Ill HE! -NRLF B M 173 MIS . V lYi C V ~- *s \,/ LlB^at jb EESE LIBRARY OF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EARTH SCIENCE . BRAfft' Jtectived Accessions No. _ ^/ !rTZ- t ^^L _ -57z^ j?V^. _ PHYSICAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGEAPHY OP GREAT BRITAIN L: *v / r.*- . - i *r \ BHA 6 i ;,/, Wealden & P Oolitic Strata Liassic Strain 2 j Keupfi- Mori. &c M Biuiir L int rsto OUL Bed Sandstone & Devonian GEOLOGICAL MAP OF GREAT BRITAIN THE PHYSICAL GEOLOGY AND GEOGKAPHY OF GREAT BRITAIN: A MANUAL OF BRITISH GEOLOGY. BY A. C. EAMSAY, LL.D. F.E.S. &c. DIRECTOR-GENERAL OK THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. WITH A GEOLOGICAL MAP, PRINTED IN COLOURS. KUNIVK.IISITY <>F ,f . . ., , , t LONDON : EDWARD STANFORD, 55 CHARING CROSS. 1878. [All rights reserved.] EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY There rolls the deep where grew the tree. O earth, what changes hast them seen ! There where the long street roars, hath been The stillness of the central sea. The hills are shadows, and they flow From form to form, and nothing stands ; They melt like mist, the solid lands, Like clouds they shape themselves and go. TENNYSON. TO THE^ MEMORY OF 8IK HENEY THOMAS DE LA BECHE, C.B., F.E.S. TO WHOSE EARLY TEACHINGS IN PHYSICAL GEOLOGY I AM SO MUCH INDEBTED, THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED PREFACE. IN this, the fifth edition, many improvements and additions have been made. Of these, the most im- portant consists of an account of the British Formations, showing the topographical range of each in succession, their lithological characters and the general nature of their fossils. This part of the work begins with Chapter V., and ends with Chapter XVII., and it con- stitutes a condensed Manual of British Stratigraphical Geology from the Laurentian to the latest Pliocene strata. The substance of these 227 pages was originally written by me for Blackie's Cyclopaedia, and by the kind permission of these gentlemen, I have, with some re- arrangement and many additions, made much use of the matter printed in the article. A leading feature in this part of the book is, that I have endeavoured to give a sketch of the Physical Geography of each successive Geological Epoch, so as to induce a scenic interest in the matter, beyond what can be gathered from mere lithological descriptions and lists of fossils, which, in the bald shape that they are viii Preface. sometimes presented to the reader, form merely the dry bones of geology. By attentively reading and remembering these successive revolutions of ancient geographies, the reader will more or less realise the geological history of our country, and perceive those processes of physical evolu- tion that, in the long lapse of time, gradually im- pressed on Britain its present geographical phase, which to most men seems so stable, but is, in reality, no more lasting than those which went before. As keen- eyed Chaucer well expounded five hundred years ago : ( Well may men knowen, but it be a fool, That every part deriveth from his hool ; Of no partie ne cantle of a thing, But of a thing that parfit is and stable, Descending so, till it is corumpable. And therefore of his wise purveyance He hath so well beset his ordinance, That speces of things and progressions Shullen enduren by successions, And not eterne, withouten any lie : This maiest thou understand and seen at eye.' Among many other matters, the subject of the Mio- cene strata of Britain has been more largely treated of, with special reference to the absence of recognised Mio- cene mammalia in our country, and the subject of gla- cial geology has, also, been treated more fully than in previous editions, while a condensed account of all the explored English bone-caves and their contents has been added, with special reference to the question of the antiquity of man. I have to express my acknowledgment of the debt I Preface. ix owe to Mr. Etheridge and Mr. Sharman ; to the first for much valuable information concerning the organic relics of each formation, and also for the plan of each of the sets of figures engraved as illustrative of the for- mations, every one of which may be considered as more or less typical of the strata or groups of strata referred to in the text, in which, however, all of the fossils figured are not always named. . Mr. Sharman executed the drawings of these fossils with his accustomed skill and accuracy. I have also added some landscapes. One of these, the Pass of Llanberis, fig. 86, is reduced from a coloured crayon drawing by Mr. Gillespie Prout, and fig. 87 is taken from a photograph. The original of fig. 88 was drawn by the late Sir Henry De la Beche, and fig. 89, with the dwindling ice entering the lake, is the repre- sentation of an episode in the history of the glacier, supposed and drawn by myself. The blocs perches of fig. 90 was drawn by the late Professor Edward Forbes. All of these were originally published in my paper on 'The Old Glaciers of Switzerland and North Wales.' The Gorge of the Avon is from a photograph. All the other landscapes, excepting one from my 6 Geology of Arran,' have been engraved directly from drawings, as they were roughly done in sepia and pencil in my geo- logical note books, and, together with the sections and other illustrations, many of them new, they are intended to bring before the eye the meaning of various theories propounded in this work, by help of which, anyone, by a moderate exertion of thought, may realise the x Preface. geological origin and meaning of the physical geo- graphy and scenery of our country, and thus, as he travels to and fro, add a new pleasure to those pos- sessed before. The colours on geological maps will then no longer seem mysterious, but become easy to comprehend when associated with the geographical contours of our island. ANDREW 0. RAMSAY. KENSINGTON : May 16, 1878. CONTENTS. CHAPTEK I. PAGE Modes of Formation and General Classification of Eocks, Aqueous and Igneous . . . . . . . .1 CHAPTER II. The different Ages of Stratified Formations Their successive Depositions .23 CHAPTER III. Denudation, Synclinal and Anticlinal Curves, unconformable Stratification, and Waste produced by Chemical action . 31 CHAPTER IV. Igneous Rocks, Metamorphism, Shrinkage and Disturbance of the Earth's crust 38 CHAPTER V. Laurent ian, Cambrian, and Lower Silurian Rocks . . .55 CHAPTER VI. Arenig, Llandeilo, and Bala Beds . . . . . .61) CHAPTER VII. Upper Silurian Series .... 88 xii Contents. CHAPTER VIII. PAGR Devonian and Old Red Sandstone Rocks , , 99 CHAPTER IX. Carboniferous Series . . . . . . . . .119 CHAPTER X. Permian Strata 139 CHAPTER XL New Red Sandstone and Marl, and Rhastic Beds . . . 152 CHAPTER XII. Liassic and Oolitic, or Jurassic Strata ..... H>6 CHAPTER XIII. Purbeck and Wealden Strata . . . . . . .201 CHAPTER XIV. Cretaceous Series 212 CHAPTER XV. Eocene Formations . 236 CHAPTER XVI. Miocene Epoch 259 CHAPTER XVII. Pliocene Strata . .270 CHAPTER XVIII. The Physical Structure of Scotland The Highlands The great Valleys of'the Forth and Clyde The Lammermuir, Moor- foot, and Carrick Hills . .283 Contents. xiii CHAPTER XIX. PAGE Recapitulation of the General Arrangement of the Stratified Formations of England . 302 CHAPTER XX. The Mountains of Devon, Wales, and the West of England The Valley of the Severn, and the Oolitic and Chalk Escarp- mentsThe Hilly Carboniferous ground of the North of England, and its bordering plains and valleys The Physical Relation of these to the Mountains of Wales and Cumber- land 315 CHAPTER XXI. The Origin of Escarpments, and the Denudation of the Weald Grey Wethers and the Denudation of the Eocene Strata . 336 CHAPTER XXII. The Miocene and Pliocene Formations ..... 352 CHAPTER XXIII. The Glacial Epoch Existing Glacial Regions . . . .361 CHAPTER XXIV. Old British Glaciers 372 CHAPTER XXV. Old British Glaciers (continued} 398 CHAPTER XXVI. Glacial Epoch (contimied} Submergence and Re-elevation of Land, and Final Disappearance of British Glaciers . . 412 CHAPTER XXVII. Glacial Epoch (continued) Origin of certain lakes . . . 432 xiv Contents. CHAPTEE XXVIII. PAGE Newer Pliocene Epoch (continued} Bone-caves and Traces of Man Migration of Terrestrial Animals into Britain across the Drift Plains Subsequent Separation of Britain from the Continent Denudation of the Coasts of Britain . . 456 CHAPTEE XXIX. British Climates and their Causes Eainfall in different areas Areas of Eiver Drainage . .... *: ,. . . 490 CHAPTEE XXX. Origin of Eiver- valleys Their Eelationto Tablelands Escarp- ments cut through by Eivers Geological Dates of different Eiver-valleys The Severn, the Avon, the Thames, the Frome, and the Solent Tributaries of the Wash and the Humber The Eden and the Western-flowing Eivers Scot- land . 496 CHAPTEE XXXI. Eelation of Eiver-valleys and Gravels to the Glacial Drifts Eiver-terraces Bones of Extinct Mammals and Human Eemains found in them Eaised Beaches, &c. . . 530 CHAPTEE XXXII. Qualities of Eiver-waters Dissolving of Limestone Eocks by Solution . . 552 CHAPTEE XXXIII. Soils 563 CHAPTEE XXXIV. Eelation of the different Eaces of Men in Britain to the Geology of the Country 579 Contents. xv CHAPTER XXXV. PAGB Industrial Products of the Geological Formations Origin of Lodes Quantities of available Coal in the Coalfields Origin of their Basin-shaped Forms Concealed Coalfields beneath Permian, New Red, and other Strata Summary . . . 590 INDEX . 621 DIRK A Ij-TJNlV Kl- CHAPTER I. MODES OF FORMATION AND GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS, AQUEOUS AND IGNEOUS. IN old days, those who thought upon the subject at all were content to accept the world as it is, believing that from the beginning to the present day it had always been much as we now find it, and that, till the end of all things shall arrive, it will, with but slight modifica- tions, remain the same. But, by and by, when Geology began to arrive at the dignity of a science, it was found that the world had passed through many changes ; that the time was when the present continents and islands were not, for the strata and volcanic products of which both are formed were themselves sediments derived from the waste of yet older lands now partly lost to our knowledge, or of newer accretions of volcanic matter erupted from below. Thus it happens that what is now land has often been sea, and where the sea now rolls has often been land ; and that there was a time before existing continents and islands had their places on the earth, before our present rivers began to flow, and before all the lakes of the world, as we now know them, had begun to be. Geology may therefore be defined as the science which investigates the history of the earth, or the successive changes which have taken place in the in- B 2 Definition of Geology. organic and organic kingdoms of nature, together with the causes of these changes, as far as they can be traced by observations on the structure and mode of occurrence of the mineral and organic bodies that form or are found in and upon the crust of the earth. To place the events of this complicated history in clear chronological succession is the chief business of the geologist; and in doing so he unites the present with past geological epochs, and discovers that the physical world, as it now exists, is the result of all the past changes that have taken place in it. If, therefore, our knowledge were sufficient to admit of the construc- tion of a complete system of physical geography, it would be but a full description of a geological epoch namely, that of to-day ; and a complete account of any old geological epoch, would be a perfect description of the physical geography of the world at that time. To us, the chief dwellers on the Earth, the whole subject is of the greatest interest, and it is therefore my intention to endeavour to show in a simple manner taking our own island as an example whence the materials that form the present surface of the earth have been derived, why one part of a country consists of rugged mountains, and another part of high table- lands or of low plains ; why the rivers run in their pre- sent channels ; how the lakes that diversify the surface first came into being. In the course of this inquiry I shall have occasion to show that Britain has been joined to and severed again and again from the continent, and how some of the animals that inhabited, or still inhabit it, including its human races, came to occupy the areas where they live. Assuming that I am partly addressing those who have not previously studied geological subjects in detail, Classification of Rocks. 3 it is needful that I should first enter on some rudimen- tary points, so as to make the remainder intelligible to all. Therefore I begin with an account of the nature of rocks; because it is impossible to understand the causes that produced the various kinds of scenery of our country, and to account for the classification of its mountains and plains, without first explaining the na- ture of the rocks which compose them. To this will be added a concise account of the British strata in serial order, that the reader may understand something of the nature and history of the various stratified formations which, together with igneous rocks, form our island. In doing this I will endeavour to get and to give some idea of the scenery of our region during the successive geological epochs, so as to give the reader some glimpses of those older stages of physical geo- graphy, each of which in its time, had man been there to see it, would have seemed as enduring as that passing phase of the Earth's history in the midst of which we live. All rocks, in the broadest sense, are divided into two great classes AQUEOUS and IGNEOUS ; and there ih a sub-class, which mostly consists of aqueous, but sometimes of igneous rocks that have been altered, and which in their characters often approach and even by insensible gradations pass into some of those rocks that are termed igneous, though in many respects very different from ordinary volcanic products such as lavas. In this chapter I shall, however, confine myself to a general description of the two great classes of rocks, those of aqueous or watery origin, and to those easily recognised as of igneous origin, which are products of subterranean heat. B 2 4 Constitution of Rocks. By far the larger proportion of the surface rocks of the world have been formed by the agency of water, chiefly as a fluid, but partly as ice. Such rocks are made of sediments, and these sediments have been, and still are, chiefly the result of the action of atmospheric agencies, aided by chemical solutions, and of gravita- tion, aided by moving water. But by what special pro- cesses were they formed ? Air and water, but especially the latter, act both chemically and mechanically on the crust of the earth. Many minerals in rocks, such as felspars, hornblendic minerals, mica, &c., are composed of silicates of alum- ina and soda, potash, lime and magnesia. These are often associated with free silica. This is especially the case with some igneous rocks ; and many of the strati- fied rocks consist in great part of substances of the same nature variously intermixed. Others consist of carbon- ate and sulphate of lime, &c., more or less pure. 01 these, the carbonate of lime rocks, or common lime- stones, by far predominate ; and they are sometimes nearly pure, forming immense areas of country, and sometimes mechanically intermingling, in every per- centage, with other substances. All rain as it falls absorbs part of the carbonic acid in the air ; and the water percolating through the rocks unites with and carries away in solution portions of the soda, potash, lime, or magnesia that enter into the composition of the minerals in rocks, and this promotes their disinte- gration. They crumble, and are in a condition to be borne to lower levels, and finally to the sea, by the me- chanical agency of running water, or partly in solution. Frost is also a powerful disintegrator. Water per- colates into hollows, joints, and cracks ; it freezes and expands, and thus helps to rend and break up the rocky Disintegration of Rocks. 5 and earthy masses. Some of its most obviously power- ful effects are seen in the regions of glaciers and drift ice. In warm latitudes glaciers are found only at those great elevations on mountain ranges that rise above the limits of perpetual snow. On the Himalaya, the loftiest peaks of which are about 31,000 feet high, the greater glaciers descend to the level of about 14,000 feet; in the Alps, in the lower glacier of Grrindelwald, to about 3,300; and in the Grlacier du Bois to 3,350 feet above the sea. In the north of Norway, Greenland, and the southern part of South America, and in the Antarctic continent of Victoria Land, the large glaciers descend to the sea-level. In the two last-named regions, towards the poles, surfaces of vast extent are covered by ice in the form of universally diffused glaciers. A glacier in temperate regions is chiefly supplied by the drainage of the snow that falls on those parts of the mountains which rise above the limits of perpetual snow ; and its size is commensurate to the height of the mountains and the extent of area drained. Pressure of the yearly accumulating snow, and in less degree the summers heat and the winter's cold, or, indeed, the summer day's thaw and the nightly frost, gradually change snow into ice, which experience proves, acts as a whole, like a plastic body, and glaciers progress down valleys at slow rates, proportionate to the steep- ness of their inclination, the volume of ice, and the season of the year moving faster in summer and au- tumn, and slower in winter. The effect of this motion in these icy masses is to grind, polish, scratch, and groove the rocky valleys over which the glaciers pass, removing asperities, and giving portions of the rocky floor rounded and mammillated forms, termed roches moutonnees. A necessary result of this action is the 6 Transportation of Sediments. production of much fine floury sediment. Ice-filled valleys are thus deepened and widened, and much sedi- ment is formed, and brought within reach of the trans- porting power of rivers. Great blocks of stone and finer debris that fall from the hills on the surfaces of glaciers, are carried steadily onward in long lines till they reach the ends of these ice-rivers, where they form terminal moraines, and often, as fast as the mounds accumulate, these are proportionally wasted by the streams that flow from the ends of the glaciers. In cold climates, where special glaciers descend to the sea, bergs break off often laden with blocks and finer sediments, and floating seaward they deposit their freights where they chance to melt. The breaking up of the ice-foot on sea-coasts, and of river ice, also trans- ports large quantities of matter and scatters it abroad. The quantity of material degraded and spread in the sea by these united means is immense, and consists of mud, sand, gravel, and rounded, subangular, and angular blocks, often polished, grooved, and scratched ; and from the irregular mode of its accumulation, and the frequent grounding and scraping of icebergs along the sea-bottom, the whole of this matter, if exposed, would present one of the rudest forms of stratification. But the chief agent in the transportation of sedi- ments from higher to lower levels is running water. Great thunderstorms, water-spouts, and sudden thaws in snow-covered lands, frequently produce startling effects, stripping large areas bare of soil, and hurrying to lower levels vast masses of earth, shingle, and boulders. Every one who has looked at large rivers knows that they are rarely pure and clear. The cause of this is obvious. All rain, especially if long continued, exercises Rivers. 7 a powerful mechanical effect on the surface of the earth, carrying much sediment into water-courses, which unite to form brooks, rivulets, and finally, if the country be large, great rivers. Soft surface soil is thus easily carried away even in low countries, and in hilly and mountainous regions sands, coarse rounded gravels, and boulders, won from the adjoining rocks, are hurried onward ; and thus it happens, that great valleys and ravines have often been formed in all parts of the world by running water, and by the long-continued attrition of stones driven onward by torrents over rocky surfaces. As the accumulated waters of rivers reach low lands, their power of transporting coarse sediment decreases, and finally, in great rivers, like the Rhine, the Nile, the Amazons, the Mississippi, and the mighty rivers of China, India, and Northern Asia, all but the finest sedi- ment is deposited long before they reach the sea. On a smaller scale the same kind of phenomena are obvious in such English rivers as the Thames, the Severn, the Ouse that flows through York, and the Clyde and the Tay, in Scotland. Every river, in fact, carries sediment and impurities of various kinds in sus- pension or held in solution, and this matter, having been derived from the waste of the lands through which rivers flow, is carried to lower levels. Thus it happens that when rivers empty themselves into lakes or, what is far more frequently the case, into the sea the sedi- ments which they hold in suspension are deposited at the bottom, and, constantly increasing, they gradually form accumulations of more or less thickness, gene- rally arranged in beds, or, as geologists usually term them, in strata. Suppose a river flowing into the sea. It carries sediment in suspension, and a layer will fall over a part of the sea-bottom, the coarser and heavier 8 Waste of Sea Cliffs. particles near the shore, while the finer and lighter matter will often be carried out by the current and de- posited further off. Then another layer of sediment may be deposited on the top, and another, and another, until, in the course of time, a vast accumulation of strata may be produced. In this manner deltas are formed, and wide bays and arms of the sea have been thus filled up. As they fill, the marshes spread further and further, and, by over- flows of the river bearing sediment, the alluvial flats rise higher and higher, till, as in cases like those of the Granges and the Nile, kingdoms have been founded on mere loose detritus. A little reflection, too, will show that all lakes, be they ever so large, may, with sufficient time, get filled by this process with debris and become plains. Some of the old rocks of Britain are formed of sediments originally deposited in estuaries by rivers as large as the Mississippi or the Granges, others were formed in lakes fresh or salt, bearing witness to ancient extinct physical geographies ; and many a modern flat surface in Britain and in Switzerland, often covered by peat and traversed by a brook or a river, is only a lake- hollow filled with river-borne gravel, sand, and mud, overgrown by a marshy or peaty vegetation. Again, if we examine sea-cliffs that rise direct from the shore, we find that the disintegrating effect of the weather produces frequent debacles great or small on the faces of the cliffs, thus supplying material for the formation of shingle, which in gales the strong breakers driving against the cliff forms a ' powerful artillery with which the ocean assails the bulwarks of the land,' and aids in the work of destruction. On the east and south of England, where the strata largely consist of boulder-clay, Eocene clays, chalk, and oolitic sands, Pebbles and Sand. 9 clays, and limestones, the waste of the softer strata has been in many places calculated at about two yards a year. Where the strata are harder, as on the west coast in Devon, Cornwall, and Wales, the waste is often so slow as to be generally ignored by ordinary observers. But the form of the coast proves it. Hard rocks resist- ing waste because of their hardness are apt to form headlands, while softer or more friable strata, wasting more rapidly, often occupy the recesses of coves and bays. The removal of the fallen detritus by the restless waters makes room for further slips of debris from above, and thus it happens that all sea-cliffs are in a state of constant recession, comparatively quick when made of clay or other soft strata, and when the rocks are harder, perhaps very slowly, but still sensibly to the observant eye, so that in time, be they ever so hard, they get worn more and more backwards. The material derived from this waste when sea-cliffs are truly rocky, generally forms, in the first instance, shingle at tbeir bases, as, for example, with the pebbles of flint formed by waste of the chalk which contains them. These, being attacked by the waves, are rolled incessantly backwards and forwards, as everyone who has walked much by the sea must have noticed ; for, when a large wave breaks upon the shore, it carries the shingle for- ward, rolling the fragments one over the other, and in the same way they recede with the retreating wave with a rattling sound. As in the running water of torrents, so this long-continued marine action has the effect of grinding angular fragments into rounded pebbles ; and, in the course of time, large quantities of loose gravel have thus been formed. Such material when con- solidated becomes a conglomerate. If, also, we examine with a lens the sand of the sea- jo Distribution of Sediments. shore, we shall find that it is formed of innumerable grains of quartz, and these grains are generally not angular, but more or less rounded : their edges having been worn off by the action of waves and tides moving them backwards and forwards upon each other, till they became grains, like water-worn pebbles in shape, only much smaller. Such material when consolidated forms sandstone. Finer-grained and more muddy deposits, in like manner, are generally formed of the minutest grains of sand, mixed with aluminous substances originally de- rived from the waste perhaps of felspathic rocks. Such material, when soft, forms clay ; when consolidated, marl shale and slate. In this manner very large amounts of mechanical sediments are forming and have been formed. The daily sifting action of breakers, intensified during long- continued heavy gales, the forcible ejection of muddy waters, sometimes hundreds of miles out to sea, from the mouths of great rivers like the Amazons, the power of tidal and great ocean currents such as the Grulf Stream, all contribute to scatter sediments abroad, and by their rapid or more gradual subsidence, the bottoms of vast submarine areas are being covered by mechanical sediments, which must of necessity often be of great thickness, and in which various kinds of strata may alternate with each other. With sufficient time all land would, by these pro- cesses of waste, be eventually degraded beneath the sea (as was suggested by the naturalist Ray), were it not that the loss is compensated by disturbance and eleva- tion of land, always slowly taking place over portions of the continents and islands of the world. Large areas are also slowly depressed beneath the sea; but to Elevation and Depression of Land. 1 1 maintain the average balance of sea and continent, the amount of land elevated must exceed that de- pressed, or be equal to the amount of that depressed by gradual submergence, added to that destroyed by de- gradation. The evidences of past elevation and depression are simple. 1st. A large proportion of the rocks in many mountain ranges, however high above the sea, contain marine fossils, generally of extinct species. Such strata are in great part highly disturbed, broken, contorted, often pierced by igneous intrusions, and largely denuded. 2nd. On all continents and on many large islands raised beaches occur, and also superficial accumulations of loose strata, lying on the older rocks, and yielding shells, in great part, or altogether identical with those that now inhabit neighbouring seas ; and these organic re- mains occur in such a manner, that it is plain they lived and died on the spots where they lie, ere those parts of the sea-bottom were elevated. In Britain, such beds are found more than 1,000 feet above the sea ; and in South America, 1,300 feet on the western side of the Andes. 3rd. Experience shows that certain volcanic regions subject to earthquakes are often areas of elevation. The earthquake of 1835 in Chili is an instance when a large tract of the coast of South America was suddenly raised from four to twelve feet, and part of the sea-bottom converted into land ; and it is prob- able that similar causes have conduced to raise by degrees the shelly strata above alluded to, to the height of 1,300 feet above the level of the sea. The chain of the Andes is volcanic, and the elevating forces and earthquakes of South- Western America are connected with this circumstance. The Mediterranean volcanic region (though marked by many oscillatory movements) 1 2 Consolidation of Strata. is also as a whole one of elevation. The same is true of the volcanic islands of the Pacific, and also of Java, which contains many active volcanoes, and around the shores of which there are old coral reefs 140 feet above the level of the sea. Under other circumstances a great number of coral reefs of the kind called atolls and barrier reefs, yield, according to Darwin, perfect evidence of depression of land. In the Pacific an area more than 4,000 miles in length is now undergoing this kind of submergence. The same takes place in the Laccadive and Maldive archipelagos in the Indian Ocean. All these islands are non-volcanic. Where volcanoes occur the land is generally rising. During such depressions strata may accumulate to an immense thickness under favourable conditions of supply, and time being also allowed for consolidation, when these are again unheaved they will, both as regards quantity and structure, be more apt to resist destruction than smaller masses of (probably) softer strata that were formed during periods of minor oscillations of sea and land. Strata are consolidated (petrified) chiefly by pres- sure and chemical decomposition and recomposition. Some formations are many thousands of feet in thick- ness. In a set of strata 10,000 feet thick, the super- incumbent weight on the lowest bed would be about 12,333 Ibs. per square inch; but beside this, more intense pressures have taken place throughout all but the very latest geological epochs. This kind of pressure has been brought about by contraction of the crust of the earth due to radiation of the proper heat of our globe into space, the result being, that over broad areas rocky masses have been much contorted and compressed, and thus mountain ranges have been upheaved. In some Stratified Rocks. 1 3 rocks the particles are partly cemented by oxides of iron, in others by carbonate of lime. Minor beds of limestone are often formed on land from calcareous springs. Marine strata, formed of limestone, in the Adriatic, were found by Marsilli to be consolidated a foot beneath the surface. A great many rocks contain more or less carbonate of lime, and .along with this, or alone, many others contain silicates of soda or potash. These are soluble in carbonic acid, and entering into new combinations the whole becomes petrified. During these processes shells, echini, corals, bones, teeth, and scales of fish and of marine mammals, &c., are imbedded and cased in stone, and in a less degree terrestrial plants and animals are floated into lakes and estuaries, and occasionally out to sea, where those parts that escape decay and pre- daceous fish may become fossilised. If we examine the stratified rocks that form the land, we very soon discover that a large proportion of them are arranged in thin layers or thicker bands or beds of shale, sandstone, conglomerate, and limestone, more or less pure ; for shales are sometimes sandy, sand- stones sometimes shaly, and most conglomerates have a sandy and sometimes a shaly or marly base in which the FIG. i. pebbles are embedded, while limestones occur of every degree of impurity. These must have been formed in a manner analogous to that which I have just described, proving that such beds have been deposited as sedi- ments from water. Take, for instance, a possible cliff 1 4 Stra lifted Rocks. by the sea-shore, and we shall perhaps find that it is made of strata, which may be horizontal, as in fig. 1, FIG. 2. or inclined, as in fig. 2, or even bent and contorted into every conceivable variety of form, as in fig. 3. If, as in the diagram, fig. 1, we take a particular bed, No. 1, we may find that it consists of strata of lime- FIG. 3. stone lying one upon the top of another. Bed No. 2 may be of shale, arranged in thin layers, more regu- larly than in No. 1. No. 3 may consist of pebbly materials, arranged in ruder layers, for, the material being coarse, the bedding may be irregular, or even quite indistinct. Then in No. 4, the next and highest deposit, we may have a mass of sandstone, arranged in definite beds. The whole of these various strata in the aggregate form one cliff. Eocks, more or less of these kinds, compose the bulk of the strata of the British Islands ; and it must be remembered that these were originally loose stratified sediments, piled on each other often to enormous thicknesses, and subsequently con- solidated by pressure and chemical actioja. In some Strata and Fossils. \ 5 cases after consolidation, they have been so much al- tered by heat and other agents of metamorphism, as to have lost almost all signs of their original stratification, while sometimes they are almost undisturbed, except by mere upheaval above the sea : in other cases the beds have been violently contorted, in the manner shown in diagram No. 3. Next comes the question : Under what special con- ditions were given areas of these rocks formed ? Some formations, such as great part of the Silurian rocks of Wales and its neighbourhood, consist essentially of deposits that were originally marine mud and sand, accumulated bed upon bed, intercalated here and there with strata of limestone, the whole being many thou- sands of feet in thickness. These have since been hardened into rock. Others, like the Old Red Sand- stone, were originally spread out in alternating beds of mud, sand, and stony banks, all coloured red by pre- cipitation of peroxide of iron. Others, like the Liassic and Oolitic deposits, were formed of alternating strata of clay, sand, and limestone ; while others, like the greater masses of the Carboniferous Limestone and the Chalk, were formed almost wholly of carbonate of lime. When we examine such rocks in detail, we often find that they contain fossils of various kinds shells, corals, sea-urchins, crustaceans, such as crabs and trilobites, the bones, teeth, and scales of fishes, &c., land plants, and more rarely the bones of terrestrial animals. For instance, in the bed of sandstone. No. 4 (fig. 1), we might find that there are remains of sea- shells ; occasionally but more rarely similar bodies might occur in the conglomerate, No. 3 ; frequently they might lie between the thin layers of shale in 1 6 Limestones. No. 2 ; and it is equally common to find large quantities of shells, corals, sea-urchins, encrinites, and various other forms of life in such limestones as No. 1, which, in many cases, are almost wholly composed of entire or broken shells and other marine organic remains. Marine and lake sediments form soils on and in which the creatures live that inhabit the bottom of the waters, and it is easy to understand how numerous shells and other organic bodies happen thus to have been buried in muddy, sandy, or conglomeratic mechanical sediments, the component grains of which, large or small, have been borne from the land into water, there by force of gravitation to arrange them- selves as strata. By the life and death of shells in these fossilised sediments, it is also easy to understand why they are so often more or less calcareous. The question, however, arises, how it happens that strata of pure or nearly pure carbonate of lime or limestone have been formed. Though the materials of shale (once mud), sand- stone (once loose sand), and conglomerate (once loose pebbles), have been carried from the land into the sea, and there arranged as strata, and though limestones have, in great part, been also mechanically arranged, yet it comparatively rarely happens that quantities of fine unmixed calcareous sediment have been carried in a tangible form by rivers to the sea, though it has some- times been directly derived from the waste of sea-cliffs, and mixed with other marine sediments. When, there- fore, it so happens that we get a mass of limestone consisting entirely of shells, corals, and other remains, which are the skeletons of creatures that lived in the sea, in estuaries, or in lakes, the conclusion is forced upon US' that, be the limestone ever so thick, it has been Limestones Organic. 17 formed entirely by the life and death of animals that lived in water. In many a formation for instance, in some of the masses great and small of the Carboniferous Limestone the eye tells us that they are formed perhaps entirely of rings of encrinites or stone-lilies, or of shells and corals, of various kinds, or of all these mixed together ; and in many other cases where the limestone is homogeneous, the microscope reveals that it is made of foraminifera, or of exceedingly small particles of other organic remains. Even when these fragments are indistinguishable to the naked eye, reflection tells us that such marine limestone deposits must have been built up from the debris of life, for there is no reason to believe that vast formations of limestone, extending over hundreds of square miles, are now, or ever have been precipitated in the open ocean by inorganic chemical processes acting on mere chemical solutions. It sometimes happens, indeed, that gradual accumulations of such beds of limestone have attained thousands of feet of vertical thickness in what belongs to recent times in a geological sense, as for example in the great coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean, and, in less known degree, in the calcareous and fora- miniferous mud of that ocean and of the Atlantic. But where does the carbonate of lime come from by which these animals make their skeletons? If we analyse the waters of springs and rivers, we discover that many of them consist of water that is more or less hard that is to say, not pure, like rain-water, but containing various salts in a state of chemical solution, the most important of which is generally bicarbonate of lime ; for the rain-water that falls upon the land percolates the rocks, and, rising again in springs, carries with it salts of soda, potash, &c., and, if the rocks be c 1 8 Igneous Rocks. calcareous, large percentages of bicarbonate of lime in solution. The reason of this is, that all rain in descend- ing through the air takes up a certain amount of carbonic acid one of the constituents, accidental or otherwise, of the air ; and this carbonic acid has the power of dissolving the carbonate of lime which enters into the composition of a large proportion of stratified rocks, which sometimes as pure limestone, form great tracts of country. In this way it happens that springs are often charged with lime, in the form of a soluble bicarbonate, which is carried by rivers into lakes and estuaries, and, finding its way to the sea, affords material to shell-fish and other marine animals, through their nutriment, to make their shells and bones. Thus it happens that, by little and little, lime is abstracted from sea-water to form parts of animals, which, dying in deep clear water, frequently produce by their skele- tons and shells immense masses of strata of nearly pure limestone, which is consolidated into rock almost as fast as it is formed. What is going on now has been going on throughout all known geological time, from that of the deposition of the Laurentian rocks down to the present day. Igneous rocks form a much smaller proportion of the surface rocks of most parts of the world, though in given areas, such as Iceland and the Faroe Islands, they largely predominate. To take Britain as an example : in North Wales, a considerable proportion, perhaps a twentieth part, of the rocks of Lower Silurian age are formed of igneous masses. The whole of the rest of Wales, till we come to Pembrokeshire, contains almost none whatever. In Cumberland a very large part of the Lower Silurian rocks are igneous, while a com- paratively small proportion of igneous rocks is found Igneous Rocks. 19 among the Silurian rocks of the mainland of Scotland. Even the large masses of granite there, occupy but small areas when compared with the great extent of ordinary stratified and metamorphic rocks amid which they lie. It is chiefly in the Inner Hebrides that great masses of tertiary basalts occur. Igneous rocks exist even in much smaller proportions in Derbyshire, North- umberland, Devon, and Cornwall, excepting the occa- sional occurrence of large -bosses of granite in the two last-named counties, as for example on Dartmoor, and at Land's End. If, however, we examine all the mid- land, southern, and eastern parts of England, we shall find hardly any igneous rocks whatever. I have now briefly to indicate how we are able to dis- tinguish igneous from aqueous rocks, in countries where there are neither active nor obvious craters of extinct volcanoes, such as those of Auvergne and the Eifel. To do this in detail would occupy a volume. In a general way we can distinguish them from strata formed by aqueous deposition because many of them are unstratified, and have other external and internal structures different from those of aqueous deposits. To take examples : If we examine the lavas that flowed from any existing volcano, and have after- wards consolidated, we find that they are frequently vesicular. This vesicular structure is largely due to watery vapour, and partly to gases ejected along with the melted matter, which, expanding in their efforts to escape from the melted lava, form a number of vesicles, just as yeast does in bread, or as we see in some of the slags of iron furnaces, which, indeed, are simply artificial lavas. This peculiar vesicular structure is never found in the case of unaltered stratified rocks. Here, then, experience tells that modern rocks with this c 2 2O Igneous Rocks. structure were formed by igneous agency, and this in ancient cases is not the less certain though the vesicles- have since been filled by the infiltration and deposition of mineral matters in solution, such as carbonate of lime, zeolites and silica. Such igneous rocks are called amygdaloids, and it has not infrequently happened that on the surfaces of old masses of rock, the amygdaloidal kernels, say of carbonate of lime, have been dissolved out by the influence of rain-water bearing carbonic acid, and the surface has regained its original vesicular appearance. Experience also tells us that some modern lavas are crystalline that is to say, in cooling, their constituents, according to their chemical affinities, have crystallised in distinct minerals such as augite, various felspars, &c. When we meet with similar, even though not identical crystalline rocks, such as felspar porphyries, trachytes, diorites and dolorites, associated with old strata, we are therefore entitled to consider them as having had an igneous origin. In modern volcanic regions, such as Iceland, and in tertiary regions dotted with extinct volcanoes of Mio- cene or later age, where the forms of the craters still remain, the lavas are often columnar; and when we meet with columnar and crystalline rock-masses of Silurian, Carboniferous, or of any other geological age, we may fairly assume that such rocks are of igneous origin. Modern lavas have often a vitreous structure (glassy) such as obsidian, which its ancient analogue pitchstone closely resembles. Others possess a slaggy structure, and are sometimes formed of wavy ribboned layers that indicate a state of viscous flowing, similar to the contorted ribbon-like structure common in iron and other slags. Iron slag in fact is nothing but arti- Igneous Rocks. 21 ficial lava, formed of the silica and alumina of the iron ore and its flux of lime, melted together and still re- taining a percentage of iron. Ancient lavas, such as those of Snowdon, of Lower Silurian age, often still possess a slaggy and ribboned structure. Further, igneous rocks are apt to alter any strata through which they are ejected or over which they flow. Accordingly, in rocks of all ages, and of various composition, fels- pathic, doloritic (hornblende and felspar), dioritic FIG. 4. (augite and felspar), and various others, as in fig. 4, we frequently find veins (2) that have been injected among the strata, from dykes, as they are termed (1), rising vertically or nearly vertically through the beds from the end of which sometimes an overflow of lava (3) proceeded, that may or may not be columnar. In such cases the stratified rocks are apt to be altered for a few inches or even for several feet at their junction with the igneous rocks. If shales, they may be hard- ened or baked into a kind of porcellanic substance ; if sandstones, turned into quartz-rock, something like the sandstone floor of an iron-furnace that has long been exposed to intense heat. Occasionally the strata have been actually softened by heat, and a semi-crystalline structure has been developed. From these and many other circumstances, a skilled geologist finds no difficulty in deciding that such and such rocks are of igneous origin, or have been melted 22 Igneous Rocks. by heat. The crystalline structure identical with or similar to some modern lavas, the occasional columnar structure, the amorphous earthy look, also common in certain lavas, the slaggy, ribboned, and vesicular struc- tures, the penetration of strata by dykes and veins, and the alteration of the stratified rocks at the lines of contact, all prove the point. Modern volcanic ashes are simply fragments, small and large, of lava ground often to powder in the crater by the rise and fall of the steam-driven rocky material. This is finally ejected by the expansive force of steam, and with the liberated vapour, volcanic dust, lapilli and blocks of stone, are sometimes shot thousands of feet into the air mingled with watery vapour, which con- densing in the higher atmosphere, falls with the ashes on the sides of the volcanic cone in heavy showers of rain. By the study of modern volcanic ashes, it is, after practice, not difficult to distinguish those of ancient date, even though they have become consolidated into hard stratified rocks. Their occasional tufaceous char- acter, the broken crystals, the imbedded slaggy-looking fragment of rocks and bombs, and sometimes the occurrence of coarse volcanic conglomerates, every frag- ment of which consists of broken lava, all help in the decision. In fact, tracing back, from modern to ancient volcanoes, step by step through the various formations, the origin of ancient volcanic rocks is clear ; and further, it leads to similar conclusions with respect to the igneous origin of bosses of crystalline rocks, such as some granites, syenites, and dioritic masses which, having been melted and cooled deep in the earth, were not ejected, and never saw the light till they were ex- posed by denudation. CHAPTER II. THE DIFFERENT AGES OF STRATIFIED FORMATIONS. THEIR SUCCESSIVE DEPOSITIONS. THE next point to be considered is Are stratified rocks of different ages ? They are, and the diagram, fig. 1, p. 13, will help to make this clear. There the bed No. 1 must be the oldest, because it was deposited in the sea (or other water) before bed No. 2 was laid above it as layers of mud, and so on to 3 and 4 taking the strata in order of succession. But that is not enough to know. We are anxious to under- stand what is the actual history of the different stages which such minor beds represent, Now, if we had never found any fossil remains imbedded in the rocks, we should lose half the interest of this investigation, and our discovery, that rocks are of different ages, would have only a minor value. Turn again to the diagram. We find at the base, beds of limestone, No. 1, perhaps com- posed of corals and shells. The organic remains in the upper part of these beds lie above those in the lower part, and therefore the latter were dead and buried, before the once living shells which lie in the upper part inhabited the area. Above the limestone lie beds of shale, No. 2, succeeded by No. 3, a conglomerate, and then comes the bed of sandstone, No. 4 ; therefore the shells (if any) in the bed of shale, No. 2, are of younger date 24 Strata of Different Ages. than those in the bed of limestone, No. 1 ; the organic forms, plants or animals as the case may be, in the conglomerate, No. 3, were buried among the pebbles at a later date than the shells in the shale, and the re- mains of life in the sandstone, No. 4, were latest of all ; and in each bed, each particular form found there, lived and died before the sediment began to be deposited that forms the bed above. All these beds, therefore, contain relics of ancient life of different dates, each bed being younger or older than the others, according as we read the record from above or from below. It is evident that the same kind of reasoning is equally applicable to the inclined strata of fig. 2, or to the contorted beds of fig. 3. But if we leave a petty quarry or sea cliff, and ex- amine strata on a larger scale, what do we find ? On many a coast, where the cliffs consist of stratified rocks, a lesson may easily lie learnt on the method of under- standing the order, or comparative dates of deposition of geological formations. The Liassic, Oolitic, and Cretaceous cliffs of Yorkshire, from the Tees to Flam- borough Head, form excellent examples ; or the coast of Devonshire and Dorsetshire, from Torquay to Port- land Bill. I take part of the latter as an example, from Lyme Regis to the eastern end of the Chesil Bank. If we eliminate those accidents called faults, we there find a succession of formations arranged some- what in the manner shown in diagram No. 5. The horizontal line at the base represents the shore line. On the west (1) represents red marly strata, known as the New red or Keuper marls. These pass under thin beds of white fossiliferous limestone (2), known as the Rhsetic beds. These in their turn pass Succession of Formations. 25 or dip under beds of blue limestone and clay, called Lower Lias (3), which are seen to dip under the Marl- stone or Middle Lias (4), overlaid by the Upper Lias (5), on which rests the Inferior Oolite sand and limestone (6), followed by the Fuller's Earth clay (7). Next comes a series of strata (8), which for present purposes I have massed together, and which are known when they are all present as Great Oolite, Forest Marble, and Cornbrash. These dip under the Oxford Clay (9), which dips under a limestone called the Coral Eag (10), and still going eastward this dips beneath the Kimeridge Clay (11), which, in its turn, passes under the Cretaceous Series of this district, consisting of Gault (12), Upper Greensand (13), and Chalk (14) which in a bold escarpment overlooks the plain of Kimeridge Clay. 1 Here, then, we see a marked succession of strata of different kinds, or having dif- ferent lithologiccd characters, formed, that is to say, of marls, clays, sands, and lime- stones, succeeding and alternating with each other. They are all sediments originally deposited in the sea, (if we except the New Red Marl, which was deposited in a Salt lake), for the forms of old life found in & them prove this. Some are only forty or fifty feet thick, some are more than five or six hundred feet in thickness. If we leave the coast cliffs and turn to the middle of J The Portland beds being only occasionally present, are in this diagram purposely omitted, and this does not affect the general 26 Succession of Formations. England from the borders of South Staffordshire and Warwickshire to the neighbourhood of London we discover that the whole series is made of strata, arranged in successive stages more or less in the manner which I have already described, and they consist of similar materials. Thus, through Warwickshire and South Staffordshire, we have rocks formed of New Eed Sand- stone. The red sandstone dips to the east, and is over- laid by New Eed Marl ; the red marl dips also to the east, under beds of blue clay, limestone, and brown marl, forming the various divisions of the Rhsetic beds and Lias ; these pass under a great succession of forma- tions of limestones, clays, and sands, &c., known as the Oolites ; these, in their turn, are overlaid by beds of sand, clay, and chalk, named the Cretaceous series ; which again, in their turn, pass under the Tertiary clays and sands of the London Basin. All these pass fairly under each other in the order thus enumerated. Experience has proved this, for though there are occa- sional interruptions in the completeness of the series, some of the formations being absent in places, yet the order of succession is never inverted, except where, by what may be called geological accidents, in some parts of the world, such as the Alps, great disturbances have locally produced forcible inversions of some of the strata. The Oolites, for example, in England, never lie under the Lias, nor the Cretaceous rocks under the Oolites. Observation of the surface in cliffs, railway cuttings, and quarries, therefore proves this general succession of formations, and so does experience in sinking deep wells and mine shafts. If, for example, in parts of the mid- land counties we sink through the Lower Lias, we pass question. Some minor formations known further inland are added to make the series more complete. Strata Fossiliferoiis. 27 into the New Eed Marl ; if we pierce the red marl, we reach the water-bearing strata of the New Red Sand- stone. If in certain districts we penetrate the Creta- ceous strata, we are sure to reach the Upper Oolites, and under London many deep wells have been sunk through the Eocene beds, in the certainty of reaching the chalk and finding water. It is, therefore, not that the mere surface of the land is formed of various rocks, but the several forma- tions that form the land dip or pass under each other in regular succession, being, in fact, vast beds placed much in the same way as a set of sheets of variously- coloured pasteboard, placed flat on each other, and then slightly tilted up at one end, may slope in one direction, one edge of each sheet being exposed at the surface. Vertical sinkings, therefore, in horizontal or slightly inclined strata, often prove practically what we know theoretically, viz. the underground continuity in certain areas of strata one beneath the other. Accurate but more difficult observation and reasoning has done the same for more disturbed strata, so that our island and other countries have been proved to be formed of a series of beds of rock, some many hundreds and some many thousands of feet in thickness, arranged in succession, the lowest stratified formation being of older and the uppermost of younger age. Most of these strata are fossiliferous, that is to say they contain shells, bones, and other relics of the crea- tures that lived and died in the waters or water-laid sediments of each special period-, or as sometimes happens, the remains of land plants and terrestrial animals that have been washed into the sea or into lakes. What is the more special evidence on this subject afforded by the rocks ? As we proceed, we shall suppose. 28 Succession from west to east across the Secondary and Tertiary strata, and examine the fossils found in successive forma- tions, we discover that they are not the same in all, and that most of them contain marine organic remains, which are in each formation of species and sometimes of genera more or less distinct from those in the forma- tions immediately above or below. 1 Thus turning again to fig. 5, p. 25, the Ked Marly series No. 1, is rarely fossiliferous, and such fossils as these beds may contain are chiefly land plants, footprints of Amphibia, and small bivalve crustaceans. The Khaetic beds 2, contain sea-shells of a few genera and species, the latter somewhat distinct from those found in the Lower Lias No. 3, the fossils of which are again partly, but not altogether, of different species from those buried in the Marlstone No. 4, which again partly differ from the forms in the Upper Lias clay No. 5, and so on, stage by stage, through the remaining strata of the Oolitic rocks, up to the Kimeridge Clay No. 11. Throughout the whole series from the Ehaetic beds (2), upwards to the Kimeridge Clay (11), there is an inti- mate relation, for in all the Liassic and Oolitic forma- tions the general facies, that is to say, the grouping of genera (Ammonites, Belemnites, Terebratulse, Phola- domyas, Oysters, &c.) is the same, and some species generally pass from each formation into the next above it; and not only so, but sometimes through several formations. There is, however, generally enough of difference in the species found in the different forma- tions to enable anyone with sufficient knowledge to tell by fossils alone, if he found enough of them, what formation he may chance to be examining. When, 1 There are also a few freshwater deposits, but the discussion of these is not essential to the present argument. of Life. 29 still ascending in the series, we come to the Cretaceous formations represented by 12, 13, and 14. a wonderful change takes place. None of the Oolitic species pass into these formations, and some of the genera, especially of chambered shells ( Cephalopoda) are new. There are no marine passage beds in England sufficiently developed clearly to unite the tiuo series. They were, in fact, separated in their deposition by a long period of time during which our territory generally formed land, and which is therefore unrepresented in the British area by marked marine stratified deposits of dates between Oolitic and Cretaceous times. I have selected the above instances, as affording a good type of the kind of phenomena that occur again and again throughout the whole series of our geological formations. After a minute examination, therefore, of the stratigraphical structure of our island, the result is, that geologists are able to recognise and place all the rocks in serial order, so as to show which were formed first and which were formed latest ; and the following is the result of this tabulation, omitting minor details. It is a necessary part of the plan of this work to give some account of the range, structure, and fossils of the formations enumerated in the following table, and I shall therefore in succeeding chapters give a brief account of each formation or set of formations, be- ginning with the oldest, so as in some degree to show their general relations to each other, and, as far as I can, to give a description of the physical geography of each prominent geological epoch. Table of British Formations. f CRETACEOUS WEALDEN SERIES ^ j OOLITIC , l SERIES and LIAS LTRIASSIC . . f PERMIAN . . CARBONIFE- ROUS OLD RED .5 J | SANDSTONE, & p., DEVONIAN SILURIAN . . i LAURENTIAN Post-tertiary ( Newer Pliocene < Older Pliocene Miocene . . Upper Eocene < Middle Eocene \ Lower Eocene TABLE OF THE BRITISH FORMATIONS. Recent. . . . Alluvia, peat, and estuarine beds now forming, &o. River and estuarine alluvia, and some peats, with human remains and works of art ; whales, seals, &c., bones of Mammoth, and other land mammalia ; flint implements, raised beaches, -j and bone caves, &c., in part. Latest traces of British glaciers. I Great glacier moraines, and boulder clays with | marine and freshwater interstratifications. L Forest bed of Norfolk, Chillesford beds, and Norwich Crag, with land mammalia, &c. J Red Crag. t Coralline Crag. Bovey Tracey and Mull beds, with igneous rocks. / Hempstead beds \ I Bembridge beds f Freshwater river beds, with 1 Osborne beds . | marine interstratification. I Headon beds . ) ] Bracklesham and ) -.-. t Bagshot beds f Jvli I London Clay. Marine. 4 Woolwich and Reading beds and Thanet sand. (. Freshwater, estuarine, and marine. Chalk . . . ,\ Upper Greensand Gault .... } Marine. Lower Greenland Atherfield Clay . , SShies^ands d I Freshwater river beds, estuarine and lagoon beds. Purbeck beds ' ) with marine interstratifications. Portland Oolite Upper . Middle Lower and sand . Kimeridge Clay Coral Rag . . Oxford Clay . j Cornbrash 1 Forest Marble Bath or Great ! Oolite . . . j Stonesfleld Slate : Inferior Oolite I t and Sand . . ' / Upper Lias Clay J Marlstone (Middle Lias) . . 1 Lower Lias Clay and Limestone I Rhsetic beds. Passage beds J ( Upper. New Red Marl (Keuper). Salt LaVe. 4 Lower. New Red Sandstone (Bunter). Lake deposits, probably ( salt, but perhaps partly fresh or bz-ackish. Marine in middle and south of England. Between the Inferior Oolite and Great Oolite, partly freshwater and terrestrial, in Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire. ( Coal-measures and Millstone grit. Partly terrestzial, freshwater, and marine. j Carboniferous limestone and shales. Chiefly marine, and in north \ of England, and Scotland, partly terrestrial and freshwater. ' ] Lower } Freshwater lakes. Devonian marine. Marine. [Upper Silurian Lower Silurian and Cambrian. Probably marine and freshwater beds interstratified. Marine. CHAPTEK III. DENUDATION, SYNCLINAL AND ANTICLINAL CURVES, UNCON- FORMABLE STRATIFICATION, AND WASTE PRODUCED BY CHEMICAL ACTION. I MUST now more precisely explain the meaning of a few terms which I have already employed, and shall have occasion to use very frequently. Denudation, in the geological sense of the word, means the stripping away of rocks from the surface, so as to expose other rocks that lay concealed beneath them. Eunning water wears away the ground over which it passes, and carries away detrital matter, such as pebbles, sand, and mud ; and if this goes on long enough over large areas, there is no reason why any amount of matter should not in time be removed. For instance, we have a notable case in North America of a consider- able result from denudation, now being effected by the river Niagara, where, below the Falls, the river has cut a deep channel through the rocks, about seven miles in length. The proofs are perfect that the Falls originally began at the great escarpment at the lower end of what is now this gorge : that the river, falling over this ancient cliff, by degrees wore for itself a channel backwards, from two hundred to a hundred and sixty feet deep, through strata that on either side of the gorge once formed a continuous plateau. 32 Denudation. I merely give this instance to show what I mean by denudation produced by running water. At one time the channel did not exist. The river has cut it out, and in doing so, strata some of them formerly one hundred and sixty feet beneath the surface have been exposed by denudation. Possible, but very uncertain calculations, show that to form this gorge a period at the least of something like thirty-five thousand years has been required. This is an important instance, and it is similar to many other cases constantly before our eyes, on a smaller scale, which rarely strike the ordi- nary observer. Eefer to fig. 6, and suppose that we have differ- ent strata, 1, 2, 3, and 4, lying horizontally one above the other, together forming a mass several hundreds of feet in thickness. The running water of a brook FIG. 6. 4 3 2 a 1 _ or river by degrees wore away the rocks more in one place than another, so that the strata 3, 2, and 1, were successively cut into and exposed at the surface, and a valley in time is formed. This is the result of denudation. Or to take a much larger instance. The strata that form the outer part of the crust of the Earth have, in many places, by the contraction of that crust due to cooling of the mass, been thrown into anticlinal and synclinal curves. A synclinal curve means that the curved strata are bent downwards as in 1, Fig. 7, an anticlinal curve that they bend upwards as in 2. The whole were originally deposited horizontally, con- Denudation. 33 solidated into rock, and afterwards bent and contorted. The strata marked x may perfectly correspond in all respects in their structure and fossils, and in hundreds FIG. 7. 22 i 1. Synclinal curves. 2. Anticlinal curve, of similar cases it is certain that they were once joined as horizontal strata, and afterwards thrown into anti- clinal and synclinal curves. The strata indicated by dotted lines (and all above) have been removed by denudation, and the present surface is the result. Chemical action is another agent that promotes waste or denudation. Thus rain water, always charged with carbonic acid, falling on limestone rocks such as the Carboniferous Limestone, or the Chalk, not only wears away part of these rocks by mechanical action, but also dissolves the carbonate of lime and carries it off in solution as a bicarbonate. This fact is often proved by numbers of unworn flints sometimes several feet in thickness scattered on the surface of the table-land of chalk in Wilts and Dorsetshire. The flints now lying loose on the surface once formed interrupted beds often separated by many feet of chalk. The chalk has been dissolved and carried away in solution chiefly by moving water, and the insoluble flints remain. Degradation of the rocks of many regions is also powerfully affected by occasional landslips. The waste thus produced is seen on a large scale in many of the Yorkshire valleys, where Carboniferous sandstones and shales are interstratified, and vast shattered ruins of D 34 Denudation. sandstones cumber the sides of the hills and the bottoms of the valleys in wild confusion (fig. 66, p. 329). In Switzerland the relics of old landslips are often seen on a magnificent scale ; and some of these, such as those of the Eossberg, and St. Nicholas in the valley of Zermatt, have taken place in the memory of living men. The constant atmospheric disintegration of cliffs, and the beating of the waves on the shore, often aided by landslips, is another mode by which watery action denudes and cuts back rocks. This has been already mentioned. Caverns, bays, and other indentations of the coast, needle-shaped rocks standing out in the sea from the main mass of a cliff, are all caused or aided by the long-continued wasting power of the sea, which first helps to destroy the land and then spreads the ruins in new strata over its bottom. It requires a long process of geological education to enable anyone thoroughly to realise the conception of the vast amount of old denudations ; but when we con- sider that, over and over again, strata thousands of square miles in extent, and thousands of feet in thick- ness, have been formed by the waste of older rocks, equal in extent and bulk to the strata formed by their waste, we begin to get an idea of the greatness of this power. The mind is then more likely to realise the vast amount of matter that has been swept away from the surface of any country, in times comparatively quite recent, before it has assumed its present form. Without much forestalling the subject of a subsequent chapter, I may now state that a notable example on a grand scale may be seen, in the coal-fields of South Wales, of Bristol, and of the Forest of Dean. These three coal-fields were once united, but those of South Wales and Dean Forest are now about twenty-five miles Unconformity. 35 apart, while the Bristol and Somersetshire coal-field is separated from both by the estuary of the Severn. These separations have been brought about by the agency of long-continued denudations, which have swept away thousands of feet of strata bent into anticlinal and synclinal curves in the manner shown at x in fig. 7, p. 33, and fig. 115, p. 601. The coal-field of the Forest of Dean has thus become an outlier of the great South Wales coal-field ; and the Bristol or Somerset- shire coal-field forms another outlier of a great area, of which even the South Wales coal-field is a mere frag- ment. Such denudations have been common over large areas in Wales and the adjacent counties, and in many another county besides. Observation and argument alike tell us that we need have no hesitation in applying this reasoning to all hilly regions, whether formed of stratified rocks alone or intercalated with igneous rocks, and thus we come to the conclusion that the greater portion of the rocky masses of our island have been arranged and re-arranged under slow processes of the denudation of old, and the reconstruction of newer strata, extending over periods that seem to our finite minds almost to stretch into infinity. Unconformable stratification, when its significance has been realised by the student, cannot fail at once to impress on the mind a sense of the degradation of strata in some old epoch similar to that which is now going on, and I know of few objects that speak more eloquently of geological time. In the following diagram No. 1 represents an old land surface, in which perhaps beds of sandstone and slate or shale have been upheaved at a high angle. Let us then suppose that, by the wasting power of weather and D 2 36 Unconformity. the sea, the strata No. 2 have been won from that old land and deposited on the upturned and denuded edges of the strata No. 1. This constitutes a case of uncon- formable stratification, and this alone marks the lapse FIG. 8. 1. Old disturbed strata, 2. Later beds lying unconformably upon them. of immense periods of geological time, first by the deposition, consolidation, and upheaval of the strata No. 1, and secondly in the deposition of the strata No. 2, which were made from the waste of No. 1. There are many cases of this kind of unconformity extending through all geological time from the Laurentian epochs onwards. If, in addition to this, we consider the meaning of the progressive changes of genera and species of animals and plants, as we proceed from the older to the newer formations (as expressed in Chapter II.), it soon becomes obvious, that as yet we have no means of even attempting to form any clear idea of the time that has elapsed since life first appeared on the surface of the world, whether we adopt the original view of a distinct creative act for each individual species, or prefer the later one of evolution and progressive development. To explain in some detail the anatomical structure or existing Physical Geography of our island, as de- pendent on the nature of its strata and the alterations and denudations they have undergone is the main object of this book. In making this attempt I shall Object of Book. 37 first describe in some detail and in chronological order all the rocky formations that constitute Great Britain, with reference, where it can be done, to the Physical Geology and Geography of each large special epoch, for only in this way may we hope to get an idea of how our island at length got into that phase of its history in which we happen to live. If the reader has been able to follow me in what I have already written, I think he will understand what I shall have to say in the remaining chapters. CHAPTER IV. IGNEOUS EOCKS, METAMORPHISM, SHRINKAGE AND DIS- TURBANCE OF THE EARTH'S CRUST. I HAVE already explained that all rocks are divided into two great classes, those of aqueous and those of igneous origin; and I have shown how aqueous rocks may generally be known by their stratification and by the circumstance that a great many of them contain relics of marine and freshwater life, in the shape of fossil shells, fish-bones, and other kinds of organic remains. The materials also of which these beds are composed generally show signs of having been in water, being rounded by the action of the waves of the sea, or by the running waters of rivers. The other kinds of rocks, termed igneous, occasion- allv are associated in different localities with the form- ations named in the foregoing table. For instance, there are no volcanic rocks in Wales associated with the Carboniferous and Old Eed Sandstone strata, while there are in Scotland, and true contemporaneous vol- canic rocks are intercalated with the Lower Silurian rocks of Wales and Cumberland, while there are none associated with the equivalent strata in Scotland. Some of these contemporaneous igneous rocks consist of beds of volcanic ashes, others of old lavas, others of masses of matter which were intruded among the strata from below. Rocks that have been melted are known Igneous Rocks. 39 to be igneous by their crystalline, slaggy, scoriaceous, vesicular, or columnar structures, and also by the effects they have produced on the strata with which they are associated. Shales, sandstones, &c., are often hardened, bleached, and even vitrified at the points of junc- tion with greenstone, basaltic, i. Dyke with veins. and felspathic dykes, or old lava 2 - Overflow of basaltic lava. j // n> j XT i j 3 - Altered strata at junction, beds (fag. 9), and the same kind 4. Unaltered sandstone and of alteration takes place on a shale - greater scale when large masses of igneous rocks have been intruded among the strata. Then by comparing volcanic rocks of old date with those of modern origin, we are able to decide with perfect truth, that rocks which were melted long before the human race appeared upon the world are yet of truly igneous origin. Changes of a more general character are especially marked in cases where granite, syenite, felspar and other porphyries and their allies, are associated with stratified deposits. Their igneous affinities are known by their crystalline structure, their modes of occurrence, and the effects they produce on the strata. Granite is composed of crystals of quartz, felspar, and mica ; and syenite, according to old nomenclatures, of quartz, felspar, and hornblende. They often send veins or dykes into stratified rocks with which they are in contact, as in figs. 10 and 11, and frequently all along the line of junction, and often at great distances from it, alterations of the strata of an extreme character (meta- morphism) are common. One marked distinction be- tween granitic and volcanic and ordinary trap rocks is, that though injected veins of granite are common, granitic 4O Granite. rocks never rose to the surface in a melted state, and overflowed like lava streams. This and their frequently FIG. 10. A, vein of granite ; B, gneissic contorted mica-schist. The ramify- ing white spaces are white quartz. Milldam Goatfell, Brodick, Arran. largely crystalline structure, together with peculiarities of crystallisation showing the presence of moisture, and FIG. 11. 1. Granitic mass with injected veins among gneissic rocks. 2. Gneiss, metamorphosed strata. also the transformations effected on the adjoining strata, prove the granitic rocks to have cooled and consolidated deep beneath the surface. A third division, or sub-class, is known as meta- morphic rocks. All strata as they assume a solid form become to a certain extent altered ; for originally they were loose sediments of mud, sand, gravel, carbonate of lime, or mixtures of these. When these were accumulated, bed upon bed, till thousands of feet were piled one upon Metamorphic Rocks. 41 the other, then, by intense and long-continued pressure, heat, and chemical changes that took place in conse- quence of infiltrations among the strata themselves, by degrees they became changed into hard masses, consisting of shale, sandstone, conglomerate, or limestone, as the case may be. But these have not always remained in the condition in which they were originally consoli- dated, for it has often happened that disturbances of a powerful kind took place, and strata originally flat have been bent into every possible curve. For long it was the fashion to attribute most of the disturbances that the outer part of the earth has under- gone to the intrusion of igneous rocks. The inclined positions of beds, the contortions of stratified formations in mountain chains, and even the existence of impor- tant faults in fact, disturbance of strata generally were apt to be referred to direct igneous action opera- ting from below. Granite and its allies, from the time of Hutton, were always, without exception, included in the ordinary list of igneous rocks, and some writers of deserved reputation still do so. In connection with this subject, gneiss, and other kinds of metamorphic rocks were, and by some are still, supposed to be exclu- sively the effect of the direct intrusion of granite among previously unaltered strata. As a general rule highly metamorphosed rocks occur in regions where the strata have been greatly disturbed. Such rocks, when the metamorphism is extreme, consist of gneiss, which may be micaceous, hornblendic, or chloritic ; and of mica-schist, chlorite- slate, talc-slate, hornblende-rock, crystalline limestone , quartz-rock, and a number of others, which it is not necessary for my present purpose to name. In Scotland, Irelaod, Norway, Canada, &c., limestones, calcareous 42 Granite and sandstones, and sandstones, as they approach granites, lose their (sometimes fossiliferous) characters, and become changed into crystalline limestones, serpentine, &c., and quartz rock. In other cases gradual changes of a differ- ent kind are observed in slaty and schistose rocks as they approach granites. Clay-slates are simply clays con- solidated by pressure, often affected by cleavage, and sometimes chemically altered. Approaching granites ordinary slates often assume a foliated structure by the development of distinct mineral layers of quartz, felspar, and mica. This is gneiss. Analyse some kinds of mica- slate, gneiss, and common sandy clay, and their average composition will not differ more than three clays, three pieces of gneiss, and three bits of granite often do from each other. Granite, is sometimes merely gneiss still further metamorphosed by heat in the presence of moisture ; and, though this is not the popular notion, I have long held it, and some other geologists share this opinion. When slate is changed to gneiss, there is no develop- ment of materials which were previously absent, but simply a re-arrangement of its constituents, according to their chemical affinities, in rudely crystalline layers, which seem in gneiss to have found facilities for their development in pre-existing planes, whether of bedding or of cleavage ; or, in other words, if the rocks be uncleaved when metamorphism occurs, the foliated planes show a tendency to coincide with those of bed- ding ; but if intense cleavage has preceded, the foliation will generally tend to follow the planes of cleavage. Furthermore, in gneissic rocks, garnets, schorl, stauro- lite and staurotide, hornblende, and other minerals are frequent in some localities, especially near and in con- tact with granite. All the chief materials of these are Gneiss. 43 such as occur in the unaltered rock, and the chemical action (brought into activity by heat and moisture) which induced their development, may perhaps in some cases have been assisted by sublimations proceeding from melted matter below. The intensity in many countries of these metamorphisms, extending over many thousands of square miles (as in Scotland, Norway and Sweden, and Canada), and through rocks thousands of feet in thickness, proves that it was the result of a long-con- tinued process, taking place probably in all cases at considerable depths. The whole has then been up- heaved and disturbed, often many times, and after de- nudation the gneissic and the more thoroughly meta- morphosed and sometimes intrusive granitic rocks were at length exposed at the surface. Some of the metamorphic rocks, which I have to explain, have been highly disturbed, and in the north occupy about one-half of Scotland. Most of this area includes, and lies north-west of, the Grampian moun- tains ; and I must endeavour to explain by what processes metamorphism of rocks has taken place, not in detail, but simply in such a mariner as to give a general idea of the subject. I have already said that typical gneiss consists of irregular laminae of mica, quartz, and felspar, and it frequently happens that they are bent, or rather minutely folded, in a great number of convolutions, so small, that in a few yards of gneiss they may sometimes be counted by the hundred. All these metamorphic rocks and granite, were by the old geologists called Primary or Primitive strata, and were considered to have been formed in the earliest stages of the world's history, because in those countries that were first geologically described, they were supposed to lie always 44 Gneiss, Old Theory. at the base of all the ordinary strata. From the pecu- liarity of the minute contortions in the gneissic rocks, a theory now known to be erroneous was developed, which was this : It is frequently found that granite and granitic rocks are intimately associated with gneiss. Thus we often find masses and veins of granite, with gneiss upon their flanks bent in a number of small wavy folds or contor- tions. Granite is a crystalline rock, composed of fel- spar, quartz, and mica, and the old theory (so far true) was that the world at one time was in a state of perfect igneous fusion ; but by and by, when it began to cool, the materials arranged themselves as distinct minerals, according to their different chemical affinities, and consolidated as granite. The great globe was thus composed entirely of granite at the surface ; and by and by, as cooling still progressed, and water, by condensation, attempted to settle on the surface which still remained intensely heated, the water could not lie upon it, for it was constantly being evaporated into the atmosphere ; but when the cooling became more decided, and con- solidation had fairly been established, then water was able to settle on the surface of the heated granite. But as yet it could not settle quietly like the present sea : for by reason of strong radiating heat, all the sea was supposed to be kept in a boiling state, playiag upon the granite hills that rose above its surface. The detritus thus worn from the granite by the waves of this primi- tive sea was spread over its bottom; and because the sea was boiling, the sediment did not settle down in the form of regular layers, but became twisted and contorted in the manner common in gneiss. All gneiss, therefore, was conceived to be the original primitive stratified rock of the world. Contortion and Metamorphism. 45 Subsequent research has shown that this theory will not hold ; for this, among other reasons, that we now know gneissic rocks of almost all ages in the geological scale. Thus in Scotland the gneissic rocks are of Laurentian and Silurian age ; in Devon and Cornwall we have gneiss both of so-called Devonian and Carboni- ferous ages. In the Andes there are gneissic rocks of the age of the Chalk, and in the Alps of the New Eed, Liassic, Oolitic, and Cretaceous series; and in 1862 I saw in the Alps an imperfect gneiss of Eocene date pierced by granite veins, these strata being of the age of some of the soft and often almost horizontal strata of the London and Hampshire basins. It is therefore now perfectly well known to geologists that the term Pri- mitive, as applied to gneiss, is no longer tenable ; and the old theory has been abandoned. I have stated that regions occupied by meta- morphic rocks are apt to be much contorted. There seems, in fact, to be an intimate connection between excessive disturbance of strata and metamorphism. But by what means were masses of strata many thou- sands of feet thick bent and contorted, and often raised high into the air, so as to produce existing scenic results by affording matter for air and water to work upon ? Not by igneous pressure from below raising the rocks, for that would stretch instead of crumpling strata, in the manner in which we find them in the Alps, Norway and the Highlands, or in less degree in Wales and Cumberland ; but rather because of the radiation from the earth of heat into space, gradually producing a shrinkage of the earth's crust, which, here and there giving way, became crumpled along lines more or less irregular, producing partial upheavals, even though the absolute bulk of the globe was diminishing by cooling 46 Shrinkage and (figs. 3, 12, and 57). This, according to the theory long ago proposed by Elie de Beaumont, and adopted by De la Beche in his ' Eesearches in Theoretical Geology,' is the origin of mountain chains. After water took its place on the earth, by such processes land was again and again raised within the influence of atmospheric disin- tegration, and rain, rivers, and the sea, acting on it, were enabled to distribute the materials of sedimentary strata. Such disturbances of strata have been going on through all known geological time, and I firmly believe are still in progress. Such shrinkage and crumpling, where it has been most intense and on the greatest scale, is often (where I know it) accompanied by the appearance of gneissic or other metamorphic rocks, and often of granite or its allies. The oldest rock in the British Islands is gneiss, but that originally was doubtless a common stratified formation of some kind or other. In fact, as far as the history told by the rocks themselves informs us, we cannot get at their beginning, for all strata have been made from the waste of rocks that existed before ; and therefore the oldest stratified rocks, whether metamor- phosed or not, have a derivative origin. I must now briefly endeavour to give an idea of the theory of metamorphism. The simplest kind is of that nature mentioned in Chapter I. namely, when melted matter has been forced through or overflows a stratified rock, and remaining for a time in a melted state, an alteration of the stratified rock in immediate contact with it takes place. Thus sandstone may, by that process, become converted into quartz-rock, which is no longer hewable, like ordinary sandstone, but breaks with a hard and splintery fracture. Here then rocks Metamorphism. 47 have been changed in character for a short distance from the agent that has been employed in effecting that minor kind of metamorphism (figs. 4 and 9). On a much larger scale, the phenomena we meet with in a truly metamorphic region are as follows. In the midst of a tract of mica-schist, gneiss, or other altered rocks, a boss of granite (or one of its allies) rises, like those for instance of Dartmoor and Cornwall or of the north end of the Island of Arran. At a dis- tance from the granite the beds may consist, perhaps, of unaltered shale, or of slate, sandstone, and limestone. As we approach the granite, the limestones become crystalline, and often lose all traces of their fossils ; the sandstones harden and pass into quartz-rocks, and the shales or slates, or sandy beds and shales, lose their ordinary bedded texture, and pass by degrees into mica- schist, or perhaps gneiss, in which we find rudely alternating laminae of quartz, felspar, and mica, often arranged in gnarled or wavy lines (foliation, figs. 1 and 11). As we approach the granite still more closely, we find possibly that, in addition to the layers of mica, quartz, and felspar, distinct crystals^ such as garnets, staurolites, schorl, &c., are developed near the points of contact, both in the gneissic rock and in the granite itself. It is not necessary for my argument that I should describe these minerals. It is sufficient at present to state the fact that such minerals are developed under these circumstances, and this is due to the influence of metamorphism. Furthermore in some cases, as in the Laurentian rocks of Canada, great thicknesses of interstratifted gneiss are so crystalline that, when a hand specimen or even a small part of the country is examined, they 48 Analyses of Rocks. might seem to be truly granitic ; but when the detailed geology of the country has been worked out, they are found to follow all the great anticlinal and synclinal folds of metamorphosed strata that have also in a minor way been intensely contorted. The same is the case in parts of the Alps. I have already stated that if we chemically analyse a series of specimens of clays, shales, and slates, often more or less sandy, together with various gneissic rocks and granites, it is remarkable how closely the quantities of their ultimate constituents, in many cases, approach to each other. They are never identical, while yet the resemblance is close, as close indeed as it may be in two specimens of the same kind of sandy shale or slate. In all of them silica would form by far the largest proportion, say from 60 to 70 per cent. ; alumina would come next, and then other substances, such as lime, soda, potash, iron, &c., would be found in smaller varying proportions ; and what I now wish to express is, that the distinct minerals developed in the gneiss, such as felspar, mica, garnets, &c., were not new sub- stances introduced into the rock, by contact with granite, or by any other process, but were all developed under the influence of metamorphism from materials that previously existed in the strata before their meta- morphism began, aided by hydrothermal action due to the presence of heated alkaline waters deep beneath the surface of the earth. Through some process, in which heat played a large part, the rock having been softened, and water present in most rocks underground having been diffused throughout the mass and heated, chemical action was set up, and the substances that composed the shale or slate, often mingled with silicious sandy material, were enabled more or less to re-arrange Mountain Chains. 49 themselves according to their chemical affinities, and distinct mineral materials were developed in layers from elements that were in the original rock. I have stated that to produce this kind of meta- morphism, heat aided by water is necessary, so as to allow of internal movements in the rocks by the softening of their materials, without which I do not see how complete re-arrangement of matter accompanied by crystallisation could take place ; and though it has always been easy to form theories on the subject, yet so little is known with precision about the interior of the earth beyond a few thousand feet in depth, that how to obtain the required heat is a difficulty. From astronomical considerations it is believed by many persons that the earth has been condensed from a nebulous fluid, and passing into an intensely heated melted condition, by radiation into space at length cooled so far, that consolidation commenced at the surface, and by degrees that surface has gradually been thickening and overlies a melted nucleus within. As the earth cooled and consequently gradually shrunk in size, the hardened crust, in its efforts to accommodate itself to the diminishing bulk of the cooling mass within, became in places crumpled again and again. Hence the upheaval of mountain chains and disturbances of different dates, which have affected strata of almost all geological ages. 1 Reasoning on these disturbances, we know that strata which were originally deposited horizontally have often 1 This theory is not universally received, and has been variously developed by different authors, but it would be quite beyond my present purpose to discuss the subject in detail, and, as far as I know, the hypothesis proposed by Elie de Beaumont seems best to explain the phenomena exhibited by the outside of the earth. E 50 Internal Heat of the Earth descended thousands of feet towards the centre of the earth, by gradual sinking of the sea-bottom, and the simultaneous piling up of newer strata upon them. The layer that is formed to-day beneath the water forms the actual sea-bottom ; but neither the land nor the sea- bottom are steady. The land is in places slowly de- scending beneath the sea, and sea-bottoms are them- selves descending also. It has frequently happened, therefore, that for a long period a steady descent over a given area has taken place, and simultaneously with this many thousands of feet of strata have by degrees accumulated bed upon bed, as for example in the Pacific Ocean in the region of modern atolls and barrier coral reefs. As we descend into the earth the temperature rises, whence, in the main, the theory of central heat has been derived. In our latitude heat increases about 1 for every sixty feet, and the temperature therefore, at so great a depth as 30,000 feet, to which it could be shown some strata have sunk, may at present be about 500. Furthermore, strata that were deposited hori- zontally have been frequently disturbed and thrown into rapid contortions, or into great sweeping curves ; and by this means especially, strata which once were at the surface have often been thrown twenty, thirty, or forty thousand feet downwards, and therefore more within the influence of internal heat, as, for instance, in the bed marked * fig. 12, which may be supposed to represent a large tract of country. I do not wish it to be understood that the globe is entirely filled with melted matter that is a question still in doubt ; but were this book specially devoted to general questions of theoretical geology, I think I could prove, that the heat in the interior of the globe in places sometimes appar- and Metamorphism. 5 1 ently capriciously eats its way towards the surface by the hydrOthermal fusion or alteration of parts of the earth's crust, in a manner not immediately connected with the more superficial phenomena of volcanic action FIG. 12. and for this, among other reasons, it may happen that strata which are contorted, have in places been brought within the direct and powerful influence of great internal heat. Under some such circumstances, we can easily understand how stratified rocks may have been so highly heated that they were actually softened ; and most rocks being moist (because water that falls upon the surface often percolates to unknown depths), chemical actions were set going, resulting in a re- arrangement of the substances which composed the sedimentary rock. Thus certain strata, essentially composed of silica and silicates of alumina, and alkalies such as soda and potash, may have become changed into crystalline gneiss. This theory of re-arrangement leads me to another question connected with, but not quite essential to my argument, as far as relates to physical geography viz., What is the origin of granite, which in most manuals is only classed as an igneous rock ? For my part, with some other geologists, I believe that in one sense it is an igneous rock that is to say, much of it has often been completely fused. But in another sense 2 5 2 Origin of Granite. it is often a metamorphic rock, because it is some- times impossible to draw any definite line between gneiss and granite, for they pass into each other by in- sensible gradations. About half-way up the Matter- horn in the Alps, among the largely-contorted beds, a thick stratum occurs, one end of which is true gneiss, on the western side of the mountain, which striking towards the eastern cliff, gradually gets more and more crystalline till at length it passes into true granite. On the largest scale, both in Canada and in the Alps, I have frequently seen varieties of gneissic rocks regularly inter- bedded with less altered strata, the gneiss being so crys- talline, that in a hand specimen it is impossible to distinguish it from some granitic rocks, and even on a large scale the uneducated eye will constantly mistake them for granites. Another very important circumstance is that granite and its allies frequently occupy the spaces that ought to be filled with gneiss or other rocks, were it not that they have been entirely fused and changed into granite. I therefore believe that many of the granite rocks I have seen, are simply the result of the extreme of metamorphism brought about by great heat with presence of water. One reason why it has been inferred that granite is not a common igneous rock is that, enveloping the crystals of felspar and mica, there is generally a quan- tity of free silica, not always crystallised in definite forms like the two other materials. Silica being far less easily fusible than felspar, it seems clear that had all the substances that form granite been merely fused like common lavas, the silica ought on partial cooling to have crystallised first, whereas the felspar and mica htave crystallised first, and the silica not used in the formation of these minerals wraps them round often in Fluid Cavities in Qiiartz. 53 an amorphous form. Therefore it is said that it was probably held in partial solution in hot water, even after crystallisation by segregation of the other minerals had begun. This theory, now held by several distinguished physical and chemical geologists, seems to me to be sound, especially as it agrees exceedingly well with the metamorphic theory as applied to gneiss granite being sometimes simply the result of the extreme of meta- morphism. In other words, when the metamorphism has been so great that all traces of the semi-crystalline laminated structure has disappeared, a more perfect crystallisation has taken place, and the result is a granitic mass without any minor lamination in it. Even then, however, certain planes often remain, strongly suggestive of original stratification, and even of planes of oblique stratification or false-bedding. These general results are not founded on mere conjec- tures. In a memoir by Mr. H. C. Sorby, 'On the Micro- scopical Structure of Crystals, indicating the Origin of Minerals and Rocks,' among other important points, he describes numerous small cavities in the quartz of granites, which are partly filled with water ' holding in solution the chlorides of potassium and sodium, the sulphates of potash, soda, and lime, sometimes one and sometimes the other salt predominating.' These ' fluid cavities ' sometimes make up about five per cent, of the volume of the quartz, and he concludes that 'the fluid was not an accidental ingredient due to the percolation of water to a fused mass naturally containing none, but & genuine constituent of the rock when melted.' Reasoning on the underground temperatures necessary to expand the liquid so as to fill the cavities, by an elaborate process of argument he arrives at the approximate result, that ' the pressures under which granites were most probably 54 Granite. formed' indicate depths from the surface varying from 15,100 to 65,500 feet. From certain passages it is evident that Mr. Sorby considers that gneiss and granite were formed approximately under similar circumstances. I quote this thoroughly philosophical memoir, that the reader may be less startled with the statement, that gneiss and some granites were formed by the metamor- phosis of strata at depths counted by many thousands of feet, and also to give strength to a the assertion, that under such circumstances water was present. 1 If the above views be correct, though many granites having been completely fused have been injected among strata, and are thus to be classed as intrusive rocks, yet in the main, so far from the intrusion of granite having produced many mountains by mere upheaval, both gneiss and granite would rather seem to be often the results of the forces that formed certain mountain chains. Possibly this result was connected with the contraction of the earth's crust and the heat produced by the intense lateral pressure that, with much move- ment of parts, produced the contortion of vast masses of strata, parts of which, now exposed by denudation, were then deep underground, and already acted on by the internal heat of the earth in a degree proportionate to their depth. 2 1 See 'Journal of the Geological Society,' vol. xiv., 1858. Sorby. 2 See Report, Brit. Assoc. 1866, p. 47 : < Address to the Geological Section,' Ramsay. Also an elaborate memoir by Mr. Robert Mallet, ' On Volcanic Energy, &c.,' Trans. Royal Soc., vol. clxiii. p. 147. 