BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA lO/ t V ^JW^ CATALOGUE OF THE BENCHERS' LIBRARY. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THK BENCHERS' LIBRARY OF THE uttattViiVle ^uitii of §nvg0 ftm: WITH AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS. COMPILED, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MILES W. MATTINSON, K.C., RECORDER OF BLACKBURN, Af ASTER OF THE LIBRARY, BY M. D. SEVERN, LIBRARIAN. 1C n 5 n : Printed by WITHEEBY & CO., 326, Hian Holbobn, W.C. 1910 LOAN STACK masters of m BencD u)l)0 baue rilka tbe Otflce or master or tfte Cibrarp^ 1847. THOMAS JAMES. • 1852. WILLIAM JOHN BEODERIP. 1859. JOHN GODFEEY TEED. 1863. JAMES BAESTOW. 1867. WILLIAM . MA WDESLEY BEST. 1869. JOHN AECHIBALD EUSSELL. 1899. WILLIAM BOWEN EOWLANDS. 1903. JAMES MULLIGAN. 1907. MILES WALKEE MATTINSON. Kid (3r'r^ 1110 CATALOGUR OF THE BENCHERS' LIBRARY OF §fje Iffuffuvable ^0cietg of^rag's |uii. ly Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Baoon and Essex, a sketch of Bacon's earlier life. 8vo. 1877 Francis Bacon, an account of his life and works. 8vo. 1885 See also Bacon, Francis ; Miscellaneous Collections, Promus. Abbott, Evelyn, and Campbell, Lewis. The Hfo and letters of Benjamin Jowett. 2 vols 8vo. 1897 a'BECKETT, Arthur William. The a'Becketts of " Puncli " ; memories of father and sons. 8vo. 1903 See also a' Beckett, G. A. ; Comic Blackstone : Geay's Inn ; Masque of Flowers. r'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. The Comic Blackstone ; revised and extended by A. W. n' Beckett. 8vo. 1887 Abinger, Lord. See Scarlett. Acton, John Emerich Dalberg-, Lord. Lectures on the French Revolution ; edited by J. N. Figgis, and R. V. Laurence. 8vo. 1910 See also Cambridge Modern History. 352 2 ADA— ARI. Adams, George Burton. See Hunt, W., and Poole, R. L.; Political History of England. Addison, Joseph. Works ; a new edition, with notes by Richard Hurd, Bishop of Worcester. 6 vols. 8vo. 1811 Akhnaton, Pharaoh of Egypt. Life of. See Weigall, A. E. P. Alderson, Charles. Selections from the charges and other detached papers of Baron Alderson, with an introductory notice of his life. Svo. 1858 Alderson, Mr. Baron. Life of. See Alderson, Charles. Amery, L. S. The ' Times ' History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902. 7 vols. Svo. 1900-09 Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester, Member of Gray's Inn. Tortura Torti ; sive^ ad Matthsei Torti [i.e. Card, Bellarmini] librum responsio, qui nuper editus contra Apologiam Jacobi Magnse Britannise Regis, pro juramento fidelitatis. 4to. 1609 Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini, quam nuper edidit contra Prgefationem monitoriam Jacobi Magnse Britanniae Regis. 4to. 1610 The devotions of Bishop Andrewes (Greece et Latine) ; edited by H. Veale. 8vo. 1898 Life of. See Ottlby, Robert L. Anne Bolbyn. Life of. See Friedmann, Paal. Trial of. See Deans, R. Storry. Antrobus, Frederick Ignatius. See Pastor L. ; History of the Popes. Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell, J. D. S. Aristotle. Aristotle, by G. Grote ; edited by A. Bain and G. C. Robertson. Third edition. Svo. 1883 On the Art of Poetry ; a revised text with critical introduction, translation and commentary, by I. By water. Svo. Oxford, 1909 ARN— BAG. 3 Abnould, Sir Joseph. Memoir of Thomas, Lord Deuman. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873 As CHAM, Roger. EngUsh Works ; edited by W. Aldis Wright. Svo. Cambridge, 1904 Ashbourne, Lord. See Gibson. Ashley, Evelyn. . Tlie Ufe and correspondence of Henry John Temple, Viscount Pahnerston. 2 vols. Svo. 1879 AsHWELL, A. R., and Wilberforce, Reginald G. Life of the Right Reverend Samuel Wilberforce. 3 vols. 8vo. 1880-81 Atherton, John, Bishop of Waterford. See Bernard, Nicholas. Atkinson, Charles Milner. Jeremy Bentham, his life and work. 8vo. [1905] Atlay, James Beresford. The Victorian Chancellors. 2 vols. 8vo. 1906-08 AULARD, A. The French Revolution, apolitical history, 1789-1804 ; translated ... by B. Miall. 4 vols. 8vo. 1910 Avbbttry, Lord. See Lubbock. Axon, William E. A. See Fuller, T. ; Sermons. Baber, Emperor of India. Memoirs of. See Talbot, F. G. Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans. arrangement. 1. Collected Works, 8. Novum Organum. 2. Advancement of Learning. 9. Sylva Sylvarum. New 3. Wisdom of the Ancients. Atlantis, 4. Essays. 10, Law Tracts. 6. History of Winds. 1 1 . Miscellaneous Collections. 6, History of Life and Death. 12, Minor Works. 7. History of the Reign of 13. Letters and Speeches. Henry VII, 14, Biography. 15. Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. 4 BAG. Bacon, Francis. — continued. * Presented by Nathaniel and Francis Bacon {nephews), 1635. t Presented by Dr. W. Aldis Wright, 19)8-09. 1. — COLLECTED WORKS. Francisci Baconi . . . Opera Omnia . . . Hactenus Edita, ad Autographorum maxime fidem, emendantur ; Nonnulla etiam, ex MSS. Codicibus deprompta, nunc primum prodeunt. (The Life of the Author, by Dr. Rawley, etc.) [Edited by J. Black- bourne.] 4 vols. fol. 1730 Another copy. With different title-page, and extra portrait. The Works of Francis Bacon ... To which is prefixed, a Life of tlie Author, by Mr. Mallet. (To the third volume is also prefixed the Life of Lord Bacon, written in Latin by his Chaplain, Dr. Raleigh. 3 vols. fol. 1753 The Works of Francis Bacon . . . [with a life.] A new edition, by Basil Montagu. 16 vols, in 17. 8vo. 1825-34 Large Paper. The Works of Francis Bacon . . . collected and edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis and D. D. Heath. 7 vols. 8vo. 1857-59 2. — ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING. The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and advancement of Learning, divine and humane. Printed for H. Tomes. 4to. 1605 Each book has a separate pagination. Another copy. Large Paper, with MS. marginal notes. * Another edition. Printed by J. L. for T. Huggins. 4to. Oxford. 1633 With this volume are bound Bacon's Essay es, 1632 ; Colours of Good and Evill, n.d. ; Charge touching Duels, 1614. Another copy. Bound with f Bacon's Essays, 1632. Another edition. Interpreted by Gilbert Wats. Printed by L. Lichfield for R. Young and E. Forrest, fol. Oxford. 1640 fFr. Baconis . . . De Augmentis Scientiarum lib. IX. Sumptibus J. Bavesteinii. 12mo. Amstelcedami. 1662 fOf the Proficience and Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon. Edited by . . . G. W. Kitchin. 8vo. 1861 t Another edition ; edited by W. Aldis Wright. Fifth edition [of Wright]. 8vo. Oxford. 1900 BAG. 5 Bacon, Francis. — continued. 3. — WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS. fFrancisci Baconi . . . de Sapientia Veterum, liber. Editio tertia. ExOfficinlJ. Maire. 12mo. Lugduni Batavorum. 1633 With MS. notes and autograph of John Bell, Surgeon. * Editio quarta. F. Kyngston, impensis J. Norton