r- GIFT OF A. F. Morrison THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS GEORGE BELL & SONS LONDON : YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN NEW YORK : 66, FIFTH AVENUE, AND BOMBAY: 53, ESPLANADE ROAD CAMBRIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL Sc CO. THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS METRICALLY TRANSLATED FROM THE OLD GERMAN TEXT BY ALICE HORTON AND EDITED BY EDWARD BELL M.A. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED THE ESSAY ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED BY THOMAS CARLYLE LONDON : GEORGE BELL AND SONS YORK STREET COVENT GARDEN 1 898 7>- GIFT OF CHISWICK press: — CHARLES WHITTINGHAM and CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. CONTENTS. PAGE Editor's Preface vii Thomas Carlyle on the Nibelungen Lied xiii Facsimile from the St. Gall MS to face Ixxi THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS : ADVENTURES. I. Kriemhilda I II. Siegfried 4 III. How Siegfried came to Worms 8 IV. How Siegfried fought the Saxons 24 V. How Siegfried first saw Kriemhilda 46 VI. How Gunther went to Iceland after Brunhilda 56 VII. How Gunther won Brunhilda 67 VIII. How Siegfried went to fetch the Nibelungs . . 82 IX. How Siegfried was sent to Worms 90 X. How Brunhilda was received at Worms .... 99 XI. How Siegfried went Home with his Wife . . . 118 XII. How Gunther bade Siegfried to the Festival . 124 XIII. How THEY journeyed TO THE FESTIVAL I33 XIV. How THE Queens railed at one another .... 139 XV. How Siegfried was betrayed 150 XVI. How Siegfried was slain 156 XVII. How Kriemhilda mourned for her Husband, and how he was buried 171 XVIII. How SlEGMUND went BACK TO HIS OWN LaND . . 183 XIX. How THE NiBELUNG HOARD WAS BROUGHT TO WORMS 188 XX. How King Etzel sent to Burgundy after Kriem- hilda 195 XXI. How Kriemhilda went to the Huns . . . . . 220 XXII. How Etzel espoused Kriemhilda 228 XXIII. How Kriemhilda thought to avenge her Injury . 236 XXIV. How Werbel and Schwemmel did their Errand . 242 XXV. How the Lords all went to the Huns .... 257 ivil0730? vi CONTENTS. PAGE XXVI. How Gelfrat was slain by Dankwart 270 XXVII. How THEY CAME TO BeCHELAREN 281 XXVIII. How the Burgundians came to Etzel's Stronghold 293 XXIX. How he stood not up before her 300 XXX. How they kept Watch and Ward 310 XXXI. How THEY went TO ChURCH 315 XXXII. How Bloedelin was slain 327 XXXIII. How THE Burgundians fought with the Huns . 333 XXXIV. How THEY cast FORTH THE DeAD 343 XXXV. How Iring was slain 346 XXXVI. How the Queen bade that the Hall be set on fire 355 XXXVII. How the Margrave Rudeger was slain .... 364 XXXVIII. How Sir Dietrich's Warriors all were slain . . 381 XXXIX. How Gunther and Hagen and Kriemhilda were slain • • 396 EDITOR'S PREFACE. The following addition to the existing translations of the Nibelungenlied originated in the desire to place before English readers a rendering which should be at once literal and metrical. Of five which have appeared during the past fifty years not one quite accomplishes this object. Three only are in verse. The first, by Jonathan Birch, which appeared in 1848, was rendered in iambics of seven feet, from the short and to some extent hypothetical text of Lachmann. The second, by W. N. Lettsom, is a spirited performance, but it takes many liberties with the language and fails to preserve the antique flavour of the work. The third, by Mr. A. G. Foster-Barham, which appeared only ten years ago, is much more satisfactory in this respect, and errs chiefly in retaining too great a roughness of rhythm, which makes it displeasing to the modern ear. Of the two prose trans- lations, the first, entitled "Echoes from Mistland" (Chicago, 1877), by Mr. Auber Forestier, is rather a paraphrase than a literal rendering, though it adheres closely to the matter of the original ; and the second, by Miss Armour, which has only lately appeared, seems in all respects a praiseworthy production, lacking only a metrical form to make it a fair equivalent of the great German epic. The additional difficulties involved in any verse-translation are vHi EDITOR'S PREFACE. SO great, that a translator may well be excused from facing them. Assuming the indispensable qualification of sympathy needful in the translation of any work of art from one medium to another, the differences in word-formation, in inflexion, and in grammatical construction between any two languages interpose mechanical obstacles which are inconsistent with the preservation of metrical similarity ; a more or less close approximation is all that can be looked for. Still more are the difficulties increased when the task involves the presentation to -a modern reader of a work which belongs to a distant and nebulous past, deals with a primitive and imperfect phase of human culture, and teems with motives which, if not eradicated from human nature, are no longer regarded as legitimate and are often repugnant to modern ideas. In these circumstances it might be thought that a prose rendering would have the best or only chance of doing justice to the original. But, on the other hand, it may be urged that a prose translation of a rhymed poem can never be an adequate equivalent, especially in a work like the Nibelungenlied, where it must be obvious to any student that its construction in rhyme and strophe have played an important part in determining its style and character. Rhyme and rhythm are essential features of it; and the modern reader (as distinguished from the student) requires, no less than the mediaeval listener, the stimulus which they supply. To give for 9,000 lines of verse a corresponding quantity of prose seems — apart from consideratioils of verbal accuracy — to fail in doing due justice to the poem. So at least the translator and editor, who are jointly responsible, have thought; though, at the same time, they have been fully alive to the necessity of a close adherence to the text. They are of the opinion of Dryden, as expressed in the preface to his version of Ovid's Epistles, that it is the business of a translator, editor's preface. ix as it is of a portrait painter, to make his work resemble the original. On this principle they have striven not to yield to the tempting idea — too often a delusion — that by sacrificing the letter they may preserve the spirit. On the contrary, they have thought that, in such a case as this, the letter and spirit are iji a large measure inseparable. With, therefore, no small expen- diture of trouble, they have tried, with what success the reader must judge, to reproduce in suitable English the matter, manner, and metre of the original. With regard to the language, no futile attempt has been made by archaicisms to give the translation the appearance of an antique. The object has been to put English readers, as far as possible, in the same position as the German who reads the work in one of the several modern German versions. At the same time it is obvious that much of what forms the English of to-day is not a suitable vehicle for the primitive ideas and manners illustrated in the poem. The translators have therefore tried to avoid words of merely modern use, and to adhere to English which is familiar to everyone in the Bible, or in the older Ballad literature, and is, at the same time, not out of harmony with a work which places the reader in an atmosphere far removed from that of the Victorian era. Some latitude must also be allowed in respect to the metre. The rhythmical system of the original depends on accent rather than on time or measure. Opinions may differ as to the amount of accent to be given to lines like the following, which is a nearly normal stanza : Nu waren oiich die geste ze rossen alle komen. vil manic richiu tjoste durch sulde wart genomen. daz velt begonde stouben sam ob al daz lant mit louge ware enbrunnen : da wiirden helde wol bekant. Stanza 596. X editor's preface. To the ordinary ear they resemble iambics with a central caesura ; — a measure familiar in ballad verse, and much used by Macaulay in his well-known "Lays." This form accordingly has been adopted as the metrical equivalent; though, for the sake of euphony, the extra accent which characterizes the second half of every fourth line has been omitted in the translation. How far this method of rendering the original is justifiable the reader may determine by turning to the specimens given by Carlyle, and comparing it with his rougher versions. It has been thought well to prefix to the volume this Essay of Carlyle's, because, though it was written more than sixty years ago, when the subject had attracted but little attention, it gives in a sympathetic manner, yet in a style full of characteristic humour, an account of the relations between this poem and other German mediaeval rhymes, founded on kindred subjects. So far as concerns the authorship of the poem, as it now exists, nothing has been discovered since Carlyle wrote. It must, however, be obvious to any careful reader that the poem is not in its original form. The references to people and events, not accounted for in it, prove that it is based on earlier legends. The strange juxta- position of ethical motives ; the contrast of ideals, as shown in the characters of Hagen and Riideger ; the mingling of historical personages of different dates, show that in its earliest form as a whole it must have been full of anachronisms, due to the fusion of different elements. These have to some extent been elucidated by the increased knowledge of Scandinavian literature. The Eddas and Sagas exhibit, in a different form, the ancient legends on which the various parts of the poem are based. In the " Vol- sungasaga " we have a key to the earlier history of Siegfried and Brunhild, to which, in the Nibelungenlied, only obscure reference is made. In the " Thidreksaga" we have the Scandinavian form editor's preface. XI of the widely-spread legend of Theodoric, differing little from the version found in the German epic. But inasmuch as the former, no less than the latter, is generally admitted to be of Teutonic origin, however much infused with Scandinavian mytho- logy, we have not come much nearer to the ultimate sources of the mythical, as distinguished from the historical, elements of the story. Lachmann, one of the earliest editors of the Nibelungenlied, went so far as to analyze it into twenty different legends, rejecting on various grounds more than one-third of what is here given. Between that phase and the last, it is evident that there are several stages in which the poem existed as a whole. It is known that, at the request of Bishop Pilgrim of Passau in the tenth century, the story was translated into Latin prose by Conrad, called " The Scribe," and to him is attributed the inclusion of the name of the said bishop as that of an actor in events which, so far as they are historical, belong to the fifth century. After Conrad's time there may have been several augmented German editions before the twelfth century, to which our version belongs. There are more than twenty extant MSS., of which, however, only three are regarded as having any independent authenticity. They are designated as " A," " B," and " C " ; of which the first, used by Lachmann, is the shortest, but betrays fewest signs of deviation from an older and good version. " C," on the contrary, is said to be considerably altered, from an earlier popular form, to suit the more courtly taste of a later period of culture. The remaining, "B" — a fine MS. preserved in the monastery of St. Gall — is intermediate in length, and, retaining as it does many stanzas of evident antiquity, has become what may be called the textus receptus; as edited by Bartsch it is the basis of the present translation. A facsimile of one of the pages from Dr. Otto Xll EDITOR S PREFACE. Henne am Rhyn's " Kulturgeschichte " is given as a frontispiece to the translation. Those who wish to study more closely the interesting questions surrounding the history of the poem are referred to the works of Rasszmann and Simrock ; to Magnilsson and Morris's translations of the Icelandic Sagas ; and to a recent work by Prof Ker on " Epic and Romance." A popular and well-written account of the relations between the Teutonic and Scandinavian versions of the legend will be found in an interesting little book, entitled '' Legends of the Wagner Drama," by Miss J. L. Weston. December, 1897. ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED BY THOMAS CARLYLE.^ In the year 1757, the Swiss Professor Bodmer printed an ancient poetical manuscript, under the title of " Chriemhilden Rache und die Klage" (Chriemhilde's Revenge, and the Lament); which may be considered as the first of a series, or stream of publica- tions and speculations still rolling on, with increased current, to the present day. Not, indeed, that all these had their source or determining cause in so insignificant a circumstance; their source, or rather thousand sources, lay far elsewhere. As has often been remarked, a certain antiquarian tendency in litera- ture, a fonder, more earnest looking back into the Past, began about that time to manifest itself in all nations (witness our own " Percy's Reliques ") : this was among the first distinct symptoms of it in Germany; where, as with ourselves, its manifold effects are still visible enough. Some fifteen years after Bodmer's publication, which, for the rest, is not celebrated as an editorial feat, one C. H. Miiller undertook a "Collection of German Poems from the Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Centuries ; " wherein, among other articles, he reprinted Bodmer's " Chriemhilde " and "Klage," with a highly remarkable addition prefixed to the former, essential indeed to the right understanding of it; and the whole now stood before the world as one Poem, under the name of the "Nibelungen Lied," or Lay of the Nibelungen. It has since ^ [Originally published in the ** Westminster Review," No. 29 (1831), as a review of Karl Simrock's modern German translation of the poem. — Ed.] XIV THOMAS CARLYLE been ascertained that the ** Klage " is a foreign inferior append- age ; at best, related only as epilogue to the main work : mean- while, out of this ^' Nibelungen," such as it was, there soon proceeded new inquiries and kindred enterprises. For much as the Poem, in the shape it here bore, was defaced and marred, it failed not to attract observation : to all open-minded lovers of poetry, especially where a strong patriotic feeling existed, the singular antique "Nibelungen" was an interesting appearance. Johannes Miiller, in his famous "Swiss History," spoke of it in warm terms : subsequently, August Wilhelm Schlegel, through the medium of the '' Deutsche Museum," succeeded in awakening something like a universal popular feeling on the subject ; and, as a natural consequence, a whole host of Editors and Critics, of deep and of shallow endeavour, whose labours we yet see in pro- gress. The " Nibelungen " has now been investigated, translated, collated, commented upon, with more or less result, to almost boundless lengths : besides the Work named at the head of this Paper, and which stands there simply as one of the latest, we have Versions into the modern tongue by Von der Hagen, by Hinsberg, Lachmann, Biisching, Zeune, the last in Prose, and said to be worthless; Criticisms, Introductions, Keys, and so forth, by innumerable others, of whom we mention only Docen and the Brothers Grimm. By which means, not only has the Poem itself been elucidated with all manner of researches, but its whole environment has come forth in new light : the scene and personages it relates to, the other fictions and traditions connected with it, have attained a new importance and coherence. Manuscripts, that for ages had lain dormant, have issued from their archives into public view ; books that had circulated only in mean guise for the amusement of the people, have become important, not to one or two virtuosos, but to the general body of the learned : and now a whole System of antique Teutonic Fiction and Mythology unfolds itself, shedding here and there a real though feeble and uncertain glimmer over what was once the total darkness of the old Time. No fewer than ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XV Fourteen ancient Traditionary Poems, all strangely intertwisted, and growing out of and into one another, have come to light among the Germans ; who now, in looking back, find that they too, as well as the Greeks, have their Heroic Age, and round the old Valhalla, as their Northern Pantheon, a world of demi-gods and wonders. Such a phenomenon, unexpected till of late, cannot but interest a deep-thinking, enthusiastic people. For the " Nibelungen " especially, which lies as the centre and distinct keystone of the whole too chaotic System, — let us say rather, blooms as a firm sunny island in the middle of these cloud-covered, ever-shifting sand-whirlpools, — they cannot sufficiently testify their love and veneration. Learned professors lecture on the " Nibelungen " in public schools, with a praiseworthy view to initiate the German youth in love of their fatherland ; from many zealous and nowise ignorant critics we hear talk of a "great Northern Epos," of a German Iliad;" the more saturnine are shamed into silence, or hollow mouth-homage : thus from all quarters comes a sound of joyful acclamation ; the " Nibelungen " is welcomed as a precious national possession, recovered after six centuries of neglect, and takes undisputed place among the sacred books of German literature. Of these curious transactions some rumour has not failed to reach us in England, where our minds, from their own antiquarian disposition, were willing enough to receive it. Abstracts and extracts of the " Nibelungen " have been printed in our language ; there have been disquisitions on it in our Reviews : hitherto, how- ever, such as nowise to exhaust the subject. On the contrary, where so much was to be told at once, the speaker might be somewhat puzzled where to begin : it was a much readier method to begin with the end, or with any part of the middle, than like Hamilton's Ram (whose example is too little followed in literary narrative) to begin with the beginning. Thus has our stock of intelligence come rushing out on us quite promiscuously and pellmell; whereby the whole matter could not but acquire a XVI THOMAS CARLYLE tortuous, confused, altogether inexplicable and even drear?; aspect ; and the class of " well-informed persons " now find thex..- selves in that uncomfortable position, where they are obliged to profess admiration, and at the same time feel that, except by name, they know not what the thing admired is. Such a position towards the venerable "Nibelungen," which is no less bright and graceful than historically significant, cannot be the right one. Moreover, as appears to us, it might be somewhat mended by very simple means. Let anyone that had honestly read the " Nibelungen," which in these days is no surprising achievement, only tell us what he found there, and nothing that he did not find: we should then know something, and, what were still better, be ready for knowing more. To search out the secret roots of such a production, ramified through successive layers of centuries, and drawing nourishment from each, may be work, and too hard work, for the deepest philosopher and critic ; but to look with natural eyes on what part of it stands visibly above ground, and record his own experiences thereof, is what any reasonable mortal, if he will take heed, can do. Some such slight service we here intend proffering to our readers : let them glance with us a little into that mighty maze of Northern Archaeology ; where, it may be, some pleasant pro- spects will open. If the " Nibelungen " is what we have called it, a firm sunny island amid the weltering chaos of antique tradition, it must be worth visiting on general grounds ; nay if the primeval rudiments of it have the antiquity assigned them, it belongs specially to us English Teiitones as well as to the German. Far be it from us, meanwhile, to venture rashly, or farther than is needful, into that same traditionary chaos, fondly named the "Cycle of Northern Fiction," with its Fourteen Sectors (or separate Poems), which are rather Fourteen shoreless Limbos, where we hear of pieces containing " a hundred thousand verses," and " seventy thousand verses," as of a quite natural affair ! How travel through that inane country ; by what art discover the little ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XVU p-;"'in of Substance that casts such multiplied immeasurable 6*ii;dows? The primeval Mythus, were it at first philosophical truth, or were it historical incident, floats too vaguely on the breath of men : each successive Singer and Redactor furnishes it with new personages, new scenery, to please a new audience ; each has the privilege of inventing, and the far wider privilege of borrowing and new-modelling from all that have preceded him. Thus though tradition may have but one root, it grows like a Banian, into a whole overarching labyrinth of trees. Or rather might we say, it is a Hall of Mirrors, where in pale light each mirror reflects, convexly or concavely, not only some real Object, but the Shadows of this in other mirrors ; which again do the like for it: till in such reflection and re-reflection the whole immensity is filled with dimmer and dimmer shapes ; and no firm scene lies round us, but a dislocated, distorted chaos, fading away on all hands, in the distance, into utter night. Only to some brave Von der Hagen, furnished with indefatigable ardour, and a deep, almost religious love, is it given to find sure footing there, and see his way. All those Dukes of Aquitania^ therefore, and EtzeVs Court-holdings, and Dietrichs and Sigenots we shall leave standing where they are. Such as desire farther information will find an intelligible account of the whole Series or Cycle, in Messrs. Weber and Jamieson's " Illustrations of Northern Antiquities ; " and all possible furtherance, in the numerous German works above alluded to ; among which Von der Hagen's writings, though not the readiest, are probably the safest guides. But for us, our busi- ness here is with the " Nibelungen," the inhabited poetic country round which all these wildernesses lie ; only as environments of which, as routes to which, are they of moment to us. Perhaps our shortest and smoothest route will be through the " Helden- buch " (Hero-book) ; which is greatly the most important of these subsidiary Fictions, not without interest of its own, and closely related to the "Nibelungen." This " Heldenbuch,'' therefore, we must now address ourselves to traverse with all despatch. At the present stage of the business too, we shall forbear any XVlll THOMAS CARLYLE historical inquiry and argument concerning the date and local habitation of those Traditions ; reserving what little is to be said on that matter till the Traditions themselves have become better known to us. Let the reader, on trust for the present, transport himself into the twelfth or thirteenth century; and therefrom looking back into the sixth or fifth, see what presents itself. Of the " Heldenbuch," tried on its own merits, and except as illustrating that other far worthier Poem, or at most as an old national, and still in some measure popular book, we should have felt strongly inclined to say, as the Curate in "Don Quixote" so often did, Al corral con ello, Out of the window with it ! Doubt- less there are touches of beauty in the work, and even a sort of heartiness and antique quaintness in its wildest follies; but on the whole that George-and-Dragon species of composition has long ceased to find favour with anyone; and except for its groundwork, more or less discernible, of old Northern Fiction, this " Heldenbuch " has little to distinguish it from these. Never- theless, what is worth remark, it seems, to have been a far higher favourite than the " Nibelungen " with ancient readers : it was printed soon after the invention of printing; some think in 1472, for there is no place or date on the first edition ; at all events, in 1491, in 1509, and repeatedly since; whereas the "Nibelungen," though written earlier, and in worth immeasurably superior, had to remain in manuscript three centuries longer. From which, for the thousandth time, inferences might be drawn as to the infallibility of popular taste, and its value as a criterion for poetry. However, it is probably in virtue of this neglect, that the '* Nibelungen " boasts of its actual purity ; that it now comes before us, clear and graceful as it issued from the old Singer's head and heart; not overloaded with Ass-eared Giants, Fiery Dragons, Dwarfs and Hairy Women, as the "Heldenbuch" is,- many of which, as charity would hope, may be the produce of a later age than that famed Swahian Era, to which these poems, as we now see them, are commonly referred. Indeed, one Casper ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xix von Roen is understood to have passed the whole " Heldenbuch " through his limbec, in the fifteenth century; but like other rectifiers, instead of purifying it, to have only drugged it with still fiercer ingredients to suit the sick appetite of the time. Of this drugged and adulterated " Hero-book " (the only one we yet have, though there is talk of a better) we shall quote the long Title-page of Lessing's Copy, the edition of 1560 ; from which, with a few intercalated observations, the reader's curiosity may probably obtain what little satisfaction it wants : Das Heldenbuch, welchs auffs new corrigirt und gebessert ist, mit shonen Figuren geziert. Gedrikkt zu Frankfurt am Mayn, dicrch Weygand Han und Sygmund Feyerabend, etc. That is to say : " The ' Hero-book,' which is of new corrected and improved, adorned with beautiful Figures. Printed at Frankfurt on the Mayn, through Weygand Han and Sygmund Feyerabend. " Part First saith of Kaiser Ottnit and the little King Elberich, how they with great peril, over sea, in Heathendom, won from a king his daughter (and how he in lawful marriage took her to wife)." From which announcement the reader already guesses the contents: how this little King Elberich was a Dwarf or Elf, some half-span long, yet full of cunning practices, and the most helpful activity; nay, stranger still, had been Kaiser Ottnit of Lampartet or Lombardy's father, — having had his own ulterior views in that indiscretion. How they sailed with Messina ships, into Paynim land; fought with that unspeakable Turk, King Machabol, in and about his fortress and metropolis of Montebur, which was all stuck round with christian heads ; slew from seventy to a hundred thousand of the Infidels at one heat ; saw the lady on the battlements ; and at length, chiefly by Dwarf Elberich's help, carried her off in triumph ; wedded her in Messina ; and without difficulty, rooting out the Mahometan prejudice, con- verted her to the creed of Mother Church. The fair runaway seems to have been of a gentle tractable disposition, very different XX THOMAS CARLYLE from old Machabol; concerning whom it is here chiefly to be noted that Dwarf Elberich, rendering himself invisible on their first interview, plucks out a handful of hair from his chin ; thereby increasing to a tenfold pitch the royal choler ; and, what is still more remarkable, furnishing the poet Wieland, six centuries afterwards, with the critical incident in his "Oberon." As for the young lady herself, we cannot but admit that she was well worth sailing to Heathendom for; and shall here, as our sole specimen of that old German doggerel, give the description of her, as she first appeared on the battlements during the fight; sub- joining a version as verbal and literal as the plainest prose can make it. Considered as a detached passage, it is perhaps the finest we have met with in the "Heldenbuch." Ihr herz hrann also schone, Recht als ein rot rtibein, Gleich dejii vollen mane Gaben ihr dtiglein schein. Sich hett die maget reine Mit rosen wohl bekleid Und auch mit berlin kleine Niemand da trbst die ineid. Her heart burnt (with anxiety) as Just as a red ruby, [beautiful Like the full moon [sheen. Her eyes (eyelings, pretty eyes) gave Herself had the maiden pui'e Well adorned with roses, And also with pearls small : No one there comforted the maid. Sie war sch'dn an dein kibe, Und zu den seiten schtnal ; Recht als ein kertze scheibe Wohlgeschaffen iiberall: Ihr beyden hand gemeine Bars ihr gentz nichts gebrach Ihr ndglein schbn und reine, Das man sich darin besach. She was fair of body, And in the waist slender ; Right as a (golden) candlestick Well-fashioned everywhere : Her two hands proper. So that she wanted nought : Her little nails fair and pure, That you could see yourself therein. Ihr har war sch'dn umbfangen Mit edler seidenfein ; Das Hess sie nieder hangen, Das hilbsche magedlein. Sie trug ein kron mit steinen, Sie ivar von gold so rot ; Elbei'ich dem viel kleinen War zu der magte not. Her hair was beautifully girt With noble silk (band) fine ; She let it flow down, The lovely maidling. She wore a crown with jewels. It was of gold so red : For Elberich the very small The maid had need (to console her). ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xxi Da vornen in den kronen There in front of the crown Lag ein ka^-funkelstein. Lay a carbuncle-stone, Der in dem pallast schonen Which in the palace fair Aecht ah ein kertz erschein ; Even as a taper seemed ; Aufjrem hatipt das hare On her head the hair War lauter und anckfein. Was glossy and also fine, Es letichtet also klare It shone as bright Recht als der sonnen schein. Even as the sun's sheen. Die magi die stand alleine. The maid she stood alone, Gar trawrig zuarjr imit ; Right sad was her mind ; Ihrfarb und die war reine^ Her colour it was pure, Lieblich we milch und blut ; Lovely as milk and blood: Her durchjr zbpffe reineri ' Out through her pure locks Schienjr hals als der schnee: Shone her neck like the snow. Elberich dem viel kleinen Elberich the very small That der maget jatnmer weh. Was touched with the maiden's sorrow, Happy man was Kaiser Ottnit, blessed with such a wife, after all his travail ; — had not the Turk Machabol cunningly sent him, in revenge, a box of young Dragons, or Dragon-eggs, by the hands of a caitiff Infidel, contriver of the mischief; by whom in due course of time they were hatched and nursed, to the infinite woe of all Lampartei, and ultimately to the death of Kaiser Ottnit himself, whom they swallowed and attempted to digest, once without effect, but the next time too fatally, crown and all ! ^^Fart Second announceth {meldet) of Herr Hugdietrich and his son Wolfdietrich ; how they, for justice-sake, oft by their doughty acts succoured distressed persons, with other bold heroes that stood by them in extremity." Concerning which Hugdietrich, Emperor of Greece, and his son Wolfdietrich, one day the renownfed Dietrich of Bern, we can here say little more than that the former trained himself to sempstress-work ; and for many weeks plied his needle, before he could get wedded and produce Wolfdietrich; who coming into the world in this clandestine manner, was let down into the castle-ditch, and like Romulus and Remus nursed by a Wolf, whence his name. However, after never-imagined adventures, XXll THOMAS CARLYLE with enchanters and enchantresses, pagans and giants, in all quarters of the globe, he finally, with utmost effort, slaughtered those Lombardy Dragons ; then married Kaiser Ottnit's widow, whom he had rather flirted with before ; and so lived universally respected in his new empire, performing yet other notable achievements. One strange property he had, sometimes useful to him, sometimes hurtful : that his breath, when he became angry, grew flame, red-hot, and would take the temper out of swords. We find him again in the " Nibelungen," among King Etzel's (Attila's) followers; a staid, cautious, yet still invincible man ; on which occasion, though with great reluctance, he is forced to interfere, and does so with effect. Dietrich is the favourite hero of all those Southern Fictions, and well acknow- ledged in the Northern also, where the chief man, however, as we shall find, is not he but Siegfried. ^^ Part Third showeth of the Rose-garden at Worms, which was planted by Chrimhilte, King Gibich's daughter; whereby afterwards most part of those Heroes and Giants came to de- struction and were slain." In this Third Part the Southern or Lombard Heroes come into contact and collision with another as notable Northern class, and for us much more important. Chriemhild, whose ulterior history makes such a figure in the " Nibelungen," had, it would seem, near the ancient city of Worms, a Rose-garden, some seven English miles in circuit ; fenced only by a silk thread ; wherein, however, she maintained Twelve stout fighting-men ; several of whom, as Hagen, Volker, her three Brothers, above all the gallant Siegfried her betrothed, we shall meet with again : these, so un- speakable was their prowess, sufficed to defend the silk-thread Garden against all mortals. Our good antiquary, Von der Hagen, imagines that this Rose-garden business (in the primeval Tradi- tion) glances obliquely at the Ecliptic with its Twelve Signs, at Jupiter's fight with the Titans, and we know not what confused skirmishing in the Utgard, or Asgard, or Midgard of the Scan- dinavians. Be this as it may, Chriemhild, we are here told, being ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XXIU very beautiful and very wilful, boasts, in the pride of her heart, that no heroes on earth are to be compared with hers ; and hear- ing accidentally that Dietrich of Bern has a high character in this line, forthwith challenges him to visit Worms, and with eleven picked men to do battle there against those other Twelve cham- pions of Christendom that watch her Rose-garden. Dietrich, in a towering passion at the style of the message, which was " surly and stout," instantly pitches upon his eleven seconds, who also are to be principals ; and with a retinue of other sixty thousand, by quick stages, in which obstacles enough are overcome, reaches Worms, and declares himself ready. Among these eleven Lom- bard heroes of his are likewise several whom we meet with again in the " Nibelungen " ; beside Dietrich himself, we have the old Duke Hildebrand, Wolf hart, Ortwin. Notable among them, in another way, is Monk Ilsan, a truculent gray-bearded fellow, equal to any Friar Tuck in " Robin Hood." The conditions of fight are soon agreed on : there are to be twelve successive duels, each challenger being expected to find his match; and the prize of victory is a Rose-garland from Chriemhild, and ei'u Helssen und ein Kiissen^ that is to say virtually, one kiss from her fair lips to each. But here as it ever should do. Pride gets a fall ; for Chriemhild's bully-hectors are, in divers ways, all successively felled to the ground by the Berners ; some of whom, as old Hildebrand, will not even taken her Kiss when it is due : even Siegfried himself, most reluctantly engaged with by Dietrich, and for a while victorious, is at last forced to seek shelter in her lap. Nay, Monk Ilsan, after the regular fight is over, and his part in it well performed, calls out in succession fifty-two other idle Champions of the Garden, part of them Giants, and routs the whole fraternity ; thereby earning, besides his own regular allowance, fifty-two spare Garlands, and fifty-two several Kisses; in the course of which latter, Chriemhild's cheek, a just punishment as seemed, was scratched to the drawing of blood by his rough beard. It only remains to be added, that King Gibich, Chriemhild's Father, is now fain to do homage for his kingdom XXIV THOMAS CARLYLE to Dietrich; who returns triumphant to his own country; where also, Monk Ilsan, according to promise, distributes these fifty-two Garlands among his fellow Friars, crushing a garland on the bare crown of each, till " the red blood ran over their ears." Under which hard, but not undeserved treatment, they all agreed to pray for remission of Ilsan's sins : indeed, such as continued refractory he tied together by the beards, and hung pair-wise over poles, whereby the stoutest soon gave in. So endeth here this ditty Of strife from woman's pride : God on our griefs take pity, And Mary still by us abide. " In Part Fourth is announced {gemelt) of the little King Laurin, the Dwarf, how he encompassed his Rose-garden with so great manhood and art-magic, till at last he was vanquished by the heroes, and forced to become their Juggler, with etc., etc." Of which Fourth and happily last part we shall here say nothing ; inasmuch as, except that certain of our old heroes again figure there, it has no coherence or connection with the rest of the " Heldenbuch " ; and is simply a new tale, which by way of episode Heinrich von Ofterdingen, as we learn from his own words, had subsequently appended thereto. He says ; Heinrrch von Ofterdingen This story hath been singing. To the joy of Princes bold. They gave him silver and gold, Moreover pennies and garments rich : Here endeth this Book the which Doth sing our noble Heroes' story : God help us all to heavenly glory. Such is some outline of the famous "Heldenbuch"; on which it is not our business here to add any criticism. The fact that it has so long been popular betokens a certain worth in it ; the kind and degree of which is also in some measure apparent. In poetry ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XXV "the rude man," it has been said, "requires only to see something going on ; the man of more refinement wishes to feel ; the truly refined man must be made to reflect." For the first of these classes our " Hero-book," as has been apparent enough, provides in abundance ; for the other two scantily, indeed for the second not at all. Nevertheless our estimate of this work, which as a series of Antique Traditions may have considerable meaning, is apt to be too low. Let us remember that this is not the original "Heldenbuch" which we now see; but only a version of it into the Knight-errant dialect of the thirteenth, indeed partly of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, with all the fantastic monstrosi- ties, now so trivial, pertaining to that style ; under which disguises the really antique earnest groundwork, interesting as old Thought, if not as old Poetry, is all but quite obscured from us. But Antiquarian diligence is now busy with the " Heldenbuch " also, from which what light is in it will doubtless be elicited, and here and there a deformity removed. Though the Ethiop cannot change his skin, there is no need that even he should go abroad unwashed.^ Casper von Roen, or whoever was the ultimate redactor of the " Heldenbuch," whom Lessing designates as " a highly ill-informed man," would have done better had he quite omitted that little King Laurin, " and his little Rose-garden," which properly is no Rose-garden at all ; and instead thereof introduced the "Gehornte Siegfried" (Behorned Siegfried), whose history lies at the heart of the whole Northern Traditions; and, under a rude prose dress, is to this day a real child's-book and people's-book among the ^ Our inconsiderable knowledge of the "Heldenbuch" is derived from various secondary sources ; chiefly from Lessing's "Werke" (b. xiii.), where the reader will find an epitome of the whole Poem, with Extracts by Herr Fiilleborn, from which the above are taken. A still more accessible and larger Abstract, with long specimens translated into verse, stands in the "Illustrations of Northern Antiquities" (pp. 45-167). Von der Hagen has since been employed specially on the "Heldenbuch"; with what result w have not yet learned. XXVI THOMAS CARLYLE Germans. Of this Siegfried we have already seen somewhat in the Rose-garden at Worms ; and shall ere long see much more elsewhere ; for he is the chief hero of the " Nibelungen " : indeed nowhere can we dip into those old Fictions, whether in Scan- dinavia or the Rhine-land, but under one figure or another, whether as Dragon-killer and Prince-royal, or as Blacksmith and Horse-subduer, as Sigurd, Sivrit, Siegfried, we are sure to light on him. As his early adventures belong to the strange sort, and will afterwards concern us not a little, we shall here endeavour to piece together some consistent outhne of them; so far indeed as that may be possible ; for his biographers, agreeing in the main points, differ widely in the details. First, then, let no one from the title Gehornte (Horned, Be- horned), fancy that our brave Siegfried, who was the loveliest as well as the bravest of men, was actually cornuted, and had horns on his brow, though like Michael Angelo's Moses ; or even that his skin, to which the epithet Behorned refers, was hard like a crocodile's, and not softer than the softest shamoy : for the truth is, his Hornedness means only an Invulnerability, like that of Achilles ; which he came by in the following manner. All men agree that Siegfried was a king's son ; he was born, as we here have good reason to know, " at Santen in Netherland," of Siege- mund and the fair Siegelinde ; yet by some family misfortune or discord, of which the accounts are very various, he came into singular straits during boyhood ; having passed that happy period of life, not under the canopies of costly state, but by the sooty stithy, in one Mimer a Blacksmith's shop. Here, however, he was nowise in his proper element ; ever quarrelling with his fellow-apprentices ; nay, as some say, breaking the hardest anvils into shivers by his too stout hammering. So that Mimer, other- wise a first-rate Smith, could by no means do with him there. He sends him, accordingly, to the neighbouring forest, to fetch charcoal; well aware that a monstrous Dragon, one Regin, the Smith's own Brother, would meet him and devour him. But far otherwise it proved ; Siegfried by main force slew this Dragon, or ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XXVU rather Dragonized Smith's-Brother ; made broth of him; and, warned by some significant phenomena, bathed therein ; or, as others assert, bathed directly in the monster's blood, without cookery; and hereby attained that Invulnerability, complete in all respects, save that between his shoulders, where a lime-tree leaf chanced to settle and stick during the process, there was one little spot, a fatal spot as afterwards turned out, left in its natural state, Siegfried, now seeing through the craft of the Smith, returned home and slew him ; then set forth in search of adventures, the bare catalogue of which were long to recite. We mention only two, as subsequently of moment both for him and for us. He is by some said to have courted, and then jilted, the fair and proud Queen Brunhild of Isenland ; nay to have thrown down the seven gates of her Castle; and then ridden off with her wild horse Gana, having mounted him in the meadow, and instantly broken him. Some cross passages between him and Queen Brunhild, who understood no jesting, there must clearly have been, so angry is her recognition of him in the " Nibelungen " ; nay, she bears a lasting grudge against him there ; as he, and indeed she also, one day too sorely felt. His other grand adventure is with the two sons of the deceased King Nibelung, in Nibelungen-land : these two youths, to whom their father had bequeathed a Hoard or Treasure, beyond all price or computation, Siegfried, " riding by alone," found on the side of a mountain, in a state of great perplexity. They had brought out the Treasure from the cave where it usually lay ; but how to part it was the difficulty ; for, not to speak of gold, there were as many jewels alone " as twelve wagons in four days and nights, each going three journeys, could carry away;" nay, "however much you took from it, there was no diminution:" besides, in real property, a Sword, Balmung, of great potency ; a Divining-rod, "which gave power over everyone;" and a Tarnkappe (or Cloak of Darkness), which not only rendered the wearer invisible, but also gave him twelve men's strength. So XXVlll THOMAS CARLYLE that the two Princes Royal, without counsel save from their Twelve stupid Giants, knew not how to fall upon any amicable arrangement; and, seeing Siegfried ride by so opportunely, requested him to be arbiter; offering also the Sword Balmung for his trouble. Siegfried, who readily undertook the impossible problem, did his best to accomplish it ; but, of course, without effect ; nay the two Nibelungen Princes, being of choleric temper, grew impatient, and provoked him ; whereupon, with the Sword Balmung he slew them both, and their Twelve Giants (perhaps originally Signs of the Zodiac) to boot. Thus did the famous Nibelungen Hort (Hoard), and indeed the whole Nibelungen- land, come into his possession : wearing the Sword Balmung, and having slain the two Princes and their Champions, what was there farther to oppose him ? Vainly did the Dwarf Alberich, our old friend Elberich of the *' Heldenbuch," who had now become special keeper of this Hoard, attempt some resistance with a Dwarf Army ; he was driven back into the cave ; plundered of his Tarnkappe ; and obliged, with all his myrmidons, to swear fealty to the conqueror, whom indeed thenceforth he and they punctually obeyed. Whereby Siegfried might now farther style himself King of the Nibelungen ; master of the infinite Nibelungen Hoard (collected doubtless by art-magic in the beginning of Time, in the deep bowels of the Universe), with the Wiinschelruthe (Wishing or Divining-rod) pertaining thereto ; owner of the Tarnkappe, which he ever after kept by him, to put on at will ; and though last not least, Bearer and Wielder of the Sword Balmung,^ by the keen ^ By this Sword Balmung also hangs a tale. Doubtless it was one of those invaluable weapons sometimes fabricated by the old Northern Smiths, com- pared with which our modern Foxes and Ferraras and Toledos are mere leaden tools. Von der Hagen seems to think it simply the Sword Mimung under another name ; in which case Siegfried's old master, Mimer, had been the maker of it, and called it after himself, as if it had been his son. In Scandinavian chronicles, veridical or not, we have the following account of that transaction. Mimer (or, as some have it, surely without ground, one ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XXIX edge of which all this gain had come to him. To which last acquisitions adding his previously acquired Invulnerability, and his natural dignities as Prince of Netherland, he might well show himself before the foremost at Worms or elsewhere ; and attempt any the highest adventure that fortune could cut out for him. However, his subsequent history belongs all to the ''Nibelungen Song"; at which fair garden of poesy we are now, through all these shaggy wildernesses and enchanted woods, finally arrived. Apart from its antiquarian value, and not only as by far the finest monument of old German art ; but intrinsically, and as a mere detached composition, this " Nibelungen " has an excellence that cannot but surprise us. With little preparation, any reader of poetry, even in these days, might find it interesting. It is not without a certain Unity of interest and purport, an internal coherence and completeness ; it is a Whole, and some spirit of Music informs it : these are the highest characteristics of a true Velint, once an apprentice of his) was challenged by another Craftsman, named Amilias, who boasted that he had made a suit of armour which no stroke could dint, — to equal that feat, or own himself the second Smith then extant. This last the stout Mimer would in no case do, but proceeded to forge the Sword Mimung; with which, when it was finished, he, "in presence of the King," cut asunder "a thread of wool floating on water." This would have seemed a fair fire-edge to most smiths: not so to Mimer; he sawed the blade in pieces, welded it in "a red-hot fire for three days," tempered it **with milk and oatmeal," and by much other cunning brought out a sword that severed "a ball of wool floating on water." But neither would this suffice him ; he returned to his smithy, and by means known only to himself, pro- duced, in the course of seven weeks, a third and final edition of Mimung, which split asunder a whole floating pack of wool. The comparative trial now took place forthwith. Amilias, cased in his impenetrable coat of mail, sat down on a bench, in presence of assembled thousands, and bade Mimer strike him, Mimer fetched of course his best blow, on which Amilias observed, that there was a strange feeling of cold iron in his inwards. "Shake thyself," said Mimer; the luckless wight did so, and fell in two halves, being cleft sheer through from collar to haunch, never more to swing hammer in this world. See " Illustrations of Northern Antiquities," p. 31. XXX THOMAS CARLYLE Poem. Considering farther what intellectual environment we now find it in, it is doubly to be prized and wondered at ; for it differs from those " Hero-books," as molten or carved metal does from rude agglomerated ore; almost as some Shakespeare from his fellow Dramatists, whose " Tamburlaines " and " Island Prin- cesses," themselves not destitute of merit, first show us clearly in what pure loftiness and loneliness the " Hamlets " and "Tempests" reign. The unknown Singer of the '' Nibelungen," though no Shake- speare, must have had a deep poetic soul; wherein things dis- continuous and inanimate shaped themselves together into life, and the Universe with its wondrous purport stood significantly imaged; overarching, as with heavenly firmaments and eternal harmonies, the little scene where men strut and fret their hour. His Poem, unlike so many old and new pretenders to that name, has a basis and organic structure, a beginning, middle and end ; there is one great principle and idea set forth in it, round which all its multifarious parts combine in living union. Remarkable it is, moreover, how along with this essence and primary condition of all poetic virtue, the minor external virtues of what we call Taste and so forth, are, as it were, presupposed ; and the living soul of Poetry being there, its body of incidents, its garment of language, come of their own accord. So too in the case of Shake- speare : his feeling of propriety, as compared with that of the Marlowes and Fletchers, his quick sure sense of what is fit and unfit, either in act or word, might astonish us, had he no other superiority. But true Inspiration, as it may well do, includes that same Taste, or rather a far higher and heartfelt Taste, of which that other " elegant " species is but an ineffectual, irrational apery : let us see the herald Mercury actually descend from his Heaven, and the bright wings, and the graceful movement of these, will not be wanting. With an instinctive art, far different from acquired artifice, this Poet of the "Nibelungen," working in the same province with his contemporaries of the *' Heldenbuch," on the same material ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xxxi of tradition, has, in a wonderful degree, possessed himself of what these could only strive after; and with his "clear feehng of fictitious truth," avoided as false the errors and monstrous per- plexities in which they vainly struggled. He is of another species than they ; in language, in purity and depth of feeling, in fineness of invention, stands quite apart from them. The language of the " Heldenbuch," as we saw above, was a feeble half-articulate child's-speech, the metre nothing better than a miserable doggerel; whereas here in the old Frankish {Oberdeutsch) dialect of the " Nibelungen," we have a clear decisive utterance, and in a real system of verse, not without essential regularity, great liveliness, and now and then even harmony of rhythm. Doubtless we must often call it a diffuse diluted utterance ; at the same time it is genuine, with a certain antique garrulous heartiness, and has a rhythm in the thoughts as well as the words. The simplicity is never silly : even in that perpetual recurrence of epithets, sometimes of rhymes, as where two words, for instance lip (body, life, leib) and wt'p (woman, wife, weib) are indissolubly wedded together, and the one never shows itself without the other following, — there is something which reminds us not so much of poverty, as of trustfulness and childlike innocence. Indeed a strange charm lies in those old tones, where, in gay dancing melodies, the sternest tidings are sung to ua ; and deep floods of Sadness and Strife play lightly in little curling billows, like seas in summer. It is as a meek smile, in whose still, thoughtful depths a whole infinitude of patience, and love, and heroic strength lie revealed. But in other cases too, we have seen this outward sport and inward earnestness offer grateful contrast, and cunning excitement ; for example, in Tasso ; of whom, though otherwise different enough, this old Northern Singer has more than once reminded us. There too, as here, we have a dark solemn meaning in light guise ; deeds of high temper, harsh self-denial, daring and death, stand embodied in that soft, quick-flowing, joyfully-modulated verse. Nay farther, as if the implement, much more than we might fancy, had XXXll THOMAS CARLYLE influenced the work done, these two Poems, could we trust our individual feeling, have in one respect the same poetical result for us : in the " Nibelungen " as in the " Gerusalemme," the persons and their story are indeed brought vividly before us, yet not near and palpably present ; it is rather as if we looked on that scene through an inverted telescope, whereby the whole was carried far away into the distance, the life-large figures compressed into brilliant miniatures, so clear, so real, yet tiny, elf-like and beautified as well as lessened, their colours being now closer and brighter, the shadows and trivial features no longer visible. This, as we partly apprehend, comes of singing Epic Poems ; most part of which only pretend to be sung. Tasso's rich melody still lives among the Italian people ; the " Nibelungen " also is what it pro- fesses to be, a Song. No less striking than the verse and language is the quality of the invention manifested here. Of the Fable, or narrative material of the "Nibelungen," we should say that it had high, almost the highest merit ; so daintily yet firmly is it put together ; with such felicitous selection of the beautiful, the essential, and no less felicitous rejection of whatever was unbeautiful or even extraneous. The reader is no longer afflicted with that chaotic brood of Fire- drakes, Giants, and malicious turbaned Turks, so fatally rife in the " Heldenbuch " : all this is swept away, or only hovers in faint shadows afar off; and free field is open for legitimate perennial interests. Yet neither is the " Nibelungen " without its wonders ; for it is poetry and not prose ; here too, a super- natural world encompasses the natural, and, though at rare intervals and in calm manner, reveals itself there. It is truly wonderful, with what skill our simple untaught Poet deals with the marvellous ; admitting it without reluctance or criticism, yet precisely in the degree and shape that will best avail him. Here, if in no other respect, we should say that he has a decided superiority to Homer himself. The whole story of the "Nibelungen " is fateful, mysterious, guided on by unseen influences; yet the actual marvels are few, and done in the far distance; those ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XXxiii Dwarfs, and Cloaks of Darkness, and charmed Treasure-caves, are heard of rather than beheld, the tidings of them seem to issue from unknown space. Vain were it to inquire where that Nibelungen-land specially is : its very name "is Nebel-land or Nifl-land, the land of Darkness, of Invisibility. The " Nibelungen Heroes " that muster in thousands and tens of thousands, though they march to the Rhine or Danube, and we see their strong limbs and shining armour, we could almost fancy to be children of the air. Far beyond the firm horizon, that wonder-bearing region swims on the infinite waters ; unseen by bodily eye, or at most discerned as a faint streak, hanging in the blue depths, uncertain whether island or cloud. And thus the "Nibelungen Song," though based on the bottomless foundations of Spirit, and not unvisited of skyey messengers, is a real, rounded, habitable Earth, where we find firm footing, and the wondrous and the common live amicably together. Perhaps it would be difficult to find any Poet of ancient or modern times, who in this trying problem has steered his way with greater delicacy and success. To any of our readers who may have personally studied the "Nibelungen," these high praises of ours will not seem ex- aggerated : the rest, who are the vast majority, must endeavour to accept them with some degree of faith, at least of curiosity ; to vindicate, and judicially substantiate them would far exceed our present opportunities. Nay in any case, the criticism, the alleged Characteristics of a Poem are so many Theorems, which are indeed enunciated, truly or falsely, but the Demonstration of which must be sought for in the reader's own study and experience. Nearly all that can be attempted here, is some hasty epitome of the mere Narrative; no substantial image of the work, but a feeble outline and shadow. To which task, as the personages and their environment have already been in some degree illustrated, we can now proceed without obstacle. The "Nibelungen" has been called the Northern Epos; yet it has, in great part, a Dramatic character: those thirty-nine Aventiuren (Adventures), which it consists of, might be so many XXXIV THOMAS CARLYLE scenes in a Tragedy. The catastrophe is dimly prophesied from the beginning; and, at every fresh step, rises more and more clearly into view. A shadow of coming Fate, as it were, a low inarticulate voice of Doom falls, from the first, out of that charmed Nibelungen-land : the discord of two women is as a little spark of evil passion, which ere long enlarges itself into a crime; foul murder is done ; and now the Sin rolls on like a devouring fire, till the guilty and the innocent are aUke encircled with it, and a whole land is ashes, and a whole race is swept away. Uns ist in alien mceren Wunders vil geseity Von helden lobebceren Von grozer chuonheit ; Von vrouden und^ hoch-geziten. Von weinen und von chlagen^ Von chuner rechen siriten, Muget ir nu wunder h'dren sagen. We find in ancient story Wonders many told, Of heroes in great glory With spirit free and bold; Of joyances and high-tides, Of weeping and of woe, Of noble Recken striving, Mote ye now wonders know. This is the brief artless Proem ; and the promise contained in it proceeds directly towards fulfilment. In the very second stanza we learn : Es wiihs in Burgonden Ein vil edel magedin. Das in alien landen Niht schoners mohte sin ; Chriemhilt tuas si geheien, Si wart ein schone wip ; Darumhe viiisen degene Vil verliesen den lip. A right noble maiden Did grow in Burgundy, That in all lands of earth Nought fairer mote there be ; Chriemhild of Worms she hight, She was a fairest wife ; For the which must warriors A many lose their life. ^ ^ This is the fiirst of a thousand instances in which the two inseparables, wip and lip^ or in modem tongue weib and leib^ as mentioned above, appear together. From these two opening stanzas of the "Nibelungen Lied," in its purest form, the reader may obtain some idea of the versification ; it runs on in more or less regular Alexandrines, with a csesural pause in each, where the capital letters occur; indeed, the lines seem originally to have been divided ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED, XXXV Chriemhild, this world's-wonder, a king's daughter and king's sister, and no less coy and proud than fair, dreams one night that "she had petted a falcon, strong, beautiful and wild ; which two eagles snatched away from her : this she was forced to see ; greater sorrow felt she never in the world." Her mother, Ute, to whom she relates the vision, soon redes it for her ; the falcon is a noble husband, whom, God keep him, she must suddenly lose. Chriemhild declares warmly for the single state; as, indeed, living there at the Court of Worms, with her brothers, Gunther, Gemot, Giselher, "three kings noble and rich," in such pomp and renown, the pride of Burgunden-land and Earth, she might readily enough have changed for the worse. However, dame Ute bids her not be too emphatical; for "if ever she have heartfelt joy in life, it will be from man's love, and she shall be a fair wife {wip)^ when God sends her a right worthy Ritter's //}>." Chriemhild is more in earnest than maidens usually are when they talk thus; it appears, she guarded against love, "for many a lief-long day ; " nevertheless, she too must yield to destiny. "Honourably she was to become a most noble Ritter's wife." "This," adds the old Singer, "was that same falcon she dreamed of: how sorely she since revenged him on her nearest kindred! For that one death died full many a mother's son." It may be observed, that the Poet here, and at all times, shows a marked partiality for Chriemhild; ever striving, unlike his fellow singers, to magnify her worth, her faithfulness and loveli- ness ; and softening, as much as may be, whatever makes against her. No less a favourite with him is Siegfried, the prompt, gay, peaceably fearless hero ; to whom, in the Second Aventiure, we into two at that point, for sometimes, as in Stanza First, the middle words (maren, lobebceren ; geziten, striten) also rhyme ; but this is rather a rare case. The word rechen or recken, used in the First Stanza, is the constant designa- tion for bold fighters, and has the same i-oot with rich (thus in old French, hojnines riches ; in Spanish, ricos hombres), which last is here also synonymous with powerful, and is applied to kings, and even to the Almighty, Got dem richsn. XXXVl THOMAS CARLYLE are here suddenly introduced, at Santen (Xanten), the Court of Netherland ; whither, to his glad parents, after achievements (to us partially known) " of which one might sing and tell forever," that noble prince has returned. Much as he has done and con- quered, he is but just arrived at man's years : it is on occasion of this joyful event that a high-tide {hochgeztt) is now held there, with infinite joustings, minstrelsy, largesses and other chivalrous doings, all which is sung with utmost heartiness. The old King Siegemund offers to resign his crown to him; but Siegfried has other game a-field: the unparalleled beauty of Chriemhild has reached his ear and his fancy; and now he will to Worms and woo her, at least " see how it stands with her." Fruitless is it for Siegemund and the mother Siegelinde to represent the perils of that enterprise, the pride of those Burgundian Gunthers and Gemots, the fierce temper of their uncle Hagen ; Siegfried is as obstinate as young men are in these cases, and can hear no counsel. Nay he will not accept the much more liberal proposi- tion, to take an army with him, and conquer the country, if it must be so ; he will ride forth, like himself, with twelve champions only, and so defy the future. Whereupon, the old people finding that there is no other course, proceed to make him clothes ; ^ — at least, the good queen with "her fair women sitting night and day," and sewing, does so, the father furnishing noblest battle and riding gear; — and so dismiss him with many blessings and lamentations. " For him wept sore the king and his wife^ but he comforted both their bodies {lip) ; he said, ' Ye must not weep, for my body ever shall ye be without care.' " Sad was it to the Reclcen, Stood weeping many a maid ; I ween their heart had them The tidings true foresaid, That of their friends so many Death thereby should find ; Cause had they of lamenting, Such boding in their mind. ^ This is a never-failing preparative for all expeditions, and always specified and insisted on with a simple, loving, almost female impressiveness. ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xxxvii Nevertheless, on the seventh morning, that adventurous company "ride up the sand," on the Rhinebeach, to Worms; in high temper, in dress and trappings, aspect and bearing more than kingly. Siegfried's reception at King Gunther's court, and his brave sayings and doings there for some time, we must omit One fine trait of his chivalrous delicacy it is that, for a whole year, he never hints at his errand ; never once sees or speaks of Chriemhild, whom, nevertheless, he is longing day and night to meet. She, on her side, has often through her lattices noticed the gallant stranger, victorious in all tiltings and knightly exer- cises ; whereby it would seem, in spite of her rigorous predetermina- tions, some kindness for him is already gliding in. Meanwhile, mighty wars and threats of invasion arise, and Siegfried does the state good service. Returning victorious, both as general and soldier, from Hessen (Hessia), where, by help of his own courage and the sword Balmung, he has captured a Danish king, and utterly discomfited a Saxon one ; he can now show himself before Chriemhild without other blushes than those of timid love. Nay the maiden has herself inquired pointedly of the messengers, touching his exploits ; and " her face grew rose-red when she heard them." A gay High-tide, by way of triumph, is appointed ; several kings, and two-and-thirty princes, and knights enough with "gold-red saddles," come to joust; and better than whole infinities of kings and princes with their saddles, the fair Chriem- hild herself, under guidance of her mother, chiefly too in honour of the victor, is to grace that sport. " Ute the full rich " fails not to set her needle-women to work, and "clothes of price are taken from their presses," for the love of her child, " wherewith to deck many women and maids." And now, " on the Whitsun-morning," all is ready, and glorious as heart could desire it ; brave Ritters, "five thousand or more," all glancing in the lists; but grander still, Chriemhild herself is advancing beside her mother, with a hundred body-guards, all sword-in-hand, and many a noble maid *' wearing rich raiment," in her train ! XXXviil THOMAS CARLYLE " Now issued forth the lovely one {mmnechliche), as the red morning d.oth from troubled clouds; much care fled away from him who bore her in his heart, and long had done ; he saw the lovely one stand in her beauty. "There glanced from her garments full many precious stones, her rose-red colour shone full lovely: try what he might, each man must confess that in this world he had not seen aught so fair. ' * Like as the light moon stands before the stars, and its sheen so clear goes over the clouds, even so stood she now before many fair women; whereat cheered was the mind of the hero. "The rich chamberlains you saw go before her, the high-spirited Recken would not forbear, but pressed on where they saw the lovely maiden. Sieg- fried the lord was both glad and sad. "He thought in his mind. How could this be that I should woo thee? That was a foolish dream; yet must I forever be a stranger, I were rather {sanfter, softer) dead. He became, from these thoughts, in quick changes, pale and red. "Thus- stood so lovely the child of Siegelinde, as if he were limned on parchment by a master's art ; for all granted that hero so beautiful they had never seen." In this passage, which we have rendered, from the Fifth Aven- iture, into the closest prose, it is to be remarked, among other singularities, that there are two similes : in which figure of speech our old Singer deals very sparingly. The first, that comparison of Chriemhild to the moon among stars with its sheen going over the clouds, has now for many centuries had little novelty or merit : but the second, that of Siegfried to a Figure in some illuminated Manuscript, is graceful in itself; and unspeakably so to anti- quaries, seldom honoured, in their Black-letter stubbing and grubbing, with such a poetic windfall ! A prince and a princess of this quality are clearly made for one another. Nay, on the motion of young Herr Gemot, fair Chriemhild is bid specially to salute Siegfried, she who had never before saluted man ; which unparalleled grace the lovely one, in all courtliness, openly does him. " Be welcome," said she, " Herr Siegfried, a noble Ritter good ; " from which salute, for this seems to have been all, "much raised was his mind." He bowed with graceful reverence, as his manner was with women ; she took him ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. XXXIX by the hand, and with fond stolen glances they looked at each other. Whether in that ceremonial joining of hands there might not be some soft, slight pressure, of far deeper import, is what our Singer will not take upon him to say ; however, he thinks the affirmative more probable. Henceforth, in that bright May weather, the two were seen constantly together: nothing but felicity around and before them. — In these days, truly, it must have been that the famous Prize-fight, with Dietrich of Bern and his Eleven Lombardy Champions, took place, little to the profit of the two Lovers ; were it not rather that the whole of that Rose- garden transaction, as given in the " Heldenbuch," might be falsified and even imaginary ; for no mention or hint of it occurs here. War or battle is not heard of; Siegfried the peerless walks wooingly by the side of Chriemhild the peerless; matters, it is evident, are in the best possible course. But now comes a new side-wind, which, however, in the long- run also forwards the voyage. Tidings, namely, reached over the Rhine, not so surprising we might hope, " that there was many a fair maiden ; " whereupon Gunther the King " thought with him- self to win one of them." It was an honest purpose in King Gunther, only his choice was not the discreetest. For no fair maiden will content him but Queen Brunhild, a lady who rules in Isenland, far over sea, famed indeed for her beauty, yet no less so for her caprices. Fables we have met with of this Brunhild being properly a Valkyr, or Scandinavian Houri, such as were wont to lead old northern warriors from their last battle-field into Valhalla; and that her castle of Isenstein stood amidst a lake of fire : but this, as we said, is fable and groundless calumny, of which there is not so much as notice taken here. Brunhild, it is plain enough, was a flesh-and-blood maiden, glorious in look and faculty, only with some preternatural talents given her, and the strangest wayward habits. It appears, for example, that any suitor proposing for her has this brief condition to proceed upon : he must try the adorable in the three several games of hurling the Spear (at one another), Leaping, and throwing the Stone : if xl THOMAS CARLYLE victorious, he gains her hand ; if vanquished, he loses his own head; which latter issue, such is the fair Amazon's strength, frequent fatal experiment has shown to be the only probable one. Siegfried, who knows something of Brunhild and her ways, votes clearly against the whole enterprise ; however, Gunther has ^once for all got the whim in him, and must see it out. The prudent Hagen von Troncg, uncle to love-sick Gunther, and ever true to him, then advises that Siegfried be requested to take part in the adventure ; to which request Siegfried readily accedes on one condition : that, should they prove fortunate, he himself is to have Chriemhild to wife when they return. This readily settled, he now takes charge of the business, and throws a little light on it for the others. They must lead no army thither; only two, Hagen and Dankwart, besides the king and himself, shall go. The grand subject of waete^ (clothes) is next hinted at, and in general terms elucidated ; whereupon a solemn consultation with Chriemhild ensues ; and a great cutting-out, on her part, of white silk from Araby, of green silk from Zazemang, of strange fish- skins covered with morocco silk; a great sewing thereof for seven weeks, on the part of her maids; lastly, a fitting-on of the three suits by each hero, for each had three ; and heartiest thanks in return, seeing all fitted perfectly, and was of grace and price unutterable. What is still more to the point, Siegfried takes his Cloak of Darkness with him, fancying he may need it there. The good old Singer, who has hitherto alluded only in the faintest way to Siegfried's prior adventures and miraculous possessions, introduces this of the Tarnkappe with great frankness and simplicity. " Of wild dwarfs {gefwergen)," says he, " I have heard tell, they are in hollow mountains, and for defence wear somewhat called Tarnkappe^ of wondrous sort ; " the qualities of which garment, that it renders invisible, and gives twelve men's strength, are already known to us. ■^ Hence our English weeds^ and Scotch wad (pledge) ; and, say the etymo- logists, wadding, and even wedding. ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xH The voyage to Isenstein, Siegfried steering the ship thither, is happily accomplished in twenty days. Gunther admires to a high degree the fine masonry of the place; as indeed he well might, there being some eighty-six towers, three immense palaces and one immense hall, the whole built of "marble green as grass;" farther he sees many fair women looking from the windows down on the bark, and thinks the loveliest is she in the snow-white dress; which, Siegfried informs him, is a worthy choice; the snow-white maiden being no other than Brunhild. It is also to be kept in mind that Siegfried, for reasons known best to himself, had previously stipulated that, though a free king, they should all treat him as vassal of Gunther, for whom accordingly he holds the stirrup, as they mount on the beach ; thereby giving rise to a misconception, which in the end led to saddest consequences. Queen Brunhild, who had called back her maidens from the windows, being a strict disciplinarian, and retired into the interior of her green marble Isenstein, to dress still better, now inquires of some attendant. Who these strangers of such lordly aspect are, and what brings them? The attendant professes himself at a loss to say; one of them looks like Siegfried, the other is evidently by his port a noble king. His notice of Von Troneg Hagen is peculiarly vivid : The third of those companions He is of aspect stern, And yet with lovely body, Rich queen, as ye might discern ; From those his rapid glances ^ For the eyes nought rest in him, Meseems this foreign Recke Is of temper fierce and grim. This is one of those little graphic touches, scattered all over our Poem, which do more for picturing out an object, especially a man, than whole pages of enumeration and mensuration. Never after do we hear of this stout indomitable Hagen, in all the wild deeds and sufferings he passes through, but those swinden blicken of his come before us, with the restless, deep, dauntless spirit that looks through them. xlii THOMAS CARLYLE Brunhild's reception of Siegfried is not without tartness ; which, however^ he, with polished courtesy and the nimblest address, ever at his command, softens down, or hurries over : he is here, without will of his own, and so forth, only as attendant on his master, the renowned King Gunther, who comes to sue for her hand, as the summit and keystone of all earthly blessings. Brunhild, who had determined on fighting Siegfried himself, if so he willed it, makes small account of this King Gunther or his prowess; and instantly clears the ground, and equips her for battle. The royal wooer must have looked a little blank when he saw a shield brought in for his fair one's handling, "three spans thick with gold and iron," which four chamberlains could hardly bear, and a spear or javelin she meant to shoot or hurl, which was a burden for three. Hagen, in angry apprehen- sion for his king and nephew, exclaims that they shall all lose their life {lip)^ and that she is the iiuvels wip^ or Devil's wife. Nevertheless Siegfried is already there in his Cloak of Darkness, twelve men strong, and privily whispers in the ear of royalty to be of comfort ; takes the shield to himself, Gunther only affecting to hold it, and so fronts the edge of battle. Brunhild performs prodigies of spear-hurling, of leaping, and stone-pitching; but Gunther, or rather Siegfried, " who does the work, he only acting the gestures," nay who even snatches him up into the air, and leaps carrying him, — gains a decided victory, and the lovely Amazon must own with surprise and shame that she is fairly won. Siegfried presently appears without Tarnkappe, and asks with a grave face. When the games, then, are to begin ? So far well ; yet somewhat still remains to be done. Brunhild will not sail for Worms, to be wedded, till she have assembled a fit train of warriors : wherein the Burgundians, being here without retinue, see symptoms or possibilities of mischief. The deft Siegfried, ablest of men, again knows a resource. In his Tarn- kappe he steps on board the bark, which seen from the shore, appears to drift-off of its own accord ; and therein, stoutly steering towards Nibelungen-land^ he reaches that mysterious country and ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xHii the mountain where his Hoard lies, before the second morning ; finds Dwarf Alberich and all his giant sentinels at their post, and faithful almost to the death; these soon rouse him thirty- thousand Nibelungen Recken, from whom he has only to choose one thousand of the best ; equip them splendidly enough ; and therewith return to Gunther, simply as if they were that sovereign's own body-guard, that had been delayed a little by stress of weather. The final arrival at Worms; the bridal feasts, for there are two, Siegfried also receiving his reward; and the joyance and splendour of man and maid, at this lordliest of high-tides ; and the joustings^ greater than those at Aspramont or Montauban, — every reader can fancy for himself. Remarkable only is the evil eye with which Queen Brunhild still continues to regard the noble Siegfried. She cannot understand how Gunther, the Land- lord of the Rhine,^ should have bestowed his sister on a vassal : the assurance that Siegfried also is a prince and heir-apparent, the prince namely of Netherland, and little inferior to Burgundian majesty itself, yields no complete satisfaction; and Brunhild hints plainly that, unless the truth be told her, unpleasant consequences may follow. Thus is there ever a ravelled thread in the web of life ! But for this little cloud of spleen, these bridal feasts had been all bright and balmy as the month of June. Unluckily too, the cloud is an electric one ; spreads itself in time into a general earthquake ; nay that very night becomes a thunder- storm, or tornado, unparalleled we may hope in the annals of connubial happiness. The singer of the " Nibelungen," unlike the author of " Roderick Random," cares little for intermeddling with " the chaste mysteries of Hymen." Could we, in the corrupt ambiguous modern tongue, hope to exhibit any shadow of the old simple, true-hearted, merely historical spirit, with which, in perfect purity of soul, he describes ^ Der Wirt von Rine : singular enough, the word Wirth, often applied to royalty in that old dialect, is now also the title of innkeepers. To such base uses may we come. xliv THOMAS CARLYLE things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme, — we could a tale unfold ! Suffice it to say, King Gunther, Landlord of the Rhine, falling sheer down from the third heaven of hope, finds his spouse the most athletic and intractable of women ; and himself, at the close of the adventure, nowise encircled in her arms, but tied hard and fast, hand and foot, in her girdle, and hung thereby, at considerable elevation, on a nail in the wall. Let any reader of sensibility figure the emotions of the royal breast, there as he vibrates suspended on his peg, and his inexorable bride sleeping sound in her bed below ! Towards morning he capitu- lates; engaging to observe the prescribed line of conduct with utmost strictness, so he may but avoid becoming a laughing-stock to all men. No wonder the dread king looked rather grave next morning, and received the congratulations of mankind in a cold manner. He confesses to Siegfried, who partly suspects how it may be, that he has brought the "evil devil" home to his house in the shape of wife, whereby he is wretched enough. However, there are remedies for all things but death. The ever-serviceable Siegfried undertakes even here to make the crooked straight. What may not an honest friend with Tarnkappe and twelve men's strength perform? Proud Brunhild, next night, after a fierce contest, owns herself again vanquished; Gunther is there to reap the fruits of another's victory ; the noble Siegfried with- draws, taking nothing with him but the luxury of doing good, and the proud queen's Ring and Girdle gained from her in that struggle ; which small trophies he, with the last infirmity of a noble mind, presents to his own fond wife, little dreaming that they would one day cost him and her, and all of them, so dear. Such readers as take any interest in poor Gunther will be gratified to learn, that from this hour Brunhild's preternatural faculties quite left her, being all dependent on her maidhood ; so that any more spear-hurling, or other the like extraordinary work, is not to be apprehended from her. If we add, that Siegfried formerly made over to his dear ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xlv Chriemhild the Nibelungen Hoard, by way of Morgengabe (or, as we may say. Jointure) ; and the high-tide, though not the honeymoon, being past, returned to Netherland with his spouse, to be welcomed there with infinite rejoicings, — we have gone through as it were the First Act of this Tragedy ; and may here pause to look round us for a moment. The main characters are now introduced on the scene, the relations that bind them together are dimly sketched out: there is the prompt, cheer- fully heroic, invulnerable and invincible Siegfried, now happiest of men ; the high Chriemhild, fitly-mated, and if a moon, revolving glorious round her sun, or Fiiedel (]oy and darling); not without pride and female aspirings, yet not prouder than one so gifted and placed is pardonable for being. On the other hand, we , have King Gunther, or rather let us say king's-mantle Gunther, for never except in that one enterprise of courting Brunhild, in .. which too, without help, he would have cut so poor a figure, does the worthy sovereign show will of his own, or character other than that of good potter's clay; farther, the suspicious, forecasting, yet stout and reckless Hagen, him with the rapid glances, and these turned not too kindly on Siegfried, whose prowess he has used yet dreads, whose Nibelungen Hoard he perhaps already covets; lastly, the rigorous and vigorous Brun- hild, of whom also more is to be feared than hoped. Considering the fierce nature of these now mingled ingredients; and how, except perhaps in the case of Gunther, there is'no menstruum of placid stupidity to soften them ; except in Siegfried, no element of heroic truth to master them and bind them together, — unquiet fermentation may readily be apprehended. Meanwhile, for a season all is peace and sunshine. Siegfried reigns in Netherland, of which his father has surrendered him the crown; Chriemhild brings him a son, whom in honour of the uncle he christens Gunther, which courtesy the uncle and Brunhild repay in kind. The Nibelungen Hoard is still open and inexhaustible ; Dwarf Alberich and all the Recken there still loyal ; outward relations friendly, internal supremely prosperous : xlvi THOMAS CARLYLE these are halcyon days. But, alas, they cannot last. Queen Brunhild, retaining with true female tenacity her first notion, right or wrong, reflects one day that Siegfried, who is and shall be nothing but her husband's vassal, has for a long while paid him no service; and, determined on a remedy, manages that Siegfried and his queen shall be invited to a high-tide at Worms, where opportunity may chance for enforcing that claim. Thither accordingly, after ten years' absence, we find these illustrious guests returning; Siegfried escorted by a thousand Nibelungen Ritters, and farther by his father Siegemund who leads a train of Netherlanders. Here for eleven days, amid infinite joustings, there is a true heaven-on-earth : but the apple of discord is already lying in the knightly ring, and two Women, the proudest and keenest-tempered of the world, simultaneously stoop to lift it. Aventiure Fourteenth is entitled "How the two queens rated one another." Never was courtlier Billingsgate uttered, or which came more directly home to the business and bosoms of women. The subject is that old story of Precedence, which indeed, from the time of Cain and Abel downwards, has wrought such effusion of blood and bile both among men and women ; lying at the bottom of all armaments and battle-fields, whether Blenheims and Waterloos, or only plate-displays, and tongue-and- eye skirmishes, in the circle of domestic Tea : nay, the very animals have it; and horses, were they but the miserablest Shelties and Welsh ponies, will not graze together till it has been ascertained, by clear fight, who is master of whom, and a proper drawing-room etiquette established. Brunhild and Chriemhild take to arguing about the merits of their husbands : the latter, fondly expatiating on the preeminence of her Friedel^ how he walks "like the moon among stars" before all other men, is reminded by her sister that one man at least must be excepted, the mighty King Gunther of Worms, to whom by his own confession long ago at Isenstein, he is vassal and servant. Chriemhild will sooner admit that clay is above sunbeams, than any such proposition ; which therefore she, in all ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xlvii politeness, requests of her sister never more to touch upon while she lives. The result may be foreseen : rejoinder follows reply, statement grows assertion; flint-sparks have fallen on the dry flax, which from smoke bursts into conflagration. The two queens part in hottest, though still clear-flaming anger. Not, however, to let their anger burn out, but only to feed it with more solid fuel. Chriemhild dresses her forty maids in finer than royal apparel ; orders out all her husband's Recken ; and so attended, walks foremost to the Minster, where mass is to be said ; thus practically asserting that she is not only a true queen, but the worthier of the two. Brunhild, quite outdone in splendour, and enraged beyond all patience, overtakes her at the door of the Minster, with peremptory order to stop : " before king's wife shall vassal's never go." Then said the fair Chriemhilde, Right angry was her mood : " Couldest thou but hold thy peace, It were surely for thy good ; Thyself hast all polluted With shame thy fair bodye ; How can a Concubine By right a King's wife be ? " "Whom hast thou Concubined ?" The King's wife quickly spake; ** That do I thee," said Chriemhild; " For thy pride and vaunting's sake ; Who first had thy fair body Was Siegfried my beloved Man ; My Brother it was not That thy maidhood from thee wan." In proof of which outrageous saying, she produces that Ring and Girdle ; the innocent conquest of which, as we well know, had a far other origin. Brunhild burst into tears ; " sadder day she never saw." Nay, perhaps a new light now rose on her over much that had been dark in her late history ; " she rued full sore that ever she was born." Here, then, is the black injury, which only blood will wash away. The evil fiend has begun his work ; and the issue of it lies beyond man's control. Siegfried may protest his innocence of that calumny, and chastise his indiscreet spouse for uttering it even in the heat of anger : the female heart is wounded beyond healing ; the old springs of bitterness against this hero unite into xlviii THOMAS CARLYLE a fell flood of hate ; while he sees the sunlight, she cannot know a joyful hour. Vengeance is soon offered her : Hagen, who lives only for his prince, undertakes this bad service ; by treacherous ' professions of attachment, and anxiety to guard Siegfried's life, he , gains from Chriemhild the secret of his vulnerability ; Siegfried is carried out to hunt ; and in the hour of frankest gaiety is stabbed through the fatal spot ; and, felling the murderer to the ground, dies upbraiding his false kindred, yet, with a touching simplicity, recommending his child and wife to their protection. " ' Let her feel that she is your sister ; was there ever virtue in princes, be true to her : for me my Father and my men shall long wait.' The flowers all around were wetted with blood, then he struggled with death; not long did he this, the weapon cut him too keen; so he could speak nought more, the Recke bold and noble." At this point, we might say, ends the Third Act of our Tragedy ; the whole story henceforth takes a darker character ; it is as if a tone of sorrow and fateful boding became more and more audible in its free light music. Evil has produced new evil in fatal augmentation : injury is abolished ; but in its stead there is guilt and despair. Chriemhild, an hour ago so rich, is now robbed of all : her grief is boundless as her love has been. No glad thought can ever more dwell in her; darkness, utter night has come over her, as she looked into the red of morning. The spoiler too walks abroad unpunished; the bleeding corpse wit- nesses against Hagen, nay he himself cares not to hide the deed. But who is there to avenge the friendless? Siegfried's Father has returned in haste to his own land ; Chriemhild is now alone on the earth, her husband's grave is all that remains to her; there only can she sit, as if waiting at the threshold of her own dark home ; and in prayers and tears pour out the sorrow and love that have no end. Still farther injuries are heaped on her : by advice of the crafty Hagen, Gunther, who had not planned the murder, yet permitted and witnessed it, now comes with whining professions of repentance and good-will ; persuades her to send ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. xlix for the Nibelungen Hoard to Worms; where no sooner is it arrived, than Hagen and the rest forcibly take it from her ; and her last trust in affection or truth from mortal is rudely cut away. Bent to the earth, she weeps only for her lost Siegfried, knows no comfort, but will weep forever. One lurid gleam of hope, after long years of darkness, breaks in on her, in the prospect of revenge. King Etzel sends from his far country to solicit her hand : the embassy she hears at first, as a woman of ice might do ; the good Rudiger, Etzel's spokes- man, pleads in vain that his king is the richest of all earthly kings; that he is so lonely "since Frau Helke died;" that though a heathen, he has Christians about him, and may one day be converted : till at length, when he hints distantly at the power of Etzel to avenge her injuries, she on a sudden becomes all attention . Hagen, foreseeing such possibilities, protests against the match ; but is overruled : Chriemhild departs with Rudiger for the land of the Huns; taking cold leave of her relations; only two of whom, her brothers Gemot and Giselher, inno- cent of that murder, does she admit near her as convoy to the Donau. The Nibelungen Hoard has hitherto been fatal to all its possessors; to the two sons of Nibelung; to Siegfried its con- queror : neither does the Burgundian Royal House fare better with it. Already, discords threatening to arise, Hagen sees prudent to sink it in the Rhine; first taking oath of Gunther and his brothers, that none of them shall reveal the hiding-place, while any of the rest is alive. But the curse that clave to it could not be sunk there. The Nibelungen-land is now theirs : they themselves are henceforth called Nibelungen ; and this history of their fate is the Nibelungen Song, or "Nibelungen Noth" (Nibelungen's Need, extreme Need, or final wreck and abolition). The Fifth Act of our strange eventful history now draws on. Chriemhild has a kind husband, of hospitable disposition, who troubles himself little about her secret feelings and intents. With his permission, she sends two minstrels, inviting the Burgundian 1 THOMAS CARLYLE Court to a high-tide at EtzeFs : she has charged the messengers to say that she is happy, and to bring all Gunther's champions with them. Her eye was on Hagen, but she could not single him from the rest. After seven days' deliberation, Gunther answers that he will come. Hagen has loudly dissuaded the journey, but again been overruled. " It is his fate," says a commentator, "like Cassandra's, ever to foresee the evil, and ever to be disregarded. He himself shut his ear against the inward voice; and now his warnings are uttered to the deaf." He argues long, but in vain : nay young Gemot hints at last that this aversion originates in personal fear : Then spake Von Troneg Hagen: *' Nowise is it through fear; So you command it, Heroes, Then up, gird on your gear; I ride with you the foremost Into King Etzel's land." Since then full many a helm Was shivered by his hand. Frau Ute's dreams and omens are now unavailing with him ; " whoso heedeth dreams," said Hagen, " of the right story wotteth not : " he has computed the worst issue, and defied it. Many a little touch of pathos, and even solemn beauty lies carelessly scattered in these rhymes, had we space to exhibit such here. As specimen of a strange, winding, diffuse, yet innocently graceful style of narrative, we had translated some considerable portion of this Twenty-fifth Aventiure, " How the Nibelungen marched (fared) to the Huns," into verses as literal as might be ; which now, alas, look mournfully different from the original; almost like Scriblerus's shield when the barbarian housemaid had scoured it ! Nevertheless, to do for the reader what we can, let somewhat of that modernized ware, such as it is, be set before him. The brave Nibelungen are on the eve of departure ; and about ferrying over the Rhine : and here it may be noted that Worms,^ with our old Singer, lies not in its true position, but at ^ The City of Worms, had we a right imagination, ought to be as venerable to us Moderns, as any Thebes or Troy was to the Ancients. Whether founded by the Gods or not, it is of quite unknown antiquity, and has witnessed the ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. ll some distance from the river ; a proof at least that he was never there, and probably sang and lived in some very distant region : The boats were floating ready, And many men there were ; What clothes of price they had They took and stow'd them there, Was never a rest from toiling Until the eventide, Then they took the flood right gaily, Would longer not abide. Brave tents and hutches You saw raised on the gi-ass, Other side the Rhine-stream That camp it pitched was: The king to stay a while Was besought of his fair wife ; That night she saw him with her, And never more in life. most wonderful things. Within authentic times, the Romans were here ; and if tradition may be credited, Attila also; it was the seat of the Austrasian kings ; the frequent residence of Charlemagne himself; innumerable Festivals, High-tides, Tournaments and Imperial Diets were held in it, of which latter, one at least, that where Luther appeared in 1 521, will be forever remembered by all mankind. Nor is Worms more famous in history than, as indeed we may see here, it is in romance; whereof many monuments and vestiges remain to this day. "A pleasant meadow there," says Von der Hagen, "is still called Chriemhild's Roscngarten. The name Worms itself is derived (by Legendary Etymology) from the Dragon, or Worm, which Siegfried slew, the figure of which once formed the City Arms ; in past times, there was also to be seen here an ancient strong Riesen-Haus (Giant's-house), and many a memorial of Siegfried: his Lance, 66 feet long (almost 80 English feet), in the Cathedral; his Statue, of gigantic size, on the Nette Thtirni (New Tower) on the Rhine ;" etc. , etc. "And lastly the Siegfried's Chapel, in primeval, Pre-Gothic architecture, not long since pulled down. In the time of the Meistersdngers too, the Stadtrath was bound to give every Master, who sang the lay of Siegfried ( " Meisterlied von Siegfrieden," the purport of which is now unknown) without mistake, a certain gratuity." "Glossary to the Nibelungen," § Worms. One is soiTy to learn that this famed Imperial City is no longer Imperial, but much fallen in every way from its palmy state; the 30,000 inhabitants, to be found there in Gustavus Adolphus' time, having now declined into some 6,800, — "who maintain themselves by wine-growing, Rhine-boats, tobacco- manufacture, and making sugar-of-lead. " So hard has war, which respects nothing, pressed on Worms, ill-placed for safety, on the hostile border: Louvois, or Louis XIV., in 1689, had it utterly devastated; whereby in the interior, "spaces that were once covered with buildings are now gardens." See "Conv. Lexicon," § Worms. Hi THOMAS CARLYLE Trumpets and flutes spoke out, At dawning of the day, That time was come for parting, So they rose to march away : Who loved-one had in arms Did kiss that same, I ween ; And fond farewells were bidden By cause of Etzel's Queen. Frau Ute's noble sons They had a serving-man, A brave one and a true : Or ever the march began, He speaketh to King Gunther, What for his ear was fit, He said : " Woe for this journey, I grieve because of it." He, Rumold hight, the Sewer, Was known as hero true; He spake: " Whom shall this people And land be trusted to ? Woe on 't, will nought persuade ye, Brave Recken, from this road 1 Frau Chriemhild's flattering message No good doth seem to bode." *' The land to thee be trusted. And my fair boy also. And serve thou well the women, I tell thee ere I go ; Whomso thou findest weeping Her heart give comfort to ; No harm to one of us King Etzel's wife will do." The steeds were standing ready. For the Kings and for their men ; With kisses tenderest Took leave full many then, Who, in gallant cheer and hope, To march were nought afraid : Then since that day bewaileth Many a noble wife and maid. But when the rapid Recken Took horse and prickt away. The women shent in sorrow You saw behind them stay ; Of parting all too long Their hearts to them did tell ; When grief so great is coming. The mind forbodes not well. Nathless the brisk Burgonden All on their way did go. Then rose the country over A mickle dole and woe ; On both sides of the hills Woman and man did weep : Let their folk do how they list, These gay their course did keep. The Nibelungen Recken ^ Did march with them as well. In a thousand glittering hauberks. Who at home had ta'en farewell Of many a fair woman Should see them never more : The wound of her brave Siegfried Did grieve Chriemhilde sore. ^ These are the Nibelungen proper who had come to Worms with Siegfried, on the famed bridal journey from Isenstein, long ago. Observe, at the same time, that ever since the Nibelungen Hoard was transferred to Rhine-land, the whole subjects of King Gunther are often called Nibelungen, and their subse- quent histoiy is the Nibehingen Song. ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. liii Then 'gan they shape their journey Towards the River Maine, All on through East Franconia, King Gunther and his train ; Hagen he was their leader, Of old did know the way ; Dankwart did keep, as marshal. Their ranks in good array. As they, from East Franconia, The Salfield rode along, Might you have seen them prancing, A bright and lordly throng, The Princes and their vassals. All heroes of great fame : The twelfth morn brave King Gunther Unto the Donau came. There rode Von Troneg Hagen, The foremost of that host, He was to the Nibelungen The guide they lov'd the most : The Ritter keen dismounted, Set foot on the sandy ground. His steed to a tree he tied. Looked wistful all around. " Much scaith," Von Troneg said, " May lightly chance to thee, King Gunther, by this tide. As thou with eyes mayst see : The river is overflowing, Full strong runs here its stream. For crossing of this Donau Some counsel might well beseem." "What counsel hast thou, brave Hagen," King Gunther then did say, " Of thy own M'it and cunning? Dishearten me not, I pray: Thyself the ford wilt find us, If knightly skill it can, That safe to yonder shore We may pass both horse and man." "To me, I trow," spake Hagen, " Life hath not grown so cheap, To go with will and drown me In riding these waters deep; But first, of men some few By this hand of mine shall die, ' In great King Etzel's country. As best good-will have I. ** But bide ye here by the River, Ye Ritters brisk and sound. Myself will seek some boatman, If boatman here be found, To row us at his ferry, Across to Gelfrat's land : " The Troneger grasped his buckler, Fared forth along the strand. He was full bravely harness'd. Himself he knightly bore. With buckler and with helmet. Which bright enough he wore : And, bound above his hauberk, A weapon broad was seen, That cut with both its edges. Was never sword so keen. Then hither he and thither Search'd for the Ferryman, He heard a splashing of waters. To watch the same he 'gan. It was the white Mer-women, That in a fountain clear. To cool their fair bodyes. Were merrily bathing here. liv . THOMAS CARLYLE From these Mer-women, who "skimmed aloof like white cygnets" at sight of him, Hagen snatches up "their wondrous raiment ; " on condition of returning which, they rede him his fortune ; how this expedition is to speed. At first favourably : She said : " To Etzel's country Of a truth ye well may hie, For here I pledge my hand, Now kill me if I lie. That heroes seeking honour Did never arrive thereat So richly as ye shall do, Believe thou surely that." But no sooner is the wondrous raiment restored them than they change their tale ; for in spite of that matchless honour, it appears every one of the adventurous Recken is to perish. Outspake the wild Mer-woman : "I tell thee it will arrive, Of all your gallant host No man shall be left alive. Except King Gunther's chaplain. As we full well do know; He only, home returning, To the Rhine-land back shall go." Then spake Von Troneg Hagen, His wrath did fiercely swell : "Such tidings to my master I were right loath to tell. That in King Etzel's country "We all must lose our life : Yet show me over the water. Thou wise all-knowing wife." Thereupon, seeing him bent on ruin, she gives directions how to find the ferry, but withal counsels him to deal warily ; the ferry- house stands on the other side of the river ; the boatman, too, is not only the hottest-tempered of men, but rich and indolent; nevertheless, if nothing else will serve, let Hagen call himself Amelrich, and that name will bring him. All happens as pre- dicted : the boatman, heedless of all shouting and offers of gold clasps, bestirs him lustily at the name of Amelrich ; but the more indignant is he, on taking-in his fare, to find it a counterfeit. He orders Hagen, if he loves his life, to leap out. " Now say not that," spake Hagen; " Right hard am I bested. Take from me for good friendship This clasp of gold so red ; And row our thousand heroes And steeds across this river." Then spake the wrathful boatman, "That will I surely never." ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Iv Then one of his oars he lifted, Right broad it was and long, He struck it down on Hagen, Did the hero mickle wrong, That in the boat he staggered, And alighted on his knee ; Other such wrathful boatman Did never the Troneger see. His proud unbidden guest He would now provoke still more, He struck his head so stoutly That it broke in twain the oar, With strokes on head of Hagen ; He was a sturdy wight : Nathless had Gelfrat's boatman Small profit of that fight. With fiercely- raging spirit The Troneger turn'd him round, Clutch 'd quick enough his scabbard, And a weapon there he found ; He smote his head from off him, And cast it on the sand, Thus had that wrathful boatman His death from Hagen's hand. Even as Von Troneg Hagen The wrathful boatman slew, The boat whirl'd round to the river, He had work enough to do ; Or ever he turn'd it shorewards. To weary he began, But kept full stoutly rowing. The bold King Gunther's man. He wheel'd it back, brave Hagen, With many a lusty stroke. The strong oar, with such rowing, In his hand asunder broke ; He fain would reach the Recken, All waiting on the shore, No tackle now he had; Hei,^ how deftly he spliced the oar. With thong from off his buckler ! It was a slender band ; Right over against a forest He drove the boat to land ; Where Gunther's Recken waited. In crowds along the beach ; Full many a goodly hero Moved down his boat to reach. Hagen ferries them over himself "into the unknown land," like a right rare steersman; yet ever brooding fiercely on that prediction of the wild Mer-woman, which had outdone even his own dark forebodings. Seeing the Chaplain, who alone of them ^ These apparently insignificant circumstances, down even to mending the oar from his shield, are preserved with a singular fidelity in the most distorted editions of the Tale: see, for example, the Danish ballad, "Lady Grimhild's Wrack" (translated in the "Northern Antiquities," p. 275, by Mr. Jamieson). This *'^«/" is a brisk interjection, whereby the worthy old Singer now and then introduces his own person, when anything very eminent is going forward. Ivi THOMAS CARLYLE all was to return, standing in the boat beside his chappelsoume (pyxes and other sacred furniture), he determines to belie at least this part of the prophecy, and on a sudden hurls the chaplain overboard. Nay as the poor priest swims after the boat, he pushes him down, regardless of all remonstrance, resolved that he shall die. Nevertheless it proved not so : the chaplain made for the other side ; when his strength failed, " then God's hand helped him," and at length he reached the shore. Thus does the stern truth stand revealed to Hagen, by the very means he took for eluding it: "he thought with himself these Recken must all lose their lives." From this time, a grim reckless spirit takes possession of him; a courage, an audacity, waxing more and more into the fixed strength of desperation. The passage once finished, he dashes the boat in pieces, and casts it in the stream, greatly as the others wonder at him. * ' Why do ye this, good brother ? " Said the Ritter Dankwart then ; " How shall we cross this river, When the road we come again ? Returning home from Hunland, Here must we lingering stay ? " — Not then did Hagen tell him That return no more could they. In this shipment " into the unknown land," there lies, for the more penetrating sort of commentators, some hidden meaning and allusion. The destruction of the unreturning Ship, as of the Ship Argo, of ^neas's Ships, and the like, is a constant feature of such traditions : it is thought, this ferrying of the Nibelungen has a reference to old Scandinavian Mythuses; nay to the oldest, most universal emblems shaped out by man's Imagination ; Hagen the ferryman being, in some sort, a type of Death, who ferries over his thousands and tens of thousands into a Land still more unknown.^ But leaving these considerations, let us remark the deep fearful interest which, in gathering strength, rises to a really tragical ^ See Von der Hagen's "Nibelungen, ihre Bedeutung," etc. ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Ivii height in the close of this Poem. Strangely has the old Singer, in these his loose melodies, modulated the wild narrative into a poetic whole, with what we might call true art, were it not rather an instinct of genius still more unerring. A fateful gloom now hangs over the fortunes of the Nibelungen, which deepens and deepens as they march onwards to the judgment-bar, till all are engulfed in utter night. Hagen himself rises in tragic greatness ; so helpful, so prompt and strong is he, and true to the death, though without hope. If sin can ever be pardoned, then that one act of his is pardonable ; by loyal faith, by free daring and heroic constancy, he has made amends for it. Well does he know what is coming ; yet he goes forth to meet it, offers to Ruin his sullen welcome. Warnings thicken on him, which he treats lightly, as things now superfluous. Spite of our love for Siegfried, we must pity and almost respect the lost Hagen now in his extreme need, and fronting it so nobly. "Mixed was his hair with a gray colour, his limbs strong, and threatening his look." Nay, his sterner qualities are beautifully tempered by another feeling, of which till now we understood not that he was capable, — the feeling of friendship. There is a certain Volker of Alsace here introduced, not for the first time, yet first in decided energy, who is more to Hagen than a brother. This Volker, a courtier and noble, is also a Spielmann (minstrel), a Fidelere gut (fiddler good) ; and surely the prince of all Fideleres ; in truth a very phoenix, melodious as the soft nightingale, yet strong as the royal eagle : for also in the brunt of battle he can play tunes ; and with a Steel Fiddlebow beats strange music from the cleft helmets of his enemies. There is, in this continual allusion to Volker's Schwert-fidelbogen (Sword-fiddlebow), as rude as it sounds to us, a barbaric greatness and depth ; the light minstrel of kingly and queenly halls is gay also in the storm of Fate, its dire rushing pipes and whistles to him : is he not the image of every brave man fighting with Necessity, be that duel when and where it may; smiting the fiend with giant strokes, yet every stroke musical 7 — This Volker and Iviii THOMAS CARLYLE Hagen are united inseparably, and defy death together. " What- ever Volker said pleased Hagen; whatever Hagen did pleased Volker." But into these last Ten Aventiures^ almost like the image of a Doomsday, we must hardly glance at present. Seldom, perhaps, in the poetry of that or any other age, has a grander scene of pity and terror been exhibited than here, could we look into it clearly. At every new step new shapes of fear arise. Dietrich of Bern meets the Nibelungen on their way, with ominous warn- ings : but warnings, as we said, are now superfluous, when the evil itself is apparent and inevitable. Chriemhild, wasted and exasperated here into a frightful Medea, openly threatens Hagen, but is openly defied by him ; he and Volker retire to a seat before her palace, and sit there, while she advances in angry tears, with a crowd of armed Huns, to destroy them. But Hagen has Siegfried's Balmung lying naked on his knee, the Minstrel also has drawn his keen Fiddlebow, and the Huns dare not provoke the battle. Chriemhild would fain single out Hagen for vengeance; but Hagen, like other men, stands not alone; and sin is an infection which will not rest with one victim. Partakers or not of his crime, the others also must share his punishment. Singularly touching, in the meanwhile, is King Etzel's ignorance of what everyone else understands too well ; and now, in peaceful hospitable spirit, he exerts him- self to testify his joy over these royal guests of his, who are bidden hither for far other ends. That night the wayworn Nibelungen are sumptuously lodged; yet Hagen and Volker see good to keep watch : Volker plays them to sleep : " under the porch of the house he sat on the stone : bolder fiddler was there never any ; when the tones flowed so sweetly, they all gave him thanks. Then sounded his strfngs till all the house rang; his strength and the art were great; sweeter and sweeter he began to play, till flitted forth from him into sleep full many a careworn soul." It was their last lullaby ; they were to sleep no more. Armed men appear, but suddenly vanish, in the night ; ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Hx assassins sent by Chriemhild, expecting no sentinel : it is plain that the last hour draws nigh. In the morning the Nibelungen are for the Minster to hear mass; they are putting on gay raiment; but Hagen tells them a different tale : "* ye must take other garments, Recken; instead of silk shirts hauberks, for rich mantles your good shields : and, beloved masters, moreover squires and men, ye shall full earnestly go to the church, and plain to God the powerful {Got dent richen) of your sorrow and utmost need ; and know of a surety that death for us is nigh.' " In Etzel's Hall, where the Nibelungen appear at the royal feast in complete armour, the Strife, incited by Chriem- hild, begins ; the first answer to her provocation is from Hagen, who hews off the head of her own and Etzel's son, making it bound into the mother's bosom : " then began among the Recken a murder grim and great." Dietrich, with a voice of preternatural power, commands pause; retires with Etzel and Chriemhild; and now the bloody work has free course. We have heard of battles, and massacres, and deadly struggles in siege and storm; but seldom has even the poet's imagination pictured anything so fierce and terrible as this. Host after host, as they enter that huge vaulted Hall, perish in conflict with the doomed Nibelungen ; and ever after the terrific uproar, ensues a still more terrific silence. All night and through morning it lasts. They throw the dead from the windows ; blood runs like water ; the Hall is set fire to, they quench it with blood, their own burning thirst they slake with blood. It is a tumult like the Crack of Doom, a thousand-voiced^ wild-stunning hubbub; and, frightful like a Trump of Doom, the Sword-fiddlehow of Volker, who guards the door, makes music to that death-dance. Nor are traits of heroism wanting, and thrilling tones of pity and love ; as in that act of Rudiger, Etzel's and Chriemhild's champion, who, bound by oath, "lays his soul in God's hand," and enters that Golgotha to die fighting against his friends ; yet first changes shields with Hagen, whose own, also given him by Rudiger in a far other hour, had been shattered in the fight. *' When he so lovingly bade give him the shield, there Ix THOMAS CARLYLE were eyes enough red with hot tears ; it was the last gift which Rudiger of Bechelaren gave to any Recke. As grim as Hagen was, and as hard of mind, he wept at this gift which the hero good, so near his last times, had given him ; full many a noble Ritter began to weep." At last Volker is slain ; they are all slain, save only Hagen and Gunther, faint and wounded, yet still unconquered among the bodies of the dead. Dietrich the wary, though strong and in- vincible, whose Recken too, except old Hildebrand, he now finds are all killed, though he had charged them strictly not to mix in the quarrel, at last arms himself to finish it. He subdues the two wearied Nibelungen, binds them, delivers them to Chriem- hild; "and Herr Dietrich went away with weeping eyes, worthily from the heroes." These never saw each other more. Chriem- hild demands of Hagen, Where the Nibelungen Hoard is? But he answers her, that he has sworn never to disclose it, while any of her brothers live. '* I bring it to an end," said the infuriated woman ; orders her brother's head to be struck off, and holds it up to Hagen. " ' Thou hast it now according to thy will,' said Hagen ; ' of the Hoard knoweth none but God and I ; from thee, she-devil {valendtmie), shall it forever be hid.' " She kills him with his own sword, once her husband's; and is herself struck dead by Hildebrand, indignant at the woe she has wrought ; King Etzel, there present, not opposing the deed. Whereupon the curtain drops over that wild scene : " the full highly honoured were lying dead ; the people all had sorrow and lamentation ; in grief had the king's feast ended, as all love is wont to do : " Ine chan iu nicht bescheiden Waz sider da geschach. Wan ritter unde wrovven Weinen man do sack, Dar-zuo die edeln chnechte Ir lieben vriunde tot : Da hat das mcere ein ende ; Diz ist der Nibehinge not. I cannot say you now What hath befallen since ; The women all were weeping, And the Ritters and the prince, Also the noble squires, Their dear friends lying dead : Here hath the story ending ; This is the Nibelungen' s Need^ ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Ixi We have now finished our slight analysis of this Poem ; and hope that readers who are curious in this matter, and ask them- selves, What is the " Nibelungen ? " may have here found some outlines of an answer, some help towards farther researches of their own. To such readers another question will suggest itself: Whence this singular production comes to us, When and How it originated? On which point also, what little light our investiga- tion has yielded may be summarily given. The worthy Von der Hagen, who may well understand the "Nibelungen" better than any other man, having rendered it into the modern tongue, and twice edited it in the original, not without collating some eleven manuscripts, and travelling several thousands of miles to make the last edition perfect, — writes a Book some years ago, rather boldly denominated "The Nibelungen, its Meaning for the present and forever " ; wherein, not content with any measurable antiquity of centuries, he would fain claim an antiquity beyond all bounds of dated time. Working his way with feeble mine-lamps of etymology and the like, he traces back the rudiments of his beloved "Nibelungen," "to which the flower of his whole life has been consecrated," into the thick darkness of the Scandinavian " Niflheim " and " Muspelheim," and the Hindoo Cosmogony; connecting it farther (as already in part we have incidentally pointed out) with the Ship Argo, with Jupiter's goat- skin ^gis, the fire-creed of Zerdusht, and even with the heavenly Constellations. His reasoning is somewhat abstruse; yet an honest zeal, very considerable learning and intellectual force bring him tolerably through. So much he renders plausible or probable : that in the " Nibelungen," under more or less deface- ment, lie fragments, scattered like mysterious Runes, yet still in part decipherable, of the earliest Thoughts of men; that the fiction of the Nibelungen was at first a religious or philosophical Mythus ; and only in later ages, incorporating itself more or less completely with vague traditions of real events, took the form of a story, or mere Narrative of earthly transactions ; in which last form, moreover, our actual "Nibelungen Lied" is nowise the Ixii THOMAS CARLYLE original Narrative, but the second, or even the third redaction of one much earlier. At what particuliar era the primeval fiction of the " Nibelungen " passed from its Mythological into its Historical shape ; and the obscure spiritual elements of it wedded themselves to the obscure remembrances of the Northern Immigrations; and the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac became Twelve Champions of Attila's Wife, — there is no fixing with the smallest certainty. It is known from history that Eginhart, the secretary of Charlemagne, com- piled, by order of that monarch, a collection of the ancient German Songs; among which, it is fondly believed by anti- quaries, this " Nibelungen " (not indeed our actual " Nibelungen Lied," yet an older one of similar purport), and the main tradi- tions of the " Heldenbuch " connected therewith, may have had honourable place. Unluckily Eginhart's Collection has quite perished, and only his Life of the Great Charles, in which this circumstance stands noted, survives to provoke curiosity. One thing is certain, Fulco Archbishop of Rheims, in the year 885, is introduced as "citing certain German books," to enforce some argument of his by instance of "King Ermerich's crime toward his relations ; " which King Ermerich and his crime are at this day part and parcel of the " Cycle of German Fiction," and pre- supposed in the "Nibelungen."^ Later notices, of a more decisive sort, occur in abundance. Saxo Grammaticus, who flourished in the twelfth century, relates that about the year 1 130, a Saxon Minstrel being sent to Seeland, with a treacherous invitation from one royal Dane to another; and not daring to violate his oath, yet compassionating the victim, sang to him by way of indirect warning " the Song of Chriemhild's Treachery to her Brothers ; " that is to say, the latter portion of the Story which we still read at greater length in the existing " Nibelungen Lied." To which direct evidence, that these traditions were universally known in the twelfth century, nay had been in some ^ Von der Hagen's "Nibelungen," Einleiticng, § vii. ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Ixiii shape committed to writing, as " German Books," in the ninth or rather in the eighth, — we have still to add the probability of their being " ancient songs," even at that earliest date ; all which may perhaps carry us back into the seventh or even sixth century; yet not farther, inasmuch as certain of the poetic personages that figure in them belong historically to the fifth. Other and more open proof of antiquity lies in the fact, that these Traditions are so universally diffused. There are Danish and Icelandic versions of them, externally more or less altered and distorted, yet substantially real copies, professing indeed to be borrowed from the German; in particular we have the "Niflinga" and the "Wilkina Saga," composed in the thirteenth century, which still in many ways illustrate the German original. Innumerable other songs and sagas point more remotely in the same direction. Nay, as Von der Hagen informs us, certain rhymed tales, founded on these old adventures, have been re- covered from popular recitation, in the Faroe Islands, within these few years. If we ask now. What lineaments of Fact still exist in these Traditions; what are the Historical events and persons which our primeval Mythuses have here united with, and so strangely metamorphosed ? the answer is unsatisfactory enough. The great Northern Immigrations, unspeakably momentous and glorious as they were for the Germans, have wellnigh faded away utterly from all vernacular records. Some traces, nevertheless, some names and dim shadows of occurrences in that grand movement, still linger here; which, in such circumstances, we gather with avidity. There can be no doubt, for example, but this " Etzel, king of Hunland," is the Attila of history; several of whose real achievements and relations are faintly yet still recognizably pic- tured forth in these Poems. Thus his first queen is named Halke, and in the Scandinavian versions, Herka; which last (Erca) is also the name that Priscus gives her, in the well-known account of his embassy to Attila. Moreover, it is on his second marriage, which had in fact so mysterious and tragical a character, Ixiv THOMAS CARLYLE that the whole catastrophe of the " Nibelungen " turns. It is true, the " Scourge of God " plays but a tame part here ; how- ever, his great acts, though all past, are still visible in their fruits : besides, it is on the Northern or German personages that the tradition chiefly dwells.^ Taking farther into account the general " Cycle," or System of Northern Tradition, whereof this " Nibelungen " is the centre and keystone, there is, as indeed we saw in the " Heldenbuch," a certain Kaiser Ottnit and a Dietrich of Bern; to whom also it seems unreasonable to deny historical existence. This Bern (Verona), as well as the Rabenschlacht (Battle of Ravenna), is continually figuring in these fictions; though whether under Ottnit we are to understand Odoacer the vanquished, and under Dietrich of Bern Theodoricus Veronensis, the victor both at Verona and Ravenna, is by no means so indubitable. Chrono- logical difficulties stand much in the way. For our Dietrich of Bern, as we saw in the " Nibelungen," is represented as one of Etzel's Champions : now Attila died about the year 450 ; and this Ostrogoth Theodoric did not fight his great Battle at Verona till 489 ; that of Ravenna, which was followed by a three years' siege, happening next year. So that before Dietrich could become Dietrich of Bern, Etzel had been gone almost half a century from the scene. Startled by this anachronism, some commentators have fished out another Theodoric, eighty years prior to him of Verona, and who actually served in Attila's hosts, with a retinue of Goths and Germans ; with which new Theodoric, however, the old Ottnit, or Odoacer, of the " Heldenbuch " must, in his turn, part company ; whereby the case is no whit mended. Certain it ^ [There is an historical foundation for the main fact of the story, in that in the year 437 A.d. a certain Burgundian King Gundicarius with his followers suffered an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the Huns. Moreover, in the "Lex Burgundionum " reference is made to three kings, Godomer, Gislahar, and Gundahar, in whose names at least if not their deeds the poem retains some shadowy reminiscence of fact. See preface of Simrock's edition of the ''Nibelungen Lied," Stuttgart, 1892.— Ed.] ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Ixv seems, in the meantime, that Dietrich^ which signifies Rich in People^ is the same name which in Greek becomes Theodoricus ; for at first (as in Procopius) this very Theodoricus is always written 0£i/3fpt^, which almost exactly corresponds with the German sound. But such are the inconsistencies involved in both hypotheses, that we are forced to conclude one of two things : either that the Singers of those old Lays were little versed in the niceties of History, and unambitious of passing for authorities therein ; which seems a remarkably easy conclu- sion : or else, with Lessing, that they meant some quite other series of persons and transactions, some Kaiser Otto, and his two Anti-Kaisers (in the twelfth century) ; which, from what has come to light since Lessing's day, seems now an untenable position. However, as concerns the " Nibelungen," the most remarkable coincidence, if genuine, remains yet to be mentioned. " Thwortz," a Hungarian Chronicler (or perhaps Chronicle), of we know not what authority, relates, " that Attila left his kingdom to his two sons Chaba and Aladar, the former by a Grecian mother, the latter by Kremheilch (Chriemhild) a German; that Theodoric, one of his followers, sowed dissension between them ; and, along with the Teutonic hosts, took part with his half-countryman the younger son ; whereupon rose a great slaughter, which lasted for fifteen days, and terminated in the defeat of Chaba (the Greek), and his flight into Asia."^ Could we but put faith in this Thwortz, we might fancy that some vague rumour of that Krem- heilch Tragedy, swoln by the way, had reached the German ear and imagination; where, gathering round older Ideas and Mythuses, as Matter round its Spirit, the first rude form of "Chriemhilde's Revenge and the Wreck of the Nibelungen" bodied itself forth in Song. Thus any historical light emitted by these old Fictions is little better than darkness visible; sufficient at most to indicate that ^ Weber ("Illustrations of Northern Antiquities," p. 39), who cites Gorres (" Zeitung fur Einsiedler ") as his authority. e Ixvi THOMAS CARLYLE great Northern Immigrations, and wars and rumours of war have been ; but nowise how and what they have been. Scarcely clearer is the special history of the Fictions themselves ; where they were first put together, who have been their successive redactors and new-modellers. Von der Hagen, as we said, supposes that there may have been three several series of such. Two, at all events, are clearly indicated. In their present shape we have internal evidence that none of these poems can be older than the twelfth century ; indeed, great part of the " Hero-book " can be proved to be considerably later. With this last it is understood that Wolfram von Eschenbach and Heinrich von Ofterdingen, two singers otherwise noted in that era, were largely concerned ; but neither is there any demonstration of this vague belief: while again, in regard to the Author of our actual " Nibelungen," not so much as a plausible conjecture can be formed. Some vote for a certain Conrad von Wiirzburg ; others for the above-named Eschenbach and Ofterdingen; others again for Klingsohr of Ungerland, a minstrel who once passed for a magi- cian. Against all and each of which hypotheses there are objec- tions; and for none of them the smallest conclusive evidence. Who this gifted singer may have been, only in so far as his Work itself proves that there was but One, and the style points to the latter half of the twelfth century, — remains altogether dark : the unwearied Von der Hagen himself, after fullest investi- gation, gives for verdict, *'we know it not."^ Considering the ^ [Bartsch ascribes it with some confidence to a courtly poet or Minnesinger, about 1 1 40, of the family of Kiirenberg, settled near Linz on the Danube, and regards him as the inventor of the particular form of strophe that is used in the ** Nibelungenlied" as well as in the lyrical poems that are ascribed to the same singer. Simrock, however, makes light of this theory on the ground that it is based solely on a lyrical poem (in the same form of stanza as the *' Nibelungenlied "), in which a knight is described as singing in Kiirenberg's fashion ( Weise). This word, he points out, may refer either to the melody or the metre ; certainly the passage does not go far to prove that he invented the metre, still less that he was the composer of the Nibelungenlied in its complete form.— Ed.] ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Ixvil high worth of the *' Nibelungen," and how many feeble ballad- mongers of that Swabian Era have transmitted us their names, so total an oblivion, in this infinitely more important case, may seem surprising. But those " Minnelieder " (Love-songs) and Provencal Madrigals were the Court Poetry of that time, and gained honour in high places ; while the old National Traditions were common property and plebeian, and to sing them an un- rewarded labour. Whoever he may be, let him have our gratitude, our love. Looking back with a farewell glance, over that wondrous old Tale, with its many-coloured texture "of joyances and high- tides, of weeping and of woe," so skilfully yet artlessly knit-up into a whole, we cannot but repeat that a true epic spirit lives in it ; that in many ways it has meaning and charms for us. Not only as the oldest Tradition of Modern Europe, does it possess a high antiquarian interest ; but farther, and even in the shape we now see it under, unless the " Epics of the Son of Fingal " had some sort of authenticity, it is our oldest Poem also ; the earliest product of these New Ages, which on its own merits, both in form and essence, can be named Poetical. Considering its chivalrous, romantic tone, it may rank as a piece of literary composition, perhaps considerably higher than the Spanish " Cid " ; taking-in its historical significance, and deep ramifications into the remote Time, it ranks indubitably and greatly higher. It has been called a Northern " Iliad " ; but except in the fact that both Poems have a narrative character, and both sing " the destructive rage" of men, the two have scarcely any similarity. The Singer of the " Nibelungen " is a far different person from Homer ; far inferior both in culture and in genius. Nothing of the glowing imagery, of the fierce bursting energy, of the mingled fire and gloom, that dwell in the old Greek, makes its appearance here. The German Singer is comparatively a simple nature ; has never penetrated deep into life; never "questioned Fate;" or struggled with fearful mysteries ; of all which we find traces in Homer, still more in Shakespeare ; but with meek believing sub- Ixviii THOMAS CARLYLE mission, has taken the Universe as he found it represented to him ; and rejoices with a fine childlike gladness in the mere outward shows of things. He has little power of delineating character; perhaps he had no decisive vision thereof. His persons are superficially distinguished, and not altogether without generic difi'erence ; but the portraiture is imperfectly brought out ; there lay no true living original within him. He has little Fancy; we find scarcely one or two similitudes in his whole Poem ; and these one or two, which moreover are repeated, betoken no special faculty that way. He speaks of the " moon among stars ; " says often, of sparks struck from steel armour in battle, and so forth, that they were wie es wehte der wind, " as if the wind were blow- ing them." We have mentioned Tasso along with him; yet neither in this case is there any close resemblance; the light playful grace, still more the Italian pomp and sunny luxuriance of Tasso are wanting in the other. His are humble wood-notes wild ; no nightingale's, but yet a sweet sky-hidden lark's. In all the rhetorical gifts, to say nothing of rhetorical attainments, we should pronounce him even poor. Nevertheless, a noble soul he must have been, and furnished with far more essential requisites for Poetry than these are ; namely, with the heart and feeling of a Poet. He has a clear eye for the Beautiful and True; all unites itself gracefully and compactly in his imagination : it is strange with what careless felicity he winds his way in that complex Narrative, and, be the subject what it will, comes through it unsullied, and with a smile. His great strength is an unconscious instinctive strength ; wherein truly lies his highest merit. The whole spirit of Chivalry, of Love, and heroic Valour, must have lived in him and inspired him. Everywhere he shows a noble Sensibility ; the sad accents of parting friends, the lamentings of women, the high daring of men, all that is worthy and lovely prolongs itself in melodious echoes through his heart. A true old Singer, and taught of Nature herself! Neither let us call him an inglorious Milton, since now he is no longer a mute one. What good were it that ON THE NIBELUNGEN LIED. Ixix the four or five Letters composing his name could be printed, and pronounced, with absolute certainty ? All that was mortal in him is gone utterly; of his life, and its environment, as of the bodily tabernacle he dwelt in, the very ashes remain not : like a fair heavenly Apparition, which indeed he was^ he has melted into air, and only the Voice he uttered, in virtue of its inspired gift, yet lives and will live. To the Germans this " Nibelungen Song " is naturally an object of no common love ; neither if they sometimes overvalue it, and vague antiquarian wonder is more common than just criticism, should the fault be too heavily visited. After long ages of con- cealment, they have found it in the remote wilderness, still stand- ing like the trunk of some almost antediluvian oak; nay with boughs on it still green, after all the wind and weather of 'twelve hundred years. To many a patriotic feeling, which lingers fondly an solitary places of the Past, it may well be a rallying-point, and " Lovers' Try sting-tree.^'' For us also it has its worth. A creation from the old ages, still bright and balmy, if we visit it ; and opening into the first History of Europe, of Mankind. Thus all is not oblivion ; but on the edge of the abyss that separates the Old world from the New, there hangs a fair Rainbow-land; which also, in curious repetitions of itself {twice over, say the critics), as it were in a secondary and even a ternary reflex, sheds some feeble twilight far into the deeps of the primeval Time. w^t -tf'T' vfKf an bj-,' . Hinr^irtn*rt li^un^gc ^U5^,v^ gtrnc ticrcir. - ?;f rtv 'tt,i/{ , "vi irur V4 }rtbr r.jtrtt »M(j!, i? jcb yt dvM rin^' fff ^'vtAJc wot xrrothaj v4 utdwihibem f^VfTfX\v.irr<^ C 5*cfcc iiVo/^mrn JHc fM'nc^cf r{icp jjatJMi- "bcrvAitr- vi[ nuclei tMi- nacf) vjI m4>iifft/i racb '^^ ^"^ ^ '""'^ ?i i-mr brw dlcnbe Tmetr- ^iv bovruv !xmhchrnA<:h Helc^ai groxiv tetr. j'Y)cn vfcm"& niantovr' lnl»e' bcr ir b.i bur M^3ciinx KuiT. mrr'iftnbcltBW' f Mvi; opX" bciiomov. oI>tin'cyv nochinv p-it ui \Mt Lutr. tr tfovmiv-b.i-:! u- m iir brv'Dct- u (L mvfc rtunncn a>u-a'l)n>.fnin'tf.? m.»n >* nt^r bi ()cr »r H.li3;tnt vitr C^n <;cniJi. -^cr c/jjtricru Wft-Tjcf) Ccf«: vJ4rr ^-i von cr finviTP q;v:wflf| . thr»i Gnu t«i|l!t wi/Itn ch«7n6c nicnini vii't>«*i'l''jn. Lvvillcii rnoMcnL JHbi^^^bviietyini rf'>«?n". -fiti&c bj;2 vil 1>cr/icbc \-^tji' $ V (pact; '!sv tion c(?VHig«'vi|»|fl)C}* "krnr mw ■ frit v^joltee ml) bwxn c^aijc moWix «itT bvltxai fin. b4tir mic/j lici'cr fcfjvTi ot icb b.« ?)fr vcrftfr. obu'Vcn mmt'i vn%njbc7i wMtrrrmnwh v^wA tin. mw^xch bnvjj^f svrJ) ^cfvouj v^jiibriclj von vwibd^minnc Miebc? iwrv null VI Itwre niVvan +vr cHcnbc vrovw"!^ mm . TBjvbc iwiE /I iif'Trorvov TV f& Ivbrtc^ vfcer B.m. fvvf 1*78 trb.T p^nc {sb}T ^w" «»t «miuy birr, ^v'}'' viwrr fjcf^ hw vivwr i>o ^r bt»i w,} )xtt fin crv4»n ^ 1 ip!*4cj; vvefrirnur tnw'cinrtvn bti*r*r nim- fo x>j»r»n« vi>cr"' Km- fo cnbiui icb FACSIMILE OF A PAGE OF THE ST. GALL MS. C. I24O, f SCALE Ixxi MiT vil grozen eren daz ist al war wonten si mit einander vnz an daz sibende iar di zit diu chuneginne eines suns was genesen des chunde der kunich Ecel nimmer vrolicher wesen. Sine wolde niht erwinden sine vurbe sint daz getouffet viirde daz Eceln chint nach cristenlichem rehte ez wart Ortliep genant des wart vil michel freude ubeu elKu Eceln lant, Swaz ie gnter tugende an vroun Helchen lach der vleiz sich nu vrou Criemhilt dar nach vil manigen tach di site si lerte Herrat diu ellende meit diu hete tougenliche nach Helchen grosiu leit. Den vremden unt den chunden was si vil wol bechant di iahen daz nie vrouve beseze ein kuneges lant bezher unde milter daz heren si fiir war daz lop si truch si een Hiunen unz an daz dricehende iar. Nu het si wol erchunnen daz ir niemen wider stunt also noch fursten wibe chiineges recken tunt unt daz si alle zite zwelf chlinige vor ir sach si gedaht ouch maniger leide der ir da heime gesach. Si gedaht ouch maniger eren von nibelunge lant der si da was gewaltich unt di ir Hagenen hant mit Sifrides tode hete gar benomen ob im daz noch immer von ir celeide mohte chomen. Sas geschaehe ob ich in mohte bringen in daz lant ir troumte daz ir gienge vil diche an der hant Giselher ir bruder si chusten zaller stunt vil ofte in senftem slaffe sit wart in arbeiten chunt. Ich vaene der ubel valint Criemhilde daz geriet daz si sich mit friundschefte von Giselhere schiet den si durch sune chuste in biirgonden lant do begonde ir aber salwen von heizen trehen ir gewant. Ez lag ir an dem herzen spate und vrou wi man si ane schulde braehte dar zu daz si mlise minnen einen heidenissche man di not di het ir Hagene unt Gunther getan. Transcript of the first column oppositey being the first nine stanzas of Adventure XXIII THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS ADVENTURE L— KRIEMHILDA. TO us, in olden legends, is many a marvel told Of praise-deserving heroes, of labours manifold, Of weeping and of wailing, of joy and festival ; Of bold knights' battling shall you now hear a wondrous tale. 2. There grew up in Burgundia a very noble maid, No fairer face than hers was in all the lands, they said ; Kriemhilda was the maid's name, — a lovely woman she, — For whose sake many a warrior lost his life gallantly. 3- To love that lovely maiden seemed but to be her due ; None bore her spite, and many did for her favour sue. Beyond all measure fair were her noble form and face : Here virtues were sufficient, all womankind to grace. 4. Three noble kings and wealthy, did guard her as their own, Sir Gunther and Sir Gemot, for deeds of honour known, And Giselher the youngest, a gallant warrior he. The lady was their sister, and ward of all the three. B '2/1', J 'j J JraE.I^AY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [AD\ 5- These princes were right gentle, and came of noble race, Bold, and of strength unequalled, peerless in knightly grace; " The kingdom of Burgundia," thus was their country hight ; — All Etzel's land rang later with their great deeds of might. 6. At Worms upon the Rhine flood, they dwelt in power and mighi And there, in fealty, served them full many a haughty knight, With honourable service throughout their earthly life. — That Hfe had woeful ending from two great ladies' strife. 7- Their mother was Dame Ute, a queen exceeding rich, And Dankrat was their father, broad lands he left to each When he this life departed ; he was a mighty man. Who, e'en while yet a stripling, his knightly deeds began. The three kings, who came after, were, as I've said before. All men of strength and valour ; and to them fealty swore The flower of noble knighthood, of whom with truth 'twas saic That strong they were and dauntless, in sharp fight undismayec 9- Foremost of them was Hagen, of Tronje ; then his brother, — Sir Dankwart the swift-footed ; Ortwein of Metz another ; And Eckewart and Gere, who both were margraves hight ; With Volker of Alsatia, — a stout and proven knight. lO. Rumold the kitchen-master, a knight of high degree, Sindold and Hunold also, whose duty 'twas to see That courtly rites and honours were aye observed well, With many another gallant, whom time would fail to tell. .] KRIEMHILDA CAL) II. Uankwart, he was the Marshal, his nephew Ortwein bore The office of High Sewer, in that proud court of yore ; Sir Sindold was Cup-bearer, and a bold knight men say. The Chamberlain was Hunold ; all honourable they. 12. Of all this courtly service, and of their far-famed might, And of the worth and valour of each heroic knight. And of their life as courtiers, through all their joyous days, To give a true account were beyond my simple lays. 13- Meanwhile, amid this splendour, the maid Kriemhilda dreamed That she had reared a falcon, — strong, fair and wild he seem'd — - And that two eagles tore him, and eke before her eyes ; — No worse grief could life bring her in any evil guise. 14. Quick to her mother Ute she told the vision dread, - Who, after her own manner, the dream interpreted : " This falcon of thy rearing, thy noble husband he, — And now may God defend him, or he is lost to thee ! ' 15- *' What sayest thou of husbands, O dearest mother mine? Never for hero's wooing shall I, your daughter, pine ! Spotless and fair would I be, as now, unto my death ; — I would forego the sorrow that lurks man's love beneath." 16. ''Forswear not Love thu^ lightly," her mother answer gave, "If heart's joy ever reach thee in life, as women crave. Through man's love thou must gain it; — -thou wert a seemly bride If God do not deny thee a good knight at thy side." THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV 17- " Ah, let alone such counsel, my mother dear, I pray ! By many a woman's witness 'tis proven, clear as day, How heart's delight too often with sorrow sore is paid ; — Lest such mischance befall me, I'll shun them both," she said. 1 8. So, in her mind Kriemhilda held ever Love at bay, And lived in happy freedom for many a merry day ; — Caring for nought and no one ; — and yet it was her fate 1 o be one day, in honour, a gallant warrior's mate. 19. It was the self-same falcon that she in dreams did see, Just as her mother told her ; and bloody was to be Her vengeance on her kinsmen, by whom the deed was done For one man's death did perish full many a mother's son. ADVENTURE IL— SIEGFRIED. 20. In Netherland was growing a rich king's son and heir. Whose father's name was Siegmund, Sieglind his mother fair. In a strong castle lived they, of far and widespread fame, Beside the great Rhine river; and Santen was its name. This prince's name was Siegfried, a gallant knight and good, In many kingdoms proved he his brave and warlike mood; So great his strength of body, he rode from land to land. Ha ! what fine warriors found he on the Burgundian strand ! IL] SIEGFRIED. 22. In his best days of prowess, when he was young and slim, Full many a wondrous story the country told of him, — How noble was his stature, how fair he was to see, — And many a comely woman look'd on him lovingly. 23. He had a careful rearing, as did his birth befit, His virtues were his own, though, and nowise due to it ! Unto his father's country he was an ornament, For men in all things found him to be right excellent. 24. He was now grown so manly that he to court must ride ; — The men-folk saw him gladly ; and dames and maids beside ■Wished that his will might bring him, not once, but ever there ;- Full many bore him favour, as well the knight was ware ! 25. To ride forth unattended the boy was ne'er allowed. In costly raiment decked him Siegmund and Sieglind proud ; x^nd the wise elders taught him (as well they understood). How best to win the people, and rule the land for good. 26. And being now so stalwart that he could weapons bear, Having what he required, enough and e'en to spare, He turned his thoughts to women, and dreamt of a fair bride ; The fairest might stand proudly at the bold Siegfried's side. 27. Then did his father, Siegmund, summon his liegemen all Unto a friendly banquet in the great castle-hall ; To many a neighbour-king's land the festal tidings spread ; On strangers as on kinsmen steeds, gear, he lavished. 6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV, 28. If any squire were lacking knightly estate and name, Who, by descent and breeding, had thereunto a claim, Such noble youth was bidden to tournament and board, And with the young king, later, was girt with knightly sword. 29. One could tell many marvels of this great feast so rare ; Siegmund and Siegelinda did win much honour there By the good gifts they lavished, with free and open hand ; Therefore so many strangers came riding to their land. 30. Four hundred squires received their knightly gear that day. Together with young Siegfried; and maidens fair, they say. Toiled at the festal raiment, because they did him hold So dear, and many a jewel they broidered in the gold. 31- And wove them in the robe-weft, and stitched upon the hem : Sure, to such proud young warriors behoved lace and gem ! The host had seats prepared for many a gallant man. At that June feast, where Siegfried his knightly course began. 32. And thither to the Minster came many a wealthy squire, And many a noble warrior. The elders did aspire That day to serve the younger, as was the ancient rule ; — And merriment, and pastime, and joy were at the full. 33- When later, in God's honour, a solemn Mass was sung, Up rose from out the people a great and mighty throng. Who there received knighthood, with fitting knightly rite. And honours, such as ne'ermore were seen of mortal wight. II.] SIEGFRIED. 7 34- Soon ran the knights to where they found saddled chargers wait ; At Siegmund's court began then a tournament so great That one heard hall and palace with crash of arms resound, As the high-mettled thanes met upon the tilting-ground. 35- From oldknights and from youngones went thrust and parry there, Till crash of breaking lances re-echoed through the air ; — One saw the splinters flying up to the palace wall From many a gallant knight's hand : so eager were they all ! 36. The host he bade them end it ; they led the steeds away ; Full many a sturdy buckler in sight all broken lay ; And precious stones, in plenty, had fallen on the sward From out the shining shield-clasps : the onset was so hard. Then went the host's guests thither where they were bade to sit Their weariness was banished by the choice food they ate. And by wine of the rarest, of which there was no stint. Alike to friends and strangers was all this lavishment. 38. And, though the games and pastimes had lasted all the day. The throngs of merrymakers knew neither rest nor stay, Contending for the many good gifts that were to hand : A bounty which redounded to the praise of Siegmund's land. 39- Then did the king make over to young Siegfried, the loan Of both his lands and castles, as he afore had done. Unto his knightly comrades he gave with open hand, So all were right well-pleased that they had sought his land. 8 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 40. Until the seventh sunrise the festival went on. Then did the rich queen, Sieglind, as in old days was done, For love of her son Siegfried, share out her red gold free : To win all folks' hearts to him thereby, in sooth, hoped she. 41. Not one who in the games played, methinks, went poor away ; It rained steeds and raiment through all the land that day. As if had come the world's end, and common life was o'er ! Such gifts, in such abundance, were never known before ; 42. So, with befitting honour, ended the festal day. And some of the rich nobles were overheard to say, Thattheywould liketheyoungman. Prince Siegfried, for their lord: Hovvbeit the honest Siegfried, gave heed not to their word. 43- While Siegmund and Sieglinda were living, their dear son Would never dream of wearing the crown for any one ! He wished to be lord only the mighty to restrain, Who kept the land in terror, — the bold and gallant thane ! ADVENTURE III.— HOW SIEGFRIED CAME TO WORMS. 44. The Prince was little troubled by pangs of heartache yet ! The people's talk, however, erelong his ears beset : How there was in Burgundia a maiden, passing fair ; — For her sake joy and sorrow thereafter he did bear. III.] HOW sip:gfried came to worms. < 45- The beauty of this maiden was famed far and wide ; Her lofty mind, 'twas vaunted, excelled her beauty's pride. And brought her many a wooer, riding to Gunther's land. Who fain would see the damsel, and bid for that fair hand. 46. And yet, however many contended for her love, Kriemhilda felt in secret that none her heart could move ; There was no man among them whose love she could reward ; That knight was still a stranger, who was to be her lord. 47- But when the son of Sieglind to lofty love inclined, Compared with his, all wooing was as an idle wind ! Right well, in sooth, deserved he to win so- fair a bride : Erelong the noble Kriemhild' stood at bold Siegfried's side. 48. His followers and kinsmen, seeing that he would wed. Did counsel that the maiden he to the altar led Should be by birth his equal, — for his, and for their sake : "Then," cried the gallant Siegfried, " Kriemhilda will I take ! 49. " That beauteous young maiden of the Burgundian land. For her surpassing beauty. Right well I understand No Kaiser were so mighty but, should he need a wife, That princess were fit consort to share his royal life." SO- A rumour of the matter soon reached King Siegmund's ears ('Twas buzzed among the people) ; his mind was full of fears For this his son's intention ; — that he was fain to wed The fair and lovely maiden, and would not be gainsaid. lO THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 51- Sieglinda also heard it, the noble monarch's wife, And much heart-searching had she about her dear son's life : For well she knew King Gunther, and his bold warrior-train. They sought to turn the hero back from his wooing vain. 52. Then outspake gallant Siegfried : " Beloved father mine, The love of noble women I will for aye resign If I woo not where Love is, and give my heart its way. Such is my purpose truly, — whatever men may say. 53- "If thou canst not forego her," the king said, "verily My will shall be as thy will, and well it pleaseth me ; And I will help thee-end it, and do the best I can : Yet hath the royal Gunther full many a haughty man ! 54. " If it were only Hagen, and no one else beside. He hides 'neath courtly seeming such overweening pride. That he'll do us a mischief, — of that I'm sore afraid, If once we go a-wooing this fair and stately maid." 55- " Shall that be hindrance to us ? " asked Siegfried, fearlessly. " If what I ask in kindness he venture to deny. My strong right hand shall win it ! I'll wrest from him," quoth he, " Both land and lieges, surely, for all his subtlety." 56. Then spake the royal Siegmund, " I do mislike thy speech ! Should tidings thereof ever to the Rhine-border reach, Thou durst not ever after into that country ride. Long have I known King Gunther, and King Gemot beside. III.] HOW SIEGFRIED CAME TO WORMS. II 57- " By force can never any expect to win the maid," Declared the good King Siegmund ; "that hath been ahvays said ! But if thou with thy warriors wilt to her country ride, An' we have any friends left, I'll call them to thy side." 58. " Far be it from my purpose," cried Siegfried, eagerly, " That when I ride to Rhine-land warriors should follow me. Like an invading army ! I should abhor this thing — By force the glorious maiden into my arms to bring I 59- " I will not owe her winning to any other hand ; I and eleven others will ride to Gunther's land. Your help, good father Siegmund, I, for this purpose, pray." Then gave they to his warriors both coloured stuffs and gray. 6c. His mother heard the tidings, the lady Siegelind, She fell to grieving over her dear son in her mind ; Fearing lest she might lose him through some of Gunther's men. The noble queen refrained not from bitter weeping then. 61. This seeing, young lord Siegfried to her his way did make. And unto his dear mother thus tenderly he spake : " I prithee weep not, lady, because of mine intent ; I have no fear of foemen, ncrr of disparagement. 62. "Aid thou me in my journey to the Burgundian land, That I and my companions may bravely furnished stand In raiment that shall honour proud heroes, such as we, — Then will I for this favour, aye thank thee fervently." 12 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 63. " Since thou wilt not forego it," did Siegelind declare, " I'll help thee on thy journey, my only son and heir ! I will provide apparel, the best e'er warrior wore, — For thee and thy companions : and ye must take good store." 64. Then bowed to the queen-mother Prince Siegfried, theyoung man, He said : " On this my journey I'll take, if so I can. None save eleven warriors ; for these be raiment made. I long to see how fares it with Kriemhilda," he said. 65. So Sieglind's beauteous ladies sat stitching, night and day, — There were no idle fingers, and little rest or play, Until Prince Siegfried's raiment was ready to his hand. He'd not forego his journey to the Burgundian land. 66. His father bade him polish his knightly harness grand, Wherewith he meant to ride out of royal Siegmund's land. And eke the glitt'ring hauberks they likewise did prepare. Together with stout helmets, and bucklers broad and fair. 67. The hour of their departure for Burgundy was nigh. And men as well as women watched them forebodingly. Lest they again should never come to their fatherland. To pack their gear and armour the heroes gave command. 68. Their chargers were resplendent, their trappings of red gold ; No knight could well be prouder nor had more right to hold A high head, than Sir Siegfried and his eleven men. He craved the king's permission to gallop Rhinewards then. III.] HOW SIEGP^RIED CAME TO WORMS. 1 3 69. With grief Siegmund and Sieglind accorded his request; Whom Siegfried sought to comfort, as tenderly he pressed. He said : " Ye must not weep now through any care for me ; And fear not lest my life be in any jeopardy." 70- Sad-hearted were the warriors, and many a maiden wept : Doubtless their hearts foreboded mischance for those who leapt That day into the saddle, — they dreamt these friends lay dead, — They had good cause for mourning, in sooth there was much need ! 71. Upon the seventh morning, at Worms, on the Rhine shore, Arrived the gallant horsemen ; the raiment that they wore With ruddy gold was flashing, and all their trappings shone : The chargers of bold Siegfried went pacing smoothly on. 72. Their bucklers were new-wrought ones, and light and broad beside, And bright their helmets glittered, as unto court did ride Siegfried, the gallant chieftain, in royal Gunther's land. Such fine-apparelled heroes were ne'er seen on that strand. 73- Theirlong-swords' points hungdownwards unto the spursthey wore; And sharp, too, were the javelins which these bold heroes bore. The one that Siegfried carried was two spans in the blade, Its twofold edge was deadly, and ghastly wounds it made. 74- All gilded were the bridles they lightly held in hand ; And silken were their horse-girths ; so came they to that land. The folk began on all sides on them to gape and stare. Then many of Gunther's people ran forth to meet them there. 14 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 75- Those high and mighty warriors, and knight as well as squire, Went out to bid them welcome, as honour did require, Receiving them with kindness into their master's land. Taking their horses, straightway, and bucklers from their hand. 76. They would have ta'en the chargers, and led them to the stall. Had not the gallant Siegfried said out, before them all : "Let mine and my men's horses stay here, as now they be, — It is my will and purpose to ride hence presently ! 77- " I pray you therefore tell me — whoever knows this thing Let him not hide it from me — where I can find your king, Gunther, the mighty monarch of the Burgundian land?" Then one among them told him, who knew where he did stand. 78. '* If you would find King Gunther, 'tis easy done, I trow. In yonder hall I saw him, and thither you must go ; He stands among his heroes; and, if you'll thither wend. Full many a glorious warrior you'll find with him, good friend ! " 79- Unto the king the tidings by this time had been told : How warriors were arrived all gallant to behold, Who wore white, glitt'ring mail-shirts, and raiment rich and grand, And no one knew aught of them, in that Burgundian land. 80. Then was the king astonished, and much he did inquire. Whence came these splendid warriors, in dazzling bright attire, And with such well-wrought bucklers, so new and eke so broad; — It vexed the soul of Gunther that none could give him word. III.] HOW SIEGFRIED CAME TO WORMS. 1 5 8i. Then Ortwein, lord of Metz, spake, and answered thus the king (Rich and high-couraged was he, and feared not anything) : " Since we know naught about them, bid someone straightway go And fetch my uncle Hagen, he'll see them, and may know. 82. "He knoweth all the kingdoms, and ev'ry stranger-land, And, if he wot aught of them, he'll make us understand." So the king sent to fetch him, him and his liegemen all ; — They watched his stately coming, with warriors, to the hall. What the king wanted of him ? first, Hagen sought to know. " There are within my palace strange warriors, I trow, Whom not a soul here knoweth ; if thou didst them e'er see, Declare it now. Sir Hagen, and tell the truth to me ! " 84. "That will I," answered Hagen, and to the window went; One saw his keen glance wander, till on the guests it bent. Well pleased him their equipment, and raiment equally : But they were strangers to him, ne'er seen in Burgundy. 85- He spake: "From whencesoever have come these cavaliers. They must themselves be princes, or princes' messengers. Their raiment is so splendid, their horses are so good ; — 'Tis plain, where'er they come from, they are of noble blood. 86. " And," furthermore said Hagen, " though hitherto, I ween The famous hero Siegfried, mine eyes have never seen, I cannot help believing, how strange soe'er it be. That yon proud knight, there standing, can be none else but he ! 1 6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV.i 87. " He bringeth us new tidings, here into this our land. The hardy Niblungs slew he with his own hero-hand, Both Nibelung and Schilbung, the sons of a rich king. He hath wrought mighty wonders, by sheer strength vanquishing. 88. " For riding once, all lonely, and with no help at hand, He came unto a mountain, (as I did understand,) Where lay the Niblungs' treasure, well watched by doughty men, Who all were strangers to him, until he met them then. 89. '• The treasure of the Niblungs had just been taken tlien Out of a hollow mountain, — (Now hearken, my good men !) While as the Niblung warriors to share it did prepare. Young Siegfried came, and saw them : and had good cause to stare. 90. " He came so nigh unto them that he could see them all, And they did also see him ; — then one of them did call : ' Here comes the mighty Siegfried, the Netherlander strong !' He met with strange adventures the Nibelungs among. 91. " The knight was well received by Schilbung and Nibelung ; And with one voice in counsel those noble lords and young Cried : ' Share for us the treasure, thou honourable man ! ' And eagerly besought him : so he to share began. 92. " He saw so many jewels as I have heard men say. That fivescore waggons scarcely would carry them away ; Yet more there was of red gold, from out the Nib'lungs' land : And all must be divided by gallant Siegfried's hand. III.] HOW SIEGFRIED CAME TO WORMS. 1 7 93- " And unto him for wages they gave the Niblungs' sword : But little they foreboded what would be their reward For rendering this service to Siegfried, the good knight ; — Ere he could end the sharing they had begun to fight. 94. " They had their friends anear them, twelve gallant armed men, Who all were mighty giants, — but what availed them then ? For Siegfried fell upon them and slew them in his ire. Full seven hundred Niblungs, vanquished in battle dire, 95- "With their good sword resistless, that was yclept 'Balmung.' Because a mighty terror had seized those warriors young, Dread of the sword, and of the bold man that did it wield ; — Soon land and castles did they unto the victor yield. 96. " The wealthy kings he also slew, till they both fell dead. But he himself, through Albrich, was grievously bested, Who would avenge his masters upon the spot, — till he Found the great strengih of Siegfried beyond his mastery. 97- " The sturdy dwarf was powerless against him in the fray. Like lions wild to the mountain they twain then broke away, Till the Tarnhelm^ from Albrich he wrested ; and thus lord Became the dreaded Siegfried of all the Niblung hoard. "They who had dared to fight lay upon the mountain, slain. The treasure then he bade them to carry back again Unto the cave, whence erstwhile the Niblungs did it take. And then did he stout Albrich his treasure-keeper make. ' The Hood of Darkness or Invisibility. C l8 l^HE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 99. " By a great oath he made him unto him fealty swear, To serve him in all service, no matter when or where." So spake Hagen of Tronje, " That did he presently : " There never was a warrior who had such might as he ! 100. " And yet another story of Siegfried I have heard : How he did slay a dragon, with his own hand and sword, And in its blood he bathed him till horny grew his skin, And thus no sword can cut him, as hath been often seen. " Then let us this young hero receive as best we may, Lest we deserve his hatred and have to rue the day. He is of such bold spirit 'twere best to be his friend : He hath, by his strong right hand, wrought wonders without end." 102. Then the great king said, " Truly, methinks that thou art right. See but how chivalrously he stands prepared to fight. He and his warriors with him, a dauntless man is he 1 We will go down to meet him, and greet him courteously." 103. " Thou mayest," answered Hagen, "with honour do this thing, His ancestry is noble, his sire a wealthy king. One sees it in his bearing, — and, by the dear Lord Christ, It is no trifle brings him, I warrant, on this quest !" 104. Then spake the country's ruler : " Right welcome let him be, — That he is brave and noble hath aye been told to me ; We'll make his sojourn merry in our Burgundian land." So saying, down went Gunther to where Siegfried did stand. III.] HOW SIEGFRIED CAME TO WORMS. 1 9 105. The host and all his warriors received the guest so well ^That nothing to good breeding was lacking, sooth to tell. The goodly man, on his side, bowed low before them there, And thanked them for their greeting, so friendly and so fair. 106. *' I marvel at these riddles," spake Gunther, suddenly, " Whence have you, noble Siegfried, come unto this country ? x\nd for what purpose come you to Worms upon the Rhine ?" The guest unto the king said : " To answer shall be mine. 107. " To me were told the tidings, erst in my fatherland. That here with you were dwelling (which I would know firsthand, ) The boldest of all warriors — oft said they so to me,— That ever monarch governed : lo, I am come to see ! 108. " Thy fame hath also reached me ; I hear the knights declare That never king was bolder nor braver, anywhere. Such is the common folk-talk o'er all the land, in sooth, And I shall have no quiet until I know the truth. 109. '' I also am a warrior, and shall too wear a crown; And I shall ne'er content me until I win renown. Until the folk say of me, that I have proved my right To reign o'er land and people : my honour do I plight no. " And head thereto. And wert thou as bold as some men say, I will now wrestle from thee whate'er is thine to-day ; I care not who gainsay it, or who may like, or hate : Thy broad lands and thy castles shall mine be, soon or late !" 20 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV III. The king did greatly marvel, and eke his liegemen all, At the strange declaration that from his lips did fall : To take his kingdom from him ! so that was his intent ! His thanes all heard it, likewise, and fierce was their dissent. I 12. " Whereby have I deserved this ?" Gunther the warrior cried, *' That lands my father governed, with honour, till he died. Should be now wrested from us by force, by whomsoe'er? That were to prove but poorly that we too knighthood bear." " Nought else will I," quoth Siegfried, " by that 1 fall or stand If thy strength cannot peace win for thine own fatherland, Then shall my strong hand rule it, and after me mine heir ; If thou dost win, thine be it, and we thy rule must bear. 114. " Thy heritage, mine also, are now alike at stake ; Whichever of the other shall wholly conquest make To him shall all be subject, — the land and all its folk." But Hagen and King Gemot in hasty answer spoke : " Far be it from our purpose," spake Gemot presently, " To conquer new possessions, and to cause death thereby At hands of heroes ; truly, we have a rich estate : Which pays us due allegiance, nor seeks a better fate." 116. Round and about were standing his friends, in sullen mood ; The lord of Metz, Sir Ortwein, among the others stood ; He spake : " This friendly parley doth vex me sore, as knight, — Stout Siegfried unprovoked hath here challenged you to fight. III.] HOW SIEGFRIED CAME TO WORMS. 21 , 117. " If you and your two brethren were here, without defence, And if he brought against you the army of a prince, Methinks I could o'ermaster yea, e'en such doughty one ! And force this haughty warrior to change his braggart tone." 118. This saying stirred fierce anger in him of Netherland. He spake : "Ne'er shalt thou measure against my like thine hand ! I am a mighty king's son, and thou but a king's knight : Twelve such as thou art could not withstand me in the fight !" 119. Ortwein, the lord of Metz, then for swords called, lustily ; Of Hagen, lord of Tronje, the sister' sson was he; That he had held his peace still seemed not to Gunther right. But Gemot put his word in, the bold and ready knight. 120. He thus spake unto Ortwein : " Now let thine anger be ! Siegfried hath not yet done us aught evil that I see. Our difference in goodwill we yet may end, I deem. And thus may gain his friendship ; 'twill better us beseem." 121. Then spake the doughty Hagen : " Well do we to be wrath. Both we, and all thy warriors, for hath he not come forth, Here to the Rhine, to flout us ? he might have let that be ! My own good lords had never done him such injury." To this made answer Siegfried, that mightiest of men, " If what I now have spoken offend you, Sir Hagen, You shall have eye-proof, shortly, how this my strong right hand Shall do great deeds of prowess in this Burgundian land." 22 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 123. " That I, for one, will hinder !" Gemot in answer said, — And unto all his warriors insulting speech forbade, Because such speech did grieve him. Then into Siegfried's head Came thoughts of Lady Kriemhild, the lovely, peerless maid. 124. " Is not all strife unseemly between us?" Gemot said ; *' However many heroes fell by our prowess dead, Small honour would by us be, by you small vantage won." Then answered him Prince Siegfried, the royal Siegmund's son : 125. " Wherefore delayeth Hagen ? and Ortwein, what doth he, That he and his companions haste not to strive with me ? (Whereof he hath a' many e'en here in Burgundy)." But it was Gernot's counsel that none should risk reply. 126. " You shall be welcome to us," continued Ute's son ; " You and the knightly comrades who come with you, each one ; Right gladly will we serve you, I and these kinsmen mine." Then for the guests were ordered goblets of Gunther's wine. 127. Loud spake the country's ruler : " All that we have is yours, What ye desire, in honour, we'll call no longer ours. But gladly share it with you, be it or wealth, or blood." This wrought in good Sir Siegfried a somewhat softer mood. The knights were soon relieved of all the gear they brought ; And lodgment was found for them, — the very best was sought For Siegfried's knightly followers ; well were they lodged that day. And now, in all Burgundia, right welcome guests were they. ,in.] HOW SIEGFRIED CAME TO WORMS. 23 129. All honour too was shown them, on that and many a day, A thousand times more honour than I can ever say! This had his boldness gained him; and this is true I state : That seldom any saw him who long could bear him hate. 130. On pastimes now and pleasure the kings and court were set. But, whatsoe'er they started, he outstript all men yet : For none could equal Siegfried, nor come his strength anear, — Whether it were stone-putting, or shooting with the spear. 131- And when by courtly custom they will'd their games to play In presence of the ladies, — these knights of humour gay, — Approving glances followed the prince of Netherland. Yet his heart brooded ever on loftier love, at hand. 132. Though to whate'er was passing he lent a ready mind. One gracious maiden ever he in his heart did find ; — So, likewise, did the damsel, whom yet he had not seen. Incline to him in secret, and talk of him, I ween. 133' When in the court the young folk their warlike games began. The knights and their attendants, Kriemhilda straightway ran And watched them from the window, king's daughter tho' she were, Nor while it lasted did she for other pastime care. 134- And had he known she watched him, whom in his heart he bore, It had been ample pleasure, — he would have asked no more. And could his eyes have seen her, ye need not to be told No better bliss and greater for him this world could hold. 24 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 135- When he, among the heroes, down in the court-yard stood, Between the games, at leisure, as other warriors would ; So winsomely he stood there. Queen Siegelinda's son. That the heart's love of many a noble dame he won. 136. And many a time he pondered : " How shall I e'er attain To see the noble damsel, whose love I seek to gain. Her whom I love so dearly, and have for many a day ? To me she's still a stranger, with sorrow I must say." 137- Whene'er the kings were minded to ride throughout their land, Their vassal knights had ever to follow, close at hand ; And Siegfried must be with them, which did the maid distress. And he too suffered often, for her dear sake, no less. 138. So dwelt he with the three kings (and 'tis all true you hear,) In Gunther's court and country, the space of one whole year ; And all that time his Lady he never saw at all. Through whom much love unto him and sorrow did befall. ADVENTURE IV.— HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 139- And now, behold, strange tidings have come to Gunther's land, And heralds from a distance arrive at the command Of warriors unheard of and yet who hatred bore. And when the three kings heard it their grief, in sooth, was sore. TV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 2$ 140. These warriors' names I'll tell you : the first was Lud'ger hight, Out of the Saxon country, a rich king of great might ; And Ludegast came with him, who was of Denmark king ; — These twain brought many with them, a princely following. 141. To Gunther's land the heralds their ready steps had bent. Whom those kings, his opponents, had with their message sent. The unknown men were questioned as to the news they brought. And, summoned by King Gunther, the royal presence sought. 142. The king did greet them fairly ; "Be welcome here," quoth he, " Though who hath sent you hither is yet unknown to me : That must I hear now of you," declared the monarch good. Exceedingly they feared King Gunther's angry mood. 143- " If thou, O king, allowest, the message we'll reveal Which we are sent to bring thee, and nothing will conceal. We'll name to you the masters who've sent us to this strand : Lud'gast and Lud'ger, namely, who would invade your land. 144. " Ye have incurred their anger, nor shun we here to state That both our masters harbour for you the greatest hate. They mean to come with armies to Worms upon the Rhine : And many warriors aid them ; — so warn we thee and thine. 145- " Within twelve weeks their journey must here accomplished be. If you've good friends to help you, you'll seek them speedily To guard your land and castles, and fight in battlefield. By them will here be cloven full many a helm and shield. . 26 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 146. " Or, if ye will treat with them, so make your offer : then They will not bring upon you their hosts of armed men, All bitter foes unto you, to work you grievous woe, Destroying your fair knighthood with many a deadly blow." 147. " Now tarry here a little," replied the monarch good, " Until I have bethought me, — then shall ye learn my mood. If I have faithful subjects I must not hide this thing ; This grievous errand must I unto my lieges bring." 148. Rich as he was, to Gunther it was a trouble sore ; Within his heart the matter he pondered o'er and o'er. He sent in quest of Hagen, and others of his men, And bade them from the palace to fetch King Gemot then. 149. His worthiest came unto him, all that were found to hand. He spake : " The foeman cometh here into this our land. Bringing a mighty army ; to work you all much woe." To which the bold knight Gemot made answer : " Nay, not so, 150. "Our good swords shall defend us ! " undaunted Gemot said ; *' None but the doomed die, ever, — and they're as good as dead ! For fear of death, I'll never forget mine honour dear. Let the foe come, and welcome ! they'll find us ready here ! 151. Then Hagen spake, of Tronje : " The thing doth bode no good ; Lud'gast and Lud'ger both are too arrogant of mood. The time's too short to gather, and furnish all our men ; Ye must advise with Siegfried." Thus spake the bold Hagen. Mv.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 2/ 152. They bade men take the heralds, and lodge them in the town. However hostile to them, for sake of his renown Gunther would have them cared for, as was their due and right ; Until he knew what friends would stand by him in the fight. 153- Yet the king's heart was heavy and sad with anxious care. But one beheld him mourning, — a gallant knight and fair, Who knew not of the sorrow that had befall'n the king ; — Therefore besought he Gunther to declare to him this thing. 154- " To me it is a marvel," quoth Siegfried (for 'twas he), " How all your merry custom hath changed utterly, Which was the rule among us, and hath so long held sway ? " To which, in answer, Gunther, the comely knight did say : 155- " Not unto every comer would I the grief declare. Which close within my bosom in secret I must bear : One keeps one's deepest sorrow for stedfast friends," he said. At this did Siegfried's colour change quick, 'twixt white and red. 156. " I never have denied you," he spake unto the king ; — " And shall not, in this trouble, my strong arm succour bring ? If you for friends are seeking, lo, am I not your friend ? I trust to be so ever, — with honour, till mine end." 157- " Now God reward you, Siegfried, for what you now have said. And though your strength should never be needed in mine aid, Yet doth this news rejoice me, that you my friend will be ; — And you shall ne'er regret it, if life be granted me. 28 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 158. " And you shall hear the reason wherefore I now am sad : From enemies, by heralds, this message I have had : That they will, with their armies, assail us, at our door ; — The like no warriors ever did in these lands before." 159- " Let not your heart be troubled," quoth Siegfried, thereunto ; " And calm your anxious spirit, and as I pray you, do ! Leave it to me to win you honour and vantage both, And bid your thanes come hither to aid you, nothing loth. 160. " Although your mighty foemen should have at their command Full thirty thousand swordsmen, yet would I them withstand, Though I had but a thousand : so leave this all to me." "For this," said Gunther, " ever your debtor I shall be." 161. " So let a thousand warriors at my disposal be. Since I of mine own following, have only here with me A dozen knights, all reckoned : thus will I guard your land, And faithfully at all times shall serve you Siegfried's hand. 162. " In this must Hagen help us, his nephew Ortwein too, Dankwart and Sindold also, all knights beloved of you. And Volker shall ride with us, Volker the gallant man, A better one I know not, and he shall lead the van. 163. *' And let the heralds ride back home to their masters' land ; And that they soon shall see us give them to understand, That peace within our castles may undisturbed reign." For followers and kinsmen the king then sent amain. IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 29 164. The messengers of Lud'ger straightway to court repair. At news of home-returning greatly rejoiced they were. The good King Gunther gave them rich gifts to take away, And promised them safe conduct : right glad of heart were they. 165. " Say now," King Gunther bade them, " unto my foes who come, They'd best forego this journey, and stay content at home. But, if they be determined to seek me in my land. Unless my good friends fail me, they'll find their work to hand." 166. Rich presents then they, straightway, before the heralds bore, Gunther was rich in treasure, and had enough and more ; These men of Lud'ger's durst not refuse the offered fee, And when they leave had taken, departed joyfully. 