%n^" Out.-^ EXAMPLES DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS RULES FOR THEIR SOLUTION. BY GEORGE A. OSBORNE, S.B. Professor op Mathematics in the Massachusetts Institute OF Technology. o>&150 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/examplesofdifferOOosborich CONTEI^TS. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS. DERIVATION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION FROM THE COMPLETE PRIMITIVE. PAGE. Definitions 1 Derivation of differential equations of the first order 1 Derivation of differential equations of higher orders 2 SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. CHAPTER II. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER AND DEGREE BETWEEN TWO VARIABLES. Form, XYdx -^-X'Y^dy^O '. 4 Homogeneous equations 5 Form, (ax -\- hy ■\- c) dx ■\- (a^x ■\-h'y ■\- d^dy = 5 Linear form, -^ ■\- Py = Q 6 dx Form, ^+Py=Qy- 7 dx CHAPTER III. EXACT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. — INTEGRATING FACTORS. Solution of exact differential equations 8 VI CONTENTS. PAGE. Solution by means of an integrating factor in the following cases : Homogeneous equations 9 Form, f^{xy)ydx-\-f^{xy)xdy = (> 10 dM_dN dN dM When iL_^ = K-), or±^=Hy) 10 CHAPTER IV. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER AND DEGREE WITH THREE VARIABLES. Condition for a single primitive, and method of solution 12 CHAPTER V. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST ORDER OF HIGHER DEGREES. Equations which can be solved with respect to p 14 Equations which can be solved with respect to y 14 Equations which can be solved with respect to a: 15 Homogeneous equations 16 Clairaut's form, y =px -{-/(^p) 16 CHAPTER VI. SINGULAR SOLUTIONS. Method of deriving the singular solution either from the complete primitive or from the differential equation 17 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF HIGHER ORDERS. CHAPTER VII. LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Linear equations with constant coefficients and second member zero. . 19 Linear equations with constant coefficients and second member not zero, 22 A special form of linear equations with variable coefficients 24 CONTENTS. VU CHAPTER VIII. SPECIAL FORMS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF HIGHER ORDERS, PAGE. Form, ^=X 25 Form, 4^ = r 25 Equations not containing y directly , 26 Equations not containing x directly 27 CHAPTER IX. SIMULTANEOUS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Simultaneous equations of first order 28 Simultaneous equations of higher orders 30 CHAPTER X. Greometrical applications 32 Answers to Examples 35 EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. o^t^o CHAPTER L DEFINITIONS. DERIVATION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUA- TION FROM THE COMPLETE PRIMITIVE. 1. A differential equation is an equation containing differen- tials or differential coefficients. The solution of a differential equation is the determination of another equation free from differentials or differential coeffi- cients, from which the former may be derived by differentiation. The order of a differential equation is that of the highest differential coefficient it contains ; and its degree is that of the highest power to which this highest differential coefficient is raised, after the equation is freed from fractions and radicals. The solution of a differential equation requires one or more integrations, each of which introduces an arbitrary constant. The most general solution of a differential equation of the nth order contains n arbitrary constants, whatever may be its de- gree. This general solution is called the complete primitive of the given differential equation. 2. To derive a differential equation of the first order from its complete primitive. Differentiate the primitive ; and if the arbitrary constant has disappeared, the result is the required differential equation. If not, the elimination of this constant between the two equations will give the differential equation. 2 DERIVATION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. 3. Form the differential equations of the first order of which the following are the complete primitives, c being the arbitrary constant : 1. log(xy) -{-x = y + c. 2. (l+a^)(H-2/')=caj2. 3. cosy=ccosx, 4. y=z ce-**"'^* + tan-^aj — 1. 5. y={cx-\-logx-\'l)~\ 6. y = cx-\-c^c^, 7. {y-\-cy = 4:ax. 8. y^s'm^x + 2cy-{-c^ = 0. . 9. e2^ + 2ca;e^H-c2 = 0. 4. To derive a differential equation of the second order from its complete primitive. Differentiate the primitive twice successively, and eliminate, if necessary, the two arbitrary constants between the three equations. 5. Form the differential equations of the second order of which the following are the complete primitives, Ci and Cg being the arbitrary constants : 1. 2/ = Ci cos (ax+Cj). 2. y = cie" + c^e-". 3. y=(ci + C2x)e'". 