts, and you'd find one principle there, and that was self, whether the possessor was aware of it or not." Rusha and her father often had warm verbal battles on tnis very topic, for she always stood on the defensive, for human nature at large, and maintained her side with a great deal of WHETHER IT PAID. 93 zeal, inclining, indeed, rather too far to the romantic and Utopian. Rusha and her father were always diverging in opinion, and yet his eldest daughter was rather the favorite with John Darryll. This fact, indeed, was so far acted upon in the family that, if anything particularly disagreeable was to be revealed to him, if any domestic diplomacy was necessary to overcome his preju- dices, or obtain his consent to some plan which would not be likely on first presentation to meet his approval, especially, if an unusual demand on his purse was required, Rusha was always deputed to accomplish the matter. However her father might sneer about her " foolish, romantic, highfalutin notions," she had a way of putting home-facts and wants to him, which succeeded better than even that of her 'practical mother or less visionary sister. Indeed he set a much higher value on his eldest daughter's abilities and information than he did on all Ella's showy accom- plishments and brilliant superficialities. In all those things the latter excelled. She had a fine ear for music, and could sing and play better than most fashionable young ladies, so that her talents were always in requisition in a drawing-room. She could play euchre skilfully, she could dance charmingly, in all these social accomplishments fairly outshining her elder sister, who, in a certain way, was proud of and enjoyed Ella's gifts. But Eusha was sure to be a favorite with everybody who knew her well. The fine, earnest face, the rare conversa- tional gifts, the swift enthusiasm, always attracted the best men and women of the fashionable society whose doors John Darryll's wealth had swung open to his family, a society largely made up of what Carlyle calls the " Money-Bag Aristocracy," and whose gods were Wealth, Display, Position, and who wor- shipped this trinity of Divinities quite as devoutly as the ancient Romans did their whole Pantheon. One morning, after a breakfast, during the progress of which her father had been particularly severe in his strictures on hu- man nature, and Rusha had stood on the defence with a little more than her ordinary vehemence, she came up stairs to the 94 DARRYLL GAP, OR front chamber, which was a kind of general sitting-room, and stood by the mantel idly drumming her fingers on the marble, lost in some thought that made a dreary shadow on her face. Ella was practising some new music at the piano, and for the space of half an hour no word was spoken betwixt the sisters. At last Ella laid aside her music, and rose up, turning towards her sister, " You know we are to go out this morning, Rusha. It's high time to dress." " I suppose it is ; " but there was no interest in her voice, and the shadow on her face had not cleared itself. Ella turned and saw it. " What put you out of sorts this morning, Rusha?" she asked, as though the fact was not an isolated one. For a moment the elder sister did not answer. When she did, her remark hardly seemed to reply to Ella's question. " If I thought what papa said this morning was true, that all men were at the core mean, weak, selfish, that human nature was without exception the miserable stuff he makes it, I verily believe I shouldn't want to live another day." " O, that's the trouble, is it? I might have known one of your theories lay at the bottom of that dismal face. I thought you believed in the doctrine of total depravity, Rusha ; " her smile just touched with a little not unkindly irony. " In a se-nse I do ; but not in the one pa does. You know how he reasons that there is no such thing as real generosity, disin- terestedness, integrity in the world ; that all men, no matter what their professions may be, whether consciously or uncon- sciously, are alike governed by selfishness, and that this is the root-motive of all their actions. It always excites me to hear any man take such ground, and when that man is my father, it makes it a thousand times worse." " But why do you trouble yourself about it, one way or the other, Rusha?" asked Ella. "Do let pa hold his opinions, so long as it makes no sort of practical difference with any of us. These controversies always excite and make you unhappy. It's so much better to let them alone." WHETHER IT PAID. 95 The mild, reasonable, hali'-expostulatory tone was of just that sort which would be likely to weigh most with the elder sister. She turned and looked at Ella with some regretful, half perplexed look, on her fair young face. " But my opinions are a part of my life, Ella. I can't hold them loosely, indifferently, uor have those whom I love best differ from me on points that are with me matters of life or death. I wasn't made so." " Well, I'm thankful I was ! " answered Ella, and there was something almost sympathetic in the way she looked at her sister. " It makes one so dreadfully uncomfortable to feel as you do. So long as people's notions don't come in contact with me, they may hold them, be they ever so absurd, for all I care. My philosophy is to take the world easy as I go along, and get all the pleasure out of it I can." There were times when talk of this sort had its influence over Rusha Darryll. How could it be otherwise ! Its sentiment pervaded in some sense the moral atmosphere of her home ; and although in another and higher phase of feeling she would have seen the essential narrowness and selfishness of Ella's rea- soning, if indeed it could be called such, it had force with her now. She was saddened and depressed with that talk with her father. There were moments when her highest convictions were swayed by the influences about her. This was one of them ; and the troubled look held her face still, as she said, " Well, Ella, I think you're right as to the comfortableness of the thing, at least. I sometimes wish I was like you." " Well, it's easy enough to be," considerably flattered by this concession from a sister for whose real intelligence and abilities, Ella, in common with the rest of her family, entertained a high regard. u What do you care whether mankind in the abstract are selfish, and all that talk of pa's, or not? One can have, for all I see, just as good a time in the world." " But don't you see that belief in the reality of goodness somewhere, is one of the great sheet-anchoi-s of hope and faith? If all men are sordid and mean, or, at least, self-seeking at the 96 bottom, I don't see what is the use of any God, or any religion, or indeed, that there is any. The whole thing is a cheat and a lie." " O, Rusha, you always use such strong terms ! " " Any weaker would not contain the truth. What I said was the only and legitimate deduction from pa's premises ; and, Ella," her earnestness now chasing away the perplexity or half de- spondent apathy from voice and face, " one's opinions, beliefs, are the real touchstone of character. As a man thinks in his soul, so is he." " Well, ' each man ' will probably go on thinking and believ- ing, for all you and I can do to prevent it," said Ella, with a good-humored laugh. " Fret not thyself over it r O, Rusha ! " Rusha smiled, but in this case you saw that the mirth did not go very deep. "Your philosophy is, as I said, a very comfortable one, Ella." " It has two merits, at least. It vexes nobody else, and lets one have a good time in the world." " But after all, Ella, such a philosophy never accomplished any good in the earth never overcame a wrong, never righted an abuse under which humanity has groaned. It is a sort of philosophy which no high and noble souls of men or women would approve." " Well, they needn't. So long as it satisfies me, that's enough. But come, Rusha, the carriage will be here before either of us are dressed ; and these unprofitable arguments only consume one's time ; " and she darted off, humming some lively notes of a song she was learning. Ella Darryll's philosophy was, as she said, a very comfortable one, but it was of just that sort which has wrought mischief and misery, wrong and woe, through all the ages aud genera- tions of time. WHETHER IT PAID. 97 CHAPTER XI. THAT morning down town was a very busy one, for the next week the house was to be closed up for the season, the family exodus to Newport being arranged, not at all after the conven- ience of the household, but at precisely the time ordained by inexorable Fashion ; so there was a great pressure of final shop- ing commissions, and all sorts of small business to be transacted. Mrs. Darryll, with her own hands full, found it impossible to wait on her daughters' thousand and one little personal errands, and it was at last settled that the family should disintegrate, the mother and Agnes riding some distance farther up town to com- plete their list of purchases, while the elder girls, after finishing theirs, should join the carriage, this decision involving a walk up Broadway of something less than half a mile, at which Ella demurred at first, she having, of late, become too fine a lady for any pedestrian efforts ; but Mrs. Darryll's limited time made her positive, and Ella was obliged to submit. At last the multiform errands had been despatched, and the young ladies were hurrying down Broadway to rejoin their mother, when suddenly there came out from a dry goods store, a little ahead of them, a large, florid-faced, somewhat round- shouldered, elderly man, with a little, plainly-dressed, faded woman leaning on his- arm, and behind them were two plump, rosy-faced country girls. A single glance could take this people in, and fix their status, domestic and social. The man was a farmer ; those brown hands of his had helped plough his own fields, and dig his own potatoes ; that small, faded, kindly-faced woman on his arm was his wife, who would probably be much more at home in her dairy than in a drawing-room ; and those buxom girls were 9 98 DAREYLL OAF, OR their daughters, whose faces certainly did not lack intelligence, if their manners did high social cultivation. As Rusha' s glance fell upon these people, she gave a little start and pause, another swift glance dived into each face, then she said, in a rapid, astonished tone, " Why, Ella, as true as I live, there are our old friends, the Bacons ! " It was Ella's turn now to start. She threw a solitary glance in the direction her sister indicated, a glance which took in the faces, figures, dresses of the whole four, " So it is, Rusha," in a low but excited tone. " Do make haste. I should die if they should recognize us." There was little cause for apprehension on that score. The two elegantly dressed young ladies who swept past the country people, resembled in style and carriage so little the half-grown girls the Bacons remembered, that they could not be readily identified. Rusha quickened her pace mechanically, to equal her sister's. But it flagged in a moment. " Hadn't we better go and speak to them, Ella? It seems mean to pass such good old friends in this way." " Rusha, would you be seen on Broadway walking with those coarse, dowdy-looking people ! At this hour, too, when every- body is out ! The very thought makes me shiver ! " You must remember that Rusha had her social ambitions as well as her sister ; that she had a large share of approbative- ness which made her sensitive to the opinions of others ; that, notwithstanding her loftier impulses, she was by no means above being influenced by appeals to her lower feelings of pride and vanity, and that she was at times desirous of ignoring family antecedents which an interview with these people would reces- sarily revive. So she kept on with her sister with some reluc- tance or irresolution in her face. There was no question but all Ella said was true. The mutual recognition might involve a good many things, that, in their changed circumstances, would be awkward and disagree- able. Then the Bacons had not identified them, so no harm WHETHER IT PAID. 99 could be done, and nobody's feelings hurt, by saying nothing and avoiding them. But then there flashed up before Rusha Darryll the old pictures of her childhood, the yellow, gambrel- roofed house at Mystic, that stood next to their own, and the smiling-faced little woman who used to come to the side window and reach down to her the small cake, warm from the little scal- loped tin in which it had been baked for her. She could remember just the flavor of that cake none had ever been so sweet since ; and she could fancy herself stand- ing there by the side window again, her head just below the sill, and Mrs. Bacon's kind, motherly face smiling down on her, as she reached up her childish hands for the little brown scallop, and Rusha could see her own, little awkward fingers probing for the dried currants and caraway seed, that were cer- tain to be deeply embedded inside. A simple picture enough, but somehow it brought the tears into Rusha's eyes. And her old playmates, Lucy and Esther Bacon, the freckle- faced, frolicsome little girls with whom she used to go straw- berrying down there in the fields that lay back of Mystic Pond. What a difference there was betwixt the fortunes of the old playmates now ! Yet she knew by the bright, open faces, that the kindly hearts beat beneath them still, " a good deal better and truer than hers, though they did churn butter, and feed chickens, and milk cows." And then there came a later time to the memory of Rusha Darryll, when a darkness that was like the shadow of death gathered over the little home at Mystic. Every child of the household had been attacked by virulent scarlet fever. Guy was an infant then, only a few weeks old, and his mother was feeble, and it was impossible to procure nurses, as the epidemic raged through all the country side. Then little Mrs. Bacon came forward and proved the stuff she was made of. Her own children, happily, escaped the infection, and she devoted her- self day and night to her neighbors. Rusha remembered how she had lain in that small crib wrestling with the awful fever and fiery thirst, when suddenly 100 DABBYLL GAP, OB a pair of strong, tender arms would lift her up, and she would nestle her poor little tired head down softly on Mrs. Bacon's shoulder, and be rocked to sleep there just as though it was her mother's. The doctor said afterwards that " first-rate nursing did more than all his remedies to bring the little Darrylls safely through." All this flashed across Rusha's thought in much less time than it must have taken you* to read it. Then the girl's better nature rose up and scornfully rebuked her. " Rusha Darryll," it said, " you know in your own soul that it will be ineffably mean and contemptible in you to ignore, simply because your father has made a fortune, those old friends of yours, who have proved themselves so faithful in your need. Don't talk about other people's weaknesses and snobbishness. You'll carry the consciousness down deep in your soul from this hour that you are weaker and meaner than anybody you despise. Sell your self-respect, will you, for fear that somebody may see you walking with honest, plainly- dressed people? That will be a pleasant remembrance to sting you all your life, won't it ? " Of a sudden, Rusha Darryll stood still. " I am going back to speak to the Bacons, Ella." "Rusha Darryll, are you crazy, or a fool?" " A little of both, perhaps ; but I'm going. Tell ma I'll join her in a few minutes ; " and she hurried off. Ella sent after her an appealing " Rusha, do come back do be reasonable ! " but she kept on. " Mrs. Bacon, don't you know me?" The farmer's wife looked up in startled amazement as the elegantly-dressed lady approached her with these words ; but there was something in the eyes and the smile that seemed familiar. " I can't recollect, but I'm sure I've seen your face before." The four people stood still now watching her face with curious eagerness. WHETHER IT PAID. 101 " If you have forgotten me, you haven't the name of Rusha Darryll." " Eusha Darryll ! " four voices, in an agitation of joyful sur- prise, shouted out the name. And right there in Broadway, each one old father and all took turns in giving her a real old-fashioned country hug. " It don't seem possible you're the little girl I've held on my knee and told stories to," said Mrs. Bacon, looking at the girl with genuine tears springing in her eyes. " Ah, Rusha, what a fine lady you've grown to be ! " " We've heard all about the grand fortune your father's made down there at Darryll Gap, Rusha," here interposed Farmer Bacon, with his hand on the girl's shoulder, and a glow of pleasure all over his florid face. " I wonder if it took you as much by surprise as it did us?" she answered, not knowing exactly what to say. " I said to the girls when I heard it, ' The money won't spoil Rusha, I'm sure of that,' " added Mrs. Bacon. Rusha was by no means certain that she deserved the faith of her old friend, but she was none the less grateful for it ; and then she had a gantlet of questions to run, and not a few to ask herself, as the sight of the familiar faces revived a crowd of smouldering memories. But an interview on Broadway could not last forever. "You'll come up and take dinner with us this evening?" she said, when she found that her friends' stay in town was a very brief one, compelling the occupation of almost every mo- ment. " We shall all be so happy to have you." Rusha Darryll caught her breath with the last word, thinking of Ella. She was conscientious enough to have put the gen- eral cordiality in a little different form had she given it a second thought. But suspecting nothing of this, and a desire to meet their old neighbors combining with a very natural curiosity to see a style of living altogether beyond any experience of their own, the Bacons held a conference among themselves, revised some 9* 102 DABRYLL GAP, OB of their plans, and ended by accepting Rusha's invitation to dinner, the utmost hospitality which their margin of time al- lowed them to receive. When Rusha reached the appointed place, she found the car- riage had disappeared. Perfectly certain that Ella was at the bottom of this, she took an omnibus up town, in no very ami- cable attitude of mind towards her sister. She reached home, and burst into the sitting-room, where she found her mother and Agnes, with their hats not yet removed. Her father was there too, having returned home by the middle of the afternoon. " Well, I must say I think you treated me very handsomely to ride off and leave me to find my way home as I could ! " " Well," returned her mother, evidently mystified with the whole thing, " Ella said you wouldn't be along for some time, and that we were to drive on without you. I couldn't make head or tail to the matter, for Mr. Howe was along, and I saw by her look it was no time to ask questions." "That young Derrick Howe?" inquired Mr. Darryll, who had opened his paper, but was evidently listening to the women's talk. " Yes, father ; he rode home with us, and is in the parlor now." "Might be in better business," growled the head of the family. " O, I see and understand it all now ! " exclaimed Rusha, a good deal mollified towards her sister. " She must have met him after we saw the Bacons." " The Bacons ! " "Why, yes, ma, didn't you know? I came upon them all of a sudden in the street father, mother, Lucy, and Esther I " " Well, now, I am beat ! " was Mrs. Darryll's rejoinder, as she resumed the chair from which she had risen. Rusha was rapidly sketching the interview to her deeply in- terested audience when Ella came in. " Well, Rusha, did you bring the whole family home with you ? " a little sarcasm in her tones. WHETHER IT PAID. 103 "No, but I made them promise to dine with us to-day. Your alarm was altogether unnecessary." " Well, I expected they'd come along in force, and just after we parted I met Mr. Howe, and I should certainly have wanted the earth to open and swallow me up if he had come on us in the midst of that gawky country set. There wasn't the slight- est need of your recognizing them." The little altercation which ensued brought out the whole transaction. " It would have been so contemptible to slight those kind old friends of ours, who have proved themselves such through so many troubles, that I should have felt mean all the rest of my life. I won't make a fool or a coward of myself because my father's made a fortune," was the sum of Rusha's defence. " It would have been so mortifying to have had Mr. Howe, or any of our set, come upon us in company with that sort of people," was the pith of Ella's. The latter found, on the whole, the sentiment of the family decidedly against her. John Darryll set quite as much value on his fortune as his daughter did, and was by no means in- different to the increased social and business weight which it afforded him ; but he had very little sympathy for Ella's abso- lute deference to the opinions of her set. Mrs. Darryll, never quite certain of her own opinions and judgment in anything relating to the new sphere which she had been called so late in life to occupy, and uncomfortably conscious of her lack of early social culture, was easily influ- enced by her daughters on all questions of this sort. She would, no doubt, have been prevailed on to sacrifice a personal friendship to the new position which she somehow felt it a re- ligious duty to sustain ; but in this instance old memories were strong, and Rusha had put the whole thing in a light which strengthened one of the weaknesses of her mother's character, and that was lack of moral courage, and she came out strongly on Rusha's side. " I shall be real glad to see Mrs. Bacon and the girls, and 104 DAEETLL GAP, OE talk old times over. I used to think more of her than any neighbor I ever had down there in Mystic." " "Well, I'm thankful that we're to have no other guests to dinner," said Ella, in a tone of resigned despair, as she unbut- toned her casaque. " I should certainly have invited Mr. Howe to remain had not I trembled at the thought of the com- pany he might have to encounter." " Look here, Ella," said her father, with unusual severity ; " I wish you wouldn't quote that young man quite so often, or encourage his sticking round my house. As for his turning up his nose at the Bacons, all I've got to say is, they're a plaguy sight better than he is, with his airs and his laziness. The less you have to say to him, the better it will be for you, in more senses than one." And this time, if John Darryll's words were ambiguous, the meaning of his tones was sufficiently apparent. A few minutes afterwards, as the girls were removing their hats, up stairs, Rusha caught a glimpse of her sister's face in the glass, looking gloomy enough. She at once surmised that her recognition of the Bacons was at the bottom of all this, and her remark was founded on the belief. "Why, Ella, haven't you got over that yet? I didn't sup- pose you could be so absurd ! " " It isn't the Bacons so much ; but it vexes me to hear pa come out as he did to-day on Mr. Howe. It's a shame ; such a perfect gentleman, and so much admired everywhere ! " " Well, Ella, I must say that I sympathize with pa there. I could never imagine what you or anybody else found in the fellow to like. He's shallow and conceited ; don't you see it? " " No, I don't, Rusha Darryll," her voice almost as indignant as though her sister's speech were a personal affront "I should think you'd be ashamed to slander him so. When one thinks, too, how his society is courted on every side, and that he could marry into the very first families in New York ! " A suspicion flashed suddenly across Rusha's thought. " Was her sister interested in this Derrick Howe? He had just those WHETHER IT PAID. ' 105 qualities that would attract a girl of Ella's tastes, and there was no doubt that among the people whose opinions would be her sister's law, Derrick Howe was regarded as a " great mat- rimohial bargain." Several small circumstances rose up to confirm Rusha's newly aroused suspicions. " The very idea of that man's being my brother-in-law ! " thought Rusha ; but she was discreet enough to keep her fear to herself. This was probably only a passing fancy on Ella's part, she reasoned, and it would be certain to vanish with the new conquests she would make this summer, for Ella was a good deal of a coquette "I am thankful enough she will get out of his way before the matter grows serious," concluded Rusha, dismissing the subject from her thoughts. The Bacons certainly had nothing to complain of in the re- ception which they met from their rich friends that afternoon. Mr. Darryll, even, wrung the hand of his old neighbor with a genuine heartiness, and the meeting on the side of their wives was as demonstrative as it was sincere. There were tough fibres of old memories of joys and sorrows, running through a long highway of years, which drew the hearts of the women together, despite their changed fortunes. I think that little informal dinner company was one of the happiest that had ever gathered around the table of John Dar- ryll. It is true the guest on his right side used his fork for a nut-picker, and was evidently mystified by the finger-bowls. But Mr. Bacon was a shrewd, sensible man, for all that, and had a sturdy independence that compelled respect ; and his wife was such a kind-hearted, motherly little body, that it was impossible to criticise her ; and the girls were bright, in- telligent, and with a prompt tact that served them in place of experience. There was so much to talk of, too old scenes to recount, new stories to hear and relate. Even Ella gave herself up to the spirit of the occasion, and chatted and laughed merrily with her old schoolmates, when- ever she could make herself heard betwixt Andrew and Tom, who kept up a side fire of jests with Lucy and Esther. 106 After dinner they all went over the house, with which the guests were fairly dazzled, except Mr. Bacon, who coolly inquired the names and uses of various pieces of furniture, into which Ella, without the shadow of a sneer, attempted to induct Irim. After the survey was over, they all came back into the draw- ing-room, and Mrs. Bacon, establishing herself in one of the luxurious easy chairs, made her comments. " Well, I declare, it almost takes my breath away ; but yet, I don't know as I envy you, though I'm afraid it will put dread- ful notions into my girls' heads," nodding and laughing towards her daughters. " Such a care as you must find it, Mrs. Dar- ryll ! It would be harder to me than my dairy at Berry Plains ; but then I wasn't cut out for a fine lady." " Berry Plains ! Is that the name of the place where you now live? " asked Rusha. " How pretty it sounds ! " " I wish you'd come'and see how pretty it looks, Rusha. It would do you a world of good to come out there and breathe the fresh sea air, and you should have a nice time, if it was under a plain old farm-house roof." " Yes, do come, Rusha, dear, when the fruits are ripe," cried Lucy and Esther, simultaneously. The country always had a charm for Rusha. " Perhaps I will," she added, " when we get through with the watering- places." Then the girls went into an enthusiastic description of all the picturesque points in the vicinity of " Berry Plains," and made all sorts of pretty plans, if Rusha could only be induced to visit them. " Mayn't I come too, girls?" interposed Tom, who had lis- tened to the vivacious descriptions with a good deal of enjoy- ment. " Tell him that depends on how he will behave himself," sug- gested Rusha, which advice was at once merrily acted on. But Rusha gave two thirds of a promise to visit Berry Plains that summer, the invitation being afterwards enlarged to em- brace the whole family. WHETHER IT PAID. 107 " "Well, one thing I must say," remarked little Mrs. Bacon, as she took her husband's arm after they had left the house " there isn't a word of truth in all we've heard about the Dar- rylls being so set up over their fortune ; they take the comfort of it, and who wouldn't ? but it hasn't changed their hearts and feelings one mite." " That's a fact, Jane." " But O, pa ma, wasn't it all splendid 1 " chimed in Lucy and Esther. 108 DARRTLL GAP, OR CHAPTER XII. THE season had reached its climacteric when the Darrylls made their advent at Saratoga. Such a gay, bustling, rain- bow-hued summer as they had had, full of changes, sights, and experiences, which had brought them new wisdom, mostly of this world. They had led a giddy, butterfly sort of life at Newport, which the girls, especially Ella, had enjoyed vastly, and afterwards they went up to the White Mountains. Here there was a new revelation to Rusha. Brought face to face with the awful pres- ence and glory of the mountains, everything else seemed to sink away from her thought and interest. Her soul came up here to worship, and the eternal hills swered this girl. Their glory exalted, their calm strengthened her. The gay life at the hotels, in which Ella disported, could not persuade her away from the majesty and beauty outside. Up amongst the hollows that made dark-green gashes through the heart of the mountains in the deep, cool silences of the wilderness through all rough and rugged paths, searching for new passages and delights of scenery where some mountain spring seemed to make a glittering trail of bloom over the stones on the bank of some small lake that lay, like a great white pearl, in its emerald casket under old, mighty trees, whose life had been one eternal wrestling with storms, wandered Rusha Darryll, her face gathering into it every day some new light and calm ; for the God after whom her soul went groping blindly was nearer to her up here in the awful stillness of the mountains than He was down there in the giddy, feverish, crowded life of the hotels, where the rest of the family were absorbed in their varied aims of fashion and pleasure. Into WHETHER IT PAID. 109 what paltry and insignificant proportions these used to sink when she looked down on them from her physical and moral heights ! Mrs. Darryll was satisfied with the views from the hotel windows, and an occasional ride with a party of other ladies to the most popular resorts, while Ella was too much occupied with her toilet and flirtations to have time for any- thing beyond little party expeditions, where they all fluttered, and laughed, and sparkled in their gay dresses, and returned, bringing no sheaves with them. What had Nature to give such people as these? With her brothers it was somewhat different. Young men are always fond of expeditions, and it was not difficult to impress one of these into Rusha's service for a morning's ramble, provided there was nothing of greater importance on hand. The awful glory and burden of Niagara was Rusha's next vision. Perhaps the dissimilarity of their characters never dis- covered itself in sharper contrast than in the incidental remarks of the two sisters on that last night at the Falls. " I am so glad that we have ' done ' the White Mountains and Niagara, before we get to the Springs. We shall be able to talk about them now," remarked Ella, folding her laces com- placently. " I shan't," answered Rusha, curtly. " The Mountains and the Waters transcend all power of language in my thought." So now the Darrylls were at the United States, and it was the second morning of their advent, and the family were gath- ered in the sitting-room after breakfast. " Come, Ella," said Rusha, " let's go down and take a glass of Congress, and a stroll in the park. It's charming out there. The boys will go with us, too." " This one can't," answered Andrew, twirling his cane, " for I've made an engagement to go over to the race-grounds to-day. Splendid show of horse-flesh there. Going along, Tom?" " Can't, sir, this morning. I'm committed for a game of billiards." 