OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. " GAZETTE " STEAM PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, MIDDLESBROUGH-ON TEES. PIONEEES OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE, BY J. S. JEANS., AUTHOR OF "WESTERN WORT-HIES," ETC. MIDDLESBROUGH-ON-TEES : H, G. REID, "GAZETTE" PUBLISHING OFFICES, 1875, .771/4-5 Stack Annex PREFACE, THE extraordinarily large and rapid growth of the Cleveland Iron Trade, and the vast population chiefly dependent upon it, has awakened an interest which extends beyond the district immediately concerned. The fact that the make of Cleveland Iron now amounts to 1,999,491 tons annually being more than a third part of the whole make of England, and fully double the annual pro- duction of Scotland invests it with a national importance. To supply some definite know- ledge of the men who have created this great industry, is the purpose of this volume. The following chapters originally appeared as a series of articles in the Newcastle Weekly Chronicle, and a strong desire was expressed by many to possess them in a more permanent and convenient shape. Before reproducing them in book -form, the facts were carefully VI. PREFACE. verified, but it is obviously no easy matter to secure in the circumstances, perfect accuracy. The aim has been to give a full and faithful sketch of the men who have chiefly come to the front in the creation and development of the staple trade of Cleveland, without going outside the functions of the biographer and the historian. No doubt, some names deserving of mention have been omitted ; and opinions may differ as to the relative positions assigned to the various pioneers. The time has not yet come for doing justice to the newer works and workers ; the introduction of wire, nail, tube, and other manufactures, on which the future prosperity of the district must largely depend. No attempt at classifica- tion has been made, and it is hoped that the book will be accepted as an honest endeavour to preserve some reliable and tangible record of the inner life of the Cleveland district, and the lives of the men who have helped to raise it to the position which it now occupies. CONTENTS, PAGE. PREFACE .... . V. I. CHARLES ATTWOOD . 1 II. H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. . . 47 III. JOHN VAUGHAN . . . 67 IV. ISAAC WILSON . . ... 84 V. JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. .... 94 VI. EDGAR GILKE3 . 117 VII. JOSEPH PEASE . . . 128 VIII. W. R. I. HOPKINS ... . 149 IX. ISAAC LOWTHIAN BELL . 164 X. WILLIAM BARNINGHAM . . . 178 XI. DAVID DALE . . .196 XII. BERNHARD SAMUELSON, M.P. . . 216 XIII. CHARLES MARK PALMER, M.P. . .. 235 XIV. JOHN GJERS 253 XV. JEREMIAH HEAD . . . 268 XVI. EDWARD WILLIAMS . . . 282 XVII. JAMES MORRISON . 298 I-CHAELES ATTWOOD, IT would be difficult to find, in the -whole range of industrial biography, a more re- markable career than that which it is here our province to trace. Belonging to, and living chiefly in the memory of a past gene- ration, Charles Attwood is less known, and still less understood and appreciated, than he deserves to be, by the children and children's children of those whom he has outlived. Many of the reminiscences here recorded will have seen the light of publication for the first time, and many facts that clear up what have hitherto been little else than vague traditions, will here, also, initiate their exis- tence on paper. In tracing the lines of Mr. Attwood's biography, we are cultivating a field of surpassing promise and ripeness. Science owes him much more, probably, than his successors will ever be willing; to acknowledge. In the troubled arena of politics he has also fought and left his mark a mark that it will be difficult to efface. His 2 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. many-sided and versatile character may be approached and estimated from several diff- erent points of view ; but his career almost naturally divides itself into two parts the scientific or industrial, and the political. We prefer to deal first with the former phase, as more germane to the aim and scope of the present work. Mr. Attwood belongs to a family that had long occupied a leading position among the ironmasters of South Staffordshire. His grandfather began the manufacture of iron in that county about the middle of the last century. At that time, the iron trade of Staffordshire was of extremely limited extent. Scrivener, in his work on the " Iron Trade," estimates the total quantity of pig iron made in England and Wales in 1740 at 17,350 tons, or less than the annual production of a single large-sized Cleveland blast furnace at the present day. In Staffordshire the staple of the pig iron was made up into nail rods and bars. It was in this branch of the trade that the Attwood family were chiefly engaged, although they had previously become steel manufacturers, on a scale that was considered at that time of day, to be exceptionally large. Indeed, the steel manufacture of Great Britain was then the monopoly of a few families. The grandfather of Mr. Attwood, with his three sons, took a leading place among the monopo- CHARLES ATTWOOD. lists. The bulk of the steel was made from the iron obtained from the ore of Dannemora in Sweden, called Oregrund iron. There were four firms in Great Britain that monopolised the Dannemora iron for steel-making pur- poses, and it may be interesting, at this time of day, to state that these firms were the Att- wood family which included the father of the subject of our sketch the Walkers of Rotherham, the Cooksons of Newcastle, and the Harveys of Bristol. It was in this trade that the Cookson family laid the foundations of their fortune, and the Harveys also amassed immense wealth in it, until in an evil hour they founded the Ebbw Vale Works in South Wales, where they lost much of what they possessed. As for the Attwoods, they continued to stick to the steel trade, which, however, was becoming less of a monopoly than it had previously been. The Sheffield firms were getting possession of the field with their cheaper steel, made from Russian and from second class brands of Swedish iron; and competition with them could only be maintained by fighting them with their own weapons and on equal terms. This the Att- woods hesitated to do, although young Charles, who had been brought up to the steel trade, and had studied it closely, thought that the Dannemora ore could still be used with more advantage. Full of this faith, he would have 'i PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. liked to be allowed to carry on the works on his own account. " Don't be such a fool, Charles/' said his relatives. " Can't you see the trade is shrivelled up ? We haven't half the trade we used to have. These Sheffield people, with their cheap steel, are beating us out of the field." " Which," said young Att- wood, "they will continue to do, so long as you charge cent, per cent, profit, while they are content with five-and-twenty." Charles persevered in his suit, assuring his father that he saw how to make their works compete with the Sheffield firms, but he could not get his own way, and he had to look out for " fresh fields and pastures new." About the year 1810, we find Mr. Attwood acquiring a share no more than a tenth in a small window or crown glass manufactory at Gateshead. In this concern he worked vigorously, and was enabled in 1813, after buying out all his partners, to carry it on as his own exclusive property. Meanwhile, he felt that the manufacture of glass was in anything but a perfect state, and set himself to improve it. He was so successful, that he patented an invention enabling glass, in- stead of being in colour, as Mr. Attwood has himself put it, " something like a goose's egg," to assume the smooth and transparent consistency it now retains. It was three years before he was able to bring his process to CHARLES ATTWOOD. 5 the degree of perfection he desired. During those years he worked most assiduously. He had an office in London, to which the greater part of his glass was shipped for sale ; and he had just attained the threshold of complete commercial success the works having passed entirely into his own hands, and his new pro- cess being remunerative when be became involved in one of the most disastrous lawsuits that ever disgraced the annals of the Court of Chancery, and that is saying much. " It is," says Mr. Attwood himself, " a curious tale. One day 1 was sitting in my London office it was in the autumn of 1813 when a strange man entered and asked if I was Mr. Attwood. Upon my replying in the affirmative, he handed me a note and a piece of parchment, which was a summons to appear in the Court of Chancery at the suit of ' Barber versus Banner.' I said, * I never knew or heard of any such people in my life.' He said, * Oh ! just put it into the hands of your solicitors, and you will see it's all right.' ' Mr. Attwood followed his strange monitor's advice, and found that he had unwittingly be- come involved in a law-suit of long standing, and of almost interminable complication. The principals to the suit Barber and Banner had bought a small glass bottle work at Gates - head, which they ultimately converted into a manufactory of ground glass. Barber, who 6 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND moN TIIADE. was a solicitor in Newcastle, was a speculative and unscrupulous man. He soon ruined his partner Banner, and, having been threatened with a prosecution for forgery, suddenly dis- appeared, Meanwhile, Banner was declared bankrupt, and his assignees, thinking, perhaps, there was little or nothing to be got, failed to realize the estate. The works, however, were carried on by other parties until they were joined by Mr. Attwood ; and the bankrupt's representative, finding meanwhile that there was something in the business after all, brought a suit to recover the profits for up- wards of 20 years, under a decree of the Court of Chancery, ordering an account between him- self and the two original partners. The case stood in this position when Mr. Attwood be- came involved in its meshes. It was a question whether the case would not hold out until the account was rendered, and whether the works would not follow the title of the buyers. In the flush of prosperity. Mr. Attwood deter- mined to fight out the case to the last. His first counsel was that Mr. Bell who took up a foremost position at the Chancery bar in the earlier half of the present century. But the case " dragged its weary length along," year after year, until Mr. Bell having become old, addressed Lord Eldon one day, and said, ' I am sorry to inform your lordship that I do not purpose to practise any longer in your CttAllLES AttfTOOD. 7 lordship's court." " Why," said his lordship, " how's this surely a precipitate decision ?" " Well, your Lordship, I'm an old man." "So am I," said Eldon. "But," said Mr. Bell, " I'm an infirm old man/' " And so, also, am I," said the Chancellor. "Well," said Mr. Bell, driven at last into a corner, "the real fact is, that, I've made enough money and wish to retire." "Aye," replied his Lordship, " but you have the advantage of me there." Mr. Bell having retired from the management of his case, Mr. Attwood had to look out for another leading counsel, lie procured the services of Mr. Peps, afterwards Lord Chancellor of England, whose patience also became exhausted before the suit was ter- minated. " We must get a hearing," he said one day, addressing Mr. Attwood, " or this case will last as long as your grandchildren." At last, after twenty-eight parties involved in the case had been gathered together from all parts of the world after nine years of cease- less and costly litigation, and after exhausting the time, means, and patience of more than one party to the suit it came before the Court for final judgment. Vice-Chancellor Leach, who has attained some notoriety, from having been selected by George the Fourth to prosecute Queen Caroline, declared, in dis- missing it, that it was a most melancholy case and a disgrace to the records of the 8 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. court. To Mr. Attwood it meant little short of absolute ruin. His patent, which should, and under other circumstances would have made him one of the richest men in the country, was only of fourteen years' duration. Three of those years had been spent in bring- ing it to perfection. Other nine had been frittered away in a vexatious and costly litiga- tion, which completely unhinged his prospects, and created a gnawing sense of insecurity. When the trial terminated, he found that the parties from whom he should have recovered his costs were mere men of straw. He was thus the poorer by thousands of pounds. With only two years of his patent unexpired, he could not hope to do great things. So far, therefore, as he himself was concerned, he jogged along until his patent rights had lapsed, when Mr. Chance of Birmingham, Mr. Hartley of Sunderland, and other firms up and down the country took up the principle and worked it out with highly profitable results. Briefly stated, Mr. Attwood's patent consisted in the use of pure soda, pure lime, and pure sand, unmixed with the Scotch kelp and Spanish barilla that were formerly used exclusively in the manufacture of English window glass. It is impossible to resist the temptation to relate another reminiscence of Mr. Attwood's connection with the glass trade, which led to CHARLES ATTWOOD. 9 an encounter between himself and Sir Robert Peel, who was then Secretary of State for Ireland. A statutory enactment having pro- vided that a duty of 250 per cent, on its prime cost should be imposed on all glass entering Ireland, Mr. Attwood resolved to take advan- tage of the short intervening space, before the Act became law, to get as much stock as possible into the sister country free of duty. Simultaneously with this, the Dumbarton glass makers then the largest in the kingdom shipped immense quantities from the Clyde, so that by the time the Act came into opera- tion there was something like a three years' stock, upon which no duty could be charged. Mr. Attwood had previously consulted some of the most eminent legal men in London, as to whether there was any risk in what he had done ; and the answer he got that there was a standing order against the repeal or altera- tion of any fiscal bill passed in the same session of Parliament gave him increased assurance in the course he adopted. But the Irish Ministers did not relish the turn that affairs had taken, and one of them Mr. Fitz- gerald surreptitiously introduced into the Irish Customs Act a clause, which provided that the duty on glass should take retrospec- tive effect. This provision was tagged on to the end of a Bill dealing with quite another subject, and it was no doubt expected that it 10 1>IOXEEHS OF T1JK CLEVELAND 1ROS' TRADE. would pass unnoticed and unchallenged. It did so in the ] louse of Commons, but Mr. Attwoocl, wroth at finding himself so com- pletely and unfairly ' ; sold," buckled on his armour, and resolved to measure weapons with the ministers. Having heard from Ire- land that his cargoes, which had beer, arriving very fast, were all confiscated by the Com- missioners of Customs, and would not be given up until the Bill making them amenable to this huge impost had received the royal assent, he waited upon Sir Robert Peel with the view of uttering a remonstrance. " I cannot," said Mr. Attwood, " allow 20,000 to be taken out of my pocket by a fraud of this kind." " Well," replied the secretary, " there seerns to me to be no remedy for it. I can- not help you." With that he bowed Mr. Att- wood to the door, evidently annoyed, or at any rate not prepossessed by the high ground and unvarnished terms which his visitor had chosen to assume. It went against his grain to be beaten, and so Mr. Attwood, after pon- dering in his heart, the most likely means of checkmating the move of the Government, took the coach and drove down into County Wicldow, where he took the opinion of Lord Plunkett, some time Attorney General, and a man of profound legal acumen. His lordship distinctly affirmed " that a retrospective duty could not be imposed in the Queen's CMARLES AtTWoOt). 1 1 courts." Armed with this opinion, Mr. Att- wood once more waited upon Peel. He found the secretary stiffer and sterner than before. He would listen to nothing, and in- sisted that the duty should be paid. At last Mr. Attwood said ** we are advised that it cannot be imposed in the Queen's courts, and we mean to try it there." " You can do as you like/' said Peel, " We will be prepared to meet you." Moving to the door, Mr. Attwood added, " Before I go, I may just tell you that I hold in my hand the written opinion of Lord Plunkett, that the duty is illegal." " Wait a minute," said Peel, who became much agitated for Lord Plunkett and he were enemies and rivals, and he was doubtless afraid that it might lead to a vote of censure " Perhaps you will allow me to see that opinion." " Certainly, sir," said Mr. Attwood, who placed the document in the Secretary's hands, and watched his fingers nervously try- ing to untie the red tape ; " you can have it to sleep over if you like." Having glanced at the paper, Peel retorted, with more urbanity of manner, '* This is a case of great impor- tance. I could riot ive you an answer on it V just now." Mr. Attwood replied that he might do so at his leisure, and retired. Be- fore nine o'clock next morning, however, he received a note, with Mr. Secretary 1'eel's compliments, to the effect that "Her Majesty's PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Government have resolved not to enforce the duties on window glass imposed under the recent Act of Parliament." Next session, much to Mr. Attwood's disgust and loss, Peel and Fitzgerald brought in a bill to repeal altogether the duty on window glass, and after lying for many months on the open quays at Dublin, his large stock had to be disposed of at a great sacrifice. In the month of May, 1828, Mr. Attwood made a discovery which has a reflex influence of some little account on the industrial annals of Cleveland. The date is firmly impressed in Mr. Attwood's mind, because he was com- ing down from London to Northampton for the purpose of meeting a favourite blood mare of his own the first he had entered for a race which was to take part in the " Oaks " of that year. The mare was to come from Manchester, and Mr. Attwood, travelling from London in the mail coach for it was in the pre-railway days expected to meet her at Northampton. Here he slept during the night, finding that his mare had not arrived ; and next morning he got up at six o'clock, with the object of having a walk through the town. Chance led him in the direction of the Castle, in the yard of which there was a low wall, built of a curious kind of stone. After carefully examining this stone, Mr. Att- wood became convinced that it was iron ore, CHARLES ATT WOOD. 13 identical in kind with that now found in Cleve- land. He had previously met with the same description of ore. During all the years he lived in the neighbourhood of Newcastle, he was on the outlook for minerals, having been trained to a knowledge of metallurgy and mineralogy ; and the late Mr. John Clayton was accustomed to show him specimens of stone obtained from the Whitby district, that was occasionally used in the furnaces of the Tyne Iron Company, at Lemington. Mr. Clayton told them with reference to this peculiar stone " We get it by little vessels that go down the coast about Whitby in the summer time, and when the tide recedes, these vessels, lying upon the sand, are filled with blocks of ironstone that are washed off the cliffs on to the beach." The quantity of stone thus obtained was very fragmentary and precarious ; and having been informed by Mr. Clayton and others, that the Whitby stone made bad iron per se, he took little further interest in it. But he knew the deposition of the stone thoroughly. He was aware, that in all the other ironstone-bearing districts of Great Britain the mineral was found in nodular bands, whereas, here in Cleveland, it lay in rock masses. He also believed that there was an enormous quantity of this oolitic or Cleve- land stone ; and when he found it cropping up in Northamptonshire he resolved in his 14 PIONEERS O.F THE CLEVELAND IRON TBADK. mind whether it could not be turned to good account. Northampton is about half-way be- tween Staffordshire and London. There was a splendid highway the whole distance com- mencing with the Kiver Trent in Staffordshire, and then via the Grand Junction Canal to the Metropolis. It struck Mr. Attwood that as the heavy laden boats or barges navigating the canal came back empty, it might suit the purpose of the canal company to allow them to be charged with this ironstone as back freight, in which case it could be delivered in Staffordshire for a very small cost. Mean- while, however, the important problem " where docs this stone come from ?" pre- sented itself for solution. lie made inquiries about Northampton, and found no one who could at all throw light upon his question. All that day until sunset he walked to and fro in the neighbourhood, and as he came home he passed through a ploughed field about a mile from the town. As is the custom in the country, the hind or ploughman was unyoking his horses, leaving the plough in the furrow. Following the track of the plough, he dis- covered that it had been turning over iron- stone along its entire course. He asked the "yokel" about it, but could get no satisfactory idea as to what it was, or to what extent it was known to be disseminated throughout the district, He had no difficulty, however, in CHARLES ATTWOOD. 15 recognising it as identical with the stone he had seen in the Tyne, brought from Whitby. lie concluded, therefore, that it would be found, niore or less abundantly, scattered over the country between Northampton and Cleve- land. With these conclusions in his mind, he wrote to his brother-in-law in Staffordshire Mr. William Matthews, a well-known iron- master " You can get oolitic ironstone here at Is. per ton. I think it will be worth your while looking after it, for your Staffordshire ironstone is very dear." Mr. Matthews wrote back " Even if you could guarantee me the stone at Is. per ten it is worth nothing, for the Canal Company charge 35s. per ton for the carriage of iron to London, and it would not pay me to allow one-hall' that rate." Thus repulsed and disappointed, Mr. Attwood took 1:0 further notice of the discovery he had made in Northampton. The matter had indeed almost entirely passed from his memory, until one day in the spring of 1830, he was riding from Thirsk across the Hambledon Moors, to the training stables of some Arabian horses which he intended running in the " Oaks" of that year. On his way, he observed that the country roads were mended with the same oolitic ironstone that he had found at Northampton. The coincidence struck him at once, and confirmed him in the impression that the iron ore extended the length of Whitby, 16 and thence near to Stockton and Middles- brough. Addressing a country man whom he met, he asked, " Can you tell me where this stone comes from ?" " Down that lane, sir," was the reply, pointing in the direction in- dicated. Instead, therefore, of going to the training grounds, Mr. Attwood determined to devote the morning to find out, if possible, the formation of this deposit. He turned his horse's head down the lane, and after following its course for about a mile and a- half, he came to a limestone quarry, used for agricultural purposes, where there was a con- siderable quantity of it collected. The stone had evidently been disinterred in building these limekilns, and was thrown aside as useless rubbish. Again, it occurred to Mr. Attwood, whether his discovery could not be turned to advantage. The railway system was then in its infancy. Between Darlington and Stock- ton there was a line worked entirely by horses. But between Manchester and Liver- pool the system had been tried on the present modern scale, and tried successfully. It there- fore seemed to Mr. Attwood, that railway facilities would soon become extensively developed in England, and bring into close and easy contact mineral districts, otherwise too remote to be worked in conjunction and inter-dependence. In view of such a proba- bility, he began to attach great importance to CHARLES ATTWOOD. 1 7 the discovery at Thirsk which could so soon be brought into practical co-operation with the Durham coal-field, although it could not be opened out at that time. Another link was soon afterwards added to the chain this time, also, in an accidental manner. Mr. Att- wood had some shooting quarters behind Haltwliistle, where he was accustomed to spend some time every year. His brother- in-law, Mr. Matthews, was as fond of grouse- shooting as himself, and generally joined him at llaltwhistle in the season. In August of this same year, 1830, after they had finished their shooting campaign together, and when Mr. Matthews was talking about returning to Staffordshire, Mr. Attwood said, "Do you re- member me writing you three years ago about a rock of ironstone I found at Northampton, and which I thought might be made of some value to you in Staffordshire ?" "I recollect perfectly," was the reply. " Then," said Mr. Attwood, " I found that same rock close at hand here, and rely upon it, it will be brought into connection with the coal-field before long, and give rise to quite a new iron trade." Mr. Attwood then proposed that his brother-in- law should accompany him to Thirsk, and see the stone for himself. Mr. Matthews at once consented. They slept at Thirsk all night, and went on together next morning to the training ground, stopping by the way to look c 18 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. in upon the quarry where Mr. Attwood had found the ironstone. Mr. Matthews was much struck with the discovery, and filled his shooting-jacket pockets with specimens of the stone, which he intended to take with him to Staffordshire for the purpose of analysis. We are now approaching the beginning of the end of this part of our narrative. Mr. Attwood waited for the railway system to bring the Durham coal-field and the Cleve- land ironstone together, satisfied that when that union had been completed there would be an immense impetus given to the Northern iron and coal trades. While he lived in Lon- don he became a subscriber to the first geo- logical map that was ever published. It was drawn up by William Smith, the geologist a relative of Professor Philips, the miner- alogist, of Oxford, and the discoverer of the regular order of superposition of the British strata. Smith had prepared a complete geological map of England, but it was too bulky a thing for general use, and it was therefore determined to carry out a scheme of publishing separate geological maps for each county. Geology was then less under- stood and appreciated than it is at the present day, and after twelve county maps had been published the scheme had to be abandoned for want of adequate support. But, fortunately, the map of Yorkshire was one of the twelve CHARLES ATTWOOD. 19 indeed, it was the very last published and a wonderful map it is for the accuracy of its outlines. Mr. Attwood instructed his nephew to make out a copy of Smith's map on a small scale, and added, " We will go next week and trace this ironstone from Scar- borough to the Tees ; and as soon as we come to Middlesbrough we shall find its main seam either here (putting his finger on Eston Nab), or here (pointing to Roseberry Topping). The bed is in the lias limestone formation, and wherever it is laid bare under the oolitic, all the way down to the mouth of the Severn, that bed exists." Mr. Attwood's nephew prepared the map as desired. The writer has been permitted to examine it, as well as a copy of the geological survey for York- shire, prepared by Smith, which shows a section of the coast from Scarborough up to the mouth of the Tees. At this time the railway had just been opened from Stockton to Middlesbrough, and Mr. Attwood had made up his mind to acquire a large royalty of the Cleveland ironstone, and commence the manufacture of iron in that district. It was at this juncture that circumstances occurred which directed Mr. Attwood's thoughts into quite another channel, and pre- vented him from taking the position which has since, by universal assent, been awarded to Mr. John Vaughan. It was Burns who wrote 20 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. " The best laid schemes o' men and mice Gang aft agley ;" and so it was with the plans of Mr. Attwood. Before he had time to carry out his contem- plated examination of the Cleveland hills, he was waited upon by a man named Walton, who had formerly owned a small freehold estate in Weardale, of which he was a native, but at that time kept a public-house in or near Newgate Street, Newcastle. Walton, while working some lead mines in Wear- dale, came upon a peculiar mineral of which he knew nothing, but knowing Mr. Att- wood to be a mineralogist, he brought the stone under his notice. Mr. Attwood at once pronounced it to be a very rich and peculiar quality of iron ore a carbonate of iron which was not known to exist anywhere in Great Britain except Cornwall, although it had been found in abundance among the Styrian and Carinthian Alps from the time of the Romans. In order to have his impres- sions fully verified, Mr. Attwood advised Walton to send the mineral to Dr. Fyfe, of Edinburgh, the eminent chemist, for the pur- pose of analysis. Walton did so, and Dr. Fyfe's assay fully bore out the opinions of Mr. Att- wood, who, having ascertained that a rail- way was then in course of formation which would connect the Bishop Auckland coal-field with Weardale, determined to turn his views CHARLES ATTWOOD, 21 for the time being in that direction. The district had access with the Tyne by the Wear- dale, Stanhope, and Tyne Railway the first line constructed by Stephenson which was worked, not by locomotives, but by horses and inclined planes. Having revolved in his own mind the all-important question of rail- way facilities, Mr. Attwood said to Walton, " You know Weardale very well ; do you think there is much of this stuff"? " " Yes," he re- plied, " I'm of opinion that there's a very large quantity of it; but it has hitherto been thrown out of the mines as useless." " Then, we'll go through the valley and see what quantity of it can be got ; it's a stone of some value." With Walton as their guide, Mr. Attwood and his nephew made a tour of the lead mines, and found that large quantities of the " rider ore" had been cast out of the mines as rubbish, its tendency being injurious to the lead with which it is found in combina- tion. Mr. Attwood knew that if he could obtain a sufficient quantity of this ore, he would be able to produce the best iron made in Britain ; while he also knew that the Cleve- land ore made a very inferior quality of iron. He did not like the idea of making bad iron, no matter what its commercial results might be, so he elected to throw in his lot with the Weardale ores, saying to his nephew and him- self, " We'll let Cleveland alone in the mean- 22 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. time ; it will keep perhaps long enough." These circumstances led to the abandonment of the proposed survey of the Cleveland hills, and involved, as its necessary corollary, the loss of prestige Mr. Attwood would undoubt- edly have gained had he followed up his dis- coveries and intentions. The next matter that claimed Mr. Attwood's attention was the acquisition of a lease for working the ''rider ore" of Weardale. He ascertained that the lead mines of Weardale had been held for many generations by the Blackett family, which subsequently merged in that of Beaumont. And it may be noticed, en passant, that two centuries previously a Mr. Edward Blackett, the owner of the few lead mines worked in the district at that remote period, had been known to have worked Wear- dale iron ore, which was made into iron and steel by a small colony of Germans on the Derwent. The works were carried on at Shotley Bridge, near Consett where their re- mains may be traced to this day ; while the descendants of these German steelworkers may still be identified in the neighbourhood by their queer-sounding names. In those days the art of making iron and steel with coal or coke was quite unknown. Charcoal was the only fuel used, and as the supply of wood in the district became scarce, the steel works were abandoned. Returning from this digres- CHARLES ATTWOOD. 23 sion, we find that a gentleman of the name of Pearson, an agent of the Bishop of Durham, had taken, on speculation, a lease of the iron ore in the manors of Stanhope and Wolsingham, at a merely nominal rent, a number of years previous to Walton's discovery. Mr. Pearson had only one child a daughter, who married the late Mr. George Hutton Wilkinson, some time recorder of Newcastle, and through her the lease reverted to her husband and family. But by them the value and character of "the iron ore in Weardale appeared only to be guessed at. Most of those to whom Mr. Alt- wood spoke on the subject were quite incred- ulous of the existence of such ore. One old man knowingly declared, " Nay ; that's no ironstone ; it's only brunt (burnt) stuff." But Mr. Attwood persisted that it was ironstone of the finest quality ; and, unwisely for himself perhaps, made a good deal of noise about it, for when he went to see Mr. Wilkinson about entering into a lease, he found that Mr. Cuth- bert Rippon had been there a few days before him, and had just arranged for the working of all the ironstone in the two manors of Stan- hope and Wolsingham. Under the circum- stances, Mr. Attwood was compelled to make arrangements with Mr. Rippon for a sub-lease of the manor on much less advantageous terms than he could have made with Mr. Wilkinson, had he kept his own counsel. 24 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Having thus established himself in Wear- dale, Mr. Attwood built five blast furnaces at Tow Law, and purchased another, which Mr. Rippon had erected at Stanhope. His ex- pectations as to the quality of iron that could be produced from the so-called "rider ore" were amply verified. No less an authority than Mr. Isaac Lowthian Bell has declared that the iron made at Tow Law is of a very high class so good, indeed, as closely to re- semble in quality the celebrated German " Spiegeleisen." For bar iron purposes it bears a high name, and has, like its prototype in Germany, been found pre-eminently well adapted for the manufacture of the finer kinds of steel an application confined exclusively to the purest descriptions of metal. Mean- while, Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan had built three blast furnaces at Witton Park, relying upon their ability to procure adequate supplies of stone in that district. Herein they were grievously disappointed. They experienced the utmost difficulty in obtaining ironstone sufficient to keep their furnaces blowing, and in their dilemma Mr. Vaughan called on Mr. Attwood, and asked for a supply of his Weardale ores. The latter was un- able to spare any of the " rider ore," which is not found in great beds like the Cleveland stone, but in isolated patches, very irregular and precarious. In the neighbourhood of CHARLES ATTWOOD. 25 Consett, however, he had leased a large royalty of clayband ironstone, from which he furnished Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan with occasional supplies. Things were in this state when, one day in the spring of 1850, Mr. Vaughan paid a visit to Mr. Attwood at Tow Law. After some general conversation Mr. Vaughan said, " I've come to sell you some ironstone." "Indeed," replied Mr. Attwood, who could scarcely conceal his astonishment, " I'm sorry to hear that, for I expected you had come to buy some from me. However," he added, " if you can sell me iron- stone cheaper and better than I can work it for myself, I'll be your customer. What can you deliver it for at Tow Law ?" " Six shillings a ton," said Mr. Vaughan. Mr. Attwood at once jumped to the conclusion that the Cleveland ironstone, which he had imagined was yet unknown, had at last been found out. Without expressing his thoughts, however, he asked, " In what part of the country do you find stone that you can deliver at 6s per ton?" In an off-hand way, Mr. Vaughan replied, " On the railway close by Darlington." Mr. Attwood was not to be misled by this ambiguous reply. He went to a drawer, pulled out the geological maps to which allusion has already been made, spread them out before his visitor and said : " Now, I know the geology of Darlington very well ; 26 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. there's no stone to be found thereabouts. At one or other of these places (putting his fingers on the spots indicating Roseberry Topping and Eston Nab) you must find your ironstone." " Mr. Vaughan," said Mr. Att- wood, when relating the anecdote to the writer, "looked at me as if I had been a witch." Admitting the truth of what Mr. Attwood had affirmed, he added, " We've not concluded our arrangements yet ; and we dont want it to be known." " All right," was the reply, " you need not fear me. I advise you to go on, for you've got hold of a good thing." Although the events already recorded pre- vented him from taking up the position to which he had looked forward that of being the first to demonstrate the practical value of the Cleveland ironstone Mr. Attwood was not prepared to relinquish altogether his long cherished intention of some day obtaining a footing in the Cleveland district. He, there- fore, about the beginning of 1852, began to look out for ironstone royalties near to Eston. But Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan on the one side, and the Consett Iron Company on the other, had pretty much taken up the first range of hills. Dissappointed thereat, Mr. Attwood still argued " I cannot afford to lose it; I must secure some of this stone before it is all eaten up." At last he was able to con- CHARLES ATTWOOD. 2? elude negotiations for the lease of a royalty of some 5,000 acres near to Guisborough. In this venture he was joined by his partners in the Weardale works the Messrs. Baring, of London. But they, as bankers, knew nothing of the merits of the Cleveland stone, and as, on inquiry, they heard unfavourable accounts of it, they dissuaded Mr. Attwood from attempting its development. This was done much against Mr. Attwood's own inclinations, for he had a strong presentiment that Cleve- land was the place in which to make money rapidly, there being always a ready market for cheap goods, and Mr. Vaughan had told him that his firm could make iron from Cleveland ore for 25s per ton. He had his hands almost full in Weardale, however, and on this account he allowed his own predilections to be over- ruled by the prejudices of his partners. The result was that the Guisborough royalty re- mained almost untouched for a number of years. The trade being in its infancy, the market was restricted ; and most of the new firms who came into the district to build blast furnaces did so by arrangement with the Messrs. Pease, of Darlington, who gave them railway facilities which Mr. Attwood and his partners were not in a position to offer. At last, in the year 1870, two blast furnaces each 85 feet in height, were erected at Tud- hoe, (where the Company had previously, in 28 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. 1852, established rolling mills and forges) for smelting the Cleveland ironstone. The " make " of these furnaces averages about 800 tons per week. The output from the "Wear- dale Company's mines in Cleveland is now at the rate of 400,000 tons per annum. Since they acquired their royalty, the Company have disposed of over 2,000 acres stretching away in the direction of Thirsk, to which Mr. Attwood did not attach much value. But they have still about 3,000 acres of the best stone under lease and the bed is so thick that, as Mr. Attwood has himself put it, " We could almost supply a hundred blast furnaces, if we had them, for as many years." In addition to their Tow Law works, where there are five blast furnaces, erected in 1847, and each forty-eight feet in height, the Wear- dale Company have Bessemer works at Tud- hoe, in which a great part of the iron made at Tow Law is converted into steel. This branch of their operations has a most interest- ing history, upon which we may be excused for briefly dwelling, seeing that it has not hitherto been told. Mr. Attwood was the first to take a license from Bessemer, who, at the time he brought out his patent, carried on an establishment at Sheffield. Having heard from the patentee of the new invention, Mr. Attwood made a trial of it, and was favour- ably impressed with the results, although they CHARLES ATTWOOD. 29 were not quite perfect. He thought it worth while, however, to see his partners, and elicit their opinion as to taking a license. The reply he got was, " Better let it alone ; we don't know anything about it." Just at this juncture a rather curious incident occurred, which, trifling in itself, led, nevertheless to most important results. The manager of the Weardale Company's rolling mills, at Tud- hoe, who had little faith in Bessemer's process, was one day travelling on the rail- way, when he met Mr. William Bird, a lead- ing authority in the iron trade, long resident in London. Bird, who was a friend of the patentee said, " I want somebody who will work steel for Bessemer. Will you under- take it at Tudhoe ?" The manager replied that they would be glad to do so for a fail- price. " Well," retorted Bird, " what we specially require is to make ship plates say about six hundred tons per week. It will re- quire good strong works, and I think yours will suit." " All right," said the other, ''we'll make any quantity you like for 6 per ton." It was ultimately agreed that Bessemer would send ingots from his works at Sheffield to Tudhoe, and that they were to be manufactured into ship plates at the latter works. Mr. Attwood's manager predicted it would be an utter failure. Mr. Attwood himself held quite a different opinion, and stuck to it. At last 30 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. a cargo of twenty tons of steel ingots was delivered at Tudhoe, and Mr. Bessemer appeared in person to watch operations. Mr. Attwood was also present, and took much in- terest in the experiments, which proved so successful that Mr. Bessemer almost in- duced Mr. Attwood to purchase a license to work the new patent. Before doing so, however, Mr. Attwood sent his manager over to Sheffield that he might see the process carried on in Mr. Bessemer's own works. v ' I have altered my views entirely," wrote the manager a day or two afterwards, " Bessemer has now overcome all his diffi- culties, and can make steel of a uniform and workable quality. The thing is now worth looking after." Anxious, however, still further to test the merits of the process, Mr. Attwood went over to Sheffield himself, taking with him twenty tons of Weardale iron. At Mr. Bessemer's works he stayed for a week, closely scrutinising the effects of the new process on his own iron, and was so satisfied with the result that he at once undertook to purchase a license. It was about this time that Besse- mer was threatened with litigation that might have involved the invalidity of his patent. Mushet, a relative of the discoverer of the Scotch " black band" ironstone, had brought out a great many patents, and one of them proposed to deal with the manufacture of steel CHARLES ATT WOOD. 31 by a process which in some respects resembled that patented by Bessemer. While this ugly case was pending, Mr. Attwood met Bessemer and told him that his was a pre- carious patent, for, he added, " I see you are under the lash of Mushet, and I don't like the idea of having to pay twice over for my license." " Well," said Mr. Bessemer, " I can assure you it is quite a mistake to say that we are using Mushet's patent ; we are getting iron from Sweden that keeps us safe."' "That may be," said Mr. Att- wood, " but if I go on with this license you must guarantee me against all risk so far as Mushet is concerned." Bessemer gave the required undertaking, but when he saw Mr. Attwood proceeding to lay down a plant costing over 10,000, on a plan furnished by himself the patentee he seemed to be somewhat doubtful about the wisdom of what he had done. Shortly after- wards, however, Mr. Attwood had another visit from Bessemer, whose first news was " All danger is now past, for Mushet has allowed his patent to lapse for want of paying the patent fees." "It is impossible," replied Mr. Attwood, " that he can have been such a fool." "It's nevertheless a fact, though," said the emancipated patentee, "for my agent, having satisfied himself of its accuracy, hurried down to. tell me." Meanwhile, the 32 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Bessemer works at Tudhoe had been finished; and it was found that there was something radically faulty about them. It was one thing to make ingots, but it was quite another thing to forge and roll them. Mr. Attwood could not personally give much attention to the matter, for he was at this time an infirm valetudinarian, and unable to undertake the daily fatigue of travelling between Wolsing- ham, where he resided and Tudhoe a distance of fifteen miles. Experience, however, ulti- mately enabled the more serious faults of the process to be corrected, and it is in success- ful operation at Tudhoe to this day. His process has realised a princely fortune for Mr. Bessemer, while it has entirely revo- lutionised the steel manufacture of Great Britain, enabling steel bars which formerly cost 40 to 50 per ton to be made at a selling price of about 11 per ton, after paying the royalty fee of 2. The last phase of Mr. Attwood's industrial career to which we propose to allude is his own invention for the manufacture of steel. He patented this curious discovery about the year 1862. Satisfied of its merits and com- mercial value, he proposed to his partners to take it up and work it on a large scale. They again withheld their consent, remarking com- placently, " Well, we daresay you are right ; but we don't understand your process, and CHARLES ATTWOOD. 33 we have a natural dislike to anything we cannot comprehend." Mr. Attwood replied, " Having made this singular invention, I mean to perfect it, and if you don't care to go along Avith me, I shall do it myself." At that time, however, he was in very feeble health. His medical advisers told him that if he would live for a few years longer he must select a warmer climate. Mr. Attwood reluctantly consented to visit the south, and he spent the most of next summer at Torquay, returning to Wolsingham much benefited by the change. He then arranged with his nephew to go into his new steel manufacture thoroughly. Land was acquired for the purpose, within a short distance of his house at Wolsingham ; but the foundations of the new works had hardly been laid when Mr. Attwood's nephew was pros- trated by paralysis, and in a year more he joined the great majority. It was a severe blow to Mr. Attwood, who had no family of his own, and to whom his nephew was all but a son. He relaxed his interest in his new steel process, and although the proposed works were built, it was on a smaller scale than that originally intended. Part of the first lot of steel rails made by Mr. Attwood's pro- cess was sent to London, where six different railway companies exposed them to the severest tests by putting them down in the lost trying places. These rails are as good 34 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. to-day as they were when first put down. Two years ago, Mr. Attwood said to the rail- way companies " You have already reported favourably on my rails. Why not take a lot of say 200 tons, and let us have a fuller trial ?" In reply to this invitation, the Great Northern Railway Company at once sent an order for 250 tons, and added, " We will take as much more as you like to make. The way in which your rails stand is perfectly wonder- ful." In about three years time, Mr. Att- wood's patent will expire. The merits of his invention will then become more fully known, and the patentee is sanguine enough to expect that firms who have spent a great deal of money in laying down Bessemer plant will discard the one system in favour of the other. It is no secret that Bessemer plates are defective in flexibility, which makes them liable to break in hot weather by the action of the sun's heat. Mr. Attwood thinks he has overcome this difficulty. Some of his more recent orders refer to the application of steel to masts for large steamers. Whatever may be the value of his process, it has been a source of little or no emolument to Mr. Attwood himself, for he has never followed it out so as to make it a great commercial success. It will probably be left for others to reap what he has sown. The trial of Queen Caroline in the year CHARLES ATTWOOD. OD 1820 was the first event that drew Mr. Att- wood from the retirement of private life. In common with all his countrymen, Mr. Att- wood's feelings were strongly excited by the result of that trial. He felt that the Queen was the victim of an infamous prosecution, and that she was treated with less than justice, in order to satisfy the caprice of her licentious and abandoned husband. Knowing something of the value of the Italian evidence on which the prosecution chiefly relied to establish proof of the Queen's adultery, Mr. Attwood opened up communication with Mr. Denman, her Solicitor- General. In Mr. Brougham, her Attorney-General, he had little faith, believing that he trimmed to please both George and Caroline, and that his advocacy of the Queen's cause was only half-hearted. In his business relations Mr. Attwood had experienced the mendacity of Italian testimony, and he was prepared to demonstrate to the Queen's counsel the utter rottenness and want of veracity which were characteristic of such evi- dence; but Mr. Denman hesitated to take advantage of his preferred services, and the " non mi ricordo" testimony of Taeodor Mejocchi and his companions, was thus allowed to appear on the record, when it might at the outset have been completely discredited. The trial meanwhile proceeded, and the whole country was roused to a sense of indignation 36 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. at the treatment to which the unhappy Queen was exposed. When the Bill of " Pains and Penalties" was introduced by Lord Liverpool "to deprive her Majesty Queen Caroline Amelia Elizabeth of the title, prerogatives, rights, and privileges of Queen Consort of this realm, and to dissolve the marriage be- tween his Majesty and the said Caroline Amelia Elizabeth," the nation cried "shame!" and excitement bordered on revolution. Both Whigs and Tories were eager partizans of her Majesty ; but, curiously enough, although the question of a divorce had been long enough before the country, the cardinal point involved in the case had hitherto escaped public atten- tion. As her Majesty's Attorney-General afterwards pointed out, it was provided by the Standing Orders of the House of Lords " that the husband who applies for a divorce shall personally attend the House, so that he may be examined before the divorce is granted, in order to show that there is no collusion, that he stands rectus in curia, and that he him- self, having always stood as a kind and faith- ful husband, is entitled to a dissolution of marriage by reason of the infidelity of his wife." George IV. did not come into court with clean hands ; and, therefore, he could not, except by a subversion of the principles that had always guided the House of Lords, and a prostitution of its functions, secure the CHARLES ATT WOOD. 37 separation he desired. Carlton House was an asylum for harlots. The King's whole ca- reer, both antecedent and subsequent to his marriage with Caroline was profligate and im- moral in the extreme. Yet there seemed to be a majority of the Lords ready to support the Bill of "Pains and Penalties," and although the feeling in the Queen's favour was gathering strength out of doors, it was fully expected that the divorce would be granted. At this crisis Mr. Attwood threw himself into the agitation. He had not made up his mind that the Queen was all that she should be, but he had abun- dant reason to believe that the King was a bad man, and that he was treating his wife unfairly. Sitting in his office in London one day, revolving the case in his own mind, he was led to pen a glowing and powerful letter to the Times, in which he pointed out that the King had no locus standi by reason of his own misdeeds, and predicted the terribly disastrous consequences that would ensue if the House of Lords exercised their preroga- tive in defiance of old-established orders, and granted a divorce against the universal sympathies of the nation. This letter he en- trusted to a messenger, who assisted him in his laboratory experiments, to take to the office of the " Thunderer," enjoining him to wait and take back the manuscript if it was rejected. The communication was scanned by 38 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. the editor, who at once returned the message, " Tell Mr. Attwood that it shall appear to- morrow." Next day Mr. Attwood's letter not only appeared in leading type in a prominent part of the paper, but there was also an " editorial " homologating all that the letter contained. It was the custom in those days for the leaders of public opinion, both in Par- liament and in the press, to send out spies throughout the city to test the tendencies of the popular feeling in reference to any subject before the country. One of these emissaries in the pay of the Earl of Lonsdale (who then occupied a high place in the counsels of the Conservative party) visited Mr. Attwood on the morning that this letter made its appear- ance. He declared that his master and his friends thoroughly approved of its tone, and that it had set the whole city by the ears. Letter and leader together swayed public opinion to such an extent that when the Bill of "Pains and Penalties" came up for discussion their Lordships refused to pass it, thus pre- venting the succession to the Crown from being transferred into another and an im- proper line. Lfuring the ten years that elapsed between 1820 and 1830, Mr. Attwood took little part in political life. But circumstances occurred in the latter year that again brought him to the front. The accession of William IV. led CHARLES ATTVVOOD. 39 to a general election, and Lord Campbell, in his " Lives of the Chancellors,'' tells us that " before the hustings were erected, suddenly there arose all over the kingdom, in the place of apathy and indifference, a state of almost unexampled excitement." This was caused by the great revolution in Paris, which exiled the elder branch of the Bourbons, and placed Louis Philippe, " the Citizen King," upon the throne. Englishmen seemed to awaken from torpor to the sudden belief that they were slaves. No imported plague ever produced such rapid effects or spread so widely. There was then a great deal of destitution among the agricultural peasantry of the southern counties, which, taken in conjunction with the " new-fangled" doctrines of " liberty, equality, and fraternity" brought over from France, made them discontented and recalcit- rant. They made demonstrations of an aggressive character, and clamoured loudly for greater consideration and justice. Mr. Attwood used to describe this rising as the rebellion of " ash sticks and hazel wands ;" but the Government of Earl Grey took a much more serious view of the matter, and caused many of the ringleaders to be apprehended and cast into prison. Pending their trial, Cobbett announced through his Political Register that it was the intention of the Go- vernment to put thirty of these quiet, simple, 40 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. and honest peasantry to death. This news fired Mr. Attwood's blood. He knew what the agricultural peasantry were. He felt that it would be a flagrant iniquity if the intention of the Government was carried into effect, for they were not now dealing with hardened and dangerous ruffians, but with decent, law- abiding, industrious men, who, in his view, had only too much reason for the riot in which they took part. He determined to make an effort to save the lives of the doomed men. He was impelled to this course by the most tender and loving memories of others of their class. One old man, who had been in his father's employment as an agricultural labourer for fifty-two years, remarked to him at the funeral of his sire, " I shall miss him, Charles, more, perhaps, than you. I have been with him in all the circumstances of life. He was aye a good master to me, and now that he is dead I don't feel that I have anything to live for." It was with such re- miniscences as this, that Mr. Attwood was accustomed to associate the character of the rural peasantry of the south ; and it is little wonder, therefore, that he was full of indigna- tion when he heard of the example that Go- vernment intended to make of the rioters who had been placed upon their trial. On Satur- day afternoon, while musing over their fate, he determined to draw up a petition for their CHARLES ATTWOOD. 41 more lenient treatment. No time was to be lost. He composed the petition hastily, but earnestly, hurried into Newcastle, and put it into the hands of Mackenzie, the printer. It was out in the streets in the course of the even- ing, and when it was taken up at ten o'clock it had received no less than 3,800 signatures. Other petitions to the same effect were sent up from other parts of the country, and the Go- vernment w T as thus so far induced to alter its original decision that only one of the rioters was condemned to capital punishment. A number of others were transported, but were allowed a few years later, mainly through the influence of Mr. Attwood's brother, to return to their native land. To give anything like an exhaustive account of the political career of Mr . Attwood would be to write a complete history of the agitation that culminated in the passing of the Reform Bill of 1832. Into that agitation he threw himself heart and soul. He was in all the counsels of the Birmingham and North of England Political Unions. He was one of the most effective speakers at many of the monster meetings held up and down the country for the promotion of the ob- jects of the new league. In this cause he was associated with some of the most eminent men of the time. When the Reformers had come within sight of the objects for which 42 PIONEEfiS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. they fought, their Union was allowed to lapse. But the ministry of the Duke of Wellington would not take a warning. They introduced some unpopular measures, and made them- selves otherwise obnoxious. Wroth at the conduct of the Tories, Mr. Attwood and his friends said, " We must re-organize the Union again," and they did so. A great demonstra- tion was to be held in Birmingham to initiate this second campaign. The Duke of Welling- ton rightly feared a serious disturbance and ordered the military to be called out. When this announcement was made, a military friend of the people sympathisingly remarked to Attwood, " We've been ordered to sharpen our sabres, but by G we won't use them." The crisis came at last. The populace of Bir- mingham were about to be charged by the soldiery, when Mr. Attwood and his brother who will be well remembered by veteran Reformers were asked to interpose. " If anybody could pacify the mob of Birmingham," says Mr. Attwood, " it was my brother Thomas." That day, at least, he succeeded in preventing bloodshed, although in subse- quently passing through the streets he was subjected to a gross outrage. At a meeting afterwards held in Newcastle, presided over by Mr. Attwood, one firebrand came forward and asked " if the people were tame and das- tardly enough to allow themselves to be CHARLES ATTWOOD. 43 governed by a girl of eighteen ?" This sally was received with a good deal of favour by the meeting, but it called down a rebuke from Mr. Attwood, who said, " I shall go any length in the way of reforming clear and proven abuses, but I shall not go further, and I shall seek to discourage everybody else from going further." " You may say what you like," said the other speaker, who was an Irishman, " but I have now got my union, and me if I don't baptise it in blood." Mr. Attwood replied, " You may baptise your own union in blood if you will, but you will not baptise mine." Mr. Attwood had pledged himself to reorganise the Union, but finding that reform was now bordering on revolution, he shrunk from the task. " I see," he said, " that there is a growing spirit of Republicanism, and I am not a Republican except in the sense that George "Washington was one." The following night he attended a meeting at Gateshead, where the fiery Irishman again appeared, bearing a number of placards in- tended to foment sedition. Here he again declared that he could not go further with the objects of the Union that he could work no longer with the men who had been his compatriots so long, if such shibboleths as these were to be adopted. He completely won the approval of the audience, and his Irish friend had to beat an ignominious re- 44 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. treat. But from this time forward, Mr. Att- wood was less conspicuously mixed up with political agitations than he had previously been. It is a somewhat remarkable fact that Mr. Attwood never sat in Parliament. He was frequently entreated to become a candidate for Parliamentary honours, but only once did he allow himself to be put in nomination. This was in the election of 1832, when he stood for Newcastle in opposition to Mr. John Hodgson Hinde, the Conservative candidate. It was at the last moment that Mr. Attwood was earnestly requested by his party to allow himself to be put forward. He only issued his address on the Saturday night, and the election was to take place on the Tuesday following. At the nomination on Monday, Mr. Attwood obtained the show of hands in his favour, and the result of the poll gave 1,200 votes for the popular candidate, and 1,500 for Mr. Hinde. Although he has been for so many years out of the arena of political strife, Mr. Att- wood has never ceased to take a lively interest in political men and measures, and he forms very pronounced opinions on both. He is a close reasoner, and an original thinker, and in the prime of manhood, he was a fluent and effective speaker. Even now, when he is all but confined to his room, and upwards of CHARLES ATTWOOD. 45 eighty years of age, he can talk for hours on the questions of the day. It is a treat of no common order to hear " the old man eloquent" discourse on some favourite theme his eyes glistening with unwonted animation as, in imagination, he " fights his battles o'er again." There is no halting in his speech no want of connection in his thoughts no apparent failure of the memory. He has a wonderfully correct remembrance of names and dates. It is not, however, until he commences to criti- cise the public men of his day that he really approaches his former self. Of Sir Kobert Peel we need hardly say he had the poorest possible opinion ; and it is a curious fact that until the day of Peel's death, he lived in the hope of again measuring weapons with him in the House of Commons or elsewhere. Neither has he much praise for Gladstone, whose speeches, he says, are like lawyers' briefs, and want the touch of genius and absence of severe mental discipline that are characteristic of the true orator. Disraeli, on the other hand, stands high in his esteem less for his political principles than for his rare endowments. Little remains to be added. Almost dead to the world for many years past, Mr. Attwood has lived at his finely situated residence at Wolsingham. The last time he took part in any public event was, we believe, on the occasion of the South Durham election of 46 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. 1865. Nor does he receive many visitors, for most of his old friends have pre- deceased him, and he is without many near relatives. Yet he -continues withal to be very cheerful, attend- ing regularly to business matters, and doing the bulk of his own correspondence. With the exception of a little deafness, he is in the full use of all his faculties. He may still b said to live, move, and think in an atmosphere of science. He has a very choice collection of geological specimens, in which he takes a great interest. But his steel works at Wol- singham are his chief scientific solace and re- creation. He carries them on mainly as a labour of love, for, he says, " I have as much money as I really want, and I have no desire for more." One who has known him long and intimately remarked to the writer, " If Charles Attwood had cared more about money and less about science he would to-day have been one of the richest commoners in Eng- land." Take him for all in all, Charles Att- wood may be described as a great and a good man one who has been a benefactor to his race, and whose conduct has uniformly been governed by pure, philanthropic, and unselfish motives. II H, W. F, BOLCKOW, M,P, NEXT to practical or experimental knowledge, financial skill and administrative ability are the most essential conditions to success in a great commercial undertaking, no matter what its nature may be. For want of these primary desiderata many promising concerns, that had no end of both theoretical and practical experience behind them, have come to grief. Instances of this fact might easily be multiplied. Not a few newspaper ventures, to borrow an illustration from our own sphere, have gone to the wall because there was not in the management commercial skill com- mensurate with the literary genius that ani- mated their pages, and should have ensured ultimate triumph. And, taking a leap from the Fourth to the Third Estate, we all know that the British Constitution has on more than one occasion almost suffered shipwreck because a weak and incapable Chancellor was at the helm of the Exchequer. It is this necessity for a combination of gifts, seldom 48 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. found united in the same individual that has given rise to the well known aphorism " Two heads are better than one ;" and of more colossal and prosperous undertakings than even Bolckow and Vaughan, it may be pre- dicated with certainty that had one en- deavoured to carry out what it required both to achieve, consummate failure would have been the result. Blending together their varied talents and attainments, Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan exhibited a rare conjunction of aptitude and fitness for the enterprise on which they embarked. The one had capital ; the other was without, but supplied what was equally valuable and indispensible skilled labour and experience. The one was an adept in the management of figures ; the other had a genius for the government of men. The one knew little or nothing about the scientific and practical details of their enterprise ; the other knew more than most men, and had a capacity for turning his knowledge to good account. Thus it came about that the one supplied the motive power and the other actuated it. In all their relations there was an interdependence which both felt to be necessary to their mutual benefit. It is no limitation of the credit due to Mr. Vaughan, nor yet a reflection on his capacity to say that, without Mr. Bolckow's counsel and co-operation, he could never have taken H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 49 the position he did, so that although different opinions may prevail as to the exact degree of merit and honour attaching to each, (and this is really in itself a matter of little im- portance), all will agree in allowing Mr. Bolckow a prominent position alongside that of his partner, as a pioneer of the North of England iron tade. Henry William Ferdinand Bolckow, son of a country gentleman, is a native of Sulten, in Mecklenburg, a Grand Duchy of North Germany, where he was born in the year 1806. It is mostly an agricultural country, the chief exports being grain, rape seeds, and other produce of the soil, so that it offers few facilities or inducements for a commercial career. He commenced his career in a mer- chant's office at Rostock, and after having been there for several years, on the invitation of his friend, Mr. C. Allhusen, Mr. Bolckow went to Newcastle-on-Tyne, in 1827, and ultimately joined him in his business of a general com- mission merchant in that town. Although this would have satisfied many men, as a congenial sphere of labour and a promis- ing outlet for capital, Mr. Bolckow, after some years, felt inclined to change for a business occupation of a more steady character, and having made the acquain- tance of Mr. Vaughan, whom he knew to possess a thoroughly practical knowledge M 50 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. of iron manufacture, he dissolved partner- ship with Mr. Allhusen, and, along with Mr. Vaughan, decided to establish iron works. On the advice of the late Mr. John Harris, who was the engineer of the Stockton and Dar- lington Railway, they selected Middlesbrough, a place then scarcely known, for their venture. As we have already indicated, Mr. Bolckow was the capitalist, having at his dis- posal a fortune of 40,000 to 50,000, while his partner had not as many hundreds ; but as the one was indispensable to the other, it was agreed that they should go shares in every- thing. On Mr. Bolckow's part it was a bold some might even call it a rash speculation. He was in a safe, if somewhat slow and steady line of business at Newcastle ; the industrial resources of the Cleveland district had not then been discovered, much less tested and proved ; and of the business on which he was about to embark he knew little or nothing. Nor was there anything about Cleveland, as it was known at that time, offering any special in- ducements for its selection as their future sphere of operations. It had shipping facili- ties, no doubt, and was within easy access of the Durham coal fields ; but the same could be said of Sunderland, Shields, Newcastle, Hartlepool, and some other ports on the east coast, where the firm might, with as much apparent advantage, have " pitched their H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 51 tent." Was it a merely fortuitous chain of events that led to the selection of Middles- brough, or was the choice inspired by a dream of the rich mineral treasures that sur- rounded that insignificant little town ? It is difficult to believe that chance, and chance alone, guided their movements ; and yet we are confronted with the perplexing fact, that whereas they came to Middlesbrough in 1841, the main seam of the Cleveland ironstone was not discovered until eight years later, nor was its adaptibility for blast furnace purposes ac- knowledged until the firm had been nine or ten years in existence. Had it been otherwise, the firm would undoubtedly have turned its know- ledge to practical account before they did. In our sketch of Mr. Vaughan's career, we trace the progress of this eminent firm up to the period of the opening of the Eston mines in 1850. That event led almost im- mediately to a great and rapid development of the iron trade of Cleveland. And it is now a well known fact, that it brought about an enormous extension of the trade and popula- tion, as well as the subsequent prosperity of Middlesbrough and the surrounding district, benefiting alike railway companies, land and coal owners, and all classes of the population. The creation of this enormous trade and industry is certainly due to Bolckow and Vaughan, and the importance of it may be 52 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. estimated from the fact, that the quantity of Pig Iron produced from Cleveland Stone is about two millions of tons per annum at present. In 1852 Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan built three blast furnaces at Middlesbrough, and in the following year, they built six furnaces at Eston, only two miles from their mines, to which a branch railway was laid. They had, as far back as 1845, erected four blast furnaces at Witton Park, and ultimately they acquired the Cleveland Ironworks, consisting of three furnaces, and built by Elwon and Company in 1854. By this time their operations were on quite a gigantic scale. They continued to multiply their resources until the year 1865, when the works were transferred to a Limited Liability Company, with a capital of two and a-half millions sterling, in shares of nominally 100 each. For years past the market value of these shares has fluctuated between 40 and 50 premium, and has several times touched the latter figure. The present price of the shares of 35 and including Bonus Shares of 30 is about 115. Mr. Bolckow is chairman of the company, and the general manager is Mr. Edward Williams, another self-made man like Mr. Vaughan, having, like him, commenced life in an ironworks, and possessing much of his shrewdness, energy of character, and ample experience. For the last four or five years this great Company have H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 53 consumed annually between 700,000 and 800,000 tons of ironstone, nearly 300,000 tons of coke, 150,000 to 160,000 tons of limestone, and 300,000 tons of coal. Upwards of 230,000 tons of pig iron are produced annually, in addi- tion to 80,000 to 100,000 tons of finished iron, 30,000 tons of castings, and a variety of general engineering work. The company own about a dozen collieries, from which they raise about 1,000,000 tons of coal per annum ; they farm several thousand acres of land ; they own hematite ironstone mines in Spain, Africa, and Portugal ; and they keep a fleet of steamers conveying the ore between their foreign mines and Middlesbrough. They also own steel works at Manchester of considerable extent. At their Middlesbrough works the company manufacture their own gas, and build their own engines and wagons ; while as a further example of the magnitude of their ramifications, it may be stated that they make the fire bricks used in the construction of their furnaces. Altogether, their works give em- ployment to about 10,000 hands. These stupendous results were not attained without passing through the vicissitudes that attend all industrial enterprises to a greater or less extent, and Mr. Bolckow, whose busi- ness it was to provide the means wherewith to carry on the firm, found more than once that the tide of adversity was almost too 54 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. strong for them. Yet through his firmness and determination to carry on their under- takings to a successful issue, they were always able to weather the storm without being swamped, the " uses of adversity" only stimu- lating them to greater displays of energy and fortitude. The most trying crisis happened in 1847-48, when trade was unusually depressed. Prices were very low and unremunerative, and the amount of wages paid for the twelve months was only 20,000, or about one-half the amount so spent in each ofthepreceeding years. The quantity of work turned out in that disastrous year was proportionately small, being limited to 4,500 tons. The depression was, however, of short duration, and the firm had, by Herculean exertions, got fairly through this season of adversity, when they were en- couraged to additional enterprise by the event of 1850 the discovery of iron stone, with which Mr. Vaughan's name is indissolubly con- nected. During their struggling days the firm displayed a degree of intrepidity that is seldom paralled even in the often romantic annals of manufacturing firms. They were dismayed by no restrictions or conditions, however stringent. Work fell into their hands that few other firms were bold enough to under- take, from its being so difficult of accomplish- ment ; and they seldom failed to carry out to the letter the most rigorous specifications. H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 55 Respecting one large contract into which they entered with the Board of Ordnance in the year 1855, it was reported that it had been rescinded in consequence of the Cleveland iron not being of the peculiar quality necessary for the purposes of that department. But Bolckow and Vaughan were not the men to let such a tempting bait come to a rival firm if they could avoid it, and they executed the contract to the entire satisfaction of the Ordnance Board. Indeed, it was said by the Mining Journal of that day, that the iron pro- duced by this firm from the oolitic ironstone was so ductile and workable that they could and did execute castings that few firms would be willing to undertake, such as water pipes 3 ft. diameter and 12 ft. 4i in. long, D retorts, 18i ft. long, cast for the Great Central Gas Company, and the rolling of Barlow's rails, which, from their peculiar form and varying thickness from centre to edge, were con- sidered the most difficult to manipulate of any then made. Barlow's rails have been made at the Middlesbrough works from 17 ft. to 20 ft. in length without a flaw. Between 1850 and 1855 the firm supplied large quantities of rails for the East Indies under very peculiar, stringent, and difficult specifica- tions, and so certain were they of the quality of their productions that they guaranteed their rails for a certain period of time. 56 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Among the more extensive contracts of their kind undertaken at the Middlesbrough works, we may mention that for supplying the whole of the pipes to the West Middlesex Water Company, 9 ft. 6 in. long, by 3 ft. diameter ; a like contract for the Southwark and Vauxhall Company, 12 ft. 4^ in. long by 3 ft. diameter; and a contract for the Grand Junction Com- pany's pipes, 12 ft. 4i in. long, by 33 in. diameter. It should not be forgotten that the ex- istence of salt at Middlesbrough was dis- covered by Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, in their attempt to bore for pure water during 1863 and 1864. This discovery may ultimately prove of nearly as much importance to the Cleveland district, as that of the iron stone. In consequence of the disposal of the property and business of the firm to the present company, the further prosecution of this discovery was stopped for some time. The Directors decided, however, a year or two ago, to sink to the salt rock, which was found to be about a hundred feet thick ; and, although doubtless a very arduous undertaking, the salt being at a depth of more than a thousand feet below the surface, it is hoped that it will lead to a successful result, and thus enable this valuable article to be supplied to the numerous chemical manufactories on the Tyne and elsewhere in the north. H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 57 More privileged than his partner, Mr. Bolckow has been spared to enjoy, in health, comfort, and affluence, the ease and honour due to his active and useful life. So far as the actual management of the firm is con- cerned, his labours came to an end when the Limited Liability Company was formed. Since then, however, so far from giving himself up to a life of indolent retirement, he has ex- hibited an increased interest in the affairs of the district which is so much one of his own creation, and sought to supply its more press- ing wants. He was appropriately selected as the first Mayor of Middlesbrough, on the incor- poration of the borough in 1853 ; and two years later, on the 7th April, 1855, he was presented by the Corporation with a full- length portrait (which has since then hung in the Council Chamber), in recognition of his merits and services. For many years afterwards, he occupied a seat at the Council Board, and exerted himself to promote the welfare of the growing municipality. He was elected the first president of the Middles- brough Chamber of Commerce, and up to the present time he continues a useful member of that body. From the first, he has been one of the most indefatigable members of the Tees Conservancy Board, which has done a great deal in the way of improving the navigation of that now important river. Formerly, in- 58 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. deed, the Tees, from Middlesbrough upwards, was a shallow and tortuous stream, that could only be navigated by vessels of a light draught of water, and then only under circumstances of difficulty and danger. In the North Riding Infirmary, and other local charitable institu- tions, Mr. Bolckow has taken a deep interest, having assisted in founding the most of them. Middlesbrough is one of the four new boroughs on Tees-side created under schedule D of the Representation of the People Act, 1867. Having done much to procure this re- cognition of the importance of the town, Mr. Bolckow was appropriately selected to become its first parliamentary representative. From the moment that Middlesbrough's enfranchise- ment was secured, it. was allowed, by common consent, and with scarcely a single dissentient voice, that he should be asked to accept this honour, the highest that his fellow-townsmen could confer ; and although his instinctive in- clination to shrink from public notice, and take his place among the workers rather than the leaders of public progress, led him at first to decline the honour, he was afterwards so convinced of his being the free and spon- taneous choice of the people, that he declared his readiness to go to the poll. But this was unnecessary, for there was not a shadow of opposition to his candidature, although in each of the other three new boroughs Darlington, H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 59 Hartlepool, and Stockton fierce and pro- tracted contests took place. In order to qualify himself for a seat in Parliament, Mr. Bolckow had to obtain a special Act, removing the disabilities under which he laboured as an alien. This Act received the Royal assent on the 29th May, 1868, and provided that " William Henry Ferdinand Bolckow shall be naturalised, and shall have, hold, and enjoy all rights, privileges, and capacities whatsoever that he would, could, or might have had, held, or enjoyed if he had been born within the United Kingdom and had been a natural-born subject of her Majesty the Queen." Of his conduct in Parliament we care not now to speak, further than to say that he is regular in his attendance in St. Stephen's, and exhibits in the highest degree that greatest merit of a Parliamentary representative an earnest desire, and the necessary capacity, to advance the interests of his constituents. He has always been true to his professions at the time of his election, to support all measures which in his opinion would be benefical to the country at large, and promote civil and religious liberty. With Marc Antony, he may say " I am no orator ;" he is not even a prototype of Single-speech Hamilton, for we are not aware that he has yet tried to make even one set speech in the House ; but he has none the less acquired an influence, especially 60 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. in commercial circles, that makes him a valu- able unit in the ranks of the Liberal party. So far back as 1854, Mr. Bolckow had made up his mind to present Middlesbrough with a public park and recreation ground. The difficulty of obtaining a suitable site, however, prevented him from giving effect to his in- tention until, in 1866, he acquired the ground now forming the Albeit Park, for the sum of 18,000, and laid it out at a further cost of about 10,000, so that the total value of the gift was about 30,000. In August, 1868, the Park was formally opened by H.R.H. Prince Arthur, who was Mr. Bolckow's guest for two days. A general holiday was observed on the occasion, and the town wore an air of jubilation such as it has never known since. He received the following letter from the Queen : Pension Wallis, Lucerne, August 17, 1868. SIR, The circumstances attending the reception of H.R.H. Prince Arthur at the opening of the park at Mid- dlesbrough have been reported to the Queen, and Her Majesty has learnt with great satisfaction how strong a f eeling of loyalty towards herself and the Royal Family was evinced on the occasion. Prince Arthur expressed verbally the gratification he derived from the loyal and enthusiastic greeting which was accorded to him, but the Queen is unwilling to leave un- noticed the conspicuous share taken by you in receiving and entertaining His Royal Highness, and has commanded me to return to you Her Majesty's thanks for your mag- nificent hospitality. I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient, humble servant, (Signed) T. M. BIDDULPH. H. W. F. Bolckow, Esq. H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 61 In the cause of education, both elementary and technical, Mr. Bolckow has worked with a willing heart and an anxious mind. His experience of the Continent, and especially of his native country, which has long had a better system of education than any other country in Europe, showed him that the English artisan was far from being up to the mark. Compared with the German workman, he stood at a disadvantage, and even the ouvriers of Belgium and France had a training that put him in the shade. Mr. Bolckow saw this to his sorrow, and felt it to his loss. He could not make his workmen amenable to reason and a just preception of their true in- terests so readily as he could have done had they been better educated. Ignorance is the most fertile source of prejudice and super- stition ; and Mr. Bolckow, although uniformly living on terms of amity and concord with his men, often found that their obstinacy and disregard of common sense were obstructions both to his and their progress. He aimed at removing this. With the generation to which he himself belonged h$ could do little good. But he could go to the root of evil, and confer upon the children that which had been with- held from their fathers. Up till the year 1867, Middlesbrough was deplorably short of adequate school accommodation, and it was calculated that not more than a third of the 62 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. children available for that purpose were under educational discipline. At a cost of some 7,000, Mr. Bolckow built schools capable of providing for 900 children. This provision went a long way towards fully meeting the requirements of the town. The discipline of the school is of such a character that children of all classes, grades, and habits are admitted. For these munificent gifts to the town, the Corporation of Middlesbrough re- solved to present Mr. Bolckow with a public address, and this ceremony, which took place on the 31st October, 1868, was the occasion of a crowded gathering in the Town Hall. The address set forth that " Under divine Providence, successful in your undertakings beyond the lot of most, you remembered that wealth cannot be more nobly applied than in advancing the condition of those around. This town a town to a considerable extent of your own creation, indeed owes you much : the present generation for your last princely gift, and the future for the knowledge which the schools now in course of erection will afford," In his reply, Mr. Bolckow said: "It has long been my earnest wish to contribute to the physical and intellectual requirements of your rapidly-increasing population, and I arn thankful that divine Providence has en- abled me thus far to accomplish my long cherished intentions." H. W. F. BOLCKOW, M.P. 63 We cannot linger over many other interest- ing events in Mr. Bolckow's life ; but we must not omit to mention that he is chairman of the Middlesbrough Exchange Company, Limited, and holds a large stake in the concern. On the 22nd November, 1866, he laid the foundation- stone of the Royal Exchange, one of the most important marts of commerce in the North of England. On that occasion he stated that " it had always been his determination for Middlesbrough to become the metropolis of the Cleveland Iron Trade, and he had no doubt that that result would be brought about by the erection of this building." In the general election of 1874, Mr. Bolckow again announced himself a candidate for the representation of Middlesbrough declaring his acceptance of the Liberal programme as represented by Mr. Gladstone, with whom he had generally acted. But he was not destined on this, as on the former occasion, to have a "walk over." He was opposed first of all by Mr. John Kane, the Secretary of the Amalgamated Ironworkers Society, an advanced politician, holding the principles of the Land and Labour Repre- sentation League ; and afterwards by Mr. W. R. I. Hopkins, whose candidature was altogether contingent on that of Mr. Kane, as will be found stated elsewhere. Mr. Hopkins is regarded as the leader of the " fit 64 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. though few " body of Conservatives in Mid- dlesbrough, and he was asked to champion their interests in the general election of 1868. Wisely, however, he then refused to involve the borough in the expense and excitement of a contested election, when the result was a foregone conclusion ; and it was only because the Liberal party were apparently divided that he adopted a different course in 1874. The result of the election proved, by the in- fallible test of the Ballot, that Mr. Bolckow's is a real popularity, and that the people of Middlesbrough have a high appreciation of his worth and work. The official state of the poll showed: Bolckow, 3,719 ; Kane, 1,541 ; Hopkins, 996. During the contest Mr. Bolckow addressed numerous public meetings, and it was generally observed that he dis- played an intimate acquaintance with the lead- ing questions of the day, and great felicity in discussing them. Of Mr. Bolckow's personal qualities we might speak with less reservation, were we not sure that the subject of these remarks would rather have anything unsaid that savours of flattery and adulation. But after all, the most that can be said of any man, however good or gifted, is contained in that graceful remark used by Lord John Russell in speaking of " Old Pam," his counsellor and friend, " those who knew him best esteemed H. W. P. BOLCKOW, M.P. 65 him most ;" and this is true in an eminent degree of Mr. Bolckow. To those who enjoy his friendship he is free, hospitable, and un- reserved ; and to all classes and objects alike that make just claims upon his time and purse, he is generous without the least show of ostentation. For many years he has displayed much taste as a virtuoso. In his noble house at Marton there is quite a unique display of old French, Dutch, and Flemish curiosities, in addition to many rare books and pictures, collected chiefly by himself in London. In variety and excellency, his collection of pictures is not surpassed by any private collection in the country. Not only are great names represented on the walls, but for the most part the best samples of the best artists have been brought together ; several of the pictures have been engraved and have become very popular. The following are a few of the leading pictures, most of which possess an historic interest and are of great value : " The sub- siding of the Nile," "Rebecca and Eleazar"and " Rachael," by Goodall ; " Cattle " and " The Ferry," by Rosa Bonheur ; " Ancient Tombs in the Rocks at Lycia" and " The Bay of Naples," by W. Muller ; " Spanish Ladies " and "The Fruitseller," by Jno. Phillip; "Grandmother" and "Roast Pig," by T. Webster; "Homeless" and "The Silken Gown," by Thomas Faed; "Both Puzzled," and E 66 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. "The China Merchant," by Erskine Nicol; three Venetian paintings by E. W. Cooke ; " Evening of St. Agnes," by Maclise ; " Snow Storm in Cumberland" and " Noon day's rest," by T. S. Cooper ; " Braemar" (one of Sir E. Landseer's largest and best works) ; " High- land Shepherd," by Ansdell; "The Ballad," by John Faed ; " Harvest " and " The Hill- side Farm," by Linnell, senior ; three paint- ings by Clarkson Stanfield ; " Driving Home the Flock," by David Cox ; " Meeting of the Avon and Severn," by Patrick Naysmith ; " Walton Bridges," by Turner ; " St. Peter's, Rome," by D. Roberts ; " Merry Making in the Olden Time," by Frith ; " The Sick Child," by Sir D. Wilkie ; " The Stirrup Cup " and " The Sign Painter," by Meissonnier ; with equally important samples of Poole, Troyon, Frere, Bisschop, Egg, Eastlake, Calderon, Millais, Gerome, W. Collins, Herr- ing, Sant, etc. ; and a very large and won- derfully executed enamel, with portrait of Clemence Esaure, by Lepec. As an indication of the interest taken in Cleveland and its foremost pioneer, it is worthy of note that biographical sketches of Mr. Bolckow, with an admirably executed portrait in each case, have appeared in the British Workman, the Practical Magazine, Home Words, and other publications ; and in a series of articles on important collections, the Athenatum included the noble gallery at Marton Hall. Ill -JOHN VAUGHAN. CANNING said of South America, when he acknowledged its independence, " I called a new world into existence." It was a proud boast, but one which John Vaughan compar- ing great things with small could have made with as much show of reason as the famous English statesman There are few who do not allow his claim to take a foremost place in the ranks of our pioneers. Having only a limited and imperfect education, he had yet an intelligent eye for opportunities, much native tact, and an unbounded capacity for work. With these qualities, he was just the man " To burst his birth's invidious bar, Breasting the blows of circumstance, To grasp the skirts of happy chance, And grapple with his evil star." And he did so most effectually. Commencing life in what might well be called the humblest walks of social life, he worked his way up to the highest that a merchant or manufac- turer can attain, and died a millionaire. And yet he did not strike a vein of gold, nor did he obtain possession of the philosopher's 68 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. stone. His name is not associated with any in- ventions or processes such as those that have obtained for Neilson, Bessemer, and others, a colossal fortune and a niche in the Temple of Fame. He sought not to win his spurs in any or either of the usual fields of distinction- literature, science, or art. He had great even commanding talent, and by turning it with marvellous aptitude to account, and making the most of it, he has left behind him a name that will not readily perish. The eternal glory of the man is, that he achieved for himself and others, by average resources, that which men of better opportunities could never have established. Let us be just, while we are also generous, to his pleasant memory. It was by hard work, tact, and foresight not by mere luck or chance that he was able to build up his colossal fortune. All the more credit, therefore, to himself ; all the more hope and encouragement to others. John Vaughan was born in the cathedral city of Worcester, on St. Thomas's Day, 1799. His father was an ironworker, who depended upon his daily toil for the support of his family. The most we know of him is that he was a man of considerable skill in his business, and of more than ordinary decision of charac- ter. His family were brought up in a respec- table manner, and had the advantage of a good example. John was early taught that JOHN VAUGHAN. 69 " Man's but a sodger, And life's but a fecht." As a boy he worked in a scrap mill ; as a man he occupied more remunerative and arduous positions such as that of a roller. But at an early age he practically proved that " the child is father to the man." His plodding disposition and inquiring habit of mind, led him while still in his " teens " to take the highest position as a workman, and earn better wages than his neighbours. He graduated in one of the best schools in the kingdom the great Dowlais works in South Wales where he had every possible facility for making himself familiar with all the phases and ramifications of the iron trade. Probably there were few men who had at that time such an exhaustive knowledge of the practice of iron-making. Nor was he long of turning his attain- ments to good account. As " a prophet hath not honour in his own country," he did not succeed in obtaining at Dowlais the promotion he aspired after, and he quitted that establish- ment, about the year 1825, to undertake mana- gerial functions at a small ironworks at Carlisle. Here he became acquainted with and married his first wife. His next appoint- ment was that of manager of the Walker Ironworks, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, which were established about the year 1832, by Messrs. Losh, Wilson and Bell. Originally 70 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. the Walker Ironworks consisted of only one furnace, and it is a somewhat significant fact that this furnace was the first specially built for the use of Cleveland ironstone, which was obtained from mines near Whitby, belonging to a Mrs. Clark. John Vaughan, however, could not have been in any way directly con- cerned with this circumstance; for three years previously he had joined Mr. Bolckow in starting the Middlesbrough works. From this point there is so much unity in the lives of the two partners that they are almost in- separable. For a number of years they were nearly as much part and parcel of each other as the Siamese twins. They had one object or objects in common ; they lived, not together, but next door to each other ; they were continually in each other's company, consulting, controlling, planning, advising, for the same ends. But it is necessary to make a distinction somewhere between two men who, however identical in their lives, had each his own individuality ; and for the sake of continuity, we shall here proceed to carry our narrative up to the point of Mr. Vaughan's lamented decease. It was Mr. Vaughan who fixed upon Mid- dlesbrough as the site of the new enterprise which he and his partner resolved to under- take about the close of the year 1839. Being the practical man of the firm, this matter was JOHN VAUGHAtf. 71 left entirely in his hands. We are not aware of the precise reasons which actuated his choice. Did he dream of the treasures which these hills contained ? Or did the near prox- imity to coal and shipping facilities offer inducements ? Or had he formed a hypothesis of his own and this seems from the course taken by subsequent events to be the more likely surmise as to the nodules of ironstone, which the disintegrating effects of the weather, left exposed on the bold bluff coast between Whitby and Saltburn ? Here at any rate the firm launched, perchance with "fear and trembling," their little venture, which was originally constructed on a very modest scale, and included only the manufacture of finished iron and its conversion into different kinds of machinery. The Middlesbrough of that day was a village of some 4,600 or 4,800 inhabi- tants. It had two sources of trade the shipment of coal, and a small pottery ; but no ironworks had as yet been built from one end of Cleveland to the other. As one of the Middlesbrough owners, from whom the new firm acquired their site, Joseph Pease, the first Quaker member of Parliament, was one of the first to become acquainted with Mr. Vaughan, and at the request of the latter he gave the firm an introduction to several col- liery owners, in South Durham, couched in the following terms ; t2 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. 2nd day, 12th month, 1841. The bearer, Mr. John Vaughan, of the firm of Bolckow and Vaughan, being about to visit the owners of coal, wishes me to recommend him as likely to become an extensive consumer. (Signed) JOSEPH PEASE. As coal was at that time rather a drug in the market, Mr. Vaughan would probably get a welcome reception from the coal owners, despite the curt, cautious, and not over friendly note of introduction written by his patron. Like all new firms, Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, in commencing, had many difficul- ties to encounter, and these were not of merely temporary duration, but lasted over a period of at least eight or ten years, during which Mr. Vaughan appeared to be proof against fatigue and empowered with ubiquity. He threw his whole soul into the success and aggrandisement of the firm, and the operation of his practical experience soon gained it a name for the excellent quality of the work produced. We learn from a local history, that " Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan made the engines in 1843 of the steamer English Rose, the first steamboat built in the port of Stockton." Mr. J. W. Ord, three years later, writes in his history of Cleveland, that " in the ironworks belonging to Bolckow and Vaughan, not only are all sorts of cast and wrought iron executed, but rolling mills are JOHN VAUGHAN. 73 in operation for the production of bar iron and rails of every description." ' On the 14th day of February, 1846, the firm commenced the manufacture of pig iron, having erected four blast furnaces at Witton Park, near Bishop Auckland, for that purpose. There were then no blast furnaces nearer than Con sett and Tow Law, and as the railway facilities of the place had only been imper- fectly developed, the firm had often consider- able difficulties in obtaining the supplies of pig iron and fuel necessary for their works. These had by this time attained a considerable bulk the quantity of iron used in 1846 being 20,000 tons, while the consumption of coal was 100,000 tons. Mr. I. L, Bell assigns as the reason that induced the selection of Witton Park as site for the new works, the fact that the firm had an offer of a supply of ironstone from the coal-fields near Bishop Auckland ; but, as had happened to their colleagues on the Tyne years before, in these expectations they were disappointed, and were therefore compelled, like them, to have recourse to the use of the Whitby ironstone. It may be interesting to state, that when Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan built the Witton Park furnaces, there were only other ten works of the same class in the North of England. The following table shows their particulars : 74 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Name of Works. Date of Erection. No. of Furnaces. Lemington 1800 2 Birtley 1827 3 Eidsdale 1835 2 Hareshaw 1836 3 Wylam 1836 1 Consett 1840 7 Walker 1843 1 Stanhope 1845 1 Crook Hall 1845 7 Tow Law 1845-6 5 Total 32 And now we come to what is in many respects the most interesting epoch in the career of Mr. Vaughan his connection with the discovery of the Cleveland ironstone. Many erroneous versions of this matter have been published. It is popularly supposed, indeed, that the very existence of ironstone in the Cleveland hills was unknown until Mr. Vaughan stumbled upon it. The most com- monly accepted, although a most erroneous explanation of the discovery, is that which represents Mr. Vaughan as having quite ac- cidentally and unintentionally stumbled upon a nodule of ironstone while out shooting. There are few fallacies that have not a basis in fact, and this one is no exception to the rule. But in order that Mr. Vaughan's real connection with this discovery may be clearly defined, it is necessary to take a retrospective glance at the ante-iron era in Middlesbrough. JOHN VAUGHAN. 75 A great antiquity has been assigned to the actual discovery of the Cleveland ironstone. In his illustrations of the geology of Cleve- land, published in 1829, Professor Phillips says that " ironstone abounds on this coast," and he speaks of ironworks that were estab- lished by the Monks near Rievaulx Abbey, in Bilsdale, and in the valley of Hackness. Again, in his "History and Antiquities of Cleveland," published in 1846, Mr. J. W. Ord says that " Bransdale, Rosedale, and probably some of the other dales, contain quantities of ironstone, although at present in disuse." He adds, " The vast heaps of iron slag, and numerous remains of ancient works, prove that much iron must formerly have been produced there." On the strength of these and other collateral criteria, it has been argued that the Romans on the one hand, and the Monks on the other, were aware of the existence of ironstone in the Cleveland hills, and worked it at a very early period. From this view, however, Mr. John Marley, of Dar- lington, a mining engineer of eminence, em- phatically dissents, thinking it very question- able " whether the Romans or the Monks ever smelted any part of the main bed of ironstone, which has in recent years proved such a source of wealth to the North, because in the various remains of slag and refuse left by them in Bilsdale, Bransdale, Rosedale, 76 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Furnace House in Fryupdale, Rievaulx Abbey, and other places, no traces of the main seam of ironstone have been found, although * dog- ger band ' (or thin clay bands of ironstone) and * nodules ' have been so found along with the charcoal and slag." Coming down to more recent times, how- ever, we are confronted by the most unequivo- cal testimony that the knowledge of the mineral wealth of Cleveland is much older than is commonly supposed. In 1811, the late William W. Jackson, of Normanby Hall, had samples of ironstone from his property, near Upsal, sent to the Lernington Ironworks on the Tyne, for the purpose of being tested. The result was not encouraging. " Tell your master," was the reply, " that it is good for nothing." From this time forward, numerous attempts were made to win the Cleveland ironstone to practical account, but failure seems to have attended nearly every effort in this direction. Its value was not understood. One writer says, in 1828, " It has been as- certained to yield 15 per cent, of iron." This is not above one-half the average percentage obtained at the present time. Again we find that on the 18th day of May, 1836, a cargo of fifty-five tons of ironstone was sent from Gros- mont to Whitby, and from thence shipped to the Birtley Ironworks, near Newcastle, by the Whitby Stone Company, which was formed JOHN VAUGHAN. 77 for the purpose of developing traffic, including freestone, whinstone, and ironstone, for the Whitby and Pickering Railway. The experi- ment was attended with doubtful results, but it did not deter the company from send- ing a second quantity to the Tyne Iron Com- pany, who, after putting it to the test, returned the cheering intimation that " they were ashamed to see such refuse on the quay !" The next experiment of which we have any record was made by the Devon Iron Company, now defunct, who had blast furnaces at Alloa, near Stirling. It was through Mr. D. Neasham,of the late firm of Neasham and Com- pany, of the Portrack Lane Ironworks, Stock- ton, that a cargo of ironstone obtained near Coatham was sent to the Devon Company. That gentleman received a letter in reply to the effect that there was no iron in the stone ; that it was not even worth trying ; and that he should give himself no further trouble about it. When Mr. J. W. Ord published his work on Cleveland in 1846, he declared the ironstone to be " at present of little value except as ballast, and scarcely of sufficient importance to encourage speculation." It is unnecessary to follow the progress of the various efforts to make the Cleve- land ironstone a marketable commodity, for they all began and ended with doubt, difficulty, and discouragement. We have said enough 78 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. to show that as a commercial product the iron- stone was discredited and condemned. Until Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan came upon the field, its application to the purposes of iron manufacture was regarded as all but imprac- ticable so much so, indeed, that when the latter proposed to enter into leases for its developement on the estate of Mr. E. W. Jackson, at Eston, that gentleman said he would not " assist to ruin Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan and spoil the estate." But the time came and the man ; in what manner we shall see. It was in 1846, as already stated, that Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan established their works at Witton Park. The locale was admirably chosen in respect of commanding easy and near access to the coal and carboni- ferous lime-stone measures, as well as to the " vein " or " rider " stone from Teesdale and Weardale. But their supplies of ironstone at the best were irregular and precarious, and they were continually on the alert for more reliable and trustworthy sources. In pur- suance of this aim, they procured some thousands of tons off the coast between Redcar and Skinningrove in the spring of 1848, and having shipped it to Middlesbrough they con- veyed it thence per railway to Witton Park. This is believed to have been the first prac- tical application of the discovery of the main JOHN VAUGHAN. 79 seam in the north of the Cleveland measures. On the 7th August, 1848, Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan made arrangements with Mr. A. L. Maynard, one of the lessors of the iron- stone at Skinningrove, for a supply of iron- stone from that district. It is said that be- fore Mr. Vaughan had issued instructions as to how this ironstone was to be treated, the furnace manager emptied the first few wagons of stone into the refuse heap, as "freestone stuff," although we have heard the statement contradicted. In 1849 the Skin- ningrove mines came into the hands of Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, and were worked by them until October of the following year, when they were transferred to Messrs. Losh, Wilson, and Bell, of the Walker Iron- works. All the energies of Mr. Vaughan were strained at the time to obtain a cheap, ample, and convenient supply of ironstone. Although the furnace manager reported un- favourably on the first cargo sent from Skinningrove, Mr. Vaughan soon saw for himself that it was greatly superior in yield to the Whitby ironstone, which the firm had previously used to a large extent. Under his auspices, therefore, trial drifts were made in the Upleatham Hills, at Eston, and at Normanby, with a view to the further de- velopment of the mineral ; but the " top seam," which is the most irregular, both in 80 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. thickness and in quality, was the only one then discovered. Although thus disappointed, Mr. Vaughan was neither disheartened nor dismayed. He continued his examination of the Cleveland Hills until, on the 8th day of June, 1850, he stumbled upon the main seam of ironstone. He made this discovery in company with Mr. John Marley, mining engineer of Darlington, whose account of the incident it may be well to quote here. Mr. Marley says : " Mr. Vaughan and myself, having gone to examine the hills for the most suitable place for boring, we decided to ascend to the east, adjoining Sir J. H. Lowther's grounds, and so walk along to Lady Hewley's grounds on the west. In ascending the hill in Mr. C. Dry den's grounds, we picked up two or three small pieces of ironstone. We, therefore, continued our ascent until we came to a quarry hole, from whence this ironstone had been taken for roads, and next, on enter- ing Sir J. H. Lowther's grounds to the west, a solid rock of ironstone was lying bare, up- wards of sixteen feet thick. I need scarcely say that, having once found this bed, we had no difficulty in following the outcrop in going westward, without any boring, as the rabbit and fox holes therein were plentiful as we went. We also examined the place in Lackenby Banks, squared down in 1811 or 1812 by the late Mr. Thomas Jackson, of JOHN VAUGHAN. 81 Lackenby. The period from the 8th June, 1850, till the middle of August following was occupied in completing arrangements for opening out this ironstone, and the first trial quarry was begun on the 13th of August, 1850. A temporary tramway was soon laid down, and by the 2nd of September, 1850, the first lot of seven tons was brought down in small tubs to the highway side, from thence carted to Cargo Fleet, and thence again by rail to Witton Park Ironworks, being about three weeks after actually seeing the iron- stone, and by this method 4,041 tons were sent away by the 28th December following." Such is Mr. Marley's plain and simple narrative of a discovery that has led to such splendid results. The extent and value of the Cleveland ironstone having been approxi- mately ascertained, Mr. Vaughan made haste to conclude leases for the working of large royalties at Eston, and as the lessors regarded it as only a doubtful thing at the best, the firm were enabled to do this on the most advantageous terms. It is said that Mr. Vaughan, in making his lease, kept all knowledge of his discovery from the owners of the land, or, at any rate, hinted at the ironstone as being problematical in its extent and suitability. At all events, their royalty payment was not more than fourpence per ton, whereas of late years it has averaged 82 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. sixpence, and is, in some cases, as much as ninepence per ton of 20 cwt. Of the subsequent operations of Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, as a firm, we have left ourselves so little room to speak here that we must refer them to our sketch of Mr. Bolckow, and this may be done with all the more appropriateness, seeing that in later years the latter exercised more control over the concern than his partner's failing health could allow him to do. We cannot, however, do justice to Mr. Vaughan without speaking of his excellent personal qualities, of his amia- bility in domestic life, of his generosity, his equable and benevolent disposition, and his keen and active sympathy with the interests and instincts of his workmen. No man was more familiar than he with " The short but simple annals of the poor," and no one was more ready to extend a helping hand to a case of real distress, or to recognise and reward merit in those under him. One who knew him well has said that " a foul word, or an angry hasty word, never escaped his lips ; not that he did not become excited and vexed when aught went wrong in the works never being satisfied until he himself had put it right, matterless the per- sonal labour or time employed and all the men not only felt his earnestness and power, but tacitly acknowledged their mistakes and JOHN VAUGHAN. 83 made amends for the future. Such a master created good and faithful servants. Among the lower class, he was singularly looked up to, yet not servily. Without the slightest presumption on his wealth, or the least affectation of superiority, he was sincerely respected by all grades, and acquitted him- self well in each." When he died, Mr. Vaughan bequeathed to his only son, Mr. Thomas Vaughan, personal property represent- ing about half a million sterling, to his widow he left 3,000 a-year for life, and to her off- spring by her two former marriages no less an amount than 130,000 ; besides the estate and mansion of Gunnergate, with its extensive pleasure grounds and gardens, Cleveland Lodge, and other property. He died in his sixty-ninth year, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 16, 1868. Having fought a good fight, he finished his course in the presence of his son, Mr. Thomas Vaughan, and other sorrow- ing members of his family. " God's finger touched him, and he slept !" Tranquilly and happily he passed away, after a long life bordering on the " allotted span," crowded with toil and vicissitude, and crowned with a measure of success which falls to the lot of few men. IV ISAAC WILSON MB. ISAAC WILSON is justly entitled to take a front place in the ranks of the pioneers of the Cleveland iron trade. When he came to Middlesbrough in 1841, it was not the " waste and howling wilderness " that Joseph Pease and those who were concerned with him in the purchase of the Middlesbrough Estate had found it twenty years before. But it was in all respects an uninviting, crude, and needy town uninviting, because it was situ- ated almost in the centre of a huge marsh, and was considered anything but healthy ; crude, because it was in a half- formed, angu- lar, and transition state ; and needy, because, like all newly created communities, its muni- cipal, religious, and educational requirements yet remained to be provided for to a great extent. Mr. Wilson has assisted, more than most of those whose fortunes have been identified with the place, to tone down all rhomboids, odd points, and angles, to foster its industrial capacities, and to lay the foun- ISAAC WILSON. 85 dations of its present and prospective success. Born at Kendal, in February, 1822, Mr. Wilson is the scion of an old and highly re- spectable Westmoreland family. He can trace his descent in a direct line back to the time of Anthony Wilson, of Little Langdale, in the parish of Grasmere, who died in 1639. His father Isaac Wilson son of John and Sarah Wilson, of Kendal was born in 1784, and died at Kendal in 1844. His mother was the daughter of John Jowitt, of Leeds, whose family has been well known and highly re- spected in that town for many generations. Mr. Wilson's father followed the trade of a woollen manufacturer in the picturesque little town of Kendal, but as the Lake district is more famed for its scenic beauties and in- vigorating breezes than for its industrial prestige, we are not surprised to find that the manufacturing operations carried on at that time were on a somewhat restricted scale. Accordingly, it behoved the subject of this sketch to look out, when he had attained ma- ture years, for a larger and more promising field of operations. Circumstances brought Mr. Wilson into intimate contact with the Messrs. Pease, of Darlington to whom he was related about the year 1841. The late Mr. Joseph Pease, with that eagerness to help forward deserving young men that always characterised him, 86 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. took an interest in his young relative, and proposed to him to settle down at Middles- brough. Coming events were then " casting their shadows before" so clearly, that Mr. Pease looked forward to a great future for Middlesbrough. He pointed out to Mr. Wilson that there was an excellent opening for the erection of works at that town, as it was so near the Durham coal-field and the principal harbours on the north-east coast, in addition to possessing railway facilities that were con- sidered at that time of day exceptionally good. Mr. Wilson came to Middlesbrough on these representations, and, through Mr. Pease, he became intimate with Mr. Richard Otley, who will be remembered as the first secretary of the Stockton and Darlington Railway an office which he held for many years. It so happened that Mr. Otley had then engaged in the business of an earthenware manufacturer, along with the late Mr. Davison. Mr. Wil- son was asked to join the venture. He gave his ready consent, and for several years his attention was almost exclusively bestowed on this business. It is worthy of note, that the Pottery was then the only industrial es- tablishment in the town, except the works of Bolckow and Vaughan, and another small engineering works. To the west of the pot- tery, which is situated between the Ferry Landing and the Docks, within two hundred ISAAC WILSON. 87 yards of the river, there was nothing but a few coal-heavers' dwellings, and on every other side the country was either marshy or agricultural land. Even at this comparatively recent date, the pilgrim fathers of Middles- brough were accustomed to shoot snipe and other aquatic fowl, within a hundred yards of the site of the Pottery, while the district known as the Marshes, where there is now quite a congeries of works of different kinds, and where smoke and flame are belched forth from a thousand chimneys, was so "truly rural," that the early settlers used it for re- creative purposes. It is not necessary to be an old man to remember the time when the whole stretch of ground between Gosford Street and Newport exhibited no trace of in- dustrial life. Pviow, it is hardly possible to find anything like the same amount of activity, within a similarly circumscribed area, even in the largest centres of British industry. To adapt the marsh land on the west side of the borough for the construction of works, it was covered with slag obtained from the blast furnaces, that had meanwhile been started in the district, thus giving a solid and sure foun- dation, and converting this waste product into a highly useful commodity. But we are anticipating somewhat the proper sequence of our narrative. Mr. Wilson had not long been connected with the Pottery, 88 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. when he and his partners erected ironworks of limited extent on a piece of ground immediately adjoining their earthenware works. The development of this venture was never followed out, and in 1844, Mr. Wilson, who had meanwhile formed an in- timacy with Mr. Edgar Gilkes, joined with him in the partnership which resulted in the establishment of the Tees Engine Works. Under the style of Gilkes, Wilson, and Com- pany these works were carried on until 1865, when they were merged in the concern that has since borne the name of Hopkins, Gilkes and Company. Mr. Wilson has been chairman since the commencement. The operations of the company have all along embraced the manufacture of crude iron, and the production of plates, rails, bar and angle iron, and railway chairs of every specification. But besides being one of the largest, it has also been one of the most prosperous concerns in Cleveland for a number of years. In the year 1853, blast furnaces were built at Cargo Fleet, below Middlesbrough, by the firm of Gilkes, Wilson, Leatham and Company. Of this large concern the largest of its kind in the Middlesbrough district, at that time with the exception of Bolckow, Vaughan, and Company. In this concern (which was the second set of furnaces erected in the district), Mr. Wilson was a partner. It was ISAAC WILSON. 89 his first introduction to the manufacture of crude iron. In 1858, Mr. Leatham, who was a brother of the present member for Hud- dersfield, and a son-in-law of Mr. Joseph Pease, of Darlington, was removed by death, and his place in the firm was supplied by Mr. J. B. Pease (since deceased), the son-in- law of Mr. Wilson. The style of the firm was now altered to that of Grilkes, Wilson, Pease, and Company, and the works are still carried on under that designation. Immediately adjacent to the Tees-side ironworks, there are the Linthorpe works, with six large blast furnaces, carried on by the firm of Lloyd and Company. In this undertaking Mr. Wilson is largely interested, and was one of its original promoters. Mr. Lloyd, whose name gives its style to the firm, came originally to the Cleveland district to fill a responsible position in the National Provincial Bank at Stockton, and through Mr. Thomas Snowdon, whose daughter he espoused, he became connected with the iron trade. The bent of Mr. Wilson's mind is so con- stituted that he cannot stand listlessly by while public business no matter how thank- less, difficult, and unremunerative remains to be attended to. From first to last, we should say, that a full third of bis time has been given up to public business, from which 90 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. he could not hope to obtain either honour or reward. He was one of the first commission- ers that had the honour of being elected Mayor of the borough of Middlesbrough, and since the town was incorporated in 1853, he has sat continuously at the Council Board. His counsel is always listened to with deference and respect, and he never shirked his due share of the more onerous and unpleasant minutiae of committee work. It is to the interests of the Tees navigation that Mr. Wilson has contributed his most zealous and valuable services. What Sir Joseph Cowen has been to the Tyne, Mr. Wilson has been to the Tees. He was one of the original members of the Conservancy Commission when it was constituted by the Act of 1852, and has for many years held the office of chairman. Through evil and through good report he has struggled to promote the ends for which the commission was formed. It was a difficult, and not unfrequently a dismal, task, for the obstacles to be surmounted were almost appalling, and the resources at the disposal of the Commissioners were very limited. The position of affairs in the early history of the commission required the utmost tact and discrimination, and it is worthy of note, that Mr. Wilson was able to maintain the good opinion of all parties at a time when ISAAC WILSON. 91 party feeling occasionally ran very high. But he showed in this, as in all other matters to which he put his hands, that he possessed those qualifications in an eminent degree, and his judicious conduct at the helm enabled the somewhat unmixible elements of which the Commission was composed to operate for the timely and judicious development of the trade of the district. Still continuing to preside over the Conservancy of the river, Mr. Wilson has lived to reap some satisfaction for his pains, for the Tees is now in a fair way of realising the end of all his hopes and efforts. We have already indicated the interest that Mr. Joseph Pease manifested in his young Kendal protege. That interest was never allowed to flag, until Mr. Pease had the satis- faction of seeing Mr. Wilson serving on the Board of Directors of the Stockton and Dar- lington Railway. His administrative capacity was so conspicuously exhibited, while he occupied this position, that when the sectional management was merged in that of the Central Board, Mr. Wilson was unanimously appointed a director of the North-Eastern Railway. His long experience, and close attention to financial and engineering details, have made him quite an authority on the difficult and comprehensive art of railway 92 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. management, and probably there are none of his co-directors whose opinions carry greater weight. Mr. Wilson has always taken an active part in political affairs always on the Liberal side. His popularity in his adopted town was so well established that when Middles- brough became a Parliamentary borough in 1867, he was at once mentioned as one who had great claims to be elected the first member. A large and influential deputation, composed from nearly every class in the constituency, waited upon him for this pur- pose, and presented a requisition signed by considerably over 2,000 electors. But he hesitated, probably as much as Donna Inez did in an even mure delicate situation ; and when it was announced that Mr. Bolckow had agreed to go to the poll, Mr. Wilson at once chival- rously yielded up the preference to what he no doubt regarded as the now sitting member's superior claims. The old Greek stoic said, " If I were not Diogens, I would be Alex- ander." If the electors of Middlesbrough had not had the choice of Mr. Bolckow, they would undoubtedly have accepted Mr. Wilson as their representative. At the General Election of 1874, he acted as chairman of Mr. Bolckow's committee, and won golden opinions for the firmness, dignity, and moderation with ISAAC WILSON. 93 which he conducted a contest in which strong feeling was roused and great principles were at stake. In the year 1847, Mr. Wilson married Anna Dorothy, daughter of Robert Benson, Esq., of Parkside, Kendal, by whom he has had one son and five daughters. V. -JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. THOSE who know of Mr. Joseph Dodds in his professional capacity alone may be inclined to wonder at finding his name at the head of this article. But it is not always the men who are put most prominently forward, that are chiefly entitled to prominence. The most indefatigable workers often keep their identity in the background. In commerce, as in politics, and other relations of life, there are often wheels within wheels an imperium in imperio. Thus it is in the case of Mr. Joseph Dodds. Professionally a solicitor, in the enjoyment of a practice probably second in value and importance to none in the North of England, he is, at the same time, a large ironmaster, and a recognised representative of the industrial interests in the House of Commons. On these grounds he is fairly entitled to take his place among the Pioneers of the Cleveland Iron Trade. But when we have said this, we have not said all. The prosperity of a community depends not so JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 95 much upon the initiation of great projects as upon their successful consummation ; and it is almost a trite reflection that a condition of mere animalism, in which all the grosser attributes of humanity are rampant, is not the state most conducive to permanent and properly-directed success ; nor is it possible for a new community, like that of Middles- brough or Stockton, to overtake all their re- quirements in anything like the ratio in which they arise unless governed by men of zeal, faith, enterprise, and foresight. Such a man is Joseph Dodds. He found Cleveland that is the wide and important district embraced in that name in an infantile condition. It re- quired care, nutriment, and constant attention. Although undoubtedly an infant Hercules, it might have broken down or run to seed under other treatment. As it is, it has had all the advantages that both natural and artificial gifts could bestow. No sooner did an urgent want arise than it was promptly met, and generally to the fullest extent. Joseph Dodds was in all the counsels of the men who had this onerous work on hand. Advising, plann- ing, and suggesting, he is the head and front of many improvements and enterprises that where fathered on others. Probably, there is no great scheme affecting the material pro- gress of the district, that has not had the benefit of his assistance and co-operation in 96 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. one form or another. While fighting, like Hal o' the Wynd " for his ain hand," he has also striven earnestly, laboriously, and consci- entiously to promote the general weal of those by whom he was surrounded. His untiring exertions have met their reward in the attain- ment of a position of affluence, influence, honour and respect, Born on the 10th October, 1819, Mr. Joseph Dodds is now in the fifty-fifth year of his age. His father, a farmer near Winston, a village on the banks of the Tees not far from Barnard Castle, is still living, and a hale active man, although over 90 years of age. After receiving his early training at a dame's school in his native village, he was sent to the parish school of Winston, and from thence he was transferred to the Gainford Academy, then under the charge of the late Rev. W. Bowman, M.A. Under this able pre- ceptor he made rapid and distinguished pro- gress, carrying off many academic honours, and excelling particularly in the classics. Leaving Gainford Academy on attaining his seventeenth year, he commenced his business career in the office of the late Mr. Thomas Bowes, of Darlington, from whence he re- moved to Barnard Castle, to take a situation under the late Mr. Weldon of that town. About 1841, he removed to Stockton, at the request of his relative, the late Mr. Matthew JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 97 Bowser, land agent, Thornaby Grange, who had thrown out inducements as to his kins- man's ultimate succession to the business. Simultaneously with his employment by Mr. Bowser, young Dodds assisted in the office of Messrs. Bayley and Newby, solicitors, Stock- ton ; and in 1846, he was articled to Mr. Bayley, on the understanding that he would ultimately be admitted into partnership with that gentleman. But the death of Mr. Bayley put a period to this prospect ; and Mr. Dodds, after qualifying for the position of an attor- ney and solicitor, commenced practice on his own account, having acquired the connection that belonged to his late master. It will thus be seen that it was not until 1851 that Mr. Dodds had actually established himself in his profession ; and his connection being limited, his prospects did not point in the direction of rapid or great prosperity. But his was a character, formed by nature, to overcome opposition and impress its sign manual on the community in which he lived. The first official position he held in his adopted town was that of a committeeman, and afterwards honorary secretary of the Stockton Mechanics' Institution, of which, for many years past he has been, and still is, vice-president. In 1852 he was elected a member of the Town Council. He was then only 33 years of age a time of life when few 98 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. men can command the weight and influence necessary to secure their election to civic honours. In 1857 he was elected Mayor of the borough, in preference to the late Mr. William Turnbull, shipbuilder, who was also put in nomination. On the expiry of his year of office as Mayor, he was again elected a member of the Council, and he has since con- tinued, with only one short interval, to retain his seat at the Council board, being still an alderman of the borough. On the motion of his friend and client, Mr. H. W. F. Bolckow, M.R, Mr. Dodds was unanimously elected chief clerk to the Tees Conservancy Commissioners, in succession to the late Mr. J. Radcliffe Wilson, town clerk of Stockton. This was in 1858. The first business undertaken by Mr. Dodds, as chief clerk to the Tees Conservancy Commis- sioners, was to solicit through Parliament the Tees Conservancy Act, 1858. This Act is, in one respect, unique. It confers upon the Commissioners powers which, as yet have not been conferred upon any other pub- lic body exercising similar functions, to re- claim, with the sanction of the Board of Trade, portions of the foreshore of the Tees, the pro- ceeds arising from the sale of which are divided between the Queen as owner of the foreshore, the frontager, and the Tees Con- servancy Commissioners in the proportion of JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 99 one -fourth to each of the former, and two- fourths to the Commissioners. Under these powers, originally, we believe, suggested by William Fallows, Esq., of Mid- dlesbrough, and obtained mainly through his indefatigable exertions, upwards of 1,000 acres of valuable land have already been reclaimed from the bed of the river, the sale of which has, or will realise to the Commissioners, upwards of 75,000. Further large tracts of land are now, or shortly will be, in course of reclamation, with the combined result of improving the navigation, and materially augmenting the resources of the Commissioners. The services of Mr. Dodds in obtaining from Parliament these novel and valuable powers, received the special recogni- tion of the Commissioners. The Tees Con- servancy Commission was not then in the prosperous position it has since attained. Originally formed in 1852, this body found themselves hampered, on their foundation, with a debt of something like 80,000, that had been incurred by their predecessors, the old Tees Navigation Company. This was such a dead weight about their necks, that they were unable to undertake any important schemes for the improvement of the river until three years afterwards. Even then the revenue of the Commission was little more than 4,000 per annum, so that it seemed in- 100 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. sufficient to justify the outlay of a large ex- penditure. But without paralysing their pro- gress by further pecuniary embarrassments, they instituted a graduated system of im- provements, which has now made the Tees one of the most important highways in the North, second only to the Tyne. The annual revenue of the Commissioners is now upwards of 23,000, being an increase within twenty years of about 600 per cent. The value of the trade of the Tees ports has increased in a corresponding, if not greater ratio. In 1864, the value of the goods exported from Stockton was only 5,136 ; last year it was 14,989. The exports of Middlesbrough in 1864 were only estimated at 390,650 ; last year they reached the enormous sum of 2,647,883 ! Within the same period the trade of the Hartlepools has also considerably increased, although to a comparatively incon- siderable extent the value of the exports for 1864 being 2,161,600 as compared with 2,271,492. The only port on the north- east coast that can at all compare with Mid- dlesbrough as regards the development of the export trade, is Newcastle ; the value of the exports of the latter town having in- creased from 978,472 in 1864 to 3,055,357 in 1872 ! It is to the improvement of the Tyne navigation in the one case, and to that of the Tees in the other, that the enormous JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 101 increase of the shipping trade of both these ports is chiefly due. Having so fur vindicated the importance of this phase of Mr. Dodds' career, we may be permitted to dwell upon it at still greater length. When the Tees Conservancy Act of 1852 was obtained, no means had been taken to improve the river below Cargo Fleet. The sand banks were continually altering their position, and the stream was always divided into two and sometimes into three channels. The depth in the best water was often less than two feet, and it was generally very crooked and irregular. Great difficulty was ex- perienced by even the smallest craft in navi- gating the channel, and the casualties to shipping were frequent. Under the old Tees Navigation Act, jetties had been constructed for the purpose of driving the channel over to the north ; but these works were only con- structed bit by bit, in order to get rid of tem- porary difficulties as they arose, and their effect was to damage the south channel with- out improving the north. The tonnage of the port of Middlesbrough was gradually getting worse instead of better. The diversion of the Port Clarence traffic to West Hartlepool on the opening of the docks at the latter place gave it a severe blow. Another cause of its decline was the limitation of the exports of coal, which, as blast furnaces were erected in 102 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. the district, was used in the neighbourhood of Middlesbrough for smelting purposes. For the year ending October, 1855, the tonnage of the port did not exceed 290,658 tons. This was lower than the annual tonnage of the port for the previous twenty years. It was under these depressing circumstances that the Tees Conservancy Commissioners commenced work. They first directed them- selves to shutting up the north and middle channels, thus guiding the whole of the tidal water through the south channel. Through the Cargo Fleet shoal, which had been a great obstruction to the navigation of the river, a channel was cut 200 feet in breadth, and with a depth of seven feet at low water. About fifteen miles of training walls were erected. Dredging operations were commenced and carried on uninterruptedly. Matters were so far mended that the only important remain- ing barrier to the safe and easy navigation of the river was the state of the bar. But here- in lay a terrible source of danger. For two miles westward of the bar, the sea broke during storms on either side of the channel, and from the overlapping of the gare, stran- gers were unable to detect any smooth water through which to navigate their vessels in safety. To obviate this peril, the Commis- sioners commenced the erection of a break- water, which is still in progress, and in the JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 103 construction of which over 3,000,000 tons of slag will be used ! The effect of this and other improvements, will be to shut up the lateral channels in which the flowing and ebbing tides waste their strength, to enclose the shifting sand banks within permanent walls, to confine the scouring power to the proper channel, to shelter effectually the lower reaches of the river, and to enlarge the area of the anchoring pools. The depth of water at the bar, which in 1858 was only four feet and now seldom exceeds nine, will be at least 14 feet at low water, and the entrance to the channel will be marked by beacons be- tween which vessels may be run with confi- dence and safety. Up to the present time, the Commissioners have expended something like 250,000 in their improvements ; but they have still gigantic schemes in hand or in contemplation, to carry out which they required borrowing powers for another 100,000. Of this sum 30,000 will be appropriated to the construc- tion of a graving dock, hitherto a great want on the Tees. The rest will go to the comple- tion of the breakwater, to blasting and remov- ing the Eighth Buoy Scarp, which has narrowed the navigable channel to the extent of 100 to 200 feet, and to the completion of dredging operations necessary to secure a depth of 14 feet below Stockton Stone Bridge. When all 104 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. these projects shall have passed from the region of speculation into that of fulfilment and fact, the Tees will have become second to no other river in the kingdom for all the purposes and requirements of navigation ; and it may be expected to take the pre-eminent position, as a highway of commerce, to which its merits and achievements entitle it. Mr. Dodds has been one of the principal advisers and promoters, of all these and other improvements of a collateral kind, that have taken place in the navigation of the Tees, since he became Chief Clerk to the Commis- sion. His interest in the work was not con- fined to his official duties pure and simple. Outside their limits, he took an active part in " making crooked paths straight and rough places plain." No one was more prominently identified with the rival schemes brought for- ward between 1862 and 1864 for bridging the Tees, and thus connecting the two sides of the river. It will be remembered that Mr. Ralph Ward Jackson, the founder of West Hartlepool, proposed to carry the Durham and Cleveland Union Railway across the river immediately below Cargo Fleet, by means of a chain ferry, while the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company projected a Tees Bridge at Stockton, below the present railway bridge. A monster public meeting was held at Stockton, presided over by Mr. JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 105 Dodds, at which it was resolved to oppose both schemes. An inquiry afterwards took place into the two schemes, and Mr. Dodds was one of the most important and influential witnesses. The Tees Commissioners and the Stockton Town Council opposed both projects, on the ground that they would jeopardise the shipping interests of the port, and they had ultimately to be abandoned, to the great dis- appointment of their rival promoters. The renewed attempt made by the North- Eastern Railway Company, in 1871, to obtain powers to construct a swing bridge across the River Tees, between Stockton and Mid- dlesbrough, was again resisted by the Tees Conservancy Commissioners and the Town Council, and other public bodies of Stockton, South Stockton, and Yarm, and the evidence of Mr. Dodds before the Parliamentary Com- mittee of the House of Commons, aided ma- terially in securing the rejection of the scheme. Mr. Dodds was one of the chief promoters, if not the original projector, of the proposed new docks at Lackenby, the cost of which was estimated at over 300,000. This is a want which must some day be adequately supplied ; and, taken in combination with the enlarge- ment and improvement of the old Docks at Middlesbrough on which the North-Eastern Railway Company have expended a sum of 106 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. over 100,000 and the improvement of the navigation of the channel, such extensive dock schemes would give to Stockton and Middlesbrough the most complete shipping facilities ; and their ulterior, if not their im- mediate effect, would be to make the Iron- opolis of the North one of the largest shipping ports in the Kingdom. Mr. Dodds is also a director and one of the principal promoters of the proposed Cleve- land Extension Mineral Eailway, which has been designed to open out a virgin tract of ironstone between Skelton and Glaisdale, at present entirely excluded from the market. A bill with the same object was rejected by the House of Commons in 1872, but it pas- sed through Parliament in the following ses- sion, and has become law, and the construc- tion of the line will be proceeded with immediately. In coming to speak of Mr. Dodds as an ironmaster, it is difficult to furnish anything like a complete inventory of the undertakings in which he is concerned ; but of this there cannot be a doubt, that there are few in the Cleveland district who now hold a greater stake in the trade. His connection originated, we believe, with the formation of the firm of Stevenson, Jaques, and Company, about the year 1864. This company own the Acklam ironworks, which are situated about ten JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 107 minutes' walk from the Middlesbrough Royal Exchange. They were started with three furnaces, each 70 feet in height, 22 feet diameter of boshes, and with a cubical capacity of 17,000. In 1868, another furnace of the same dimensions was added, so that the works now consist of four furnaces, equal to the production of nearly 1,500 tons of pig iron per week. For several years subsequent to this date, Mr. Dodds does not appear to have sought to extend his connection with the trade to any material extent ; but the recent ple- thora of prosperity with which ironmanufac- turers were visited, and the consequent rapid formation of companies established on the limi- ted liability principle, led to his embarking still more largely in industrial ventures. One of the concerns in which Mr. Dodds is interested to a large extent, and of which he is vice-chair- man, is the Darlington ironworks, carried on until 1872 by Mr. William Barningham, situated at Albert Hill, and Springfield, near Darlington. These works are, with only two exceptions, the largest in the world, and are capable of producing 100,000 tons of iron rails annually. These exceptions are the Dowlais works in Wales, and another establishment in Staffordshire. The North Yorkshire iron- works, South Stockton, were commenced by the firm of Messrs. Richardson, Johnson, and Company, about 1864. They were carried on 108 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. by their proprietors until 1868, when they were acquired for the purpose of making steel on the Siemens -Martin system. After a very large sum of money had been expended in adapting them to this end, the system turned out a complete failure, and the works were stopped. Shortly afterwards they were taken up and re-constructed by a limited liability company, of which also Mr. Dodds is chair- man ; and they have since gone on most prosperously. ' The Tees Bridge Ironworks is another establishment in which Mr. Dodds has a very large stake. We believe, indeed, that he was the founder of the company by which these works were built ; and he is now chairman of the directors. The Tees Bridge works are quite new. There are to be four blast furnaces in all, each 65 feet high. The site of the works is a piece of ground on the estate of Bowesfield, closely adjoining the bridge that crosses the Tees at Stockton. The Bowesfield ironworks at Stockton, is another concern in which Mr. Dodds is one of the largest shareholders, and the Stockton Forge Ironworks, Stockton, are, we believe, entirely his own property, and have been largely extended and improved since they passed into his hands. In addition to the Boosbeck ironstone mines belonging to his firm, at which the ironstone has been won, and is now being JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 109 worked, Mr. Dodds and one or two other gentlemen have secured and are about to commence the development of a large and valuable tract of ironstone at Girrick and Moorsholme, on the route of the proposed Cleveland extension line. Mr. Dodds along with Mr. Hugh Chaytor has leased an exten- sive tract of land around Roseberry, for the purpose of ironstone mining. Recognising in common with many of the leading ironmasters of the Cleveland district, the necessity for further developing the wealth of the Durham coal-fields, Mr. Dodds in conjunction with four or five other gentle- men, of whom Captain Swan is, we believe, chairman, has become the lessee of the Bear- park coal royalty, situate upon the Lan Chester Valley Branch of the North-Eastern Railway, within two miles of the City of Durham. This most valuable tract of coal extends to upwards of 2,000 acres, and promises to rank with the best coal royalties of the district ; and to augment very largely the supply of coal. Several coke ovens and workmen's houses have been erected, and the number is intended to be largely increased. We believe that Mr. Dodds is also one of the partners in the Mainsforth Coal Company, whose pits are located near to Ferryhill, and of the Hutton Henry Coal Company, who lately purchased a portion of the estates of Mr. Milbank, M.P., and 110 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. also acquired the adjacent royalties of Marshall Fowler, Esq., the Rev. G. T. Fox, and others. 1 here are many institutions bearing more or less directly on the iron trade in which Mr. Dodds is interested. He is a member of the Stockton and Middlesbrough Chambers of Commerce, of the Middlesbrough Exchange Company, of the North of England Iron- masters' Association, and of the Freighters' Association, formed some months ago, to take combined action in reference to any question affecting the rates of mineral traffic in the Cleveland district. He was one of the earliest members and original promoters of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain, along with several other north country ironmasters and members of Parliament. The new turnpike road between Stockton and Middlesbrough, which reduced the dis- tance between the two towns by three miles, owes its paternity to Mr. Dodds, who, in con- junction with his friend, the late Mr. John bhields Peacock, the esteemed and lamented Town Clerk of Middlesbrough, obtained the act, raised the needful funds, and finally opened the road daring his mayoralty in 1858. Before the expiration of the Act, it is confidently anticipated that the remaining debt upon it will be discharged, and a free road presented to the district. It is more than usually interesting to recall JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. Ill the circumstances under which Mr. Dodds was first elected member for Stockton. His was the very first name mentioned for the seat when the general election of V>8 was foreshadowed by the passing of the Reform Bill. A numerously-signed requisition was ultimately presented, requesting him to stand as a can- didate ; and he had the most encouraging promises of support from the most prominent members of the Liberal party in South Dur- ham. His situation was a delicate and a difficult one. It was well understood that Lord Ernest Vane Tempest was to be a can- didate in the Conservative interest, and Mr. Dodds had long been a friend and adviser of the Vane family. He was almost hand-in- glove with the late Marchioness of London- derry, and with her son the present Marquis of Londonderry, visiting frequently at Wyn- yard Park, and occasionally consulted in arrangements of a business character in which his lordship was interested. His candidature threatened to involve a severance of this connection. But he was not deterred by the prospect of losing an influential friend and client. He boldly resolved to face all con- sequences and fight the battle of his fellow townsmen. The contest was a memorable one. Lasting for four months, or thereby, it was distinguished for its severity and its acrimony, but in the end the Liberal candidate 112 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. was returned by an overwhelming majority. Despite the bolstering, the coaching, and the blandishments of the Tory solicitors for Mr. Dodds is one of the few Liberal solicitors in Stockton the nominee of the noble house of Wynyard was sent to the wall. The victory was dearly purchased and deservedly won. For months Mr. Dodds knew no rest. His naturally excitable and sanguine temperament was strung to the highest pitch of tension. There were many vulnerable points to be guarded, many a possible coup d'etat to be checkmated. Those who were present will not readily forget how he fought in the Re- vision Courts, and before the Boundary Com- missioners. The latter gentlemen were called on to determine whether the Parliamentary boundaries should be co-extensive with those of the Municipal borough, or should include South Stockton, which the Conservatives wished to leave out in the cold. In a speech of more than four hours' duration, Mr. Dodds pleaded for the inclusion of South Stockton, and his plea was ultimately successful. After the election the hon. member was entertained to a grand banquet, succeeded by a crowded and enthusiastic public meeting in the theatre; and the whole expenses of his election, amounting to something like 1,500, were subscribed for and defrayed by the constitu- ency with a promptitude and heartiness that JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 113 has, probably, no parallel in the electioneering annals of this country, save that of the return of Mr. John Stuart Mill for Westminster. At the general election in February, 1874, Mr. Dodds was again asked at an influential meeting of Liberals to represent the Borough, and for a time it was expected, on all sides, that he would be returned without opposition. Ultimately a section of the Conservatives contrary to the advice of their local leaders brought forward Mr. Francis Lyon Barrington, and after a brief contest, in which the Liberals did not deem it necessary to put forth their full strength, Mr. Dodds was triumphantly elected by a majority of 3,223, against his opponent who only obtained 1,425 votes. This decisive result was everywhere received with expressions of satisfaction, and it is believed that so long as Mr. Dodds cares to represent Stockton in Parliament, he will do so unchallenged. Little remains to be added. The personal character of Mr. Dodds supplies the key to his success and popularity. Few T men illus- trate to greater perfection the suaviter in modo with the fortiter in re. There is no reserve, affected dignity, or hauteur about his com- position. ' How d'ye do, Dodds/' is a saluta- tion with which he is greeted on 'Change by those who know him least, as well as by those who know him best. His bland, benignant H 1 14 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. manner invites freedom, and yet repels license. His blandness is thoroughly unstudied ; there is nothing of the ars celare artem about it ; it is quite a part, and perhaps the most con- spicuous part of himself. Probably, the greatest pleasure he enjoys is that of entering a ball-room or promenading on 'Change, or acting either as guest or host at a large party, in either of which, or in any other like circum- stance, he dispenses nods, and becks, and wreathed smiles with a profusion, that would to many men be quite an ordeal. He is a fluent and effective, but not a brilliant speaker. His elocution does not take the popular ear by the use of rhetorical tricks. What he has to say, he says plainly, forcibly, and well ; but the higher art of oratory that which has won their fame for Gladstone and Bright he has had no time to cultivate. But after all, the most transparent fea- ture of his character is energy. He never knew the luxury of dolce far niente. Mr. Gladstone, at a great public banquet, once spoke of an idle man as the most miser- able being on earth. One can easily fancy that under such circumstances Mr. Dodds would be such a man. For many years he has been accustomed to rise at six o'clock in the morning, and by seven he is hard at work, looking over and reply- ing to his voluminous correspondence. His JOSEPH DODDS, M.P. 115 travelling and he travels many thousands of miles every year was always, and still is frequently done during the night. To facilitate his business arrangements, and lose no time that could be otherwise em- ployed, he succeeded some years ago in having a through train put on between Stockton, Middlesbrough, and London. This train has since been known as "Dodds' Express." During the session he habitually runs down to Stockton, either on Friday night or Satur- day morning, goes through the local business of the week during Saturday, and returns to town again on Sunday night or Monday morning ; or, if there is no important debate or division coming on, he attends Middles- brough iron market on Tuesday, and runs up to London by the afternoon train of that day. Allusion has already been made to the in- timate relationship that existed between Mr. Dodds and the chief ironmasters of Cleve- land. He was the constant adviser of Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, and he is a trustee under the will of the latter. But his business is not limited to his own immediate neigh- bourhood. Its far-reaching ramifications ex- tend over the whole of the North Riding and throughout the whole county of Durham, as well as portions of Northumberland. Until lately, the firm was carried on by Dodds and Trotter, but the partnership having termi- 116 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. nated, Mr. Trotter withdrew from the business, which is now carried on by Mr. Dodds. Shortly before last General Election a movement was set on foot, by a number of political and personal friends, to have the portrait of Mr. Dodds painted, and the requisite funds having been promptly sub- scribed, the work was entrusted to Mr. Jerry Barritt, the painter of the " Queen's Drawing Room, " and other celebrated pictures. In 1847, Mr. Dodds married Ann, daughter of Mr. William Smith, of Stockton, by whom he has a family of six three sons and three daughters. The eldest son Matthew Bowser Dodds having taken the degree of B.A. at Trinity College, Cambridge, is now in the business, along with his father, and will ultimately take his place. The second son, Joseph Richardson Dodds, is studying for the church at Cambridge, and took the degree of B.A. in June, 1874. The third son, Frederick Lumley, having gained a scholar- ship in Durham Grammar School, which he held for five years, became an under graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, and is passing through his studies with marked distinction. VI. -EDGAR GILKES, THERE is probably no one occupying so promi- nent a position in the North of England, whose life, to do it anything like adequate justice, would be more difficult to write than that of Mr. Edgar Gilkes. The writer approaches the task with a fear and diffidence that he has not experienced in relation to any of the sketches that have gone before. It is not that there is any scarcity of materials to work with, for few lives have been more crowded with circumstance. But not many of the events that will come under the notice of the reader are of a kind that will live in story or in song. They are rather the hard, stern, and somewhat commonplace facts of a laborious and useful life, passed in a quiet and unobtrusive manner, and so circumscribed as to area, that the reader who seeks for sensa- tion or sentiment will turn to them in vain. In the economy of human existence it is often found, that while some men who have done little to deserve honour or distinction, 118 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. bulk largely in the public eye, others of more modesty and greater attainments are content to " blush unseen." Those who have " borne the burden and heat of the day " not un fre- quently have their chief recompense in the inward satisfaction " that passeth show " a sense of approval far more pleasurable than the empty applause of the giddy and vulgar throng. Much less of real, earnest, abiding work is obtained from the man who lives in the glare of popular admiration, and makes all the aims of life subordinate thereto, than from the silent, steady, plodding worker who " lives laborious days," who is accustomed to burn the midnight oil, and for whom the lines appear to have been penned : " Men my brothers, men the workers, ever reaping some- thing new, That which they have done but earnest of the things that they shall do." These remarks are not offered by way of justifying the position which we are com- pelled to assign Mr. Gilkes among the pioneers of the Cleveland iron trade. In speaking of him in this capacity, we are in this difficulty, that we cannot lay our hands upon any one great movement or event dis- covery or revolution with which his name has been specially identified. And yet, it would be even more difficult to evolve from the ashes of the " dead past " i single pro- EDGAR GiLKES. 119 ject matured in Cleveland that has not in one form or another borne the impress of his sign -manual. He has been a veritable Admi- ral Crichton, unwittingly perhaps, but none the less truly. Few men perhaps no man- have actuated more powerfully the deeper and more essential springs of the society in which he has borne a part for the last thirty years. Traced to its source, we dare say that every public movement initiated in Middlesbrough during that time, will be found more or less to have owed its inspiration to Mr. Gilkes. If a meeting is held to utter a protest against some imperial iniquity, Mr. Gilkes will have been consulted by the promoters as to how it should be got up. If any social or local question requires to be ventilated through the same medium, the chances are ten to one that he has drawn up the resolutions. If an examina- tion of a public school takes place, there again he will be found, hearing if not answering ques- tions. The municipal affairs of the borough have been his special charge and mission since the population grew out of swaddling clothes. On commercial and industrial mat- ters he is equally an authority and no less serviceable. In short, no man is more indis- pensable to that inner and hidden life which is after all the back-bone of prosperity in any community the life that points a constant finger to the everlasting text that " man shall 120 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. not live by bread alone " the life that abnegates the gross, selfish, and materialistic elements that are too prone to germinate among a people eager to be rich, and privi- leged with exceptional opportunities for the attainment of that end. Trained as an engineer in Berkshire, Mr. Gilkes, in 1839, came to Shildon, as one of the engineers of the Stockton and Darling- ton Railway. At that time the wide district known as South Durham and Cleveland was in a comparatively embryo state, both as to trade and population. The works at Shildon were also of very limited extent, for the whole rolling stock of the Darlington Railway Com- pany did not exceed twelve locomotives not one of which had a tender like the tenders of to-day, but a water-barrel and a coal wagon, one at each end of the engine two or three hundred wagons, and about eighty carriages. These figures have since been multiplied more than a hundred-fold. In 1843, there was a branch establishment started at Middles- brough, called the Tees Engine Works, for the repair of the rolling stock of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, and Mr. Gilkes came down from Shildon to undertake their man- agement. A year or two later, Mr. Isaac Wilson and Mr. Gilkes entered into a partner- ship for carrying on the works under the firm of Gilkes, Wilson and Company, and from that DGAR OILKES. 121 time until the present the works have been among the most extensive and well-known in the North of England. Indeed, it may be said of these works, that they pioneered the engineering trade of the Tees. When they were originated there were only some half a dozen similar establishments between the Tees and the Tyne. These were the Gateshead Ironworks established in 1747 ; the Chester-le-Street Works, founded in 1793 ; the Walker Ironworks, established in 1809 ; the Forth Bank Engine Works, founded by Mr. Robert Hawthorn in 1817 : the HartJe- pool Ironworks, established in 1838 ; and the works of Messrs. R. Stephenson and Company, established at Newcastle in 1823. For some years after they were founded, the Tees Engine Works assisted the works of Messrs. R. Stephenson and Company, and others, in making the locomotive engines used in the North of England. At the meeting of the British Association in Newcastle in 1863, it was reported that dur- ing the previous thirty-four years these firms had unitedly produced upwards of 2,400 loco- motives. Probably no one contributed more than the subject of these remarks to develope the locomotive engine. He became early acquainted with both its merits and its imper- fections ; and at the works over which he pre- sided all kinds of locomotives have been built, 122 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. from the crude model furnished by Stephen- son's Rocket, to the splendidly equiped and powerful engine of the present day. But in the construction of viaducts and bridges, no less than in the building of locomo- tives, the firm of Gilkes, Wilson, and Company have taken a high position. At one time and another they have erected the Albert and Victoria Bridges in Windsor Park, bridges over the Thames above London, and the singular viaducts over the rivers Deepdale and Beelah, in Lancashire and Westmoreland. These bridges were constructed for the South Durham and Lancashire Union Railway. The Beelah Viaduct is constructed on a plan some- what similar to that of the celebrated Crum- lin Viaduct. It consists of 15 piers, com- posed of hollow columns. The span of the lattice girders forming the roadway is 60 feet. The total length of the viaduct is 1,000 feet, and the greatest depth from the rail to the ground is 1 95 feet. The quantity of materials used in its construction consists of 77 f> tons of cast iron, 303 tons of wrought iron, 12,343 cube feet of memel timber for roadway. Another engineering triumph of this firm is the cele- brated viaduct at Saltburn, which is carried over the valley immediately in front of the Zetland Hotel, at the height of over 200 feet from the ground. In the construction of this bridge the firm were limited as to price, and they exerted themselves to combine elegance and strength with cheapness. They suc- ceeded so well, that after the bridge was finished it was declared by Sir William Arm- strong, to be the cheapest construction having regard to its height and position- in the world. But the firm of Gilkes, Wilson, and Company have also produced a large quantity of general engineering work, including mill, colliery, and marine engines, for nearly all parts of the kingdom. In 1852, Mr. Gilkes commenced the erec- tion of blast furnaces below the dock channel, on what was then a piece of waste ground, liable to the incursions of acquatic fowl. These were the first blast furnaces built in Cleveland after those of the Middlesbrough ironworks, so that Mr. Gilkes is entitled to take a position next to that occupied by the late Mr. John Vaugban as a pioneer of the Cleveland iron trade. The furnaces first built by Mr. Gilkes had a cubical capacity of only 5,500 feet, whereas the last furnaces built at the same works represent 33,000 feet as their cubical contents. At the Tees Ironworks an interesting drawing may be seen exhibiting the graduated growth in height and cubical capacity of the different furnaces erected by Mr. Gilkes no less than five of the original furnaces having been demolished and rebuilt to a greater height within the space of twenty years. 124 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRAt)K. It is almost unnecessary to add that Mr. Gilkes projected the Tees Ironworks with the view of cultivating the advantage offered by the discovery of the Cleveland ironstone. But at that time there were only the mines of Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan opened out at Eston. All beyond towards Thirsk on the one hand, and Whitby on the other, was an impenetrable terra incognita. Mr. Joseph Pease had acquired a royalty near to Guis- borough, but it was practically valueless without adequate railway facilities. It was at this juncture that the project for the forma- tion of a railway to Guisborough was formed. The local magnates pooh-poohed the idea. Even those who were likely to be the most directly benefited by having their estates opened up, turned a cold shoulder to the scheme. Mr. Pease foresaw, however, that the district was likely to become a great feeder to the iron trade, and that a large and valuable mineral traffic would thus be de- veloped, so he came forward and offered to guarantee a dividend of 5 per cent, for a certain number of years if the line was pro- ceeded with. Such an undertaking from such a source was the means of the ultimate con- struction of the line, and it is worthy of remark that it has fully justified the sanguine anticipations of its founder. The completion of the Guisborough Railway enabled Messrs. EDGAR GILKES. 125 Gilkes, Wilson, and Company to obtain iron- stone from the mines that had been opened up by the Messrs. Pease. Like other con- script fathers of the new industry, they had at first many difficulties to surmount, arising from the ignorance which then prevailed as to the conditions under which the oolitic stone of Cleveland should be smelted, shortcomings peculiar to a new and unknown district, and the competition they encountered from Wales, Staffordshire, and Scotland. But " line upon line, precept upon precept here a little and there a little,'' they overcame all the lions that beset their path, and assisted to place Cleveland on the high industrial eminence it now occupies. Before taking leave of the industrial phases of Mr. Gilkes's career, it is only due to his high attainments as an engineer to state that he holds a most honourable place in his pro- fession. Among his intimate personal friends, he reckons many of the most prominent engineers of the day, and although it has not been given to him to take rank with Watt and Stephenson, Bessemer and Arkwright, as the founder of a new invention or industry saving thousands and millions of pounds, or employing armies of artizans, he has in his quiet way contributed a large quota to the perfection of engineering science. For more than twenty years Mr. Gilkes has 126 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. been prominently identified with the muni- cipal affairs of Middlesbrough. He sat in the Commission that controlled the embryo borough before it was incorporated ; and when the charter of incorporation was granted, he was one of the first elected to serve at the new Council Board. With only a very limited interregnum, he has continued ever since to be a member of the Corporation, having pas- sed the Mayors chair and worn the alderman's gown. As a member of the Council he has devoted a great deal of his time to municipal affairs, and he is still one of the most enter- prising and active civic legislators of Middles- brough. But the measure of Mr. Gilkes's devotion to the public service is only faintly represented by his work as a member of the Corporation. As we have already indicated, he is connected more or less intimately with nearly every society, association, and institu- tion in the town. He is likewise a borough and county magistrate ; a member of the Chamber of Commerce, a director of the Royal Exchange, and a governor of the North Riding Infirmary. Although he has a considerable talent for literature, Mr. Gilkes has not done anything in this way to bring his name into prominent notice. But we do not think it is disclos- ing any profound secret, when we say that he has from time to time produced verses EDGAR GILKES. 127 which would have done no discredit to a poet of much greater pretensions, and although fugitive and unrecognised, these verses have in one form or another obtained a place in several high-class periodicals. Of scientific literature his pen has been rather barren, although he has taken a somewhat con- spicious place in the discussions of the local Institution of Engineers, and the Iron and Steel Institute, with both of which he is connected, and has occasionally contributed to the scientific and professional magazines, papers which indicate at once the extent of his information, and the power and precision with which he could express it. We have thus briefly recorded the simple facts of a quiet life which will be best understood in after years, when the hidden facts, seen only by the few and by the eye that sees all things, are revealed in the light of that day which is eternal. VII. JOSEPH PEASE, SPEAKING at a meeting held to promote the candidature of his brother Henry, when the latter first stood as a candidate for the re- presentation of South Durham, Joseph Pease said, " I have not a single drop of coward's blood in my veins." No one who knew the speaker could say otherwise. It is largely due to him and to the family of which he was for many years the recognised and honoured head, that South Durham and Cleveland have attained the position they now occupy. In the ordinary acceptation of the term, Joseph Pease was never an ironmaster ; but it was he, and those who acted with him, that paved the way for the establishment and successful prosecution of the iron trade on the banks of the Tees. Full of sanguine and well-grounded hopes, he was at the same time animated by a spirit of determination and energy that persevered unto the end with whatever he took in hand. It was truly said of him that he could see a hundred years ahead. Not JOSEPH PEASE. 129 only did he project " enterprises of great pith and moment,'' but he invariably carried them to a successful termination. From his earliest years to the close of his busy career, he was intimately associated with nearly every move- ment tending to the development of the industrial resources of Cleveland. Next after Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, the town of Middlesbrough owes more to Joseph Pease than to any other man. If to Bolckow and Vaughan Middlesbrough owes its prosperity and status, to Joseph Pease it certainly owes its existence. For him, therefore, we can claim an indisputable right to a place among the pioneers of the Cleveland iron trade. Born at Darlington, on the 22nd day of June, 1799, Joseph Pease was the second son of that Edward Pease whose name will live in the industrial annals of his country as the " founder of the first passenger railway in Eng- land." Mr. Pease received his early education at Tatham's school in Leeds, and subsequently Mr. Josiah Forster, of Southgate, near Lon- don, became his preceptor. Under this gentleman Mr. Pease got something more than a sound education. Mr. Forster was a member of the Society of Friends a persua- sion to which his pupil also belonged and with much of the zeal that is characteristic of that austere communion, he engaged in the promotion of religious and political reforms. 130 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. His mantle fell not only on his pupil, but on more than one member of his own family, in- cluding his nephew, the Right Hon. W. E. Forster, with whom Mr. Pease in after life maintained a close and deep-rooted friendship. The business career of Mr. Pease was in- augurated at an early age. While still in his " teens " he entered the office of his father, who at that time carried on, jointly with his brother, one of the largest woollen manufac- turers in the North of England. Young Pease wastrained to a practical knowledge of every de- partment of the trade, and became an expert at sorting, combing, dressing, dyeing, the man- agement of figures, or the routine of general office work. Edward Pease was a strict dis- ciplinarian, and exacted from all in his em- ployment, and especially from his son, the best work they were capable of turning out. Admonished continually that "whatever is worth doing is worth doing well," young Joseph acquired a methodical habit and an aptitude for business which, "if judgment were laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet," were certain in the long run to bring him to the top of the ladder. But while thus diligent in business, and bent on making a name for himself in the commercial world, he never acted the equivocal part of the dog in the manger. It could never be said of Joseph Pease that, having reached the JOSEPH PEASE. 131 top of the ladder, he drew it up after him, to prevent others from attaining the same goal ; for, on the contrary, he was always ready both to spend and to be spent for the advancement and welfare of others. This, however, by the way. Before pausing to sum up his character, we are called upon to follow the fortunes of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, with the formation and whole history of which Mr. Joseph Pease has been prominently mixed up, and to the judicious management and opportune extensions of which the unique prosperity of the district through which it runs is mainly attributable. The Stockton and Darlington Railway was only opened for traffic on the 27th day of September, 1825, but so far back as 1810 a committee was appointed to inquire into the practicability of forming a canal or railway for the better conveyance of goods and mer- chandise between Stockton and Darlington. Both Edward and Joseph Pease the father and uncle of the subject of these remarks were members of that committee, whose labours eventuated in the formation of a line commencing at Witton Park Colliery, and terminating at Stockton, its total length being about 27 miles. Between these two termini there were large and well-developed coal fields ; but so far as the iron trade was con- cerned, it was as yet in the matrix of the 132 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. future. Up to this point Joseph Pease had not interfered, except as a subordinate, in the schemes promoted by his father and uncle. But it was reserved for him to complete the work which they had begun. In 1829 a com- pany of gentlemen became the proprietors of what has ever since been known as the Middles- brough Estate. Young Joseph Pease with whose fortunes from this time forward we have alone to deal was the leading promoter of that company, which also included Messrs. T. Richardson, H. Birkbeck, S. Martin, Edward Pease, jun., and F. Gibson. The purchase only extended to 500 acres of ground, and at the time it was made there was not more than one or two farm-houses on the newly-acquired property. The land was used for agricultural purposes only, so that it was purchased at its then agricultural value, and although we cannot state the exact sum, it must have been comparatively trifling. But Joseph Pease and his partners had no idea of turning farmers. The far-seeing and constructive genius of Mr. Pease taught him to believe that Middles- brough possessed rare facilities for the ship- ment of coal from the South Durham coal field, and he resolved to adapt the estate to this end. There were at that time only three ports on the North-East Coast from which coal was shipped on anything like a large scale. These were Newcastle, Sunder land, JOSEPH PEASE. 133 and Blyth. The great South Durham coal field was without an adequate outlet. The first shipment of coal at Stockton took place in 1822. In that year, 1.224 tons were ex- ported. In 1828 this quantity had increased to 66,051 tons. There were, however, in- superable obstacles in the way of the develop- ment of the trade. The river Tees up to Stock- ton was only navigable at that time for the smallest craft, which made the passage with the utmost difficulty, and amid constant liability to misadventure. It was Mr. Pease's idea that a shipping port further down the river would be much more suitable for the purpose, and thus attract a much larger share of the trade. He was not disappointed. Returns on which every reliance can be placed show that the opening up of the Stockton and Darlington Railway exercised an important influence on the trade of the former port, the shipment of coals alone having increased from 1833 to 1840 at the rate of 157'57 per cent, as com- pared with those of 1828. But from 1640 Middlesbrough took the position which Joseph Pease had predicted, and the trade of Stock- ton in the shipment of coals began to decline as that of its rival advanced. We find in the shipments of coal from Stockton a decrease of 000*9 per cent, for the years 1841 to 1844 as compared with the three years immediately preceding, while from 1845 134 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. to 1850 the decrease was still greater, being at the rate of 40'0 per cent. But while Mid- dlesbrough has done much to injure the shipping prestige of Stockton, it is only fair to explain that it has been largely aided in this ungracious work by Hartlepool, which, although only commencing the shipment of coal in 1845, had increased the quantity of its shipments 76'6 per cent, between 1845 and 1850. The Middlesbrough Estate having been ac- quired by Mr. Pease and his partners, the question naturally arose, how is it to be opened out ? It came into their possession a real terra incognita, inaccessible on fvery hand except by the river, and even there the ab- sence of docks or staithes prevented the possibility of utilising the place for shipping purposes. To many men, in like circum- stances, the acquisition of such an isolated and forsaken territory would have been as bad as the present of a white elephant. But Joseph Pease had a settled and definite aim in view, and with the rationality and wisdom that distinguished most of his undertakings, he made all things subordinate to the realisa- tion of that end. Until it could be penetrated by railway communication the Middlesbrough estate was worse than useless for his purpose. Hence he threw himself into the movement for the construction of the Middlesbrough JOSEPH PEASE. 135 branch railway. After encountering a great deal of opposition from the " vested interests " of Yarm and Stockton, the Act was obtained in May, 1828, for the extension to Middles- brough of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. In the conflict of opinion and evidence that arose on this measure, Mr. Pease rendered yeoman service to the cause of progress. Although himself a coalowner not then on a large scale his principal op- ponents were, curiously enough, neigh- bouring coalowners, who expected that the opening of the proposed extension would interfere with their monopoly, and otherwise injure their trade. Mr. Pease lived to disabuse their minds of this pernicious idea, and his opponents were not long before they ac- knowledged their error. The opening of the Middlesbrough branch railway, which took place in December, 1830, is a red letter day in the history of the metropolis of Cleveland, marking an era upon which all its subsequent progress has more or less depended. The event was marked by a ceremonial in which Joseph Pease, as became his position, took a con- spicuous part. From this time forward the progress of the town was uninterrupted. The coal trade of the port grew larger every year, and employed a constantly-increasing number of hands. From the time that rude 136 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. huts were first run up for the accommodation of the navvies who constructed the line, and the mechanics who built the shipping staithes, the external accretion of the population went on slowly at first, but none the less steadily, until, when the first ironworks were estab- lished by Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan in 18iO, Middlesbrough had a population of nearly 5,000 souls. The Middlesbrough dock, which had not a little to do with attracting the iron trade to that part of Tees-side, was constructed by Mr. Pease and Mr. Henry Birkbeck, of Nor- wich, along with one or two other capitalists. It was afterwards sold to the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company, on the award of Sir W. Cubbitt, and Mr. Brian Donkin, C.E. The formation of Middlesbrough as the site of a system of docks and the ter- minus of a branch railway, was much opposed by the late Lord Londonderry, and the late Earl of Durham ; and it is probably not too much to say, that the Middlesbrough Branch Railway would never have been carried through the House of Lords, had it not been for the important service rendered by Mr. R. H. Gurney, of Norwich, who being well- known as a hunting man in Leicestershire and his own country, induced a considerable number of Norfolk noblemen and others to come down and support the railway to the JOSEPH PEASE. 137 new town. Several of the principal streets in Middlesbrough, including Dacre-street and Suffield-street, were subsequently named after the noblemen who supported the Railway Bill in the House of Lords. While speaking of Mr. Pease's services to Middlesbrough, in connection with the Railway and Dock, it is only fair to add that it was owing to his great exertions that the powers of the old Tees Navigation Commissioners were taken from them, and the control of the river vested in the new Tees Conservancy Board. Surely no apology is necessary for dwelling so long on the pre-railway history of Mid- dlesbrough and Mr. Pease's early connection with that port. The circumstances above recorded led up to the establishment of the iron trade in the Cleveland district, although their effect and tendency in that direction was rather of a reflex than a direct character. Joseph Pease and his partners forged one end of the chain the leading ironmasters of Cleveland were responsible for the other. Both were accessory to the development of the district ; but the one set only commenced what the other has completed if, indeed, it is possible to speak of the Cleveland iron trade as in any sense complete. Mr. Pease and his co-workers made it their duty, as it was their interest, to stimulate the growth of the new infant Hercules by every means in 138 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. their power. They sought to recommend its advantages for industrial purposes ; they in- creased those advantages in number and value. Above all, they were mainly instrumental in making it a centre of the iron trade. It was on the advice of the late Mr. John Harris, the then engineer of the Stockton and Darling- ton Railway, and Mr. Pease's right hand man, that Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan were in- duced to establish their works at Middles- brough. Mr. Pease offered every encourage- ment to the new firm, providing them with land on easy terms, and letters of introduction which proved of the utmost value in the way of giving their venture a fair start. Through- out the whole of their career, Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan were on intimate terms with Mr. Pease, and there was between them a reci- procity of feeling and of interest that made the one rely to a large extent upon the other. We have heard it said, too, that there were pecu- niary transactions carried on that reflected equal credit on both proving, as it did, the limitless confidence of the one, and the honour and integrity of the other. It seems strange that Mr. Pease was never himself induced to go into the iron trade as a manufacturer. The most he ever did in this way was to acquire some ironstone royalties of which we shall have to speak presently. He was by inheritance a partner in the engine building JOSEPH PEASE. firm of R. Stephenson and Company, of Newcastle. The works were originally founded by the late George Stephenson, Robert Stephenson, Edward Pease, and Thomas Rich- ardson, the moiety held by the latter two gentlemen descending to Joseph Pease, and that held by the former two to the present G. R. Stephenson, Esq. Mr. Joseph Pease was one of the first to understand the probable ultimate effects of the opening up of the Cleveland ironstone, of which Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan were the initial workers. They were followed in 1851, by the Derwent Iron Company, who opened out the Upleatham Mines on the Earl of Zetland's property ; and in 1853, Messrs. Joseph Pease and his son, the present mem- ber for South Durham, commenced to open out the Button Lowcross or Codhill mines, near Guisborough. To develop this district, an independent company obtained an Act of Parliament for the construction of the Mid- dlesbrough and Guisborough Railway, with branches to Codhill and Roseberry Topping. But such was the fear of railway enterprise in 1851, so soon after the panic, that the line was leased to Mr. Joseph Pease and Mr. J. W. Pease, in order, under their guarantee of a settled dividend, to raise the sum of 70,000. With such vigour were the mines of the Messrs. Pease pushed forward, that in 1856 140 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. they vended 217,253 tons of ironstone. Since then, they have acquired the Upleatham and Skinningrove Mines, and Messrs. J. W. Pease and Partners are now the largest workers of ironstone royalties in Cleveland. It may be interesting, in this connection, to give a few figures illustrative of the de- velopment of the district in which Mr. Joseph Pease was the first to plant his foot, not as a discoverer, but as a pioneer. In 1828, the year that witnessed the commencement of the Middlesbrough Branch, there were sent over the Stockton and Darlington Railway 65,046 tons for export, and 64,739 tons of coal and coke for landsale. In 1838 the total quantity of coal and coke sent over the line was 654,787 ; in 1848, 1,044,202 ; and in 1851, 1,458,996 tons. It was in the latter year that ironstone commenced to find a place in the railway company's accounts. The total quantity of ironstone sent over the section in 1851 was only 279,607 ; in 1862 this quantity had increased to 975,810 ; and in 1872, it was estimated at something like 4,000,000 tons. In 1851, there were 120,604 tons of limestone sent over the line ; in 1862, there were 427,091 tons ; and in 1872 there were close on 1,000,000 tons. The traffic in coal and coke has increased in a corresponding ratio ; and in 1872, the total quantity of mineral traffic sent over the section was, in round JOSEPH PEASE. 141 numbers, close on eight and a half million tons. It is almost unnecessary to add that the great bulk of this enormous traffic is absorbed by the iron trade of Tees-side. The business so long carried on by the firm of Messrs. Joseph Pease and Partners is now one of the largest of its kind in the North of England. In 1830 Mr. Pease first became a colliery proprietor. In that year, be became connected with St. Helen's Col- liery, near Bishop Auckland, along with his brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Birkbeck, of Norwich ; the late Mr. Eichard Hambury Gurney, of Norwich ; the late Mr. Simon Murtin, of Gurney's Bank, Norwich ; and the late Mr. T. Richardson. About the same time he acquired the Adelaide Colliery, near Shildon, and subsequently he became a partner in the South Durham Colliery, which, on the expiry of the lease, was transferred to another com- pany in 1846. His next speculation was the Roddymoor Collieries, near Crook, which have been greatly extended under his management, until they now comprise nine different pits the Emma, the Lucy, the Job's Hill, the Bow- den Close, the Stanley, the Wooley, the Brandon, the Sunnyside, and the Esh. In the Dearness Valley, Mr. Pease became the lessee of a royalty on the property of Lord Boyne, which led to the opening up of that previously inaccessible region by the North- 142 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Eastern Railway Company ; and he also ac- quired another royalty at Hedley Hope, in the neighbourhood of Towlaw, which he carried on successfully for many years. For some time past, the firm of which Mr. Pease was the " head and front " has been producing about 600,000 to 700,000 tons of coke per an- num. They are also largely concerned in the manufacture of fire-clay bricks, and other pro- ductions used in connection with the iron trade. So far as railway management is concerned, Mr. Pease was for the greater part of his life, and down almost to the day of his death, I he most influential member of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Opinions may differ as to certain conditions imposed by the direc- torate of that line with reference to its government such for example as the pro- hibition of the sale of spirituous liquors in the refreshment rooms, and the excessively stringent precautions against smoking. But even those who are most prone to indulge a sneer at the " Quaker Railway Monopoly," and to affect contempt for the austerity of their conduct, cannot but admit that their management of the line, with which their names are indissolubly connected, has been eminently successful, pecuniarily and otherwise. For many years it has, with perhaps only two exceptions, stood at the top of the railway system of the United Kingdom as a valuable JOSEPH PEASE. 143 property, in which respect it is improving every year. But that is not all. The Stock- ton and Darlington Railway Board could until 1872, when an unfortunate accident happened at Preston Junction, make a claim which could not be made on behalf of any other railway in England similarly circumstanced namely, that hardly a life had ever been lost by an accident for which they could be held responsible. In the whole annals of our mercantile marine, there is only one line that can make a like boast. We speak of the Cunard line, which has sent ships from Liverpool to New York and vice versa, at first twice, and latterly three times-a-week, for a period of 40 years, and yet during the whole of that time they have not lost a single life not even a solitary letter. In both cases, this wonderful immunity from misadventure has been due mainly to the skill, care, and foresight of the management which in the one case was pre- sided over by Sir Samuel Cunard ; and the other by Mr. Joseph Pease. It is not within the purpose of this sketch to follow Mr. Pease throughout his political career, which was both long and successful. He was the first Quaker sent to the House of Com- mons. Returned to the Reform Parliament in 1832, as the senior member for South Durham, he was, in 1835 and 1837 respec- tively, elected to the same honour without 144 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. opposition. He made his maiden speech on behalf of Mr. Joseph Hume's proposal for the abolition of lighthouses. From first to last he was an uncompromising opponent of job- bery, of corruption, of any and every un- necessary form of expenditure. Conformably with the peculiar tenets of the persuasion to which he belonged, he has always advocated the maintenance of a peace establishment, and set his face against war. Religious equality is another measure now almost com- pletely realised for which he stoutly con- tended. Many a tough battle, both off and on the floor of St. Stephen's, was fought by the Quaker member on behalf of this, at that time, unpopular shibboleth. Whenever any question relating to the slave trade was brought on the carpet, Mr. Pease strenuously exerted himself to procure the abolition of that inhuman traffic. In 1841, finding his too scrupulous attendance on Parliamentary duties incompatible with the proper discharge of his numerous private obligations, he re- solved to relinquish his seat for South Durham, and although pressed to reconsider his decision, he declared it to be unalterable. All testimony agrees in according to Mr. Pease the credit of being a regular attender of the House, a fluent and forcible speaker, an independent and noble-minded man. He was indefatigable in his attention to committee JOSEPH PEASE. 145 work, and his large commercial knowledge made him equally valuable whether as a wit- ness or as a committee-man. On nearly every committee appointed to deal with questions of an industrial or scientific character he found a place during his career in the House of Commons. Of one important committee, appointed to inquire into the subject of col- liery ventilation, he was elected chairman. That committee was appointed little more than a year after Mr. Pease entered Parliament, but after much research and enquiry they re- ported their inability to lay before the House any particular plan by w T hich accidents in mines might be avoided with certainty, and in consequence, they offered no decisive re- commendations. Mr. Pease sat upon a Committee on Church Leases, which reported to the House of Com- mons on the 6th of May, 1836. He seems to have taken a very active part in the cross- examination of the witnesses, and to have possessed very considerable knowledge of the state of things in the county, especially regarding the Dean and Chapter Estates. With respect to the ecclesiastical properties, that Committee reported its conclusions under four heads, viz. : No. 1. The abolition of the injurious system of leases or fines. No. 2. The substitution of these for a fee simple tenure. No. 3. The passing of an Enfran- K 146 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. chisement Act. No. 4. The customary con- fidence of renewal by the lessees, to be con- sidered according to local circumstances by the authorities established under the Act, on the principles of enfranchisement laid down by them. These are the very points which, nearly 40 years after, the Lessees of the Dean and Chapter Estate of Durham are still de- manding. On Thursday morning, February 8, 1872, Mr. Pease passed over to the great majority. For several years previously, he had taken no active part either in public life or the private business of the firm. In his seventy- third year, he met the shadow feared by man, with confidence and resignation ; and Darling- ton, where he had lived for so many years, was poorer by the loss of a wise counsellor and beneficent friend. Joseph Pease was not without his detractors. No man who as- sumes the prominence which he earned can hope to be. But whatever his failings might be, " they leaned to virtue's side." His was a large-hearted and whole-souled philanthropy that was not to be influenced by any con- siderations of " ancient use and wont." He was an iconoclast ; but, after all, he built up more than he destroyed, and he never destroyed aught that promoted beneficent or utilitarian ends. There was no temporising in his nature. He never approved of half JOSEPH PEASE. 147 measures. Vulgarly speaking, he went in for " the whole hog or none." He did this with such unflinching determination and suc- cess that his motives were often impugned, and his character otherwise assailed : " All human virtue, to its latest breath, Finds envy never conquered but by death." If success is to be accepted as in any sense the test of merit, then was Joseph Pease one of the most meritorious men of his time. He was a speculator, doubtless, but he speculated wisely and well. There was no gambling in his speculations. They were not dependent upon mere chance, or a fortuitous chain of events, although there was a certain risk at- tending them which he never shrunk from undertaking. Need we dwell upon the splendour of his conceptions, and their still more splendid execution ? The enterprises he led, their results, and their rationale, the eminently practical character and tendency of his genius, the impetus which he gave to the railway system these and many other achievements of his useful life will find a permanent place in the history of his native town and county. As for his bounty, if not like that of Juliet, " as boundless as the sea," it was measured only by his means and op- portunities. He was not an indiscriminate giver, but yet there was no really good object that appealed to him in vain. Of the religious 148 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. persuasion to which he belonged, he was long one of the most prominent leaders; while among the Liberal party in South Durham, his counsels were listened to with the utmost deference, and their action was often guided by his advice. Take him for all in all, it may be said of Joseph Pease : " He was but words are wanting to say what Say what a Christian should be he was that." VIIL W. B. I. HOPKINS. ARDENT admirers of American institutions, sometimes put it forward as one of the greatest beauties of Transatlantic social life, that a man is not required to have a grandfather. In the old country a different state of matters is allowed to prevail. " Norman blood " is often a better passport to good society, than the " simple faith " which the Laureate has eu- logised, and if it is known that the debutante in fashionable life is of plebeian origin, the damning fact operates as a bar sinister, which can only be atoned for by exceptional talents or conspicuous genius. After all is said and done, it is impossible to gainsay the fact, that the British public " dearly loves a lord." The growth of Democracy, notwithstanding, we have a warm corner deep down in our heart of hearts for old institutions, and hail with constitutional pride the scions of the great families who " came in with the Con- queror/' or whose lineage can even be traced so far back as the period of the Kenassance. 150 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. There can be no doubt that the unexampled growth of many of our modern centres of in- dustry owes little to the fostering care of our " old nobility," whom Lord John Manners would preserve at the expense of " laws and learning, wealth and commerce." It is not unusual for the aristocratic mind to sneer at our captains of industry as parvenu and vulgar, while trade is contemned as demoralising and infra dig. Until very recently, therefore, the pioneers of our industrial progress were drawn almost exclusively from ''the people," and patrician pride long held aloof from contam- ination with the industrial arts. But a change has at last " come o'er the spirit of their dreams ;" and the highest and oldest families in England may now be found asso- ciated with the so-called plebeian element, in the development of our industrial wealth as witness the relation of the Earls of Durham and Dudley with the iron and coal trades of Durham and Staffordshire. Jn this field of enterprise and competition the barriers of rank and caste are gradually being broken down; and the peer elbows the peasant in running the race for wealth a race that is now more than ever open to all comers. So far as the North of England iron trade is concerned, it owes not a little to those who could boast of having noble blood in their veins. The Marquis of Londonderry, the W. R. I. HOPKINS. . 151 Earl of Durham, and the Earl of Zetland, have all more or less assisted its promotion. But much more closely associated with its development we find the name of Mr. William Randolph Innes Hopkins, who is related to one of the oldest and most aristocratic families in Scotland, his father being a near relative of the late Duke of Roxburghe, and his mother being a member of one of the oldest Border families. His father spent the early part of his life " ayont the Tweed," and it was near Kelso, one of the finest and most historically and physically romantic of the Border towns, where the son was born. Transferring his residence to Darlington, the father built and for many years lived in the mansion of Woodside, afterwards occupied by the late Mr. John Harris, the well-known engineer of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Mr. Hopkins, senior, took an active interest in the industrial progress of the North, and was early appointed a director of the North -Eastern Railway then known as the Great North of England Railway an office which he continued to fill for many years, and to which his son, the subject of this sketch, was subsequently elected. While residing at his lather's house in Darlington, young Hopkins became apprenticed to Mr. John Middleton, architect, with the inten- tion of ultimately succeeding to a partner- 152 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. ship in his business. Lines and curves were, however, not to the taste of the young architect, and although he subsequently joined the staff of the distinguished Sir Digby Wyatt, in the preparation of the plans for the first Exhibition of 1851, he was not loth to abandon a profession in which eminence and emolu- ment appeared so remote and difficult of attainment. The fact is, that the mind of young Hopkins had a bent towards the more comprehensive and widely-ramified art of engineering, rather than the more exact formulae of architecture ; and in pursuance of this tendency, he came to Middlesbrough in the year 1850, in order to superintend works established there for the manufacture of a commodity known as Warlick's patent fuel, which was then in much request. In this venture, the elder Mr. Hopkins was pecuni- arily interested ; and it was in connection with these works that the son first made the acquaintance of Mr. Gilkes, who afterwards became, and continues still, his partner in the Tees-side Ironworks, and other works " of that ilk." Circumstances arising out of the severe competition between patent fuel and the natural mineral compelled the ultimate abandonment of the venture which originally attracted Mr. Hopkins to Middlesbrough. He w T as the less reluctant to give up the fuel works, seeing that the Cleveland iron trade W. R. I. HOPKINS. 153 was then beginning to assume form, and to present the most tempting inducements to capitalists. Forming a partnership with Mr. Snowdon, an engineer who might be called a natural product of the north, inasmuch as he had formerly been an engine-driver on the Stockton and Darlington Railway, Mr. Hopkins made arrangements for going into the iron trade. Both partners had ample means at their disposal for that purpose. Both, too, had a rare combination of experience to carry them through, for Mr. Hopkins was an adept at figures, and was not unfamiliar with the prin- ciples of engineering, and metallurgical science, while his partner was a skilled engi- neer, indigenous to the soil, and knowing more than most men of the resources, facili- ties, and requirements of the district. The Tees-side Ironworks were built by Messrs. Snowdon and Hopkins, in 1853. Eight years later the senior partner retired from the concern, which was carried on for some time afterwards under the style of Hopkins and Company, Mr. James Innes Hopkins and Mr. li. Lloyd, having meanwhile joined the firm. Another change afterwards took place, which resulted in the firm of Hopkins and Company being, in the year 1865, amalgamated with the firm of Gilkes, Wilson, and Company, of the Tees Engine Works, thus forming the gigantic concern 154 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. of Hopkins, Gilkes, and Company, Limited, with a capital of 675,000, the management of whose affairs remained in the hands of the principals Mr. Hopkins. Mr. Gilkes, and Mr. Wilson. The Tees-side Ironworks have been the birthplace of many new and important inven- tions and improvements connected with the metallurgy of iron. As originally construc- ted, they comprised only rolling mills for the manufacture of bar and angle iron. Latterly they embraced also rail mills, and in 1857 two blast furnaces were built. The latter erections were 55 feet in height and 16 feet boshes, while each produced about 200 tons of pig iron weekly. In 1867, two additional blast furnaces, each 75 feet in height, were added. In the finished ironworks, there are 100 puddling furnaces, two forges, three roll- ing mills, arid two blooming mills, placed in two different establishments in proximity to the blast furnaces. The weekly produce of the four blast furnaces is about 1,300 tons ; while that of the mills being about 1,000 tons. About 2,000 hands are employed in the various establishments, and the amount paid in wages and salaries is over 3,000 per week. Among the mechanical improvements that have been originated at these works, engineers attach, perhaps, most importance to calcining kilns, designed by Mr. John Gjers, W. B. I. HOPKINS. 155 who was for several years engineer to the firm. These kilns are circular in shape and have wrought-iron shells, but unlike ordinary kilns of this class, the shells are made of the same shape as the interior of the kilns, so that there is merely a uniform thickness of fifteen inches of fire-brick lining at all parts. The shell and lining of each kiln rests upon an annular cast-iron entablature, which is in its turn supported by eight hollow cast-iron pil- lars cast on the base plate. By this arrange- ment a space is left all round the bottom for drawing the charge. The cubical contents of each kiln is about 5,500 feet, and the best testimony to the superiority of Mr. Gjers' invention, to the old square and cumbrous form of kiln formerly in use, is the fact that it has been very largely adopted in the Cleveland district. While employed at the Tees- side Ironworks, Mr. Gjers also devised a new form of hydraulic hoist, which has to a large ex- tent superseded several other kinds of hoists used in the district ; while the new system of water boshes, which the same gentleman was the first to use at the Tees-side Ironworks, not only enabled advantage to be taken of the cooling influence of the water, but renders it possible, from watching the temperature of the water, to tell exactly how the furnace is working, the segments forming separate water tanks. 156 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. It was at the Tees-side Ironworks where the first Danks's rotary puddling machine was erected in this country, and it is worthy of remark that in the subject of mechanical puddling Mr. Hopkins has always taken a lively interest. The experimental Danks's furnace was laid down at these works in the early part of 1872, and its first yield was watched by a large number of gentlemen connected with the iron trade in all parts of the kingdom. In reporting to the Iron and Steel Institute on the results obtained from this machine, Mr. Hopkins declared that his firm were not only satisfied with the economy of fuel and the absence of waste in every way, but they were also perfectly convinced of the superiority of the quality of iron pro- duced. Indeed, Mr. Hopkins demonstrated so effectually the virtues of the mechanical puddler over the ordinary furnace, that it has since been largely adopted in the Cleveland district, and promises, unless something bet- ter meanwhile appears, to become the furnace of the future. Besides his large interest in the Tees-side Ironworks, Mr. Hopkins is the principal partner in the Linthorpe Ironworks adjoining. He is largely interested in colliery and mining operations in South Durham and Cleveland ; and he has inherited from his father, a talent for railway enterprise and administration. W. R. I. HOPKINS. 157 Although his multifarious engagements have prevented him from taking any very active part in the deliberations of learned and tech- nical societies, he is a prominent member of the Iron and Steel Institute serving on the council of that association and he is con- nected by membership with the Cleveland Institution of Engineers, and the North of England Mining and Mechanical Institute. He was the first secretary of the North of England Ironmanufacturers' Association, in the establishment of which he took a leading part. In this important office he was suc- ceeded, some five years ago, by Mr. John Jones, F.G.S., by whom it is still held. Among other offices which he has filled for a longer or shorter period, Mr. Hopkins is a Commissioner of the Tees Conservancy, a borough and county magistrate, a deputy- lieutenant for the North Hiding, a member of the Middlesbrough Town Council, and a mem- ber of the Middlesbrough Chamber of Com- merce. He was elected Mayor of Middles- brough for two years in succession. First appointed to the civic chair in 1867, it was a question with the Corporation which of their number could most fitly represent them during the following year, when it was ex- pected that the new Albert Park, presented to the town by Mr. Bolckow, would be opened by royalty. The choice of the Council 158 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. unanimously fell on Mr. Hopkins, who was accordingly re-elected for another year. Al- though the expectation that the Queen would open the park in person was doomed to dis- appointment, the town was honoured by a visit from Prince Arthur, whom his royal mother deputed to represent her on the oc- casion. The ceremony was attended by great " pomp and circumstance." Middlesbrough celebrated the event by holding high car- nival. No fewer than six committees were appointed by the Corporation to carry out the arrangements, and on every one of them Mr. Hopkins served with zeal and un- remitting attention. It was largely due to his tact and prudence that the event proved so eminently successful, and the very least that can be said about his conduct is, that he justified the choice of his colleagues in ap- pointing him as their representative. Several other municipal events of importance oc- curred during the currency of Mr. Hopkins's mayoralty. Passing over those of minor interest, we are bound to refer to the general election of 1868, in which the newly enfran- chised electors of Middlesbrough which was created a Parliamentary borough under schedule B of the "Representation of the People Act, 1867," were called upon to choose their first representative. So far as the Liberal party were concerned, there was W. B. I. HOPKINS. 150 very little difference of opinion as to who the man of their choice should be. But while it was felt that Mr. Bolckow had the first claim to the consideration of the party to whom he belonged, there was also among the local Conservatives a widely diffused opinion that Mr. Hopkins should be put forward in their interest. At that time Mr. Hopkins was in the height of his popularity ; he was a staunch and steadfast member of the Con- servative party in the North Riding ; he was a fluent and effective speaker ; and had the Conservatives not felt themselves in the cold shade of minority, it was quite probable that he would have been put forward as their representative. But in a constituency pos- sessing such thoroughly Liberal instincts as Middlesbrough, a struggle between a Liberal and a Conservative could only have resulted in the ignominious defeat of the latter. On this account therefore, the party remained inactive, although for a long time previous to the election there were those who expected that Mr. Hopkins would contest the borough. As it was, he accorded a tacit support to Mr. Bolckow, with whom he had long been asso- ciated in enteprises projected for the well- being of the town and district, and to whom he was attached by many social and com- mercial ties. In the General Election of 1874, Mr. Bolckow was opposed by Mr. John 160 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Kane, of Darlington, and seeing that the seat was in danger of being wrested from Mr. Bolckow at any rate, Mr. Hopkins became a candidate in the Conservative interest. As might have been expected, he suffered defeat. During the many years he sat in the Town Council of his adopted town, Mr. Hopkins was a zealous promoter of municipal reforms. He rendered yeoman service to the movement which resulted in the enfranchisement of Middlesbrough ; he took an intelligent interest in the most trivial minutiae of administration that fell to his lot, whether as a, committee- man, or as a councillor and alderman ; and he exerted to the utmost his not inconsider- able influence in order that Middlesbrough should not only maintain, but improve, the position she had attained as the metropolis of Cleveland. The Royal Exchange was pro- jected while he was secretary of the Iron- masters' Association, and he had a principal hand in the carrying out of that important work. The North Riding Infirmary also claimed him as one of its founders. For re- ligion and education he has done much- striving to uphold the influence of the Church of England, in a community where it was almost in danger of being utterly swamped, between heathenism and infidelity on the one hand, and the " dissidence of dissent " on the other. He and his fellow-labourers in this W. R. I. HOPKINS. 101 sphere have been so far successful, that in spite of the overmastering and prescriptive in- fluence of Quakerism, and the less powerful, although perhaps more aggressive tendencies of Wesleyans and other dissenters, the Church of England has at the present moment as much real influence, and is doing as useful and extensive work in Middlesbrough, as any other denomination. The highly cultivated taste for the higher branches of architecture which Mr. Hopkins acquired in his early years has never deserted him. Some years ago he added another charm to the many previously possessed by the hill district of Cleveland, in the erec- tion of an almost princely Gothic residence, styled Grey Towers, with a beautiful out-look towards Roseberry Topping, and the fine highland range extending thence to the Hambleton Hills. Built from designs fur- nished by Mr. John Ross, of Darlington, one of the most eminent architects in the North, Grey Towers and its demesnes have been ex- tended year by year, gardens, plantations, greenhouses, and extensive stabling having been added, until now the estate and buildings will compare favourably with any other in the North of England. Although few men have done more in a quiet and unostentatious way for the advance- ment of Cleveland, there are few whose 162 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. lives, after passing through the same vicissi- tudes are so barren of materials for biography. To say that he has distinguished himself as a member of the Town Council is to say only that which may be claimed for many less able and less noteable men. To say that he has been on uniformly good terms with his work- men, showing an anxious desire for their welfare, and endeavouring to arrange all difficulties, not by the brutal arbitrament of strikes and locks-out, but by the " easy, art- less, unencumbered plan " of arbitration and conciliation, is to award him a meed of praise due to other men who have been less remark- able in other ways. Nor is it much, perhaps, to say of him, per se, that he has been a liberal giver to good works, an enterprising capitalist, a zealous magistrate, a discerning and tasteful virtuoso, a keen sportsman, a devoted lover and patron of art, that he has taken an active part in local and imperial politics, that he is regarded as a pillar of the Church of England among those of his own communion ; that his gentlemanly and digni- fied bearing have provided for him a passport into society, in which many others, with probably more means, are unfit to mingle, that his sound and temperate judgment on all questions affecting the relations of capital and labour, and especially his extended ex- perience at the North of England Arbitration W. R. I. HOPKINS. 163 Board, give great weight to his opinions. It is not any one of these little traits, but the conjunction of the whole that make up the man, and stamp him as one of the most noteable and indispensable of Cleveland's aristocracy. Mr. Hopkins has been twice married. His first wife was a sister of Mr. Bolckow, M.P. His second wife is a daughter of the late Mr. Hustler, of Acklam Hall, lord of the manor of Middlesbrough. He has a numerous family. It ought to have been stated that Mr. Hopkins has ceased to be a member of the Tees Conservancy Board ; that he was honor- ary secretary of the Ironmasters' Association (Mr. William Gill being acting secretary) ; and, that although, serious mechanical difficul- ties have arisen with Danks's Puddling Fur- nace, the principle has been firmly estab- lished, and the difficulties will be overcome. IX ISAAC LOWTHIAN BELT, THE name of Mr. Isaac Lowthian Bell is familiar as a " household word " throughout the whole North of England. As a man of science he is known more or less wherever the manufacture of iron is carried on. It is to metallurgical chemistry that his at- tention has been chiefly directed ; but so far from confining his researches and attainments to this department alone, he has made incursions into other domains of prac- tical and applied chemistry. No man has done more to stimulate the growth of the iron trade of the North of England. Baron Liebig has defined civilisation as economy of power, and viewed in this light civilisation is under deep obligations to Mr. Bell for the invaluable aid he has rendered in expounding the natural laws that are called into operation in the smelting process. The immense power now wielded by the ironmasters of the North of England is greatly due to their study and application of the most economical conditions ISAAC LOWTH1AN BELL. 165 under which the manufacture of iron can be carried on. But for their achievements in this direction, they could not have made head- way so readily against rival manufacturers in Wales, Scotland, and South Staffordshire, who enjoyed a well-established reputation. But Mr. Bell and his colleagues felt that they must do something to compensate for the advantages possessed by the older iron- producing districts, and as we shall have occasion to show, were fully equal to the emergency, Mr. Isaac Lowthian Bell is a son of the late Mr. Thomas Bell, of the well-known firm of Messrs. Losh, Wilson, and Bell, who owned the Walker Ironworks, near Newcastle. His mother was a daughter of Mr. Isaac Lowthian, of Newbiggen, near Carlisle. He had the benefit of a good education, concluded at the Edinburgh University, and at the University of Sorbonne, in Paris. From an early age he exhibited an aptitude for the study of science. Having completed his studies, and travelled a good deal on the Continent, in order to acquire the necessary experience, he was introduced to the works at Walker, in which his father was a partner. He con- tinued there until the year 1850, when here- tired in favour of his brother, Mr. Thomas Bell. In the course of the same year, he joined his father-in-law, Mr. Pattinson, and Mr. R. B. 166 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Bowman, in the establishment of Chemical Works, at Washington. This venture was eminently successful. Subsequently it was joined by Mr. W. Swan, and on the death of Mr. Pattinson by Mr. R. S. Newall. The works at Washington, designed by Mr. Bell, are among the most extensive of their kind in the North of England, and have a wide reputation. During 1872 his connection with this undertaking terminated by his re- tirement from the firm. Besides the chemical establishment at Washington, Mr. Bell com- menced, with his brothers, the manufacture of aluminium at the same place this being, if we are rightly informed, the first attempt to establish works of that kind in England. But what we have more particularly to deal with here is the establishment, in 1852, of the Clarence Ironworks, by Mr. I. L. Bell and his two brothers, Thomas and John. This was within two years of the discovery by Mr. Vaughan, of the main seam of the Cleveland ironstone. Port Clarence is situated on the north bank of the river Tees, and the site fixed upon for the new works was immediately opposite the Middlesbrough works of Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan. There were then no works of the kind erected on that side of the river, and Port Clarence was literally a " waste howling wilderness." The ground on which the Clarence works are built waf ISAAC LOWTHIAN BELL. 167 then flooded with water, which stretched away as far as Billingham on the one hand, and Seaton Carew on the other. Thirty years ago, the old channel of the Tees flowed over the exact spot on which the Clarence furnaces are now built. To one of less penetration than Mr. Bell, the site selected would have seemed any- thing but congenial for such an enterprise. But the new firm were alive to advantages that did not altogether appear on the surface. They concluded negotiations with the West Hartlepool Railway Company, to whom the estate belonged, for the purchase of about thirty acres of ground, upon which they commenced to erect four blast furnaces of the size and shape then common in Cleveland. From this beginning they have gradually enlarged the works until the site now extends to 200 acres of land (a great deal of which is submerged, although it may easily be reclaimed), and there are eight furnaces regularly in blast. With such an extensive site, the firm will be able to command an unlimited "tip" for their slag, and extend the capacity of the works at pleasure. At the present time, Messrs.. Bell Brothers are building three new furnaces. The furnace lifts are worked by Sir William Armstrong's hydraulic accumulator, and the general plan of the works is carried out on the most modern and economical principles. As soon as they observed that higher furnaces, 168 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. with a greater cubical capacity, were a source of economy, Messrs. Bell Brothers lost no time in reconstructing their old furnaces, which were only 50 feet in height ; and they were among the first in Cleveland to adopt the Welsh plan of utilising the waste furnace gases, by which another great economy is effected. With a considerable frontage to the Tees, and a connection joining the Clarence branch of the North-Eastern Railway, Messrs. Bell Brothers possess ample facilities of transit. They raise all their own ironstone and coal, having mines at Saltburn, Normanby, and Skelton, and collieries in South Durham. A chemical laboratory is maintained in con- nection with their Clarence Works, and the results thereby obtained are regarded in the trade as of standard and unimpeachable exactitude. Mr. I. L. Bell owns, conjointly with his two brothers, the iron -works at Washing- ton. At these and the Clarence Works the firms produce about 3,000 tons of pig iron weekly. They raise from 500,000 to 600,000 tons of coal per annum, the greater portion of which is converted into coke. Their output of ironstone is so extensive that they not only supply about 10,000 tons a- week to their own furnaces, but they are under contract to supply large quantities to other works on Tees-side. Besides this, their Quarries near ISAAC LOWTH1AN BELL. 169 Stanhope will produce about 100,000 tons of limestone, applicable as a flux at the iron works. Last year, Mr. Bell informed the Coal Com- mission that his firm paid 100,000 a year in railway dues. Upwards of 5,000 workmen are in the employment of the firm at their different works and mines. But there is another, and perhaps a more important sense than any yet indicated, in which Mr. Bell is entitled to claim a promi- nent place among the " Pioneers of the Cleveland Iron Trade." Mr. Joseph Bewick says, in his geological treatise on the Cleve- land district, that " to Bell Brothers, more than to any other firm, is due the merit of having fully and effectually developed at this period (1843) the ironstone fields of Cleveland. It was no doubt owing to the examinations and surveys which a younger member of that firm (Mr. John Bell) caused to be made in different localities of the district, that the extent and position of the ironstone beds became better known to the public." Of late years the subject of this sketch has come to be regarded as one of the greatest living authorities on the statistical and scientific aspects of the Cleveland ironstone and the North of England iron trade as a whole. With the Northumber- land and Durham coal fields he is scarcely less familiar, and in dealing with 170 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. these and cognate matters he has earned for himself no small fame as a historiographer. Leoni Levi himself could not discourse with more facility on the possible extent and dura- tion of our coal supplies. When the British Association visited Newcastle in 1863, Mr. Bell read a deeply interesting paper " On the Manufacture of Iron in connection with the Northumberland and Durham Coal Field," in which he conveyed a great deal of valuable information. According to Bewick, he said the area of the main bed of Cleveland iron- stone was 420 miles, and estimating the yield of ironstone as 20,000 tons per acre, it resulted that close on 5,000,000,000 tons are contained in the main seam. Mr. Bell added that he had calculated the quantity of coal in the Northern coal field at 6,000,000,000 tons, so that there was just about enough fuel in the one district, reserving it for that purpose ex- clusively, to smelt the ironstone contained in the main seam of the other. When the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes visited Darlington in the spring of 1872, they spent a day in Cleveland under the cicerone- ship of Mr. Bell, who read a paper, which he might have entitled "The Romance of Trade," on the rise and progress of Cleveland in relation to her iron manu- factures ; and before the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, when they visited Saltburn in ISAAC LOWTH1AN BELL. 171 1866, he read another paper dealing with the geological features of the Cleveland district. Although not strictly germane to our subject, we may add here that when, in 1870, the Social Science Congress visited Newcastle, Mr. Bell took an active and intelligent part in the proceedings, and read a lengthy paper, bristling with facts and figures, on the sanitary condition of the town. Owing to his varied scientific knowledge, Mr. Bell has been selected to give evidence on several important Parliamentary Com- mittees, including that appointed to inquire into the probable extent and duration of the coal-fields of the United Kingdom. The report of this Commission is now before us, and Mr. Bell's evidence shows most con- clusively the vast amount of practical know- ledge that he has accumulated, not only as to the phenomena of mineralogy and metallurgy : n Great Britain, but also in foreign countries. Mr. Bell was again required to give evidence before the Parliamentary Committee appointed in 1873, to inquire into the causes of the scarcity and dearness of coal. In July, 1854, Mr. Bell was elected a member of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. He was a member of the Council of the Institute from 1865 to 1866, when he was elected one of the vice-presidents. He is a vice-president of 172 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. the Society of Mechanical Engineers, and last year was an associate member of the Council of Civil Engineers. He is also a fellow of the Chemical Society of London. To most of these societies he has contributed papers on matters connected with the manu- facture of iron. When a Commission was appointed by Parliament to inquire into the constitution and management of Durham University, the institute presented a memorial to the Home Secretary, praying that a practical Mining College might be incor- porated with the University, and Mr. Bell, Mr. G. Elliot, and Mr. Woodhouse, were appointed to give evidence in support of the memorial. He was one of the most important witnesses at the inquest held in connection with the disastrous explosion at Hetton Colliery in 1860, when twenty-one miners, nine horses, and fifty-six ponies were killed ; and in 1867 he was a witness for the institute before the Parliamentary Committee appointed to inquire into the subject of technical education, his evidence, from his familiarity with the state of science on the Continent, being esteemed of importance. Some years ago, Mr. Bell brought under the notice of the Mining Institute an aluminium safety lamp. He pointed out that the specific heat of aluminum was very high, so that it might be long exposed to the action of fire before be- ISAAC LOWTHIAN BELL. 173 coming red-hot, while it did not abstract the rays of light so readily as iron, which had a tendency to become black much sooner. Mr. Bell was during the course of last year elected an honorary member of a learned Society in the United States, his being only the second instance in which this distinction had been accorded. Upon that occasion, Mr. Abram Hewitt, the United States Commissioner to the Exhibition of 1862, remarked that Mr. Bell had by his researches made the iron makers of two continents his debtors. Mr Bell is one of the founders of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain, and has all along taken a prominent part in its de- liberations. No other technical society, whether at home or abroad, has so rapidly taken a position of marked and confirmed practical usefulness. The proposal to form such an institute was first made at a meeting of the North of England Iron Trade, held in Newcastle, in September, 1868, and Mr. Bell was elected one of the first vice-presidents, and a member of the council. At the end of the year 1869 the Institute had 292 mem- bers; at the end of 1870 the number had increased to 348 ; and in August 1872, there were over 500 names on the roll of member- ship. These figures are surely a sufficient attestation of its utility. Mr. Bell's paper " On the develepment of heat, and its appro- 174 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. priation in blast furnaces of different dimen- sions," is considered the most valuable contribution yet made through the medium of the Iron and Steel Institute to the science and practice of iron metallurgy. Since it was submitted to the Middlesbrough meeting of the Institute in 1869, this paper has been widely discussed by scientific and practical men at home and abroad, and the author has from time to time added new matter, until it has now swollen into a volume embracing be- tween 400 and 500 pages, and bearing the title of the " Chemical Phenomena of Iron Smelting." As a proof of the high scientific value placed upon this work, we may mention that many portions have been translated into German by Professor Tunner, who is, perhaps, the most distinguished scientific metallurgist on the Continent of Europe. The same dis- tinction has been conferred upon Mr. Bell's work by Professor Gruner, of the School of Mines in Paris, who has communicated its contents to the French iron trade, and by M. Akerman, of Stockholm, who has performed the same office for the benefit of the manufac- turers of iron in Sweden. The first president of the Iron and Steel Institute was the Duke of Devonshire, the second Mr. H. Bessemer, and for the two years commencing 1873, Mr. Bell has enjoyed the highest honour the iron trade of the British empire can confer. ISAAC LOWTHIAN BELL. 175 As president of the Iron and Steel Insti- tute, Mr. Bell presided over the deliberations of that body on their visit to Belgium in the autumn of 1873. The reception accorded to the Institute by their Belgian ,rivals and friends was of the most hearty and en- thusiastic description. The event, indeed, was regarded as one of international impor- tance, and every opportunity, both public and private, was taken by our Belgian neighbours to honour England in the persons of those who formed her foremost scientific society. Mr. Bell delivered in the French language, a presidental address of singular ability, directed mainly to an exposition of the relative in- dustrial conditions and prospects of the two greatest iron producing countries in Europe. As president of the Institute, Mr. Bell had to discharge the duty of presenting to the King of the Belgians, at a reception held by His Majesty at the Royal Palace in Brussels, all the members who had taken a part in the Belgium meeting, and the occasion will long be remembered as one of the most interesting and pleasant in the experience of those who were previleged to be present. We will only deal with one more of Mr. Bell's relations to the iron trade. He was, we need scarcely say, one of the chief promoters of what is now known as the North of England Ironmasters' Association, and he has always 170 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. been in the front of the deliberations and movements of that body. Before a meeting of this Association, held in 1867, he read a paper on the " Foreign Relations of the Iron Trade," in the course of which he showed that the attainments of foreign iron manufacturers in physical science were frequently much greater than our own, and deprecated the tendency of English artizans to obstruct the introduction of new inventions and processes. He has displayed an eager anxiety in the test- ing and elucidation of new discoveries, and no amount of labour or cost was grudged that seemed likely, in his view, to lead to mechanical improvements. He has investigated for him- self every new appliance or process that claimed to possess advantages over those already in use, and he has thus rendered yeo- man service to the interest of science, by dis- criminating between the chaff and the wheat. For a period nearly approaching twenty- four years, Mr. Bell has been a member of the Newcastle Town Council, and one of the most prominent citizens of the town. Upon this phase of his career it is not our business to dwell at any length, but we cannot refrain from adding, that he has twice filled the chief magistrate's chair, that he served the statutory period as Sheriff of the town, that he is a director of the North-Eastern Railway, and that he was the first president of the New- ISAAC LOWTHIAN BELL. 177 castle Chemical Society. In the general election of 1868, Mr. Bell came forward as a candidate for the Northern Division of the county of Durham, in opposition to Mr. George Elliot, but the personal influence of the latter was too much for him, and he sustained a defeat. In the general election of 1874, Mr. Bell again stood for North Durham, in con- junction with Mr. C. M. Palmer, of Jarrow. Mr. Elliott again contested the Division in the Conservative interest. After a hard struggle, Mr. Bell was returned at the head of the poll. Shortly after the General Election, Mr. Elliott received a baronetcy from Mr, Disraeli. A short time only had elapsed, however, when the Liberal members were unseated on petition, because of general intimidation at Hetton-le-Hole, Seaham, and other places no blame being, however, attributed to the two members and the result of afresh election in June following was the placing of Mr. Bell at the bottom of the poll, although he was only a short distance behind his Conservative opponent Sir George Elliott. M X, WILLIAM BARN1NGHAM, THE founder of the great Darlington Iron- works Mr. William Barningham is in many respects a remarkable man. He was born at Arkengarthdale, near Richmond, Yorkshire, on the 6th January, 1826, and is the youngest of a family of eleven sons and two daughters. Although the subject of these memoirs would probably "smile at the claims of long descent" quite as much as "the grand old gardener and his wife;" and albeit, he may think with Spurgeon, that ancient blood has little to re- commend it, seeing that, go as far back as you may, you corne at last to the father of the human race, " who was turned out of a garden for stealing fruit," yet, it is interest- ing to record the fact, that the Barninghams can trace their progenitors through a good many generations. The family of this name were the original proprietors of the village of Barningham, on the Milbank property, south of the Greta, and they have in this capacity, found a place in Whittaker's History. Like other old families, the Barninghams owned a WILLIAM BARNINGHAM. 179 crest, obtained from the Herald's Office in North Yorkshire, and bearing the motto " Wonderful are the works of God." This crest has been adopted by the Darlington Iron Company, of which William Barningham was the projector. In searching amid the mists of hoar antiquity many curious remini- scences of the family may be found. Whit- taker relates how one Robert SutclifFe, who held payment of some land from Easby Abbey, offered to make restitution for some injury done to Holy Mother Church, on the condition that five holy abbots proceeded to the burial place of his father and grandfather to pro- nounce absolution. This condition was com- plied with, and one of the abbots who assisted in its fulfilment bore the name of Richard de Barningham. But antiquity apart, we know that the progenitors of Mr. William Barning- ham, were in humble circumstances, as their " forbears " had been before them, and young William was ushered into the world without the proverbial silver spoon. In the pretty little village of Arkengarth- dale, William Barningham, like his brothers and sisters before him, got the limited educa- tion that could be afforded him at a free school a school that was built and endowed by one of the family of the well known Grilpin Brown, of Sadberry Hall. When only nine years of age, a circumstance occurred which 180 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. marked an era in the boy's life. His eldest brother the father of Mr. Thomas Barning- ham, managing director of the Darlington Iron Works had come down to the Dale to spend a few days with his parents ; and one morning he sent his youngest brother to the village of Reeth, to inquire for some letters which he expected from Manchester. At that time there was no daily delivery of letters in the Dale. Unless they were sent for to the village of Reeth, letters intended for the residents of the Dale where only delivered once a week by coal carts, or by people who went about the country purchasing farm pro- duce. When, therefore, young William Barn- ingham was employed to call at Reeth for his brother's letters, he got instructions from a number of the Dale folks to execute the same commission for them ; and these commissions became so numerous, that in course of time the boy came to be recognized as a sort of post runner. The postage of a letter from London cost at that time fourteen pence, and this amount had to be handed over by the party receiving the letter before it was given up. For the letters which he undertook to deliver, young Barningham was accustomed to charge fifteen pence, the only remuneration allowed him for his trouble, being a penny per letter. That this was hard-earned money may be judged from the fact that the lad had WILLIAM BABN1NGHAM. 181 often to walk as much as twenty to thirty miles a day, and at the end of the week his earnings did not exceed some 3s 6d or 4s. But small as the amount was, it helped to eke out the otherwise scanty earnings of the family, and was probably a good deal more than he could then have made in any other way. In point of fact, the weekly earnings of the boy came to be so much that the postmaster refused to give him the letters any longer, after he had been carrying them for about a twelvemonth. This, to the young messenger, was a crushing and unexpected blow. Other boys of the same age would probably have succumbed to the difficulty, but to his mind it did not appear to be in- superable. He sought the advice of a friend named Anderson, the son of Gilpin Brown's land agent ; and after taking counsel together, they determined to have a petition sent round for signature among the Dale folks to whom the services rendered by young Barningham were a real boon and this petition was so successful, that the postmaster agreed to re- instate the plucky lad in his employment. Facts like these, though apparently trifles light as the thread of the gossamer, are yet subtle and unmistakeable indications of the spirit that was afterwards able to rise superior to much greater difficulties. And, if there are those who are disposed to inquire, as did 182 PIONEERS OP THE CLEVELAND IROtf TttADE. the mathematical student about " Paradise Lost," what does it prove ? we shall per- haps be pardoned for digressing so far as to add, that the circumstances which first tended in the case of William Barningham to prove that " the child is father to the man," were such as ought to inspire people of a later generation with most fervent gratitude, to those who were made the instruments of their removal Rowland Hill and George Stephen - son. In 1839, young Barningham travelled with his mother to Shildon, in search of employ- ment suited to his now more ample capacity and maturer years. They walked from Arkengarthdale to Shildon a distance of twenty-five miles on a Sunday afternoon. On the following day, they left Shildon for Middlesbrough by the old " Sunbeam " en- gine one of the first locomotives built by Hawthorn, and one, too, which will still be remembered with interest by many whose youthful wonder and curiosity it helped to excite. Arrived at Middlesbrough, William found employment with his brother John in a small blacksmith's shop. It was at this shop that all the repairs necessary for the coal staithes at Middlesbrough Dock were executed, and on account of the engine em- ployed to lift the coal wagons at the old staithes being broken, the youngster had to WILLIAM BARNINGHAM. 183 work nine days during the first week of his apprenticeship. In his case it could hardly be said that " the wind was tempered to the shorn lamb." After he had been employed with his brother for about two years, William Barning- ham began to display a genius for mechanics, which sought every available means of de- velopment. On one occasion, he heard of a number of castings of a mill engine, of the grasshopper pattern, being procurable at Stockton. Thither, accordingly, he went to secure the coveted prize : and having re- ceived it, and returned to Middlesbrough, he proceeded to adapt his castings to the con- struction of a small engine, with only a two inch cylinder. Some of his friends having been made acquainted with Barningham's engineering efforts, a good deal of interest wag taken in the completion of the engine. At last it was determined to give it a sort of public trial. Steam was got up in a boiler that was used by Mr. Cudworth (then a ship- builder at Middlesbrough, but now engineer of the Stockton and Darlington Railway) for steaming the flanks of a ship's side; and the trial was witnessed by Mr. Danby, then the agent of the Stockton and Darlington Rail- way Company at Middlesbrough, and several others. But, on account of the slides not being correctly set, the engine only made 184 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADK. half a revolution where she should have made a whole one, and the trial was pronounced a failure. There happened, however, to be close at hand an engineman of the name of Gaiters, who saw what was wrong with the mechanism of the engine, and set the slides, so that it made about 500 revolutions per minute. Young Barningham was now as jubilant with success as he had previously been cast down with disappointment. His engine was shown to all his friends, and regarded as a prodigy of youthful capacity. A very short time after this reminiscence, young Barningham resolved on spending a few days at his home in Arkengarthdale, and sent word to his mother that he was coming to assist her to churn by steam. The good old lady was rather bewildered, when her son arrived, to find him endeavouring to fulfil his promise. He got his engine conveyed to his father's house, and had everything necessary to set it in motion except a boiler ; but he was at his wits' end to discover how steam was to be raised. At last, he found about the old Methodist Chapel at Longthwaite, an elbow pipe which he thought might suit his purpose. He got this pipe plugged with wood, and having attached it to the engine, proceeded to get up steam by the aid of the kitchen fire. But when the steam had been got up, it had an effect very different to that WILLIAM BARNINGMAM. 185 intended, for the plug was blown out of the elbow pipe, and all the water escaped into the fire, thus completely defeating the plans of the young enthusiast, and compelling him to abandon the novel idea of churning by steam power. Leaving his first engine at Arkengarthdale to excite the curiosity and wonder of the natives, young Barningham, on his return to Middlesbrough, set about the construction of a second engine with a four inch cylinder. This second venture was considerably more successful than the first. The engine became the property of Mr. George Chapman, a gentleman who is said to have built the first house in Middlesbrough, and afterwards fell into the hands of Mr. Isaac Sharp, formerly agent to the Middlesbrough Owners. When the youthful builder last heard of his creation, it was employed in driving a turnip chopping machine. In September, 1843, and in the eighteenth year of his age, William Barningham left Middlesbrough for France, accompanied by his brother James. At Middlesbrough, the brothers Barningham had rather obtained a celebrity in the manufacture of switches and crossings for railway purposes ; and they ex- pected, no doubt, that they would be able to find remunerative employment of the same kind on the Continent. The Rouen and Paris 186 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IKON TRADE. Railway was then in course of construction, by Messrs. Brassey, Mackenzie, and Company, and to Rouen the brothers repaired. They found, however, that Mr. Newman, the engi- neer of the line, had gone on to Paris, a distance of over a hundred miles and they were obliged to follow him there. Tak- ing the boat down the Seine, the brothers found at Paris that they bad undertaken a fruitless journey, Mr Newman having just left for Rouen. "They waited his arrival in Paris for a week, and were then discouraged by hear- ing from him that the whole of the work connec- ted with the line had been let to M. M. Alcard, Buddicombe and Company, of the Chatreux Iron Company, near Rouen. De- termined, however, that they would not abandon their object, they proceeded back to Rouen, and called at the Chatreux Works. Their satisfaction may be imagined when they found that the manager of these works was a Mr. Whalley, who had formerly been manager at the works of Neasham and Welch, Stock - ton-on-Tees. But Mr. Whalley informed them that he saw little probability of being able to do anything for them. The work for which they applied had been let to others a few days previously ; and there was no other railway then under construction in France that afforded any likelihood of employment. James Barningham proposed that they should WILLIAM BABNINGHAM. 187 return to England: but William could not brook the idea of failure, and declared that rather than go back again, he would work his way on board a steamer from Havre to Amer- ica. They were not obliged to adopt either alternative. Messrs. Brassey and Mackenzie offered them work in connection with the permanent way department of the new Rouen and Paris line. Their business was that of straightening the rails that had been bent and injured in course of transit from South Wales. At this work they were employed for some six months, when the owners of the Chatreux Works offered them the employment for which they had originally made application, and for six months more they made the switches and crossings for the new line. At the end of that time James Barningham re- turned to England, but he could not persuade William to accompany him. The latter had conceived the idea of making switches and crossings out of rails and railway chairs in separate sections, instead of having them all in one piece. This idea he laid before Mr. John Jones, manager to Messrs. Brassey, Mackenzie, and Company. Mr. Jones was so much struck with the feasibility and advan- tages of the plan proposed, that he built for its author a workshop at a place called Maloney, near Rouen, and put him in charge of several men who had this work in hand. 188 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. The results obtained were so satisfactory that Mr. Barningham was able to realise a net profit of 40 per month. At this time, he was only nineteen years of age, although his appearance conveyed the impression that he was considerably older ; and considering the exceptional position he occupied, he was ex- tremely careful to conceal his juvenility from those with whom he came into contact. After enjoying this run of prosperity for six months, Mr. Barningham found his income gradually falling off, in consequence of the payment of reduced prices, until it only reached 20 per month ; and thinking, prob- ably, that there was little chance of further improving his position by remaining in France, he determined to return to England. Three brothers of Mr. Barningham were at this time employed in Manchester, and to them William suggested the project of open- ing in that city a foundry, specially adapted for colliery work. This foundry was estab- lished and carried on for about eighteen months, but without success, William having lost in the venture a great part of the money he had saved in France. In the course of a visit which he made to the Cleveland district, after the abandonment of the Manchester foundry, Mr. Barningham met Mr. John Harris, engineer and contractor for the main- tenance of the permanent way of the Stockton WILLIAM BABNINGHAM. 189 and Darlington Railway, and engineer for the Wakefield and Goole Railway. In conse- quence of an interview between Mr. Harris and Mr, Barningham, it was determined that the latter should come to Middlesbrough and establish works for the manufacture of rail- way switches and crossings. These works were built on the site now occupied by the rolling mills of Hopkins, Gilkes, and Company. Mr. Barningham was at this time about totally destitute of means, but he had met at a temperance hotel, where he resided in Mid- dlesbrough, a Blyth shipowner named James Brown, who took a considerable interest in his plans, and advanced him a sum of 1,000, to enable him to carry on works at Middlesbrough, without requir- ing security for the loan. Fortunately the Middlesbrough Works turned out a suc- cessful undertaking, and in consideration of his kindness, Mr. Brown was admitted into partnership. While travelling about the country in search of orders for his works at Middles- brough, Mr. Barningham was struck with the fact that large quantities of worn out iron rails were lying about the works of the Lan- cashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, at Manchester. These rails were then sent back to be re-manufactured at the different works in Staffordshire, Wales, and Scotland, 190 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. where they were made. It appeared per- fectly evident, that to carry these old rails to either of these districts, and bring them back again to Manchester, would repre- sent a heavy cost for carriage. With the object of ascertaining whether this cost could not be avoided, by the establishment at Man- chester of works for the re-manufacture of used-up rails, Mr. Barninghaui waited on Admiral Lows, the general manager of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, who was convinced of the practicability and value of the idea, and offered every inducement to Mr. Barningham in order that he might be in- duced to undertake the erection of such works. He even went the length of recommending an excellent site for the proposed works, be- tween the canal and the railway at Pendleton, just outside Manchester ; ;:nd committed the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company to a contract for the re -manufacture of 4,000 tons of rails, and 2,000 tons of railway chairs, when the works should be established. This was the origin of the great Pendleton Iron Works, which have been carried on by Mr. Barningham since that time wish unvarying success. After the Pendleton Works had been some time in operation, the attention of Mr. Bar- ningham was attracted to the advantages pre- sented by the new iron making district of WILLIAM BARNINGHAM. 191 Cleveland, for the economical production of iron rails. His friend Mr. Brown was the first to call Mr. Barningham's attention to this matter, by quoting from newspapers and other sources paragraphs dealing with the re- quirements of the different railway companies throughout the world. One contract for 50,000 tons of rails was advertised by the East India Railway Company ; and the owner of the Pendleton Works, although he should have liked to put in a quotation for this contract, was not in a position to do so. Apart from its limited size, the geographical position of the Pendleton Works unfitted them for carrying on the manufacture of rails on a large scale. Ultimately, therefore, Mr. Bar- ningham resolved on the establishment of works in Cleveland. In pursuance of this resolution, he visited the district, and several sites suitable for his purpose were pointed out to him by Mr. Samuel Chester, late manager of the West Hartlepool Railway. But Mr. Barningham saw no locality so well adapted to his purpose as Albert Hill, Darlington. On the main line between London and the North, and having excellent facilities for reaching shipping ports oh the North-East coast, it was also placed in close proximity to the South Durham blast furnaces, from which the pig iron could be obtained free of any freightage charges. Some time afterwards, 192 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. he met the late Mr. Frank Harker, then manager of the South Durham blast fur- naces, and the late Mr. John Harris, the then engineer of the Stockton and Dar- lington Railway. To these gentlemen Mr. Barningham unfolded his views, taking care, however, to keep them ignorant of his selec- tion of Albert Hill as the site of his proposed works. When he had returned to Darlington, Mr. Harker saw Mr. Henry Pease, one of the then directors of the South Durham Iron- works, and informed him of Mr. Barningham's intentions. Discerning that such works could be worked in profitable conjunction with the South Durham blast furnaces, Mr. Pease en- deavoured to persuade Mr. Barningham to erect his works on Albert Hill ; and the latter, on receiving an offer of 4| acres of land at 350 per acre, with an option as to the pur- chase of other eight acres at 300 per acre, agreed to comply with the invitation. It is seventeen years last April since Mr. Barning- ham visited the North to select a site for his proposed new works, and by April of the fol- lowing year, the works were far advanced to- wards completion. The site, however, ap- peared to be so circumscribed, and the pro- jector had such large ideas of further devel- opment that he shortly afterwards purchased the Springfield farm, eight-five acres in ex- tent, for a sum of 11,000 ; and as illustrat- WILLIAM BARNINGHAM. 193 ing the enormous increase in the value of property within the last fifteen years, we may add here that ground in the same locality has recently been bought for 1,000 per acre. The first contract undertaken by Mr. Bar- ningham, after the Albert Hill Works were completed, was an order for the permanent way of a railway between Calcutta and Port Canning, twenty-one miles in length. This was followed shortly afterwards by a contract for the great bulk of the rails necessary to lay the Eastern Bengal Railway, 160 miles in length. For every railway in India, except the Bombay and Baroada, and the great Indian and Peninsular, the rails have been supplied either in whole or in part by Mr. Barningham ; while no name is better known among the railway interests of America. A great portion of the rails required for the Pacific line, were made at the Albert Hill Works ; and while he had this work on hand, Mr. Barningham became necessarily involved in large financial transactions with the notori- ous Jay Cooke and his friends. In 1867 Mr. Barningham concluded a contract with the Imperial Government of Russia for the supply of 6,000 tons of rails; and some little time afterwards he was asked to supply the rails for the Czar's private railway to Sarscasils. In connection with these important contracts, 194 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Mr. Barningham paid a visit to Russia in 1868, and at St. Petersburg he had an inter- view with General MelinkofF, the Minister of Public Works, who strongly advised him to establish ironworks, near to Taganrog, on the sea of Azoff, in Southern Russia. The in- ducements held out to the adoption of this course were so tempting, that Mr. Barning- ham had actually proceeded as far as Moscow with the view of making a survey of the dis- trict round about Taganrog, and ascertaining its rescources for the carrying on of works, as suggested by General MelinkofF; but pressing business necessitated his return to England, before he could carry out his plans in reference to Russia. The project has since been carried out by an Englishman named Hughes, aided by the late Mr. Thomas Brassey, and a handsome subsidy from the Imperial Treasury ; and the works are said to be very successful. Enough has been said in the earlier part of this biography to show that Mr. Barningham has always bad a talent for mechanics. He is the patentee of a valuable invention which was highly approved of by the late Mr. Brunei; an engineer of European fame, and has been adopted on the Australian and other railways. It consists in the combination of two railway fishes and two railway chairs, in separate pieces, thus forming a girder from WILLIAM BARN ING HAM. 195 sleeper to sleeper. Another novel idea of Mr. Barningham's, although it has not yet been practically adopted, was illustrated for some years on the walls of the Stockton and Dar- lington Railway Station at the latter town. Mr. Barningham proposed to feed blast furnaces by running the trucks filled with the raw material up an incline, and then allowing them to pass over the furnace, dropping their contents into the furnace as they did so, in- stead of distributing the material in barrow- fuls as at present, thus avoiding the cost of hoisting it to the top of the furnace in small quantities. If the idea were practicable and we do not say that it is not it would un- doubtedly lead to a great economy in blast furnace operations ; but no blast ' furnace engineer has yet been induced to make the attempt. XL DAVID DALE. THE name of Mr. David Dale will always be associated more, perhaps, than any other with the Board of Arbitration and Con- ciliation, established m 1869, for the set- tlement of disputes arising in connection with the North of England iron trade. Of that highly useful tribunal he was one of the original and most active promoters, and since its formation he has been its first and only President. But there are many other phases in Mr. Dale's career closely interwoven with the development of the iron trade of Cleve- land. Railway management has received a large share of his attention. Mining enter- prise has likewise been indebted to his labours. His financial talents have repeatedly been called into requisition in almost hopeless cases of emergency ; and at the present time he occupies a position of prominent usefulness and influence subordinate to none in the dis- trict with which he is connected. Mr. Dale was born in British India. His father was judge of the City Court of Moors- DAVID DALE. 197 hadabad, in the East India Company's Bengal service. His grandfather was the brother of that David Dale who founded the New Lanark Mills, near Glasgow, and of whom his ' grandson, Robert Dale Owen, has recently recorded many interesting reminiscences in the Atlantic Monthly. While he was yet an infant the subject of this biography left India in the company of his father and mother, but the former died on the voyage home. Arrived in England, Mrs. Dale took the route to New Lanark, intending to sojourn for a time with her husband's friends there. An accident to the mail coach when within a few miles of Darlington, caused her such serious injuries that she was unable to proceed further. Friendless and alone, she had no private house to fall back upon, and was therefore necessitated to put up at the King's Head, in Darlington, where she met with so much kindness and attention from some of the " Friends," as induced her shortly after- wards to return and settle in that town. Thus it was, in a purely accidental way, that Mr. Dale became connected with Darlington. Commencing his business career in the office of the Stockton and Darlington Kailway Company, under the late Mr. Macnay, Mr. Dale had been accustomed from his earliest years to understand and deal with the special requirements of the Cleveland district. He 198 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. showed such conspicuous business aptitude that when little more than twenty years of age, he was appointed secretary to the Mid- 'dlesbrough and Guisborough section of the Stockton and Darlington system. After oc- cupying for six -years a secretarial position, he entered into partnership with Mr. W. Bouch, and became part lessee of the Shildon Locomotive Works, at the village of that name, distant about six miles from Darling- ton. Under an arrangement with the Board of the Darlington and Stockton section, the working of that line was done by contract with Messrs. Bouch and Dale, carrying on business as the Shildon Works Company. This was an undertaking of a very respon- sible and extensive kind, the heavy mineral traffic of the Darlington section requiring much skill and care in its management. But it was also a prosperous enterprise, as, indeed, it could hardly fail to be under the control of two gentlemen so eminently qualified to carry it on. Mr. Bouch is an engineer of large experience and exceptional attainments. Lo- comotive engineering owes to his ingenuity many improvements of the most valuable kind. He has patented a new application of reversing gear, which enables an engine to be drawn up while running full speed without knocking off steam ; and this device, when exhibited by Mr. Stephenson at tlte last Paris DAVID DALE. 199 Exhibition, attracted much attention from the engineering profession. Another invention of Mr. Bouch's is a patent steam retarder, which acts as an efficient brake, by admitting steam on each side of the piston. Both of these improvements and several others that owe their paternity to the same gentleman are now applied to all the engines built for the Stockton and Darlington system. It was Mr. Bouch's business under the co-partnery agreement to look after the practical working while Mr. Dale attended to financial arrange- ments and correspondence. The Shildon Works grew and prospered to such an extent, that their locale had to be removed a few years ago from Shildon to Darlington. The new works have been built on a very extensive scale. They give employment to over 1,000 hands, not only in the maintenance of the large stock of locomotives belonging to the Dar- lington section, but in the building of many new engines to keep that stock up to the highest point of efficiency. Three of the last passenger engines built have each two cylinders 17 inches diameter and a stroke of 30 inches. They work at a boiler pressure of 140 Ibs. per square inch. The driving wheels are 7 feet diameter, and the maximum speed at- tainable is 70 miles an hour. Owing to their enormous size and power, these engines have been styled " Gmx's Babies." The arrange- 200 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. ment under which Mr. Dale became connected with the Shildon works terminated three or four years ago, and now the locomotive man- agement is conducted under rather different conditions, although the Darlington section still depends upon these works for all their locomotive power. Mr. Dale's connection with the iron trade of the North of England commencedin 1857. On the stoppage of the Northumberland and Dur- ham District Bank in that year, the Derwent Iron Company, to whom the Consett Iron Works belonged, became insolvent. Mr. Dale was then appointed, in conjunction with Mr. J. W. Pease, M.P., and the late Colonel Stobart, of Etherley, one of the inspectors under whose control the Consett works were to be carried on by Mr. Jonathan Richardson on behalf of the creditors. The affairs of the company were in a very involved condition ; and as Mr. Dale was the really responsible inspector, (his colleagues being simply consulted on matters of the utmost moment), his appoint- ment was anything but a sinecure. The office, however, was not one of long duration. The arrangement made with Mr. Richardson was superseded on the purchase of the works at Consett by the Derwent and Consett Iron Company, of whom Mr. Allhusen, of New- castle, Mr. Jonathan Priestman, and Mr. Joseph Hawks were the managing directors. DAVID DALE. 201 Owing, however, to the Derwent and Con sett Iron Company being unable to complete their purchase, the works again came into the market after about two years possession by that proprietary, and the present company was then formed in April, 1864, with a capital of 400,000, divided into 40,000 shares of 10 each, Mr. Dale and Mr. Priestman being appointed managing directors. Of this amount, only 295,318 was paid for the works, plant, and royalties owned by the old com- pany. Considering the immense extent of the concern, the purchase was a decidedly cheap one, although none of the eighteen furnaces then built were adapted to the modern requirements of the trade ; and they have all been since demolished. In September, 1866, the company purchased the adjoining works of the Shotley Bridge Iron Company, and thereupon created 6,000 additional shares of 10 each, making 60,000 additional capital. In September, 1872, 9,200 additional shares, of the nominal value of 10 each, were al- lotted to the then proprietors out of the revenue of the company, 7 10s per share being paid at once on each new creation of capital. It would be impossible to find in the whole industrial experience of this country, a greater contrast than that presented by the Consett Iron Works under their past and present 202 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. management. The undertaking was originally one of the most gigantic of its kind in the United Kingdom, for there are no ironworks even at the present day that can boast of so many as eighteen blast furnaces. The rock upon which the Derwent Company split would appear to be that of developing their concern too rapidly. They experienced the fate that proverbially attends " vaulting ambition " they " o'erleaped themselves and fell on t'other side." Their case was by no means singular. The Ayrshire Ironworks, in Scot- land, " fell from its high estate," from kindred causes, and the plant, etc., which originally cost close on 100,000, had to be disposed of in liquidation for the miserably inadequate sum of 20,000. Both of these concerns came to grief in the same panic ; but both had un- doubtedly internal and probably insurmount- able elements of weakness, apart from the final crash that laid them prostrate. Under the new regime the Consett works have en- joyed a large and uninterrupted run of pros- perity. From the formation of the company, in 1864, until the 30th June, 1870, the divi- dends of the company averaged 10 per cent, after defraying the cost of building six large blast furnaces out of revenue, and making other considerable improvements and ad- ditions to the works. Since 1870. the divi- dends paid to the shareholders have been DAVID DALE. 203 even higher. At the present time it is unquestionably one of the most substantial and flourishing concerns in the North of England. The company own large coal royalties, from which they raise sufficient to supply the whole of their own blast furnaces, mills, and forges, and leave a considerable surplus for sale. They are also exceptionally well off as regards the supply of other minerals. Their predecessors the Derwent Iron Company formerly owned the cele- brated Stanhope Limestone Quarries, which were sold to the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company, subject to the supply of the Consett works, for many years, at a very low figure. In like manner, the Derwent Company owned the Upleatham ironstone mines in Cleveland ; and these were disposed of to Messrs. J. and J. W. Pease and Partners, on the formation of the new proprietary, under similar conditions. More than any other firm in the Cleveland district, the Consett Iron Company make use of the hematite ores of Cumberland and Westmor- land, this quality being the most suitable for the manufacture of ship plates, which is the staple produce of these works. The increasing scarcity of the Cumberland hematite, has led the Company within the last two years, to enter into arrangements for the acquisition and development of large hematite royalties at 204 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Bilbao, in Spain, in conjunction with the Dowlais Iron Company and the celebrated Prussian gunmaker, Mr. Krupp, of Essen. The Consett Company give employment to between 5,000 and 6,000 work people. They have now six blast furnaces in operation, each capable of producing 450 tons of pig iron per week. It was at these works that Whitwell's patent fire-brick hot blast stoves were first fitted up, and it will be remembered that the patentee, at the Dudley meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, read a paper containing much interesting information as to the re- sults obtained from the use of his stoves at Consett. The crude pig iron manufactured at Consett is almost entirely used in the mills and forges adjacent. In the puddling depart- ment there are 150 furnaces, two forge en- gines, five steam hammers, and all other necessary appliances for the turn out of a large quantity of work. In their speciality of ship plates the Consett Iron Company make more than any other individual firm in the country. Four out of the five rolling mills in operation are exclusively engaged on ship plates, the fifth being adapted for rails. From 1,200 to 1,300 tons of plates can be made here weekly, while the production of rails varies from 600 to 800 tons per week. The company have a large continental and American connection ; while their plates are DAVID DALE. 205 known to, and more or less used by almost every shipbuilder in the British empire. The wages paid at Consett is something like 360,000 per annum, all told ; and the value of the sales at the Co-operative Stores carried on in connection with the works is nearly 20,000 per annum. The Company own 1,500 workmen's cottages on their property, and the education of the rising generation has been provided for by the erection of schools capable of accommodating 1,300 to 1,400 children. The manufacture of coke is extensively carried on, near to the iron- works, the company having upwards of 560 coke ovens, from which they not only supply their own furnaces, but serve several works in the Cumberland district, and the locomotives on the Northern railways. The total output of coal from the company's collieries is about 12,000 tons per week. Taken as a whole, the Consett Company's Works are the largest in the North of Eng- land with perhaps three or at the most four exceptions. When the proneness to take advantage of the Limited Liability Act was so rampant in 1866, a project was initiated for the amalga- mation of the three important shipbuilding and engineering firms of Richardson, Denton, Duck, and Company, South Stockton ; Den- ton, Grey, and Company, Hartlepool ; and 206 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. Thomas Richardson and Sons. Hartlepool, under the designation of Richardson s, Den- ton, Duck, and Company. The object of this amalgamation was twofold. It was under- taken, in the first place, with a view to the more advantageous and extended working of the firms forming the triumvirate ; and in the next place it was designed to take ad- vantage of the Limited Liability Act. Mr. Dale was appointed vice-chairman of this huge undertaking, which, however, was not found to work so satisfactorily in combination as was expected ; and it was, therefore, soon resolved into its original separate elements. In this connection it may be observed that, along with Mr. Robert Fletcher and Mr. Nicholson, of Manchester, Mr. Dale, who has had no previous connection with the concern, was elected one of the liquidators of that ill- started venture Pile, Spence, and Company (Limited) which, after giving promise of great things, and securing the confidence and means of hundreds of gullible shareholders, closed its career like a " flash in the pan," and involved many of its too confiding vic- tims in absolute ruin. Among other local concerns with which Mr. Dale is identified, mention may be made of the Weardale and Shildon Water Works Company, of which he has been vice-chairman for several years. He is also associated with two or three smaller DAVID DALE. 207 concerns of an industrial character, either as shareholder or director. Since its formation in 1868, Mr. Dale has acted as honorary treasurer of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain. At the time of its formation he was one of its most zealous advocates, and as a member of the committee appointed under the resolution that decreed its formation, he has done much to make it a success, although we believe he has not as yet contributed any papers to its proceedings. Under the Mines' Regulation Act of 1872, a Board required to be created in each mining inspection district, consisting of three colliery owners, three colliery or mining en- gineers, and three workmen, along with the Government Inspector. The duty of the Board is to appoint examiners and to define the subjects and character of the examination for certificates entitling their holders to be managers of collieries or mines under the Act, which provides that every mine and colliery must now be under the control of a certifica- ted manager. When the Board for South Durham and Cleveland was formed in the early part of the present year, Mr. Dale was at once appointed president, a position not more honourable than onerous in its nature. A new motive power, no matter how simple its mechanism may be, is generally 208 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. somewhat difficult to get into full and proper working order ; but in this case the Board started on its career with the promise of a high degree of usefulness and efficiency, and without the operation of any disqualifications or trammels likely to interfere with the ful- filment of its high functions. About four years ago Mr. Dale was ap- pointed managing director of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. In our sketch of the late Mr. Joseph Pease, we spoke of the importance of this section, not only on its own merits, but as a feeder to the more com- prehensive system of the North-Eastern Company, in which it is now absorbed. The traffic in minerals is larger than that of any other system of corresponding extent in the world ; and the revenues of the company are proportionately great. But, more than this, the system is quite a monopoly throughout its entire length. Between Benfieldside and Saltburn-by-the-Sea the two termini of the line there is no alternative route. All the coal and coke from the South Durham coal-field, and all the limestone from Forcett, Stanhope, and other parts of Weardale is carried into the Cleveland district by this railway, while the great bulk of the iron and ironstone sent out of Cleveland must traverse the same route. In his management of the Darlington section, Mr. Dale has stuck pretty DAVID DALE. 209 closely to the somewhat hard and fast line laid down by his predecessors. Its manage- ment is still a mild sort of despotism. The austere and rigorous habits and prin- ciples of the communion that has so long dominated over it may still be seen and felt. The first passenger railway in England is undoubtedly somewhat behind, or at any rate out of harmony with the times. Querulous travellers and "jolly good fellows" may look hopefully forward to the time when an administration shall arise that knows not the Quakers when bitter beer and brandy galore shall be accessible at every refreshment room. After all, however, the primary duty of a managing director is towards the shareholders, and under Mr. Dale, the dividends of the Stockton and Darlington section have not come to grief. Opinions may differ as to the principles which govern the application of arbitration in the settlement of trade disputes ; but there is no room for doubt as to the immense good which the use of that system has effected in the North of -England. Arbitration is by no means a new thing. Its merits and rationale had been foreshadowed by speculative philos- ophers long before its use was fafrly resorted to in this country. As a means of arranging trade difficulties and disputes, it was first suc- cessfully applied by Mr. Mundella, M.P., to M 210 PIONEERS OF THE CLEVELAND IROK TRADE. the hosiery and other trades of Nottingham, and by Mr. Rupert Kettle, County Court Judge of Worcestershire, to the building trades of Wolverhampton. But the system was yet in its infancy when it was determined to apply it to the iron trade of the North of England. This was in the early part of 1869. The idea of setting up such a tribunal as a permanent mode of settling trade difficulties was first broached at a meeting of the North of England iron trade, the original suggestion emanating from Mr. Dale. On the first Mon- day in March, 1869, the Board was formally constituted. Its object was declared to be "to arbitrate on wages, or on any other matters affecting their respective interests that may be referred to it from time to time by either employers or operatives, by conciliatory means to interpose its influence to prevent disputes, and to put an end to any that may arise." The constitution of the Board pro- vides that it shall be composed of one em- ployer and one operative from each works joining it ; and both employers and operatives must select their representatives at meetings to be held in December of each year. There is a standing committee consisting of four employers and four operatives, in addition to the president and vice-president, to which all questions are in the first instance referred for investigation. This committee endeavour to DAVID DALE. 211 settle matters coming before them, but have no power to make any award. It was unani- mously resolved that Mr. David Dale should be appointed the first president of the Board, the vice-president being chosen from among and by the operatives. It would be a mis- take to say that since its establishment the Board has worked with unvarying smoothness, that it has realised all the expectations of its promoters, or that it has prevented entirely the occurrence of trade disputes. But it is simple justice to say that its inauguration ushered in a millennium of peace and goodwill between employers and employed, compared with the chaotic and demoralizing state of matters that previously existed. In the iron trade of the North of England, the principle of arbitration found itself face to face with elements that it had never before encountered. There were many thousands of workmen guided by and dependent upon its application. Within a month after it was established it was resolved to call in Mr. Rupert Kettle to de- termine a claim for increased wages upon which the Board itself was unable to agree. Mr. Kettle's decision was accepted as satisfac- tory, and after his award had been delivered he was presented with a handsome testi- monial. But when the next case of difference arose, Mr. Thomas Hughes, the late member for Frome, and the author of " Tom Brown's 212 PIONEERS OP TttE CLEVELAND IRON TRADE. School Days," was asked to undertake the duties of arbitrator. In his case, as in the case of Mr. Kettle, all the data necessary to lead to a just and sound conclusion were supplied. The employers produced their con- tract books and the terms of their specifica- tions, while the workmen pointed to the wages paid in other districts, and furnished collateral arguments in support of their claim. The first awards of Mr. Hughes were satisfactory to both sides ; but his last award was received by the workmen with intense dissatisfaction ; and at the meet- ing at which it was announced, he was so roughly handled, and treated with so much disrespect, that he vowed he would never again undertake a similar duty. This is probably the ugliest phase of the Board's career. Although there have been oc- casional strikes at individual works, there never has, since a Court, of Arbitration was established in the district, been a general and concerted strike. It is scarcely necessary to add that this happy change in the relations of employer and employed has been productive of equal benefit to both. The masters can now book contracts with the assurance that wages in certain departments will remain un- altered for a definite period, and that in these departments, also, there is no likelihood of anything occuring to disturb the even course DAVID DALE. 213 of his arrangements ; while the workmen have realised the unspeakable advantage of regular wages without any serious breaks in their time by circumstances within their own control. Those of them who took part in the great and desolating strike of 1866 will fully appreciate the beneficent effects of .the change which the Court of Arbitration brought about. Looking at it, indeed, from a purely utlitarian and politico-economic point of view, it must have saved many thousands of pounds to the district ; and from a humanitarian aspect, it may be said to have achieved still greater triumphs. It has put an end to the