167. Now when they unto Denmark returned were at last. And had declared the tidings unto King Ludegast, Which they had brought from Rhineland, and all to him was said, The proud and haughty answer filled him with grief and dread. 168. They said that by the Rhine dwelt full many a gallant wight : " Among them, with King Gunther, there was a certain knight, Who bore the name of Siegfried, — a knight of Netherland." Sore grieved was Lud'gast when he this news did understand. 169. As soon as they of Denmark had heard the news of war. They made all haste to gather their friends from near and far, Till Ludegast could reckon on twenty-thousand men, All warriors bold, and ready the war-march to begin. 30 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 170. King Ludeger the Saxon assembled his men, too, Till he had forty thousand or even more to show. Ready to join the others, and ride to Burgundy. Nor was King Gunther idle at home, for also he 171. Sent word to all his kinsmen, and to his brothers' men. To bid their troops assemble to go to battle then ; And likewise Hagen's warriors, — the heroes needed all. Whereby must many a chieftain in death, thereafter, fall. 172. So made they all things ready. When perfect was each plan, The gallant warrior, Volker, was bade to lead the van, And thus they rode together from Worms, upon the Rhine. The chief command to Hagen of Tronje they assign. 173- With them did ride Sir Sindold, and eke the brave Hunold, Two knights of whom was either well worth King Gunther's gold ; And Dankwart, Hagen's brother, his nephew Ortwein too, Who also might with honour upon the war-march go. 174. " Sir king," said Siegfried, " prithee, in quiet bide at home, Seeing that all thy warriors with me to battle come. Remain to guard the women, and aye be of good cheer : I trow I can take care of your honour and your gear ! 175- '' From those who would assail you, at Worms upon the Rhine, ril see that nought of evil befall or thee or thine. So closely will we press them, and compass them so near, That all their braggart boasting shall soon be changed to fear." IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 3 1 176. From Rhine they rode through Hesse, their warriors as well, Towards the Saxon country, — where they to fighting fell. They ravaged all the borders and spoiled with sword and brand, Till fear fell on those princes, who sorrowed for their land. 177. So came they o'er the marches ; their followers pressed on, And then the gallant Siegfried began to think thereon : "Who shall defend our camp-folk, now we have brought them here? More damage-wreaking raiders to Saxons never were." 178. Some counselled : "On the march let bold Dankwart guard our y outl 1 ; He is a trusty warrior, and swift in act, forsooth : Let him and also Ortwein have conduct of the rear ; So shall we have less damage from Lud'ger's men to fear." 179. "Then I myself will ride on," did gallant Siegfried cry. And keep the foremost outlook, till we the foe espy ; Until I find out where these same crafty warriors lurk." Fair Sieglind's son then quickly donned helmet and hauberk. 180. The rank and file to Hagen he entrusted as he went. And also unto Gemot, the warrior excellent. Then all alone forth rode he into the Saxon-land ; That very day his sword hewed full many a helmet-band. 181. He saw a whole vast army upon the plain outspread. By which his own few helpers were far outnumbered : There were full forty thousand, or even more, maybe ; — But when Sir Siegfried saw them, his heart was full of glee ! 32 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 182. On the foe's side a warrior had to the front been sent, Who on his guard stood ready, watchful and diligent. The hero Siegfried saw him, and the bold man saw him : And each did watch the other, with jealous hate and grim. 183. I'll tell you who it was, who thus sentinel did stand : (A shining shield of red gold was hanging on his hand,) King Ludegast it was who his army thus did guard, — The noble guest spurred forward to meet him on the sward. 184. King Ludegast had also his enemy espied, And each sharp spurs had driven into his stallion's side, With lances on the shields bent each charged with all his might, And Ludegast the mighty was soon in sorry plight. 185. After the crash, the chargers bore the two princes by, As if a mighty storm-wind had blown them furiously, Till each, the rein obeying, was turned in knightly way ; Then did the two grim foemen with swords their skill essay. 186. The mighty strokes of Siegfried made all the field resound, Until King Lud'gast's helmet seemed flaming all around, — The fire-red sparks shot upwards beneath the hero's liand. Each knight found in his fellow a foeman worth his brand. 187. King Lud'gast dealt him also right many an ugly blow : Their good shields caught the sword-thrusts, that else had laid them low. Of Lud'gast's warriors, thirty were witness of the fray. But, ere they came to aid him, Siegfried had gained the day. IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 33 188. From three great wounds and ghastly, which to the king he dealt Clean through his white, steel harness ; — though it was firmly welt, — Where the keen sword-point entered burst from his wounds the blood. King Ludegast might well be thereat of doleful mood ! 189. He begged for life; and offered to pledge to him his land, Telling him that 'twas Lud'gast whose fate was in his hand. And then uprode his warriors, who witnessed had right well What, 'twixt the twain before them, upon the watch, befell. 190. Siegfried now thence would take him ; but he was set upon By thirty of the foemen : yet did he hold his own, And kept his wealthy captive ; and struck out, brave and true, And gave those stately chieftains much bitter cause to rue. 191. In self-defence, the thirty he thereupon did slay. One only left he living ; who spurred his steed away To bear the direful tidings of all that there befell : Which eke his bloody helmet did but too plainly tell. 192. ^\'hen to the men of Denmark the dreadful news was told, — How that theirking was taken, — they scarce their grief could hold. And when they told his brother, he fell to rave like mad, In uncontrolled fury, — so great the grief he had. 193- So Ludegast the warrior was captive made, and then Led from the field by Siegfried, and giv'n to Gunther's men. To Hagen's care they gave him ; and when they heard the truth, That 'twas the king he brought them, — they did not grieve, forsooth 1 D 34 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 194. The banner of Burgundia was fixed its staff unto. " Come on, my men ! " cried Siegfried, " here have we more to do. Before the day be ended. If God preserve my life, There'll weep among the Saxons full many a comely wife ! 195- "Give ear, ye Rhine-born heroes, unto these words I say: To Lud'ger's host I, truly, can show ye straight the way. Ye'll see some helmet-hewing by heroes' hands, I trow ! And, ere we turn us homewards, what grief is some shall know." 196. To horse did Gemot hasten, as eke did all his men. Aloft upbore the banner the stalwart minstrel-thane, — The high-born noble Volker ; — before the host he rode ; And eke the camp-folk, following, proudly to battle strode. 197. They had no more, all counted, than just a thousand men And twelve, with those of Siegfried. The dust 'gan rising then Upon the streets and roadways, as through the land they rode : One saw their lances shining, and many a good shield glowed. 198. Now also had the Saxons come forth in great array. Their swords were finely sharpened, as I have heard men say ; And keen they were and deadly, wielded by heroes' hands : Therewith they, from the strangers, would castle guard and lands^ 199. The marshal of the Rhine- men led on his warriors then. And Siegfried followed closely, with the twelve valiant men Whom he had brought as comrades from out the Netherland. That day in blood of battle was stained many a hand. IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 35 200. For Sindold's might, and Hunold's, and Gernot's had laid In course of that fell combat, full many a hero dead, Ere they had time to reckon the valour of the foe. And many a winsome lady that day must weep for woe. 201. Sir Volker and Sir Hagen, and also Ortewein, Dimmed in that strife the light that from many a helm did shine, With damp of blood downpouring, — these battle-valiant men ! Sir Dankwart's prowess also wrought many a marvel then. 202. And also they of Denmark did well their weapons wield. And many a thrust resounded on many a polish'd shield ; And the sharp sword-strokes echoed death-dealing, blow on blow. The warlike Saxons Hkewise did harm enough, I trow ! 203. As now the bold Burgundians, pressed forward in the fight, By them was many a sword-wound, wide-cleft, — a ghastly sight ! And streaming o'er the saddles, one saw the reeking blood. Thus fought they for dear honour, those valiant knights and good. 204. One heard there, loud-resounding, from every hero's hand, The clashing of keen weapons ; whilst they of Netherland Dashed after their bold leader, into the thickest fray. Right valiantly they followed where Siegfried showed the way. 205. For him the Rhenish heroes could never come anigh ; — One might have seen down-flowing red streamlets bloodily Beneath the glitt'ring helmets, cloven by Siegfried's hand ; — Until he saw King Lud'ger before his warriors stand. 36 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 206. Three sev'ral times he'd traversed the host, from end to end, And now, to help him, Hagen his steps did thither bend. Right well in fight assuaged they the fierceness of their mood : Through them that day must perish full many a warrior good. 207. Now when the mighty Lud'ger did before Siegfried stand. And saw him so aloft swing the great sword in his hand, — It was the good sword Balmung, — and what a host he slew : The king waxed very wrathful, and fierce his anger grew. 208. Then was a mighty thronging, and a great clang of steel As on each side the warriors on their opponents fell. The chieftains sought each other, mettle and strength to gauge ; — The hosts began to waver ; then waxed the hate and rage. 209. The leader of the Saxons was well aware, I trow, His brother was a captive, — and therefore grieved enow. He knew too that the captor was Siegelinda's son ; — 'Twas first set down to Gemot, but soon the truth was known. 210. So fierce was Lud'ger's onslaught, and eke of such fell force, That under Siegfried's saddle stagger'd his battle-horse. But soon it did recover ; and, as the turmoil grew. The aspect of bold Siegfried was terrible to view. 211. Hagen he had to aid him, and Gemot too was by. And Dankwart and Sir Volker ; — the dead around did lie. There fought the bold thane Ortwein, and Sindold, and Hunold, Who, on the field of battle, left many a warrior cold. HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 37 In combat undivided these noble princes were; And o'er their hehnets, harmless, flew many a well-aimed spear Between the glitt'ring targets from each opposing knight. I And blood-stained were thebucklers that whilom shone so bright. 213. I And, in the stress of battle, full many an eager knight ' Dismounted from his charger. Thus, hand to hand, did fight Siegfried the bold, and Lud'ger, who each did each defy. One saw the broken splinters of shafts and lances fly. 214. Fast flew the shield-clasps, severed by mighty Siegfried's hand. He thought himself the victor, this prince of Netherland, Over the dauntless Saxons ; — so many wounded lay. Ha, how the bright mail-armour at Dankwart's strokes did fray ! 215. Just then the Saxon Lud'ger espied upon a shield A kingly crown emblazoned, which Siegfried's arm did wield. Then knew he, of a surety, that 'twas the mighty man. The chieftain to his comrades loudly to call began : 216. " Forego your fighting, warriors, — my lieges, all is done ! For here have I seen Siegfried, the royal Siegmund's son ;— Siegfried the mighty hero mine eyes have seen, I trow, — Sent by some evil devil to work us Saxons woe." 217. Then lowered were the ensigns at Ludeger's command. For peace he sued ; which, erelong, was granted to his band; Though he as Gunther's pris'ner must go to Burgundy : Bold Siegfried's hand alone 'twas that won this victory. 38 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 218. By general agreement the combat then was stopped, And many a battered buckler was by the fighters dropped, And many a helm ; — whatever was found upon the land. Bore on it blood-red traces of some Burgundian hand. 219. They captured whom they listed : all had they in their power. And King Gemot and Hagen, — of chivalry the flower, — Had the sick borne on litters ; they took, besides these, then, As prisoners to the Rhineland, five hundred goodly men. 220. Meanwhile the vanquished warriors to Denmark rode away, Nor could the Saxons boast of much better luck than they, That any one need praise them : sore vexed these heroes were. The friends, too, of the fallen bewailed them, in despair. They had their arms and weapons unto the Rhine conveyed. How well now all had ended ! With his brave warriors' aid Siegfried the prince had done it, as he did all things, well : Which even Gunther's liegemen were bound in truth to tell. 222. To Worms a message firstly the gallant Gemot sent, To let his friends and kinsmen know how the matter went, And what success had crowned them, — him and his lieges all For honour had they striven, and gallantly withal. 223. The young esquires ran quickly, and soon the news was told. And they for joy exulted, — whom grief before did hold, — At these all-welcome tidings, which to the city came. And many were the questions asked by each noble dame : IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 39 224. '' How had they fared, the warriors of the most noble king ? " One of the squires they, straightway, before Kriemhilda bring : But this was done in secret, she took no open part, — Though therewas one among them towhomwaspledged her heart. 225. And when she saw the envoy into her chamber led, Kriemhild, the beauteous maiden, in voice most kindly said : " Now tell me the dear tidings and gold I'll give to thee; — And tell'st thou with no lying, a friend thou hast in me. 226. " How fared my brother Gemot amid the fight ? " she said, " And other friends and kinsmen ? have we left many dead ? And who did best of any? fain would I hear of thee." Then outspake that bold herald : " Of cravens none had we ! 227. " Yet, in the thick of battle rode ne'er a man so well, Oh, Princess high and mighty, — since I the truth must tell, — As did the noble stranger, who came from Netherland : Full many a wondrous deed was wrought by bold Siegfried's hand. 228. " For what great feats soever in battle may have done Sir Dankwart and Sir Hagen and many another one ; Howe'er they fought for honour, it all was idle wind Compared with Siegfried's doings, the son of Siegelind. 229. " Though in the strife of battle full many a hero fell. The wonders wrought by Siegfried no man hath words to tell ! Nor all his deeds of daring when he to battle rode : Through him, for fallen kinsmen, the women's tears have flowed. 40 - THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 230. "And many a girl's betrothed one ne'er rose from off that ground. Upon the brazen helmets one heard his blows resound ; And from the death-wounds spurted hot streams of crimson blood : In all his acts is Siegfried a gallant knight and good. 231. " What doughty deeds were wrought by Ortwein, of Metz the lord ! How ever many foemen he came at with his sword, There did he leave them lying — the better part were dead ; And yet no less of Gemot, your brother, might be said. 232. " For he did work such ruin as ne'er was seen in fight. In truth, one must confess here of each well-proven knight Among the proud Burgundians, that they all bravely bore Themselves, and kept their honour untarnished evermore. 233- " Full many an empty saddle their handiwork did show ; And with their bright swords' clashing loud did the field echo. The Rhenish heroes truly, so fell a riding made, 'Twere better for their foemen if they at home had stayed. 234- *' The two bold knights of Tronje did work much dire distress, What time the charging armies did one another press. And many a warrior perished beneath bold Hagen's hand ; — There's much to tell of him yet here in Burgundian land. 235- " Sindold and Hunold also, who were King Gernot's men, And the bold warrior Runold, such doughty deeds did then. That Ludeger the Saxon must rue, until he die. That ever he thy kinsmen did on the Rhine defy. IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 4 1 236. " Yet still the best achievement that on that field hath been, Or any, from the youngest to the oldest man hath seen. Was done in knightly fashion by Siegfried's own right hand. Rich hostages he bringeth here, into Gunther's land. 237. "These by sheer strength he vanquished, the brave and goodly wight ! And Ludegast of Denmark hath suffered great despite, And Ludeger his brother, who from the Saxons came. Now hearken to my tidings, most rich and noble dame ! 238. " They twain were taken prisoners, and that by Siegfried's hand. Never so many captives were brought into this land As to the Rhine are coming only for Siegfried's part." No news could have been dearer to Lady Kriemhild's heart. 239. ''Unwounded captives bring they, — five hundred men and more; And then the deadly- wounded, — of bloody biers fourscore ; — Full eighty bloodstained stretchers, my Lady, understand ! The better part of these were slain by bold Siegfried's hand. 240. "They who, thus overweening, have flouted us on Rhine, Must now, as battle-pris'ners, in Gunther's kingdom pine : Yea, even now they bring them with joy unto our land." Then sweetly flushed her fair face, as she did understand. 241. Her lovely face, with pleasure, became all rosy red; For, by good luck, deliver'd out of the direst need Had been her goodly warrior,— the young man. Prince Siegfried ; For all her friends rejoiced she, — as she was bound, indeed. 42 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 242. Then spake the winsome maiden : "Well hast thou said, and now Thou shalt have costly raiment for guerdon, that I owe; And ten good golden marks too; they shall be brought thee here !" Such tidings to rich ladies a man would gladly bear ! 243- They gave him for his guerdon the raiment and the gold. Then to the windows hastened the fair maids, to behold The horsemen up the street come : and, watching eagerly, They saw the gallant riders come home to Burgundy. 244. They came, the hale and hearty, the wounded also came. They heard the neighbours' greetings, and need not blush for shame. The host rode forth rejoicing to meet his guests again : It was a joyful ending to all his anxious pain. 245- He welcomed home his warriors, and all the strangers too ; — To the great king 'twas fitting not otherwise to do Than graciously to tender his thanks to those who came, Who had in fight defended the honour of his name. 246. Then Gunther asked for tidings, that he to hear was fain, Of those who had returned not, — their comrades who were slain. But sixty men were missing, and he had lost no more ; — For these they might cease mourning, as for the brave of yore. 247. The men who were unwounded brought many a battered shield, And many a dinted helmet, to Gunther from that field. Before the royal palace dismounted all the men. And, with a shout of gladness, were welcomed home again. IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 43 248. 'Twas ordered then to billet the warriors in the town. The king bade that his guests be well-treated, as his own. The wounded must be cared for and granted quiet rest; — E'en for his foes his kindness the king did manifest. 249. To Ludegast of Denmark he said : " Be welcome here ! Though, through your fault, much damage we have incurred, I fear; But that will be repaid me, if I have luck 1 " quoth he, *' May God reward my brave friends, who fought so well for me." 250. " And you do well to thank them," King Ludeger outspake, " For never king before did such high-born prisoners take ! The honourable usage shall well rewarded be, Which unto us, your foemen, you've granted graciously." 251. " I'll let ye both," cried Gunther, "here, on the spot, go free, If all the other pris'ners swear to remain with me. For these I will have pledges, that they leave not my land Without my given warrant." Thereon each gave his hand. 252. All were to rest and comfort within the hostels brought ; They put to bed the wounded, with kindly care and thought ; While to the hale and hearty good wine and mead they gave. A gayer time and gladder the folk could never have. 253. The battered shields were taken and put away in store. Of blood-besprinkled saddles were there enough and more ; — The men were told to hide them, in case the women wept. Still many a way-worn horseman into the city crept. 44 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 254. For his guests the king provided with kindness wonderful. With strangers and indwellers the land was very full. Those who lay sorely wounded he greatly cared for, too. 'Twas thus the good king humbled his proud and haughty foe. 255. To all well skilled in leechcraft no guerdon was denied. Unstinted store of silver and shining gold beside, If they could heal the heroes, who wounded were in fight : To load his guests with presents was eke this king's delight. 256. If any there were minded to journey home again, They, in most friendly fashion, were bidden to remain. And then the king took counsel how to reward his men, Who had his will accomplished with honour and with pain. 257. The warrior Gemot counselled : " Let these now homeward ride ! In six weeks' time we'll bid them, if nothing should betide. Return with us to join in a great festivity ; By then may they be healed who sorely wounded lie." 258. For leave asked Siegfried likewise, the lord of Netherland ; But when the royal Gunther his wish did understand. He lovingly entreated his dear friend not to go ; — Though, but for Gunther's sister, he would have gone, I trow. 259. Though Siegfried was too wealthy to care for the king's pay, Right well had he deserved it. He was his friend alway. And eke of all his kinsmen : for had their eyes not seen How by his strength in combat the victory had been ? IV.] HOW SIEGFRIED FOUGHT THE SAXONS. 45 260. For love of the fair maiden he thought he still would stay, — Perchance he yet might see her : which came to pass one day, Just as he most desired ; — he learnt to know the maid. Thereafter to his country right joyously he sped. 261. Each day in knightly contests the host would prove his men : Which willingly were practised by many a proud young thane. Then had he seats erected by Worms, upon the strand, For those whom he awaited in his Burgundian land. 262. About this time, when well-nigh the coming guests were due, The beauteous Kriemhilda heard what he had in view : That he, with friends, was meaning to keep high festival. Then was a great commotion among the fair dames all 263. As to the robes and ribands 'twere best for each to wear. Unto the rich queen Ute the tidings straight they bear Of the proud stranger-warriors, who now were on their way. Then from her presses took she rich clothes and raiment gay. 264. For love of her dear children she had these garments made, Wherewith were soon adorned full many a dame and maid, And many a bold young hero of the Burgundian land. For many strangers, likewise, rich clothes she did command. 46 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. ADVENTURE V.— HOW SIEGFRIED FIRST SAW KRIEMHILDA. 265. One saw them daily riding to Worms upon the Rhine, The guests who to the revels did joyously incline. Those whom the love of Gunther unto his kingdom brought, Were freely offered horses, and raiment richly wrought. 266. Seats, ready for all comers, were well and duly made, Fit for the best and highest, — as hath to us been said, — For two and thirty princes at that festivity ; For which fair dames bedecked them in merry rivalry. 267. Then busiest of the busy was Giselher the lad. For kinsmen and for strangers a welcome kind he had. Receiving them with Gemot ; and every knight and squire Was greeted by these warriors, as honour did require. 268. Full many a gilded saddle to Worms these riders brought, With richly chased bucklers, and garments finely wrought ; They brought them to the Rhineland to grace the festival ; And many of the wounded were merry enough withal. 269. For those who on their pallets lay wounded, in distress. Must needs, though death were grievous, forget its bitterness, And all the sick and ailing, must drive dull care away, And join in the rejoicings for this great holiday. v.] HOW SIEGFRIED FIRST SAW KRIEMHILDA. 47 270. Was ever such gay living and hospitality ! Delights, beyond all measure, and boundless jollity Were shared by all the people, and found on every hand. And there was joy and gladness throughout King Gunther's land. 271. 'Twas on a Whitsun morning ; one saw them all go by, All festively apparelled, and mounted gallantly : Five thousand men, and upwards, to join the revels ride. And many a pleasant contest began on ev'ry side. 272. The host was not unmindful, and well did understand How heartily and truly the prince of Netherland Love-bound was to his sister, whom yet he had not seen ; — A match for whom in beauty no maiden yet had been. 273. Then to the king did Ortwein the thane, his thought unfold : " If you, with fullest honour, this festival would hold, You should allow our brave guests our winsome maids to see Who are, in truth, the glory and pride of Burgundy. 274. " For where would man's delight be, and what could charm his life, If there were no fair maidens, and ne'er a comely wife ? Now, therefore, let your sister before your guests appear." This was a pleasing counsel to many a hero's ear ! 275. " Most gladly will I do this," replied the king, straightway, And all who heard his answer had merry hearts that day. He sent to summon Ute, and eke her daughter fair. And bade them with their maidens at once to court repair. 48 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 276; Then in their presses sought they for all their garments gay, And all the goodly raiment that had been stored away ; The gold lace and the bracelets that there to hand were laid ; And with all care bedecked her full many a lovely maid. 277. And many a knight on that day had younger gladly been, That he might be of women more favourably seen ; Instead whereof he'd care not a kingdom rich to own ! And gladly did they gaze on these damsels yet unknown ! 278. Then the rich king commanded that with Kriemhild should go A hundred of his liegemen, — her service pledged unto. Of his and her own kinsmen, who carried sword in hand. Such were the court-attendants of the Burgundian land. 279- The rich Queen-mother Ute with her fair daughter came, And in her train brought with her full many a comely dame, — Five score of them or over, — all royally arrayed. Her daughter, too, was followed by many a winsome maid. 2S0. From out the women's quarters one might have seen them go ; There was a goodly thronging of heroes eke, I trow, For this of all things eager, if it perchance might be That they should have the fortune the noble maid to see. Then came the lovely maiden : even as morning-red From sombre clouds outbreaking. And many a sorrow fled From him whose heart did hold her, and eke so long had held When thus the winsome fair one before him he beheld. v.] HOW SIEGFRIED FIRST SAW KRIEMFIILDA. 49 282. Upon her raiment glittered full many a precious stone : Her rosy blushing colour Avith lovely radiance shone. Though any would deny it he could not but confess, That on this earth he never had seen more loveliness. 283. Just as the moon in brightness excels the brightest stars, And, suddenly outshining, athwart the clouds appears ; So seemed she now, compared with dames of fairest guise. Then did our gallant hero feel his bold spirits rise. 284. N^ One saw before her marching the chamberlains, in state, — l\ But the high-mettled warriors their order would not wait : They thronged to where, in passing, the fair maid they could see. The while Sir Siegfried suffered both joy and misery. 285. Sadly he thought within him : " How can it ever be? It is mere foolish dreaming that I should marry thee ! Yet to be still a stranger ! — then were I better dead ! " And, thinking so, his colour did change 'twixt white and red. **' 286. There stood the son of Siegmund ; as winsome did he look As if his form were limned upon a parchment-book. By hand of cunning master ; and all men said of him, That there was no man like him, so fine and fair of limb. 287. They who the maid attended now strove to clear the track, And keep the throng from pressing ; and many a knight drew back. And manly hearts beat quicker for joy, in many a breast. As passed each high-born lady in splendid raiment drest. E 50 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 288. Then outspake gallant Gemot, the prince of Burgundy : " To him, who such good service so late hath done to thee. Thou Gunther, dearest brother, shouldst haste to do the same In sight of all thy warriors : I say it without shame. 289. *' If thou would'st bid Sir Siegfried unto my sister go, That the fair maid may greet him, much good might come, I trow. She, who ne'er greeted warrior, may by her greeting cheer ; And thus this goodly hero be bounden to us here." 290. Then some of the host's kinsmen went where the knight did stand And thus spake to the warrior who came from Netherland : " The king his leave hath granted that you to court should go, His sister there shall greet you : they would you honour show." 291. At this the knight's mood changed again from grave to gay ; And in his heart Love reigned, and grief had fled away, — For the fair Ute's daughter at last his eyes would see ! Right soon she greeted Siegfried, with winning modesty. 292. When the high-couraged warrior she saw before her there, Her cheeks were lit with crimson : then spake the maiden fair : " Be welcome here. Sir Siegfried, thou good and noble knight." And when he heard her greeting his heart grew wondrous light. 293. He bent him low before her ; she took him by the hand. How lover-like the knight did by the fair maiden stand ! Each looked upon the other with many a tender glance, This hero and his lady, — and yet they looked askance. v.] HOW SIEGFRIED FIRST SAW KRIEMHILDA. 5 1 Was that white hand, I wonder, in lover's fashion press'd ? In sign of tender wooing ? in sooth 'twas ne'er confess'd. But scarce can I beheve that such chance had been let go ; For she her kindness to him did very quickly show. 295- In the full bliss of summer, and in the fair Maytide, Within his heart could never, again such joy abide As now did fill his bosom ; the while he there did stand, And her whom he desired was holding hand in hand. 296. And many a warrior murmured : "Ah, if it only were My lot to walk beside her, as I have seen him here. Or at her side to lay me, what bliss would mine have been ! " Never served hero better, methinks, to win a queen. / ^297. Whate'er might be the country the strangers call'd their own. None had an eye for any save for this pair alone. And when they let her kiss him, — the goodly man and brave !- In all this world he never a greater joy could have. ^^ 298. Then rose the King of Denmark, and suddenly did cry : " To bring about this greeting how many wounded lie ! Too well have I observed it, — and all by Siegfried's hand ; Forefend him, God, from coming again to Danish land ! " ^^ 299. On one side and the other they bade the folk make way For beauteous lady Kriemhild. Then saw one an array Of valiant knights who churchward did bear her company. Then could her goodly gallant no longer near her be; 52 THE LAY OF THE NHiELUNGS. [ADV. "^ 300. For she went to the minster, with all her dames beside. So fair a sight and queenly was she in all her pride, That the high vows of many whilom forgot to rise ; And many a hero feasted his soul upon her eyes. 301. Hardly did Siegfried's patience last till the mass was done. Yet might he thank his fortune that he such grace had won, That she to him inclined, whom in his heart he bore : Therefore it was but fitting that he should love her more. 302. As she came from the minster, which he had left before. The gallant thane was bidden to join the dame once more. Then, first, began to thank him the winsome maid, that he Beyond all other warriors had fought so gloriously. 303- " Now God reward you, Siegfried," thus spake the child so fair, " Right well have you deserved that all the warriors here Do love and serve you truly, as they themselves avow." Right tenderly began he to look on Kriemhild now. 304- " For ever will I serve you ! " declared the warrior, '' Henceforth my head I'll never lay down to rest before Your least wish be accomplished, if life be granted me ; All this, my lady Kriemhild, for your dear sake shall be." 305. Then, for the space of twelve days, on each new dawning day. One saw the lovely maiden beside the knight alway. As often as to court she before her friends must go. Unto the knight this service did her great love allow. v.] HOW SIEGFRIED FIRST SAW KRIEMHILDA. 53 306. All kinds of mirth and pleasure, and mighty noise withal, Were seen and heard forthcoming daily from Gunther's hall, — Without, and inside also, — from many a gallant man. Sir Ortwein and Sir Hagen right wondrous feats began. 307- Whatever games were started these jocund heroes were Always among the foremost, a skilled and ready pair. Whereby these warriors soon were well known to every guest ; Of such kind were the jewels that Gunther's land possessed. 308. Those who had long lain wounded one saw, at last, appear : They too would share the pastimes, would fence and throw the spear Among the king's retainers ; ' well-pleased to find at length That they could do as others; they had renewed their strength. 309- The host would have them treated well, at his festal board, Theirs was to be the best food. Thus managed he to ward The slightest breath, of scandal, which oft a king doth reach. From guest to guest on went he, with kindly words for each. 310. He said : " All ye, good warriors, before ye ride away, I pray ye take my presents : 'twas in my mind alway To recompense your service ; my goods despise not ye : I fain would share them with you ; this do I willingly." 311- Then did the lords of Denmark thus answer, out of hand : " Before we ride hence, homewards unto our fatherland, We fain would have a treaty : of peace we knights have need. We've lost dear friends in plenty who, through your knights, lie dead." 54 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 312. King Ludegast of Denmark was healed now of his wound, And eke the Saxon leader was once more whole and sound. Albeit many dead men they left in alien land. Then went the royal Gunther to where Siegfried did stand. 3^3- And to the warrior spake he : "Advise what I shall do ; For early on the morrow our foes intend to go, And crave abiding pledges of peace, from mine and me : Now counsel me, thane Siegfried, what seemeth good to thee ? 314. " What ransom they have offered thou shalt be truly told : So much as mares five hundred can carry of pure gold. This will they give me gladly, if I will set them free." Then Siegfried answered stoutly : " That would unworthy be ! 315. " Free, and without a ransom hence shouldst thou let them fare : And that these noble warriors henceforward may beware How they come hither, riding as foemen to our land. Of this in fall assurance let both kings give their hand." 316. " This counsel will I follow ! " So saying, forth they went. A message to the foemen was soon thereafter $ent : " The gold, that ye have offered, doth n*o man care to keep, While for the strife-worn warriors at home their dear ones weep." 317- Then many a shield with treasure piled high they carried there : Enough, although he weighed not, for every friend to share ; Five hundred marks well-counted, yea more, he gave to some. This counsel to King Gunther had from bold Gemot come. v.] HOW SIEGFRIED FIRST SAW KRIEMHILDA. 55 318. Then took they leave, for all were impatient to be gone ; But first, before Kriemhilda the guests filed, one by one ; There sat dame Ute also, the Queen, who bade " God speed " ! Never before were warriors sped half so well, indeed. 319- The hostels were left empty when they had ridden away. Only at home remained the king, in state array With all his friends and kinsmen, — full many a noble knight. These, day by day, were gladden 'd, by dame Kriemhilda's sight. 320. Now Siegfried, the good hero, did also sue for leave : Not hoping more to win her, to whom his heart did cleave. The king o'erheard the saying that he would fain away : 'Twas Giselher who urged him his journey to delay. 321. " Now whither, noble Siegfried, is it thy will to ride ? Stay rather, I beseech thee, and with our warriors bide. Remain with our King Gunther, and with his men and me ; — Are there not here fair women, whom thou hast leave to see ? " 322. Then spake the stalwart Siegfried : "So bide the steeds in stall! For I have changed my purpose, I will not ride at all. And bear the bucklers hence too ; — I hoped to see my land, But Giselher's true friendship I know not to withstand." 323. Thus did the gallant hero remain for friendship's sake. And in no other country could he a sojourn make That to his soul were sweeter ; — and so it hap'd that he On every day thenceforward did fair Kriemhilda see. 56 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 324- For her surpassing beauty he was content to stay And spend the days in pastimes, which whiled the hours away. Although her love constrained him, it gave him grievous pain. Through it the brave knight, later, was miserably slain. ADVENTURE VI.— HOW GUNTHER WENT TO ICELAND AFTER BRUNHILDA. 325. Fresh rumours now were coming from over Rhine : for there As all the folk were saying was many a maiden fair. Of these was good King Gunther now thinking one to woo. And high his knightly ardour rose, as this purpose grew. --'326. There was a great queen, dwelling, somewhere beyond the sea, Whose like none had seen ever, and ne'er again would see. She was of matchless beauty, and strong withal of make ; — She shot with ready warriors, and made her love the stake. N327. A stone she hurl'd far from her, then after it would spring ; He, who her love did covet, must, without wavering, Win three games in succession from her, the highborn maid ; — And if he failed in any, his head was forfeited. 328. Thus many a time and often the maid was wont to do. 'Twas one day heard in Rhineland, by a good knight and true, Who turned his thoughts towards her, and sought to win the dame, Through whom full many a hero to death foredoomed came. VL] how GUNTHER went to ICELAND. 57 ^ 329- Upspake the Lord of Rhineland : " I'll go down to the sea, And visit this Brunhilda, howe'er it fare with me ! For love of her I'm ready to venture limb and life : I am content to lose them if she be not my wife." 330- " From that would I dissuade you ! " in answer Siegfried said, " In sooth this queen hath customs so terrible and dread, — That whosoever woos her must pay a price too high ; Seek not to take this journey, I counsel earnestly ! " 331- " Now I would fain advise you," thus Hagen to him spake, "To bid Siegfried go with you, and half the burden take, And share your risk and danger ; I counsel this in faith. Since he such good acquaintance with Brunhild's customs hath. ' ^^^ 332. Quoth Gunther : " Wilt thou help me in very truth, Siegfried, To woo and win this fair one ? ah, if thou dost indeed Get her for my betrothed, my own, my noble wife, — Then, for thy sake, I'll venture mine honour and my life ! " J 333- For answer gave him Siegfried, the royal Siegmund's son : " Giv'st thou to me thy sister, behold, it shall be done ! Give me the lovely Kriemhild, the high and noble queen ; No guerdon for my labour, save this I care to win." 334. " That swear I to thee, Siegfried," cried Gunther " on thine hand ! And if the fair Brunhilda doth come here to this land, I'll give my sister to thee, to have and hold for wife : So niayst thou, with thy fair one, aye lead a joyous life." 58 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. -^ 335- By solemn oath they swore it, the noble warriors twain. But they had toilsome labour, and grief enough, and pain. Before the high-born lady home to the Rhine they brought. The gallant knights' achievement must be with sorrow wrought. "^N 336. "^. "1 U Siegfried his hood of darkness, Tarnhelm yclept, must take : The same that the bold hero, after hard fight, did make His own, from a dwarf wrested, whose name was Alberich. The bold and mighty warriors sped on their journey quick. 337. Whene'er the gallant Siegfried the wondrous Tarnhelm wore, A hidden strength was in him he had not known before : He had the strength of twelve men, joined to his own, 'twas said; And cunningly he plotted to win the noble maid. 338. Now this same hood was fashion'd in such a wondrous way That any man who wore it could carry out straightway Whatever thing he wanted, whilst no man could him see. Therewith he won Brunhilda ; whence mickle woe had he. 339- *'Now answer me," thane Siegfried, ''ere yet our way begin, How shall we, with due honour, across the water win ? Should we not take our warriors unto Brunhilda's land? — Full thirty thousand have I, who soon may be to hand." 340. " How many folk soever we take there," Siegfried said, "This queen doth cherish customs so terrible and dread. That they will all fall victims to her o'erweening mood. I'll give thee better counsel, thou fearless knight and good. VI.] HOW GUNTHER WENT TO ICELAND. 59 341- " Let us, as plain knights-errant, go sailing down the Rhine. And I will name unto thee the knights we'll take of thine. Besides us two, two others shall go, none else at all : So shall we win the lady, whatever may befall. 342. " I one of these four comrades, another shall be thou ; The third had best be Hagen, we should do well enow. And let the fourth be Dankwart, he hath a dauntless hand ; A thousand others dare not in fight us four withstand." 343- I would I had some knowledge," the king said, — " verily, Ere we from hither journey, 'twould much enhearten me, — In what apparel should we before Brunhild appear ; What would be right and fitting? that, Siegfried, would I hear." 344- " Whatever be most handsome is worn, I understand, By ev'ry man, at all times, in Queen Brunhilda's land ; Therefore should we go finely before this haughty dame, — That when men talk about us we need not blush for shame." 345- Then cried the good king, " Surely, I will myself go ask My own dear, gracious mother, that she do set the task To her fair maids, to make us such garb, wherein array'd We may appear with honour before the royfl maid." 346. Then Hagen, knight of Tronje, in courtly fashion spake : " Why trouble you your mother with things to undertake ? Let your fair sister, hear now all that you have in mind. Her aid, in this state journey, you will of service find." 6o THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 347. So sent he to his sister ; saying, he fain would see Her face, as would Sir Siegfried. But, long ere this, had she Put on her goodliest raiment ; and stood, so fair a maid, I trow that at their coming she was not much dismay'd ! 348. Also her court-attendants array'd were as was meet When princes twain were coming ; and as she heard their feet, Straight from her chair upstanding right modestly she went To greet the noble comers with fitting compHment. 349- " Right welcome is my brother, and his companion eke ; But fain would I have knowledge," thus did the maiden speak, " What is your lordships' pleasure that ye at court appear ? With you two noble warriors how stands it? let me hear." 350- Then spake King Gunther : "Lady, to you the truth I'll tell : Although we have high courage, yet have we cares as well. For we would go a-courting, far in a foreign land, And now, unto this journey, fine raiment would command." 351- "So sit you down, dear brother," bade the king's daughter fair. " And who may be the ladies, for I would rightly hear, Whom you would go a-wooing in other ruler's land ? " These favour'd knights the lady did take now by the hand. 352. And with them straight returned to where she sat afore. Rich mattresses, I doubt not were spread upon the floor. With pictures fair embroidered, set off with golden thread. Then must they with the ladies a pleasant time have had. Yl.] HOW GUNTHER WENT TO ICELAND. 6 1 353- And friendly mutual glances, and looks that were not loth, Caused many a thought to waken within the hearts of both. He in his heart aye bore her, dear as his very life ; And soon, by steadfast service, he won her for his wife. 354- The rich king spake unto her : " O dearest sister mine, This thing that we have purposed fails without help of thine. In Queen Brunhilda's country some pleasure we desire ; And need, in ladies' presence, the goodliest attire." 355- Then did the maiden answer : " Beloved brother mine, Ready am I, at all times, to serve, in need of thine : — Of that thou mayst be certain : it is Kriemhilda's part. Should any one deny thee 'twould vex her to the heart. 356. " Nor shouldst thou, noble hero, beg ofime anxiously, — Thou shouldst command my service, in lordly style and free. For whatsoever please thee, for that I'm ready aye. And gladly will I do it ; " the maiden sweet did say. 357. " 'Tis our desire, dear sister, in goodly garb to stand. Which you may help provide us, with your own noble hand : So set your women working, that all may be well done, — For we about this journey will be gainsaid by none." 358- Then spake again the maiden : " Now mark what I shall say ! I have the silk already : see that we get, straightway, Some gems from off your bucklers : we'll work them on the cloth.' Then Gunther and Sir Siegfried obeyed her, nothing loth. 62 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 359- "And who may be the comrades/' inquired the royal maid, "Who shall to court go with you, thus gorgeously arrayed? '' " I and three more," he answered, "and two my men will be, — Sir Dankwart and Sir Hagen ; — these go to court with me. 360. " And mark you well, dear lady, and list to what I say ! — We four companions must have enough for four days' stay. Three shifts of clothing daily, of good stuff all of it. That we Brunhilda's country without disgrace may quit." 361. With kind farewells the heroes soon after did depart. Then, of her maidens, thirty, well skilled in needle-art. Did the young queen Kriemhilda call from their room, in haste ; These all for such-like labours had wit beyond the rest ! 362. Arabian samite was there, white as new-fallen snow, And Zazemang silks also, — so green doth clover grow, — Whereon they wrought the jewels ; fine clothes, in sooth, they were; The peerless maid, Kriemhilda, herself the cloth did shear. 363« Of foreign fish-skin made they the linings, good and rare. For stranger-folk to stare at, — as many as there were ; And these with silk were covered, as then the mode did hold. There might be many a marvel of this bright raiment told. 364. From far Morocco's borders, and from the Libyan shore, The very choicest samite, that e'er enriched the store Of any king soever, — this had they, and to spare. Right plainly showed Kriemhilda to whom she kindness bare ! VI.] HOW GUNTHER WENT TO ICELAND. 63 3^5- Since they on this state journey determined to set forth, Plain ermine furs they reckoned of insufficient worth. So over them fur trimmings of coal-black hue they set : On high-days such like garments brave knights right well befit. 366. Amidst Arabian gold-work there glittered many a gem. So careful were the women, naught was too small for them. In seven weeks the raiment was all prepared aright, And eke the weapons thereto for every gallant knight. 367. When this was all made ready, upon the banks of Rhine Was diligently fashion'd a little vessel, fine And strong, which down the river should bear them to the sea. The noble maids by this time were of their tasks weary. 368. 'Twas told unto the warriors that all things were to hand That they were to take with them; — all their apparel grand, Such as they had desired ; it all was now complete : So would they on the Rhine-bank no longer stay their feet. 369- Therefore, to fetch their comrades, a messenger was bade. That they should come and look on this raiment newly made ; — It might be, for the heroes, too long, or else too small. But 'twas of the right measure : they thanked the ladies all. 370- For all who came and saw it were bounden to confess, In all the world they never had seen more noble dress. They might be proud such clothing in any court to wear ; — Of finer knights' apparel, in sooth, knew no one there. 64 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 371- Thanks manifold and hearty their judgment did receive. And then these joyous warriors desired to take their leave ; — This did the noble comrades with knightly courtesy. Bright eyes were then, with weeping, all sad and watery. 372. She said : " My dearest brother, you still have time to stay, And woo some other woman, 'twould be the better way. You would not then endanger your body and your life : Here might you find, much nearer, as highly-born a wife ! " 373- Her heart, I ween, foreboded what, later, did befall : As ev'ry word was spoken they fell to weeping all. The gold upon their bosoms was tarnished with the tears Which raindd from their eyelids, by reason of their fears. 374. Again she spake : " Sir Siegfried, let me commend, I pray. Unto your truth and kindness, my brother dear alway ; — That no mischance befall him in Queen Brunhilda's land." The gallant hero swore it, upon Kriemhilda's hand. 375- The mighty thane thus answered : " So long as I shall live. You, to his safety, lady, no anxious thought need give ; I safe and sound will bring him home to the Rhine ; " he said, " That know now of a surety." The fair maid bow'd her head. Their gilded shields were carried straight down unto the shore, And to the ship was taken of clothing their whole store ; They bade men bring their horses, they hasted to be gone. Then was by beauteous women much bitter weeping done. VI.] HOW GUNTHER WENT TO ICELAND. 65 V/ 377. There, standing, at the windows, was many a lovely child ; A high wind fair was blowing — the ship's sail soon was fill'd. The gallant band of heroes on Rhine were floating free ; Then spake the royal Gunther : " Who now shall skipper be ? " 378. "That will I be !" cried Siegfried, *'for I can down the flood Right well and safely steer you, doubt not, ye heroes good ; The proper water-channels, I well do understand." Then joyously they parted from the Burgundian land. ^^^ 379- Sir Siegfried took a boathook, and stoutly did it grip, And, leaning on it strongly, from strand he shoved the ship ; The mighty man. King Gunther, did likewise seize an oar, And soon these worthy heroes had cleared them from the shore. ■V 380. They carried costly viands, and plenty of good wine, — The best that had been vintaged upon the banks of Rhine. Their horses stood right firmly, — they had a well-found stall ; - Their vessel voyaged smoothly ; small ill did them befall. Then they unfurl'd^ttie sailcloths, — the stout sails, strained and tight,— And twenty miles they sailed, or ever it was night, With a good wind to help them down stream, toward the sea. Their steadfast toil was later those brave ones' woe to be. -382. Upon the twelfth day morning, as we "have heard men say. The wind had borne the vessel far distant, and away Toward Isenstein the fortress, in Queen Brunhilda's land : To all of them, save Siegfried, it was an unknown strand. 66 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 383. Now, when the royal Gunther so many towers did see, And eke so wide a marchland, he spake, all suddenly : " Tell me, my good friend Siegfried, if it be known to thee, Whose are these many castles, and this fair land we see ? " 384. Then answered Siegfried : " Truly it is to me well known : This people and this country doth Queen Brunhilda own. And Isenstein's her fortress, as you have heard me say ; — And many comely women you well might see this day. 385- " I'll give ye heroes counsel all of one mind to be, — Agree in all your discourse, — so seemeth best to me. If we to-day, as may be, before Brunhilda go. We shall need all our prudence to deal with her, I trow. 386. " When we behold that fair one, attended by her train, One speech, and but one only, ye heroes must maintain : King Gunther is my chieftain, and of his men I'm one ; Thereby what he hath purposed shall all be duly done." 387. They ready were to promise whate'er he asked of them ; With all their pride o'erweening none did his word contemn. They vowed whate'er he wanted : so better did they fare. What time the royal Gunther beheld Brunhilda fair. " This not so much for thy sake, I do," Sir Siegfried said, "As for love of thy sister, — the ever-beauteous maid ! She's as my soul unto me, and as my very life ; I'll gladly do this service, so her I win to wife I " VII.] HOW GUNTHER WON BRUNHILDA. 67 ADVENTURE VIL— HOW GUNTHER WON BRUNHILDA. 389. y ' Now, while all this was passing, their ship had neared unto The castle walls, so closely that the king's eyes could view Above them, at the windows, full many a winsome maid. That he knew none amongst them made Gunther passing sad. 390- Then questioned he Sir Siegfried, his brave companion : " Of all those lovely maidens, dost thou in truth know none, Who now are gazing downward at us upon the flood ? Whoe'er their lord and master, they be of noble blood." 391- To him replied Sir Siegfried : " Now look you, secretly. Amidst the maids there standing, and then confess to me Which you would take among them, if you thereto had might." "That will I do!" cried Gunther, the bold and valiant knight. 392. " Yonder, within that window, I see one of them stand All in a snow-white garment ; she's fairest of the band ! 'Tis her mine eyes have chosen, so fair she is to see : Had I the power to wed her, my wife she needs must be." 393- " The judgment of thine eyesight hath done for thee right well ! That is the noble Brunhild, the maiden beautiful, Whom all thine heart desireth, thy senses, and thy mood." In all ways did her bearing seem to King Gunther good. 6S THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 394- The queen her beauteous maidens did thereupon command To leave the windows straightway : they ought not there to stand, A gazing-stock for strangers ! they readily obey'd. And what the ladies next did hath since to us been said : 395- They decked themselves for sake of the visitors unknown, As comely women ever since days of old have done. Then to the narrow windows they quickly came again, Whence they could see the heroes, — and gazed with might and main. 396. There were of them four only, who came unto the land. Bold Siegfried now was leading a horse along the sand ; The comely dames beheld him, across the window shelf: Whilst Gunther thought with pride that they gazed upon himself. 397- He held it by the bridle, — the shapely animal. It was so sleek and handsome, so big and strong withal, — Until the king had mounted, and in the saddle sat. Thus Siegfried did him service ; which he erelong forgat. 398. Then Siegfried fetched his own steed, which in the ship did stay; Such service had he rendered but seldom till that day. To stand at a man's stirrup, until he was astride ! The fair and noble ladies this from their lattice spied. 399- These two high-mettled heroes — to one ensample clad — White chargers and white raiment like snow new-fallen had, Each matching with the other; their solid bucklers bright Shone, on the left hand hanging of either goodly knight. vil] how gunther won brunhilda. 69 400. Bejewell'd were their saddles, their saddle-bows were small; So rode they in their glory, before Brunhilda's hall. The bells upon their harness were wrought of bright red gold, They came unto that country as bound on venture bold. 401. With spear-heads newly sharpened, with swords well-wrought and keen, Which hung down to the rowels of these two goodly men; Such weapons bore the bold ones, with broad and sharp-edged blade. 'Twas all marked by Brunhilda, the great and noble maid. 402. With them came also Dankwart, ' and Hagen of Tronje. These warriors were apparell'd, as ancient legends say, Alike, in costly raiment and raven-black of hue ; Fair were their shields and mighty, and strong and broad thereto. 403. The jewels that adorned them from India's land were brought, And glittered on their garments, as these the sunshine caught. Their little vessel left they unguarded, on the flood ; So rode they to the castle, these heroes brave and good. ^ 404. '^ ^-v Full six-and-eighty turrets they saw within the wall, Three palaces far-stretching, and one fair, well-built hall. Compact of precious marble, as meadow-grass all green ; And here, amid her court-folk, awaited them the queen. 405- The castle gate unlock'd was, the doors were open thrown, Brunhilda's liegemen hasted to meet these guests unknown, To welcome these newcomers unto their lady's land ; They bade men take their horses and bucklers from their hand. 70 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 406. A chamberlain said to them : " Yield now your swords to us, And eke your shining hauberks." "Nay, it shall not be thus ! " Cried Hagen, lord of Tronje, " These we ourselves will bear ! " Then Siegfried had to teach him what were the customs there. 407. " The fashion in this castle, as you must understand, Is that no guest shall carry a weapon in his hand. So let them hence be taken : in sooth, 'tis fairly meant." Then Hagen, Gunther's liegeman, did grudgingly consent. 408. Wine for the guests was order'd, and lodgings good prepared. And to and from the palace swift-footed warriors fared, — All clad in princely raiment they ever came and went ; And on the stranger-heroes were wond'ring glances bent. 409. Then unto Queen Brunhilda some one the news declared, That certain unknown warriors had suddenly appear'd. In glorious apparel, by ship across the flood. Whereon began to question the maiden fair and good. 410. " I would that someone told me," so spake the maiden queen, Who are these stranger-warriors, that ne'er afore were seen, And now stand in my castle, with such a noble grace ? And for whose sake these heroes have voyaged to this place ? " 411. Then spake one of her people : " Lady, I must avow Not one of these same warriors I e'er beheld till now ; But there is one among them much Hke unto Siegfried : You must give him good welcome, that is in sooth my rede. VII.] HOW GUNTHER WON BRUNHILDA. 7 1 412. "The other his companion, who is so praiseworthy, If he the power had, either some rich king he might be, Or have the jurisdiction o'er some wide princely lands : One sees beside the others how royally he stands. 413- " The third of these companions he is of aspect grim. Yet, mighty Queen, right comely he seems, and fair of limb ; From those his rapid glances that he around him throws. His mien, if I mistake not, a gruesome temper shows. 414. " The youngest knight among them seems worthy of all praise ; As gentle as a maiden, yet knightly are his ways. How winsomely he stands there, with what a high-born mien ! And yet, if he were thwarted, we'd rue the hour, I ween. 415- " How blithe soe'er his bearing, and beautiful his form, There's many a goodly woman — an' he began to storm — That he could bring to weeping; his body fashion'd is To excel in manly virtues, — a brave, bold thane is this !" 416. Then spake the queen: "Nowbringme my raiment and my gear; — And if the mighty Siegfried to win my love is here. And therefore to this land comes, — 'tis like to cost his life ! In sooth, I do not fear him enough to be his wife." 417. Ere long, the fair Brunhilda was fittingly array'd. With her there came full many a beauteous serving-maid,— A hundred, perhaps, or over, — attired in all their best. These comely dames were eager to see the stranger-guest. 72 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 418. With these there went, in order, the thanes of Isenland, The warriors of Brunhilda, each with his sword in hand, Five hundred men, or over ; whereat their hearts misgave. Then from their seats uprose they, the heroes bold and brave. 419. When first the Queen Brunhilda perceived the knight Siegfried, Ye would, perchance, be told of the words the maiden said : " Be Avelcome," quoth she, " Siegfried, here unto this our land. What meaning hath your journey I fain would understand?" ■420. " I proffer, dame Brunhilda, my hearty thankfulness. That you have deigned to greet me, most generous princess. Before this noble warrior, who stands beside me now ; — Seeing that he my lord is, such grace I disavow ! 421. " By birth he is of Rhineland ; and what shall I say more? His I^ve for thee 'tis only that brings us to this shore. My lord doth seek to wed thee, whatever may befall ; Of this, in time, bethink thee : he will not change at all. 422. " The name he bears is Gunther, he is a mighty king. If haply he may win thee, he asks no other thing. 'Twas this good warrior bade me upon this journey come : An' I had dared deny him, I'd fain have stay'd at home." 423- She spake : " Since he's thy master, and thou his vassal art, I'll stake a venture with him, if he dare play his part. And if he gain the mast'ry, then will I be his wife ; But should I be the winner, ye all do risk your life." VII.] HOW GUNTHER WON BRUNHILDA. 73 424. Then Hagen spake, of Tronje : " O lady, let us see This mighty game you play at ; before a victory You score off my lord Gunther, it will go hard enow ! For such a beauteous maiden he'll count to win, I trow/' 425- " The stone he must throw boldly, then leap to where it lies ; Then hurl the javelin with me : so be ye not unwise ! Who knows? each may be losing his honour and his head ! You must bethink you therefore," the winsome fair one said. 426. -u On this, the gallant Siegfried unto King Gunther went, \^ "^ And bade him tell the princess his purpose and intent ; He might be for the issue without anxiety : " I shall be there to shield you with all my craft," quoth he. 427- Th en spake the royal Gunther : " Most high and mighty queen ! Declare your task unto me ; and had it harder been, For sake of your fair body I everything would stake : My very head I'd venture you for my wife to take." 428. As soon as Queen Brunhilda his will and meaning knew, She bade the games be hastened, as seemed to her but due. And ordered them to bring her her wonted gear for fight, A ruddy golden breastplate, and buckler round and bright. 429. A silken fighting-doublet drew over all the maid, Such as, in closest combat, would turn the sharpest blade ; Of Lybian stuff 'twas woven, . and it was deftly done; A bright embroider'd trimming upon the border shone. 74 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 43°- Meantime the stranger-warriors were eyed somewhat askance, And Dankwart and Sir Hagen ill brooked this arrogance. And how the king would fare, too, did weigh upon their mood. They thought : " unto us warriors our journey bodes no good." 431. The while these things were doing, Siegfried, the crafty one, Had, unperceived of any, back to the vessel gone. And found his hood of darkness, where hidden it had lain. And swiftly slipped it on him : thus he became unseen. 432. Then back again he hastened to where the queen he found Her fateful game arranging, with many knights around. Invisibly he joined them : so cunningly 'twas done That, midst the whole assembly, he was discerned by none. 433- The ring was marked out clearly wherein the games should be ; In presence of bold warriors, who came the sport to see. Seven hundred, men and over one saw, who weapons bare : Which of the two was winner the heroes must declare. 434- Ere long appeared Brunhilda in all her warlike gear, As if she meant to conquer all kingdoms far and near. Above her silken vestment was twisted golden twine : One saw thereunder ever her lovely colour shine. 435- And then came her attendants ; who in their hands did hold A mighty round-rimmed buckler, all wrought of ruddy gold. With steel-like clasps upon it, many, and broad, and bright ; And underneath its shelter the lovely maid would fight. VII.] HOW GUNTHER WON BRUNHILDA. 75 436. The maiden's shield-sustainer a noble baldrick was, Wherein were gems embroidered, as green as e'er was grass ; Their ever-changing brightness was mirror'd in the gold. He who would win such lady must needs be warrior bold ! 437- Her shield beneath the bosses, as we have heard declare, Was three good spans in thickness; and this the maid could bear. W^ith steel and gold inlayings so richly 'twas beset, Her chamberlains — four of them — could scarcely carry it. 438. When now the sturdy Hagen beheld this shield brought in, The wrathful Lord of Tronje did thus to speak begin : " How now, King Gunther ? truly we're like to lose our life, She, whom you would be wooing, must be the devil's wife ! " 439- Hear more now of her raiment : she had a wondrous store, A warrior's silken mantle from Azagaug she wore, — A noble, costly garment ; from which the flash was seen, Of many a splendid jewel pertaining to the queen. 440. Then bore they to the lady, — and weighty 'twas, I trow, — A giant-spear well sharpened, which she was wont to throw ; Most strong and monstrous was it, and mighty too, and broad. And with its keen twin-edges right terribly it gored. 441. Of that spear's weight, now hearken and hear the wonderment : Four and a half good measures of metal to it went. Three of Brunhilda's liegemen, could scarce uphold its weight. When noble Gunther saw it, his courage did abate ^6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 442. And in his heart he pondered : " What e'er will be the end ? If she be a hell-devil, who can the matter mend ? Were I alive and safely once more in Burgundy, Here, rid of love and wooing, she long might wait for me ! " 443- Then outspake Hagen's brother, the valiant Dankwart, "Alack that we did ever on this state-journey start ! But knights we still are, surely, and it were very shame To perish in this country, o'ermastered by a dame. 444. *' I do regret right sorely that e'er I saw this land ! Had but my brother Hagen his Aveapon in his hand, And I had mine ! rnethinketh they'd be a whit more mild. With all their pride and boasting, these vassals of Brunhild. 445- " For, know now of a surety, each one of you I warn, No oath of peace should bind me, — had I a thousand sworn. Ere I fordone before me my master dear shall see, This maid her life shall forfeit, how ever fair she be ! " 446. " We, without let or hindrance, could surely leave this land," Said Hagen, Dankwart's brother, "had we good swords in hand, And eke the armour on us that we in battle need ; Then would this haughty woman soon change her tone indeed ! " 447- Full well the noble maiden heard what the warrior said ; With smiUng mouth, half-turning, she o'er her shoulder bade : " Thinks he himself so valiant ? bring them their armour then. And let these heroes handle their keen-edged swords again." VII.] HOW GUNTHER WON BRUNHILDA. jy 448. When they received their weapons, at the proud maid's command, For joy did Dankwart redden to hold his sword in hand : "Nowplay your games, and welcome !" shouted the fearless thane, Gunther need fear no danger, we have our swords again ! " 449. The strength of Queen Brunhilda it was a fearsome thing ; They brought her for the contest a stone into the ring — A monstrous one and heavy,, so mighty, and so round. Twelve stalwart heroes scarcely could heave it from the ground. 450- Whene'er she threw the javelin she next would hurl this stone. Then did the stout Burgundians within their spirit groan : " God help us ! " cried Sir Hagen, " what bride our king hath woo'd ! Hell were her proper sojourn, she's of the Devil's brood ! " ) 451- Around her snow-white arms she began her sleeves to wind. And on her hand she fastened the buckler to her mind ; Then high she poised her javelin ; and so began the fight. Gunther, and Siegfried likewise, did dread Brunhilda's spite. 452. And were it not for Siegfried, who came unto his aid. The king's life had been forfeit unto the doughty maid. The knight, unseen, approach'd him, and twitch'd him by the hand ; But Gunther quail'd: his cunning he did not understand. 453- " What was it that did touch me ? " the bold man thought, and he Look'd round and sought on all sides, but not a soul could see. A voice said : " It is Siegfried, 'tis I, your trusty friend, As to this queen, I pray you, let fear be at an end." 78 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 454. He said : " Unhand the buckler, and let me carry it, And what thou hear'st me tell thee, mark well with all thy wit : Thine must be all the gestures, but I will do each deed." When Gunther understood him his heart grew light indeed. 455- " See thou conceal my cunning, and tell no man thereof : The queen will little glory win from thee, though she scoff. And though it be her purpose to add unto her fame: See how she stands before thee, fearless, the noble dame ! " 456. With all her strength of body, her spear the glorious maid Against a new shield hurled, — 'twas broad and stoutly made, — Which on his arm was bearing the son of Siegelind ; Bright fire-sparks from the steel flew, as driven by the wind. 457- The blade of her stout lance-head clean through his shield did crash. And from his close-ring'd hauberk the fire was seen to flash. The shock of the encounter so drave the stalwart men, That, saving for the Tarnhelm, they both had there been slain. . 458. \ Out of the mouth of Siegfried, the bold knight, gushed the blood; But soon again upsprang he : then gripped the hero good The spear which she had hurled, that thro' his buckler went, And back it flew upon her, by Siegfried's strong hand sent. 459- He thought : " I will not shoot her, this maid who is so fair ! " And so he turned behind him the sharp head of the spear, And with the shaft he smote her upon her vest of steel ; So that the blow re-echoed that his stout hand did deal. f ^"-^ HOW GUNTHER WON BRUNHILDA. 79 460. The fire broke from her armour, as driven by the wind ; Hard were the spear-thrusts dealt by the son of Siegelind ! So much King Gunther never had done with his own hand. With all her strength, the maiden such blows could not withstand. ^( ^ 461. The beauteous Brunhilda, how soon she up did bound ! " I thank thee, noble Gunther, thy shot its mark hath found ! " She thought that he had done it by his own strength alone ; — But no, there slipt behind him a far more mighty one. ^ 462. Away she sped full swiftly, and wrathful was her mood ; The stone aloft she lifted — this noble maid and good — Then from her hand she hurled it with all her might and main, And after it she leapt while her armour rang again. 463- The stone fell twelve good arms' lengths beyond her standing-place; But further yet the maid sprang, and cleared the stone a pace. Then came the noble Siegfried to where the stone did lie : 'Twas Gunther that did lift it, 'twas Siegfried let it fly. \J 464. So bold a man was Siegfried, so mighty and so tall, He threw the stone still further, and leapt beyond its fall. His subtle arts had given such wondrous power of limb, That, in the leap, King Gunther, he bore along with him. Thus was the leapin^^er, and hurling of the stone ; And they who looked sa^no one, save Gunther there alone. The beauteous Brunhilda ^ all red with wrath became : For Siegfried had prevented ' ;^ing Gunther's death and shame. 80 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. ^'^ 466. Unto her court-folk turning, she loudly spake, as she. Across the ring, the hero all safe and sound did see : "Come hither, quick, my kinsmen, and my good lieges all. Ye must now to King Gunther be underlings and thrall !" Then laid these stalwart warriors their weapons from their hand At Gunther's feet, the rich king from the Burgundian land ; Then bent to do him homage full many a dauntless knight ; — They thought that he the contest had won by his own might. 468. He gave her gentle greeting, for he was courtly bred. Then by the hand she took him, that famous maid, and said She would henceforth allow him the rule and power to hold. Right glad thereat was Hagen, the warrior brave and bold. 469. She bade the noble hero along with her to go Into the wide-room'd p,alace ; which being done also, More fittingly was service paid to the noble knight. Dankwart and Hagen glad wdre. to see such pleasant sight. 4 470. Meanwhile, the ready Siegfried wisely his plans did lay : He took the hood of darkness and hid it safe away. Then the great hall he entered, where many ladies sat, And fell to question Gunther, and artfully did that : 471. "Wherefore, my lord, delay you? when doth the game begin At which the queen so often hath challenged you to win ? Let us behold and quickly in what wise it is done ! " As though he knew naught of it behaved the crafty one. vil] kow gunther won BRUNHILDA. 8 1 472. " How can it e'er have happened," thereon inquired the queen, "That you, most noble Siegfried, naught of the game have seen, Wherein I have been worsted by mighty Gunther's hand ? " Then answered her Sir Hagen of the Burgundian land. 473-_ He spake : " Yourself, O lady, did much disturb our mood ; So to the ship departed Siegfried, the hero good, What time our lord of Rhineland did win the game from you : Therefore he knows naught of it," said Gunther's liegeman true. I ^'' 474. " Now welcome are these tidings," quoth warrior Siegfried, " That thus your pride hath fallen doth please me well, indeed, That some one there is living who may your master be ! Now must you, noble maiden, go with us o'er the sea." 475- Then spake the noble fair one : " This may not yet befall : My kinsmen first must hear it, and my good liegemen all ; I may not thus so lightly desert my land, I trow ; My chief friends must be sent there, ere I myself shall go." 476. Then sent she heralds riding here, there and everywhere, To bid her friends and kinsmen, and lieges all repair To Isenstein the fortress, nor would she take excuse ; And bade that costly raiment be given for their use. 477- So daily came they riding, from early hours till late Unto Brunhilda's castle, like to an army great. "Now, by my faith !" cried Hagen, " see now what we have done ! With fair Brunhilda's liegemen we'll have some trouble soon. G 82 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 478. " While thus in power and numbers they throng throughout the land, What is the queen's intention we cannot understand : What if she be against us so wroth that we be lost ? The noble maiden surely was born to our great cost ! " 479- Then spake the sturdy Siegfried : " All this will I forestall ; The danger you are dreading I will not let befall. I must go hence, and succour bring quickly to this shore,— A band of chosen warriors ne'er known to you before. 480. " Ye must not seek to find me, I go across the sea ; May God meanwhile preserve you from all indignity ! I'll come back quickly, bringing a thousand men with me, The very best of warriors that ever one could see." 481. " Be not too long gone from us," the king in answer said : " In this our need we shall be right glad to have your aid." Said he : "I'll come back to you, ere many days be spent; And you must tell the queen that by you I have been sent." ADVENTURE VIIL— HOW SIEGFRIED WENT TO FETCH THE NIBELUNGS. 482. So thence went Siegfried unto the haven on the strand. Clad in his hood of darkness, to where a boat did stand. Therein he stood, all hidden, this son of Siegmund brave ; — He steered it quickly seaward, as 'twere the wind that drave. VIII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WENT FOR THE NIBELUNGS. 83 483- Though no one saw the steersman, fast sped the bark along, Urged by the stren gth of Siegfried, — in sooth his arms were strong. Men thought that she was driven by some strange, mighty wind : No, it was Siegfried drave her, the son of fair SiegHnd. 484. When he a day had voyaged, and likewise through a night, He came unto a country, by dint of main and might ; — From one end to the other a hundred leagues or more. The Niblung land, where kept he the mighty hoard in store. 485. Then, all alone, the hero steered to an eyot broad. And ran his skiff alongshore and left her safely moor'd. Then climbed he to a mountain, on which a castle stood. And, like a wayworn traveller, for shelter sought and food. 486. So came he to the gateway, which, locked, before him stood, — They guarded well their honour, as folk at this day would. Then straight he fell a-knocking, like any man unknown. The gate was kept well guarded : he saw within it soon 487. A monstrous giant warder, who sentinel did stand, And kept at all times ready his weapons close at hand. He called : "Who cometh knocking so loudly at the door?" Thenanswer'dthebold Siegfried — but changed his voice therefore — 488. And said : " I am a warrior ; undo me now the gate. Ere I arouse to anger ^ some one, though it be late. Who rather would sleep softly and in his chamber bide." It anger'd the gate-keeper that Siegfried thus replied. 84 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 489. Soon had the doughty giant girded his armour on, Set on his head his helmet, and quickly seized upon And swung aloft his buckler, and opened wide the gate : How straightly then on Siegfried he rush'd, with scowl of hate ! 490. " How had he dared awaken so many a gallant man ? " And straight upon the question his hand to smite began. The noble guest prepared him a bold defence to make, — But, at the porter's onset, his very shield-clasps brake, 491. Smashed by a bar of iron ; the knight was sore distrest, And somewhat was he fearful that death would end his quest, — Seeing the huge gate-keeper did smite so sturdily ; Which yet his master Siegfried was not ill-pleased to see. 492. So mighty was their combat that all the castle rang. Throughout the halls of Niblung men heard the crash and clang. At last he threw the giant, and bound him foot and hand ; The tidings soon spread over the whole of Niblung-land. 493- The noise of fierce strife sounded deep through the mountain side, Where Alberich the bold one — a wild dwarf — did abide : With speed he seized his weapons, and ran to where he found This brave and noble stranger, as he the giant bound. 494. A fierce wight was this Albrich, of strength he had good store ; A helmet and a hauberk he on his body wore ; A weighty whip, gold-handled, he carried in his hand : With all his swiftness ran he to where Siegfried did stand. VIII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WENT FOR THE NIBELUNGS. 85 495- Seven knots, both hard and heavy, hung down in front of it. With which the bold man's buckler so ruthlessly he hit, — As in his hand he held it, — that it in pieces fell. Then was the goodly stranger in fear for life as well. 496. The shield, that now was broken, he from his hand did throw, And thrust into its scabbard his sword, — 'twas long enow. — His treasurer he would not, an' he could help it, slay : He did restrain his anger, as righteous is alway. 497- With his strong hands for weapons at Alberich he ran. And by the beard he gripp'd him, that old and grizzly man ! So ruthlessly he pull'd it, that loud the old man cried : The young hero's chastising could Albrich ill abide. 498. Loud was the bold dwarf's outcry : " I prithee now, have done ; An' I could be the liegeman of any knight, save one To whom I have sworn fealty to be his vassal aye, — Rather than die, I'd serve thee ! " the crafty one did say. 499. But Alberich was bound as the giant had been bound. And by the strength of Siegfried much pain and trouble found. The dwarf began to question : " How are you call'd ? " quoth he, He said : " My name is Siegfried : I should be known to thee !" 500. "That is a goodly hearing !" said Alberich the dwarf. " Now know I of a surety what metal you are of, And know you have good reason to lord it in the land. If you my life will leave me, I'll do what you command."' 86 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. Thus spake the hero Siegfried : " Then must thou straightway go And bring me of the warriors the best we have, I trow ; Of Nibelungs a thousand I fain would here behold." But wherefore these he wanted that was to no man told. 502. Of Albrich and the giant the fetters he unbound. Then Alberich ran quickly to where the knights he found. The Nibelungs he wakened from sleep right cautiously, yVnd said : " Up now, ye heroes ! to Siegfried hasten ye ! " 503- Then sprang they from their couches all ready at his call, — A thousand active warriors equipp'd stood in the hall. So went they unto Siegfried, who by himself did stand, And fairly did he greet them, — some knelt to kiss his hand. 504- They lit full many a taper, pure wine for him they pour'd. He thank'd them all for coming so promptly at his word. Then spake he : "Ye must yonder with me across the flood ! " For this he found them ready, those heroes bold and good. 505- Full thirty hundred warriors had come at his behest : From out their numbers took he a thousand of the best. To these were brought their helmets, and all their gear to hand, — Because he fain would lead them unto Brunhilda's land. 506. He spake : " Ye good knights, hearken to that which now I say : Your raiment should at court be exceeding rich and gay, — For many a lovely woman will look on us, I trow ; So make your bodies handsome with good clothes ere we go." VIII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WENT FOR THE NIBELUNGS. 8/ 507- All on a morning early the bold knights rode away. What gallant comrades Siegfried had got himself that day ! They all had good war-horses, and garments rich and grand : With knightly mien and bearing they came to Brunhild's land. 508. Upon the turrets standing was many a winsome maid. Then spake the queen : " Doth any know who be these," she said, "Whom I see sailing hither from o'er the sea so far? Their sails be richly woven, — whiter than snow they are." 509- And the Rhine-king made answer : " My warriors are they. Whom I did on the journey bid near at hand to stay. I sent to fetch them, lady, and here they come, I see." Whereon the noble strangers were eyed all wond'ringly. 510- For plainly saw they Siegfried upon the foredeck stand, Arrayed in costly raiment, with all his warrior-band. Then said the queen : " Now must you, my Lord King, counsel me : Shall these new guests be welcomed ? or shall I let them be ? " He spake : " Without the palace to meet them you should go. As if we saw them gladly, that they may take it so." Then did the queen according unto the king's behest ; — Though, in her greeting, Siegfried she sever'd from the rest. 512. A lodging was found for them, their goods were put in store. And now so many strangers had landed on that shore. That great the throng of folk was, whichever way one went. The knights on sailing homewards to Burgundy were bent. 88 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. Then spake the Queen Brunhilda : ** Right thankful should I be To him who could my silver and gold divide for me Between my guests and Gunther's ; an ample store I have." Then Dankwart said : — the liegeman of Giselher the brave — 514. " Most noble Queen and Lady, let me now have the key. I trow I can divide it : if shame should fall on me, So let it be mine only." Thus spake the doughty thane. That he a gentle knight was, was from his bearing plain. 515- As soon as Hagen's brother the key had at command, So many gifts and costly dispensed the hero's hand : To those who one mark needed, such bounty did he give, That all the poorest, henceforth, in comfort well might live. Pound pieces by the hundred he, without reckoning, gave. In clothing rich, full many that royal hall did leave Who ne'er such splendid raiment before that time had worn. This vexed the queen right sorely, it was npt to be borne ! 517. She spake, in her vexation : " Sir King, it seems to me This chamberlain of yours is with all my goods so free He soon will leave me nothing : he throws my gold away! I shall be aye beholden to him who this can stay. 518. Such rich gifts doth he lavish, the thane must sure believe I've sent for Death to take me : but I would longer live ! Whate'er my father left me I trow I well can spend." On such a spendthrift treasurer did never queen depend ! " VIII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WENT FOR THE NIBELUNGS. 89 519- Then Hagen spake of Tronje : " Fair lady, have no fear I The king of the Rhine river hath gold enough, and gear To lavish just as freely ; and well may we forego To take Brunhilda's treasure when hence we homeward go." 520. " Nay, for mine own sake, hear me," the queen said, " for I will Take with me twenty coffers, which I with gold will fill And silken stuffs, which also I'll give with mine own hand. When we come over yonder unto King Gunther's land." 521. With precious stones and jewels they did her coffers lade ; Her own lords of the chamber to help therewith she bade : For she would put no trust in the men of Giselher. Gunther, therefore, and Hagen began to laugh at her. 522. Then spake the Queen Brunhilda : " To whom I leave my land ? That first must be determined by thine and mine own hand." The noble king made answer : " Let him forthwith appear Who best thereto would please you, — we'll leave him steward here. " 523- One of her noblest kinsmen the lady to her bade, (It was her mother's brother) to him the maiden said : " To you be now entrusted my castles and the land, Until they come directly . under King Gunther's hand." 524. Then did she of her people choose twenty hundred men, Who with her to the Rhineland must make the voyage then, — Beside the thousand warriors who came from Niblung land. Then all to start made ready : they rode down to the strand. 90 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. Of women six and eighty along with her she took, And eke a hundred maidens, who comely were in look. Then they delay'd no longer, — they wearied to be gone ; But those they left behind them, these wept, ay, many a one ! 526. With seemly grace the lady fared from her fatherland ,; She kissed her nearest kinsmen, who stood on either hand. With kindliest leave-takings they came unto the shore ; — To her forefathers' country the lady came no more ! 527. One heard of games of all kinds to pass the time away And make the journey shorter : a hundred pastimes gay. They had, too, for their voyage a right good sailing wind. With merriment and laughter they left their land behind. 528. Not once upon the journey did she embrace her lord: Until they reached his palace their pleasure was defer'd. At Worms they, in the castle, their wedding feast would hold ; Where they, ere long, with gladness came with their heroes bold. ADVENTURE IX.— HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SENT TO WORMS. 529- When they nine days had travel'd upon their homeward way. Spake Hagen, lord of Tronje : " Now hark to what I say ! We yet have sent no tidings to Worms upon the Rhine : Your heralds should be, surely, in Burgundy long syne." IX.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SENT TO WORMS. 9 1 530. King Gunther made him answer : " Lo, what you say is right, And for this errand, surely there is no better knight Than you yourself, friend Hagen ; so ride now to my land : Our journey no one better can make them understand." 531- Whereto made answer Hagen : " Small use should I be there ! — Let me look to the cabin, whilst on the flood we fare : I'll stay beside the women, and to their gear attend, Until we bring them safely into Burgundian land. 532. " Bid Siegfried rather do it, and him your envoy make ; — His mighty strength will aid him, the task to overtake. Should he decHne the going, you must, with kindliness, For love of your fair sister, the journey on him press." 533- He sent to fetch the warrior, who came at his command. Quoth Gunther: " Since we're nearing our home in mine own land, I ought to send a message unto my sister dear, And eke unto my mother, that we the Rhine draw near. 534. " This ask I of thee, Siegfried : the favour grant, I pray. That I may ever thank thee," the warrior good did say. But Siegfried did withstand him, — he was so bold a man ! Until King Gunther sorely to plead with him began. 535- " To ride thou shouldst be willing, for my sake," Gunther said, "And likewise for Kriemhilda's, the beautiful young maid ; — That we may owe thee service, the noble maid and I." When Siegfried heard that saying he could no more deny. 92 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 536. " Whate'er thou wilt command me, I cannot say thee nay ! For love of that fair maiden I'll do what thou dost say. How could I aught deny her, who owns my heart alone ? For her sake that thou askest is all as good as done." 537- "Go then and tell my mother, Ute, the noble queen, That we anent this journey in joyous mood have been ; And let the kings, my brothers, know each how we did fare ; And all our friends must also the happy tidings hear. 538. "And from my beauteous sister, I pray thee naught reserve ; But say that I and Brunhild will her right gladly serve. And tell unto the court-folk and all my serving-men, That what my heart had yearn'd for, full well did I attain ! 539- "And tell to gallant Ortwein, that nephew dear of mine, That he have seats erected by Worms upon the Rhine. And all my other kinsmen, they also should be told That I, with Queen Brunhilda, high festival will hold. 540- "And tell unto my sister (as soon as she hath learn'd How, with my guests so shortly I shall be home return'd) That she to my betroth'd one a welcome good must give : — So shall I to Kriemhilda for aye beholden live." 541- Then did the noble Siegfried a courteous farewell Take of the Lady Brunhild, as did beseem him well, — And of her courtiers likewise ; then to the Rhine rode he. No messenger were better in all the world than he. IX.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SENT TO WORMS. 93 542. With four and twenty horsemen he into Worms did ride. " Without the king he cometh ! " was heard on every side ; And all- the folk lamented, and stirr'd were with the dread Lest in that foreign country they'd left their master dead ! 543- They from their steeds dismounted: right happy was their mood; And Giselher hastened to them, the youthful king and good, And eke his brother Gemot : how eagerly spake he, When he the kingly Gunther did not with Siegfried see ! 544- " Be welcome, Siegfried," cried he, " but, pray you let me know Where you have left my brother, who forth with you did go ? If Queen Brunhilda's prowess have robbed us of our king, Methinks your high-aim'd wooing hath been an evil thing ! " 545- " Forego your fears !" quoth Siegfried, " my noble comrade sends His loyal love and greeting to you and all his friends. In rare good health I left him : I came at his command To bring you, as his envoy, tidings to this your land. 546. " You must see to it quickly, however it may be, That I the good queen-mother and your fair sister see; — For they must hear the message, which I was bade to tell. From Gunther and Brunhilda : with both of whom 'tis w^ell." 547. Then Giselher the lad said : " Go then to her you've won, Since for my sister's favour, such service you have done ! Great trouble doth she suffer about my brother's fate. The maid will see you gladly, I'll warrant me of that ! " 94 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 548. The noble Siegfried answer'd : " An' I can serve the maid, Right faithfully and gladly that service shall be paid. Now who will tell these ladies that them I fain would see ? " 'Twas Giselher the comely his messenger would be. 549- Swift Giselher the tidings unto his mother told, And eke unto his sister, when he did them behold : "To us the hero Siegfried of Netherland hath come ; Him hath my brother Gunther here to the Rhine sent home. 550- " He bringeth us full tidings of how the king doth fare. Now must ye give permission that he to court repair ; From Iceland brings he hither a true report, I trow." — Yet soon these noble ladies much sorrow were to know. 551. They hastened for their state robes, and did themselves array ; And then they summon'd Siegfried to come to court straightway, — Which did he, willing-hearted, too happy her to see : The noble maid Kriemhilda spake to him graciously. 552. " Be welcome, my lord Siegfried, thou worthy knight ! " she cried ; "Where doth my brother Gunther, the noble king, abide? Of him, by Brunhild's prowess, I ween we are forlorn ! O woe is me, poor maiden, that ever I was born ! " 553- Then spake the gallant hero : " Now pay me herald's fee ! For know, beauteous ladies, no need to weep have ye. In lusty health I left him, of that ye may be sure ;. — To tell you both these tidings he sent me on before. IX.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SENT TO WORMS. 95 554. "They send to you their duty, — he and that bride of his, — With all true love and kindness, most noble queen ; it is High time to leave off weeping, — for they will soon be here ! " For many a day she had not heard tidings half so dear. 555. Then with her snow-white kerchief she wiped her lovely eyes That were all wet with weeping ; and in her gracious wise Began to thank the bearer for the good news he brought. And so her grief and sorrow were turn'd to pleasant thought. 556. She bade him to be seated, whereof right glad was he. Then spake the lovesome maiden : " Rejoiced should I be, Could I for herald's guerdon give all my gold away ! Too rich for such meed are you, — I'll be your debtor aye." 557. Said he : " If for my portion I thirty kingdoms had, I would, by your hands given, of any gift be glad ! " " Well ! " said the gracious lady, "it shall be given to you." Her chamberlain was bidden to fetch the herald's due. 558. Full four-and-twenty buckles, set with bright stones and good, She gave him for his guerdon. And yet the hero's mood Allowed him not to keep them ; — he handed them around Unto her nearest ladies that in the room he found. 559- Ker mother gave him greeting, in kind and courtly way. " I have yet more to tell you," the valiant man did say, " Of what the king requireth when to the Rhine comes he ;— If, lady, you will grant it, he'll aye beholden be. 96 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 560. " The noble guests he bringeth — I heard hhn this desire — He wishes you to welcome ; and eke he doth require That you ride forth to meet him, outside Worms, on the strand; This doth the king, at your hands, in all good faith demand." 561. Then spake the lovely lady : " Ready am I alway Howe'er I can to serve him ; I cannot say him nay ; All shall in loyal kindness, as he desires, be done." Whereat her cheek, for gladness, a heighten'd colour won. 562. No prince's herald ever a better welcome had ; And had she dared to kiss him she would have been right glad. How winsomely the gallant then from the dames withdrew ! As noble Siegfried counsel'd did the Burgundians do. 563- Sir Sindold and Sir Hunold, and eke Rumold the thane. To whom the charge was given, must work with might and main To have the seats made ready, by Worms upon the sands, One saw the royal stewards there working with their hands ! 564. Ortwein and Gere would not that aught be left undone. They sent unto their kinsfolk on all sides, every one ; They told them of the wedding which was about to be. The beauteous maids adorn'd them for the festivity. 565. The palace was made splendid, and deck'd was ev'ry wall In honour of the guest-folk. King Gunther's royal hall Was all right well upholstered by many a foreign man. And so this mighty wedding right merrily began. IX.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SENT TO WORMS. 9/ 566. Then all along the highways throughout the countryside Were seen the three kings' kinsmen, who bidden were to ride And wait the guests' arrival, who soon were to appear. While from the stores was taken abundance of rich gear. 567. Erelong was spread the rumour that certain folk had seen Brunhilda's friends approaching ; at which there did begin Great stir among the people in the Burgundian land. Ay me ! what gallant warriors were seen on either hand ! 568. Then spake the fair Kriemhilda : "Ye maids attending me, Who would at this reception fain bear me company, Go, seek from out my presses the richest robes and best : That thereby praise and honour we gain from every guest." 569- The warriors came shortly, — who ordered to be brought The saddles nobly-fashioned, with finest gold inwrought, On which should ride the ladies, at Worms upon the Rhine. One never saw horse-trappings more fitting or more fine. 570. Ha ! what a golden gleaming from these gay palfreys shone, And how the bridles sparkled with many a precious stone ! The footstools eke were golden, on carpets bright and good Placed for the ladies' mounting : right joyous was their mood. 571. The women's mares were saddled, and in the court did stay For the young maids of honour, — as I erewhile did say. Small saddle-bows and silken one saw these palfreys bear : The finest silk, I warrant, of which you e'er could hear. H 98 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 572. Then six-and- eighty matrons out of the palace went, And on their heads were wimples. Towards Kriemhilda bent Each beauteous dame her footsteps, in garments bright array'd ; And no less well apparell'd, came many a comely maid. 573- In number four-and-fifty, damsels of Burgundy, The best they were and fairest that ever eye could see ; One saw their flaxen tresses, with bands of riband bright. What Gunther had desired was done with zeal aright. 574- The richest stuffs then wore they, the best one e'er could find, Before the stranger- warriors ; good clothes of many a kind, — So that each sev'ral beauty might have a setting fit. Whoso were discontented must be of little wit. 575- Of sable and of ermine was many a costume there, And many an arm, and hand too, were made to seem more fair With buckles and with bracelets on the silk stuffs they wore. Should any try to tell you, his task would ne'er be o'er. 576. With many a fine-wrought girdle — so rich, and long, and gay, Hanging o'er shining raiment — the women's hands did play. Their skirts of Ferrandine were, and stuff of Araby. Among those noble maidens was gladsomeness and glee. 577- In stomacher bejewell'd was many a maiden fair Most winsomely enlaced. And sad indeed it were Did not her bright complexion outshine her dress in hue. No other king had ever so fair a retinue. X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. 99 578. As now those lovely ladies in full attire were seen, The knights who should escort them appear'd upon the scene. High-couraged warriors were they, of mighty strength and craft ; And each, beside his buckler, did bear an ashen shaft. ADVENTURE X.— HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. 579. Now, on the further Rhine-bank, came with a numerous band The king and his guests with him, and drew nigh to the strand. One saw, too, by the rein led, full many a maiden's steed. For those who should receive them to wait they had no need. 580. For when the folk of Iceland unto the ship were led, — And eke the Niblung people who Siegfried followed, — They put across the water, with quick, unwearied hand, To where, upon the quay-side, they saw the king's friends stand. 581. Now hearken to my story ! I'll tell you how the Queen Ute, the rich queen-mother, was with her maidens seen. Forth coming from the castle, whence she herself did ride. Then many an acquaintance 'twixt knight and maid was tied. 582. Kriemhilda's palfrey led was by Gere the Margrave As far as the fort gateway, where Siegfried, warrior brave. Must thenceforth wait upon her ;— she was a lovely maid ! And he by this fair lady was, later, well repaid. lOO THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 583. Alongside Lady Ute, Ortwein the bold rode he, With many knights and maidens who bare them company. Ne'er at a great reception, we must confess, had been So great a throng of ladies as here together seen. 584. And many a fair encounter took place amid the train Of praise-deserving heroes, (they could not well refrain) Before the fair Kriemhilda, until the ship they reach. Then from their palfreys lift they, the well-dight ladies each. 585- The king had now cross'd over, and many a guest of worth. Hey ! what stout shafts were shiver'd for these fair ladies' mirth ! One heard the hurtling tumult, as lance on buckler rang. Ay, and the rich shield-bosses that in the press did clang ! 586. The fair ones now were standing the landing-place upon ; — With all his guests had Gunther up from the vessel gone ; He led the Lady Brunhild with his own royal hand. Then shone against each other bright gems and garments grand. 587. With coifrtly grace Dame Kriemhild did thereupon repair To where the Lady Brunhild and all her courtiers were. One saw them push their chaplets with their white fingers by, What time they kissed each other : 'twas done in courtesy. 588. Then spake the maid Kriemhilda, and fittingly spake she : "To us in this our country right welcome may you be; To me, and to my mother, as unto ev'ry friend Whom we as faithful reckon." Then each did lowly bend. X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVIHJ. AT WORMSV' I€/,I 589. The dames each other greeted with clasp of hand and arm, No one had ever heard of a welcoming so warm. As soon as the two ladies the bride for certain wist, Dame Ute and her daughter her sweet mouth often kiss'd. 590- When all Brunhilda's ladies had lighted on the strand, They tenderly were greeted, and taken by the hand. For many a well-dight woman there was a warrior good ; And many beauteous maidens with Dame Brunhilda stood. 591- Before their greeting ended a good long hour had sped ; Ay, and the lips, like roses, were kiss'd of many a maid. Still stood by one another those two kings' daughters bright, — To many a valiant hero they were a lovely sight, 592. With their own eyes beheld they, who often told had been That no such peerless beauty had ever yet been seen As that of these two ladies : it now was plain to view ; — One saw, too, on their bodies naught in the least untrue. 593- Those who could judge of women and on fair forms decide. Did laud and praise for beauty the royal Gunther's bride. But others — they were wise men with more discerning eyes — Said, that from Dame Brunhilda Kriemhilda won the prize. 594- Now dame and maid were walking, each other opposite, And many a lovely body one saw right nobly dight. And many a rich pavilion and silken tent were there : The plain that Worms surrounded was crowded everywhere. li^\'l\} 'c :.THF,i.AY; OP^ THE NIBELUNGS.- [ADV. 595- The kinsmen of King Gunther came thronging thereunto. Brunhilda and Kriemhilda were thither bade to go And take with them their ladies, — where they in shade could stand. They were by thanes brought thither of the Burgundian land. 596. Meanwhile upon their chargers the guests were all a-field, And many a doughty lance-thrust was caught upon the shield. The plain with dust was smoking, — as though the very earth In flames would soon be bursting : now heroes show'd their worth. 597. Upon these knightly doings looked many a maiden's eye. I doubt not that Sir Siegfried full many a time rode by The tents, as with his liegemen he back and forward sped. A thousand gallant warriors from Nibelung he led. 598. Then Hagen, lord of Tronje, at his host's bidding went, And courteously the hero did close the tournament, — Lest by the dust besprinkled the beauteous maids should be. This order by the guests was obey'd good-humouredly. 599- Then spake the noble Gemot : " Let now the horses rest. As soon as it grows cooler we knights will do our best To please these lovely ladies, before the palace wide. Let everyone be ready whene'er the king will ride." 600. When all the wide field over the tournament was stayed. For pastime went the heroes beneath the tall tents' shade, To parley with the ladies, — on mirth and pleasure bent ; Thus, till 'twas time for riding, their leisure hours were spent. X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. IO3 601. But when it grew towards even and near the sun's last ray — Seeing the air was cooler — they would no more delay. Then many a knight and lady toward the castle rode. On many a beauteous woman were loving looks bestow'd. 602. And now they raced for raiment such as good knights do wear, These highly-mettled warriors, — as was the custom there, — Until they reach'd the palace ; there did the king dismount, And they the ladres aided as gallant knights be wont. 603. Now, too, the royal ladies did from each other part. Queen Ute and her daughter together did depart, With all their court-attendants, unto a chamber wide. Then shouts of joy and laughter were heard on ev'ry side. 604. The seats being set in order, the royal Gunther would Go with his guests to supper ; 'twas seen how by him stood The beautiful Brunhilda ; and now a crown she wore. As queen in her king's kingdom ; — well worth was she therefore. 605. Fine seats were set for many, by tables broad and good — As we have been assured — laid with abundant food. Of all that they could wish for how little lack was seen ! And with the king was many a guest of lordly mien. 606. The host's own body-servants, in ewers of red gold, Did fetch and carry water. If you should e'er be told That at a prince's wedding _ the service was more fit, 'Twould trouble me but little,— I'd put no faith in it ! I04 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV 607. Before the great Rhine ruler did of the water take, Sir Siegfried went unto him a due request to make : To warn him of his promise, which he, by his right hand Pledged, ere he saw Brunhilda at home in Isenland. 608. He spake : '' You must remember, you swore by your right hand, If ever Dame Brunhilda should come to this your land, You'd give to me your sister ; now what hath got your oath ? Much trouble with your journey I've taken, liothing loth." 609. Then to his guest the king said : " Thou didst right well to speak; — What on my hand I swore you, that oath I will not break. As best I can, I'll help you to bring about this thing." Then was Kriemhilda summon'd to court before the king. 610. With all her beauteous maidens she came unto the hall. Then, from a dais springing, young Giselher did call : " Bid all these other damsels return, for verily No other than my sister here with the king shall be." 611. They brought the Lady Kriemhild to where the king did stand, With noble knights around him from many a prince's land. In the wide hall they bade her stand quietly alone ; — Meanwhile the Lady Brunhild had to the banquet gone. 612. Thereon did speak King Gunther : '' Dear sister, noble maid, I trust unto thy goodness to let mine oath be paid. I've pledged thee to a warrior ; should he become thy lord, By thy true faith and duty thou wilt have kept my word ! " X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. 105 613. Then spake the noble maiden : " Beloved brother mine, Thou shouldst not thus beseech me ; my will is ever thine To do as thou commandest ; what thou hast will'd, shall be : I'll take, my lord, for husband, him whom thou giv'st to me." 614. At her dear eyes' kind glances all red grew Siegfried's face ; At Dame Kriemhilda's service the knight himself did place. They twain then must together within the circle stand : They asked if she were wiUing to take this hero's hand ? 615. A little was she shamed with maiden modesty ; But yet, so blest was Siegfried and eke so lucky he. That she did not refuse him at once and out of hand. To wife he swore to take her, that king of Netherland. 616. So he to her was plighted, and unto him the maid. And now the loving damsel no longer was afraid Within the arms of Siegfried in sweet embrace to rest. And then, before the heroes, his beauteous queen he kiss'd. 617. The crowd in twain divided ; and, soon as this was done, Lo, there was Siegfried seated upon the second throne And, by his side, Kriemhilda ; many on them did wait ; One saw the Niblungs thronging around where Siegfried sate. 618. The king was likewise seated, with Brunhilda the maid. But when she saw Kriemhilda (she ne'er had been so sad !) By noble Siegfried sitting, a- weeping she began : Her many hot tears falling adown her bright cheeks ran. I06 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 619, Then spake the country's ruler : " What ails you, lady mine, That you should dim with weeping those bright and shining eyne? You rather should be joyful that subject unto you My land is, and my castles, and many a bold man, too." 620. " Good cause have I for weeping," replied the beauteous maid, " In sooth about thy sister my very heart is sad ; I see her sitting next to yon vassal of thine own : Needs must I ever mourn it if she be thus undone." 621. King Gunther whisper'd to her : " I prithee, silent be ! At some more fitting season I'll tell this tale to thee, And wherefore unto Siegfried I did my sister give ; In sooth she, with this warrior, right happily may live." 622. She said : " I aye must pity her beauty and her grace ; And gladly would I hide me, — did I but know a place, — That it might ne'er befall me to lay me by your side ; — Unless thou tell'st me wherefore she must be Siegfried's bride," 623. The noble king said to her : "This much then understand : He hath as many castles as I, and broader land, — That know now of a surety ; a mighty king is he. And therefore this fair maiden gave I his wife to be." 624. Whate'er the king said to her, she troubled was in mood. Now hastened from the tables full many a warrior good. So lusty was their tilting, it made the fortress ring ; — The host amid his guests was distraught andwearying. X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. IO7 625. He thought how sweet would rest be, by that fair woman's side ! His heart was never free from this longing for his bride. He from her wifely duties much love must surely win : Then tenderly Brunhilda to eye did he begin. 626. The guests of knightly pastimes were bid to make an end ; The king unto his chamber would with his spouse ascend. Before the great hall-stairway Kriemhild and Brunhild met : They look'd upon each other with nought but kindness yet. 627. Then came their court-attendants ; there was no lingering ; The chamberlains rich-suited the taper-lights did bring. The warriors were divided, — to either king his men : 'Twas plainly seen how many did follow Siegfried then. 628. U nto their wedding chambers thus both the heroes came. And each of them was thinking how he by love would tame His lovely lady's scruples, and tender was his mood. To Siegfried was his pastime beyond all measure good. 629. For when the lordly hero held Kriemhild to his heart, And comforted the maiden with every loving art. Amid his noble wooing she seem'd his very life : Not for a thousand others had he foregone his wife. 630. Of how he woo'd his lady I nothing more will tell. But hearken to this story, to Gunther what befell Along with Dam^ Brunhilda. Methinks the comely thane, On many a softer pillow with other dames had lain ! I08 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 631. The serving-folk had vanish'd, women as well as men : The door of the bride-chamber was quickly closed then. He thought he should be clasping her sweet form presently, — The time was still far distant when she his wife would be. 632. In shift of snow-white linen she came unto the bed. Then thought the noble warrior : " Now have I compassed All that I ever yearn'd for, through all my livelong days ! " Her beauty had bewitch'd him, — 'twere no unlikely case. 633. The noble king did firstly quench with his hand the light. To where the dame was lying then ventured that bold knight. He stretch'd himself beside her : his joy could not be told As in his arms the hero the lovely one did fold. 634. All loving customs was he right ready to fulfil, If but the noble lady had let him have his will. But she so full of wrath was that sorry was his state : He thought to meet with kindness, and found unfriendly hate. She spake : " O knight most noble, you best had let me be, Tor that which might content you you ne'er will get from me ! I will remain a maiden — you may be sure of that — Until I learn the story." That made her Gunther hate. 636. He tried to wring love from her, and, striving, tore her dress. Whereat she seized a girdle, — this masterful princess ; It was a cord well-twisted, which round the hips she wore. 'I'hen to the king full measure she gave of anguish sore. X.] HOW BRUN HILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. 109 637. His feet and hands together she fasten'd therewithal ; Then to a nail she bore him, and hung him on the wall ! Because her sleep he hinder'd, to him she love forbad : Her strength, in sooth, was such that his death he well-nigh had. 638. Then fell he to beseeching, who master should have been : " Loose now my bonds, I pray you, most good and noble queen I I'll take an oath, fair lady, you never to constrain ; And never will I lay me so nigh to you again." 639- She little reck'd how fared he, so she but softly lay : He needs must stay there hanging all night until the day, — Until the light of morning athwart the lattice shone. If e'er of strength he boasted, that strength was well-nigh gone. 640. " Now say to me Lord Gunther, would you not be afraid To be found tied and hanging," question'd the beauteous maid, " By your own body-servants ? — bound by a woman, too ? " The noble knight made answer : " 'Twould evil bode for you ! 641. " I, too, should win small honour," the worthy man did say : " I pray you of your goodness to let me by you stay. And since it seems my wooing doth anger you so much. Twill long be ere my fingers shall dare your robe to touch ! " 642. Then speedily she loosed him, and let him to his feet. Again into the bride-bed he to his wife did get ; Yet so far did he lay him, that he her raiment fair Thenceforth could scarcely ruffle — of that she took good care. no THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 643- In came then their attendants, and brought them fresh array, — Of which a mighty store was all ready for that day. How gay soe'er the world was, right gloomy had he grown, The country's noble ruler, who wore, by day, a crown ! 644. According to old custom, which rightly men obey, King Gunther and Queen Brunhild no longer must delay To go unto the minster, where Holy Mass was sung. There, likewise, came Sir Siegfried, and mighty was the throng. 645. As kingly rank demanded, in readiness did wait Whatever they had need of: their crowns and robes of state. Then were they consecrated; and, after that was done. All four were seen in gladness to stand, each with a crown. 646. Then many youths were knighted — six hundred, maybe more — In honour of the crowning ; — of that ye may be sure ; And great rejoicing was there throughout Burgundian land. One heard the lances spHnter in every new knight's hand. 647. The fair maids in the windows sat, and o'erlook'd the field : They saw below them flashing full many a polish'd shield. King Gunther kept aloof from his lieges' revelry, — Whate'er the rest were doing, a mournful man was he : 648. How great was the unlikeness of his and Siegfried's mood ! And well he knew what ailed him that noble knight and good. Unto the king he hastened, and straight to question fell : " How fared you yestereven ? to me you this should tell." X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. I 1 1 649. Then to his guest the host spake : " A foul disgrace 'twill be 1 I've brought the very devil home to the house with me ! For when I sought to woo her, she bound me tight withal, Then to a nail she bore me and hang'd me on the wall. 650. " There hung I in mine anguish all night until the day, Before she would unbind me. How softly, too, she lay ! This, trusting in your friendship, I tell you secretly." Then cried the stalwart Siegfried : "This grieves me, verily • 651. " I'll see if I can help you, so put your grief away. I'll manage that this evening she'll let you by her stay ; — She shall not even flout you, nor scorn your love again." This saying was to Gunther sweet comfort after pain. 652. And further spake Sir Siegfried : "Thou yet mayst prosper well. Right different, I ween, was the luck that us befell ! To me your sister Kriemhild is dearer than my life : This same night Dame Brunhilda shall be your willing wite." He said : " Unto your chamber I'll come this very night, Clad in my hood of darkness, unseen of any wight, — That ne'er another person my artifice may know ; So let your chamber-servants unto their hostel go. 654- " The lights the pages carry I'll suddenly put out ; And this will be the token, that you may have no doubt But I am nigh to aid you : yea ! I will tame your wife That you this night can woo her; — thereon I stake my life \ " 112 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 655. " Then," quoth the king, "be careful thou yieldest not to love ; She is mine own dear lady ! The rest I do approve, — Do with her what thou choosest ; — if thou shouldst take her life Methinks I would o'erlook it : she is a fearsome wife ! " 656. " I do agree," cried Siegfried, "and, by my faith, I swear I will not seek to woo her. Is not thy sister dear Before all other women I have set eyes on aye ? " Right well believed Gunther what Siegfried then did say. 657- The merry games brought gladness and also weariness. The tilting and the shouting were bidden soon to cease : For to the hall the ladies were shortly to depart. The chamberlains commanded the folk to stand apart. 658. The horses and the people were driven from the court. Each of the beauteous ladies a bishop did escort, When they in kingly presence must go to sit at meat. And many a goodly liegeman them follow'd to their seat. 659. The king, with hopes encouraged, in joyous humour sat : AVhat Siegfried had assured him, his mind was full of that ! To him this one day seemed as long as thirty days. Upon his lady's wooing his thoughts were set always. 660. He scarcely could content him until the meal was done. Then was the fair Brunhilda at leisure to be gone. As also was Kriemhilda ; both to their rooms would go. The thanes around them thronging; — ha ! 'twas a gallant show ! X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. II3 661. Sir Siegfried by Kriemhilda his beauteous wife still sate, And with her held sweet converse with joy unmarr'd by hate. His hands she softly fondled with hers that were so white, — Until — but how she knew not — he vanish'd from her sight. ' 662. As she with him was toying and found he'd slipped away, She turned to his attendants, and thus the queen did say : " I marvel what hath happen'd the king, where hath he gone ? His hands he but this moment hath taken from mine own." 663. She did not question further. Meanwhile he quickly came To where the chamber-servants did wait with links aflame : He straight began to quench them, each in the page's hand. That it was done by Siegfried Gunther did understand. 664. Well knew he what he wanted : he therefore bade begone The maids and dames who waited. As soon as this was done The noble king was careful himself to lock the door.: Two strong bolts drew he quickly and fastened therebefore. 665. Behind the tester-hangings he hid the tapers' light. And then began a play-piece, which ended not that night, Betwixt the stalwart Siegfried and that fair maiden wife ; — Which was unto King Gunther with joy and sorrow rife. 666. When on the couch lay Siegfried alongside of the queen : "Take care," quoth she, "Lord Gunther, — though sweet it might have been To love me — lest you suffer as you have done before." The lady for bold Siegfried had bitter woe in store. 114 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 667. To hide his voice he fail'd not, and ne'er a word spake he. And so 'twas plain to Gunlher, although he could not see, That nothing sly or secret was passing 'twixt the twain. But little peace or comfort did either of them gain ! 668. He bore himself as though he the great King Gunther were, And in his arms clasp'd closely that maiden passing fair. But on a bench by-standing she hurl'd him from the bed. So that against a footstool he loudly smote his head. 669. Arising, strong as ever, up leapt the gallant man : This time he would do better ! but soon as he began To try and overpower her, again she wrought him woe. Ne'er wife hath made a fending the like of that, I trow ! 670. And when he gave not over, the maiden sprang upright : " Full ill doth it beseem you to touch my shift so white ! Coarse are you and unmanner'd : woe therefore you betide ! You shall not soon forget it !" the comely maiden cried. 671. She clasp'd the good knight tightly with both her arms around, And would have laid and bound him, as she the king had bound, — That she in peace and quiet might he upon her bed. The ruffling of her raiment she vengefully repaid. 672. What did his valour serve him, and what his power of limb, When she essayed to show him that she could master him? By might and main she bore him — not elsewise could it be— And 'twixt the bed and cupboard she crush'd him cruelly. X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. II5 673. "Ah, woe is me ! " the knight thought, " am I to lose my life. And that through a mere maiden ? if so be, every wife, From this day forth for ever, with arrogance and pride Will treat her lawful husband ; which else should ne'er betide." 674. The king could hear all plainly, and grieved for the man. Siegfried, full sore ashamed, to rage within began ; His monstrous strength outputting he with the maid did close, And strove with all his forces Dame Brunhild to oppose. 675. Long time it seemed to Gunther ere he the maid did quell. She grasp'd his hands so tightly, that from each finger-nail The blood burst from her pressure ; — sad pain the hero bore Ere yet the noble maiden he made for evermore 676. Renounce that will unruly, of which she was so proud. The king heard what was passing, but durst not speak a word. Against the bed he press'd her, until she cried again : His strength it was sufficient to cause her gruesome pain. 677. Then clutch'd she at the girdle she wore about her waist, And would have bound him with it : he stopp'd it with such haste And force, that all her body and joints crack'd in the strife. Thus ended was the battle, — she now was Gunther's wife. 678. She spake : "O noble sovran, now let my life go free. And all shall be atoned for that I have done to thee. Ne'er more I'll do despite to the love of thy true heart : Right surely have I proved that thou women's master art." Il6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [AUV. 679. Sir Siegfried stepp'd aside then — whilst there the maiden lay- As though he had bethought him his clothes to put away ; But first, from off her finger a golden ring he drew, So that the noble maiden naught of it ever knew. 680. He likewise took her girdle, — a silken cord and good, — I know not if he took it in arrogance of mood. Unto his wife he gave it, whence woe he one day had. Then lay each by the other the king and his fair maid. 681. He woo'd her as a lover, as was his right to do. And needs must she her anger and eke her shame forego. So closely did he court her her cheeks grew somewhat pale : Ah me ! how all her power was made by love to fail ! 682. For now she was no stronger than any other dame, And all her lovely body his very own became. If she had tried to spurn him, what profit could it prove ? This was the work of Gunther by virtue of his love. 683. How full of fond endearments he by the lady lay, In tender love and kindness until the dawn of day ! Meanwhile, the noble Siegfried had gone again outside. And was right warmly welcomed by his own winsome bride. 684. He put aside the questions which did perplex her thought, And long from her kept hidden what he for her had brought ; — Until, a queen and crowned, to his own land she went. What he was doom'd to give her he nowise could prevent ! X.] HOW BRUNHILDA WAS RECEIVED AT WORMS. 11/ 685. The host upon the morrow was in a gayer mood Than on the former morning ; thereby a humour good Spread through his lands, rejoicing full many a noble thane Whom to his house he summon'd, and well did entertain. 686. The merry-making lasted until the fourteenth day. And all the while the turmoil did not abate nor stay With all kinds of rejoicing, which one and all must share. 'Twas all at the king's charges, and great in sooth they were. 687. For noble Gunther's kinsmen, as them the king had told, Gave gifts to do him honour, of raiment and red gold. Of horses and of silver, unto the outland men. They who for gifts were eager departed happy then. 688. And even the lord Siegfried from out of Netherland, With all his thousand lieges, of that apparel grand Which they had brought to Rhineland to them did freely give ; Fine horses, eke, and saddles : right nobly could they live ! 689. Ere all the costly presents were shared among the throng, Those who would fain go homeward began to think it long. Ne'er yet of like enjoyment had guests so had their fill. And so the wedding ended, such was King Gunther's will. Il8 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. ADVENTURE XL— HOW SIEGFRIED WENT HOME WITH HIS WIFE. 690. Now that the guests departing all on their way were sped, Siegfried the son of Siegmund unto his people said : "We likewise must make ready home to our land to go." Well liked his wife these tidings, when she the news did know. 691. She spake unto her husband : " When must we needs set out ? That I should go thus quickly I very much misdoubt ; For firstly must my brothers with me the -kingdom share." 'Twas irksome unto Siegfried from Kriemhild this to hear. 692. The princes went unto him and spake to him, all three : " Now be assured, Sir Siegfried, that yours shall ever be Our true and faithful service, ay, even unto death ! " He bowed unto the princes who pledged him thus their faith. 693- " We would with you share also," said Giselher the young, *'The lands and eke the castles which unto us belong. Whate'er of this wide kingdom be subject to our rule. Together with Kriemhilda, that shall you share in full." 694. Thereon the son of Siegmund said to the princes three, As soon as of these nobles the goodwill he did see : " Your heritage, God grant it for ever blessed be. And eke the folk within it ! But, for my dear wife, she XL] HOW SIEGFRIED WENT HOME WITH HIS WIFE. 1 19 695- " Gladly foregoes the portion that ye to her would give. A crown she'll soon be wearing, and, if we both should live, She'll be, in sooth, far richer than any living bride. In aught else at your service I'll loyally abide." 696. Then spake the lady Kriemhild : " Though naught my land you deem, Burgundian thanes should never stand in such small esteem 1 To lead them to his country right glad a king might be. Ay ! let my own dear brothers e'en share in all with me." 697. Then spake the noble Gemot : " Take whom thou hast a mind; Of those who would ride with thee, thou here wilt plenty find 1 Of thirty hundred warriors a thousand we'll give thee To be thine own attendants." Then Kriemhild speedily 698. For Hagen sent, of Tronje, and likewise for Ortwein : " Will ye and eke your kinsmen," she asked, " be men of mine?" But Hagen, when he heard it, cried in a mood of wrath : " Nay, Gunther may not give us to anyone on earth ! 699. *' Let others of your household attend you on your way. Well might you know by this time the customs of Tronje Upon the king attending at court we choose to stay, — Whom we thus far have follow'd, we still would serve alway." 700. 'Twas therefore so decided : to start they did prepare. As noble court-attendants Dame Kriemhild took with her Of maidens two-and-thirty, besides five hundred men. Sir Eckewart, the Margrave, went with Kriemhilda then. THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 701. Then was a great leave-taking, of squire as well as knight, Of maiden and of matron : as was indeed but right. Friend kissing friend at parting was seen on every hand : Right gaily they departed from out King Gunther's land. 702. Their kinsmen did escort them far out upon the way. And camping-grounds were fix'd on, where they the night should stay, — Wherever seem'd good to them throughout the kings' domain. Swift messengers to Siegmund the tidings bear amain 703- That he and Dame Sieglinda, might straight be made aware How that their son was coming, with Ute's daughter fair, — The beauteous Kriemhilda, of Worms on the Rhine-strand. No dearer news and better could e'er have come to hand. 704. " Ah, well for me," quoth Siegmund, " that I this day have known When beauteous Kriemhilda comes hither for a crown ! Mine heritage I reckon thereby a worthier thing : My son, the noble Siegfried, shall here himself be king." 705. Then gave the Lady Sieglind much velvet of red hue, ^ And weighty gold and silver, that was their herald's due ; So much the news rejoiced her which she had heard that day. With zeal her waiting-maidens now donn'd their best array. 706. Folks talk'd of who was coming with Siegfried to their land. They bade men raise a platform, with benches close at hand, Wherefrom his friends might see him as with his crown he rode. King Siegmund's men went forward to meet him on the road. XL] HOW SIEGFRIED WENT HOME WITH HIS WIFE. 121 707. If any better welcome to heroes aye befell Than in this land of Siegmund, it is not mine to tell. To meet the fair Kriemhilda Sieglind herself did ride, With many a lovely lady and gallant knights beside. 708. After a whole day's journey at length the guests they spied. Both native-born and strangers did weary of the ride, Before they reached a fortress, — a castle large and strong, — 'Twas Santen hight ; and therein they wore their crowns erelong. 709- With smiling lips and loving, Sieglind and Siegmund too Greeted the fair Kriemhilda, with kisses not a few ; They did the like to Siegfried ; now gone was all their pain. Their followers did Hkewise a hearty welcome gain. 710. They bade the guests be taken in front of Siegmund's hall. And there the beauteous maidens were holpen, one and all. To dismount from their palfreys ; and there was many a man Who on these lovely women to wait with zeal began. 711. How grand soe'er the wedding had been upon the Rhine, Here did they give the haroes apparel far more fine Than they, in all their lifetime, had ever worn before. One might tell mickle marvels of all their wealth in store. 712. They sate in state and splendour, and had of all enough. What raiment wore their servants of golden-colour'd stuff ! With broider'd lace adorned, and precious stones inwrought ! The noble Queen Sieglinda of this had taken thought. 122 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 713- Before his friends and kinsmen then noble Siegmund spake : " I charge all Siegfried's kinsfolk notice hereby to take, That he, before these warriors, my crown henceforth shall wear." This news the Netherlanders were glad in sooth to hear. 714. To him he gave his kingdom, his crown, and government. Henceforth he was their master. And his arbitrament And rendering of justice became abiding law; — ■ So that fair Kriemhild's husband was greatly held in awe. 715- In this estate of honour, he lived, as all declare, And wore the crown and govern'd, — until, in the tenth year, His comely wife in safety brought forth her first-born son ; Whereat the royal kinsfolk were gladden'd ev'ryone. 716. They hasten'd to baptize him, and gave him for a name, After his uncle, Gunther, which could not bring him shame. Were he but as his forbears, a brave man he would grow. They gave him careful training, as bounden so to do. 717. About the self-same season Dame Sieglind pass'd away. Then noble Ute's daughter did over all hold sway, — As doth beseem such ladies who weajth and lands possess. That Death the queen had taken they mourned none the less. 718. Now yonder too, in Rhineland, — so doth the story run, — Unto the wealthy Gunther there had been born a son Of beauteous Brunhilda, in realm of Burgundy ; And, for the love of Siegfried, that hero's name had he. XL] HOW SIEGFRIED WENT HOME WITH HIS WIFE. 1 23 719- With what great care unceasing that child was watch'd and taught ! For him the noble Gunther caused teachers to be sought, To rear him in all virtues befitting man's estate. Alas ! how in his kinsfolk he found an evil fate ! 720. In legends old, the story hath many a time been told, Of how those gallant warriors lived in the days of old ; Worthy of praise, at all times, in good King Siegmund's land. The like did also Gunther and all his knightly band. 721. The kingdom of the Niblungs was under Siegfried's sway — Among his wealthy kinsfolk there was no wealthier aye — And Schilbung's warriors also, and all their goods and gold. Well might the gallant warrior his head more highly hold. 722. The greatest of all treasures that ever hero won. Save they that erst-time held it, the gallant knight did own ; — Which once upon a mountain he wrested by his might ; He did to death to gain it full many a doughty knight. 723- He had his fill of honour ; and had it not been so, In justice to the hero one needs must own, I trow, That he among the best was that e'er on horseback sat ; Men fear'd his strength of body ; with reason did they that. 124 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. ADVENTURE XII.— HOW GUNTHER BADE SIEGFRIED TO THE FESTIVAL. 724. Now Gunther's wife the meanwhile was brooding ev'ry day : *' Why bears herself Dame Kriemhild in such a lofty way ? Is not her husband Siegfried a vassal of our own ? Scant service hath he paid us in all these years agone ! " 725- Within her heart this kept she, and heed took thereanent. Yet that they came not ever did make her ill-content, And that she got no service out of Sir Siegfried's land ; And wherefore this should happen she fain would understand. 726. So of the king inquired she, whether it might not be That she the Lady Kriemhild yet once again might see? She privily spoke to him of what her mind thus teased : But when her lord had heard her, he was but half well-pleased. 727. " And how are we to bring them," then said the mighty king, " Here into this our country ? that w^ere no easy thing ! Too far from us they're dwelling ; to ask I am afraid." Then answer'd him Brunhilda, with crafty air and said : 728. " However high and mighty a king's man be, I say That he his lord's commandments should never dare gainsay.'' And to himself smiled Gunther whilst she laid down the law : He had no thought of service whene'er he Siegfried saw. XII.] HOW GUNTHER BADE SIEGFRIED. 1 25 729. She spake : " My lord beloved, I pray thee, for my sake. Lend me thine aid ; that Siegfried may with thy sister take Their journey to this country, — that here we them may see ; — For nothing that could happen would be more sweet to me. 730- " Thy sister's gentle breeding and well-contented mood, Whene'er I think upon them, in sooth, it doth me good. How we did sit together, when first I was thy wife ! Right well hath she deserved bold Siegfried's love and life." 731- So long she thus besought him, until the king did say : " Be sure that guests more welcome could ne'er be any day ; 'Tis easy to persuade me ! and messengers of mine I'll send unto the couple, to bring them to the Rhine." 732. Then spake the queen yet further : " Now also you must say When you will send to fetch them, and at what time we may Look for our well-loved kinsfolk to come unto our land : And whom you purpose sending I fain would understand." 733- " That will I do," the king said : " thirty of mine own men Will I send riding thither." These did he summon then, And by them sent his message unto Prince Siegfried's land. Dame Brunhild to content them gave much apparel grand. 734- Then said the king : " This message ye'll take, my warriors bold, Wherewith I now entrust ye —see that ye naught withhold— Unto the mighty Siegfried , and to my sister dear : That in this world doth no one more kindness to them bear. 126 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 735. *' And pray that both do shortly come to us on the Rhine, For which we'll ever thank them, I and this lady mine. Before this next midsummer he and his men shall see Things done, which to his pleasure and honour great shall be. 736. " And likewise to King Siegmund my service take and say, That I and all my people be bound to him alway. Say also to my sister, that she must tarry not ; More worthy entertainment shall never be her lot." 737- Brunhilda and Queen Ut^, and every dame at hand, Sent messages of service to all in Siegfried's land ; Unto the lovely women, and many a man of worth. — Then by the king's good pleasure the messengers set forth. 738. In trav'lling guise they journey'd ; their steeds and wearing-gear Were ready made beforehand ; so from the land they fare. They made good progress onward to where their goal did lie. The king came with an escort to speed his embassy, 739- At end of three weeks' riding they came into the land Wherein the Niblung stronghold, where they were sent, did stand On the Norwegian border ; and there they found the thane. Both steeds and men were weary with their long journey's pain. 740. Then was it unto Siegfried and to Kriemhilda said How knights had come on horseback and so apparelled As in Burgundian country the fashion was that day : Straight from the couch up-sprang she whereon she resting lay. XII.] HOW GUNTHER BADE SIEGFRIED. 12/ 741. And quickly to a window she bade a maiden go, Who saw the gallant Gere stand in the court below, Him and the comrades with him, who had been thither sent : Instead of all her heartache how great was her content ! 742. Unto the king then spake she : " Now look you down below, How they with doughty Gere about the courtyard go, Whom my good brother Gunther here down the Rhine hath sent !" The stalwart Siegfried answered : " We'll make them well content." 743- Then all the court attendants did hasten out to greet. And every one among them did speak a welcome meet ; They gave unto the envoys the best words that they had. The old King Siegmund likewise was of their coming glad. 744. Soon lodgings were appointed for Gere and his men, The horses too were cared for. The messengers went then Unto the hall where Siegfried near to Kriemhilda sat. At court free entry had they, and therefore did they that. 745- The host rose with the hostess and near to them did stand. Right well was Gere welcomed from the Burgundian land. With all his knightly comrades, — King Gunther's men to wit. The noble Gere bade they upon the bench to sit. 746. " Before we sit allow us to tell you of our news ; Though weary with our journey, to stand the while we choose. We have to give a message which unto you we bring From Gunther and Brunhilda, — and weighty is this thing. 128 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 747- " And likewise what Dame Ute, your mother, sendeth you, And Giselher the young knight, and noble Gemot too, And all your nearest kinsfolk, from whom we have command To offer you their greeting from the Burgundian land." 748. " Now God reward ye, heralds," cried Siegfried, " and I trust Unto your truth and kindness, — as towards friends we must, — So likewise doth their sister ; — and now your tidings give If still our friends beloved at home in gladness live. 749- " Since we from them departed hath no one evil done Unto Kriemhilda's kinsmen ? let that to me be known. My faithful help is ready in ev'ry time of need, Until mine aid and service their foes shall rue indeed-! " 750- Then quoth the Margrave Gere, — he was a warrior good : "Right happily abide they in all good livelihood ; They bid you to the Rhineland, to a high festival ; Right gladly will they see you, of that doubt not at all. 751. '* They pray my lady also that she will thither wend So soon as e'er the winter shall come unto its end. Before this next midsummer your faces would they see." Then spake the stalwart Siegfried : " Nay, that can hardly be ! " 752. But further spake Sir Gere, from the Burgundian land : "It is your mother Ute who maketh this demand; Eke Giselher and Gemot, ye must not them gainsay : That ye be so far distant I hear complaints each day. XIL] how GUNTHER bade SIEGFRIED. 1 29 753. " Brunhiida, too, my mistress, and all her maidens fair Rejoice at this my errand ; if likelihood there were That they once more might see you, happy would be their mood." Unto the fair Kriemhilda this message seemed right good. 754- As Gere was her kinsman, the host then bade him sit. Wine for the guests he ordered ; nor long they wanted it. And thither, too, came Siegmund, who had the heralds seen ; To the Burgundian heroes he spake with friendly mien : 755- "Be welcome, Gunther's liegemen, ye warriors, every one ! Since it hath happ'd that Siegfried my son to wife hath won Kriemhilda fair, more often ye would we gladly see 111 this our land, if truly to us ye'll friendly be." 756. They said that if he wish'd it they'd gladly come again. And so in pleasure vanish'd their weariness and pain. The messengers were seated, and food was brought them there : For guests so welcome Siegfried had plenty of good fare. 757- For nine days' space and longer to stay they were constrain'd. Until, at last, the horsemen, who would be gone, complain'd That back into their country they never more would ride. Meanwhile his friends King Siegfried had summon'd to his side, 758. To ask them what they counsell'd : would they go to the Rhme ? " He hath sent here to fetch me, Gunther, that friend of mine,— He and his kinsfolk bid us . to keep festivity : I'd gladly go there, save that his land too far doth lie. K I30 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 759- " They also bid Kriemhilda to go along with me. Now counsel me, dear kinsmen, how thither come shall she ? If I through thirty kingdoms my men, for them, must lead. Then Siegfried's hand to serve them should ready be indeed." 760. Then spake his chiefs unto him : " If you've a mind unto The journey to this hightide, we'll counsel what to do : You with a thousand warriors unto the Rhine shall ride ; So may you with all honour in Burgundy abide." 761. Then spake the noble Siegmund, of Netherland the lord : " Go ye unto this feasting, and tell me not a word ? If it will not ashame you I'll ride along with you ; I'll take a hundred swordsmen to swell your retinue." 762. " Wilt thou in sooth ride with us, my own good father dear ? "' Exclaimed the gallant Siegfried : "right gladly that I hear. Before twelve days are over my fatherland I'll leave." To all who did desire them they steeds and raiment gave. 763- Now that the noble ruler was minded soon to start, The heralds swift were bidden straight homewards to depart, And unto his wife's kinsmen upon the Rhine to say. That he would very gladly with them keep holyday. 764. Both Siegfried and Kriemhilda, as doth the story say. More gifts gave to the heralds than could be borne away On their own horses homewards : a wealthy man was he ! Their sturdy beasts of burden they drove right merrily. XII.] HOW GUNTHER BADE SIEGFRIED. I31 765. Their folk were cloth'd by Siegfried and Siegmund worthily. And Eckewart the margrave gave orders speedily To seek out women's raiment, the best that could be found, Or anywhere be heard of in Siegfried's lands around. 766. The saddles and the bucklers began they to prepare. And to the knights and ladies who should the journey share, Was given whate'er they wanted, that they might fail in naught. Unto his friends full many a noble guest he brought. 767. The heralds did not loiter upon the journey home. And soon the gallant Gere to Burgundy was come, Where right well was he welcomed : they then alighted all From chargers and from palfreys before King Gunther's hall. 768. The youths went and the elders, as men are wont to do, To ask what might the news be. Then spake the good knight true : " When to the king I've told it the rest of you shall know." Then straightway with his comrades did he to Gunther go. 769. The king, in joy to see them, rose quickly from his chair. That they had come so swiftly also from Brunhild fair Received they thanks, while Gunther unto the envoys spake : " How fares it now with Siegfried ? much wrought he for my sake." 770. Then spake the gallant Gere : " For joy his face grew red,— Both his and your fair sister's ; and ne'er was message sped, From any man of honour unto his friends, more true Than Siegfried and his father by me have sent to you." 132 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 771. Then thus unto the margrave the noble king's wife spake : "Say, now, is Kriemhild coming? and care doth she yet take To keep the outward fairness, which she to foster knew ? " "Aye," said the warrior Gere, "doubtless she comes to you." 772. ■ Then Ute to her presence the heralds did command. And by her question might one right plainly understand What she to hear was longing : " Still well did Kriemhild fare ? " He told how he had found her, and that she'd soon be there. 773- Nor from the court retainers did they the gifts withhold That they had had from Siegfried : the raiment and the gold In sight of all the liegemen of the three kings were spread. For their abundant largesse were many thanks repaid. 774- " 'Tis easy," then said Hagen, "for him such gifts to give : He could not spend his riches did he for ever live. The treasure of the Niblungs he holds within his hand. Ha, what if it should ever come to Burgundian land ! " 775- Then was there great rejoicing among the people all That soon the guests were coming. From dawn till evenfall The three kings' craftsmen labour'd, with zeal untiring fill'd. Grand rows of seats in plenty they then began to build. 776. The valiant Sir Hunold and Sindold too, the thane, Had little time for leisure ; they too must work amain, As steward and cupbearer the places they must set. And Ortwein help'd them : wherefore they Gunther's thanks did get. XIII.] HOW THEY JOURNEYED TO THE FESTIVAL. 1 33 777- Rumold the kitchenmaster, knew well to rule aright His underlings and scullions ! Ay me ! it was a sight To see the polish'd kettles and pots and pans at hand ! For food must be made ready when guests were in the land. ADVENTURE XIII.— HOW THEY JOURNEYED TO THE FESTIVAL. 778.^ Nov7 in their stir and bustle awhile we'll let them be, And tell how Dame Kriemhilda and her fair company Hence, on their journey Rhinewards, from Niblung-land did go. No horses of fine raiment e'er bore so grand a show. 779- When many sumpter-coffers were ready for the way, Then with his friends Sir Siegfried no longer did delay To ride forth, with Queen Kriemhild, much joy they looked for : For all of them soon after it turn'd to sore annoy. 780. They left at home behind them Sir Siegfried's baby son. The firstborn of Kriemhilda, — not elsewise could be done. From out of their state-journey arose much woe and pain : His father and his mother that babe saw ne'er again. 781. Thence also did Lord Siegmund together with them ride. Had he but known what evil thereafter would betide At this same courtly banquet, he ne'er had gone at all: To him by loss of kindred worse ill could ne'er befall. 134 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 782. Heralds were sent before them the news betimes to say. And soon rode out to meet them, in lordliest array, Many of Ute's kinsfolk and Gunther's gallant men. The host began to stir him his guests to welcome then. 783. He went unto Brunhilda where seated was the dame : " How did my sister greet you," quoth he, " when first you came? Even in the self-same fashion you Siegfried's wife must greet." Said she : " That will I gladly ; I love her, as is meet." 784. Then spake the great king : " Early to-morrow are they due. If you would fain receive them, be quick in what you do ; Lest we have first to greet them in this our citadel. In all my days I have not had guests I loved so well." 785. Her maidens and her women she therefore straightway bade To go and seek fine raiment, the best that could be had, — Such as her own attendants might wear her guests before. This did they with much pleasure, of that you may be sure ! 786. King Gunther's men now hasten'd to tender service due. The host about his person had all his warriors true. The queen herself rode with him, all gloriously array'd ; To these well-lov^d guests was a royal welcome made. 787. With what abounding honours the noble guests were met ! 'Twas said that Lady Brunhild did ne'er such greeting get At Lady Kriemhild's hands in this realm of Burgundy. They who had ne'er beheld her rejoiced exceedingly. xiil] how they journeyed to the festival. 135 788. By this time was arrived Sir Siegfried with his men. One saw the heroes riding forwards and back again In all parts of the meadows, a vast and shapeless h-ost ; None there could get away from the thronging and the dust. 789. Now when the country's ruler did gallant Siegfried see, Together with King Siegmund, how courteously spake he : "Ye are to me right welcome, and unto every friend ! I trow your royal visit in joy to us will end." 790. " God prosper you ! " quoth Siegmund, that honour-loving man. " Since my son Siegfried's friendship for you and yours began. 'Twas aye my hope and purpose one day your face to see." King Gunther said : " I also am glad that it should be." 791- Then was Siegfried received, as well did him beseem, With ev'ry fitting honour : which none amiss did deem. And Giselher and Gemot did lend all courteous aid. Methinks to no guests ever were kindlier honours paid. 792. And now the two kings' spouses anigh each other came. Empty was many a saddle, as many a beauteous dame Was by the hands of heroes dismounted on the grass : For those who loved fair women no little work there was ! 793- Then lovingly the ladies unto each other went ; And many a knight who saw it was heartily content That of these twain the greeting so handsomely befell. Then many a warrior saw one stand by each damosel. 136 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 794- The throng of noble people each other's hands did take ; Whilst men unto each other their courtly bows did make, The ladies fair were kissing each other lovingly,— Which Siegfried's men and Gunther's right joyous were to see. 795- No longer did they linger, but rode towards the town. The host meanwhile had bidden that every guest be shown How truly he was welcome to royal Burgundy. Then many a match was tilted for maidens fair to see. 796. And Hagen, too, from Tronje, and Ortewein also. That they were men of power did all they could to show ; And whatsoe'er they order'd that durst no man gainsay. Unto the guests so welcome much service offer'd they. 797. The clang of shields resounded before the castle-gate From many a thrust and parry ; and long thereby did wait The host and guests together, ere within doors they came ; Ay, and the hours sped quickly with many a merry game. 798. Before the stately palace all joyously they rode ; And many fine-wrought housings, of handsome stuff and mode, Were seen upon the saddles of many a well-dight dame. On either side low-hanging. Then Gunther's chieftains came, 799- Who now the guests must usher unto their rooms at once. One saw how Dame Brunhilda from time to time would glance Towards the Lady Kriemhild, who verily was fair ; — Her colour well in brightness did with her gold compare. XIII.] HOW THEY JOURNEYED TO THE FESTIVAL. 1 37 800. At Worms was heard the turmoil, on all sides of the town, Of these incoming strangers. King Gunther made it known Unto his marshal, Dankwart, that he for these must care ; So did he for the people good lodging-room prepare. 801. Both out of doors and indoors they e'en might feast their fill. Ay ! ne'er before were strangers welcomed with more goodwill. Whatever they desired was ready at their 'side : So wealthy was King Gunther to none was aught denied. 802. Served were they in all friendship and banish'd was all hate; The host himself at table with all the guest-folk sate. Siegfried must now his seat take where he afore had done ; There went to table with him full many a worthy one. 803. Twelve hundred gallant warriors were round the table seen Sitting with him and feasting. Then thought Brunhild the queen, That ne'er a sovran ruler could ever have more wealth. Still leaned she so towards him she could but wish him health. 804. And verily that evening, while the king sat there yet, Right many a costly garment was by the wine made wet, As the cup-bearers quickly around the table went. The servants there were many, and all right diligent. 805. As long had been the custom when festival was made, Unto the maids and matrons a fair good-night they bade. To whomsoever came there the host a welcome gave. In kindliness and honour they all enough could have. 138 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 806. As soon as night was ended and the next daylight shone, The packing-chests were open'd, and many a precious stone Shone bright on goodly raiment, by lady's hand shown forth. Then was to sight unfolded full many a robe of worth. 807. Ere yet it was broad daylight the knights and squires came out Before the hall in numbers ; again began the rout Or ever early mass had before the king been sung. Then thanks for featly riding he gave the heroes young. 808. Soon shrill and loud resounded full many a trumpet-blast. From drums and pipes together there was a noise so vast, That Worms, the great, wide city, loud echoed to the call. Upon their chargers mounted the haughty heroes all. 809. Throughout the land began then a mighty tournament, Where many a good knight tilted ; and thereto many went. Whose youthful hearts and eager beat high in gallant mood ; Behind their shields one saw them, gay warriors and good. 810. And at their windows seated look'd down the stately dames And beauteous, well-dight maidens, intent to watch the games, And see the merry jousting of the bold knights below. The host amongst his lieges himself would riding go. 811. Thus were the hours beguiled, and none did deem them long. Until the minster-belfry did call to evensong. Then were brought round the palfreys ; the dames to ride began ; The noble queens were follow'd by many a gallant man. XIV.] HOW THE QUEENS RAILED AT ONE ANOTHER. 1 39 812. Alighting at the minster, they stood down on the grass. Unto her guests Brunhilda so far right friendly was. Into the wide cathedral, wearing their crowns of state, They went : ere long love changed to jealousy and hate. 813. When they to mass had listen'd they left the church, and so Rode off with many honours. One saw them later go All gaily to the banquet. Their pleasure knew no stay, And all was merrymaking until the eleventh day. ADVENTURE XIV.— HOW THE QUEENS RAILED AT ONE ANOTHER. 814. Before the hour of Aespers one day the tumult loud Was heard, of many warriors, who in the court did crowd. Their knightly feats they practised to pass the time away : And many a man and woman ran up to watch the play. 815. The noble queens were seated together, side by side. They thought of two bold warriors, renowned far and wide. Then said the fair Kriemhilda : " I have indeed a lord Who rightly is the ruler of all this kingdom broad." 816. Then cried the Lady Brunhild : " Howe'er could such thing be, Unless there were none living but only thou and he? Beneath his rule the kingdom might fall in such a case : So long as Gunther liveth, it could not come to pass." 140 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 817. But then again said Kriembild : " There stands he ; dost thou see How he before the warriors doth walk right royally ? Just as the moon all brightly above the stars doth shine ! Good cause have I for wearing this happy mood of mine." Then Lady Brunhild answer'd : " Comely as is thy lord, And gallant too and handsome, thou must the meed award Unto thy brother Gunther, the noble warrior : Who, be it known, is truly all other kings before." 819. But yet again said Kriemhild : " Mine is a man so rare, That not without good reason his praises I declare. By many deeds great honour he hath won, far and near ; Thou wilt allow, Brunhilda, he well is Gunther's peer." 820. ** I pray thee now, Kriemhilda, take it not ill of me, I, too, have grounds for saying what I have said to thee : I heard them both allow it, when them I first look'd on. And, as he would, against me the king my wager won, — What time my love he gained in such a knightly siege, Siegfried himself confess'd it, that he was Gunther's liege. Therefore I hold him vassal, I heard him that allow." Then spake the fair Kriemhilda : " For me 'twere ill enow ! 822. " How could my noble brother have hansell'd so for me That of a mere retainer the good-wife I should be ? I do beseech thee, Brunhild, in all true friendliness, Oblige me of your kindness and let these cavils cease." XIV.] HOW THE QUEENS RAILED AT ONE ANOTHER. I4I 823. Thereon the king's wife answer'd : " I will not let it be ! Why should I yield my claim to so many a good knight's fee, Who, like the thane, thy husband, doth suit and service owe ? " At this the beauteous Kriemhild began with wrath to glow. 824. '' The thought thou must abandon, that he to thee did e'er Owe any kind of service ; he is far worthier Than is my brother Gunther, — right noble though he be. Withdraw me now this saying that I have heard from thee ! 825. " I cannot choose but wonder, since he thy vassal is, And thou o'er our two persons hast mastery like this. That he his dues unto you hath set so long aside ! With right do I demur to thine overweening pride." 826. " Thou ratest thyself too highly ! " the king's wife answer'd then, " Now will I gladly prove me whether thou hast of men As much respect and honour as they accord to me ! " By this time both the ladies were wrathful as could be. 827. Then cried the Lady Kriemhild : " This must at once be seen ! If that my lord's thy vassal, as thou hast sworn, O queen. To-day must I the liegemen of both the kings let know Whether before the king's wife to church I dare to go. >- 828. " This very day I'll show thee that I am fealty-free, And that my man's more worthy than ever thine will be ! — And I myself, moreover, will not be slighted so : Thou shalt to-day be witness how I, thy vassal, go 142 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 829. To court before the warriors of royal Burgundy. I'll prove myself more worthy than e'er was known to be Any princess whatever who here hath worn the crown ! " Thus hate enough and envy betwixt the dames was sown. 830. *' Dost thou deny," cried Brunhild, "that thou our vassal art ? So must thou with thy women keep from my train apart, When I and my attendants unto the minster go." To that Kriemhilda answer'd : " In truth, it shall be so ! " 831. * ' Now robe yourselves, my maidens," commanded Siegfried's wife. *' For we no shame must suffer whilst here we live our life ; That ye have rich apparel ye must let all folk see. She shall repent at leisure what she hath said to me ! " 832. There was small need to urge them : they sought their richest gear. And many a dame and maiden right well-dight did appear. When came with her attendants the noble Gunther's dame, Clad as her heart desired the fair Kriemhilda came. 833. With three and forty maidens, whom she to Rhine had brought, Who wore fine-woven silk stuffs in Araby y-wrought. So came unto the minster the comely maidens all : They found all Siegfried's liegemen waiting before the hall. 834. The people fell to marvel how it had come about That these two royal ladies had plainly fallen out. And went no more together, as erewhile they were fain. Therefrom befell hereafter sore woe to many a thane. XIV.] HOW THE QUEENS RAILED AT ONE ANOTHER. I43 835- King Gunther's wife stood waiting before the minster door ; The while much pleasant pastime had many a warrior With the fair waiting-women, whom she with her did bring ; Then came the noble Kriemhild with her brave following. 836. Such costume as the daughters of noble knights might wear, Compared with what her maids wore was common as the air ; In gear she was so wealthy, that thirty queens had shown No such display of raiment as this fair queen alone. 837. Had anyone been wishful he never could have said That any richer clothing had e'er been worn of maid Than on that day adorned her noble company : Except to vex Brunhilda, Kriemhild had let it be. 838. The two queens came together before the minster wide, And thereupon the hostess, by hatred moved and pride. With evil voice and gesture Kriemhilda bade to stay : " Before the queen a vassal shall ne'er take right of way ! " 839. Then spake the fair Kriemhilda : (and wrathful was her mood) *' Couldst thou but have been silent, for thee it had been good ! Thou hast disgraced thy beauty and stain'd thy purity : How should a shameless wanton a king's wife ever be ? " 840. " Whom art thou calling * Wanton ' ? " in answer cried the queen. " That call I thee," quoth Kriemhild'; " thy body fair hath been Woo'd first, not by thy husband, but by my lord, Siegfried : I trow 'twas not my brother who won thy maidenhead ! 144 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 841. "Where hadst thou left thy senses? it was a trick of his. Why didst thou let him woo thee, who but thy liegeman is ? I hear thee," said Kriemhilda, " without all reason scold." "Now this, in truth," cried Brunhild, " shall be to Gunther told ! " 842. " And why should that annoy me ? thy pride hath thee betray'd : To cite me to thy service by word thou hast essay'd. This know now, of a surety I grieve that it be so : All confidence is over for aye betwixt us two." 843. Brunhilda wept, but Kriemhild no longer tarried there ; Before the king's wife passing, with all her maidens fair. She went into the minster : such hate did this beget That many bright eyes later were sore bedimm'd and wet. 844. How much soe'er they worshipp'd, by service and by song, Unto^the Queen Brunhilda the time seem'd all too long : So full she was of trouble, in body and in mood. For which hereafter sufifer'd bold warriors and good. 845. Brunhilda with her women stay'd by the minster door; She thought: "Now must Kriemhilda, letmehearsomethingmore Of what she rail'd so loudly, — the scolding, sharp-tongued wife ! If Siegfried hath been boasting, 'twill stand him in his life." 846. Forth came the noble Kriemhild, with many gallant men. Dame Brunhild called unto her : " Now stand you still again, — You said I was a wanton, that shall you prove to me : That word of yours, be certain, hath stung me bitterly ! " XIV.] HOW THE QUEENS RAILED AT ONE ANOTHER. I45 847. Thereto said dame Kriemhilda : "'Twere best to let me fare ! By this gold ring Til prove it, which on my hand I wear ; 'Twas brought to me by Siegfried when by your side he lay." Ne'er yet had Queen Brunhilda outlived a sadder day. 848. She spake : " This golden jewel was from me stol'n away, And hath from me most wrongly been hidden many a day. I now at last discover who stole my ring from me ! " By this time were both ladies in direst enmity. 849. Yet spake Kriemhilda further : " I will not pass for thief ! Thou mightst have kept thy counsel, to thee were honour lief. This girdle be my witness, that round my waist I wear. That I am not a har. Ay ! Siegfried was thy dear." 850. The girdle she was wearing was silk from Nineveh, With precious stones for fastening, right good it was to see. When dame Brunhild beheld it to weeping she did fall : It must be told to Gunther and to his lieges all. 851. Then spake the queen in answer: " Go hence, and bring to me The sovran-prince of Rhineland, and from my lips shall he Hear how his sister flouts me, and slandereth my life, By openly declaring I have been Siegfried's wife ! " 852. The king came with his warriors ; and when the weeping eyes He saw of his belov'd one, he spake, in kindly wise : " Now tell me, dearest lady, who hath done aught to thee ? " Unto the king she answered : " Aye joyless must I be ! L 146 THE LAY OF THE NHJELUNGS. [ADV. 853. " Kriemhilda of mine honour would like to cozen me ; And, seeing she's thy sister, I make complaint to thee. She swears I've played the wanton with her own man, Siegfried." Then answer'd the King Gunther : " She doth an evil deed ! " 854. " She weareth here my girdle, which I so long have lost, My ring of red gold likewise. To me 'tis bittermost That e'er my mother bore me. An' thou wilt not disprove, O king, this grievous scandal, no longer thee I'll love." 855. Then up and spake King Gunther : " Siegfried shall now appear ; If he hath play'd the braggart, he shall the truth declare. Or else deny the slander, — this knight of Netherland !" Then did Kriemhilda's husband right soon before them stand. 856. As soon as he had look'd on these dames discomfited, (Naught knowing of the matter) the noble Siegfried said : "Why are these ladies weeping? that am I fain to hear, And wherefore I am bidden before the King to appear?" 857. Then spake to him King Gunther : " Right sorrowful am I ; To me my wife Brunhilda hath told a history That thou thyself hast boasted her first love to have won : Thy wife, Kriemhild, declareth that thou, thane, this hast done.' 858. Then spake the noble Siegfried : " And if she so hath said, Before I rest I'll see that for this she be repaid ! In face of all your lieges I'm ready to aver By oath of mine most solemn, I never told it her ! " XIV.] HOW THE QUEENS RAH^ED AT ONE ANOTHER. I47 859. Then spake the King of Rhineland: "Give proofofthat must thou ! The oath which thou dost offer, if thou canst take it now, From ev'ry untrue dealing I'll hold thee clear and free." Then in a ring around him stood they of Burgundy. 860. His hand the gallant Siegfried outstretched the oath to take. Then spake the mighty sovran : "So certain do I make Of thy great innocency, that I will thee acquit : Sure what my sister charges thou never didst commit." 861. Yet once again spake Siegfried : "And if she joy doth find In that she hath so troubled Brunhilda's peace of mind. My sorrow, of a surety, too deep were to be told." Then look'd at one another these ready knights and bold. 862. " So should one train one's women," the hero Siegfried said, " That suchlike haughty speeches should aye be left unsaid : Unto thy wife forbid them, to mine I'll do the same ; Such ill-advised behaviour doth fill my heart with shame." By this dispute were many fair women kept apart. Brunhilda still the matter so sorely took to heart That needs must Gunther's warriors feel pity for the dame. Then Hagen, knight of Tronj^, unto his lady came. 864. He bade her say what ail'd her, finding her weeping sore. Then told she him the story, and unto her he swore That either Kriemhild's husband must for the lie repent Or he himself thereafter would never live content. 148 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. . [ADV 865. ' Ortwein and also Gemot, in council join'd the twain ; And there the heroes plotted how Siegfried should be slain. And Giselher came likewise, the noble Ute's son ; When he had heard their saying, he spake, — the faithful one : 866. *' Alack ! ye gallant warriors, now wherefore do ye that? I trow that never Siegfried deserved such like hate. That he, by reason of it, should need to lose his life : Ay, very trifles are they that make an angry wife !" 867. *' Are we to harbour cuckoos ? " cried Hagen, answering : " To gallant knights as we are scant honour that would bring ! That he of my dear lady hath bragg'd so scurvily His life shall make atonement ; or I myself will die." 868. The king himself spake, saying : " Naught hath he to us done Save what is good and worthy ; so let his life alone. What matter though the warrior were hateful now to me ? He hath been ever faithful and that right willingly." 869. Then spake the warrior Ortwein, who came from Metz, and said " His great strength, of a surety, shall give him little aid. If now my lord allow me, short shrift of him I'll make." Thus, without cause, the heroes the part of foes did take. 870. But none went any further, save Hagen, who for aye. Was pressing upon Gunther this counsel day by day : That, if King Siegfried lived not, to him would subject be The broad lands that he governed ; — the king heard ruefully. XIV.] HOW THE QUEENS RAILED AT ONE ANOTHER. I49 871. They let the matter rest ; then to jousting did they take. Ha ! many a sturdy lance-shaft for Siegfried's wife they brake In shadow of the minster, up to the royal hall ! Yet were some men of Gunther's but ill-content withal. 872. The king spake : " Lay aside now this murd'rous hate and scorn ; Unto our weal and honour he verily was born. So fierce his strength is also, this marvellous-bold knight, Had he of this an inkling, none durst withstand his might." 873. " He'll never know," quoth Hagen, " save thou should let it out ! I trow that I in secret can bring it so about That for Brunhilda's weeping sore reckoning he shall pay. Yea, verily is Hagen his enemy for aye." 874. Then spake the royal Gunther: "And how may that be done? " And Hagen said in answer : " That will I now make known. We'll bid two unknown envoys to ride as from afar Unto our land, 'fore all men to challenge us to war. 875. " Then thou, before the guests, wilt declare that thou must go To battle, with thy liegemen ; and when he that doth know He'll offer you his service : so shall he lose his life. I'll seek to learn his secret from the bold warrior's wife." 876. Unto his vassal Gunther in evil hour gave ear. With treason foul to tamper, ere any grew aware, Began those chosen warriors of chivalry the boast. By wrangling of two women was many a hero lost. I50 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. ADVENTURE XV.— HOW SIEGFRIED WAS BETRAYED. 877. Upon the fourth day morning came two and thirty men Unto the king's court riding ; and word was carried then To Gunther, the most mighty, that he was call'd to war. The He cost many a woman much grief and sorrow sore. 878. When leave to them was granted, before the king they went, And said that they were under King Lud'ger's government, — AVho vanquish'd was aforetime by doughty Siegfried's hand. And brought by him a captive unto King Gunther's land. 879. Then greeted he the heralds, and bade them seated be. But one among them pray'd him : " Sire, let us stand, till we Our message have deliver'd and errand duly done : Know then that thou art hated by many a mother's son ! 880. " King Ludegast and Lud'ger, do challenge you to war. Of whom you were aforetime the bloody conqueror : They're coming with their armies, to ride thy country through." At this the king feign'd anger, as if to him 'twere new. 881. They took these counterfeiters to hostel presently. How then could Siegfried ware be of any treachery, — Could he or any other suspect they played a part ? Unto themselves hereafter befell the pain and smart. XV.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS BETRAYED. I51 882. The king with his advisers were whispering without cease; Nor would Hagen of Tronje e'er let him be at peace. Though many a lord would gladly have given up the plot, Yet Hagen from his counsel would never swerve a jot. 883. One day it chanced that Siegfried came on this scheming band ; — And straight began to ask them the Lord of Netherland : "Why goes the king so sadly, thus brooding with his men? Hath any done him mischief, I'll help avenge it then." 884. Then up and spake King Gunther : " Cause have I sad to be ! For Ludegast and Lud'ger have straightly challenged me : The eyes of all shall see them here riding in my land." Then cried the gallant hero : " Right soon shall Siegfried's hand, 885. "As doth beseem your honour, this business undertake To break these warriors' power, as it erewhile I brake : Their strongholds shall be ruin'd, their land be ravaged, Ere I with them have ended : thereon I stake my head ! 886. You may with all your warriors at home stay quietly. And let me ride to battle with those who came with me. That willingly I serve you, you very soon shall know : Your foes by me shall suffer as ne'er before, I trow." 887. " This is to me good hearing," the king in answer said, — As if he was in earnest well-pleased to have his aid. Before the knight low bow'd he, — the false and faithless knave ! Then said the noble Siegfried : " No care you need to have ! " ^52 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 888. With their esquires and liegemen they plann'd the journey then : Twas done for the deceiving of Siegfried and his men. He bade them all be ready, his men of Netherland : And soon had Siegfried's warriors their fighting gear at hand. Then spake the gallant Siegfried : " My father Siegmund, pray Remain thou here behind us ; we shall not long delay ; If so be that God speed us, we'll come back to the Rhine. So with the king abiding shall happy days be thine ! " 890. The banner they unfurled, as though they fain would start. Of Gunther's liegemen present there were a goodly part Who naught knew of the message, nor what it all did mean : A mighty throng of people round Siegfried there was seen. . 891. Their helmets and their breastplates on horses they did stow : And many a stout knight hastened to leave the land and go. Then went Hagen of Tronje to where Kriemhild did stand, And prayed for leave of absence, since they would quit the land. 892. " Thrice happy I," cried Kriemhild, '^ that I have got for lord One who to my dear kinsmen such succour can accord, As doth my dear lord Siegfried unto my kindred here. Therefore," the queen said, " will I be now of right good cheer. 893. " But you, my good friend Hagen, one thing remember still ; That I would gladly serve you, nor e'er have done you ill ; For this you can requite me to my dear lord one day : If I've done aught to Brunhild for that he must not pay ! XV.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS BETRAYED. 1 53 894. *' For since then I have rued it," the noble lady said ; " He therefore hath my body most sorely punished. If I did ever utter aught to enrage her mood, Right well hath he avenged her, the hero bold and good." 895. '' You yet shall be forgiven, in days to come," quoth he; *' Kriemhilda, my dear lady, now must you tell to me How through your husband Siegfried to serve you I may try ; I'll gladly do it, lady ; to none more willingly." 896. " I should have no misgivings," replied the noble wife, " Lest any one in battle should jeopardize his life ; If he were not so reckless and over-rash of mood He aye might be in safety, my gallant thane and good." 897. Thereon said Hagen, " Lady, if you have any fear Lest any one should wound him, 'twere best to let me hear The arts that I must practise if any ill betide ; For I will ever guard him, whether I walk or ride." 898. She spake : " Thou art my kinsman, as I, in sooth, am thine ; Therefore to thee I'll trust him, this darling love of mine. That thou mayst guard him for me, — this husband of my own." Then told she him the story 'twere well he had not known. 899. She spake : " Bold is my husband and strong enough thereto. When he upon the mountain erstwhile the dragon slew. In the brute's blood he bathed him, the goodly warrior. And since that day, in battle, no steel can cut him more. 154 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 900. " Yet, no less am I anxious when he in fight doth stand And javelins fly around him from many a hero's hand, Lest by mischance I lose him, and mourn my husband dear. Alas, what sorrow have I for Siegfried's sake to bear ! 901. " I'll tell it as a favour, my dearest friend, to thee, — In faith that thou maintainest the pledge thou gav'st to me, — Where, only, may be wounded this husband dear of mine, I'll let thee hear, confiding unto no ear but thine. 902. " When from the dragon's death-wounds came pouring the hot blood And therein he was bathing himself, the warrior good, — There fell between his shoulders a large-sized linden-leaf: On that spot one may wound him ; 'tis this doth cause my grief" 903- Then spake Hagen of Tronje : "Upon his garment sew A little token for me, that I the spot may know Where I have got to shield him, when we stand in the strife." She thought to save the hero : by this he lost his life. 904. She spake : "With fine silk will I upon his garment sew A little cross unnoticed, that so thy hand may know, O hero, where to guard him, when into fight he goes, And in the stress of battle he stands before his foes." 905- " l^hat will I do," quoth Hagen, " my lady dear." Whereon The lady thought some vantage she for her lord had won : And yet Kriemhilda's husband was by this means betray'd. His leave then took Sir Hagen, and went away right glad. XV.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS BETRAYED. 155 906. The king's men and retainers were all of cheerful mood. And yet, I ween, no warrior within his breast e'er could Hide heart so false and perjured, as he in his did hide Upon whose faith and promise Kriemhild the queen relied. 907. Upon the next day morning with his own thousand men Rode forth the gallant Siegfried : and joyful was he then. He thought he would take vengeance for his friend's injury. To him rode Hagen closely that he his coat might eye. 908. When he espied the token, two of his following He sent away in secret another tale to bring : How peace should not be broken towards King Gunther's land, — They had but come as envoys by Ludeger's command. 909- How loth turn'd Siegfried homewards; he rode unwillingly. Sad that his friend's annoyance thus unavenged should be ! Hardly could Gunther's warriors bring him to turn his ranks. Unto the king straight rode he : his host began his thanks. 910- " Now God reward thy goodwill, my noble friend Siegfried ! That thou didst go so gladly to help me in my need, I aye shall be thy debtor, as I of right should be. Beyond all friends and kinsmen I build my faith on thee. 911. " Now that this expedition will trouble us no more, I fain would go a-hunting the wild bear and the boar At Waskenwalde, yonder, as I so oft have done." This was the plan of Hagen, the false and faithless one. 156 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 912. "To all guests in my palace due notice shall there be That I will ride forth early : those who would hunt with me Must hold themselves all ready ; those who would rather stay To loiter with the ladies have my good leave alway." 913- Then spake the stalwart Siegfried, with noble courtliness : " If you will ride a-hunting, I'll gladly do no less. A huntsman you must lend me, and sundry hounds also, Then gladly to the forest along with you I'll go." 914. "And dost thou want one only?" the king said thereupon, " I'll lend thee, if it please thee, four men to whom are known The forest and the coverts the quarry most frequent ; So that the tryst in seeking thy time be not misspent." 915- Home to his wife then rode he, the goodly warrior bold, And quickly faithless Hagen unto the king had told How he could get the vantage of the brave thane : 'twere shame Such treason foul should ever disgrace a noble name. ADVENTURE XVI.— HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. 916. King Gunther now and Hagen, those knights exceeding bold. Had treacherously plotted a woodland hunt to hold. With lances sharp pursuing the boar in forest free. The wild bull and the bear too : what bolder sport could be? XVI.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. 1 5/ 917. With them rode Siegfried also, in honourable mind. They carried food, too, with them, and that in divers kind. Hard by a cool spring was he foredoom'd to lose his life. And this was by the counsel of Brunhild, Gunther's wife. 918. First went the bold thane thither where he Kriemhilda found. Already on pack-horses his hunting-gear was bound, And that of his companions : to cross the Rhine they meant, Kriemhilda ne'er before had such reason to lament. 919. And then his own beloved he on the mouth did kiss : " God grant that I may find thee, my wife, safe, after this ; And that thine eyes may see me ! With good friends, till I come Beguile the time of waiting, I may not bide at home." 920. Now thought she of the secret she had to Hagen told : — She did not dare to own it, — nor longer could withhold The noble queen lamenting that she had e'er been born ! For thus with grief unmeasured did Siegfried's fair wife mourn. 921. She spake unto the warrior : " Ah, let your hunting be ! Last night I had an ill dream : two wild boars I did see That chased you o'er the moorland : the flowers grew red as blood. If I do weep thus sorely, 'tis that I bode no good. 922. *' I have a sore misgiving that there may be some plot : Whether some grudge be owed us for service rendered not, Which may be bringing on us dire hate and enmity ? Go not, dear lord, I beg thee in truth and honesty." 158 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV 923- " My love, in but a few days again I shall be here. Nor know I of these people one who ill-will doth bear ; To me at all times friendly are all thy kith and kin : Nor by these warriors elsewise entreated have I been." 924. "Nay, nay, my dear lord Siegfried, I bode thy fate too well : Last night my evil dreaming told how upon thee fell Two mountains in the valley ; I saw thee never more. If thou wilt thus forsake me, 'twill wound me to the core." 925- His wife so good and loving he in his arms did press. And cherish'd her fair body with kisses numberless ; Then took his last leave of her, and tore himself away ; Alas, no more she saw him alive after that day ! ^M 926. Now rode they forth and came to a deep and shady wood, For sake of sport, and many a warrior bold and good Did follow after Gunther and with his sportsmen roam. But Giselher and Gemot, they two remained at home. 927. And many horses, laden with stores of bread and wine Provided for the huntsmen, went forward o'er the Rhine ; Both fish and flesh they carry, and many another cate Such as a king so wealthy might duly have to eat. 928. They ordered their encampment, these hunters proud, hard by The greenwood's skirts, where mostly the quarry's runs did lie Which they to hunt were minded ; 'twas on an eyot broad. And thither too came Siegfried : as straight the king had word. XVL] how SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. 1 59 929. The hunters then appointed the watchers where to take Their places at the openings. Then he, the bold man, spake, Siegfried the ever-stalwart, " Who leads us through the wood, To show us where the game is, ye valiant thanes and good ? " 930- "Suppose we part," quoth Hagen, "or ever we begin To beat about the forest to see what is therein. That I and these my masters may reason have to kno Who are the better sportsmen that on this chase do go w 931- "The beaters and the hounds too, we'll evenly divide : Thus each his choice may follow where'er he please to ride. Then he who is best sportsman shall have our thanks therefore. So spake he, and the hunters together stay'd no more. 932. Then said the noble Siegfried : " The hounds I value not, Save but a single setter, who such a scent hath got That he the track will follow where'er the game hath led ; Here's to a merry hunting !" Kriemhilda's husband said. 933- Thereon an aged huntsman took with him a sleuth-hound. And brought the noble hunters to where much game they found Without too long a-seeking. The comrades then did hunt Whatever broke from covert, as sportsmen keen are wont. 934. Whate'er the setter mark'd him, that slew with his own hand Siegfried the doughty hero, who came from Netherland. His steed so swiftly bore him, that naught could him outrun ; Praise above all the others upon this chase he won. l60 THE LAY OF THE s^IBELUNGS. [ADV. 935- In all he put his hand to alert he was enow ; Of all the beasts, the first one that he to death did do An ox was, strong and savage, that with his hand he fell'd ; And then he, on a sudden, a lion grim beheld. 936. E'en as the hound aroused it he with his bow let fly. On which a sharpened arrow he'd fitted hastily. After the shot the lion but three bounds further ran ; Whereon his hunting comrades to thank Siegfried began. 937- There after he an elk slew, and then a buffalo, And then four sturdy bisons, a savage stag also. His steed so swiftly bore him that naught could get away : Of harts and hinds scarce any there were he fail'd to slay. 938. A huge wild boar the sleuth-hound had routed from his lair. And when to flee he turn'd him right in his path was there The hero of the hunting, all ready for the fight ; The savage brute did straightway charge at the valiant knight. 939- This boar Kriemhilda's husband then with his broadsword slew ; The Hke no other huntsman so easily could do. And when he thus had felled him, they put in leash the hound : His goodly spoils were talk'd of all Burgundy around. 940. Then spake to him his huntsmen : " If 'tis for us to say, Leave us, we pray. Lord Siegfried, a few live beasts to slay ! To-day thou hast made empty for us both wood and wold." Thereat he fell to smiUng that worthy thane and bold. XVI.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. l6l 941. Then suddenly, on all sides, were heard great noise and cries. From dogs and men together such tumult did arise That all the woodland echoed, and eke the mountain-side P^or four-and-twenty leash-hounds the hunters had untied. \\ 0^942. Then many a forest creature must unto death be done, Since every hunter fancied that he might be the one To win the prize for hunting : but no award could be Until beside the camp-fire stout Siegfried they did see. 943- The hunting, though 'twas over, was not yet brought to end : For some, with burdens laden, to camp their way did wend, Of beast fells bringing many, and game a goodly store. What piles of it for cooking the king's camp-servants bore ! 944. Then to the high-born hunters the king would have it known That he to dine was ready. Then all at once was blown A hunting-horn, right loudly, that all might know around That now the noble princes would at the camp be found. 945- Quoth one of Siegfried's huntsmen : " Sir, I have heard but now, By sounding of a horn, that 'tis time for us to go Back to the camp : in answer I will my bugle wind." Then went the loud blasts flying their followers to find. 946. Then spake the noble Siegfried : " Now let us leave the wood ! " His hunter bore him smoothly : and all in haste they rode. They startled, with their clatter, a grisly brute and grim, — A savage bear. Then, turning to those who followed him, 1 62 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. .[ADV. 947- The thane cried : " Now our comrades a little fun shall share ! Loose from the leash the setter ; yonder I spy a bear ; I'll see that he goes with us from here unto the camp. He never can escape us, however fast he tramp ! " 948. They loosed the hound, and swiftly the bear before them hied. Then thought Kriemhilda's husband close after him to ride ; But to a ground-rift came he, whereby it could not be ; The sturdy beast made certain 'twas from the huntsmen free. \\ \ 949. The proud knight, from his ojiarger, sprang down upon the sward And straight began to chase it ; the beast was off its guard, And could not now outrun him : the hero clasp'd it round, And, in a trice, unwounded, he held it tightly bound. 950- The man it was not able to scratch or bite one jot ! He bound it to his saddle, then promptly up he got. Unto the camp borne was it, — a prize of hardihood ; Which all was but a pastime to that knight bold and good. 951- How noble was his bearing as into camp he rode ! His spear was very mighty, and thereto stout and broad. Right down unto the rowel a handsome long-sword hung : And a fair horn around him of ruddy gold was slung. 952. Of better hunting-habit I never have been told. In tunic of black velvet there was he to behold ; A riding-cap of sable, handsome enough, he wore ; he on his quiver bore ! XVI.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. 163 '^^ 953. Upon it there was fitted a cap of panther's hide, Because of its sweet odour. He carried at his side A bow, such that it needed, — to draw it to the full, — A hand-winch, when another save he himself did pull. 954- And then his nether garments of otter-skin were made. From head to foot his raiment with tufts was overlaid. And, 'mid the sleek fur, many a thread of golden twine Of this bold champion-hunter on either side did shine. 955- And Balmung bore he also, — a handsome blade and broad, That was so sharp, moreover, its edge was never scored When one would cleave a helmet ; and either edge was keen. Ne'er had that noble huntsman of gayer spirit been. 956. Since I have undertaken the story to declare, I must tell how his quiver was fill'd with arrows rare ; The shafts of them were golden, the points a hand-breadth wide. Whate'er with them he pierced, surely and swiftly died. 957- So rode the noble hero in all his hunting gear ; And Gunther's men espied him as he to them drew near. They hurried out to meet him, and led his horse along. There lay across his saddle the bear so huge and strong. 958. As soon as he alighted he loosed the binding thong From oif his paws and muzzle ; then yelpings loud and long Of hounds arose, so soon as, afoot the bear appear'd. The brute would to the forest : the folk were fairly scared. 1 64 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [aDV. 959- The bear, through all the shouting, into the kitchen ramp'd : Hey, how the frighted scullions from round the fire decamp'd ! The kettles toppled over, the burning sticks were drown'd : Hey, what a store of victuals lay in the ashes round ! 960. Quick from their seats upsprang they, the masters and the men. The bear began a-growling : the king gave orders then To let loose all the hound-pack, that in their leashes lay. Had it herewith but ended that were a merry day ! 961. With bows and spears provided they stay'd no longer there, But off the swift ones started to follow up the bear. Yet no one shot : so closely the dogs were thronging round. The shouting of the people made hill and dale resound. With all the pack behind him the bear began to race, But, save Kriemhilda's husband, no one could match its pace. He quickly ran upon it, and with a sword-stroke slew. Then to the camp-fire, slaughter'd, the grisly brute they drew. 963- And all who saw, were saying he was a mighty man. The hunters proud were summon'd, and then the feast began. Upon a fair green meadow, a goodly crowd they sate ; Ha, 'twas a royal banquet these haughty hunters ate ! 964. The cupbearers still came not, who were the wine to bring, — No heroes ever better deserved such offering ; Had there not been in secret such treacherous intent, Then free had been those warriors of all disparagement. XVI.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. 1 65 965- Then spake the noble Siegfried : " I marvel much hereat ; — Since from the kitchen plenty of food they send to eat, Why come not the cupbearers to bring us also wine ? Let them treat hunters better, or 'tis no sport of mine ! 966. " I have deserved that people more care of me should take." The king then from the table, in answer, falsely spake : " However we have blunder'd we'll mend it by-and-by; 'Tis all the fault of Hagen, who'd have us all go dry." 967. Then Hagen spake, of Tronje : " My dear lord list to me, I reckon'd that the hunting to-day was fix'd to be Right over in the Spessart, so sent the wine-flasks there. If we to-day go thirsty, next time I'll take more care ! " 968. Then answer'd the lord Siegfried : " Small thanks, methinks, are thine ! Seven sumpters' burden should they of mead and unmix'd wine Have hither sent to meet us ; or were thai hard to do, They should have pitch'd our quarters more nigh the Rhine unto." 969. Then spake Hagen of Tronje : " Ye noble knights and bold, I know that here hard by is a spring of water cold, — Pray be ye not offended, — 'tis thither we should go." To many a thane this counsel was fraught with mickle woe. 970. With pangs of thirst was Siegfried the warrior sorely smit : The sooner then the table he gave them word to quit ; Along the hill-side would he unto the fountain wend. Thus what the knights had plotted drew on towards its end. l66 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 971. The game that had been slaughter'd by Siegfried's cunning hand, They bade men pile on wagons, and carry through the land. And everyone who saw it his praise and honour spake. Right grievously did Hagen his troth to Siegfried break. 972. Whilst to the shady lindens they were upon their way, Cried Hagen, lord of Tronje : " Oft have I heard men say That to Kriemhilda's husband no one a match could be When he would show his paces : ay ! will he let us see ! " 973. Then spake the Netherlander Siegfried, the valiant : " Now is the time for trying, if ye a wager want. From here unto the fountain ; so soon as it be done The onlookers shall settle which is the foremost one." 974. " Now verily we'll try it," the warrior Hagen said. Then quoth the stalwart Siegfried : " If ye come in ahead, Before your feet Til lay me full length upon the grass." When Gunther heard the promise, how glad at heart he was ! 975. \Then spake the bold thane further : " Yet something more I'll say, I'll carry all the clothing that I have worn to-day,— My spear and eke my buckler, and all my hunting gear." His sword and quiver bound he around him then and there. 976. But they, the king and Hagen, their upper clothes did doff: In two white shirts one saw them stand ready to be off. As fleet as two wild panthers they through the clover ran : Yet at the spring bold Siegfried came in the foremost man. ■n XVI.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. 1 6/ 977. In all he put his hand to he won the prize from all. Straightway his sword he loosen'd and let his quiver fall ; Against a bough of linden he let his stout spear rest ; Close by the flowing fountain now stood the stately guest. 978. And herein also Siegfried did manifest his worth : He laid his shield beside him where flow'd the fountain fortli, But, greatly as he thirsted, the hero tasted not Before the king had drunken : base thanks from him he got. 979- Cool was the spring of water, and clean, and bright, and good ; And Gunther bent him downwards to the refreshing flood ; As soon as he had quenched his thirst, away he came ; Then ready was bold Siegfried and would have done the same. 980. His courtesy and breeding, then met with their reward : For Hagen to the background withdrew his bow and sword. Then sprang again towards him to where he found the spear, And looked to find a token the hero's coat did bear. 981. And whilst the noble Siegfried ' drank of the rippling flood He stabb'd him through the cross-mark, and through the wound his blood Straight from his heart outspurted, and Hagen's shirt was wet ; So foul a misdeed never befell a hero yet. 982. He left the lance within him close to his heart stuck tight ; And grimly then did Hagen betake himself to flight, As in his life he never from mortal man did flee. The stalwart Siegfried, feeling how sorely smit was he, 1 68 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 983. All madly from the fountain in rage and anguish sprang, Whilst from between his shoulders a long lance-shaft did hang. The chieftain thought to find there his bow, or else his sword : Then verily had Hagen not gone without reward. 984. But when the knight sore-wounded his sword had fail'd to find, And saw that they had left him naught save his shield behind, He gripp'd it from the well's side, and after Hagen ran : Then vainly to escape him essay'd King Gunther's man. 985. Though he to death was wounded, so mightily smote he. That from the hero's buckler there fell abundantly The precious stones that deck'd it ; the shield itself did break ; The noble guest his vengeance had else been fain to wreak. 986. Yet by his hand must Hagen lie stretch'd upon the ground. So hard, in sooth, his blows were, they made the glebe resound. Had he his sword had handy, then Hagen had been slain. The wound was burning sorely, and made him writhe with pain. 987. His cheeks had lost their colour; no longer stand could he. And all his strength of body was failing utterly ; Death's sign upon his forehead in pallid hue he bore : Fair women soon were mourning for him with weeping sore. 988. Then fell Kriemhilda's husband upon the flowery sward : One saw from out the lance-wound, how fast his life-blood pour'd. Upbraiding then began he, — forced by his mortal pain, — Those who had thus betray'd him and treacherously slain. XVI.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS SLAIN. 1 69 989- , " Ye perjured, lying cowards," the dying warrior said, " What hath avail'd my service, since thus ye strike me dead? To you aye was I faithful : and thus do ye repay ! Your kith and kin shall suffer for what ye've wrought this day. 990. "The children born unto ye shall be, from this day forth, For evermore accursed, for ye have wreak'd your wrath, And vengeance all too sorely upon my body done : Now ye, with scorn and hatred, all worthy knights shall shun." '^' 991- The knights all ran together to where he stricken lay. To many a man among them it was a joyless day. They who had aught of honour sore lamentation made. From all he well deserved it, this hero undismay'd. 992. The king of the Burgundians mourn'd also for his death. Then spake the dying chieftain : " Small need is there, in faith, That he who work'd the evil should grieve that it be done : Much blame he hath deserved : 'twere better left alone ! " 993- Grim Hagen spake to Gunther : " What art thou weeping for? For done is our vexation and all our sorrows o'er : We shall find few henceforward who 'gainst us dare to stand. Glad am I that his kingship hath perish'd by my hand ! " 994. '"Tis easy now to vaunt ye," said Siegfried, in reply, " If I had known beforehand your deadly enmity, Alone would I against ye have well maintain'd my life : For naught grieve I so sorely as for Kriemhild, my wife. I/O THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 995- "And now must God forgive me, that I a son did get Whom folks shall taunt in future and let him not forget That kin of his by some one was murderously slain. If that avail'd," said Siegfried, "with cause I might complain." 996. Yet once more spake the hero, in anguish nigh to death : "If thou, O king most noble, art willing to hold faith With any living being, I fain would now consign Unto your grace and favour, that well-loved wife of mine. 997. "And let her from this profit, that thou her brother art : If there is faith in princes, stand by her with true heart. My father and my liegemen must tarry long for me ; Ne'er worse to any woman could loss of dear friend be." 998. All round about, the flowers were wetted with his blood, As now with Death he struggled : nor long the strife withstood. Alas, the deadly weapon too well had done its part ! Then mote he speak no further, that warrior of bold heart. 999. And when the nobles saw that the hero was quite dead, Upon a shield they laid him, that was of wrought gold red ; And straightway held they counsel how they might best take heed From all to keep it hidden that Hagen did the deed. 1000. Then divers of them counsell'd : " Woe hath befallen us. But ye must all conceal it, and tell the story thus : ' As Dame Kriemhilda's husband alone a-hunting rode. Some vagabonds set on him and slew him in the wood.' " XVII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS MOURN'D AND BURIED. I/I lOOI. Then spake of Tronje Hagen : " Myself I'll take him home, It matters not to me that the truth to her should come : Brunhilda's mind hath sorely by her been harassed, It troubles me but little what tears she now may shed ! " ADVENTURE XVII.— HOW KRIEMHILDA MOURN'D FOR HER HUSBAND, AND HOW HE WAS BURIED. I002. Then waited they for nightfall, and o'er the Rhine did row : Ne'er to more direful ending could heroes hunting go. The quarry they had slaughter'd mourn'd noble maids and wives: And many goodly warriors paid for it with their lives. 1003. Of arrogance o'erweening the tale ye soon shall hear, And of a fearful vengeance. Then Hagen bade men bear The body of dead Siegfried, the Niblung lord of late. And lay it in a chamber wherein Kriemhild did wait. 1004. He had him laid in secret down close beside her door, That she might find him lying when she, as heretofore, Went forth to matins early, ere daylight had begun ; Which duty dame Kriemhilda but seldom left undone. 1005. The wonted bell was ringing, which to the minster bade ; Then rose the fair Kriemhilda and waken'd many a maid : She bade them bring a taper, and fetch her all her gear. Then came a chamber-servant who lit on Siegfried there. 172 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1006. In red blood he was lying, and all his garb was wet ; But that it was his master he did not know as yet. Into the room he carried the candle in his hand, From him did Dame Kriemhilda some ill news understand. 1007. For, as she with her women would to the minster fare. The chamberlain spake to her : " My lady, stay you there ! Right opposite the doorway a murder'd knight doth lie." Whereat began Kriemhilda to weep unmeasuredly. 1008. Before she knew for certain that 'twas her husband dead. Unto her mind recall'd she how Hagen questioned In what way he might guard him : then first she was afraid. An' he were dead, her pleasure was all to sorrow made. 1009. To earth down sank she swooning, and ne'er a word could say : Upon the hapless fair one men gazed as there she lay. The grief of Dame Kriemhilda was past all measuring : After her swoon, the chamber did with her wailing ring. 10 10. Her people said unto her : " What if it be a guest ? " But from her mouth came flowing the blood, by anguish press'd ; Then spake she : "'Tis my husband, my own belov'd Siegfried : It was Brunhilda's counsel, and Hagen did the deed." lOT T. The lady bade them lead her where she her hero found. With her white hand she lifted his fair head from the ground ; Red as he was with blood-stains, well knew she him again. — There lay the Niblung hero, so pitifully slain. XVIL] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS MOURN'D AND BURIED. 1 73 Then in her sorrow cried she, that fair and gentle queen : " Woe on mine evil fortune ! Upon thy shield is seen No dint of any sword-stroke : thou liest murder'd there. And wist I who hath done it, of death mote he be ware." 1013. Thereon all her attendants began to wail and weep : With their beloved lady, their grief indeed was deep About their noble master, of whom they were forlorn. Thus heavily had Hagen made good Brunhilda's scorn. 1014. Then sorrowfully spake she : " Go hence now, all of ye, And waken Siegfried's liegemen as quickly as may be. And unto Siegmund also my sorrow must ye tell. If so be he will help me to mourn brave Siegfried well." 1015. A messenger ran swiftly and found them where they lay, — Siegfried's own band of heroes from Niblung land were they. He told the grievous tidings, and joy fled at his word ; Yet would they not believe it till they the wailing heard. 1016. The messenger sped further to where he found the king. Unto the noble Siegmund that night no sleep did bring ; His heart within foreboded what happ'd to him, I ween : How that his dear son living should never more be seen. 1017. "Awake, arise, Lord Siegmund ! Kriemhilda, my mistress, Hath bidden me to fetch thee ; to her a sore distress Hath happ'd beyond all others, which cuts her to the heart : And thou must help her mourning, for thou in it hast part." 174 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV ioi8. Upstarted Siegmund, crying : " What grief hath happened 'Unto the fair Kriemhilda, as thou just now hast said ?" Then spake the herald, weeping, " I cannot it withhold : Ay ! Siegfried hath been murder'd, the Netherlander bold ! " 1019. Then spake the noble Siegmund : " Pray let this jesting be, And of such evil stories, beware, for love of me, The like you tell to no man, — how Siegfried hath been slain : In such case could I never live happily again." 1020. ** If thou wilt not believe me when thou hast heard my tale, With thine own ears 'tis easy to hear Kriemhilda wail ; For she and all her people are mourning Siegfried dead." Then sore afraid was Siegmund : and sad was he indeed. Straight from his couch upsprang he, with five score of his men ; They reach'd their hands in search of their weapons long and keen. And ran, grief-stricken, thither to where they heard the cries; 'J'hen, too, the thousand warriors of Siegfried bold did rise. 1022. Whilst piteously the women were heard to weep and moan, Some of the men bethought them that raiment they should don : Ay, scarcely for their trouble could they their senses keep. And bitter was the anguish that in their hearts lay deep. 1023. Soon came the royal Siegmund to where Kriemhild did stand. He spake : "Woe on the journey that brought us to this land ! Who hath thy husband taken, and reft me of my son, And, amidst friends and kinsmen, thus murderously done ? " XVII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS MOURN'D AND BURIED. 175 1024. " Ah, if I only knew him ! " the noble wife did say, " No mercy would I show him, in mind or body aye : Such evil would I do him, that if his kith and kin Had not good cause for weeping, 'twould be no fault of mine." 1025. Then^i his arms did Siegmund the murder'd prince enfold; Whereat his friends their sorrow so little could withhold, That with their lamentation the palace rang and hall ; And even through Worms city, the sounds of woe did fall. 1026. To none who strove to comfort did Siegfried's wife give heed. Meanwhile from out its clothing his body fair they freed ; They washed his wounds with water, and laid him on the bier ; The sorrow of his people right grievous was to hear. 1027. Then up and spake his warriors the men of Niblung-land : " With right goodwill shall vengeance be taken at our hand ; Within this very fortress is he who did the deed." Then ran they all for weapons the liegemen of Siegfried. 1028. These thanes, for valour chosen, each with his shield, were there, A thousand and one hundred, ready at hand they were To follow noble Siegmund. The murder of his son Tie to avenge was eager, — 'twas needful to be done. 1029. Nor knew they 'gainst what foemen they had to strive withal, Unless it might be Gunther and his bold liegemen all, With whom their master Siegfried, did late a-hunting go. Kriemhilda saw them arming, and grievous was her woe. 176 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1030. However deep her sorrow, and dire as was her need, Yet did she for the Niblungs fear with such mighty dread Death, by her brother's liegemen, that she would have them stay : She warn'd them in all kindness, as friends each other may. 1031. Thus spake the grief-lorn lady: " My lord Siegmund, what dost Thou think to take in hand now ? Thou hast not weigh'd the cost. King Gunther hath so many bold warriors at command, That all of ye will perish if ye his knights withstand." 1032. With shields already lifted, they needs must to the fray ; The noble queen besought them and even bade them stay, And seek not for a conflict, — these knights of courage high. Yet would they not forego it ; which grieved her verily. So said she : "Noble Siegmund, 'twere best to let it be Until a fitter season : then will I readily Avenge with you mine husband. Who me hath widow made. To him, when it is proven, shall evil be repaid. 1034. " Hereby upon the Rhine-strand dwells many a haughty knight ; I cannot therefore counsel that you with them should fight. Full thirty warriors have they against our every one. God grant that they may prosper as they to us have done ! ^^35- ''Ye must remain beside me, this grief with me to share ; And, when the day is dawning, ye heroes bold prepare To help me in his coffin my husband dear to lay." Then all the thanes made answer : " It shall be as you say." XVII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS MOURN'D AND BURIED. \^^ 1036. No tongue could ever tell you the marvel of it, how From knights as well as ladies arose the cries of woe, So that throughout the city the noise thereof did sound. The r\^ble burghers heard it, and quickly throng'd around. 1037- They mourned with the strangers, for they themselves were sad. If fault had been with Siegfried, none told them that it had, Nor why the noble warrior had forfeited his life. Then wept, too, with the women, each worthy burgher's wife. 1038. The smiths were bidden quickly a coffin to devise Of gold y-wrought and silver, strong and of mickle size ; They bade them firmly bind it, with temper'd steel and good. Then truly all the people were sorrowful of mood. 1039. The night was spent, and daylight 'twas said would soon appear. The noble lady bade them unto the minster bear Siegfried their noble master, her husband well-beloved. One saw his friends all weeping, as they the body moved. 1040. They brought him to the minster, and toll'd was many a bell : On every side the chanting of priests was heard to swell. And thither came King Gunther, and all his folk with him, To take part in the mourning; and likewise Hagen grim. 1041. He said : " My dearest sister, alas, indeed, for thee ! That from thy sorrow's burden can none of us be free : We must bewail for ever the loss of Siegfried's life." " That do ye without reason," answer'd the mourning wife. N 178 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1042. " It never need have happened if real your sorrow were ; Me must ye have forgotten, — that may I well aver, — When I was there bereft of my own beloved one. I would to God," said Kriemhild, " it had to me been done ! " 1043. They clave unto their lying. Kriemhild began again : " Whoso of you is guiltless, now let him make it plain ; — Let each before the people walk up unto the bier ; Thereby the truth that 's in him shall presently appear." 1044. It is a wondrous marvel that oft hath happened : That when one sees the slayer beside the murder'd dead, The wounds afresh start bleeding ; as here, too, came to pass. Whereby men saw that Hagen the malefactor was. 1045. Again the wounds bled freely, as they had done afore ; They who had mourn'd him sorely bewail'd him now the rnore. Then spake aloud King Gunther: "I tell you everyone 'Twas vagabonds that slew him : 'twas not by Hagen done." 1046. "These vagabonds, too surely are known to me," she spake, " By friendly hands, God willing, we'll vengeance on them take ! Thou Gunther and thou Hagen have surely done this thing." By this time Siegfried's warriors for strife were hankering. 1047. Kriemhilda spake yet further: " Now share with me my need." Then came those twain unto her who found him lying dead, — They were her brother Gemot and Giselher the youth. As many a man did later, these mourn'd for him in sooth. XVII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS MOURN'D AND BURIED. 1/9 1048. With all their hearts they mourn'd him, the husband of Kriem- ^ hild. Now masses must be chanted : the minster soon was fill'd With men, and wives, and children, — from every side they came. E'en they who little miss'd him mourn'd Siegfried all the same. 1049. Gemot, and Giselher with him, spake : " Sister dear to me. Now, for this death, take comfort, as verily must be. We will atone unto you as long as we shall live." Yet on the earth was no one who could her comfort give. 1050. His coffin was made ready wellnigh about mid-day ; Then from the bier they raised him, whereon till then he lay. Fain would the noble lady have kept him from the grave ; Which unto her attendants sore trouble surely gave. 1051. In richly broider'd vestment they wrapp'd the body round, And then, I ween, that no one unweeping there was found. With all her heart wept Ute — a noble woman she — And each of her attendants the goodly corpse to see. 1052. When people heard the chanting within the church begin, And knew that he was coffin'd, they throng'd to enter in : For his soul's weal and profit what offerings were made ! In sooth, among the foemen good friends enough he had ! 1053- Kriemhilda, the poor lady, said to her chamberlain : " The love they bear towards me will be to them a bane, Seeing they grudge him nothing and hold me also dear ; For Siegfried's weal 'tis fitting that they his gold should share. l8o THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1054. There was no child so Uttle, who any wit might have, But join'd in the almsgiving, ere he was laid in grave. More than a hundred masses were sung ere day was done And Siegfried's friends and kinsmen came thronging ev'ry one. 1055- When ended was the chanting the people went away. Then spake the lady Kriemhild : " Ye must not let me stay Alone to watch beside him, this knight exceeding brave. My joys are, with his body, all buried in the grave. 1056. "Three days and three nights longer here would I keep him still. Until of my dear husband my heart has had its fill. Then what if God should order that death should take me too ? Then would poor Kriemhild's sorrows no longer trouble you." 1057. The people from the city now homewards went their way. The priests and monks Kriemhilda besought with her to stay, And eke her own attendants, to watch beside the knight. Forbidding was the darkness and wearisome the light. 1058. From eating and from drinking did many a man abstain. If any cared to take it, to them it was made plain That they might have in plenty : Siegmund of that took care. And yet, full many a labour the Niblung-folk must share : 1059. For three whole days, unceasing, — the story thus we hear — They who had skill in singing must needs the burden bear Of chanting many an office. What alms to them folk paid ! They who were poor aforetime now wealth in plenty had. XVII.] HOW SIEGFRIED WAS MOURN'D AND BURIED. l8l 1060. Whe*t!e'er they found poor people who nothing had to bring, They sent them to the minster, with gold for offering From Siegfried's treasure taken. Since life he could not have. Of marks for his soul's welfare they many thousand gave. 1061. The first-fruits were divided in all the land around, Wherever cloister-houses or goodly folk were found. Of silver and of raiment the poor got ample store : Men did the like as showing what love to him they bore. 1062. Upon the third day early, just at the hour of Mass, The churchyard wide extending, — that by the minster was, — With country-people's wailing was fill'd from end to end. In death they did him service, as to a well-loved friend. 1063. In those four days of mourning, indeed, it hath been said, That marks full thirty-thousand, or even more, were paid For sake of his soul's welfare, and given to the poor. Laid low was all his beauty, his life was now no more. 1064. When God was served duly, and all the chants were sung, A dreadful cry of sorrow arose from out the throng ; Out of the minster must they now bear him to his grave. Those who were loth to lose him fresh tears and cries forth gave. 1065. With cries of lamentation the people follow'd then ; The faces all were joyless of women and of men. Ere in his grave they laid him they sang and read withal; Ay ! and the priests were worthy who gave him burial. 1 82 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1066. Or ever Siegfried's widow had come unto the grave, Her faithful heart with sorrow such bitter strife did have That they must needs revive her with water from the spring ; Her bitterness of sorrow was past all measuring. 1067. It was a mickle wonder that strength again she found. With cries of pity, helping, the women throng'd around. Then spake the Queen : " O liegemen of Siegfried, hearken ye ! I pray you of your fealty a favour grant to me, — 1068. " That after all my sorrow this small grace I may gain, And on his goodly features may set my eyes again." So long did she beseech them, with all her sorrow's strength, That they the splendid coffin must break apart at length. 1069. And then they brought the lady to where her love did lie^ And she his fair head lifted, with white hand tenderly. And in his death she kiss'd him, — the noble knight and good ; Her shining eyes, for sorrow, were weeping tears of blood. 1070. It was a piteous parting, if ever there was one. And so away they bore her ; she could not go alone, For in a swoon and senseless that noble wife lay low ; Her life, for weal appointed, was wellnigh lost in woe. 1071. When now their noble master within his grave was laid, Unmeasured was the sorrow that all his followers had, Who from the Niblung country had borne him company ; And little joy or gladness in Siegmund was to see. XVIII.] HOW SIEGMUND WENT BACK TO HIS OWN LAND. 1 83 1072. Amongst them there were many who, for their sorrow's sake, Till those three days were ended nor meat nor drink did take. Yet could they not their bodies abandon utterly : So feasting folio w'd sorrow, as evermore will be. ) ADVENTURE XVIII.— HOW SIEGMUND WENT BACK TO HIS OWN LAND. 1073. Kriemhilda's husband's father had to her presence come. And to the queen thus spake he : " We now would fain go home ; I trow that we in Rhineland, unwelcome guests must be. Kriemhilda, dearest lady, come to my land with me. 1074. " Since that your noble husband, by treason underhand, Hath from us all been taken here in this very land, You must not overlook it : I will be kind to you For love of my son Siegfried ; doubt not that this is true. 1075- Henceforward also. Lady, to you the power I'll yield That the bold warrior Siegfried did teach you how to wield. The land and the crown likewise shall subject be to you; And all of Siegfried's vassals will gladly service do." 1076. Then were the servants bidden that thence they were to ride ; — It was a mighty business the horses to provide ! Amidst their bitter foemen to dwell were sorry cheer. They bade the dames and maidens to seek their travelling gear. 1 84 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1077. And when King Siegmund also was ready forth to ride, The kinsmen of Kriemhilda besought her to abide : Her place was with her mother, and there to stay ought she. Then spake the noble lady : " Nay, that can hardly be ! 1078. " How could I bear for ever him with these eyes to see, Through whom to me, poor woman, hath come such misery ? " Then Giselher, the youthful, made answer : " Sister dear. For duty's sake now shouldst thou bide with thy mother here. 1079. ** Of them who have distressed thee, and brought thee to despair. Thou dost require no service ; my fortune thou shalt share." But to the knight she answer'd : " Nay, this can never be ; I needs must die of sorrow if I should Hagen see." 1080. '* I'll see that doth not happen, my sister dear," quoth he, " With Giselher thy brother in safety shouldst thou be ; Amends willT make to thee, for thy dear husband's death." Then spake the poor forlorn one : "True need Kriemhilda hath !" 1081. When this so kindly offer to her the young man made, Ut^ and also Gemot fell likewise to persuade. With all her faithful kinsfolk : they begged her not to go : For amongst Siegfried's kindred not many did she know. 1082. "They are all strangers to thee," Gemot began to say; ** So strong is no man living but he must die one day. Bethink thee then, dear sister, and comfort thy sad mood ; Stay with thy friends and kinsmen : it will be for thy good." N XVIII.] HOW SIEGMUND WENT BACK TO HIS OWN LAND. 1 85 1083. So Giselher she promised that there she would abide. The horses all were ready for Siegmund's men to ride, — Who would be homeward riding unto the Niblung-land ; The pack-horses all laden with knightly gear did stand. 1084. Lord Siegmund came, and standing before Kriemhilda, then Said he unto the lady: " The whole of Siegfried's men Await you by the horses ; 'tis time we rode away, — For willingly I would not with the Burgundians stay." 1085. But lady Kriemhild' answer'd : " My friends their counsel give — So many as are faithful — that I with them should live : For I have ne'er a kinsman within the Niblung-land." ^ Sad was the heart of Siegmund when he did understand. 1086. Then answer'd her King Siegmund : " Let that be said by none ! Rather than to my kinsmen I'll give to you my crown. With power and might you'll wear it, as you have done before ; You shall be none the worse that our hero is no more. 1087. " Come back with us, if only it were for your child's sake : You surely will not, lady, the babe an orphan make. When once your son a man is he'll comfort your sad mood ; Meanwhile you'll have the service of many heroes good." 1088. She spake : " Sir Siegmund, truly I cannot with you ride. Whate'er may happen to me here must I still abide Among my friends and kinsfolk, and mourn with me they will." The good knights at this answer began to take it ill. 1 86 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1089. With one accord they answer'd : "Then must we fain confess That for the first time, truly, our hearts know bitterness, Since you indeed are wilHng here with our foes to bide : On such a grievous journey did heroes never ride." 1090. Said she : " Ye may, God-speeding, without foreboding fare : Safe-conduct shall be given — of that I'll have a care — From here to Siegmund's country. As for my darling child, Unto ye knights I trust him, and to your mercies mild ! " J091. When they were well persuaded that thence she would not go, The lieges all of Siegmund did weep for very woe. How full of bitter sorrow was Siegmund when his leave He took of dame Kriemhilda ! Then knew he how to grieve. 1092. "Woe be on these great doings," the noble king quoth he : " An ending worse of pleasure there ne'er again can be To king or to his kinsfolk, than this to us has been. No more shall we henceforward in Burgundy be seen." 1093. Then loud, that all might hear them, the men of Siegfried spake : " Yet once again the journey may we to this land make. When we shall have discover'd who laid our master low. They'll have among his kinsfolk stout enemies enow ! " 1094. And so he kiss'd Kriemhilda ; and mournfully did say, Whenas he saw for certain she had a mind to stay : " Now will we unrejoicing go home unto our land. My sorrow for the first time now do I understand." XVIII.] HOW SIEGMUND WENT BACK TO HIS OWN LAND. 18/ 1095. From Worms without an escort unto the Rhine they rode ; Well might they, notwithstanding, be confident of mood, That if they should of foemen an onset have to ward, The hands of stalwart Niblungs would serve them for a guard. 1096. Leave did they take of no man ere they set forth to ride. But Giselher and Gemot were presently espied All kindly coming t'wards him : his sorrow made them grieve. As soon these gallant heroes did bring him to believe. 1097. For then the princely Gemot right courteously said : " Be God in Heaven my witness ! that Siegfried now is dead Is through no fault on my part, nor have I heard men tell Who wish'd him any evil : so can I mourn him well." 1098. Then had they a safe-conduct at Giselher's own hand : And carefully he led them in time, from out the land. The king and all his warriors to Netherland got home. How little could their kindred rejoice to see them come ! 1099. And what befell them after I cannot rightly say. And still one heard Kriemhilda bewailing day by day That none could give her comfort, in either heart or mood. But Giselher, who only was true to her and good. 1 100. The beauteous Brunhilda still arrogantly sat : Howe'er Kriemhilda fretted she took no thought for that, And never more in goodwill did turn to her again. Erelong the dame Kriemhilda did wring her heart with pain. 1 88 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. ADVENTURE XIX.— HOW THE NIBELUNG HOARD WAS BROUGHT TO WORMS. IIOI. Now when the noble Kriemhild a widow thus was made Count Eckewart was with her, and in the land he stay'd With all his men, and daily he served her without fail, And helped his lady often his master to bewail. II02. At Worms, hard by the minster, they built for her a hall : 'Twas very wide and lofty, and richly deck'd withal. There, with her own attendants, all joylessly sat she. She loved the church's service and went there willingly. 1103. From where her love lay buried, she seldom was away ; With sorrow-laden spirit she went there every day. She prayed to God Almighty to keep his soul aright. And faithfully and often bewailed was the knight. 1 104. Ut^ and all her women to cheer her aye were fain ; Yet was the heart within her so sorely smit with pain, However they might comfort she took not any heed. She had for her beloved such all-surpassing need, 1105. As for a well-loved husband no other wife ere found. Thus might one see how virtues in her did much abound. Unto her end she mourn'd him, as long as she had life, And soon a mighty vengeance took valiant Siegfried's wife ! XIX.] HOW THE HOARD WAS BROUGHT TO WORMS. 1 89 1 106. So after all this sorrow — 'tis truth — she did abide Until the fourth year's halving from when her husband died ; Nor all this time 'twixt Gunther and her did speech arise, Nor did she once on Hagen, her enemy, set eyes. 1107. Then Hagen spake, of Tronje : " Could you not so contrive That you might with your sister in friendly fashion live ? That so unto this country might come the Niblung gold : If but the queen were friendly, your gain were manifold." 1 108. He said: "We must attempt it; my brothers are with her; We'll beg them so to urge her that she be friendlier, Until at last prevail we that she thereto agree." Quoth Hagen : '' I misdoubt me that that will ever be." 1109. He presently bade Ortwein unto her court to go Likewise the margrave Gere : and both of them did so. And Giselher the youthful and Gemot, too, they brought, Who straightway Dame Kriemhilda in friendly wise besought. TIIO. To her the valiant Gemot of Burgundy then said : " Too long hast thou, O Lady, bewail'd thy Siegfried dead ! The king to you will swear that by him he was not slain. Still day by day one hears thee so bitterly complain." mi. Said she : " None doth accuse him : 'twas Hagen's hand that slew ; And where he might be stricken from me alone he knew. How could I have believed that such hate to him he bore ? More care would I have taken " — the Queen said furthermore — 190 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1 1 12. " Ere any word of mine had his noble life betray . . Then little cause for weeping should I, poor wife ad. No more can I have kindness for those who this ■ le." Then Giselher besought her, the brave and come.^ ne. *'To greet the king I'm willing," she did at last de 'aie : With his best friends before her one saw him soon ppear. But Hagen durst at no time within her presence ^ His guiltiness well knew he ; 'twas he who wrought ner woe. 1114. Since she her hate to Gunther was willing to forswear, 'Twould better have beseem'd him to kiss her then and there. Were 't not that by his counsel her sorrows had been made, He might have met Kriemhilda with boldness undismay'd. Ne'er was a reconcilement, when friend by friend was met, More tearfully accomplish'd : her sorrow rankled yet. Save only one amongst them, she pardon'd every one : He ne'er were slain, if Hagen the murder had not done. 1116. Not very long thereafter they brought it so about That unto dame Kriemhilda the mighty hoard came out Of Niblung-land, and safely was to the Rhine conveyed. It was her wedding dowry, and rightly hers was made. 1117. 'Twas Gemot who went for it, and with him Giselher And eighty-hundred liegemen, who had commands from her To go and fetch the treasure from where it lay unseen, Since Alberich its keeper, with trusty friends, had been. XIX.] HOW THE HOARD WAS BROUGHT TO WORMS. 19I 1 1 18. Now when they saw the Rhine-men coming the hoard to take, The ever-vahant Albrich unto his comrades spake : "We dare not keep the treasure withholden from her power, Seeing the noble lady can claim it as her dower. 1 1 19. " Yet never would the matter have come to such a pass, Had we not had," said Albrich, " the evil luck, alas ! The goodly cap of darkness with Siegfried's self to lose : Which fair Kriemhilda's husband was ever wont to use. 1120. " Now evil unto Siegfried hath happen'd since the day That from our hands the hero the Tarnhelm took away, And all this land by conquest did to his service bind." Then went the treasure-keeper straightway the keys to find. 1121. At the hill-foot were waiting the Queen Kriemhilda's men And sundry of her kinsmen ; the treasure bore they then Down to the lake-shore, lading their vessel with the same : Then o'er the waves they took it and up the Rhine-stream came. Now may you of this treasure a wondrous story hear : It took a dozen wagons it from the mount to bear ; Four days and nights they ceased not to carry it away ; And each must make the journey, so laden, thrice a day. 1123. Naught else but gold and jewels within this treasure lay; And had one taken from it what would the whole world pay, 'T would not have seem'd to eyesight of one mark's value quit. Ay ! Not without some reason did Hagen covet it. 192 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1124. The gem of all lay lowest — a little rod of gold. Whoever understood it he might the mastery hold In all the world's dominions, o'er every race of men. Of Albrich's kinsmen many did follow Gemot then. 1125. As soon as they had carried the hoard to Gunther's land, And thus the queen had taken the whole into her hand, The storerooms and the towers were full as they could hold. Never of such vast treasure the marvel hath been told. 1126. And even were the treasure increased a thousand fold, And she once more might Siegfried in health and strength behold, Gladly to him would Kriemhild have empty-handed gone : For never could a hero a truer wife have won. 1127. Now that she had the treasure, she brought unto the land Full many a stranger- warrior ; in truth the lady's hand Her bounty gave so largely, the like had ne'er been known. This queen had many virtues : that all the folk did own. 1128. To poor men and to wealthy she now began to give So much, that Hagen argued : if she perchance should live For long enough, 'twas likely so many would she win To stay there in her service, that 'twould go ill with him. 1129. King Gunther said : " Her own are her body and estate ; What she shall do with either how then can I dictate ? Nay, hardly could I compass that she became thus kind : So let both gold and silver go as she hath a mind." XIX.] HOW THE HOARD WAS BROUGHT TO WORMS. I93 1130. But to the king said Hagen : " No prudent man and wise Would leave to such a woman a treasure of this size. In gifts we'll see her spend it and squander the whole store, ^ And then the bold Burgundians may rue it evermore." 1131. Then answer'd him king Gunther : " To her an oath I swore That I to her would never do any evil more; And that will I abide by, for she my sister is." But thereunto said Hagen : " Let me be blamed for this." 1132. The oaths that they had taken they reckon'd all for naught. And from the widow's keeping the mighty hoard they brought. And quietly did Hagen of all the keys get hold. Wroth was her brother Gemot when he the truth was told. 1133- Then spake the noble Giselher : " Hagen a deal of ill Hath done unto my sister : reckon with him I will. And were he not my kinsman, 'twould stand him in his life." Then once again to weeping fell Siegfried's widow'd wife. 1134- Then up and spake Lord Gemot : " Ere we be troubled aye By reason of this treasure, we'll take it all away And sink it in the Rhine-stream; then will it no man's be." To Giselher her brother then went she woefully. She spake : " Beloved brother, thou must take thought for me ; Of both my life and substance the guardian thou shouldst be." Then spake he to the lady : "This will I undertake When we have home returned : we have a ride to take." o 194 TJTE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1136. The king and all his kinsmen now left their land behind — The best of all were taken that one therein could find — None stay'd save Hagen only ; that did he for the hate He bore unto Kriemhilda ; with purpose did he wait. II37- Before the mighty king came back to his home again, Hagen had meanwhile managed the treasure great to gain. Down in the Rhine at Lochheim he sank it bodily. He hoped yet to enjoy it : but that was not to be. 1138. The princes came back shortly, and with them many a man. Of her great loss Kriemhilda to make complaint began. And all her maids and ladies : great was their grief, in sooth. Ready with faithful service was Giselher the youth. II39- They one and all said : " Hagen hath done us a foul wrong. Then from the princes' anger he kept aloof for long, Till he regain'd their favour ; and so they left him free : Yet never to Kriemhilda could he more hateful be. 1 1 40. Before Hagen of Tronje had hidden thus the hoard. They made a pact together and with strong oaths assured. That it should remain hidden as long as each should live : None for himself should take it, nor to another give. 1141. So now again with sorrow her heart was desolate : First for her husband's murder, and now that her estate Had all been taken from her. Thus she became a prey Unto her grief for ever until her dying day. XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 1 9$ IT42. After the death of Siegfried, as verily appears, With many troubles burthen'd she dwelt for thirteen years; And all the while could never forget the warrior dead. She aye was faithful to him : that all the people said. ADVENTURE XX. — HOW KING ETZEL SENT TO BURGUNDY AFTER KRIEMHILDA. II43- Now on a time it happen'd that lady Helka died; Then was King Etzel minded to woo another bride. His friends all bade him look to the land of Burgundy, Towards a high-born widow ; Kriemhilda named was she. 1 144. Soon after the fair Helka departed had this life, Quoth they : " If thou would'st ever possess a noble wife, — The highest and most worthy that king did ever have, Then take this self-same lady, widow of Siegfried brave." II45- " How might that be accompli sh'd," then said the mighty king, " Seeing I am a heathen and ne'er had christening ? The lady is a Christian ; she never would agree. A miracle must happen, if this should ever be." 1 146. The ready ones made answer : " What if perchance she should ? With thy high name to help thee and all thy substance good. To wdn the noble lady one very well might try. To woo so fair a person would please you verily." 196 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1147. Then said the noble sovereign : " Doth any one of you The people of the Rhine-land and eke the country know?" Good Riideger made answer, who from Bechlaren came : " I've known her from her childhood, this queen of noble name. 1 148. " King Gunther and King Gemot, the noble knights and brave, And Giselher, the third one, — each ever doth behave In such wise as high honour and virtue too have taught ; Nor elsewise from aforetime have their forefathers wrought." 1149. But furthermore said Etzel : '' Friend, I would learn of thee If in my land she 's worthy to wear the crown with me? And if she 's fair of body as has to me been said ? — Then those to me most friendly, need never be dismay'd." 1150. *' Indeed unto my lady in beauty likeneth she. To Helka, the most mighty ; ay ! in this world could be For any king whatever never a wife more fair. To whom her love she plighteth he may be of good cheer." 1151. He spake : *' Then win her, Riideger, if dear to thee am I. And if beside Kriemhilda it e'er be mine to lie, I will reward thee for it as fully as may be ; — Seeing thou wilt my wishes have compass'd thoroughly. 1152. ** So much out of my treasure I'll have bestow'd on thee That thou and thy companions may live right merrily ; Of horses and of raiment whatever you may need, I will have for your journey made ready with all speed." XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. I97 1153- Sir Riideger made answer : — a mighty margrave he — "Did I thy riches covet, that were unpraiseworthy. Unto the Rhine thy message to bear I shall be glad At charge of mine own fortune, which from thy hands I had." 1154. Then spake the mighty sovereign : *'Now when wilt thou fare hence To seek this lovely lady ? May God give thee defence And honour in the journey, and eke this lady mine, May she to us, luck helping, a gracious ear incline." Then Riideger spake further : " Ere yet we leave the land, We must prepare both raiment and weapons to our hand, That so before the princes due honour we may have. I'll lead unto the Rhine-land five hundred warriors brave. 1156. "So, me and mine beholding, the men of Burgundy Shall every man among them be fain to testify That ne'er from king in those parts on such a journey went So many men or better than thou to the Rhine hast sent. 1157. " And be it not displeasing by thee, great ruler, found That, noble love obeying, she was in wedlock bound To Siegfried, son of Siegmund ; him hast thou here beheld. In honour great he must be in truth for ever held." 1158. Then said King Etzel: "Though she was wife unto that knight, Yet was his noble body so precious in my sight, That on the queen I cannot e'er look disdainfully ; By her exceeding beauty right well she pleaseth me." igS THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1159. Then spake to him the margrave : " The four and twentieth day From now, I dare to promise, shall see us on our way. ril send and tell Gotlinda, my dear wife, presently, That I myself will envoy unto Kriemhilda be." 1160. So thence unto Bechlaren sent Riideger straightway. Both sorrowful and proud was the margravine that day. A wife by him, he told her, must for the king be woo'd ; Still tenderly, as living, she thought of Helka good. 1161. For when her husband's letter the margravine did spell Some little was she troubled and straight to weeping fell. Would she another mistress like her have e'er again ? And when she thought of Helka it gave her heartfelt pain. 1162. In seven days' space had Riideger set forth from Hungary. A glad man was King Etzel, and gay at heart was he. Already in Vienna the travelling gear was made, Nor would he that the journey should longer be delayed. 1163. Gotlinda at Bechlaren awaited Riideger ; The margravine his daughter was also waiting there, And glad she was on seeing her father and his men. And many fair young maidens watch'd kindly for them then. 1 1 64. Ere Riideger the noble forth for Bechlaren went From out Vienna's city, all his accoutrement Was perfectly made ready and on the sumpters laid. They travell'd in such fashion that nothing was waylaid. XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. I99 1165. When they to Bechelaren within the town did fare, The host his fellow travellers bade kindly welcome there, And offer'd board and lodging. Good quarters each one had. The noble Gotelinda to see him come was glad. it66. Likewise his well-loved daughter, the little margravine. At her dear father's coming could ne'er have gladder been. The heroes out of Huns' land how glad she was to see ! And them the noble maiden accosted merrily : 1167. "Right heartily be welcome my father and his men !" And readily, to thank her, fair words were spoken then Unto the margrave's daughter, by many a worthy knight. Sir Riideger's demeanour Gotlinda read aright. 1168. For when alone at night-time by Riideger she lay, How lovingly besought him the margravine to say Whither the king from Huns' land had bidden him to go. Said he : " My wife Got'linda, I'll gladly let thee know. 1169. ''I for the king my master must seek another wife, Now that the beauteous Helka departed hath this life. Therefore to fetch Kriemhilda unto the Rhine ride we ; To Huns' land she is coming a mighty queen to be." 1170. " God grant," said Gotelinda, " that that may come to pass Since we have heard, in honour, how much she doth surpass. She may replace my lady belike, in days to be. We'll let her wear in Huns' land the queen's crown willingly." 200 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1171. Then said the margrave to her : " Beloved wife of mine, The men who hence are riding with me unto the Rhine, All kindly must thou offer with them thy stores to share : When heroes fare right nobly more stout of heart they are." 1172. She answered : " There is no man who cares to take of me, To whom whate'er beseemeth I give not willingly, Or ever hence depart ye, thou and thy fighting men." Then said to her the margrave : " So doth it please me then." II73- Ay, and what noble garments they from the store-rooms bare ! For every noble warrior there was a plenteous share. All lined they were with peltry downwards from throat to spur ; What best his purpose suited was chosen of Riideger. 1174. Upon the seventh morning from Bechelaren rode The host with all his warriors. Weapons and raiment good They bore with them in plenty through the Bavarian land ; Nor on the road were harass'd by any robber band. II75- Within a twelve days' journey they to the Rhine did ride ; The tidings of their coming small chance there was to hide. Some to the king gave warning, and eke his men did tell. That stranger-guests were coming. The host to asking fell 1176. If they were known to any ? that was he fain to know. One saw their sumpter-horses so heavy-laden go : That they were very wealthy was plain enough to see. In the great town was found them a hostel presently. XX.] NOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 201 1177. Now when ihe all-unknown ones were given an abode, Upon these self-same nobles vast was the heed bestow'd : Men wondered whence the warriors to the Rhine had found their way. The host sent after Hagen, if haply he could say. 1178. Then spake the knight of Tronje : " I have not seen them yet, I doubtless may declare you when sight of them I get, From whence they've come a- riding into this land. I trow They must indeed be strangers if naught of them I know." 1179. By this time every stranger a place of lodging had. Then forward came the envoy, in rich apparel clad, With all his noble comrades ; and so to court they rode. Fine raiment were they wearing right well-devised in mode. 1 180. Then quoth the ready Hagen : " For all that I can tell — Not having seen these nobles for somewhat of a spell — Such like is their demeanour as Riideger might have, Out of the Hunnish country, — a noble knight and brave." " How am I to believe it," the king replied straightway, " That he of Bechelaren is hither come this day ? " But as the royal Gunther from speaking did forbear, Bold Hagen saw for certain that it was Riideger. 1182. He and his friends to meet them, did hasten everyone. One saw from off their horses five hundred knights stand down. These messengers from Hunsland right welcome were they made. And never yet were envoys so gallantly array'd. 202 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1183. Then Hagen spake of Tronje, and in a loud voice cried : " Now in God's name be welcome ye thanes who hither ride, The Warden of Bechlaren, and each one of his men." An honourable greeting the doughty Huns had then. 1 184. King Gunther's nearest kinsmen, came forth to where they were, The lord of Metz, Sir Ortwein, then said to Riideger : " Ne'er yet in all our life-time have we until this day Set eyes on guests so gladly : that may I truly say." 1185. Thanks gave they for the greeting unto the warriors all; So with their noble escort, they went unto the hall. And there they found King Gunther with a gallant company, And from his throne upstood he, such was his courtesy. 1186. With what right courtly breeding did he the envoys meet ! Gemot, as well as Gunther, was full of zeal to greet The guest and eke his liegemen, as did his rank demand. Good Riideger King Gunther himself took by the hand. 1187. Unto the seat he led him, on which himself he sat : Then to the strangers served they, — all gladly did they that — Of right good mead full beakers, and of the best of wine • That ever one could meet with in all the land of Rhine. Now Giselher and Gere had both of them appear'd ; And Dankwart, too, and Volker, who all of them had heard About the guests arriving ; they were in gladsome mood : Before the king they greeted the noble knights and good. XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 2O3 1 189. Then Hagen, knight of Tronje, unto his lord did say : " These warriors of ours should be beholden aye For kindness that the margrave hath shown to us before : Fair Gotelinda's husband must have reward therefore." 1190. Then spake the royal Gunther : " I can no more delay ; In health how are they faring, that tell to me, I pray ; — Etzel, I mean, and Helka, who over Hunsland reign ? " "All will I," said the margrave, "gladly to you make plain.' 1191. Straight from the seat uprose he, as eke did all his men, And to the king thus spake he : "If thus it may be then, And you, O prince, allow it, I will no more delay The tidings that I bring you, but willingly will say." 1192. He said : " Whatever the tidings that unto us you bear, I wait not friendly counsel, but bid you to declare. Let me and my men hear them, whatever they may be ; I bid you, in all honour, discharge your embassy." 1293. Then spake the trusty envoy : " To you upon the Rhine His faithful service tenders that mightful lord of mine ; To every friend moreover that unto you may be, This message I deliver, in faith and honesty : 1194. " The noble king doth ask for your pity in his need. All joyless are his people : my lady she is dead. The rich and mighty Helka, of my good lord the wife ; And now full many a maiden doth lead an orphan'd life — 204 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. II95- " Children of noble princes, whom she did rear of late — And therefore is the country in lamentable state : These now, alas, have no one to rear them faithfully. I doubt there is no ending to the king's misery." 1196. " Requite him God," said Gunther, " for that to me he sends So willingly his service, as eke unto my friends ! The greeting thou hast brought me right gladly have I heard : My kinsmen and my lieges shall merit his good word." 1 197. Then spake, from the Burgundians, Gemot the warrior : " The world fair Helka's dying may rue for evermore, For all her many virtues, which she to cherish knew." The doughty knight. Sir Hagen, agreed that this was true. 1198. But Riideger said further, the high ambassador : " Since you, O king, allow me, I have to tell you more Of that which my dear master hath bidden me fulfil ; Since from the death of Helka things have with him gone ill. 1199. " It hath been told my master that, Siegfried being dead, Kriemhilda is a widow. If this be so, indeed. And you to her will grant it, then she a crown shall wear Before King Etzel's warriors : this have I to declare." The mighty monarch answer'd (in courteous mood was he) " I'll tell her my opinion, if she perchance agree. I'll see that you our answer in three days' time shall know, How should I, ere I've asked her, say unto Etzel, no ? " XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 205 1201. Meanwhile they had good lodgings made ready for each guest. So well provided were they, that Riideger confess'd That he had friends in plenty amongst King Gunther's men ; As he had once served Hagen, so Hagen served him then. 1202. So Riideger abode there till the third day was come. The king a council summon'd, (as was his wise custom) Inquiring of his kinsmen if they would deem it right That Kriemhild should to Etzel her faith in wedlock plight. 1203. They all, save only Hagen, agreed with one accord ; But he unto the warrior, to Gunther spake this word : *' If you are rightly minded, so will you take good heed, That, even though she wish it, you will not do this deed." 1204. "And wherefore," answer'd Gunther, "should I not do this thing? Whate'er of love the future unto the queen may bring, I surely shall not grudge her : sister she is to me. We ought ourselves to seek it, if for her good it be." 1205. But once again spake Hagen : " With further talk be done ! Knew you as much of Etzel as I of him have known, — And were she him to marry, as I have heard you say, — Then would you see good reason, at length to rue the day." 1206. " And wherefore ? " answered Gunther, ".since I should take good care "Never to come so nigh him, e'en though my sister were His wife, that I need suffer from any hate of his." But once again said Hagen : " Til ne'er agree to this." 206 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1207. Then messengers to Gemot and Giselher they sent, To ask of these two princes if they were well- content To have Kriemhilda marry the rich and noble king. Sir Hagen still gainsayed it, but had no following. 1208. Then spake of the Burgundians the warrior Giselher : " Now may you show, friend Hagen, that loyal still you are : Make good to her the evil that you to her have done : If aught may bring her fortune, that should you leave alone. 1209. " You've wrought unto my sister such evil manifold," — So Giselher spake further, — the knight of spirit bold : " That she hath had good reason to hold you in despite. Ne'er yet was any woman bereft of more delight." 12 10. '^ That am I well aware of and willing to allow. And should she marry Etzel and live for long enow, She'll do us yet much evil, howe'er she it contrive ; For many a goodly warrior to serve her there doth live.' Thereon the valiant Gemot to Hagen answered : " In that case it behoves us, until they both be dead. To study that we ride not into King Etzel's land. We must be loyal to her : thus honour doth demand." 1212. Whereto again spake Hagen : "No man can me gainsay ! And should the noble Kriemhild wear Helka's crown one day, She'll do to us a mischief, howe'er it may be done : It better would beseem you to leave the thing alone." XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 20/ 1213. Then wrathfully cried Giselher, of Ute fair the son : " We need not all be traitors, though thou perchance be one ! If honour doth befalt her, right joyful should we be, Whate'er thou sayest, Hagen, I'll serve her faithfully." 1214. When Hagen heard that saying, anger'd was he in mood : For Giselher and Gemot, proud warriors both and good, And mighty Gunther likewise, did all of them agree That if it pleased Kriemhilda they would no hindrance be. 1215. Then spoke the princely Gere : " The lady I'll advise That she do let King Etzel find favour in her eyes : So many knights obey him, and suit and service owe, — He yet may make her happy in spite of all her woe." ^ 1216. Then went the ready warrior where Kriemhild he did see ; She graciously received him : how quickly then spake he ! " Well may you greet me, lady, and give me herald's bread, For good luck comes to save you now out of all your need. 1217. " For love of you, dear lady, lo ! there hath hither sent One of the best and greatest that e'er had government - O'er realm with highest honour, or ever crown shall wear ; And noble knights sue for him : your brother bids declare." 1218. Then spake the sorrow-laden : " Now God prohibit thee And all my friends from making a mockery of me ! Of me, the poor forlorn one ! what could I be to one Who heart-felt love hath ever from a good woman won ? '" 208 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1219. She sorely strove against it ; but presently to her There came her brother Gemot and the lad Giselher. These tenderly besought her to be of cheerful mood : If she the king would marry, 'twould be for her true good. 1220. Not one of them was able the lady to persuade, That she should e'er be willing another man to wed ; Then did the thanes beseech her : " At least we beg of thee — If thou naught else wilt grant us — the messengers to see." I22I.' " That will I not refuse ye," replied the noble wife, *' For gladly would I look on Sir Riideger in life, For all his many virtues. If he it had not been. Whoever were the envoy, I would have stay'd unseen." ^ 1222. T She spake : " To-morrow morning, I pray ye, bid him go To see me in my chamber ; then will I let him know What is my will, right surely : to tell him am I fain." Then did her grievous sorrow break forth in tears again. 1223. To Riideger the noble naught better could have been Than that he should be granted to see the mighty queen : He knew that, could this happen, so wise in words was he, She, by the warrior's talking, must needs persuaded be. 1224. So, early on the morrow, after the mass was sung, Arrived the noble envoys ; then mighty was the throng. Of those who to the palace with Riideger should go, All gallantly accoutred ; one saw a goodly show. XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 209 1225. The highborn dame Kriemhilda her heart with trouble sore, For Riideger was waiting, — the goodly warrior. He found her in the raiment she wore for ev'ry day : But none the less her women had donn'd their best array. 1226. She rose and went to meet him, and by the door she stood, And unto Etzel's liegeman she gave a welcome good. With but eleven comrades he came therein to her. Worship had he, for never came nobler messenger. 1227. One bade them all be seated, — the leader and his men. The while before her standing they saw her margraves twain, Counts Eckewart and Gere, — both noble knights and good. For sake of her, their mistress, none seem'd of ioyful mood. 1228. They saw beside her sitting full many a lady fair. For nothing save her sorrow had Kriemhild any care. The raiment on her bosom was wet with tear-drops hot, Nor fail'd the noble margrave Kriemhilda's grief to note. 1229. Then spake the lordly envoy : " Daughter of kingly race. To me and to my comrades who here with me have place, I pray you leave to grant us that we before you stand *And tell to you the errand that brings us to this land." 1230. ^'- Now be it to you granted," the queen in answer said, " To speak as ye are minded ; for I am purposed Right willingly to listen : thou art a herald good." Yet to the others' hearing unwilling was her mood. 210 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1231. Then he of Bechelaren, Prince Riideger, began : '' With plenteous love, and faithful, Etzel, a great sovran. To this thy land, fair lady, hath sent an embassy Of knights to seek thy favour, — a goodly company. 1232. " He offers thee right frankly love free from all alloy : And eke such stedfast friendship thou shalt with him enjoy, As erewhile did dame Helka, so near his heart who lay. Ay, he hath mourn'd her virtues for many a joyless day." 1233. " Sir Riideger the margrave," in answer spake the queen, ■ " No one who hath already my bitter sorrow seen. To any man would bid me myself in wedlock bind. Ay ! I have lost the best one that ever wife did find." 1234. " What else," the bold man answer'd, "for sorrow may atone So well as loving friendship, if such may be, from one Who for himself is choosing what seems to him the best ? Naught, after heartfelt sorrow, can give such happy rest. 1235- " If to my noble master to give thy love thou'lt deign, Of twelve right wealthy kingdoms thou shalt be sovereign. My lord will also give you full thirty princes' lands. Each one of which was conquer'd by his all-potent hands. 1236 "Thereto shalt thou be mistress of many a worthy wight Who to my lady Helka did service owe of right ; And over many a lady who dwelt beneath her sway, Of high and princely lineage." Thus did the bold knight say. XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 211 1237. " My lord will likewise give thee, as he doth bid me say — If with the king thou deignest to wear the crown one day — The highest power that ever he unto Helka gave : Thou over Etzel's vassals authority shalt have." 1238. Then spake the queen : "What pleasure remains for me in life, That ever I should covet to be a hero's wife ? Such sorrow have I suffer'd all through the death of one, That I must aye be joyless, until my life be done." 1239. But once more spake the Hunsman : '* Most high and noble queen, Your life along with Etzel so glorious would be seen, Naught would it be but gladness, if this should come to pass : And many a handsome warrior the mighty monarch has." 1240. "The damsels of Queen Helka, the maids that follow thee, Shall make with one another a single company ; A sight at which the warriors shall merry be of mood. Be counsell'd therefore, lady ; in sooth 'tis for thy good ! " 1241. With courtesy she answer'd : " Now let this parley be 'Until to-morrow early ; then come again to me And you shall have my answer to what you have at heart." . Needs must the valiant warrior agree, and so depart. 1242. When they unto their hostel had all returned home, Then sent the noble lady for Giselher to come. And likewise for her mother : and unto both did vow, That nothing else save weeping was fitting for her now. 212 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1243. Said Giselher, her brother : " Sister, 'tis my belief— And some to me have said it— that all thy bitter grief King Etzel will make vanish : and shouldst thou marry him— Whatever others counsel — well done I will it deem. 1244. " He surely may console thee," said Giselher again : " From Rhone unto the Rhine-stream, from Elbe unto the main, There's not another sovran so powerful as he. Right soon may'st thou be happy, if wife he makes of thee." 1245. " My brother well beloved, how canst thou thus advise ? To weep and mourn seems ever more fitting in mine eyes. How, at the court there, should I before the warriors go ? If ever I were comely, no longer am I so." 1246. Then spake the lady Ute her daughter dear unto : " Whate'er thy brothers counsel, fail not, dear child, to do ; Follow thy friends' advising, so will it prosper thee. Too long have I beheld thee in thy great misery." 1247. Then God she pray'd right sorely that store of worldly gear. Of silver, gold and raiment be granted unto her, To give ; as when her husband in life and health she had ; Though never as aforetime could life again be glad. 1248. Within her heart she ponder'd : " Shall I my body give — Who am a Christian woman — and with a heathen wive ? Fore all the world and ever disgrace on me 'twould bring, — Though all his wealth he gave me, I would not do this thing ! ' XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 213 1249. And so she left the matter : but all night long, till day, The lady on her pillow with endless brooding lay. Her eyes that shone so brightly, from tears were never dried, Until at dawn of morning unto the mass she hied. 1250. The kings came thither also close on the hour of mass ; They had been taking counsel upon their sister's case : To marry they advised her the king of Hungary. But neither found the lady disposed more cheerfully. 1251. Forthwith were orders given King Etzel's men to bring. Who now would leave have taken and home been travelling, — Accepted or rejected, whichever of the twain. Then to the court came Riideger. The heroes urged again 1252. That he should rightly fathom the noble Gunther's mood. And do it very quickly : to all did this seem good : To get back to their country, they needs must journey far. And so unto Kriemhilda they usher'd Riideger. 1253. With kindly words of pleading began the warrior ; *rhe noble queen beseeching that she would let him hear What message for his master, to Etzel's land she sent. T ween he found her answer naught save discouragement : 1254. That she forsooth would never again wed anyone. Whereon the margrave answer'd : ■ ' That surely were ill-done ! Why shouldst thou thy fair body so wastefully disdain ? Thou mightst become with honour a good man's wife again." 214 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1255- But naught avail'd their praying, until that Riideger All privately did whisper into the great queen's ear, That all she ever suffer'd he would make good again. Whereat her great misliking somewhat began to wane. 1256. Unto the queen thus spake he : " Let now your weeping be. If you among the Hunsfolk had ne'er a friend save me, And all my trusty kinsmen, and eke my liegemen true, Hath any done you evil right dearly should he rue." 1257. Thenceforth the lady's humour somewhat more gentle grew. She said : " An oath now give me : whatever men may do That you will be the first one to right mine injury." Whereto the margrave answer'd : "That will I readily." 1258. With all his men did Riideger swear by an oath to her That he would serve her truly ; and that no warrior Should ever aught deny her, throughout King Etzel's land, In what concern'd her honour. So pledged her Riideger's hand, 1259. Then, faithful-hearted, thought she : " Since on my will to wait IVe met with friends so many, I'll let the people prate Howe'er they have a mind to, of me, poor wretched wife ! What if I yet have vengeance for my dear husband's life ? " 1260. She thought : ''Since Etzel holdeth so many knights in fee, I also may command them, and do what pleaseth me. So wealthy is he also, I shall have much to give : Me did that hateful Hagen of all my goods deprive." XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 21$ 1261. To Riideger thus spake she : " If it were known to me That he were not an heathen, I would come willingly, Whithersoe'er he listeth, and take him for my lord." The margrave answer'd : " Lady, heed not a single word. 1262. " He hath so many warriors, who in Christ's faith believe That with the king at no time shall you have cause to grieve. What if your faith should win him to take the Christian life ? Then might you well be happy to be King Etzel's wife." 1263. Then said her brothers also : " Now, sister mine, say ' Yes,' And so be quit for ever of your unhappiness." Thus long did they beseech her, till, full of sorrow, she Before the heroes promised King Etzel's wife to be. 1264. She said : '* You will I follow, a queen right sad of heart. And fare with you to Huns' land ; so may we now depart, When I the friends have found me to bring me to his land." To that, before the heroes, fair Kriemhild gave her hand. 1265. Then to her said the margrave : " Hast thou a pair of men, To them I can add many : it will be easy then To bring you with due honour unto Rhine's further side : No longer, mid Burgundians, lady, must thou abide. 1266. " I have five hundred liegemen, and kinsmen too, of whom Thou mayst command the service, — or here, or there at home To do thy bidding, lady ; and I will do the same, Whene'er thou claim 'st my promise, — that so I have no shame. 2l6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1267. ** Now see that you have ready your horse accoutrement ; What Riideger doth counsel you never shall repent ; And say this to your maidens whom you will thither bring : ^ Ay, many a chosen hero shall we meet travelling.' " 1268. Still much of wrought equipment from Siegfried's time they had, That had been used in riding ; wherewith full many a maid Might take the road with honour whene'er they thence should fare. Ay ! goodly were the saddles they gave the ladies fair. 1269. If such-like costly raiment they ere had worn before, Now ready for the journey they had a goodly store ; For of the King such marvels had unto them been said. Chests that had long been standing close-lock'd were open laid. 1270. Unwearyingly work'd they till unto the fifth day ; They sought from out the presses the stores that in them lay. Her treasure-chests to open Kriemhild herself did go. On Riideger's good liegemen she fain would wealth bestow. 1271. Still had she somewhat over of gold from Niblung-land ; (Among the Huns she thought to divide it with her hand), A hundred sumpter horses the load could nowise bear. This tale about Kriemhilda was brought to Hagen's ear. 1272. Quoth he : " Because Kriemhilda will ne'er to me be kind, The gold that once was Siegfried's, she needs must leave behind. Why should I such a treasure unto my foes let go ? Right well I know what Kriemhild with all this gold will do. XX.] HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 21/ 1273. " For if she hence should bring it, I'll wager verily 'Twould be in largesse given to stir up hate for me. They have not e'en the horses to carry it away. 'Tis Hagen's will to keep it, thus unto Kriemhild' say." 1274. Now when she heard this message, smit to the heart was she. The word was likewise carried unto the kings all three. Fain would they have gainsaid it, but as this did no good, Sir Riideger the noble outspake in joyous mood : 1275- '*0, mighty Queen, and noble, why grieve ye for this gold? When unto you king Etzel such kindliness doth hold. That when his eyes behold you, he'll give such riches rare That you can never spend it : that, lady, will I swear." 1276. To him the queen made answer: "Most noble Riideger, Never had a king's daughter more wealth bequeath'd to her Than that of which Sir Hagen hath now despoiled me." Then went her brother Gemot unto the treasury. 1277. By right the king's key took he and put it in the door : And gold therefrom withdrew they, that was of Kriemhild's store ; Of marks full thirty thousand or something more they had : He bade the guests to take it : and Gunther was right glad. 1278. Then he from Bechelaren, dame Gotelinda's lord, Said : " If my lady Kriemhild yet own^d all the hoard Such as it was aforetime when brought from Niblung-land, Nor I, nor the queen either, would touch it with our hand. 2l8 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1279. " Now back let it be taken, for of it will I naught ; Sufficient from my country, ay, of mine own, I brought, That we can do without it right well upon the way. And all our homeward charges right royally can pay." 1280. Unto that end her maidens had meanwhile pieces told Into a dozen coffers, all of the finest gold That ever one might meet with : these with them they would bear, And ornaments for ladies upon the road to wear. 1281. The mastery of grim Hagen seem'd overpowering. Some thousand marks still had she left from the almsgiving. For her dear husband's welfare the whole did she dispart ; And Riideger but deem'd it done with a right true heart. 1282. Then said the weeping lady: "Where are those friends of mine Who for my sake are willing in banishment to pine ? They who unto the Huns' land will bear me company? Let them take of my treasure and horse and raiment buy." 1283. Then Eckewart the margrave, made answer to the queen : " So long as in your household a servant I have been Right truly have I served you," thus did the warrior say, " Nor will I cease to do so until my dying day. 1284. " And of my men five hundred eke will I bring with me. Whom I unto your service do pledge right faithfully. For nothing shall divide us, till Death our lives do part." She bent her head to thank him : too full was her sad heart. XX,J HOW KING ETZEL SENT AFTER KRIEMHILDA. 219 1285. Then led they forth the palfreys, for it was time to go. Her friends all fell a-weeping, and many tears did flow. The noble lady Ute and many a maiden fair Show'd that for dame Kriemhilda their hearts were full of care. 1286. A hundred highborn maidens along with her she led, Who as their rank befitted were all apparelled. Then from their eyes bright-shining did many a tear-drop well. And yet with Etzel later much pleasure them befell. 1287. Lord Giselher came also and Gemot none the less, With many of their household, as bade their courtliness. They would their well-loved sister upon her journey bring. They led a thousand warriors, a goodly following. 1288. The ever-ready Gere, and Ortwein also came ; Rumold the kitchen-master he too must come with them. Night-quarters made they ready hard by the Danube side. But Gunther from the city did but a small space ride. 1289. Ere from the Rhine they journey'd they had before them sent Their messengers, who swiftly unto the Huns' land went. And told the king beforehand how Riideger had done, And as a wife for Etzel the noble queen had won. 220 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. ADVENTURE XXI.—HOW KRIEMHILDA WENT TO THE HUNS. 1290. Leave we the heralds riding : we must make known to you How the Queen's journey prosper'd, as she the land rode through ; And where from her did Gemot and Giselher depart. Right truly each had served her, as taught of faithful heart. 1291. They rode as far as Pfoering, upon the Danube-strand. Then of the queen began they kind quittance to demand, Since homeward they returning unto the Rhine would ride : Nor might this without weeping 'twixt loving friends betide. 1292. Then Giselher the ready unto his sister said : " If ever thou, fair lady, shouldst stand in need of aid, If e'er thou art in danger, fail not to let me know. To Etzel's land to serve thee I presently will go." 1293. Those who were of her kindred upon the mouth she kist ; And at the hour of parting full many a loving tryst One saw the liegemen keeping of margrave Riideger : And many a well-dight maiden the queen led forth with her. 1294. Five score and four in number : rich clothing did they wear And brightly tinctured cloth-stuffs : and many men did bear Broad shields to guard the ladies beside them on the way. But many a princely warrior must part from them that day. XXL] HOW KRIEMHILDA WENT TO THE HUNS. 221 1295. Thence rode they swiftly forward down through Bavarian land. The people told the tidings of how a mickle band Of unknown guests were coming, nigh where a cloister still Doth stand, and where Inn river the Danube's flood doth fill. 1296. Within the town of Passau there was a bishop's see. The hostels and the palace stood empty presently: To meet the guests men hied them on to Bavarian ground, Where Pilgerin the bishop the fair Kriemhilda found. 1297. The warriors of the country no whit displeased were To see behind her coming so many ladies fair, Their eyes upon these daughters of noble knights did rest. Good lodging was provided for every noble guest. 1298. The bishop into Passau, his niece beside him, rode ; And when among the burghers the news was noised abroad That coming was Kriemhilda, their prince's sister's child, Right gladly was she welcomed by all the merchant guild. 1299. That they were come to sojourn the bishop fain had known, But Eckewart said to him : " It is not to be done ; To Riideger's dominions we needs must journey down, Where many knights await us : as is to all well-known." 1300. The tidings of their coming now fair Gotlinda knew. Straightway she made her ready, her noble daughter too. For Riideger had warn'd her that he would deem it good If when the queen was coming — to somewhat cheer her mood — 222 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1301. She would ride forth to meet her, with escort of his men, Unto the river Ense ; which being accomplished, then On every side beheld one the very roads alive With folk, on foot or horseback, — to see the guests arrive. 1302. Now was the queen by this time to Everdingen come. No few of the Bavarians did then as outlaws roam, To rob upon the highways ; and they, as was their wont. Might to the guests have offer'd some dangerous affront. 1303- But well the noble margrave of this had taken thought ; For he a thousand warriors and even more had brought. There also came Gotlinda, the wife of Riideger, And many a knight of valour right nobly rode with her. 1304. When they the Traun had traversed, upon the level green By Ens, folk making ready cabins and tents were seen ; For there it was determined the night-halt should be made. All charges for the strangers by Riideger were paid. 1305- The fair Gotlinda stay'd not upon the camping ground, But forward went to meet them. Along the roadway wound With ever tinkling trappings a handsome cavalcade. Right kindly was her greeting, — which Riideger made glad. 1306. And those whom either party encounter'd on the way Rode in praiseworthy fashion ] right many thanes were they. They practised knightly pastimes, by many a maiden seen ; unpleasing to the queen. XXI.] HOW KRIEMHILDA WENT TO THE HUNS. 223 1307. As Riideger's retainers unto the guests came nigh, Right many were the lance-shafts one saw raised up on high, By warriors' hands uplifted, as is the knightly mode ; And then before the ladies praiseworthily they rode. 1308. This brought they to an ending ; then many of the men Greeted each other kindly. The fair Gotlinda then To where she saw Kriemhilda they brought upon her way. They who could serve the ladies had little rest that day. 1309. The lord of Bechelaren up to his wife did ride ; The noble lady-margrave was right well satisfied That he from the Rhine country all safe and sound had won. And somewhat was her sorrow in happiness undone. 1310. When she had made him welcome, he bade her on the green . Dismount, with all the ladies who in her train were seen. Then many a noble liegeman was busy as could be ; And service to the ladies was done right readily. 1311- As now the lady Kriemhild the margravine espied. Standing with her attendants, she would no nearer ride ; But with the rein her palfrey at once began to stay. And bade them from the saddle to lift her down straightway. 1312. His sister's daughter leading one saw the bishop soon. With Eckewart, to make her unto Gotlinda known; And, in a trice, the people made wide the way for this. Upon the lips the stranger did Gotelinda kiss. 224 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1313- Then spake in loving fashion the wife of Riideger : " Now well is me, dear lady, that I thy presence fair Within my country's borders and with mine eyes have seen. To me could at this season no greater joy have been." 1314- " Most noble Gotelinda, God give you your reward ! If haply I," spake Kriemhild, " and Botlung's son be spared, One day you may be joyful that you have seen my face." They both were all unknowing of what must come to pass. 1315- Due courtesies exchanging, walk'd many maidens fair ; Their services to render the warriors ready were. They sat, the greetings ended, upon the clover down, And many made acquaintance, who were till then unknown. 1316. Wine brought they for the ladies ; and now 'twas full midday ; The noble folk would therefore no longer there delay. They rode on till they came where large huts and many stood. And for the noble strangers was waiting service good. 1317- That night they slept in quiet until the dawning brake. But they of Bechelaren themselves did ready make, So that they might provide for so many a worthy guest. Well Riideger had managed that little should be miss'd. 1318. One saw how every window stood open in the wall : The castle of Bechlaren was entry-free to all. Therein the guests came riding, well seen of all around. The noble host had bidden good hostel to be found. XXI.] HOW KRIEMHILDA WENT TO THE HUNS. 22$ 1319- Then Riideger's fair daughter with all her company, Unto the queen approaching, received her lovingly. There likewise was her mother, the wife of the margrave. To many a young damsel they kindly greeting gave. 1320. Hands took they with each other, and so together went Unto a wide-room'd palace of fashion excellent, For there, beneath it rushing, one saw the Danube's flood. They sat and took the breezes, and had much pastime good. 1321. Of what they did there further I cannot say a word. That so much time was wasted complaints, howe'er, were heard, — Made by Kriemhilda's warriors, whose patience thus was tried. But with them, from Bechlaren what goodly thanes did ride ! 1322. By Riideger kind service was amply offered. The queen bestow'd, when leaving, twelve golden bracelets red On Gotelinda's daughter, and raiment, too, well-wrought : She into Etzel's country herself no better brought. 1323- Although they had despoil'd her of all the Niblung gold. The love of all who saw her she knew to win and hold With what small wealth remaining she for her use might have. Unto her host's house-servants great store of gifts she gave. 1324. Like honour show'd on her side the lady Gotelind Unto the guests from Rhineland ; to whom she was so kind That one could find scarce any among the strangers there Who had not of her jewels or raiment fine to wear. Q 226 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1325- When they enough had eaten, and time it was to start, The mistress of the household proffer'd, with all her heart, Most true and loyal service to Etzel's wife to-be. Then was the fair young maiden embraced right lovingly. 1326. Unto the Queen thus spake she : " If it seem good to you, I know that my dear father right gladly this will do : He'll send me into Hunsland that I with you may be." That she was loyal-hearted Kriemhilda well could see. 1327. In front of Bechelaren the horses had been led ; The noble queen already her parting words had said Unto the wife and daughter of margrave Riideger ; With greetings, too, departed full many a maiden fair. 1328. They scarce from that day forward saw one another more. And when they came to Medlick, lo ! in their hands men bore A store of brave gold flagons, wherein, unto the street, Wine brought they for the strangers ; to give them welcome meet. 1329. There was a lord of manor here dwelling, hight Astold ; Into the Austrian country the way to them he told : By Mautern, somewhat further the Danube stream adown. There right true service later the mighty queen did own. 1330. Unto his niece the bishop a loving farewell bade ; To be of cheerful spirit her earnestly he pray'd. And win herself such honour as Helka erst had done. Ay ! what great honour later amongst the Huns she won ! XXI.] HOW KRIEMHILDA WENT TO THE HUNS. 22/ Unto the Traisen river the guests they soon did bring ; And Riideger's retainers served them, unwearying, Until the Hun-folk riding across the country came. Then was there mickle honour done to the royal dame. 1332. The king of the Huns' country did, near the Traisen, own A very noble stronghold, to everyone well known. Its name was Traisenmauer, where Helka lived of yore, #And practised such great virtues, scarce met with any more, ^333- Save only in Kriemhilda ; — for she knew how to give ; — And, after all her sorrow, was for some joy to live, L In that she also honour of Etzel's folk might have ; Vhich soon, in fullest measure, the heroes to her gave. 1334. The sovereignty of Etzel was own'd so far and wide That at his court were met with, at every time and tide, The bravest of all warriors whose names were known to fame 'Mongst Christians or heathens : all thither to him came. 13.35- With him there was at all times — which scarce again can come— The Christian confession along with heathendom. Whatever rule of living each for himself might have, The king's mood was so easy, plenty to all he gave. 228 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUXGS. [ADV. ADVENTURE XXII.— HOW ETZEL ESPOUSED KRIEMHILDA. Until the fourth day dawning at Traisenmauer she stay'd. The dust upon the roadways meanwhile was never laid ; It rose, as from some burning, on every side, like smoke. While through the Austrian country came riding Etzels folk. 1337- Meanwhile to the king also the news was duly brought ; Whereon his former sorrow soon vanish'd at the thought How royally Kriemhilda across the land did ride. The king then made him ready to go and meet his bride. 1338. Strange tongues of many races one heard upon that road, As many gallant warriors in front of Etzel rode ; Of Christians and of pagans a host exceeding great ; And when they met the Lady they went in noble state. 1339- Of Russ and Greek came riding a goodly company, And Poles and Wallachs saw one go rushing swiftly by Upon their gallant chargers, that mightfully they rode ; And nothing was there lacking of native use and mode. 1340. From out of the Kief countr)' rode many a warrior bold ; And hordes from wild Petschnegen. These did the custom hold Of carrying bow and arrow to shoot birds as they flew ; W^ith strength they puU'd the bow-string, and the full shaft's length drew. XXII.] HOW ETZEL ESPOUSED KRIEMHILDA. 229 1341- There stood upon the Danube, in Austrian land, a town The name whereof was Tulna : to her was there made known Full many a foreign custom she had not seen before. By many was she welcomed, who through her suffer'd sore. 1342. As guard before King Etzel a company there rode Of mighty men and merry, courtly and high of mood ; Of princes four-and-twenty, all great and wealthy men. They came to see their Lady, — naught more they ask'd for then. k 1343- 'There also was Duke Ramung, from the Wallachian plain, Who with seven hundred horsemen before her sped amain : Like birds of passage flying, one saw them whirling by. Prince Gibeche soon foUow'd, with stately chivalry. 1344. Hornboge, the aye ready, came with a thousand men, And from the king's side turn'd him towards his Lady then. As was their country's custom, they raised a mighty shout. And all the Hunnish kinsmen in swarms came riding out. 1345- Also there came from Denmark Haward the valiant one. And ever-ready Iring, to falseness all unknown ; And Irnfried of Thuringia, a goodly man was he ! So welcomed they Kriemhilda, she needs must honour'd be. 1346. With their twelve hundred liegemen the host they rode before. Sir Bloedelin came also with thrice a thousand more — The brother of King Etzel from out of Hungary : Right royally escorted unto the queen rode he. 230 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1347. And last of all King Etzel ; and with him Dietrich came With all his chosen comrades and many a knight of fame, Right noble and praiseworthy, and valiant and good. Whereat was dame Kriemhilda much lightsomer of mood. 1348. Then, to the princess speaking, the nobler Riideger Said : " Lady, I will welcome the mighty sovran here. And whomsoe'er I bid you to kiss, so do it then : You must not give like greeting to all of Etzel's men." 1349- Then down from off her palfrey the high-born queen they took ; Whereon the mighty Etzel no more delay could brook. He from his steed dismounted with many a bold knight too : And then one saw him blithely towards Kriemhilda go. 1350- Two rich and mighty princes, as has to us been told. Were standing near the lady her garment's train to hold, What time the royal Etzel went forward her to meet. The noble prince with kisses then did she kindly greet. 1351- She raised the veil that screen'd her; her dainty colour glow'd Out of its golden setting ; and many a knight avow'd That ne'er could Lady Helka have shown a face more fair. King Etzel's brother, Bloedelin, was standing very near. 1352. Him Riideger the margrave bade her to kiss ; and eke King Gibeche ; and Dietrich, who was not far to seek. A dozen of the warriors were kiss'd by Etzel's bride ; Then gave she other greeting to many a knight beside. XXII.] HOW ETZEL ESPOUSED KRIEMHILDA. 23 1 1353- Now all the while that Etzel did by Kriemhilda stay The younger men were busy (as such would be to-day) With many mighty tiltings ; one saw then how they rode ; Both Christian knights and heathen, each following their mode. 1354. How knightly was the bearing of Dietrich's gallant men ! Their javelins and lances went flying forth amain High over shields and bucklers, by good knights' hands address'd. Then shiver'd were the shield-rims of many a German guest. 1355- Then was a mighty crashing of breaking lance and spear. The warriors of the country were all assembled there. As were the king's guests also, — a throng of noble men : The mighty king was walking with dame Kriemhilda then. 1356. They saw hard by them standing a very noble tent ; The plain around was cover'd by many a wooden pent, Where folk might sit and rest them when work was duly sped ; And many beauteous maidens by heroes there were led 1357- Unto their royal mistress, as she was sitting there Upon the rich chair covers. The margrave right good care Had taken, so to fit it, that everyone should find Kriemhilda's bower delightful : and glad was Etzel's mind. 1358. What Etzel spake unto her it is not mine to say. Meanwhile her small white fingers within his right hand lay. In loving fashion sat they, for knightly Riideger Would have no secret wooing betwixt the king and her. 232 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1359- Straightway commands were given that all the games be stay'd ; With honour they were ended and all the din allay'd. Into the wooden houses the men of Etzel hied ; And folk provided lodging around for far and wide. 1360. The day had reached its ending : they laid them down to sleep Until the light of morning again began to peep. Then were the steeds bestridden once more, by many a man : Ha, and in Etzel's honour what pastimes then began ! 1361. The king enjoin'd his Hunsmen to do all honour bade. Unto Vienna city their way from Tuln they made ; There, deck'd in fine apparel, full many a dame they found ; King Etzel's wife these welcomed, as in all honour bound* 1362. In all-sufificing plenty whatever they would have Was there, already for them. Right many a warrior brave With joy the sport awaited. All went to hostelry. And soon the royal wedding began right merrily. 1363- But not for all could lodgings be found within the town. To such as were not strangers, did Riideger make known That they must seek out quarters in country places round. I ween there were at all times near dame Kriemhilda found 1364. Dietrich, the noble warrior, and many another knight. These had their slumbers broken by working ere daylight That nothing should be lacking to cheer the strangers' mood. So Riideger and his comrades had rest and pastime good. XXII.] HOW ETZEL ESPOUSED KRIEMHILDA. 233 1365- The marriage was accomplish'd one day in Whitsuntide, When first the royal Etzel lay by Kriemhilda's side, Within Vienna's city. So many men, thought she, At her first husband's bidding, she surely ne'er did see. * 1366. To those who had not seen her she made herself well known By gifts ; yea many among them unto the guests did own : "We deemed that dame Kriemhilda had Uttle goods or gold, — But here hath she, by giving, wrought marvels manifold." 1367. The merry-making lasted for days full seventeen. And never was there told of another king, I ween, Whose wedding was more noble : such is to us unknown. All folk who there were present did new apparel own. 1368. In Netherland, aforetime, thought she, she ne'er had sat With such a throng of warriors. I say, moreover, that, If great was Siegfried's substance, he ne'er had, as his men. So many noble warriors as stood round Etzel then. 1369. Nor was there ever any who at his wedding-tide Of mantles gave so many, so rich and deep and wide ; Nor any such good raiment as here there was to don. In honour of Kriemhilda was all in this wise done. 1370. Their friends and eke the strangers were all alike of mind. That there had been no sparing in gear of any kind. Whatever any wanted, that presently he had. Yea many a knight through kindness was wellnigh naked made. 234 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1371- Yet days of old in Rhineland she could not quite forget, Beside her noble husband ; and then her eyes grew wet. She did her best to hide it, lest anyone should see. After so many a sorrow much honour now had she. 1372. What others gave in bounty no better was than air Compared with Dietrich's giving. Whatever Botlung's heir Had given him for largesse, that quickly lavish'd he. Eke Riideger with bounty was marvellously free. 1373- And Bloedelin came also, the prince from Hungary, And bade men take whatever in many chests might be Of gold and silver pieces : 'twas all to give away. Then saw one the king's heroes keeping high holiday. 1374- The players of King Etzel, Warbel and Swemmelin, I ween that either of them did at the wedding win A thousand marks for certain, or maybe even more, What time the fair Kriemhilda her crown by Etzel wore. 1375- Upon the eighteenth morning they from Vienna went. Then was in knightly pastime full many a buckler bent, By lances that were carried in every warrior's hand. Soon came the royal Etzel unto the Hunnish land. 1376. In the old town of Heimburg they rested overnight. By then the throng of people could no one tell aright, Nor with what strength of numbers they overspread the ground. Ay me, and what fair women they in his country found ! XXII.] HOW ETZEL ESPOUSED KRIEMHILDA. 235 1377- At Miesenburg the wealthy unto the boats they took. The stream with men and horses was hidden, as to look Not otherwise than dry land ; yet ever seem'd to flow. « The women, travel-weary, had ease and comfort now. 1378. Together had been fasten'd ships many and right good, That they might get no damage from either waves or flood ; And many a well-made awning thereover did they strain, As if they still beneath them had land and open plain. 1379- At Etzelburg, before them, arrived these tidings then. Whereat was great rejoicing of women and of men. The ladies of Queen Helka, who erewhile were her care. Soon many days and happy did with Kriemhilda share. 1380. There stood and waited for her full many a noble maid. On whom abundant sorrow since Helka's death had weigh'd. The daughters of kings seven still there Kriemhilda found. Who were the pride and glory of Etzel's land around. 1381. The maiden lady Herrat, still of them all had care, Queen Helka's sister's daughter, of many virtues rare, The bride betroth'd of Dietrich, child of a king of fame. The daughter, too, of Nentwein : to honour great she came. 1382. Unto the guests' arrival she look'd with mood right glad, Whereto great stores and treasure were also ready made. How later the king feasted— who could it all declare ? And with a queen at no time did Hunsmen better fare. 236 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1383. As with his wife beside him the king rode from the strand, The noble dame Kriemhilda was given to understand The name of every lady, the better them to greet. Ay, mightily she bore her sitting in Helka's seat. 1384. To her was faithful service render'd right readily. Wherefore the queen divided her gold and jewelry. Her silver and apparel : whate'er she did convey From over Rhine to Hunsland must all be given away. 1385. Also with suit and service subject to her, from then. Were all of the king's kinsmen, and likewise all his men. Never had Lady Helka enjoy'd such potent sway ; So must they serve Kriemhilda until her dying day. 1386. Then stood so high in honour the court and realm around, That men came there at all times, and chosen pastime found, — To whatsoe'er it might be that each one's heart did lean, — Be it the king's good favour or bounty of the queen. ADVENTURE XXIIL— HOW KRIEMHILDA THOUGHT TO AVENGE HER INJURY. 1387- In great estate of honour, as truly doth appear, They dwelt with one another until the seventh year. During this time the king's wife brought forth a son and heir ; Whereat the royal Etzel could ne'er be happier. XXIII.] HOW KRIEMHILDA THOUGHT TO AVENGE HER. 237 1388. She would not be persuaded to be content with aught But that the child of Etzel should to the font be brought, AVith Christian rites according. Ortlieb they named the boy: Which all through Etzel's country was cause of mickle joy. 1389. Whatever noble virtues in Lady Helka lay, To match them dame Kriemhilda e'er studied, day by day. The customs soon were taught her, by Herrat, maid forlorn. Who with a secret longing for Helka still did mourn. 1390. To native folk and strangers she now was widely known : 'Twas said of her, that never did any king's land own A better, milder mistress ; right sure of this they were. Such fame she bore in Hunsland until the thirteenth year. 1391- Now since she knew for certain that none would her gainsay E'en as kings' warriors mostly their princes' wives obey, — And as twelve kings before her were ever seen to come^ She thought on all the sorrows that she had known at home. 1392. She thought, too, of the honours that once in Niblungiand Had been in her possession ; and which by Hagen's hand. At time of Siegfried's murder, were wholly done away : And whether he might ever for that be made to pay. 1393- *' It might be, could I bring him by some means to this land." She dreamt that she was walking, and near her, close at hand, Was Giselher, her brother, and in her gentle sleep She kissed him very often. He soon had cause to weep ! 238 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1394. I ween some evil devil Kriemhilda did provoke That with her brother Gunther her friendship now she broke, Whom she, in full forgiveness, kiss'd on Burgundian soil. Then with hot tears began she once more her robe to spoil. 1395- And ever, late and early, within her heart it wrought How, without fault on her part, she had thereto been brought. That henceforth with a heathen she must in wedlock live ; This bitterness did Hagen and Gunther, too, contrive. 1396. The wish that dwelt within her ne'er let her heart alone ; Thought she : " I am so mighty, and such great riches own. That on my foes in vengeance some ill I may repay. Thus would I do right gladly to Hagen of Tronje. 1397- " My heart is longing sorely for my dear faithful one : Might I but get them near me who ill to me have done, So would I take full vengeance for my beloved's life ; — Scarce can I bide their coming ; " so murmur'd Etzel's wife. 1398. The whole of the king's liegemen held highly in esteem The warriors of Kriemhilda : and well it was, I deem. Her treasurer was Eckwart,— good friends thereby he made. Nor could Kriemhilda's wishes by any be gainsaid, 1399- Now was she ever thinking : " I will beseech the king ! '* To wit, that of his goodness he would allow this thing. That unto the Hun-country her kinsmen might be brought. But no one there discover'd the queen's unholy thought. xxiil] how kriemhilda thought to avenge her. 239 ' 1400. It came to pass one night-time, as by the king she lay, (His arms were cast about her, as was his wont alway, Loving the noble lady : for she was as his life) That of her foes was thinkino; the fair and noble wife. fc\ 1401. And to the king thus spake she : " My ever dear good lord, I fain would ask a favour, if thou wouldst such accord : If I am worthy of it, that thou shouldst let me see Whether my friends and kinsmen thou lovest verily/' 1402. Then spake the mighty sovran, and guileless was his mood : " I would have thee believe that, if any grace or good Be done unto those warriors, I must thereat be glad, Since I by love of woman ne'er better friends have made." 1403. And yet again the queen spake : " To thee it hath been said. That I have high-born kinsmen ; and this my grief hath m.ade That they have never troubled to come to see me here. I hear the people call me naught else but foreigner." 1404. Whereunto answer'd Etzel : " Beloved lady mine, If not too far it seemeth, so will I from the Rhine Bid all unto my kingdom whom thou art fain to see." When thus she learnt his purpose right glad at heart was she. 1405. She said : "If thou right truly wouldst serve me, So wilt thou send an envoy to Worms beyond the Rhine. That I may tell my kinsfolk all that I have in mind. Then many a knight right noble his way to us shall find." 240 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1406. " Whenever thou commandest," said he, " it shall be done. Thou canst not be so eager thy friends to look upon As I of noble Ute the sons to see am fain ; That we are still such strangers hath caused me mickle pain. 1407. " And if it should content thee, beloved lady mine, So will I send right gladly, unto those friends of thine, My players on the fiddle to the Burgundian land." To bring the worthy fiddlers straightway he gave command. 1408. They hasten'd very quickly to where King Etzel sat. And eke the queen beside him. He told them both, how that As envoys they were chosen to Burgundy to fare. For them he bade his people rich raiment to prepare. 1409. For four-and-twenty warriors was new apparel made ; And by the king their errand was also to them said : How Gunther and his people to bring there they should seek. But fain was Lady Kriemhild apart with them to speak. 1410. Tiien said the king most mighty : " Now hark ye what to do ! All that is good and kindly I bid my friends, by you ; ]f they vouchsafe to journey unto my kingdom here. Ne'er yet have I had knowledge of guests as these so dear. 1411. " And if they so be minded my will herein to do. These kinsmen of Kriemhilda, then must they not forego To come to us this summer, to keep my wedding-feast; For much on my wife's kindred my happiness doth rest." XXIII.] HOW KRIEMHILDA THOUGHT TO AVENGE HER. 24 1 1412. Then spake the fiddle-player, the haughty Schwemmelin : " When will in this your kingdom your wedding-feast begin ? 1 hat we to your friends yonder unerringly may say." Then answer made King Etzel : " On next Midsummer-day." 1413- " We'll do as thou dost bid us," made answer Werbelin. Then gave the queen an order that they be brought within Her private room in secret, to speak with her alone. Whereof soon many a warrior but sorry comfort won. 1414. To both the envoys spake she : " Well shall it be for you If you my will and purpose right faithfully shall do, And say whate'er I bid you when to my home you go ; In goods I'll make you wealthy, and raiment rich bestow. 1415- " What friends of mine soever ye see and meet with there At Worms on the Rhine river, take heed lest ye declare That ye have ever seen me in melancholy mood : And bear my greeting unto those heroes bold and good. 1416. " To what the king requireth beg them that they agree, And thereby let them make me from all my trouble free. The Huns may well believe that I have no friends at all. Were I a knight, I'd ever be ready at their call. 1417. "And to my noble brother, to Gemot eke say ye That in the world is no one I hold more lovingly : Our best of friends and kinsmen bid him unto this land To bring, that so the better we may in honour stand R 242 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1418. " To Giselher say also that he must not forget That never have I suifer'd by fault of his as yet : Wherefore would I right gladly set eyes on him again ; And, for the faith he show'd me, to see him here am fain. 1419. "And also tell my mother what honours now I bear. If Hagen, too, of Tronje shall still be dwelling there By whom shall they more fitly be through the country shown ? To him the roads to Hunsland from childhood have been known." 1420. Unknowing were the envoys what meaning therein lay. That Hagen, knight of Tronje, on no account should stay Behind the rest in Rhineland. Soon woe for them it made With him was many a warrior to cruel death betray'd. 1421. With message and with letters they were provided now : To live henceforth in plenty of wealth they had enow. Their leave they took of Etzel and of his lady fair. And clad in rich apparel a goodly sight they were. ADVENTURE XXIV.— HOW W^ERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID THEIR ERRAND. 1422. When Etzel to the Rhineland had sent his embassy. The news thereof right swiftly from land to land did fly : He greeting gave and bade them, by messengers right fleet, To come unto his feasting : whence many death did meet. XXIV.] HOW WERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID. 243 1423. .>om out the Huns' dominions the envoys swiftly went Tl the Burgundian country ; for thither were they sent Three noble kings to summon, and eke their chivalry, To come and visit Etzel : so rode they speedily. 1424. First were they on their journey to Bechelaren brought ; The folk there served them gladly. That he might fail in naught By them unto the Rhineland sent greeting Riideger, As also did Gotlinda and eke their daughter dear. 1425- Nor did they send them further without a proper meed. Whereby the men of Etzel made all the better speed. To Ute and her children sent message Riideger, To say there lived no margrave who meant them kindlier. 1426. Unto Brunhilda also a kindly greeting went, Of good faith ever steadfast, and friendliest intent. When they these words had taken, forth would the envoys fare : That God in Heaven would keep them, was Gotelinda's prayer. 1427. Ere yet the envoys fully had cross'd Bavarian ground. The ever-ready Werbel the worthy bishop found. What message for his kinsmen upon the Rhine he told Thereof I have no knowledge ; save that in ruddy gold 1428. He gave the twain a token before he let them ride. Quoth Pilgerin the bishop : "And could I at my side See them, so were I happy, — these sister's sons of mine : Scarce can I come to see them, myself, unto the Rhine." 244 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1429. The ways by which they travell'd o'er land unto the Rhine, I cannot say for certain. Silver and raiment fine By none from them was stolen : men fear'd their lord's despite— That king of noble lineage — ay, potent was his might ! 1430. In the Burgundian country, to Worms upon the Rhine Came, after twelve days' riding, Werbel and Schwemmelin. Unto the king the tidings were told, and to his men, Of foreign envoys coming. Gunther made question then. i43i« Quoth he, the Lord of Rhineland : " Who can to us declare Whence come these foreign riders that through our country fare ? ' But that was known to no one : till Hagen of Tronje, As soon as he had seen them, did thus to Gunther say : 1432. " Strange news to us is coming that much I will aver. The fiddle-players of Etzel I have but now seen here. Unto the Rhine your sister hath sent them, verily ; For sake of both their sovereigns right welcome must they be.' 1433- Meanwhile before the palace in full array they rode ; No prince's minstrels ever in nobler fashion show'd. The royal court-folk hasten'd to meet them presently : They bade men take their mantles and found them hostelry. 1434- Their travelling clothes were costly, with work so deftly done That they might well with honour before the king have gone. Yet in the same apparel to court they would not go : Who cared for it might have it, the envoys let men know. XXIV.] HOW WERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID. 245 1435- Without delay they met with folk who were well content To take the clothing gladly; and unto them 'twas sent. And thereupon the strangers put on far better gear, As it behoves kings' heralds in full array to wear. 1436. So went, when leave was given, to where the monarch sat Those followers of Etzel : and all were glad thereat. With courtesy did Hagen towards the heralds make. And gave them kindly greeting, for which their thanks they spake. 1437- To learn from them the tidings to questioning he fell, If Etzel and his lieges were faring all right well ? Then answer'd him the minstrel : " Ne'er throve the country more. Nor were the folk so happy, — of that thou may'st be sure." 1438. Towards the host then went they. Crowded the palace was ; Unto the guests was offer'd such kindly ^ elcome as In foreign kings' dominions is ever given of right. And there, in Gunther's service, found Werbel many a knight. 1439- And graciously King Gunther began to greet them then : " Be both of ye right welcome, ye Hunnish minstrelmen, And your companions also. Ye are, I understand, Sent hither by great Etzel to the Burgundian land? " 1440. Before the king they bow'd them, and then spake Werbelin : " To thee his service offers that well-loved lord of mine ; And to this land thy sister Kriemhilda greeting saith. They send us to you warriors trusting in your good faith." 246 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1441. The mighty prince made answer : "Of this right glad am I. And tell me how is Etzel," so did the king reply. "And eke my sister Kriemhild, yonder in Hunnish land?" Then spake the fiddle-player : " I'll answer this demand. 1442. " Of this ye may be certain, that never yet there were Two folks who lived together more happy than this pair ; And all the knights around them, their kinsfolk and their men. When on this ride we started, right joyous were they then." 1443- " Gramercy for the greeting he hath sent me this day, And thank my sister also ; since it be as ye say. That all live in contentment, ruler and ruled as well : For I with some misgiving, ask'd ye the news to tell." 1444. The king's two younger brothers had likewise come by now : For they the news from Hunsland but now had got to know. And Giselher right gladly, for his dear sister's sake, Set eyes upon the envoys and kindly to them spake. 1445- " Right welcome must ye heralds be unto me and mine. And if ye rode more often hither unto the Rhine, Friends would ye find here always rejoicing ye to see. That aught should here befall you small peril can there be." 1446. " We trust you in all honour," made answer Schwemmelin. " And never can I tell you by any wit of mine, How Etzel hath enjoin'd us to greet you lovingly, As hath your noble sister, who there hath honour high. XXIV.] HOW WERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID. 247 1447. "Of former faith and kindness the queen doth you remind, And how with heart and body you aye to her inclined. But to the king's self firstlji have we been sent, to pray That into Etzel's country ye deign to take your way. 1448. " That we thereto should urge ye hath given strict command The rich and mighty Etzel, who likewise doth demand That if ye by your sister would not again be seen, Then would he fain have knowledge of what his fault hath been 1449. "That ye are strangers to him, and to his country, too ; For if the Queen Kriemhilda were all unknown to you, Still he himself were worthy for you to care to see. And were this thing to happen, 'twould please him verily." 1450. Then spake the royal Gunther : " A week from now being gone, So will I give you tidings of what conclusion My friends and I have come to. Meanwhile for you 'twere best To go unto your hostel, and may ye have good rest." 1451- But Werbelin spake further : " If such a thing might be. Fain would we have permission my lady first to see — I mean the mighty Ute, — before our rest we seek. Then Giselher the noble in courtly wise did speak : 1452. " That no man shall deny you ; and if to her ye go, Ye will my mother's pleasure right well accomplish so : For gladly will she see ye ; and for my sister's sake, The Lady Kriemhild namely, you welcome will she make. 248 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1453- So Giselher he brought them to where they found the dame. With joy she saw the heralds who from the Huns' land came ; And heartily did greet them, so kindly was her mood. Then told they her the tidings those courtly heralds good. 1454. Spake Schwemmelin in this wise : " My lady sends to thee Her faithful love and duty ; and if it so might be That she could see you often, she bids you to believe That in this world would nothing more gladness to her give." 1455- Whereto the queen made answer : " Alas, it may not be ! Often as I am longing my daughter dear to see, Too distant dwelleth from me your noble monarch's wife. May she and Etzel ever be blessed in their life. 1456. " But ye must give me warning, ere from this place ye fare, When ye will be returning ; for heralds saw I ne'er For long days past so gladly, as I have look'd on you." The squires then gave their promise her will therein to do. 1457. And so unto their hostel the men from Hunsland went. Meanwhile for friends and kinsmen the mighty king had sent. The noble Gunther question put unto every man What thought he of the matter. And many then began 1458. To say that he might fairly ride unto Etzel's land. So counsell'd him the warriors who did around him stand, Excepting only Hagen, — to whom 'twas bitter woe. He told the king in secret : " Thou wilt thyself undo. XXIV.] HOW WERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID. 249 1459- " Thou know'st as well as I do what thing we wrought of yore : Needs must we of Kriemhilda be fearful evermore, Seeing I slew her husband, and that with mine own hand. How durst we take this journey and ride to Etzel's land ? " 1460. Then spake the mighty Gunther : " My sister's wrath was spent. Pardon to us she granted, ere from this place she went, With kisses of forgiveness, for what to her was done : Unless, it may be, Hagen, that thee she hates alone." 1461. " Be not deceived," said Hagen, " whate'er the message be The envoys bring from Hunsland. Would you Kriemhilda see, Be well prepared to forfeit your honour and your life : Long-waiting in her vengeance is she. King Etzel's wife." 1462. Thereon the princely Gemot unto the council said : " Because that thou with reason to lose thy life dost dread Within the Huns' dominions, must we then lay aside This plan to see our sister? right ill would that betide." 1463. Prince Giselher then also spake thus unto the knight : " Since thou, friend Hagen, knowest thou art the guilty wight, So stay thou here in safety and of thyself take care. And let, with us, the bold ones unto my sister fare." 1464. With wrath began to kindle the warrior of Tronje : " I will not have another go with you on your way, Who dares than I more boldly on this court-ride to go. Since ye will not be hinder'd, that will I let you know." 250 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1465. Then spake the kitchen-master, Rumold the worthy thane : " Here friends and strangers can ye right easily maintain As ye yourselves are wilHng : your stores are full, I trow ; And ne'er, I ween, hath Hagen betray'd you hitherto. 1466. " If ye will heed not Hagen, Rumold now counsels you — And I have ever served you with love and service true — That here ye fain should tarry, out of good will to me. And let King Etzel yonder along with Kriemhild be. 1467. " How otherwise in this world could ye e'er better live ? In spite of all your foemen here may you right well thrive ; You may your bodies freely with raiment rich endue, And wine drink of the choicest, and winsome maidens woo. 1468. " Meats, too, are set before ye, — the best that e'er were brought To any king in this world ; and if this all were naught, You should, methinks, remain here for sake of your fair wife, — Ere in such childish fashion you seek to risk your life. 1469. " I counsel your abiding : rich is your heritage. At home can vassals better to you redeem their pledge Than yonder 'mid the Hun-folk. Who knows how things be there ? My lords, go ye not thither : thus Rumold doth declare ! " 1470. Thereunto answer'd Gemot : " Here will we tarry not, Since we such friendly bidding have from my sister got, And from the mighty Etzel. Why put the thing aside ? Who goes not gladly with us may e'en at home abide." XXIV.] HOW WERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID. 25 1 1471. And thereto answer'd Hagen : " See lest ye take amiss The words that I have spoken, howe'er ye do in this. I give you faithful counsel : as ye regard your life, Go well-arm'd to the Hun-folk, as if for battle-strife. 1472. " Will ye not be dissuaded, so send ye for your men, The best that ye can muster or any way can gain ; And from them all I'll choose ye a thousand warriors good : So may ye fear no evil from angry Kriemhild's mood." 1473- " That rede I'll gladly follow," the king in answer said. Then sent he heralds riding, who through his kingdom sped. And so they brought the warriors, three thousand men or more. They dreamt not of the evil that lay for them in store. 1474. All through the lands of Gunther right joyously they rode. On every man a charger and raiment were bestow'd — Of those who were to journey away from Burgundy. A goodly number follow'd the king right willingly. 1475. Then Hagen, lord of Tronje, his brother Dankwart bade The four score knights who served them unto the Rhine to lead. They came in knightly order ; with arms and wearing gear Within King Gunther's borders right soon did they appear. 1476. Now came the gallant Volker, — a high-born minstrel he, — To join with thirty liegemen the royal company. Such splendid raiment had they, a king had worn it well. That he would ride to Hunsland, to Gunther bade he tell. 252 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1477. Now who was this same Volker I fain would let you know : He was of noble lineage ; to him did fealty owe In the Burgundian country, full many a noble knight. Because he play'd the fiddle he was the Minstrel hight. 1478. Then Hagen chose the thousand : they were to him well-known ; And what in hard-fought battles their strength of hand had done, And all they e'er had ventured, that had he seen full well. No man of aught save valour in all their deeds could tell. 1479. The envoys of Kriemhilda were sore discomfited, For they of both their rulers the wrath began to dread ; And leave they daily sought for, that they might thence begone. But Hagen would not grant it : through cunning that was done. 1480. He said unto his masters : "We must be on our guard Lest we to go allow them, before we are prepared Within a week thereafter to Etzel's land to go. If any ill-will bear us, thus shall we better know. 1481. " So shall not Dame Kriemhilda be taking heed hereto, That any, by her counsel, should evil to us do. And if it be her purpose her own may be the pain : With us to Hunsland take we so many chosen men." 1482. Their bucklers, then, and saddles, and all of such like gear As they to Etzel's country had in their minds to bear. By many valiant liegemen for use were ready made. The envoys of Kriemhilda were unto Gunther bade. XXIV.] HOW WERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID. 253 1483. And when the heralds enter'd, unto them Gemot said : " The king will take the offer to us by Etzel made ; And we will come right gladly unto his festival, And see again our sister : of that doubt not at all." 1484. Then spake to them King Gunther : " Can ye not tell us, pray, When is this merry-making ? or rather, on what day 'Twere best that we come thither ? " 'Twas Schwemmelin replied : ** Ye must be there for certain at next Midsummer-tide." 1485. The king unto them granted, if haply they were will'd (For not yet had they done it) to see the Dame Brunhild, That they with his approval might to her presence go. It was gainsaid by Volker : for her sake did he so. i486. *' In sooth the Lady Brunhild is not now in the mood For you to look upon her," so spake the warrior good. " Wait ye until to-morrow, then her they'll let you see." So hoped they to behold her; but it was not to be. 1487. The mighty prince then order'd (he held those envoys dear) Out of his own great kindness, that folk should thither bear His gold upon broad bucklers ; great store thereof he had. And by his kinsmen also rich gifts to them were made. 1488. For Giselher and Gemot, Gere and Ortwein, too, That they were kindly-hearted right plainly then did shew. They such abundant largess unto the envoys gave. That, fearful of their rulers, none of it would they have. 254 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1489. Then Werbelin the herald unto the king did say : " Your gifts, Lord King, so please ye, let in your kingdom stay ; We may not take them with us ; my lord bade us take heed, Lest gifts by us be taken : nor is there any need." 1490- Then did the Lord of Rhineland this thing unkindly take, That they a great king's treasure of small account should make ; So were they bound to take it, his gold and habiting, And unto Etzel's country were fain with them to bring. 1491. They would see Ute also ere they set forth again. So Giselher the ready brought both the minstrelmen Unto his mother Ute. This word the lady sent : That if Kriemhild were honour'd her mother was content. 1492. Then bade the queen be given of gold and broidery, All for the sake of Kriemhild, — so dear to her was she, — And for the sake of Etzel, unto the minstrels both. They readily might take it : 'twas done in honest troth. 1493- The messengers' leave-taking was done ; and now they had Parted from men and maidens ; and so with hearts right glad They rode on into Swabia ; thus far 'twas Gernot's will His heroes should escort them, that none might do them ill. 1494. When they, who thus did guard them, parted and homewards rode. In Etzel's power a safeguard they found on ev'ry road. Whence none essay'd to rob them of horse or wearing gear. And so to Etzel's country they speedily drew near. XXIV.] HOW WERBEL AND SCHWEMMEL DID. 255 1495- Where'er they found acquaintance, to them the news they said: How the Burgundian people, ere many days were sped. Unto the Hun-folk's country were coming from the Rhine. The news was carried also to Bishop Pilgerin. 1496. As they by Bechelaren along the highway went. To Riideger folk told it, — as naught could well prevent — And also to Gotlinda, the margrave's wedded wife. That she was soon to see them was joy unto her life. 1497. Folk saw how with the tidings the minstrels swiftly rode, Until they found King Etzel at Gran, where he abode. And greeting upon greeting which unto him were sent They to the king deliver'd; ruddy with joy he went. 1498. And when the queen the tidings did fairly understand, That verily her brothers were coming to the land, In mood she was right happy ; and both the minstrelmen With costly gifts rewarded : and honour had she then. 1499. " Now Schwemmelin and Werbel, each one of you," said she, " Tell me which of my kinsmen will at our feasting be. Of whom the best and dearest unto our land we bade? And, when the news was told him, tell me what Hagen said ? ' 1500. They said : " One morning early he came to the debate, And not a good word from him we early had or late ; And when the ride to Hunsland was praised by all the folk Grim Hagen looked not elsewise than if of death they spoke. 256 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1501. " Your brothers here are coming, the noble kings all three, In high and lordly humour. But who with them may be That news I cannot give you, seeing I do not know ; But Volker the bold minstrel hath vow'd with them to go." 1502. " Him could I spare right blithely," in answer spake the queen ; " Since many a time and often here Volker have I seen. But fain I am of Hagen, the hero excellent ; That here we soon shall see him doth give me much content." 1503- Then went the royal lady where she the king did find ; How gently Dame Kriemhilda unto him spake her mind ! " How do the tidings please thee, my lord beloved," she said, " Now all my heart hath yearned for shall be accomplished." 1504. "Thy will is eke my pleasure," thus did the king reply, " Nor any of my kindred so glad to see were I, If e'er they should be coming hither unto my land. For sake of them that love thee is all my trouble bann'd." 1505- King's officers then straightway commandment gave to all That seats should be made readj in palace and in hall, Meet for the guests beloved who would be there anon. By them, ere long, for Etzel was pleasure all fordone. XXV.] HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 257 ADVENTURE XXV.— HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 1506. Now let us leave the story of how they prosper'd there. Ere then did never warriors of higher courage fare In such like state and splendour through any king's domain. Of armour and apparel all had as they were fain. 1507. The warden of the Rhineland equipp'd his warriors bold, A thousand knights and sixty, so is the story told, With men-at-arms nine thousand for this great festival. They whom they left behind them ere long bewail'd them all. 1508. Their riding gear they carried to Worms across the court. Whereon an aged bishop of Spires spake in this sort Unto the comely Ute : " Our friends have mind to fare Unto this high assembly : God guard their honour there ! " 1509. Thereon unto her children did noble Ute say : " Ye should, my noble heroes, be here content to stay : I dreamt a dream this morning, of great dismay and dread ; How all the winged creatures within this land were dead." 1510- *' Who puts his faith in dreamings," then Hagen made reply, *' Knows not the proper meaning that may within them lie, AVhen honour, peradventure, may wholly be at stake. I'm willing that my masters for court their leave should take.'' 258 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1511- " We should indeed with gladness ride unto Etzel's land : There kings can have the service of many a hero's hand, When there we take our part in Kriemhilda's revelry." Hagen the journey counsell'd : he rued it presently. 1512. He would have been against it, if Gemot had not sought With ill-advised speeches to set him so at naught : Reminding him of Siegfried, the Lady Kriemhild's lord ; Said he : " This ride to Hagen is therefore untoward." 1513- Then Hagen spake, of Tronje : " Through fear I'll not forego ! If such your will is, heroes, 'twere well to buckle to. Gladly will I ride with you, e'en unto Etzel's realm." Soon by his hand were shatter'd full many a shield and helm. 1514- The boats were ready waiting, and many a man was there : Whate'er they had of clothing on board forthwith they bare. Unwearyingly wrought they until the fall of eve ; And full of joy and gladness at length their homes they leave. 1515- Their tents and wooden cabins were pitch'd upon the green Along the further Rhine-bank. When finish'd this had been, The king's fair wife besought him a while there to abide For one night would she lay her his manly form beside. 1516. With trumpeting and fluting the early morning brake, To warn them to be starting : then did they ready make. If any had a sweetheart her to his heart he laid ; — For them a bitter parting King Etzel's wife soon made ! XXV.] HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 259 1517. The sons of the fair Ute for vassal had a man As bold as he was faithful ; now, when the march began, He to the king, in secret, did thus his mind declare. Said he : " It needs must grieve me that to this feast ye fare." 1518. This man by name was Rumold, a knight of ready hand. " To whom," so spake he, " leave ye your people and your land ? Alas, that none can turn you, ye warriors, from your mood ! This message of Kriemhilda's to me ne'er boded good." 1519- " To thee my realm be trusted, and eke my little son, Serve faithfully the ladies ; so let my will be done. Shouldst thou see any mourner, 'tis thine to cheer his life. No harm will e'er befall us by cause of Etzel's wife." 1520. The horses were awaiting the kings and eke their men ; With loving kiss departed full many a husband then. Whose heart was full of courage, and body strong with life : Soon to be sadly wept for by many a comely wife. 1521. WTio saw the eager warriors unto their horses go. Saw likewise many a lady there standing in her woe. That they for long were parting too surely did they feel, Foreboding great disaster. Heart never thus had weal. 1522. Now quickly the Burgundians did on their journey ride. Then was there much disturbance through all the country wide ; On either side the mountains both women wept and men. Howe'er their people bare it forth fared they blithely then. 26o THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1523- The warriors of Niblung to ride with them had come, A thousand men in hauberks, who left behind at home Full many a lovely lady, ne'er to be seen again. Still wrought the wounds of Siegfried in Kriemhild bitter pain. 1524. Their course they now directed. King Gunther's gallant men, Up through the East Franks' country, towards the River Main ; And thither led them Hagen, who knew the road of old. Their marshal was Sir Dankwart, Burgundian hero bold. 1525. As they from Eastern Franks' land to Schwanefeld rode on. Well might they be to all men by noble bearing known, These princes and their kinsmen, heroes deserving fame. The king on the twelfth morning unto the Danube came. 1526. Then Hagen, knight of Tronje, rode of them all foremost ; Good heart and courage gave he unto the Niblung host. The warrior bold dismounted, down on the sand stood he, And hastily his warhorse made fast unto a tree. 1527. The stream was overflowing, no skiff was there to see, The Nibelungs misdoubted, in great anxiety, How they should e'er get over ; the flood was all too wide. The gallant knights dismounted hard by the river-side. 1528. " Much damage," said Sir Hagen, "may here be done to thee, Ruler of the Rhineland ! Look for thyself and see ; The river is o'erflowing, and mighty is its flood. 1 trow we lose ere nightfall here many a hero good." XXV.] HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 26 1 1529. " What art thou casting at me, Hagen ? " the great king spake. *'Seek not again to daunt us for thine own honour's sake. The ford thou shalt find for us, which to that land doth cross, That we both steeds and raiment may take there without loss." 1530- " My life to me," quoth Hagen, " is not yet such a load That I should wish to drown me in this wide, rushing flood ! For by my hands I'd sooner that many a man should die In Etzel's country yonder : good-will thereto have I. 1531- " Proud warriors and goodly, stay by the water then, Whilst I along the river myself seek ferrymen. Who presently will take us across to Gelfrat's land." Then took the doughty Hagen his good shield in his hand. 1532. Well clad was he in armour ; his shield he did thereon, And on his head his helmet ; brightly enow it shone. Above his harness wore he a sword so broad of blade That wounds right deep and ghastly with either edge it made. 1533- Then up and down the river he sought some ferryman ; He heard a splash of water ; to hearken he began. 'Twas made by elfin women within a fountain fair. Who fain to cool their bodies were bathing themselves there. 1534. As soon as Hagen saw them he slyly towards them crept. No sooner had they seen him than off they swiftly leapt. That thus they had escaped him did please them mightily ; He took their raiment from them, no further harm did he. 262 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1535- Then spake one of the mermaids, Hadburga was she hight : " O Hagen, noble warrior, we'll tell to thee aright, How thou upon this journey unto the Huns shalt thrive, If thou, bold thane, our raiment again to us wilt give." 1536. They floated like to sea-birds before him on the flood. It seemed to him their foresight must needs be sure and good. Whatever they should tell him he, therefore, would believe. To whatsoe'er he ask'd them, wise answers they would give. 1537- Said she : "To Etzel's country ye certainly may take This ride ; and I am ready my faith thereon to stake, That ne'er did heroes journey to any kingdom yet — In truth ye may believe it — who did such honour get." 1538. This saying made Sir Hagen within his heart right gay, Then gave he them their garments and made no more delay. When they their wondrous raiment forthwith had donn'd again, The way to Etzel's country aright they did explain. 1539- Then spake the other mermaid, her name was Siegelind : " Thee, Hagen, son of Aldrian, to warn I have a mind. False was it what my sister to get her clothing said : For comest thou to Hunsland, thou'lt sorely be betray'd. 1540. " Ay ! homeward shouldst thou turn thee ; yet is there time to spare : Seeing that ye, bold heroes, have thus been bidden there, That all of you may perish within King Etzel's land. Whoe'er goes riding thither hath Death at his right hand." XXV.] HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 263 1541. But Hagen spake in answer : " Ye fool me needlessly ; What rhyme or reason is it that all of us should die Among the Hunfolk yonder, through hate of any man ? " More fully then their meaning to tell him they began. 1542. And one of them spake further : " It must in sooth be so, That none with life escapeth who to that land doth go, Save only the king's chaplain ; that can we surely tell ; He unto Gunther's kingdom will come back safe and well." 1543- Then, in grim mood, bold Hagen answer unto her made : " 'Twere hard to tell my masters what thou just now hast said, That yonder 'mid the Hunfolk we all must lose our Hves. Show us across the water, thou wisest of all wives ! " 1544. She said : " Against this journey since thou wilt nothing hear, There yonder in a hostel, unto the river near, A ferryman is dwelling — and none there is elsewhere." Then knowing what he wanted he would not tarry there. 1545- But one of them call'd after the knight discomfited : " Nay, wait awhile, Sir Hagen, thou wilt too fast ahead ! Hear better how we tell you to cross the sands aright ; The warden of the marchland by name is Else hight. 1546. " He hath a brother also, Gelfrat the knight is he, A great lord in Bavaria. Not easy will it be For you to pass his marches. Ye ought to well beware, — And with the boatman also ye needs must deal with care. 264 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1547- " So grim is he of humour, he will not let you go, Unless unto the hero some good intent ye show : Would ye by him be ferried, give him the payment due. This land he hath in keeping, and is to Gelfrat true. 1548. " And if he come not quickly shout to him o'er the flood. Say ' Amelrich ' your name is ; — he was a hero good, Who, by his foes' contrivance, was driven from this land — Whene'er his name is spoken the steersman is at hand." 1549- The haughty Hagen bow'd him before these womenfolk : But listening in silence no word again he spoke. Then higher up the river he walk'd, along the sand ; And there, across the water, he saw a hostel stand. 1550- Then lustily began he to call across the flood : " Now, steersman, fetch me over ! " shouted the warrior good ; " Of ruddy gold an armlet I'll give thee for reward. The matter of my journey, I tell thee, presses hard." 1551- The boatman was so wealthy to serve he would not brook, Wherefore a fee but seldom from anyone he took ; His underlings were likewise of high and haughty mood. So, still, alone stood Hagen on this side of the flood. 1552. Then with such might he shouted that, lo, from shore to shore The river rang : the hero of strength had such great store : " Now Amelrich come fetch ye, Lord Else's man am I, Who had to leave this country by force of enmity." XXV.] HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 265 1553- High on his sword an armlet towards him did he hold — All bright and shining was it, compact of ruddy gold — That he, therefore, might row him across to Gelfrat's land. Then took the haughty boatman himself the oar in hand. 1554. The ferryman was churlish and obstinate of will — The lust of great possession doth often end in ill — Ue wished to earn from Hagen that band of gold so red : But from the warrior's weapon grim death he got instead. 1555- The ferryman pulFd stoutly unto the hitherside ; But when the man he found not, whose name he had heard cried, Then was he wroth in earnest. At Hagen's face look'd he, And thus unto the hero he spake right bitterly : 1556. " It may be that thou bearest the name of Amelrich ; To him of whom I mind me thou art in no wise like ; By father and by mother he brother was to me. And as thou hast betray'd me, thou here canst bide ! " said he. 1557. " Not I, by God Almighty ! " thereon, did Hagen speak : " I am a stranger warrior, and help for others seek. Take now in friendly fashion this wage I offer you To put me o'er the water; I am your friend right true." 1558. The ferryman made answer : " Nay, that shall never be ! My well-beloved masters have many an enemy ; Therefore I row no strangers across unto their land. If life thou prizest, quickly step out upon the sand." 266 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [aDV. 1559- " Now, do not so," quoth Hagen, " for sorry is my mood, But take from me in kindness this band of gold so good, A thousand men and horses across the stream to row." The boatman grim gave answer : " That will I never do." 1560. A sturdy oar he lifted, mighty and broad of blade, And struck a blow at Hagen ; an erring stroke he made. And in the boat he stagger'd and on his knee fell down. A ferryman so gruesome Hagen had never known. 1561. And when the haughty stranger still more he would provoke, A steering board he wielded, and into splinters broke About the head of Hagen. A stalwart man was he ; Whence came to Else's boatman much sorrow presently. 1562. In anger fiercely raging, Hagen reach'd out his hand In haste to seize his scabbard, wherefrom he drew a brand, And smote his head from off him, and dash'd it to the ground. Among the proud Burgundians the news flew quickly round. 1563- But at the self-same moment when he the boatman slew. The skiff stream-downwards drifted, which gave him cause to rue ; For ere in hand he brought it to weary he began, Then mighty was the rowing of royal Gunther's man. 1564. With sturdy strokes the stranger turn'd it about again. Until within his hand-grasp the stout oar broke in twain. He would, to reach the warriors, a sandy beach have found : And having not another, how quickly now he bound XXV.] HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 26/ 1565- The splinters with his shield-strap ! 'twas but a slender band. Towards a coppice steering, he brought the boat to land. There on the bank-side standing he found his masters three, And liegemen came to meet him, — a goodly company. 1566. Him with kind welcome greeted these noble knights and good. But, when they look'd within it, the wherry reek'd with blood That from the great wound spurted as he the boatman slew ; Then from the warriors Hagen had questions not a few. 1567- No sooner had King Gunther seen the hot blood all red Within the vessel washing, than, straightway, thus he said : " Come, why not tell me, Hagen, where is the boatman gone ? I ween your strength so mighty hath him of life fordone." 1568. With lying words he answer'd : " As I the boat there found A desert heath alongside, my hand the rope unbound ; But never of a boatman have I to-day had sight, Nor here by fault on my part, hath any had despite." 1569. Then one of the Burgundians, the noble Gemot, said : " To-day I needs must sorrow for friends soon to be dead ; Since we have found no boatman waiting for us at hand, How are we to come over ? For that in fear I stand." 1570- Right loudly then cried Hagen : " Lay down upon the green. Ye squires, the horses' trappings : I mind me I have been The best of all the rowers that on the Rhine were found. I'll wager I can bring you across to Gelfrat's ground." 268 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1571- That they might be the sooner ferried across the flood, They drave the horses in it ; whose swimming was so good, That, strong as was the current, they cross'd it none the less ; Though some far downwards drifted in very weariness. 1572. Their gold and all their baggage unto the ship they bore, Since from this journey's ending they now could turn no more. And Hagen was the captain ; he ferried to the strand Full many a gallant warrior into the unknown land. 1573. Of noble knights a thousand first brought he to the shore, And after these his warriors, and ever there were more : Of men-at-arms nine thousand he ferried safe to land. Nor all day long did weary the gallant Tronian's hand. 1574- When he the whole in safety across the flood had brought. The warrior bold and eager of that strange story thought Which the wild water-maidens erewhile to him had said. Then for King Gunther's chaplain the days were wellnigh sped ! 1575- Amidst the chapel baggage he sought and found the priest. Who on his hand was leaning, that on the Pyx did rest. But little that avail'd him when Hagen him did spy : The all-forsaken chaplain must suffer grievously. 1576. Out of the skiff he swung him, ere yet a moment pass'd. Though many voices shouted : " Stay him, good sirs, avast." Young Giselher fell a-cursing in anger at the sight ; Yet would not Hagen heed him, but did it in despite. XXV.] HOW THE LORDS ALL WENT TO THE HUNS. 269 1577- Th en spake the noble Gemot, the lord of Burgundy : "This chaplain's death, O Hagen, now what avails it thee? Had any other done it it would have pleased you ill. For what default or reason sought'st thou the priest to kill." 1578. As best he could he floated, and well escaped had he, Had any dared to help him ; but that was not to be. Because the mightful Hagen was of too angry mood : He thrust him under water, — that seem'd to no one good. 1579- Now when the wretched chaplain no help saw in his need. Backward again he turn'd him ; sore was his plight indeed. Yet though to swim he knew not, God help'd him with His hand, That safe and sound in body he got once more to land. 1580. There stood the hapless chaplain and shook his raiment out ; And thereby well knew Hagen that now there was no doubt But true the tale was, told him by those wild water-wives. Thought he : " Then all these warriors perforce must lose their lives." 1581. When that the three kings' lieges the ship had all unstored, And unto land had carried whate'er they had on board, Hagen to pieces hew'd it and flung it in the flood. Whereover marvell'd greatly those warriors bold and good. 1582. " Why dost thou thus, O brother ? " to him did Dankvvart say ; " How shall we cross the water when on our homeward way, We ride again from Hunsland unto the Rhine country?" " Look you," to him said Hagen, . " that thing can never be ! " 2/0 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1583. Then spake the lord of Tronje : " This do I with the thought That, should we on this journey have any cravens brought, Who fain would basely leave us, through cowardice of mind, They must a shameful ending here in this river find." 1584. A man there was amongst them from Burgundy who came. By might of hand a hero, and Volker was his name. Right cunningly he utter'd all that was in his mind, And whatsoe'er did Hagen this minstrel good did find. 1585. The chargers now were ready, each packhorse had its load. So far, the host no damage had suffered on the road To daunt them, or to trouble, except the chaplain's loss ; Who needs must to the Rhineland on foot the country cross. ADVENTURE XXVI.— HOW GELFRAT WAS SLAIN BY DANKWART. 1586. When they were all come over unto the further strand, The king began to question : " Who will throughout this land Show us the proper pathways, — lest we should stray afar?" Then spake the valiant Volker : " Alone for that I'll care." 1587. " Now bide ye yet," said Hagen, " if squire you be or knight, A friend's word should be foUow'd ; that seems to me but right. I have unwelcome tidings to make known unto ye : No more shall we return to the land of Burgundy ! XXVI.] HOW GELFRAT WAS SLAIN BY DANKWART. 2/1 1588. *' To-day, at early morning, told me mermaidens two, That we should home return not. Now rede I what to do : Look to your weapons, heroes, ye needs must well beware ; Here have we mighty foemen, and warily must fare. 1589. " I thought to catch her lying, that wily mermaiden : She swore that none among us should ever come again Alive unto our country, except the priest alone : Whom therefore I this morning have done my best to drown.'' 1590. Then quickly flew these tidings, from troop to troop they spread ; From the keen heroes' faces for grief the colour fled ; To sorrow then began they that this court-ride should lead To bitter death as ending : in sooth, they had good need. 1591- Nigh Mceringen the place was where they the flood had cross'd. The ferryman of Else there, too, his life had lost. And thereupon said Hagen : " Seeing that I have made Foes on the road, I doubt not that we shall be waylaid. 1592. " To-day that self-same boatman at early dawn I slew ; Ye know right well the story. Now buckle quickly to, That if this day should Gelfrat or Else here essay To fall upon our people, they shall the damage pay. 1593- " For such bold men I know ye, this cannot fail to be. 'Twere well to let your horses, therefore, go quietly. That none should deem we're passing along the roads in flight.'' " That counsel will I follow," said Giselher the knight. 272 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1594- "But who shall now our people across the country show?" They answer'd : " That shall Volker, for right well doth he know The highways and the byways, a gallant minstrel he." Before their wish was utter'd, the fiddler they could see 1595- Standing well-arm'd before them. He bound his helmet on, And on his battle-mantle the glorious colour shone. As signal, on a lance-shaft, a pennon red he bore. But with the kings, thereafter, he fell on trouble sore. 1596. Meanwhile the boatman's murder became to Gelfrat known By message all undoubted ; and eke the news had gone To Else the most mighty; and sore aggrieved were they. They sent to call their chieftains, who came without delay. 1597. In space of time the shortest, — I would to you make known, — Were seen unto them riding men, who erewhile had done Sore scathe and dread achievements in direst stress of war. Of such there came to Gelfrat seven hundred men or more. 1598. Their foemen fierce to challenge to ride they then began, Led by their lords aforesaid. Too readily they ran To catch the doughty strangers and wipe away their shame. Of their retainers many by death thereafter came. 1599. Meanwhile, Hagen of Tronje for that had taken care ; (How could a hero better for all his friends beware ?) Together with his liegemen the watch by night kept he. As did his brother Dankwart : 'twas done right prudently. XXVI.] HOW GELFRAT WAS SLAIN BY DANKWART. 2/3 1600. The day its course had ended and light they had no more. He fear'd for friends and comrades with heavy dread and sore. Their road throughout Bavaria beneath their shields they track'd, And ere they long had ridden the heroes were attack'd. 1601. On both sides of the roadway behind them, coming fast, They heard the tramp of horse-hoofs, too noisy in their haste. Then spake the gallant Dankwart : " Here will they fall on us ! Now fasten on your helmets, — 'twere wise to wait them thus." 1602. They halted on their journey, naught else was to be done. They saw how in the darkness the polish'd bucklers shone. Until at last would Hagen no longer brook delay : " Who hunts us on the highway ? " to him must Gelfrat say, 1603. In this wise then the Margrave — he of Bavaria — spake : *' Our foemen we are seeking, and now are on their track. I know not who hath slain me my ferryman this day. He was a skilful hero, and sorrow well I may." 1604. To him spake he of Tronje : " And was that boatman thine? He would not take us over. The guilt thereof is mine, For then I slew the warrior ; in sooth, there was good need. Since at his hands I elsewise had got my death instead. 1605. " I offer'd him for guerdon good gold and raiment fine To ferry us, O hero ! unto this land of thine. Which anger'd him so sorely that he at me a blow Aim'd with a sturdy barge-pole ; then I grew fierce enow, T 2/4 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1606. " And clutching at my broadsword, I paid him back again With blows that deeply wounded ; so was the hero slain. Amends therefore I'll make thee, howe'er thou thinkest good." Then fell the two to wrangle : both were of stubborn mood. 1607. '' Full well I knew," said Gelfrat, "that when this way did ride Gunther and his retainers, much ill would us betide Through Hagen, lord of Tronje. Not hence alive goes he ; For my poor boatman's murder he must the forfeit be." 1608. Above their bucklers bent they their lances for the thrust, Sir Gelfrat and Sir Hagen ; each at the other must. Then Else, too, and Dankwart came riding gallantly. To try each other's mettle ; the fight raged fiercely. 1609. How otherwise might heroes more featly try their strength ? By a hard lance-thrust smitten Hagen the bold, at length, From off his horse fell backwards, by Gelfrat's hand laid low. His breast-strap broke, so must he the pain of falling know. 1610. Among the yeomen's lances arose a clashing sound. Then up again rose Hagen, who, whilom on the ground From Gelfrat's blow, had fallen upon the meadow-grass. His mood, methinks, to Gelfrat of sort ungentle was. 1611. Who held in charge their horses, that is to me unknown ; The twain were now dismounted and on the sand stood down, — Hagen, to wit, and Gelfrat, who at each other flew ; The folk of either aided who of the combat knew. xxvl] how gelfrat was slain by dankwart. 275 I6I2. How mightfully soever Hagen on Gelfrat leapt, The noble margrave parried ; and with one stroke he swept A great piece off his buckler, — that sparks therefrom were shed ; Whereby King Gunther's vassal was wellnigh stricken dead. 1613. Thereon he unto Dankwart to call aloud began : " Dear brother, help me quickly ! for, lo, a mighty man Hath got me at his mercy ; he'll make an end of me ! " Then spake the valiant Dankwart : "To that I soon will see." 1614. Then nearer sprang the hero and struck so fell a blow With keen edge of his weapon, that dead he laid him low. Then fain had Else taken some vengeance for the wight ; But he and all his people went off in sorry plight. 1615. His brother had been slaughter'd ; himself, too, had a wound ; Full eighty of his warriors lay there upon the ground In grim Death's grip forever ; needs must the hero then Turn round and flee for safety before King Gunther's men. 1616. Now while they of Bavaria along the road did flee, The horrid sounds of slaughter were heard unceasingly. So did the men of Tronje after their foemen chase, Who of defeat had dreamt not ; too soon it came to pass. 1617. And while they still were fleeing, Dankwart the thane call'd out : " Upon the road right quickly we ought to turn about And let them run at leisure : all wet they are with blood ! Unto our friends return we ; in sooth I deem it good." 276 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1618. Now when they were returned to where the fight had been, Spake Hagen, lord of Tronje : "Ye heroes, be it seen What damage we have suffer'd, and who to us is lost ; By reason of this battle which Gelfrat's wrath hath cost." 1619. Four only lost they reckon'd ; these must they grieve for well. But fully they aveng'd were : for against them there fell Of the Bavarian warriors a hundred men and more ; Whereby the Tronians' bucklers were dimm'd and wet with gore. 1620. Just then a gleam of moonlight between the clouds did break. " Now look ye well that no one," so to them Hagen spake, " Betray to my dear masters what we have done this day ; Let them until the morning free from all trouble stay." 1621. When they who had been fighting had now caught up the rest. With weariness the people were grievously distress'd. " How long," were many asking, " must we be riding yet ? " And doughty Dankwart answer'd : "No lodging can we get. 1622. " Until the dawn of morning ye all must onwards ride." Volker the quick, who all things did for the folk provide, Bade some one ask the marshal : "Where shall we go towards, That we may rest our horses and eke our well-loved lords ? " 1623. Then Spake the doughty Dankwart : " In sooth I cannot say. But there must be no resting before the dawn of day; Then, wheresoe'er we find it, upon the grass we'll lie." Some, when they heard this bidding, were sore aggrieved thereby. xxvl] how gelfrat was slain by dankwart. 277 1624. So were they undiscover'd by the warm blood-stains red, Until the sun uprising with his bright beams had shed The day-dawn o'er the mountains ; then first the king did see That they had fought. The hero spake to them wrathfully : 1625. "■ How now? ye have, friend Hagen, methinks but small regard For this my presence with you, seeing ye thus have dared To stain with blood your armour ! now who hath done this thing?" " 'Twas Else, who set on us last night," he told the king. 1626. " His ferryman the cause was that we were set upon ; My brother came, and Gelfrat was by his hand fordone ; Then Else fled before us, by direst need bested. Four men we lost ; a hundred of them we left for dead." 1627. The place at which they rested I know not to declare ; But all the country people ere long became aware That sons of noble Ute to court were on their way : And thus a hearty welcome at Passau soon had they. 1628. The Bishop Pilgrin, uncle of these high rulers three. Was in his heart well-pleased his sister's sons to see. With such a host of warriors, thus come to his domain. That he meant well unto them, was very quickly plain. 1629. Right gladly were they welcomed by friends upon the way ; But since there was at Passau no room for them to stay. They needs must cross the water, where open field they found ; There tents and wooden cabins they set up on the ground. 2/8 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1630. There must they stay and rest them for space of one whole day And eke the night that follow'd. How fairly served were they ! To Riideger's dominions thence had they to ride on. To him the tidings also were very quickly known. 163T. When now the wayworn riders had taken needful rest, And nearer were approaching the country of their quest, They found upon the marches a knight who sleeping lay. From whom Hagen of Tronje a stout sword took away. 1632. Ay, Eckewart the name was of that same warrior good ; Much grief had he thereover, and sorry was his mood That he had lost the weapon through heroes passing there. Ill-watch'd found they the borders of margrave Riideger. " Woe 's me for this dishonour," thereon said Eckewart, " This journey of Burgundians I rue with all my heart. Since ever I lost Siegfried, my luck hath all been gone. Alack, the day, Lord Riideger, what ill to thee I've done ! " 1634. Now Hagen heard right plainly the noble warrior's woe. His sword again he gave him and six red armlets, too. " Take these as pledge, O hero, that thou my friend wilt be ; Good knight thou art, though lonely thou sleptst upon the lea." 1635- " God for thy rings requite thee," said Eckewart thereto ; " Thy journey into Hunsland yet sorely do I rue. Thou took'st the life of Siegfried ; here art thou held in hate. To guard thyself be careful : in good faith rede I that." XXVI.] HOW GELFRAT WAS SLAIN BY DANKWART. 279 1636. " Now God alone must keep us ! " Hagen for answer gave. " In truth no greater trouble these warriors now have Than that, for kings and liegemen, on lodgings we may light, Where we in this same country may lay our heads to-night. 1637. " The horses have been ruin'd by roads so far about ; " Thus spake the warrior Hagen, " our stores are all run out ; None can be had for money ; a worthy host we need. Who ere this day is ended will kindly give us bread." 1638. Spake Eckewart in answer : " A host to you I'll show : And such a one ne'er bade you into his house to go. In any land whatever, as ye may meet with here If ye, good thanes, are willing to visit Riideger. 1639. " He dwells hard by the highway : of hosts he is the best That ever had a rooftree. His heart is aye possest Of kindness, as of flowers are meadows in sweet May ; If he can succour heroes, glad will he be the day." 1640. " Wilt thou then," said King Gunther, " be now my messenger, And see if for my pleasure, my kind friend Riideger Shelter unto my kinsfolk and all our men will give ? So will I do my utmost to serve him while I live." 1641. " I'll gladly be the envoy," then answer'd Eckewart. With right good will so did he upon the errand start. To Riideger declared he what he was bade to say, Who no such joyful tidings had heard for many a day. 28o THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1642. Folk saw to Bechelaren a knight ride hastily. Him Riideger himself saw : '' On yonder road," said he, " Comes Eckewart fast riding, of Kriemhild's lieges one." He fancied that the foemen some harm to him had done. 1643. Then went he to the gateway where he the envoy found Who laid aside his weapon from off his belt unbound. The message that he carried he sought not to withhold From host and friends about him ; but straight his story told. 1644. Unto the margrave spake he : "I come at the command Of Gunther, king and ruler of the Burgundian land, And Giselher his brother, and likewise Gemot, too ; Each of these warriors sendeth his greeting unto you. 1645. " The like doth also Hagen, as Volker doth as well, With true and ready service. And more I have to tell : That — as the royal marshal sends word to you by me — The good men much are needing your hospitality." 1646. With smiling lips unto him made Riideger reply : *' Glad am I at your tidings, that kings so great and high Deign to bespeak my service : they shall not be denied. If they will cross my threshold 'twill give me joy and pride." 1647. *' Dankwart the marshal likewise begs you by me to tell If you can furnish house-room for all the rest as well : For sixty vaUant warriors, a thousand knights right good, And men-at-arms nine thousand?" Then joyful was his mood. XXVII.] HOW THEY CAME TO BECHELAREN. 28 1 1648. " Now be these guests right welcome," made answer Riideger, " And all these noble warriors, unto my dwelling here ; To them, as yet, at no time have I a service done. So ride to meet them, kinsmen and lieges everyone." 1649. Then quickly to their horses hurried each squire and knight. Whate'er their master bade them to all of them seem'd right ; And they in service hasted the readier for that. Naught wist yet dame Gotlinda, who in her chamber sat. ADVENTURE XXVII.— HOW THEY CAME TO BECHELAREN. 1650. Away then went the margrave to where the ladies were, His wife and eke their daughter ; — to them the tidings fair That had but now been brought him he told right speedily : That soon their lady's brothers beneath their roof would be. 1651. " My own and well-lov'd sweetheart," so Riideger then spake, " These noble kings and mighty we must right welcome make, Since they and all their followers are on their way to court. And Hagen, Gunther's liegeman, thou must greet in good sort. 1652. "With him there comes another, by name one Dankwart hight And yet a third call'd Volker, a well-bred, courtly knight. These six must thou, Gotlinda, and thou, my daughter, kiss. And let not any warrior a fitting welcome miss. 282 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1653- This promised both the laddies and did themselves prepare, And sought from out their coffers for raiment rich to wear, That they to meet the warriors in fit attire might go. Amidst the comely damsels there was a great to-do. 1654. Of painted women's faces one found there few enough. They wore upon their foreheads bright bands of golden stuff, Like costly chaplets fashion'd, that thus their lovely hair The wind should not dishevel : 'tis truth that I declare. 1655- Now let us leave the ladies in all this business. Across the open country all eager was the press Of Riideger's retainers to where the princes stay'd ; Within the margrave's county right welcome were they made. 1656. As soon as towards him coming the margrave them espied, How Riideger the valiant in words of gladness cried : " Be ye, my lords, right welcome, and likewise all your men ; How glad am I to see you here in my own domain ! " 1657. In trust, with no misliking, the warriors to him bow'd ; That he all goodwill bore them to all he plainly show'd. Apart he greeted Hagen, a friend of old was he ; And did the like to Volker, the knight of Burgundy. 1658. Danlcwart he also greeted ; whereon that bold thane spake : "Since thou wilt give us shelter, pray, who shall undertake To cater for our people whom we have brought so far ? " Then answer'd him the margrave : " This night be free from care. XXVII.] HOW THEY CAME TO BECHELAREN. 283 1659. "And as to all your people, and aught that in your band, Horses be it, or raiment, hath come unto this land. So safely will I guard them and all from loss insure. That ye shall have no damage, nay, not by a single spur. 1660. " So pitch your tents, ye yeomen, upon the open ground, For any loss ye suffer I'm willing to be bound. Take off the horses' bridles and let them freely run." The like to them but seldom a host ere then had done. 1661. Right glad of heart the guests were. When all had come to pass, The lords rode off together. Then down upon the grass On all sides lay the yeomen, and right good rest they had ; I ween in all the journey they ne'er so softly laid. 1662. The noble margrave's lady without the castle gate Had gone with her fair daughter. One saw there with her wait A crowd of lovely women, and many a maiden fair, Who wore a store of armlets, and raiment rich and rare. 1663. The precious gems glowed brightly, and might be seen afar Upon their rich apparel ; so finely clad they were. And now the guests arriving dismounted speedily. Ay me ! what gallant breeding showed they of Burgundy ! 1664. Of maidens six-and-thirty and many another dame, As ever eye could wish for so fair in form they came, And went towards the strangers with many a gallant man. Ah, then in sooth fair greetings of noble dames began ! 284 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1665. Then kiss'd the margrave's daughter the three kings fittingly, As also did her mother ; Hagen was standing by, Her father bade her kiss him ; she cast a look at him, And fain had she not done it — she thought he look'd so grim. 1666. Yet straightway must she do it, since so the master said ; Her cheeks were changed in colour to mingled white and red. Then Dankwart likewise kiss'd she, and then the Minstrel too ; By reason of his valour such greeting was his due. 1667. The margrave's youthful daughter took presently the hand Of Giselher, the warrior from the Burgundian land : Her mother, too, did likewise to Gunther, the brave king. So went they with the heroes in gladness revelling. 1668. The host along with Gemot went into a wide hall, Where they were quickly seated, both knights and ladies all : Good wine was call'd for straightway, which to the guests they gave. Ay, surely never heroes could better treatment have. 1669. With many an eager eye-glance the men look'd lovingly On Riideger's young daughter : she was so fair to see. Ay, in his thoughts embraced her full many a warrior good, And right well she deserved it ; but she was proud of mood : 1670. Think might they as it pleased them, such thing could not be done. And to and fro men's glances meanwhile oft lit upon Right many a dame and maiden ; plenty were seated there. Goodwill the noble minstrel unto the host did bear. XXVIL] HOW THEY CAME TO BECHELAREN. 285 1671. According to the custom they sever'd then in two, The warriors and the ladies to separate rooms withdrew. In the wide hall the tables in order straight were set, And soon the stranger guest-folk with royal service met. 1672. To do her guests more honour the noble margravine Sat down with them at table ; her daughter was unseen, Left with the younger children, where fittingly she sat ; The guests, who miss'd her presence, were sorely vext thereat 1673. When meat and drink abundant had been enjoy'd by all The ladies fair were usher'd again into the hall. There lack'd not mirthful story, nor jesting manifold : Busy of tongue was Volker, a knight of mood right bold. 1674. Thus spake the noble minstrel, aloud that all might heed : " Most rich and noble margrave, God hath with you indeed Dealt graciously, in granting so fair a dame for wife. And likewise in bestowing on you a joyous life. 1675. " If haply," said the minstrel, " I were a prince of blood, And wore the crown of kingship, surely for wife I would Make choice of your fair daughter, for her my heart doth woo ; Lovesome she is to look on and good and noble too." 1676. Then said to him the margrave : " How could it ever be. That any king should ask for my daughter dear of me ? ^Ve are but stranger-people, my wife as well as I : What boots it that the damsel so fair is bodily ? " 286 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1677. To him made answer Gemot, that man of breeding high : " If I would have a sweetheart, my heart to satisfy, So would I such a woman be ever glad to wed." Then Hagen put his word in, with kindly speech, and said : 1678. " 'Tis still to be remember'd Lord Giselher should wed : Of ancestry so noble the margravine is bred, That I and all his liegemen would serve her willingly, If with a crown upon her she came to Burgundy." 1679. To Riideger this counsel in every way seem'd good. As likewise to Gotlinda : ay, both were glad of mood. And soon the chiefs so order'd that she was bride beloved Of Giselher the noble, as well a king behoved. 1680. When aught is bound to happen who may the same gainsay ? Forthwith they bade the damsel to court to take her way. They took an oath to give him the winsome maid to wife, And he, on his side, promised to love her as his life. i68r. They gave the maiden warrant for castles and for land, The noble king confirm'd it by oath and his right hand. As likewise did Lord Gemot, that thus it should be done. Then spake to them the margrave : " Though castles I have none, 1682. "Yet you will I at all times in faithful friendship hold : I give unto my daughter of silver and of gold As much as five score horses may carry at their best, That so well-pleased, in honour, the hero's kin may rest." XXVII.l HOW THEY CAME TO BECHELAREN. 287 1683. The pair were thereon bidden within a ring to stand, According to the custom. Of many youths a band, In mood for merry-making, stood opposite the twain, And thought what they were minded, as youngsters still are fain. 1684. When they began to question, and ask'd the winsome maid If she would have the warrior, she was a whit dismay'd : And yet she still was minded to take the goodly wight ; She blush'd but at the question, as any maiden might. 1685. Then Riideger her father bade her to answer *' Yea ! " That she would gladly take him. Whereon, without delay, His white hands stretch'd towards her to fold her lovingly. Young Giselher came forward, — short though their joy must be ! i686. "Ye noble kings and mighty," thereon the margrave spake ; " When home again your journey to Burgundy ye take. Then I (as is the custom) will give my child to you, That ye may take her with you." That they engaged to do. 1687. Noisy as were the revels, at last they had an end. The damsels to their chambers were bidden then to wend ; In sleep the guests, too, rested till daybreak did appear; Then victuals were made ready ; for all the host took care. 1688. "When they their fast had broken fain would they forward go Towards the Hunnish country. " I pray you, do not so," Besought their host right noble; " awhile ye yet must stay; Since I no guests so welcome have seen for many a day." 288 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1689. To this made Dankwart answer : " That surely will not do. Whence will you get the victuals, the bread and wine thereto, Which for so many warriors you needs must have this day ? " The host, on hearing, answer'd : " It boots no more to say ; 1690. " My well-lov'd lords, so please ye, I will not be denied ; Ay, for a fortnight will I the meat and drink provide For you and all the people that hither you have brought ; For never hath King Etzel from me yet taken aught." 1691. Howe'er they sought to help it, needs must they there abide Until the fourth day's dawning : then did a thing betide. Done of the master's bounty, and noised far and near : On every guest bestow'd he a horse and wearing gear. 1692. This could not last much longer : thence must they forward fare. But Riideger the valiant could naught withhold or spare To testify his bounty : what any fain would take. That was denied to no one ; all happy would he make. 1.693. Then forth before the gateway their noble equerries Led out the saddled horses. In readiness for these The throng of foreign warriors came out ; their shields in hand They bore, for they were eager to ride to Etzel's land. 1694. Thereon the master offer'd his gifts to one and all. Ere yet the royal strangers were come without the hall. With bounty and great honour he knew the way to live ; And even his fair daughter to Giselher would give. XXVII.] HOW THEY CAME TO BECHELAREN. 289 1695. Anon he gave to Gunther, that hero of great fame, What he, the mighty monarch, might well wear without shame — Though gifts he took but seldom — a coat of mail, to wit. O'er Riideger's hand did Gunther bow low in thanks for it. 1696. Then gave he unto Gemot a sword, a good one too, Which afterwards in battle right gallantly he drew : That such a gift he gave him well pleased the margrave's wife. 'Twas doom'd to cost, soon after, good Riideger his life. 1697. Gotlinda offer'd Hagen, as courteous custom bade, Some tokens of her kindness, since such the king had had, Lest he without her aidance should on his road be sped Unto the royal revels ; but this he soon gainsaid. 1698. *' Of all the things that ever I saw," so Hagen spake, "Not one have I more envy hence as my own to take, Than yonder shield that hanging upon the wall I see : That would I gladly carry to Etzel's land with me." 1699. The margravine no sooner had heard what Hagen said, Than bygone woes were waken'd, and tears she needs must shed. Upon the death of Nudung she sorrowfully thought. How Witege had slain him : thus grief upon her wrought. 1700. She spake unto the warrior : " I'll give the shield to thee, But would to God in Heaven that still alive were he Who on his arm once bare it ! In fight he was laid low And I must aye bewail him : hence comes, poor me, my woe ! " u 290 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1701. Then from her seat uprose she, the noble margravine ; And so, the buckler grasping her snow-white hands between, The dame to Hagen bore it, and he thereof took hold : It was a gift of honour unto that warrior bold. 1702. A case of polish'd leather upon its surface lay, A better shield and brighter ne'er shone in light of day. With noble gems bestudded ; had any wanted it To buy, perchance its value a thousand marks had quit. 1703. Then, by command of Hagen, they bore the shield away. And now to court did Dankwart begin to wend his way. On him the margrave's daughter apparel rich bestow'd, In which ere long in Hunsland right gloriously he rode. 1704. Now all these friendly tokens they were endow'd withal. Into the hands of any had never come at all, Save by the master's bounty, offer'd with such good will. Such foes ere long became they that him they needs must kill ! 1705- Then did the ready Volker, his fiddle in his hand. With courtly mien approaching before Gotlinda stand. Sweet tunes for her he fiddled, and sang his roundelay. Thus would he from Bechlaren take leave to ride away. 1706. The margravine then bade men to her a chest to bear ; Of kindly gifts and bounty ye now again must hear. Therefrom she took twelve armlets and put them o'er his hand: " These must you carry with you away to Etzel's land. XXVIL] HOW THEY CAME TO BECHELAREN. 29 1 1707. *' And for my sake must wear them whene'er you go to court ; That when you come back hither I may have good report How you have done me service at that great festival." E'en as the lady bade him he well accomplish'd all. 1708. The host said to the strangers : " Ye will the better fare If I myself shall lead you, and bid you how beware Lest anyone should do you a hurt upon the road." Then of his sumpter-horses each quickly had its load. 1709. There stood the host all ready, and eke five hundred men With horses and apparel. These led he with him then Unto the royal wedding, — a joyous merry train ; Alive to Bechelaren not one came back again ! 1710. With many loving kisses the host his farewells said, As Giselher did also, by honour ever led. The women fair they fondled with arms around them thrown ; For which would many a damsel be weeping soon, alone. 1711. On all sides were the windows thrown open to the air. The host with his retainers to mount all eager were. I ween their hearts foreboded the mighty ills to be ; For many dames were weeping and maidens fair to see. 1712, For dear friends left behind them, plenty at heart were sore, Whom they at Bechelaren would look on nevermore ; Yet gaily rode they onwards, and down across the sand Along the Danube river, unto the Hunnish land. 292 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1713. Then Riideger the noble, well versed in chivalry, Spake unto the Burgundians : "We ought not, verily, To hide that-we are coming unto the Hunfolk near; Such good news hath King Etzel ne'er had the chance to hear." 1714. Down through the Austrian kingdom the messenger rode fast ; Soon to the folk on all sides from mouth to mouth it pass'd, That coming were the heroes from Worms beyond the Rhine. No tidings the king's lieges could more to joy incline. 17^5. The messengers sped forwards and now the tidings bare Of how the Niblung warriors within the Huns' land were. " Thou shouldst right well receive them, Kriemhilda, lady mine ; To thee come in great honour these brothers dear of thine." 1716. Meanwhile, as dame Kriemhilda beside a window-sill Stood watching for her kinsmen, — as friends for others will, Lo, from her father's country there saw she many a man. The king, who heard the tidings, to laugh for glee began. 1717. " Now joy of all who love me be mine ! " Kriemhilda said, *' For hither come my kinsmen with many a shield new-made, And many a bright steel hauberk. Who would have gold of me, Let him my wrongs remember, my friend he e'er shall be ! " XXVIII.] HOW THEV CAME TO ETZEL'S STRONGHOLD. 293 ADVENTURE XXVIIL— HOW THE BURGUNDIANS CAME TO ETZEL'S STRONGHOLD. 1718. As soon as the Burgundians were come to Hunnish land, Of Bern^ a chieftain heard it, — the aged Hildebrand. Unto his lord he told it ; to him 'twas all unmeet ; Yet bade he them with kindness the valiant knights to greet. 1719. The ready Wolfhart bade them to bring the horses out. Then rode along with Dietrich full many a warrior stout. As towards the open country to welcome them he went. There had they pitch'd already full many a noble tent. 1720. When Hagen, lord of Tronj^, them from afar espied. Unto his masters turning, in courteous words he cried : " Now, please ye, gallant warriors, dismount on to your feet, And them whom you would welcome go forth yourselves to meet. 1721. *' The company that cometh is right well known to me : They are the doughty warriors from Amelung country, And he of Bern doth lead them ; they are of courage high. 'Twere better not to flout them when folk to serve ye try." 1722. Then down from horse alighted (as was indeed but right) All they who came with Dietrich, full many a squire and knight. They walk'd towards the strangers, where they the chiefs could see. And courteously greeted the men of Burgundy. ^ I.e., Verona. 294 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1723. When noble Dietrich saw them their way. towards him make, Perchance ye fain would hearken to what the warrior spake Unto the sons of Ute. Their journey grieved him sore : The truth, he thought, Sir Riideger had known and told before. 1724. " Be welcome, sirs, right welcome, Gunther and Giselher, And Gemot, too, and Hagen ; and, not the less, Volker And swift and ready Dankwart ! Have ye not understood That o'er her Niblung hero Kriemhilda yet doth brood ? " 1725- " Then let her brood for ever ! " Hagen in answer said, " For many a long year is it since he was stricken dead. To love the King of Hunsland is now her duty plain : Siegfried hath long been buried ; he comes not back again." 1726. " Now let us, an' it please you, leave Siegfried's wounds alone ; Whilst Dame Kriemhilda liveth evil may still be done." So did the noble Dietrich, the knight of Bern, declare. " Thou Mainstay of the Niblungs, to guard thyself beware ! " 1727. " And wherefore should I guard me ? " the high-born king replied ; " Tidings we had from Etzel (what should I ask beside ?) That, came we hither riding, 'twould give him much content My sister Kriemhild, likewise, hath many a message sent." 1728. " If I may give you counsel," so Hagen to them spake, " Beg that the noble Dietrich and his good warriors make Some better declaration of what they have in mind, And tell us to what humour Dame Kriemhild is inclined." XXVIII.] HOW THEY CAME TO ETZEL'S STRONGHOLD. 295 1729. Then the three mighty chieftains to speak apart withdrew, Gunther to wit, and Gemot, and the lord Dietrich, too : " Now, knight of Bern, pray tell us, thou noble warrior good, What of the queen thou knowest, and what may be her mood. 1730. The knight of Bern made answer : " What can I tell you more ? I hear her ev'ry morning weeping and wailing sore, — This wedded wife of Etzel — in manner piteous. To the great God of Heaven, for stalwart Siegfried's loss." 1731- " It may not be averted," — that boldest man declared, Volker, the fiddle-player, — " the doom whereof we've heard ; To court we're bound to journey, there for ourselves to see What fate for us good warriors among the Huns shall be." 1732. So hence the bold Burgundians to court rode on their way fter their country's fashion, in glorious array. id many a bold man marvell'd among the Hunfolk there At Hagen, lord of Tronje, what kind of man he were. 1733- For since was told the story, (that was enough alone,) How he the Netherlander Siegfried to death had done, — The stoutest of all warriors, the husband of Kriemhild — With questions about Hagen the court was wellnigh fiU'd. 1734. Of goodly growth and presence the hero was, no doubt ; Broad-shouldered and deep-chested ; his hair was fleck'd about With streaks of grisly colour ; long in the shank was he. And stony was his visage ; he walk'd right royally. 296 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1735- Then quarters were appointed for the Burgundian men. The whole of Gunther's followers were sunder'd from him then. This by the queen was compass'd, with hatred for him fiU'd ; Hence all the yeomen, later, were in their hostel kill'd. 1736. Since Dankwart, Hagen's brother, the marshal had been made, The king with zeal commended the men to him ; and bade That he would seek their comfort and let them have their fill. This chief of the Burgundians bore all of them goodwill. 1737. And now came Queen Kriemhilda with all her company That she might greet the Niblungs with feigned courtesy. But Giselher, her brother, she kiss'd and took his hand. This Hagen saw, and tighter he laced his helmet's band. 1738. "In view of such a greeting," thus Hagen blurted out, " A prompt and ready warrior may well have some misdoubt ! To kings and to their vassals greetings unlike befall: We've made no lucky journey to this high festival." 1739- " To those who fain would see thee," said she, " now welcome be : Thou shalt not have a greeting for friendship's sake from me. Say what it is thou bringest from Worms beyond the Rhine, That thou so great a welcome shouldst have from me and mine." 1740. *' If I had heard the tidings," so Hagen spake again, "That you for gifts were looking at hands of every thane, Had I myself been wealthy I would have twice bethought Or ever to this country my gifts for you I brought." XXVIII.] HOW THEY CAME TO ETZEL'S STRONGHOLD. 297 1741. " 'Tis rather you, who tidings to me should give : to wit, The Nibelungen treasure, what have ye done with it ? It was mine own possession, and that right well you knew : 'Twas this ye should have brought me to Etzel's land with you." 1742. " I' faith, my Lady Kriemhild, 'tis now full many a day Since when at my disposal the Niblung treasure lay ; At bidding of my masters 'twas sunk in the Rhine-tide : There till the Day of Judgment, in sooth, it may abide." 1743- Then spake the queen in answer : " 'Tis even as I thought ! Right little of it have you for me to this land brought, Although 'twas mine, and whilom within my power it lay; Since when I've spent thereover full many a dreary day." 1744. " The devil a bit I bring you ! " Sir Hagen fell to swear : " I have my shield to carry, and that 's enough to bear. Together with my mail-coat ; my helm 's a trifling thing. My sword I have in hand though, so naught for you I bring." 1745- Thereon the queen spake loudly unto those warriors all : " Let no man any weapon carry into the hall ; Give them to me, ye heroes, I'll keep them safe for you ! " " Nay, by my troth," cried Hagen, "that will we never do ! 1746. " I covet not the honour, gentle princess and fair. That thou unto the hostel my shield thyself shouldst bear. Nor other of my weapons : thou hast a queen become ; So taught me not my father; I will be chambergroom." 298 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1747. " O woe on all my sorrow ! " Kriemhilda loudly said, " How is it that my brother and Hagen are afraid To leave their shields in keeping ? They have been warn'd, I see ; And knew I who had done it, I'd give him death for fee." 1748. Thereon Lord Dietrich answer'd, and said to her in scorn : "'Twas I that took upon me these noble kings to warn ; And Hagen warn'd I likewise, the brave Burgundian. Come on, thou devil's daughter, do me the worst you can ! " 1749. Ashamed and sore confounded at this was Etzel's wife : For bitterly with Dietrich she feared to be at strife. She found no word to answer, but went away in haste, Whilst but a few sharp glances upon her foes she cast. 1750- Then hand by hand two warriors took each of other hold : The one was noble Dietrich, the other Hagen bold. Then spake in courtly manner that knight of spirit high : "Your coming to the Hunfolk doth grieve me, verily, 1751- " Seeing the queen hath spoken such words to you but now." Then Hagen spake, of Tronje : " 'Twill matter not, I trow." In such wise with each other, parley'd the two brave men. Meanwhile King Etzel saw them, and fell to questioning then. T752. " I would that some one told me," the mighty sovereign said, " Who is that warrior yonder, to whom Sir Dietrich bade So heartily a welcome ? Of courage high is he ; Whoever were his father, a hero must he be ! " XXVIII.] HOW THEY CAME TO ETZEL'S STRONGHOLD. 299 1753. Then one of Kriemhild's liegemen to answer him began : " He is by birth of Tronje, his sire was Aldrian. How blithe so e'er he bears him, he hath a spirit grim. You shall yourself discover I tell no lies of him." 1754- " How shall I have occasion to know he is so stern ? " (The many sly devices as yet he had to learn, Wherewith, to catch her kinsmen, the queen sought to contrive That none of them from Hunsland again might come alive.) 1755- " Well knew I that same Aldrian, a liegeman of mine own, And here with me he won him much honour and renown. 'Twas I a knight who dubb'd him, and gave him of my gold ; My faithful Helka bore him much kindness, too, of old. 1756. '•' And all, by that same token, of Hagen know I well. Into my hands for hostage two goodly children fell, He and the Spanish Walther ; who being to manhood bred, I sent back Hagen ; Walther with Hildegunda fled." 1757. He thought of the old stories and all that happ'd of yore, His olden friend of Tronje he gladly saw once more, Who in his youth good service to him ne'er fail'd to lend. Soon he in age repaid him by death of many a friend. 300 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. /^ lo ADVENTURE XXIX.— HOW IiE_SJOOD NOT UP BEFORE HER. 1758. This famous pair of warriors asunder then withdrew, Hagen, the lord of Tronje, and noble Dietrich, too.. Whereon across his shoulder look'd Gunther's man around In hope to see a comrade, whom in a trice he found ; 1759- For there Sir Volker standing by Giselher he saw ; He begg'd that cunning minstrel aside with him to draw, For well was he acquainted with his unyielding mood. In sooth, he was in all points a warrior bold and good. 1760. They left the lords together standing in the courtyard. 'Twas seen how they twain only, and not another, fared Across the court wide-stretching before a palace great ; Those chosen men of valour had fear of no man's hate. 1761. They sat upon a settle against the palace front. Hard by a hall which Kriemhild herself to use was wont. Brightly upon their bodies their noble raiment shone, And plenty who beheld them would gladly them have known. 1762. Like wild beasts of the forest those haughty heroes then Were gaped upon and gazed at by all the Hunnish men. The wife of Etzel spied them athwart a window-pane : Whereby the fair Kriemhilda was sorely grieved again. XXIX.] HOW HE STOOD NOT UP BEFORE HER. 30I 1763. It brought to mind her sorrow ; she fell to weeping then, Whereat was mickle marvel among King Etzel's men : What could have thus so quickly troubled their lady's mood ? She answer'd : " That hath Hagen, ye heroes bold and good." 1764. They spake unto the lady : " How can this thing have been When we ourselves but lately have you so happy seen ? None can have been so hardy such evil to have wrought : Else bid us to avenge it ; his life shall go for naught." 1765. " For ever would I serve him who would my wrongs repay, To give him all he ask'd for I would be ready aye. Upon my knees I beg you," so spake the royal wife, " Avenge me now on Hagen, that he may lose his life." 1766. Then sixty gallant warriors girded their armour on, Who, for the love of Kriemhild, were keen to set upon And make an end of Hagen — the ever valiant one — And likewise of the minstrel. 'Twas all with forethought done. 1767. But when the queen beheld them, how small a band they made, In grim and gloomy humour she to the heroes said : "Ye must leave unaccomplish'd what ye would take in hand : Ay, never against Hagen so few will dare to stand ! 1768. *' How strong and bold soever Hagen of Tronje be, The man who siis beside him is stronger far than he, Volker, the fiddler, namely ; he is an evil wight. These heroes to encounter ye will not find so light." 302 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1769. When they had heard this warning still more took heart of grace, — Four hundred gallant warriors. That queen of noble race Had set her heart upon it to do her foes despite : Whence soon was mickle sorrow made ready for each knight. a/ . '770. _ A V Now when she saw her liegemen with arms and armour clad, 0^ Unto the ready warriors the noble lady bade : "Abide ye here a little, ay, stand ye quiet so ; I mean to put my crown on, and to my foemen go. 1771. "And hark while I upbraid him for what he did to me. This Hagen, lord of Tronje, King Gunther's knight in fee. So arrogant I know him, he'll give me not the lie ; And eke care I as little what he shall get thereby." 1772. Then look'd the fiddle-player, the minstrel bold, and lo, He saw the noble lady along a stairway go, That led down from the palace. And when he that espied, The ever valiant Volker unto his comrade cried : 1773- " Now look ye there, friend Hagen, how yonder cometh nigh She who into this country hath lured us faithlessly. With king's wife saw I never so many men around. Bearing in hand their weapons, as for a battle bound. 1774- " Know'st thou, friend Hagen, whether they hatred to thee bear ? If so, I fain would counsel that thou the better care Shouldst take of Hfe and honour : ay, that, methinks, were good ! Unless I am mistaken, they are in wrathful mood. XXIX.] HOW HE STOOD NOT UP BEFORE HER. 303 \ : 1775- ''And some there are among them so exceeding broad of breast That who would rest in surety hath little time to waste. I ween, beneath their clothing, their hauberks bright they wear ; But whom therewith they threaten I nowise can declare." \-[ 1776. Then spake in mood of anger Hagen, the valiant one : " For me, right well I know it, the whole of this is done, — That thus their unsheath'd weapons they carry in the hand ; Yet will I, notwithstanding, ride to Burgundian land ! 1777. " Now say if thou, friend Volker, thine aid to me wilt lend, If so be Kriemhild's liegemen to fight with me intend? That let me hear you promise, as I am dear to you ; And evermore I'll answer to you with service true.' 1778. " Ay, surely will I help thee," the gallant minstrel spake : " Saw I a king come hither, attack on us to make With all his warriors round him, so long as I should live I would not fail to help thee, and not a foot would give." 1779. " Thy service, noble Volker, may God in Heaven requite. What further can I ask for, if thou by me wilt fight ? Since thou art fain to aid me, as I am glad to hear, These blades may come and welcome with all their warlike gear." 1780. " Now from the seat upstand we," then said the man of song : " She is a sovereign lady ; and let her pass along. Let us that honour pay her, she is of noble birth. Thereby our own condition shall seem of greater worth." 304 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1781. " For love of me, I pray thee, do it not," Hagen spake : " Lest otherwise these warriors perchance the deed mistake And think that I had risen, through fear, upon my feet. For such as her and her kind I'll never leave my seat ! 1782. " For both of us 'twere better, methinks, to let it be. Why should I do her honour who bears such hate to me ? Nay, that will I do never as long as I have life ; Nor care I for the hatred of royal Etzel's wife ! " 1783. The overweening Hagen across his knees laid down A bare and shining weapon, upon whose pommel shone A very brilliant jasper, greener than any sward. Kriemhilda well remember'd that it was Siegfried's sword. 1784. When she that sword remember'd a grief it needs must be ; The hilt of it was golden, its sheath red broidery. It brought to mind her sorrow ; her tears began to fall ; I ween the hardy Hagen had therefor done it all. 1785. Upon the bench towards him the valiant Volker drew A fiddle-bow, a strong one, and long and mighty, too. Which to a sword had likeness, right keen and broad of blade. The pair of doughty heroes thus sat there undismay'd. 1786. The valiant twain so lordly seem'd, in their own conceit, They did not deem it fitting to stand up from their seat For fear of man or woman. Whereon, with foe-like mien, Nigh to their feet, to greet them, came up the noble queen. XXIX.] HOW HE STOOD NOT UP BEFORE HER. 305 1787. She spake : *' Now tell me, Hagen, who sent to bid you here, That riding in our country thou darest to appear ? Thou, too, who so well knowest what thou hast done to me ? Hadst thou been well advised thou best hadst let it be." r^^ 1788. " No one hath sent to fetch me," Hagen in answer said : " But hither to this country three warriors you bade ; My masters they are called, to them I service owe. On any royal journey I scarce could fail to go." 1789. Said she : " Now tell me further, how was it thou didst that For which thou hast deserved my everlasting hate ? Thou was it who didst Siegfried, my well-loved husband, slay ; Whom I must mourn for ever until my dying day." 1790. He spake : ** What boots that further ? Of talk we have no need. I am that self-same Hagen who did to death Siegfried, The mighty-handed hero. How dearly he repaid The flouts which Dame Kriemhilda on fair Brunhilda laid ! 1791. " It is not to be doubted, O great and mighty queen, Of all your baleful sorrows that I have guilty been. Now be it man or woman, let them avenge who will ; Though I should then gainsay you, I've done you grievous ill." 1792. Said she : " Now hark ye, warriors, he doth not e'en deny That he hath work'd my sorrow ! What may befall thereby To him, ye men of Etzel, of no account I hold." Then look'd on one another those haughty thanes and bold. X 306 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1793. It doubtless had befallen, whichever had begun ^ i The strife, that these two comrades the honour would have won ; 'y Seeing how oft in battle they gallantly had fought. In dread the others shrank from the deed they had in thought. 1794. Then spake one of the warriors : " Why look ye so on me ? From what I erewhile promised I would that I were free ! For sake of no one's largesse would I forego my life. Ay ! to our ruin go we, led by King Etzel's wife." 1795- Whereafter spake another : " To that same thought I hold ; Were anyone to give me whole towers of good red gold, I'd care not to contend with that fiddler willingly, For dread of the swift glances that in his eyes I see. 1796. "Hagen have I known also, and from his early youth : Thus little can be told me about that knight, forsooth ! In two-and-twenty battles I've seen him, in the strife ; Whereby hath heartfelt sorrow befallen many a wife. 1797. J*' On many a foray went they, he and the Spaniard, ^ When they were here with Etzel ; ofttimes a battle hard They fought for the king's honour ; and many such befell ; Whereof one must of Hagen much to his honour tell. 1798. "At that time this same warrior was but a child in years. They who were then but youngsters, how gray are now their hairs ! Now he is come to wisdom, a man of ruth is he. And eke he wieldeth Balmung, won by foul treachery." XXIX.] HOW HE STOOD NOT UP BEFORE HER. 307 1799. With that the thing was settled, — that none should strike a blow. Whereby the queen was stricken unto the heart with woe. The heroes all disbanded : fearful lest death indeed Be dealt them by the fiddler : in sooth they had good need. 1800. Then spake anon the fiddler: "We have right plainly seen That foemen here beset us, as we forewarn'd have been. Now to the court return we and seek the sovrans there : That no one, then, our masters to meet in strife may dare. 1801. " How oft a man, faint-hearted, will let a chance slip by, When if a friend beside him upheld him cheerfully And with good understanding, he would not do the same. Right many a man by forethought is saved from loss and shame." 1802. "Where you go I will follow," Hagen was quick to say; Then back into the courtyard forthwith they took their way, Where still in grand assembly waited the knightly crowd. And then the valiant Volker began to speak aloud 1803. And say unto his masters : " How long here will ye stay To let yourselves be crowded ? To court ye should away, And from the king discover what he in mind may have." Then might one see forgather the heroes good and brave. 1804. The prince of Bern, Sir Dietrich, took hold of by the hand Gunther, the mighty ruler of the Burgundian land. Irnfried was fain with Gemot,, that right bold man, to fare. And Riideger went walking to court with Giselher. 308 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1805. Howe'er the rest companion'd, and so to court pass'd on, Betwixt Volker and Hagen of parting there was none, Save only in one struggle, which ended their two lives, And caus'd sad weeping later to many noble wives. 1806. Upon the kings attending one saw to court go then Their nobly-born retainers, a thousand gallant men ; And sixty warriors also along with them had come ; The same that valiant Hagen had brought with him from home. 1807. And Haward eke and Iring, a pair of chosen worth. By cme another walking, went with the sovrans forth. Dankwart and also Wolf hart, a thane of courage rare ; These well before the others upheld their honour there. 1808. When came the lord of Rhineland within the palace door, Etzel, the mighty monarch refrained himself no more. But from his seat upsprang he, seeing him entering, A better greeting never was given by a king. 1809. " Be welcome, my lord Gunther, and you, lord Gemot, too. And Giselher, your brother. My zealous service true, I have already sent you to Worms beyond the Rhine. And all your followers also shall welcome be as mine. 1810. " I bid a hearty welcome to you, ye knightly pair. To Volker the right valiant and eke to Hagen there, From me and from my lady, unto this land of mine. She messengers in plenty hath sent ye to the Rhine." XXIX.] HOW HE STOOD NOT UP BEFORE HER. 309 1811. Hagen of Tronje answered : "So heard I, more than once ! And had I for my masters not come unto the Huns, Yet would I you to honour have ridden to this land." The noble host then kindly his guests took by the hand ; 1812. And to the seat he brought them where he himself had sat, Then to the guests they offer'd (they busily did that), In wide-mouth'd golden goblets, wine, mead and mulberry. And bade to the newcomers a welcome heartily. 1813. Then spake the royal Etzel : "I will to you confess Naught in this world could give me a greater happiness Than ye have given me, heroes, in coming thus to me ; Whereby the queen is also from mickle grief set free. 1814. " And ofttimes have I marvell'd what was the fault in me — So many guests right noble have I been wont to see — That ye unto my country to come did never deign ? But now that I have seen you to joy is turn'd my pain." 1815. Said Riideger in answer (a knight of noble mood) : " Well may you see them gladly ; their faith indeed is good, And all my lady's kinsfolk the same can well uphold ; They bring unto your palace full many a warrior bold." 1816. The even of Midsummer, at mighty Etzel's court These princes made their entry ; and seldom hath report Told of such royal welcome as on these chiefs he spent. Now was it time for eating ; and all to table went. 3IO THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1817. Amidst his guests more nobly a host ne'er took his seat. For them there was abundance whereof to drink and eat, And everything they wanted it was all ready made ; For truly of these heroes great marvels had been said. ADVENTURE XXX.— HOW THEY KEPT WATCH AND WARD. 1818. Now was the daylight ended and night began to close. \AAmid the wayworn warriors disquietude arose I For when they were to rest them and to their beds begone. This mooted was by Hagen ; and soon it was made known. 1819. Unto the host spake Gunther : " God grant you long to live ! We now would hence to slumber ; we pray thee leave to give. We'll come to-morrow morning if thou dost order so." Right pleasantly agreed he, and bade his guests to go. 1820. One saw the people crowding the guests on every side. Then Volker the undaunted unto the Hunfolk cried : " How dare ye get in front of the warrior's very feet ? If ye will not give over with trouble ye will meet. 1821. " A fiddle-stroke so heavy on one of you I'll lay, That, hath he a well-wisher, that same may rue the day. Give place there to us warriors ! 'twill be the best for you. Folk call ye knights, but little ye have akin thereto." XXX.] HOW THEY KEPT WATCH AND WARD. 3II 1822. Whilst spake the fiddle-player so wrathfully his mind, The valiant Hagen turn'd him, and gave a glance behind. Said he: "The gallant minstrel hath warn'd you properly; Ye heroes of Kriemhilda back to your homes go ye. " The plan ye are devising will not come off, I trow. /- ' Come back to-morrow morning if ye have aught to do, And leave us weary strangers this night to rest in peace ; I ween that heroes ever so do in such-like case." 1824. Anon the guests were taken into a roomy hall. Which found they well provided, to suit the warriors all. With richly furnish'd bedsteads, that were both wide and long. The while Dame Kriemhild plotted to do them grievous wrong. 1825. Right goodly mats from Arras all round about were spread, Of bright-hued wool-stuffs woven ; and many a cover-bed Wrought of Arabian samite, the finest that might be ; Whereon were borders broider'd that shone right gloriously. 1826. The coverlets of ermine did many a man espy, And others of black sable, whereunder they might lie And pass the night in comfort until the dawn of day. A king and all his courtiers so softly never lay. 1827. " O woe, for this night's sojourn ! " so spake young Giselher " And woe for all my comrades who hither with us fare ! >^ j Howbeit that my sister sO kind a bidding gave, ' ' By cause of her, I fear me, we all our deaths shall have." « 312 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1828. " Now let your mind be easy," Hagen the thane answer'd : •X " I will from now till morning myself keep watch and ward ; rsj And well I swear to guard you until the break of day. Till then be all untroubled ; then, save himself who may ! " 1829. / Then bow'd they all before him and gave him thanks therefore, yy And to their beds betook them : nor was it long before Laid down in rest and slumber was every goodly man. ^ To don his arms the hero — Hagen the bold — began. 1830. \^ Then up and spake the minstrel, Volker the gallant thane : ^ " If thou dost not disdain it, then, Hagen, I am fain To-night to keep guard with thee, until the morning break." Right heartily the hero his thanks to Volker spake : 1831. " Now God in Heaven reward you, Volker, my comrade true ! To none in all my troubles save only unto you Would I for aidance turn me, if need should e'er befall. One day I will repay you, if Death do not forestall." 1832. Then in their shining raiment they twain their bodies clad, And each of them his buckler upon his forearm had. They went without the castle to stand the gateway by. And there the guests they guarded : 'twas done right faithfully. Volker the ever-ready then from his arm unbraced His shield — it was a good one — which 'gainst the wall he placed. Back to the hall he hasten'd, and there his fiddle seized, And as became a hero, his friends therewith he pleased. XXX.] HOW THEY KEPT WATCH AND WARD. 313 1834. Beneath the doorway sat he upon a seat of stone ; A braver fiddle-player in sooth had ne'er been known. With such sweet-sounding music upon the strings he play'd, That all the high-born strangers their thanks to Volker paid. 1835. The sweet clang of his viol made all the house resound. His strength and skill together right excellent were found. More softly and more sweetly to fiddle he began, And lull'd upon their couches full many a troubled man. 1836. And when they all were sleeping, and he thereof was sure, The thane took up his buckler upon his arm once more, And went outside the chamber before the tower to stand, To guard the sleeping strangers against Kriemhilda's band. 1837. When halfway spent the night was, or earlier it might be, The gallant Volker, watching, a shining helm could see Far off amid the darkness. 'Twas one of Kriemhild's men, Who all to do a mischief unto the guests were fain. 1838. Then spake the fiddle-player : " My friend, Sir Hagen, there. Together it is fitting that we this trouble share. I've seen some folk in armour before the house but now, Else I am much mistaken, they'll set on us, I trow." 1839. " Then hold thy peace," quoth Hagen, " and let them nearer come. Or ever they can see us, our swords will have struck home And split their helmets for them, with double-handed might. We'll send them back to Kriemhild, methinks, in sorry plight ! " i 314 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1840. One of the Hunnish warriors had soon enough espied That guarded was the doorway ; how suddenly he cried : " The matter we intended, in sooth will not go well. I see the fiddle-player standing as sentinel ! 1841. " A brightly polish'd helmet upon his head hath he Of pure, hard-temper'd metal, and strong, and blemish-free. His hauberk's rings are glowing as fiery embers would. By him stands also Hagen : the guests have watchmen good." 1842. Forthwith they turn'd them backwards. When Volker that espied, Again to his companion in wrathful voice, he cried : " Now let me from the palace after the warriors go ; Of Dame Kriemhilda's liegemen somewhat I fain would know." 1843. " Nay, do it not," said Hagen ; " I pray you by my love ! ^ These ever-ready warriors, if from the house you move, Would with their swords, I doubt not, bring you such straits to face, That I should have to help you, were 't death to all my race. 1844. " For whilst we two together are busy in the fray, Some two or four among them will to the house away, And quickly force an entrance, and some foul mischief do Unto our sleeping comrades, which we shall ever rue." 1845. '• Then Volker spake in answer : " Let it be settled so ; But that I've seen them coming at least we'll let them know, So Kriemhild's men hereafter shall never dare deny That they would fain against us have wrought vile treachery." XXXl] HOW THEY WENT TO CHURCH. 315 ' 1846. With that, towards them Volker sent forth a lusty shout : " Ye niuible knights, in armour why go ye thus about ? Ye warriors of Kriemhilda, if ye on foray ride, Myself and my companion ye should have at your side ! " .vV/ . ^847. IrjNo word there came in answer. Then wrathful wax'd his mood : '" Fie on ye, skulking rascals ! " shouted the hero good ; "Would ye have caught us sleeping, and murder'd every one? So foul a deed on heroes hath never yet been done." y 1848. *Y;I7hto the queen right truly was told how lucklessly yHer messengers had prosper'd. Good cause for grief had she. Then otherwise contrived she : so cruel was her mood ; By which ere long to perish were heroes bold and good. ?■ 3fc1 ADVENTURE XXXI.— HOW THEY WENT TO CHURCH. 1849. " So cold I feel my armour : " quoth Volker presently, " Methinks the night is wearing and soon will ended be ; I mark that by the breezes ; 'twill very soon be day." Then many a man awoke they who still in slumber lay. 1850. The morning light broke over the guests within the hall. Hagen began on all sides ' the warriors to call, To know if to the Minster to matins they would fare. Meanwhile, in Christian fashion, the bells were chiming clear. 3l6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1851. So diverse was the chanting, thereby 'twas plain to see That Christians and heathens were not in unity. And yet the men of Gunther to church would go withal ; They from their beds together had risen one and all. 1852. The warriors then array'd them in clothes so finely wrought, That better raiment never by heroes had been brought To any king's dominions. Ill did it Hagen please. Said he : " Now should ye, heroes, don other suits than these. 1853. " Enough about the matter ye surely understand ; Ye should, instead of roses, bear weapons in the hand. For caps beset with jewels take shining helms and good; Since we are well-advised of wicked Kriemhild's mood. 1854. "This day must we do battle, I will to you declare; Instead of silken doublets, ye should your hauberks wear, And in the place of mantles take bucklers good and wide — That if they seek a quarrel, the brunt ye may abide. 1855. _ "My well-beloved masters, your friends and kinsmen too. Go now unto the Minster, — that should ye gladly do — And pray to God Almighty in your distress and need : For know now, of a surety, that Death is nigh indeed. 1856. " See, too, that ye forget not aught ill that ye have done, And with true zeal and duty stand ye before God's throne. Of this, right noble warriors, I warn ye well afore, Save God in Heaven may grant it, ye'll hear no masses more." XXXI.] HOW THEY WENT TO CHURCH. 317 1857. They went unto the Minster, the princes with their men. But in the hallow'd precincts bold Hagen spake again And bade them halt, lest any should leave the company : ** None knoweth what the Hunfolk to us may do," said he ; 1858. " My friends, set down your bucklers upright before your feet, And answer ye to any who may unkindly greet With deep and deadly sword-stroke. Hark ye, to Hagen's rede, So will ye find it worthy to serve you in your need." 1859. With that Hagen and Volker, the twain together, went In front of the great Minster. 'Twas done with this intent, That they might make it certain that the king's wife would need To crowd them as she enter'd : their mien was grim indeed. i860. Then came the land's Upholder, and eke his lady fair. And deck'd about the body with raiment rich and rare One saw the doughty warriors along with them go by ; The dust aloft was whirling from Kriemhild's chivalry. 1861. Now when the mighty ruler in armour saw array'd The kings and their companions, how quickly then he said : " Why thus my friends behold I marching with helmets on. ? 'Twould grieve me, on my honour, had aught to them been done. 1862. " I'll gladly make atonement, however they think good ; If any here have vext them in either heart or mood, I give them full assurance that sorely vext am I ; And whatsoe'er they bid me I'll do it readily." 3l8 THE LAY OF THE NTBELUNGS. [ADV. 1863. To this made answer Hagen : " By none have we been harm'd. It is my masters' custom to go thus fully arm'd To every courtly meeting, — until three days have run ; To Etzel we will tell it if aught to us be done." This answer made by Hagen Kriemhilda heard right well. How hatefully upon him her sidelong glances fell ! Yet would she not more frankly her country's customs own, Though they to her a long time in Burgundy were known. 1865. Yet though her hate towards him so cruel was and fell, If anyone to Etzel the truth had dared to tell, He doubtless had prevented what came to pass ere long : But none of them would tell it, her mastery was so strong. 1866. Then with the queen advancing there came a mighty band ; But this same pair of warriors deign'd not to take their stand Two hand-breadths further backward, which made the Hunfolk wroth. Ay, they must press and jostle with those bold heroes both. 1867. The chamberlains of Etzel were ill-content at this, And would upon the warriors have somewhat wrought amiss, If they had dared to do it the king's High Grace before. There was a mighty jostling, but so far nothing more. 1868. When service now was ended and they would thence be gone. All suddenly on horseback appear'd full many a Hun ; And many a beauteous lady was with Kriemhilda seen ; Full seven thousand warriors came riding with the queen. XXXI.] HOW THEY WENT TO CHURCH. 319 1869. Kriemhilda with her ladies within the window sat Along with royal Etzel : well pleased was he thereat. Fain would they see the jousting those doughty heroes show'd : Ay ! in the lists before them what warriors strange there rode ! 1870. And thither had the marshal, the right brave Dankwart, too, Come with his squires attending : his lords' own retinue With him, too, he had taken from the Burgundian land. The steeds for the bold Niblungs well saddled were at hand. 1871. When they their steeds had mounted — the kings and every man — Forthwith the stalwart Volker to counsel them began, That all should tilt together after their country's mode; In course of which, thereafter, the chiefs right nobly rode. 1872. For what the hero counsell'd they did not underrate. The crowding and the shouting were both exceeding great. Within the wide inclosure was gather'd many a man ; Then Etzel and Kriemhilda to gaze thereon began. 1873. Six hundred knights together upon the field appear'd. The warriors of Dietrich, coming the guests toward. They thought with the Burgundians some knightly sport to try, And would, had he allow'd it, have done it readily. 1874. Ay me ! what goodly warriors forthwith towards them made ! But when to the lord Dietrich the news thereof was said, With Gunther's men forbade he that any sport should be. He fear'd for his retainers : and surely need had he. 320 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1875. When they of Bern pass'd onward, and from the place had gone, The men from Bechelaren, of Riideger's, came on. Before the hall five hundred with shield on arm rode they : Well pleased had been the margrave could they have kept away. 1876. Then wisely, as behoved him, he rode the host throughout, And said unto his warriors, they could no longer doubt But that the men of Gunther ill will towards them had : If they would leave the combat he would in truth be glad. 1877. When these now had pass'd onward — high-mettled heroes bold — Came horsemen from Thuringia, as hath to us been told ; And then the knights of Denmark, a thousand gallant men ; One saw right many a lance-shaft fly in the onset then. 1878. Then Haward came and Irnfried unto the tournament. The Rhinelanders a challenge to them had proudly sent. The warriors of Thuringia were offer'd many a joust ; In many a noble buckler were lances deeply thrust. 1879. There, too, the lordly Bloedlin came with his thousands three. By Etzel and Kriemhilda right closely watch'd was he ; For all the knightly jousting was held within their sight. The queen rejoiced to see it for Burgundy's despite. 1880. And Gibecke and Scrutan unto the melee rode, With Hornboge and Ramung, all in the Hunnish mode. They held the lists, withstanding the chiefs of Burgundy ; And over the king's palace the shafts went whirling high. XXXI.] HOW THEY WENT TO CHURCH. 321 1881. Whate'er was done by any was nothing else but sound. Loud was the din that echo'd palace and hall around, From clash of shields and bucklers, by Gunther's liegemen made ; Whence praises and great honour unto his folk were paid. 1882. The ardour of their pastime so mighty was and great, That from the goodly horses whereon the heroes sate The snow-white foam was soaking through the caparisons. In every courtly fashion they sought to meet the Huns. 1883. Then up and spake the minstrel, Volker the fiddle-player : " I trow that to withstand us these warriors will not dare. I've ever heard it said that they hate us verily ; Now is the time to show it ; a better ne'er will be. 1884. *' Straightway unto the stables," so Volker loudly cried, "We'll have the horses taken ; till towards the eventide We'll ride some further courses, if there be time enow. What if to us Burgundians the queen some praise allow ! " 1885. Then saw they some one coming ; with stately mien rode he. Such that no other Hunsman with him compared could be. Belike in some high lattice a sweetheart there he had ; No knightly bride was ever than him more fairly clad. 1886. Then Volker said : " How can I pass over such a chance ? Yon darling of the ladies must feel a thru^ of lance, — There 's not a man could help it ! 'twill stand him in his life : I care not though I anger thereby King Etzel's wife." Y 322 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1887. " For love of me, forbear ye ! " King Gunther quickly spake ; " These people will upbraid us if we the onset make ; Let ye the Huns begin it, more seemly 'twere, I ween." Now all this time King Etzel was sitting by the queen. 1888. " I'll make the hubbub greater," quoth Hagen, in his turn ; "We needs must let the ladies and these same champions learn How we can sit our horses : 'twill be good sport withal. Though little praise to any of Gunther's men befall." 1889. Then rode the ready Volker into the fray again : Whereby had many a woman, ere long, right grievous pain. The noble Hunsman's body transfix'd he with his spear ; Which soon both wife and maiden bewail'd with many a tear. 1890. With hurtling speed did Hagen rush forward with his men, His sixty chosen warriors ; and quickly rode he then Upon the fiddler's footsteps, to where the joust was held. Both Etzel and Kriemhilda plainly the whole beheld. 1^891. The kings were all unwilling their minstrel brave to leave Amid the foemen fighting, and succour none to give ; A thousand heroes therefore towards him deftly rode, — In high-accomplish'd fashion they did whate'er they would. 1892. When that the noble Hunsman in death was stricken low, One heard among his kinsmen complaints and cries of woe. And all the folk were asking : " Who can this deed have done ? " " Volker, the fearless minstrel, yon fiddler is the one ! " XXXI.] HOW THEY WENT TO CHURCH. 323 1893. For swords and bucklers called they, and held them soon in hand, The kinsmen of this margrave of the Hungarian land. They would have set on Volker, and slain him where he stood ; The host ran from his window with all the haste he could. 1894. Then rose a mighty tumult among the people all. The kings and their attendants dismounted at the hall ; Behind the throng his charger sent each Burgundian ; King Etzel came : to sever the nobles he began. 1895. From one of the Hun's kinsmen, who chanced by him to stand, He seiz'd a deadly weapon, and wrench'd it from his hand ; Then drave the people backwards, for very wroth was he : " How vain unto these warriors had been my courtesy 1896. " If ye had slain the minstrel before my very face ; " So spake to them King Etzel: " that were a foul disgrace ! For well I marked him riding, what time he pierced the Hun, And through no fault on his part, but by a slip, 'twas done. 1897. "To leave my guests in freedom, I charge ye to take heed." So gave he them safe-conduct ; then led they every steed Unto the hostel stables ; and many squires they had Right diligent in service, who did whate'er they bade. The host into the palace took with his friends his way. No wrath in any of them would he allow to stay. The tables were made ready, the water was brought in Yet bitter foes in plenty had they from o'er the Rhine. 324 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1899. Ere all the lords were seated a good long time was spent ; Whilst tortured was Kriemhilda by cares within her pent. She said : " I seek thy counsel, O prince of Bern, thy grace And aid : in sooth my business is now in evil case." 1900. Then Hildebrand made answer, a worthy warrior he : ** Whoever slays the Niblungs shall have no help from me, Nay, not for any treasure ! thereby he grief may get : These knights of ready courage have ne'er been conquer'd yet." 1901. And, in his courtly fashion, thereto Sir Dietrich spake : " O mighty queen, I pray thee, thy purpose to forsake. To me thy kinsmen never have done such injury, That I the gallant warriors in combat would defy. 1902. "The wish doth ill beseem thee, most noble prince's wife, That thou anent thy kinsfolk wouldst plot against their life. Trusting unto thy favour they came unto this land : Siegfried is not avenged by aid of Dietrich's hand." 1903. When she could find no falseness the knight of Bern within, Then on the spot she promised to give to Bloedelin A far-extending march-land, which Nudung own'd of yore. As Dankwart shortly slew him, he thought of it no more. 1904. Quoth she : " Thou ought'st to aid me, my good Sir Bloedelin, For in this very palace are now these foes of mine Who slew my husband Siegfried, so well-beloved of me. To him who helps avenge him, I ever bound shall be." XXXI.] HOW THEY WENT TO CHURCH. 325 1905. To her then answer'd Bloedel : " Lady, be sure of this, To them, for fear of Etzel, I dare do naught amiss, Since he thy kinsmen happy is ever fain to see. And did I aught to hurt them, he ne'er would pardon me." 1906. " Nay, rather, my lord Bloedel, your friend I'll ever be. Guerdon of gold and silver I will bestow on thee ; And eke a lovely damsel — Nudung's betrothed bride — Whom thou mayst love and cherish right gladly at thy side. 1907. "The land, too, and the castles, all unto thee I give ; So, noble knight, thou mayest in gladness ever live. If thou but winn'st the earldom which Nudung held in fee. Whate'er to-day I promise, in truth I'll give to thee." 1908. When now the noble Bloedel the guerdon heard her tell, And seeing that the damsel in beauty pleased him well, By help of strife he purposed to earn this lovely wife : But for that cause the warrior was doom'd to lose his life. 1909. Unto the queen then spake he : " Within the hall go back : Ere any guess my purpose, an uproar I will make. Hagen will have to answer for what to you he wrought ; King Gunther's man, I warrant, shall bound to you be brought." 1 9 1 o. " Now arm yourselves," cried Bloedel, " my gallant liegemen all ! We will upon the foemen within the hostel fall ; I may not be acquitted of this by Etzel's wife. On this must every hero among us stake his life." 326 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1911. When the queen found that Bloedel was on the fray intent, She tarried there no longer, but back to table went And sat beside King Etzel and with his men as well : She for the guests' undoing had taken counsel fell. 1912. Since means there were not elsewise to cause the strife to start, (Kriemhilda's olden sorrow lay graven in her heart) She bade them bring to table King Etzel's httle son : How could a vengeful woman more cruelly have done ? 1913- Then went that self-same minute of Etzel's liegemen four. And thither from his chamber the young king Ortlieb bore Unto the prince's table, where Hagen also sate. (The boy was doom'd to perish through Hagen's deadly hate.) 1914. As soon as mighty Etzel espied his little son, He turned to his wife's kinsmen and spake in kindly tone : " Now, my good friends, behold ye, my only son is he. And eke your sister's offspring : which well for you may be. 1915- " If he his kindred likens, he'll be a gallant wight, Right powerful and noble, a well-grown man of might. Should I live some while longer he'll own a dozen lands ; So look ye for good service at my young Ortlieb's hands. 1916. " I therefore fain would pray you, O well-loved friends of mine, When ye are homeward riding unto the river Rhine, That ye upon the journey would take your sister's son, And let your loving kindness unto the child be shown. XXXII.] HOW BLOEDELIN WAS SLAIN. 327 1917. "And rear him up in honour till he to manhood grow. If any in your borders hath wrought you any woe, When he is of full stature he will your vengeance aid." King Etzel's wife Kriemhilda heard also what he said. 1918. " If unto days of manhood the child should grow and thrive, These thanes, I trow," said Hagen, "their trust to him will give. Yet the young king, meseemeth, is of a weakly sort : Folk will not often see me attending Ortlieb's court." 1919. The king look'd round at Hagen, — this speech had vext him sore; And though, with princely breeding, he spake thereof no more, His heart was very heavy and troubled was his mind. Nor was the mood of Hagen a whit to joy inclined. 1920. The princes all were sorry, together with the king, That of his child had Hagen e'er spoken such a thing. With ill content they bore it : naught knev/ they of the case, Nor what through this same warrior would shortly come to pass. ADVENTURE XXXH.— HOW BLOEDELIN WAS SLAIN. 1921. The warriors of Bloedel were ready for the fray ; Clad in their thousand hauberks they thither took their way Where Dankwart with his yeOmen still at the table sate ; There rose between the heroes a strife of deadly hate. 328 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1922. As soon as the Lord Bloedel before the table went, Dankwart the marshal met him on greeting due intent : " Right welcome to our hostel, Lord Bloedelin, are ye, Although I greatly marvel what may the reason be ? " 1923. " Thou hast no need to greet me," so answer'd Bloedelin : " For this my coming bodeth an end to thee and thine. Thanks to thy brother Hagen, who erewhile Siegfried slew. That to the Huns thou'lt answer, and many another too." 1924. " Nay, say not so, Lord Bloedel," the marshal Dankwart said : " Else must we rue too quickly this journey we have made. I was but a small stripling when Siegfried lost his life ; I know not what against me bringeth King Etzel's wife." 1925. " No more about the matter know I to say to you, Save that your kinsmen did it, Gunther, and Hagen too. Look to yourselves, ye lost ones, ye go not hence away ! By death must ye the forfeit unto Kriemhilda pay." 1926. " What ! and will nothing turn you ? " cried Dankwart thereupon : " Would I had ne'er besought you, that better were undone ! " Up from the table sprang he, the warrior swift and strong, And drew a keen-edged weapon, that heavy was and long. 1927. Therewith he struck at Bloedel, with stroke of sword so fleet. That off his head was smitten, and lay before his feet. '* Be that thy wedding-dower," the warrior Dankwart said, " Unto the bride of Nudung, whom thou wouldst woo and wed ! XXXII.] HOW BLOEDELIN WAS SLAIN. 329 1928. "To-morrow they may plight her unto another one : If he will earn the guerdon, the like to him be done ! " A faithful-hearted Hunsman Dankwart aware had made, How that the queen against him such grievous plots had laid. 1929. When now the men of Bloedel saw how their lord lay slain, Then from the guests no longer their hands could they restrain. With broadswords high uplifted they sprang in deadly mood Upon the youthful warriors : which ere long many rued. 1930. Then loudly shouted Dankwart unto his followers all : " Well see ye, noble yeomen, how things are like to fall ! Ye hapless ones, be wary, in sooth there 's need to be. Albeit noble Kriemhild bade us right lovingly." 1931- They to whom swords were lacking, reach'd down before each seat. And many a long stool lifted from underneath their feet. Then the Burgundian yeomen no longer would forbear. And heavy stools made bruises through many a helmet there. 1932. How grimly thus the strangers essay'd their lives to save ! And so the arm'd assailants from out the house they drave ; Yet left they dead within it five hundred men or more : And all of the defenders were red and wet with gore. 1933- These tidings of disaster were carried presently Unto the knights of Etzel (which grieved them bitterly) : How Bloedel and his liegemen had all to death been brought, Which deed had Hagen's brother with his retainers wrought. 330 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1934- Ere yet the king had heard it — urg'd by the hate they bore — The Hunfolk donn'd their armour ; two thousand men or more. And march'd against the yeomen ; — what else was to be done ? And out of all the people they left alive not one. 1935- Before the house the traitors had led a mighty host ; On guard the foreign yeomen stood bravely at their post. But what avail'd their valour? They all were doom'd to die ; And presently arose there a gruesome butchery. 1936. And here ye must a marvel of monstrous import hear : Nine thousand yeomen lying all done to death there were ; A dozen knights moreover of Dankwart's own comm^d. One saw him all-forsaken amidst the foemen stand. 1937. The uproar was abated, the clash of arms was o'er. Then look'd athwart his shoulder Dankwart the warrior ; He spake : "Woe for the comrades who from my side are gone ! Alas, that 'midst the foemen I now must stand alone ! " 1938. Upon his body shower'd the sword-strokes keen and rife ; — Ere long to be bewailed by many a hero's wife — . His shield aloft he lifted, and held the arm-brace low ; And drench'd full many a hauberk with life-blood's crimson flow. 1939- Then cried the son of Aldrian : " Woe for the ills I bear ! Make way, ye Hunnish warriors, and let me to the air. That the wind's breath may cool me, a battle-weary wight ! " Right royally he bore him in all the people's sight. XXXII.] HOW BLOEDELIN WAS SLAIN. 33 1 1940. But when the strife-worn hero outside the hostel sprang, What fresh swords on his helmet again and ever rang ! They who had not yet witness'd what wonders wrought his hand, Now rush'd to meet the warrior from the Burgundian land. 1941. " Now would to God," cried Dankwart, " I had a messenger To seek my brother Hagen, and make him well aware How I amid these warriors so sorely am bested ! Hence surely would he help me, or lie beside me dead ! " 1942. Then spake the Hunnish warriors : " That herald must thou be, When we before thy brother a corse shall carry thee ! So first shall Gunther's henchman what sorrow is be taught : Thou hast unto King Etzel such grievous damage wrought." 1943- Said he : " Now stint your threatenings, and further backwards get, Or verily I'll drench you some other hauberks yet ! I will myself the story before the court lay bare, And eke unto my masters my grievance great declare." 1944. He laid on Etzel's liegemen so heavily his hand, That not a man amongst them durst him with sword withstand. Yet in his shield their lances so quickly did they aim, That he was fain to drop it, so heavy it became. ^945- Him, now no longer shielded, they thought to overwhelm ; Ha, but what deadly gashes he cut right through the helm ! Until before him staggered full many a valiant one : Whereby much praise and honour the gallant Dankwart won. 332 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1946. From one side and the other, upon him hurtled they ; Ay, some of them too quickly had come into the fray ! Before the foe upstood he, e'en as a woodland boar At bay the sleuth-hounds faces : could valour e'er be more ? 1947. His path was newly-sprinkled with life-blood warm and wet. No single-handed warrior had ever striven yet Against a host of foemen, as he had boldly done. Folk mark'd how Hagen's brother to court right nobly won. 1948. By sewers and by butlers was heard the clash of swords ; From many a hand the liquors were flung upon the boards, As were the victuals also which to the hall they bare. And stalwart foes in plenty forestall'd him at the stair. 1949. " What will ye now, ye sewers ? " the weary warrior cried : " In sooth for all the strangers, good cheer ye should provide, And to the nobles ought ye good victuals to convey ; — And to my well-lov'd masters let me my tidings say." 1950. Whoe'er by force before him upon the stairway sprang. On each of them so sorely his heavy sword he swang, In very dread their safety further aloof they sought ; And so his strength of body right mickle marvels wrought. XXXIIL] how they fought with the HUNS. 333 ADVENTURE XXXIII.— HOW THE BURGUNDIANS FOUGHT WITH THE HUNS. 1951- Within the door an entrance thus gallant Dankwart made ; The household folk of Etzel to stand aside he bade. The whole of his apparel bespatter'd was with gore ; A mighty naked weapon within his hand he bore. 1952. Then loudly Dankwart shouted before the assembled throng : *' Bestir thee, brother Hagen, thou sittest all too long ! To thee and God in Heaven appeal I in our need : Yeomen and knights together lie in the hostel dead." 1953- And he cried back in answer : " And who hath done it then? " Quoth Dankwart : "The Lord Bloedel, together with his men. But dearly hath he paid it, that would I have you know. I smote his head from off him ; mine own hand gave the blow." 1954. " 'Tis but a little grievance/' quoth Hagen of Tronje ; " Whene'er one has occasion of any thane to say, That he by hands of warrior was of his life fordone, So much the less fair women for him have need to moan. 1955- " Now tell me, brother Dankwart, why all so red ye be ? Methinks that thou art wounded and suffer'st grievously. If in the land he liveth who this on thee hath done, Except the foul fiend save him, his life 's as good as gone." 334 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1956. "You see me whole and hearty ; with blood my clothes are red, But from the wounds of others it thus hath happened ; And they have been so many that I have slain to-day, That verily their number on oath I could not say." 1957. He answer'd : " Brother Dankwart, see to the door do thou. And let not of the Hunsmen a single man come through. I'll reckon with these warriors, as need we have, in faith ! Our men-at-arms are lying in undeserved death." 1958. " If chamberlain I must be," the gallant man replied, " To serve such mighty rulers, I am well satisfied. I'll answer for the stairway, as honour's dear to me." Unto Kriemhilda's warriors naught could more direful be. 1959- " It is to me a marvel," Hagen thereafter spake : ''What meaneth all the fluster these Hunnish warriors make? They think they well could spare him, who yonder door doth hold, And hath these high concernments to the Burgundians told ! i960. " Long time about Kriemhilda have I been wont to hear, That she her bitter sorrow was not content to bear. Now drink we to her darling ! for royal wine we'll call ! The princeling of the Hunfolk shall be the first of all ! " 1961. Then the child Ortlieb slew he, Hagen, that warrior good. So that from sword-blade downward flow'd o'er his hands t!ie blood ; The infant's head was sever'd and on the queen's lap fell. Then rose amongst the warriors a slaughter horrible. XXXIIL] how they fought with the HUNS. 335 1962. With double-handed sword-stroke he dealt a blow at large Against the man of learning, who had the child in charge. His head all in a moment before the table lay : In good sooth for the teacher it was but sorry pay ! 1963. He saw by Etzel's table a certain minstrel-man, And Hagen in his fury to fall on him began ; His left hand on the fiddle he lopp'd off suddenly : " There 's somewhat thou canst carry for news to Burgundy ! " 1964. '' Woe for my hand ! " cried Werbel the minstrel : " wilt thou say What evil I have done thee, Lord Hagen of Tronje ? In all good faith I journey'd unto your master's land; The notes how can I finger since I have lost my hand ? " 1965. But little heeded Hagen, though he ne'er fiddled more. He wreak'd within the palace a vengeance grim and sore Upon the knights of Etzel, of whom a host he slew. Death dealt he in the palace to people not a few. 1966. The ever-ready Volker up from the table sprang : And in his hand right loudly his fiddle-bow outrang. Right fearsome was the music that Gunther's minstrel play'd ; Ay ! 'mid the gallant Hunsmen what enemies he made ! 1967. Upsprang, too, from the table, the noble rulers three : They gladly would have stay'd it, ere mischief worse should be. But all their wit avail'd not the rising storm to quell, When Volker joining Hagen to such wild raving fell. S^6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1968. When saw the Lord of Rhineland the fight could not be stay'd, The prince himself fought also, and many a wide wound made Upon his foemen's bodies, their shining mail-coats through. A hand-strong hero was he : as now all grimly knew. 1969. The stalwart Gemot likewise was forward in the strife ; Ay ! he among the Hunsmen took many a hero's life, A keen-edged weapon wielding, — by Riideger 'twas given. By him were Etzel's warriors right grievously bedriven. 1970. The young son of Dame Ute into the fight now dash'd, And gloriously his broadsword right through the helmets crash'd, — To grief of Etzel's warriors of the Hungarian land. There wrought were many marvels by gallant Gis'lher's hand. 1971. Howe'er the kings and liegemen were valiant in the fight, Above them all right plainly did Giselher in might Stand forth against the foemen ; he was a hero good. Such wounds he dealt, that many fell weltering in their blood. 1972. The men of Etzel also stood stoutly to the foe. There one might see the stranger? go hacking to and fro With their bright glancing weapons, all through the royal hall. And horrid shrieks from all sides upon the ear did fall. 1973- They who were on the outside would to their friends within ; But found that at the doorways small vantage they could win. Out from the hall right gladly would they within it fare : But none of them would Dankwart let up or down the stair. XXXIIL] how they fought with the HUNS. 337 1974. Thereby around the gateways a mighty press arose, And din of helmets also beneath the broadsword blows. And thus the gallant Dankwart fell into sore distress : But that his brother heeded, as bound in faithfulness. 1975. For thereupon to Volker Sir Hagen cried aloud : " Now look you yonder, comrade, how round my brother crowd The Hunnish warriors closely, and blows upon him rain : Friend, go and help my brother, or we shall lose the thane." 1976. " That will I do full surely," answer'd the minstrelman ; And straightway through the palace his fiddling he began. His hand with his stout broadsword full often music made ; To him the Rhenish warriors unbounded thanks repaid. 1977. And soon the gallant Volker to Dankwart came and said : "To-day no little trouble hath fallen on your head. Your brother hath enjoin'd me to lend a helping hand : If you'll look to the outside, within the door I'll stand." 1978. Dankwart the ever-ready without the gateway stood ; Well guarded he the stairway, let any come who would. One heard the clang of weapons in the bold hero's hand. The like, within, did Volker of the Burgundian land. 1979. Loudly the valiant minstrel shouted across the throng : " The hall is closed, friend Hagen, with bolt and barrier strong. The door of Etzel's chamber is safely barr'd as well : Two heroes' hands that hold it a thousand bolts excel." z 338 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1980. When Hagen, Lord of Tronje, knew that the door was fast, His shield back on his shoulders the goodly chieftain cast. First fell he to avenging the ills upon him wrought : Of longer life his foemen had then but little thought. The Prince of Bern no sooner had seen how matters went, And how the mighty Hagen so many helmets rent, Than sprang the Amelung ruler upon a bench : quoth he : " The liquor Hagen giveth is vile as drink can be ! " 1982. The host was full of sorrow — good cause had he to rue : What friends of him beloved before his eyes they slew ! And hardly from his foemen unscath'd himself came he ; In grief he sat — what profit was it a king to be ? 1983. The mighty Queen Kriemhilda to Dietrich call'd and said : " With all your manhood give me, O noble knight, your aid, By all those princes' merits erewhile of Amelung land : Should Hagen once have reach'd me, my death were close at hand." 1984. "And how am I to help you," Lord Dietrich answering said, " Great queen, when I have reason myself to be afraid ? These followers of Gunther with wrath so sorely burn, That I with no one's safety can now myself concern." 1985. " Nay, say not so, Lord Dietrich, thou noble knight and good, This day make plain to all men thy kind and virtuous mood, In that thou hence wilt help me : or I am like to die." Her fears had brought Kriemhilda to sore anxiety. XXXIIL] how they fought with the HUNS. 339 1986. " Can I do aught to help you, I verily will try ; Since never have I witness'd, for many years gone by, To such deep wrath enkindled so many a warrior good. Ay ! through the riven helmets I see the surging blood." 1987. This thane of proven valour with power began to shout ; Like unto horn of bison his voice rang loudly out, Until its strength re-echoed the wide-wall'd stronghold round. The mightiness of Dietrich was great beyond all bound. 1988. When Gunther heard the clamour proceeding from this man Above the noise of battle, to hearken he began. Said he : " The voice of Dietrich is to my hearing plain ; I trow that our retainers some friend of his have slain. 1989. *' I see him on the table, he beckons with his hand. Ye friends of mine and kinsfolk from the Burgundian land. Cease fighting for a season, and let one hear and see What to the thane hath happen'd through them who follow me.^ 1990. And when the royal Gunther besought and gave command. They, in the stress of battle, halted with sword in hand. So great the power he wielded, not one durst strike a blow Whilst him of Bern he challenged, with readiness enow. 1991. Said he : " Most noble Dietrich, what hath to you been done By any of my people ? I'm willing, be it known, Amends and satisfaction right readily to give. Were any man to wrong you, right deeply should I grieve." 340 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 1992. Then answer'd the Lord Dietrich : " Naught hath been done to me; But let me leave the palace with your safe-conduct free, And get with my retainers from this fell strife away : For that I'll owe you service assuredly for aye." 1993- Then unto him spake Wolf hart : " Why ask ye grace so soon ? That door, I trow, the fiddler hath not so closely done But we can force it open enough to get away." "Now hold thy peace," cried Dietrich, "the devil thou dost play." 1994. Then spake the royal Gunther : " That will I let you do. Out of this place depart ye, many be ye or few, But not a single foeman — here stay they everyone. They have anent these Hunsfolk so basely to me done." 1995- When Dietrich heard that saying, he took beneath his arm The noble queen, sore stricken with sorrow and alarm. Upon his other arm he took Etzel with him then ; There also went with Dietrich six hundred goodly men. 1996. Then up and spake the margrave, the noble Riideger : "If any from the palace be yet allowed to fare. Who still are fain to serve you, to us let it be known : For thus may peace enduring betwixt good friends be sown." 1997. Whereto made answer Gis'lher, of the Burgundian land : " To you shall peace and pardon be granted at our hand. Since you and your retainers were e'er of faithful heart. You all shall, unmolested, hence with your friends depart." XXXIIL] HOW THEY FOUGHT WITH THE HUNS. 34I 1998. When Riideger the margrave departed from the hall, Five hundred men went with him or more, belike, in all, Who came from Bechelaren, liegemen and friends as well ; By whom unto King Gunther great mischief soon befell. 1999. Meanwhile a Hunnish warrior, who saw how Etzel went By Dietrich's side, to profit thereby was all intent ; But with his sword the minstrel fetch'd at him such a slice, That at the feet of Etzel his head lay in a trice. 2000. When that the country's ruler had got outside the place. He stopp'd and look'd behind him towards where Volker was : "Woe's me for this dread stranger; a cruel destiny It is that all my warriors must dead before him lie ! 2001. " And woe upon this feasting," the noble sovran cried, " For one, by name of Volker, is fighting there inside Like to a savage boar, and yet a minstrel he ! I thank my Lord and Saviour I'm from that devil free ! " Right evil sound his measures, his strokes are bloody red ; Ay, and his tunes have smitten full many a hero dead. I know not what against us this minstrel doth attest, For never have I harbour'd so downright ill a guest ! " 2003. They'd let from out the palace as many as they chose ; Then from the folk within it a fearful din arose. The guests for what had happened a dire revenge would have. Ay ! Volker the undaunted, what helmets then he clave ! 342 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2004. Gunther, the noble ruler, turn'd at that noise around : "Hear'st thou yon music, Hagen, which Volker there doth sound Amid the Hunfolk fiddling, who through the door would go ? He hath a blood-red straker upon his fiddle-bow ! " 2005. " It grieves me beyond measure," Hagen in answer spake, " That I before that warrior a seat in hall should take. I have been his companion, as he was likewise mine, And we shall aye be faithful if hence we ever win. 2006. " Now mark, great king, how Volker doth thee and thine uphold ! Right willingly he earneth thy silver and thy gold. Through steel of hardest temper his fiddle-bow will smite ; He breaks from off the helmets their shining crests and bright. 2007. " I never saw a fiddler so nobly hold his own As this same warrior Volker throughout the day hath done. On helmet and on buckler his music ringeth clear : A gallant horse deserves he and raiment rich to wear." 2008. Of those of Hunnish kindred who had been in that hall. Not one was left within it alive amongst them all. Now silenced was the uproar ; for none there were to fight : Aside was laid the weapon of every gallant knight. XXXIV.] HOW THEY CAST FORTH THE DEAD. 343 ADVENTURE XXXIV.— HOW THEY CAST FORTH THE DEAD. 2009. Down sat the knights and nobles, by all their labours spent ; Before the hall together Volker and Hagen went. These warriors over- weary lean'd on their shields for rest ; The while betwixt the couple pass'd many a ready jest. 2010. Then Giselher, the warrior from Burgundy, outspake : " Dear friends, ye must in no wise seek yet your rest to take : The dead folk must ye carry straight from the house away. There'll be another onset, that can I surely say. 2011. '* Beneath our feet 'tis needful they should no longer lie. And ere by storm the Hunsmen undo us utterly, Some wounds we yet will give them, e'en as I love to do ; For firmly am I minded," said Giselher, " thereto." 2012. " Well 's me for such a master," said Hagen, thereunto ; " From none such rede were likely, save from a warrior true, As we from my young master this very day have had : I trow all ye Burgundians may therefore be right glad." 2013. Then follow'd they his counsel, and carried through the door Dead warriors seven thousand and cast them therebefore. At foot of the hall stairway they fell upon the ground; Then rose a doleful wailing from all their kinsmen round. 344 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2014. Some few there were among them whose wounds were not so bad But that with gentler usage they yet might life have had, Who from that height down falling in death must needs lie low ; For this their friends were wailing and grievous was their woe. 2015. Then spake the fiddler Volker, a goodly hero he : " Now witness I the truth of what hath been told to me : Base cowards are these Hunsmen, they wail like womankind ! These sorely wounded bodies they ought to tend and bind." 2016. Then deem'd a certain margrave he spake with purpose good. He saw one of his kinsmen who lay amid the blood, And clasp'd his arms about him and sought to drag him thence ; Then shot the ruthless minstrel and slew him with a lance. 2017. And when the others saw it, a panic seized the crowd ; They all against the minstrel began to curse aloud. Then pluck'd he up a javelin, that temper'd was and keen, Which by some Hun or other aim'd at himself had been. 2018. This, right across the fortress, he cast with might and main Far o'er the crowd of people ; and thereby Etzel's men He warn'd to take their station more distant from the hall. The folk his mighty prowess now dreaded above all. 2019. Yet still before the palace stood many a thousand men. Sir Volker and Sir Hagen began to parley then, And unto the King Etzel all in their minds to tell : Whence grievous ills thereafter those heroes bold befell. XXXIV.] HOW THEY CAST FORTH THE DEAD. 345 " To give the people courage," quoth Hagen, "'tis but right That ever should the nobles be foremost in the fight : Not otherwise my masters have here been seen to do : They hew right through the helmets, blood flows at every blow.' 2021. So valiant was Etzel, he straightway gripp'd his shield. "Now prithee be thou wary," said to him Dame Kriemhild, " Offer unto thy warriors gold overflowingly. If Hagen yonder reach thee, death will be nigh to thee." 2022. So bold a man the king was, he was not to be stay'd ; — The like of such great princes can seldom now be said ! Needs must they by his shield-strap to draw him backward try. Again the savage Hagen spake to him scoffingly : 2023. *' It was a far-fetch'd kinship," the warrior Hagen cried, "That Etzel and Sir Siegfried to one another tied. He was Kriemhilda's lover ere she set eyes on thee, Thou coward king ! why shouldst thou take counsel against me ? " 2024. To him so speaking hearken' d the noble sovran's wife. Thereon within Kriemhilda was evil humour rife. That he should dare upbraid her in face of Etzel's men : Against the guests began she therefore to plot again. 2025. " Who Hagen, Lord of Tronje, will do to death," she said, "And hither at my bidding will bring to me his head, For him the shield of Etzel I'll fill with ruddy gold. And give him lands for guerdon, and goodly burghs to hold." 346 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2026. *' Now truly," quoth the minstrel, ** I know not what they lack ! I never yet saw heroes so sluggishly hang back When one hath heard them offer'd so noble a reward : From this time forth can Etzel ne'er hold them in regard. 2027. " Of those who vilely batten upon their prince's bread And now are fain to shun him in his most pressing need. Of such here mark I many who would be reckon'd brave, And stand like very cravens : shame must they ever have !" ADVENTURE XXXV.— HOW IRING WAS SLAIN. 2028. Thereon the margrave Iring, who came from Denmark, cried : " I have in all my doings on honour long relied, And in the people's battles oft gain'd the mastery : Now bring to me my weapons ; Hagen I will defy ! " 2029. " 'Gainst that will I take counsel," Hagen in answer cried ; *' So bid these Hunnish warriors stand further yet aside ; If two or three among ye should rush into this hall, Back down the stairs disabled I'll send them, one and all ! " 2030. " For that I'll not forego it," said Iring, answering, " I have ere this attempted as troublesome a thing. With sword in hand against thee I'll hold my own alone ; What boots thy haughty bearing that thou in words hast shown ? " XXXV.] HOW IRING WAS SLAIN. 347 2031. Then quickly in his armour thane Iring was y-clad, With Irnfried of Thuringia, a bold and gallant lad, And eke the stalwart Haward, with full a thousand men ; Whatever part was Iring's, that would they all maintain. 2032. The fiddler saw them coming — a very host they were — In arms along with Iring, to set upon him there. On head, well-fasten'd, wore they right many a helmet good. Then wax'd the gallant Volker wrathful enough in mood. 2033. " Now dost thou see, friend Hagen, how Iring yonder goes, Who swore that thee in sword-fight he singly would oppose? Doth falsehood fit a hero ? Him I misprize therefore ; He brings with him in armour a thousand men or more ! " 2034. " Now call me not a liar," the liege of Haward said, *' I'm ready to accomplish what I have promised ; For fear of no man living will I my word disown ; How dread so e'er be Hagen, I'll stand to him alone." 2035. Then Iring begg'd his kinsmen and followers, at their feet. That they would let him singly in fight the warrior meet. Unwillingly they yielded, for well enough to them Was known the haughty Hagen, from Burgundy who came. 2036. Yet he so long besought them, that 'twas at last agreed. For when his people saw him so bent upon the deed. And that he strove for honour, they could but let him go ; Thereon a grim encounter befell betwixt the two. 348 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2037. Iring, the thane of Denmark, aloft his javelin bare And held his shield before him, that noble knight and rare ; Then up the steps to Hagen before the hall he ran : Amongst the thanes assembled a fearful din began. 2038. Then from their hands the lances they forward hurl'd with might, Right through the strong-bound bucklers upon the harness bright, So that the broken spear-shafts were whirl'd high in the air. Then clutch'd they at their broadswords that grim and gallant pair. 2039. The strength of doughty Hagen it was a mighty thing, Yet Iring's blows upon him made all the house to ring ; From palace and from turret echo'd their strokes again : Yet naught avail'd the warrior his will on him to gain. 2040. So Iring turn'd from Hagen and left him scatheless yet; Against the fiddle-player forthwith himself he set. Him, with his sturdy sword-strokes he thought he'^might compel ; But these the well-skill'd chieftain knew how to parry well. 2041. Then smote the fiddler sorely, till o'er the buckler's side By Volker's hand the plating was scatter'd far and wide; So was he fain to leave him, a grewsome man was he ; Then Iring rush'd on Gunther, the lord of Burgundy. 2042. And stout enough for combat was either of them made. Howe'er on one another Gunther and Iring laid, Neither could wound the other to draw a drop of blood ; From that their armour saved them, so strong it was and good. XXXV,] HOW IRING WAS SLAIN. 349 2043. Eke Gunther left he standing and on to Gemot ran, And smote till from his hauberk the sparks to fly began ; And yet the sturdy Gemot, the knight of Burgundy, So dealt on gallant Iring that he was like to die. 2044. Then from this prince he hurried — swift-footed was he too — And four of the Burgundians the hero quickly slew ; — All noble court retainers from Worms-on-Rhine they. were. Then wrath could ne'er be greater than that of Giselher. 2045. "Now, by the Lord ! Sir Iring," cried Giselher the lad, " For these thou needs must pay me who lie before thee dead — Whom thou but now hast slaughter'd ; " then ran on him straight- way And smote the knight of Denmark so that he needs must stay. 2046. Beneath his hands succumbing down fell he in the blood ; And all were well persuaded that now the hero good Ne'er more would wield a weapon in battle anywhere : Yet Iring lay unwounded in front of Giselher. 2047. From blows upon the helmet and clashing of the sword His wits were sorely stricken and scatter'd all abroad. So that the gallant warrior of life took no more thought : This by his strength of body bold Giselher had wrought. 2048. When from his head the numbness at last began to go, Which had erstwhile come on him from that o'erwhelming blow, Thought he : '* I still am living, nor wounded anywhere ; Now know I for the first time the strength of Giselher." 3 so THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2049. On one side and the other his enemies heard he; Were they his case aware of the worse for him 'twould be; And likewise had he noted that Giselher was by : He ponder'd how 'twas likely he might these foemen fly. 2050. How madly then upsprang he from out that bloody stew ! Unto his ready fleetness his thanks were surely due. Out of the place forth rush'd he, but there saw Hagen stand, And smote upon him swiftly with all his might of hand. 2051. Then to himself thought Hagen: "Death thee for this must have ! Unless the devil help thee, thyself thou canst not save." Yet Iring through the helmet a wound on Hagen made : This did the knight with Vaske, that was so good a blade. 2052. No sooner felt Sir Hagen the smarting of the wound Than terribly his weapon he whirl'd in hand around. Forthwith must Haward's liegeman for safety flee again, And Hagen down the stairway to follow him was fain. 2053- Above his head bold Iring his shield made haste to lean ; And if that self-same stairway yet thrice its length had been, Hagen had ne'er allow'd him to deal a single stroke. Ay me ! the sparks so ruddy that from his helmet broke ! 2054. Yet back unto his people Iring in safety won. Then soon unto Kriemhilda the tidings were made known How he had wrought in battle on Hagen of Tronjd; For which her thanks right hearty the queen began to say : XXXV.] HOW IRING WAS SLAIN. 351 2055- " Now God reward thee, Iring, a hero good thou art ; Much hast thou me encouraged and comforted my heart. Lo, now on Hagen's raiment all red with blood I look ! " With her own hand Kriemhilda his shield, in kindness, took. 2056. "So much you need not thank him," quoth Hagen ; " if again With me he'd try his fortune, it would beseem the thane. If ever thence return'd he, a valiant man he'd be ! The wound will serve you little that he hath given to me. 2057. " That you have seen my hauberk by blood of mine made red, Unto the death of many hath me embittered. Against that liege of Haward's I have the utmost wrath ; — Albeit the warrior Iring hath done me little scathe." 2058. Meanwhile the man of Denmark into the wind had gone To cool him in his hauberk — his helmet off was done. And all the folk were saying his prowess was right good ; Whereby they made the margrave exceeding bold of mood. 2059. Then presently spake Iring : " My friends, now mark ye well That ye must arm me quickly : I'll try another spell, If that o'erbearing tyrant I yet may bring to book." His shield was hack'd to pieces : a better one he took. 2060. Full speedily the warrior was better arm'd than e'er; A javelin right sturdy with hate in heart he bare, Wherewith once more with Hagen he purposed there to fight : With foe-like mien awaited for him that murderous wight. 352 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2061. But brook'd not the thane Hagen to stay for his advance ; — He ran full speed towards him, with blows of sword and lance, Until he reach'd the stairs' foot : his wrath was fierce and dread. And all the strength of Iring stood him in little stead. 2062. They slash'd right through the bucklers, till each of them began With ruddy fire to sparkle. And ere long Haward's man By the broadsword of Hagen was desperately smit Through shield and armour : never mote he get well of it. 2063. When that the chieftain Iring was of the wound aware. His shield unto his helm-band he raised, to rest it there. He thought that with this damage he now had got his fill : The liegeman of King Gunther had more to give him still. 2064. Before his feet did Hagen a javelin espy ; And with it straight at Iring, the Danish chief, let fly, — So well, that from his forehead the shaft thereof stuck out. For him the warrior Hagen a cruel end had wrought. 2065. Iring must needs betake him the Danish folk unto ; But ere they loosed the helmet from off the chief, they drew Out from his head the lance-shaft; then death to him came nigh. His kinsfolk all were wailing : well might they, verily. 2066. Then came the queen towards him, and over him she leant, And for the stalwart Iring gave to her sorrow vent ; She wept, his wounds beholding, and bitter was her grief. Then spake unto his kinsmen that brave and gallant chief: XXXV.] HOW IRING WAS SLAIN. 353 2067. *' I pray thee stint thy weeping, most noble lady mine, For what avails thy sorrow? I must my life resign Because of wounds and damage that have been dealt on me. No more will death allow me Etzel to serve and thee." 2068. Then unto the Thuringians and to the Danes he spake : " The gifts that ye were promised no hand of yours shall take From yonder royal lady, — her ruddy gold so bright ! Death's visage must ye look on, if ye with Hagen fight." 2069. All pallid was his colour, the seal of death he bore, — The ever-valiant Iring, — to them 'twas sorrow sore. For Haward's gallant liegeman there was no hope of life : And so the men of Denmark must forward go to strife. 2070. Irnfried as well as Haward sprang forth the hall before With warriors a thousand ; a horrible uproar On every side resounded, mighty and clamouring. And ah, at the Burgundians what lances sharp they fling ! 2071. And then the gallant Irnfried straight for the minstrel made, At whose right hand redoubted great injury he had. For lo, the noble fiddler the landgrave sore did smite Through firmly-fasten'd helmet : he was a grewsome wight ! 2072. And thereupon Sir Irnfried the valiant minstrel smote Till rents perforce were riven across his ring-wrought coat. And all his breast-plate quiver'd with sparks of fiery red ; Albeit fell the landgrave before the fiddler dead. A A 354 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2073. Anon were met together Haward and Hagen bold, I wot that whoso saw them a marvel might behold ! From hand of either hero the sword-strokes follow'd free ; Foredoom'd to die was Haward by him of Burgundy. 2074. When Danesmen and Thuringians their leaders saw in death, Then rose a frightful struggle the palace walls beneath, Or ever they the gateway by might and main had won : Full many a shield and helmet were shatter'd and fordone. 2075. "Give way!" then shouted Volker, "and. let them all come through — What they would fain accomplish they can in nowise do. In but a short time after they're bound to die within. And what the queen hath promised by dying they can win." 2076. Now when these haughty chieftains within the chamber went. Of many a one amongst them the head was lowly bent, For by their rapid sword-blows to perish he was fain. Well fought the gallant Gemot, and Giselher the thane. 2077. There got within the palace a thousand men and four ; One saw their flashing falchions as through the air they tore. Of all who came within it soon every warrior fell. One might of the Burgundians full many a marvel tell. 2078. Thereafter was a silence, and all the uproar died. While, out of hole and crevice, blood flow'd on every side And ran into the gutters from all the corpses there. Thus had the men of Rhineland wrought by their prowess rjre. xxxvl] how the hall was set on fire. 355 2079. Then sat they down to rest them, those men of Burgundy. Their weapons and their bucklers they presently laid by. Yet still the gallant fiddler before the palace stay'd, In case that any other to fight with him essay'd. 2080. The king lamented sorely, as likewise did his wife : And maids and matrons also aweary were of life. I ween that Death had taken an oath to do them ill : Whence, by the guests to perish were many warriors still. ADVENTURE XXXVL— HOW THE QUEEN BADE THAT THE HALL BE SET ON FIRE. 2081. " Now do ye off your helmets," quoth Hagen, the bold knight, " For I and my companion will guard ye all aright. And should the men of Etzel a fresh attack essay, So will I warn my masters with all the speed I may." 2082. The head was then uncover'd of many a warrior good ; They sat upon the fallen, who lay there steep'd in blood, And had to death been smitten so lately by their hand. By many evil glances the noble guests were scann'd. 2083. Before the fall of evening the king his measures took, — The queen thereto assenting, — that with some better luck The Hunnish knights might venture. Full twenty thousand men Were seen before him standing : to battle must they, then. 35^ THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2084. Thereon with furious onslaught the strangers were attack'd. And Dankwart, Hagen's brother, a man right swift to act, Sprang from his lords, the foemen before the door to rout ; — It seem'd that he must perish, but safely gat he out. 2085. The deadly struggle lasted till stay'd it was by night. As well became good heroes, the guests maintained the fight Against the men of Etzel one whole long summer day. And ah, what gallant warriors about them dying lay ! 2086. 'Twas at the summer solstice this slaughter great befell, Whereby the Dame Kriemhilda avenged her heart-ache well Upon her nearest kinsfolk and many another wight. From that time royal Etzel knew nevermore delight. 2087. The day for them was ended in great anxiety. It seem'd to them 'twere better a speedy death to die. Than linger there, awaiting some dread, unheard-of pain. Therefore the haughty warriors to beg a truce were fain. 2088. The king, by word, besought they to come unto them there. These heroes, blood-bespatter'd and soil'd with armour-wear, From out the palace follow'd the noble kings all three ; They knew not to what hearer to plead their misery. 2089. Both Etzel and Kriemhilda came thither them before. The land was their possession : their host grew more and more. The king spake to the strangers : " Say, what will ye of me ? A truce ye would be granted ? Such thing can hardly be XXXVL] HOW THE HALL WAS SET ON FIRE. 357 2090. " After such insult grievous as ye on me have cast, (Nor shall ye profit by it if life for me should last) My child, that ye have slain me, and many of my kin. Peace and atonement, surely, ye cannot hope to win ! " 2091. Whereto made answer Gunther : " By dire need we were led. My people all were lying before thy heroes dead Within the hostel yonder : what pretext did I lend? To thee in good faith came I, I thought thou wert my friend." 2092. Then Giselher, the youngest of the Burgundian three : " Ye chiefs," cried he, " of Etzel, who living yet may be, How have I wrong'd ye, warriors ? In what am I to blame ? Unto this country riding in kindly mood I came." 2093. They answer'd : '' Every city throughout the land with woe Is fill'd through this thy kindness. Ay, glad were we, I trow. If thou hadst ne'er come hither from Worms beyond the Rhine. The country thou hast orphan'd, with brothers twain of thine." 2094. Thereon, in wrathful humour, Gunther the warrior spake : " If of this bitter hatred an ending ye would make With us, unhappy strangers, 'twere better for us both 1 'Tis for no fault on our part what Etzel to us doth." 2095. Then to the guests the host said : " Your troubles and my own Are nowise to be liken'd. The burden on me thrown Of shame and loss together which I have had to bear ; — For this not one among you hence with his life shall fare." 358 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2096. Thereon the stalwart Gemot made answer to the king : " So then may God incline you to do a friendly thing ! An ye must slay us strangers, then let us come to you From here unto the open. Thus honour bids you do. 2097. " Whate'er to us may happen, be it done out of hand ! So many whole men have ye who us will dare withstand, That none of us, strife-weary, alive they'll let away. For how long are we warriors in this distress to stay?" 2098. The warriors of Etzel would have agreed thereto That they outside the palace be granted leave to go. But when Kriemhilda heard it, sorely aggrieved was she. Then for the outcast strangers no hope of peace could be. 2099. " Nay, nay, ye Hunnish warriors, the thing ye have in thought, — In good faith I advise ye — see that ye do it not. These murder-wreaking fellows let not without the hall. Else shall right deadly sorrows upon your kinsmen fall. 2100. "Though not another living save Ute's sons there were — These same, my noble brothers — and they but to the air Came out to cool their hauberks, your hope were all forlorn ; — More valiant warriors never into this world were born." Then Giselher, the youngest, said : " Fairest sister mine. Right ill I did to trust you, when from beyond the Rhine Unto this land thou bad'st me into this direful strait. How have I from the Hunsfolk deserved this cruel fate ? XXXVI.] HOW THE HALL WAS SET ON FIRE. 359 2102. *' To thee I e'er was faithful, I never did thee hurt. And on the understanding I hither rode to court That thou, most noble sister, wert well-disposed to me. Be merciful towards us : not elsewise can it be ! " 2103. "I cannot show you mercy; unmerciful am I. For me hath Tronian Hagen wrought so much misery It may not be atoned for as long as I have life. Ye all must pay the forfeit ; " so answer'd Etzel's wife. 2104. " Yet will ye Hagen only to me as hostage give, I will not say for certain I may not let you live, — Seeing ye are ray brothers and of one mother bred ; — Then with these chiefs assembled I may of pardon rede." 2105. *' Now God in Heaven forefend it ! " Gemot in answer said : " Were there a thousand of us, we sooner all were dead — - Though of thy kith and kindred — ere we gave up to thee A single man as hostage : nay, that can never be." 2106. "Then are we doom'd to perish ! " made answer Giselher ; "Yet none shall dare deprive us of any knightly gear. Here, as before, abide we, would any us assail, For never any comrade did I in fealty fail." 2107. Then spake the gallant Dankwart (by him 'twas meetly done) " In sooth my brother Hagen standeth not yet alone ! They who a truce deny us may yet have cause to rue ; Of that we'll make you certain, — take ye my word as true ! " 36o THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2108. The queen spake to her warriors : " Ye men of courage high, Go closer to the stairway, avenge mine injury ! Then will I be your debtor, as I by all means should. I would requite on Hagen his overweening mood. 2109. " Let no man leave the palace, I charge ye above all ; I will, at the four corners, have fire set to the hall : So all the wrongs I've suffer'd right well avenged shall be." The warriors of Etzel were ready speedily. 2110. Those that without were standing they drave the hall within By smiting and by shooting ; and fearful was the din. Yet never would the princes their faithful men forsake ; Their fealty to each other could neither of them break. 2111. Then Etzel's wife gave bidding to set alight the hall. And so with fire were tortured those warriors' bodies all. Caught by the wind, the palace was presently aflame ; I ween that people never to such dire anguish came. 2112. " Oh, woe upon this horror ! " cried many a one inside : " For us it had been better had we in battle died. May God have pity on us ! lost evermore are we ! On us the queen her anger now wreaks infernally." 2113. Quoth one within the palace : " Needs must we all lie dead ! What profits us the greeting that from the king we had? The burning heat so sorely with thirst doth torture me, I trow that in this torment my life will quickly flee." XXXVI.] HOW THE HALL WAS SET ON FIRE. 36 1 2114. Then Hagen spake, of Tronje : " Ye noble knights and good, Whoe'er by thirst is troubled may quench it here with blood. In heat like this 'tis better than wine of any kind, And at this time, moreover, no better may ye find." 2115. So went one of the warriors to where a corpse he found : He knelt to where the wound was, his helmet he unbound, And then he fell to drinking the oozing stream of blood ; Unused as he was to it, he thought it passing good. 2116. *' Requite thee God, Sir Hagen," that man so weary spake, " Seeing that thou hast taught me so well my thirst to slake ! A better wine right seldom hath been pour'd out for me. Live I for some while longer, I'll aye be bound to thee." 21 17. The rest being told about it, and how he found it good. Then were there many others who also drank the blood. Thereby each one among them began to gain new life — In dear ones it was paid for by many a goodly wife. 2118. Within the hall about them the sparks fell thick around, Upon their shields they caught them and turn'd them to the ground. The fire and smoke together distress'd them terribly. I trow that heroes never felt greater misery. 2119. Then Tronian Hagen shouted : " Stand closer to the wall ! Let not the burning embers upon your helm-bands fall, But in the blood more deeply trample them with your feet : This feast the queen hath made us is but a sorry treat ! " 362 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2120. In such distressful doings the night to ending wore, And still the gallant minstrel kept watch the house before With Hagen his companion ; upon their shields they leant, From Etzel's folk awaiting some further detriment. 2121. Then spake the fiddle-player : " Now go we to the hall : So shall the Huns imagine that each of us and all Have perish'd in this torture that hath on us been done ; Yet shall they see us meet them, in battle, everyone." 2122. Then Giselher, the youngest of the Burgundians, spake : "A cool wind is arising, I trow the day will break. Now grant us, God of Heaven, on better times to fall ! For us my sister Kriemhild hath made ill festival." 2123. Then spake there yet another : "The dawning I can see; And since for us naught better is ever like to be, Do on your armour, heroes ; see to your safety all ; — King Etzel's wife, I doubt not, will quickly on us fall." 2124. The host might well imagine that all the guests were slain By dint of all their labours, or by the fiery pain ; Yet still of them were living six hundred gallant wights, Than whom no king whatever had any better knights. 2125. They who the strangers guarded had fail'd not to espy That still the guests were living, in spite of injury And pains that had befallen the lords and liegemen too ; Quite sound they saw them pacing the chamber to and fro. XXXVI.] HOW THE HALL WAS SET ON FIRE. 363 2126. 'Twas told unto Kriemhilda that they were safe and well. Whereto the queen made answer : " It ne'er were possible That through the fiery torment any of them have stay'd ! I'd rather take for granted that all of them lie dead." 2127. The princes and their liegemen were fain enough to live, Had anyone been willing mercy to them to give. None could they find of any within the Hunnish land ! So to avenge their dying they sought with willing hand. 2128. Towards the dawn of morning, they had, for greeting fair, A dire assault of battle : in straits the heroes were. Though thickly all amongst them stout javelins were thrown. The brave and noble warriors like true knights held their own. 2129. ^ The zeal of Etzel's people was quicken'd by desire. That they from Queen Kriemhilda might earn the promised hire ; Moreover they were eager to do the king's command. And so no few among them found speedy death at hand. 2130. Of promising and giving might wondrous tales be told. She bade her folk on bucklers to bring the ruddy gold ; She gave to all who craved it and would accept her fee. Ay ! ne'er was greater guerdon spent for an enemy. 2131. A mighty force of warriors came in their panoply. To them cried gallant Volker : " Here waiting still are we ! I ne'er saw knights more gladly go forth to face the foe Than these who the king's bounty 364 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2132. Then many of them shouted : " Come nigh, ye heroes, pray, That we may have our ending, — ay, come without delay ! Here none there are remaining but have been doom'd to die ! " With shafts one saw their bucklers all bristHng speedily. 2133. What have I more to tell you ? A good twelve hundred men Made onset sore upon them, again and yet again. The strangers cool'd their fury by wounding many a one — No truce could be between them ; one saw the life blood run 2134. From wounds of deadly deepness ; and many were there slain ; And every man among them one heard for friends complain. The mighty king and noble lost all his bravest there, For whom their loving kinsfolk sore sorrow had to bear. ADVENTURE XXXVIL— HOW THE MARGRAVE RUDEGER WAS SLAIN. / 2135. J The strangers, until morning, right gallantly had done. i By then Gotlinda's husband unto the court had gone, ' And, looking round on all sides, he saw such horrors there As moved to inward weeping true-hearted Riideger. 2136. "Woe's me," then said the warrior, "that e'er I saw the day ! To think that none availeth this misery to stay ! Though peace would I make gladly, the king will ne'er agree. For more and more he dwelleth upon his injury." XXXVII.] HOW RiJDEGER WAS SLAIN. 365 2137. Good Riideger inquiring straightway to Dietrich sent, If they might make between them the noble king relent. But he of Bern made answer : " Who could avail thereto ? King Etzel wills that no one should come betwixt the two." 2138. Now by a Hunnish warrior Sir Riideger was seen With eyes bedimm'd with weeping, as they for long had been. Unto the queen then spake he : " Now look how standeth he, — The man who hath with Etzel the most authority, 2139. " And who hath at his service the people and the land. How many a castle is there in Riideger's command, Of which, through the king's bounty, no few he hath, I trow ! Yet hath he in this struggle ne'er struck a worthy blow. A. r\ Vl '/ 2140. " Methinks he little recketh if things go well or ill. As long as he hath all things according to his will. 'Tis said that he is braver than other men mote be : But that, in all this trouble, hath been full hard to see." 2141. The warrior true-hearted, with downcast mood and grim. Gave heed unto the speaker. The hero look'd on him. And thought : " This shalt thou pay for ! Thou say'st I am afraid ? Thou hast at court thy story somewhat too loudly said." 2142. His fists to clench began he, and at him straight he ran. And smote to such good purpose upon that Hunnish man That lifeless on the instant him at his feet he laid. But thus King's Etzel's troubles were all the greater made. r 366 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2143. " Away with thee, base scoundrel ! " thereon said Riideger ; " Of trouble and of sorrow I have enough to bear ! If I refrain from fighting, why tauntest me for that ? In sooth I have good reason to bear the strangers hate, 2x44. " And all that strength avail'd me I had against them wrought, Were 't not that I the warriors myself have hither brought. 'Twas I, in sooth, who led them into my master's land : I cannot raise against them, therefore, my luckless hand." 2145. Then answer to the margrave the great King Etzel made : " O Riideger most noble, how hast thou lent us aid ! So many dead already we in the land must own, No more of them were needed ! much evil hast thou done." 2146. The noble knight made answer : "The fellow made me wroth By casting up against me the wealth and honour both That by thy bands so freely have been bestow'd on me : The liar got his guerdon a whit unluckily." 2147. Now came the queen unto them, who eke had plainly seen What, through the hero's anger, the Hun's reward had been. Beyond all bounds complain'd she ; tears from her eyes she shed. To Riideger thus spake she : " How have we merited 2148. " That you the king's misfortune and mine make all the more? At all times, noble Riideger, you promised heretofore That you would in our service risk honour and eke life. I've heard the knights award you the meed in many a strife. xxxvil] how rudeger was slain. 367 2149. " The goodwill that you pledged me to you I will recall When me you urged on Etzel, O knight excelling all, To wit, that you would serve me till one of us was dead ; And ne'er had I, poor woman, thereof such desperate need. 2150. " In that thou speak'st not falsely ; I pledged thee, noble dame, That I for thee would venture my life and my fair fame. To lose my soul, however, that sware I not at all : I brought these high-born princes unto this festival ! " 2151. *' O Rudeger," she answer'd, " thy steadfast loyalty And eke thine oath forget not, that thou mine injury Wouldst cease not to avenge me, and all my trouble sore." Then said to her the margrave : " I ne'er have fail'd before." 2152. Then likewise mighty Etzel to supplicate began. And on their knees before him they two besought the man. Then seem'd the noble margrave sorely discomfited. The ever faithful warrior right sorrowfully said : 2153- *' Now God have pity on me, that I have lived for this ! Henceforward all mine honour I must for aye dismiss, — My truth and noble breeding that erst from God I got ! Woe on me, God in Heaven, that death hath saved me not ! 21.54. " Whichever side I part from to take the other one, I shall have acted basely and grievous ill have done; But if from both I sever, on all sides blame I have : May He vouchsafe to guide me Who life unto me gave." 368 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2155- Yet still they urged him straitly, the king and eke his wife. Thence came it many a warrior ere long must lose his life By Riideger's achieving ; till eke that hero fell. Now of his direful doing I must the story tell. 2156. He knew how this must evil and fearful sorrow bring, And liefer would he therefore denial to the king, And eke the queen, have given : full sorely fear'd he that If e'er a guest he slaughter'd, the world would bear him hate. 2157. Unto the king then spake he — that man of spirit bold : " Lord king, take back whatever from thee I have and hold. Both land and burghs : with neither will I have aught to do, But on my feet departing, will into exile go." 2158. Then spake the royal Etzel : " Who then will succour me ? The land as well as castles all will I give to thee. If thou upon my foemen avenge me, Riideger. Thou'lt be a mighty sovran, of Etzel nigh the peer." 2159. But Riideger made answer : " How could I this essay ? At home within my dwelling I bade them come and stay ; Of drink and meat I offer'd to them in kindly wise, And gave them gifts : how can I now death for them devise ? 2160. " The folk belike are thinking that I am cowardly ! My services in nothing to them did I deny — Or to the noble princes, or any of their men — That we are knit in friendship repenteth me amain. XXXVII.] HOW RUDEGER WAS SLAIN. 369 2161. " I gave away my daughter to Giselher the thane, In all the world she could not have look'd for better gain In honour or good breeding, in truth or worldly gear ; I ne'er saw prince so youthful in virtuous mind his peer." 2162. But yet again spake Kriemhild : ** Right noble Riideger, Now let our grievous trouble for both your pity stir, For me and the king also ; and bear ye well in mind That never host was fated such baleful guests to find." 2163. Then to the noble lady the margrave answer made : ** To-day, with life, must ransom by Riideger be paid For Avhat to me of kindness thou and my lord have shown : For that cause I must perish, — and it must now be done. 2164. " This very day, well know I, my castles and my land Must, ownerless, fall to you, through what ye now command. My wife and child commend I unto your gracious care. And eke the hapless people that at Bechlaren are." 2165. *' Now Riideger, God bless thee ! " the king in answer said ; He and the queen together exceeding glad were made : " Right well unto thy people our care we both will give. Though if good luck be with me I trust thou yet mayst live." 2166. And so upon the venture body and soul he cast ; Whereon the wife of Etzel began to weep at last. Said he : " What I have promised I must to you fulfil ; — Woe for my friends, whose foeman I am against my will." B B 3/0 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2167. Then from the king one saw him depart in mournful mood. And to his warriors turning, who close beside him stood, He spake : " To don your armour 'tis time, my liegemen all, On yonder brave Burgundians, alas ! I needs must fall." 2168. They bade their folk then hasten to where their arms were found, — Haply it were a helmet, or else a buckler round, — Whate'er it was they wanted, their servants brought the same. Ere long the baleful tidings to the proud exiles came. 2169. So Riideger in armour with men five hundred went, Besides a dozen warriors who help unto him lent. These would the meed of valour win in the stormy fray; — They had but little warning that death so near them lay. 2170. Then Riideger in helmet one saw march on before ; Keen-edged were all the weapons the margrave's liegemen bore. And broad the shining bucklers upon their arms as well. 'Twas all seen by the fiddler : sore ruth upon him fell. 2171. Young Giselher beheld, too, the father of his bride With fast-bound helmet marching. That this could aught betide. Save what was good and friendly, how could he then forbode ? The noble prince was therefore exceeding glad of mood. 2172. " Now suchlike friends be welcome," said Giselher the thane, "Which we upon our journey have had the luck to gain. Of my betrothed lady we'll profit here right well : I'm glad, upon my honour, this plighting e'er befell." XXXVII.] HOW RUDEGER WAS SLAIN. 37 1 2173. " I know not what doth cheer you," the minstrel answer made : " When saw you e'er for friendship so many knights array'd, With fasten'd helmets marching, and bearing sword in hand ? By us will Riideger pay for his castles and his land." 2174. E'en as the fiddle-player of speaking made an end, One saw the noble Riideger before the palace wend. His goodly shield he lower'd and set before his feet : He could not offer service, his friends he might not greet. 2175. Then cried the noble margrave to those within the hall : " Be on your guard, I warn you, ye valiant Niblungs all ! Ye should have had my succour, now must ye ransom me ; Once were we friends ; now will I be from the troth-pledge free." 2176. They shudder'd at these tidings, those sorely troubled men ; For them but little comfort there was therefrom to gain, Since he would fight against them whom they had held so dear ! From foes they had already had mickle ills to bear. 2177. " Now grant it, God in Heaven," the warrior Gunther said ; " That you will let your pity be moved to our aid, And that abounding honour which hope unto us gave ; Much liefer would I trust you thus never to behave." 2178. " I can in nowise help it," the brave man said thereto; "In battle I must meet you, since so I swore to do. Now guard yourselves, bold heroes, as ye your lives hold dear : From me the wife of Etzel would no refusal hear." 3/2 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2179. " Too late dost thou forswear us/' the great king answer made ; "Thou, Riideger most noble, by God shalt be repaid For all the love and fealty that thou to us hast shown, — If thou wilt in thy kindness still to the end go on. 2180. " And we'll be aye beholden, for all that thou didst give, Myself and eke my kinsfolk, if thou'lt but let us live ; Those precious gifts thou gavest, what time, in good faith, here To Etzel's land thou ledst us : think of it, Riideger ! " " How gladly would I do it," said Riideger the thane ; " As willingly at this time as ever I was fain My gifts in full abundance upon you to bestow ; No blame should I thereover e'er need to undergo." 2182. " Then have thy way," said Gemot, " O noble Riideger ! For never yet to strangers a welcome kindlier By any host was bidden than thou to us didst give : Of that thou hast the profit if we should longer live." 2183. " Would God, most noble Gemot," said Riideger again, " That ye were back in Rhineland, and I myself were slain With some degree of honour, — since I with you must fight ! From friends have heroes never suffer'd such foul despite." 2184. " Now God reward thee, Riideger," spake Gemot in reply, " For those rich gifts thou gavest : i grieve that thou shouldst die, If with thee there must perish a mind so virtuous too; — Here carry I the weapon thou gavest me, hero true ! XXXVII.] HOW RUDEGER WAS SLAIN. 373 2185. " And never hath it fail'd me in all this struggle dread, And many a knight hath fallen, beneath its edges, dead. Strong is it and well-temper'd, a good and handsome blade ; I ween a gift so worthy by knight will ne'er be made. 2186. "And should we not persuade thee to come unto our side, If friends of mine thou slayest who still within abide, With thine own sword I'll smite thee and take away thy life : Thee, Riideger, I pity, and eke thy noble wife." 2187. " Now would to God, Sir Gemot, that thus it e'en might be. That all your will and purpose might be fulfill'd on me, Whereby your kinsmen longer might yet enjoy their life ! Ay ! gladly would I trust you with daughter and with wife." Then spake the young Burgundian, the child of Ute fair : "Why do you thus, Sir Riideger? All these who with me are To you are well-disposed ; an evil course you take ; Your daughter fair too early a widow you will make. 2189. " If you and your retainers in strife contend with me. How grievously unfriendly will that appear to be ! In that beyond all others my faith in you I laid, — In such wise that your daughter my wife I would have made.' 2190. " Unto your pledge be faithful, O prince of noble race," Said Riideger, " if haply God send you from this place ; Suffer not that the maiden for me atonement make ; Be pitiful towards her, for your own virtue's sake." 374 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. •2191. " That would I do right gladly," young Giselher replied : " But these my high-born kinsmen who still are here inside, If they at your hands perish, the friendship firmly knit With you and eke your daughter by me must be acquit." 2192. " Then God have mercy on us ! " the gallant warrior spake. Thereon they raised their bucklers, as though a way to make. By force, unto the strangers within Kriemhilda's hall. Then loudly from the stairway was Hagen heard to call : 2193. *' Now for a while yet tarry, most noble Riideger ; " Such were the words of Hagen : " we would again confer, — Myself and eke my masters, — forced by necessity : How will it profit Etzel if we poor exiles die ? 2194. " I am in grievous trouble," yet Hagen said, *' the shield That Lady Gotelinda gave me as mine to wield. The Huns for me have batter'd and hack'd it out of hand : In friendliness I brought it unto King Etzel's land. 2195. *' If so be God in heaven would grant me of His grace To hold as good a buckler once more before my face, As that which thou dost handle, right noble Riideger, No longer in the combat need I a hauberk wear." 2196. " Right gladly would I serve thee as touching this my shield, Durst I make thee the offer in spite of Dame Kriemhild. But do thou take it, Hagen, and bear it on thine hand ; Ay ! what if thou shouldst bring it to thy Burgundian land ! " XXXVII.] HOW RUDEGER WAS SLAIN. 3/5 2197. When he to give the buckler so readily agreed, Then were there eyes in plenty that with hot tears were red. Of gifts it was the latest that unto warrior e'er By Riideger was given, the lord of Bechelar. 2198. How fierce soe'er was Hagen, however hard in mood. Yet stirr'd that gift his pity, with which the warrior good. So nigh to his last moments, had freely him endow'd ; And with him fell to weeping full many a chieftain proud. 2199. " Now God in Heaven reward thee, most noble Riideger ; The like of thee will never be met with anywhere, Who unto exiled warriors so royally dost give : God grant that all thy virtue for evermore may live." 2200. " Woe 's me for this betiding ! " said Hagen yet again : '' We've had to bear already so great a load of pain. Must we with friends be striving? Now God our refuge be ! " Then made the margrave answer : " It grieves me bitterly." 2201. " Your gift I'll now requite you, most noble Riideger, — Howe'er these high-born warriors themselves towards you bear, — To wit that here in battle you ne'er shall feel my hand, Though all by you should perish of the Burgundian land." In courtly wise he bent him, the worthy Riideger ; On all sides they were weeping that such heart-sorrows were By no one to be mended : — a dread necessity ! The father of all virtues in Riideger would die. 3/6 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2203. Then from the house-door speaking the minstrel Volker said : " Since my companion Hagen a truce with you has made, To you I also promise safe-conduct from my hand ; For well have you deserved it since came we to the land, 2204. " You must, most noble margrave, be messenger of mine. These ruddy golden armlets gave me the margravine, That I should surely wear them here at the revelry : You must yourself behold them and witness bear for me." 2205. , /"Would God in Heaven allow it," then answer'd Riideger, fX f '* The margravine should give you still more of such to wear ! ^ Unto my wife your message right gladly will I give — Thereof be ye not doubtful — if I to see her live." 2206. And even whilst he promised, his buckler Riideger Raised : and in mood of madness no longer could forbear, But rush'd upon the strangers, — a very warrior now ; And fast the mighty margrave dealt round him many a blow. 2207. Aloof together standing Volker and Hagen stay'd, According to the promise the warriors twain had made. Yet more, as gallant, found he waiting beside the door ; Whence Riideger the battle began with trouble sore. 2208. With murderous intention he was allow'd therein By Gunther and by Gemot, who heroes should have been. But Giselher aside stood, so great his sorrows were ; — For life he hoped, and therefore avoided Riideger. XXXVII.] HOW RUDEGER WAS SLAIN. 377 2209. Anon the margrave's liegemen rush'd forth upon the foe ; Like warriors true one saw them after their leader go ; They bore their keen-edged weapons ready in hand to wield, And many a helm they shatter'd and many a noble shield. 2210. Many the swift strokes also the weary warriors spent On him of Bechelaren, that straight and surely went Right through the bright mail armour, nigh to the very life ; And glorious deeds of daring achieved they in that strife. When Riideger's noble comrades within had made their way, Volker along with Hagen rush'd swiftly to the fray : They gave to no one quarter, save to that single man. The blood through helmets, shatter'd by hands of either, ran. How grimly in that chamber the clang of swords uprose, And many of the shield-plates sprang off beneath their blows The jewels hack'd from off them fell on the bloody floor. In such grim humour fought they as might be never more. 2213. The lord of Bechelaren went up and down the hall, As one who might in battle by strength accomplish all. By Riideger's achievements that day it might be told He was indeed a warrior, right praiseworthy and bold. 2214. Here also stood those warriors Gunther and Gemot too. Who in the stress of battle full many a hero slew ; And Giselher and Dankwart, — the twain reck'd not for aught,- And so full many a warrior unto his last day brought. 373 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2215. Well Riideger bore witness that he was strong enow, And brave, with proven armour ; what heroes laid he low ! 'Twas seen by a Burgundian : wrath strove within him deep. On Riideger the noble then death began to creep. 2216. Stout Gemot 'twas, who loudly the hero challenged then. He cried unto the margrave : " Wilt thou of all my men Not one unscathed leave me, most noble Riideger ? It moves me beyond measure ; the sight I cannot bear. 2217. " Now lo ! the gift you gave me to your own ruin tends. Since you have taken from me so many of my friends. Now turn towards me hither, thou noble, gallant man, I'll make your gift avail me with all the skill I can." 2218. Or ever that the margrave had won his way to him, Mail coats that erst were shining must needs be spoilt and dim. Then either at the other, thirsting for honour, ran ; And each to guard his body from deadly wounds began. 2219. Yet smote their swords so keenly, against them all was vain. And then was Gemot stricken by Riideger the thane Athwart his flint-like helmet, till downward flow'd the blood ; All in a trice repaid him that gallant knight and good. 2220. Aloft the gift of Riideger in hand he swung : and though His own wound, too, was deadly, he dealt on him a blow Right through his stalwart buckler unto his helmet's slot. The fair Gotlinda's husband fell dead upon the spot. xxxvil] how rudeger was slain. 379 2221. In sooth a gift so precious was worse requited ne'er ; The two fell slain together, Gemot and Rudeger, Like-fated in the combat, each by the other's stroke. When this great loss to Hagen was known, his wrath outbroke. 2222. Thus spake the Tronian hero : " In evil plight are we ! In these two have we suffer'd so great an injury As ne'er can be o'ertided by peoples or by lands ; Now hold we Riideger's chieftains as bail in luckless hands." 2223. " Woe on me for my brother, who here in death doth lie ! How Cometh, every moment, some tale of misery ! And I must mourn for ever the noble Riideger : The loss to me is double, and grievous 'tis to bear." 2224. So Giselher, beholding his lady's father dead : — And they who still were living a grievous reckoning paid, Death fell upon them sorely seeking to take his own ; Of them from Bechelaren there lived ere long not one. 2225. Now Giselher and Gunther and with them Hagen too, Dankwart and Volker also, — all warriors good and true, — Came forward all together, to where the twain were laid : Then was there by the heroes great lamentation made. 2226. " Death sorely us despoileth," spake the lad Giselher : '* But make an end of weeping, and get we to the air To cool our mail-clad bodies, worn as we are with strife ; Here God, I ween, will grant us but scanty spell of life." 380 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2227. Some sitting, others leaning, one saw there many a thane. They once again were idle : and round about them, slain, Lay Riideger's companions. The uproar all was laid. So long the silence lasted, that Etzel grew afraid. 2228. " Woe on me for such service ! " then spake the royal wife : " These folk are not so trusty that on our foeman's life Shall vengeance due be taken by Riideger's command : He means to take them safely back to Burgundian land. 2229. " What boots it us, King Etzel, that we with him and his Have shared whate'er he wanted ? The chief hath done amiss : He who should wreak our vengeance, doth wish a peace to gain." Thereunto answer'd Volker, the all-accomplish'd thane : 2230. " Not so, alas ! the story, most noble queen, I rede ; And, dare I charge with falsehood a dame so nobly bred, Thee, devilishly lying of Riideger, I heard ; For he and his companions from peace have sorely err'd. 2231. " That which the king commanded he did so zealously. That he and all his people dead in yon chamber lie. Now cast about, Kriemhilda, on errands whom to send ! For Riideger the hero hath served thee to the end. 2232. ** And wilt thou not believe me, see it thou shalt anon ! " And to her heartfelt sorrow so was it straightway done : They bore the mangled hero before the king and queen. The thanes of Etzel never so sad a sight had seen. XXXVIII.] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 38 1 2233. When they beheld the margrave thus borne before them dead, No penman could have written, nor elsewise could be said. How manifold the mourning of women and of men, Who one and all bore witness unto their heart-felt pain. 2234. The sorrowing of Etzel so great was, that the noise Was even as a lion's, — the mighty king his voice So lifted in his anguish : eke mourn'd his wife no less : Good Riideger bewail'd they with utmost bitterness. ADVENTURE XXXVIII.— HOW LORD DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 2235- So great a sound of mourning on every side was heard, From palace walls and turrets the echoes all were stirr'd. By one of Dietrich's liegemen of Bern 'twas heard as well ; How swiftly then he started the direful news to tell. 2236. Unto the prince then spake he : " Hearken, my Lord Dietrich, As long as I've been living, ne'er have I heard the like Of such unearthly wailing as I have heard but now : Some harm unto King Etzel himself hath come, I trow. 2237. " How else would all the people be in distress so dread ? The king, or may be Kriemhild, must one of them be dead, — Slain by those daring strangers, who bore them enmity : And many goodly warriors are wailing bitterly." 382 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2238. Then spake of Bern the hero : " My trusty Ueges dear, Now be ye not too hasty ! what hath befallen here Was wrought by homeless warriors, by dire distresses driven ; And let them use the freedom that I to them have given." 2239. Then spake the gallant Wolfhart : " I will myself be gone And ask about the matter, what 'tis that they have done. And then I will report it to you, my master dear, When yonder I discover what mean the cries we hear." 2240. Thereon Lord Dietrich answer'd : "When one has wrath to face, Full oft, at ill-timed questions, 'tis found to be the case That warriors too swiftly are apt offence to take : In truth I will not, Wolfhart, that you the quest should make." ,2241. Thereon he summon'd Helfrich right speedily to go ; And from the men of Etzel he bade him get to know, — Or even from the strangers, — what doings there had been ; For ne'er such great lamenting of people was there seen. 2242. The envoy made inquiry : "What hath there here been done ? " Then answer'd one among them : " Now is for ever gone All that we had of pleasure in this Hungarian land ! — Here Riideger lies slaughter'd by the Burgundians' hand. 2243. " Of those who enter'd with him not one came out again." Then verily to Helfrich ne'er could be greater pain. In sooth he ne'er had carried news so unwillingly : The messenger to Dietrich went weeping bitterly. XXXVIIL] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 383 2244. *' What hast thou," then said Dietrich, " for us discovered ? And wherefore, warrior Helfrich, thy tears so freely shed ? " " Good cause have I for weeping," answer'd the noble thane : " Good Riideger is lying by the Burgundians slain." 2245. The knight of Bern made answer : " God grant that may not be ! That were a fearful vengeance, and foul fiend's pleasantry : Howe'er were such requital deserved by Riideger? For well am I persuaded he held the strangers dear." 2246. Thereto made Wolf hart answer : " If they this deed have done It verily shall stand for the life of everyone ! To us 'twould be disgraceful if this we were to stand. For Riideger has served us right often with his hand." 2247. But Amelung's chieftain bade them better inform'd to be. Meanwhile within his window right mournfully sat he ; And Hildebrand enjoin'd he unto the guests to go. That he whate'er had happen'd from them might surely know. 2248: ^ That warrior bold in battle, the ancient Hildebrand, Nor shield nor any weapon took with him in his hand ; He to the guests was going in courtesy alone. But sore were the upbraidings made by his sister's son. 2.249- For spake the fiery Wolfhart : " Wilt thou so simply go ? Then certes some misusage thou wilt not fail to know ! So, full of grief and trouble, thou needs must homeward fare : But if thou takest thy weapons they each will have a care." 384 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2250. Then did the ancient gird him e'en as the stripling bade. But lo ! before he knew it, in fighting gear array'd, Were standing Dietrich's warriors, with drawn sword everyone. This thing the hero liked not, and gladly had forgone. 2251. He asked where they were going. " Along with you we'll fare ! . Perchance Hagen of Tronje so much the less may dare With mocking speech to meet you, — which well he knows to use." When that he heard, the warrior no longer could refuse. 2252. The gallant Volker saw them in armour fully dight, Those knights of Bern come marching, all Dietrich's men of might ; Their swords were girt upon them, they carried shield in hand. Unto his lords he told it of the Burgundian land. 2253. Then spake the fiddle-player : " Yonder I see them go, The followers of Dietrich, — in semblance of a foe, With weapons and in helmets : us mean they to withstand. I trow for us poor exiles misfortune is at hand." 2254. E'en at the self-same moment came Hildebrand to him, And at his feet his buckler he set upon its rim. The followers of Gunther to question then he sought : '' Alas ! what harm, good heroes, to you hath Riideger wrought ? 2255- ** Me hath my master Dietrich sent unto you to say : ' If any one among you hath by his hand this day Laid low the noble margrave, — as we are told by some, — An injury so grievous we ne'er could overcome.' J }> XXXVIII.] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 385 2256. Then Hagen spake of Tronje : " No lie the tidings are ; Though fain I were to grant you, for love of Riideger, That they had lied who told you, and he were still in life : He must be ever wept for by man and maid and wife." 2257. When all knew, of a surety, that Riideger was dead, The warriors bewail'd him, as love and fealty bade. From each of Dietrich's liegemen one saw the tears-drops fall O'er chin and beard descending : sore was the grief of all. 2258. Then Siegestab outspeaking, — the duke from Bern, — said he : ** Forever now is ended the hospitality That Riideger aye show'd us after our days of pain. The Comfort of the exile lies by you heroes slain." 2259. Then from among the Amelungs, the warrior Wolfwin said : *' Were I this day before me to see my father dead, Ne'er could I feel more sorrow than at this stricken life : Alas ! who now will comfort the worthy margrave's wife ? " 2260, '^hereon in mood of anger the thane Sir Wolf hart cried : " Who on so many a foray shall now the warriors guide, As heretofore the margrave so many a time hath done ? Alas, most noble Riideger, that thou from us art gone ! " 2261. There Helferich and Wolfbrand and Helmot also were, With all their friends, bewailing the death of Riideger; And Hildebrand for sobbing could ask no more of aught. He spake: "Now do ye, warriors, that which my lord hath sought, cc 386 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2262. " Give Riideger's dead body to us from out the hall, With whom, in very sorrow, our joys are ended all ; And let us now requite him for all that he hath done For us, in faithful friendship, and many another one. 2263. '• We also here are strangers, like the thane Riideger, Why do ye keep us waiting ? Let us his body bear Away, to him our service e'en after death to give : Far rather had we done it, whilst he were yet alive ! " 2264. " No service is so worthy," then the King Gunther spake, '• As that for a dead comrade a friend doth undertake. And steadfast faith I call it, where'er the same I find. Ye pay him honour rightly, to you he hath been kind." 2265. " How long must we be pleading ? " Wolfhart the warrior said : "Since our best Consolation by you is stricken dead, And we, alas ! no longer the good thereof may have. So let us take the chieftain and lay him in his grave." 2266. Thereto made answer Volker : " He shall be given by none ! Come to the hall and take him, here where the thane, fordone, With deadly wounds disfigured, lies in the bloody pool : That were to do your duty to Riideger in full." 2267. Thereon bold Wolfhart answer'd : "Sir Minstrel, God doth know No need have ye to taunt us, ye've done us harm enow. Durst I offend my master, you'd be the worse for this, But we must pass it over, since strife forbidden us is." XXXVIII.] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 387 2268. Then spake the fiddle-player : " Fear claims too much, I trow, When all that is forbidden a man must needs forego ; By me that were not reckon'd a right good hero's mood ! " The speech of his companion seemed unto Hagen good. 2269. "That shall not serve your purpose," Wolfhart in answer spake : " I'll so untune your fiddle that you a tale may take, Along with you, when homewards unto the Rhine you ride ; I cannot brook with honour your overweening pride." 2270. Then spake the fiddle-player : " If thou a fiddlestring Of mine untuneful makest, thy helmet's glittering Must speedily be lessen'd and clouded by my hand, Howe'er betide my riding to the Burgundian land." 2271. He would have sprung upon him, if he had not been stay'd By Hildebrand his uncle, who hands upon him laid : " In this thy senseless anger thou wouldst, I trow, go mad, And so my master's favour might'st never more have had." 2272. *' Let go the lion, master ! fierce though he be of mood. Comes he into my clutches," said Volker, warrior good, " E'en though a world of people he with his hands hath slain, I'll kill him, that the story he ne'er may tell again." 2273. By this was sorely quicken'd the Berners' angry mood ; And Wolfhart clutch'd his buckler, a ready knight and good : E'en like a savage lion in front of them he rush'd, Whilst following close behind him his friends the onset push'd. 388 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2274. Yet though he sprang so swiftly, to reach the palace wall He could not on the stairway old Hildebrand forestall, Who would not that another first in the fight should be. Their guerdon from the strangers they both got presently. 2275. Then quickly upon Hagen sprang Master Hildebrand : The clashing of the sword-blades was heard on either hand ; Their wrath was sorely kindled, as presently was plain ; A fiery stream was scattered from off" their weapons twain. 2276. Yet quickly were they sunder'd under the stress of fight : The men of Bern so caused it, prevailing in their might. Whereon away from Hagen betook him Hildebrand ; And needs must gallant Volker stout Wolfhart's onset stand. 2277. He smote the fiddle-player upon his helmet good, So bravely that the sword-edge unto the sidebands hew'd ; The fiddler bold repaid him with all his might and main, And laid his blows on Wolfhart, until he reel'd again. 2278. They struck from the mail-armour of fiery sparks enow ; Their hate for one another was felt in every blow ; Then came the warrior Wolfwin of Bern the twain between : Had he not been a hero that never could have been. 2279. The warrior Gunther also gave with unstinting hand A welcome to the heroes far-famed of Amelung land ; And Giselher the lordly made helms that shone before, On head of many a warrior, ruddy and wet with gore. XXXVIII.] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 389 2280. And Dankwart, Hagen's brother, a fearsome man was he : Whatever he, already, on Etzel's chivalry In battle had accomplish'd, e'en as the wind was naught : The son of the bold Aldrian now like a madman fought. 2281. Richart and Gerbart likewise, Helfrich and eke Wichart, Who oftentimes in battle right well had play'd their part, Now plainly show'd their prowess to Gunther's fighting men ; Wolf brand in combat proudly was seen to bear him then, 2282. And like a madman raging fought ancient Hildebrand. Full many a doughty warrior then fell by Wolf hart's hand, Death-stricken by his sword-blows, into the pool of blood. Thus Riideger avenged they, these gallant knights and good. 2283. Then fought the noble Siegstab as of his might was due ; Ha ! and upon his foemen what goodly helmets too Were shiver'd in the battle by Dietrich's sister's son ; He could not in the struggle e'er better work have done. 2284. Thereon the sturdy Volker, as soon as he beheld How from the tough mail-armour the blood in streamlets well'd At gallant Siegstab's sword-strokes, the hero's wrath arose ; Forward he sprang to meet him : and so his life to lose 2285. Upon the spot had Siegstab through that same fiddle-man ; Who forthwith of his cunning to give such proof began That by his mighty weapon quick death must needs ensue. Old Hildebrand avenged him, as of his strength was due. 390 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2286. "Woe, for my lord beloved !" cried Master Hildebrand, " Who here in death is lying stricken by Volker's hand : Henceforth this fiddle-player shall save himself no more ! " Bold Hildebrand was wrathful as ne'er he was before. 2287. Then smote he so at Volker, that far to either wall The bands and clasps in pieces were strown about the hall, From helm and eke from buckler of that same minstrel bold : And so of sturdy Volker the ending there was told. The liegemen then of Dietrich came thronging to the rout ; They smote till from the hauberks the links flew far about, And splinter'd weapons saw one as high in air they flew ; Hot flowing blood in streamlets from out the helms they drew. 2289. When Hagen, lord of Tronje, saw Volker lying slain, More grievous was his sorrow than all the other pain That in this high foregathering he had for man or kin. What vengeance for the hero did Hagen then begin ! 2290. " It shall not long advantage the old man Hildebrand That yonder lies my helpmate slain by the hero's hand, — The veriest good comrade that ever yet I had ! " He raised his shield, and forward he rush'd with hewing blade. 2291. Meanwhile the stalwart Helfrich had stricken Dankwart low. To Giselher and Gunther grievous it was enow When in the stress of battle they saw him fall beneath : With his own hands already he had avenged his death. XXXVIII.] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 39 1 2292. Now all this while did Wolfhart stride up and down again, And with his sword unresting he hew'd at Gunther's men. A third time he the journey had made along the hall, And many were the warriors doom'd by his hand to fall. 2293. Then Giselher the lordly to Wolfhart loudly spake : "Woe ! that so fierce a foeman 'twas e'er my luck to make ! O noble knight and gallant, now turn thyself to me, I'll do my best to end it : it may no longer be." 2294. To Giselher, in fighting, then Wolfhart turn'd him round, And each upon the other made many a gaping wound : With such a mighty onset against the king he dash'd, The blood beneath his footsteps above his head was splash'd. 2295. With swift and deadly sword-strokes the son of Ute fair Gave greeting unto Wolfhart, the gallant hero, there. How strong the thane soever, he was not to be saved : So young a king could never more boldly have behaved. 2296. He struck a blow at Wolfhart, cleaving the hauberk good. And over him and downwards, gush'd from the wound the blood ; Unto the death he wounded that man of Dietrich's own ; None but a very warrior to do the like had known. 2297. As soon as gallant Wolfhart was of the wound aware, He let his shield slip downwards ; but higher in the air A weapon strong he wielded : it was a keen one too ; Wherewith through helm and hauberk the hero Giselher slew. 392 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2298. So had they one another to cruel death fordone, And then of Dietrich's lieges there lived but one alone. When Hildebrand the ancient beheld how Wolfhart fell, I trow, until his ending, such grief he ne'er could tell. 2299. The men-at-arms of Gunther were dead now everyone. As likewise those of Dietrich ; and Hildebrand had gone Unto the place where Wolfhart was lying in the blood : Within his arms he folded that warrior brave and good. 2300. Fain would he from the chamber have borne him bodily, But he was all too weighty, he e'en must let him lie. The dying man uplifted his eyes amid the blood, And saw well that his kinsman would help him if he could. 2301. " My well-beloved uncle," the dying one then said, '' At this time it avails not to give me any aid. Now ware you well of Hagen ! ay, take my words for good ; For in his heart he nurses an ever cruel mood. 2302. " If after death my kinsfolk for me should mourning be. Unto my next and dearest I bid you say for me That they for me must weep not : need for it is there none, Here lie I slain in honour, by kingly hands fordone. 2303- "So throughly here, moreover, have -I avenged my life, That cause indeed for wailing hath many a good knight's wife : If anyone should ask you so may you answer plain, A good five score are lying whom I myself have slain." XXXVIII.] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 393 2304. Meanwhile had Hagen likewise upon the minstrel thought, Whom Hildebrand the valiant unto his end had brought. Then spake he to the warrior : " My loss thou shalt requite, For here thou hast bereft us of many a goodly knight." 2305- He struck a blow at Hildebrand, such that one might have told The hissing sound of Balmung, the sword that Hagen bold From Siegfried's self had taken when he that hero slew ; The blow the old man parried : ay ! he was valiant too. 2306. The warrior of Dietrich against the Tronian knight His weapon broad uplifted, that keenly too could smite. To wound the man of Gunther yet might he not prevail. Then once again smote Hagen through well-wrought coat of mail. 2307. Now when the old Sir Hildebrand was of the wound aware, More evil yet he dreaded from Hagen's hand to bear. His shield the man of Dietrich threw back behind his head, And, desperately wounded, the chief from Hagen fled. 2308. ^Of all the knightly warriors remain'd there but a pair, — Save Gunther's self and Hagen none others living were. Old Hildebrand all bleeding in flight had safety sought. And when he came to Dietrich a woeful tale he brought. 2309. He saw his master sitting with visage woe-begone, — The prince was yet more sorry when he his tale had done ; Upon the bloody hauberk of Hildebrand look'd he. And sought of him his tidings in all anxiety. 394 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2310. " Now tell me, Master Hildebrand, why are ye in this state, And reeking with your life-blood ? or who hath done you that ? I ween that in the palace you with the guests have fought : So strictly I forbade it that ye in nowise ought." 2311. Unto his lord he answer'd : " 'Twas Hagen did it all ! He set on me and gave me this wound within the hall, E'en as I from the warrior to turn myself began. And hither from that devil barely with life I ran ! " 2312. Then he of Bern made answer : " Ye are but served aright ! Seeing that ye had heard me swear friendship with the knight, And then ye break the peace-pledge granted to him by me : Would it not ever shame me your life should forfeit be." 2313- " Now be ye not so wrathful, my good Lord Dietrich, pray ! On me and on my kinsfolk the loss too hard doth weigh. We purposed from the palace to carry Riideger ; To grant it all unwilling King Gunther's liegemen were." 2314. " Now woe upon such tidings ! is Riideger then dead ? This is the greatest sorrow that e'er I suffered. The noble Gotelinda is child of aunt of mine. Ay ! woe for the poor orphans who at Bechlaren pine." 2315. His death weigh'd sorely on him, with ruth and sorrow great. He fell to bitter weeping ; sad was the hero's strait : " Woe for my trusty helpmate who now is lost to me ! Ay ! of King Etzel's liegeman the like I ne'er shall see. XXXVIII.] HOW DIETRICH'S WARRIORS ALL WERE SLAIN. 395 2316. '* Now must ye, Master Hildebrand, tell me the story true. Which of the warriors was it who him so foully slew ? " That did the stalwart Gemot by strength of arm," he said : " By Riideger's hand the hero is also lying dead." 2317. To Hildebrand then spake he : "Now let my liegemen know That they must straightway arm them, for thither will I go ; And bid them bring me hither my shirt of shining mail. From the Burgundian heroes myself I'll have the tale." 2318. Then Hildebrand made answer : "Who shall now go with thee? None others hast thou living but what thou here dost see ; I am thine only liegeman ; the others all are dead." He shudder'd at these tidings — in sooth, there was good need, 2319. For never such great sorrow he in this world had known. He spake : " And if my liegemen are truly dead and gone, Then am I God-forsaken, I, Dietrich, wretched wight ! Erewhile a noble sovran and full of power and might." 2320. *' How could such thing have happen'd ? " spake Dietrich once *" again, " These far-renowned heroes, — that all of them are slain By men with fighting weary, in sore necessity ! But for mine evil fortune, death still afar would be. 2321. " Seeing my doom avails not to ward from me this ill, Now tell me, of the guest-folk are any living still ? " Then Master Hildebrand answer'd : " God knoweth, only twain — Hagen to wit, and Gunther the noble king — remain." 39^ THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [AD\ 2322. " Dear Wolfhart, woe betide me ! if thou from me art torn, Too quickly may I rue me that ever I was born ! And Siegestab and Wolfwin, and none the less Wolfbrand. Who now shall help my journey back to the Amelung's land? 2323. ** Helfrich the ever gallant, and have they laid him low? And Gerebart and Wichart, — how weep for them enow ? Of all my joy and pleasure the ending is this day : Fain would I die for sorrow — alas that no man may ! " ADVENTURE XXXIX.— HOW GUNTHER AND HAGE> AND KRIEMHILDA WERE SLAIN. 2324. Then for himself Lord Dietrich sought out a suit to wear, And Master Hildebrand help'd him to don his fighting gear. So sore was the lamenting made by the stalwart man, That all the house to echo with his loud voice began. 2325- But quickly he recover'd a fitting hero's mood. And grimly was his armour donn'd by that warrior good. A shield compact right firmly he carried in his hand ; — Then straightway forth he sallied with Master Hildebrand. 2326. Spake Hagen, lord of Tronje : "I see there, drawing nigh. The noble warrior Dietrich ; for that great injury That here hath him befallen, he will upon us set. This day 'twill be discover'd who doth the honours get. CXXIX.] GUNTHER, HAGEN AND KRIEMHILD ARE SLAIN. 397 2327. Ay ! to himself Lord Dietrich of Bern doth think that ne'er lis like, so strong of body and terrible there were ! Vnd should he for our doings a reckoning demand," )0 Hagen spake : " against him I dare right well to stand." 2328. They heard the words of Hagen, — Dietrich and Hildebrand. ie came to where the warriors had taken both their stand Vithout the house, together, leaning against the hall, iis goodly shield had Dietrich upon its rim let fall. 2329. Then Dietrich spake in answer, grievously sorrowing : Why hast thou done in this wise, O Gunther, mighty king, "o me who am a stranger? to thee what had I done? Ul comfort that was left me is now for ever gone. 2330- With that great deed of vengeance ye were not yet content Vhen Riideger the hero to bloody death you sent : ^ow have ye taken from me my liegemen everyone ; — ih ! never to your heroes would I such scathe have done. 2331. ^Now of yourselves be mindful, and of your own distress, "he death of friends and kinsfolk, your toil and weariness ; )oth it not weigh upon you, good warriors, heavily ? Uas, the death of Riideger is bitterness to me ! 2332. In this world never happen'd such woe to anyone. ^e took but ill account of my sorrow and your own ; 5y you of all its pleasures my life henceforth is shorn ; n truth I cannot ever my kinsfolk cease to mourn." 398 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV 2333- " In sooth," then answer'd Hagen, " So guilty are we not ; For verily your heroes came marching to this spot Well-arm'd, for some set purpose, in such large company : To you methinks the story was not told truthfully." 2334- " What else should I believe then ? 'twas said by Hildebrand That when my knights besought you — the men of Amelun^ land — That you would give them Riideger from out the palace-hall. Naught else but jibes you offer'd to these bold heroes all." 2335- Then spake the king of Rhineland : " They did their wish avov Hence Riideger to carry ; that would I not allow. To do despite to Etzel, and not to cross your men : Till Wolf hart words unhandsome began to utter then." 2336. Then answer'd him the hero of Bern, " So let it be ! Yet Gunther, noble sovran, now of thy courtesy Repay me for the sorrow that of thy doing came, And make, bold knight, atonement, that I confirm the same. 2337- " Give up thyself as hostage, thou and thy liegeman there ; Then I myself will guard ye with all my greatest care, Lest any of the Hunfolk should do ye aught of ill ; In me thou shalt find nothing save faith and all goodwill." 2338. But Hagen spake in answer : " Now God in Heaven forfend That any pair of warriors themselves to thee should lend. Who arm'd as yet so stoutly here stand before thine eyes, And still are all unfetter'd to face their enemies." XXXIX.] GUNTHER, HAGEN AND KRIEMHILD ARE SLAIN. 399 2339- " Beware, Gunther and Hagen," then Dietrich answer made, " How ye refuse my offer ! ye twain on me have laid So sore a load of sorrow — on heart and spirit too ; If ye amends will make me, that may ye cheaply do. 2340. " I give you my true promise, and pledge it with my hand, That I myself will with you ride home unto your land ; I'll guide you in all honour, or will myself be slain, And will, the while I serve you, forget my bitter pain." 2341. " Now think thereon no longer," Hagen in answer said, " 'Twere not a fitting story about us to be said. That two such doughty warriors had bow'd to your demand : One sees beside you standing no one save Hildebrand." 2342. Then upspake Master Hildebrand : "Sir Hagen, God doth know, — Seeing that one hath offer'd to make a peace with you, — The hour is nigh when fitly the offer you might take : The peace my lord proposes 'twere well for you to make." 2343. '^•'I'd sooner make atonement," in answer Hagen said, '• Ere in such coward fashion from any place I fled As thou hast done but lately, good Master Hildebrand ! Methought against a foeman thou couldst more boldly stand ! " 2344. Old Hildebrand made answer : " Why taunt'st thou me therefor? Who sat upon his buckler the Vaske-rock before, While friends of his so many the Spanish Walther slew? About thyself in plenty are things that one might shew." 400 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2345- Then spake the noble Dietrich : " It fits not heroes good To rail at one another as any old wives would. You, Hildebrand, forbid I to wrangle any more : On me, a homeless warrior, are weighing troubles sore. 2346. " Come let us hear, Sir Hagen," to him spake Dietrich then, "What was it ye were saying, ye ready warriors twain. When first ye saw me coming to you in armour dight ? Ye vow'd that ye against me would singly stand in fight." 2347- " That no man will deny you," thane Hagen made reply, •' And with some sturdy sword-strokes here fain am I to try, — Unless the blade of Niblung within my hand should break : Wroth am I that you purpose us two in pledge to take." 2348. When Dietrich thus had hearken'd to savage Hagen's mood. Quickly his shield uplifted that gallant thane and good. How swiftly Hagen toward him down from the stairway sprang ! The goodly sword of Niblung loudly on Dietrich rang. 2349- Then well the noble Dietrich knew that the valiant man Right ruthless was in humour. The lord of Bern began Against this deadly onset to guard himself aright ; To him well known was Hagen, that all-accomplish'd knight. 2350- Dread, too, had he of Balmung, a potent sword enow. From time to time yet Dietrich gave back a wily blow, Until at last, in fighting, Hagen o'ermaster'd he : A single wound he dealt him ; 'twas deep and long to see. XXXIX.] GUNTHER,HAGEN AND KRIEMHILD ARE SLAIN. 4OI 2351- Bethought him then Lord Dietrich : " Thou'rt weakened by the strife, I should have little honour were I to take thy life. Sooner will I make trial, if I may thee compel To be to me a hostage." With trouble this befell. 2352. He let his shield fall downwards — great was his strength of limb, And Tronian Hagen clasp'd he close in his arms to him. And thus was captive taken by him that gallant man ; Whereat the noble Gunther sorely to grieve began. 2353- Then Dietrich led forth Hagen, fast bound, to where her stand The noble queen had taken ; and gave into her hand The boldest of all warriors that ever weapon bare ; — Then had she joy in plenty for all her bitter care. 2354. For thanks the wife of Etzel unto the thane bent low : ** In heart and eke in body for ever blest be thou ! Now hast thou well repaid me for my unhappy lot ; For this I'll ever serve thee if death prevent me not." ^ Then answer'd the Lord Dietrich : " His life thou e'en must spare, O noble queen ! Then haply thou mayst become aware How well he will atone for all he hath done to thee ! He must no whit be worsen'd, that him in bonds ye see." 2356. She bade them carry Hagen to durance vile away, And there imprison'd straitly unseen of men he lay, Gunther the noble sovran aloud began to cry : " Where went that chief of Bern ? He hath done me injury." D D 402 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2357. Then presently to meet him the noble Dietrich came. Great was the might of Gunther, and well 'twas known to fame. Nor did he tarry longer ; — before the hall he ran. From their two weapons' meeting a dreadful din began. 2358. Albeit that Lord Dietrich great fame long time had had, So sore was Gunther's anger he raved like one gone mad ; For deadly foe he held him, so bitter was his pain : 'Tis reckon'd still a marvel that Dietrich was not slain. 2359- So strong and full of valour was either of the twain, The palace walls and turrets rang with their blows again. While on the goodly helmets with swords they hack'd and hew'd. Then, verily. King Gunther, a royal courage shew'd. 2360. Yet he of Bern o'ercame him, as likewise he had done To Hagen ; through the hauberk the hero's blood to run Was seen, from that sharp weapon wherewith Sir Dietrich clove. Yet, weary as was Gunther, he valiantly strove. 2361. Bound was the noble chieftain by Dietrich's hand alone, Although a king should never such bonds have undergone. He thought if he should leave them, the king and vassal, free. That all on whom they lighted by them fordone must be. 2362. Dietrich of Bern then took him a captive, closely-bound, And by the hand he led him where he Kriemhilda found. At sight of his affliction her sorrows greatly waned ; She spake : " Be welcome, Gunther, of the Burgundian land ! " XXXIX.] GUNTHER, HAGEN AND KRIEMHILD ARE SLAIN. 403 2363. He spake : " I needs must thank thee, most noble sister mine, Though I would fain a greeting more gracious have than thine ! O queen, well do I know thee, how wrathful is thy mood. And that for me and Hagen thou hast no greeting good." 2364. Of Bern then spake the hero : "Never, most noble queen. Knights of such fair demeanour, your hostages have been As these, most gracious lady, whom now to you I give : See that ye let the strangers for my sake safely live." 2365- She vow'd to do it gladly : so the Lord Dietrich came — His eyes with tears o'erflowing — from those two chiefs of fame. Soon vengeance sore upon them was wreak'd by Etzel's wife : Of both these chosen warriors she took away the life. 2366. Her evil mood obeying, apart she made them lie, That neither on the other from that time forth set eye, Until in front of Hagen her brother's head she laid. On both of them Kriemhilda her vengeance well repaid. 2367. ^ For first the queen betook her where she might Hagen see : And spake unto the warrior, — how full of enmity ! " What thou from me hast taken if thou again wilt give, Then home thou yet mayst journey to Burgundy alive." 2368. But Hagen grim made answer : " You throw your words away, Most noble queen, for truly I've sworn, and now I say The treasure I will show not, so long as either one Be living of my masters ; — I'll yield it up to none." 404 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. [ADV. 2369. " Then will I end the matter ! " so spake the noble wife, And forthwith bade her liegemen to take her brother's life. _They struck his head from off him, which by the hair she bore Before the Tronian hero ; then was his grief full sore. 2370. For when, with sorrow stricken, he saw his master's head, Thereon unto Kriemhilda the warrior spake and said : " E'en as thou saidst, the matter thou hast to ending brought, And likewise all hath happen'd as I beforehand thought. 2371. " And now the noble sovran of Burgundy is not. Nor Giselher the stripling, and eke the Lord Gemot, None knoweth of the treasure save God and me alone : And unto thee, she-devil, it never shall be known ! " 2372. Said she : " An evil guerdon dost thou to me award ; Yet in mine own possession I will have Siegfried's sword, Which my beloved husband, when last I saw him, bare That day when, by your doing, began my heartfelt care." 2373. She drew it from the scabbard — he could not hinder her — And of his life bethought her to rid that warrior. With both her hands she swung it, and smote his head right off: King Etzel saw her do it, his grief was sore enough. 2374. The prince cried : " Woe betide me, lo ! now, how here is slain. And by a woman's doing, the very noblest thane That ever came to battle, or ever buckler bore ! Albeit I was his foeman I could not sorrow more ! " XXXIX.] GUNTHER, HAGEN AND KRIEMHILD ARE SLAIN. 405 2375- Old Hildebrand cried : "Truly she shall no gainer be That she hath dared to slay him ! Whate'er befalleth me, Although myself but lately to direst straits he brought, For this brave Tronian's murder I'll yet have vengeance wrought." 2376. Then Hildebrand right wrathful upon Kriemhilda leapt, And at the queen with broadsword a heavy stroke he swept. Ay, Hildebrand she dreaded with sore anxiety. But what could it avail her to shriek thus horribly ? 2377. The bodies of the slaughter'd were lying all around ; And there the noble lady lay mangled on the ground. Dietrich along with Etzel fell bitterly to weep ; For kinsmen and for lieges they mourn'd in sorrow deep. 2378. There mickle pride and honour in death dishonour'd lay. The people all were stricken with pity and dismay. In sorrowing was ended the king's high festival — As loving ever endeth in sorrow after all. — 2379- I cannot tell you plainly what later may have been, Save that in bitter weeping were knights and ladies seen — And noble liegemen also — for friends beloved laid low. The story now is ended : this is the Niblungs' woe. INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. The numbers 'refer to the Stanzas. Alberich. a dwarf-king in Nibelung-land, from whom Siegfried won the Treasure and the Hood of Invisibility, 96, 493, 11 17, etc. Aldrian. Father of Hagen and Dankwart, 1534, etc. Almerich. a Danubian hero, 1548, etc. Amelungs. a clan of which Dietrich of Bem was chieftain, 2247^ 2259. The Amali are known to history as an Ostrngnfhir: tjjbp, descended from Amala the tenth ancestor of Theodoric the Great. Vide Gibbon, ch. x. Arras, 1825. ASTOLD. A lord in Medlick, 1329. AZAGANG. A mythical Eastern land, 439. Balmung. The name of Siegfried's sword, 95, 207, 1798, 2347, etc. r.ECHELAREN. Pochlarn on the Danube, 1 147. Bern. Verona, 17 18, etc. Bloedelin, or Bloedel. Etzel's brother. Bleda is the historical name of Attila's brother, 1346, 1879, etc. BOTLUNG. Father of Etzel, 1314, 1372. Attila's father is named in history Mundzuk. Brunhilda (Briinhilt). Queen of '* Iceland" and wife of Gunther, 329, etc. BURGUNDIA, or Burgundy. A country on the middle Rhine, 2, etc. Dankrat. Husband of Ute, and father of the Burgundian kings and Kriem- hild, 7. Dankwart. Hagen's younger brother, 9, etc. Dietrich. Lord of Bern, living with Etzel in banishment ; identified with Theodoric, the great Ostrogothic conqueror and ruler of Italy, 1719, etc. ECKEWART. Margrave of the Burgundian kingdom ; afterwards attending on Kriemhilda, 9, 700, iioi, 1283, 1398, 1632, etc. 408 THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. Else. Lord of the marches on the right bank of the Danube in Bavaria, 1545, 1603, etc. Ense. The river Ens, 1301. Etzel. Son of Botelung, and king of the Huns, known in history as Attila, 2, etc. Etzelburg. Etzel's residence, Ofen, in Hungary, 1379. EvERDiNGEN. Efferding on the Danube, 1302. Gelfrat. a Bavarian noble, brother of Else, 1 546, 1602, etc. Gerbart. One of Dietrich's followers, 2281, 2323. Gere. A margrave and kinsman of the Burgundian kings, 9, etc., 741. Gernot. The second son of Dankrat and Ute, 4, etc. GiBECHE. A king at Etzel's court, 1343, 1352, 1880. GiSELHER. The youngest son of Dankrat and Ute, 4, etc. GOTELINDA. The wife of Rlideger of Bechelaren, 11 59, 1649, etc. Gran. A residence of Etzel's, 1497. GUNTHER. The eldest of the three Burgundian kings, 4, etc. Also the name of Siegfried's and Kriemhilda's infant son, 716, 780. Hadburga (Hadeburc). One of the two mermaids of the Danube, to whom Hagen spoke, 1535. Hagen. Lord of Troneg or Tronje, elder son of Aldrian, brother of Dankwart, and a kinsman of the Burgundian kings, 9, etc. ; appearance described, 1734- H award (Hawart). A Danish prince living at Etzel's court, 1807, 2031, 2073, etc. Heimburg. An ancient town in Hungary, on the Austrian border, 1376. Helka (Helche). Etzel's first wife, known to history as Erca, H43, 1381, etc. Helmnot. One of Dietrich's men, 2261. Helfrich (Helpfrich). One of Dietrich's men, 2241, 2261, 2291, etc. Herrat. Daughter of Nantwin and of Helka's sister, 138 1. Hildebrand. An old retainer and master in arms of Dietrich, 17 18, 2271, etc. Hildegund. a young lady, formerly at Etzel's court, 1756. Hornboge. One of Etzel's men, 1344, 1880. HuNOLD. Chamberlain of the Burgundian kings, 10, etc. Hunsland. Equivalent to Hungary, passim. Iceland (Isenland or Island). Brunhilda's country. Literally " the iron land, " identical in name, if not in position, with the modern Iceland. See hAw. vi, 418, 550, 580. By some it is identified with Ysselland, the province of Upper Yssel. INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 4O9 Iring (Irinc). Described as a liegeman of Haward, a Danish lord living at Etzel's court, 1807, 2031, etc. Irnfried. a landgrave of Thuringia, at Etzel's court, 1804, 2031, 2070, etc. ISEiNSTEiN. Brunhilda's castle, 384. Kief (Kiewe). A city in Russia, 1340. "~ ~ Kriemhtlda (Kriemhilt). Daughter of Dankrat and Ute, 2, etc. LuDEGAST. King of.Denmark, 140, etc. Ludeger. Prince of Saxony, brother of Ludegast, 140, etc. LoCHHEiM (Loche). The place on the Rhine where the Nibelung Hoard was sunk, 1 137. Medlick. Molk in Austria, 1328. Miesenburg. Wieselburg on the Danube, 1377. MoERiNGEN. A place on the Danube below Pforingen, 1 591. Mautern. In Austria, on the Danube, 1329. — N ANT WIN. Herrat's father, 1 381. Nibelung. The first-mentioned possessor of the hoard, and of the sword Balmung, His sons were Nibelung and Schilbung, and his stronghold is located in Norway, Sy, 739. NiBELUNGS. The sons of Nibelung and their men, 87, 580. The name afterwards seems to be applied to the possessors of the hoard and finally to the Burgundians, 617, 1523, 1715, 1726, 1737, 1900, 2379. Nibelung-Land, 484, 524, 778. NuDUNG. Son of Gotelinda, described as slain by Witege, 1699, 1903, 1907, etc. Ortlieb. The son of Etzel and Kriemhilda, killed by Hagen, 1388, 1913, 1 96 1, etc. Ortwein, of Metz. Nephew of Hagen and high sewer to the Burgundian kings, 9, II, 81, etc. Passau. a city on tl e Danube, 1296, 1627. Petschnegen. The name of a place or tribe (Pescensere) tributary to Etzel, 1340. Pfoering (Vergen). A place on the Danube below Ingoldstadt, 1 291. Pilgerin, or Pilgrim. A bishop of Passau, who is represented as the uncle of the Burgundian kings and of Kriemhilda, 1428, 1628. The actual Bishop of Passau of that name held the see from 971-991- £ E 4IO THE LAY OF THE NIBELUNGS. Ramung. a duke of Wallachia at Etzel's court, 1343, 1880. RiCHART. One of Dietrich's men, 2281. RUDEGER. Margrave of Bechelaren, 1147, 1630, etc, RUMOLD. Kitchen-master to the Burgundian kings^ 10, etc. Santen, or Xanten. On the Lower Rhine, the dweUing-place of Siegmund, 20, 708. SCHILBUNG. One of the Nibelung brothers, 87, 721. Schwanefeld. a district in Franconia, north of the Danube, 1525. Schwemmelin. a fiddler of King Etzel's, sent with Werbelin as envoy to Worms, 1374, 1412. SCRUTAN. A knight at Etzel's court, 1880. Siegelind (Sigelint). One of the mermaids encountered by Hagen, 1539. SiEGESTAB. Dietrich's nephew, described as a duke from Bern, 2258, 2284, etc. Siegfried. Son of Siegmund, 21, etc. Also the name of the infant son of Gunther and Brunhild, 719. Sieglind [Sigelint). Wife of Siegmund, and mother of Siegfried, 20, etc. Siegmund (Siegemunt). King of Netherland, father of Siegfried, 20, etc. SiNDOLD. Cup-bearer to the Burgundian kings, 10, II. Spessart. a well-known forest in N.W. Bavaria, 967. Spires. An aged bishop of that see is mentioned, 1508. Tarnhelm. The Hood of Invisibility taken by Siegfried from the Niblungs, 97, 337- Thuringia, 1345, 1877. Traisen. a river in Austria, upon which, at its confluence with the Danube, stands Traisenmauer, the abode of Queen Helka, 1331, 1332. TRONjfi, or Troneg. The birth-place of Hagen, 9, etc. Traun. a tributary of the Danube, 1304. TuLNA (Tuln). A town on the Danube, 1341, 1361. Ut6 (Uote). Wife of Dankrat, and mother of the three kings and Kriemhild, 7, etc. Vaske (Waske). The name of Iring's sword, 2051. Vaske-Rock (Waskensteine). A rock in the Vosges or Waskenwalde, 2344. VOLKER, of Alsace. A vassal of the Barguniian kin^rs, cillel "thi Fiddler from his skill in music, 9, etc., 1477, 1584, 1652, 1833, etc. Walther, of Spain. A boy who was brought up as a hostage at Etzel's court, and afterwards fled with Hildegund, 1756, 1797, 2344. Waskenwalde. The Vosges, 911. INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 41 1 Werbelin. a fiddler or minstrel of King Etzel's; fellow-envoy with Schwem- melin, 1374, 1413, 1964. WiCHART. One of Dietrich's men, 2281, 2323. WiTEGE. The slayer of Nudung, 1699. WoLFHART. One of Dietrich's men, nephew of Hildebrand, 1 7 19, 1807, 2239, 2292, etc. WoLFBRAND, One of Dietrich's men, 2261, 2281, 2322, etc. WOLFWIN. One of Dietrich's men, 2259, 2278, 2322. Zazemang (Zazamanc). A town, presumably in the east, famed for silk, 362. - — • CHISWICK PRESS :— C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANH. N MSB ji 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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