10 HO DARRYLL GAP, OB " Go it while you're young, I say," interposed Guy, whose advice seemed on this occasion entirely superfluous. "I should think you were going it," added Mrs. Darryll, with that slightly querulous tone which her improved fortunes had not vanquished. " The way we're making money fly here beats me. I'm actually afraid to meet your father when he comes up, with these bills why, they're awful ! " " Of course," interposed Ella ; " one can't come to the Springs for nothing. Pa may as well make up his mind to that first as last, and we haven't had a thing that we could possibly do without." " I s'pose," continued the mother, adjusting the elaborate coiffure which became her matronly face, " that he might have stood all the rest, but having the horses at the Springs will make such a horrible bill of expense " " Now, see here, old lady," broke in Andrew ; " there's no use in coming the economical dodge here. The governor must make up his mind to shell out on the horse-flesh, for we can't get along without it." " That's so," added Guy. " Don't Rufus put our span through at a splendid rate, though ! Ain't afraid to compare those horses with any on the ground, sir ! " " Ma," said Ella, with immense decision, " whatever else we give up, the horses aren't to be thought of. There's nothing tells at Saratoga like one's own private turnout." " No, ma," subjoined Rusha, " there isn't, really ; we must keep the horses as long as we stay." Mrs. Darryll, who, in her own heart, felt a great deal of com- placency over her elegant establishment, gave up the point ; indeed, she had, all this time, no serious intention of relinquishing the carriage, although she thought the suggestion might possibly act as a wholesome restraint upon the tendencies to a very lavish use of money in both her sons and daughters. " And now, Rusha, that matter is settled, what are we to wear at the ball this evening ! You know it is to be the most splendid affair of the season, and we haven't so much as our hair-dressers engaged 1 " WHETHER IT PAID. HI Rusha sank down into a chair, with her old, annoyed look, which there was danger would perpetuate itself in her face. "It's nothing but dress, dress, dress, from morning until night ; I'm sick of the very name ! " " Well, what in the world does one come to Saratoga for, I should like to know, except to dress and make a show? You can't expect to go mooning round as you did at the Mountains ; and you know, Rusha, you think just' as much of looking pretty as any of the rest of us." " Of course I do ; only I wish the process, for securing such a result, wasn't quite so formidable a one." " Well, for my part I think the trouble pays." " Well, I'm not certain. There's the diiference." " Ella thinks it pays," said Guy, whose personal comments were often a source of annoyance to his second sister, " when there's some smart young men round to be taken down, and there'll be lots of them to-night, you may depend ! " " I wonder if they will be cut and dried after the same pattern as those we've met already. If they are, she's welcome to them," said the elder sister, in, it must be confessed, not a very amiable tone. " Rusha, how disagreeable you are this morning ! I wonder what sort of man would suit you ! " " One, Ella, that a woman could look up to with respect, honor, reverence, if there are any such men in the world, which I very much doubt." " I think," said Ella, " that it would be just like our Rusha to fall in love in some romantic, absurd fashion, such as one reads of in a novel, but never expects to find outside of a book ; to get smitten, for instance, with a wandering minstrel, whom she would fancy a grand hero, or something of that sort." "If by wandering minstrel you mean a hand-organ player, I must say that I never felt particularly attracted towards those who have thus far crossed my experience," laughing in spite of herself. " Well, I used that word merely for want of a better one. It 112 DARRTLL GAP, OR would certainly be in keeping with the whole tone and ten- dency of your ideas to marry some singular, visionary, romantic character." " I know a man who would suit Rush"a, and he is neither * singular, visionary, nor romantic,' " added Tom, getting up, and lounging towards the door. " Who is he, Tom?" asked Rusha, with interest. " I'll tell you some other time ; " and the boys went out to- gether, one to the race-course, the other to the billiard-room, the third to use his own expression " in quest of any fun that turned up." A most animated discussion ensued betwixt the trio of girls, for even Agnes was to attend the ball, and Rusha was soon as deeply absorbed as her sisters in laces and ribbons, and the varied paraphernalia which the evening festivities demanded. In the course of the morning, however, a circumstance trans- pired which gave her a good deal of uneasiness. She was in her own room, searching among her trunks, when there was a tap at the door, and the girl entered. " Here is a letter for you, Miss " Rusha lifted up her head. " O, I thought it was Miss Ella," and the girl would have withdrawn, evidently somewhat disconcerted. " She has only gone out to match some ribbons. Give me the letter, please, and I will see that she has it on her return." The girl hesitated. " But Miss Ella said I must be sure to give it into her own hands." " I'll be responsible, if there's any blame. Let me have it." The letter was mailed from New York. The handwriting was not familiar ; but all at once it flashed across Rusha, with the force of conviction, that this letter was from Derrick Howe. It dropped from her hands on the table, as though it had burned her. Could it be that Ella was maintaining a surreptitious correspondence with this young man? She recalled the suspicions which she had so easily laid to' WHETHER IT PAID. 113 rest before they left home, and since that time Ella had had some foolish flirtation constantly on hand, which made her sister fancy there was no danger of her concentrating her interest, for the present at least,*on one individual. Ella was extremely fond of admiration, and the showy, bril- liant girl certainly had attentions enough from gentlemen to stimulate vanity less active than hers. Neither had Rusha been wanting in these, for, in a very dif- ferent way, she was quite as attractive as her sister ; and she was quite as susceptible to admiration, too ; only she was too earnest ever to be a successful coquette. If people interested her, whether men or women, she was certain to show it ; if they did not, she was not good at disguises. " But could it be," she asked herself, " that her proud, imperious sister was really attracted towards this Derrick Howe? What a storm there would be if her father sus- pected it ! The man had seemed from the beginning to be one of his aversions, and Rusha thought that of all the silly, conceited coxcombs that followed in Ella's train, this man was to her the most disagreeable. Not that he was ^i fool certainly, but something in him repelled her. Still, other women did not think so women of Ella's style. What should she do?" While she was reflecting, Ella suddenly came in, and Rusha spoke perhaps not very discreetly, but on the impulse of the moment " Ella, here is a letter which the girl brought in during your absence, and which I made her leave with me, quite reluctantly on her part. I see by the handwriting that it is from Derrick Howe. I am shocked to find that you will allow this when you know how it would vex pa." " He asked me if he might write, and what could I tell him ? " answered Ella, her face crimson, and annoyance and apology about equally distributed through her tones. " I don't think it would be difficult for me to find an answer," replied her sister, with a great deal of severity. 10* 114 DAEEYLL GAP, OB " I suppose not ; but you sympathize with pa's unjust dislike of Mr. Howe." " Well, Ella, I would not have believed you would have done anything so underhand, for I know that this is not the first letter, and that you must have answered the others." Ella did not deny it, as Rusha half hoped she would. " O, Ella, Ella ! " There was dismay and grief in the elder sister's tone. It troubled or touched the younger. " Now don't fret yourself, Rusha, about the matter. I'm not in love with Derrick Howe or any other man ; and I've got plenty of strings to my bow, and mean to have, for some time to come. I'll promise that I'll stop the correspondence at once, if you'll agree to keep silent this time." "You will promise solemnly? Otherwise, Ella, it would be my duty to let pa know." That prospect was not agreeable. Whatever hold Derrick Howe had obtained on Ella, it was not strong enough, as Rusha saw, to defy her father's anger, and the latter fell back on the old fancy that, with Ella's nature, other interests would absorb this one. So each sister gave her promise to the other. Whether Rusha had acted wisely, she lived to question ; but that was when other events threw greater light upon this one. WHETHER IT PAID. H5 CHAPTER XIII. IF you know what fashionable life is at Saratoga, you will understand what the next three weeks were to the Darrylls. It was their first season there, and each member of the family went, heart and soul, into the whirl of gayeties, dissipations, and amusements which the time and place inspired. A large part of the former was necessarily consumed by elaborate toilets, and for the rest, what with late breakfasts, and daily drives, and promenades to the springs, and concerts, and balls, time never hung heavy on the hands of any of them. While this summer's experience had imparted the finishing touches, the Darrylls at least the juvenile and feminine part of the family were now fully fledged butterflies of fashion : each one had fairly profited by her opportunities and experience, and would no longer awaken any suspicion of having climbed suddenly up the social ladder to occupy an unaccustomed height. The season was drawing to its close, and people began to talk of leaving, and Mrs. Darryll, on whose health the unceas- ing round of gayeties began to tell somewhat sooner than on her blooming young sons and daughter^, said to them one morn- ing when they had assembled in her room, as was customary, for a half hour's lounge and discussion after breakfast, " I must say I'm getting tired out with all this endless whirl, and shall be glad enough to get home again. I wrote to your father he might look for us back next week." " I s'pose we've got to go, because one never could think of staying after the season closes," said Ella, with a yawn ; " but really, if it wasn't for that, I should be in no hurry to get home." " Nor I," piped in Agnes. " I think Saratoga perfectly splendid." 116 DARRTLL GAP, OB " Confounded place for bleeding a fellow, though. Haven't they all learned the ropes here?" rejoined Andrew, with an unction which proved he was speaking from personal experience. "O, it's awful perfectly awful to think of!" added Mrs. Darryll, in a tone that was partly pathetic, partly solemn. " Now, Andrew, how could you start mother off on that track ? You know what she is when she gets to going there," said Ella, in strong admonition. " Rusha," changing the sub- ject with her prompt tact, " I must say your blue silk looked finely in the ball-room last evening." " Don't speak of ball-rooms," was the impatient rejoinder. " I'm sick of the very thought of one." "O, something gone wrong again?" asked Ella, as though it was the most natural thing in the world with her sister. " Mother," asked Rusha, turning about suddenly, and speak- ing with that straightforward abruptness to which they were all accustomed, " do you believe there really is a Devil? " " Why, child, what a question ! Of course I do ; the Bible says so." There was an explosion of laughter on all sides, the bright, hearty mirth of the young voices sounding very pleasant, so much so that it persuaded Rusha to join in it ; but her face was grave enough a moment later, when she said, " Well, if there is one, I think we must all be going straight to him ! " "Why, what have w done?" asked Agnes, her blue eyes wide open with amazement. " That's just what I was going to ask," added Ella. " I shouldn't suppose it would be necessary to inquire," was the unsatisfactory response. " Yes it is ; if you've found out we're booked to that individ- ual, you ought to let a fellow know, so that he can turn about," added Tom, at which Agnes and Guy tittered, and his mother said, reprovingly, " Tom ! Tom ! don't make fun of serious things." " What have we all done?" said Rusha, taking up her sister's WHETHER IT PAID. H7 question. " Haven't we been, -throughout this summer, living a life of selfish enjoyment, of every extravagance, and dissipa- tion, and luxury? Haven't we consumed our days and nights with dress, and frivolity, and gayety of every sort, and all this time that awful darkness of civil war has been hanarinir over O O our land ? A few hundred miles from here our brothers have been fighting, and bleeding, and dying for us. They have been starving in Southern prisons they have been languishing in crowded hospitals they have been sinking in long, dreary marches by night and day, to buy us liberty. O, how often in the ball-room, when the music and merriment were all at their very highest, have I seemed to see the haggard, re- proachful faces of those sick and dying men, and heard their voices calling to me, ' Is it to buy liberty for such as you that we are laying down our lives ? ' I have envied the women who have left their homes and sacrificed every comfort and pleasure of life to go down as nurses in the hospitals, and day by day the voice of my own soul has said to me, ' You are unworthy, Rusha Darryll, of your sex or your country, to waste your time and thought in miserable ways like these, while your land is in her awful struggle of life or death. Brave men are dying, women are made widows, and little chilren fatherless, for such ungrateful things as you ! ' And I have felt so utterly mean and degraded that I have almost wished the earth would open and swallow me up, and wondered that God did not once more rain down fire, and sweep off from the face of the earth everybody who takes part in gayeties and revels in a time like this ! " The earnest voice had held every listener. The words she spoke now had been seething in Rusha Darryll's soul more or less ever since she had left home ; and now, when they could be no longer repressed, they broke out strong and fervid as the nature in which they had so long dwelt. They could hardly fail to impress for the moment her audience. Whatsoever of right or generous instinct was there must respond more or less to the truth that young, eloquent voice put to each 118 DAERTLL GAP, OB so strongly. For a moment after she ceased there was silence ; and Guy broke it, drawing a long breath, and expressing in his rough way the impression that his sister's speech had made on his boyish nature : " I tell you, though, Rusha's some pumpkins when she gets to talking. She makes one feel small, boys." Ella was the first to rally. " Well, I always said this war was an awful thing, and I pity the men who have been dragged into it. But then what good will it do for us to sit at home in sackcloth ai*d ashes, and not take a moment's comfort of our lives because the people are at war with each other? As for hospital nurses," and she gave a little shudder, " you know we could never come to that, Rusha." " I'm not so certain, Ella. But granting that we have not the years and experience indispensable for these, we could give our time and means to our country, instead of expending them on ourselves and our dresses." " Well, if you will set the example, perhaps I shall be stimu- lated to join you in good works, only," a little afraid that Rusha might take up her proposition, " you know that you and I do not agree as to the necessity of this war. I think, for my part, it's the duty of those who brought such a dreadful state of things upon the country to see us out of it, and in my opinion the only way to do that is to make terms with the South." " And who are the men who, as you say, Ella, brought this war on us?" "You know well enough the Abolitionists and Agitators, with all that eternal harping on slavery." Rusha opened her lips to speak, and Ella saw that she had imprudently thrown down the gauntlet to an antagonist who generally got the better of her in all discussions of this sort, when her mother came authoritatively to the rescue : " Now, girls, stop just where you are. You know to what this talk always leads, and you'll get straight into a wrangle about politics, which, in my opinion, the less women have to do with, the better." WHETHER IT PAID. 119 " I haven't any opinions to-day," replied Ella, very willing to be let off so easily, and getting off the lounge with a yawn. " The truth is, I was out so late last night that I'm completely used up this morning." " O, Rusha, I forgot, here's a letter for you," said Tom. " It came yesterday." She seized it eagerly, as all young girls do letters, opened and read it, looking up at the close : " It's from Esther and Lucy Bacon dear girls ! with a most pressing invitation for me to come on and pass a week or two with them before I return to New York. Such delightful rides and rambles and all sorts of good times as they prophesy ! Now, how pleasant it would be to drop down there in that old farm-house, and have a little rest and careless freedom before one goes back to the city ! " " Shut up away off there in that old country farm-house," remarked Ella, " I should think it would be an intolerable bore," shrugging her shoulders. " I'm sure I should enjoy it immensely, if one of you boys would only go with me." " Excuse me," said Andrew, " I've other fish to fry." " How long is the journey? " asked Tom, reflectively. " Less than a day, Lucy says. O, Tom, if you would only go now. How delighted they would be ! " " And, Tom, I say, you could help those pretty country girls churn the butter and milk the cows capital sport ! " ral- lied Andrew, who now affected fashion and foppery in every form. " Don't mind what he says, Tom ; " and Rusha's hand dropped coaxingly on the shoulder of her favorite brother. " You know we could have a glorious time there ; " and she went on, dilating in glowing terms on the varied delights which the pros- pect of a visit to Berry Plains afforded, until Tom was fairly won over into a promise of accompanying her. " I'm not going to be bullied by Andrew," he said, stoutly enough, but with an inward consciousness that he would have 120 DABETLL GAP, OR to stand a merciless fire of running jests from his brother about " blooming country milkmaids," and all that sort of thing. " If you go, Rusha, I will, hang me if I won't." " O, ma, do say I may go, just for a week or two it will do me so much good, and Mrs. Bacon will take nice care of me," appealed Rusha. "Well, I'll see what your father says when he comes up Saturday night." Rusha knew her point was gained then. But on what very small hinges turn the great destinies of life ! Rusha Darryll little suspected that interview on Broad- way with the Bacons would in some sense shape and color all her future. WHETHER IT PAID. 121 CHAPTER XIV. " MRS. BACON Lucy Esther we've come ! " The clear, glad tones rang like a bell through the stillness of the old farm-house, and there ensued a sudden rush of females from kitchen and dairy to the front hall, where the mysterious announcement disclosed itself in the shape of Rusha and Tom Darryll. There was no doubt of the welcome that followed noisy, hearty, gleeful, with old-fashioned hugs and shaking of hands that were pleasant to see, and in the midst of it Tom declared that he " must come in for his share," and was actually kissing Lucy and Esther on either cheek before they comprehended what he was about, when it was, of course, too late to prevent his audacity. " Girls," laughed Rusha, " you know that he was to come only on condition that he behaved himself, and I assure you that he will have to be constantly reminded of his precarious foothold here." " Yes, Tom, we shan't allow you to forget it, if you go on in this way," answered Lucy, glancing archly over her shoulder as she led the way into the pleasant, old-fashioned parlor, where her mother was already unclosing the blinds. " Why didn't you write and let us know you were coming, in time, Rusha dear, so that pa could meet you at the depot?" asked Mrs. Bacon. " Because Tom and I made a plot to take you quite by sur- prise ; and such a jolting as we have had over the hills for the last hour in that lumbering old stage ! I enjoyed it immensely, though, and whenever we came on a particularly rough sec- tion, I told Tom, for his consolation, that it was only a faint 11 122 DARRYLL GAP, OR reminder of the sort of travel our grandfathers and grandmothers had to undergo." " Yes, girls," laughed Tom, " Rusha took it like a heroine, and the harder the jolt the better she seemed to like it ; but I must say, without intending any disrespect to my grandfathers and grandmothers, that my bones were decidedly in favor of modern travel." There was a general laugh here, and when Mrs. Bacon could be heard, she inquired about the health of the universal Darryll family. " All well and flourishing, thank you, after the Saratoga siege, which isn't a light one. We disintegrated at the steam- boat yesterday morning, Andrew and Guy undertaking to see ma and the girls comfortably down the Hudson, while Tom and I beat a retreat to you. Are we too late for the berries? " " O, no, indeed," put in Lucy and Esther, simultaneously. " The berries are just in their prime, and the peaches and the pears " Here one voice drowned the other, and in the midst of it all Mrs. Bacon bustled off to the dairy, on hospitable deeds intent, and left the young folks to make their plans for future picnics and exploits, which they did, chatting away like so many magpies, with peals of laughter at the droll remarks of Tom, who really outshone himself on this occasion. And at last Mr. Bacon, who had no suspicion of all which had transpired, having been engaged since dawn in clearing out some woodland, returned home, and was despatched by his wife, without any previous enlightenment, to the parlor, which he entered in his shirt sleeves ; and if his welcome to his guests was not quite as demonstrative as his wife's, it was equally hearty. What a transition was this life at the farm-house, this hearty, rioting, careless home-life, to that gay, luxurious, artificial one out of which she had just passed ! Rusha entered into it with an intense relish, which proved there was something sound at the core of her nature. She put those little, soft, white hands of hers into all sorts of dairy work, with that pretty, half child- WHETHER IT PAID. 123 ish earnestness that was so characteristic of her. She was now energetically turning the cheese-press with Mrs. Bacon, and now she was assisting Lucy in the revolutions of the churn, and then, with her little sun-hat aslant on her hair, she was eagerly searching among the hay, with Tom and Esther, for freshly-laid eggs. Saratoga set no such roses in her cheeks as those mornings among the hills mornings whose dewy freshness was stung through with all fragrant wood-scents, and with the fine salt savor of the sea, for the old Bacon homestead stood only about three miles back from the shore, down near the south- eastern curve of the Massachusetts coast. Rusha's enthusiasm was of a contagious nature, and her companions were bright, merry, responsive, " with not quite so many airs," as Tom privately expressed it to his sister, " but every bit as intelligent as any of your Newport and Saratoga belles," to which Rusha heartily assented. So the young folks passed most of their time out of doors in j all sorts of berrying exploits, and improvised picnics, and searches for picturesque points, while Mrs. Daggett remained at home absorbed in the preparation of meals, whose sight would have tempted an epicure, and to which the tired and hungry party were certain to bring ample appetites at last. Rusha's face came out now of all the weariness and dissatis- faction which it so frequently carried. Bright, fresh, eager, it had never looked so pretty as in these days, when there was nobody to admire it except farmer Bacon and his family. It seemed as though everything conspired to make this visit complete. It was in the early September, and the days wore their garments of autumn sunshine, the air swung through its vast censer all sweet perfumes, and every hour seemed to have been let right down out of heaven, with the joy and glory lin- gering yet upon its face. And in this merry, simple, whole- some life, in this beauty and glory of the year, Rusha's soul came out of the doubts and bewilderments which made so much of her life a perplexity and a discord. 124 DAEEYLL GAP, OR In a way that she knew not of, the human heart of His child drew nearer her Father as she went out day by day into the great tabernacle of nature which He had set as a witness for Himself in the earth. In a blind, uncertain way it is true, she went up to her worship, but mind and heart were both soothed, gladdened, strengthened, a,nd somehow she found her- self dreading a return to the world she had left behind her ; and this feeling discovered itself in some plans they were lay- ing, one evening after tea, for the next day's expedition. " Lucy," said Esther, " we haven't taken Rusha and Tom over to the cave yet. It's a real natural curiosity, and, indeed, the chief attraction to strangers in this vicinity. Suppose we go over there to-morrow. The berries will keep until next day." "Where is this cave, Esther?" inquired Tom. " Not more than four miles from here, down among the rocks by the shore. The scenery is wild and, interesting all the way, "so much so that there are several private boarding-houses in the vicinity always filled with people from the city." " Then that's all I want to know of the cave ! " supplemented Rusha. " What does all that mean? " asked Tom, for his sister had enforced her words by a grimace that drew a laugh from her friends. " It means that I abhor and detest people from the city in all shapes and ways that I'll run away from them as I would from snakes and bears. I've had enough of them this summer." Lucy patted her friend on the shoulder, thinking this was. another of Rusha's pretty whims, which the whole family was ready to indulge to any extent. " There's very little probability of our meeting anybody on the 'rocks, and if we should chance to come upon a party it would not be difficult to avoid them." " But what sort of a cave is it? " pursued Rusha. " Has it a history, or a witch with burning eyes and wild hair, or a tra- dition of a bear, or any pleasant savor of dark mystery and tragedy clinging to it ? " WHETHER IT PAID. 125 " Nothing of the kind," laughed Lucy. " It's the most in- nocent cave imaginable just a little, dark, square room, made by the overhanging rocks ; and at the entrance there is a mag- nificent view of the sea and the long line of coast, and you can see the fishermen's nets laid out to dry, and their little houses scattered all along among the rocks, and their wives netting seine in the doorways." This picture attracted Rusha. " It would all be new to us, Tom," she said. " But the cave would be so much more inter- esting if it only had some dark mystery or tragedy associated with it." " Let us go there and make one," said Tom ; and so it was settled, half in jest, that they should visit the rocks next day. The hearty, out-door life necessitated early bed-time, and such sound, sweet sleep as Rusha had been a stranger to since her childhood ; but that night, before she reached her chamber, she turned back, rubbing her sleepy eyes wide open enough to find her way down stairs. " Mrs. Bacon," she said, startling that energetic house- keeper as she was putting out the lights, " you know I am to be called up in time to take my first lesson in milking to-morrow morning." " So she is bless her heart ! " said the warm-hearted little woman, as she turned round and caught a vision of a very fair face, in the wide old doorway, with the fingers rubbing the sleepy brown eyes, just like a tired little child's ; and while she looked the vision was gone. 11* 126 DAHBYLL GAP, OR CHAPTER XV. THE next day seemed another living glory and joy let down out of heaven. Only the autumn holds such. The earth was entranced with it. Such radiance of sunshine ; such joy of winds in leaves and grasses ; such sail of purple and silver mists along the heights of the mountains ; such a vast praise and worship of sky and earth as is sometimes sent us as a witness and prophesy of the glory that shall be. The little party started off after an early lunch, in farmer Bacon's country wagon, this having superseded, for the excur- sion, the family buggy, which, though more respectable, was less capacious. Tom managed to whisper his sister, as he handed her into the wagon, " What would Ella say to see us now ? She and mother must be taking their airing down Broadway about this time." A vision of the elegant "turnout," with its liveried coach- man, rose before Rusha, and she glanced at the old wagon and ancient mare, which had done veteran service betwixt the farm- house and the mill, and the contrast forced a laugh from her, in which Tom, guessing his sister's thought, joined heartily. " Never mind, Tom ; I think we're the happiest at least I wouldn't exchange." " That's so," said Torn, gathering up the reins. Rusha stood there, all alone, looking out to sea, for while Tom had gone off with the girls to gather sea-weed among the rocks, she had returned, drawn by some irresistible spell to this point. Behind her was the dark, narrow entrance to the cave around her the bare, gray headlands, and beyond, the long, brown curve of beach, and the green glitter of the waves, as they ran up the sands. The pleasant laughter of the others came up to WHETHER IT PAID. 127 Rusha Darryll, as she stood there among the rocks, looking off at the wide, blue flooring of ocean, and thinking, with some new thrill of gladness and reverence, of Him who had laid those vast timbers of its waters, and shut the doors, and set the bars and bolts of the mighty sea that strove and wrestled vainly beneath her. Do you see her as she stands there against the bare, gray background of rocks, all aglow in the sunshine, her small hat drooping on one side of her head, her lips and cheeks full of a new, bright bloom, with a warm glitter of sunlight in her fine brown hair, and her dress, some soft fabric of delicate brown tints floating about her, making altogether a striking picture against the gray of the rocks ? Suddenly the wind brought round to her a most unwelcome sound of human voices close at hand merry voices, one of which rose above the rest, with a kind of laughing impatience. " I wonder if there is anything to see worth such a rocky pil- grimage as this ! " " Look there, and tell us," answered another voice, and then Rusha had no time to run away several figures came around the sharp angle of the rocks there was a sudden start and recoil on their part she looked up, and met a brown-bearded face, without any suspicion of the singular impression she was making there, alone, in that attitude on the rocks a pair of dark eyes searched her a moment through their glasses. " Is it possible have you dropped from the clouds, Miss Darryll?" "Dr. Rochford?" surprise and pleasure just balancing them- selves in her glance and smile, as he gave her his hand. " Of all places in the world, this is the last one in which I should have expected to find you." She evidently relished the young man's surprise so much that she was in no hurry to enlighten him, and in a moment he had sufficiently recovered to turn and present his sisters to her. It was natural the ladies should regard each other with some curiosity. Rusha thought that the doctor's sisters fully sus- tained Tom's definition of what a real lady was, and they were 128 DARRYLL GAP, OR prepared to feel an interest in her derived from their brother's estimate of the girl. " Now, Miss Rusha, am I to be illuminated or not, as to when and how you got here ? " inquired the doctor, as soon as the presentations were over. " Not quite yet," with a little playful defiance in her smile. *' The ocean should have your first regard." They were the sort of people to understand the fine appreci- ation of the scene before them, which this remark indicated, and for a few minutes that followed, there were no words spo- ken that went outside of the picture of sea, and sky, and line of coast, but standing still, and silent for the most part, each drank in the power and beauty of the view. Then at last Sicily turned, and with that bright playfulness which was, in its way, as attractive as the sweet gravity of her elder sister, she said, " I suspect our brother is consuming with curiosity, and I con- fess to sharing it, Miss Darryll." " Then, dearly as I love a mystery, I will not keep mine any longer. Instead of dropping from the clouds, I came here in the most prosaic, old-fashioned country wagon." The ladies glanced around them at the jagged headlands. " O, I mean as far as the little grove of pines at your right. I scrambled up the rocks with the rest of our little party, and tried to go down with them when they set off on a search for shells and sea-weed, but the view here compelled me back again, and there it stands, my defence and apology." Her hearers evidently regarded it as an ample one, but the doctor still pursued, " You are visiting in this vicinity, then ? " " O, yes I beg pardon my account must seem very inco- herent. When the time came for our family to return to New York, after a summer crowded with all sorts of gayety and sight-seeing, I took a fancy to run oif to Berry Plains, to which some old friends and former neighbors of ours had removed. I wanted a taste of real, old-fashioned, homely country life, which I was certain to find here, and I persuaded Tom into accompanying me." WHETHER IT PAID. 129 " Thank you. I am sure Fletcher feels relieved now," added Sicily, archly. " And now, won't you catechise me in turn, Miss Rusha, else I shall have an uncomfortable feeling of having been intrusive ? " " If you put it in that light, certainly ; not admitting for a moment that I share your feeling of curiosity." The doctor then proceeded briefly to inform Rusha that he had established his sisters for a month in a quiet boarding- house, less than two miles off, where they had found plenty of sea-bathing and country air, and quiet, they not taking kindly to fashionable haunts, or gayeties of any sort that summer, while he himself managed to run away to them every moment that he could spare, and a good many that he could not." After these mutual explanations, a talk informal on all sides ensued. Under different circumstances the Rochfords and Rusha could not have become so well acquainted for months ; but mere conventionalities were of course out of place, on those lonely headlands, with that vast illuminated missal of sky and earth spread out before them. Talk it was of a sort that Rusha relished keenly, and that brought out the brightest mood of the girl ; talk that played and sparkled mostly, and yet that every now and then was shaded with some seriousness, as is always the case with people who have thought and felt deeply and conscientiously, and that was full of pleasant allusion, association, suggestion. At last there was a shout from voices below, and in a mo- ment Tom and his companions panted up the rocks. " Rusha Darryll, such a search as we have had after you ! You are the most provoking why why, doctor ! " as he caught sight of the physician, and the ladies beyond.. Great was Tom's amazement, shared by Lucy and Esther ; but a few explanations despatched the whole matter, and the party thus reenforced made a descent to the beach, as hilarious a little company as you can imagine. Two or three hours later, Rusha said, looking off at the west where the clouds burned like one vast mountain on fire, " O, 130 dear, to think there must come a sunset to the very brightest days of one's life ! " " And a sunrise to the darkest night ! " added the doctor, who happened to be standing near her at the moment. She turned upon him the brightness of her face. " O, thank you ! I shall try and remember that some time some time when I have need of it." " I have been thinking," said Angeline Rochford, looking up from a little collection of shells and sea-plants which she had been assorting with Lucy and Esther Bacon, " that it was not pos- sible you could ever have any need of that sort." Some feeling slipped like a shadow over the light in the girl's face. " If you knew," she said, with a faint ring of sadness through her voice, " you would never think so again." Then she turned, with that bright, swift earnestness which always startled people until they came to know her well. " Are you always happy content, Dr. Rochford?" "I? O, no, certainly not." " But in an hour like this, when one gets away from all the bewilderments and confusions above all, the dreadful affecta- tions, of life, and comes face to face with the peace of Nature, one cannot help wishing that such a day and such a mood would last forever. That is why I wished there could be no sunset to this one." " But you remember what our poet says in that psalm of his, that it seems to me must ring down through all the ages, Avhat- ever other voices are lost that enjoyment is not the great pur- pose and aim of life ; and, certainly, if we go seeking that alone, we shall never find it." " But I do," answered Rusha, turning and sending her gaze far out to the sea. " Yes, I am sure that is, get to the bot- tom of it, the real dominant purpose and aim of my life, Enjoyment." Here Tom, who happened to be standing near? broke in with "What an odd little freak that is, Rusha, to be always slan- dering yourself! I don't think it looked very much like living WHETHER IT PAID. for ' enjoyment ' when you gave us all such a lecture at Saratoga for having a good time generally this summer, while the coun- try was in the midst of this war. You ought to. have heard her, doctor ; I haven't got the thunder out of my ears yet." Dr. Rochford had a smile of rare and beautiful expressive- ness. He bent it down now on Rusha's face, in a silent ap- proval, that gratified her in the midst of her embarrassment. " Tom, that talk was intended solely for family ears, which you ought to have remembered before alluding to it here." " Well, it was a great shame that the world should lose the benefit of it, anyhow." Here Tom was interrupted by a call from the ladies, who wanted his assistance in securing some aquatic plants that had drifted in with the tide close to the shore, and so the doctor and Rusha were left alone there on the sands, with the narrow white broidery of surf rolling up close to their feet. After a moment the doctor spoke to his companion as he would not probably have spoken to many young women. " I thought I was familiar with the sea with its language, its moods, its silences ; but this summer it has some new voices and meaning for me ; I think we shall read many things, even in Nature, clearer by the red glare of this civil war." Her gaze went far out over the waters, until it touched the distant horizon. Her face wore that wistful, half-childish look, which was, perhaps, its sweetest, " I do not know," she said, half communing with herself, " that the war has brought me any new revelations ; I have not come near enough to it, either my- self or through any one that I love." " But your country?" he said. " O, yes ; I forgot that. I remember, the day papa came home and told us how our flag had been fired on at Fort Sum- ter, that latent love of country which suddenly fired my whole soul was a new revelation to me." " I suppose it was to all our countrymen and women worthy of the name. And then that time served to show us, too, what mysteries we are to ourselves and to one another." 132 DARBYLL GAP, OB " Everything is a mystery to me," with some doubt haunting her face and voice. u The longer I live, the less I find of that which I love most." " What is tha't?" asked Dr. Rochford. " Realities" " I understand, Miss Darryll, because I have been in that same mood of doubt and unrest. It is a dreary one enough." " And you are out of it now ? " " Yes ; thank God yes." " In what way by what means? " her questions going, as Rusha Darryll's always did, straight to the bottom of the thing. " It would take a long while to tell you ; only, there are a few grand, central truths, in which, if one's soul be thoroughly anchored, whatsoever else is dark, mysterious, vague in this world, ceases, in a great measure, to harass and perplex one. Do you believe this ? " She brought her gaze in from the sea. " I don't know what I believe, or whether I believe anything at all," she said, in a dry, hard tone, that might have deceived one who did not know what lay back of it. " I am all afloat in creed and faith, which are the deepest things of every human life." " I have been through all that," said the doctor ; "I wish I could help you." She looked up at him, touched by the sympathy in his voice, with some doubt and beseeching pathos in her face, and the sun- set threw down a sudden glory upon the delicate features and flushed lips, and upon the fine dark hair, in which the sea winds were at play ; and something in the doctor's words, and in the scene where they stood, with the solemn pomp arid glory of the sea, and laud, and sunset, drew Rusha out, as in other circum- stances would not have been possible. " My belief, if I have any," she said, " depends upon my moods ; and that is not the sort of religion I want, but some- thing strong, steadfast, mightier than life something that will abide with me in my happiest hours or my saddest something that will strengthen and uphold me through every grief, and WHETHER IT PAID. 133 loss, and change of life, and that will stay with me when life itself goes out." " You are right there, Miss Darryll. Religion must be all that to each one of us, or nothing." "But is there any such religion?" she asked, with a vehe- ment earnestness which told how vital a thing the question was to her. " I hate cant, hypocrisy, superficiality ; but above all things I loathe and abhor them most in religion, or what people call this, and here, it seems, more than anywhere else, I find them." "But all the wrong, and ' weakness, and imperfection, does not affect the vital question of the reality of truth, and of our need of it," he said. Again she sent her wistful eyes far out to sea. " But it shakes my faith in it. It is easy and pleasant to believe to-day, with all the strong joy and grandeur of this scene about me, that there is a Father, all-wise, tender, and loving, watching over and caring for us every moment, and it seems easy and pleasant, too, to trust and love Him now. But I know from ex- perience that this will not last that there will come times when all faith and belief will forsake me ; when doubts and fears will roll in upon me like cold, dulling mists, and I shall go drifting about in the dark, with no hope, no anchor for my soul." She was repeating here so completely a phase of his own experience, that if Fletcher Rochford had been describing it himself, he would not have found need to alter a single word. " You will perceive that I am better prepared to comprehend your feeling, Miss Darryll, when I tell you that it seems to me there is no chill and gloomy abyss of doubt and scepticism which I have not sounded. I know all the unutterable anguish of that plaint of the soul when it wanders through the thick darkness, 'asking Is there a God, and where is He?" She sent her startled look up into his face. She felt that in some sense his struggle had gone into depths where hers could not follow him. 12 134 DARRTLL OAF, OR " But these things of which you speak what removed them ? " she asked, softly. " They passed away when I learned what His love was what it meant. That is the one only sufficient answer to all our doubts and fears, to all wrong, mistake, and grief," his smile strong, joyful, beautiful. There came a sweet solemnity over the face of Rusha Dar- ryll, as she listened ; then her voice broke out again, in a kind of passionateness " But if He is this great, tender, discerning Love that you say, why does He not take pity upon all the wrong, and grief, and anguish, that go on under His eyes? At times the sense of it, and the pity I feel for others, almost drive me frantic. Think of the wickedness, the oppression, the suf- fering, and misery there are in the world ! What does it mean ? Why does He not help it, if He has the power and the will ? " " You are asking the questions which have tried sorest the faith, in all ages, of those who have believed in Him. We cannot fathom all the counsels of our God. But it will all be made right and clear at last. The clouds lie dark betwixt us and Him, but beyond, He will justify himself. And we need not doubt that the Love which has done and suffered so much for us, would save us from all unhappiness, if it might be. Into that sublime, central, precious truth, that He loved us and gave Himself for us, all doubts, questioning, fears must be absorbed." Again Rusha Darryll's gaze went, mournfully, far out to sea. " I wish I had this religion," she murmured ; " I wish I knew what it was. But I only see that it is the one great question of life the only thing that gives it purpose or meaning, and without which it is at best a vague, empty shadow, at worst a burden and a misery." And looking at her, Dr. Rochford saw the tears aslant on her lashes. A feeling of ineffable pity for the struggling, thirsty, perplexed soul by his side, came over him, a great longing to help and comfort her ; but after all, One only could do that perfectly. " I think this longing and this knowledge of your need are the best prophecy that you shall find the truth ; but it is likely WHETHER IT PAID. 135 to be slowly, through frequent paths of mistake, and uncer- tainty, and fear. Life is a system of development, and you cannot expect in yourself or look to others for perfect individual illustrations of the power and beauty of religion. Cant, hy- pocrisy, inconsistency, that terrible trio of stumbling-blocks, you must always encounter. Neither can you look for complete results in a world where everything is so limited and fragment- ary ; but take broad outlooks ; see what Christianity has ac- complished for the world ; see what, it has wrought for the nations Avhere it is more or less a living, vitalizing force, and what it has done for your own sex. And then I know that one soul enters far into the spacious roominess of one message ia the Bible, and that another passes it by, entering at some other door, where are food and shelter ; but there was a time when these words came to me with a wonderful force and depth of meaning ' If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine.' " He saw how she hung upon his words. No danger of her thinking this man was not sincere to the core that he had not lived what he said. At that moment voices among the rocks came down to them, the rest of the party having been absorbed in inspecting and assorting their varied plunder of land and sea. As they were making their way to the others, Rusha turned back with that child-like abruptness of hers, "What have I been saying to you, Dr. Eochford? I shall be frightened when I remember it." " If you knew me better you would never have said that ; " and again that smile of his, entering her eyes like light. They found the party in a frolicsome mood, which, though a strong, was not a jarring contrast to their late talk. " Fletcher," said Sicily, shaking her parasol at her brother as he approached, " we have entered into a plot against your liberties so you may as well resign yourself to fate." " At least let me know what that is to be? " " You are not going home until next week." 136 DAERTLL GAP, OR "What will become of my patients?" " What will become of you if you take neither rest nor rec- reation ? " retorted Angeline. " You know you will break down if you go on at this rate. I put it to your conscience." " When you have, as Sicily says, plotted to deprive that of all liberty in the premises. Ah, Angeline, such talk does not come with a good grace from you ! " The laugh was against her this time ; but the young lady seemed to enjoy it quite as much as though it had been some- body else. Further investigation developed various small aquatic and forest excursions, which had been projected by the ladies and gentlemen of the house where the Rochfords were stopping, and also an invitation from Lucy and Esther Bacon to Berry Plains, of that hearty, informal character which had pervaded the whole afternoon, and which, under other circumstances, would have been impossible on either side. The doctor was fairly forced into acquiescence, insisting, however, that he had been deprived of the dearest right of an American citizen his personal liberty and that his sisters had, without due process of law, constituted themselves his keepers, an office which they merrily affirmed they were willing to hold the rest of their days. The invitation to Berry Plains, backed by the Darrylls, was at last accepted, although other engagements precluded the specification of any afternoon for the visit ; but Mrs. Bacon's active hospitality was never disconcerted by any advent of guests, either day or night. When these things had been satisfactorily arranged, the fad- ing light warned all parties that it was time to set about return- ing. That a mutually agreeable impression had been created, was proved by the comments of either party as it drove home. "Well, Rusha," said Tom, urging along Farmer Bacon's placid old mare, " don't you think I was right about a real, genuine, through and through lady ? " "Yes, I do, Tom," with a great deal of unction. "She did credit to your perceptions." WHETHER IT PAID. 137 " I think Dr. Rochford and his sisters are perfectly delightful people," added Lucy and Esther. " Eeally, Miss Darryll is extremely interesting. I must ad- mit that I was not prepared, even after what you said, Fletcher, to find so much in the girl a lady, too, without a particle of ' mushroom ' about her." "Girls," said the doctor, thoughtfully, as their carnage entered the shadow of the wood, " I think here may be a prov- idential indication to you. Certainly your society might be wholesome in many ways to Miss Darryll." " What did you and she find to talk about so long, down there on the sands ? " asked Angeline, a little archly. " Nothing to jest about, girls. But, as I said, your society and influence is of the sort that she needs. She has reached a point now, when higher social and moral forces, when people who occupy a different plane, and are influenced by another set of motives than those which she sees habitually in the persons around her, will be likely to have a strong and lasting effect." " Don't you think Fletcher takes an unusual interest in Miss Darryll?" whispered Sicily, putting her lips under her sis- ter's hat. " He always does, you know, in anybody that he thinks he can benefit." " No, he doesn't, by any means, I'm sorry to say," leaning back until his head lay a moment in Angeline's lap. After the laugh which followed, Sicily said, pulling his hair, " We might have known you would overhear us. You al- ways had the ears of an Indian." " They are the equivalent of my short-sightedness, I suppose," he answered, lifting himself up again. 12* 138 DAEEYLL GAP, OR CHAPTER XXVI. THE vicinity of Berry Plains to the transient home of the Rochfords afforded every facility to any missionary projects which they might entertain for the behoof of the Darrylls. It is hardly probable, however, notwithstanding Fletcher's sugges- tion, that benevolence was the controlling purpose \p. the minds of any of the party on the afternoon in which they rode over to the Bacon homestead. As they drove into the wide lane that bounded the orchard and the rambling garden beyond, voices rang through the still summer air, young, eager, bright, with little gleeful interludes and shouts of laughter, which sounded so pleasant that they stopped and listened for a moment. It was easy enough, even from, that distance, to distinguish tones and words, and to define the general position of the speakers. They were evidently having a high frolic over some fruit gathering, one of the number being mounted in a tree, where he was bent on fun of some sort, regardless of the merry expostulations of the others. And amid all the rest they could hear one voice, one laugh, clear, full, and yet with a sweet under-gurgle in it, like a child's, or like some little brook, half of whose waters have tripped up among stones, and found their way out again a laugh that told its own story of sweet, sunny deeps of nature, which nothing had soured and darkened yet ; there might be other sides, not so fair nor lovely, but there was this one also. The gentlemen and the ladies smiled, listening to the mirth. " I think," suggested Angeline, " it would be as well to drive on, Fletcher. It seems too bad to interfere with their frolic." " We need not, my dear ; only let them see that we know what fun is, too." WHETHER IT PAID. 139 " For my part, I feel just like joining in it," added Sicily ; and probably the doctor did, as he drove on. There they were Tom Darryll mounted in the highest branches of a gnarled old peach-tree, while on the grass be- neath were scattered Rusha and the Bacon girls, gathering the fruit which that mischievous youth, who had them en- tirely at his mercy, evidently enjoyed dashing down at inter- vals in a way that was hardly agreeable to unprotected heads. A picturesque little trio even Rusha had her sun-hat off, and the sleeves of her light muslin tucked up, so that wind and sun could do their best with her complexion, which in truth was considerably browned since her advent at Berry Plains ; but this was more than compensated for, by the rich glow of cheek and lip, across which the fine brown hair was blown. " There, Tom ! " as another shower rattled down through the leaves " I do believe it was your intention to break all our heads, when you proposed getting up into that tree ! " laughed Rusha ; and one of the hardest peaches thumped her forehead. " When he comes down, Rusha, which he will have to do some time, we'll take our revenge," said Esther. Rusha made a threatening pantomime, with her doubled fists, to the figure, rocking in provoking indifference up there among the branches, and then caught sight of the carriage and its occupants. Her position was certainly anything but dignified ; but she seemed fated to come upon the Rochfords in unexpected ways it was too late to hide herself she must make the best of circumstances. " Good afternoon, ladies ! " saluted the doctor, as he re- moved his hat, and announced himself to the party. Lucy and Esther were dismayed into a moment's silence, and so Rusha recovered herself first. " Good afternoon ! " brushing the hair away from her eyes ; and before she could say more, their guest was amongst them, shaking hands with each in that cordial way which was sure to set them at their ease. "Hullo, Darryll! want any help up there?" 140 DARRYLL GAP, OR " I want some down there, for the girls have been threatening my life when I descend ! " laughed Tom, as he hurried down the tree. By this time Rusha had made her way to the carriage, a little confusion and apology in her face, which the ladies' greet- ing put to flight even before the others joined her. " If you'll drive around to the house, we'll meet you by the time you reach the front door," proposed one of the girls. To this the doctor would by no means consent. He affirmed that he should immediately return with his sisters, unless they were allowed to join in finishing the peaches and the fun, and the Misses Rochford made a point of it before they alighted. Thus reenforced, the whole party returned, and the new guests entered thoroughly into the spirit of the occasion. If the Bacon girls were disposed to a little shyness at first, the man- ner of the Rochfords soon dispelled it, and the merriment suffered no abatement. The doctor ascended the tree with Tom, and there was a double pelting of fruit, until the girls actually cried for mercy, and throughout all, lively jests, laughter, raillery, gave a new zest to the work and play. " I haven't seen you turn boy like this for a long time, Fletcher," laughed Angeline, when the young men descended the tree, and they commenced a general assault on the great pile of peaches, whose ripe gold was streaked with the hot crim- son, which the summer's long passion of kisses had left there. " When a man forgets how to go back into his boyhood, beware of him, Angeline ! You may be sure something hard, and dry, and selfish has crusted over his manhood," replied the doctor, selecting the choicest of the fruit, and distributing it among the ladies. " And how is it with woman ? " asked Sicily, in her bright, pert way. " Of course, the rule works both ways. A woman that has forgotten her girlhood, with its freshness, its hopes, its dreams, its aspirations it were better for that woman if she had died." WHETHER IT PAID. 141 " And its romps ! " laughed Sicily, and she darted off like a deer, sending back a little defiant laugh to her brother, for she had a family renoAvn for fleetness. The doctor could not fail to accept this challenge, and started after her. The race was very amusing to those who watched it with shouts and clapping of hands, for Sicily had so far the advantage at the start that she managed to elude her brother for some time, darting in and out among the apple-trees of the old orchard ; but at last he caught and brought her back, flushed and panting. After this, matters progressed swimmingly. The whole party was in an exceptional mood of hilariousness, such as the day and the circumstances inspired ; and when each was regaled to the full, they all had a ramble, with plenty of side issues of romps through the orchard, which wore its century of summers in a bounty of verdure and gnarled, mossy trunks, bounded by a little blue band of a stream, suggestive of rod and line to the young men. They discovered that they had one enthusiasm iu common, and the talk converged in a mutual agreement on a fishing sail the next day. Meanwhile, the Bacon sisters had slipped off to the house, to acquaint its hospitable hostess with the new reenforcemeut of guests ; and so Rusha and the young ladies were thrown upon each other's society an opportunity which all parties seemed inclined to improve. The natures of the three women were too earnest for a continual sparkle. The talk soon touched on books, art, and a variety of kindred topics. How Rusha enjoyed it ! They seemed to have many tastes in common here. And then she contrasted their fresh, earnest, suggestive thoughts with the silly gossip and barren chatter of the young girls who formed their set at home. It was Rusha's misfortune that she had not been thrown into the society of thoughtful, cultivated men and women ; and the Rochfords were quite a new revelation to her. Their thoughts entered hers like light and perfume ; she felt their finer atmosphere. She fancied that this was the sort of life after which, through 142 DARR7LL GAP, OB all its mistakes and defeats, her soul was constantly reaching the ideal of grace, culture, earnestness, which her nature in its best moments discerned. At last the two young men, having settled piscatory themes and projects, joined them, and they went up to the homestead, where a beaming welcome awaited them from the hostess. They would only give real pain by declining her cordial invi- tation to supper, and having the tact to perceive this, the Roch- fords accepted the hospitality in the spirit in which it was offered. The dark, old-fashioned parlor, with its cool curtains of clambering vines, brought a soberer mood to them all. Some- thing suggested the war a topic that always brought a shadow to Rusha's face. " It seems to me," she said, " that I am haunted everywhere by the far-off echo of cannon, the rattle of musketry, and all the dreadful sounds of the battle-field, and if they are drowned, for a little while, in some mood of fun and frolic, they come back again and seem to reproach me." " That is what I was telling you this morning, Fletcher," added Angeline. "And I must tell Miss Darryll what I did you that no battle-field ever reproaches us for the innocent enjoyment that makes us love our country more and serve her better when the time comes." "Good!" exclaimed Tom. "I wish I'd thought of that when Rush a came down on us at Saratoga." " But that was not ' innocent enjoyment,' but expensive dis- sipation, Tom," said his sister. ' And there lies the whole difference," added the doctor. " The poor fellows down there will not fight any the worse for their innocent songs, and jokes, and home stories in camp." " Then you really think, doctor, that a man may laugh, or crack a joke occasionally, and be a Christian ? " This question, coming from Torn, surprised Rusha, for WHETHER IT PAID. 143 though the tones were light, something in the manner showed that he was interested. " Of course I do. I believe that religion is something that dwelling in a man's heart shall make it sing with gladness and gratitude. Why, the very winds play the grass under our feet the flowers that smile amongst it the leaves of the trees the streams that go singing to the sea the stars over- head, shine, and bloom, and leap with the joy of life. And God's voice speaks to us by day and by night through these, His messengers, if we will only listen, understand, and believe.' " But," said Tom, surprising Rusha yet more as he pursued the subject, " you know what a dreary, doleful, long-faced af- fair most folks make of religion. The very name's enough to, drive a fellow off." " And it is a shameful libel on the thing, Tom. I do nu* deny, I most confidently assert, that as true religion must softeu and ripen any character, so it must make one serious, eai-iiest, thoughtful; but gloomy, stern, ascetic never; and I cannot sufficiently deplore or condemn the custom which invents Love and Faith with such unattractive features. How many of the young this false doctrine drives into wrong ways of belief and practice, God only knows." " I remember when I was a small chap, and went to the infant school, my teacher required me to learn, as a punishment for every little negligence or misdemeanor, certain texts froia the Bible. To this day, and probably for all my life to conn;, I cannot entirely get over the old, repulsive sensation with which I used to sit on the low, hard bench, and try to hammer those verses into my memory." " The old association wraps their beauty and tenderness partly away from me in a cloud. I shall never enter into their sweet meaning as I otherwise should. I have been defrauded of their wisdom and comfort by that mistake of the man who no doubt meant the very best thing." Of an almost painfully susceptible temperament, Rusha had, from a child, been either terrified or depressed when her mother 144 DARRTLL GAP, OR talked of religion. Mrs. Darryll had, what Andrew very irrev- erently called a " pious face ; " and she always assumed it when she talked " good " to her children a face which there was no mistaking a long-drawn, solemn, dreary countenance, which was certain to drive them from the room, if they could invent any excuse for getting away. But was not this other, the religion that Rusha wanted, she asked herself something strengthening and sweetening life something that could enter into its playfulness even, and give that a fairer innocence something real and vital, imparting some deeper joy to her gladdest hours, touching her darkest ones with its illuminating beam something constant, changeless, eternal, that should stand her through all loss, and bitterness, and grief some- thing that should give meaning and sanctity to the life that even now lay sometimes so heavy and weary a burden upon her youth something that should touch with a beam of eternal glory all the duties and relations of life, and soothe, if it might not utterly banish, the dreary sickness of that feeling with which her soul often echoed the cry, wailing down through all the long centuries of human life, " Vanity of vanities, all is vanity " ? Such thoughts as these thronged through Rusha's soul, and the doctor half divined them, as she sat there with her silent, absorbed face. But at this moment, the entrance of Mrs. Bacon, flushed, from her kitchen, with her spouse arrayed for the occasion in his Sunday broadcloth, gave a new direction to the conversa- tion. The host at once fell into a talk with the doctor, which took the conversational highways, from the weather to the crops, and from that to the war, and the two men were deep in this when supper was announced. The long table laid in the cool, old sitting-room, with its snowy linen and ancient blue china, certainly did credit to Mrs. Bacon's remarkable domestic faculty. On this occasion she had almost surpassed herself. Such a bill of fare as that table presented ! And the people WHETHER IT PAID. 145 who gathered around it brought to light biscuit, and daintily browned chicken, to golden cake, to honey, and fruits, and cream, such appetites as mountain and sea air impart. And when the pleasant, home-like meal was over at last, Sicily laughingly averred that her brother had set an example of breaking his own dietetic rules a fact which the gentleman admitted, but laid the responsibility at Mrs. Bacon's door. And in this mood they returned to the parlor, and had what Rusha called an " evening without a flaw." The doctor discussed politics for a portion of it with the farmer, and then gave the company some interesting passages from a month's voyage which he had once made on the Nile ; and Angeline Rochford, who had unconsciously deepened the impression that their first interview had made upon Tom, chatted with that youth, and Sicily and Rusha had their own little quiet talk, in which the Bacon girls mingled, although it had a tendency to get beyond their depth. Some time during the evening, Mr. Bacon, recalling some reminiscence of the past, turned suddenly to Rusha, saying, " That happened the year your father took that little grocery down by the pond, Rushy." Tom's eyes met hers a little amused smile flashed betwixt them. There were times when such an expose of family ante- cedents would certainly have embarrassed Rusha, but this even- ing she was in her highest mood, and she was certain, more- over, that this disclosure would not weigh one feather with the people to whom it was made. With a quiet simplicity, which had in it no shadow of dis- turbance, she turned now to Sicily Rochford, remarking, in explanation, " When we were children, papa kept a small grocery store in Mystic, and the Bacons were at that time our nearest neighbors and friends." " Brought up as she had been," said Sicily, afterwards, in com- menting on this circumstance to her brother and sister, " there was something morally sublime in that speech. I wanted to turn round and kiss her the moment after she made it ! " 13 146 DASBYLL GAP, OR After the guests had departed that evening, Rusha and Tom sat alone a little while. " Tom," said Rusha, breaking a little silence, " these people are not like those that make our society at home ! " "That's a fact. I told you so the first time I saw Miss Rochford. I know the real article when I meet it." " Their whole life, thought, aims, are so different," pursued Rusha. " They are not absorbed in dress nor display, nor running after position, nor any of those petty things which are the idols of our set. It is refreshing to know such people. I have had a glimpse into a higher, truer life, and it makes me sick of mine." Tom's silence was a kind of acquiescence. Men and boys do not analyze their feelings and sentiments as women do. Sud- denly he broke into a laugh " What do you 'spose Ella would have done, Rusha, when the ' country grocery store ' leaked out ? " Rusha joined in merrily. " What would she, Tom ! I can imagine her look of horror ! But, somehow, I didn't mind the least I might, though, under some circumstances." " The Rochfords wouldn't think the less of us for any- thing of that sort," proving that Tom had read them wisely. " There are people of real good sense for you." " Yes ; but, Tom, it isn't their good sense, nor their breed- ing, nor their cultivation that makes them just the sort of* people they are. It's something that underlies all these." " It's what the doctor meant this afternoon when he called it Religion, I suppose, but I must say it's a different article from any I ever met with before under that name." " I must say it is, Tom." " Now, this kind of religion," continued the young man, " seems something that needn't make one sour, or gloomy, or wretched, but better and happier every way. I hate cant or superstition, but I believe these Rochfords have got the genuine stuff." WHETHER IT PAID. 147 " Tom, you mustn't speak so irreverently." " I don't mean to be irreverent. It's only a fellow's way of talking, you know." There was again a little silence. "But, Tom," resumed Rusha, "it is not a slight thing to attempt to improve one's character one must be in earnest to the very death, and then won't succeed without God's help ; but I think, after all, a genuine religion, as you call it, is the only thing worth living for." A conversation of this nature had never before transpired betwixt the brother and sister. If the Rochfords had at heart the moral welfare of the Dar- ryll family, they surely had in Rusha and Tom its best and most susceptible elements brought at this time within their in- fluence. " I've been thinking," said Tom, after a little pause, " that a fellow of my years ought to have some object in life ; but you know there's so much always going on in the city, and it's hard to swim against the tide." " I know," certain from his manner that something was coming. " But I've made up my mind that when I go back I'll cut loose somehow, and set about preparing for college in down- right earnest." " O, Tom, that is glorious ! I am so glad to hear you say it," suiting the words with a kiss, which, though not returned, was evidently acceptable. And this decision to which the youth had come, though owing in a large sense to Rusha, might still be traced more or less to the indirect influence of the Rochfords, although Tom was quite unconscious of this. The conversation was terminated here by the entrance of some of the Bacon family. During the remainder of Rusha's stay at Berry Plains, she only met the Rochfords briefly; once at a little out-of-the- way meeting-house, where she had insisted on going because 148 DAHSYLL GAP, OR there was a stone wall that intervened, and she had said to Tom. with her usual enthusiasm " O, it will be so delightful, Tom, to climb a stone wall in going to church ! " a remark which elicited peals of mirth from Lucy and Esther Bacon. Tom and the doctor had their sail together, which, so far as the fishing went, proved a decided success. Perhaps the doc- tor availed himself of the occasion to throw some other less tangible bait into the sea of his young companion's soul, deeper than that vast one around them which one day should give up its dead. However that might be, Tom reported to Ruslia that he had had capital sport, and that the doctor was a glorious fellow ; but when, on further inquiry, he repeated a part of the talk that had occupied them, she found that it did not all relate to their sport. The Rochfords and Darrylls had only time afterwards for an exchange of brief calls, in which the young ladies pledged them- selves to renew the acquaintance which had had so informal a commencement, Angeline laughingly remarking that remote- ness of residence interposed no obstacle to their meeting. A day later there came a letter from Ella, urging and de- manding Rusha's immediate return. "The season promised to be unusually gay, if it was war times, and she wanted to consult Rusha about their wardrobes, and a variety of other collateral matters." " What in the world keeps you in that dull, dreary, out-of- the-way corner of the world, shut up in an old farm-house, passes my comprehension ! " wrote the younger sister ; and she supplemented the burden of her letter with various urgent mes- sages from her mother, which, being transmitted through Ella's medium, doubtless lost nothing- in emphasis ; and to set the matter beyond all discussion, fortified the whole with a post- script, which at the last moment she obtained from her father " "What are you up to, Rusha and Tom, off there in Berry Plains? Come home, children, come home." A rapid, half- WHETHER IT PAID. 149 legible scrawl at the best, but it was honored at sight on 'Change now-a-days. And it was evident enough that, however they might laugh about Rusha's fine-spun fancies and vagaries, the family always felt the loss of its strongest element in her absence. Rusha looked sad as she folded up the letter. It almost seemed to her that she would like to stay at Berry Plains for- ever. But she was mistaken here. When Nature should put off the pomp and glory of her present mood, and she should be thrown more upon herself and her companions, that eager, active soul of Rusha's would have hungered for larger life and wider horizons than the old farm-house and its kindly inmates afforded. Two days after this, the old carryall stood at the gate ready to convey the Darrylls to the depot. When the time of leave- taking came, Rusha stood at the door with her wistful face and the tears in her eyes. " I've been so happy here," she said, " that I dread to go out of this sweet calm into the tumult, and jar, and fever of the great city ; but there is no help for it." And the Bacons mother and daughters stood in the door and watched the old carryall over the hills, and as long as they watched they saw the wistful face looking back. And so Rusha went out from Berry Plains, and there was mercifully hidden from her sight the great fires of trial through which she would have to pass in the home that awaited her. 13* DARRTLL GAP, OR CHAPTER XVII. " WELL, girls, I must say this is a little too much. Just look at that clock ! " One morning, some five months after Rusha's return from Berry Plains, Mrs. Darryll saluted her daughters in this fashion as they entered the dining-room. The little bronze clock on the mantel afforded point and emphasis to the mother's objur- gatory tones. Both of the girls had a tired, listless air, and Rusha ex- claimed, meanwhile rubbing her eyes, " Goodness ! I had no idea it was so late." " Well, what can you expect when one is out until three o'clock? Just give me a cup of coffee, and I'll be as good as new ; " and Ella seated herself at the table and touched the bell. " I wish I could say as much," replied Rusha, taking the next seat, " but I always feel wretchedly enough for the whole day after such a grand party. The truth is, I'm not made of stuff to stand dissipation." Rusha put the truth exactly. Ella could stand a whole cam- paign of late hours and fashionable dissipations, while Rusha, though apparently in as good health as her sister, had that finer nervous organization which could not admit of heavy drafts of excitement. " Your father was dreadfully put out," continued Mrs. Dar- ryll, as her daughters settled themselves to the late breakfast, which, despite her reproofs, she had given orders should be kept warm for them, " because you wasn't down this morning. You know he always likes to see you at breakfast." " Well, pa's turned into a regular bear now-a-clays," remarked the younger of the sisters, breaking a fresh roll of bread. WHETHER IT PAID. 151 " Ella, don't speak so of your father, child," responded her mother. " Well, ma, you know it's true, now, so there's no use deny- ing it. It's as much as one's life is worth to make the slightest demand on his pocket." John Darryll's temper had not improved with his fortunes ; but simple justice to the man must allow that he had by no means reached the sanguinary frame of mind which his daugh- ter's statement implied. Mrs. Darryll, who always took her husband's part to his children, and reversed this habit when they were the subject of complaint on his part, came now to the defence with, " Well, you ought to consider that your father has a great deal on his mind just now. His business worries him, and gold is going up awfully, and I s'pose the poor man don't really know how to make both ends meet." " Nonsense ! " said Ella, with a toss of her head. " He can't make that go down with me. He's making money all the time, and the richer he gets the stingier he grows. Hasn't he had, with all the rest, a Government contract lately? And don't everybody grow rich who has Government contracts, I'd like to know ? " " More shame to them, then ! " interposed Rusha, who thus far had brought no forces to the discussion. " Well, now don't, Rusha. for pity's sake, go into the morale of the thing. The fact is all that concerns me ; and I say it's a perfect shame for pa to be such a miser when he's making money, hand over fist." Whether Mrs. Darryll had a little secret sympathy with her daughter, or thought that she could set up a plea that would be more likely to avail in the father's behalf, she now changed her grounds of defence. " He's fretted a good deal about Andrew, too. They don't seem to get on well together, and I'm afraid matters will come to an open rupture betwixt them yet." " What has gone wrong now?" asked Rusha. 