-- GIFT OF AU : 8061 'IZ -soig japing C< The Substantives of Terence MOSES S./ SLAUGHTER ./ SLAU THESIS: 1891 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BOSTON TRESS OF ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL lie Substantives of Terence MOSES S. SLAUGHTER THESIS: 1891 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BOSTON TRESS OF ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTORY 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . 6 PROPER NAMES 8 . . . - , 10 WORDS FIRST USED BY TERENCE 12 GREEK WORDS 14 COMPOUNDS 14 DIMINUTIVES 16 SUFFIXES, -tudo, -tas 18 ia 20 -or 21 -ium 21 -bulum, -culum, etc 22 -ela 22 -ura 23 -men, -mentum 23 -tio, -tus 24 FORCE OF SUBSTANTIVES IN -tio 26 NOMINA AGENTIS 27 -a 27 -us 27 -arius 27 -o (-onts) 27 -tor, -trix ; ^ \ 1 * * DERIVATIVES CONCLUSION '30- INDEX OF SUBSTANTIVES 33 729947 THE SUBSTANTIVES OF TERENCE. INTRODUCTORY. % AN interesting phase of recent Latin scholarship is that which occupies itself with the preparation of special diction- aries. Merguet (Cicero), Gerber and Greef (Tacitus), and others have made valuable additions to our apparatus for the special study of authors. Less ambitious investigations in this field have resulted in greatly increasing our knowledge of the peculiarities and distinctive features of many Latin authors. No excuse is necessary at the present time for a new venture in this line, since scholars are agreed that all satisfactory criticism must, at least in part, be based on carefully prepared and exhaustive statistics. From such statistics it is possible to judge with satisfactory certainty rather than trust to impressions necessarily unsafe, however nearly a subtle appreciation of language may have suggested right conclusions. In this spirit a limited study in the vocabulary of Terence has been undertaken with the hope that a clearer understanding of some features of his style might result. A new index of the substantives of Terence is added, as all previous ones were found to be unsatisfactory, and the occurrences of each word with the, line in the play, and the case in which the word is feting *^rt^iyen. For this purpose I have used Umpfenbach's^edjtipn ,(,T8 V 7O^ and for the sake of uniformity have endeaVqrcd\to, pfesWve^ his orthography throughout. A similar collection of the substantives of Plautus by Rassow, Leipzig, 1881, afforded opportunity for parallels. The plan has been to compare along various lines the usage of Terence, who is universally felt to be more refined and more gentle in his plots and characterizations, and who is accused of lacking " comica vis," with Plautus, whose reputation for vigor seems to be well sustained. The comparison has been made on points which tend to bring out peculiarities of diction, especially on certain classes of suffixes more or less characteristic of the senno familiaris. The writer will be satisfied if it is in any way shown that Terence merits Caesar's praise as "puri sermonis amator," or if his own claim of " pura oratio " is allowed. In dealing with such statistics it must b taken into con- sideration what the nativity of the author is, what his subject matter, style of composition whether prose or poetry, and what his purpose in writing. In this study it must be remembered that Terence was a foreigner, that he wrote comic poetry, and that he wrote with the avowed purpose of elevating the taste of the people. In the comparisons it must be kept in mind that Terence represents less than one-third the bulk represented by Plautus. It seems best to add at least a partial list of the works consulted in preparing this paper, as it is impossible in every case to acknowledge indebtedness. In the text references are made to the author's name, and the page is given wher- ever it is necessary. BIBLIOGRAPHY. De Vit's Forcellini ; Georges, Lateinisch-Deutsches Hand- worterbuch, 7th edition, 1879; Georges, Lateinische Wortformen, 1890; Lewis and Short, Latin Dictionary; Nettleship, Contributions to Latin Lexicography, 1889; Weise, Die Griechischen Wo'rter im Latein, 1882 ; "J^rtssfurus Italograecus, 1884; . Worterschatz der silbernen Latinitat. Berlin, 1884; ^PauckeVi Supplementum Lexicorum Latinorum (A-L), 1885 ; Rassow, De Plauti Substantivis, Leipzig, 1881. (In Fleck- eisen's Jahrbucher fur Philologie, Supplement Band 12, 1 880-8 1.) Archiv rchiv fur Lateinische Lexicographic und Grammatik, Vol. I.-VIL, 1884-90; Wolfflin in Philologus XXXIV., pp. 137-165 ; Kuhner, Lateinische Grammatik, 187879; Draeger, Historische Syntax. Leipzig, 1881 ; G. W. Gossrau, Lateinische Sprachlehre. 1880. J. G. Schmalz, Lateinische Stilistik (Mliller's Handbuch, Zwieter Band) . 1 890. E. Koenig, De nominibus propriis, quae sunt apud Plautum et Terentium. Patsckau, 1876. R. Fisch, Die lateinischen nomina personalia auf " o, onis." Berlin, 1890. H. Ploen, De copiae verborum differentiis inter varia poesis Romanae antiquioris genera intercedentibus. Strassburg, 1883. F. Stolz, Die lateinische nominal-composition. Innsbruck, 1877. G. Mliller, De linguae latinse deminutivis. Leipzig, 1865. E. Etienne, De deminutivis, intentivis, collectivis et in malam partem abeuntibus in francogallico sermone nominibus dis- putavit. Nancy, 1883. W. V. Wyss, Die spriichworter bei den romischen komikern. Zurich, 1889. A. G. Engelbrecht, Studia Terentiana scripsit. Bonn, 1883. H. Hellmuth, De serm. proprietatibus quae in prioribus Cic. oratt. inveniuntur. Erlangen, 1878. A. Stinner, De eo quo Cicero in epistolis usus est sermone. Oppeln, 1879. O. Rebling, Versuch einer Charakteristik der romischen Um- gangssprache. Kiel, 1882. H. Ronsch, Itala und Vulgata. Leipzig, 1869. P. Schultze, De archaismis Sallustianis. Halle, 1871. E. T. Schulze, De Q. Aurelii Symmachi vocabulorum forma- tionibus ad sermonem vulgarem pertinentibus. Halle, 1886. I. PROPER NAMES. The first point to be considered is Terence's use of proper names, which naturally fall into a class by themselves. Koenig has been freely used, and much of what is here given may b& found in his article, though in a different form. In comedy proper names are used with special force to designate occupation or race, to emphasize peculiarities of manner or appearance, etc. Donatus to Ter., Ad., I : Nomina personarum, in comoediis dumtaxat, habere debent rationem et etymologiam ; etenim absurdum est comicum aperte argumenta confingere, vel nomen personae incon- gruum dare, vel orficium quod sit a nomine diversum. Plautus and Terence have drawn freely from the New Comedy, and in many instances have simply transferred the names of characters from the Greek play. Plautus ex- cels Terence in the art with which he makes use of proper names to give point to his characterizations and in the freedom with which he treats his originals. Lovers of Plautus cite Terence's lack of originality in this respect as an evidence of poverty of intellect. He does follow his originals very closely, only one-eighth of his names being of Latin origin, while in Plautus one-fourth are Latin. Terence also fre- quently repeats a name (as many as twenty-five cases have been noted) and uses the same name for different char- acters, e.g., Chremes, for a young man in the Eunuchus, and for an old man in the Andria; Pamphila both for a meretrix and a virgin. Twenty-seven names are common to Plautus and Terence ; Plautus has one hundred and seventy-seven names not met with in other authors, while Terence has but five, Nausistrata, Pasibula, Philtera, Phi- lotis, and Scirtus. Plautus is fond of compounds, having used one hundred and fifteen, while Terence has but sixteen. Both use diminutive forms for playfulness and endearment; Terence has Syrisce and Philotium. The number of names of actors ending in -o (-onis), being a mark of sermo familiaris, would naturally be very great 9 in comedy. In Terence all the cooks, parasites, and pimps, many of the slaves and other characters, have names in -o (-onis), e.g., Slaves : Dromo, Parmeno, Sannio, Simalio, Strato ; Cooks : Dromo, Stephanio ; Parasites : Gnatho, Phormio ; Pimps : Dorio, Sannio. In Plautus the number of slaves, cooks, etc., with names in -o (-onis) is very noticeable, twenty-six of such names being in -o. In Terence the proper names are distributed as follows: Senes : Archidemedes (Plaut.), Archonidus, Callidemedes (Plaut), Chremes (Plant.), Cratinus (Plaut), Crito, Demea, Demipho (Plaut.), Hegio (Plaut.), Laches, Menedemus, Micio, Phania, Phanocrata, Phidippus, Simo (Plaut.), Simu- lus, Stilpo. Adulescentes : Aeschinus (Plaut. as argentarius), Antipho (Plaut. as senex), Chaerea, Charinus (Plaut.), Chremes, Clinia (Plaut. as senex), Clitipho, Ctesipho, Nicaretus, Pamphilus (Plaut.), Phaedria, Phaedrus, Thraso. Uxores : Myrrhina (Plaut.), Nausistrata, Philtera, Sostrata (Plaut). Virgines : Antiphila, Pasibula, Pamphila (Plaut. as uxor), Phanium, Philumena (Plaut. as uxor). Meretrices : Bacchis (Plaut.), Chrysis (Plaut), Gly- cerium, Pamphila, Philotis, Philotium, Syra (Plaut. as anus), Thais. Lenones : Dorio, Sannio. Coqui : Dromo (Plaut), Stephanio. Parasiti : Gnatho, Phormio. Servi : Archylis (Plaut.), Byrria, Canthara (Plaut), Davus (Plaut), Discus, Donax, Dorcium, Dorias, Dorus, Dromo (Plaut.), Geta (Plaut.), Lesbia, Mida, Mysis, Par- meno (Plaut. Bac., 649), Phrygia (Plaut.), Pythias, Sanga, Sannio, Scirtus, Simalio, Sophrona, Sosia (Plaut), Storax, Syrus (Plaut), Syriscus, Strato (Plaut. As., 344). Persons not Actors : Caecilius, Danae, Diphilus, Ennius, Hercules, Menander, Naevius, Oedipus, Omphale, Plautus, Pyrrhus. Deities : Aesculapius, Apollo, Ceres, Diana, Fors For- 10 tuna, luno Lucina, luppiter, Liber, Minerva, Neptunus, Penates, Salus, Venus. Places : Aethiopia, Andros, Asia, Athenae, Attica, Caria, Cilicia, Corinthus, Cyprus, Imbros, Lemnus, Miletus, Pi- raeus, Orcus, Rhodes. Festivals: Dionysia. Names of Plays : Adelphoe, Andria, Colax, Commo- riente's, Epidicazomenos, Eunuchus, Hecyra, Heauton-Timor- umenos, Perinthia, Phasma, Synapothnescontes, Thensaurus. II. "AIIA$ AErOMENA. Terence has but six substantives that are ct7ta fayopeva in the sense that the literature contains no other occurrence of the word, and that he uses them but once; Babylo, contortor, curatura^ gerro, praemonstrator, screatus. Babylo,K&. 914. iube nunciam Dinumeret ille Babylo viginti minas. Dziatzko explains : Babylo, son of Belus, founder of Babylon, here signifies a rich and extravagant man. In this sense not again in the literature, unless it be so taken in Pliny, 9, 27, quoted by Solinus, 12, 10: apud lasum urbem Babylonem puerum Delphinus adamavit. Contortor, Ph. 375. Bonorum extortor, legum contortor. Derivatives from contorqueo (Lucr.) are very rarely found. Contortulus ana% fay. in Cic. Tusc., 2, 18, 42. Contortio in Cornificius and Cicero. Curatura, Eun. 316. Tarn etsi bonast natura, redeunt curatura iunceam. Donatus ; " cura, mentis est, curatio, medicinae, curatura diligentiae." Cura in Ter., curatio in Plaut. (Cas. 261, etc.). Curatura (= curatorship), Inscr. Orell. N. 7007. The formation is an easy one. Gerro (= trifler), Ht. 1033-4. Si scire vis, ego dicam : gerro, iners, fraus, helluo. Ganeo, damnosus : II Gerro is reading of Ritschl, Plaut. True. 551, and is a conjecture of Madvig, Auct. B. Alex. 53, i. (Congerro is found in Plaut. Most. 931, 1049, etc.) Fisch (p. 46: Archiv V, p. 71) assigns gerro to Plautus and also accepts it for Caecilius (apud Non.) 118. In Plaut. True. 551 MSS. have forasgerronis (gerrones) : Spengel, forasgestatores : Kiess- ling, foras egerrones j Geppert, foras congerrones (Rassow). Cf. Nettleship under gerro. Pr demonstrator, Ht. 875. Sed hie adiutor meus et monitor et praemonstrator Chremes. Screatus, Ht. 373. Gemitus, screatus, tussis, risus abstine. Screo and screator are o,7ia fayo^eva in Plautus. Terence is probably responsible for all these words ; they all belong to the sermo familiaris, and, at least in the case of the last five, the occasion demands their coinage. Notice also the similar forms near at hand, natura-curatura, ex- tortor-contortor, gerro-helluo-ganeo, adiutor-monitor-prae- monstrator, gemitus-screatus-risus. There are five other words that perhaps ought to be classed as a,7ia hsyofieva. Pluvia (? = pluvium), Eun. 589 (Bent. Umpf.) ; inplu- vium (Dz. as in Ph. 707) ; inpluvium (A.) : pluvium (Fl.). Four diminutive forms of common words : Flabellulum, Eun. '598 (Flabellum, Eun. 595, 602) ; Parasitaster, Ad. 779 (Parasitus) ; Pistrilla, Ad. 584 (Pistrina), Villum, Ad. 786 (Vinum) cf. Du Cange, Gloss. Med. et Inf. Latintatis. These four are likewise characteristic of the sermo familiaris. As against these ot7ta fay opera in Terence, Plautus has numbers of them ; of diminutives alone he has fourteen, and in all classes he has many peculiar forms. Closely related to this class are the words to which Ter- ence has given a peculiar meaning not adopted by other au- thors : alienum, interests of another; angustum, critical condition ; casa, hiding place ; cognitio = agnitio, Eun. 92 1 ; Hec. 821; coitio, a meeting together; festivitas, Eun. 1048, kindness; inpotentia, want of wealth (Cic., want of self- 12 restraint) ; oppressio, violence (Cic., oppression) ; palmar- ium, masterpiece (late Latin, fee) ; prologus, player ; sollici- tatio, anxiety; stataria, kind of comedy. Other words do not occur again till very late, and for classical Latin are really anal; hey6{i8va. Such are, calliditas, pi. (Lact.) ; compotrix (Sidon.) ; cuppedinarius (Lampr.) ; deambulatio (Vulg.) ; exorator (Tert.) ; ex- tortor (Cypr.) ; inceptor (Avien. Arat.) ; integratio (Symm.) ; raptio, abduction (Arnobius. Raptus is classical) ; riscus (Ulp. Hier.) ; vorsura (Cic., quoted by Lact.). III. WORDS FIRST FOUND IN TERENCE. A strong point in favor of the purity of our author's diction is the great number of substantives which occur for the first time in his plays that are found next in Cicero's works (not Letters or Early Speeches). The first use of many of these words may be successfully disputed for Terence, but an examination of the Lexica at hand failed to show an earlier use. The attempt has been made to dis- cover the next occurrence in point of time of the following lists : In Cicero : agellus, alimentum, anicula, benivolentia, captus, certatio, cicatrix (Plaut. ?), circumitio, dementia, coitio (= plot, in Cic.), commemoratio, commissator, conatus (Plaut. conatum), coniugium (= wedlock; Lucr. = con- nection), consobrinus, continentia, conventus, corrector, delectamentum, delectatio, detrimentum (Varro), dictio (=1 right of testifying), discessio (= divorce. In Cic., di- vision), eloquentia, eunuchus, existumatio, exsequiae, facultas, falsum, familiaritas, fautrix (favitor, Plaut.), felicitas (plu.), flabellum (= inciter in Cic.), gladiator (plu. =. exhibition), gubernatrix (gubernator, Plaut.), habitudo (Corn.), homun- cio, ignominia, inceptio, inceptum, inconstantia, infelicitas, infirmitas, iniussus, inpotentia (want of self-restraint), inpru- dentia, intellegentia, intertrimentum, inventor, inventum (Plaut. inventu), iustitia, lacrimola (Cat.), largitas, liberalitas, longinquitas (= length of time), luxus (debauchery; Cato 13 = dislocation), magnificentia (= bombast), momentum, monitor, musica (plu.), narratio, notitia (Georges in Plaut.), nurus, perfector, pisciculus (plu.), praesentia (= presence), pravitas, psaltria, pueritia ( = boyhood), pugil, purgatio, sacellum, saevitia (= harshness, Plaut. saevitudo), servatrix (-tor, Plaut.), severitas (-tudo, Plaut.), simulatio, socrus (=: mother-in-law), stipes (= blockhead), vanitas (-tudo, Plaut.), veritas, veterator (Plaut.?), vicissitude. In Cicero's Letters or Early Orations prevailingly : abortus (abortio, Plaut.), cantilena (in proverb), clientella, invidus, itio, mansio, tribulis, vigilantia, vorsura (in proverb). In Catullus: lacrimola (Cic.), puellula. In Horace: actus (an act of a play), arbitrium (judg- ment), caprificus, citharistria, corrector (Cic.), facundia (not in Cic. ; facunditas, Plaut.). In early authors : amentia (Pac., Cic.) ; captus (Afran., Cic.); cetarius (Varro ; quoted by Cic. Off. I, 42, 150); defensor (Afran., Cic.) ; desiderium (Lucr., Cic.) ; exclusio (Vitr. not in Cic.) ; figura (Lucr., Cic.) ; helluo (Turp., Cic.) ; inluvies (Lucil., Cic.) ; monstratio (V\tr.,not in Cic.) ; nebulo (Lucil., Cic.) ; obitus, an approach (Turp. ; Cic. = ruin) ; obolus (Vitr.) ; penuria (Lucr., Cic.) ; progenies (Pac., Cic.) ; protervitas (Pac., Cic.) ; remedium (Lucr., Cic.) ; salsamenta (plu. Varro: Cic. in the sing.); sandalium (Turp., not in Cic.) ; sensus (Lucr., Cic.) ; tristities (Pac., Turp.) ; tussis (Lucil., Cat.) ; vectis (Lucil., Cic.). In late authors: aediculae (= a fine little house, Caelius in Cic.; Petr.) ; aequanimitas (= favor; Pliny = patience) ; caudex (= blockhead, Petr.; = block of wood, Plaut.); cellula (Col., Petr.) ; compositum (without a prep., Nepos. Verg.) ; coniuratio (= alliance, Pliny); extrarius (== a stranger, App.) ; funambulus (Suet.); prologus (= a pro- logue, Quint.) ; satrapes (Nepos) ; paratus (Ovid) ; vecordia (Sail.). IV. GREEK WORDS. Terence has not made use of any word written in Greek characters, but has used words borrowed from the Greek. These are, as a rule, technical terms ; twenty-nine of them were first used by Plautus ; one in the XII. Tab. (poena) ; three by Naevius ; nine by Terence. Terence has used fewer, Greek words, proportionately, than Plautus, who has one Greek substantive in every nine sub- stantives, while Terence's ratio is one in eighteen (twenty- two). Weise and Saalfeld have been followed in making out the list, though in a few cases their words have been omitted, e.g. gubernatrix, commissator, as being Latin formations. Terence's words are: arrabo (Plaut), astu, balineae (Plaut.), bolus, calx (Plaut.), l citharistria, colaphus, comoedia, cyathus (Plaut), dica (Plaut), drachuma (Plaut.), elephantus (Plaut.), ephebus (Plaut. in Pro!, to Merc.), epistula (Plaut.), eunuchus, fucus (Plaut), gonger (Plaut.), gynaeceum (Plaut.), hora, lampada (Plaut), logos (Plaut), mastigia (Plaut), mina (Plaut), moechus (Plaut.), musicus, nauta (Plaut.), oboluSj opsonium (Naev.), paedagogus (Plaut), palaestra (Plaut.), palma, parasitus (Naev.), parasitaster (dim. by Ter.), philosophus (Plaut.), patina (Plaut.), pes- sulus (Plaut), platea (Plaut), poena (XII. Tab.), poeta, pompa (Plaut.), prologus, psaltria, riscus, sandalium (sand- aligerulae, Plaut), satrapes, scopulus (Enn.), soccus (Plaut), sycophanta (Plaut.), symbola (Plaut.), talentum (Plaut.), techina, tessera (Plaut), thensaurus (Naev.). V. COMPOUNDS. Terence uses very few compound substantives, introduces but three (four) new forms, has no hybrid or lengthy forma- tions ; while Plautus is very fond of lengthy compounds, rivalling Aristophanes in this respect, accumulates numbers of them together, and uses them with effect to stigmatize 1 The words in italics are first found in Terence. 15 persons. In prepositional compounds Terence prefers cum (con) ; Plautus prefers pro, sub, and per, a characteristic of the sermo familiaris. Such Plautine words as verbi- velitatio, sinciputamentum, dentifrangibulus, are inconceiv- able for Terence. Plautus had previously used all the compound substan- tives that are found in Terence save aequanimitas, caprificus, benivolentia (bene-volens, Plaut.), funambulus. Terence's words are aequanimitas; angiportum (Plaut. has masc. form also), artifex, aucupium, biduum, biennium, bene- dictum, beneficium, benivolentia, caprificus, carnufex, fidicina, funambulus, furcifer, haruspex, maledictum, malefactum, maleficium, mancipium, manipulus, mater-familias, meridies, misericordia, particeps, pedisequa, principium, puerpera, quadrupedes, sacrilegus, tibicina, sterculinum (?), triduum, triennium, veneficus. Prepositional compounds. (The words in italics are prob- ably found first in Terence. The others are found in Plau- tus, except prolubium.) AD : arbitrum. ClRCUM : circumitio. CON : cognatus {-\&),cognitio (= agnitio), coitio, commemo- ratio, commentum, commoditas, commodum, compositum, compotrix, compressus, conclave, condicio, confidentia, coniec- tura, coniugium, coniuratio, conservus (-va), consilium, con- spectus, consobrinus, consuetudo, consultatio, continentia, contortor, contraversia, contumelia, conventus, convicium, conviva, convivium, copia, corrector, corruptela. DE : deambulatio, defensor, delectamentum, delectatio, delictum, demensum, dementia, deridiculum, desiderium, detrimentum, deverticulum. DlS : difficultas, diligentia, dimidium, discessio, dis- cidium, discordia, dispendium. Ex : edictum, elegantia, eloquentia, exclusio, exemplum, exercitus, existumatio, exitium, exorator, expectatio, ex- sequiae, extortor, extrarius. IN : impedimentum, imperator, imperium, inceptio, in- ceptor, inceptum, indicium, industria, indutiae, infitiae, in- i6 genium, initium, inluvies (LuciL), inpluvium, inpulsor, in- pulsus, insidiae, insula, inventor, inventus. IN (privatum) : immortalitas, incommoditas, incommo- dum, inconstantia, ineptia, ineptus, (-ta), infamia, infelicitas, infirmitas, infortunium, inimicitia, inimicus, iniuria, iniussus, iniustitia, inopia, inportunitas, inpotentia, inprudentia, in- scitia, insania, insomnium, integratio, invidia, invidus. INTER : intelligentia, internuntius, inter trimentum. OB: obitus (Turp.), obsequium, obstetrix, occasio, occul- tum, officium, oppidum, oppressio (oppressiuncula, Plaut.). PER: perfector, peregrinus (-na), pernicies, persona, pertinacia. PRAE: praeceptum, praedium, praedo, praemium, praemonstrator p , praesentia, praesidium. PRO: probrum, progenies (Pac.), prologus, prolubium (Att), promissum, protervitas, provincia. RE: reditio, reliquum, reliquiae, religio, remedium, re- pudium, responsum. SUB: subtemen, sumptus, supplicium, suspicio. TRANS : tranquillum. VI. DIMINUTIVES. The various suffixes, denominative and verbal, afford a basis of comparison, and further investigation has been made on that line. Some of the suffixes enter largely into the sermo familiaris, as -tudo, -tor, diminutives, etc., and a noticeably frequent use of these stamps at once an author's style as colloquial and free. In Comedy, Satire, and Epistles we naturally expect to find a preponderance of this element. The purity and dignity of our author's diction is very manifest as the comparison proceeds. DIMINUTIVES : From the original signification of " small- ness in size," diminutives have come by an easy and natural transition to be used with many varieties and shades of meaning. They are used to express love, desire, grief, blame, etc., and are frequent as terms of endearment, abuse, and contempt. Solent diminutiva necessariae significationis causa vel tirbanitatis proferri (Prise.). In many cases it is 17 impossible to discover any diminutive force. It has been asserted (G. Miiller, p. 14) that "smallness in size" could not have been the original meaning, arguing from the diversity of meaning seen in the developed literature, and that a simple desire for smoothness of utterance led writers to their free use. It might better be argued that this loss of meaning as literature grew is due to frequent use, a thing seen very early in the literature, e.g. ancilla in Terence, muliercula in Plautus. A very good example of the gradual weakening of diminutive force is seen in the use of adulescens and adulescentulus in Plautus and Terence. In Plautus we find adulescentulus twelve times, and always with some di- minutive force, sometimes in the sense of " hasty young man," "poor young man," while adulescens occurs one hundred and twenty-nine times ; in Terence, the diminutive occurs twenty-three times and the primitive thirty-one, with no perceptible difference in meaning except that there may be in one or two instances in the diminutive a slight shade of pity. The primitive is, however, used more often of the leading character in the play, though it is once applied to a leno. The dying out of diminutive power is likewise shown fi) by the formation of double diminutives, e.g. puellula (Ter.) ; (2) by the use of a diminutive form modified by a minifying adjective, e.g. pisciculi minuti (Ter.), (cf. magna fornactila, Juvenal) ; (3) by the introduction of a very great number by the authors of the Silver Latin (Paucker, p. 39, estimates the number of new words at 225) ; and (4) by the many forms preserved in the Romance Languages entirely devoid of di- minutive force (cf. Etienne). In his use of diminutives Plautus has many interesting peculiarities, and uses them more freely and more to the point than perhaps any other Latin author. He is very fond of using them as terms of abuse and endearment (Asin. 664- 668); with such adjectives as tener, mollis, dulcis ; with minifying adjectives to express "intensified littleness;" in peculiar forms, peditastelli, Olympisce, Stephaniscidium, etc. Terence is peculiarly moderate in the use of diminutives, 18 where as a writer of comedy he might have had great free- dom. As terms of endearment, he has capitulum (Eun. 531), and Philotium (Hec. 81, 197). Of irregular forms we find parasitaster (Ad. 779); homuncio (Eun. 591); Syrisce (Eun. 772, 775; Ad. 763). Instead of homuncio Plautus uses homullus and homunculus. Terence has one example of a change of gender in the diminutive from that of the primitive, stipula from stipes (stips). Rassow (p. 598, Jahrbiicher) does not distinguish between the diminutive and instrumental suffixes, culum, brum, etc. The latter should be in a separate class (cf. below). Terence's words are ; adulescentula, adulescentulus, ^ agellus, aedicula, ancilla, ancillula, anicula, articulus, cella, cellula, cistella, diecula, digitulus, Jlabellulum, Jlabellum (flabellifera, Plaut), homuncio, lacrimola, lectulus, parasitaster, paululum, pauxillulum, peniculus (Pkilotium), piscicuhis, pistrilla, puella, puellula, ratiuncula, sacellum, scrupulus, servolus, stipula {Syrisce), ventulus, villa, villum. VII. SUFFIXES -TUDO, -TAS. There seems to be no appreciable difference in meaning attaching to -tudo and -tas. Necessitas and necessitudo with equal exactness are rendered by our word "necessity." (Gell. N. A. XIII, 3.) -tudo forms are heavier, more sonorous, and, from an ex- amination of the literature, are seen to have been freely used in early Latin, much less in the classical period, and were revived partly in imitation in the late Latin, the Church Fathers especially being fond of them. They are distinctly a mark of the sermo familiaris ; cf. Petronius, who uses large numbers of them. They often occur as ana% hsyofisva, and their place is supplied by the other abstract suffixes -tas, -tia, -tio, etc. -tas forms prevail in all periods, and usually supplant other 1 Words in italics are first found in Terence. The remaining are found in Plautus except scrupulus, and stipula (Inscr.). r i i *; suffixes from the same root, a fact very evident in later poets. Horace has three forms in -tudo as against twenty-five in -tas, Juvenal two in -tudo and twenty in -tas. Of -tudo forms Plautus has many rare words ; out of twenty-three with this suffix, fourteen are ante-classical, and two of these are a,7toc fayo^tsva (sorditudo and saevitudo, for which sorditus is late Latin, and saevitas classical) ; only nine became classical; for five of these forms (ten occur- rences), consuetudo, firmitudo, maestitudo, suavitudo, vani- tudo, he has also other words (six occurrences), consuetio, firmitas, maestitia, suavitas, vaniloquentia. Plautus has seventy-two words in -tas, twenty-three in -tudo (3: i). Terence has fifty words in -tas, nine in -tudo (5 : i). Three-fourths (fifty-six) of Plautus' words in -tas became classical, sixteen are ante-classical, and two of these are Of Terence's words in -tudo (nine) all became classical save habitudo (habitus (Plaut.) is classical; habitudo, Cornifi- cius) ; in -tas, all but four became classical. Terence's words in -tudo are : aegritudo, consuetudo (con- suetio, PI. Amph. 490. Spengel would read consuetio in- stead of consuetudo, And. 439; but consuetudo would seem to be better, occurring five times in Plautus and ten in Terence as against the single use of consuetio), fortitude, habitudo (habitus, Plaut.), longitude (longinquitas, Hec. 596), pulchritude (pulcritas, o,7ta fay. in Caecilius), soli- tudo, sollicitudo (sollicitatio, And. 261), vicissitude (vicissi- tas, anal; fay. in Att.). All but fortitude, habitudo, vicissi- tude are found in Plautus. In -tas (all the words that are not italicized are found in Plautus except lenitas (Pac: lenitudo, Trag.) and vicini- tas (Cato) ; the words italicized are first found in Terence) : adfinitas, aequanimitas, aetas, auctoritas, benignitas, boni- tas, calamitas, calliditas, civitas, commoditas, cupiditas, difficultas, dignitas, egestas, facilitas, facultas, familiaritas, felicitas, festivitas, hereditas, immortalitas, incommoditas, 20 in f elicit as, infirmitas, importunitas, largitas, lenitas, liberali- tas, libertas, longinquitas, necessitas, nobilitas, paupertas, pietas, potestas, pravitas, protervitas, satietas (satias as nom. in both Plaut. and Ter. Noted as an archaism in Sallust. Schultze, p. 62), severitas (severitudo, Plaut.), simultas, taci- turnitas, tempestas, utilitas, vanitas (vanitudo, Plaut.), venus- tas, veritas, vicinitas (Cato), vilitas, voluntas, voluptas. Of the suffix -ido Terence has but one word, lubido, also found in Plautus. It follows from these facts that Terence is superior to Plautus in his choice of words, is more refined, and ap- proaches more nearly the classical norm. There is nothing here in Terence that is distinctively characteristic of the common speech, as, e.g., mea commoditas, mea festivitas, mea voluptas, as terms of endearment in Plautus. Eight words are found in the plural : calliditas, commoditas, cupidi- tas, felicitas, incommoditas, voluptas, aegritudo, sollicitudo. VIII. SUFFIX -IA (-MONIA, -NTIA, -IA, -IBS}. -MONIA (-monium). Not many substantives with this suffix are found in comedy; Terence has only parsimonia, matrimonium, testimonium, all of which are found in Plautus and need no special comment. Plautus has also aegrimonia, falsimonia, querimonia, and vadimonium. -NTIA : Terence has twenty-one substantives with this suffix (eight of these are in Plautus) ; adulescentia, amentia (Pac.) benivolentia (benevolens, Plaut.), dementia, confidentia, continentia, dementia, diligentia, elegantia, eloquentia (facun- ditas, Plaut.), inconstantia, inpotentia, inprudentia, inpuden- tia, inteltegentia, licentia, magnificentia, neg\egQntia.,firaesentia (= presence, Ter.), sententia (pi.), vigilantia. Plautus has twenty-six substantives in -ntia, most of which are common words: stultiloquentia (a7ta fay.), vanilo- quentia, incogitantia (ct7toc /ley.)* are worthy of mention. Terence has no peculiar forms ; all of his words appear in Cicero's works. -IA (-itia, -ies) : amicitia, astutia, audacia, avaritia, blanditia (Hec. 68, AbP. Caec., blandities), controversia, contumelia, 21 copia, &un\\z,exsequiae,facundia (facunditas, Plaut.), fallacia, familia, gloria, gratia, ignominia (?), industria, indutiae, in- famia, infitiae, inimicitia, iniuria, iracundia, inopia, insania, in- scitia, iustitia (iniustitia, Plaut.), lascivia, luxuria, maceria, malitia, memoria, militia, miseria, modestia, molestia, mollities (mollitia abl., Plaut.), nequities (nequitiae Gs., Plaut.), notitia (Georges, Plaut.; votitam, As. iv. I, 44 Ritschl, Fl.), noxia, nuptiae, pecunia, penuria, pertinacia, pudicitia, pueritia, re- liquiae, saevitia (saevitudo, Plaut.), segnitia (segnities, Plaut.), socordia, stataria, stultitia, superbia, tristities (~?&c.),vecordia (Sail.), venia, vicinia. All in this list are found in Plautus, except the words in italics ; in the plural are : astutia, blanditia, conturnelia, copia, fallacia, gratia, ignominia, inimicitia, iniuria, miseria, molestia, noxia ; only in the plural are the verbals exsequiae, indutiae, infitiae, nuptiae, reliquiae, one of which Terence introduced, exsequiae ; three forms in -ies are found, nollities (Eun. 222) ; nequitiem (Ht. 481, Ad. 358) ; tristitiem (Ad. 267), (tristi- tiae, And. 235). Plautus has three words in -ies (found also in the first declension), intemperies, materies, segnities. IX. ABSTRACTS IN -OR. This suffix does not occur as frequently in comedy as in epic poetry; Lucretius (7,400 verses) has 49, while in comedy (30,000 verses) not more than 35 are found. Al- though a great many words with this suffix are found in, Plautus and Terence, it distinctly belongs to more elevated poetry. (Ploen, p. 42.) Terence has twelve substantives in this class, all found in Plautus and all classical : amor, clamor, dolor, error, honor, labor, languor, maeror, nitor, pudor, rumor, timor. As personal nouns Terence has soror and uxor. In the plural are amor, dolor, rumor. X. SUFFIX -IUM. There is a slight preference in Terence for verbals over denominatives with this suffix, a preference which is reversed in Silver Latin, where Paucker (p. 17) shows that more de- 22 nominatives than verbals were introduced. Terence's words are : arbitrium, aucupium, auxilium, biennium, coniugium (wedlock), convicium, convivium, desiderium, dimidium, dis- cidium, dispendium, exitium, flagitium, gaudium, imperium, infortunium (Archiv IV, p. 409), ingenium, initium, inpluvium, iurgium, medium, negotium, obsequium, odium, officium, os- tium, otium, pallium, palmarium (masterpiece), praedium, praemium, prandium, principium,prolubium (A.tt.),remedium (Lucr.), repudium, senium, servitium, silicernium (Caec.), somnium, stercilinum (-ium in MSS.), studium, suavium, sup- plicium, triennium. A few of the above words do not strictly belong in this list, not being abstracts, inpluvium, ostium, pallium, prandium, etc., but are classed here for convenience. Terence uses very few words in -ium not found in Plautus (the seven in italics). Silicernium (Ad. 587) is used as term of abuse ; the masc. form is found in Cine. Alim. Stercilinum (Ph. 526) as terms of abuse, and savium (Eun. 456) as term of endearment, are also found in Plautus. Prolubium, Ad. 985, desire, found in Attius, is a very rare word. In the plural are consilium,flagitium, gaudium, ingenium, negotium, officium, praedium, principium, studium, suavium, vitium. XL SUFFIX -BULUM, -CRUM, -TRUM. Rassow in his classification has failed to distinguish in all cases between forms with this suffix and the forms of the diminutives. For the most part the forms are from verb stems and are used to designate means, instrument, etc. All the words found in Terence are found in Plautus. Cerebrum, cubiculum, curriculum, deverticulum, fabula, labrum, lucrum, membrum, monstrum, periculum, sepulcrum, speculum, tabula, tenebra, vocabulum. (Discipulus, Archiv V, p. 289.) Deverticulum, Eun. 635, is a place where the road turns; in Plautus (Capt. 523) the word means a refuge. XII. SUFFIX -ELA. Clientella, Eun. 1039, "patronage; " Corruptela, Ad. 793, "a corruptor;" Tutella, Hec. 52, "protection." Clientella 23 is not in Plautus, occurs in Cicero's Letters and Early speeches ; tutella, in Plaut, and classical ; corruptela = corruptor is in Plautus ; =. corruption is classical. XIII. SUFFIX -URA. Both -ela and -nra are favorite suffixes in Silver and late Latin. Silver Latin adds fifty words in -ura (Paucker, p. 10). Its repeated occurrence in later Latin is a development by the side of the future active participle which becomes more and more frequent. It has been suggested that -ura, from its frequent occurrence in writing of agricultural pursuits, is closely connected with the sermo vulgaris (Schulze, p. 144). Terence has six words with this suffix, coniectura, cura- tura, natura, pictura, scriptura, vorsura. Four are found in Plautus ; curatura is ct7ta fay. in Terence ; vorsura oc- curs in a proverb, which reappears in Cicero, and is quoted by Lactantius. Scripturam, Hec. 24, Bently changed to scriptorem, but it is a parallel use with corruptela, Ad. 793, = corruptor. Hec. 13: Ad. I, scriptura, = "something written" (concrete). Plautus has eighteen words with this suffix : desultura, in- sultura, polluctura, venatura are anal; fayofteva. Three others are ante-classical. XIV. SUFFIX -MEN, -MENTUM. According to Kiihner and Gossrau (p. 249) -men is early and poetical, becoming more frequent after the Augustan age ; -nientum is early prose, but in classical and later times is used for the short form in both prose and poetry. This opinion is not to be taken unqualifiedly. The early prose use of -mentum appears in Cato, who has ten words in -mentum, two in -men. In Plautus there are forty-eight words in -mentum, nineteen in -men; in Terence fourteen in -mentum, seven in -men. Ploen (p. 42) has a more careful statement; -men belongs to an elevated style of writing, tragedy and epic poetry, and there are not so many forms in comedy and satire ; -mentum is char- 24 acteristic of a less elevated style of writing, comedy show- ing fifty-two examples of new forms, tragedy three. The usage of Plautus and Terence sustains this view. Of Plautus' nineteen forms in -men, fourteen are classical, four ante- classical, one, sannen, is ct7ta hey. For but three of these nineteen are there forms in -mentum to be found : cognomen (cognomentum, Plaut.) ; sarmen (sarmentum, classical); spectamen (spectamentum, Aug.). Of the forms in -mentum fourteen are ante-classical, two of which are a7ia yley.j thirteen have a second form in -men, of which Plautus uses one; eight are post-classical, three are ante-classical, and two are classical. Terence has in -men : agmen, columen, crimen, limen, nomen, omen, subtemen (= yarn, Ht. 293). All save agmen are in Plautus. In -mentum : adiumentum, alimentum, argumentum, com- mentum, delectamentum, detrimentum, impedimentum, inter- trimentum, momentum (momen., Enn.), monumentum, orna- mentum, pulpamentum, vestimentum, salsamenta (salsura, Plaut). Six are probably first used by Terence, of which alimentum, delectamentum, detrimentum, intertrimentum are in Cicero ; momentum in Ovid; salsamenta in Varro (salsamentum in Cicero). For twelve of these forms no form in -men is found ; Enn. and Lucr. have momen (= momentum) ; late Latin (Arn.) has salsamen, Plaut. salsura (= salsamentum). In Silver Latin Paucker (p. 13) shows that there was a preference for the long form, forty-two words in -mentum and twenty-six in -men being adopted at this time. In African writers -mentum is found doing service for -tio, and not as an instrumental suffix (Schulze, p. 158). XV. SUFFIX -TIO (-70), -TUS (-US}. The form in -tio is frequent in the sermo cotidianus and less elevated writing, while -tus is more characteristic of ele- vated styles of composition. In tragedy and epic poetry the 25 preference for -tus is very marked. Ploen (p. 43) counts fifty- two forms in -tits and two in -tio introduced by epic poets, twenty-five in -tus and nine in -tio by tragic poets. The preference for -tio is distinctly felt in Plautus ; in Terence the distinction is not finely drawn. Plautus, out of seventy words where the literature offers a choice between -tio and -tus, i.e., potio or potus, chooses three-fifths in -tio where classical Latin chooses three-fifths in -tus of the same words. Nineteen of these seventy words in Plautus are ante-classical, sixteen of which are in -tio. Plautus also has several a7ta fayoftEva-, in -tio : subigitatio, congeminatio , etc. ; others are Plautine : amatio, famigeratio, etc. Of thirty-one words in Terence for which the literature developed both forms, fifteen in -tio and fifteen in -tus are found in his plays, while for one word he has both forms, abitio, abitus. Of the words in -tus all are classi- cal ; of those in -tio thirteen are classical, and but two are rare in early and late Latin. A great number of Terence's words in -tio (twenty-two) are not found in Plautus, less m-tus (twelve) ; for none of these -tio forms however does Plautus use forms in -tus, while for six of Terence's words in -tus (-sus) (abortus, compressus, conventus, partus, quaestus, risus), he does use -tio (-sio) forms (for two Plautus has only -tio forms, abortus, conventus}. In -tio Terence has: abitio, cautio, certatio (certamen, Plaut.) , circumitio, cognito, coitio ( = a meeting, not found again in this sense, Lewis), commemoratio, coniuratio, consultatio, deambulatio, delectatio, dictio ( right of giving testimony), discessio ( = divorce, very rare), erratic, exclusio, existumatio, expectatio, inceptio, integratio, itio, mansio, mentio, monstratio (only in Ter. and Vitr., Lewis), mutatio, narratio, occasio, oppressio (oppressiunculae, Plaut.; oppressus, Lucr.), oratio, pollicitatio, postulatio, purgatio, raptio ( = abduction ; raptus is classical), ratio, reditio, simulatio, sollicitatio (= anxiety in Ter. alone; sollicitudo, Plaut.), condicio, opinio, regio, religio, suspicio. Condicio, itio, mansio, pollicitatio, ratio, regio, sus- picio are used in the plural. All the words save those in italics (Terence's) are found in Plautus. Deambulatio, integratio, raptio are not found until late Latin (cf. p. 12) ; 26 coniuratio again in Pliny, Pan. ; exclusio and monstratio in Vitr. ; coitio in Cicero = plot. In -tus Terence has: abitus, abortus (Archiv. V, p. 102) (abortio, Plaut), actus (= an act of a play), adventus, captus (captio, Plaut.), compressus (compressiones also in Plaut.), conatus (conatum, Plaut. ; conamen, Lucr.), conspectus, con- ventus (contio, Plaut.), cruciatus (cruciamentum, Plaut.), exercitus, fructus, gemitus, gestus, iactus, iniussus, impulsus, luctus,/z^tr?/.y (= debauchery ),mercatus (mercatura, = goods, also in Plaut.), metus, obitus, ornatus, paratus (again as subst. in Ovid), partus (partio and partitudo also in Plaut), quaestus (quaestio also in Plaut.), risus (risiones a7ia /le^. in Plaut.), screatus, cf. III. (Plaut. has from this root screator), sensus (= feelings) (Lucr.), status, strepitus, suasus (Plaut., Pers. 4, 4, 48, (597), rejected by Ritschl.), sumptus, usus, vestitus, victus. XVI. FORCE OF SUBSTANTIVES IN -TIO. Verbal substantives in -tio are regarded, with the infinitive, as a connecting link between the noun and the verb. The question as to whether the noun or the verb was first in de- velopment in the history of language may never be settled, and it may be granted that they were contemporary in their antiquity. Be that as it may, a distinction now exists, though traces of a mixed use of the verbal nouns remain. In Sans- krit the verbal noun governs an object in the accusative ; in Greek the adjective, but not the verbal noun, is found governing the accusative ; in Latin the verbal noun gives evidence of more activity than in the Greek, though less than in the Sanskrit. In Plautus we find verbals in -tio fol- lowed by the accusative ; in other authors the dative is used in this construction as with the gerundive, and such phrases as domum reditio, legatio Romam, mansio Formiis are found in Caesar, Livy, and Cicero. In Plautus, eleven examples of the accusative with -tio forms are cited; Amph. 520, quid tibi hanc curatiost rem? Asin. 920; Aul. 3, 2, 9 (423) : 4, 10, 14 (744) ; Cas. 2, 6, 54(406); True. 2, 7, 62 (623); Cure. 626; Poen. 5, 5, 27 29 (1308); Most, i, i. 33. In this construction tactio is found five times, curatio twice, aditio, circumlocutio, notio, receptio once each. The sentence is always in the form of a question (Klihner, II., p. 195). Ploen (p. 41, note) claims one example for Caecilius, v. 62, quid tibi aucupatiost argumentum aut de amore verbifi- catiost patri? In Terence no example of the accusative is found with -tio y but a dative with cautio est, etc. (equivalent to cavendum est), is found. Examples of this construction in Terence are: And. 400, puerum autem ne r e seise at mihi esse ex ilia cautiost. Eun. 671, quid hue tibi reditiost ? quid vestis mutatiost ? (Muta vestem, Eun. 3, 5,24: 61 : 62: 64:). Hec. 650, Nulla tibi, Pamphile, hie iam consultatiost ; cf. also Ad. 421 ; Ph. 293. XVII. NOMINA AGENTIS. -A, -US, -ARIUS, -O (-70), -TOR (-TRIX}. -a, Terence has three (advena, conviva, mastigia), all in Plautus. -us, Terence has two (coquus, lanius), both in Plautus. -arms (properly an adjective suffix), Terence has adver- sarius, cetarius, cuppedinarius, extrarius, mercennarius. Ad- versarius and mercennarius are in Plautus. Of the three introduced by Terence extrarius (^stranger) is next used byAppuleius; cuppedinarius, Eun. 256 ( = confectioner), is next again in Lampridius, cuppedium (= a dainty dish) is in Plautus; cetarius, cf. Cic. De Off. I., 42, 150, Mini- meque artes eae probandae, quae sunt ministrae voluptatum; " Cetariiy lanii, coqui, fartores, piscatores" ut ait Terentius (Eun. 257). Of these three suffixes, more or less characteristic of the sermo familiaris, Plautus used many more : in -a, twenty-six ; in -Tis, five ; in -arius, thirty. -o (-io), -onis: That this suffix belongs especially to the sermo familiaris is made evident by the great number ad- opted by writers of comedy. Ploen (p. 38) gives the 28 number for comedy forty-seven, for satire ten, for tragedy two, for epic poetry two, for lyric three. Fisch, Berlin, 1890, has published an elaborate account of the use of "nomina personalia" in - Ad - IOI < II2< NP - And. 55, Eun. 539, Ht. 51. DP. Eun. 940. Hec. 619. AP. And. 910. advena, NS. Ht. 96. adventus, NS. Ph. 608, GS. Ph. 154, Ac. And. 844, Eun. 259, Ph. .315, Hec. 77, 290, 370, Ab.' Hec. 816. adversarius, GP. Hec. 22. DP. Ph. 237. AP. Hec. 72, Ad. 2. adversum, GS. Ht. 3^5. NP. Hec. 388. advocatus, NS. Eun. 340. Ad. 677. Ac. Ad. 646. AP. Eun. 764. advorsatrix, NS. Ht. 1007. aedes, NP. Ht. 254. Ad. 912. GP. Ph. 753. AP. And. 773, Eun. 773, 897, Ht. 145, 275. Ph. 706, Hec. 563, Ad. 88, 180, 581. AbP. And. 364, Eun. 367, 784, Ht 140, 902, Hec. 679. aedicula, NP. Ph. 663. aedilis, NP. Eun. 20. aegritudo, NS. And. 961. Ht. 424. Hec. 223, Ad. 312. Ac. Ht. 422, 680. Ab. Eun. 552. Ht. 123, 506. Ph. 750. GP. Ht. 539. aemulus, Ac. Eun. 214, 623. aequalis, Ac. Eun. 327, Ad. 466. DS. Ht. 417. GP. And. 453, Ph. 887. aequanimitas, NS. Ph. 34. Ad. 24. aequum, GS. Ht. 788. Ph. 637. Ac. Ht. 642. Hec. 225. Ad. 64. aerumna, Ac. Ph. 242. Ab. Hec. 876. AP. And. 655. AbP. Hec. 288. aes. Ab. Ph. 511. Aeschinus, NS. Ad. 26, 82, 147, 260, 326, 462, 588, 634. Ac. Ad. 237, 292, 330, 636. V. Ad. 160, 175, 190, 268, 407, 449, 620, 631, 637, 677, 679, 901, 989. Ab. Ad. 356. Aesculapius, V. Hec. 338. 34 aetas, NS. And. 54, 443, Eun. 375, Ht. 133, 233, 555, Ph. 423, 570, 1024, Hec. 75, 619, Ad. 835, 856. GS. Ht. no, Hec. 594, 596. DS. Hec. 334. AC. And. 286, Eun. 113, 734, Ht. 59, 392, 716, Ph. 417, 434, Hec. 207, 225, 284, 747, Ad. 108, 869. Ab. And. 72, 539, Eun. 473, Ht. 115, Ph. 1022, Hec. 737, 747, Ad. 110, 832, 870. Aethiopia, Ab. Eun. 165, 471. agellus, GS. Ad. 949. ager, NS. Ph. 661. Ac. Eun. 972, Ht. 54. 63, [64 Dz.], 146, Ph. 364. agmen, Ac. Eun. 774. alienus, NS. Ph. 545, 582. Ac. Ht. 1029. aliena, AP. Ht. 76, 504. alimentum, AbP. Ht. 836. amans,NS. And. 76, Ph. 756. GP. And. 555. AP. Ht. 570. amator, NS. Ht. 453, Hec. 835. Ac. And. 718, Eun. 794. Ab. Eun. 936. NP. Ht. 389. AP. Eun. 665. Hec. 59. ambages, AP. Ht. 318. amentia, NS. Ht. 974, Hec. 672. Ab. And. 887. arnica, NS. And. 216, Ht. 328, 853, 908, GS. Ht. 189, 223, DS. Ht. 534, 856, 911, Ac. Ht. 104, 333, 333, 567. 6 7' 6 97> 7 I2 > 7H 7^7 819, 899, 913, Ph. 1041, Hec, 541, 551, 684, Ad. 800. Ab. Eun. 4915, Ht. 690, Ph. 1039, Ad. 253. NP. Hec. 790. AP. Hec. 592, 791. amicitia, NS. And. 820. GS. And. a. e. 8. Ht. 57. Ac. And. 326, 538, Ph. 432, Hec. 533. Ab. Hec. 764, Ad. 67, 250. amicus, NS. And. 970. Eun. 135, Ph. 35, 324, 496, 562, 1049, Hec. 766, Ad. 440, 529, 645, 651. GS. Ht. 689, 695, Ph. 650, 812, DS. And. 570, Ht. 417, 910, Ph. 562. Ac. And. 2915, 718, 813, Eun. 148, Ht. 567, Ph. 128, 380, 598, 728, Ad. 465, V. Eun. 560, NP. Eun. 238, Ph. 431, 624, 703. GP. And. a. e. 12, Eun. 760, Ht. 24, 574, Ad. 804. DP. Ad. 532. AP. And. 66, 68, 373, Eun. 149, 279, Ht. 194, Ph. 313, 843, Hec. 798. AbP. Ph. 513, Hec. 211, amor, NS. And. 261, 279, Eun. 77, 88 1, Hec. 404, 407. Ad. 470. GS. And. 555, Eun. 92, 878, Ht. 801, Ph. 834, DS. Eun. 1076, Ht. 110, 395. Hec. 122, 294, 448, 583, Ac. And. 132, 135, 155, 307,312, 326, 652, Eun. 926, 1038, Ht. 264, 351, Ph. 518, Hec. 170, 744. Ab. And. 211, 829, (a. e. 4). Eun. 59, 72, 98, 226, 298, Ht. 230, Ph. 163, Hec. 281, Ad. 589. AP. And. 9'3- ancilla, NS. And. 461, 514, [756 Dz.]. Ac. And. 838. ' Ph. 511. Ab. Eun. 347, NP. Ht. 130, 246, Hec. 367. GP. Ht. 245, AP. Eun. 581, Ht. 142, 252, 301, 451, 744, 893, Hec. 773. ancillula, NS. Ht. 293, Ph. 665. Ac. Eun. 166, Ph. 838. Ab. Ht. 252. Andria, NS. And. 73, 215. DS. And. 85 Ab. And. 461, 756. Andros, Ac. And. 222, 923, Ab. And. 70, 931. angiportum, NS. Ad. 576, 578. Ac. Eun. 845. Ph. 891. anguis, NS. Ph. 707. angulus, Ac. Ad. 785. angustum, Ac. Ht. 669. anicula, GS. And. 231. Ac. Ph. 98. anima, Ac. Ph. 661, 868. Ad. 314, 324, 498. animus, NS. And. 94, 164, 266, 303, 597> 937- Eun. 196, 587, 816. Ht. 195, 208, 236, 265, 614, 637, 645, 668, Ph. -170, 735, Hec. 167, 311, 347, 785, Ad. 226, 492, 612, 837, GS. And. 114, Eun. 222, 274, 1015, Ht. 120, 727, Ph. 187, Hec. 121, 534, 682, Ad. 310, 610, 666, DS. And. 263, 273, 641, Ph. 245, 250. Ac. And. i, 8, 56, 125, 188, 193, 260, 272, 333, 339, 378, 446, 559, 572, 646, 834, 883, a.e. 16. Eun. 44, 143, 397, 490, Ht. 41, 49, loo, 189, 367, 390, 478, 542, 570,656, 945, 955, 1028, 1063. Ph. 24, 160, 240, 774, 868. Hec. 5, 50, 99, 264, 277, 292, 294, 297, 603, 608, 658, 683, 689, 714, 755, 785, 787, 836. Ad. 68, 223, 597, 602, 829, V. And. 685. Eun. 95, Ht. 406. Ab. And. 24, 262, 283, 37> 397 . 6 46, 794> 842, 879, 921, Eun. 84, 175, 179, 212, 296, 406, 630* 7 6 9, Ht. 35, 122, 232, 385, 408, 438, 630, 665, 822, 912, 959, 962, Ph. 30, 138, 340, 465, 763, 821, 957, 964, 965, 1020, 102 1. Hec. 28, 201, 270, 389, 472, 502, 532, 548, 568, 685, 747. Ad. 30, 33, 38, 72, 284, 297, 338, 500, 503, 35 5ii, 543> 655, 738, SiS, 852, 892, 902, 919, 957. NP. Hec. 507. AP. And. 912, Hec. 248. AbP. Ad. 696. annona, NS. And. 746. annus. NS. Ht. 240 Ab. Ad. 938. NP. Eun. 318, 318. AP. Eun. 526, 693, Ht. 62, Ph. 1017. Hec. 555. Ad. 931. AbP. Eun. 236. Antiphila, NS. Ht. 691. V. Ht. 258* 381, 398, 45> 48- Antipho, NS. Ph. 101, 187, 231, 254, 270, 308, 502. DS. Ph. 598, 753, 842. Ac. Eun. 840, Ph. 192, 221, 323, 463, 918, V. Eun. 565, 574, Ph. 163, 202, 204, 216, 465, 504, 528, 549, 696, 854, 861, 883. Ab. Ph. 612. antiquum, Ac. And. 817. anulus, NS. Ht. 614, 653, Hec. 821, Ad. 347. Ac. Ht. 650, Hec. 574, 811,825,829,846. Ab. Hec. 824. NP. Eun. 541. anus, NS. Ht. 96, 269, 276, 278, 292, 600, 629. Ph. 732, 751. Hec. 621. Ad. 617. GS. Ht. 287. DS. Ht. 639. Ac. Ph. 112, Hec. 231. Apollo, GS. And, 698. aqua, Ab. Ad. 377. aquila, GS. Ht. 521. ara, Ac. Ht. 975, Ab. And. 726, arhiter, Ac. Ht. 500. Ad. 123. arbitrium, NS. Ht. 25. Archidemedes Ac. Eun. 327. Archonidus. GS. Ht. 1065. Archylis. V. And. 228, 481. argentum, NS. Ht. 737, 777, 850, Ph. 299, 769, 778, 796, 888, Ad. 118,406. GS. Ht. 601, Ph. 557, 955, Ad. 192, Ac. Ht. 329, 584, 678, 717, 740, 804, 817, 822, 831, 893. Ph. 513, 531, 534, 540, 593. 6 79> 6 95> 6 99> 7 I2 823, 829, 839. 859, 922, 935, 947, Ad. 179, 195, 202, 369, 410, 628, 977- V. Ht. 512. Ab. Ht. 603, 671, 791. Ph. 682, Ad. 204 argu men turn, Ac. And. 6. Ad. 22. Ab. And. ii. Ht. 6. arma, AbP. Eun. 789. Ht. 112. arrabo, DS. Ht. 603. ars. NS. And. 31. GS. Ht. 226, DS. Ht. 48, Hec. 49, Ac. Ph. 17, Hec. 46, Ab. And. 32, Ht. 366, Hec. 23, Ad. 741, 742. GP. Ad. 259- articulus, Ab, Ad. 229. artifex, Ac. Ph. 259. arx, Ac. Hec. 431, 432. Ab. Hec. So i. Asia, Ac. And. 935. Ht. in, 117. Ab. Ht. 181. asinus, NS. Ht. 877. V. Ad. 935. Ac. Eun. 598. astu, Ab. Eun. 987. astutia, GS. Ht. 710. Ab. And. 723. AP. And. 604. atavus, Ab. Ph. 395. Athenae, GP. Hec. 88. AP. And. 907. Attica, Ab. Eun. no. auctor, NS. Ad. 671. Ab. Eun. 1013. NP. Ph. 625. Ad. 939. AP. And. 19. auctoritas, NS. Hec. 47. DS. Hec. 48. Ac. Eun. 390. aucupium, NS. Eun. 247. audacia, NS. Eun. 525, Ph. 182. Ac. And. 217, Eun. 900, 994, Ht. 313, Ph. 134, 360. Ab. And. 613. Eun. 958, Ph. 977. auris, Ac. Ht. 342. Ph. 868, 1030. AP. And. 933, Ht. 330, Hec. 482. AbP. Ph. 506. Hec. 363. aurum, NS. Eun. n. GS. Ph. 68. Ac. Eun. 627, 726, Ht. 248, 252,778,855,893. Ab. Ht. 288, 45 2 - auxilium, GS. Ad. 300, DS. Ht. 992. Ac. And. 142, 319, 320, Ph. 729, Ad. 155. avaritia, NS. Ph. 358. avus, Ab. Ph. 395. Babylo, NS. Ad. 915. Bacchis, NS. Ht. 654, 722, 821, 905, 908, Hec. 98, 771, GS. Ht. 744, Hec. 102, DS. Ht. 791, 1050. Hec. 60, 169, Ac. Ht. 311, 311, 696, 767, 809, 969, Hec. 114, 128, 157, 719, 806, 846, 854, V. Ht. 736, Hec. 731, 732, 786, 856, 856. balineae, AbP. Ph. 339. bellum, NS. Eun. 61. GS. Ht. 112. Ac. And. 935. Ab. Ad. 20. belua, NS. Ph.6oi. V. Eun. 704. AP. Eun. 415. benedictum, AbP. Ph. 20. beneficium, GS. And. 44. Ac. And. 824. Eun. 871. Ph. 336, 493, 538, Ad. 254. Ab. Eun. 149. Ht. 394. Ad. 72. benignitas, Gs. And. 826. Ac. Eun. 164. Hec. 263. benivolentia, Ab. Ht. 115. biduum, NS. Eun. 283, GS. And. 440, Ac. Eun. 181, 182, 184, 187, 190, 636. biennium, Ac. Hec. 87. blanditia, AbP. Hec. 68. bolus, Ac. Ht. 673. bonitas, NS. Ph. 34. bonum, GS. And. 338, 398, 720, 968, Ht. 788. Ph. 516, 637, 698. Hec. 851, 873, 879. Ac. And. 717, Ht. 642, Ad. 64, Ab. And. 938. NP. And. 799. GP. Ht. 20. Ph. 374, AP. And. 296. Eun. 235, 1049, Ht. 841, 942, 1050, Ad. 810. AbP. Ht. 652. bruma, Ac. Ph. 709. Byrria, Ac. And. 333, 357. V. And. 301, 314, 323. Caecilius, GS. Hec. 14. caelum, NS. Ht. 719. GS. Eun. 590. V. Ad. 790. calamitas, NS. Eun. 79. Ht. 395. Hec. 2, 30, Ac. Hec. 31. Callidemedes NS. Hec. 804. Ac. Hec. 432, 801. calliditas, NP. Ht. 887. calx, AP. Ph. 78. AbP. Eun. 285. canis, NS. Ph. 706, V. Eun. 803. AP. And. 57. Ph. 7. Canthara, V. Ad. 353. Ac. And. 769. cantilena, Ac. Ph. 495. caprificus, NS. Ad. 577. capillus, NS. Ht. 290. Ph. 106. Ac. Eun. 860. Ab. Eun. 646. capitulum, Ac. Eun. 531. captus, NS. Ad. 480. caput, NS. And. 458, Ad. 245. GS. And. 677. Ph. 631. DS. Ph. 491. Hec. 334. Ac. And. 371, Eun. 803, 1028, Ht. 290, 762, Ad. 261, 568, 966. career, V. Ph. 373. carbo, NS. Ad. 849. Caria Ac. Eun. 126. Ab. Ht. 608. carnufex, NS. And. 183,651. Eun. 670. Ad. 363. V. And. 852, Ad. 777. casa, Ac. Ph. 768.' caudex, NS. Ht. 877. causa, NS. And. 150, 158, 643, 837, 904, 949. Eun. 575, Ht. 336, 989, Ph. 50, 710, Hec. 255, 587, 625, 695, GS. And. 138, 600, Ph. 875, Ad. 531. Ac. And. 213, 257, 382, Eun. 10, 512, 1000, Ht. 41, 701, Ph. 226, 234, 237, 266, 272, 278, 292, 836, Hec. 55, 186, 382, 452, 540, 677, 680, Ad. 195, 676, Ab. And. in, 115, 392, 772. Eun. 202, 481, 620, 878, 1070. Ht. 41, 87, 129, 287, 547, 649, 686, 827, 1036, 1067. Ph. 404, 406, 472, 544, 567, 673, 695, 901, 928, Hec. 28, 55, 80, 105, 190, 233, 235, 259, 283, 309? 33i. 342, 348, 5i9' 593, 757> Ad. 194, 523. NP. Eun. 145, Hec. 426. AP. Eun. 138. Hec. 598- cautio, NS. And. 400. Ad. 421. cella, Ac. Ad. 552. cellula, Ac. Eun. 310. cena, NS. Ph. 342. GS. Ht. 211, Ac. And. 369, 453. Eun. 259, 266, 459, 580. Ht. 126, 170, 183, 455. Ph. 1053. Ab. Ad. 26. centurio, NS. Eun. 776. cerebrum, NS. Ad. 571. Ac. Ad. 782. Ab. Ad. 317. Ceres, Ab. Eun. 732. certatio, Ac. Ad. 212. cerva, Ac. Ph. 7. cervix, AP. Ht. 372. cetarius, NP. Eun. 257. Chaerea, NS. Eun. 696, 707, 823, 824,923,985. Ac. Eun. 540,713, V. Eun. 308, 337, 558, 864, 871, 880, 893, 901, 1086. Charinus, GS. Ht. 732. Ac. And. 318. V. And. 305, 325, 330, 345, 642, 974, a.e. 16. Chremes, NS. And. 99, 144, 241, 35 2 . 376, 39 1 . 773' 949' 97> 97 6 > Eun. 501, 531, 617, Ht. 875, 1045, GS. And. 247, 368. DS. Ph. 1026, Ac. And. 361, 527, 533, Eun. 724, 909, Ph. 63, 865. V. And. 538, 550, 561, 783, 823, 846, 854, 868, 895, 902, 906, 917, 930, 945, 946, a.e. 12. Eun. 535, 730, 743' 75i, 765, Ht. 75, 94, 117, 148, 429, 436, 493, 518, 556, 585, 591, 631, 665, 787, 795, 844, 851, 859, 862, 883, 894, 938, 1049, 1052, 1052. Ph. 567, 577, 609, 613, 797, 960, 966, 984. Chrysis, NS. And. 105, 803. GS. And. 124, 223, 283, 801, 925, Ac. And. 85, 107, 796, Ab. And. 106. cibus, NS. Eun. 265, GS. Eun. 938. Ac. Eun. 315, 368, 373, 491. Ht. 978. cicatrix, AP. Eun. 482. Cilicia, Ac. Ph. 66. circum-itio, Ab. And. 202. cistella, Ac. Eun. 753. citharistria, Ac. Ph. 82, 144. civis, NS. And. 781, 875, Eun. 890, 37 Ph. 415, Ac. And. 221, 780, 833, 859, 892, 908. Eun. no, 805, 858, 952, 1036, Ph. 114, Ad. 725. GP. And. 879, Ad. 441. AP. Ph. 328. civitas, Ab. Ad. 685. clamor. NS. Hec. 35. Ac. Hec. 317, 412. Ab. Ht. 40. dementia, Ab. Ad. 861. cliens, NS. Ad. 529. clientella, Ac. Eun. 1039. Clinia, NS. Ht. 225, 431, 525, 768, 847, 907, GS. Ht. 515, 899. DS. Ht. 884, Ac. And. 86. Ht. 405, 605, 821, V. Ht. 105, 175, 234, 243, 264, 279, 295, 309, 360, 406, 688, 695. Clitipho, NS. Ht. 727, 829, 904, GS. Ht. 697, 767, 852. V. Ht. 209, 240, 244, 273, 321, 335, 353, 562, 575, 579, 960, 967, 1037, 1057. clivus, NS. Ad. 575. cognata, NS. Ph. 755, Ac. Ph. Soi, 803. AP. Hec. 592. cognatus, NS. And 926, Ph. 391, 496. Hec. 171, Ad. 494, 673, 947. DS. Ad. 351 Ac. Eun. 148, 327, Ph. 127, 366, 381, GP. And. 71. AP. Ht. 194'. cognitio, NS. Hec. 831. Ab. Eun. 921. coitio, NS. Ph. 346. colaphus,AP. Ad. 199. AbP. Ad. 245- Colax, NS. Eun. 30, 30. Ac. Eun. 2 5- color, NS. And. 878, Eun. 242, 318. Ab. Eun. 689. columen, V. Ph. 287. comes, Ab. Hec. 823. NP. Eun. 346. GP. Hec. 35. DP. Ht 455- commemoratio, NS. And. 43. commentum, NS. And. 225. commissator, Ac. Ad. 783. commoditas, Ab. Ad. 710. NP. And. 569. AbP. Ph. 841. commodum, GS. And. 547, Eun. 573, 971, Ac. And. 573, 739, Ht. 397, Ph. 614. Hec. 481. Ab. Ht. 397. Ad. 262. NP. Eun. 1033. Hec. 840. DP. Ht. 50, Hec. 51, 495, AP. And. 628, Ad. 871. AbP. Eun. 372. Commorientes, Ace. Ad. 7. comoedia, NS. Ad. 6. Ac. Ht. 4. Ph. 2$, AP. And. 26, AbP. Hec. 866.' compes, NP. Ph. 249. compositum, Ab. Ph. 756. compotrix, NS. And. 232. compressus, Ab. Ad. 475. conatus, Ab. Ht. 621. conclave, NS. Ht. 902. Ab. Eun. condicio, NS. And. a. e. 5. Hec. . . Ph. . GP. Ht. 326. 241. Ac. And. 79. confidentia, NS. Eun. 839. Ac. And. 876. coniectura, NS. Ad. 822. Ac. And. 512, a. e. 18. Ht. 266, 574. coniugium, Ab. And. 561. coniuratio, NS. Hec. 198. conserva, Ac. Eun. 366, 858, 859. conservus, DPf Ad. 424. consilium, NS. Eun. 784, Ph. 934, Hec. 494, GS. And. 159, 170, 320, 404, 608, Eun. 867, Ph. 578, Hec. 588, 715, Ad. 613. DS. Ht. 709. Ac. And. 49,319, 518, 589, 668, 702, 733, Eun. 57, 241, 376, 614, 1045. Ht - 3 2 7> 33 2 > 9 22 Ph - 124, 179, 461, Hec. 90, 616, Ad. 368, Ab. And. 336, 502, 509, Eun. 58, 1025, Ht. 86, 982, Ph. 481, 773, Hec. 408, 514, 561, NP. And. 390. Ph. 321. DP. And. 576. AP. And. 309, Eun. 128, 403, Ht. 209, 474. Ph. 728, Ad. 299, 872. AbP. And. 616, 650. Ad. 126, 127. conspectus, Ac. Ht. 434, Ph. 261, 443, Hec. 788. Ab. Eun. 293, Hec. 182. consobrinus, NS. Hec. 459. consuetude, NS. And. 279, Hec. 404. GS. And. no. Ac. And. 439, Ht. 283, Ph. 161, Ad. 820. Ab. And. 560, Hec. 37, 92. consultatio, NS. Hec. 650. continentia, GS. And. 92. contortor, NS. Ph. 374. controversia, Ab. Ph. 854. contumelia, NS. And. 237, Ht. 566, Hec. 470, GS. Eun. 877. Ac. Eun. 771, Ph. 972. Ad. 606. Ab. Eun. 865, AP. Eun. 48. Ph. 376. Hec. 166. AbP. And. 557. conventus, NS. Hec. 35. convicium, Ac. Ad. 180. conviva, Ac. Eun. 407. AP. Ht. 172. convivium, Ac. Eun. 626, Hec. 93, Ad. 965;. Ab. Eun. 420, 422, AbP. Ad. 863. copia, NS. And. a.e. 10, Eun. 21, 638, Ht. 328, Ph. 176. Ac. And. 320, Ht. 28, 29, 282, 927. Ph. 113. Ab. Ph. 167. NP. Ht. 669, AP. Eun. 755. coquus, NP. Eun. 257. cor, DS. And. 328, 328, Eun. 201, Ph. 800, Ab. Ph. 321. Hec.347. Corinthus, Ac. Hec. 86. Ab. Ht. 96. cornum. Ac. Eun. 775. corpus, NS. Eun. 318, GS. Eun. 242. Ab. Ad. 957. corrector, NS. Ad. 742. corruptela, NS. Ad. 793. Cratinus, GS. Ad. 581. Ac. Ph. 447. V. Ph. 448. crimen, DS. Hec. 779. Ac. Hec. 335. Ab. Ph. 322. Hec. 755. Crito. NS. And. 801. Ht. 498. Ac. And. 906. V. And. 802, 817, 919, 942, 951, Ph. 456. cruciatus, Ac. And. 786. Ab. Hec. 773- crux, Ac. And. 621, Ph. 368, 544. DP. Eun. 383. Ctesipho. NS. Ad. 558, 589, 776, 778. DS. Ad. 784. Ac. Ad. 252, 355, 777. V. Ad. 260, 266, 271, 277, 564. cubiculum, Ac. Ad. 694. culpa, NS. Ph. 275, Ad. 214. Ac. And. 379. Eun. 389, Ph. 206, 270, 1014. Hec. 535, 631. Ad. 348. Ab. Eun. 980, Ph. 261, 766, 787, Hec. 228, 232, 299, 476, 663, 700. Ad. 629. cupiditas, Ab. Ht. 208. AP. Ph. 821. cuppedinarius. NP. Eun. 256. cura, NS. Ph. 160, Hec. 347, 595, Ad. 868. DS. Hec. 193, Ad. 129, 129, 680, 894. Ac. Ph. 886. Ad. 710. Ab. And. 304, Ph. 340, 441, 761, 761, 823, NP. And. 260, AP. Hec. 817. AbP. Hec. 230. curatura, Ab. Eun. 316. curriculum, Ab. Ht. 733. custos, NS. Eun. 286, 290. V. Ph. 287. cyathus, AP. Ad. 591. Cyprus, Ac. Ad. 224, 230, 278. damnum, NS. Ad. 231. GS. Eun. 995. [Ht. 747 Dz.] Ac. And. 143. Ht. 747. Ab. Ht. 628. AP. Ph. 243. Danae. GS. Eun. 585. (Danase). Davos, NS. And. 159, 194, 434, 576,663,663,721,840,08. And. 509. DS. And. 953. Ac. And. 169, 173, 335' 579 787, 842, 963, Ab. And. 302, 415, 838. V. And. 184, 190, 199, 206, 344, 346, 37o, 383* 409> 476, 49 2 ' 582, 595, 665, 711, 965, 972, 978, a.e. 4, 6, Ph. 52, 63. dea, NP. Eun. 302. Ht. 810. Ph. 687. 976, Hec. 102, 134. deambulatio, NS. Ht. 806. defensor, Ac. And. 813. Eun. 770. delectamentum, Ab. Ht. 952. delectatio, NS. Ht. 987. delictum, Ac. Ad. 682. Demea, Ac. Ad. 890. V. Ad. So, 100, 115, 129, 135, 373, 385, 392, 422, 428, 461, 483, 489, 492, 500, 754> 77o, 806, 818, 821, 831, 882, 917, 924, 958, 961, 971, 978. demensum, Ab. Ph. 43. dementia, NS. Ad. 390. Ac.. Ad. 758. Demipho, NS. Ph. 3152, 353, 421, 656, Ac. Ph. 899. V. Ph. 439, 7 2 3 795' 9 06 * 9 20 > 9 6 9> ion, l 2 4> 1031. dens, AP. Ad. 244. deridiculum, Ab. Ht. 952. desiderium, DS. Ht. 753. Ac. Hec. 88. Ab. Ht 307. detrimentum, GS. Hec. 234. deus, NS. Eun. 875. Hec. 843, Ac. Eun. 588, 590, Ph. 345, Ad. 535, Ab. Ph. 74. NP. And. 642, 666, 761, 947, 973, Eun, 302, 390, 431, 474' 615, 882, 1032, 1037, Ht. 161, 308, 383, 463, 569, 590, 592. 686, 749, Sio, 953, 1038, Ph. 123, 165, 394, 519, 636, 687, 740, 817, 883, 954> 976, 1005, Hec. 102, 106, 134, 196, 206, 207, 233, 258, 276, 354, 441, 469, 579,642, 864, Ad. 381, 700, 728, 749, 917, 978. GP. And. 237, 246, 959, Eun. 943, Ht. 61, 693, Ph. 351, Hec. 198, DP. And. 770, Eun, 919, Ph. 596, 894, Hec. 346, 653, Ad. 121, 138, 476, AP. And. 487, 522, 538, 664, 694, 834, Ht. 879, 1038. Ph. 311, 764, Hec. 476, 772, 772, Ad. 275, 298, 491, 693, 699, 704, VP. And. 232, 338, 7 J 6, 744 Eun - 225, 232, 418, 790, 924, 1049, Ht - 2 54. 502. Ph. 757, 808, 1008, Ad. 440, 447, AbP. Ph. 854. deverticulum, Ac. Eun. 635. dextera, Ac. And. 751. Ht. 732. Diana, GS. Ad. 582. dica, Ac. Ph. 127, 329, 439. AP. Ph. 668. dictio, NS. Ph. 293. dictum, NS. Eun. 428, 498, Ph. 39 54i- Ad. 796. Ac. Eun. 6, NP. And. 283. Ht. 223, 1035, DP. Hec. 564. AbP. And. 644, Eun. 941, Ph. 213, 500, 974. dictu, Ht. 941. Ph. 300. Ad. 275. diecula, Ac. And. 710. dies, NS. And. 102, 189, 705, Eun. 560, Ht. 717, Ph. 48, 523 GS. Eun. Soi, Ht. 212, Ac. And. 268, 956, Eun. 540, 1020, 1047, Ht. 422, Ph. 304, 781, 842, Hec. 641, 651, 800, 815, 863, 880, Ad. 287, 293, 332, 384, ^21, 591, 854, 900. Ab. And. 89. Ad. 527,829, 965. NP. Eun. 183, GP. Ht. 909, AP. And. 313, 328, 676, Eun. 151, 193, 793, 1079. Ht. 752, Ph. 159, 832, Hec. J 77 185, 421, 592, AbP. And. 104. Hec. 143. cottidie, Ht. 102, 423, Hec. 157. hodie, And. 196, 238, 254, 301, 321, 322, 348, 354, 370, 388, 413, 418, 529, 534, 603, 607, 620, 654, 841,866,916. Eun. 205, 230, 234, 302, 463, 564, 616, 677, 686, 692, 697, 712, 719, 800, 803, 951, 1024, 1031. Ht. 5, 162, 176, 344, 501, 574, 678, 846, 895. Ph. 377, 626, 639, 805, 1009, 1052. Hec. 386, 437, 508, 788, 802, 814, 816, 873, 876, 879, Ad. 159, 212, 215, 400, 55 i 57o> 587, 838, 842, 892, 959, 9 6 7 ' 975' 979- propediem, Ht. 160, 868. Ad. 888. postridie, And. 144. Ph. 112. difficultas, NS. Hec. 666. digitulus, Ab. Eun. 284. digitus, Ab. Eun. 740. Ht. 650, Hec. 574, 830. dignitas, NS. Ht. 576. diligentia, Ac. And. 21. Hec. 263. dimidium, Ac. Ph. 594. Ad. 370. Dionysia, NP. Ht. 162, AP. Ht. 733- Diphilus, GS. Ad. 6. discessio, NS. And. 568. discidium, Ac. And. 697. Hec. 476, Ab. Hec. 782. disciplina, NS. Ht. 300. GS. Ad. 767. NP. Eun. 263. discipulus, NP. And. 477. discordia, Ac. Hec. 693. discus, Ac. Eun. 608. dispendium, Ab. Eun. 929. Hec. 795- , ditiae, AP. And. 797. Ht. 194. AbP. Ht. 527. dolium, AP. Ht. 460. dolor, NS. Hec. 356, Ab. And. 268, 831. Ad. 602. NP. Hec. 349, Ad. 289. AbP. Ad. 486. dolus, Ab. Eun. 515, Ad. 375. NP. And. 160. AbP. And. 403, COQ, 558, 583, Eun. 386. domina, NS. Ht. 628? Ac. Ht. 298. AP. Ht. 301. dominus, NS. Ph. 753. Ad. 76, 894. GS. Eun. 486, 496. Ac. Ad. 89. NP. Eun. 600. Ad. 555. domus, NS. And. 891, Eun. 1058, Ad. 760. GS. Eun. 815, Ac. And. 255, 594, 978. Eun. 205, 363, 365* 382, 576, 662, 1042, Ht. 68, 122, 340, 510, Ph. 90, 194, 298, 3". 334' 445' 563* 693, 782, 826, 859. Hec. 62, 135, 146, 221, 262, 280, 283, 360, 434, 630, 665, 823. Ad. 286, 473, 628, 694, 699, 903, 909, 912. Ab. Eun. 610, 661, 753, 960, Ph. 425, 440, 586, Ad. 198, 747. Loc. And. 514, 598, 714. Eun. 366, 499, 506, 545, 568, 608, 649' 673, 747, 780, 841, 895, 917, 938. Ht. 130, 170, 171, 430, 540, 754, 872. Ph. 468, 504, 506, 899, Hec. 162, 218, 257. Ad. 260, 381, 4!3' 495> 556, 673, 717, 746. Donax, V. Eun. 772, 774. donum, DS. Eun. 109, 135, 229, 345. 35 2 ' 355' 5^4' 654, 749, 951, 983, Ht. 1050. Ac. Eun. 355, 1057, Ab - Eun. 358, 393, NP. Eun. 464. AP. Eun. 163, 468, AbP. Eun. 651. Dorcium, DS. Ph. 152. Dorias, V. Eun. 538, 720. Dorio, V. Ph. 485, 526. Dorus, Ac. Eun. 724. V. Eun. 472, 594' 850. dos, NS. And. 950, Ht. 939, Ph. 926, Ad. 345. GS. And. a. e. 21, Ht. 838, 937, 938, 1048, Ph. 410, 723, 929. DS. Ht. 942, Ac. Ph. 297, 647, 676, 693. Hec. 502, Ab. And. 101, Ph. 757, Ad. 759. drachuma, GP. Ht. 601. AbP. And. 451. Dromo, NS. Ht. 275. Ac. Ht. 241, 892, V. And. 860, 860, 860, 860, Ht. 249, 743, 748. Ad. 376. duritia, NS. Ht. 435. edictum, Ac. Ht. 623. egestas, NS. Ph. 733. Ad. 104, 303. Ac. Ph. 416. Ab. And. 275- elegantia, Ac. Eun. 1093. elephantus, DP. Eun. 413. eloquentia, NS. Ph. 629. Ennius, Ac. And. 18. ephebus, NS. Eun. 824. AbP. And. 51. Epidicazomenos, Ac. Ph. 25. epistula, Ac. Ph. 149, AP. Ph. 67. equus, AP. And. 56. era, NS. And. 687, Eun. 917. Ph. 47, 730, Hec. 335. GS. And. 717, DS. Eun. 654. Ad. 301. Ac. Ph. 864, Ad. 320. V. Eun. 834, 851, 883, Ad. 295, 323, 335, 889. erratic, NS. Ad. 580. error, Ab. Hec. 792. erus, NS. And. 183, 412, 423, 846, Ht. 628, Ph. 184, 248, 623, 634, 860, Hec. 799. GS. And. 175, Hec. 331. DS. Ph. 842. Ac. And. 208, 602, 728, 867, Ht. 559, Ph. 247, 359, V. And. 508. Eun. 57, 976, 979> 988, Ht. 593, 973. Ph. 286, 471, Hec. 313, 430, 873. Ab. Ad. 211. AP. Ht. 537. Eunuchus, NS. Eun. 45. Ac. Eun. 20, 32. eunuchus, NS. Eun. 569, 657, 821, Ac. Eun. 167, 356, 365, 472, 479, 573*653,822,983,992. Ab. Eun. 375, 722, 949, 991. exclusio, Ab. Eun. 88. exemplum, NS. Eun. 1027, Ad. 94, 767, GS. Ht. 920. DS. Ad. 771. Ac. And. 92, 651, Ht. 20, 51, Hec. 163, Ad. 416, Ab. Ht. 20, NP. And. 812, Eun. 948, AP. Eun. 946, 1022. AbP. Ph. 688. exercitus, Ac. Eun. 402, 814. existumatio, NS. Ht. 25. exitium, DS. Ph. 200. Ac. And. 666. exorator, NS. Hec. 10. expectatio, NS. Hec. 34. exsequiae, AP. Ph. 1026. extortor, NS. Ph. 374. extrarius, DS. Ph. 579. faba, NS. Eun. 381. fabrica, NS. Ad. 584, 716. Ac. Ht. ^45. fabula, NS. And. 747, Eun. 689, GS. Hec. i. Ad. 22. Ac. And. 925, Eun. 23, 25, Ht. 222, Ph. 877, Ad. 7. Ab. Ad. 9, 537. NP. And. 553, Ht. 336, Ph. 492, 946, Hec. 20, AP. And. 3, 16, 224, Eun. 32, Ph. 4. facies, Ac. And. 856, Eun. 296, 565, Hec. 439, Ab. Eun. 230, 473, 682, Hec. 441. facilitas, NS. Ht. 648, Hec. 248, Ad. 391. Ac. Eun. 1048. Ab. Ad. 861. facinus, NS. And. 145, 401, Ht. 314, Ph. 233,613, 1008. Hec. 376, Ad. 447, 669. GS. Ph. 156. Ac. And. 854. Eun. 70, 644, 664, 943, 959, Ht. 600, Ph. 511, 870, Ad. 173, 449. V. And. 767. AP. Ht. 220. factum, NS. And. 236, Hec. 646, 647, Ad. 96, 737. GS. And. 877, Ht. 576, Ac. And. 15, 40, 147, Ht. 647, 956, Hec. 838, Ad. 961. Ab. And. 490, 523, 715. Ht. 80, Ph. 494, 762, Ad. 601,^996. DP. Hec. 526, AP. Eun. 171, 1090, Ph. 268, 932, AbP. Eun. 153, 941, Ph. 430, Hec. 209, 857. factu, Ht. 704. facultas, Ac. And. 232. facundia, Ab. Ht. 13. faenus, Ab. Ph. 301. fallacia, NS. And. 471, 778, Ht. 513, GS. And. 197. Ht. 771, Ac. And. 212, 220, 432, Ph. 1038. Ab. And. 596, 849. AP. Ht. 533, 1041. AbP. Ph. 672. falsum, GS. And. 788. Eun. 200. fama, NS. Ph. 724, Ad. 340. GS. Ph. 271, Hec. 775. DS. Hec. 585. Ac. Ht. 351, Ad. 263. Ab. And. 99, Ph. 169, Hec. 218, 758. famelicus, NS. Eun. 260. fames, Ac. Ph. 18. Ab. Ht. 980. familia, NS. Ht. 909. GS. Eun. 1052, Ph. 287, Ad. 747, DS. Ph. 1049, Ad. 918. Ac. Ht. 845, Ph. 370, Hec. 210, Ad. 89, 311, 481, 762, 910, 926. Ab. Ht. 751, Ph. 571, 748, Ad. 297, 326, 448. familiaritas, NS. Eun. 874. Ht. 184, Ph. 583. fartor, NP. Eun. 257. fas, NS. Hec. 387. Ac. Ht. 149. fatuus, V. Eun. 604. fautrix, NS. Eun. 1052. Hec. 48. fauces, AbP. Ht. 673. favilla, GS. Ad. 846. febris, NS. Hec. 357. felicitas, NP. Eun. 325. femina, GS. Ph. 971. fenestra, Ac. Ht. 481. festivitas, Ac. Eun. 1048. fides, NS. And. 637, 857., Ht. 256, 571, Ph. 905, Hec. 474. Ad. 306, 621, GS. Ht. 1002. DS. And. 296. Eun. 886, 898. Ac. And. 237, 246, 280, 290, 401, 425, 462, 586, 643, 7 J 6, 744- Eun. 102, 139, 197, 418, 790, 924, 943, 1039, I0 49' 1060. Ht. 61, 502, Ph. 60, 469, 492, 512, 757, 808, 810, Hec. 53, 109, 112, 114, 198, 402, 581, 750, 871. Ad. 381, 473, 489, 746. Ab. And. 34, Ad. 161, 442, 964. fides (pi.). AbP. Eun. 133. fidicina, Ac. Eun. 985. Ph. 109. Ab. Eun. 457. figura, NS. Eun. 317. filia, NS. Eun. 117, Ht. 639,835, 988, 1018, Hec. 527, 640, GS. And. 822, Ph. 244. DS. And. 571, Hec. 629, Ad. 301. Ac. And. 148, 534, 830, 932, 951. Ht. 97, 602, 667, 714, 772, 794, 846, 1048, 1061, 1065. Ph. 568, 645, 650, 942, 1006, Hec. 498, 518, 522, 538, 545, 748. Ad. 466, Ab. And. 566, Ph. 811, Hec. 251. fi4ius, NS. And. 106, 172, 584, Ht. 164, 178, 217, 552, 753, 756, 1025. Ph. 400, 450, 933, 1040. Hec. 345. Ad. 35, 462, GS. Ht. 908, Ph. 244, DS. And. 101, 177, 452, Ht. 891, 937, Hec. 210, Ad. 937, 974. Ac. And. 80, 169, 570, 578, 602, 870, Eun. 289,962, Ht. 93, 181,411, 417, 443, 480, 492, 799, 845, 898, 941, 1016, 1022, Ph. 39, 253, 288, 401, 670,919, Hec. 280, 451, 743, 832. Ad. .54, 74, 114, 355, 367, 400, 542, 707, 844, 850, Ab. Ht. 424, Ph. 817, Ad. 840, NP. Ph. 819, Ad. 46, 807, 867. DP. Ht. 991. Ph. 71. finis, AC. And. 151, 821, Ht. 34, Ph. 22, 23, Hec. 96. Ad. 997. AbP. Ht. 499. flabellulum, Ac. Eun. 598. flabellum, Ac. Eun. 595, 602. flagitium. NS. Eun. 382, Ht 922, Ad. 101, 112, 422, GS. Eun. 1013. Ph. 770, Ac. Eun. 382, Ht. 929, NP. Ad. 379. AP. Ad. 408, 721, AbP. Eun. 1022, Ht. 1037. flamma, Ac. And. 130, Ab. Eun. 491. floccus, GS. Eun. 303, 411. flos, NS. Eun. 319. focus, GS. Eun. 815. foris, NS. Ad. 264. NP. Eun. 89, 282, 1029. Ht. 173, 613, DP. Ht. 278. AP. Eun. 284. Ht. 275, Ph. 743, 866, Hec. 315, Ad. 88, 102, 120, 167, 632, 638, 788. AbP. Ph. 741. Adverb. Eun. 934. Ht. 923, Ph. 308, 745, Hec. 218, 539. foras. And. 174, 579, Eun. 98, 283, 358, 4 6 9 599' 668 ' 72. 737> 945, 1041. Ht. 426, 561. 722, looo, Ph. 484, 878, 892. Hec. 36, 144, 222, 522, 733, Ad. 109, 119,264, 9 2 3 949- forma, NS. Eun. 361, 375, Ht. 523, Ph. 1024, Hec. 75, 572. DS. Ht. 382. Ac. And. 286, Eun. 444, Ht. 773, Ph. 108, Ab. And. 72, 119, 122, 428, Eun. 132. 366, Ht. 389, Ph. 108, GP. Eun. 297, 566. fors, NS. Ph. 138, Hec. 370, 610. Fors Fortuna Ph. 841. Hec. 386. Fors. Ht. 715. forte, And. 80, 118, 357, 728, 924, Eun. 134, 424, 501, 524, 568, 663, Ht. 235, 272, 355, 551. Ph. 273, 6i7> 745' 757. 775- Hec. 321, 33, Ad. 406, 549, 618, 711, 741. fortitude, NS. Ph. 325. fortuna, NS. And. a.e. 10. Ph. 203. Ac. Eun. 1046, Ph. 884, Hec. 16. V. Ph. 841, Hec. 406. Ab. Eun. 134, 568, Ph. 31, NP. Ph. 201, 473, GP. Ht. 464, AP. And. 97, 609 forum, Ac. And. 226, 254, 302, 355, 745, Eun. 763, Ph. 312, 598, 859, 921. Hec. 273, Ad. 154, 277, 404, 512. Ab. Ph. 79, Ad. 645. frater, NS. And. 934, Eun. 131, 364, 563' 5 6 9> 6l 7' 6 97 824, 891, 905, 954, 1042, 1050. Ph. 460, 776, Ad. 437, 549-556, 569. 7S, 882, 924. GS. And. 292, 932, Eun. 354, 1040, Ph. 253, Ad. 391, 625, DS. And. 1038, Ph. 820, Ad. 59, 463, 912. AC. Eun. 203, 610, 700, 713, 952, Ph. 63-, 865, Ad. 94, 259, 268, 404, 499, 510, 540, 600, 716, V. Eun. 1051, Ph. 895, Ad. 256, 256, Ab. Ph. 732, 1002. Ad. 40, 624, 862, 996. fraus, NS. Ht. 1033. Ac. And. 911. Ht. 442. frons. Ac. Ad. 839. fructus, NS. Ph. 332. GS. Ad. 870. Ac. Eun. 450, Ph. 680, AP. Ph. 1013. fucus, Ac. Eun. 589. fuga, Ac. Eun. 673, 787. Ph. 191. fugitivus, V. Eun. 669, Ph. 931. fumus, GS. Ad 846. funambulus, GS. Hec. 34. Ab. Hec. 4. funda, Ac. Eun. 786. fundus, GS. Eun. 79. DS. Ht. 732. Ab. Ht. 68. funus, NS. And. 127. Ac. And. 108, 115. Ph. 99. fur, Ac. Eun. 23. GP. Eun. 776. furcifer DS. Eun. 862. V. And. 618, Eun. 798, 989. furtum, GS. Eun. 809. Ac. Eun. 28, Ph. 191. Ad. 13. gallina, NS. Ph. 708. ganneum, Ac. Ad. 359. ganeo, NS. Ht. 1034. gaudium, NS. And. 647, Ad. 972. GS. And. 963, DS. And. 961. Ac. Eun. 550, 552, Ht. 414. Ab. And. 180, 339, 938, Ht. 308, 505, Ph. 856, 870, Hec. 842, Ad. 409, 537, AP. And. 964. Hec. 833. Ad. 876. AbP. Eun. 1035. gemitus, AP. Ht. 373. NS. Ht. 936. Ac. And. gener, 571. Ht. 865. Hec. 537. genius, Ac. And. 289. Ph. 44. gens, GP. Eun. 625. Ht. 928, Ph. 1033. Hec. 284, 293. Ad. 34 2 . 540. genu, AP. Hec. 378. genus, NS. And. 629. Eun. 248, Hec. 198, GS. Ad. 444.. DS. Eun. 246, Ac. Ht. 194. Ab. Ph. 125. Ad. 409, 651. germanus, NS. Ad. 957. gerro, NS. Ht. 1033. gestus NS. Ph. 890. Geta, NS. Ph. 35, 46, 606, 838, 840, Ad. 291, 479, 891. Ac. Ph. 50, 177,827. Ad. 305, V. Ph. 72, 136, 151, 179, 196, 219, 233, 373, 374, 386, 478, 482, 536, 545, 554, 609, 672, 682, 777, 847, 848, 869, Ad. 320, 323, 325, 349, 447, 506,891, 894- gladiator, AP. Hec. 40. gladius, Ab. Ad. 958. gloria, NS. Hec. 33. Ac. Eun. 399, Ht. 112, Hec. 797, Ad. 814. Glycerium, NS. And. 806, 875,969. DS. And. 790, 905. Ac. And. 552, 859, 908, 978. (a.e. 2). V. And. 134. Ab. And. 243, 284,682. gnata, NS. Ht. 615, Ph. 749, Hec. 572, GS. And. 741, Ph. 736, Hec. 446, Ad. 340. DS. Hec. 556, 812. Ac. And. 100, 242, 392, 540, 592, 774, a.e. 2. Ht. 880, >h. 759, 817, Hec. 124, V. Hec. 318. gnatus, NS. And. 527, 530. Ht. 528, 540, 882, 888, 894, Ph, 422, 442, Hec. 512, 780, GS. And. 49, 869, Ht. 670, 712, Hec. 233, 259, Ad. 756. DS. And. 163, 528, 535, 831, Ht. 148, 1003, Ph. 577, 1039, Ac. And. 98, 149, 185, 540, 552, 596, Ht. 131, Ph. 64, 1045, Hec. 240, 758, 818. Ad. 383, 692. Ab. And. 851, Ht. 429, V. Ht. 843, 1028, 1060, 1065. Hec. 352, 456, 577' 605, 606. Gnatho, NS. Eun. 228, 271, V. Eun. 419, 446, 474, 771, 1043, 1054. Gnathonici (pi.) NP. Eun. 264. gonger, Ac. Ad. 377. gradus, Ab. Ph. 867. Graeca, Ab. Ad. 8. Graeci, NP. Ph. 26. gratia, NS. Eun. 750, Ph. 56, 337, Hec. 479. Ad. 121, 138. GS. Ht. 999. DS. And. 331. Ac. And. 42, 770, 948, Eun.' 385, 557, 719, 872, 911, 1091. Ht. 302, Ph. 54' 338, 9 66 > I02 9- Hec - 291, 346, 390, 583, 653, 795, 798, Ad. 887, 914, 971. Ab. And. 422, 433, 587, 836, Eun. 99, 159, Ht. 768, Hec. 617, 836. Ph. 622, AP. And. a.e. n, Eun. 391, Ph. 596, 894, Ad. 368,596. gratiis, Ad. 744. gremium, Ac. Eun. 585. Ab. Ad. 333- grex, NS. Ph. 32, Ac. Eun. 1084, Ht. 45, 245, Ab. Ad. 362. gubernatrix, NS. Eun. 1046. gynaeceum, Ac. Ph. 862. habitude, NS. Eun. 242. hariolus, NS. Ph. 708. haruspex, NS. Ph. 709. Heauton-Timorumenos Ac. Ht. 5. Hecyra, NS. [Dat] Hec. i. Ac. Hec. 29. Hegio, NS. Ad. 438, 947. DS. Ad. 351. Ac. Ad. 460. V. Ph. 447, 452, Ad. 455, 488, 499, 592. helluo, NS. Ht. 1033. Hercules, NS. Eun. 1027. hercle And. 194, 225, 336, 347, 374, 440, 495> 55' 554> 597' 742, 774' 775, 929, 942, Eun. 50, 67, (hercule), 218, 222, 254, 274, 305, 311, 321, 329. 356, 362, 397, 416, 466, 487, 530, 562, 607, 732, 905, 968, 984, 1019, 1032, 1073, Ht. 187,321,348, 49 1 ' 523. 549' 553' 582, 612, 621, 678, 692, 736, 761, 766, 815. Ph. 137, 164, 386, 494, 523, 542, 615, 624, 644, 683, 774, 807, 849, 870, 901, 956, 969, 993, 1049. Hec. 306, 43 416, 424, 459, 624, 783, 806, Ad. 190, 227, 247, 268, 281, 353, 362, 375, 4i9. 439. 483, 55i ? 554, 578, 637 683, 902, 928, 975, 982. hereditas, NS. Hec. 172. Ac. And. 815- heres, Ac. Hec. 460. Ab. Ht. 969. holus, AP. And. 369. homo, NS. And. 344, 663, 744, 778, 9 6 5, 974. Eun. 237, 239, 261, 358, 408, 543, 549, 676, 804, 960, 976, 1082, Ht. 77, 205, 731, 825, 1003, Ph. 123, 362, 375, 411. 454. 59. 5 62 . 6 4 2 . 774. 853, 991, 1041. Hec. 459, 828, 861, Ad. 107, in, 143, 407, 431, 440, 540, 716, 883, 934, 959, 982, GS. And. 330, Eun. 546, 560, 696, 833, Ht. 313, 580, 848, Hec. 439, Ad. 367, 572, 734, 736, 9 66 - DS - And - 425, 828, A.e. ii. Eun. 232, 425, Ht. Si, 356. 585, 780, Ph. 135, Hec. 281, 431, Ad. 199, 228, 259, 536, 861. Ac. And. 245, 769, 844, Eun. 235,254,274,324,357,417, 418, 588, 619, 674, 709, 758, 802, 83$, 1009, ion, Ht. 380, 530, 567, 665, Ph. 2, 195, 252, 292, 305, 335, 476, 59 1 , 592, 598, 620, 632, 845, 977, Hec. 214, 524, 555, Ad. 38, 154, 183, 281, 304, 446, 562, S79> 891, V. And. 721, Eun. 756, Ph. 1005, Ad. 336, Ab. Eun. 460, 1083, Ht. 193, Ph. 629, Ad. 98, 254,821. NP. Eun. 268. GP. And. 78, 246, 629, 745, 967, Eun. 248, 404, 409, 757, Ht. 61, 503, 887, Ph. 853, Hec. 198, Ad. 219, 594, 739, DP. Ad. 833. Ht. 422. AP. And. 695, 910, Eun. 225, 254, 490, Ht. 883, Ph. 327, 764, Ad. 15, 220. homuncio, NS. Eun. 591. honor, NS. Eun. 1023. GS. Ph. 928. Ac. Eun. 260. Ab. Ht. 687. hora, NS. Eun. 341. Ac. Ph. 514. hortus, Ab. Ad. 908. hospes, NS. And. 914, Ad. 529. GS. And. 843. Ac. And. 810, Ph. 67, 605, Hec. 432, 801, 804. V. And. 817, Ab. Eun. 119, Hec. 195, AP. Ph. 328. hospita, GS. And. 439. hostis, NS. Hec. 789. humanum, GS. Ht. 77. humi, Soc. And. 726. hymenaeus, Ac. Ad. 905, 907. iactus, Ab. Ad. 740. ianua, Ac. And. 725. Ab. And. 759. ignis, Ac. And. 129, 140. Eun. 85. ignominia, AP. Ad. 262. [quom omnia, Dz.] imber, Ac. Eun. 585. Imbros, Ab. Hec. 171. immortalitas, NS. And. 960. imperator, GS. Eun. 778. Ac. Eun. 495. impedimentum, DS. And. 707. imperium NS. Ac. Eun. 415, Ht. 635, Ph. 232, 232, Ad. 66. Ab. Ht. 233, Ph. 196. inceptio, NS. And. 218. inceptor NS. Eun. 1035. inceptum NS. And. 236. Ht. 119. Ab. Ht. 811. incommoditas NS. And. 567. AP. Ht. 932. incommodum NS. Ph. 652. GS. Hec. 400. NP. Ph. 248. AP. Hec. 165, 840. AbP. And. 627. inconstantia, Ab. Ph. 949. indicium DS. Ht. 384, Ad. 4. Ac. Hec. 546, Ad. 617. Ab. Eun. 1024. Ht. 415. industria, GS. Hec. 32. Ac. Ad. 25, Ab. And. 795. indutiae, NP. Eun. 60. inepta, V. And. 791. Eun. 1007. ineptia, Ac. Eun. 741. Ad. 749. AP. Ph. 648. ineptus, VP. Ph. 949. infamia, NS. Ad. 303. DS. And. 444. Ab. Ht. 259. infelicitas, GS. Ad. 544. infirmitas, GS. Hec. 176. infitiae, AP. Ad. 339, 347. infortunium, NS. Ht. 668, Ac. Ad. 178. Ab. Ph. 1028. ingenium, NS. And. 77, Ht. 47, 284, Ph. 70, GS. And 113, Ac. And. 53, 275, 466, Eun. 812, Ht. 384, 401, Ph. 520, Hec. 113, 152, 170, Hec. 860. Ad. 71, 683, 829. Ab. And. 98, 487, Eun. 880, Ht. 24, 151, 420, 880, Ph. 172, 497, Hec. 164, 200, 302, 474, 489, Ad. 297. AP. Eun. 250, 932. AbP. And. 93, Eun. 198. inimicitia, NP. Eun. 60. AP. And. 852, Ph. 370, Hec. 231. inimicus, NS. Hec. 767. Ac. Eun. 174, 176, 802, NP. And. 668, Hec. 2ii DP. Ht. 1015, AP. And. 695. initium, NS. Hec. 351, 821. Ac. And. 709, Hec. 361. iniuria, NS. And. 156, Ph. 407, 44 983, Ad. 189, 207. GS. Ht. 147, Ac. And. 488, 639, Eun. 565, Ph. 349, 769, Hec. 256, 401, 690, 692, 740. Ad. 148, 162, 595. Ab. And. 214, Eun. 762. Ht. 992, Hec. 22, Ad. 166, 197. NP. Eun. 59. Ht. 204. GP. Ph. 329. AP. Ht. 137, Ph. 730, Hec. 165, 301, 303, 307, AbP. And. 827, Hec. i68(?). Adverb. And. 60, Eun. 433, Ht. 581. iniussus Ab. Ph. 231. Hec. 562, 704. iniustitia, NS. Ad. 303. Ab. Ht. 134- inluvies, Ac. Eun. 937. Ab. Ht. 295. inopia, Ac. Eun. 937. Ht. 929. Ab. And. 71. Ht. 367, 528. Ph. 167. Ad. 105. inportunitas, Ac. And. 231. inpotentia, Ac. Ad. 607. inpluvium, Ac. Ph. 707. inprudentia, NS. Eun. 27. inpudentia, Ab. Hec. 213. inpulsor, Ac. Ad. 315. Ab. Eun. 988. Ad. 560. inpulsus, Ab. Hec. 242, 242, 687. insania, Ac. Ad. in. inscitia, NS. Eun. 1071. Ph. 77. Ac. Ht. 630. insidiae, AP. Eun. 532. Ph. 274. AbP. Ph. 229. insomnium, NP. Eun. 219. insula, Ac. And. 222. integratio, NS. And. 555. intelligentia, NS. Hec. 31. internuntius, NS. Eun. 287. NP. Ht. 299. intertrimentum, Ab. Ht. 448. inventor, NS. Eun. 1035. inventum, Ab. Ht. 811. invidia, Ac. Ph. 276. Ab. And. 66. invidus, AP. Hec. 469. iocus, Ac. Eun. 300, Ab. Eun. 179, Ht. 541. ira, NS. Hec. 505, 711, 781. GS. Hec. 351. Ac. Ht. 189, Ph. 323, 435. Hec. 291, 313, 729, 780, Ad. 312. Ab. Hec. 484,562. NP. And. 552, 555, Hec. 289, 307, AP. Hec. 253, 310, AbP. Hec. 485. iracundia, GS. Ad. 146, Ph. 185, Ac. Ph. 189, Ad. 755, 794. Ab. Ht. 920, Ad. 310. iter, NS. Ph. 66. Ac. Eun. 1065, Hec. 194, 415. Ab. Ht. 271. Ph. 566. itio, NP. Ph. 1012. iudex, NS. Ht. 3152, Ph. 279, 1055. Ab. Hec. 255. NP. Ht. 213, Ad. 4. GP. Ph. 275. DP. Ph. 400. AP. Ph. 282. luno Lucina, V. And. 473. Ad. . 487- iudicium, NS. Eun. 339. DS. Ph. 1045. Ac. Ht. 12. Ph. 404, 406. luppiter, NS. Ph. 807. Ac. Eun. 584. V. And. 464, 732, 930, Eun. 55o 709, 946, 1048, Ht. 256, 630, 690, Ph. 816. Hec. 317. Ad. in, 196,366,714,731,757. Ab. Ht. 1036. iurgium, Ac. Eun. 626. Hec. 513, Ab. Ph. 778. Ad. 404. ius, NS. Ht. 796. Ph. 176, 412. Hec. 387, Ad. 686. Ac. Eun. 768, Ht. 642, Ph. 936, 981, 981, Ad. 163, 201, 801. Ab. And. 214, 394, 607, Eun. 939, Hec. 10, ii. Ad. 52, 217. ius-iurandum, NS. Ad. 166. 306. Ac. Hec. 697, 751, 754. Ab. Hec. 870. iusta, AP. Ph. 280. iustitia, Ab. Ht. 646. labia, AbP. Eun. 336. labor, NS. Hec. 286. GS. Ht. 42, 82, 91. DS. Hec. 226. Ac. And. 720, 870. Ht. 165. Hec. 17, 344. Ad. 263. Ab. And. 78, 831. Eun. 399. Ht. 40, 841, 1040. Ph. 46. Hec. 23, 390. Ad. 870, 871, 875. labrum, Ac. 'Ad. 559. Laches, NS. Hec. 727, V. Hec. 134, 206, 232, 263, 633, 647, 664, 722, 732, 751, 785. lacrimola, Ab. Eun. 67. lacruma, NP. And. 126, 558- Ph. 107. Ad. 536. GP. Hec 67^. AP. Ht. '167. Ad. 335. AbP. Ht. 306. Ph. 975. lacus, Ac. Ad. 1583, 715. laetitia, NS. Ht. 680. Ac. Ht. 186, 292. Hec. 816. Ab. Ad. 522. lampada, AP. Ad. 907. lana, Ac. Ht. 278. Ab. And. 75. languor, Ac. Ht. 807. lanius, NP. Eun. 257. lapis, NS. Ht. 917. Ac. Hec. 214, V. Ht. 831. largitas, NS. Ad. 985. Ab. Ht. 441. lascivia, Ab. Ht. 945. 45 later, Ac. Ph. 186. latus, Ab. Ht. 672. Latini, NP. Ph. 26. laus, DS. Ad. 5, 105, 382, 418. Ac. And. 66. Eun. 925. Ht. 315. Hec. 461. Ad. 18, 256. lectulus, AP. Ad. 285, 585. lectus, NS. Ht. 903. Ab. Eun. 593. Ad. 520. AP. Ht. 125. Lemnus, Ac. Ph. 66, 567. Ab. Ph. 873, 1004. Loc. Ph. 680, 942, 1013. lenitas, NS. And. 175. Ad. 390. leno, NS. Ht. 39. Ph. 508. Ad. 161, 187, 188. DS. Ph. 83, 829, 1039. Ad. 8. Ac. Ph. 491, 847, V. Ad. 184, 196. Ab. Ph. 171, Ad. 328. lepus, NS. Eun. 426. Lesbia, Ac. And. 228. lex, NS. Ph. 125, 126, 236, 238, 296, 409, 414. Ac. And. 880, Ad. 85. Ab. And. 200, 799, Eun. 102, Ht. 1054, Ph. 116, 214, 533, 984, Hec. 172. NP. Ph. 292, Ad. 652. AP. Ht. 998. AbP. And. 780, Ph. 455, 626. liber, Ab. Eun. 732. liberi, NP. And. 891. GP. Ad. 793. DP. And. a.e. 9. Ad. 77^. AP. Ht. 151, 949, Hec. 212, 655, Ad. 57. liberalitas, Ab. Ad. 57. libertas, Ac. Ad. 183. libertus, NS. And. 37. Ac. Eun. 308. licentia, NS. Ad. 508. Ab. Ht. 483- limen, Ac. Hec. 378. linea, Ab. Eun. 640. lingua, NS. Eun. 977. Hec. 761. lis. NP. Eun. 734, Ph. 133, Hec. 180, Ad. 792. GP. Ph. 623. AP. And. 8n, Ph. 219, 408, Ad. 248. AbP. Ph. 634. litterae, AbP. Eun. 476. locus, NS. And. 154, 354, Eun. 541, 10^9. Ht - 2l8 ' 2 33> 587. ph - 547> 818. GS. And. 206, 601, Eun. 125, 234, 255, 801, Ht. 257, Ph. 979. Ac. And. 233, 320, 356, 681, Eun. 973, Ht. 359, 586, Ph. 33> 175. 5 22 > 548, Hec. 21, 42, Ad. 9, 10, 13, 272, 572, 572. Ab. And. 292, 406, 718, 760, Eun. 241, 542, 782, Ht. 104, 537, 827, Ph. 32, 446, 473, Hec. 41, 303, Ad. 216, 344, 827, 994. logos, NP. Ph. 493. longinguitas, NS. Hec. 596. longitude, Ac. Hec. 963. lorum, AbP. Ad. 182, 182. lubido, NS. And. 308, 557, Ht. 573, Ph. 716, Ac. And. 78, Ht. 201, Hec. 534. Ab. Ht. 216. lucrum, GS. Ht. 747, Ph. 61, DS. Hec. 287. Ac. Ht. 609, Ad. 216. Ab. Ph. 246, 251, Ad. 817. luctus, Ac. Hec. 210. ludibrium, DS. Hec. 149, 526. ludus, DS. Hec. 204, Ac. Eun. 300, 587, Ph. 86, Ab. Ph. 88, Hec. 203, AP. And. 479, Eun. 1010, Ph. 945, Hec. 45. lupus, NS. Ad. 537. DS. Eun. 832, Ac. Ph. 506. lutum, Ab. And. 777. Ph. 780. lux, Ac. Eun. 278, Hec. 852. Ab. Ad. 841. luxuria, Ab. Ht. 945. luxus, Ab. Ad. 760. macellum, Ac. Eun. 255. Ad. 573. maceria, Ac. Ad. 908. macula, Ac. Ad. 954. maeror, Ab. And. 693. magister, NS. And. 54. Ac. And. 192. Ph. 72. magistra, Ac. Hec. 204. magistratus, NS. Eun. 22. AP. Ph. 403. * magnificentia Ab. Ph. 930. maiores, GP. Ad. 411. mala, Ab. Ad. 171. maledictum, Ac. Ad. 17, DP. And. 7, Ht. 34, AP. Ad. 263, 795. AbP. Ph. 3. malefactum, AP. And. 23. Ad. 200. maleficium, Ab. Ph. 336. malitia, NS. Ht. 796, GS. Ph 359, Ac. Hec. 203. Ab. And 723, Ph. 273, 659. malum, NS. And. 688, Eun. 987, 997, Ph. 781, GS. And. 73, 116, 458, 547. 6o4> 720, 843, 9 6 7 ' Eun - 547> 995 999' I02 9- Ht - 82, 229, 2 3 6 ' 2 37 75 I0 3> IOI 3> Ph - 80, 158, 184, 469, 543, 698, Hec. 333, 418, 782, Ad. 357, 443, 611. DS. And. 468, 615, Ad. 300, Ac. And. 143, 431, 611, 672, 782, 921, Eun. 508, 968, Ph. 193, 503, 555, 851, 976, Hec. 132, 319, 335, Ad. 509, Ab. And. 179, 431, Eun. 714. Ph. 505, 544, Hec. 275, Ad. 69, 320. NP. Ht. 196, Ph. 180, DP. And. 627. AP. And. 215, 340, 640, Hec. 207, Ad. 546. AbP. And. 562, 649, Ht. 258, Ph. 766. malum : as term of abuse, Eun. 780, Ht. 318, 716, Ph. 644, 723, 948. Ad. 544, 557. mamma, Ac. Ad. 975. mancipium, NS. Eun. 274. AP. Eun. 364. mane, And. 83. Eun. 340. Ht. 67, 519, Ph. 531. manipulus, NS. Eun. 776. mansio, NP. Ph. 1012. manus, Ac. And. 297. Ht. 563, 565, Ph. 634, Ad. 576, 781. Ab. Ph. 830, Hec. 493, 667, Ad. 194, 980. AP. Ht. 590, Ad. 565, AbP. And. 161, 676, Ad. 563. mare, Ac. Hec. 419. Ab. Eun. 519. VP. Ad. 790. maritus, NS. Ad. 938. mastigia, V. Ad. 781. mater, NS. Eun. 107, 116, 130, 156, 518, 840, Ht. 233, 270. Ph. 49, 130, 569, Hec. 378, 480, 547, 625, 660, Ad. 478, 657, 929. GS. Eun. in, Hec. 301,318, 481, 495, DS. Eun. 108, Hec. 477, Ac. Ht. 335, Ph. 96, 750, Hec. 184, 299, 602, 613, 678, Ad. 471, 598, 910. V. Ht. 1024, Hec. 353, 355, 358, 590, Ab. Ph. 873, Hec. 174, 236, 700. Ad. 650, NP. Eun. 313, Ht. 991. materfamilias, NS. Ad. 747. matrimonium, NS. Hec. 538. matrona, Ac. And. 364. AP. Eun. 37- mecastor, Hec. 83. medicus, Ac. Hec. 323. medium, Ab. Ph. 16, 967, 1019. Hec. 620, Ad. 479. membrum, NP. Ad. 612. memoria, Ac. And. 943, Ph. 383, 802. Ab. And. 40. Eun. 170. Menander, NS. And. 9. GS. Eun. 9, 20. mendicus, Ac. And. 816. Menedemus, Ac. Ht. 180, 1815, 608, 739, GS. Ht. 749, DS. Ht. 768. V. Ht. 159, 427, 440, 464, 861, 883, 908, 921, 931, 954, 1047. Ab. Ht. 610. mens, NS. And. 164. Eun. 729, Ac. Eun. 233, 451, 498, 666, 910. Ht. 484, 764, 886, 889, 986, 997, 1005. Ph. 77, 154, 157, 652. Hec. 405; 53 6 - 734, Ad. 432, 528. mensis, NS. Hec. 394, Ad. 475, NP. Ad. 691. AP. Eun. 277, Ht. 118, Ph. 520, Hec. 822, AbP. Eun. 331, Hec. 393, Ad. 396. mentio, Ac. Eun. 437. mercator, NS. And. 222. Eun. 109, 114. mercatus, Ac. Ph. 838, 893. Ad. 231. mercenarius, Ac. Ad. 541. merces, Ac. Ph. 414. Ab. Ht. 145- meridies, Ab. Ad. 848. meretrix. NS. And. 756, Eun. 986, Ht. 522, 599, Ad. 747. DS. Ht. 563, Ac. Eun. 352, Ph. 413, Hec. 539, 689, 716, Ad. 9, 149. Ab. Eun. 927, NP. Hec. 776, 834. GP. Eun. 48, 932, 994, DP. Hec. 58. AP. Eun. 37. meritum, NS. Ht. 92. Ab. Eun. 458. Ph. 337, 338. metus, NS. And. 54. Ac. And. 339> Ht. 337, 341, Ad. 736. Ab. And. 181, 251, 351, 937, Eun. 977, Ht. 199, 328, Ph. 57, 564,825,843, Ad. 58, 75, 612. miles, NS. Eun. 31, 125, 353, 623, 626, 654, 737, 752, 1041, Ht. 733. Ph. 532. GS. Eun. 26, 229,454, Ac. Eun. 38, 395, 538, 618, 755, 1072. Ht. 365, Hec. 96. Ab. Eun. 192, 287, 733, Hec. 85, 91. V. Eun. 806, 1063. NP. Eun. 815. GP. Eun. 778. militia, Loc. Ad. 495. miluus, DS. Ph. 330. Micio, NS. Ad. 923, Ac. Ad. 512. V. Ad. 60, 92, 96, 132, 598, 720, 737, 800, 836, 943, 952, 979, 988. Mida, NS. Ph. 862. Miletus, Ac. Ad. 655. Loc. Ad. 654- mina, GS. Ad. 370. Ac. Ht. 475, NP. Eun. 471, Ph. 557, Ad. 223, 742. AP. And. 210, Eun. 169, Ht. 724, 835, Ph. 410, 662, 667, 897, 1038, Ad. 242, 915, AbP. Eun. 984, Ad. 191. Minerva, Ac. Ht. 1036. miseria, NS. Ad. 555. Ac. Eun. 406, Ht. 127, Ad. 867, 876. Ab. Ad. 602. GP. Ad. 294, DP. Ad. 545. AP. Ht. 420. Hec. 420. AbP. Hec. 570. misericordia, NS. And. 126, 261, Ht. 637, Ad. 306. Ac. And. 559, Ht. 995, Ph. 277, Ab. Ph. 498. modestia, Ab. Hec. 478, 591. modus, Ac. And. 95, 826, Eun. 57, Ht. 755, Hec. 676, Ad. 424. Ab. And. 153, Eun. 920, Ht. 401, 476, 1042, Ph. 756, 972, Hec. 266, 325, 724, Ad. 469, 534, 605, 614, 47 636, 695- AbP. And. 248. Eun. 384, 710, 955, Hec. 179, 701, Ad. 166, 315. multi-modis, And. 939, Ht. 320, Ph. 465, Hec. 280. moechus, Ac. And. 316. Ab. Eun. 960, 992. DP. Eun. 957. molestia, GS. Eun. 630. Ac. Hec. 344, Ad. 819. Ab. Eun. 928. AP. Eun. 77. mollities, NS. Eun. 222. momentum, Ab. And. 266. monumentum, Ac. Eun. 13. AbP. Eun. 753. monitor, NS. Ht. 875. V. Ph. 234. Ab. Ht. 171. mons, AP. Ph. 68. monstratio, Ab. Ad. 714. monstrum, NS. Eun. 656, 860. GS. And. 250. Eun. 334. Ph. 954. V. Eun. 696. NP. Ph. 705. mora, NS. And. 420, 593, 971. Ad. 171. GS. And. 166. DS. Ad. 712, 904. Ac. And. 615, Hec. 127, Ad. 719. Ab. And. 424, 467, Ad. 354. morbus, NS. Ph. 574, 575, Hec. 330, 334, 337- GS. Eun. 225, Hec. 323, 357. Ac. And. 300, Ph. 244, Hec. 239, 373. Ab. Hec. 366. mors, NS. And. 297, 697, Ph. 750. Ac. And. in, 223, Ht. 271, 636, Ph. 244, 1019, Hec. 422, 596, Ad. 90, 874. Ab. And. 799, Ph. 166. mos, NS. Eun. iSS, Ht. 393, 562. Ph. 454, Ad. 532. Ac. And. 641, 880, Ht. 947, Hec. 599, 860, Ad, 214, 431, 708. Ab. And. 152, 967, Ht. 203. NP. And. 696. Ht. 382, Ph. 55. GP. Ad. 160. DP. And. 395, Ht. 1019. AP. And. 189, Eun. 932, 1089, Ht. 239, 260, 1032, Hec. 163, 239, 478, 578, 735, Ad. 758, 984. AbP. Ht. 839, Hec. 644. mulier, NS. And. 69, 229, 381, 755, Eun. 627, 1080, Ht. 231, 243, 305, 521, 1006, Ph. 726, 793, 1046, Hec. 661. GS. Ph. 307, Hec. 446. 643. DS. And. 460, Eun. 575, 589, Ht. 281, 662, 953, Ph. 726, Hec. 757, Ad. 599. Ac. And. 133, 230, Eun. 357, Ht. 751, Ph. 436, 829, 920, Hec. iSS, 566, 662. Ad. 90, 172, 566, 974. V. And. 742, Hec. 214, 525. NP. Ht. 375, Hec. 199, 312, 710, Ad. 229, 647. GP. Eun. 665, 812, Ht. 239, Hec. 35, 600. AP. And. 117, Eun. 296, Hec. 754, 777. muliercula, Ac. Ht. 444, Ph. 1017. munus, NS. Ph. 40. Ac. Eun. 214, 275, Ad. 764. Ab. Eun. 269, 353, 1023, Ph. 47, Hec. 853. musica, AbP. Eun. 477. mutatio, NS. Eun. 671. Hec. 633. Myrrhina, NS. Hec. 445, 830, 870. Ac. Hec. 811, 845. V. Hec. 523, 541, 560. Ab. Hec. 632. Mjsis, NS. And. 226, 686, V. And. 267, 282, 282, 693, 714, 722, 748, 802. Naevius, GS. Eun. 25. Ac. And. 18. narratio, GS. And. 709. natura, NS. And. 795. Ac. Ad. 885, Ht. 503. Ab. Eun. 316. Ht. 24, Ad. 126, 902. natu, Ab. Ht. 645. Ad. 881, 930. Nausistrata, V. Ph. 784, 813, 986, 987, 1014, 1037, 1046, 1052. nauta, Ab. Ph. 576. navis, Ac. And. 222. Ad. 225, 703. Ab. And. 923. Ht. 182, Hec. 421. nasus, Ab. Ht. 1062. nebulo, NS. Eun. 785, Ac. Eun. 269. V. Eun. 717. necessitas, NS. Hec. 492. neglegentia. Ac. And. 20, Ph. 571. Ab. And. 71, Ph. 1016. Ad. 14. negotium, GS. And. 2, 521, 849, 953, Eun. 404, 544, Ht. 498, Ph. 710, 816, Hec. 97, Ad. 638, 642, 707. Ab. Hec. 26, Ad. 20. AbP. Ht. 418. nemo, NS. And 396, 697, 963. Eun. 52, 226, 487, 549, 549, 561, 757, 1032, 1078, 1078, 1082, Ht. 64, 65, 263, 574, 975^ Ph - 152, 338, 7 6 5> 808, Hec. 67, 141, 187, 189, 237, 323, 329, Ad.^208, 353, 434, 529. DS. And. 64, 250, Ph. 953, Hec. 281, 398, Ad. 259. Ac. And. 363> 364, 5o6, 750, Eun. 147, 553, 680, Ph. 591, Hec. 66, 66, Ad. 291. nepos, NS. Hec. 639. DS. Ad. 974- Neptunus, GS. Ad. 790. nequities, Ac. Ht. 481. Ad. 358. nervus, Ac. Ph. 325, 696. AP. Eun. 312. nex. Ac. And. 199. Ph. 327, Ad. 182. Nicaretus, Ac. And. 87. nihil (nil is not found in Umpfen- bach's text.). NS. And. 120, 1 66, 206, 314, 340, 350, 365, 365, 435, 435 437. 440, 448, 449. 6oi > 6 4, 683, Eun. 15, 50, 144, 243, 243, 273, 361, 427, 435, 535, 542, 638, 638, 641,934, 1051, 1094. Ht. 175, 234, 672, 675, 676, 682, 699, 834, 878, 894, 896, 999, 102 1, Ph. So, 85, 105, 146, 208, 300, 421, 474, 565, 696, 738, 763, 861, 940, 995, looo, Hec. 400, 736, 782, 850, 865. Ad. 141, 157, 177, 233, 264, 311, 394, 528,644,653,656,816. Ac. And. 17, 58, 90, 116, 187, 306, 315, 326, 331, 640, 716, 788, 858, 863, 949. Eun. 152, 221, 913. Ht. 76, 77, 140, 197, 224, 227, 309,337, 415, 520, 571, 776, 881, 900, 976, 1002, 1056, Ph. 132, 263, 331, 334, 361, 475, 521, 543, 605, 669, 806, 997, 999, Hec. 154, 234, 462, 593, 697, 767, 811. Ad. 99, 134, 266, 300, 414, 562, 592, 613, 641, 728, 777, 922, 935. Adverb. And. 32, 160, 202, 204, 337, 505, 516, 582, 637, 638, 737, Eun. 184, 320, 615, 666, 703, 735, 735, 765, 884, Ht. 171, 519, 667, 717, 939, 1057. Ph. 142, 250, 305, 644, 715, 846, 1042, Hec. 618. 732, 810, Ad. 142, 244^ 273, 366, 405, nihilo. Ht. 377, 1012. Ph. 472, 530. 535. 597- Hec - 727- nihili, Eun. 94, Ad. 167, 452. nitor, NS. Eun. 242. nobilitas, NS. Eun. 1021. Ac. Hec. 797. nodus, Ac. And. 941. nomen, NS. And. 86, 928, 928, 942, Ht. 662, Ph. 385, 804, 1048, Hec. i, 735. Ac. Eun. 3, in, Ph. 385, 386, 739> Ad. 571. Ab. Ph. 392, 742, 744. noti, NP. Eun. 238. notitia, NS. Ht. 53. novi, NP. Eun. 43. nox, NS. Ht. 461, Hec. 137. Ad. 470, 525, Ac. Ht. 366, Ab. Ht. 491. Ph. 266, Hec. 136, 822, Ad. 26, 841. AP. And. 676. Eun. 193, 1079, noctu, Eun. 219. Ad. 532. noxia, Ac. Eun. 852, Ht. 298, Ph. 225. Hec. 276. AbP. Hec. 310. nugae, AP. Ht. 621. numerus, NS. Ph. 53. Ab. Ad. 594- nummus, Ac. Ht. 606. GP. Ph. 38. nuntius, Ac. Ht. 427. Ab. Ht. 176. Ph. 193, Hec. 849, 851. nupta, NS. Hec. 534, 789, Ad. 751. Ac. Ph. 304. Hec. 656. nuptiae, NP. And. 47, 269, 328, 348, 360, 438, 516, 542, 578, 656, 700, Ht. 895. Hec. 101, 176, Ad. 735. GP. And. 261,836, Ht. 713. DP. And. 102, 313, 366, Ht. 699, Ad. 712. AP. And. 157, 168, I73 182, 332, 341, 378, 514, 521, 5 2 9> 577 595> 6o2 > 620, 667, 674, 690, 711, 740, 766, 830, Ht, 377, 885, Ph. 258, 666, 701, 733. Hec. 147, Ad, 899. AbP. And. 196, 207, 212, 300, 413, 78, 913, 916, Ht. 863, Ph. 442, 543, Hec. 126, 714, 835, 838, Ad. 756. nurus, AP. Hec. 201. nutrix, DS. Eun. 914, Ac. Eun. 808, 892, Ph. 736, Hec. 726, 770. V. Eun. 913, Ht. 617, Ad. 288. obitus, NS. Hec. 859. obolus, Ab. And. 369. obsequium, NS. And. 68. obstetrix, Ac. And. 299, 515. Ad. 292, 354' 618, 620. occasio, NS. Ht. 233, Ph. 885. Ac. Eun. 604. occultum, Ab. Eun. 787. AP. Ht. 575- oculus, Ac. Ph. 989. NP. Eun. 740, Ph. 735, 1053, AP. Eun. 68, 623, 648, 794, Ht. 1041, Ph. 85, Ad. 170, 318, 701, 903. AbP. Eun. 401, 677, Ht. 491, 564, Ph. 548, Hec. 363, 863, Ad. 170, 329, 669. odium, NS. Eun. 404, 972, Hec. 580, Ac. And. 68, 941, Hec. 219, Ad. 871. DS. Hec. 343. Ab. Ph. 849, 1016. Hec. 123, 134. Oedipus, NS. And. 194. officium, NS. And. 168, 236, Ph. 139, Ac. And. 330. Eun. 729, Ht. 580, Ph. 282, 724, Ad. 69, 464, 514, 593, 980. Ab. Ph. 722, Ad. 603, NP. Ad. 966. AP. And. 114, Ht. 66. omen, Ab. And. 200. Omphale, DS. Eun. 1027. onus, GS. And. 897, Ph. 94, 561. AP. Hec. 359. opera, NS. Ph. 332, Ad. 530. GS. And. 217, Eun. 281, Ht. 73, Ac. And. 5, 157, 243, 307, 327, a.e. 2, Eun. 44, 63, 363, Ht. no, 497, 501, 508, 693, 789, 910, Ph. 30, 62, 87, 209, 760, Hec. 25, 396, 408, 553, 49 799. Ad - 95> 53 2 . 933, Ab. And. Ph. 816, 876, Hec. 428, 854. Ad. 370, 689, 738, Ph. 10, 363, 563, 634, 637. , 786, Hec. 228, 798, 818, Ad. otium, NS. 005 20, 261, 694, AP. Ph. 267. opinio, Ac. And. 510, Ht. 232, Hec. 763- Eun. 265, Hec. 43, Ad. 419. GS. Ht. 75. Ac. Ph. 2, 831, Hec. 225, Ad. 42. Ab. Ht. 109, Hec. 26, Ad. 20, 863. oppidum, Ac. Ad. 715. Ab. And. ovis, Ac. Eun. 832. Ad. 534. 342, 382. oppressio, Ac. Ad. 238. ops, GS. Ht. 592, Ph. 553, Ac. And. 473, Ad. 487, Ab. Ph. 842. NP. Ph. 470, Ad. 331. opsonium, GS. And. 360. Ab. Ad. 286. pactum, Ab. And. 49, 247, 792, 804, 884, Eun. 420, 585, 613, 716, 939. 1083, Ht. 475, 548, 713, 735, Ph. 242, 301, 507, 580, 593, 793, 818, 834, 952, Hec. 216, 445, 474, 479> 546, 582, 628, 875. Ad. 342, 365, 732, 844. optatum, Ac. Eun. 1057. AP. Ht. paedogogus, NS. Ph. 144. Ld. 976. 1. Ht. 72. 611. Ad. opus, GS. Ht. 72. Ad. 518. Ac. Eun. 220. Ab. Eun. 533, Ht. 73, 142. NP. Eun. 841. maxumo opere, Ht. 626, Ph. 760. tanto opere, And. 868. Ad. 945. opus (^est, sit, etc.). And. 32, 99, 165, 337' 424, 446, 490 523, 638, 682, 704, 715, 722, 728, 736, 738, 740, Eun. 223, 333, 479, 632, 758, 765, 770. Ht. 80, 171, 187, 558, 578, 6n, 612, 855, 893, 941, Ph. 75, loo, 204, 227, 250, 440, 538, 557, 559, 560, 563, 584, 594, 654, 666, 666, 681, 715, 716, 762, 985, 1003, 1003, Hec. 104, 409, 431, 608, 665, 698, 768, 865. Ad. 254, 335, 342, 354, 601, 625, 706, 740, 753, 996. orba, NP. Ph. 125. oratio, NS. And. 141, 251, 634, Ht. 27, 46, 384, 615, 1010. Ph. 224, 649, Ad. 805. DS. And. 736. Hec. 96. Ac. And. 407, Ht. 15, Ph. 783. Hec. 381. Ab. And. 12, Ph. 5. orator, NS. Hec. 9. Ac. Ht. n. oratum, AP. Hec. 385, 575. orcus, Ab. Hec. 852, 875. ordo, GS. Eun. 234. Ab. Eun. 970. Ht. 706, Ph. 580, Ad. 351, 365. 5 J 3- ornamentum, DP. Ht. 837. ornatus, NS. Eun. 546, GS. And. 365, Eun. 237. Ab. Hec. 9. os, NS. Eun 838. Ht. 306, GS. Eun. 317, Ac. Eun. 597,670, 806, Ph. 986, Ad. 269, 864. Ab. And. 96, Ht. 572, 700, 1062, Ph. 625, 917, Ad. 93. ostium, NS. And. 682, Ph. 840, Hec. 521, DS. Eun. 603, Ac. And. 362, 474, 507, Eun. 267, 763, 843, 895, 975, Ht. 276, 410, 906, palaestra, Ab. Eun. 477. Ph. 484. pallium, Ac. Eun. 769. Ab. Ph. 844, 863. palma, Ac. Ht. 709. Ph. 17. palmarium, Ac. Eun. 930. Pamphila, NS. Ad. 619. Ac. Eun. 440, 442, 624, 796, 827, 1036, Ph. 310, 510, 517. Pamphilus, NS. And. 88, 131, 462, 851* 957. 9 6 5. Hec. 60, 115, 144, 346. GS. And. 549, 765, 765, Hec. 77, 152, 341. DS. And. 301, 429, 486, 518, Hec. 125, 774, 816. Ac. And. 90, 145,209,227, 234. 3!0, 338, 412, 685, 717, Hec. 173, 428, 575. 743. 752, 796, 804, 808. V. And. 254, 267, 286, 318, 321, 325, 344, 380, 409, 416, 617, 675, 686, 871, 891, 882, 933, 950, 965, a. e. 5, Hec. 290, 382, 389, 395. 456, 482, 484, 504, 585, 602, 613, 621, 635, 650, 664, 671, 824, 855, 862, 864. Ab. And. 166, 216, 497, 512, 603, 269. panis, Ac. Eun. 939. pannus, AbP. Eun. 236, Ht. 294. parasitaster, NS. Ad. 779. parasitus, NS. Eun. 30, 228, 347, Ht. 38, Ph. 28, 122. GS. Eun. 26. Ac. Eun. 38. NP. Eun. 264. paratus, GS. Eun. 542. parens, NS. Ph. 357, 496. DS. Hec. 448. Ac. Ht. 202. Ab. Hec. 483. NP. Ad. 31. GP. Ht. 204. AP. And. 806, 969, Ht. 194, 1027, 1039. Parmeno, NS. Eun. 129, 570, 694, 700, 974, 1020, 1050, Hec. 409, 878. GS. Eun. 718. DS. Eun. 925. Ac. Eun. 267, 270, 304, 918, 944, 1005, V. Eun. 83, 99, 189, 221, 286, 307, 330, 351, 362, 369, 462, 964> 975> I0 34- Hec. 82, 83, 103, 109, 131, 133, 149, 301, 304, 314, 320, 340, 359, 416, 808, 841, 875, 879, Ad. 168. pars, NS. Eun. 92, Ht. 42. GS. Ht. 652. DS. And. 419. Ac. And. 193, a. e. 9, Eun. 123, 632, 876, Ht. 8, 47, 440, Ph. 637, Ad. 3, 23, 24, 116, 130, 174. Ab. Eun. 579, 1055, Ht. 57. AP. Eun. 151, 354, Ht. i, 10, Ph. 27, 835, Hec. 836. parsimonia, Ab. Ht. 441. particeps, NS. Ht. 150. Ac. Ht. 428. partus, NS. Hec. 396, Ad. 307, 619. Ac. Hec. 384, 446, 531. Ab. And. 230. Pasibula, NS. And. 945. pater, NS. And. 227, 353, 375, 380, 403, 549' 699, 732, 872, 950, 970, Eun. 517, 611, 840, 889, 1016, Ht. 179, 179, 229, 439, 718, 826, 954, 983. Ph. 119, 129, 133, 147, 205, 480, 541, 601, 712, 737, 762, 872, Hec. 116, 121, 173, 258, 295, 571, 582, 670, 702, Ad. 76, 125, 126, 452, 45 6 > 538, 637, 902. GS. And. 187, 236, 262, 880, 890, Eun. in, 310, 327, 1048, Ht. 189, 955, 998, Ph. 315, 788, 804, 828, Hec. 529, Ad. 333, 391. DS. And. 112, 394, 612, 661, 903, Eun. 340, 386, 1014, 1039, Ht - J 56> 259, 681, 1039, Ph - 474> 691, Hec. 154, 452, 820, 865, Ad. 629. Ac. And. 224, 295, 387, 410, 868, 918, 925, 948, Ht. 313, 328, 370, 377, 402, 526, 700, 705, 925, 929, 960, Ph. 118, 154, 199, 262, 354, 608, 731, 804, 835, 874, Hec. 191, 396, 449, 527, 652, Ad. 55, 283,517, 707. V. And. 139, 151, 417, 889, 890, 893, 897, 900, 939, 947, 955, Ht. 181, 187, 198, 459, 571, 1049, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1059, 1062, 1066, Hec. 455, 486, 494, 612, Ad. 643, 661, 663, 669, 674, 679, 681, 696, 700, 703, 901, 911, 922, 927, 935, 936, 955, 982, 983, 995. Ab. And. 252,653, 891, Ht. 103, 217, 235, 823, Ph. 364, 607, 879, Hec. 586, Ad. 6150,951. NP. Ht. 213, Ph. 84. GP. Ht. 101, Hec. 117. AP. Ad. 53. AbP. And. a. e. 8. patina, AP. Ad. 428. AbP. Eun. 816. patrona, Ac. Eun. 887. patronus, NS. Ad. 456. Ac. Ph. 307. Ab. Eun. 770. patruus, Ac. Ph. 199. V. Ph. 254, 263, 270. pauca, AP. Ph. 648. DP. And. 29, 536, Hec. 510. Ad. 806. patria, Ac. Eun. 112, Ht. 194, 398, Ab. And. 798, Ht. 137, 257, Ad. 275- paulum, NS. And. 903, Eun. 685, 857, 1075, Ht. 498, 747. Hec. 506, Ad. 949, 950. Ac. Ph. 741. Ad. 980. paululum, NS. And. 360, Ac. Eun. 281. Ab. Eun. 75. pauperies, Ac. Ht. in. paupertas, NS. Ph. 94, 904. Ac. Ad. 496. pauxillulum, NS. Ph. 37. pax, NS. Eun. 61, Ht. 291, 717, Ac. Ht. 998, 1046. Ab. Eun. 53> 466. peccatum, NS. Eun. 27, 27, Ht. 158, Hec. 253, Ad. 687, 725. GS. Ht. 218, 625, DS. Hec. 737. Ac. Ht. 434, 990, Ph. 217, 244, 958, 973, Ad. 263, 593, Ab. And. 903, Ht. 992, Ad. 773. AP. Ht. 634, AbP. And. 888, Ht. 33. pectus, Ab. Eun. 314, Ad. 613. pecunia, NS. Ht. 476, GS. Ph. 631, Hec. 506, Ac. Ht. 480, Ad. 216, Ab. Ph. 60. pedisequa, AP. And. 123. penates, AP. Ph. 311. peniculus, Ac. Eun. 777. penuria, NS. Ad. 442. penus, Ac. Eun. 310. peregrina, Ac. And. 146. Ab. And. 469. peregrinus, NS. Eun. 759. perfector, NS. Eun. 1035. periculum, NS. Ht. 980, Ph. 326, 333, Hec. 326, GS. And. 350, 821, 867, Ht. 415, Ph. 763, Hec. 736, Ad. 157, Ac. And. 565, 566, 677, Eun. 476, Ht. 210, 221, 323, Ph. 933, Hec. 766, Ad. 240. Ab. And. 131, 391, 480, Ht. 314, 339, 477, Ph. 58, AP. Ph. 243. Perinthia, Ac. And. 9. Ab. And. 13- pernicies, NS. Ad. 188. Ac. Ht. 45- persona, Ac. Eun. 26. AP. Eun. 32, AbP. Eun. 35. pertinacia, NS. Hec. 202, 496, Ab. Hec. 591. pes, NS. Eun. 729, Ph. 106, Ac. And. 808, Ad. 227, AP. Eun. 844, Ph. 190, Ad. 386. GP. Ph. 326. AbP. And. 161, 676. Ad. 585. pessulus, Ac. Eun. 603. Ht. 278. pestis, NS. Ad. 189. Phaedria, NS. Eun. 81, 982, Ph. 80, 475, 484, 830, 833, 1054. GS. Eun. 354, 437, 824, Ph. 600. DS. Eun. 1037, Ph. 87, 597, 712, 778, 886, 1036, 1049. Ac. Eun. 440, 44 i, Ph. 64, 253, V. Eun. 86, 95, 144, 148, 171, 190, 210, 651, 678, 687, 715, 1073, 1086. Ph. 154, 173, 208, 222, 247, 257, 269, 309, 499, 503' 53 2 > 558 Ab - Eun - 20I > 4 6 5- Phaedrus, Ac. And. 86. Phania, NS. And. 934, Hec. 458. Ac. And. 929, Ht. 169. Phanium, NS. Ph. 322. DS. Ph. 872. Ac. Ph. 218, 316, 352, 782, V. Ph. 201. Phanocrata GS. Ht. 1061. Phasma, Ac. Eun. 9. Phidippus, DS. Hec. 820, 870, Ac. Hec. 246, 449, 622, V. Hec. 247, 256, 480, 497, 510, 627, 708, 715, 77 1 . 777- philosophus, GP. Eun. 263. AP. And. 57. Philotis, V. Hec. 82, 84. Philotium, Ac. Hec. 81, V. Hec. 197. Philtera, DS. Ht. 662. Philumena, NS. Hec, 354, 414, 480, 588, GS. Hec. 191, 318, 337, 349, 793, Ac. And. 306, a.e. 20, Hec. 219, 320, 466, 809, 832. V. Hec. 2 43> 3 2 5> 623. Phorrnio, NS. Ph. 27, 122,314,476, 618, 618, 692, 833, 896, 1048, DS. Ph. 157, 730, Ac. Ph. 26, 307, 560, 592, 783, 1027, V. Ph. 317, 324, 437, 478, 620, 858, 875, 882, 900, 922, 1050. Phrygia, Ac. Ad. 973. V. Ht 73 1 - pictura, NS. Eun. 584. pietas, NS. Hec. 301, 481, DS. Hec. 584. Ac. And. 869, Hec. 447- pignus, DS. Ph. 661. Piraeus, Ab. Eun. 290, 539. piscator, NP. Eun. 257. pisciculus, AP. And. 369. piscis, AP. Ad. 376, 420. pistrilla, NS. Ad. 584. pistrinum, Ac. And. 199, 214,600, Ab. Ht. 530. Ph. 249. plaga, NP. Ph. 781. AP. Eun. 244. platea, Ac. Eun. 344. Ab. And. 796, Eun. 1064, Ph. 215, Ad. 574, 582. Plautus, NS. Ad. 7, 9. GS. Eun. 25, Ac. And. 18. plebs, Ac. Ad. 898. pluvia, Ac. Eun. 589. poena, AP. Ht. 728, Ph. 627. poeta, NS. And. i. Eun. 3, Ht. 2, 22, Ph. i, 13, Ad. i. GS. And. 7, Eun. 28, Ad. 25, Ac. Eun. 23, Ph. i, 29, Hec. 21. Ab. Hec. 13. pollicitatio, AP. Ph. 857. Pollux, pol. And. 229, 320, 459, 770, 778, 788, 790, 808, 817, 866, Eun. 96, 199, 606, 665, 675, 719, 721, 731, 876, 879, 883, 903, 941, 1009. Ht. 723, 730, 1060. Ph. 574, 747, 787, 788, 814, 998, 1051, 1054, Hec. 58, 71, 228, 278, 280, 543, 566, 593, 610, 728, 734, 747, 756, 772, 788, 839. Ad. 293, 298, 450. pollen, GS. Ad. 846. pompa, NS. Ht. 739. popularis, NS. Ph. 35, VP. Eun. 1031. Ad. 155. populus, NS. And. 185, Hec. 4, 40, GS. Ph. 911. DS. And. 3, Ad. 19, 93. Ac. Ht. 32. porticus, Ac. Ad. 573, 579. portitor, AP. Ph. 150. portus, Ac. Ph. 198, 462. Hec. 77. Ab. And. 480. porta, Ac. Ad. 583, 715. postulatio, NS. Hec. 180. potestas, NS. And. 52, 541, Ht. 347, 720, Ph. 174, Hec. 45, 814. Ac. Eun. 1032, Ht. 35, 710. Ph. 880, Ab. Hec. 250. praedo, AbP. Eun. 114. praeceptum, GP. Ad. 412. praedium, NP. Ph. 680. AbP. Ph. 789. praemium, NS. Ph. 771. Ac. Eun. 1057, Hec. 584. praemonstrator, NS. Ht. 875. praesentia, NS. Ht. 573. Hec. 587. praesidium, NS. Ht. 967. GS. Ht. 646, Hec. 119. Ab. And. 843- prandium, NS. Ad. 588. pravltas, NS. Ht. 973. precator, Ac. Ht. 976, 1002. Ph. 140. pretium, NS. And. 217, GS. And. 856, Eun. 749, Ht. 64, Hec. 799, Ad. 892. Ac. And. 39, 76, 610, Eun. 133, Ht. 48, 234, Hec. 49, Ad. 349, Ab. Hec. 57, 69, Ad. 219, 744. prex, DS. And. 601. Ph. 547. AbP. Eun. 1055. Ph. 498, 973. princeps, Ac. Ad. 259. principium, NS. Ph. 158, Ac. Eun. 458, Ht. 1044. Ab. And. 48, 327, 570, 785, Eun. 874, 1069, 1078, Ph. 252, 650, Hec. 411, Ad. 807, NP. 'Ph. 429, 479. AP. Eun. 781. probrum, Ab. And. 881. Ph. 825. progenies, Ac. Ph. 395. prologus, GS. Hec. 9, Ac. Ht. n, Ph. 14. AbP. And. 5. prolubium, NS. Ad. 985. promissum, NP. Eun. 311. Ht. 723, AP. And. 631. protervitas, NS. Ht. 814. provincia, NS. Ht. 516. Ac. Ph. 72. psaltria, NS. Ad. 388, 759, Ac. Ad. 476, 558.- 600, 617, 842. Ab. Ad. 405, 451, 724, 743, 967. pudicitia, Ac. And. 288. pudor, NS. And. 262, 279, 630, Ph. 284, Ad. 274. GS. And. 878, DS. Hec. 122. Ab. Ad. 57. puella, Ac. Eun. 109, Ht. 627, Ab. Ht. 651, Hec. 231. NP. Eun. 582. puellula, Ac. Ph. 81. puer, NS. And. 486, 742, 748, 833, Ph. 50, 152, 862, Hec. 649, 68 1, 769, Ad. 728. GS. Hec. 517, DS. Ph. 48, Hec. 726, 770, Ac. And. 368, 400, 507, 515, 516, 722, 759, 763> 773> 77 6 > Eun - 39> Hec. 53 2 ' 563. 57 1 ' 576, 638, 639, 639, 699, 704, 708, 733, 749' Ad. 333, 563, 658, V. And. 84, Eun. 624, Hec. 719, Ad. 940. Ab. And. 972, Hec. 668, Ad. 440, 494, 537, NP. Hec. 310, 312, DP. Hec. 359. AbP. Ht. 214, Hec. 409, Ad. 962. pueritia, Ab. Ht. 183. puerpera, DS. And. 490. Ac. Ad. 921. pugil, Ac. Eun. 315. GP. Hec. pugna, Ac. Eun. 899, AP. Eun. 482. pugnus, NS. Ad. 171. AP. Ph. 988, AbP. Ad. 558. pulchritude, Ac. Ph. 105. pulpamentum, Ac. Eun. 426. punctum. NS. Ph. 184. purgatio, NS. Ht. 625. Pythias, NS. Eun, 642. V. Eun. 500, 650, 656, t72, 730, 753, 901, 902, 909, 947, 961. Pyrrhus, NS. Eun. 783. quaestus, NS. Eun. 246, 253, GS. Hec. 735, 836. Ac. And. 79, Ht. 49, 640, Ad. 206. Ab. Hec. 756. quadrupes, Ac. And. 865. rabies, NS. Eun. 301. raptio. Ab. Ad. 356. rastri, AP. Ht. 88, 931. ratio, NS. Eun. 575, Ht. 674, Ph. 299, Ad. 68. Ac. Ht. 959, 964, Ph. 344, Hec. 306, Ad. 375, 812. Ab. Eun. 62, 63, 322, Ph. 298, Ad. 670, 85 5. NP. Hec. 836. AP. Eun. 869. Hec. 208. ratiuncula, Ab. Ph. 36. reditio, NS. Eun. 671. regina, NP. Eun. 168. regio, AbP. Eun. 1062, Ht. 63. regnum, Ac. Ad. 175. relicuom, NS. And. 25. Eun. 996. Ad. 346. GS. Ht. 193. religio, NS. And. 730, Ht. 228. Ab. And. 941. reliquiae, AP. Ad. 444. remedium, NS. Ht. 539, Ph. 617. Ad. 294. DS. Eun. 439. Ac. And. 468, Ph. 185, 200, 616. Ab. Ph. 824. repudium, Ac. Ph. 677, 928. res, NS. And. 368, 445, 459, 551, 588, 633, 693, 832, 845, 948, a.e. 20. Eun. 57, 97, 268, 312, 361, 439> 469' 658, 705, 748, 759, 800, 979, Ht. 60, 113, 158, 230, 251, 282, 318, 354, 357, 388, 490, 564, 665, 679, 689, 695, 702, 742, 805, 812, 851, 931, Ph. 28, 55, 69, 171, 446, 459, 479, 588, 631, 678, 686, 831, Hec. 160, 226, 266, 375, 391, 395. 546, 546, 606, 774, Ad. 191, 206, 233, 267, 338, 344, 418, 479, 5i3' 643, 730, 735' 825, 856, 964, 984. GS. And. 457, Eun. 511, 652, 804, Ht. 55, 743, 830, Ph. 149, 271, 421, 748, Hec. 807, 810, Ad. 175, 177, 644, 854. DS. And. 458, Eun. 540, Ph. 616, Hec. 224, 581, Ad. 95, 358, 545, 568, 85 4 , Ac. And. 8, 24, 32, 48, 188, 192, 202, 253, 288, 317, 349, 442, 448, 546, 723, 789, 873, Eun. 119, 131, 138, 180, 513, 513, 536, 621,631, 742, 745' 783' 896, 924, 982, Ht. 90, 99, 112, 319, 486, 704, 706, 721, 740, 869, 890, 941, 942, 980, 53 994. ioo6, 1023, Ph. 153, 178, 184, 3*3. 393. 449. 4^7. 481, 5 2 6, 560, 718, 772, 930, Hec. 6, 102, 184, 194, 249, 291, 298, 350, 407, 468, 497. 549. 567. 603, 718, 749, 780, 787, 791, 800, 834, 872, Ad. 185, 186, 220, 258, 272, 275, 335, 343, 349, 35L 364, 482, 629, 771, 791, 796, 820, 834, 895, 932, 954, 977, 989. Ab. And. 46, 50, 94, 184, 198, 203, 227, 359, 385, 425, 542, 547, 620, 824, 829, 909, 944, a.e. i. Eun. n, 42, 172, 233, 241, 258, 309.369-573723.873.885,997. Ht. 26, 75, 86, 109, 266, 289, 442, 505, 634, 636, 669, 763, 798, 824, 932, 940, 947, 1007, 1009, ion, 1013, Ph. 225, 271, 291, 444, 461, 476, 786, 889, 969, 1014, 1019, 1021. Hec. 296, 299, 377, 410, 417, 537, 625, 666, 705, 721, 741, 778, 782, 785, 797, 820, Ad. 113, 124, 128, 148, 164, 286, 295, 327, 515, 592, 733. 775. 809, 860, 888, 925, 955. NP. Ht. 916, Ph. 241 , 473, 705, 820, 822, Hec. 380, 593, Ad. 302, 605. GP. Eun. 248, 276, 923, Ht. 215, 225, 247, 267, 269, 364, 876, Ph. 317, Hec. 361, Ad. 695, 765. DP. Ph. 667, Hec. 821, Ad. 62. AP. Eun. 348, 1047, Ht. 370, Ph. 908, Hec. 483, 738, 817, 826. AbP. And. 294, 412, Eun. 166, 245. Ht. 840, Ph. 791, Hec. 227, 308, 600, 631, 702, Ad. 36, 671. responsum, NS. And. 698. Ac. Eun. 6, Ht. 859. Ph. 16. restis, Ac. Ph. 686, Ad. 752. rete, NS. Ph. 330. rex, NS. Eun. 397, 401. DS. Ph. 338. Ac. Eun. 408, Ht. 117, Ph. 70. Rhodes, Loc. Eun. 107. ridiculum, DS. Eun. 1004. ridiculus, NS. Eun. 244. rima, GP. Eun. 105. riscus, Ab. Eun. 754. risus, Ab. Eun. 432. AP. Ht. rivalis,NS. Eun. 354. GS. Eun. 268. Ac. Eun. 1072. rumor, NS. And. 185. Ph. 911, Hec. 39. NP. Ht. 16. rus, Ac. Eun. 187, 216, 519, 533. 629, Hec. 175, 224, 586, 589, 610, 629, Ad. 401, 433, 436, 517, 5 2 3. 560, 840, Ab. Eun. 611, 967, 971, Hec. 190, Loc. Ph. 250, 363, Hec. 215, Ad. 45,95. 40i, 542- sacellum, NS. Ad. 576. sacrilega, V. Eun. 829. sacrilegus, NS. Ad. 265, DS. Eun. 911. Ac. Eun. 419, 922. saeculum, Ac. Eun. 246, Ad. 304. saevitia, Ac. Eun. 854. sal, Ac. Eun. 400. salsamentum, NP. Ad. 380. Salus, NS. Ad. 761. V. Hec. 338. salus, NS. Eun. 940, Ac. And. 319, 482, 672, Ht. 379, Ad. 300, 446, Ab. Ad. 519. sandalium, Ab. Eun. 1028. Sanga, NS. Eun. 776. V. Eun. 814. sanguis, Ab. Eun. 779. Sannio, NS. Eun. 780, Ad. 210, 276, V. Ad. 220, 240. sapiens, NS. Ph. 403, DS. Ph. 541. Ac. Eun. 789. sapientia, NS. Ad. 394, Ab. Ph. 247, Ad. 427. satias, NS. Eun. 973. Hec. 594. satietas, NS. Eun. 403. Ac. Ph. 834- satrapes, NS. Ht. 452. saxum, Ac. Eun. 1085. scapula, AP. Ph. 76. scelesta, V. Eun. 817. scelestus, V. And. 790. Eun. 668. Ht. 312. scelus, NS. And. 607, 844. Eun. 645, Ht. 887, Ph. 978. GS. Eun. 326, Ht. 956, Ac. Ad. 314, V. And. 317, 665, Eun. 941, 1018, Ht. 315, 740. Ph. 1000. Ad. 768, 774- scirpus, Ab. And. 941. Scirtus, V. Hec. 78. scopulus, Ac. Ph. 689. scortum, Ac. Eun. 424. Ad. 965. screatus, AP. Ht. 373, scriptura, NS. Hec. 13, Ac. Hec. 24, Ad. i. Ab. Ph. 5. scrupulus, NS. And. 940, Ph. 1019, Ac. Ph. 954. Ad. 228. secunda, AbP. And. 975. seditio, Ac. And. 830. segnitia, DS. And. 206. senecta, Ab. Ad. 954. senectus, NS. Ht. 521, Ph. 575, 1023. Ad. 833. DS. Hec. 119. Ac. And. 887, Ph. 434. senex, NS. And. 221, 819, 855, Eun. 688, 1000, 1003. Ht. 37, 197, 409, 670, 690, 697, 711,746, looo. Ph. 215, 268, 321, 346, 365, 546, 1023. Ad. 457, 761, 768. GS. And. 207, 373, Ph. 63, 189, 54 323, 865, DS. And. 209, 369, Ht. i, 43, Ph. 76, Ad. 314, 364, 906. Ac. And. 899, Eun. 39, 298, 967, Ht. 416, 513, 535, 545, 707, Ph. 67, 147, 285, 316, 477, 595, 599, Hec. 10, 118, Ad. 562. V. And. 788, Ab. Ht. 759. NP. Ht. 419, Ad. 23. DP. Ht. 419, Ph. 65, 837, AP. Ht. 214, Ph. 682, 885, AbP. Ph. 832. senium, Ac. Eun. 302. sensus, Ac. Ad. 533. sententia, NS. Eun. 224, Ht. 166, Hec. 75, 569, 637, Ad. 515. GS. Ph. 444, Ac. And. 207, 393, Ht. 219, Ph. 483, 619, 1043, A b- Ht. 683, 765, Ph. 256, 335, Hec. 312, 462, 872, Ad. 65, 371, 420, 959. NP. Ph. 454. sepulcrum, Ac. And. 128. seria, AP. Ht. 460. sernio, NS. Hec. 482, 859. Ac. Eun. 516, 622, Ph. 869. Hec. 607. AP. Ht. 242. servatrix, V. Hec. 856. servitium, Ab. And. 675. servitus, NS. And. 36. Ac. Ph. 653- servolus, Ac. Ht. 191, 471, 530, Ad. 566, GP. Ad. 27. AP. And. 83. servus, NS. Eun. 571, Ht. 37, 1515, Ph. 295, Ad. 893. GS. Ht. 886. DS. And. 609, Ht. 31, NP. Ht. 65, 124. GP. And. 583, Ad. 480. DP. Hec. 565. AP. Ht. 142. Ph. 982. severitas, NS. And. 857. signum, NS. And. 366, Ht. 120, 298, GS. Eun. 628, Hec. 236. Ac. And. 878, Eun. 781, NP. Ad. 822. AP. And. 482, Eun. 112, 767, 808, 914. silentium, NS. Hec. 43, Ac. Ht. 36, Ph. 30, Hec. 29, 55, Ab. Eun. 44. silicernium, V. Ad. 587. Simalio, V. Eun. 772, 775. Simo, NS. And. 789, 907, V. And. 41, 503, 820, 846, 894, 908, 914. simulatio, NS. Ht. 782. simultas, Ac. Ph. 232. Simulus, DS. Ad. 352. Ac. Ad. 465- Simus, NS. Ht. 498. sinistera, Ac. Eun. 835, Ad. 582. sinus, Ac. Ht. 563. Ab. Ad. 709. sobrinus, NS. And. 801. Ac. Ph. 384- soccus, AP. Ht. 124. socer, NS. And. 792, Hec. 770. socius, Ac. Ht. 418. socordia, DS. And. 206. sodalis, NS. Ad. 708. socrus, NS. Hec. 705, 748, NP. Hec. 201, AP. Hec. 277. sol, Ab. Ad. 585. solitude, NS. And. 362, Hec. 406, Ad. 303, Ac. And. 290. sollicitatio, NS. And. 261. sollicitudo, NS. And. 441, GS. Ph. 588, Ht. 177. Ab. Ph. 441, 502. AP. And. 650. somnium, NS. Ph. 874, Ad. 204, 395, NP. Ph. 494. somnus, NS. Eun. 601. Ac. Ht. 491. AbP. And. 430. sonitus, Ab. Eun. 590. sordes, AP. Eun. 937. sorex, NS. Eun. 1024. Sophrona, NS. Ph. 865. Ac. Eun. 807. V. Ph. 739, 741. soror, NS. And. 129, 809, Eun. 146, I57> S2i 5 2 5< Ac. And - I2 4 Eun. 1 1 8, 745, 766, 806, Ht. 979. Ab. Eun. 621. sors, NS. And. a.e. 4. Ab. Ad. 2 43- Sosia, V. And. 28, 51, 119. Hec. 427. Sostrata, NS. Ad. 321, 616. GS. Hec. 332. Ac. Hec. 179, 329, 629, Ad. 506. V. Ht. 647, 663, 1007, Hec. 223, 229, 271, 339, Ad. 309, 329. 343 5i i 635, 786. spatium, NS. And. 182, Ph. 701, Hec. 130, Ac. And. 623, Hec. 374, 684, Ab. Ht. 955. Ad. 860. spectator, NS. Eun. 566. speculum, Ac. Ad. 415, 428. spes, NS. And. 354, 374, Eun. 240, 295, 1054, Ht. 981, Ph. 139, 319, 470, 691, 826, Ad. 455. GS. And. 25, Eun. 1053, Ht 659, Ph. 474, Ac. And. 319, 436, 678, Ht. 636, 664, 713, Ph. 146, 239, 246, 251, 1048. Ad. 219, 815, Ab. And. 303, 648, 938. Eun. 1025, Ht. 250, 727, Ph. 603, Hec. 17. Ad. 227, NP. Ad. 331. spons : sponte, And. 692. Ad. 75. sponsa, GS. And. 732. DS. * Ht. 893. Ac. And. 324, Eun. 1036. stataria, Ac. Ht. 36. status, NS. Eun. 598. Stephanio, V. Ad. 380. stercilinum, NS. Ph. 526. Stilpo, NS. Ph. 389, 390, 740. Ac. Ph. 356, 390- 55 stilus, Ab. And. 12. stimulus, Ac. Ph. 78. stipes, NS. Ht. 877. stipula, Ac. Ad. 848. strepitus, NS. Hec. 35. Storax, NS. Ad. 26. Strato, V. Eun. 414. studium, NS. Hec. 202. GS. And. a.e. 9. DS. Ad. 382. Ac. And. 56, a. e. 17, Ht. 23, Hec. 53. Ab. And. 825, Ht. 280, Ph. 2, 18, Hec. 4, 19, 23, Ad. 41. GP. Hec. 595. DP. And. 64. stultitia, NS. Ht. 878, Ad. 274. DS. Ht. 646, 961, 967. Ac. And. 610, Ad. 367. stultus, DS. Eun. 232, Ht. 877. V. Ad. 724. AbP. Eun. 254. stulta, V. Eun. 837, Ht. 1009. suasus, Ac. Ph. 730. suavium, V. Eun. 456 (savium). AP. Ht. 962. subtemen, Ac. Ht. 293. sucus, GS. Eun. 318. summa, Ab. Ad. 816. Sunium, Ac. Ph. 837. Ab. Eun. 115. Eun. 519. sumptus, Ac. And. 450, Ht. 143, 207, 746, Ad. 62, 370, 807, 865. Ab. Eun. 929, 1076, Ph. 168, 340, 666, Ad. 876, 913. DP. Ht. 930. AP. Ht. 130, 453, 544, 754, Hec. 225, 68$. supellectilis, Ab. Ph. 666. superbia, Ab. Ad. 21. supplicium, GS. And. 903, Ph. 1029. Ad. 313. Ac. And. 623, 888. Eun. 70, Ht. 138. suspicio, NS. And. 359, 501, Eun. 514, Ht. 800, 997, Ad. 615. Ac. Eun. 436, Ht. 994, Ad. 600. Ab. And. 317, Hec. 599, 792. NP. Eun. 60. sycophanta, NS. And. 919. Ht. 38. Ac. And. 815. symbola, Ac. And. 88. AbP. Eun. 540, 6o7. Synapothnescontes, Nom. Ad. 6. Syra, V. Hec. 59, 83. Syriscus, V. Eun. 772, 775. Ad. 763- Syrus, NS. Ht. 473, 509, 728, 743, 896, 898. GS. Ht. 723, 886. DS. Ht. 999, 1066. Ac. Ht. 191, 757, 950, Ad. 315, 361, 553, 960. V. Ht. 291, 310, 319, 344, 346, 348, 348' 348, 35' 400> 517, 531, 536, 543 581, 59> 595' 598, 615,684, 692, 699, 757, 762, 775, 810, 825, 975 980, 985, 993, Ad. 247, 249, 260, 261, 278, 281, 412, 531, 538, 543. 549. 7!3> 776, 883, 887, 916, 970, 979. tabula, Ac. Eun. 584. taciturnitas, Ab. And. 34. talentum, Ac. Ht. 475, Ph. 393, 644. NP. And. 951, Ph. 791. AP. And. a.e. 21. Ht. 145, 838, 940. Ph. 789. techma, Ac. Eun. 718. AbP. Ht. 471. tela, Ac. Ht. 285, 305. Ab. And. 75- tectum, Ac. Ht. 968. tegulum, AP. Eun. 588. AbP. Ph. 707. tempestas, Ab. Hec. 423. templum, AP. Eun. 590. tempus, NS. And. 188, 556, 624, 631, Eun. 56, 394, 485, 541, 542, 621, Ht. 168, 169, 187, 212, 667, 1024. Ph. 1026, Hec. 44, 287, 374, 594, 597, 699, 746, Ad. 839. GS. Ph. 184. Ac. And. 783, 844, Ht. 70, 90, Ph. 596, 828, Hec. 36, 622, 687, 842. Ab. And. 67, 532, 758, 819, 974. Ht. 364, 721, Ph. 464, Hec. 531, 627, Ad. 21. AbP. And. 476. tenebrae, AbP. Hec. 572. tergum, Ac. Hec. 108, Ab. Ht. 728. terra, Ac. Eun. 580, Ad. 316. V. Ad. 790, GP. Ph. 551. AP. Ph. 979. tessera, AbP. Ad. 739. testis, NS. Ad. 347. Ac. Hec. 694. AP. Ph. 714. Ad. 203. testimonium, GS. Ph. 293. Thais, NS. Eun. 391, 499, 508, 527, 532, 619, 725, 733, 743, 848, 963, 1039, 1040, GS. Eun. 267. DS. Eun. 188, 275, 433, 569, 616, 951, 983, 1026, Ac. Eun. 231, 266, 270, 352, 364, 563, 788, 991,1055,1075. V. Eun. 91,91, 19, 455, 462, 750, 754, 783, 79 2 , 807, 810, 873, 882, 887, 906, Ab. Eun. 545, 956, 1051. Thensaurus, Ab. Eun. 10. thensaurus. NS. Eun. 12. Thraso, NS. Eun. 353, V. Eun. 453, 455, 475, 1025, 1061, 1068, 1088. tibicina, NS. Ad. 905. AP. Ad. 907. timor, Ab. And. 303, Ph. 998. Ad. 612. tonstrina, NS. Ph. 89. tranquillum, Ab. Eun. 1038, Ph. 689. tribulis, NS. Ad. 439. triduum, GS. And. 440. Ac. Eun. 223, 224, Ph. 489, 513, 536. Ab. Ad. 520. triennium, Ac. And. 69. tristities, GS. And. 235. Ac. Ad. 267. tuber, NS. Ad. 245. tumultus, GS. And. 365, Hec. 356. Ac. Ph. 32. turba, NS. And. 235, Eun. 726, 947, Ht. 190, Hec. 43, GS. And. 745, Eun. 800, Ht. 254, Ph. 990, Ac. Eun. 616, 744, Ad. 912, Ab. Eun. 723, 764, Ad. 614, 773. NP. And. 380, Ad. 785. AP. Eun. 6^3, Ht. 970. Ad. 907. AbP. Ph. 824. tussis, AP. Ht. 373. tutella, Ac. Hec. 52. tutor, Ac. And. 295. ulcus, Ac. Ph. 690. umerus, Ac. Ph. 844. AbP. Eun. 3H- unguentum, AP. Ad. 117. unguis. AbP. Eun. 648. urbs, GS. Eun. 972, Ac. Ht. 191, Hec. 175, Ab. Ph. 517, Hec. 589, Ad. 949. usus, NS. Ht. 553, 556, 557, Ph. 73, 505, Ad. 856,895. Ab. Eun. 1077. Ht. 210, 221, Hec. 616. usus, (est, etc.). Ht. 80, 81, Hec. 327, 878, Ad. 21, 429. utilitas, Ac. Eun. 309. uxor, NS. And. 216, 254, 581, 891, Ph. 585, 693, 700, 746, Hec. 667, 695> 79> 774. 779 7i, Ad. 30, 32, 759, GS. Ht. 104, Ph. 244, 680, Hec. 167, DS. Ph. 665, 681, 872, Hec. 302, Ad. 929, Ac. And. 101, 155, 172, 177, 191, 238, 242, 321, 352, 353, 372, 376, 388' 395. 4 J 8, 446, 452, 5 20 ' 5 2 8, 560, 657, 781, 898, 971, a.e. 21, Eun. 888, Ht. 604, 703, 779, 847, 854, 948, 999, 1056, Ph. 40, 115, 169, 231, 651, 658, 691, 719, 744, 776, 797, 860, 907, 924, 936, 941, 959, 1005. Hec. 62, 100, 116, 135, 147, 174, 241, 294, 299, 320, 341, 366, 501, 644, 654, 678, 686, 698, 744, 745, 752, 819, 862. Ad. 44, 46, 151, 334' 6 96, 699, 700, 811, 867, 904, 973. Ab. And. 146, 273. 4 2 3 44 6 > 949. Ht - 9 8 > 850, Ph. 425, Hec. 614, 632. V. Ht. 622, 879. AP. Ph. 754, 1010, 1041. vadum, Ab. And. 845. vanitas, GS. Ph. 526. vas, Ac. Ht. 141. vecordia, NS. And. 626. vectis, Ab. Eun. 774. venefica, V. Eun. 825. veneficus, DS. Eun. 648. venia, Ac. And. 901. Ht. 1049, Ph. 119, 1036, Hec. 605, Ad. 937, 942. Ab. Ph. 378. venter, Ac. Ph. 988. ventulus, Ac. Eun. 595. Venus, NS. Eun. 732. venustas, GS. Hec. 848. Ac. Hec. 858. verbena, AP. And. 726. verbero, V. Ph. 684, 850. verber, NP. Ht. 356. AbP. And. 199. verbum, NS. And. 426, 885, Eun. 88, 732, Ad. 803. GS. Ph. 343, DS. Ph. 212. Ac. And. 178, 240, 256, 300, 411, 752, 860, Eun. 175, Ht. 1031, 1042, Ph. 212, 280, Hec. 313, Ad. n, 135,952. Ab. And. 45, Eun. 178, Ph. 197, Hec. 347, Ad. ii. NP. Eun. 158, 727, 742, 833, Ht. 356, 914, Ph. 517, 1015, GP. Eun. 24, Ph. 436, 713, AP. And. 204, 211, 505, 579, Eun. 67.568, 741, 950, Ht. 372,^682, 735, 892, Ph. 61, 639, Ad. 621, 769. AbP. And. 99, 165, 736, 824, 857, Eun. 214, 400, 632, Ht. 263, 636, Ph. 75, 100, 477, 632, Hec. 416, 720, Ad. 164. veritas, NS. And. 68. verum, NS. And. 864. GS. And. 225, Ht. 237, 802, 990, Hec. 140, Ad. 862. Ac. And. 437, Ht. 344, 993, Hec. 140, 864. AP. Ht. 490. 711, Ph. 278. vespera, Ac. Hec. 442. vestimentum, Ac. Ht. 141. AbP. Ht. 903. vestis, GS. Eun. 671. Ac. Eun. 370. 370. 572, 609, 646, 695, 707, 1015, Ht. 248, 252, 778, 855, 893, Ad. 121. Ab. Eun, 683, 820, 907, Ht. 286, 452. vestitus, NS. Eun. 242, 558, Ht. 968, Ph. 107, Ab. Ad. 63. veterator, NS. And. 457, Ht. 889. veteres, NP. Eun. 43. via, NS. Ht. 583, Ph. 326, Ac. And. 190, 776, 'Eun. 247, 294, Ht. 57 248, 301, Ph. 192, 964, Hec. 360, 454, Ad. 317, 921. Ab. And. 442, 491, 600, 670, Eun. 245, 322, 495, 906, Ht. 31, 101, 329, 706, 789. Ph. 310, 566, Hec. 73, 569, 828, AP. Eun. 629. vicina, NS. And. 105. Ac. Eun. 359, Hec. 720. vicinia, Loc. And. 70. [-iam Dz.], Ph. 95. vicinitas, NS. Ht. 56. vicinus, GS. Ht. 411, Hec. 124. Ac. Ht. 169, 180, 527. vicis, Ac. Ht. 749. vicissitude, NS. Eun. 276. victus, NS. Ht. 968, Ac. And. 75, Eun. 261, Ht. 447. vigilantia, Ac. Ad. 398. vilitas, NS. Ph. 1013. villa, Ac. Eun. 633,641. Ht. 731, Ad. 517, Ab. Ad. 541. villum, GS. Ad. 786. vinum, NS. Eun. 727, Ad. 470, GS. Ht. 458, Hec. 823. Ab. Ht. 568. vir, NS. Eun. 66, 154, 307, 578, 660, 785, Ph. 324, 638, 790, 941, Hec. 276, 524, Ad. 476, 705, 723, 961, GS. Ph. 139, 787, Hec. 166, Ad. 464, DS. Eun. 799, Ph. 790, 1053, Hec. 516, Ac. And. 295, 436,445,460,571,718^.6.3. Eun. 918. Ht. 366, 619, Ph. 297, 367, 792, 794, Hec. 267, 524, 556, Ad. 564, V. And. 616, 846, Ht. 622, 1005, 1015, 1048, Ph. 991, 1002, Hec. 235, 523, Ad. 556, 557, 983. Ab. Ht. 392, Hec. 491, 789, Ad. 657. NP. Hec. 663. DP. Hec. 202. AbP. Hec. 274. virgo, NS. Eun. 293, 313, 321, 565, 583, 59 2 > 6 59> 820, 829, 908, Ph. 100, 104, Hec. 145, Ad. 474, 479, 650, 650, 728, 731. GS. Eun. 202, 617, 722, 891, Ph. 128, 570, Ad. 471, 478, 598. DS. Eun. 916, Hec. 151, 383, 574. Ac. And. 428, Eun. 132, 143, 229, 342, 346, 55' 57 6 6oi > 6 45 6 54> 66 7> 74> 7 66 > 773' 79 2 > 857, 927, 951, Ht. 1061. Ph. 95, 120, 752, Hec. 136, Ad. 466, 654, 673, 725, 889. V. And. 924. Ab. Eun. 721, 868, Hec. 138, Ad. 346. GP. Eun. 3 J 3- virtus, NS. Ht. 56, Ph. 33, Ad. 257. Ac. Eun. 778, Ht. 207. Ab. Ad. 442. AP. Eun. 1090. Ad. 536. AbP. Ad. 176. vis, NS. Ph. 107, Ad. 303, 490. Ac. And. 277, Eun. 616, 768, 778, 807, 963, Ht. 710, Ad. 308. Ab. Eun. 68, 319, 752, 790, Ht. 101, Hec. 574, 828, Ad. 67, 493. vita, NS. And. 62, 347, Eun. 552, Ht. 265, 972, Ph. 164, 202, 363, 734, Hec. 405, Ad. 340, 739, 989. GS. And. 95, Ht. 283, 636. DS. And. 142, 210. Ac. And. 49. 67, 74> 189, 272, 822, 959, Ht. 136, 280, 385, 479, 693, Ph. 218, 466, Hec. 216, 282, 490, 691. Ad. 42, 45, 331, 410, 758, 855, 859, 863, 869, Ab. And. 61, a.e. 4, Ht. 315, 1006, Ph. 367, Ad. 944, 987. AP. Ad. 415. vitium, NS. Hec. 2, 112, 383. Ad. 296, 953- GS. Ht. 102 1, Hec. 154, 270. DS. And. 8, Ad. 5, 418. Ac. Hec. 542, Ad. 308, 833. Ab. Eun. 722. NP. Eun. 59. AbP. Ht. 30. vocabulum, AP. Eun. 264. volgus, NS. And. 583, Hec. 600. Ac. Ht. 386. volnus, AP. Eun. 779. voltus, NS. Ph. 890. Ac. Ph. 210, Hec. 369. Ab. And. 119, 839, 857. AP. Ht. 887. voluntas, NS. Ph. 29. Ac. And. 880. Ab. And. 658, Ht. 1025, Ph. 725, 785, Ad. 490. voluptas, GS. Hec. 593. DS. And. 944, Ht. 71, 1024, Hec. 459, 859. Ac. Ht. 184, Hec. 69. Ab. Ht. 149. NP. And. 960. GP. Eun. 1034. volup. Ph. 610, Hec. 857. vorsura, Ab. Ph. 780. vox, NS. Hec. 318. Ac. Eun. 454. Hec. 517. Ab. Ph. 985. Hec. 375. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY