< '17 A Statement Showing the Result of a Personal Study of 306 Inmates Committed from Cook County, Illi- nois, and 262 Inmates Committed from Counties Outside of Cook County to Ihe Illinois State Re- formatory for the Year 1916. . . . . By W. C. GRAVES, General Superintendent. -v" A STATEMENT SHOWING THE RESULT OF A PERSONAL STUDY OF 306 INMATES COMMITTED FROM COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND 262 INMATES COMMITTED FROM COUNTIES OUTSIDE OF COOK COUNTY, TO THE ILLINOIS STATE REFORMATORY FOR THE YEAR 1916. By W. C. GRAVES, General Superintendent. The State of Illinois has committed for the year 1916 to the Illinois State Reformatory 568 inmates. The statute says I shall have charge of these inmates ; shall disicpline, govern, instruct, employ, and use my best efforts to reform them. The statute further provides that it shall be my duty to provide for a thorough training of each and every in- mate in the common branches of an English education; also in such trade or handicraft as will enable the inmate upon his release to earn his own support. It is not my purpose in this pamphlet to enter into an extended discussion as to the cause or cure of crime, but to submit an exact statement of a personal study of the education, mentality, a history of the parents, the previous record, age and habits of the inmates commit- ted to my charge, so that the public will know, as near as possible, the kind of young men committed to this institution for the purposes of reformation. I have not furnished the vocational education of the in- mate, because the percent is so small that a statement is not necessary, except to state that out of 568 inmates there were only 12 who ever had a vocational training, or had mastered any trade. A personal study of each of these inmates, from facts furnished by this pamphlet, will furnish food for considerable thought, research, and study by those who are interested in making over boys and men. After making a careful personal study of these recent cases I sub- mit without discussion, or expressing the relative importance of each cause the following as being the most frequent conditions resulting in 361908 crime : Laziness, environment, deficient mentality, deficient education, lack of vocational training, loss of parents, (by death or separation), intemperance, inherited criminal instincts; sensational literature and industrial conditions. PREVENTIVE MEASURES. A thoughtful study of the following propositions relative to re- ducing crime is of vital importance. Parental schools, juvenile courts, court probations, compulsory ed- ucation, more stringent laws relative to the purchase of firearms, voca- tional training in public schools, prompt execution of the law so as to retain its deterrent value, speedy indictments and trials, and separate institutions for morons, subnormals and defectives. THE CURE. The following subjects should be discussed and considered by those who are interested in the causes of crime, preventive measures and the cure for crime : Should a jury or judge be permitted to fix the minimum term that an inmate must serve ? Should a jury or judge be permitted to fix the maximum term that an inmate must serve? Should a jury or judge be permitted to fix both the minimum and maximum term that an inmate must serve ? Under what conditions should a criminal be admitted to court pro- bation ? What are the most important things to be considered before ad- mitting a criminal to probation ? In Cook county should there not be a separate court who should investigate and consider all court probations? Can reformatories and penal institutions properly treat and handle morons, subnormals and defectives? Of what value toward the reformation of a criminal is self-gov- ernment in our corrective and penal institutions? Of what value is the honor system inside the walls as compared with the honor system outside? In counties outside of Cook county should there not be a parole officer for each county in order that regular visits may be made to those both on court probation and parole ? In Cook county should there not be sufficient parole officers pro- vided with sufficient funds to personally visit at least once a week each person on parole? Should not "repeaters" be considered habitual criminals and in- dicted, tried, convicted and sentenced as such, under the habitual crim- inal act? Should habitual criminals or "repeaters" be admitted to parole? Should not "repeaters" be required to serve the maximum term of their sentence by direction of a court or jury ? Should a prisoner, who has violated his parole by committing a felony, be granted more than one parole, and if so, how many? Under the head of "Previous Records" the following abbrevia- tions are used: H. C. House of Correction. M. O. Minor Offenses. J. W. John Worthy School. Ct. Prob. Court Probation. St. Chas. St. Charles School for Boys. Co. Jail. County Jail. Par. Sch. Parental School. Ref. Reformatory. Pen. Penitentiaries. The figures show the number of times the inmate was committed. THE FOLLOWING IS A HISTORY OF THE 306 CASES COMMITTED 'FROM COOK COUNTY. Edu- Men- History County cation tality of Parents Cook 1st grade. . . . Fair. . . Separated . . , Cook 1st grade. . . . Fair . . . Separated . . , Cook 1st grade. . . . Fair. . . Separated . . , Cook 1st grade.. . . Poor.. .Both living. . Cook 1st grade. . . . Poor. . . Father dead , Cook 1st grade. . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 1st grade. . . . Poor. . . Both living. . Cook 1st grade Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 1st grade.... Fair... Both dead... Cook 1st grade Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 1st grade. . . . Fair. . . Separated . . . Cook 1st grade. . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 1st grade. . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 1st grade. . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 1st grade. . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 1st grade. ... Fair... Both dead... Cook 1st grade.. . . Poor.. .Both living. . Cook 1st grade. ... Good.. Both dead... Cook 1st grade. . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 1st grade.. . . Insane. Both living. . Cook 1st grade. . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 1st grade.. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 1st grade. . . . Fair. . . Mother dead. Cook 1st grade.. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 1st grade.. . . Poor.. .Mother dead. Cook 1st grade.. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 1st grade Fair. . . Both living. . Cook 1st grade Fair. . . Both living. . Cook 1st grade.. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Previous Record Age None 21 None 22 None 23 H. C. 2 20 None 20 M. O. 6; J. W. 3. 19 M. O. 8;H. C. 2; Ct. Prob. 2 ; St. Charles 1 18 J. W. 1; H. C. 2. 20 None 24 H. C. 2 23 Ct. Prob. 1; H. C. 1 25 H. C. 1 19 None 19 None 22 None 22 None 22 Ref. 1 20 None 19 None 19 Co. jail 20; K. S. H. 1 18 H. C. 2 24 None 20 None 19 H. C. 2 22 None 19 None 19 None 18 None 22 None ., ,18 Edu- Men- History County cation tality of Parents Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Both dead. . , Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Both dead. . , Cook 2nd grade. . . Good . . Both living . , Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Both dead. . , Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Mother dead Cook 2nd grade. Cook 2nd grade. Poor. . . Both dead. . Poor. . . Father dead Cook 2nd grade... Fair... Both living. Cook 2nd grade. . . Fair . . . Both living . Cook 2nd grade... Fair... Both living. Cook 2nd grade... Fair... Both living. Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Father dead Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Both living. Cook 2nd grade. . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Both dead. . Cook 2nd grade... Fair... Both living. Cook 2nd grade. . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 2nd grade... Poor... Both living. Cook 2nd grade. . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 2nd grade. . . Good . . Separated . . Cook 2nd grade. . . Poor. . . Both living . Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 3rd grade... Poor... Both living. Cook 3rd grade . . . Good . . Father dead Cook 3rd grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. Cook 3rd grade. . . Poor. . . Both living. Cook 3rd grade . . . Poor. . . Father dead . Cook 3rd grade. . . Good. .Both living. . Cook 3rd grade. . . Poor.. .Both living. . Cook 3rd grade... Fair ... Father dead. Cook 3rd grade. , . Fair. . .Mother dead. Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair. . . Both dead. . . Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . . Separated . . . Previous Record Age , Par. Sch. 1; J. W. 1 ; St. Charles 1 19 .None 22 ,H. C. 1 19 J. W. 3 16 J. W. 5 ; St. Chas. 2;H. C. 2 20 ,Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1 20 .Par. Sch. 2; J. W. 1; H. C. 2.... 21 ,H. C. 1 18 , None 24 ,M. O. 5;H. C. 2. 25 .None 18 ,M. O. 2 18 ,M. O. 7;H. C. 2; Lincoln 1 19 M. O. 3;H. C. 1. 19 St. Chas. 1 19 H. C. 3 19 None 19 None 16 None 20 Ct. Prob. 1 19 Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 None 22 Par. Sch. 2; J. W. 3; St. Chas. 1. 16 None 22 Par. Sch. 3; St. Chas. 1 19 M. O. 20; H. C. 1 17 M. O. 9; Par. Sch. 1; J. W. 1; H. C. 1 18 Par. Sch. 3 16 M. O. 3 24 Par. Sch. 1 19 Ct. Prob. 2; H. C. 1 19 J. W. 2 17 H. C. 3 19 St. Chas. 1., ,17 8 Edu- Men- History County cation tality of Parents Cook 3rd grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead Cook 3rd grade... Fair... Both dead.. Cook 3rd grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . Cook 3rd grade. .. Fair ... Father dead Cook 3rd grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . , Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . Cook 3rd grade. .. Poor... Both dead.., Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . . Separated . . Cook 3rd grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . , Cook 3rd grade... Fair... Both dead.., Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . , Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . . Both living. , Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. , Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. , Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . , Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . .Mother dead Cook 3rd grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 3rd grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 3rd grade. .. Fair ... Father dead. Cook 3rd grade. . . Poor.. .Both living. . Cook 3rd grade . . . Fair . . . Mother dead Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Both living. . Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . . Separated . . . Cook 4th grade . . . Good . . Separated . . . Cook 4th grade... Fair... Both dead... Cook 4th grade... Good.. Mother dead, Cook 4th grade . , . Poor. . . Father dead . Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Previous Record Age .Par. Sch. 2; In- sane asylum 2. 17 .H. C. 3 24 .Ct. Prob. 2; J. W. 1 18 .H. C 2 19 .Par. Sch. 2; Ref. 1 20 .Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 3 18 .St. Chas. 1; H. C. 2 19 .Par. Sch. 1; Ct. Prob. 1 18 .Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas.. 1 ; H. C. 1 18 .H. C. 2 24 ,H. C. 2 18 ,H. C. 3 18 .None 21 J. W. 2 19 .H. C. 2 23 .Ct Prob. 1 20 .None 19 .Par. Sch. 2;H. C. 2 21 .Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 H. C. 1 19 M. O. 4 20 .None 19 Par. Sch. 1 ; J. W. 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 . 18 .None 21 H. C. 2; St. Chas. 1 17 Ct. Prob. 1 20 None 19 Ct. Prob. 1 20 St. Chas. 1 17 St. Chas. 3 16 Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 2 17 J. W. 2 17 Edu- Men- History County cation tality of Parents Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 4th grade . . . Good . . Both living . . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 4th grade. .. Fair... Both dead... Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 4th grade. . . Good. .Both living. . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Mother dead Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . . Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair ., . . Both dead. . . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . . Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Father dead . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Mother dead Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 4th grade. . . Good. .Both living. . Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Father dead , Cook ....... 4th grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 4th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 4th grade. .. Fair... Both dead... Previous Record Age Ct. Prob. 1...... 17 Par. Sch. 2; Ct. Prob. 2 17 Ct. Prob. 1 ; H. C 3 20 Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1 18 Par. Sch. 2; M. O. 8 17 M. 0.8; Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 1; J. W. 1 20 H. C. 1 17 M. O. 1 19 None 21 Ct. Prob. 1 17 .M. O. 20 16 None 19 H. C. 2 24 St. Chas. 1 16 None 20 H. C. 2 22 St. Chas. 1 ; H. C. 1 19 Ct. Prob. 2 17 H. C. 1 20 J. W. 2; Ct.Prob. 1 17 St. Chas. 1 19 None 18 H. C. 1 20 Par. Sch. 1 ; J. W. 1 17 J. W. 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 18 None 18 None 19 Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 J. W. 3 17 J. W. 1 ; St. Chas. 1 17 J. W. 2; St. Chas. 1 17 St. Chas. 1., ... 18 10 Edu- County cation Cook 4th grade , Cook 4th grade , Cook 4th grade, Men- tality Fair... Poor. . . Poor. . History of Parents Both living. . Both dead... Both living. . Cook 4th grade. . . Fair. . .Mother dead Cook 4th grade. Cook 4th grade. Cook 4th grade . Cook 4th grade . Cook 4th grade . Cook 4th grade . Cook 4th grade , Cook .. Cook . 4th grade , 4th grade , Cook 4th grade Cook 4th grade Fair. . Poor. Poor. Fair. , Fair., Fair. , Good Poor. Fair. , Fair. , Fair., Both living. . Both living. . Father dead. Both dead. . . Both living. . Both dead. . . Father dead. Both living. . Both living. . Both dead. . . Father dead. Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . . . Mother dead Cook ... 5th grade... Fair... Both dead... Cook 5th grade . . . Good . . Separated . . . Cook 5th grade . . . Poor. . . Both living . . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 5th grade . . . Poor. . . Both living . . Cook 5th grade... Good. .Both living. . Cook 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 5th grade . . . Poor. . . Separated . . . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade . . . Good Cook 5th grade . . . Good Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade... Fair. Father dead Both living. Both living. , Separated . . . Both living. . Previous Record Age None 17 Ref . 1 21 H. C. 2; St. Chas. 1 19 Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 16 M. O. 2 25 H. C. 2;Ct. Prob. 1 23 H. C. 1 25 St. Chas. 2 18 St. Chas 1 18 None 24 Lincoln 1 ; K. S. H. 1 18 None 20 Par. Sch. 1 ; J. W. 1 16 K. S. H. 1 18 Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 1 16 Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 20 None 19 None 19 Ref. 2 16 Ct. Prob. 1 16 Ct. Prob. 1 17 M. O. 6;Ct. Prob. 1;H. C. 5 18 H. C. 2 18 None 18 Ct. Prob. 1 18 Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1 18 M. O. 5 ; Ct. Prob. 1 17 M. O. 6 19 M. O. 2 18 St. Chas. 1; Ct. Prob. 1; H. C. 1 18 H. C. 2 22 H. C. 1., .21 11 Edu- County cation Cook 5th grade , Cook 5th grade , Men- tality Fair.. Fair.. Cook 5th grade . . . Poor. . Cook 5th grade . . . Good . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . . Cook 5th grade . . . Good . Cook 5th grade . . . Good . Cook 5th grade . . . Poor. . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade... Fair. Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade . . . Good Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade . . . Good Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . History Previous of Parents Record Age . Separated . . . Co. jail 1 22 .Both living. .M. O. 1 ; St. Chas. 1 19 .Mother dead.Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 18 . Separated . . . None 17 .Both living. .Ct. Prob. 1 ; H. C. 1 19 .Mother dead. Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1 16 .Father dead.Ct. Prob. 1 17 .Both living. .Ct Prob. 1 ; J. W. 1 20 . Separated . . . Par. Sch. 1 ; Co. jail 1 17 .Mother dead.Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1; H. C. 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 . . 18 . Both living. . None 21 . Mother dead.None 18 .Both dead...Ct. Prob. 2 17 .Mother dead.St. Chas. 1 ; H. C 1 19 . Mother dead.None 17 . Mother dead.None 17" . Both dead. . . None 21 .Both dead...Ct. Prob. 1 23 .Both living. . J. W. 1 ; St. Chas. 1 Cook 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Mother dead.J. W. 2; St. Chas. Cook 5th grade. . . Fair. Cook 5th grade . . . Poor. Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . , Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . , Cook 5th grade. . . Fair. . Cook 5th grade. . . Fair. , Cook 5th grade... Fair.. Cook 5th grade . . . Fair . . Cook 5th grade . . . Good . Cook 5th grade . . . Good . 1 . Both dead. . . Par. Sch. 2 ; J. W. 1 ; St. Chas. 1 . . 