^MJjaoIogtral Institute of America. INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS. i 879 -i 889. BY WILLIAM STETSON MERRILL. t ^/ARCH^OLOGIGALS INSTITUTE l£U OF v *\ AMERICA. 1^1 I87?. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. ©nibfrsttg IPrcss. CC£i A cg p ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. CD CO a* Council, 1890-91. SETH LOW, President. CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, Vice-President. GEORGE A. ARMOUR. LEVI L. BARBOUR. 4- DAVID L. BARTLETT. MARTIN BRIMMER. FREDERIC J. DE PEYSTER. ARTHUR L. FROTHINGHAM, Jr. CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON. FRANKLIN MACVEAGH. £> ALLAN MARQUAND. AUGUSTUS C. MERRIAM. WILLIAM H. METCALF. FRANCIS PARKMAN. MARTIN A. RYERSON. STEPHEN SALISBURY. THOMAS D. SEYMOUR. RUSSELL STURGIS. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, Jr. 223301 PREFACE. This Index covers the following works, which are desig- nated by the letters here prefixed : — A. i. to x. — Annual Reports of the Executive Committee of the Insti- tute ; I. to X. Cambridge. 1880-89. B. i. and ii. — American Series of Papers of the Institute ; I., II. Boston. 188 1, 1884. C. i. — Classical Series of Papers of the Institute ; I. Boston. 1882. D. — J. T. Clarke : Doric Shaft and Base found at Assos. Baltimore. 1886. E. — J. T. Clarke : Proto-Ionic Capital from the Site of Neandreia. Baltimore. 1886. F. — W.H.Ward: Notes on Oriental Antiquities. Baltimore. 1887. G. i. to vii. — Annual Reports of the Managing Committee of the Ameri- can School of Classical Studies at Athens ; I. to VII.* H. i. and ii. — Bulletins of the School of Classical Studies at Athens ; I., II. Boston. 1883, 1885. I. i. to iv. — Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens ; I. to IV. Boston. 1885,1888. * References are made to these Reports as printed in independent pamphlets, with duplicate references in parentheses to the combined Reports of the Institute and the School. vi PREFACE. K. — J. R. S. Sterrett : Preliminary Report of an Archaeological Jour- ney made in Asia Minor during the Summer of 1884. Boston. 1885. L. — W. H. Ward : Report on the Wolfe Expedition to Babylonia, 1884-85. Boston. 1886. M. i. — Bulletin of the Institute ; I. N. — J. T. Clarke: Gargara, Lamponia, and Pionia, Towns of the Troad. Baltimore. 1888. When several references are made to the same work, the letter designating that work is given only with the first page- reference; for example, under Acuco, 13, 14, 16, 21-23, all refer to pages of B. i., but B. i. is named only with 13. W. S. M. The Newberry Library, Chicago, January 1, 1891. INDEX. Aa (goddess), representations of, F. 18. Abbot, on theatre at Assos, C. i. 38. Abbott, C. C, Primitive industry, A. x. 102. Abuhabba, L. 23; tablet of, F. 16, 18. Abydos, A. i. 125; founded, C. i. 68; hills of, A. i. 125. Accad, identified, L. 25. Acha, identified, B. i. 23. Achaia (Roman province), its inhabit- ants transported to Dacia, A. i. 105. Achermos's statue of Nike, A. x. 73 ; epigram on its pedestal, in ib. Acoma, descriptions of, B. i. 14 ; Indian houses at, A. i. 45 ; Qq'ueres name, B. i. 14 n. Acorn-cups, used for dyeing, A. i. 146. Acosta, J. de, Hist, natural y moral de las Indias, B. ii. 109. Acrostic inscription at Syghyrlik, I. iii. Acrotimus, an Icarian, G. vii. 84, 85, 86. Acta sanctorum Leonis et Paregorii, I. i. 95- Acuco or Tutahaco, position of, B. i. 13 ; identified, 14, 16 ; idiom of, iden- tified, 21-23, A. v. 37. " Ad metalla damnati," the workers of the Roman mines in Dacia, A. i. 105. Adalia, inscription at, I. ii. 222-224. Adramyttion, founded, C. i. 69 ; taken by Henri de Hainault, 76. Adramyttion gulf, its coasts seldom visited, C. i. 4-5 ; the resorts of pirates, 5. Aedilicius (vicus), in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 13S, 143. Aegean islands, products of, A. i. no; towns of, 130-131 ; importance in 14th century, 140. Aegean sea, colonies on, A. i. 115; cleared of pirates, 140. Aegina, inscriptions of, I. iv. 181 ; sculptures of its temple, C. i. 118. Aelianus, C. Jul Flac, in inscriptions on milestones, I. ii. 277, 292, 293. Aelianus, Tib. Plautius Silvanus, in in- scription of Kiosk, I. ii. 6. Aeolian Greeks, territory in nth cen- tury before Christ, C. i. 66. Aeolians, settlement of the Troad, C. i. 67. Aeolic Mysia and Lesbos, map, C. i. 48; same, described, 48, 49. Aeolic form e provis- ional committee on, to be appointed, 28 ; need of, A. v. 31 ; plan for, G. i- iii. 26-30, (A. v. 110-114) ; provis- ional committee appointed, H. ii. 15; report of provisional committee, 16, 21 ; circular concerning, in G. v-vi. 26, 27 ; subscriptions for, A. vii. 33- 34 ; plan for, and for scholarships, 35; funds raised, viii. 36-39; fund in 1889, x. 38. Permanent building, question of, G. iv. 20 seq. ; importance, A. vi. 44- 45 ; votes of executive committee of Trustees on erection, G. v-vi. 28 ; situation, 34; description of, 35-36, 47 ; plan of, A. vii. 34 ; laying of cor- ner stone, viii. 35 ; G. vii. 37-38 ; plate, G. vii. frontispiece ; occupied, 8 ; sit- uation, 20, A. viii. 35-36 ; furniture ; given a leaded glass window, G. vii. 21 ; progress of building, 38 ; finished, 40, A. ix. 49. Permanent building fund, subscrip- tions for, G. iv. 23, A. vi. 46; $1,000 added; $718 added, G. v-vi. 21, 22; committees on, 27, 28 ; increase of, 26, 27 ; total sum received, 37. Permanent building lot, offered by Greek government, H. ii. 21, G. iv. 17, A. vi. 44, G. v-vi. 26; negotia- tions for, G. iv. 22-23 > votes of thanks, in v-vi. 32-33; transfer of the land, 29-33; s ' ze > 3 1, Publications, editorship of, H. ii. 18; plan of committee on, G. i-iii. 25-26, (A. v. 109-110) ; list of (1S79-84), H. ii. 32; (1S79-85), G. iv. 9, 30; (1882- 88), G. v-vi. 52-53 ; (1882-89), G - vii - iio-iii; regulations concerning, H. ii. 30-31, G. iv. 29, A. x. 66; Annual reports, time of issuing changed, G. iv. 6-7 ; Ann. rept. I., in A. iii. 47-56 ; Ann. rept. II., in iv. 47-55; Ann. rept. III., in v. 99-114, H. ii. 11-14; Ann. rept. IV., delayed, A. vi. 44, G. iv. 6; Ann. rept. V., postponed, G. v-vi. 9; Ann. rept. VI., postponed, A. viii. 33; Ann. rept. VII., x. 38-39; Bulletins, projected, G. i-iii. 5, (A. iii. 51); publishing of, H. i. 28, ii. 17, G. iv. 7 ; Bulletin I., published, G. i-iii. 25, (A. v. 109) ; same, dis- tributed, G. v-vi. 23; Bulletin III., 17 ; circular giving prospectus, print- ed separately ; circulars on project of establishment, in i-iii. 4-7, (A. iii. H- = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K- = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L- = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N- = Gargara, Lamponia. INDEX. American School at Athens, continued. 50-53) ; circular (1883), H. ii. 25-26 ; same (18S4), in A. v. 11 5-1 16; circu- lar letter, G. i-iii. 21, (A v. 105), H. ii. 15; circular (1885), inQt. iv. 25-26, also bound with I. i. ; same (Jan., 18SS), in G. v-vi. 47-49, in vii. 105- 115, also bound with I. ii., iii., and iv. ; circular on books and travelling routes, G. v-vi. 23 ; same on endow- ment, in A. ix. 53-54 ; for students, in G. v-vi. 53 ; on travel and expenses, in 56; Papers, publishing of, iv. 9, A. x. 39; Papers I., to be issued, H. ii. 19; published, G. iv. 7-8, 30; sources and preparation of, I. i. 111- V.; Papers II., G. iv. 9; Papers II. and III., v-vi. 19 ; published, vii. 18; same, mode of editing, I. iii. iv. ; Papers II., III., and IV., A. ix. 36- 38; Papers III. and IV., published, 36; Papers IV., G. v-vi. 19; scope of, I. iv. VI. ; Project for the establish- ment of an A?nerican school of classical studies at Athens, G. i-iii. 19, in 4-7. Regulations, drawn up, G. i-iii. 20, (A. v. 104); altered, G. iv. 19, H. ii. 23; regulations, in G. iv. 27-28 ; same (1884), in A. v. 116-118; (1SS5), H. ii. 27-29; (1888), in G. v-vi. 49-51. Students, list of (1882-83), G. i-iii. 14-15 (A. iv. 52-53), H. i. 4-5, I. i. vii. ; same (1883-84), G. i-iii. 22, (A. v. 106), H. ii. 13, 14; same (18S4- 85), G. iv. 14 ; same (18S5-S6), v-vi. 10; number expected, iv. 17; same (1886-S7), vii. 26; same (1887-88), 5, 8; list of students (1S82-87), v-vi. 6; two classes of, H. i. 18-21 ; change of regulations regarding theses, 27- 28 ; certificates for 1882-84, ii. 23-24 ; facilities for ; need of scholarships, G. iv. 16; qualifications necessary, v- vi. 50-51 ; relative number, vii. 14- 15; importance of scholarships, 15- 16; vocations of students, 27. Trustees, appointed, G. v-vi. 28, A vii. 34; list of (1885-86), A. vii. 23; same (1886-87), G. v-vi. 7, A. viii. 24 ; same (18S7-88), G. vii. 6, A. ix. 25; same (1888-89), A. x. 24; executive committee, appointed, G. v-vi. 29. Amherst College, subscribes to Ameri- can School, G. i-iii. 9, (A. iii. 55). Amorgos, inscriptions of, I. iv. 183. Ampe, a penal settlement, identified, N. 23 11. Amyclae, throne of, C. i. 108. Amynamenos, name, I. i. 25. Anabura, identified, I. iii. 203, K. 13- 14; inscriptions of, see Salir and Ordekdji. Anactorium, inscription of, I. iv. 198. Anah, L. 25. Anastasius (emperor), wall built by, A. i. 123. Anatolia, Hittite remains in, A. x. 62- 63- Anatolian epigraphy, works on, G. iv. 13- Anbar, L. 24. Anchiale, coins found at, A. i. 117. Ancient modes of splitting rock, I. iv. 227-230 n. Ancyra, inscription near, K. 45. Andeira, position of, N. 29. Andocides, De myst., on Dionysiac the- atre, I. i. 135 n. Andromache, tomb of, C. i. 151. Anicius, Pub., in inscription of Anti- ochia (Pis.), I. ii. 127. Annia Faustina, in inscription of Te- feny, I. ii. 75. Anonymus of Vienna, on Olympieion at Athens, I. i. 186. Antalkidas, peace of, C. i. 72. Antandros, N. 19; geology of its acrop- olis, C. i. 187. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B- = Amer. papers. C- = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E = Proto-Ion. cap. F- = Orient, antiq. G- = Ann. rept. of .School. INDEX. Anthimos, in inscription of Assos,I.i.64. Anthologia Palat., D. io. Antinous, cult of, I. i. 168. Antiochia, Z. 4, 1, ii. 8. Antiochia Pisidiae, inscription at, K. 8- 9 ; see Yalowadj, inscription ; " vici " of, I. ii. 143. Antiochus (king), in inscription of Tral- leis, I. ii. 328. Antiochus Epiphanes, reign of, I. i. 19S ; work on the Olympieion at Athens, 198-201. Antitaurus, region east of, I. ii. 233. Antonia, marries Pythodorus, I. i. 38. Antonia Tryphaena, in Kyzikos, I. i. 38, 39- Antonian family, I i. 38. Atitonine Itinerary, K 26 ; amended, I. ii. 262. Antoninus Pius (emperor), in inscrip- tion of Adalia, I. ii. 223 ; of Antiochia (Pis.), 136; of Palaea Isaura, iii. 114, 115, 117; of Tralleis, i. 100, 102; in Greek inscription, 103. Apaches, importance of studying, A ix. 60 ; origin of, v. 79; spread of, 80; territory of, B. i. 27. Apam, plains of, B. ii. 36, 39. Aphaeresis in Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 157-158- Aphidna, inscription of, I. iv. 172 n. Aphrodisias, inscriptions at, see Geira ; ruins of, K. 4. Apodaca, Franc, de, a commissary in New Mexico, B. i. 120. Apollo, altar of, on Cyanean rocks, A. i. 120; in inscriptions, see 'AttoKKcov (Greek Index) ; statue of, by Cala- mis, 116; torso and reliefs of, found at Sto Dionyso, ix. 48 ; worshipped in the Troad, E. 34 «. Apollo Pythius, worshipped in Icaria, G. vii. 7S-79, A. ix. 48 ; torso and re- liefs at Icaria, G. vii. 78-79. Apollo Smintheus, temple of, at Ku- laklee, A. iv. 40 ; see also 'Air6\- \wv. Apollodorus, on the Pandroseion, I. i. 229; on statue of Athena, 230 «.; on Butes, 233 n. Apollodorus of Damascus; represented in bas-relief, A. i. 102; architectural designs of, 102-103; relations with Hadrian; works, 103; bridges built by, 106. Apollonia, I. ii. 26, 323 ; origin, name, and colony of, A. i. 116-117. Apollonius, on the Erechtheion, I. i. 220 n. Appianus, Alithrid., on the Odeum of Pericles, I. i. 136 n. Aquila, P. Varius, dedicatory inscrip- tion on his tomb at Assos, in L i. 79 ; epitaph in tomb, So-81. Aquincum, the Roman stronghold in Hungary, A. i. 95. Arabissus, I. ii. 288; inscriptions at, see Yarpuz. Aracha, identified, I. iii. 437. Araclee, geology of, C. i. 189-190. Arassus, or Aarassus, identified, I. iii. 197, 203 ; importance of, 203. Aratos of Soli, on Gargara, N. 25. Arbela, the site of worship of Ishtar, L. 15, acropolis of, 16. " Arbol del Tule," B. ii. 274. Arcadius (emperor), on milestone at Assos, I. i. 61 ; in inscription from Belcaive, 62. Archaeological Institute of America. (1879-80), formation of, A. i. 5-9, first meeting, 5; first officers, 8; work for 1879-80, 13-16; work for 1S80-81, 17 seq. ; method of investi- gation, 19-20; proposed expedition to New Mexico and Colorado, 20; work in Greek archaeology, 23 ; dis- position of antiquities, 24 ; field for H. = Bull of School. I. = Papers of School K = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M = Bull, of Inst N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 8 INDEX. Archaeol. Inst, of America, continued. Indian archaeology, 29 ; advised to excavate Assos, 163. (1880-81), expedition to New Mex- ico, A. ii. 17-24 ; committee appoint- ed on Assos expedition, 25 ; applies for permit to excavate at Assos, 25- 26, 30-31 ; sends Stillman to Crete, 32 ; appeal for membership, yj, 39 ; finance committee recommended, 39. (18S1-82), work of the American department, A. iii. 19-22 ; appeal for membership, 25-26, 45 ; commissions Ayme, 35. (1882-S3), commissions Sterrett to edit inscriptions of Assos, A. iv. 24; final appeal for membership, 34-35; researches among Village Indians, 37 ; need of funds, 37-38 ; work dur- ing 1882, M. i. 7-12. (1883-84), use of funds for 1884- 85, A. v. 30; new plan of organiza- tion to be proposed, 30-31. (1884-85), committee appointed on reorganization, A. vi. 28 ; change of organization, 27-29; work, 1S79-85, 29-44 ; service to American archaeol- ogy, 30; commissions Bandelier, 32 ; sends expedition to Babylonia, 42-43. (1885-S6), proposed fields for re- search (1886), A. vii. 40-42 ; proposed expedition to Magna Graecia, 40-43. (1886-87), sends expedition to Magna Graecia, A. viii. 40, 41 ; pro- posed work for 1887-88, 48. (1887-88), formation of branch so- ciety at Chicago or at Cincinnati rec- ommended, A. ix. 43. (1888-89), future fields for re- search, A. x. 42-43 ; significance of its motto; appeal for membership, 43; summary of work (1879-S9), 39- 42 ; work in American archaeology (1879-89), 95-96. Address issued for benefit of the Institute, A. iv. 32, in 37-38. Annual members (1879-80), A. i. 10-11; (1880-81), ii. 11-15; (1881- 82), iii. 12-17 J (1882-83), iv - 12 "i8 ; (1883-84), v. 12-19; see also branch societies below. Circular, in A. i. 8-9. Committee on American School, see American School at Athens, man- aging committee. Council (1885-86), A. vi. 5, L. 3 ; (1886-87), A. vii. 5; (1887-8S), viii. 5; (1888-89), ix. 5; (1889-90), x. 5; time of meeting of Council, iv. 7. Executive committee (1880-S1), A. ii. 5, B. i. 5 ; (1881-82), A. iii. 5, C. i. in., (18S2-S3), A. iv. 5, M. i. 3; (1883-84), A. v. 5, B. ii. in., letter to Cabot, printed with Cabot's letter concerning the work at Assos, etc. Foreign honorary members ( 1882- 83), A. iv. 9; ( 1883-84), v. 9 , (1884- 85), vi. 15; (1885-86), vii 9; (1886- 87), viii. 9; (1887-8S), ix. 9; (18S8- 89), x. 9; membership, iv. 31-32. Life members (1879-80), A. i. 9; (1880-S1), ii. 9-10; (1881-82), iii. 9-11; (1882-83), iv. 9-12 ; (1883- 84), v. 9-12; see also branch societies below. Managing committee on American School, see American School at Ath- ens, managing committee. Members, number of (1886), A. vii. 47 ; necessity of increasing, 46-48 ; committees on membership recom- mended, 48. Publications, list of, A. iv. 56. Receipts and expenses (1SS0-S1) and estimated expenses for 1881-82, A. iii. 38-39; receipts and expenses (1882-83) and estimated expenses for 1883-84, ii. 33-34 ; receipts and A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B = Amer papers C = Class papers. D- = Dor. shaft. E- = Protolon. cap. F- = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. expenses (1S83-84), v. 53; (1879-85), vi 48; (1887-88), ix. 51 ; (1888-89), x. 45. Regulations (1879), drawn up, A. i. 6 ; in 6-7, ii. 7-8 iii. 7-8, iv. 7-8, v. 7-8, vi. 9-10, vii. 25-26, viii. 25-26, ix. 26-27, x - 26-27 ; (1884), in vi. 11- 14, vii. 27-30, viii. 27-30, ix. 28-31, x. 28-31. Baltimore Society, appoint com- mittee on membership ; purchase a collection of ancient coins, A. ix. 38 ; holds two meetings (1888-89), x - 37 5 proposed future meetings, 37-38 ; ex- hibits collection of Greek and Etrus- can antiquities, 37 ; annual members (1885-86), vi. 21-22; (1886-87), vii. 16-17; (1S87-S8), viii. 17-18; (188S- 89), ix. 16-18; (1889-90), x. 16-18; life members (18S4-85), vi. 21 ; (1SS5- 86), vii. 16; (1S86-87), viii. 16-17; (1887-88), ix. 16; (1888-89), x - 16; officers (1SS5-86), vi. 7; (1886-87), vii. 7; (1887-88), viii. 7; (1888-89), ix. 6; (1SS9-90), x. 6; rules (1888), in ix. 33, x. 23- Boston Society, annual members (1885-86), A. vi. 18-21; (18S6-87), vii. 12-15; (18S7-88), viii. 12-16; (18S8-89), ix. 11-16; (18S9-90), x. 12-15; executive committee (1S85- 86), vi. 7 ; (18S6-87), vii. 7 ; (1887- 88), viii. 7 ; (1888-89), >*. 6; (18S9- 90), x. 6; life members (1S84-85), vi. 15-lS; (1885-86), vii. 10-12; (1886- 87), viii. 10-12; (1887-88), ix. 10-12; (18SS-89), 10-12; rules (18S5), in vii. 31, viii. 31, ix. 32, x. 32. New York Society, commissions Haynes, A. vii. 43-44; increased in membership, vii. 47 ; work for ben- efit of American School, viii. 36-39 ; holds series of meetings (18S8-89), x. 37 ; annual members (1SS5-86), vi. 23-25; (1886-87), vii. 18-22; (1887- 88), viii. 19-23; (18S8-89), ix. 19- 23; (1889-90), x. 19-23; life mem- bers (1884-85), vi. 23; (1885-86), vii. 18; (1886-87), viii. 19; (1887-88), ix. 18; (1SSS-89), x. 18; officers and committee on membership (18S5-86), vi. 8; (1S86-87), vii. 8; (18S7-88), viii. 8; (1888-89), ix - 7; (18S9-90), x. 7 ; rules (1885), in vii. 32, viii. 32, ix. 34, x. 34. Philadelphia Society formed, A. ix. 41, 42; work of 1888-89, x - 36-37'> annual members (1887-S8), ix. 24; same (1889-90), x. 24; life members (1887-8S), ix. 24; (1888-89), x. 24; officers and committee on member- ship (188S-89), ix. 8 ; (1889-90), x. 98. Archaeology, value of its discoveries, A. i. 21 ; indifference to its study in America ; effect of American life on study of, 22 ; scholarships for its study recommended, 24-25, condition of excavation in Greek lands, 162 ; difficulty of securing antiquities dis- covered in Turkish lands, v. 24 ; ar- chaeology one of the exact sciences ; methods of, 30, ix. 60-61 ; laws con- cerning exploration in Italy, viii. 45- 46; Hellenic law regarding antiqui- ties found, ix. 49 ; methods of Bureau of Ethnology at Washington criti- cised, 55-56 ; value of local names to archaeology, B. ii. 5 ; government supervision of excavation in Turkish lands, C. i. 43 ; service to modern architecture, E. 22 ; recent progress in classic lands, Emerson's essay, in A. x. 47-94 ; present methods, 47-48 ; periodicals, 56-57 ; field for archaeol- ogy, i. 21 ; in America, ix. 5S-61 ; at Assos, i. 159 seq. ; in Babylonia, L. 27—33 \ m New Mexico, B. i. 2S-29 ; in Turkish lands, C. i. 14. H- = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K- = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L- = Ward's Wolfe exped. M = Bull, of Inst. N- = Gargara, Lamponia. IO INDEX. Archaeology, Greek, see Greek archaeol- ogy ; in New Mexico, Yucatan, etc., see name of place. Archaologische Zeitung, on theatre of Thoricus, I. iv. 26. Archelais, K. 17; inscriptions at, I. ii. 228-229. Archilochian heptameter in Greek in- scriptions, I. iv. 67. Architecture, ancient treatises on, A. i. 104; origin of variety in forms, v. 84; determination of the " norm" of a temple, C. i. 9S ; mud-roof construc- tion, A. i. 131 ; circular and pointed blind-arch construction, 149 ; plat- form foundation, v. 46 ; lintel con- struction (Cholula), B. ii. 11 5-1 16; circular-house foundation, C. i. 151 «.; principle of progress of ancient archi- tecture, E. 22; development of classic architecture shown at Assos, A. v. 22. Assyrian, Corinthian, Doric, Greek, Ionic, Indian (American), etc., see Assyrian architecture, Corinthian architecture, etc. Ardys, submits to Assyrian monarchy, C.'i. 68. Argaliki, G. vii. 50. " Argo," anchor of the, A. i. 121. Argonauts, expedition of, A. i. 105 ; at the cliff of King Phineus, 121. Arickarees, houses of, A. i. 35 ; village of, on the Missouri, 40-41. Arion, A. i. 156. Aristarchi Bey, services to the Institute, A iv. 23. Aristophanes, Acharnians, performed at Philadelphia and at New York, G. v-vi. 21, A. viii. 37 ; same, read at the American School, G. v-vi. 14; Birds, scholia on the Pnyx, I. iv. 214; Eccles., on the Pnyx, 257 ; Knights, on the Pnyx, 213, 257 ; Lysist., I. i. 172 ;/. ; /'' its inhabitants fought against Rameses II., E. 35 n. ; occupied by Aeolic Greeks; geo- graphical connection with Lesbos, C. i. 66, 67 ; connection with Me- thymna and Mytilene, 67, I. i. 16; founds Gargara, C. i. 67 ; in 6th cen- tury (b. c), 67-68; under the Lydi- ans, 68-69 ; under Persian rule, 70 ; after Persian war ; its part in the Peloponnesian war, 71 ; allied with Athens, 71 ;* under Eubulus, 72 under Hermeias, 72-73; again under the Persians, 73 ; in league with Per- gamon, 73; under the Romans, 73- 74 ; oath of Assians promising fidel- ity to Augustus, in 134-135 ; imperial cultus in, I. i. 33 ; at beginning of the Christian era, A. i. 160; becomes Christian, C. i. 74; under the Eastern empire, 75 ; kilns at, in Byzantins period, A. i. 150; under Christian rule; the Moslems in, C. i. 75; pei- haps subject to the Gattilusii, 76; under Genoese rulers, A. i. 1 50 ; taken by the Turks, N. 26 ; partially do molished by the Turkish government, C. i. 12-13 ; chronology of, 77-78 ; Athena its patron, 104 ; a sphins its emblem, 112; topography of, 166. Excavation at, facilities for, A. t. 160-16 1 ; importance of excavating, ii. 26-28 ; archaeological importance, i. 150, 159-163; history of archaeo- logical investigation at, C. i. 5-15, A. i. 157—159 ; bibliography of the same, in C. i. 5-15 ; French investigators at, 6; season for excavation, 16; prepa- rations for excavating, \^scq. ; inves- tigations at during 1881, in Clarke's Preliminary Report, 1-131 ; shipment of antiquities from, A. v. 24 ; dispo- sition of same, x. 91 ; value of the discoveries made, v. 26-27, x. 61 ; * See this passage amended in the errata appended to C- i-> reprint of 1886. H- = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K- = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L- = Ward's Wolfe exped. M = Bull, of Inst. N = Gargara, Lamponia. 