061 42.a UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILIIY llillllil Ull ■•;<>«*».;;>r;.:..v:.-j^BP tmm Mm THE RITUAL @E COMMANDER K B® CONTAINING THE WORK, LECTURES AND MONITORIAL OF THE ORDERS ofRED CROSS, ENMT TEMPLAR KNIGHT OF MALTA. ARRANGED AND COMPILED FRO.M THE STANDARD TEMPLAR WORK. S. W. COR. BROAD WAT AND WARREN ST., NEW YORK. 1378. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, By H. WILKINSON, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C OBNG COMDT OF K T. Gen. Sr Kt Wrd whn a cmdy o K T i abt t b opnd wht bcms yr dty. Wrd. T se th sntnl i a lis pst & th asyl dly grd. Gen. Tu wl ascrtn if w ar s grd. ^Vix\. " " " Sr Kt Gen Th sntnl is a lis pst & til asylm dly grdd. Gen. Sr Kt "Wrd yu wl infrm th sntnl th cmdry o K T No i abt t b opnd ^ - - — T S b E C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rglit. E C, Sr Kt C G yu wl aclvnc & cmclct t m th Prsn pss -^ * -— T S b E C. Ecv i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft. Gen. Attn Sr K advnc & cmnct t m th Prsn ps ^ ^'" * Gen. Rev i fr Ih Sr Kt o yr rght. C G. Attn Sr Kt advne & emnet t m th Prsnps "' " ^' C G. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft - - - J ^\. Sr Kt S W advnc & rcve frm m th Prsn ps "^^ ^' ^ S W. EC Th Prsn ps hs erne dwn t m thr Ins. E C. Yu wl abvne & emnet i S □ S E C. Th pss i rght Abt f aee t yr pst mreh. E C. Sr Kt Gen yn avI advne & emncte t m th R C wrd - - E C. Reve i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght. Gen. Attn Sr Kt advn & cmnct t m th R ClWord '^ ^ - ^ Gen. Reve i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght. 19 E C. Attn Sr Kt C G Advnc & cmnct t m til K C wrd. E C. Ecv i fr Sr Kt o yr 1ft. J W. Sr Kt S W advnc & rev fr m tli R Word - - - ^ S W. E C I am i pssn o th R C wrd a i hs cme dwn thr tli Ins. E C. Yu wl advnc & cmncte i * -^ -^^ ^ E C. Til wrd i rglit Abt fee t yr pst mrcli. E C. Sr Kt Gen yu wl advnc & cmnct t me th G Sgn G & Wrd o a K o th R C E C. Yu wl rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght. Gen. Attn Sr Kt advnc & cmnct to m th G S G & W o a K o th R C Gen. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght. E C. Attn Sr Kt C G Advnc & cmnct t m th G S G & W o a Kt o th R C 4f ^ ^ ^ E C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft. C G. Attn Sr Kt advnc & cmn th G S G 20 cfe W o a K o th R C * ^ " " J W. Attn Sr Kt S W advnc Sc rev fr m th G S G & ^X o a K o tli R C " '' " " S W. E C I am i pssn o tli G S G & W o a K o til R C a i lis cm dwn tlir th Ins. E C. Advnc & coinct i ^ -^ -^ ^ E C Th G S G & W ar rght abt face t yr pst mrch. E C. Sr Kt Gen yu wl advnc & cmncte t m th Plgr Wrriors ps " '■ " E C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght. Gen. Attn Sr Kt yu avI advnc cfe cmnct th Plgrms wrrs ]:>ss - ^ ^ ^ Gen. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr rght. E C. Attn Sr Kt C G yu wl ad & cmnct th Plgr wrrs pss - * ■^> - E C. Rev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft. C G. Attn Sr Kt yu wl advnc c^' cmnct th Plgr wrrs pss ^ ^ ^ - C G. Reev i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft. J W. Sr Kt S W advTic & rev fr m th Plgr wrrs pss ^^ ^ ^ ^ S W. E C I a i pssn o th Plgr wrss pss as i hs cme dwn t m thr th Ins. 21 E C. Yu wl advnc & cmnct { ^ ^ ^ ^ E C. Til ps i rgli about fee to yr pst mrcli. E C. Attn Gen yu wl advnc e & cmnct tli Plgrm Penitent pss ^ - ^ - E C. Ecvi i fr th Sr Kt o yr rglit - - - - Gen. Attn Sr Kt advnc & cmnct t m th Plgrm pntn pss - - ^' -- Gen. Kcve i fr tli Sr Kt o }- r rglit. E C. Attn C G advnc & cmnct th Plgr pnitnt pss ^ - ^ ^ E 0. Ecv i fr th Sr Kt o yr 1ft. C G. Attn Sr Kt advnc ct cmnct th Plgr Pen pss * -5^ ^ * C G. Ecv i fr th Sr Kt o yr Kt. J W. Attn S W Advnc & rev fr m th P P pss ^ * " * S W. E C I a i pssn o th P P pss a i hs cm dwn t m thr th Ins. E C. Yu wl advnc & cmnct i ^ =i^ ^^^ * E C. Th ps i rght abt fee t yr pst mrch. "When communicated across the hues, the command is, 22 Attention, Sir Knights — Peepaee to Guaed. At the command, Peepaee to Guaed, each Sir Knight will bring his sworcl to the same position as jjresent. The Eminent Commander will then command, First Division Advance and Communicate to the Second Division . Guaed. At the command, Guaed, each Sir Knight of both divisions will promptly advance his right foot about eighteen inches, resting the Aveight of his body principally on his left, and at the same instant extend his right arm directly in front, the back of his hand to the rear, the flat of his blade to the front, and cross swords v/ith the Sir Knight di- rectly opposite to him \- the swords crossing each other at nearly a right angle, and about midway between the point and the hilt. To secure uniformity of motion, the Eminent Commander will do well to call off the cuts by their numbers ; at least, until his command are familiar with them. The communication having passed, he will com- mand, Recover — Swoeds. The First and Second Divisions should advance and communicate alternately. The exercises being completed, the Emi- nent Commander, should he desire it, will saj, E C. Attn Sr Kts Return Swords. E C. Sr Kt Opt Gen yu wl frm th Sr Kts arnd th triangle preparetor j t their devotns. The Eminent Commander and Generalis- simo haying returned to their stations in the East, the Captain-General will command, Attention, First Division — About — Face — Second Division — Close Order — Makch. When the second division has arrived at its proper distance behind the files of the first division, he will command, Second Division — Into Line — Maech. At the command, March, the second di- \ision will step to the left and front and take its position as in one rank, the Senior Warden taking his post on the right, the Junior Warden on the left of the line. 2i The Captain-General will command, Attention, Sir Knights — Right — Dress — Front — Call off from the Right by Threes — In Three Divisions — Right — Face — March — Officers — Posts. "When the Officers take their posts as in forming into Three Divisions, each faced to the right. The Captain-General will com- mand, Close Intervals — March. At the command, March, the first file of three, composing the leading files of each division, stand fast, the others closing up on them, leaving a space or interval of about thirteen inches between each file, and halt. The Captain-General will then command. Attention, Sir Knights — Form Triangle. The officers of divisions will then give promptly the following orders : The Senior Warden — 25 First Division — Countekmakch by File Left. The Sword Bearer — Second Division — File Left. The Junior Warden — Third Division — Make Tiihe. The preparatory commands given, the Captain-General will command, Maech. The first and second divisions will move off simultaneously, — the first countermarch- ing to the West, the second filing to the North. The Sword Bearer should step one pace forward before filing to the left, so as to clear the first division. As soon as the last Sir Knight in the second division files to the left, the Junior Warden will com- mand, Third Division — File Left — Majich. When the Senior Warden arrives at the point upon which the base of the triangle is to rest, he will command. 26 First D iv ision — Halt — Right — Face — Left — Dress — Front. When the Sword Bearer reaches the proper North, he will file to the left ; and, on arriving opposite the Senior Warden, he will again file to the left, and march his di- vision to the South, on a line at right angles to the first division, his right resting on the Senior Warden. He will then command. Second Division — Halt — Front — Face Right — Dress — Front. When the Junior Warden arrives at the point ojDposite the Senior Warden, he will command. Third Division — Halt — Fron t — Face — Righ t — Dress — Front. The movements executed, the Captain- General wdll command. First mid Third Divisions — Left and Right Wheel — March — Halt. The Senior and Junior Warden will then align their divisions — the first by left, the latter by right, dress — when the Cap- tain-General will command, Return — SwoRDS. 27 He will then announce to the Eminent Commander that the triangle is formed. The following diagram illustrates the posi- tions of the officers and divisions. The dotted lines show the line of march of the several divisions from their place of start- ing : E C. Attention Sr Kts About face. De- posit Helmets About Face. T yr dvtns Sr Kts knl. Sr iCt ou Prlt w wll asst yu. Prit. : : ■ " ; 28 Pratjev at Ox^ening a Com- mandevy, Onr Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thj kingdom come. Thy will bo done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and> for- give us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the jDower, and the glory forever and ever. Amen. E C. Sr K Gen yu wl gv m th imclt wrd * - " Kcv i f r th S K o y rght - - ^•- E C. Ars S K atnd t gvng th sgns. About Face. Eecover Helmets. About Face, To your Posts, Marcli. E C. Sr Kt Kec I wl thnk yu t rd th mts o ou 1st cnclve. Rcr. Rds mnts. E C. Ar thr an ptns o yr dsk fr th ordro o Ktbd. 2;) Ecr. Thr ar Emnt. (rcls ptus & cmmitte report.) E C. Sr Kts yn ar nw abt to bit o the ptns of A B (fe C t rev tli ordrs of Ktlid i tlis cmndry al i fvr wl dpst a wlit bl be crfl i yr bit. ^ * ^ E C. Th cndts ar elct t rcvd tli ordr of tli H C i tlis cmmndry tli bis bng al wht. E C. Sr Kt Eec is thr an bsns o jv dsk t cme bfr ths cmndry o K T i not w will ell of fr th prps of opng a cneil o K o th R C. Waiving al frthr crmny I nw del ths emndry of K Ts dly elsd fr th prpse of opng a enel o Kts of th R C. Sr Kt Wrdn infrm th sntnl. Wrd. ^--^ " " * ^"- Em Com Th sntnl i infrmd. OI>JE]>f KTS OF TMB R C. Sov M. Sr Kt Chanclr ar yu a E Kt. Chn. Tht i m prfsn. S M. Hw wl yn b trd. 30 Chn. B th tst o trtli. S M. Wh b th tst of trth. Clm. Bcse nn bt gel mn & tru ar enttlcl b the hnrs o th ord. S M. Whr eld jw rev th hnrs o th ord. Chn. I a Igl cncl o E C Kts. S M. Wht nmbr compse a cncl. Chn. Thr i a indspncbl nmbr & a thr. i cnstutnl nmbr. S M. Wht i th indspncbl nmbr. Chn. Thr. S M. Undr wht crcmstncs ma thr b em- 2:)wrd t frm & opn a cncl o R C Kts. Chn. Thr Kts of the R C wh ar als K T hlng frm thr dfrnt Cmndrs ma uhdr th sncn o a wrnt o clirtr frm a Grnd Cmndrj frm & opn Oj cncl fr th dsptch of bsns. S M. Wht i ill ens fcitnl nmbr. Chn. S^Ti Nne Elvn o mre. S M. Whn cmpsd o elvn wh ar i mmbrs. Chn. Ths Mstr Cnclr Mstr o th Pice Prlt Mstr o Finnce Mstr o Dsptchs Mstr o Cvlry Mstr o Infntry Stndrd Brr Sd Br & Wrdr. 3i S M. Th Wrdrs stn. Chn. O th 1ft o th Stncl Br i th W. S M. Sr Kt Wrdr yr dty. Wrd. T annc th aprch & dprtre o th Swrn M & se tht th sntnls ar at thr rsptve psts. SM. ThSwrdBrStn. Wrd. O th rght o th Stnd Bro i th W. S M. Sr Kt Sw Br yr dty. S B. T ast i th prtctn of th bnrs of th ord wtch al sgns frm th 8 M ls th E C frtliwth t dvte tli fr rmng yrs to dels o mre exaltd usflns & i dmd wrtliy lis strng dsr nw is t b admtd amng ths vlnfc Kts wlis wl ernd fme lis sprd btli fr s i rght ps on (S W & Candt.) I wl wld m sw ^ vr v:- J nYae i Mlta th anc nme o th islnd o Mlt. E C. W wl nw Istn to anthr Isn fr th hly Evang. Prlt. But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples, therefore said unto him. We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them. Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails^ and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not be- lieve. And after eight days, agaia his dis- ciples were within, and Thomas with them. Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said Peace be with 96 you. Then said lie to Thomas, Beach hither thy finger, and behold my hands ; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side ; and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and mj^ God. — John xx. 24-28. E C. Kch hthr thy fng k bhld m hnds (gvng sgn) rch hthr thy Imd k thrst i int m sde k b nt fthls bt blvng (gvng sgn) Ths ar til grps sgns k wrds k aide t tli unblf o Thms. M Ird k M G, tli nme o ths grp i infedlts. E C. We wl nw Istn t anthr Issn. Prlt. And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews. — John six. 19. E C. Th prncpl wrds o th ordr ar Eex E-egum Dominas Dominorum sgnfy kng o kngs c^: Ird o Irds. Th mtto o the ord yu wl se inscrbd upo th bnnr 1, N, E, I, thy ar th intls o th Itn wrds leses Nazerini Eex ludaorum sgnfying Jss o Nzrtli Kng o th Jws. Th crs upo th bnnr i th crs o clvry o wdic th svr ws crsfd I i usd i ths crmns i prfrnc t th mltry crss o th ord on accnt o th rltn whc 97 th mtto brs t i & tli slm & intrstng asciatns wlic wlm tkn tgtlir tlij ar clculated t awkn i til mnd And nw Sr K i blilf o m cmpns I agn bd yu a hrtj wlcme t al tli rghts & prvlgs evil t tilt dsintrsted frndslip & un- bndd lisptly wlic lis & w trst wl Ing cn- tnue t dstngsli adm & clirtrse tlis nbl ordrs Will til age & octn wlic gve tLm brtli tlir advntrs & wrlke sprt lis psd awa Bt tlir mrl & bnfcnt clirctr stl rrnns brglit i al i prmtve bty & Ivlinss t excte a i tli das o tlir grtst glry tilt sprt o rfnd & mrl clivlry wlic slild prmt us t prss onwrd i th cse o trtli & jstce stmlte lis t exrtn i blilf o tli dstte & oprs t wld til swrd i nd be wlin pre cfe uiidfld rlgn els us i lir dfnce & i a brtlirs cse t do al tlit bcms mn. Tliy als tch th trimpli o imrtlty tht tho dth hts its stng its inflctn i bt fr a mmnt. Tilt tlis frl orgnztu tho hre sbjct t th mny ils tht flsli i heir t possess an etlirl prncpl tht sill sr t th rims o endls bis & bynd th pwr o chng lye frvr (cndt is std). E. C. Sr Kt Ecc ar yu rdy with th mnts ? Ecr. E Sr I am rdy. E C. Yu wl rd thm. 98 Pvc] d. (Rcls mnts.) EC. Sr Kts ar tli mnts crrct a rd i so I wl dclr tlim aprvd. tli ar s aprd. g. E C. Sr Kt Ecrd i thr any bsns o yr dsk t cme bfre tlis cmndry bfre w pred t els ? Eec. Eds bsness. E C. Ds any Sr Kt kno o any Sr Kt i scknss o dstrs ? I any state them. E C. Sr Kt "Wrdr whn a cmnd o Kts Tmpl i abt t b clsd wlit bcms yr dty ? Wrd. T se tli sntl i a lis pst Nazarisi Rex ludaorum Bgnfng Jss o Nth Kng o th jws. Th crss iipo th bnr i th crss o clvary o who th Svr ws crsfd, i i usd i ths crmns i prfrnc t th niltry crss o th ordr o acct o th rltn wlic th 112 mtto brs t i cfe th slm & intrstng asctns whc wlm tkn tgtlir thy ar clcultd t awkn i tli mnd, & nw sr Kt i bhlf o m cmpns I agn bcl yvL a lirty T^'lcme t al tli rglits ct prvldgs evn t tht disintrstd frndsbp & iinbndd bsptlty whc bs & w trst wl Ing cntnue t dstngsb, adm tfc cbrtrise tbs nbl ordrs wtb tb age & occtu wbc gve tbm brtb. Tbr advntrs ct wrlke sprt bs psd awa. Bt tbr mre