17 15 19 18 .Father dead.St. Chas. 2 . Both dead. . . None 19 . Both dead. . . None 17 .Father dead. Co. jail 1 ; H. C. 2 24 .Both dead...Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 Both living. .H. C. 2 18 Both dead. .. None 24 Both living. . None 20 Both living.. M. O. 3 18 Both living. . M. O. 1 18 Mother dead.None . .28 12 Edu- County cation Cook 5th grade , Cook 5th grade , Cook 5th grade , Cook 5th grade , Cook 5th grade , Cook 5th grade . Cook 5th grade , Cook 6th grade . Men- tality Fair. . . Fair... Good . . Good.. Good . . Poor. . , Good. . Fair.. History of Parents Both living. . Father dead. Both dead. . . Father dead. Mother dead Both dead. . . Both living. . Both living. . Cook 6th grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 6th grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Cook 6th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Mother dead Cook 6th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Father dead Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . Cook 6th grade. .. Fair... Both dead.. Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . Cook 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 5th grade... Good.. Both living. Cook 6th grade. . . Poor.. .Both living. Cook 5th grade . . . Good . . Father dead Cook 6th grade. .. Fair... Both dead.. Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . Previous Record Age J. W. 1 ; Ref . 1 . . 20 None 16 Ct. Parole 19 , Ct. Prob. 1 20 .None 23 ,H. C. 1 24 Ct. Prob. 1 16 J. W. 2;Ct. Prob. 1 19 Par. Sch. 4; St. Chas. 1; Ct. Prob. 1 17 Ct. Parole 1 18 None 18 None 18 None 18 H. C. 2 18 St. Chas. 1 ...... 18 H. C. 2 21 Ct. Prob. 1 18 J. W. 3 ; Ct. Prob. 2 17 Par. Sch. 2 16 St. Chas. 1 17 H. C. 1 19 M. O. 2 17 J. W. 1 16 H. C. 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 19 Ct. Prob. 1; Co. jail 1 20 None 17 None 20 None 17 H. C. 1 18 Ct. Prob. 2; St. Chas. 1 18 Ct. Prob. 1 18 H. C. 1 24 M. O. 4 16 M. O. 2 20 Ct. Parole 1 18 None 19 St. Chas. 1; Ct. Prob. 2 . ,18 13 Edu- Men- History County cation tality of Parents Cook 7th grade . . . Poor. . . Both living . Cook 7th grade . . . Good . . Both dead. . Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 7th grade... Good.. Both living. Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . Cook 7th grade. . . Good . . Both dead. . , Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Mother dead Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . Cook 7th grade . . . Poor. . . Both living . Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 7th grade . . . Poor. . . Both dead. . . Cook 7th grade . . . Good . . Separated . . . Cook 7th grade . . . Good . . Both living . . Cook 7th grade. . . Fair. . .Separated .. . Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . Cook 7th grade . . . Good . . Both living . . Cook 7th grade . . . Good . . Separated . . . Cook 7th grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . . Cook 7th grade . . . Good . . Both dead. . . Cook 7th grade. . . Fair. . .Mother dead Cook 8th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . Cook 8th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 8th grade . . . Good . . Separated . . Cook 8th grade . . . Good . . Both living . Cook 8th grade. . . Good. .Both living. Cook 8th grade . . . Good . . Both living . Cook 8th grade. . . Good. .Both living. Cook 8th grade . . . Fair. . . Separated . . Cook 8th grade . . . Good . . Both living . Cook 8th grade. . . Good. .Both living. Cook 8th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . Cook 8th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . Cook 8th grade. . . Good. .Separated .. Cook 8th grade. . . Fair. . . Both living. Cook 8th grade. . . Fair. . . Separated .. Cook 8th grade. .. Good.. Father dead Cook 8th grade. . . Good. .Separated .. Cook 8th grade. . . Fair. . .Father dead Cook 8th grade... Fair ... Mother dead Previous Record " Age J.W.3 17 J. W. 3 19 None 22 None 21 H. C 3 25 None 18 .None 17 M. O. 2 18 M. O. 10; St. Chas. 3; J. W. 1 16 None 19 None 24 None 18 Co. jail 1 23 Par. Sch. 3 ; J. W. 1; St. Chas. 1. 20 None 19 None 18 None 17 , None 20 , None 20 .Par. Sch. 1 ; J. W. 1 19 None 19 None 18 H. C. 1 24 H. C 2 20 None 18 Ct. Prob. 2 17 Ct. Prob. 1 21 None 18 Ct. Prob. 1 21 None 25 J. W. 1 ; H. C. 3 ; Ref. 1 22 None 23 None 18 None 23 J. W. 2 16 None 23 None 22 Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1 19 H. C. 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 ; St. Chas. 1 . . 20 14 Edu- County cation Cook 8th grade . . Men- tality Fair . . . Separated History of Parents Cook 8th grade . . . Good . . Both living . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . , Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook 8th grade . . . Cook High School. Cook High School. Cook High School. Cook High School. Cook High School. Cook High School. Cook High School. Cook High School. Cook High Cook High Cook High Cook High Cook High Cook ....... High Cook High Cook High Cook High Cook High School. School, School. School. School. School. School. School. School. School. Good. Fair . . Fair. . Good. Good. Good. Fair. . Fair. . Fair.. Fair . . Fair.. Good . Fair . . Fair.. Fair.. Fair. . , Fair.. , Good. Good. Good. Fair.. Good . , Good. , Fair. . , Good. , Good . . Good. . Fair. . , Good. . Fair . . . Fair . . . Good. . Fair . . . Good. . Good . . Good. . Good. . Good . . Father dead Both living. Both living. Separated .. Both living. Both dead.. Both living. Both living. Both dead.. Both dead.. Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Both dead. . . Both living. . Both dead.. . Mother dead. Both living. . Father dead. Father dead. Both living. . Father dead. .Father dead. .Both living. . .Father dead. , Separated . . . Both living. . , Both dead. . . Father dead. Mother dead Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Father dead. Father dead. Father dead. Mother dead. Mother dead. Previous Record Age .St. Chas. 1; H. C. 1 ; Ref . 1 19 . Ct. Prob. 1 ; H. C. 1 23 .None 18 . None 20 .Ct. Prob. 1; St. .Chas. 1 17 .None 23 . None 23 .None 21 . Ct. Prob. 1 16 .Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 ,H. C. 2 22 , Ct. Prob. 1 ; Ref. 1 23 None 18 H. C. 1 18 None 19 None 20 None 18 None 19 Ref. 1 20 None 22 None 19 M. O. 2 20 Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 None 21 Ref. 1 20 None 17 H. C. 1 20 None 21 M. O. 7; St. Chas. 3 18 Ct. Prob. 1 17 None 24 None 22 None 23 M. O. 20; H. C. 2 20 None 19 None 18 None 20 None 19 None ., .21 THE FOLLOWING IS A HISTORY OF THE 262 CASES COMMITTED FROM COUNTIES OUTSIDE OF COOK COUNTY. Edu- County cation Rock Island. 1st grade.. . , Pulaski 1st grade. . . , Pulaski 1st grade. . . , Sangamon . . 1st grade. . . , Ogle 1st grade. . . , Ogle 1st grade. . . , Jackson 1st grade.. . . Jackson 1st grade.. . , Jackson 1st grade.. . , St. Clair . . ..1st grade.. . Perry 1st grade. . . . Alexander . . 1st grade. . . , Alexander . . 1st grade. . . , Vermilion . ..1st grade.. . . Vermilion . ..1st grade.. . , Iroquois . . ..1st grade.. . , Union 1st grade. . . . Jasper 1st grade.. . . Saline 1st grade.. . , Saline 1st grade. . . , Jackson 1st grade. . . , Vermilion . ..1st grade.. . White 1st grade Moigan 1st grade.. . , St. Clair . . ..1st grade.. . , Adams 1st grade.. . , Franklin . . ..1st grade.. . , Champaign. . 1st grade.. . , Champaign. . 1st grade.. . , Jo Daviess. ..1st grade.. . , Sangamon . ..1st grade.. . , Vermilion . ..1st grade Vermilion . ..1st grade Men- History Previous tality of Parents Record Age Poor. . . Father dead . None .... 20 Poor. . . Mother dead. None .... 18 Poor. . .Mother dead. None .... 19 Fair. . . Both dead. . . Co. jail 2 . . . . .... 22 Fair. . . Both living. . None .... 23 Fair. . . Both living. . None .... 23 Poor.. . Separated . . . None .... 18 Fair. . . Separated . . . None .... 21 Poor. . .Mother dead.St. Chas. 1. . .... 16 Good. . Separated ... St. Chas. 1 . . .... 19 Poor. . . Both dead. . . Co. jail 1 .... 23 Fair. . . Both living. . None .... 19 Fair. . . Both dead. . . None .... 18 Poor. . . Mother dead. None .... 22 Fair. . . Father dead . None . ... 24 Fair. . . Both living. . None .... 21 Poor. . . Both living. . M. O. 6 .... 19 Poor.. . Both living. . None .... 24 Poor. . .Both living. . M. O. 2 .... 20 Fair. . . Father dead . None .... 23 Poor. . . Both dead. . . St. Chas. 1 . . .... 16 Good. . Both dead. . . None .... 25 Fair. . .Both dead...M. O. 2 .... 18 Fair. . . Separated . . . None 21 Poor.. .Father dead.Ct. Prob. 1.. . ... 20 Poor. . . Separated . . . Ref . 1 .... 17 Fair. . .Separated ...Co. jail 3... .... 15 Poor.. .Father dead. Co. jail 4... .... 22 Poor.. .Both dead. ..Co. jail 2... .... 19 Fair. . .Father dead. Co. jail 1... .... 25 Fair. . .Both living. . Ct. Prob. 1. . . ... 21 Fair. . .Both dead... Co. jail 1... .... 22 Poor.. . Separated . . . None . ... 21 15 16 County Kankakee. . St. Clair . . Pope Champaign . . Winnebago. . Winnebago . . Macon Montgomery. Vermilion . . McLean St. Clair . . . Jefferson Massac Jefferson . . . Madison. . Edu- cation , 1st grade.. .1st grade.. .1st grade.. , 1st grade.. , 1st grade.. , 1st grade.. .1st grade.. .1st grade.. .2nd grade. 2nd grade. .2nd grade. 2nd grade. .2nd grade. .2nd grade. .2nd grade. St. Clair . . ..2nd grade.. . Fair. . .Both dead. Marion 2nd grade. . . Poor. Richland ....2nd grade... Fair. Alexander. ...2nd grade.. . Fair. Vermilion . . . 2nd grade. . . Good Iroquois 2nd grade. . . Good Wabash 2nd grade.. . Fair. St. Clair 2nd grade. . . Poor. Coles 2nd grade. . . Fair . Union 2nd grade. . . Poor. , Vermilion ...2nd grade... Good, Pike 2nd grade.. . Fair. , Pike 2nd grade.. . Fair. , Morgan 2nd grade. , . Good , Iroquois 2nd grade... Fair.. Du Page . . . .2nd grade. . . Poor. . Sangamon . . 2nd grade. . . Fair . . Vermilion . . . 2nd grade. . . Poor. . Randolph. . ..2nd grade.. . Poor.. Pope 2nd grade. . . Poor. . Marion 2nd grade. . . Fair . . Winnebago . . 2nd grade. . . Fair . . Macon 2nd grade. . . Poor. . Edgar 2nd grade. . . Poor.. Morgan 2nd grade. . . Poor. . White 3rd grade. . . Fair. . St. Clair 3rd grade. . . Fair. . Kane 3rd grade. . . Poor. . Men- History Previous tality of Parents Record Age Fair. . . Both living. . Ref . 1 20 Poor. . . Mother dead.None 19 Poor.. .Father dead.None 19 Poor.. .Both living. .M. O. 4 18 Poor. . . Both living . . None 19 Fair. . . Both living. . None 23 Poor. . . Mother dead.None 20 Fair. . . Both dead. . . None 20 Fair. . . Both living. . Ct. Prob. 1 21 Poor. . . Both living. . Co. jail 1 17 Fair. . . Separated . . .Co. jail 1 20 Poor. . . Mother dead.None 22 Poor. . . Both living. . None 16 Fair. . . Both living. . Co. jail 1 21 Fair... Both dead...Ct. Prob. 1; Ref. 1 19 Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 1 19 . Both living . . None 25 . Both living. . None 18 . Both dead. . . None 19 . Separated . . . None 23 . Both living . . None 24 . Both dead. . . None 18 . Father dead . None 18 .Both dead...M. O. 2 21 . Separated . . . None 20 . Both living. . None 25 . Separated . . . None 17 . Both dead. . . Co. jail 2 21 . Father dead . None 20 .Both dead... None 19 . Both living. . Co. jail 1 19 .Both dead... Ref. 1 20 , Both dead. . . None 20 , Both living. . None 18 , Both dead. . . Co. jail 1 18 .Both dead... None 18 , Mother dead.None 23 .Both dead...M. O. 2 24 , Both living. . M. O. 1 16 Both living. . None 19 Both living. . St. Chas. 1 18 Father dead. St. Chas. 1 15 Both dead.. .St. Chas. 2. 