I.C.D. LI MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. BY ALFRED JORGENSEN, Director of the Laboratory for the Physiology and Technology of Fermentation at Copenhagen. NEW EDITION. TRANSLATED FROM THE RE-WRITTEN AND MUCH ENLARGED THIRD EDITION IN GERMAN BY ALEX. K. MILLER, PH.D., F.I.C., AND E. A. LENNHOLM, AND REVISED BY THE AUTHOR. Witlj 56 IUttit*ttbroth with peptone. The examination of the growths developed in the flasks showed that they con- tained 134 different species of micro-organisms. The cause 32 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. of this evidently depends upon the fact that it is very difficult, and often quite impossible, to separate all germs of bacteria and other organisms from each other by simply shaking the gelatine mixture. This test proves therefore that the plate-culture involves very material errors. Holm has subjected the method to a thorough analysis (1891), and has experimented with a considerable number of yeast-species, absolutely pure cultures of which were prepared by the above-mentioned method of HanserCs. The result of 23 series of experiments with different mixtures was, that only in a single case were 100 colonies developed from 100 cells; that is to say, all the colonies were pure cultures. In all the other series the method proved faulty. In the most unfavourable case 100 colonies were yielded by 135 cells, and the average number obtained was 100 colonies from 108 cells. This proves the plate method to be faulty also in the case of yeast. Thus, the advantage of Han-sen's method over Koctis for the pure cultivation of yeast is, that it has a certain starting-point. Even if the plate-cultures are repeated several times, one can never be certain whether the desired result has been attained or not. With regard to the bacteria, however, it is generally impossible to secure a starting-point from one individual cell. In such cases Koch? 8 plate-culture is still the best method we have. 8. COUNTING THE YEAST-CELLS. In the yeast and spirit manufactures it is of impor- tance to determine the multiplying capacity of the yeast- cells during the growth of the yeast. This must naturally be effected by a direct counting of the number of cells which occur in a determinate volume of the liquid at different stages of the fermentation. Experiments having this object in view have been undertaken especially by Delbruck, Durst, Hansen, Hay duck, and Pedersen, whilst Fitz has applied the method of counting to bacteria. MICROSCOPICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 33 The counting is performed by means of an apparatus constructed by Hayem and Nachet (Fig. 7), which was first employed for counting the corpuscles of blood (hence termed hcematimeter). The late Prof. Panum, of Copenhagen, was the first to employ this apparatus for counting micro- organisms, in order to determine their multiplying capacity. The hsematimeter consists, as shown in Fig. 7, of an object- glass on which a cover-glass of knoivn thickness (0*2 mm., for instance) is cemented, and from the centre of which a disc has been cut out. A small drop of the liquid containing the cells is brought into the cavity thus formed, a cover-glass is placed over the opening, and thus rests on the cemented and perforated cover-glass. The drop of liquid must not be FIG. 7. Hsematimeter : a, object-glass ; b, cemented cover-glass with circular opening ; c, cover-^ so large that the pressure of the cover-glass causes it to flow out from the enclosed space, yet it must be high enough to be in contact with the cover-glass. The thickness of the o layer of liquid is then known. In order to determine the other two dimensions, and thus be able to work with a given volume of liquid, one of the generally known micrometers, e.g., a thin piece of glass on which 16 small squares are engraved, is introduced into the eye-piece of the microscope. The actual value of each of these squares is known when a given system of lenses is employed, and thus, when the square is projected on the object, a small prism of known volume is defined. In certain cases it may be more expedient to make use of an appliance constructed by Zeiss, of Jena, from the instructions of Thoma, and which consists of a fine 34 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. system of squares of known size, engraved on the object- glass itself at the bottom of the cavity. This also improves the microscopic definition of the cells which are on the bottom of the chamber. When it is merely desired to determine the rapidity with which the cells multiply, or to make repeated observations of the number of cells in the same volume, it is quite super- fluous to determine the size of this volume ; it is then only necessary to work always with the same volume. It is always necessary that the sample taken should be a fair average one. In most cases it must be diluted and thoroughly agitated for a long time, in order to obtain an equal distribution of the cells ; the specific gravity of the liquid must also be such that it will allow the cells to remain suspended in it for a short time. A small drop is then withdrawn in a capillary tube, transferred to the counting apparatus, and covered with the cover-glass. The apparatus is now allowed to remain at rest for some time, in order that the cells may settle to the bottom of the enclosed space, and on this account the specific gravity of the liquid must not be greater than will allow this to take place in a convenient time. Both these requirements are generally satisfied by the wort employed in breweries. If it is found that the determinate volume contains too many cells to be counted with certainty, the liquid must be diluted. This may also be advisable for other reasons, partly to prevent the formation of froth, which otherwise will generally form abundantly from the violent agitation, and partly to isolate the single cells which are frequently clustered in colonies or large masses in the wort, and are not always separated by shaking, and, finally, in order to bring about a discontinuation of the fermentation and multiplication of the yeast-cells at the beginning of the experiment. Hansen found that dilute sulphuric acid (1 : 10) on the whole answers these requirements ; hydrochloric acid, ammonia and caustic soda may also be used, but they are not MICROSCOPICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 35 so good. If a very great dilution is required, distilled water can be added, after the addition of one to two volumes of dilute sulphuric acid. When the different volumes of liquid are measured with accuracy, and particular care taken that the cells are thoroughly distributed by vigorous and prolonged shaking, the determination can be made with great accuracy. Two similar dilutions must always be made, and samples taken from each for counting. As a matter of course, experiments must also be made in order to determine the number of the small squares whose cell contents must be counted in order to arrive at a true average. Such a counting and determina- tion of the average numbers is continued until the number finally obtained is found to have no further influence on the average value. The number of countings necessary, and the accuracy generally, depend on the experience and care of the observer. Hcinsen found that, as a general rule, it was sufficient to count the cells in 48 to 64 small squares. CHAPTER II. Examination of Air and Water. As the water was hitherto regarded as one of the obscure factors in the fermentation industries, and had often to bear the blame of irregularities which could not be explained in any other way, so also many peculiarities in the results obtained at a certain point have at all times been considered to originate from the air. In this was involved a vague misgiving that this invisible air contained substances which act prejudicially to our operations the nature of these substances, and how it was possible to obtain a closer know- ledge of them, was, until the most recent times, involved in obscurity. Chemical investigations of the air, which have been carried out for more than a century, gave no information on this point. In the course of time a new factor was added ; it was incontestably proved that the air is not everywhere equally favourable to the human system ; there might possibly be something present which attacked our organism; this unknown matter was called "Miasma" (mixture), the word being taken in a purely chemical sense. Since, however, these miasmata were not traced further, science was thereby not advanced one step. The discoveries of Spallanzani (mentioned in the last chapter), and of later investigators, opened up an entirely new path, namely, the study of micro-organisms. Pasteur especially showed that these micro-organisms are of essential importance to the fermentation industries, when he proved that the air contained both bacteria and alcoholic ferments. EXAMINATION OF AIR AND WATER. 37 The questions then arose : What is the nature of these germs floating in the air ? To what degree and extent do they occur in space ? Do their number and nature vary with the different seasons of the year? And, finally, are they really able to effectually interfere with technical operations ? It will be of interest to glance at the different methods by which the analyses of air with regard to its germs have been attempted. The majority of the analyses of air have been under- taken with the view to obtain some light on the mysterious obscurity which envelops most contagious diseases, nearly all of which are, as is well-known, attributed to the agency of micro-organisms. With regard to the organisms of fermen- tation, these have been investigated chiefly by Pasteur, and later by Hansen. The French savant stated that these germs are always floating about in the air, but that they are present in much larger quantities in the dust which settles on the vessels and apparatus employed. The true alcoholic ferments are present in comparatively small numbers in the air, whilst the germs of mould-fungi are more frequent ; he further showed, as was subsequently done by Tyndall, that the germ-contents of the air vary both with regard to the quantity and the species. These results were obtained by exposing in open, shallow dishes, in different places, beer- wort, wine-must, or yeast-water containing sugar ; after some time their contents were examined for microscopical germs. Pasteur also employed for this purpose the so-called vacuum- flasks, containing nutritive liquids and rarefied air. On opening the flask the air with its germs entered. The most important air-analyses undertaken in recent years are, without doubt, those undertaken by Miquel, the director of the laboratory specially arranged for this purpose at Montsouris, near Paris. His fellow-worker, Freudenreich, has also added very valuable contributions to our knowledge in this direction. 38 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. Miguel performed his first experiments with a so-called aeroscope (Fig. 8), which is constructed in the following manner. From the top of a bell. A, proceeds a tube, C, through which air is aspirated, thus causing it to pass through the bell. To the latter is screwed a hollow cone, the mouth, B, of which points downwards ; in the apex, D, of this cone there is a very fine opening through which the aspirated air is drawn, and immediately over this opening is fixed a thin glass- plate covered with a mixture of glycerine and glucose. The particles carried in by the air settle to a great extent on the viscous mixture. The micro-organisms here intercepted are distributed as equally as possible on the glass-plate, and counted under the microscope. This method is so FIG. Aeroscope. far defective in that it gives no information on the most important point, namely, which and how many of the inter- cepted germs are actually capable of development. In order to determine the number of germs capable of development, and also their nature, Miquel employs the following apparatus (Fig. 9). The flask A has fused into it a tube, K, tapering below and nearly reaching to the bottom ; the upper end of this is fitted with a ground cap, H, provided with a narrow filter-tube containing sterilised cotton-wool, asbestos, or glass-wool, as. On one side of the flask is a tube, Asp, which is constricted in the middle and is provided with two cotton-wool plugs, w f and w. On the other side is another glass tube, which is connected by rubber, fc, with the tube B, which is drawn out to a point, and closed by fusing the EXAMINATION OF AIR AND WATER. 39 end. The flask is charged with distilled water, and the whole apparatus sterilised. When the apparatus is to be employed, the tube Asp is connected with an aspirator ; for instance, a bottle filled with water and provided with a cock below ; the cap H is taken off, and the air then passes, bubble by bubble, through the opening o, through the water g, and out through the cotton-wool plugs of the tube Asp. Since all the germs of the air are not retained by the water when the air-bubbles ascend through the latter, the cotton-wool plug w is intended to catch those which get past the water. When the experiment is finished, the cap H is replaced over the tube K. By blowing through Asp, the liquid is made to ascend in R in order that FIG. 9. Miquel's Apparatus for Air-Analyses. any germs which may have settled on the walls of the tube may be washed down into the liquid. Then, by blowing with greater force, the inner cotton-wool plug w is driven down into the liquid, and its germs shaken off into the latter. After sterilising the thin tube B in a flame, the point is nipped off, and the liquid is now by blowing through Asp transferred, drop by drop, into a large number of flasks containing sterilised broth. The main point here is, by means of preparatory experi- ments, to obtain such a dilution of the air-infected water that a considerable proportion of the small flasks (one-half for example) remain sterile after inoculation; or several samples of the water may be diluted to different degrees, 40 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. and a series of flasks inoculated from each dilution. When a large number of the flasks do not show any development of organisms, there is a certain probability that in each of the remaining flasks in which growths have developed, only one germ has been sown. A simple calculation will then show how many germs capable of development in the medium employed were present in the volume of air aspirated through the original flask ("fractional cultivation"). By these methods of investigation Miquel found that similar volumes of air in the same locality contained at different times a different number of bacteria. A prolonged rain greatly purifies the air from bacteria, and their number continually diminishes as long as the earth is moist ; but when the ground dries, they again gradually increase. In the dry seasons of the year the number of bacteria is thus usually the greatest, whilst the mould-fungi, which thrive best in moisture, and whose organs of reproduction project upwards, are most abundant in the air during the w T et seasons. The purest air is found in the winter time ; the air of towns is less pure than that outside the towns ; germ-free, or nearly germ- free air is found at sea and on high mountains. In certain localities hospitals, for instance the air has been found to be very rich in bacteria ; in one case even 50 times richer than the air in the garden at Montsouris. An entirely different method for the examination of the organisms contained in air is that employed in Koch's laboratory, and more completely developed by Hesse. A glass tube, about 1 meter long and 4 to 5 cm. wide, is closed at one end with a perforated india-rubber membrane, over which another non-perforated cap is bound. A little liquid nutritive gelatine is then poured into the tube, after which the other end of the tube is closed with an india-rubber stopper, through which passes a glass tube plugged with cotton-wool. The whole apparatus is then heated sufficiently to render it sterile, after which the tube is placed in a horizontal position, so that the gelatine sets in a layer in the EXAMINATION OF AIR AND WATER. 41 lower part of the tube. When the air is to be examined, the outer india-rubber cap is removed, and air slowly drawn through the tube. The germs contained in the air then settle down on the gelatine, and after the aspiration is con- cluded the tube is again closed and placed in the incubator, where some of the germs then produce visible colonies, which are easily counted. The results show that with a sufficiently slow current of air the bacteria, which are often floating about in the air in larger or smaller aggregations, frequently clinging to dust-particles, settle sooner than the mould-spores ; so that in consequence the gelatine in the front part, of the tube generally contains the majority of the bacteria colonies, whilst the mould-spores develop further along the tube. Hueppe, v. Schlen, and others, employ liquid gelatine for air-analyses, the air being aspirated through the gelatine, after which the latter is poured on to glass-plates. Frankland, Miquel, and Petri, use porous solid substances for the nitration of air for analytical purposes ; as, for example, powdered glass, glass-wool, sand, sugar, etc. The sand-filter employed by Petri is 3 cm. long and 1*8 cm. wide. It is filled with sand which has been heated, the size of the grains being O25 to 0*5 mm. Two such sand-filters are placed one behind the other, in a glass-tube. The first filter should re- tain all the dust- particles containing germs, whilst the other filter should remain sterile, and thus serves as a control. The sand charged with germs is distributed in shallow glass-dishes and covered with liquid gelatine. The germs contained in the dust-particles will then develop colonies in the gelatine. When samples of air are to be sent from one place to another, these air-filters will answer the purpose. On receipt, the sand may be washed into gelatine or, preferably, into sterilised water. After vigorously agitating the water, it is added in drops to flasks containing nutritive liquid, or it may be used in plate-cultures. Against the employment of gelatine plates for these 42 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. purposes, an objection based upon numerous experiments has been raised by Miquel, who asserts that many bacteria, when exposed to a temperature of 20 to 22 C., require an incubation of a fortnight before developing distinct colonies in gelatine ; on the other hand, however, there are species which will very soon liquefy the gelatine, thus rendering further observation impossible for the next fortnight. The same is the case with the mould-fungi, which will often spread over the whole plate in a few days. Thus, it becomes necessary to count the colonies at such an early stage when many are not to be seen. An additional drawback to the gelatine plates is, that the development cannot take place at a temperature higher than 23 to 24 C., otherwise the gelatine will become liquid ; but many species of bacteria give a fair development only at considerably higher temperatures. Other species, moreover, do not develop in gelatine at all, but only in liquids. Finally, it is urged as a very material objection to the gelatine-plates, that many of the colonies consist of several species (see p. 31) ; Miquel proved this by intro- ducing the colonies, one by one, into meat-decoction with peptone, and then again preparing plates from these growths. This is in part due to the fact that bacteria, as shown by Petri, often occur in aggregates in the air, and these will either fall directly on to the gelatine-plate or become mixed in the liquid gelatine, where it will always be very difficult to separate the individuals from each other by agitating. Hansen's investigations of the air were made between 1878 and 1882. The main object of his investigations was to throw light on questions affecting the fermentation indus- tries. As is known, his researches on Saccharomyces apicula- tus (1880) were partly based on work of this nature. Since the question concerned the organisms which occur in brewing operations, the choice of a nutritive liquid was easily made, namely, ordinary wort as employed in breweries. The appara- tus employed consisted either of ordinary boiling flasks closed with several layers of sterilised filter-paper, the contents of EXAMINATION OF AIR AND WATER. 43 which were boiled for a certain time, or of flasks of the same kind as Pasteur's vacuum flasks, the necks of which were drawn out to a fine point, and were closed with sealing-wax whilst boiling. A little below the point a notch was made with a file, in order that the point might be easily broken off when it was desired to admit the air. When these flasks had become filled with the air of the locality to be examined, they were again closed with sealing- wax and thoroughly shaken in order to mix the contents of the infiltrated air with the liquid The flasks were then put aside for a shorter or longer time, up to six weeks, and their contents examined under the microscope. In these investigations Hansen often found that the wort remained bright and apparently unchanged, even although a growth had taken place. Hence, the examination with the naked eye alone cannot be relied on. He names the following forms which, when present in a feeble state of growth, cannot be detected macroscopically : Aspergillus, Mucor, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Bacterium aceti and Pasteurianum, and Mycoderma cerevisise. Even when these micro-organisms have formed vigorous growths, the above- mentioned nutritive liquid has remained bright. It was further shown that pure cultures may often be obtained by the use of these flasks, when only one species was drawn into the flask with the air. It very seldom happened that three or four species were found in the same flask. This arises from the fact that only a very small volume of air enters each flask. The advantages of this are evident: a true knowledge of these germs can only be obtained when they have developed; in cases where several germs penetrate into the same flask, the strongest germ would by its growth, in all probability, prevent the development of the others, so that these would not be detected in a subsequent examination. At the same time, however, this method necessitates the opening of a large number of flasks, which makes the operation cumbersome and costly. As the flasks only show what was present in the 44 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. air at the moment of opening, Erlenmeyer flasks were also used to give supplementary information, for which purpose they were allowed to remain in the same locality for some length of time, in some cases as long as 48 hours. After these preliminary remarks we will give a brief summary of the results obtained by Hansen. He confirms the statement first made by Pasteur, that the air at neighbouring points, and at the same time, may contain different numbers and different varieties of organ- isms ; and he found that this rule also holds good for places lying close together in the same garden. Hansen states, as other characteristics of the distribution of micro-organisms, that those forms, for instance, which in the first half of July commonly occurred under the cherry trees in the garden, were in the latter half of the same month entirely absent from the same place; further, that organisms which atone time were found under the cherry trees, but not under the grape-vines, were to be found later only under the latter ; as a proof of the inequality of distribution of the organisms, it is shown that the flasks opened in the same place in the same series of experiments often had the most diverse contents. The experiments with the vacuum flasks have further taught us that the micro-organisms of the air often occur in groups or clouds, with intermediate spaces, which are either germ-free or only contain quite isolated germs. As the organisms are not generated in the air, but have their place of growth on the earth, it follows that their presence in the air must be dependent on the condition of the surface of the ground, which again depends, in certain respects, on the weather. ffansen's numerous analyses have further proved that the Saccharomycetes occur comparatively seldom in the dust of the air. Their number in the air increases from June to August in such a way that the flasks at the end of August and the beginning of September are frequently infected EXAMINATION OF AIR AND WATER. 45 with these organisms, after which a decrease takes place. Those organisms from the air which at other times of the year are found to enter the flasks, must be regarded as un- important and accidental, and therefore falling outside the principal rule. As most species of the Saccharomycetes have in all probability like Saccharomyces apiculatus their winter quarters in the earth and their places of growth on sweet succulent fruits, these latter must apparently be considered as the most important source of contamination. At the same times of the year bacteria are also found in the largest numbers. This constitutes an important danger in technical operations, since the wort, which is spread in a thin layer on the open coolers, is exposed at the above-named season of the year to a great source of contamination from the germs of the air. Bacteria are found in the flasks in somewhat greater number than the Saccharomycetes, whilst the mould-fungi occur in still greater numbers. Amongst the latter Clado- sporium and Dematium are especially prevalent in gardens, and after these Penicillium; whilst Botrytis, Mucor, and Oidium are less frequent. After Hansen has thus stated which of the micro- organisms existing in the open air are capable of develop- ing in flasks with sterilised wort, he proceeds to communi- cate the results of his examination of different localities in the brewery. When grains (draff) are allowed to stand in the open air, they evolve, as is known, acid vapours, and since they always contain a rich growth of bacteria when they remain exposed for a short time, the following question suggests itself: What is the condition of the air in the neighbourhood of the heaps of grains ? It was found that only 30 per cent, of the flasks opened in these vapours became contaminated, and of these 3-6 per cent, with Saccharomycetes and 2'4 per cent, with bacteria, whilst parallel experiments in the garden gave a contamination of about 44 per cent., of which 8*5 per cent. 46 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. were bacteria. The air near the grains thus contained fewer bacteria than the air of the garden. The most abundant contamination here was that of mould-fungi, as in all the other localities. After a thorough examination Hansen came to the conclusion that, without any doubt, scarcely a single organism which entered the flasks proceeded from the grains. At all events the great abundance of bacteria in the grains does not bear any correct relation to the above-stated result, which, with far greater probability, admits of the explanation that the air in this, as in other cases, does not take up any contingent of organisms from moist surfaces. This, however, must not be misunderstood to mean that grains may be accumulated, without risk, in any chosen place, and the remains after removal exposed to the weather. It is clear that this would constitute a great danger. When the remains become dry and are blown about in the air as dust, masses of bacterial germs will be carried up at the same time, and will, without doubt, constitute a source of constant bacterial contamination. For this reason, places where grains have remained for any length of time must be washed with lime-water or, preferably, with chloride of lime. 1 In a corridor which led to the room where the barley was turned, the flasks always received a greater contamination than anywhere else ; bacteria especially were found in great abundance. On the malt floors the condition of the air was also characteristic ; it always contained a very strong growth of mould. In the case in question this growth consisted of Eurotium Aspergillus, which was otherwise rare. On the malt itself, as always, Penicillium glaucum occurred the most frequently. 1 The germs are not killed during the treatment of the grains in the drying machines. Such apparatus, therefore, constitute a very great danger in the brewery, in cases where the bacteria can become transported from the dried grains to the open coolers. EXAMINATION OF AIR AND WATER. 47 The greatest interest, however, attaches to the examina- tion of the different fermenting-rooms, partly in u Old Carlsberg " and partly in the brewery " N." In the first- mentioned rooms the air contained fewer organisms than in any of the localities examined in the whole research ; in the fermen ting-cellars of the brewery " N," on the contrary, a large number of the flasks (55-75 to 100 per cent.) became infected. The organisms which occurred in the air of these cellars were : Saccharomyces cerevisise, Mycoderma cerevisise, Sacch. Pastorianus, Sacch. ellipsoid eus, Torula Pasteur, and other yeast-like forms ; further, Penicillium, Dematium, Cladosporium, and rod bacteria. Hansen was thus enabled by a favourable chance, to show the following contrast in the state of the air in the most important place in the two above-named breweries: on the one hand an almost germ- free air, on the other hand an atmosphere teeming with germs. That the product of the latter place at this time must have borne the stamp of this condition admits of no doubt, and we find here one of the most important of all facts connected with the practice of the fermentation industries. The air in the fermenting room itself may contain a world of those germs which are productive of the most calamitous results ; it is, however, possible to keep the air free from these invisible germs, and it admits of no doubt that, on the one hand, the purification of the air entering the fermen ting-room by passing it through a salt-water bath, and, on the other hand, the very rigidly maintained order and cleanliness in the cellars of the Old Carlsberg brewery stand in direct relation to the above-mentioned result. Hansen's investigations, therefore, here again contain a warning which cannot be repeated too frequently. Based upon a long series of comparative investigations, Hansen gave the following method for the zymotechnical analysis of air and water. The principle of this method of air- and water-analysis is as follows: For brewing purposes it is only necessary to 48 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. know whether the water and the air contain such germs as are capable of developing in wort and beer. This cannot, as was formerly assumed, be ascertained by means of the meat-decoction peptone gelatine employed in hygienic air- and water-analysis. The zymotechnologist has this great advantage over the hygienist, that he is in a position to make direct experiments with the same kind of liquid as that employed in practice, namely wort. All disease germs that have hitherto been shown with certainty to occur in beer are also capable of developing in wort. Hansen's comparative investigations have proved beyond dispute that the use of gelatines introduces great sources of error. Thus, for instance, in a series of comparative experiments with corres- ponding samples of water, the following numbers were obtained: In Koch's nutritive gelatine: 100, 222, 1000, 750, and 1,500 growths were obtained from 1 ccm. of water ; in wort 0, 0, 6*6, 3. and 9 growths ; whereas, in beer, none of these water-samples gave any growth. In another series, Koch's gelatine gave for 1 ccm. of water 222 growths, wort- gelatine 30 ; but none of the flasks containing wort and beer, and infected with the water, showed any development of organisms. Thus, only very few, or none at all, of the great number of living germs in the water developed in wort or beer. Hansen has further shown, that in zymotechnical analyses of water and air, it is a mistake to employ gelatine at the outset, and then to transfer the colonies that have been formed into wort-flasks. Thus, he demonstrated by experi- ments that several of the bacterial germs existing in atmo- spheric dust and in water are capable of developing in nutritive gelatine, but not in wort; but several of these species become invigorated to such a degree after having formed a new growth in the gelatine, that they are then enabled to develop in the less favourable medium, wort. In such cases the experimenter is therefore deceived. Another, and a still greater, objection to the gelatine EXAMINATION OF AIR AND WATER. 49 method is, that several important organisms do not develop at all when transferred directly to the gelatine in the en- feebled condition in which they generally occur in atmospheric dust and in water. Based upon these observations, Hansen devised the following method : Small quantities of the water, either in its original state or diluted, are added to a series of Freudenreich flasks containing sterilised wort and beer. 1 After incubation at 25 C. for fourteen days the contents of the culture-flasks are submitted to an examination. If only a part of them show any development, the rest re- maining sterile, it may be assumed with approximate certainty that each of the flasks belonging to the former set has received only one germ. Information is thus gained concerning the number of germs capable of development existing in a determinate volume, and the different germs are also under more favourable conditions for their free development. An exact examination will show to what species these germs belong. Although, in this method, the wort-cultures give a very small number of growths in comparison to the plate-cultures, yet in many cases the numbers of wort-growths will be too high, since these growths are able to develop in the flasks undisturbed and without hindrance from other organisms; when wort is mixed with good culture-yeast in the ferment- ing vessel, many of these germs will be checked. Further, the flasks which show a formation of mould will have no importance for the brewery, but only for the malt-house. By way of a nearer approach to practical requirements, Hansen proposes the following method of procedure. The flasks containing a development of yeasts and bacteria are divided into two groups : (1) those in which the growths soon appeared, and (2) the remainder, in which they made their 1 In the analyses of air the germs are introduced directly, by means of an aspirator, into water, or first into cotton-wool and then into water. 50 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. appearance later ; as, for instance, after five days. Among the latter growths are those species which develop less readily in wort ; and in the brewery these will therefore be generally suppressed by the yeast, and are consequently of less importance in the examination of water or air. Analyses according to this method have been executed by Holm, Wichmann, and several others. For the control of air- and water-filters KoclCs gelatine method is the best. CHAPTER III. Bacteria. THE more our knowledge of these micro-organisms becomes enlarged, the more difficult it is to give a general defini- tion -of them. They are known in all forms, from the smallest specks or spheres to green, alga-like filaments ; and they occur very nearly in all possible localities, under the most various conditions, as the cause of putrefaction or decay (Saprophytes), of diseases (pathogenic forms), and of fermentation (zymogenic forms). The first knowledge of these forms was obtained by placing small quantities of the different substances under the micro- scope and examining them with high powers. In putrefying meat very small spherical bodies were found, which clearly multiplied by successive divisions ; in sour milk short, rod- like bodies occurred : and yi putrefying vegetable matter larger spherical bodies and long, fine, thread-like forms ; in saliva, on the contrary, very fine, spirally-twisted threads were found, etc. On this account it was convenient to provisionally retain these /orms, and to describe them as so many distinct species. Cohn especially has earned credit in this respect, since to him is due the first systematic classification of bacteria. We will first consider the various forms and individuals somewhat more closely. As before stated, the bacteria in their simplest form occur as spherical bodies of different sizes, often so small that they can only just be seen even with the strongest powers, and only give evidence of their existence as organisms by their multiplication by division. They are 52 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. accordingly divided into macrococci and micrococci (Fig. 10 a). When the spheres occur in pairs, they are called diplococci (6); they also appear in groups consisting of four individuals, sarcina (6); or of a greater number, arranged irregularly, or in chains, streptococci (c). From the coccus forms there is a gradual transition to the rod forms bacterium, bacillus (e\ ./ t' " A FIG. 10. Growth-forms of Bacteria : a. Cocci ; b, Diplococci and Sarcina ; c, Strepto- cocci ; d, Zooglcea ; e, Bacteria and Bacilli ; /, Clostridium ; g, Pseudo- filament, Leptothrix, Cladothrix ; h, Vibrio, Spirillum, Spirochsete, and Spirulina ; i, Involution-forms ; k, Bacilli and Spirilla with cilia or llagella ; I, Spore-forming bacteria ; m, Germination of the Spore. which vary greatly both in length and thickness. When the rods are enlarged in the middle and taper towards the ends, i.e., spindle-shaped, we have the clostridium form (/). If the rods are elongated so as to become more or less thread- like, they are called leptothrix (g), which may also occur as pseudo-filaments (g), when several rods are arranged length- wise, or as cladothriX) when they lie so close to one another and in such a way that they become seemingly ramified ; a BACTERIA. 53 true ramification, like that of the mould-fungi, does not occur in bacteria. Eods and filaments frequently assume wavy or spiral forms (h) ; when they are only slightly curved, we have the vibrio form ; when the spirals are more prominent, the spirillum, and spirochcete forms ; when they intertwine like a plait of hair, the form called spirulina is produced. To these must be added the remarkable irregular, swollen, or curved forms which many bacteria can assume ; the cause of this alteration is, however, not sufficiently known involution forms (i\ We will now select one of these forms and submit it to a thorough examination with a magnifying power of about 1 ,000 diameters. Like every other cell, it contains protoplasm, a homogeneous, feebly refractive mass, in which infinitesimal particles can be detected here and there, especially if the cell is not in its most active growth. Sometimes a bright spot is found in the middle of the cell, which, from analogy to the higher plants, is considered to be a sap-cavity or vacuole. In some bacteria certain solid substances have been detected, as, for instance, sulphur grains in bacteria which live in water containing sulphur ; in some species the plasma can, under certain conditions, be coloured blue by iodine, which indicates the presence of substances resembling starch. Surrounding this protoplasmic body we find a cell-wall or membrane. An examination of this by means of staining will generally show that this membrane in its outer layers is swollen up into a gelatinous mass, which becomes especially distinct when masses of bacteria are aggregated together. From a chemical standpoint it must be provisionally assumed that this cell-wall is of a different nature in different species. In some it reminds us of the cellulose of the higher plants, whilst in others it appears rather to resemble the albuminoids in its properties. Many bacteria contain blue, red, yellow, or green colouring matters, which sometimes cause very intense coloration. Under the microscope, however, the individual bacteria 54 MICRO-ORGANISMS AND FERMENTATION. appear only very faintly coloured. It has not yet been determined with certainty in what part of the organism the colouring-matter is situated. Some species of bacteria are phosphorescent under certain nutritive conditions. A remarkable property of many bacteria is their at least apparent free locomotion. This is either quick or slow, the bacteria rotating about their longitudinal axes, assuming the forms of open or contracted spirals. In some of these motile forms we can observe, under high magnifying power, very fine cilia or flagella (Fig. 10 &) ; whether these are to be considered as organs of locomotion is not yet determined, nor has it been decided whether they issue from the membrane or from the cell contents. The multiplication of bacteria takes place in different ways. In the main, multiplication by division and by spore- formation in the interior of the cell may be distinguished. The first mode of multiplication has been observed in detail in the larger forms. Fine transverse lines appear, which gradually increase in thickness and become gelatinous ; after this the organism separates at these transverse walls into smaller rods (Fig. 10