152 DARRYLL GAP, OB " O, dear, I don't know. Everything, seems to me. Your father complains that Andrew's lazy, reckless, extravagant, always off, throwing away his time and money with a set of fast friends, when he ought to be attending to his business, and that he can't place the least dependence upon him." " Pa always makes matters out a great deal worse than they are, you know," commented Ella. " I can't make out, for my part, who is to blame," continued Mrs. Darryll. " Your father comes down so hard on Andrew, and if I speak to the boy he gets so excited, that I'm glad to let both alone." " I'm afraid that there's a great deal of truth in what pa says," added Rusha, looking serious. " I'm not satisfied with Andrew's looks and ways. What is the reason, I should like to know, that he is never at home now-a-days ? And where does he spend his time when he's off? " " Boys must sow their wild oats, you know," pleaded the mother, with her habit of smoothing over everything that was wrong in her own family. " I can't really believe Andrew would do any harm, but he's got in with those wild young fel- lows, and they lead him off to clubs and suppers, and one thing and another. I do wish he'd make up his mind to settle down and grow steady." " But you know a great city like this is the last place to lead a young man like Andrew to do that. I suppose, from hints that Tom has dropped me, that we women have no idea of the temptations which beset youth of his age on every side, and home is their best safeguard, and Andrew seems to get away from that more and more." " Pshaw ! I don't believe Andrew is going into anything worse than having a good time, like other young men of his age. Don't you croak, Rusha. Ma, I want to tell you about our party." This was from Ella, whose habit was to make an abrupt plunge from disagreeable subjects into pleasant ones. "Did you have a good time, girls?" asked the mother, not sorry to have a topic supplanted which enhanced a secret feeling WHETHER IT PAID. 153 of uneasiness, the more it was discussed, while she was always alive to her daughters' social enjoyments and triumphs. This was a theme to kindle Ella's eloquence. " O, mother, you have no idea. It was a perfect rush ; and such a splendid affair ! " and she went on, dilating with great fervor on the mag- nificence of the dresses, the costliness of the banquet, the flat- tering attentions which had overwhelmed her and her sister ; and the mother listened with her pleased smile to the rhapsody, when in the midst of it all the front door was banged sharply to, and a moment after Andrew burst into the dining-room. " Why, you here, girls? " in a tone that indicated no pleasant surprise. " I thought you'd be out riding this morning." " If you had condescended to remember where we were last night, you probably would not have been so confident in that agreeable expectation," replied Ella, with a little asperity, not exactly liking her brother's tone. I think any keen reader of countenances would have found some change for the worse in that of Andrew Darryll during these last six months. It was a change not likely to be appar- ent to his family, for it had not become the fixed habit of his face. But something of the clear, open look was gone. There was some restlessness in the eyes, and something half-defiant, half-reckless, in his dominant expression, which his whole man- ner carried out. He always sported a cane, always dressed in the height of the fashion, and affected a " dandified " air, which did not improve him. " Well, ' fast young man,' " commenced Ella, playfully, a moment later, " what's brought you home at this time of the day ? Some secret, I know, that you didn't intend Rusha and I should share ; but you're too late now, so there's no help, but to out with it." Andrew had taken a chair, and was restlessly balancing his cane on his forefinger. He was evidently in no mood for jokes. " That's a fact," he said ; " I meant to get the old lady when you girls weren't round ; but you'd pump it out of her now so here goes. I want some money, mother." 154 DARRYLL GAP, OR " Why, Andrew ! " Mrs. Darryll was taken completely by surprise at this request, as her daughters were also. Andrew rose up, striking his cane hard on the floor. " It's a fact. I must have it right off, and there's no use mincing matters." " But why don't you go to your father for it?" " Because I haven't time to go through with a storm before I can get it, and because it is my own affair, and I don't choose to have him know anything about it." " What shall I do, girls?" appealed the bewildered mother to her daughters. "Look here, old lady; it's none of their business I must have the money without delay." " I think you might at least have the decency to tell ma what you intend to do with it, before you demand her money quite so much in the style of a highwayman," spoke up Rusha, her quick temper roused at Andrew's manner. " You interfere if you dare, now, Rusha Darryll ! " There was a threat in his eyes that, for the moment, daunted her and Rusha Darryll was no coward. "How much money have you got to the last dollar?" This question was addressed to his mother. " I've only got two hundred dollars in the world, and your father gave me that for family expenses," in a piteous way. " Two hundred dollars ! Confound the old miser for cutting so close ! I want at least double that. But fork over what you've got." " Seems to me you are carrying things with a pretty high hand, Andrew ! " said Mrs. Darryll, partially recovering herself, and not moving from her chair. " I say, old woman, where's that money? I'll have it out of you by fair means or foul, and if you know what's good for yourself you'll hand it over ! " His look frightened his mpther. Language like this had never been addressed to her before. A sort of coarse freedom obtained in the manner of the young Darrylls towards their WHETHER IT PAID. 155 parents, which, to finer natures, might savor of disrespect, but of defiance and insolence never. " I believe the fellow's gone crazy ! " said Ella, really pale, she was so shocked. But the poor mother was frightened now past all self-control. " The money is in the box on the table there. O, what does it mean that my child should talk to me like that ! " and she burst into tears. Andrew seized the box and tore out the " greenbacks," and was hurrying out of the room. But just as he reached the door, Rusha sprang before him, her whole face hot with indignation. " Andrew Darryll, the man who will insult his mother and frighten her into giving him money in the way you have done, is a coward and a brute ! " He looked, for the moment, as she stood there in her courage and scorn, as though he could have knocked her down ; but there was something in her eyes that quelled him, and partly brought him to his senses. " A man that's desperate can't use soft words," he muttered, and dashed by her. When Rusha returned, she found her mother sobbing, and Ella trying to soothe her. "I don't understand it. What does it mean?" asked the younger of the elder sister. " It means, Ella, that it's no use to shut our eyes. I've feared for a long time that Andrew was going wrong, and now, after what we have witnessed, there's no doubt of it. This comes of his clubs and carousals, and being away from home day and night with a set of fast young men, who will drag him down to ruin." " But did you see and hear how he looked and spoke to me his mother ? " sobbed Mrs. Darryll. " Yes," penetrating to the core of the matter much quicker than her more practical parent and sister, " I saw it all, mother, and I saw, too, that he had been drinking some, and was des- perate. Probably he has borrowed the money, or " She 156 DAREYLL GAP, OB stopped here, though she was strongly excited ; and words were not apt to frighten her. "Or what?" said Ella. " Or has been gambling." " My boy, my Andrew, a drunkard and a gambler ! " ex- claimed Mrs. Darryll, with a fresh burst of tears. " There have been sons whose mothers loved and trusted them as you do yours, who have turned out to be a disgrace and a shame to them. I don't want to. make you feel worse, mother, but we ought to see the danger that is closing round Andrew." "But what can we do?" said Ella, who was now really alarmed. " I don't know as anything, for he seems beyond the reach of our influence. Father ought to know this at once." " Dear me, Rusha, think what an awful storm there would be ! " pleaded the shrinking mother. " I know it, ma ; but better a storm than to have Andrew lost, soul and body." It was a singular fact that whatever they might think of her " romance," they always deferred to her penetration, decision, and good sense, in any crisis which demanded the exercise of these qualities. Mrs. Darryll, with her usual lack of moral courage, depre- cated so strongly a resort to her husband regarding Andrew's conduct, that Rusha, knowing her father's rashness and growing infirmities of temper, felt there was a good deal of force in her mother's reasoning. His harshness might only drive Andrew into worse courses, she reflected ; and she finally yielded so far as to promise that she would not immediately acquaint her father with what had transpired. " But I still persist that I very much,doubt whether this is the wisest course. Andrew needs some stronger force than we can bring to bear, to change the whole tendency of his present life. These late suppers these fast companions this absence from home these carousals, and dissipations, and general recklessness mother, where will they all lead to ? " asked the eldest daughter, solemnly. WHETHER IT PAID. 157 And Mrs. Dairy 11, tearful and distressed, hoped " Andrew- was only sowing his wild oats, and would come out right at last," and avowed her intention of giving that delinquent youth " such a talking to as he had never had in all his life ; " and at this moment, some calls that could not be refused ended the painful family conference. Andrew Dairy 11 next presented himself at home, somewhat sobered a little ashamed, with a very confused memory of all that had transpired, and a general determination to " bully it out." Rusha, however, had not such absolute faith in the power of her mother's " talk," that she did not lay hold of that young man with her usual impetuosity, and administer to him such a verbal scathing as he had never received from the tongue of any living woman. As for his preconceived notion of " bullying it out," Andrew found, as he afterwards expressed himself, that Rusha proved " too much " for him. She cut him right off when he commenced, with, " That sort of talk may serve you with your poor, shocked, frightened mother, when you burst into the house, and in ways a burglar would scorn, scare her into giving you money, but it won't do with me. When I think, Andrew Darryll, what lan- guage you used to her this clay, it makes my blood boil. O, I wish I was a man, to horsewhip you as you deserve ! " She looked as though she could almost do it, small, delicate woman as she was, standing there with eyes and cheeks on fire. Andrew quailed before the spirit he had roused. She was a girl, it is true, but then she had an immense moral advantage on her side. " Take a fellow's head off, will you, for what he said when when he wasn't himself. Don't believe it was half as bad as you tell for, either." " Drunk, were you?" The tone was calmer now, but the emphasis on the first monosyllable made him wince. " I'm glad to know, on your own confession, that you were not sober when you so outraged your mother and sisters." 14 158 DAEEYLL GAP, OE " Making it out ten times worse than it was ! " muttered An- drew. " Twon't go down me." He wished he had taken some other line of defence, when Rusha went over the whole scene, compelling him to listen until he was really humbled and ashamed. " I'd no idea it was so bad, Rusha. The truth is, if you must have the whole, I'd got in debt, and I didn't dare go to the governor, and and the matter was pressing, and drove me into getting tight, and doing all the rest. On my honor, I didn't know what I was about." The first sign of repentance melted her anger. " O, Andrew, I guessed as much. "What are you coming to ? " her lips quivering. He seemed a good deal touched, and went about searching for this excuse and that ; but they were of the sort that all wrong doers make, who have not strength to resist evil, and could not satisfy her. " Do you remember, Andrew, the promise you made me less than a year ago, on your sick bed? And here you are now." The memory seemed to touch him with remorse, but it must have been of a transitory sort, for he still went seeking excuses for himself, and affirmed that he was no worse than the rest of the fellows, and through all, his brow did not once wear the clear, open look that it used to. " O, Andrew, if I knew what to do if I could only save you ! " she cried, half to herself, the tears dropping on her cheeks. He started a little, and looked at her. " Save me from what?" " From all the wrong and ruin into which I see these late nights, these boon companions, and this general recklessness, will surely plunge you." " I guess I shall come out as well as other men. I'm no worse than the rest of them, and mean to look out. There, don't cry, Rusha. I'll go and make my peace with the old lady. I s'pose I was a brute, but, hang it, I didn't know what I was about ! " WHETHER IT PAID. 159 She drew a long sigh. His manner did not half satisfy her ; but after all, he had yielded so much that she was afraid to pur- sue the matter further then, and weaken the force of what she had already said. But she would " bide her time," feeling that anything she might say would fail in her brother's present mood to reach deeper than the shallows of his nature. And he went out on his errand of conciliation with his mother, feeling that this would be an easier matter with her than with Rusha ; but almost as the door closed, it opened again, and Andrew Darryll's general impression of the part Rusha had borne in the affair concentrated itself in his "I say, Rusha, you're a brick ! " She was too pained to appreciate this coarse flattery, and only answered, with a little flicker of a smile. The young man did not, however, find it quite so light a mat- ter as he had fancied, to get over his transgression with his mother. Pain at the indignities which her son had heaped upon her, and alarm at her daughter's representations, made Mrs. Darryll unusually severe. Whether the constantly recurring " I couldn't believe that a child of mine would ever dare to address me in that way ! " was likely to have any lasting influence, might be questioned. But Andrew insisted that she ought to pay no more regard to what he had said than to the wind's blowing, when it had no more meaning. As for the drinking and the borrowed money, he treated that lightly, affirming that a great many good men had done both, once in their lives, and it was hard to treat him as though he was *' the greatest sinner out," for a single offence arguments which had weight with the fond, weak mother. Afterwards, the young man took with exemplary patience a long lecture, which made up in length what it lacked in force, and in the end, Mrs. Darryll forgave her son in her heart, if not in words. 160 DARRYLL GAP, OR CHAPTER XVIII. ** I'VE about made up my mind that I shall take a trip to Oil City, the last of this week," said Mr. Darryll, settling himself back in his easy chair, after dinner, the hour following that meal being usually his most complacent one, although that gen- tleman's humor had grown to be a sensitive index of the con- dition of the stock board. " Why, father, what can have put such a notion into your head?" interrogated Mrs. Darryll, who was never quite easy at suggestions of leaving home on the part of any member of the family. " Well, the fact is, they want me to go into a new company that is just being started, and which promises to be a good thing. But I don't like to come down in a large way, unless I'm certain of the ground I stand on ; and after thinking it all over, I've about concluded that the best thing is to go on and see for myself." " O, pa, I wish you'd take me along with you. Do now," spoke up Rusha's eager voice. " Go to Oil City ! " put in Ella, before her father had time to reply. " Well, I must say, Rusha, if any fancy of yours could surprise me, this last one certainly would. What in the world can attract you there ? " " O, I should like the new experience, and to see real, gen- uine human nature with the polish off. The whole thing would be full of fresh adventure and delight to me such a contrast to our dead level, city life. O, pa, if you only will say I may go!" " I hope your father hasn't quite lost his senses yet," inter- posed Mrs. Darryll, in that tone of sensible practicality which WHETHER IT PAID. had so often dashed its cold water on Rusha's pretty enthu- siasms. " No, my daughter," said her father, in the softened voice of which his eldest child certainly had the largest benefit ; and it might be that this desire to accompany him on a journey which promised so much of fatigue and discomfort, touched the father beneath the shrewd, hard business man, for he treated Rusha's suggestion with neither the rebuke nor the ridicule that her mother and sister had done. "You have no idea what you'd have to encounter on the way ; and then, when we got there, what would you do sweep- ing round with your fine dresses in the dirt, and grease, and mud, without so much as a sidewalk in the whole town ? " " I wouldn't wear fine dresses, pa. I'd put on bloomer when we got beyond civilization," added Rusha, more for talk sake than anything else, for she saw the case was hopeless. " I've no doubt she would," added Ella, with a pantomime that said unutterable things. " Our Rusha would be just up to that very deed ! " "What a mercy it is, then," laughed the elder sister, oil whom the pantomime had not been lost, " that you and mother are always around to keep me in the orbit of a proper young lady ; else I might fly off on a tangent at any time ! " " I realize that fully," laughing too ; but after all, there was more truth than jest in her remark. Guy and Agnes brought some new forces to the badinage on Rusha, and Mr. Darryll settled himself to his paper, from which he was roused half an hour later by the entrance of An- drew and Tom. " Any letters after I left the office, boys? " " I looked over the last batch that came in," answered An- drew, lighting a fresh cigar. " Nothing important, except that Crawford has been taken sick, and won't be up before next week." "And just the time when he can't be spared, for I've made my plans to go day after to-morrow." 14* 162 DABBYLL GAP, OR " Can't the journey wait ? " inquired Andrew, puffing at his cigar. " No, sir. I've got other irons in the fire. You'll have to take his place, Andrew, and keep books, safe, and keys, while I'm gone." " Confounded dull for a fellow," muttered Andrew. " Keep him tied tight from morning to night at the office." u No help for it, sir," said the young man's father, decidedly. " Besides, a little taste of hard work wouldn't hurt any of you boys, and I can't trust such responsibilities out of our own hands, now Crawford's gone." Andrew did not demur further. He only asked, " Going into some fresh speculations, governor?" Something in the name or the tone did not seem to please John Darryll. He always, in his talk, both in his family and on 'Change, pronounced himself " down " on most of the great speculating manias which have been of late like evil spirits en- tering into men's souls, and making their last state worse than their first. Naturally cautious in all his financial enterprises, he had been particularly severe on the desperate risks which many of the men with whom he was thrown in business relations con- stantly incurred. The losses and failures never escaped him ; and he was constantly holding these up to view in the hope that they would prove beacon lights to the young men when they should enter the field for themselves. There had of late been a good deal of sharp discussion on these very matters betwixt the father and the eldest son. An- drew was always quoting instances against his parent of men who had made, to use his words, a " big thing out of a small pile," and affirming that " a fellow, if he only understood the ropes, could turn his hundreds into thousands as easy as you could toss your hand up, sir ; and what was the use of delving and slaving all your life, when a little sharpness would turn a man out a snug little sum any time, so that he could lie back on his oars the rest of his days, and have smooth sailing as he went along ? " WHETHER IT PAID. 163 Talk of this sort always irritated John Darryll to the highest degree. He denounced in the strongest possible terms all such financial operations as " gambling, fraud, and embezzlement," and insisted that nine hundred and ninety-nine speculations of the kind Andrew quoted were sure to burst up, and involve those concerned in failure and ruin ; indeed, he had evinced so much excitability when this topic was discussed, that Ella, with her usual love of peace, had said to her eldest brother, " Why can't you let pa alone on these speculations? Let him think what he pleases, and you do the same, only keep still about it, for he'll be sure to go off like a bombshell every time the subject is touched on. If folks only could learn to let disa- greeable topics alone ! " And it never occurred to Ella at that time, any more than to the rest of her family, that any personal interest might lie at the bottom of Andrew's advocacy of these easy methods of making money, or that when he did not talk, he might act on his own views of the matter. " I'm going to see the thing for myself before I put my hands in," replied John Darryll to his son's question about the object of his journey to Oil City. " If the thing promises well, I may do something with it ; but they needn't throw out any bait, for I shan't nibble ; I'm too old for that." " Eames has just made a good thing out of his last specula- tion in Erie. He put up a margin stock went up, and he just drew in a haul of fifty thousand dollars. Snug little sum that ! " " I'd like to do that thing," said Guy. ' " Cracky ! " " You would, would you?" turning sharply upon the boy. " And the chances would all be that you'd lose every dollar, and go to the devil yourself before you got through ! " " O, pa now ! " interrupted Mrs. Darryll, warningly. " It's a fact," stoutly maintained her husband. " I tell you, more young men have been driven by speculation, than by any one thing in the world, into all sorts of desperate crimes, and ended up at last in a felon's cell. I know all about the way 164 DAEBTLL GAP, OR these things are managed, and how easy it is to draw a young fellow in who thinks he knows more and sees farther than his betters. If one of my boys, after all I've said, should ever dis- regard my advice, and run his neck into some hap-hazard spec- ulation, he might go to ruin for all I'd see him out that's all." " Now, boys, take your father's advice, and keep clear of all these dangerous places, if you want to turn out well in the world," said Mrs. Darryll to her sons, in very much the same tone that she used to promise them " a stick of candy if they would be good children, and not make a noise." " But I say," continued Andrew, " all business is specula- tion, get to the bottom of it. It's the same thing, only one man is more cautious and shrewd than another ; but it's a race for money all the same, and devil take the hindmost. Each one is trying to get ahead of his neighbor, whether it's on the sly, or all above board ; whether it's in a government contract, or a petroleum company, or a banking house, it's all the same thing make the most you can out of your man, whether he happens to be one individual or the public in general." " Is it true, pa, what Andrew says? " asked Rusha. " Well, yes, I suppose it is pretty much. Of course every man must look out to feather his own nest in the world I'm not talking against that ; but business is one thing, and reckless diving into all sorts of wild speculations is another. The market is full of these just now, and people are rushing in, neck and heels ; but there will be an awful bursting up one of these days." " But, pa," said Rusha, at the bottom of whose thought lay always the right and wrong of any question, " that way of doing business which you speak of seems to me so utterly selfish a one. Surely Christianity, or the highest morality ' even, requires some regard to the interests of one's fellow-man, even in business." Andrew burst into a loud, disagreeable laugh. " Now that is too good, Rusha. A pious and moral busi- ness ! Tell that to your grandmarm ! " WHETHER IT PAID. 165 Guy joined in his brother's rather poor attempt at wit. " Yes, Rusha, you are green ! " said the boy of sixteen ; but he was extinguished for that time by his sister's remarking, in her most frigid tones, that doubtless his years and experience would protect her from any of the ill effects of her verdancy! This was as unkind a cut as Guy, who, on occasions, affected the disagreeable smartness of boys of his age, could well have received, and was another of the lessons which all Rusha's family were so slow in learning, that, notwithstanding the amount of badinage which she would take good-naturedly, there was a point beyond which it was not safe to drive her ; and when this was passed she could always turn upon the offender in a way that effectually silenced him. That Mr. Darryll's warnings had very little effect upon his eldest son, was proved by his remarking to Tom, as they went out together, that the " governor was an old fogy, any way, and that he wasn't up so early in the morning but there was a thing or two in business that he didn't know yet, and that some folks had cut their eye teeth in this world besides John Dar- ryll." This conversation transpired about three weeks after An- drew's rupture with his mother and sister. Since that had been healed thanks to Rusha's courage and spirit nothing unusual had occurred on the part of the elder son and brother to awaken the anxiety of his family. Rusha, who now observed him pretty narrowly, did not feel at ease regarding the young man ; yet she could find no fresh cause to justify her solicitude. He was still absent from home much of the time, and when there, seemed absorbed and reticent, with occasional rough ex- plosions of mirth, which, it struck his sister, did not have quite a natural ring about them. Sometimes, too, it seemed to her that she caught a glimpse of some half-dogged, half-desperate expression on his face, which came back and haunted her after- wards, and yet was not tangible enough to prevent her from wondering whether the whole thing was not a mere chimera of the imagination that was always troubling her. 1G6 DAERTLL GAP, OR It is true that her father grumbled away in the old fashion about Andrew's laziness and frequent absence from business ; but John Darryll's fault-finding had become chronic in his family, and was accepted as a matter of course, the only result being a sort of tacit understanding betwixt all the members that " pa " must be kept in as good humor as possible, provided this did not cost too much a party, a new bonnet, or any- thing of that sort, being always regarded as sufficient motive, by anybody but Rusha, to brave his displeasure. " During these weeks, too, the season was unusually gay, and the family much absorbed in social excitements, so that the sisters saw comparatively little of their bi'Others. A feeling of deeper confidence had, however, been growing up betwixt Rusha and Tom, since their return from Berry Plains. Constantly encouraged and stimulated by his sister, the young man had actually set about preparing for college, to which his father gave a willing assent ; and Tom, being a rich man's son, with plenty of time on his hands, and all the temp- tations of a great city to beguile him into indolence and pleas- ure-taking, deserved a great deal of credit for resisting these as well as he did. Naturally bright and intelligent, as were all the Darryll sons and daughters, Tom had still habits of study to establish ; and this was a great eifort to one who had no aid from the daily regimen of school or college, but whose hours were entirely at his own disposal. Rusha opened her sanctum to him, and if it had not been for her constant example and encouragement, Tom's ambition to- wards scholarship would long ago have failed him before indo- lence and pleasure, those two lions that lie in wait along all paths of human endeavor. Poor Tom battled with them sin- gle-handed sometimes, but they never totally overcame him thanks to that sister of his, to whom, though he or she might never know it, he would, in a large sense, owe whatsoever his future might bear of strong, worthy, successful manhood. Tom's awakening interest in the new world of study, the WHETHER IT PAW. 167 kindling of all the activities of his intellect before that vast field of knowledge which opened its mysteries and beauties before him, were fostered by Rusha in a thousand ways. They read the same books and discussed the same themes together in the little retired sanctum, that was to her the dearest spot on earth. And the change that was being gradually wrought in Tom Darryll did not end here, else its work would have been most partial and imperfect. It went deeper than that, and slowly assimilated with his whole character. His moral nature, was quickened ; new questions stirred themselves in his soul ; things that once never awakened a thought within him began now to assume new relations to his deepening susceptibilities ; and little by little, and here and there, his conscience grew more sensitive, and life began, with much of obscurity and vagueness, to open out before him with some new, vast meanings and responsibilities. And it was pleasant and touching to see the young, eager minds grappling with the great questions which underlie all human life, and which, once lost sight of, as Paul said, " Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die." Of course Rusha was leader here, and Tom followed the deeper nature, the finer conscience, and forgot, for the time, "all the little weaknesses and absurdities that were so natural to his age and experience, and became simple and earnest. And in these brother-and-sister talks how much seed was dropped in the clefts and deep places of his soul, that should spring up afterwards in noble aspiration, and steadfast faith, and higher loyalty, only G-od and the good angels of Tom Darryll knew. Rusha, too, was growing, without much outward help and with many drawbacks growing so slowly that neither she nor those around her suspected it, among the constant chafings and irritations of the sensitive, finely-strung soul, across whose chords the winds of life swept, making deep voices, sometimes of sweetest harmonies, but, alas ! oftener of saddest discords. The acquaintance with the Rochfords, which had opened so auspiciously, had been doomed to sudden disappointment. The 168 DARRYLL GAP, OR doctor had gone to the war, and Angeline had accompanied him as hospital nurse. The house was still kept open, for Sicily, who had gone, meanwhile, to reside with some relatives in the country, came down frequently to the city, as she had a general charge of her brother's and sister's beneficiaries. But her visits were always crowded with business, so that Rusha never saw her ; and whatsoever wholesome influences their society might have exerted, at this time, on her ardent, impressible nature, was entirely lost to her, and she had to make her own way as best she might out of the mistakes and mischiefs of her early training, out of false and ignoble views of life, out of all sorts of social sophistries ; and she went on blindly, "stumbling often, but never content to lie there" went on, not seeing the Hand that was leading her. WHETHER IT PAID. 169 CHAPTER XIX. " WHAT in thunder does this mean?" Adam Crawford sat before the iron safe in John Darryll's private office one morning, somewhat less than a week after that gentleman's departure for Oil City, when this expletive dropped from his lips the strongest that any possible amaze- ment or horror could have drawn from the man. For Adam Crawford was at that moment in a state of such blank amaze- ment and terror as he had never experienced before in his life. He sat there alone in Mr. Darryll's small, private office, behind the desk, where the great iron safe always stood, and to which nobody ever had access, except the owner and the book- keeper, unless the keys, in some unusual contingency, were placed, for a short period, in Andrew's charge. A set of these lay upon the top of the chest ; the heavy door was swung open, revealing the great ledgers and piles of papers on one side, while on the other was the vault, which now was uncovered, contain- ing many thousands in gold and greenbacks. Some small debts falling due on this morning, the book- keeper, in whom Mr. Darryll reposed absolute confidence, had opened the vault, when his eyes ^vere arrested by the sight of several empty bags, which he had seen Mr. Darryll place there just before his departure for Oil City, remarking that he should probably use them in a new investment on his return. Each one of the bags had contained five thousand dollars in gold. Adam Crawford lifted up one and then another of these it was empty, and dropped away from his nerveless hands, for the strong man was weak as a little child. Mr. Darryll had selected his book-keeper -from a host of ap- plicants on account of his " honest face," and the man was a 15 170 DARRYLL GAP, OR shrewd reader of countenances. Adam's would have borne wit- ness for him anywhere an honest, open, manly face, whose character compensated for its rather marked homeliness, but to be trusted, his employer averred, to the antipodes with un- counted gold. Andrew Darryll sat at the desk that morning, writing, with somewhat unusual diligence ; for, as he told one of his friends, who stopped in to invite him to a ride on the Bloomingdale Road, "the old man was expected back in a day or two, and there'd be a regular blow up, if he didn't put matters through before that time." So, although he had not seen the inside of the office for two previous days, he was apparently absorbed in his work when the book-keeper came to the outside door and spoke with a white face, " Darryll, I say, we've been robbed ! " The voice was not loud. Andrew kept on at his writing. You could hear the rapid scratch of his pen in the stillness. It seemed strange that the tones did not reach him. "Darryll," the key a little raised, " see here we've been robbed ! " Andrew turned round sharply. " "What's that you say, Crawford?" " The gold in the safe vault has gone ! " What Andrew said here, or whether he said anything at all, Adam Crawford could never recollect, although he afterwards tried many times. But he "remembered that they both re- turned to the safe, and Adam pointed to the empty bags, and they two counted them over. There were four whose entire contents had been abstracted. The others lay undisturbed. Then the two young men looked at each other, face to face, eye to eye. " There were five thousand dollars in each of those bags. I heard your father say so the day that he placed them there," said Crawford. "Yes, here is the mark," replied Andrew, turning the side WHETHER IT PAID. 171 of the bag towards him. Then the young men looked at each other again, face to face, eye to eye. " Who do you suspect is at the bottom of this business, Crawford?" asked Andrew. " I can think of no man God is my witness of no living man ! Can you ? " watching young Darryll's face in a kind of vague hope of some clew. " Not one." " But we must ferret out the villain who has done this." " Yes, Crawford," said Andrew, " that is the first step we must ferret him out ; " then, after a little pause, " You've had the keys about you ever since you got back ? " " Night and day; except the one that I gave them to you, when I went out of town you remember?" "Yes, the money was all safe then, for I came here in the morning, and placed this package of greenbacks in the vault. The safe must have been broken into after that." " But how was it done, Darryll? if we could only get on the scoundrel's track ! " And Adam Crawford remembered afterwards how many improbabilities they started how they discussed one person and then another, but never found a single individual or cir- cumstance on which there was the slightest ground for basing a suspicion of the crime. Andrew, however, maintained the opinion that some ex- perienced burglar had watched the building, and broken into that and the. safe at night; indeed, it was impossible that any but a most skilful robber could have opened the vault, whose lock, like that of the outer safe door, it seemed must havs baffled any degree of ingenuity on the part of one who attempted to pick it. Then the young men examined all the doors and window fastenings ; but there was not the faintest trace of disturbance among all these. Then they came back again, and sat down before the open safe, and decided that the only thing to do was to put the matter into the hands of some shrewd detectives, and await Mr. Darryll's return. 172 DARBTLL OAF, OB "But I dread to see the man's face," said Adam Crawford. " So do I. Won't there be a storm, though ! " and the book- keeper remembered that as Andrew said this, he shuddered ; but that did not surprise him at the time, for he was half be- wildered himself with the shock which the sudden discovery of the crime had occasioned him, and just as Andrew Darryll ceased speaking, his father walked in. Something in the faces of both the young men struck him at once. "What has happened?" he asked, stopping short. The son and the book-keeper each waited a moment for the other to reply. Then Andrew spoke : " Father, the safe has been opened, and you've been robbed of twenty thousand dollars ! " For the next week the robbery, whose consummate skill and secrecy seemed to set all discovery at defiance, was the engross- ing topic in the Darryll family. Of course it got into the papers, and a large reward was offered for the perpetrators. All the people who called, talked over the details, with that relish for the secret and horrible which seems to inhere in our common human nature. Mr. Darryll never returned home without being assailed by the fem- inine portion of the family with inquiries as to whether they had yet got any clew to the criminals. Indeed, betwixt their indig- nation and curiosity, the Darrylls, especially the younger ones, could never let the subject rest ; and all the circumstances con- nected with the robbery, which, beyond the fact itself, were of the most bai'ren character, were discussed at every meal, as though the whole thing was entirely new to each person. The loss of twenty thousand dollars did not in reality affect John Darryll, although one might have thought, to hear the man talk, that it came very near ruining him an insinuation that Andrew always repelled with contempt, affirming that the governor often made more than that in a single day's operation. Still, beyond the loss of the money, the manner of its disap- pearance was one that gave the prosperous broker a good many WHETHER IT PAID. 173 sleepless nights. He racked his brain trying to find some individual on whom he could fasten a suspicion ; but the more he contemplated the matter, the more inexplicable it became. The best detectives in the city had been on the scent a week, without starting the slightest trail of the thief it seemed im- possible that any one unacquainted with the rooms could have broken into them and the safe, and left no trace of their en- trance in door, or window, or lock ; and during the three days in which it had been satisfactorily determined that the crime had been committed, the keys of safe and vault had been alter- nately in the possession of Andrew and the book-keeper. At one time, for want of some better subject, a strong sus- picion had attached to the office-boy, who swept the rooms and kept the fires a little, dark, open-faced lad, whose mother was a widow, an honest, hard-toiling woman, driven nearly to frenzy by the suggestion that her son was concerned in the crime. But after the boy had borne the rigid examination to which he was subjected by the detectives, they both, at the close, acquitted him of the slightest complicity in, or knowledge of, the crime. " The fellow that got into that vault must have been a con- founded sharp rascal ! Beats everything hollow that I ever heard of in that line," said Mr. Darryll, as he stood one morn- ing by the grate-fire after breakfast, with his hat in his hand, ready to start down town. " There's Thorp, now, one of the smartest hands in the city to run a thief down I was talking with him last night, and he says he never knew a job done up quite so smooth as this one was. How the rascal- got into the office and picked that safe, as well as I could have done it my- self, locked up everything just as he found it, and went off, baffles me. Thieves don't usually work in that way." " The rogue was probably used to it," remarked Andrew, drawing on his gloves. "But burglars don't usually take all that pains. Thorp in- sists that the scoundrel was thoroughly versed in the premises." " Pa, now," said Ella, more for the sake of saying something than because she entertained any real suspicions of him, for 15* 174 DARRTLL GAP, OR the whole family indulged in all sorts of chimerical fancies, and some of their absurd suggestions would have done credit to the wildest flights of a sensation novelist, " you don't really sup- pose Crawford could have done it, do you ? " " Nonsense ! " muttered Andrew. " No, child, no. I'd stake my life on that fellow's honesty. Why, I'd sooner believe I got up myself in a nightmare, and took the money out and threw it in the sea. That's a comfort- able way of accounting for it at least." " I guess you must have taken it, Andrew ! " said Agnes, with her girlish titter, turning on her brother. " You had all the keys, you know, so it would have been very easy ; and if Crawford didn't steal the money, why, of course you did ! " " I never thought of that," said Ella, who always was ready for a jest. " Come, now, old fellow, just own up that you did it ! " " Not quite ready for that yet ! " answered Andrew, and he laughed out loudly. Afterwards they all remembered that laugh, though at the time nobody thought anything of it." " I never thought much about a thief before," it was Uiislia speaking now, " but somehow I cannot help feeling a perpetual curiosity about this one. I suppose it is because no crime ever came quite so near home to me before." " It's come home to my pocket," interrupted her father. " Zounds ! I wish I could get hold of the scoundrel ! " " And it's come home to my wardrobe, too, for ma says, now you've met with such a loss, I must go without the new velvet cloak she promised me this winter. But, indignant as I am, I can't help wondering what sort of a man this thief was ! "Was he old and hardened in sin, or was he young, and was this his first crime, committed under some dreadful stress of temptation? Had he a pleasant home, and a father and mother, and brothers and sisters, who loved and trusted him, and who have not to this day the slightest suspicion of his crime, and to whom the knowledge of it would come down with just that awful, crushing blow that it would on all of us, if one of our WHETHER IT PAID. 175 boys had done such a thing? It's singular, but I wake up sometimes in the night, and these questions rise up and haunt me until it's hard to go to sleep again." Rusha's speech was addressed to no one in particular, but looking up suddenly at its close, her eyes encountered Andrew's. His dropped in a moment, but not until she had seen something in them was it remorse, or shame, or anguish? something which she unconsciously felt at the time, but did not understand until afterwards. " That's all moonshine, Rusha," said her father, a little roughly. " The rascal doesn't deserve any pity, and won't get any if he falls into my hands that's settled. If we can once get hold of him, he's booked for the penitentiary for pretty much all the rest of his days. That's the way to serve these fellows." " I don't dispute it, pa ; only those words keep coming into my thoughts, ' No man liveth to himself; ' and it is a law of all hu- man life that the innocent shall suffer for the guilty. It is likely that this wretch, too, has somebody that loves him somebody to be crushed and heart-broken for his crime ! " and again looking up, Rusha's eyes encountered Andrew's, and again his dropped. " Stuff and nonsense," said her father. " The upshot of it is, if the villain 's got any family, they're probably hardened cases, and leagued with him in his crimes ; so all that pity is wasted. The only way is to put these fellows right straight through, which I shall, in this case, only let me have a chance at him. But this won't do for me ! " glancing at his watch, and starting off, followed a little later by his eldest and youngest sons. It happened, that very morning, that Thorp, the detective, who had thus far been unsuccessful in getting hold of any clew to the robbery, was on Wall Street, and came suddenly upon an old friend, a former chief of police, and a man who seemed to have an almost miraculous gift of tracing a crime up to its source. A long experience in the service had made him a singularly acute reader of men, and once given the smallest clew of char- acter or circumstance, he would follow up and uncover the most complicated and thoroughly devised plot of villany. 176 DARRYLL GAP, OR Possessed of consummate self-coiitrol of countenance and manner, capable of assuming, for the occasion, any character that he chose, understanding the forms of temptation which appealed strongest to the weaknesses of different classes of men, and combining all these qualities with a silent, but alert obser- vation that seemed almost supernatural, it was not singular that the criminal seldom escaped on whose path officer Hatch was started. The policeman had just returned from the West, where he had succeeded in unravelling a peculiarly adroit and successful piece of villany, in the discovery of which all his predecessors had failed. As the two detectives stood talking together on Wall Street, Mr. Darryll happened to pass by, and he paused to inquire of Thorp whether he had struck any trail yet, and, receiving a reply in the negative, hurried away. The sight of the broker suggested Thorp's next remark " That's a troublesome piece of business I've got on hand just now, and thus far it's completely baffled me. I wonder what you'd make of it, Hatch ? " " What kind of work was it? " asked the other. " A twenty thousand dollar business. Office entered, iron safe broken open, and money abstracted, all in the neatest, completest way, sir not a pane broken or a lock disturbed." " And you haven't got on the scent yet? " " Not after a week's hanging round. A singularly 'cute piece of work ; " and the detective briefly sketched the facts of the burglary. " Burglars don't do up business in that smooth fashion," re- marked Hatch, when the other was through. " And why not help himself to the whole pile, when he had such a chance ? " " That's precisely the point I don't understand. Altogether a singular affair," replied Thorp. His companion went over rapidly in his mind the principal points of the case. "Broker absent two sets of keys, in possession of son and book-keeper office-boy." " Look here, Hatch," said Thorp, as a bright idea struck him, WHETHER IT PAID. 177 " if you've no special business on hand, s'pose you step into the office a moment, and see if you can find an end to the rope ? " The policeman assented, and they walked into the office, where the safe was shown, and the circumstances of the rob- bery related again by John Darryll himself. A few glances of Hatch, apparently careless ones, took in the book-keeper, from the hair of his head to the toe of his boot, and in these the detective had settled in his own mind that who- ever had robbed that safe, Adam Crawford Avas not the man. The office-boy underwent the same silent interrogation, with a like result ; and while the three men stood talking together by the safe, in the inner room, Andrew Darryll walked in. He nodded pleasantly to Thorp, with whom he had frequently talked over all the details of the robbery, and after some slight busi- ness with the book-keeper, joined the men a moment, and Hatch stood quietly watching the young man, conversing, meanwhile, in a way that would not have attracted anybody's attention, but with a keen scrutiny that took in every line and shade of expres- sion on young Darryll's face. " The thing was well done we'll have to concede that," said detective Thorp. "But that safe was not picked by a common house-thief, for one of that sort would have helped him- self to the whole pile, and not been so careful to smooth over all his tracks. A new hand at the trade, probably." " I took it for an old one ; the thing was done so nicely," said Andrew, with a light laugh ; but detective Hatch caught some- thing in it nobody else did. He spoke now : " Perhaps the fellow had got into a fix, and made some spec- ulation, or something of that sort, and wahted twenty thousand to help him out of it." He was apparently speaking to the elder Darryll, but the whole power of his covert gaze was bent on the younger's face. He saw a light start, a little shadow of pallor there, and the whole thing lay bare to Morgan Hatch ! "Well," said Thorp to his companion, as they went out, " struck the track in there ? " " Yes." 178 DARRTLL GAP, OR Thorp darted an amazed glance into his companion's face ; but that countenance was used to reticence. " Not that book- keeper ? " he said. " No." Then in a moment it flashed across Thorp whom his compan- ion meant. The surprise was so sudden that he stood still a moment; but as soon as he had leaped to this conclusion, the detective saw, with the quick discernment of one used to these things, how all the parts fitted into one another, and explained the unusual circumstances which had puzzled him whenever he turned the crime over in his thought. " Hatch, you're a stunner ! " hitting his companion a smart blow on the shoulder. Then, after a moment's pause, " But to find out the motive that's the next step, you know." " Clear enough," said Hatch. " This one was just the sort of material to get his neck into trouble. Rich man's son 'round town fast keeps horses gets into bad company of men and women all sorts of extravagance and dissipation falls into debt runs into speculation to help him out of it prom- ises large, but don't pay at first goes into the gambling deeper needs more money, and at last gets desperate keys in his possession easy enough to abstract the money hopes to pay it before it's missed ; and there you have the whole thing. I've had so many such cases to deal with, that I can read them like a book." " I've dealt with scores of 'em," said Thorp, " but somehow this one threw dust in my eyes. I've got the end of the rope now, thanks to you, Hatch, be a thunderbolt to the old man, though !" "Serves these rich men right!" said Hatch, decidedly " ought to keep a sharp look out for their sons, and not leave them to run into the fire." " Well, I shall see this job through now," said Thorp. " My young gentleman little thinks what a storm is brewing for him ! " and the two men parted at the corner of Broadway. Less than a week after this, Mr. Darryll met the detective on WHETHER IT PAID. 179 the street. " I've been expecting news from you before this time, Thorp," he said. '* The job was clone up smoother than such matters usually are," answered the wary policeman. " The more I think of it," said the gentleman, " the more I am convinced that the party concerned was of the better sort a gentleman robber. But whoever he proves to be, when you get your grapples on him, fix him tight, sir." " You don't want him treated gently on account of reputation, or previous good character, or anything of that sort ? " asked Thorp with a motive, perhaps. " No, sir ! " growing excited " I've no weak sympathy for that kind of scoundrels. Deal with him just as the law pro- vides, without fear or favor. If it was my own son, sir, who had been guilty of such a high-handed rascality, I should want him chucked right into the Tombs." John Darryll turned on his heel ; but the next time he saw the detective, he remembered what he had said. Of course, you must have already forestalled who was the perpetrator of the crime, and it is not necessary that I should dwell on it, or on the series of evil doings which culminated at last in this sin. Alas, that it is so common a one that the columns of oxir daily papers are blackened with the headings of these, and that at the time I write this, there is such an ap- palling activity in crime in high places ; and alas for the broken hearts and blighted households upon which this horror falls, a thousand times darker than death ! The policeman, with his long experience in these matters, had touched on the main points of Andrew Darryll's downwai'd ca- reer. At each of them the young man had paused a moment ; but he had no moral barriers strong enough to withstand the flood-tide of temptation which set toward him, and he, too, went down. Gambling overwhelmed him with debts, and he could see no way through them except by rushing into speculations which seemed to promise an easy path out of his present straits. 180 DARRYLL GAP, OR Of course, he was usually made the dupe of others ; and driven 19 desperation, he borrowed money, and put up one margin after another. These dehts became due at the time when an unusually large venture seemed to promise immense profits. He said to himself, with that sophistry which "has beguiled so many souls to death, that he would borrow the money of his father ; and he meant, or thought he did, to repay all that he had stolen. And so, desperate, maddened, he played and lost. And yet Andrew Darryll was not alone to blame in this mat- ter. At the door of his father and his mother lay a part of the guilt, little as either suspected it. Had not John Darryll, by his daily life and example, taught his son that the making haste to be rich the getting and holding of money was, after all, the great dominant object of life, instead of laying broad and deep as life itself those principles of honest integrity, upright- ness, beating against which no worldly temptation shall prevail ? Had not the weak mother taken for granted that which no mother has any right to do that her Sou could not go very far out of the way? Had she not the flexible soul under her moulding influences from its birth ? Had she sought to make the young conscience sensitive in all directions during these for- mative years the love of right, the loyalty to truth and honor deeper than life itself? Andrew Darryll's mother would have laid down her life for him ; and yet she was " found wanting " here ! She had placed no high ideal of living before his eyes ; she had not watched his besetting sins, and fortified him where he was weakest ; but the paramount tendency of her teaching and example, the spirit of the household, had been such as to make him regard the world, its opinions, its standards, its honors, as the greatest and best thing in life, and an occasional solemn shake of the head and a small seasoning of " pious talk " could not counteract the effect of general example and daily life, and out of the world that she had served so faithfully for her own and her children's sake, was Mrs. Darryll to reap her reward. WHETHER IT PAID. CHAPTER XX. THE Darryll family was in an unusual mood of excitement and hilarity that afternoon. The ladies were preparing for a grand fancy ball, which was to come off that evening at the residence of one of their fashionable friends. The affair was intended to outshine all others of the kind for the season, and the feminine Darrylls, even to Rusha, had been quite carried away with the prospect in store for them. Agnes had found it a comparatively easy matter to persuade her mother into excusing her from school on the day of the ball, and they were all assembled in Mrs. Darryll's room in a bustle of eager preparation. Elegant dresses were scattered over bed, chairs, and table, and diamonds flashed, and rubies blazed on the dressing cabinet, and the eager discussion and the pleasant hum of chatter went on over everything else. " It's too bad," said Agnes, with a natural, girlish longing for display, " that all my jewelry should be tabooed, because I've got to be a flower-girl. I think you might have selected some more important character for me, Ella." " Now don't pout, child, or it will spoil your expression for the evening. Your part just fits your years and your face. When both get a little older, your turn will come for more de- cided characters." "And what character is Rusha to take?" inquired Guy, who, with Tom, had just lounged into the room. " O, of course, it is something nobody but Rusha would have thought of. She's to be Ruth gleaning among sheaves a char- acter which doesn't afford the slightest opportunity for elegant costume. I'm not certain, however, but it will suit her style," 16 182 DARRYLL GAP, OB glancing doubtfully at her sister, who stood before the mirror, in a cloud of dark floating hair. " That's a capital hit," asserted Tom. " Just the thing for Rusha." And in the midst of all this hum and flutter, the front door opened and shut so heavily that they heard it above their chat- ter, and a moment after footsteps ascending the stairs. " Why, is that your father home so early ! " exclaimed Mrs. Darryll, as she caught the sound. The next moment the door opened, and John Darryll stood there, looking on his family, but with such a look as none of them had ever seen on his face before. It was ashen gray, as though some sudden shame or terror had shocked all the life out of it. His lips were set and white. He stood there, several moments, looking at his wife and his children without speaking one word, but with that awful some- thing in his face ; and then he turned and went down stairs with slow, heavy steps, that had a terrible sound to the listeners he, the brisk, alert man ! They looked at each other with scared faces. " What does it mean ? " one asked, and then another. " Something dreadful has happened, children ! I never saw your father look like that," said Mrs. Darryll. " I'm all of a tremble ! " " O, dear how pa did glare at us all ! I never was so frightened in my life," exclaimed Agnes, beginning to cry. " I can't conceive for my life what it all means," added Tom. " You don't think he's burst up, and lost the last dollar, do you?" " No," said Rusha, shaking her head, and her face looking paler from out its cloud of loose floating hair, " I don't think it could be that, but it was something he had not the heart or the courage to tell us." " He's gone down into the sitting-room, and I heard him lock the door," said Guy, who stood nearest the hall. " He didn't expect to find us up here in his room, I s'pose," WHETHER IT PAID. added Ella, standing still in the middle of the floor with a heap of fine draperies across her arm. She was intending to per- sonate Cleopatra that evening. " We must not waste words standing here. Something ter- rible has happened to pa, and we must find out what it is," said Rusha, decidedly. "It makes me shudder to think of facing that look of his ! " replied Mrs. Darryll, in a piteous tone. Rusha went over to her mother, and laid her hand entreat- ingly on the latter's shoulder. " There is nobody else to whom he will be so likely to tell the truth as to you, ma ; and now that some dreadful trouble has come upon pa, you will want to help him bear it." Rusha had touched the right chord. Wifely and motherly affection would have roused the timid woman into defiance of the whole world ; and when her sons and daughters united their entreaties to Rusha's, she yielded, and went down stairs, trem- bling in every limb, to meet her husband. The young people huddled together about the door, listening for every sound, and the gay finery, heaped all around the cham- ber, made a strange contrast with their serious faces. They heard their mother vainly turn the door knob, and then her piteous voice came up to them, " John John, do let me come in ! " " Go away. I can't see you know. Leave me to myself; " and there was some suppressed anguish in the voice which chilled the breathless listeners. Then again they heard the mother's supplicating cry, " John, what is the matter? I must come in. Do open the door." Then John Darryll spoke out roughly, as he had never spoken to the wife of his youth, " Woman, I tell you to go away, and leave me to myself. It's of no use to stand calling there. I want to be* alone that's enough." Mrs. Durryll came up stairs, and if her face was white, so also were those that awaited her. 184 DAERYLL GAP, OR " Something awful has happened to your father, children O, what is it ! " and then the poor frightened woman burst into a passion of tears. " It can't be that lie's gone suddenly crazy ! " said Tom, a little under his breath. " No, it isn't that, ails pa," answered Rusha, promptly. " Some terrible blow has come upon him. If we could only find out what it is." " There's nobody in the world can do so much with pa as Rusha," interposed Ella. " Perhaps, if she was to go down, he would let her in." "O, I cannot I cannot," with a little deprecatory move- ment and shudder. But they all beset her now, insisting that she was the only one who could succeed with their father, and entreating her to go down and see what she could do with him. And at last they all prevailed, and Rusha said she would go. But it was a touching sight that face of hers, with its anxiety and fear, as it went down the long, winding stairs to meet the unknown dread that awaited her there. As she drew near the sitting-room door, she heard her father's steps going restlessly back and forth back and forth. " Pa, it is I Rusha. Do not send me away too ! " " How dare you persist in coming here, when I tell you I will not see one of you ? " " Because, pa, we know that some terrible thing has happened to you, and we don't want you to bear it all alone. Surely your wife and your children should share the trouble with you, whatever it is. Don't send me away, pa, for I cannot go. I must stand here pleading, until you let me come in." " Child," said her father, with a slight softening of his voice, " you don't know what you are asking. Go away, Rusha, for I cannot face any one of you with the truth." " But we must meet it sooner or later. I will be brave, pa, onlylet me come in, and put my arms about your neck, and have you tell me so " her sudden tears surprising her here. WHETHER IT PAID. 185 After a moment or two, John Darryll went to the door, un- locked it, and drew his daughter in. It seemed as though his face had aged a score of years in the last few hours. So they stood looking at each other. " O, how can I tell you ! " Out of his lips like a sharp groan the words slid. "I can bear it; only be quick, pa!" she answered, in such a voice as a wounded man might say it, waiting for the sur- geon's knife. He took her hands in his. " Can't you read it in your father's face, Rusha?" " I only see something terrible there. Has all the property gone ? " her thoughts naturally pointing this way as the only misfortune which could thus overwhelm her father. " No. I could have borne that better." "What trouble could take deeper hold of John Darryll than that ! " O, father, it isn't anything about Andrew ! " She knew then she had reached the truth. " Tell me, father ! " her cold fingers clutching his tightly. And his own anguish making him, for the moment, forgetful of hers, John Darryll thrust the truth fiercely at his daughter. " It ivas Andrew stole the money from the safe, and he's gone to the Tombs this afternoon for his crime ! " Rusha's shriek was not loud, but the family, huddled together up stairs, heard it, and they knew that the iron had entered her soul. She staggered back against the wall, and covered her face with her hands. So the truth broke upon her in a mo- ment ! All Andrew's conduct for the last two or three months rose up in dreadful confirmation of what her father had de- clared. Yet it was natural that her heart should struggle fiercely against the truth, and she shrieked out now, " I don't believe it, father ! There is some foul wrong here." " It's too true, my poor child ! The proof is clear as day- light, and the villain has confessed the crime himself. O, what a fool I have been not to see and yet he was my own 16* 186 DARBYLL GAP, OB son how could I suspect it of him ! " groaned the father, as he paced the floor. " Have you seen him? " " No, not since the arrest that happened when I was out ; at my own office, too, before all the clerks ! " Rusha grasped the chair and steadied herself, for everything grew dark and dizzy as the awful sin and shame that had fallen on their house rushed upon her. "What happened for the next quarter of an hour she nor her father ever seemed able to recollect. At last she said to him, lifting up the pale, drooping face over which, during the last hour, a storm of grief and agony had swept, " Father, they will have to be told ! " " I can't do it. Think of your mother, Rusha ! " groaned the strong man. Then the father and daughter looked at each other again, silently ; but each knew what was in the thought of the other. At last she said "I think I could do it, father, if you will walk with me to the stairs. O, dear God ! dear God ! help me ! help us all ! " And, in a blind way, John Darryll's heart echoed this prayer as, poor man ! it had never echoed one in all his life before. At last she rose up, and said she was ready. He led her to the stairs, blaming himself all the time for laying on her slight shoulders the burdens that his man's strength could not carry, but yet unable to gird his courage for the task. When they reached the stairs, however, he said, looking in her face " It is too bad, my daughter, to put this on you ; I will do it myself." But she saw that he hoped she would refuse his offer, and she shook her head, and went up stairs in a blind, groping way. It was hard to face them all when she opened the door, and to meet the anxious, wondering gaze, that asked what nobody had courage to ; for each saw with the first glance that she brought no comfort. WHETHER IT PAID. 187 Rusha went straight over to Mrs. Darryll. " Dear mother, we will all help you to bear it," she said, in a tone whose very- pity made all their hearts stand still. "Bat what is it, Rusha? Has John lost his last dollar?" cried the pale, trembling mother. " No ; it is worse than that ; it is about Andrew." " About Andrew ! " Every voice in the room took up the chorus. "What has happened? Is my boy killed?" the mother cried out, sharply. " It is worse O, a thousand times worse than that ! " They were all thunderstruck into a moment's silence, and Rusha knew that it must come now. " Andrew is in the Tombs ! It was he who robbed the safe I " For a moment not one of her audience could comprehend the awful truth. The first sound they heard was an hysterical laugh from Ella, as her nerves gave way under the shock. Then Mrs. Darryll sprang up, with a fierce light in her eyes. " It is a lie a foul, shameful lie ! " she shrieked. " My boy never was a thief! " and she sank down in strong convulsions on the floor. And with the sound of that heavy fall, John Darryll knew that the truth was out at last, and forgetting everything else, he rushed up to the help of his wife. What that night was to the Darryll family, you can imagine better than I can write imagine all the excitement, and agony, and shame that filled it. The heaps of splendid finery, scattered on all sides, formed a strange background to the white faces which moved amongst them, utterly unmindful of the things, which, a few hours ago, had completely held possession of their souls. Sometimes one would break out in passionate sobs, sometimes another ; then they would all huddle together in a strange quiet, completely paralyzed by the dreadful tidings. They insisted that they did not believe Andrew was guilty long after they did; for somehow a thousand circumstances 188 DABEYLL GAP,' OR they would never have thought of, rose up iu this new light to corroborate his crime. They remembered how loud he had been in his denunciations of the guilty party, and yet how fre- quently he had left the house when the robbery had been the subject of conversation ; above all, they recalled that little jest of Ella's, which had touched the core of the truth ; and Rusha remembered, with a sick pang, the look which had dropped so guiltily away from hers on the morning when she had that talk about the unknown criminal and his family. No wonder it was more than he could bear ! As for Mrs. Darryll, she lay iu a heavy stupor all that night, for they were obliged to administer opiates to keep her quiet ; but she moaned restlessly, and would frequently start up and cry out for her boy in a way that was pitiful to hear. And while the truth had fallen with the crash of a thunder- bolt upon the souls of his brothers and sisters, they could not help dwelling with mingled feelings of pity and horror upon the wretched youth, locked up in his lonely cell at the Tombs. It is not necessary to follow the successive steps which led detective Thorp to the arrest of Andrew Darryll. To use the figure of the policeman, " after he had once struck the trail of the fox, it was an easy matter to hunt him down." The young man had gambled deeply, and his fast habits of life had involved him heavily in debt. In order to escape from the pressure of his creditors, he had plunged into numerous speculations, which promised to quadruple his money. One by one the fair bubbles had broken, and at last, goaded to des- peration, he was enticed into putting up a margin of twenty thousand dollars a sum which he could only obtain by rob- bing his father. Andrew Darryll was the victim of sharper villains than him- self, and from day to day he was beguiled into the belief that a " sudden turn in the tide would land him triumphantly on the shores," at which time he always promised his conscience to return the money which he had " borrowed " of his father. But the toils were all the time closing around the miserable i WHETHER IT PAID. 189 youth. The one creditor to whom he had been obliged to con- fide his guilt, in order to secure a brief respite from his perse- cutions, was at last frightened into betraying him, and the facts were so clear at the time of young Darryll's arrest, that he saw there was no use in attempting to deny his crime, and on his own confession he was committed to the Tombs. All these things Andrew's horrified brothers and sisters learned that night, as they could gather it from their father. What a different evening from the gay, brilliant scene on which all their imaginations had been regaling that day that day, that had such a different and terrible ending ! There was the guilt of Andrew's crime, which, of course, shocked every one of them ; and then there was added to it all the shame, the pub- licity, and the disgrace of the thing. " And it will all be in the papers to-morrow," sobbed poor Ella, in a corner of the sofa, off from which she had been obliged to toss a heap of elegant laces and draperies in order to bestow herself there. " I wish we could all run off, and hide ourselves in a cave for the rest of our days ! " As for John Darryll, all parental affection seemed turned to bitterness in the case of his son ; and when Rusha, who carried herself with more steadiness and courage than any of the others, through all this awful scene, inquired what he intended to do, he answered, fiercely "I intend to make that young rascal taste a little of the suffering he has brought down on all our heads. He shall find how good it is to lie in prison for a while. I presume he expects that I'll get him out to-morrow morning ; but he'll learn the old man 's made of tougher stuff than he's thought of. To rob me and then throw dust in my eyes, as he has done ! the young rascal ; but he shall smart for it before he gets through ! " " O, pa," pleaded Rusha, " you'll withdraw the prosecution, for all our sakes ; you won't let Andrew go to prison ? " And so pleaded, for the culprit, every son and daughter of John Darryll. But the father was inexorable ; he would promise nothing; indeed, it almost seemed as though in his 190 DARRYLL GAP, OB grief and rage he took a stern delight in the thought of the punishment that was to come down on the head of the son who had so dishonored him. " That's what he's counted on all the time that family pride would step in and save him ; but he'll find it won't go down with me," John Darryll would only answer to the tears and entreaties of all his children ; and at last he ended by peremptorily ordering them all to their rooms. "There's one thing," sobbed Agnes, as she placed her arm around Ella, for this common grief seemed to draw the whole family closer together " when ma comes back to herself, she won't let poor Andrew go to prison." " I don't know, Agnes ; if Rusha can't do anything with pa, there's little hope for anybody else." What a miserable time it was under the stately roof that night ! How the thought of the dark, low cell, where the eldest son and brother lay in dishonor and crime, drove sleep from the eyes of every one of them. In the morning Mrs. Darryll awoke to a full realization of the position of her son. The poor mother was almost frantic ; but her husband, although he tried to soothe her in every possi- ble way, could not be prevailed upon to make any promises for taking active measures to release Andrew immediately from the consequences of his crime. " The punishment that he has brought down upon his own head is the only thing that will bring that wretched boy to his senses," was all that John Darryll could be induced to say. So the breakfast, at which Mrs. Darryll was unable to be present, passed off silent, and almost untasted, while the family underwent a fresh humiliation in seeing from the faces of the servants that they already knew what had transpired. Mr. Darryll stood before the grate-fire, drawing on his gloves, and shrinking, for the first time in his life, from the ordeal of going out and facing his fellow-men on every side, knowing that they would look at him and whisper among themselves that he was the father of a thief. And while he thought of this, the fires of his wrath burned WHETHER IT PAID. 191 fierce against his son, and drank up for a while all the springs of parental love that still lay strong and deep in his soul. Suddenly Rusha broke out into a fit of passionate crying. Nobody spoke for a few moments, understanding too well the cause of her grief, and at last she sobbed out " O, pa, I was thinking of the time when Andrew and I were little things, and you used to give us a ride every morning in the wheelbarrow from the wood-shed to the old barn-door. What a merry time we used to have, and what a pretty little fellow he was, with his dimpled, laughing face, and the yellow curls shaking all around it ! O, if we had looked forward to this day, and seen where he is now where he is now ! " her sobs choking her. John Darryll walked to the table, and there rose before him, as in a vision, the sweet face of his eldest son, as it laughed up to him from the old wheelbarrow, in the days when he was a proud and happy father. All his sternness, all his hot anger vanished before that picture, and he leaned down his head on the table, and the strong man cried like a child, and one by one his children went out, as though by some instinct, and left him and Rusha alone together, and she stole up to him, and put her arm around his neck. At last, he drew her down to him. " Rusha, my daughter, you are the greatest comfort your father has in the world," he said, and the words that grew out of his great anguish were the sweetest he had ever spoken to her, and then he leaned down and kissed her cheek, and went out without speaking another word ; but Rusha knew for all that, that her father Avould with- draw the prosecution, and that Andrew was saved from prison. L 192 DARRYLL GAP, OR CHAPTER XXI. DURING the three days which followed that night, which would never cease to come back -sometimes and haunt, with its awful horror, the memory of the Darrylls, nothing was heard from Andrew. The prosecution was withdrawn, and the young man was, of course, set at liberty ; but no one of his family wondered that he had not the courage to show his face in the home he had so disgraced, while his brothers and sisters still regarded him with feelings that alternated betwixt indignation and shame, pity and horror. During this time the story became public, and was a prolific theme of discussion in all quarters where the Darryll family was known. The facts were paraded in the papers, and al- though the name was suppressed, everybody knew who was the guilty party. Of course the comments which the crime elicited were as varied as the natures who made them ; but there was a pervad- ing lack of charity in most of these. Somehow, people never seemed to realize that they each stood in the slippery places of the world, and that the sudden storm might come down and overwhelm them in all their fancied ease and security, just as it had the Darrylls. And then all that great class of envious and jealous persons all those who half unconsciously feel that the prosperities and successes of others are a wrong done to them- selves, experienced a secret complacency in the humiliation which had overtaken the Darrylls. What a very small leaven of sympathy there was in the buzz of talk that went to- and fro how much unacknowledged sat- isfaction in the virtuous horror with which the fashionable friends of the Darrylls commented on Andrew's crime, and on WHETHER IT PAID. 193 the confusion and shame which he had brought down on his family how many of them seemed to delight to hold the whole responsible for the guilt of one, and how many " hoped that now the Darrylls had had such a lesson they would take warn- ing, and not carry themselves in future with so many airs ; or hold their heads quite so high above people who, if they hadn't quite so much money, had, at least, the virtue of honesty ! " And in all this indignant talk one could easily see that the head and front of the Darrylls' offence was in enjoying and mak- ing a display of the wealth, which, had the others possessed it, they would certainly have done to an equal extent. But all this time the family was, happily, unconscious of the animadversions heaped upon it. Mrs. Darryll had been con- fined to her room since the terrible shock, and none of her daughters had been outside the door, shrinking from the curious gaze of people, and speaking to each other in low voices, and walking about the house in that intangible shadow of disgrace which is worse than the shadow of death ! As the days went by, however, and Andrew did not present himself, the question what had become of him began to be up- permost in the thoughts of all his family. Mr. Darryll once hoped that " the young rascal would never darken his doors again ; " but his wife cried out, in a voice of sharp entreaty, " Don't, John, don't ever say that again, unless you want to break my heart outright ! " and he never was heard to repeat this remark ; indeed, Rusha did not believe her father really meant it at the time, and suspected that he felt a secret anxiety about his recreant son which would have been relieved by see- ing him return to his home. As- for Rusha, her solicitude regarding her brother increased with every day of his absence. She felt that he had reached a great crisis of his life, and that if he did not turn now, suddenly and absolutely, from his evil courses, Andrew Darryll was lost. She understood, and, to a degree, sympathized with the feelings which kept him away from his home, and she knew, too, that in his humiliation and misery he would be likely to turn and 17 194 LABBYLL GAP, OR drown these in the wine-cup, and the society of boon compan- ions ; and so, following the " fearful logic of evil," he would sink lower and lower until he was utterly wrecked. She saw, too, how much, at this time, the young, weak soul required the bracing influences of family love and forgiveness how he needed its strength and shelter around him when he went out into the world once more, with his soiled youth and blighted name, to live down both, if it might be. How her heart yearned over him, until she forgot the grief he had brought upon them all, in pity for him ; and over and over she said to herself, " We must save him ! O, we must save him ! " And one night, when she lay awake revolving all these things in her mind, and wondering whether Andrew might not leave the city at once, and seek to bury himself away from the knowledge of them all, a suggestion of his going to Europe, sud- denly flashed across her with the force of conviction. The more she turned the matter over in her thoughts, the more probable it seemed to her. She remembered that he had often of late talked about a " fel- low's seeing a little of the world," and dropped hints of going to Paris, and things of that sort, which, at the time, nobody minded, but which now recurred to her with new meaning. Rusha reflected that Andrew would thus escape from much that would be gall and bitterness to his soul if he remained at home that he had friends abroad, who, as he was esteemed "a good fellow " among them, would regard his crime as a venial one, and be likely to use their influence to get him into some com- mercial house among themselves. Perhaps he had already started, Rusha thought, and then it flashed across her again, that the steamer sailed on the next day. If she could only ascertain only see him once before he left ; but there seemed no way of doing this. If she suggested the matter to any of her family, they would probably regard it as visionary, and in case her father was sufficiently impressed to visit the steamer, Rusha feared that an interview betwixt parent and child would be prolific of more mischief than good, for WHETHER IT PAID. 195 though the father in John Darryll had triumphed over his wrath sufficiently to spare his son from the consequences of his crime, he still manifested great bitterness when he alluded to him. The young girl lay tossing on her bed thinking over all these things, and unable to see a path out of any of the difficulties. But Rusha Darryll was not one to easily abandon a desire when it had once taken possession of her, especially when affection and duty brought' their impelling forces to its achievement ; and she at last resolved to confide her suspicions to nobody, but take matters entirely into her own hands. She laid her plans to take the cars that very morning, and go down to the pier whence the steamer sailed, and ascertain whether Andrew's name was amongst the list of passengers ; if it was, he should not leave without seeing her ; and so at last, exhausted in mind and body with all this harrowing thought, Rusha fell into a heavy sleep. The next morning there came out of the front door and stood a few moments on the steps, the figure of a woman with her face hidden behind a thick veil. Some doubt must have seized her there, for she stood irresolute a few moments, one gloved hand, unconsciously, at play with the railing. At last she turned away, and entered the house, and went straight to Mrs. Darryll's room, startling the lady by her singu- lar disguise. " Mother," said Rusha, throwing aside her veil, " I did not expect to tell you what I am about to do, because I feared, in the first place, that you would disapprove of it, or, in the second, if my plan should fail, that you would be disappointed. But at the last moment my heart misgave me. If I should succeed, you might have sent some message by me ; so I have come back to tell you what nobody else in the world suspects. Mother, I am going in search of Andrew ! " Poor Mrs. Darryll ! These last days had made sad ravages with her face, bearing witness how heavily the blow had fallen on her heart. She lifted her head up from the cushions of her easy chair, her eyes full of eagerness, her hands trembling : 196 DAERYLL GAP, OR " O, Rusha, where is he what have you heard ? " " Nothing as yet. Do try and be calm, mother ; " and Rusha sat down by Mrs. Darryll, and told her of the strong im- pression which had seized her during the night, and how she had resolved that the next steamer should not go out without ascertaining whether Andrew was on board. Perhaps Rusha's earnestness and conviction infected her mother ; at all events, contrary to the former's expectation, Mrs. Darryll entered eagerly into the project. " And O, if you see Andrew," she sobbed, " tell him his mother loves him still that she'll stand by him if all the rest of the world deserts him that he's her dear, darling boy, no matter what he's done, nor what trouble comes to him, and that all the world can't turn her away from him, and that he may be certain, wherever he goes, and whatever comes, that there's one place in the world that will never change, and that will always be ready and waiting for him, and that is his mother's heart. You'll tell him, Rusha?" And through it all there was not one reproach for the sin and woe he had wroilght ! " Yes," said Rusha, trying to command herself amid her tears ; but she thought if those words did not heap coals of fire hotter than any reproaches on Andrew Darryll's soul, then he must be dead to all love and all shame. "And look here, Rusha," as the daughter rose up, and her mother pressed a purse into her hand ; " you must give this to Andrew, for he's going off there among strangers, and he'll want it. Your father gave it to me, that very day, to get a new watch, that I fancied down town ; but I don't want it now, and Andrew shall have it. Tell him mother sent her forgiveness and bless- ing with it." Rusha held the purse doubtfully a moment, but she looked at her mother, and could not remonstrate. As she reached the door, Mrs. Darryll called her back and kissed her. " It's for Andrew ! " she said. An hour later, Rusha Darryll stood on the deck of the I WHETHER IT PAID. 197 steamer, which was to start that noon for Liverpool. The small, lonely, veiled figure had made its way, as best it could, through the crowd of cabmen, through the piles of goods, through all the noise, and bustle, and confusion which always attend the departure of a steamer for Europe. But these once passed, and, trembling and exhausted, her feet landed on the steamer, poor Rusha' s heart failed her. The whole purpose which had brought her here seemed now to grow visionary as a myth, and she really had not the courage to go up to the office and put the question on which everything depended. So she wandered among the elegant saloons, glancing through the folds of her veil at strange faces, aud at groups of people, all of whom were too much absorbed to notice her, while her heart sank lower every moment, as the figure for which she- searched seemed to vanish farther away. But as she reached the end of the large saloon, and was about retracing her steps, a voice struck her which made her start, a voice just outside the door. There was a low, murmured reply, and then again those familiar tones coming through the half- opened door. Rusha burst through it, and sprang out on the guards. There stood Andrew by the railing, with his back to- wards her, talking with some young girl, whose head was bowed down as though she was weeping. "0, Andrew ! " not a loud cry, but one full of hungry pain and joy as it broke from her lips. The young man sprang up as oue suddenly shot ; so did his companion, and faced Rusha a moment with her bewildered gaze a young, rather pretty girl, in a somewhat showy dress and bonnet. " Rusha ! " the name dropped from Andrew's lips mechan- ically, and his whole face was white as though sudden death had blanched it. At that word his companion hurriedly dis- appeared ; and, in the strong joy and bitterness of the moment, Rusha did not think of her. She sprang forward and clung to her brother, trying to speak, but all the while her sobs chok- ing her. As for him, there was no doubt he was strongly affected as 17* 198 DAEBTLL GAP, OR the sobbing, trembling figure clung to his side. Which spoke first, nobody knew, but Andrew's earliest inquiry was in a whisper : " Who told you ? how did you find me out here, Rusha ? " " Nobody ; it must have been my own heart, Andrew ! " "Who came with you?" glancing around in a hurried, frightened way the way, alas, of guilt ! " I came alone. O, Andrew, did you think I could let you go off so without comiag to find you ! " He did not speak for a moment. She felt the strong young frame shake to and fro by her side ; then, anybody, whose eyes were not dimmed as hers by thick weeping, might have seen the blood blaze up suddenly into the pallor of his face. " You know, Rusha, what I have done what I am? " whis- pered Andrew Darryll. " Yes, I know all, Andrew." Her tones keyed to his. She felt him lean heavily against her, as though there were some strength and comfort for him in her very presence. " I supposed you would never want to see me afterwards." " O, Andrew, did you think that I that we all loved you so little as that? " I think that Andrew Darryll never realized the extent of his crime until that moment nor realized, too, what this family love was, against which he had so sinned, and which was yet, out of its great fulness, so ready to shelter and forgive all. It completely overcame him. He burst into a fit of miserable crying : " O, Rusha, I wish I was dead ! " but through all, his grasp never let her go, as though she was the one anchor to which his weak soul could cling in all the world. Perhaps it was as well that no words came to Rusha just then. She only cried with him. At last he whispered "How did they bear it at home? Tell me the whole." And she did, every word seeing he asked her, and it was in her very nature to be truthful every word from the ! WHETHER IT PAID. 199 moment that her father came up stairs and looked in, with that awful face of his, upon their bustle and gayety ; and although she saw what torture it cost him to hear of the wretchedness he had brought upon them all, something in her brother's face told her to go on. When she was through, he asked hurriedly "But the prosecution was withdrawn next day?" He was completely broken down when she came to tell him of that little, homely scene in his childhood, which she had recalled, of his sitting by her side in the old wheelbarrow, and riding back and forth in childish glee from the great barn-door to the wood-shed ; and in a great stress of shame and remorse the words were sobbed out, " If I had only died then, Rusha 1 " But after all, she was not sure that the thing which struck deepest into Andrew Darryll's soul were not those last messages of his mother's. How she got through with them she never could remember. " O, Rusha," the young man groaned out at last, " if I had only known how you all loved me, I should not have been what I am to-day ! " " Perhaps AVC never any of us knew until now. Come home and try us ! " Every nerve in his frame quivered as from a sudden shock. " Rusha, do you think I am so lost to all feeling for you, to say nothing of myself, as to go back and encounter what I must in my own land, among my own people, whom I have so dis- honored ? " In his whole life, Rusha Darryll had never heard her brother speak with so much force and dignity. There was weight, too, in his reasoning. Rusha felt that, looked at from almost any point of view, this going abroad seemed almost the best thing that Andrew could do. A few questions drew out all his plans. He was going, as she suspected, to Paris, where he said he had some friends, and could get into some business. 200 DARRYLL GAP, OR " But it is a dreadful wicked city no Sabbaths, no God. O, Andrew, my poor brother, what will become of you ? " " They haven't all saved me here," he answered, bitterly enough. " But, Andrew, you will remember us at home you will think at least of your poor broken-hearted mother ; and you will remember, too, that one of your sisters will never rise up in the morning, never go to her sleep at night, without praying God to keep you through all the fiery temptations in which I know your daily life will lie. Do say you will not forget it, Andrew, or it seems to me I shall die." He bent down his head on the railing " Rusha, if anything in this world can save me, it will be the thought of you." And it argued well for 'the depth of Andrew's repentance that in all this he did not seek to excuse himself. He told Rusha the whole story, insisting throughout that he had in- tended to refund the money, before its withdrawal should have transpired, and making her shudder in every limb when she found how close to suicide his despair and desperation had goaded him. His eyes glared even now with a fierce light, and his whole frame shook, as the memory of that awful temptation rushed over him. At last the bell rang. There was little time remaining. " You will give my love to them all at home, and ask them all to forgive me especially mother ! " his lips quivering over the name, and all the old smartness and swagger gone from Andrew Darryll. " Yes, dear boy. Now take good care of yourself. O, here is ma's purse, and a little change of mine that I happened to have by me. You'll need it all over there, Andrew." " I don't feel as though I ought to take it, Rusha. I mean to carve out my own way now." But she pressed it on him. " And you'll be sure and write ? " trying to keep her voice brave and cheerful, although it was one of those finely-toned WHETHER IT PAID, 201 instruments, in too close harmony with her feelings not to be- tray her. "And you'll remember O, Andrew, you know what I mean ? " " Rusha, after the solemn promise that I made you long ago on my sick bed, can you have any faith in me when I tell you now that I mean to try ? " She stroked his hair without speaking one word. " Rusha little Rusha, you are the best sister a brother ever had ! " " I wish I had been a great deal better one." As Rusha said these words, she caught a glimpse of the strange face that she remembered now to have seen in conver- sation with her brother, and this time it looked anxiously out of the saloon door and then vanished. "Andrew, who is that girl you were talking with?" He looked at her and was dumb. How could Andrew Dar- ryll let his delicate, pure-hearted sister glance down any deeper into the black gulf of his sin and shame ! But his look told her all. This last shock seemed more than she could bear. A sick faintness went over her, and she dropped her face into her hands and groaned aloud. And Andrew Darryll felt in that hour that all his sins had found not only him out, but those who loved him best, to over- whelm them with shame and agony. " Rusha," he faltered, " she is not so bad as many of them, and she only came down here to say good by to me. We shall never see each other again." Rusha wrung her hands. " Her house is the way to hell ! " speaking the first words that came to her. " And you are going off to that wicked laud where these things are not looked upon as sin. O, what will become of you, Andrew ! " The last bell was ringing. The people were all hurrying off; and in the great shock and bewilderment of her anguish, Rusha turned to go without another word. A beseeching voice followed her. " Rusha, will you leave me so?" 202 DARRYLL GAP, OR Then she turned. The love, stronger than life, deeper than all her loathing and horror, triumphed still. She sprang upon her brother's neck, and covered his face betwixt her hot tears with kisses. Then there was no more time to spare she turned and went away. But after she had gained the pier, she came suddenly face to face with the girl the girl with the rather pretty features and the showy dress who was just stepping off the plank, and had probably found time for a last parting word with Andrew Darryll. Rusha stood still, and in the wrath, and loathing, and horror of that moment, she longed to fly at the girl and stamp her in the dust, or tear her in pieces. Such emotions had never be- fore raged through the soul of Rusha Darryll ; but you must remember she was thinking of her brother, and laying his sin at this girl's door. She was fairly frightened when she came to herself, and she stood on the pier and watched the steamer sweep out into the river, and thought with a sinking heart of him who was carry- ing far away, to a strange land, the name he had left soiled and dishonored among his own people ; and so, with her blinding tears choking her, she turned and went home. Poor Rusha ! It had been one of those mornings which never leaves as it found us which takes some of the freshness and joy out of life, and sobers and saddens us for all the years that are to come. That Rusha's whole family "was electrified with the tidings which she carried home that day, is saying very little. They were all deeply impressed and affected with her last interview with Andrew, and from that hour Rusha's judgment and pre- science had new weight with the whole household. Her father did not, in so many words, approve or disapprove of her visit to the steamer ; still, when she had finished her relation, and he drew her to him, while her mother and most of the others were sobbing or crying silently, and said, in a voice not just steady, " My daughter, you have been a good girl ! " everybody knew what he thought and felt. WHETHER IT PAID. 203 Perhaps Andrew Darryll had chosen the best course that he could, in going abroad and seeking to build up a new name. While his crime was still fresh in the thought of all men, he must have had to encounter much that would have stung and galled him on every side, and from which all his father's Avealth and the position it afforded could not save him ; and to his own family his pi-esence could have been nothing else than a constant shame and reproach, for, as Rusha had said, " No man liveth to himself." And though in the new life to which he went, the young, weak soul must walk the paths of fiery temptations, still these could hardly be more dangerous than the old associations which he had left behind. " Sometimes," said Rusha, after she had told all she had to tell, and they had talked it over for hours, " sometimes I've almost wished that pa had never made this fortune, and that we were just poor folks, living on in the old way, in the little home, a happy, unbroken family, just as we were before any of this grief and misery came upon us. It was the money, after all, that was at the bottom of poor Andrew's going wrong, and when I've thought of that, I've asked myself, Whether it Paid after all, WHETHER IT PAID." Her words had, in their present softened mood, a weight with father and mother, brothers and sisters, that they could not possibly have carried in any other. For a little while nobody answered her, and at last Agnes spoke up in a half timid way, " But you know, Rusha, the money's got us a great many nice things." At any other time they would certainly have laughed ; but nobody saw the joke now. " I know it has, Aggie, child," answered the elder sister. " I am not undervaluing the uses of money. I love the new beauty, grace and elegance, with which it has surrounded us. I see how it has enlarged our lives on every hand, opening to us new avenues of being and enjoyment, and for all this I do not think God blames us ; but we didn't take the 204 DARRTLL GAP, OB new fortune right at the beginning at the beginning," she repeated to herself. "What did we do, or fail to do?" asked Tom, very seri- ously. " The riches were God's gift, and we never acknowledged this. We never thought that a great power for good had fallen into our hands, nor sought to do any in the world with it. We only thought of what it would get for us in all directions thought of ease and display, of splendor and luxury, and where our fortune would place us in the regard of others; but if one of us ever remembered to thank God for the new wealth, or to say, * What wilt thou have me to do with all this?' I have never heard of it, and during all these dreadful days my eyes have seemed slowly to open, and the question has risen up, and followed, and haunted me everywhere, and my soul could not answer what it asked Whether Darryll Gap Paid? WHETHER IT PAID?" They were all silent, and in that tender, solemn moment, as never before, and as perhaps it never Avould again, this question of Rusha's waited at the gates of the souls of every member of the family Whether Darryll Gap Paid f WHETHER IT PAID ? A WHETHER IT PAID. 205 CHAPTER XXII. " I'VE come to the conclusion," said Ella Darryll, one day, addressing whatever members of her family happened to be present at the time, " that the best thing we can do about this matter of Andrew's is just to brave it right out. Of course it was a dreadful thing ; nobody can feel the disgrace of having a brother in the Tombs, and his name in every one's mouth as a thief, more than I do. But we can't shut ourselves up in the house the rest of our lives, for all that, and we've got to put a bold face on the whole thing, and go right out into the world as though nothing had happened ; and the sooner we do it the better. It isn't the first time, by any means, that folks have had to live down disgrace ; and we owe it to ourselves to let the world see we're not crushed yet." " I think there is a good deal of truth in what you say, Ella," said Rusha, thoughtfully. There undoubtedly was. The world, especially that sort of one in which the Darrylls moved, is always more or less influ- enced by appearances, and the very people who might condemn most loudly their want of a proper appreciation of Andrew's guilt, would, very likely, be those who would court their society most assiduously. Ella, too, had that kind of imperiousness of character, which, though it does not usually assimilate with a fine and sensitive nature, has a good deal of power among men and women, as it requires a certain sort of courage to set one's self in opposition to it. " It's the only thing that's left us to do," continued the latter ; " and for my part, I think four weeks are quite long enough to seclude ourselves from all mankind. I'm tired of it, too ; and 18 206 DARRTLL GAP, OR all we have to do is to act as though nothing had happened, and of course nobody will allude to the thing in our presence. " We will order the carriage and go out this very morning, Rusha ; won't you go, too, ma? " " I don't feel much like it," replied Mrs. Darryll, in a sort of languid, undecided way. " O, now come, ma; you'd better go with us," added Rusha. " The fresh air will do you good ; and besides, you know the best way to make other people forget what Andrew has done, is not, by secluding ourselves, to constantly remind them of it." The daughter felt that her mother's thoughts needed, if possible, to be diverted into some other channel ; and she knew that the argument which would be most likely to have weight with Mrs. Darryll, at this time, would be one that afforded a prospect of some benefit to her eldest son. " I s'pose likely it would be the best thing we could do for that poor, dear, foolish boy ! " answered the mother, with a good deal more animation than her previous answer had displayed. " And I'm not certain," continued Ella, still further strength- ened in her opinion by the readiness with which her family had acted on it, " but the best thing we can do now is to go the whole figure, and give a great party have a real smash, you know, which will be a sort of tacit proclamation to the world, that we don't intend to let Andrew's affair take us down a par- ticle. It strikes me that this will be just doing the thing up brown. What do you say, Rusha ? " " I do think a good deal of the world's respect, but on the whole I think more of my own, and if one is to be retained at such a sacrifice of the other, as giving a great party at this crisis, why, the world must go." " I can't see, for the life of me, what connection giving a party has with your self-respect, or the loss of it," added Ella, a little crest-fallen. " How can you help ' seeing,' Ella, the ill taste and vulgarity, WHETHER IT PAID. 207 to put it on no higher grounds, of giving a grand party just at this juncture ! It would be outraging the moral sense of every really worthy and honest person in the community. For my part, I had rather the world should know that I felt too deeply my brother's guilt and shame to indulge in anything of that sort at this time." " Well, I didn't expect to enjoy the thing ; I only suggested it as a matter of policy," rejoined Ella, half in self-defence, for Rusha had put the matter in a light that left it no longer open to discussion. As she was descending the stairs an hour later, dressed for her ride, Rusha met Tom, who had just come in. " What does all this mean ? " asked the young man, a good deal startled at her appearance, as he had not been present at the family decision that morning. " It means, Tom, that we've resolved to seclude ourselves no no longer on account of Andrew. We've the ordeal of braving the world to go through, and the longer we put it off, the harder, of course, it will be. People will make their comments either way, and it is as well, perhaps, to let them see at once we shall not be influenced by them." " That's so." " But I dread going out, for all that." " I understand it, Rusha. You feel just as I did that first day about going down town. It seemed to me that I never could look anybody in the face ; but it passed off after a while. Never you mind, only be brave." She smiled her thanks on him for the kindly advice, and went on down stairs without speaking a word. But before she reached the landing, she turned back and called her brother, for he was not yet out of hearing. Tom came at once. " O, Tom," in a swift, agitated voice, " I want to say to you that you stand in poor Andrew's place now ; that you are the eldest son ; that the birthright which he has in a sense betrayed has fallen on you. You will be faithful to it? You will not wring our hearts some day as he has done? It would kill me 208 DARRYLL GAP, OR if you slioulcr I could never go through another scene like that on the steamer. I know I should die ! " clinging to him and crying as the awful memory came back on her. Tom was visibly affected. The tears were thick in his eyes too. " Rusha," he said, " I will try to stand to you all in poor Andrew's place ; but you do not believe that I shall turn out like him you have more faith in me than that ? " " Yes, I have, Tom ; only, after such a terrible thing, it is natural we should all tremble for each other ; but you know how it was in ancient times when the eldest brother lost his birthright by death, or worse, the next took his place. And now Andrew's mantle has fallen on you. 0, Tom, wear it more worthily ! " Just then she heard the carriage wheels on the curbstones, and Ella's voice calling her. She put her wet cheek to Tom's a moment, and then went down, and her brother went to his room, with Rusha' s words deep in his soul ; and he sat down and thought for the next hour just as he had never, in his loud, care- less youth, done before the thoughts that, at his age, are the seed which, ripening along the slopes of the years, bear, in the summer of manhood their harvests of brave, true words and deeds. The trial through which they had passed had not been with- out its influence upon the Darryll family, in various ways, and, on the whole, for the better. Even Guy, who had formerly made Andrew his model, no longer affected the fast young man in his manners ; and when he was tempted to grumble at the new interest which his father manifested in all his habits and resorts, and his stern interdiction of all late hours even Guy remem- bered his eldest brother, and was silent. This common grief had drawn them all closer together, and indicated itself in a new gentleness and thoughtfuluess of man- ner, each towards the other ; but the leaven was working in Rusha's heart and soul as it could not in any of her family. Every moment of that.terrible interview on board the steamer had made a vital impression on her ; but one memory had taken I WHETHER IT PAID. 209 a deeper hold than all the others. It was one that she could share with none of her people. How could she tell her young brothers and sisters, how could she tell her father and mother, of that deep mire of guilt with which Andrew Darryll had slimed his soul ? Heart and tongue would fail her to speak of it. But Rusha Darryll could not thrust away from her the thought of those last moments with Andrew, though she verily believed it defiled her memory to recall them. And the old shuddering and recoil always came back upon her when she remembered the face of the young girl who had followed her off the vessel. And at last, through all the inevitable pain and horror with which this scene returned to her, there grew in Rusha's thoughts, so slowly that she was unconscious of it herself, a kind of shud- dering interest and pity for this girl, as young as herself, linked with her in the needs of a common womanhood, with one God and one eternity waiting at the end for them both. And this girl, carrying all that dreadful burden of sin and guilt on her young soul, had been once an innocent, pure-hearted, happy little child like herself. Rusha wondered if she had ever had a chance in the world a father, or mother, or any friend to tell her what was right or wrong. Perhaps, after all, she was not so much sinning as sinned against. She knew that she could still love her brother, with a love mighty as life itself, through all her knowledge of his share in the guilt ; and why should she visit so much heavier condemnation on this girl, who was not, perhaps, in the Eye whose gaze sounds the depths of all human souls, the guiltier of the two ? Rusha used to awake from thoughts like these. She was afraid poor child! that their existence proved something wrong in herself the common verdict of society, the conven- tionalisms amid which she had been brought up, so utterly ignored these lost souls among her sex, that it almost seemed a sin even to pity them. But one day Rusha remembered Who had not forgotten even these when He came with His glad tidings for "the uttermost" of men and women the glad 18* 210 DAERYLL GAP, OR tidings which have rung down ever since their silver sweetness through all the tumult and travail of the ages ! And with that thought some new feeling struggled up into life beneath all the associations and conventional opinions which overlaid her sentiments on this subject. The old, revolting hor- ror with which she had shrank on board the steamer from the thought of that young, lost thing, was superseded by a kind of yearning pity a wish that she could do something for her help and succor, and a sort of hope that she might, so, in a meas- ure, atone for her brother's guilt. Other thoughts followed, in the train of this one. What right had she to visit on the head of this girl a condemnation so much heavier than she did on her brother? What an awful sin lay at the door of her own sex in all matters of this kind ! How would gentle, pure-hearted girls marry men whose victims they held in such utter abhorrence as to regard it a shame to so much as speak of them ! Did not woman owe something to womanhood here, bruised, fallen, defiled though it was? And so the fire burned secretly in the soul of Rusha Darryll, and the questions laid bare betwixt her own soul and God had no answer, until suddenly there came a time to prove what fibre was in them whether they were of the sort that would only infloresce in beautiful fancies and dreams, or whether they would ripen into strong, noble deeds. WHETHER IT PAID. 211 CHAPTER XXIII. RUSHA was down town one day on some shopping expedition, and, quite unusually, alone ; some trifling engagement of one sort and another having prevented any of her family from ac- companying her. Having despatched her errands, she had just resumed her seat in the carriage for the drive home, and the coachman was closing the door, when she caught a glimpse on the sidewalk of two young girls in showy bonnets, who the next moment had disappeared among the crowd ; but in that swift glance Rusha had identified the girl with the " rather pretty features," whom she had seen on board the steamer. With that swift impulsiveness which, whether for good or evil, you have seen was a part of her nature, she burst open the door, and bounded out from the carriage, calling back to the bewildered coachman " Stay there until I return ; " and she hurried up Broadway. She was quite breathless when she overtook the girls at last, and too excited to consider her form of address. She laid her hand on the shoulder of the younger, saying "Won't you come with me a moment? I have something of importance to say to you." The girl thus addressed started in amazement, and glanced up at Rusha's face. It was evident that she, too, recognized her, by her scared look, as she shrank back, and faltered out, in a frightened way " You must excuse me from going with you ; I haven't time this morning." " O, but I beg that you will not refuse me ; it is something, as I said, very important to us both, and I may never have another chance to see you. Do come ! You will not be sorry, I think." 212 DAERYLL GAP, OR Rusha's eagerness gave a force to her manner which it was hard to resist. It fairly compelled the girl against her own will, for there was certainly reason enough why she should shrink from an interview with the sister of Andrew Darryll. But with Rusha's hand on her arm, the girl was constrained to yield ; and she did without uttering another word, leaving her companion standing on the sidewalk, watching them both, in blank amazement. The first thing was to secure some place for a private inter- view ; but where was this to be found? Not at her own home, certainly, where there would be no security from observation. Rusha turned the matter rapidly over in her thoughts. It certain- ly seemed at first to present a formidable difficulty ; but now, when she had gained the chief point, she would not be daunted by a lesser one. At last she remembered a quiet restaurant, not far off, where she, with her mother and sister, often ordered lunch when they were down town. It was easy to secure a room here, wholly to themselves. Her mind made up, Rusha led the way rapidly, and her com- panion followed, not speaking a word. What would Rusha's family have done if they could have seen and understood ! So they were alone together, in the quiet little alcove cham- ber this girl and the sister of Andrew Darryll ! There was no doubt the former was a good deal alarmed, for her cheeks looked pale through their delicate rouge. Each took a seat mechanically, and turned and looked at the other. When she had wanted words, these had never failed Rusha Darryll ; but now they seemed to forsake, her, as she turned and looked at that girl, and realized the dreadful gulf betwixt them a gulf across which she feared at the moment her hands would reach no succor nor deliverance that girl, sitting there, with no more years than her own ; but with that dreadful burden of guilt and shame on her soul. Every other feeling merged itself in the great tide of pity which surged over Rusha Darryll. She opened her lips to speak, and instead she broke down and burst into tears, crying as though her heart would break. WHETHER IT PAID. 213 "What has happened what is the matter?" asked her companion, fairly trembling all over with alarm. " Nothing," answered Rusha, as soon as she could command her voice ; " only I was thinking that you were once a pure, innocent, happy little child, just as I was, and then I thought of what you are now O, of what you are now ! " and lean- ing her head on the table, she sobbed again passionately. Something went over the girl's face a quick flash not exactly pain, nor terror, nor remorse, but all these together, and then Rusha heard a cry a wail a sound such as she had never heard in all her life before, and that she felt she must hear some time again through all her life that was to be, for she knew it was that girl's lost womanhood wailing out its remorse, and anguish, and despair. She would have been less than woman if she could have lis- tened unmoved ; but having the heart of Rusha Darryll, that cry went down to the very quick of its pity. She forgot what the girl before her was forgot the wrong she had done to her and hers, and only felt as, after all, woman should feel for woman, however lost and Denied ; and when she heard that dreadful weeping such a wild, awful misery in every sob Rusha could not speak a word, but cried too. At last the other shrieked out, " O, I wish I was dead I wish I was dead ! " It was awful, the way she wrung her hands. " No, you don't ; no, you don't," said Rusha, turning towards her, her face all adrip with tears. " You want to live to re- pent." " Repent ! " said the girl, and her voice seemed to echo far down the dreary depths of her soul. " As if there was any repentance for such as / am ! " " Yes, there is," the trembling eagerness of her voice sur- mounting her tears. " I tell you there is and yet not I, but He who came into the world to speak forgiveness and welcome to just such as you are and all the world cannot take that away from you." 214 DAEEYLL GAP, OR " But they do take it away from us ! " she said, turning fiercely upon Rusha. " You know there isn't a decent woman in the world that would be seen speaking to me to-day there isn't one who, knowing what I am, would take me into her kitchen and let me work from morning until night for bread and shelter, and so give me a chance for a better life ! " " Yes, there is. Don't say that. There is nothing that I would not do nothing I possess in the world which I would not give to save you." The girl saw it in Rusha's face, for in that fine exaltation of pity to which she had been carried, Rusha Darryll meant every word that she said. " Do you know who I am?" asked the girl, her voice shaded with shame or fear. " Yes, Andrew told me ; and and it is the thought of him, too, that has made me long to find you and help you out of this dreadful life." The girl was moved now. She leaned her face down on her hand, and a groan slid out of her lips such a slow, wretched groan ! Then Rusha went over and sat down by her side, and took her hand as friend and equal might take another's. " Tell me, what is your name? " " Jane Maxwell." " You must be very young yet not so old as I, perhaps?" " Not yet twenty-two." And so Rusha drew out of the girl the story of her life. I suppose it was not an uncommon one. She had been left orphaned at an early age, and the distant relatives into whose hands she had fallen had not been kind to her. There was but one person in the world whom she had loved, and that was a widowed aunt, whom poverty alone prevented from taking the child to her home, and being in all respects a mother to her. At last she went to learn a trade you must remember what her training had been ; and she was a foolish, giddy, light-hearted thing at the best, and with a face just pretty enough to be a snare to her. WHETHER IT PAID. 215 She was thrown among circumstances which stimulated all her vanity and love of admiration, active enough at any time, and there was no one to warn her of dangers lying in wait all about her youth. At last the rather pretty face and coquettish ways attracted a man younger in years than he was in vice, and you have the whole story. Wise, after his master, the devil, in all the arts which could win the faith of a simple, country girl, this villain succeeded in inducing the girl, under solemn promises of matrimony, to elope with him. His object gained, in a few weeks he tired of his victim, and Jane Maxwell awoke to a sense of the height from which she had fallen. Maddened, desperate, alone in a great city, the feeling of lost self-respect eating with its slow fire into brain and heart, no friends to take in the poor bruised soul, bind up its wounds, and save it from plunging into lower deeps. There is no need that the rest should be told if it were only as I said, a less common one. For the man who had wrought this girl's ruin his charac- ter and position in the world were in no wise affected by it. Fair women good women, as the world goes smiled on him, showered on him flattering attentions, and at last he took to wife, with bridal feast and splendid ceremonial of marriage rites, the daughter of a retired banker on Fifth Avenue. If that, too, were only less " common " ! And yet, so surely as there is a God sitting in Heaven, and keeping His long watch over the wronged and the lonely, that girl's lost womanhood shall rise up in awful condemnation against the black crime which went unrebuked among men and O * women ! Rusha Darryll listened to the poor thing in silence, her whole soul torn within her betwixt pity, indignation, and horror. When Jane Maxwell was done, Rusha rose up, and in the great passion of her pity, with the tears flowing over her cheeks, she seized both of the girl's hands. " What can I do for you, my poor child? I am ready for anything. O, I must I will save you ! " 21 G DARRYLL GAP, Oil Jane Maxwell looked at her a moment a look that Rusha never forgot ; then she cried out " Are you a woman or an angel, sent of God to help me ? " " Nothing," said Rusha, with another burst of tears, " but a poor sinner like yourself. I dare not think that in your case I should have been any wiser any better. But O, believe me, as though I was that angel sent of God direct from Heaven, to tell you that there is a way of escape out of this horrible life. You would be glad to leave it, wouldn't you ? " voice and face full of beseeching, as though for her own life. " Yes, I would God knows I would," sobbed Jane Max- well. " But I haven't a friend in this whole city, and you don't know the snares that lie all around such as I am ; and when one's self-respect is lost when that is all lost " She did not get any farther. " See here ! " interposed Rusha, her faculties all alert, her thoughts clear, bright, active " you must get straight out of this city. Fly from it, I beseech you, as you would from fire and from death close upon you. I entreat you, for the sake of the lost womanhood you may yet regain, for the sake of your immortal soul, leave this city before the day is over. Is there nobody in the world to whom you can go ? " A ray of hope, the first Rusha had seen there, struggled into the face, all broken up with tears. " Yes, if I could go back to aunt Hetty, and lay my head in her lap, and tell her all that I'd been, I know she wouldn't send me away ; she'd help me to become a good woman again ; but then she's a poor widow, you see, and I couldn't throw myself a burden on her, when she has to work for her own living. I used to think I should make money enough at my trade some day, to pay off the mortgage on the little house, which would set aunt Hetty up like a queen, for it's been the nightmare of her life since uncle died ; but that can never be now ; never never ! " the old despair coming into her face again, and its wail mounting into her voice. " How much was the mortgage?" asked Rusha, quickly. " Just fifteen hundred dollars. I had a letter from her tfo WHETHER IT PAID. 217 other day, for she don't know what I've become, and she said she'd paid up the interest so far, but it was the last year that she could strain soul and body to do it, and the house would have to go, and she should have no shelter for her old age. It almost broke my heart to read that ! " crying drearily again. Rusha turned and walked quickly up and down the room, not speaking. Fifteen hundred dollars was a sum that she could never command at one time. What she did must be done quickly, and how was she to raise this money on the instant? But the girl sitting there MUST be saved. Suddenly it flashed across her that the diamond set she wore that morning her father's Christmas gift cost just that sum. She knew a jewel- ler to whom she could dispose of the diamonds at their value, and who would keep her secret. She turned back to the girl in a moment. " Jane Maxwell," she said, standing still before her, " will you promise me, as before God, that if I will raise this money for your aunt, you will not linger another day not another hour, in this city that you will not so much as return to the place whence you came, nor see one of your old com- panions that you will break away from them now and forever, and take the very next train to your aunt?" And Jane Maxwell made her promise. I think no one who saw her face at that moment ivould have doubted that she meant to keep it. " Stay here ; I shall not be gone long." Rusha went out, pausing in the hall a moment to tear the diamonds from her ears, and feeling that the flame of the jewels would burn, as it were fire, into her own soul, whenever she looked at them, remembering that they might have saved that girl from death. Rusha was hardly absent ten minutes ; when she returned, she walked straight up to Jane Maxwell. "There is the money," she said, " to pay your aunt's mortgage. You see I have trusted you, Jane fully, absolutely in spite of all which you know they say of women once lost that they can lever be believed ; that, as they can have no faith in their own amises, so neither can others. It is not likely that we shall 19 218 DARRYLL GAP, OR ever meet again ; but remember this : I call God to witness be- twixt you and me, standing here this hour together, that because of my brother's sin, and for your own sake also, I opened the door to you'for escape I showed you the way to take up your soiled womanhood, and make it pure, and good, and noble again, and that if you turn back to the ways which He has told you take hold on death and hell, the sin will lie at your own door ; I have done all that lies in my power to save you." She spoke solemnly, as an angel might, standing there, made calm by the very heat and glow of her emotions. And as though an angel was speaking as Jane Maxwell list- ened, and when she answered she spoke as solemnly as Rusha. " You will trust me you do believe me ! " her face ashy pale, but looking straight at her companion. " Yes, I do, Jane I believe you will do what you say ; " and forgetting who she was, she bent down and kissed the girl. Then Jane Maxwell sank down at Eusha's feet in a great, passionate fit of weeping. " Will you kiss me me, the poor, vile, degraded thing that I am knowing, too, what I have been to your brother? Now I know that you are an angel, for no mere woman would have done that ! " and she clung sobbing to her feet. A few moments later, Rusha went out. The coachman had been chafing with impatience for more than an hour ; but when he looked in his young mistress's face, he saw she had been cry- ing, and said nothing, although he pondered the matter through all the drive home, without getting any new light. I do not know, reader, what you may think of all this, but I do know that Rusha Darryll will not be ashamed of that morning's work when she stands before God and His angels ! WHETHER IT PAID. 219 CHAPTER XXIV. THE Darrylls had braved the world and come out victorious, the inward conflict being known only to themselves ; so results had proved the wisdom of the course which Ella had advised for the family. There was a fresh buzz of gossip and animadversion when the Darrylls first reappeared among people, and their ten thousand friends wondered " how they could have the face to show them- selves outside of their own door ; " but it often chanced that those who were loudest in their denunciations were the first to affect the society of the Darrylls ; and those who could not, shook their heads lugubriously, and remai'ked that " the old man's money would carry them through. What a burning shame it was that riches would sustain one in any crime in this world ! " and all the old stock talk of that sort, in which, no doubt, was considerable truth, with an admixture of other ele- ments. The family gravitated back into the former channels of think- ing, feeling, living. The old forces and habits resumed their attractions over each, and, to a superficial observer, Andrew's crime and its effects had wrought no change in the character of the household. It is true that the mother-heart of Mrs. Darryll never ceased to yearn after the eldest of her sons, and indeed he was held in a kind of pitying, shuddering remembrance by all. Mr. Darryll was absorbed in making money, as before, and everything seemed to prosper to which he set his hand. Ella \vas once more deep in a whirl of fashionable gayeties, and Agnes restive under school discipline, with the example of her elder sister constantly before her eyes. Tom was shooting up 220 DARRTLL GAP, OR into slender young manhood, holding diligently by his studies in spite of the strong tide of circumstances which set against them. Rusha's favorite brother was certainly the most promising of John Darryll's sons, and he grew day by day in some new thoughtfulness and manliness, which justified his sister's pride in him. Guy grumbled inwardly at the " sharp eye the governor kept on all his movements ; " but he confined the expression of his sentiments to Tom, who did not manifest any active sympathy with them. As for Rusha, you will not suppose, for a moment, that she held herself in that fine exaltation of feeling and deed, to whose height we have seen she had risen for one hour of her life. Alas ! she had one of those natures that have a fatal tendency to sink into moods and depressions. She was by no means a symmetrical, well-balanced character. She did not understand the laws of her own being. She was chafed, restless, dis- gusted with herself and everybody about her, groping her slow way out of illusions of all sorts, dragged down by the gravitation of her family, and in a dim way conscious of all this, and yet not knowing how to resist the attraction ; sensitive to all atmospheres, whether physical or personal ; her mood taking its tone from the color of the day, or the state of the weather ; lacking internal harmony, full of swift irritations and little petu- lances ; and so, though she was of a vastly profounder and more lovable nature than Ella, she was at times a much less com- fortable home companion, for the things which overcame the elder sister did not have a feather's weight with the younger ; and Ella's health and spirits were always of that strong, buoy- ant sort, which inheres in temperaments like hers ; and there was often some ground afforded by Rusha's conduct for the comment, which, nevertheless, partook of the younger sister's usual extravagance of remark, " I declare, Rusha, you are such a bear to-day, there is no living ! " " Am I as cross as Ella says, Tom?" asked the young WUETIIEli IT PAID. 221 turning to her brother, as her sister left the room, after the de- livery of one of these unflattering opinions. He looked at her a flash of covert amusement in his eyes at her downright way of getting at the matter. " Pretty cross that's a fact ; but somehow I never mind it." Eusha sat down, rested her cheek on her hand, her face in a shadow partly thoughtfulness, partly self-reproach. " It isn't right, Tom, and I know it, to be the fretful thing I am. But you see it's the living that tries me. I suppose it does everybody, more or less ; but my sympathies, ideas, tastes, are so goaded and outraged, and these dark, dreadful moods come upon me like an armed man, and I seem to have no power to resist them, and I sink down, down where there is neither warmth nor light, into damp, crawling mists, whose chill strikes to the very marrow of all my hopes and aspirations ; and I am so dreary, so wretched at such times, without any faith in God or hope in man, that it almost seems as though the best thing I could do was to lie right down and die ! " " O, Rusha, I tell you," said Tom, a good deal impressed with the suffering of a temperament which, with his widely dif- ferent mental constitution, he could only dimly comprehend ; " it's the blue devils got hold of you. That lies at the bottom of the whole thing, depend on it. Awful fellows they are too ; had a touch of 'em sometimes myself. Don't they make the world look black, though?" " No, Tom," shaking her head sadly, and realizing how far this kindly but bungling attempt at comforting her was from reaching the core of the grief; " it isn't what you say, nor it isn't so much in the world, as it is in myself that the trouble lies. I know it all the time, and sometimes I think I should really be better if I had no high ideals for myself or anybody else, but was just satisfied with things as they are, like mother and Ella. Sometimes I really envy them, and wish I was like them." " I don't, though Jehoshaphat ! " said Tom. His tone and glance were unmistakable. They brought out Kusha's laugh, in all its native merriment, the swift changes 19* 222 DAREYLL GAP, OR of her moods indicating the fine, intense, but undisciplined nature that through all these things was still coming into the light into the light, as one might have seen by her next remark. " And then, Ton>, when I think of all the blessings that sur- round me how I have wealth, leisure, luxury of every sort how many there are in the world who really envy me, it seems so ungrateful to go around mood}', cross, disgusted generally. You know who it is that says to us, ' Be ye thanlcful ; ' and I am sure that means a cheerful, grateful spirit." " I never thought of it before yes, I see it must, Rusha." " O, dear ! " drawing the monosyllables out on a long sigh. Tom partially understood what it meant, and his next remark showed that some new leaven had been working in him too. " I suppose, Rusha, people who really want to be good are generally less satisfied than those who don't trouble themselves about it at all." " It's very consoling to my self-love to have you put it in that light, Tom, you dear fellow, only," an arch smile flashing again out of the gravity of her face, "I don't believe it Avould be easy to convert Ella to that theory ! But, Tom, the truth must stand against me that is no sufficient excuse for my moods and tempers. If I had only found the key to them ! " Still, as you see, " poor Rusha " so many of her life's " Sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh," and she not comprehending the laws of her own being, nor knowing that deeper love and faith which would have soothed into harmony so many of the grating discords. Less than a week after the above conversation the Darryll family mustered in strong force one evening at the opera, in order to hear some new prima-donna that Ella insisted their " whole set was raving about." The next morning, at breakfast, while the whole affair was under discussion, Ella suddenly broke out with, " What in the world is the reason, Rusha, that you always WHETHER IT PAID. 223 wear your mosaics now-a-days? I noticed last night that you didn't have your diamonds on, when it was, of all places, the one to show them off; and it was just so at the bridal recep- tion we attended together. People who own diamonds are expected to show them." " "Well, you wear yours enough for both of us." In her embarrassment Rusha had spoken the first words that suggested themselves to her. They were no sooner out than she saw the weakness of her defence. Ella naturally availed herself of it. " Well, that is smart ! The argument would apply equally well, to everything I do wear. Now, that is not the reason, Rusha, that you have left off your diamonds ! " She saw that everybody at the table, attracted by the imper- ativeness of Ella's tone, was listening. She was not good at disguises, and the truth might as well come out now as ever. "I I've disposed of them ! " Surprise held everybody at the table silent for a moment or two. " Disposed of your diamonds, Rusha pa's Christmas gift ! " rejoined Ella. " Well, I never ! " ejaculated Mrs. Darryll ; and she laid down her knife and fork. " Eusha," said her father, sternly, " what have you done with your diamonds ? " She burst out suddenly into passionate weeping. " I cannot tell you, pa," she sobbed ; " only something came to my knowledge which compelled me to let them go, when it would have been an awful sin to keep them ; and I shall be glad I did just what I did all my life, and when I come to lie on my death bed, it will be the sweetest memory I have, although I can never tell you what it is never that lies betwixt God, and one other, and me ! " There fell a great silence around the breakfast-table. Each Stared at the other in a kind of blank amaze, and then the whole family looked towards Mr. Darryll to speak. He was 224 DARRYLL GAP, OR evidently, like the others, perplexed and impressed. Rusha's act was so unprecedented a one that he did not know how to deal with it. It was on too vast a scale to be treated as a folly or a rashness, and her way of setting the act in the light of a solemn duty prevented him from coming down on her with a storm of indignation, as on some unparalleled disobedience. But she ought to have consulted him ; she had clearly no right to part with her diamonds without asking his permission. On the impulse of this thought, Mr. Darryll opened his lips to address her sternly, but then Rusha was his favorite child, and the part she had acted in Andrew's affair had not only increased his affection, but vastly enhanced his respect for the judgment of the eldest daughter. And as all this suddenly swept across the father, he answered, half against his will, " Well, Rusha, I always supposed you were a girl of sense until this morning. I don't know what to make of all this. Have you gone suddenly crazy, my child ? " for he heard her sobs again, and they touched some tenderness down deep in the heart of John Darryll. " O, no, pa ; letting those diamonds go was the sauest thing that ever I did ! " And then, because she could not bear that they should all witness her agitation, she rose up and left the room. *' John, what does it all mean?" ejaculated Mrs. Darryll, turning to her husband. " I don't know what that girl is corning to giving away her diamonds ! " exclaimed Ella, the momentary impression which her sister's speech and manner had made vanishing be- fore this appalling fact. " Now, I say," said Tom, " I think you'd better not plague her about it. Rusha isn't anybody's fool I should think we'd all had proof enough of that not long ago ; and what she's done she's had a good reason for, strange as it looks, I'll be bound." Nobody volunteered any reply to this remark ; but it must have coincided with some secret feeling of the father, for ii few moments he added, WHETHER IT PAID. 225 " Well, the thing's done, and it can't be helped. You'd better not bother her any way about it. Mind what I say, now." John Darryll's fiat was by no means absolute in his own household, but thereafter none of her family alluded to the dia- monds. Something in Rusha's manner that morning at the breakfast-table made each feel that any attempt to draw from her her secret would be useless. At last, after long waiting, there came letters from Andrew. He had succeeded in obtaining a situation in a banking house in Paris, where English was required, and his position, he affirmed, was, in every respect, quite as pleasant as he had dared to hope. On the whole, the tone of the letters was encouraging, even to Rusha, who knew Andrew's inherent moral weaknesses, and where his perils lay, better than any of the rest of the family. Still his repentance seemed genuine. Nothing but that, it seemed, could have wrung such confessions from the youth, boastful, arrogant, conceited, which went to make up so much of all their memories of Andrew. No one of the family was forgotten in these letters ; and it was evident that, in this land of strangers, Andrew was- learn- ing something of the worth of the home by whose love and care he had set so lightly, until his own act had debarred him from them. Mrs. Darryll considered Andrew's reformation an absolute certainty, and Rusha could not bear to insinuate a single fear into the mother-love that poured itself out in the letter which she wrote by the return steamer. Indeed, that steamer carried letters from every member of the family, even to Agnes, who gave up a school sleighing- party, on which she had set her heart, in order that she might write to " poor Andrew." Mr. Darryll, who found it harder than any of the others to forgive his son's crime, affirmed, when his wife suggested his writing, " that it wouldn't do Andrew any harm to chew his d of remorse a little longer." But he thought better of it at last moment, for, as his wife was closing her letter, he came 226 DAEEYLL GAP, OE suddenly to her side, and, taking up the pen, said "I think I'll add a postscript to that." And its conclusion was " Now, Andrew, keep out of the way of temptation ; and be a good boy, my son, the rest of your life, if not for your own, for father's sake." When the letters were all finished, the young people read theirs to each other, and Rusha's was unanimously pronounced the best of the whole. But there was an enclosure that no eyes must see, saving Andrew Darryll's. Rusha had decided that it was her duty to relate to her brother all which had transpired in her interview with Jane Maxwell. In no other way could his sin in its heinousness be brought home to his soul. And if that story, which had cost his sister so much shame and agony, did not probe to its depths the heart of Andrew Darryll, then his sis- ter felt there was no more for her to do, and for him there was little hope. WHETHER IT PAID. CHAPTER XXV. ALL this time the war was going on. Afar off" there came up to the North, alike through the pleasant summer air and the fierce riot of winter storms, that long under-wail of agony and death. It rose above all the greed and din of marts where men were making new "haste to be rich" above all the mirth with which the people held carousal during the nation's sweat and travail for life a cry that smote with fear the heart of the hardest and most sordid of men, and pierced with terror through the vanities and ambitions of the weakest and most selfish of women ; and all this time the awful cloud of fire and death moved slowly along its appointed path of four years, and in all our Northern homes the death-knell was rung of the bravest and dearest. It was one of those times of great perplexity and gloom, into whose dark cloud we passed so often the Army of the Potomac had disappointed the fondest hopes of the peo- ple, and instead of returning home laurelled heroes, amid the pomp and rejoicing of victory, lay wasting away the slow months, and their own souls together, among the marshes of Northern Virginia. Mistake, mismanagement, and corruption were working their mischiefs in all our affairs, and it seemed worse than vain that the nation had poured out the treasure from its coffers, the best blood from its veins, like rain. Of course the disaffected, and all those who judge of a cause by its present and visible prosperity, had their day then. How they heaped contempt on the government, and on the man with the strong soul, and simple, child-like heart, at its head the ^i who bore the great burdens of his country through that long uight of her grief and shame, and laid them down just as 228 DARRYLL GAP, OR the day he had watched for so long came up in the east, filling all the earth with its new light ! When every family in the land talked of the war, of course the Darrylls came in for their share ; and even Ella discussed militai-y affairs and politics with as much fervor as though this was not " something a woman had no business to meddle with." The elegant breakfast-table used to witness some warm alter- cations betwixt the various members of the family, Rusha having no reliable support, unless it was Tom, who, in every discussion, manifested a growing tendency towards his elder sister's view of the subject. At the close of one of these discussions, which had been un- usually animated and prolonged, all parties having taken some part in it, Ella said, pushing away her coffee cup, " Well, now, come to the real point, Rusha, you are not fool enough to expect that the North ever can conquer the South ? " Rusha had arisen from the breakfast-table, and leaning one arm on the mantel, rested her head upon it. Her cheeks wore the bright bloom which any excitement always quickened in them ; her brown eyes, their fine, strong fire ; yet the voice which had trembled a moment before, was quiet enough now, as she answered, steadily, " Yes, Ella, I am fool enough to believe that, in my soul, just as firmly as I believe that yonder sun will set to-night." " Well, such infatuation surpasses my comprehension. I can only say it is amazing ! " answered Ella, with emphatic solemnity. " That is simply because you do not see the forces that are on our side 1 " " What forces, I should like to know ! I see great armies, that can't, or won't, or don't fight, but lie down there on the banks of the Potomac, inactive through whole seasons. I hear plenty of talk about the inexhaustible resources of the North but you know well enough that 'our men have been beaten mo, than once in fair fight with the enemy." " I freely concede it, Ella ; more than once or twice. that does not shake my faith." WHETHER IT PAID. " That's because it's of the same fanatic sort that's driven us into this war faith in our forces, indeed ! " " Yes, in the invisible forces of Truth, and Right, and Jus- tice in the eternal God Himself, who rules among the armies of men/' " But how do you know He is on our side ; the South think He's on theirs ! " pursued Ella. " Simply because He is the God that He is that's how I know." Ella did not seem to find any reply to this remark, and after a moment Busha exclaimed, with that quick, passionate transi- tion of tone and manner which inhered in her temperament, " It's got to be more than I can bear. I've half a mind to run away ! " " What's that now, Busha ? " asked her father. " Pa," turning suddenly upon him, " would you like to hear the friend you loved best on earth held up constantly to ridicule, reproach, condemnation, every time his name was spoken ? " " Well, no ; I can't say it would be especially agreeable," opening his paper. " And I love my Country better than any friend, better than my own life even. I'd go out now and lay that down gladly to help her in this bitter need, and it hurts and harrows my very soul to hear you talk as you do every day. I can't stand it any longer, and I won't ! " " I suppose you mean by that, that I shan't have liberty to express my opinions in my own house ! " said Mr. Darryll. " No, pa, not that. The house is yours, and of course I can't bridle your tongue ; but, as I said, I can't stand this sort of talk any longer. I can run off, for I'm of age." " Where will you go? " laughed Guy. " I'll go down to the hospitals, and turn nurse. That will be the best thing I ever did in my life." " O, my dear child ! " said her mother, in an alarmed tone. " Nonsense ! " muttered her father. Yet he, in common with jst of her family, had a feeling that it would not do to goad 20 230 DAHRYLL GAP, OB Busha too far, else there was no knowing she might make her threat good. " "What is the use of feeling everything you say, Rusha of entering into it heart and soul, as you always do? Now, for my part, I can talk all day without getting excited ; but the most abstract matter seems to you a thing of life and death." " That's because she's a finer strung instrument than you, Ella." " O, dear ! " a little nettled at this remark of Tom's. " Well, if this ' fine stringing ' throws one into such qualms over a little breakfast-table discussion, I'm devoutly thankful I'm not so deli- cately tuned ! " They all laughed at this speech ; but Tom continued, " O, Ella, you're bright and witty, and all that, but you can't see through a mill-stone ! " No great speech on the surface ; but, after all, it would take a fathom line to sound it. On the very same day, as Rusha was returning home from a drive with her mother and Ella, she suddenly caught sight of Dr. Rochford and his sisters, standing on the front steps, and evidently taking leave of a party of friends. Rusha was off the seat with her usual impetuosity. " Do stop the carriage ! " she cried out, to the amazement of both ladies. " There are the Rochfords. I would not fail to see them for the world." " O, is that it ! " exclaimed Ella, settling herself back resign- edly among the luxurious cushions. " If you can possibly wait for the space of half a minute, we shall' be at home, and avoid the awkwardness of stopping right in the middle of the street." Rusha was too much absorbed to care for the irony that lurked in her sister's tones. The carriage had hardly drawn up at her own door before she bounded out of it, and sprang across the street, stopping the Rochfords just as they were re-entering the house. The charj acter of her reception afforded ample proof that the physic and his sisters shared Rusha's pleasure at this unexpe meeting. WHETHER IT PAID. 231 Angeliue Rochford's face, to which the young girl's gaze went first, with a thrill of anxious and half-awed interest, looked pale and thin, coming from its long service at the hospitals, but serener and happier than she had ever seen it before, Rusha thought. They had entered the parlor now, all in a busy hum of chat- ter, when suddenly the thought of their last parting, and the old, careless, happy life at Berry Plains, swept over Rusha, with the thought, too, of all the shame and agony through which she had passed since that time. The swift rush of memories overcame her. She broke down in the midst of some allusion to that time, and, surprised and ashamed, found herself bursting into tears. Of course the Rochfords were acquainted with Andrew's crime, and they understood at once the secret of Rusha's grief; but it was of too delicate a nature to admit of any sympathy, although each one would have given much to be allowed to offer it. In a moment she recovered herself. " Do forgive me. It is very weak ; but I was thinking of those beautiful days at Berry Plains, and how happy we all were ; and and what has happened since ! " the husky voice, the refilling eyes, showing the danger of going farther. " But I have always found," said the doctor, coming as near to her sorrow as he felt he had any right to do, " that enjoy- ment always failed with me of its highest purpose, if it did not make me stronger to endure." She flashed up to him the sudden brightness of her smile. " I know what that means. I have never forgotten what you said to me that day by the sea-shore, and afterwards it grew to have a new meaning to me." Then she changed the theme from herself, and was full of eager curiosity about the hospitals, and the life there, which her friends were quite? ready to indulge to any extent. " I have thought of you sometimes with real envy," she said Angeline, " and contrasted my own aimless, selfish life with >ur heroic, self-sacrificing one, until I have felt almost ready with shame. I have longed to join you in your work 232 DAEBTLL GAP, OR down there ; I'm not very strong, but perhaps I .could be of some use." Angeline Rochford looked at the young, fair, delicate girl, and thought of her splendid home, and remembered the awful scenes amid which, as hospital nurse, she was daily called to pass of work which taxed every resource of body and soul to the uttermost. She recalled the ghastly faces, the awful wounds, the writhing forms, the fierce shrieks. What could the dainty girl, sitting there in her costly wrappings of fur and velvet, do among scenes like these? " O, child, you don't comprehend you could never stand it ! " she exclaimed. " You don't know the spirit I am of, Miss Rochford ; " and there flashed up something in Rusha's face, as she said these words, which made the doctor think that " she had the hero- ism in her the heroism that would not fail, though it were called to pass through the dreadful ordeal of the hospitals." Afterward they talked far into the day. Angeline Rochford had a world of new experiences to relate, and Rusha was never tired of listening and asking questions. It appeared that she was only home on the briefest of visits. Business had summoned the doctor north, and he had insisted on his sister's accompanying him, feeling that her nerves needed a respite from the constant strain which was brought to bear on them, and he was meanwhile making the most of his short visit by earnest appeals among his friends in behalf of the sick and wounded soldiers. " O, if pa could only hear you ! " Dr. Rochford, when this fact had somehow leaked out during the conversation. " He grows terribly excited when he gets started off on politics and the general management of the war ; but for all that he has sympathy for the soldiers that I am sure you could reach, if you will come over and talk with him awhile this evening." The doctor's engagements were numerous and pressing, bul Rusha's earnestness prevailed, and she went away with hjfl promise to give them half an hour that evening. WHETHER IT PAID. 233 " Fletcher," said Sicily, after Rusha had disappeared, " her father's wealth isn't going to spoil that girl." " I think not. This last sharp grief has wrought a great change in her. I see it in her face I feel it in the tones of her voice even." " Poor girl ! " added Angeline, " how my heart did ache for her when she burst into those tears ! I understood what lay at the bottom of them. It must be a terrible thing to have a brother disgrace one ! " throwing a glance of fond pride in the direction of Fletcher. " There are no griefs which strike down to the quick of one's love and pride like these family disgraces. It seems hard that our growth should be attained through these bitter trials. God help us all," answered Dr. Rochford, thinking how our common humanity needed just that prayer. He was faithful to his promise ; and it happened that he met the whole Darryll family in his call that evening. Fletcher Rochford's soul was fired with one purpose during his visit home, and this was to rouse his countrymen into a sym- pathy which should take some form of practical benevolence for the wounded and dying soldiers in the Washington hos- pitals. Possessing naturally rare graces of speech, the man's whole soul was now stirred into an eloquence and pathos which, it seemed, must move stones themselves, as he depicted the har- rowing and melting, the sublime and touching scenes through which he had so lately passed. During that call he held every one of the Dairy 11s spell- bound. Agnes leaned her head on her mother's shoulder, and sobbed like a child, as she listened to the heart-rending stories, and each of her brothers coughed suspiciously behind^ their pocket-handkerchiefs. Even Ella was lifted quite out of herself into the grand swell ' new emotions of awe and pity ; and John Darryll forgot the government and his grumbling, and felt something akin to the stern joy of sacrifice and heroism. 20* 234 [ DARRYLL GAP, OR When the doctor ceased, Mrs. Darryll spoke with unusual decision, " Father, you must do something for those men. What if it was one of our boys now ! " and she thought of Andrew. "Yes, pa," said the children's voices, one and all. "You must do something right off for those men." John Darryll made no answer, but he went to the light, took out his pen, and wrote a moment ; then he handed Dr. Rochford a slip of paper. " There is my check for a thousand dollars." This substantial tribute to the doctor's eloquence was the strongest possible proof of the power which it had exercised over John Darryll. When the doctor was gone, Rusha walked over to her father, and put her soft cheek down on his hair, " O, you are a dear, good father !" she said, " the best father in all the world ! " " Yes, John, I must say that was generous in you," added her mother ; " but I'm glad over every cent of it." " So am I," subjoined Ella, forgetful for once of the dresses and jewels about which her thoughts and imaginations did so delight to flower. Such sort of praise, in the bosom of his own family, was something quite new to John Darryll, and it must be confessed, very pleasant, and, added to the novel satisfaction he experi- enced in a really generous act, he was in an unusually affable mood for that evening. Tom and Rusha, by some secret law of affinity, soon found themselves a little apart from the others. " What a wonderful talker the doctor is ! " exclaimed the former. " I never had anything fire me up so in my whole life." * " And when one thinks of that fair, sweet, delicate Angeline Rochford passing her days among such awful scenes ! Anc yet, Tom, I envied her the serene peace of her face the face, it seemed to me, that had grown like an angel's ! " WHETHER IT PAID. 235 Tom mused a moment without speaking. Then he looked up, " Rusha, when one hears of a woman like that going out from her home, and sacrificing every ease and comfort of life, it puts a fellow like me to shame." " It puts me to shame," added Rusha. " Did you hear, too, about that young fellow that lost his arm ? He was not so old as I, either ! " Suddenly she comprehended the drift of his remark. She caught him by the arm, " O, Tom, you must not think of that I They want older and stronger men than you." It was natural so very natural that it should seem to her that he was the last one to go ; and yet it must have seemed very much like this to every woman who gave her husband, her son, her brother to the war. Tom did not answer, but stood there, with an unusually se- rious expression on his young face. With a quick instinct that it was wisest to change the sub- ject, Rusha said to him the first thing which entered her mind. " So you think Dr. Rochford a wonderful man, do you?" Tom roused himself. " Yes ; what do you think of him, Rusha?" " O, a great many things all of them good." Tom looked at her with a little smile growing on his lip, and a thought behind the smile. " Do you remember, Rusha, what I said to you last summer at Saratoga that I knew one man in the world whom you would like?" " Yes, I do, Tom, and how the remark surprised me. You promised to tell me who that man was some time ! " " I should think you would be good enough Yankee to guess, after this evening ! " She did ; he saw that, the next moment, by the sudden thrill of color in her face. " What can have put that idea into your head, Tom ? " she asked, with a laugh. 236 DAREYLL GAP, OR " Well, wasn't it true, now? Come, own up ! " Her answer went a long ways aside from the question, and was delivered with an oracular solemnity that was amusing. " Tom, I have pretty much made up my mind that I shall never be married." " O, that's because the right fellow hasn't come along. Girls always talk so," his tone slightly unsympathetic. "And I don't think he will be very likely to. Looking abroad in the world, I see the women who have the loftiest and finest ideals of your sex, of manly nobleness, and gentleness, and loyalty, find them where most beautiful things are found in poems and stories." " But, after all, that isn't an answer to my question ! " perti- naciously returning to the first charge. But he did not succeed in getting any more definite one from Rush a that night. WHETHER IT PAID. 237 CHAPTER XXVI. SOME weeks after Dr. Rochford's brief visit to New York, Rusha and Ella Darryll attended a large party. The lat- ter was, of course, in her element dancing, playing, flirting with her various admirers, and always having a train of these wherever she moved. She was looking uncommonly well that evening, too. The excitement of a party always gave that peculiar sparkle and brilliancy to eyes and cheek which brought out her beauty to the finest advantage. With Rusha it was entirely different. She did not keep her best face for parties ; indeed, it was quite apt to wear there its dreariest, coldest look, and in consequence, Ella often passed for far the handsomer of the two sisters, which in reality she was not. Something, made up of all the influences of the place, the music, the crowd, the flashing of lights, the hum of voices, the glare of splendor, grated harshly on Rusha's mood that even- ing. That gloom, and dreariness, that general sinking of soul, which she had so pathetically described to Tom, swept its cold tide over her now. Wearied and disgusted with the frivolous chatter of a group of young gentlemen and ladies among which she had been thrown, Rusha managed to detach herself from her company and ensconce herself on an ottoman, where, with her face locked up in a strange stillness, and a little paler than usual, she looked out on the scene. " What a miserable farce life was ! " she said to herself. " Just as pitiable as the scene before her, where the faces were all masks, hiding heartaches and burnings underneath ; hiding worse than that petty ambitions, and. small jealousies, aud envies, and hatreds. DAEEYLL GAP, OR " What did all these people make of life ; what heroisms exalted, what purposes sanctified it ; what outlooks did they ever take into that eternity that was closing them in on every side, and that so surely as there was a God in heaven who could not lie, held such close and long relations with time? What right had they to be in the world wasting their time on such miserable frivolities what right had she, indeed, to be here, who was no better than they, only a mere discontented dreamer ? " After all, she didn't see that she could make anything better out of life than these people whom she despised. What was the use of struggling against her fate? Perhaps the best thing was to get up and return to her party, and join in the pretty, shallow talk that really went no deeper than a parrot's." Then she wished that she knew some true, noble souls of men or women that she could sit and listen to some stimula- tive, inspiring talk from warm, earnest, helpful natures. Then she thought of the Rochfords ; of Angeline, with the hair tucked smoothly behind her ears, and that sweet, delicate face of hers underneath. It was probably bending over some sick man's couch at that moment. She saw the long room with the ghastly lights, and the rows of hospital beds, just as Angeline Rochford had described them to her. " And sometimes," she had said, " they will lift up their heads and look at me, an indescribable look, as my dress brushes past, and murmur, ' God bless you,' and the words seem the sweetest I ever heard in my life." There was a strange little quiver about Rusha's mouth as she remembered this. If anybody that she had soothed or helped would only look up in her face and say just those words ! Then again she thought of Andrew, and the old hot pain of that awful night when they first learned his crime, came back to her, making her wince with a sudden stricture about her heart. What was he doing that night, she wondered, in the strange, far-off", wicked city to which his sin had driven him ! Perhaps it was as well that she did not know. WHETHER IT PAID. 239 The cloud, the lights, the press of her thoughts, gave her a sudden sense of suffocation. Leaning back, with a little gasp for breath, her eyes fell upon a painting opposite a painting with some strong, weird life, and joy of freedom in it that ap- pealed strangely to her mood just then, although at any time the fierce power of the whole scene must have thrilled her. It was night, on a kind of wild, barren plain, or moor. Overhead, great, desolate, wrathful clouds rushed to and fro. Over all the wide moor, with its matting of grayish-green grass, there was a fierce riot of winds.* What a strong joy there was in the spirit of the whole picture, as the winds trampled and beat the gray tresses of grass ! On one side of the plain stood a solitary tree. The storm tore into it, clutching at the boughs, tearing away its handful of leaves in awful wrath. Just beyond was an emigrant wagon. The wind had caught up a single fold of the white canvas, and fluttered it triumphantly in the air. A woman, with a baby in her arms, looked out of one side of the wagon on the night, with a chill of terror in her face. On the other side a man sat, trying to guide the horse in the teeth of the wind, his whole expression concentrated in one of grim resolution ; evidently he was just that sort of stuff of which pioneers are made. The sight of that picture was like a rush of strong, fresh breeze into Rusha's thought. It seemed to carry her out on the wild swell of its dark and stormy spirit away from all the glare, and vanity, and hollow falseness of the scene around her, into its own wild, riotous freedom. She envied the man and woman out there alone on the stormy moor, with no roof but that canvas one. In the midst of all this Ella's laugh broke close at hand Ella's light, pleasant laugh, with some feeling in it Rusha could not determine just what. A voice followed it " Now, really, Miss Darryll, will you refuse me so small a favor, Avhen your doing so will spoil the evening's pleasure for me ? " |f***O, dear! that miserable Derrick Howe again!" thought Rusha. 240 DARRYLL GAP, OR " Mr. Howe, you certainly have the most wonderful art of saying what you do not mean one who did not know better might really think you were in earnest," answered Ella, with pretty coquetries of fan and bouquet. " Think I was in earnest ! Do you really suggest that I am otherwise ? " asked the young man, as though his life depended upon Ella's opinion. Again that light, pleasant giggle of laughter. " Of course I do, Mr. Howe ; else you might possibly induce me to break my word and grant your petition it being one of my weaknesses never to know how to refuse people." "What does that fool want of Ella?" thought Rusha, sur- prised and annoyed at the whole spirit of the interview, and feeling certain that if Ella knew who was sitting close behind her, speech and manner towards her companion would undergo a sudden transition. " Then, Miss Darryll, let me make one appeal to that tender corner of your nature, and if you believe that I was ever in earnest that I ever spoke a truthful word in my life, or that I hold my honor dearer than that life, believe me now." Young ladies said that Derrick Howe had an " irresistible way " with him. Whatever power or graces he possessed, he brought them all to bear now in tone and glance. Both evidently had an effect on Ella. There was more talk of this sort, more coquettish dallying with glove, and fan, and bouquet, and at last it transpired that all this sentimental non- sense turned upon a rose-bud which Derrick Howe had besought of Ella, and that young lady had refused to grant him. But he gained his point at last. Ella's vanity and love of admiration were too strongly flattered not to yield in the end, these being the weaknesses of her sex, on which Derrick Howe had learned to play so skilfully. She reached over her bouquet to him, saying, " I can't break my word, Mr. Howe ; but if you take th flower, why, of course, you are responsible." He selected the half-blossomed rose, and transferred it tc WHETHER IT PAID. 241 button-hole of his coat with arTair that plainly said the flower was to him the most important thing in all the world. Then he drew a little nearer to his companion, and dropped his tone slightly, w*ith a kiud of tender earnestness in it. " Miss Darryll," he said, " I have been waiting, for months, for an opportunity which circumstances have not afforded me until now." " An opportunity for what, Mr. Howe ? " inquired the lady, with an interest that was not simulated this time. " Simply to inquire whether I had been so unfortunate as to offend you inadvertently ? " " O, no, certainly not," said Ella, with an emphasis which added fuel to several emotions that were battling in the soul of her sister at that time. " And yet pardon me if it had proceeded from any other source, I should not probably have given it a second thought but I cannot be deceived here. There has been for a loug time some slight constraint in your manner, and it seemed to me a reluctance to accept any small attentions from me, though your kindness of heart might not allow you absolutely to decline them. I have, indeed, of late, refrained from calling at your house, lest my visits should be an intrusion." Ella's fingers fluttered irresolutely among her flowers, the light of her diamond rings flashing and wavering along the motion. " O, Ella, Ella, be careful ! " murmured Rusha away down in her heart. " Mr. Howe," said the soft voice at last, " I wish you would be content with my assurance that I am not offended with you, and for anything you may have observed in my conduct I am not responsible for it." But forgive me again ; it is a matter of too much impor- tance on my part to be let go so easily what is this shadow that has come betwixt us this something that stopped our friendly correspondence so suddenly, and that has been to me a subject of serious thought for more hours than you will be like- ly to suspect ? " 21 242 DARRYLL GAP, OR Ella's fair face drooped irresolutely behind her fan. " Do be frank with me now, Miss Darryll," pleaded Derrick Howe, in his most beguiling tones. " It is my right to know." There was a little hesitancy. Ella evidently was seeking for the smoothest way in which to put a disagreeable fact. Rusha was on the very point of springing up and hurling the truth at him without any mollification, but the time and place held her back. " Papa is a man of very strong and sometimes unreasonable prejudices and and Mr. Howe, do excuse me from the rest," her embarrassment partly feigned, partly real, but certain- ly very pretty. " I see," answered Derrick Howe. " I have incurred Mr. Darryll's dislike. Whatever may be his grounds for it, I trust they exist neither in my name nor my family," a little shade of pompousness in his manner, for these were Derrick Howe's strong or weak points, as they are apt to be with men or women whose capital in life is the wealth or the influence of their progenitors. " O, the coxcomb ! " thought Rusha. But he did not ap- pear to strike her sister in this light. " O, nothing of that sort, Mr. Howe ! That, of course, in your case, would be quite impossible. But papa's prejudices are, as I said, as unreasonable as they are strong, and his family have no choice but to submit." And Ella looked the submissive, and amiable, and oppressed daughter, to a degree that her sister, familiar with her imperi- ous style at home, would hardly have conceived possible. " Deeply as I regret the fact of Mr. Darryll's dislike, and ab- solutely certain as I am that nothing in my own life or character can afford him the slightest ground for this, still, if I can once be .assured that his daughter in no wise shares her father's feel- ing, the keenest pang of all will have been spared me." " O, then you maybe absolutely assured, so far as that goes,'* voice, smile, and glance of Ella Darryll adding their threefold weight to this remark. WHETHER IT PAID. 243 At that moment supper was announced. Derrick Howe gave his arm to Ella, and the two rnoved towards the dining-room, a handsome pair certainly. The numb, dreary feeling which had held possession of Rusha a shoi*t time before, was succeeded now by some strong emotion, with a live nerve of pain smiting all through it. Amazement, alarm, indignation, were forces about equally balanced in her thoughts. As for Derrick Howe, she did not give him credit for a particle of sincerity in the whole interview. She believed that he was merely testing his power over Ella Darryll, and that he would hug his self-love at this fresh proof of his influence over another young and fascinating woman. But when it came to Ella, her emotion was a compound one. She believed here, too, that love of admiration had been the un- derlying motive of all her sister's coquetries with Derrick Howe ; still she could not have gone so far unless she had taken some especial interest in the gentleman. And here the pang smote swift and sharp, for Rusha, with her strong, clear, native truth- fulness, could not help seeing that Ella had deceived her. She had most positively avowed to her an indifference towards Der- rick Howe, which, unless she was a downright liar, you know Rusha was not of that sort of material that minces and smooths over the truth, she was far from feeling. Flirtations, coquetries, all sorts of little arts, Rusha expected of Ella ; indeed, as the world went, she was not disposed to be hard on her for these, thinking nobody would be very much harmed by them ; but the whole sentiment of the conversation which she luul just listened, implied a great deal on both jides that the words did not. |She was angered, too, for her father's sake. Not that John Darryll would have been unwilling that Derrick Howe should know just the place he occupied in the former's opinion, but Ella $bad implied that her father was severe and tyrannical, and that ^he was under mortal restraint, which latter was as far as pos- sible from the truth. So jealousy for her father's honor nddi-