17 17 County Madison. . . . Sangamon . . Vermilion . . , Alexander . . . Coles Massac Crawford. . . Lee Lee ... Whiteside... White Jersey .... Lee La Salle .... Montgomery Hardin Rock Island Kankakee . . St. Clair . . . Christian . . Crawford . . Winnebago . . Lake Lake Massac Madison . Edu- cation .3rd grade, .3rd grade, , 3rd grade , ,.3rd grade, .3rd grade, .3rd grade, .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. 3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade .3rd grade, .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade, .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. .3rd grade. Champaign . . 3rd grade . Macon 3rd grade. McPIenry . . .3rd grade . Saline 3rd grade . Macoupin ...3rd grade. Alexander. . .3rd grade. Alexander. . .3rd grade, Warren 3rd grade, Clay 3rd grade . Iroquois . . ..3rd grade. La Salle . . . .3rd grade . Union 3rd grade, Lee 3rd grade. Perry 3rd grade. St. Clair . . ..3rd grade. Winnebago . . 3rd grade . Kankakee . ..3rd grade. Men- tality Fair . . , Fair. . . Poor. . . Fair . . , Fair. . . Fair... Poor. . . Fair. . . Fair . . . Fair.., Fair. . . Fair. . . Good. . Good . . Fair . . . Fair. . . Poor. . . Fair. . . Fair.. . Good. . Poor. . . Fair . . . Fair. . . Fair. . . Fair . . . Fair. . . Poor: Poor. Fair. Poor. Fair. Fair. Good Good Fair . Fair. Fair. Good Fair. , Poor., Fair . , Poor.. Poor.. History of Parents Both living. . Father dead. Father dead. Both living. . Both living. . Separated . . . Both living. . Both dead... Father dead. Father dead. Father dead. Both living. . Father dead. Both living. . Father dead. Both living. . Both dead. . . Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Father dead. Father dead. Father dead. Father dead. Both dead. . . Both dead.. .Both dead.. .Both dead.. .Both dead.. , Father dead .Separated .. .Separated .. .Both dead.. .Both living. , Both living. Both dead.. Both living. .Both living. Father dead Father dead Father dead, Both dead. . , Separated . . . Previous Record Age Co. jail 1 23 None 19 Co. jail 1 19 M. O. 2 18 M. O. 1 20 None 22 None 23 None 23 Co. jail 1 19 None 23 None 25 None 24 None 18 None 16 M. O. 2 18 None 20 None 20 Co. jail 3 21 None 15 None 22 Ref. 1 19 None 21 Co. jail 1 18 St. Chas. 1 16 None 20 Ct. Prob. 1 ; Ref. 1 20 None 18 Co. jail 1 25 Ct. Prob. 1 17 M. O. 2 17 None 18 None 20 None 19 None 19 None 18 St. Chas. 1 19 None 19 None 19 Co. jail 21 None 18 M. O. 2; St. Chas. 1 18 M. O. 5 18 None ., ,19 18 Edu- County cation Logan 4th grade , Kankakee . . .4th grade . Logan 4th grade Marion 4th grade . Adams 4th grade . Peoria 4th grade . Richland. . . ; .4th grade. Knox 4th grade . Montgomery. 4th grade. Wabash 4th grade. Richland 4th grade . McLean 4th grade . Pope 4th grade . Rock Island . .4th grade . St Clair 4th grade . Macon 4th grade . Macon 4th grade . Macon 4th grade . Du Page . . . .4th grade . Morgan .... 4th grade . Vermilion . . .4th grade . Rock Island. 4th grade. Richland . . . .4th grade . Mercer 4th grade . Macoupin . . .4th grade . Peoria 4th grade. Marion 4th grade . Coles 4th grade . Edgar 4th grade. Christian . . Christian . . Edgar Massac . . . La Salle . , Alexander. Livingston St. Clair . . Vermilion . Vermilion . Warren . . . Saline . ..4th grade. ..4th grade. ..5th grade. ...5th grade. ..5th grade, . . 5th grade . ..5th grade. ..5th grade. ..5th grade. ..5th grade. ..5th grade, . . 5th grade . Men- tality Fair . . . Poor. . . Good . . Fair . . . Fair... Poor. . . Poor. . . Fair . . . Fair... Fair . . . Fair., Fair . Fair, Fair. Fair . , Fair. Fair . , Fair., Poor. . Fair., Fair . , Good, Poor. . Fair. , Fair . , Fair. , Fair.. Fair . . Fair . . Fair. . Fair. . Fair.. Fair. Good, Fair . , Poor. . Fair. . Fair.. Poor.. Good, Fair. , History of Parents , Both living . . Both dead... , Both living . . .Both living. . , Separated . . . Both living. . Father dead . Both living. . Both living. . , Both living . . Both dead. . . Father dead. Both dead... Both dead. . . Separated .. . Both dead. . . Separated . . . Separated .. . Both living. . Separated .. . Mother dead Father dead. Father dead. Both living. . Both dead.. Both living. Father dead. Both dead. . . Both living. . Father dead. Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Separated . . . Separated . . . Mother dead, Both living. . Both living. . Mother dead. Both living. . Father dead. Previous Record Age None 20 Par. Sch. 2; St. Chas. 1 18 Co. jail 1 18 None 23 None 25 Co. jail 3 17 None 19 None 22 None 24 M. O. 4; Ref. 1. 18 Ct. Prob. 1 23 M. O. 2 17 None 17 M. O. 6 17 Co. jail 2 20 Co. jail 2 24 St. Chas. 1 16 St. Chas. 2 16 Ct. Prob. 1 18 St. Chas. 1 17 .Co. jail 2 24 None 19 Ref. 1 ; Pen. 1 ... 23 Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 Ref. 1 20 Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 ; Ref. 1 20 None 20 M. O. 1 20 St. Chas. 1; Ref. 1 16 Ref. 1 ; Pen. 1 ... 29 None 22 St. Chas. 1 17 None 18 None 18 None 18 Co. jail 1 ; Ref. 1 . 19 M. O. 2 19 None 25 None 23 Ct. Prob. 1 18 None . , 17 19 Edu- County cation Union 5th grade, Moultrie . . ..5th grade, Jasper 5th grade. Washington.. 5th grade, Knox 5th grade . Scott 5th grade McLean .... 5th grade . Jasper 5th grade. St. Clair ....5th grade. Kane 5th grade. Men- tality Fair . . . Fair. . . Poor. . . Fair . . . Poor... Good. . Poor... Fair... Fair... Poor.. History of Parents .Separated .. .Father dead Both living. Both living. Father dead Father dead Both living. Both living. Both living. Both living. Champaign... 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Separated .. Jo Daviess. ..5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. Sangamon . .5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. Knox 5th grade. . . Good. . Separated .. Iroquois 5th grade... Fair... Both dead.. Kankakee ...5th grade... Fair ... Father dead, Kankakee . ..5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. , Massac 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. , Mercer 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Whiteside . ..5th grade. . . Poor.. .Separated .. . Marion 5th grade. . . Good. .Separated .. . Washington.. 5th grade. . . Good. .Both living. . Lake 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Separated .. . Rock Island . 5th grade ... Fair... Both dead... Jackson 5th grade. . . Fair. . .Father dead. Carroll 5th grade . . . Good . . Both dead. . . Pike 5th grade... Fair... Both dead... St. Clair ....5th grade... Fair ... Father dead. Ford 5th grade. . . Good. .Both dead.. . Richland . . ..6th grade. . . Fair. . .Both living. . Fulton 6th grade . . . Good . . Both dead. . . Massac 6th grade. . . Fair. . .Separated .. . Warren 6th grade . . . Good . . Both dead. . . Adams 6th grade. . . Fair. . .Separated .. . Peoria 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Mother dead, Franklin 6th grade. . . Good. . Separated .. . McLean .... 6th grade . . . Good . . Both living . . Rock Island .6th grade. . . Good. .Separated .. . Previous Record Age .St. Chas. 1 15 .None 19 .None 19 .None 22 .None 17 .M. O. 5 20 .Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 16 .Co. jail 3 25 . St. Chas. 1 19 .Par. Sch. 1; St. Chas. 1 17 .Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 21 .Co. jail 2 20 .St. Chas. 1 18 .Ct. Prob. 1 19 .St. Chas. 2 28 ,Ref. 1 19 .None 19 , None 20 ,Ct. Prob. 1; St. Chas. 1 16 ,Ct. Prob. 1; St. Csas. 1 20 None 23 None 19 M. O. 1 17 None 18 None 20 M. O. 1 23 St. Chas. 1 21 M. O. 1 21 None 22 None 22 Ct. Prob. 1 19 None 17 None 22 None 20 ,Co. jail 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 15 None 19 M. O. 10; St. Chas. 1 24 Co. jail 1 17 20 Edu- Men- History Previous County cation tality of Parents Record i ^ge Madison 6th grade . . . Poor... Both dead... Ref. 1 20 Washington . .6th grade . . . Fair . . . Both living . . None 22 Vermilion . . 6th grade . . . Good. . Both living. . Co. jail 1 20 Macon 6th grade . . . Fair. . . Both living. . St. Chas 2 19 Champaign . . 6th grade . . . Fair. . .Father dead. Co. jail 2 21 Jo Daviess . . .6th grade . . . Good . . Both living. . None 23 Sangamon . .6th grade. . . Fair. . . Both dead. . . None 20 Sangamon . . 6th grade . . . Fair. . . Separated .. . Co. jail 2 20 Vermilion . . 6th grade . . . Fair . . . Separated . . . None 21 Vermilion . . 6th grade . . . Good . . Separated . . . None 24 Vermilion . . 6th grade . . . Fair. . . Separated . . . None 22 Kankakee . . .6th grade . . . Fair. . . Both living. . Ref. 1 18 Champaign . .6th grade . . . Fair. . . Mother dead. None 20 Macon 6th grade. . . Fair. . . Both living. . Ct. Prob. 1 20 Williamson.. .6th grade. . . Poor... Separated ...M. O. 2 16 Edgar 6th grade . . . Fair. . .Mother dead.M. O. 3 20 Du Page 6th grade . . . Good . . Both dead. . . None 24 Christian . . . 7th grade . . . Good . . Both living . . None 16 Macon 7th grade . . . Fair. . . Mother dead.Ct. Prob. 1 17 Saline 7th grade. . . Fair . . . Both living . . None 18 Saline 7th grade. . . Good. . Both living. . None 18 Champaign . .7th grade . . . Good. . Mother dead. None 17 Sangamon ..7th grade. . . Fair. . . Separated . . . None 23 McHenry . . .7th grade . . . Fair. . . Separated ... St. Chas. 1 16 Madison . . . .7th grade . . . Poor. . . Father dead . Insane Asylum 1 ; Tail 1 ; Co. jail 3 19 De Witt 7th grade. . . Fair . . . Separated . . . None 19 Knox 7th grade . . . Good. . Both living. . St. Chas. 1 18 Ogle 7th grade. . . Fair. . . Both living. . Ct. Prob. 1 16 Stephenson...7th grade. . . Fair. . . Both living. . M. O. 1 26 St. Clair . . ..7th grade. . . Good . . Both dead. . . None 18 Ford 7th grade . . . Good . . Both living . . None 21 Vermilion . . .8th grade . . . Fair. . . Both living. . None 23 Winnebago ..8th grade... Good . . Father dead . None 21 Richland . . . 8th grade . . . Fair. . . Both living. . None 18 Douglas 8th grade . . . Good . . Both living . . None 21 Union 8th grade. . . Good . . Father dead . None 17 Union 8th grade . . . Good. . Mother dead.None 18 Rock Island . 8th grade . . . Good . . Separated . . . Par. Sch. 2 17 Winnebago. . 8th grade. . . Fair. . . Both living. . Ref. 1 18 Rock Island. 8th grade. . . Good . . Both living. . Ct. Prob. 1 20 Sangamon . . 8th grade . . . Fair. . . Both living. . None 24 Sangamon . .8th grade. . . Good. . Both living. . None 23 Sangamon . . 8th grade . . . Fair . . . Both dead. . . Co . jail 1 ; Ct. Prob. 1 . 22 21 Edu- County cation Ford 8th grade.. . Mercer 8th grade . . . Edgar 8th grade. . . Sangamon . . High School. Massac High School. Champaign ..High School. Macon High School. Macon High School. St. Clair . Vermilion Vermilion Iroquois . Sangamon Madison . Macon High Greene High School. Kane High School. Union High School. Morgan High School. Macon ..... High School. Peoria High School. .High School. High School. , High School. .High School. .High School. .High School. School. Men- tality Good. Fair . . . Good . Good . Good. Good . Fair.. Good. Good. Good. Fair . . Fair.. Good. Fair . . Fair.. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Fair.. History of Parents Both living. . Separated . . . Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Father dead. Both dead... Both living. . Mother dead Both living. . Both dead... Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Both living. . Mother dead Both living. . Both living. . Previous Record Age None 19 M. O. 1 17 M. O. 2 18 None 18 None 19 None 21 None 17 None 18 None 17 None 21 Ref. 1 21 .M. O. 8 20 None 25 Co. jail 2 24 Ct. Prob. 1 18 None 19 None 16 None 16 .Ct. Prob. 1 23 None 17 None . . 20 RECAPITULATION. COOK COUNTY EDUCATION COUNTIES OUTSIDE OF COOK First Grade 29 Second Grade 21 Third Grade 37 Fourth Frade 55 Fifth Grade 51 Sixth Grade 33 Seventh Grade 22 Eighth Grade 40 High School (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year) 18 Total 306 Total number above 6th grade, 80, or less than 27% of the total. Total number 1st to 6th grade, inclusive, 226. Total number below 6th grade, 193, or 63% of total. Total number of inmates with some High School education, 18, or 5.9% of total. First Grade 41 Second Grade 32 Third Grade 46 Fourth Grade 31 Fifth Grade 39 Sixth Grade 26 Seventh Grade 14 Eighth Grade 15 High School (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year 18 Total 262 Total number above 6th grade 47, or less than 19% of the total Total . number 1st to 6th grade, inclusive, 215. Total number below 6th grade, 189, or 72% of total. Total number of inmates with some High School education, 18, or 6.9% of total. 22 Out of the 36 inmates who have some high school education there were only 5 committed who were graduates of a high school. MENTALITY. In mates marked "Mentally good," means a bright, active mind. Inmates marked "Mentality fair," means below the normal, but by proper training and education may acquire an average mentality. Inmates marked "Mentally poor," means defectives, subnormals, feeble-minded and some insane, who in all probability will always be a charge on society and the State. COOK COUNTY COUNTIES OUTSIDE OF COOK Inmates mentally good 71 Inmates mentally good 57 Inmates mentally fair 169 Inmates mentally fair 143 Inmates mentally poor 66 Inmates mentally poor 62 Mentally good 23% plus, Mentally fair 55% plus, Mentally poor 21% plus, 306 Mentally good 22% plus, Mentally fair 54% plus, Mentally poor 23% plus. 262 HISTORY OF PARENTS. COOK COUNTY Father and mother both dead. 69 Father or mother dead 74 Parents separated 42 Father and mother both living. 121 COUNTIES OUTSIDE OF COOK Father and mother both dead. 53 Father or mother dead 63 Parents separated 43 Father and mother both living. 103 306 262 Father or mother, or both dead, Father or mother, or both dead, or separated, 185, or 60% plus or separated, 159, or 60% plus of the total number committed. of the total number committed. It will be noted that the percentage of parents separated is much larger in counties outside of Cook county than in Cook county, and the percentage having father or mother, or both dead, is less in counties outside of Cook county. PREVIOUS RECORD. Total number of inmates committed from Cook county for the year 1916 306 Total number of inmates committed from counties outside of Cook county for the year 1916 262 Total number not employed at time of arrest 312 Total number employed at time of arrest 256 Total number never previously arrested 235 Total number of minor offenses committed 262 Total court probations granted 96 23 Total commitments to parental schools 69 Total commitments to John Worthy School 62 Total commitments to St. Charles School 107 Total commitments to House of Correction 118 Total commitments to county jails 86 Total commitments to reformatories 29 Total commitments to penitentiaries 2 Total commitments to insane asylums 7 Total number of inmates with previous records 276 Total number of former commitments, not including minor of- fenses 576 Total number of inmates committing 262 minor offenses 57 Total number from Cook county having served one previous sentence 67 Total number of inmates from Cook county having served more than one previous sentence 113 Total number of inmates from counties outside of Cook county having served one previous sentence 56 Total number of inmates from counties outside of Cook county having served more than one sentence 40 In computing the number of inmates having served one previous sentence, or more than one previous sentence, I have not included the inmates who are classified under the head of having committed minor offenses, juvenile offenders or those committed to parental schools. The figures are based upon those who have been given a court proba- tion, served time in the county jail for larceny, or other misdemeanors, or have been committed to St. Charles School for Boys, John Worthy School, House of Correction, reformatories or penitentiaries. AGE. Average age at time of commitment, 19.56. Total number of inmates 15 years of age at time of commitment. 6 Total number of inmates 16 years of age at time of commitment. 38 Total number of inmates 17 years of age at time of commitment. 77 Total number of inmates 18 years of age at time of commitment. 107 Total number of inmates 19 years of age at time of commitment. 101 Total number of inmates 20 years of age at time of commitment. 79 Total number of inmates 21 years of age at time of commitment. 42 Total number of inmates 22 years of age at time of commitment. 34 Total number of inmates 23 years of age at time of commitment. 37 Total number of inmates 24 years of age at time of commitment. 28 Total number of inmates 25 years of age at time of commitment. 16 Total number of inmates 26 years of age at time of commitment. Total number of inmates 28 years of age at time of commitment. 1 Total number of inmates 29 years of age at time of commitment. 1 568 24 Total number of inmates 21 years of age or less at time of commitment . : . i . ;'*. 450 Total number of inmates above the age of 21 at time of ar- rest, and not exceeding 25 years of age 115 Total number of inmates above the age of 25 when com- mitted . 3 Total number of inmates not employed at time of arrest. . . 312 Total number of inmates employed at time of arrest. . 256 568 568 TOBACCO AND LIQUORS. Out of the total number of inmates committed in 1916 a little over 69% were addicted to the use of cigarettes, and 35% addicted to the use of tobacco in other forms. Out of the total number of inmates committed in 1916 72% were addicted to the use of liquor in some form, either moderately or to excess. 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