55 \ CHAPTER V. LAURENTIAN, CAMBRIAN, AND LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. THE LAURENTIAN ROCKS are the oldest formations at present known in the world. They are metamorphic and mostly gneissic in character, and were for long classed as granitic and igneous rocks till their true nature was shown by the late Sir William Logan. They occupy vast tracts of country in Labrador and Canada, and are well seen on the north of the river Ottawa. They consist of two divisions, Lower and Upper Laurentian^ the upper, according to Logan, lying quite unconformably on the lower strata. The gneiss of the lower division is chiefly orthoclase gneiss of great thickness, and it is inter stratified with several thick bands of crystalline limestone, sometimes ser- pentinous, in one of which a remarkable foraminifer called Eozoon Canadense was found. This is the oldest known fossil. The upper Laurentian rocks, which also contain beds of limestone, are to a great extent formed of Labrador felspar, and in these no fossils are known. In the Outer Hebrides and on the west coast of the Highlands between Cape Wrath and Tiree, Laurentian rocks occur of highly metamorphic gneiss, interpene- 56 Laurentian Rocks. trated by numerous veins of granite. These strata much more closely resemble the Lower than the Upper Laurentian rocks of Canada, and though, at so great a distance from America, it is impossible to prove that they are equivalent formations, the presumption that they are of Laurentian age is very strong, and not the less so that strata, having all the characters of Cambrian rocks, lie quite unconformably upon them, fig. 54, p. 285. The district was first described by Sir Roderick Murchison. I can answer for the accuracy of his descriptions, having inspected the ground with him, and personally mapped a portion of the country at and about Durness. I know of no other part of the British Islands in which Lau- rentian strata certainly occur. 1 No fossils have yet been observed in these British rocks. The CAMBRIAN and SILURIAN ROCKS of the British series come next in succession. If these strata were to be classified for the first time in England, with my present knowledge, I would divide them into three, as the most convenient method. The first series would include the purple and green grits and slates of the Longmynd and Wales, and range upward as high as the top of the Tremadoc slates ; the second would range from the base of the Arenig slates to the top of the Bala or Caradoc beds, and the third from the base of the Upper Llandovery beds to the top of the Ludlow rocks. In Wales and its neighbourhood, where the most typical series is found, each of these great bound- ary lines is marked by unconformity, and analogous unconformities are more or less found elsewhere in the British Islands. 1 After their discovery by Murchison, the Laurentian rocks and other details in the Highlands were mapped by Professor Geikie, F.R.S. See his Geological Map of Scotland, 1876. Cambrian Rocks. 57 It is probable, however, that only a few persons would as yet agree with me in this classification, and indeed, since the first publication, by Mr. Murchison, of ' The Silurian System,' dedicated to Professor Sedgwick in 1839, there has been, after a temporary lull, but little unanimity among British geologists on a subject about which European and American geologists care but little, and which is to a great extent a matter of local opinion. In 1841 and 1842 Sir Henry de la Beche and those who worked with him, adopted the term Cambrian for all the purple grits and slates of St. David's and the Longmynd, then supposed to be unfossiliferous ; while the name Silurian, nearly in the same sense as used by Murchison, was employed for all the strata between the uppermost beds of these rocks and the top of the Ludlow series. When the Government Geological Survey reached North Wales this classification continued for a time unchallenged. Professor Sedgwick had pre- viously called the equivalents of part of these strata in the north of England the CUMBRIAN series, and at that time he called the blue and grey slaty series of Wales the CAMBRIAN series, on the assumption, then unques- tioned, that they were all older than the recognised Llandeilo flags of Murchison. But in the progress of investigation by Sedgwick and many others, it ap- peared that his original Cambrian, and Murchison's original Lower Silurian strata, were in great part equivalent, and the great Professor of Cambridge naturally reclaimed all that part of his kingdom, the boundaries of which had, for all Wales, not been clearly defined when he first tried to subdue it. He therefore, maintained, that the true Cambrian series included all the strata from the base of the purple slates and grits 58 Cambrian to the top of the Bala beds or Caradoc sandstone of Murchison. By way of healing differences and striking a just middle boundary, Professor Phillips and Sir Charles Lyell proposed that the term Cambrian should be used as including all the strata from the known base of the Longmynd, St. David's, and North Wales purple grits and slates, through the Lingula flags up to the top of the Tremadoc slates, a proposition which satisfied neither of the claimants. This is not a book in which to enter into the details of a controversy which has comparatively little interest beyond the confines of the British Islands, and will by- and-by be forgotten along with other minor debates, that in their day were of equal or more importance ; but I have thought it worth while to sketch out the questions involved, that in the conflict of lecturers and writers of memoirs and manuals, ordinary readers may know something of the origin of the varieties of opinion im- plied in the different nomenclatures. In the meanwhile I shall use the old-fashioned nomenclature adopted by the Geological Survey, as most convenient for me, see- ing that if any one in reading this book should find it needful to look at the maps and sections of that Survey, and at most other maps as well, he will find the word Cambrian restricted to those strata, that at St. David's, and in Merionethshire lie below the base of the Mene- vian beds. In this sense, then : THE CAMBRIAN ROCKS of Wales consist of the purple grits and slates, that form the greater part of the group of hills that lie east of Cardigan Bay between the estuaries of the Mawddach and most of the country S.S.W. of Ffestiniog. In that region their strati- graphical relation to the overlying Lower Silurian Rocks. 59 rocks will be seen by referring to fig. 62, p. 322. They form there the lowest central strata of a broad anti- clinal curve. They are also well seen in the Passes of Llanberis and Nant Ffrancon in Carnarvonshire, where the celebrated slate quarries of Penrhyn and Llanberis lie in these strata. The slates are purple, purplish- blue, and green; and associated with them are beds of greenish and grey grits and conglomerates. It is important to observe that at Llanberis the latter contain numerous water- worn pebbles of felspathic traps, jasper, greenstone, black and purple slate, &c., so that these, forming part of the oldest rocks of Wales, have been partly derived from pre-existing rocky lands, simi- lar to those that now form the neighbouring Silurian country, but no visible trace remains of this more ancient physical geography, except the pebbles in the con- glomerate. In Anglesea the equivalent rocks are meta- morphic chlorite and mica-schist and gneiss. Cambrian strata also occur in the hills of the Longmynd of Shropshire, where the strata stand nearly on end. They consist of green, grey, and purple slaty rocks, grits, and conglomerates. The only traces of fossils yet discovered in these consist of worm-burrows, and a trilobite, Palceopyge Ramsayi. FIG. 13. Section across the Longmynd and Shelve country. Shelve Longmynd 1. Cambrian grits and slates. 2. Lingula flags of the Stiper stones. 3. Tremadoc beds. 4. Llandeilo and Caradoc rocks with igneous interstratifi cations. 5. Upper Llandovery and Wenlock rocks. At St. David's, in North Pembrokeshire, in equiva- lent strata, Mr. Hicks found the following fossils in 6o Cambrian purple shales among the lowest beds of the series : A small bivalve crustacean Leperditia Solvensis and L. Cambrensis.) two small Brachiopods, Lingulella ferru- ginea and L. primceva. In a higher part of the series, consisting chiefly of yellowish sandstones and gray shales, he also found two sponges (Protospongia) and various trilobites, Microdiscus sculptus, Conocoryphe Lyellii and C. Solvensis, Paradoxides Harknessii, Plutonia Sedgwickii, Agnostus Cambrensis, and a Pteropod Theca antiqua. These rocks had previously been con- FIG. 14. Theca antiqua. Microdiscus sculptu?. Agnostus Cambrensis. Lingulella ferruginea Paradoxides Harknessii. Leperditia Cambrensis. Group of Cambrian Fossils. sidered unfossiliferous, and the discovery is important as showing that in sediments so old there existed a considerable development of life of the same general type as that found in overlying Silurian strata. In Sutherlandshire, as already stated, red Cambrian conglomerates lie on the Laurentian strata unconform- Rocks. 6 1 ably, and fossils discovered in the north of Scotland by Mr. Peach prove that Lower Silurian rocks (somewhat metamorphic) rest un conformably on both. Till within the last few years it was customary to consider that all formations which had not yielded fossilised fresh-water shells were of marine origin. Mr. Godwin-Austen first broke through this fallacy, and often insisted that the Old Eed Sandstone, as distinct from the Devonian rocks, was deposited in fresh-water lakes. In 1871, I published two memoirs in the Journal of the Geological Society, in which I attempted to prove that in a broad sense, the red formations of Britain were deposited in lakes, salt or fresh, or in inland areas in which salt and fresh water alternated. In one of these, 1 I ventured to state ' that the absence of marine mollusca in the Cambrian rocks ' of North Wales and the Longmynd, as yet observed, may be due to the same cause that produced their absence in the Old Eed Sandstone (see p. 106), and that 'the presence of sun-cracks and rain-pittings in the Longmynd beds favours this suggestion.' The occurrence of marine fossils, chiefly in the grey slates and ' olive-green grits and shales ' of St. David's, as described by Mr. Hicks, ' may/ I state, ' possibly mark occasional influxes of the sea into inland waters, due to oscillations of level,' pro- ducing the same kind of alternations of marine and fresh-water strata that occur in the Carboniferous series, and in the Miocene beds of Switzerland and the Rhine. It is but right to state, however, that, as regards the Cambrian rocks, mine is not the usual opinion. The LOWER SILURIAN rocks which conformably 1 On the Bed Kocks of England of older date than the Trias. March 1871, ' Journal of the Geological Society,' vol. xxviii. 62 Menevian Beds. overlie the Cambrian strata, have been classed under various subdivisions, from the presence in each of certain Trilobites and other fossils, sometimes peculiar to, and sometimes more or less prevalent in, each sub- formation. To the oldest of these the name Menevian FIG. 15. Protocystites Menevensis. Paradoxides aurora. Arionellus longicephahis. Conocoryphe coronata. Protospongia fenestrata. Discina pileolus. Group of Menevian Fossils. beds has been given, so called from Menapia, the old Koman name of St. David's. They are of inconsider- able thickness, and are found both in that district and in North Wales, circling round the Cambrian rocks of Merionethshire from Barmouth to Harlech, and in Lingula Flags. 63 both areas there is a lithological passage and con- formity between the Cambrian and Menevian strata, fig. 62, p. 322. Four species of sponges are at present known in the Menevian beds of St. David's, named by Mr. Hicks. They are all of his genus Protospongia, and one of them, P. fenestrata, is found in the underlying Cam- brian strata, also one Cystidean, Protocystites Mene- vensis, a few Annelid tracks, and more than thirty species of Trilobites of the genera Agnostus, Arionellus, Anopolenus, Conocoryphe, Erinnys, Holocephalina, Paradoxides, and Carrausia. Of these, seven species belong to the genus Agnostus, one of which, A. Cam- brensis, is also found in the Cambrian rocks, as its name implies. There are seven species of Conocoryphe, three of which are also Cambrian species, viz. C. ap- planata, C. Bufo, and C. humerosa. Paradoxides aurora is also common to both formations, and a few Brachiopoda, such as Discina pileolus, Lingulella ferruginea and Obolella sagittalis. Of Pteropods the genus Theca is common, but, as far as I know, no Lammellibranch molluscs or Gasteropoda are found in these strata. The Lingula flags rest conformably on, and in fact pass by lithological gradations into the Menevian beds (fig. 62, p. 322). They are best developed in Merioneth- shire, Carnarvonshire, and at St. David's, and consist of black and gray slaty rocks with beds of grit. In these a marked and distinctive suite of fossils occurs, the chief of which are Lingulella Davisii, and many genera of Crustacea Conocoryphe bucephala and two others, Agnostus (4), Paradoxides (2), Holo- cephalina (1), Anapolenus (2), Erinnys, and Cono- cephalus all Trilobites ; also a phyllopod crustacean, 64 Lingula Flags. Hymenocaris vermicauda, and the bivalve crustacean Leperditia bupestris. Various annelids are found, Cruziana, &c., and in the higher part of the strata Polyzoa, of the genus Fenestella, together with a few FIG. 16. Hymenocaris vermicauda. Orthis lenticularis. Group of Lingula Flag Fossils. brachiopoda of the genus Orthis, 0. lenticularis and others, Obolella sagittalis and maculata, and Discina labiosa, three species of Theca (pteropods), &c. Of the fossils of this formation Pi otospongia fenes- trata is common in the strata from the Cambrian to the Lower Lingula flags, Agnostus Davidis and A. scutalis, Anopolenus Henrici, A. Salteri are also found in the Menevian beds, together with Conocoryphe applanata, and C. humerosa, both of which begin in Tremadoc Slates. 65 the Cambrian strata, while G. variolaris is common to the Lingula and Menevian strata. Paradoxides Harknessii, P. Hicksii, and P. aurora are common to all three formations, and P. Davidis to the two higher divisions. The same kind of passage of species upward from the Cambrian slates and grits to the Lingula flags, may be observed in some of the few genera and species of Brachiopoda, Lamellibranchiata, and Pteropoda, and I have specially insisted on this, in connection with the fact, that at the junction of the so-called three formations, there is no marked line of division, but a lithological gradation from the lower to the higher strata, accompanied by the passage of species from lower to higher geological horizons. The Tremadoc slates succeed the Lingula flags, and may be considered as an upper member of that series, while the red and grey Cambrian rocks form a lower member. There is no clear lithological boundary-line between them, and the whole lie conformably. Four- teen genera of Trilobites are known in Wales from these strata, the most characteristic of which are Asaphus Homphrayi, &c., Angelina Sedgwicki, Psilocephalus inflatus, &c., and Niobe Homphrayi. Several of the genera of Trilobites are common to the Lingula flags and the Cambrian beds below. Of these, Agnostus prin ceps is found in the Menevian beds, and Conocoryphe depressa, C. invita, and Olenus alatus in the Lingula flags. Orthis Carausii is a characteristic brachiopod, and Lingulella Davisii and L. lepis are common to these strata and to the Lingula flags, together with Obolella plicata and 0. Salteri, while 0. sagittalis ranges from the Cambrian up to the Tremadoc slates. In Eamsey Island near St. David's many Lamelli- branchiate molluscs have been found by Mr. Hicks, of 66 Tremadoc Slates. the genera Palcearca, Glyptarca, Davidia, Modiolopsis, and others, also Theca operculata, and other Pteropoda, and several species of Bellerophon occur (J?. Arfonensis, &c.), together with Cephalopoda, viz., Orthoceras seri- FIG. 17. Niobe Homfrayi. Palaearca Hopkinsoni. Orthis carausii. Group of Tremadoc Slate Fossils. ceum, and Cyrtoceras prcecox ; also Encrinites, and a starfish, Palasterina Ramseyensis. Altogether, as now known, the life of the time was richer than that of the Cambrian and Lingula flag strata, but all of these faunas are probably very imperfect and fragmentary in the British area. Physical Geography. 67 Leaving these details of stratification, I will now endeavour to catch a glimpse of the physical geography of our area during the time that the Cambrian, Lin- gula, and Tremadoc rocks were being deposited. I have already stated that the purple strata of the Cambrian series seem to me to have been deposited in inland fresh waters, subject to influxes of the sea, probably owing to occasional subsidence of the land ; in the same manner, for example, that in Tertiary times the Miocene strata of Switzerland and the Ehine were deposited in great fresh-water lakes, in areas that underwent local temporary submergence. The thick strata of sandstones in the Cambrian rocks of Merionethshire, indicate the neighbourhood of land, and in Caernarvonshire the numerous beds of sandstone and coarse conglomerate interstratified with mud deposits now slates, point not only to the proximity of land, but even give a clear idea of the kinds of rock of which that land was made. ' In the 8,000 feet of these rocks in Merionethshire there is very little slate, and even the 700 or 1,000 feet of interstratified slaty beds in Caernarvonshire are quite subordinate to the grits and conglomerates. * * * ' ' The structure of this land may be partly inferred from the nature of the pebbles in the conglomerate, which are water-worn, and consist of purple and black slates, quartz-rock, felspathic traps, quartz-porphyries, and jaspers.' The country from which these pebbles were derived must, indeed, have physically resembled North Wales of the present day, ' but except these pebbles no trace of that land remains in or near North Wales/ 1 Fragments of this old continent, however, probably still exist in the Laurentian rocks of the Outer He- 1 The Geology of North Wales,' p. 160. A. C. Ramsay. F 2 68 Physical Geography. brides, on the coast of the West Highlands, where ex- ceedingly red Cambrian sandstones and conglomerates lie quite unconformably on the Laurentian strata. While the Menevian and Lingula beds were being- deposited I think it more than probable that the pre- Cambrian continent still existed, for in the gritty strata that form a large part of the Lingula flags, and in the frequent presence of current marks (often called ripple- marks), there are many signs that these strata were de- posited in shallow water, and thus it would happen, that during the time when these and the Tremadoc beds were being formed, the whole area was undergoing a process of slow sinking, into which sediments were being constantly carried, just in proportion as the gradual de- pression went on, so that, in the long run, what witli the effects of sub-aerial degradation, and what with the results of progressing submersion, the old pre-Cambrian land of this neighbourhood finally was buried and disappeared. 69 CHAPTER VI. ARENIG, LLANDEILO, AND BALA BEDS. The Arenig Beds succeed the Tremadoc slates at St. David's in South Wales, and in North Wales they also overlie the Tremadoc slates between Towyn and the neighbourhoods of Dolgelli, Ffestiniog, Tremadoc, and Criccieth in Caernarvonshire, north of which they also occur in part of the country between Caernarvon and Bangor. They were first distinguished by Professor Sedgwick, and named Arenig slates, and afterwards termed lower Llandeilo beds by Sir Roderick Murchi- son, who had previously included them as part of the Llandeilo flags in his descriptions and sections of the Lower Silurian rocks that lie west of the Stiper Stones near Shelve, in Shropshire. In the large district of Merionethshire the Arenig slates appear at the base of the great volcanic series of felspathic lavas and ashes, of which the mountains of Cader Idris, Aran Mowddwy, Arenig, and the Moelwyns form distinguished features in the landscape. They are in these districts never more than about 800 feet in thickness, and the Arenig beds of Merionethshire, at their base invariably consist of beds of grit, sometimes conglomeratic. The higher strata of this sub-forma- tion are generally slaty. For reasons that will after- wards appear, I believe that the Arenig strata, on a 7o Arenig Slates. large scale, rest unconformably on the underlying rocks of North Wales. In Cumberland the Arenig slates form the moun- tains of Skiddaw and Saddleback, and from the borders of the Old Red Sandstone, a few miles further east, they stretch right across the country westward to Egremont and northward to Sunderland, south of which town, near Cockermouth, they are directly overlaid by the Carbon- iferous Limestone. In that country they have usually been called the Skiddaw slates. In Scotland the Durness strata belong to the same rocks. In Britain the fossils that belong to this part of the Silurian series are not very numerous, taken as a whole, though some groups are remarkably abundant. As far as observation has gone, Hydrozoa of the sub-class Graptolitidse first appear in these strata, including some 20 genera and 48 species. The greatest number of species belong to the genus Didymograptus, of which 20 species have been named, after which come Tetra- graptus, Diplograptus, Dichograptus, and Dendro- graptus. Eighteen genera and 47 species of Trilobites occur in the same rocks, including Agnostus (A. hirundo, &c.) ; Asaphus (A. Homfrayi, &c.) ; Ogygia (0. Sel- wynii, &c.) ; Trinucleus (T. Ramsayi, &c.) ; Calymene (C. parvifrons, &c.), and many others. Of Brachio- poda there are 7 genera and 18 species including three Lingulas, Lingulella Davisii and L. lepis, 7 species of Orthis, including 0. calligramma and 0. lenticu- laris ; 2 species of Obolella ; 2 of Discina, and others. Of Lamellibranchiata there are only 5 genera and 8 species known, including Modiolopsis trapeziceformis, Palcearca socialis, and P. amygdalus, Ctenodonta elongata, &c., and Redonia Anglica. Pteropoda of Llandeilo and Caradoc Beds, 71 the genera Thecci and Conularia are found, and 6 species of Bellerophon, and of Cephalopoda there are 5 species of Orthoceras. Of univalve shells we have only 3 species Pleurotomaria Llanvernensis, Ophileta, and Raphistoma, and several other fossils needless to enu- merate. In all, 184 species are known at present in the Arenig beds, mostly characteristic of these strata, for only about 8 per cent, pass upward into this horizon from the Tremadoc beds, a proportion of which go down into the Lingula flags, and about 7 per cent, pass up- ward into the Llandeilo flags. Though in Wales the base of the Arenig beds is clear, it seems as yet impossible to draw any definite physical boundary between the Arenig beds and the overlying Llandeilo slates, for there is nothing like un- conformity, and no marked lithological difference in the passage from one to the other. We have already seen that there is a very limited passage of species from the Arenig slates into those of the so-called Llandeilo series. 1 Just about this time an important episode took place in the history of the Llandeilo and Bala beds over large tracts of Wales and Cumberland, for a series of volcanic eruptions occurred on a great scale while the strata were being deposited (fig. 62, p. 322). To this subject I shall by-and-by return. In North Wales the Llandeilo and Bala or Caradoc beds combined, attain a thickness of from 4,000 to 6,000 feet, consisting chiefly of slaty rocks, sometimes inter- stratified with grits and occasional bands of limestone, of which the Bala Limestone is the most conspicuous. The whole series ranges right round the mountains of 1 The Llandeilo flasks of North Wales are very unlike those of Llandeilo, which are generally called Upper Llandeilo beds. 72 Llandeilo and Caradoc Beds. Cader Idris, Aran Mowddwy, Arenig, and the Moelwyns, resting on the lava beds and ashes, and overlaid on the east by Upper Silurian strata, fig. 57, p. 304. They also form, with igneous rocks, the larger part of the Berwyn mountains, and with the Arenig slates the whole of the ground between the Stiper Stones and the Upper Silurian rocks of Chirbury and Montgomery, fig. 13, p. 59. The typical Caradoc Sandstone, crossing the strike, ranges between Church Stretton and Caer Caradoc, from whence it stretches in a broad band northward towards the Wrekin, and southward to Corston. The greater part of South Wales is formed of slates and grits of Llandeilo and Caradoc age, lying west and north of the Upper Silurian and Old Red Sandstone strata, and the same formations, associated with volcanic rocks, rise like an island surrounded by Upper Silurian strata, in the country between Builth and Llandegley in Radnorshire. In South Wales, where they were first described by Murchison, the Llandeilo beds consist of sandy cal- careous flags, black slaty rocks, and beds of grit and sandstone. A few beds of limestone occur in them in Carmarthenshire, at Llandeilo, and in Pembrokeshire near Narberth ; and the Bala limestone is found higher in the series in the Caradoc or Bala beds of Merionethshire. They are often highly fossiliferous. There is a much larger development of fossils in the Llandeilo flags than in the pre-existing Silurian strata. The Trilobites of the Llandeilo beds are mostly peculiar to it, and the genera JEglina, Barrandia, and Ogygia are very common, Ogygia Buchii being especially cha- racteristic. Viewed as a whole, however, the Llandeilo beds, as already stated, pass insensibly into, and have many genera and species in common with the Caradoc Llandeilo and Caradoc Fossils. 73 FIG. 18. Euomphalus corndensis. Modiolopsis expansus. Palsearca amygdalus. Group of Llandeilo flag and Caradoc or Bala Fossils. 74 Llandeilo and Caradoc Beds. Sandstone or Bala beds. 19 genera and 34 species of corals have been described in these lower Silurian strata, among which Heliolites and Petraia are perhaps the most common. Fragments of Echinodermata are common, including Cystideans, common in the Bala Limestone, and one star-fish, Palceaster Caractaci. In all, more than 40 genera and 200 species of Trilobites have been described from the whole series of Lower Silurian British rocks, among the chief of which are species of Olenus, Ag- nostus, Ampyx, Lichas, Ogygia, Acidaspis, Asaphus, Harpes, Ulcenus, Phacops, and Trinudeus (T. Carac- taci). In the Caradoc beds alone, 23 genera and 111 species are known. Of bivalve shells there are 22 genera and 171 species of Brachiopoda, the most com- mon of which belong to the genera Strophomena, Leptcena, Lingula, Orthis, and Rhynchonella. Of the Lamellibranchiate molluscs there are 17 genera and 87 species known at present, prominent among which are Ctenodonta, Modiolopsis, Pterincea, Palcearca, and Ambonychia. Of Pteropoda there are known 6 genera and 31 species, of which Theca is most abundant; 16 genera and 66 species of Grasteropoda, the most characteristic of which in point of numbers are Euomphalus (10), Murchisonia (15), Pleuroto- wia/ria, Cyclo7iema,a,rLdHolopcea. Of Nucleobranchiata, Bellerophon (14). Of the Cephalopoda there are 10 genera and 62 species Cyrtoceras (5), Lituites (6), Orthoceras (42), Phragmoceras (1), and others. No fishes nor any other vertebrate animals have yet been found in the Lower Silurian rocks of Wales or elsewhere. In Cumberland the Coniston Limestone is believed to be the equivalent of the Bala Limestone of North Igneous Rocks. 75 Wales, and the assemblage of fossils in each is very nearly the same. I have already mentioned the occurrence of an im- portant episode characterised by volcanic eruptions, during the accumulation of the Lower Silurian strata in Wales. The proof of this is that in Carnarvonshire and Merionethshire extensive interstratified sheets of felspathic lavas and ashes are associated with the Silurian rocks on two horizons, the lower that of the Llandeilo beds, and the higher in the Caradoc series. I do not, however, wish to imply that between them there was a complete cessation of volcanic activity, but simply that in what is now the region of North Wales, there was for a time an interval of comparative repose. If any one will examine the Geological Survey maps of North Wales, he will observe that opposite Barmouth, beginning with the hills on the south side of the estuary of the Mawddach, a great series of igneous rocks sweep round the country in a crescent form, in- cluding the mountains of Cader Idris, Aran Mowddwy, the Arenigs, and lastly the Moelwyns, the high southern escarpments of which overlook from the north the beautiful vale of Ffestiniog. These consist of felspathic lavas, and interstratified ashes or tufas, the whole being also associated with bands of Silurian slate, which are sometimes found to be fossiliferous, especially when bedding and cleavage coincide. Among these volcanic rocks, but especially in the Arenig, Tremadoc, and Lingula beds below them, there are numerous lines and bosses of greenstones (diorites, &c.), and also of more purely felspathic traps, which are not interbedded but distinctly intrusive. These I have elsewhere shown give evidence of the underground working of the 76 Igneous Rocks. melted matter, the eruption of which to the surface through volcanic rents, produced the lava-flows and ashes already mentioned. The ashy beds are sometimes coarse and tufaceous, but were also often formed of fine volcanic dust, which being now consolidated into hard felspathic rocks, are at first sight somewhat diffi- cult to distinguish from the associated lavas. Practice, however, renders it comparatively easy, and in distin- guishing the difference, the observer is aided by the circumstance, that underneath each lava current the slates, once beds of mud, are apt to be baked and por- cellanised at the point of junction with the originally hot lavas, which having in the meanwhile cooled, the slaty beds that rest on them are in that respect un- altered. The second series of eruptions may be traced as follows. Near Bala, not far below the limestone, there are a few thin bands of volcanic ashes. These, as we go northward to the rivers Machno, Lledr, and Conwy, gradually thicken, and by-and-by get mingled in that slaty area with numerous thin and thick bands of felspathic lavas, the importance of which as large masses, culminates in Snowdon and the surrounding area, going northward by Grlyder-fawr, Grlyder-fach, Carnedd Dafydd, and Carnedd Llewelyn, and so on to Conway. South of Snowdon the same kinds of lavas and ashes are seen in force on the sides of Moel Hebog, and the great mass of Llwyd-mawr near Dolbenmaen. Other large bosses of intrusive rocks, mostly fel- spathic, occur on Y-Foel-fras, between Snowdon and Conway, another between Llanllyfni and Bethesda, a third near the eastern shore of Menai Straits, and many more including the beautiful mountains of Yr Eifl, or The Eivals, in the north horn of Cardigan Bay, Unconformity. 77 known as the district of Lleyn. These, ere exposure by denudation, probably were the roots of the volcanos, or in other words the deep-seated centres from whence the explosive force of steam drove out the lavas and showers of ashes, which, during successive eruptions, with minor periods of repose, got interstratified with the mud and sand beds that were deposited in the sea of the Llandeilo and Bala or Caradoc period. On a smaller scale similar volcanic rocks are inter- stratified with the Llandeilo and Bala beds of the Berwyn Hills, also of the Breidden Hills, and the hills west of the Longmynd and Stiper Stones towards Chirbury and Church Stoke, of the country between Builth and Llandegley in Eadnorshire, and in North Pembrokeshire from the ground round St. David's, ex- tending for many miles to the east, by Mathry, Fish- guard, St. Dogmells and Mynydd Preselley. The next question that occurs to me is, what was the nature of the physical geography of this area during the deposition of the Arenig slates, and also at a later epoch when the Llandeilo and Caradoc or Bala beds were being deposited. With regard to the Arenig slates in Pembrokeshire and Merionethshire, I know of no signs of unconformity, that is to say, of a lapse of time unrepresented by the deposition of marine strata either in Pembrokeshire or in Merionethshire, unless there be some symp- toms of it in the latter county. But when we go further north into Carnarvonshire, the case is different. There, at the widening of the Passes of Llanberis and Nant Ffrancon, the Lingula flags are not more than 2,000 feet thick, whereas further south, between Ffes- tiniog and Portmadoc, they are at least 4,000 feet in thickness. Furthermore, in those valleys in Caernar- 78 Physical vonshire there is, as yet, no 'certainty of the existence of the Tremadoc slates, and these ought to be found overlying the Lingula flags if the whole of the Silurian series were present. Still further, as we approach Caernarvon and Bangor, even the Lingula flags are absent, and the Arenig slates are found lying directly on the purple slates and conglomerates of the Cam- brian series all the way from Bangor to Caernarvon. This clearly shows that the base of the Arenig slates has overlapped the whole of the Tremadoc slates and Lingula flags, in the area between the Ffestiniog and Portmadoc country and the neighbourhood of the Menai Straits, and an overlap so great means uncon- formity between the strata ; or, in other words, in this area the strata of older date than the Arenig slates had been raised above the sea, and subjected to sub-aerial agencies of denudation, while the deposition of the Arenig slates was going on elsewhere. In this manner, therefore, it happens that the Arenig slates are now found resting directly on the Cambrian strata, without the intervention of the missing members of the series, viz., the Tremadoc slates and Lingula flags ; and still further north, in Anglesea, these strata are also wanting. The effect of this episode in the physical geography of the area seems to have been, that at this period a tract of land lay in the north- west of what is now Wales, and probably far beyond that district during the de- position of the Arenig strata on its borders, but what the features of that land were I cannot say, except that it may have extended to Ireland, where there is a similar unconformity, the Lingula flags and Tremadoc slates being also wanting in Wicklow. Probably the whole region was low and unimposing. The next question that arises is, what was the Geography. 79 nature of the physical geography during the time of the volcanic eruptions already mentioned ? To me it seems to have been somewhat of this sort. On the margin of the ancient land, or at some dis- tance therefrom, volcanic eruptions took place in the sea-bottom somewhat of the nature of that which in 1831 took place in the Mediterranean between the islands of Pantellaria and the south-west coast of Sicily. This eruption was preceded by an earthquake on June 28, and on July 10 John Corrao from his ship saw a column of water 60 feet high and 800 yards in circumference spout into the air, succeeded by dense steam, which rose to a height of 1,800 feet. On the 18th the same mariner found an island twelve feet high, from the crater of which immense columns of steam and vol- canic ashes were being ejected, ' the sea around being covered with floating cinders and dead fish.' l The eruption continued into August, when, by the ejection of what is often called volcanic ashes, viz., pumice, scoriae, and lapilli, on the 4th of that month the island was said to have been more than 200 feet in height and 3 miles in circumference. From that time it gradually decreased in size, owing to the action of the waves, and towards the close of the year the island had been destroyed and disappeared, leaving only a reef beneath the sea with a black rock in the centre, from 9 to 11 feet under water, and which probably marked the position of the funnel of the short-lived volcano. Before the eruption took place it so happened that Captain (afterwards Admiral) W. H. Smyth sounded on the spot in more than 100 fathoms, and this, added to 200 feet that the island rose above the sea, gives 800 feet as the height of the cone from the 1 Lyell's Principles of Geology,' vol. ii. p. 60, 12th edition. 8o Physical bottom of the sea to its summit. In a case such as this, it is easy to see that the ordinary marine sediments of the area would get intermingled with volcanic ashes, and possibly with submarine streams of lava. Explosions of steam accompanied by floating cinders are mentioned by Darwin as occurring at intervals in the South Atlantic ; and anyone who will tax his memory a little will recollect that a large proportion of the volcanoes of the world are islands, or in islands, in the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Indian Archipelago, and the Pacific Ocean, south and north. It has been often remarked that almost all volcanoes are in the neighbourhood of the sea. I think, then, at the time of the deposition of the Llandeilo and Bala beds of our area, our terrestrial scenery consisted of groups of volcanic islands scattered over the area of what is now North Wales and South Wales, and extending westward into the region of the Irish strata of the same age, and northward as far as the sea that then rolled where Cumberland now stands ; for there also volcanic rocks occur in great force, all of the same general character as those found in Wales. There is however, this difference between the two areas, that, whereas in Wales ordinary sediments are plentifully in- terstratified with lavas and ashes, and sometimes even lithologically intermingled with volcanic ashes, in the Cumbrian area it is only for a few feet at the very base of the volcanic series that interstratifications take place, the whole of the rest of these Silurian volcanic rocks of Westmoreland and Cumberland being quite destitute of any intermixture of marine sediments. Exclusive of intrusive rocks, the whole consists of purely terres- trial lavas, volcanic conglomerates and ashes, the latter often well stratified, for where showers of ashes fall Geography. 8 1 there layers of stratification will be formed, whether they fall in the sea or on land. It has been suggested by Mr. Ward that some of this fine volcanic dust fell into lakes that filled old craters or areas of subsidence during periods of partial repose, and this seems highly probable, for the finely divided matter is so beautifully stratified, that these beds were, and still are by some, mistaken for marine strata. When we consider the vast amount of these pro- ducts of ancient volcanoes, there can be no doubt that, rising from the sea, some of them must have rivalled Etna in height, and others of the great active volcanoes of the present day, and, as most volcanoes have a conical form, we can easily fancy the magnificent cones of those of Lower Silurian age. But that is all we know respecting them, and whether or not they were clothed, like Etna, with terrestrial vegetation, no man can tell. It is hard to believe that they were utterly barren, but as yet no trace of a flora has been found in Lower Silurian strata. There is another point bearing on the physical geo- graphy of the time that has sometimes crossed my mind in connection with these island volcanoes, which is, that we may, with some show of probability, surmise, that then, as now, the prevalent winds of this region blew from the west and southwest, for the following reason. In Merionethshire and Caernarvonshire the various volcanic products gradually thin out and disappear to the west, between the ground south of the estuary of the Mawddach, and the neighbourhood of Tremadoc on the north. As we pass round the large crescent- shaped masses of lavas and ashes it becomes evident as a rule that the ashy series of beds show a tendency to thicken more and more in an easterly direction for a space, and finally to decrease in G 82 Physical Geography. thickness in the same direction, till, in the Bala country and further north, they are represented only by a few insignificant beds of ashy strata, a character of which the Bala limestone itself sometimes feebly partakes. The idea is, that the prevalent westerly winds had a tendency during eruptions to blow the volcanic dust and lapilli eastward, and that these materials fell thick- est near the vents and at middle distances, and gradu- ally decreased in quantity the further east they were carried. To those unaccustomed to technical geological argu- ments a word of warning remains. Let no reader suppose that in Wales he will now find clear traces of these old volcanic cones and craters in their pristine form, such, for example, as the extinct craters of Auvergne and the Eifel. Semi-circular hollows sur- rounded by igneous rocks like those of Cwm Idwal anf* Cwm Llafar he will find plentiful enough, and these, in old guide-books and other popular literary produc- tions, have sometimes been described as craters. So far from that being the case, such cirques or corries are ancient valleys of erosion, the rocks of which have been exposed to the weather perhaps ever since Upper Silurian times, and have been subsequently modified by glaciers, during the last Glacial Epoch, in days, comparatively speaking, not far removed from our own. The truth about these ancient volcanoes is, that long after they became extinct the whole Lower Silurian area was disturbed and thrown into anticlinal and synclinal curves, which suffered denudations before the beginning of the de- position of the Upper Silurian rocks, and the positions in which the lavas and ashes now stand will approxi- mately be best understood, if we suppose Etna by similar disturbances to be half turned on its side, Lower Silurian Rocks, Scotland. 83 and afterwards that the exposed portion should be irre- gularly cut away and destroyed by processes of long-con- tinued waste and decay, partly sub-aerial and partly marine. The remaining areas in Great Britain occupied by Lower Silurian rocks lie in Scotland. The southern district extends from St. Abbs Head on the east to Port- patrick on the west coa?t, forming the uplands of the Lammermuir, Moorfoot, and Carrick Hills, fig. 55, p. 287. They chiefly consist of thick banded strata of grits and slaty beds, much contorted, and in the western part of the area, where bosses of granite and other igneous rocks occur, they are often metamorphosed. The fossils which they contain prove them to belong to the Llandeilo, and Bala or Caradoc series. In Wigtonshire great blocks of gneiss, granite, &c. are imbedded in the dark slaty strata near Corswall, and similar large blocks occur in Carrick in Ayrshire. Where they came from I cannot say, for all the nearest granite bosses in Kirkcudbrightshire and Arran are of later date than the strata amid which these erratic blocks are found. I therefore incline to the opinion that they must have been derived from some Lauren tian region, of which parts of the mainland and of the Outer Hebrides then formed portions, and when I first saw them I could, and still can conceive of no agent capable of transporting such large blocks, and dropping them into the graptolite-bearing mud, save that of icebergs. One of the blocks measured by me near Corswall, in 1865, is 9 feet in length, and they are of all sizes, from an inch or two up to several feet in diameter. Many persons have considered, and will still consider, this hypothesis of their origin to be overbold, but I do not shrink from repeating it, and I may mention that the same view o 2 84 Lower Silurian Rocks, with regard to these ancient boulder beds is held by Professor Greikie and Mr. James Geikie, who mapped the country. 1 The Lower Silurian rocks of the south, pass under- neath the Old Eed Sandstone and Carboniferous rocks of the midland parts of Scotland, and rise again on the north in the Grampian Mountains. A great fault, 1 I shall by-and-by have to notice the recurrence of glacial episodes at various epochs in geological history, a subject with which ever since 1855 I have had a good deal to do. (On Permian Breccias, &c. ' Journal of the Geol. Soc.' vol. ii. p. 185). It is diffi- cult to make out the ground on which all the old, and many of the middle aged geologists, have cast aside the various evidences that have been adduced in support of the recurrence of glacial epochs or episodes, especially as I remember no argument that has been brought forward, excepting that in old times, the radiation of in- ternal heat through the crust of a cooling globe, produced warm and uniform climates all over the surface, and that the further you go back in time the hotter they were. The Lias was accumulated in warm seas, and if so those of the Carboniferous times were warmer, and those of Silurian times warmer still, and I have heard a dis- tinguished geologist declare in a public lecture, that the tropical vegetation of the Coal-measures, was due to the heat that radiated outwards from the earth's crust, aided by that produced by the flaring volcanoes of that epoch ! Undoubtedly there must have been a geo- logically prehistoric time, when internal heat may have acted on the surface, and perhaps the sun may have been hotter than now, and that also had its effect. I, however, can see no signs of these internal and external interferences since the times in which the authentic records of geological history have been preserved, and these extend backward earlier than the Lower Silurian epoch. I recollect the time when what passed for strong arguments were urged to prove that the former great extension of the Alpine glaciers advocated by Agassiz, and the existence of glaciers in the Highlands, Cumberland, and Wales, proved by him and Buckland, were mere myths. Now, however, there is such a persistent run upon the subject, that more memoirs have been, and still are being, written about it, than per- haps on any other geological question. Coincident with this a beginning of the acceptance of the theory of the recurrence of glacial episodes, is slowly making its way both in England and the Continent. Scotland. 85 proved by Professor Geikie, runs at the base of that so-called chain right across Scotland, from the neigh- bourhood of Stonehaven on the east coast, to Loch Lomond on the west. Its effect is to throw down the Old Eed Sandstone on the south-east, partly against the Silurian rocks, and partly against volcanic tufas and other strata belonging to the Old Ked Sandstone itself. From that region, nearly the whole of the Highlands, from the Grampians to the north coast of Scotland consists of Lower Silurian rocks often intensely contorted, and formed of quartz-rocks and flagstones, gneissic and micaceous schists, clay slate, and chlorite slate. Associated with these, there are certain lime- stones, sometimes crystalline, but where less altered, sometimes fossiliferous, fig. 55, p. 287. One of these, near the base of the Silurian series, runs in a long band from Loch Erriboll, on the north coast, southward to Loch Broom, where for a space of about fifteen miles it is lost, to reappear between the east side of Sleugach and Loch Carron. The same limestone is well seen in the Island of Lismore in Loch Linnhe, and here and there on the sides of Strathmore or the Great Glen (a line of fault), through which the Caledonian Canal was constructed. Elsewhere in the Highlands, further east, streaks of limestone occur. Immense masses of granite here and there rise in the midst of the strata, one of the smaller of which forms great part of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain, 4,406 feet in height, and another the splendid peaks of the Island of Arran. No interbedded igneous rocks have yet been found among the Silurian rocks of Scotland. The strata of the Highlands, not of Lower Silurian age, are the Laurentian gneiss and Cambrian conglome- rates and sandstones already mentioned, intersected by 86 Lower Silurian Rocks, Scotland. so many noble Fiords between Sleat and Cape Wrath, while on the east there are large tracts of Old Red Sandstone, more or less extending from Thurso in Caithness to the Great Glen, Moray Firth, the river Spey, and yet further east. Fig. 55, p. 287. In times within the memory of the writer, all these metamorphic rocks of the Highlands were classed in Wernerian style as Primitive strata, thrown down in hot seas before the creation of life in the world. The progress of research showed that gneiss and other rocks now called metamorphic, are of many geological ages ; and the fortunate discovery of fossils in these strata, at Durness, by Mr. C. Peach, in 1854, showed them to be of Arenig age, a discovery the importance of which was at once seen by Sir Roderick Murchison, who by this means, revolutionised the geology of the greater part of the northern half of Scotland. Feeling anxious to have a second opinion respecting the justness of his new views, he asked me to accompany him on a long tour through the northern Highlands in 1859, when I mapped part of the country at Durness and Loch Eriboll, and the whole matter seemed to me so plain, that the wonder is, that any man with eyes ever dreamed of dis- puting it. In these days no one now thinks of denying the Lower Silurian age of the chief part of the gneissic rocks of Scotland, the features of which have been mapped by Professor Geikie, first in concert with Sir Roderick Murchison, and afterwards personally in more detail. 1 With regard to the physical geography of the time, little is certain but this, that almost the whole of the area now called Scotland was under the sea, during the time 1 See ' Geological Map of Scotland,' last edition, by Archibald Geikie, LL.D., F.R.S., 1876. Physical Geography. 87 that these Lower Silurian strata were being deposited. The only sign of pre-existing land, is found on the west coast between Cape Wrath and Loch Torridon, where the Llandeilo beds lie alike unconformably on the Cambrian and Laurentian strata. This proves, that when the lowest Llandeilo beds began to be depo- sited, the underlying rocks formed the eastern margin of a territory, of which probably our Outer Hebrides was only a part, but how far it may have stretched westward it is impossible to say. However that may have been, it seems certain that long before the uppermost strata of the Lower Silurian rocks of Scotland were deposited, these fragments of an older land, which are still pre- served on the west, had been long submerged and buried under the accumulating piles of the Silurian strata. That even then an extensive land lay not far off is certain, for the extent and great thickness of the Lower Silurian rocks affords a measure of the amount of waste of a pre-existing territory, the partial and gradual destruction of wnich, by all the agencies of denudation, provided mechanical sediments wherewith to form thousands of feet of Silurian strata of mud and sand, first consolidated, and long after metamorphosed into quartzite, gneiss, and mica-schist. This land may have occupied an area now covered by the Atlantic ocean. 88 CHAPTER VII. UPPER SILURIAN SERIES. THE strati graphical order of the UPPER SILURIAN SERIES is shown in the table p. 30. They were deposited under the following circumstances : The Lower Silu- rian rocks in large areas in the British Islands and in some other areas, were upheaved, more or less con- torted, and in many places suffered a great amount of denudation before the deposition of the Upper Silurian strata began, which, therefore, in various districts lie quite unconformably upon them. In the FIG. 19. 1. Cwradoc sandstone (Lower Silurian"). 2. Upper Llandovery beds. 3. Wenlock shale. 4. Wenlock limestone. 5. Upper Ludlow. 6. Aymestry limestone. 7. Upper Ludlow. 8. Old Red Sandstone. typical district of Wenlock and Ludlow the arrange- ment of the various subdivisions of these Upper Silurian strata is as shown in figs. 19 and 22, the bands of lime- stone generally forming bold terraces, that look north- Upper Silurian Rocks. 89 westward to the mountains of the Longmynd beyond Le Botwood and the beautiful valley of Church Stretton. Notwithstanding the unconformity mentioned above, there are in Wales, and partly in Shropshire, rocks containing suites of fossils, many of them peculiar to the horizon in which they occur, and a few common to Upper and Lower Silurian. Part of these strata, such as the Lower Llandovery beds, have been formed during minor oscillatory movements of sea and land. In South Wales, Stricklandinia (Pentamerus) lens occurs plentifully in these Lower Llandovery rocks, and sparingly in the Upper Llandovery rocks ; while P. oblongus occurs sparingly in the Lower Llandovery rocks, and in great numbers in the Upper Llandovery beds, on which rests the Tarannon shale. By far the larger part of the fossils of the Lower Llandovery rocks are, however, essentially of Lower Silurian type, and, besides, they are quite conformable with, and pass by easy lithological gradation into the underlying strata. With the Upper Llandovery or Pentamerus beds, 1 as they were formerly called, the case is very different, for in Shropshire they rest unconformably on the Cambrian and Lower Silurian rocks indiscriminately, and possess a beach-like character, being in places formed of pebbles derived from the rocks on which they rest, as in fig. 20, and in Eadnorshire near Built h, the Upper Silurian rocks including these Pentamerus-bearing strata, lie with extreme unconformity, alike on the lowest and the highest Llandeilo and Caradoc beds of that old volcanic area, as shown in figs. 20, 21, 22. My belief, therefore, is that these Upper Llandovery beds, which form the true base of our Upper Silurian 1 See fig. 23, p. 94, Pentamerus oblongus is so common in these strata that they were originally called Pentamerus beds. 90 Llandovery Beds. strata wherever they occur, were often beaches of the period ; and this is further proved by the fact that they are often conglomeratic, containing rounded pebbles derived from the rocks on which they rest, while, as at May Hill and Woolhope, they are coarsely sandy. From these facts we arrive at the conclusion that during the beginning of Upper Silurian times, part of FIG. 20. 1. Cambrian rocks. 2. Pentamerus limestone and conglomerate. the area now called Wales consisted of islands formed of Lower Silurian strata and volcanic rocks, round which the occasional consolidated beaches are still visible. Groing further into the physical geology of this epoch, we find that in South Wales the Upper Llandovery beds lie unconformably on a large scale on the Llandeilo and Caradoc series, a fact proved by the conflicting dips and strikes of the two sets of strata; while in North Wales, similar conflicting strikes, and the steady overlapping of the Upper on the Lower Silurian beds, proves the same fact, for east of Bala the base of the Upper Silurian beds lies about 2,000 feet above the Bala Limestone, while in the neighbourhood of Conway they almost touch that horizon. Another important point connected with the physi- cal geography of the period is that, after a time, the Lower Silurian islands and other areas began to undergo a process of slow depression beneath the sea. If we Physical Geography. 9 1 turn to the Shropshire area between Church Stretton and Chirbury, including the Cambrian rocks of the Longmynd, this is what we find. On the vertical and highly inclined strata of the Cambrian and Lower Silurian rocks, the conglomerates and limestones of the Upper Llandovery beds form in the lower country a kind of narrow fringe, surrounding great part of the area, and lying from 500 to 900 feet lower than the broad, flat- topped, and gently undulating hills of the Longmynd and Shelve. Almost on the highest level of one of these flats, at the well known Bog-mine, there is a small outlying patch of Upper Llandovery beds, formed of hard quartzose sandstone, at a height of 1,150 feet above the sea, as roughly indicated in the following diagram. FIG. 21. 1. Cambrian grits, &c. 2. Lingula flags. 3. Tremadoc and Llandeilo beds. 4. Pentamerus beds. 5. Wenlock shale. The inference is obvious, that these Pentamerus- bearing strata began to be deposited at the bases of the hills, and that by degrees, during a process of slow submersion, the sea crept on and on inland, accompanied by the deposition of marginal Upper Llandovery beds, till at length, like an island in the coral seas of the Pacific (but without the corals), this old Silurian Isle was entirely swallowed up and buried, deep beneath the succeeding great accumulations of Upper Silurian strata, which in the adjoining area of Wenlock and 92 Physical Geography. Ludlow are more than 3,000 feet in thickness. The original extent of this long-buried island, may have been about 24 miles in length by 14 in breadth, about the size of the Isle of Man. The same fate was undergone by the Llandeilo and Caradoc rocks, that with lavas, ashes, and intrusive greenstones, now lie between Builth and Llandegley in Kadnorshire. This island was, however, lower and smaller, its length having been about 20 miles, by 10 at its greatest breadth. That these two tracts of land stood as islands in an early Upper Silurian sea, I have no doubt ; and on grounds less definite, I am of opinion, that at the very beginning of the Upper Silurian epoch, the greater part of Wales, both south and north, formed land, some of it higher than now, for since that time the Lower Silurian rocks of that region have undergone great and repeated denudations. As, however, the deposition of the Upper Silurian formations progressed, a steady submersion took place of the neighbouring land, from the waste of which, sediments were derived ; but whether or not its highest mountains were swallowed up and buried before the close of the Upper Silurian epoch I am quite unable to say. That this entire burying of the Lower Silurian rocks of Cumberland took place, seems most probable ; and while the Lower Silurian rocks of the Highlands of Scotland, and the West of Ireland, certainly formed high land during the begin- ning of Upper Silurian times, I have no precise data by which to determine what was their subsequent fate. A section of the Silurian strata, as seen near Caer Caradoc and Wenlock, is shown in fig. 22. The same kind of development passes southward beyond Ludlow, forming beautiful scarped woody ter- Upper Silurian Rocks. 93 races, but beyond that into South Wales the limestones disappear, or are occasionally only very feebly repre- sented, and the whole consists chiefly of shales, some- times sandy, in which no definite lines of subdivision for the subformations can be drawn. FIG. 22. 1. Caradoc sandstone (Lower Silurian'). 2. Upper Llandovery limestone and sandstone^ lying unconformably on No. 1. 3. Wenlock shale. 4. Wenlock limestone. 5. Lower Ludlow shales, concretionary. U PP er Silurian. 6. Aymestry limestone. 7. Upper Ludlow sandy flags and shales. 8. Passage beds, and 9. Old Red Sandstone. Far east of this, at Usk, Woolhope, May Hill, the Malvern and Abberley Hills, and at Dudley and Walsall, the limestone formations (so-called) are well developed, while in North Wales the Upper Silurian rocks chiefly consist of shales and interstratified grits without any bands of limestone. Near Llangollen, where the shaly strata are much affected by cleavage, they become true slate. In Scotland, the Upper Silurian rocks occur between the Solvvay Firth and the Cheviot Hills, and are said to lie unconformably on the Lower Silurian strata. Further north they only occupy small areas near Lesmahago, and at the north-west base of the Pentland Hills. All of these formations are in general terms fossiliferous. The Wenlock limestone is in great part 94 Upper Silurian Fossils. FIG. 23. Strophomena euglypha. Protaster Miltoni. Pentamerus oblongus. Bellerophon dilatatus. IllEenus Barriensis. Calymene Blumenbachii. Phacops caudatus. Group of Upper Silurian Fossils. Upper Silurian Rocks. 95 formed of Corals, Encrinites, Mollusca, and Trilobites, Corals often predominating. The most characteris- tic shell of the Aymestry limestone is Pentamerus Knigktii. The grouping of fossils in the Upper Silurian rocks is in general terms much the same as in the Lower series, although new genera appear, but a very large proportion of more than 700 Llandeilo and Caradoc species were extinct in our area, only about 16^ per cent, being common to the Lower and Upper series. The Corals, which are in general not very numerous in British Lower Silurian rocks, have increased to 82 species of 27 genera, of which 15 genera and about 65 species are new. The Echinodermata (stone lilies) increase to 55 species, only 1 species of which, an Actinocrinus, is common to Lower and Upper Silurian rocks. Several new starfish appear, especially in the Upper Ludlow rocks. There is one true Echinus (sea-urchin), Palce- chinus. In Britain the Trilobites decrease to 30 genera and about 130 species. Among the Hydrozoa the Graptolites decrease to 3 species in Britain ; and there are about 20 known species of Polyzoa. There are 21 genera and 126 species of Brachiopoda. Among these, of the genus Atrypa there are 8 species. Athyris and Obolus appear for the first time in lists of fossils. Leptcena from 10, decreases to 6 species; Orthis from 58 to 21 ; while Rhynchonella increases from 12 to 16, and Strophomena decreases from 27 to 15. Of the genus Spirifera there are 3 species in the Lower Silurian rocks, and 8 in the Upper. In all, 2 1 genera and about 126 species of Brachiopoda are known in the British Upper Silurian strata, and 22 genera and 171 species in the Lower. The Lamellibranchiate mollusca in- crease from 17 to 18 genera, and from 71 to 87 species, 96 Bone Beds. most of the latter being new. There are 7 species of Pteropoda of 3 genera. It is remarkable that the described Gasteropoda only amount to 15 genera and 52 species, while in Bohemia, in equivalent rocks, 200 species, some years since, are mentioned by Barrande, and as many of the Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiate molluscs. Of the Nucleobranchiata 10 Bellerophons are known, and 7 genera and 53 species of Cephalopoda, among which the genus Orthoceras decreases from 42 to 35 species. Near the top of the Upper Ludlow strata there are several thin bone beds, containing teeth and scales of small Placoid fish of the genera Onchus (?) Sphagodus, and Thelodus. At present these are the oldest known fishes. They are found in strata which contain several species of the remarkable crustaceans Pterygotus and Eurypterus, some of which are small in size, while the largest Pterygotus, discovered by Dr. Slimmon near Lesmahagow, in the uppermost Silurian rocks, attained about 9 feet in length. The very uppermost Silurian beds in England sometimes, as, for example, near May Hill, contain the remains of land- plants, consisting of small pieces of undetermined twigs, and the sporecases of one of the Lycopodiacese Pachy- theca spherica. In these last-named facts there is much significance, bearing on the physical geography of the next so-called geological epoch, which will be explained in the sub- sequent chapter. In the meanwhile I may remark, that I use the words so-called geological epoch, in the same sense that the words epoch or period are employed in dealing with civil or political events. Taking the geological world, and the civil world, which deals with the history of man as parallel, there is no break in time Upper Silurian Fossils. 97 FIG. 24. Arachnophyllum typus. Cyathophyllum truncatum. Cyrtia exporrecta. Rhynchonella navicula. Petraia bina. Omphyma turbinata. Orthoceras annulatum. Group of Upper Silurian fossils. 98 Geological Epochs. in either case. In the latter, certain remarkable events induce us to break it into periods, characterised by special events, which were always led up to gradually by broad changes of power or of opinion. In the former, there are often great breaks in the chain of geological history r which, locally, are not filled up by stratigraphical deposits, and which under these circumstances form definite geological epochs, while in other cases (as in Civil history), the change of conditions was so great in given areas, that the new series of events may be locally classed as constituting new geological epochs. This is eminently the case when we attempt to realise the history of the Old Bed Sandstone, as locally and physic- ally distinct from that of the Contemporaneous Devonian, strata. 99 CHAPTER VIII. DEVONIAN AND OLD RED SANDSTONE ROCKS. IN 1836 Sedgwick and Murchison described the exist- ence in Devonshire of a series of rocks bearing fossils intermediate in character between those of the Upper Silurian series and those of the Carboniferous Lime- stone. This was done with the assistance of Mr. Lons- dale in all the palseontological part of the question, in which the argument chiefly lay. On these and certain stratigraphical grounds, it was considered that they are the equivalents of the Old Eed Sandstone of the centre of England and of Scotland, and the name DEVONIAN being applied to them, the terms Devonian and Old Ked Sandstone are generally considered as equivalents in point of geological time. According to the late Professor Jukes, the lowest strata of the Barnstaple Bay district in North Devon consist of red sandstones and conglomerates, similar to those of part of the Old Red Sandstone of Ireland, and not unlike that of the Mendip Hills. This, taken in connection with the resemblance of the overlying strata to the lower Carboniferous rocks of the south of Ireland, led him to consider the chief part of the Devonian rocks of Devonshire to be of Carboniferous age. To this con- clusion he was led partly by palaeontological considera- tions into which I cannot here enter. The opposite H2 ioo Devonian Strata. opinion, that the Devonian strata are in the main the 'marine equivalents of the Old Red Sandstone, continues to be generally held. Till a new survey of Devonshire helps to settle the question I give the usual reading of the history of the Devonian strata^ though I think it probable that Jukes will turn out to be correct in questioning the right of the Devonian strata to the conventional name of an independent series. In Devonshire the strata have been divided into Lower ; Middle, and Upper Devonian. The Lower chiefly consists of slaty beds and green and purple sandstones, with many Brachiopoda of the genera Chonetes, Orthis, Spirifera, &c. The Middle group, which includes the Plymouth limestone, contains numerous corals, the most common genera of which are Acervularia, Alveolites, Cyathophyllum, Favosites, Petraia, Strephodes, and the sponge Stromatopora. With these are found Encrinites, Spirifers, Atrypce, Leptcence, Productce, RhyncTionellce^ Stringocephali., and Calceola (G. sandalina) the last a genus peculiar to the Devonian rocks. Many Lamellibranchiate mol- luscs also occur, together with Gasteropoda of the genera Euomphalus, Loxonema, Machrocheilus, Murchisonia, Pleurotomaria, Turbo, &c. Also many Cephalopoda of the genera Clymenia, Cyrtoceras, Orthoceras, Goniatites and Nautilus. The last two are unknown in the British Silurian series, though Nautilus occurs in the Upper Silurian rocks of North America. The Groniatite may be roughly said to be intermediate in structure between the Nautilus and Ammonite. The latter does not occur in Palaeozoic strata. A few Trilobites are found in the British Devonian rocks, and various Crinoids. The Upper Devonian group contains land plants and many shells, some of which are FIG 25. Stnngocephalus Burtini. Bronteus flabellifer. Hcliolites porosus Favosites cervicornis. Group of Devonian fossils (marine) ; and two from Old Red Sandstone, the Cyclopteris and Anodonta (land and fresh- water), see p. 115. IO2 Devonian Strata. identical with those found in the Lower Carboniferous Limestone shales. There is in England a considerable diminution in the number of Devonian fossils when compared with those of the Silurian rocks. Thus about 1,500 species of Silurian fossils are named, while of marine Devonian we have under 400 species, and adding those of all kinds in the freshwater strata of the Old Eed Sand- stone, 535 species. Of corals, 11 of the genera only are also Silurian. Of Echinodermata, there are 10 genera and 21 species, only 3 of the genera being also Silurian; Crustacea, 13 genera, 35 species, 5 of the genera being also Silurian, including those found both in the Devonian rocks and the Old Red Sandstone. In the latter no Trilobites occur, but only Crustacea of the genera Eurypterus (6), Pterygotus (4) (fig. 26), Stylonurus (7), while in the Devonian formations of Devonshire we find 5 genera of Trilobites: Bronteus (B. flabellifer) Cheirurus 2, Phacops 6 5 Homalonotus 2, and Harpes J, all being genera common in the Silurian strata, though the species are distinct. Twelve of the Devonian genera of Brachiopoda occur in Silurian rocks, but of 96 Devonian species few pass downwards, and these are doubtful. The most prevalent genera of Brachiopoda are AtJiyris, Atrypa., Cyrtina, Orthis, Rhynchonella, Spirifera, Streptorhynchus, and Terebratula. Species of the genera Leptcena and Pen- tamerus decline in numbers, while Orthis, Rhyn- chonella, and Spirifera are much increased. Of 21 genera and 60 species of Lamellibranchiate molluscs, the species are all, or almost all, distinct from those of Siluria, while only 6 of the genera are the same. The most prevalent forms are Aviculopecten (10), Pterinea (9), Cucullcea (7), and Ctenodonta (7). Old Rea Sandstone. 103 Megalodon is characteristic. Of the 13 genera of Gasteropoda, 9 are Silurian, but of 47 species, all are distinct. The most prevalent forms belong to the genera Euomphalus (6), Loxonema (8), Macrocheilus (7), Murchisonia (5) (there are 22 in the Silurian rocks), and Pleurotomaria 8. There are 5 species of Bellerophon, and 52 species of Cephalopoda, all distinct from Silurian species. Of 6 Devonian genera, only Orthoceras, Poterioceras, and Cyrtoceras are Silurian. The most prevalent species belong to the genera Clymenia (11), Cyrtoceras (13), Goniatites (10), this being their first appearance in the British strata, and Orthoceras (15), (there being 67 known species of this genus in the Silurian rocks). It is stated that only about 10 per cent, of Upper Silurian fossils pass into the marine Lower Devonian strata. These two formations in England are, however, not found in contact, though they occur commonly enough in the regular order of succession on the Continent and in North America. About 10 per cent, of Lower Devonian fossils pass into the Middle Devonian, and about the same percentage from the Middle into the Upper. If this be true there may possibly be undiscovered unconformities between the subdivisions. THE OLD EED SANDSTONE, as distinct from the Devonian rocks, is undoubtedly intermediate in age to the uppermost Silurian and the lowest Carboniferous strata. It is sometimes difficult to determine its precise limits either at its base or its top. It first received its name in contradistinction to the New Red Sandstone, the former occurring below, and the latter above the Carboniferous strata. A vast triangular tract of Old Red Sandstone lies between the west coast of South Pembrokeshire, Bristol 1 04 Old Red Sandstone. Channel, the south and south-eastern borders of the Silurian rocks of Caermarthenshire, Breconshire, Rad- norshire, and Shropshire, and the long line of Carboni- ferous, Silurian, and New Red Marl strata that runs from Colebrook Dale to the Severn, east of Dean Forest. Fancy in your ' mind's eye ' the Carboniferous rocks of the great South Wales Coalfield, and of Dean Forest, to be stripped away, and the whole of the region men- tioned, of 120 by 90 miles in length and breadth, would consist entirely of Old Red Sandstone. The lower part is chiefly composed of beds of red marl and sandstone, with cornstones ; and the upper part contains strata of sandstone and conglomerate, forming the Beacons of Brecon, 2,860 feet high, these being the loftiest moun- tains in South Wales. Cornstones are impure concretionary limestones, often imbedded 'in marl. In these, at the base of the series, near Ludlow, are species of Pterygotus and Pterichthys, and higher up, of Onchus and Cephalaspis, thus correlating them by fossils to the Old Red Sand- stone of Scotland (fig. 26). Along the border of this formation, where the uppermost Silurian strata join the Old Red Sandstone, there is a gradual passage both palseontologically and in the colour and texture of the strata. The Eurypteri and Pterygoti chiefly belong- to these passage-beds, and in the same strata at the very base of the Old Red strata, in which there are no mollusca, are species of fish of the genera Auchenaspis, Onchus (?), Pteraspis. Cephalaspis, and Plectrodus. The Silurian marine mollusca, in fact, quickly'disappear where the beds begin to get red in colour, notwith- standing the perfect conformity of the two sets of strata in England and the borders of Wales, as, for example, in the neighbourhood of Ludlow. At Kington and Old Red Sandstone. 105 south of Builth, where true passage-beds occur, the ordinary shells of the Upper Ludlow rocks become far less numerous, and are almost all of small size, including species of Modiolopsis and ModMa, Lingula cornea, Platychisma helicites, a small Discina, a small Theca, a few small Crustacea, of the genera Leperditia, Gythe- rellina, &c. The water was freshening and getting unfitted for marine life. The remains of Cephalaspis Lyellii (fig. 26) are occasionally found all through the Old Eed Sandstone of this large area. The absence of marine shells and the nature of the fossil fishes of the Old Ked Sandstone long ago led Mr. Godwin- Austen to infer that the formation was deposited, not in the sea, as had always been asserted, but in a great fresh-water lake, or in a series of lakes. In this opinion I thoroughly agree, for the nearest living analogues of many of the fish are the Polypterus of the African rivers, the Ceratodus of Australia, and in less degree the Lepidosteus of North America. The red colour of the rocks also helps to the same conclusion. Each grain of sand and marl is red, because it is encrusted with a thin pellicle of peroxide of iron, which could not have been deposited from mere solution, as a crust enveloping each grain of sand at the bottom of a great open ocean ; but if car- bonate of iron were carried in solution into lakes, it might have been precipitated as a peroxide through the oxidising action of the air and the escape of the carbonic acid. 1 1 There is no analogy between the coarse red sandstones and finer marls of the Old Ked Sandstone, and the very fine red ooze dredged from the deeps of the South Atlantic. The latter is a residue produced by the decomposition of Foraminifera, and in no way resembles the coarse mechanical strata of Old Red Sandstone. io6 Physical Geography. The presence of land plants in the very uppermost Silurian strata, as, for instance, near Ludlow and May Hill, indicates the neighbourhood of land. The physical geography of the area was rapidly changing, marking the beginning of an evident Continental epoch. The subject is of so much importance, and when first propounded was considered to be such a dangerous innovation on established views, that I shall give the reasons in some detail, making use for that purpose of passages from my memoir ' On the Red Eocks of England, of older date than the Trias,' pub- lished in the ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' in 1871. The circumstances which marked the passage of the uppermost Silurian rocks into Old Red Sandstone seem to me to have been : First, a shallowing of the Silurian sea by accumulation of sediment, aided by slow up- heaval, which gradually produced a great change in the physical geography of the district, so that the old marine area became changed into a series of mingled fresh and brackish lagoons, which finally, by continued terrestrial changes, were converted into lakes ; and the occurrence of a very few genera or even species of fish and Crustacea, common both to the fresh and brackish or even salt waters, does not prove that the Old Red Sandstone is truly marine. At the present day, animals that are commonly supposed to be essentially marine, are occasionally found inhabiting fresh water. In the inland fresh lakes of Newfoundland, seals are common. They breed there freely, and never visit the sea. The same is the case in Lake Baikal in Central Asia, and it is on record that the inhabitants of the shores of the Sea of Aral, now brackish, were in old times clad in sealskins got from the seals that inhabited those Physical Geography. 107 waters ; and though these facts bear but slightly on my present subject, seals being air-breathing Mammalia, yet in some of the lakes of Sweden ordinary marine Crustacea are found. This may be accounted for in the way that I now attempt to account for similar peculiarities in the Old Ked Sandstone strata. These Swedish lake-areas were submerged after the close of the Glacial epoch ; and being deep basins (scooped out in a manner which I shall explain in a later chapter), while the land was emerging by upheaval, and after its final emergence, the salt water of the lakes fresh- ened so slowly, by influx of rivers, that some of the creatures inhabiting it had time by degrees to adjust themselves to new and abnormal conditions. * Again, we may suppose a set of circumstances such as the following : If, by changes of physical geography of a continental kind, a portion of the Silurian sea got separated from the main ocean, more or less like the Caspian and the Black Sea, then the ordinary marine conditions of the ' passage beds,' accompanied by some of the life of the period, might be maintained for what, in common language, seems to us a long time. The Black Sea was once united to the Caspian, and the Caspian to the Aral, forming one great inland sea, which under varying physical conditions, has more than once changed its form and extent. At all events, since its separation from the Black Sea the Caspian has been simply a great brackish lake. The Black Sea is now steadily freshening ; and it is easy to conceive that by a geographical change, such as the upheaval of the Bos- 1 For much valuable information on this subject, see 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.' third series, vol. i. 1858, p. 50, 'On the Occurrence of Marine Animal Forms in Fresh Water,' by Dr. E. von Martens : translated by Mr. W. S. Dallas. io8 Physical Geography. phorus, it might be converted into a fresh lake, if the supply of river water were sufficient to overbalance evaporation and secure an overflow. At present a great body of salt water is constantly being poured out through the Bosphorus, and its place taken by the fresh water of rivers. Owing, however, to the uncongenial quality of the freshening water, some of the Black Sea shells are strangely distorted, as shown by Edward Forbes. Or if we take the Caspian alone as an example, we have an inland brackish sheet of water, with a present area of 178,866 square miles, the surface of which is 83 feet below the level of the Black Sea. This, accord- ing to accepted zoological and physical views, was once united by a narrow strait with the North Sea. Changes in physical geography have taken place of such a kind that the Caspian is now disunited from the ocean, while its waters are still inhabited by a poor and dwarfed marine molluscan fauna, and by seals. If by increase of rainfall the Caspian became freshened, the loss of water by evaporation not being equal to supply, it would by-and-by, after reaching the point of overflow, be converted into a great fresh-water lake, larger in extent than the whole area now occupied by the British Islands and the Irish Sea. It is even conceivable that the great area of inland drainage of Central Asia, now holding many salt lakes, might in the same manner be so changed that all its lakes would become fresh and widened in extent, thus occupying areas larger than all the Old Ked Sandstone of Europe. Under these cir- cumstances, in the Caspian area we should have a passage more or less gradual from imperfect marine to perfectly fresh- water conditions, such as I conceive to have marked the advent of the Old Eed Sandstone. When the whole area was fairly separated from the sea, Physical Geography. 109 the sediments might by degrees get into a condition to get coloured red in the manner previously mentioned. We have a case in point in an old inland sheet of water, as shown by the Eed Marls of the extinct Miocene lakes of Auvergne in Central France. The uniformity of action here sketched may present a difficulty to some geologists, seeing that on the borders of South Wales the Upper Old Ked Sandstone, over a large space, overlaps the lower strata till they lie directly on Silurian rocks, and the same is the case in parts of Scotland. But on consideration these circum- stances do not present any real difficulty. If the great hollow in which the Dead Sea lies, were gradually to get filled with fresh water, and the whole by degrees became silted up, 1,300 feet of strata would be added above the level of the present surface, and the upper strata all round would overlap the lower, apparently much as the Old Ked Sandstone strata do in Wales and the adjoining counties. If the Caspian and other parts of the Asiatic area of inland drainage got filled with fresh water, the same general results would ensue. Like the recurrent circumstances that have attended the rise and falls of empires through all historical time, so geological history has often more or less repeated itself, somewhere or other on the surface of the earth ; and in this modern phase of Asiatic physical geography, it seems to me that we may have, so far as it has gone, a repetition of events, which, with minor variations, have happened again and again, in old-world geological epochs, the history of which I shall by-and-by have to record. The farther off geological records recede, like inscriptions in an unknown tongue, the more difficult are they to decipher ; the nearer they come to our own day, they are often more easy to read. i io Old Red Sandstone. In North Wales narrow streaks of Old Red Sand- stone here and there crop out between the Upper Silurian rocks, and the Carboniferous Limestone of Flintshire and Denbighshire, and the same with bands of corn stone forms the fine escarpment of Traeth Dulas in Anglesey, where the sandstone lies directly on Lower Silurian rocks. In the northern counties also, at Kirkby Lonsdale, Sedbergh, and Kendal, and all along the base of the Carboniferous Limestone between Orton in Westmore- land, and Greystock Park in Cumberland, patches and a long line of Old Eed Sandstones, marls, and con- glomerates occur. A broad belt of Old Red Sandstone crosses Scotland in a north-east direction between the Firth of Clyde and the Firths of Forth and Tay, and Stonehaven in Kincardineshire, and Montrose. Patches lie in Arran, Bute, &c. The whole lies unconformably on Lower Silurian clay slates, and dips to the south-east under the Carboniferous rocks that occupy the great central depression through which the Forth and Clyde chiefly run. On the south-east side of this broad undulating hollow the Old Red Sandstone again rises from beneath the Coal-measures with a general north-west dip, and skirting the Lammermuir Hills, strikes south-west into the sea south of Ayr. On the south side of the Lam- mermuir Hills, it again appears on the hills between St. Abb's Head and Hawick, dipping under the Car- boniferous rocks that, without a break, stretch from Berwick to the neighbourhood of Derby. North of Stonehaven detached patches of Old Red Sandstone occur on the mainland as far as Pentland Firth, beyond which it forms the greater part of the Orkneys, and small portions of the Shetland Islands. Old Red Sandstone. 1 1 1 The first patch lies between Fyvie and Penman Bay in Aberdeensbire ; the second forms both shores of Moray Firth and Dornoch Firth, and stretches a long way up the Great Valley of the Caledonian Canal, through which at one time I have no doubt it passed all the way to the Firth of Lorn, between Oban and the island of Mull ; and the third forms the greater part of Caith- ness. On the west coast a large tract of hilly ground between the neighbourhood of Loch Awe, Oban, and Kerera is chiefly formed of Old Red conglomerate. For the first compendious account of the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland the world is indebted to Hugh Miller, whose wonderful faculty of graphic description enabled him, unassisted, to describe the rocks and the remarkable forms of fish they contain, which till his time were almost altogether unknown. Something, however, still remains to be done, before the precise re- lations to each other of some of the parts of the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland are clearly established. The researches of Professor Greikie and other officers of the Geological Survey, have shown that, south of the Grampian Mountains, there is an upper set of strata, lying in basins unconformably on the lower Old Red Sandstone. Conglomerate often lies at the base of any part of the series that rests directly on the ancient slates and gneissic rocks, and occasionally thick conglo- merates are intercalated among the sandy strata on various horizons, as, for example, on Moray and Cro- marty Firths. These beds are sometimes thin, and sometimes of enormous thickness. Some of these con- glomerates are clearly volcanic breccias and ashy beds ; as, for example, on part of the Ochil Hills, south of the Firth of Tay, and from thence stretching westward at 1 1 2 Glacial Conglomerates. intervals to the Forth, near Bridge of Allan. The ordinary sedimentary conglomerates are frequently very coarse, containing both water-worn and subangular fragments of the underlying rocks from the waste (denudation) of which it has been formed. Some of the fragments I have observed of a yard in diameter, in the great band of conglomerate that lies at the foot of the Grampian Mountains, and others, true boulders, of equal size, on the north coast of Scotland, east of Strathie in Caithness. The Silurian gneiss of the Grampian Hills and of the Highlands in general, is much older than the Old Red Sandstone, and the same may be said of the strata of the Lammermuirs, both of which were disturbed and denuded before the depo- sition of the Upper Silurian rocks. Later denudations of the same rocks formed the vast conglomerate of Old Red rocks south of Dunbar. Some of these conglomerates possess a character which unmistakably marks them as glacial boulder clays. The stones are of all sizes, and not mere pebbles, and they are generally sub-angular, just like those of many of the boulder clays of the last Glacial Epoch. Like some of these boulder clays also, the stones are imbedded in a red marly paste, once un consolidated clay, and in similar conglomerates in the Cumbrian region, scratched stones have been found in some cases unmistakably resembling those which are allowed by all to have had their markings produced by the agency of glacier ice. A bold man might even go further, for opposite the mouth of the valley of Ullswater, at the outlet of the lake, there are great heaps of angular boulder-con- glomerate, culminating in the big mound-like hills of Mell Fell and the neighbourhood, the stones cemented in a marly base. It is an obvious fact to skilled Old Red Sandstone. 113 geologists, well known to those of the Geological Survey, who mapped the ground, that some of the valleys of Cumberland are of older date than the deposition of the Old Eed Sandstone, and standing on the ground it was impossible for me not to fed the idea, that Mell Fell and Little Mell Fell look like, and may be, the relics of an old moraine, shed from a glacier of Old Red Sandstone age, that flowed down a valley far older than that of modern Ullswater, and long before the special hollow in which the lake lies was formed. The mountains were much higher than now, for since then they have undergone an immense amount of denudation. In Scotland fishes are more or less found in all the broader districts occupied by Old Red Sandstone, but it was chiefly in the north, in Caithness, and on both sides of Cromarty and Moray Firths, that Hugh Miller made his wonderful discoveries of fossil fishes of many species. They are found generally in bituminous schists and flags with occasional nodular concretions, and lie in various minor horizons among red and varie- gated sandstones and conglomerates, which contain the remains of many fish of the genera Diplopterus, Coccosteus-) PterichikyS) Diplacanthus, Osteolepis, Glyptoloemus, Dipterus, Holoptychius, Cephalaspis, besides Crustacea, such as Pterygotus 9 and the small bivalve Estheria Murchisonice. (Fig. 26.) Most of the genera belong to a sub-order of Ganoid fish called Crossopterygidce by Huxley, from the fringe- like arrangement of the fins, a sub-order several species of which are still living in the rivers of Senegal and in the Nile. I have specially mentioned these circumstances, for the purpose of keeping before the mind of the reader the broad fact that the Old Red Sandstone, as a whole, is I FIG. 26. Pterygotus Anglicus. Cephalaspis Lyelii. Group of Old Red Sandstone fossils. Physical Geography. 115 distinct in space, if not in time, from the marine Devonian strata, for in most books both are generally included under the term Devonian, and the ordinary reader makes no distinction between them. There is, however, this marked distinction, that one is of marine and the other of fresh- water origin, and therefore that the latter belongs to a broad Continental area, outside the shores of which our British Devonian beds were deposited, while in other areas, such as part of Russia, the intermingling of fresh-water and marine inter stratifications seems to imply a set of estuarine conditions. That our Old Red Sandstone, to the very top, was of fresh-water origin is evident, not only by the presence of special genera of fish, but also in the rocks of Dura Den, of a fresh- water shell, Anodonta Jukesii, and of ferns, Adiantites Hi- bernicus and Cyclopteris, also Lepidodendron, &c. The shell proves fresh water, and the plants the vicinity of land. See Fig. 25, p. 101. When all the foregoing statements are fairly con- sidered, it seems to me that we obtain sufficient mate- rial from which to form a conception of the physical geography of our area during the deposition of the Old Red Sandstone ; as follows : In a mountainous region of which the Scandinavian chain formed part, the lakes of the Old Red Sandstone epoch lay ; for patches of these strata opposite Scotland, and bordering the sea, lie on the Norwegian coast. What was the extent of the Great Lake in which the central Scottish strata were deposited I am unable to say, for they strike out to sea in the Firth of Clyde on the west and to the North Sea on the east coast, forming a stretch of country 100 miles in length by about 60 in breadth. Whether or not, the Old Red Sandstone of i 2 1 1 6 Physical Geography. this area was originally united to that which borders the Firths of Moray and Dornoch, and from thence on to the sandstones of Caithness and the Orkneys, I cannot tell, though it has been usually stated that the eastern side of the Lower Silurian rocks and the Grampian heights were continuously fringed by Old Bed Sandstone. It seems to me, however, to be not unlikely, that as the great Grampian range south of the Dee even now attains to heights of about 2,000 feet in Kincardineshire, in older times, having suffered much less from denudation, they were higher than now, stretched further east, and possibly formed an effectual barrier between two lake-areas in which Old Eed Sandstone was deposited. But even if the red sandstones of the whole of Scotland were once united to those of the coast of Norway, in one continuous stretch of inland water, it is not without parallel in the living world, for the brackish Caspian lake occupies a larger area, and it has been said that even in his- torical times the Caspian was larger than now. The great fresh-water lakes also of North America, from Lake Superior to Lake Erie, exclusive of Ontario, oc- cupy an area far larger than the whole of Scotland with all its islands. Three of these lakes, Superior, Michi- gan, and Huron, practically form one sheet of water, united by straits somewhat analogous to those of the Bosphorus and Hellespont ; and the lowest of these, Lake Huron, is only 37 feet below the level of Lake Superior, while Erie is 36 feet lower than Lake Huron, with a distance of more than 70 miles between them, part of which is occupied by Lake St. Clair. When we try to realise the kind of scenery of this old period, we are led to something of this kind. The lake or lakes, was or were, more or less encircled by high Physical Geography. 1 1 7 mountains, and on the banks, and perhaps as occasional islands, volcanic cones disgorged streams of lava and discharged showers of ashes and stones, to be interstrati- fied with the ordinary sediments, in a manner analogous to that which accompanied the deposition of the Miocene strata in Auvergne and other areas in what is now central France. At the same time, from the lofty moun- tains that now form the Highlands, but higher then, glaciers descended into the water, and fleets of icebergs floated hither and thither, and, melting, dropped their moraine matter to intermingle with other sediments, while further south, in Cumbria, similar glaciers de- scended from the ancient mountains, higher and dif- ferent in form from those of modern date in the same area. In a region still further south, we come to the lake in which the Old Eed Sandstone of South Wales and the adjoining counties was deposited. These strata certainly spread further north and west than the edge of the main mass does now, a fact shown by the large outliers by Presteign, Clun, and Bettws Crwyn in Montgomeryshire. Making an allowance for this ex- tension, the lake must have been not less than about 100 miles in length, by a breadth varying from 70 to 100 miles, for traces of Old Eed Sandstone have been proved in deep borings through the coal-measures at the south end of the South Staffordshire coal-field. Away in the distant west, rose the lofty mountains formed in part of the far more ancient Lower Silurian rocks of North Wales, but no contemporaneous volcanic rocks are anywhere found among the Old Red Sandstone strata that were deposited in the adjacent lake, the eastern shores of which were, I think, low and unim- posing. n8 Plants. Respecting the vegetation of the country there is little to say, for the ferns and lepidodendrons afford but feeble and fragmentary evidence. It may have been that the whole region stood at a comparatively high and bleak level, or it may be that the plant-bear- ing localities remain to be discovered. This, however, we know, that in North America, in equivalent strata, there lie buried the remains of a large and luxuriant flora, which generically has close affinities with that of the succeeding Carboniferous Epoch. Such plants as we have lie, some at the base, and others near the top of the British Old Eed Sandstone, which, indeed, in some areas gradually merges into the Carboniferous strata, that, under varying marine and wide-spread terrestrial con- ditions, form the next stage of one long Continental Epoch. 119 CHAPTEE IX. CARBONIFEROUS SERIES. CARBONIFEROUS EOCKS. In the south and middle of England, the Carboniferous rocks consist chiefly of Limestone at the base and Coal-measures above. In- cluding the South Wales, the Forest of Dean, the Somersetshire and other areas, a typical section of the beds is as follows : Feet. Feet. Coal-measures 1,000 to 12,000 Millstone grit 500 , 1,000 Yoredale rocks 100 Carboniferous or Mountain Limestone . 500 Carboniferous Limestone shale . . .100 Yellow Sandstone with plants, Ireland, &c. 100 1,000 2,500 500 200 Generally resting on Old Red Sandstone. The Yellow Sandstone beds often form a passage from the Old Eed Sandstone to the Carboniferous rocks, and the plants have carboniferous affinities. The ac- companying shales in Pembrokeshire and elsewhere, contain numerous fish-teeth, Spirifers, Productas, and a few Lingulas ; and the Carboniferous Limestone, which is more than 2,000 feet thick in South Wales, and in Somersetshire, is so highly fossiliferous that it may be stated that the whole of the limestone once formed parts of animals. The lowest 500 feet consists chiefly of fragments of Encrinites. The Yoredale rocks of Yorkshire have no precise lithological parallel in 1 20 Coal-measures. South Wales and Somerset. They consist chiefly of shales and sandstones, with marine shells and occasional land-plants. The Millstone grit of South Wales is comparatively unfossiliferous, but sometimes contains the remains of plants, and more rarely Orthoceras and other marine shells. The Coal-measures and Millstone grit of Monmouth- shire, Glamorganshire, and Pembrokeshire, lie in a great oval basin, encircled by a rim of Carboniferous Limestone, beneath which lies the Old Red Sandstone. The Coal-measure beds alone were estimated by Sir William Logan at from 10,000 to 12,000 feet thick. They consist of alternations of sandstone, shale, fireclay or underclay, coal, and ironstone. There are about 1 00 beds of coal in the field, many of which are workable, chiefly in the lower part of the series, where the prin- cipal ironstones also occur. In the shales and sand- stones large stems of plants are sometimes found stand- ing vertically, in the positions in which they grew. Underneath each bed of coal is a bed of underclay with Stigmaria, forming the soil in which the plants were rooted, by the decay of which, passing through the stage of peat, material was supplied for the subsequent production of coal. Stigmaria, once supposed to be a special plant, was first proved by Mr. JBinney to be the root of Sigillaria, and about the same time Logan showed that the underclay was a soil that lay invari- ably underneath beds of coal, and indeed that these roots and rootlets are in every underclay. The plants (the decay of which formed beds of coal) consisted largely of gigantic club-mosses, such as Lepidodendron and Calamites (Equisitacese) of various species, and many other ferns, with a few Coniferse, &c. Passing from east to west in this coal-field, the coals Coal-measures. 121 (sometimes the very same beds) gradually change from so-called bituminous to anthracitic varieties. It is remarkable that anthracite usually occurs in coal- fields the strata of which have been much disturbed and contorted, as, for instance, in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Anthracite is simply a metamorphic variety of coal ; and in Pembrokeshire, where the coals are most anthracitic, the strata have been violently contorted. There is a connection between the heat that produced metamorpljism and the lateral pressure that produced contortion, for pressure with movement is convertible into heat. A line of disturbance passes from the banks of the Wye south of Builth, through the north part of the coal-field south of Llandeilo, and from thence westward into Pembrokeshire, where masses of igneous rocks appear in contact with the coal-field. In connection with this, it may be that the rocks of the coal-field remained a long time highly heated, and so, by a species of distillation, deep under ground, the bituminous were converted into anthracite coals. FIG. 27. 1. Old Red Sandstone. 2. Carboniferous Limestone. - 3. Millstone Grit. \ Carboniferous series. 4. Coal measures with beds of coal. J Dean Forest may be looked on as an outlier of the South Wales coal-field. Fig. 27 may be supposed to represent the arrangement of the strata on the east side of this very perfect basin. The limestone is about 700 122 Coal-measures. feet thick, and the Coal-measures, according to De la Beche, 2,765 feet. The limestone contains brown haematite iron ore in cavernous holes. There are in the field 23 chief beds of coal. The Bristol and Somersetshire coal-field was also originally joined to the South Wales Carboniferous rocks, till separated by denudation. The Carboniferous Limestone series near Bristol, and on the Mendip Hills, is about 2,500 feet thick, containing the usual marine fossils in great variety. The Coal-measures and Mill- stone grit of the Bristol and Somersetshire coal-field lie in a basin, the base of which is formed of this limestone. The Coal-measures are altogether about 7,000 feet thick, and consist of an upper and a lower series, sepa- rated by thick beds of grit, called the Pennant rock, about 2,000 feet in thickness, and which itself holds beds of coal, some of them of value. Altogether they contain about 46 beds of coal, with a total thickness of about 98 feet. A large part of this Carboniferous basin is unconformably covered by New Eed marl and Liassic and Oolitic strata, and here and there portions of the coal-field are exposed by denudation of the New Eed marl between Bristol and the Mendip Hills, where the beds rise rapidly, and a narrow strip of Coal-measures skirts the Mendip limestones, the whole dipping north at high angles. Similar Coal-measures probably under- lie the marshes, and part of the secondary strata south of the Mendip Hills. These three coal-basins, South Wales, Dean Forest, and Bristol, once united, have only been separated by denudation similar to that shown at p. 33. In the case of these coal-fields the intervening spaces are anti- clinal, and the basins synclinal curves, and therefore it is not only possible, but probable, that other coal-basins Coal-measures. 123 may lie far to the east beneath the Oolitic, Cretaceous, and Eocene strata of the London basin. The Culm -measures of Devonshire, though of true Carboniferous age, and probably representing much of the series, are nearly unproductive of coal. Near their base there are intermittent thin streaks of limestone, which may feebly represent part of the great masses of Somerset and South Wales, just as the thin worthless coals represent the numerous seams of these coal-fields. But the conditions of deposition in the areas were apparently very different. In the Devonshire area the purely terrestrial intervals, marked by the growth of land plants in situ, seem to have been infrequent and transitory, and from bottom to top common aqueous strata prevail. Further north, in the neighbourhood of Newent, narrow bands of poor Coal-measures are barely trace- able between the Old Red and the New Red Sandstones, and still further north, round Bewdley, there lies the coal- field of the Forest of Wyre, consisting of strata by no means very productive of coal-beds. They lie directly on the Old Red Sandstone, the Carboniferous Limestone being absent. The Coalbrookdale coal-field joins that of the Forest of Wyre, and lies partly on a thin deve- lopment of Carboniferous Limestone, and partly unconformably on Upper Silurian rocks. On the north- west, the lower part of the New Red Sandstone is faulted against it, and on the east it is overlaid by Permian strata. It contains several bands of good nodular ironstones, which often yield Producta, Conu- laria, Orbicula, Limulus, and other marine remains, and in some of the strata fossil beetles, dragonflies, and spiders have been found. There are in places 22 beds of coal in this field, about 10 of which are workable, some 1 24 Coal-measures. of them from 3 to 6 feet thick, with beds of under- clay, the whole being interstratified with shales and sandstones. The total thickness of these Coal-mea- sures is about 1,000 feet. The adjoining coal-fields of Le Botwood and Shrewsbury are comparatively of minor importance. The North Wales coal-field in all essen- tial geological points resembles that of South Wales, and lies on the Carboniferous Limestone, which is from 800 to 1,000 feet thick. South of Wrexham the whole dips east under the Permian rocks, and further north under the New Eed Sandstone. The Denbighshire part con- tains at least 17 beds of coal, most of which are worked, and the Flintshire part at least 12 beds. A small fragment of the same strata occurs in the central part of Anglesey. It is underlaid by the Carboniferous Limestone, and on the south-east is faulted against the Cambrian rocks. Permian strata overlie it, but the smaller faults and a greenstone dyke which affect the coal do not pass through the Permian beds, which lie unconformably over all. In the centre of England the basement beds of the South Staffordshire coal-field rest directly on the Wenlock Limestone of the Upper Silurian series. This field, in the northern part, contains 14 beds of coal, (retting closer to each other by degrees in the south, several of these coalesce to form the thick coal, in places 40 feet in thickness, with two thin partings. The rocks are pierced by basalts and a white felspathic -looking trap, which has charred the coals at the points of junc- tion, and is undoubtedly connected with the great basaltic mass, called the Eowley Eag, that overlies the Coal-measures. The New Eed Sandstone on the east is faulted against the Warwickshire coal-field, and generally over- Coal-measures. 125 laid by the Permian rocks on the west. It contains six beds of workable coal, besides ironstone, and on the south, where the strata pass under the Lower Keuper Sandstones, several of these, as in South Staffordshire, coalesce to form two beds of coal. The lower part of the Coal-measures is traversed by several lines of intru- sive dioritic greenstones running in the line of strike. The Ashby-de-la-Zouch coal-field is overlaid by the New Red Sandstone, and partly underlaid by the Car- boniferous Limestone, and partly, probably, by a con- tinuation of the Cambrian rocks of Charnwood Forest. It is divided into two districts or minor basins the eastern, containing 1 5 beds of coal, 1 1 of which are workable ; and the western 1 1 beds. Nine are of superior quality. The Coalbrookdale, South Staffordshire, and Warwickshire coal-fields present so many points of resemblance, that undoubtedly they were all originally formed as one coal-field, and even now in great part may be continuous in the districts that lie between, concealed by Permian and New Red strata. North of this coal-field the Carboniferous rocks are somewhat modified in details. Between Derbyshire and Berwick they stretch north and south without a break for 200 miles, by about 60 miles in width. At the southern end, near Derby, the New Red Sandstone over- lies them. West of Cheadle, along the edge of the North Staffordshire coal-field, they are generally faulted against the Permian rocks, north of which lie the coal- fields of Cheshire and Lancashire. The Carboniferous Limestone and Millstone grit rise between these coal- fields, forming the hills of Derbyshire ; and the Coal- measures are thrown off on either side of the anticlinal axis, forming, in the east, the Derbyshire and Yorkshire coal-field, and on the west those of North Staffordshire, 126 Coa l-measures. Cheshire, and Lancashire. Three or four beds of igneous rock, called loadstone, lie in the limestone. The Mill- stone grit of these areas is much mingled with shale, and between it and the Carboniferous Limestone there are often thick beds of shale and sandstone, called the Upper Limestone Shale, or Yoredale rocks. North of the Kibble the Carboniferous Limestone itself is divided by numerous interstratincations of sandstone and shale, with occasional beds of thin coal, and this increasing in the northern parts of Northumberland, the equivalents of the southern mass of Carboniferous Limestone die away into a few subordinate beds of limestone, and fairly pass by degrees into a lower coal-field, with several poor beds of coal. The Lancashire, Cheshire and North Staffordshire coal-fields, exclusive of the Millstone grit, vary from about 3,500 to 7,500 feet in thickness, counting from the beds on which the unconformable Permian strata happen to rest. They include about 30 coal-beds in North Staffordshire, in Lancashire 14 good seams about St. Helens, 15 at Wigan, 16 between Manchester and Bolton, and 13 at Burnley. Many of these, which in different districts go by different names, are equivalent beds. Fish remains and many marine and estuarine or fresh water shells occur among the interstratified shales and sandstones. There are also many beds of ironstone. The Nottingham, Derbyshire, and Yorkshire coal-fields united give about 1 5 beds of workable coal. All these are ironstone areas, and North Staffordshire is the great pottery district of England. The finer clay is imported, only the coarser qualities for tiles, &c., being native. The Newcastle coal-field is about 1,600 feet thick, and contains about 16 beds of coal throughout the Igneous Rocks. \ 2 7 district. The lower coal-field of Northumberland, as already stated, is of the age of the Carboniferous Limestone series of Wales, and the Berwickshire coals of Scotland are of the same general age. There is another much smaller coal-field near Ingleton in North Lancashire which contains 8 beds of coal, and in Cum- berland the Whitehaven Coal-measures, which lie on the Carboniferous Limestone, have 14 beds. The great Scottish coal-fields lie in a broad syn- clinal curve, in which are the valleys of the Clyde and Forth. Beneath the Calciferous Sandstone and Carbon- iferous Limestone series, Old Eed Sandstone, underlaid by Silurian rocks, rises on the south-east between St. Abb's Head on the east and Grirvan on the west ; while on the north-west the Old Eed Sandstone resting on the Lower Silurian rocks of the Highlands, rises from beneath the same Carboniferous strata between the Frith of Tay and the Clyde, near Dumbarton. The whole tract is about 100 miles in length, by 40 to 50 in breadth. The lower Carboniferous strata are much intermin- gled with igneous rock, sometimes felspathic, sometimes augitic. Some of these are intrusive, but large masses consist of truly interbedded lavas, associated with strongly marked and thick strata of volcanic ashes and conglomerates, well seen, for example, on the cliffs between Dunbar and Belhaven. The Carboniferous Limestones, which in occasional bands overlie the Cal- ciferous Sandstone, do not lie in a mass at the base of the Coal-measures, but, as in the North of England, the limestone occurs in several beds, chiefly in the lower part of the series, interstratified with beds of sandstone, shale, and occasionally of coal. In Linlithgowshire and the Campsie Hills limestones are interbedded with trap. Marine, fresh or brackish water, and terrestrial 128 Coal-measures. alternations are of constant occurrence. In some cases in East Lothian, beds of fireclay, with Stigmaria, and thin layers of coal lying on old terrestrial soils, im- mediately underlie marine limestones with Productas. In the Dalkeith coal-field valuable beds of coal with shales, &c. are interstratified with a thick series of beds of Carboniferous Limestone. The Burdiehouse brackish water limestone in East Lothian is the lowest of the limestones, and yields many small bivalve Crustacea of the genus Estheria, besides fish of the genera Mega- licthys and Holoptychius. In the East and Mid Lothian coal-fields about 20 beds of workable coal occur, besides many smaller layers. Eleven workable beds of coal are known above the Millstone grit or Moor rock, and 17 asso- ciated with the Carboniferous Limestone beds below the Millstone grit. The Carboniferous strata of the Lothians cross the Firth of Forth beneath the sea, and form great part of Kinross and Fife, where there are 29 workable beds, one of which is 21 feet, and others from 5 to 9 feet in thickness. The western part of the basin in Lanarkshire and Ayrshire yields 8 or 10 workable coal seams. It is in these districts that the well-known black-band ironstones occur. I have already said that the South Wales, Dean Forest, Bristol and Devonshire Carboniferous areas originally formed one, and have been separated by disturbance of the strata and subsequent denudation. The same kind of original continuity may be inferred concerning all the coal-fields of the middle of England, North Wales, and northward to Cumberland and North- umberland, and the latter was even probably joined to the great coal-field of central Scotland. After the close of the Carboniferous epoch, this large area was Carboniferous Limestone Fossils. 129 also thrown into a series of undulating anticlinal and synclinal curves, great denudations occurred, and the result was that the individual coal-fields now lie in basins often separated from each other by intervening tracts of Millstone Grit and Carboniferous Limestone. Sometimes portions of these basins are concealed by unconformable overlying Permian and New Red strata. Thus, the Northumberland and Durham coal-field is pro- bably a basin, partly out at sea, and the southern edge of which is overlaid by Magnesian Limestone. The Yorkshire and Derbyshire coal-field is in my belief another basin, the eastern half of which must crop up against the Magnesian Limestone, deep under ground, and miles to the east of where it first dips beneath that limestone. The Lancashire and North Wales coal- fields also form parts of another great basin, in places probably 6,000 feet or more beneath the New Red Marl of Cheshire. These statements will be more easily un- derstood by referring to figs. 63, p. 325, and 115, p. 601. In the purely marine strata of the Carboniferous series, of which the Carboniferous Limestone forms the most important part, we find that more than 30 genera and about 100 species of Corals have been named. Among the most common are species of the genera Cyathophyllum, Clisiophyllum, Syringopora, Litho- strotion, and Zaphrentis. Crinoidea are numerous, the most common of which belong to the genera Actin- ocrinus, G'yathocrinus, Platycrinus, Woodocrinus, and Poteriocrinus ; 3 species of Echiniclse also occur. Trilobites are scarce in the Carboniferous rocks, the most characteristic genera being Griffith/idea and Phil- lipsia. Among other Crustacea there are Estheria, Eurypterus, Prestwichia, Belinurus, and Limulus. Polyzoa are common. Brachiopoda are also exceedingly FIG. 28. Pleurorhynchus minax. Gomatites spharicus. Phillipsii Aviculopecten Derbiensis. sublobatus. Euomphalus pentangulatus. NautUus biaiigulatus. Group of Carboniferous Limestone Fossils. Coal-measure Fossils. 131 numerous, and comprise 18 genera and 160 species, the most strikingly characteristic of which are Productus, Spirifera, Rhynchonella, and Terebratula. The genus Orthis only yields 12 species, a great decrease when com- pared with its development in Silurian seas. There are 334 species belonging to 49 genera of Lamellibranchiata, which, unlike their comparative development in Silurian rocks, far exceed the Brachiopoda, both specifically and generically, indicating a remarkable approach to the types of Secondary times, in which Lamellibranchiate molluscs by far predominate. The most common of these are Aviculopecten, Posidonomya, Area, Conocardium, Edmondia, Modiola, Nucula, and Sanguinolites. Of Gasteropoda, there are 29 genera and 206 species, among which are many species of Euomphalus and Pleurotomaria. Of the Nucleobranchiata, 23 species of Bellerophon are known, and 148 species of Cephalopoda, the chief of which are Ooniatites, Nautilus, and Orthoceras. Ninety-nine genera and 221 species of fish have been described, some of which probably lived alike in the sea and in fresh and brackish water. In the Carboniferous rocks, chiefly in the Coal- measures, more than 500 species of fossil plants have been named, a large proportion of which are ferns, some of great size. The most common genera are Sphe- nopteris, Pecopteris, Neuropteris, Cyclopteris, Odon- topteris, Caulopteris (tree-fern), &c. The remaining plants belong chiefly to genera of Calamites (Equisitee of large size), Lepidodendron (tree Lycopodiums), and Sigillaria, Fig. 29. Coniferous trees, the fruit of which is Trigonocarpum, also occur. In the Coal- measure strata of Britain there have also been found many fresh-water Crustacea of the genus Cypris, fresh- water bivalves, Anihracomya, Anthracosia, &c., wings FIG. 29. Alethopteris lonchitidis Calamites (restored). Neuropteris gigantea. Prestwichia rotundata. Anthracosia acuta. Group of Coal-measure Plants and Freshwater Shells. Physical Geography. 133 and wing-cases of beetles and other insects, spiders, &c. Earn pittings on the shales are not infrequent, together with sun-cracks and footprints of Labyrinthodont Amphibia, Dendrerpeton, Anthracosaurus, and other genera. The rain pittings in this special case, tell of showers falling on surfaces of moist mud, exposed by the temporary retirement of fresh water, and the sun- cracks of the drying and shrinkage of that mud ; and these joined with the footprints of Amphibia tell of daily events which by happy accidents got perpetuated, first, by baking in the sun's rays. Next, when the area was again overflowed, new layers of mud settled on these impressions, and afterwards becoming consolidated into shale ; and thus we have, in a measure, fossilised sunshine, showers, and footsteps of old Amphibians, im- printed, during their occasional visits to the moist land, on the margin of the water in which they chiefly lived. Before closing the subject I must endeavour to explain under what broad conditions of Physical Geography the Carboniferous series was formed. It is impossible to have an intimate knowledge of the Carboniferous rocks, even within the limited area of the British Islands, without coming to the conclusion, first, that the various strata were formed in seas, some comparatively open and deep, some shallow, estuarine, and restricted in area, and some .in fresh water ; and second, that beds of coal were due to terrestrial vegetable growths that flourished and died on the land, and were buried with the soils on which they grew. To examine all of these points in full detail would require the writing of a special treatise, and I can here only glance at the proofs. In the southernmost parts of South Pembrokeshire, 134 Physical Geography. the limestone is about 2,500 feet thick. Going north to Haverfordwest it rapidly thins out, and finally dis- appears by overlap in a distance of twelve miles. A rapid thinning of the same strata also takes place between the shore of Bristol channel in Glamorganshire and the north side of the South Wales coal-field. In the Mendip Hills the limestone has also a thickness of about 2,500 feet. Traces of it are still seen south of Bideford Bay, at Cannington Park, a few miles north- west of Bridgewater, while on the northern borders of the Culm-measures of North Devon, it may be said to have almost entirely disappeared as a special formation. Among the limestone hills of Derbyshire it is of enor- mous thickness, and its base is unknown ; but s in- distinct is the bedding in part of the centre of that region, that it is often as hard to make out the details of stratification as it is in a large consolidated modern coral reef. North of Clitheroe the bosses of limestone are in places remarkably massive, and thin away in various directions so rapidly, that the incautious geologist is at first tempted to imagine faults where none exist. Further north, near Settle, Kendal, and round the sides of the Yale of Eden, it is well developed and distinctly bedded ; but passing east and north, into Durham and Northumberland, it rapidly splits up into a few comparatively insignificant bands, separated by thick interstratifications of shale, sandstone, and minor beds of coal. The lower coal-fields in Scotland lie in equivalent strata. In Ireland the phenomena are still more remarkable, for in the south and south-west, as described by Jukes, the same masses of limestone in a few miles sometimes thin away from some 2,000 to 200 or 300 feet in thickness. Physical Geography. 135 The prevalence of corals in the thick masses of Carboniferous Limestone, and sometimes the rapid thin- ning out of these masses in opposite directions, point to the conclusion that they were true coral reefs, of the nature of the Barrier Eeefs of Australia and the Pacific Ocean, and that they thinned away on one side to a feather edge in the direction of the land, and on the other more steeply towards the deep sea. These len- ticular masses were probably formed round outlying islands, large and small, undergoing a process of slow depression, or otherwise on the shores of some old con- tinent, the details of the original shape of which are now lost to our knowledge. One part of this land, however, consisted of that area now known as the moun- tainous parts of Wales, and the adjacent Silurian and Cambrian territory that underlies the Coal-measures of South Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Cumbria, and the South of Scotland, while far north the Grampian mountains and the whole of the North Highlands stood higher above the level of the sea than they do now, for ever since they have suffered from denudation. But while in the south, coral reefs of the nature of Barrier Eeefs or Atolls were being formed, in the north the case was different ; for there, as in parts of the modern Pacific, volcanic action was rife, and this is witnessed by the lavas and ashes, intermingled and in- terstratified with the whole of the Carboniferous series in Scotland. This area, together with the north of what is now England, was therefore more or less an area of elevation, accompanied by oscillations of partial depression. Thus it happens that in these regions, the bands of Carboniferous Limestone are quite insignificant when compared with the thick interstrati- 136 Physical Geography. fications of shale and sandstone with occasional beds of coal that lie between them, and which, excepting the beds of coal, were of ordinary aqueous sediments. This naturally leads to the question under what circumstances were the purely mechanical sediments and the beds of coal formed ? The answer is, that after the close of the Carboniferous Limestone epoch in the south, the area got filled up by the sands of the Millstone Grit and the more muddy strata (now shales and sandstones) that overlie them, and this shallowing of the seas may have been aided by partial upheaval of the area, till part of it was nearly at, and at length a little above, the level of the sea. Through this flat conti- nental land, great rivers ran, bordered by wide marshy flats, on which the vegetation grew that by its decay and death became transformed into peat. Then by gradual depression these areas were again covered with water, in the first instance salt or fresh, as the case might be, but in all cases resulting in the deposition of layers of sediment. The area was thus converted by degrees into low land, covered by vegetation, a new growth and decay took place, and it was again depressed beneath the water to receive newer sediments, and so on through a vast period of time, till, for example, all the 10,000 feet of the South Wales coal-field were accumulated, interstratified with the hundred beds of coal, great and small, that lie among the shales and sandstones ; and in equal or less degree the same was the case with all the other coal-fields of England and Wales, as far north as those of Lancashire and Yorkshire. But when we come to other Carboniferous areas, further north, the case is somewhat different. There we find, in Durham, Northumberland, and Scotland, no Physical Geography. 137 thick masses of limestone, but only thin bands, inter- stratified with thick deposits of shale and sandstone, similar in most respects to those of the Coal-measures of Wales, and, like these, interstratified with beds of coal. The inference is obvious, that in these areas the conditions that prevailed were such, that a given area during oscillations of level was at one time sea, as proved by the sea shells in the strata, at another fresh water, as witnessed by the shells Anthracosia, Anthra- comya, &c., and at another time land, as shown by the beds of coal, each underlaid by its terrestrial soil of underclay with Stigmaria, the roots of Sigillaria. If this be true, we get a hint of a new phase of the physical geography of an epoch immediately succeeding that of the Old Eed Sandstone. I have often thought that if we might imagine the vast flat territory of Northern Asia, with all its mighty rivers, to face south, so that they might run into a sub-tropical sea, we would have something like a picture of our Carboni- ferous epoch, succeeding one, the chief character of which, was the presence of numbers of large continental lakes. This at all events seems certain, that beds of coal are not the result of woody matter drifted into, and waterlogged in, lake hollows, by rivers, as was once imagined ; but rather, considering the magnitude of the areas which the beds of coal cover, that they bear witness to the existence of a vast continent, or, if we take the whole world into account, of vast continents, through which wandering rivers traversed flat areas, comparable to those of the largest river areas of the living world. Deltas of the present day offer many analogies. The mouth of the Whang-ho or Yellow river is now 250 miles north from where it entered the sea about twenty years ago. The modern delta of the 138 Physical Geography. Mississippi has an area of more than 12,000 square miles, consisting chiefly of sands and clays, with much vegetable matter, and that of the Nile an area of about 21,000. The delta of the Ganges and Brahmapootra is more than 48,000 square miles in extent, has peaty beds interstratified with clays and sands, containing freshwater shells and freshwater tortoises, often much below the level of the neighbouring sea. The area of all England and Wales is 57,812 square miles, and the areas of all the coal-fields of Great Britain extended to their original size did not equal that of this great delta. It is not to be supposed that, in each coal* field, each bed of coal extends over the whole area. On the con- trary they thicken and thin out, and have their edges like many a modern peat moss, and the vegetation of the Carboniferous epoch flourished and decayed rapidly, on moist ground and in a moist atmosphere, not of excessive warmth, as has often been stated, but, in the opinion of Sir Joseph Hooker, ' in a moist and equable climate,' that could scarcely have been sub-tropical. '39 CHAPTER X. PEKMIAN STRATA. IN England there are certain red strata, known as PER- MIAN, which occupy a sort of debatable ground, lying between the Carboniferous and New Red or Triassic series. Sometimes they have been classed with the former, sometimes with the latter, by those who like to insist on hard and fast lines of division between each formation. These strata, lying not quite conformably either with the underlying or the overlying formation, I prefer to consider as in some sense transition beds, making one of the steps in that change of the physical geography of our area which put an end to the develop- ment of Coal-measures, and made it possible under new conditions for the Permian strata to be deposited. They are usually divided (as in Germany) into two subformations, viz. : Magnesian Limestone and Marl Slate, Eothe-todteliegende. The higher English beds in certain areas consist chiefly of Magnesian Limestone or Dolomite, interstratified with certain marls, and the lower of red marls, sand- stones, and conglomerates. But if we take England as a whole this division does not hold good, for in the eastern part of England the Magnesian Limestone often lies directly on the Coal-measures, and in Lancashire and 140 Permian Strata. the Vale of Eden, in the north, only a few thin beds of Magnesian Limestone lie in the middle of red sandstones and marls. Hard and fast lines of division by no means hold good in this case. The Permian strata were for long considered as form- ing a lower part of the New Red Sandstone, till separated from it by Professor Sedgwick, in his celebrated Memoir on the Magnesian Limestone. They were afterwards called Permian by Sir Roderick Murchison, from the ancient Government of Perm in European Russia, where they are extensively developed. Between the neighbourhood of Nottingham and Tynemouth in Northumberland, they have been sub- divided by Professor King, into Crystalline and other limestones. Brecciated limestone. Fossiliferous limestone. Compact limestone. Marl slate. The Marl slate lies at the base, but these sub- divisions are by no means constant, and the lines between them are not always definite. In many places the rock consists of round masses of all sizes, often as large as good-sized cannon balls, all cemented together. The section is finely exposed on the sea -cliffs between Hartlepool and South Shields, with great outlying masses of rock rising out of the sands like ruined castles, pierced by caverns with lofty ragged pillars and arches, worn out by the restless sea, and through which the daily tide flows. In their range from Nottingham to this district the Magnesian Limestone is inter- stratified with three minor beds of red marl. In Nottinghamshire the position of these Permian strata to the underlying Coal-measures, and the over- Permian Strata. 141 lying Trias, or New Eed series, is shown in the following diagram : 1 c fc 1 ' 1 5 3 CH L> 3 4 m R i o O 1 N 3 o o "M ' ' 0) fl O O S 1 s . ^ o) a a 1 ^J White and Re . Conglomerate . Red Sandston . Magnesian Li "D^/J TUoY-1 . Magnesian L Looked on as a whole, the Magnesian Limestone of this district lies quite unconformably on the Carboni- 142 Permian Strata. ferous series, for while between Nottingham and the neighbourhood of Leeds they lie upon Coal-measures, between Leeds and the vicinity of Darlington they overlap the north edge of the Yorkshire coal-field, and rest directly on the Millstone Grit and associated shales as far as the south end of the Durham coal-field, north of which they again lie on Coal-measures. The limestone and marl slate are often fossili- ferous. In Lancashire, Cheshire, and North Staffordshire, the Permian strata chiefly consist of red marls and sandstones, interstratified near Manchester with a few thin bands of Magnesian Limestone, where both lime- stones and marls are fossiliferous, containing bivalve shells of the genera Pleurophorus, Bakevillia, and Schizodus, Turbo, Natica, &c. Similar marls and sandstones, bordered by New Ked Sandstone, stretch at intervals from the border of the North Staffordshire coal-field to that of Shrewsbury, and skirt the Denbigh- shire coal-field on the east. In the more central parts of England the same kinds of rock border the Coal- brookdale, Forest of Wyre, South Staffordshire, and Warwickshire coal-fields. In the Permian strata of Warwickshire there are beds of conglomerate, the waterworn pebbles of which largely consist of fragments of Carboniferous Limestone. A few stems of trees have been found in them, together with Calamites, and two or three casts of shells of the genus Strophalosia (fig. 31), together with a Labyrinthodont Amphibian, Dasyceps Bucklandi. A large extent of Permian red sandstones and marls occupy the beautiful Vale of Eden in Westmoreland and Cumberland (see fig. 104, p. 521), from whence Permian strata extend into the valleys of the Nith and Permian Boulder Beds. 143 the Annan in Scotland, brecciated like those of the Clent and Abberly Hills. In the South Staffordshire district, and in the Clent and Bromsgrove Lickey Hills, the Permian marls and sandstones are capped by a remarkable brecciated conglomerate, consisting of pebbles and large blocks of stone, generally angular, imbedded in a marly paste, once soft clay. These conglomerate beds are about 400 feet thick. South of Colebrookdale, near Enville, and between that country and the Abberly and Malvern Hills, the same rocks occur, largely associated with coarse brecciated conglomerates, similar to those of the Clent Hills. The fragments have mostly travelled from a distance, apparently from the borders of Wales, and some of them are three feet in diameter. In some cases the smooth surfaces of the stones still retain striations, identical in character with those found in ordinary boulder-clay, or made by modern glaciers. Many of the stones are of greenstone and felstone, apparently derived from the Silurian traps of Montgomeryshire and North Wales, and at the south end of the South Staffordshire coal-field, near Northfield, I found in these strata large slabs of Pentamerus limestone, such as are only known in the Longmynd country, on the borders of the Cambrian rocks in Shropshire. So completely, indeed, does the whole deposit resemble the Post- pliocene boulder-clay, that I have no doubt that there was a glacial episode during part of the Permian epoch. In Thuringia the conglomerates of the Rothliegende have the same lithological character as the brecciated O conglomerates of the Abberly Hills and Clent Hills, and they may be considered equivalents both in position and origin. The chief part of the Permian fossils have been 144 Permian Fossils and found in the Magnesian Limestone, and they are. generically and specifically, few in number, but, as a whole, their affinities and grouping are decidedly Palaeozoic. Some of the genera of plants have a Coal- measure aspect, including Catamites, Lepidodendron, Neuropteris, Sphenopteris, and Alethopteris, besides Walchia, Ullmannia, Cardicocarpon, and fragments of silicified coniferous wood. Only 9 genera and 21 species of Brachiopoda are found in these strata, viz. Camarophoria 3, Crania 2, Distina 1, Lingula 2, Producta 2, Spirifera 3, Spiriferina 2, Strophalosia 4, and Terebratula 2. These partly belong to genera which also occur in the Carboniferous rocks. The same strata contain 16 genera and 31 species of Lamelli- branchiate molluscs, the most common of which are of the genera Schizodus, Gervillia, Solemya, &c. ; 26 species of Gasteropoda, 2 Nautili, and many ganoid fishes, the most common belonging to the very cha- racteristic genus Palceornscus, of which there are 6 species (fig. 31, p. 148). All the Permian fish have hete- rocercal tails, like the majority of the Palaeozoic genera, in which the vertebral column is prolonged into the upper lobe of the tail, whereas in most of the modern fishes the vertebral column is not prolonged into either lobe. The reptilian remains, both of the red rocks and of the Magnesian Limestone, are partly Amphibian, as shown by the Labyrinthodont Dasyceps Bucklandi of Kenilworth, the footprints in the red Permian sand- stones of the Vale of Eden, and Corncockle Moor, in Dumfriesshire, and Lepidotosaurus Duffii of the lower part of the Magnesian Limestone ; while others from the marl slate, Proterosaurus Speneri and P. Huxleyi, were true land Lacertilian reptiles. Excepting the Magnesian Limestone, all the Per- Physical Geography. 145 mian rocks are red. As with the thin pellicle of peroxide of iron that incrusts the grains of sand and mud of the Old Eed Sandstone, so the colour of the red Permian sandstones and marls is due to a thin in- crusting pellicle of peroxide of iron, such as I have elsewhere attempted to show is often characteristic of deposits in inland waters. I now come to the main point : What were the peculiarities of the Physical Geography of the British area in Permian times ? To explain this I shall partly use the matter published in 1871, in the 'Journal of the Greological Society,' in my paper ' On the Eed Rocks of England of older date than the Trias.' First, the plants found in our Permian strata are chiefly of genera, but not of species, common to the Coal-measures, viz., Catamites, Lepidodendron, Wal- chia, Chondrites, Ullmannia, Cardiocarpon, Aletlio- pteris, Sphenopteris, Neuropteris, and many fragments of coniferous wood of undetermined genera. Inland waters would be likely to receive land plants borne into them by rivers, but this yields no certainly conclusive evidence, since land plants are not very uncommon in marine strata of the Lias and Oolites. The evidence derived from the remains of Laby- rinthodont Amphibia and of land reptiles, clearly points to the close proximity of land. First, there is the Laby- rinthodont Dasyceps Bucklandi from the red Permian strata near Kenilworth, and next, Lepidotosaurus Duffii, found near the base of the Magnesian Limestone, where it gradually passes into the underlying marl slate, and from the marl slate itself were obtained Proterosaurus Speneri and P. Huxleyi, both, according to Huxley, true land Lacertilian reptiles. Further north, in the red sandstones of the Vale of Eden, Professor Harkness L 146 Physical Geography. found footprints, apparently of Labyrinthodonts, at Brownrigg, in Plumpton, and near Penrith ; and many years ago numerous footprints were described by the late Sir William Jardine, which were found on the sur- faces of beds of sandstone in Corncockle Moor and in other parts of Dumfriesshire. All of these footprints clearly indicate that the animals were occasionally accustomed to walk on bare damp surfaces, which were afterwards dried by the heat of the sun, before the flooded waters overspread them with new layers of sediment in a manner such as now takes place during variations of the seasons in many modern salt lakes. Pseudomorphs of crystals of salt in the Permian beds of the Vale of Eden, and deposits of gypsum and per- oxide of iron, help to this conclusion, together with the occurrence of sun-cracks or rain-pittings impressed on the beds. The Pseudomorphous crystals of salt tell of the evaporation of pools by solar heat, for neither crystals of chloride of sodium (salt"), nor deposits of sulphate of lime (gypsum), could have been formed amid common mechanical sediments at the bottom of an open ocean. Only concentration of salts, by solar evaporation of inland waters, could have produced this result. Eight genera and 21 species of fishes have been found, chiefly in the marl slate. They are Acro- lepis 1, Calacanthus 2, Dorypterus 1, Gyracanthus 1, Gyropristis 1, Palceoniscus Il,Platysomus 2, and Py- gopterus 2. Grenerically they have strong affinities with those of the Carboniferous age, some of which were undoubtedly truly marine, while others certainly pene- trated shallow lagoons bordered by peaty flats. There is nothing extraordinary in the occurrence of seafish in an inland salt lake. Physical Geography. 147 If we now turn to the assemblage of shells we shall find it to be very poor in number. In the red marls and bands of Magnesian Limestone at and near Manchester, the very few species found in the marls and thin lime- stones are poor and dwarfed in aspect, and in this re- spect, and the small number of genera they somewhat resemble the living molluscan fauna of the Caspian Sea. In the true Magnesian Limestone district of Notting- hamshire, Yorkshire, and Durham, the case is somewhat different. There we find a more numerous molluscan fauna, but wonderfully restricted when compared with that of Carboniferous Limestone times. I give it in some detail, that the reader may judge for himself, as the facts have an important bearing on my argument. The numbers are taken from Mr. Etheridge's forth- coming work. BRACHIOPODA. Camarophoria 3, Crania 2, Discina 1, Linyula 2, Producta 2, Spirifera 3, Spiriferina 2, Strophalosia 4, Terebratula 2 : in all, 9 genera and 21 species. LAMELLTBRANCHIATA. Aucella 1, Mytilus 2, Avi- cula 2, Gervillia 5, Area 2, Cardiomorpha 1, Cteno- donta 1, Leda 1, Myalina 1, Myochoncha 1, Pleuro- phorus i, Edmondia 1, Astarte 2, Schizodus 5, Solemya 4, Tellina 1 : in all, 16 genera and 31 species. UNIVALVES. Calyptrcea 1, Chemnitzia 1, Chiton 3, Chitonellus 4, Dentalium 1, Natica 2, Pleuroto- maria 3, Rissoa 1, Straparolus 1, Turbo 5, Turbo- nilla 4 : in all, 1 1 genera and 26 species. PTEROPODA. Theca 1. CEPHALOPODA. Nautilus 1 . The whole comprises only 38 genera and 80 species, a very poor representative of the teeming life in the Car- L 2 148 Physical Geography. boniferous Limestone sea, from which more than 1 ,500 species have been named. It is to be remarked also. FIG. 31. Productus horridus. Fcnestella retiformis. Camerophoria Schlotheimi. Lingula Crcdneri. Strophalosia lamellosa. Palaeoniscus comptus. Group of Permian Fossils. that all of the Permian shells are dwarfed in aspect, when compared with their Carboniferous congeners. In this poverty in number, and dwarfing of the forms, these Permian fossils may be compared with the Physical Geography. 149 still less numerous fauna of the Caspian Sea, as far as that fauna is known, which sea, or brackish lake, was, it is believed, once connected with the northern ocean, as the fauna seems to testify. My belief is, that these Permian waters were also of an inland, unhealthy nature, and, like those of the Caspian, had previously been connected with the open ocean. Besides the poverty in number and small size of the mollusca, the chemical composition and lithological structure of the Magnesian Limestone, seem to me to afford strong hints that it was originally deposited in a large inland salt lake, and not that it was entirely de- rived from calcareous organisms, and subsequently altered into dolomite by chemical changes. I am well aware that there are such masses, occasionally, for ex- ample, in the Carboniferous Limestone which was formed in an open sea. Some modern atolls are known to be- come dolomitised, as described by Dana, but in the Magnesian Limestone corals are chiefly conspicuous by their absence. I repeat that the Permian Magnesian Limestone was not, as used to be supposed, formed in the sea, but in an inland salt lake, under such circumstances that carbonates of lime and magnesia were deposited simultaneously, probably, by concentra- tion of solutions due to evaporation. In an open sea, lime and magnesia only exist in solution in very small quantities, and limestone rocks there are formed, as in coral reefs, by organic agency. In some of the lower strata of the Magnesian Lime- stone, when weathered, it is observable that they consist of many curious thin layers, bent into a number of very small convolutions, approximately fitting into each other, like sheets of paper crumpled together. These dolomitic layers convey the impression that they are 150 Physical Geography. somewhat tufaceous in character, as if the layers, which are unfossiliferous, had been deposited from solutions. In other parts of the district, along the coast of Durham, large tracts of the limestone consist of vast numbers of ball-shaped agglutinated masses, large and small, and I have observed in limestone caverns, in pools of water surcharged with bicarbonate of lime, that sometimes precipitation takes place on a small scale producing similar nodular bodies. It is notable also that when broken in two, many of the balls are seen to have a radiated acicular structure, that is to say, from the centre rudely crystalline- looking bodies all united, radiate to the circumference. In other places we find numerous bodies radiating in a series of rays that gradu- ally widen from the centre, and are unconnected at their outer ends, which remind the spectator of radiating corals. There is, however, nothing organic about them, and I do not doubt that they owe their growth to some kind of crystalline action going on at the time that the limestone was being formed. The occurrence of gypsum in the marly strata of the Permian series, helps to the conclusion that they were all deposited in inland waters, for it is impossible to conceive of pure sulphate of lime having- been thrown down from solution in the ocean. In these views I do not stand alone, for similar con- clusions are held by Dr. Sterry Hunt, as shown in Sir William Logan's ' Geology of Canada,' and Professor Dana in his ' Manual of Greology.' The chemical argument is not, however, what first led me to suspect that the Permian Magnesian Lime- stone was deposited chiefly from solution, in an inland salt sea, but rather the poverty and dwarfed character of the fauna alone, while I soon saw that the chemical Physical Geography. 151 deposition of the limestone may account for the total absence of fossils in the larger part of the formation. Whether or not the water was too salt for the healthy production of numerous shells and corals, is a question I have not yet attempted to solve, being in the mean- while content to prove (as I think) that the waters formed inland lakes, that lay in a large continent which began in Old Eed Sandstone times, but had undergone many modifications in its physical geography before the Permian lake-basins came into existence. 152 CHAPTEE XL NEW RED SANDSTONE AND MARL, AND RH^TIC BEDS. THE NEW KED SANDSTONE SERIES, or TRIAS, succeeds the Permian strata. It has received the name of Trias from the fact that when fully developed, as in Germany, it consists of the three great divisions of Keuper marls, Muschelkalk, and Bunter Sandstein. Comparatively few genera and no species of bivalve shells pass thus far upwards. The majority of the old genera of Brachiopoda disappear, and the whole grouping of the fossils now ceases to be Palaeozoic, and assumes a character com- mon to the Mesozoic or Secondary strata. The British section, with the exception of the Muschelkalk, is as follows : -Red marl and thin bands of white sandstone, with Keuper < Rock-salt. I White sandstone and red marl. (Muschelkalk absent in Britain). f Soft red sandstone. Bunter < Quartz conglomerate. I Soft red sandstone. These beds, with variations, occupy the undulating lands from Devonshire along the banks of the Severn, round the eastern borders of the Palaeozoic rocks of Herefordshire and North Wales. From thence they stretch eastward to the Permian and Carboniferous rocks of Lancashire, North Staffordshire, and Derby- New Red Series. 153 shire. They surround all the midland coal-fields and Permian beds between Shrewsbury, Coventry, and Derby, and from thence, everywhere unconformably overlying the Permian rocks, they stretch north in a long band from Nottingham to the river Tees. 1 The general arrangement of these strata will be easily understood by help of the diagram, p. 1 54. No fossils are known in the New Red or Bunter Sandstones of England, but a few marine shells are found in equivalent strata on the Continent. In England, above the Upper soft red sandstone are beds of red, white, and brown (Keuper) sandstone, with interstratifications of red marl, often ripple-marked, and containing bones and footprints, chiefly of Laby- rinthodont reptiles, together with a few plants and a peculiar fish, Dipteronotus cyphus, found near Broms- grove, in Worcestershire. The larger impressions of footprints are 8 to 10 inches in length, and in front of each there often is a smaller one made by the forefoot, fig. 33. In beds of Magnesian conglomerate at the base of, and associated with the New Eed Marl at the edge of the Mendip Hills, Dr. Riley and Mr. Stutchbury discovered 1 The Muschelkalk (absent in Britain) may be well seen, among other places, near Gotha, and at Eisenach, in Thuringia. It is a grey shelly limestone, rich in Terebratulce, Trigonicc, Nyce, Plagiostomas, Aviculce, Oysters, and Pectens. The genus Ceratites, closely allied to, if not a true Ammonite, occurs here. Lamellibranchiate molluscs, some of new genera, abound as individuals, while Brachiopoda (ex- cepting Terebratulce) sink in the scale. At Guttenstein and Werfen, in the Austrian Alps, there are strata at the base of the New Ked Sandstone which are not Permian, and which contain a rich and peculiar fauna Ammo- nites, Belemnites, and other secondary forms, being mixed witli OrtJwceratites, Goniatites, and other genera usually considered characteristic of Palaeozoic times. New Red Series. Rock Salt. 155 the bones of land lizards, Thecodontosaurus antiquus, Palceosaurus Cylindrodon, and P. Platyodon. The rock salt of England lies above these beds in the great marly plains of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Worces- tershire. It is found at varying depths, in interrupted lenticular beds, ranging from a few feet to about 120 feet in thickness. No fossils occur in the salt. The mass is usually of a reddish colour, due to the presence of ferruginous impurities. For long there was a total absence of any rational account of the manner of deposition of rock-salt, but I think few geologists now doubt that it was precipitated in supersaturated salt lakes during the Keuper period ; and this could only have been done by evaporation, due to solar heat acting on the waters of salt lakes which had no outflow, like the Great Salt Lake of Utah, for example, or the salt lakes of Central Asia and of the Sahara. 1 The red marl varies from 500 to 2,000 feet in thickness, and contains a thin band of white sand- stone, often with pseudomorphs of crystals of rock-salt, and also bearing a small bivalve crustacean, Estheria minuta, a lamellibranchiate small bivalve shell, Pul- lastra arenicola, a fish, Hybodus Keuperi, footprints of Labyrinthodon giganteus, and others, also bones of reptiles, and traces of land plants, fig. 33. Teeth also of a small Marsupial mammal, Microlestes antiquus, occur in the red marls near Watchett in Somersetshire. This is the oldest known mammalian relic. In Scotland, at Lossiemouth, Keuper sandstones contain scutes and bones of a crocodile, Stagenolepis Robertsoni, Hypero- dapedon, and a land lizard, Telerpeton Elginense.* 1 See memoir < On the Physical Relations of the New Bed Marl Ilhaetic Beds, and Lower Lias : ' Geological Journal, 1871 : Ramsay. 2 On the Continent, near Strasburg, abrut thirty species of plants 156 Physical Geography. On the whole, the same kind of arguments already applied to the Permian strata, may, with increased force, be used in relation to the New Eed Sandstone and marl, especially the occurrence of rock-salt, gypsum, the red colour of the rocks, and the prevalence of the foot- prints and bones of Labyrinthodont Amphibia, and the remains of crocodiles, land lizards, Deinosauria, and plants. To me there remains no trace of a doubt that the New Eed Sandstone was deposited in an inland lake, or lakes, possibly fresh, but probably brackish, and that FIG. 33. Estlieria minuta. Labyrinthodon giganteus. Triassic Fossils. the overlying Keuper or New Ked Marl beds were formed in a great salt lake, or lakes, if we take all Europe into account. But inferences still more striking may be drawn respecting the Physical Geography of the time. By referring to the descriptions of the Old Eed are known in the Bunter beds, chiefly Ferns, Calamites, Cycads, and Coniferae, and with them fish and Labyrinthodont amphibia, and marine mollusca of the genera Trigonia, Mya, Mytilus, and Posidonia, so few in number, that in connection with the Laby- rinthodonts, &c., they suggest the idea not of an open ocean, but of a salt lake. Teeth of a Marsupial mammal (Microlestes antiquus) occur in a bed between the Keuper and Liassic strata in Wiir- temburg. Physical Geography. 157 Sandstone, Carboniferous, Permian, and New Red form- ations, it will be seen that, by the writer, they are all considered to afford evidence of continental as opposed to purely marine conditions ; for the Old Bed Sand- stone was deposited in fresh water, the Coal-measures, whether below, interstratified with, or above the Car- boniferous Limestone, on the edges of, and to a great extent on, a continent with large rivers, marshes, and beds of peat, and the Permian and New Red series both in salt lakes ; in other words, a great continental epoch in Northern Europe (and in other regions), lasted from the close of the Upper Silurian epoch down to the end of the deposition of the New Red Marl, one main feature of ivhich was the abundance of reptilian life, partly Amphibian. Those parts of it in which the Permian and New Red strata were deposited can be best compared physically to the great area of inland drainage of Central Asia, so dry and arid where not artificially irrigated by rivers, and in which, from the Caspian Sea for 3,000 miles to the east, and far south towards the Himalayah, in a comparatively rainless district, all the lakes are salt, excepting those which have an outlet into some lower lake. I specially draw attention to these remarkable inferences, for surely they give something like a broad view of an old phase of a long-enduring physical geography, so long, indeed, in my opinion, 4 that the great continental era, which began with the Old Red Sandstone and closed with the New Red Marl, is com- parable, in point of geological time, to that occupied in the deposition of the whole of the Mesozoic or Se- condary series (later than the New Red Marl) and to the whole of the Cainozoic or Tertiary formations, and, indeed, to all the time that has elapsed since the begin- 158 Rhatic Beds. ning of the deposition of the Lias down to the present day. 1 When portions of geological history can be reduced to some such form as this, it seems to possess a kind of human interest in its resemblance more or less to the physical geography of to-day. 2 THE RILETIC BEDS occupy only a small space in England, estimated by superficial area ; for in general they run in a mere narrow strip between the New Red Marl and the Lower Lias, and in fact form true beds of passage from the Marl to the Liassic strata. To make this statement clear it is necessary to allude to a part of the geology of the Alps and of Italy. Professor Stoppani has described a series of strata on the river Esino, in Italy, which he considers to be equivalent in geological time to the Red Keuper Marls north of the Alps. These strata, which he calls the Infra-Lias, contain about 200 species of fossils, chiefly mollusca, with a few Echinodermata and sponges, and at the top lie the well-known beds called the Avicula contorta zone, by Oppel, a name adopted in England for these strata by Dr. Wright, when he separated them from the ordinary beds of the Lias limestone and clay, and correlated them with their continental equivalents. On the north side of the Tyrolese Alps, the Lower 1 < Proceedings of the Royal Society,' No. 152, 1874 : Ramsay, ' On the Comparative Value of certain Geological Ages ; or, Groups of Formation considered as Items of Geological Time.' 2 Though I had often lectured on some of the questions respect- ing these old lakes and other points connected with the terrestrial conditions of the times, it was not till 1871 that I published any- thing on the subject in the papers alluded to in notes, and later, in 1874, in the * Proceedings of the Royal Society.' Little or nothing is to be found in any Manual of Geology on the subject, except in the third edition of ' The Student's Manual of Geology,' by Professor Jukes, edited by Archibald Geikie, published in 1872. Rhcztic Beds. 159 St. Cassian and Hallstatt beds are believed by Hauer and Suess to represent the same strata ; that is to say, they are the ocean representatives of the red marls of England and other parts of Europe, which I described as having been deposited in large inland salt lakes. The Rhcetic beds of England, which merely represent the very topmost part of the Italian series, seem to have been deposited in shallow seas and estuaries, or in lagoons or occasional salt lakes of small size, now and then separated from the sea by minor accidental changes in physical geography. On the north shore of the estuary of the Severn, at Penarth, near Cardiff, 1 and elsewhere in England, there is a perfect physical gradation between the New Eed Marl and the Rhaetic Beds, shown by interstratifications of red, green, and grey marls, which, varying in different areas, pass upward by degrees into limestones, sand- stones, and black shales. It is, therefore, impossible always to determine in this series precisely where the New Ked Marl ends and the Rhsetic Beds begin ; and, indeed, all through the Red Marl, from bottom to top, there is a tendency to a recurrence of interstratified deposits that, lithologically, closely resemble the lower parts of the Rhsetic beds, as, for example, at Penarth, near Cardiff. The ' White Lias ' of Lyme Regis is now classed with this subformation. All over England, wherever the base of the Lower Lias is well seen, the Rhaetic beds, rarely more than 50 or 100 feet thick, are found to lie between the Lias and the New Red Marl. As a general rule they are seen to pass conformably and by easy gradations into each other, and they were, indeed, always classed with the Lias, till separated from these strata bf Oppel. 1 The Rhsetic strata are sometimes called the Penarth Beds. 160 Physical Geography. The succession of events that, through the Rhgetic beds, marked the transition from the New Red Marl to the Lower Lias seems to have been as follows : In the latter part of the Triassic epoch, as already stated, our Keuper, or New Red Marl, beds were depo- sited in an area that now forms part of England, and this area was in those days a great salt lake. This lake gradually got partly rilled with sedi- ments, and by-and-by, through change in amount of rainfall, or through increase of heat, it ceased to have an outflow, evaporation being equal to, or greater than, the influx of water. Concentration and precipitation of salts ensued as already explained. Subsequently, during deposition of the marly sedi- ments, by increase of rainfall, or climatic change of temperature, the water became somewhat less salt, but still sufficiently saline, by evaporation of the moisture on wet surfaces, to produce crystals of salt (now pseudo- morphs) in sandy layers interstratified with the marls, together with layers and nodular masses of gypsum, which state of affairs continued up to, and even during, the deposition of recognised Rhsetic strata. That Jxhaetic areas got dried by temporary exposure is certain, lor besides the pseudomorphs, sun- cracks are common in the strata. In our area, sinking of the district took place at or about the time when the lake or lakes got nearly filled with sediment, and a partial influx of the sea over shallow bottoms was the result. The deposits that ensued, accompanied by a small migration of marine forms of life, constitute the Rhaetic beds of England. Many years ago, the late Professor Edward Forbes stated to me that the fauna of the White Limestone of Lyme Regis, then called White Lias, reminded him, Rhcztic Fossils. 1 6 1 in its assemblage of forms, of the molluscan fauna of the Caspian Sea, which is few in genera and species, and of an abnormal kind, in consequence of the brackish quality of the water. In the Black Sea also, there are misshapen forms, stated by Edward Forbes to be due to the gradual freshening of the water, because of the constant influx of rivers into it, and the current that runs through the Bosphorus into the Mediterranean Sea. Both of these cases relating to continental seas of a lake-like character, bear on the subject in question ; especially seeing that these British beds of passage are also comparatively poor in genera and species, and that some of the species, to which special names have been given, are variable or even distorted in form. Others are hard to distinguish from shells common in the Lias, while some also occur in the great Marine Bhsetic series of the Continent, and some pass upwards into the ordinary Lias. It is, indeed, difficult not to believe, that some of these forms are in reality abnormal and due to the locally unhealthy quality of the water in which they lived. Though this volume has little to do with general palaeontology, the following account of the fauna bears on these questions, and I therefore give it in some detail. It also helps to show that our Rhsetic beds represent a set of local conditions that marked the passage of the Keuper marls into the undoubted Lower Lias, and, indeed, in places it is hard to separate them litholo- gically. In these Khsetic beds there are now known two Crustacea, viz. Tropifer Icevis, from one of the Bone beds, and Estheria minuta, first known in the Keuper sandstones, and one Brachiopod, Discina Toivnshendi, the only one known in our Khsetic strata. Of the M 1 62 Rhcetic Fossils. Lamellibranchiate molluscs, Lima precursor very much resembles Lima punctata of the Lias ; Monotis decussata occurs at the top in thin limestone bands, which some have considered to form part of the Lower Lias. Ostrea fimbriata may possibly be 0. irregularis of the Lias, but oysters are so variable in form that they are of small value in such an inquiry. Pecten Valoniensis, also a Khaetic shell, is a very variable form. Plicatula intusstriata passes into the Lower Lias. Anoplophora musculoides, another Rhaetic shell, occurs with Monotis decussata in the thin bands of limestone at the top, which some geologists call Lias. Modiola minima is found both in the Rhaetic and Lower Lias strata. Figures of some other well known fossils are shown in fig. 34. All the Grasteropoda of the Rhaetic beds are said to be peculiar to that formation, and the same is the case with the fish ; for, many years a.go, Sir Philip Egerton declared ' that the beds in question, hitherto considered as belonging to the Lias, must be removed from that formation, inasmuch as they present a series of fishes not only specifically distinct from those of the Lias, but possess, in the Granoid genera, the heterocerque tail, an organism confined to the fishes which existed anterior to the Lias.' l Of the Reptilia, Plesiosaurus costatus, P. Hawkinsii, P. trigonus, and, according to the late Mr. William Sanders, Ichthyosaurus platyodon, are common to these Khaetic beds, and to the basement beds of the Lower Lias. The discovery by Professor Boyd Dawkins of the small Marsupial mammal Micro- lestes antiquus, in the grey marls at Watchett, in Somersetshire, is not without significance, for it speaks 1 'A Notice on the Occurrence of Triassic Fishes in British Strata; ' Proceedings of the Geological Society,' 1841, vol. iii., p. 409. Rhcetic Fossils. 1 6 of the neighbourhood of land that bordered the old Triassic lake, and the succeeding shallow Khsetic sea, part of which was the Mendip Hills, ' the home of the Microlestes.' ! In the beds of passage, from 10 to 50 feet above FIG. 34. Pecten Yaloniensis. Ceratodus parvus. Avicula contorta. Discina Townskendi. Nomacanthus filifer. Myophoria postera. Group of Ehaetic Fossils. the Bone bed, there are certain thin bands in Gloucestershire, named by the Eev. P. B. Brodie, who 1 For notices of this old land, see De la Beche ' On the Formation of the Kocks of South Wales and South- West of England ' ; and Ramsay, ' Denudation of South Wales and the Adjacent Counties of England,' Mem. Geol. Surv. vol. i. 1846; and 'Abnormal Conditions of Secondary Deposits,' &c., by Charles Moore, ' Quarterly Journal Geol. Soc.' vol. xxiii., 1867. M 2 164 Physical Geography. first described them, the ' insect limestones.' The fossilised contents of these bands throw some light on the physical geography of the lands that bordered the waters of the time, for in them have been found numerous elytra and other remains of Beetles, Grass- hoppers, Cicadas, Dragon-flies, and other neuropterous insects, associated with a fresh-water shell of the genus Cyclas, the shells of Cypris, and with ferns, Cycads, and leaves of Monocotyledonous plants. These beds, therefore, indicate either fresh-water strata, or else the immediate proximity of land, from whence streams washed into the sea insects, fresh-water Crustacea, shells, and land plants. Sir Charles Lyell remarks that 'the size of the species (of insects) is usually small, and such as taken alone would imply a temperate climate ; but many of the associated remains of other classes must lead to a different conclusion.' 1 This, however, seems to be explained by a remark long ago made to me by Edward Forbes, who, while working with Captain Graves, during the hydrographical survey of the ^Egean Sea, observed that, during heavy rains, vast numbers of insects were washed into the sea, not such as in- habited the low hot shores of the ^Egean, but those that lived in the high cool regions of the neighbouring mountains, which, caught in the floods of rain, were washed into rivers and borne onwards to yield food for fishes in the ocean. In conclusion, if, as I believe, the New Ked Marl was deposited in a salt lake, if it be the equivalent in time of the marine Infra-Lias beds of Stoppani in Italy, and of the Lower St. Cassian and Hallstatt beds of Hauer and Suess, then the Avicula contorta beds, 1 Student's Elements of Geology,' p. 351, 1874. Physical Geography. 165 being the natural marine successors of these strata on the Continent of Europe, are in like manner the natural marine successors of the lake-formed sediments of the red Keuper marls, and in reality are true passage beds from those red marls into the Lower Lias ; and a candid consideration of the fossil fish, reptiles, shells, insects, and plants of the British Khsetic strata strengthens this view. When the waters of the old lakes were invaded by the sea, a migration of a few marine forms took possession of the old lacustrine area, and this depression gradually proceeding, culminated in the development of the great Liassic fauna, at a time when the old continent was submerged, and the moun- tain tracts were converted into groups of islands, the shores of which were washed by a broadening Liassic sea. 1 66 CHAPTER XII. LIASSIC AND OOLITIC, OR JUKASSIC STRATA. IN the previous chapter, I stated that the continental area in which lay the lakes of the epoch of the New Red Marl, underwent partial submersion, during which our passage beds, called the Rhsetic or Avicula contorta Jr o strata, were deposited. This sinking of the land going on by degrees, resulted in the formation of groups of islands, round which, first the LIAS, and afterwards the OOLITIC SERIES were deposited, the whole, on the Con- tinent of Europe, and now often in Britain, being grouped under the name of Jurassic formations. The general stratigraphical relations of the larger masses of the Liassic and Oolitic series, in the southern half of England, will be easily understood by reference to fig. 5, p. 25. The high ground now called Wales and Hereford- shire, undoubtedly formed part of one of these islands ; Dartmoor and other palaeozoic elevations in Devon and Cornwall formed others ; probably the hilly regions of Derbyshire another ; and, certainly, the Cumbrian mountains a fourth ; while there can be no doubt that parts of the south of Scotland, and the greater heights of the Highlands, also stood as islands washed by the Liassic sea. It is not, however, to be supposed that the actual Lower Lias. 167 forms of these island territories were even approximately identical with those of the present mountains, and the limits and orographic contours of these fragments of an old physical geography can only be approximately guessed at. They have undoubtedly been subjected to repeated disturbance and upheaval since the beginning of the deposition of the Lias, but after these old palaeozoic mountains first rose high into the air, they suffered so much from all the agents of waste and degradation, that in Liassic and pre-Liassic times, I have no doubt they were higher than now, and partly occupied more extended areas. THE LOWER LIAS CLAY AND LIMESTONE is about 900 or 1,000 feet thick, where best developed in England, and consists of beds of blue clay or shale (weathering brown), interstratified with beds of blue argillaceous limestone, largely quarried in Leicestershire, Warwick- shire, and elsewhere, for hydraulic lime. These lime- stones, lying flat and unconformably on the upturned and denuded edges of the Carboniferous Limestone, form splendid cliffs on the coast of Glamorganshire, and, with the Khsetic beds, they are also well exposed in the coast section at Lyme Regis. From thence, scarcely interrupted at the east end of the Mendip Hills, the Lower Lias strikes north to the junction of the Severn and Avon, and again NE. and N. to the sea-coast of Yorkshire, E. of the river Tees. Through- out this area it usually forms a flat or undulating country, lying much in pasture land. The strata dip generally gently to the east, but are sometimes for a space quite flat. Occasionally the limestones of the Lower Lias form a low escarpment, generally facing west, and, almost invariably, the Marlstone or Middle Lias makes a similar and higher escarpment, the top FIG. 35. Nautilus truncatus. Nautilus striatus. Group of Lias Fossils. m. Middle Lias or Marlstone. u. Upper Lias ; all the rest Lower Lias. Middle L ias. 1 69 of which is formed of a tough brown fossiliferous limestone, generally of only a few feet in thickness, but nearly constant in its occurrence from Dorsetshire to Yorkshire, and the very indefinite base of the Marlstone forms the eastern boundary of the Lower Lias. The Lower Lias clay and limestone of England is, as a whole, rich in fossils, the general grouping of which cannot be more than noticed here in a cursory manner. These strata yield Extracrinus among the Crinoids, (fig. 35); of Brachiopoda, a few species of Spiriferce, Terebratulce, and Rhynclionellce, and numbers of Lamellibranchiate molluscs, such as Gryphcea incurva, Oysters, Pectens, Limas, Pinnas, Aviculas, Pholado- myas, and others. Having been deposited mostly in deep sea, univalve shells are much less common, but of the Cephalopoda, which are free swimmers, there are vast numbers of Ammonites, Belemnites, and Nautili (see fig. 35), together with many fishes, and the great marine Enalosaurian reptiles, Ichthyosaurus (fish- lizard) and Plesiosaurus (see fig. 36), and the insectivorous flying reptile, Pterodactylus brevirostris. THE MAKLSTONE SERIES, or MIDDLE LIAS, which suc- ceeds the Lower Lias clay, is generally somewhat argil- laceous below, graduating upward into a brown, fer- ruginous, soft, sandy rock, with hard nodular bands, and a very marked brown ferruginous limestone at the top. It is ricn in many forms of Ammonite, Belemnite, Plagiostoma, Lima, Pinna, Pholadomya, Pecten, Modiola, Terebratula, and Rhynchonella, besides a very characteristic Spirifer (S. Walcotti, fig. 36), one of the few remaining shells of that Palaeozoic genus. Where the Lower Lias and Marlstone join, the strata graduate into each other, but through the central parts of England these passage-beds are rarely clearly ex- 1 70 Lias Fossils. Upper Lias. 1 7 1 posed. In Yorkshire, however, on the sea-cliffs near Staithes, the stratigraphical relations of the strata are perfectly clear, and it is evident that there is no line of demarcation between them, and through about 15 feet of strata, including some of the well-known beds of ironstone, fossils common to both occur, one of the most conspicuous of which is Pecten cequivalvis. THE UPPER LIAS CLAY plays a comparatively un- important part in the physical geology of England. In Gloucestershire it first begins to appear near Bath, but so thin, that it is impossible to represent it on maps of the 1-inch to a mile scale. About Wotton-under-Edge it begins to get more definite, and from thence, in a narrow strip between the Marlstone rock, and the sands beneath the Inferior Oolite, it runs northward by Dursley, Stroud, Pains wick, and Chipping Camden, and following all the contours of the Oolitic escarpment, looks out upon the great plain of Lias, in the broad valley of the Severn, or winds about among the intricate system of minor valleys that lie between Minchin- Hampton and Chipping Camden, and between Burford and Banbury. In this progress, gradually increasing in thickness, it forms great tracts of the clay lands in Northamptonshire, between Great Brington and Arth- ington, and in the neighbourhood of Uppingham and Oakham in Rutland, while further north, the clay runs in a long narrow strip, still overlying the Marlstone, into Yorkshire, where it is finely exposed in the sea- cliffs near Whitby, and where in old times great excava- tions were made for the extraction of shale, and the manufacture of alum. Taken as a whole, the Upper Lias is a stiff dark blue clay, with occasional layers of limestone often nodular, containing many Belemnites, Ammonites, and 172 Lias and Nautili, and bivalve shells, similar, in general grouping of genera, to those of the Marlstone and Lias clay, with both of which, but especially with the Marlstone, it has species in common. In Yorkshire, the well-known jet of Whitby is excavated from the shales on the cliffs, and is formed of the fossilised stems of coniferous trees that grew on the hilly islands, on the west and north. The remarkable assemblage of large Keptilia that in- habited the Liassic seas, the number of great and small Cephalopoda, including many species of Ammonites, Nautili, and Belemnites, the swarms of Terebratulse and Bhynchonellse, the plentiful genera and species of Lamellibranchiate molluscs and of univalve shells, all speak of warm seas, surrounding islands, on which grew Cycads, Zamias, and other plants, that seem to tell of a tropical or subtropical climate. Nor was this phase of the physical geography of the time specially peculiar to the Lower Lias, for it belongs alike to each of the divisions, and, as we shall by-and-by see, was continued into much later times. Nothing is more clear to me than this, that there was no break in time between the successive conven- tional divisions of the Lower, Middle, and Upper Lias. Each in ascending succession lies quite conformably on the other ; between the Lower and Middle divisions there is a clear lithological passage, accompanied by passage of species, and though there is generally a very sudden break in lithological character between the Marlstone and the Upper Lias clay or shale (due, perhaps, to rapid depression of the area), yet contrary to a not unprevalent belief, there is a greater number of species common to these divisions than is generally imagined. Out of 668 known species in the Lower Lias, 94, Passage of Species. 173 or about 14 per cent, pass into the Middle Lias ; and of 500 species in the latter, 57, or about 11^ per cent, pass into the Upper Lias ; while of 312 Upper Lias species, 39, or about 1 2J per cent, pass into the Inferior Oolite which succeeds it. Few biologists and geologists now believe in the sudden extinction of entire old marine faunas, or even of the greater part of them, and their equally sudden replacement by new creations ; for it begins to be generally understood that life is variable and pro- gressive, the change of species in given areas being due chiefly, in comparatively short epochs, to migrations out of and into these areas, in consequence of changes of local conditions, such as depth of water, and nature of sediments, while in long periods of geological time, it is best accounted for by that process of evolution so clearly expounded by Darwin. Neither is it a fair test of the community of species in two so-called form- ations, to take the entire fauna of the lower one, and calculate the percentage of forms that pass into the overlying deposit, for, between the lower and upper parts of many thick formations, there is often the same kind of difference in assemblage of species that there is between the adjoining parts of two so-called distinct formations. In judging then of passage of species, if we had all the data, the fairest method would generally be to estimate the passage of forms by those in common between the upper part of the lower formation and the lower part of the upper one, in which case it would often be found, when there is a natural confor- mity between the strata, that the percentage of species that pass onward is much increased. We now come to the Oolitic series of strata. On the flank of the Cots wold escarpment, south of i 74 Passage of Species. Wotton-under-Edge, in Gloucestershire, the Upper Lias clay is very poorly developed, and between it and the ordinary limestone of the Inferior Oolite, there are thick beds of soft brown sand, with inter- mittent hard, sandy, calcareous bands, containing Ammonites, Belemnites, Pentacrinites,and bivalve shells. Above these there are bands of impure sandy limestone, called in 1856, by Dr. Wright of Cheltenham, the Cephalopoda bed, because of the prevalence in it of Ammonites, Belemnites, and Nautili, some of which, with other forms, are also common in the Upper Lias clay. This fact induced him to consider these sands and impure limestone to be so intimately related to the Upper Lias, that he named them in his Memoir 6 the Upper Lias Sands ' l instead of ' the Mitford Sands (of the Inferior Oolite,') a name long before given to them by William Smith. According to existing lists, 17 species of Conchifera pass from the sands into the overlying Oolite strata, and, indeed, about 39 or 40 species of all kinds are common to the Upper Lias and the overlying Oolitic formations, 2 thus linking the Lias to the Oolites in a continuous chain of specific life. Throughout the southern half of England, from the English Channel to the borders of Northamptonshire, the various members of the Oolitic series maintain a tolerably uniform character. THE INFERIOR OOLITE LIMESTONE forms the lowest member of this series. It first appears between the west end of the Chesil Bank and Bridport Harbour in Dorset- shire, from whence, underlaid by the before-mentioned sands, broken and interrupted by many faults, it ranges 1 * Journal of the Geol. Soc.' 1856, p. 292. 2 As catalogued by Mr. Etheridge. Inferior Oolite. 175 northward by Beaminster and Sherborne to the east end of the Mendip Hills and the neighbourhood of Bath, where it forms the flat tops of the scarped hills intersected by so many winding valleys. From thence, in a long narrow strip, it runs on by Wotton-under- edge, Dursley, and Painswick, in Gloucestershire, near which, on the flat-topped Cotswold Hills east of Chel- tenham, it broadens, and more or less forms great part of the wide plateau that extends from Burford to the neighbourhood of Chipping Camden. Beyond this region it narrows, and finally thins away, and as a limestone disappears in Oxfordshire, a few miles north- east of Chipping Norton, where I shall leave it for a time. It chiefly consists of yellow limestone, and along with other limestones of the series is called Oolitic, for in many cases they consist of concretionary bodies about the size of a pin's head, compacted like the eggs that form the roe of a fish (egg-stone) cemented in a calcareous matrix. One of the most typical sections occurs near Cheltenham, on the summit of the bold escarpment that overlooks that town. There, at the base, the Oolitic grains are often as large as peas, and the rock is locally called pea-grit. The whole is apt to be fossiliferous, abounding in Lamellibranchiate molluscs, Limas, Pectens, Oysters, Cardiums, Pholadomyas, Trigonias, and others need- less here to name ; and of Brachiopoda, Terebratulas and Rhynchonellas are exceedingly numerous. Gasteropoda also occur in profusion, including species of the genera Pleurotomaria, Natica, Littorina, Patella, &c. Be- lemnites. Ammonites, and Nautili are found in pro- fusion, together with genera and species of sea-urchins, such as Cidaris, Pseudo-diadema, Pygaster, &c. 176 Fullers Earth. Plants are rare in the purely marine strata of Gloucester shire and the south of England, but frag- ments of coniferous trees are sometimes found, the most remarkable of which is a large cone of Araucarites hemisphcericus. This, in addition to the nature and multiplicity of genera and species of the marine fauna, plainly tells of land not far off, a fact that will become still more clear as we get further on with the history of the Oolites, and its bearing on the old physical geography of the land of the Oolitic epoch. THE FULLER'S EARTH accompanies and overlies the Inferior Oolite through the whole length of this area, excepting where locally interrupted by faults. It con- sists chiefly of tenacious bluish clay, with frequent thin shelly bands of limestone, often largely charged with a small oyster, Ostrea acuminata, and with Terebratulae. In the neighbourhood and south of Bath a strong band of limestone lies in the middle of the clay, known as the Fuller's Earth Kock. Near Upper Slaughter in Oxfordshire, this sub- formation entirely thins away, and is known no more. Its greatest thickness, near Bath, is about 200 feet. The name was originally given to it by William Smith, because in places it contains beds of Fuller's Earth, long ago much used in the famous woollen factories of Gloucestershire. I call it a subformation, because very many of its fossils are also common in the Inferior Oolite, though a few are peculiar. THE GREAT or BATH OOLITE of this southern half of England succeeds the Fuller's Earth, and consists, when fully developed, of Forest Marble. Great Oolite. Stonesfield Slate. Stones/kid Slate. 1 7 7 The local development called the Stonesfield Slate consists of beds of laminated shelly and oolitic limestone and sandy flags, with much false bedding, and contain- ing ferns, Cyclopteris, Glossopteris, Pecopteris, &c. ; Cycads, Bucklandia squamosa, Zamias, Palceozamia of various species, and Coniferae. Elytra of beetles and wings of insects (Libellula Westwoodii, &c.) ; bones of Plesiosaurus, Crocodile, &c. ; also Ostrea, Terebratida, Rhynchonella, Lima, Pecten, Trigonia, Patella, Nerincea, Belemnites, Ammonites, &c., are all found in these thin shallow water deposits. The reptiles include Ichthyosaurus advena, Plesiosaurus erraticus, and crocodiles of the genus Teleosaurus, allied to the Gravial of the Granges (T. brevidens and T. subulidens), together with a great carnivorous lizard, Megalosaurus Bucklandi, that walked on the neighbouring land, and was probably about 30 feet in length. A flying reptile, Ramphorhynchus Bucklandi, allied to the Pterodactyle, is found in this subformation, which has long been especially celebrated as containing the remains of mammals, viz. the lower jawbones of species of small insectivorous marsupials, Amphitherium Broderipii, A. Prevostii, Phascolotherium Bucklandi, and Stereognathus Ooliticus. I call the Stonesfield Slate a local development because it is by no means of universal occurrence at the base of the Great Oolite, and is chiefly known in those parts of Gloucestershire that lie eastward of Cheltenham on the broad Oolitic plateau, and in Oxfordshire at and near the town of Stonesfield, where it perhaps attains its greatest thickness. There it is largely manufactured into what are called slates, but in reality are small slabs, the coarse fissile character of which has no relation to jwhat is known as slaty cleavage. From these areas N 178 Great Oolite. going south along the Oolites, the Stonesfield Slate rapidly thins away, or changes itslithological character, for it is quite unknown at the base of the Great Oolite towards Wotton-under-Edge and Bath. In the opposite direction going northward, the Stonesfield Slate passes into the Northampton Sand, where we will leave it for the present. The Great Oolite was originally so called -by William Smith in 1812, and the Upper Oolite in 1815, to dis- tinguish it from the Lower or Inferior Oolite, which lies below the Fuller's Earth, whereas the former lies above it. It is often named the Bath Oolite, and the greatest development of that excellent building-stone is near the city, which is almost entirely built of ' Bath stone.' It first makes its appearance on the south near Norton St. Philip, about six miles south of Bath, from whence, overlaid by Forest Marble, it ranges northerly, forming the flat-topped scarped hills on either side of the Avon near Bath, and so on by Wotton-under-edge to Minchin- Hampton. Beyond this it forms a large part of the table land, intersected by valleys, that lie between Minchin-Hampton in Gloucestershire and Towcester in Northamptonshire. In Northamptonshire its lowest sandy beds are the equivalents of the Stonesfield Slate, To this part of the subject I shall return in describing important physical changes that take place further north. The best beds of the Great Oolite are of cream- coloured limestone, so soft when first extracted from the quarry, that it can be easily sawed into blocks, but hardening on exposure. Some of its fossils are also found in the Fuller's Earth and the Inferior Oolite, and a few are first known in the Lias, and, indeed, through- out the whole there is a general agreement in the Lower Oolitic Fossils. FIG. 37. 179 Terebratula perovalis. Acrosalenia hemicidaroides. Rhyuchonella spinosa . Pkoladomya fidicula. Nautilus sinuatus. Trigonia costata. Ammonites Macrocephalus. Purpuroidea Morrisii. Ammo. Humphresianus. Group of Fossils of the Lower Oolitic Formations. \ \ N2 \ i i8o Forest Marble. genera of shells. Corals occur in the Great Oolite, including more than twenty species, chiefly belonging to the genera Styling Isastrea, Thamnastrea, &c., and Brachiopoda of the usual genera Rhynchonella (Rh. concinna, &c.), and Terebratula(T. digona, T. obovata, &c.), besides great numbers of Lamellibranchiata, the most numerous of which belong to the genera Ostrea (0. Sowerbii, &c.), Pecten (P. vagans, &c.), Ger- villia (6r. monotis, &c.), Lima (L. cardiiformis, &c.), Mytilus (M. imbricatus, &c.), Trigonia (impressa, &c.), Cardium, Astarte, Ceromya concentrica, &c. Pholadomya socialis, &c., Cyprina, Pecten, Lima, and many others. Near Minchin-Hampton it is rich in Gasteropoda, among the most common of which are many of the genera Patella, Pleurotomaria, Trochotoma, Purpuroidea (P. Morrisii), Natica, Chemnitzia, Nerinea, Alaria, Ceritella, Cylindrites, Turbo, and many others. Ammonites and Belemnites are rare at Minchin-Hampton, but further south Gasteropoda decline, and Cephalopoda are more nu- merous. Echinodermata of the genera Acrosalenia, Clypeus, Echinobrissus, and others are not uncommon, and Pentacrinite joints occur rarely. Fishes' teeth, Hybodus, Pycnodus, and Strophodus, and scales of Lepidosteus are sometimes found, and reptiles of the genera Teleosaurus and Megalosaurus, together with the gigantic Ceteosaurus (or whale-lizard), probably about 50 feet in length, and most likely amphibious. The Forest Marble forms the topmost beds of the strata that usually are called Great Oolite. They are formed of shelly limestone, with much false bedding, very similar in structure to the Stonesfield Slate, and as a marble the rock has sometimes been used for orna- mental purposes. Its beds are full of Oysters, stems of Cornbrash. 1 8 1 Pentacrinites, fragments of Echinodermata, Pectens, Aviculce, Terebratulce, &c. In it occurs the Bradford clay, in which is found the beautiful Crinoid, Apiocri- nites rotundus, and also Terebratula digona, and many fragments of Coniferous wood. On the south coast the Forest Marble borders the sea for a considerable distance between Bridport Harbour and Portland Isle, from whence it ranges north by Wincanton to Frome in Somersetshire. A few miles further north, the Great Oolite proper crops from under- neath it near Norton St. Philip, and beyond this town and Bath it everywhere overlies the Great Oolite, and forms the surface of vast tracts of country between the Avon, Cirencester, and Burford, in Gioucestershire, beyond which, towards Witney, on the river Wlndrush, it gets broken into outliers, and also becoming thinner, it either dies out, or is gently overlapped by the Corn- brash about three miles north of Bicester in Oxford- shire. The COKNBRASH forms the uppermost member of those formations that are usually classed as Lower Oolite. It is generally of inconsiderable thickness (15 to 100 feet), and beginning in Dorsetshire between Bridport and Weymouth, it ranges at the surface all across that county, excepting where overlapped by the Cretaceous strata between Abbotsbury and the neigh- bourhood of Evershot. It is remarkably constant, striking with the underlying and overlying strata all through Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, and Northamptonshire, and onward into Lincolnshire ; but north of the Humber it disappears for a space, being again overlapped by unconformable Cretaceous strata. Throughout all this long range it retains in a 1 82 Passage of Species. remarkable manner the same lithological character, showing evidence of deposition in shallow water. It is partly formed of pale marly limestones and clays, pass- ing in places into shelly, and occasionally oolitic, build- ing-stones. When partly decomposed near the surface, it assumes a rubbly character, and forms a fertile soil, whence its agricultural name of Cornbrash, the word brash being an old word expressive of this loose rubbly character. The Cornbrash is generally very fossi lifer ous, the general assemblage of genera of Echinoderms, corals, Cephalopoda, Brachiopoda, Lamellibranchiata, &c. being much the same as in the Great and Inferior Oolites. So much, indeed, is this the case, that of the forms found in the Great Oolite, 1 00 species pass into the Cornbrash, while of those in the Inferior Oolite, 89 species pass up into the same formation. This community of forms is very important, showing as it does, that if some of the Inferior Oolite species are absent in the Fuller's Earth and Great Oolite, they must, nevertheless, during the deposition of these strata, nave lived elsewhere, and returned in a later time, that of the Cornbrash, to inhabit the same area when a con- genial set of marine conditions ensued, thus establish- ing a strong and direct succession of life through the whole of these formations which together, in the language of the day, form the Lower Oolite. In fact, this division of these strata into formations, is in great part lithological, and the difference of faunas in them was dependent on changes of conditions of depth &c. in a sea, where limestone, sands, or clays were being deposited. The four so-called Oolitic formations already described, may in truth be spoken of as one, there being not much more difference between their fossils, Middle Oolites, Oxford Clay. 183 than there is between those of what are called different zones in other recognised single formations. Facts of this broad kind are of more importance to the general reader than trying to remember names of fossils, and what I now endeavour to do, is to disabuse the mind of the idea, too often implied in manuals, that the marked characteristic of strata is, that they consist of perfectly distinct zones, each having its own species, which have little connection with each other. What applies to the Lias and Lower Oolites, equally applies to the connection of the latter with the Middle, and of the Middle with the Upper Oolites, and I shall therefore treat the remainder of this subject as briefly as possible. The next group of strata, as generally received, is formed of the Middle Oolites, which consist or* the following divisions, the oldest being placed at the bottom : Coral Rag and Calcareous Grit. fClay. Oxford Clay< Kelloway Rock. I Clay ; a thin band. In the south of England, much faulted, the OXFORD CLAY occupies considerable strips of country between Weymouth Bay and the river Bredy, about a mile east of Burton Bradstock. Beyond that faulted region, and the overlapping of the Cretaceous strata of Dorsetshire, the Oxford Clay, about 650 feet in thickness, comes on in great force at Melbury Samplord and Melbury Osmund, where it is underlaid by about 50 feet of Cornbrash. From thence it runs somewhat north-easterly, covering a broad tract of country, by Melksham in Wiltshire, and so on by Chippenham, Cricklade, Fairford, Bamp- ton, Oxford, Bicester, Buckingham, Fenny Stratford 1 84 Kelloway Rock. and Bedford, north of which it covers an immense tract of country, twenty miles in width, in the neighbourhood of Huntingdon. Still further north it underlies the great alluvial flats of Cambridgeshire, and the waters of the Wash, and beyond this, in Lincolnshire, in con- sequence of the gradual overlap of the Cretaceous strata, the area occupied by the Oxford Clay narrows by degrees. North of the Humber it is entirely overlapped for a space, to reappear in Yorkshire, where it is well exposed on the sea-cliffs in Filey Bay, accompanied by the Kelloway Eock. Not the least remarkable circumstance connected with the Oxford Clay is the very frequent occurrence in it of this Kelloway Rock, which some persons would willingly raise to the rank of an independent formation, because of its palaBontological peculiarities. The thin clay that occasionally lies beneath it contains a goodly proportion of species also found in the Cornbrash, but a greater number found in higher parts of the Oxford Clay. When analysed it appears that the Calcareous sandstone, called the Kelloway Eock by Smith, 1 contain* not less than about 150 species, of which very nearly one-half are also found in older formations, thus forming a close bond of union between them. An equal number passes upward from the Kelloway Eock into the overlying Oxford Clay, or, if absent there, are found in formations still higher in the series. The KeOoway Rock contains many Gryphceas and Ammonites, one of which, A. Calloviensis, is especially characteristic of this stratum. Several other Ammonites, and Ancyloceras Calloviense, besides Nautili (.ZV. hexagonus\ &c., are found in it. Bra- 1 I believe originally 'Kelloway's Rock,' named from Kelloway, who quarried it. Coral Rag. 185 chiopoda and Lamellibranchiata, of genera and some species common to all the Oolites, are common. The Oxford Clay also contains many Belemnites, Ammo- nites, and other shells, among which, Ammonites Jason, Ostrea flabelloides, and Gryphcea dilatata are characteristic of this formation. Trigonia costata, an inferior Oolite species, passes upwards thus far. The general assemblage of fossils in the Oxford Clay and Kelloway Eock generically, and largely in species, strongly resembles that of the Lower Oolite formations, but the life is not so numerous. Fishes, Hybodus, Lepidotus, and Pycnodus are found, and Eeptilia of the genera Dakosaurus, Ichthyosaurus (I. dilatatus swdthyreospondylus), Megalosaurus Bucklandi, Pleio- saurus gamma and P. grandis, 4 species of Plesio- saurus, P. Oxoniensis, &c., Rhamphorhynchus Bucklandi, Steneosaurus, and Streptospondylus Cuvieri. The plentiful assemblage of fossils in an accidental stratum so thin as the Kelloway Eock, lying in the Oxford Clay, speaks of physical conditions in the sea favourable to the development of life, and the diminu- tion of species in the thick beds of the Oxford Clay seems to tell of the deepening of a sea in which much muddy sediment was being deposited. The CORAL EAG is a rubbly limestone, trending, with occasional interruptions, from Somersetshire to Yorkshire, the details of which it is unnecessary to give. It is associated in places with sandy strata known as the Calcareous grits, and is often almost entirely com- posed of broken shells and Echini, Gidaris Smithii, Hemicidaris intermedia, Pyg aster umbrella, Py gurus costatus,&c., and numerous corals (whence its name) of the genera Isastrea, Thecosmilia, Protoseris, &c., i86 Upper Oolites. Ammonites, a few Gasteropoda, and various genera of bivalves, common in the Oolitic formations. This formation is rarely more than about 300 feet thick, and about one-third of its fossils are well known in older Oolitic strata, while less than a tenth pass FIG. 38. Ammonites Jason. Cidaris florigemma. G-ryphsea clilatata. Belemnites hastatus. Isastrasa explanata. Chemnitzia Heddingtonensis. Pholadomya aequalis. Group of Fossils in the Middle Oolites. upward into the overlying Kimeridge Clay and Port- land rocks. For reasons connected with the physical geography of this epoch, which will be mentioned further on, I confine the Upper Oolite to two formations, viz. : Portland Limestone and Sand, Kimeridge Clay. The stratigraphical arrangement of these strata and Kimeridge Clay. of the overlying Purbeck Lime- stone is well seen in the Isle of Portland, where all the strata dip gently from north to south, as shown in the annexed diagram. The KIM BRIDGE CLAY takes its name from Kimeridge Bay in Dorsetshire, on the cliffs of which it is well exposed, with bands of cement stones and many fossils, such as Ammonites, Belemnites, Reptilian bones, and many ordin- ary molluscous shells. Certain hard, shaley bands at Little Kimeridge have been at intervals used for the manufacture of naphtha and mineral oils, but, I think, never with great success. |j West of this area the clay is well known in the northern half of Portland Isle, in Portland Road, and in the country near the chalk hills, between Ringstead Bay and Abbotsbury. North of this it is overlapped by the Cretaceous rocks between Abbotsbury and Buckland Newton near Cerne Abbas, from whence, beginning in a narrow band, it gradually widens, trending north along the borders of the Cretaceous escarp- ment between Shaftesbury and Mere. West of Mere it occurs in interrupted patches at the foot of 1 88 Kimeridge Clay. this great escarpment as far north as Kowde, near Devizes, where it is again overlapped by the uncon- formable Cretaceous strata, to reappear at Calne, from whence, on the north-east, it comes on in great force, covering a broad tract of country by Swindon and Longcott. A little east of Longcott, a great tongue of Lower Grreensand, running out to Farringdon, over- laps the Kimeridge Clay. Escaping from this overlap, the clay runs eastward by Abingdon, Netley, Quainton, and the south end of Stewkley, between which and Leighton Buzzard it is again overlapped by broad- spreading strata of Grault and Lower Grreensand. Between this area and the fens of Lincolnshire it doubtless lies deep underground, well to the east of the Chalk escarpment, for it is well known to underlie much of the marshes on either side of the Wash, from whence it trends north in a strip at the base of the Lincolnshire Wolds as far as the Humber, where it is again unconformably overlapped by the Cretaceous strata of the Yorkshire Wolds, to reappear in great force in and around the Vale of Pickering, between Hambleton Hills and Filey Bay in Yorkshire. The Kimeridge Clay is in places from 500 to 600 feet in thickness, but of late, in a great experimental boring in the Weald of Kent, after passing through the Purbeck and Portland Limestones and Sand, it was pierced to the depth of 921 feet, below which came clays supposed to be the Coral Rag and Oxford Clay, the base of which was not reached at 1 ,906 feet when for financial reasons the boring was abandoned. The meaning of this seems to be, that whereas these clays, in their range from Dorsetshire to Yorkshire, were deposited in com- paratively shallow areas not very far from land, in the Kent area they were laid down in a much deeper sea. Upper Oolite Fossils. FIG. 40. 189 Ostrea deltoidea. Rhynchonella inconstans. Mantellia nidiformis. Ammo, biplcx. Natica elegans. CeritLium Portlandicunu Group of Kimeridge Clay and Portland Fossils. Upper Oolite. 1 90 Portland Beds. A shell peculiarly characteristic of the Kimeridge Clay is a large oyster, Ostrea deltoidea, Fig. 40. Shells of the genera Rhynchonella (Rh. inconstans) and Terebratula, Discina (D. Humphresiana, &c.), Lingula ovalis, Pinna, Astarte, Pecten, Trigonia (T. incurva), and other bivalves, and Ammonites and Belemnites, are also common, the Belemnites sometimes almost paving the ledges of the seashore in Kimeridge Bay. Fishes of the Oolitic genera already named, with others, are found, and many remains of reptiles, among others Turtles, Crocodiles of the genera Goniopholis, Teleo- saurus and Steneosaurus, 5 species of Ichthyosaurus, 8 of Plesiosaurus, and 5 of Pleiosaurus, some of the last of great size. Cetiosaurus longus and Megalo- saurus Bucklandi also occur. Fragments of wood are not uncommon. The PORTLAND LIMESTONE and SAND lie above the Kimeridge Clay. The best sections of these rocks occur in the Isle of Portland, as shown in fig. 39, p. 187. The sand which forms the base of the forma- tion, is there 150 feet thick, and the limestone about 70. Of this, about 20 feet forms marketable stone in three horizons, from the best part of which the celebrated Portland stone is derived, used in many public buildings, of which St. Paul's may be cited as an example. The limestone, like those of most other Oolite formations, is cream-coloured, and gene- rally fossiliferous. Among the most common forms found in it are Trigonia gibbosa and T. incurva, Pecten lamellosus, Ostrea expansa, Cardium dissimile, Terebra Portlandica, and various AmmowUes, some of them of large size. The lowest beds are full of layers of flint and chert. The sand is fossiliferous, containing Oysters, Cardiums, &c. The Portland stone also occurs Northampton Oolites. 191 at the south end of the Isle of Purbeck, in the Vale of Tisbury in Wiltshire, at Swindon, and in the Vale of Aylesbuiy. The beds are very inconstant in their out- crop, only showing at those places which were probably near the original western margin of the sea of the period. At Swindon both limestone and sand are of trifling thickness. Outliers of it occur in Bedfordshire, and the whole has evidently been exposed to denuda- tion before the deposition of the Cretaceous rocks. Such is a brief outline of the marine Oolitic strata in the south and centre of England, and also of the Upper and Middle Oolites in their range into York- shire. It will be observed that in this description I have specially insisted on the unconformable overlapping of the Cretaceous strata across the Portland, Kimeridge, and other formations, at intervals, all the way from Dorsetshire to Yorkshire, for by-and-by it will appear that this fact has an important bearing on the physical theory of the deposition of the Purbeck and Wealden strata, which come next in succession. In the meanwhile, I must return to the Northamp- tonshire area, where we left the Lower Oolites, and follow them into Yorkshire, when it will be seen, that they were formed under physical conditions in some respects very different from those which obtained in the South, while the marine clays and limestones of the Lower Oolites of that area were being deposited. It will be remembered that in Gloucestershire, a few miles west of Stow-on-the-Wold, the Fuller's Earth thins out, and the Inferior Oolite and Stonesfield Slate come together, the latter being formed in part of the sandy flags that make the base of the Great Oolite, and constitute the Stonesfield Slate. Going easterly into 1 9 2 Northamptonshire and L incolnshire. Oxfordshire, these beds get still more sandy, the lime- stone of the Inferior Oolite disappears by degrees, sandy beds replace them, which are overlaid directly by the sands of the Great Oolite, the two forming together what are generally known as the Northampton Sands. By-and-by, in the district of Rockingham near Ged- dington, the Inferior Oolite Limestone begins to re- appear, overlying the lower part of the Northampton Sands, and lying flat, and thickening by degrees, it forms the surface of a great tract of country towards Stamford and Thistleton, in Northamptonshire and Rut- landshire, also towards Grantham, and in Lincolnshire, being always underlaid by the Northamptonshire Sand. The Inferior Oolite of this district is well known as the Lincolnshire Oolite Limestone. The sands beneath it have been largely worked in Northamptonshire for ironstone, and their upper part is occasionally white, ' with remains of plants, sometimes vertical, also thin seams of lignite, and miniature underdaysj while 6 thin seams containing Cyrena (a fresh-water bivalve shell) occur in this part of the series. These beds have been distinguished by Mr. Judd as the Lower Estuarine Series.* Above the Lincolnshire Oolite Limestone there lie certain strata, named by Mr. Judd the Upper Estu- arine Series., forming, in his opinion, the lowest part of the Great Oolite of this area. They are well seen in some of the cuttings of the Great Northern Railway, and on the top of the Inferior Oolite Limestone quarries at Ketton, Clipsham, and Casterton. As described by Mr. Judd, there are in these strata 'bands of sandy stone with vertical plant markings and layers of shells, 1 'Geology of Rutland,' &c. J. W. Judd, p. 92, 'Memoirs of the Geological Survey.' Physical Geography. 193 sometimes marine, as Pholadomya, Modiola, Ostrea, Necera, &c. ; at other times fresh- water shells, as Cyrena, Unio, &c., and he correctly states that ' all the cha- racters presented by the beds of the Upper Estuarine Series, point to the conclusion that they were accumu- lated under an alternation of marine and fresh-water conditions, such as takes place in the estuaries of rivers.' These strata between Northampton and Grrantham are rarely more than about 25 feet in thickness. When we think of the meaning of these phenomena, it is evident that, while from Gloucestershire to the south coast, all the strata from the base of the Lower Lias to the top of the Oolitic series are marine, in the middle area of Northamptonshire, Eutland, and Lincolnshire, a set of conditions prevailed in the time of the deposition of the Lower Oolites that indicated filling up of the area, and temporary elevation of the old marine deposits, in places, quite above the level of the sea, so that swampy terrestrial surfaces were formed, through which wandered minor streams inhabited by fresh- water shells. Further north this fact becomes still more plain. After crossing the Humber, and passing the uncon- formable overlap of the Cretaceous rocks of the Yorkshire Wolds, a series of Liassic and Oolitic strata appears in the North Eiding, forming a great tract of beautiful hilly country, the sections of which are best seen on the coast cliffs that lie between the mouth of the Tees and Filey Bay. That part of the cliffs of which the strata are of Oolitic age, more or less includes representatives in time of all the so-called formations from the Inferior Oolite to the Kimeridge Clay inclusive. The lithological characters, and mode of formation, of all the strata that are presumed to lie between the horizon of the base of the inferior Oolite and the Cornbrash, are, however, of a o 194 Yorkshire Oolites. very different nature from those of the equivalent strata in the south of England, and though I have ex- amined these sections from end to end, I shall quote from the measured sections of Mr. Etheridge, and give the latest information. Kesting directly on the Alum shales of the Upper Lias, there are sands intermingled with bands of shale, the whole being about 50 feet thick. All the fossils, which are generally scarce, are of marine species, and the whole of the strata are known to palaeon- tologists as the zone of Ammonites Jurensis, and it is generally considered to be the equivalent of the Midford Sands of the South of England, or the Sands of the Inferior Oolite, as named by William Smith. Above these come strata, locally known as Dogger, consisting of about 30 feet of brown sands, which are sometimes ferruginous and red. They are inter stratified with shaley sands, and the whole contains numbers of the marine fossils of the Inferior Oolite. On these there lie about 200 feet of sandstone, destitute as far as known of the remains of any kind of life, except a few land plants. Then comes about 25 feet of sandy limestone, known as the Millepore Bed, full of fossils common in the Inferior Oolite of the south. This is succeeded by about 80 feet of shales interstratified with sandstones, as yet destitute of the remains of molluscs, but what is of especial interest, there are at least eight distinct bands of coal, inter- stratified chiefly with the shales, and several other lines of carbonaceous matter more interrupted and broken. What adds to the importance of this fact is, that the coal-beds have not been formed of drifted vegetation, for underneath each bed there occurs an underclay or Yorkshire Oolites. 195 old soil, charged with the roots of those plants, the decay of which on the spot formed the thin beds of coal, just in the manner that coal-beds were formed during the Coal-measure epoch, but, in the case of these Oolitic coal-beds, on a much smaller scale. Above these fresh-water and terrestrial strata, there occur beds of < grey limestone ' and shales. It is often called the Scarborough Limestone, and is full of marine shells, &c., common in the ordinary Inferior Oolite. Finally, on the top of this, there are strata of sand- stones and shales, often called the upper series, to distinguish them from the lower sandstones and shales that lie below the grey marine limestone. Like the lower series, they seem to contain no mollusca of any kind, and, indeed, the only fossils that have been found in them are the remains of plants scattered through the rocks, accompanied here and there by streaks of coaly matter. On the whole, such evidence as there is, tends to show that these also are fresh-water or at most estuarine strata. Overlying these sands, there is a persistent band of impure limestone, generally from 3 to 6 feet thick, which is considered to represent the Cornbrash of more southern areas, where, it will be remembered, it lies directly on strata of the Great Oolite series. It is certain that in its fossils it is intimately related both to the Great and the Inferior Oolite, including the Fuller's Earth. If, therefore, we take the Lower Oolites as a whole, the most philosophical method of regarding them is to consider them as one. Owing to minor changes in the physical geography of the sea bottom, and of the neighbouring land, this formation was, during the pro- gress of deposition, locally broken up into a series of subformations, now of limestone, now of clay, now of o2 1 96 Physical Geography. sand, and, according to locality, of marine, estuarine, fresh-water, and even terrestrial origin ; marine in Dorset, Somerset, and Gloucestershire, partly passing into estuarine and fresh-water strata in Northamptonshire, at the very time, for example, that the marine sediments of the Stonesfield Slate, had washed in among them, from the neighbouring land, plants, insects, and mar- supial mammals. Still further north, in Yorkshire, the equivalent of great part of the Inferior Oolite actually constitutes a coal-field, on a miniature scale, quite comparable, in its sandstones, shales, underclays, and beds of coal, to the broad and thick deposits of the Coal-measures, and showing the same kind of alter- nations of terrestrial and aquatic conditions, indicating, repeated filling by sediments of a certain area, its conversion into land, and its subsequent depression to receive new accessions of sands and shales. These circumstances seem to me to agree, in a strik- ing manner, with what may be surmised to have been the state of the geography of the neighbouring lands. In the south of what is now England the seas were broad and comparatively shallow, during all the time of the deposition of the Lower Oolites, and the islands round which these seas flowed (including Wales) were comparatively small. But further north we come to a fragment of a much larger land, formed of Palgeozoic rocks, that in those days formed a mountainous country extending from the hills of Derbyshire far away to the northern extremity of Scotland, and how much further entire, or broken into islands, no man yet knows. In spite of disturbances of upheaval of later date than these Oolitic times, it may also very well have been that this old land was much higher than the highest Highland mountains of the present day, seeing the vast Physical Geography. 197 amount of waste and degradation that they have under- gone since that ancient time, and we may be sure that it was surrounded by seas of this lower Mesozoic epoch, for fragments of the Oolitic strata still surround the island. This was the larger land, from which the rivers flowed that deposited the fresh-water sands de- scribed above. On the low banks of these rivers grew many a plant now represented merely by indistinct impressions ' Their meaning lost, Save what remains on stone, or fragments vast ' in which the relics of species of Araucaria, Cycas, Zamia, Screw Pine, and numerous other forms, to- gether with gigantic Equisetums which grew in the still waters on their borders, while Marsupial mammals on the shores, and Trigonise and Terebratulse in the seas ? help us to realise that the physical characteristics of the time in some degree resembled that of Australia in our own day, a circumstance first noticed by Professor Owen. This state of affairs was at length partly brought to an end by a gradual submergence, during which the Oxford and Kimeridge Clays were deposited in open seas, but the sinking of the area was not by any means so great as to swallow up the old islands round which the strata were formed, and which still remain, much changed, as the most lofty portions of Great Britain. Such fragments of the Jurassic strata as still remain on the coasts of Scotland throw some light on this question. On the east of Scotland, at and near Brora, in Sutherland, the Liassic and Oolitic strata have been long known, and were first described in the Journal of the Geological Society in 1858 by Mr. (afterwards) 198 Lias and Oolites of Scotland. Sir K. Murchison. In 1859 I accompanied him during a tour in Scotland to that district, and mapped the strata with all its faults and dislocations, but never published the results. The region was afterwards investigated by Mr. Judd, and the results published in great detail in the < Journal of the Geological Society,' for 1873. At the base lie Keuper sandstones, &c., with Stagenolepis (a crocodile) and Telerpeton (a land lizard), &c., above which are beds of sandstone and conglome- rate, which may possibly represent the Bhsetic beds. These are succeeded by about 400 feet of sandstone and shale, with plant remains and seams of coal (terrestrial), with pectens in the overlying strata. These are overlaid by limestones and beds of blue micaceous clay, both full of Lias fossils ; the whole is well seen on the shore near Dunrobin. Of later date, in the same district, the Lower Oolite consists partly of marine and partly of fresh-water strata, with Oysters, Perna, Unio, Cyrena, Cypris, &c., and land-plants and coal seams, one of which is 3J feet thick, and has been worked. The Middle Oolites of the district are considered by Mr. Judd to represent the whole of the English strata from the 'base of the Oxford Clay to the Coral Eag inclusive. They are full of marine shells of the usual genera and species, and occasionally contain plants and bands of lignite. The whole series is perhaps nearly 1,000 feet thick, and consists to a great extent of sandstones, with occasional limestones, conglomerates, and shales. The Upper Oolite, which is supposed to represent the lower part of the Kimeridge Clay, and all the higher beds, are marine, with occasional remains of land plants. As a whole, the Liassic and Oolitic series of Brora dip east and north-east along the shore between Dun- robin and Helmsdale, the older parts of the series being Lias and Oolites of Scotland. 199 afc Dunrobin, and the younger at and near Helmsdale A great fault, nearly 20 miles in length, runs along the shore, and throws the secondary strata down against the older Palaeozoic rocks on the north-west. Interstrati- fied with the black shales near Helmsdale, there are occasional beds of brecciated conglomerate. The shales contain thin layers of plants and many broken shells, and the breccias contain angular and subangular blocks, chiefly of Old Red Sandstone, with a mixture of the older rocks of the Highlands, sometimes 6 or 8 feet in diameter, in fact, boulder beds, which long ago suggested to me the action of floating ice. Mr. Judd suggests that they may be due to river ice, floated on streams flowing from the west, at a time when the larger part of the gneiss of the Highlands was covered by Old Red Sandstone, since denuded. In the Inner Hebrides, the Lias, Inferior Oolite, Middle Oolite and Oxford Clay occur in the Island of Skye. The Lias, as described by Geikie, consists of beds of limestone, sandstone, conglomerate, and shale. It contains the usual fossils. The rocks are much dis- turbed, and the limestones have been metamorphosed into crystalline marble accompanied by the intrusion of syenite. The section at Loch Staffin, given by Edward Forbes, is as follows: Oxford Clay. Inferior Oolite. Estuary Shales. Lias. Middle Oolite. Between the Middle Oolite and estuary shales, a bed of columnar basalt is intercalated, and the whole is overlaid by amygdaloidal trap, which breaks through and overspreads the strata. These igneous rocks are intrusive and of Miocene age. The estuary shales con- tain Oysters, Unios, Cyrenas, Paludinas, &c., distinct 2OO Lias and Oolites of Scotland. from those of Brora and of the English Purbeck strata. In Mull, Lias and Oolites occur, ranging from the Lower Lias to the Upper Oolitic series, overlaid by Lower Cretaceous strata. They are traversed by many dykes and intrusive sheets of basalt, formerly considered as of Oolitic age, but now, as described by Professor Greikie, of Miocene date. 201 CHAPTER XIII. PURBECK AND WEALDEN STRATA. AFTER the discovery by Dr. Mantell of the fresh-water nature of the Hastings Sands and Weald Clay, it became customary with some geologists, led by Edward Forbes, to consider the PURBECK BEDS as forming the topmost subdivision of the Oolites, and the Wealden strata as belonging to the Cretaceous series ; but as, in reality, the interval between the marked marine series of the Oolitic and Lower Cretaceous epochs is, in Britain, bridged over by the terrestrial and fluviatile episode of the Pur- beck and Wealden beds, it is more convenient, and, in the chief part of the British area, more philosophical, to treat of these formations as marking one great local epoch. For the stratigraphical arrangement of these strata in the Isle of Purbeck, see fig. 75, p. 347. I here use the term Lower Cretaceous, in the sense in which it has been applied to the Atherfield Clay and Lower Greensand ever since the days of Dr. Fitton, at the same time being well aware, that all the Wealden strata above the Purbeck beds, and up to the top of the Lower Grreensand, are the geological equivalents in time of the marine Neocomian strata of the Continent of Europe, though with us it happens, that the lower and middle subdivisions of these beds are represented by fresh-water strata in the south of England. 2O2 Pur beck and Wealden. I have now to describe a series of deposits that were formed at the mouth of a river in a large delta, com- parable in size to the largest deltas of the living world, and consisting of the following subdivisions, the oldest being placed at the bottom : Purbeck r Weald Clay. and < Hastings Sands and Clays. Wealden Series. I Purbeck Limestone Marls and Clays. The events that brought about the formation of these strata seem to have been as follows : By the deposition of that series of beds of limestone and shales that constitute the Oolitic strata, a great marine area was more or less filled with sediments, the last of which is the Portland Limestone. Probably aided by partial upheaval of the flat-lying strata, a por- tion of this area was invaded by the waters of a large continental river, the rise of land having been sufficient to unite Britain with the Continent of what is now Europe, which, however, at that time presented very different contours from those of the present day. We must now conceive the old islands, which I described in the last chapter, as forming groups of hills and moun- tains, rising out of vast plains, the surface of which con- sisted of horizontal or nearly horizontal Upper Oolitic strata, through which, from some far-off unknown sources, a long and broad river ran. The earliest strata of the Purbeck Beds must have been formed in open, clear, fresh water, in the broad mouth of this river, for near Tisbury in Wiltshire, they pass gently into each other, the marine strata of the Portland and Purbeck Limestones being firmly united in the same quarries. The lowest beds of the Purbeck strata are of fresh-water origin, and on the whole the transition from the uppermost marine beds of the Portland, to the lowest fresh-water strata of the Piirbeck Beds. 203 Purbeck series, is sudden. These are about 8 feet thick, and contain fresh-water remains of the genera Cyclas, Valvata, Limncea, Physa and Cypris. Near the base of the Purbeck rocks, in the Isles of Portland and Purbeck (figs. 39 and 75), lie three beds, known as the 'dirt beds,' which, from their colour and earthy character, were clearly ancient soils. They are full of the silicified stems and stools of coniferous trees, the former procumbent and the latter with roots attached, standing in the soil in the position in which they grew. Plants (Cycadites microphyllus, &c.) allied to the modern Cycas and Zamia are also found in them. In the Isle of Purbeck the whole of the Pur- beck strata are about 360 feet thick in their largest development. They consist chiefly of limestones and marls, principally of fresh-water origin, with inter- stratifications of marine, brackish-water, and terrestrial bands. According to the sections of the Government Geological Survey, by Bristow, there are indications of four terrestrial surfaces, eleven sets of fresh-water beds, four brackish water, and three marine bands, the last containing Pectens, Modiolas, Aviculas, and Thracias. One of these, the ( cinder-bed ' of the quarrymen, is about 1 2 feet thick, and is composed almost exclusively of oysters (Ostrea distorta). Along with these, spar- ingly, was found a Perna and an Oolitic genus of Hemi- cidaris, H. Purbeckensis. The fresh-water shells of the various beds are chiefly species of Paludina, Lim- ncea, Planorbis, Physa, Valvata, and Unio, and Cyclas, and along with these are several species of small fresh-water bivalve Crustacea of the genus Cypris. The celebrated Purbeck marble, so largely used in the palmy days of Gothic architecture for the decor- ation of churches, lies near the top of the Upper Pur- 204 Purbeck Beds. beck Limestone. It is chiefly formed of remains of the delicate fresh-water univalve, Paludina fluviorum. Many fish have been found in the Purbeck strata ; among these, Lepidotus minor, Pholidophorus ornatus, Microdon radiatus, Ophiopsis breviceps, Hybodus, and Aster acanthus, are the most characteristic. Numerous wings, elytra, and other fragments of insects (Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Neuro- ptera, and Diptera), occur in thin bands in the Pur- beck Limestones. Some of these (dragon-flies, &c.) are FIG. 41. Physa Bristovi. Unio compressus. Ostrea distorta. Cyrena media. Cypris Valdensis. Paludina fluviorum. Group of Fossils from the Purbeck and Wealden beds. such as would live on the marshy banks of rivers. Among the reptiles are Crocodilia viz., Goniopholis crassidens, and Macrorhynchus ; Lacertilia; fresh- water Tortoises, and Turtles viz, Pleurosternon con- cinnum, P. emarginatum, P. ovatum, &c. In 1854, portions of the jawbone of a small mar- supial insectivorous mammal, Spalacotherium tri- cuspidens, were found by Mr. Brodie at the base of the middle Purbeck beds. At the close of 1856, Mr. Beckles commenced a further search in the same bed, Hastings Sand and Weald Clay. 205 which was rewarded by the discovery of about twenty species of mammals, belonging to the genera Spalaco- therium^ Amblotherium, Peralistis, Achyrodon, Pter- ospalax, Peramus, Stylodon, Bolodon, Triconodon, Triacanthodon, and Plagiaulax. They are altogether marsupial, and probably this Mesozoic mammalian life was f low, insignificant in size and power, adapted for insect-food, for preying upon small lizards, or on the smaller and weaker members of their own low mammalian grade ' (Owen). This mammalian fauna, as far as it goes, at once suggests comparison with the existing fauna of Australia, and the flora of the time has in part like analogies. Overlying the Purbeck Limestone, in the Isle of Purbeck, there are thick accumulations of interstratified sand and clay, which belong to the geological horizon of the Hastings Sand and Weald Clay. They are well seen on the coast cliffs of Swanage Bay, and as far as I know have yielded no fossils excepting fragments of fossilised wood (fig. 75, p. 347). In the Isle of Wight, strata of the same general age lie on the south-west coast, between Cowleaze Chine and the neighbourhood of Compton Bay. In these there occur Cyrena and Cypris and fragments of lignite, and similar strata with the same kind of fossil remains are found at the northern end of Sandown Bay. But the largest area of these estuarine beds now exposed at the surface in England, is that of the Weald of Kent and Sussex, which, between the North and South Downs and the Lower Greensand, extends from the great shingle banks of Dungeness on the east, to the neighbourhood of Petersfield on the west, embracing an area of about 80 miles in length, by about 25 miles in breadth where its width is greatest. For the strati- 206 Section at Battle. graphical order of these strata, in this area, see diagrams, Nos. 71, 72, and 73, pp. 337-343. In this area, near Battle, the lowest strata rise to the surface, being the fresh- water Purbeck Limestone, interstratified with beds of clay. For long in this area they were known as the Ashburnham Beds, but the fresh -water shells and other fossils found in them during the progress of the experimental boring already men- tioned, clearly proved them to belong to the Purbeck Series. They are there about 180 feet thick, and over- lie about 110 feet of shales, somewhat sandy, with chert, which may perhaps represent the Portland beds. In the Purbeck strata, at a depth of i 30 feet, 35 feet of gypsum more or less pure were penetrated, a mineral much more sparingly developed in the lower strata of the Isle of Purbeck, and which I consider indicates, that these strata were not laid down in the sea, but probably in a lagoon temporarily separated from the main current of the river. Beneath the so-called Port- land beds about 921 feet of Kimeridge Clay were pierced, followed by 985 feet of Coral Eag and Oxford Clay, when, for want of funds, this interesting expe- riment was stopped at a total depth of 1,906 feet from the surface. The HASTINGS SANDS and WEALD CLAY are almost ex- clusively fresh-water beds, and must be considered as a continuation of the deposits formed at the mouth of the great river, which commenced with the deposition of the Purbeck limestones and shales. The name Wealden applies to the whole group above the Purbeck rocks, and the term originated from the circumstance that these fluviatile beds are largely developed in the Weald of Kent and Sussex. Their true character was first discovered by Dr. Man tell. As a whole, the Hastings Hastings Sand and Weald Clay. 207 sands form the lower portion, though they are largely interstratified with beds of clay, and sometimes, by changes of character, the sands and clays of the series pass into each other. In the various beds are found Ferns of the genera Alethopteria, Otopteris, and Sphenopteris, the latter sometimes standing erect, as if in the position of growth. Coniferous wood and Cycadeous plants also occur. With rare exceptions, the shells are of fresh-water genera, viz. ten species of Unio, five species of Cyrena, besides Cyclas, Melanopsis, Melania, and Paludina, together with Cypris, C. Valdensis, and the strata containing these are sparingly interstratified with beds containing Ostrea, Corbula, and Mytilus. Several remarkable reptiles occur in the Weald, of the order Dinosauria, belonging to the genera Hylceosaurus, Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, Plesio- saurus, and Pterodactylus, together with nine species of Crocodilia, of seven genera. The Iguanodon was first described by Dr. Mantell as an herbivorous reptile of gigantic size. Its teeth were serrated like those of the modern Iguana, but unlike them it masticated its food. Various fish, of the Placoid and Granoid orders, also occur in the Wealden. The strata composing the Hastings Sand series are about 700 feet thick. The overlying beds of Weald Clay are of about equal thickness, and spread in a broad plain, or series of low undulations, all round the more hilly country of the sands. They lie between these sands and the over- lying Atherfield Clay and Lower Grreensand. It is in this clay that thin bands of the well-known Sussex marble occurs, so much used in old times for monu- mental purposes in churches, good examples of which may be seen in Westminster Abbey. It is formed chiefly of the agglomerated shells of Paludina fluvi- 208 Physical Geography. orum. Interstratified with the Weald Clay there are a few thin bands sparingly charged with the remains of marine shells. Enough has now been said to prove the fresh-water and estuarine character of the Purbeck and Wealden beds, and also, considering the broad spread of these formations in England, that they must have been depo- sited near and at the mouth of a large river. But to estimate the possible dimensions of this Delta we must go further afield. It has been customary to estimate the area occupied by these deposits by measuring their length from west to east, between the Vale of Wardour and the Boulonnais in France, and from north-west to south-east, from Hamp- shire to Vassy, or in some cases taking a shorter di- ameter to Beauvais, and the respective diameters given of these lines are in the first case 320 miles and in the second 200 miles. 1 Even if these measurements were correct, which they are not, this method seems to me to be erroneous, for the measured diameters run too much in the same direction, whereas, as much as possible, they ought to be measured at right angles to each other. The real measurement from west to east, between the Vale of Wardour and the Boulonnais, is about 200 miles, and a line drawn nearly at right angles to this, between the south side of the Isle of Wight, where the Weald Clay occurs, and Quainton, in Buckinghamshire, where we find the most northerly outlier of the Purbeck beds, is about 100 miles in length. This would give an area for the Delta of about 20,000 square miles. Kigidly to adhere to this measurement, as an accu- rate account of the size of the ancient Delta, would, 1 See Lyell's Student's Elements of Geology,' p. 304, second edition. Physical Geography. 209 however, be very erroneous. In the first place there is no reason to believe that the outliers in Buckingham- shire, near Aylesbury and Quainton, mark the original limits of the Purbeck strata, for the whole country has suffered so much by denudation, that we may be sure that these beds originally spread further. Again, on the south, the Wealden strata of the Isle of Wight are thick, and dip northerly between Cowleaze Chine and Compton Bay, and originally must have spread to some unknown distance beyond the coast cliffs, and, indeed, we may be sure that they now occupy part of the bottom of the sea beyond the coast line. Crossing the Straits of Dover to the Bas Boulonnais, we find the Weald Clay much attenuated, but passing under the Cretaceous strata for some unknown distance. Taking all these points into account it would probably not be too much to add one-half to the 20,000 square miles, as being nearer the original area of the Delta, or 30,000 square miles in all. The area of the Delta of the united great rivers of the Granges and Brahmaputra, from the sea to the latitude of Rajmahal, is usually estimated at about 40,000 square miles, and therefore it would probably be under the mark to estimate the size of our old river as being quite as large as the largest of these great rivers of India. At the very least it must have been as extensive as the Delta of the Quorra in Africa, the area of which has been estimated at 25,000 square miles. Facts such as these are sufficient to prove that this ancient stream was, in its day, a first class conti- nental river. Away to the west of a great plain, through which it flowed, lay the granite hills of Devonshire, separated by a broad flat valley from what are now the mountains of Wales. The old Mendip Hills, which, as p 2 1 o Physical Geography. hills, were much older than the Oolitic series, then lay buried deep beneath the uppermost Oolitic strata, and all the ground between Wales and the high tracts of the North of England formed part of the vast plain that bordered the river ; while far away, on the north, rose the majestic mountains which we now call the Highlands of Scotland, then much higher than now, for ever since that time they have been undergoing waste and degradation. We have probably no actual knowledge of the mountain vegetation of the period, but on the flats by the river there were Equisetums in the marshes, and ferns, coniferous trees, Zamias, and Cycas on the drier ground ; crocodiles, turtles, and fish, swarmed in the waters ; small marsupial mammals lived upon the flats, along with great reptiles, the Iguanodon, Hylceosaurus, and the gigantic Megalosaurus, while the winged Pterodactyle preyed on the insects that flitted through the air of a climate, probably as warm as that of the Delta of the Granges. How far to the west this old flat land spread no man can tell, but I have no doubt that Wales stood in the midst of it, for the Oolites passed out on the south through the area of what is now Bristol Channel, and on the north across the country now occupied by the estuaries of the Mersey and the Dee, and it is also very likely that at that period the whole of Ireland may have formed part of that old land. On the east our territory was undoubtedly joined to a great continent, which, after undergoing many revolutions, is now modern Europe, but it is hard to discover the details of its physical geography. Of this, however, we are sure, that the Scan- dinavian mountains were then loftier than at present, for they are certainly of older date than the deposition of the Old Ked Sandstone, and probably older than the Upper Physical Geography. 2 1 1 Silurian series, and have suffered degradation ever since ; that the chain of the Ural was in existence, for it is of older date than the Permian strata ; that the mountains of the Schwarzwald then rose high into the air, for they are older than the New Red Sandstone ; but the Alps, the Pyrenees, and some other mountain chains, if they existed at all, were in the rudimentary stage of comparatively low lands, feebly indicated by the occasional occurrence of fresh-water beds amid the Oolitic and Purbeck strata, and by such phenomena as the occurrence of Pterodactyles, and the long-tailed Archceopteryx macrura, 1 in the Solenhofen state of Bavaria. That a broad low-lying land existed at that time, amid which rose groups and ranges of mountains in what is now Europe, there is no reason to doubt, and how that phase of physical geography came to an end will form part of the subject of next chapter. 1 A bird with a long vertebrated feathered tail. ^ o< 2T2 CHAPTER XIV. CRETACEOUS SERIES. WHEN the continent described in last chapter had en- dured for a long period of time, submergence of the area began to take place, accompanied by the deposition of the purely marine CRETACEOUS SERIES, which in England is as follows, the oldest beds being placed at the bottom : t Chalk with flints. Chloritic marl, Chalk marl, and Chalk without flints. u PP er 1 Upper Greensand. (Gault. T ( Lower Greenland. Br \Atherfield Clay. I may here mention that in parts of the Continent of Europe, there are certain marine formations inter- mediate in position and date between the Oolitic and Cretaceous rocks, which are known as the Neocomian beds, so called from Neocomium, the ancient name of Neuchatel, in Switzerland, where they are well de- veloped. The assumption that the Hastings Sands and Weald Clay are the fresh-water equivalents in time of the lower and middle parts of these continental beds, is undoubtedly correct, the Lower Grreensand of English geologists being the British representative of the Upper Neocomian strata. Mr. Judd has shown that at the south end of Filey Atherfield Clay. 213 Bay, in Yorkshire, we have the actual marine represent- atives of the continental Neocomian strata. These Yorkshire beds were formerly called Speeton Glay, and lie between the uppermost Oolitic strata of the district, called by Mr. Judd, Portlandian, and the Red Chalk or Hunstanton Limestone, which, according to that author, cannot be of later age than the Upper Greensand, and may be as early as the Gault. 1 The area occupied by the Purbeck and Wealden strata underwent a long period of slow depression, during which these fresh- water strata with occasional marine interstratincations were deposited ; and by sinking still further, the purely marine beds of the Atherfield Clay began to be formed. In fact, but for the presence in it of marine fossils, it is hard to draw any line between the Wealden and the Atherfield Clays, and no doubt the mud that formed the latter was at first carried seaward by the same great river, in the manner, for example, that muddy sediments are now deposited at and near the mouth of the Amazons on the east coast of South America. The Atherfield Clay takes its name from Atherfield, on the south-west coast of the Tsle of Wight, where it is well seen overlying the Weald Clay, and is overlaid by the Lower Greensand. Its lowest beds form a kind of passage from the fresh-water strata of the Weald into the overlying marine beds of the Lower Greensand, both in the Isle of Wight and in the Wealden district, round which it circles at the edge of the Lower Greensand ; for at Atherfield there seems to have been a depression of the fresh-water area and an influx of the sea, accompanied by the appearance of Cerithium carbonarium, accom- panied by Pinna and Panopcea standing vertically in the position in which they lived. Many other shells 1 ' Journal of the Geological Society,' 1868, vol. xxiv., p. 218. 214 Lower Greensand. are scattered through the clay, including the well- known Perna Mulleti, Trigonia caudata, Gervillia aviculoides, Areas, Pectens, Oysters, Rostellaria Par- kinsoni, and Hemicardium Austeni, &c. &c. THE LOWER G-KEENSAND, of which the Atherfield Clay is a subdivision, comes next in succession, in the Isle of Wight, beginning with a bed of sandstone containing Gryphcea sinuata and many other shells, succeeded by 29 feet of clay, vulgarly called the 'lobster bed,' from the presence of Meyeria magna, formerly called Astacus, together with Ammonites Deshayesii, &c., overlaid by nodular bands with Gervillia aviculoides, &c., above which, clay is repeated, with the same Meyeria. Above this, sands and clays alternate to the top of the series, with many fossils, among which may be mentioned as characteristic, Terebratula sella, T. Gibbsii, T. biplicata, Limas, Gryphceas, Gervillia solenoides, Ammonites, Nautili, and other remarkable Cephalopoda of the genera Crioceras, Ancyloceras, and Hamites. The whole of these strata overlying the Wealden beds occur in magnificent sections along the southern cliffs of the Isle of Wight, dipping north- erly under the Gault, Upper Greensand, and Chalk, which in a high ridge stretches across the island from Culver Cliff to Alum Bay. Overlaid by the Gault, and reposing on the Weald Clay, the Lower Green sand also sweeps round the whole Wealden area from Sand gate to Guildford and Haslemere, and from thence to the coast north of Beachy Head. Between Guildford and Hasle- mere it forms high scarped terraces. The sands are sometimes quite soft, with intercalated hard bands, and they are frequently ferruginous. A good building stone, very fossiliferous, being sometimes an impure limestone, called the Kentish rag, lies in the lower part FIG. 42. Perna muileti. Tecten cinctus. . Group of Alherficld Clay and Lower Greensand Fossils. 2i6 Lower Greensand. of the formation, on the north side of the Weald at Maidstone. It rests on the Atherfield Clay. The general grouping of the fossils in all this area corre- sponds with that of the Isle of Wight. In Dorsetshire and part of Somersetshire, at the south end of the western escarpments of the Cretaceous rocks, the Lower Grreensand is absent, and the Upper Grreensand rests directly on the Lias and New Eed series. Further north, the Lower Grreensand reappears in Wiltshire, near Chapmanslade, about three miles east of Frome, and in a long narrow band follows the direction of the escarpment of Chalk, as far as the neighbourhood of Devizes, where it widens for a space, and runs north in a projecting tongue as far as Farringdon, where it is known as the Sponge gravel. Beyond the Farringdon area, it is for a space of twelve miles overlapped unconformably by the Grault, to reappear a little south of Abingdon in a broad patch, that extends eastward about six miles to Chiselhampton, where it is again overlapped by the Grault, to reappear in a narrow strip between Great Hazeley and the neighbourhood of Thame. Several small outliers of Lower Grreensand lie on the Purbeck strata, south, west, and north of Aylesbury. At Leigh ton Buzzard it appears in great force, covering all the country for miles round Woburn, from whence it trends away to the north-east, and disappears under the alluvium of the Fens of Cambridgeshire, and runs along the east side of the Wash, where, crossing under sea, it reappears in Lincolnshire, and following the line of the chalk escarpment runs in a NNW. line to the Humber. As a whole this formation may be described as consisting of yellow, grey, white, and green sands. In the Weald country and on the north-west Lower Greensand. 217 side of the great Chalk escarpment, between Devizes and the Wash, the Lower Greensand is often ferruginous, and has been worked for iron ore both in ancient and modern times. Fossil wood is of frequent occurrence, perhaps of Coniferous trees, and all the evidence tends to show that, in the English area, the strata were deposited in comparatively shallow seas not far from shore. The general characters of the fossils of the series are as follows : Echinoderms of the genera Salenia, Car- diaster, Diadema, Discoidea, Echinobrissus, together with Pentacrinites, are found in it. Terebratulce and Rhynchonellce are of frequent occurrence, with a few other Brachiopoda. Among the Lamellibranchiate molluscs are numerous Limas, Gervillias, Perna, Oysters, Pectens, and Pinnas, together with shells of the genera Cardium, Venus, Trigonia, Myacites, and Nucula. Gasteropoda are not generally numer- ous. Cephalopoda of remarkable forms are character- istic ; for, in addition to several species of Ammonites, Nautili, and Belemnites, there are Crioceras, and Ancyloceras, like Ammonites half unrolled, Crioceras Bowerbankii, Ancyloceras gigas, A. grande, and A. Hillsii. Fishes are scarce, and only three reptiles have hitherto been described, one Chelonian. Protemys serrata, a Plesiosaurus, and a crocodilian saurian Polyptychodon continuus, said also to occur in the Lower Chalk. Out of about 300 Lower Greensand species, 18 or 20 per cent, pass into the Upper Cretaceous series. Partly for palseontological considerations, and also because the Gault seems sometimes to lie, as it were, unconformably on the eroded surface of the sand, the dissimilarity in the grouping of fossils is so great, that 2 1 8 Gault. it has been considered advisable to draw a marked line between the two groups ; the Atherfield Clay and the Lower Greensand, when the term Neocomian is not applied to them, meaning Lower Cretaceous, and all above them to the topmost beds of the Chalk being considered as Upper Cretaceous strata. The GTAULT forms the base of the Upper Cretaceous series or of the Cretaceous series, for those who choose to call the Lower Ghreensand Neocomian. It is a stiff blue clay, about 300 feet thick in its thickest develop- ment, but sometimes it is hard to separate it lithologi- cally from the Upper Greensand. It appears in the Isle of Wight, overlying the Lower Grreensand all across the Island ; and ranges round the escarpment of the Weald in the same position, with occasional signs of a kind of unconformable erosion between them ; and in the centre of England, from the neighbourhood of Devizes to the Wash in Norfolk, the Grault occasionally completely overlaps the Lower Grreensand in an un- conformable manner. In proof of this unconformity, occasional outlying patches of the Lower Grreensand occur north of the Chalk escarpment, without any visible signs of it immediately at the base of the neigh- bouring Upper Cretaceous strata, which there ought to be, if these formations lay everywhere conformably on the Lower Grreensand. Many Foraminifera have been found in the Grault, and a few Corals, Cyclocyathus Fittoni, Trochosmilia sulcata, and Caryophyllia Bowerbanldi. Its sea-urchins are of the genera Cidaris (C. Gaultind), Hemiaster (H. Asterias, H. Bailey i\ and Diadema tumida. It contains many Crustaceans, such as Astacus, Etyus Martini, Diaulax Carteriana, Palceocorystes Stokesii, &c. Among the Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiate Gault. 219 molluscs the following are characteristic : Terehratula biplicata, Rhynchonella sulcata, Oysters, Pectens, Plicatula pectinoides, Pinna tetragona, &c. ; Gervillia solenoides, Inoceramus sulcatus, &c. ; Lima paral- lela, Cucullcea, Area, Nucula pectinata, &c. It also yields Gasteropoda of the genera Dentalium, Solarium, Scalaria, Natica Gaultina, Pleurotomaria Gibbsii, Rostellaria carinata, &c., and many Cephalopoda, such FIG. 43. Inoceramus sulcatus. Natica Gaultina. Rostellaria carinata. Lima parallela. Nucula pectinata. I'licatula pectinoitles. Group of Gault Fossils. as Belemnites minimus, &c. ; Nautilus inequalis, &c. ; Ammonites splendens, A. dentatus, A. interruptus, A. lautus, &c. &c. ; Ancyloceras spinigerum, Hamites attenuatus ; H. rotundus, &c. Traces of the Grault may probably be found along the lower outskirts of the Chalk all the way to Filey Bay in Yorkshire, where the Eed Chalk has by some been considered to be its equivalent, or, at all events, to be of a 22O Upper Greensand. geological date, not later than its successor the Upper Greensand. It would be a great comfort to a proportion of the geological population, if the different formations were as clearly distinguishable on the ground, as they are on a map, by different colours, aided by numbers or letters for the use of the colour-blind. If to this, in the economy of Nature, it had so happened that no species had been permitted to stray from its own formation into the next in succession, the benefit would have been much enhanced, for to those with keen eyes for form, the finding of any single fossil would be sufficient to mark the place in the geological scale of any given for- mation. Then we should have a perfect and orderly symmetrical accuracy of detail, so that he who runs may read. But it so happens that this is not the case, for Nature loves variety, and performs her functions in various ways, and thus it happens that in certain cases the dividing lines between two formations, if we follow them far enough, are sometimes difficult to determine. Of these unruly formations in England the Upper Greensand forms one, in its occasional physical rela- tions to its neighbours, the Gault below and the Chalk above. THE UPPER GREENSAND in the West of England appears in great force, forming part of the strata that extend from the coast between Lyme Regis and Sid- mouth, northward to the Black Down Hills, south of Taunton. West of the estuary of the Exe, it forms, in two outlying patches, the broad-topped hills of Great Hal- don and Little Hal-don, and south of the angle of the Teign, near Newton Bushell, there is another outlier on Milber Down. These lie so near the main mass, and approximately are so much on the same level, that they Upper Greensand. 221 are obviously the work of ordinary denuding agencies on a broader area of Greensand. It is, however, at first sight somewhat surprising, to meet with a small outlier of Upper Grreensand, only a few acres in extent, nearly fifty miles to the west of Black Down, at Orleigh Court, three miles south-east of Bideford Bay. This patch is mentioned by De la Beche, in his Eeport on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, and of late its existence as a solid outlier has been doubted. There is, however, so much angular chert on the spot, that sufficient material remains to show that the Greensand once spread westward so far, and in my opinion pro- bably much farther. Throughout these areas, the Upper Greensand may be briefly described as consisting of yellowish brown sand, partly compact, partly soft, with layers and detached pieces of chert, and towards the base it is partly green with specks of silicate of iron. The sands are often coarse, and contain layers of shells, frequently broken and fragmentary. The whole is little more than 200 feet in thickness. East of Lyme Regis, this Greensand appears near Abbotsbury, on the southern and western flanks of the Chalk Downs at Whitehill. West of Chideock outlying patches lie on the marlstone of the Middle Lias, between Chideock and Bridport on the sand that underlies the Inferior Oolite, at Abbotsbury Castle on the Forest Marble, and from thence stretching north and west, at Shipton Beacon they lie on the Fuller's Earth. Beyond this the Cretaceous strata make a great curve east of Poorstock and Beaminster, lying generally on the Fuller's Earth. East of Cheddington, for some miles the Greensand lies on the Oxford Clay, then for a short space on the sand of the Calcareous 222 Upper Greensand. Grit, then from Buckland Newton, in Dorsetshire, to the neighbourhood of Shaftesbury, on Kimeridge Clay. Near Shaftesbury the Gault comes on in force, and separates the Upper Greensand from the Oolitic rocks as far as the neighbourhood of East Knoyle, on the north side of the mouth of the Vale of Wardour. Be- tween East Knoyle and Chapmanslade in Wiltshire, the Grreensand lies chiefly on the Coral Rag, but partly on the underlying Oxford Clay, and the Grault, if present at all, is so thin that it cannot be mapped. It is pro- bable that when the Grault was deposited elsewhere, this part of the Oolitic area was above the sea-level. P\om Chapmanslade, the Greensand, underlaid by Grault, runs along the lower part of the Chalk escarp- ment in an ENE. direction, by Westbury to Urchfont and Devizes, and from thence, lying nearly flat, the strata form the surface of a broad tract of country, eighteen miles in length from west to east, bounded on both sides by Chalk, the whole forming a low anticlinal north and south curve. Still further east, at Shalbourne and Sidmonton, near Kingsclere in Hampshire, two other tracts of Upper Greensand rise through the Chalk to the surface in anticlinal curves of an oval form. Between Devizes, the Fens of Cambridgeshire, and the east coast of the Wash, the Upper Greensand runs to the north-east, in a long somewhat sinuous line, and nearly all along the strike it forms the lower part of the bold escarpment of the Chalk, which overlooks the great plain or table-land of Oolitic strata that runs across England from the coast of Dorsetshire to the Humber. North of the Humber, it is marked in ordinary maps as skirting the Chalk Wolds, first to the north and then to the east, as far as Filey Bay, but if such be the case, its sandy character is not always Upper Greensand. 223 easily recognisable, which, indeed, is also the case much further south. In the south-eastern part of Dorsetshire, the Upper Greensand crosses the Isle of Purbeck from west to east in a narrow line, overlying the well-known Pun- field beds, and overlaid bj the Chalk of the long and imposing ridge of Purbeck Hill, Knowl Hill, Nine Barrow Down, and Ballard Down. The Greensand itself makes no feature in the landscape. Fig. 75, p. 347. Striking east under the sea, the Upper Grreensand barely escapes forming part cf the great sea-cliff of chalk, that runs from Sun Corner near the Needles, to Compton Bay below Afton Down, from whence, over- lying the Grault, it crosses the Island to the sea close under Bembridge Down. In this course, wherever the Chalk Downs are narrow, owing to the high angle of northern dip, there the line of Upper Greensand is also narrow, but where the angle of inclination is com- paratively low, there both Chalk and Greensand spread over a broad space, between Mollestone Down and Carisbrook. A large outlier of Upper Greensand, capped by two outliers of Chalk, overlooks the sea on the south side of the Island between Chale Bay and Chine Head, the strata being nearly flat. In the area of the Weald of Kent and Sussex (fig. 72), the Upper Greensand at the base of the escarpment of the Chalk, sweeps round the vast oval, from East Wear Bay, near Folkestone, to East Meon, near Petersfield, and from thence to the sea at Eastbourne, near Beechy Head, but not with absolute certainty all the way, for only here and there can the Greensand be faintly discovered, between the sea and Chevening, along a line of about fifty miles in length. Beyond this point it begins to get more distinct, and the malm-rock, fire- 224 Upper Greensand. stone, and other lithological varieties, can be traced all along by Westerham, Merstham, GKiildford, the Hog's Back, Farnham, and the extreme west of the area in the country round Binstead, Selbourne, and the ground about two miles west and south of Petersfield, where, as far as colour goes, it might often be taken for chalk. On the south side of the Wealden area, the Upper Greensand maintains the same general character by Cocking and Barlavington as far as Steyning, where its lithological character begins to change, and the beds pass into ' sandy marl and marly sand,' and near East- bourne the strata are decidedly sandy. Important deductions are to be drawn from the consideration of the lithological changes that take place in the character of the Upper Greensand, which will afterwards appear. A gradual change may be traced all the way from Devonshire to Cambridgeshire and the east end of the Wealden area, which throws some light on the physical geography of the time, especially when taken in connection with the circumstance, that out of more than 200 species of fossils in the Gault, about 46 percent, pass onward into the Upper Grreensand. 1 The Upper Greensand is often fossiliferous, containing Cycads and Coniferous woods; Sponges, Siphonia pyriformis, &c. ; a few Foraminifera ; Corals, Trochos- milia tuberosa, Micrabacia coronula; many Echin- oidea, the chief of which belong to the genera Cidaris, Cardiaster, Echinus, Pseudo-diadema, Salenia* &c. Brachiopoda are common, Terebra- tulce and Rhynchonellce (T. biplicata, RTi. latissima, 1 For much information on the Upper Greensand of the Wealden area see ' Memoirs of the Geological Survey, Geology of the Weald,' by W. Topley, 1875. Upper Greensand. 225 &c.). In Lamellibranchiate molluscs it is even richer than the Lower Greensand, abounding especially in species of the genera Inoceramus, Gryphcea (lcevigata\ Lima, Pecten asper, Astarte, Trigonia, Cucullcea, Cyprina, and Cytherea. It is also rich in Gasteropoda, such as Turritella, Pleurotomaria, Natica (N. Gentii), &c., and yields many species of Ammonites, Nautili, FIG. 44. Rhynchonella latissima. Selenia personata. Siphonia pyriformis. Group of Upper Greensand Fossils. Hamites, Baculites, Scaphites, and Belemnites. Crus- tacea, Hoploparia longimana, Necrocarcinus Bechii, &c. Probably three species of Eeptilia belong to this formation, Plesiosaurus pachycomus, a Crocodile, and a Turtle. THE CHALK, from its familiar characters and general uniformity of structure, is the most easily recognisable Q 226 Chloritic and Chalk Marl. of all the British formations. From west to east it stretches from the neighbourhood of Beaminster in Dorsetshire, to Beachy Head and the North Foreland, and passing beneath the Eocene formations of the Hamp- shire and London basins it spreads northward to Speeton, in Yorkshire. The Chloritic Marl indicates a passage from the Upper Grreensand into the Chalk. It consists of a chalky base specked with green grains, and varies from a few inches to a few feet in thickness. It is highly fossiliferous, abounding in Ammonites, Nautili (N. Icevigata), and a small Scaphite (S. ccqualis\ besides Oysters, Trigonias, Holaster, &c., and many other Echi- nodermata. The Chalk Marl, which lies above the Chloritic Marl when both are present, is merely chalk with a slight admixture of argillaceous matter, and with its pre- decessor by no means deserves to be considered as a sepa- rate formation. The whole, therefore, may be massed as The Chalk. It consists of a soft white limestone, generally much jointed where exposed in quarries, and but for lines of flints, the bedding would often be scarcely distinguishable. On minute examination with the microscope, much of the Chalk is found to consist of the shells of Foraminifera, Diatomacese, spiculse and other remains of Sponges, Polyzoa, and shells, highly comminuted. Somewhat similar deposits are now forming in the open Atlantic at great depths, chiefly of Foraminifera of the genus Grlobigerina, Polycystina and Diatomacese, and spiculse of Sponges. In the Pacific, also, from Java to the Low Archipelago, over an area of about 4,000 miles in length, all the deep-sea deposits are of fine, white, calcareous mud, like unconsolidated chalk. In its thickest development in England the Chalk is The Chalk. 227, about 1,200 feet thick in Dorsetshire, Hampshire, &c. The Lower Chalk usually contains no flints and, as already stated, is somewhat marly at the base, while the Upper Chalk is interstratified with many beds of interrupted flints. These are of irregular form, and lie in layers in the lines of bedding. A great proportion of them are stated by Dr. Bowerbank to be silicified Sponges, which often inclose other organic bodies, such as shells, fragr ments of Belemnites, &c.; others of large size, called Paramoudras, which are rare, stand vertically across the beds. These sometimes resemble, in general form r the large cup-shaped sponges of the Indian Ocean Alcyonium, or Neptune's cup. As a whole, the Chalk dips gently from its western escarpment to the east and south, and round the Wealden area to the south and north, underlying the Tertiary strata of the Hampshire and London basins, and reappearing with precisely the same characters on the coast of France. Its area in Europe and Asia is immense. In the north of Ireland, between Belfast and the Giant's Causeway, there are patches of very hard Chalk on the coast, overlaid by columnar basalt of Miocene age. The great superincumbent pressure of these masses of igneous rocks has hardened the chalk, and therefore they have not, as is usually supposed, been altered by the heat of overflowing lavas, except possibly for an inch or two at the immediate point of junction, but this is somewhat foreign to our present subject. Traces of Chalk and Upper Greensand occur at Bogin- garry, &c., in Aberdeenshire. These consist partly of chalk flints, partly of sandstone, possibly in place, and sufficient to show that Cretaceous rocks, which have been removed by denudation, probably once spread over that country. Cretaceous strata, discovered by Mr. Q2 228 The Chalk Judd, also occur in the Island of Mull beneath the Miocene basalts. About half the genera, and a considerable number of Chalk species, are identical with those of the Grault and Upper Grreensand, but it contains a far greater number, nearly 800, most of which are peculiar to itself. Plants are few, as might be expected in a wide deep-sea deposit. A great many Sponges have been described, chiefly from flints. Among the most numerous are species belonging to the genera Ventriculites, Cephalites, Spongia, and Siphonia. A large number of genera and species of Foraminifera are also described, among which Globigerina bulloides, Dentcdina gracilis, and Rotalina ornata, are common. Of Corals about 15 species are known, several of which belong to the genus Parasmilia (centralis, &c.), CaryophUlia Icevigata, &c. Echinodermata are very numerous, among others including the genera Ananchytes, Cardiaster, Cidaris, Cyphosoma, Diadema, Echinopsis, Galerites and Echinobrissus, Holaster, Micraster, and Solenia, &c. Among its starfish are comprised the genera Arthraster, Goniaster, and Oreaster. Of these Groniaster is exceed- ingly characteristic. In addition it has yielded an Ophiura, and several Crinoids, Bourgueticrinus el- lipticus, Marsupites Milleri, &c. On shells, &c., found in the Chalk, are frequent Serpulse. It also yields Cirripeds and a few Crustaceans, Enoplodytia Sussex- ensis, &c. Polyzoa are numerous, of many species. Like other members of the Cretaceous rocks, its Brachio- poda generically resemble those of the Oolites, including Rhynconella, Terebratulina, and Terebratula. The Lamelli branchiate molluscs of the Chalk are in some cases specifically identical with those of the Grault and Upper Grreensand; and, generically, they bear the FIG. 45. Scaphites aequalis. Lima spiuosa. Globigerina bulloides. Group of Fossils from the Chalk. 230 The Chalk. strongest resemblance, consisting, among others, of many species of Inoceramus, Lima, Pecten, Oyster, Spondylus, Radiolites, Trigonia, &c. Being a deep- sea deposit, it is poor in Gasteropoda, but rich in Cephalopoda, especially in Nautili (AT. elegans, &c.), Ammonites (A. Rothomagensis, &c.), and Turrilites (T. costatus}, besides Baculites, Hamites simplex, Scaphites (S. cequalis), and Belemnites. Numerically as individually, though still very characteristic, Cephalopoda are less numerous in the Cretaceous than in the Oolitic and Liassic strata, though the latter contain fewer genera. In the Lias and Oolites there are nearly 300 species of Cephalopoda, most of which are Ammonites. In the Cretaceous rocks less than 200 species are known, about 70 of whith are Ammonites. More than 80 species of fish are known in the Chalk, including all the four orders of Agassiz, . Placoids, Granoids, Cycloids, and Ctenoids. Many of the Placoids are Cestraciont fish, numerous species being of the genus Ptychodus. Ten genera of reptiles are known, two of which are allied to the Crocodilia, Acanthophilis horridus, and Leiodon anceps ; the great Mosasaurus, 3 species ; Plesiosaurus, 2 species, Ichthyosaurus and Pterodactyle, one of which is said to have measured eighteen feet across the expanded wings. Several Turtles occur in the Chalk, Chelone Benstedi, &c. Having thus briefly described the Upper Cretaceous strata of England, I shall next endeavour to show what inferences may be drawn with regard to the physical geography of the British area, during the time occupied by their deposition. We have already seen that, during the deposition of the Purbeck and Wealden strata, England formed part Physical Geography. 231 of a great continent, and that, during the formation of the Lower Greensand, this land suffered partial sub- mergence, but by no means to such an extent that the Oolitic strata, which then extended far to the west, round Wales, were entirely sunk beneath the sea in which our Lower Greensand was deposited. As a whole, the Lower Grreensand, being a coarse and sandy formation, was deposited in shallow water, and great part of it was in the long run tranquilly heaved out of the sea, to undergo terrestrial waste and denudation before the deposition of the Gault began. The deposition of the Grault in our area, first took place on a surface of country that was being gradually submerged, and part of the sediment was laid on the Lower Greensand, and part on various members of the Oolitic strata, from which the Lower Greensand had been removed by denudation. This Gault Clay is, however, so difficult to separate from the Upper Grreen- sand in the eastern part of England, and the Upper Greensand is so difficult to separate by any clear line from the Chalk, that it now becomes necessary to consider the question of the mode of deposition of all three, if, indeed, except as local developments of different sedi- mentary character, they ought not to be considered, on a broad scale, as only one formation. Right or wrong, the origin of this idea was first declared by Mr. Godwin- Austen, whose large giasp of questions in physical geology, (to be found only in scattered memoirs, and un- fortunately often only spoken in accidental remarks,) is by no means so well known as it would have been, had he printed all his stores of geological knowledge in consecutive form. All that I know of this subject with respect to these Cretaceous formations, is in the first 232 Physical Geography. instance derived from him, subsequently aided by personal observation on the ground. The story revealed by these various strata is this : When, after the temporary upheaval of the Lower Green- sand, the land gradually sank in part beneath the sea, it happened that the Upper Greensand was being deposited far in the west on a sea-bottom that now forms an eastern part of Devonshire. Not far from its margin, a fragment of the old greater land, in our day known in a modified form as the granite hills of Dartmoor, stood high above the level of the sea, and at the same time, on the opposite side of what is now the Bristol Channel, Wales also formed high land. The pebbly shore of the lower land near Dartmoor, has long ago been destroyed by denudation, but the sediments laid down not far from the shore still exist in the coarse sandy strata that form the Upper Greensand west and east of the river Exe. As we go eastward from that area towards Devizes, the Upper Greensand still continues to be com- paratively coarse, and by degrees in Buckinghamshire, and Bedfordshire, and on into Cambridgeshire, it gets finer and finer, and at length becomes white, calcareous, and marly, and, as it were, seems to mingle with the Gault beneath and the Chalk above, and the Gault, indeed, in a lithological point of view, sometimes seems to disappear altogether. In like manner, at the western end of the Wealden area, and along the base of the South and North Downs, the Upper Greensand for many miles consists of fine, white sand, and in the Malm-rock is somewhat chalk-like and calcareous, till going further east towards Folkestone, it gradually becomes untraceable as a special formation, and merges into the underlying Gault and the over- lying Chalk. Physical Geography. 233 The meaning of this is, that distinct coarse Upper Greensand strata were deposited not far from shore in the west, gradually getting finer towards the east, because the finer and lighter material was drifted further from shore. At the very same time, in the farther east of what is now England, the sediments were still finer, and depositions akin to Chalk, and even the Chalk itself, had begun to be formed in a deeper sea, far removed from land, so that according to this view, part of the lowest strata of the Chalk, in the eastern and south- eastern parts of England, were deposited contempora- neously with the coarse Upper Greensand of eastern Devonshire. On no other hypothesis that I know than this of Godwin-Austen's, can the phenomena connected with the Gault, Upper Greensand, and the lower strata of the Chalk, be rationally accounted for, and I believe that hypothesis to be true. The upper strata of the Chalk consist of nearly pure chalk with lines of flint, and as it accumulated, the sinking of the western and northern fragments of the old continent steadily continued, till at length they almost, if not entirely, sank beneath a sea, broad and silent, except when roused by storms, like the Atlantic of our own time, for though the Echini and shells found in our chalk, show that the sea of those days was not so deep as the present Atlantic, yet the pre- valence of prodigious numbers of Globigerina and other Foraminifera shows that the old and the new seas are akin in the nature of their organic sediments. If the whole of the older land was not submerged, (making an allowance for the lowering of the mountain lands by subsequent subaerial waste,) even then we can only suppose that a few insignificant islets rose above a waste of waters, that spread not only over Britain, but also 234 Physical Geography. over a very large part of the Europe of the present day, long before the Alps and the Pyrenees rose into moun- tain chains, and only a few islands formed of Palaeozoic rocks stood above the waves. This surely was a striking phase of an older physical geography, which affected areas far wider than Europe alone, but which in the course of time came to an end in a manner which we shall presently see. To do so thoroughly we must con- sider the rocks of the continent for a little. A vast lapse of time took place between the close of the deposition of the uppermost Cretaceous strata of England, and the commencement of the deposition of the succeeding Eocene formations, for in England we have no deposits of intermediate age. What, however, helps to prove this great hiatus is, that on the Meuse, at Maestricht, there is a calcareous formation about 100 feet thick, which lies unconformably on the Chalk, the line of unconformity being marked by a line of water- worn flint pebbles. Some of the fossils are of the same species with those found in the Chalk, and Cephalopoda of the genera Baculites and Hamites, not yet known in strata younger than the Cretaceous rocks of Europe, are found in the Maestricht beds. On the other hand, Volutes, and other genera of Tertiary type, are found in the strata, so that this marine fauna may be said to be of a type intermediate to those of the Cretaceous and Eocene epochs. Extending for great distances round Paris, there are numerous small patches of pisolitic limestone, once united, but now separated by denudation. These contain some Cretaceous species, but many others are more Eocene than Cretaceous in their affinities. At Faxoe also, in the Isle of Seeland, in Denmark, there is a yellow limestone so full of corals that it was Physical Geography. 235 probably a coral reef. It contains among other shells many univalves which are unknown or rare in the Chalk, such as Cyprcea, Oliva, &c., and along with these Baculites and Belemnitella, both unknown in European Eocene strata, though the latest intelligence from Australia tells of a Belemnite in certain late Tertiary strata there. Overlying the common white Chalk, this Faxoe formation by its fauna also seems to be inter- mediate in date to the ordinary Cretaceous and Eocene strata. But without such data as these it is evident to any reflective mind, that a great gap in time, unrepresented by any sedimentary formations in England, took place in our area between the deposition of the latest bed of English Chalk, and that of the earliest Eocene stratum, for, excepting a few Foraminifera, the species found in the Chalk seem all to have been remodelled before our Eocene epoch began, in so far that palaeontologists recognise none of the species as identical, and before the days of Darwin they would generally have been spoken of as new creations. CHAPTER XV. EOCENE FORMATIONS. THE EOCENE STB ATA, to which we have now come in this epitome of British geological history, form the oldest members of the Tertiary or Cainozoic series. It ought, however, to be remembered, that the terms Palaeozoic or Primary, Mesozoic or Secondary, and Cainozoic or Tertiary, are mere terms of local conveni- ence, unfit even for minor territories such as Europe, as the notice of strata intermediate to the Chalk and Eocene beds shows at the end of last chapter. I cannot enter on the details of this subject here. Readers must work it out for themselves, and there is no lack of printed matter from which to do so. The EOCENE ROCKS of England lie in two basins, those of London and Hampshire. Both are surrounded and underlaid by the Chalk. The London basin extends westward from the mouth of the estuary of the Thames to the neighbourhood of Marlborough, and northward till it is lost beneath the drift of Suffolk and Norfolk. The north boundary of the Hampshire basin runs from Beachy Head to the neighbourhood of Salisbury and Dorchester. The Chalk Downs near Newport, Isle of Wight, form its southern boundary. In both areas the Chalk and Tertiary strata are little disturbed, except in the Isle of Wight and at Purbeck, where for a space they have been heaved nearly on end. The Lower Eocene Basins. 237 Eocene rocks lie sometimes on upper beds of Chalk, and sometimes on beds lower in the series. They are, therefore, highly unconformable to each other, and this alone marks a great interval of time, unrepresented in England by the deposition of strata. The subject is evidently connected with the nearly total break in succession of evident species between the Cretaceous and Eocene formations ; for, great continental areas of Chalk were heaved above the sea and remained as dry land for a period of time so long, that, when they were again submerged, the life of Cretaceous times had mostly been remodelled by slow evolution, and newer forms, in time became the legitimate suc- cessors of their long-buried ancestors. When critically examined, it soon becomes evident that the strata of the basins mentioned above were not originally deposited in two distinct basin-shaped hollows, but that they were once united, and formed one great area of Eocene age. Long after, a disturb- ance of the Secondary and Lower Tertiary strata took place, which threw them into broad anticlinal and synclinal curves. One long and broad anticlinal curve passes along the Wealden area from east to west, and still further on through part of the Chalk. South of this we find the synclinal curve of the Hampshire basin, bounded on the south by the Cretaceous strata of the Isles of Wight and Purbeck, and on the north by the Chalk of the Salisbury, Winchester, and Brighton area, while north of the Weald, the Eocene rocks of the London basin bounded by Chalk lie in a similar synclinal curve, broad at its east or seaward end, and narrow at its western end towards Marlborough. When still more closely examined, it is found that many beds of our Eocene strata were deposited in fresh and in 238 Eocene Series. brackish water, and others in the sea, and the con- clusion to be drawn from this is, that they largely consist of sediments that were thrown down at the mouth of a great river. When we consider the original extension of these Eocene river beds, it is also remarkable that they lie within the same general limits as those of the older fluviatile deposits of the Purbeck and Wealden strata, as if, after a long interval, geological history were repeating itself in the same area. In our own day, occupying part of the same district, we have yet a third estuary, that of the Thames, small, but in some respects of more importance to the living world than many an estuary of fifty times its size. The various subdivisions of the English Eocene strata are given in the Table of British Formations (p. 30), in which the classification of Professor Prest- wich is used, which is also that adopted by Sir Charles Lyell in his Manuals. As far, however, as England is concerned, it is more philosophical, as it is certainly more convenient, to divide them into three groups, as follows : rHempstead beds. Upper Fresh- water J Bembridge and Estuarine. 1 Osborne v-Headon r Upper Bagshot Sand. Marine J Middle Bagstiot. f Barton Clay. " ] Lower Bagshot. 1 Bracklesham bed 5. L London Clay. Lower Fresh-water, r Woolwich ^ Readi bedg Estuarine, and I Thanet gand> Marine. L This classification has the merit of simplicity, being founded on circumstances relating to variations in the physical geography of the time in our area, while the Thanet Sand. ' 239 other seems to be more arbitrary, being founded on con- siderations of a purely palseonfcological kind. It will at all events be most easy in this book to treat of the strata as consisting of a lower fresh- water and estuarine, a middle marine, and an upper fresh-water and estuarine series. The Thanet Sand, absent in the Isle of Wight, is so named by Professor Prestwich because it is so well developed in the Isle of Thanet on the Thames. It lies at the base of the Eocene strata of England, and consists of fine, light-coloured, quartzose sands, partly mixed with clayey matter. It usually lies on a layer of Chalk flint, of an olive-green colour externally, and which probably represents the effect of the waste of the carbonate of lime of the chalk which was carried away in solution as bicarbonate, through the infiltration of rain-water after the deposition of the sands, the associated silica having been concentrated and deposited in this band. These sands range from the Isle of Thanet westward to the neighbourhood of London, varying from about 50 feet thick, in parts of Kent, to 4 feet, at East Horsley, where they disappear, being over- lapped by the Woolwich and Eeading beds. They are quite unknown in the Hampshire basin. The fossils of this subformation are entirely marine, and embrace about 70 known species. Among these are a shark of the genus Lamna, Pisodus, and others ; a Nautilus ; Gasteropoda, such as Fusus tuberosus, Scalaria Bowerbankii, Natica, Aporrhais, &c. ; a con- siderable number of Lamellibranchiata, such as Nucula Thanetania, &c.; Pholadomya Koninckii &c.; Corbula, Cardium, Ostrea Bellovacina, &c. &c. ; Crustacea, Hoploparia, andPalceocorystesi spines of Echini (rare), a coral, a few Foraminifera, and land-plants. In the 240 Thanet Sand. Paris basin, so celebrated for its Eocene strata, the Sables de Bracheux are the equivalents of the Thanet Sand, in which the skull of a carnivorous quadruped (Arctocyon primcevus) was found. More than 20 species of shells found in the English Thanet Sand are also known in the Woolwich and FIG. 46. Natica depressa. Corbula Regiilbiensis. Aporrhais Sowerbyi. Group of Fossils from the Thanet Sand. Reading beds, and in the London Clay, and Barton and Bracklesham beds. The Thanet Sands are, indeed, so like those of the Woolwich and Reading beds, that, but for their position, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them, and they were formerly tt. r w g ll P O bo <> 3 g; ii pq W O rH I fl O 111 ^ H^ PQ \ ,0 N 242 Woolwich and looked upon as a portion of the Woolwich and Reading series, which partly consists of a few saltwater beds, interstratified with a preponderance of fresh-water deposits. Excepting that the Thanet Sand is alto- gether marine, it is possible that it might have con- tinued still to be classed simply as one of the minor marine portions of the Woolwich and Heading series. The Woolwich and Reading beds, formerly called the Plastic Clay (Argile plastique of the Paris basin), overlie the Thanet Sand, and rest directly on the Chalk, when, as in the greater part of the London basin, and in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, the Thanet Sand is absent. They may be broadly described as consisting of many wedge-shaped interstratitications of mottled clays, light-grey sands, and pebble-beds, made of chalk flints, which are sometimes loose and gravelly, and sometimes hardened into conglomerates. From west to east the strata vary from 15 to 90 feet thick in the London basin. In the Hampshire basin they are still less developed (fig. 47), and the whole consists of mingled marine, estuarine, and often of purely fresh- water strata, marking the first obvious signs of the influx of a great river, formed by the drainage of a con- tinent, the result of the upheaval above the sea of large areas of Chalk and other older rocks in what is now Britain and the nearest parts of France. There can be no doubt, however, that the Thanet Sands are the result of the same set of conditions, only they were deposited further from shore in a comparatively open sea. More than 100 species of fossils are known in the Woolwich and Reading strata, including an herbivorous mammal of the genus Coryphodon, allied to the modern tapirs of South America, which live on the banks of the Amazons and other great rivers, also the bones of a bird, Reading Beds. 243 turtles, and the scutes of a crocodile ; several fish of the genus Lamna (L. contortidens, &c.), Lepidosteus , LepidotuSy and Myliobatis ; marine Gasteropoda, such as Cerithium funatum, &c. ; Fusus latus, Hydrobia Parkinsoni, Melanopsis brevis, &c. ; Natica, Neritina, FIG. 48. Pitharella Rickmanii. Cerithium funatum. Ostrea tenera. Cyrena telenella. Hoploparia gammaroides. Panopoea intermedia. Group of Fossils from the Woolwich and Beading Beds. and others. Lamellibranchiata, not very numerous as genera and species, but plentiful as individuals, occur both in the sands and clays, including species of Area, Cardium, Corbula, Cyprina Morrisii, Cyrena cor data, &c., Modiola elegans, Ostrea edulina or Bellovacina, R2 244 Oldhaven Beds. 0. elegans, &c. ; Pectunculus, Psammobia, &c. ; Crus- tacea (Hoploparia, gammaroides) and Foraminifera also occur. A few land-plants have been found, as might be ex- pected in estuarine strata, viz. Dryandroides Prest- wichi, figs, laurels (L. Hookeri), Grevillia Heeri, and Robinia Readingensis ; also great numbers of fresh- water shells in true fresh-water strata, such as Paludina Lenta, &c. ; Planorbis Icevigatus, &c. ; and several of the genera Cyrena (G. cordata, &c.) and Unio, together with the small bivalve Entomostraca, Cypris and Cythere. Taken as a whole, the estuarine, and especially the fresh-water character of so many of the strata of this series, make the strongest impression on anyone engaged in mapping them. The Oldhaven beds, formerly included by Mr. Prestwich in the basement bed of the London Clay, lie between the above-named strata and the London Clay, and consist of fine sand containing water-worn pebbles of flint. They are of inconsiderable thickness, but very constant in their occurrence. With the rarest excep- tions the fossils are marine ; and they are numerous, consisting to a great extent of the same molluscous genera as those found in the Eocene strata below, with additions, and a proportion of the species are also found in the overlying London Clay. Their chief importance in this sketch is, that the sand with water-worn pebbles seems to indicate some oscillation of level, accompanied by stronger currents, in an estuary which carried flint- pebbles onward, toward the mouth of this old river. The London Clay (fig. 47, p. 241), is a marine de- posit, in the sense that the strata now forming in the broad estuary of the Amazons is marine. It usually con- London Clay. 245 sists of brown and bluish-grey clay, with occasional bands of calcareous concretions (septaria). In the London basin it varies in thickness from 50 feet in the extreme west, at Newbury, to 480 feet in Essex. In the Isle of Wight, at Alum Bay, it is only 200 feet thick (fig. 47) ; in Whitecliff Bay, 295 feet ; and at the west extremity of that basin, in Dorsetshire, it dwindles away, being barely distinguishable except to well-accustomed eyes. The chief fossiliferous locality in the Hampshire basin is at Bognor in Sussex. In the Isle of Wight fossils are scarce in this formation. Eound London they occur at Highgate, and in other places far to the west. The Isle of Sheppey has long been famous for its fossils, being found there chiefly because of the frequent landslips from the cliffy slopes that overlook the estuary of the Thames. The plants have long been celebrated, consisting of various Palm-nuts, Nipadites ellipticus, and N. umbonatus, and other fruits ; Conifera?, many leguminous plants, laurels, figs, junipers, and plants of the citron tribe, are also common, all of extinct species. Eemains occur of birds allied to the vulture (Lith- ornis vulturinus) and king-fisher (Halcyornis toliapi- cus\ and a small swimming-bird, described by Owen, with tooth-like serratures on the bill ; turtles and river tortoises are numerous of the genera Chelone (breviceps, &c.), Emys (Conybeari, &c.), Platemys, and Trionyx] also a crocodile (Crocodilus champsoides) and snakes (Palceophis toUapicus and P. longus). Terrestrial mammals also occur a Marsupial (Didelphis Col- chesteri), a Bat, and Hyracotherium cuniculus ; also Miolophus planiceps, Pliolophus vulpiceps, and Coryphodon eoccenus, which are tapir-like animals, in a distant way allied to the tapirs now found on the banks of South American rivers. 246 London Clay. Plants, birds, reptiles, and mammals all tell of the immediate neighbourhood of land, and the marine fossils now to be mentioned seem in fact to have lived at the mouth of a great river. FIG. 49. Cardita Brongniarti. Cassidaria striata. Nipadites ellipticus. Group of Fossils from the London Clay. Nearly 60 genera of fish have been noted from the London Clay alone, including species of Lamna London Clay. 247 and many species of Rays (Myliobatis). Of the Cepha- lopoda, Nautilus (N. Sowerbyi, &c.) is common, to- gether with Cephalopode, Belemnosis plicata, Belosepia sepioidea, and Beloptera Levesquei. Ammonites and Belemnites, genera common in the Cretaceous strata have disappeared. Gasteropoda occur in vast profusion, the most prominent genera being Fusus (F. regularis, F. Iceviusculus, &c.), Murex (M. crista,tus, M. coro- natus, &c.), Pleurotoma (P. Helix, P. Keelii, &c.), Voluta (V. nodosa, &c.), Pyrula (P. Smithii, &c.) Cyprcea (C. oviformis), and Eostellaria (E. ampla, &c.). Lamellibranchiata, though common, are less numerous, including among others the genera Pinna (affinis, &c.), Pholadomya (Dixoni, &c.), Area, Avi- cula, Pecten, Cardium, Cyprina, Nucula, &c. The Brachiopoda are only represented by Lingula tenuis and Terebratulina, striatula, and there are a few Polyzoa. Crustacea are exceedingly numerous, especially crabs (Brachyura and Anomura), including the genera Xanthopsis, Hoploparia, &c. ; and of Entomostraca, Cy there is common of many species. Among the Echinodermata we have Hemiaster Bower- bankii, &c. ; Goniaster, Cidai is, Astropecten Colei, &c. ; Ophiura Wetherellii, and Pentacrinus, and there are also a few Corals. Many of the fossils of the London Clay are found in other strata both above and below that formation, but a larger proportion is common to the overlying than to the lower formations. Looked at in a comprehensive way, an accurate observer cannot fail to be struck with the fact that the assemblage of fossils found in the London Clay point in this direction, viz., that the whole of these strata were deposited in the estuary of a great continental river comparable to the Amazons and the Ganges. The Palm- 248 Bagshot and Bracklesham Beds, nuts and the host of other plants help to prove it, and the remains of river tortoises, crocodiles, snakes, mar- supial, and several tapir-like mammals, all point in the same direction. The estuarine conditions, begun during the deposition of the Woolwich and Beading beds, were still going on when the London Clay was thrown down, with this difference, that by sinking of the area, the estuary had become longer, wider, and deeper, but still remained connected with a vast con- tinent, through which the Eocene river flowed. The Bagshot and Bracklesham Sands and Clays, fig. 47, succeed the London Clay. These are well shown on Bagshot Heath, and on the coast of Hampshire. On Bagshot Heath, they consist of light-brown and yellow sands, with beds of clay, which, in a rude way, form the middle part of the strata, thus dividing them into Lower and Upper Bagshot sands, the whole, where thickest, being about 300 feet thick. The sands are very sparingly fossiliferous, but the clay, in places, contains a few species. In the Hampshire basin, at Bracklesham and other places, the lithological character of these strata is very inconstant, but they consist of the following series of strata, which are partly quite local : Upper Bagshot Sands, &c. Barton Clay (quite local). Bracklesham shells, sands, and clays. Lower Bagshot Sands and Clays, with occasional lenticular beds of pipe-clay containing leaves, 55 Old Red Sandstone. Again, if we examine the map of Scotland, we find a broad band of Old Red Sandstone running from Stone- haven on the east coast to Dumbarton ^ on the west, and there also masses of PH ' / V* conglomerate lie at the base, as in .* j j |^ ^ No. 2, fig. 56. Overlooking this broad g band, the Grampian mountains No. 1 g rise high into the air, still reminding 1 the beholder of the ancient line of coast of a vast inland lake, against which the waves of the Old Red Sand- stone waters beat, and from its partial waste, aided by glaciers and the work of coast-ice, formed the boulder-beds that now make part of the con- glomerates. We are thus justified in coming to the conclusion that the North Highlands generally formed W land before the time of the Old Red 3 Sandstone, the Grampian mountains, o even then separated from the Scandin- ^ b avian chain, as a special range forming a long line running from north-east to ^yj south-west, the bases of its hills being washed by the waters which deposited * the Old Red Sandstone itself. | What amount of denudation the fl xTO gneissic mountains of the Highlands '& underwent, before and during the g deposition of the Old Red Sandstone, ^ it is impossible to determine, but it 288 Older Mountains. must have been very great. I consider it certain, that from these mountains glaciers descended through ancient valleys, now lost, and indeed that other sub- angular conglomerates of the Old Eed Sandstone in various parts of Britain consist of stratified moraine matter. All the ordinary influences of terrestrial waste rain, rivers, frosts, snow, ice, wind, and waves were at work sculpturing the surface of that old land, and on the very same land they have been at work from that day to this. What was the precise form of the highlands that bordered this Old Eed Sand- stone lake, it is now impossible to know, except that it was mountainous; but this is certain, that after the early disturbances of the strata, the general result of all the wasting influences, acting down to the present day, has been to produce the present scenery. Thus it is certain that all the Cambrian and Laurentian rocks of the north-west of Scotland, were once buried deep beneath Lower Silurian gneiss thousands of feet thick ; that on the west these Silurian strata have been, in places, almost utterly worn away, and the Cambrian rocks, as in Suilven, have thus been exposed and moulded into an outlier by subsequent waste. Some of these mountains in Sutherland now form the grandest and most abrupt peaks of the north-west Highlands, stand- ing, steep-sided and high like Suilven, isolated, on a broad raised platform of Laurentian gneiss. And just as a railway navigator leaves pillars of earth in a railway cutting, to mark how much he has removed, so the great excavator, Time, has left these mountain land- marks to record the greatness of his operations. It is at first hard to realise these facts, but observa- tion and reflection combined lead to this inevitable result. 290 Lammermuir Hills. If we again examine the Map, we find that a large tract of country, forming great part of the Lowlands, stretches across Scotland from north-east to south-west, including the Firths of Tay and Forth, and all the southern and eastern shores of the Firth of Clyde. This area is occupied by Old Ked Sandstone and rocks of Carboniferous age (Nos. 2 and 3, fig. 55), mostly stratified, but partly igneous. To the south lie the heathy and pastoral uplands known as the Carrick, Moorfoot, Pentland, and Lammermuir Hills, marked 1', which, like the Highlands, are also chiefly formed of Silurian rocks, but much less altered, and rarely possessing a gneissic character. These plunge beneath the Old Eed Sandstone, and rise in the Grampian mountains on the north changed into quartz-rock, mica- schist, and gneiss. The unaltered Carboniferous and Old Eed Sandstone rocks thus lie, as a whole, in a hollow, between the Grampian and the Lammermuir ranges, the coal-bearing strata chiefly consisting of alternations of shale, sandstone, limestone, and coal, mingled with volcanic products of the period. I have already explained, in Chapters VIII. and IX. how these Old Red and Carboniferous rocks were formed, showing that the latter consist of strata partly of fresh- water and partly of marine origin, for not only are the limestones formed of corals, encrinites, and shells, but many of the shales also yield similar fossils, while some strata are charged with fresh -water shells. Beds of coal are numerous, and under each bed of coal there is a peculiar stratum, which often, but not always, is of the nature of fire-clay, and is sometimes called c underclay,' this in England being a miner's term, on account of its position beneath each bed of coal. As already explained, the ' imderclays ' were the soils on which land plants Hills of Igneous Rocks. 291 grew, and from this it is plain tffat the conditions attending the deposition of the Carboniferous strata, were in great part terrestrial. In the Scottish Coal-measures there are in Edin- burghshire over 3,000 feet of coal-bearing strata, so that the lowest bed of coal may be nearly three thousand feet below the highest bed, in the centre of the basin, where the strata are thickest. Most of the beds rise, or * crop,' as miners term it, to the surface somewhere or other, this ' outcrop ' being the result of disturbance of the strata and subsequent denudation, and it is by means of this disturbance and denudation that we are enabled, by an easy method, to estimate the thickness of the whole mass of strata, and to prove that one bed lies several thousands of feet below another. In the Scottish area, during the formation of part of the Old Red Sandstone and of the Coal-measures, many volcanoes were at work ; and thus we have dykes and bosses of felspathic trap and greenstone, and interstratifications of old lava streams, and beds of volcanic ashes mingled with common sedimentary strata. These, being often harder than the sandstones and shales with which they are interbedded, have 'more strongly resisted denudation, and now stand out in hilly ranges, like the Pentland, Ochil, and Campsie Hills, the Renfrewshire and Ayrshire Hills on the Clyde, or in craggy lines and bosses, like Salisbury Crags, the Lomond s of Fife, and the Garlton Hills in Haddington- shire, which give great diversity to the scenery, without ever rising to the dignity of mountains. Having thus briefly rehearsed the mode of formation of the more important Scottish formations, we may al- ready begin to perceive what is the cause of the moun- u 2 292 A nalysis of the tainous character of the Highlands, and of the softer features of the Lowlands. It is briefly this : that, in very ancient geological times, before the deposition of the Upper Silurian series and Old Red Sandstone, the Lower Silurian rocks, which form almost entirely the northern half of Scotland, had already been raised high into the air, metamorphosed, and greatly disturbed. Such metamorphic rocks, though, as a whole, difficult of destruction, yet consist of intermingled masses of different degrees of hardness, whence the great variety of their outlines is the result of the softer rocks having been most easily worn away. In the south of Scotland, from Galloway to the coast of Berwickshire, the same strata, forming the upland of the Carrick, Moorfoot, and Lammermuir hills, have been equally disturbed, though perhaps not originally raised to the same height, but being comparatively unmetamorphosed, they are generally somewhat less hard, and have therefore been more wasted by denudation, whence their average lower elevation. Though the mountains of these southern Highlands cannot compare in height with those of the north, they are sometimes both striking and picturesque in outline, especially where associated as gneiss and other metamorphic rocks with great bosses of granite and quartz-porphyries, in Wigtonshire, Kirkcudbrightshire, and Selkirkshire, in the south of Scotland. These gneissose lines run in the general strike of the strata, all the way from Lauderdale, to the cliffs of the Rhinns of Gralloway that bound St. Patrick's Channel. Nothing can be more impressive, in its way, than the noble amphitheatre of hills that surround the sombre moorland basins of Loch Doon, Loch Finlas, and the smaller lakes and tarns that lie further south and west of the Rhinns of Ketts, the highest granitic peak of Scenery of Scotland. 293 which has an elevation of 2,668 feet above the sea. Magnitude is not always essential to grandeur, and as in human, so in nature's architecture, proportion of parts often strikes the mind with a sense of majesty which is wanting in larger bulks. If we take the area of these southern Highlands, it amounts to about 6,000 square miles, in which the greater hills vary from 1,300 to 2,695 feet in height, in the east the highest being Seenes Law 1,683 feet, further west Black Hope Scaur, 2,136 feet, still further west Whitecombe Edge in Berwickshire 2,695 feet, and further west still, the Ehinns of Ketts 2,668 feet. In the whole district, more than half the area is under 1,000 feet in height, by far the larger part of the remainder between 1,000 and 2,000 feet; and all the remainder, above 2,000 and under 2,668 feet, occupies a small area of about 75 square miles. If we turn to the true Scottish Highlands, there we find more than a dozen of mountains the heights of which exceed 3,000 feet, including Ben Klibreck 3,157 feet, Ben Hope 3,061 feet, and Ben More 3,281 feet in height, all in Sutherland. In Koss there are Ben Dearig 3,551 feet, Ben Wyvis 3,720 feet, and Sleugach, said to be 4,000 feet in height. In Inverness-shire, Ben Attowe, also 4,000 feet high ; while south and south-east of the string of lakes in the Great Glen, of which Loch Ness is one, there are Ben Voirlich 3,180 feet, Ben Lomond 3,192 feet, Glas Mhiul 3,501 feet, Ben Dearg 3,918 feet, Ben Lawers 3,984 feet, Cairn Gorm 4,090 feet, Ben Mac Dhui 4,296 feet, and Ben Nevis 4,406 feet in height. If next we take the whole area of the Lower Silurian rocks of the Highlands, between the Great Glen and the south-eastern slope of the Grampian Mountains, it appears that not one-third of the country 294 Analysis of the is more than 500 feet above the sea, of the remainder less than a quarter ranges between 500 and 1,000 feet in height, while of the rest a large part ranges between 1,000 and 2,000 feet; and after that, about as much remains between 2,000 and 4,406 feet in height, as would cover half the area of the Lower Silurian hills, of what I have called the south Highlands, between Berwickshire and Wigtonshire. Beyond Glen More and the Caledonian Canal, as far as the north coast of Scotland, the Highlands have the same general character, though the amount of ground above 2,000 feet in height is comparatively less in the total area, and this amount gradually decreases in pro- portion the further north we go. Section No. 54, page 285, gives an idea of the general contours in north Sutherland. There, on the flanks of the mountains in Caithness, the Old Eed Sandstone, lying in comparatively flat strata, forms an undulating plain consisting of conglomerates on the west, and chiefly of sandstones from thence to Sinclair Bay, where it slips under the sea, while further south, between Noss Head and Bervie Ness, high cliffs overlook the sea. South of Strath Ullie or Helmsdale, the same Old Eed Conglomerates and Sandstones skirt the Silurian rocks, crossing the Firths of Dornoch, Cromarty, and Inverness, and Beauly Basin, and stretching south to the noble mountain of Meal four vounie, 3,060 feet in height, from whence, crossing Loch Ness, it skirts the country in a broad band beyond the mouth of the Spey. In all this area a large part of the strata consists of conglomerate, and where this rock occurs, because of its occasional hardness, and the very considerable disturb- ance of the rocks, some of the country ranges between 800 and nearly 1,500 feet in height. In no part of Scenery of Scotland. 295 Scotland that I know, are the conglomerates (made of the waste of the older Silurian mountains) more strik- ing than in this region, and the glacial origin of some of them to my mind is unmistakable, especially on the shores of the Beauly Firth near Drynie. All the em- bedded stones have been derived from the old Silurian mountains, some of them are from four to five feet in diameter, and many of them are subangular in shape, just like the boulders in much of the glacial detritus of what is ordinarily called the Glacial epoch. In time, the Old Eed Sandstone period came to an end, and above that series for it consists of two members, the upper member of which lies unconform- ably on the lower the Carboniferous rocks were formed. The whole were then again disturbed together a dis- turbance not confined to Scotland only, but embracing large European and other areas. But before the deposition of the Old Red and Car- boniferous series, there is reason to believe that a wide and deep valley already existed between the Grampian mountains and the Carrick, Lammermuir, and Moorfoot range ; and in this hollow the Old Red Sandstone was deposited, partly derived from the waste of the Silurian hills on the north and south. But by-and-by, as depo- sition progressed, the land began to sink on the south, and the upper strata of Old Red Sandstone overlapped the lower beds, and began, as it were, to creep south- wards across the Lammermuir Hills, which, sinking still further, were in turn invaded by the lower Coal-mea- sures and Carboniferous Limestone series. It appears, therefore, from a consideration of all the circumstances connected with the physical relations of the strata, that the Coal-measures once spread right across the Lam- mermuir range, and were united to the Carboniferous 296 Analysis of the strata that now occupy the north of England, thus, with part of the Old Eed Sandstone, covering great part of the Silurian strata of the south of Scotland. This un- conformable covering has, however, in the course of re- peated denudations, been removed from the greater part of that high area, and now the Carboniferous strata are only found in force in the great central valley through which flow the rivers Forth and Clyde. This will be easily understood by referring to the section, fig. 55, across the central valley of Scotland, from the Grampian mountains to the Lammermuir hills, in which the following relations of the various formations are shown. The gneissic rocks of the Grampian mountains (No. 1), with bands of Limestone marked + , pass under the Old Red Sandstone (No. 2), and rise again, highly dis- turbed, but not much metamorphosed, in the Lammer- muir hills (I'). On these the lower conglomerates of the Old Red Sandstone (No. 2) lie unconformably, adjoining and overlying which, there is a series of beds of red sandstones which generally dip SE. for a space about ten miles in breadth, as seen, for example, on either side of Strath Earn and the Tay above Perth. These are succeeded by an upper series of Old Red Sandstone rocks, which run from the neighbourhood of Stirling to the estuary of the Esk, near Montrose, on the east coast, and to Cupar and the mouth of the Firth of Tay, at Ferryport. The lower part of this upper series is often inter stratified with volcanic lavas, ashy breccias, and conglomerates of a felspathic nature. These being hard and dipping south-easterly from the Forth to the mouth of the Tay, generally form a high escarpment, the steep-scarped front of which faces to the north-west, in accordance with a law that, on a great scale, rules the Scenery of Scotland. 297 mode of formation of such slopes, the more gentle in- clines being in the direction oi the dip, and the steep scarp sloping at right angles to the average inclination of the strata. (See fig. 55, p. 287). Let anyone who wishes to see this effect, walk to the summit of the Ochil Hills, and there, from the edge of the scarp, he will see in the main a gentle slope to the south-east, while below, on the north-west, the delighted eye ranges across the fertile plains and undulations of the Teith, Strath Allan, and Strath Earn, while, far beyond, this almost unrivalled view is bounded by the lofty chain of the Grampian Mountains. Let the reader also understand that the whole of the Lower Old Red Sandstone as far as the Grampians was once buried deep under this upper series, and he will then begin to realise the prodigious amount of denudation that the region has suffered before it assumed its present aspect. Above and merging into the Old Red Sandstone come the Carboniferous rocks No. 3, fig. 55, lying in a wide faulted and denuded synclinal curve, 1 but with many a high boss of basalt standing out in bold relief in the midst. Such are the Lomonds of Fife, Bunker Law, and Bishop Hill, north of the Forth, while south of that, estuary Arthur's Seat forms a well-known example, and the pastoral tract of the Pentland Hills, formed of Upper Old Red Sandstone, mingled with contem- poraneous igneous rocks, stand in high relief above the fertile plains of Midlothian and Dalkeith. I have already stated that the southern continuation of the Upper Old Red and Carboniferous strata once spread over the Lammermuir Hills in a kind of anti- clinal curve, in the manner shown by the dotted lines No. 3', on the diagram fig. 56. 1 The diagram is, however, too small to show these breaks. 298 . Old Red Sandstone and Now why is it that the Carboniferous and Old Eed Sandstone rocks have been specially preserved in the great valley, and almost entirely removed from the upland region of the Lammermuir hills ? The reason is this : When strata have been thrown into a series of anti- clinal and synclinal curves, it has frequently happened that those parts of the disturbed strata that were thrown downwards, so as to form deep basin-shaped hollows, were by this means saved, for long periods of time, from the effects of denudation, while the upper parts of the neighbouring anticlinal curvatures, being exposed to all the wasting influences of the air, rain, rivers, and the sea, were denuded away. In other words, some widely extended portions of the strata lay so deep that no wasting influence had access to them, and they have escaped denudation, and the basin as geologists term it remains. This is the reason why so many coal-fields lie in basins. It is not, as used to be supposed, that the Carboniferous beds were deposited in basins, but that by disturbance part of the strata were thrown into that form, and saved from the effects of denudation. Such basins are, therefore, equally common to all kinds of formations ; though, because they rarely contain substances of economic value, they have not met with the same attention that Coal-basins have received. In the case now under review it happens that the Old Eed Sandstone and Carboniferous rocks lie in the hollow, and, though much worn away and fragmentary, they have been to a great extent preserved ; while the continuation of part of the same formations that lay high in an anticlinal form, and originally spread over the Lammermuir hills (3'), has been almost all removed Carboniferous Strata. 299 by denudation. The reason of this is, that during fre- quent oscillations of land, relatively to the level of the sea, the higher ground was much more often above water than the lower part, and therefore exposed to waste and destruction. To understand this thoroughly, let us suppose that the whole of the formations now forming this area were, in an ancient epoch, underneath the sea, and then let parts of it be raised, more or less above that level, well into the air. Part of the area now known as the Lammermuir Hills, then covered by Old Red Sandstone and Coal-measures, rose above the water, and was immediately subjected to the wear and tear of breakers on the shore, and of rain, rivers, frost, and other atmospheric influences ; while, on the other hand, that portion that lay deep in the synclinal curve was beneath the level of the sea, and thus escaped denudation, because no wasting action takes place in such situations. By geological accidents such as these, the greater features of Scottish scenery have been produced. The Highlands are mountainous because they are composed of rocks much disturbed, metamorphosed, and mostly crystalline, and intermingled with great and small bosses of hard granite. All of these rocks having been often and long above water, have been extremely de- nuded : such denudations having commenced so long ago, that they date from before the time of that ex- tremely venerable formation, the Old Ked Sandstone, probably indeed ever since what, for want of better words, we term the close of the Lower Silurian epoch, and the waste has been going on, more or less, down to the present day. Being formed for the most part of materials of great but unequal hardness, and associated with masses 3OO Highland Mountains and Denudation. of granite, the high land has been cut up into innu- merable valleys by the repeated action of rain, rivers, and glaciers, whence their mountainous character ; for the special outlines of mountains, as we now see them, are rugged, less by disturbances of strata, than by the scooping away of material from greatly elevated tracts of country. By mere elevation and disturbance of strata, the land might rise high enough ; but as moun- tain regions now exist, it is by a combination of dis- turbance of strata with extreme denudation, going on both while and after slow disturbance and elevation was taking place, that peaks, rough ridges, ice-worn surfaces, and all the cliffs and valleys of the Highlands in their present form, have been called into existence. They are undergoing further modification now. Let anyone go to the western part of Sutherland and climb Suilven, and he will get a clear idea of what is meant by a considerable amount of denudation. The mountain is based on a wide, low, undulating plateau of Lauren tian gneiss, dotted with unnumbered lakes and tarns. From this plateau it rises abruptly into the air, like a little Matterhorn, 2,396 feet in height, and its sides are as steep as those of the noble Swiss mountain. They are formed of horizontal Cambrian purple con- glomerate and grits, cut by nature into great terraced steps, on which by devious courses the climber reaches the summit. From thence let him turn to the east, and there, five miles distant, set on the same plain, he will descry the steep-sided Canisp, formed of the same Cambrian strata once united to those of Suilven, and Coulmore. Here is ' a monstrous cantle ' cut out of these strata, and yet if the reader, for the whole, would multiply that by a hundred, he would probably not Lammermuir Hills. 301 exaggerate the amount of denudation that these ancient rocks have suffered in the Highlands. 1 Fig. 56, p. 289. Farther south the different nature, both of the Silu- rian and newer rocks, coupled with other geological ac- cidents, have produced the great valleys of the Forth and Clyde, and the tamer but still hilly scenery of the Southern Highlands, as they are sometimes called These consist mainly of the Lammermuir, Moorfoot, and Carrick Hills, now often massed under the name of the Lammermuir range. But they are not a range. They consist in reality chiefly of a tableland, or old pldin of denudation, older for the most part than the Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous rocks ; which plain, after being long buried, was subsequently again exposed by denudation of the overlying strata. The present scenery of hill and valley in the southern part of Scotland is therefore, in great part, the result of the waste of this old tableland, and the scoop- ing out of valleys and lake-basins, by rain, rivers, and old ice, which, as a great ice-sheet, at one time covered the whole of Scotland and much more besides. The effects of this were, in later times, modified by minor glaciers, during those oscillations of temperature that marked what we now call the Glacial epoch, and all the ordinary water produced by rain and rivers is modifying the scenery now. 1 For cases in point see my memoirs on The Geology of North Wales,' and ' On the Denudation of South Wales and the Adjacent Counties,' < Memoirs of the Geological Survey,' vol. i., 1846. 102 CHAPTER XIX. RECAPITULATION OF THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE STRATIFIED FORMATIONS OF ENGLAND. THE geology of England and Wales is much more comprehensive than that of Scotland, in so far that it contains many more formations, and its features there- fore are more various. England is the very Paradise of geologists, for it may be said to be in itself an epitome of the geology of almost the whole of Europe, and much of Asia and America. Very few European geological formations are altogether absent in Eng- land. On the Continent, however, some have a larger importance than in England, being more truly oceanic deposits in some cases, and more thoroughly developed lacustrine or terrestrial deposits in others. In some countries larger than England the whole surface is occupied by one or two formations, but in England nearly all the formations shown in the column (p. 30) are more or less developed. Those of Silurian age lie chiefly in England, in Cumberland and Westmore- land, and in the west, in Wales (fig. 57, p. 304). Above them lie the Old Red Sandstone and Devonian rocks, occupying large areas in Herefordshire, Wor- cestershire, South Wales, and in Devonshire and Corn- wall. Above the Old Red Sandstone come the Carboniferous strata, which form large tracts of Devonshire, Somerset, and part of Gloucestershire, English Formation^. 303 and in South Wales skirt the Bristol Channel, and stretch into the interior in Pembrokeshire, Glamor- ganshire, and Monmouthshire ; while in the north they border North Wales, and form a broad backbone of country that reaches from the borders of Scotland down to North Staffordshire and Derbyshire. Other patches, here and there, rise from below the Secondary strata into the heart of England. (See Map.) The general physical structure of England, from the coast of Wales to the Thames, will be easily under- stood by a reference to fig. 57, p. 304, and to the fol- lowing descriptions; and this structure is eminently typical, explaining, as it does, the physical geology of the greater part of England south of the Staffordshire and Derbyshire hills. The Lower Silurian rocks of Wales (No. 1) consist chiefly of slaty and solid gritty strata, accompanied by, and interbedded with, numerous felspathic lavas and beds of volcanic ashes, marked -f ; and mingled with these there are numerous bosses and dykes of fel- stone, quartz-porphyry, greenstone (diorite), and the like. These last, by their superior hardness, give a mountainous character to the whole of North Wales, from Merionethshire to the Menai Straits. In part of north Pembrokeshire also, in a less degree, igneous rocks are largely intermingled with the Lower Silurian strata, and these, by help of denudation, now form a very hilly country. Without again entering into details, it is here sufficient to state that the Cambrian and Lower Silurian epoch was ended in the British area by disturbance and contortion of the strata, and their upheaval into land. This disturbance necessarily gave rise to long-continued denudations of this early English land, both by ordinary 304 English Formations. S? . !! -b ^ e ^e ^2 S g e ^ .3 CS> "^ ^ ' 5 s .^ 1^ I 3-3 i ^> II 1 ^ i 2" 1 |g CO S t3 > "^ ^3 sd g bo bo q TB 3 9 bo ; 'o O I 2 co n3 o B QJ o 'o si r% ss O ,3Z4 2 English Formation*. 305 atmospheric agencies, and also by the action of the waves of the sea of a younger Silurian period, the evidence of which is seen in the conglomerates of the Upper Llandovery beds, which, mingled with marine shells, lie unconformably on the denuded edges of the Cambrian and Lower Silurian strata of the Longmynd in Shropshire, like a consolidated sea beach. Slow submergence then took place beneath the Upper Silurian sea, in which the Upper Silurian rocks were gradually accumulated unconformably till, perhaps, they entirely buried the Lower Silurian strata (2, fig. 57), for in places they attained a thickness of from three to six thousand feet. As shown in Chapter VIII. the uppermost Upper Silurian beds of Wales pass insensibly into a newer series, known as the Old Eed Sandstone (3, fig. 57), formed, if we include the entire formation, of beds of red marl, sandstone, and conglomerate, which in all the British areas by the absence of marine shells, and the occasional presence of crocodilians, land reptiles, and of fish (whose nearest allies live in the rivers and lakes of America and Africa, or in the brackish pools of Australia), seem to have been deposited in lakes. In Wales these strata again pass upwards into the Carboniferous Lime- stone, which is overlaid in Wales, Derbyshire, and Lancashire, by the Millstone Grrit and the Coal- measures. In Yorkshire, Durham, Northumberland, and Scot- land, the Carboniferous Limestone has no pretension to be ranked as a special formation, for it is broken up into a number of bands interstratified with masses of 1 This is not shown in fig. 57, but the Carboniferous Limestone No. 4 is shown in fig. 67, p. 330, lying, as it does in North Wales, uncon- formably on Silurian rocks. 306 English Formations. shales and sandstones bearing coals. In fact, viewed as a whole, the Carboniferous series consists only of one great formation, possessing different lithological charac- ters in different areas, these having been ruled by cir- cumstances dependent on whether the strata were formed in deep, clear, open seas, or near land ; or actually, as in the case of the vegetable matter that forms the coals, on the land itself. The English Carboniferous rocks differ from the Scottish beds in this, that in general they have not been mixed with igneous matter, except in North- umberland and Derbyshire, where, in the last-named county, the Carboniferous Limestone is interbedded with ashes and lava, locally in Derbyshire called 'toad- stones.' In South Staffordshire, Colebrook Dale, the Clee Hills, and Warwickshire, there is a little basalt and greenstone, which may possibly be of Permian age, intruded into, and perhaps also partly overflowing, the Carboniferous rocks in Permian times ; but in Glamor- ganshire, Monmouthshire, North Staffordshire, Lan- cashire, and Yorkshire, where the Coal-measures are thickest, no igneous rock of any kind occurs. There and elsewhere in England the Coal-measures as usual consist of alternations of sandstone, shale, coal, and ironstone. Next in the series come the Permian rocks (2, 3, 4, fig. 30, p. 141), which, however, rarely occupy so great a space in England, as materially to affect the larger features of the scenery of the country. They form a narrow and marked strip on the east of the Coal- measures from Northumberland to Nottinghamshire, where they chiefly consist of a long, low, flat-topped terrace of Magnesian limestone (see Map), interstratified English Formations. 307 with two or three thin beds of red marl sometimes con- taining gypsum. The scarped edge of this limestone, which is sparsely fossiliferous, faces west, and overlooks the lower undulations of the Coal-measure area. There are other patches of Permian sandstones, marls, breccias, and conglomerates, in the South of Scotland, the Vale of Eden, and the West of Cumber- land, and they are also here and there present on the borders of the Lancashire, North "Wales, Shropshire, and all the Midland coal-fields, and on the Silurian rocks of the Abberley and Malvern Hills. Throughout all the districts enumerated above, these Permian strata chiefly consist of red sandstones, conglomerates, and marls, and part of them, in the districts of the Malvern and Abber- ley Hills, near Enville, and at Bromsgrove, consist of consolidated true Permian glacial boulder-clays. The Permian beds form the uppermost members of the so-called Palaeozoic or old-life period a term somewhat unphilosophical, in so far that it partly conveys a false impression of a life essentially distinct from that of later times. But it is at present convenient, for all geologists know when the word palaeozoic is used what formations are meant, embracing all the strata from those of Permian date down to the lower Laurentian. During the time they were forming, this and other parts of the world suffered many oscilla- tions of level, accompanied by denudations, as shown in previous chapters. Before the end of this Palaeozoic epoch, the Per- mian beds were deposited in great inland salt lakes, analogous to the Caspian Sea and other salt lakes in Central Asia, at the present day. That area gives the best modern idea of the state of much of the world during Permian times. x2 308 English Formations. In the same continental area, and partly on the Permian rocks, partly on older subjacent strata, the New Ked Sandstone and Marl of our region were then deposited in lakes perhaps occasionally fresh, but as regards the marl certainly salt. These formations fill the Vale of Clwyd in North Wales, and in the centre of England range from the mouth of the Mersey round the borders of Wales to the estuary of the Severn, east- wards into Warwickshire, and thence northwards into Yorkshire, along the eastern border of the Magnesian limestone (see Map). They are absent in Scotland. In the centre of England the unequal hardness of its subdivisions sometimes gives rise to minor escarpments (Nos. 4 and 6, fig. 32, p. 154), most of them looking west over plains and undulating ground formed of soft red sandstone. Such escarpments are especially re- markable in the case of the Keuper sandstone, which lies at the base of the New Eed Marl. These strata frequently form a good building stone, often white, and because of their hardness having better resisted denudation than the red sandstones below, they stand out as bold cliffy scarps facing west, with long gentle slopes to the east. Such are Hilsby Hill, that looks out upon the Mersey, near Frodsham ; the beautiful terraced scarps of Delamere Forest, the grand castle- crowned cliff of Beeston by the Nortli Western Railway, near Tarporley, and the beautiful heights, often well wooded, that stretch from thence to the south, and form the Peckforton Hills. There, among spots that haunt the memory, in the ancient park of Garden, scarped by nature and cut into terraced walks and caverns, among the red and white cliffs grow great rhododen- drons, which sow themselves in every mossy cleft of the rocks ; luxuriant brackens, male ferns, lady ferns, English Formation?. 309 Lastrseas, and others of smaller growth, while all forest trees attain a goodly growth, and low down in the flat, deer are grazing up to the gates of the old broad- fronted timbered Hall. It is indeed a splendid sight to stand on the edges of these scarped hills and look across the great rolling plains of New Ked Sand- stone below, bounded by Moel Famau and all the mountains of North Wales that surround the beautiful Vale of Clwyd ; or twenty miles further south, from the abrupt cliff of Grinshill, to see the tall spires of Shrews- bury backed by the renowned Caer Caradoc, the Wrekin, the high line of the flat-topped Longmynd, and the craggy Stiper Stones. The New Ked Marl passes insensibly into the Rhsetic beds, which again pass insensibly into the Lower Lias. In England there is therefore a gradation between the New Ked Marl and the Lower Lias. The Lias series, Nos. 3, 4, 5, fig. 5, consists of three belts of strata, running from Lyme Kegis on the south-west, through the whole of England, to York- shire on the north-east : viz. the Lower Lias clay and Limestone, the Middle Lias or Marlstone strata, and the Upper Lias clay. The unequal hardness of the clays and limestones of the Liassic strata causes some of its members to stand out in distinct minor escarp- ments, often facing west and north-west. The Marl- stone No. 4, forms the most prominent of these, and overlooks the broad meadow-land of Lower Lias clay that form much of the centre of England. Conformable to and resting upon the Lias are the various members of the Oolitic series (6 to 11, fig. 5). 1 That portion termed the Inferior Oolite occupies the base, being succeeded by the Great or Bath Oolite, 1 See also the < Column of Formations,' p. 30. 3io English Formations. Cornbrash, Oxford Clay, Coral Kag, Kimeridge Clay, and Portland beds. These, and the underlying for- mations, down to the base of the New Ked Sandstone, constitute what geologists term the Older Mesozoic or Secondary formations, and all of them, from their approximate conform ability one to the other, occupy a set of belts of variable breadth, extending from Devon and Dorsetshire northwards, through Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, and Leicestershire, to the north of Yorkshire, where they disappear beneath the Grerman Ocean. FIG. 58. 1. Portland Oolite. 3. Wealden Sands and Clays. 2. Purbeck Limestones and Marls. 4. Cretaceous strata. When the Portland beds had been deposited (see figs. 39 and 58), the entire Oolitic series, in what is now the south and centre of England, and much more besides in other regions, was raised above the sea-level and became land. Because of this elevation, there is evidence in the Isles of Purbeck, Portland, and the Isle of Wight, and in the district known as the Weald, of a state of affairs which must have been common in all times of the world's history. We have there a series of beds, consisting of clays, loose sands, sandstones, and shelly limestone, indicating, by their fossils, that they were accumulated as a delta and in lagoons in an estu- ary, where fresh water and occasionally brackish water and marine conditions prevailed at the mouth of a great continental river. The position of these beds, with respect to the Cretaceous strata, will be seen in English Formations. 311 fig. 72, p. 339, marked w, h, proving that they are intermediate in date to the Oolites and Cretaceous rocks, for in the Isle of Purbeck, near Swanage, they are seen lying between the two (fig. 75, p. 348). This episode at last came to an end, by the complete submergence of the Wealden area, and of the greater part of England besides ; and upon these fresh-water strata, and the Oolitic and other formations that partly formed their margins, a set of marine sands and clays were deposited in the south of England, consisting of the Atherfield Clay and the Lower Grreensand s, d (fig. 72, p. 3M9) is now often classed with the Upper Neoco- mian beds of the Continent, but in England they have till lately generally been known as the Lower Cretaceous strata. The distinction is not important to my present purpose. Then comes the clay of the Grault, above which lies the Upper Grreensand. Kesting upon the Upper Grreensand comes the Chalk (No. 11, fig. 57, and c. fig. 72), the upper portion of which contains numerous bands of interstratified flints, which originally were partly marine sponges, since silicified. The Chalk, where thickest, is from one thousand to twelve hundred feet in thickness. The Liassic and Oolitic formations were sediments spread in warm seas surrounding an archipelago of which Dartmoor, Wales, Cumberland, and the Highlands of Scotland formed some of the islands. But the Chalk was a deep sea deposit, formed to a great extent of microscopic foraminiferse, and while it was forming in the wide ocean, it seems probable that the old islands of the Oolitic seas subsided so completely, that it is doubtful whether or not even Wales and the other older mountains of Britain were almost entirely submerged. During the period that the Oolitic formations formed 3 1 2 English Formations. part of the land through which the river flowed that deposited the Wealden and Purbeck beds, they were undergoing constant waste, so that in the course of time, having been previously tilted upwards to the west with an eastern dip (fig. 59), they were worn into what I have elsewhere termed a plain of marine denudation (see p. 497). The submergence of the Wealden area was followed by the progressive sinking of the Oolitic and older strata further west, so that, as the successive members of the Cretaceous formations were deposited, it happened that by slow sinking of the land, the Upper Cretaceous strata gradually overlapped the edges of the outcropping Oolitic and Liassic formations, till at length they were intruded on the New Eed series, and even on the Palaeozoic strata of Devonshire itself, as shown in fig. 59. The upheaval of the Chalk into land brought this epoch to an end, and those conditions that contributed to its formation ceased in our area. As the uppermost member of the Upper Secondary rocks, it closes the record of Mesozoic times in England. This brings us to the last divisions of the British strata which I shall now name. These were deposited on the Chalk, and are termed Eocene formations (No. 12, fig. 57, p. 304). At the base they consist of marine and estuary deposits, known as the Thanet Sand, and Woolwich and Reading beds, and which are of compara- tively small thickness, say from 50 to 150 feet. These lie below the London Clay and form the outer border of the London basin. The Woolwich and Reading beds are found in the Isle of Wight, and in part constitute the Hampshire and London basins. In these we have in places the same kind of alternations of fresh- English Formation^. a . 8 S 3 be ; s tn 2 !* 1 314 English Formations. water and marine shells that I mentioned as occur- ring in the Weald en and Pur beck strata ; but with this difference, that though the shells belong mostly to the same genera, they are of different species the old fresh- water life is replaced by new. Upon the London Clay, which is a marine forma- tion, varying from 200 to 500 feet thick, the Brackles- ham and Bagshot beds were deposited. These consist of marine unconsolidated sands and clays, occurring as outliers isolated patches left by denudation around Bagshot, and elsewhere on the London Clay, and over- lying the same formation in the Isle of Wight, where they are well seen in Alum Bay. In both these places they are only sparingly fossiliferous, but at Brackles- ham and Barton, on the Hampshire coast, they contain a rich marine molluscan fauna of a tropical or sub- tropical character. Upon these were formed various newer fresh-water strata, occasionally interbedded with thin marine bands, the whole evidently accumulated at the mouth of a river. For the names of these minor formations, I refer the reader to the column, p. 30. I have in this chapter given a brief recapitulation of the geological and stratigraphical positions of the series of the larger and more solid geological formations that are concerned in producing the physical structure of England (see Map), and I will in the following chapters endeavour to show by the help of fig. 57, and other diagrams, the part that these formations play in producing the scenery of the country. . u.5 ^ uV \ V ' V ,rvv ^M CHAPTEK XX. THE MOUNTAINS OF DEVON, WALES, AND THE WEST OF ENGLAND THE VALLEY OF THE SEVERN, AND THE OOLITIC AND CHALK ESCARPMENTS THE HILLY CARBON- IFEROUS GROUND OF THE NORTH OF ENGLAND, AND ITS BORDERING PLAINS AND VALLEYS THE PHYSICAL RELATION OF THESE TO THE MOUNTAINS OF WALES AND CUMBERLAND. IN the far west, in Devon and in Wales, also in the north-west, in Cumberland, a'nd in the Pennine chain which joins the Scottish hills, and stretches from North- umberland to the Carboniferous Limestone hills of Derbyshire north of Ashbourne, we have what forms the mountainous and more hilly districts of England and Wales. In Wales, especially in the north, the country is essentially of a mountainous character ; and the middle of England, such as parts of Staffordshire, Worcester- shire, and Cheshire, may be described as flat and un- dulating ground, sometimes rather hilly. But, as a whole, these midland hills are insignificant, considered on a large scale, for when viewed from any of the more mountainous regions in the neighbourhood, the whole country below appears almost like a vast plain. To illustrate this. Let us imagine any one on the top of the gneissic range of the Malvern Hills (g, fig. 57, p. 304), which have, on a small scale, something of a 316 View from Malvern Hills. mountainous character, and let him look to the west : then, as far as the eye can reach, he will see hill after hill stretching into Wales (1 to 3, fig. 57); and if he cast his eye to the north-east, he will there see what seem in the distance to be interminable low undula- tions, looking almost like perfect plains ; while to the east and south-east there lies a broad low flat (6 to 8), through which the Severn flows, bounded by a flat- topped escarpment (9) facing west, and rising boldly above the plain. This escarpment is formed of the Oolitic formations, which constitute so large a part of Gloucestershire. These, as the Cotswold Hills, form a tableland, overlooking on the west a broad plain of Lias Clay and of New Eed Marl, across which, on a clear day, from the scarped edge of North Gloucestershire, far to the west, we may descry the whole of the Malvern range, the well-known clump of firs on the top of May Hill near the Forest of Dean, and away to the north, the distant smoke of Colebrook Dale. This remarkable Oolitic escarpment stretches, in a more or less perfect form, from the extreme south-west of England northward into Yorkshire (see Map). But it is clear that the Oolitic strata could not have been originally deposited in the scarped form they now pos- sess, but once spread continuously over the plain far to the west, and only ended where the Oolitic seas washed the high land formed by the more ancient disturbed Palaeozoic strata of Dartmoor, Wales, and the North of England. Occasional outliers of Lias and Oolite attest this fact, as, for example, in the large outlier of Lower Lias and Marlstone between Adderley and the neigh- bourhood of Whitchurch in Cheshire and Shropshire. This outlier occupies an area of about 50 square miles, and is at least 50 miles distant from the main mass of Oolitic Escarpment and Tableland. 3 1 7 the nearest Lias, near Droitwich in Worcestershire. Indeed, I firmly believe that the Lias and Oolites entirely surrounded the old land of Wales, passing westwards through what is now the Bristol Channel on the south, and the broad tract of New Red formations, now partly occupied by the estuaries of the Dee and Mersey, that lie between Wales and the Carboniferous rocks of the Lancashire hills. The strata that now form the wide Oolitic tableland, have a slight dip to the south-east and east, and great atmospheric denudations having in old times taken place, and which are still going on, a large part of the strata, miles upon miles in width, has been swept away, and thus it happens that a bold escarpment, once for a time in Yorkshire and the Yale of Severn an old line of coast cliff, overlooks the central plains and undula- tions of England, from which a vast extent and thick- ness of Lias and Oolite have been removed. That the sea was not, however, the chief agent in the production of this and similar escarpments will be shown further on. An inexperienced person standing on the plain of the great valley of the Severn, near Cheltenham or Wotton- under-edge, would scarcely expect that when he ascended the Cotswold Hills, from 800 to 1 ,200 feet high, he would find himself on a second plain (9, fig. 57, p. 304) ; that plain being a high tableland, in which here and there deep valleys have been scooped, chiefly opening out westward into the plain at the foot of the escarpment. These valleys have been cut out entirely by frost, rain, and the power of brooks and minor rivers. 1 If we go still farther to the east, and pass in 1 Such valleys are necessarily omitted on so small a diagram, and the minor terraces on the plain, especially such as 7, are ex- aggerated. 3 1 8 Chalk Escarpment and Eocene Outliers. succession all the outcrops of the different Oolitic for- mations (some of the limestones of which, overlying beds of clay, form minor scarps), we come to a second grand escarpment (11, fig. 57), formed of the Chalk, which in its day also spread far to the west, covering unconform- ably the half-denuded Oolites, till it also abutted upon the ancient land formed of the Paleozoic strata of Wales, and by-and-by, as that land sunk in the sea, buried it in places altogether. After consolidation and emergence, this Chalk formation also suffered great waste, and the result is this second bold escarp- ment also facing westerly, which stretches from Dorset- shire on the south coast of England into Yorkshire north of Flamborough Head. Occasional outlying patches of the Cretaceous formations attest its earlier western extension in the south-west of England, and the same overlap may be inferred with justice respecting the relations of the Oolitic, Triassic, and Upper Cre- taceous strata throughout the length and breath of England. (See fig. 59, p. 313.) The Eocene strata, which lie above the Chalk, in their day also extended much farther to the west, because here and there, near the extreme edge of the escarpment of Chalk, we find outlying Eocene fragments, and potholes more or less filled with the relics of Eocene strata. On the opposite page there is *a drawing of such potholes filled with relics of the Plastic Clay of the Woolwich and Reading beds, which in and round Savernake Forest generally overlie the Chalk in a mere thin covering of red and mottled clay and yellow sand, often mixed with a few rounded flint pebbles. On the top of all there is frequently a layer of semi-angular high level gravel, and all of these have been more or less let down into the potholes, by the dissolving of the underlying chalk 320 Eocene Outliers. by the carbonic acid in rain-water, and thus pockets of Eocene strata have been preserved. The proof of this original extension westward is shown in the follow- ing diagram. FIG. 61. 1. Chalk. 2. Part of the main mass of the Eocene beds. 2'. Out- lying patch of the Eocene beds near the edge of the escarpment. It is impossible that these outliers could have been originally deposited on this the edge of the Chalk, and not also on other strata that lie west of the present escarpment, and therefore it may be assumed that they originally extended further westward, and with the Chalk, have been denuded backwards till they occupy their present area. But the Eocene beds being formed of soft strata chiefly clays and sands though they make undulating ground, form no bold scenery. They rest in patches on the tableland, or in a large and some- what depressed area in a manner shown at 12, fig. 57. l Such is the general manner in which the southern part of England has attained its present form. Nearly the whole of the west of England, that is to say, of Devon and Cornwall, and of Wales, consists of Palaeozoic strata, viz. : Devonian and Old Eed Sandstone, Cambrian, and Silurian with all its igneous interstrati- 1 Were I going into extreme details on this part of the subject, there are many distinctive features in the scenery of the Eocene formations dependent on synclinal curves in the strata, and other accidents, and the same remark may be extended to the scenery of many formations more important in a scenic point of view. The plan of this book purposely excludes such details, my object being merely to explain the connection of the greater geological features of the country with its physical geography. Merionethshire and Denudation. 321 fi cations, and of the Carboniferous series, all of which have been much disturbed and extensively denuded. The Cambrian rocks of Merionethshire, for example, marked 2 on the map, were once buried deep beneath more than 20,000 feet of Lower Silurian strata. Let any- one climb to the rugged centre of this Cambrian area, and stand on the summit of the great grit-formed cliffs of Ehinog-fawr or of Y-Grraig-ddrwg (the bad cliff). From thence turning to the south and south-east, he will see the long ridgy peaks of the interstratified felstones and ashes of Cader Idris and Aran Mowddwy, further north- east the serrated edges of Moel Llyfnant and the Arenigs, and the circle is continued on the northern side of the Cambrian strata by the noble heights of the Manods and the Moelwyns near Ffestiniog and Port- madoc. On three sides the great anticlinal boss of Cambrian grits is set in a curved frame of Silurian slates and volcanic beds, and on the fourth it is bordered by the sea. All these rocks, and much more besides, once overlaid the Cambrian beds, in the form of a great anticlinal curve, and have since been removed by denu- dation ; and thus it happens that between the estuary of the Mawddach below Dolgelli, and that of Traeth- bach at Portmadoc, we find this inner group of gritty hills, more than half enclosed by that somewhat distant ring of higher mountains, which are highest, as a rule, simply because of the hard quality of the great inclined beds of porphyries, of which they are so largely com- posed. (Fig. 62.) In this brief account of a fragment of North Wales of about 1,200 square miles, lies the essence of the matter, for with differences of detail, the whole of the strata suffered an equal amount of disturbance and denudation, and the history simply comes to this. Much 322 Lower Silurian Rocks. W O o Mountains and Tablelands. 323 of the Silurian rocks in North Wales are of a slaty character, interbedded with masses of hard igneous rocks, which attain in some instances a thickness of thousands of feet. It is, therefore, easy to understand how it happens that with disturbed and contorted beds of such various kinds, those great denudations, which commenced as early as the close of the Lower Silurian period, and have been continued intermittently ever since, through periods of time so immense that the mind refuses to grapple with them it is, I repeat, easily seen how the outlines of the country have assumed such varied and rugged outlines, as those which North Wales, and in a less degree parts of North Pembroke- shire, Devon, and Cornwall, now present. I have said that the Secondary and Lower Tertiary strata have not been anywhere disturbed nearly to the same extent as the Palaeozoic formations in England. Though occasionally traversed by faults, yet with rare exceptions most of the strata have been elevated above the water without much bending or contortion on a large scale. What chiefly took place was a slight up- tilting of the strata to the west, which, therefore, all through the centre of England, dip as a whole slightly but steadily to the east and south-east. This is evident from the circumstance that on the Cotswold Hills the lowest Oolitic formation (Inferior Oolite, No. 9, fig. 57) forms the western edge of the tableland, while, in spite of a few minor escarpments that rise on the surface of the upper plain, the uppermost Oolitic beds that dip below the Cretaceous strata, are sometimes at a lower level than the Inferior Oolite at the edge of the plateau. The great result, then, of the disturbance and denu- dation of the Palaeozoic strata, and of the lesser dis- turbance and denudation of the Secondary rocks, is, Y 2 324 North of England. that the physical features of England and Wales present masses of Palseozoic rocks, forming groups of mountains in the west, then certain plains and undulating grounds composed of New Ked Sandstone, Marl, and Lias, and then two great escarpments, the edges of tablelands, which rise in some places to a height of more than a thousand feet : the western one being formed of Oolitic, and the eastern of Cretaceous strata, which, in its turn, is overlaid by the Eocene series of the London and Hampshire basins. See fig. 57. If we now turn to the north, what do we find there ? Through the centre of this part of England a great tract of Palseozoic country, more than 200 miles in length, stretches from the southern part of Derbyshire to the borders of Scotland, and joins with the hilly ground of Berwickshire. It consists of Carboniferous rocks, ranging from the Carboniferous Limestone up to those that pass beneath the base of the Permian strata. Further west, between Morecambe Bay and the Sol way, lie the Silurian and Carboniferous rocks of the Cumbrian area, separated from the Carboniferous formations of Northumberland, Durham, and Yorkshire, by the Per- mian beds of the Vale of Eden. As far as the north borders of the Lancashire and Yorkshire coal-fields, the Carboniferous rocks lie in the form of a broad anticlinal curve. At the southern end of this area, a wide tract of Carboniferous Limestone hills ranging up to 1,200 feet in height, occupies the centre of the anticlinal curve, on each side of which, the Yoredale shales and thick strata of Millstone grit dip east and west as the case may be. The latter, being interstratified with comparatively soft beds of shale, run in long bold escarpments (fig. 63), that often trend north and south both on the west and east sides S c 'S 3 326 High Peak. of the Carboniferous Limestone, fine examples of which may be seen in the country near Chatsworth on the east, and between Chapel-le-Frith, Buxton, and Hart- ington, and the neighbourhood of Leek, on the west. Let anyone get to the highest limestone hills in the midst of the area, and look west to Ax Edge beyond Buxton, and east towards Eowseley or Bake well, and he will see these escarpments, the nearest on either side, being generally separated from the limestone hills by a deep valley excavated in the soft Yoredale shales. This special piece of geological anatomy is, indeed, character- istic of the whole of the region, the limestone hills being almost entirely surrounded by a valley, or valleys, the chief watershed of which is near Castle- ton on the north, beyond which, on the east, the Der- went flows, well wooded, and still often bordered by oaks, 1 while on the west the classic Dove runs down a similar valley, till it enters that gorge of tall limestone cliffs, which itself has cut some miles above Ashbourne. Narrow dry dales are common in the Carboniferous Limestone region, and probably some of these are the relics of old underground watercourses, the roofs of which have fallen in. In the northern part of Derbyshire, near Hathersage and the High Peak, the Millstone grit lies in broad plateaux, often from 1,000 to 1,200 feet in height. Great part of the country, east towards Derwent Dale and north of the High Peak, is called the Woodlands. In places the steep hill-sides are still dotted with little woods and single trees of birch, ash, mountain ash, oak, and elder, the relics of the forest that once gave this high country its name. 1 Derwyn is Welsh for an oak, whence probably the original name of the river. Kinder Scout. 327 If from the Snake Inn on the Grlossop road you climb the High Peak, or, as it is often called, Kinder Scout, taking Fairbrook as your route, you first pass across shales with beds of Yoredale grit, over which the water falls in tiny cascades, and at length, high on the top, the view is barred by a great cliff of rock running in a sinuous line to 'right and left. It consists of coarse quartzose sandstone, covered in great part by about 12 feet of peat, which in all directions is intersected by devious steep-sided water-worn channels, among which, in trying to work out a straight course, you are apt to return to the point from whence you started. If you could from a balloon look down upon it, it would FIG. 64. look somewhat as in fig. 64, its whole length being about 6 miles by 2 in breadth. This is the character of the country. Kinder Scout is in the centre of a long, low, anticlinal curve, and the strata lie nearly flat, while to the right and left the equivalent strata form definite scarps, dipping in opposite directions. Where bare of peat, the surface of this little tableland is marked by numerous monumental-looking pillars of stone, sometimes undercut, which helps to show how high flat areas of such rocks are worn away by ordinary atmospheric agents. Some of these have such forms as in the following diagram, fig. 65, and I 328 Landslips. give them to show that even on the top of the table-land, where of running water there is almost none, degrad- ation and lowering of the surface does not absolutely FIG. 65. cease. This work is aided by the easy decomposition of the felspar, which forms an important ingredient in this coarse-grained sandstone, and during heavy gales that sweep across the high bare plateau, the sand is driven along the surface, and grating along the bases of the projecting masses of rock, these become undercut, and eventually must topple over. In this way, Brimham rocks, and rocking-stones, and other isolated rock-masses have been formed in other districts, as, for example, such a grand mass of granite as the Mainstone of Dart- moor, now unhappily blasted away and sold by its proprietor. There is no area that shows better than this part of Derbyshire how valleys have been formed in a high tableland composed of Carboniferous sandstones and shales. There are landslips everywhere. Groin g up the valley from Hathersage a notable landslip is to be seen on the hill-side west of the Derwent and south of Yorkshire Bridge. Between that and the twenty-fifth milestone, on the road to Glossop, there are several on either side of the valley. On the north side of the valley of the Ashop, the shattered masses cumber the hill-side for at least three miles, and on the east side of Alport Dale, there is one vast landslip a mile in length. The whole hill- Landslips and Valleys. * 329 side has slipped bodily away, part lies in tumbled ruins all the way down to the river, and part still stands in tower-like peaks and solid flat-topped castlelike masses, called Alport towers and Alport castles. This is the law of waste in such cases : , FIG. 66. The upper strata of the tableland consists of thick beds of sandstone, much jointed, and easily permeated by rain-water ; the shale beneath becomes softened and slippery, and great masses of sandstone slip over the brow, and, once there, by gravity find their way to the bottom of the valley. Just in proportion as the river attacks and carries away the crumbling ruins below, the upper part of the slip gradually creeps down the slope, till at length it reaches the river. Thus repeated slips take place on one or both sides of the valley, and though the river is always deepening its channel, the waste from the hill-sides, by slips and rain- waste, is proportionate to the average deepening, and thus the valley goes on increasing both in depth and width. 1 It requires little imagination to divine how such valleys began to be formed by streams running in slight inequalities on the very top of the sandstone plateau, till at length, channels being cut through the sandstones, 1 These and many other valleys are also deepened and widened by the process described at pp. 533-36 in regard to the Moselle, &c. 33O Mountains, Plains, and Escarpments. 4 landslips came in aid, and are still in progress. This general description, with local variations dependent on lithological variations, and the dips, strikes, and faults of the strata, may serve for much of the Carboniferous ground in the middle of the anticlinal curve, as far as the northern borders of the Yorkshire and Lancashire coal-fields. If we now construct a section from the Menai Straits, across Snowdon and over the Derbyshire hills to the east of England, the arrangement of the strata may be typified in the following manner (fig. 67, and Map, line 17). In the west, rise the older disturbed Silurian strata, Nos. 1 to 3, which form the mountain region of Wales. On the east of these lies an upper portion of the Palaeozoic rocks, 4, consisting of Carboniferous beds with an escarpment facing west. They are less disturbed than the underlying Silurian strata on which they lie uncon- formably. Then, in Cheshire, to the east of the Dee, lie the great undulating plains of the New Eed series, 6, and these form plains because they consist of strata that have never been much disturbed and still lie nearly flat, and are soft and easily denuded, whence, in part, the soft rolling undulations of the scenery. Then more easterly, from under the strata of New Eed Sandstone, the disturbed Coal- measures again rise, together with the Mountains, Plains, and Escarpments. 331 Millstone Grit and Carboniferous Limestone forming the Derbyshire hills, 4'. These strata dip first to the west, underneath the New Red Sandstone, and then roll over to the east, forming an anticlinal curve, the Limestone being in the centre, and the Millstone Grit on both sides dipping west and east; and above the Millstone Grit come the Coal-measures, also dipping west and east. Together they form the southern part of the Pennine chain. Upon the Coal-measures in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, and Yorkshire, dipping easterly at low angles, we have, first, a low escarpment of Magnesian Limestone 5, then the New Red Sand- stone and Lias plains 6 and 7, which are covered to the east by the Oolite 9, forming a low escarpment, the latter being overlaid by that of the Chalk 11. In this district, except in North Yorkshire, the Oolitic strata, being thinner, do not form the same bold scarped table- land that they do in Gloucestershire and the more southern parts of England. As shown in the diagram the Cretaceous rocks also rise in a tolerably marked escarpment. Further north the grand general features are as follows : If a section were drawn across England from the Cumberland mountains south-easterly to Bridling- ton Bay, the following diagram, fig. 68, will explain the general arrangement of the strata, and the effect of this on the physical geography of the district. On the west there are the Green Slates and por- phyries, No. 1, consisting of lavas and volcanic ashes, hard but of unequal hardness, and some of them, there- fore, by help of denudation giving specialities of form to some of the loftiest mountains of Cumberland. Then comes 2, the Coniston Limestone, overlaid by Upper Silurian rocks, 3, forming a hilly country, between which I I 1 1 - o *g rrt ^ i ^ I S % ? I c3 | -2 o .1 ^ O 42 O .S ^ 2 >H i-^ 11. So 10 * Plains. 333 and the Carboniferous grits, 5, lies the Carboniferous Limestone between two faults in a broken country. Then comes a marked feature in the district, consisting of the long, gently sloping beds of Yoredale rocks and Millstone Grit, No. 5, dipping easterly till they slip out of sight beneath the Magnesian Limestone, No. 6, overlaid in succession by New Eed beds and Lias plains, 7 and 8, which are overlooked by an escarpment of Chalk, 9. This Chalk is overlaid by Boulder-clay, the eastern edge of which forms a cliff overlooking the sea. North of this region, till we come to the east side of the Vale of Eden, the country is much complicated by faults and other disturbances, and to describe it in detail would occupy much space, but east of the Vale of Eden the structure of the country is again exceedingly simple, the whole of the Carboniferous rocks dipping steadily east at low angles, all the way from the escarpment that overlooks the vale, to the Grerman Ocean that borders the Northumberland coal-field, fig. 69, p. 334. While travelling northward from London by the Great Northern Railway, many persons must be struck with the general flatness of the country after passing the Cretaceous escarpments north of Hitchin. Before reaching Peterborough the line enters on the great peaty and alluvial flats of Cambridgeshire, Lincoln- shire, and the Wash, a vast plain, and once a great bay, formed by the denudation of the Kimeridge and Oxford Clays. It has been for long the recipient of the mud of several rivers the Ouse, the Nen, the Welland, the Witham, and the Grlen. Nature and art have combined, by silting and by dykes, to turn the flat into a miniature Holland, about 70 miles in length and 36 in width. Near Stamford, passing through the low, flat-topped undulations of the Oolitic and Lias, with 334 Yorkshire Hills. their minor escarpments facing west, the railway emerges, after crossing the Trent, on a second plain, through which, swelled by many tributaries the Idle, the Don, the Calder, the Aire, the Wharfe, the Nidd, the Ure, the Swale, and the Der- went the Trent and the Ouse flow to enter the famous estuary of the Humber. Passing north by York the same plain forms the bottom of the low broad valley that lies between the westward rising dip-slopes of the Millstone Grit, &c., and the bold escarpment of the Yorkshire Oolites on the east, till at length it passes out to sea on either side of the estuary of the Tees. The adjoining diagram repre- sents the general structure of the region on a line from Ingleborough on the west to the Oolitic moors. On the west lie the outlying heights of the ancient camp of Ingleborough, and of Penyghent, capped with Millstone Grit and Yoredale rocks (2), which, intersected by valleys, gradually dip eastward, the average slope of the ground over long areas often corresponding with the dip of the strata in the manner shown in the diagram, 1 till they slip under the low escarpment of Magnesian Limestone (3). Let the reader attentively consider this part of the diagram, and he may I hope convince himself how little ordinary valleys, large or small, are directly pro- 1 This kind of slope is often called a dip-slope. Yorkshire Plains. 335 duced by fractures and ' convulsions of Nature,' for in this and many similar cases, what can be their origin but the tranquil scooping powers of disintegration and running water, aided by an unknown amount of time. East of the Magnesian Limestone lies the plain (p) 9 almost as flat as a table, and covered to a great extent with an oozy loam, like the warps of the Wash and the Humber, and like these, perhaps, formed of old river sediments. The New Red and Lower Lias strata (4) lie beneath the warp, and for the most part, below the level of the sea, and high on the east, like a great rampart, the escarpment of the Oolites (5) rises in places to a height of more than 1,100 feet, with all its broad-topped moorlands and deep well-wooded valleys. Such is the anatomy of the fertile Vale of York and its neighbourhood. 336 CHAPTER XXI. THE ORIGIN OF ESCARPMENTS, AND THE DENUDATION OF THE WEALD GREY WETHERS AND THE DENUDATION OF THE EOCENE STRATA. IN the foregoing pages much has been said about escarpments. The origin of all escarpments, excepting modern sea cliffs, is generally the same, and they are nearly all marked by this peculiarity, that the strata dip at low angles in a direction opposite to the slope of the scarp, thus : FIG. 70. 1. Strata with a low dip, e escarpment. 2. Detritus slipped from the escarpment down towards the plain p. The Weald of Kent and Sussex and the surrounding Chalk hills form excellent examples of what I wish to explain, and I therefore return to the south-east of England. In the Wealden area we generally find a plain, bounded by hills of Lower Greensand and Chalk, on the north, south, and west, while the clayey plain itself surrounds a nucleus of undulating sandy hills in the centre. The whole of this Wealden area forms a great amphitheatre, on the outermost rim of which the the Weald. 337 Chalk rises in bold escarpments, forming what are known as the North and South Downs. On the east it is bounded by the sea. There can be no doubt that the Chalk and the underlying formations of Upper Greensand, Gault, Lower Greensand, and Weald Clay originally extended across all the area of the Weald for a breadth of from twenty to forty miles from north to south, and nearly eighty from east to west (figs. 7 1 and 73). This vast mass, many hundreds of feet thick, has been swept away, according to an opinion formerly universal among geologists, by the wasting power of the sea, but., I believe, chiefly by atmospheric agencies ; so much so, indeed, that I am convinced that all the present de- tails, great and small, of the form of the ground, are due to the latter. The result is, that great oval escarpments of Lower Greensand, and outside of that of Chalk sur- rounding the Wealden area, rise steeply above the nearest plain, which is composed of the Weald Clay, from beneath which the Hastings Sands crop out, form- ing a central nucleus of hilly ground, in the manner shown in the following diagram, the height of which is purposely exaggerated so as to bring the features pro- minently before the eye. N FIG. 71. s a a Upper Cretaceous strata, chiefly Chalk, forming the North and South Downs ; b b escarpment of Lower Greensand with a valley between it and the Chalk ; c c Weald Clay, forming plains ; d hills formed of Hastings Sand and Clay. The Chalk, &c. once spread across the country, as shown in the dotted lines. Let us endeavour to realise how such a result may z 338 Denudation of have been brought about. The idea that the Wealden area once formed a vast oblong bay, of which the Chalk hills were the coast cliffs, is exceedingly tempting ; for, standing on the edge of the North Downs near Folke- stone, and looking west towards Ashford, and south-west across the Romney Marsh, it is impossible not to com- pare the great flat to a sea overlooked by all the bays and headlands, which the winding outlines of the Chalk escarpment, both of the North and South Downs, are sure to suggest. And in less degree the same impression suggests itself, wherever one may chance to stand on the edge of the Chalk Downs, all the way from Folkestone to Alton and Petersfield, and from Petersfield to East- bourne. For years, with others, I held this view ; but for years, with me, it has passed into the limbo of hypotheses no longer tenable. If the Wealden area were lowered into the sea just enough to turn the Chalk escarpments into sea-cliffs (see Map and fig. 72), we should have the following general results. Let the line a b represent the present sea level, and the lines s s s the level of the sea after depression ; then, so far from the area presenting a wide open sea, where heavy waves could play between the opposite North and South Downs, we should have an encircling cliffy coast of chalk c ; the base of which cliff, if we follow the escarpment all round from the neighbourhood of Folkestone to that of Eastbourne, un- like all common coasts, would in some cases be washed by the ordinary tides, while within a mile or two, the depth of the sea close to the cliff of chalk must have been from 200 to 300 feet. In other words the base of the Chalk and Upper Grreensand all round the Weald from Folkestone to Eastbourne could not have formed a continuous shore line in recent times, for some the Weald. 339 g s: a i & 5 X & TJ GO ^ 8 fc bo q _g "c3 . & ft < 'S W e8 tua "x" rg U | d r g V* O H o> 'S o> s Us 1 J"^ ^ o bo o SH f** r3 q> ^oj r-< & ^ "3 111 w ^ o z2 34-O Denudation of parts of it are at the sea level now ; while other parts, along gently undulating lines at the bases of the North and South Downs, rise to more than 250 feet above the sea. On the supposition that the Wealden area was once an oblong bay, this land would also have been formed of two narrow strips of country, one on the south at least 60, and the other on the north not less than 100, miles long, both of which project eastward from the Chalk of Hampshire, to form what we now call the North and South Downs. These hills generally rise high above the Eocene strata that skirt them on the north and south, and these Eocene beds, under the supposed cir- cumstances, would be covered by sea, while the scarped cliffs of Chalk, as shown on the diagram, would over- look a sea-covered plain of Grault g ; outside of which, near the shore, would be a series of ridgy islands of Lower Ofreensand s d, which, at present, in some parts of the country, rise into escarpments higher than the Downs themselves. Beyond these there would be a sea where the flats of Weald Clay w now lie ; inside of which would rise an island, or rather group of islands, formed of the Hastings Sand series h h. This form of ground would certainly be peculiar, and ill adapted in form to receive the beating of a powerful surf, so as to produce on the inner side only, the cliffy escarpment that forms the steep edge of the oval of Chalk. Further, if the area had been filled by the sea, we might possibly expect to find traces of superficial marine strata of late date, as in some other parts of England, scattered across the surface between the opposite Downs. But none of these traces exist. On the contrary, the underlying strata of the Cretaceous and of the Wealden series everywhere crop up and form the surface of the ground, '^ the Weald. 341 except where here and there, near the Chalk escarpments, they are strewn with flints, the relics of the subaerial waste of the Chalk, or where they are covered by fresh- ivater sands, gravels, and loams of the ancient rivers of the country. I believe, therefore, that the form of the ground in the Wealden area, which was once attributed to marine action, has been mainly brought about by atmospheric causes, and the operation of rain and running waters. One great effect of the action of the sea, combined with atmospheric waste, when prolonged over great periods of time, is to produce extensive plains of marine denudation like the line b b, fig. 97, p. 497 ; for this combined result is to plane off, as it were, the asperities of the land, and reduce it to an average tidal level. Suppose the curvature of the various formations across the Wealden area to be restored by dotted lines, as in figure, No. 73, which is very nearly on a true scale. Let the upper part of the curve be planed across, as shown in fig. 73, and let the newly-planed surface, slightly inclined from the interior, be repre- sented by the line p p. Against this line, the various masses of the Hastings Sand h h, Weald Clay w, the Lower Greensand s, the Gault g, and the Chalk and Upper Grreensand c, would crop up. Then I believe that, by aid of rain and running water, large parts of these strata would be cut away by degrees, so as to produce in time the present configuration of the ground. If it were not so, we might expect that the rivers of the Wealden area should all flow out at its eastern end, through long east and west hollows, previously scooped out by the assumed wasting power of the sea, where the ground is now low, and looks out upon the sea y 342 Denudation of and towards which, the long plains of Gault and Weald Clay directly lead. But this, except with cer- tain rivulets, is so far from being the case, that some streams, like the Beult, rise close to the sea coast and flow westward. If, on the other hand, such a plain as p p once existed, it is easy to understand, how the rivers in old times flowed from a low central watershed to the north and south across the top of the Chalk, at elevations at least as high as, and probably even higher than the present summit-levels of the Downs, Then, as by the action of running water, the general level of the inner country was being unequally reduced, so as to form tributary streams each cutting out its own valley, the greater rivers, augmented in volume by these tributaries, were all the while busy cutting and deepening those north and south channels through the Chalk Downs now known as the valleys of the Stour, the Medway, the Dart, the Mole, the Wey, which run athwart the North Downs, and the Arun, the Adur, the Ouse, and the Cuckmare, which, through gaps in the South Downs, flow south. 1 On any other supposition, it is not easy to understand how these channels were formed, unless they were produced by fractures or by marine denudation, of neither of which is there any proof. Through most of these gaps no knoivn faults run of any kind, and the whole line of the Chalk is singularly destitute of fractures. We get a strong hint of the probability of the truth of this hypothesis of the denudation of the Weald in 1 This kind of argument was applied by Mr. Jukes to explain the behaviour of some of the rivers of Ireland, and he supposed that it might possibly apply to the Weald. 'Geological Journal,' 1862, vol. xviii. p. 378. the Weald. 343 1 72 ' fl 03 "" S I ?- I 8 O o "cS ** - 3 A i* q_( 6H ^ p "w Limestone . . .21 Coal 6 59 per cent. Shale . . . . 2 ' Magnesian Limestone 22 Lammermuir grits, &c. . . . . . 16 Greenstones and Basalts . . . 4 ,, The cliff is about 30 feet in height, and shows the section given in fig. 82. The Till seems to have been worn on the surface before the deposition of 3 and 4. It will be observed by consulting any geological map, that, as in the previous case, the large percentages 390 Glacial Epoch. of Carboniferous rocks have travelled from the wide- spread Carboniferous country to the north, that the smaller percentage of Magnesian Limestone fragments must have been derived from the small area immediately FIG. 82. 1. Kotten nodular Magnesian Limestone. 2. Stiff brown Till with blocks and scratched stones. The largest are of Carboniferous Limestone and Magnesian Lime- stone, from 1 to 1^ yards in diameter, and 1 block 2^ feet of Lammermuir grit. 3. Sand and loamy beds with scratched stones, rare. 4. Finely laminated clay. north of Sunderland, occupied by that formation for a distance of about 9 or 10 miles, and the decreased pro- portion of Lammermuir rocks have had to travel not less than 70 miles. Somewhat further south we find 57 per cent, of Car- boniferous rocks, 32 per cent, of Magnesian Limestone, and only 9 per cent, of Lammermuir grits. About half way between Sunderland and Seaham, where on a sea-cliff stiff Boulder-clay or Till lies on the Magnesian Limestone, the latter is covered with glacial groovings which run from NNW. to SSE. and all along the sea-cliffs of this neighbourhood there is a lower Boulder-clay with a very irregular surface, on which there lies sand and gravel, often very much con- torted, which in its turn is overlaid by patches of an upper Boulder-clay. Boulder-Clay. At Seaham ironworks and elsewhere, such sands and gravels in the middle of the Till frequently thin away in wedge-shaped ends. FIG. 83. I. Magnesian Limestone. 3. Sand and gravel. 2. Lower Boulder-clay. 4. Upper Boulder-clay. It is unnecessary and would be wearisome to the reader, were I to describe all the details of the sections I have examined between Hartlepool near the mouth of the Tees, and Spurn Point at the mouth of the Humber. Suffice it to say that, in the Liassic and Oolitic region of Yorkshire, the valleys that open upon the sea are apt to be more or less filled with boulder-clays, sands, and gravels, and the same phenomena occur in many parts of the high sea-cliffs. Thus at Cromer Point, about 2| miles north of Scarborough, there are beds of sand and gravel in places about 120 feet thick, which lie on an undulating surface of shales, &c., of the Oolitic series. The embedded pebbles largely consist of sandstones (Oolitic in part), grits, porphyry, &c., and at the top, about 130 feet above the sea, there are beds of clayey gravel with small stones and fragments of sea- shells. In Cayton Bay, about three miles south of Scar- borough, lying upon Oxford Clay, there is Boulder-clay, with a great variety of boulders of Carboniferous Lime- stone, Lammermuir grit, basalts, greenstones, and other rocks that lie nearer the spot. Many of these are sub- angular and many are well rounded, and both kinds are 392 Glacial Epoch. often marked with glacial scratchings. Above this Boulder-clay there are beds of gravel with fragments of marine shells, and the embedded stones only show the ghosts of scratchings, as if they had been nearly obliterated by trituration. Above this gravel, Boulder- clay again occurs in a little hollow, in which there are deposits of fine clay and shell-marl, with Paludinas, &c. The relics of such old pools are common on the surfaces of irregular deposition of the boulder-clays all the way from Northumberland to the Humber, and doubtless far beyond. On the coast, from one to two miles north of Brid- lington, lying on chalk, there are beds of Till interstrati- fied with beds of sand and gravel, parts of the Boulder- clay among the Till being much contorted. In one case they were seen to lie in an old valley of erosion in the Chalk, the lowest strata consisting of stratified brecciated chalk gravel, overlaid by sand, on which there rested chalky sand and gravel, which in its turn is overlaid by Till with irregular minor inter stratifications of sand ; and in another case, about three miles north of Bridling- ton, fragments of sea-shells occur in the gravel about 1 50 feet above the sea. Near Bramston, in Holderness, a few miles south of Bridlington, on the shore, there are large boulders of gneiss, basalt, diorite, &c. Immediately north of Hornsea, about twelve miles south of Bridlington, the Till, which partly forms a sea- cliff fifty or sixty feet high, is very irregularly bedded, and contains numerous scratched stones of flint and chalk, Carboniferous Limestone (more scarce), Silurian grit, granite, gneiss, &c. The quantity of stones of chalk is quite a new and remarkable feature in the section, for north of Flamborough Head, in the Oolitic country, I found none. The Till, which forms the base Boulder- Clay. 393 , "C O I c (t 1 3 m Elephas Antiquus. o w Ithinocez'os leptorhinus. Hippopotamus. .si P 1 i P3 Reindeer. Bos primigenius. Goat or Shrep. Upper Bed X X X X _ x _ _ x x x 9 x Lower Bed X X X X X X X X x X The general assemblage closely resembles that found in 1821 by Dr. Buckland in the famous Kirkdale Cave in the Vale of Pickering in Yorkshire, and such as is also known in the Dream Cave, and others near Wirks- worth in Derbyshire. In the Victoria Cave all the bones in the lower bed are marked by the gnawing of the teeth of Hysenas. One bone from this bed is of special interest, a fragment which Mr. Busk identi- fied as part of a human fibula. No one doubts the existence of man along with the modern fauna of the upper bed, which is later than the Boulder-clay. But a man co-existent with a Grlacial, or probably a pre- Grlacial fauna, is a very different matter, and, accord- ingly, some eminent osteologists have lately declared that though they cannot assert that the fragment is not part of the bone of a man, on the other hand they Caves, Creswell Crags. 467 cannot deny that it may just as well be part of the fibula of a bear. On a point such as this, though I have been in the cave, I have no claim to form an opinion, but subse- quent paragraphs will show that though at present the question has not been decided by the evidence yielded by the Victoria Cave, there are yet grounds for the certain belief, that man in the British area lived in inter-Glacial and probably even in pre-Glacial times. The next caves I shall mention are, like the Vic- toria Cave, of unusual importance, because of their con- tents and the careful manner in which they have been explored by the Rev. J. Magens Mello and Mr, Thomas Heath, assisted in the determination of species by Professor Boyd Dawkins. These caverns occur in the Magnesian Limestone (Permian ) of Creswell Crags in Derbyshire, about ten miles ENE. of Chesterfield, and two miles SSE. of Whitwell. Three of the explored caves are known by the names of Robin Hood's Cave, the Pin Hole, and Church Hole. In the first-named the layers consist in descending order of : 1. Stalagmite, 2ft. 2. Breccia, with bones and flint implements, 1 ft. 6 in. 3. Cave-earth, with bones and implements, 1 ft. 9 in. 4. Mottled bed, with bones and implements, 2 ft. 5. Red sand, with bones and quartzite implements. The upper soil in the cavern 'yielded traces of Romano-British occupation, such as enamelled bronze fibulae, fragments of pottery,' &c. ' In the surface soil and in the upper part of the Breccia (No. 2\ there occur some bones of the domestic hog, goat, sheep, and Celtic shorthorn, but no implements of a Neolithic type were found associated with these.' Beneath this upper part, H H 2 468 Caves, Creswell Crags. the explorers found c teeth and bones of the bear, the fox, the hare, the reindeer, the hyaena, and the woolly rhinoceros and horse. Together with these were found numerous flint implements, mostly chips and flakes, but some few of them were carefully wrought lanceolate weapons, trimmed on either side.' 'The cave-earth below the Breccia contained the relics of a similar fauna, with one or two additions, but a different type of implements was met with . . . none presenting the more elaborately-shaped forms of those of the Breccia.' One or two are of bone, and numerous implements of quartzite rudely fashioned from water-worn pebbles, and, as pointed out by Professor Dawkins, they are of an earlier type than those found in the overlying Breccia. The red sand bed at the base of all also contained relics of most of the animals common in the overlying strata, but no traces of human bones or works have yet been found therein. Exclusive of the uppermost part of the Breccia, No. ^, the following remains of Mammalia have been found : Man, Lion (var. Felis spelcea), Hycena spelcea, the Fox, Wolf, Bears (Ursus ferox and U. arctos), Cervus Megaceros (great Irish deer), .Reindeer, Bison prisons, Horse, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Elephas primigenius (Mammoth), Pig and Hare. One point seems to be certain, that between the Romano-British epoch and the sub-epochs recorded in the table of strata given above there is a great gulf. From the historical epoch we make a sudden leap ' in the dark backward and abysm of time,' into the ele- phantine era of Palaeolithic man, for no instrument of Neolithic type has been found in any of the caverns. Further, the remains indicate two climatal stages, ' when Cefn Cave, 469 man, the hunter and fisherman, endured all the vicissi- tudes of a climate, at one time mild enough for the Hip- popotamus to be an occupant of the Yorkshire rivers, x at another so severe that amid the snow and ice of an Arctic winter he would have to struggle for existence in company with the Eeindeer, the Glutton, and the Arctic Fox.' As these and many other caves of England are doubtless of pre-glacial origin as to their original scoop- ing out, it may well be that some of the bones are as old as those found beneath the boulder-beds of the Vic- toria Cave, but of this there is no absolute proof. The next caves I have to mention are those on the western side of the Vale of Clwyd, which lie in the escarpment of the Carboniferous Limestone that rises from under the New Ked Sandstone which fills the lower part of the valley. One of these is the well-known bone-bearing cave of Cefn, described in 1833 by Mr. Stanley, afterwards Bishop of Norwich. This cave and part of its contents I have seen along with Mrs. Wynn of Cefn, and the late Dr. Falconer, whose researches on the extinct mammalia of India are so well known. Among the bones found in the cave are Elephas anti- quus (the ancient representative of the modern African elephant), Rhinoceros hemitcechus, Hippopotamus, Cave-Bear, Spotted Hysena, and Reindeer. In this cave a human skull and cut antlers of a stag were discovered 'in the lower entrance,' as described by Professor Boyd Dawkins, but no attempt has been made to separate the flint implements found in these caves into Palaeolithic and Neolithic ; 1 nor has anyone determined that any of the bones belonged to distinct 1 See pp. 540 and 545 for figures of Palaeolithic and Neolithic flint implements. 47 Paviland Cave. pre- Glacial, inter- Glacial, or post-Glacial epochs. My own strong impression for I may not call it convic- tion is, that some or all of the bones found a way into the Cefn Cave before the partial submersion of Wales during the Glacial epoch, and were sealed therein before the shelly sands were deposited in the cavern, as recorded at page 462. It is certain that the Vale of Clwyd at that time was occupied by the sea, for the Boulder-clay of the banks of the River Elwy is charged with well-preserved sea-shells, and if Moel Try fan was submerged 1,175 feet, it, is unlikely that the Vale of Clwyd did not suffer something like an equal submergence. anti- quus and Elephas primigenius are alike known as animals that lived, the last in Glacial, and the former, in pre- Glacial time, and if, as I believe, the former be the ancestral precursor of the African, and the latter of the Indian elephant, it may be hard to determine which has the oldest ancestry as a distinct species, while it is by no means certain that both species may not have crossed into the British area before the advent of the Glacial epoch. Go-ing further south, the limestone cliffs of the promontory of Gower are penetrated by no fewer than ten caverns, all of which have been more or less ex- plored one, the Paviland Cave, by Dr. Buckland in 1823, and the others by Colonel Wood since 1848. They yielded a vast number of bones, according to Falconer of almost every species elsewhere known in British caves, including E. primigenius and E. antiquus, Rhinoceros primigenius, and R. hemi- tcechus, Hippopotamus major, Hyaena, Cave-Bear, Wolf, Fox, &c., and in one cave, called Bosco's Den, there were found a thousand shed antlers of the Eein- Pavi land Cave. 471 deer, which were extracted by Colonel Wood. In one of the caves, called Long Hole, he made the important discovery of Rhinoceros tichorhinus, and R. hemi- tcechus, along with manufactured flint knives in the same undisturbed deposit. In the Paviland Cave, which was unscientifically opened before it was visited by Dr. Buckland, there were found the remains of the Mammoth, Woolly Rhino- ceros, Hyaena, Cave-Bear, and many other animals in red earth, under the usual crust of stalagmite which formed the upper floor. With these was found a human skeleton, stained red by infiltration of an oxide of iron, and called by the quarrymen, ' the red lady of Paviland.' According to Dr. Buckland, the contents of the cavern seemed to have been disturbed by old diggings, and it was therefore his opinion that the body had been buried there at some ancient time. This cave must probably have been inhabited, for charcoal and sea-shells of edible species were found in it, and near the skeleton some carved beads and ornaments of ivory, possibly made from the tusks of the Mammoth, which with the skull lay close by the body. It is also said that a small chipped flint was found in the same place. I have no doubt that the antiquity of this famous skeleton must be very great, but who can tell how old, not in years, but according to standards of comparative geological antiquity ? Even though the debris had been disturbed there is no valid reason why the man should not have been coeval with the Mammoth and his con- temporary Mammalia, for the figure of that great hairy elephant, with its enormous curved tusks carved on its own ivory, has been found at La Madelaine in the Dor- dogne; and in Denmark there was found a skull of this species with a flint arrow-head sticking in the 472 Caldy Cave. bone. How late they survived in Europe no written history tells, though the unwritten history of flint weapons in caverns shows that Palaeolithic man hunted the great beast ; while in Asia, as all readers know, his whole body has more than once in summer dropped out of the frozen mud cliffs of the great Siberian rivers, a region in which he, perhaps, survived very much later than in Europe. We may be permitted to regret that ' the red lady of Paviland ' was exhumed 44 years ago, long before the art of ' Cave Hunting ' ranked as a branch of palseontological science in which an early history of man is involved. On the west side of Caermarthen Bay lies Caldy Island, about a mile from the Pembrokeshire shore, near Tenby. About forty years ago a cave was discovered there in the northern sea-cliff, which was quarried for limestone, and which I visited with Dr. Buckland in 1841, when the last relics of the cavern were disap- pearing under the operations of the quarrymen. Bones and teeth of Mammoths, Ehinoceroses, Hysenas, Lions, and other Mammalia common in such caves occurred in abundance, and I well remember the glee with which Dr. Buckland on his knees gathered the bony harvest into a large silk bandana, while surreptitiously I sketched him in the act. Other caves have since been explored in Caldy, and on the mainland of Pembrokeshire, with like results. I specially mention the caves in Caldy, because they help to prove the long lapse of time that has taken place since so many great mammals lived on ground, part of which is now only an island one mile in length. It must indeed have taken a great number of years for atmospheric influences and sea waves to have worn a channel a mile in width so as to separate the island Caves, Mendip Hills. 473 from the mainland, for the waste of sea cliffs as hard as the Carboniferous Limestone is so slow, that the life- time of generations of men sees but little change in their outlines, and rude camps and earthworks of un- known age even now stand on many a hard rocky pro- montory, almost as fresh as the day when they were first constructed. These were my first reflections when I saw the traces of the old mammalian inhabitants of what now is Caldy, and the same train of thought is entertained by Professor Dawkins in his book on ' Cave Hunting.' They are sufficiently obvious to all who are not imbued with a sense of unprovable and needless cataclysmic forces. On the eastern side of the upper part of Bristol Channel, the Mendip Hills, and other large bosses of Carboniferous Limestone, are seamed by numerous caverns charged with bones. Taken all in all, the assemblage is much the same as that found in the caves already mentioned, and like some of these, the bones, as remarked by Dr. Buckland, were carried into under- ground water-channels by streams falling into swallow- holes. This involves a very considerable change in the physical geography of the region since these streams ran. Unless the Carboniferous Limestone be more or less coated with impermeable strata, such as Red Marl, Lias clay, or Boulder-clay, the rain immediately sinks through innumerable joints open to the surface, and thus it happens that rivers, or even unimportant brooks, are rare in tracts formed exclusively of masses of lime- stone. From the evidence of outlying remnants, it seems probable that the Mendip Hills were once ex- tensively covered by a thin casing of Lias clay, over which streams ran in the Pleistocene epoch, and carried the bones of dead animals into swallow-holes, just as at 474 Wookey Hole. the present day, in the upper valleys of the Jura, good- sized streams are engulfed in swallow-holes of marly Miocene beds, to pass into the Jurassic limestones below, and again to reappear as ready-made rivers in deep transverse valleys, as, for example, in the Val de Travers below Combe Varin. The removal from the surface of the Mendip Hills of such strata by ordinary denuding agents, must have occupied a period of time long and of unknown duration. There is, however, another view of the subject which cannot fail to strike a reflective mind with wonder, speaking as it does so strongly of time. In those caves which were not hyaena dens, thousands of bones of grazing animals and of carnivora, are found crowded together ( in most admired confusion.' Lions and hyenas did not specially prefer to devour their prey at the mouths of swallow-holes, nor was the surface of the ground strewn broadcast with bones of carnivora and other mammals, like gravel-stones on many a fresh ploughed field; and when we think of bones, horns, and teeth, 6 by the thousand,' in so many large caverns, most of which must have been washed in by very slow degrees, the mind, for this reason alone, becomes power- fully impressed with the idea of the long endurance of so-called Pleistocene time. On the south side of the Mendip Hills, about a mile and a half north-west of Wells, there is a hyaena den called Wookey Hole, which has been hollowed out in the dolomitic conglomerate, which in so many places fringes and lies unconformably on the Carboniferous Limestone. This cave was discovered in 1852, and from 1859 to 1863 it was systematically explored by Professor Boyd Dawkins, the Eev. J. Williamson, and Messrs. Willett, Wookey Hole. 475 Parker, and Ayshford Sanford. Professor Dawkins gives an admirable account of the work in his ' Cave Hunting,' to which I must refer my readers for a num- ber of interesting and graphic details. When first opened in 1852 'the workmen found more than 300 Roman coins, among which were those of Allectus and Commodus.' As the work progressed year by year, and the contents of the cave were cleared out and examined, vast numbers of bones and teeth and horns were dis- covered, under conditions which proved that they were not introduced by water, but that the cavern had been a veritable hyaBna den, which at intervals had also been occupied by savage men, as the occurrence of charcoal, calcined bones, and distinctly formed implements of flint and chert clearly testified. All of these imple- ments are of Palaeolithic type (see fig. 112, p. 540). To give an idea of the quantity of bones, Mr. Daw- kins states that 'the remains obtained in 1862-3, from 3,000 to 4,000 in number, afford a vivid picture of the animal life of the time in Somerset. They belong to the following animals, the implements representing the presence of Man : Man 35 Woolly Rhinoceros . . 233 Cave-Hyaena . . . 467 Rhinoceros hemitsechus . 2 Cave-Lion . . 15 Horse .... 401 Cave-Bear . . .27 The Great Urns . . 16 Grizzly Bear . . .11 Bison . . . .30 Brown Bear . . .11 Cervus Megaceros . . 35 Wolf . 7 Reindeer . . . .30 Fox 8 Red Deer ... 2 Mammoth . . .30 Lemming ... 1 The remains of these animals were so intermingled, that they must have been living at the same time.' I cannot refrain from adding Mr. Dawkins' vivid descrip- tion ' of the condition of things at the time the hyaena 476 Kents Hole. den was inhabited. The hyaenas were the normal occu- pants of the cave, and thither they brought their prey. We can realise these animals pursuing elephants and rhinoceroses along the slopes of the Mendip till they scared them into the precipitous ravine, or watching until the strength of a disabled bear or lion ebbed away sufficiently to allow of its being overcome by their cowardly strength. Man appeared from time to time upon the scene a miserable savage armed with bow and spear, unacquainted with metals, but defended from the cold by coats of skin. Sometimes he took possession of the den and drove out the hyaenas for it is impossible for both to have lived in the same cave at the same time. He kindled his fires at the entrance to cook his food and to keep away the wild animals ; then he went away, and the hyaenas came back to their old abode.' Kent's Hole, near Torquay, in Devonshire, has long been one of the most famous caverns in England. Mr. Pengelly, F,R.S., has given an extensive account of the 'Literature of Kent's Cavern' in the 'Transactions of the Devonshire Association,' from which it appears that Mr. Thomas Northrnore of Exeter first dug through the stalagmitic covering, and ' exclaiming with joy, " Here it is ! " pulled out an old worn-down tusk of a Hyaena, and soon afterwards a metatarsal bone of the Cavern- Bear,' and among twenty or thirty other teeth and bones ' were two jaws, upper and lower, of either the Wolf or the Fox,' In 1827, Mr. (afterwards Sir) Henry De la Beche mentions the cavern as ' celebrated on account of the remains of elephants, rhinoceroses, hyaenas, bears, deer, wolves, &c.,' and specially connects this discovery with the name of the Rev. John McEnery, who had previously made a valuable collection of such Kent's Hole. 477 remains with the intention of publishing a descriptive account of his CAVERN RESEARCHES. The manuscript, which was in the possession of Mr. E. Vivian, who pub- lished portions of it, has wisely been printed entire by Mr. Pengelly with all its imperfections. When it was begun no one knows, but ' some portions of it are cer- tainly not older than the year 1836 . . . and no portion can be assigned to a later date than 1840, as the author's decease took place on February 18, 1841.' To analyse the whole of Mr. McEnery's mutilated fasciculus is needless in a work like this, and it is enough to state that under the upper and lower stalag- mites he recognised the bones and teeth of the Mam- moth (E. primigenius), Rhinoceros, Horse, Ox, (bison ?) Irish Elk (Cervus megaceros), Eed Deer, Stag, Fallow Deer, Reindeer, Bears ( Ursus cultridens, U. Spelceus, U. Arctoideus, U. Priscus\ Hysena, Wolf, and doubt- less others unnamed. 1 He specially recognised that the bones had been gnawed, and also insists on the fact that flint implements occur in intimate association with the bones. In 1840 Mr. Godwin- Austen makes the re- mark that ' arrow-heads and knives of flint occur in all parts of the cave and throughout the entire thickness of the clay, and no distinction, founded on condition, distribution, or relative position, can be observed whereby the human can be separated from the other reliquiaB ; ' 2 and further on he adds, ' there is no ground why we should separate man from that period and those acci- dents when and by which the cave was filled.' The breadth of these remarks (unacceptable at the time), by an experienced observer, who has on this and other sub- 1 I print these from the imperfect Fasciculus G as they stand, with the exception of the Wolf, mentioned elsewhere. 2 ' Trans. Geol. Soc.,' London, second series, vol. vi.. t. 2, p. 444. 47 8 Brixham Cave. jects often been years before his time, left but little in the way of theory for subsequent observers, though there still remains plenty of work in detail. All the flint instruments and flakes found in this cavern below the upper stalagmite, are of palaeolithic types, a fact of much importance l in relation to the antiquity of man. The last cave that I shall mention is that of Brix- ham, Devonshire, in the limestone that forms the south side of Tor Bay. It was discovered in 1858, and Mr. Pengelly at once saw the necessity of securing the right of exploration, so as to ensure the most accurate possible examination of its contents and the mode of their oc- currence. Of this committee I happened to be one of the members, and to ' Mr. Pengelly the committee are indebted for the active and constant superintendence of the work and for the record of each day's proceedings.' 2 In the same summer I visited the cave with Dr. Falconer and Mr. Pengelly, and made a plan of it ; and at a later date it was resurveyed by Mr. Bristow, whose plan is published in the ' Philosophical Transactions,' to accom- pany the report drawn up by Mr. Prestwich. At that time the stalagmitic floor of the cavern was mostly undis- turbed, and a Reindeer's horn was firmly cemented in the stalagmite. In the first six weeks of the workings about 1,500 bones were exhumed, a large number of which belonged ' to skeletons of small animals, like the Rabbit and Fox, found near the surface.' In part of the cave, which has many ramifications, 1 See 'Ancient Stone Implements, &c.' by John Evans, F.R.S., F.S.A. &c. pp. 442-466. 2 Keport on the exploration of the Brigham Cave, ' Philosophical Transactions of the Eoyal Society,' 1873, vol. clxiii. p. 475. Rrvchdm Cave. 479 the section was subsequently proved to be as follows, in descending order : FIG. 96. 1. Devonian Limestone. 2. Stalagmite. 3. Breccia. 4. Black bed. 5. Cave-earth. 6. Shingle. V. Valley. The cave is about 66 feet above the bottom of the valley V. The exploration, as far as it could conveniently be followed, was completed in the summer of 1859, the work having been carried on in galleries, which, with many ramifications, comprised a space measuring 135 feet from north to south and 100 from east to west, as reported by Mr. Pengelly. In the abstract of the report by Professor Prestwich, published in the ' Proceedings of the Eoyal Society,' vol. xx. 1872, it is stated that ' mammalian remains were found sparingly in the stalagmite, No. 2, in abundance in the cave-earth, No. 5, and rarely in the shingle, No. 6.' They are of the following species : Elephas primigenius (Mammoth), Rhinoceros ticho- rhinus (Woolly Rhinoceros), Equus caballus (common Horse), Bos primigenius^ Bos taurus (common Ox), Cervus elaphus (Red Deer), C. tarandus (Reindeer), 480 Brixham Cave. Capreolus capreolus (Groat), Felis leo (var. spelcea, Lion), Hyaena spelcea, Ursus spelceus^ Ursus ferox (Grizzly Bear), Ursus arctos (Brown Bear), Canis vulpes (Fox), Lepus timidus (Hare), Lepus cuniculus (Rabbit), Lagomys spelceus (Hare-rat of Siberia), Arvicola amphibius (Water-rat), and Sorex vulgaris (Shrew-mouse). Of these the small mammalia of living species were found near the surface, and were no doubt of com- paratively recent introduction. Of the remainder a few were discovered in the stalagmite, No. 2, but by far the greater number in the cave-earth, No. 5, while a small number also occurred in the shingle, No. 6. As in some other cases, previously mentioned, the cave was some- times a Hysena den, for the bones bear the marks of their teeth, and at a period a little later, ' the great number of very young, or even foetal bones, afford the strongest possible evidence that the Bear actually in- habited the cavern.' With regard to the traces of man, ' not a single human bone has been found in Brixham Cave ; but thirty-six rude flint implements and chips, referable to man's workmanship, were met with in dif- ferent parts of the cave ; of these sixteen were found in the shingle, No. 6 ... In fourteen instances their infra- position to bones of the Mammoth, Ehinoceros, Hyaena, Tiger, (? Lion), Bear, Reindeer, Red Deer, Horse, and Ox, is perfectly well proved, as many as 120 of such bones having been discovered higher in the cave-earth ' than the place where these flints were found. Woodcuts of some of the instruments given by Mr. Evans in his report on the implements discovered, leaves no doubt that they were fashioned by man, and all of them are of undoubted early palaeolithic type, more or less similar to fig. 112, p. 540. Advent of Man. 48 1 As far as caves are concerned, this concludes the evidence of the co-existence of savage man with a mammalian fauna, some of the species of which are ex- tinct ; but excepting the Victoria Cave, none of the others yield any direct evidence as to whether man lived in these regions before or, at least, during part of the Glacial epoch (see p. 466). Something else, however, remains to be said on this part of the subject when I come to treat of river- gravels and alluvia. 1 The antiquity of man being thus clearly established, it becomes obvious that his advent into our area was either of pre-Glacial or of inter-Glacial date. I say in- ter-Glacial, because Mr. Skertchly has lately discovered palaeolithic flint implements in certain brick-earths. Similar, and I believe identical brick-earths underlie the ' Chalky boulder-clay ' in the neighbourhood, the boulder-clay having been removed by denudation from that portion of the brick-earth in which the implements were found at Botany Bay near Thetford in Suffolk. The announcement at once provoked strenuous opposi- tion, and therefore on a tour of inspection of Mr. 1 A list of cave mammalia is given by Professor Boyd Dawkins in a memoir in the Journ. Geol. Society, 1869, vol. xxv. p. 194. His entire list contains 46 or 47 species, as follows ; Man, Rhinolophus ferum-equinum, Sorex vulgaris, Ursus arctos, U. spelseus, U. ferox , Gulo luscus, (the Glutton), Meles taxus, Mustela erminea, M. putorius, M. martes, Lutra vulgaris, Canis vulpes, C. lupus, Hyaena spelsea, Felis catus, F. pardus, F. leo, F. lynx, Machairodus latidens, Cervus megaceros, Alces malchis, Cervus Browni, C. tarandus, C. capreolus, C. elaphus, Bos primigenius, Bison priscus, Hippopotamus major, Sus scrofa, Equus caballus, Rhinoceros leptorhinus, R. tichorhinus, Elephas antiquus, E. primigenius, Lemmus, Lepus curriculus, L. timidus, Lagomys spelaeus, Spermophilus erythro- genoides, S. (?), Arvicola pratensis, A. agrestis, A amphibius, Castor fiber, Mus musculus. Mr. Pengelley has written many important papers on Bone- Caves and their connection with pre- historic man. I I 482 Migration of Animals. Skertchly's work with Mr. Bristow, we took care to examine into this point. The result was that I satisfied myself of the truth of Mr. Skertchly's observations that the implement-bearing brick-earth in places underlies a boulder-clay, which in his opinion is not of the earliest date, in which case the men who made these tools must have been of inter-Glacial age. If so, why may these men not have been the descendants of men who inhabited the country in pre-Glacial times, and who, when the cold increased, and sheets of glacier-ice advanced far south, retreated into the Devonshire area, as I have hinted in page 470. Perhaps we cannot prove it, but there is nothing improbable in the hypothesis, and I am not the only one who believes it. One thing is certain, that when rude man, along with other mammalia, some of them extinct, first migrated into the British area, he must have done so over land, and no one doubts that in all tertiary and post-tertiary time Britain has been again and again united to the Continent, both before and after the Glacial epoch. For example : After the elevation of the country that succeeded its partial depression under the sea during part of the Glacial period, the probabilities are more than strong, that England was united to the Continent, not by a mass of solid rock above the sea level, but by a plain formed by the elevation of the Boulder-beds over part at least of the area now occupied by the German Ocean. Across this plain many animals migrated into our area, some of the species probably for the second time. It is the belief of many geologists, that at the same period Ireland was united to England and Scotland by a similar plain across the area now covered by the Irish Sea, and over this, into Ireland, the Cervus megaceros, formerly called the Irish Elk, the Mammoth, and other Migration of Animals. 483 animals migrated into that region. The proof is equally clear that Ireland during part of the Glacial period, like England, was partly submerged, so as to form a group of islands ; and, therefore, to allow of the country being re-inhabited by large mammals, there must have been ground over which these mammals travelled into the Irish area after the re-elevation of the country. An excellent surmise was offered us on this subject by Professor Edward Forbes, who drew attention to some remarkable observations made by Mr. Thompson of Belfast with regard to the comparative number of reptiles that are found in Belgium, in England, and in Ireland. In Belgium there are in all 22 species of serpents, frogs, toads, lizards, and the like. In England the number of species is only 11, and in Ireland 5 ; and the inference that Professor Forbes drew was, that these reptiles migrated from east to west, across the old land that joined our island to the Continent, before the denudations took place that disunited them. Before the breaking up of that land, a certain number had got as far as England, and a smaller number as far as Ireland, and the continuity of the land being broken up, their further progress was stopped. These denudations, of course, did not cease with the breaking up of the land that joined our territory to the Continent ; and, in raised beaches and submerged forests, there are proofs of several oscillations of the relative levels of sea and land since that period. This waste of territory is, indeed, going on still, and will always go on while a fragment of Britain remains. Before proceeding further I would advance one or two proofs to show how steady the waste of our country is. Along the east coast of England, between Flam- 112 484 Coast-cliff Denudations. borough Head and Kilnsea, the strata are composed of drift or boulder-clay, sometimes of more than a hundred feet in known thickness, and forming well-marked sea cliffs. This district is called Holderness, and many towns, long ago built upon the coast, have been forced by degrees to migrate landwards because of the en- croachment of the sea. ' The materials,' says Professor Phillips, ' which fall from the wasting cliff' (a length of 36 miles) 'are sorted by the tide, the whole shore is in motion, every cliff is hastening to its fall, the parishes are contracted, the churches wasted away.' The whole area on which Ravenspur stood, once an impor- tant town in Yorkshire, where Bolingbroke, afterwards Henry IV., landed in 1399, is now fairly out at sea. The same may be said of many another town and farm- stead, and the sea is ever muddy with the wasting of the unsolid land. In like manner, all the soft coast cliffs, from the Humber to the mouth of the Thames, are suffering similar destruction in places at an average rate of from two to four yards a year. The line of coast from Hunstanton to Cromer and Mausley, and much further south, is wasting away at a rate estimated by Mr. Reid of the Geological Survey, at probably not less than an average of about two yards a year east and west of Cromer. The strata consist of boulder-clay, laminated clays, fresh-water and marine, and soft sands and gravels. The cliffs are often lofty, and vast land- slips are of frequent occurrence down to the shore, where the restless waves rapidly dispose of the material. High up on the edges of the cliff we see the relics of old brick-built walls, that once belonged to vanished farm- houses, and strongly-built tunnels, now in ruins, that descended to the sea, and were once used by fishermen, gape high on the cliffs, themselves a greater ruin. One Coast-cliff Denudations. 485 notable example is found at Eccles-by-the-sea in Nor- folk. The town at a comparatively late period extended beyond the church tower, which is partly buried in- blown sea-sand, and the church itself has been de- stroyed. On the south side of the estuary of the Thames stands the ruined church of the Reculvers, on a low hill of Thanet Sand, half surrounded on the land side by the relics of a Roman wall, that in old times encir- cled the little town, then probably at least a mile from the sea. The church has been abandoned, but is pre- served as a landmark by the Admiralty, and groins have been run out across the beach to prevent the fur- ther waste of the cliff by the sea. As it is, all the sea- ward side of the Roman wall, has long been destroyed, the waves have invaded the land, and half the church- yard is gone, while from the cliff the bones of men protrude, and here and there lie upon the beach. A little nearer Herne Bay, the same marine denudation sparingly strews the beach with yet older remains of man, in the shape of palaeolithic flint weapons of a most ancient type, washed from old river gravels that crown part of the cliff. In the Isle of Sheppy, great slips are of frequent occurrence from the high cliff of London Clay that overlooks the sea. Two acres of wheat and potatoes in this manner slipped seaward in 1863. When I saw them the crops were still standing on the shattered ground below the edge of the cliff. Again, in the Hampshire basin, on the south coast of England, if we walk along the footpaths that are used by coastguardsmen, we often find that the path on the edge of the cliff comes suddenly to an end, and has been re-made inland. This is due to the fact that 486 Coast-cliff Denudations. the cliffs, chiefly composed of clay and sand, are so soft, that, as in Sheppy and Holderness, every year large masses of country slip out seaward and are rapidly washed away by the waves. The waste of this southern part of England and of Holderness has been estimated at the rate of from two to three yards every year. In the course of time, therefore, a great area of country must have been de- stroyed. At Selsey Bill there is a farmhouse standing, twenty years ago about 200 yards from the shore, and since the farmer first settled there, as much land has been wasted away as that which lay between his house and the sea. The site of the ancient Saxon Cathedral Church that preceded that of Chichester is known to be far out at sea. But this waste is not confined to the softest kinds of strata, for further west, in Devonshire, we find the same kind of destruction going on, one remarkable case of which is the great landslip in the neighbourhood of Axmouth, which took place in the year 1839. The strata there consist on the surface of Chalk, underlaid by Upper Grreensand, which is under- laid by the Lias Clay. The Chalk is easily penetrated by water, and so is the sand that underlies it. After heavy rains, the water having sunk through the porous beds, the clay beneath became exceedingly slippery, and thus it happened, that the strata dipping seaward at a low angle, a vast mass of Chalk nearly a mile in length slipped forward, forming a grand ruin, the features of which are still constantly changing by the further foundering of the Chalk and Green sand. The waves beating upon the foundering masses destroy them day by day, and in time they will entirely disappear, and make room for further landslips. If we walk along the southern coast of Dorsetshire and Devon, and criticise Coast- cliff Den uda tions. 487 it with a geological eye, it is obvious that a great num- ber of similar landslips have taken place in times past, of which we have no special record. In the north country the same kind of history is plain all along the Liassic and Oolitic cliffs of York- shire, on a coast formed of almost the finest cliffs in England. Not very many years ago at Rosedale, on the north horn of Runswick Bay, an important set of iron works, offices and cottages, with a pier and harbour, were by a landslip at night utterly ruined and borne into the sea. The slight seaward dip of the strata, composed of clays and sands, ought to have warned the proprietors of the insecurity of the position of their works, had they possessed sufficient geological know- ledge. In parls of our country in the west, the Silurian rocks, Old Red Sandstone and Coal-measures on the coast, show equal evidence of waste, though much slower in its progress ; as for instance at St. Bride's Bay, in Pembrokeshire (see Map), where the north and south headlands are formed in great part of hard igneous rocks that stand boldly out seaward ; while between these points there are softer Coal-measure strata, which once filled what is now the bay and spread far beyond. But because of their comparative softness they have been less able than the igneous rocks of the headlands to stand the wear and tear of the atmosphere and the sea waves, and thus having been worn back a large bay is the result. I know of no place in Britain where the effects of long-continued marine denudation can be better marked than in this part of Pembrokeshire. Let the observer cross to Ramsey Island, opposite St. David's, and ascend one of the rocky hills. Below he will see that a large part of the 48 8 Coast-cliff Denudations. island forms a portion of an extensive tableland, which is continued far into the mainland of Pembrokeshire, broken on\y by minor hills formed of hard igneous rocks which have more effectually resisted denudation, while far to the south the islands of Skomer and Skok- holm continue the outlines of the upland plain, such as in Chapter XXX. I have called an old plain of marine denudation. All along the west coast, where solid rocks prevail, the hardest masses usually form promontories, while the bays have been scooped in softer material ; and this fact, though the rate of waste may not be detected by the eye in many years, yet proves the nature of marine and atmospheric denudation when combined on coast cliffs. The very existence of sea cliffs proves marine denuda- tion, for the strata that form these cliffs come abruptly to an end in precipitous escarpments. To see this in perfection let any one walk along the coast cliffs formed of Old Eed Sandstone near Arbroath in Forfarshire. There the broad inland plain ends abruptly in vertical precipices, that rise from 150 to 250 feet above the waves at their base, and while the tide is retreating to its completest ebb, long reefs and skerries of hard edged strata tell of the progressive cutting back of a great modern plain of marine denudation, similar to that old one which stretches inland from the high edge of the existing cliff. The Needle-rock near Fishguard, the Needles of the Isle of Wight, and many other rocky c stacks' form excellent cases in point, standing a little aloof from the high cliffs of rock that form the shore-line ; and the Orkney Islands themselves are only fragments of an older land separated by denudation from the mainland of Scotland. While being deposited. Nature never Coast-cliff Denudations. 489 ends strata in a cliff-like form. They were hardened and raised into land. The weather and the waves attacked them, wore them back, and cliffs are the result. I re-mention these matters to show that such denu- dations on a great scale are going on now, and there- fore, when I speak of former unions and separations of our island with and from the mainland by denudation and oscillation of level, the statement is founded on excellent data. 490 CHAPTER XXIX. BRITISH CLIMATES AND THEIR CAUSES RAINFALL IN DIFFERENT AREAS AREAS OF RIVER DRAINAGE. BEFORE discussing the subject of rivers and river- gravels and alluvia, I now come to other phenomena connected with the physical structure of our island and its geography generally ; and first, with regard to the rain that falls upon its surface. If we examine the best hydrographic maps of the Atlantic, we find on them numerous lines and arrows showing the direction of the flow of the ocea.n currents as first drawn by Captain Maury. One great current flows from the Gulf of Mexico, where the water in that land-locked area with- in the tropics is exceedingly heated ; and flowing out of the gulf, it passes E. and NE. across the ocean, and so reaches the European area of the North Atlantic. So marked is the heat of this immense current that, in crossing from England to America, the temperature of the water suddenly falls some degrees. Twenty years ago, in crossing the Atlantic, I was in the habit early in the morning of taking the temperature of the water with one of the officers of the steamboat. We then found that at about five o'clock in the morning for several days, the temperature of the sea was always about four degrees above the temperature of the air, but quite suddenly, in passing out of the Gulf Stream, at the same hour of the morning, the temperature of Gulf Stream. 49 T the water was found to average about four degrees below tbat of tbe air. Where in ocean current maps the arrows point southwards, there are cold streams of water coming from the icy seas of the north. One of these passes along the east coast of America, and coming from the North Sea, many an iceberg detached from the great glaciers of Greenland is floated from Baffin's Bay across the banks of Newfoundland into the Western Atlantic, as far south even as the parallel of New York. The western half of the North Atlantic is thus kept cool, and the water is often colder than the air. The Gulf Stream occupies a very great width in the Atlantic, and approaches tolerably near to our own western coast, and the effect of this body of warm water flowing northward is to divert the isothermal lines (lines of equal temperature) far to the north, over a* large part of the Atlantic area, and also of that of the western half of Europe. Thus a certain line runs across North America, about latitude 50, representing an average temperature for the whole year of 32. Across that continent it passes tolerably straight, but no sooner does it get well into the Atlantic than the Gulf Stream, flowing northwards, warms the air, and the result is, that the line bends away to the far north above Norway ; thus in the west of Europe producing an average warmer climate, for the whole year, than exists in corresponding latitudes in North America, the middle of Europe, and the interior of Asia. Our British climate, and all the west of Europe, becomes, as it were, abnormally warm, owing to the influence of the Gulf Stream, and we at once recognise this fact from the cir- cumstance that trees of goodly size grow much further north on the west coasts of Europe than on the east 49 2 Rainfall in Britain. coasts of North America. Another effect that the Gulf Stream produces, is to cause a great amount of mois- ture in the west of Europe, and if we consult a rain map of the British Islands, we see represented by dif- ferent shades the average amount of rainfall in different areas the darker the shade the greater the quantity of rain. The prevalent winds in the west of Europe are from the SW. and therefore during a great part of the year, the south-west wind warm comes laden with mois- ture across the land from the sea where the Gulf Stream flows. In the extreme south-west of England, in Cornwall, from 37 to 54 inches of rain falls every year ; and the average for the county may be taken at about 43 or 45 inches. In Devonshire the rainfall varies from 31*75 and 32*6 at Sidmouth to 53*17 inches on Tavistock. In Somerset from 28*57 at Langport to 42 at East Harptree. In Dorset from 18*45 at Abbotsbury to 32*24 inches at Bridport. In Wiltshire from 28*59 at Swindon to 29*27 inches on Salisbury Plain. In Hamp- shire from 27 at Aldershot to 38 inches in Petersfield. In Sussex from 26*37 at Hastings to 29 inches at Chichester. In Kent and Surrey from 23*82 at Kew to 32*67 inches at Hythe. In Middlesex from 25'85 at Hampstead to 23*11 inches on Winchmore Hill. The rainfall in the western part of the south of England is therefore much greater than in the east. In like manner in Pembrokeshire the annual rain- fall varies from about 31 to 40 inches, and may be averaged at about 36 inches, and in Cardiganshire at Lampeter about 45*18 inches, in Glamorganshire at Cardiff about 42 inches, in Caermarthenshire and Brecon- shire at about 40 inches, and in Montgomeryshire and Merionethshire at about 54 inches. In Caernarvonshire Rainfall in Britain. 493 the fall is about the same, but at Beddgelert in 1870 it amounted to 101-58 inches, and in the Pass of Llanberis to 76*67, while at Caernarvon close by the sea the rain- fall was only 38-02 inches. In Anglesea the average fall is about 34^ inches. In Staffordshire, further from the west coast and from the mountains, the average rainfall is about 23 inches, in Leicestershire about 19 inches, in Bedford- shire about 16 inches, and in Norfolk about 24 to 25 inches, In this southern half of England the rainfall therefore evidently decreases from west to east. Lan- cashire is a rainy county. At Manchester the rainfall varies from 32-59 to 36-77 inches, at Bolton 44-21 to 49, and at Coniston it is as high as 64 inches, but that is in the Cumbrian region of Lancashire. In Cum- berland the annual rainfall varies from about 22 at Cockermouth, on the low ground near the coast, to 154 inches at Seathwaite, in the heart of the mountains, and in 1871 it is stated to have been still higher, and perhaps the average rainfall of the whole of that mountain region may amount to about 70 inches annually. As we pass eastward it decreases, but on the highest grounds of Yorkshire and Northumberland there are places where it rises from 51 to 56 inches, while in the lower ground at Holbeck, Leeds, it falls to about 22-85, at Newcastle to about 24, and at North Shields on the coast to about 26 inches. In Scotland the same kind of observation holds good with regard to the rainy character of the west. In Argyleshire the lowest rainfall in 1870 was 42 inches at Inverary, and the highest 109*20 inches at Lochgoil- head. The average rainfall for the whole county, and in the islands, may perhaps be estimated at from 55 to 60 inches. At For tree in Skye, in 1871, it amounted 494 Rainfall in Britain. to 104*26 inches. The mountainous character of the country produced that result, for in the Isle of Lewes in the same year the rainfal] at Stornoway was only 31 '7 9 inches, while at Cromarty on the east coast of Scotland about 26 inches of rain fell. In parts of Aberdeen- shire the average fall is from 24 to 33*5 inches, and in Fife the fall is from about 20 to 30 inches, in Midlo- thian from 29 to 37, and in Haddingtonshire from 23 to 25. The same rule of decrease of rainfall therefore prevails in Scotland that prevails in England, and it is needless to multiply instances. The area, therefore, of Great Britain varies much in the fall of rain, and the average temperature of the western area is raised and rendered agreeable by the influence of the Grulf Stream. So much is this the case, that certain garden plants grow through the winter in Wales and the west of England, and even in the far north-west of Scotland, which the winter cold of Middlesex kills. I have seen bamboo canes growing in the open air in a garden in Angiesea all the year round, and common fuchsias on the shores of Loch Erribol in Sutherland. Now the watery vapour in the air that rises from the heated water of the Grulf Stream, is carried to the British coast by the prevalent west and south-west winds, and is partly intercepted on its passage eastward by the mountains which rise in the west of Ireland and Great Britain. Everyone who has visited Cumberland and Wales knows how rainy these regions are compared with the centre and east of England. The reason is, that the air laden with moisture from the Atlantic rises with the winds against the western flanks of the mountains into the colder regions of the atmosphere, and the air also expanding at these heights, rain is precipitated there and upon adjacent lands. The same is the case in Scotland, where the Highland mountains Arecs of Drainage. 495 on the west produce a like effect ; and thus, partly because it is the first land that the wind laden with moisture reaches, and partly because of the mountains, it happens that a greater amount of rain is precipitated in the western than in the eastern parts of our Island. If we examine our country with regard to special areas of drainage, we find, that they are exceedingly numerous. In Scotland the rivers that run into Moray Firth drain an area of about 2,500 square miles ; the Spey, which runs into the German Ocean, nearly 1,200 square miles. The Tay drains an area formed by the Grampian mountains and part of the Old Eed Sand- stone of 2,250 square miles. The Forth, including its estuary, drains an area of about 2,000 square miles. The Clyde, not including the greater part of its estuary, drains an area of 1,580 square miles, the Tweed 1,870 square miles. In England, the Tyne drains 1,100 square miles, the Tees, 774. If we take the Trent and the Ouse as draining one area, the immense extent, for such a country as ours, of about 9,550 square miles are drained into the Humber. The Witham, the Welland, the Nen, and the Great Ouse, flowing into the old bay of the Wash, drain 5,850 square miles. The Thames drains an area of about 6,160 square miles ; and if we include all the estuary, about 10,000. The Severn drains an area of 8,580 square miles. The Avon that enters the sea at Christchurch drains 1,210 square miles ; the Ex, 643 ; the Towey, in Caermarthenshire, 506 ; the Dee, 862; the Mersey, 1,748; the Kibble, 720; and the Eden, 995 ; and if we take all the rivers that run into the Solway Firth, including the Eden, the area drained amounts to nearly 3,000 square miles. This leads to the question of the origin of river valleys and their different geological dates. 496 CHAPTER XXX. ORIGIN OF EIVER VALLEYS THEIR RELATION TO TABLE- LANDS ESCARPMENTS CUT THROUGH BY RIVERS GEO- LOGICAL DATES OF DIFFERENT RIVER-VALLEYS THE SEVERN, THE AVON, THE THAMES, THE FROME, AND THE SOLENT TRIBUTARIES OF THE WASH AND THE HUMBER THE EDEN AND THE WESTERN-FLOWING RIVERS SCOTLAND. IT is difficult, or almost impossible, even approxi- mately to settle precisely what are the geological dates of the valleys through which many rivers run ; or, in other words, when they first began to be scooped out, and through what various periods their excavation was intermittently or continuously carried on. No one has yet thoroughly analysed this subject, and only of late years have I begun clearly to see my way into it. Nevertheless a good deal has been done even now, and a great deal more will be accomplished when, with sufficient data, the whole subject may come to be investigated. In Wales, for example, there are vast numbers of rivers and brooks, small and large, and when we examine the relation of these streams to the present surface of the countty, we often find it, very remarkable. Fig. 97 is a diagram representing no par- ticular section, but simply the general nature of the sections across the Lower Silurian strata of Cardiganshire, as shown by myself in a paper given to the British Plains of Marine Demidation. 497 Association at Oxford in 1847. The dark-coloured part represents the form of the country given Fig. 97. in the original sections on a scale of six inches ^ J x to a mile horizontally and vertically. The strata of this area, and, indeed, of much of South Wales, are exceedingly contorted. The level of the sea is represented by the lower line ; and if we take a straight-edge, and place it on the topmost part of the highest hill, and incline it gently seaward, it touches the top of each hill in succession, in the manner shown by the line 6 b. This line is as near as can be straight, and, on the average, has an inclination of from one to one and a half degrees; and it is a curious circumstance that in the original p line of sections there were no peaks rising above that line they barely touched it and no more. It occurred to me when I first observed this circumstance that, at a period of geologi- cal history of unknown date, perhaps older than the beginning of the deposition of the Permian and New Eed Sandstones, this inclined line that touches the hill-tops must have represented a great plain of marine denudation. Atmospheric degradation, aided by sea waves on the cliffs by the shore, are the only powers I know that can denude a country so as to shave it across, and make a plane surface either horizontal or slightly inclined. If a country be sinking very gradually, and the rate of waste by all causes be proportionate to the rate of sinking, this will greatly assist in the production of the phenomena we are now considering : and a little reflection will show, K K 498 Plains of Marine Denudation. that the result would be an inclined plane like that of the straight line b b in the diagram. Let South Wales be such a country: then when that country was again raised out of the water, the streams made by its drainage immediately began to scoop out valleys; and though some inequalities of contour forming mere bays may have been begun by marine denudation during emergence, yet in the main I believe that the inequalities below the line b b have been made by the influence of rain and running water. Hence the number of deep valleys, many of them steep- sided, that diversify Wales, all the way from the Towey in Caermarthenshire to the slaty hills near the southern flanks of Cader Idris and the Arans. On ascending to the upper heights, indeed, anywhere between the Vale of Towey and Cardigan Bay, it is impossible not to be struck with the average uni- formity of elevation of the flat-topped hills that form a principal feature of the country. The country already described as seen from Kamsey Island is part of this plain, 1 and much further north let anyone ascend Aran Mowddy or Cader Idris in Merionethshire, and look south and south-east. From thence he will behold, as far as the eye can reach, a wide extent of flat-topped hills, which form the relics of a vast tableland, now inter- sected by numerous rivers, which, in the long lapse of untold ages, have scooped out unnumbered labyrinthine valleys eastward into Montgomeryshire, and far south into Cardiganshire. Between the rivers Towey and Teifi, and in other areas, these hills, in fact, form the relics of a great plain or tableland in which the valleys have been scooped out ; and in the case of the country repre- sented in fig. 97, ' the higher land, as it now exists, is 1 See p. 487 Marine Denudation. Escarpments. 499 only the relic of an average general gentle slope, repre- sented by the straight line (b 6) drawn from the inland heights towards the sea.' l Mr. Jukes applied and ex- x tended the scope of the same kind of reasoning to the south of Ireland, with great success. In various parts of Europe, notably in those regions that have been longest above the water on the banks of the Moselle and of the Rhine, and in the great coalfield west of the Appalachian chain in North America we find unnum- bered valleys intersecting tablelands, of a form that leads us to believe that they also have been made by the long-continued action of atmospheric waste and running waters ; and I believe that the valleys of South Wales have been formed in the same way, and in their origin are even often of latest palaeozoic dates. Nothing is more remarkable in the history of rivers than the circumstance that very frequently they run straight through bold escarpments, which at first sight we might suppose ought to have barred the course of the streams. 2 The Wye in South Wales, for example, runs through a bold escarpment of Old Red Sandstone hills ; and the same is the case with the Usk. For long it was customary to attribute such breaches in escarpments, and indeed valleys in general, to dis- turbances and fractures of the strata, producing a wide separation, and actually making hills. But when we realise that thousands of feet of strata have often been removed by denudation since the great disturbances of the Welsh strata took place, it becomes clear that the present valleys are in no way immediately connected with them ; for even if there be dislocations or faults 1 Reports, British Association, p. 66, 1847. 2 This has already been alluded to in the case of the rivers of the Wealden, pp. 108-119. K K 2 500 Valleys and Dislocations. in some of the valleys, these faults when formed were, as far as regards the present surface, thousands of feet deep in the earth. All they could do might have been FIG. 98. a Present surface of the ground. The dotted lines show the continuation of an anticlinal curve broken by a fault/. The dotted lines above the surf ace a a represent a certain amount of strata removed by denudation. to establish lines of weakness along which subsequent denudation may have excavated valleys. The real explanation of such cases as those of the Wye and the Usk is this. At some period, now un- certain, the beds of the Old Eed Sandstone, well seen in the escarpment of the Beacons of Brecon, a-, and the Caermarthen Fans, once spread much farther westward, forming a great plain, b b (fig. 99), the result of earlier denudations. This plain sloped gently east- ward, and the dotted line shows the general state of old outcrops of the strata. The river then ran over ground perhaps even higher than the tops of the hills of the present escarpment, and by degrees it cut itself a The Wye and the Usk+ 501 $ ^ pq < >-< ^ s" O r-T 5 o 2 Esca rpments and Rivers. channel approximately in its present course, but varied and widened by subsequent river action ; and, as it cut out that valley, the escarpment, by the influence of rain and other atmospheric causes, gradually receded to the points marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and a, the last being the present escarpment. For all observation tells us that escarpments of a certain kind work back in this wa} r , that is to say, in the direction of the dip of the strata. One reason of this is, that escarpments often partly consist of hard beds lying on softer strata. The softer strata are first more easily worn away along the line of strike, and thus an escarpment begins to be formed. Once established, the weather acting on the joints and other fissures in the rocks, takes more effect on the steep slope of the scarp than on the gentle slope that is inclined away from the scarp. The loosened detritus on the steeper slope slips readily downward, and is easily removed by floods of rain ; and thus the escarp- ment constantly recedes in a given direction, while on the opposite gentle slope, the loosened detritus, smaller in amount, travels so slowly that it rather tends to block the way against further waste. In this way we can explain how the Wye and the Usk break through the Old Ked Sandstone and find their way to the estuary of the Severn ; why the Severn itself breaks through the Upper Silurian escarpment of Wen lock Edge ; why certain other rivers such as the Dee in Wales, and the Derwent in Cumberland cut through escarpments of Carboniferous Limestone ; and how, indeed, the same kind of phenomena are everywhere prevalent under similar circumstances. Of this I shall say more when I come to treat of the Oolitic and Cretaceous escarpments. But when we have to consider the origin of some of The Severn. 503 the larger river valleys, there is a great deal that is difficult to account for. One thing is certain, that before the Glacial epoch the greater contours of the country were much the same as they are now. The mountains of Scotland, Wales, and of Cumberland, and the great Pennine chain, existed then, somewhat different in outline, and yet the same essentially ; the central plains of England were plains then, and the escarpments of the Chalk and Oolites existed before the Glacial period. All that the ice did was to modify the surface by degradation, to smooth its asperities by round- ing and polishing them, to deepen valleys where glaciers flowed, and to scatter quantities of moraine-detritus, partly in the shape of boulder-clay and of marine boulder beds, and sands and gravels, over the plains that form the east of England, and the Lias and New Ked Sand- stone in the middle. If we examine the valley of the Severn from Bristol northwards through Coalbrook Dale, we find that for a large part of its course the river runs down a broad valley, between the old Palaeozoic hills and the escarp- ment formed by the tableland of the Cotswold Hills which are highest in the neighbourhood of Cheltenham. That valley certainly existed before the Glacial epoch, because we find boulders and boulder-drift far down towards Tewkesbury ; and therefore, I believe that before the Glacial epoch this part of the Severn ran very much in the same course that it does at present. During part of the Glacial epoch the country sank beneath the sea, and Plinlimmon itself, where the river rises, was perhaps buried in part beneath the waters. When the country again emerged, the old sys- tem of river-drainage in that area was resumed ; and the Severn, following in the main its old course, cut a 504 Early Physical Changes. channel for itself through the boulder-clay that partially blocked up the original valley in which it ran. When that original valley was formed through which the older Severn ran is the point that I shall now attempt to discover. This subject is intimately connected with the origin and geological dates of the channels of many of the other large rivers of England, most of which, unb'ke the Severn, flow eastward to the English Channel and the Oferman Ocean. I must begin the subject by a rapid summary of certain physical changes that affected the English Secondary and Eocene strata long before the Severn, after leaving the mountains of Wales, took its present southern and south-western course along the eastern side of the Palaeozoic rocks that border that old land. About the close of the Oolitic epoch the Oolitic for- mations were raised above the sea, and remained a long time out of water ; and, during that period, those atmo- spheric influences that produced the sediment of the great Purbeck and Wealden delta were slowly wearing away and lowering the land, and reducing it to the state of a broad undulating plain. At this time the Oolitic strata still abutted on the mountain country now forming Wales and parts of the adjacent counties. They also completely covered the Mendip Hills, and passed westward as far as the mountains of Devon passing out between Wales and Devonshire through what is now the Bristol Channel. The whole of the middle of England was likewise covered by the same deposits, overlying the rocks that now form the plains of Shropshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, and the ad- joining areas, so that the Lias and Oolites passed out to the area now occupied by the Irish Sea, over and beyond the present estuaries of the Dee and the Mersey, 506 Cretaceous Overlap. which lie between North Wales and the hilly ground of Lancashire, formed of previously disturbed Carboni- ferous rocks. In brief, most of the present mountainous and hilly lands of the mainland of Britain were moun- tainous and hilly then, and must have been much higher than now, considering how much they have since suffered by denudation. At this period, south of the Derbyshire hills, and through Shropshire and Cheshire, the Secondary rocks lay somewhat flatly ; while in the more southern and eastern areas they were tilted up to the west, so as to give them a low eastern dip. The general arrangement of the strata would then be somewhat as in fig. 100. The submersion of this low lying area brought the deposition of the Wealden strata to a close, and the Cretaceous formations were deposited above the Weal- den and Oolitic strata, so that a great unconformable overlap of Cretaceous strata took place across the successive outcrops of the Oolitic and older Secondary formations. (See fig. 101.) The same kind of overlapping of the Cretaceous on the Oolitic formations, took place at the same time in the country north and south of the present estuary of the Humber, the proof of which is well seen in the un- conformity of the Cretaceous rocks on part of the Oolites and Lias of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. At this time, the mountains of Wales, and other hilly regions made of Palaeozoic rocks, must have beeo lower than they were during the Oolitic epochs'; partly by the effect of long-continued waste due to atmo- spheric causes, but much more because of gradual and greatly increased submergence during the time that the Chalk was being deposited. It is even possible that r~ 508 Miocene Continent. during the Upper Cretaceous period Wales sunk almost entirely beneath the sea. I omit any detailed mention of the phenomena connected with the depositions of the freshwater and marine Eocene strata because at present this subject is not essential to my argument. The Miocene period of old Europe was essentially a continental one. Important disturbances of strata brought it to a close, at all events physically, in what is now the centre of Europe ; and the formations partly formed in the great fresh-water lakes that lay at the bases of the older Alps were, after consolidation, heaved up to form new mountains along the flanks of the ancient range ; and all the length of the Jura, and far beyond to the north-east, was elevated by disturbance of the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Miocene strata. The broad valley of the lowlands of Switzerland began then to be established, long afterwards to be over- spread by the huge glaciers that abutted on the Jura, deepened the valleys, and scooped out all the rock- bound lakes. One marked effect of this extremely important elevation, after Miocene times, of so much of the centre of Europe was, that the flat, or nearly flat-lying Secondary formations that now form great part of France and England (then united), were so far affected by the renewed upheaval of the Alps and Jura that they were to a great extent tilted, at low angles, to the north-ivest. That circumstance gave the initial north- westerly direction to the flow of so many of the exist- ing rivers of France, and led them to excavate the valleys in which they run, including the upper tribu- taries of the Loire and Seine, the Seine itself, the Marne, the Oise, and many more of smaller size ; and Origin of the Severn Valley. 509 SI I a 03 CD e c5 > il 5io Severn and Avon, Tewkesbury. my surmise is, that this same westerly and north- westerly tilting of the Chalk of England formed a gentle slope towards the mountains of Wales, as shown in fig. 1 02, and the rivers of the period of the middle and south of England at that time flowed westerly. This first induced the Severn to take a southern course between the hilly land of Wales and Herefordshire and the long slope of Chalk then rising to the east. Aided by the tributary streams of Herefordshire, it began to cut a valley towards what afterwards became the Bristol Channel, and established the beginning of the escarpment of the Chalk, e, fig. 102, which has since gradually receded, chiefly by atmospheric waste, so far to the east. If this be so, then the origin of the valley of the Severn between e and 1 is of immediate post- Miocene date, and is one of the oldest in the lowlands of England. 1 The course of the Avon, which is a tributary of the Severn, and joins it at Tewkesbury, is, I believe, of later date than the latter river. It now rises at the base of the escarpment of the Oolitic rocks east of Rugby, and gradually established and increased the length of its channel in the low grounds now formed of Lower Lias and New Red Marl as that escarpment retired eastward by virtue of that law of waste which causes all inland escarpments to retire away from the steep slope and in the direction of the dip of the strata. If the general slope of the surface of the Chalk of this part of England had been easterly instead of westerly at the post-Miocene date alluded to, then the initial course of the Severn would also have been easterly, like 1 Many of the valleys of Wales must be very much older. The Avon, Bristol. 5 1 1 that of the Thames and the rivers that flow into the Wash and the Humber. One of the best known rivers that enters the estuary of the Severn is the other Avon, which flows through Bath and Bristol. Its physical history, on a small scale almost precisely resembles that of the Rhine between Basle and Bonn. 1 West of Bristol there is a high plateau of Carboni- ferous Limestone, the flat top of which attains a height of nearly 400 feet above the level of the sea. Through a deep narrow gorge in this limestone (fig. 103) the river flows, between Clifton and Durdham Downs on the east and Leigh Wood on the west, north-west of which it enters the low grounds and finds its way to the estuary of the Severn at King's Road. Above Bristol, north and south of the river, the country consists of a number of isolated flat-topped hills, of which Dundry Hill and the Mendips form conspicuous members, while in the neighbourhood of Bath, Lans- down, Charmy Down, Odd Down all the minor Oolitic plateaux now form portions of what was once a con- tinuous broad tableland with minor undulations. In these regions the Avon takes its rise, swelled by many north-flowing tributaries, one of which, the Chew, rises on the north flank of the Mendip Hills. North of Bath, several minor streams flow into the Avon through beautiful valleys which have been scooped out of the Oolitic plateau, while the Boyd, the Siston, and the Frome pass through the soft undulating grounds of Lias, New Red Marl, and Coal-measures that lie west of the bold Oolitic escarpment between Bath and Wotton-under-edge. Some of these streams rise at 1 ' On the Physical History of the Rhine,' * Journ. Geol. Society,' 1874, A. C. Ramsay. 512 The Avon. heights approximately as high as the summit level of the limestone gorge through which the Avon flows below Bristol. The vulgar notion respecting the Avon and its gorge is, that before that ravine was formed all the low ground through which the river and its tributaries flow was a large lake, that ' a convulsion of nature ' suddenly FIG. 103. Gorge of the Avon at Clifton, Bristol, looking down the river. rent the rocks asunder and formed the gorge through which the river afterwards flowed, and so drained the hypothetical lake. It is scarcely necessary to add, that had there been a large lake in that area, we might expect to find lacustrine deposits and organisms in some parts of these valleys, but none exist. The true explanation is, that in some late tertiary period of geological history, the surface of the country on either side of the river above the gorge formed a The Thames. 513 great plain, somewhat higher than the summit level of the Carboniferous Limestone plateau. This plain being slightly inclined to the west at the time the Severn was scooping out its valley, as I have already explained at p. 508, the ancient Avon flowed over the top of the plateau of Clifton and Durdham Downs, through a minor inequality of the surface, and, as rivers do, it steadily worked at the deepening of its own channel. As it did this, so in like proportion the river and its tributaries in the upper part of their courses gradually wasted and lowered the hill-sides and valleys through which they flowed, being aided by rains and snows and all the ordinary agents of atmospheric denudation ; and thus it happens, that what was once a high slightly- inclined tableland, has been converted partly into flat- topped fragments of a high plain, and partly into undu- lating hills and vales ; while in the great Oolitic plateau, that stretches eastward as far as the Chalk escarpment, we have still remaining a large tract of the ancient plain, "with this difference, that the average gentle slope of its surface is now east instead of west. This naturally leads to the question, Why is it that the Thames, and some other rivers that flow through the Oolites and Chalk, run eastward? The answer seems to be, that after the original valley of the Severn was well established by its river, a new disturbance of the whole country took place, by which the Cretaceous and other strata were tilted eastward, not suddenly, but by degrees, and thus a second slope was given to the Chalk and Eocene strata, in a direction opposite to the dip, that originally led to the scooping out of the present valley of the Severn. This dip lay east of the comparatively newly-formed escarpment of the Chalk indicated by the dark line in fig. 102 marked e. The L L 514 The Thames. present Chalk escarpment, in its beginning, is thus of older date than the Oolitic escarpment (fig. 57, p. 304), but it would be hard to prove this, except on the hypo- thesis I have stated. When this slope of the Chalk and the overlying Eocene strata was established, the water that fell on the long inclined plain east of the escarpment of the Chalk necessarily flowed eastward, and the Thames, in its beginning, flowed from end to end entirely over Chalk and Eocene strata. The river was larger then than now, for I am inclined to believe, that in these early times of its history, the south of England was joined to France, the Straits of Dover had no existence, and the eastern part of the Thames as a river, not as a mere estuary, ran far across land now destroyed, perhaps directly to join an exten- sion of the north flowing river which we now call the Ehine. At its upper end, west of its present sources, the Thames was longer by about as much probably as the distance between the well-known escarpment of the Cotswold Hills and the course of the Severn as it now runs, for the original escarpment of the Chalk must have directly overlooked the early valley of the Severn, which was then much narrower than now (see p. 509). But by processes of waste identical with those that formed the escarpment of the Wealden (figs. 71, 72, 73, pp. 337-343), the Chalk escarpment gradually receded eastward, and as it did this the valley of the Severn widened, and the area of the drainage of the Thames was contracted. By-and-by the outcropping edges of the Oolitic strata becoming exposed, a second and later escarpment began to be formed, while the valley of the Severn gradually deepened ; but the escarpment of the Chalk being more The Thames. 515 easily wasted than that of the Oolite, its recession east- ward was more rapid, and this process having gone on from that day to this, the two escarpments in the region across which the Thames runs are far distant from each other. All this time the Thames was cutting a valley for itself in the Chalk, and by-and-by, when the escarp- ment had receded to a certain point, its base became in part lower than the edge of the Oolitic escarpment that then, as now, overlooked the valley of the Severn, only at that time the valley was narrower. While this point was being gradually reached, the Thames by degrees was joined by the growing tributary waters that drained part of the surface of the eastward slope of the Oolitic strata, the western escarpment of which was still receding ; and thus was brought about, what at first sight seems the unnatural breaking of the river through the high escarpment of Chalk between Wallingford and Reading. From the foregoing remarks it will be understood why the sources of the Thames, the Seven Springs and others, rise so close to the great escarpment of the Inferior Oolite, east of Gloucester and Cheltenham. But just as in times long gone, the sources of the Thames once rose westward of the Seven Springs, so well known on the Cotswolds, so the sources of the river now, are not more stationary than those that preceded. The escarpments, both of Chalk and Oolite, are still slowly changing and receding east- ward ; and as that of the Oolite recedes the area of drainage will diminish and the Thames decrease in volume. This is a geological fact, however distant it may appear to persons unaccustomed to deal with geo- logical time L L 2 5 1 6 The Frome. A change in the story of an old river, even more striking than that of the Thames, has taken place in the history of what was once an important stream further south. Before the formation of the Straits of Dover, the solid land of England, formed of Cretaceous and Eocene strata, extended far south into what is now the English Channel. The Isle of Wight still exists as an outlying fragment of that land. At that time the Nine Barrow Chalk Downs, north of Weymouth Bay and Purbeck, were directly joined as a continuous ridge with the Downs that cross the Isle of Wight from the Needles to Culver Cliff. Old Harry and his Wife, off the end of Nine Barrow Downs, and the Needles, off the Isle of Wight, are small outlying relics, left by the denudation of the long range of Downs that once joined the Isle of Wight to the so-called Isle of Purbeck, and of the land that lay still farther south of Portland Bill the Isle of Wight and Beachy Head. North of this old land, the Frome, which rises in the Cretaceous hills east of Beaminster, still runs, and, much diminished, discharges its waters into Poole Harbour. But in older times the Solent formed part of its valley, where, swollen by its affluents, the Stour, the Avon, the Test, and the Itchin, it must have formed a large river, which, by great subsequent denudations and changes in the level of the land, has resulted in the synclinal hollow through which the semi-estuarine waters of the Solent now flow. 1 The same kind of argument that has been applied 1 See Mr. T. Codrington On the Superficial Deposits of the South of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.' Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. 1870, vol. xxvi., p. 528, and Mr. John Evans, 'Stone Implements,' Chap. XXV. The Trent. 517 to the Thames is equally applicable to the Ouse, the Nen, the Welland, the Grlen, and the Witham, rivers flowing into the Wash, all of which rise either on or close to the escarpment of the Oolites, between the country near Buckingham and that east of Grantham, which rocks were once covered by the Chalk. With minor differences, the same general theory equally applies to all the rivers that run into the Humber. I believe the early course of the Trent was established at a time when, to say the least, the Lias and Oolites overspread all the undulating plains of New Eed Marl and Sandstone of the centre of England, spreading west to what is now the sea, beyond the estuaries of the Mersey and the Dee. A high-lying anticlinal line threw off these strata, with low dips, to the east and west ; and, after much denudation, the large outlier of Lias between Market Drayton and Whitchurch in Shropshire, is one of the western results. Down the eastern slopes the Trent began to run across an inclined plain of Oolitic strata. Through long ages of waste and decay the Lias and Oolites have been washed away from these midland districts, and the long escarpments formed of these strata lie well to the east, overlooking the broad valley of New Red Marl through which the Trent flows. The most important affluent of the Trent is the Derwent, a tributary of which is the Wye of Derbyshire. The geological history of the Wye is very instructive. It runs right across part of the central watershed of England, formed by the great boss of the Carboniferous Limestone of Derbyshire. This course, at first sight seems so unnatural, that the late Mr. Hopkins of Cambridge stated that it was caused by two fractures in the strata, running parallel to the winding course of 518 The Wye, Derbyshire. the river. 1 There are no fractures there of any impor- tance. The true explanation is as follows : At an old period of the physical history of the country, the valley north and west of Buxton had no existence, and the land there actually stood higher than the tops of the limestone hills to the east. An inclined 6 plain of marine denudation, stretched eastwards, and gave an initial direction to the drainage of the country. The river began to cut a channel through the limestone rocks ; and as it deepened and formed a gorge, the soft Carboniferous shales in which the river rose, were also worn away by atmospheric action, and streams from the north and west began to run into the Wye. By the power of running water, those valleys were deepened simultaneously and proportionately to their distance from the sources of the river ; and the farther the Wye flowed, the more was its volume increased by the aid of tributary streams and springs* Thus it happens that the Wye seems to the uninitiated unnaturally to break across a boss of hills, which, how- ever, were once a mere slightly undulating unbroken plain of limestone. There is no breakage of the rocks, and nothing violent in the matter. It was and is, a simple case of the wearing action of running water cutting a channel for itself from higher to lower levels, till, where Rowsley now stands, it joined the Derwent, which flows in a long north and south valley scooped 1 < On the Stratification of the Limestone District of Derbyshire,' by W. Hopkins, M.A., &c. For private circulation. 1834. In p. 7 he says, ' When two longitudinal faults, ranging parallel, are not very distant from each other, they sometimes form a longitudinal valley, of which the valley of the Wye is a splendid instance. In such cases, however, it is curious that the faults do not generally coincide with the steep sides of the valley, but are distant from them by perhaps from 50 to 200 or 300 yards.' The Number. 519 by itself, chiefly in comparatively soft Yoredale shales between the high-terraced hard moorland scarps of Millstone Grit, and the still harder grassy slopes of the Carboniferous Limestone. When we come to the other rivers that enter the Humber north and west of the Trent, the case is more puzzling. The Oolites in that region were extensively denuded before the deposition of the Chalk ; so that between Market Weighton and Kirkby-under-dale in Yorkshire, the Chalk is seen to overlap unconformably the Oolitic strata, and to rest directly on the Lower Lias, which there, as far as it is exposed, is very thin. The Chalk, therefore, overspread all these strata to the west, and lay directly on the New Eed beds of the Vale of York, till, overlapping these, it probably intruded on the Carboniferous strata of the Yorkshire hills farther west. At this time the Oolites of the northern moor- lands of Yorkshire seem also to have spread westward till they also encroached on the Carboniferous slopes, the denuded remains of which now rise above the beau- tiful valleys of Yoredale and Swaledale, the whole, both Carboniferous and Secondary, strata having gentle eastern and south-eastern dips. These dips gave the rivers their initial tendency to flow south-east and east ; and thus it was that the Wharfe, the Ouse, and the Swale, cutting their own channels, formed a way to what is now the estuary of the Humber, while the escarpments of the Chalk and Oolite were gradually re- ceding eastward to their present temporary positions. That the Oolitic strata spread northward beyond their present scarped edges is quite certain; but whether or not they extended far enough north to cover the whole of the Durham and Northumberland coal- field I am unable to say. Whether they did so or not 520 The Tees, Wear, Tyne, &c. does not materially affect the next question to be considered ; for if they did spread over part of these Carboniferous strata, they must have thinned away to a feather edge in times long before the Oolitic escarp- ment began to be formed. Taken as a whole, from the great escarpment of Car- boniferous Limestone that overlooks the Vale of Eden on the east, all the Carboniferous strata from thence to the German Ocean have a gentle eastern dip ; so gentle, indeed, that, on Mallerstang and other high hills over- looking the Vale of Eden, outlying patches of Millstone Grit, still remain to tell that once the whole of the Coal- measures spread across the country as far as the edge of the Vale, and even far beyond in pre-Permian times, for the Carboniferous Limestone on both sides of the Vale of Eden, now broken by a fault, was once continuous, and the Whitehaven coalfield was then united to that of Northumberland. These gentle eastern and south-eastern dips, caused by upheaval of the strata on the west and north-west, gave the initial tendency of all the rivers of the region to flow east and south-east. Thus it happens that the Tees, the Wear, the Derwent, the Tyne, the Blyth, the Coquet, and the Alne, have found their way to the German Ocean, cutting and deepening their valleys as they ran, the sides of which, widened by time and subaerial degradation, now often rise high above the rivers in the regions west of the Coal-measures, in a succession of terraces of limestone bands, tier above tier, as it were in Titanic steps, till on the tops of the hills we reach the Millstone Grit itself. I now turn to the western-flowing rivers, about which there is far less to be said. First, the Eden : This river flows along the whole The Eden. If CO o o I D I CM' 1 9 $22 Rivers of Wales. length of that beautiful valley, through various Per- mian rocks, for nearly forty miles. At the mouth of the valley, at and near Carlisle, a patch of New Eed Marl lies on the Permian sandstones, and on the Marl rests the Lias. Whether the whole length of the Per- mian strata of the Vale of Eden was once covered by these rocks it is impossible to determine, but I believe that it must have been so to a great extent, and also that the Lias may have been covered by Oolitic strata. A great fault east of the Eden has thrown these forma- tions down on the west, so that the faulted edge of the Permian beds now abuts on the high Carboniferous hills that form the eastern side of the valley. As these Permian and Secondary were denuded away by time, the present river Eden began to establish itself, and now runs through rocks in a faulted hollow, in the manner shown in fig. 104. What is the precise geological date of the origin of this great valley and its river course in their present form, I am unable to say ; but I believe that it may approximately be of the same age as the valleys last described : that is to say, of later date than the Oolites, and probably it is later than the Creta- ceous and Eocene, or even than the Miocene epoch. And so with the other rivers of the west of England the Lune, the Eibble, the Mersey, and the Weaver. In Wales, the Dyfi partly runs in a valley formed by denudation along an old line of fault ; and the Teifi in Cardiganshire, and the Towey in Caermarthenshire, in parts of their courses along lines running in the direction of the strike of soft Llandeilo flags, sometimes slaty and easily worn down by water, their valleys being bounded on either side by hills to a great extent formed of harder Silurian grits. To sum up the subject: It seems to me that all Rivers of Wales. 523 the rivers of Wales, whether flowing through Silurian, Old Eed, or Carboniferous rocks, have been busy scoop^ ing out their valleys ever since the close of that great continental epoch that ended with the influx of the Ehsetic and Liassic sea across the Triassic salt lakes, and though these valleys were modified by ice, and partially filled with detritus, during a short episode of submergence in glacial times, the rivers re-asserted their rights to their old channels when emergence took place. All the important rivers, therefore, that flow east and west and north and south through the Silurian rocks of Wales, are in their origin approximately of the same age, and from Cader Idris to Pembrokeshire they have all cut their way through a tableland with minor undulations, while here and there remains a higher hill, the rocks of which were unusually hard. This old upland was indeed of great extent, and its relics stretch far and wide into the northern part of Denbigh- shire, and into Montgomeryshire and South Wales. As already stated, standing on the summit of Cader Idris or of Aran Mowddwy, 2,960 feet high, and looking east and south, the eye, as far as it can reach, ranges across a vast extent of old tableland, the plane surface of which near the Arans is about 1,900 feet above the level of the sea, or more than 1,000 feet below the summits of the neighbouring mountains. All inter- sected by unnumbered valleys, to the ordinary observer it is merely a hilly country, while an eye versed in physical geology at once recognises that all the diversities of feature are due to fluviatile erosions that have scooped out the valleys. For this reason it also happens that the Dee now cuts right across the Carboniferous escarpment west of Erbistock and the lower area of the Permian strata ; 524 The Dee. for when the Dee began to run, that escarpment had no existence, and the strata of these formations stretched further to the west, ending along some line now un- known in a sort of feather edge, and forming part of the great inclined plane over which the Dee ran at a level hundreds of feet above the bottom of its present valley. By-and-by, as the river channel deepened, the escarpment began to be formed, its face sloping in a direction at right angles to the general dip of the strata, after the habit of all such escarpments. The whole was strictly analogous to the manner in which the rivers of the Weald acted at a later date, and also for the same reason that the Thames now cuts across the escarpment of the Chalk. Escaped into the low coun- try of the New Red series, the history of the Dee becomes simple, and requires no special illustration. But this process of ordinary fluviatile erosion is not the only agent that has been at work in Wales, for in later geological times the Glacial epoch supervened, and the moving ice of thick glaciers exercised a strong abrading power. Then it was that in the mountain-region of the west, ice-smoothing, mammillations, and striations were so strongly impressed on the sides of so many valleys, and so many lake-basins were scooped out, and among others the rock-bound basin of Bala Lake ; and though the face of the country is always being slowly changed, the time that has elapsed since the close of the Glacial epoch is comparatively so short, that the large essential rocky features of the regions traversed by the rivers have since that time undergone no impor- tant alteration. In the ' Journal of the Geological Society ' for 1876, I published the Physical History of the Dee. It is too long, and the necessary diagrams are too large The Dee. 525 for publication in such a book as this, but the leading features of the story are, that before entering the plains of Cheshire, the river, passing through Bala Lake, runs through the beautiful Vale of Llangollen, which as far as the behaviour of the river is concerned, may on a small scale be compared to that of the Moselle (see p. 534, Chap. XXXI.). At the mouth of its valley the river passes through a bold escarpment of Carboniferous Limestone and Millstone Grit, whence suddenly bending to the north it passes through flats of New Red Sand- stone to its long shallow estuary beyond Chester. The greater part of the Silurian region on either side of Bala Lake, and of the Dee, stood high above the level of the sea, from remote geological times, and formed a wide tableland, extending far to the south, and also to the east and north-east, and on its edges rose the more mountainous land, formed by the Lower Silurian volcanic rocks, splendid relics of which still remain in the peaks of Cadir Idris, the Arans, and Arenigs. When, by the drainage of this old land, the Dee, induced by minor undulations of the ground, began to flow in its earliest channel, it is clear that its present source, Bala Lake, had no existence ; for whereas the river at that time must have flowed on a surface of land not less high than that on either side of the present valley near Corwen and Llangollen (now, in places, from 1,600 to 1,800 feet high), the surface of Bala Lake is only 600 feet above the level of the sea, while the neighbouring watershed between the lake and Dolgelli is only 200 feet higher. As the river could not flow up hill, it is clear that in that early stage of its history, the valley of the Dee about Bala, must have been at least from 1,300 to 1,400 feet higher than it is now, and 526 The Dee. consisted of a mass of Silurian rocks, great part of which has since been removed by denudation. In my opinion this region of North Wales has never been depressed beneath the sea since the beginning of the Permian epoch, excepting in part during a short episode in Giacial times (see p. 413). During that long lapse of geological ages, there was therefore ample time for the action of all the ordinary processes of subaerial denu- dation, the most powerful of which is the action of rain, rivers, and glaciers, and thus it happened that the Dee, a river of very ancient date, wandering hither and thither, by degrees deepened its channel in the same manner that the Rhine and the tortuous Moselle have cut out theirs, as described in my memoir ' On the Physical History of the Valley of the Rhine.' While this process was going on, minor tributary valleys were cut by rain and rivers in the tableland to right and left of the great main channel, and other smaller rivers in adjacent regions playing the same general part, this wide tableland of marine denudation was gradually turned by the scooping out of unnumbered valleys, into a region of hill and dale. The Vale of Clwyd is of extreme antiquity, for it was a valley before the deposition of the New Red Sandstone, and it may be that the Clwyd has flowed ever since the end of the Triassic epoch, and the Conwy like the Dee is at least as old. I cannot pretend to give a detailed account of the river systems of Scotland. My personal knowledge of the subject is less minute, and however minute it might be, the subject is difficult. 1 Something of the subject 1 Professor Geikie, who fully realises the difficulty of the subject, nevertheless enters into it and explains it, as far as his present knowledge will allow, in his work, the ' Scenery and Geology of Scotland.' Rivers of Scotland. 527 I know myself, but for fuller details the reader must refer to Professor Geikie's work, from which part of what I have to say is drawn. By referring to any good geological map of Scotland and the north of England, it will be seen that the country is intersected by two great valleys, running from north-east to south-west, viz., the valley of Loch Ness running from Moray Firth to Loch Linnhe, and also the valleys of the Forth and Clyde. If we go farther south another valley traverses England from Tyne- mouth to the Sol way Firth. The general strike of all the older formations of Scotland is more or less from south-west to north-east, and starting from the watershed of the north-west of Scotland between Loch Linnhe and Cape Wrath, it will be seen that almost all the larger rivers flow to the east and south-east, transverse to the strike of the strata. In fact, like the Thames, they may be said to start from a great scarped watershed facing the Atlantic, and run from thence more or less in accordance with the general dip of the strata, or rather in conjunction with that, down a sloping plain of marine denudation, till they find their way into the sea or into the great valley of Loch Ness. Thus, in some degree, they follow the same general law that guided the east-flowing rivers of England, though traversing much more mountainous ground, they have cut their valleys in hard, greatly disturbed, and meta- morphic Lower Silurian strata. South of the Great Valley, the rivers follow a north- east course, in Strath Dearn and Strath Spey, approxi- mately parallel to the trend of the Great Valley, running in valleys probably excavated in lines of strike occupied by strata, less hard than the general mass of the country. The Tay does the same in the upper part 528 Rivers of Scotland. of its course. South of Strath Spey, the rivers find their way east and south-east to the German Ocean ; the Tay and the Forth from a high watershed that crosses Scotland from the neighbourhood of Fraserburgh on the east to Crinan on the west coast. To a great extent it is formed of hard granitic rocks and associated gneiss, and on this account it is high because of its power to resist denudation. Like so many other rivers, the Tay has cut its way in old times over, and now through, a high belt of ground, that of the Sidlaw Hills just above the estuary ; and the Forth, the Teith, and the Allan have in like manner breached that long range of Trappean Hills, known as the Ochils and the hills of Campsie. ^ The whole of the estuary of the Forth and the greater part of the valley of the Clyde lie in an exceed- ingly ancient area of depression. That country is also covered more or less with Boulder-clay, and with later stratified detritus of sand and gravel which were formed in part by the remodelling of the Glacial drifts. These rivers ran in that area before the commence- ment of these deposits, and indeed for unknown ages before that period. But we have no distinct traces of those earlier epochs when we try to trace them as regards the history of the rivers of Scotland ; and we know little besides this, that the Forth and the Clyde ran in their valleys long before the deposition of the Boulder-clay, and with other rivers resumed to some extent their old courses after the emer- gence of the country. As of the rivers already mentioned, this may also be said of the Tweed, that we know nothing for certain of its history, except that its valley is of later age than the Old Eed Sandstone and Carboniferous rocks. Rivers of Scotland. 529 My own opinion is, that all the valleys of the South of Scotland may be said to have been formed gener- ally contemporaneously with the valleys of the adjoin- ing region of the north of England already described. 1 Of this we are certain, that some very ancient valleys in Scotland are older than the Old Red Sand- stone, the deposition of which has more or less rilled them with detritus, and they are now being re-exca- vated by running water. Taken as a whole, most of them may be said to be as old as the river-made valleys of Wales and Cumberland, for the disturbances which affected the Silurian and other palaeozoic formations of Scotland were coeval with those that first raised the mountains of Cumberland, Wales, and Ireland high above the level of the sea. 1 A model of the Thames Valley, by Mr. J. B. Jordan, coloured geologically, may be seen at the Geological Museum, Jermyn Street. It clearly explains the relation of the river to the Oolitic and Cretaceous escarpments, pp. 513-15. \V r N^ f\ ' V* 1 * \> V .\^ { V M M 530 CHAPTEK XXXI. RELATION OF EIVER VALLEYS AND GRAVELS TO THE GLACIAL DRIFTS RIVER TERRACES BONES OF EXTINCT MAMMALS AND HUMAN REMAINS FOUND IN THEM RAISED BEACHES, ETC, IT is certain that by far the greater number of the river valleys of Britain, north of Bristol Channel and the Thames, have been very much modified, and some of them deepened during the Glacial period, a fact indeed sufficiently proved by the Glacial excavation of all the lakes that lie in rock-bound basins. Some valleys in England have been greatly modified since the Glacial period came to an end. It may, however, be safely said that before the Grlacial period the larger features of the river systems of Britain were much the same as now. When, before and during partial submergence, Boulder-clay over- spread great part of the country, the river channels of the lower lands often got filled with that clay entirely, or in part. When the land emerged and surface drainage was restored, most of the rivers followed their old channels. In some cases they nearly scooped the Boulder-clay entirely out of them from end to end, but in others, as with the Tyne and the Wear, accidents partly turned the rivers aside, and having disposed of a thin covering of Boulder-clay, they proceeded to exca- vate deep and winding valleys in the Sandstone rocks Pre-glacial River Valleys. 531 below. This may be well seen at Durham on the Wear. ' The pre-Grlacial valley,' says Mr. H. H. Howell, in a letter which I quote, ' runs nearly north and south from Durham to Newcastle. The river Wear, instead of following this old valley, meanders about, winding in and out of it, and at Durham cutting right across it, and passing into the sandstones of the Coal-mea- sures, through which it has cut its way in a narrow gorge. At Chester-le-Street, half-way between Durham and Newcastle, the river Wear leaves the course of the old valley altogether, and, turning to the east, makes its way to the sea at Sunderland, passing principally through sandstones and shales of the Coal-measures, and cutting through the Magnesian Limestone, just before entering the sea.' 1 It is for this reason that coal-miners in Northum- berland and Durham, while mining a bed of coal, some- FIG. 105. 1. Boulder-clay filling a valley. 2. Coal-measures with beds of coal. times find it crop up deep underground against a mass of Boulder-clay that fills an ancient rocky valley, of which the plain above gives no indication. Again, if we examine the channels of other rivers in the south-east of England, we find that in places the 1 See Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining Engineers,' voL xiii. pp. 69 to 85, especially the Map at p. 69 and the section p. 77. M 11 2 532 The Thames Valley. Ouse, and its tributaries in Bedfordshire, and also many other streams flow through areas covered with this clay, and have cut themselves channels through it in such a way as to lead to the inference that parts of the valleys in which they run did not exist before the Boulder-bed period, but that they have excavated their courses through it and the underlying Oolitic strata, and thus formed a new system of valleys. These often only apply to parts of their channels. Again, with regard to the Thames, I have said that it is remarkable that it rises in the Seven Springs, not far from the edge of the Oolitic escarpment of the Cotswold Hills that overlooks the Severn, which runs in the valley about 1,000 feet below. The infant Thames FlG. 106. Thames. 1. Boulder-clay. 2. London Clay. 3. Chalk. thus flows at first across a broad tableland of Oolitic rocks, and by-and-by comes to a second tableland formed of the Chalk, and the wonder is that there its course was not turned aside by that high escarpment. Instead of that being the case, a valley cuts right across the escarpment of Chalk, through which the river flows, and this I have already explained in Chapter XXX. This escarpment dates from long before the de- position of the Boulder-beds, for we find far-transported boulders and Boulder-clay at its base, while in the same neighbourhood the drift has not always been deposited on its slopes, nor yet does it lie on the top. Yet north of the mouth of the estuary of the Thames in Essex we River Gravels and Boulder Clay. 533 find Glacial deposits down to the level of the sea and passing into it ; and near Romford, east of London, there are tablelands covered with Boulder-clay, which'* overlook the valley of the Thames. These phenomena, taken as a whole, certainly show that all the upper valley of the Thames is of older date than the Glacial epoch, and though Boulder-beds are found at Southend, on the north side of the mouth of the estuary, none oc- curs on its southern shores, nor in the plains and valleys of the Weald. Therefore, I now~see no reason why the lower valley of the Thames west and east of London should not be entirely pre-Glacial, in which case it may be that some of its high-level gravel terraces belong to that date. The question is still in debate among geo- logists. I use the term high-level gravels to express the fact that thick deposits of gravel and loams having been formed in the valley, this alluvial detritus was subsequently cut into a succession of river-terraces in consequence of changes, slight but effective, in the phy- sical geography of the area, and it is obvious that the highest terrace overlooking the river must be the oldest, and so on in succession till we reach the river-bank of to-day. Before describing the relation of the river-gravels of the south of England to the Glacial epoch and palae- olithic implements and mammalia, it is desirable to ex- plain some of the details of the manner in which rivers have excavated their own valleys in solid rocks where no valleys existed before the drainage of the country took the general direction of its present flow. On the Continent, the Moselle and the Seine form excellent examples, and on a smaller scale many British rivers, including the Thames, have followed the same law. Suppose a river flowing in a sinuous channel in the 534 River-slopes. direction in which the arrows point in the following diagram : FIG. 107. If the banks be high, they almost always have the shape shown in the section lines a and b across two of the greater curves of the river. The water rushing on FIG. 108, a. is projected with great force against the concave part of the curve, c, fig. 108, and in like manner it is again strongly projected against the concave cliff, d, FIG. 109, ft. fig. 109. The result is, that the water wears back the cliffs, c and d ; or, what tends to the same end, in conjunction with the wearing action of the water, the debris, loosened by atmospheric causes on the steep slopes, c and d, readily slips down to the level of the river, and is carried away by the force of the stream, thus making room for further slips. Cli ff s - 535 When we think of the meaning of this, it at once explains the whole history of these constantly recurring forms, in all winding rivers that flow between rocky banks higher than broad alluvial plains and deltas. Take the history of the curve, fig. 107, as an example. On a high tableland the river, r, at an early period of its history, flowed where it is marked in fig. 110, the beginning of the curve, c, fig. 107, having al- ready been established, but without any high cliffs. Then the stream, being driven with force against the concave curve, c, by degrees cut it back, we shall sup- pose, to c 1 , at the same time deepening its channel. A cliff was thus commenced at c 1 , and, as the river was changing its bed by constant encroachment in the same direction, a gentle slope, s, began to be established, facing the cliff c 1 , and so, on and on, through long ages, to c 2 , c 3 , and c 4 , where the present cliff stands, itself as temporary as its smaller predecessors. This is the reason why in river curves, the concave side of the curve is so often opposed by a high rocky bank, while the con- vex side so generally presents a long gentle slope, s s, often more or less covered with alluvial detritus. In countries free of glacial debris, these effects are often best seen in their perfect simplicity ; and in this way the Moselle, and the Seine near Eouen are, so to speak, model rivers. In many a British river it is clearly seen on the Wye in South Wales, in many a river and 536 River Terraces. minor stream in Derbyshire, Lancashire, and Yorkshire, and on the Thames, on the banks of its long sweep- ing curves where it passes through the Cretaceous es- carpment between Appleford and Wallingford. In this way rivers must act and have always acted. It was during a residence on the banks of the Moselle in 1860 that I first learned this lesson. On the banks of the Thames below Maidenhead, and on those of many other rivers, there are frequent ter- races, often cut out in more ancient gravels, which it had previously deposited. This is one of the effects of the past and present progressive action of rivers, close to or at various distances from any river as it now exists, according to its size and other circumstances. Sometimes these terraces have even been cut in solid rock, but more frequently in Boulder-clay, or in old gravels. Cases such as the following are frequent. The hills or tablelands on either side are, perhaps, made of solid rock, and the terraces lying between the higher slopes and the rivers consist of gravel of comparatively old date. The river at one time flowed over the top of the highest gravel terrace, and winding about from side to side of the valley, and cutting away detritus, it formed the terraces one after another, the terrace on the highest level being of oldest date, and that on the lowest level, that bounds the modern alluvium, the latest. Thus, in the following figure, No. 1 represents the solid rocks of a country, covered on the top of the tableland with Boulder-clay, No. 2, these bounding a wide valley partly filled with ancient gravel, No. 3, which originally filled the valley from side to side as high as the uppermost dotted line, 4 ; but a river flow- ing through, by degrees bore part of the loose detritus Mammalia and Flint Implements. 537 to a lower level, thus cutting out the terraces in succes- sion, marked Nos. 5, 6, and 7. It often happens, that alluvial and gravelly deposits s that sometimes even cap minor hills are left marking ancient levels of rivers ; and in such gravels, sands, and loams, the bones of animals of extinct and living species have been often found, together with the palaeolithic handiwork of ancient races of men. Viewed as a whole, the remains of mammalia found in these river beds, have been generally believed to be of post-Glacial age, and in this opinion I coincide with re- gard to some of the rivers. One circumstance is, however, FIG. ill. worthy of special remark, that to a great extent they are identical in the river gravels of the southern half of England, with the species found in the British bone- caves, a list of which is given at page 48 1. 1 They consist of the White and Cave Bears, the Ermine, the Otter, Fox, Wolf, Hyaena (spelcea), Lion, the Red-deer, Reindeer, and Cervus megaceros, the Musk-sheep, Ox and Bison, Hippopotamus (major). Pig, Horse, two species of Rhinoceros (JR. leptorkinus and It. hemitcechus),tvfo species of Elephants (E.primigenius&nd E. antiquus), Hare-rat (Lagomys spelceus\ Spermophilus (a 1 The Cave Mammalia, also known in river deposits, are Rliino- loplms, ferum-equinum, Vespertllio noctula, Sorex vulgaris, Ursus Arotos, Gulo luscus, Meles taxus, Mustela putorius, M. martes, Felis catus, F. pardii, F. lynx, Macliairodus latidens, A Ices malchis, Cervus JBroivni, Rhinoceros leptorMnus (?), Leptis cnniculus, Lagomys spel&us, Spermophilus erytlirogenoides, Arviwla pratensis, A. agrestis, A. s, and Castor fiber. DAWKINS, 538 Man and the Mammoth. Squirrel ), Rabbits, Mice, and some other small animals. With the extinct Mammals mentioned above, the works of man in the state of flint weapons, &c. have of late years become familiar to English geologists. For long they shrunk from the idea with excessive caution, and the full proof first came before them from France. In the year 1847, a French savant, Mons. Boucher de Perthes, of Abbeville, published an account, in the first volume of his ' Antiquites celtiques,' of flint implements, the work of man, found in association with the teeth of the Mammoth (Elephas primigenius) in the old river gravels of the Somme. The strata con- sisted of surface soil, below which were nearly five feet of brown clay, then loam, then a little gravel containing land shells, and along with these shells the teeth of the Mammoth. Below that level there occurred white sand and fresh-water shells, and again the bones and teeth of the Mammoth and other extinct species ; and along with these bones and teeth, a number of well-formed flint hatchets of what we now call the palaeolithic type. Geologists were for long asleep on this subject. M. de Perthes had printed it many years, bat none of them paid much attention to him. At length, Mr. Prestwich having his attention drawn to the subject, began to examine the question. He visited M. de Perthes, who distinctly proved to him, and afterwards to other English geologists, that what he had stated was incon- testably the fact. These implements are somewhat rude in form, but when I say ' rude,' I do not mean that there is any doubt of their having been formed artificially. They are not polished and finished, like those of later date in our own islands, or the modern ones brought from the South Sea Islands ; but there can be no doubt whatever that they were formed by t Man and the Mammoth. 539 the hand of man ; and I say this with authority, since, for more than thirty years, I have been daily in the habit of handling stones, and no man who knows how v chalk flints are fractured by nature, would doubt the artificial character of these ancient tools or weapons. The same kind of observations have been made in our own country. In the neighbourhood of Bedford, on the Ouse, there are beds of river gravel of this kind which rise about twenty-five feet above the level of the uiver, in broad terraces ; and in one of these, far above the river, there have been found a consider- able number of flint hatchets, associated with river shells, the bones of the Mammoth, old varieties of oxen, and various other mammalia. By the river Waveney also, on the borders of Norfolk and Suffolk, at Hoxne near Diss, the same phenomena have been observed in old gravel pits, made for the extraction of road materials ; and it has been proved that near the mouth of the estuary of the Thames, between the Keculvers and Herne Bay, flint hatchets of Palaeolithic type have fallen from the top of a cliff of Eocene sand, which is capped with high-level river-gravel of the ancient river. These were first found by Mr. T. Leech (see fig. 112). Later I found one on the beach partly water-worn by the waves, and at the same time, Prof. T. McKenny Hughes found another, fresh and unworn, and both are of palaeolithic type. No bones have as yet been observed in that precise locality along with the implements, but in many places further up the Thames, the remains have been found of extinct mammalia. For example, at Acton, a few miles west of London, at a height of about twenty feet above high-river mark, Colonel Lane Fox found Elephas primigenius, Rhi- noceros hemitcechus, Hippopotamus major, Bosprimi- 54-O Paleolithic Implements and genius, Bison prisons, Cervus tarandus, and other species in a middle terrace ; and at a height of seventy FIG. 112. Palseolithic flint hatchet, Herne Bay. In the Museum of Practical Geology. feet above high-water mark, near the same village, he found a palaeolithic flint implement, besides flint flakes. Extin ct Mammalia . 541 They lay in a bed of ochreous sandy clay, about one foot in thickness, which reposed immediately on the blu London Clay. On the south side of the Thames, on the Cray, a tributary of the Darent, which enters the Thames at Dartford Marshes, palaeolithic implements have been found near Green Street Grreen ; and in other places, in the valley of the Medway near Maidstone, and elsewhere in Kent, worked flints have been found by Professor Hughes, Mr. Whi taker, and others. 1 It is therefore very clear that the bones of Elephas primigenius and other mammalia, some of them extinct, occur in many places associated with the works of pre-historic man. As yet, however, the bones of man have never been discovered along with extinct mammals in British river gravels, unless we get a hint on the subject from the discovery of human skulls, fifty-three feet be- neath the surface, at the Car on tin stream-works, north of Falmouth, 'mingled with bones of deer and other animals, among wood, moss, leaves, and nuts,' and ' at Pentuan human skulls are stated to have been found under about forty feet of detrital accumulations, also mingled with the remains of deer, oxen, hogs, and whales.' 2 There is, of course, plenty of evidence that some of the alluvial deposits of the Thames and many other southern rivers are altogether post-glacial, and the history of these alluvia can often be traced down to 1 For many details see ' Ancient Stone Implements,' by John Evans, F.R.S., chap, xxiii. 2 < Geological Keport on Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset,' 1839, p. 407 : The Geological Observer,' 1853, p. 449. Sir H. T. De la Beche. The accounts of these discoveries are scarcely suf- ficiently definite for an opinion to be formed with respect to their comparative antiquity. 5 4 2 Post-glacial A lluvia. historical times, as, for example, in the case of the alluvial meadows of the Ouse, once a commodious estuary, in which the Saxon fleets could ride as far up as Alport, a mile above Lewes. Further north the peats and broad marshy alluvia of the Wash lie on Boulder- clay, and the same is the case with what may be called the recent warps of the Humber and much of the loamy alluvial strata that cover the broad plain of York and pass northward to the Tees, between the Oolitic escarpment and the uprising of the western slopes of the Magnesian Limestone and Carboniferous rocks. The gravels and clayey alluvia of the Wear and the Tyne play the same part, beautiful examples of the latter being well seen on the banks of the Tyne below Newcastle, and above that town at the junction of the North Tyne with the larger river. In great part of the Severn valley the same kind of phenomena are apparent, and indeed in many of the river valleys of England the occurrence of old river detritus above the Boulder-clay is not to be doubted. These gravels and other alluvia were therefore often made by rain and the wasting action of the rivers sometimes working on the Boulder-clays, and some- times partly wearing out new valleys, and when flooded spreading sediments abroad on their banks. As in the older alluvia, so in these more recent deposits, it is natural that many bones of Mammalia should be found, a few of which may be of extinct species. It is, how- ever, certain, that in the subject of river-gravel Mammalia, there has been a good deal of confusion arising from the habit of their having been assumed to be all of the same age. I have already stated (p. 482) that after the deposi- tion of the Glacial deposits, Britain, by a considerable The P re-historic Rhine. 543 elevation of the land and sea-bottom, was re- united to the Continent, chiefly by a broad plain of Boulder-clay. Through this plain I think that the Rhine must have wandered in pre-historic times to what is now a northern part of the North Sea, and all the eastern rivers of England the Thames, the rivers of the Wash and the Humber, the Tyne and possibly some of the rivers of Scotland, were its tributaries. This Boulder-clay, from the manner in which it was formed had a very irregular surface, enclosing lakes and pools, some of which may still be seen on the plains of Holderness. I have said that after the deposition of the Boulder-clay, Britain was re-united to the Continent, but it is well known that various oscilla- tions of the relative level of the land to the sea took place during the Glacial epoch, and under these circum- stances it may, not improbably, have been partly joined to the mainland during inter-Glacial episodes, or again, when glacier ice covered broad tracts of country. At such times the present mouths of many British rivers could have had no immediate relation to their ancient mouths, for the places of their present mouths then lay far inland. Under such circumstances it seems not unlikely that alluvial gravels, such as those of Bedford Level, may have been deposited in lakes dammed up by some old Boulder -clay that formed part of the plain through which the rivers flowed. The wide gravel plain within the circuit of the great moraine of the Dora Baltea in Piedmont forms a sort of case in point, for, according to Gastaldi, an old lake-hollow has there been entirely filled with gravel borne by the river from the Val d'Aosta. It is often difficult to account for the great thickness of these lowlying gravels on any other hypo- 544 Flint Implements. thesis, since in many cases they are not estuarine, for they contain no sea-shells, but only land and fresh- water species, mingled with occasional trunks of trees, and the bones of mammalia, some of which are of extinct species. I have previously stated that bone-caves in Britain as caves, may have been of pre-Grlacial date, and the occurrence of worked flints along with extinct mam- mals in the Victoria Cave, shows that there man is either of inter-Grlacial or pre-Grlacial age, for, at the mouth of the cavern, Boulder-clay lay over the sedi- ments that contained these remains, as proved by Mr. Tiddeman (see p. 465). In like manner I am satisfied that Mr. Skertchly has nearly proved to demonstration the occurrence of flint implements in brick-earth beneath the Chalky Boulder-clay of the neighbourhood of Brandon, this brick-earth being probably of inter- Glacial age, for the Chalky Boulder-clay is, in his opinion, not one of the earliest glacial deposits. I have also shown, by the testimony of many accurate in- vestigations, that in the bone-caves of Somersetshire and Devonshire the works of man occur with extinct mam- mals, and the same is the case in the ancient gravels of the Thames and other rivers. Arguing on these points, Mr. James Greikie says : ' If palaeolithic deposits have a very limited range, such is not the case with those of neolithic age (fig. 113). Implements belonging to this latter age occur every- where throughout the British Islands. From Caithness to Cornwall, and from the east coast of England to the western borders of Ireland they are continually being picked up. Even in the bleak Orkney and Shetland Islands, and all over the inner and outer Hebrides, relics of neolithic times have been met with, so that the wide Flint Implements. 545 distribution of these implements is in striking contrast to the limited range of palaeolithic remains. We know that neolithic man was accompanied by a FIG. 113. Neolithic hatchet in the Museum of Practical Geology. from the bed of the Thames, Erith, Dredged mammalian fauna that differed very much from that with which palaeolithic man was associated. Dogs, N N 546 Man and the Glacial Epoch. horses, pigs, several breeds of oxen, the bison, the red deer, the Irish elk, and such like, were the charac- teristic forms of neolithic times. . . . How then are all these facts to be accounted for ? . . . The answer which I give to all these queries is simply this the palaeolithic deposits are of pre-Glacial and inter-Glacial age, and do not, in any part, belong to post-Glacial times. They are either entirely wanting, or very sparingly represented, in the midland and northern counties, in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, because all those regions have again and again been subjected to the grinding action of land-ice, and the destructive influence of the sea. But in those districts which were not submerged during the last great depres- sion of the land, and in such regions as were never overwhelmed by the confluent ice-masses, the valley gravels form a continuous series of records from pre- Grlacial times to the present day. ... To the last inter-Grlacial period, then, we must refer the great bulk of the palaeolithic river-gravels of the south-east of England.' 1 I go further than this, for though it cannot be proved to a demonstration that man inhabited our area in pre-Grlacial times, yet the concurrence of probabilities that he did so is so great, that I have a profound conviction that, at that epoch, here he must have been. I have already more than hinted at his presence in the south, in the caves of Devon shire, while the more northern areas were shrouded in ice (p. 462). If he inhabited the British area during inter-Glacial times, why should he have come at that precise period and not before. It seems to me much more probable that he did live here before the Glacial epoch began, and that he retired to 1 Great Ice Age,' pp. 530 and 531. Reliquicz Aquitanicce. 547 the south before the advancing glacier ice-sheets. The changing climate might by degrees suit him well enough, for do not the Greenlanders of our own time live in comfort in their own way among and on the edges of the snows and glaciers of Greenland. Ethno- logically, Professor Boyd Dawkins, in ' Cave Hunt- ing,' has compared them to our own Palaeolithic Man. If- in Britain such men survived the Glacial epoch, their blood, much diluted, may even be among us still. Before quitting this part of the subject I may repeat that on the Continent, in caves on the Meuse, Dr. Schmerling found bones of men mingled with those of the Cave Bear, Hyaena, Elephant, and Rhinoceros. In a magnificent work, ' Reliquiae Aquitanicae,' by the late Messrs. Edouard Lartet and Henry Christy, ably edited by Professor T. Rupert Jones, an account is given of the caves of Dordogne in the south of France. These, in the valley of the river Vezere, have yielded bones of Hycena andFelis spelcea (Lion), Ursus spelceus, Wolf and Fox, the Mammoth, Musk Sheep, Aurochs, Chamois, Ibex, Reindeer, Red Deer, Megaceros Hiber- nicus, Horse, and a few others, and among these were found numerous implements both of flint and bone. The caverns were inhabited by man, and numbers of the bones have been broken, partly for the extraction of the marrow. Among the bone implements are needles, harpoons, and daggers, while of stone there are numerous flint knives, spear-heads, &c., all made by chipping, and, unlike neolithic implements, quite un- polished. More interesting still, on the bones and horns themselves are carved prehistoric drawings, executed with considerable skill, of the Reindeer, Horse, Ibex, Bison, Birds, and most important of all, from the Cave of La Madelaine, in Dordogne, an unmistakable incised draw- K N 2 548 Man and extinct Mammalia. ing of the Mammoth with shaggy mane, executed on part of a tusk of the gigantic beast. Should anyone still feel inclined to doubt the strati graphical evidence that man was contemporary with the Mammoth, he will probably feel compelled to admit the evidence yielded by this tusk. 1 Further, in the surface strata of the Meuse, called Loess near Maestricht, human skeletons with some abnormal peculiarities are said to have been found. I have seen these bones, which certainly have an antique look, but some doubt exists as to the precise circum- stances under which they were discovered. In the same neighbourhood, however, it is certain that a human jaw was found in strata containing the remains of Mammoths, &c. Many other examples might be given., of the remains of old races of men in such like caverns or in river deposits ; but enough has been said to show that there can be no doubt that man was contemporary with extinct Mammalia ; and there can be little doubt that his origin in our island dates back to a time when the country was united to the mainland, and that, along with the great hairy Mammoth, the Ehinoceros, the Hippopotamus, Lion, Hyaena, and other mammalia partly extinct, he travelled hither at a time when the arts were so rude, that he had no means of coming except on foot. One word more on a kindred subject. Round great part of our coast we find terraces from twenty to fifty feet above the level of the sea, and in some places the 1 A fine specimen of this cave bone-breccia, with a needle and flint implement, may be seen in the Museum of Practical Geology, together with casts in plaster of some of the carved figures. The originals, including the figure of the Elephas primigenius, belong to the British Museum. Sea Terraces. 549 terrace runs with persistence for a number of miles. Eound the Firth of Forth, for example, on both shores, there is an old sea cliff of solid rock, overlooking a raised beach or terrace, now often cultivated, and then we come to the present sea beach. This terrace usually consists of gravel and sea-shells, of the same species with those that lie upon the present beach, where the tide rises and falls. The same kind of terrace is found on the shores of the Firth of Clyde, and round the Isle of Arran, and in almost all the other estuaries of Scot- land, and in places round the coast of the West High- lands. Old sea caverns are common in these elevated cliffs, made at a time when they were daily washed by the waves. Similar or analogous raised beaches occur on the borders of Wales, and in the south of England. In Devon and Cornwall there are the remains of old consolidated beaches clinging to the cliffs from twenty to thirty feet above the level of the sea. It is clear, therefore, that an elevation of the land has occurred in places to the extent of about forty feet, at a very re- cent period, long after all the living species of shell- fish inhabited our shores. In Scotland other old sea terraces occur at heights of a hundred feet and more. Further, in the alluvial plains that border the Forth, and on the Clyde in the neighbourhood of Glasgow, at various times, in cutting trenches, canals, and other works, the bones of whales, seals, and porpoises, have been found, at a height of from twenty to thirty feet above the level of high-water mark. Now it is evident that whales did not crawl twenty or thirty feet above high-water mark to die, and therefore they must either have died upon the spot where their skeletons were found or been floated there after death. That part of the country, therefore, must have been covered with 55O Sea Terraces. salt water, which is now occupied simply by common alluvial detritus. But the story does not stop there, for together with the bones of the whales in the up- raised marine clays of the Forth, implements of bone and wood have been obtained, and in beds on the Clyde, canoes were found in a state of preservation so perfect that all their form and structure could be well made out. Some of them were simply scooped in the trunks of large trees, but others were built of planks nailed together square-sterned boats indeed, built of well- dressed planks and the inference has been drawn by my colleague, Professor Greikie, who has described them, that this last elevation took place at a time that is possibly historical. There is one piece of evidence with respect to the possible recent elevation of these terraces which I think is deserving of attention, and it is this : In the neigh- bourhood of Falkirk, on the south shore of the Firth of Forth, there is a small stream, and several miles up that stream, beyond the influence of the tide of the present day, there were, at the end of last century, remains of old Eoman docks, near the end of the Roman Wall, usually called the Wall of Antoninus, that stretched across Scotland from the Firth of Clyde to the Firth of Forth. These docks are now no longer to be seen ; but so perfect were they, that General Eoy, when commencing the triangulation of Scotland for the Ordnance Survey, was able to describe them in detail, and actually to draw plans of them. When they were built they were of course close to the tide, and stood on the banks of a stream called the Carron, believed by Professor Geikie to have been tidal ; but the sea does not come near to them now. He therefore naturally inferred that when they were constructed the relative Wa II of A nto n in us. 551 height of the land to the sea must have been less than at present. Again, the great Wall of Antoninus, erected as a barrier against invasions by the northern barbarians of the territory conquered by the Eomans, must have been brought down close to the sea level at both ends. Its eastern termination is recognised by most antiquaries as having been placed near Carriden, where the great Falkirk flats disappear along the shore. Its western ex- tremity, not having the favourable foundation of a steep rising ground, now stands a little way back from the sea- margin of the Clyde. When it was built it was pro- bably carried to the point where the chain of the Kilpatrick Hills, descending abruptly into the water, saved any further need for fortification. But owing to a probable rise of the land, a level space of ground, twenty or twenty-five feet above the sea, now lies between high-water mark and the base of the hills, and runs westward from the termination of the wall for several miles as far as Dumbarton. Had this belt of land existed then, there appears little reason to doubt that the Romans would not have been slow to take advantage of it, so as completely to prevent the Caledonians from crossing the narrow parts of the river, and drive them into the opener reaches of the estuary below Dumbarton. While the position of marine shells in situ proves the former presence of the sea at a height of 20 or 25 feet above its present level, along both sides of the island, it is possible that in the case both of the Clyde and Forth, the change of level within the human period may be partly due to silting up, though it must always be extremely difficult to draw a line between the results of the two operations. 552 CHAPTEE XXXII. QUALITIES OF RIVER-WATERS DISSOLVING OF LIMESTONE ROCKS BY SOLUTION. I HAVE already given a sketch of the chief river areas of Great Britain, but I did not enter upon one important point connected with them, namely, the qualities of their waters. If we examine the geological structure of our island with regard to its watersheds and river-courses, we find, as already stated, that the larger streams, with one or two exceptions, run into the German Ocean ; the chief exception being the Severn and its tributaries, which drain a large proportion of Wales, and a considerable part of the interior of England. A much larger area of country is, however, drained towards the east than to the west. When we examine the qualities of the waters of our rivers, we find that this necessarily depends on the nature of the rocks and soils over which they flow. Thus the waters of the rivers of Scotland are, for the most part, soft. All the Highland waters, as a rule, are soft ; the mountains being composed of granitic rocks, gneiss, m'ica-schist, and the like, a very small proportion of limestone being intermingled therewith, and the other rocks being, for the most part, almost free from carbonate of lime. Only a small proportion of lime, soda, or potash, is taken up by the water that falls upon, flows over, or drains through these rocks, Waters of Paltzozoic Rocks. 553 the soda or potash being chiefly derived from the felspathic ingredients of the various formations, and therefore the waters are soft. For this reason, at a vast expense, Glasgow has been supplied with water from Loch Katrine, which, lying amid the gneissic rocks, is, like almost all other waters from our oldest formations, soft, pure, and delightful. The same is the case with the waters that run from the Silurian rocks of the Lammermuir Hills ; and the only fault that can be found with all of these waters, excepting by anglers in times of flood, is that they are apt to be a little flavoured and tinged by colouring matter derived from peat. The water of the rivers drained from the Silurian Cumberland mountains is also soft, and so little of the waters of that country rises in the lower plateaux of Carboniferous Limestone that it scarcely affects their quality. The water from the Welsh mountains is also in great part soft, the country being formed of Silurian rocks, here and there slightly calcareous, from the presence of fossils mixed with the hardened sandy or slaty sediment, that forms the larger part of that country. So sweet and pleasant are the waters of Bala Lake, compared with the impure mixtures we some- times drink in London, that it has been more than once proposed to lead it all the way for the supply of water for the capital; and the same proposition has been made with regard to the waters of Plinlimmon 1 and the adjacent mountains of Cardiganshire. But when in Wales, and on its borders, we come to the Old. Red Sandstone district, the marls are somewhat calcareous, and interstratified with impure concretionary limestones, 1 Properly Plymlumon. 554 Waters of the Pennine Chain, &c. called cornstones, and the waters are harder. The waters are apt to be still harder in the Carboniferous Limestone tracts that sometimes rise into high escarp- ments round the borders of the great South Wales coalfield, and in Flintshire and Denbighshire. Again, the waters that flow from the northern part of the Pennine chain, as far south as Clitheroe and Skipton, are apt to be somewhat hard, because they drain kreas composed partly of Carboniferous Lime- stone. But, as a rule, wherever they rise in, and flow through strata formed of Yoredale shales and sand- stones and Millstone Grit, the waters are soft ; and this is one reason why so many reservoirs have been constructed in the Millstone Grit regions of Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire, for the supply of large towns and cities such as Bradford, Preston, Manchester, and Liverpool. All the waters of the Carboniferous Limestone of Derbyshire, such as the Dove and the Wye, are hard. All the rivers that flow over the Permian rocks and New Red Sandstone and Marl, are, as a rule, somewhat hard, and the waters of the Lias, and the Oolitic and the Cretaceous rocks, are of necessity charged with those substances in solution that make water hard, because the Lias and Oolites are so largely formed of limestones, and the Chalk is almost entirely composed of carbonate of lime. It thus happens that, as a general rule, most of the rivers that flow into the sea on the eastern and southern shores of England, as far west as the borders of Devon- shire, are of hard water. The waters of the Severn are less so, but still they contain a considerable amount of bicarbonate of lime in solution. The waters of the Mersey, the Dee, and the Clwyd, are also somewhat hard, while those that flow westward in Wales are soft Bath Wells. 555 and pleasant, and would always be wholesome were it not that many are polluted, and the fish killed in them, by the refuse of the crushed ores of lead and copper mines. Before proceeding to other subjects, I must try to give some idea of the quantity of some of the salts which are carried in solution to the sea by the agency of running water. The first case I shall take is at Bath, where there is a striking example of what a mere spring can do. The Bath Old Well yields 126 gallons of water per minute, which is equal to 181,440 gallons per day. There are a number of constituents in this water, such as carbonate pf lime, nearly nine grains to the gallon ; sulphate of lime, more than eighty grains ; sulphate of soda, more than seventeen grains ; common salt, rather more than twelve and a half grains ; chloride of magnesium, four- teen and a half grains to the gallon, &c. &c. altogether, with our minor constituents, there are 144 grains of salts in solution in every gallon of this water, which is equal to 3,732 Ibs. per day, or 608 tons a year. A cubic yard of limestone may be roughly estimated to weigh two tons. If, therefore, these salts were pre- cipitated, compressed, and solidified into the same bulk, and having the same weight, as limestone, we should find the annual discharge of the Bath wells capable of forming a column 3 feet square in diameter, and about 912 feet high. Yet this large amount of solid mineral matter is carried away every year in invisible solution in water which, to the eye, appears perfectly limpid and pure. There are many other salt springs in England, such as those of Cheltenham, and numberless others nominally fresh, each of which brings to the surface its proportion of salts in solution. Indeed, it has been 556 Thames Water. shown by the late Professor Rogers that all springs contain an appreciable proportion of common salt besides other ingredients in solution. This being the case, and rivers* being fed by springs that rise in rocks, in addition to the water drained from the surface, it is obvious that all rivers must contain various proportions of substances soluble in the rocks, and, indeed, it is known that even small quantities of silica may be dis- solved in pure distilled water. The Thames is a good type of what may be done in this way by a moderate-sized river, draining a country which, to a great extent, is composed of calcareous rocks. It rises at the Seven Springs, near the western edge of, and therefore not far from the highest part of the Oolitic tableland of the Cotswold Hills, and flows eastward through all the Oolitic strata, composed mostly of thick formations of limestone, calcareous sand, and masses of clay, which often contain shelly bands and scattered fossil shells. Then, bending to the south- east, below Oxford, it crosses the Lower Greensand, the Grault, the Upper Grreensand, all calcareous, and the Chalk, the last of which may be roughly stated as consisting of nearly pure limestone : then through the London Clay and other strata belonging to the great Eocene formations of the London basin, which are nearly all more or less calcareous. The Thames may therefore be expected to contain substances of various kinds in solution in large quantities ; and to those derived from the rocks must be added, all the impurities from the drainage of the villages and towns that line its banks between the Seven Springs and London. At Teddington, on a rough average for the year, 1,337 cubic feet of water (equal to 8,343 gallons) pass seaward per second : and, upon analysis, it was Thames Water. 557 found that about twenty-two and a half grains of various matters, chiefly bicarbonate of lime, occur in solution in each gallon, thus giving 187,717 grains per second passing seaward. This is equal to nearly 96,540 Ibs. per hour, 2,316,960 Ibs. per day, or 377,540 tons a year : and this amount is chiefly dissolved out of the bulk of the solid rocks and surface soils of the country, aided by sewage matter derived from the drainage of towns, and mineral and animal manures used in agri- culture, the whole passing out to sea in an invisible form, known only to the analytical chemist. What proportion of this is exclusively derived from substances contained in the rocks I am unable to say, but Professor Prestwich in his Presidential Address to the Geological Society in 1872 mentions that, according to different estimates, the average daily discharge of the Thames at Kingston has been variously estimated by Mr. Beard - more at 1,145 millions, and by Mr. Harrison at 1,353 millions of gallons. ' Taking,' says Professor Prestwich, ' the mean daily discharge at Kingston at 1,250 million gallons, and the salts in solution at 19 grains per gallon, the mean quantity of dissolved mineral matter there carried down by the Thames every twenty-four hours is equal to 3,364,286 Ibs. or 1,502 tons, which is equal to 548,230 tons in a year. Of this daily quantity, about two-thirds, or say 1,000 tons, consist of carbonate of lime, and 238 tons of sulphate of lime ; while limited proportions of carbonate of magnesia, sulphates of soda and potash, silica, and traces of iron, alumina, and phosphates con- stitute the rest. . . . Therefore' (with some minor eliminations) 'the quantity of carbonate of lime carried away from the area of the Thames basin above Kingston (2,072 square miles) is equal to 797 tons 558 Salts in Sohition in Rivers. daily, or 290,905 tons annually. Adding the other ingredients not included in Professor Prestwich's calculation, such as chlorides of sodium and potassium, sulphates of soda and potash, carbonate of magnesia, silica, alumina, &c., the sum total of substances annually carried to the sea in solution, will closely approximate to my earlier calculation. If we consider that this is only one of many rivers that flow over rocks which contain lime and other substances easily soluble, we then begin to comprehend what an enormous quantity of matter by this to the eye perfectly imperceptible process is being constantly carried into the sea. If we take all the other rivers of the east, and those of the south of England (exclusive of those of Devon and Cornwall), we find that they drain more than 18,000 square miles, to a great extent con- sisting of limestone and other calcareous rocks ; and if we assume the amount of outflow from the sum of these rivers to be only three times that of the Thames (and I believe it must be more), we may have about 872,715 tons of bicarbonate of lime and other substances passing with these rivers annually to the sea in solution. The rivers of the west coast of England and of the whole of Wales drain about 30,000 square miles ; and the waters, as a rule, are much softer than those of the east of England. But it does not necessarily follow, in the course of a year, that these rivers, in proportion to rainfall and the areas which they drain, do not each carry off as much matter in solution as those of the east of England. Their softness is due to the circum- stance, that the rock-formations of the west are much less calcareous than those of the eastern division of the kingdom. I have already shown that the greatest amount of rainfall for given areas is in the west of Salts in Solution in Rivers. 559 England and Wales, especially in the mountain regions, and this extra amount of rainfall must have the effect- of producing an extra amount of solution of the alkaline and other constituents that so largely form the con- stituents of those palaeozoic rocks that form the hilly regions. If so, then, for given areas, the quantity of matter carried to the sea by the western areas, may be approximately equivalent in a year to that which is found in the eastern-flowing rivers. This idea, new to me, was first impressed on my mind by reading the Presidental Address of Mr. T. Mellard Reade to the Liverpool Geological Society, 1877, in which, among other important matters, he states that ; a total of 68,450,936,960 tons of water run off the area of Eng- land and Wales annually, equal to 18'3 inches in depth, which leaves 13*7 inches for evaporation. The total solids in solution amount to 8,370,630 tons, about equal to 558,042 tons in a year, if reduced to a solid state. This would cover four square miles of ground with a stratum of limestone one foot thick, assuming that 1 3^ cubic feet go to a ton, and also, for the sake of argument, that all the matter in solution is in the state of bicarbonate of lime. We know this not to be the case, but this makes no difference in respect of the amount of the various salts dissolved out of the rocks. According to Mr. T. Mellard Eeade's estimate of 1 5 feet to the ton, c the amount of denudation, if distributed equally over England and Wales, reckoned at 58,300 square miles, would be *0077 of a foot per century, that is, it would take 12,978 years to reduce it one foot.' There is no doubt, however, that the quantity carried away in solution varies much in different geological areas, for of all the rocky formations, limestones are most easily acted upon by carbonic acid in rain water. 560 Sohitions from, If we could take all the rivers of the world into the calculation, how great the amount must be. The St. Lawrence alone drains an area of 297,600 square miles, three and a third times larger than the whole of Great Britain, and that of the Mississippi is 982,400 square miles, or more than three times as large as the area drained by the St. Lawrence. The Amazon drains an area of 1,512,000 square miles, but it is needless to multiply cases. It is a necessary part of the economy of Nature that this dissolving of the constituents of rocks should always be going on over all the world, for it is from solutions of lime and oth'er salts thus obtained by the sea, that plants and shell-fish derive part of their nourishment, plants for their tissues, and Mollusca and other creatures for their shells and bones. As it is now, so has it been through all proved geological time, and doubtless long before ; for the oldest known strata, the Laurentian rocks, were themselves originally formed of ordinary sediments, and consist in part of thick strata of limestone that must have been formed by the life and death of organic creatures in the sea. This waste of material by the dissolving of rocks is indeed evident to the practised eye over most of the solid limestone districts of England, and I shall there- fore say a little more on the subject. On the flat tops of the Chalk Downs, for example, over large areas in Dorsetshire, Hampshire, and Wiltshire, quantities of angular unworn flints, many feet in thickness, com- pletely cover the surface of the land, revealing to the thoughtful mind the fact, that all these accumulations of barren stones have not been transported from a dis- tance, but represent the gradual destruction by rain and carbonic acid, of a vast thickness of chalk with L imestone Rocks. 5 6 1 layers of flint, that once existed above the present sur- face. The following diagram will explain this : FIG. 114. 1, Chalk without flints. 2, Chalk with flints, a a, the present surface of the ground marked by a dark line, b J, an old surface of ground, marked by a light line. Between a a the surface is covered by accumulated flints, the thickness of which is greatest where the line is thickest between a' and x , above which surface a greater proportion of chalk has been dissolved and disappeared. An irregular mixture of clay with flints, often several feet thick, is also frequent on the surface of the Chalk Downs on both sides of the valley of the Thames. The flints, though sometimes broken, are in other respects of the shape in which they were left by the dissolving away of the Chalk, and the clay itself is an insoluble residue, originally sparingly mingled with that lime- stone. There is no doubt but that the plateaux of Car- boniferous Limestone of the Mendip Hills, of Wales, of Derbyshire, and of the north of England, have suffered waste by solution, equal to that of the Chalk, only from the absence of flints in these strata we have no insoluble residue by which to estimate its amount. In Lancashire, north of Morecambe Bay, in Westmore- land, and in Yorkshire, east, north-east, and north- west of Settle, the high plateaux of limestone are often for miles half bare of vegetation. The surface of the rock is rough and rugged from the effects of rain-water and the carbonic acid it contains ; looking, on a large scale, like surfaces of salt or sugar half dissolved. The joints of the rock have been widened by this chemical o o 562 Solutions in the Sea. action, and it requires wary walking, with your eyes on the ground, to avoid, perhaps, a broken leg. The Oolites must have suffered in the same way, especially where not covered by Boulder-clay; for, it must be remembered, that such effects are chiefly the result of the exposure of limestones on the actual surface of the ground. Let me, in concluding this chapter, once more recall to the mind of the half-instructed reader that the sea is the final recipient of all invisible solutions and of all visible sentiments. All mountain rivers lost, in the wide home Of thy capacious bosom ever flow. Rain and rivers are the unwearied destroyers of all lands, aided by the restless beating of the waves on rock-bound coasts. These destroy but to reconstruct new strata, by the upheaval of which future lands shall rise. As the Ocean is now, so has it been throughout all authentic geological history, and Its voice mysterious, which whoso hears, Must think of what will be, and what has been is always present to the mind of the physical geologist, ever since the time when John Eay, in 1691, published his far-seeing work ' On the Wisdom of Grod manifested in the Works of Creation.' 5^3 LIBRA {{ . Y . -UNIVEKSI'fy CHAPTEE XXXIII. SOILS. THE soils of a country necessarily vary to a great extent, though not entirely, with the nature of the underlying geological formations. Thus, in the high- lands of Scotland the gneissic and granitic mountains are generally heathy and barren, because they are so high and craggy, and their hard rocky materials some- times come bare to the surface over considerable areas. Strips of fertile meadow land lie chiefly on narrow alluvial plains, which here and there border the rivers. Hence the Highlands mainly form a wild and pastoral country, sacred to grouse, black cattle, sheep, and red deer. Further south, Silurian rocks, though the scenery is different, produce more or less the same kinds of soil, in the broad range of hills that lies between the great valleys of the Clyde and Forth, and the borders of England, including the Muirfoot and the Lammermuir Hills, and the high grounds that stretch southwards into Carrick and Gralloway. There, the rocks, being chiefly composed of hard, untractable, gritty, and slaty material, form but little soil because they are difficult to decompose. Hence the higher ground is to a great extent unfilled, though excellently adapted for pastoral purposes. Where, however, the slopes are covered more or less with old ice-drifts and moraine matter, the soil, o o 2 564 Soils of Scotland. even high on the slopes, is deep, and the ground is fertile, and many beautiful vales intersect the country. Through this classic ground run the Whitader and the Tweed, the Teviot and the Clyde ; the White Esk, the Annan, the Nith, and the Dee, which run through the mountains of Galloway to the Solway Firth. Most of these rivers have often a bare, unwooded, and solitary pastoral character in the upper parts of their courses, gradually passing, as they descend and widen, into well cultivated fields and woodlands. The great central valley of Scotland, between the metamorphic series of the Highland mountains and the less altered Silurian strata of the high-lying southern counties, is occupied by rocks of a more mixed charac- ter, consisting of Old Eed Sandstone and Marl, and of the shales, sandstones, and limestones of the Carboni- ferous series, intermixed with considerable masses of igneous rocks. The effect of denudation upon these formations in old times, particularly of the denuda- tion which took place during the Glacial period, and also of the rearrangement of the ice-borne debris by subsequent marine action, has been to cover large tracts of country with a happy mixture of materials such as clay mixed with pebbles, sand, and lime. In this way one of the most fertile tracts anywhere to be found in our island has been formed, and its cultivation for nearly a century has been taken in hand by skilful farmers, who have brought the agriculture of that dis- trict up to the very highest pitch which it has attained in any part of Great Britain. Through the inland parts of England, from North- umberland to Derbyshire, we have another long tract of hilly country, composed of Carboniferous rocks, forming in parts regions so high that, except in the Derbyshire and Yorkshire. 565 dales, much of it is unfitted for ordinary agricultural operations. The Derbyshire limestone tract, for the most part high and grassy, consists almost entirely of pasture lands, intersected by cultivated valleys. On the east and west that region is skirted by high heathy ridges of Millstone Grit. North of the limestone lies the moss-covered plateau of Millstone Grit, called Kinder Scout, nearly 2,000 feet in height; and beyond this, between the Lancashire and Yorkshire coalfields, there is a vast expanse of similar moorland, intersected by grassy valleys. Still further north, all the way to the borders of Scotland, east of the fertile Vale of Eden, the country may also be described as a great high plateau, sloping gently eastward, through which the rivers of Yorkshire and Northumberland have scooped unnumbered valleys. The uplands are generally heathy, with occasional tracts of peat and small lakes ; but when formed partly of limestone, grassy mountain pastures are apt to pre- vail, through which in places those ' blind roads ' run northward into Scotland, so graphically described in chapters xxii. and xxiii. of Scott's ' Guy Mannering.' Here and there the deeper valleys are cultivated, dotted with villages, hamlets, the seats of squires, farms, and the small possessions of the original Statesmen. Of this kind of land the Yorkshire dales may be taken as a type. Nothing is more beautiful than these dales, so little known to the ordioary tourist. The occasional alluvial flats of the Calder, the Aire, Wharfdale, Niddesdale, Wensleydale, Swaledale, Teesdale, Wear- dale, the Derwent, and the valleys of the North and South Tyne, all alike tell their tale to the eye of the geologist, the artist, and the farmer. The accidental 566 North of England. \ park-like arrangement of the trees, the soft grassy slopes leading the eye on to the upland terraces of limestone or sandstone, which, when we look up the valleys, are lost in a long perspective, the uppermost terrace of all sometimes standing out against the sky, like the relic of a great Cyclopean city of unknown date, as in the time-weathered grits of Brimham Bocks. These together present a series of scenes quite unique in the scenery of England. The larger part of this northern territory is there- fore, because of the moist climate of the hilly region, devoted to pasture land, as is also the case with large portions of Cumberland and the other north-western counties of England, excepting the Vale of Eden and the southern shores of the Solway, where the Permian rocks and the boulder-clays of that noble valley gene- rally form excellent soils, well watered by the Eden and all its tributary streams that rise in the mountains of Westmoreland and Cumberland, and the high broad- topped hills of Northumberland and Durham. The high mountain tracts of Cumbria are known to all British tourists for their wild pastoral character, inter- sected by exquisite strips of retired green alluvial valleys, and the famous lakes, sometimes wild and bare of trees, but often so well-wooded and luxuriant. This is essentially the lake-country of Britain south of the border, for all the lakes in Wales would probably not suffice to fill Windermere with water. The same general pastoral character that is charac- teristic of Cumberland and Westmoreland is also observable in Wales, where disturbance of the Palaeozoic rocks has resulted in the elevation of a great range, or rather of a cluster of mountains the highest south of the Tweed. In that old Principality, and also in the Wales. 567 Longinynd of Shropshire, there are tracts of land, amounting to thousands upon thousands of acres, where the country rises to a height of from 1,000 to 3,500 feet above the level of the sea. Much of it is mostly covered with heath, and is therefore fit for nothing but pasture land : but on the low grounds, and on the alluvium of the rivers, there is often excellent soil. The more important valleys also are much larger than those of Cumbria, and the width of the alluvial flats is proportionate to the size of their rivers. The Vale of Clwyd, in Denbighshire the substra- tum of which consists of New Eed Sandstone, covered by Grlacial debris, and bounded by high Silurian hills is fertile, and wonderfully beautiful. The Conwy, the Mawddach, the Dovey, the Ystwyth, the Aeron, and the Teifi, are all bordered by broad, fertile, and well wooded margins, above which rise the wild hills of North and South Wales. The Towey of Caermarthen- shire, the Cothi, and all the large rivers of Glamorgan- shire, the Usk and the Wye, are unsurpassed for quiet and fertile beauty. No inland river of equal volume in Britain surpasses the Towey in its couise from Llandovery to Caermarthen. Eapid, and often wide, it flows along sometimes through broad alluvial plains, bounded by wood-covered hills, the plains them- selves all park-like, but with many a park besides, and everywhere interspersed with pleasant towns, farms, seats, and ruined castles. Taken as a whole, the eastern part of the country of South Wales, in Breconshire and Monmouthshire, and in the adjacent parts of England in Herefordshire, and parts of Worcestershire, occupied by the Old Red Sandstone, though hilly, and in South Wales occasion- ally even mountainous, is naturally of a fertile kind. 568 Wales. This is especially the case in the comparatively low- lying lands, from the circumstance that the rocks are generally soft, and therefore easily decomposed; and where the surface is covered with drift, the loose ma- terial is chiefly formed of the waste of the partly cal- careous strata on which it rests, and this adds to its fertility, for the soil is thus deepened and more easily fitted for purposes of tillage. If anyone is desirous to realise the exquisite beauty of the scenery of the Eng- lish Old Eed Sandstone, let him go to the summit of the Malvern Hills, or of those above Stoke Edith, and cast his eye north and west, and there in far-stretching undulations of hill and dale, with towns and villages, farms and parks, he will survey a vast tract, unrivalled in varied beauty, dotted with noble woods and orchards, and fruit trees set in every hedge, while through the fertile scene wander the Teme, the Lug, and the stately Wye, in many a broad curvature, winding its way from the distant Plynlimmon to lose itself in the wide estuary of the Severn. On the whole, however, the moist character of the climate of much of Wales and Cumberland, and of the north of England in its western parts, renders these regions much more fitted for the rearing of cattle than for the growth of cereals. In the centre of England, in the Lickey Hills, near Birmingham, and in the wider boss of Charnwood Forest, where the old Palaeozoic rocks crop out like islands amid the Secondary strata, it is curious to observe that a wild character suddenly prevails in the scenery, even though the land lies comparatively low, for the rocks are rough and untractable, and stand out in miniature mountains. Much of Charnwood Forest is, however, covered by drift, and is now being so rapidly New Red Sandstone. 569 enclosed, that, were it not for the modern monastery and the cowled monks who till the soil, it would almost cease to be suggestive of the England of mediaeval times, when wastes and forests covered half the land. If we now pass to the Secondary rocks that lie in the plains, we find a different state of things. In the centre of England, formed of New Ked Sandstone and Marl, the soils are for the most part naturally more fertile than in the mountain regions of Cumberland and Wales, or in some of the Palaeozoic areas in the ex- treme south-west of England. When the soft New Red Sandstone and especially the Marl are bare of drift, and form the actual surface, they often decompose easily, and form deep loams, save where the conglomerate beds of the New Red Sandstone come to the surface. These conglomerates consist to a great extent of gravels barely consolidated, formed of water-worn pebbles of various kinds, but chiefly of liver-coloured quartz-rock, like that of some of the conglomerates of the old Red Sand- stone, derived from some unknown region, and of sili- cious sand, sometimes ferruginous. This mixture forms, to a great extent, a barren soil. Some of the old waste and forest lands of England, such as Sherwood Forest and Trentham Park, part of Beaudesert, and the ridges east of the Severn near Bridgnorth, lie almost entirely upon these intractable gravels, or on other sands of the New Red Sandstone, and have partly remained uncultivated to this day. As land however becomes in itself more valuable, the ancient forests are being cut down and the ground enclosed. But a good observer will often infer, from the straightness of the hedges, that such ground has only been lately taken into culti- vation, and at a time since it has become profitable to 570 New Red Marl. reclaim that which at no very distant date was devoted to forest ground and to wild animals. 1 In the centre of England there are broad tracts of land composed chiefly of New Red Marl and Lias clay. If we stand on the summit of the great escarpment, formed by the Oolitic tableland, we look over the wide flats and undulations formed by these strata. The marl consists of what was once a light kind of clay, mingled with a small percentage of lime ; and when it moulders down on the surface, it naturally forms a fertile soil. A great extent of the arable land in the centre and west of England is formed of these red strata, but often covered with Glacial debris. It is worthy of notice that the fruit tree district of Great Britain lie chiefly upon red rocks, sometimes of the Old and sometimes of the New Eed Series. The counties of Devonshire, Herefordshire, and Gloucester- shire, with their numerous orchards, celebrated for cider and perry, lie in great part on these formations, where all the fields and hedgerows are in spring white with the blossoms of innumerable fruit trees. Again, in Scotland, the plain called the Carse of Gowrie, lying between the Sidlaw Hills and the Firth of Tay, stretches over a tract of Old Red Sandstone, and is famous for its apples. What may be the reason of this relation I do not know ; but such is the fact, that soils composed of the New and Old Red Marl and Sandstone, are generally better adapted for such fruit trees than any other in Britain. The Lias clay in the centre of England, though often 1 There are many other forest lands in England, too numerous to mention, some on Eocene strata, some on Boulder-clay, which, by help of deep draining, are gradually becoming cultivated regions. Lias. 571 laid down for cereals, forms a considerable proportion of our meadow land. It is blue when unweathered,, and includes many beds of limestone, and bands of fossil shells are scattered throughout the clay itself. From its exceeding stiffness and persistent retention of moisture, it is especially adapted for grass land, for it is not easy to plough, and thus a large proportion of it in the centre of England is devoted to pastures, often intersected by numerous footpaths of ancient date, that lead by the pleasant hedge-rows to wooded villages and old timbered farmsteads. When we pass into the Middle Lias, which forms an escarpment overlooking the Lower Lias clay, we find a very fertile soil ; for the Marlstone, as it is called, is much lighter in cha- racter than the more clayey Lower Lias, being formed of a mixture of clay and sand with a considerable pro- portion of lime, derived from the Marlstone Lime-rock itself, and from the intermixture of fossils that often pervade the other strata. The course of the low flat- topped Marlstone hills, well seen in Gloucestershire, and on Edgehill, and all round Banbury, striking along the country and overlooking the Lower Lias clay, is thus usually marked by a strip of peculiarly fertile soil, often dotted with villages and towns with antique churches and handsome towers, built of the brown lime- stone of the formation. Ascending the geological scale into the next group, we find the Oolitic rocks formed, for the most part, of beds of limestone, with here and there interstratified clays, some of which, like the Oxford and Kimeridge Clays, are of great thickness, and spread over large tracts of country. The flat tops of these limestone Downs, when they rise to considerable height, as they do on the Cotswold Hills, were, until a comparatively 572 Oolites and Lower Greens and. recent date, left in a state of natural grass, and used chiefly as pasture land. They formed a feeding ground for vast numbers of sheep, whence the origin of the woollen factories of Gloucestershire, but are now to a great extent brought under the dominion of the plough, and on the very highest of them we find fields of turnips and grain. The broad flat belts of Oxford and Kime- ridge Clay, that lie between the western part of the Oolite and the base of the Chalk escarpment, are in part in the state of grass land. In the north of England the equivalents of the Lower Oolites form the broad heathy tracts of the Yorkshire moors, and the fertile Vale of Pickering is occupied by the Kimeridge Clay. If we pass next into the Cretaceous series, which in the middle and south of England forms extensive tracts of country, we meet with many kinds of soil, some, as those on the Lower Grreensand, being excessively silicious, and in places intermingled with veins and strings of silicious oxide of iron. Such a soil still remains in many places intractable and barren. Thus, on the borders of the Weald from Leith Hill to Petersfield, where there is very little lime in the rocks, there are many wide-spread unenclosed heaths, almost as wild and refreshing to the smoke-dried denizens of London, as the broad moors of Wales and the Highlands of Scot- land. These, partly from their height, but chiefly from the poverty of the soil, have never been brought into a state of cultivation. Kunning, however, in the line of strike of the rocks, between the escarpments of the Lower Grreensand and the Chalk, there are occasionally many beautiful and fertile valleys rich in fields, parks, and noble forest timber. One of these, between the slopes of the Grreensand and Wealden. 573 the escarpment of the Chalk, consists of along strip of stiff clay-land formed of the Grault, which, unless covered^ by drift or alluvium, generally produces a wet soil along a band of country extending from the outlet of the Vale of Pewsey in Wiltshire north-eastward into Bedfordshire. In Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, the Weald Clay occu- pies an area, between the escarpment of the Lower Grreensand and the Hastings Sands, of from six to twenty miles wide, encircling the latter on the north, west, and south. It naturally forms a damp stiff soil when at the surface ; but is now cultivated and im- proved by the help of deep drainage. In many places there are deep beds of superficial loam, on some of which the finest of the hop-gardens of that area lie. Loamy brick earths often occupy the low banks of the Thames and Medway, in Kent, also famous for hop- grounds and cherry orchards, and for those extensive brick manufactories so well known in the neighbourhood of Sittingbourne. Similar loams sometimes overlie the Kentish Kag (Lower Greensand), and the Lower Eocene strata on the south bank of the estuary of the Thames. The Hastings Beds for the most part consist of very fine sand, interstratified with minor beds of clay, and they lie in the centre of the Wealden area, forming the undulating hills half-way between the North and South Downs, extending from Horsham to the sea between Hythe and Hastings. They form on the surface a fine dry sandy loam ; so fine, indeed, that when dry it may sometimes be described as an almost impalpable sili- cious dust. Much of the country is well wooded, espe- cially on the west, where there are still extensive remains of the old forests of Tilgate, Ashdown, and St. Leonards. Down to a comparatively late historical period, both 574 Chalk. clays and sands were left in their native state, partly forming those broad forests and furze-clad heaths that covered almost the whole of the Wealden area. Hence the name Weald or Wold (a woodland), a Saxon, or rather Old-English term, applied to this part of England, though the word does not now suggest its original meaning, unless to those who happen to know something of Grerman derivatives. In the memory of our fathers and grandfathers, these wild tracts were famous as resorts for highwaymen and bands of smugglers, who transported their goods to the interior from the seaport towns of Kent and Essex by means of relays of pack-horses. The Chalk strata of the South Downs stretch far into the centre and west of England in Hampshire and Wiltshire. South of the valley of the Thames the same strata form the North Downs, and this Chalk stretches in a broad band, only broken by the Wash and the Humber, northward into Yorkshire, where it forms the well-known Yorkshire Wolds. Most Lon- doners are familiar with the Downs of Kent and Sus- sex. In their wildest native state, where the ground lies high, these districts were probably, from time imme- morial, almost bare of woods, and ' the long backs of the bushless downs,' are still often only marked here and there by ' a faintly shadowed track ' winding ' in loops and links among the dales,' and across the short turf of the upper hills. Yet here, also, cultivation is gradu- ally encroaching. On the steep scarped slopes overlooking the Weald, chalk often lies only an inch or two beneath the grass, and the same is the case on the western and north-western slopes of the long escarpment which stretches in sinuous lines from Dorsetshire to York- Chalk. 575 shire, where it ends in the lofty sea cliffs on the south side of Filey Bay, near Flamborough Head.- Many quarries, often of great antiquity, have been opened in the escarpments that overlook the Lower Grreensand, and some of great extent, now deserted and overgrown with yews and other trees, form beautiful features in the landscape. The steep scarped slopes, and even the inner dry valleys are likewise frequently sparingly dotted with yew-trees and numerous bushes of straight-growing juniper. West and north of the London basin the Chalk generally lies in broad undulating plains, forming a tableland of which Salisbury Plain may be taken as a type. Within my own recollection, these plains were almost entirely devoted to sheep, but they are now being gradually invaded by the plough, and turned into arable land. Many of the slopes of the great Chalk escarpments on the North and South Downs in the West of England, on the Chiltern Hills and else- where, are however so steep, that the ground, covered with short turf, and in places dotted with yew and juniper, is likely to remain for long unscarred by the ploughshare. In many places the surface of the Chalk, as already stated, is covered by thick accumulations of flints, and elsewhere over extensive areas by clay, a residue left by the dissolving of the carbonate of lime of the Chalk. This clay invariably forms a stiff cold soil, and is plentiful on parts of the plains of Wiltshire, Berkshire, and Hertfordshire, and also on the Chalk of Kent and Surrey. It has often been left uncultivated, and forms commons, or furze-clad and wooded patches. The loam which accompanies it is occasionally used for making bricks. In the east part of Hertfordshire, Essex, and 576 Eocene Series. Suffolk, the Clnlk is almost entirely buried under thick accumulations of glacial debris, which completely alters the agricultural character of the country. Various formations of the Eocene beds occur on all sides of London. They are often covered by superficial sand and gravel. Through the influence of the great population centred here, originally owing to facilities for inland communication afforded by the river, this is now, in great part, a highly cultivated territory. Here and there, however, to the south-west, there are tracts forming the lower part of the higher Eocene strata,, known as the Bagshot Sands, which produce a soil so barren that, although not far from the metropolis, it is only in scattered patches that they have been brought under cultivation. They are still for the most part bare heaths, and being sandy, dry and healthy, camps have been placed upon them, and they are used as exer- cise grounds for our soldiers. Higher still in this Eocene series of Hampshire, lie the fresh-water beds on which the New Forest stands, commonly said to have been depopulated by William the Conqueror, and turned into a hunting ground. But to the eye of the geologist it easily appears that the wet and unkindly soil produced by the clays and gravels of the district form a sufficient reason why in old times, as now, it never could have been a cultivated and populous country, for the soil for the most part is poor, and probably chiefly consisted of native forest-land even in the Conqueror's day. The wide -spreading Boulder-clay of Holderness north of the Humber, of Lincolnshire on the coast, and of Norfolk, Suffolk, Hertfordshire, and Essex, for the most part forms a stiff tenacious soil, somewhat light- ened by the presence of stones, and often sufficiently The Wash. 577 fertile when well drained. In Suffolk and Essex the chalky Boulder-clay covers wide tracts of flat land, and was formerly much used as a dressing for other soils, and it forms an excellent soil in itself. The great plain of the Wash consists partly of peat on the west and south, but chiefly of silt. These broad flats, about seventy miles in length from north to south, and forty in width, include an area of more than 1,700 square miles. The whole country is traversed by well-dyked rivers, canals, drains, and trenches. Stand- ing on the margin of the flat, or walking on the long straight roads or dykes, cheerfulness is not the pre- vailing impression made on the mind. The ground looks as level as the sea in a calm, broken only by occasional dreary poplars and willows, and farm houses impressive in their loneliness. The soil of these fens ere the crops grow, is often as black as a raven, the ditches are sluggish and dismal, and the whole effect is sug- gestive of ague. Windmills of moderate size stand out from the level as conspicuous objects, and here and there the sky-line is pierced by the ruins of Crow- land Abbey, Boston tower, and the massive piles of the Cathedrals of Ely and Peterborough on the margins of the flat. Yet it is not without charms of a kind ; as, when at sunset, sluice, and windmill, and tufted willows, combined with light clouds dashed with purple and gold, compose a landscape such as elsewhere in Western Europe may be seen in the flats of Holland. The same impres- sion, in less degree, is made on the banks of the Humber, where the broad warped meadows, won from the sea by nature and art, lie many feet below the tide at flood, for walking in the fields behind the dykes, when the tide is up, good-sized vessels may be seen sailing on the rivers above the level of the spectator's head. An old P P 5 7 8 Boulder- Clay. and entirely natural loamy silt, somewhat of the same character, follows the course of the Ouse, and, to a great extent, covering the fertile vale of York, passes out to sea in the plains that border the Tees. On the west coast the wide plains of the Fylde in Lancashire, north and south of the estuary of the Eibble, in some respects resemble those of the Wash. Such is a very imperfect sketch of the general nature of the soils of Great Britain, and of their relation to the underlying rocks. We have seen that throughout large areas, the character of the soil is directly and powerfully influenced by that of the rock-masses lying below. It must be borne in mind, however, that the abrading agencies of the Glacial period have done a great deal towards commingling the detritus of the different geological formations, producing widespread drift soils of varied composition. This detritus is far from being uniformly spread over the island. In some districts it is absent, while in others it forms a thick mantle, obscuring all the hard rocks, and giving rise to a soil sometimes nearly identical with that produced by the waste of the underlying formation, and sometimes of mixed clay and stones, as in Holderness. Thus the Boulder-clay, though often poor, sometimes forms soils of the most fertile description, as for instance in certain upper members of the formation in parts of the Lothians, and in the chalky Boulder-clay of Norfolk and Suffolk. 579 CHAPTER XXXIV. RELATION OF THE DIFFERENT RACES OF MEN IN BRITAIN TO THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRY. I SHALL now give a brief account of the influence of the geology upon the human inhabitants of different parts of our Island. Great Britain is inhabited by several peoples, more or less intermingled with one another. It requires but a cursory examination to see that the more mountainous and barren districts, as a whole, are inhabited by two Celtic populations, very distinct from each other, and yet akin. The lowland parts are chiefly occupied by the descendants of Teutonic and Scandinavian races, now intimately intermixed, in some degree with the earlier Celtic inhabitants, who themselves on their coming undoubtedly mingled with yet earlier tribes. It will be remembered that both in England and on the Continent of Europe, remains of man (his bones and weapons) have been found in caves and river gravels, associated with bones of the Mammoth, Rhinoceros, Reindeer, and other mammalia, some of which are now extinct. That these early people, who at least date back to the Glacial epoch, were savage hunters, often living in caves, when they could find such ready-made accommodation, there can be but little doubt ; but to what type of mankind they belonged, or whether they are represented by any unmixed modern pp 2 580 The Silures. type, no man knows. Possibly the cave men of Dordogne in France, who carved daggers out of Rein- deer horns, and cut the figure of the Mammoth on his own tusk, may now be represented in Europe by the Laplanders (Mongolian), gradually driven north by the encroachment of later and more powerful nations. Or they may have been dark-complexioned, black-haired and black-eyed Melanochroi, of whom the Basques of Spain are the least obliterated representatives, and traces of whom, according to Professor Huxley, are still among us in the black-haired portion of our Celtic population, and in the swarthy sons of Italy and Spain. 1 ' Early Greek writers,' says Mr. William F. Skene in his ' History of Celtic Scotland ' (1876), ' seem to have had a persuasion that the portion of the inhabitants of Britain who were more particularly connected with the working of tin, possessed peculiarities which distin- guished them from the rest.' These people the Silures inhabited the Cassiterides, now called the Scilly Islands, and as quoted from Diodorus, were ' singularly fond of strangers, and, from their intercourse with foreign merchants, civilised in their habits.' This in- tercourse arose from traffic in tin. In ' Critiques and Ad- dresses ' (1873), Professor Huxley states that, 'Eighteen hundred years ago the population of Britain comprised people of two types of complexion the one fair and the other dark. The dark people resembled the Aquitani and the Iberians, the fair people were like the Belgic Gauls,' and the Silures who had ' curly hair and dark complexions,' within historical times 'were predominant in certain parts of the west of the southern half of Britain, while the fair stock appears 1 Journal of the Ethnological Society,' vol. ii. 1871, pp. 382, 404. The Iberians. 581 to have furnished the chief elements of the population elsewhere.' Mr. Skene is of opinion that ' an examination of the ancient sepulchral remains in Britain gives us reason to suppose, that a people possessing certain physical characteristics (those of the Silures), had once spread over the whole of both the British Isles.' Quoting from Professor Dawkins' ' Cave Hunting,' that author states, on the authority of Dr. Thurnham, that in the 'long barrows and chambered-gallery graves of our island ' the ( crania belong, with scarcely an exception,' to ' the Dolichocepbali or long-skulls ' of the neolithic age, as shown by f the invariable absence of bronze and the frequent presence of polished stone implements.' ' In the round barrows, on the other hand, in which bronze articles are found, they belong mainly to the Brachycephali or broad-skulls.' These belonged to Celtic people. On the evidence of skulls and flint implements, it has been reasonably surmised that an Iberian population once spread over the whole of Britain and Ireland. But from the dawn of definite European history, the dark populations of Iberian type have constantly been losing ground in the world. In Spain their language remains, but their blood is now far from pure, but in Britain if any trace of their ancient tongue is left, it has been so largely overlapped and worn away by succeeding waves of Celtic invasion, that probably its existence is scarcely recognisable, though the influence of their blood is perpetuated in the black hair and dark eyes of many of the inhabitants of Wales, both South and North. At what time the first appearance of a Celtic people in Britain took place no one knows, but however this 582 Welsh and Gaelic. may be, it is certain that before the landing of Julius Caesar, more than 1,900 years ago, both sides of the English Channel were inhabited by people speaking a Celtic tongue, mingled, in the south-east of England, with fair-haired and blue-eyed Belgse, who in time had been absorbed among the Celtic population, and spoke their language. The modern descendants of these people are the Welsh (Cymry) and Cornish men ; but I consider that at that period distinct tribes of Celts, the Gael, inhabited the greater part of what is now termed Scotland, the Isle of Man, and Ireland, and at least all the western, and part of the southern, coasts of Wales. Analyses of modern Welsh and Gaelic prove that these Celtic branches, now so distinct, yet sprung from the same original stock. Nevertheless, I believe that the Gael, as a people, are more ancient in our islands than the Cymry ; and I think there is strong presump- tive evidence that the ancestors of the Pictish Gael (who, however, afterwards became so largely intermixed with Scandinavian blood ) once spread, not only much further south than the borders of the Highlands, but that before the .Roman invasion they occupied the Lowlands of Great Britain generally, excepting what are now the more southern countries, where the Cymry had obtained a firm footing, and were steadily pressing northward and westward. From intimate personal knowledge of Wales, its topography and people, I for long held the opinion that the Gwyddel (Irish Gael) were the earliest Celtic in- habitants of Wales. This is not the popular view, and it was with much satisfaction that I lately found, that twelve years before the first edition of this book was published, the subject had been ably discussed by the Welsh ana Gaelic. 583 Eev. William Basil Jones (now Bishop of St. Davids) in his celebrated essay entitled ' Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynnedd.' As late as the sixth century we find great part of the western coast of Wales and all Anglesea in- habited by the Gwyddel. From Caernarvonshire to Pembrokeshire and Glamorganshire, the word Grwyddel forms a frequent part of compound names of places, such as Llan-y-G\\yddel (Holyhead), Trwyn-y-Gwyddel, the extreme promontory of Lleyn in the north horn of Cardigan Bay, Murian-'r-Gwyddel, ancient fortifications near Harlech, and many others. The special frequency of such names near the coast seems to point to the cir- cumstance, that the fortified positions there formed the last refuges of the retiring Gael against the onward march of the encroaching Cymry. One of these, Cytiau- 'r-Gwyddelod (the Irishmen's cots), is a skilfully fortified position on Holyhead mountain, where tradition tells of a battle, in which the Gwyddel were utterly defeated by Caswallawn Law Hir, late in the sixth century. Subsequent piratical invasions of Wales by the Irish are recorded, which even come down to Norman times, but without permanent results. 1 There is a little feeble evidence that Christianity had obtained a slight footing in Britain early in the third century, and it is certain that early in the fourth century it began to be largely established, and although 4 when the Koman left us, and their law relaxed its hold upon us,' in the year 409, England, overwhelmed by successive hosts 6 of heathen swarming o'er the northern sea,' again became pagan, this forcible con- 1 Mr. Skene in his Four Ancient Books of Wales,' and in ' Celtic Scotland,' has treated this subject with his usual skill and vigour. He dissents from the opinion of the Bishop of St. David's respecting the priority of the Gwyddel in Wales. 584 Welsh and Gaelic. version did not extend to the inhabitants of the moun- tains of Wales, where the early Church still continued to flourish among the Gwyddel. This throws an in- teresting light on the circumstance that so many of the churches in the western part of the mainland of Wales and in Anglesea were dedicated to Gaelic saints, where the Grwyddel still ruled the land. The names, also, of many of the rivers in England and even in Wales have a Gaelic and not a Welsh origin, complete or in com- bination. Thus, all the rivers called Ouse, Usk, Esk ( Uisge), the Don, and others, derive their names from the Gaelic. Again, it is a characteristic of rivers often to retain the names given them by an early race long after that race has been expelled, and thus the Gaelic Uisge (water) has not in all cases been replaced by the archaic Welsh word Givy. This old Welsh word we constantly find in a corrupt form, as in the Wye, the Medway, the Tawe, the Towey, and the Teifi, the Dyfi or Dovey, and the Dove ; or the water of the rivers is expressed in another form by the later dwfr or dwr, as in Stour, Aberdour, &c. In both languages river (Afon or Avon) is the same. In his chapter on the Ethnology of Scotland, 1 Mr. Skene remarks that ' Uisge in Gaelic, and Wysg in Welsh, furnish the Esks, Usks, and Ouses, which we find here and there ; ' but it seems to me that these names, common both in England and Scotland, have, as now pronounced, more of a Gaelic than a Welsh twang, and afford a hint of the early occupation of England and Wales by the Gael. In Anglesea, by the side of Afon Alaw, the river of the water-lilies, there is a farm called Tyddyn Wysgi the farm by the water 1 < Celtic Scotland,' vol. i. p. 215. Welsh and Gaelic. 585 the final word being the precise equivalent in sound to the Graelic Uisge, though it cannot be denied that it may come directly from the Welsh Wysg, which also is an old word for water. Again, in Wales, on Cader Idris, there still remains the name of a lake, Llyn Cyri (pronounced Curry), a word unintelligible to the Welsh (as Arran is to the Grael), but easily explained by the Graelic word Coire, a cauldron, or Corrie, a word applied to those great cliffy semi-circular hollows or cirques in the mountains, in which tarns so often lie. Other places called Cyri, of like form, are also found in Merionethshire. If, then, the earlier inhabitants of Britain were Graelic, they were driven westward into Wales, and northward into the mountains of Scotland, by the superior power of another and later Celtic population that found its way to our shores, and pushed onwards, occupying the more fertile districts of England and the south of Scotland, and possibly even creeping round the eastern coasts north of the Tay, and occupying the lowlands of Caithness. The Grael, including the Picts, would not willingly have confined themselves to the barren mountains if they could have retained a position on more fertile lands. One proof of this as regards Wales is, that as late as the early part of the sixth century all that part of the country west of a line roughly drawn from Con way to Swansea was inhabited by an Erse-speaking people, the Grwyddel * of the Welsh, 2 who were slowly retiring before the advancing Cymry, and their last unabsorbed relics expelled from the coast finally sought refuge with their kindred 1 Gwyddel literally means dwellers in the Forest, Forestieri, Waldmen, Welsh. 2 See The Four Ancient Books of Wales,' Skene, vol. i., p. 43. 586 Welsh and Gaelic. people in Ireland. In the same century, according to Mr. Skene, 'from the Dee and the Humber to the Firths of Forth and Clyde, we find the country almost entirely possessed by a Cymric population,' and though it may be presumptuous to differ from an authority so distinguished, I do not stand alone in the opinion that the Cymry spread still further north, and pressed upon the Gael, at all events on the west of Scotland, as far as the verge of the mountains of the Highlands. It is remarkable that a number of the names of places in the centre and south of Scotland are not Gaelic, but have been given by the later conquering race, and can be translated by anyone who has even a superficial knowledge of Welsh, and it is certain that, from the Lowlands of Scotland all through the midland and southern parts of Britain, the country was inhabited in later Celtic times by the same folk that now people Cornwall and Wales. The names of scores of places now unintelligible to the vulgar, prove it. Thus there are all the Coombs (Cwm) of Devon, Somerset- shire, and even the south-east of England ; Dover, so named from the river Douver (dwfr, water), still cor- rectly pronounced by the French ; and at Bath, by the Avon, we have 'Dolly (dolau) meadows'; near Bir- mingham, the 'Lickey hills' (llechau) ; near Maccles- field, the rocky ridge called * the Cerridge ' (cerrig) ; and in the hills of Derbyshire ' Bull gap,' the Welsh bwlch* translated, just as in another instance dolau is repeated in the English word meadows. Again, in Scotland we have the islands of the Clyde called the Cumbraes (Cymry), Aran, Welsh for a peaked hill, Aberdour (the mouth of the water), Lanark (Llanerch, an open place in a forest, or clearing), Blantyre (Blaen- Welsh and Gaelic. 587 tir, a promontory or projecting land), Penny cuik (Pen- y-gwig, the head of the thicket), and many other cor- rupted Welsh names. The wide area over which this language was spoken is indeed proved by the ancient Welsh literature, for the old heroic poem of the Grododin was composed by Aneurin, a native of the ancient kingdom of Strath Clwyd, which stretched through the west country beyond Dumbarton over Cumberland as far south as Chester. 1 In Mr. Skene's opinion, it records a battle, fought on the shore of the Firth of Forth some time between A.D. 586 and 603, 2 while others, and I incline to this view, suppose the battle to have taken place at or near Catterick in Yorkshire. However this may be, it is certain that the British Celts, when the Romans invaded our country, over- spread the whole of Great Britain south of the Firths of Forth and Clyde. By-and-by they mixed with their conquerors, but the Eomans, as far as blood is concerned, seem to have played an unimportant part in our country. They may have intermarried to some extent with the natives, but they occupied our country very much in the manner that we now occupy India. Coming as military colonists, they went away as soon as their time of service was up, and finally abandoned the country altogether. Partly before, but chiefly after, the retirement of the Romans, invasions took place by the Teutonic 1 See ' Freeman's History of the Norman Conquest,' vol. i. p. 35. 2 In the learned work by Mr. Skene, the author with great force and probability shows good reason, not only for the actual existence of Arthur, but he even traces his march through the country and shows where his battles were fought, ending with the crowning victory at Badon or Bouden Hill, in Linlithgowshire. 588 A ngles and Distribution of Races. people from the shores of the Baltic near the mouth of the Elbe (Angles\ and Scandinavia ; and, in the long run, they permanently occupied the greater part of the land. Then the native tribes, absorbed, slain, or dis- possessed of their territories, and slowly driven west- wards, retreated to join their countrymen into the distant and mountainous parts of the country, where the relics of this old Celtic people are still extant in Devon and in Cornwall, while among the mountains of Wales the same Celtic element yet forms a distinct and peculiar people. There, till after the Norman conquest, they still held out against the invader, and maintained their independence in a region barren in the high ground, but traversed by many a broad and pleasant valley. Living, as the relics of the old Britons are apt to do, so much in memories of the past, the slowly dying language, and even the antique cadences of their regretful music, speak of a people whose distinctive characters are gradually waning and merging into a newer phase of intellectual life. It appears then that the oldest tribes now inhabit - iug our country, both in Scotland and in the south, are to be found among those most ancient of our geological formations, the Silurian rocks, which, by old palaeozoic disturbance, form the less accessible mountain lands ; while the lower and more fertile hills, the plains and tablelands, and Scotland south of the Grampians, are chiefly inhabited by the descendants of the heathen, who made good their places by the sword after the de- parture of the Eomans. On the east of Scotland, also, along the coasts of the Moray Firth, in Caithness, and in the Orkney and Shetland Islands, the people are of Scandinavian origin and speak Scotch, thus standing out in marked contrast Angles and Distribution of Races. 589 with the Gaelic clans, who possess the wilder and higher grounds in the interior and western districts. There is here a curious relation of the human population to the geological character of the country. The Scandi- navian element is strongly developed along the mari- time tracts, which, being chiefly composed of Old Red Sandstone, stretch away in long and fertile lowlands ; while the Celts are pretty closely restricted to the higher and bleaker regions where the barren gneissic and schistose rocks prevail. 590 CHAPTER XXXV. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS OF THE GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS ORIGIN OF LODES QUANTITIES OF AVAILABLE COAL IN THE COALFIELDS ORIGIN OF THEIR BASIN-SHAPED FORMS CONCEALED COAL-FIELDS BENEATH PERMIAN, NEW RED, AND OTHER STRATA SUMMARY. To enter into detail upon the peculiar effect of geology on the industry of the various races or the populations of different districts, would lead me far beyond the proposed scope of this work. I shall, therefore, only give a mere outline rather than attempt to exhaust the subject. First, let us turn to the older rocks. In Wales, as I have already stated, these consist to a great extent of slaty material. The largest slate quarries in the world lie in the Cambrian rocks of Caernarvonshire. One single quarry, that of Penrhyn in Nant Ffrancon, is half a mile in length, and more than a quarter of a mile from side to side. Other quarries of equal impor- tance collectively occur in the Pass of Llanberis, and there are large quarries in the same strata at Nant-y- llef, but none of these are of the same vast size. Im- portant quarries also lie in the Lower Silurian rocks near Ffestiniog in Merionethshire, and there are large slate quarries in the Wenlock shale, near Llangollen, and others of minor note scattered about Wales, but always in Cambrian or Silurian rocks. Slate Quarries. 591 In these districts there is a large population which is chiefly supported by the quarrying and manufacture of slates. The Penrhyn slate quarry, near Bangor, pre- sents a wonderful spectacle of industry. It is about half a mile in length, and a quarter of a mile wide, and forms a vast amphitheatre, which is worked all round, on one side in thirteen high and broad terraces, like the steps of a Titanic stair. The periodical blastings sound like the firing of parks of artillery. Vast mounds of rubbish, the waste of the quarry, cover the hills on either side. More than 3,000 men are there employed in the making of slates, which are ex- ported to all parts of the world. The quarries at Llan- beris employ nearly an equal number of men ; and the rubbish there shot down the high slopes into Llyn Peris was lately rapidly destroying the beauty of one of the most romantic lakes in Wales, and unless the waste be disposed of on the hill-sides, it threatens in the long run to fill Llyn Peris from end to end. The same ruthless disposal of waste material has of late years been exercised on the south-western side of Llyn Padarn, in long banks of ugly shingle, that encroach on the water of the lake and spoil the natural curving symme- try of its shore. Areas occupied by water are often considered to be places specially designed for the ac- commodation of rubbish, and if the quarries on the Dolbarn side of the lake were successful and largely worked, in time it might be quite possible to fill the whole of that beautiful sheet of water with an un- sightly debris of slate. In Merionethshire, near Ffestiniog, some slate quarries are worked in caverns and some in open day. The number of men and boys employed in the Ffesbi- 592 Slate Quarries. niog district in January 1872 was about S^O. 1 There are also slate quarries in South Wales, but few of them have been worked to much advantage, and in Cumber- land, where slates are or have been worked in the green slates of the volcanic rocks of the Lower Silurian series. The material composing these slates is simply very fine volcanic dust, hardened by intense pressure, and rendered fissile by slaty cleavage. In Scotland, in the small island of Easdale, in the Firth of Lorn, there are slate quarries that have been worked for many years, which produce a good, coarse- grained slate, but they are of small importance compared with the immense quarries of North Wales. It is pro- bably not an over-estimate to say that about 15,000 men are employed in the slate quarries of Britain, involving, perhaps, the direct support of about 50,000 people. So steady is the profit sometimes derived from slate quarries, that every here and there in North Wales, where the rocks are more or less cleaved, speculators go to work, and opening part of a hill-side, find a quantity of rotten stuff, or of slate full of iron pyrites, or cut up by small joints, or imperfectly cleaved; and after a time, when money runs short, they sell the property to other speculators, who sometimes ruin themselves in turn. In various districts of Great Britain the rocks abound in the ores of certain metals, which, generally occurring in hilly regions, the workers in these mines are rarely congregated in great crowds like the slate quarriers of North Wales, or the miners of coal and iron. I will first allude to the case in which the mineral wealth is derived from what are termed lodes, or 1 This fact was supplied to me by the kindness of Mrs. Percival of Bodawen. Lodes and Gold. 593 fissures in the rocks, sometimes running for miles, and more or less filled with quartz, calc-spar, and ores of metals, which yield our chief supplies of copper, tin, zinc, and lead. It is worthy of remark that these lodes are almost wholly confined to our oldest or Palaeozoic rocks. The Devonian rocks are intersected by them in Devon and Cornwall, and the Lower Silurian formations in Wales, Cumberland, the Isle of Man, and the hills of the south of Scotland, and here and there throughout the High- lands. In the Carboniferous Limestone they are also largely worked in North Wales, Yorkshire, and Derby- shire. The chief districts in England where copper and tin are found are in Devon and Cornwall ; and in the Lower Silurian rocks of Wales, especially in Cardiganshire and Montgomeryshire, there are ores of copper, and many lodes highly productive in ores of lead, some of which are rich in silver. No tin mines occur in that district. Gold also has been long known in Merionethshire, between Dolgelli, Barmouth, and Ffestiniog, sometimes, as at Clogau, in profitable quantity, but generally only in sufficient amount to show reason for starting com- panies which occasionally lure unwary speculators to their loss. This Welsh gold is found in lodes generally in and near the base of the Lingula flags, which in that area are talcose, and pierced by eruptive bosses of igneous rocks and greenstone dykes. In older times extensive gold mines were worked in Caermarthenshire at the Gogofau (ogofau, caves), near Pumpsant, between Llandovery and Lampeter. These excavations were first made open to the day in numerous irregular extensive quarryings and caverns, where the gold-bearing quartz-veins and strings were QQ 594 Gold and L ead. followed into the hill. So extensive are these old works, that a minor valley was in the course of ages scooped out in the hill-side, and in the wood close by there is a deep artificial excavation now called Cwm-henog, which in English means Old-cave-valley. Later, lofty well made galleries were driven, which cut the lodes deeper underneath. Gold was also found in washings of the superficial gravel, for more than a mile in length, on the banks of the river Cothy, and in the little upland valley that runs from the Grogofau towards the village of Cynfil Cayo. The well cut galleries are Roman, but it has been surmised that the ruder caverns date from more ancient British times. The washing of the gravels for gold may probably^be both of the old British and Eoman ages, and for aught that is known the mines may have been worked in both ways in later times. It is not many years since the quartz veins were again systematically worked by an enterprising and skilful miner, but though gold was got, the result was not sufficiently profitable to warrant the continuance of the work. The huge excavations must have made ugly scars on the hills in the days when they were freshly worked, but time has healed them. The heaps of rubbish are now green knolls, and gnarled oaks and ivy mantle the old quarryings. In the Carboniferous Limestone districts of North Wales, Derbyshire, Lancashire, and the Yorkshire dales, there are numerous lead mines ; and, as I have already said, lead ore occurs in the underlying Silurian strata, as in South Wales, and also in the Lead Hills in the south of Scotland, where lead associated with silver, and even a little gold, has long been worked. I must now endeavour to give an idea of what a lode is. A lode is simply a crack, more or less filled with Lodes. 595 various kinds of mineral matter, such as layers and nests of quartz, carbonate of lime, carbonate of copper, sulphide of copper, sulphide of lead, oxide of tin, or with other kinds of ores. Various theories have been formed to account for the presence of ores in these cracks. Formerly, the favourite hypothesis was, that they were formed by sublimation from below, somehow or other connected with the internal heat of the earth ; and the ores were supposed to have been deposited in the cracks through which the heated vapours passed. A great deal also has been said on the effect of electric currents passing through the rocks, and aiding in de- positing along the sides of fissures the minerals which were being carried up by sublimation, or were in solu- tion in waters that found their way into the fissures. I dare not utter any positive statement on the question, but my opinion is that the ores of metals in lodes have generally been deposited from solutions. We know that water, especially when warm, can take up silica in solution and deposit it, as in the case of the Greysers in Iceland ; and we also know that metals may, in some states, be held in solution in water, both warm and cold. This is proved by the accurate results of chemists, who, it is said, have detected silver, gold, and copper in solution in sea water. We must remember that when the lodes or cracks were originally formed, those parts of them that we explore were not so near the surface as we now see them ; but in a great many cases they lay deep underneath, covered by thousands of feet of rock that have since been removed by denudation. They were probably, in all cases, channels of subterranean filtration, both in their upper portions that have been removed by denudation, and in the parts originally deeper that now remain. QQ2 596 Iron. It is not unlikely, also, that these subterranean waters must often have been warm, seeing that they some- times lay deep in the interior of the earth, and came within the influence of internal heat, whatever may be its origin. If so, it is all the more likely that the ores which we meet with in these cracks or lodes were formed by infiltration of solutions, followed by deposi- tion ; for strings of copper, lead, and tin, for example, occur in the mass, just in the same way that we find mixed with them strings of carbonate of lime or quartz. This being so, then, just as the lime and silica may have been derived from the percolation of water through the rocks that form the country on each side of the lode, so the metalliferous deposits seem to have been derived from metalliferous matter minutely disseminated through the neighbouring formations. We are, how- ever, still in the dark as to many of the conditions under which the process was carried on. Ores of iron are common in lodes, and in hollows or pockets, both in the limestones of the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. In North Lancashire, at and near Ulverstone, rich deposits of haematite lie among the joints and other fissures of the limestone, and often fill large ramifying caverns deep underground. A vast trade has sprung up in the district in consequence of these discoveries within the last twenty-five years. In the Coal-measures, however, we have our greatest sources of mineral wealth, because they have been the means of developing other kinds of industry besides that which immediately arises from the discovery of the minerals which the Coal-measures contain. In the great coalfields of this formation occur all the beds of coal worth working in Britain. In the South Wales coalfield there are more than 100 beds of coal, about Coal. 597 70 of which are worked somewhere or other. The quantity of available coal in that coalfield has been estimated by Mr. Vivian and Mr. Clark at about 36,500 millions of tons. In the Forest of Dean at least 23 beds of coal occur ; and the quantity untouched and still available has been stated by Mr. Dickinson to be 265 millions of tons. In the Bristol and Somersetshire coalfields, where there are about 87 beds of work- able coal, according to Mr. Prestwich, the quantity of coal still available is said to be nearly 4,219 mil- lions of tons. In South Staffordshire, in the south part of the field, there are seven well-known beds, one of them 40 feet thick, and a greater number in the north ; and in Coalbrook Dale there are 18 beds, all partly worked. The unexpended portions of these, added to the available coals of the Forest of Wyre and Glee Hill coalfields, amounts to nearly 2,000 mil- lions of tons still available, as estimated by Mr. Hartley. In Leicestershire there are about 30 beds of coal over one foot thick, and Mr. Woodhouse states that nearly 837 millions of tons are available; and in Warwickshire, where five chief beds are worked, about 458-| millions. In Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, and Yorkshire, one large coalfield, about 19 beds are worked somewhere or other in the coalfield, and, according to Mr. Woodhouse, more than 18,000 millions of tons are still available. In North Staf- fordshire, there are about 28 workable beds of well- known coal, and others besides not yet worked, and it is stated by Mr. Elliot that 4,826 millions of tons still lie there at available depths. In Lancashire and Cheshire more than 40 beds of coal over one foot of thickness are known, many of them of great value, and about 5,636 millions of tons according to 598 Coal and Coal Miners. Mr. Dickinson are still available. In North Wales there are probably about 41 beds of coal over one foot in thickness, and according to Mr. Dickinson more than 2,100 millions of tons may still be extracted. In the Northumberland and Durham coalfield at least 9 beds are worked, and the amount still available is about 10,000 millions of tons, according to Mr. Foster ; and in Cumberland the same authority states that about 405 millions of tons still remain un worked and available. In the foregoing estimates, taken from the Coal Commission Eeport (1871), all coals over one foot in thickness are included, and it has been assumed that all coals under 4,000 feet in depth may be available, though this may possibly be an over-estimate as to the depth at which coals may be worked, in conse- quence of increase of temperature as we sink to lower depths. The total amounts to more than 90,000 mil- lions of tons. The population employed in working coal-pits was said by the Inspectors of Coal-mines in 1870 to be 350,894 persons, and the quantity of coal raised in the same year is calculated by Mr. Hunt to have been about 110 millions of tons. In 1875, the coal-pit population was 535,845, and in 1876,515,845. The quantity of coal raised in 1875 was 133,306,485 tons, extracted from 4,445 collieries, and in 1876, 134,125,166 tons, from 4,329 collieries. These figures are taken from the annual statistics compiled by the Inspectors of Mines, and a curious calculation is made by Mr. Thomas Bell, that if all the coal raised in 1876 were averaged at 12 inches thick, it would require 158 square miles of coal to yield the amount given above. A statement such as this brings the quantity more Coal Basins. 599 vividly before the mind than figures, or words, viz. one hundred and thirty-four millions, one hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred and sixty-six tons. Besides coal and iron, the Coal-measures yield quan- tities of clays, which are of considerable value. The chief of these is fire-clay, which is used so largely in the manufacture of crucibles and fire bricks, and in furnaces. If we look at the geological map of England, we see that large patches are coloured black. These are the Coal-measure districts of Great Britain. Some of these coalfields, as for instance, the coalfields of South Wales and the Forest of Dean, lie obviously in basin-shaped forms, and the coal-beds and other strata crop to the surface all round the basin. But in other parts of England, the coal-formation does not occur in obvious basins, but seems merely to form a portion of the ordinary surface of the country. Nevertheless, the basin-shaped form of the Coal- measures is often continued under the overlying Permian and New Red formations, one half or more of these basins being hidden from view, and buried under hundreds of feet of more recent strata that lie uncomformably upon them. The reason of this is that the Carboniferous strata were disturbed and thrown into anticlinal and synclinal folds before the beginning of Permian and New Red Sandstone times, as shown in fig. 115, p. 601. The coalfields marked No. 1 now show at the surface. Strata marked 2 separate them. These consist of Car- boniferous Limestone lying in an anticlinal curve, as in Derbyshire, and part of the original coalfield shown by the dotted lines 3, in old times covered 2. The remaining parts of this original coalfield on the east 6oo Coal. and west are now partly covered by Permian and New Eed Sandstone rocks 4, shrouding parts of the strata that lie in synclinal curves. The high rising strata of the upper part of the anticlinal curve were destroyed by denudation, and great part of the synclinal curves have been preserved because they were bent down so low, and partly covered by newer rocks, and have there- fore been protected from the wasting effects of rain, rivers, and the sea in older times. This, I repeat, is the reason why so many coalfields lie in basin-shaped forms. And this form is quite independent of Permian and Secondary strata lying accidentally on the coal- beds. Thus the South Wales and Forest of Dean coalfields were never covered by these formations, and both are basin-shaped, and form with the Bristol and Mendip Coalfield parts of one original coalfield, now turned into three coal-basins by disturbance and denu- dation. North of South Wales and Dean Forest all the other coalfields of England, and I think I may add of Scotland, probably once formed one coalfield ; and these have been separated by disturbances which threw their strata into long anticlinal and synclinal curves. The Staffordshire, North Wales, and Lancashire coal- fields were certainly one, and these were united to the Warwickshire, Leicestershire, and Nottingham and Derbyshire coalfields, which again joined that of Durham and Northumberland, which again was united to the coal- fields of Cumberland, and probably of Scotland. They have since been disjoined by curvature of the strata com- bined with denudation, and the Northumberland and Yorkshire coalfields are now independent basins, partly buried under Permian and New Red Sandstone strata. And so, of the other visible coalfields, Warwick, Leicester, . s * o q a .s a S 2 ,* 'S rtj d A g 1 o 5 ' -S _ " ^ 5 's ' o> "B - s I o o 602 Faults and Denudations. South Stafford, North Stafford, Cheshire, Lancashire, and the North Wales coalfields, are still probably one or almost one coalfield, only great parts of them are buried and. concealed deep under Permian and New Red strata, in some places several thousand feet deep. Thus it sometimes happens, by a combination of the curvature of strata and faults, that only by a series of geological accidents have the Coal-measures been brought to the surface and exposed to view. We may take the South Staffordshire coalfield as an example, where the New Red Sandstone and Permian rocks are thrown down against the coalfield on both sides. Originally, before these faults took place, the New Red Sandstone and other rocks spread entirely over the surface. The New Red Sandstone and Marl, where thickest, are more than 2,000 feet thick ; above it lies the Lias, 900 to 1 ,500 feet thick ; then comes the Oolites, and lastly, all the Cretaceous strata. This enormous mass of superincumbent strata, once lying above the South Staffordshire Coal-measures, was after- wards dislocated by faults, which brought the lower Permian and New Red portions of them down against the sides of the present coalfield. A vast denudation ensued, whereby many of the formations nearest the surface were removed, and the whole country was worn down to one comparatively general level. It is by such processes that some of our large and productive coal- fields have been exposed at the surface. Hence we now find a great manufacturing population all centred in areas (like those of South Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Ashby-de-la-Zouch) which might never have been known to contain coalfields, had it not been for the geological accidents of those faults and denudations which I have explained. Coal-fields and Population. 603 In my report as a member of the Coal Commission (1871), I have shown that under Permian and New Eed strata, north of the Bristol coalfield, there may probably be about 55,000 millions of tons of coals available, at all events under 4,000 feet in depth, and to this Mr. Prestwich has added 400 millions of tons for the Severn Valley on the south side of the estuary. The busy population that now covers the coalfields, and to which so many railways converge, may there- fore some day spread over adjoining agricultural areas, and render them as wealthy, smoky, and repulsive to the outward eye as many visible coalfields now are. Between the mouth of the Plrth of Clyde and the mouth of the Firth of Forth the whole country is one great coalfield, and this is the part of Scotland where the population is thickest. Bordering Wales and the mountains of Lancashire and Derbyshire, on the east and west, are three great coalfields, and these districts also contain dense populations. Further north lies the great Newcastle coalfield, where, again, the population is proportionately redundant. All the central part of England, which is dotted over with coalfields, teems in like manner with inhabitants. The South Wales coalfield, which is the largest of all, however, does not, except in places such as Swansea, Llanelly, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydvil, and other centres, show everywhere the same concentration of population. A great part of this area has till lately not been opened up by railways, and the coal has been heretofore not worked to the same extent as in the coalfields of the middle and northern parts of England, which have been extensively mined for a longer period. Some years ago, after the publication of Mr. Hull's 'Coalfields of Great Britain,' Professor Jevons, in a 604 Duration of Coal. work ' On the Coal Question,' showed that if the increase of our population goes on as it has been doing in years past, and if the productive industry of the country keep pace with the population, the whole of the coal now available in the country would be exhausted in 110 years. Mr. John Stuart Mill, taking alarm, in his place in Parliament urged upon the nation to act as worthy trustees for their descendants, to save money while there is yet time, and to pay off as much as possible of the national debt ; and by-and-by, at the instance of Mr. Vivian, a Coal Commission was appointed to examine into this alarming state of affairs. The result as regards the duration of coal was stated in the three following hypotheses : the first is, that the population and manufactures of the country have nearly attained a maximum amount, or will merely oscillate without advancing. In this case our coal may last for about 1,273 years, an opinion to which Mr. Hunt of the c Mining Eecord ' Office still adheres. The second, according to Mr. Price Williams, is this : The population of Great Britain in 1871 was 26,943,000. According to a given law of increase, in the year 2231, the population may be 1*31,700,000, in fact, near 1 32,000,000, or rather more than five times the present number. It is hard to realise this crowded population in our little country, but allowing the assumption to be correct, in a hundred years from 1871 the popu- lation of Britain would be very nearly 59,000,000, and the home consumption of eoal 274,200,000 tons a year, in which case our coal will only last about 360 years. A third view is that adding ' a constant quantity equal to the annual increase (of consumption) of the last 14 years, which we may take at 3,000,000 Smoke. 605 of tons .... at the end of a hundred years the consumption would be 415,000,000 tons per annum, and the now estimated quantity of coal available for use would represent a consumption of 276 years.' l I offer no positive opinion on this subject, but I suspect the first view is likely to be nearer the truth than the last. However this may be, it is certain that some day or other our coal must be practically exhausted, but so many things may happen ere that time that it is doubtful if even we, the trustees of the future, need to concern ourselves very much about the matter. Per- sonal prudence, selfishness, or the love of money, will not be hindered by anxiety about people who are to live hundreds of years hence, and great part of Eng- land will still .continue smoky as long as coal lasts in quantity, or at all events till the laws are enforced against the production of unnecessary smoke. All the centre of England is thick with it, floating from every coalfield, and from all the dependent manufacturing towns. The heaths and pastures of Derbyshire and Yorkshire between the two great coalfields are blackened by smoke, and even in the rainiest weather the sheep that ought to be white-wooled are dark and dingy. Every coalfield in England as it happens, is a centre of pollution to the air. But this does not affect the manufacturing population of these districts excepting in a sanitary, and therefore in a moral, point of view, and this state of affairs is too apt to be considered un- avoidable in the present state of economics and unscien- tific practice, though it is not so of necessity. What will be the state of Britain when all the coal is gone ? The air at all events will be purified, and the 1 ' Keport of the Coal Commissioners,' pp. 16 and 17. 606 Coal Exhausted. hideous heaps of slag, so suggestive of wealth, power, culture, and prosperity, that disfigure South and North Staffordshire, and all the other iron-making districts, will in time crumble into soil, and, covered by grass and trees, they will one day become beautiful features in the landscape ; for man cannot permanently disfigure nature. Even when this thing takes place will there be any necessity for the country being reduced to abso- lute poverty ? Our mountain lands, like the Schwarz- wald, may be more woody than at present, and yield supplies of fuel, the plains and tablelands more richly cultivated, and who knows besides what motive powers may by that time be economised other than those that result from the direct application of artificial heat ? Holland and the lowlands of Switzerland without coal are two of the happiest and most prosperous countries in Europe, and it appears as if Italy would follow in their steps, but on a larger scale. In the far future, Britain may still be prosperous, powerful, and happy, even though all its coal be exhausted. Of late years a great deal of valuable iron ore has been obtained from the top of the Lower Lias and from the Marlstone of Yorkshire, and this tends still more rapidly to exhaust our coal. The result has been the rapid growth of the enterprising district and port of Middlesborough on the Tees. At night the whole country is aglow with iron furnaces, and the time may arrive when the beautiful Oolitic valleys of North Yorkshire will become a black country as smoky as the Lancashire and Staffordshire coalfields. The Northampton Sands of the Oolites also yield large quantities of silicious ironstone. It must not, however, be supposed that ironstone is everywhere plentiful in that formation, nor yet in the Marlstone, Iron Ores. 607 and far less in the Lower Lias. I have seen pro- spectuses of mining companies in the middle of Eng- land, in which it was stated that all the ironstone bands of Middlesborough are present in ground where scarce an ounce of them exists. In older times, in the Weald of the south of England, a considerable amount of iron ore used to be mined and smelted with wood or charcoal, before the Coal- measures were worked extensively, and when the Weald was covered to a great extent with forest. Then the chief part of our iron manufactures was carried on in the south-east of England. Indeed, late in the last century, there were still iron furnaces in the Weald of Kent and Sussex. The last furnace is said to have been at Ashburnham ; and here and there we may even now see heaps of slags overgrown with grass, and the old dams that supplied the water which drove the water-wheels that worked the forges of Kent and Sussex. It is said that cannon used in the fight with the Spanish Armada came from this district ; and the rails round St. Paul's and other churches of the time of Sir Christopher Wren were forged from the Wealden iron. I have already remarked that a large part of the wealth which we owe to our Carboniferous minerals, arises, not so much from the commercial value of the coal and ironstone of the coalfields, as from the fact that they form the means of working many different branches of industry. To the vast power which steam has given us, very much of our extraordinary pros- perity as a nation is due. Yet were it not for our coal-beds, the agency of steam would be almost wholly denied to us. And hence it is that our great manufacturing districts have sprung up either in, or in 608 Kaolin and other Clay. the vicinity of coalfields. There iron furnaces glare and blow day and night, there are carried on vast manufactures in all kinds of metal, and there our textile fabrics are chiefly made. In these busy scenes a large part of the population of our island finds em- ployment, and thence we send to the farthest parts of the earth those endless commodities which, while they have supplied the wants of other countries, have given rise in large measure to the wealth and commerce of our own. 1 There are some other geological formations which afford materials for manufactures other than coal and ores of metals. Thus, in the south-west of England, in the granitic districts of Devon and Cornwall, a great proportion of the finer kinds of clays occur, which are used in making stoneware and porcelain. In Devon and Cornwall the decomposition of granite affords the substance known by the name of Kaolin, from which all the finer porcelain clays are made. It is formed by the disintegration of the felspar of granite. This felspar consists of silicates of alumina, and soda or potash. The soda and potash are comparatively easily dissolved, chiefly through the influence of carbonic acid in the rain-water that falls upon the surface ; and the result is that the granite decomposes to a considerable depth. In some cases I have seen granite, undisturbed by the hand of man, which for a depth of twenty feet or more might be easily dug out with a shovel. Owing to this decomposition, a portion of the felspar passes into kaolin, which is washed down by rain into the lower levels, where, more or less mixed with quartz 1 At least it was so till lately, and there is no reason to suppose that the mining and manufacturing industry of Britain has de- clined except for a time. Kaolin and other Clays. 609 and the other ingredients of granite, it forms natural beds of clay. This is dug out, and the clay is trans- ported chiefly to the district of the Potteries in North Staffordshire. The same process is sometimes secured by art, when the decomposed granite being dug out, is washed by artificial processes, and the more alumi- nous matter is separated from the quartz with which it was originally associated. Then, in the Potteries, it is turned into all sorts of vessels fine porcelain, stone- ware, and common-ware in every variety of size, and form, and texture. In the Eocene tertiary beds, in the neighbourhood of Poole, there are large lenticular beds of pipe-clay, in- terstratified with the Bagshot Sand. Great quantities of this clay are exported into the Pottery districts to be made into the coarser kind of earthenware, and they are also mixed with the finer materials from Devon and Cornwall, to make intermediate qualities of stone-ware and china. But in addition to clay, the chalk is brought into requisition to furnish its quota of material for this manufacture. The flints that are found embedded in the chalk, chiefly in layers, are also transported to the Potteries, and ground up with the aluminous portions of the clay, since it is sometimes necessary to use a certain proportion of silica in the manufacture of porcelain. Many other formations, such as the Old and New Red Marls, are also of use when clay is required for the manufacture of bricks. The Oolitic and Liassic strata are to a great extent composed of clay, such as Lias Clay, Fullers' Earth Clay, Oxford and Kimeridge Clay ; there is also the Weald Clay, and the Gault lies in the middle of the Cretaceous strata. The Boulder- 6io Jet* Glass-sand, &c. clay is also often used in manufactures, and the silts of the Wash and of many another river. An abundance of material is found in all of these formations for the manufacture of bricks, earthenware pipes, and so on ; and it is interesting to observe how in this respect the architecture of the country is apt to vary accord- ing to the nature of the strata of given areas. In Scotland and the north of England, where hewable stone abounds, almost all the houses are built of sand- stone, grey and sombre; in many of the Oolitic dis- tricts they are of limestone, and generally lighter and more graceful ; while on the Eed Marls, Lias, and in the Woodland area of the Weald we have still the relics of an elder England in those beautiful brick and timbered houses that speak of habits and manners gone by. In the upper Lias clay in Yorkshire, beds of lignite and jet are found near Whitby, which locally forms a not unimportant branch of manufacture. The glass-sand used in this country is chiefly derived from the Eocene beds of the Isle of Wight, and from the sand-dunes on the borders of the Bristol Channel. In the Isle of Wight, the sandy strata lie above the London Clay, and are the equivalent of part of the Bagshot sands. They are remarkably pure in quality, being formed of fine white silicious sand. These sands are largely dug and exported to be used in glass-houses in various parts of the country, as in Birmingham and elsewhere, A large proportion of the cement-stones of our country comes from the Lias limestone. These lime- stones are not pure carbonate of lime, but are formed of an intermixture of carbonate of lime and aluminous matter. It is found by experience that the lime from this kind of limestone is peculiarly adapted for setting Building Stones. 6 1 1 under water. Hence the Lias limestone has always been largely employed in the building of piers and other structures that require to be constructed under water. Cement stones are also found to some extent in the Eocene strata, and are obtained from nodules dredged from the sea-bottom at Harwich, and the south of England. These are transported hither and thither, to be used as occasion may require. The chief building stones of our country, of a hewable kind, are the limestones of the Oolitic rocks, the Magnesian Limestone, the Carboniferous Lime- stone, the Carboniferous sandstones, and the sandstones of the Old and New Eed series. The Caradoc Sand- stone, also in Shropshire near Church Stretton, yields a good building stone. The chief Oolitic building stones are from the Isle of Portland and the Bath Oolite. St. Paul's and many other churches in London were built of Portland stone, and the immense quantities of rejected stones in the old quarries, show how careful Sir Christopher Wren was in the selection of material. The Bath stone also affords a beautiful yellow limestone, which comes out of the quarries in blocks of great size, and is easily sawn and hewn into shape. Nearly the whole of Bath has been built of this stone, and it has been largely used in Westminster Abbey and other buildings in London. Excellent building stones are also got from the Inferior Oolite limestone, especially in the neighbourhood of Chelten- ham, from the Cotswold Hills. In England the Magnesian Limestone is extensively quarried for building purposes. It is of very various qualities, sometimes exceedingly durable, resisting the effects of time and weather, and in other cases decom- posing with considerable rapidity. The Houses of R R 2 6 1 2 Building Stones. Parliament were chiefly built of this stone. In dis- tricts where it occurs, in Nottinghamshire and York- shire, there are churches, and castles such as Conisbro', built of it, wherein the edges of the stones are as sharp as if fresh from the mason's hands. You can see the very chisel-marks of the men who built the castle, in days possibly before, but certainly not long after the landing of William the Conqueror. The Carboniferous Limestone also is an exceedingly durable stone. The Menai bridges were built of it. In Caernarvon Castle the preservation of this lime- stone is well shown. The castle is built of layers of limestone and sandstone, the sandstone having been chiefly derived from the Millstone Grit, or from sand- stones interstratified with the limestone, and the lime- stone from quarries in Anglesea, and on the shores of the Menai Straits. The limestone has best stood the weather. Sandstone, though durable, is rarely so good as certain limestones, which, being somewhat crystal- line, and sometimes formed to a great extent of Encrinites, also essentially crystalline in structure, have withstood the effect of time. The Carboniferous Sandstones in Lancashire, Derby- shire, Yorkshire, and in Wales and Scotland, afford large quantities of admirable building material, which has been used almost exclusively in the building of Leeds, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and many other towns. Some of it is exceedingly white, is easily cut by the chisel, and may be obtained in blocks of immense size. But in some of the beds there is so much diffused iron, not visible at first sight, that in the course of time this, as it oxidises, produces stains which discolour the ex- terior of the buildings. Unlike limestones, basalts and other hard and tough Road Metal. 613 rocks, such sandstones as the Millstone Grit and Gannister beds of the Coal-measures, are ill adapted for macada- mising roads, for traffic rapidly grinds it into its original state of loose sand. Nevertheless, in some regions they have nothing else to use, and to obviate its defects the following process is used near Barnsley and in other parts of Yorkshire. The rocks in question were made from the debris of granites and gneiss, simi- lar to those of the Scotch Highlands. The stone being quarried in small slabs and fragments, is built in a pile about 30 feet square, and 12 or 14 feet high, somewhat loosely ; and while the building is in progress, brush- wood is mingled with the stones, but not in any great quantity. Two thin layers of coal, about 3 inches thick, at equal distances, are, so to speak, interstratified with the sandstones, and a third layer is strewn over the top. At the bottom facing the prevalent wind, an opening about 2 feet high is left, something like the mouth of an oven. Into this brushwood and a little coal is put and lighted. The tire slowly spreads through the whole pile, and continues burning for about six weeks. After cooling the stack is pulled down, and the stones are found to be vitrified. Slabs originally flat have become bent and contorted like gneiss, and stones originally separate, get, so to speak, glued together in the process of vitrification, aided by the soda, potash, and iron, which form part of the constituents of felspar and mica and act as a flux. In the year 1859 I visited a vitrified fort called Knockfarril, near Strathpeifer in Ross-shire, ( and came to the conclusion that the vitrification had been done of set purpose, and that the effect had been pro- duced by burning wood.' In the first volume of Dr. John Hill Burton's 'History of Scotland,' 1866, he ex- 6 1 4 Vitrified Forts. presses a wish that science would explain the manner in which vitrification of forts was effected. Having formed the opinion that the Yorkshire method of vitrification most closely resembled that used by the old fort- builders, I wrote to Mr. Burton giving an account of it, and the letter with sundry blunders in geological names is printed in a paper by Mr. John Stuart, LL.D. in the ' Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland,' 1868-9. All the vitrified forts in Scotland are either in the Highlands, or in Berwickshire and Galloway, where rocks easily vitrified abound, and but that there are neither vitrified forts nor native celts in modern Yorkshire, one would almost be tempted to speculate on the art of vitrification having descended there, from an ancient Pictish people of the bronze age, such as are supposed by Dr. Julius Ernest Fodisch to have erected the scorified ramparts of the forts in Bohemia. The vitrification of rocks in Yorkshire I have thought worthy of being recorded, throwing as it does some light on the method employed in the con- struction of forts in times that seem to us to be pre- historic. The New Eed Sandstone also yields its share of building stones, but much of it is very soft and easily worn by the weather, a notable example of which was seen in the Cathedral at Chester before its restoration. The white Keuper Sandstone of Grrinshill, north of Shrewsbury, the Peckforton Hills, and Delamere Forest, is an excellent stone. The Old Bed Sandstone is also used as a building stone in its own area, and, as already stated, the Caradoc Sandstone of Shropshire, near Church Stretton, yields a beautiful white material. The rock-salt of Worcestershire and Cheshire is a valuable commodity. It lies in the New Eed Marl, Rock Salt and Gypsum. Granites. 6 1 5 low in the series, and, as already explained, was the result of the solar evaporation of an inland lake, like, for example, the great salt lake near Utah, in the Eocky Mountains, or of the salt lakes of central Asia. The waters that ran into it contained quantities of salt in solution ; and as the lake had no outlet, and only got rid of its water by evaporation, concentration of the chloride of sodium ensued, till at length super- saturation being induced, precipitation of rock-salt took place. The same formation yields the greater part of the gypsum quarried in England, though some also occurs in the Red Marl of the Magnesian Limestone series. 1 In Devonshire and Cornwall, on Shap Fell in West- moreland, and in Scotland chiefly near Aberdeen, the granite quarries afford much occupation to a number of people. Now that it has become the fashion to polish granites, these rocks are becoming of still more importance. But as they are not so easily hewn as sandstone, they do not come into use as ordinary building stones, except in such districts as Aberdeen, where no other good kind of rock is to be had. Basalt, Greenstones, and Felspathic porphyries from North Wales, Scotland, Charnwood Forest, and other districts in England, are also largely employed for building and road-making, and the Serpentines of Cornwall and Anglesea, and the Marbles of the Car- boniferous Limestone of Derbyshire, yield beautiful materials for ornamental purposes. I have now attempted to give an idea of the general physical geography of our country, both in ancient and 1 For a full account of the physical formation of these deposit s > see ' Journ. Geol. Soc.' 1871, vol. xxvii, pp. 189 and 241. Ramsay. ^6 T 6 Summary. modern times, as dependent on its geology. I have described the classification of all the formations in serial order, and showed the distribution of these rocks over our country, and in doing this I have tried to give a sketch of the physical geography of our area, during the deposition of each successive group of formations. At various times they have all been affected by dis- turbances and denudations, and the grand result is, that where most disturbed, hardened, and denuded, there we have mountainous districts ; for the greater prominence and ruggedness of surface of these regions, arises partly from the hardness of the igneous, metamorphic, and common stratified rocks, partly from the denudations which they have undergone. The Secondary and Tertiary rocks being younger and not so much dis- turbed, have in our country not been so much denuded, and therefore generally form plains and tablelands. Moreover, we saw that over all these surfaces, in ad- dition to the vast amount of erosion which must have been effected in Palaeozoic, Secondary, and older Tertiary times, renewed denudations, accompanied by great cold, occurred at a very late epoch. The result of this abrasion has been to cover the surface more or less with loose superficial detritus, upon which part of the fertility of portions of the country and the peculiarity of some of its soils depend. I then passed on to notice what I considered to be a very remarkable result of this last great denudation, brought about under the influence of ice, by which the chief part I by no means say all but by which the chief part of the lakes of our country have been formed ; and not of our country alone, but of a large part of the northern, and I have no doubt also of the southern hemisphere. It is a remarkable thing, indeed, to con- Summary. 6 1 7 sider, if true and I firmly believe it to be true that so many of those hollows in which lakes lie have been scooped out by the slow and long-continued passage of great sheets of glacier ice, quite comparable to those vast masses that cover the extreme northern and southern regions of the world at this day. The water-drainage of the country is likewise seen to be dependent on geological structure. Our larger rivers chiefly drain to the east, and excepting the Severn, the Dee (Wales), the Mersey, the Solway, and the Clyde, the smaller ones to the west, partly because certain axes of disturbance happened to lie nearer our western than our eastern coasts. Again, the quality of water in these rivers depends, as we have seen, on the nature of the rocks over which they flow, and of the springs by which they are supplied. Then, when we come to consider the nature of the population inhabiting our island, we find it also to be greatly influenced by this old geology. The earlier tribes were in old times driven into the mountain regions in the north and west, and so remain to this day still speaking their own languages, but gradually mingling now, as they did before, with the masses of mixed races that came in with later waves of conquest from other parts of Europe. These later races settling down in the more fertile parts of the country, first destroyed and then again began to develop its agricultural resources. In later times they have applied themselves with wonderful energy to turn to use the vast stores of mineral wealth which lie in the central districts. Hence have arisen those densely- peopled towns and villages in and around the Coal- measure regions, where so many important manufactures are carried on. Yet in the west, too in Devon and 6 1 8 Summary. Cornwall, and in Wales where some of the great Coal- measure, metalliferous, and slaty regions lie there are busy centres of population, where the operations are often directed by, and the manual labour connected with the mineral products is well done by the original Celtic inhabitants. It is interesting to go back a little and inquire what may have been the condition of our country when man first set foot upon its surface. We know that these islands of ours have been frequently united to the Con- tinent, and as frequently disunited, partly by elevations and depressions of the land, and to a great extent, also, by denudations. When the earliest human population of which we have any traces came, Britain was doubtless united to the Continent. Such is the deliberate opinion of some of our best geologists, and also that these pre- historic men inhabited our country along with the great hairy Mammoth, the Ehinoceros, the Cave Bear, the Lion, the Hippopotamus, and many modern animals and perhaps, in pre-Glacial times, they travelled westward into what is now Britain from the Continent, along with these extinct mammalia. The country was then most probably covered by great forests, swamps, and peaty flats, unless it may have been that the Chalk downs and the higher mountain-tops were bare. But in times much later, denudations and alterations of level having taken place, our island again became disunited from the mainland : and now, with all its numerous firths and inlets, its great extent of coast, its admirable harbours, our country lies within the direct influence of that Grulf Stream which softens the whole climate of the West of Europe, and we, a people of mixed race, Celt, Scandinavian, Angles, and Norman, more or less intermingled in blood, are so happily Summary. 6 1 9 placed that, in a measure, we have the command of a large portion of the commerce of the world, and send out fleets of merchandise from every port. And we are happy, in my opinion, above all things in this, that by an old denudation we have been dis- severed from the Continent of Europe, and our bounda- ries are clear. Thus it happens that, free from immediai } contact with countries possibly hostile, and not too much biassed by the influence of peoples of foreign blood, during the long course of years in which our country has never seen the foot of an invader, 1 we have been enabled, with occasional disturbance of foreign wars and political factions, progressively so to develop our own ideas of religion, political freedom, and political morality, that we stand one of the freest and most prosperous countries on the face of the globe. I have now completed the somewhat arduous task undertaken in preparing this much enlarged edition of an old book. It is, after all, but a sketch of a large subject, and no one can be more sensible than I am of its imperfections ; but with all its faults and omissions, I think that this is the first work in which an attempt has been made to trace in detail the absolute connection of the Physical Geology and Physical Geography of old epochs in Britain with that of the present day. Right or wrong in some of the questions raised, it is the work of one who, through more than half a lifetime, has ' pry'd through Nature's store, Whate'er she in th' ethereal round contains, Whate'er she hides beneath her verdant floor, The vegetable and the mineral reigns ; 1 The small French descents of Pembrokeshire and Ireland do not deserve the name of invasions. 620 Summary. Or else he scans the globe those small domains, Where restless mortals such a turmoil keep, Its seas, its floods, its mountains, and its plains : Let the reader learn from it what he can, and judge of the result. INDEX. ABB A BBOTSBURY to Shaftesbuiy, J\. range of Upper Greensand, 221, 222 African lakes, 438 Agassiz, on ancient glaciers, 327, 384 Aix-la-Chapelle, cretaceous flora of, 255 Allan river, 528 Alne, 520 Alnemouth glacial, 387 Alps and Italy, Rhastic, beds of, 158 Alps, upheaval of, 404 Alpine old glaciers, maps of, 439, 440 Alpine snow and ice, 361-366 Amazons, estuary of, 244, 247, 256 area of drainage, 560 Analyses of rocks, 48 Aneurin and the Gododin, 587 Anglesey, coal-measures of, 124 - glaciation of, 384, 402-411 Old Red Sandstone of, 110 Animals, ancient migrations of, 482, 483 Anticlinal and synclinal curves, 33, 346-348 Antoninus' wall and docks, 550 Antrim, chalk of, 257 Miocene volcanic rocks of, 263, 354 Aqueous and igneous rocks, 3 Aquitani and Iberians, 580, 581 BAG Aran Mowddwy, 498 glaciers of, 407 view from, 523 Arbroath coast -cliffs, denudation of, 488 Areas of drainage, Britain, 495 Arenig, slates of, Sedgwick, 69 fossils of, 70, 71 and unconformity, 70, 77, 78 Cumbria, 70 Argyll, Duke of, on Miocene leaf- beds, Mull, 264 Aristotle, 277 Arran in Glacial epoch, 382 and Clyde glacier, 398 Ashburnham beds, 206 Ashby-de-la-Zouch coal-field, 125 Ashop and Alport Dale, landslips in, 327, 328 Atherfield clay and fossils of, 212- 214, 311 Atlantic, Foraminifera, &c., in, 226 volcanic explosions in, 80 Atlas, old glaciers of, 375 Auvergne, volcanos of, 116 Avebury, 349, 350 Avon, gorge of and tributaries, 511-513 Axmouth, landslip near, 486 "DAGSHOT and Bracklesham D beds, 238, 248-251, 255, 256 622 Index. BAL Bala lake, glacier of, 405, 524, 525 limestone, 72 volcanic rr cks near, 76 Beinn More, Mull, 264 Basalts, greenstones, &c., 615 Basques, 580 Bass Rock, 383 Bath Oolite, 176-181 Old Well, salts in, 555 Battle, Purbeck, and Wealden, strata of. 206 Beardmore, Mr., on Thames at Kingston, Beaumaris, Boulder-clay, 404 Bedford Level, alluvia of, 543 Bedfordshire, Portland beds of, 191 Beeston Cliff, 308 Belford, glacial, 386 Belgre, 582 Belgic Gauls, 580 Bell, Mr. T.. on coal raised, 598 Bembrids-e beds and fossils, 238, 252-254 Berwickshire coal-field, 127 Berwick, glacial phenomena near, 385-386 Berwyn Mountains, Silurian strata of, 72 , volcanic rocks of, 71 Black, Dr., on Hutton, 280 Black band ironstone, 128 Blackdown Hills, Upper Green- sand of, 220 Black Sea fauna, 161 Blackpool, shell-beds of, 414 Blocks of Montbey, 368 Blyth, 520 Bone bed, Gloucestershire, 163 caves, 459 caves, Meuse, 547 Bouches de Perthes, man and the mammoth, 538 Boulder-clay, 333, 384-397 beds, Oolitic, Brora, 199 beds, Permian, 143 beds, Old Red Sandstone, 111 Bovey Tracey, Miocene beds and fossils of, 259-263 BUN" Bowerbank, Dr., on sponges in Chalk, 227 Boyd river, Miocene beds and fossils of, 311 Bracklesham, Bagshot, and Barton beds, 314 Breidden Hills, volcanic rocks of, 77 Brick- clays, 609-610 Bridlington, glacial, 392 Bristol coal-field, an outlier, 35 Bristol and Somerset, Carbonifer- ous rocks of, 122 Bristol Channel, origin of, 510 Bristow, Mr., on Alum Bay sec- tion, 241 Mr., and Brixham cave, 478 Britain, igneous rocks of, 18 old glaciers of, 372, 384, 431-455 Britain partial submersion of, 41 2- 418 Britain, prospective population of, 604 British Islands and glacial epoch, 380-448-455 Brixham cave, 478-480 Brodie, Rev. P. B., on Insect limestones, 163, 164 Brora, Oolites of, 198 Buckland, Dr., on glacial epoch, 384 Dr., on Bone caves, 461, 473 Dr., on Paviland cave, 470 Dr., and Caldy cave, 472 Building stones, 610-615 Oolitic Bath and Portland, &c., 611 Magnesian Limestone, 611- 612 Carboniferous Limestone, 611 Carboniferous Sandstone, 612 Red Sandstones, old and new, 611 Caradoc Sandstone, 611 Builth, Upper Llandovery rocks, 92 Lower Silurian and volcanic rocks of, 72, 77 Index. 623 BUN Bunter beds, 152 Burdett Coutts, Baroness, and Bovey beds, 259 Burdiehouse Limestone, 128 Bure valley beds, 276 Burnet, geological ideas of, 277 Busk, Mr., and Victoria cave, 466 CADER IDRIS, view from, 498 Caernarvon Castle, its stones, 612 Caithness, Old Red Sandstone of, 294 Caldy Island cave, 472 Cambrian and Silurian rocks, classification of, 56-58 - rocks and fossils, Wales and Longmynd, 58-61 how deposited, 61 and Lower Silurian rocks, disturbance and submergence, of, 303-305 Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, and the Wash, plains of, 333 Canada, Laurentian gneiss, &c., 47, 52 Caradoc Sandstone, range of, 72 Carboniferous Limestone, 112 coral reefs, 133-135 Derbyshire, 125 fossils of, 129-131 _ North of England, 305-306 Scotland, 127 waste of, 561 waters of, 554 epoch, 137 fossils, 129-133 series, 119-138, 297-306 times, physical geography of, 133 volcanic rocks, 291 Carboniferous rocks Derbyshire, anticlinal curve, 324-325 anticlinal and synclinal curves of, 330-331 Carden Park, view from, 308-309 Cardigan Bay, glacier of, 405 Carnedd Llewelyn, &c., glaciers of, 408 CHR Caron tin stream- works and human skulls, 541 Caspian Sea, 116 fauna, 148, 161 Caves and potholes, Yorkshire, 461 ages of, 460-462 bones and flint implements, 462 rarity of, in Scotland, 464 Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Wa^es, Mendip Hills, and Devon, 460- 469 Cave-men, 579-580 Cayton Bay, glacial, 391 Celtic populations, 579-589 names, 582-586 Cement-stones, 6, 10 Chalk, 212, 225-230 and Eocene beds, hiatus between, 234-235, 237 Downs and Isle of Wight, 516 waste of, 560-561 early westerly tilt of, 510 escarpment of, 318, 333 extension of, in Eocene epoch, 257 flints, 227 - fossils of, 226-230 Ireland, 227 marl, 226 potholes in, 318-320 sea in which deposited, 311 thickness of, 226-227 uppermost Continental, 234- 235 unconformity on Oolites, &c., 318 waste of, 318 Chamber, Robert, on glacial epoch, 384 Cheltenham, Inferior Oolite of, 175 salt wells of, 555 Chemical action and denudation, 33 Cheshire plains, 330 Permian strata, 1 42 Chew river, 511 Chillesford clay and fossils, 276 Chloritic marl and fossils of, 226 Christianity in Britain, 583 624 Index. CIB Cirques, 429 Clark, Mr., on S. Wales coal-field, 597 Clay and mud, how formed, 10 Clay slate, 42 Clay and sands, of Bovey beds whence derived, 261 Cleavage and metamorphism, 42 Climate, changes of, 375-380 Close, Rev. M., Irish glaciers, 401 on Sea-shells, Wicklow, 415 Clwyd, water of, 554 Clyde alluvia and remains, 546 Beds, shells of, 413 and Arran,raised beaches of, 549 Coalbrookdale, Carboniferous rocks of, 123 Permian strata, 123 Coal-measures, South Wales and England, 120-126 Coal-measure basins, 128, 599-602 fossils, 131, 138 Coal-beds, how formed, 136-138 Coal-fields, original continuity of, 600 exposed by denudation, 6( 2 concealed by newer strata, 603 populations of and near, 603 Coal Commission, work of, 596-604 available, 596-606 duration of, 604-606 manufactures, 607 Coal-pits, population employed in, 598 of Oolitic Series Yorkshire, 195 Brora, 198 Coniston Limestone, 74 and Upper Silurian, 331 Conisbro' Castle and Magnesian Limestone, 612 Consolidation of strata, 12 Continental epoch, Old Eed to Triassic beds 156-158 Continent of Eocene epoch, 256- 257 Contortion and metamorphism of strata, 45-46 Coquet river, 520 Coral reefs and depression of land, 12 CWM Coral Rag, Calcareous Grit, and fossils, 183-186 Battle, 206 Coralline Crag phosphates and fossils, 270-271, 273-275 Cornstones, 104 Cornbrash, range of and fossils, 181 and Inferior Oolite, community of fossils in, 182 Cors-goch, &c., radiation of gla- ciers from, 406 Coruisk, 451 Cotswold Hills, Inferior Oolite, 175 escarpment and view from, 316-317 Crag, 270-276 physical features and faunas of, 357-358 Cray river,pal8eolithic implements, 541 Cretaceous series, 212-235, 311 Upper, England, physical geography of, 230-235 Lower, of Dr. Fitton, 201 Cretaceous escarpment, 331 rocks, waters of, 554 Crevasses, 364 Croll, Dr. on glacial cycles, 375-80 Crustacea, in base of Old Red Sandstone, 104 Cumberland, volcanic rocks of, 80 age of mountains of, 405 buried in ice, 382 formations, 324 ice-stream from, 408-409 submergence of, 428 to East of England, structure and physiography, 331-333 tributary glaciers of, 399 valleys of, 529 waters of, 553 Cumbraes, Bute, and Ailsa Craig, 382 Gumming, Rev. J. G., on glacial striations, Isle of Man, 399 Curves, anticlinal and synclinal, 33 Cwm-glas glacier, 421 Cwm-y-llan glacier, 422 Index. 625 CYM Cymry, 582 Cyrenas, Inferior Oolite sand, 192 DANA, Professor, cited, 150 on fiord-latitudes, 447 Darwin, C., volcanic explosions in Atlantic, 80 and evolution of species, 173 on fiords, 448 on Llyn Idwal glacier, 423 Dawkins, Professor, on Bone caves, 464, 476 on cave mammalia, 481 on fauna of river gravels, 537 on Greenlanders, 547 on Microlestis antiquus, 162 Dean Forest, Carboniferous rocks of, 121 Dee, Wales, 523-526 water of, 554 Degradation of land, Ray, 10 Dela Beche and Geological Survey, Cambrian and Silurian classifi- cation, 57 on Upper Greensand, Orleigh Court, 221 Sir H., cited, 163 on Kent's Hole, 476 on Lake of Geneva, 443 Delamere Forest, 308 Deltas, how formed, 8 Denbighshire Permian Strata, 142 Denudation, and chemical action, 33 and landslips, 33, 34 and sear waves, 34 and separation of countries, 482-489 and valleys of, 32, 33, 499 definition of, 31-36 of strata, amount of, 34 Derbyshire hills, 330 limestone hills view from, 325 to Scotland, rocks, 324 Derwent, 517, 520 Devizes to Cambridgeshire, Upper Greensand of, 222 ENG Devonian and Old Red Sandstone, 99 fossils, 100-103 Devonshire, culm-measures, 123 Dickinson, Mr., on Dean Forest, Lancashire, and North Wales coal-fields, 597, 598 < Dirt-beds,' Purbeck, 203 Dogger Yorkshire, and equivalent, 194 Dolbadarn, roches moutannees, 425- 426 Dolomite and atolls, 149 Dora Baltea, moraine of, 375 alluvia of, 543 Dordogne, caves of, mammals and man, 547 Downs, North and South, 337- 340 Drifts, height of, 416-418 Durness, Silurian fossils of, 86 Dyfi river, 522 EARTH, internal temperature of, 50, 51 East and Mid- Lothian coal-fields, 128 Eccentricity of earth's orbit and glacial epochs, 377-380 Eccles, James, on temperature of glacier ice, 365 Egaean Sea, insects washed into, 164 Egerton, Sir Philip, on Rhsetic fish, 162 Elevation and depression of land, 11, 12 Elliot, Mr., on North Staffordshire coal-field, 597 England, East coast, shells in boulder-clay, 413 and South, waters of, 554 great flats of, 333 Miocene features of, 356 mountains, plains and table- lands, 323 North of, and Scotland, coals of, 137 S S 626 Index. ENG England, East coast, and Wales, typical section across, 302-305 arrangement of forma- tions in, 302-314 mountain districts of, 315 physical structure 324, 325 retreat of glaciers, 429- 431 scenery of, 350 West coast and Wales, rivers of, 558 Eocene epoch, physical geography of, 255-258 fauna, 352, 456 formations and range of, 236- 258,312-314 riverbeds, and those of Purbeck and Wealden, 238 strata, denudation of, 346-350 strata, earlier extension and outliers of, 318-320, 344-346 unconformable on chalk, 237 Epochs, geological, meaning of, 258 Erratic boulders, 368, 369 East of England, 385-396 in Lower Silurian rocks, 83 Escarpments, 336-344 and rivers, 499-502 cf chalk, origin of, 510, 532 of Lias and Oolites, 167, 175, 178 Eskers, 386, 431, 445 Estuarine series, Lower Oolite, Mr. Judd on, 192, 193 Estuary shales, Loch Staffin, fos- sils of, 200 Oolitic, Hebrides, 199 Etheridge, Mr., on Permian shells, 147 Yorkshire Oolites, 194 Europe, continental, Miocene fauna of, 265-269 Evans, Mr., on implements in Brixham cave, 480 ^ALCONER Dr., and Bone caves, 462, 469, 470, 478 FOS Faluns of Touraine, Miocene fauna of, 265 marine shells of, 271 Faroe Islands, Miocene volcanic rocks and flora of, 264, 354 Fault at base of Grampians, 84, 85 Favre, Alphonse, on Ehone glacier, 441 Faxoe chalk, 234, 235 Fidra Island, 381 Fife and Kinross coal-field, 128 Filey Bay, Red Chalk of, 219, 220 Fiords and lochs, 447-453 Firestone, Upper Greensand, 223, 224 Fish and Crustacea, Upper Ludlow rocks, 96 of Old Red Sandstone, 104, 113 Fishguard, Needle-rock, 488 Fitton, Dr., on Atherfield clay, c., 201 Forbes,Professor E. on White Lias, Caspian and Black Sea faunas, 160, 161 on insect limestone,' 164 on Loch Staffin Oolites, 199, 200 on Hempstead beds, 254 on Migrations of animals, 483 on Miocene plants, Mull, 354 on Purbeck beds, 201 Forest bed, flora and fauna, 358- 360, 456 Forest of Dean coal-field, an out- lier, 35 Wyre, coal-measures of, 123 Permian strata, 142 bed, Cromer, 276 marble, range of, and fossils, 176, 180 Foliation and gneiss, 42 Foraminifera, &c., in Chalk, 226 Formations, British, table of, 29 Formation, epoch, series, remarks on, 282 Forth, and raised beach of, 528, 549 Fossilisation of shells, &c., 13, 16 Index 627 FOS Fossils, successive deposition of, 23-30 Foster, Mr., on Northumberland coal-field, 598 Flints and the Potteries, 609 France and Belgium, Eocene strata of, 256 Franz Joseph Land, Miocene vol- canic rocks of, 354 Frome river, 511, 516 Frost, a disintegrator, 4 Fuchsel, George Christian, on succession of strata and fossils, 278, 281 Fuller's earth, rock, and fossils, 176 thinning out of, in Glouces- tershire, 192 GAEL and Gwyddyl, 582-586 Galloway, tributary glaciers of, 399 Ganges, estuary of, 247, 256 Gastaldi, Professor, on moraine of Dora Baltea, 375 on lakes, 454, 543 Gault, 212 - and Upper Greensand, fossils common to, 224 how deposited, 231 range of and fossils, 218 Geikie, J., on fiords, 449 on interglacial epochs, 459 on lakes and fiords, 454 on palaeolithic and neolithic implements, 544-546 Geikies, Professor, cited, 84 on fault at base of Gram- pians, 85 on basalts of Mull, 200 on Clyde alluvia, and Roman docks, 550 on glacial phenomena, 454 on Kames, 445 on lias of Skye, 199 on rivers of Scotland, 526, 527 Geological time and unconformity, 36 epochs, 96-98 GRE Geological formations, 220 Geology, old notions and defini- tion of, 1 and physical geography, rela- tions of, 2 Glacier ice-currents, 407 between Alps and Jura, 440 cycles, cause of, 375-380 episode, Permian, 143 epoch, &c., 276, 361, 455 lakes, 438-447 Pass of Llanberis, 419-421 pools, 392, 393 striae and roches moutonnees, 368, 369 submergence, emergence, and faunas, 457, 458 Glaciers and sediments, 5 modern, 361-371 movement of, 362-364 of Alps, 361-366, 374, 375 of Old Eed Sandstone epoch, 111, 112 signs of in Britain, 372 Glamorganshire, Lias limestone of, 167 Glass-sand, 610 Gneiss and foliation, 42 different ages of, 45 Laurentian, Canada, 47, 52 Godwin- Austen on Old Red Sand- stone, 61, 105 on physical geography of Upper Cretaceous strata, 231- 234 on Kent's Hole, 477 on post-Pliocene strata, 457 Gold and Gogofau mines, 593, 594 Gower caves, Glamorganshire, 470 Graham Island, volcano, 79 Graig-ddrwg, view from, 406 Grampian Mountains, Lower Silu- rian rocks of, 84, 87 and Lammermuir Hills, forma- tions between, 290, 295 Granites, veins of, 39, 40 Granites, composition of, 43 origin of, 50-54, 615 Great Oolite and fossils of , 176-18 salt-lake, Utah, 155, 438 s s 2 6s8 Index. GEE Great Valley (Loch Ness), rivers South of, 527 Greenland, Miocene flora of, 264 if bared of snow, 453 Green slates and porphyries, moun- tains, 331 Grey wethers, 349, 350 Grinshill, view from, 309 Ground moraine, 395, 396 Gulf stream, 490-492, 494 Gwyn Jeffreys, on fossils of Coral- line crag, 271 HAAST, Dr., on New Zealand lakes, 433 on New Zealand geology, 454 Hematite, 596 Harmer, F. W., on boulder- clays, 393 Harrison, Mr., on Thames at King- ston, 557 Hartley, Mr., on S. Stafford and Coalbrookdale coal-fields, &c., 597 Haldon hills, Upper Greensand of, 220 Hampshire basin, 236, 346 coast, denudation of, 485 fluvio-marine strata of, 255 Hartlepool and South Shields, Magnesian Limestone, 140 Hastings sands, 202, 205-207 Hauer, on Saint Cassian and Hallstatt beds, 159 Headon beds, 238, 241, 251-253 Heath, Mr. T., on Bone caves, Derbyshire, 467 Hebrides and glacier-ice, 382 Lias and Oolites of, 199- 200 Miocene volcanic rocks and soils of, 263, 354-356 Hector, Dr., on New Zealand geology, 454 Heer, Professor, on Miocene plants of Bovey beds, 259, 261-263 Mull, 354 fauna, 265-267 ICE Helland Amund, on lakes and fiords, 445, 449 Hempstead beds, 238, 254-255 Herodotus, 277 Hicks, Mr., and Cambrian fossils, 59-60 High Peak, Derbyshire, 325 Highgate, London clay, 245 Highlands, glaciers of, 398 mountainous character of, 292, 300 Hilsby hill, 308 Himalayah, old glaciers of, 375 Hook on Earthquakes &c., 278- 281 Holderness and boulder clays, 392-394 and denudation, 484 Hopkins, Mr., on the Wye, 517 Hordwell cliffs, 251 Hornsea, glacial, 392 Houses of Parliament, and Mag- nesian Limestone, 611 Ho well, Mr., on pre -glacial valley, 531 Hughes, Professor, and flint imple- ments, 539-541 Hull, Professor, on Irish glaciers, 401 on rock -bound lakes, 446 Humber, 517-519 and its tributary rivers, 334 glacial, 393 warps of, 542 Hunt, Dr. Sterry, cited, 150 Mr., on coal-pit populations, and coal raised, 598 on duration of coal, 604 Hutton Captain, on New Zealand geology, 454 Hutton, Dr., his geological princi- ples, 277, 279-280 Huxley, Prof essor, on early peoples of Britain, 580 TCEBEKGS and boulder clay, 1 395 Iceland, Miocene volcanic rocks and flora of, 264, 354 Index. 629 ICE Ice-sheet from Scotland, its ex- tent, 384 Igneous rocks, proportions of in Britain, 18 rocks, alteration of strata by, 39 rocks and mountains, Wales, 303 rocks, how distinguished, 19- 21, 38-41 rocks of Scottish coal-field, 127, 135 Industrial products, 590 Inferior Oolite range and fossils of, 173-176 Hebrides, 199 Sands and Upper Lias, pas- sage of species through, 174 series, Yorkshire, 194-195 Ingleborough dip-slope of hills and valleys, 334-335 Ireland, Lingula and Tremadoc beds absent, 78 Iron ore, Inferior Oolite Sand, 192 Lias, 606 Lower Greensand, 217 Northampton, 606 Iron ore, Weald, 607 Islands, Lower Silurian, submer- sion of, 90-92 and minor glaciers, 413 in Jurassic sea, 166, 167 Isle of Man, and glacier-ice, 399 of Purbeck, Portland Lime- stone of, 191 Upper Greensand near, 223 Sheppey, fossils in London clay, 245 Wight, Wealden strata of, 205 Upper Greensand of, 223 disturbance of strata, 346- 347 section across, 241 the Needles, 488 JACKSON, Mr., and Victoria cave, 464 Jet of Whitby, 172, 610 Jevons, Professor, on coal question, 604 LAK Jones, Basil, Bishop of Saint David's, cited, 583 Jordan, Mr. J. B., model of Thames valley, 529 Judd, J. W., on Lower Oolite estu- arine series, 192 Brora Oolites, 198-199 Cretaceous rocks of Mull, 227-228 Miocene volcanos of He- brides, 263-264 Neocomian and Portlandian beds, 212-213 volcanic lakes, 438 Jukes, Professor, on Devonian and Carboniferous rocks, 99 lakes, 446, 454 plains of marine denudation, 499 Jura and under-ground rivers, 474 Jurassic series, 166-200 KAMES, Scotland and England, 386 Kaolin, 608 Kelloway Kock, and fossils of, 184-185 Kent and Lune rivers, glacial striations, 399 Kentish rag, 214 Kent's Hole (cave), 476-478 Keuper marls, 152, 160 Sandstone Brora, 198 escarpments, 308 Lossiemouth, 155 fossils, 153 Kimeridge Clay and fossils, 187- 190, 197, 206 Kinder Scout, 326-327 King, Professor, on Magnesian Limestone, 140 T AKES and areas of depression, Jj 437-438 and denudations, 435 and fractures and disturbance, 434-436 630 Index. LAK Lakes and glacier-ice, 438-447 and Kames, 386 and latitudes, 453 and physical geography, 444- 447 and red rocks, 61 British, glacier-scooped, 444 Europe, Scandinavia, Finland, &c., 445 glacier-scooped Swiss and Italian, 443 moraine -dammed, 432 near Ivrea, 432 North America, 116, 444 of Geneva, 439-443 of the Alps, 438-443 rock-bound, glacial origin of, 432-447 rock-bound, North Wales, 445 Cumberland, 446 Scotland, 446-447 Ireland, 446 La Madelaine, Dordogne, and the Mammoth, 471 Lammermuir hills, &c., Lower. Silurian rocks of, 83 denudation of, 301 Lanarkshire and Ayrshire coal- field, 128 Lancashire, Permian strata, 142 Land, elevation and depression of, 11-12 Landslips and denudation, 33-34, 327-330 Land plants in uppermost Silurian beds, 105 lizards in Magnesian Conglo- merate, 154-155 Lane Fox, Colonel, on Thames gravel mammalia and flint weapons, 539 Lartet and Christie, on Caves of Dordogne, 547- 548 Laurentian gneiss, Canada, 47-52 and Cambrian rocks, Scotland, 55-56, 85 Lead mines, 594 Leech, Mr. T.,and flint weapons, 539 Lias and Oolitic series, 166-200 and Oolites, outliers of, 316 LON Lias Brora, 198 divisions of, 309 fossils of, 168-172 Hebrides, 199 Lower, range and escarpments of, 167 seas and assemblages of life in, 172, 311 Lignite and underclay, Eocene, Isle of Wight, 256 - Western Isles, 355 Limestone, how formed, 16-18 Limestones, Upper Silurian of England, 93 Lingula and Tremadoc beds ab- sent in Ireland, 78 flags, fossils of, 63 thinning out of, 77 Lincolnshire, Inferior Oolite of, 192 Lister, geological ideas of, 277 Llanberis, thickness of glacier, 424 Llandeilo and Bala,beds and fossils of, 71-74 volcanic rocks of, 71, 75- 77 Llandovery rocks, Lower and Upper, 89 Llangollen, Upper Silurian rocks of, 93 Lleyn, glaciation of, 409 -- shell-beds of, 414 Llyn Llydaw glacier, 422 Llyn-du'r Arddu glacier, 423 Llyn Idwal glacier, 423 Padarn and Llyn Peris glacier, 425-426 Loch Broom, 449 Erriboll, 449 Etive, 451 Fyne and glacier, 398, 451 Katrine, water of, 553 Lomond, once a fiord, 448 Staffin, oolites of, 199-200 Lodes, metalliferous, 592-596 Logan, Sir W., cited, 150 on American lakes, 454 London and Hampshire Eocene basins, 236 Index. 631 LON London clay, and fossils of, 238, 244-248, 255, 312 - Septaria, 245 Longmynd and Shelve and Upper Llandovery rocks, 91 and Wales, Cambrian rocks, 58-61 Lonsdale on Devonian rocks, 99 Lossiemouth, Keuper Sandstone fossils, 155 Lower Greensand, range of, 212- 217 fossils of, 214-218 how deposited, 231 iron ore of, 217 Lias, 167-169 passage into Marlstone, 169 Oolitic Northamptonshire &c., estuarine conditions of, 193 series, group of fossils of, 179 theory of, 195-197 Silurian, South Wales, 72 Scotland, 83-87 volcanos, 81 -82 Lowlands, physical character of, 292 Lowestoft, Boulder-clay and sand, 396 Lune river, 522 Lyell, Sir C., on changes of climate, 376 on 'Insect limestone,' 164 on lakes, 454 on plants of Hempstead beds, 254 Lyme Kegis, Lias limestone of, 167 MACCLESFIELD, shells in sand and gravel, 413 Maestricht chalk, 234 Maggiore and Como, lakes of, once fiords, 451 Magnesian Conglomerate, Keuper, 153 Limestone, 139-142 escarpment, 331, 333 formed in salt lake, 149-151 Gypsum, &c., in, 150 MBR Magnesian Limestone unconform- able to Carboniferous strata, 142 Malldraeth marsh, Anglesey, 404, 410 Malm-rock, Upper Greensand, 223 Malvern Hills, view from, 315,316 Mammalia, migrations of, 456-459 Mammals of Purbeck beds, 204 Man, his advent, 481 pre-glacial in Britain ? 546, 547 Manchester, Permian fossils, 142 Mantell, Dr., on Weald, 201, 206 Marbles, 615 Marine life and salts in sea, 560 Marjelen See, 424 Marlstone escarpments, 167 or Middle Lias, 169-171 Maury, Captain, on ocean currents, 378 Mawddach estuary, a fiord ? 449 glacier of, 405 McHenry, Kev. J., on Kent's Hole, 476, 477 Mellard, Keade, on salts in rivers, 559 Mello, Rev. J. M., on Bone caves, Derbyshire, 467 Mitchell, on earthquakes, 278 Moore, Charles, cited, 163 Morton, Mr., on ice-grooves, 400 Murchison and Sedgwick, Cam- brian and Silurian rocks, 56 on Devonian rocks, 99 Sir R., Llandeilo flags and limestones, 72 on Brora Oolites, 198 on Permian strata, 140 on Silurian rocks of Durness, 86 Menai Straits, glaciation of, 403, 408-411 how formed, 410 bridges, 612 Mendip Hills and Caves, 473-476 Menevian beds, fossils of, 62, 63 Meuse, human skeletons in alluvia, 548 Merionethshire, Cambrian rocks and denudation, 321-323 632 Index. MER Merionethshire, glaciation of, 406 Mersey ice-grooves, 400 water of, 554 Metamorphic rocks and theory of, 40-54 Microlestis antiquus, and Mendip Hills, 163 Middle Oolites, 183-186 Hebrides, 199 Midland of England, character of, 315 Millepore bed, Yorkshire, 194 Millstone grit, 120 escarpments of, Derbyshire, &c., 324, 325 waters of, 554 Miocene Alpine strata, deposition and disturbance of, 508 and Pliocene, 352-360 epoch, 259-269 epoch, mountains of, 263 fauna fragmentary, 267 fauna probable in British area, 264, 267-269, 274, 275 flora and fauna, 353-357, 456 flora and insects, Switzerland, 263 floras, northern types of, 263, 264, 268 lake of Khine valley and fauna, 268 lakes, Switzerland, 263 rocks, and volcanos, 354- 356 strata, Bovey Tracey, 260 Mississippi, area of drainage, 560 Mo-el Tryfan shell-beds and moraines, 414-416 Moraines, 364-369 Moraine profonde, 395 Moselle, and tablelands of, 499, 525, 526, 533, 535 Mountain chains, old glaciers of, 375 Mountains of Europe, of pre- and post-Wealden epoch, 210, 211 Mud and clay, how formed, 10 Mull, Miocene flora of, 264 Muschelkalk, 152 OCH NANT-FFRANCON glaciers, 407, 408, 423 Nant-Gwynant glacier, 422 Neocomian strata, 201, 212 Newberry, Dr., on American lakes, 454 Newcastle coal-field, 126 on-Tyne, glacial, 387 New Bed Series, 152, 154, 308, 309, 330, 331 and Lias plains, 333 Marl, fossils of, 155, 156 and Lower Lias, transition to, 160-165 Sandstone and Marl, 152- 158 New Zealand, glaciers of, 375 Niagara Falls and denudation, 31 Nith and Annan, Permian breccias, 142-143 Nordenskiold, Professor, on lakes of Finland, 445 North America, glaciation of, 372 table-land of, 499 Northampton, Inferior Oolite and Sands of, 192 Northamptonshire to Yorkshire, Lower Oolites of, 191-200 Northern Counties, Old Red Sand- stone of, 110 Northmore, Mr., and Kent's Hole, 476 North Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire coal-fields, 125, 126 Permian strata, 142 Wales, coal-fields, 124 glaciers of, 401-411, 419-428 volcanic rocks of, 75 of England, glaciated, 382 Northumberland coal-field, 127 Norwich Crag, and fossils of, 270, 275, 276 Norway and Scotland, fiords of, 448 Nottingham, Derbyshire, and Yorkshire coal-field, 126 ,CEAN currents, 378 Ochil and Campsie Hills, 528 Index. 633 OCH Ochil Hills, escarpment of, 296- 297 Oldhaven beds, 244 Old Bed Sandstone, 103-110 and Godwin- Austen, 61 Conglomerates of, 111 and Carboniferous, rocks, Scotland, preservation of, 298, 299 and Devonian, 99, 302- 305 epoch, scenery of,113-118 fossils of, 113-117 freshwater deposit, 105- 109 passage into Carboni- ferous series, 305 Scotland, 86 Scotland, denudations of, 295-297 South Wales, 117 volcanic rocks of, 111, 116, 291 waters of, 553 Olivi, geological ideas of, 277 Oolites, Brora, 198, 199 - and Lias, Upper Cretaceous overlap on, 312 North of Humber, denudation of, 519 Oolitic Series, 173-200, 309 and Liassic rocks, original ex- tension of, 313-316 escarpment, 331 formations, overlaps of Creta- ceous strata on, 183, 191 limestones, waste of, 562 plateaux, 511 rocks, minor scarps of, 318 series, of waters, 45 table-land, and valleys in, 316 waste and denudation of, 311 Ores of metals, 592-596 Orkney Islands and denudation, 488 Orosius, on fossil shells, 277 Osborne Beds and fossils, 238, 252 Ouse, Bedfordshire, gravels, flint hatchets, and mammals, 539 PER Ouse, Sussex, alluvia of, 542 Yorkshire, 517, 519, 532 Outliers, explanation of, 35 - Bristol coal-field, 35 Forest of Dean, 35 Owen, Professor, on Oolitic epoch, 197 on marsupials of Purbeck, 205 Oxford Clay, 197 range of, 183-185 Battle, 206 Hebrides, 199 T)ACIFIC, Calcareous mud in, JL 226 Palaeozoic epoch, 307 Palissy, Bernard, on fossil shells, 277-278 Parker, Mr., and Wookey Hole, 475 Passage of Silurian into Old Red Sandstone, 104 Paviland cave, 470-472 Peach, Mr., Silurian fossils, Suther- land, 61, 86 Peckforton Hills, 308 Pembrokeshire, denudation of, 487, 488 Penarth, Rhsetic beds, 159 Pengelly, Mr., on plants of Hemp- stead beds, 254 on Bone caves, 478, 479 on Bovey beds, 259, 260 Pennine chain, waters of, 554 Pentamerus beds, 89 Pentuan, human skulls, 541 Permian series, 139-151 and New Red epochs and Cen- tral Asia, 157 and New Red Sandstone, waters of, 554 Labyrinthodonts and lizards, 145 fishes, 146 physical geography, 145-151 plants, 145 pseudomorphs of salt, gypsum> 146 634 Index. PER Permian rocks, 306-308 shells, 147 sun-cracks and rain-pittings, 146 Phillips, Professor, on denudation of Holderness, 484 Physical geography and geology, relations of, 2 Cambrian epoch, &c., 67 Lower Silurian, 77-81, 86- 87 Carboniferous, 133-138 Lower Oolites, 195-197 old continental phase of, 157 Purbeck and Wealden epoch, 202, 208-21 1 Physiography before glacial epoch, 503 Pictish Gael, 582 Pipe-clays, Eocene, 609 Plains of marine denudation, 341- 343, 496-499 Plants and lignite, Inferior Oolite Sands, 192 Playfair, on Button's generaliza- tions, 280 lakes, 437 Pliny, 277 Pliocene strata, 270-276 Plot, Dr., geological ideas of, 277 Pont-y-gromlech, roche moutonnee and blocs perches, 427 Portland beds, and fossils, 186, 190, 191, 202-206 Post-glacial rivers, 531 Pre-glacial valleys and coal, 531 Prestwich, Professor, on Thanet sand, 239 Bristol coal-field, 597 Brixham cave, 479, 480 flint implements and mammoth, 538 fossils of Crag, 271, 275, 357 Oldhaven beds, 244 shells between boulder- clays, 413 tertiary outliers, North Downs, 345 Rrv Prestwich, Professor, on Thames at Kingston, 557, 558 Price, Williams Mr., on duration of coal, 604 Primitive strata, so-called, 43-45 old theory of, 86 Pseudomorphs of salt crystals, and sun-cracks, 160 Purbeck and Wealden series, 201- 211, 310 beds, fossils of, 203-205 Isle, disturbance of strata, 347 limestone, 187, 202 marble, 203 outliers of, Buckinghamshire, &c., 209 Purfield beds, 223 "DACES of men in Britain, 579- JLt 589 Kadiation of heat and shrinkage of earth's crust, 45, 46, 49 Kainand rivers, Wealden, 341-344 Rainfalls, Britain, 492-494 Rathlin and glacier-ice, 399 Kay, on degradation of land, 10 Reculvers, denudation at, 485 Red chalk, 213 Reid, Mr., on denudation of Cromer coast, 484 Crag and fossils of, 270, 271 rocks and lakes, 61 Rhaetic beds, and fossils of, 158- 165, 309 Brora, 198 Rhine, 499, 526, 543 Rhone, delta of, 426 glacier, thickness of, 440 Ribble, 522 Fells near, glacial striations, 399 north of, shell-beds, 414 Riley, Dr., and Stutchbury, fossils in Magnesian conglomerate 153 -155 Rivers and valleys, geological dates of, 496-529 and gravels, 530, 536-542 areas of drainage, 584 Index. 635 KIT Rivers, Celtic names of, 552 channels and curves 534-536 - East and South of England, salts in, 558 fauna and flint weapons of, 537-541 France, initial flow of, 508 - of Wales, 522-526 of World, salts in, 560 valleys, and glacial epoch, 530- 533 waters, qualities of, 552 Road metals, 612 Rocks, aqueous and igneous, 3 analyses of, 48 different ages of, 22, 30 metamorphic, 40, 54 Rock-salt of Keuper lake, 155 and gypsum, 614, 615 Rockingham, Inferior Oolite, 192 Rogers, Professor, on salts in springs, 556 Romford, boulder-clay, 394 Romney Marsh, 338 Roy,General,and Roman docks, 550 Running water, transport of sedi- ment by, 6 Rutlandshire, Inferior Oolite of, 192 Riitimeyer,Prof essor, on old Alpine glaciers, 440 SABLES DE BRACHEUX, Paris basin, 240 Salt lakes of New Red epoch, 155, 156 Sanders, William, on Ichthyo- saurus platyodon, 162 Sands, with Amm. Jurensis, York- shire, their equivalents, 194 Sanford, Mr.,and WookeyHole, 475 Sarsen and Druid stones, 350 Scandinavia, its mountains, 210 old glaciers of, 374 Scandinavians, 585 Scarborough Limestone, and Inferior Oolite, 195 Schmerling, Dr., on Bone caves, Meuse, 547 Scilla, geological ideas of, 277 Scotland, Old Red Sandstone, 86, 110, 284, 286-291 age of mountains of, 404 basins of Loch Doon, &c., 292 Carboniferous rocks of, 284, 290-291 coal-fields of, 127 denudation of Highlands, 287, 288 gneiss, &c., of, 283 Highlands, mountain heights of, 293-295 and glacial epoch, 382-384 ice-stream from, 408 later glaciers of, 428 Laurentian, Cambrian and Silurian rocks, 83-87, 283-286 Lias and Oolite of, 284 Lowlands of, 290 origin of scenery of, 291, 301 Permian rocks of, 284 physical structure of, 283-301 river waters of, 55 section across Sutherland and Caithness, 285 the Grampian and Lam- mermuir Hills, 287-290, 295-299 soils of, 563, 564 Southern Highlands, and heights of, 292, 293 strike of formations of, 527 watershed and rivers of, 527- 529 Scuir of Eigg, 356 Searles, Wood, on Coralline Crag, 271 glacial deposits, 391 Sea-cliffs, waste of, 8 caverns, 549 sand, how formed, 9 solutions in, 562 terraces, 548-551 waves and denudation, 34 Seaton, glacial, 387 Seaham, 391 Secondary and Eocene strata, dip of, &c., 323, 504-506 strata, disturbance of, 346 6 3 6 Index. Sedgwick, Prof., and Murchison, Cambrian and Silurian rocks, 57 Arenig beds, 69 on Devonian rocks, 99 on Magnesian limestone, 140 on William Smith, 281 Sediments, transported by gla- ciers, 5 running water, 6 how distributed, 10 Seine, 533, 535 Selsey Bill, waste of, 486 Serpentines, 615 Seven Springs, Thames, 515, 556 Severn, 503-510, 542, 554 Shap granite, boulders, 385 Shells, &c., how fossilized, 13, 16 in glacial beds, 395, 412-418 Sheppey Isle, denudation of, 485 Shingle, how formed, 9 Shrewsbury, Permian strata, 142 Shrinkage of earth's crust, 45, 46, 49 Sidlaw Hills, 528 Silures, 580-582 Silurian rocks, England and Wales, 302-305 Siston river, 511 Skene, Mr., on Celtic populations and names, 580, 581, 583, 584, 586 King Arthur, 587 Skertchly, Mr., on boulder-clay, 394-396 antiquity of man, 481, 482 flint implements, 544 Skiddaw slates, 70 Skye, Miocene volcanic rocks and flora of, 264 Slate quarries, Wales, 590-592 Smith, William, on Sands of Inferior Oolite, 174 Fuller's earth, 176 Kelloway rock, 184 Succession of life in time, 281 Smythe, Admiral, and volcano of Graham Island, 79 Snowdon, &c., volcanic rocks of, 76 Snowdon to East of England, structure and physiography, 330, 331 STI Snowdon, glaciers of, 407, 408 421-428 Soils, 563-578 boulder-clay and silt, 576-578 Charnwood Forest, 568 Cretaceous series, 572-576 Eocene beds, 576 Lias and Oolites, 570-572 Lickey Hills, 568 loams, 573 New Bed Series, 569, 570 North of England, 564-566 North of Scotland, 563 Secondary rocks, 569-576 Wales, 566-568 Wealden, 573 Solar evaporation, concentration of salts by, 146 Solent, 516 Eocene strata of, 347 Somme, river, gravels of, 538 Sorby, Mr., on minerals and rocks, 53, 54 Sound of Jura, glacier, 398 South Staffordshire, Old Red Sandstone of, 117 coal-measures of, 124 Permian strata, 142, 143 South Wales, Lower Silurian rocks of, 72 glaciation of, 402 Old Bed Sandstone of, 117 Southern hemisphere, glacial epoch there, 378 Highlands glaciated, 382 Species, change of, and geological time, 36 Speeton clay, 213 Spitzbergen, Miocene flora of, 264 volcanic rocks of, 354 Stanley, Bishop, on CefnCave, 496 St. Bride's Bay, denudation of , 487 Cassian and Hallstatt beds, 159 David's, volcanic rocks of, 77 Lawrence, area of drainage, 560 Paul's and Portland stone, 190, 611 Steno, on fossils, 278 Stiper Stones, 72 volcanic rocks near, 77 Index. 637 STO Stonehenge, 350 Stonesfield slate and fossils, 176- 178 Stoppani, on Infra Lias, 158 Strabo, 277 Straits of Dover, 516 Strata, how consolidated, 12 alteration of, 39 how formed and arranged, 13- 17 Strath Dearn and Strath Spey, 527 Stratified formations, succession of, 24-30 Succession of stratified forma- tions, 24, 30 Suess, on St. Cassian and Hallstatt beds, 159 Suilven, Canisp, and Coulmore, 289, 300 view of lakes from, 447 Suncracks in Khsetic strata, 160 Sunderland, glacial, 388-390 Surturbrand, Iceland, 264 Sussex marble, 207 Sutherland, Cambrian rocks of, 61 Silurian fossils of, 61 Swale, 519 Swallow-holes and under-ground rivers, 473, 474 Swindon, Portland beds of, 191 grey wethers, 349 Switzerland, Miocene fauna of, 265-267 fPABLE of British formations, 29 1 Tay, 528 Teddington, Thames water pass- ing, 556 Tees, 520 Teifi, 522 Teith, 528 Temperature, internal of earth, 50, 51 Teutonic invasions, 587 Thames river basin, 238 and escarpments, 513, 532 Herne Bay, flint hatchets, 539 river, terraces of, 536-538 salts in solution in, 556-558 VAL Thanet sand and fossils, 238-242, 312 The Gododin, 587 Thompson, Mr., on reptiles, 483 Thuringia, Permian, brecciated conglomerates of, 143 Tiddeman, Mr. R. H., on ice-sheet, 399, 400 on Victoria cave, 464-466, 544 Till, 384-393 Towey, 522 Traeth Bach and Traeth Mawr, glaciers of, 407 Tremadoc slates, fossils of, 65-66 Trent, 517 Trimmer, Mr., on shells in Drift, North Wales, 417 Tweed, 528 Tyne, 520, 530 alluvia of, 542 Tynemouth, glacial, 388 TTNCONFORMABLE stratifica- tion, definition of, 35 Unconformity and geological time, 36 Cretaceous on Oolitic strata, 506 Upper Llandovery on older strata, 89-92 Upper Greensand, 212 changes in character of, 224 fossils of, 224, 225 range of, 220-224 Lias, lithological character and range of, 171 Llandovery rocks, Builth, 92 Oolites and fossils, 186-191 Silurian fossils, 94-97 land plants of, 105 near Caer Caradoc and Wenlock, 93 passage into Old Red Sand- stone, 305 series, 88 YALE OF AYLESBURY, Port- land beds of, 11 6*8 Index. VAL Vale of Clwyd and boulder-clay, 470, 526 Eden, 324, 520-522 Permian strata of, 142, 307 structure of country east of, 332-335 Tisbury, Portland Limestone of, 191 Valleys, Forth and Clyde, 527, 528 how formed, 327-330 Loch Ness, 527 of denudation, 32-33 of Yorkshire, their origin, 334- 335 river excavation of, 534-537 Tyne and Solway, 527 Victoria cave, 464-467 Vitrified forts, 613 Vivian, Mr. E., and Kent's Hole, 477 Mr. H. on South Wales coal- field, 597 Volcanic ashes, how distinguished, 22 dust of Cumbria, 81 rocks of Old Eed Sandstone, 111 rocks, Lower Silurian, 71, 75-77 Breidden Hills, 77 Builth, 72, 77 near Saint David's, 77 near Stiper Stones, 77 North Wales, 75 Volcano Graham Island, 79 Volcanos, Lower Silurian, 81, 82 near the sea, 80 roots of, 75-77 WALES,&c.,'OldEed Sandstone, 103, 104 age of mountains of, 405 and West of England, denuda- tion of palaeozoic strata, 321 churches and Gaelic Saints, 584 partial Cretaceous submergence of, 506 Kivers of, 553 valleys of, 522-529 WIL Ward, J. C., on volcanic dust of Cumbria, 81 rock-bound lakes, 446 Warwickshire coal-field, 124 Permian strata and fossils, 142 Wash, rivers and plain of, 333, 517 alluvia of, 542 Waste of sea-cliffs, 8 strata by denudation, amounts of, 34 Waveney, river gravels, flint wea- pons, &c., 539 Weald of Kent and Surrey, 202- 208 clay, thickness of, 207 denudation of, andtime,344-346 marine bands in, 208 not an old bay, 338-340 rivers of, 341-344 Wealden epoch, physical geogra- phy of, 202, 206, 208-211 anticlinal, 237 boulder-clay, absent in, 53 denudation of, 336-346 epoch, vegetation and animals of, 210 fossils, 207 grey wethers, 349, 350 land of, 209-211 Upper Greensand of, 223, 224 Wear, 520, 530 Weaver, 522 Welland, 517 Wenlock, Upper Silurian rocks of, 93 alluvia of, 542 Werner, 279 West coast- cliffs, denudation of, 488 Westminster Abbey and Bath Stone, 611 Wharfe, 519 Whitaker, Mr., and flint imple- ments, 541 White Lias, Lyme Regis, 159 fauna, analogous to Caspian fauna, 160, 161 Willett, Mr., and Wookey Hole, 474 Index. 639 WIL Williamson, Kev. L, and Wookey Hole, 474 Winds of Lower Silurian epoch, 81 Witham, 517 Wood, Colonel, and Gower caves, 470 Searles P., on boulder-clays, 393 Woodhouse, Mr., on Leicestershire, Yorkshire, and other coal-fields, 597 Woodward, geological ideas of, 277 Woodward, H. B., on Bovey beds, 259, 260 - Chillesford Clay, 276 Wookey Hole, 474 Woolwich and Reading beds and fossils, 238, 242-244, 248, 312 Wren, Sir Christopher,and Portland stone, 611 Wright, Dr., on Avicula contorta zone, 158, 159 Cephalopoda bed, 174 YOU Wye and Usk, 500 - Derbyshire, 517, 518 Wynn, Mrs., and Cefn Cave, 469 T7ELLOW Sandstone, Carboni- 1 ferous, 119 Yellowstone lake, 438 Y-Graig-ddrwg, view from, 321 Yoredale rocks, 119 and Millstone Grit, York- shire, east slope of, 332-335 York and Tees, plain of, and alluvia, 334, 542 Yorkshire, North Riding, Lias and Oolites of, 193 coast, denudation of, 487 glacial deposits, 391 Oolites and escarpment, 335 rivers of, 519 Youle Hind, Professor, on ice- action, Labrador, 396, 397 Young, Professor, 281 LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY EDWARD STANFORD, cK-A.^insro- OIROSS., LONDON, S.W. AGENT, BY APPOINTMENT, FOB THE SALE OP THE ORDNANCE AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS, THE ADMIRALTY CHARTS, INDIA OFFICE PUBLICATIONS, ETC. 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Pompeii, and Venice, and an Account of the Siege and Fall of Strasburg. By WILLIAM EVILL, Jun. Third Edition, with Map and Appendix. Crown 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. FOSTER. MANUAL of GEOGRAPHICAL PRONUNCIATION and ETY- MOLOGY. By A. F. FOSTER, A.M., Author of 'A General Treatise on Geography.' Ninth Edition. Fcap. 12mo, limp cloth, 2s. GAWLER. SIKHIM : With Hints on Mountain and Jungle Warfare. By Colonel J. C. GAWLER, F.R.G.S., late Deputy Adjutant-General in India. With Map and Illustrations. Demy 8vo, paper, 3s. ; cloth, 3s. 6d. G-ILL.-rCHEMISTRY for SCHOOLS: an Introduction to the Practical Study of Chemistry. By C. HAUGHTON GILL, late Assistant Examiner in Chemistry at the University of London, late Teacher of Chemistry and Experimental Physics in University College School. Third Edition. One Hundred Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, 4s. 6d. GREEN. VESTIGES of the MOLTEN GLOBE, as Exhibited in the Figure of the Earth, Volcanic Action, and Physiography. By WILLIAM LOWTHER GREEN, Minister of Foreign Affairs to the King of the Sandwich Islands. Demy 8vo, cloth, 6s. HALL. The MINERALOGIST'S DIRECTORY ; or, A GUIDE to the PRIN- CIPAL MINERAL LOCALITIES in the UNITED KINGDOM of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. By TOWNSHEND M. HALL, F.G.S. Post 8vo, cloth, 6s. HANDBOOK OF TRANSLATION from the LATIN, GREEK, FRENCH, and GERMAN LANGUAGES. Post 8vo, 2s. 6 24 inches by 26. Price, coloured and folded, Is. ; mounted on linen, in case, 3s. RAILWAY MAP of LONDON. The 'DISTRICT' RAJLWAY MAP of LONDON, showing all the Stations on the ' Inner,' ' Middle,' and ' Outer ' Circles of the Metropolitan Underground Railways, with the principal Streets, Parks, Public Buildings, Places of Amusement, &c. Size, 37 inches by 24. Coloured, and folded in cover, Gd. PARISH MAP of LONDON. STANFORD'S MAP of LONDON and its ENVIRONS, showing the boundary of the Jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, the Parishes, Districts, Railways, &c. Scale, 2 inches to a mile ; size, 40 inches by 27. Price, in sheet, 6s. ; mounted on linen, in case, 9s. ; on roller, varnished, 12s. LONDON and its ENVIRONS. DA VIES'S MAP of LONDON and its ENVIRONS. Scale, 2 inches to a mile ; size, 36 inches by 28. The main roads out of London, the Minor Roads and Footpaths in the Environs, the Railways completed and in progress, are carefully defined, Price, sheet, 4s.; coloured, 5s. 6d ; mounted on linen, in case, 8s. ; or on roller, varnished, ] 4s. ENVIRONS of LONDON. A MAP of the ENVIRONS of LONDON, including twenty-five miles from the Metropolis. Scale, f of an inch to a mile ; size, 36 inches by 35. This Map includes the whole of the County of Middlesex, with parts of the Counties of Surrey, Kent, Essex, Herts, Bucks, and Berks. Price, on one large sheet, coloured, 8s. ; mounted, in case, 10s. ; on roller, var- nished, 14s. ENVIRONS of LONDON. DA VIES'S MAP of the ENVIRONS of LONDON. Scale, 1 inch to a mile ; size, 43 inches by 32. Price, sheet, plain, 4s. ; coloured 5s. 6d. ; mounted on linen, in case, 8s. ; or on roller, varnished, 14s. ENVIRONS of LONDON.-STANFORD'S NEW MAP of the COUNTRY TWELVE MILES round LONDON. Scale, 1 inch to a mile ; size, 25 inches by 25. Price, plain, folded in case, 2s. Gd. ; coloured, ditto, 3s. 6d. ; mounted on linen, ditto, 5s. 6d. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. MAPS. 19 GENERAL MAP OF ASIA. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 300 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. NORTHERN ASIA, including Siberia, Kamtschatka, Japan, Mantchooria, Mongolia, Tchoongaria, Tibet, and the Himalaya Mountains. By J. ARROW- SMITH. Scale, 170 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 26. Sheet, coloured, 4s.; mounted, in case, 7s. CENTRAL ASIA. STANFORD'S MAP of CENTRAL ASIA, including Teheran, Khiva, Bokhara, Kokan, Yarkand, Kabul, Herat, &c. Scale, 110 miles to an inch ; size, 22 inches by 17. Coloured sheet, 2s. 6d. ; mounted, in case, 5s. ASIA MINOR, &C. (TURKEY in ASIA). With portions of Persia, the Caspian Sea, and the Caucasian Mountains. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 55 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. INDIA. STANFORD'S NEW PORTABLE MAP of INDIA. Exhibiting the Present Divisions of the Country according to the most Recent Surveys. Scale, 86 miles to an inch; size, 29 inches by 33. Coloured, 6s. ; mounted on linen, in case, 8s. ; on roller, varnished, 1 Is. INDIA. MAP of INDIA. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 90 miles to an inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted in case, 5s. CEYLON. MAP of CEYLON. Constructed from a Base of Triangulations and corresponding Astronomical Observations. By Major-General JOHN FRASER, late Deputy-Quartermaster-General. Reconstructed by JOHN ARROWSMITH. Scale, 4 miles to an inch ; size, 52 inches by 78. Eight sheets, coloured, 21. 5s. ; mounted, in case, 3Z. 13s. 6cJ.; on roller, varnished, 41. 4s.; spring roller, 61. 16s. 6d. CEYLON. COFFEE ESTATES of CEYLON. Map showing the Position of the Coffee Estates in the Central Province of Ceylon. By J. ARROWSMITH. Size, 15 inches by 20. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. BTJRMAH, &c. A Map showing the various Routes proposed for connecting China witn India and Europe through Burmah, and developing the Trade of Eastern Bengal, Burmah, and China. Prepared under the direction of JOHN OGILVT HAY, F.R.G.S. Scale, 33 miles to an inch; size, 27 inches by 32. Coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. BTJRMAH and ADJACENT COUNTRIES. Compiled from various MSS., and other Documents. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 24 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5. CHINA. MAP of CHINA. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 90 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. CHINA and JAPAN. STANFORD'S MAP of the EMPIRES of CHINA and JAPAN, with the Adjacent Parts of British India, Asiatic Russia, Burmah, &c. Scale, 110 miles to an inch ; size, 38 inches by 24. One sheet, full coloured, 8*. ; mounted on linen, in case, 10s. 6d. ; on roller, varnished, 14s. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. C~2 20 SELECTED LIST. GENERAL MAP of AFRICA. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 260 miles to an inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. EGYPT. MAP of EGYPT. Compiled from the most authentic materials, and founded on the best Astronomical Observations. By Colonel W. M. LEAKE, R.A., LL.D., F.R.S. Scale, 10 miles to an inch ; size, 34 inches by 52. Two sheets, coloured, 21s. ; mounted, in case, 28s. ; on roller, varnished, 36s. EGYPT. MAP of EGYPT: including the Peninsula of Mount Sinai. By J. ARROWSMITH. New Edition. Scale, 26 miles to an inch; size, 22 inches by 26. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. AFRICA (NORTH- WEST). MAP of NORTH-WEST AFRICA, in- cluding the Coast of Guinea, and the Isle of Fernando Po, on the South, and the Western parts of Egypt and Darfnr, on the East. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 130 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. AFRICA (SOUTH). MAP of SOUTH AFRICA to 16 deg. South Latitude. By HENRY HALL, Draughtsman to the Royal Engineers, Cape Town. Scale, 50 miles to an inch ; size, 34 inches by 28. Two sheets, coloured, 10s. 6d. ; mounted on linen, in case, 13s. 6eZ.; on roller, varnished, 15s. AFRICA (SOUTH -E ASTERN). MAP of SOUTH-EASTERN AFRICA. Compiled by HENRY HALL. Scale, 25 miles to an inch; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, 4s. ; mounted on linen, in case, 6s. AFRICA (WEST COAST). MAP of the WEST COAST of AFRICA. Comprising Guinea and the British Possessions at Sierra Leone, on the Gambia, and the Gold Coast. &c. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 50 miles to an inch. Two coloured sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 26, 6s. Mounted, in case, 10s. CAPE of GOOD HOPE and SOUTH AFRICA MAP of SOUTH AFRICA, Cape Colony, Natal, &c. By HENRY HALL. Scale, 50 miles to an Inch; size, 29 inches by 17. Sheet, price 4s. 6d. ; mounted, in case, 6s. 6d. CAPE COLONY (EASTERN FRONTIER). MAP of the EASTERN FRONTIER of the CAPE COLONY. Compiled by HENRY HALL. Scale, 8 miles to an inch ; size, 40 inches by 38. Sheets, 18s. 6d. ; mounted on linen, in case, 25s. ; on roller, varnished, 31s. 6d. NATAL. A MAP of the COLONY of NATAL. By ALEXANDER MAIR, Land Surveyor, Natal. Compiled from the Diagrams and General Plans in the Surveyor-General's Office, and from Oata furnished by P. C. SUTHERLAND, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., Surveyor-General. Scale, 4 miles to an inch ; size, 54 inches by 80. Coloured, Four Sheets, 21. 5s. ; mounted, in case, or on rollers, varnished, 3i. NATAL. MAP of the COLONY of NATAL. Compiled in the Surveyor- General's Office. Size, 11* inches by 14. Sheet, coloured, Is. ; mounted, in case, 2s. 6d. NUBIA and ABYSSINIA, including Darfur, Kordofan, and part of Arabia. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale 65 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, coloured, 3s.; mounted, in case, 5s. Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. MAPS. 21 BRITISH COLUMBIA.-NEW MAP of BRITISH COLUMBIA, to the 56th Parallel North Latitude, showing the New Gold Fields of Omineca, the most recent discoveries at Cariboo and other places, and the proposed routes for the Inter-Oceanic Railway. Scale, 25 miles to an inch ; size, 39 inches by 27. Price, hi sheet, coloured, 7s. 6d. ; or mounted on linen, in case, 10s. 6d. CANADA. MAP of UPPER and LOWER CANADA, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, Cape Breton Island, Newfoundland, and a large portion of the United States. By J. ABROWSMITH. Scale, 35 miles to an inch ; size, 40 inches by 26. Two sheets, coloured, 6s. ; mounted, in case, 10s. ; on roller, varnished, 15s. UNITED STATES and CANADA. STANFORD'S NEW RAILWAY and COUNTY MAP of the UNITED STATES arid TERRITORIES, together with Canada, New Brunswick, c. Scale 54 miles to an inch ; size, 57 inches by 36. Two sheets, coloured, 21s. ; case, 25s. ; on rollers, varnished, 30s. UNITED STATES. STANFORD'S HANDY MAP of the UNITED STATES. Scale, 90 miles to an inch ; size, 40 inches by 25. Coloured sheet, 7s. 6d. ; mounted, in case, 10s. Gd. ; on roller, varnished, 15s. UNITED STATES. STANFORD'S SMALLER RAILWAY MAP of the UNITED STATES. Scale, 120 miles to an inch; size, 29 inches by 17 J. Two sheets, coloured, 4s. Gd. ; mounted on linen, in case, 6s. Gd. CENTRAL AMERICA. BAILEY'S MAP of CENTRAL AMERICA, including the States of Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Scale, 8 miles to an inch ; size, 40 inches by 27. Sheet, 7s. Gd.; mounted on linen, in case, 10s. Gd. ; on roller, varnished, 14s. MEXICO. A GENERAL MAP of the REPUBLIC of MEXICO. By the Brigadier-General PEDKO GARCIA CONDE. Engraved from the Original Survey made by order of the Mexican Government. Size, 50 inches by 37. Sheets, price, 10s. Gd. ; mounted on linen, in case, 18s. BERMUDAS. MAP of the BERMUDAS. Published by direction of His Excellency Major-General J. H. LEFROY, C.B., R.A., Governor and Commander- in-Chief of the Bermudas. Scale, 2| miles to an inch; size, 62 inches by 63. Mounted, in case, or on roller, varnished, 21s. WEST INDIA ISLANDS and GUATEMALA. Showing the Colonies in possession of the various European Powers. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 90 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 22. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. JAMAICA. A NEW MAP of the ISLAND OF JAMAICA. Prepared by THOMAS HARRISON, Government Surveyor, Kingston, Jamaica, under the direc- tion of Major-General J. R. MANN, R.E., Director of Roads and Surveyor-General. Scale, 2i miles to an inch ; size, 64 inches by 27. Mounted, in case, or on roller, - varnished, 21s. BARBADOES. Topographical Map, based upon Mayo's Original Survey in 1721, and corrected to the year 1846. By Sir ROBERT H. SCHOMBURGH, K.R.E. Scale, 2 miles to an inch ; size, 40 inches by 50. Two sheets, coloured, 21s. ; mounted, in case, 28s. ; on roller, varnished, 37s. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. 22 SELECTED LIST. AUSTRALIA. From Surveys made by order of the British Government, com- bined with those of D'Entre, Casteaux, Baudin, Freycinet, &c. By J. ARROW- SMITH. Scale, 80 miles to an inch. On two sheets ; size of each, 22 inches by 26. Sheets, coloured, 6s. ; mounted, in case, 10s. AUSTRALIA. Constructed from Official and other original Documents, adjusted to the Maritime Survey of Flinders, King, Wickham, Stokes, Black- wood, Stanley, &c. Sy J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 27 miles to an inch. In Nine Sheets. [Preparing. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. With Plans of Perth, Fremantle, and Guild- ford. From the Surveys of John Septimus Roe, Esq., Surveyor-General, and from other Official Documents in the Colonial Office and Admiralty. By J. ARROW- SMITH. Scale, 16 miles to an inch ; size, 40 inches by 22. Two sheets, coloured, 6s. ; in case, 10s. SOUTH AUSTRALIA.-rShowing the Division into Counties of the settled portions of the Province. With Situation of Mines of Copper and Lead. From the Surveys of Capt. Frome, R.E., Surveyor-General of the Colony. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 14 miles to an inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; in case, 5*. QUEENSLAND. STANFORD'S NEW MAP of the PROVINCE of QUEENSLAND (North-Eastern Australia) : Compiled from the most reli- able Authorities. Scale, 64 miles to an inch ; size, 18 inches by 23. In sheets, coloured, 2s. 6d. ; mounted on linen, in case, 4s. 6d. VICTORIA. A NEW MAP of the PROVINCE of VICTORIA (Australia) : Showing all the Roads, Rivers, Towns, Counties, Gold Diggings, Sheep and Cattle Stations, &c. Scale, 20 miles to an inch ; size, 31 inches by 21. In sheet, 2s. 6d. ; or mounted on linen, in case, 4s. 6d. NEW ZEALAND. STANFORD'S MAP of NEW ZEALAND: Compiled from the most recent Documents. Scale, 64 miles to an inch ; size, 17 inches by 19. Full-coloured, in sheet, 2s. ; mounted on linen, incase, 3s. 6d. NEW ZEALAND. From Official Documents. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 38 miles to an inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted, in case, 5s. NELSON and MARLBOROUGH.-A NEW MAP of the PRO- VINCES of NELSON and MARLBOROUGH, in New Zealand, with Cook's Strait, and the Southern Part of the Province of Wellington. Scale, 8 miles to an inch. Size, 40 inches by 27. In sheet, coloured, 7s. 6d. ; mounted on linen, incase, 10s. Qd. TASMANIA (Van Diemen's Land). From MS. Surveys in the Colonial Office, and in the Van Diemen's Land Company's Office. By J. ARROW- SMITH. Scale, 10i miles to an inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. Sheet, coloured, 3s. ; mounted in, case, 5s. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. MAPS. 23 BRITISH ISLES. GEOLOGICAL MAP of the BRITISH ISLES. By Professor A. C. RAMSAY, LL.D., F.R.S., Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom. Scale, 11 miles to an inch; size, 50 Inches by 58. Mounted on rollers, varnished, 42s. BRITISH ISLES. STANFORD'S GEOLOGICAL MAP of the BRITISH ISLES. Compiled under the Superintendence of E. BEST, H.M. Geological Survey. Scale, 25 miles to an inch ; size, 23 inches by 29. ENGLAND and WALES. By ANDREW C. RAMSAY, LL.D., F.R.S., and G.S., Director-General of the Geological Surveys of Great Britain and Ireland, and Professor of Geology at the Royal School of Mines. This Map shows all the Railways, Roads, &c., and when mounted in case, folds into a convenient pocket size, making an excellent Travelling Map. Scale, 12 miles to an inch ; size, 36 inches by 42. Fourth Edition, with Corrections and Additions. Price, in sheet, ll. 5s. ; mounted on linen, iu case, ll. 10s. ; or on roller, varnished, ll. 12s. ENGLAND and WALES. Showing the Inland Navigation, Railways, Roads, Minerals, &c. By J. ARROWSMITH. Scale, 18 miles to an inch ; size, 22 inches by 26. One sheet, 12s. ; mounted hi case, 15s. SOUTH-EAST ENGLAND. GEOLOGICAL MODEL of the SOUTH- EAST of ENGLAND and Part of France ; including the Weald and the Bas Boulonnais. By WILLIAM TOPLEY, F.G.S., Geological Survey of England and Wales, and J. B. JORDAN, Mining Record Office. Scale, 4 miles to an inch horizontal, and 2,400 feet to an inch vertical. Coloured and varnished in black frame, to hang up, 51. ; or packed hi case for safe transit, 51. 5s. LONDON and its ENVIRONS. Scale, 1 inch to a mile; size, 24 inches by 26. Compiled from various authorities by J. B. JORDAN, Esq., of the Mining Record Office. Price, folded hi cover, 5s. ; mounted on linen, in case, 7s. 6d. ; or on roller, varnished, 9s. IRELAND. By JOSEPH BEETE JUKES, M.A., late Director of H.M. Geological Survey of Ireland. Scale, 8 miles to 1 inch ; size, 31 inches by 38. On two sheets, 25*. ; mounted on linen, hi case, 30s. ; or on roller, varnished, 32s. SOUTH AFRICA.-GEOLOGICAL SKETCH MAP of SOUTH AFRICA. Compiled by E. J. DUNN from personal observations, combined with those of Messrs. A. G. and T. BAIN, WYLIE, ATHERSTONK, PINCHIN, SUTHERLAND, and BUTTON. Scale, 35 miles to an inch ; size, 34 inches by 28. One sheet, 10s. ; mounted in case, 13s. 6d. ; on roller, varnished, 16s. CANADA and the ADJACENT REGIONS, Including Parts of the other BRITISH PKOVINCES and of the UNITED STATES. By Sir W. E. LOGAN, F.R.S., &c.. Director of the Geological Survey of Canada. Scale, 25 miles to an inch ; size, 102 inches by 45. On eight sheets, 3i. 10s. ; mounted on linen, on roller, varnished, or in two parts to fold in morocco case, 51. 5s. NEWFOUNDLAND. GEOLOGICAL MAP of NEWFOUNDLAND. By ALEXANDER MURRAY, F.G.S., assisted by JAMES P. HOWLEY, and Drawn by ROBERT BARLOW. Scale, 25 miles to an inch ; size, 26 inches by 26. One Sheet, 10s. ; mounted in case, 12s. 6d. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. 24 SELECTED LIST. STANFORD'S NEW SERIES OF SCHOOL MAPS. Prepared under the direction of the SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE and of the NATIONAL SOCIETY, are patronized by Her Majesty's Government for the Army and Navy Schools, the Commissioners of National Education for Ireland, the School Boards of London, and of all the principal Provincial towns. The Series comprises the following Maps: THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE THE WESTERN HEMI- SPHERE. Two distinct Maps. Size, each 50 inches by 58. Price of each, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. ; the two mounted together, '26s. EUROPE. Scale, 65 miles to an inch; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. BRITISH ISLES. Scale, 8 miles to an inch; size, 75 inches by 90. Mounted on roller, varnished, price 42s. BRITISH ISLES. Scale, 11 miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. ENGLAND and WALES-Scale, 8 miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. SCOTLAND and IRELAND. Separate Maps. Scale, 8 miles to an inch ; size, 34 inches by 42. Price of each, mounted on roller, varnished, 9s. ASIA. Scale, 140 miles to an inch; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. HOLY LAND. Scale, 4 miles to an inch; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. OLD TESTAMENT. MAP of the HOLY LAND to ILLUSTRATE the OLD TESTAMENT. Scale, 8 miles to an inch; size, 34 inches by 42. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 9s. NEW TESTAMENT. MAP of the HOLY LAND to ILLUSTRATE the NEW TESTAMENT. Scale, 1 miles to an inch ; size, 34 inches by 42. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 9s. ACTS and EPISTLES. MAP of the PLACES mentioned in the ACTS and the EPISTLES. Scale, 57 miles to an inch; size, 34 inches by 42. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 9s. JOURNEYINGS of the CHILDREN of ISRAEL. MAP of the PENINSULA of SINAI, the NEGEB, and LOWER EGYPT. Scale, 10 miles to an inch ; size, 42 inches by 34. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 9s. INDIA. Scale, 40 miles to an Inch; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. AFRICA. Scale, 118 miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. NORTH AMERICA. Scale, 97 miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. SOUTH AMERICA. Scale, 97 miles to an inch; size, 50 inches by 58. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. AUSTRALASIA. Scale, 86 miles to an inch ; size, 58 inches by 50. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 13s. AUSTRALIA. Scale, 86 miles to an inch; size, 42 inches by 34. Price, mounted on roller, varnished, 9s. NEW ZEALAND. Scale, 25 miles to an inch ; size, 42 inches by 34. Price mounted on roller, varnished, 9s. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. MAPS. 25 STANFORD'S SMALLER SERIES OF SCHOOL MAPS. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Educa- tion appointed by the SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, and of the NATIONAL SOCIETY. These New Maps are accurately Coloured in Political Divisions ; they retain all the characteristic boldness of the larger Series, and are specially suitable for Small Classes. WORLD IN HEMISPHERES. EASTERN HEMISPHERE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. Two separate Maps. Size of each map, 27 inches by 32. Price, coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 6s. each; coloured sheet, 2s. Gd. ** The two Hemispheres can be had mounted as one map ; size, 54 inches by 32. Price, coloured, on roller, varnished, 12s. EUROPE. Size, 32 inches by 27. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 6s. ; coloured sheet, 2s. Gd. ASIA. Size, 32 inches by 27. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 6s. ; coloured sheet, 2s. Gd. INDIA. Size, 27 inches by 32. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 6s. ; coloured sheet, 2s. Gd. HOLY LAND. To ILLUSTRATE the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS. Size, 27 inches by 32. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 6s. ; coloured sheet, 2s. Gd. OLD TESTAMENT. MAP of the HOLY LAND to ILLUSTRATE the OLD TESTAMENT. Size, 17 inches by 22. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 4s. ;* on millboard, varnished, 3s. Gd. ; coloured sheet, Is. Gd. NEW TESTAMENT. MAP of the HOLY LAND to ILLUSTRATE the NEW TESTAMENT. Size, 17 inches by 22. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 4s. ;* on millboard, varnished, 3s. Gd. ; coloured sheet, Is. Gd. * The Maps of the Old Testament and New Testament can be had, mounted together, price 8s. ACTS and EPISTLES.-MAP of PLACES MENTIONED in the ACTS and EPISTLES: showing St. Paul's Missionary Journeys, Journey to Rome, &c. Size, 22 inches by 17. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 4s. ; on millboard, varnished, 3s. Gd. ; coloured sheet, Is. Gd. JOURNEYINOS of the CHILDREN of ISRAEL.-MAP of the PENINSULA of SINAI, the NEGEB, and LOWER EGYPT, to illustrate the History of the Patriarchs and the Exodus; with a Supplementary Map of the Migration of Terah and Abraham. Size, 17 inches by 22. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 4s.; on millboard, 3s. Gd. ; coloured sheet, Is. Gd. NORTH AMERICA. Size, 27 inches by 32. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 6s. ; coloured sheet, 2s. Gd. SOUTH AMERICA. Size, 27 inches by 32. Coloured and mounted on Droller, varnished, 6s.; coloured sheet, 2s. Gd. AUSTRALIA. Size, 22 inches by 17. Coloured and mounted on roller, varnished, 4s. ; on millboard, varnished, 3s. Gd. ; coloured sheet, Is. Gd. NEW ZEALAND. Size, 17 inches by 22. Coloured, and mounted on roller, varnished, 4s. ; on millboard, varnished, 3s. Gd. ; coloured sheet, Is. Gd. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. 26 SELECTED LIST. STANFORD'S NEW GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES OF WALL MAPS. For use in Schools and Colleges. Edited by Professor RAMSAY, LL.D., F.R.S., &c., Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom. This series aims at exhibiting in the first place, and prominently, the forms of relief and of contour of the land masses of the globe, and next of the sea bed. At once a general idea is gained by the youngest student, on an inspection of the Map, of the relative position of the high, dry, and cold table-lands and mountainous regions, and the warm, moist, and fertile plains in each great division of the globe. For instance, in our own country it is seen at once why the eastern part is devoted to agricultural purposes, and the western part to mining and manufacturing; or by reference to the Map of Europe we can readily see how a rise in the level of the sea of a few hundreds of feet would suffice to inundate the whole northern part of Europe ; and on the other hand, how the general upheaval of the land of a few hun- dreds of feet would alter the whole contour of Europe, connecting the British Isles with the Continent, and annihilating the North Sea and the Baltic. The following Maps, forming part of the Physical Series of Wall Maps for use in Schools and Colleges, are ready for sale, and will be found, both in utility and artistic finish, not inferior to any Maps hitherto offered to the public. They are uniform in scale and size with the Political Series already in use, and which have acquired so great a popularity ; and will be found as accurate and, it is hoped and believed, as useful in teaching Physical Geography as the companion series are and have been in Political Geography. BRITISH ISLES. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 11* miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price 30s. ENGLAND and WALES. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 8 miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price 30s. SCOTLAND. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 8 miles to an inch; size, 34 inches by 42. Price 18s. IRELAND. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 8 miles to an inch ; size, 34 inches by 42. Price 18s. EUROPE. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 65 miles to an inch ; size, 58 inches by 50. Price 30s. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 140 miles to an inch ; size 58 inches by 50. AFRICA. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 116 miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price 30s. NORTH AMERICA, Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 97 miles to an inch j size, 50 inches by 58. Price 30s. SOUTH AMERICA. Mounted on linen, on rollers, varnished. Scale, 97 miles to an inch ; size, 50 inches by 58. Price 30s. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. MAPS. 27 V ARTY'S EDUCATIONAL SERIES of CHEAP WALL MAPS, for class teaching, constructed by AKKOWSMITH, WALKEB, &c. New and revised editions, coloured, mounted, and varnished. The World in Hemispheres. Size, 51 inches by 26. Price 12*. The World (Mercator). Size, 50 inches by 32. Price 10s. The British Isles. Size, 51 inches by 41. Price 10*. Also the following, each 6*., size, 34 inches by 26 : Europe. Australia. Asia. Africa. America. New Zealand. England. Scotland. Ireland. Roman. Empire. Journeyings of the Children of Israel. S. Paul's Voyages and Travels. Price, in plain sheet, 2s. ; Price, in plain VABTY'S LARGE OUTLINE MAPS. coloured, 3s. ; mounted on rollers, 7s. The World (globular), 2 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. sheet, Is. ; coloured, Is. 6d. The World (Mercator), 21 inches by 15 in. And the following, plain sheet, Is. 3d. ; coloured, 1*. 6d. ; mounted on rollers, 4*. ; size, 2 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. Europe. Asia. Africa. America. England. Scotland. Ireland. Palestine (O. Test.). Palestine (N. Test.). STANFORD'S OUTLINE MAPS. Size, 17 inches by 14, printed on drawing paper. A Series of Geographical Exercises, to be filled in from the Useful Knowledge Society's Maps and Atlases. Price 6d. each. World in Hemi- spheres, West. World in Hemi- spheres, East. Europe. British Isles. England. Scotland. Ireland. France. Netherlands. Switzerland. Germany, General. Italy, General. Spain and Portu- gal. Russia. Denmark. Norway. Turkish Empire. Asia. Asia Minor. Greece. India. China. Palestine. Africa. Egypt. America, North. Canada, and the United States. America, South. West India Islands Australia. New Zealand. STANFORD'S PROJECTION SERIES. Uniform in size, price, &c., with Stanford's Outlines. The OXFORD SERIES of OUTLINE MAPS. Size, 16 inches by 14. Price 3d. each. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. 28 SELECTED LIST. These Diagrams, compiled by the eminent Scientific Men whose names are appended, are drawn with the strictest regard to Nature, and engraved in the best style of art. The Series consists of Eleven Subjects, each arranged so that it may be mounted in one sheet, or be divided into four sections and folded in the form of a book, thus rendering them available either for Class Exercises or Individual Study. Price of each, mounted on roller and varnished, 6s. ; or folded in book form, 4s. I. CHARACTERISTIC BRITISH FOSSILS. By J. W. LOWRT, F.R.G.S. Exhibits nearly 600 of the more prominent forms of Organic remains found in British Strata. II. CHARACTERISTIC BRITISH TERTIARY FOSSILS. By J. W. LOWRY, F.R.G.S. This Diagram is similarly arranged to No. 1, and illustrates upwards of 800 specimens of the Tertiary Formation. III. FOSSIL CRUSTACEA. By J. W. SALTER, A.L.S., F.G.S., and H. WOODWARD, F.G.S., F.Z.S. Consisting of about 500 Illustrations of the Orders and Sub-Orders, and showing their Eange in Geological time. IV. The VEGKETABLE KING-DOM. By A. HENFREY. Arranged according to the Natural System, each Order being illustrated by numerous examples of representative species. V. The ORDERS and FAMILIES of MOLLUSCA. By Dr. WOODWARD. Represented in six classes : Cephalapoda, illustrated by 20 examples; Gasteropoda, 4 Orders, illustrated by 180 examples; Pteropoda, illustrated by 18 examples; Conchifera, illustrated by 158 examples; Brachio- poda, illustrated by 11 examples; and Tunicata, illustrated by 20 examples. VI. MYRIAPOD A, ARACHNID A, CRUSTACEA, AN- NELIDA, and ENTOZOA. By ADAM WHITE and Dr. BAIRD. The numerous Tribes represented under these Orders are illustrated by upwards of 180 examples, including Centipedes, Spiders, Crabs, Sandhoppers, Seamice, Serpulas, Leeches, &c. VII. INSECTS. By ADAM WHITE. Contains nearly 250 drawings of the different Orders: Coleoptera; Euplexoptera ; Orthoptera ; Thysanoptera Thripidae, &c. ; Neuroptera; Trichoptera; Hymenoptera ; Strepsiptera Hylechthrus rubis; Lepidoptera; Homoptera Heteroptera ; Diptera; and Aphaniptera. VIII. FISHES. By P. H. GOSSE. Showing over 130 of the most conspicuous types, arranged in their Orders and Families. IX. REPTILIA and AMPHIBIA. By Drs. BELL and BAIRD. Contains 105 figures of the principal typical forms. X. BIRDS. By GEORGE GRAY. Contains drawings of 236 of the leading illus- trative specimens. XI. MAMMALIA. By Dr. BAIRD. Exhibits 145 of the chief illustrations selected from the several Orders. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. BEADING BOOKS. 29 Smes of f0r Edited by the Kev. J. P. FAUNTHORPE, M.A., Principal of Whitelands Training College. With original Illustrations. Post 8vo. Standard 1. Illustrated Short Stories, &c. 56 pp. 4d. 2. Illustrated Easy Lessons. 164 pp. is. 3d. 3. Instructive Lessons. Illustrated. 206 pp. is. &d. 4. Original Stories and Selected Poems. 264pp. is. 9tf. 5. Domestic Economy and Household Science. 6. Literary Header. f0r ffatw Its*. Chiefly intended for Elementary Schools. Our Bodily Life* Mrs. FENWICK MILLER, Member of the London School Board. How and Why We Breathe* Mrs. FENWICK MILLER. Food* G. PHILLIPS BEVAN, F.G.S., Editor of ' British Manufacturing Industries.' Drink Dr. MANN, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., late Super- intendent of Education in Natal. Cookery* J. C. BUCKMASTER, B.A., of the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Needlework Mrs. BENJAMIN CLARKE. Clothing 1 J. J. POPE, Staff Surgeon, retired. Air and Ventilation* . . . . Mrs. FENWICK MILLER. Sicknesses that Spread . . Mrs. FENWICK MILLER. Weather Dr. MANN, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S. Astronomy .. .. RICHARD A. PROCTOR, B.A., Author of ' Light Science for Leisure Hours,' &c. Birds Kev. F. 0. MORRIS, M. A., Author of His- tory of British Birds.' Flowers Rev. G. HENSLOW, M.A., F.L.S. Money Rev. T. E. CRALLAN, M.A., Chaplain to Sussex County Asylum. * Specific Subject of New Code, Article 21. This series is written in a siinple and interesting manner, and will be found admirably adapted either for use in class or as rewards for attendance and good conduct. Price 16. per 100. Single copies 3d. each. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. 30 SELECTED LIST. Jrfamg's Jfmpt0irttr EDITED BY ROBERT JAMES MANN, M.D., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., late Super- intendent of Education in Natal. Price 9d. each. Algebra. Astronomy. Botany. British Constitution. Chemistry. Classical Biography. English Grammar. English History. French Grammar. French History. General Geography. General Knowledge. Grecian Antiquities. Grecian History. Irish History. Italian Grammar. Jewish Antiquities. Music. Mythology. Natural Philosophy. Roman Antiquities. Roman History. Sacred History. Scottish History. Universal History. INSTRUCTIVE ATLAS of MODERN GE O GRAPH Y. Con- taining Sixteen Coloured Maps, each 17 inches by 14. ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL ATLAS, intended chiefly for Map- Drawing, and the Study of the Great Physical Features and Relief Contours of the Continent, with an Introduction to serve as a Guide for both purposes. By the Rev. J. P. FAUNTHORPE, M.A., F.R.G.S., Principal of Whitelands Training College. Eighth Edition. Sixteen Maps, printed in Colour, with descriptive Letterpress. Price 4s. OUTLINE ATLAS. Containing Sixteen Maps, intended chiefly for use with the ' Elementary Physical Atlas.' Coloured Wrapper, Is. PROJECTION ATLAS. Containing Sixteen Plates of Projections, intended chiefly for use with the ' Physical Atlas.' Coloured Wrapper, Is. BLANK SHEETS for MAPS. Sixteen Leaves of Blank Paper for Map- Drawing, intended chiefly for use with the ' Elementary Physical Atlas ' Coloured Wrapper, 6d. " PHYSICAL ATLAS. A Series of Twelve Maps for Map-Drawing and Examination. By CHARLES BIRD, B.A., F.R.A.S., Science Master in the Brad- ford Grammar School. Royal 4to, stiff boards, cloth back, 4s. 6d. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. PRINTS. 31 atttr Animal PRECEPTIVE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BIBLE. A Series of Fifty-two Prints to aid Scriptural Instruction, selected in part by the Author of ' Lessons on Objects.' The whole from Original Designs by S. BENDIXEN, Artist, expressly for this Work. They have been recently re-engraved, and are carefully coloured. Size, 17 inches by 13. Price of the Work. The Set of 52 Prints, in Paper Wrapper .............. 52s. ---- in One Volume, handsomely half-bound . . . . 60s. -- in Varty's Oak Frame, with glass, lock and key 60s. Single Prints, Is. each ; mounted on millboard, Is. 4d. each. VARTY'S SELECT SERIES of DOMESTIC and WILD ANIMALS, Drawn from Nature and from the Works of Eminent Artists. In 36 carefully-coloured Plates, exhibiting 130 Figures. Size, 12 inches by 9. The selection of Animals has been limited to those which are most known and best adapted to elicit inquiry from the young, and afford scope for instruction and application. Bound In Frame in Cloth. and Glass. Set of 36 Prints, Coloured ...... 18s. .. 24s. .. 24s. --- Plain ........ 12s. .. 17s. .. 18s. Single Prints, coloured, 6d. ; mounted on millboard, lOd. The ANIMAL KINGDOM at ONE VIEW, clearly exhibiting, on four beautifully-coloured Plates containing 1 84 Illustrations, the relative sizes of Animals to Man, and their comparative sizes with each other, as arranged in Divisions, Orders, &c., according to the method of Baron Cuvier. Exhibited on four Imperial Sheets, each 30 inches by 22 : Complete Set, Animals and Landscape, full coloured . . Animals only coloured Single Plates, full coloured Cloth, Rollers, and Varnished. 38s. 35s. 10s. On Sheets. 18s. 15S. 5S. VARTY'S GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS of ANIMALS, showing their Utility to Man, in their Services during Life and Uses after Death. Beautifully coloured. Size, 15 inches by 12. Price, the set, 31s. 6d. ; in frame, with glass, lock and key, 39s. 6d. ; or half-bound in leather, and lettered, 1 vol. folio, 42s. The 21 separate Prints may also be had, price Is. 6ci. each. Or Mounted on Millboard, Is. lOd. For complete lists of EDWARD STANFORD'S PUBLICATIONS, see his GENERAL CATALOGUE of MAPS and ATLASES, LIST of BOOKS, EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE, &c., gratis on application, or by post for one penny stamp. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. CATALOGUES ISSUED BY EDWAED STANFOBD, 55, OHABDTG OEOSS, S.W. 1. ATLASES and MAPS. General Catalogue of Atlases and Maps published or sold by EDWARD STANFORD. New Edition. 2. BOOKS. Selected List of Books published by EDWAKD STANFORD. Naval and Military Books, Ordnance Survey Publications, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, and Meteorological Office Publications, published on account of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 4. LONDON and its ENVIRONS. Selected List of Maps of London and its Environs, published by EDWARD STANFORD. 5. ORDNANCE MAPS. Catalogue of the Ordnance Maps, published under the superintendence of Major-General J. CAMERON, R.E., C.B., F.R.S., &c., Director-General of the Ordnance Survey. Price Qd. ; per post Id. 6. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. Catalogue of the Geological Maps, Sections, and Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, under the Superin- tendence of ANDREW C. RAMSAY, LL.D., F.R.S., Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom. 8. ADMIRALTY CHARTS. Catalogue of Charts, Plans, Views, and Sailing Directions, &c., published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 224 pp. royal 8vo. Price 7s. ; per post Is. 4d. 9. INDIA. Catalogue of Maps of the British Possessions in India and other parts of Asia, with continuation to the year 1876. Published by order of Her Majesty's Secretary of State for India, in Council. Post free for Two Penny Stamps. 10. EDUCATIONAL. Select List of Educational Works, published by EDWARD STANFORD, including those formerly published by VARTY and Cox. 11. EDUCATIONAL WORKS and STATIONERY. STAN- FORD'S Catalogue of School Stationery, Educational Works, Atlases, Maps, and Globes, with Specimens of Copy and Exercise Books, &c. 12. SCHOOL PRIZE BOOKS. List of Works specially adapted for School Prizes, Awards, and Presentations. 14. BOOKS and MAPS for TOURISTS. STANFORD'S Tourist's Catalogue, containing a List, irrespective of Publisher, of all the best Guide Books and Maps suitable for the British and Continental Traveller ; with Index Maps to the Government Surveys of England, France, and Switzerland. %* With the exception of those with price affixed, any of the above Cata- logues can be had gratis on Application ; or, per post, for Penny Stamp. Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross, London. Agent, by Appointment, for the sale of the Ordnance and Geological Survey Maps, the Admiralty Charts, Her Majesty's Stationery Office and India Office Publications, fyc. RETURN EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY TO *> 230 McCone Hall 642-2997 LOAN PERIOD 1 1 MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Books needed for class reserve are subject to immediate recall DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. DD8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES I Illlll! Illl Hill III II m \ Ijjjii irail HI