4. y = C^ + ^- 6. , cosaa; ?/ = Ci sm nx -f Co cos nx + — - n^ — or DERIVATION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. 3 6. The preceding process may be extended to the derivation of equations of higher orders from their primitives. 7. Form the differential equations of the third order of which the following are the complete primitives : 1. y = Cie^'-]-C2e~^'-\-Cze'. 2. 2/^* = Cie^'^ + C2sina;V2 + C3COsajV2. 3. y = U 4- C2X + —je' + C3. Form the differential equations of the fourth order of which the following are the complete primitives : 4. y= (ci + Cgi^-F 03x2)6' + C4. 6. oi:^ + a^y = Ci e"* + Cg e"*** + c^ sin ax + c^ cos ax. CHAPTER II. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST ORDER AND FIRST DEGREE BETWEEN TWO VARIABLES. General Form, Mdx + Ndy = 0, where Jf, JSf^ are each functions of x and y, 8. Form, XYdx + X'Y'dy = 0, where X, X', are functions of x alone, and F, F', functions of y alone. Divide so as to separate the variables, and integrate each part separately. 9. Solve the following equations : 1. {1 -\-x)ydx-{- (l—y)xdy = 0, 2. (x' - yx") ^ + 2/' + xy' = 0. dx 3. dy^_±+jf_, dx {l-\-x'^)xy 4. a[xJ--\-2y\ = xyJ-' dx J ctx 5. {l+f)dx=^(y+^l+f){l+xy2dy. 6. sinaJCOS2/cZa;=cosa;sin2/(^2/- 7. sec^ajtan2/c?aj + sec^?/taniC(^2/== ^• 8. sec^a;tan2/d2/H-sec^2/^^^^^^==^' 9^ dy I 1+y + y' ^Q^ da; 1 + a: + a;2 HOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS. 6 10. Homogeneous equations. Substitute y = vx\ in the resulting equation between v and a?, the variables can be separated. (See Art. 8.) . 11. Solve the following equations : 1. (y — x)dy-j-ydx = 0. 2. (2^xy — x)dy -{-ydx = 0. 3. 2/^ + ^— = ^2/—* *' dx dx 4. x^^y+'y/x' + y^ dx 5. xGos^'—=zyeos^ — x. X dx X 6. (8y + 10x)dx+ {oy-i-Jx)dy = 0. 7. (x + y)-^ = y-x, 8. xcos^ (ydx-i-xdy) = y sin^ (x dy ^ ydx). X X 9. x-\-y-^ = my. dx (1), m<2; (2),m = 2; (3), m>2. 10. [(aJ^ — y^) sma + 2xy cosa — y^x' + 2/T ^ = 2 0^2/ sin a — (a?^ — 2/^) cosa + x -y/x^ + 2/^. 12. Form, (aa; + 6y + c)di»+ (a'a7 4- ?>'2/ + ^0^^ = ^- Substitute a; = a;' + a, 2/ = 2/' + i^? and determine the constants a, ^, so that the new equation be- tween x' and y' may be homogeneous. (See Art. 10.) 6 LINEAK EQUATIONS OF FIKST ORDER. This method fails when — = — . In this case put ax-\-hy = z^ and obtain a new equation between x and z or between y and z ; the variables can then be separated. 13. Solve the following equations : 1. {3y — 7x-\-7)dx-{- {7y — 3x-{-S)dy = 0. 2. Ux-\-2y-l)^ + 2x-\-y-{-l=0. dx 3. dy _ 7y-\- x-{-2 ^ dx' 3 a; + 5 2/ + 6 4. {2y + x-\- 1) dx = (2a; + 4?/ + 3)dy. 5. 2x-y + l-^(x-hy -2)^=^0. 14. Linear Form, -^ + Py = Q^ dx where P, Q, are independent of y. Solution, y = e'-^^'^y i Qe'^^dx -f cj- 15. Solve the following equations : 1. x-^ — ay = x-\-\. dx 2. X {\ ^ x^)dy -{- {2x^ — l)ydx = a:x?dx. 2^. 3. (1 - x'Y^ + 2/ Vl - ic' = a; + Vl - a^. 4. -^ +'ycosa; = -sin2a;. dx ^ 2 6. (1 + y'^)dx = (tan-^2/ — ^) ^V- EXTENSION OF LINEAR FORM. 7 \ dxj 7. (l+x^)dy-{-fxy--\dx = 0. 8. ^^y^ = ^^, dx dx dx where is a function of x alone. 16. Form, ^ + Py=^Qy% dx where P, Q, are independent of y. Divide by y'^^ and substitute z = y~'^^. The new equation between z and x will be linear. (See Art. 14.) 17. Solve the following equations : 1. (1 —0?)-^ — xy=zax7f. dx 2. 32/2^-a2/3 = a;-f 1. dx 3. ^=2xy(ax'f-^l). 4. ^(x^f-i.xy)=l. 6. — + 2/ cos a? = 2/" sin 2 a?. dx 6. (y\ogx-~l)ydx = xdy. 7. aa^y^'dy -^-ydx = 2xdy, 8. y — cosaj-^ =2/^cosir (1 — sina;). dx 9« y-^-\-^y^=^cL008x, dx CHAPTER III. EXACT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND INTEGRATING FACTORS. 18. Mdx + Ndy is an exact differential when <1) dM^ dJSr dy dx The solution of Mdx-\' Ndy = 0, in this case is Cmdx + ((n- — CMdx\dy = c, or CNdy + (i^- — , f^dy\x = c. In integrating with respect to a?, y is regarded as constant, and in integrating with respect to 2/, x is regarded as constant. 19. Solve the following equations after applying the condi- tion (1) for an exact differential : 1. (aj3 -f- 3 xy^) dx + (^/^ -f- 3 x^y) dy = 0. 2.. (x^ --ixy — 2y^)dx -f (y^ — 4xy — 2x^)dy = 0. 3. fl^^\dx-^^-ldy=:0. . 2xdx , /I 3a^\,, ^ EXACT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 9 6. _i^_ + ^l ^ '^^ = 0. V?T? \ -Va^-j-yV y 7. (x + ^ Va; + (^2/ ^dy = 0. - - / \ 8. {l'^e~^)dx-\-e~^ll--]dy = 0, 9. e(x^-\-y^-+'2x)dx-\-2ye''dy=0. 10. (m da? + ^ ^2/) sin (wa; + n?/) = (n dx-\-mdy) cos (riaj-f-m^/). 11. xdx + ydy ydx — xdy ^^ Vl + ar^ -f 2/' a^ + 2/' -o of dy — ayx^'^ dx , (1), ^>0; (2), ^<0 and =-A;; (3), ^ = 0; (4), a = 0; (5), 5 = 0. 20. When Mdx-^Ndy is not an exact differential, it may sometimes be made exact by multiplying by a factor, called an integrating factor. The following are some of the cases where this is possible. 21. When Mdx + Ndy is homogeneous, is an in- Mx + Ny tegrating factor. This fails when Mx + Ny = 0, but in that case the solution is ?/ = ex, 22. Solve the following equations by means of an integrating factor : 1. (a;^ -\-2xy — y^) dx =^(x^ ^2xy^ y^) dy. X y \y ^J ' 10 INTEGRATING FACTORS. 4. a^dx-\- {Sx^y-\-2f)dy = 0. 5. {x-\/x^ + y^ — ^) dy -\- (xy — y -y/x^ + y^) dx = (See Art. 11 for other examples.) 23. Form, fi{xy)ydx-\-f2{xy)xdy = 0. 1 is an integrating factor. This fails when Mx — Ny Mx — Ny = 0^ but in that case the solution is xy = c. Another method of solving is to put xy = v^ and obtain an equation between x and v or between y and v. The variables can then be separated. 24. Solve the following equations by means of an integrating factor : "ps-^l. (1 +xy)ydx-{'(l —Qcy)xdy = 0, 2. (x^y^-^xy)ydx-{- (x^y^ — l)xdy = 0. 3. (x^y^ -f 1) {xdy-{- ydx) + (x^y^ + xy) (ydx — xdy) = 0. 4. (^/xy — l)xdy — (-y/xy -\-l)ydx=0. ^' {y -\-y^/xy)dx-\- {x-\-x^/xy)dy — 0. 6. e^^ix^y^ -f- xy) (xdy + ydx) -{-ydx — xdy = 0, 7. xy [1 + cot (xy)'](xdy -{-ydx) + ajd^/ — ydx = 0. dM_dN 25. When ^L^ = ^(^), then e*' * * is an integrating factor. INTEGRATING FACTORS. 11 dN dM Or, when dx ^dy ^^^y^^ then e-^ ^ ^ is an integrating factor. 26. Solve the following equations by means of an integrat- ing factor : 1. (aj2 ^ 2/H '^x)dx + 2ydy = 0. 3. (SQ^-y')^ = 2xy. dy^ x^-h y\ dx 2xy 4. [(1 - 2/) Vl -:^-xy'\dx+ [1 - x^ -- x VH^''] dy = , 5. (cosaj+22/sec2/sec2 2a;)da;-f (tan2a;sec2/— sina7tan2/)(^^=0. 6. sin(3 X - 2y)(2 dx — dy) + sin {x - 2y)dy = 0. 7. The Linear Equation dx where P and Q are independent of y. i+^»=«- CHAPTER IV. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIEST ORDER AND DEGREE CONTAINING THREE VARIABLES. General form, Pdx -f Qdy -f- Rdz = 0, where P, Q, i^, are each functions of a?, 2/, z. 27. If the variables can be separated, solve by integrating the parts separately. The equation is derivable from a single primitive only when the following condition is satisfied : \dz dy J \ dx dz J \dy dx J The solution may then be effected b^' first solving the equa- tion with one of the parts Pdx^ Qdy, Rdz, omitted, regarding X, y, z, respectively, constant. Omitting Rdz, for example, we solve Pdx -\- Qdy = 0, re- garding z constant, and introducing instead of an arbitrary constant of integration, Z, an undetermined function of 2;, which must be subsequently determined so that this primitive may satisfy the given differential equation. The equation of condi- tion for determining Z will ultimately involve only Z and z. 28. Solve the following equations after applying the condi- tion (1) for a single primitive : 1. ^^ I ^^y I ^^ =0. x — a y — b z — c 2. (ic — 3 2/ — z)dx -\-{2y — '^x)dy-{-{z — x)dz = 0. EQUATIONS CONTAINING THRE VARIABLES. 13 3. (y + z)dx-]-(z-h x)dy -\-{x-\- y)d^ 0. 4. yzdx-{-zxdy -{-xydz = 0. 5. (y + z)dx-\-dy -{'dz = 0. 6 . ay^z"^ dx -\- bz- x^ dy -{- cay^ y^ dz = 0. 7 . zydx = zx dy -f y^ dz. 8. (ydx-{-xdy)(a-\-z) = xydz, 9. (y -{-aydx-\-zdy = (y -\-a)dz, 10. (y^ + 2/^) do; 4- (xz + 2;^) d?/ + (/ — a;j d^: = 0. 11. (2x^ + 2xy -\- 2 xz^ -\- l)dx -\- dy + 2dz = 0. 12. {x^y — y^—y^z)dx-\' (xy^—x^z—x^)u+ {xy^-{-x^y)dz = 0. CHAPTER V. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIKST ORDER, OF A DEGREE ABOVE THE FIRST. In what follows, p denotes -^• dx 29. When the equation can he solved with respect to p. The different values of p constitute so many differential equa- tions of the first degree, which must be solved separately, using the same character for the arbitrary constant in all. If the terms of each of these separate primitives be transposed to the first member, the product of these first members placed equal to zero will be the complete primitive. 30. Solve the following equations : 1. i)2_5^^e^0. 2. a?p^-a' = Q. 3. a;p2_a = 0. 4. xp^ = 1 — cc. 6. x^p^ + ^xyp + ^y'^^O. 7. p^ -\-2 xp'^ — y'^p^ — 2 xy^p = 0. 8. p^ —(^ -^xy-\- y^)p^ + {x^y -\- ^y'^ -f xf^p — x^y^ = 0. 9. p^ + 2py cot a; = y^* 31. When the equation can he solved loith respect to y. Differentiate, regarding p variable as well as x and y^ and EQUATIONS SOLVABLE WITH RESPECT TO X OR y. 15 substitute for dy^ pdx. There will result a differential equation of the first degree between x and p. Solve this equation, and eliminate j> between its primitive and the given equation. 32. Solve the following equations : 1. x — yp = ap'. 2. y = xf-\- 2p. 3. {x + ypy = a\\+p') 4. y = xp+p-p\ 5. (y-apy=^l+p\ 6. y = ap + hp^. 7. »? + y=p'^. 8. f=o?(\+p^). 9. y=p^ + 2pK 33. When the equation can be solved with respect to x. Differentiate, regarding p variable as well as x and ?/, and substitute for dx, _Z. There will result a differential equation p of the first degree between y and j9. Solve this equation, and eliminate p between its primitive and the given equation. :. Solve the following equations : 1. p^y + 2px = 2/. 2. x=p + logp. 3. p\x^-{-2ax) = a\ 4. x'p^=l-{-p\ 5. (x — apy=l+p^; also when a= 1. 6. x = ap-{- bp^. 7. my - nxp = yp\ 16 HOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS. — CLAIRAUT's FORM. 35. When the equation is homogeneous with respect to x and y. Substitute y = vx. If the resulting equation between p and V can be solved with respect to v^ the given equation comes under Art. 31 or Art. 33. But if we can solve with respect to p, substitute forp, v + a;—, dx and there will result a differentig-l equation of the first degree between v and x, 36. Solve the following equations : 1. xy\p^-{-2) =2py^-\-i^. 2. {2p-^l)xiy=z a; V + ^V^- 3. 4:X^ = 3{Sy—px){y-{-px). 4. ds = (^ydx-\- (—) dy, where ds = Vl -i-p^ • dx. 5. (nx+pyy = {l-^p^){y^-{-nx^). 37. Clair aufs Form^ y=px+f(p). The solution is immediately obtained by substituting p=.c. 38. Solve the following equations : 1. y=px + -' 2. y =px -\- 2^ — p^* 3. y' -2pxy -1 =zp\l -x"). 4. y = 2p)x-{- y^py^' ^^^^ if = 2/'« 5. ayp^ -\-{2x — b)p = y. Put y^ = y\ 6. x^{y —px) = yp^. Put y^ = y\ x^ — x\ 7. e'^=^(2) — 1)+F^e^'' = 0. Pute'^ = a;', 6^ = 2/'. 8. (paj — y) (j9y + a;) = ^^jp. Put y^ = y\ a^ = »'. CHAPTER VI. SINGULAR SOLUTIONS. 39. A singular solution of a differential equation is a solution which is not included in the complete primitive. Differential equations of the first degree have no singular solution. Those of higher degrees may have singular solutions, which may be derived either from the complete primitive, or directly from the differential equation. 40. Let f{x^ y^ c)= be the complete primitive. By differentiating, regarding c as the only variable, obtain -^ = 0. If we eliminate c between this equation and the prim- dc itive, the result will be a singular solution, provided it satisfies the given differential equation. 41. Let /(cc, 2/, p) = be the given differential equation. By differentiating, regarding p as the only variable, obtain S. = 0. If we eliminate p between this equation and the given dp differential equation, the result will be a singular solution, provided it satisfies the differential equation. 42. Derive the singular solution of the following equations, directly from the given equation, and also from the complete primitive : 1. y=rpx-\-—' 2. y^'-2xyp-\-(l+x^)p^=l. SINGULAR SOLUTIONS. 3. y — 4a:2/i)+8i/2 = 0. Futy = z\ 4. y = (x-l)p-^p\ 5. y(l+p^) = 2xp. 6. x^p^ '-2(xy^2)p-^y^ = 0. 7. (y — xp) (mp — n)= mnp. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF AN ORDER HIGHER THAN THE FIRST. CHAPTER VII. LIKEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. General Form, the coefficients Xi, Xg, ...X„ and X being functions of x alone or constants. 43. Linear equations with constant coefficients and second member zero msiy be solved as follows : Substitute in the given equation, — izsm**, ^ = 7^1** S -^ = m, y = w/=l. dx*" dx"-^ dx There will result an equation of the nth degree in m, called the auxiliary equation. Find the n roots of this equation ; these roots will determine a series of terms expressing the complete value of y as follows, viz. For each real root mj, there will be a term Ce^r^ ; for each pair of imaginary roots a ± 6V— 1, a term e''''{Asmbx -\- Bcosbx) ; each of the coeffi- cients A^ -B, (7, being an arbitrary constant if the corresponding root occur only once, but a polynomial Ci -|- Cgo; + Cso;^ • • • 4- c^ic''"^, if the root occur r times. 20 LINEAR EQUATIONS. 44. Roots of auxiliary equation^ real and unequal. Solve the following equations : dx^ dx 3. a^=^. doc^ dx 4. g(ty+y]=io'M. \ dx^ J dx c d^v , . dy dor dx 6. ..(,+ii)=<„.+^,|. 7. ^ = 4^. g^ d^y^d^y ^ ^dy dx^ dx^ dx dx^ dx 11. ^ « 2 (a^ + 62) ^ + (a^ - by^ = 0. cZar . dor dx 45. Boots of auxiliary equation unequal^ hut not all real. Solve the following equations : 1. g+, = o. da? dx LINEAR EQUATIONS. 21 3. g_2a^ + 6> = 0. dur ax (1), when a>b; (2), when a^. "T~=VlH-p^. y Intercept of tangent on axis oi X=x Intercept of tangent on axis of Y=y—px. Radius of curvature = q: -^ — JULJ—, Q 1. Find the curve whose subtangent varies as (is n times) the abscissa. 2. Find the curve whose subnormal is constant and equal to 2 a. 3. Find the curve whose normal is equal to the square of the ordinate. 4. Find the curve for which s = mx^, 5. Find the curve for w^hich s^ = y^ — a^. The orthogonal trajectory of a series of curves is a curve that intersects them all at right angles. Describe the curves represented by the following equations, and find their orthogonal trajectories : 6. y = mx, m being the variable parameter. GEOMETRICAL EXAMPLES. 33 7. 7f = 2aa; — ic^, a being the variable parameter. 8. y = 4aa7, a being the variable parameter. d, xy = k^^ k being the variable parameter. 10. f- ^ =z 1 , h being the variable parameter. 11. x^ -\- m^ if = m^ a^ ^ a being the variable parameter. 12. h — = li ^ being the variable parameter. The three following examples require the singular solution : 13. Find the curve such that the sum of the intercepts of the tangent on the axes of X and Fis constant and equal to a, 14. Find the curve such that the part of the tangent betweei\ the axes of X and Fis constant and equal to a. 16. Find the curve such that the area of the right triangle» formed by the tangent with the axes of X and Y is constant and equal to a?. The following examples require -the solution of differential equations of the second order : 16. Find the curve such that the length of the arc measured from some fixed point of it is equal to the intercept of the tangent on the axis of X, 17. Find the curve whose radius of curvature varies as (is n times) the cube of the normal. 18. Find the curve whose radius of curvature is equal to the normal ; first, when the two have the same direction ; second, when they have opposite directions. 19. Find the curve whose radius of curvature is equal to twice the normal ; first, when the two have the same direction ; second, when they have opposite directions. AlsTSWERS. Art. 3. (p = ^ dx ) 1. y{l-{-x)-\-px{\-y) = 0, 6. y=px-j-2^-p\ 2. {x^-\-l)pxy = y^ + l. 7. xp^ = a, 3. tan a; = p tan 2/. 8. p2 + 2p2/cota; = 2/^. 4. (l4-a;2)p+2/ = tan-^a;. 9. x'p^ = l-\-p\ 5. (2/logic— 1) ?/=pic. Art. 5. 1. ^4.a^2/ = 0. 4. a.^^_a;^=3y. dx^ dor dx 2. — ^ — a'^y = 0, 5. — | + 7i^2/ = cos aa;. daj2 dxr 3. ^-2a^ + a^2/ = 0. dor dx Art. 7. dx^ dx ' * dx^ dx^ dx^ dx dxr dor dx dx* 3. ^_2^ + ^ = e^ dx^ dx^ dx Art. 9. 1 . log (xy) -^x — y^c. t^ . (1 + x^) (1 + 2/^) = cx^. 2. ?Jl^4.w^ = c. 4- xhj = ce^. xy ^ ^x 36 ANSWERS. 5. log[(2/ + Vl+2/')Vl+/] + c. 6. cosy = cGosx. 7. tana;tan^ = c. 1. y = ce~K 2. yz=ce-yl, 3. y = ce^, 4. x^ = c^ + 2cy.Xj^\ 8. sin^ X+ sin^y = c. 9. xy—l = c{x-{-y + l). Art. 11. 5— sin? . X = Ce a; . 6. {y + xy(y-{^2xy = c. 7. log (aj2 + /) = 2 tan-i - + c. 2/ 8. xycos'-=c. X 9. (1) , log (a;2 — mxy + 2/^) + (2), x — y = ce^~ 2 m rtaii _i 2v — mx X -y/4 _ -^2 (3), (2y — mx 4- a?V?7i^ — 4)" (22/ - mx - a;Vm2-4)'"+^"^'"' 10. 2/sina — a;cosa + Va^ + 2/^ = c (a^4-2/^)' Art. 13. 1. (^y — x-}-iy(y + x-iy = c. 2. x + 2y-{-log{2x + y—l)=c. 3. x-\-5y + 2=:c(x — y-\-2y. 4. 4aj — 82/ = log(4aj4-82/ + 5) +c. 6. log[2(3a;-l)^+(3y-5)^]-V2taD-^ '^^^^^~-^^ =c. 3y — 5 1. y = cx'' + 1—a a ANSWERS. Art. 15. 3. 2/ = 37 ^ __4-ce^^. 2. y = ax-{-cx-\/l —x^. 4. 2/ = sina;-l+ce-«^°". 7. 2/vrT^ = iog^^i-±^^^+<^- Art. 17 3 1. y = {c-y/l-x'-a)-\ x-]-l 1 2/= ' ce2.^4.^(2a^ + l)T^. 2. 2/^ = ce^ 4. ic = 5^ 2/""'^^ = ce^""^^"""' + 2sina; + 2 6. y = {cx + \ogx + l) \ 8. 2/ = _(n±2)f o - tana^ + seco; a^r+' + c \ sinx + c 9. (4&2 + 1) 2/2 = 2a(smaj 4- 2&C0SX) + ce^^^^ Art. 19. 1. x^-|-6a^2/' + 2/' = c- 2. a^-Qx'y-exy' + f^c. Q. y' = c'-2cx. 3. x^ — y^=cx. X 5. a^ + 2/^ + 2tan-i| = c. 7. a^ + 2/^ + 2sin-i-==c. 88 ANSWERS. 9. e(p^^y^)^c, 10. cos {mx + ny) + sin {nx =f my) = c. 11. VTT^T? + tan-i2=c. 12. (1), iog-:5!^^i±r^=2W%_^^^ (2), tan-i^ + ^!V6^ = e. (3), a^(^l_ lUe. Va hy) (4), ^^±lVf^,^.v^.^^ a ^a;« Art. 22. 1. x' + y^ = c{x + y). 4. aj2 + 22/2=cV?T?. 2. aj2__^2^^^^^^ ^ y = cx. 3. 2/ = cflj. Art. 24. 1 1. x=icye^. 4. -4= = log — 2- ^ = ce^^ 5. xy=^c, 3- ^^- — = logc/. 6. a;2/e^ = log^. a; ca? 7. «2/ + log sin (xy) = loff — y Art. 26. 1. e{^-^^)=.c. 3. a^2_^2^^^^ 2. d^-.f^of. 4. 2/Vn^ + a:(l-2/)=c. ANSWERS. 39 5. sinxcosy-{-ytsin2x = c. 6. siii^a;sin2 (aj — ^/) = c. 7. y = e~J''"'ffQe-'''"''dx + c\ Art. 28. 1. {x^a)(y — b){z — c) = c'. 7. z = c^. 2. a^+22/^— 6a?2/— 2i»2;+2;^=c. 8. cc^/ = <^ (^ + ^) • 3. yZ'^zx + xy = c. 9. a; = f-c 2/ + ^ 4. xyz = c. 10. 2/(a? + 2;) = c(2/ + 2;). 5. 6=^(2/ + 2;) = c. 11. e^(a; + 2/ + ^0 = c. 6. ^ + 5 + ? = c'. 12. ^±_%^_±^ = e. x y z X y Art. 30. 1. (i/-2aj + c)(?/-3a; + c) = 0, or {bX'-2y -\- cy=^o?. 2. (?/ + c)2 = a2(loga;)2. 3. {y-^cy = 4.ax. 4. (2/ + c)2 = ( Va? - ar^ + sin-^ VS)^ 5. {xy + c){o^y-Jrc)=0. 6. (x2-22/ + c)[e^(aj4-2/-l) + c]=0. 7. (2/ + c)(2/ + ^ + c)(ar2/ + c2/+l) = 0. 8. (x^-32/ + c)(e2+c?/)(a;i/ + c2/+l) = 0. 9. 2/2sin2a;4-2c2/ + c2 = 0. Art. 32. 1 . Eliminate p by means of x = — z=- (c -f- a sin~^p) . Vi — p- 2. Eliminate p by means of a;(p — 1)^ = logp^— 2p + c. 3. Eliminate p by means of a? = — , ( c H f- atan"^» ). 40 ANSWERS. 4. y = cx-^C'-c^. 5. a; = alog {ay ± Va' + 2/^—1) + log (y T Va^ + 2/^ — 1) + c. 6. a;± Vc?+46^ = alog(a± Va2 + 46?/) +c. w /« L /-2-^ — \^i7 d=4 Vi«^ + ^ — i:c( Vl7 — 1) 7. c(22/±a;Va;2 + 2/) = ^ , -. y + V?/^ — of = (2/2 + a^logca^)2 8. 2/V/-a^-a^log- ^ 9. 4(a; + c)3+(x + c)2-182/(a; + c) - 272/'- 4^/ = 0. Art. 34. 1. y^ = 2cx + c^. 2. 0^ + 1 = ± V22/ + c + log(± V22/ + C-1). 1 y 3. (e« — ac)2r=2caje«. 4. e-^ + 2ca;e^ + c2=0. a'' — 1 when a=l, 4^/ = a;' — log (ca^). 6. 62(62/ + c)2+(6a&aj + a3)(62/ + c)-3a2a;2-16&aj3 = 0. 7. c(naj2+22/2±ajVnV+4m2/2)»^= [(2m~n)a;± VnV+4m2/']^ Art. 36. 1. (a^ - 2/2 + c) (0^2 - 2/' + c^') = ^• 3. 3a;* + 6ca^2/ + ^' = ^- 4. (2/-cc)^^^2^c(V^ + V^)l 6. x^+2cx*-iy-o27i = 0, where A = ^^- ANSWERS. 41 Art. 38. 2. y z=cx-{-c — c^. 6. 2/^ = cx^ -\- (?, 3. (2/ — ca;)2= l+c^. 7. e^=ce^ + c"\ 4. 2/'=cx + — • 8. y^-cx^- ^^'' c-hl Art. 42. Complete Primitives and Singular Solutions : 1. y = cx + ^, C 2/2 = 4 mo;. 2. (y — cxy== 1— c^, f^^ = \. 3. y = c(x-cy, y='-\ ^ 27 4. y=ic{x-\)-(?. 42/=:(aj~l)2. 5. 2/2_2caj + c2 = 0, f=^x\ 6. (2/~ca^)2+4c = 0, xy=l. 7. {y — cic) (mc — n) = mnc^ \mj \nj Art. 44. ax hx 2. 2/ = Cie2* + C2e**. 6. 2/ = Ci^^ + Cae". X 3. 2/ = Cie« + C2. 7. 2/ = Cie2^ + C2e-2*+C3. 4. y = Cie^'' -\- C2eK 8. 2/ = ^i^^"" + 026-2^ + 03. 9. y = Cie^''-\-C2e~^''-^Cse', 10. 2/ = Cie^* + 026"^=" + 636=^^3 + 646-^^^ 11. 2/ = Oie^"-^^^ + Cge^*-"^^ + C3e^«+^>^ + C4e-(«+^>* + C5. 42 ANSWERS. Art. 45. 1. 2/ = CiSina; + C2COsa?. 2. 2/ = e^*(ciSin2a?4-C2COs2aj). 3. When a > 6, 3/ = e«*(cie^v^^ + C2e-^V^^-^') 5 when a3, 2; = Ci sin A:^ + C2 cos A;^ + C3, where A:^ = Z^ + m^ + 7^^ The arbitrary constants are connected by the following equa- tions : mci — nhi _ nai — hi __ Ibi — maj _ , 0/2 O2 C2 « m n 48 ANSWERS. {X = ajsin {h\ogt) + agcos {klogt) + ag, 2/ = &i sin (/clogO + &2 cos (A:logO + ^s? z=.Ci sin (/clog^) + C2 cos (A:log^) + C3, where A;^ = Z^ + m^ + n^. The arbitrary constants are connected by the following equa- tions : mn (ci — &i) _ 7i?(ai— Ci) __ Im (61 ~ %) _. j^ ?ai + m^6i + n^Ci = 0, a^=^ h^ =03. 1. 2. 3. Art. 62. ' flj = Ci sin nt -f Cg cos n^, {:: { aj = (ci + C2O e' + (C3 + C4O e-' - 23, - 2 2/ = (ci - C2 + C2O e* + (C3 + C4 + c^O^"' — 36. €/ . n?5 , ^i\ , -^/ . nt nt\ To/ . nt nt \ , -%/ . ?i^ , ^^^^ \ r ii/ = (ci + c^x) (f + Scse 5. f T_?, 6. i _3^ 1 U = 2(3c2 — Ci— C2i:c)e=' — Cge ^""3* 6. y = u + v^ z = — u + v^ where ?^ = c^ e^- + (cg e-* + C3 e""') e«, ANSWERS. 49 where ii = (ci + C2X + c^e"^^ + c^e-'''^^)e% Art. 63. 1 . a? = C2/**. 2. 2/^ = 4 aa; + c, a parabola. 3. ±(a; + c)=log(2/ + V/-l), or 2/ = i(e''"^'' + e'^ ''j , a catenary. 4. 4 m^/ -f- c = 2 mx ■\/4m^a^— 1 + log (2 mo; — V4 m^a^ — 1) . 5. ±{x-\- c) = alog {y + V^/^ — a^) , or ±{x + c)= aXo^y + ^^' ~ ^^ a from which ^/zn-le^+e "j, a catenary. 6. a;^ 4- 2/^ = c^, a circle. 7. ic^ + 2/^ — 2 C2/ = 0, a circle. 8. 2 0^ + 2/^ = 2 c2, an ellipse. 9. :k? — y'^z=c^^ an equilateral hyperbola. 10. 2/^ + ic^ = a21oga;^ + c. 11 . y = cx^^, X^ ^2 12. — ^ — -^ =1, an ellipse or hyperbola. /r — c^& 13. a;^ + 2/^ = ot^, a parabola. 14. x^ -\-y^ = a^^ a hypocycloid. 16. 2xy=^a^^ an equilateral hyperbola. 16. c^2/^ — log 2/^ = 4 c(a; + c'). 50 ANSWERS. 17. Gif" {x-\- c'y= 1, a hyperbola, when n > ; an ellipse n or hyperbola, when n < 0. 18. Fu-st, (x + c')2 + 2/2 = C-, a circle. Second, ±(x-i-c') = c log {y + V^/^ — c^) , a catenary. 19. First, x-\-c' = c vers ^ '\/2cy — 2/^, a cycloid Second, (a; + c') ^ = 2 ci/ — c^, a parabola. or ±(a; + c')-clog^+^^'" c from which y = -le '^ -{-e " L 2\ / ?/ a ( MATHEMATICS. 81 Wentworth's College Algebra. By G. A. Wentworth, recently Professor of Mathematics, Phillips Exeter Academy. Half morocco. 500 pages. Mailing price, $1.65 ; for introduction, $1.50. Answers in pamphlet form , /ree, on teachers^ orders. rPHIS is a text-book for colleges and scientific schools. The first part is simply a concise review of the principles of Algebra preceding quadratics, with enough examples to illustrate and enforce the principles. The work covers a full year, but by omitting the starred sections and problems, the instructor can arrange a half-year course. William Beebe, Assistant Profes- sor of Mathematics and Astronomy ^ Yale University: I find it charac- terized by the clearness and method of all Professor Wentworth*s books, and am particularly struck with the amount of matter in the Algebra. Wentworth's Elements of Algebra. By G. A. Wentworth. Half morocco. x+ 325 pages. Mailing price, $1.25 ; for introduction, $1.12. Answers hound separately in pamphlet form. nPHIS book is designed for high schools and academies, and contains an ample amount for admission to any college. Wentworth's Complete Algebra. By G. A. Wentworth. Half morocco. 525 pages. Mailing price, $1.55 ; for introduction, $1.40. Answers hound separately in pamphlet form. rPHIS work consists of the author's Elements of Algebra, with about one hundred and eighty-five pages additional. Wentworth's Shorter Course in Algebra. By G. A. Wentworth. Half morocco. 258 pages. Mailing price, $1.10 ; for introduction, $1.00. Answers in pamphlet form^ free, on teachers' orders. nPHIS book is based upon the author's Elements of Algebra, but with fewer examples, so as to make a one-year course. Algebraic Analysis. By G. A. Wentworth ; J. A. McLellan, Inspector of Normal Schools, Ontario, Canada; and J. C. Glashan, Inspector of Public Schools, Ottawa, Canada. Part I. concluding with Determinants. Half leather. x + 418 pages. Mailing price, $1.60; to teachers and for introduction, $1.50. 82 MATHEMATICS. Wen f worth's New Plane Geometry. By G. A. Wentworth, recently Professor of Mathematics, Phillii)8 Exeter Academy. 12mo. x + 242 pages. Mailing price, 85 cents ; for introduction, 75 cents. Wentworth' s New Plane and Solid Geometry. By G. A. Wentworth. 12mo. Half morocco, xi + 386 pages. Mailing price, $1.40; for introduction, $1.25. The book now includes a treatise on Conic Sections (Book IX.). A LL the distinguishing characteristics of the first edition have been retained. The subject is treated as a branch of practical logic, the object of which is to detect and state with precision the successive steps from premise to conclusion. In each proposition a concise statement of what is given is printed in one kind of type, of what is required in another, and the demonstration in still another. The reason for each step is indicated in small type between that step and the one following; and the author thus avoids the necessity of interrupting the process of demonstration to cite a previous proposition. The number of the section on which the reason depends is, however, placed at the side of the page; and the pupil should be prepared, when called upon, to give the proof of each reason. Each distinct assertion in the demonstrations and each particular direction in the construc- tion of the figures begins a new line, and in no case is it necessary to turn the page in reading a demonstration. In the new edition will be found a few changes in the order of the subject-matter. Some of the demonstrations have been given in a more concise and simple form. The diagrams, with which especial care was taken originally, have been re-engraved and mate- rially improved. The shading, which has been added to many of the figures, has proved a great help to the constructive imagination of pupils. The theory of limits — the value of which the author emphasizes — has been presented in the simplest possible way, and its application made easy of comprehension. But the great feature of this edition is the introduction of nearly seven hundred original exercises, consisting of theorems, problems of construction, and problems of computation, carefully graded and adapted to beginners in Geometry. MATHBMATICa 83 Wentworth's Trigonometries . By G. A. Wentworth. Plane and Solid Geometry, and Plane Trigonometry. 12mo. Half morocco. 490 pages. Mailing price, $1.55; for intro- duction, $1.40. Mew Plane Trigonometry. 12mo. Paper. 134 pages. Mailing price, 45 cents ; for introduction, 40 cents. The old edition is still issued. New Plane Trigonometry, with Tables. 8vo. Cloth. 249 pages. Mailing price, $1.00; for introduction, 90 cents. The old edition is still issued. I\lew Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 12mo. Half morocco. 214 pages. Mailing price, 95 cents ; for intro- duction, 85 cents. The old edition is still issued. li/ew Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with Tables. 8vo. Half morocco. 315 pages. Mailing price, $1.30; for introduction, $1.20. The old edition is still issued. New Plane Trigonometry, and Surveying, with Tables. 8vo. Half morocco. 305 pages. Mailing price, $1.35; for introduc- tion, $1.20. New Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Surveying, with Tables. 8vo. Half morocco. 368 pages. Mailing price, $1.50; for introduc- tion, $1.35. New Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, and Navigation. 12mo. Half morocco. 412 pages. Mailing price, $1.30; for intro- duction, $1.20. rpHE aim has been to furnish just so much of Trigonometry as is actually taught in our best schools and colleges. The principles have been unfolded with the utmost brevity consistent with simplicity and clearness, and interesting problems have been selected with a view to awaken a real love for the study. Much time and labor have been spent in devising the simplest proofs for the propositions, and in exhibiting the best methods of arranging the logarithmic work. Answers are included. The New Plane Trigonometry gives sufficient practice in the radian as the unit of angular measure, in solving simple trigono- metric equations, in solving right triangles without the use of logarithms, and in solving problems in goniometry. It also contains the latest entrance examination papers of some of the leading colleges and scientific schools ; and a chapter on the development of functions of angles in infinite series. 84 MATHEMATICS. The New Spherical Trigoiiometry, Surveying, and Navigation has been entirely re-written, and such changes made as the most .recent data and methods seemed to require. Cooper D. Schmitt, Professor of MathematicSy University of Tennes- see, EnozviUe, Tenn. : For a short course and quick learning of the practical application of the subject, I heartily commend Wentworth's New Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. W. P. Durfee, Professor of Mathe- maticSf Hohart College, Geneva, N.Y.: I have examined Wentworth's New Trigonometry and think it an improvement of an already excellent book. Wentworth & Hill's New Fiue-Place Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables, By G. A. Wentworth, and G. A. Hill. Seven Tables (for Trigonometry and Surveying) : Cloth. 8vo. 79 pages. Mailing price, 55 cents ; introduction, 50 cents. Complete (for Trigonometry, Surveying, and Navigation) : Half mo- rocco. 8vo. XX + 154 pages. 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Wentworth. 12mo. Paper. 61 pages. Mailing price, 26 cents ; for introduction, 20 cents. MATHEMATICS. 85 Wentworth & HiU's Exercises in Arithmetic. I. Exercise Manual. 12mo. Boards. 282 pages. Mailing price, 65 cents; for introduction, 50 cents. II. Examination Manual. 12mo. Boards. 148 pages. Mailing price, 40 cents ; introduction price, 35 cents. Both in one volume^ 80 cents. Answers to both parts together^ 10 cents. ^HE Exercise Manual contains 3869 examples and problems for daily practice. The Examination Manual contains 300 examination-papers, progressive in character. Wentworth & Hill's Exercises in Algebra. I. Exercise Manual, 12mo. Boards. 232 pages. Mailing price, 40 cents; for introduction, 35 cents. II. Examination Manual. 12mo. Boards. 159 pages. Mailing price, 40 cents ; for introduction, 35 cents. Both in one volume^ 70 cents. Answers to both together^ 25 cents. rrHE first part contains about 4500 carefully arranged problems in Algebra. The second part contains nearly 300 progressive examination-papers. Wentworth & Hill's Exercises in Geometry. 12mo. Cloth. 255 pages. Mailing price, 80 cents; for introduction, 70 cents. Answers are included in the volume, rPHE exercises consist of a great number of easy, carefully graded problems for beginners, and enough harder ones for more ad- vanced pupils. Wentworth "& Hill's Examination Manual in Geometry. 12mo. Cl( 60 cents. Wentworth' s Geometrical Exercises. By G. A. Wentworth. 12mo. Paper. 64 pages. Mailing price, 12 cents: for introduction, 10 cents. A SERIES of exercises exactly parallel to those of Wentworth's New Plane and Solid Geometry. Wentworth's Syllabus of Geometry. By G. A. Wentworth. 12mo. Paper. 60 pages. Mailing price, 27 cents ; for introduction, 25 cents. rPHIS Syllabus contains the captions of the propositions in Went- worth's Plane and Solid Geometry, numbered as in the book. 12mo. Cloth. 138 pages. Mailing price, 55 cents ; for introduction, 60 cents. 86 MATHEMATICS. Hill's Geometry for Beginners. By G. A. Hill. 12mo. Cloth. 320 pages. Mailing price, $1.10 ; for introduction, $1.00. Answers^ in pamphlet form ^ can he had by teachers. rPHIS book presents the subject in the natural method as distin- guished from the formal method of Euclid, Legendre, and the common text-books. The central purpose is intellectual training, or, teaching by practice how to think correctly and continuously. Hill's Lessons in Geometry. For the Use of Beginners. By G. A. Hill. 12mo. Cloth. 190 pages. Mailing price, 75 cents ; for introduction, 70 cents. AnmverSf in pam- phletform^ can he had hy teachers. rPHIS is a course similar to that given in the Geometry for Beginners, but it is shorter and easier, and does not require a knowledge of the metric system. Hill's Drawing Case. Prepared expressly to accompany Hill's Lessons in Geometry, and con- taining, in a neat wooden box, a seven-inch rule with a scale of milli- meters ; pencil compasses, with pencil and rubber ; a triangle ; and a protractor. Retail price, 40 cents ; for introduction, 30 cents. A specimen copy of the Lessons in Geometry with the Drawing Case will be sent, postpaid, to any teacher on receipt of $1.00. Gay's Business Book-Keeping. By George E. Gay, Superintendent of Schools, Maiden, Mass. Quarto. Cloth. Printed in red and black, with illustrations and finely engraved script. Single Entry (Grammar School edition). Quarto. 93 pages. Mailing price, 75 cents ; for introduction, 66 cents. Double Entry. Quarto. 142 pages. Mailing price, $1.25 ; for intro- duction, $1.12. Complete (High School edition). Quarto. 226 pages. Mailing price, $1.55; for introduction, $1.40. Blanks, money, and merchandise are provided. Send for full descrip- tive circular. nnniS work is a concise, teachable manual of the modem methods of recording business transactions. Algebra Reviews. By Edward R. Robbins, Master in Mathematics and Physics, Law- renceville School, Lawrenceville, N.J. 12mo. Paper. 44 pages. Mail- ing price, 27 cents ; for introduction, 25 cents. T^HIS little book is intended to be used only during review and in place of the regular text-book in elementary algebra. A list of eleven recent college examinations has been added. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. APR 14 \^ ^0ct46iF .22Apr'49T i \6^^' .^^^"^ nE^D LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 2lAug'52hV SEP 2 8 1952 LU e^o'*' b%\^ oci^ 6A953vt1 l6Apr'55Yip APR 2 1956 LU iwSORISO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY