SOME LADIES IN HASTE ROBERT W. CHAMBERS WORKS OF ROBERT W. CHAMBERS THE YOUNGER SET THE FIGHTING CHANCE THE TREE OP HEAVEN THE TRACER OF LOST PERSONS THE RECKONING IOLE Cardigan The Conspirators The Maid-at-Anns The Cambric Maik Lorraine The Haunts of Men Maids of Paradise Outsiders Ashes of Empire A Young Man in a Hurry Jbe Red Republic Tbe Mystery of Choice The King in Yellow In Search of the in- A Maker of Moons known A King and a Few Dukes In the Quarter FOR CH I LDR EN Garden-Land Mountain-Land Forest-Land Orchard-Land River-Land Outdoorland SOME LADIES IN HASTE "He ... blew his whole love-smitten soul into the fife." SOME LADIES IN HASTE # % 'By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS D. APPLETON AND COMPANY NEW YORK MCMVIII COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY A . II AMBERS COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY I Hi i (UI1S PUBLISHING COMPANY Hay. TO MY FRIEND ARTH UR DILLON IN MEMORY OF THI OLD DAVs WHEN NOBODY WAS IN A HURRY 912827 CONTENTS CHAPTER I. THE MISCHIEF-MAKKR PACE I II. DIANA'S CHASE 25 III. AN OVERDOSE 59 IV. A REMEDY 77 V. A GUILTY MAN 102 VI. THE ABSENT-MINDED GODDESS 126 VII. A LADY IN HASTE 162 VIII. ABSENT TREATMENT 191 IX. Sui GENERIS 202 X. Ex MACHINA . 218 ILLUSTRATIONS^ "He . . . blew his whole love-smitten soul into the fife" Frontispiece 4 " \\liat are you doing in my woods? 1 " .... 134 "' Sweetheart/ he whispered naively, partly because he didn't know her other name" 200 "'I defy you to make me do it!' 1 230 xiii SOME LADIES IN HASTE CHAPTER I THE MISCHIEF-MAKER ANNERS was waiting as Kel- vin came in. keeping his ap- pointment to the minute. They greeted each other simply and sincerely, and for an instant Manners's lean, attractive feature- lighted up. Then the expression of perplex- ity returned; he raised his glass, rattled the ice in it, found it empty, and glanced across at young Kelvin, who nodded. Some Ladies in Haste " Two more, then," said Manners to the dub servant who answered the pressure of his walking stick on the electric button. And, to Kdvin. "It is a very warm morn- ing." lu- remarked politeh. " It is more than \\ariu. it is hot/* observed Kdvin. And. after a decorous pause: " You say you have something nt entirely agree- ahle to confide to me. William' * I well, it depends on what you consider disagreeable. I>\ the \\a\. what on earth have \ou stuffed into your coat pockets? They're all bulging out of shape." Kelvin reddened and muttered something unintelligible ; then, \\ith a trace of irritation: "What's this unpleasant matter \r later, because" and the wm expression came into his face again " be- eauM- it so vitally affects ah several peo- " Me? " asked the other anxiously. Manners produced a freshly ironed hand- kerchief, shook out the folds, and picking up The Mischief -Maker his single eyeglass from the string where it dangled began to polish it. Once or twice he held it up to squint through it. " I'd better begin at the beginning, hadn't I ? " he asked, with a nonchalance plainly as- sumed. " Naturally, unless you're a Chinaman," said Kelvin uneasily. " Very well, then ; the whole thing began when I went He stopped abruptly. " But you didn't know about that, did you?" " About what ? " snapped Kelvin. " About where I went ? " "When?" " Th that time- " What time ? " demanded Kelvin, in grow- ing apprehension. " Look here, William, you're getting on my nerves. Are you afraid to tell me about this matter which you say concerns me ? " " No, I'm not afraid I mean, I'm not very much afraid of you. So I went there but you didn't know about that, did you?" " Know about what ? " demanded the other, exasperated. " Why, about my going to Dr. Duncan's Sanatorium." 2 Some Ladies in Haste ' No, I didn't. What did you go for?" "I went." said Manners, "because I was smoking too much. I tried to break off- found it hard, got several kinds of fidgets, and then it occurred to me that it would be easier for somebody else to take the trouble to cure me than for me to bother about curing my- self. Of course I'd heard of Dr. Duncan. Everybody has. 'Even you have, haven't you?" " Of course," nuitu -red Kelvin, who had heard nothing of the sort. " \VrlI. I'd read something about the treat- ment of disease by hypnotism and mental suggestion. Everybody is discussing it these days, though it's an old story in Europe, where the most celebrated scientists have been for \r.u> reporting marvelous discover- ies and amazing cures I I is rising inflection made it a question. Kelvin nodded wisely, and the other continued: You know how it's been here in Amer- ica; fear of ridicule and hidebound profes- sional conservatism have prevented our phy- sicians from experimenting or attempting to practice it. Duncan is the only eminent man in his profession who has been brave enough The Mischief -Maker to take it up. Be patient, Eric ; I'm coming to your case presently." Manners removed his monocle in order to see more clearly what expressions were chas- ing themselves over Kelvin's disconcerted countenance. " What do you mean by my case ? " de- manded Kelvin. " What have I to do with this dinky affair?" But Manners ignored the question and an offered cigar with a troubled sigh, and, as Kelvin set fire to his own cigar, he went on: " Dr. Duncan has worked miracles in men- tal suggestion. He has cured the intemper- ate, he has corrected the moral equilibrium, made bad people good, restored to sanity the mentally stricken. Think of that, Eric ! " "I am. What of it?" " This, that, although he performs modern iiusteries and miraculous marvels, his magic is purely scientific ; he reasons coolly ; he op- erates with nothing more occult than com- mon sense. Clear, cold reason is Duncan's only assistant. There's no use of anybody shouting * Mountebank ! ' at him ; he's one of the most widely known and most highly re- spected physicians in active practice; an au- Some Ladles /;/ Haste thor of a dozen scientific works which have IK m crowned by tlu* French Academy and praised by scientists the world over; a lec- turer at Oxford, the Sorbonne, and Harvard. And, Eric " "What?" sullenly pu fling his cigar. " He not only cured me of that vile habit of smoking, which I notice yon still indulge in. Imt he did it by absent treatment." You mean he sat in his office and \\.rked a sort of mental rabbit foot on you? a kind of hoodoo on your smoking while you \\ent about town |ilea>el that I took another course from him. That was \\here trouble hr-an. I had him treat me for mental vacuity. And lu, it appears." He waved his monocle and looked wearily at Kelvin. "Same old thing," he said apologetically, " but vitally interesting to me because I <1 just been treated. So I got some of Dun- can's books and read 'cm; thought a little. \vent and got some more books; thought a little more, went to Columbia University to hear some lectures " " You ! " in derision. " Ya-as. And one day, sitting in this same foolish club window, the knob of my stick under my chin, I began to wonder whether I couldn't do a few stunts myself particularly 8 Some Ladies in Haste in that matter of mental influence exercised upon somebody at a distance. I thought what a help I might be to you, for example." Kelvin sought his glass with un>tead\ fin- gers. " Go on," he said. 44 So," continued Manners simply. I tried it on several people various things on \.m ous people " Friends?" demanded Kelvin in some citement. 44 Some were friends fellows I km \\ Some were ah strangers several pretty girls whom I noticed through the windows. It was a bright ^pring morning. I saw a number of agreeable i;nU>M Fifth Avenue one in particular curiously resembled ah a charming girl I admire e\rredinij\ I >M NMII mean to say that you attempted infernal mental experiments on eral attractive girls \\ith \\hom you have no nal acquaintance?" demanded Kelvin. And, as Manners wineed. 'Have you any reason to believe you have succeeded ? " he insisted Probably if I may judge from what my mental experiments are now doing to several men of my acquaintance." The Mischief-Maker " W-what what are you making them do?" " Various things," admitted Manners, fur- tively watching his shocked friend. " I well such personal qualities as it appeared to me they lacked I attempted to instill into them. For instance, one energetic but per- fectly commonplace young business man I thought needed an injection of devil-may-care romance to leaven him. So I concentrated my intellectual processes on his case ; I gave him vigorous absent treatment he was at the Stock Exchange at the time. He didn't know what was happening to him." "And what happened?" said Kelvin. Manners shook his head : ** You ought to see him now. He's trying to become en- gaged to almost any girl he meets." " What ! " cried Kelvin, horrified. Manners looked nervously around, but they were quite alone in the room. Then his glance returned to his friend : " He's quite dippy on romance. Isn't it shocking? Wants to wed almost anything he encounters. I I overdid it, you see; the treatment was too vigorous. But I didn't know; I'd had no experience. Besides, I io Some Ladies in Haste really hadn't the faintest notion that I pos- sessed such a power; and and first 1 knew I found I'd suddenly grasped something out of nothing; something as unexpected as a livr \\ire! And, Eric, there I was amazed, pleased \\ith myself, half doubting, blunder- ing in my experiments \\ith this stupendous living power which 1 never dreamed I pos- sessed " " Heavens, William." faltered KeKin. " tin, is a murderous confession you are ni.ik Manner- dipped t.p it " Ya-as, I can stop it that i-. 1 can re- The Mischief -Maker n frain from doing anything ah further in that line." Kelvin shuddered ; Manners was aware of the spasm, and his features became troubled. " I can, of course, stop my experiments," he went on slowly, " but I can't undo what I've done "Why not?" " Because," replied Manners naively, " I don't know how." " But what on earth will happen to your victims?" demanded Kelvin. "What's hap- pening to 'em now ? Manners, you've got to do something- Manners made a gesture with his monocle. "Do something? What," he asked wearily, "am I to do? Tell me and I'll do it. I've tried the same sort of thing backward, but it won't work. I don't seem to be able to neutralize or modify what I've already done. I've written Dr. Duncan, but he's in Japan." Kelvin, breathing deeply, said : " I never, never supposed you were that sort of a man. You don't look it," he added reproachfully. " Why, hang it all, Manners, you you're a sort of a a monster ! " 12 Sotnc /.me slight confusion; a servant came and mopped up the fragments of bro- ken \\lun he had retired Kelvin burst nut : You tell me these incredible things and I try to comprehend them, but it i- d nniiMial things to my nerves. I'm jumpy. William. And what I want to know imme- diately is whether \<>n've experimented on anybody besides that Wall Street man. 7 yo*f" ' ifes/ 1 -aid Mann. Kelvin sank back in his chair. The Mischief -Maker 13 " What else and who else have you done ? " he asked. " Enough," said Manners sadly. " I began with a bunch of five friends of mine. I said to myself, ' You are good fellows, good citi- zens, commonplace, prevaricating, uninmagi- native, everyday young Americans, nimbly occupied in acquiring material advantages in a material and sordidly unromantic world/ That's what I said to myself, Kelvin." " And what did you do ? " demanded Kelvin in an awful voice. " Do? Well, I gave them all absent treat- ment. I treated them according to what I thought they lacked. Into some I injected a mad passion for the unvarnished truth ; into some the desire for adventure, the longing for the poetry and romance of life and and Na- ture- " Who," stammered Kelvin, " are these five betrayed, deluded, defrauded, abandoned friends of yours ? " And as Manners fidgeted and attempted to screw his monocle into his left eye: "Who are they, William Manners? And and " he continued shakily " do I know* them? Look at me! Tell me! Speak ! " he broke out, squirming in all the 14 Some Ladies in Haste torture of uncertainty. " William ! William ! Am / one of those five ? " 14 Yes," said Manners in the accentless ac- quiescence of despair. " Isn't it terrible?" For Ti7/(// part have you picked me?" al- most shouted Kelvin in his terror and be- wilderment. "What have you turned me in to? confound you! I I knew darned well there was something wron^ \\ith me; 1 \\>n dered \\liy I'd l>een growing panties in dinky pots ami ehloroforminx butterflies and t< in- thosr >illy diekex birds in the park with in\ pickets stntted with stale bivad ! I thought it might be softening of the brain. and and it's y//." " Yes, old chap," said Manners, humble in uilt. " Well good lit -a\ us ! \\rll, ean't you turn it off? Can't yn Mop nie reading Na- ture I'm writing one, too. Can't \n prevent I .n't \ on do something?" in sisted Kelvin, almost besidr himself with fury. "What business have I turning over stones to hunt for beetles and spiders? What do I want to dig up daisies for and look at tin- useless things through a magnifying glass? And Fm doing it all the time. I'm a plain The Mischief -Maker 15 business man ; I make pulp paper in bulk. Why," In alnmst snarled, " do I go out to thr suburbs and run about with a butterfly net instead of attending to my business? I like the city ; I don't like the country. But I can't keep away from it ! " " Is it ruining you?" asked Manners mis- erably. It no, it isn't. I'm not too feeble-mind- ed to make a living in spite of what you've done to me. But I tell you, William, it's horrible to want to do something sensible and be unable to resist an inclination to go to the park and feed peanuts to the squirrels. And besides, I I there's a girl I once saw, . . . and I dorit like the sort of girl she is. ... And she's pretty as the mischief. And she studies Nature books, and peeps up into trees when some infernal tomtit begins to pipe up." "Who is she?" asked Manners in despair. " I don't know. I don't want to know. She's too pretty and intellectual. Can't you make me stop looking at her? Can't you make her go away ? " he insisted, almost fran- tic. " Where is she ? " asked Manners blankly. " Where is she ? I don't know. But I've 16 Some Ladies in llustc seen her several times when I'm out in the confounded outskirts of civilization, with my pockets full of ferns and forceps and tin boxes crammed with caterpillars. Think of it, William, I, a decent, respectable, city-bred, city-loving business man ' He almost broke do\\n ; Manners, too, was deeply affected. " That girl," he said unsteadily. " is prob- ably one of the agreeable girls 1 >a\\ through this \\imli, \\. and whom I chose for my ex- periments. I'm awfully sorry, old fellow, but / haven't a notion \\lio she is who any of tlum are. All I mt"< n'tably upstairs, then take a drive in my new six-cylinder tourer, then dress and go to see the right sort of woman or go to a good play then come here for a cocktail and a rubber, then O Lord! and n>\\ look at me! I.wk!" And he pulled from his bulging poci a lot of bottles and boxes and notebooks crowded with o! Hi upon the nesting habits of the speckled titmouse. "And the \\maiu-\ .! \\eallh and the manipula- tion of it ! Powerless, inert. Manners sank back into In- chair. Kelvin caM one withering glance upon his collated friend, thru. Mulling bot- tles, boxes, ami notebooks into his pockets, rose, crammed the slra\\ hat firmly over his and turned toward the d< " \\'- \\lu- re are \ on g-goir gasped Main "Into the country dammit!" snarled Kelvin, pan-in- to turn up his carefully creased tn u "Ericl I )on't go." How can I help it? Do you think I 7C\ v-violence ? " asked Manners anxiously ; '* shall I hold you, Eric The Mischief -Maker 21 " If you do I'll probably knock your head off." " But think think of the danger of b-being stung by bees." " I do or by that girl." " Heavens, Eric ! Don't don't be beguiled into wedlock." " Oh, it's all very well for you to tell me such things now\ Anvthing's likely to happen; I may be attacked by a tad- pole or chased by a frog or bitten by that confounded tomtit. But I've got to go, all the same." Manners sprang forward to seize him, but Kelvin became violent. They stood there, confronting one another, breathing hard. Then : " Me for the Bronx," said Kelvin sullenly. " Leggo ! " And he disappeared through the portals of the Lenox Club. Manners observed his friend's departure with profound discouragement. Matters were not very well with him these days ; things had begun to go wrong in several ways ever since that accursed day when, idling at this very window, he had, without expecting suc- cess, ventured to attempt a mental influence 22 Some Lcnlics in Haste on the first five attractive and unsuspicious maidens who blew breezily by through the pale April sunshine. How could he doubt that IK- had vitall) influenced them, judging from the cataclys- mic effect of his experiments on hi- UK ml Kelvin? Alas! \\hat had he driven these in- nocent victims into what mad escapades, \\hat mischief, what irrational, unconventional situations ! Miseralily. e\er\ morning and evening, he scanned the nexx sj.ap, i -. fearfnl lest he come upon some ca>ualt\ \\hich he must reo> L lie dreadful result f his outrageous ex- periments. Kvcry time am feminine individ- ual did anything reprehensible and the p.v reported it. Manners p.. red over the account in ni^i mixed douht. But so far he had not his ,\\n responsibility in the police report! of the mis deeds of the frail and fair. The greater part of his K-JMire \\as em ployed in a vigorous mental endeavor to reverse and nullify the mental tions \\hich no 'doubt had worked marvelous change in half a dozen guileless young girls ; the remainder of his leisure was taken up The Mischief -Maker 23 with vain attempts to obtain an interview with the very charming and agreeably friv- olous girl to whom he had been engaged was still engaged to, as he understood it. Yet now, for nearly three months, he had failed to obtain from her more than the brief- est replies to his notes, and only the most fugitively formal interviews with her in the presence of her family, or at some crowded function or other. And he was becoming deathly tired of it. So that afternoon, beautifully arrayed, he sauntered up Fifth Avenue for the purpose of bestowing his society upon her. She lived at present with a doddering aunt, IHT parent ^ being in Europe. And IK* had welcomed the situation with pleasure at tir-t ; yet, strangely enough, ever since her parents had -ailed, he not only had received no replies to notes and telephone calls, but he had never been able to find her at home, and her decrepit aunt never seemed to be able to furnish him with any adequate explanation. So he was very serious and nervous and preoccupied when he rang the bell at her door that afternoon, and when the servant at the door informed him, as usual, that she was 24 Some l.udics in Haste not at home, a violent desire to yell possessed him. Baffled, restless, apprehensive, nerves on edge, he returned to the Lenox Club. If she doesn't stop this sort of thing if she doesn't behave more appreciatively to- ward me," he muttered, "I I'll try a litiK- absent treatment. I'll give that ama just one more chance at me, just om ! " And as he looked gloomily out of tlu club window he thought of his awful power, and shuddered. CHAPTER II DIANA S CHASE 1HERE rolls the Bronx athwart the suburban solitudes of Westchester, the traditional pedestrian might have been perceived pursuing an erratic and eccentric course cross lots, and any regu- larly enrolled member of any rural constabu- lary might have been pardoned for slinking after him and hiding behind trees to peep out at him, so suspicious were his movements, so furtive, so singularly and utterly devoid of suburban and common sense. 25 26 Some Ladies in Haste The classical, isolated pedestrian \\a- 1\< 1 vin ; tin boxes were slung about his person, drooping fronds of uprooted fun- waved pendent from his coat pockets ; in one hand he carried a burlap bag containing captured gar- ter snakes ; in the otlu r lu brandished a green gauze bnturlly net; and all over his straw hat were stuck defunct butterflies impaled on pin-. In his thumbs were briers ; upon his shoes a deposit of good, thick WestchesU r mud. Some co\l\ plaxful thorn had attrmpu-d to detain him by the broad u 1 \panse of his trousers; thru, plucking him by the elbow, had \indhti\rl\ ^ivcii him a parting scratch across the nose. However, it \\a- rvidi-nt that hr didn't care. Unslaked rutlm-ia-m Imnu-d in hi- as he laboriously turmd mer Hat stom-s in search of beetles and pursued them on all fours as they fled through the grass. Now he explored the shallows of the Bronx for aquatic insects. Now he playfully pounced upon a demented tadpole ; anon he gamboled in the wake of some fast-flying dragon fly, net aloft, boisterously excited. And all the while he was astounded at his Diana's Chase 27 own behavior, ashamed, indignant with him- self as he crawled or squatted or careered about the landscape. And all the while he kept one curious and furtive eye upon a mod- erately distant figure on the other bank of the Bronx the figure of a young girl who moved leisurely about, a butterfly net bal- anced across her shoulders, a pair of field glasses slung to swing at her hip. Askance he could see her very plainly across the water, an attractive, fresh-skinned, dark-eyed maid in a most distractingly pretty summer gown. She had pinned her straw hat to her gown, where it hung against the other hip, balan- cing the field glasses; her skirts were short, her free-limbed unconscious stride revealed small tan shoes and agreeable ankles. Whether or not she was aware of his pres- ence he could not determine, for she never appeared to look at him, which was sufficient to convince any cynical outsider like you or me. At moments she paused, head on one side, eyes aloft, listening rapturously to the com- plicated song of the speckled tomtit. At mo- ments she gazed pensively into the depths of 28 Sonic /.(/\\n i-Mllrriing ground; I discovered this God- forsaken region first. I have first right to this place. Sooner or later we'll both stum- ble on something rare and valuable, and therell be a dispute about it ; there'll be trouble, sure " He broke off short; speech failed him; hi< tongue clove to the roof of his mouth. For there, fluttering lazily above the \\ater. mid- way between him and the young girl on the opposite bank, appeared a butterfly. Diana's Chase 29 It was not a particularly handsome butter- fly ; not apparently an insect to cause such instant and amazing symptoms of vital ex- citement in two young people ; it was a mod- erate-sized, smoky-tinted specimen with a glimmer of deep blue playing over the sheen of the rapidly moving wings. But as the two young people became si- multaneously aware of the creature, two green gauze butterfly nets were whipped aloft, two symmetrical pairs of legs wen stantly set in motion, two madly desirous hearts beat as one, two souls harbored the same traditional thought. The butterfly, whose name happened to be Argynnis Diana, though she didn't suspect it, flew gayly along above the little river, up- stream, and impartially midway between the two banks. Along the east bank ran the girl, gracefully fleet, head turned, dark eyes following the in- sect, which darted on just out of reach of her net ; on the west bank galloped Kelvin, his tin paraphernalia flopping and jingling, net in the air, terribly excited at his first sight of the great Southern Diana fritillary, whose presence in New York State had never before 30 Some Ladies in Haste been recorded even by a popular writer of fiction. As for the big clouded Diana, flashin. hint of royal azure with every beat of her >tnng, fleet wings, she settled down to lead those two young, ardent souls a chase wor- thy of the goddess after whom she had been christened. First she swung across to the east hank, where the girl instantly put on three speeds forward, chasing her \\ith skirts a-tlutter and flashing hecK. Diana turned; it \\as almost useless hut the girl attempted a mid-air net stroke and missed; and the butterfly whirled upward in alarm, flitting on slanting wings across to the west bank. Kelvin fancied he heard a faint. l>n>l hearted exclamation. !\ more than a quick indrawn breath, but he had no tini si ntimental inquiry; Diana swept across his arc of vision; he leaped forward, net aloft, running warily, alert for the psychological second which might give him his opportunity. And, as he ran, he was aware that across the water the girl was speeding over ferns and turf, keeping pace with him, a mix- liana's Chase 31 ture of determination and despair in her brown eyes, yet prepared for any accident which might give her another chance at the flying Diana. So they ran; and it was evident that they both must have been in excellent physical condition, for the pace was fast and the sun was bright, and it was no boulevard they fol- lowed over the uneven country broken with clumps of bushes, fern, rocks, and fences. As for the fences, the girl took them like a slim thoroughbred ; over went her net first, then she went over; how, she never after- wards understood but over she went, picked up her net, and on again with tan-shod feet flying. Once Kelvin came a cropper ; and as he fell his tin collecting boxes banged and dinned so that his fall resembled the fall of the White Knight; and the girl smothered a half-hys- terical laugh and tried to keep her brown eyes on the butterfly. But Kelvin was off again, and so near to the fleeing Diana that he made a net stroke, and missed. Instantly the butterfly veered, dashed mad- ly through the sunshine, up, up, over the top 32 Some Ladies in Haste of a maple tree, then swiftly descended once more to the east bank of the stream. And Kelvin groaned, but ran on. Now his rival, the fleet-footed racer of the east bank, had caught her second breath. The sun glinted on her curly brown hair ami in the depths of IHT dark eyd as she sprang forward, brandish in^ her net for the stroke that she had so long awaited. Nearer and nearer her flying feet brought her to Diana, \\lio, low fixing, uas fluttering scarce ten paces forward. Nearer and nearer drew the flushed pur- suer; Krlviii set Ins teeth in de>pair as the green net >\\ept level ; then he could have yelled in his excitement, for Diana, avoiding the stroke, dipped sideways in mid-air, and whirled across the water in an ecstasy of fright, straightaway in front of him. Now it meant a long, grim, dogged test of endurance before he could hope for an- other chance. The butterfly was thoroughly alarmed, : ing tirelessly forward across the country, and Kelvin settled down into a determined trot. confident at any rate that his neighbor across the stream had come to her last ditch. Diana's Chase 33 But, after a moment or two, out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of flut- tering skirts ; and, astonished and slightly chagrined, he observed her askance, forg- ing lightly ahead into his range of vision, pretty face flushed, hair undisciplined, the green net aloft and floating in the summer wind. At first he was irritated; then her gallant and silent courage touched him, and he want- ed to turn and call across the water to her and tell her that she'd probably be ill if she didn't stop. But he had no breath to do so ; no time, no opportunity to turn. Diana was flying fast, and he had all he could do to keep her in view. There was a little grove of trees just ahead where the river narrowed and made a sudden bend. If Diana got among the trees he'd probably lose sight of her; if Diana went over the treetops she'd cross to the east bank again, and that swift-limbed rival of his would probably get her this time. Spurred into one last frantic dash, Kelvin shot forward and fairly ran the butterfly down ; but Diana darted under his net, mounted straight up among the leaves, and 34 Some Ladles In Ilustc vanished. And, though Kelvin ran about dis- tractedly hither and thither, he could not espy his I )iana of tin- Ilronx. And after he had run round and round the outside of the clump of trees and had can- tered up and down the open fields beyond, he st><,,l -till, gasping for breath until his breath came hack into his lun^s. Then, wild- 1 but alert, he stride into the clump of trees av^ain. And here lu- became aware of his rival, Hushed, breathless, rhanningly di- sheveled, sitting upon a mossy stone, eyes persixtnitl) ii\i-d on the top 1 of a tall oak t Her slender tanned \\rists \\i-re bare, her sleeves pushed back to her elbows; and she sat, clasping her knees in her hands, rhin up- tilted, delicate nose in the air. the green but tertly net across her lap. Kelvin, breathing hard, looked up, too. He saw nothing but golden-green leaves and branches and the blue sky between. Then he looked at the girl, then up in the air, then at the girl, then up into the tree again. Evidently the butterfly had alighted some- where high in that oak tree, and she had seen Diana's Chase 35 it and had taken the river at a single jump where it narrowed among the trees. This was the limit. She had not only had the bad taste to chase his butterfly, but now she had come over into his territory to con- tinue her flagrant conduct. He said, speaking firmly and aloud : " I wonder where my butterfly went." The intruder appeared not to notice him. She continued to clasp her knees in her hands and look up into the tree. Kelvin looked up again, and continued looking until his neck ached. Then he glanced defiantly at the girl and sat down. Presently he forced a pleasant smile. " I beg your pardon," he said cheerfully, and with a note of surprise in his voice, as though for the first time that day he had noticed her presence in Westchester. " I am wondering whether by any chance you ob- served a butterfly around this vicinity be- longing to me ? " She permitted him a slow, disdainful sweep of her eyes. " I have seen several butterflies to-day," she said. " It did not occur to me they might belong to anybody." 4 36 Some Ladies in Haste " This one the one I have been chasing is a dusky bluish one/' he ventured. I really must secure that specimen ; it's quite necessary for my rather important collection. So I wondered whether 1>\ any chance \u happened to notice such a butterih." She remained silent. He repeated his question. " Yes, I saw it," she said, flushing up. "You know perfectly well that I sau it "Where is it now? M he asked, ro Liming in his turn. " I do not see why I should answer that question," she said with M If-posses- sion. " Why why, I've just explained to you. That is Diana's butterfly a tremendously rare one. Never before has anybutU ->< -en it flying north of Virginia. And, of course, as I was fortunate enough to discover it it's so to speak my butterth." " I think," she said resolutely. " that 1 was fortunate in seeing it before you before ;t body else noticed it. Under that imprein." she added coldly, " I was at some pains and inconvenience to follow it." " Pains ! " he repeated ; " inconvenience ! Diana's Chase 37 I may say that for myself. Of course, no doubt you supposed that you first discov- ered it- " I know I did." " I do not question the sincerity of your belief, but, as it happens, it was I who first discovered it " I cannot admit that," she retorted with a quaver in her voice. " I'm sorry," he said patiently, " but it's a fact. And I would not press the point or insist if this butterfly were not so unusual if the occurrence of this insect was not abso- lutely unique in this latitude." " I don't see," she said, with another little catch in her voice, " why that makes any difference." Kelvin spoke impressively: " It makes this difference : if it were a com- mon or even a rare specimen indigenous to Westchester, I, being a man, would naturally yield it to you. But this butterfly is too im- portant to decorate the collection of a mere amateur; science knows no sex or courtesy to sex. It is important to science and to the world that this specimen of Argynnis Diana should be procured and safely cared for by 38 Some Ladies in Haste some man who, like myself, is prepared to abandon the hideously commercial pursuits he has hitherto blindly indulged in, and de- vote the remainder of an all-too-brief career to the exacting demands of scien When he had delivered himself of this, he paused to recover his breath and observe the effect on IKT. She sat with head obstinate!) lowered, eyes bent on the moss at her feet ; but she offered no answer, no concession. " Will \ou tell me where that butterth -, he asked. " I don't ire to appear selfish." ' You do appear so." " I don't mean to " It it will be a hideous disappointment to me if I lose that butterflx." she said. 1 I simply ean't endure the thought of it. The idea of of anybody taking it away from me!" " In the interest of science/' he began, but she shook her head. " I can't help it ; I like the color of that butterfly, and 1 want to place it in my collec- tion. I " she looked up hopefully " I have a very pretty collection all kinds and col- Diana's Chase 39 " That's very praiseworthy," he explained ; " but science is different. You merely want pretty things in cases to decorate a mantel or " "Of course I do!" " Very well ; then catch a lot of everyday butterflies. I I'll help you if you wish." " No, I don't wish it thank you." " As you please. Only you surely must recognize the importance of my securing this particular *' I do not recognize it." There was a pause. " Will you tell me where that butterfly is? " No answer. " Is it up in that oak tree ? " No reply. He looked at her, but her pretty head was averted. Then an obstinate expression came over his features ; he sat down on the dead leaves about ten feet away from her. For a while he busied himself with arrang- ing his specimens; first he unslung the bag of garter snakes, peeped into the neck of it, drew the string tight, and placed it on the grass. 40 Some Ladies in l/asfc Askance the girl watched tlu- l>ai;. shiver- ing slightly when the limp folds undulated with the wriggling reptiles inside. Then Kelvin spread out his fern-, wrapped up their roots in damp eloth, and squinted at the fronds through a pocket ina^nifx ing glass. After that he removed his hat, unpinned tin- butterflies, and placed the speeimens. wings closed over their hacks, in little three-cor- nered paper envelopes. These he packed carefully into a flat tin box which was slung over his should* He had a few grcwsome caterpillars ; these he counted and secured in another lo\ punched full of holes. \n< r that he emptied his pockets of the remaining . placed each in its proper receptacle, and, duty fin- ished, looked around inquiringly at his neigh- bor. She appeared to be immersed in a study of the top branches of the oak; he strove to make out which particular leaf she was gaz- ing at, having no doubt in his mind that I )i- ana, wings folded, hung there clasping the leaf with delicate limbs. It was like looking for a needle in a hay- stack, for, unless he had seen the butterfly Diana's Chase 41 alight, it seemed utterly impossible to find it up there among a million leaves. He studied the foliage until he grew pee- vish. Then, suddenly, he remembered that over his left shoulder he carried a game bag full of alluring luncheon. His entire phys- ical being yearned for it. So first of all he' went to the river, washed his hands, and returned. Very* methodically he produced a large, freshly ironed handkerchief and spread it out on the moss. Upon this he placed several species of nourishing sandwiches, some fruit, and a patent cooler full of spring water. The girl resolutely watched the hidden Di- ana, yet, at moments, her brown eyes stole toward the single glass of water which he had poured. " Now," he said coolly, " it being impossi- ble for us both to eat together, I will take your place on watch while you lunch." "Thank you," she said, "but I shall not tell you where my Diana is hiding." " That is not necessary," he said. " If any- thing attempts to fly out of that oak tree I can see it. Til simply keep my eye on the tree." 42 Sonic I.mHis in llustc She declined with a shake of her head, but thanked him. " Then I'll bring something to you " "Please don't!" I must if I am to c " I I don't care for anything." " But I can't sit there and stuff myself all alone." She smiled faintly, glancing askance at tin- glass of wat You are a generous rival, she said. I I really am perishing for a sip of water." He brought tin- glass to her. "Have you plcntx ? " she inquired. "Plentv. She drank a little slowly, and while she was drinking he lni held book, and on this paper he placed some lettuce and chicken sandwiches, two pears, and three peaches. She handed him the glass of water, demur- ring, but as he refused to touch food unless she did, she finally began, daintily. " I had some luncheon the packet slipped out of my collecting box when I \\a- \\a- going over a fence," she explained. Diana's Chase 43 " And you didn't stop to recover it ? " " Stop? For a thing like that? " she asked disdainfully. " Well, that is rather plucky of you," he observed. " I don't think so. I'd do almost anything sacrifice anything almost to capture that butterfly." He grew grave immediately ; there was a silence ; then he said : " I didn't suppose you possessed any of the qualities one expects to find in a true scien- tist. I don't understand how an an amateur, who cares only for the mere prettiness of a butterfly, could run as fast after one as you did, and keep up such a heartbreaking chase under a vertical sun " It would break my heart if I couldn't get that butterfly," she said. " It's the same with me," he admitted. " But I don't see why it would do anything so serious to you." " Why not? I've set my heart on it." " Have you a serious collection ? " " Yes," she said. " Do you study butterflies ? " " Certainly I do." 44 Sonic Ladies in Hustc i u>ly ? " 11 Perfectly/ 1 she smiled. " Scientifically ? " he persisted. She pouted adorably : " No, if you mean to ask me whether I know all their names." " But what use arc they to you?" " They are of a use most important," she said with smiling decision. And as his eyes grew rounder she laughed. " Of course, you think that I probably cook and eat them." " I can't understand." he said. " why you take such a tremendous lot of trouble to chase this butterfly I tM \he observr.l "So would I," he said promptly. " Meanwhile," she nodded gayly, " there is no use in speculating as to which one of us is to be fortunate." Clearly she had every confidence in her own quickness of eye and fleetness of limb, and her laughing courage (list u rind Kelvin. *' In the interests of science," he said sud- denly, " I ought to climb that tree." " What ? " she exclaimed, paling. " I ought to sling my butterfly net around my neck and shin up that tree," he repeated. " Tha that is unfair horridly unfair " And shin up and up," he continued, un- 46 Sonic Ladies in Haste heeding, "until I get to the top. Then 1 M easily discover Diana " I if you attempt to climb that tree/' she exclaimed, " I'll climb it, t< You can't/' he jeered, feeling very, very mean in his triumph. " I can. I'll do it, too if you attempt it." " I'm going to in the interest of science/' he announced deliberately. And, rising, he walked to the foot of the tree. Instantly she sprang to her feet, but as he easily swung himself into the tirM crotch she halted, \\ent \\hite. then red. then, as In- turned and looked down at her, the quick tears rushed to li " Science or not." she faltered, in a choking voice, "it i- it i- contemptible!" But he was leaning down from the first branch, holding out both hands to her, and saying: "Of course, I mean to fight you on even terms. Catch my hands reach up a little higher! Now! Swing clear! I'll lift you into the first crotch ! " It was done in an instant ; he swung her from her feet to a firm footing beside him ; and, as she caught a branch and steadied her- self, she said : Diana's Chase 47 " I knew you were not that sort. You fight fairly. I knew you always would." " How did you know? " "How? Why, I've made up my mind about you ; I made up my mind the first time I ever saw you this last spring when you first came wandering along the Bronx." " And what did you decide ? " he asked, affected by her frankness and by the nearness of her. For they were crowded rather closely together in the crotch of the oak so close that he was sensible of the delicately vague fragrance of her the faint, fresh odor of her hair, her gown, her breath. She steadied her slender body, one hand on the tree trunk, and looked fearlessly aloft. " Come on," she said. " Are you ready to start on even terms ? " He looked up at the high branches, then at her. " You can't go up there," he said, with a curious sensation of apprehension. "Why not?" " I it's too too high. Your shoes are slippery 4 There's no more chance of my falling than there is of yours, is there ? " 48 Some Ladies in Ifusfc And as he did not reply : " Fair \\arnir she said, catching \\ith both sun-tanned hands the branch above her head. " I air \\arnm-! One, two, three! " and the\ scrambled upward together through the thicket of leaves and branches. They had shortened their butterfly nets, and hung them an mud their necks by rubber bands. The rings and the netting became constantly entangled in the foliage as they raced upward, climbing >\\ittl\ toward the patches of blue sky on high. lie casils outstripped her; her skirts and her net seemed to catch continually. Besides, her wrists were not as strong as his. and her limbs were not so long or so stmd\. He used his powerful shoulder inn-des and swung up the ladder of branches past her. tearing a sk\ward path through the #i Already he had distanced her; the precar footing did not slacken his pace, nor eitlu-r; but his lu-ad was above hers, then slowly neck, chest, shoulders ahead of 1 He glanced down into her determined face, caught a glimmer of defiance in the brown eyes ; then suddenly the eyes widened under a shock of purest fear; he saw the small, Diana's Chase 49 smooth hand slip, clutch at the branch, cling and slip; the face below him turned ashy. And at the same moment he stooped and caught her under her arms. For a second she hung there at a dizzy height a dead weight in his arms, head fallen back. He thought she had fainted, but the brown eyes opened, she swung her right leg forward and regained the crotch from whence it had slipped. " Quick ! Around my neck with both arms ! " he gasped. " I can hold you ! " " W-will I endanger you ? " "No, no! Hurry.!" Her clasp around his neck nearly tore him from the branches, but he hung close, bend- ing slowly backward, farther, farther, until she was drawn little by little out of the abyss and fell forward safe against him among the branches. Minute after minute throbbed ; again and again she strove to recover her self-posses- sion, but she only crouched there, trembling, eyes closed. " You play fairly/' she managed to gasp. " Are you waiting to give me another chance?" 50 Some Ladies in Haste " You mean that you are willing to try it again ? " he demanded incredulously. She nodded, breathing fast. " One mo- ment to recover my confidence if you don't mind." "You plucky little thing!" his lips mo- tioned, but he made no sound, watching the play of golden light and leaf shadow over her closed eyes and creamy skin. Then a slight color came back into the cheeks, her bn\\n eyes opened on his ; she tried to smile. " I am ready. I think." she said. A slowly growing thrill enveloped him ; he made no answer, but his eyes never left hers. 44 Are you ready ? " she asked, clearing her forehead of its hair with unsteady haml. Her hand still trembled a little as she grasped the lu-xt brancli above her head. And as though in simple curiosity he laid his hand over it. Her fingers were u \. " You are afraid," he said. " I know it." " But you are still willing to try again ' " " Of course." His hand over hers began to shake slightly, and she noticed it and raised her eyes. "Are you afraid?" Diana 9 s Chase 51 " Horribly/' " Then I'll wait for you," she said simply, leaning forward to steady her body against the main trunk. " You'll have to wait a long time," he said. " I don't mind." " Longer than you know." " You waited for me. I don't mind." " But but it is you I am afraid for, not myself." She looked up with the pure, direct gaze of a child. For a minute they faced each other in silence. " May I tell you something? " he asked. " Yes." " Then there's a man a friend of mine No, I can't explain it that way. Let me be- gin in another way. Did have you noticed any particular change in yourself any radi- cal change in your temperament and char- acter a recently? I mean within the last three months? For instance, were you, three months ago, particularly devoted to prowling about the Bronx and listening to dickey birds and chasing butterflies? " She shook her pretty head. " I am greatly changed," she said. " Three months ago 5 52 Some I.uiiics in ffusfc nothing on earth could have induced me to run wild like this shatter every canon of convention and common sense and go roam- ing about, KM'-*) -mad. Were yon always so devoted to natural histo; I? No!" he said, almost violently. I was not\ I'm normally a plain business man. I make pulp paper! Three months ago I began this sort of performance "Three month " Exactly like yourself. I didn't want to do it 1 \ample I detest snakes and caterpillars, but I've a box full of 'em down there." She shuddered. 44 And here I am," he said, " up a tree like an accursed monkey, disputing over a butterfly \\ith a girl I I never saw 44 Did didnt you see me in the begin- ning " Yes. I did. and I couldn't keep my eyes off you. And that is the truth! " " Oh," she said faintly. 44 Yes, the truth! " he continued excitedly ; " and the truth is that, somehow, within three months I've the most dreadful and shameless inclination to tell the absolute truth to any- Diana's Chase 53 body who asks me. It's it's damaging my business somewhat ; it's raising the mischief with me socially. I'm a changed, trans- formed, translated man ; I'm not myself. The chances are that I'll never, never again be myself after what Manners has done to me " " Manners! " " Oh, he's evidently been meddling with you, too, said Kelvin. " You are probably one of the agreeable girls he noticed from his club window. Tell me were you the usu- al frivolous, capricious, fashionable, empty- headed opportunist, brought up in terror of convention and good taste ? Were you ? " "Y-yes," she faltered. " I I hadn't an idea outside of the drilled routine I was bred to. They think I am crazy at home." " Then it's Manners ! " he exclaimed. " Manners ? " she faltered. " I don't think I understand." " Manners is a man William T. Man- ners! a mischief-making, meddlesome friend of mine! He's given you absent treat- ment " For what ? " she demanded angrily. " Frivolity mental vacancy general use- 54 Some I. u dies in Haste lessness, I suppose ! He gave it to me he's filled me full of thoughts ! He's fired me with a craze for truth and Nature." " I I am afflicted that way, too," she mur- mured. " I am most unwilling to say so, but the truth is that w-when I first saw you, you attracted me v-very m-m-much." ' You plucky little thing to say so!" he cried warmly. " No ; it isn't pluck. I can't help it. Do you think 1 want to admit such a thing to a man whose name I don't even know ? " she demanded. "It isn't pluck: for instance. / didn't want to chase that butterfly and climb this tree! Can't you understand? Please, please understand that I know how horrid and common and unconventional I appear " 1 absolutely deny it. You know I couldn't help saying so if you did appear that way. lint YMU don't : you are charming and bewil- deringly attractive ' "Oh, please I don't wish you to say" she stopped " I mean that the truth is the dreadful, unescapable truth is that I do wish to listen to you even up this tree." Diana's Chase 55 Her rising color and her emotion were re- flected in his face and voice. " You are the the most splendid girl I ever saw," he said unsteadily. " You you oh, must I tell you how frightened and happy you make me ! " she asked in crimson distress. " I have I was engaged to marry a man but he isn't like you oh, not at all like you. I think if you if I thought you might really ever care for me that way that I'd break the engage- ment." Her hand under his trembled; he impris- oned the slim fingers. " I do care for you," he said unsteadily ; " I I am quite mad about you. Can't you see it can't you feel it ? " " Y-yes. C-can you see how how per- fectly crazy I am about you? I am so so dazed that I think we had better climb down out of this tree." " Not until I give you yield to you the dearest and most precious object that I ever hope to possess ! " he cried. And, before she understood what he con- templated, he was madly scrambling upward among the branches. 56 Sonic Ladies in Ilustc And now, fearlessly swinging among the topmost branches, she saw him extend his net, lean far over the tangled maze of gum, and beat the foliage. Instantly there came a bluish flash of win--. a swish of tin- net. a Hutu-ring struggle within the gauze prison, a faint taint of chloroform in the summer air. And a minute later he came climbing down, radiant, triumphant, and laid in IKT trembling palm the conquered Diana, lovely in pearl and cloudy blue. For m*\* she Mfced For you. I wish I had a thousand to give you." " I I can't I simply cannot take it. " " Do yon wish to make me miserable? " The brown eyes were raised to his clear, steadfast, pure eyes that did not fait " I would rather make you happy than any- body in all the world," she said slowly. His senses were swimming as he laid the butterfly away in a box, put the box into his pocket, and turned to her. " I am ready to have you help me down, she said. And, heart racing madly, he managed to Dianas Chase 57 aid her in the descent, down, slowly, from branch to branch, guiding her with arm and hand within his hand. And at last they reached the last crotch, and he bent down and swung her free above the moss. "Shall I let you go?" he asked, looking down into her face. " Yes ; it is not far. I can easily drop this distance/' " But I don't want to let go of you." "Why?" She looked up, then the color flooded her face. For a moment they were silent, she swinging from his arms above the moss, he bent above her. " Brown eyes, brown eyes," he whispered ; "shall I let you go?" " Gray eyes," she murmured ; " gray eyes ! Shall Iletjpttgo?" " I love you," he pleaded under his breath. Hanging there she raised her hands and rested them on his arms that held her sus- pended an instant, looking up at him. Then, her soul in her eyes, she threw her head back ; and their lips clung. 58 Sotnc Ladies in I lust c " One thing," she sighed, as they moved slowly together through the primrose dusk, " and I must do it at once." " What ? " he murmured rapturously. "Write to that very unfortunate n- friends, five women with whom he was not acquainted the first five ornamental young girls he chanced to observe on Fifth Avenue, passing the club window where he sat all uttrr strangers to him, as he believed. For, his monocle being in his eye. he had imt recog- ni/ed ill one of tlu-M- ladies his own //(/;/, Of the five men on whom he had e: his uncanny will power all were now exhibit- ing symptoms logically consequent upon the mental treatment he had given them ; Kelvin had left him that morning, hopping mad and also Nature mad ; and for weeks now he had had Dudley Todd on his hands not tin- old, familiar, impossible Todd, not the tol- erated but despised Todd. the club affliction and general nincompoop in ordinary but a brand-new Todd, a popular Todd. a radically translated Todd. And all might have been well had Todd merely developed along the lines of the An Overdose 61 wholesome mental treatment which Manners had honestly meant to give him ; but Manners was far from judicious in his treatment. He considered Todd such a desperate case that his mental treatment was a sort of urgency treatment as strenuous as first aid to the mortally injured, and far more vigorous than he realized at the time. And now, when too late, utterly unable to reverse treatment or modify what he had done, he perceived with horror that he had given Todd an overdose. And Todd was fast becoming the limit in Manhattan town. In an agony of contrition Manners had gone to Todd and confessed what he had done to him, supposing that Todd would take a grip on himself and stop, even if he inci- dentally destroyed Manners as an act of ab- stract justice. But Todd, when he recovered from his astonishment, seemed rather pleased than an- noyed, and admitted frankly that the absent treatment given him by Manners had agreed with him. In vain Manners expostulated. Todd ob- stinately insisted that it agreed with him and made him very, very happy ; that he felt him- 62 Some Ladies in Hustc self endowed with the energy, imagination, and capacity for romantic affection of a dozen men all rolled into one. But Todd's conduct had now become such that Manners, feeling personally responsible for the young fellow's amazing behavior, felt obliged to follow him about day and ni^lit And the antics of Todd, and his sleepless, untiring assiduity in the headlong hunt for happiness, were wearing Manners to a shad- ow in the effort to do police duty. Then another blow fell. Eric Kelvin re- turned from the Bronx and informal Mm ners that he was now engaged to m Manure . anl Manners rushed madly uptown to expostulate \\ith the object of In- adoration. But that charming and changed young devotee to Nature mrnly admitted that -h<- no longer cared for him. but loved Kelvin with all her heart ; and Manners rushed home again, a prey to sentimental agitation. The Lenox Club was his home. He locked himself in his bedroom, where for twi four hours he maintained a distracted silt interrupted at intervals by processions of waiters bearing ice, vichy, tonic, and kindly An Overdose 63 inquiring notes from Kelvin, to which he deigned no reply. By and by, Kelvin himself arrived, but Manners refused to open the door. Only his voice, hoarse and injured, satisfied Kelvin that his friend still lived. " Don't do anything terrible, will you ? " insisted Kelvin. " I may," said Manners ominously, begin- ning to enjoy himself. So Kelvin, disconcerted, sat down outside the door. And, by and by, Manners, being low in his mind, sought consolation in a mouth organ. " Oh, pip ! " muttered Kelvin, jumping up and rapping on the door. " Come out, Wil- liam ! You are convalescent ! " Manners wanted to, but he only blew a sul- len blast on his mouth organ. " Are you coming out ? " repeated the other. ' There are five men waiting for us in the card room." So Manners came out, scowling, and they shook hands. " I never, never thought you'd do such a thing," said Manners, sulkily lighting the ci- gar that Kelvin offered. f>4 Some Ladies in Haste "She never did like you very much, any- way," explained Kelvin. "Come on do\\n stairs ; Todd is banking " "Todd!" groaned Manners. " I I'm sick of the very name of Todd! " And. in a last spasm of revolt: "If ever I am ass enou-h to fool with mental science ai^ain I deserve to marry a Sixth Avenue manicmv ' would it inconvenience you to come in every morning for a month and disable me with a kid "William," said Kelvin Mispiri, iisl\ . M i| Todd one of your victims' I've \\.rn,! what was the matter \\ith him. Is 1 lint Manners, with a tragic -t -Mure, pushed open the door of the card rM,m. and the two men \\ere jxilitely greeted and invited to in." The seance was a gay o i celebrants assisting at the ccrcm-nnis; ami the gayest of the gay, the cheeriest, the liveliest, was Todd. bubbling over with the infernal and inexhaustible energy of a d../< n men. "Can nothing tire that cn.ttun -" mut- tered Manners to himself, between his teeth. "He's tuning up for another horrible even- ing. He'll be all over the country, and he'll An Overdose 65 get into the newspapers if I don't follow him/' Todd, unconscious, trolled a merry ditty and drew two more kings. " Are you tired, old chap ? " asked Man- ners. " You look like the last run of jelly- fish, dear friend." "Who? I? Why, I'm fresh as a daisy," said Todd, betting the limit. Manners reviewed his hand with a bitter smile and stayed out. " He does look queer, though," he insisted, with a significant nod to Kelvin. " And / don't believe he's perfectly well. Todd," he added anxiously, " do you feel perfectly well, old fellow?" " Certainly," said Todd, with a smirk, as he gathered up the chips, and shuttled the cards for the kitty sweepstake ^. " Is every student in ? " glancing around the table. " Come, get nimble, Kelvin ; you're shy a blue one ! " And, nodding similar admonition across at Kelly Jones, he lighted a cigar and dealt cold decks all round. Kelvin spread his cards face up on the table, observed with disgust the single sou- brette, and, unable to draw to a kitty clean- 66 Some Ladles In Haste up, admitted he was out. Then he leaned over toward Manners. " Is Todd one of your victims?" he whis- pered. " You've certainly made a man of him!" " The trouble is," said Manners, " I've made about a dozen men of him. Look at him now! He's hatching deviltrx ' Un't he the saucy Clarence? Look at him with his pat hand! When I treated him 1>\ nuntal suggestion I inu*t have given him a tern IK overdose of everything " He broke off short as Todd triumphantly spread out his five cards. "All pink ! (funds, students, and relatives," be observed. " It's only seven o'clock. Shall we continue- our votive offerings to the astig- matic goddi- But sentiment was against him. Several men said they were hungry, and everybody began to make precise little piles of tlu n multicolored chips. Todd, courteous and in- defatigable, immediately became very busy with his pencil and paper, checking off the returns. Manners had no chips to pile up symmetrically, and he rose and walked to the window. Kelvin joined him, and peered out An Overdose 67 and upward where the last tints of daylight were fading from the summer sky and the first stars faintly sparkled. " Stars out already," observed Manners gloomily. " I'm dog tired. I'd like to spend a quiet evening dine here alone, read the paper, and go to bed. But I can't do it." " On account of Todd ? " inquired Kelvin. " Yes, on account of that infernal Todd ! He's killing me, that's what he's doing dragging me about all day and all night witli him." " And you dare not let him out of your sight?" asked Kelvin sympathetically. " I should think not ! That man has a ca- pacity for putting both feet in it beyond all dreams of common sense. You remember what a little nincompoop he was a lazy, idle, dull-minded, unimaginative, common- place peddler of stocks and bonds? "Well, I thought he needed mental sug- gestion, and I was ass enough to treat him for everything he lacked! And look at him! Look at him, Kelvin ! Clever, industrious, full of poetic fire, imaginative, romantic, and yet capable enough to make a fortune for himself in Wall Street in three months/ 6 68 Some Ladies in Haste " Look at him, I tell you ! Why, he's pos- itively grown tall and good-looking! and and I wish I hadn't treated him for lack of imagination and idleness ; I do, indeed ! He's full of enterprise and full of a tireless energy that's simply killing me, Kelvin. I'm nearU dead, trying to keep him out of mischief. Why on earth can't he get tired? He works like a millionaire all day, and he's all over everywhere after five o'clock ! I must have been crazy to inject that combination of moonstruck romance and devilish energy into him. Hark! JIM lixu-n to him mm ! " The two men turned from the window to- ward the lighted green table, where half a dozen men had gathered around Todd as he closed their accounts. And Todd was saying enthusiastically : "Well, we had a corking game, didn't we? There's a lot of pure romance in the old-fash- ioned national game. There's romance ev where and in everything. This rity reeks with romance every street is full of it, day and night, if only you realize it. Isn't it, Manners:* Why. I tell you, fellows, that a mere walk in town is to me one endless ten- sion of excitement and suspense " An Overdose 69 Billy West laughed, and asked if Todd really found a walk on Fifth Avenue partic- ularly exciting. "Certainly I do!" said Todd; "on Fifth Avenue or on any street or lane or alley or mews in this wonderful metropolis ! " Kelly Jones observed that he, personally, never had encountered any inexpensive ro- mance in the neighborhood. "Nonsense!" said Todd; "town's full of it! I never put on my hat and coat and take my gloves and my stick but I experi- ence a subtle thrill of most delicious suspense. I say to myself : * I am going out among sev- eral millions of unknown fellow-creatures. I am likely at any moment to meet with almost any kind of an adventure. I may encounter Fate itself around the first corner, or Destiny hiding behind a tree/ Who knows? I don't; you don't ! And that is the best part of it ! ' And Todd smiled so winningly upon those about him that they all smiled in return. He had become very popular within a few weeks. Said Todd : " When I set foot out of doors my pulses leap; I'm all afire with energy, all aquiver with the possibilities before me. 70 Some Ladles in Haste Ever>* street is a vague vista of haunted n tery and promise; every lamp-post exijin ly M^mtirant ; r\ery electric li.i;ht M-ems to wink at me and me on to perilous adventure ! Chance lies before me : all an mini me Hazard dogs my >tep: and a most hilarating mixture of foreboding, apprehen- sion, tin v. and hope sets me trotting out into the metropolitan \\ilds ' "And int. muttered Manners to Hill> West ** Too had," said inpathetieally the in-t expression of anything n->eml)ling >\ni|atli\ Maniu-rs had heanl lor ICVentl days. He likrd \\'e>t ; he \\a> inelined to like \\i-t f": tsons. One \sa> that, far away in the back part of his head, he enter- tained an < admiration \*>r one of I'.ilK Urst's listen nt tin- prrtt\ onr. Hi- admiration \\as n,t l>a-rd on a personal knowledge of In ti far as he knew, he had nev her. I'ut liilly talked of her a great deal, and, from her brother's enthusi- astic description. Manners had formed a curi- ous attachment for the girl, which now. in his condition of bereavement, haunted him with shy but tender prr-i-tence. And some day An Overdose 71 he felt that he was destined to hear more about Billy West's sister not the pretty one. Meanwhile Todd, the unspeakable, was still holding forth. Several men asked : " Well, Toddy, do you ever really make good? Do you ever seize romance by the coat tails? Do you actually have any genuine adventures? Does he, Manners? " " Plenty/' observed Manners morosely. " Ask any desk sergeant in the five bor- oughs ! " " Of course I do," added Todd joyously. " Only Manners, there, has a strange delu- sion that I'm always going to get into some sort of scrape ; but I never do not serious scrapes," he added, linking his arm in Man- ners's arm as the men began to file out " I say, Kelvin, Manners and I are going out in quest of adventures. Will you come ? " But Kelvin's evenings were now all taken ; Manners looked at him sideways, and under- stood. So Kelvin blushed becomingly and excused himself, and Manners looked after him wist- fully. He had not yet recovered from the shock of Kelvin's engagement announcement, 72 me I. tidies in Hustc and sometimes his bereavement made him \\i-tful and sometimes it merely made him mad. "Where shall we go to-night?" asked Todd restlessly. " We'll probably have some most diverting adventure wherever we go and \\hatever we do." "Why." fumed Manner-. " ran't \u in the club to-night and read the papi r and go to bed?" " Go to bed! " echoed Todd. That \ the icment of it. Nobody on earth can tell what bed I'll sleep in next if 1 >leej in any ! " Manners pleaded: "Can't you give me a rest for one evening What? Miss the possibilities of a whole ing?" " But I'm tired " " You don't have to go," said Todd. Yes, I do! I feel responsible for you. " Why? Just becatiM \mi gave me al> treatment for which I'm eternally obliged?" " 1 Can't yon understand that I over- did it?" " Not for my taste," said Todd serenely. " Come on ; get the valet to pack your grip, An Overdose 73 and we'll go down to Oyster Bay, where all those jolly girls are " Not into good society with you ! " snapped Manners. " I've had enough of that for a while." "Why?" " Because, when you go into decent soci- ety, you begin paying serious attentions to every pretty girl you meet. What do you think you are a syndicate? Do you mean to be bigamous? Don't you know you over- do it? And I have to go around afterwards and explain that you are queer " Well, you've got to stop that ! " cried Todd hotly. "Stop it? Why, man, if I don't appear regularly and faithfully in the wake of the ruin you have wrought, do you know where you'd be?" " I'd be engaged if you once let me carry matters to a finish " Yes, engaged every evening from eight to half past eleven. You don't realize how you compromise yourself whenever you talk to a pretty girl. You make every one of 'em think you're in love with them " "I am!" 74 Some I.mlics in Haste Manners glared, then fumbled for his eye- glass. " Todd ! " he said with deep emotion. it's my fault. I overdosed you. You can't help it. You think you're a multiple pcr>onalit\ . You don't comprehend how plural \>u In- have; you don't reali/e how you overdo it, how collectively you make love, what an ass you reall) are! You don't understand that you are now praotieally on the verge of l>< engaged to marry eleven separate girls ' "Yes, I do! And I \\aut to!" ' M.-IMA 'Mil all?" "No; be engaged to them. Why don't you let me? Why do \oti go round I've made a batch of proposals and tell them that 1 don't mean it that tli something hideous the matter \\ith me? If >ouM mind \our o\\u business and let me select one of them, I'd be at rest, an- would you." " Idiot ! " retorted Manners ; " that isn't the way to get married ! You can't go about obtaining options that \\ay. < ireat Heaven-. Todd, what have I done to you? What an awful overdose I've given you! 1 this sickening penance a lii ly spent An Overdose 75 in following you around to keep you out of the penitentiary- He almost broke down. Todd laid a com- forting hand on his shoulder. " Well, we won't go to Oyster Bay, then," he said. " Don't worry, Manners. We'll take things easy to-night if you're tired. We'll just take a little stroll together." " Every time I stroll with you," said Manners, " something unexpected happens. You're right, Todd ; you do have adventures. Nobody else does in New York, but you do ; they come flocking after you the moment you set foot out of doors. And I get the butt-end of 'em, usually." " Isn't it fortunate," said Todd rapturously, "that I, who, by your method of treatment, am so thoroughly equipped for adventures, have 'em in such agreeable profusion? I know perfectly well that after dinner this evening when you and I stroll out no matter where I go or which way I turn somewhere in the mysterious medley of light and shadow I am certain to encounter something or some- body most extraordinary." Manners groaned. " Perhaps," murmured Todd, gazing heav- 76 Some Ladies in Haste onward with rapt eyes " Perhaps I may 4 even tin- \n\ night catch a glimpse of her whom I am destined to make happy some im- mortal day ! " 44 Oh, piffle!" said Manm You don't understand/' sighed Todd dreamily. " The celestially perfect and still invisible. She may be encountered any- where! But I shall know her when I see her- That," said Manners, * i- why \u require a police escort. Are you dining with me? Very well. then. I'm going to dn "So am I." murmured Todd. " I I feel curiously and prophetically and strangely like a a bridegroom this evening usually feel like several," snapped Manners. CHAPTER IV A REMEDY [BOUT eleven o'clock that even- ing Manners seized Todd by the elbow and shook him fiercely. " Are you ever going to stop walking? " he demanded. " Why, it's only eleven o'clock," protested Todd. " I don't believe we've walked fifteen miles yet." " We've covered fifty ! Look at me ! " in- sisted Manners, mopping the rivulets of per- spiration from his face and attempting to 77 78 Some Ladies in Haste adjust his wilted collar. " Everything I've got on is sticking to me like plaster; my shoes hurt; I'm thii He choked, ex- asperated. I, personally," observed Todd. " feel agreeably cool and fresh and comfortable, so I think Til stroll on a bit farther. But/' he added, " you need not feel obliged to accom- pany n Manners glared at him. then around at the dimly illuminated and unfamiliar surround- ings. Where are we?" he growled. "We might as well be in a foreign city. What street is tin peering up at a lamp-post. " Eighty-sixth Str ' East I Who on earth ever heard of East Eight \-i\th Street? What's that cross -trm ? East Side Avenue! Never heard of it ! I don't want to hear of it! I am What's that over there?" " A park," said Todd, in pleased surpi " What a charmingly strange little park ! And what's that beyond? the East River? Isn't it fascinating. William? And look at those quaint old-time houses! What a funny littK cul-de-sac of a court they form! Why, Wil- liam, this is perfectly delightful to emerge A Remedy 79 from the reek of things into this unknown oasis on the river's midnight edge the night's Plutonian shore, so to speak/' " Come home ! " said Manners coldly. " Home ? And leave this place without having had a single extraordinary adven- ture ! " He gazed rather blankly at Man- ners. " Do you know, William, that this is the first time in months I have failed to en- counter some sort of an adventure before I turned my nose homeward? And this is just the place for almost anything to jump out at you." Manners said he objected to being jumped out at. " And it's curious, too," mused Todd, look- ing hopefully about, " because when I started I had the most intense sort of a premonition that something most unusual was going to happen to me. Why do you suppose nothing has stung me ? " Manners, too vexed to reply, fanned his heated features with his hat. " In fact," continued Todd, unheeding him, " I felt like a bridegroom like a whole pro- cession of bridegrooms when I started out. Let's go over into that curious little park and 8o Some L (idles in Haste sit on a bench. Perhaps something will break loose within ten minutes." Manners said that he had no objection to resting for a moment, and they entered the park, mounted some stone steps to the left, and ascended the dim, winding path under the trees. As they came out on a sort of terrace the fresh river breeze stnuk them, and they looked out into a world of darkness. East and south myriads of lights twinkled ; the vast bulk of the newest bridge towered against the stars; and, both to the north and south, tin lights of huge municipal institutions glim- mered, cities in themselves, so wide was tlu territory they covered on the shadowy is- lands. North lay the masses of Harlem, light i-l against the horizon, far as the eye could see. \\teriou> t> \.u or to a body else, but / consider it strangely, om- inously significant, William. I believe there's an adventure about to happen to me ! In- added so earnestly and with such naive con- \irtitm that Mamu-rs turned sharply around. "Wh\?" he demanded uneasily. " r.ecau>e that romantic feeling begins to permeate me. 1 feel bright and confident and gay, and I am inclined to song." " Well. I'm not. Come on; it's tin- home ward trek for < And ho arose and grasped Todd firmly by the ell>"u, urging him toward the Mn < t "l'un>us." inurmurod Todd " Curious that nothing happens. I can't undiTMand it. \\ illiam. This is not my usual luck " And he continued expostulating alternately with Fate and with Manners as the latter dragged him most unwillingly from the park and into the dim street where the quaint old row of red-brick houses stood ranged in the darkness, all their owlish-eyed windows A 'Remedy 83 closed and sealed save one. But from that single window a light streamed out across the street. Todd halted before the house. Manners attempted to drag him onward, but he re- sisted. "All right!" snapped Manners; "then stay here ! " And he dropped Todd's arm and walked haughtily toward the corner, but without the slightest intention of really aban- doning his friend. When he got as far as the corner, without hearing any sound of repentant feet behind him, he swung around, mad all through, and shouted : " Todd ! ' Echo answered : " Todd ! " There was not a soul in the street. Todd had evaporated. First of all Manners, in an alarming tem- per, strode back to the house in front of which he had left Todd standing. He went into the area, but there was nobody there; he ascended the front steps and tried the door. It was locked. Followed then the obvious theory that Todd had run away from him. Where do men run when they run guiltily away? Logic 7 84 Sonic Ladies in Haste answered that they run around blocks; so Manners ran around the block in the oppo- site direction, then into the park. Then, wor- ried, panting and furious, he sat down on a bench and fanned his streaming features \\ith his hat. And all the while Todd was not a dozen || auay from him. standing inside the door of the red-brick IIOUM- \\itli the single lighted window. For Todd, when he had lingered to gaze at the house, noticed that the front door stood just ajar; and instantly he accepted the accident as a belated promise of adventure long overdue. So no SOOIKT did Manner* walk off in a huff on pretense of abandoning him than he sci/cd the opportunity and darted up the steps burning with optimism and curiosity. ^omebody left the front door ajar; rob bers may have slipped in," he argued with himself, taking a firmer grip on In- slim malacca walking stick as he pushed open the door and peeped hopefully into the dark hall- way. Then his name shouted angrily afar by Manners startled him, and, stepping inside the hallway, he softly closed the door. At A Remedy 85 the same instant, from somewhere above, he heard a woman's voice raised in tremulous pleading a sweet, thrilling voice, pitifully unsteady, yet every word exquisitely distinct ; and Todd, frozen to attention, listened, his heart in his mouth. " O Harry ! Harry ! Don't drive me into tin- street!" were the first sad words he heard. " You swore to right the wrong you did me! How how can you abandon me, Harry ? How c-can you fling me aside to die under the world's cold scorn ? " Todd, in the darkness, turned a fiery red and set his teeth in his lower lip. " W-what am I to do ? " pleaded the beau- tiful voice. " Where can I turn ? where can I creep to bury my shame? D-don't cast me away don't laugh at me so cruelly Harry! Harry! Don't strike me! Help! Murder- Todd's hair rose straight on end ; then with a shout he galloped up the stairs, swung around the banisters, flew up the second flight, and halted, speechless, confronted by a tall young girl who stood on the landing, the light from an open door behind throwing her young figure into motionless silhouette. 86 So)nc I .adlcs in Haste " W-what are you doing here?" she fal- ten D-doing?" he repeated breathlessly. " There's somebody being murdered in this house 1 " " What "Didn't you hear?" ho demanded, stag- gered by her frank astonishment. " I tell you that some scoundrel named Harry is :trmn- :i \\m;m \\ith violence " "11 II -he stammered. Staring at him incredulously. u What do you mean? 1 am the only person in this house." Then she took t\\o unstrar suj)j)ort, > \\a\el. t.M.k oiu- last look at Todd, and, \\ itli a gesture of abandon, covered her pretty face with both hands. lie thought she was weeping. And for a long while Todd looked at her, bewildered, because her voice was certainly the voice he had heard in heartbreaking ap- peal to Heaven. Was she attempting to shield that un- speakable Harry? A Remedy 87 Todd inserted his head in the doorway, glared about the gas-lit room, stepped in, and craned his neck to see whether the ruffian might be cowering in the alcove. But he saw only a desk there, and piles of typewritten manuscript covering it. And on the blue covers of the manuscript he noticed the words : " Act First." The faintest glimmering of the actual sit- uation dawned on him. He still clutched his stick fiercely ; the light of battle still lingered in his eyes ; but his stride had become a walk, he sidled toward the door, glanced uncertain- ly about, hesitated; then gradually a partial solution of the matter overwhelmed him, leav- ing him hot with embarrassment. She dropped her hands into her lap and looked at him, and he looked foolishly at her ; then again her hands flew to her face, cov- ering it, and she bent forward, resting her elbows on her knees. But Todd understood that the tears that turned her blue eyes starry were not tears of grief. Todd stood very still. His ears seemed to him to have grown unusually red and hot and big. Once again she uncovered her face to look 88 Some Ladies in Haste at him ; once again she wildly veiled it be- hind ten pretty fingers. And at last Todd produced upon his features a spasm intended for a smile. It was not a very genuine attempt, hut it seemed to be sufficient to rcint\vt her. That made Todd smile again, and the result less forced this time. " So it was only part of act first, all that line of talk about Harry? " 1 hravely. " O-oh, yes only p-p-part of act f-fit she managed to reply. " I'm awfully sm He looked at her, scar convinced: " Then there isn't any ; There IMI'I anybody going to be abandoned " N no; nobody is going to abandon any- bod " Exactly. Ah it ah sounded distress- ingly real." "Did it? I'm awfully sorr I never heard such p-pathos in a human voice," insisted Todd. " I \\Mi to Heaven that there had been a Harry somewhere about." She dropped her hands and gazed at him from the loveliest and brightest blue eyes he had ever encountered. A Remedy 89 " How," she asked curiously, " did you get into my house ? " " Who ? Me ? " he faltered, neglecting grammar to gain time. " Certainly, you. How do you come to be here in this house? And why?" " The front door was ajar ; that's how. I thought thieves might have taken occasion to sneak in ; that's why.' 9 " O bother," she said ; " I never can get used to locking up my own house. I don't seem to be able to remember all those details having been accustomed to servants. Was it actually open ? " " It was." " And so you thought you'd see whether any robbers had crept in to murder me? And you came fearlessly to investigate ? " " Yes," said Todd, modestly admitting his valor ; " and I should like to have had a chance at that fellow Harry." " I see," she said thoughtfully. " That was very civil of you to come upstairs when you heard Mary Meeker pleading with Henry St. Aubyn for her life." " Oh, that was nothing," said Todd, turn- ing red. 90 Some I.inlics in Haste They looked at one another. -tru-.-lm- against the inevitable ; then they both broke into laughter uncontrollable. "Did I \\.is it really so convincingly done ? " she tried to " IVrlVetK ! 1 \\ante-l to k-kill that man. I I want to harm him "Oh, I am so glad! It is the most splen- did test! Do you think somebody will the play and produce it? And \m think it \\ill be a ra And " Yon could create the part," he said almost resentfully. " I ? Why. I am not an actress. I am only " Shr stopp,-,!. i.iixm- l, rr < \es to him \ gravel\. " I think. "that you iiad brtter tell me who you are. Not that I am the slightest bit afraid or suspicious; I am not afraid of anything, and have not been for three months. So, if you please, who are v 1 Tin only Dudley Todd," he admittr.l. " Dudley Todd? ( Hi; my brother knows you at the Lenox Club. I am Kvelyn West/' A Remedy 91 '* B-B-Billy West's s-s-sister ! " he stam- mered. " Yes ; not the pretty one ; the eccentric one who has taken up Settlement work and * isms/ and is good to the poor and has missions, and who has just bought this quaint old house here overlooking East River Park- "You! Billy West's " " Yes ; not the pretty one. And I live here quite alone, and don't have servants because I believe in equality, but can't stand having my cook on my visiting list. So here I am, and I'm third vice president of a working girls' club, and I do neighborhood work, and I am going to graduate from the Sloan Ma- ternity some day, and, when nobody requires me as a trained nurse or spiritual adviser, I I " she flushed prettily " I hope to write plays to educate the people like this first play you heard me reading to myself. I hope to reach and arouse the public through the medium of the drama." " Exactly," he said, fascinated. " I am a Socialist," she said firmly ; " I've been one for three months. It occurred so oddly. I was walking along Fifth Avenue 92 me Ladies in Haste opposite the Lenox Club, and as I walked I happened to glance up at the club window oh, I am very careful about doing such a thing, but my brother is sometimes there, and I rather like to see him with the head of his walking stick under his chin ; he's so chubby and cunning " She smiled confidently at Todd ; and Todd grew giddy. " So I glanced up as I passed," she con- tinued ; " but I didn't see my brother, only a rather horrid man with a monocle in one eye, staring at me " "Manners!" breathed Todd, electrified. * Very, very had manners," she said un- consa And she rose and indicated a chair on her left with a gesture of delicate auda The mixture of Socialism and unconven- tionality combined with the charm and fear- less poise of a young girl, bred in the world, produced an ensemble so sweet, so piquant. so adorable, that Todd sat bolt upright on his chair beside her, u rapped in a blissfully im- becile daze. " I don't care what an artificial and self- conscious society mi^ht think of this, do you, Mr. Todd?" she asked. A Remedy 95 "Not a bit," said Todd. Her eyes were very friendly ; her glance wandered over him with a confident but thoughtful curiosity. " I am very glad you came," she said. " Will you come again ? " " Yes ! ! ! ! " exclaimed Todd so fervently, that she flushed. " I wonder whether you'd be interested in Settlement work in my work here among the poor?" she ventured. " I am," said Todd warmly. " I've a lot of I well, an uncle of mine left me some money. Do you want it ? " " Want it ! " she repeated blankly. "For the poor!" " I why, Mr. Todd I couldn't it is very generous " But I want to spend it on all these Dagos and gutter snipes ! " he said earnestly. " I want to convert the yeggmen and be good to them with pamphlets and soup. Til give 'em anything you say new hats, gum drops, hos- pitals, anything you'd like 'em to enjoy." His generous emotion set a faint pink fire in her cheeks. " But it wouldn't do to give indiscriminate- ly," she said, leaning a trifle nearer toward 96 Some I. miles in Haste him. " Besides, I don't quite see how I am going to accept your financial aid " "Please let me," he pleaded. " I I've been wandering around loose for the last three months, making lots of money and hav- ing adventures, but I didn't know what I really wanted until I saw you." "Me!" the vivid tint spreading on IKT lovely face. Yes I want want you! but I won't speak of that just now; I'll confine my sug- gestions to this business of first aid to the indigent Dago, and I hope you'll let me build a hospital for you She lay back in IKT chair, blue eyes starry and wide, and the bright color grew and faded with every quick-drawn breath as she uutchcd him, fascinated, while he spoke with all the eager boyish impulsiveness of a young man suddenly and hopefully in love. r there was no chance to misunderstand ; his every feature, every gesture told the story, and the light in his eyes betrayed it. and the very sound of his voice confessed it, and her nun pulse mechanically echoed the avoual, beating out unsteadily its irrevocable confir- mation. A Remedy 97 Love! To come like this! Suddenly, swiftly, irresistibly, like this ! Love ! to come so abruptly, filling his heart as he met her eyes, dominating him soul and body and mind, so that it usurped his own personality and enslaved every power of it, using his eyes and lips for its own purposes. And the purpose of love was to make her understand, admit, believe, marvel, and be afraid. She was afraid. Then the love, newborn, looked out at her through his eyes while he was talking excit- edly about hospitals ; and she heard his words as in a dream, but sat spellbound under the revelation from his eyes. He talked and talked and talked, and Heaven knows he was prosy but she did not think so, lying back there in her chair, wide- eyed, thrilled, tremulous of lid and lip, as the undertone of love, sounding persistently through his platitudes, swept her like a ca- ress, and set the rose fire creeping across her cheeks. Socialism, equality, freedom, and the un- trammeled expression of it, fearless confi- dence, the repudiation of all that is artificial : g& Some Ladies in Haste these had been the vows she had taken. She understood, she remembered. And now, with all the strength and instinct and passion of her young soul and heart, she was struggling against the creed she had con- fessed struggling, bewildered, rejecting its confession from his lips. Turmoil in the confessional for her heart was that dim sanetuar\ : n volt in mind and body, and anathema for the penitent as she rose, breathless, cheeks aflame, arms out- stretched in a sudden gesture that at the same time silenced him and shielded herself silenced him for an instant only ; shielded her- self very badly. For oh, incredible! he had caught her hands in his. her soft, white hands. l>,,th of them, that twisted fiercely as though to hurt him, not to escape. " All this talk," he stammered, " means only one thing ! " " D-don't say it ! " she gasped. " Will you not believe it ? " " I yes! I know it is so; I know how it is with us what has happened. But I can- not endure it so quickly to to have you take me this way " A Remedy 99 " You are already taken," he whispered, mastering her hands. " I know it prisoner in my own house." . . . Her hands fell limp, she drew a deep, sweet breath, and slowly, very slowly, raised her eyes to his. " Be merciful," she said. " The silk of the old regime still clothes me under these red rags of emancipation." " I know," he said, his soul in his eyes. Then, paling, she raised her hands, and he drew them close against his lips. " Good night," she whispered. " To-morrow ? " " Y-yes." "And always, after that? Always? For- ever and ever until " Yes." About one o'clock that morning, Manners, squatting distractedly upon a bench in the park, perceived a shadowy form, apparently a prey to religious exaltation, wandering about under the trees, arms upflung, face lifted to heaven. " Todd ! " he cried, bounding to his feet. Then the desire for battle overwhelmed him, 8 ioo Some Ladies in Haste and he charged headlong upon Todd and as- saulted him. And they had a splendid time there all alone under the stars. " Beast! " panted Manners, blocking an up- per cut and countering. And Todd came back joyously on the nose, and they mi\<w -beings through mental sug- gestion. The strange experiences of Eric Kelvin, the amazing adventures of Dudley Todd, were new almost the sole topic of conversation in the club. Outwardly, the attitude and apparently the 102 A Guilty Man 103 friendship of the club members had not changed toward Manners ; inwardly he had become an object of fearful curiosity to them. And the awe of him continued. When he entered a room abruptly an agree- able sensation of dread seized every man pres- ent. When he punched the service button with the ferrule of his walking stick dozens of eyes observed him furtively ; when the ice tinkled in his glass, and the contents of the siphon fizzed in it, the more timid and callow members effervesced in sympathy. Yet even the timid ones never became frightened enough to avoid Manners, and in the hearts of the bolder men grew a curiously delightful foreboding which became, at mo- ments, a horrid sort of hope that Manners might practice his necromancy upon them, give them the dreaded mental absent treat- ment for their several shortcomings, and com- mand for them a few more of the delicate and beautiful visions which he had summoned out of the vasty metropolitan deep as lovely life comrades for Kelvin and Todd. For those bidden to the wedding of Kelvin wandered back, stunned by the bride's young 104 Sonic Ladies /;/ Haste beauty. Those summoned to rejoice at the bridal feast of Todd returned to the club maddened with the hope that Manners mi^lit meddle with them ; and, as a matter of fact, a deputation of five confirmed bachelors did actually approach him as he was in the act of consuming bis cereal breakfast, with the bashful suggestion that he practice ab>ent treatment on them while they \\rre d>\\n- t<>\\n, and guarantee them a bride apiece. But Manners. M n-itive on the subject, be- came angry, and the disconcerted deputation fled at his fir-t \\onl of rebuke, fearful that be infill transform them into a bunch of something obnoxious, and entertaining in their secret souls no doubt of his ability to do so. Manners had become M -native on the sub ject of his unusual power. What he had done to Kelvin and his bride, and what they had done to him, had shaken him up. On the heels of that had come the denouement of Todd's case with Hilly West's sister; and al- though these two matters had fortunately left nobody miserable except himself, he remem- bered remorsefully the practices he had at- tempted upon others, and his curiosity as to A Guilty Man 105 what might happen to the attractive but un- known maidens whom he had treated men- tally without their knowledge amounted at moments to a sort of terror. Such a moment had come to him a day or two before as, according to his custom, he sat searching the columns of the newspapers for any reports of extraordinary or outra- geous conduct on the part of hitherto deco- rous young women. And he had encountered a paragraph which disturbed him greatly an account of the il- logical behavior of a youthful orphan maiden, whose suddenly developed eccentricities were now the gossip of the Berkshires. This paragraph he had carefully cut out, meaning to show it to young Stephen Gray, who had recently acquired a country place in the Berkshires near Lenox ; and so when Gray arrived, and they met at the club for breakfast, Manners took occasion to produce the clipping and reread it to himself in the faint hope of persuading himself that he had no hand in the matter, and that, after all, he need not mention it to Gray. Yet, curi- ously enough, he was perfectly possessed to talk about it to somebody, and once more io6 Some Ladies in Haste he lay back in his chair and. dropping his monocle from his eye, began to devour the quarter column of print, leaving his innocent cereal untasted. Young Gray sipped his coffee and watched him. Manners had treated Gray experimen- tally, but he didn't know that (iray kneu it. He had treated him for a conspicuous absence of artistic common sense (iray being in the sign and advertising IHIMIK . \\liich covered town and country with the disfigurements of Glory Soap and Bylou's Hal As Manners had noticed no diminution of billboard atrocities in town, suburb, or conn try. he began to believe that hi> mental gestions to (iray had cither failed or, like wireless messages, had gone a-tr,i\ and been intercepted by somcbod\ for \\honi they were not intended; so, seeing no particular mental or physical improvement in (iray. he had not thought it necessary to confess to him. Meanwhile (iray. putting two and two to- gether, became suspicious that he had 1 one of Manners'* victims. His sudden hatred for his own vandal business strengthened the suspicion ; certainty .settled upon him \\hen he found himself the possessor of a farmhouse A Guilty Man 107 studio near Lenox and an unsuspected talent for art; and, amazed and, at times, furious with himself, he spent every spare moment in his new country studio, where he began to turn out landscapes in oils, marines in water colors, statuettes in clay and wax and marble, at a rate calculated to alarm an Art Nouveau factory. And meanwhile his advertising business was being rapidly ruined by his neglect of it, and a rival company was taking what remained of his business away from him. But all these things he kept tucked away in the back of his head, making no sign to Man- ners or to anybody of what was happening. And every week or two he came to town to sell his pictures. In vain. Now, he sat there, sipping his coffee at in- tervals, quietly interested in the growing un- easiness which was creeping over Manners's handsome features. And, as Manners read on, the conviction that he was responsible for what he was reading gripped him till he shud- dered. * Well," asked Gray, " is it the market that's upsetting your nerves? " " Upsetting who? " demanded Manners with io8 Some Ladies in Haste a start ; then, attempting to recover his self- possession, he leaned one elbow carelessly on the table and pretended to yawn. " Your elbow's in your oatmeal," observed Gray coldly. Confused and humiliated, Manners suf- fered a servant to remove the traces of mis- hap. " William," said Gray curiously, " you are acting like a criminal in danger of detection Besides, you look like one. What's the mat- ter? What's that clipping?" Suddenly guilt overcame Manners, and with it the instinctive and panicky in to conceal his guilt by loquacity to smother suspicion by actually inviting a discussion of his crime. A mad desire to talk about it overcame a cooler judgment ; the scared and cicncc-ridden malefactor was predomi- nant in him. fascinated by the evil that he had wrought, terrified that it had been made pub- lic in print. And even now, shocked as he had been by Gray's apparently innocent inquiry. Manners knew that he could not long have refrained from calling somebody's attention to the re- port in the newspapers ; could not have resist- A Guilty Man 109 ed the mania to drag in the subject that haunted his conscience. " As a matter of fact," he said frankly, " I was a little upset by a very sad occurrence which I've been reading about in the paper. You know, Stephen, what a sensitive and sympathetic nature I have. Any misfortune that happens in the world affects me vio- lently. It's foolish, it's unmanly, but b-b- but- " Don't blubber/' said Gray; "I can't un- derstand what you're saying." " I c-can't help it," repeated Manners, dashing the unmanly moisture from his mon- ocle, " because I've just been reading the sad- dest paragraph in the p-p-paper He choked, adding with an effort : " It's about such a foolishness " "A *of?" " It's about a young girl a certain Miss Valdes of Lenox " "Miss Valdes!" " Y-yes. She lives up your way. You don't happen to know her, I hope " Do you mean that very young girl you don't mean Diana Valdes ! " exclaimed Gray. " Yes, I do." 1 10 Some I.mlics in lid "William! What has happened to her'" cried Gray, half rising to his feet in his ex- citement. " Do you know her " No that is, I've seen her every summer for years! Ever since she was a child 14 Then, if that's all, you're making quite a hullabaloo/' returned the other, taking refuge from his own growing alarm in the effrontery of bad temper. " 1 thought at least you must be engaged to her by the way you began jumping around the room." He paused, but Gray made no observation ; and, supposing he had squelched him, Man- ners went on : "According to this m \\xpaj,, r< it \\mild ap- pear that Mi \alilrs h,-^ hern rxhil.- symptoms of classical eccentru it\ What's the matter, (.ra\ f I >il anything sting y< " What symptoms ? " demanded Gray, ig- noring the question. Why," continued Manners, moistening his lips, dry from increasing fright as he be- gan to realize Cira\ - personal interest in the affair, " she's got into the habit of going off l>\ herself for days at a time; hiding hermit in the fields and bushes and woods of her A Guilty Man in big country place there. You've heard that she has a huge and beautiful wooded es- tate- " Yes ; go on ! " " W-well, don't shout at me that way, Stephen." " I'm not shouting. Besides, this dining room is empty. Go on ! " " You did shout ; and my nerves are not what they once were. . . . What are you glaring about? I'm going on, I tell you. Anybody'd think you were in love with her, fidgeting about like that ! I know her as well as you do; I've never seen her, but Mrs. Kel- vin knows her and has told me all about her. So don't get gay with me, Stephen." And he waved the newspaper clipping and continued, sometimes quoting from the ac- count, sometimes delivering a resume of the affair in his own language : " Her servants became very anxious over her repeated and prolonged disappearances, scouring the woods and hills of the estate for some trace of their beautiful mistress And, turning a wavering eye on Gray: " What the deuce do you suppose they found out she was doing, Stephen ? " 1 12 Some Ladies in Ilu. " Go on," responded Gray between his teeth, "or I'll hit you \\itli the toast rack!" " I am. You're- in a na>ty temper this A.M. Well, then; Miss YaMes. it seems, lias con- cluded to become a goddess " "A w*a/?" " A goddess. Didn't you hear what I said ? She insists that it is the only sane, wholesome, and logical outdoor life to lead. And so she runs about the woods with only a bow and arrow, and a half moon stuck in her hair " William ! " ' Well, that's what the paper says," faltered Manners. " You can read it yourM li. \>u un- mannerly dub! That's what it says " Wearing only a b-b-bow and arrow and a crescent!" \\himpered Gray, utterly un- nerved. "Na-aw! Who said that? She v. some drapery, of course, and sandals, and she chases the dappled deer. A Tribune reporter caught sight of her running like fury- Do you does that fool newspaper mean to make us believe that the indolent, indif- ferent, and statuesquely classical Miss Valdes goes racing over the Berkshires c-clad in cheese cloth and a crescent A Guilty Man 113 " Sure thing/' replied Manners despondent- ly. " She's a changed girl ; she tells people she's invented a new health idea, and she calls it the. Olympian cure; and the way you do it is to go out with as little clothing on as possible, and chase everything that runs away from you." "William!" cried Gray distractedly, "do you believe she has buzz wheels? Da you?" " Nonsense ! " said Manners, paling ; " it's only that she now prefers, in her leisure mo- ments, to go bounding about like Diana instead of taking ornamental siestas in ham- mocks, or lolling about all day under a parti- colored sunshade. Here, read it yourself," he added, thrusting the newspaper clipping at Gray, and employing his handkerchief to wipe the cold perspiration from his visage. Gray took the clipping and read in horri- fied silence. Manners watched him, trying vainly the while to manage a roll and a cup of coffee. Both choked him ; he couldn't eat ; his appetite had vanished with his peace of mind in the certainty that this unfortunate girl was one of his hitherto unknown victims. "What do you think about it?" asked Manners wretchedly. ii4 Some Ladies in Haste Think of it?" repeated Gray. Sf-yes; what do you think makes her act like that? W-w-wheels Gray turned red and his eyes began to look dangerous, but he said very calmly : " Nix for the wheels. If a girl wants to do the un- conventional within the walls of her own es- tate, I think she might be allowed to without all this clamor in the newspapt i " S-s-so do I," said Manners with a shiver. 1 think so, too." " If." continued Gray, " Miss Valdes wants to wear cheese-cloth skirts and Grecian san- dals and go about potting sparrows with a bow and arrow, why shouldn't she? The old Greek costume is far healthier and far more beautiful than the skirts and corsets of to-day. And, as for the archery practice, why not? It's fashionable to revive the quaint pastimes and sports of the past. Tin > are taking up falconry in France ; they ride the lists in the Cammargue; you've heard of the Marathon race, haven't you? And of the Olympian games, where they are hurling the discus again?" " Certainly," nodded Manners hopefully, " and even in the time of Nero they played Red Lion. A Guilty Man 115 " Well, then," continued Gray, " it's prob- ably quite natural and instinctive for Miss Valdes to revive in herself the charming and graceful pastimes of Diana/' He paused and fixed a withering eye upon Manners, who promptly began to tremble. " I say it is prob- ably natural for Miss Valdes to do this. But if it isn't natural if some confounded, im- pertinent, mischief-making, idle, and wealthy young pup has ventured mentally to suggest to this innocent girl any such games and practices Manners, pale and astounded at the dis- covery of his guilt, pushed back his chair violently and rose to his feet prepared for fight. "What's the matter with you?" demanded Gray. " Sit u and, at the end of a savage and terrihle chase* corner you and destroy you. Hut I'm not going to do that, either. As for delivering you to the police, \N hut's the use? Tlu \ wouldn't believe it of you. Wizard! Witch doctor! Con- jurer " " Besides, they ini^ht believe something queerer about you'' retorted Manners \\itli dignity. And, becoming irritated : ** See here ; I don't mind tin- names you call me. hut. if you think of assaulting me. I'll ti^ht \\itli the fury of despair. Ask Todd. Besides, I'm horribly mortified and sorry for what 1 did to Miss Valdes What's the good of being sorry and mor- tified?" demanded (Iray. hammering on the table with doubled fV-t "She's the m..-t at tractive Ljirl I ever saw, and you've turned her into a side show, und jjiven her the ambitions of a spear carrier in the ' P.lark Crook '! " But you said yourself that it ua- natural for her to act that way You put her up to it! You voodoo doc- tor 1 "Well what if I did? Isn't it fashionable A Guilty Man 117 to revive ancient sports and pastimes? Be- sides, what have I ever done to you to be injuriously described as a voodoo " You impudent dabbler in second-hand magic ! " shouted Gray in impotent fury. " You've ruined my advertising and publicity business! That's \\liat you've done to me! And you've turned me into a tenth-rate land- scape painter! Even this club rejects my l>i< tares as gifts "\\Vre those awful daubs yours?" ex- claimed Manners. " Yes, they were! And I stood by and saw you laugh at them when the board of gov- ernors rejected them ! And now you've taken a lovely, scarcely mature orphan maiden, cel- ebrated in Lenox for her lazy repose, languid beauty, and ab-ent -minded indifference, and turned her into a classical tomboy, and set her racing madly about the backwoods like a demented white rabbit with the pip!" Manners stared at him in horror, opened his mouth to deny everything; then, as though stunned, dropped both arms on the table and laid his head between them. Gray gazed at him for a moment enraged, but after a while his visage softened. n8 Some Ladies in Haste ' I don't mean to be too hard on you/* he said. " What can we do about this matter?" Manners moaned. " Something's got to be done, of course," insisted Gray ; " and you'd better begin ! I f \u don't. I'll run at you! " "I can't!" groaned Manners; 1 don't know how to work it backward ; I can't re- verse mental suggestion. Great IIra\m. man. if I omld. dn't \ \ >u think I'd let you go on painting those auful pictures? Do you think I'd permit this \uiing tfirl to risk catching cold in her cheese cloth, buskins, and crescent?' I'd rather see Bylow's Baby Food frescoed all over the new public library than ^ r i\i \n the contract to decorate it. I thought there was nothing u<'rT than I ilnry Snap. Thi 'id you've produced it! 1 treated >u for lack of artis- tic appreciation, expecting you to clear the Hudson Valley of your defacing billboards. I'.nt \mi immediately began to produce Fourth Avenue Corots, and your technic was not Fontainehlean but Hylow - " up mi my art." protested Gray, in- censed. " It may not be good, but I likr it. And I must say it's pretty shabby of you, A Guilty Man 119 William, to set me painting landscapes and then never even offer to buy one " Gray ! I cant buy one of those things ! I can't stand 'em " You've got to ! You owe me something. My advertising business is utterly ruined. It's only fair that you create a market for my pictures. I tell you, Manners, you ought to begin collecting my landscapes for a private gallery of your own ; that's the way to launch me ; that's the way to create a public furore for my works. Let it be known widely that the wealthy and fashionable young connois- seur, William Manners, Esquire, has, with greatest difficulty, indefatigable patience, and lavish expenditure of money, succeeded in collecting a hundred of my masterpieces "Yours!" " Exactly," said Gray calmly. " That's how you can make partial reparation. I've got to go on painting; I can't help it as long as ydu are unable to reverse your mental treat- ment ; and as long as I go on painting you ought to go on buying my pictures, unless you can create a healthy market for me. How else am I to live, now that you've ruined my sign business? " 120 Some Ladies in Haste Manners, very pale, mopped the starting pi rspiration from his forehead. " It's horrible," he said under his breath. *' The public will think I'm cra/y " " Not after you have bought a hundred or two of my pictures," said ( iray cheerfully. " As soon as the public reads about it. I'll In- all right. And, William, perhaps yu had better begin to acquire my works immedi atcls. I've nearly thirty upstairs tlu- ones that the elnb \\mldn't accept as a gift- Manners convulsively covered his eyes with his hands. " He a man!" said Gray kindly. "I'mnr upstairs and let me explain them to you. Bc- -iii by purchasing t \\ < . < >r tin... l-'.asy does it. (let the habit. And by and by you may tinnly fair." he said. I didn't know I'd ruined your s,- n business, Stephen. If I have it's only decent for me to A Guilty Man 121 do what I can. H-how many pictures did you say you had left unsold ? " " They're all unsold," replied Gray. " I've simply got to sell some to make a living. Of course, if you feel the way you do, I hate to have you make a collection " I'll do it! I'll try my best to make you popular and fashionable if it's possible. I'll ask Kelvin and Todd and Billy West and Krlly Jones to buy 'em, too! I'll engage a press agent for you. I'll do anything only, you won't mind if I I dispose of my gallery after you're famous, will you, Stephen? It would kill me to live very long with those things; it really wouM." So it was arranged between them that a campaign be started immediately to alleviate the financial condition of Stephen Gray; and they adjourned to Gray's room to agree upon the plan and try to accustom Manners to the sight of the thirty pictures. About noon they lunched together that is, Stephen lunched but it was empty form for Manners to sit at the table, as his mind was distracted with his dreadful responsibility for the classical antics of Miss Valdes, and also upset by an inspection of Gray's pictures. 122 Sonic Liniics in Haste "Awful, isn't it?" lu- repeated a-ain and again to Gray. " Nobody will ever care to marry such a girl as that! She'll never find a man who can stand for that sort of tiling. I I suppose, in decency, I ought to go up there to Lenox and dress up in billy-goat skins and pretend t<> be Pan. and offer to marry her " You don't have to," observed < .ray coldly. "But it's the only reparation 1 can make " I'll do any repairing nece> ^aid Gray firmly. rtainly." "What are you going to do? You prob- ably won't be able to -et near her if she's ranging the woods unless you dre tip like a faun or a water nymph " Gray dropped knife and fork. " Do you think so?" he a.' ked, agitated. I'm afraid so. You see, when I noticed that indolent-eyed, languid young girl rolling past the club window in her victoria. I gave her a vigorous dose of mental persuasion. All the fuss and feathery furbelow and non- sense that decorated her I suggested that she A Guilty Man 123 shed in favor of classical simplicity. * Go out and range the fragrant woods and fields ! ' I insisted. ' Kick off those French heels, and be as unconventional and free-limbed as Di- ana ! ' O Stephen, I didn't mean to be lit- eral ! I didn't intend to have her act the way she's acting. I my intentions were of the best the purest, the most chaste Stephen, you know that Diana was chaste Gray gazed at his omelet. " She got stuck on Endymion," he observed gloomily. " See here, William, the thing for us to do is to go up there to the Berkshires, call upon Miss Valdes, confess frankly the horrible wrong you have done her "What good will it do?" demanded Man- ners, aghast. " I I'm perfectly willing to endure her scorn and reproach and hatred, but all that won't prevent her from continu- ing to behave like a goddess " " Don't you think so?" " No, I don't. I don't know any antidote for what I've done. If I could reverse treat- ment I would, but I can't, and there are no anti-goddess pills that I ever heard of. Only cold weather can make her dress warmly again, I fear." 124 M* l.adics in Haste "Thru." xaid Gray resolutely. " I'll marry her, an\\\ay. if I can if she'll have me. What do I care whether she chooses to roam free and untrammeled in a classical costume of cheese cloth \\lun the weather permits? It will always be inside private grounds, ami. besides, I, personally, like ( i redan costume and customs. Why not? the\'rc artiMic. and as art is about all I live for now it will suit me perfectly. So I'm goinsj up to Lenox to-night. And you must come, too." I don't want to," said Manners in a voice which approached a whimper. h. v'ti've got to go to her and ex- plain," insisted Gl It can do no harm and it may. perhaps, do some good. So tell the valet to pack your suit case and trunk. . . . After all. I'm not so VIM \..u did this to us. If you hadn't I probably would never have gathered enough courage to ask Miss Valdes to mam- a man who had only known her by sight f- and whose busi- ness was as low d<>wn as mine was. As it K I think I can venture to ask her to consider the respectful advances of an artist - " " D-don't let her see your pictures," mut- tered Manners. A Guilty Man 125 " I most certainly shall," returned Gray very haughtily. " I'll sail under no false oil colors; I'll practice no deceptions. If she takes me she takes me with all my faults and pictures. She will know exactly what she's getting; she won't plunge blindly into matrimony. . . . And, William, I am won- dering wlu-t IKT my pictures are as bad as they are painted ? After all, you don't know every- thing, do you? Suppose, after all, I've been founding a new school which nobody yet ap- preciates or understands?" " Perhaps," groaned Manners, collapsing in his chair. CHAPTER VI THE ABSENT-MINDED GODDESS X a hrautit'ul summer after- noon two ynuni; mm ap- proached the great door of a stately country mansion a few miles from Lenox. Both young men carried suit cases. One wore a frock coat, silk hat, an old-fashioned string tie, and a false beard. To their formal inquiries the sepulchral servant at the door replied, in a voice like the sound of a half-gulped sob, that Miss Val- des was not at home. 120 The Absent-Minded Goddess 127 " Might we see the park and the gardens? " inquired one of, the young men. " I would like to have Dr. Manners become familiar with the ah environments The butler said that visitors were permitted until five. A parlor maid conducted them to the ter- race. Her eyes were red as though she had been weeping. Another maid appeared and piloted them through the summer conserva- tories. Her eyes were red. Then a gardener came to take them through the graperies; and his eyes were red. " What's the matter with everybody ? " ven- tured Gray at last. " Doin's," said the gardener briefly. The ganKmr's wife received them at her cottage door and conducted them through the celebrated vegetable garden. She had been weeping. " I suppose," suggested Manners, wagging his big, false beard, " that you've been cry- ing on account of the doin's, haven't you?" " Y-yes," sniffed the woman ; " but how do you know? " " Friends of the family physicians/' mut- 128 Some I.iiilics in I lust c tered (iray. " I mean that I am not exactly. !>ut this medical gentleman is old Dr. Man- ners 1 "Oh, sir!" broke in the woman, clasping her hands, "perhaps you can tell me. then, if they have found my dear yoimi; mistress! \\ e are all so frightened: Miss Yaldes has been gone three days this time, and if she hadn't told us she'd dismiss ux if we both- ered her again we'd have went for the tn\sn constable and the t'ambly dctr." Manners began to shake; Gray wagged his head. So she is still in the woods?" he asked gravels. Yes. xj r< u< suppose so judging from the state of the pantry last ni^ht." " Sad. 1. 1. " he obsei Hut old Dr. Manners and I are extinndx In .peiul ah I may say almost sanguine, that V \ aides may return this evening. I hat is \\liy \\e are here: but you are not to say anything, do you understand' " ' Yes. sir."" " Are those the woods Miss Valdes usu- ally haunts?" The Absent-Minded Goddess 129 " Those umbrageous solitudes over there on the hill is that where your mistress is accustomed to seclude herself?" " She goes into them woods, doctor yes, sir." " Quite so. Thank you." And, turning gravely to Manners : " Now, doctor, if you are ready." And very solemnly, arm in arm, the two young men set off across the fields, carrying their suit cases. The sun was hot; perspira- tion bedewed Manners's countenance. " This beard and this accursed silk hat are fierce," he said, " and my black frock coat weighs tons. I don't think it is necessary for me to " Yes, it is. You look the part. Besides, she'll be more likely to listen to you if you look like that. Do you remember what you are to say when you meet her?" " Yes," said Manners sulkily ; " I'm to say that I'm old Dr. Manners, specialist on all kinds of feminine fidgets, and that if she doesn't go back home and stop behaving like a goddess, I'll commit her to my sana- torium." " Well, try to put it more medically, 130 Some Ladies in Haste William. Whew ! This shade is refresh- ing!" as they entered the woods. ''Isn't this stunning? these fine old trees and rocks Manners was down on all fours drinking out of a brook that came rippling through the woodland silence ; and as he eagerly lapped up the icy water his silk hat fell off and danced roguishK a\\a\ d>\\ n>treani. Gray brought it back. When we sight her," he said, " I'll hide, and you advance and try to reason with In r ; and if there's nothing doing then I'll put on these pink tights and the billy-goat coat, and tie a ribbon across my forehead, and begin to play on my fife, and let her discover me by the brook." Yu ought to have had a reed pipe," said Manners doubtfully. But Gray seemed confi- dent that his fife was just as classical. Be- sides, he could play " Rally Around the Flag " on the fitV. When Manners had drunk his fill and re- moved the irv drops that twinkled on his nose and on the point of his false beard, they moved forward, rapidly at first, then cau- tiously, listening, alert, wary as men ought to The Absent-Minded Goddess 131 be who were liable at any moment to encoun- ter a goddess in the next thicket. "Any signs?" whispered Manners, pick- ing up his silk hat which 'a young tree had playfully snatched from his head and deftly punctured. " No; did you hear anything?" questioned Gray with trembling lips, peering forward. Manners, after vainly attempting to smooth the nap of his hat, crammed it firmly on his head. " She's probably camping along this brook somewhere," he said. " You find game along water courses, and probably it's the same \\ith goddesses. Hark ! " " Hark ! " repeated Gray in a whisper. Very far away a twig had snapped sharply ; then the woodland silence fell over all a stillness the more profound for the ceaseless sound of the shallow brook slipping swiftly over silver sands. " Hush ! " breathed Manners through his false beard, hand to ear, as though intent on listening to something off stage. Gray glanced at him with artistic disapproval ; the attitude was admirable, but the top hat clashed with the background. 10 132 Some Lit dies in Haste It actually hurts me to look at you/' he said. " Come on; I can't hear anybody mak- ing a noise like a goddess." They stole stealthily forward, Indian file, Manners leading through the fragrant tangle and holding on his hat with one hand. A rabbit, bouncing up and hopping noisily away over the dead leaves, almost paralyzed them; the thundering whir of a partridge halted them again with a shock. If if those little creatures make all that noise, " panted Manners, " \\ \\hat sort of an uproar do you suppose a scared goddess \\ill make? She'll go off like a regiment of cav- alry. I suppose " S-s-st ! " cautioned < ira\ . listening off stage in his turn. A distant crashing sounded far in the dim forest depths, nearer. I.ud-r. suddenly lost, then startling in its distinctness. " S-s-something's coming on a jump! " fal- tered Manners. "\V-\\hich uay had we bet- ter run, Stephen ? " Before Gray could reply, a deer crossed the brook at full speed, flag up, and continued on- ward, taking most prodigious bounds into the leafy thickets beyond. Manners recovered his speech after a sec- The Absent-Minded Goddess 133 ond or two. " I just hate to be startled," he said fretfully. " Everything in nature seems to delight in jarring you." Gray, who had been watching a low wood- ed crest to the right, suddenly squatted be- hind a barrier of low fir trees. " There she is ! " he hissed. " She'll cross the brook above us, where that deer crossed ! Quick, Manners! It's up to you to do what you can ! " Manners gaped vacantly at a swiftly speed- ing ^limnuT of white emerging from the dis- tant foliage on the hill. Gray muttered : " Run upstream, idiot ! " and gave him a vio- lent shove ; and Manners, following the direc- tion in which he had been unceremoniously projected, cramnu-d his silk hat over his ears and cantered on, suit case in one hand, long, black coat flapping. And the next moment he saw the goddess in full chase. She was a tall, lithe girl, clothed in the white, heavily plaited body blouse and short skirt of the classical Grecian huntress. Arms and neck flashed like polished ivory, and above her big, gray eyes a heavy mass of bronze hair whipped the wind. Hopping hopefully upstream, Manners 134 Some Ladies in Haste emerged into view, and. as she caught sight of him, he attempted to bow ; but that was a difficult matter \\hile running, for his hat was jammed on hard. The girl halted in a flash, eyes widening, scarlet lips parted; and as Manners \\mulud off his hat with a conciliators flourish, and dropped hi- >uit case, panting, she stood for an instant like a slender silver bin i among the shaggy giants of the pii. Then a swift frown bent her delicate, ^traight brows inuard; and she whipped an arrow from the quiver and fitted the nock to the string of the bent bou . "Good Heavens! " panted Manuel - ; " \ on are not going to slu>< "\\hat arc \ .n doino m m \ u.MKls? 11 she asked in a clear, menacing \ Are you a tramp I I'm a doctor old Dr. Manm-i M A c/( "Certain!)." >aid Manner^, summoning all his dignity. "I have eome lu n n-.m New N rk, profoundly int< .1 b\ tin- pathological aspects of \,,ur evident condi- tion " - \\ ha: 44 What are you doing in my woods?' The Absent-Minded Goddess 135 " I say I have ventured to take a personal and scientific interest in you." A bright flush mounted to her cheeks. " This is abominable ! " she said, stamping her sandaled foot. " If you please, you will instantly leave." " If you insist," he said soothingly, 4 M will reluctantly do as you request. Hut first, Miss Valdes, it is absolutely important that I make plain to you in the interest of science arid of humanity " What do you mean ? " she asked impa- tiently, moving a pace nearer. " Miss Valdes, I am a physician. The mission of a physician in this sad world is sacred. Pathos and pathology are closely linked in a "Pathos and pathology!" sl u > repeated coldly. " Do you mean bathos and biolo- gy ? " And, in swiftly mounting scorn and vexation : " I understand, I think. Some meddler has sent for you to interfere with me because I choose to amuse myself in my own fashion on my own estate. Please let me at once assure you that I am not in need of a physician " You arc \ " said Manners firmly. 136 Some Ladies in ffostc She flushed crimson. " I beg your par- don " You ore. Miss Yaldes." ho repeated. " It is only right that you should know that your present lamentable mode of life is not caused h\ any fault of your own. That is why I 1 come here to warn you to admit to confess that that it is ;;/y fault." She stared at him without a word. " I did it," he said gloomily. " throe months ago. It is a dreadful and humiliating cm sion for me to come here and make. I am perfectly overwhelmed with horror at myself. But, if there is any remedy at all for this classical mythological mania no\\ . \"ti. it perhaps lj t -s in my confession of guilt." "Three months ago." she repeated; " I I don't understand ' "Throe months ago." he said solemnly. u were a perfectly ordinary girl idle, luxurious, indifferent, vain. s r lh\hl\ absorbed. and physically and mentally indolent, with the intellect of a canary, and the ambition of a Persian kitten " W-what ! " " Thon," he continued, moving a little nearer to where she stood, " on an evil day The Absent-Minded Goddess 137 I saw you, rolling along in your victoria on Fifth Avenue, all aflutter with lace and furbelows and knickknacks and beribboned whatnots. What you were was perfectly ap- parent to me in your face and figure and at- titude and dress. And I thought it a pity ; and and I fixed my eyes on you and and- "W-what?" she faltered. " Changed you ! " he said, still cautiously approaching her. " I concentrated upon you the powerful, intellectual batteries of my mind ! I altered you by hurling after you wave after wave of mental suggestion. I willed that you become vigorous and active and athletic ! I unfortunately urged you to an emulation of the classical ladies of Greek mythology. I didn't mean to have you influ- enced so morally and literally, Miss Val- des "You did this to tm!!!" " Alas ! " he sighed, continuing his way toward her. " To me ! ! " gazing at him in slowly flushed wonder. " This insolence this shame Stand still ! Stand where you are ! " Suddenly the gray lightning flashed in her 138 Some I. ailics in Hustc eyes ; she whipped the arrow across the string. drew it to its head, and deliberately opened fire at him. Leave these woods! " she cried. " Leave instantly!" And a blunt arrow rapped him smartly across the ribs and rebounded rat- tling on the stones of the brook. Manners grasped hU Miit rase and with one frantic bound cleared the brook. 1 '.hinted ar- rows rattled a lively tattoo all over him as he fled; Gray, from his hiding place in th thicket, saw his friend pass at a maddened gallop, the air around him singing thirk with arro\\ I, "Good Lord!" he thought, appalled; " what a very unusual sort of a girl ^lu He had seeing how matters were turning -concluded that Manner's mission would In- useless. There remained only one way to make amends to Miss Valdes. as he under- stood it, and that was to offer himself, hand and heart, to this beautiful but eccentric girl. barred by her eccentricity from the fan chance of matrimony with a normal man of her own caste. To that end, and during Manners's com sion of guilt, he had hurriedly divested him- The Absent-Minded Goddess 139 self of his fashionable apparel, drawn on the pink silk tights and sandals, and swathing his figure in a goatskin rug, he secreted his suit case in the bushes and seated himself on the moss, fingering his fife and watching the out- come of Manners's mission. But the abrupt termination of the parley and the shocking manner of his friend's re- treat frightened him. A flight of arrows rebounding from his own pink silk attire did not seem very attractive ; he sat quite still on the moss, fife inserted between his lips, hesi- tating, and peeping nervously through the foliage where his goddess stood, a rosy- cheeked vision in white, speeding the last ar- row in the wake of the crashing but now invisible Manner- When she sent the last feathered messen- ger of vengeance into the golden gloom of the trees, she stood for a moment rijjid, erect, a statuesque and charming miracle, left arm outstretched clutching the bow, right arm drawn back, her slender white fingers, from which she had just loosed the bowstring, brushing the little close-set ear. Then the snowy vision o dead ages slowly dissolved, and out of it emerged a very lovely 140 Some Ladies in Haste and very modern young girl, graceful, re- laxed, laughing now, now listening, the smile tremulous on lid and lip. The distant racket of Manners's flight died away; again the silence filled with the low murmur of the stream, and the girl came for- \\anl and looked down into the \\aur. and stood so, thoughtfully, her head bent, the curve of her neck dazzling under the bronze crown of silky hair. Slim, distractingly pretty in her white tunic, which fell in close folds below her knees, she seemed absolutely without blemish there in the warm, green-gold glow of the leaves. Head, shoulders, arms, the straight young limbs, all were of one exquisite and symmet- rical cnscmhlc. pure, serene, flawless as the marble out of which she might well have steppol. so Greek, so perfect, so divine she ied. Then the spell broke; from the white doe- skin pouch at her sit," lie said to himself, " I'll naively di -rover my whereabouts through the music of my fife. Then I'll admit that I'm a fellow- victim of mythological obsession. And then then we'll see And, grasping his fife with determination, and watching her askance through the leaves, he produced a loud, shrill toot. The effect upon the goddess was electrical. For a second she sat absolutely motionless, 142 Some Ladies in Haste stiffened to a statue, the half-bitten sanduuh suspended in mid-air; then, as he blew hope- fully into his fife, she sprang erect, incredu- lous, astounded. Gurgling tootles continued to proceed from the fir thicket. Like a wild doe at gaze, >he stared at the spot, string nothing. And all the while Gray, laboring faithfully, elicit <nv She was approaching now, on tiptoe, no lessly, gracefully as a curious aid. un- consciously touching the tips of his ears as though to find out \vhether they had i;n>\\n pointed and hairy. " Do you ? Do you really feel pagan at moment "Very, Do yoi "Every now and then I do periodically," she admitted frankly. "And. ulu-n I . I come out into my own fresh, x \\ret \\oods, and and I behave like the mischief, I >np pose according to omvi nti.mal ideas. Do you know my n,n " I Hana." lie said very gently, and \\ith a faint accent of caress. For the gray eyes into which he looked were bewitching him. and her voice was stealing his senses f r , , m him. and the delicate lips, resting so sensitively upon one another, were most eloquent \\hen dumb, calling him, calling to him in the old- est language in the world. The Absent-Minded Goddess 145 He, too, seemed to fascinate her with an in- nocent curiosity. She stepped through the aromatic evergreen barrier that separated them and confronted him with clear, direct gray eyes. " Tell me," she said, " where did you hear about me ? " " In Lenox." "Do you live there?" " Near there." "You have a studio?" " Yes a sort of one." "And and did you ever before see me?" " Yes often ever since you were a child." She was silent, gazing searchingly into his eyes. Then she laughed : " I think I like you. Shall I sit down?" She seated herself with the unconscious grace of a child ; he stood a moment ; then she looked up confidently, and he dropped be- side her on the thick, green moss. " Isn't it delicious to escape from the com- monplace ? " she asked frankly. " To escape from noise, and ugliness, and the vulgarity of ostentation into this? It is strange that the remedy never occurred to me until this spring. I was indolent, languid, mentally dis- 146 Sonic /.(/elf. wide armed, into the heart of the Is. . . . Tell me about your pictures! May I see them some da\ : " They are not very good pictures," he Her red mouth -ivu M-iiMtive and pitiful. "Don't people care for \>ur work?" "No, 1 think not" 11 Well, / do!" -he exclaimed " I kn,.u I'll like your pictures. 1 am perfectly sure 1 \\ill. And I'll tell everybody c that they are i^ood ! And then they'll begin tO Sell "They're beginning to sell now." he said, \\incing. " A friend of mine bought thirty the other da\. and other friends of mine heard of it and they have ordered sevi and that means a scramble by the pubh an\ thing I do. I it i>n't fear of po\ that worries me any longer ; it's it's - ' " What ' " she asked, raising her gray eyes. " Fear of \on ! " Of tin ! " And her eyes were very sweet and friendly, and very wide with surprise. ' Listen." he said. " Is it true that here, in this woodland, you have found freedom of thought as well as of body ? " The Absent-Minded Goddess 151 " Yes, indeed." " Do you think I also might dare to rise above the petty artificiality of convention and feel my heart and soul enfranchised, here under the green trees of your forest ? " " Y-yes. Why not ? You have been wise enough to come. Why should you feel fet- tered in thought, here beside me in the forest?" " Because I came here here " He fal- tered; she looked at him steadily. " I am listening," she said. " Are you afraid to speak freely to me ? " " Yes. But I am going to. It is this : I I came here because you were here be- cause, for years, since you were a child, I have seen you every summer here. And from the first I never, never forgot you." She spoke coolly, but with heightened color : " I knew you by sight. I knew also that you had heard I was here. You told me. But you didn't come to see me ; you came, moved by the same desire for that simple, pagan happiness that inspired me to come. . . . Didn't you?" " No." " Y-you didn't come out of of mere curi- 152 Some Ladies in Haste osity!" she stammered, the painful o Maining her face and neck. " You didn't that did you? " \o." "\V-well, then well, then" But lu r voice refused to obey her, and she sat there with beautiful eyes dilated, staring at him fascinated. " Before I tell you once more and unini^ takably why I cairn-." lu- >aid ^ravrlx. " I must be absolutely honest with you coiumi ing niysdf." " Have you not been?" I'artK. But I cannot endure that even tlu faintest shadow of evasion or deceit fall iH'tUCitl Uv" " No, it nni-t n<>t." -lir said calmly. " '\\-\\ me what there is to trll." "This: that three months ago I was a commonplace, rather clever business man My business was about the most degraded of any you ever heard of " "1 won't believe it!" she said, paling a trifle. You must. I I my business consisted in defacing city, suburb, and country with signs * The Absent-Minded Goddess 153 "Oh!" she breathed, "don't don't tell me She stretched out both white arms as though to thrust away the dreadful knowl- edge; but he set his jaw and went on grimly : " That was what I did ; that is what I was. I abhor it; I look back on that life with a shudder. But, if I am to tell you what I have come into these woods to tell you, I must go on. ... Shall I go on ? " The distress in her eyes almost unnerved him for the confession he must make ; he could scarcely endure to paint himself in such somber and hideous colors for her to see him as he was. " Shall I go on ? " he asked with an effort. " I came here to tell you something but I must first make clean confession if I am to say anything else. Shall I go on ... Diana?" " Y-yes," she breathed in a scarcely audi- ble voice. " Then listen. A man I knew, a friend, endowed with strange and capable powers of mental suggestion, seeing the sort of thing I was, took it upon himself to treat me for all those qualities I lacked." 154 Some l.udics in Haste Yes," she whispered, yes. Oh, go on! Please go on ! " That is all," he said slowly. " He did treat me, although I was not aware of it at the time. I began to loathe my business : I began to live only for art. My business unit to smash; I couldn't sell my pictures. Now I sec that I am to sell tlu-in ; I see ahead "f me success, affluence, happiness." ' " she whispered. " I see it, too." It is for you to prophesy." he said, look- ing at her ; " for you alone can decide." I Decide- " Whether happiness is to be added to suc- cess and aftluen " H0W- hou could I d. She looked suddenly straight into his eyes, thru |pfl to her feet and walked to the brook's e And after a long while she seated herself on a moss-grown bowlder, her elbow on IHT knee, soft, round chin cupped in her palm, staring absently across the stream. He stood erect, watching his absent-minded goddess, his heart beating like a hammer. A wild idea that recourse to his fife might help matters was dismissed as hopeless, because all he could play was " Rally Around the I The Absent-Minded Goddess 155 and a mellifluously minor love song was what this crisis required. " Diana ! " " Yes ? " she responded absently. " May do you mind if I come over where you are ? " " N-no." He walked across the moss and pebbled shore, and stood beside her, looking down at her. "Diana?" She raised her eyes without apparent in- terest. " Do you despise me for what I once was ? " he asked, his voice not under good control. " No," she said indifferently. " Then then as long as I have con- fessed, may I go on ? " " Was there more to say ? " she asked coldly. " Yes." "To me?" " Yes." "Why to me?" " Because I Her sudden pallor checked him. She rose abruptly, stared around her 156 Some l.udics in Haste like a pnson suddenly and unpleasantly awakened, then, without looking at him, she walked swiftly away into the forest, head low- ered, the gilded bow swinging from one small hand. And Gray hurried back to where he had hidden his valise, seized it, and started after lu-r. But to his despair she had disappeared amid the trees gone, vanished utterly; and, valise in hand, he began running distractedly about, and finally called to her in a low voice, thru louder and persistently, his voice un steady with the terror of losing her. To and fro among the trees he hurried, up hillocks, down into moist, fragrant glades full of the late red sunshine of departing day, ha-tciiiug blindly forward, \et. like those lost iu forests, unconsciously drawn into the in- evitable circle. The sun had gone out in the woods; here and there a high-crested pine glowed ruddy against the >ky ; but soon the la^t rays faded from the top branches of the tallest forest giant, and the purple transparent evening li^ht fell over the world like a spell. He had been lost for some time, and he knew it. And at last, just on the edge of The Absent-Minded Goddess 157 evening, he came out in a tiny clearing where the brook ran through ; and he saw her lean- ing there against a silver beech tree, looking silently at him. He halted, scarcely believing his eyes; she neither spoke nor stirred, and after a moment he started toward her, calling her by name. But she made no reply. He came up and stood before her; she that n-not my ansu And as he stood silent : "Do you suppose you could ever lia\< found me if I had not not permitted lie bent forward, striving to read her face in the dusk ; her eyelids trembled slightly. " Diana ! ' "Yes," she whispered; and, as he faltered, tongue-tied and abashed: 'Time is rushing like the wind through legends," she murmured. "Can you >tp it can you do anything for for us? This is all wrong all wrong like the loves of the old-time gods MM-cpni- \ilit\ t> influence and alter other people's characters and natures for the better. It was merely out of curiosity just to see whether anything could possibly be done to make you less ob- jectionable than \<>u were that I concen- trated my mind n \\hat at that time served you for an intellect. And I gave you the most powerful mental treatment I was capa- ble of giving. And then, slowly, gradual! >. but perceptibly What happened? " asked Jones, in a voice audibly unste. " Why, you began to behave so strangely so so decently 41 Oh, I did, did I ? " his voice ending in a partly developed snarl. " Well, what sort t a creature do you think you've turned m< into you infernal and outrageous meddler? What, in the name of ten thousand idiots, did you want to interfere for? And I don't know now whether to let you live any longer or not, or whether to give you a chance of un- A Lady in Haste 165 doing what you've done to me. Personally, I prefer to destroy you ! " Stiffened to a human gargoyle in his amazement and grief, Manners gazed at his victim with protruding eyes. " D-don't you l-like what I've t-turned you into ? " he gasped at last. Jones merely barked at him. " B-b-but you were such an offensive little snob ! " stammered Manners. " Why, Jones, don't you remember what an arrogant, in- flated ass you were? A narrow-minded nin- compoop ! a conceited worshiper of caste and fashion, toddling about town from func- tion to function, lisping small talk, making love to millions, and leading inane cotillons? Can you blame me for trying to inject into you a vigorous dose of manly democracy an unslaked passion for social equality and hu- man brotherhood?" " I may have been everything you say," retorted Jones, turning livid to the ears, " but it was none of your business, William. Do you know what you've turned me into? Do you realize what I'm doing now? I'm drift- ing headlong upon the rocks of moral and social disaster! I'm driving toward social ex- 166 Sonic I.mlics in Haste tremes which appall even my own servants! I'm misbehaving most horridly, William! 1 was put out of Tuxedo." " \\-uln ?" faltered Manners. " 1 morn- ing? Well, I've been washing off our side- walk and exchanging sociable banter with my neighbors' scullions. I invited a trolley grip man to lunch with me at the Stuyvesant Club, hut he couldn't leave his Hroaduav car; I wrote my sister's friend. Mrs. Ma-iulm^ Grandcourt, asking her to propose our laun dress for the woman's new Commonwealth Club." " Jones ' - What " \V-wait a moment; wait until I can g between \ mi and the door." said Man soothingly. edging around liN friend. Jones swung about in his chair. " Are \ >u - ing to lock me in ? " he asl u'd hetter not, heratiM- I want to go home and see how the cook is getting on. I've arranged to have her take piano lessons. She didn't MTIH to \\;mt to. but I engaged a teacher for three o'clock." Manne ig in terror as he backed toward the door. " Th-that's all right, Jones," he managed to say. " I'll fix it up for you I'll g-go out and fix it some A Lady in Haste 169 way or other. Only you stay here, Jones won't you ? Listen, Jones ; you wouldn't sneak out as soon as I'm gone and make straight for that c-cook and m-m-marry her would you, Jonesey ? " " I don't know," said Jones gloomily. " I know I ought not to, but I'm likely to do almost anything in the culinary line. I tell you, I've got a perfect mania for an alliance below stairs, the farthest downstairs the bet- ter!" " W-well, you wait. If you feel that way if you've g-got to m-m-marry somebody within the next few hours, I'll try to do some- thing suitable for you " What are you going to do? I refuse to marry any suitable girl. How are you going to arrange that for me ? " " I don't know ; just give me a a moment to think it out." "Well, hurry, then," said Jones. "That cook makes good entrees, and I'd be perfectly willing to marry her and pass my examina- tions for policeman." " Will you wait here for me until I come back ? " pleaded Manners, mopping the start- ing perspiration from his cold brow. 1 70 Some Ladies in Haste " Yes if you think you can do anything for me. I'll give you half an hour, and not another minute 1 " You promise, Jones? Will you give me an hour? two I mean three hours? \Yill you?" Yes yes," with reluctance; "but nt another second. I want to go back to tin- cook. I tell you that cook is a perfectly good cook and I don't mind being a policeman for her sake- Manners slammed the door, sped to Un- cloak room, seized hat, gloves, and \\al kin- stick, and ran out into the sunny streets of the metropolis, his head in a whirl. His fir-t intention had been to rush imn passing . me \\oman he kncu. In- sat for another hour, his cab drawn up al> n - the curb, anxiously scanning the pa If Jones had only given him three days in- stead of three hours he might have advert in the papers: "Wanted! a lale face one lofty countenance capable of understanding, of pity, of sublimely generous impnUe His muttering ceased abruptly, his astonished eyes became fixed; then the bright Hush of shame mantled his features. A '\omij4 g\r\ in a dainty Mark Mimtner walking gown was advancing leisim -1\ along the avenue, glancing severely and fearlessly about her out of a pair of umiMialh intelli- gent eyes. Under one arm she carried a packet. "By Jove!" muttered Manner-; "another of my experiment- ' For instantly he had ree- m that graceful, slender figure and pn-m. al- face another of his subject* <>ne .f the five unknown and attractive j^irU \\lnnn he had observed from the Lenox C'lub window that fatal afternoon three months or more ago, and on whom, in his idle perversity, he had experimented treating -a-h mentally. for whatever, in his presumptuous opinion, each seemed to lack in chara As soon as he recognized her he n -in- hered what he had treated her for. He had A Lady in Haste 175 projected toward her an emergency dose of unworldly generosity to correct the sensu- ously selfish modeling of the chin, and the cold, thin, calculating expression of the lips. " What you need," he had suggested vindic- tively, " is to learn to do your own house- work and cooking! Think less about your- self; give up your horses and use the feet Heaven gave you ! Let your greatest luxury be tin- yu-lding to generous impulse! Go and revel in emotions, and smile and sigh with the great out-\\<>rllu- gassed on her \\ay along the sunny avenue, composed, unconscious that behind her an excited indi- vidual. \\ raring a monocle, was hurriedly set- tling obligations with his cabman. determined to pursue her and persuade her to overlook informality and li-ten to the str. -tory that a young girl had ever dreamed of in the metropolis of Manhattan. As he hastened alter her he dre\\ out his \\ateh and glanced at it. He had half an hour tweiiu minuh- to j.iiMiade her; ten minutes to get back to Jon< r a m.nnent his d iiled in full nali/ation of the almost hopeless situation. Uiit the ver\ sh.H k of it seemed to nerve him IO desperation; the i^irl was walking ju-t ahead of him. and he took t\\o jniek sti foruanl and removed his hat with tri"r \\rit- ten on every feature. " D-don't run! " ho said hoarseh ; " there's no dan-. So alarming was the countenance she turned to look into that she involuntarily halted, alert and startled. A Lady in Haste 177 " D-don't stop, for Heaven's sake ! " stam- mered Manners, replacing his hat " Keep straight on, please! I only want a lady in haste- " What is the matter?" she murmured, paling a trifle, but hastily moving forward again. "Is anything dreadful behind me?" " No, only I. Don't call a policeman don't cross the street to avoid me. I I don't mean to be offensive, but I've simply got to tell you something- She halted instinctively, a wave of aston- ished displeasure crimsoning her pretty face. " Oh ! " he cried in an agonized voice ; " don't do that ! Don't look at me as though you thought me impertinent." "You are\" she said under her breath, moving swiftly forward to avoid him at the same time. " N-no, I'm not ! Look at me ! Do I look impertinent? I only look half scared out of my senses, don't I?" he pleaded, keeping step with her. " Can't you tell when a man is in desperate need of help? " She slackened her pace; her flushed and averted face slowly turned part way toward him. 178 Some Ladies in Haste "Are you asking for chanty'?" she de- manded incredulously. " N-not that sort of help." he explained, as lur hand mechanically sought her purse, while the dark, disdainful eyes looked him steadily in the face. \\luit is it you wish?" she insisted impa- tiently. " A lady just a plain, ordinary lady and and a few moments' conversation with \m. /V;/'/ mistake me! Don't condemn me the \"U you are doing! I I'm in a per- iVetly ghastly predicament, and I nerd lu-lp." ' \\!:. t - " A predicament. Please, />/. icve that only sheerest desperation drove me to this unconventional step. I'm a perfectly de- o nt man if there was time I'd ask you to look me up in the Blue Book and Social Reg- ister but there isn't. I I've only half an hour to make my appeal to you and get back to Jones before he succumbs to his cook "Jones!" she repeated, astoni>hed ; M hil cook\ Y yet. He's the man who is in this ter- rible predicament You said that you were!" A Lady in Haste 179 " So I am not as badly in as Jones ! Oh, help us help us, please " Who is Jones ? " she asked, utterly per- plexed. " K-K-Kelly Jones a f-friend of mine. P-perhaps you know him ! " " Did you say Kelly Jones ? " " Yes. He's in the Blue Book, too, but IK- won't be very long unless you do some- thing about it ! " " I ? " she repeated, helplessly bewildered. Then a sudden glimmer of fear grew in her dark eyes. Manners saw it growing. He had expected it. " You think I'm biting crazy?" he said sadly; " don't you?" She flushed painfully, but the strange little glimmer died out. " What do you mean ? " she asked, looking at him in impatient perplexity. " If you really believe that anything justifies your speaking to me in this manner, please explain it as briefly as possible. You spoke just now in behalf of a Mr. Jones Kelly Jones. What has happened to this Mr. Jones ? " " Do you know him ? " asked Manners eagerly. " He's in most hor-r-r-rible danger ! 13 180 Some Ladies in Haste You alone can aid him! Do you know him?" "You say he is in danger?" she a- with a little quaver in her voice. " Ter-r-r-rible ! " he insisted anxiou>l\ " Do you know him? " I was once at boarding school with a sis- ter of a Mr. Kelly Jones Kelly De Lan Jones and I believe he came down to Fern- dale once or twice. He probably wouldn't remember me She broke off, surprised at the evident delight breaking out on Man ners's face innocent, guileless delight; and even she recogni/ed the naive harmlessness of the joy now illuminating the features of Mr. Manners until they fairly exuded a sort of unctuous benevolcnre. " The gods/* he said brokenly. " are oc- casionally good to the Irish My grandfather came from Roscommon, and my name is William Manner " " Are you that amazing man ! " she ex- claimed in dismay, shrinking back a pace. " Are you the the Mr. Manners the one who who changes people into " Which victim of mine do you know?" he asked calmly. "Kelvin? Gray? Todd A Lady in Haste 181 " Mrs. Todd," she admitted, her beautiful dark eyes reflecting her astonishment and curiosity. "Oh!" he said bitterly. "So you know what I was idiot enough to do to the Todds ? Well, what I did to the Todds and Grays and Kelvins isn't a circumstance to what I've managed to do to Kelly Jones and y He bit the pronoun off short on the very instant of self-betrayal. "\V-\\hut have you done?" she breathed excitedly, " and why do you speak so bitterly about it? It it is certainly a terrible and fearful power you have and yet and yet you have made Mr. and Mrs. Todd very, very happy." " That may be," he muttered ; " but you don't know what I've been through. By Jove! When I think of the agony I've en- dured! And now I'm distracted over Kelly Jones- " Is is Mr. Jones i^hat did you do to Mr. Jones?" she ventured. " I injected a lot of imbecile ideas into him ! I dosed him full of democracy ! I figuratively turned a mental hose on him and soaked him all over with the milk of human brother- 182 Some Ladies in Haste hood! He was a snob, and I hurled waves of social equality at him ! \Yhat an ass I was ! " And Manners fairly writhed as he walked. " But but was not that rather helpful to Mr. Jones?" she asked, intensely interested. " Helpful! Do you know \\hat he's trying to accomplish ? " * \\ uhat?" " M ' With his family cook!" -he Slid faintly. "" Wh> " Because I didn't kn<\\ ho\\ to \\ork those \\a\< .mrd Manner-; " an.l because I don't kno\\ how to stop 'em! Now he's so full of Mu-ial demu-rary that he \\ants to be a pnlirnnaii ! " - Mr. Manner^ " He does I That's uhv. driven to despair, I dared risk speaking to \n." r.nt." she said, confuse. 1. ' I don't yet un- derMand ' -hall I tell you the startling truth? hut I'\e NJinpls i^ot to tell you, an\ua\ ; and all I ask \oii to promise, in the beginning, is not to run aua\." I certainly shall not run in any direction," she said, with heightened color. A Lady in Haste 183 " W-well, don't make me run. Will you promise ? " She continued walking in self-possessed si- lence for a minute or two. Presently she glanced up at him as though awaiting further enlightenment. " As a matter of indisputable fact," began Manners solemnly, " Kelly Jones is at this moment in my room at the Lenox Club, de- termined to return to his house and make the family cook his bride." The girl shuddered, but kept her eyes on Manners. [< Three hours," he continued, " were al- lowed me to find some remedy, some alterna- tive, to his expressed determination. Two and three quarters of those fatal hours are now over. Poor Jones! Poor, unfortunate Jones! in the clutches of a mania which is no fault of his ; mad on the subject of assorted scullions; his judgment befuddled with the complexities of social democracy; driving headlong upon the rocks of social extinc- tion- " Oh-h ! " breathed the girl pitifully ; " yod must do something ! " " Think of it ! " insisted Manners ; " think 184 Some Ladies in Haste of this handsome but wretched young man driven helplessly kitchenward in spite of him- 1 a most attractive, intellectual, orna- mental young man " This is actually w-wicked. Mr. Man- ners! " -aid the girl hotly. " This is the most shameful " It certainly is!" said Manner- nii-craM\. " I'm at my wits' end to know \\hat in do. That's why I ventured to speak to yu And," he added solemnly, M so l"ti^ a- I have spoken to you nothing now remains In-tween that unfortunate voting man and the soup to speak metaphorically e.\ you ! " " I ? What do vou mean. Mr. Mamin The hot color crept into lu-r cheeks again. Why do you come to me? What do you expect I could do in this very cruel and shocking mat I expect you'd tell me how to get Jones out of it." / ': she repeated 44 I ? How can I miti- gate this perfectly dreadful thing you have done to him " It's not half so dreadful a thing as what he'll do in about ten more minutes," said A Lady in Haste 185 Manners, dejectedly inspecting his watch, " unless you prevent it." " What is he going to do in about t-ten more minutes ?" asked the girl tremulously. " I told you," he replied, " that he has hon- orable designs on the family cook." " Oh ! " she exclaimed, revolted ; " you have got to do something ! You must ! " * What?" he asked vacantly. " Get rid of that cook ! " she said with spirit. " Why not ? You must get rid of her instantly and forever ! " "I? How am I to get rid of her?" he asked aghast. " M-m-murder her do you mean? And h-hide her m-m-mortal remains in the t-t-tubs " Don't talk that way," said the girl nerv- ously ; " even in jest. There must be some way some other way of getting rid of her- " What way ? We've got about nine min- utes left." The girl halted, standing stock-still. Then, looking up : " Where does Mr. Jones live? " " In Fifty-eighth Street the next block." " You know the hbuse, of course ? " i86 Sonic I.udics in Haste Manners admitted that lie did. 14 Then," she said with determination, "it will be easy enough to get rid of that cook. All that is necessary is for you to go t ask what wages she's getting, offer her double to leave the hou>e in eight minutes, and take her away with you " But what am I to do with a cook? " asked Manners. "Why, take her into \mr own service, of course " How can I when I live at the clu; "YOU IUUM take her, an\wa\!" -aid the girl warmly. " It doe-n't makr am particular difference to me what you do with her. I In- main thing is to get her out of Mr. Joi house before he can " . I kn\v. Hut what would I he ' with a female cook? I couldn't put her the club. \ou know. I \<>u du't exped me to pass my entire time in walking about the streets with a cook, do you?" "Mr. Manners! Yon must get that cook out of Mr. Jones's housr this in-tant ! It's wicked and shameful and outrageously selfish of you to leave her there another moment ! " " Great Heaven! " said Manners; *' do you A Lady in Haste 187 expect me to adopt her? How can I pay her double wages when I haven't any kitchen for her? If I take that unfortunate woman out of the house there's apparently nothing left for me to do but start on a wedding tour with her!" " What a horridly selfish man you are ! " she said. Manners breathed harder. " Oh ! " she exclaimed impatiently ; " are you going to stand there when every monu nt is perilous? Are you going to do nothing? Are you afraid?" And, flushing with a gen- erous impulse of pity, she said : " Show me that house! I cannot stand by and let such a thing happen to anybody ! " Manners started forward with alacrity. " That's the very thing," he said. " A woman understands how to manage cooks and things. Here's the house. I I'd better not go in, I think- " You must ! " she said. He stood at the door, hesitating, but she leaned forward and touched the electric but- ton. "Anyway, all the servants have left," he muttered. 1 88 Some I. u dies in //(/ Why?" she asked blankly. " Because Jones gave a pink tea yesterday, and invited the colored furnaceman, and they drew the color line with violence." Then then is there nobody to let OS she asked, appalled. " Only the cook He stopped short as the door was opened. Then he attempted to back away, but the girl, reckless of appear- ances laid her hand on his arm so that he was practically forced to enter the house with her and confront a mature Hibernian of female persuasion, who returned their scrutiny out of two small, greenish and strabismatic eyes. "Are you the cook?" asked the girl calmly. I am thatl" replied the woman emphat- ically. The girl turned and bade Manners remain where he \\as in a voice of surh remarkaMr decision that he stood a moment transti then, as the girl and the cook disappeared into the drawing-room, he feebly protruded one arm to sustain himself, found nothing to sup- port him, and collapsed upon a gilded hall seat, his hat on hi> knees. For exactly two minutes the girl and the A Lady in Haste 189 cook remained invisible ; then the cook ap- peared, laboriously waddling toward the serv- ants' stairway in the rear, and, in an incredibly short space of time, reappeared enveloped in an imitation India shawl, carrying a bag in one fist and vigorously pushing her prehis- toric bonnet straight with the other. At the same moment the girl walked swiftly into the hallway and threw open the front door. " This is the gentleman, Maggie," said the girl cruelly. " He will, I hope, be very, very kind to you, and very generous. Perhaps he may continue to raise your wages from month to month. . . . Are you ready, Mr. Manners? " Manners, dazed, stood up and gazed fear- fully upon the cook. As in a horrid sort of dream he slowly realized that the cook was not sober. Tlu-n lie heard the girl behind him saying : " Hurry, Mr. Manners ; you are al- ready a little late." Then he found himself on the sidewalk, the Irish nightmare wad- dling at his elbow, and he halted, casting back one wild glance at the open door behind him. From the doorstep the girl was looking at him, and in his exasperated eyes she detected Sonic Ladies in Haste the nascent frenzy. With a sudden nervous movement she forestalled the bolt for free- dom, shut the door, and sank down on the hall seat, almost hysterical with laughter. And through the diamond sidelights she saw Mr. Manners wandering down the stint as though Miipehcd, and at his elbow a com- placently befuddled cook, steadying her step- with great dignity beside his, and continually attempting to straighten the bonnet, which had a tendency u> >lip down over her right eye. CHAPTER VIII ABSENT TREATMENT ]OR a minute or two the young girl behind the door watched the amazing progress of Man- ners and his cook, giving them a full three minutes to disap- pear into the jungles of Sixth Avenue; then, weak with laughter, she rose and laid her hand on the door, ready to make her own escape. At the same instant a man's shadowy figure darkened the glass from the outside, and she heard the impatient fumbling of a latchkey in the lock. 191 Some /.(/. m iloul.- the departed maid>. She luard a M( j . m the kitchen st.-m .m,l |mm-(l it . m her dark hair, threw on a ruftled apr.m. and. frightened almost to death, tnrmd t confront him. 44 M he-an |.'iir. \\alkini: -loulv from the kitchen to\\ard the laundry. " thi> i^ a very solemn moment in your life and in mine. Kind hearts are more than coronets, Maggie, and beauty i> but skin deep. All human beings are born free and equal, and Absent Treatment 193 your present condition of servitude, Maggie, is an outrageous anachronism. Tyrannical society and the despotism of wealth, em- bodied in me, Maggie, have come into your humble kitchen to offer you reparation 1 1 c stopped suddenly as he arrived at the launch -\ door and blinked in mild surprise. " Where's Maggie?" he asked, inspecting the strange, youthful figure in cap and apron, backed up fearfully against the tubs. " M-Maggie, the cook ? " she asked faintly. " I think she went away." "What?" " Y-yes ; with a gentleman." "What gentleman?" " The the one who brought me here Mr. Manners." " Manners ! Manners ! " exclaimed Jones. " You tell me that William Manners has been here and gone off with my cook ? " " Y-yes." Profoundly astonished, Jones sat down on the clothes basket. " Do you mean to tell me that he's actu- ally taken her away ? " he murmured. " Yes for good." Jones drew a long, deep breath of relief. 194 Sonic Ladies in Haste " It was high time/' he said, with a shud- der. "I've had a narrow escape! She was not not physically very attractive. I am glad yon are." "W-what?" " I am glad that you are physically at- tractive, because it will be easier for me to offer you marriage. You see, I'm determined to marry somebody's cook, and it might as wi-11 l>r my own. Have \ * u any to\\n refer- ence " N-no," she gasped. "That makes n difference." he said kind- ly. " Perhaps you've just come off the Maud. but I don't mind. You see. m\ - the simple i i vrd of brotherly love and e.|ualit\. I he artificial social codes and laws \\hich put \.u behind the bars " ' I'.ut 1 hurcnt been in prison!" she said hysterically. " It's all the same to me," observed Jones mildly. " Sin should be its own punishment. l\< taliation is barbarous. I remembered that \\heii 1 wanted to assault Manners this a; noon." lie shuddered again and looked up into the face of the ^irl by the window. Absent Treatment 195 " I'm glad Maggie has gone," he said, " be- cause I should not have avoided my duty had she remained. And now the decision remains with you." "What decision?" " About marrying me. Will you ? " " Mr. Jones ! Would you actually marry a a cook ? " Jones did not answer immediately. He sat on the edge of the clothes hamper, a curious expression on his face. Suddenly a ghastly pallor whitened it; he rose unsteadily to his feet. " It's odd," he muttered; " something seems to be happening to me all over ! " And he began to move blindly toward the door, sway- ing as he progressed. Dismayed, the girl looked after him ; then, as he began to stumble up the stairway, she followed swiftly, saw him almost fall twice, re- cover, and start dizzily toward the drawing- room. " Are you very ill ? " she asked, stepping up beside him. " No something rather agreeable than otherwise seems to be happening to me." He reeled, and she caught him. 14 196 Some l.mlics in lid "Thank you; if I could roach a a ourage!" she said, resoluuh control- ling IUT own dismay, and supporting him to the nearest lounge, where he sank do\\n on the brocaded cushions limp, astonished at his own condition, hut curiously contented. "Something is surely happening to me." he repeated. ' I believe I believe that Man- ners is giving me some more absent treatment powerful, concentrated, emergency ti ment in relation to you." "To wir!" slu- repeaud. startled. " Yes yes, I am sure of it now ! How b-b-beautiful you are ! " he sighed sen- timentally. "How exquisitely attractive is that cap and apron! And your divimK dark I, and \oiir lovely mouth, and " " Mr. Jon< I can't help it; he's making me adore you! "What!" she crie -crated. The telephone upstairs began to ring vio- lently. "Would you mind answering?" he asked appealingly. *' I'm still rather di She straightened up. turned, and mounted Absent Treatment 197 the stairs with wrath in her eyes. The next moment the whir of the telephone bell ceased ; Jones heard her voice, scornfully level and even in tone, then silence, then a startled ex- clamation. And now her voice became ani- mated, expostulatory, indignant, pleading by turns : " Mr. Manners ! I refuse to understand you." " Of course, I hope you will be able to shift Mr. Jones's affections to a worthier " You say that you are now giving Mr. Jones this new treatment ? " " Yes ; Mr. Jones is apparently already af- fected by something ! " [t Yes, you certainly have proved that you are able to give absent mental treatment." "What!!!" " Mr. Manners, that is the most outra- geously impudent threat " 198 Some Ladies in Haste "What!!! To revenge yourself for what you suffered with that cook! It certainly was not my fault Yes, I did laugh, but I couldn't help it." "Mr. Mannrr-! Y f tlu- rlub in their indignation, ri'|iu>ting Manners to consider himself suspended. Then the post-office au- thorities seized his letters, carted them off on a truck, and threatened to proceed against him for improper use of the mails; two po- licemen were stationed to watch the club as a suspicious resort, and a committee of very young clergymen \\aited upon the mayor to protest against Manners as a public menace to morals. Manners packed his belongings and fled, but Destiny ran after him and whacked him Generis 205 again for good measure ; and the next morn- ing's papers announced the failure of the Pine Barrens Irrigation Company, William Man- ners president and principal stockholder. Thus did blind Justice redress the balance; thus did the normal kick the abnormal ; thus did an old-fashioned, everyday, commonplace world bump William Manners to rebuke him for bringing into it what belonged somewhere between Avernus and Harlem. Too long had a respectable and unimagina- tive planet put up with mediums and table tippings and Columbia University ; William Manners and his absent treatment were too much. So the world reared on its hind legs and butted him hard. And a month later William Manners might have been seen seated thoughtfully upon a rail fence, contemplat- ing the rural scenery of northern New York State. There was scarcely anything there except scenery, unless a tumble-down farmhouse might be included. But even that was a sight in itself. Pines and oaks and elms ; uplands covered with sweet fern and wild grass ; distant fields of buckwheat and oats ; distant pastures where 206 Sonic l.mlics in Haste cattle stood looking like the newly painted inmates of Noah's Ark these, and a d road, seemed to be the only noticeable adorn- ments of the immediate landscape. Beyond the low hills he did not know what la\. 1I< had rented this lonely little farm with part <>t the few dollars remaining to him after the crash in Pine Barrens Irrigation stock; and now he sat down for a few moments to catch his breath and recover hi> M- If posses- sion. It was all he could hope to recover and possess. The outskirts of Coon Corners appeared to be peculiarly fashioned for the retirement, self-effacement, and spiritual meditation of man. With the aid of a scant quart of milk, which he managed occasionally to wring from his cow, he supplied himself with nourishing drink and e A crossroads store at Coon Corners, two miles away, furnished him with moldy groceries; a small garden with recreation, vegetables and weeds, also bait for fishing. To mitigate the blow and accustom himself gradually to his altered circumstances in life, he always dressed for dinner and served him- self with milk, potatoes, bacon, and carrots Sui Generis 207 in courses. Between courses he played on his harmonica, because, in town, he had been ac- customed to restaurant music. The music also served to fill voids voids of all sorts as, for example, when he couldn't bring himself to swallow his own cooking, or when the stillness around him got hold of his nerves and clawed them. After dinner he always removed his even- ing clothes, tied on an apron, and performed household rites. Then he would dress again and sit on the porch and watch fireflies and listen intently to his cow bell. This had now continued for a month ; he lived mechanically, moved and breathed and had his being automatically; for he was still partly stupefied by the suddenness of the overwhelming calamity which had befallen him. Little by little, however, the mental numb- ness began to leave him, and the raw wound began to sting. One dreadful day and night of despair capped the climax, but that was the worst ; he at last fully realized the situation, accepted it pro tern., and seated himself upon the hard top rail of experience, a grass stem between 208 Sotnc /.(/(//r.c in Haste his lips, his eyes fixed absently upon his cow, \\lio returned his stare, placidly cheum-. " William," he said to himsdf. " this is not Hell: it is only Purgatory; and you de- it. For you might have wrought much evil with your spells, William; and the laws of natural phenomena neither govern such an- tics as you once chose to indulge in, nor do they permit you a place or an existence in a planet where only the normal is consistently possible. Nature, which specifically abhors a vanillin, isn't going to tolerate any other kinds of unnatural phenomena. You pro- duced several, and here you are! You piti- ful, tenth-rate sorcerer! William, you disgust mi He reached up, twistol >tT a twig of sweet birch, chewed it, and meditat " t'ninvited and unsuspected, you gave ab- -riit mental treatment to ten people five nun. friends of yours ; five unknown and or- namental maidens whom you did not know. You saw these innocent youn^ tfirls passing the club window; out of idle and devilish per- versity, you sent impudent mental waves in their direction. Fortunatelx . of your ten vic- tims, a kindly Fate has accounted for eight. Sui Generis 209 They are married and happy. But, William, there are two remaining unaccounted for. You directed a powerful current of mental suggestion at Billy West, with the intention of instilling into that mild and inert youth a passion for pernicious activity mental and physical. " Now, that current evidently went astray, because Billy West remains unchanged. It must have missed its object and been inter- cepted by somebody else. Who?" Manners chewed his birch twig thought- fully. " Who ? What person in the world do you hear of as exhibiting irritatingly strenuous activities in matters which do not concern him? To begin at the top, there's the Kaiser. That powerful mental current may have been intercepted by him, or by by our own great- Horror contorted Manners's features. " Heavens ! " he gasped ; " is that the ex- planation ? Does that account for it all ? Has the greatest of all patriots and moralists and naturalists intercepted that errant current which I directed at Billy West? And has it double charged him with an explosively Jove- 2io Sonic Ladies in Haste like and omniscient energy which pervades every subject discussed on top of this intel Krtual hemisphere, from railroads to runii nants, from eels to Ethiopians, from sagas to cinnamons, from trusts to the nesting habits of tlu- sprekled tomtit ? " And, as he sat there on the top rail, tin- poisonous conviction settled upon him like a horsefly on a colt that the greatest states- man who ever existed in America had re- 1 the full impart of tlu- errant mental current which he had hurled at Hilly \\ Vt. . that part of the great ma; taetl i-tly due to the reception and bottling up of this pouerfnllv strenuous and stimulat- ing current ; what this human marvel had uas as nothing compared to \\hat he \\ould \et le. and do. and say. Railroads should tumble, ambassadors tremble. n,v should be afraid, tomtits no longer nn'sr, seuted in sru-ntitie fiction, and the Ethiopian should be exalted! Manners 9 ! i\es filled with devout and thankful tea Heaven i- -till good to the Irish-Ameri- cans of Dutch descent." he murmured. ' \ other man could have endured ami assimilated Sui Generis 211 that current ; the country would have toler- ated no rival. To him that hath shall be given. It is all right. The country is as safe as ever. The faker is doomed ! " Vastly, humbly, profoundly relieved by the solution of this anxious problem, Manners, in his relief and joy, slid from the top rail and frisked about the pasture. He was very, very happy; he wove a gar- land of meadow flowers and hung it around the neck of his cow. He went and got his harmonica and played on it, and the cow thrust her large, furry ears forward, listening in bovine amazement to her first serenade. Manners talked to her he had only him- self and the cow to converse with, and he ex- plained to her excitedly that he was now al- most free from sin that of the ten crimes committed by him only one still remained un- accounted and unatoned for. " It was a girl," he continued vaguely, lay- ing his harmonica aside on the grass "a slim, freckled, gray-eyed, sweet-lipped young thing, coming out of her house, evidently on her way to the country for the summer. A legion of maids and butlers and second men and footmen danced attendance about her; 212 Some Ladies in Ho some carried bundles, some satchels, some pet dogs and birds, some robes and traveling- rugs. And, looking at her, so pretty and freckled, and thin and helpless to do anything for herself, I sent a good, strong mental wave straight at her. Young woman/ I said, ' get rid of all those servants and learn to do things for yourself if you want your figure to look like a woman's and not like a bn\V Tse your limbs and muscles! Go out into the fields and rake hay. Go and potter about in gar- dens, and trim hedges, and milk cattle, and feed chirk t-ns. and eat ham and flapjacks \\ith maple sirup, and cook 'em, too, occasionally ! Go and hoist up water in the old oaken bucket! It's full of germs, but they won't hurt anybody.' That's what I said," nodded Manners to Ins cow f ami I added my advice that she ultimately marry a farn The cow wa< n ,,\v eating the garland he had woven for her ; Manners observed the op- eration pensively. I believe-." he said aloud to himself, I really believe that my exile and isolation and social excommunication would cease, auto- matically, if only I could be absolved from Sni Generis 213 that last sin of mine if only I could be cer- tain that my miserable interference had not changed and blighted forever the life of this gently bred young girl. " Somewhere somewhere this very mo- ment she is probably raking hay, barefooted ! She may be far too frail to endure such a life endure ham and pancakes, and the smells of barnyards! Slu may now be sicklied o'er with the pale cast of pie ! " He dropped his head in his hands; all his light-hearted optimism had died out as he re- membered what he had done to that girl, scarcely nineteen a frail, unformed creature, utterly unfitted to endure the fate to which he had so flippantly condemned her. The cow, having finished the garland, re- produced a portion of it in the form of a cud, and, gravely chewing it, regarded the dejected young man with gratitude. " To think," he groaned aloud, " that I de- liberately consigned her to this sort of a life! Somewhere, at this very moment, half dead with indigestion, she is probably frying a steak. Somewhere she may be hanging out the domestic wash, her slender body racked with a hacking cough. Or she may be daw- 214 Some Ladies in //lu- may be alrcad\ married to a rural so\eivi-n \\ith chin \\hi- . wh>-e proudest article of apparel con- sists of a pair of red braces \\hich he disp' at the Sunday dinner tahle." The i)ieture evoked overcame Mann " It's awful!" he groaned. " 1 deserve all this. And. as far as I can see, I'm likcl\ to remain in this awful place and milk tin- r nal cow unless I can find that girl and atone for \\hat I've done by marrying her!" He rose to his feet \\earily. " But to make her marry a man like me wouldn't he any atonement," he added. ' If I did that I'd only aggravate in- Great Dingums! Will I ever be able to i the \\nmg I have done her and get a\\ay from that confounded cow and these dinners of carrot- and prune For a while he pottered sullenly about in the garden, picking pea-. Me shelled them later, then dragged rnnnit the pasture! She took the rail fence \\ ith t1\ ini: n fliitti-riii^. for it as SOUK- ^lini thorough- bred. Mannrrs rose grandly to tl clearing the top rail in spite of his armor, and away he galloped toward the young woodland after her. Don't run!" he called out: 1 in not mad, even if I was ironing shirts! I I'm p-perfectly t-t-taim ! I want to tell you some- thing." 218 Ex Ma chin a 219 Whether or not she understood seemed doubtful ; she cast one swift, keen glance over her shoulder, then, jumping the brook, sped up the opposite slope and, with the last rem- nant of strength, climbed into a maple tree, where she sat among the branches, flushed, breathing hard, her resolute eyes on him as he came toiling up the bank. For a moment they remained mute, strug- gling for breath, watching one another. She had broken off a dead branch and held it tightly, one arm clasping the tree trunk. " Do you think me quite mad," he gasped "just beeause in my joy at seeing you I kicked over that ironing board and maltreated a pan of shelled peas? Oh, if you had only understood how I loathe flatirons and givm peas! If you had only understood how long I've been obliged to eat my own cooking and iron my own shirts you would not have run away like this ! " She stared at him ; slowly the flicker of fear became absorbed in the growing illumination of astonishment. " Y-you were d-dreadfully abrupt," she said. " You did not appear p-perfectly ra- 220 Sonic I.inlics in tional. I had only come to collect the rent l lu- rent ' " Y \ ft. I'm \onr landlady." Manners gazed up at her hoprlr^K per- plexed " 1 rented that ehatenu from somebody named I-.. M. I '.arris." he said. " Are yon K. M. Harris?" lira Millicent Barris. I live at The Towers. I my father jjavc me some farms to play \\ith on my birthday. I n 1 to be cha>ed up a tree by mx ant- Siiddenly. in the nish of relief, she dropped her sink. ehiNprd the tree trunk \\ith htli arms, and, lax in^ her head a-amM it, closed her e " 1 )on't ! I don't ! " , \< lainicd Mar- 1 -imply cannot endure to see an\ xxoinan xxeeping up in a tree like that - " * I c-ean't lu-lp it." slu- fal' I've got to. If if I \\ere not in >ueh p-p-pe? health my n-nervi-s emild m-ver have stood \xhat xou'x-c d 4 " Do you mean my running after you, or Ex Machina 221 the sight of me ironing?" he asked, morti- fied. " B-both. O dear O dear I'm so quiv- ery and weak! I I'd better get out of this tree before I fall out. I don't know how I ever got up here; I feel like a scared and whimpering kitten who has climbed too high and can't get back." She bent her pretty head and peeped down at the ground between her swinging feet. The ground seemed very far away. " O dear, O dear," she said, bewildered ; " it is my first tree experience, and I don't know how it is done ! Do you ? " " A slow slide," he suggested, " is the proper method. You first grasp the tree "How?" He waved his hands as though repeating a scientific formula : " You first grasp the trunk with both arms and both knees ; then, closing both eyes and clasping the stem of the tree firmly, you descend with a very slow and sedate slide." " It it isn't very dignified, is it ? " " It can be accomplished with dignity," he said. 4< Ironing shirts and shelling peas are 222 Some Ladies in 7/k. If one understands h<>\\ to do it, one can stand on one's head \\itlnmt loss of dignitx . She seemed to be rather impreed l>\ his philosophy; she leaned over, looked at the trunk, and erossed her ankles. " ritimateh." rift -aid. " 1 -hall he obliged to descend, and 1 may as xxell do it n\v. \\'iild \u mind \\alkini; out WCK) 1 le started at once. " B-but who is to cateh me if I f-fall? " she added. He came back. " Hourver. I must take my chances," she continued, looking fearfully at the ground; and he turned and started toward the <; "And if I fall and am dreadfully injured, it will not be my fault " He hah ' It will be your fault," she said with tremu- lous vindietiveness, "for cha-m- me up a And I can't come down as long as Machina 223 you are there ; I wont come down as long as you are not there. The problem, then, is how to i^et me out of this tree; and / can't solve it. Can \ m ? " He stared up at her for a moment ; then clasped his head in his hands, struggling with the problem. " The thing to do," he said, " is to use logic. Reason, not emotion, solves problems. Let us begin at the very beginning, if we are to find some sort of a solution " The beginning," she said coldly, " was when you ran after me ' " I beg your pardon. The beginning be- gan with your running away from me. I couldn't have run after you if you hadn't first run " No, that is not the beginning/' she in- sisted. " First of all I saw you ironing " Wait, please! First of all I was ironing, even before you saw me. Let us be logical and accurate, if we are going back to the fountain head of cause and effect." " If we are going back as far as that," she said, " let us go still farther. To begin, then, you rented my cottage " One moment," he begged ; " there was a 224 Some Ladies in cause for my renting that cottage; and, ii we are going back to the real beginning of things, let us begin \\ith that." "I don't see." shi- sail. astonished. "why \our nmtives for renting that cottage could interest me. or have any important bearing on the problem of getting me out of tl He stood very still, silenced not by her logic, but by the Midden impact of a neu : Looking down at him she \\aited. s\\ ing- ing her crossed feet gently. She was no longer afraid of him or of her situation. She had. at his fir>t \\ord, recognized in him the sort of man she had been accustomed to. It had been only the mechanical and mental dif- ficulty of stopping her mad stampede that had landed her up a tree before she even un- derstood how she got there a purely auto- matic flight, obeying physical impulse before the brain could telegraph like a locomotive overrunning the Matum in spite of the bral Almost from the first, looking down at him from her perch, fear had tied, leaving a faint reaction. Then calm confidence returned ; she examined him leisurely, perfectly convinced of her safety. Ex Machina 225 And now she looked down from aloft with a smile almost friendly, encouraging him to mental effort. " How to get me out of this tree," she re- peated. " You got me into it. I can't come down if you're not here; I won't come down while you t \<>ur house on Fifth Ave- nue, opposite the Lenox Club." " O-h ! . . . Yes, I live there. . . . Where were you ? " 226 Some Ladies In Haste " In the club window hatching deviltries! " he said bitterly. " I >-d-deviltrie> ! " she repeated. " \Y-\\hat in tin- \\orld do you mean, Mr. Mann* : "I've 14 "t to go farther back than that >lrinu day to tell you," he said. "Shall I do h Amazed at the pallor and desperation in his -In- took a firmer clasp of tin tree trunk ami ^a/i-d do\\n at him. M Il it vrr\ awful what you are going to till me? " she asked. Wry. Shall I?" " No. N . " No. Yes. I if it becomes too dreadful for me to hear I I'll tell you w-when to StO] Well, then," he said hoarsely, " I'm the most terrible kind of a man you ever heard of." " O-oh ! " she echoed faintly, but expect- antly. 1 I'm horrible, monstrous; I'm a menace to decency, a peril to civilization! " Y-you don't look it, M-Mr. M-M-Man- ners." Ex Machina 227 " That's the sickening part of it. I'm a decent-looking fellow. Don't you think so? " " Y-yes." " With agreeable bearing and presence ? " " Oh, yes, indeed." " The sort, in fact, to whom you are accus- tomed in New York ? " " P-perfectly. I anybody would be in- diiifd to like you, Mr. Manners." " Thank you," he said gloomily. " That is the awful phase of it. What I look like is one thing ; what I am is this : A man once wealthy, now ruined ; once popular, now feared; once innocent, now guilty ! " " Mr. Manners! IV hat are you guilty of? " He said : " Do you believe that it is pos- sible for a human being to possess himself of infernal powers? Do you believe it possible that a man can, by mere exercise of will, project mental waves which are capable of molding, modifying, changing, completely transforming the characters and desires of other people ? " " No ! " she said breathlessly. " Yet the fact remains that I can do and have done it. Ten people, on whom I tried my first experiments, prove the statement. 10 228 Some I.inlics in ffiisfc One by one I gave them absent treatment to correct deficiencies of character. Thc\ had not the slightest idea of \\hat 1 \\as d indeed, five of them I did not even kno\\ 1>\ sight when I undertook their cases." He paused, passing his hand wearily his brow. Tlie j^irl looked do\\n at him. cinated. "Fortunately." he continued, "nine 01: my ten victim- come t< no harm through my villain* u- middling. Indeed. strangely enough, they have found their heart -Hilled thnmiji \\hat 1 did for them these nine victims of m\ hideou- periments. Heaven \vas ind. me. even in piiiiishin.i: me 1 crushed, bewildered, penniless as I am, for I have found \vn a^ain ! " " Found tnr^ A^ain "" " Yes. Listen to me. and \ me that you will not fall out of that tre<- in \<>ur amaze- ment and indignation. \\'ill you promise. Miss Barri She instinctivelv clasped the trunk tightly with both arm- Yes, go on," she whis- pered. ' Then do you ever rake hay, milk cows, Ex Machina 229 shell peas, fry steaks ? Do you ? Or ever eat pancakes and maple sirup ? Speak ! " " Y-yes ; I do all those things, Mr. Man- ners." " Did you ever do them before that day in early spring when I saw you entering your carriage ? Did you ? " " N-no." "Do you like to do these things now?" " Y-yes." " Didn't you actually hate the very idea of doing such things before that day in early spring? " " Y-yes." " Then," he demanded solemnly, " why do you do 'em now? Why do you like to do 'em? Why do you now desire pie? Why do you digest it? Why are you physically healthy and vigorous and mentally wholesome and happy? Why are your arms no longer as thin as pipe stems, and why are " Mr. Manners ! What do you mean to convey to me by this very p-p-personal in- ventory of my physical and mental charac- teristics?" " You know," he said gravely. " No, I don't know. If if you mean to 230 Sonic I.utiics in I L: try to frighten me into believing that \ u are responsible that \>u did this " Y,,u kiiou 1 did." " I don't! I d.m't! I'm not one of your your dreadful nu-ntal experiments. even if I have suddenly found p pink sunbonnets and g-g-gingham d Even if I have found some\shat suddenly that it's p-p-plcasant an ha\ and set hens and ni-in-milk the l-l-lo 1 'ink-cheeked. defiant. she clung to her tree trunk, facing him with tremulous courage. " You didn't do all this to mo!" she re- peated. "I am not afraid that you did! Y>u couldn't have done it, even if you had been wicked enough to try: :Mn't do it no\\. r\ni if \MU tried \\ith all \ "iir mi^ht." "Tried \\hat?" he asked gently, f..r the girl was becoming very nuu h r \rited. ' \uythinv: tried am tiling . MI me n; nit. in m\>elf. >lide down tin- for example! I I defy you t make me do . " Do you really challenge r. " Yt*t t dOfl I don't believe in your |> I u.-n't believe in them. If you could " 'I defy you to make me do it ! ' ' Ex Machine 231 exercise all kinds of powers, you wouldn't look so helpless and perplexed when I tell you to get me out of this tree." " But but you refuse to come down while I'm here, and you refuse to come down if I'm not here/' "Certainly I do!" she said tauntingly; " but that ought not to perplex a gentleman of such unusual and occult talents as you possess. Mr. Manners, the problem remains, I believe, to get me out of this tree. You have employed logic; you have gone back months to begin, logically, at the beginning. Now, if you please, either your logic, or your ahem ! magic, ought to start me earth- ward. Proceed ! " He looked up at tin- bright, flushed face above; she returned his gaze out of 1u r pretty gray eyes. Her mouth was maliciously sweet ; the two freckles on her nose adorable. " There's a way to get you out of a tree," he said. His voice was not quite steady. " Thank you " mockingly " I am wait- ing to be wafted to earth." " I want to ask you a question first" " Dozens, Mr. Manners. Begin." " You will not be offended? " 232 Some Ladies in Haste " I Impt not* 1 ** I mean if no offense is meant?" " No. . . . What is the first question be- fore you waft me to earth ? " " Are you engaged to be married to to a farnu i " No. I suppose you do not mean to be impertinent." " You know I don't," he said, looking IK r so straight in the eyes that a deeper tint of color crept into her tanned clier! " No," she said slo\\l>. " I know you could not be rude. What is thr nr\t <|iie>tion? You have the |>rivilcge of a do/< " Then 7it>///houlders. " I see." lie said with a catch in his breath " poor or rich, you'd marry a farmer, if you loved him." She nodded, surveying him serenely. " You ah perhaps, prefer a farmer to a man of any other ah profession?" He strove to command his voice, but it shook. " Perhaps," she said. Ex Macliina 233 "Do you?" " Y-yes," very cautiously. He waited a moment to control his voice, then : " / am a farmer/' he said. "Yes?" innocently. [< Yes, I am. I have a cow, some accursed vegetables, and a stray hen or two. Where the hens are now I don't know; but they're mine if they're still on earth. Besides that, I have some mining shares worth nothing now, but which air due to rocket skyward in about a year. Other assets are a few dollars, unlimited ambition and energy, some badly burnt and worse starched shirts, and no debts. I I wish to a>k \ on .something." " Ask it," she said, dangerously calm. He moistened his lips, touched his forehead with his handkerchief, and, looking directly at her, said : " I never before saw a woman whom I could care for." And, being truthful, he add- ed, " I mean as much as I care for you. I could easily fall desperately in love with you. You could make me love you without try- ing. A smile the first glimmer of friend- liness in your gray eyes would do it. It will probably happen, anyway." 234 Some l.inlics in Hustc She \\aitol. in you ever learn to can t<>r a man like me?" he askol. - No, Mr. Manin-r " If- if \ r\ciivr ; 1 prrtYr the tree, Mr. Mann* " lillt J4)d IlravrllN! If \m don't lll.i! r\ inr. a fanm-p /n /;;;., \..u an- lial' marry soinr ^rnuiur and drradful ohiu-uhi- .amhlin.L; ru * Mr. Man: " I ran't lu-lp it ! I ktu>:c\ " li. -ncd U--p-ratrl\. " I trratrd \ oil for that ; I \n alriit tn-atmrnt lr it! I su^^cstcd that \>u marr\ a fannrr." "That \\a- \n\. M r\ imjunlcnt >f slir >aid !\ ; " Iwt I 1. .idy told you that I refuse to believe in your poun- I di-fy you to inthu-iHH- mr 1>y inrntal sugges- tion ! I I challenge you to make me do one single thing through the exercise of mental suggestion ! " Her angry, beautiful face flushed as she spoke ; she bent forward on her perch, brav- ing him. Macliuia 235 " I do love you," he said obstinately. " I can't help it," she retorted. t4 Besides, it's ridiculous to chase a girl up a tree and sit at the bottom and make love to her." " Ridiculous or not," he said, " I do love you. I love you enough to risk being ridicu- lous. I love you too much even to think of mentally suggesting that you love me a little in return." " That is perfect nonsense, Mr. Manners ! " " N-nonsense ? " " Certainly. Just as though you could mentally influence me to love you, if you tried for a year! " " I could do it in a minute!" he exclaimed hotly. " And I defy you ! " she retorted. " Here I am, sitting upon this branch, unable to get away. Try it, Mr. Manners ! " The bright, excited, and scornful challenge stirred him to excitement. u You don't know what you are risking," he said. " I I could make you care for me if I wished to. I could get you out of that tree before you knew it, if I wished to. Don't challenge me again, unless you wish to risk more than you desire to." Sonic Ladies in Haste She laughed mockingly and swung her feet to and fro. " I give you full permission to try," she said. I Ie \\a- >ilrnt. " Shame ! " she added, " to let such a chal- lenge pa Still lu- \\as >ilnit. "And, if you can succeed in taking me down out of thi> tree \\ithout my consent or knowledge." she rmitinurd. "I i^ivr \>u full l>rrmissi< m t> make love to me and make me fall tead> >tcp lackv.ard I trunk. " You you did do it ! -lu gasped. es, You mu>t not be afraid." ' I I am." * ^"oll need not "I inn\ I I dared yti to do it. You have done it. I d-dared you to m-make me love you." " I did not do //; " O-oh ! I don't know I don't know whether you have done that or not!" she cried. " You could have; I defied you to; I offered to let you. If you did not do it, did you not ? " Ex Macliina 239 " Because I love you." " Then why didn't you ? " " Because I love you." " Oh ! " She looked at him, still a little dazed, still frightened, uncertain. He said in a low voice : " Do you now be- lieve all that I told you ? " Yes oh, yes, I do." "All?" " Yes, all." " About the mental treatment I gave you on that fatal day last spring when I saw you entering your carriage ? " " Yes, I believe it." " And and that you still stand in peril of marrying a farmer a thing of overalls, whis- kers, and pitchforks ! an absurd and revolt- ing parody on " D-don't let me ! " she stammered, moving impulsively toward him. " You you won't let me do such a thing, will yoUj^Mr. Man- ners ? " still advancing, both little hands out- stretched. " I can't help it," he said miserably. " I can't reverse mental treatment ; I don't know how. All I can do is to modify it in a 240 Sonic Ladies in I In measure by directing it more definitely toward some designated individual." "Then then d-direet it toward s-s-some individual. Mr. Manners. Don't leave me with this promiscuous rural terror to haunt IIH-! Dm'i go away and leave me this indefi- nite' llOITOr inenarrd by the mtiiv clodhop- ping population of the I'nitt d Sta! " What shall I do?" he asked, profoundly affeetcd h\ her diMnax. " Oh," she pleaded, as he gently took her out>tretelu-d and pathetic hand-. " it is the horrid uncertainty that 1 cannot endure. You have defined me for the h-h-hride of some farmer. If I've g-g-got to marry a far I want to know what lie's like, whether he wears his coat in the house, whether he USd a knife for a fork! < >h oh. this is too dreadful too too dreadful! I I'm afraid afraid! She broke down, innocently concealing her Mainrd fare in the first convenient nook that offered. It ehaneed to be the scorched shirt front of Mr. Manners. He thought!- put both arms around her. Then they both became absent-minded, for he mentioned her name several times as " Kthra." and " Sweet- Machina 241 heart," and her arms lay most carelessly around his neck, and she offered no explana- tion of the phenomenon. " D-darling ! " " W-what ? " she sobbed, although she had never before answered to such an indefinite cognomen. " D-do you hate me?" " N-no." " I I didn't know," he faltered. " W-well / do, and I don't." With which strangely paradoxical observa- tion she managed to find her handkerchief and dry her tears. Then she raised her head and looked up at him. A curiously absent-minded expression crept into their eyes; their actions, too, were ut- terly illogical. However, they said absolutely nothing. They couldn't. At last her pretty lips found an opportunity. " I wonder," she said, " how we can do such things ... as though we had been ac- customed to them. . . . Dear, you had no need to employ your talents on me ; I : I wasn't really afraid to come down ; I was only afraid you'd go away if I did. . . . And and, dearest, I I be I b-b-began to love you up 242 Some Ladies in Haste in the tree a little, just a little. ... I think I am a trifle tired. . . . Shall \\e -it lure under our blessed, blessed tree?" He looked hopeles>l\ int> the j^r.i " Darling," he said. "1-1 ean't -it down in in this g-g-garment. Don't ask me to go into details, only the the starch " She gazed at her lover in infinite pity. I think 1 understand." she said very softly. And together they passed out into the sun- shine, his arm around her \vai*t. her lovely head nestling against his shoulder. TIIK END THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. Ocr 3! RETURNED TO STAT IIBRAW MAR 2 8 1962 pFrrn LD UAD a A \OO WAR 29 Wot YB 73607 912827 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY