JCHUfcCH d STORIES FROM VIRGIL BY THE REV. ALFRED J CHURCH M.A AUTHOR OF STORIES FROM HOMER NEW YORK THOMAS Y. CROWELL &C9 PUBLISHERS TO THE HONORED MEMORY OF 3obn Coninato THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAOK I. THE HORSE OF WOOD 1 II. THE SACK OF TROY 8 III. ^ENEAS AND ANCHISES 16 IV. POLYDORUS DELOS CRETE THE HARPIES. . 23 V. KINO HELENUS THE CYCLOPS 31 VI. THE SHIPWRECK 42 VII. CARTHAGE 47 VIII. DIDO 55 IX. THE LOVE AND DEATH OF DIDO 63 X. THE FUNERAL, GAMES OF ANCHISES 77 XI. THE FUNERAL GAMES (CONTINUED) 86 XII. THE BURNING OF THE SHIPS THE VOYAGE TO ITALY 92 XIII. THE SIBYL 99 XIV. THE DWELLINGS OF THE DEAD 105 XV. KING LATIMUS 119 v VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGK XVI. THE WRATH OF JUNO 127 XVII. THE GATHERING OF THE CHIEFS 134 XVIII. KING EVANDER 139 XIX. THE ARMS OF ^NEAS 145 XX. NlSUS AND EURYALUS 152 XXI. THE BATTLE AT THE CAMP 161 XXII. THE BATTLE ON THE SHORE 168 XXIII. THE COUNCIL 181 XXIV. THE BATTLE AT THE CITY 188 XXV. THE BROKEN TREATY 196 XXVI. THE DEATH OF TURNUS. . . .202 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. CHAPTER I. THE HORSE OF WOOD. FOR ten years King Agamemnon and the men of Greece laid siege to Troy. But though sen- tence had gone forth against the city, yet the day of its fall tarried, because certain of the gods loved it well and defended it, as Apollo, and Mars, the god of war, and Father Jupiter himself. Wherefore Minerva put it into the heart of Epeius, Lord of the Isles, that he should make a cunning device wherewith to take the city. Now the de- vice was this: he made a great Horse of wood, feigning it to be a peace-offering to Minerva, that the Greeks might have a safe return to their homes. In the belly of this there hid themselves certain of the bravest of the chiefs, as Menelaiis, and Ulysses, and Thoas the ^Etolian, and Machaon, the great physician, and Pyrrhus, son of Achilles (but Achilles himself was dead, slain by Paris, Apollo helping, even as he was about to take the 1 2 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. city), and others also, and with them Epeius him- self. But the rest of the people made as if they had departed to their homes; only they went not further than Tenedos, which was an island near to the coast. Great joy was there in Troy when it was noised abroad that the men of Greece had departed. The gates were opened, and the people went forth to see the plain and the camp. And one said to an- other, as they went, " Here they set the battle in array, and there were the tents of the fierce? Achilles, and there lay the ships." And some stood and marvelled at the great peace-offering to Minerva, even the Horse of wood. And Thymoe- tes, who was one of the elders of the city, was the first who advised that it should be brought within the walls and set in the citadel. Now whether he gave this counsel out of a false heart, or because the Gods would have it so, no man knows. But Capys, and others with him, said that it should be drowned in water, or burned with fire, or that men should pierce it and see whether there were aught within. And the people were divided, some crying one thing and some another. Then came forward the priest Laocoon, and a great company with him, crying, " What madness is this ? Think ye that the men of Greece are in- deed departed, or that there is any profit in their gifts? Surely, there are armed men in this mighty Horse; or haply they have made it that they may look down upo. our walls. Touch it THE HORSE OF WOOD. 3 not, for as for these men of Greece, I fear them, even though they bring gifts in their hands." And as he spake he cast his great spear at the Horse, so that it sounded again. But the Gods would not that Troy should be saved. Meanwhile there came certain shepherds drag- ging with them one whose hands were bound be- hind his back. He had come forth to them, they said, of his own accord, when they were in the field. And first the young men gathered about him mocking him, but when he cried aloud, " What place is left for me, for the Greeks suffer me not to live, and the men of Troy cry for venge- ance upon me ? " they rather pitied him, and bade him speak, and say whence he came and what ho had to tell. Then the man spake, turning to King Priam: " I will speak the truth, whatever befall me. My name is Sinon, and I deny not that I am a Greek. Haply thou hast heard the name of Palamedes, whom the Greeks slew, but now, being dead, la- ment; and the cause was that, because he coun- selled peace, men falsely accused him of treason. Now, of this Palamedes I was a poor kinsman, and followed him to Troy. And when he was dead, through the false witness of Ulysses, I lived in great grief and trouble, nor could I hold my peace, but sware that if ever I came back to Argos I would avenge me of him that had done this deed. Then did Ulysses seek occasion against me, whis- pering evil things, nor rested till at the last, Cal- 4: STORIES FROM VIRGIL. chas the soothsayer helping him but what profit it that I should tell these things? For doubtless ye hold one Greek to be even as another. Where- fore slay me, and doubtless ye will do a pleasure to Ulysses and the sons of Atreus." Then they bade him tell on, and he said, " Often would the Greeks have fled to their homes, being weary of the war, but still the stormy sea hindered them 1 . And when this Horse that ye see had been built, most of all did the dreadful thunder roll from the one end of the heaven to the other. Then the Greeks sent one who should inquire of Apollo; and Apollo an- swered them thus : ' Men of Greece, even as ye appeased the winds with blood when ye came to Troy, so must ye appease them with blood now that ye would go from thence.' Then did men tremble to think on whom the doom should fall, and Ulysses, with much clamour, drew forth Calchas the soothsayer into the midst, and bade him say who it was that the Gods would have as a sacrifice. Then did many forebode evil for me. Ten days did the soothsayer keep silence, saying that he would not give any man to death. But then, for in truth the two had planned the mat- ter beforehand, he spake, appointing me to die. And to this thing they all agreed, each being glad to turn to another that which he feared for himself. But when the day was come, and all things were ready, the salted meal for the sacrifice and the garlands, lo ! I burst my bonds and fled, T&E HORSE OF WOOD. 5 and hid myself in the sedges of a pool, waiting till they should have set sail, if haply that might be. But never shall I see country, or father, or chil- dren again. For doubtless on these will they take vengeance for my flight. Only do thou, king, have pity on me, who have suffered many things, not having harmed any man.'* And King Priam had pity on him, and bade them loose his bonds, saying, " Whoever thou art, forget now thy country. Henceforth thou art one of us. But tell me true: why made they this huge Horse? Who contrived it? What seek they by it? to please the Gods or to further their siege ? " Then said Sinon, and as he spake he stretched his hands to the sky, "I call you to witness, ye everlasting fires of heaven, that with good right I now break my oath of fealty and reveal the secrets our hope has ever been in the help of Minerva, of my countrymen. Listen then, king. All But, from the day when Diomed and Ulysses dared, having bloody hands, to snatch her image from her holy place in Troy, her face was turned from us. Well do I remember how the eyes of the image, well-nigh before they had set it in the camp, blazed with wrath, and how the salt sweat stood upon its limbs, 33-6, and how it thrice leapt from the ground, shaking shield and spear. Then Calchas told us that we must cross the seas again, and seek at home fresh omens for our war. And this, indeed, they are doing even now, and will re- 6 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. turn anon. Also the soothsayer said, ' Mean- while ye must make the likeness of a Horse, to be a peace-offering to Minerva. And take heed that ye make it huge of bulk, so that the men of Troy may not receive it into their gates, nor bring it within their walls, and get safety for themselves thereby. For if,' he said, ' the men of Troy harm this image at all, they shall surely perish; but if they bring it into their city, then shall Asia lay siege hereafter to the city of Pelops, and our chil- dren shall suffer the doom which we would fain have brought on Troy.' ' : These words wrought much on the men of Troy, and as they pondered on them, lo ! the Gods sent another marvel to deceive them. For while Laocoon, the priest of Neptune, was slaying a bull at the altar of his god, there came two ser- pents across the sea from Tenedos, whose heads and necks, whereon were thick manes of hair, were high above the waves, and many scaly coils trailed behind in the waters. And when they reached the land they still sped forward. Their eyes were red as blood and blazed with fire, and their forked tongues hissed loud for rage. Then all the men of Troy grew pale with fear and fled away, but these turned not aside this way or that, seeking Laocoon where he stood. And first they wrapped themselves about his little sons, one serpent about each, and began to devour them. And when the father would have given help to his children, hav- ing a sword in his hand, they seized upon himself, LAOCOON, WITH SONS. Miiseo. Vatican, Rome. THE HORSE OF WOOD. 7 and bound him fast with their folds. Twice they compassed him about his bod}', and twice his neck, lifting their heads far above him. And all the while he strove to tear them away with' his hands, his priest's garlands dripping with blood. Xor did he cease to cry horribly aloud, even as a bull bellows when after an ill stroke of the axe it flees from the altar. But when their work was done, the two glided to the citadel of Minerva, and hid themselves beneath the feet and the shield of the goddess. And men said one to another, " Lo ! the priest Laocob'n has been judged according to his deeds; for he cast his spear against this holy thing, and now the Gods have slain him." Then all cried out together that the Horse of wood must be drawn to the citadel. Whereupon they opened the Scaean Gate, and pulled down the wall that was thereby, and put rollers under the feet of the Horse, and joined ropes thereto. So, in much joy, they drew it into the city, youths and maidens singing about it the while, and laying their hands to the ropes with great gladness. And yet there wanted not signs and tokens of evil to come. Four times it halted on the threshold of the gate, and men might have heard a clashing of arms within. Cassandra also opened her mouth, prophesying evil : but no man heeded her, for that was ever the doom upon her, not to be believed speaking truth. So the men of Troy drew the Horse into the city. And that night they kept a feast to all the Gods with great joy, not knowing that the last day of the great city had come. CHAPTER II. THE SACK OF TROY. BUT when night was now fully come, and the men of Troy lay asleep, lo ! from the ship of King Agamemnon there rose up a flame for a signal to the Greeks ; and these straightway manned their ships, and made across the sea from Tenedos, there being a great calm, and the moon also giving them light. Sinon likewise opened a secret door that was in the great Horse, and the chiefs issued forth therefrom, and opened the gates of the city, slay- ing those that kept watch. Meanwhile there came a vision to ^Eneas, who now, Hector being dead, was the chief hope and stay of the men of Troy. It was Hector's self that he seemed to see, but not such as he had seen him coming back rejoicing with the arms of Achilles, or setting fire to the ships, but even as he lay after that Achilles dragged him at his chariot wheels, covered with dust and blood, his feet swollen and pierced through with thongs. To him said ^Eneas, not knowing what he said, " Why hast thou tarried so long ? Much have we suffered waiting for thee ! And what grief hath marked thy face ? and whence these wounds ? " B THE SACK OF TROY. 9 But to this the spirit answered nothing, but said, groaning the while, " Fly, son of Venus, fly, and save thee from these flames. The enemy is in the walls, and Troy hath utterly perished. If any hand could have saved our city, this hand had done so. Thou art now the hope of Troy. Take then her Gods, and flee with them for company, seeking the city that thouj shalt one day build across the sea." And now the alarm of battle came nearer and nearer, and J^neas, waking from sleep, climbed upon the roof, and looked on the city. As a shep- herd stands, and sees a fierce flame sweeping be- fore the south wind over the corn-fields or a flood rushing down from the mountains, so he stood. And as he looked, the great palace of Deiphobus sank down in the fire, and the house of Ucalegon, that was hard by, blazed forth, till the sea by Sigeiim shone with the light. Then, scarce know- ing what he sought, he girded on his armour, thinking, perchance, that he might yet win some place of vantage, or, at the least, might avenge himself on the enemy, or find honour in his death. But as he passed from out of his house there met him Panthus, the priest of Apollo that was on the citadel, who cried to him, " ^neas, the glory is departed from Troy, and the Greeks have the mastery in the city; for armed men are coming forth from the great Horse of wood, and thou- sands also swarm in at the gates, which Sinon hath treacherously opened." And as he spake 10 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. others came up under the light of the moon, as Hypanis, and Dymas, and young Coroebus, who had but newly come to Troy, seeking Cassandra to be his wife. To whom ^Eneas spake : " If ye are minded, my brethren, to follow me to the death, come on. For how things fare this night ye see. The Gods who were the stay of this city have departed from it; nor is aught remaining to which we may bring succour. Yet can we die as brave men in battle. And haply he that counts his life to be lost may yet save it." Then, even as ravening wolves hasten through the mist seeking for prey, so they went through the city, doing dreadful deeds. And for a while the men of Greece fled before them. First of all there met them Androgeos with a great company following him, who, thinking them to be friends, said, " Haste, comrades, why are ye so late ? We are spoiling this city of Troy, and ye are but newly come from the ships." But forthwith, for they answered him not as he had looked for, he knew that he had fallen amon^ enemies. Then even as one who treads upon a snake unawares among thorns, and flies from it when it rises angrily against him with swelling neck, so Androgeos would have fled. But the men of Troy rushed on, and, seeing that they knew all the place, and that great fear was upon the Greeks, slew many men. Then said Corcebus, " We have good luck in this matter, my friends. Come now, let us change our shields, and put THE SACK OF TROY. 11 upon us the armour of these Greeks. For whether we deal with our enemy by craft or by force, who will ask ? " Then he took to himself the helmet and shield of Androgeos, and also girded the sword upon him. In like manner did the others, and thus going disguised among the Greeks slew many, so that some again fled to the ships and some were fain to climb into the Horse of wood. But lo ! men came dragging by the hair from the temple of Minerva the virgin Cassandra, whom when Corcebus beheld, and how she lifted up her eyes to heaven (but as for her hands, they were bound with iron), he endured not the sight, but threw himself upon those that dragged her, the others following him. Then did a grievous mis- chance befall them, for the men of Troy that stood upon the roof of the temple cast spears against them, judging them to be enemies. The Greeks also, being wroth that the virgin should be taken from them, fought the more fiercely, and many who had before been put to flight in the city came against them, and prevailed, being indeed many against few. Then first of all fell Coroebus, being slain by Peneleus the Boeotian, and Rhipeus also, the most righteous of all the sons of Troy. But the Gods dealt not with him after his righteous- ness. Hypanis also was slain and Dymas, and Pan thus escaped not for all that more than other men he feared the Gods and was also the priest of Apollo. Then was ^Eneas severed from the rest, having 12 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. with him; two only, Iphitus and Pelias, Iphitus being an old man and Pelias sorely wounded by Ulysses. And these, hearing a great shouting, hastened to the palace of King Priam, where the battle was fiercer than in any place beside. For some of the Greeks were seeking to climb the walls, laying ladders thereto, whereon they stood, holding forth their shields with their left hands, and with their right grasping the roofs. And the men of Troy, on the other hand, being in the last extremity, tore down the battlements and the gilded beams wherewith the men of old had adorned the palace. Then ./Eneas, knowing of a secret door whereby the unhappy Andromache in past days had been wont to enter, bringing her son Astyanax to his grandfather, climbed on to the roof, and joined himself to those that fought therefrom. Now upon this roof there was a tower, whence all Troy could be seen and the camp of the Greeks and the ships. This the men of Troy loosened from its foundations with bars of iron, and thrust it over, so that it fell upon the enemy, slaying many of them. But not the less did others press forward, casting the while stones and javelins and all that came to their hands. Meanwhile others sought to break down the gates of the palace, Pyrrhus, son of Achilles, being foremost among them, clad in shining ar- mour of bronze. Like to a serpent was he, which sleeps indeed during the winter, but in the THE SACK OF TROY. 13 spring comes forth into the light, full fed on evil herbs, and, having cast his skin and renewed his youth, lifts his head into the light of the sun and hisses with forked tongue. And with Pyrrhus were tall Periphas, and Automedon, who had been armour-bearer to his father Achilles, and follow- ing them the youth of Scyros, which was the kingdom of his grandfather Lycomedes. With a great battle-axe he hewed through the doors, breaking down also the door-posts, though they were plated with bronze, making, as it were, a great window, through which a man might see the palace within, the hall of King Priam and of the kings who had reigned aforetime in Troy. But when they that were within perceived it, there arose a great cry of women wailing aloud and clinging to the doors and kissing them. But ever Pyrrhus pressed on, fierce and strong as ever was his father Achilles, nor could aught stand against him, either the doors or they that guarded them. Then, as a river bursts its banks and overflows the plain, so did the sons of Greece rush into the palace. But old Priam, when he saw the enemy in his hall, girded on him his armour, which now by reason of old age he had long laid aside, and took a spear in his hand, and would have gone against the adversary, only Queen Hecuba called to him from where she sat. For she and her daughters had fled to the great altar of the household gods, and sat crowded about it like unto doves that are 14 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. driven by a storm. Xu\v the altar stood in an open court that was in the midst of the palace, with a great bay-tree above it. So when she saw Priam, how he had girded himself with armour as a youth, she cried to him and said, " What hath bewitched thee, that thou girdest thyself with armour? It is not the sword that shall help us this day; no, not though my own Hector were here, but rather the Gods and their altars. Come hither to us, for here thou wilt be safe, or at the least wilt die with us." So she made the old man sit down in the midst. But lo ! there came flying through the palace, Polites, his son, wounded to death by the spear of Pyrrhus, and Pyrrhus close behind him. And he, even as he came into the sight of his father and his mother, fell dead upon the ground. But when King Priam saw it he contained not him- self, but cried aloud, " Xow may the gods, if there be any justice in heaven, recompense thee for this wickedness, seeing that thou hast not spared to slay the son before his father's eyes. Great Achilles, whom thou falsely callest thy sire, did not thus to Priam, though he was an enemy, but reverenced right and truth, and gave the body of Hector for burial, and sent me back to my city." And as he spake the old man cast a spear, but aimless and without force, and that pierced not even the boss of the shield. Then said the son of Achilles, " Go thou and tell my father of his unworthy son and all these evils deeds. And THE SACK OF TROY. 15 that thou mayest tell him die ! " And as he spake he caught in his left hand the old man's white hair, and dragged him, slipping the while in the blood of his own son, to the altar, and then, lifting his sword high for a blow, drave it to the hilt in the old man's side. So King Priam, who had ruled mightily over many peoples and coun- tries in the land of Asia, was slain that night, having first seen Troy burning about him, and his citadel laid even with the ground. So was his carcass cast out upon the earth, headless, and without a name. CHAPTEK III. JEXEA.S AND ANCHISES. ALL these things, indeed, ^Eneas beheld, but could not bear help, being one against many. But when the deed was done, and the old man lay dead, he bethought him of his father Anchises, and his wife Creiisa, and of his little son Ascanius, and how he had left them without defence at home. But as he turned to seek them, the night being now, by reason of many fires, as clear as the day, he espied Helen sitting in the temple of Vesta, where she had sought sanctuary; for she feared the men of Troy, to whom she had brought ruin and destruction, and not less her own hus- band, whom she had deceived. Then was his wrath kindled, and he spake to himself, " Shall this evil woman return safe to Sparta ? Shall she see again her home and her children, with Tro- jan women forsooth to be her handmaidens? Shall Troy be burnt and King Priam be slain, and she take no harm? Not so; for though there be no glory to be won from such a deed, yet shall I satisfy myself, taking vengeance upon her for my kinsmen and my countrymen." But while he thought these things in his heart, lo ! there ap- 16 JENEAS AND ANCHISES. 17 peared unto him Venus, his mother, made mani- fest as he had never seen her before, as fair and as tall as the dwellers in heaven behold her. Then Venus spake thus, " What meaneth all this rage, my son ? Hast thou no care for me ? Hast thou forgotten thy father Anchises, and thy wife, and thy little son ? Of a surety the fire and the sword had consumed them long since but that I cared for them and saved them. It is not Helen; no, nor Paris, that hath laid low this great city of Troy, but the wrath of the Gods. See now, for I will take away the mist that covers thine eyes ; see how Neptune with his trident is overthrowing the walls and rooting up the city from its founda^ tions ; and how Juno stands with spear and shield in the Scasan Gate, and calls fresh hosts from the ships; and how Pallas sits on the height with the storm-cloud about her and her Gorgon shield ; and how Father Jupiter himself stirs up the enemy against Troy. Fly, therefore, my son. I will not leave thee till thou shalt reach thy father's house." And as she spake she vanished in the darkness. Then did ^Eneas see dreadful forms and Gods who were the enemies of Troy, and before his eyes the whole city seemed to sink down into the fire. Even as a mountain oak upon the hills on which the woodmen ply their axes bows its head while all its boughs shake about it, till at last, as blow comes after blow, with a mighty groan it falls crashing down from the height, even so the city 18 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. seemed to fall. Then did ^Eneas pass on his way, the goddess leading him, and the flames gave place to him, and the javelins harmed him not. But when he was come to his house he be- thought him first of the old man his father; but when he would have carried him to the hill?, Anchises would not, being loath to live in some strange country when Troy had perished. " Xay," said he, " fly ye who are strong and in the flower of your days. But as for me, if the Gods had willed that I should live, they had saved this dwelling for me. Enough it is, yea, and more than enough, that once I have seen this city taken, and lived. Bid me, then, farewell as though I were dead. Death will I find for myself. And truly I have long lingered here a useless stock and hated of the Gods since Jupiter smote me with the blast of his thunder." Nor could the old man be moved from his pur- pose, though his son and his son's wife, and even the child Ascanius, besought him with many tears that lie should not make yet heavier the doom that was upon them. Then was ^Eneas minded to go back to the battle and die. For what hope was left? "Thoughtest thou, my father," he cried, " that I should flee and leave thee behind ? What evil word is this that has fallen from thy lips? If the Gods will have it that nought of Troy should be left, and thou be minded that thou and thine should perish with the city, be it so. The way is easy; soon will Pyrrhus be here; Pyrrhus, JENEAS AND ANCHISES. 19 red with Priam's blood ; Pyrrhus, who slays the son before the face of the father, and the father at the altar. Was it for this, kind Mother Venus, that thou broughtest me safe through fire and sword, to see the enemy in my home, and my father and my wife and my son lying slaughtered together? Comrades, give me my arms, and take me back to the battle. At the least I will die avenged." But as he girded on his arms and would have departed from the house, his wife Creiisa caught his feet upon the threshold, staying him, and held out the little Ascanius, saying, " If thou goest to thy death, take wife and child with thee; but if thou hopest aught from arms, guard first the house where thou hast father and wife and child." And lo! as she spake there befell a mighty marvel, for before the face of father and mother there was seen to shine a light on the head of the boy Ascanius, and to play upon his waving hair and glitter on his temples. And when they feared to see this thing, and would have stifled the flame or quenched it with water, the old man Anchises in great joy raised his eyes to heaven, and cried aloud, " Father Jupiter, if prayer move thee at all, give thine aid and make this omen sure." And even as he spake the thunder rolled on his left hand, and a star shot through the skies, leaving a long trail of light behind, and passed over the house-tops till it was hidden in the woods of Ida. Then the old man lifted himself up and did obeisance to the star, and said, " I delay no more: 20 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. whithersoever yc lead I will follow. Gods of my country, save my house and my grandson. This omen is of you. And now, my son, I refuse not to go." Then said ^Eneas, and as he spake the fire came nearer, and the light was clearer to see, and the heat more fierce, " Climb, dear father, on my shoulders; I will bear thee, nor grow weary with the weight. We will be saved or perish together. The little Ascanius shall go with me, and my wife follow behind, not over near. And ye, servants of my house, hearken to me; yc mind how that to one who passes out of the city there is a tomb and a temple of Ceres in a lonely place, and an ancient cypress-tree hard by. There will we gather by divers ways. And do thou, my father, take the holy images in thy hands, for as for me, who have but newly come from battle, I may not touch them till I have washed me in the running stream." And as he spake he put a cloak of lion's skin upon his shoulders, and the old man sat thereon. Ascanius also laid hold of his hand, and Creiisa followed behind. So he went in much dread and trembling. For indeed before sword and spear of the enemy he had not feared, but now he feared for them that were with him. But when he was come nigh unto the gates, and the journey was well-nigh finished, there befell a grievous mis- chance, for there was heard a sound as of many feet through the darkness; and the old man cried to him, " Fly, my son, fly ; they are coming. I JENEAS AND ANCHISES. 21 see the 'flashing of shields and swords." But as ^Eneas hasted to go, Creiisa his wife was severed from him. But whether she wandered from the way or sat down in weariness, no man may say. Only he saw her no more, nor knew her to be lost till, all his company being met at the temple of Ceres, she only was found wanting. Very griev- ous did the thing seem to him, nor did he oensr; to cry out in his wrath against Gods and men. Also he bade his comrades have a care of his father and his son, and of the household Gods and girded him again with' arms, and so passed into the city. 'And first he went to the wall and to the gate by which he had come forth, and then to his house, if haply she had returned thither. But there indeed the men of Greece were come, and the fire had well-nigh mastered it. And after that he went to the citadel and to the palace of King Priam, And lo ! in the porch of Juno's tem- ple, Phoenix and Ulysses were keeping guard over the spoil, even the treasure of the temples, tables of the Gods, and solid cups of gold, and raiment, and a long array of them that had been taken cap- tive, children and women. But not the less did he seek his wife through all the streets of the city, yea, and called her aloud by name. But lo! as he called, the image of her whom he sought seemed to stand before him, only greater than she had been while she was yet alive. And the spirit spake say- ing. "Why art thou vainly troubled? These things have not befallen us against the pleasure of 22 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. the Gods. The ruler of Olympus willeth not that Creiisa shoulud bear thee company in thy journey. For thou has a long journey to take, and many seas to cross, till thou come to the Hesperian shore, where Lydian Tiber flows softly through a good land and a fertile. There shalt thou have great prosperity, and take to thyself a wife of royal race. Weep not then for Creiisa whom thou lovest, nor think that I shall be carried away to be a bond-slave to some Grecian woman. Such fate befits not a daughter of Dardanus and daughter-in-law of Venus. The mighty Mother of the Gods keepeth me in this land to serve her. And now, farewell, and love the young Ascanius, even thy son and mine." So spake the spirit, and, when ^Eneas wept and would have spoken, vanished out of his sight. Thrice he would have cast his arms about her neck, and thrice the image mocked him, being thin as air and fleeting as a dream. Then, the night being now spent, he sought his comrades, and found with much joy and wonder that a great company of men and women were gathered together, and were willing, all of them, to follow him whithersoever he went. And now the morn- ing star rose over Mount Ida, and ^Eneas, seeing that the Greeks held the city, and that there was no longer any hope of succor, went his way to the mountains, taking with him his father. CHAPTER IV. POLYDORUS DELOS CRETE THE HARPIES. Now for what remained of that year (for it was the time of summer when Troy was taken), .^Eneas, and they that were gathered to him, builded themselves ships for the voyage, dwell- ing the while under Mount Ida; and when the summer was well-nigh come again the work was finished, and the old man Anchises commanded that they should tarry no longer. Whereupon they sailed, taking also their gods with them. There was a certain land of Thrace, which the god Mars loved beyond all other lands, whereof in time past the fierce Lycurgus, who would have slain Bacchus, was king. Here, therefore, for the men of the land were friendly, or, at the least, had been before evil days came upon Troy, ^Eneas builded him a city, and called it after his own name. But, after awhile, as he did sacrifice on a certain day to his mother, even Venus, that he might have a blessing on his work, slaying also a white bull to Jupiter, there befell a certain hor- rible thing. For hard by the place where he did sacrifice there was a little hill, with much cornel and myrtle upon it, whereto ^Eneas coming wov.ld 23 24 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. have plucked wands having leaves upon them, that he might cover therewith the altars. But lo ! when he plucked a wand there dropped drops of blood therefrom. Whereupon great fear came on him, and wonder also. And when seeking to know the cause of the thing he plucked other wands also, there dropped blood even as before. Then, having prayed to the nymphs of the land and to Father Mars that they would turn all evil from him, he essayed the third time with all his might, setting his knee against the ground, to pluck forth a wand. Whereupon there issued from the hill a lamentable voice, saying, " ^Eneas, why doest thou me such cruel hurt, nor lea vest me in peace in my grave? For indeed I am, no stranger to thee, nor strange is this blood which thou seest. Fly, for the land is cruel, and the shore greedy of gain. I am Polydorus. Here was I pierced through with spears, which have grown into these wands that thou seest." But ^Eneas when he heard the voice was sore dismayed, and he remembered him how King Priam, thinking that it might fare ill with him and the great city of Troy, had sent his son, Polydorus, by stealth, and much gold with him, to Polymestor, who was King of Thrace, and how the king, when Troy had now perished, slew the boy, and took the gold to himself. For of a truth the love of gold is the root of all evil. And JEneas told the thing to his father and to the chiefs; and the sentence of all was that they POLYDORUS DELOS CRETE, ETC. 25 should depart from the evil land. But first they made a great funeral for Polydorus, making a high mound of earth, and building thereon an altar to the dead. This also they bound about with garlands of sad-colored wool and cypress, and the women of Troy stood about it with their hair loosened, as is the use of them that mourn. They offered also bowls of warm milk and blood, and laid the spirit in the tomb, bidding him farewell three times with a loud voice. After this, when the time for voyaging was come, and the south wind blew softly, they launched the ships and set sail. And first they came to the island of Delos, which, having been used to wander over the sea, the Lord of the Silver Bow made fast, binding it to Myconos and Gyaros, and found there quiet anchorage. And when they landed to worship, there met them Anius, who was priest and king of the place, having a crown of bay-leaves about his head, who knew Anchises for a friend in time past, and used to them nruch hospitality. Then did they pray to the god, saying, " Give us, we beseech thee, a home where we may dwell, and a name upon the earth, and a city that shall abide, even a second Troy for them that have escaped from the hands of Achilles and the Greeks. And do thou answer us, and incline our hearts that we may know." But when '.^Eneas had ended these words, 26 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. straightway the place was shaken, even the gates of the temple and the bay-trees that were hard by. And when they were all fallen to the ground there came a voice, saying, " Son of Dardanus, the land that first bare you shall receive you again. Seek, then, your ancient mother. Thence shall the children of ^Eneas bear rule over all lands, yea, and their children's children to many generations/' Which when they had heard, they greatly rejoiced, and would fain know what was the city whither Phoebus would have them go, that they might cease from their wanderings. Then Anchises, pondering in his heart the things which he had learnt from men of old time, spake thus: "There lieth in mid-ocean a certain island of Crete wherein is a mountain, Ida. There was the first beginning of our nation. Thence came Teucer, our first father, to the land of Troy. Let us go, then, whither the Gods would send us, first doing sacrifice to the Winds; and, indeed, if but Jupiter help us, 'tis but a three days' journey for our ships." So they offered sacrifice, a bull to Xeptune and a bull to the beautiful Apollo, and a black sheep to the Storm and a white sheep to the West Wind. There came also a rumor that Idome- neus the Cretan had fled from his father's king- dom, and that the land was ready for him who should take it. Whereupon the men of Troy set sail with a good heart, and passing among the that are called Cyclades, the wind blow- POLYDORUS DELOS CRETE, ETC. 27 ing favorably behind them, so came to Crete. There they builded a city, and called its name Pergamea, after Pergama, which was the citadel of Troy. And for a while they tilled the soil; also they married and were given in marriage, as purposing to abide in the land. But there came a wasting sickness on the men, and a blight also on the trees and harvests, filling the year with death. The fields likewise were parched with drought, and the staff of bread was broken. Then the old Anchises bade them go yet again to the oracle at Delos, and inquire of the god what end there should be of these troubles, whence they should seek for help, and whither they should go. But as JEneas slept there appeared to him the household gods, which he had carried out of the burning of Troy, very clear to see in the light of the moon, which shone through the window of his chamber. And they spake unto him, saying, " Apollo bids us tell thee here that which he will tell thee if thou goest to Delos. We who have followed thee over many seas, even we will bring thy children's children to great honor, and make their city ruler over many nations. Faint not, therefore, at thy long wandering. Thou must seek yet another home. For it was not in Crete that Apollo bade thee dwell. There is a land which the Greeks call Hesperia; an ancient land, whose inhabitants are mighty men of valor; a land of vineyards and wheat. There is our proper home, and thence came Dardanus our father. Do 28 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. thou, therefore, tell these things to the old man Anchises. Seek ye for the land of Hesperia, which men also call Italy; but as for Crete, Jupiter willeth not that ye should dwell there."' And for a while ^Eneas lay in great fear, with a cold sweat upon him, so clear was the vision of those whom he saw, nor in anywise like unto a dream. Then he rose up from his bed, and after prayer and sacrifice told the thing to An- chises. And the old man saw that he had been deceived in this matter, and he said, " my son, now do I remember how Cassandra was wont to prophesy these things to me, and would speak of Hesperia and of the land of Italy. But, indeed, no man thought in those days that the men of Troy should voyage to Hesperia, nor did any take account of the Avords of Cassandra. But now let us heed the oracle of Apollo, and depart." So the mm of Troy made their ships ready and departed. And after a while, when they could no more see the land, there fell a great storm upon them, with a strong wind and groat rolling waves, and much lightning also. Thus were they driven out of their course, and for three days and nights saw neither the sun nor the stars. But on the fourth day they came to a land where they saw hills, and smoke rising therefrom. Then did .the men ply their oars amain, and soon came to the shore. Now this place they found to be one of certain islands which men name the Strophades. And upon POLYDORUS DELOS CRETE, ETC. 29 these islands dwell creatures which are called Harpies, very evil indeed, having the counte- nances of women and wings like unto the wings of birds and long claws. Also their faces are pale as with much hunger. Now when the men of Troy were come to this land, they saw many herds of oxen and flocks of goats thereon, nor any one to watch them. Of these they slew such as they needed, and, not forgetting to give due share to the Gods, made a great feast upon the shore. But lo ! even while they made merry, there came a great rushing of wings, and the Harpies came upon them, making great havoc of the meat and fouling all things most horribly. And when they had departed, the men of Troy sought an- other place where they might do sacrifice and eat their meat in peace. But when the Harpies had come thither also and done in the same fashion, ^neas commanded that the men should draw their swords and do battle with the beasts. Therefore, the Harpies coming yet again, Misenus with his trumpet gave the sound for battle. But lo! they fought as those that beat the air, seeing that neither sword nor spear availed to wound the beasts. Then again these departed, one only remaining, by name Celaeno, who, sitting on a rock, spake after this fashion : " Do ye purpose, sons of Laomedon, to fight for these cattle that ye have wrongfully taken, or to drive the Har- pies from their kingdom and inheritance? Hear, therefore, my words, which indeed the almighty 30 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. Father told to Phoebus, and Phoebus told to me. Ye journey to Italy, and to Italy shall ye come. Only ye shall not build a city, and wall it about with walls, till dreadful hunger shall cause you to eat the very tables whereon ye sup." So saying, she departed. But when great fear was fallen upon all, Anchises lifted up his hands to heaven and prayed to the Gods that they would keep that evil from them. CHAPTEK V. KING HELENUS THE CYCLOPS. THEN they set sail, and, the south wind blow- ing, passed by Zacynthus and Dulichium, and also Ithaca, which they cursed as they passed, because it was the land of the hateful Ulysses, and so came to Actium, where they landed. There also they did sacrifice to the Gods, and had games of wrestling and others, rejoicing that they had passed safely through so many cities of their enemies. And there they wintered, and ^Eneas fixed on the doors of the temple of Apollo a shield of bronze which he had won in battle from the valiant Abas, writing thereon these words, " ^NEAS DEDICATES THESE ARMS WON FROM THE VICTORIOUS GREEKS/' But when the spring was come they set sail, and, leaving behind them the land of Ph'aeacia, came to Buthrotum that is in Epirus. There in- deed they heard a marvellous thing, even that Helenus, the son of Priam, was king in these parts, in the room of Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles, having also to wife Andromache", wbo was the widow of Hector. And when ^Eneas, wishing to know whether these things were so, journeyed 31 32 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. towards the city, lo! in a grove hard by, by a river which also was called Simois, there stood this same Andromache, and made offerings to the spirit of Hector not without many tears. And at the first when she saw ^Eneas, and that he wore such arms as the men of Troy were used to wear, she swooned with fear, but after a while spake thus : " Is this indeed a real thing that I see? Art thou alive? or, if thou art dead, tell me, where is my Hector ? " So she cried and wept aloud. And ^Eneas answered her : " Yes, lady, this is flesh and blood, and not a spirit, that thou seest. But as for thee, what fortune has befallen thee? Art thou still wedded to Pyrrhus?" And she, casting down her eyes, made answer, " daughter of Priam, happy beyond thy sisters in that thou wast slain at the tomb of Achilles, nor wast taken to be a prey of the conqueror! But as for me I was borne across the sea, to be slave of the haughty son of Achilles. And when he took to wife Hermione, who was the daughter of Helen, he gave me to Helenus, as a slave is given to a slave. But Pyrrhus, after a while, Orestes slew, taking him unawares, even by the altar of his father. And when he was dead, part of his kingdom came to Helenus, who hath called the land Chaonia, after Chaon of Troy, and hath also builded a citadel, a new Pergama, upon the hills. But tell me, was it some storm that drove thee hither, or chance, or, lastly, some sending KING HELENUS THE CYCLOPS. 33 of the Gods? And is Ascanius yet alive the boy whom, I remember? Doth he yet think of his mother that is dead? And is he stout and of a good courage, as befits the son of ^Eneas and sister's son to Hector ? " And while she spake there came Helenus from the city with' a great company, and bade welcome to his friends with much joy. And ^Eneas saw how that all things were ordered and named even as they had been at Troy, only the things at Troy had been great, and the e were very small. And afterwards King Helenus made a feast to them in his house, and they drank together and were merry. But after certain days were passed, JEneas, seeing that the wind favored them, spake to Helenus, knowing him also to be a prophet of the Gods: "Tell me now, seeing that thou art wise in all manner of divination and prophesy, how it will fare with us. For indeed all things have seemed to favor us, and we go not on this journey against the will of the Gods, yet did the Harpy Cel&no prophesy evil things, that we should endure great extremity of hunger. Say, then, of what things I should most beware, and how I shall best prosper." Then Helenus, after due sacrifice, led ^Eneas to the temple of Phoebus. And when they were come thither, and the god had breathed into the seer, even into Helenus, the spirit of prophesy, he spake, saying, " Son of Venus, that thou takest 3 34 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. thy journey across the sea with fav..r of the Gods, is manifest. Hearken, therefore, and I will inform thee of certain things, though indeed they be few out of many, by which thou mayest more safely cross unknown seas and get thee to thy haven in Italy. Much indeed the Fates suffer me not to know, and much Juno forbids me f o speak. Know then, first of all, that Italy, which thou ignorantly thinkest to be close at hand, is yet far away across many seas. And let this be a sign to thee that thou art indeed come to the place where thou wouldst be. When thou shalt see a white sow and thirty pigs at her teats, then hast thou found the place of thy city that shall be. And as to the devouring of thy tables for famine, heed it not: Apollo will help thee at need. But seek not to find a dwelling-place on this shore of Italy which is near at hand, seeing that it is inhabited by the accursed sons of Greece. And when thou hast passed it by, and art come to the land of Sicily, and shall see the strait of Pelorus open before thee, do thou keep to thy left hand and avoid the way that is on thy right. For here in days past was the land rent asunder, so that the waters of the sea flow between cities and fields that of old time were joined together. And on the right hand is Scylla, and on the left Charybdis the whirlpool. But Scylla dwelleth in her cave, a monster dreadful to behold; for to the middle she is a fnir woman, but a beast of the sea below, even the belly of a dolphin, with KING HELENUS THE CYCLOPS. 35 heads as of a wolf. Wherefore it will be hetter for thee to fetch a compass round the whole land of Sicily than to come nigh these things, or to see them with thine eyes. Do thou also remember thh, at all places and times, before all other Gods to worship Juno, that thou mayest persuade her, and so make thy way safely to Italy. And when thou art come thither, seek the Sibyl that dwelleth at Cumae, the mad prophetess that writeth the sayings of Fate upon the leaves of a tree. For these indeed at the first abide in their places, but, the gate being opened, the wind blows them hither and thither. And when they are scattered she careth not to join them again, so that they who would inquire of her depart without an answer. Refuse not to tarry awhile, that thou mayest take counsel of her, though all things seem to prosper thy journey and thy com- rades chide thy delay. For she shall tell thee all that shall befall thee in Italy what wars thou shalt wage, and what perils thou must endure, and what avoid. So much, and no more, is it lawful for me to utter. Do thou depart, and magnify our country of Troy even to the heaven." And when the seer had ended these sayings he commanded his people that they should carry to the ships gifts: gold, and carvings of ivory, and much silver, and caldrons that had been wrought at Dodona; also a coat of chain mail, and a helmet with a fair plume, which Pyrrhus had worn. Also he gave gifts to the old man Anchi.-es. 36 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. Horses, too, he gave, and guides for the journey, and tackling for the ships, and arms for thu whole company. Then did he bid farewell to the old Anchises. Andromache also came, bringing broidered robes, and for Ascanius a Phrygian cloak, and many like things, which she gave him, saying, " Take these works of my hands, that they may witness to thee of the abiding love of her that was once Hector's wife. For in truth thou art the very image of my Astyanax; so like are thy eyes and face and hands. And indeed he would now be an age with thee." Then ^Eneas also said farewell, weeping the while. " Be ye happy, whose wanderings are over and rest already won; ye have no seas to cross, nor fields of Italy, still flying as we advance, to seek. Rather ye have the likeness of Troy before your eyes. And be sure that if ever I come to this land of Italy which' I seek, there shall be friendship between you and me, and between your children and my children, for ever." Then they set sail, and at eventide drew their ships to the land and slept on the beach. But at midnight Palinurus, the pilot, rising from his bed, took note of the winds and of the stars, even of Arcturus, and the Greater Bear and the Less, and Orion with his belt of gold. Seeing therefore that all things boded fair weather to come, he blew loud the signal that they should depart; which they did forthwith. And when the morning was now growing red in the east, KING HELENUS THE CYCLOPS. 37 behold a land with hills dimly seen and shores lying low in the sea. And, first of all, the old man Anchises cried, " Lo! there is Italy," and after him all the company. Then took Anchises a mighty cup, and filled it with wine, and stand- ing on the stern, said, " Gods of sea and land, and ye that have power of the air, give us an easy journey, and send such winds as may favor us." And even as he spake the wind blew more strongly behind. Also the harbor mouth grew wider to behold, and on the hills was seen a tem- ple of Minerva. And lo ! upon the shore four horses white as snow, which the old man seeing, said, " Thou speakest of war, land of the stranger; for the horse signifieth war, yet doth he also use himself to run in the chariot, and to bear the bit in company; therefore also will we hope for peace." Then did they sacrifice to Minerva, and to Juno also, which rites the seer Helenus had chiefly commanded. And this being done they trimmed their sails and departed from the shore, fearing lest some enemy, the Greeks being in that place, should set upon them. So did they pass by Tarentum, which Hercules builded, also the hills of Caulon, and Scylacium, where many ships are broken. And from Scylacium they beheld ^Etna, and heard a great roaring of the sea, and saw also the waves rising up to heaven. Then said Anchises, "Lo! this is that Charybdis whereof the seer Helenus spake to us. Ply your oars, my comrades, and let us fly therefrom." So 38 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. they strove amain in rowing, and Palinurus also steered to the left, all the other ships following him. And many times the waves lifted them to the heaven, and many times caused them to go down to the deep. But at the last, at setting of the sun, they came to the land of the Cyclops. There, indeed, they lay in a harbor, well sheltered from all winds that blow, but all the night ^Etna thundered dreadfully, sending forth a cloud with smoke of pitch, and ashes fiery hot, and also balls of fire, and rocks withal that had been melted with heat. For indeed men say that the giant Enceladus lieth under this mountain, being scorched with the lightning of Jupiter, and that from him cometh forth this flame; also that when, being weary, he turned from one side to the other, the whole land of the Three Capes is shaken. All that night they lay in much fear, nor knew what the cause of this uproar might be, for indeed the sky was cloudy, nor could the moon be seen. And when it was morning, lo ! there came forth from the woods a stranger, very miserable to be- hold, in filthy garments fastened with thorns, and with beard unshaven, who stretched out to them his hands as one who prayed. And the men of Troy knew him to be a Greek. But he, seeing them, and knowing of what country they were, stood awhile in great "fear, but afterwards ran very swiftly towards them, and used to them many prayers, weeping also the while. " I pray you, KING HELENUS THE CYCLOPS. 39 men of Troy, by the stars and by the Gods, and by this air which we breathe, to take me away from this land, whithersoever ye will. And indeed I ask not whither. That I am a Greek, I confess, and also that I bare arms against Troy. Wherefore drown me, if ye will, in the sea. Only let me die, if die I must, by the hands of men." And he clung to their knees. Then ^Eneaa bade him tell who he was, and how he came to be in this plight. And the man made answer, " I aw a man of Ithaca, and a comrade of the unhappy Ulysses. My name is Achasmenides, and my father was Adamastus. And when my comrades fled from this accursed shore they left me in the Cyclops' cave. Hideous is he to see, and savage, and of exceeding great stature, and he feeds on the flesh of men. I myself saw with these eyes how lie lay and caught two of my companions and bake them on the stone; aye, and I saw their limbs quiver between his teeth. Yet did he not do such things unpunished, for Ulysses endured not to behold these deeds, and when the giant lay asleep, being overcome with wine, we, after prayer made to the gods and lots cast what each should do, bored out his eye, for one eye he had, huge as a round shield of Argos, or as the circle of the sun, and so did we avenge our comrades' death. Do ye then fly with all the speed ye may. For know that as this shepherd Polyphemus a shepherd he is by trade so are a hundred other Cyclopes, huge and savage as he, who dwell on these shores and wander 40 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. over the hills. And now for three months have I dwelt in these woods, eating herries and cornels and herbs of the field. And when I saw your ships I hastened to meet them. Do ye with me, therefore, as ye will, so that I flee from, this ac- cursed race." And even while he spake the men of Troy saw the shepherd Polyphemus among his flocks, and that he made as if he would come to the shore. Horrible to behold was he, huge and shapeless and blind. And when he came to the sea he washed the blood from the wound, grinding his teeth the while, and though he went far into the sea, yet did not the waves touch his middle. And the men of Troy, having taken the suppliant on board, fled with all their might; and he hearing their rowing would have reached to them, but could not. Therefore did he shout aloud, and the Cyclopes hearing him hasted to the shore. Then did the men of Troy behold them, a horrid company, tall as a grove of oaks or cypresses. Nor knew they in their fear what they should do, seeing that on the one hand was the land of the Cyclopes and on the other Scylla and Charybdis, of which the seer Helenus had bidden them beware. But while they doubted, there blew a north wind from Pelorus, wherewith they sailed onwards, and Achaemenides with them. So they came to Orty- gia, whither, as men say, the river Alpheus flow- eth under the sea from the land of Pelops, and so mingleth with Arethusa; and afterwards they KING HELENUS THE CYCLOPS. 41 passed the promontory of Pachynus, Camarina also, and Gela, and other cities likewise, till they came to Lilybaeum, and so at last to Drepanum. There the old man Anchises died, and was buried. CHAPTER VI. THE SHIPWRECK. NOT many days after JEneas and his compan- ions set sail. But scarce were they out of sight of the land of Sicily when Juno espied them. Very wroth was she that they should, he now drawing near to the end of their journey, and she said to herself, " Shall I be baulked of iny purpose, nor be able to keep these men of Troy from Italy? Minerva, indeed, because one man sinned, even Ajax Oileus burned the fleet of the Greeks, and drowned the men in the sea. For the ships she smote with the thunderbolts of Jupiter; and as for Ajax him she caught up with a whirl- wind, and dashed him upon the rocks, piercing him through. Only I, though I be both sister and wife to Jupiter, avail nothing against this peo-* pie. And who that heareth this in after time shall pay me due honor and sacrifice ? " Then she went, thinking these things in her heart, to the land of ^Eolia, where King ^Eolus keepeth the winds under bolt and bar. Mightily do they roar within the mountain, but their king restraineth them and keepeth them in bounds, be- ing indeed set to do this very thing, lest they 42 THE SHIPWRECK. 43 should carry both the heavens and the earth he- fore them in their great fury. To him said Juno, " ^Eolus, whom Jupiter hath made king of the winds, a nation which I hate is sailing over the Tuscan sea. Loose now thy storms against them, and drown their ships in the sea. And hearken what I will do for thee. Twelve maidens I have that wait on me continually, who are pass- ing fair, and the fairest of all, even De'iopea, I will give thce to wife." To whom answered King ^Eolus, " It is for thee, Queen, to order what thou wilt, it being of thy gift that I hold this sovereignty and eat at the table of the Gods." So saying he drave in with his spear the fold- ing-doors of the prison of the winds, and these straightway in a great host Tushed forth, even all the winds together, and rolled great waves upon the shore. And straightway there arose a great shouting of men and straining of cables; nor could the sky nor the light of the day be seen any more, but a darkness as of night came down upon the sea, and there were thunders and lightnings over the whole heavens. Then did ^Eneas grow cold with fear, and stretching out his hands to heaven he cried, " Happy they who fell under the walls of Troy, be- fore their fathers' eyes! Would to the Gods that thou hadst slain me, Diomed, bravest of the Greeks, even as Hector fell by the spear of Achilles, or tall Sarpedon, or all the brave war- 44 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. riors whose dead bodies Simois rolled down to the sea ! " But as he spake a blast of wind struck his sails from before, and his ship was turned broadside to the waves. Three others also were tossed upon the rocks which men call the " Altars," and three into the quicksands of the Syrtis. And another, in which sailed the men of Lycia, with Orontcs, their chief, was struck upon the stern by a great sea and sunk. And when ^Eneas looked, lo! there were some swimming in the waves, and broken planks also, and arms and treasures of Troy. Others also were shattered by the waves, as those of Ilioneiis and Achates, and of Abas and the old man Alethes. But King Neptune was aware of the tumult where he sat at the bottom of the sea, and raising his head above the waves, looked forth and saw how the ships were scattered abroad and the men of Troy were in sore peril. Also he knew his sister's wrath and her craft. Then he called to him the winds and said, " What is this, ye winds, that ye trouble heaven and earth without leave of me? Now will I but T must first bid the waves be still, only be sure that ye shall not thus escape hereafter. Begone, and tell your king that the dominion over the sea belongeth unto me, and bid him keep him to his rocks." Then he bade the waves be still; also he scat- tered the clouds and brought back the sun. And Cymothea and Triton, gods of the sea, drew the THE SHIPWRECK. 45 ships from the locks, Neptune also lifting them with his trident. Likewise he opened the quick- sands, and delivered the ships that were therein. And this being done he crossed the sea in his chariot, and the waves beholding him sank to rest, even as it befalls when there is sedition in the city, and the people are wroth, and men throw stones and firebrands, till lo ! of a -sudden there cometh forth a reverend sire, a good man and true, and all men are silent and hearken to him, and the uproar is stayed. So was the sea stilled, beholding its king. Then ^neas and his companions, being sore wearied with the storm, made for the nearest shore, even Africa, where they found a haven run- ning far into the land, into which the waves come not till their force is spent. On either side thereof are cliffs very high, and shining woods over them. Also at the harbor's head is a cave and a spring of sweet water within, a dwelling- place of the Nymphs. Hither came ^Eneas, with seven ships. Right glad were the men of Troy to stand upon the dry land again. Then Achates struck a spark out of fli^t, and they lighted a fire with leaves and the like; also they took of the wheat which had been in the ships, and made ready to parch and to bruise it, that they might eat. Meanwhile ^Eneas had climbed the cliff, if haply he might see some of his companions' ships. These indeed he saw not, but he espied three great stags upon the shore and a herd following them. 46 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. Wherefore, taking the arrows and the bow which Achates bare with him, he let fly, slaying the leaders and others also, till he had gotten seven, one for each ship. Then made he his way to the landing-place, and divided the prey. Also he made distribution of the wine which Acestes, their host in Sicily, had given them as they were about to depart, and spake comfortable words to them, saying, " my friends, be ye sure that there will be an end to these troubles; and indeed ye have suffered worse things before. Be ye of good cheer therefore. Haply ye shall one day have pleasure in thinking of these things. For be sure that the Gods have prepared a dwelling-place for us in Italy, where we shall build a new Troy, in great peace and happiness. Wherefore endure unto the day of prosperity." Then they made ready the feast, and roasted of the meat upon spits, and boiled other in water. Also they drank of the wine and were comforted. And after supper they talked much of them that were absent, doubting whether they were alive or dead. JOVE (JUPITEK). Museum at Naples. Excavated from J'ompeii in 1818. CHAPTER VII. CARTHAGE. ALL these things did Jupiter behold; and even as he beheld them there came to him Venus, hav- ing a sad countenance and her shining eyes dim with tears, and spake : " great Father, that rulest all things, what have ^Eneas and the men of Troy sinned against thee, that the whole world is shut against them? Didst not thou promise that they should rule over land and sea? Why, then, art thou turned back from thy purpose? With this I was wont to comfort myself for the evil fate of Troy, but lo! this same fate follows them still, nor is there any end to their troubles. And yet it was granted to Antenor, himself also a man of Troy, that he should escape from the Greeks, and coming to the Liburnian land, where Timavus flows with much noise into the sea, build a city and find rest for himself. But we, who are thy children, are kept far from the land which thou hast sworn to give us." Then her father kissed her once and again, and answered smiling, " Fear not, my daughter, the fate of thy children changeth not. Thou shalt see this city for which thou lookcst, and shalt re- 47 48 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. ceive thy son, the great-hearted ^Eneas, into the heavens. Hearken, therefore, and I will tell thee things to come. ^Eneas shall war with the na- tions of Italy, and shall subdue them, and build a city, and rule therein for three years. And after the space of thirty years shall the boy Ascanius, who shall hereafter be called lulus also, change the place of his throne from Lavinium unto Alba ; and for three hundred years shall there be kings in Alba of the kindred of Hector. Then shall a priestess bear to Mars twin sons, whom a she- wolf shall suckle; of whom the one, even Romu- lus, shall build a city, dedicating it to Mars, and call it Rome, after his own name. To which city have I given empire without bound or end. And Juno also shall repent her of her wrath, and join counsel with me, cherishing the men of Rome, so that they shall bear rule even over Argos and Mycenae." And when he had said this, he sent down his messenger, even Mercury, to turn the heart of Dido and her people, where they dwelt in the city of Carthage, which they had builded, so that they should deal kindly with the strangers. Now it came to pass on the next day that ^neas, having first hidden his ships in a bay that was well covered with trees, went forth to spy out the new land whither he was come, and Achates only went with him. And ^Eneas had in each hand a broad-pointed spear. And as he went there met him in the middle of the wood his CARTHAGE. 49 mother, but habited as a Spartan virgin, for she had hung a bow from her shoulders after the fashion of a huntress, and her hair was loose, and her tunic short to the knees, and her garments gathered in a knot upon her breast. Then first the false huntress spake, " If perchance ye have seen one of my sisters wandering hereabouts, make known to me the place. She is girded with a quiver, and is clothed with the skin of a spotted lynx, or may be, she hunts a wild boar with horn and hound." To whom ^Eneas, " I have not seen nor heard sister of thine, virgin for what shall I call thee? for, of a surety, neither is thy look as of a mortal woman, nor yet thy voice. A goddess cer- tainly thou art, sister of Phoebus, or haply one of the nymphs. But whatsoever thou art, look fa- vorably upon us and help us. Tell us in what land we be, for the winds have driven us hither, and we know not aught of place or people." And Yenus said, " Nay, stranger I am not such as ye think. We virgins of Tyre are wont to carry a quiver and to wear a buskin of purple. For indeed it is a Tyrian city that is hard by, though the land be Lybia. And of this city Dido is queen, having come hither from Tyre, flying from the wrong-doing of her brother. And in- deed the story of the thing is long, but I will re- count the chief matter thereof to thee. The hus- band of this Dido was one Sichaeus, richest among all the men of Phoenicia, and greatly beloved of 50 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. his wife, whom he married from a virgin. Xow the brother of this Sichaeus was Pygmalion, the king of the country, and he exceeded all men in wickedness. And when there arose a quarrel be- tween them, the king, being exceedingly mad after gold, took him unaware, even as he did sacrifice at the altar, and slew him. And the king hid the matter many days from Dido, and cheated her with false hopes. But at the last there came to her in her dreams the likeness of the dead man, baring his wounds and showing the wickedness which had been done. Also he bade her make haste and fly from that land, and, that she might do this more easily, told her of great treasure, gold and silver, that was hidden in the earth. And Dido, being much moved by these things, made ready for flight; also she sought for com- panions, and there came together to her all as many as hated the king or feared him. Then did ilicy seize ships that chanced to be ready and laded them with gold, even the treasure of King Pygmalion, and so fled across the sea. And in all this was a woman the leader. Then came they to this place, where thou seest the walls and citadel of Carthage, and bought so much land as they could cover with a bull's hide. And now do ye answer me this, Whence come ye, and whither do ye go?" Then answered JEneas, " Should I tell the whole story of our wanderings, and thou have leisure to hear, evening would come ere I could CARTHAGE. 51 make an end. We are men of Troy, who, having journeyed over many seas, have njw been driven by storms to this shore of Lybia. And as for me, men call me Prince ^Eneas. The land I seek id Italy, and my race is from Jupiter himself. With twenty ships did I set sail, going in the way whereon the Gods sent me. And of these scarce seven are left. And now, seeing that Europe and Asia endure me not, I wander over the desert places of Africa." But Venus suffered him not to speak more, but said, " Whoever thou art, stranger, that art come to this Tyrian city, thou art surely beloved by the Gods. And now go, show thyself to the queen. And as for thy ships and thy companions, I tell thee that they are safe in the haven, if I have not learnt augury in vain. See those twenty swans, how joyously they fly ! And now there cometh an eagle swooping down from the sky, putting them to confusion, but now again they move in due order, and some are settling on the earth and some are preparing to settle. Even so doth it fare with thy ships, for either are they already in the haven or enter thereinto with sails full set." And as she spake she turned away, and there shone a rosy light from her neck, also there came from her hair a sweet savour as of ambrosia, and her garments grew under her feet; and -<33neas perceived that she was his mother, and cried aloud, " my mother, why dost thou mock me so 52 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. often with false shows, nor sufferest me to join my hand unto thy hand, and to speak with thee face to face?" And he went towards the walls of the city. But Venus covered him and his companions with a mist, that no man might see them, or hinder them, or inquire of their business, and then de- parted to Paphos, where was her temple and also many altars of incense. Then the men hastened on their way, and mounting a hill which hung over the city, marvelled to behold it, for indeed it was very great and noble, with mighty gates and streets, and a multitude that walked therein. For some built the walls and the citadel, rolling great stones with' their hands, and others marked out places for houses. Also they chose those that should give judgment and bear rule in the city. Some, too, digged out harbors, and others laid the foundations of a theatre, and cut out great pillars of stone. Like to bees they were, when, the summer being newly come, ihe young swarms go forth, or when they labor filling the cells with honey, and some receive the burdens of those that return from the fields, and others keep off the drones from the hive. Even so labored the men of Tyre. And when ^Eneas beheld them he cried, " Happy ye, who even now have a city to dwell in ! " And being yet hidden by the mist, he went in at the gate and mingled with the men, being seen of none. Xow in the midst of the city was a wood, very CARTHAGE. 53 thick with trees, and here the men of Carthage, first come to the land from their voyage, had digged out of the ground that which Juno had said should be a sign to them, even a horse's head ; for that, finding this, their city would be mighty in war, and full of riches. Here, then, Dido w-is building a temple to Juno, very splendid, with threshhold of bronze, and many steps thereunto ; of bronze also were the door-posts and the gates. And here befel a thing which gave much com- fort and courage to ^Eneas; for as he stood and regarded the place, waiting also for the queen, he saw set forth in order upon the walls the battles that had been fought at Troy, the sons of Atreus also, and King Priam, and fierce Achilles. Then said he, not without tears, " Is there any land, Achates, that is not filled with our sorrows? Seest thou Priam? Yet withal there is a reward for virtue here also, and tears and pity for the troubles of men. Fear not, therefore. Surely the fame of these things shall profit us." Then he looked, satisfying his soul with the paintings on the walls. For there was the city of Troy. In this part of the field the Greeks fled and the youth of Troy pursued them, and in that the men of Troy fled, and Achilles followed hard upon them in his chariot. Also he saw the white tents of Rhesus, King of Thrace, whom the fierce Dio- med slew in his sleep, when he was newly come to Troy, and drave his horses to the camp before they ate of the grass of the fields of Troy or drank the 54: STORIES FROM VIRGIL. waters of Xanthus. There also Tro'ilus was pic- tured, ill-matched in battle with the great Achil- les. His horses bare him along ; but he lay on his back in the chariot, yet holding the reins, and his neck and head were dragged upon the earth, and the spear-point made a trail in the dust. And in another place the women of Troy went suppliant- wise to the temple of Minerva, bearing a great and beautiful robe, sad and beating their breasts', and with hair unbound ; but the goddess regarded them not. Also Achilles dragged the body of Hector three times round the walls of Troy, and was selling it for gold. And yEneas groaned when he saw the man whom he loved, and the old man Priam reaching out helpless hands. Also he knew himself, fighting in the midst of the Grecian chiefs ; black Memnon also he knew, and the hosts of the East; and Penthesilea leading the army of the Amazons with shields shaped as the moon. Fierce she was to see, with one breast bared for battle, and a golden girdle beneath it, a damsel daring to fight with men. CHAPTER VIII. DIDO. BUT while ^Eneas marveled to see these things lo ! there came, with a great throng of youths be- hind her, Dido, most beautiful of women, fair as Diana, when, on the banks of Eurotas or on the hills of Cynthus, she leads the dance with a thou- sand nymphs of the mountains about her. On her shoulder she bears a quiver, and overtops them all, and her mother, even Latona, silently rejoices to behold her. So fair and seemly to see was Dido as she bare herself right nobly in the midst, being busy in the work of her kingdom. Then she sat herself down on a lofty throne in the gate of the temple, with many armed men about her. And she did justice between man and man; also she divided the work of the city, sharing it equally or parting it by lot. Then of a sudden ^neas heard a great clamor, and saw a company of men come quickly to the place, among whom were Antheus and Sergestus and Cloanthus, and others of the men of Troy that had been parted from him in the storm. Right glad was he to behold them, yet was not without fear ; and though he would fain have come 55 56 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. forth and caught them by the hand, yet did he tarry, waiting to hear how the men had fared, where they had left their ships, and wherefore they were come. Then Ilioneus, being now given that he should speak, thus began : " Queen, whom Jupiter permits to build a new city in these lands, we men of Troy, whom the winds have carried over many seas, pray thee that thou save our ships from fire, and spare a people that serveth the Gods. For, indeed, we are not come to waste the dwellings of this land, or to carry off spoils to our ships. For, of a truth, they who have suffered so much think not of such deeds. There is a land which the Greeks call Hesperia, but the people themselves Italy, after the name of their chief; an ancient land, mighty in arms and fertile of corn. Hither were we journeying, when a storm arising scattered our ships, and only these few that thou seest escaped to the land. And can there be nation so savage that it receiveth not ship- wrecked men on its shore, but beareth arms against them, and forbiddeth them to land ? Nay, but if ye care not for men, yet regard the Gods, who forget neither them that do righteously nor them that transgress. We had a king, ^Eneas, than whom there lived not a man more dutiful to Gods and men, and greater in war. If indeed he be yet alive, then we fear not at all. For of a truth it will not repent thee to have helped us. And if not, other friends have we, as Acestes of DIDO. 57 Sicily. Grant us, therefore, to shelter our ships from the wind; also to fit them with fresh timber from the woods, and to make ready oars for row- ing, so that, finding again our king and our com- panions, we may gain the land of Italy. But if he be dead, and Ascanius his son lost also, then there is a dwelling ready for us in the land of Sicity, with Acestes, who is our friend." Then Dido, her eyes bent on the ground, thus spake, " Fear not, men of Troy. If we have seemed to deal harshly with you, pardon us, see- ing that, being newly settled in this land, we must keep watch and ward over our coasts. But as for the men of Troy, and their deeds in arms, who knows them not? Think not that we in Carthage are so dull of heart, or dwell so remote from man, that we are ignorant of these things. Whether, therefore, ye will journey to Italy, or rather return to Sicily and King Acestes, know that I will give you all help, and protect you ; or, if ye will, settle in this land of ours. Yours is this city which I am building. I will make no dif- ference between man of Troy and man of Tyre. Would that your king also were here ! Surely I will send those that shall seek him in all parts of Libya, lest haply he should be gone astray in any forest or strange city of the land." And when ^neas and Achates heard these things they were glad, and would have come forth from the cloud, and Achates said, " W T hat thinkest thou? Lo, thy comrades are safe, saving him 58 STORIES FROM VIRGIL. whom we saw with our own. eyes drowned in the waves; and all other things are according as thy mother said." And even as he spake the cloud parted from about them, and u.'Eneas stood forth, very bright to behold, with face and breast as of a god, for his mother had given to him hair beautiful to see, and cast about him the purple light of youth, even as a workman sets ivory in some fair ornament, or compasseth about silver or marble of Paros with gold. Then spake he to the queen, " Lo ! I am he whom ye seek, even ^Eneas of Troy, scarcely saved from the waters of the sea. And as for thee, O Queen, seeing that thou only hast been found to pity the unspeakable sorrows of Troy, and biddest us, though we be but poor exiles and lacking all things, to share thy city and thy home, may the Gods do so to thee as thou deservest. And, of a truth, so long as the rivers run to the seas, and the shadows fall on the hollows of the hills, so long will thy name and thy glory survive, whatever be the land to which the Gods shall bring me." Then gave he his right hand to Ilioneus, and his left hand to Sergestus, and greeted them with great joy. And Dido, hearing these things, was silent for a while, but at the last he spake: "What ill fortune brings thee into perils so great? what power drave thee to these savage shores? Well do I mind me how in days gone by there came to Sidon one Teucer, who, having been banished DIDO. 59 from his country, sought help from Belus that he might find a kingdom for himself. And -it chanced that in those days Belus, my father, had newly conquered the land of Cyprus. From that day did I know the tale of Troy, and thy name also, and the chiefs of Greece. Also I remember that Teucer spake honorably of the men of Troy, saying that he was himself sprung of the old Teucrian stock. Come ye, therefore, to my pal- ace. I too have wandered far, even as you, and =o have come to this land, and having suffered much have learnt to succor them that suffer." So saying she led ^neas into her palace; also she sent to his companions in the ships great store of provisions, even twenty oxen and a hun- dred bristly ewine and a hundred ewe sheep with their lambs. But in the palace a great feast was set forth, couches covered with broidered purple, and silver vessels without end, and cups of gold, whereon were embossed the mighty deeds of the men of old time. And in the mean time ^Eneas sent Achates in haste to the ships, that he mi> STORIES FROM VIRGIL. sieges a city or a fort on the hills, and tries now this approach, now that, and searches out all the place, and assails it in many ways. But at the last Entellus lifted his right hand and dealt a mighty blow, which the other, foreseeing it as it fell, avoided; so that the old man wasted his strength in air, and fell with a great crash to the earth, even as falls a pine torn up by the roots on Mount Erymanthus or Mount Ida. Then the men of Troy and the men of Sicily rose up from their places to see the thing ; Acestes also ran for- ward and lifted up the old man from the earth and would have comforted him. But he went back in great wrath to the battle, anger and shame stirring him up. And Dares fled before him over the plain, and he followed him, smiting him now with the right hand, now with the left, and his blows were as the hail that rattles upon the roof. But ^Eneas bade him stay his anger, and spake kindly to Dares, bidding him cease from the bat- tle. " Seest thou not that this day the victory is another's, and that the Gods are against thee? Fight not against the Gods." Then he com- manded that the battle should cease. And the companions of Dares led him to the ships, scarcely dragging his legs, and vomiting thick blood from his mouth, and teeth in the blood. Also they took the shield and helmet which were his reward, but the palm-branch and the ox they left to Entellus. Then said the conqueror, " See, son of the goddess, and ye men of Troy, what strength dwelt in this THE FUNERAL GAMES OF ANCHISES. 89 body while I was yet young, and from what a death ye have saved this Dares.*' Then stood he over against the ox and smote it with his gauntlet be- tween the horns. And it fell dead upon the earth. And Entellus cried aloud, " Eryx, I offer thee this life for the life of Dares, being indeed the better for the worse. And I lay aside these gaunt- lets and this art." Xext -