12 INDEX. Assos, continued. archaeological value of its ruins, vi. 42 ; see also Behram and Troad. Acropolis, A. i. 146-147 ; plan, C. i. 28; key to plan, 2S-29//. ; excavated, 28 set/. ; described, 52-53 ; section of {plate), 52 ; cut, A. i. 48, C. i. 52 ; view from, C. i. 53-54 ; demolished, 75 ; de- scribed, 79-80; ancient fortifications on ; mediaeval and Turkish ramparts on ; skeletons and weapons found on, 79; approach to, 130-131. Agora, approach to, found, A. iv. 28. Architecture, archaic character of, D. 21 ; styles of, A. i. 151 ; use of tufa for material, E. 4; masons' marks on the buildings, I. i. 87 ; dis- appearance of marble blocks, A. i. 150; stones mutilated for the sake of lead castings, D. 5. Bouleuterion, excavated, A. v. 22. Bronze dish, found, A. iv. 29 ; bronze tablet, found, C. i. 38, with plate, 133. Byzantine church,* C. i. 39, A. i. 152, 158; with plate, C. i. 122-123; door of (plate), 123. Cemetery, C. i. 126-127; section of, restored (plate); receiving tomb, found, M. i. 9, 10; (cut), C. i. 126; same, plan and section (plate); exe- dras (with plate), 127. Coins, C. i. 57, 74, A. iv. 27, 29; cut, C. i. 131 ; coins found in temple, 32; coins found in Street of Tombs, A. v. 22. Cups, found, A. iv. 29. Dikast stele from Bouleuterion (cut), I. 1. 26. F > ig, figure of, found, A. iv. 27. Doric shaft and base, Clarke's es- sav on, D. ; cut, D. 3; importance of, * See also Assos, mosque ; and compare er- rata appended to C •■■ reprint of 1886. 4; where found, 4-5; section (cut), 4 ; sarcophagus near, 5 ; state of preservation, 5-6; channels, 6-8; lacks entasis, 8-9 ; inscription on (with «rf), 8-10; height, 10-11; pur- pose, 11 ; channels, 15; base, 16-17. Figurini, found, A. iv. 26-27, v. 22 ; figurine of horse and rider, iv. 2S-29. Fortification walls, C. i. 124-126, A. i. 148-149, M. i. 11 ; the best ex- amples of Greek engineering, A. iv. 44 ; fortifications below summit of acropolis, C. i. 122 ; wall of polygonal masonry (with plate) ; portal in west- ern wall (with plate) ; tower at north- west gateway (with plate), 125 ; gates, examined, M. i. II, and excavated, A. iv. 28 ; gateways, A. i. 148 ; blind arches above gateways, 149. Geology of, C. i. 51-52 ; Diller's essay on, in 166-179 I geological map of (plate), 166; first trachyte t (cor- rectly, andesite), 167-168 ; site of Assos once a volcano, 168; volcanic conglomerate, 16S-170; conglomer- ate between trachytes t (cut), 170; second trachyte, t 171-175; stone used for building; "sarcophagus stone," 171-175 ; middle tertiary, 175-176; fossils found, 176; third trachyte, t 177-178 ; third trachyte superposed upon second (cut), 177 ; alluvium, 178 ; summary, 178-179. Gravestones, I. i. 72. Greek bath, excavated, A. iv. 28, v. 22. Greek bridge over the Satnioeis (with plate), C. i. 128-130. Greek bridge over the Touzla, piers excavated, C. i. 42. t Trachyte has been corrected and changed to andesite in the errata appended to fj. i-. re- print of 1886. A- = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C- = Class, papers. D - Dor. shaft. E = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G = Ann. rcpt. of School. INDEX. 13 Gymnasium, excavated, C. i. 39-41 ; plan, 40; mosaic pavement from (with plate), 124. Heroon, excavated, A. v. 22. Inscriptions, Clarke's edition of, in C. i. 133-142; to be edited by Sterrett, G. i-iii. 15, (A. iv. 53) ; col- lected and edited, G. iv. 10; inscrip- tions: API2TANAPEI (with plate), I. i. 2-3; IPON (with cut), 3-4; rb. aKeved iffTi, inventory of measures (with plate), 4-6; TtjXiixaxov (with cut), 7-8 ; AHN (with cut), 8-9; o\k4- rav Aaa'mv (with cut), 10 ; Srj/xos (paivr\Tai, decree giving crown and thanks to Assos, 11-17, C. i. 135- 138;* decree of Stratonikeia (with plate), I. i. 17-25 ; AdvQrjv Tlpodlitov (with cut), 26; AirAEflN (with cut), 27 ; fragment (with cut), 28 ; dpiarcc Ba/cx&>, 29 ; Tcuov Kaiaapa (with cut), 30-31 ; 'EWavtKov 'AdrjvoSoTov, etc. (three), 32-34; 6 Upevs, dedication of stoa (with cut), 35-39 ; AoAAt'a 'Avnoxis, dedication of bath (with cut), 40, 41-43 ; Q. Lollius (with cut), 44 ; fragment, 45 ; evepyeriv tov ko\. 'IofA. KuvtTTdvTiov (with cut), 59-61 ; Valentiano, Theodosio, et Ar- cadio, 61-62; SoTopi/iAos (with cut), 62-63; 'AAuttios (with act), 63; "AvQi- * See errata appended to C. i-> reprint of 1886. fios (with plate), 64-65 ; 'AAefai/5pa> (with cut), 66; graffito scratched on wall of bath (with cut), 67 ; fragments, 68-71; epitaphs, 72-S6 {see "Index of Names," I. i. 88-90), C. i. 140-142 ; grammatical forms in the epitaphs, I. i. 72-73 ; epitaph in tomb of P. Va- rius Aquila, 80-81 ; KKavdiov Ma«-e5o- vos (with cut), 82-84 > AiipTjAtos Ovr)- aifjLos (with cut), 86; list of names in the inscriptions, 8S-90 ; list of those in the Museum of Fine Arts, Bos- ton, 90. Interior wall, A. i. 149. Jars found in Street of Tombs, A, iii. 43. Lekythoi, found, A. iv. 27. Marble altar, found, M. i. 9. Mausoleums, A. i. 155. Mediaeval tower (with plate), C. [. 122, A. i. 152-153. Mediaeval walls, excavated, C. i. 3^, Mole, ancient (with plate), C. i, 131 ; Turkish mole (with plate), C. £ 131, A. i. 145 ; importance of sam< C. i. 54-55- Mosque t {W\thplate),C. i. 122-12; inscription over door, I. i. 64-65. Necropolis, excavated, A. v. 23. Phoenician glass vessels, found, A. iv. 27. Pitcher, found, A. iv. 29. Port (with plate), C. i. 131, A. K 145-146. Portico, passage to, excavated ; fountain and cistern near, excavated, C. i. 37. Reliefs, removed to the Louvre, C. i. II, 105, 106, A. i. 154, 159; reliefs of temple, found, C. i. 32 ; architrave reliefs of same, A. i. 158; front legs of a centaur, heraldic sphinxes, cen- t See also Assos, Byzantine church, and com- pare errata appended to C. i-, reprint of 18S6. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 14 INDEX. Assos, continued. taur and bowman, found, C. i. 33; lion and boar, found, 34; reliefs re- moved from sea-shore, 45-47 ; illus- trate Hellenization of Oriental art, 105; execution of, iio-m; Hera- cles and the centaurs (with plate), 166-m, M. i. 35; same secured for America, A. v. 23-24; representa- tions of centaurs on the reliefs, iv. 43; heraldic sphinxes (with plate), C. i. 111-113, A. iv. 43, 44, E. 18 n. ; same secured to America, A. v. 23- 24; lion and boar (with plate), C. i. 1 1 2-1 1 5 ; hind quarters of a lion (with plate), 114-115; fragment of sphinx (with plate), 114-116, A. iii. 42-43; horse's fore leg (with plate) ; execu- tion of the reliefs, C. i. 116; man and woman (with plate) ; two warriors (with plate), 116-117 ; date of the re- liefs, 118-119; historic importance, 119; Oriental character, 1 19-120; analogous to the Phoenician, 120- 121 ; similar to bronze works of Etru- ria, 121. Reservoir excavated, C. i. 36, A. iv. 28. Roman portico, A. v. 22. Sarcophagi (with cut and plate), C. i. 127, A. i. 154-156; found in Street of Tombs, C. i. 41-42, A. iii. 43. Sculptures, casts taken from, A. iii. 43; general traits of ; sphinxes, iv. 44. Skulls, characteristics of, N. 20. Slab with carving of roof tiles, A. iv. 27. Stele with inscription, A. iv. 29. Stoa, excavated, C. i. 36, M. i. II, A. v. 22 ; plan of, C. i. 34, and key to plan, 35-36, n. ; dedicatory inscription of, in I. i. 35-39 ; stoa steps, exca- vated, A. iv. 28; buildings near, C. i. 39. I2 3- Street of Tombs, A. iv. 45 ; exca- vated, C. i. 41. Stylus, found, A. iv. 29. Temple, architectural importance of, C. i. 14; archaeological value, A. iii. 37-38, 40-41 ; excavated, C. i. 28 sea. ; modern fortifications on its ru- ins, 28-29; ruined columns, 29-30; stylobate, 30-31 ; positions of col- umns, found, 30; stucco priming; site of cella walls ; trace of exploded shell on pavement ; squares of game of morris, found, 31 ; epistyle blocks, found; antefix and lion's head from, found, 34 ; colonnade, 35 ; temple in the time of Theodosius, 75 ; described and restored, 80-105, A. i. 153-154, 156, 161 ; constructive details, C. i. 80; stereobate (with plate), 80 sea. ; steps, 81 ; stereobate blocks, 81-82 ; pavement of pteroma and pronaos, 82-83 ; beddings of door-jambs ; mo- saic, 83 ; foundations of cella walls, 83-S4; builder's lines on crepidoma; cella walls, 84 ; positions of columns, 84-85 ; plan, 85 ; difficulties of resto- ration, 85-S6 ; columns, 86 sea. ; hori- zontals lack curvature, 87 ; drums (with cut), 87-S9 ; channels of col- umns, 88-89 > grill e wanting ; outline cut of necking and echinos, 89; an- nulets ; echinos ; blocks of cella wall, 90 ; epistyle beams,* 90-92 ; taenia and regulae ; front of temple (cut), 91; roof, restored (cuts), 91, 95; tri- glyphs * and metopes ; mouldings above frieze, wanting, 92 ; corona blocks (with cut), 88, 92; mutules; interior frieze, 93 ; coffered stone from temple (with cut), 93, 122; ma- terial of temple, 94 ; gargoyle in shape of lion's head (with cut), 94- • See errata appended to C. i-t reprint of 1886. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. (J. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 15 95; sima, imbrices, and antefix, 95; roof, 95, 96 ; calypteres, wanting, 96 ; dimensions in tabular form,* 96-99 ; unit of measure used, 97-98 ; orien- tation, 99 ; front restored (plate) ; style, 100 ; the only Doric building of its class, A. iv. 44 ; age, C. i. 100- 104 ; epistyle, entablature, arrises, channelling of columns ; historical character of the capitals, 102 ; minor peculiarities, 102, 103; comparative height of columns, 103; compared with other temples, 103-104; conse- crated to Athena, 104 ; position and meaning of sculptured epistyle, 106; front of temple, restored (with //ate), 100, 116-117; entablature, 121 ; re- liefs, see Assos, reliefs. Terrace before the stoa, excavated, C i- 36-37 • Theatre, C. i. 123-124, A. i. 151 ; plan of, C. i. 34, and key to plan, 35-36, n. ; same, excavated, 38-39 ; view from, A. i. 151. Tombs, violated, I. i. 82. Vases found in Street of Tombs, A. v. 22. Water supply, C. i. 130. Wheat of, A. i. 147. Assos Expedition, funds collected for, A. ii. 25 ; formed, 28-29 > members of, C. i. 16; leaves America, C. i. 16, A. ii. 30; equipment, C. i. 17, A. ii. 31 ; its goods delayed in transit, C. i. 17-19; means of communication with Myti- lene ; early accommodations, 19, 20; triangulate the land, 20 ; delayed in obtaining the Turkish permit to ex- cavate ("earadeh"), 21-23, ^- ii. 25- 26, 30-31 ; its household outfit de- layed, C. i. 23 ; begins work ; obtains laborers with difficulty, 24 ; laborers * See errata appended to (J. i , reprint of 1886. described, 24-26 ; water supply; food, pay, number, and hours of work of laborers, 26 ; food of members ; work of laborers ; interruptions of work, 27 ; suffer from heat, 27-2S ; labor- ers suffer from exposure, and some desert, 28; excavations during 1881, 28-48 ; excavation hindered by wind, 34-35; government supervision of work, 43-44 ; work suspended by would-be commissioner, 43-45 ; plan of work for 18S2, 47-48, A. iii. 44 ; mail of the party, C. i. 67 ; excursion party to the Trojan plain, 45 ; report of same (Lawton's Notes on Bundrba- shi, etc.), in 145-165 ; reports of prog- ress to be printed, A. ii. 31-32 ; outline of work during 18S1, iii. 37-41 ; value of work during 1SS1, 37, iv. 37; ex- penses for 1881, iii. 43; work suspend- ed through January, 18S2, iv. 22. (1882) excavation during February and March, 1882, A. iv. 22-23 ; appeal for money, iii. 44-45 ; work resumed, March, 1882,42; work during 18S2, v. 22-23, M. i. 8-1 1 ; staff of work- men, A. v. 22-23 ; WOI "k closed, 23. (1883) work during 1883, A. iv. 26- 29; subscriptions for 1883, M. i. 11- 12; excavation closed finally, A. iv. 23 ; disposition of antiquities, 23-24, v. 23-24, x. 6. Value of, A. iv. 37, x. 40; total costs, v. 25 ; service to the Institute, 26 ; results of, vi. 41-42, Cabot's Letter concerning the work at As- sos, etc. Assur-bani-pal, conquest of Egypt, C. i. 65 ; rule in Egypt overthrown, 68. Assyrian architecture, palmettos and other spiral forms in, E. 11-12; capi- tals, 11— 18 ; material of columns, 14; palmetto capitals in Asia Minor, 16- 17- H. = Bull, of School. I, = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. \6 INDEX. Assyrian art, palmetto and spiral forms in, E. 1 1— 12 ; ivory carvings from palace of Nimroud (with cut), 12-13; Sippara stone, 15-16; column from (with cut), 15; influence on Greek art, C. i. 65-66. empire, extent of, C. i. 64-65. sculpture, winged forms in, C. i. 1 12. Assyrians in the Troad, C. i. 63-65- Astra, identified, I. iii. 47. Astragalomancy in Asia Minor, I. iii. 214. Astragalomantic inscription at Tefeny, in I. ii. 79-90 ; at Ordekdji, hi iii. 206-214. Astypalaea, inscription of, I. iv. 185. Atarneus, identified, C. i. 68. Athena, Crimean medallions of, A. x. 76 ; sacred olive tree of, at Athens, I. i. 235 ; statue of, in the Erech- theion, 230, 234 ; worship of, in Mysia, C. i. 104. Athena and Erechtheus, relief repre- senting, G. vii. 82. Athenaeus, on Icaria, G. vii. 72. Athena Nikephorus, statues of, A. x. 74-75- Athena Parthenos, decorations of her statue discussed at the American School, G. v-vi. 14. Athena Polias, temples of, on the Athe- nian acropolis, A. x. 84-85; worship of, in Asia Minor, I. i. 53; same in Kyzikos, 38. Athena Sciras, site of her temple on Salamis, I. i. 260; see also 'Adfry (Greek Index). Athenian confederacy, custom of sum- moning mediating dikasts, I. i. 15- 16. Athens, original bounds of the city, I. i. 192 ; adornment of, during reign of Augustus, 201 ; in league with the cities of Asia Minor, C. i. 70-71 ; towns tributary to, E. 35 ; first bronze money issued at, I. iv. 31 ; the several places of assembly in, 208, 209 ; site of the battle of Amazons and Athe- nians, 211-212, 258-259 ; early iden- tifications of its buildings and places, 235-236; modern city of Athens, H. i. 15; same, an archaeological centre, A. x. 64-65 ; model theatre to be erected in, 71. Acropolis, excavations on, A. x. 80-90; archaeological importance of same, 82 ; temples of Athena Polias on, 84-S5 ; statues from, 85-87 ; im- portance of reproducing same, 88 ; poros statuary, 89 ; bronzes, 89-90 ; pottery from, 90 ; ancient Doric col- umns on, D. 3 n. Amazoneum, site of, I. iv. 212. American School of Classical Stud- ies, see American School at Athens. Arch of Hadrian, I. i. 20S-209. Archons of, I. i. 37-3S. British School, see British School at Athens. Dionysiac theatre, Wheeler's essay on, in I. i. 121-179; see also Diony- sus, theatre of. Dipylon, Doric column near, D. 11 n. Erechtheion, see Erechtheion. French School, A. i. 25, H. i. 13 ; history and work of, A. x. 59; sup- port of its students, G. iv. 16; stu- dents at, 26. German School, A. i. 25, H. i. 14, A. x. 59 ; support of its students, G. iv. 16; students at, 26. Grotto of Panagia Spiliotissa, I. i. 146. Inscription on vase, I. iv. 200. Lenseum, chairs found in, I. i. 163. AvKe?ov, I. i. 172. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class papers. D. = Dor. shaft E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 17 National Archaeological Museum, A. x. 79; to be enlarged, 90. Odeum of Pericles, damaged by Sulla, I. i. 136. Olympieion, Bevier's essay on, in I. i. 181-212; see also Olympieion. Pan's grotto, site of, I. iv. 238. Pnyx, see Pnyx; Pnyx hills, I. iv. 210. Propylaea, site of, I. iv. 212. TlvOiov, situation of, I. i. 157. Stoa of Eumenes, I. i. 126-127; foundations, found, 134-135. Tablets found north of the acrop- olis, I. iv. 247. Theatre of Dionysus, see Diony- sus, theatre of. Tribe Hadrianis, established, I. i. 150, 151. Tribe Oinei's, the seventh, I. i. 151 n. Athens and Salamis, map, I. i. 240. Athos mount, A. i. 127 ; whence visible, E. 24. Atoyac river, B. ii. 91-93 ; ruins on, 92. Attalia, or Attea, identified, C. i. 3. Attalus (king of Pergamus) visits Ath- ens, I. i. 175. Attea, or Attalia, identified, C. i. 3. Attic alphabet, early vowel-signs of, I. iv. 263. vocal ism, bibliography of, I. iv. 263 , phonetic relations of e, i, i\, ei, ■t\i, d, 263-271; pronunciation of i\, 265-266; of e, 266; confusion of e and ei, 267-269 ; of e with r\, 269- 270; of t]i with e and ei, 270-271; phonetic relations of 0, 0, w, ov, 272-275 ; of v, 1, vi, 275-276 ; of di, at, dv, av, tv, r)v, ot, ui, wv, 276- 277 ; pronunciation of diphthongs, 276-277. Attica, introduction of foreign cults into, G. vii. 63; deme Mvppivovs, I. i. 167 ; inscriptions : Qpdawvos, iv. 162 n. ; iv fiwTwi..., 164 «. ; 7/8' tQa- vev..., 164 «.; AiovvaLa, 165 «. ; 'Hpd- K\ei', 165 n. ; M&avSpos, 169 n. ; 'A>>• 333-334; ruined city near, 334. Bakhtiar, inscription at ; Phrygian door found at, I. iii. 217. Bakluzan Dere, rock-cut dwellings at, I. iii. 84. Balabahny, geology of its vicinity, C. i. 205. Balbinus (emperor), in inscriptions on milestones, X. ii. 243, 266, 274. Baldur, inscription at, I. ii. 116. Bali-dagh, C. i. 149-153; acropolis at (with map), 149, 153-155 ; same, vis- A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer papers. C. = Class papers. D. = Dor. shaft E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 19 ited by party from Assos, 145 ; earth- en jars for dead, found at, 151 ; geol- ogy of, 196. Baltazzi, D. Bey, appointed commis- sioner at Assos, A. v. 23. Baliiklagho or Baliiklava [sic), name, I. iii. 124-125; inscription at, 125. Bancroft, Native races, B. ii. 13 »., I5«., 77. 3 02 - Bandelier, A. F., qualifications for the study of Indian archaeology, A. ii. 17- 18, vi. 32-33 ; his expedition to New Mexico and the Rio Grande, ii. 18- 23 ; visits pueblo of Pecos, 18, vi. 33; searches for bell of church at Pecos, B. i. 42 ; visits Mesa of Pecos, 99-103 ; acknowledges services rendered, 103- 104 ; Visit to the aboriginal ruins in the valley of the Rio Pecos, in 37-133; same, A. vi. 33 ; summary of same, 34-35 ; second edition of same, 34- 35, iv. 21 ; visits pueblos of San Do- mingo and Cochiti, ii. 19, vi. 35 ; let- ters from Cochiti, in ii. 19-20; report on San Domingo, Cochiti, and New Mexico, 24; explores pueblos near San Domingo and Cochiti ; discov- ers idols of the Queres Indians, 22; returns to Illinois, 23 ; Report on New Mexico (1881), delayed, iv. 21- 22; salary for 1881-82, ii. 38; goes to city of Mexico, 24, vi. 36 ; Report of an archaeological tour in Mexico in 1881, B. ii.; same, published, A. v. 52 ; scope of same, B. ii. 48 ; final re- port of same tour, A. x. 96; visits Cuauhtlantzinco, B. ii. 123-124; vis- its Cholula, B. ii. 78, A. iii. 22 ; sum- mary of his report on Cholula, A. iii. 22-34; visits Mitla, A. iii. 30, B. ii. 276-277 ; excursion to Mitla, B. ii. 263-326; journey from Cholula to Mitla, 263-274; leaves Mitla, 314; visits Gui-y-baa, 314 sea. ; visits Tla- colula, A. iii. 34; visits Monte Al- ban, A. iii. 34, B. ii. 317 ; returns to New Mexico, A. iii. 34, vi. 38 ; journey in New Mexico (1882), iv. 19; Report on his investigations in New Mexico in the spring and sum- mer of 1882, in M. i. 13-33 '■> sam e, A. vi. 38; proposed work for 1883, iv. 20, v. 32 ; proposed journey through New Mexico to the city of Mexico, M. i. 33 ; report on northern Mexico, A. vi. 40 ; researches at Las Vegas and in Pecos valley, v. 32 ; tour of investigation in New Mexico in 1883— 84, 32-52 ; Reports on his investiga- tions in New Mexico, 1883-84 (with map*), in 55-98; first report, pre- pared, 50 ; letter from San Juan (April 9, 1S83), in iv. 19-20; work for the Institute, 1880-85, v '- 3 2- 4°> goes to Mexico (18S6), viii. 47 ; Ar- chaological work in Arizona and New Mexico during 1888-89, * n x - 106- 108 ; letter from Santa Fe (May 4, 1SS8) on recent Indian researches, in ix. 55-61 ; letter on recent researches in American archaeology, 41 ; value of his archaeological work, x. 41 ; personal character, v. 49; Historical introduction to studies among the Sed- entary Indians of New Mexico, in B. i- 1-33; same, A. vi. 39; second edi- tion of same, called, x. 95 ; continu- ation of same, B. i. 27, A. x. 95-96; final Report on the Indians of New Mexico, plan of, A. vii. 45-46 ; same, delayed in publication, viii. 47-48 ; same, in press, ix. 40, x. 35 ; value of same, ix. 40-41 ; cited on houses of New Mexican Indians, vi. 38-39 ; Social organization and mode of govern- ment of the ancient Mexicans, B. ii. 132 n. ; On the tenure of land (etc.) * The map by mistake reads 1873. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 20 IXDEX. among the ancient Mexicans, 218 «. ; History of the colonization and mis- sions of New Mexico, A. viii. 47. Bandelier (senior), researches in Vene- zuela, A. ix. 58. Barbarossa (king), traverses Troad, C. i. 76. Baris, identified, I. iii. 326; inscriptions at, ii. 1 1 7-1 19. Barla, I. iii. 335. Barranca del Muerto, battle at,B. ii. 39. Bartram, Observations, etc., A. i. 34-35 ; plan of Onondaga house (cut), 34. Basil II. (emperor), in inscription of Kotchash, I. ii. 171. Bassus, Pomponius, in inscription of Boyuk Nefezkieui, I. ii. 309, 310. Baughl's Sidings, B. i. 40 ; services of the inhabitants to Bandelier, 40 n. Baulo ; inscription at, I. iii. 282. Bayram, or Bayramkoi, or Bayram-ka- lessi, see Behram. Beckwith, I. T., elected a member of the Managing Committee of the American School, G. v-vi. 20. Behram, A. i. 152; first historical men- tion of, C. i. 77; mosque; cisterns, A. i. 152; mediaeval watch-tower, 152- 153; traditions of its inhabitants, 153 ; commerce of, 146, C. i. 17-18, 55-56; geology of its vicinity, 192-194, 204- 205, 206 ; jurisdiction comprising, 22 ; port of, N. 4 ; see also Assos. Bei Shehir, I. iii. 188. Beirut, American College at, A ix. 43. Bel (god), F. 7. Belcaive pass, inscription at, I. i. 62. Belcher mosaic glass company, gift to the American School, G. v-vi. 36. Beldjighas, I. iii. 197 ; inscriptions at, 196-197. Bel Pufiar, I. iii. 122. Beni Hassan, tomb of, D. 13 sea. ; shaft from same (with cut), 16-17. Bennet, G. C, services to Bandelier, B. i. 103. Bergama, excavations at, A. x. 51-55. Berlin, Oriental Committee and its pro- posed expeditions, A. ix. 41 ; Royal Museum, collection of Greek sculp- tures, x. 51, 52. Berlingieri, Luigi, dealings with the Magna Graecia expedition, A. viii. 45-46. Bertani, furnishes Stillman with map, A. i. 84-85 ; other services to him, 89. Bessarabia, called Budjak, I. iii. 13 n. Beule, on statues from the Athenian acropolis, A. x. 87. Bevier, Louis, Olympieion at Athens, in I. i. 181-212. Bibliographies, see subjects. Bikelas, U., gift to library of the Amer- ican School, G. vii. 44. Biredjik, inscription near, I. iii. 433. Birs Nimrud, excavations at, L. 17-18. Bismya, L. 20. Black Range mountains, A. v. 90 ; " fam- ily dwellings " on, 90. Black Sea, ancient geographical knowl- edge of, A. i. 107 ; views of the an- cients on its future geological history, 108-109; trie scene of mythical ad- ventures and predatory expeditions, 109; products and commerce of, 110- 1 1 1 ; colonial towns on ; the highway of India trade, in; ancient theories about its ice ; climate of its shores, 112; western coast, 113, 117; Mile- sian settlements on, n 5-1 16; Ionic colonies on, 116; ancient dread of, 1 17 ; winds on, 118 ; called " mother of waters" ; coin of (cut), 121 ; name, 127; Greek legends of, 130. Blaine, J. G., services to the Institute, A. ii. 30-31. Boars in the Troad, C. i. 114 «. A. = Ann. rcpt. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = I'roto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 21 Boeckh, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 49; Collectio inscriptionum Grcecarum, I. i- 36, 37. 84 «• Boeotian inscription on vase, I. iv. 201. Boeotian vowels, I. iv. 266, 273. Boghaz Su, course of, I. iii. 309-310. Bologne, Francisco de, Lettre, B. ii. 64. Bonito pueblo (with plates) , A. i. 48-50, v. 41. Bootes (constellation), legendary origin of, G. vii. 66. Bosola, ruins at ; inscriptions at, I. iii. 21-22. Bosporus, Darius's pontoon bridge over, A. i. 106, 122 ; coast north- wards from, 117; current in, 121-122; legendary origin of, 130. Boston Museum of Fine Arts, transac- tions regarding antiquities at Assos, A. iv. 24, v. 24; proposed enlarge- ment of, vii. 42 ; subscription for same; given Greek terra-cottas and Egyptian antiquities, ix. 44. Boston Society of Architects, testimo- nial to Assos expedition ; contribu- tion to Clarke's expenses ; contrib- utes $500 toward expense of print- ing Report on Assos, Cabot's Letter concerning work at Assos, etc. ; bears part of the expense of printing Clarke's Report on Assos, A. v. 26. Boston University, invited to co-operate in the American School, G. iv. 18. Botticher, Carl, Polias- Tempel, I. i. 222 ; Tektonik der Hellencn, E. 9. Boturini, Idea de una nueva historia, B. ii. 244. Bourke, work on the Mochis, A. ix. 56. Bowdoin College, unable to co-operate in the American School, G. i-iii. 20, (A. v. 104). Boyalik, inscription at, I. ii. 308. Boyalii, fragmentary inscription at, I. iii. 179. boyiik Homa, inscription at, I. iii. 1S6. Kabadja, inscriptions at, I. iii. 400-402. Nefezkieui (Tavium), I. ii. 311; inscriptions: Imp. Nerva, 308-311; fragment, 311; Yov Darius's pon- toon bridges, 106. Bridgman, W. R., work at the Ameri- can School, H. ii. 13. Brinton, D. G., Library of aboriginal American literature, A. x. 102. British Museum, Inscriptions, I. iv. 161- 202 passim. British School at Athens, to be estab- lished, H. i. 14; established, G. iv. 20-21 ; building for, G. iv. 21, v-vi. 26, 27, 35 ; situation, v-vi. 34 ; library open to American School, 16, vii. 17 ; relations with the American School ; directors of, A. x. 65. Broussa, governor of, alleged opposition to the excavation of Assos, C. i. 22-23. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 22 IXDEX. Brown, Francis, elected a member of the Managing Committee of the American School, G. iv. iS. Brown University, supports scheme of the American School, G. i-iii. 6, 7, (A. iii. 52, 53) ; subscribes to same, G. i-iii. 9, (A. iii. 55). Brunn, on date of Assos reliefs, C. i. 119. Buck, C. D., conducts excavations at Sto Dionyso (Icaria), A. ix. 46; a student at American School, G. vii. S ; directs excavations at Sicyon, 10 ; special study at the American School, 43 ; Inscriptions found on the Acropo- lis, 43-44- Budjak, I. iii. 13,279. " Buffalo country," situation of, B. i. 26. Buffalos, first acquaintance of the Span- iards with, B. i. 17. Buildings of antiquity, how represented, A. i. 101 ; lost treatises on, 104. Bulletin de correspondance helleuiaue, I. ii., iii., passim. Bunarbashi, the site of the Ilios of Ho- mer, C. i. 143, 144; excavations at, 144; accommodations for travellers in, 148; antiquities found at, 152; importance of excavating, 152-153; acropolis (plates), 151, 153; geology of its vicinity, 212. Bunarbashi river, C. i. 155-156. Burgoa, Francisco de, Geogrdfica de- scription de la parte septentrional del Polo Artico de la America, etc., B. ii. 33-34 «•> 272 n., 273 «., 303 n. Burial, modes practised by Indians, B. i. 99 «. Bursian, Geographie von Griec/ienland, I. iv. 25-26; in A r eue Jahrb. f. Philol. und Padog., on the Pnyx, 242-243. Buschmann, J. C. E., Ueber die azte- kischen Ortsnamen, B. ii. 8 ;/. Butcs, altar of, in the Erechtheion, I. i. 232, 233. Byzantine empire, weakness of, in the 6th century, A. i. 123. Byzantium, founded ; early importance of, A. i. 122; coin (cut), 123; taken by Gattilusio; in the 14th century, 140; see also Constantinople. Cabeza de Vaca, tradition of, among the Zuni, A. v. 40. Cabirian mysteries, A. i. 133-134. Cabot, E. C, Letter concerning the work at Assos, etc., printed sepa- rately ; letter on results of Assos ex- pedition, in A. v. 26-27. Cacique of the New Mexican Indians, M. i. 22-23. Cactli, B. ii. 121, 275. Cadmus (Kadmos), settles Thebes, C. i. 112, D. 14. Caesar, Gaius, in inscription of Assos, I. i. 30 ; career up to 2 A. D., 30-31. Caesar, Gallus, murders Caelius Mon, tius, I. i. 60-61. Caesuras in Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 47-58. Caicos, identified, C. i. 77. Calendar stones of Mexico, B. ii 56-57 Caliacra cape, A. i. 114. California University, subscribes to American School, G. i-iii. 11, (A. iv. 49) ; withdraws from co-operation in same, G. iv. 17, H. ii. 19. Caligula (emperor), decree of Assos concerning, in I. i. 50-53. Callimachus, lamp of, in the Erech- theion, I. i. 234-235. Calocherino, Minos, excavations at Gnossos, A. ii. 49. Calvert, Frank, services to Assos ex- pedition, C. i. 145 ; excavations at Chigri, 147; finds jars at Bali-dagh, 151; on serpentine at Kemar river, 202 ; On the site and remains of Co- lona, E. 28 //. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 23 Camara, identified, A. ii. 47. Camargo, Hist, de la republique de Tlaxcallan, B. ii. 187 n., 200. Canadian River, vestiges of pueblos found on, A. ix. 59. Canon del Tule, water-courses and en- closed " small houses" at, A. v. 43. Capixlahitatzin, Testamento de, B. ii. 113 «., 133 «., 218-219 n. Cappadocia, two maps, illustrating Ster- rett's route, in cover of I. ii. ; separate administration of, 126; language of the western part, 230. Cappadocian stele at Fassiller, I. iii. 164-166. Caps on ancient statues, M. i. 38. Capua, a field for archaeological re- search, A. vii. 40. Cara, inscription found at, G. vii. 48. Caracalla (emperor), in inscriptions on milestones, I. iii. 447(?), ii. 264, 268, 277, 278, 292, 293 ; statue of, in the Olympieion, i. 206. Carallia, ruins of, K. 14. Carchemish, Hittite ruins at, L. 10-11. Carellius, F., Dissertazione esegitica in- tor7io all' origine ed al sistema della sacra architettura presso i Greci, E. 10. Carians, colonies of, A. i. 115; colonize the Troad, C. i. 59. Caristanius, name in inscription of Ye- men, I. ii. 134-135- Carleton (Major), expedition into New Mexico in 1S53, A. v. 35 n. Carr, Lucien, Mounds of the Mississippi valley historically considered, A. x. 102-103. Casa Blanca, thickness of its walls, A. v. 69, 70 ; rooms of, 70 ; tradition of early occupation of. 80. Casa Grande, A v. 67-72 ; tank at, 69 ; origin of its architectural style, 71- 72; purpose of mounds of, 72; lin- tels of ; height of rooms in, 74 ; tra- dition of its foundation, 80. Casas Grandes, location of, B. i. 10 n. , bibliography of descriptions of ; identified, 11 n., 12 n. ; Chihuahua, 12 n. Castaneda y Nagera, Pedro de, Rela- tion dn voyage de Cibola, B. i. 10-27,' 53 "■> 57 n., 66 «., 73 «., 79, 113. 114-115, 117, 132 n. ; accuracy of, 22 n. Castaho de la Sosa, Gaspar, Mcmoria del descubrimiento, etc, B. i. 64 n., 105. Castillo, B. D. de, Hist, verdadera de la conqnista de Nueva-Espaha, B. ii. 61. Castle of Europe, A. i. 124. Castra Regina, history of, A. i. 94~9S- Castus, C. Varius, in inscriptions of Assos, C. i. 134, 135, I. i. 52, 53. Cave dwellings, distribution of, M. i. 27 ; structure of, 27, 28-29, 30-32. Cecropium (Kekropion) at Athens, I. i. 230. Cedreae, inscription of, I. iv. 187. Cenchreas (Kenchreai), identified, E. 26-28. Centaur from Cyprus, Ludlow's essay on (with plate ), in M. i. 35-40. Centaurs, examples of, with human fore legs (with cut), M. i. 35-36; weap- ons and clothing of, 37 n. ; origin of, 39-40; representations of, C. i. no, A. iv. 43. Central America, progress of archaeol- ogy in, A. i. 73 seq. ; commission recommended to be sent to southern part, 77. Ceos (Ke'os), I. i. 252 n. ; inscription of, iv 182. Cerameicus, a place of assembly, I. iv. 208. Cermalus (vicus), in inscription of An- tiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 141, 143. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 24 INDEX. Cerrillos mountains, B- i. 39 n. Cerro Hueco, pueblos found in, A. ix. 59- Cerro San Diego, ruins at ; pottery and nictates found at, A. v. 89. Cervetri, Etruscan figures from, C. i. 121. Cestrus river, identified, I. iii. 318. Chaco Rio, canon of, A. i. 50; pueblos in same, 46-50, 74. Chaerigenes, an Icarian, G. vii. 89-90. Chalcedon, A. i. 123. " Chalchihuites " (green stones), B. ii. 211. Chalcis, inscription of, I. iv. 1S1. Chanac, C. i. 22. Chandler, Travels in Greece, G. vii. 54- 55- Chapin, Angie C, elected a member of the Managing Committee of the American School, G. vii. 11. Chapultepec hill, B. ii. 74-76; effigy of Ahuitzotl found at, 75-76. Charcoal burning in Cholula, B. ii. 98. Charnay, Desire, the director of the Lorillard expedition, A. ii. 23 ; dis- bands expedition, 24; explorations in Central America, x. 9S. Cherokees, cabins of, A. i. 30; mode of constructing mounds for the green- corn dance, x. 99-100. Chersonesus (Khersonesos), A. ii. 43- 44. Chet or ^ra (sic), use of, in Ionic alpha- bet, I. iv. 263-264. Chiapas, revolt of, A. i. 57. Chichen pueblo, A. i. 60, 63. Chichiltic-calli or Red House, name, B. i. low.; identified, 10-12. Chicnnauh Quiahuitl (idol), worship of, B. ii. 207-208 ; described, 213-214. Chigri, C. i. 145-147 ; vases found at, 147. Chigri mount, proto-Ionic capital found on, Clarke's essay, E. (see also Nean- drieia, proto-Ionic capital) ; leaved kyma found on, E. 4; situation and view from summit, 23-24 ; walls on, 24-25 ; identified with Skepsis ; with Kokylion, 25-26 ; with Kenchreai, 26-28 ; with Kolonai, 2S ; notices of, by modern travellers, 25-26; evil re- pute of, 26 ; summit of, 26 «. ; iden- tified with Neandreia, 29-34; geology of, C. i. 203-204, 214. Chios, inscriptions of, I. iv. 184. Chiusi, vases and pottery from, A. ix. 43- Choiseul-Gouffier, M. G. A. F. de, Voy- age pittoresque de la Grece, E. 25, C. i. 5-6; visits the Levant, C. i. 5. Cholula city, B. ii. 110-117; churches of, 111-113; houses of, 115-117; lintel in house of (cut), 116. district, Bandelier's studies about Cholula and its vicinity, in B. ii. 79-262 ; described, 93 seq. ; popu- lation (1SS0), 93-94; methods of ag- riculture practised in, 95-96 ; man- ufacture of metates, 97 ; charcoal burning, 98 ; gathering of turpen- tine ; sulphur mining, 99 ; antiquity of man in, 10S-110; houses in, 123- 128 (see also Tepoztecatl's house) ; doors of same prior to the Conquest, 127-12S, with plate (figs. 4, 5, 6), 96; houses near, 128-129, ^th plate (figs. 11, 12), 96; original grant to, 136- l 37 ! population of, 137; aboriginal boundaries of, 159-162; population, 160; Nahuatl inscription at, 163 «. ; products and trade of, 209-213; an Indian market, 209 ; pottery made at, 210-211; plumage of birds of, 212; how a place of pilgrimage, 213; map of (plate), 254; sites of former Indian settlements in, 259-260; occupied by three successive stocks, 261-262. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient. Antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 25 Cholula plain, difficulties in the archae- ological study of, B. ii. 109-110. pueblo, extent at time of the Conquest, B. ii. 162-163 '■> population at same time, 163-164 ; massacre in, by Cortes, 164-165, n. ; not a holy citv, 168-169; called Tollan Cholol- lan wTollam Cholollam, 194; found- ing of, 196^197; early inhabitants, 197 ; tradition of giants in; taken by Nahuatl Indians, 201-202 ; succes- sive occupations of, A. iii. 30; priest- hood of Quetzalcohuatl at, B. ii. 205- 207 ; idols of same at, 208 ; worship of Chiconauh Quiahuitl, 207-20S ; idol of same at, 213-214; water supply of, 216; "tlatoca-tlalli " of, 218-219; human bones and relics at, 220-224; sites where same were found {plate, fig. 10), 228 ; house architecture of, 224-228 ; building material used in, 225, 227-228 ; reliefs of the head of an eagle at ; reliefs in a doorway at San Andres (plate), 225; Cerro de Acozac at (with plate, fig. 1), 228-229, 231-232; name of same, 229; Cerro de la Cruz at, 229-232, with plate (fig. 2), 228; old map of, made in 1 581 (double plate), 230; limestone slabs at, 231, 233. Great Mound (or Pyramid) of, B. ii. 233-254, whh plates, 233, 234; same, A. iii. 24, 26 ; founder of, 24 ; composi- tion of, B. ii. 237-240 ; stone steps, 239-240; staircase (plate, fig. 3), 228; structures surrounding, 241- 242 ; descriptions of, at time of the Conquest, 242-245 ; blazon -of, 243, with plate (fig. 9), 228; manner of constructing, purpose, and builders of, A. iii. 27-29; restoration of, B. ii. 245-247, with plate (figs. 4, 5), 228; material of, 247-248 ; purpose of, 247-253 ; temple of the god of rain on, 249, A. iii. 28 ; traditions of, B. ii. 249-251 ; Indian names of, 251 ; builders of, 253 ; so called destruc- tion of ; worship of Quetzalcohuatl on, 254. Indian mounds near, B. ii. 254- 259, A. iii. 29; lava statues in same, A. iii. 30; types of architecture at, B. ii. 261. Cholula, Pyrdmide de, B. ii. 231 n. , Merced de, B. ii. 136 n. Cholulan Indians, physique of, B. ii. 117-119; idiom of, 119-120 ; clothing of, 120-122; live in families, 123; marriage customs and family life, 135-138 ; diet and meals of, 13S-142; ecclesiastical, judicial, and military organization of, 153-155; reticence of; superstitious regard for documents, 1 55-1 56 ; survival of idolatry among, 156-157; witchcraft among, 157- 158; method of curing disease, 158 ; vapor bath of (with plate, figs. 2, 3), 158-159; condition at time of the Conquest, 159 seq. ; relations with neighboring tribes, 164-165 ; number of kins, 165 ; military organization, 167-16S; condition before the Con- quest ; worship Quetzalcohuatl, 203- 204; dress of, 215; weapons, 215- 216; horticulture, 216, 21S ; uses of maguey, 217-218; mode of tenure of land, 218-219 ; marriage customs, 219-220; burial customs, 220, 224; want of respect for ancestors, 223. Cholultecos, see Cholulan Indians. Chopunish Indians, houses of, A. i. 41, 42. Christ, in inscriptions of Isparta (Ba- ris), I. ii. 118, 119; in inscription of Iconium, 211, 212; monogram of, in inscriptions, iii. 40. Christensen, Richard, Athens Pnyx, I. iv. 246-247. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 26 INDEX. Chrysa, identified, C. i. 62 ;/. Cibola, seven cities of, identified, B. i. 9-14, A. i. 46, v. 41, x. 107 ; name, B. i. 9. Cicero, Pro Flacco, I. i. 97 n. Cicuye, identified, B. i. 17, 20-21, 23, 1 1 3- 1 1 5, A. vi. 34. Cilicia, Kiepert's map, in caver of I. iii. Cimonian peace, conditions of, C. i. 71. Circassians east of the Antitaurus, I. ii. 2 33- Circe, A. i. 109. Ciriaco di Pizzicolli of Ancona, travels in the East, A. i. 142. Citizenship held by one man in several cities, I. i. 107. Clarke, J. T., visits Greek shores ; as- sisted by the Institute, A. i. 14; pro- posed field of study, 15; Archccological notes on Greek shores, I., in A. i. 9 1-1 63 ; same, 15, C. i. 14; voyage down the Danube, A. i. 93 sea. ; detained under Cape Caliacra, 114; reaches Cyanean rocks, 118; passes the Propontis, 123; swims the Hellespont, 125; at Imbros, 126-127; passes hot springs on Samothrace, 144; visits Assos (1879), C. i. 14; given the charge of the Assos expedition, A. ii. 28; Pre- liminary report on the investigations at Assos during the year 1SS1, in C. i. 1-131 ; visits Pergamon, 23 ; leaves Assos (1SS1), 47 ; resumes work (18S2), A. v. 21 ; letters on work at Assos during November and Decem- ber, 1SS2 M. i. 9-1 1 ; letters from Assos dated April 4 and April 7, 1883, in A. iv. 26-29 ; advises con- tinuance of work at Assos during 1883, M. i. 8 ; returns to America, A. v. 24; unable to join Wolfe expedi- tion, L. 8 ; to visit Magna Graecia, A. viii. 40; studies fragment from the Chiesa di Sansoni, 41 ; letters from Croton (January, 18S7), on excava- tion of temple of Hera Lakinia, in 43-46 ; lectures on excavations at Croton, G. v-vi. 15; final report on the investigations at Assos, progress of, I. i. 11, A. iv. 45, v. 25, vi. 41, vii. 3S, viii. 46-47, ix. 39-40, x. 36 ; Proto- Ionic capital, vii. 38 ; survey of the Athenian Pnyx {plate), I. iv, 207 ; notes to Crow's Athenian Pnyx, 207- 260 passim . Clarke, J. T., and Emerson, papers on Magna Graecia in Journ. of archaol., A. ix. 39; investigations in Southern Italy interrupted, x. 40. Classical archaeology, recent progress in, Emerson's essay, in A. x. 47-94 ; present methods, 47-48 ; periodicals on, 56-57 ; recent books on, 92 ; present condition in America, 92- 93; European collections, 93 ; future work in, 94. education, present methods, H. i. 23-24; value of, 24. Claudia, in inscription of Tralleis, I. i. 96. Claudianus, C. Jul., in inscription of Tralleis, I. i. 10S. Claudiopolis, identified, I. iii. 8; see also Mut. Clavigero, Storia di Messico, B. ii. 37. Cleaenetus, an Icarian, G. vii. 84, 88. Clemens, C. Valerius, in inscription at Kavak, I. iii. 156. Clemens, Catius, in inscription on mile- stone, I. ii. 272. Cliff of King Phineus, A. i. 121. Cliff houses, M. i. 27-28. "Closed House " of the Pueblo of Zayi, A. i. 6S-69. Coats of arms of Greek cities, C. i. 113. Cochiti pueblo, home life of inhabit- ants of, A. ii. 19-20; idol of Shyayag discovered at, vi. 36. A. = Ann. rept of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. => Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient. Antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 27 Cocussus, inscription at, K. 19 ; see also Goksiin. Cocyllum (Kokylion), identified, E. 25. Codex chimalpopoca, B. i. 3. Vaticanus, B. i. 4. Coffer dam, Roman, A. i. 98. Cofre de Perote mount, B. ii. 15, 16. Coins bearing representation of Diony- siac theatre, I. i. 128. Coleccion de documentos ineditos de las Indias, B. ii. 164 n. Colchians, mode of collecting gold, A. i. 109. Collectio inscriptionum Grp, I. iv. 18S; TloTeiSdFwvt ; TloTfiSuvi (two) ; Sbs dv ouSey..., 323; M. Ou\iri 'A/cuAi- avy TlwWiwvi ; Uw\Klwvi, 324 ; 'Ayujui- av6s ; v BovK-fi, 325 ; fragments, 325- 326. Globe, copper mines at, A. v. 45. A. = Ann. rent, r.f Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = I'roto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient. Antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 37 Gnossos, importance of excavating, A. ii. 33; walls of, 41 ; excavated room in, 41-42 ; walls at (with plate and cut), 47-49 ; adytum at (with plate), 47-48; labyrinth (plate), 47. Godeh Gol, outlet of, K. 8. Godene, inscription at, I. iii. 158. Goderet Deresi, I. iii. 83. Godaret Su, source of, I. iii. 83. Gdk Dagh; valley near, I. iii. 135. Gdkdjeli, inscription at, I. iii. 237, 43°- Gdk Punar, I. iii. 311. Gdk Su, tomb of a hunter on bank of, I. iii. 44-45; canon and rock-cut dwellings of, 45 ; underground course of, near Omar Oghlu, 51-52; bridge over ; valley above Budjak Kishla, 84 ; source of, 96. Goksiin (Cocussus), plain of, I. ii. 253; inscriptions at, K. 20-22 ; same near, 27-29. Inscriptions : Imp. Antonino (Ela- gabalo), I. ii. 240-241 ; Imp. Diocle- tiano; Imp. Pupienus Maximus, 243; Imp. Maximinus, 244-245 ; Imp. An- tonino (Elagabalo), 245-246; frag- ments, 246-247 ; Avp-qAtoi 'Pw/xavbs Kal KeAffiavr), 247-248 ; Stotio, 248 ; Maplas ; 4>\. 'HAioScipy, 249; &c68opos, 250; Avp. 'AA^avSpos, 251; @aifxas ; el fJ.ev yap fiaKapes... ; fragment, 252. Inscriptions near : Imp. Septimius Severus, I. ii. 264; Imp. Diocletiano (two), 265, 267; Imp. Pupienus; Imp. Gordiano, 265-266; Imp. Sep- timius Severus (two), 267-268 ; Imp. Diocletiano, 269; Imp. Maximino, 269-270. "Golden fleeces" of Colchis, A. 1. 109. Goldjiik, ruins ; inscription at, I. iii. 39. Golfal, geology of district near, C. i. 185. Gomara. Fr. Lopez de, Cronica general de las Indias, B. ii. 63; Segunda parte de la cronica general de las Indias, 7 «., 17 «., 127 n. Goodell, T. D., at American School at Athens, G. v-vi. 15. Goodwin, W. W., elected a member of Managing Committee of American School, G. i-iii. 20, (A. v. 104) ; ap- pointed Director of School, G. i-iii. 8, (A. iii. 54) ; Report as Director in 1882-83, in H. i. 3-26, G. i-iii. i^seq., (A. iv. 51 sea.) ; same, G. i-iii. 25, (A. v. 109) ; reception at Athens ; ap- pointed U. S. Commissioner of Edu- cation, G. i-iii. 17, (A. iv. 55) ; Battle of Salamis, in I. i. 237-262 ; letter on work at Assos, M. i. 7 ; tour with Jebb in the Troad, A. iv. 39 (see also Jebb) ; edits Papers I. of American School, G. iv. 8; resigns position as chairman of the Committee on Pub- lications, vii. 19-20; lecture on re- cent study and exploration in Greece, A. viii. 37, 38. Gordianus (emperor), in inscription of Losta, I. iii. 23. Gordianus III. (emperor), in inscrip- tions on milestones, I. ii. 243, 266, 274. Gdrekli, inscription at, I. iii. 172. Gorgiades, an Icarian, G. vii. 84. Gorgoenus, an Icarian, G. vii. 83. Gorgorome, identified, I. iii. 130, 184. Gortyna, importance of excavating, A. n - 33 - 34 ; c °de of, x. 64. Gosselin, notes on Strabo, N. 9-10. Goths, invade Greece, A. i. 105. Gottling, Das Pelasgikon und die Pnyx, I. iv. 237 ; Pelasgikon in Atheti, 237- 239- "Governor's House," see "House of the Governor." Goyerek ; cemetery near ; country around ; village near, I. iii. 4. Goyiik, I. iii. 1S0. Gran Quivira, B. i. 24, 25; ruins at, H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. X. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 33 INDEX. 26, 30-33, A. v. 35-36 ; mistaken iden- tification of, B. i. 26; abandoned, A. v. SS ; church in, B. i. 30-31 ; building near same, 30; excavations in, 31; water supply of, 31-32; the abode of Jesuit priests, 31 ; creta- ceous formation of; lava bed and marsh near, 32 ; disappearance of its inhabitants, 33. Gratianus (emperor), in inscription from Belcaive, I. i. 62. Gravestones of Asia Minor, I. i. 72. Greece, value of travel in, H. i. 15-17, ii. 7 ; facilities for travel in, G. vii. 9; interest and work in archaeology, A. x. (x)scq. ; governmental administration of archaeological work in, 78-80. Greek Archaeological Society, history and work of, A. x. 69-70, 7 1 set/. archaeology, in education, A. i. 23 ; methods and value of, vi. 45-46; America's lack of co-operation in, H. i. 25-26; Germany's work in, 26; value of recent excavations, G. vii. iS. — — architecture : channels, number of, D. 6-7, 13-14 ; color, uses of, A. i. 104; egg and dart moulding, origin of, 137 ; Egyptian bases, D. 17 ; free- standing shafts, 11 ; purpose of same, 11-12, «.; inclined columns, A. viii. 43, 44 ; lost arts of, i. 104 ; origin, D. 6-7, ;/., 14 ; influenced by Egyptian architecture, 13-15 etseq. ; reeds (kal- amides) used in, G. vii. 89; stability the primitive principle of, I. i. 195; stone work, A. i. 104, 137 ; primitive supports, D. 20. art, Assyrian influence on, C. i. 65-66, 112; centaurs represented in, no; contributions to knowledge of, by discoveries at Assos, A. v. 26-27 > Cretan influence on, x. 64; impor- tance for study of Greek literature, G. vii. 42 ; Oriental affinities of, A. x. 63; origin, C. i. 119; relations to art of other periods and countries shown at Assos, 105. Greek bridges, C. i. 128; bonding of lintels in, 129. cities, inland position of, C. i. 54. — — — civilization, progress of, A. v. 27 ; source, 27-28 ; value for modern art and life, 27, 29; character, 2S-29; decline, 29. coats of arms of cities, C. i. ii3- commerce in the Black Sea, A. i. 109- 1 10. dialects, phonetic relations of vowels, I. iv. 265-266, »., 272. dice-throwing, inscriptions con- cerning, in I. iii. 206-214, ii. 79-90. diphthong at, pronunciation of, I. iii. 59; diphthong eo, pronunciation of, 171. etymology : Lewis's essay on Attic vocalism, in I. iv. 261-277 (see also Attic vocalism) ; ending -tiovs of nouns in -kAtjs, i. 22; ending -S changed to -7) in neuter plural, iv. 264 ;/. ; ending -eos in plural ; ending -tj in dual, 269 ; form laol in ALoWc, i. 6 ; pronunciation of elided vowels, iv. 155-156. foot (measure), determined, C. 1. 97. games, regulations concerning, in an inscription of Fassiller, I. iii. 167-168. genealogy, descent priTp6Qa>, I. ". 25, 323. Government, offers building lot to American School, G. iv. 17 ; gives building lot to British School, 21. islanders, characteristics of, C. 1. 27. judges summoned from one city to another, I. i. 15-16. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 39 Greek language, introduced into Dacia, A. i. 105; spoken in Cappadocia, I. ii. 230 ; value of adopting modern pronunciation of, H. i. 22-23 > differ- ence between modern and ancient form of, 21 ; value of studying the modern language, 21-23. legends, how far true, A. i. 109. letter 77, old pronunciation of, I. iii. 59 ; letter t in Attic, iv. 270. manner of drinking, A. i. no. religion, treasurer of the " other gods," G. vii. 82-83 ; worship of the "Twelve Gods " at Athens, I. i. 170. — — riddles, in inscriptions of Iconi- um, in I. ii. 219-2 sculpture, archaistic figures in, A. iv. 26; centaurs represented in, 43; heraldic use of sphinxes, 44; myths of Zeus represented in, I. i. 139; polychromy in; restorative of colors in, A. x. 78 ; statues of sirens, D. 12 n. ; wool represented in, A. x. 77- spoon, inscription on, I. iv. 201. temples, example of entasis in; hypaethral style, I. i. 207 ; invento- ries of measures used in temple ser- vice, 6 ; metallic coating for members, C. i. 121 ; peripteral style, D. 19. theatre, location of, I. iv. 258; number of parts, i. 130; Assos tem- ple a model, A. i. 151 ; balustrade of I. i. 144; orchestra, 142; structure of the stage, A. x. 71. thought, influence on modern thought, A. i. 22. towns, why built inland, N. 3- 4 ; subsequent change of location, 4 ; method of determining their pop- ulation, 24 n. ; removal to sea-coast, 29; "exposure" of, A. i. 151. vases, inscriptions on, I. iv. 200- Greek versification, table of caesuras in hexameters and elegiacs in the poets, in I. iv. 49 ; styles of caesuras in history of literature, iv. 49 ; use of spondaic verses ; Homeric use of ivi and «Vin fourth foot, 60; shortenings of vowels before other vowels, 119- 122 ; pronunciation of elided vowels, 155-156; in inscriptions, Allen's es- say, in iv. 35-204 (see also Inscrip- tions, Greek). Greeks, how affected by climate, A. i. 111-112; were architects of bridges, 106 ; source of their greatness, v. 28 ; expedition against King Kyknos, E. 3*-33- Modern, interest in the United States, H. i. 9; causes of their de- generacy, A. i. 132 ; pursuit of agri- culture in Asia Minor, 147. Greenhalgh, Documentary history of New York, on Tiotohattan, A. i. 31. Grijalva, Cronica, B. ii. n n. ; /tin., 17 n. Grosseto, ancient walls in, A. i. 15, 16, 81-90 (see also Monte Leone) ; site once submerged, 84. Grote, History of Greece, I. i. 240 n. Grotefend, on site of Icaria, G. vii. Si- Gruter, Collect io inscriptionum Lati va- rum, I. i. 42 n. Guhl, E., Versuch iiber das ionische /Capital, E. n. Guillet, on Olympieion at Athens, I. i. 187. ^ Guilletiere, M. de la, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 47. Giiine, I. ii. 29. Guise, Due de, expedition against Na- ples, I. iv. 230 n. Gui-y-baa or Tlacolula, ruins at, B. ii. 314-317, \v\th plate (figs 10-12), 309; antiquities found at, 317; defensive H. = Bull, of School. I, = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. I. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 40 INDEX. works of, 322 ; purposes of its build- ings, 323, 324. Gulbere Tchai, inscription on bridge near Tchaush, I. iii. 171-172. Gulghurum, inscriptions at, I. iii. 187. Gundani, inscriptions at, I. iii. 226- 237 ; list of ethnics in its inscriptions, 271-273. Gundughun, inscription at, I. iii. 137- 138. Giinen (Konana) inscriptions: Alp. 0eo- Swpou, I. iii. 338—339 ; ~2,eieTlp.tov Seui}- pov ; Marco Aur., 339 ; MeveKpdrrjs ; AupT]\ioi ZicTtKbs Kcd 'Orfi Avp. NeW (four parts), 341-343 ; Hernias, 343 ; Mevvtas, 344 ; Elrvxia- v6s, 345 ; 'EKnls, 345"346 J 'ApioTwv ; 'lovAios, 346 ! 'Povcpoa Kal 'S.Kvpt.vos ; Aio/utjStjs, 347 ; TpScptfios, k. t. A., 348; Alp. Eta. (two parts) ; 'AviKiavSs ; Alp. Al^avwv, 349; fragments, 350- 351- Giireme, inscription at, I. iii. 405-406. Gurney, E. W., resigns membership on Managing Committee of American School, G. i.-iii. 20, (A. v. 104). Guzman, Nuiio de, expedition north- ward from Mexico, B. i. 5-6. Gyges, power of; source of his wealth, C. i. 68. Gymnasium of Trajan, designed by Apollodorus, A. i. 102. Hadji Bektash, I. ii. 307. Hadji Eyuplu, inscription at, I. ii. 14- 15. 323- Hadjilar, inscriptions at, I. ii. 115-116, iii. 123. Hadjin, I. ii. 239. Hadrian (emperor), destroys Trajan's bridge over the Danube, A. i. 103 ; in Asia Minor, I. i. 102; date of visit to Athens, 202-203 ; named in inscriptions: Boguk Kabadja, I. iii. 401; Cremna, 319; Dionysiac theatre, i. 149 ; Imrohor, iii. 280 ; Kavakavak, ii. 6 ; Palaea Isaura, iii. 113, 116; called Zeus Larasios, ii. 327 ; cult of, in Athens, i. 205-206 ; statues of, in the Olympieion at Ath- ens, 209-210. Hadrianis, establishment of, I. i. 150, 151. Hadrianopolis, identified, K. 10. Hagnias, an Icarian, G. vii. 87-S8. Hahn, G. von, Motive der ionischen Sdule, E. 10. Hakluyt, Richard, Voyages, etc., B. i. 16. Hale, W. G., elected a member of Man- aging Committee of American School, G. iv. 18 ; declines directorship of School, vii. 14. Halesian plain, geology of, C. i. 200, 201, 215. Haliartus, inscription of, I. iv. 196. Halicarnassus, inscription of, I. iv. 187. Halonaua, excavations at, A. x. 107. Hamlin, A. D. F., services to American School, G. v-vi. 37. Hammam, L. 21. Hannibal, places commemorative tab- let in temple of Hera Lakinia, A. viii. 42 ; mode of splitting rocks employed by him in passage of the Alps, I. iv. 230 n. Hanriot, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 53. Harkness, Albert, appointed Director of American School, H. ii. 23. Harper, a member of Babylonian expe- dition from Philadelphia, A. ix. 61. Harpocration, Lexicon, s. v. ElveTSat, I. i. 166 ; same, s. v. YlpoirvKaia. ravra, iv. 212. Hartel, Homcrische Studien, I. iv. 120 «. Harvard Art Club, services to the In- stitute, A. iii. 43. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class papers. D. = I~>or. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 41 Harvard Classical Club, services to American School, G. v-vi. 22. College, supports scheme of American School, G. i-iii. 6, 7, (A. iii. 52, 53) ; subscribes to same, G. i-iii. 9, (A. iii. 55) ; photographic appara- tus owned by, A. x. 93. Glee Club and other clubs, ser- vices to American School, G. v-vi. 22. Philological Society, services to American School, A. iii. 43. Hassan Beyli, inscription at, I. iii. 433- 434- Hauicu pueblo, occupied by Coronado, A. x. 107. Hava-supay, houses of, A. v. 42. Hawes, E. S., at American School, G. v-vi. 11. Hay, services to the Institute, A. ii. 26. Haynes, H. W., Recent progress in American archeology, in A. x. 95-105. Haynes, J. H., at Assos, A. iv. 25, v. 23; a member of the Assos expedition, C. i. 16 ; a member of the Wolfe ex- pedition, G. iv. 12, A. vii. 36; joins same, L. 10 ; letter from Aintab on visit to a Hittite village, in A. vii. 44; member of Babylonian expedition from Philadelphia, ix. 62. Hazen, General, service to Assos expe- dition, A. ii. 31. Heap, services to the Institute, A ii. 26, 30. Hedje, inscriptions at, I. ii. 100-110, 3 2 4- Helicon, inscription of, I. iv. 195-195. Heliopoulos, A., services to excavators at Sto Dionyso, A. ix. 46, G. vii. 74 ; appropriates objects found there, G. vii. 80. Helle, crosses the Hellespont (with cut), A. i. 125, 126. Hellenotamiae, G. vii. 82. Hellespont, Xerxes's bridge over, A. i. 123-124; width and current of, 123, 124, 129; castles on, founded, 124; passages of, 125; legendary origin of, 130; a passage to India, 140; ge- ology of its shores, C. i. 195-196. Hellespont, province, Persian gover- nors in, N. 23 n. Hemenvvay Southwestern Archaeologi- cal Expedition, A. ix. 57, 59 ; work of, x. 106-107. Hemes, identified, B. i. 23. Henri de Hainault, takes Adramyttion, C. i. 76. Henzen, on the German Archaeological Institute, A. x. 57. Hephaestus, worship of, at Athens, I. i. 171. Hera Lakinia, temple of, excavated by Clarke, A. viii. 42-45 ; history of, 42- 43 ; described, 43-44. Heraclea, I. ii. 16-17 ; inscription of, 17-1S (see also Makuf) ; women offi cials in, 25. Heracleia, identified, C. i. 3 «., K. 4 ; harbor of, C. i. 55 ; inscription of, I. iv. 1S8 ; ruins of, K. 5. Heracleides, cited in Eustathios, I. i. 6. Heracles and the centaurs, represented in a relief at Assos (with plate), C. i. 106 ; legend of, 107, 108 ; proverb concerning, 108. Heracleum (Attica), identified, I. i. 255- 257. Heraclitus, an Icarian, G. vii. 86. Heraldry, use of sphinxes in, A. iv. 44. Hermeias, reign of, at Assos, C. i. 72- 73, A. i. 157, iv. 42. Hermes, in inscription of Altii Kapii, I. iii. 218; same of Isparta (Baris), ii. 119; statue by Praxiteles, A. x. 50-5 1 -- Hero, in Isagog. irepi evdv/j.eTptKcov, I. i. 109. Hero, tower of, A. i. 124. H. = Bull, of School. I, = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 42 IXDEX. Herodotus, on battle of Salamis, I. i. 242 n., 243 //., 244 >/., 245, 24S, 250, 251, 252, 254 ;/., 255, 25S ft. ; on the Erechtheion, 215; on expedition of Darius into Scythia, A. i. 107 ; on the sacred olive of Athena, I. i. 235 ft. ; on taxes of Troad ; on Persian gov- ernors, C. i. 70 ; on Thoricus, I. iv. 2. Heroon of Selinous, capital from (with cut), E. 20-21. Herrera, Ant. de, Description de las Indias Occidentales, B. ii. 5 ft. J I list o- ria general, etc., 7 «., 267 n., 325, 326, A. i. 57, 58, 70, 71. Hestia, relief representing (?), I. i. 140- 142. Hesychios, on Olympieion at Athens, I. i. 197 ; Lexicon, s. v. XeOco^rai, iv. 214. Hexameters in Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 41-46. Hiatus in Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 105- 107. Hiawatha, B. ii. 188 «., 193 n. Hiero, Antonius Memmius, in inscrip- tions on milestones, I. ii. 256, 257, 260, 271, 275, 280, 296. Hierokles, Ifippiatr., I. i. 190 ». ; Sy- nek., N. 26 n. High Bank pueblo (with plate), A. i. 54 ; house at (with plate), 55. Hiklreth, H. T., at American School as student, G. v-vi. 10 ; as guest, 15 ; special study there, 11. Hillah, L. 17. Hilprecht, a member of Babylonian ex- pedition from Philadelphia, A. ix. 61. Hirschfeld, on Texier's Description de VAsie Mineure, C. i. 10; Tavium, K. 43- Hirt, Gesckichte der Baukunst, I. i. 199. Hissar, inscriptions at, K. 13, 1, ii. 124, 131-132, 144-145, 147 ; road near, 164. Hissarlik, A. i. 159, C. i. 162, 163; the site of Homeric Ilios, C. i. 143-144 ; importance of discoveries at, 144. Hit (Issus), L. 25. Hittite art, god stepping on mountains, F. 1S-19, ft. empire, L. II. remains in Anatolia, A. x. 62-63. scriptures, representation of a god in, F. 18 n. stele at Fassiller, I. iii. 164- 166. Hittorff et Zanth, Architecture antique de la Sicile, E. 19. Hobhouse, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 48. Hofmann, on classical education, H. i. 24. Holmes, W. H., Geographical survey, etc., B. i. 106 n. Homer, acquaintance with Black Sea and with legends of Argonauts and of Heracles, A. i. 109 ; same with Trojan plain, C. i. 157 ; his residence at Kenchreae, 61 ; use of ivl and iv in fourth foot of a verse, I. iv. 60 ; use of irorl and irp6s in same, 61 ; quan- tity of syllables by position, 9S-99 ; omission of name Assos, C. i. 61. Iliad, on Apollo, C. i. 157 ; on As- sos (indirectly), A. i. 147, C. i. 60; on Athene and Ares, C. i. 156, 161 ; on the Greek ships; on the Hellespont; on Ida, 158 ; on Idaios, 160, 161 ; on Le- leges ; on Pedasos, 60 ; on Poseidon, C. i. 158, A. i. 1 28; on Samothrace, C. i. 158; on Scamander, 156, 164; on Simois, 163; on site of Ilion, 161 ; on temple of Athena Polias, A. x. 84; on tomb of Tantalos, C. i. 151; on visit of Diomedes and Odysseus to Trojan camp, 157. Odyssey, on Gnossos, A. ii. 33 ; on Odysseus and the clogs of Eumaios, C. i. 14S ; source of some scenes in, A. i. 109. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amcr papers. C. = Class papers. D. Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 43 Hopkins and Dickinson Manufactur- ing Company, service to American School, G. v-vi. 36. Horace, Ars poetica, G. vii. 73. Hortensia, in inscription of Kayudjak, I. ii. 133. "House of the Dwarf" at Uxmal, A. i- 59- " House of the Governor " at Uxmal (with cut and plate), A. i. 59-63, 76. " House of the Nuns " at Uxmal (with plate), A. i. 49, 63-65; room in (with plates), 66-67. "House of the Old Woman" at Ux- mal, A. i. 59. " House of the Pigeons " at Uxmal, A. i.65. " House of the Turtles " at Uxmal, A. i. 59. Houses of the Southern Troad, material of, A. i. 152. Huaxtecas Indians, B. ii. 8. Huaxteco language, B. ii. 6, 8, 9. Huaxyacac, identified, B. ii. 271. Huitzo, name, B. ii. 268. Humann, Carl, services to Assos Expe- dition, C. i. 23-24 ; conducts excava- vations at Pergamon, A. x. 51-52. Humboldt, Essai politique, B. ii. 19 «., 46 «., 47, 104 n. ; Monuments indige- nes, 221 n. ; Vues des Cordilleres, 2S4- 285, n. Hungo Pavie pueblo, A. i. 47-48, with plates, 46, 47. Hunt, on temple of Assos, C. i. 28 ; Re- port, on Assos, A. i. 157, 161, C. i. 7. Hunter's Tomb (the), on Gok Su, I. iii. 44-45- Hussey, G. B., a student at American School, G. vii. 8 ; special study there, 43 ; Notes on Greek sculptured crowns, etc., 44. Huyot, at Assos, C. i. 10. Hygcia, sacrifice to, G. vii. 85. Hypereides, on Dionysiac theatre, I. i. 1 26 n. Iambic trimeter in Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 65-66; other iambic verses in same, 67. Ibrala, I. iii. 14. Icaria, excavations at, G. vii. 9-10 ; identified, 10 ; the birthplace of tragedy, 72-73 ; history of its iden- tification, 47-56, 74-75, A. ix. 46-47 ; excavations at, G. vii. 74-80 (see also Dionyso) ; cults in, 94, A. ix. 48; importance of, G. vii. 95-96; church (plate), 98 (pi. ii.) ; excava- tions at (plates), 98 (pi. iii., iv., v.) ; extent of, 97-98 ; inscriptions of, found, A- ix. 47-4S. Icarians, in literature, G. vii. 80-S1 ; in inscriptions, 81-93; character of, 93- 95; index of names, in 99-101. Icarius, story of, G. vii. 65-67 ; in art, 67-68 ; bibliography of the story, 68-69. Icarius and Dionysus, legend of, I. i. 140. Icarius, mount, G. vii. 98. Icazbalceta, Mex. en 1554, B. ii. 51. Ichlara, K. 17, I. ii. 229. Iconium, walls of, K. 15-16; road from, to Archelais, 16; inscriptions at, see Konia. Ida, mount, C. i. 183 ; ascent of, 1S7 ; view from, 1S8; a resort of the ban- dit Tilliboros, N. 25-26; names of its heights, 16-17; slopes of, 18; exca- vation of cave of Zeus on, A. x. 64; geology of, C. i. 186-189, 203, 213. Ignatius, in Assos, C. i. 74. Ikhlara, I. ii. 229, K. 17. Ilan Ovasii, Yuruk nomads in, I. iii. 2S0. Ilaus (Ilouza), inscriptions at, I. iii. 331. Ilei, inscriptions at, I. iii. 406-407. Iliad, see Homer. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 44 INDEX. Ilias, inscriptions : Imp. Maximeino (sic), I. iii. 420; 'hvTwvtlvov, 422; Tpaiav6v, 423 ; £v AacvSiKiq, 424 ; in- scriptions near, 415-419; ruined city near, 418; name, 419. Ilios (Homeric), site of, C. i. I43~I44- Ilisra, inscription at, I. iii. 20. Ilium (Hellenic), site of, C. i. 163. Illegop, inscriptions at, I. iii. 357~359- Illidje spring, water of, I. iii. 180-181. Ilouza, inscriptions at, I. iii. 331. Imbros, A. i. 126. Imhouf-Blumer, Moiinaies grecqices, I. iii. 194. Imperial cultus, I. i. 205. Imperial Ottoman Museum, A. x. 60. Imprecations on violators of tombs, in inscriptions, I. i. 82-84. Imrohor; inscription at, I. iii. 280. " Incuria caerimoniarum Augusti," I. i. 34. India, commerce of, A. i. 94-95, 1 1 1 ; mode of constructing the rock-cut temples of, I. iv. 229 n. Indians, archaeological questions con- cerning, A. iii. 20 ; sources of our knowledge of, 21 ; importance of studying living tribes, 34 ; difficulty of consulting their documents, B. ii. 155-156; importance of studying, A. i. 18-20 ; linguistic tribal relations, ix. 59 ; methods of studying, 55-56, iii. 34 ; where to be studied, i. 20. Condition at time of Spanish con- quest, A. iii. 19; condition since dis- covery ; changes of organization and mode of life among northern tribes, i. 45; communism among, 43, 56; deification of heroes, B. ii. 188 n. ; defensive works of, 322 ; ethnical status of, A. i. 43 ; houses of, 44, 55 ; same, Morgan's essay on, in 27-80 ; defensive principle of building houses, 55 ; development of styles of house- building, v. 42, B. i. 73 n. ; rela- tion of same, A. vi. 32 ; " double house," B. i. 73 n. ; stone house, A. i. 29-30 ; tenement house, 52 ; "terraced house," v. 95 ; knowledge of the arts, i. 43-44 ; knowledge of post-and-lintel construction, 62, 63 ; mode of wearing the hair, B. ii. 27; original mode of living, A. i. 43 ; ori- gin of, 30, vi. 32 ; settlements south- ward from Santa Fe, v. 33 et sea. ; ter- ritory formerly occupied by, 42-43 ; villages of, i. 54. Indians of Cholula, see Cholulan In- dians. Christianized, their mode of burial, B. i. 99 ft. of Cochiti, family life, A. ii. 19- of Columbia River, houses of, A. i. 30, 41-42 ; family life ; polygamy among, 42. of Honduras, agricultural cus- toms, A. i. 58. Mexican, B. ii. 10-12; how af- fected by environment, 28 ; beds of, 142 ; care of children, 147 ; condition previous to Spanish conquest, 22-26; cosmological legends of, 109; dances of, 147-149; domestic animals of, 218; dress and weapons of, 215-216; furniture of houses, 131-132, 138, 142-143 ; houses of, on the coast, 129, with plate (figs. 14-18), 96; pres- ent houses on coast (with plate), 21 ; houses in the sierra, 129-132, with plate (figs. 10, 12, 13), 96; why differ- ent from coast dwellings, 130-131 ; triple division of houses, 132 ; store- houses, 130; house life, 131-132; idols of, 60-66; ignorance of art of burning lime, 225 n. ; ignorance of varieties of animals, i. 4 n. ; markets of, ii. 145; marriage customs and A. = Ann. rept of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 45 married life, B. ii. 132-138; mode of burial, i. 99«.; mode of fighting in bat- tle, ii. 40; music and musical instru- ments, 149-152, -with plates figs. 4, 5), 252 ; names of tribes, 42 ; origin of, 3, A. vi. 30 n. ; painting, progress of, B. ii. 143 n. ; personal names among, 133-134 ; prayers for ancestors, 278 ; sacrificial stones of, 55-57 (see also Mexico (city), aboriginal sculptures); social organization, 132-133; tools of, 143-144 ; woman's work and status, 142, 146-147 ; work of, 144-145. Indians, New Mexican, called Chichi- mecas, B. i. 3 ; spread southward, M. i. 32 ; forced back toward the Rio Grande, A. v. 33; method of study- ing, M. i. 14-15; sources of informa- tion concerning, B. i. 3. Changes of condition among, M. i. 14-15 et set/. ; "cacique," 22-24; dances, traditions, and myths, 25-26; disappearance of dialects, 17 ; distri- bution of tribes, B. i. 27-28 ; early accounts of, Bandelier's essay, in 1- 33; ethnography of, M. i. 15-16; ele- ment worship, 23 ; federations, 22 ; government changed, 20-21 ; houses, A. i. 43-44, vi. 38-39, M. i. 27-29; house life, B. ii. 131, M. i. 19; com- munal houses, 30 ; " small houses," 30-32 ; idols of stone, 30 ; imple- ments and utensils, 18-19 '■> languages influenced by the Spanish, 17 ; affini- ties of same, B. i. 1 10 ; laws changed, M. i. 19-20; mechanical knowledge, B. i. 64-65 ; medicine-men, M. i. 23- 25; migrations, B. i. 109-m, M. i. 15; mode of burial, B. i. 99 ;/. ; mode of making plaster, 57 n. ; names of villages in vernacular, M. i. iS ; phra- tries, 21 ; population in 16th century, 17; pottery, B. i. 105, M. i- 29-30; sign language, B. i. 93-94, «. ; war with Spaniards, 33 ; woman's duties among, ii. 38. Indians of New Mexico and Arizona, distribution of pueblos and dwell- ings, A. v. 55-56 ; architecture of, 55-78; "communal houses," 55-60, 78 ; "family dwellings," 60-63 ; pop- ulation of pueblos, 64-65 ; agricultu- ral products, 76 ; mode of irrigation, 77 ; original form of dwelling, 78-83 ; traditions and beliefs, 78, 79 ; origin, 79; migrations, 80, 84; social his- tory, 85-86 ; uses of the yucca plant, 96 ; recent investigation among, ix. 55-61 ; importance of studying, 59 ; lost tribes, 60. of Orizaba, B. ii. 22. of the Rio Grande, changes of mode of life ; paganism among, A. ii. 21 ; tradition of origin, 21-22. of the Rio Panuco in the 16th century, B. ii. 6-8. of Tamaulipas, B. ii. 4-5. of Yucatan, A. i. 58, 59, 71 ; ori- gin of, 59. Indje Su, inscribed slab at, I. iii. 177 ; inscriptions at, 177-178; tomb near, 178. Ine, C. i. 145-146. Information recibida en Mexico y Pue- bla el ano de 1565, etc., B. ii. 164 n. Inscriptions, Babylonian, F. 17, 18. Greek, use of &ebs with names of emperors, I. i. 53, 206 n. ; impreca- tions in, 84 n. ; " the Parian Marble," G. vii. 70, 72 ; on silver spoon, I. iv. 201 ; on vases, 200, 201. Versification in, Allen's essay, in I. iv. 35-204 ; age of inscriptions, 37 ; errors of composition, 37-38 ; errors of transmission, 39-40 ; treatment of proper names, 38-39, «.; earlier forms of hexameter, 40 n. ; meters of, 41- 45 ; unmetrical verses, 45-47 ; struc- H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 46 INDEX. Inscriptions, Greek, continued. ture of the hexameter, I. iv. 47-63 ; caesuras in same, 47-5S ; dactyls and spondees in same, 58-63 ; structure of the pentameter, 63-65 ; structure of other verses, 65-69; quantity of vowels, 69-78 ; quantity of syllables in exceptional cases, 79-80 ; same with mute and liquid, 80-9S ; contrac- tion and synizesis, 99-104 ; hiatus, 105-107 ; vowel shortened before vowel, 107-124; crasis, 124-126; elision of a, 127-134; same of e, 134-150; same of o, 150-152; same of i, 152-154; same of diphthongs, 155; summary, 155-157; aphaeresis, 157—158; " v movable," 158-160; list of inscriptions used in Allen's essay, /';/ 161-204 : — Adalia, I. ii. 222-224 ! ^Egina, iv. 181 ; Aghlan, ii. 37-38 ; Aghras (Agrae), iii. 335-337; Aiplar, 276; Aipler, ii. 184 ; Ak Kilisse, iii. 125- 128; Ak Serai (Archelais), ii. 228- 229; Ak Shehir (Philomelium), 165; on the Ak Tepe, iii. 176; Akherli Pazar, 133, 134 ; Aktchelar, 181-182; Aldjibar, 403-405 ; Ali Agha Tchift- lik, ii. 9-10 ; Alitchardji, iii. 13S-139; Almassen, 30-34 (see also Almassen) ; AltU Kapii, 218; Amorgos, iv. 183; Anactorium, 19S; Antiochia Pisidiae, K. 8-9; Aphidna, I. iv. 172 n. ; Ar- massun, iii. 34-38 (see also Armas- sun) ; Armutlu, 19S-199 ; Artemi- sion, iv. 181 ; Ashagha Eshenler, iii. 89-90 ; Ashagha Yapalak, ii. 299 ; Assar, 14; Assos, see Assos, inscrip- tions ; Astypalasa, iv. 185 ; Atche Punar, iii. 97-98 ; Attica, iv. 162;/., 164 «., 165;/., 169;/, 170 «., 174-1S0, 201, 203-204 (see also Attica); Av- shar, iii. 279; Bademli, 188-189; Baghlii, 280-281 ; Ba'indir, 192; Ba'i- yat (Seleucia Sidera), 333-334 ; Bakh- tiar, 217 ; Baldur, ii. 116; Baliiklagho, iii. 125; Baulo, 282; near Biredjik, 433; Boyiik Iloma, 186; Boyiik Ka- badja, 402 ; Boyiik Nefezkieui, ii. 31 1-320 (see also Boyiik Nefezkieui) ; Bosola, iii. 21-22; Boyalik, ii. 308; Boyalu, iii. 179; Cedreae, iv. 187; Ceos, 182 ; Chalcis, 181 ; Chios, 1S4; Corcyra, 166 n. ; Corinth, 1S8-189 (see also Corinth) ; Cos, 201-202 ; Cyme, 188 ; Cyprus, 186-187 ; Da- ghan Hissar, ii. 176 ; Deghirmeri Deresi, K. 19 ; Dei'rmen Deresi, I. ii. 253-254; Delos, iv. 1S2-183, 202 (see alsoDelos); Delphi, 197-19S; Dere- kieui, iii. 173-175; Dergiimii, 329- 330 ; Diarbekir, 435-436 ; Didymi, iv. 18S ; Dinorna (Isaura Nova), iii. 149- 153; Dionysiac theatre, i. 125 «., 126 n., 137, 14S «., 149 n. ; Dionyso, G. vii. 53, A. ix. 47-48 ; Dodona, I. iv. 170 n. ; Dodru Agha, ii. 30-32 ; Doksan Do kus Merdimenli Kuyu, 226-227 ; Don Ai'she, iii. 203-206 ; Dulgerler, 53- 78 (see also Dulgerler) ; Elatea, iv. 196-197 ; Elcusis, G. vii. 91 ; Ephe- sus, I. iv. 18S; Epidaurus, 190-193 (see also Epidaurus) ; Erechtheion, i. 224,229-231,236; Erythrae,iv. 166 «.; Eshenler Djivlesi, iii. 90-94 (see also Eshenler Djivlesi) ; Eubcea, iv. 181 ; Fassiller, iii. 166-170; Felle, 193- 194; near Feriske, 81-S2 ; Fet, S3; Gei'ra, ii. n-13; Giomse, iii. 156- 157; Girme (Cremna), 321-326 (see also Girme) ; Godcne, 158; Goldjiik, 39; Gokdjeli, 237, 430 ; Goksun (Co- cussus), ii. 240-270 (see also Goksun) ; Gorekli, iii. 172 ; on the Gulberi Tchai, 171-172 ; Giindughun, 137- 138; Giinen (Konana), 338-351 (see also Giinen) ; Gurcmc, 405-406 ; Gun- dani, 226-237 ; list of Pisidian ethnics A- = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D- ; Dor. shaft. E- = Proto-Ion. cap. F- = Orient, antiq. G- = Ann. rcpt. of School. INDEX. 47 in inscriptions at same, I. iii. 271-273 ; Hadji Eyuplu, ii. 14-15; Hadjilar, 115-116, iii. 123; Haliartus, iv. 196; Halicarnassus, 187; Hassan Beyli, iii. 433-434 ; Hedje, li. 1 00-110 ; Helicon, iv. 195-196; Heraclea, 188; Hissar, K. 13; Ilaus (Ilouza), I. iii. 331; Ilei, 406-407; Ilias, 415-419, 422-424; Ilisra, 20; Illegop, 357~559 J Imrohor, 2S0 ; Indje Su, 177-178; Islamkieui, 334; Isparta (Baris), ii. 117-119; Ivreghil, iii. 186; Kaldjik, ii. 1 1 2-1 14; Kara Agha, 166-169, K. 10; Kara Aghatch, I. ii. 181-184, K. 13-14; Kara Baulo, I. iii. 284-308 (see also Kara Baulo) ; Kara Bulak, 179; Karadje Koi', 134; Karadjoren, 162 ; Kara Hissar, ii. 16 ; Kara Kaya, iii. 176-177 ; Karamanlii, ii. 39-67 (see also Karamanlii) ; Kara Senir, iii. 29-30 ; Karayuk Bazar, ii. 33-35 ; Kassaba, iii. 20-21 ; Kavak, 183 ; Kayalii, ii. 112; Kayii, iii. 328 ; Kha- tiin Serai (Lystra), 145-148 (see also Khatiin Serai) ; Khiak Dede, 194- 195; Khunu, ii. 290; Khurman Ka- lesi, K. 39-41, 1, ii. 302-305; Killidj, I. iii. 40S-414 ; Kiosk, ii. 4-6, K. 3-4 ; Kirili Cassaba, I. ii. 184-186; Kitchi Borlu, iii. 408; Kizildje, 184, K. 6 ; Kodja Assar, I. iii. 311; Kokiilar, 224-225 ; Konia (Iconium), ii. 18S- 224 (see also Konia) ; Kotchash, 171- 175 (see also Kotchash); Kotchos, 263; Kurdkieui, 258-259; Kutchuk Homa, iii. 186; Kutchuk Kabadja, 352-357 (see also Kutchuk Kabadja) ; Kutchuk Kirili, 425 ; Kiiz Oren, 39, 86-89; Kuyudjak, ii. 132-133; Laco- nia, iv. 172 n. ; Larisa, 199 ; Losta, iii. 23-28 (see also Losta) ; Ma'iram- Hik, 7 ; Makuf (Heraclea), ii. 17-29; X. 4-5 (see also Makuf) ; Man Agha, I. ii. 178-180; Mara, iii. 6; Megara, iv. 18S ; Mehre, iii. 136-137 ; Merki, ii. 291 ; Metapontum, iv. 199 ; Mus- salar, ii. 115; Mut, iii 8-12 (see also Mut) ; Namusa, 1 39-141 ; Naxos, iv. 183; Nysa, ii. 338-341; Orenkieui, iii. 5, 215-216; Olympia, iv. 172- 173, »., 184, 189-190, 194-195, 200 (see also Olympia) ; Olympieion at Athens, i. 190; Ordekdji, iii. 206-214; Orta Kara Viran, 129-132; Palmyra, 43S-445 (see also Palmyra) ; Pasha Kieui, i. 49; Peirasus (translation), G. vii. 92 ; Pharsalus, I. iv. 198 ; Phe- rae, 198-199; Pissa, iii. 399-400; Pla- taeae, iv. 169 n. ; Posidonia, 200; Pu- lat, ii. 300; Regiz, 170-171 ; Rhodes, iv. 185-186; Rum Dtighiin, iii. 163; Saghir, 238-270, 430-432 (see also Saghir) ; list of Pisidian ethnics in same, 271-273; Salamis, iv. 181; Salir, iii. 199-202, 426-427 (see also Salir) ; Samos, iv. 1S4 ; Saraidjik, iii. 41-44; Sazak, ii. in; Sellasia, iv. 194; Senir, iii. 414; Senir Ghent, 380-383; Serpek, 16-17; near Ser- pek, 18; Shahr (Comana), ii. 234- 239 (see also Shahr) ; Sidivre, iii. iS- 19 ; Sille, ii. 194-195 ; Sindjerli Khan, 226; Siristat, iii. 98-102 (see also Siristat) ; Soghlanlu Dere, ii. 231-232 ; Sparta, iv. 193 ; Sudjiillii Ai'valii, iii. 223-224 ; Sybaris, iv. 199- 200; Syghyrlik, iii. 311-314; Syra- cuse, iv. 200; Tamashaliik, iii. 47- 50 ; Tamba Hassan, ii. 320 ; Tcham- kieui, 36 ; Tchariik Serai, 176— 178; Tchaundir, iii. 216; Tchaush, 161; Tchetindje Beldjighas, 196-197 ; Tchetme, ii. 169-170; Tchitchekler, iii. 170-171; Tchokha Oren, 40; Tchumur, 327-328 ; Tefeny, ii. 67- 100 (see also Tefeny) ; Tegea, iv. 193 ; Tepe Arasii, iii. 103 ; Thebes, iv. 196; Thera, 184-185 ; Thessaly, 202 ; Tho- H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 43 INDEX. Inscriptions, Greek, continued. ricus, theatre of, I. iv. 31 ; Tokhmad- jik, iii. 276-277 ; Tralleis, see Tralleis ; Utch Kilisse, 29, 148-149; Uyiiklu, 275 ; Ulu Borlu, 360-379 (see also Ulu Borlu) ; Ulumahallii, ii. 176-17S ; Ulu Pufiar, iii. 103-105; Usuftcha, ii. 37; Yakanbir, iii. 215; Yalak, ii. 260-261 (see also Yalak); Yali Ilii- yiik, iii. 133 ; Yalowadj-Salir, iii. 219- 221, 429; Yalowadj-Sofular, 218-219; Yarpuz (Arabissus), ii. 285-2S8 (see also Yarpuz) ; Yaztii Veran (Tyman- dos), iii. 38S-399 (see also Yaztii Ve- ran) ; Yaziilu, 315-317; Yefiidje, ii. 10; Yefiidje Tchiftlik, iii. 185; Yo- karii Kotchash, 38-39; Yonuslar, 1 90-191 ; Zengibar Kalessi (Palaea Isaura), 106-121, 427-428 (see also Zengibar Kalessi) ; near Ziyaret Se- rai, ii. 289. Inscriptions, Latin, transliteration of Greek vowels in, I. iv. 274, 277 ; bi- lingual numerals in, ii. 309. Albistan, I. ii. 294-298, K. 37; Altii Kapii, I. iii. 217 ; near Ancyra, K. 45 ; Assos, see Assos ; Belcaive Pass, I. i. 62 ; Boyiik Kabadja, iii. 400-401 ; Boyiik Nefezkieui, ii. 308- 311, K. 43-44 (see also Boyiik Nefez- kieui) ; Diarbckir, I. iii. 434-435 ; Diirdkieui, ii. 256-257 ; Fassiller, iii. 168; Giomse, 155-156; Girme (Cremna), 319-321 (see also Girme) ; Goksiin (Cocussus), K. 20-22, I. ii. 240-247 (see also Goksiin) ; near Goksiin, K. 27-29, 1, ii. 264-270 (see also Goksiin); Giinen (Konana), I. iii. 339; Gulghurum, 187 ; Hissar, ii. 131-132, 144-145, 147 (see also Ilis- sar) ; Ilias, iii. 419-421; near Ilias, 415, 419; Isgin, ii. 293-294; Kanlii Kavak, K. 29-35, *• "• 270-284 (see also Kanlii Kavak); Kavak, I. iii. 154— 155, 182; Kekli Oglou, K. 24; Kha- tiin Serai (Lystra), I. iii. 142-145 (see also Khatiin Serai); Konia (Iconi- um), ii. 213; Kiirdkieui, 257-258; Kur Sari, iii. 275; Losta, 23; Mana- gha, K. 11-12; Mehemet Beikieui, K. 23, I. ii. 254-256; Ortakieui, I. ii. 321 ; milestones on road to Palmyra, iii. 436-438 ; milestones west of Pal- myra, 447-448; Missirli, 225-226; Palmyra, 446; " Siidjiillii," 221-223; Tchalam Khan, 157-158 ; Tchetindje Aktche Assar, 217 ; Ugiiklii, 274- 275; Yaghdjilar, 274; Yakka, 278; Yalak, K. 25, I ii. 259-260 (see also Yalak) ; Yalowadj Salir, I. iii. 221 ; Yalowadj Sofular, 220, 429 ; Yar- puz (Arabissus), ii. 285, K. 35-36 (see also Yarpuz) ; near Yarpuz, K. 36, I. ii. 291-292 ; Yaztii Ve- ran, I. iii. 384-387 (see also Yaztii Veran) ; near Ziyaret Serai, K. 35, 1. ii. 288. Inscriptions, Nahuatl, at Cholula, B. ii. 163 n. ■ Phoenician, F. 6-7, 11-12. Sicyonian Greek, at Moulki, A. ix. 46. Phrygian Greek, at Tchariik Se- rai, K. 1 1, I. ii. 176. Inscription Rock, or "The Morro," in- scriptions found at, A. x. 108. Institut de Correspondance hellenique, A. x. 59. Io, at the Bosporos, A. i. 122. Iolaos, reliefs representing, C. i. 108- 109. Ionic architecture, oculi in volutes, E. 6; origin of, 9-19; original wooden capital (with cut), 13-14; antique capitals, iS n\ conjunction of echi- nos with volutes, 19-20 ; inverted vo- lutes, 20 ; combination of capital with Doric entablature, 21-22; base, D 18; A. = Ann. rept. oflnst. B. = Amer. papers E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 49 columns used as sepulchral monu- ments, 19 n. Ionic sculpture, school and examples of, A. x. 72-73 vowels. I iv. 263-277 passim. Iowas, houses of, A. i. 35. Irene (goddess), I. i. 140-142. Iroquois, " long houses " of, A. i. 30- 35 ; domestic life of, 71. Isaiah, F. 15. Isaura Nova, identified, I. iii. 1 50-1 51 {see also Palaea Isaura) ; acropolis, 1 50. Isaura Vetus, see Palaea Isaura. Isauria, Kiepert's maps, in cover of I. iii. Isgin, inscriptions at, I. ii. 293-294. Ishiklar mausoleum at, I. iii. 122. Ishtar, descent into Hades, F. 13. Isla de los Sacrificios, B. ii. 16, 17 ; vases from, 17. Islamkieui, inscription at, I. iii. 334. Isleta or Tshya-ui-pa pueblo, A. v. 37. Isparta (Baris), inscriptions at, I. ii. 117-119. Isokrates, tomb of, D. 12. Istropolis, A. i. 113. Isyllus's Pa-an, versification of, I. iv. 67-69 Italian laws concerning archaeological exploration, A. viii. 45-46. Italy, service of the government to Greek archaeology, A. x. 79 n. ; re- cent archaeological work in, 91 ; a na- tional School of Archaeology founded, 92 ; legislation concerning archaeo- logical explorations, 91. Itcheri Shehir, I. iii. 188. I/iurrario de larmata del re catkolico in India, etc., B. ii. 5 11. Tttar, Sebastian, map of the Pnyx, I. iv. 234 «. Ivalee, inhabitants of, C. i. 3-4. Ives, Report on the Colorado River of the West, A. i. 51-52. Ivreghil, inscription at, I. iii. 186. Ixtli, uses of, B. ii. 38. Ixtlilxochitl, F. de A., Histoire des Chi- chimeques, B. ii. 24 n. Jabriyeh, Tel, L. 25. Jackson, W. H., Geographical survey, B. i. 77 ; Report, A. i. 46, 48. Jackson, W. H., & Co., services to American School, G. v-vi. 36. Jaramillo, Relation, B. i. II. Jason, golden fleece of, A. i. 109; con- secrates anchor of the Argo, 120- 121 ; sanctuary of, 121. Jastrow, Morris, Jr., note to Ward's Notes on Oriental antiquities, F. 19. Jebb, R. C, visits Assos, A. iv. 25, 39- 40; visits Methymna and Smyrna, 45 ; on the Antigone of Sophocles, G. vii. 96-97 ; on founding of a Brit- ish School at Athens, A. ii. 36; Ho- meric and Hellenic Ilium, C. i. 144, 163 ; Tour in the Troad, A. iv. 25, 39-45- Jemez, a field for archaeology, A. ix. 55; Indian houses at, i. 45. Jemez Indians, joined by the Pecos, B. i. 124-125. Jio, or The Fuerte, B. ii. 311-314, with plate (figs. 6-9), 309 ; name, 311. John (emperor), in inscription of Ico- nium, I. ii. 211. John V. (Paleologos), dethrones Canta- cuzenos, A. i. 140. John Zimisce (emperor), in inscription of Kotchash ?, I. ii. 171. Johns Hopkins University, supports scheme of American School, G. i-iii. 6, 7, (A. iii. 52, 53) ; subscribes to same, G. i-iii. 9, (A. iii. 55) ; present- ed with a collection of ancient coins ; purchases collection of vases, A. ix. 39. Johnson's universal cyclopedia, on Cen- tral American ruins, A. i. 76, 77. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 4 5o INDEX. Josephus, Ant. /ltd-, I. i. 43 «. Journal of Archaeology, see American Journal of Archaeology. Judges, F. 15. Juktas, mount, A. ii. 42-43; Pelasgic walls on, 42 ; cavern on, 42, 43. Julia Aphrodite, in inscription of As- sos, I. i. 40, 41. Julia Domna Augusta, called " mater castrorum," I. i. 59; in Asia Minor, 42-43 ; named in inscriptions, 43 ; in inscription of Assos, 5S; of Iledje, ii. 1 10 ; of Ilias, iii. 417 ; of Tcham- kieui, ii. 36. Julian family, I. i. 42. Julius, L., in Zeitschrift fiir bildende Kitnst, on theatre of Dionysus, I. i. 138 «., 144 «., 148, 149. Jumanos, have receded to savagery, A. v. 85 ; called Rayados, B. i. 24-25 ; dwellings of, A. v. 36; original form of same, 78 ; pottery of, 36 ; territory formerly claimed by, B. i. 24. Jupiter Capitolinus, in inscription of Assos, I. i. 52. Justinian, restores fortifications of No- viodunum, A. i. 108. Kabbadias, service to archaeology, A. x. 78 ; oversees excavation of the Athe- nian acropolis, 82 et scq. Kabukla Belen Dagh, ascent of, I. iii. 135- Kadi Koi, A. i. 122. Kadmos, tradition of his building of Thebes, D. 14. Kaibazar, I. ii. 29. Kaibel, in Rheinische Museum, Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 161-173 passim; Epigrammata GrcEca ex lapidibus cou- lee ta, 41, 162-173. Kaldjik, inscriptions at, I. ii. 112-114, 3 2 4- Kale Dagh, ruins on, I. iii. 170. Kalifatli Asmak creek, C. i. 163, 164, 165. Kalioujik promontory, A. i. 123. Kallimachos, lamp of in the Erechthei- on, I. i. 234-235. Kamariotissa, A. i. 129. Kanlu Kavak, inscriptions : Imp. Phi- lippus, I. ii. 270-271, 275, 279-281 ; fragments, 271, 273, 284; per Cat. Clementem, 272; Imp. Antonino(Ela- gabalo), 272-273, 282-284; Imp. Pu- pienus ; Imp. Gordiano, 273-274 ; Imp. Diocletiano, 275-276, 277-2S2, 284; Imp. Septimius Severus, 275- 278 ; Imp. Gallus, 282-283 ; inscrip- tions, K. 29-34. Kaplanlii, I. iii. 50. Kara Agatsh, see Kara Aghatch. Kara Agha, inscription at, K. 10, I. ii. 166-168. Kara Aghatch, inscriptions at, I. ii. 1S1-1S4, K. 13-14. Kara Assar, I. iii. 187. Kara Baulo, I. iii. 2S1 ; inscriptions: 'Apre/jLiSccpov ; Btdvopa, 284 ; 'latrjp, 285 ; Ba/fx^Aov, 286 ; 'Optarriv, 2S7 ; 'AvtCoxos, 288; Avp. 'Ep/j.oyeviavbs "Oit\u>v, 289-290; r))v Suva '0\vp.m- kov, 290-291 ; M. AvpyKtov "Afiavra, 291-292 ; Avp. "OnKwva, 293 ; Avp. Aaop.tfiovTia.viiv Miaa'iSav, 294 ; Avp. Biavoptavbv ' A/3io~f3tavbv'AvTloxov, 295- 296; 'AvtIoxov, 296-297 ; Avp.'Aftio- f3tavov 'AvtiSxov, 297-298 ; "Zp.lv6tov, 298; M. Avp. Ztvwvos, 299; 'AvtIoxos, 300 ; Q(.65oopos, 301 ; OI/jlSttiv, 302 ; Avp. 'A\(^avSplav Zwcrlp.T)v, 302-303 ; Biavopa, 303-304 ; Avp. 'Avtiox'o.v6v, 304 ; AeovTiavi ; 'Apo-dxov, 305 ; 'Ap- rt/xaiva ; Mtp.fi.iov 'AK$til3iov, 306 ; 'Avti6xov Mao-ovTos, 307 ; fragments, 307-308. Ruined temple near, I. iii. 282 ; an- cient name of; temples and other A. = Ann. rcpt. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. D. = Dor. shaft. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 5* ruins, 283; imperial cultus in, 290; temple of the Emperors and Zeus Sarapis, 301. Kara Bulak, inscriptions at, I. iii. 179. Karadja K.0'1, name ; inscription at, I. iii. 134. Karadjoren, inscription at, I. iii. 162. Kara Diighiin, stream near, I. iii. 159. Kara Hissar, inscription at, I. ii.' 16. Kara Kayu, I. iii. 218; inscription on, 176-177. Karakush, Syrian monastery at, L. 15. Karamanlii, inscriptions : Ka\w6pvtos Ados, I. ii. 39-40, 43 ; 'AiroWdvtos, 40-42, 44 ; Mrjvts, 42-43, 45 ; ZfQripou, 45-49; MeveiOevs, 47-50 ; 'A vices A up. TlavaTlvqs, 5° _ 5 2 > A»>j/fas ^avarivqs (two), 53-54, 54-57, 324 ; Avp-f,\Aios, 53-54; irifirjo-e rbv ux^-ov (four), 57- 65 ; fragment, 65 ; 5r)/tos 'Opp.7jAeW, 65-67. Kara Senir, inscriptions at, I. iii. 29-30. Kara Su, source of ; water of, I. iii. 52- Karayuk Bazar, inscriptions at, I. ii. 33- 35. 3 2 3- Karib, I. iii, 403. Kassaba, I. iii. 20; inscription at, 20-21. Kavak, inscriptions at, I. iii. 153-155, 182-183 ; springs at, 7. Kavakavak, inscription at, I. ii. 6-7. Kavvadias, P , services to American School, G. v-vi. 12. Kayalii, inscription at, I. ii. 112. Kayu, inscription at, I. iii. 328. Kayulu Tatlar, I. ii. 230. Kazan, Roman road at, A. i. 95 ; in- scription at ; roads at, 96. Kef Boghaz, I. iii. 162. Keklik (partridge), I. iii. 177. Kekli Oghlou, inscriptions at, K. 24. Kekropion at Athens, I. i. 230. Kelsey, T. \V., visits Peloponnesus and Asia Minor, G. iv. 14, 15. Kemar River valley, geology of, C. i. 196, 202. Kenchreai, identified, E. 26-28 ; histor- ical notices of, 27. Kenyon College, invited to co-operate in American School, G. iv. 18. Keshlik Ya'ilasu, ruined church at, I. iii. 160. Kestel Dagh, remains and walls on, I. iii. 175. Ketchi Borlu, inscription at, I. iii. 408. Khadem mountains, view from highest peak of, I. iii. 50. Khatiin Serai, inscriptions Augustum, I. iii 142 ; two fragments ; Andro 143; monumentum, 143-144 ; D. Bil lenus Rufus, 144 ; C. Iulius Rufus 144-145; A. MaKios Taios, 145; A 2eTT...., 145-146; ...Iffios (oiv..., 146 Auprj. ©eo'Scopos ; 'A^ap^i/a KovIvtiK Ao, 147; M. OvKirtos ; fragment, 148 plateau near, I. iii. 141, 142. Khersonesus, A. ii. 43-44. Khiak Dede, inscriptions at, I. iii. 194- 195- Khodjakieui, market held at, I. iii. 96; sarcophagi near, 97. Khorsabad, column in palace of, E. 12; Assyrian aedicula at, 14. Khunu, inscription at, I. ii. 290. Khurman Kalesi, K. 39, I. ii. 302 ; in- scriptions at, K. 39-41 ; the site of Sobagena, 41 ; inscription near, I. ii. 302-305. Khurman Su, ancient name of, I. ii. 305. Kidder, H. P., supports Stillman's ex- pedition to Crete, A. ii. 32, 33. Kiepert, H., on site of Icaria, G. vii. 51 ; Gegenbemerkungen zu der Abliand- lung d:s Hrn. G. Hirschfeld iiber die Lage von Tavium, K. 43; map of Asia Minor, C. i. 49 ; same, corrected, K 4, 15 ; maps of Asia Minor, A. x. 62 ; draws maps for Sterrett's Wolfe H- = Bull, of School. I = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim rept. L- = Ward's , Wolfe exped. M- = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 52 INDEX. Expedition, I. iii. vi. ; same for Ster- rett's Epigraphical journey, A. ix. 37 ; maps of Sterrett's routes in Cappa- docia, in cover ofl. ii.; map of Ster- rett's routes in ancient Cilicia, Lyca- onia, Isauria, and Pisidia; map of Sterrett's routes in ancient Isauria, in cover of\. iii. Kilisra, I. iii. 159. Kilisse Tchale, ruins at, I. iii. 125. Killidj, I. iii. 40S ; inscriptions: Avp. AtKiviaubs Ka\\i/J.op, 409— 410; AvpTjKiot 'A/cuAar Kal Ttifi68eos, 41O-4H, Avp. EiHTTadia; Avp. Adfiv- pos, 411; Aovkkios ; r. 'EpeWiOS Tet- lx6d(os, 412; Tifitpios, 413; Avp. M...\mos 'Hpa.K\(iTos, 20O ; Uv\ddr)s, 201 ; ... 'Adyvlwi', 201-202 ; Mi'pos Mom, 202 ; Avp'iAtos [sic] Map- kos, 203 ; Tdeios ElovAios narpixtos (two), 203-204 ; Mti'fSrifjLos, 205 ; Ova- Atpios, 205-206 ; KaAepeu-yei ; OiiK- 7T€ia, 206; Avpi).; A6/j.vos $KdfSios, 207 ; TpaAAetfs, 208 ; OuaATjs, 208-209 ; Tlavxdpios ; A. Meyitrrtp, 209; Aids, 2IO; MAa/3ios K6voiv, 2II-2I2; 'iTjffov Xpei- (Ttov, 212; 'AAe£ai>8pAaouios Trip-qTiavos, 213; Svo Kaaly- y-qroi, 2 1 4-2 1 5 ; ar)fxd ti aSSf, 21 5-216; e'ov 5e Tis (two), 2l6, 217 ; Kal (avrfj, 217; OvaKep'tav ; Uptvs ; 0eo?s xa- TaxQovlots, 218 ; (riddle); (riddle?), 219; (riddle,) 220; KdiVros, 220; five fragments, 221-222 ; walls of; anti- quities at, I. ii 225. Konstantinou, M. P., letter on an in- scription of Nysa, in I. ii. 340-341. Koppa ( 9 ) used at Assos as a mason's mark, I. i. 87. Kostenjeh, name, and Roman remains at, A. i. 1 13. A. = Ann. rep!, of Inst. B. = Amer papers C. = Class papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 53 Kotchash, inscriptions at, I. ii. 171-175. Kotchos, inscription at, I. ii. 263. Kotlak, I. ii. 308. Koum Kaleh, promontory, C. i. J 58. Kouyoundjik, Assyrian bas-relief from, M. i. 40. Kozlowski, Mrs., on objects found at Pecos, B. i. 63-64, u. Kraus, Martin, Turco-Grczcia, on Olym- pieion at Athens, I. i. 186. Krell, Geschichte des dorischen Stils, C. i. 98. Kruse, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 49. Kulaklee, temple of Apollo Smintheus at, A. iv. 40. Kiilek Dagh, fortress on, I. ii. 233. Kumanudes, 'Attik^s iiriypacpal eiriT vfi&iot, I. iv. 161-202 passim. Kurdkieui, inscriptions at, I. ii. 257- 259. Kurds, I. ii. 301. Kur Sari, stones at ; inscription, I. iii. 275- Kurtlu Oren, ruins at, I. iii. 160. Kiitchiik Homa, inscription near, I. iii. 186. Kiitchiik Kabadja, inscription : Aiip. ZuJtfios, I. iii. 352; Aup. Ma/yeas; 'A-ricAas, 353 ; Atoyevris Kal Aiovvatos; Zcctik..., 354! 'A/cez/a ; 'A/>T^ua>i> Kal Taria; AvpriAtos ZwtikSs, 355; Me- yeas ; ncnras Kal Evti>xt]S ; 'AttoAAw- vlov, 356; Ay /Ayr piw ; fragments, 357. Kiitchiik Kirili, inscription at, I. iii. 425. Kiitchiik Nefezkieui, spring at, I. ii. 308. Kuyudjak, inscription at, I. ii. 132-133. Kiiz Oren, inscription at, I. iii. 39 ; cemetery at, 85 ; inscriptions of, 86- 89. Kyknos (king), Greek expedition against, E. 31-33. Kynane, called Adea, I. i. 75. Kypselos, chest of, at Olympia, C. i. ic8. Kyzikos, Antonian family in, I. i. 38 ; imperial cultus at, 38-39. Lacratides, an Icarian, G. vii. S5, 90-92. Lacritides, an Icarian, G. vii. 85. Laconia, inscription at, I. iv. 172 n. Lafayette College, invited to co-operate in American School, G. iv. 18. Laguna, religious organizations of In- dians at, A. v. 38. Lajard, Culte de Mithra, F. 17 ; cuts from, 4, 8. Lalassis, identified, I. iii. So. Lale, rock-cut dwellings found at, I. iii. 14. Lamas, I. iii. 3. Lami, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 48. Lamos, I. iii. 3. Lamponia, mentions of, by classic au- thors, N. 27, 28; site identified, 27; ruins of, 27-28 ; tribute to Athens ; population in 5th century B. c. ; coins of; taken by Otanes, 28 ; de- serted by its inhabitants, 29 ; geology of, C. i. 208. Lanciani, Rodolfo, lectures in New York on Roman archaeology, A. viii. 38. Landa, Diego de, Relation des ckoses de Yucatan, B. ii. 182. Larisa, inscription of, I. iv. 199. Larissa, identified, N. 19 n. La Roche, in Zeitschrift fur bsterrei- chische Gymnasien, on Homeric use of ivi and iv in fourth foot of a verse, I. iv. 60. Las Casas, An account of the first voy- ages in America, A. i. 58. Las Vegas, "small houses" at; pot- tery found at, A. v. 32. Latimer, Julia, given privileges of American School, H. ii. 16. Latin diphthongs, simplification of, I. iv. 268 n. Lauzados, identified, I. iii. 80. H- = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L- = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 54 IXDEX. Lawton, W. C, a member of the Assos Expedition, C. i. 16; visits Trojan plain in 1SS1, 145; Notes on Bundr- baski and other sites in the TroaJ, in 143-165. Leach, Abby, elected a member of Managing Committee of American School, G. vii. 12. Leake, W. M., visits Assos, A. i. 157, C. i. 7 ; Denies of Attica, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 49-51 ; Journal of a tour in Asia Minor, C. i. 7 ; Topog- raphy of Athens, I. iv. 236, 253. Leander's swimming of the Hellespont, A. i. 124-125. Le Bas-Waddington, Voyage archiolo- gique, I. i. 36-37, 45, 103, ii. passim, in. passim. Lechevalier, J. B., on the Scamander, C. i. 156 ; Voyage de la Troade, E. 25. Lecton, cape, Turkish name for, C. 1. 3 ; date of mole at, 59. Ledum, identified, A. i. 145. Legio I., Minerva Pia Fidelis, in inscrip- tion of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 128. II., Augusta, in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 127 VI., Ferrata, in inscription of Antiochia (Pis), I. ii. 130, 131, 132. XII., Fulminata, in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 127. XIII., Gemina, in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 125. XV., Apollinaris, in inscription of Yali Iliiyiik, I. iii. 133. XXII., Primigenia Pia Fidelis, in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 128. XXIII., Primigenia, in inscrip- tion of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 126. Leleges, identified, N. 19, C. i. 59-60; abode of, C. i. 60 ; in the southern Troad, N. 19 sea. ; capital of, 19 ; eth- nography of, 20-21, n. Lenormant, F., Recherches archeolo- giqnes a Eleusis, G. vii. 55-56; Rec- ords of the past, F. 1 6. Leon y Gama, Antonia de, Descripcion historic a y cronologica de las dos Pie- dras, etc., B. ii. 54 «., 58. Lepethymnos, mount, identified, C. i. 24. Lepsius, K. R., Sur I'ordre des colonnes- piliers en Egypte, D. 16 n. ; Denkmdler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, 17 «. Lesbos, A. i. 156; Ionian and ^Eolian col- onizations of, C. i. 66 ; condition in the 15th century, 76 , under the Gattilusii, A. i. 140-141 ; taken by Turks, 142. Lewis, J. McK., a student at the Amer- ican School, G. v-vi. 10, 13, vii. 26; studies Attic inscriptions, v-vi. 11; death of, 17 ; life and character of, 17-lS; Notes on Attic vocal ism, in I. iv. 261-277 ; same, G v-vi. 15 Lewis and Clarke, Travels to the sources of the Missouri river, A. 1. 41, 42. Lewis (instrument), origin of, D. 14. Libro de Ore, described, B. i. 4 ;/. Licinianus Granius, on Olympieion al Athens, I. i. 200. Licinius (emperor), in inscription oi Palaea Isaura, I. iii. no; same at Boyiik Kabadja, 401 ; same at Ilias, 420. Liddell and Scott, Greek lexicon, s. v. kioou, D. 12 ;/ Lintels of stone and of wood found in New Mexico and Central America, A. 1. 62-63. Lintel construction in Greek bridges, C. i. 12S; among Village Indians, A. i. 62-63; at Cholula (with cut), B. ii. 1 1 5-1 16. Little Miami valley, explorations in, A. x. 98 set/. ; " altars " in, 99 ; tunnels in mounds, 99-100. Livia-Julia, cult of, I. i. 38; called Au- gusta ; name on coins, 42. A- = Ann. rept. of Inst. B- = Amer papers. C- = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E- = Proto-Ion. cap. F- = Orient, antiq. G- = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 55 Livius, I. 25 n. ; on Olympieion of Ath- ens, I. i. 189, 199- Lohde, Architektonik der Hellenen, E. 19 n. Lollian family, I. i- 37~3 S - Lollianus, in inscription of Tralleis, I. i. 94- Lollianus, Egnatius, proconsulates of, I. i. 95- Lolling, H. G., in Gbttingen Aachnch- ten, on the Pnyx, I. iv. 247 ; letter to Sterrett on inscription of Palaea Isaura, in I. in. 428. Lollius, Quintus, surnamed *i\eraipos, family of, i. 37-3S ; named in inscrip- tion of Assos, 36-38, 40, 41, 44- " Long House " of the Iroquois, A. i. 3°-35- Longitude, whence reckoned by the ancients, N. 9. Longstreet, services to the Institute, A. ii. 26 ; same to Assos expedition, 30 ; same to Stillman, 34. Longus, L. Flavius, in inscription at Sudjallii, I. iii. 221. Longus, Ulpius Valerius, in inscription near Ilias, I. iii. 419. Loom, Mexican, at Mitla, B. ii. 278. Lorillard Expedition, A. ii. 23, 24, x. 98. Los Cerros, pottery found near, A. v. 33- Losta, ruins at, I. iii. 22 ; inscriptions : Gordiano ; T. ko.1 rdios, 23 ; 'OpeVrTjs, 24; OyM/"aX" / > 2 5; Titoj, 25-26 ; Tire? 2€£t€(Ai&)i, 26 ; Aovkios, 26-27 ; AfA.. 4>Aa. ATi/x-fiTpiov ; T. 'lov\. 'Pov(pos Ove- rpays ; 'HKiicas, 27-28 ; three frag- ments, 2S. Lowell, J. R., chosen chairman of a committee on American School, G. v-vi. 27. Lowy, Inschriften gricchischer Bild- hauer, I. iv. 161-202 passim. Lucian, Bis accus. ; on the Pnyx, I. iv. 210 ; Piscator, on the Pnyx, 23S ; Scho- lia, on Olympieion at Athens, i. 203. Lucifero of Cotrone, destroys temple of Hera Lakinia, A. viii. 43. Ludlow, T. W., appointed secretary of Managing Committee of American School, G. i-iii. 8, (A. iii. 54) ; ap- pointed member of sub-committee on publications of School, G. i-iii. 13, (A. iv. 51) ; edits Papers I. of School, G. iv. 8 ; Note on a terra-cotta figurine fro?n Cyprus, etc., in M. i. 35-40; note on the site of Homeric Troy, in C. i. I43~ I 45- Luis (companion of Coronado), B. i. 115. Luke, visits Assos, C. i. 74. Lycabettus hill, site of, I. iv. 209. Lycaonia, Kiepen's map, in cover of I. iii. Lycurgus, law relating to house beams, A. i. 131 ; Leocr., I. i. 169 n. Lydian monarchy, invaded by Cimme- rians, C. i. 68 ; extent and history of, 6S-69 ; conquered by Cyrus, 69. Lydians, submit to Assyrians, C. i. 65 ; achievements of, 69. Lyoboa, see Mitla. Lysimachus, marries Arsinoe, A. i. 137. Lystra, inscriptions of, see Khatiin Se- rai ; identified, I. iii. I4 2 - Lyttos, identified, A. ii. 44. Ma (goddess), I. ii. 233. Macaw, on Indian pottery, A. v. 83. Mcintosh's ranch, cave dwellings near ; objects found in, A. v. 46. McMurtry, W. J., a student at the American School, G. v-vi. 13, vii. 26; superintends excavations at Sicyon, v-vi. 16; paper on the site of the Pnyx, vii. 32 ; Theatre at Sicyon, v- vi. 17. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. - Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 56 INDEX. McPherson, W. J., services to Ameri- can School, G. vii. 21. McPherson & Co., services to Bande- lier acknowledged, B. i. 40. McRae, J. D., on Indian sign-language, B. i. 93-94, n. ; services to Bandolier, 103-104. Madisonville Literary and Scientific Society, explores remains in the Lit- tle Miami valley, A. x. 9S. Magharas, mount, I. iii. 13. Magna Graecia, a field for archaeology, A. vii. 40-42 ; Expedition to, viii. 40- 47 ; inscription on vase from, I. iv. 200. Magnes, works of, G. vii. 80-81. Maguey, uses of, B. ii. 38 ; Indian uses of, 217-218. Mahomet II. and the Gattilusii, C. i. 76-77- Mairamluk ; ruins at, I. iii. 6; inscrip- tion at, 7. Makuf (Heraclea), identified, K. 4; inscription at, 4-5 {see also Hera- clea). Inscriptions : Tirov 2totiA(ov Mtj- riSxov, I. ii. 17-18; 'lepwviSa, 1S-19; ArTaA.oi', 20— 21 ; \apui5ov MevdSpov, 21 ; two panels in the Kale, 22-23; Avp. 'Aypnririvris, 23-24; MeAiTiVTjs, 24; NeiKiou, 24-25, 323 ; Ne//cjj»>, 25 ; TAvKwva, 25-26. Malatia, K. 3S, I. ii. 300. Malinche, mount, B. ii. 30-31 ; name, 34- Mallery, linguistic work of, A. ix. 56. Managha, inscriptions at, K. 11-12, 1, ii. I 78-1 So. Mandans, houses of (with cuts), A. i. 30, 35-40 ; religious rites of, 36 ; scaf- fold (with cut), 40 ; village (with cut), 36-37, 40. Mandrocles, bridges built by, A. i. 106; his bridge over the Bosporus, 122. Mangos river, stone lintel in cliff house on, A. i. 62 «. Mansos or Mild Indians, houses and organization of, A. v. 50. Manuscripts, cause of numerical er- rors in, N. 8. Mapa dc Cuaiihtlantzinco, B. ii. 123 «. Maps: ^Lolic Mysia and Lesbos, C. i. 48; Bandelier's routes in New Mex- ico and Arizona in 1883, A. v. 55 ; New Mexico; vicinity of Santa Fe, B. i. frontispiece . Mara, road to, I. iii. 3-6; described, 5- 6 ; inscription at, 6. Mara Tchai, source, I. iii. 6; course, 7 ; canon of, 7-8 ; villages on, 4, 8. Marash, Hittite remains at, L. 9; mis- sionaries at, 9-10. Marchand, H. G., chosen chairman of a committee on American School, G. v-vi. 27. Marcos de Nizza, Fray, tradition of, among the Zufii, A. v. 40 ; at Kia- Kima, x. 107. Mardin, L. 13. Marguia, Estadistica, B. ii. 274 «. Maricopas, A. v. 47-48. Marinus, C. i. 74. Marlborough House, meeting at, G. iv. 20. Marmora, Sea of, temperature of, A. i. 124. Marquand, II. G., services to the Amer- ican School, A. x. 38. Marriage customs and life of Mexican Indians, B. ii. 132-13S ; marriage of a brother and sister mentioned in in- scription of Serpek, I. iii. 16-17. Martchan, I. ii. 306. Martha, Sacerdoces atheniens, I. i. 163. Marus, Sex. Caetranius, in inscription at Kavak, I. iii. 155. Mascames, C. i. 70. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 57 unable to subscribe to American School, G. i-iii. 20, (A. v. 104). Mather, R. H., elected member of Man- aging Committee of American School, G. vii. 12. Mathews, work on the Navajos, A. ix. 56. Matium, A. ii. 43. Matz, F., in Annali delF Institnto, on reliefs in theatre of Dionysus, I. i. 138 seq. Maximianus (emperor), in inscription of Karayuk Bazar, I. ii. 34; same of Man Agha, 180; in inscriptions on milestones, 243, 256, 265, 267, 269, 276, 279, 2S1, 284, 296; in inscription of Palaea Isaura, iii. no; same of Palmyra, 446. Maximinus (emperor), in inscriptions on milestones, I. ii. 245, 258, 270, 297, 298 ; in inscription of Palaea Isaura, iii. no; same at Ilias, 420. Maximus, A. Verg., in inscription on milestone, I. ii. 283. Maximus, the Bishop of Assos, C. i. 74. Mayas, lintel construction used by, A. i. 63 ; organization, 70 ; customs, 70- 72 ; communism among them to- day, 72. Mazagueros, James de, expedition to Chiapas, A. i. 57. Medano, water-tanks at pueblos of, A. v. 36. Medea, A. i. 109; at Tomi, 113. Medicine-men among New Mexican Indians, M. i. 23-25. Mediterranean eastern shores, archaeo- logical exploration in, A. i. 21 ; grain supply of, no. Megara, inscription of, I. iv. 188. Mehemet Bei Kieui, inscriptions at, K. 23, 1, ii. 254-256. Mchmet Effendi, the Turkish commis- sioner at Assos excavations, C. i. 44. Mehre, inscriptions at, I. iii. 136-137; sarcophagus lids at, 137. Meister, Griechische Dialekte, I i. 6 «., 23 «., 73 n. Mela, De situ orbis, on Thoricus, I. iv. 3. Melite of Athens, identified, I. iv. 210. Melitene, I. ii. 301 ; the centre of meas- urements for Roman milestones, Z. 35, I. ii. 290; Roman road to, I. ii. 298-299. Meljinas, C. i. 27. Melogobi, K. 17. Melos, Colonna Nania from, D. 9 n. Memnon, treachery of, C. i. 72-73. Mendereh river, C. i. 147-148, 181- 182; course of, 164-165 ; floods and droughts of, 165 ; geology of gorge on, 1S6; source, 188; geology of its plain, 195. Mendista, Historia ecclesidstica, B. ii. 187 n. Mendoza, Geronimo de, see Capixlahu- atzin. Mendoza, Gumesindo, Idolo Azteca de Tipo Ckbio, B. ii. 29. Menecrates, wife of, an Icarian, G. vii. 92. Merki, inscription at, I. ii. 291. Mermnadae, dynasty of, C. i. 68. Merriam, A. C, to continue excava- tions at Sicyon, G. v-vi. 17 ; elected a member of Managing Committee of American School, G. v-vi. 20 ; appointed Director of School, 23, 24; opens School (1887), vii. 7; leaves Athens, 11; work as Direc- tor (1887-S8), 39-45; elected chair- man of Committee on Publications, 20 ; lecture on discoveries at Epi- dauros, A. viii. 37, 38 ; letter on ex- cavations at Icaria, in ix. 45-49 ; letter to Sterrett on inscriptions of Palaea Isaura, in I. iii. 42S ; Report as Director of School, in G. vii. 39-98. H. = Bull, of School I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 53 INDEX. Mesa Jumana, villages abandoned in, A. v. 89. Mesembria, origin of, A. i. 116. Mesopotamia, L. 18-20 ; mud roofs in, A. i. 131 ; Assyrian sculpture in, see Assyrian Sculpture. Mcsopotamian Sculpture, C. i. 113. Mctapontum, excavated by Italian gov- ernment, A. viii. 41 ; inscription of, I. iv. 199. Metates, A. v. 75, B. ii. 12 n. ; manufac- ture and shape of, B. ii. 97-98. Meter (measure), compared with Eng- lish foot, C. i. 98. Methymna, A i. 156, C. i. 66. Meton, sun-dial of, in the Pnyx, I. iv. 214. Metz and Putnam, explorations in the Little Miami valley, A. x. 98-100. Mexican archaeology, Bandelier's Re- port of an archaeological tour in Mex- ico in 1SS1, B. ii. architecture, origin of, A. v. 87 ; principle of construction of roofs, B. ii. 130-131. chronology, B. ii. 76 ;/. cosmology, B. ii. 173—175, 185, 188. doors, prior to the Conquest (whh plate, figs. 4, 5, 6), B. ii. 96. gods, heroic origin of, B. ii. 188 ; god of rain, A. iii 29 ; tutelar gods, B. ii. 186-187 ; god Chiconauh Quia- huitl, 207-208; god Quctzalcohuatl, 169-213, A. iii. 23-25 {see also Quetz- alcohuatl). idols, B. ii. 60-66; shape of, 74. medicine-men, B. ii. 205. ■ mounds of worship, B. ii. 232- 233 ; where built, 323. plow (with cut), B. ii. 95-96. religion, alleged monotheism of, B. ii. 1S5-186, n. ; human sacrifice in, 198, 204, 205, 208, A. iii. 24, 25 ; self-torture, 204-205; theogony, 173- 175- Mexican sacrificial stones, B. ii. 55-57. sculpture, B. ii. 77-7S; origin of the cross in, 1S4-1S5. Mexico, Bandelier's Report of an archae- ological tour in, B. ii. ; region on road from Tampico to city of Mexico, 3- 48 ; coast south of the Rio Panuco, 8-9; political condition, previous to Spanish Conquest, 22-26; difficulties in determining chronology of, 76 n. ; climate of, 81-83; study of its his- tory, 90-91 : distribution of volcanoes in, 100 ; sketch map of central por- tion of, frontispiece ; Archivo general, 160 «., 162 n. ; Concilios provinciales, 135 n, ; recent archaeological work in, A. x 108; present researches in (iS88),ix 58; Indian houses in, see Indians, Mexican, houses of. (city), Bandelier's archaeologi cal notes about, in B. ii 49-78 ; dis- appearance of aboriginal architecture in, 50-51. Aboriginal sculptures: B. ii. 51-54 et sea. ; Stone of the Sun (with plate), 54-58 ; statue called Teoyaomiqui (with plate), 59-67; Sacrificial Stone (with plate), 67-68; " Indio triste " (with plate), 6S-69 ; colossal head of a snake, 69-71 ; " cohuatepantli " (with cut), 70-72 ; Chac-mool, 73, 74 ; effigy of Ahuitzotl (Otter), 74, 75-76. National Museum, B. ii. 72-73 ; head of serpentine in same, 77. pueblo of, A. i 46; Tccpan of, 65. valley of, B. ii. 45-48. Meyer, Gustav, Griecliischc Grammatik, I. i. 72 n. Mezcal, B. ii. 38. Michaud et Poujoulat, Correspondence d 'Orient, A. i. 158. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = A mer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 59 Michigan University, subscribes to American School, G. i-iii. u, (A. iv. 49- Midhyat, monasteries near, L. 13-14. Midia, A. i. 117. Mijes Indians, B. ii. 275; words of rela- tionship, 275 n. Milchhofer, finds Icarian inscription at Dionyso, G. vii. 53-54, A. ix. 46. Milestones, Roman, inscriptions on; see Roman Milestones. Miletus, A. i. 11 5-1 16; colonies of, A. i. 115, N. 20-23 '< temple at, built, C. i. 69 ; taken by Persians, N. 23. Miller, D. J., service to Bandelier, B. i. 26 n. ; Historical sketch of Santa Fe, 124. Miller, Walter, a student at American School, G. v-vi. 10; special study there, 11 ; superintends excavation of theatre of Thoricus, 12; Theatre of Thoricus, in I. iv. 1-10. Milli, I. iii. 318. Mimbres, Rio, course of, A. v. 90-91 ; pueblos on, 91-94; overflow of, 92 ; valley of, 94. Minassos, identified, I. iii. 332. Minassiin, I. iii. 332. Minnitares, lodges of, A. i. 30, 35-36; religious rites; origin of, 36; modern village of, 40-41. Mirabello, province, ruins in, A. ii. 43- 47- Mision de los Jumanos, founded at Qui- vira, A. v. 36. Missirli, inscription at, I. iii. 225-226. Mississippi River, mounds east of, A. i. 56. Missouri University, co-operates in American School, G. v-vi. 20, 21. Misthia, identified, I. iii. 192, K. 13. Mithridates, in Pergamon, C. i. 74. Mitla, Bandelier's excursion to, B. ii. 263-326; history and description of, 277-278; modern looms used at, 278; old church on plaza of, 291 ; ruins called Lyo-baa described {with plates), 277-30S, A. iii. 31-33, vi. 37-3S; ob- jects found in same, B. ii. 307-30S, with plate (fig. 5), 300; earliest men- • tion of same, 323-324 ; purpose of same, 323-325 ; neighboring ruins, 309 sea.; ruins on the Fuerte or Jio, see Jio ; ruins at Monte Alban, see Monte Alban ; ruins at Xaga, see Xaga. Mitla basin, B. ii. 276. Mixteco words of relationship, B. ii. 266 n. Molina, Vocabulario, B. ii. 184 ft. Mommsen, Aug., in Ephemeris epigra- phica, I. i. 62, 115, ii. 242 ; Heortologie, i. 158, 163, 165, 167-168, 169, 170. Monte Alban, ruins of, B. ii. 317-323, with plate (figs. 13, 14), 309. Monte Leone, ancient walls on, A. i. 15, 16; Stillman's essay on (with map), in 81-90; cemeteries on, 87-S8. Montezuma, " palace " of, A. i. 47-48 ; tradition of, M. i. 25, B. i. m-112, ii. 266, A. v. 49. Montius, Caslius, named in inscription of Assos, I. i. 60 ; murder of, 60- 61. Mooney, James, in American anthro- pologist, on mounds of the Cherokees, A. x. 99-100. Mocpuis Indians, houses of (with plate), A. i. 51-52; material of their man- tles, v. 96; country of, B. i. 15, 16. Morgan, L. H., Study of the houses of the American aborigines, in A. i. 27- 80; same, 14; same summarized, vi. 31-32; on American archaeology, 30- 31 ; Ancient society, B. ii. 46 ;/. ; Lea& i/e of the Iroquois, 32 n. ; Scccn cities of Cibola, i. 11 n. Morris (game), traces of, at Assos, C. i. «. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 6o INDEX. " Morro " or Inscription Rock, inscrip- tions found at, A. x. 108. Mota Padilla, Matias de la, Historia de la conquista de la provincia de la Nueva-Galicia, B. ii. 183 n. Motolinia, Toribio de Paredes, Historia de los Indios de la Nueva EspaTia, B. ii. 7 /i., 37 ?i., 3S ;/., 41 //., 43 //., 86;/., 87 ;/., 217 »., 232-233, 243; Libro de oroy tesoro iudico, B. ii. 84 «., 169 >i., 195 »., 201 «. Moulki, inscriptions found at, G. vii. 47, A. ix. 46. Mound Builders, communism among, A. i. 56 ; earth works, purpose of, 52- 56, v. 72-73; ethnology of, x. 103; houses of, i. 55, 56 ; knowledge of the smelting of iron, x. 99 ; plants and animals known to, 104-105 ; suc- cessors of, i. 36; villages of, 53, 54, 74 n. Mounds of worship, where built, B. ii. 3 2 3- Mud roofs, where found, A. i. 131. Mugheir (Ur of the Chaldees), L. 22. Miiller, on site of Icaria, G. vii. 49. Miiller, A., Griechischen Biihnenalter- thumer, I. iv. 27. Munafer, I. ii. 186. Munatius Pollio, Q., in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 161. Munn, Thomas, services to Bandelier, B. i. 99; on Indian graves at Pecos, 100. Muses, worship of, at Athens, I. i. 170. Mussalar, inscription at, I. ii. 115. Mustafa Pasha, house of, I. iii. 52. Mut, country around, I. iii. S; ruins nenr, 9; inscriptions: TlepTivaKos, 8 ; 'AvTwutivov, 9; AioaxovpLSrjs, 9-10 ; four anonymous inscriptions, 10-12. Mykenai, antiquities from, A. x. 67; ruins at, i. 68; date of walls at, 6S- 69; relief above Gate of the Lions, C. i. 113. Mylasa, coins of, C. i. 113. Myrina, excavations at, A. x. 59-60; terra-cottas from, ix. 44. Mysians, in the Troad, C. i. 59. Myths about historical persons, growth of, B. i. 112; formed from observed facts, ii. 201-202, 11. Mytilene at time of Mithridatic wars, C. i. 74. Mytilene, island, Admiralty Chart of, C. i 9. Nagara Burun, A. i. 124. Nahuatl Indians, physique of, B. ii. 117- 119; idioms of, 1 19-120; migration of, 200-203 ; use of the number nine, 214; mode of computing time, 273. Nahuitls, settlement of Cholula, A. iii. 25. Nakbu (Assyrian word), meaning, F. 19 n. Namusa, inscriptions at, I. iii. 139-141 ; ruins; ancient condition of, 141. Narvaez, Pamfilo de, expedition into Florida, B. i. 6-7. Nauhcampatepetl, mount, B. ii. 15, 16. Nauhtla pueblo, B. ii. 14-15. Naukratis, archaeological discoveries at, A. x. 64. Nausiclides, on the shores of the Hel- lespont, C. i. 15. Navajos, origin and relationship of, A. v. 79. Naxos, inscription of, I. iv. 183. Neandreia, identified, E 29-34, N. 4 ;/., C. i. 146; ancient notices of, E. 29- 34 ; taken by Greeks in Trojan war, 31 ; tribute to Athens, 35, N. 2S n. ; population removed ; successive oc- cupations of, E. 35; coins of, 34; leaved kyma found at, 4 ; proto-Ionic capital from site of, Clarke's essay, E.; A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. pipers. C. = Class, papers. B. = Dor. shaft. E. = I'roto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School, INDEX. 6l same described and restored (with cuts), E. 3-9, 19; ruins of, 3. Neapoli (Mirabello), tablet found at; walls at, A. ii. 44. Nefezkieui, inscription near, K. 43 ; coins found at; soil, 44. Nephele, legend of, C. i. 107. Nero (emperor), in inscription of Ki- osk, I. ii. v. Nerva (emperor), in inscription of Tralleis, I. i. 114; same of Boytik Nefezkieui, ii. 309. Nevshehir, I. ii. 306. New Jersey, College of, subscribes to American School, G. i-iii. 9, (A.iii. 55). New Mexico, Bandelier's Report on his investigations in, during 18S2, in M. i. 13-33; same for 18S3-S4, in A. v. 55-98 ; map of Bandelier's routes in, 55; condition in 1540, B. i. 24; pub- lic archives of, destroyed, 118-119; religious life since 1628, 120; Span- ish incursions, 115-117; rebellion of 1680, 121-124; how affected by in- troduction of railroads, A. iv. 20-21 ; a field for archaeology, B. i. 2S-29, A. i. 20 ; difficulties of archaeology in, A. v. 88 ; bibliography of, in i. 77-S0 ; cliff houses and cave dwellings in, ii. 22 ; ethnography of, B. i. 27-28 ; geo- logical formation of, 32 ; grain pro- ducts, 82 n. ; Indians of, see Indians, New Mexican ; map of, frontispiece, with description, 27-28 ; pueblos of, see Pueblos, New Mexican; Anony- mous report on, 122 n. New York City, Address on American School issued at, A. iv. 32 ; same, '" 37-3 8 I Metropolitan Museum of Art, -enlarged, vii. 42, ix. 44 ; collec- tion of terra-cotta toy horses in same, M. i. 38 n. ; terra-cotta centaur from Cyprus in same, Ludlow's essay on (with plate and cut), in 35-40; pub- lic dinner for benefit of American School given at, A. viii 39. New York University subscribes to American School, G. i-iii. 9, (A. iii. 55) ; co-operates in same, G. v-vi. 20 ; contributes $1,000 to same, 21. Nez Perces, houses of, A. i. 41, 42. Nicerus, T. Histius, in inscription at Kavak, I. iii. 155. Nicolaos Damaskenos, on Julia and the Ilians, I. i. 43 n. Nicostratus, in inscription of Icaria ; identified, G. vii. 77, 78. Niel, J. A., Aptintamientos, etc., B. i. 20. Niffer, F. 5, L. 20. Nigrinus, C. P. P., in inscription of Assos, I. i. 5K Nike, statues of, A. x. 72-73. Nimroud, ivory carvings from palace of (with cut), E. 12-13. Nimrud, town, ruins at, L. 15; excava- tions at, 17-18. Nine, a sacred number among the Na- huatl, B. ii. 214. Nineveh, bulls of Sennacherib and of Sargon at, L. 1 5. Nizza, Marcos de, life and works of, B. i. 7 «. ; expedition of, 7-9. Nogales pueblo, abandoned, A. v. 8S-S9. Nonnus, Dionysiaca, on Icarius, G. vii. 5°"- Norcross Brothers, gift to American School, G. v-vi. 36. Norman, Rambles in Yucatan, A. i. 59, 60, 63. Norton, C. E., requested to furnish plans for American School buildincr, G. v-vi. 27 ; Memoir of Lewis R. Packard, in H. ii. 7-9; letter to Cab- ot, printed with Cabot's Letter con- cerning the work at Assos, etc. Norway, mud roofs in, A. i. 131. Noviodunum, A. i. 108; Darius's bridge at, 106-107. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L ■ = Ward': Wolfe exped. M- = Bull, of Inst. N- = Gargara, Lamponia. 62 IXDEX. Novius, C, in inscriptions of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii- 130. !3 l > '3 2 - Nuttall, Mrs. Zelia, work in American archaeology, A. x. 105. Nysa, inscriptions at, I. ii. 338-341. Oarus, river, Persian fortifications at, A. i. 107. Oaxaca (city), B. ii. 270-273. Oaxaca (state), archaeological impor- tance, A. iii. 34 ; Indian houses in, B. ii. 265 ; languages spoken in, 265- 266 ; Indian ruins in, 266-268 ; lo- cal names in, 267-26S ; pueblos of, 322. Oaxaca valley, B. ii. 269; granted to Cortes, 270. Obruk, lake at, I. ii. 227. Obrukli, lake at, K. 16. Odessa, source of its prominence, A. i. 110. Odessos, identified and described, A. i. 114-115. Odeum, architect of, A. i. 102 ; dam- aged by Sulla, I. i. 136. Odyssey, see Homer, Odyssey. Ofen, fortifications and subterranean passages at, A. i. 95. Old Fort Reno, buildings at, A. v. 46. Olivier, Voyage dans Pempire ottoman, F£gypte et la Perse, C. i. 7. Olla (Indian water-pot), A. v. 83. Olontion, excavation of, A. ii. 47. Olus, remains at, A. ii. 45-46; impor- tance of, 46. Olvmpia, ancient importance of, A. x. 48; altar at, I. iv. 251-252; excava- tions at, A. x. 48-51, 56, H. i. 18-19. Inscriptions : AoKpSs ; 6 TIcAacrySs, I. iv. 172 n. ; Kvuktkos ; Eei'o/cA.fis ; Qpatrv/xaxov jreuSey, 1 73 ft. ; Qpcurv- fj.dxou, 184; AanfHatfiovtoi, 189; 'A9a- vahwpov, 190; Kd\ci>v ; Aa/Uc£ff, I. iii. 43S-439 ; *\. Atoyevrjs, 439-440 ; ®at/uapaa ®ai/xfj, 440-441 ; ©aijuio-as, 441-442 ; "ld.88a.10v, 442 ; MaicpeTvov, 443 ; 2a,8eis, 443-444 ; 'A85oi>5ai'7jy, 444; 'lo'Atos AvpriAtos (two parts), 445 ; Diocletianus et Maximianus, 446. Pan, grotto of, at Athens, I. iv. 211; site of same, 238. Panagia Spiliotissa, grotto of, I. i. 146. Pandroseion at Athens, I. i. 229-230 ; situation of, 236. Pandrosos, I. i. 236. Pannonia, Roman road to, A. i. 95-96. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 64 INDEX. Panuco, Rio, early visits to, B. ii. 5-6; tradition of, 7. Papagoes, A. v. 47-48. Papantla district, B. ii. 9, 10, 11. P.ipp.idopoulos, G. G., A6yos irtp\ Y\vvk6s. I. IV. 250. Parcdcs, Toribio de, see Motolini'a. " Parian Marble," inscription on the, G. vii. 70, 72. Parkman, Francis, Jesuits in North America in the vjth century, B. ii. 32 //. Pasha Kieui, inscription near, I. i. 49. Paso del Norte, Indian tribes at, A. v. 50. Patricias (vicus), in inscription of Anti- ochia (Pis.), I. ii. 139, 143. Patronymics in -elS-qs, in Greek versifi- cation, I. iv. 99-100. Paul (the apostle), visits Assos, C. i. 74, A. iv. 41, 45. Paullinus, Ti. Claudius, in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 14S. Paulus, Valerius, in inscription at Ka- vak, I. iii. 156. Pausanias, on ^Eschylus, I. i. 245 ; on cleft near Olympieion at Athens, 191; on Dionysiac theatre, 126;/.; on Awvvcros fxthTrSfxtvos, 1 66 ;/. ; de- scription of the Ercchtheion, in 231- 235 ; on Olympieion at Athens, 191, 208-211 ; on Prytaneum of Athens, 142 «. ; on a statue of Zeus, 192 ; on temple of Hephaestus at Athens, 171 ; on temple of Troezen, D. 15; on Troezen, I. i. 164. Peabody Museum, Reports, III., A. x. 99. Peck, Annie S., a student at American School, G. v-vi. 10 ; special study there, 1 1. Pecos pueblo, A. vi. 34 ; v. 32 ; identi- 6ed, M. i. iS ; map of, B. i. frontis. ; I'andelier's essay on the pueblo and vicinity, in 37-133; ruined church at (with plate s), 41-45 ; same, burned, 72; walls near (with plate and cut), 44 ; plan of ruins, 45 ; with key, SS- 91; "mesilla" (with plate), 44-47, 66, 87-S8 ; present village at, 45-46; wall of circumvallation, 46-47, with plates, 45, 47 ; communal houses (with plates and tables of dimensions), 47- 65, 66-S5 ; objects found in same, 62, 66, 81 ; neighboring buildings and stone chamber, 65-66, S4-S7, with //«/ other types, 62-73; common features, 73-78; ob- jects found in, 75-76; distribution of, 78, S6-S7 ; capacity, 86. of Yucatan, A. 1 47, 49, 52, 56- H. = Bull, of School. I. Wolfe exped. Papers of School. X. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept L. = Ward's M. — Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 68 INDEX. 62, 66, 70 ; mistaken views concern- ing. 73-76. Pulat, inscription at, I. ii. 300. Pullan, R. P., on ancient walls on Monte Leone, A. i. 15, 16, 85; ser- vice to Stillman, 89 ; Principal ruins of Asia Mn:or, 159, C. i. 12. Pulque, name and composition of, B. ii. 36-3S ; preparation of, 217. Punardjik, I. iii. 124. Pupienus Maximus (emperor), in in- scriptions on milestones, I. ii. 243, 266, 274. Pupillia Saturnina, in inscription of Antiochia (Pis.), I ii. 133. Putnam, F. \V. (editor), Report of the U. S. geological survey west of the 100th meridian, Vol. VII., A. x. 97. Pylades, voyage to the Scythians, A. i. 109. Pyramids of Teotihuacan, name, B. ii. 42-43 ; date of, 42 n., 44. Pyrgos, archaeological importance of, N. 7 n. Pyrgos tower, legend of, A. i. 141-142. Pyrrha, cape, identified, N. 7 n. Qaterga-bournou, name, N. 6-7, n. Qojekia, mount, N. 27 ; ruins of Lampo- nia on, 28. Qozlou, N. 15. Qozlou Dagh, N. 10-11, 14. Querechos Indians, B. i. 26, 27. Qucres Indians of Cochiti, home life of, A. ii. 19-20; religion, 22. Quetzalcohuatl, A. iii. 23-25 ; cult of, B ii. 205-207 ; a god of traders, 209- 213; treasures of, 214-215. Quinn, Daniel, applies for membership in American School, H. ii. 17 ; a stu- dent there, G. vii. 8 ; special study there, 43. Quirix, identified, B i. 23. Quivira, see Gran Quivira. Raman (god), F. vii. 10-11. Ramazan, fast of, C. i. 24-25. Ramsay, \V. M., to visit Asia Minor, 6. i-iii. 17, (A. iv. 55) ; researches in Asia Minor in 1881-82, G. iv. 10; epi- graphical journey in Asia Minor with Sterrett, G. i-iii. 23, (A. v. 107), K. 3-7, 1. 1. 3, 94; expeditions in Phrygia, A. x. 62; on inscriptions of Gundani, I. iii. 226 ; of Palasa Isaura, 427 ; at Yalovvadj-Salir ; at Yalowadja-Sofu- lar, 429 ; at Gokdjeli, 430 ; at Saghir, 430-432 ; on BtfOi. TiKfi6ptioi, 432 ; on the Olympic festivals of Trallels, in i 102-104. Ramsin lake, see Raselm lake. Raoul-Rochette, D., Monuments inedits ifaiitu/uitt', E. 10, I. iv. 237. Raselm lake, an ancient entrance to the Danube, A. i. 113. Rassam, Babylonian collections of, L. 33- Ratisbon, history of, A. i. 94-95 ; an emporium of the India trade, ill. Rau, Charles, ralcnque Tablet; on Cen- tral American ruins, A. i. 76 n. ; Prehistoric fishing in Europe and North America, x. 102. Real ejecutoria de S. M sobre tierras y reservas de Pechos y Paga, etc, B. ii. 171 //. Rcdondo, meaning in old Spanish, B. ii. 243 ;/. Regiz, inscriptions at, I. ii. 170-171. Relacion particular de toda la prcnincia del Santo Evangelio, B ii. 88 n. Renier, on date of dedication of Olym- pieion at Athens, I. i. 204. Revelation, A x. 53. Revue archiologique, inscription pub- lished in, I. iii. 277. Rhodes, commercial treaty with Rome, I i 24 ; inscriptions of, I. iv. 1S5-1S6. Rhousopoulos, in 'Ap xaioKoy ik^i A. = Ann rept of Inst B. = Amer papers C. = Class, papers. D = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-lon. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept ol School. INDEX. 69 'E

xV > Aup. Taios ; 'Aprefiitit ; frag- ment, 270; list ot ethnics in its in- scriptions, 271-273. Sahagun, Bernardino de, name, B. ii. 36 //. ; Historia general de las cosas de Nuei'a Espaha, 7 n., 147 «., 148 »., 157 ;/., 172 //., 178-179, 191 »., 195;/., 243, 263 n. Sahib Pasha, collection of antiquities, K. 16. Saint Francis, monks of, B. i. 7. Saint Martha (bishop), on Yucatan in 1539, A. i. 58. Saint Nicolo, objects found at, A. ii. 47. Saints, Byzantine, in inscriptions of So- ghanlii Dere, I. ii. 231. Salamis, view and map of {plates), I. i. 239, 240 ; battle of, Goodwin's es- say on, in 237-262 ; bibliography of battle, 239;/.; Egyptians in same, 253- 254, n. ; Samothracians in same, A. i. 134-135; inscription of, I. iv. 181. Salir, inscriptions : ' Ava&ovp4wv 6 Stj/xos, I. iii. 199; Btdvwp, 200-201 ; Mlvav- Spos, 201 ; M. 'Houtjj'os 'Ova\epiav6s yiap6S5r]s; 6 Suva Upevs; Bidvopos, 202; Mdpnos "Avvios MdpKfWos, 426; "Avva 'lovarrjs, 426-427 ; " Avva Evtv- X tov, 427. Sallu>t, manuscript on Isaura Nova, I. iii. 150. Salmydessus, identified ; inhabitants of, A. i. 117. Salomea pass, B. ii. 268. Salt water, supposed incapacity of freezing, A. i. 112. Salutaris (vicus), in inscription of An- tiochia (Pis.), I. ii. 142, 143. Samonian plain, C. i. 182. Samos, inscriptions of, I. iv. 184. Samothrace island, A. i. 127 seq. ; mys- teries held at, 127; name, 129; lack of harbor, 129-130 ; export of, 130; devastated, 130, 131-132 ; present condition, 131-132 ; conquered by Turks, 132; ancient town on (with cut), 132-134, 139; Cabirian myste- ries, 133-134 ; port of, 134 ; later town, 135-138; objects found in (with cut), 136; modern history of, 140- 143 ; mediaeval castle and legend of the Pyrgos tower, 139-142; archaeo- logical investigation in, 143-144; hot springs, 144; ramparts, 149. Samothrace, mount, A. i. 127. San Andres Calpan pueblo, A. ii. 255- 256 ; convent of, 255 ;/. San Andres Cholula pueblo, doorway in {plate), B. ii. 225; described, 255- San Benito, burial relics found at, B. ii. 223-224. Sandia, identified, M. i. 18. Sandia mountains, B. i. 39. San Diego, B. i. no. San Domingo (New Mexico), identi- fied, M. i. 18. San Filipc, identified, M. i. 18. Sanitas Company, gift to American School, G. v-vi. 36. San Jose, Rancho de, B. ii. 257. San Jose del Rancho Viejo, mounds at, B. ii. 92-93. San Juan region, a field for archaeology, A. vi. 30. San Juan Cuauhtlantzinco, see Cuauht- lantzinco. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst E. = Proto-Ion. cap B, = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. F- = Orient, antiq. G- = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 71 San Juan de los Cues pueblo, B. ii. 266-267. San Juan Tepeyahualco, mounds of, B. ii. 257-258. San Miguel, district of, B. i. 37. San Nicolas, Junta de, B. ii. 133 n. San Pablo Huitzo, ruins above, B. ii. 268-269. San Pablo Mitla, see Mitla. San Pedro Etla, B. ii. 269. Santa Ana, identified, M. i. 18. Santa Fe, map of country near, B. i. frontispiece, with key, 27-28 ; anni- versary celebration, A. iv. 21, vi. 34- 35 ; adobe house in, B. i. 19 n. ; country around, 38-41 ; public ar- chives destroyed, 118-119. Santa Maria Coronanco pueblo, anti- quity of, B. ii. 161. Santa Rita, copper mines of, A. v. 97- 98. Sapandjee-tepeh, geology of, C. i. 212. Saratow, breastworks near, A. i. 107. Sarcophagus, name, A. i. 154; Greek words for, I. i. 81. Sarcophagus stone, C. i. 171-175. Sardanapalus Bacchus, relief represent- ing, G. vii. 68. Saigon, stele sent to Cyprus by, C. i.65. Sari Kavak, I. iii. 8. Sari Ozu, I. iii- 189. Sarromaena, identified, I. ii. 305. Sarus, canon of, K. 19. Sarzec, M. de, procures firman for Tel- luh, A. ix. 41. Satnioeis river, identified, C. i. 16, 164; course of, 51 ; Greek bridge on (with plate), 128-130, A. iii. 40; width of, C. i. 129-130; see also Touzla river. Sazak, inscription at, I. ii. III. Sazlee, geology of country near, C. i. 211. Scamander river, identified, C. i. 16, 147, 156, 163-165; see also Mendereh river. Scamandria, I. i. 64; identified, C. i. 181. Schliemann, H., visits Assos, A. i. 159, C. i. 14; excavations of, at Hissarlik, C. i. 144, 162 ; services to American School, H. i. 9 ; same to Assos Ex- pedition, C. i. 145 ; in Augsburger allgemeine Zeitung, on Chrysa, 62 n. ; Ilios, E. 26 ;/., C. i. 163 ; Troja, N. 10. Schomann, Griechische Altertliiimer, I. i. 154, 165. Schuyler, Eugene, services to American School, H. i. 7, 9-10, G. i-iii. 14, (A. iv. 52) ; service to Van Benschoten, G. iv. 22. Scioto river, villages of Mound Build- ers on, A. i. 53, 54. Scylax (Skylax), on Neandreia, E. 30- 3 1 - Scythians, invaded by Darius, A. i. 106- 107; manner of drinking, no; in- vade Asia Minor and Egypt, 112 ; on the Black Sea, 112-113; how re- garded by the ancients, 112. Sebastopolis, identified, I. ii. 27, K. 6 ; inscriptions at, see Kizildje. Sedasos, identified, I. iii. 141. Seelye, W. J., a student at the Ameri- can School, G. v-vi. 13, vii. 26; Am- phiaraum at Oropus, v-vi. 15. Seidi Shehir, I. iii. 181. Seihun (Sarus) river, canon of, I. ii. 239- Seleucia Sidera, inscriptions of, see Ba'i'yat. Seliori, wall at, A. i. 123. Selki, villages near, K. 15; products of its vicinity, I. iii. 192. Sellasia, inscription of, I. iv. 194. Selme, rock-cut dwellings at, K. 17, I. ii. 229. Selymbria, identified, A. i. 123. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 7 2 INDEX. Semachus, visited by Dionysus, G. vii. 62-63. Semper, G., Der stil in den techniscken und tektonischm Kunsten, E. 12-13, D. 13-14. u. Senecas, villages of, A. i. 31 ; " long houses" of (with cuts), 31-33; home life, 31, 32; communism among, 32, 33- Senecu pueblo, B. i. 24 n. Senir, inscription at, I. iii. 414. Senir Ghent, inscriptions at, I. iii. 380- 3S3- Sennacherib, expedition of, to Persian Gulf, C. i. 65. Septimius Severus (emperor), in in- scriptions of Hedje, I. ii. 109; same near Ilias, iii. 417 ; same of Konana, 339; on milestones, ii. 264, 26S, 277, 278, 292, 293, iii. 447, 448 ; of Palaea Isaura, iii. 10S ; of Tchamkieui, ii. 36- Seraglio point, legends connected with, A. i. 122. Serai, rock-cut dwellings at, I. iii. 15. Seraidjik, inscriptions at, I. iii. 40-44. Serenianus, Lie, in inscriptions on milestones, I. ii. 245, 258, 297. Seringapatam, quarrying at, I. iv. 229 n. Serpek, sarcophagus at, I. iii. 15; in- scriptions at and near, 16-18. Sestos, A. i. 125 ; resists the Greeks, C. i. 70. " Seven Caves" (the), tale of, B. i. 3-4. " Seven Cities " (the), tale of, B. i. 4. Seven Cities of Cibola, see Cibola. Severus, Alexander (emperor), in in- scription of Ortakieui, I. ii. 321. Severus, Cusp. Flam., in inscriptions on milestones, I. ii. 243, 266, 274. Sevrek, L. 13. Seymour, T. D., elected a member of Managing Committee of American School, G. iv. 18; elected chairman of same, v-vi. 24 ; at American School, 11. Shahr (Comana), I. ii. 233 ; inscrip- tions : ®€/j.i(TTOK\fa, 234 ; liiKi)\. 'AcriariK6s, 235-236; 'A'. irparivas, I. i- 125 n. ; on Thespis, G. vii. 73. Sulla, besieges acropolis of Athens, I. i. 136; despoils Olympieion at Ath- ens, 195-196. Sultan Dagh, pass of, K. 9, 11; plain around, 10. Sultan Khan, I. ii. 227, K. 16. Suliik G61, I. iii. 135. Suluklu G61, canal outlet of, I. iii. 161. Sun-god, Babylonian hymns to, in F. 15-16, 19. Sunium, cape, temple on, C. i. 102; col- umns of, A. i. 119. Siirle Tchai, source of, I. iii. 135. Susarion, on women, G. vii. 92. Swan, Caleb, on houses of the Creeks, A. i. 42-43. Sweden, mud roofs, A. i. 131. Sybaris, a field for archaeology, A. vii. 40 ; proposed excavation of, viii. 41 ; inscription of, I. iv. 199-200. Syghyrlik, inscription at, I. iii. 311- 3M- Symplegades, identified, A. i. 119. Synizesis in Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 99-104. Syracuse, inscription of, I. iv. 200. Tabae, I. ii. 26, K. 5. Tabae plain, K. 5-6. Tacitus, Annates, I. i. 24 «., 42 «. Taliata, identified ; pontoon bridge at, A. i. 97. Tamashaluk, ruins at, I. iii. 46-47 ; in- scriptions at, 47-50. Tamaulipas, B. ii. 3-4; ruins in, 6. Tamba Hassan, fragmentary inscrip- tion at, I. ii. 320. Tamoanchan, etymology of, B. ii. 8 //. Tanos, B. i. 101 ; former abodes of; name, A. v. 51 ; see also Tehuas. Tantalos, tomb of, C i. 1 51. Taos, Indian houses at, A. i. 45. Taos pueblo {\\\t\i plate), A. i. 50-52. Tapia, Andres de, Relacion sobre la con- quista de Mexico, B. ii. 1 1 n., 61, 167 «., 173- Tarbell, F. B., elected Director of American School ; his previous ca- reer, G. vii. 14. Tarentum, a field for archaeology, A. vii. 40-41 ; terra-cottas at, 41 ; exca- vated by Italian government, viii. 41. Tarsos, identified, C. i. 43. Tavium, identified, I. ii. 310-311, K. 42- 44; a stronghold of Christianity, I. ii. 3 1 2 sea. ; inscriptions at, see Boyiik Nefezkieui. Tax-gatherers, inscription concerning, at Assos, in I. i. 55—57. Taylor, F. H., Value of modern Greek to the classical student, prepared, G. i-iii. 25, (A. v. 109). Tchailak, the site of an ancient town, I. iii. 276. Tchalam Khan, inscription at, I. iii. I57-I5S- Tchamkieui, inscription at, I. ii. 36, 323. Tcharshembe Su, I. iii. 141 ; canon of, 124. Tcharshembe Su (southern), source of, I. iii. 135. Tchariik Serai (Ulumahallii), K. 11 ; in- scriptions at, I. ii. 176-17S, K. 11; villages of. I. ii. 177. Tchatak, I. iii. 7. Tchaundir, inscription at, I. iii. 216. Tchaush, ruins at, I. iii. 160; inscrip- tion at, 161 ; seal from, 166. Tchepel, I. iii. 281. Tchetindje Aktche Assar, inscription at ; Phrygian door found, I. iii. 217. Tchetme, inscription at, I. ii. 169. Tchiftlikkieui, I iii. 134. Tchihatcheff (Chihaehev), P., A sic Mi- neure, E. 26, C. i. 8, 49. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N, = Gargara, Lamponia. 7 6 INDEX. Tchitchekler, inscription at, I. iii. 170- 171. Tchokha Oren, inscription at; ruins in, I. iii. 40. Tchorak G61, I. iii. 425. Tchukur, inscription found at, I. iii. 85. Tchukur Bagh, sarcophagi at, I. iii. 83. Tchiimiir, inscriptions at, I. iii. 327- 328. Tecomavaca, B. ii. 267 ; sculptures found at, 267, 273. Tefeny, inscriptions: ^Avvias^avo-rdv-qs, I. ii. 67-79; a divination from dice, 79-90, 324; Aa/3t'oi< 'Avrioxtavov, 91- 92 ; Avp. $>l\ipos, 92-94 ; "Eras, 95-96, 324 ; Avp. Aiovvaios, 96-97 ; MeecAao?, 97, 324; 'Epnats ; Ar]jj.riTpios, 9S ; 'Ie- pwv, 9S-99; three fragments, 99-ico. Tegea, inscription of, I. iv. 193. Tehuacan, B. ii. 264. Tehuas, eleven pueblos of, identified, A. v. 51. Tehuas Indians, language, B. i. 18. Tekkelik Dagh, I. iii. 277. Tel Ibahim, L. 23. Tel Jabriyeh, L. 25. Tello, L. 21-22. Tempe, mounds near, A. v. 65-66 ; mounds at, 66-67. Tenedos, harbor of, A. i. 128 ; colonized by Tennes, E. 23. Ten Kate, studies Pimas ot Arizona, A. ix. 57. Tenochtitlan pueblo, B. ii. 49-50. Teohuacan, etymology of, B. ii. 264 ;/. Teotitlan del Valle, ruins at, B ii. 276. I on hill, B. ii. 252, 260, with plate (fig. 6), 228. 'I' pi Arasii, inscriptions at, I. iii. 103. Tepechpam, Mappe de, B. ii. 45. I i, I. iii. 309. Tep'>ztecatl, J., services to Bandelier, B. ii. 123-124; house of, 124-12S, with plate, 96. Tetlyollotl hill, B. ii. 252, with plate (fig. 7), 22S. Tetrisias, A. i. 114. Tetzontli, B. ii. 97. Texier, Charles, on temple of Assos, A. i. 153, 154, C. i. 92; on walls of Assos, A. i. 149 ; Description de I'Asie Miiieure, C. i. 10, 11, 99-100, 106-107, A. i. 158-159. Teyas Indians, identified, B. i. 26, 27. Tezcoco, Indian houses at, B. ii. 226-227. Tezcucans, origin of, B. i. 3. Tezozomoc, Cronica, B. ii. 67 ;/., 157 ;/., 202 «., 214 ;/. Thasos, in 5th century B. c, C. i. 71. Thatcher, O. J., a student at American School, G. vii. 8; special study there, 43- Thebes, inscription of, I. iv. 196. Theodorus, an Icarian, G. vii. 84. Theodorus, M. Ulp., in inscriptions on milestones, I. ii. 241, 246, 284, 294. Theodosius I. (emperor), in inscription on milestone, I. i. 61 ; in inscription at Belcaive, 62. Theopithes, an Icarian, G. vii. 89. Theoxenou, M. K., Les fouilles reeentes de FAcropole d'Athenes, A. x. 87-88. Thera, inscriptions of, I. iv. 1S4-1S5. Thcseum, metopes of, A. i. 161. Theseus, relief representing, I. i. 140- 142; worship of, 173. Thespis, birthplace of, A. ix. 46-47 ; in- vention of the drama by, G. vii. 71- 72 ; plays of, G. vii. 72 ; classic refer- ences to, G. vii. 73-74. Thessaly, inscription of, I. iv. 202. Thiersch, F. W., Ueber die Epochen der bildenden A'unst unter den Griechen, E. 10. Thomas, Cyrus, on the ethnology of the Mound-builders, A. x. 103; Burial mounds of the northern sections of the United Stoles, 104. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 77 Thoricus, importance of, I. iv. 2; no- tices of, by ancient authors, 2-3. Thoricus, theatre of, Cushing's essay on, in I. iv. 23-34 ; Miller's essay on, in 1-10; excavated, G. v-vi. 12, A. viii. 34. ix- 37, G- vii. 33-35, I. iv. I, 27 ; cost of excavation, G. v-vi. 25; de- scribed, I. iv. 3-10, 16, 27-34, with plates, fronds., 12, 13, 17, 20, 21 ; archaeological notices of, 23-27 ; ca- pacity of, 10; date of; inscription in, 31 ; objects found in, 30, 31, 34, with plate and cuts, 10, 13, 34; theories of construction of, 31-34- Thracian sea, legend of, A. i. 130. Thrasippus, an Icarian, G. vii. 85. Thurston, J. D. C, services to Bande- lier, B. i. 103. Thucydides, on the battle of Salamis, I. i. 249 ; on Greek wall at Troy, C. i. 160 ; on Olympieion at Athens, I. i. 190;*. ; on positions of ancient cities, C. i. 54; on Thoricus, I. iv. 2. Thynias, identified, A. i. 117. Tiberius (emperor), in inscription of Ge'i'ra, I. ii. 12. Tierra Fria, B. ii. 28-29 ; teteles in, 29. Tiglath-Pileser I., realm of, C. i. 64. Tiguas tfrChiguas, abode and origin of, A. v. 50; settlements of, B. i. 19-20. Tiguex pueblo, identified, B. i. 17-20, 23. Tiguex river, identified, B. i. 20. Timocritus, an Icarian, G. vii. 85; an- other, 88. Timogenes, an Icarian, G. vii. 83. Tiotohattan, A. i. 31. Tirissa, remains of, A. i. 114. Tiristis, identified, A. i. 114. Tiryns, ruins at, A. x. 6S ; date of walls at, 68-69. Tisdale, F., elected a member of Man- aging Committee of American School, G. v-vi. 20. Tlacochahuaya, B. ii. 274. Tlacolula, B. ii. 274-276 ; fair held at, 27S ; see also Gui-y-baa. Tlacolula valley, B. ii. 274-276; Indian remains in, 322-323. Tlapallan, name and site, B. ii. 199. Tlaxcaltecans, origin of, B. i. 3. Tlaxcaltecos, social organization of, B. >>• 3!-33- Tobar, Juan de, Codice Ramirez, B. ii. 63-66, 68-70, 82 n. ; Relacion del ori- gen de los Indios que habitan esta Nu- eva Espaha, 43 n. Tobosas Indians, B. i. 25. Tokhmadjik, inscriptions at, I. iii. 276- 277. Tol, I. iii. 161. Toltecs, B. ii. 191 ; identified, 7-8, A. iii. 29 ; ethnology of, B. ii. 253 ; name, 43-44- Tomarza, I. ii. 233. Tomba or Tonea, identified, I. ii. 310- 311, K. 44. Tomi, identified ; inhabitants of, A. i. "3- Tonto creek, Indian house at, A. v. 63-64. Top Gedik, I. iii. 13. Top-haneh, arsenal docks at, C. i. 13. Torquemeda, Juan de, Monarchia, B. i. 15 u., ii. 10 u., 24 n., 41 ;/., 163, 166 «., 185 «., 186 »., 215 n., 216 n., 250 n. ; Los veintiun libros rituales i monar- chia Indiana, ii. 7 ;/. Tota Dagh, I. iii. 2S1. Totonacos Indians, B. ii. 12-13. Touzla plain, N. 30. Touzla river, C. i. 164. 1S2-1S3 ; geol- ogy of, 178, 210; Greek bridge over, 16, 42 ; Roman bridge over, 200 ; salt springs on, A. iv. 39. Touzla village, geology of its vicinity, C. i. 198. Toy horses in terra-cotta, in Metropoli- tan Museum of New York, M. i. 3S n. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. X. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L, = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. 73 INDEX. Trade, effect on religious ideas, A. v. 83- Trajan (emperor), bridge over the Dan- ube (with cuts), A. i. 97~ I o3; bridges over the Tonnes and the Tagus, 99 ; Column, relief on, 101 ; expedition into Dacia, 105 ; Forum, designer of, 102; gallery road at Kazan, 96; reign of, 102 ; named in inscription of Cremna, I. iii. 319; same at Ilias, 423 ; at Illegop, 359 ; same on mile- stone, ii. 253 ; same of Sebastopolis, 27 ; represented in bas-relief, A. i. 102. Tralleis, a colony of Argos, I. i. 107; called vewit6pos, 113; guilds at, ii. 333; inscriptions, how copied, i. 93; office of ayopa.v6fj.os in, I. i. 97 ; Olym- pic festivals in, 102-104; supply of corn, 109. Inscriptions: AoAAiavSv, I. 94-95 ', Tifiepiov KAavtiiov, 96-97 ; Evtvxv> 97 > M. hvp. 2,uiToptxov, 98; M. Aup. Euct- pearov, 98-99 ; 'Avrovelvov, 100-104 ; 'Htt6Ais... Atovvatov, 104; 'Avrwveiov... Aiovvo-iov, 105-106 ; Avp. Aapas (?), 106-107; T. 'lovAiov KAav$iav6v, 10S- 109; M. Avp-fjAiov Sojrfjpa, IIO-II2; rbv Suva v\6v, 1 1 2 ; rbv Kpammov av- GxmaTov, 113; Germanicus (on mile- stone), 113-114; Nervae, 114-116; YipfxavLKov, 116; /jlvt] fxuov 'laaovos, 117; MatvdvSpia, 1 17-118; 'ApTtfxi- Soipos, 118; three fragments, 118-119; MiOpiSdrov, 120; T. 'lovAiov QtAnnrov (two), ii. 325, 326 ; Ail Aapaalw, 326- 327; fiao-iAtvs 6 Suva, 327-328; Aou- KiKlav, 32S-329 ; A.VHV, 33° I I"*

E- 27 ; map of south- ern part, N. 5; prehistoric settlements in, C. i. 58-60; prehistoric state of arts in, 63; rivers of southern part of, N. iS; soil of, C. i. 57 ; topogra- phy of, 181-1S4 ; bibliography of same, 5 sea. , 165 n. ; volcanic craters in, 168. Trochaic tetrameter in Greek inscrip- tions, I. iv. 66-67. Trocmae, in the Troad, C. i. 73. Troglodytes, home of, K. 42. Troizen, temple of, D. 15. Trojan plain (with plates), C. i. 156-157, 162, 181 ; tumuli of, A. i. 125. Trojans, helped by Assyrians in Trojan War, C. i. 64. Trowbridge, S. P>. P.. a student at Amer- ican School, G. v-vi. 13, vii. 8, 26; A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = I'roto Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 79 in charge of building for same,G. vii. 38 ; work at School, 43. Troy, distance from the Greek ships, C. i. 160-161 ; bay (hypothetical) near, 158-160; history subsequent to Tro- jan war, 143-144; site of, 143-144, 160- 163 ; wall near, built by the Greeks, 159. Tufts College, invited to co-operate in American School, G. iv. 18. Tulasa region, outlet of its water, I. iii. 189, 190. Tumachemootool village, A. i. 41. Tunnies, ancient trade in, A. i. 110-111. Turgyaische, inscriptions at, I. iii. 203- 206. Turkish corruptions of Greek names, N. 7 n. customs laws, C. i. 17-18. provinces, plundering of ruins in, A. i. 160. words, how transcribed in Clarke's Report on Assos, C. i. 2 n. ; vocabularies of, in I. ii. v-vi, iii. VI. Turks, aversion to labor, C. i. 24; big- otry of, 3 ; capacity for labor, com- pared with Greeks, 25; geographical ignorance of, I. iii. 45; repugnance to agriculture, C. i. 57, A. i. 147. Turpentine, gathered in Cholula.B.ii. 99. Tusayan, B. i. 12, 13 ; identified, 15, 16. Tuscus (vicus), in inscription of Antio- chia (Pis.), I. ii. 140, 143. Tusla valley, A. i. 147. Tutahaco, see Acuco. " Twelve Gods," worship of, at Athens, I. i. 170. Tyana, identified, C. i. 64. Tyler, W. S., elected a member of Managing Committee of American School, G. i-iii. 12, (A. iv. 50) ; with- draws from same, G. vii. 11. Tymandos, identified, I. iii. 383. Typhus (spotted), Mexican names for, B. ii. 19 n. Tyre, conquests of, C. i. 65. Tzapotecas hill, B. ii. 252, with plate (fig. 8), 22S. Tzapotecos, B. ii. 271-273; invaded by Mexicans, 272; pottery of, 273; so- cial organization, 308 ; former house life of, 325-326; communal land ten- ure of, 326. Tzin (particle), meaning of, B. ii. 33 n. Udjessar, rock-cut dwellings at, K. 42. Ujek Tepeh, C. i. 14S. Ulrichs, H. N., on the Pnyx, I. iv. 237, 239-240. Urgiip, I. ii. 306; rock-cut dwellings at, K. 42. tjtch Kilisse, inscriptions at, I. iii. 29, 149. TJlu Borlu, inscriptions : Alxiav 'Kvtw- vtivav, I. iii- 360-361 ; Taria, k. t. A., 361 ; A-nnvTpiov (two parts), 362 ; TotiV (two parts), 362-363 ; frag- ments, 363 ; 'IouAios Aaoi;ios QXaoviavos, 370 ; 'hixfxiav Ka\ 'ApT(i*i5wpov; Tan'o, 371 ; ... iTreo-Kevaaa ev rb /?' , k. t. A., 37 2_ 373; Avp.Za>Tiic6s, 373 - 374; 'AAf'|ar- 8pos 'AprifKcv; rbviavrris &v5pa, 374 5 fragments, 375; ' Ay a06irovs (?), 375" 376; ZaiTiKbs Kcd *AcopefT67co? ; Tun- QiaSeas, 377 J TpoiKov ; 'Avtiox^, 378 ; fragments, 379. Ulumahallu, inscriptions at, I. ii. 176- 178. TJlu Punar, inscriptions at, I. in. 103- 105. Umbri, possibly settled Monte Leone, A. i. 89-90. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K- = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L- - Ward's Wolfe exped. M- = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia. So INDEX. Umbro river, name, A. i. S9, 90. Umm-el-Akarib, importance of explor- ing, L. 28. Union College, given Egyptian antiqui- ties, A. ix. 44. United States Bureau of Ethnology, publications, A. x. 100-101 ; its meth- ods criticised, ix. 55-56, x. 104. Department of State, negotia- tions regarding excavation of Assos, A. ii. 25-26, 30-31, iv. 24; same re- garding building lot of American School, G. v-vi. 31. National Museum, receives col- lection of antique pottery, A. ix. 43. War Department, Map of A r .E. Sonora and N. W. Chihuahua, A. vi. 40;;. Usener, Hermann, Altgriechischcr Vers- bau, I. iv. 40 ;/. Usuftcha, inscription at, I. ii. 37, 324. Utch Geuz, method of copying inscrip- tions on, I. i. 93. Utes, origin of, A. v. 79. Uxmal pueblo, A. i. 59-66 ; compared with Pecos, B. i. 77-78, ;/. ; number of inhabitants, A. i. 57. Uyiiklii, inscriptions at, I. iii. 274-275. Vaca, Cabeza de, the historian of Nar- vaez's expedition ; Naufragios, B. i. 6; among the Indians, 7. Vacapa, identified, B i. viii. Valencia, Martin de, Historia, B. ii. 3 2 3~3 2 4- Valens, L. Flavius, in inscription at Kavak, I. iii. 155. Valentini, P. J. J., Mexican paper, B. ii. 38 n. Valentinianus II. (emperor), in inscrip- tion on milestone, I. i. 61 ; in in- scription from Relcaive, 62. Valerianus (emperor), in inscription at Kavak, I. iii. 154. Valley Confederates, conquests of, B. ii. 22-25, 3 2 > organization of, 31. Van Benschoten, J. C, elected a mem- ber of Managing Committee of Amer- ican School, G. i-iii. 12, (A. iv. 50) ; appointed Director, G. i-iii. 21, (A. v. 105), H. i. 29; at Athens, G. iv. 17 ; visits Peloponnesus and Asia Minor, 14, 15; negotiations for a building lot for American School, 22-23. Van Lennep, Travels in Asia Minor, F. 19. Vargas, Diego de, Carta, Oct. 16, 1692, B. i. 1 10 n. Vassar College, co-operates in Ameri- can School, G. vii. 12. Vaugondy, R. de, Asia Minor, E. 25. Vazques, Francisco, Relacion, B. i. 14 n. Velabrus (vicus), in inscription of Anti- ochia (Pis.), I. ii. 137, 143. Velasco, Fernando de, murder of, B. i. 121, 122. Velleius Paterculus, on Olympieion at Athens, I. i. 200 ;/. Velverit Shehiri ruins, I. iii. 1S1. Venezuela, a field for archaeology, A. ix. 58. Vera Cruz, archaeological importance of ruins in, B. ii. 13— 1 5. Vera Cruz (city), B. ii. 16, 18-19; yel- low fever in, 19-20. Verde river, valley of, A. v. 47. Vergil, Gcorg., N. 14, I. i. 139 n. ; on the Simoi's, C. i. 163. Vermont University, invited toco-oper- ate in American School, G. iv. 18. Vernon, Francis, on Olympieion at Athens, I. i. 187. isianus (emperor), in inscription of Palaea Isaura, I. iii. in. Vctancurt, Agustin de, Crdnica de la provincia del Santo Evangelico de Mexico, B. i. 14 ;/., 22 ;/., 113 ;/., 120 ;/., A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. E. = Ptoto-lon. c.ip. = Amer papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 81 121 «., ii. 1 66 n. ; Teatro mex., 102- 103. Victory, statues of, A. x. 72, 73. Viejo pueblo, walls near, B. ii. 34. Vigil, Epifanio, on ruins of Pecos, B. i- 83, 85 ; on Indian mode of burial, 99 n. ; on Indian mode of baking pottery, 105. Village Indians, see Indians. Villa-Sanchez, Juan, Puebla sagrada y profana, B. ii. 86 «., 87 «., 88 n. Vinche (von), Fischer, und von Moltke, Karte von Kleinasien, C. i. 49. Vine, introduction of, into Greece, G. vii. 61-64. Vinegar, used for splitting rocks, I. iv. 229-230, n. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., Entretiens sur r architecture, E. II. Virchow, Rudolph, visits Assos, A. i. 159, C.i. 14. Virginia University, subscribes to Amer- ican School, G. i-iii. n, (A. iv. 49); withdraws from co-operation in same, G. v-vi. 20. Virgo (constellation), legendary origin of, G. vii. 66. Vischer, Erinnerungen unci Eindrikke aus Griechenland, I. iv. 25; in Neues schweizerisches Museum, on the Dio- nysiac theatre, i. 157 «., 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 171, 172 «., 173-174. Vitruvius, on Dionysiac theatre, I. i. 126 n. ; on Olympieion at Athens, 193 «., 195, 198; on origin of the Ionic style, E. 10. Volusianus (emperor), in inscription on milestone, I. ii. 283. Von Hahn, excavations at Bali-dagh, C. i. 149, 150; excavations at Bunar- bashi, 152 ; on acropolis of Bali-dagh, 'S3- Von Richter, O. F., visits Assos ; Wall- fahrten im Morgenlande, C. i. 8. Voss, Mythologische Briefe, C. i. 112. Vowels, quantity in Greek inscriptions, I. iv. 69-99 ; shortened before other vowels, 107-124; Lewis's essay on Attic vocalism, in I. iv. 261-277; see also Attic vocalism. Wachsmuth, Stadt A then, Li. 126 n. Waldstein, Charles, lecture on the study of Greek art, A. viii. 37, 38 ; to di- rect American School in 18S8, ix. 49, 50; chosen permanent Director, G. v-vi. 38, 48 ; career of, 38-39 ; proposed connection with American School for 1888-89, vii. 12-13. Walker, C. H., a member of Assos Ex- pedition, C. i. 16, A. ii. 29 ; visits Trojan plain ; illustrates Lawton's Notes on Bundrbashi, C. i. 145; Notes on the map of the Acropolis of the Bali- dagh, in 149, 153-155. Walker, J. D., on Montezuma, A. v. 49; on traditions of the Fimas, 80. Wallace, Governor, on grain of New Mexico, B. i. 82 //. Walters, E. K., on a grave at Pecos, B. i. 97. Ward, W. H., in charge of Wolfe Ex- pedition to Babylonia, A. vi. 43, vii. 36, L. 6; visits museums of Europe, L. 6-8; Report on Wolfe Expedition, A. vii. 35. Ware, W. R., elected a member of Managing Committee of American School, G. v-vi. 10 ; directs erection of building for School, 27, 33; de- scription of building, in 34-37. Webb, P. B., Topographie de la Troade, C. i. 8. Wecklein, Cures epigraph ira", I. iv. 71. Weiser, Conrad, visit to the Ononda- gas, A. i. 34-35. Welcher, Felsaltar des hb'chsten Zeus, I. H. = Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K. = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L. = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N. = Gargara, Lamponia, 6 82 INDEX. iv. 2o3 «., 236, 239-241, 253 ; Pnyx oder Pelasgikon, I. iv. 242. YVellesley College, co-operates in Amer- ican School, G. v-vi. 21. Wesleyan University, subscribes to American School, G. i-iii. 9, (A. iii. 55)- Wheeler, J. R., studies theatre of Dio- nysus, G. i-iii. 15, (A. iv. 53) ; Thea- tre of Dionysus, in I. i. 1 21-179; same, prepared, G. i-iii. 25, (A. v. 109). Wheeler, John H., elected a member of Managing Committee of Ameri- can School, G. iv. iS. White, J. W., resigns chairmanship of Managing Committee of American School, G. v-vi. 24. Wilcox, A. M., work at the American School, H. ii. 14. Williams College, unable to subscribe to American School, G. i-iii. 20, (A. v. 104) ; co-operates in same, G. v-vi. 21. Wilson, Sir Daniel, Prehistoric man, A. x. 104-105. Winckelmann, J. J. ( on excavation at Olympia, A. x. 49 ; Versuch einer Allegoric, besonders /tier die A'uust, E. 10. Window supports, inscribed, I. iii. 1S3. Winsor, Justin, A r arrative and critical history of America, Vol. I., A. x. 101. Wolfe, Catherine L., services to Ster- rett, G. iv. 12, v-vi. 19; pays expen- ses of publishing Sterrett's Epigraph- teal journey in Asia Minor, vii. 37 ; pays expenses of Wolfe Expedition to Babylonia, L. 6 ; also of Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor, I. iii. v, 3. Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor, Ster- rett's essay on, I. iii. ; expense of, paid by Miss Wolfe, I. iii. v, 3 ; see also Sterrett. Wolfe Expedition to Babylonia, Ward's Report on, L. ; same, A. vii. 36-37, G. iv. 12 ; inscriptions of, in I. iii. 433- 448. Wolff, J. H., Aesthetik der Baukunst, £. 10. Woman, status among the Mexican In- dians, B. ii. 146-147. Wordsworth, Athens and Attica, I. iv. 24-25. Wright, T. L., a student at the Ameri- can School, G. v-vi. 13, vii. 26; Ap- preciation of nature, etc., v-vi. 15, vji- 33- Wright (of Baughl's Sidings), services to Bandelier acknowledged, B. i. 40. Wrigley, Maxwell, a member of the Assos Expedition, A. ii. 29, C. i. 16. Xaga, remains at (with plates), B. ii. 309-311; records of, 310; name, 310 n. Xanthus river, C. i. 165. Xenocrates, at Assos, C. i. 72, A. i. 157. Xenophon, Hellen., on Neandreia, E. 29; same, on temple of Athena at Athens, I. i. 216; same, on Thoricus, iv. 2. Xerxes, at the battle of Salamis, I. i. 239 sea., 250, 251, A. i. 134; passage of the Hellespont, A. i. 123-124 ; pon- toon bridges of, 106. Ximera pueblo, identified, B. i. 23. Yaghdjilar, inscription at, I. iii. 274. Yaghmur Tash, I. ii. 38; name, 324. Yaka-Emir, see Yakanbir. Yakanbir, inscription at, I. iii. 215. Yakka, inscription at, I. iii. 278. Yalak, inscriptions at, K. 25; inscrip- tions: Imp. Philippus, I. ii. 259-260; fragment, 260; milestone inscribed in Greek (fragment), 260-261 ; x a ^P f -> 261. Yale College, supports scheme of American School, G. i-iii. 6, 7, (A. A. = Ann. rept. of Inst. B. = Amer. papers. C. = Class, papers. D. = Dor. shaft. E. = Proto-Ion. cap. F. = Orient, antiq. G. = Ann. rept. of School. INDEX. 83 iii. 52, 53) ; subscribes to same, G. i- iii. 9, (A. iii. 55). Yali Hiiyiik; inscription at, I. iii. 133. Yalowadj (Antiochia Pisidiae), inscrip- tions : Aup. Awvvaiov, I. ii. 121-122; Antioch., 122; Aovkiov6s, 123; 2e- kovvSov, 123; P(ublii) f(ilio), 124-126; P. Anicio, 126-127; le g- Aug., 128; C. Albucio, 129-130; C. Novio (two), 130, 131 ; Aovkiov Ovyartpa, 134-135; sanctissimi Antonini, 136; C. Arrio (three), 137-139; Cn. Dottio (three), X 39 _I 43; provinciae Syriae, 144; vivi vivis, 145; Petilia, 145-146; frag- ment, 146; Pietati Augustorum, 146- 147 ; Cn. Pompeio ; Nonius ; Ti. Claudio, 148 ; six fragments, 149- 150; T. *Aa. lov., 151; Kdwios, 152; A. MaAios Aa/cos, 153; Avpr)\ia Oua- Aei>T Qavris..., 156; 'A pre fie 1 via, 157; KA. 'IoukouvSos, I 57- 158; SaAjva 'S.a.Tovpv'tva., 15S-159; Ovipla. Aofxva, 159; Uticraiv, 160; Ko'ivTos Mouvrfrios Evrvxvs, 160-161 ; two fragments, 161 ; 2aTovpve?vos ; EiioSia, 162; 'lov\ios(?) ZcotikSs; A16- Sopos, 163; t4kvw, 164. Yalowadj-Salir, inscriptions at, I. iii. 220-221, 429. Yalowadj-Sofular, inscriptions at, I. iii. 218-220, 429. Yarpuz (Arabissus), inscriptions at, K. 35-36; inscriptions near, I. ii. 291- 292; inscriptions: three fragments, I. ii. 285; QiKdypios, 2S6 ; " A^auros, 286-2S7 ; 'lovarTvov; Ma, 2S7 ; Mapia, 288. Yataghan, I. iii. 189. Yaziilii (near Tchandyr), inscriptions, I. iii. 315-317- Yaztii Veran, name, I. iii. 3S3 ; inscrip- tions : Tymandenis, 384-387 ; Hercu- li; fragment, 3S7 ; 'Epfj.oyt'vris, k- t A., Aup. Tifiepiavbs Tti/xoOeos, 3SS ; 'Aprt- fiuv, 3S9 ; TarTo, 390 ; Tl6ir\tos Afrwos KdvSios, 390-391 ; Ai/p. Aiovvaios, 391; Adda; Tf^Tjj, 392; Ae'upiKos ; NeiKaiu Kal Nei'/cj;, 393 ; 6 Se^o..., 394 ; Mei/di>5pov, 394-395 ; 'A(TK\riiud.dT) ; 'AroAy, 395 ; Meweas ; 'A\i£ai>8pos ; renvois, 396 ; Mriv6(pt\os ; 'Ainras, k. t. A., 397 ; raAare/y, 398 ; frag- ments, 39S-399. Yemen, I. ii. 143-144 ; inscriptions at, 134- Yeiiidje, inscription at, I. ii. 10. Yenidje Tchiftlik, remains at, I. iii. 184 ; inscriptions at, 185. Yeni-Share, geology of its vicinity, C. i. 196. Yer Koprii, I. iii. 52. Yokaru Ivzit, sepulchres at, I. iii. 80. Yokarii Khadem, I. iii. 96. Yokaru Kotchash, inscription at, I. iii. 3S-39- Yokaru Sorkun, I. iii. 136. Yokha, L. 21. Yoniislar, quarried stones near, I. iii. 96 ; ruins at, 190; inscriptions, 190-191. Yucatan, at time of Spanish conquest, A. i. 57, 58 ; after same, 58, 59 ; de- struction of ruins in, iii. 36; progress of archaeology in, i. jt, scq. Yucca plant, uses of, by Indians, A. v. 96. Yuque-Yunque, identified, B. i. 23, 24. Yztac-cihuatl or Yztac-tepetl, mount (with plate), B. ii. 35, 36, 100, 106- 110; name, 35«. ; statues found on, 260-261. "Zachariah's chiflik " at Bunarbashi, C. i. 14S. Zarate Salmeron, Geronimo de, Report on the Church in New Mexico, B. i. 120. H. - Bull, of School. I. = Papers of School. K = Sterrett's Prelim, rept. L = Ward's Wolfe exped. M. = Bull, of Inst. N- = Gargara, Lamponia. 8 4 INDEX. Zartavul Yakassii, mount, ascent of, I. iii. 13-14. Zayi pueblo (with flate), A. i. 66-70. Zela, identified, C. i. 64. Zengi, I. iii. 281. Zengibar Kalesi (Palasa Isaura), I. ii. 232, K. 18 ; rock-cut tombs near ; sarcophagus near, I. iii. 106; see also Palaea Isaura ; inscriptions : WldpKov Avpr)\tot>, 106-107; TapKvva Beppay, 107-108; ~2.(irr'ifj.tov "Ltvrjpov, 108 ; rbv SeiW, 109; Ma£tfiiai>q>, 109-110; T. Flavio, iio-iii; . 'Ep^f/j, 11 1; M. Avpr)\lov, 112 ; 'ASpiavwt, 113 ; UptiaKos (two), 114, 115, 427-428; 'ASpiavov (two), 116-117; Avp. A6jj.va, 117 ; Avp. 'Opev, in inscriptions of Delos, I. iv. 182, 202 ; of Epidaurus, 190-192 ; in inscription near Kiosk, ii. 8 ; of Rhodes, iv. 185. Aa(pvrj(p6pos, I. i. 174- AijAtos, worship of, at Athens, I. i. 165. ZuKTTTiptOS, I. i. 175- Tlarpwos, I. i. 168. 'AirdWwv, *o?/3oj, in inscriptions at Ya- ziilii, I. iii. 317. 'AttoKKwvws, in inscription of Heraclea, I. ii. 18; of Tralleis, i. 118. 'AirSKKwvos Ylvdiov (a throw at dice), in inscription of Anabura, I. iii. 213. "Apews Qovplov (a throw at dice), in in- scription of Anabura, I. iii. 212-213. 'ApravdSa tt)? Tlora/xias, I. iii. 54- 'Api-cjue la-ia iv 'E0e', in inscription at Kara Baulo, I. iii. 292. "AprepLis "E.iriiTvp-fLola, in inscription in Dionysiac Theatre, I. i. 164. KoXaivis, I- i. 167. 'A p x a 1 o A o y t k b v A e A t i o v, A. x. 79- apxiaTpos, functions of, I. ii. 16. 'A (tk \r)-mos, in inscription of Attica, I. iv. 169 //. ; of Epidaurus, 190-193. "AtrTrpTj ®d\ayoi, function of, I. i. 166. Bpr](xayevr)s, name, I. j. 23 n. Bpr), name, I. i. 23 n. Bp-qaiKKris, name, I. i. 23. Bprjacra, promontory, the seat of cult of Dionysos, I. i. 23 ; name, 23 n. ydpyapa, derivation of, N. 15. 7^, elided in inscriptions, I. iv. 149. Yeipyios, "Ayios, in inscription of Is- parta, I. ii. 118. r\inrros, n. AikIv., in inscription of Tral- leis, I. i. 94. ypap.p.aroy6i, name, I. i. 112. elcriTripia, I. i. 165. 'E/KXT77 'EimrvpyiSla, statue of, I. i. 164. 'EKAaviKos, in inscription of Assos, I. i. 32 ; family of, 33, 38. 'EKAoinris, in inscription of Assos, I. i. 33 ; erects sepulchral slab, 34. 'EAtti'Soj 'Ayadfis (a throw at dice), I. ii. 89. ivOdoe, elided in inscriptions, I. iv. 138- 141. l£riyr)Tal, functions of, I. i. 1 54. 'Eirtyovtavus, Ti/3. KAavS., in inscription of Tralleis, I. i. 96. 'EmvfiKLa iv 'Eir6pov (a throw at dice), I. ii. 89. 'Ep/j.ov TtTpaywvfiTov (a throw at dice), in inscription of Anabura, I. iii. 214. fcrffi (JEottc form), found in inscription of Assos, I. i. 6. fV-rt, elided in inscriptions, I. iv. 152- 153- trt, elided in inscriptions, I. iv. 153-154. tv (diphthong), pronunciation of, I. iii. 171. Eudpearos, M. Avp., in inscription of Tralleis, I. i. 99, 105. EvPocria or Euiroffia (goddess), in in- scriptions, I. iii. 193-194; identified, 194. Eu/cAtjs, in inscription of Sybaris, I. iv. 199. EvTvxns, in inscription of Tralleis, I. s - 97- Ev6s, I. iii. 47 ; in inscrip- tions of Astra, I. iii. 48, 49. fSov\a?os, I. i. 165. ek XXdarjs, I. i. 169. iv UaWaSicp, I. i. 166. 'EwtKoipTrios, I. ii. 253-254. 'EpKt7os, altar at Athens, I. i. Aapd\eiwv Tijpix os > M - A up., i n inscription of Tralleis, I. i. 98, 99. Tdras, name, I. iii. 58. re, elided in inscriptions, I. iv. 14-- 149. Tixvlrat, I. i. 168. Tpvtpepiv, form of name, I. i. 117. Ti'x7?s (a throw at dice), I. ii. 88. Tvxvs Ei/Sai/iovos (a throw at dice), I. ii. 87. vl6s, in Greek versification, I. iv. 71-72. vlbs ir6\ea>$, phrase, I. i. 48. (paiSpwrai or