^1^5"--,'*?.>/U'" '. V, HOWELL'S LETTERS IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME I A(>////.)////'rf u> fA/' <^i/j11 what he is doing here every hour of the day, though he be in Constantinople. In the morn- ing he awaketh about six in summer and seven in winter. The first thing he doth, he sends one of his grooms or pages to see how the wind sits, and he wears or leaves off his waistcoat accordingly, then he is about an hour dressing himself, and about a quarter of an hour in his closet, then comes 28 FAMILIAR LETTERS in the secretary, and if he hath any private or pubHc letters to write, or any other dispatches to make, he doth it before he stirs from his cham- ber ; then comes he abroad, and goes to his sta- bles, if it be no sermon-day, to see some of his gentlemen or pages (of whose breeding he is very careful) ride the great horse. He is very accessible to any that hath business with him, and showeth a winning kind of familiarity, for he will shake hands with the meanest boor of the coun- try, and he seldom hears any commander or gen- tleman with his hat on. He dines punctually about twelve, and his table is free for all comers, but none under the degree of a captain useth to sit down at it ; after dinner he stays in the room a good while, and then anyone may accost him, and tell his tale ; then he retires to his chamber, where he answers all petitions that were delivered him in the morning, and towards the evening, if he goes not to council, which is seldom, he goes either to make some visits, or to take the air abroad, and ac- cording to this constant method he passeth his life. There are great stirs like to arise betwixt the Bohemians and the elected king, the emperor, and they are come already to that height, that they consult of deposing him, and to choose some Pro- testant prince to be their king, some talk of the Duke of Saxony, others of the Palsgrave. I be- lieve the States here would rather be for the latter, in regard of conformity of religion, the other being a Lutheran. OF JAMES HOWELL 29 I could not find in Amsterdam a large Ortelius in French to send you, but from Antwerp I will not fail to serve you. So wishing you all happiness and health, and that the sun may make many progresses more through the Zodiac before those comely gray hairs of yours go to the grave, I rest your very humble servant, J. H. June the 3, 16 19. XI T^o Captain Francis Bacon, at the Glass House in Broad Street MY last to you was from Amsterdam, since which time I have traversed the prime parts of the United Provinces, and I am now in Zealand, being newly come to this town of Mid- dleborough, which is much crestfallen since the staple of English cloth was removed hence, as is Flishing also, her next neighbour, since the de- parture of the English garrison. A good intelli- gent gentleman told me the manner how Flish- ing and the Brill, our two cautionary towns here, were redeemed, which was thus : The nine hun- dred and odd soldiers at Flishing and the Ram- makins hard by, being many weeks without their pay, they borrowed divers sums of money of the states of this town, who finding no hopes of sup- ply from England, advice was sent to the States- 30 FAMILIAR LETTERS General at the Hague, they consulting with Sir Ralph Winwood, our ambassador (who was a favourable instrument unto them in this business, as also in the match with the Palsgrave) sent in- structions to the Lord Caroon, to acquaint the Earl of Suffolk, then Lord Treasurer, herewith ; and in case they could find no satisfaction there, to make his address to the king himself, which Caroon did. His Majesty being much incensed that his subjects and soldiers should starve for want of their pay in a foreign country, sent for the Lord Treasurer, who, drawing His Majesty aside, and telling how empty his exchequer was. His Majesty told the ambassador that if his mas- ters, the States, would pay the money they owed him upon those towns, he would deliver them up ; the ambassador returning the next day to know whether His Majesty persisted in the same resolution, in regard that at his former audience, he perceived him to be a little transported. His Majesty answered. That he knew the states of Holland to be his good friends and confederates, both in point of religion and policy ; therefore he apprehended not the least fear of any differ- ence that should fall out between them, in con- templation whereof, if they desired to have their towns again, he would willingly surrender them. Hereupon the States made up the sum presently, which came in convenient time, for it served to defray the expenseful progress he made to Scot- land the summer following. When that money OF JAMES HOWELL 31 was lent by Queen Elizabeth, it was articled that interest should be paid upon interest ; and be- sides, that for every gentleman who should lose his life in the States' service they should make good five pounds to the Crown of England. All this His Majesty remitted, and only took the principal ; and this was done in requital of that princely entertainment, and great presents which my Lady Elizabeth had received in divers of their towns as she passed to Heidelberg. The bearer hereof is Signor Antonio Miotti, who was master of a crystal glass furnace here a long time, and as I have it by good intelligence, he is one of the ablest and most knowing men for the guidance of a glass-work in Christendom. There- fore according to my instructions I send him over, and hope to have done Sir Robert good service thereby. So with my kind respects unto you, and my most humble service, where you know it is due, I rest, your affectionate servant, J. H. June the 6, 1619. XII To Sir James Crofts; Antwerp I PRESUME that my last to you from the Hague came safe to hand. I am now come to a more cheerful country, and amongst a people somewhat more vigorous and mettled, being not 32 FAMILIAR LETTERS so heavy as the Hollander, or homely as they of Zealand. This goodly ancient city methinks looks like a disconsolate widow, or rather some superan- nuated virgin, that hath lost her lover, being almost quite bereft of that flourishing commerce, where- with before the falling off the rest of the Provinces from Spain she abounded, to the envy of all other cities and marts of Europe, There are few places this side the Alps, better built, and so well streeted as this, and none at all so well girt with bastions and ramparts, which in some places are so spacious that they usually take the air in coaches upon the very walls, which are beautified with divers rows of trees and pleasant walks. The citadel here, though it be an addition to the stateliness and strength of the town, yet it serves as a shrewd curb unto her, which makes her champ upon the bit, and foam sometimes with anger, but she cannot help it. The tumults in Bohemia now grow hotter and hotter ; they write how the great council at Prague fell to such a hurliburly that some of those senators who adhered to the Emperor were thrown out at the windows, where some were maimed, some broke their necks. I am shortly to bid a farewell to the Netherland, and to bend my course for France, where I shall be most ready to entertain any com- mands of yours. So may all health and happi- ness attend you, according to the wishes of your obliged servant, J. H. July J, 1619. OF JAMES HOWELL ^3 XIII To Dr Tho??ias Prichard, at Oxford; front Roue7i I HAVE now taken firm footing In France, and though France be one of the chiefest climates of compliment, yet I can use none towards you, but tell you in plain downright language that in the list of those friends I left behind me in Eng- land, you are one of the prime rank, one whose name I have marked with the whitest stone. If you have gained such a place amongst the choicest friends of mine, I hope you will put me some- where amongst yours, though I but fetch up the rear, being contented to be the infima species^ the lowest in the predicament of your friends. I shall sojourn a good while in this city of Rouen, therefore I pray make me happy with the comfort of your letters, which I shall expect with a longing impatience. I pray send me ample ad- vertisement of your welfare, and of the rest of our friends, as well upon the banks of Isis as amongst the British mountains. I am but a fresh man vet In France, therefore I can send you no news, but that all is here quiet, and It is no ordi- nary news that the French should be quiet. But some think this calm will not last long, for the Queen Mother (late Regent) Is discontented being restrained from coming to the Court, or to the city of Paris, and the tragical death of her favour- 34 FAMILIAR LETTERS ite (and foster-brother), the late Marquis of Ancre, lieth yet in her stomach undigested. She hath the Duke of Espernon, and divers other potent princes, that would be strongly at her devotion (as it is thought), if she would stir. I pray pre- sent my service to Sir Eubule Thelwall, and send me word with what pace Jesus College new walls go up. I will borrow my conclusion to you at this time of my countryman Owen — Uno non possum quantum te diligo versu Dicere, si satis est distichon, ecce duos. I cannot in one verse my love declare. If two will serve the turn, lo! here they are. Whereunto I will add this surname Anagram. — Yours whole, J. Howel. Aug. 6, 1 6 19. XIV To Dan. Caldwell^ Esq.; from Rouen My dear Dan., WHEN I came first to this town, amongst other objects of contentment which I found here, whereof there are variety, a letter of yours was brought me, and 't was a she-letter, for two more were enwombed in her body; she had an easy and quick deliverance of that twin ; but besides them, she was big and pregnant of divers OF JAMES HOWELL ^S sweet pledges, and lively evidences of your own love towards me, whereof I am as fond as any mother can be of her child. I shall endeavour to cherish and foster this dear love of yours with all the tenderness that can be, and warm it at the fuel of my best affections to make it grow every day stronger and stronger, until it comes to the state of perfection, because I know it is a true and real, it is no spurious or adulterated love. If I intend to be so indulgent and careful of yours I hope you will not suffer mine to starve with you ; my love to you needs not much tending, for it is a lusty strong love, and will not easily miscarry. I pray, when you write next, to send me a dozen pair of the best white kidskin gloves the Royal Exchange can afford ; as also two pair of the pur- est white worsted stockings you can get of women size, together with half a dozen pairs of knives. I pray, send your man with them to Vacandary, the French post upon Tower Hill, who will bring them me safely. When I go to Paris I shall send you some curiosities, equivalent to these. I have here enclosed returned an answer to those two that came in yours ; I pray, see them safely deliv- ered. My kind respects to your brother sergeant at Court, to all at Battersea, or anywhere else where you think my commendations may be well placed. No more at this time, but that I recommend you to the never-failing providence of God, desiring you to go on in nourishing still between us that love which, for my part — ^6 FAMILIAR LETTERS No traverses of chance, of time, or fate. Shall ere extinguish till our lives' last date. But as the vine her lovely elm doth wire. Grasp both our hearts, and flame with fresh desire. Yours, J. H. Rouen, y^ug. 13, 1619. XV To my Father ; fro?n Rouen 'VT'OURS of the third of August came to safe X hand in an enclosed from my brother; you may make easy conjecture how welcome it was unto me, and to what a height of comfort it raised my spirits, in regard it was the first I received from you since I crossed the seas ; I humbly thank you for the blessing you sent along with it. I am now upon the fair continent of France, one of nature's choicest masterpieces, one of Ceres* chiefest barns for corn, one of Bacchus' prime wine cellars and of Neptune's best salt pits ; a complete self-sufficient country, where there is rather a super- fluity than defect of anything, either for necessity or pleasure ; did the policy of the country corre- spond with the bounty of nature in the equal dis- tribution of the wealth amongst the inhabitants, for I think there is not upon the earth a richer coun- try and poorer people. 'Tis true, England hath a good repute abroad for her fertility, yet, be our har- vest never so kindly and our crops never so plenti- OF JAMES HOWELL 37 fulj we have every year commonly some grain from thence or from Danzic and other places imported by the merchant ; besides, there be many more heaths, commons, bleak-barren hills, and waste grounds in England by many degrees than I find here ; and I am sorry our country of Wales should give more instances hereof than any other part. This province of Normandv, once an appendix of the Crown of England, though it want wine, yet it yields the king as much demesnes as any one of the rest. The lower Norman hath cider for his common drink ; and I visibly observed that they are more plump and replete in their bodies, and of a clearer complexion than those that drink alto- gether wine. In this great city of Rouen there be many monuments of the English nation yet extant. On the outside of the highest steeple of the great church there is the word of God engraven in huge golden characters, every one almost as long as my- self to make them the more visible. In this steeple hangs also the greatest bell of Christendom, called d' Amboise^ for it weighs near upon forty thousand pounds weight. There is also here Saint Ouen, the greatest sanctuary in the city, founded by one of our compatriots, as the name imports. This pro- vince is also subject to wardships, and no other part of France besides ; but whether the Conqueror transported that law to England from hence, or whether he sent it over from England hither, I cannot resolve you. There is a marvellous quick trade beaten in this town, because of the great .31)41)80 38 FAMILIAR LETTERS navigable river Sequena (the Seine) that runs hence to Paris, whereon there stands a strange bridge that ebbs and flows, that rises and falls with the river, it being made of boats, whereon coach and carts may pass over as well as men ; besides, this is the nearest mercantile city that stands 'twixt Paris and the sea. My last unto you was from the Low Countries, where I was in motion to and fro above four months ; but I fear it miscarried in regard you make no mention of it in yours. I begin more and more to have a sense of the sweetness and advantage of foreign travel. I pray, when you come to London to find a time to visit Sir Robert, and acknowledge his great favours to me, and desire a continuance thereof, accord- ing as I shall endeavour to deserve them. — So, with my due and daily prayers for your health, and a speedy successful issue of all your law busi- ness, I humbly crave your blessing, and rest, your dutiful son, J. H. September the 7, 1619. XVI To Captain Francis Bacon ; frofn Paris I RECEIVED two of yours in Rouen with the bills of exchange there inclosed, and accord- ing to your directions I sent you those things which you wrote for. i OF JAMES HOWELL 39 r I am now newly come to Paris, this huge mag- ' azine of men, the epitome of this large populous kingdom and rendezvous of all foreigners. The structures here are indifferently fair, though the streets generally foul, all the four seasons of the year, which I impute first, to the position of the city being built upon an isle (the Isle of France, made so by the branching and serpentine course of the river of Seine), and having some of her sub- urbs seated high, the filth runs down the channel and settles in many places within the body of the citv, which lieth upon a flat ; as also for a world of coaches, carts, and horses of all sorts that go to and fro perpetuallv, so that sometimes one shall meet with a stop half a mile long of those coaches, carts, and horses that can move neither forward nor backward by reason of some sudden encounter of others coming a cross-way, so that often times it will be an hour or two before they can disen- tangle. In such a stop the great Henry was so fatally slain by Ravillac. Hence comes it to pass that this town (for Paris is a town, a city, and a University) is always dirty, and it is such a dirt, that by perpetual motion is beaten into such a thick black unctuous oil that where it sticks no art can wash it off of some colours. Insomuch that it mav be no improper comparison to say, that an ill name is like the crot (the dirt) of Paris, which is indelible ; besides the stain this dirt leaves, it gives also so strong a scent that it may be smelt many miles off if the wind be in one's face as he comes 40 FAMILIAR LETTERS from the fresh air of the country. This may be one cause why the plague is always in some corner or other of this vast city, which may be called, as once Scythia was, Vagina populorum, or (as man- kind was called by a great philosopher) a great molehill of ants. Yet I believe this city is not so populous as she seems to be, for her form being round (as the whole kingdom is) the passengers wheel about and meet oftener than they use to do in the long continued streets of London, which makes London appear less populous than she is indeed, so that London for length (though not for latitude), including Westminster, exceeds Paris, and hath in Michaelmas term more souls moving within her in all places. It is under one hundred years that Paris is become so sumptuous and strong in buildings ; for her houses were mean until a mine of white stone was discovered hard by, which runs in a continued vein of earth and is digged out with ease, being soft, and is between a white clay and chalk at first, but being pullied up, with the open air it receives a crusty kind of hardness and so becomes perfect freestone ; and before it is sent up from the pit they can reduce it to anv form. Of this stone the Louvre, the king's palace, is built, which is a vast fabric, for the gallery wants not much of an Italian mile in length, and will easily lodge 3000 men, which some told me was the end for which the last king made it so big, that lying at the fag-end of this great mutinous city, if she perchance should rise, OF JAMES HOWELL 41 the king might pour out of the Louvre so many thousand men unawares into the heart of her. I am lodged here hard by the Bastile, because it is furthest off from those places where the English resort, for I would go on to get a little language as soon as 1 could. In my next I shall impart unto you what State news France affords. — In the in- terim, and always, I am, your humble servant, J. H. Paris, the 30 of March 1620. XVII T^o Richard Altha77iy Esquire ; from Paris LOVE is the marrow of friendship and letters are the elixir of love. They are the best fuel of affection, and cast a sweeter odour than any frankincense can do. Such an odour, such an aromatic perfume your late letter brought with it, proceeding from the fragrancy of those dainty flowers of eloquence, which I found blossoming as it were in every line ; I mean those sweet expres- sions of love and wit, which in every period were intermingled with so much art that they seemed to contend for mastery which was the strongest. I must confess, that you put me to hard shifts to correspond with you in such exquisite strains and raptures of love, which were so lively that I must needs judge them to proceed from the motions, from the diastole and systole of a heart truly 42 FAMILIAR LETTERS affected. Certainly your heart did dictate every syllable you wrote, and guided your hand all along. Sir, give me leave to tell you, that not a dram, nor a dose, nor a scruple of this precious love of yours is lost, but is safely treasured up in my breast, and answered in like proportion to the full ; mine to you is as cordial, it is passionate and perfect, as love can be. I thank you for the desire you have to know how it fares with me abroad. I thank God I am perfectly well, and well contented with this wan- dering course of life awhile. I never enjoyed my health better, but I was like to endanger it two nights ago ; for being in some jovial company abroad, and coming late to our lodging, we were suddenly surprised by a crew o{ jilous or night rogues, who drew upon us, and as we had ex- changed some blows, it pleased God the Cheva- lieur 'de Guet, an officer who goes up and down the streets all night on horseback to prevent dis- orders, passed by, and so rescued us ; but Jack White was hurt, and I had two thrusts in my cloak. There is never a night passeth but some robbing or murder is committed in this town, so that it is not safe to go late anywhere, specially about the Pont-Neuf, the New Bridge, though Henry the Great himself lies sentinel there in arms, upon a huge Florentine horse, and sits bare to every one that passeth, an improper pos- ture methinks to a king on horseback. Not long since, one of the secretaries of State (whereof OF JAMES HOWELL 43 there are always four) having been invited to the suburbs of Saint Germains to supper, left or- der with one of his lackeys to brino- him his horse about nine. It so happened, that a mischance be- fell the horse, which lamed him as he went a water- ing to the Seine, insomuch that the secretary was put to beat the hoof himself, and foot it home ; but as he was passing the Pont-Neuf with his lackey carrying a torch before him, he might over- hear a noise of clashing of swords and fighting, and looking under the torch and perceiving they were but two, he bade his lackey go on ; "they had not made many paces, but two armed men, with their pistols cocked and swords drawn, made puff- ing towards them, whereof one had a paper in his hand, which he said he had casually took up in the streets, and the difference between them was about that paper; therefore they desired the sec- retary to read it, with a great deal of compliment. The secretary took out his spectacles and fell a reading of the said paper, whereof the substance was: "That it should be known to all men, that whosoever did pass over that bridge after nine o'clock at night in winter, and ten in summer, was to leave his cloak behind him, and in case of no cloak his hat." The secretary starting at this, one of the comrades told him that he thought that paper concerned him ; so they unmantled him of a new plush cloak, and my secretary was content to go home quietly, and en cuerpo. This makes me think often of the excellent nocturnal 44 FAMILIAR LETTERS - government of our city of London, where one 1 may pass and repass securely all hours of the night, if he give good words to the watch. There is a gentle calm of peace now throughout all France, and the king intends to make a pro- J gress to all the frontier towns of the kingdom, to see how they are fortified. The favourite, Luines, strengtheneth himself more and more in his min- ionship, but he is much murmured at in regard the access of suitors to him is so difficult, which made a lord of this land say, " That three of the hardest things in the world were, to quadrat a circle, to find out the philosopher's stone, and to speak with the Duke of Luines." I have sent you by Vacandary the post, the French bever and tweeses you wrote for. Bever hats are grown dearer of late, because the Jesuits have got the monopoly of them from the king. Farewell dear child of virtue and minion of the muses, and continue to love your, J. H. Paris, I of May 1620. XVIII To Sir ya?nes Crofts ; from Paris I AM to set forward this week for Spain, and if I can find no commodity of embarkation at Saint Malos, I must be forced to journey it all the way by land, and clamber up the huge Pyreney hills ; but I could not bid Paris adieu till I had I u OF JAMES HOWELL 45 conveyed my true and constant respects to you by this letter. I was yesterday to wait upon Sir Her- bert Crofts at Saint Germains, where I met with a French gentleman, who, amongst other curiosities, which he pleased to show me up and down Paris, brought me to that place where the late king was slain, and to that where the Marquis of Ancre was shot, and so made me a punctual relation of all the circumstances of those two acts, which in re- gard they were rare, and I believe two of the notablest accidents that ever happened in France, I thought it worth the labour to make you par- taker of some part of his discourse. France, as all Christendom besides (for there was then a truce betwixt Spain and the Hollander) was in a profound peace, and had continued so twenty years together, when Henry the Fourth fell upon some great martial design, the bottom whereof is not known to this day ; and being rich (for he had heaped up in the Bastile a mount of gold that was as high as a lance) he levied a huge army of 40,000 men, whence came the song, " The King of France with forty thousand men; " and upon a sudden he put this army in perfect equi- page, and some say he invited our Prince Henry to come unto him to be a sharer in his exploits. But going one afternoon to the Bastile to see his trea- sure and ammunition, his coach stopped suddenly, by reason of some colliers and other carts that were in that narrow street ; whereupon one Ravil- lac, a lay-Jesuit (who had a whole twelve-month 46 FAMILIAR LETTERS watched an opportunity to do the act), put his foot boldly upon one of the wheels of the coach, and with a long knife stretched himself over their shoulders who were in the boot of the coach, and reached the king at the end, and stabbed him right in the left side to the heart, and pulling out the fatal steel, he doubled his thrust ; the king with a ruthful voice cried out, " Je suis blesse " (I am hurt), and suddenly the blood issued at his mouth. The regicide villain was apprehended, and com- mand given that no violence should be offered him, that he might be reserved for the law, and some exquisite torture. The queen grew half-dis- tracted hereupon, who had been crowned Queen of France the day before in great triumph ; but a few days after she had something to countervail, if not to overmatch her sorrow ; for according to Saint Lewis law, she was made Queen Regent of France during the king's minority, who was then but about ten years of age. Many consultations were held how to punish Ravillac, and there were some Italian physicians that undertook to prescribe a torment, that should last a constant torment for three days, but he escaped only with this : his body was pulled between four horses, that one might hear his bones crack, and after the disloca- tion they were set again, and so he was carried in a cart standing half naked, with a torch in that hand which had committed the murder ; and in the place where the act was done, it was cut off, and a gauntlet of hot oil was clapped upon the OF JAMES HOWELL 47 stump, to staunch the blood, whereat he gave a doleful shriek ; then was he brought upon a stage, where a new pair of boots was provided for him, half-filled with boiling oil; then his body was pin- cered, and hot oil poured into the holes. In all the extremity of this torture, he scarce showed any sense of pain but when the gauntlet was clapped upon his arms to staunch the flux, at that time of reeking blood, he gave a shriek only. He bore up against all these torments about three hours before he died. All the confession that could be drawn from him was " that he thought to have done God good service, to take away that king, which would have embroiled all Christendom in an endless war." A fatal thing it was that France should have three of her kings come to such violent deaths in so short a revolution of time. Henry the Second, running a tilt with Monsieur Montgomery, was killed by a splinter of a lance that pierced his eye ; Henry the Third, not long after, was killed by a young friar, who, in lieu of a letter which he pretended to have for him, pulled out of his long sleeve a knife, and thrust him into the bot- tom of the belly as he was coming from his close- stool, and so despatched him ; but that regicide was hacked to pieces in the place by the nobles. The same destiny attended this king by Ravillac, which is become now a common name of re- proach and infamy in France. Never was king so much lamented as this. 48 FAMILIAR LETTERS There are a world not only of his pictures, but statues, up and down France, and there is scarce a market-town but hath him erected in the mar- ket-place, or over some gate, not upon sign-posts, as our Henry the Eighth, and by a public Act of Parliament, which was confirmed in the con- sistory at Rome, he was entitled Henry the Great, and so placed in the Temple of Immortality. A notable prince he was, and of an admirable tem- per of body and mind ; he had a graceful facetious way to gain both love and awe ; he would be never transported beyond himself with choler, but he would pass by anything with some repartee, some witty strain, wherein he was excellent. I will instance in a few which were told me from a good hand. One day he was charged by the Duke of Bouillon to have changed his religion, he an- swered, "No, cousin, I have changed no religion, but an opinion;" and the Cardinal of Perron being by, he enjoined him to write a treatise for his vindication. The cardinal was long about the work, and when the king asked from time to time where his book was, he would still answer him " that he expected some manuscripts from Rome before he could finish it." It happened that one day the king took the cardinal along with him to look on his workmen and new buildings at the Louvre ; and passing by one corner which had been a long time begun, but left unfinished, the king asked the chief mason why that corner was not all this while perfected. " Sir, it is because I OF JAMES HOWELL 49 want some choice stones." " No, no," said the king, looking upon the cardinal, " it is because thou wantest manuscripts from Rome." Another time, the old Duke of Main, who was used to play the droll with him, coming softly into his bed-chamber, and thrusting in his bald head and long neck in a posture to make the king merry, it happened the king was coming from doing his ease, and spying him, he took the round cover of the close-stool and clapped it on his bald-sconce, saying, " Ah, cousin, you thought once to have taken the crown off of my head, and wear it on your own ; but this off my tail shall now serve your turn." Another time, when at the siege of Amiens, he having sent for the Count of Soissons (who had 100,000 franks a year pension from the Crown) to assist him in those wars, and that the count excused himself by reason of his years and poverty, having exhausted himself in the former wars, and all that he could do now was to pray for His Majesty, which he would do heartily. This answer being brought to the king, he replied : " Will my cousin, the Count of Soissons, do no- thing else but pray for me ; tell him that prayer without fasting is not available ; therefore I will make my cousin fast also from his pension of 100,000 per annum." He was once troubled with a fit of the gout, and the Spanish ambassador coming then to visit him, and saying he was sorry to see His Majesty so lame, he answered : " As lame as I am, if there 50 FAMILIAR LETTERS were occasion, your master the King of Spain should no sooner have his foot in the stirrup, but he should find me on horseback." By these few you may guess at the genius of this spiritful prince. I could make many more instances, but then I should exceed the bounds of a letter. When I am in Spain you shall hear further from me, and if you can think on any- thing wherein I may serve you, believe it, sir, that any employment from you shall be welcome to your much obliged servant, J. H. Paris, 12 of May 1620. XIX To my Brother, Dr. Howell Brother, BEING to-morrow to part with Paris and begin my journey for Spain, I thought it not amiss to send you this, in regard I know not when I shall have opportunity to write unto you again. This kingdom, since the young king hath taken the sceptre into his own hands, doth flourish very much with quietness and commerce; nor is there any motion or the least tintamar of trouble in any part of the country, which is rare in France. 'Tis true, the queen mother is discontented since she left her regency, being confined, and I know not what it may come unto in time, for she hath a OF JAMES HOWELL 51 strong party, and the murdering of her Marquis of Ancre will yet bleed as some fear. I was lately in society of a gentleman, who was a spectator of that tragedy, and he pleased to relate unto me the particulars of it, which was thus : When Henry the Fourth was slain, the queen dow- ager took the reins of the government into her hands during the young king's minority; and amongst others whom she advanced, Signior Con- chino, a Florentine, and her foster-brother was one. Her countenance came to shine so strongly upon him that he became her only confidant and favourite, insomuch that she made him Marquis of Ancre, one of the twelve Marshals of France, Governor of Normandy, and conferred divers other honours and offices of trust upon him, and who but he. The princes of France could not endure this domineer- ing of a stranger, therefore they leagued together to suppress him by arms. The queen regent hav- ing intelligence thereof, surprised the Prince of Conde and clapped him up in the Bastile. The Duke of Main fled hereupon to Peronne in Pycardie, and other great men put themselves in an armed posture to stand upon their guard. The young king being told that the Marquis of Ancre was the ground of this discontentment, commanded Monsieur de Vitry, Captain of his Guard, to arrest him, and in case of resistance to kill him. This business was carried very closely till the next morn- ing, that the said marquis was coming to the Louvre with a ruffling train of gallants after him, and pass- 52 FAMILIAR LETTERS ing over the drawbridge at the court gate, Vitry stood there with the king's guard about him, and as the marquis entered he told him that he had a commission from the king to apprehend him; there- fore, he demanded his sword. The marquis here- upon put his hand upon his sword, some thought to yield it up, others to make opposition; in the meantime Vitry discharged a pistol at him, and so despatched him. The king, being above in his gallery, asked what noise that was below? One smilingly answered, "Nothing, sir; but that the Marshal of Ancre is slain," "Who slew him?" "The Captain of your guard." "Why?" "Because he would have drawn his sword at your Majesty's Royal Commission." Then the king replied, "Vitry hath done well, and I will maintain the act." Pres- ently the queen mother had all her guard taken from her, except six men and sixteen women, and so she was banished Paris and commanded to retire to Blois. Ancre's body was buried that night in a church hard by the court, but the next morn- ing, the lackeys and pages (who are more unhappy here than the apprentices in London) broke up his grave, tore his coffin to pieces, ripped the winding- sheet, and tied his body to an ass's tail, and so dragged him up and down the gutters of Paris, which are none of the sweetest; they then flicked off his ears and nailed them upon the gates of the city, they cut off his genitories (and they say he was hung like an ass), and sent them for a present to the Duke of Main, the rest of his body they carried to OF JAMES HOWELL S3 the new bridge, and hung him his heels upwards, and head dow^nwards, upon a new gibbet that had been set up a little before to punish them who should speak ill of the present Government, and it was his chance to have the maidenhead of it himself. His wife was hereupon apprehended, imprisoned, and beheaded for a witch some few days after upon a surmise that she had enchanted the queen to dote so upon her husband; and they say the young king's picture was found in her closet in virgin wax, with one leg melted away. A little after a process was formed against the marquis (her husband) and so he was condemned after death. This was a right act of a French popular fury, which like an angrv torrent is irresistible, nor can any banks, boundaries, or dykes stop the impetuous rage of it. How the young king will prosper after so high and unexampled an act of violence, by beginning his reign, and embruing the walls of his own court with blood in that manner, there are diverse cen- sures. When I am settled in Spain you shall hear from me. In the interim I pray let your prayers accom- pany me in this long journey, and when you write to Wales I pray acquaint our friends with my wel- fare. So I pray God bless us both, and send us a happy interview. — Your loving brother, J. H. Paris, 8 September 1620. 54 FAMILIAR LETTERS XX To my Cousin, W. Vaiighan, Esq. ; from Saint Malo Cousin, I AM now in French Brittany. I went back from Paris to Rouen, and so through all Low Normandy to a little port called Granville, where I embarked for this town of Saint Malo, but I did purge so violently at sea that it put me into a burning fever for some few days, whereof (I thank God) I am newly recovered, and finding no opportunity of shipping here I must be forced to turn my intended sea voyage to a long land journey. Since I came to this province I was curious to converse with some of the lower Bretons who speak no other language but our Welsh, for their radical words are no other, but 'tis no wonder, for they were a colony of Welsh at first, as the name of this province doth imply, as also the Latin name Armorica, which though it pass for Latin, yet it is but pure Welsh, and signifies a country bordering upon the sea, as that arch heretic was called Pela- gius, a Pelago, his name being Morgan. I was a little curious to peruse the annals of this province, and during the time that it was a kingdom there were four kings of the name Hoell, whereof one was called Hoell the Great. OF JAMES HOWELL 55 This town of Saint Malo hath one rarity in it, for there is here a perpetual garrison of English, but they are of English dogs, which are let out in the night to guard the ships, and eat the carrion up and down the streets, and so they are shut up again in the morning. It will be now a good while before I shall have convenience to send to you or receive from you. Howsoever, let me retain still some little room in your memory, and some time in your meditations, while I carry you about me perpetually, not only in my head, but in heart, and make you travel all along with me thus from town to country, from hill to dale, from sea to land, up and down the world. And you must be contented to be subject to these uncertain removes and perambulations, until it shall please God to fix me again in Eng- land. Nor need you, while you are thus my con- comitant through new places every day, to fear any ill-usage as long as I fare well. — Yours )(pT]creL KOL KTijcreL, J. H. St. Malo, 25 of September 1620. ••J XXI T^o Sir yolm North, Knight; from Rochelle I AM newly come to Rochelle, nor am I sorry that I went somewhat out of my way to see this town, not (to tell you true) out of any extra- ordinary love I bear to the people ; for I do not 56 FAMILIAR LETTERS find them so gentle and debonair to strangers, nor so hospitable as the rest of France, but I excuse them for it, in regard it is commonly so with all republic and Hans towns, whereof this smells very rank; nor indeed hath any Englishman much cause to love this town, in regard in ages past she played the most treacherous part with England of any other place in France. For the story tells us that this town, having by a perfidious stratagem (by forging a counterfeit commission from Eng- land) induced the English governor to make a general muster of all his forces out of the town, this being one day done, they shut their gates against him, and made him go shake his ears, and to shift for his lodging, and so rendered themselves to the French king, who sent them a blank to write their own conditions. I think they have the strongest ramparts by sea of any place of Christen- dom, nor have I seen the like in any town of Holland, whose safety depends upon water. I am bound to-morrow for Bordeaux, then through Gascony to Toulouse, so through Languidoc over the hills to Spain. I go in the best season of the year, for I make an autumnal journey of it. I pray let your prayers accompany me all along. They are the best officers of love and fruits of friendship. So God prosper you at home, as me abroad, and send us in good time a joyful conjunc- ture. — Yours, J. H. Rochelle, 8 of October 1620. OF JAMES HOWELL 57 XXII To Mr Tho. Porter^ after Capt. Porter ; frotn Barcelona My dear Tom, I HAD no sooner set foot upon this soil and breathed Spanish air but my thoughts presently reflected upon you. Of all my friends in England, you were the first I met here ; you were the prime object of my speculation. Methought the very winds in gentle whispers did breathe out your name and blow it on me. You seemed to rever- berate upon me with the beams of the sun, which you know hath such a powerful influence, and, in- deed, too great a stroke in this country. And all this you must ascribe to the operations of love, which hath such a strong virtual force that when it fasteneth upon a pleasing subject, it sets the im- agination in a strange fit of working; it employs all the faculties of the soul, so that not one cell in the brain is idle ; it busieth the whole inward man, it affects the heart, amuseth the understanding, it quickeneth the fancy, and leads the will as it were by a silken thread to co-operate with them all. I have felt these motions often in me, especially at this time, that my memory fixed upon you. But the reason that I fell first upon you in Spain was that I remembered I had heard you often discours- ing how you have received part of your education here, which brought you to speak the language so 58 FAMILIAR LETTERS exactly well : I think often of the relations I have heard you make of this country and the good in- structions you pleased to give me. I am now in Barcelona, but the next week I intend to go on through your town of Valencia to Alicante, and thence you shall be sure to hear from me further, for I make account to winter there. The Duke of Ossuna passed by here lately, and having got leave of grace to release some slaves, he went aboard the Cape Gallic^ and pass- ing through the churma of slaves, he asked divers of them what their offences were. Everyone ex- cused himself, one saying that he was put in out of malice, another by bribery of the judge, but all of them unjustly. Amongst the rest there was one sturdy little black man, and the duke asking him what he was in for, " Sir," said he, "I cannot deny but I am justly put in here, for I wanted money, and so took a purse hard by Tarragona to keep me from starving." The duke with a little staff he had in his hand gave him two or three blows upon the shoulders, saying, " You rogue, what do you do amongst so many honest, innocent men? Get you gone out of their company." So he was freed, and the rest remained still in statu quo primus to tug at the oar. I pray commend me to Signior Camillo and Mazalao, with the rest of the Venetians with you, and when you go aboard the ship behind the ex- change, think upon yours, J. H. Barcelona, lo of November 1620. OF JAMES HOWELL 59 XXIII To Sir ya??ies Crofts I AM now a good way within the body of Spain at Barcelona, a proud wealthy city, situated upon the Mediterranean, and is the metropolis of the Kingdom of Catalonia, called of old Hispania Tarraconensis. I had much ado to reach hither, for besides the monstrous abruptness of the way, these parts of the Pyrenese that border upon the Mediterranean are never without thieves by land (called bandeleros) and pirates on the seaside, which lie skulking in the hollows of the rocks, and often surprise passengers unawares and carry them slaves to Barbary on the other side. The safest way to pass is to take a Bordon in the habit of a pilgrim, whereof there are an abundance that perform their vows this way to the Lady of Monserrat, one of the prime places of pilgrimage in Christendom. It is a stupendous monastery, built on the top of a huge land rock, whither it is impossible to go up or come down by a direct way, but a path is cut out full of windings and turnings ; and on the crown of this craggy hill there is a flat, upon which the monastery and pilgrimage place is founded, where there is a picture of the Virgin Mary, sunburnt and tanned, it seems, when she went to Egypt; and to this picture a marvellous confluence of people from all parts of Europe resort. 6o FAMILIAR LETTERS As I passed between some of the Pyrenese hills I observed the poor Labradors. Some of the country people live no better than brute animals in point of food, for their ordinary commons is grass and water, only they have always within their houses a bottle of vinegar and another of oil, and when dinner or supper time comes, they go abroad and gather their herbs and so cast vinegar and oil upon them, and will pass thus two or three days without bread or wine, yet are they strong, lusty men, and will stand stiffly under a musket. There is a tradition that there were divers mines of gold in ages past amongst those mountains. And the shepherds that kept goats then, having made a small fire of rosemary stubs, with other combustible stuff to warm themselves, this fire grazed along, and grew so outrageous, that it consumed the very entrails of the earth and melted those mines, which growing fluid by liquefaction ran down into the small rivulets that were in the vallevs, and so carried all into the sea, that monstrous gulf which swalloweth all, but seldom disgorges anything; and in these brooks to this day some small grains of gold are found. The viceroy of this country hath taken much pains to clear these hills of robbers, and there hath been a notable havoc made of them this year ; for in divers woods as I passed I might spy some trees laden with dead carcases, a better fruit far than Diogenes' tree bore, whereon a woman had hanged OF JAMES HOWELL 6i herself, which the cynic cried out to be the best bearing tree that ever he saw. In this place there lives neither English mer- chant or factor, which I wonder at, considering that it is a maritime town, and one of the greatest in Spain ; her chiefest arsenal for galleys, and the scale by which she conveys her monies to Italy; but I believe the reason is that there is no com- modious port here for ships of any burthen but a large bay. I will enlarge myself no further at this time, but leave you to the guard and guidance of God, whose sweet hand of protection hath brought me through so many uncouth places and difficul- ties to this city. — So hoping to meet your letters in Alicante, where I shall anchor a good while, I rest yours to dispose of, J. H. Barcelona, 24 November 1620. XXIV To Dr Fr. Manse// ; from Va/encia THOUGH it be the same glorious sun that shines upon you in England, which illu- minates also this part of the hemisphere, though it be the sun that ripeneth your pippins and our pomegranates ; your hops and our vineyards here, yet he dispenseth his heat in different de- grees of strength ; those rays that do but warm you in England, do half roast us here; those 62 FAMILIAR LETTERS beams that irradiate only and gild your honey- suckled fields, do scorch and parch this chinky gaping soil, and so put too many wrinkles upon the face of our common Mother the Earth. O blessed clime, O happy England, where there is such a rare temperature of heat and cold, and all the rest of elementary qualities, that one may pass (and suffer little) all the year long without either shade in summer or fire m winter. I am now in Valencia, one of the noblest cities of all Spain, situate in a large vegue or valley, above three score miles compass. Here are the strongest silks, the sweetest wines, the excellentest almonds, the best oils, and beautifulest females of all Spain, for the prime courtesans in Madrid and elsewhere are had hence. The very brute animals make themselves beds of rosemary and other fra- grant flowers hereabouts ; and when one is at sea, if the wind blow from the shore, he may smell this soil before he come in sight of it many leagues off, by the strong odoriferous scent it casts. As it is the most pleasant, so it is also the temperatest clime of all Spain, and they commonly call it the second Italy, which made the Moors, whereof many thousands were disterred and banished hence to Barbary, to think that paradise was in that part of the heavens which hung over this City. Some twelve miles off is old Sagunto, called now Morviedre, through which I passed, and saw many monuments of Roman antiquities there : amongst others there is the temple dedicated to OF JAMES HOWELL 63 Venus, where the snake came about her neck, a little before Hannibal came thither. No more now, but that I heartily wish you were here with me, and I believe you would not desire to be a good while in England. — So I am, your J. H. Valencia, i of March 1620. XXV To Christopher 'Jones, Esq., at Grafs Inn I AM now (thanks be to God) come to Alicante, the chief rendevouz I aimed at in Spain ; for I am to send hence a commodity called barillia to Sir Robert Mansell for making of crystal glass, and I have treated with Signor Andriotti, a Genoa merchant, for a good round parcel of it, to the value of ;^2000, by letters of credit from Master Richant, and upon his credit, I might have taken many thousand pounds more, he is so well known in the kingdom of Valencia. This barillia is a strange kind of vegetable, and it grows nowhere upon the surface of the earth in that perfection as here. The Venetians have it hence, and it is a commod- ity whereby this maritime town doth partly sub- sist, for it is an ingredient that goes to the making of the best Castile soap. It grows thus : It is a round thick earthy shrub that bears berries like barberries, but 'twixt blue and green. It lies close to the ground, and when it is ripe they dig it up 64 FAMILIAR LETTERS by the roots, and put it together in cocks, where they leave it to dry many days like hay, then they make a pit of a fathom deep in the earth, and with an instrument like one of our prongs they take the tufts and put fire to them, and when the flame comes to the berries they melt, and dissolve into an azure liquor, and fall down into the pit till it be full ; then they dam it up, and some days after they open it, and find this barillia juice turned to a blue stone, so hard that it is scarce malleable. It is sold at one hundred crowns a ton, but I had it for less. There is also a spurious flower called gazull that grows here, but the glass that is made of that is not so resplendent and clear. I have been here now these three months, and most of my food has been grapes and bread, with other roots, which have made me so fat that I think if you saw me you would hardly know me, such nourriture this deep Sanguin Alicante grape gives. I have not received a syllable from you since I was in Antwerp, which transforms me to wonder, and en- genders odd thoughts of jealousy in me, that as my body grows fatter your love grows lanker towards me. I pray take off these scruples, and let me hear from you, else it will make a schism in friendship, which I hold to be a very holy league, and no less than a piacle to infringe it ; in which opinion I rest, your constant friend, J. H. Alicante, March ay, 1621. OF JAMES HOWELL 65 XXVI To Sir 'John North, Knight HAVING endured the brunt of a whole sum- mer in Spain, and tried the temper of all the other three seasons of the year up and down the kingdoms of Catalonia, Valencia, and Mercia, with some parts of Aragon, I am now to direct my course for Italy. I hoped to have embarked at Carthagena, the best port upon the Mediterranean, for what ships and galleys get in thither are shut up, as it were, in a box from the violence and in- jury of all weathers, which made Andrea Doria, being asked by Philip the Second which were his best harbours, he answered, "June, July, and Carthagena," meaning that any port is good in those two months, but Carthagena was good any time of the year. There was a most ruthful acci- dent had happened there a little before I came, for whereas five ships had gone thence laden with soldiers for Naples, amongst whom there was the flower of the gentry of the kingdom of Mercia, those ships had hardly sailed three leagues but they met with sixteen sails of Algiers, men-of- war, who had lain skulking in the creeks there- about, and they had the winds and all things else so favourable, that of those five ships they took one, sunk another, and burnt a third, and two fled back to safe harbour. The report hereof being 66 FAMILIAR LETTERS bruited up and down the country, the gentle- women came from the country to have tidings, some of their children, others of their brothers and kindred, and went tearing their hair and howling up and down the streets in a most pite- ous manner. The admiral of those five ships, as I heard afterwards, was sent for to Madrid, and hanged at the court gate because he did not fight. Had I come time enough to have taken the opportunity, I might have been made either food for haddocks or turned to cinders, or have been by this time a slave in the bannier at Algiers, or tugging at an oar ; but I hope God hath re- served me for a better destiny. So I came back to Alicante, where 1 lighted upon a lusty Dutchman, who hath carried me safe hither, but we were near upon forty days in voyage. We passed by Majorca and Minorca, the Baleares Insulae, by some ports of Barbary, by Sardinia, Corsica, and all the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. We were at the mouth of Tiber, and thence fetched our course for Sicily. We passed by those sulphurous, fiery islands, Mongibel and Strombolo, and about the dawn of the day we shot through Scylla and Carybdis, and so into the phare of Messina : thence we touched upon some of the Greek islands, and so came to our first intended course, into the Venetian Gulf, and are now here at Malamocca, where we remain yet aboard, and must be content to be so, to make up the month before we have " pratic," that is, before any be permitted to go ashore and negotiate. OF JAMES HOWELL 67 in regard we touched at some infected places ; for there are no people upon earth so fearful of the plague as the Italians, especially the Venetians, though their neighbours the Greeks hard by, and the Turks, have little or no apprehension at all of the danger of it, for they will visit and commerce with the sick without any scruple, and will fix their longest finger in the midst of their forehead and say their destiny and manner of death is pointed there. When we have gained yonder maiden city which lleth before us you shall hear farther from me ; so leaving you to His holy pro- tection who hath thus graciously vouchsafed to preserve this ship and me in so long and danger- ous a voyage, 1 rest, yours, J. H. Malamocca, jlpril the 30, 1621. XXVII To my Brother, Dr Howell ; from a Shipboard before Venice Brother, IF this letter fail either in point of orthography or style, you must impute the first to the tumbling posture my body was in at the writing hereof, being a shipboard, the second the muddi- ness of my brain, which like lees in a narrow ves- sel, hath been shaken at sea in divers tempests 68 FAMILIAR LETTERS near upon forty days, I mean natural days, which include the nights also, and are composed of four and twenty hours, by which number the Italian computes his time, and tells his clock, for at the writing hereof, I heard one from Malamocca strike one and twenty hours. When I shall have saluted yonder virgin city that stands before me, and hath tantalised me now this sennight, I hope to cheer my spirits, and settle my pericranium again. In this voyage we passed through, at least touched, all those seas, which Horace and other poets sing of so often, as the Ionian, the vEgean, the Icarian, the Tyrrhene, with others, and now we are in the Adrian Sea, in the mouth whereof Venice stands like a gold ring in a bear's muzzle. We passed also by i^tna, by the infames Scopulos^ Acroceraunia, and through Scylla and Charybdis, about which the ancient poets, both Greek and Latin, keep such a coil, but they are nothing so horrid or dangerous, as they make them to be : they are two white keen-pointed rocks, that lie under water diametrically opposed, and like two dragons defying one another, and there are pilots, that in small shallops, are ready to steer all ships that pass. This amongst divers other, may serve for an instance that the old poets used to heighten and hoist up things by their airy fancies above the reality of truth. iEtna was very furious when we passed by as she useth to be sometimes more than other, specially when the wind is southward, for then she is more subject to belching out flakes of OF JAMES HOWELL 69 fire (as stutterers use to stammer more when the wind is in that hole) ; some of the sparkles fell aboard of us, but they would make us believe in Syracuse, now Messina, that T^tna in times passed hath eructated such huge gobbets of fire, that the sparks of them have burnt houses in Malta, above fifty miles off, transported thither by a direct strong wind. We passed hard by Corinth, now Ragusa, but I was not so happy as to touch there, for vou know Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum. I conversed with many Greeks but found none that could understand, much less practically speak any of the old dialects of the pristine Greek, it is so adulterated by the vulgar, as a bed of flowers by weeds, nor is there any people, either in the islands or on the Continent, that speaks it con- versably, yet there are in the Morea seven parishes called Zacones, where the original Greek is not much degenerated, but they confound divers let- ters of the alphabet with one sound, for in point of pronunciation there is no difference 'twixt Up- silon, lota, and Eta. The last I received from you was in Latin, whereof I sent you an answer from Spain in the same language, though in a coarser dialect. I shall be a guest to Venice a good while, therefore I de- sire a frequency of correspondence between us by letters, for there will be conveniency every week of receiving and sending ; when you write to 70 FAMILIAR LETTERS Wales, I pray send advice, that I am come safe to Italy, though not landed there yet. So my dear brother, I pray God bless us both, and all our friends, and reserve me to see you again with com- fort, and you me, who am your loving brother, J. H. May the 5, 1621. XXVIII To the Honourable Sir Robert Mansell, Vice- Admiral of England ; from Venice AS soon as I came to Venice, I applied myself to dispatch your business according to in- structions, and Mr Seymor was ready to contrib- ute his best furtherance. These two Italians who are the bearers hereof, by report here, are the best gentlemen-workmen that ever blew crystal, one is allied to Antonio Miotti, the other is cousin to Mazalao ; for other things they shall be sent in the ship Lion^ which rides here at Malamocca, as I shall send you account by conveyance of Mr Symns. Herewith I have sent a letter to you from Sir Henry Wotton, the Lord Ambassador here, of whom I have received some favours. He wished me to write, that you have now a double interest in him ; for whereas before he was only your ser- vant, he is now your kinsman by your late mar- riage. I was lately to see the arsenal of Venice, one of OF JAMES HOWELL 71 the worthiest things of Christendom ; they say- there are as many galleys, and galeasses of all sorts, belonging to Saint Mark, either in course, at an- chor, in dock, or upon the carine, as there be days in the year ; here they can build a complete galley in half a day, and put her afloat in perfect equip- age, having all the ingredients fitted before-hand, as they did in three hours, when Henry the Third passed this way to France from Poland, who wished, that besides Paris and his parliament towns, he had this arsenal in exchange for three of his chiefest cities. There are three hundred people perpetually here at work, and it one comes young and grows old in Saint Mark's service, he hath a pension from the State during life. Being brought to see one of the Clarissimos that governs this arsenal, this huge sea store-house, amongst other matters reflecting upon England, he was saying: "That if Cavalier Don Roberto Mansell were now here, he thought verily the republic would make a profiler to him to be admiral of that fleet of gallevs and galleons, which are now going against the Duke of Ossuna and the forces of Naples," you are so well known here. I was, since I came hither, in Murano, a little island about the distance of Lambeth from Lon- don, where crystal glass is made, and it is a rare sight to see a whole street, where on the one side there are twenty furnaces together at work. They say here that although one should transplant a glass-furnace from Murano to Venice herself, or 72 FAMILIAR LETTERS to any of the little assembly of islands about her, or to any other part of the earth besides, and use the same materials, the same workmen, the same fuel, the self-same ingredients every way, yet they cannot make crystal glass in that perfection, for beauty and lustre, as in Murano. Some impute it to the quality of the circumambient air that hangs over the place, which is purified and attenuated by the concurrence of so many fires that are in those furnaces night and day perpetually, for they are like the vestal fire which never goes out. And it is well known that some airs make more quali- fying impressions than others, as a Greek told me in Sicily of the air of Egypt, where there be huge common furnaces to hatch eggs by the thousands in camel's dung; for, during the time of hatching if the air happen to come to be overcast and grow cloudy, it spoils all ; if the sky continue still, serene, and clear, not one egg in a hundred will miscarry. I met with Camillo, your Consaorman^ here lately, and could he be sure of entertainment, he would return to serve you again, and, I believe, for less salary. I shall attend your commands herein by the next, and touching other particulars, whereof I have written to Captain Bacon. So I rest, your most humble and ready servant, Venice, May the 30, 1621, J. H. OF JAMES HOWELL 73 XXIX To my Brother; frof?i Venice Brother, I FOUND a letter of yours that had lain dor- mant here a good while in Mr Symns' hands, to welcome me to Venice, and I thank you for the variety of news wherewith she went freighted ; for she was to me as a ship richly laden from London used to be to our merchants here, and I esteem her cargozan at no less a value, for she enriched me with the knowledge of my father's health and your own, with the rest of my brothers and sisters in the country, with divers other passages of con- tentment ; besides, she went also ballasted with your good instructions, which, as merchants used to do of their commodities, I will turn to the best advantage, and Italy is no ill market to improve anything. The only proceed (that I may use the mercantile term) you can expect is thanks, and this way I shall not be wanting to make you rich returns. Since I came to this town I dispatched sundry businesses of good value for Sir Robert Mansel, which I hope will give content. The art of glass- making here is very highly valued ; for, whosoever be of that profession are gentlemen ipso facto, and it is not without reason ; it being a rare kind of knowledge and chemistry to transmute dust and 74 FAMILIAR LETTERS sand (for they are the only main ingredients) to such a diaphanous pellucid dainty body as you see a crystal glass is, which hath this property above gold or silver or any other mineral, to admit no poison ; as also that it never wastes or loses a whit of its first weight, though you use it never so long. When I saw so many sorts of curious glasses made here I thought upon the compliment which a gentleman put upon a lady in England, who having five or six comely daughters, said he never saw in his life such a dainty cupboard of crystal glasses ; the compliment proceeds, it seems, from a saying they have here, "That the first handsome woman that ever was made, was made of Venice glass," which implies beauty, but brittleness withal (and Venice is not un- furnished with some of that mould, for no place abounds more with lasses and glasses). But when I pried into the materials, and observed the furnaces and the calcinations, the transub- stantiations, the liquefactions that are incident to this art, my thoughts were raised to a higher speculation : that if this small furnace-fire hath virtue to convert such a small lump of dark dust and sand into such a precious clear body as crys- tal, surely that grand universal fire which shall hap- pen at the day of judgment, may by its violent ardour vitrify and turn to one lump of crystal the whole body of the earth, nor am I the first that fell upon this conceit. I will enlarge myself no further to you at this OF JAMES HOWELL 75 time, but conclude with this tetrastic which my brain ran upon in my bed this morning. Vitrea sunt nostrae commissa negotia curae Hoc oculis speculum mittimus ergo tuis : Quod speculum ? est instar speculi mea litera, per quod Vivida fraterni cordis imago nitet. Adieu, my dear brother, Hve happily and love vour brother, J. H. Venice, the i of June 1621. XXX To Mr Richard Alt ham at Gray' s Inn ; from Venice Gentle Sir, O dulcior illo Mille quod in ceris Attica ponit apis. O thou who dost in sweetness far excel. That juice the Attic bee stores in her cell. My dear Dick, I HAVE now a good while since taken foot- ing in Venice, this admired maiden city, so called because she was never deflowered by any enemy since she had a being, not since her Rialto was first erected, which is now above twelve ages ago. I protest unto you at my first landing I was for some days ravished with the high beauty of this maid, with her lovely countenance. I admired her magnificent buildings, her marvellous situation, her 76 FAMILIAR LETTERS dainty smooth neat streets, whereon you may walk most days in the year in a silk stocking and satin slippers, without soiling them, nor can the streets of Paris be so foul, as these are fair. This beaute- ous maid hath been often attempted to be vitiated ; some have courted her, some bribed her, some would have forced her, vet she hath still preserved her chastity entire ; and though she hath lived so many ages, and passed so many shrewd brunts, yet she continueth fresh to this very day, without the least wrinkle of old age or any symptoms of decay, whereunto political bodies, as well as natural, use to be liable. Besides she hath wrestled with the greatest potentates upon earth. The Emperor, the King of France, and most of the other princes of Christendom, in that famous league of Cambray, would have sunk her ; but she bore up still within her lakes, and broke that league to pieces by her wit. The Grand Turk hath been often at her, and though he could not have his will of her, yet he took away the richest jewel she wore in her coronet and put it in his turban — I mean the king- dom of Cyprus, the only royal gem she had ; he hath sat upon her skirts often since, and though she closed with him sometimes, yet she came off still with her maidenhead, though some that envy her happiness, would brand her to be of late times a kind of concubine to him, and that she gives him ready money once a year to lie with her, which she minceth by name of present, though it be indeed rather a tribute. OF JAMES HOWELL 77 I would I had you here with a wish, and you would not desire in haste to be at Gray's Inn, though I hold your walks to be the pleasantest place about London ; and that you have there the choicest society. I pray present my kind commen- dations to all there, and service at Bishopsgate Street, and let me hear from you by the next post. — So I am, entirely yours, J. H. Venice, 5 June 1621. XXXI To Dr Frank Mansell ; from Venice G IVE me leave to salute you first in these Sapphics. Insulam tendens iter ad Britannam Charta, de paucis volo, siste gressum. Verba Mansello, bene noscis ilium, Talia perfer, Finibus longe patriis Hoellus Dimorans, quantis Venetum superba Civitas leucis Dorobemiensi Distat ab urbe ; Plurimam mentis tibi vult salutem, Plurium cordis tibi vult vigorem, Plurimum sortis tibi vult favorem Regis et Aulae. These wishes come to you from Venice, a place 78 FAMILIAR LETTERS where there is nothing wanting that heart can wish; renowned Venice, the admiredst city in the world, a city that all Europe is bound unto, for she is her greatest rampart against that huge eastern tyrant the Turk by sea, else I believe he had overrun all Christendom by this time. Against him this city hath performed notable exploits, and not only against him, but divers other. She hath restored emperors to their thrones, and popes to their chairs, and with her galleys often preserved Saint Peter's barque from sinking : for which, by way of reward, one of his successors espoused her to the sea, which marriage is solemnly renewed every year in solemn procession by the Doge and all the Clarissimos, and a gold ring cast into the sea out of the great galleasse, called the Bucentoro, wherein the first ceremony was performed by the Pope himself, above three hundred years since, and they say it is the self-same vessel still, though often put upon the careen and trimmed. This made me think on that famous ship at Athens ; nay, I fell upon an abstracted notion in philosophy, and a speculation touching the body of man, which being in perpet- ual flux, and a kind of succession of decays, and consequently requiring ever and anon a restoration of what it loseth of the virtue of the former ailment, and what was converted after the third concoction into blood and fleshly substance, which, as in all other sublunary bodies that have internal princi- ples of heat, uses to transpire, breathe out, and waste away through invisible pores by exercise, motion. OF JAMES HOWELL 79 and sleep to make room still for a supply of new nourriture. I fell, I say, to consider whether our bodies may be said to be of like condition with this BucentorOj which, though it be reputed still the same vessel, yet I believe there 's not a foot of that timber remaining which it had upon the first dock, having been, as they tell me, so often planked and ribbed, caulked and pieced. In like manner our bodies may be said to be daily repaired by new sustenance, which begets new blood, and conse- quently new spirits, new humours, and I may say new flesh, the old by continual deperdition and insensible transpirations evaporating still out of us, and giving way to fresh ; so that I make a ques- tion, whether by reason of these perpetual prepara- tions and accretions the body of man may be said to be the same numerical body in his old age that he had in his manhood, or the same in his manhood that he had in his youth, the same in his youth that he carried about him in his childhood, or the same in his childhood which he wore first in the womb. I make a doubt whether I had the same identical individually numerical body when I carried a calf- leather satchel to school in Hereford, as when I wore a lambskin hood in Oxford, or whether I have the same mass of blood in my veins, and the same flesh now in Venice which I carried about me three years since up and down London streets, having in lieu of beer and ale drunk wine all this while, and fed upon diff^erent viands ; now the stomach is like a crucible, for it hath a chemical 8o FAMILIAR LETTERS kind of virtue to transmute one body into an- other, to transubstantiate fish and fruits into flesh within, and about us ; but though it be questionable whether I wear the same flesh which is fluxible, I am sure my hair is not the same, for you may remember I went flaxen-haired out of England, but vou shall find me returned with a very dark brown, which I impute not only to the heat and air of those hot countries I have eat my bread in, but to the quality and difi^erence of food; but you will say that hair is but an excrementitious thing, and makes not to this purpose; moreover, methinks I hear you say that this may be true, only in the blood and spirits, or such fluid parts, not in the solid and heterogeneal parts ; but I will press no further at this time this philosophical notion which the fight o{ Bucentoro infused into me, for it hath already made me exceed the bounds of a letter, and I fear me to trespass too much upon your patience. I leave the further disquisition of this point to your own contemplations, who are a far riper philosopher than I, and have waded deeper into, and drunk more of Aristotle's Well; but to conclude, though it be doubtful whether I carry about me the same body or no, in all points that I had in England, I am well assured I bear still the same mind, and therein I verify the old verse — Coelum non animam mutant qui trans mare currunt. The air but not the mind they change. Who in outlandish countries range. For what alterations soever happen in this micro- OF JAMES HOWELL 8i cosm, in this little world, this small bulk and body of mine, you may be confident that nothing shall alter my affections, specially towards you, but that I will persevere still the same, the very same, J. H. Venice, 25 June 1621. XXXII To Richard Althatn^ Esquire 1WAS plunged in a deep fit of melancholy, Sa- turn had cast his black influence over all my intellectuals. Methought I felt my heart as a lump of dough, and heavy as lead within my breast; when a letter of yours of the 3rd of this month was brought me, which presently begot new spirits within me, and made such strong im- pressions upon my intellectuals, that it turned and transformed me into another man. I have read of a Duke of Milan and others, who were poisoned by reading of a letter, but yours produced con- trary effects in me ; it became an antidote, or rather a most sovereign cordial, to me, more op- erative than bezoar, of more virtue than potable gold or the elixir of amber, for it wrought a sud- den cure upon me. That fluent and rare mixture of love and wit, which I found up and down therein, were the ingredients of this cordial ; they were as so many choice flowers, strewed here and there, which did cast such an odoriferous scent, 82 FAMILIAR LETTERS that they revived all my senses, and dispelled those dull fumes which had formerly overclouded my brain. Such was the operation of your most ingenious and affectionate letter, and so sweet an entertainment it gave me. If your letter had that virtue, what would your person have done ? And did you know all, you would wish your person here a while — did you know the rare beauty of this Virgin City, you would quickly make love to her, and change your Royal Exchange for the Rialto, and your Gray's Inn Walks for Saint Mark's Place for a time. Farewell, dear child of Virtue, and minion of the Muses, and love still your J. H. Venice, i July 1621. XXXIII To my much honoured friend^ Sir "John North, Knight ; from Venice Noble Sir, THE first office of gratitude is to receive a good turn civilly, then to retain it in mem- ory and acknowledge it ; thirdly, to endeavour a requital. For this last office, it is in vain for me to attempt it, specially towards you, who have laden me with such a variety of courtesies and weighty favours, that my poor stock comes far short of any retaliation ; but for the other two, reception, and retention, as I am not conscious to have OF JAMES HOWELL 83 been wanting in the first act, so I shall never fail in the second, because both these are within the compass of my power ; for if you could pry into my memory, you should discover there a huge magazine of your favours (you have been pleased to do me present and absent) safely stored up and coacervated, to preserve them from moulder- ing away in oblivion ; for courtesies should be no perishable commodity. Should I attempt any other requital, I should extenuate your favours and derogate from the worth of them ; yet if to this of the memory I can contribute any other act of body or mind, to enlarge my acknowledgments towards you, you may be well assured that I shall be ever ready to court any occasion whereby the world may know how much I am your thankful servitor, J. H. Venice, 13 July 1621. XXXIV To Dan. Caldwell^ Esq. ; from Venice My dear D., COULD letters fly with the same wings as love useth to do, and cut the air with the like swiftness of motion, this letter of mine should work a miracle, and be with you in an instant ; nor should she fear interception or any other casualty in the way, or cost you one penny the post, for she should pass invisibly ; but 'tis not fitting that 84 FAMILIAR LETTERS paper, which is made but of old rags, wherewith letters are swaddled, should have the same privi- lege as love, which is a spiritual thing, having something of divinity in it, and partakes in celerity with the imagination, than which there is not any- thing more swift, you know — no, not the motion of the upper sphere, the primum mobile^ which snatcheth all the other nine after, and indeed the whole macrocosm all the world besides, except our earth (the centre), which upper sphere the as- tronomers would have to move so many degrees, so many thousand miles in a moment. Since, then, letters are denied such a velocity, I allow this of mine twenty days, which is the ordinary time al- lowed betwixt Venice and London, to come unto you, and thank you a thousand times over for your last of the tenth of June, and the rich venison feast vou made, as I understand, not long since, to the remembrance of me, at the Ship Tavern. Believe it, sir, you shall find that this love of yours is not ill employed, for I esteem it at the highest degree. I value it more than the Treasury of Saint Mark, which I lately saw, where among other things there is a huge iron chest, as tall as myself, that hath no lock, but a crevice through which they cast in the gold that is bequeathed to Saint Mark in legacies, whereon there is engraven this proud motto — Quando questo scrinio S'apria Tutto '1 mundo tremera. When this chest shall open, the whole world OF JAMES HOWELL 85 shall tremble. The Duke of Ossuna, late Viceroy of Naples, did what he could to force them to open it, for he brought Saint Mark to waste much of this treasure in the late wars, which he made purposely to that end, which made them have recourse to us and the Hollander for ships, not long since. Amongst the rest of Italy this is called the Maiden City (notwithstanding her great number of courtesans), and there is a prophecy, "That she shall continue a maid until her husband forsake her," meaning the sea, to whom the Pope married her long since, and the sea is observed not to love her so deeply as he did, for he begins to shrink and grow shallower in some places about her ; nor doth the Pope also, who was the father that gave her to the sea, affect her so much as he formerly did, especially since the extermination of the Jesuits: so that both husband and father begin to abandon her. I am to be a guest to this hospitable maid a good while vet, and if you want any commodity that she can afford (and what cannot she afford for human pleasure or delight ?) do but write, and it shall be sent you. Farewell, gentle soul, and correspond still in pure love with your J. H. Venice, 29 of July 1621. 86 FAMILIAR LETTERS XXXV To Sir 'James Crofts^ Knight; from Venice I RECEIVED one of yours the last week, that came in my Lord Ambassador Wotton's packet, and being now upon point of parting with Venice, I could not do it without acquainting you (as far as the extent of a letter will permit) with her power, her policy, her wealth, and pedigree. She was built of the ruins of Aquileia and Padua, for when those swarms of tough northern people overran Italy under the conduct of that scourge of heaven Attila, with others, and that this soft vo- luptuous nation, after so long a desuetude from arms, could not repel their fury, many of the ancient nobility and gentry fled into these lakes and little islands, amongst the fishermen for their security, and finding the air good and commodious for habitation, they began to build upon those small islands, whereof there are in all threescore ; and in tract of time, they conjoined and leagued them together by bridges, whereof there are now above eight hundred, and this makes up the city of Venice, who is now above twelve ages old, and was contemporary with the monarchy of France; but the signiory glorieth in one thing above the mon- archy, that she was born a Christian, but the monarchy not. Though this city be thus hemmed in with the sea, yet she spreads her wings far and wide OF JAMES HOWELL 87 upon the shore ; she hath in Lombardy six con- siderable towns, Padua, Verona, Vicenza, Brescia, Crema and Bergamo; she hath in the Marquisat, Bassan and Castelfranco ; she hath all Friuli and Istria; she commands the shores of Dalmatia and Slavonia ; she keeps under the power of Saint Mark, the islands of Corfu (anciently Corcyria), Cephalonia, Zant, Cerigo, Lucerigo, and Candy (Jove's Cradle) ; she had a long time the kingdom of Cyprus, but it was quite rent from her by the Turk, which made that high spirited Bassa, being taken prisoner at the battle of Lepanto, where the grand signior lost above 200 galleys, to say, " That that defeat to his great master was but like the shaving of his beard or the paring of his nails; but the taking of Cyprus was like the cutting off of a limb, which will never grow again." This mighty potentate being so near a neighbour to her she is forced to comply with him and give him an annual present in gold: she hath about thirty gal- leys most part of the year in course to scour and secure the gulf; she entertains by land in Lom- bardy and other parts 25,000 foot, besides some of the cantons of Suisses whom she gives pay unto ; she hath also in constant pay 600 men of arms, and every of these must keep two horses a-piece, for which they are allowed 120 ducats a year, and they are for the most part gen- tlemen of Lombardy. When they have any great expedition to make, they have always a stranger for their general, but he is supervised by two 88 FAMILIAR LETTERS proveditors, without whom he cannot attempt any- thing. Her great Council consists of above looo gen- tlemen, and some of them meet every Sunday and holiday to choose officers and magistrates, and every gentleman being past twenty-five years of age is capable to sit in this Council. The Doge or Duke (their sovereign magistrate) is chosen by lots, which would be too tedious here to demon- strate, and commonly he Is an aged man who is created, like that course they hold in the popedom. When he is dead there be inquisitors that examine his actions, and his misdemeanours are punishable in his heirs. There is a superintendent council of ten, and six of them may dispatch business with- out the doge, but the doge never without some of them, not as much as open a letter from any for- eign state, though addressed to himself, which makes him to be called by other princes, 'Testa di legno^ a head of wood. The wealth of this republic hath been at a stand, or rather declining, since the Portugal found a road to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope ; for this city was used to fetch all those spices and other Indian commodities from the grand Cairo down the Nile, being formerly carried to Cairo from the Red Sea upon camels' and dromedaries' backs, threescore days' journey ; and so Venice used to dispense those commodities through all Christendom, which not only the Port- ugal, but the English and Hollander, now trans- OF JAMES HOWELL 89 port, and are masters of the trade. Yet there is no outward appearance at all of poverty, or any decay in this city, but she is still gay, flourishing, and fresh, and flowing with all kind of bravery and delight, which may be had at cheap rates. Much more might be written of this ancient wise Repub- lic, which cannot be comprehended within the nar- row enclosure of a letter. So with my due and daily prayers for a continuance of your health, and in- crease of honour, I rest, your most humble and ready servitor, J. H. Venice, i of August 1621. XXXVI T^o Robert Browriy Esquire^ at the Middle Temple ; from Venice Robin, I HAVE now enough of the maiden city, and this week I am to go further into Italy ; for though I have been a good while in Venice, yet I cannot say I have been hitherto upon the conti- nent of Italy : for this city is nought else but a knot of islands in the Adriatic Sea, joined in one body by bridges, and a good way distant from the firm land. I have lighted upon very choice com- pany, your cousin Brown and Master Wed, and we all take the road of Lombardy, but we made an order amongst ourselves that our discourse be always in the language of the country, under pen- 90 FAMILIAR LETTERS alty of a forfeiture, which is to be indispensably paid. Randal Symns made us a curious feast lately, where in a cup of the richest Greek we had your health, and I could not tell whether the wine or the remembrance of you was sweeter; for it was naturally a kind of aromatic wine, which left a fra- grant perfuming kind of farewell behind it. I have sent you a runlet of it in the ship Lion, and if it come safe, and unpricked, I pray bestow some bot- tles upon the lady (you know) with my humble service. When you write next to Master Simns, I pray acknowledge the good hospitality and ex- traordinary civilities I received from him. Before I conclude I will acquaint you with a common say- ing that is used of this dainty city of Venice: Venecia, Venetia, chi non te vede non te pregia. Ma chi t' ha troppo veduto te dispreggia. Englished and rhymed thus (though I know you need no translation, you understand so much of Italian): Venice, Venice, none thee unseen can prize. Who hath seen too much will thee despise. I will conclude with that famous hexastic which Sannazaro made of this rare city, which pleaseth me much better : Viderat Hadriacis Venetam Neptunus in undis Stare urbem, et toti ponere jura Mari ; Nunc mihi Tarpeias quantum vis, Jupiter, Arces Objice, et ilia tui moenia Martis ait. Sic Pelage Tibrim praefers, urbem aspice utramque, Illam homines dices, hanc posuisse Deos. OF JAMES HOWELL 91 When Neptune saw in Adrian surges stand Venice, and gave the sea laws of command : Now Jove, said he, object thy Capitol, And Mars' proud walls : this were for to extol Tyber beyond the main ; both towns behold ; Rome, men thou 'It say, Venice the Gods did mould. Sannazaro had given him by Saint Mark a hun- dred zecchins for every one of these verses, which amounts to about 300 pounds. It would be long before the city of London would do the like. Witness that cold reward, or rather those cold drops of water which were cast upon my country- man. Sir Hugh Middleton, for bringing Ware River through her streets, the most serviceable and wholesomest benefit that ever she received. The parcel of Italian books that you write for you shall receive from Master Leat, if it please God to send the ship to safe port ; and I take it as a favour that you employ me in anything that may conduce to your contentment. — Because, I am your serious servitor, J. H. Venice, 12 August 1621. XXXVII To Capt. Tho772as Porter ; from Venice My dear Captain, AS I was going a shipboard in Alicante, a let- ter of yours in Spanish came to hand. I dis- covered two things in it, first, what a master you 92 FAMILIAR LETTERS are of that language, then how mindful you are of your friend. For the first I dare not correspond with you yet ; for the second, I shall never come short of you, for I am as mindful of you, as possi- bly you can be of me, and some hours my pulse doth not beat more often than my memory runs on you, which is often enough in conscience ; for the physicians hold that in every well-disposed body there be above 4000 pulsations every hour, and some pulses have been known to beat above 30,000 times an hour in acute fevers. I understand you are bound with a gallant fleet for the Mediterranean ; if you come to Alicante, I pray commend me to Francesco Marco, my land- lord ; he is a merry droll and good company. One night when I was there he sent his boy with a borracha of leather under his cloak for wine, the boy coming back about ten o'clock and pass- ing by the guard, one asked him whether he car- ried any weapons about him (for none must wear any weapons there after ten at night). " No," quoth the boy, being pleasant, " I have but a little dagger." The watch came and searched him, and finding the borracha full of good wine, drank it all up, saying, " Sirrah, you know no man must carry any weapons so late; but, because we know whose servant you are, there 's the scabbard of your dagger again," and so threw him the empty borracho. But another passage pleased me better of Don Beltram de Rosa, who being to marry a rich Labrador's (a Yeoman's) daughter hard by. OF JAMES HOWELL 93 which was much importuned by her parents to the match, because their family should be thereby ennobled, he being a Cavalier of Saint Jago. The young maid having understood that Don Beltram had been in Naples, and had that disease about him, answered wittily, " En verdad por adobar me la sangre, no quiero dannarmi la carne " (truly, sir, to better my blood, I will not hurt my flesh). I doubt I shall not be in England before you set out to sea ; if not, I take my leave of you in this paper, and wish you a prosperous voyage and an honourable return ; it is the hearty prayers of yours, J. H. Venice, 21 August 1621. XXXVIII To Sir Williani Sahit 'Jolm^ Kjiight; from Rome HAVING seen Antenor's tomb in Padua, and the amphitheatre of Flaminius in Verona, with other brave towns in Lombardy, I am now come to Rome, and Rome they say is every man's coun- try ; she is called Communis Patria^ for every one that is within the compass of the Latin Church finds himself here, as it were, at home and in his mother's house. In regard of interest in religion, which is the cause that for one native there be five strangers that sojourn in this city, and without any distinction or mark of strangeness, they come to preferments and ofSces both in Church and State, according to 94 FAMILIAR LETTERS merit, which is more valued and sought after here than anywhere. But whereas I expected to have found Rome elevated upon seven hills, I met her rather spread- ing upon a flat, having humbled herself since she was made a Christian and descended from those hills to Campus Martius. With Trastevere and the suburbs of Saint Peter she hath yet in compass about fourteen miles, which is far short of that vast circuit she had in Claudius' time ; for Vopiscus writes she was then of fifty miles circumference, and she had five hundred thousand free citizens in a famous census that was made, which, allowing but six to every family in women, children, and ser- vants, came to three millions of souls ; but she is now a wilderness in comparison of that number. The Pope is grown to be a great temporal prince of late years, for the state of the Church extends above 300 miles in length and 200 miles in breadth ; it contains Ferrara, Bologna, Romagna, the Marquisat of Ancona, Umbria, Sabina, Peru- gia, with a part of Tuscany, the Patrimony, Rome herself, and Latium. In these there are above fifty bishopricks, the Pope hath also the Duchy of Spoleto, and the exarchat of Ravena, he hath the town of Benevento in the kingdom of Naples, and the country of Venice, called Avignon in France; he hath title also good enough to Naples itself; but, rather than offend his champion the King of Spain, he is contented with a white mule and purse of pistoles about the neck, which he receives every OF JAMES HOWELL 95 year for a heriot or homage, or what you will call it. He pretends also to be Lord Paramount of Sicily, Urbin, Parma, and Masseran, of Norway, Ireland, and England, since King John did pros- trate our Crown at Pandulfo, his legate's feet. The State of the Apostolic See here in Italy lieth betwixt two seas, the Adriatic and the Tyr- rhene, and it runs through the midst of Italy, which makes the Pope powerful to do good or harm, and more capable than any other to be an umpire or an enemy. His authority being mixed 'twixt temporal and spiritual, disperseth itself into so many members, that a young man may grow old here before he can well understand the form of government. The consistory of Cardinals meet but once a week, and once a week they solemnly wait all upon the Pope. I am told there are now in Chris- tendom but sixty-eight cardinals, whereof there are six cardinal bishops, fifty-one cardinal priests, and eleven cardinal deacons. The cardinal bish- ops attend and sit near the Pope when he cele- brates any festival, the cardinal priests assist him at mass, and the cardinal deacons attire him, A cardinal is made by a short brief or writ from the Pope in these words " Creamus te Socium Regi- bus, superiorem Ducibus, et fratrem nostrum " (We create thee a companion to kings, superior to dukes, and our brother). If a cardinal bishop should be questioned for any offence, there must be twenty-four witnesses produced against him. 96 FAMILIAR LETTERS The Bishop of Ostia hath most privilege of any other, for he consecrates and instals the Pope, and goes always next to him. All these cardinals have the repute of princes, and besides other in- comes they have the annats of benefices to sup- port their greatness. For point of power the Pope is able to put 50,000 men in the field in case of necessity, be- sides his naval strength in galleys. We read how Paul the Third sent Charles the Fifth 12,000 foot and 500 horse. Pius the Fifth sent a greater aid to Charles the Ninth. And for riches, besides the temporal dominions, he hath in all the countries before named the datary or dispatching of Bulls. The triennial subsidies, annats, and other ecclesias- tic rights mount to an unknown sum ; and it is a common saying here that as long as the Pope can finger a pen he can want no pence. Pius the Fifth, notwithstanding his expenses in build- ings, left four millions in the castle of Saint Angelo, in less than five years, more I believe than this Gregory the Fifteenth will, for he hath many nephews ; and better it is to be the Pope's nephew than to be favourite to any prince in Christendom. Touching the temporal government of Rome, and Oppidan affairs, there is a pretor, and some choice citizens which sit in the capitol. Amongst other pieces of policy there is a synagogue of Jews permitted here (as in other places of Italy) under the Pope's nose, but they go with a mark OF JAMES HOWELL 97 of distinction in their hats ; they are tolerated for advantage of commerce, wherein the Jews are wonderful dexterous, though most of them be only brokers and Lombardeers, and thev are held to be here, as the cynic held women to be, malum necessarium. There be few of the Romans that use to pray heartily for the Pope's long life, in regard the oftener the change is, the more advan- tageous it is for the city, because commonly it brings strangers, and a recruit of new people. This air of Rome is not so wholesome as of old, and amongst other reasons one is, because of the burning of stubble to fatten their fields. For her antiquities it would take up a whole volume to write them. Those which I hold the chiefest are Vespasian's amphitheatre, where fourscore thou- sand people might sit ; the Stoves of Anthony ; divers rare statues at Belvedere and Saint Peter's, specially that of Laocoon; the Obelisk; for the genius of the Roman hath always been much taken with imagery, limning, and sculptures, inso- much that as in former times, so now, I believe, the statues and pictures in Rome exceed the number of living people. One antiquity among others is very remarkable because of the chana;e of language,- which is an ancient column erected as a trophy for Duillius the Consul, after a famous naval victory obtained against the Carthaginians in the second Punic war, where these words are engraven and remain legible to this day : " Exe- met leco-ines Macistrates Castreis exfocient pug- 98 FAMILIAR LETTERS nandod cepet enque navebos marid Consul," etc. And half a dozen lines after it is called Columna rostrata, having the beaks and prows of ships en- graven up and down, whereby it appears that the Latin then spoken was much differing from that which was used in Cicero's time 150 years after. Since the dismembering of the empire Rome hath run through many vicissitudes and turns of for- tune, and had it not been for the residence of the Pope I believe she had become a heap of stones, a mount of rubbish bv this time. And howsoever that she bears up indifferent well, yet one may say — Qui miseranda videt veteris vestigia Romae, Ille potest merito dicere Roma fuit. They who the ruins of first Rome behold. May say, Rome is not now, but was of old. Present Rome may be said to be but the monu- ment of Rome passed when she was in that flour- ish that Saint Austin desired to see her in. She who tamed the world tamed herself at last, and falling under her own weight fell to be a prey to time, yet there is a providence seems to have a care of her still ; for though her air be not so good, nor her circumjacent soil so kindly as it was, yet she hath wherewith to keep life and soul together still by her ecclesiastic courts, which is the sole cause of her peopling now. So that it may be said when the Pope came to be her head she was re- duced to her first principles ; for as a shepherd was OF JAMES HOWELL 99 founder, so a shepherd is still her governor and preserver. But whereas the French have an old saying, that Jamais cheval ny homme, S'amenda pour aller a Rome. Ne'er horse or man did mend That unto Rome did wend. Truly I must confess that I find myself much bettered by it ; for the sight of some of these ruins did fill me with symptoms of mortification, and made me more sensible of the frailty of all sublu- nary things, how all bodies, as well inanimate as animate, are subject to dissolution and change, and everything else under the moon, except the love of your faithful servitor, J. H. Rome, September 13, 1621. XXXIX • To Sir T. H., Knight ; froi7i Naples I AM now in the gentle city of Naples, a city swelling with all delight, gallantry and wealth ; and truly, in my opinion, the King of Spain's greatness appears here more eminently than in Spain itself. This is a delicate luxurious city, fuller of true-bred cavaliers than any place I saw yet. The clime is hot, and the constitutions of the inhabitants more hot. loo FAMILIAR LETTERS The Neapolitan is accounted the best courtier of ladies, and the greatest embracer of pleasure of any other people. They say there is no less here than twenty thousand courtesans registered in the office of Savelli. This kingdom with Calabria may be said to be the one moiety of Italy. It extends itself 450 miles and spreads in breadth 112; it contains 2700 towns, it hath 20 archbishops, 127 bishops, 13 princes, 24 dukes, 25 marquises, and 800 barons. There are three presidial castles in this city, and though the kingdom abounds in rich staple commodities as silks, cottons, and wine, and that there is a mighty revenue comes to the crown, yet the King of Spain when he casts up his ac- count at the year's end makes but little benefit thereof, for it is eaten up betwixt governors, gar- risons and officers. He is forced to maintain 4000 Spanish foot, called the Tercia of Naples, in the castles he hath, 1600 in the perpetual garrison. He hath 1000 m^i of arms, 450 light horse ; be- sides there are five footmen enrolled for every hundred fire. And he had need to do all this to keep this voluptuous people in awe, for the story musters up seven and twenty thousand famous rebellions of the Neapolitans in less than 300 years ; but now they pay soundly for it, for one shall hear them groan up and down under the Spanish yoke. And commonly the King of Spain sends some of his grandees hither to repair their decayed fortunes, whence the saying sprung : That the Viceroy of Sicily gnaws, the Governor of OF JAMES HOWELL loi Milan eats, but the Viceroy of Naples devours. Our English merchants here bear a considerable trade, and their factors live in better equipage and in a more splendid manner, as in all Italy besides, than their masters and principals in London. They ruffle in silks and satins, and wear good Spanish leather shoes ; while their masters' shoes upon our Exchange in London shine with black- ing. At Puzzoli, not far off amongst the Grottes, there are so many strange stupendous things that nature herself seemed to have studied of purpose how to make herself there admired. I reserve the discoursing of them with the nature of the Taran- tola and Manna, which is gathered here and no- where else, with other things, till I see you, for they are fitter for discourses than a letter. I will conclude with a proverb they have in Italy of this people : Napolitano Largo di bocca, stretto di mano. The Neapolitans Have wide mouths, but narrow hands. They make strong, masculine promises, but fe- male performances (for deeds are men, but words are women), and if in a whole flood of compli- ments one find a drop of reality, it is well. The first acceptance of a courtesy is accounted the greatest incivility that can be amongst them and a ground for a quarrel, as I heard of a German gentlem.an that was baffled for accepting only one invitation to a dinner. — So desiring to be preserved I02 FAMILIAR LETTERS still in your good opinion and in the rank of your servants, I rest always most ready at your disposing, J. H. Naples, October the i, 1621. XL To Christopher Jo?2es^ Esquire^ at Grays Inn ; from Naples Honoured Father, I MUST still style you so, since I was adopted your son by so good a mother as Oxford. My mind lately prompted me that I should commit a great solecism, if amongst the rest of my friends in England, I should leave you unsaluted, whom I love so dearly well, especially having such a fair and pregnant opportunity as the hand of this worthy gentleman, your cousin Morgan, who is now posting hence for England. He will tell you how it fares with me ; how any time these thirty odd months I have been tossed from shore to shore, and passed under various meridians, and am now in this voluptuous and luxuriant city of Naples. And though those frequent removes and tumblings under climes of different temperature were not without some danger, yet the delight which accompanied them was far greater ; and it is impossible for any man to conceive the true pleasure of peregrination but he who actually en- OF JAMES HOWELL 103 joys and puts it in practice. Believe it, sir, that one year well employed abroad by one of mature judgment (which you know I want very much) advantageth more in point of useful and solid knowledge than three in any of our Universities. You know running waters are the purest, so they that traverse the world up and down have the clearest understanding, being faithful eye-wit- nesses of those things which others receive but in trust, whereunto they must yield an intuitive con- sent and a kind of implicit faith. When I passed through some parts of Lombardy, amongst other things I observed the physiognomies and com- plexions of the people, men and women, and I thought I was in Wales, for divers of them have a cast of countenance and a nearer resemblance with our nation than any I ever saw yet. And the reason is obvious, for the Romans having been near upon three hundred years amongst us, where they had four legions (before the English nation or language had any being), by so long a coalition and tract of time the two nations must needs copulate and mix, insomuch that I believe there is yet remaining in Wales many of the Roman race, and divers in Italy of the British. Amongst other resemblances, one was in their prosody and vein of versifying or rhyming, which is like our bards, who hold agnominations and enforcing of consonant words or syllables, one upon the other, to be the greatest elegance, as for example, in Welsh, " Tewgris todyrris ty'r derrin, I04 FAMILIAR LETTERS gwillt," etc. So have I seen divers old rhymes in Italian running so: "Donne, O danno, che Felo affronto affronta : In selva salvo a me; Piu caro cuore," etc. Being lately in Rome, amongst other pasquils I met with one that was against the Scot; though it had some gall in it, yet it had a great deal of wit, especially towards the conclusion, so that I think if King James saw it he would but laugh at it. As I remember, some years since, there was a very abusive satire in verse brought to our king, and as the passages were a reading before him he often said, that if there were no more men in England the rogue should hang for it, at last being come to the conclusion, which was (after all his railing) : Now God preserve the King, the Queen, the peers. And grant the author long may wear his ears. This pleased His Majesty so well that he broke into a laughter, and said, " By my soul, so thou shalt for me ; thou art a bitter, but thou art a wittv knave." When you write to Monmouthshire, I pray send my respects to my tutor. Master Moor For- tune, and my service to Sir Charles Williams ; and according to that relation which was betwixt us in Oxford, I rest, your constant son to serve you, J. H. Naples, 8 October 1621. OF JAMES HOWELL 105 XLI To Sir y. C. ; from Florence THIS letter comes to kiss your hands from fair Florence, a city so beautiful that the great Emperor (Charles the Fifth) said that she was fitting to be shown and seen only upon holidays. She marvellously flourisheth with buildings, with wealth and artisans ; for it is thought that in serges, which is but one commodity, there are made two millions every year. All degrees of people live here, not only well, but splendidly well, notwith- standing the manifold exactions of the duke upon all things. For none can buy here lands or houses but he must pay eight in the hundred to the duke ; none can hire or build a house but he must pay the tenth penny ; none can marry, or commence suit in law, but there 's a fee to the duke ; none can bring as much as an egg or sallet to the market but the duke hath share therein. Moreover, Leg- horn, which is the key of Tuscany, being a mari- time and a great mercantile town, hath mightily enriched this country by being a frank port to all comers, and a safe rendezvous to pirates as well as to merchants. Add hereunto that the Duke him- self in some respects is a merchant, for he some- times engrosseth all the corn of the country, and retails it at what rate he pleaseth. This enables the Duke to have perpetually 20,000 men en- io6 FAMILIAR LETTERS rolled, trained up, and paid, and none but they can carry arms. He hath 400 light horse in constant pay, and 100 men at arms besides, and all these quartered in so narrow a compass that he can com- mand them all to Florence in twenty-four hours. He hath twelve galleys, two galleons, and six gal- leasses besides, and his galleys are called the black fleet, because they annoy the Turk more in the bottom of the Straits than any other. This state is bound to keep good quarter with the Pope more than others, for all Tuscany is fenced by Nature herself, I mean with mountains, except towards the territories of the Apostolic See and the sea itself; therefore it is called a coun- try of iron. The Duke's palace is so spacious that it occu- pieth the room of fifty houses at least ; yet, though his court surpasseth the bounds of a duke's, it reacheth not to the magnificence of a king's. The Pope was solicited to make the Grand Duke a king, and he answered that he was content he should be king in Tuscany, not of Tuscany; whereupon one of his counsellors replied that it was a more glori- ous thing to be a grand duke than a petty king. Among other cities which I desired to see in Italy, Genoa was one where I lately was, and found her to be the proudest for buildings of any I met withal, yet the people go the plainest of any other, and are also most parsimonious in their diet ; they are the subtlest, I will not say the most subdolous dealers ; they are wonderful wealthy, especially in OF JAMES HOWELL 107 money. In the year 1600, the King of Spain owed them eighteen millions, and they say it is double as much now. From the time they began to finger the Indian gold, and that this town hath been the scale by which he hath conveyed his treasure to Flanders since the wars in the Netherlands, for the support of his armies, and that she had got some privileges for the exportation of wools, and other commodi- ties (prohibited to others) out of Spain, she hath improved extremely in riches, and made Saint George's Mount swell higher than Saint Mark's in Venice. She hath been often ill-favouredly shaken by the Venetian, and hath had other enemies which have put her to hard shifts for her own defence, specially in the time of Louis the Eleventh of France, at which time, when she would have given herself up to him for protection. King Louis being told that Genoa was content to be his, he an- swered : " She should not be his long, for he would give her up to the devil and rid his hands of her." Indeed, the Genoese have not the fortune to be so well beloved as other people in Italy, which proceeds, I believe, from their cunningness and over-reachings in bargaining, wherein they have something of the Jew. The Duke is there but biennial, being changed every two years. He hath fifty Germans for his guard. There be four cen- turions that have two men apiece, which upon occasions attend the Signiory abroad in velvet io8 FAMILIAR LETTERS coats ; there be eight chief governors and four hundred counsellors, amongst whom there be five sovereign Syndics, who have authority to censure the duke himself, his time being expired, and punish any governor else, though after death, upon the heir. Amongst other customs they have in that town, one is, that none must carry a pointed knife about him, which makes the Hollander, who is used to " snik and snee," to leave his horn-sheath and knife a shipboard when he comes ashore. I met not with an Englishman in all the town, nor could I learn of any factor of ours that ever resided there. There is a notable little active republic towards the midst of Tuscany called Lucca, which, in re- gard she is under the Emperor's protection, he dares not meddle withal, though she lie as a par- tridge under a falcon's wings, in relation to the Grand Duke ; besides there is another reason of state why he meddles not with her, because she is more beneficial unto him now that she is free, and more industrious to support this freedom, than if she were become his vassal; for then it is probable she would grow more careless and idle, and so could not vent his commodities so soon which she buys for ready money, wherein most of her wealth consists. There is no state that winds the penny more nimbly and makes quicker returns. She hath a council called the Discoli, which prys into the profession and life of every one, and once OF JAMES HOWELL 109 a year they rid the state of all vagabonds. So that this petty pretty republic may not be im- properly paralleled to a hive of bees, which have been always the emblems of industry and order. In this splendid city of Florence there be many rarities, which, if I should insert in this letter, it would make her swell too big ; and, indeed, they are fitter for parole communication. Here is the prime dialect of the Italian spoken, though the pronunciation be a little more guttural than that of Siena and that of the Court of Rome, which occasions the proverb : Lingua Tuscana in bocca Romana. The Tuscan tongue sounds best in a Roman mouth. The people here generally seem to be more generous and of a higher comportment than else- where, very cautious and circumspect in their negotiation, whence arises the proverb : Chi ha da far con Tosco, Non bisogna che sia Losco. Who dealcth with a Florentine, Must have the use of both his e'en. I shall bid Italy farewell now very shortly, and make my way over the Alps to France, and so home by God's grace, to take a review of my friends in England, amongst whom the sight of yourself will be as gladsome to me as of any other; for I profess myself, and purpose to be ever, your thrice affectionate servitor, J. H. Florence, i November 1621. no FAMILIAR LETTERS XLII To Capt. Francis Bacon ; from Turin I AM now upon point of shaking hands with Italy, for I am come to Turin, having already seen Venice the rich, Padua the learned, Bologna the fat, Rome the holy, Naples the gentle, Genoa the proud, Florence the fair, and Milan the great. From this last, I came hither, and in that city also appears the grandeur of Spain's monarchy very much. The governor of Milan is always captain- general of the cavalry to the King of Spain through- out Italy. The Duke of Feria is now governor ; and being brought to kiss his hands, he used me with extraordinary respect, as he doth all of our nation, being by the maternal side a Dormer. The Spaniard entertains there also 3000 foot, 1000 light horse, and 600 men at arms In perpetual pay ; so that t believe the benefit of that duchy also, though seated in the richest soil of Italv, hardly counter- vails the charge. Three things are admired in Milan, the Duomo or great church (built all of white marble within and without), the hospital, and the castle, by which the citadel of Antwerp was traced, and is the best-conditioned fortress of Christendom, though Nova Palma, a late fortress of the Venetians, would go beyond it, which Is built according to the exact rules of the most modern engineering, being of a round form, OF JAMES HOWELL in with nine bastions, and a street level |o every bastion. The Duke of Savoy, though he pass for one of the princes of Italy, yet the least part of his territories lie there, being squandered up and down amongst the Alps, but as much as he hath in Italy, which is Piedmont, is a well-peopled and passing good country. The Duke of Savoy Emanuel is accounted to be of the ancientest and purest extraction of any prince in Europe, and his knights also of the Annunciate to be one of the ancientest orders. Though this present duke be little in stature, yet is he of a lofty spirit, and one of the best soldiers now living ; and though he be valiant enough, yet he knows how to patch the lion's skin with a fox's tail. And whosoever is Duke of Savoy had need be cunning, and more than any other prince, in regard that lying between two potent neighbours, the French and the Spaniard, he must comply with both. Before I wean myself from Italy, a word or two touching the genius of the nation. I find the Ital- ian a degree higher in compliment than the French ; he is longer and more grave in the delivery of it, and more prodigal of words, insomuch that if one were to be worded to death, Italian is the fittest language in regard of the fluency and softness of it; for throughout the whole body of it, you have not a word ends with a consonant, except some few mon- osyllables, conjunctions and prepositions, and this 112 FAMILIAR LETTERS renders .the speech more smooth, which made one say, " That when the confusion of tongues hap- pened at the building of the Tower of Babel, if the Italian had been there, Nimrod had made him a plas- terer." Theyare generally indulgentof themselves, and great embracers of pleasure, which may pro- ceed from the luscious rich wines and luxurious food, fruits, and roots, wherewith the country abounds. Insomuch, that in some places Nature may be said to be lena sui, a bawd to herself. The Cardinal de Medicis' rule is of much authority amongst them, "That there is no religion under the navel." And some of them are of the opinion of the Asians, who hold that touching those natural passions, desires, and motions, which run up and down in the blood, God Almighty and His handmaid Na- ture did not intend they should be a torment to us, but to be used with comfort and delight. To con- clude, in Italy there be"Virtutes magnae, nee mi- nora vitia " (great virtues and no less vices). So with a tender of my most affectionate respects unto you I rest, your humble servitor, J. H. Turin, 30 November. XLIII To Sir y. H. ; from Lyons I AM now got over the Alps and returned to France. I had crossed and clambered up the Pyrenees to Spain before; they are not so high and OF JAMES HOWELL 113 hideous as the Alps, but for our mountains in Wales, as Eppint and Penwinmaur, which are so much cried up amongst us, they are molehills in comparison of these, they are but pigmies com- pared to giants, but blisters compared to impost- humes, or pimples to warts. Besides our mountains in Wales bear always something useful to man or beast, some grass at least ; but these uncouth huge monstrous excrescences of nature, bear nothing (most of them) but craggy stones. The tops of some of them are blanched over all the year long with snows, and the people who dwell in the valleys drinking for want of other this snow water, are subject to a strange swelling in the throat, called Goitre, which is common amongst them. As I scaled the Alps, my thoughts reflected upon Hannibal, who with vinegar and strong waters did eat out a passage through those hills, but of late years they have found a speedier way to do it by gunpowder. Being at Turin, I was bv some disaster brought to an extreme low ebb in money, so that I was forced to foot it along with some pilgrims, and with gentle pace and easy journeys, to climb up those hills till I came to this town of Lyons, where a countryman of ours, one Mr Lewis, whom I knew in Alicante, lives factor, so that now I want not anything for my accommodation. This is a stately rich town, and a renowned mart for the silks of Italy and other Levantine com- 114 FAMILIAR LETTERS modities, and a great bank for money, and indeed the greatest of France. Before this bank was founded, which was by Henry the First, France had but little gold and silver, insomuch that we read how King John, their captive king, could not in four years raise sixty thousand crowns to pay his ransom to our King Edward. And Saint Lewis was in the same case when he was prisoner in Egypt, where he had left the Sacrament for a gage. But after this bank was erected it filled France full of money. They of Luca, Florence, and Genoa, with the Venetian got quickly over the hills, and brought their moneys hither to get twelve in the hundred profit, which was the inter- est at first, though it be now much lower. In this great mercantile town there be two deep navigable rivers, the Rhone and the Saone. The one hath a swift rapid course ; the other slow and smooth. And one day as I walked upon their banks and observed so much difference in their course, I fell into a contemplation of the humours of the French and Spaniard, how they might be not improperly compared to these rivers, — the French to the swift, the Spaniard to the slow, river. I shall write you no more letters until I present myself unto you for a speaking letter, which I shall do as soon as I may tread London stones. — Your affectionate servitor, J. H. Lyons, 6 November 1621. OF JAMES HOWELL 115 XLIV Tg Mr Thofnas Bowyer; from Lyons BEING so near the Lake of Geneva curiosity would carry any one to see it. The inhabit- ants of that town, methinks, are made of another paste, differing from the affable nature of those people I had conversed withal formally. They have one policy, lest that their petty Republic should be pestered with fugitives. Their law is, that what stranger soever flies thither for sanctuary, he is punishable there, in the same degree, as in the country where he committed the offence. Geneva is governed by four syndics, and four hundred senators. She lies like a bone betwixt three mastiffs, the Emperor, the French King, and the Duke of Savoy. They all three look upon the bone, but neither of them dare touch it singly, for fear the other two would fly upon him. But they say the Savoyard hath the justest title, for there are Imperial records extant that although the Bishops of Geneva were Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, yet they should acknowledge the Duke of Savoy for their superior. This man's ancestors went frequently to the town, and the keys were presently tendered to him. But since Calvin's time, who had been once banished, and then called in again, which made him to apply that speech unto him- self, That the stone which the builders refused is ii6 FAMILIAR LETTERS become the head-stone of the corner — I say, since they were refused by Calvin, they seem to shun and scorn all the world besides, being cast, as it were, into another mould, which hath quite altered their very natural disposition in point of moral society. Before I part with this famous city of Lyons I will relate unto you a wonderful strange accident that happened here not many years ago. There is an officer called Le Chevalier du Guet, which is a kind of night guard, here as well as in Paris, and his lieutenant, called Jaquette, having supped one night in a rich merchant's house, as he was pass- ing the round afterwards, he said, I wonder what I have eaten and drunk at the merchant's house, for I find myself so hot that if I met with the devil's dam to-night I should not forbear using of her. Hereupon, a little after, he overtook a young gentlewoman masked, whom he would needs usher to her lodging, but discharged all his watch except two. She brought him, to his think- ing, to a little low lodging hard by the city wall, where there were only two rooms. And after he had enjoyed her, he desired that, according to the custom of French gentlemen, his two comrades might partake also of the same pleasure. So she admitted them one after the other. And when all this was done, as they sat together, she told them if they knew well who she was, none of them would have ventured up6n her. Thereupon she whistled three times and all vanished. The next OF JAMES HOWELL 117 morning the two soldiers that had gone with Lieutenant Jaquette were found dead under the city wall amongst the ordure and excrements, and Jaquette himself a little way off half dead, who was taken up, and coming to himself again, con- fessed all this, but died presently after. The next week I am to go down the Loire towards Paris, and thence as soon as I can for England, where, amongst the rest of my friends, whom I so much long to see after this triennial separation, you are like to be one of my first ob- jects. In the meantime I wish the same happi- ness may attend you at home as I desire to attend me homewards, for I am, truly yours, J. H. Lyons, 5 December 1621. I EPISTOLiE HO-ELIANiE SECTION II SECTION II To f}iy Father IT hath pleased God after almost three years' peregrination by land and sea, to bring me back safely to London ; but although I am come safely, I am come sickly; for when I landed in Venice, after so long a sea-voyage from Spain, I was afraid the same defluxion of salt rheum which fell from my temples into my throat in Oxford, and distilling upon the uvulla impeached my utterance a little to this day, had found the same channel again, which caused me to have an issue made in my left arm for the diversion of the hu- mour. I was well ever after till I came to Rouen, and there I fell sick of a pain in the head, which, with the issue, I have carried with me to England. Doctor Harvey, who is my physician, tells me that it may turn to a consumption, therefore he hath stopped the issue, telling me there is no danger at all in it, in regard I have not worn it a full twelvemonth. My Brother, I thank him, hath been very careful of me in this my sickness, and hath come often to visit me. I thank God I have 122 FAMILIAR LETTERS passed the brunt of it, and am recovering, and picking up my crumbs apace. There is a flaunt- ing French Ambassador come over lately, and I believe his errand is nought else but compliment, for the King of France being lately at Calais, and so in sight of England, he sent his ambassador, Monsieur Cadenet, expressly to visit our king. He had audience two days since, where he with his train of ruffling long-haired monsieurs carried him- self in such a light garb, that after the audience, the king asked my Lord Keeper Bacon what he thought of the French Ambassador; he answered that he was a tall, proper man ; Aye, his Majesty replied, but what think you of his head-piece ? Is he a proper man for the office of an ambassador. " Sir," said Bacon, " tall men are like high houses of four or five storys, wherein commonly the up- permost room is worst furnished." So, desiring my brothers and sisters, with the rest of my cousins and friends in the country, may be acquainted with my safe return to Eng- land, and that you would please to let me hear from you by the next conveniency, I rest, your dutiful son, J. H. London, i February 1621. OF JAMES HOWELL 123 II To Rich. Althaviy Esq. ; at Nor berry ^^ALFE pars animae dimidiata meae. Hail, half w_y my soul, my dear Dick, etc. I was no sooner returned to the sweet bosom of England, and had breathed the smoke of this town, but my memory ran suddenly on you, the idea of you hath almost ever since so filled up and engrossed my imagina- tion, that I can think on nothing else, the love of you swells both in my breast and brain with such a pregnancy that nothing can deliver me of this violent high passion but the sight of you. Let me despair if I lie, there was never female longed more after anything by reason of her growing em- bryon, than I do for your presence. Therefore, I prav you make haste to save my longing, and tantalise me no longer ('tis but three hours' rid- ing), for the sight of you will be more precious to me than any one object I have seen (and I have seen many rare ones) in all my three years' travel; and if you take this for a compliment (because I am newly come from France) you are much mis- taken in your J. H. London, i February 1621. 124 FAMILIAR LETTERS III To D. Caldwall, Esq.; at Batter sea MY DEAR DAN,— I am come at last to London, but not without some danger, and through divers difficulties, for I fell sick in France, and came so over to Kent. And my journey from the seaside hither was more tedious to me than from Rome to Rouen, where I grew first indisposed ; and in good faith I cannot remember anything to this hour how I came from Gravesend hither, I was so stupefied, and had lost the knowledge of all things. But I am come to mvself indifferently well since, I thank God for it, and you cannot im- agine how much the sight of you, much more your society, would revive me ; your presence would be a cordial unto me more restorative than exalted gold, more precious than the powder of pearl, whereas your absence, if it continue long, will prove unto me like the dust of diamonds, which is incurable poison. I pray be not accessory to my death, but hasten to comfort your so long, weather- beaten friend. — Yours, J. H. London, February i, 1621. OF JAMES HOWELL 125 IV To Sir James Crofts ; at the L. Darcy's in St Osith I AM got again safely to this side of the sea, and though I was in a very sickly case when I first arrived, yet thanks be to God I am upon point of perfect recovery, whereunto the sucking in of English air and the sight of some friends conduced not a little. There is fearful news come from Germany. You know how the Bohemians shook off the Emperor's yoke, and how the great Council of Prague fell to such a hurly-burly that some of the imperial counsellors were hurled out at the windows. You heard also, I doubt not, how they offered the crown to the Duke of Saxony, and he waiving it, they sent ambassadors to the Palsgrave, whom they thought might prove par negotio^ and to be able to go through-stitch with the work, in regard of his powerful alliance, the King of Great Britain being his father-in-law, the King of Denmark, the Prince of Orange, the Marquis of Brandenburg, the Duke Bouillon, his uncles, the States of Holland his con- federates, the French king his friend, and the Duke of Bavaria his near ally. The Prince Palsgrave made some difficultv at first, and most of his counsellors opposed it ; others incited him to it, 126 FAMILIAR LETTERS and amongst other hortatives they told him that if he had the courage to venture upon a King of England's sole daughter he might very well venture upon a sovereign crown when it was tendered him. Add hereunto that the States of Holland did mainly advance the work, and there was good reason in policy for it ; for their twelve years' truce being then upon point of expiring with Spain, and find- ing our king so wedded to peace that nothing could divorce him from it, they alighted upon this design to make him draw his sword, and engage him against the house of Austria for the defence of his sole daughter and his grandchildren. What His Majesty will do hereafter I will not presume to foretell, but hitherto he hath given little coun- tenance to the business, nay, he utterly misliked it first. For whereas Doctor Hall gave the Prince Palsgrave the title of King of Bohemia in his pul- pit prayer, he had a check for his pains, for I heard His Majesty should say that there is an implicit tie amongst kings which obligeth them, though there be no other interest or particular engagement to stick unto, and right one another upon insurrection of subjects. Therefore he had more reason to be against the Bohemians than to adhere to them in the deposition of their sovereign prince. The King of Denmark sings the same note, nor will he also allow him the appellation of king. But the fear- ful news I told you of at the beginning of this letter is that there are fresh tidings brought how the Prince Palsgrave had a well-appointed army OF JAMES HOWELL 127 of about 25,000 horse and foot near Prague, but the Duke of Bavaria came with scarce half the number, and notwithstanding his long march gave them a sudden battle and utterly routed them, insomuch that the new King of Bohemia, having not worn the crown a whole twelvemonth, was forced to fly with his queen and children, and after many difficulties they write that they are come to the castle of Castrein, the Duke of Brandenburg's country, his uncle. This news affects both court and city here with much heaviness. I send you my humble thanks for the noble cor- respondence you pleased to hold with me abroad, and I desire to know by the next when you come to London, that I may have the comfort of the sight of you after so long an absence. — Your true servitor, J. H. March the i, 1621. V To Dr Fr. Manse II ; at All- Souls in Oxford I AM returned safe from my foreign employ- ment, from my three years' travel. I did my best to make what advantage I could of the time, though not so much as I should ; for I find that peregrination (well used) is a very profitable school ; it is a running academy, and nothing conduceth more to the building up and perfect- ing of a man. Your honourable uncle, Sir Robert 128 FAMILIAR LETTERS Mansell, who is now in the Mediterranean, hath been very notable to me, and I shall ever acknowledge a good part of my education from him. He hath melted vast sums of money in the glass business, a business indeed more proper for a merchant than a courtier. I heard the king should say that he wondered Robin Mansell, be- ing a seaman, whereby he hath got so much hon- our, should fall from water to tamper with fire, which are two contrary elements. My father fears that this glass employment will be too brittle a foundation for me to build a fortune upon, and Sir Robert being now at my coming back so far at sea, and his return uncertain, my father hath advised me to hearken after some other condi- tion. I attempted to go secretary to Sir John Ayres to Constantinople, but I came too late. You have got yourself a great deal of good repute by the voluntary resignation you made of the principality of Jesus College to Sir Eubule Thelwall in hope that he will be a considerable benefactor to it. I pray God he perform what he promiseth, and that he be not overpartial to North Wales men. Now that I give you the first summons, I pray you make me happy with your correspondence by letters. There is no excuse or impediment at all left now, for you are sure where to find me, whereas I was a landloper, as the Dutchman saith, a wanderer and subject to uncer- tain removes, and short sojourns in divers places before. So with appreciation of all happiness to OF JAMES HOWELL 129 you here and hereafter, I rest, at your friendly dispose, J. H. March 5, 161 8 [21]. VI To Sir Eubule Thelwall^ Knight , and Principal of yesus College in Oxford I SEND you most due and humble thanks, that, notwithstanding I have played the truant and been absent so long from Oxford, you have been pleased lately to make choice of me to be Fel- low of your new Foundation in Jesus College, whereof I was once a member. As the quality of mv fortunes and course of life run now, I cannot make present use of this your great favour, or pro- motion rather, yet I do highly value it and humbly accept of it, and intend, by your permission, to re- serve and lay it by as a good warm garment against rough weather if any fall on me. With this my expression of thankfulness, I do congratulate the great honour you have purchased both by your own beneficence and by your painful endeavour besides, to perfect that National College, which hereafter is like to be a monument of your fame as well as a seminary of learning and will perpetu- ate your memory to all posterity. God Almighty prosper and perfect your under- takings, and provide for you in heaven those re- I30 FAMILIAR LETTERS wards which such public works of piety use to be crowned withal ; it is the appreciation of, your truly devoted servitor, J- H. London, idibus March 1621. VII To my Father ACCORDING to the advice you sent me in your last, while I sought after a new course of employment, a new employment hath lately sought after mg ; my Lord Savage hath two young gentlemen to his sons, and I am to go travel with them. Sir James Crofts (who so much respects you) was the main agent in this business, and I am to go shortly to Long Melford in Suffolk and thence to Saint Osith in Essex to the Lord Darcy. Queen Anne is lately dead of a dropsy in Den- mark House, which is held to be one of the fatal events that followed the last fearful comet that rose in the tail of the constellation of Virgo, which some ignorant astronomers that write of it, would fix in the heavens, and that as far above the orb of the moon as the moon is from the earth. But this is nothing in comparison of those hideous fires that are kindled in Germany blown first by the Bohe- mians, which is like to be a war without end, for the whole House of Austria is interested in the quarrel, and it is not the custom of that house to sit by any affront or forget it quickly. Queen OF JAMES HOWELL 131 Anne left a world of brave jewels behind ; but one, Piero, an outlandish man who had the keeping of them, embezzled many and is run away. She left all she had to Prince Charles, whom she ever loved best of all her children, nor do I hear of any legacy she left at all to her daughter in Germany ; for that match, some say, lessened something of her affec- tion towards her ever since, so that she would often call her Goody Palsgrave, nor could she abide Sec- retary Win wood ever after, who was one of the chief- est instruments to bring that match about, as also for the rendition of the cautionary towns in the Low Countries, Flushing and Brill, with the Ramma- kins. I was lately with Sir John Walter and others of your counsel about law business, and some of them told me that Master J. Lloyd, your adversary, is one of the shrewdest solicitors in all the thir- teen shires of Wales, being so habituated to law suits and wrangling, that he knows any of the least starting holes in every court. I could wish you had made a fair end with him, for besides the cumber and trouble, specially to those that dwell at such a huge distance from Westminster Hall as you do, Law is a shrewd pickpurse, and the lawyer, as I heard one say wittily not long since, is like a Christ- mas-box which is sure to get whosoever loseth. So with the continuance of my due and daily prayers for your health, with my love to my brothers and sisters, 1 rest, your dutiful son, J. H. March 20, 16 18. 132 FAMILIAR LETTERS VIII To Dan Caldwall, Esq. ; from the Lord Sav- age's House in Long Me If or d My dear D., THOUGH considering my former condition of life 1 may now be called a country man, vet you cannot call me a rustic (as you would im- ply in your letter) as long as I live in so civil and noble a family, as long as I lodge in so virtuous and regular a house as any I believe in the land, both for economical government and the choice company, for 1 never saw yet such a dainty race of children in all my life together, I never saw yet such an orderly and punctual attendance of ser- vants, nor a great house so neatly kept ; here one shall see no dog, nor a cat, nor cage to cause any nastiness within the body of the house. The kitchen and gutters and other offices of noise and drudgery are at the fag-end, there 's a back- gate for beggars and the meaner sort of swains to come in at. The stables butt upon the park, which for a cheerful rising ground, for groves and brows- ings for the deer, for rivulets of water, may com- pare with any, for it shines in the whole land; it is opposite to the front of the great house, whence from the gallery one may see much of the game when they are a hunting. Now for the gardening and costly choice flowers, for ponds, for stately OF JAMES HOWELL 133 large walks, green and gravelly, for orchards and choice fruits of all sorts, there are few the like in England : here you have your Bon Christian pear and Bergamot in perfection, your Muscadel grapes, in such plenty that there are some bottles of wine sent every year to the king ; and one, Mr Daniel, a worthy gentleman hard by, who hath been long abroad, makes good store in his vintage. Truly this house of Long-Melford, though it be not so great, yet it is so well compacted and contrived, with such dainty conveniences every way, that if you saw the landscape of it, you would be mightily taken with it, and it would serve for a choice pattern to build and contrive a house by. If you come this summer to your manor of Sheriff in Essex, you will not be far off hence ; if your occasions will permit, it will be worth your coming hither, though it be only to see him, who would think it a short journey to go from Saint David's Head to Dover Cliffs to see and serve you, were there occasion. — If you would know who the same is, 'tis — Yours J. H. 20 March 16 19. 134 FAMILIAR LETTERS IX To Robert Brown, Esquire THANKS for one curtesie is a good usher to bring on another. Therefore it is my policy at this time to thank you most heartily for your late copious letter to draw on a second. I say I thank you a thousand times over for yours of the third of this present, which abounded with such variety of news, and ample well-couched re- lations, that I made many friends by it ; yet I am sorry for the quality of some of your news, that Sir Robert Mansell, being now in the Mediter- ranean with a considerable naval strength of ours against the Moors, to do the Spaniard a pleasure, Marquis Spinola should, in a hogling way, change his master for the time, and, taking commission from the Emperor, become his servant for invad- ing the Palatinate with the forces of the King of Spain in the Netherlands. I am sorry also the princes of the union should be so stupid as to suffer him to take Oppenheim by a Parthian kind of back stratagem, in appearing before the town and making semblance afterwards to go for Worms, and then perceiving the forces of the United Princes to go for succouring of that, to turn back and take the town he intended first, whereby I fear he will be quickly master of the rest. Surely I believe there may be some treach- OF JAMES HOWELL 135 ery in it, and that the Marquis of Ansback, the general, was overcome by pistols made of Indian ingots, rather than of steel, else an army of 40,000, which he had under his command, might have made its party good against Spinola's, less than 20,000, though never such choice veterans, but what will not gold do? It will make a pigmy too hard for a giant : there 's no fence or fortress against an ass laden with gold. It was the saying you know of his father, whom partial and ig- norant antiquity cries up to have conquered the world, and that he sighed there were no more worlds to conquer, though he had never one of the three old parts of the then known world en- tirely to himself. I desire to know what is be- come of that handful of men His Majestic sent to Germany under Sir Horace Vere, which he was bound to do, as he is one of the Protestant princes of the union, and what 's become of Sir Arthur Chichester, who is gone Ambassador to those parts. Dear Sir, I pray make me happy still with your letters ; it is a mighty pleasure for us country folks to hear how matters pass in London and abroad. You know I have not the opportunity to correspond with you in like kind, but may happily hereafter when the tables are turned, when I am in London and you in the west. Whereas you are desirous to hear how it fares with me, I pray know that I live in one of the noblest houses and best air of England. There is a dainty park adjoining, 136 FAMILIAR LETTERS where I often wander up and down, and I have my several walks. I make one to represent the Royal Exchange, the other the middle aisle of Paul's, another Westminster Hall; and when I pass through the herd of deer methinks I am in Cheapside. So with a full return of the same measure of love, as you pleased to send me, I rest yours, J. H. 24 May \6ii. X To R. A It ham ^ Esquire ; from Saint Osith LIFE itself is not so dear unto me as your friendship, nor virtue in her best colours as precious as your love, which was lately so lively pourtrayed unto me in yours of the 5th of this present. Methinks your letter was like a piece of tissue richly embroidered with rare flowers up and down, with curious representations and landscapes. Albeit I have as much stuff as you of this kind (I mean matter of love), yet I want such a loom to work it upon I cannot draw it to such a curious web. Therefore you must be content with homely polldavie ware from me, for you must not expect from us country folk such urbanities and quaint invention that you, who are daily conversant with the wits of the court, and of the Inns of Court, abound withal. OF JAMES HOWELL 137 Touching your intention to travel beyond the seas the next spring, and the intimation you make how happy you would be in my company, I let vou know that I am glad of the one, and much thank vou for the other, and will think upon it, but I cannot resolve yet upon anything. I am now here at the Earl Rivers, a noble and great knowing lord, who hath seen much of the world abroad. My Lady Savage, his daughter, is also here with divers of her children. I hope this Hilary term to be merry in London, and amongst others to re-enjoy your conversation principally, for I esteem the society of no soul upon earth more than yours. Till then I bid you farewell, and as the season invites me I wish you a merry Christmas, resting yours while Jam. Howell. December 20, 1621. XI To Captain Thomas Porter upon his return from Algiers Voyage Noble Captain, I CONGRATULATE your safe return from the Straits, but am sorry you were so straitened in your commission that you could not attempt what such a brave naval power of twenty men-of- war, such a gallant general and other choice know- ing commanders might have performed if they 138 FAMILIAR LETTERS had had line enough. 1 know the lightness and nimbleness of Algiers ships ; when I lived lately in Alicante and other places upon the Mediterranean, we would every week hear some of them chased, but very seldom taken ; for a great ship following one of them may be said to be as a mastiff dog running after a hare. I wonder the Spaniard came short of the promised supply for furtherance of that notable adventurous design you had to fire the ships and galleys in Algiers road. And accord- ing to the relation you pleased to send me it was one of the bravest enterprises and had proved such a glorious exploit that no story could have paral- leled ; but it seems their hoggies, magicians and maribots were tampering with the ill spirit of the air all the while, which brought down such a still cataract of rain waters suddenly upon you to hinder the working of your fireworks. Such a disaster, the story tells us, befell Charles the Emperor, but far worse than yours, for he lost ships and multi- tudes of men, who were made slaves, but you came off with loss of eight men only, and Algiers is anothergets thing now than she was then, being, I believe, a hundred degrees stronger by land and sea, and for the latter strength we may thank our countryman Ward, and Danskey the butterbag Hollander, which may be said to have been two of the fatalest and most infamous men that ever Christendom bred ; for the one taking all English- men, and the other all Dutchmen, and bringing the ships and ordnance to Algiers, they may be OF JAMES HOWELL 139 said , to have been the chief raisers of those pica- roons to be pirates, which are now come to that height of strength that they daily endamage and affront all Christendom. When I consider all the circumstances and success of this your voyage; when I consider the narrowness of your com- mission, which was as lame as the Clerk that kept it ; when I find that you secured the seas and traffic all the while, for I did not hear of one ship taken while you were abroad; when I hear how you brought back all the fleet without the least disgrace or damage by foe or foul weather to any ship, I conclude, and so do far better judg- ments than mine, that you did what possibly could be done. Let those that repine at the one in the hundred (which was imposed upon all the Le- vant merchants for the support of this fleet) mutter what they will, that you went first to Gravesend, then to the Land's End, and after to no end. I have sent you for your welcome home (in part) two barrels of Colchester oysters which were provided for my Lord of Colchester himself, there- fore I presume they are good and all green finned. I shall shortly follow, but not to stay long in England, for I think I must over again speedily to push on my fortunes. So, my dear Tom, I am de todas mis entranaSj from the centre of my heart I am, yours, r rr St Osith, December \6ii. 140 FAMILIAR LETTERS XII To my Father upon my second going to Travel I AM lately returned to London, having been all this while in a very noble family in the country where I found far greater respects than I deserved. I was to go with two of my Lord Sav- age's sons to travel, but finding myself too young for such a charge, and our religion differing, I have made choice to go over comrade to a very worthy gentleman. Baron Altham's son, whom I knew in Staines, when my brother was there. Truly I hold him to be one of the hopefulest young men of this kingdom for parts and person ; he is full of ex- cellent solid knowledge, as the mathematics, the law, and other material studies ; besides I should have been tied to have stayed three years abroad in the other employment at least ; but I hope to go back from this by God's grace before a twelve- month be at an end, at which time I hope the hand of Providence will settle me in some stable home- fortune. The news is that the Prince Palsgrave, with his lady and children, are come to the Hague in Hol- land, having made a long progress or rather a pil- grimage about Germany from Prague. The old Duke of Bavaria, his uncle, is chosen elector and arch-sewer of the Roman Empire in his place (but as they say in an imperfect diet), and with this OF JAMES HOWELL 141 proviso, that the transferring of this election upon the Bavarian shall not prejudice the next heir. There is one Count Mansfelt that begins to get a great name in Germany, and he with the Duke of Brunswick, who is a temporal Bishop of Halver- stadt, have a considerable army on foot for the Lady Elizabeth, which in the Low Countries and some parts of Germany is called the Oueen of Bohemia, and for her winning, princely comport- ment, the Queen of Hearts. Sir Arthur Chichester is come back from the Palatinate, much complain- ing of the small army that was sent thither under Sir Horace Vere, which should have been greater, or none at all. My Lord of Buckingham, having been long since Master of the Horse at Court, is now made master also of all the wooden horses of the king- dom, which indeed are our best horses, for he is to be High Admiral of England, so he is become dominus equorum et aquarum. The late Lord Trea- surer Cranfield grows also very powerful, but the city hates him for having betrayed their greatest secrets, which he was capable to know more than another, having been formerly a merchant. I think I shall have no opportunity to write to you again till I be the other side of the sea ; there- fore I humbly take my leave, and ask your bless- ing, that I may the better prosper in my proceed- ings. So I am, your dutiful son, , rr March 19, 1622. 142 FAMILIAR LETTERS XIII To Sir "John Smith, Knight THE first ground I set foot upon after this my second trans-marine voyage was Trevere (the Scots staple) in Zealand, thence we sailed to Holland, in which passage we might see divers steeples and turrets under water, of towns that, as we were told, were swallowed up by a deluge within the memory of man. We went afterwards to the Hague, where there are hard by, though in several places, two wonderful things to be seen — the one of art the other of nature. That of art is a waggon or ship, or a monster mixed of both, like the hippocentaur, who was half man and half horse. This engine hath wheels and sails, that will hold above twenty people, and goes with the wind, being drawn or moved by nothing else, and will run, the wind being good and the sails hoisted up, above fifteen miles an hour upon the even hard sands. They say this invention was found out to entertain Spinola when he came hither to treat of the last truce. That wonder of nature is a church monument, where an earl and a lady are engraven with i^dc^ children about them, which were all delivered at one birth ; they were half male, half female ; the basin hangs in the church which carried them to be christened, and the bishop's name who did it ; and the story of \ OF JAMES HOWELL 143 this miracle, with the year and the day of the month mentioned, which is not yet aoo years ago ; and the story is this : That countess walk- ing about her door after dinner, there came a beggar-woman with two children upon her back to beg alms ; the countess asking whether those children were her own, she answered she had them both at one birth, and by one father, who was her husband. The countess would not only not give her any alms, but reviled her bitterly, saying it was impossible for one man to get two children at once. The beggar-woman being thus provoked with ill words, and without alms, fell to imprecations, that it should please God to show His judgment upon her, and that she might bear at one birth as many children as there be days in the year, which she did before the same year's end, having never borne child before. We are now in North Holland, where I never saw so many, among so few, sick of leprosy ; and the reason is, because they commonly eat abundance of fresh fish. A gentleman told me that the women of this country when they are delivered, there comes out of the womb a living creature besides the child, called zucchie, likest a bat of any other creature, which the midwives throw into the fire, holding sheets before the chimney lest it should flv away. Master Altham desires his service be presented to you and your lady, to Sir John Franklin and all at the Hill, the like do I humbly crave at your hands. The Italian and 144 FAMILIAR LETTERS French manuscripts you pleased to favour me withal, I left at Mr Scil's the stationer, whence if you have them not already, you may please to send for them. So in all affection I kiss your hands and am your humble servitor. J. H. Trevere, lo of Aprils 1623. XIV To the Right Honourable, the Lord Viscount Colchester, after Earl Rivers Right Honourable, THE commands your lordship pleased to im- pose upon me when I left England, and those high favours wherein I stand bound to your lord- ship, call upon me at this time to send your lordship some small fruits of my foreign travel. Marquis Spinola is returned from the Palatinate, where he was so fortunate, that (like Caesar) he came, saw, and overcame, notwithstanding that huge army of the Princes of the Union, consisting of 40,000 men, whereas his was under twenty, but made up of old tough blades and veteran commanders. He hath now changed his coat, and taken up his old commission again from Don Philippo, where- as during that expedition, he called himself Caesar's servant. I hear the Emperor hath transmitted the upper Palatinate to the Duke of Bavaria, as cau- OF JAMES HOWELL 145 tion for those moneys he hath expended in those wars. And the King of Spain is the Emperor's com- missary for the lower Palatinate. They both pre- tend that they were bound to obey the imperial summons to assist Cresar in these wars ; the one as he was Duke of Burgundy, the other of Ba- varia, both which countries are feudatory to the empire, else they had incurred the imperial ban. It is feared this German war will be as the French- man saith, de longue haleine^ loi^g breathed, for there are great powers on both sides, and they say the King of Denmark is arming. Having made a leisurely sojourn in this town, 1 had spare hours to couch in writing a survey of these countries which I have now traversed the second time, but in regard it would be a great bulk for a letter, I send it your lordship apart, and when I return to England, I shall be bold to attend your lordship for correction of my faults. In the in- terim I rest, my lord, your thrice humble servitor, J. H. Antwerp, May i, 1623. XV A Survey of the Seventeen Provinces My Lord, O attempt a precise description of each of T the seventeen provinces, and of its progres- sion, privileges and primitive government, were 146 FAMILIAR LETTERS a task of no less confusion than labour. Let it suffice to know that since Flanders and Holland were erected to earldoms, and so left to be an appendix of the Crown of France, some of them have had absolute and supreme governors, some subaltern and subject to a superior power. Amongst the rest the Earls of Flanders and Hol- land were most considerable ; but of them two he of Holland being homageable to none, and hav- ing Friesland and Zealand added, was the more potent. In process of time all the seventeen met in one; some by conquest, others by donation and legacy, but most by alliance. In the House of Burgundy this union received most growth, but in the House of Austria it came to its full per- fection ; for in Charles the Fifth they all met as so many lines drawn from the circumference to the centre, who lording as supreme head not only over the fifteen temporal, but the two spiritual, Liege and Utrecht, had a design to reduce them to a kingdom, which his son Philip the Second attempted after him, but they could not bring their intents home to their aim; the cause is im- puted to that multiplicity and difference of privi- leges which they are so eager to maintain, and whereof some cannot stand with a monarchy with- out incongruity. Philip the Second at his inau- guration was sworn to observe them, and at his departure he obliged himself by an oath, to send still one of his own blood to govern them. Moreover, at the request of the Knights of the OF JAMES HOWELL 147 Golden . Fleece, he promised that all foreign soldiers should retire, and that he himself would come to visit them once every seventh year, but being once gone, and leaving in lieu of a sword a distaff, an unwieldy woman, to govern, he came not only short of his promise, but procured a dis- pensation from the Pope to be absolved of his oath, and all this by the counsel of the Cardinal Granvill, who, as the States Chronicler writes, was the first firebrand that kindled that lamentable and longsome war wherein the Netherlands have traded above fifty years in blood. For intending to increase the number of bishops, to establish the decrees of the Council of Trent, and to clip the power of the Council of State composed of the natives of the land, by making it appealable to the Council of Spain, and by adding to the former oath of allegiance (all which conduced to settle the Inquisition, and to curb the conscience), the broils began ; to appease which ambassadors were dispatched to Spain, whereof the two first came to violent deaths, the one being beheaded, the other poisoned. But the two last, Egmont and Horn, were nourished still with hopes, until Philip the Second had prepared an army under the conduct of the Duke of Alva to compose the difference by arms. For as soon as he came to the govern- ment he established the Bloet-rad^ as the com- plainants termed it, a council of blood, made up most of Spaniards. Egmont and Horn were apprehended and afterwards beheaded. Citadels 148 FAMILIAR LETTERS were erected, and the oath of allegiance with the political government of the country in divers things altered. This poured oil on the fire formerly kindled, and put all in combustion. The Prince of Orange retires, thereupon his eld- est son was surprised and sent as hostage to Spain, and above 5000 families quit the country, many towns revolted but were afterwards reduced to obedience; which made the Duke of Alva say, that the Netherlands appertained to the King of Spain not only by descent but conquest, and for cumble of his victories when he attempted to impose the tenth penny for maintenance of the garrisons in the citadels he had erected at Grave, Utrecht, and Antwerp (where he caused his statue, made of cannon brass, to be erected, trampling the Belgians under his feet), all the towns withstood this imposition, so that at last, matters succeeding ill with him, and having had his cousin, Pacecio, hanged at Flushing Gates, after he had traced out the platform of a citadel in that town also, he received letters of revocation from Spain. Him succeeded Don Luys de Re- quiluis, who came short of his predecessor in ex- ploits, and dying suddenly in the field, the government was invested for the time in the Council of State. The Spanish soldiers, being without a head, gathered together to the number of 1600, and committed such outrages up and down, that they were proclaimed enemies to the state. Hereupon, the pacification of Ghent was OF JAMES HOWELL 149 transacted, whereof, amongst other articles one was, that all foreign soldiers should quit the country ; this was ratified by the King, and ob- served by Don John of Austria, who succeeded in the government; yet Don John retained the landskneghts at his devotion still for some secret design, and, as some conjectured, for the invasion of England, he kept the Spaniards also still hovering about the frontiers ready upon all occa- sion. Certain letters were intercepted that made a discovery of some projects which made the war to bleed afresh. Don John was proclaimed en- emy to the state ; so the Archduke Matthias was sent for, who, being a man of small importance and improper for the times, was dismissed, but upon honourable terms. Don John, a little after, dies, and, as some gave out, of the pox ; then comes in the Duke of Parma, a man as of a different nation, being an Italian, so of a different temper and more moderate spirit and of greater performance than all the rest, for, whereas all the provinces except Luxemburg and Hainault had revolted, he reduced Ghent, Tourney, Bruges, Malines, Brussels, Antwerp (which three last he beleaguered at one time), and divers other great towns to the Spanish obedience again ; he had 60,000 men in pay, and the choicest which Spain and Italy could afford. The French and English ambassadors, interceding for a peace, had a short answer of Philip the Second, who said that he needed not the help of any to reconcile himself 150 FAMILIAR LETTERS to his own subjects and reduce them to conform- ity, but the difference that was he would refer to his cousin the Emperor. Hereupon, the business was agitated at Cologne, where the Spaniard stood as high a-tiptoe as ever, and notwithstanding the vast expense of treasure and blood he had been at for so many years, and that matters began to exasperate more and more which were like to prolong the wars in infinitum^ he would abate no- thing in point of ecclesiastical government. Here- upon, the States perceived that King Philip could not be wrought either by the solicitations of other princes or their own supplications so often reit- erated, that they might enjoy the freedom of religion with other enfranchisements, and finding him inexorable, being incited also by that ban which was published against the Prince of Orange, that whosoever killed him should have 5000 crowns, they at last absolutely renounced and abjured the King of Spain for their sov- ereign ; they broke his seals, changed the oath of allegiance, and fled to France for shelter. They inaugurated the Duke of Anjou (recommended unto them by the Queen of England, to whom he was a suitor) for their prince, who attempted to render himself absolute and so thought to sur- prise Antwerp, where he received an ill-favoured repulse ; yet nevertheless the United Provinces, for so they termed themselves ever after, fearing to distaste their next great neighbour France, made a second proffer of their protection and OF JAMES HOWELL 151 sovereignty to that king, who having too many irons in the fire at his own home, the League growing stronger, and stronger, he answered them that his shirt was nearer to him than his doublet. Then had they recourse to Queen Elizabeth, who, partly for her own security, partly for interest in religion, reached them a supporting hand and so sent them men, money, and a governor, the Earl of Leicester, who not symbolising with their humour was quickly revoked, yet without any outward dislike on the Queen's side, for she left her forces still with them, but upon their expense. She lent them afterwards some considerable sums of money and she received Flushing and the Brill for caution. Ever since the English have been the best sinews of their war and achievers of the great- est exploits amongst them. Having thus made sure work with the English, they made young Count Maurice their governor, who for twenty-five years together held task with the Spaniard, and during those traverses of war was very fortunate; an over- ture of peace was then propounded, which the States would not hearken unto singly, with the King of Spain, unless the Provinces that yet remained under him would engage themselves for performance of what was articled ; besides they would not treat either of peace or truce, unless they were declared Free States, all which was granted. So by the in- tervention of the English and French ambassadors, a truce was concluded for twelve years. These wars did so drain and discommodate the 152 FAMILIAR LETTERS King of Spain by reason of his distance (every soldier that he sent either from Spain or Italy costing him near upon a hundred crowns before he could be rendered in Flanders), that notwith- standing his mines of Mexico and Peru, it plunged him so deeply in debt, that having taken up moneys in all the chief banks of Christendom, he was forced to publish a diploma wherein he dispensed with himself (as the Holland story hath it) from payment alleging that he had employed those moneys for the public peace of Christen- dom. This broke many great bankers, and they say his credit was not current in Seville or Lisbon, his own towns ; and which was worse, while he stood wrestling thus with his own subjects, the Turk took his opportunity to get from him Tunis and the Goletta, the trophies of Charles the Fifth, his father. So eager he was in this quarrel, that he employed the utmost of his strength and industry to reduce this people to his will, in regard he had an intent to make these provinces his main rendezvous and magazine of men-of-war, which his neighbours perceiving, and that he had a kind of aim to be Western mon- arch, being led not so much for love as reasons of state, they stuck close to the revolted pro- vinces, and this was the bone that Secretary Walsingham told Queen Elizabeth he would cast the King of Spain that should last him twenty years, and perhaps make his teeth shake in his head. But to return to my first discourse whence this OF JAMES HOWELL 153 digression has snatched me. The Netherlands, who had been formerly knit and concentred under one sovereign prince, were thus dismembered ; and as they subsist now, they are a state and a province. The province having ten of the seventeen, at least, is far greater, more populous, better soiled, and more stored with gentry. The state is richer and stronger, the one proceeding from their vast navi- gation and commerce, the other from the quality of their country, being defensible by rivers and sluices, by means whereof they can suddenly over- whelm all the whole country, witness that stupen- dous siege of Ley den and Haarlem, for most of their towns, the marks being taken away, are inac- cessible by reason of shelves of sands. Touching the transaction of these provinces which the King of Spain made as a dowry to the Archduke Albertus, upon marriage with the Infanta (who thereupon left his red hat and Toledo mitre, the chiefest spiritual dignity in Christendom for revenue after the Pap- acy), it was fringed with such cautelous restraints, that he was sure to keep the better end of the staff still to himself, for he was to have the tutelage and ward of his children ; that they were to marry with one of the Austrian family recommended by Spain, and in default of issue, and in case Albertus should survive the Infanta, he should be but governor only. Add hereunto that King Philip reserved still to himself all the citadels and castles, with the Order of the Golden Fleece, whereof he is Master, as he is Duke of Burgundy. 154 FAMILIAR LETTERS The Archduke for the time hath a very princely command. All coins bear his stamp, all placards or edicts are published in his name, he hath the elec- tion of all civil officers and magistrates. He nomi- nates also bishops and abbots, for the Pope hath only the confirmation of them here, nor can he ad- journ any out of the country to answer anything, neither are his Bulls of any strength without the Prince's placet, which makes him have always some commissioners to execute his authority. The people here grow hotter and hotter in the Roman cause by reason of the mixture with Spaniards and Ital- ians, as also by the example of the Archduke and the Infanta, who are devout in an intense degree. There are two supreme councils, the Privy Coun- cil and that of the State ; this treats of confederations and intelligence with foreign princes, of peace and war, of entertaining or of dismissing colonels and captains, of fortifications, and they have the super- intendency of the highest affairs that concern the Prince and the policy of the provinces. The pri- mate hath the granting of all patents and bequests, the publishing of all edicts and proclamations, the prizing of coin, the looking to the confines and ex- tent of the provinces, and the enacting of all new ordinances. Of these two councils there is never a Spaniard, but in the actual Council of War their voices are predominant. There is also a Court of Finance or Exchequer, whence all they that have the fingering of the King's money must draw a discharge. Touching matters of justice, their law is OF JAMES HOWELL 155 mixed between civil and common, with some clauses of canonical. The High Court of Parliament is at Malines, whither all civil causes may be brought by appeal from other towns, except some that have municipal privileges, and are sovereign in their own jurisdictions, as IMons in Hainault, and a few more. The prime province for dignity is Brabant, which, amongst manv other privileges it enjoyeth, hath this for one, not to appear upon any summons out of its own precinct, which is one of the reasons why the Prince makes his residence there : but the prime for extent and fame is Flanders, the chiefest earldom in Christendom, which is three days' journey in length ; Ghent, its metropolis, is reputed the greatest town of Europe, whence arose the proverb, " Les flamene tient un Gan, qui tiendra Paris dedans." But the beautifulest, rich- est, strongest, and most privileged city is Antwerp in Brabant, being the marquisate of the Holy Empire, and drawing near to the nature of a Hans- Town, for she pays the Prince no other tax but the impost. Before the dissociation of the seven- teen provinces, this town was one of the greatest marts of Europe, and greatest bank this side the Alps, most princes having their factors here to take up or let out moneys, and here our Gresham got all his wealth, and built our Royal Exchange by model of that here. The merchandise brought hither from Germany, France, and Italy by land, and from England, Spain, and the Hans-Towns by sea, was estimated at above twenty millions of 156 FAMILIAR LETTERS crowns every year ; but as no violent thing is long lasting, and as it is fatal to all kingdoms, states, towns, and languages to have their period, so this renowned mart hath suffered a shrewd eclipse, yet no utter downfall, the exchange of the King of Spain's money and some small land traffic keeping still life in her, though nothing so full of vigour as it was. Therefore, there is no town under the Archduke where the States have more concealed friends than in Antwerp, who would willingly make them her masters in hope to recover her former commerce, which, after the last twelve years' truce, began to revive a little, the States permitting to pass by Lillo's sconce, which com- mands the river of Scheld, and lyeth in the teeth of the town, some small cross-sailed ships to pass hither. There is no place hath been more passive than this, and more often pillaged ; amongst other times she was once plundered most miserably by the Spaniards under the conduct of a priest, im- mediately upon Don John of Austria's death ; she had then her Stadt-House burned, which had cost a few years before above twenty thousand crowns the building, and the spoils that were carried away thence amounted to forty tuns of gold. Thus she was reduced not only to poverty but a kind of cap- tivity, being commanded by a citadel, which she preferred before a garrison ; this made the mer- chants retire and seek a more free rendezvous, some in Zealand, some in Holland, specially in Amster- dam, which rose upon the fall of this town, as Lis- OF JAMES HOWELL 157 bon did from Venice upon the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, though Venice be not near so much crestfallen. I will now steer my discourse to the United Provinces, as they term themselves, which are six in number, viz., Holland, Zealand, Friesland, Overyssel, Groningen, and Utrecht, three parts of Gelderland, and some frontier towns and places of contribution in Brabant and Flanders. In all these there is no innovation at all introduced, notwithstanding this great change in point of government, except that the College of States represents the duke or earl in times passed ; which college consists of the chiefest gentry of the country, superintendents of towns, and the principal magistrates. Every province and great town chooses yearly certain deputies, to whom they give plenary power to deliberate with the other states of all affairs touching the public welfare of the whole province, and what they vote stands for law. These being assembled, consult of all matters of state, justice and war ; the advocate who is prime in the assembly propounds the business, and after collects the suffrages, first of the provinces, then of the towns, which being put in form, he delivers in pregnant and moving speeches ; and in case there be a dissonance and reluctancy of opinions, he labours to accord and reconcile them; concluding always with the major voices. Touching the administration of justice, the 158 FAMILIAR LETTERS President, who is monthly changed, with the great council, have the supreme judicature, from whose decrees there 's no appeal, but a revision ; and then some of the choicest lawyers amongst them are appointed. For their Oppidan government they have vari- ety of offices, a Scout, Burgomasters, a Bailie, and Vroetschoppens. The Scout is chosen by the States, who with the bailies have the judging of all criminal matters in last resort without appeal, they have also the determining of civil causes, but those are appealable to the Hague. Touching their chiefest governor (or general rather now), having made proof of the Spaniard, German, French, and English, and agreeing with none of them, they lighted at last upon a man of their own mould, Prince Maurice, now their general, in whom concurred divers parts suitable to such a charge, having been trained up in the wars by his father, who, with three of his uncles and divers of his kindred, sacrificed their lives in the States' quarrel ; he hath thriven well since he came to the government ; he cleared Friesland, Overyssel, and Groningen in less than eighteen months. He hath nov/ continued their governor and general by sea and land above thirty-three years ; he hath the election of magistrates, the pardoning of malefactors, and divers other prerogatives, yet they are short of the reach of sovereignty, and of the authority of the ancient Counts of Holland, though I cannot say it is a mercenary employ- OF JAMES HOWELL 159 ment, yet he hath a Hmited allowance, nor hath he any implicit command when he goes to the field, for either the council of war marcheth with him, or else he receives daily directions from them. Moreover, the States themselves reserve the power of nominating all commanders in the army, which, being of sundry nations, deprive him of those advantages he might have to make him- self absolute. Martial discipline is nowhere so regular as amongst the States ; nowhere are there lesser insolences committed upon the burgher, nor robberies upon the country boors, nor are the officers permitted to insult over the common sol- dier. When the army marcheth, not one dares take so much as an apple off a tree, or a root out of the earth, in their passage ; and the reason is, that they are punctually paid their pay, else I be- lieve they would be insolent enough, and were not the pay so certain, I think few- or none would serve them. They speak of sixty thousand they have in perpetual pay by land and sea, at home and in the Indies. The King of France was used to maintain a regiment, but since Henry the Great's death the payment hath been neglected. The means they have to maintain these forces, to pay their governor, to discharge all other expense, as the preservation of their dikes which comes to a vast expense yearly, is the ancient revenue of the Counts of Holland, the impropriate church- livings, imposts upon all merchandise, which is greater upon exported than imported goods. i6o FAMILIAR LETTERS excise upon all commodities, as well for necessity as pleasure, taxes upon every acre of ground, which is such that the whole country returns into their hands every three years. Add hereunto the art they use in their bank by the rise and fall of money, the fishing upon our coasts ; whither they send every autumn above 700 hulks or busses, which, in the voyages they make, return above a million in herrings; moreover their fishing for green fish and salmon amounts to so much more ; and for their cheese and butter it is thought they vend as much every year as Lisbon doth spices. This keeps the common treasury always full, that upon any extraordinary service or design there is seldom any new tax upon the people. Traffic is their general profession, being all either mer- chants or mariners, and, having no land to manure, they furrow the sea for their living ; and this universality of trade, and their banks of ad- ventures, distributes the wealth so equally, that few amongst them are exceeding rich or exceed- ing poor. Gentry amongst them are very thin, and, as in all democracies, little respected, and, coming to dwell in towns, they soon mingle with the merchant, and so degenerate. Their soil, being all betwixt marsh and meadow, is so fat in pasturage that one cow will give eight quarts of milk a day, so that, as a boor told me, in four little dorps near Harlem it is thought there is as much milk milked in the year as there is Rhenish wine brought to Dort, which is the sole staple of OF JAMES HOWELL i6i it. Their towns are beautiful and neatly built, and with uniformity, that who sees one sees all. In some places, as in Amsterdam, the foundation costs more than the superstructure, for, the ground being soft, they are constrained to ram in huge stakes of timber (with wool about it to pre- serve it from putrefaction) till they come to a firm basis ; so that, as one said, whosoever could see Amsterdam under ground should see a huge winter forest. Amongst all the confederate provinces Holland is most predominant, which, being but six hours' journey in breadth, contains nine-and-forty walled towns, and all these within a day's journey one of another. Amsterdam for the present is one of the greatest mercantile towns in Europe. To her is ap- propriated the East and West Indies trade, whither she sends yearly forty great ships, with another fleet to the Baltic Sea, but thev send not near so many to the Mediterranean as England. Other towns are passably rich and stored with shipping, but not one very poor, which proceeds from the wholesome policy they use, to assign every town some firm staple commodity, as to (their maiden town) Dort the German wines and corn, to Mid- dleburg the French and Spanish wines, to Trevere (the Prince of Orange's town) the Scots trade. Leyden, in recompense of her long siege, was erected to an university, which, with Franiker in Friesland, is all they have ; Harlem for knitting and weaving hath some privilege ; Rotterdam hath the i62 FAMILIAR LETTERS English cloth, and this renders their towns so equal- ly rich and populous. They allow free harbour to all nations with liberty of religion (the Roman only excepted), as far as the Jew who hath two syna- gogues allowed him, but only in Amsterdam, which piece of policy they borrow of the Venetian, with whom they have very intimate intelligence ; only the Jews in Venice, in Rome and other places go with some outward mark of distinction, but here they wear none; and these two republics, that in the east and this in the west, are the two remoras that stick to the great vessel of Spain, that it can- not sail to the Western monarchy. I have been long in the survey of these pro- vinces, yet not long enough, for much more might be said which is fitter for a story than a survey. I will conclude with a mot or two of the people, whereof some have been renowned in times past for feats of war. Amongst the States, the Hol- lander or Batavian hath been most known, for some of the Roman emperors have had a selected guard of them about their persons for their fidelity and valour, as now the King of France hath of the Swiss. The Frisians also have been famous for those large privileges wherewith Charlemagne en- dowed them. The Flemings also have been illus- trious for the martial exploits they achieved in the East, where two of the Earls of Flanders were crowned emperors. They have all a genius inclined to commerce, very inventive and witty in manu- factures, witness the art of printing, painting, and OF JAMES HOWELL 163 colouring in glass ; those curious quadrants, chimes and dials ; those kind of waggons which are used up and down Christendom were first used by them ; and for the mariner's compass, though the matter be disputable betwixt the Neapolitan, the Portugal, and them, yet there is a strong argument on their side in regard they were the first that subdivided the four cardinal winds to two and thirty, others naming them in their language. There is no part of Europe so haunted with all sorts of foreigners as the Netherlands, which makes the inhabitants, as well women as men, so well versed in all sorts of languages, so that in Exchange time one may hear seven or eight sorts of tongues spoken upon their bourses. Nor are the men only expert herein, but the women and maids also in their common hostelries, and in Holland the wives are so well versed in bargaining, ciphering and writing, that in the absence of. their husbands in long sea voyages they beat the trade at home, and their words will pass in equal credit. These women are wonderfully sober, though their husbands make commonly their bargains in drink, and then are they most cautelous. This confluence of strangers makes them very populous, which was the cause that Charles the Emperor said that all the Nether- lands seemed to him but as one continued town. He and his grandfather Maximilian, notwithstand- ing the choice of kingdoms they had, kept their courts most frequently in them, which showed how highly they esteemed them, and I believe if Philip i64 FAMILIAR LETTERS the Second had visited them sometimes matters had not gone so ill. There is no part of the earth, considering the small circuit of country, which is estimated to be but as big as the fifth part of Italy, where one may find more differing customs, tempers, and humours of people than in the Netherlands. The Walloon is quick and sprightful, accostable and full of compliment, and gaudy in apparel, like his next neighbour the French; the Fleming and Brabanter somewhat more slow and sparing of speech; the Hollander slower than he, more surly and respectless of gentry and strangers, homely in his clothing, of very few words, and heavy in action, which may be well imputed to the quality of the soil, which works so strongly upon the humours that when people of a more vivacious and nimble temper come to mingle with them, their children are observed to partake rather of the soil than the sire. And so it is in all animals besides. Thus I have huddled up some observations of the Low Countries, beseeching your lordship would be pleased to pardon the imperfections and correct the errors of them, for I know none so capable to do it as your lordship, to whom I am a most humble and ready servitor, j p^ Antwerp, i May 1622 [3]. OF JAMES HOWELL 165 XVI To my Brother, Mr Hugh Penry, upon his Marriage YOU have had a good while the interest of a friend in me, but you have me now in a straighter tie, for I am your brother by your late marriage, which hath turned friendship into an alliance. You have in your arms one of my dearest sisters, who I hope, nay I know, will make a good wife. I heartily congratulate this marriage, and pray that a blessing may descend upon it from that place where all marriages are made, which is from heaven, the fountain of all felicity. To this prayer I think it no profaneness to add the saying of the lyric poet Horace, in whom I know you de- light much, and I send it you as a kind of epitha- lamium, and wish it may be verified in you both: Faelices ter et ampHus Quos irrupta tenet copula, nee mails Divulsus querimoniis Suprema citius solvet amor die. Thus Englished : That couple 's more than trebly blest Which nuptial bonds do so combine. That no distaste can them untwine Till the last day send both to rest. So, dear brother, I much rejoice for this alliance, i66 FAMILIAR LETTERS and wish you may increase and multiply to your heart's content. — Your aifectionate brother, J. H. May the 20, 1622. XVII To my Brother^ Dr Howell ; from Brussels I HAD yours in Latin at Rotterdam, whence I corresponded with you in the same language. I heard, though not from you, since I came to Brussels, that our sister Anne is lately married to Mr Hugh Penry. I am heartily glad of it, and wish the rest of our sisters were so well bestowed, for I know Mr Penry to be a gentleman of a great deal of solid worth and integrity, and one that will prove a great husband and a good economist. Here is news that Mansfelt hath received a foil lately in Germany, and that the Duke of Brunswick, alias Bishop of Halverstadt, hath lost one of his arms. This makes them vapour here extremely, and the last week I heard of a play the Jesuits of Antwerp made, in derogation, or rather derision, of the proceedings of the Prince Palsgrave, where, amongst divers other passages, they feigned a post to come puffing upon the stage, and being asked what news, he answered how the Palsgrave was like to have shortly a huge formidable army, for the King of Denmark was to send him a hun- dred thousand, the Hollanders a hundred thou- OF JAMES HOWELL 167 sand, and the King of Great Britain a hundred thousand; but being asked thousands of what ? he replied the first would send a hundred thousand red herrings, the second a hundred thousand cheeses, and the last a hundred thousand ambas- sadors, alluding to Sir Richard Weston and Sir Edward Conway, my Lord Carlisle, Sir Arthur Chichester, and lastly, the Lord Digby, who have been all employed in quality of ambassadors in less than two years — since the beginning of these German broils. Touching the last, having been with the Emperor and the Duke of Bavaria, and carried himself with such high wisdom in his nego- tiations with the one and stoutness with the other, and having preserved Count Mansfelt's troops from disbanding, by pawning his own argentry and jewels, he passed this way, where they say the Archduke did esteem him more than any am- bassador that ever was in this court, and the report is yet very fresh of his high abilities. We are to remove hence in coach towards Paris the next week, where we intend to winter, or hard by. When you have opportunity to write to Wales, I pray present my duty to my father, and my love to the rest. I pray remember me also to all at the Hill and the Dale, especially to that most virtuous gentleman. Sir John Franklin. So, my dear brother, I pray God continue and im- prove His blessings to us both, and bring us again together with comfort. — Your brother, J. H. June 10, 1622. i68 FAMILIAR LETTERS XVIII To Dr Tho. Prichardj at Worcester House FRIENDSHIP is the great chain of human society, and intercourse of letters is one of the chiefest Hnks of that chain. You know this as well as I, therefore I pray let our friendship, let our love, that nationality of British love, that vir- tuous tie of academic love, be still strengthened (as heretofore), and receive daily more and more vigour. I am now in Paris, and there is weekly opportunity to receive and send; and if you please to send, you shall be sure to receive, for I make it a kind of religion to be punctual in this kind of payment. I am heartily glad to hear that you are become a domestic member to that most noble family of the Worcesters, and I hold it to be a very good foundation for future preferment ; I wish you may be as happy in them, as I know they will be happy in you. France is now barren of news, only there was a shrewd brush lately be- twixt the young king and his mother, who, having the Duke of Epernon and others for her com- panions, met him in open field about Pont de Ce, but she went away with the worst ; such was the rare dutifulness of the king, that he forgave her upon his knees, and pardoned all her complices. And now there is an universal peace in this coun- OF JAMES HOWELL 169 try, which it is thought will not last long, for there is a war intended against them of the re- formed religion; for this king, though he be slow in speech, yet is he active in spirit, and loves motion. I am here comrade to a gallant young gentleman, my old acquaintance, who is full of excellent parts, which he hath acquired by a choice breeding, the baron his father gave him both in the University and in the Inns of Court, so that for the time I envy no man's happiness. So, with my hearty commends, and much endeared love unto you, I rest yours whiles. Jam. Howell. Paris, 3 August 1622. XIX To the Honourable Sir Tho. Savage [after Lord Savage) y at his house upon Tower Hill THOSE many undeserved favours for which I stand obliged to yourself and my noble lady, since the time I had the happiness to come first under your roof, and the command you pleased to lay upon me at my departure thence, call upon me at this time to give you account how matters pass in France. That which for the present affords most plenty of news is Rochelle, which the King threateneth to block up this spring with an army by sea. 170 FAMILIAR LETTERS under the command of the Duke of Nevers, and by a land army under his own conduct : both sides prepare, he to assault, the Rochellers to defend. The King declares that he proceeds not against them for their religion,'which he is still contented to tolerate, but for holding an assembly against his declarations. They answer, that their assembly is grounded upon His Majesty's royal warrant, given at the dissolution of the last assembly at Lodun, where he solemnly gave his word to permit them to reassemble when they would six months after, if the breaches of their libertvand orrievances which they then propounded were not redressed ; and they say this being unperformed, it stands not with the sacred person of a king to violate his promise, being the first that ever he made them. The King is so incensed against them that their deputies can have neither access to his person nor audience of his council, as they style themselves the deputies of the assembly at Rochelle ; but if they say they come from the whole body of them of the pretended reformed religion he will hear them. The breach between them is grown so wide that the King re- solves upon a siege. This resolution of the King's is much fomented by the Roman clergy, specially by the Celestines, who have 200,000 crowns of gold in the Arsenal of Paris which they would sacrifice all to this service ; besides the Pope sent him a bull to levy what sums he would of the Gal- ilean Church for the advancement of his design. This resolution also is much pushed on by the gen- OF JAMES HOWELL 171 try, who, besides the particular employments and pay they shall receive hereby, are glad to have their young king trained up in arms to make him a mar- tial man. But for the merchant and poor peasant, they tremble at the name of this war, fearing their teeth should be set on edge with those sour grapes their fathers tasted in the time of the League, for if the King begin with Rocheile it is feared all the four corners of the kingdom will be set on fire. Of all the towns of surety which they of the religion hold, Rocheile is the chiefest ; a place strong by nature but stronger by art. It is a mar- itime town, and landward they can by sluices drown a league's distance ; it is fortified with mighty thick walls, bastions and counterscarps, and those according to the modern rules of en- ginry. This amongst other cautionary towns was granted by Henry the Fourth to them of the religion for a certain term of years, which being expired the King saith they are devolved again to the Crown and so demands them. They of the religion pretend to have divers grievances ; first, they have not been paid these two years the 160,000 crowns which the last king gave them annually to maintain their ministers and garri- sons; they complain of the King's carriage lately at Beam (Henry the Great's country), which was merely Protestant, where he hath introduced two years since the public exercise of the mass, which had not been sung there fifty years before. He altered also there the government of the country, 172 FAMILIAR LETTERS and in lieu of a viceroy left a governor only ; and whereas Navarrin was formerly a Court of Parlia- ment for the whole kingdom of Navaar (that 's under France), he hath put it down and pub- lished an edict that the Navarrois should come to Toulouse the chief town of Languedoc ; and lastly, he left behind him a garrison in the said town of Navarrin. These and other grievances they of the religion proposed to the King lately, desiring His Majesty would let them enjoy still those privileges his predecessor, Henry the Third, and his father, Henry the Fourth, afforded them by Act of Pacification. But he made them a short answer : That what the one did in this point, he did it out of fear ; what the other did, he did it out of love ; but he would have them know that he neither loved them nor feared them ; so the business is like to bleed sore on both sides ; nor is there yet any appearance of prevention. There was a scuffle lately here betwixt the Duke of Nevers and the Cardinal of Guise, who have had a long suit-in-law about an abbey, and, meeting the last week about the palace, from words they fell to blows ; the Cardinal struck the Duke first and so were parted ; but in the after- noon there appeared on both sides no less than 3000 horse in a field hard by, which shows the populousness and sudden strength of this huge city ; but the matter was taken up by the King, himself, and the Cardinal clapped up in the OF JAMES HOWELL 173 Bastile, where the King saith he shall abide to ripen ; for he is but young, and they speak of a bull that is to come from Rome to decardinalize him. I fear to have trespassed too much upon your patience, therefore I will conclude for the present, but will never cease to profess myself your thrice humble and ready servitor, J. H. Paris, August 18, 1622. XX To D. Caldwall^ Esq. ; from Poissy My Dear D., TO be free from English, and to have the more conveniency to fall close to our busi- ness, Mr Altham and I are lately retired from Paris to this town of Poissy, a pretty genteel place at the foot of the great forest of Saint Germain upon the river Sequana, and within a mile of one of the King's chiefest standing houses, and about fifteen miles from Paris. Here is one of the prime nunneries of all France. Lewis the Ninth, who in the catalogue of the French kings is called St Lewis, which title was confirmed by the Pope, was baptised in this little town, and after his return from Egypt and other places against the Saracens, being asked by what title he would be distinguished from the rest of his predecessors after his death, he answered that 174 FAMILIAR LETTERS he desired to be called Lewis of Poissy ; reply being made that there were divers other places and cities of renown, where he had performed brave exploits, and obtained famous victories, therefore it was more fitting that some of those places should denominate him. " No," said he, " I desire to be called Louis of Poissy, because there I got the most glorious victory that ever I had, for there I overcame the devil," meaning that he was christened there. I sent you from Antwerp a silver Dutch table- book. I desire to hear of the receipt of it in your next. I must desire you (as I did once at Rouen) to send me a dozen pair of the whitest kidskin gloves for women, and half a dozen pair of knives, by the merchant's post ; and if you want anything that France can afford, I hope you know what power you have to dispose of. Yours, J. H. Poissy, September 7, 1622. XXI To my Father ; from Paris I WAS afraid I should never have had ability to write to you again, I had lately such a danger- ous fit of sickness ; but I have now passed the brunt of it. God hath been pleased to reprieve me and reserve me for more days, which I hope to have grace to number better. Mr Altham and OF JAMES HOWELL 175 I having retired to a small town from Paris for more privacy and sole conversation with the na- tion, I tied myself to a task for the reading of so many books in such a compass of time, and there- upon to make good my word to myself, I used to watch many nights together, though it was in the depth of winter; but returning to this town, I took cold in the head, and so that mass of rheum which had gathered by my former watch- ing, turned to an imposthume in my head, where- of I w^as sick above forty days ; at the end they cauterised and made an issue in my cheek to make vent for the imposthume, and that saved my life. At first they let me blood, and I parted with above fifty ounces in less than a fortnight, for phlebotomy is so much practised here, that if one's little finger ache, they presently open a vein, and so balance the blood on both sides ; they usually let the blood in both arms. And the commonness of the thing seems to take away all fear, insomuch that the very women, when they find themselves indisposed, will open a vein them- selves ; for they hold that the blood which hath a circulation and fetcheth a round every twenty-four hours about the body is quickly repaired again. I was eighteen days and nights that I had no sleep but short imperfect slumbers, and those, too, pro- cured by potions. The tumour at last came so about my throat, that I had scarce vent left for respiration, and my body was brought so low with all sorts of physic, that I appeared like a mere 176 FAMILIAR LETTERS skeleton. When I was indifferently well recov- ered, some of the doctors and chirurgeons that tended me gave me a visit, and amongst other things they fell in discourse of wines which was the best, and so by degrees they fell upon other beverages. And one doctor in the company who had been in England, told me that we have a drink in England called ale, which he thought was the wholsomest liquor that could go into one's guts, for whereas the body of man is supported by two columns, viz. the natural heat and radical moisture, he said, there is no drink conduceth more to the preservation of the one and the increase of the other than ale, for while the Englishmen drank only ale, they were strong brawny able men, and could draw an arrow an ell long ; but when they fell to wine and beer, they are found to be much impaired in their strength and age. So the ale bore away the bell among the doctors. The next week we advance our course farther into France towards the river of Loire to Orleans, whence I shall continue to convey my duty to you. In the meantime I humbly crave your blessing and your acknowledgment to God Almighty for my recovery. Be pleased further to impart my love amongst my brothers and sisters with all my kins- men and friends in the country, — So I rest your dutiful son, J. H. Paris, December 10, 1622. OF JAMES HOWELL 177 XXII To Sir Tho??ias Savage^ Knight and Baronet THAT of the fifth of this present which you pleased to send me was received, and I begin to think myself something more than I was, that you value so much the slender endeavours of my pen to do you service. I shall continue to improve your good opinion of me as opportunity shall serve. Touching the great threats against Rochelle, whereof I gave you an ample relation in my last, matters are become now more calm and rather inclining to an accommodation, for it is thought a sum of money will make up the breach ; and to this end some think all these bravadoes were made. The Duke of Luynes is at last made Lord High Constable of France, the prime officer of the crown. He hath a peculiar court to himself, a guard of a hundred men in rich liveries, and a hundred thou- sand livres every year pension. The old Duke of Lesdiguieres, one of the ancientest soldiers of France, and a Protestant, is made his lieutenant. But in regard all Christendom rings of this fa- vourite, being the greatest that ever was in France since the Maires of the palace, who came to be kings afterwards, I will send you herein his legend. He was born in Province, and is a gentleman by descent, though of a petty extraction; in the last lyS FAMILIAR LETTERS king's time he was preferred to be one of his pages, who, finding him industrious and a good waiter, allowed him 300 crowns pension per annum, which he husbanded so well that he maintained himself and his two brothers in passable good fashion there- with. The King observing that, doubled his pen- sion, and taking notice that he was a serviceable instrument and apt to please, he thought him fit to be about his son, in whose service he hath con- tinued above fifteen years, and he has flown so high into his favour by a singular dexterity and art he hath in falconry, and by shooting at birds flying wherein the King took great pleasure, that he hath soared to this pitch of honour. He is a man of a passable good understanding and forecast, of a mild comportment, humble and debonair to all, and of a winning conversation. He hath about him choice and solid heads, who prescribe unto him rules of policy, by whose compass he steers his course, which is likely will make him subsist long. He is now come to that transcendant altitude, that he seems to have mounted above the reach of envy, and made all hopes of supplanting him frustrate, both by the politic guidance of his own actions and the powerful alliances he hath got for himself and his two brothers. He is married to the Duke of Mont- bazon's daughter, one of the prime peers of France. His second brother, Cadenet (who is reputed the wisest of the three), married the heiress of Picardy, with whom he had ^9000 lands a year ; his third brother, Brand, to the great heiress of Luxemburg, OF JAMES HOWELL 179 of which house there have been five emperors, so that these three brothers and their allies would be able to counterbalance any one faction in France, the eldest and youngest being made dukes and peers of France, the other marshal. There are lately two Ambassadors Extraordinary come hither from Venice about the Valtolin, but their negotiation is at a stand until the return of an Ambassador Ex- traordinary which is gone to Spain. Ambassadors also are come from the Hague for payment of the French regiment there, which hath been neglected these ten years, and to know whether His Majesty will be pleased to continue their pay any longer ; but their answer is yet suspended. They have brought news that the seven ships which were built for His Majesty in the Tessel are ready. To this he answered that he desires to have ten more built, for he intends to finish that design which his father hadafoot a little before his death to establish a royal company of merchants. This is all the news that France affords for the present, the relation whereof, if it prove as accept- able as my endeavours to serve you herein are pleasing unto me, I shall esteem myself happy. So wishing you and my noble lady continuance of health and increase of honour, I rest your most humble servitor, J. H. Paris, 15 December 1622. i8o FAMILIAR LETTERS XXIII To Sir 'John North, Knight I CONFESS you have made a perfect conquest of me by your late favours, and I yield myself your captive. A day may come that will enable me to pay my ransom ; in the interim let a most thankful acknowledgment be my bail and main- prize. I am now removed from off the Seine to the Loire to the fair town of Orleans. There was here lately a mixed procession betwixt military and ecclesiastic for the Maid of Orleans, which is per- formed every year very solemnly. Her statue stands upon the bridge, and her clothes are pre- served to this day, which a young man wore in the procession, which makes me think that her story though it sound like a romance is very true, and I read it thus in two or three chronicles. When the English had made such firm invasions in France, that their armies had marched into the heart of the country, besieged Orleans and driven Charles the Seventh to Bourges in Berry, which made him to be called, for the time. King of Berry, there came to his army a shepherdess, one Anne de Arque, who with a confident look and language told the King that she was designed by heaven to beat the English and drive them out of France. Therefore she desired a command OF JAMES HOWELL i8i in the army, which by her extraordinary confi- dence and importunity she obtained, and putting on man's apparel she proved so prosperous that the siege was raised from before Orleans, and the English \vere pursued to Paris and forced to quit that, and driven to Normandy. She used to go on with marvellous courage and resolution, and her word was hara ha. But in Normandy she was taken prisoner, and the English had a fair revenge upon her, for by an arrest of the Parliament of Rouen she was burnt for a witch. There is a great business now afoot in Paris called the Polette, which if it take effect will tend to correct, at least- wise to cover a great error in the French govern- ment. The custom is that all the chief places of justice throughout all the eight courts of Par- liament in France, besides a great number of other offices, arwe set to sale by the King, and they return to him unless the buyer liveth forty days after his resignation to another. It is now propounded that these casual offices shall be absolutely hered- itary, provided that every officer pay a yearly re- venue unto the King, according to the valuation of and perquisites of the office. This business is now in hot agitation, but the issue is yet doubtful. The last you sent 1 received by Vacandary in Paris. So highly honouring your excellent parts and merit, I rest, now that I understand French indifferent well, no more your (she) servant, but your most faithful servitor, J. H. Orleans, 3 March 1622 i82 FAMILIAR LETTERS XXIV To Sir James Crofts^ Knight WERE I to freight a letter with compH- ments, this country would furnish me with variety, but of news a small store at this present ; and for compliment it is dangerous to use any to you who have such a piercing judgment to dis- cern semblances from realities. The queen mother is come at last to Paris, where she hath not been since Ancre's death. The King is also returned post from Bordeaux, having tra- versed most part of his kingdom ; he settled peace everywhere he passed, and quashed divers insurrec- tions, and by his obedience to his mother, and his lenity towards all his partisans at Pont de Ce, where above 400 were slain, and notwithstanding that he was victorious, yet he gave a general pardon ; he hath gained much upon the affections of his people. His Council of State went ambulatory always with him, and as they say here, never did men manage things with more wisdom. There is a war ques- tionless a-fermenting against the Protestants, the Duke of Epernon, in a kind of rodomontado way, desired leave of the King to block up Rochelle, and in six weeks he would undertake to deliver her to his hands, but I believe he reckons without his host. I was told a merry passage of this little Gas- con duke, who is now the oldest soldier of France. OF JAMES HOWELL 183 Having come lately to Paris he treated with a pan- der to procure him a courtesan, and if she was a damosel (a gentlewoman) he would give so much, and if a citizen he would give so much. The pan- der did his office, but brought him a citizen clad in damosel's apparel, so she and her maquerel were paid accordingly. The next day after, some of his familiars having understood hereof, began to be pleasant with the duke and to jeer him, that he be- ing a vieilroutier^ an old tried soldier, should suffer himself to be so cozened as to pay for a citizen after the rate of a gentlewoman ; the little duke grew half wild hereupon, and commenced an action of fraud against the pander, but what became of it I cannot tell you, but all Paris rung of it. I hope to return now very shortly to England, where amongst the rest of my noble friends I shall much rejoice to see and serve you, whom I honour with no vulgar affection, so I am, your true servitor, J. H. Orleans, 5 March 1611. XXV To my Cousin y Mr Will Martin at Brussels; from Paris Dear Cousin, I FIND you are very punctual in your perform- ances, and a precise observer of the promise you made here to correspond with Mr Altham and i84 FAMILIAR LETTERS me by letters. I thank you for the variety of Ger- man news you imparted unto me, which was so neatly couched and curiously knit together, that your letter might serve for a pattern to the best intelligencer. I am sorry the affairs of the Prince Palsgrave go so untowardly ; the wheel of war may turn, and that spoke which is now up may down again. For French occurrences, there is a war cer- tainly intended against them of the religion here ; and there are visible preparations afoot already. Amongst others that shrink in the shoulders at it, the King's servants are not very well pleased with it, in regard besides Scots and Swissers, there are divers of the King's servants that are Protestants. If a man go to ragion di stato^ to reason of state, the French King hath something to justify this design ; for the Protestants being so numerous, and having near upon fifty presidiary walled towns in their hands for caution, they have power to disturb France when they please, and being abet- ted by a foreign prince to give the King law ; and you know as well as I how they have been made use of to kindle a fire in France. Therefore rather than they should be utterly suppressed, I believe the Spaniard himself would reach them his rag- ged-staff to defend them. I send you here inclosed another from Master Altham, who respects you dearly, and we remem- bered you lately at La pomme du pin in the best liquor of the French grape. I shall be shortly for London, where I shall not rejoice a little to meet OF JAMES HOWELL 185 you ; the English air may confirm what foreign begun, I mean our friendship and affections, and in me (that I may return you in English the Latin verses you sent me) : As soon a little, little ant Shall bib the ocean dry, A snail shall creep about the world. Ere these affections die. So, my dear cousin, may Virtue be your guide and Fortune your companion. — Yours while Jam. Howell. Paris, 18 March 1662. EPISTOLtE HO-ELIAN^ SECTION III SECTION III To my Father I AM safely returned now the second time from beyond the seas, but I have yet no employment. God and good friends I hope will shortly provide one for me. The Spanish Ambassador, Count Gondamar, doth strongly negotiate a match betwixt our Prince and the Infanta of Spain, but at his first audience there happened an ill-favoured accident (I pray God it prove no ill augury), for my Lord of Arundell being sent to accompany him to Whitehall upon a Sunday in the afternoon, as they were going over the terrasse, it broke under them, but only one was hurt in the arm. Gondamar said that he had not cared to have died in so good company. Hesaith there is no other way to regain the Palatinate but by this match, and to settle an eternal peace in Christendom. The Marquis of Buckingham continueth still in fulness of grace and favour. The countess, his mother, sways also much at court. She brought Sir Henry Montague from delivering law on the King's Bench to look to his bags in the Exchequer, for she made him Lord High Treasurer of Eng- I90 FAMILIAR LETTERS land ; but he parted with his white stafFbefore the year's end, though his purse had bled deeply for it (above ^20,000), which made a lord of this land to ask him at his return from court "whether he did not find that wood was extremely dear at New- market," for there he received the white staff. There is now a notable stirring man in the place, my Lord Cranfield, who, from walking about the Exchange, is come to sit Chief Judge in the Ex- chequer Chamber, and to have one of the highest places at the council table. He is married to one of the tribe of Fortune, a kinswoman of the Mar- quis of Buckingham. Thus there is rising and fall- ing at court, and as in our natural pace one foot cannot be up till the other be down, so it is in the affairs of the world commonly — one man riseth at the fall of the other. I have no more to write at this time, but that with tender of my duty to you, I desire a continu- ance of your blessing and prayers. Your dutiful son, J. H. London, March ii^ 1622. II To the Honourable Mr John Savage (now Earl Rivers^ at Florence MY love is not so short but it can reach as far as Florence to find you out, and further, too, if occasion required, nor are these affections OF JAMES HOWELL 191 I have to serve you so dull but they can clamber over the Alps and Apennines to wait upon you, as they have adventured to do now in this paper, I am sorry I was not in London to kiss your hands before you set to sea, and much more sorry that I had not the happiness to meet you in Holland or Brabant, for we went the very same road, and lay in Dort and Antwerp in the same lodgings you had lain in a fortnight before. I presume you have by this time tasted of the sweetness of travel, and that you have weaned your affections from England for a good while. You must now think upon home as (one said) good men think upon heaven, aiming still to go thither, but not till they finish their course ; and yours, I understand, will be three years. In the meantime you must not suffer any melting ten- derness of thoughts, or longing desires, to distract or interrupt you in that fair road you are in to virtue, and to beautify within that comely edifice which nature hath built without you. I know your reputation is precious to you, as it should be to every noble mind ; you have exposed it now to the hazard, therefore you must be careful it receive no taint at your return by not answering that expectation which your Prince and noble parents have of you. You are now under the chiefest clime of wisdom, fair Italy, the darling of nature, the nurse of policy, the theatre of virtue. But though Italy give milk to Virtue with one dug, she often suffers Vice to suck at the other ; 192 FAMILIAR LETTERS therefore you must take heed you mistake not the dug, for there is an ill-favoured saying that " Inglese Italionato e diavolo incarnato " (an Englishman- Italian is a devil incarnate). I fear no such thing of you, I have had such pregnant proofs of your inge- nuity and noble inclinations to virtue and honour: 1 know you have a mind to both, but I must tell you that you will hardly get the goodwill of the latter unless the first speak a good word for you. When you go to Rome you may haply see the ruins of two temples, one dedicated to Virtue, the other to Honour, and there was no way to enter into the last but through the first. Noble sir, I wish your good very seriously, and if you please to call to memory, and examine the circumstance of things, and my carriage towards you since I had the happiness to be known first to your honour- able family, I know you will conclude that I love and honour you in no vulgar way. My lord, your grandfather, was complaining lately that he had not heard from you a good while. By the next shipping to Leghorn, amongst other things, he intends- to send you a whole brawn in collars. I pray be pleased to remember my affectionate service to Mr Thomas Savage, and my kind respects to Mr Bold. For English news I know this packet comes freighted to you, therefore I forbear at this time to send any. Fare- well, noble heir of honour, and command always your true servitor, J. H. London, March 24, 1622. OF JAMES HOWELL 193 III To Sir James Crofts ^ Knight y at Saint Osith in Essex I HAD yours upon Tuesday last, and whereas you are desirous to know the proceedings of the Parliament, I am sorry I must write to you that matters begin to grow boisterous. The King retired not long since to Newmarket not very well pleased, and this week there went thither twelve from the House of Commons, to whom Sir Richard Weston was the mouth. The King, not liking the message they brought, called them his ambassadors, and in the large answer which he hath sent to the Speaker, he saith that he must apply unto them a speech of Queen Elizabeth's to an ambassador of Poland, " Legatum expecta- vimus, Heraldum accepimus " (We expected an ambassador, we have received a herald). He takes it not well that they should meddle with the match betwixt his son and the Infanta, alleging an example of one of the kings of France, who would not marry his son without the advice of his Parliament ; but afterwards that king grew so despicable abroad that no foreign state would treat with him about anything without his Parlia- ment. Sundry other high passages there were ; as a caveat he gave them not to touch the honour of the King of Spain, with whom he was so far 194 FAMILIAR LETTERS engaged in a matrimonial treaty that he could not go back. He gave them also a check for taking cognizance of those things which had their motion in the ordinary courts of justice, and that Sir Edward Coke (though these words were not inserted in the answer), whom he thought to be the fittest instrument for a tyrant that ever was in England, should be so bold as to call the pre- rogative of the crown a great monster. The Par- liament after this was not long lived, but broke up in discontent, and upon the point of dissolu- tion they made a protest against divers particulars in the aforesaid answer of His Majesty's. My Lord Digby is preparing for Spain in quality of Ambassador Extraordinary, to perfect the match betwixt our Prince and the Lady Infanta, in which business Gondamar hath waded already very deep, and been very active, and ingratiated himself with divers persons of quality, ladies especially, yet he could do no good upon the Lady Hatton, whom he desired lately that in regard he was her next neigh- bour (at Ely-House) he might have the benefit of her back gate to go abroad into the fields ; but she put him off with a compliment, whereupon in a private audience lately with the King amongst other passages of merriment, he told him that my Lady Hatton was a strange lady, for she would not suffer her husband Sir Edward Coke, to come in at her fore door, nor him to go out at her back door, and so related the whole business. He was also dispatching a post lately for Spain, and the post OF JAMES HOWELL 195 having received his packet and kissed his hands, he called him back and told him he had forgot one thing, which was, that when he came to Spain he should commend him to the sun, for he had not seen him a great while, and in Spain he should be sure to find him. — So with my most humble service to my Lord of Colchester, I rest your most humble servitor, J. H. London, March 24, 1622. IV To my Brother^ Mr Hugh Penry THE Welsh nag you sent me was delivered me in a very good plight, and I give you a thousand thanks for him. I had occasion lately to try his mettle and his lungs, and every one tells me he is right, and of no mongrel race, but a true mountaineer ; for besides his toughness and strength of lungs up a hill, he is quickly curried, and content with short commons. 1 believe he hath not been long a highway traveller, for whereas other horses when they pass by an inn or alehouse use to make towards them to give them a friendly visit, this nag roundly goes on, and scorns to cast as much as a glance upon any of them, which I know not whether I shall impute it to his ignorance or height of spirit, but convers- ing with the soft horses of England, I believe he will quickly be brought to be more courteous. 196 FAMILIAR LETTERS The greatest news we have now is the return of the Lord Bishop of Landaff, Davenant, Ward, and Belcanquell from the Synod of Dort, where the bishop had precedence given him according to his episcopal dignity. Arminius and Vorstius were sore baited there concerning predestination, election, and reprobation, as also touching Christ's death and man's redemption by it ; then concern- ing man's corruption and conversion ; lastly, con- cerning the perseverance of the saints. I shall have shortly the transaction of the Synod. The Jesuits have put out a jeering libel against it, and these two verses I remember in it. Dordrecti Synodus ? nodus ; chorus integer ? aeger ; Conventus ? ventus ; Sessio stramen ? Amen. But I will confront this distich with another I read in France of the Jesuits in the town of Dole, towards Lorraine. They had a great house given them called L'Arc [arcum), and upon the river of Loire, Henry the Fourth gave them La Fleche, sagittam in Latin, where they have two stately convents, that is, bow and arrow ; whereupon one made these verses : Arcum Dola dedit, dedit illis alma sagittam Francia ; quis chordam, q5am meruere, dabit ? Fair France the arrow. Dole gave them the bow, Who shall the string which they deserve bestow. No more now, but that with my dear love to my sister, I rest your most affectionate brother, J. H. London, April 16, 1622. OF JAMES HOWELL 197 V To the Lord Viscount Colchester My Good Lord, I RECEIVED your lordship's of the last week, and according to your command, I send here enclosed the Venetian Gazette. Of foreign avisos, they write that Mansfeldt hath been beaten out of Germany and is come to Sedan, and it is thought that the Duke of Bovillon will set him up again with a new army. Marquis Spinola hath newly sat down before Berghen-op-Zoom. Your lordship knows well what consequence that town is of, therefore it is likely this will be a hot summer in the Netherlands. The French King is in open war against them of the religion ; he hath already cleared the Loire by taking Jerseau and Saumur, where Monsieur du Plessis sent him the keys, which are promised to be delivered him again, but I think ad Graecas Calendas. He hath been also before Saint John d' Angeli, where the young Car- dinal of Guyse died, being struck down by the puff of a cannon bullet, which put him in a burn- ing fever and made an end of him. The last town that was taken was Clerac, which was put to 50,000 crowns ransom. Many were put to the sword and divers gentlemen drowned as they thought to escape. This is the fifteenth caution- ary town the King hath taken, and now they say 198 FAMILIAR LETTERS he marcheth towards Montauban, and so to Montpellier and Nismes, and then have at Rochelle. My Lord Hays is by this time, it is thought, with the army, for Sir Edward Herbert is returned, having had some clashings and counter- buffs with the favourite Luynes, wherein he com- ported himself gallantly. There is a fresh report blown over that Luynes is lately dead in the army of the plague, some say of the purples, the next cousin german to it, which the Protestants give out to be the just judgment of heaven fallen upon him, because he incited his master to these wars against them. If he be not dead, let him die when he will, he will leave a fame behind him to have been the greatest favourite for the time that ever was in France, having from a simple faulconer come to be High Constable, and made himself and his younger brother Grand Dukes and peers, and his second brother Cadenet, Marshal, and all three married to princely families. No more now, but that I most humbly kiss your lordship's hands, and shall be always most ready and cheerful to receive your commandments, because I am your lordship's obliged servitor, J. H. London, 12 August 1623. OF JAMES HOWELL 199 VI To my Father from London I WAS at a dead stand in the course of my fortunes when it pleased God to provide me lately an employment to Spain, whence I hope there may arise both repute and profit. Some of the Cape merchants of the Turkey Company, amongst whom the chiefest were Sir Robert Nap- per, and Captain Leat proposed unto me that they had a great business in the Court of Spain in agitation many years, nor was it now their busi- ness but the King's, in whose name it is followed. They could have gentlemen of good quality that would undertake it. Yet if I would take it upon me they would employ no other, and assured me that the employment should tend both to my benefit and credit. Now the business is this : There was a great Turkey ship called the Vineyard^ sailing through the straits towards Constantinople, but by distress of weather she was forced to put into a little port called Milo, in Sardinia. The searchers came aboard of her, and finding her richly laden, for her cargazon of broad-cloth was worth the first penny near upon ^30,000, they cavilled at some small proportion of lead and tin, which they had only for the use of the ship, which the searchers alleged to be ropa de contrabando^ prohibited goods, for"bv Article of Peace nothing is to be carried to 200 FAMILIAR LETTERS Turkey that may arm or victual. The Viceroy of Sardinia hereupon seized upon the whole ship and all her goods, landed the master and men in Spain, who coming to Sir Charles Cornwall's, then ambassador at the court. Sir Charles could do them little good at present, therefore they came to England and complained to the King and Council. His Majesty was so sensible hereof that he sent a particular commission in his own royal name to demand a restitution of the ship and goods, and justice upon the Viceroy of Sardinia, who had so apparently broke the peace and wronged his subjects. Sir Charles (with Sir Paul Pindar a while) laboured in the business, and commenced a suit in law, but he was called home before he could do anything to purpose. After him Sir John Digby (now Lord Digby) went ambassador to Spain, and amongst other things he had that particular commission from His Majesty invested in him to prosecute the suit in his own royal name. There- upon he sent a well qualified gentleman, Mr Walsingham Gresley, to Sardinia, who, unfortun- ately, meeting with some men-of-war in the pass- age, was carried prisoner to Algiers. My Lord Digby being remanded home, left the business in Mr Cottington's hands, then agent, but resumed it at his return; yet it proved such a tedious, in- tricate suit that he returned again without finish- ing the work, in regard of the remoteness of the island of Sardinia, whence the witnesses and other dispatches were to be fetched. The Lord Digby OF JAMES HOWELL 201 is going now Ambassador Extraordinary to the Court of Spain upon the business of the match, the restitution of the Palatinate, and other high affairs of state, therefore he is desirous to transmit the King's commission touching this particular business to any gentleman that is capable to fol- low it, and promiseth to assist him with the ut- most of his power, and i' faith, he hath good reason to do so, in regard he hath now a good, round share himself in it. About this business I am now preparing to go to Spain, in company of the Ambassador, and I shall kiss the King's hands, as his agent touching this particular commission. I humbly entreat that your blessing and prayers may accompany me in this my new employment, which I have undertaken upon very good terms, touching expenses and reward. So with my dear love to my brothers and sisters, with other kin- dred and friends in the country, I rest your duti- ful son, J. H. London, 8 September 1622. VII To Sir no. Savage, K?iight and Baronet, at his house in Long-Melford I RECEIVED your commands in a letter which you sent me by Sir John North, and I shall not fail to serve you in those particulars. It hath pleased God to dispose of me once more for Spain, 202 FAMILIAR LETTERS upon a business which I hope will make me good returns. There have two ambassadors and a royal agent followed it hitherto, and I am the fourth that is employed in it. I defer to trouble you with the particulars of it, in regard I hope to have the happiness to kiss your hand at Tower Hill before my departure, which will not be till my Lord Digby sets forward. He goes in a gallant, splen- did equipage, and one of the King's ships is to take him in at Plymouth ; and transport him to the Corunna or Saint Anderas. Since that sad disaster which befel Archbishop Abbott, to kill the man by the glancing of an arrow as he was shooting at a deer (which kind of death befel one of our kings once in New Forest), there had been a commission awarded to debate whether upon this fact, whereby he hath shed human blood, he be not to be deprived of his archbishopric, and pronounced irregular ; some were against him, but Bishop Andrews and Sir Henry Martin stood stiffly for him, that in regard it was no spontaneous act, but a mere contin- gency, and that there is no degree of men but is subject to misfortunes and casualties, they declared positively that he was not to fall from his dignity or function, but should still remain a regular, and in statu quo prius ; during this debate he petitioned the King that he might be permitted to retire to his almshouse at Guildford, where he was born, to pass the remainder of his life; but he is now come to be again rectus in curia, absolutely quitted and OF JAMES HOWELL 203 restored to all things. But for the wife of him which was killed, it was no misfortune to her, for he hath endowed herself and her children with such an estate, that they say her husband could never have got. — So I humbly kiss your hands, and rest your most obliged servitor, J. H. London, 9 November 1622. VIII To Captain Nich. Leatyfro?n Madrid, at his house in London I AM safely come to the Court of Spain, and although by reason of that misfortune which befel Mr Altham and me, of wounding the ser- geants in Lombard Street, we stayed three weeks behind my Lord Ambassador, yet we came hither time enough to attend him to Court at his first audience. The English nation is better looked on now in Spain than ordinary, because of the hopes there are of a match, which the merchant and commun- alty much desire, though the nobility and gentry be not so forward for it. So that in this point the pulse of Spain beats quite contrary to that of Eng- land, where the people are averse to this match, and the nobility with most part of the gentry in- clinable. 204 FAMILIAR LETTERS I have perused all the papers I could get into my hands touching the business of the ship Vine- yard, and I find that they are higher than I in bulk, though closely prest together; I have cast up what is awarded by all the sentences of view and review, by the Council of State and War, and I find the whole sum, as well principal as interest upon interest, all sorts of damages, and processal charges, come to above two hundred and fifty thousand crowns. The Conde del ReaU quondam Viceroy of Sardinia, who is adjudged to pay most part of the money, is here, and he is major-domo. Lord Steward to the Infante Cardinal. If he hath wherewith, I doubt not but to recover the money, for I hope to have come in a favourable conjunc- ture of time, and my Lord Ambassador, who is so highly esteemed here, doth assure me of his best furtherance. So praying I may prove as success- ful, as I shall be faithful in this great business, I rest yours to dispose of, J. H. Madrid, 28 December 1622. IX To Mr Arthur Hopton, from Madrid SINCE I was made happy with your acquaint- ance, I have received sundry strong evidences of your love and good wishes unto me, which have tied me unto you in no common obligation of thanks. I am in despair ever to cancel this OF JAMES HOWELL 205 bond, nor would I do it, but rather endear the engagement more and more. The treaty of the match betwixt our Prince and the Lady Infanta is now strongly afoot. She is a very comely lady, rather of a Flemish complexion than Spanish, fair haired, and carrieth a most pure mixture of red and white in her face; she is full and big lipped, which is held a beautv rather than a blemish or any excess in the Austrian family, it being a thing incident to most of that race. She goes now upon sixteen, and is of a tallness agree- able to those years. The King is also of such a complexion and is under twenty. He hath two brothers, Don Carlos and Don Hernando, who though a youth of twelve, yet he is Cardinal and Archbishop of Toledo, which, in regard it hath the Chancellorship of Castile annexed to it, is the greatest spiritual dignity in Christendom after the Papacy, for it is valued at 300,000 crowns per annum. Don Carlos is of a different complexion from all the rest, for he is black-haired and of a Spanish hue. He hath neither office, command, dignity or title, but is an individual companion to the King, and what clothes soever are provided for the King he hath the very same, and as often, from top to toe. He is the better beloved of the people for his complexion ; for one shall hear the Spaniard sigh and lament, saying, " O, when shall we have a king again of our own colour ! " I pray commend me kindly to all at your house, and send me word when the voung gentlemen ao6 FAMILIAR LETTERS return- from Italy. So with my most affectionate respects to yourself, I rest your true friend to serve you, J. H. Madrid, 5 January 1622, X To Captain Nic. Leat,from Madrid YOURS of the loth of this present I received by Mr Simon Digby, with the inclosed to your son in Alicant, which is safely sent. Since my last unto you 1 had access to Olivares, the favourite that rules all. I had also audience of the King, to whom I delivered two memorials since, in His Majesty's name of Great Britain, that a particu- lar Junta of some of the Council of State and War might be appointed to determine the busi- ness. The last memorial had so good success that the referees are nominated, whereof the chief- est is the Duke of Infantado. Here it is not the style to claw and compliment with the King or idolize him by Sacred Sovereign and Most Excel- lent Majesty, but the Spaniard when he petitions to his king gives him no other character but " Sir," and so relating his business; at the end he doth ask and demand justice of him. When I have done with the Viceroy here, I shall hasten my dispatches for Sardinia. Since my last I went to liquidate the account more particularly, and I find that of the 250,000 crowns there are above 40,000 i I OF JAMES HOWELL 207 due unto you, which might serve for a good al- derman's estate. Your son in Alicante writes to me of another mischance that is befallen the ship Amitie about Majorca, whereof you were one of the proprietaries. I am very sorry to hear of it, and touching any dispatches that are to be had hence, I shall en- deavour to procure you them according to instruc- tions. Your cousin, Richard Altham, remembers his kind respects unto you, and sends you many thanks for the pains you took in freeing us from that trouble which the scuffle with the sergeants brought upon us. So I rest yours ready to serve you, J. H. Madrid, 5 January 1611. m XI To the Lord Viscount Colchester^ from Madrid Right Honourable, TH E grand business of the match goes so fairly on that a special Junta is appointed to treat of it, the names whereof I send you here inclosed. They have proceeded so far that most of the articles are agreed upon. Mr George Gage is lately come hither from Rome, a polite and pru- dent gentleman, who hath negotiated some things in that Court for the advance of the business with the Cardinals Bandino, Lodovisio, and La Susanna, 2o8 FAMILIAR LETTERS who are the main men there to whom the drawing of the dispensation is referred. The late taking of Ormus by the Persians from the Crown of Portugal keeps a great noise here, and the rather because the exploit was done by the assistance of the English ships that were then thereabouts. My Lord Digby went to Court and gave a round satisfaction in this point ; for it was no voluntary but a constrained act in the English, who being in the Persian's port were suddenly embarked for the service; and the Persian herein did no more than what is usual amongst Chris- tian princes themselves, and which is oftener put in practice by the King of Spain and his viceroys, than by any other, viz., to make an embargo of any stranger's ship that rides within his ports upon all occasions. It was feared this surprisal of Orm*us, which was the greatest mart in all the Orient for all sorts of jewels, would have bred ill blood, and prejudiced the proceedings of the match, but the Spaniard is a rational man, and will be satisfied with reason. Count Olivares is the main man who sways all, and 'tis thought he is not so much affected to an alliance with England as his predecessor the Duke of Lerma was, who set it first afoot betwixt Prince Henry and this Queen of France. The Duke of Lerma was the greatest privado, the greatest favourite, that ever was in Spain since Don Alvaro de Luna. He brought, himself, tht Duke of Uzeda his son, and the Duke of Cea his grandchild, to be all Grandees OF JAMES HOWELL 209 of Spain, which is the greatest title that a Spanish subject is capable of; they have a privilege to stand covered before the King, and at their election there is no other ceremony but only these three words bv the King, " Cobrese por Grande" (cover your- self for a Grandee), and that is all. The Cardinal Duke of Lerma lives at Valladolid ; he ofHciates and sings mass, and passeth his old age in devo- tion and exercises of piety. It is a common and, in- deed, a commendable custom amongst the Span- iard when he hath passed \ns grand climacteric^ ■a.nd is grown decrepit, to make a voluntary resignation of offices be they never so great and profitable (though I cannot say Lerma did so), and sequest- ring and weaning themselves, as it were, from all mundane negotiations and incumbrances, to retire to some place of devotion, and spend the residue of their days in meditation and in preparing them- selves for another world. Charles the Emperor shewed them the way, who left the empire to his brother, and all the rest of his dominions to his son Philip the Second, and so, taking with him his two sisters, he retired into a monastery, they into a nunnery. This doth not suit well with the genius of an Englishman, who loves not to pull off his clothes till he goes to bed. I will conclude with some verses I saw under a huge Rodomon- tado picture of the Duke of Lerma, wherein he is 1 painted like a giant bearing up the monarchy of ' Spain, that of France, and the Popedom, upon his shoulders, with this stanza — aio FAMILIAR LETTERS Sobre los ombres d'este Atlante Yazen en aquestos dias Estas tres Monarquias. Upon the shoulders of this Atlas lies The Popedom and two mighty Monarchies. So I most humbly kiss your Lordship's hands, and rest ever most ready at your Lordship's com- mand, J. H. Madrid, 3 February 1622. XII To my Father ALL affairs went on fairly here, specially that of the match when Master Endymion Porter brought lately my Lord of Bristol a dis- patch from England of a high nature, wherein the earl is commanded to represent unto this King how much His Majesty of Great Britain since the beginning of these German wars hath laboured to merit well of this crown, and of the whole House of Austria, by a long and lingering patience, grounded still upon assurances hence, that care should be had of his honour, his daughter's join- ture, and grandchildren's patrimony; yet how crossly all things had proceeded in the treaty at Brussels, managed by Sir Richard Weston, as also that in the Palatinate by the Lord Chichester ; OF JAMES HOWELL 211 how in treating-time the town and castle of Heidel- berg were taken, Manheim besieged, and all acts of hostility used, notwithstanding the fair profes- sions made by this King, the Infanta at Brussels, and other his ministers ; how merely out of re- spect to this King he had neglected all martial means which probably might have preserved the Palatinate ; those thin garrisons which he had sent thither being rather for honour's sake to keep a footing until a general accommodation, than that he relied any way upon their strength ; and since that there are no other fruits of all this but reproach and scorn, and that those good offices which he used towards the Emperor on the behalf of his son-in-law, which he was so much encouraged by letters from hence should take effisct, have not sorted to any other issue, than to a plain affront and a high injuring of both their Majesties, though in a different degree; the earl is to tell him that His Majesty of Great Britain hopes and desires that out of a true apprehension of these wrongs offered unto them both, he will as his dear and loving brother faithfully promise and undertake upon his honour, confirming the same under his hand and seal, either that Heidelberg shall be within seventy days rendered into his hands ; as also that there shall be within the said term of seventy days a sus- pension of arms in the Palatinate, and that a treaty shall recommence upon such terms as he pro- pounded in November last, which this King held then to be reasonable ; and in case that this be not 212 FAMILIAR LETTERS yielded unto by the Emperor, that then this King join forces with His Majesty of England, for the recovery of the Palatinate, which upon this trust hath been lost ; or in case his forces at this time be otherwise employed, that they cannot give His Majesty that assistance he desires and deserves, that at least he will permit a free and friendly pass- age through his territories such forces as His Maj- esty of Great Britain shall employ in Germany. Of all which, if the Earl of Bristol hath not from the King of Spain a direct assurance under his hand and seal ten days after his audience, that then he take his leave and return to England to His Majesty's presence, also to proceed in the ne- gotiation of the match according to former instruc- tions. This was the main substance of His Majesty's late letter, yet there was a postscript added that in case a rupture happen betwixt the two crowns the earl should not come instantly and abruptly away, but that he should send advice first to England and carry the business so that the world should not presently know of it. Notwithstanding all these traverses we are con- fident here that the match will take, otherwise my cake is dough. There was a great difference in one of the capitulations betwixt the two kings how long the children which should issue of this marriage were to continue sub regimine matris^ under the tutelage of the mother. This King demanded four- teen years at first, then twelve, but now he is come OF JAMES HOWELL 213 to nine, which is newly condescended unto. I re- ceived yours of the ist of September in another from Sir James Crofts, wherein it was no small comfort to me to hear of your health. I am to go hence shortly for Sardinia, a dangerous voyage, by reason of Algier pirates. I humbly desire your prayers may accompany your dutiful son, J. H. Madrid, 23 February 1622. XIII To Sir James Crofts, Knight YOURS of the 2nd of October came to safe hand with the enclosed. You write that there came despatches lately from Rome, wherein the Pope seems to endeavour to insinuate himself into a direct treaty with England, and to negotiate im- mediately with our King touching the dispensation, which he not only labours to evade, but utterly disclaims, it being by article the task of this King to procure all despatches thence. I thank you for sending me this news. You shall understand there came lately an express from R^ome also to this court, touching the business of the match, which gave very good content, but the dispatch and new instructions which Mr Endymion Porter brought my Lord of Bristol lately from England, touching the Prince Palatine, filled us with apprehension of fear. Our ambassadors here have had audience 214 FAMILIAR LETTERS of this King already about those propositions, and we hope that Master Porter will carry back such things as will satisfy. Touching the two points in the treaty wherein the two kings differed most, viz., about the education of the children, and the exemption of the Infanta's ecclesiastic servants from secular jurisdiction, both these points are cleared, for the Spaniard is come from fourteen years to ten, and for so long time the infant princes shall remain under the mother's government. And for the other point the ecclesiastical superior shall first take notice of the offence that shall be com- mitted by any spiritual person belonging to the Infanta's family, and according to the merit thereof either deliver him by degradation to the secular justice, or banish him the kingdom according to the quality of the delict, and it is the same that is practised in this kingdom and other parts that adhere to Rome. The Conde de Monterre goes Viceroy to Na- ples, the Marquis de Montesclaros being put by, the gallanter man of the two. I was told of a witty saying of his when the Duke of Lerma had the vogue in this court ; for going one morning to speak with the duke, and having danced attend- ance a long time, he peeped through a slit in the hanging, and spied Don Rodrigo Calderon, a great man (who was lately beheaded here for poisoning the late Queen Dowager), delivering the duke a paper upon his knees, whereat the marquis smiled and said, " Voto a tal, aquel hombre sube mas a OF JAMES HOWELL 215 las rodillas, que yo no hago a los pies " (I swear that man climbs higher upon his knees than I can upon my feet). Indeed I have read it to be a true court rule that descendendo ascendendum est in Aula^ descending is the way to ascend at court. There is a kind of humility and compliance that is far from any servile baseness or sordid flatterv, and may be termed discretion rather than adulation. I intend, God willing, to go for Sardinia this spring. I hope to have better luck than Master Walsingham Gresley had, who some few years since in his pass- age thither upon the same business that I have in agitation met with some Turkish men-of-war, and so was carried a slave to Algiers. — So with my true respects to you, I rest your faithful servant, J. H. Madrid, 12 March 1622. XIV To Sir Francis Cottington^ Secretary to His High- ness the Prince of Wales^ at Saint 'Ja?nes I BELIEVE it will not be unpleasing unto you to hear of the procedure and success of that business wherein yourself hath been so long versed — I mean the great suit against the quondam Viceroy of Sardinia, the Conde del a Real. Count Gondomar's coming was a great advantage unto me, who hath done me many favours, besides a 2i6 FAMILIAR LETTERS confirmation of the two sentences of view and re- view, and of the execution against the Viceroy. I have procured a royal schedule, which I caused to be printed, and whereof I send you here enclosed a copy, by which schedule I have power to arrest his very person ; and my lawyers tell me there was never such a schedule granted before. I have also by virtue of it priority of all other his creditors. He hath made an imperfect overture of a com- position, and showed me some trivial old-fashioned jewels, but nothing equivalent to the debt. And now that I speak of jewels, the late surprisal of Ormus, by the assistance of our ships, sinks deep in their stomachs here, and we were afraid it would have spoiled all proceedings; but my Lord Digby, now Earl of Bristol (for Count Gondomar brought him over his patent), hath calmed all things at his last audience. There were luminaries of joy lately here for the victory that Don Gonzalez de Cordova got over Count Mansfelt in the Netherlands with that army which the Duke of Bouillon had levied for him ; but some say they have not much reason to re- joice, for though the infantry suffered, yet Mans- felt got clear with all his horse by a notable retreat, and they say here it was the greatest piece of service and art he ever did, it being a maxim that there is nothing so difficult in the art of war as an honourable retreat. Besides, the report of his coming to Breda caused Marquis Spinola to raise the siege before Berghen, to burn his tents, OF JAMES HOWELL 217 and to pack away suddenly, for which he is much censured here. Captain Leat and others have written to me of the favourable report you pleased to make of my endeavours here, for which I return you humble thanks. And though you have left behind you a multitude of servants in this court, yet if occasion were offered, none should be more forward to go on your errand than your humble and faithful servitor, J- H. Madrid, 15 March 1622. XV To the Honourable Sir Thos. Savage, Knight and Baronet THE great business of the match was tend- ing to a period, the articles reflecting both upon Church and State being capitulated and in- terchangeably accorded on both sides, and there wanted nothing to consummate all things, when to the wonderment of the world the Prince and the Marquis of Buckingham arrived at this court on Friday last upon the close of the even- ing. They alighted at my Lord of Bristol's house, and the Marquis (Mr Thomas Smith) came in first with a portmanteau under his arm, then (Mr John Smith) the Prince was sent for, who stayed a while the other side of the street in the dark. My Lord of Bristol, in a kind of astonish- 2i8 FAMILIAR LETTERS ment, brought him up to his bedchamber, where he presently called for pen and ink, and despatched a post that night to England to acquaint His Majesty how in less than sixteen days he was come safely to the court of Spain. That post went lightly laden, for he carried but three letters. The next day came Sir Francis Cottington and Mr Porter, and dark rumours ran in every corner how some great man was come from England, and some would not stick to say amongst the vulgar it was the King. But towards the evening on Sat- es o urday the Marquis went in a close coach to court, where he had private audience of this King, who sent Olivares to accompany him back to the Prince, where he kneeled and kissed his hands, and hugged his thighs, and delivered how unmeasurably glad his Catholic Majesty was of his coming, with other high compliments, which Mr Porter did inter- pret. About ten o'clock that night the King him- self came in a close coach with intent to visit the Prince, who, hearing of it, met him halfway, and after salutations and divers embraces which passed in the first interview they parted late. I forgot to tell you that Count Gondomar, being sworn Coun- cillor of State that morning, having been before but one of the Council of War, he came in great haste to visit the Prince, saying he had strange news to tell him, which was that an Englishman was sworn Privy Councillor of Spain, meaning himself, who he said was an Englishman in his heart. On Sunday following, the King in the after- OF JAMES HOWELL 219 noon came abroad to take the air with the Queen, his two brothers, and the Infanta, who were all in one coach ; but the Infanta sat in the bootikin with a blue riband about her arm, of purpose that the Prince might distinguish her. There were above twenty coaches besides of grandees, noble- men, and ladies that attended them. And now it was publicly known amongst the vulgar that it was the Prince of Wales who had come, and the confluence of people before my Lord of Bristol's house was so great and greedy to see the Prince, that to clear the wav Sir Lewis Dives went out arid took coach, and all the crowd of people went after him. So the Prince himself a little after took coach, wherein there were the Earl of Bristol, Sir Walter Ashton, and Count Gondomar, and so went to the Prado, a place hard by, of purpose to take the air, where they stayed till the King passed by. As soon as the Infanta saw the Prince her colour rose very high, which we hold to be an impression of love and affection, for the face is oftentimes a true index of the heart. Upon Mon- day morning after the King sent some of his prime nobles and other gentlemen to attend the Prince in quality of officers, as one to be his major-domo (his steward), another to be master of the horse, and so too inferior officers, so that there is a com- plete court now at my Lord of Bristol's house. But upon Sunday next the Prince is to remove to the King's palace, where there is one of the chief quarters of the house providing for him. By the 220 FAMILIAR LETTERS next opportunity you shall hear more. — In the interim I take my leave and rest your most hum- ble and ready servitor, J. H. Madrid, March 27, 1623. XVI 'To Sir Eubule Thelwall, Knight^ at Gray s Inn I KNOW the eyes of all England are earnestly fixed now upon Spain, her best jewel being here; but his journey was like to be spoiled in France, for if he had stayed but a little longer at Bayonne, the last town of that kingdom hither- wards, he had been discovered, for Monsieur Gra- mond, the governor, had notice of him not long after he had taken post. The people here do mightily magnify the gallantry of the journey, and cry out that he deserved to have the Infanta thrown into his arms the first night he came. He hath been entertained with all the magnificence that possibly could be devised. On Sunday last, in the morning betimes, he went to Saint Hierom's monastery, whence the Kings of Spain used to be- fetched the day they are crowned ; and thither the King came in person with his two brothers, his eight counsels, and the flower of the nobility. He rode upon the King's right hand through the heart of the town under a great canopy, and was brought so into his lodgings in the King's palace, and the King himself accompanied him to his very OF JAMES HOWELL 221 bedchamber. It was a very glorious sight to be- hold, for the custom of the Spaniard is, though he go plain in his ordinary habit, yet upon some festival or cause of triumph, there 's none goes beyond him in gaudiness. We daily hope for the Pope's breve or dispen- sation to perfect the business, though there be dark whispers abroad that it has come already, but that upon this unexpected coming of the Prince, it was sent back to Rome, and some new clauses thrust in for their further advantage. Till this despatch comes matters are at a kind of stand ; yet His Highness makes account to be back in Eng- land about the latter end of May. God Almighty turn all to the best, and to what shall be most conducible to his glory. — So with my due re- spects unto you, I rest, your much obliged servi- tor, J. H. Madrid, April i, 1623. XVII To Captain Leaf HAVING brought up the law to the highest point against the Viceroy of Sardinia, and ihat in an extraordinary manner, as may appear unto you by that printed schedule I sent to you in my last, and finding an apparent disability in him to satisfy the debt, I thought upon a new design, and framed a memorial to the King, and 222 FAMILIAR LETTERS wrought good strong means to have it seconded : that in regard that predatory act of seizing upon the ship Vineyard in Sardinia with all her goods, was done by His Majesty's viceroy, his sovereign minister of state, one that immediately represented his own royal person, and that the said viceroy was insolvent, I desired His Majesty would be pleased to grant a warrant for the relief of both parties to load so many thousand sterils or meas- ures of corn out of Sardinia and Sicily custom- free. I had gone far in the business when Sir Francis Cottington sent for me, and required me in the Prince his name to proceed no further herein till he was departed. So His Highness' presence here hath turned rather to my disadvantage than otherwise. Amongst other grandezas which the King of Spain conferred upon our Prince, one was the releasement of prisoners, and that all petitions of grace should come to him for the first month, but he hath been wonderful sparing in receiving any, specially from any English, Irish, or Scot. Your son Nicholas is come hither from Alicante about the ship Amity^ and I shall be ready to second him in getting satisfaction. — So I rest yours ready to serve you, J. H. Madrid, June 3, 1623. OF JAMES HOWELL 223 XVIII To Captain Tho. Porter Noble Captain, MY last unto you was in Spanish, in answer to one of yours in the same language, and amongst that confluence of English gallants, which upon the occasion of His Highness being here, are come to this court, I fed myself with hopes a long while to have seen you, but I find now that those hopes were imped with false feathers. I know your heart is here and your best affections, there- fore I wonder what keeps back your person ; but I conceive the reason to be that you intend to come like yourself, to come commander-in-chief of one of the castles of the crown, one of the ships royal. If you come so to this shore side, I hope you will have time to come to the court. I have at any time a good lodging for you, and my land- lady is none of the meanest, and her husband hath many good parts. I heard her setting him forth one day and giving this character of him: "Mi marido es buen musico, buen esgrimidor, buen es- crivano, excellente arithmetico, salvo que no mul- tiplica " (My husband is a good musician, a good fencer, a good horseman, a good penman, and an excellent arithmetician, only he cannot multiply). For outward usage there is all industry used to give the Prince and his servants all possible con- 224 FAMILIAR LETTERS tentment, and some of the King's own servants wait upon them at table in the palace, where I am sorry to hear some of them jeer at the Spanish fare, and use other slighting speeches and demean- our. There are many excellent poems made here since the Prince's arrival, which are too long to couch in a letter, yet I will venture to send you this one stanza of Lope de Vega's : Carlos Estuardo Soy Que siendo Amor mi guia Al cielo d'Espana voy Por ver mi Estrella Maria. There are comedians once a week come to the palace, where under a great canopy the Queen and the Infanta sit in the middle, our Prince and Don Carlos on the Queen's right hand, the King and the little cardinal on the Infanta's left hand. I have seen the Prince have his eyes immovably fixed upon the Infanta half-an-hour together in a thoughtful, speculative posture, which sure would needs be tedious, unless affection did sweeten it ; it was no handsome comparison of Olivares, that he watched her as a cat doth a mouse. Not long since the Prince, understanding that the Infanta was used to go some mornings to the Casa de Campo,a summer house the King hath on the other side the river, to gather May dew, he did rise be- times and went thither, taking your brother with him. They were let into the house and into the garden, but the Infanta was in the orchard, and there being a high partition wall between and OF JAMES HOWELL 225 the door doubly bolted, the Prince got on the top of the wall and sprang down a great height, and so made towards her; but she, spying him first of all the rest, gave a shriek, and ran back. The old marquis that was then her guardian came towards the Prince and fell on his knees, conjuring His Highness to retire, in regard he hazarded his head it he admitted any to her company. So the door was opened, and he came out under that wall over which he had got in. I have seen him watch a long hour together in a close coach in the open street to see her as she went abroad. I cannot sav that the Prince did ever talk with her privately, yet publicly often, my Lord of Bristol being in- terpreter, but the King always sat hard by to over- hear all. Our cousin Archy hath more privilege than any, for he often goes with his fool's coat where the Infanta is with her meninas and ladies of honour, and keeps a-blowing and blustering amongst them, and flurts out what he list. One day they were discoursing what a marvel- lous thing it was that the Duke of Bavaria with less than 15,000 men, after a long toilsome march, should dare to encounter the Palsgrave's army consisting of above 25,000, and to give them an utter discomfiture, and take Prague presently after. Whereunto Archy answered that he would tell them a stranger thing than that. Was it not a strange thing, quoth he, that in the year '88 there should come a fleet of 140 sail from Spain to invade England, and that ten of these could 226 FAMILIAR LETTERS not go back to tell what became of the rest? By the next opportunity I will send you the Cordo- van pockets and gloves you wrote for of Fran- cesco Moreno's perfuming. — So may my dear captain live long and love his J. H. Madrid, July lo, 1623. XIX To my cousin Tho. Guin, Esq., at his house Trecastle Cousin, I RECEIVED lately one of yours, which I can- not compare more properly than to a posy of curious flowers, there was therein such variety of sweet strains and dainty expressions of love. And though it bore an old date, for it was forty days before it came to safe hand, vet the flowers were still fresh, and not a whit faded, but cast as strong and as fragrant a scent as when your hands bound them up first together, only there was one flower that did not savour so well, which was the unde- served character you please to give of my small abilities, which in regard you look upon me through the prospective of afi^ection, appear greater unto you than they are of themselves; yet as small as they are, I would be glad to employ them all to serve you upon any occasion. Whereas you desire to know how matters pass here, you shall understand that we are rather in OF JAMES HOWELL 227 assurance than hopes that the match will take effect, when one despatch more is brought from Rome which we greedily expect. The Spaniards generally desire it. They are much taken with our Prince, with the bravery of his journey, and his discreet comportment since ; and they confess there was never princess courted with more gal- lantry. The wits of the court here have made divers encomiums of him and of his affection to the Lady Infanta. Amongst others I send you a Latin poem of one Marnierius, a Valencian, to which I add this ensuing hexastich, which, in re- gard to the difficulty of the verse, consisting of all ternaries (which is the hardest way of versify- ing), and of the exactness of the translation, I be- lieve will give you content. Fax grata est, gratum est vulnus, mihi grata catena est. Me quibus astringit, laedit & urit Amor ; Sed flammam extingui, sanari vulnera, solvi Vincia, etiam ut possem non ego posse velim : Mirum equidem genus hoc morbi est, incendia & ictus Vinclaque, vinctus adhuc, laesus & ustus, amo. Grateful 's to me the fire, the wound, the chain. By which love burns, love binds and giveth pain ; But for to quench this fire, these bonds to loose. These wounds to heal, I would not could I choose : Strange sickness, where the wounds, the bonds, the fire That burns, that bind, that hurt, I must desire. In your next I pray send me your opinion of these verses, for I know you are a critic in poetry. iVIr Vaughan of the Golden Grove and I were com- 228 FAMILIAR LETTERS rades and bedfellows here many months together. His father, Sir John Vaughan, the Prince, his controller, is lately come to attend his master. My Lord of Carlisle, my Lord of Holland, my Lord of Rochfort, my Lord of Denbigh, and divers others are here, so that we have a verv flourishing court, and I could wish you were here to make one of the number. So, my dear cousin, I wish you all happiness, and our noble Prince a safe and successful return to England. — Your most affectionate cousin, J.H. Madrid, 13 August 1623. XX To 77iy Noble Friend Sir John North THE long looked for dispensation is come from Rome, but I hear it is clogged with new clauses ; and one is, that the Pope, who allegeth that the only- aim of the Apostolical See in grant- ing this dispensation was the advantage and ease of the Catholics in the King of Great Britain's do- rriinions, therefore he desired a valuable caution for the performance of those articles which were stipu- lated in their favour. This hath much puzzled the business, and Sir Francis Cottington comes now over about it. Besides there is some distaste taken at the Duke of Buckingham here, and I heard this King should say he will treat no more with him OF JAMES HOWELL 229 but with the ambassadors, who, he salth, have a more plenary commission, and understand the business better. As there is some darkness hap- pened betwixt the two favourites, so matters stand not right betwixt the Duke and the Earl of Bristol ; but God forbid that a business of so high a consequence as this, which is likely to tend so much to the universal good of Christendom, to the restitution of the Palatinate, and the composing those broils in Germany, should be ranversed by differences betwixt a few private subjects, though now public ministers. Mr Washington, the Prince's page, is lately dead of a calenture; and I was at his burial under a fig- tree behind my Lord of Bristol's house. A little before his death one Ballard, an EngHsh priest, went to tamper with him, and Sir Edmund Varney, meeting him coming down the stairs out of Wash- ington's chamber, they fell from words to blows; but thev were parted. The business was like to gather very ill blood and come to a great height had not Count Gondomar quashed it, which 1 be- lieve he could not have done unless the times had been favourable ; for such is the reverence they bear to the Church here, and so holy a conceit they have of all ecclesiastics, that the greatest don in Spain will tremble to offer the meanest of them any outrage or affront. Count Gondomar hath also helped to free some English that were in the Inquisition in Toledo and Seville, and I could allege many instances how ready and cheerful he is ISO FAMILIAR LETTERS to assist any Englishman whatsoever, notwithstand- ing the base affronts he hath often received of the London boys as he calls them. At his last return hither, I heard of a merry saying of his to the Queen, who discoursing with him about the great- ness of London, and whether it was as populous as Madrid : "Yes, madam, and more populous when I came away, though I believe there is scarce a man left there now, but all women and children ; for all the men both in court and city were ready booted and spurred to go away." And I am sorry to hear how other nations do much tax the English of their incivility to public ministers of state, and what ballads and pasquils, and fopperies and plays were made against Gondomar for doing his master's business. My Lord of Bristol coming from Ger- many to Brussels, notwithstanding that at his arrival thither the news was fresh that he had relieved Frankindale as he passed, yet was he not a whit the less welcome, but valued the more both by the archduchess herself and Spinola, with all the rest; as also that they knew well that the said earl had been the sole adviser of keeping Sir Robert Mansell abroad with that fleet upon the coast of Spain till the Palsgrave should be restored. I pray, sir, when you go to London Wall and Tower Hill, be pleased to remember my humble service, where you know it is due. — So I am, your most faithful servitor, J. H. Madrid, August 15, 1623. OF JAMES HOWELL 231 XXI To the right honourable the Lord Viscount Colchester My very good Lord, I RECEIVED the letter and commands your lordship pleased to send me by Mr Walsing- ham Gresley, and touching the constitutions and orders of the contratation house of the West Indies in Seville, I cannot procure it for love or money upon any terms, though I have done all possible diligence therein. And some tell me it is dangerous, and no less than treason in him that gives the copy of them to any, in regard it is counted the greatest mystery of all the Spanish government. That difficulty which happened in the business of the match of giving caution to the Pope is now overcome; for whereas our King answered that he could give no other caution than his royal word and his son's exemplified under the great seal of England, and confirmed by his Council of State, it being impossible to have it done by Parliament, in regard of the averseness the common people have to the alliance; and whereas this gave no satisfaction to Rome, the King of Spain now offers himself for caution, for putting in execution what is stipulated in behalf of the Roman Catholics throughout His Majesty of Great Britain's domin- 232 FAMILIAR LETTERS ions ; but he desires to consult his ghostly fathers to know whether he may do it without wronging his conscience; hereupon there hath been a junta formed of bishops and Jesuits, who have been already a good while about it, and the Bishop of Segovia, who is, as it were, lord treasurer, having written a treatise lately against the match, was ousted of his office, banished the court, and con- fined to his diocese. The Duke of Buckingham hath been ill disposed a good while, and lies sick at court, where the Prince hath no public exercise of devotion, but only bedchamber prayers, and some think that his lodging in the King's house is like to prove a disadvantage to the main busi- ness ; for whereas most sorts of people here hardly hold us to be Christians, if the Prince had had a palace of his own, and been permitted to have used a room for an open chapel to exercise the liturgy of the Church of England, it would have brought them to have a better opinion of us ; and to this end there were some of our best church plate and vestments brought hither but never used. The slow pace of this Junta troubles us a little, and to the divines there are some civilians admitted lately, and the quaere is this, whether the King of Spain may bind himself by oath in the behalf of the King of England, to per- form such and such articles that are agreed on in favour of the Roman Catholics by virtue of this match, whether the King may do this salva conscientia ? OF JAMES HOWELL 233 There was a great show lately here of baiting of bulls with men for the entertainment of the Prince. It is the chiefest of all Spanish sports; commonly there are men killed at it, therefore there are priests appointed to be there readv to confess them. It hath happened oftentimes that a bull hath taken up two men upon his horns with their guts dangling about them ; the horse- men run with lances and swords, the foot with goads. As I am told the Pope hath sent divers Bulls against this sport of bulling, yet it will not be left, the nation hath taken such an habitual delight in it. There was an ill-favoured accident like to have happened latelv at the King's house, in that part where my Lord of Carlisle and my Lord Denbigh were lodged ; for my Lord Den- bigh, late at night taking a pipe of tobacco in a balcony which hung over the King's garden, he blew down the ashes, which falHng upon some parched combustible matter began to flame and spread, but Master Davis, my Lord of Carlisle's barber, leaped down a great height and quenched it. So with continuance of my most humble service, I rest ever ready, at your lordship's commands, ' J. H. Madrid, August 16, 1623. 234 FAMILIAR LETTERS XXII To Sir 'James Crofts^ fro??j Madrid THE Court of Spain affords now little news ; for there is a remora sticks to the business of the match, till the Junta of divines give up their opinion. But from Turkey there came a letter this week wherein there is the strangest and most tragical news, that in my small reading no story can parallel, or show with more pregnancy the instability and tottering estate of human great- ness, and the sandy foundation whereon the vast Ottoman Empire is reared upon, for Sultan Osman, the grand Turk, a man according to the humour of that nation, warlike and fleshed in blood and a violent hater of Christians, was, in the flower of his years, in the heat and height of his courage, knocked in the head by one of his own slaves, and one of the meanest of them, with a battle-axe, and the murderer never after proceeded against or questioned. The ground of this tragedy was the late ill-suc- cess he had against the Pole,, wherein he lost about 100,000 horse for want of forage, and 80,000 men for want of fighting, which he imputed to the cowardice of his janizaries, who rather than bear the brunt of the battle, were more willing to re- turn home to their wives and merchandising, which they are now permitted to do contrary to OF JAMES HOWELL 235 their first institution, which makes them more worldly and less venturous. This disgraceful re- turn from Poland stuck in Osman's stomach, and so he studied a way how to be revenged of the janizaries. Therefore, by the advice of his grand vizier (a stout gallant man who had been one of the chief Beglerbegs in the East), he intended to erect a new soldiery in Asia about Damascus, of the Kurds, a frontier people, and consequently hardy and inured to arms. Of these he purposed to entertain 40,000 as a lifeguard for his person, though the main design was to suppress his lazy and lustful janizaries with men of fresh new spirits. To disguise this plot he pretended a pilgrimage to Mecca, to visit Mahomet's tomb, and reconcile himself to the prophet, who he thought was angry with him because of his late ill-success in Poland. But this colour was not specious enough in regard he might have performed this pilgrimage with a smaller train and charge. Therefore it was pro- pounded that the Emir of Sidon should be made to rise up in arms, that so he might go with a greater power and treasure. But this plot was held disadvantageous to him in regard his janizaries must then have attended him. So he pretends and prepares only for the pilgrimage, yet he makes ready as much treasure as he could make, and to that end he melts his plate, and furniture of horses, with divers church lamps. This fomented some jealousy in the janizaries, with certain words which 236 FAMILIAR LETTERS should drop from him, that he would find soldiers shortly should whip them. Hereupon he hath sent over to Asia's side his pavilions, many of his servants, with his jewels and treasure, resolving upon the voyage, notwithstanding that divers petitions were delivered him from the clergy, the civil magistrate and the soldiery that he should desist from the vovage ; but all would not do. Thereupon, upon the point of his departure, the janizaries and spahies came in a tumultuary manner to the seraglio, and in a high insolent language dissuaded him from the pilgrimage, and demanded of him his ill counsellors. The first he granted, but for the second he said that it stood not with his honour to have his nearest servants torn from him so without anv legal proceeding, but he assured them that they should appear in the divan the next day to answer for themselves ; but this not satisfying they went away in a fury and plun- dered the grand vizier's palace with divers others. Osman hereupon was advised to go from his pri- vate gardens that night to the Asian shore, but his destiny kept him from it. So the next morn- ing they came armed to the Court (but having made a covenant not to violate the imperial throne) and cut in pieces the grand vizier with divers other great officers, and not finding Osman, who had hid himself in a small lodge in one of his gardens, they cried out they must have a Mussul- man Emperor. Therefore they broke into a dun- geon and brought out Mustapha, Osman's uncle, OF JAMES HOWELL ii,^ whom he had clapt there at the beginning of the tumult, and who had been king before, but was deposed tor his simpHcity, being a kind of santon or holy man, that is, betwixt an innocent and an idiot. This Mustapha they did reinthronise and place in the Ottoman Empire. The next day they found out Osman, and brought him before Mustapha, who excused him- self with tears in his eyes for his rash attempts, which wrought tenderness in some, but more scorn and furv in others, who fell upon the ca-pi aga^ with other officers, and cut them in pieces before his eyes. Osman thence was carried to prison, and as he was getting on horseback a com- mon soldier took off his turban and clapt his upon Osman's head, who in his passage begged a draught of water at a fountain. The next day the new vizier went with an executioner to strangle him in regard there were two younger brothers more of his to preserve the Ottoman's race, where, after thev had rushed in, he being newly awaked and staring upon them, and thinking to defend himself, a robust boisterous rogue knocked him down, and so the rest fell upon him and strangled him with much ado. Thus fell one of the greatest potentates upon earth by the hands of a contemptible slave, for there is not a free-born subject in all that vast empire. Thus fell he that entitles himself most puissant and highest monarch of the Turks, king above all kings, a king that dwelleth upon the 238 FAMILIAR LETTERS earthly paradise, son of Mahomet, keeper of the grave of the Christian God, Lord of the Tree of Life and of the river Flisky, prior of the Earthly Paradise, conqueror of the Macedonians, the seed of great Alexander, Prince of the kingdoms of Tartary, Mesopotamia, Media and of the Martial Mammalucks, Anatolia, Bithynia, Asia, Arme- nia, Servia, Thracia, Morea, Valachia, Moldavia, and of all warlike Hungary, Sovereign Lord and Commander of all Greece, Persia, both the Arabias, the most noble kingdom of Egypt, Tremisen and African, Emperor of Trebisond and the most glori- ous Constantinople, lord of all the White and Black Seas, of the holy cities Mecca and Medina, shining with divine glory, commander of all things that are to be commanded, and the strongest and mightiest champion of the wide world, a warrior appointed by heaven in the edge of the sword, a persecutor of his enemies, a most perfect jewel of the blessed tree, the chiefest keeper of the cruci- fied God, etc., with other such bombastical titles. This Osman was a man of goodly constitution, an amiable aspect, and of excess of courage, but sordidly covetous, which drove him to violate the church and to melt the lamps thereof, which made the Mufti say that this was a due judgment fallen upon him from heaven for his sacrilege. He used also to make his person too cheap, for he would go ordinarily in the night time with two men after him like a petty constable and peep into the cauph- OF JAMES HOWELL 239 houses and cabarets and apprehend soldiers there. And these two things it seems was the cause, that when he was so assaulted in the Seraglio, not one of his domestic servants, whereof he had 3000, would lift an arm to help him. Some few days before his death he had a strange dream, for he dreamt that he was mounted upon a great camel, who would not go neither by fair nor foul means, and alighting off him and thinking to strike him with his scimitar, the body of the beast vanished, leaving the head and the bridle only in his hands. When the Mufti and the Hoggles could not interpret this dream, Mustapha, his uncle, did it, for he said the camel signified his empire, his mounting of him his excess In govern- ment, his alighting down his deposing. Another kind of prophetic speech dropped from the grand vizier to Sir Thomas Roe, our ambassador there, who having gone a little before this tragedy to visit the said vizier, told him what whisperings and mutterings there were in every corner for this Asiatic voyage, and what 111 consequences might ensue from it, therefore it might well stand with his great wisdom to stay it ; but if it held he de- sired him to leave a charge with the Chimacham, his deputy, that the English nation In the port should be free from outrages, whereunto the grand vizier answered, " Trouble not yourself about that, for I will not remove so far from Constantinople, but I will leave one of my legs behind to serve you," which proved too true, for he was murdered 240 FAMILIAR LETTERS afterwards and one of his legs was hung up in the hippodrome. This fresh tragedy makes me to give over won- dering at anything that ever I heard or read, to show the lubricity of mundane greatness, as also the fury of the vulgar, which, like an impetuous torrent, gathereth strength by degrees as it meets with divers dams, and being come to the height, cannot stop itself; for when this rage of the soldiers began first there was no design at all to violate or hurt the Emperor, but to take from him his ill counsellors ; but being once afoot, it grew by insensible degrees to the utmost of outrages. The bringing out of Mustapha from the dun- geon, where he was prisoner, to be Emperor of the Musulmans, puts me in mind of what I read in Mr Camden of our late Queen Elizabeth, how she was brought from the scaffold to the English throne. They who profess to be critics in policy here hope that this murdering of Osman may in time breed good blood, and prove advantageous to Christendom, for though this be the first emperor of the Turks that was dispatched so, he is not like to be the last, now that the soldiers have this pre- cedent. Others think that if that design in Asia had taken, it had been very probable the Con- stantinopolians had hoisted up another king, and so the empire had been dismembered, and by this division had lost strength, as the Roman Em- pire did, when it was broken into east and west. OF JAMES HOWELL 241 Excuse me that this my letter is become such a monster. I mean that it hath passed the size and ordinary proportions of a letter, for the matter it treats of is monstrous ; besides, it is a rule that historical letters have more liberty to be long than others. In my next you shall hear how matters pass here. And in the meantime and always, I rest your lordship's most devoted servitor, J. H. Madrid, August 17, 1623. XXIII To the Right Honourable Sir Tho. Savage, Knight and Baronet Honourable Sir, THE procedure of things in relation to the grand business of the match was at a kind of stand when the long-winded Junta delivered their opinions and fell at last upon this result, that His Catholic Majesty, for the satisfaction of Saint Peter, might oblige himself in the behalf of England, for the performance of those capitulations which reflected upon the Roman Catholics in that kingdom ; and in case of non-performance, then to right himself by war; since that, the matri- monial articles were solemnly sworn unto by the King of Spain and His Highness, the two favour- ites, our two ambassadors, the Duke of Infantado and other counsellors of state being present ; here- 242 FAMILIAR LETTERS upon the eighth of the next September is appointed to be the day of Desposorios, the day of affiance, or the betrothing day. There was much gladness expressed here, and luminaries of joy were in every great street throughout the city. But there is an unlucky accident hath intervened, for the King gave the Prince a solemn visit since, and told him Pope Gregory was dead, who was so great a friend to the match, but in regard the business was not yet come to perfection, he could not proceed further in it till the former dispensation were rati- fied by the new Pope Urban, which to procure he would make it his own task, and that all possible expedition should be used in it, and therefore desired his patience in the interim. The Prince answered, and pressed the necessity of his speedy return with divers reasons. He said there was a general kind of murmuring in England for his so long absence, that the King his father was old and sickly, that the fleet of ships were all ready, he thought, at sea, to fetch him, the winter drew on, and withal that the articles of the match were signed in England, with this proviso, that if he be not come back by such a month, they should be of no validity. The King replied that, since His High- ness was resolved upon so sudden a departure, he would please to leave a proxy behind to finish the marriage, and he would take it for a favour if he would depute him to personate him, and ten days after the ratification shall come from Rome the business shall be done, and afterwards he might OF JAMES HOWELL 243 send for his wife when he pleased. The Prince rejoined that amongst those multitudes of royal favours which he had received from His Majesty, this transcended all the rest, therefore he would willingly leave a proxy for His Majesty and an- other for Don Carlos to this effect. So they parted for that time without the least umbrage of discon- tent, nor do I hear of any engendered since. The last month, it is true, the Junta of divines dwelt so long upon the business that there were whisperings that the Prince intended to go away disguised as he came, and the question being asked by a person of qualitv, there was a brave answer made, that if love brought him hither, it is not fear shall drive him awav. There are preparations already on foot for his return, and the two proxies are drawn and left in my Lord of Bristol's hands. Notwithstanding this ill-favoured stop, yet we are here all confident the business will take effect. In which hopes I rest your most humble and ready servitor, J. H. Madrid, 18 August 1623. XXIV To Captain Nich. Leat at his House in London THIS letter comes to you by Mr Richard Altham, of whose sudden departure hence I am very sorry, it being the late death of his 244 FAMILIAR LETTERS brother Sir James Altham. I have been at a stand in the business a good while, for His Highness coming hither was no advantage to me in the earth. He hath done the Spaniards divers courtesies, but he hath been very sparing in doing the EngHsh any. It may be perhaps because it may be a dim- inution of honour to be beholding to any foreign prince to do his own subjects favours, but my business requires no favour — all I desire is justice, which I have not obtained yet in reality. The Prince is preparing for his journey. I shall to it again closely when he is gone, and make a shaft or a bolt of it. The Pope's death hath retarded the proceedings of the match, but we are so far from despairing of it that one may have wagers thirty to one it will take effect still. He that deals with this nation must have a great deal of phlegm, and if this grand business of state, the match, suffer such protractions and puttings off, you need not wonder that private negotiations, as mine is, should be subject to the same inconven- iences. There shall be no means left unattempted that my best industry can find out to put a period to it, and when His Highness is gone I hope to find my Lord of Bristol more at leisure to con- tinue his favour and furtherance, which hath been much already. — So I rest yours ready to serve you, J. H. Madrid, August 19, 1623. OF JAMES HOWELL 245 XXV To Sir 'James Crofts THE Prince is now upon his journey to the seaside, where mv Lord of Rutland attends tor him with a royal fleet. There are many here shrink in their shoulders, and are very sensible of his departure, and the Lady Infanta resents it more than any. She hath caused a Mass to be sung every day ever since for his good voyage. The Spaniards themselves confess there was never princess so bravely wooed. The King and his two brothers accompanied His Highness to the Escu- rial some twenty miles off, and would have brought him to the seaside, but that the Queen is big and hath not many days to go. When the King and he parted, there passed wonderful great endear- ments and embraces in divers postures between them a long time ; and in that place there is a pillar to be erected as a monument to posterity. There are some grandees, and Count Gondomar, with a great train besides, gone with him to the marine, to the seaside, which will be many days' journey, and must needs put the King of Spain to a mighty expense, besides his seven months' entertainment here. We hear that when he passed through Valladolid, the Duke of Lerma was retired thence for the time by special command from the King, lest he might have discourse with the Prince, C146 FAMILIAR LETTERS whom he extremely desired to see. This sunk deep into the old duke, insomuch that he said, that of all the acts of malice which Olivares had ever done him, he resented this more than any. He bears up yet very well under his cardinal's habit, which hath kept him from many a foul storm that might have fallen upon him else from the temporal power. The Duke of Uzeda, his son, finding himself decline in favour at court, had retired to the country, and died soon after of dis- contentment. During his sickness the cardinal wrote this short weighty letter unto him : " Dizen me, que mareys de necio; por mi, mas temo mis anos que mis enemigos. — Lerma." I shall not need to English it to you, who is so great a master of the language. Since I began this letter, we under- stand the Prince is safely embarked, but not with- out some danger of being cast away, had not Sir Sackville Trevor taken him up. I pray God send him a good voyage, and us no ill news from Eng- land. My most, humble service at Tower Hill. So I am your humble servitor, J. H. Madrid, August 21, 1623. OF JAMES HOWELL 247 XXVI To 77iy Brother^ Dr Howell My Brother, SINCE our Prince's departure hence, the Lady Infanta studieth English apace, and one Mr Wadsworth and Father Boniface, two Englishmen, are appointed her teachers, and have access to her every day. We account her, as it were, our Prin- cess now, and as we give, so she takes that title. Our ambassadors, my Lord of Bristol and Sir Walter Ashton, will not stand now covered before her when they have audience, because they hold her to be their Princess. She is preparing divers suits of rich clothes for His Highness of perfumed amber leather, some embroidered with pearl, some with gold, some with silver! Her family is a-set- tling apace, and most of her ladies and officers are known already. We want nothing now but one dispatch more from Rome, and then the marriage will be solemnised, and all things consummated. Yet there is one Mr Clerk (with the lame arm) that came hither from the seaside, as soon as the Prince was gone; he is one of the Duke of Buck- ingham's creatures, yet he lies at the Earl of Bris- tol's house, which we wonder at, considering the darkness that happened betwixt the duke and the earl. We fear that this Clerk hath brought some- thing that may puzzle the business. Besides 248 FAMILIAR LETTERS having occasion to make my address lately to the Venetian ambassador, who is interested in some part of that great business for which I am here, he told me confidently it would be no match, nor did he think it was ever intended; But I want faith to believe him yet, for I know St Mark is no friend to it, nor France, nor any other prince or state, besides the King of Denmark, whose grand- mother was of the house of Austria, being sister to Charles the Emperor. Touching the business of the Palatinate, our ambassadors were lately assured by Olivares and all the counsellors here, and that in this King's name, that he would pro- cure His Majesty of Great Britain entire satis- faction herein; and Olivares, giving them the joy, entreated them to assure their King upon their honour, and upon their lives, of the reality hereof For the Infanta herself (saith he) hath stirred in it, and makes it now her own business; for it was a firm peace and amity (which he confessed could never be without the accommodation of things in Germany) as much as an alliance, which His Catholic Majesty aimed at. But we shall know shortly now what to trust to, we shall walk no more in mists, though some give out yet that our Prince shall embrace a cloud for Juno at last. I pray present my service to Sir John Franklin and Sir John Smith, with all at the Hill and Dale, and when you send to Wales, I pray convey the enclosed to my father. So, my dear brother, I pray OF JAMES HOWELL 249 God bless us both, and bring us again joyfully together. — Your very loving brother, J. H. Madrid, August 12, 1623. XXVII To my noble friend^ Sir yohn Norths Knight I RECEIVED lately one of yours, but it was of a very old date. We have our eyes here now all fixed upon Rome, greedily expecting the ratifi- cation, and lately a strong rumour ran it was come. In so much that Mr Clerk, who was sent hither from the Prince, being a shipboard (and now lies sick at my Lord of Bristol's house of a calenture), hearing of it, he desired to speak with him, for he had something to deliver him from the Prince. My Lord Ambassador being come to him, Mr Clerk delivered a letter from the Prince, the contents whereof were : That whereas he had left certain proxies in his hand to be delivered to the King of Spain after the ratification was come, he desired and required him not to do it till he should receive further order from England. My Lord of Bristol hereupon went to Sir Walter Aston, who was in joint commission with him for concluding the match, and showing him the letter, what my Lord Aston said I know not, but my Lord of Bristol told him that they had a commission royal under the broad seal of England to conclude the match. He knew as well as he how earnest the King their 250 FAMILIAR LETTERS master hath been any time this ten years to have it done. How there could not be a better pawn for the surrendry of the Palatinate than the Infanta in the Prince his arms, who could never rest till she did the work to merit love of our nation. He told him also how their own particular fortunes de- pended upon it ; besides, if he should delay one moment to deliver the proxy after the ratification was come, according to agreement, the Infanta would hold herself so blemished in her honour that it might overthrow all things. Lastly, he told him that they incurred the hazard of their heads if they should suspend the executing His Majes- ty's commission upon any order but from that power which gave it, who was the King himself. Hereupon both the ambassadors proceeded still in preparing matters for the solemnising of the marriage. The Earl of Bristol had caused above thirty rich liveries to be made of watchet velvet, with silver lace up to the very capes of the cloaks ; the best sorts whereof were valued at ;^8o a livery. My Lord Aston had also provided new liveries, and a fortnight after the said politic report was blown up the ratification came indeed complete and full. So the marriage day was appointed, a terrace covered all over with tapestry was raised from the King's palace to the next church, which might be about the same extent as from Whitehall to Westminster Abbey, and the King intended to make his sister a wife and his daughter (whereof the Queen was delivered a little before) a Christian OF JAMES HOWELL 251 upon the same day. The grandees and great ladies had been invited to the marriage, and order was sent to all the port towns to discharge their great ordnance, and sundry other things were prepared to honour the solemnity; but when we were thus at the height of our hopes, a day or tvvo before, there came Mr Killegree, Gresly, Wood and Davies, one upon the neck of another with a new commission to my Lord of Bristol immediately from His Majesty, countermanding him to deliver the proxy aforesaid, until a full and absolute satis- faction were had for the surrender of the Palatinate under this King's hand and seal. In regard he desired his son should be married to Spain, and his son-in-law remarried to the Palatinate at one time. Hereupon all was dashed in pieces, and that frame which was rearing so many years was ruined in a moment. This news struck a damp in the hearts of all people here, and they wished that the postillions that brought it had all broke their necks on the way. My Lord of Bristol hereupon went to court to acquaint the King with his new commission, and so proposed the restitution of the Palatinate. The King answ^ered it was none of his to give. It is true he had a few towns there, but he held them as commissioner only for the Emperor, and he could not command an Emperor ; yet if His Majesty of Great Britain would put a treaty a foot, he would send his own ambassadors to join. In the interim the earl was commanded not to deliver the afore- 252 FAMILIAR LETTERS said proxy of the Prince for the disponsories or espousal until Christmas (and herein it seems His Majesty with you was not well informed, for those powers of proxies expired JDefore). The King here said further that if his uncle the Emperor, or the Duke of Bavaria, would not be conformable to reason he would raise as great an army for the Prince Palsgrave as he did under Spinola when he first invaded the Palatinate ; and to secure this he would engage his contratation house of the West Indies, with his Plate fleet, and give the most bind- ing instrument that could be under his hand and seal. But this gave no satisfaction, therefore my Lord of Bristol, I believe, hath not long to stay here, for he is commanded to deliver no more let- ters to the Infanta nor demand any more audience, and that she should be no more styled Princess of England or Wales. The foresaid caution which this King ofi^ered to my Lord of Bristol made me think of what I read of his grandfather Philip the Second, who having been married to our Queen Mary, and it being thought she was with child of him, and was accordingly prayed for at Paul's Cross, though it proved afterwards but a tympany. King Philip proposed to our Parliament that they would pass an act that he might be regent during his or her minority that should be born, and he would give good caution to surrender the crown, when he or she should come to age ; the motion was hotly canvassed in the House of Peers, and like to pass, when the Lord Paget rose up and said, OF JAMES HOWELL 2S3. " Aye, but who shall sue the King's bond," so the business was dashed. I have no more news to send you now, and I am sorry I have so much, unless it were better; for we that have business to nego- tiate here are like to suffer much by this rupture. Welcome be the will of God, to whose benedic- tion I commend you, and rest, your most humble servitor, J. H. Madrid, August 25, 1623. XXVIII To the Right Honourable the Lord Clifford My good Lord, THOUGH this court cannot afford now such comfortable news in relation to England as I could wish, yet such as it is you shall receive. My Lord of Bristol is preparing for England. I waited upon him lately when he went to take his leave at court, and the King washing his hands took a ring from off his finger and put it upon his, which was the greatest honour that ever he did any ambassador, as they say here; he gave him also a cupboard of plate, valued at 20,000 crowns. There were also large and high promises made him, that in case he feared to fall upon any rock in Eng- land, by reason of the power of those who ma- ligned him, if he would stay in any of his domin- ions, he would give him means and honour equal 254 FAMILIAR LETTERS to the highest of his enemies. The earl did not only waive but disdained these propositions made unto him by Olivares, and said he was so confident of the King, his master's justice and high judg- ment, and of his own innocency, that he conceived no power could be able to do him hurt. There hath occurred nothing lately in this court worth the advertisement. They speak much of the strange carriage of that boisterous Bishop of Halverstadt (for so they term him here), that having taken a place where there were two monasteries of nuns and friars, he caused divers feather-beds to be ripped and all the feathers to be thrown in a great hall, whither the nuns and friars were thrust naked with their bodies oiled and pitched, and to tumble among these feathers, which makes them here presage him an ill death. So I most affectionately kiss your hands, and rest, your very humble servitor, J. H. Madrid, August 26, 1623. XXIX To Sir yohn North I HAVE many thanks to render you for the favour you lately did to a kinsman of mine, Mr Vaughan, and for divers other which I defer till I return to that court, and that I hope will not be long. Touching the procedure of matters here, you shall understand, that my Lord Aston had OF JAMES HOWELL 255 special audience lately of the King of Spain, and afterwards presented a memorial wherein there was a high complaint against the miscarriage of the two Spanish ambassadors now in England, the Marquis of Inojosa and Don Carlos Coloma. The substance of it was, that the said ambassadors in a private audience His Majesty of Great Britain had given them, informed him of a pernicious plot against his person and royal authority, which was, that at the beginning of your now parliament, the Duke of Buckingham, with other his accomplices, often met and consulted in a clandestine way how to break the treaty both of match and Palatinate. And in case His Majesty was unwilling thereunto, he should have a country house or two to retire unto for his recreation and health, in regard the Prince is now of years and judgment fit to govern. His Majesty so resented this, that the next day he sent them many thanks for the care they had of him, and desired them to perfect the work, and now that they had detected the treason, to discover also the traitors ; but they were shy in that point. The King senf again, desiring them to send him the names of the conspirators in a paper, sealed up by one of their own confidants, which he would receive with his own hands, and no soul should see it else ; advising them withal, that they should not prefer this discovery before their own honours, to be accounted false accusers. They replied that they had done enough already by instancing in the Duke of Buckingham, and it might easily be guessed 256 FAMILIAR LETTERS who were his confidants and creatures. Hereupon His Majesty put those whom he had any grounds to suspect to their oaths ; and afterward sent my Lord Conway and Sir Francis Cottington to tell the ambassadors that he had left no means unassayed to discover the conspiration, that he had found upon oath such a clearness of ingenuity in the Duke of Buckingham that satisfied him of his in- nocency. Therefore he had just cause to conceive that this information of theirs proceeded rather from malice and some political ends than from truth, and in regard they would not produce the authors of so dangerous a treason, they made themselves to be justly thought the authors of it. And therefore though he might by his own royal justice and the law of nations punish this excess and insolence of theirs, and high wrongs they had done to his best servants, yea, to the Prince his son, for through the sides of the duke they wounded him, in regard it was impossible that such a de- sign should be attempted without his privity ; yet he would not be his own judge herein, but would refer them to the King their master, whom he con- ceived to be so just, that he doubted not but he would see him satisfied, and therefore he would send an express unto him hereabouts to demand justice and reparation. This business is now in agitation, but we know not what will become of it. We are all here in a sad disconsolate condition, and the merchants shake their heads up and down out of an apprehension of some fearful war to OF JAMES HOWELL 257 follow. — So I most affectionately kiss your hands, and rest your very humble and ready servitor, J. H. Madrid, August 16, 1623. XXX To Sir Kenelme Digby, Knight YOU have had knowledge (none better) of the progression and growings of the Spanish match from time to time. I must acquaint you now with the rupture and utter dissolution of it, which was not long a-doing, for it was done in one audi- ence that my Lord of Bristol had lately at court, whence it may be inferred that it is far more easy to pull down than rear up, for that structure which was so many years a-rearing was dashed as it were in a trice. Dissolution goeth a faster pace than composition. And it may be said that the civil actions of men, specially great affairs of monarchs (as this was) have much analogy in degrees of pro- gression with the natural production of man. To make man there are many acts must proceed : first a meeting and copulation of the sexes, then con- ception, which requires a well disposed womb to retain the prolifical seed, by the constriction and occlusion of the orifice of the matrix, which seed being first, and afterwards cream, is by a gentle ebullition coagulated, and turned to a cruded lump, which the womb by virtue of its natural heat pre- 258 FAMILIAR LETTERS pares to be capable to receive form and to be organ- ised, whereupon Nature falls a-working to delineate all the members, beginning with those that are most noble, as the heart, the brain, the liver, where- of Galen would have the liver, which is the shop and source of the blood, and Aristotle the heart, to be the first framed, in regard it is primum vivens et ultimum moriens. Nature continues in this labour until a perfect shape be introduced, and this is called formation, which is the third act, and is a production of an organical body out of the sperm- atic substance, caused by the plastic virtue of the vital spirits. And sometimes this act is finished thirty days after the conception, sometimes fifty, but most commonly in forty-two or forty-five, and is sooner done in the male. This being done, the embrvon is animated with three souls : the first with that of plants, called the vegetable soul, then with a sensitive, which all brute animals have, and lastly, the rational soul is infused, and these three in man are like trigonus in tetragono. The two first are generated ex traduce^ from the seed of the par- ents, but the last is by immediate infusion from God, and it is controverted betwixt philosophers and divines when this infusion is made. This is the fourth act that goeth to make a man, and is called animation ; and as the naturalists allow animation double the time that formation had from the conception, so they allow to the ripening of the embryo in the womb, and to the birth thereof, treble the time that animation had, which happen- OF JAMES HOWELL 259 eth sometimes in nine, sometimes in ten months. This grand business of the Spanish match may be said to have had such degrees of progression. First there was a meeting and coupling on both sides, for a Junta in Spain and some select coun- sellors of state were appointed in England. After this conjunction the business was conceived, then it received form, then life (though the quickening was slow); but having had near upon ten years in lieu of ten months to be perfected, it was unfor- tunately strangled when it was ripe ready for birth ; and I would they had never been born that did it, for it is like to be out of my way ^3000. And as the embryo in the womb is wrapped in three membranes or tunicles, so this great business, you know better than I, was involved in many diffi- culties, and died so entangled before it could break through them. There is a buzz here of a match betwixt Eng- land and France; I pray God send it a speedier formation and animation than this had, and that it may not prove an abortive. I send you herewith a letter from the paragon of the Spanish court. Donna Anna Maria Man- rique, the Duke of Marqueda's sister, who respects you in a high degree. She told me this was the first letter she ever wrote to man in her life, except the duke her brother. She was much solicited to write to Mr Thomas Cary, but she would not. I did also your message to the Marquesa Inojosa, who put me to sit a good while with her upon 26o FAMILIAR LETTERS her estrado, which was no simple favour. You are much in both these ladies' books, and much spoken of by divers others in this court. I could not recover your diamond hatband which the pica- roon snatched from you in the coach, though I used all means possible, as far as book, bell and candle in point of excommunication against the party in all the churches of Madrid, by which means you know divers things are recovered. — So I most affectionately kiss your hands, and rest your most faithful servitor, J. H. P. S. — Yours of the 2nd of March came to safe hand. Madrid. XXXI To my Cousin, Mr J. Price [now Knight), at the Middle Temple ; from Madrid c OIJSIN, suffer my letter to salute you first in this distitch: A Thamesi Tagus quot leucis flumine distat, Oscula tot manibus porto, pricaee, tuis. As many miles Thames lies from Tagus strands, I bring so many kisses to thy hands. My dear Jack, IN the large register or almanac of my friends in England, you are one of the chiefest red letters, you are one of my festival rubrics, for whensoever OF JAMES HOWELL 261 you fall upon my mind, or my mind falls upon you, I keep holy-day all the while, and this hap- pens so often, that you leave me but few working days throughout the whole year, fewer far than this country affords, for in their calendar above five months of the twelve are dedicated to some saint or other, and kept festival ; a religion that the London apprentices would like well. I thank you for yours of the third current, and the ample relations you give me of London occur- rences, but principally for the po^verful and sweet assurances you give me of your love, both in verse and prose. All businesses here are off the hinges ; for one late audience of my Lord of Bristol pulled down what was so many years a-raising. And as Thomas Aquinas told an artist of a costly curi- ous statue in Rome, that by some accident, while he was a-trimming it, fell down and so broke to pieces, " Opus triginta annorum destruxiti " (Thou hast destroyed the work of thirty years). So it may be said that a work near upon ten years is now suddenly shattered to pieces. I hope by God's grace to be now speedily in England, and to re-enjoy your most dear society. In the mean- time may all happiness attend you. Ad literam. Ocius ut grandire gradus oratio possis, Prosa, tibi binos jungimus ecce pedes. That in thy journey thou mayest be more fleet. To my dull prose I adde these metric feet. 262 FAMILIAR LETTERS Resp. Ad mare cum venio, quid agam ? Repl. Turn praepete penna Te ferat, est lator nam levis ignis. Amor. But when I come to sea how shall I shift ? Let love transport thee then, for fire is swift. — Your most affectionate cousin, J. H. March 30, 1624. XXXII ^0 the Lord Viscount Colchester ; from Madrid Right Honourable, YOUR lordship's of the third current came to safe hand, and being now upon the point of parting with this court, I thought it worth the labour to send your lordship a short survey of the monarchy of Spain ; a bold undertaking your lordship will say, to comprehend within the narrow bounds of a letter such a huge bulk; but as in the boss of a small diamond ring one may discern the image of a mighty mountain, so I will en- deavour that your lordship may behold the power of this great King in this paper. Spain hath been always esteemed a country of ancient renown, and as it is incident to all others, she hath had her vicissitudes and turns of fortune. ^\ OF JAMES HOWELL 162 She hath been thrice overcome: by the Romans, by the Goths, and by the Moors. The middle conquest continueth to this day, for this King and most of the nobility profess themselves to have descended of the Goths. The Moors kept here about seven hundred years, and it is a remarkable story how they got in first, which was thus upon good record. There reigned in Spain Don Rod- rigo, who kept his court then at Malaga. He employed the Conde Don Julian, ambassador to Barbary, who had a daughter (a young beautiful lady) that was maid of honour to the Queen. The King spying her one day refreshing herself under an arbour, fell enamoured with her, and never left till he had deflowered her. She resenting much the dishonour wrote a letter to her father in Bar- bary under this allegory : That there was a fair green apple upon the table, and the King's poi- gnard fell upon it and cleft it in two. Don Julian apprehending the meaning, got letters of revoca- tion, and came back to Spain, where he so com- plied with the King, that he became his favourite. Amongst other things he advised the King, that in regard he was now in peace with all the world, he would dismiss his galleys and garrisons that were up and down the sea coasts, because it was a superfluous charge. This being done, and the country left open to any invader, he prevailed with the King to have leave to go with his lady to see their friends in Tarragona, which was 300 miles off. Having been there a while, his lady o64 FAMILIAR LETTERS made semblance to be sick, and so sent to petition the King, that her daughter. Donna Cava (whom they had left at court to satiate the King's lust), might come to comfort her a while. Cava came, and the gate through which she went forth is called after her name to this day in Malaga. Don Julian having all his chief kindred there, he sailed over to Barbary, and afterwards brought over the King of Morocco and others with an army, who suddenly invaded Spain, lying armless and open, and so conquered it. Don Rodrigo died gallantly in the field, but what became of Don Julian, who for a particular revenge betrayed his own country, no storv makes mention. A few vears before this happened Rodrigo came to Toledo, where under the great church there was a vault with huge iron doors, and none of his predecessors durst open it, because there was an old prophecy, that when that vault was opened Spain should be conquered. Rodrigo, slighting the prophecy, caused the doors to be broke open, hoping to find there some treas- ure; but when he entered there was nothing found but the pictures of Moors, of such men that a little after fulfilled the prophecy. Yet this last conquest of Spain was not perfect, for divers parts north-west kept still under Chris- tian kings, especially Biscay, which was never con- quered, as Wales in Britanny ; and the Biscayners have much analogy with the Welsh in divers things: they retain to this day the original lan- guage of Spain, they are the most mountainous OF JAMES HOWELL 26s people, and they are reputed the ancientest gen- try ; so that when any is to take the order of knighthood, there are no inquisitors appointed to find whether he be clear of the blood of the Moors as in other places. The King, when he comes upon the confines, pulls off" one shoe before he can tread upon any Biscay ground : and he hath good reason to esteem that province, in regard of divers advantages he hath by it ; for he hath his best timber to build ships, his best marines, and all his iron thence. There were divers bloody battles 'twixt the remnant of Christians and the Moors for seven hundred years together, and the Spaniards getting ground more and more, drove them at last to Granada, and thence also in the time of Ferdinand and Isabella, quite over to Barbary. Their last king was Chico, who when he fled from Granada crying and weeping, the people upbraided him, " That he might well weep like a woman, who could not defend himself and them like a man " (this was that Ferdinand who obtained from Rome the title of Catholic, though some stories say that manv ages before Ricaredus, the first orthodox king of the Goths, was styled Catholicus in a Pro- vincial Synod held at Toledo, which was continued by Alphonsus the First, and then made hereditary by this Ferdinand). This absolute conquest of the Moors happened about Henry the Seventh's time, when the foresaid Ferdinand and Isabella had by alliance joined Castile and Aragon, which 266 FAMILIAR LETTERS with the discovery of the West Indies, which happened a little after, was the first foundation of that greatness whereunto Spain is now mounted. Afterwards there was an alliance with Burgundy and Austria. By the first House the seventeen provinces fell to Spain ; by the second Charles the Fifth came to be Emperor : and remarkable it is how the House of Austria came to that height from a mean earl, the Earl of Hapsburg in Ger- many, who having been one day a-hunting, he overtook a priest who had been with the Sacra- ment to visit a poor, sick body; the priest being tired, the earl alighted off his horse, helped up the priest, and so waited upon him afoot all the while, till he brought him to the church: the priest, giving him his benediction at his going away, told him, that for this great act of humility and piety, his race should be one of the greatest that ever the world had ; and ever since, which is some 240 years ago, the Empire hath continued in that House, which afterwards was called the House of Austria. In Philip the Second's time the Spanish mon- archy came to its highest pitch, by the conquest of Portugal, whereby the East Indies, sundry islands in the Atlantic Sea, and divers places in Barbary were added to the Crown of Spain. By these steps this crown came to this grandeur ; and truly, give the Spaniard his due, he is a mighty monarch ; he hath dominions in all parts of the world (which none of the four monarchies had). OF JAMES HOWELL 267 both in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America (which he hath solely to himself), though our Henry the Seventh had the first proffer made him : so the sun shines all the four and twenty hours of the natural day upon some part or other of his countries, for part of the Antipodes are subject to him. He hath eight viceroys in Europe, two in the East Indies, two in the West, two in Africa, and about thirty provincial sovereign commanders more ; yet as I was told lately, in a discourse 'twixt him and our Prince at his being here, when the Prince fell to magnifying his spacious domin- ions, the King answered, " Sir, 'tis true it hath pleased God to trust me with divers nations and countries, but of all these there are but two which yield me any clear revenues, viz., Spain and my West Indies, nor all Spain neither, but Castile only, the rest do scarce quit cost, for all is drunk up 'twixt governors and garrisons ; yet my ad- vantage is to have the opportunity to propagate Christian religion, and to employ my subjects." For the last, it must be granted that no prince hath better means to breed brave men, and more variety of commands to heighten their spirits, with no petty but princely employments. This King besides hath other means to oblige the gentry unto him by such a huge number of commendams which he hath in his gift to bestow on whom he please of any of the three Orders of Knighthood, which England and France want. Some noblemen in Spain can despend ^50,000. 268 FAMILIAR LETTERS some ^40,000, some ^30,000, and divers J^io,- 000 pound per annum. The Church here is ex- ceeding rich both in revenues, plate, and buildings ; one cannot go to the meanest country chapel but he will find chalices, lamps and candlesticks of silver. There are some bishopricks of ^30,000 per annum, and divers of ;r 10,000, and To- ledo is ^100,000 yearly revenue. As the Church is rich, so it is mightily reverenced here, and very powerful, which made Philip the Second rather depend upon the clergy than the secular power. Therefore I do not see how Spain can be called a poor country considering the revenues afore- said of princes and prelates ; nor is it so thin of people as the world makes it ; and one reason may be that there are sixteen universities in Spain, and in one of these there were 15,000 students at one time when I was there, I mean Salamanca ; and in this village of Madrid (for the King of Spain cannot keep his constant court in any city) there are ordinarily 600,000 souls. 'T is true that the colonising of the Indies and the wars of Flanders have much drained this country of people. Since the expulsion of the Moors it is also grown thin- ner, and not so full of corn ; for those Moors would grub up wheat out of the very tops of the craggy hills ; yet they used another grain for their bread, so that the Spaniard had nought else to do but go with his ass to the market and buy corn of the Moors. For the soil of Spain, the fruitfulness of their OF JAMES HOWELL 269 valleys recompenses the sterility of their hills. Corn is their greatest want, and want of rain is the cause of that, which makes them have need of their neighbours ; yet as much as Spain bears is passing good, and so is everything else for the quality ; nor hath any one a better horse under him, a better cloak on his back, a better sword by his side, better shoes on his feet than the Spaniard, nor doth any drink better wine or eat better fruit than he, nor flesh for the quantity. Touching the people, the Spaniard looks as high, though not so big as a German, his excess is in too much gravity, which some who know him not well hold to be pride ; he cares not how little he labours, for poor Gascons and Morisco slaves do most of his work in field and vineyard ; he can endure much in the war, yet he loves not to fight in the dark, but in open day or upon a stage, that all the world might be witness of his valour, so that you shall seldom hear of Spaniards employed in night service, nor shall one hear of a duel here in an age. He hath one good quality, that he is wonderfully obedient to government: for the proudest don of Spain,when he is prancing upon his ginet in the street, if an Alguazil (a sergeant) show him his vare, that is a little white staff he carrieth as a badge of his office, my don will down presently off his horse and yield himself his prisoner. He hath another commendable quality, that when he giveth alms he pulls off his hat and puts it in the beggar's hand with a great deal of humility. His 270 FAMILIAR LETTERS gravity is much lessened since the late proclamation came out against ruffs, and the King himself showed the first example. They were come to that height of excess herein that twenty shillings were used to be paid for starching of a ruff; and some, though perhaps he had never a shirt to his back, yet would he have a toting huge swelling ruff about his neck. He is sparing in his ordinary diet, but when he makes a feast he is free and bountiful. As to temporal authority, specially martial, so is he very obedient to the Church, and believes all with an implicit faith. He is a great servant of ladies, nor can he be blamed, for as I said before, he comes of a Goatish race, yet he never brags of nor blazes abroad his doings that way, but is exceedingly careful of the repute of any woman (a civility that we much want in England). He will speak high words of Don Phillippo his king, but will not endure a stranger should do so. I have heard a Biscayner make a rodomontado that he was as good a gentleman as Don Phillippo himself, for Don Phillippo was half a Spaniard, half a Ger- man, half an Italian, half a Frenchman, half I know not what, but he was a pure Biscayner with- out mixture. The Spaniard is not so smooth and oily in his compliments as the Italian, and though he will make strong protestations yet he will not swear out compliments like the French and Eng- lish ; as I heard when my Lord of Carlisle was ambassador in France, there came a great monsieur to see him, and having a long time bandied and OF JAMES HOWELL 271 sworn compliments one to another who should go first out at a door, at last mv Lord of Carlisle said: "O monseigneur, ayez pitie de mon ame" (O my lord, have pity upon my soul). The Spaniard is generally given to gaming, and that in excess; he will say his prayers before, and if he win, he will thank God for his good fortune after. Their common game at cards (for they very seldom plav at dice) is primera, at which the King never shows his game but throws his cards with their faces down on the table. He is merchant of all the cards and dice throughout the kingdom ; he hath them made for a penny a pair, and he retails them for twelve pence, so that it is thought he hath ^^30,000 a year by this trick at cards. The Spaniard is very devout in his way, for I have seen him kneel in the very dirt when the Ave Maria bell rings ; and some if they spy two straws or sticks lie crosswise in the street they will take them up and kiss them, and lay them down again. He walks as if he marched, and seldom looks on the ground, as if he contemned it. I was told of a Spaniard who having got a fall by a stumble and broke his nose, rose up, and in a disdainful manner said, "Voto a tal esto es caminar por la tierra " (This is to walk upon earth). The Labra- dors and country swains here are sturdy and rational men, nothing so simple or servile as the French peasant, who is born in chains. It is true the Spaniard is not so conversable as other nations (unless he hath travelled), else he is like Mars 272 FAMILIAR LETTERS among the planets, impatient of conjunction. Nor is he so free in his gifts and rewards : as the last summer it happened that Count Gondomar with Sir Francis Cottington went to see a curious house of the Constable of Castile's, which had been newly built here. The keeper of the house was very officious to show him every room, with the garden, grottos and aqueducts, and presented him with some fruit. Gondomar having been a long time in the house, coming out, put many compliments of thanks upon the man, and so was going away. Sir Francis whispered him in the ear and asked him whether he would give the man anything that took such pains. " Oh," quoth Gondomar, "well remembered, Don Francisco; have you ever a double pistole about you ? If you have, you may give it him, and then you pay him after the English manner. I have paid him already after the Spanish." The Spaniard is much improved in policy since he took footing in Italy, and there is no nation agrees with him better. I will conclude this character with a saying that he hath — No ay hombre debaxo d'el sol. Come el Italiano y el Espanol. Whereunto a Frenchman answered — Dizes la verdad, y tienes razon. El uno es puto, el otro ladron. Englished thus — Beneath the sun there 's no such man. As is the Spaniard and Italian. OF JAMES HOWELL 273 The Frenchman answers — Thou tell'st the truth, and reason hast. The first 's a thief, a buggerer the last. Touching their women, nature hath made a more visible distinction betwixt the two sexes here than elsewhere ; for the men, for the most part, are swarthy and rough, but the women are of a far finer mould. They are commonly little. And whereas there is a saying that makes a complete woman, let her be English to the neck, French to the waist, and Dutch below ; I may add for hands and feet let her be Spanish, for they have the least of any. They have another saying : a French- woman in a dance, a Dutchwoman in the kitchen, an Italian in a window, an Englishwoman at board, and the Spanish a-bed. When they are married they have a privilege to wear high shoes, and to paint, which is generally practised here, and the Queen useth it herself. They are coy enough, but not so froward as our English, for if a lady go along the street (and all women going here veiled and their habit so generally alike, one can hardly distinguish a countess from a cobbler's wife), if one should cast out an odd ill-sounding word, and ask her a favour, she will not take it ill, but put it off and answer you with some witty retort. After thirty they are commonly past child-bearing, and I have seen women in England look as youth- ful at fifty as some here at twenty-five. Money will do miracles here in purchasing the favour of ladies, or anything else; though this be the 274 FAMILIAR LETTERS country of money, for it furnisheth well near all the world besides, yea, their very enemies, as the Turk and Hollander; insomuch that one may say the coin of Spain is as Catholic as her king. Yet though he be the greatest king of gold and silver mines in the world (I think), yet the com- mon current coin here is copper, and herein I be- lieve the Hollander hath done him more mischief by counterfeiting his copper coins than by their arms, bringing it in by strange surreptitious ways, as in hollow sows of tin and lead, hollow masts, in pitch buckets under water and other ways. But I fear to be injurious to this great king, to speak of him in so a narrow a compass: a great king indeed, though the French in a slighting way compare his monarchy to a beggar's cloak made up of patches. They are patches indeed, but such as he hath not the like. The East Indies is a patch embroidered with pearl, rubies, and dia- monds. Peru is a patch embroidered with massive gold; Mexico with silver; Naples and Milan are patches of cloth of tissue; and if these patches were in one piece, what would become of his cloak embroidered with flower de luces ? So desiring your lordship to pardon this poor imperfect paper, considering the high quality of the subject, I rest, your lordship's most humble servitor, J. H. Madrid, i February 1623. OF JAMES HOWELL 275 XXXIII To Mr Walsinghatn Gresly ; from Madrid Don Balthasar, I THANK you for your letter in my lord's last packet, wherein among other passages you write unto me the circumstances of Marquis Spi- nola's raising his leaguer by flatting and firing his works before Berghen. He is much taxed here to have atempted it, and to have buried so much of the king's treasure before that town in such costly trenches. A gentleman came hither lately, who was at the siege all the while, and he told me one strange passage, how Sir Ferdinand Cary, a huge corpulent knight, was shot through his body, the bullet entering at the navel, and coming out at his back killed his man behind him, yet he lives still, and is like to recover. With this miraculous accident he told me also a merry one, how a cap- tain that had a wooden leg booted over, had it shattered to pieces by a cannon bullet, his soldiers crying out " A surgeon, a surgeon, for the cap- tain." " No, no," said he, " a carpenter, a carpen- ter will serve the turn." To this pleasant tale I '11 add another that happened lately in Alcala hard by of a Dominican friar, who in a solemn procession which was held there upon Ascension Day last, had his stones dangling under his habit cut off instead of his pocket by a cut-purse. 276 FAMILIAR LETTERS Before you return hither, which I understand will be speedily, I pray bestow a visit on our friends in Bishopsgate Street. So I am your faith- ful servitor, J. H. 3 February 1623. XXXIV To Sir Robert Napier, Knight, at his house ifi Bishopsgate Street; from Madrid THE late breach of the match hath broke the neck of all businesses here, and mine suffers as much as any. I had access lately to Olivares, once or twice ; I had audience also of the King, to whom I presented a memorial that intimated letters of mart, unless satisfaction were had from his viceroy the Conde del Real. The King gave me a gracious answer, but Olivares a churlish one, viz., that when the Spaniards had justice in England we should have justice here. So that notwithstanding I have brought it to the highest point and pitch of perfection in law that could be, and procured some dispatches, the like whereof were never granted in this court before, yet I am in despair now to do any good. I hope to be shortly in England, by God's grace, to give you and the rest of the proprietaries a punctual account of all things. And you may easily conceive how sorry I am that matters succeeded not according to your expectation and my endeavours; but I hope OF JAMES HOWELL 277 you are none of those that measure things by the event. The Earl of Bristol, Count Gondomar, and my Lord Ambassador Aston did not only do courtesies, but they did co-operate with me in it, and contributed their utmost endeavours. — So I rest, yours to serve you, J. H. Madrid, February 18, 1623. XXXV T^o Mr A. S., in Alicante MUCH endeared sir, fire, you know, is the common emblem of love. But without any disparagement to so noble a passion, methinks it might be also compared to tinder, and letters are the properest matter whereof to make this tinder. Letters again are fittest to kindle and re-accend this tinder. They may serve both for fiint, steel and match. This letter of mine comes therefore of set purpose to strike some sparkles into yours, that it may glow and burn and receive ignition, and not lie dead, as it hath done a great while. I make my pen to serve for an instrument to stir the cinders wherewith your old love to me hath been covered a long time, therefore I pray let no couvre-feu bell have power hereafter to rake up and choke with the ashes of obHvion that clear flame wherewith our affections did use to sparkle so long by correspondence of letters and other offices of love. 278 FAMILIAR LETTERS I think I shall sojourn yet in this court these three months, for I will not give over this great business while there is the least breath of hope remaining. I know you have choice matters of intelligence sometimes from thence, therefore I pray impart some unto us, and you shall not fail to know how matters pass here weekly. So with my besamanos to Francisco Imperial, I rest yours most affection- ately to serve you, J. H. Madrid, 3 March 1623. XXXVI To the Honourable Sir T. S., at Tower Hill I WAS yesterday at the Escurial to see the Monastery of Saint Laurence, the eighth won- der of the world ; and truly considering the site of the place, the state of the thing, and the sym- metry of the structure, with divers other rarities, it may be called so; for what I have seen in Italy, and other places, are but baubles to it. It is built amongst a company of craggy barren hills, which makes the air the hungrier and wholesomer ; it is all built of freestone and marble, and that with such solidity and moderate height that surely Philip the Second's chief design was to make a sacrifice of it to eternity, and to contest with the meteors and time itself. It cost eight millions; it was twenty- four years a-building, and the founder himself saw OF JAMES HOWELL 279 it furnished, and enjoyed it twelve years after, and carried his bones himself thither to be buried. The reason that moved King Philip to waste so much treasure was a vow he had made at the battle of Saint Ouentin, where he was forced to batter a monastery of Saint Laurence friars, and if he had the victory, he would erect such a mon- astery to Saint Laurence that the world had not the like ; therefore the form of it is like a grid- iron, the handle is a huge royal palace, and the body a vast monastery or assembly of quadran- gular cloisters, for there are as many as there be months in the year. There be a hundred monks, and every one hath his man and his mule, and a multitude of officers ; besides, there are three libraries there, full of the choicest books for all sciences. It is beyond expression what grots, gardens, walks, and aqueducts there are there, and what curious fountains in the upper cloisters, for there be two stages of cloisters. In fine, there is nothing that 's vulgar there. To take a view of every room in the house one must make account to go ten miles ; there is a vault called the Pan- theon under the highest altar, which is all paved, walled, and arched with marble ; there be a num- ber of huge silver candlesticks, taller than I am ; lamps three yards compass, and divers chalices and crosses of massive gold ; there is one choir made all of burnished brass ; pictures and statues like giants ; and a world of glorious things that purely ravished me. By this mighty monument, a8o FAMILIAR LETTERS it may be inferred that Philip the Second, though he was a Httle man, yet had he vast gigantic thoughts in him, to leave such a huge pile for posterity to gaze upon and admire his memory. No more now, but that I rest, your most humble servitor, J. H. Madrid, March 9, 1623. XXXVII To the Lord Viscount Colchester; from Madrid My Lord, YOU wrote to me not long since to send you an account of the Duke of Ossuna's death, a little man, but of great fame and fortunes, and much cried up, and known up and down the world. He was revoked from being Viceroy of Naples (the best employment the King of Spain hath for a subject) upon some disgust ; and being come to this court where he was brought to give an account of his government, being troubled with the gout, he carried his sword in his hand instead of a staff. The King misliking the manner of his posture, turned his back to him, and so went away. Thereupon he was overheard to mutter, " Esto es par a servir muchachos " (This it is to serve boys). This coming to the King's ear, he was apprehended and committed prisoner to a monastery not far off, where he continued some OF JAMES HOWELL 281 years until his beard came to his girdle, then grow- ing very ill, he was permitted to come to his house in this town, being carried in a bed upon men's shoulders, and so died some years ago. There were divers accusations against him, amongst the rest, I remember these. That he had kept the Marquis de Campolataro's wife, sending her hus- band out of the way upon employment. That he had got a bastard of a Turkish woman, and suffered the child to be brought up in the Mo- hammedan religion. That being one day at high mass, when the host was elevated he drew out of his pocket a piece of gold, and held it up, intimating that that was his god. That he had in- vited some of the prime courtesans of Naples to a feast, and after dinner made a banquet for them in his garden, where he commanded them to strip themselves stark naked and go up and down, while he shot sugar plums at them out of a trunk, which they were to take up from off their high chapins, and such like extravagances. One (amongst divers others) witty passage was told me of him, which was, that when he was Viceroy of Sicily, there died a great rich duke, who left but one son, whom with his whole estate he be- queathed to the tutule of the Jesuits, and the words of the will were, " When he is past his minority " {darete al mio figliuolo quelque vol vo- lete) " you shall give my son what you will." It seems the Jesuits took to themselves two parts of three of the estate, and gave the rest to the 282 FAMILIAR LETTERS heir. The young duke complaining hereof to the Duke of Ossuna (then viceroy), he commanded the Jesuits to appear before him. He asked them how much of the estate they would have, they an- swered two parts of three, which they had almost employed already to build monasteries and an hospital, to erect particular altars and masses, to sing dirges and refrigeriums for the soul of the deceased duke. Hereupon the Duke of Ossuna caused the will to be produced, and found therein the words afore-recited, " When he is passed his minority, you shall give my son of my estate what you will." Then he told the Jesuits, you must by virtue and tenor of these words, give what you will to the son, which by your own con- fession is two parts of three, and so he determined the business. Thus have I in part satisfied your lordship's desire, which I shall do more amply when I shall be made happy to attend you in person, which I hope will be ere it be long. In the interim, I take my leave of you from Spain, and rest your lord- ship's most ready and humble servitor, J. H. Madrid, 13 March 1623. OF JAMES HOWELL 283 XXXVIII To Simon Digby^ Esq. I THANK you for the several sorts of cyphers you sent me to write by, which were very choice ones and curious. Cryptology, or Episto- Hsing in a Clandestine Way, is very ancient. I read in A. Gellius that C. Caesar in his letters to Caius Oppius and Balbus Cornelius, who were two of his greatest confidants in managing his private affairs, did write in cyphers by a various transportation of the alphabet ; whereof Proclus Grammaticus, De occulta literarum significatione Epistolarum C. Caesaris, writes a curious com- mentary. But methinks that certain kind of hiero- glyphics, the caelestial signs, the seven planets, and other constellations might make a curious kind of cypher, as I will more particularly demon- strate unto you in a scheme, when I shall be happy with your conversation. — So I rest, your assured servitor, J. H. Madrid, March 15, 1623. XXXIX To Sir "James Crofts; from Bilboa B EING safely come to the Marine, in convoy of His Majesty's jewels, and being to sojourn 284 FAMILIAR LETTERS here some days, the conveniency of this gentleman (who knows, and much honoureth you), he being to ride post through France, invited me to send you this. We were but five horsemen in all our seven days' journey from Madrid hither, and the charge Mr Wiches had is valued at four hundred thousand crowns ; but it is such safe travelling in Spain, that one may carry gold in the palm of his hand, the government is so good. When we had gained Biscay ground, we passed one day through a forest, and lighting off our mules to take a little repast under a tree, we took down our alforjas and some bottles of wine (and you know it is ordinary here to ride with one's victuals about him), but as we were eating we spied two huge wolves, who stared upon us a while, but had the good manners to go away. It put me in mind of a pleasant tale I heard Sir Thomas Fairfax relate of a soldier in Ireland, who having got his passport to go for England, as he passed through a wood with his knapsack upon his back, being weary, he sat down under a tree, where he opened his knapsack, and fell to some victuals he had; but upon a sudden he was sur- prised with two or three wolves, who, coming towards him, he threw them scraps of bread and cheese, till all was done, then the wolves making a nearer approach unto him, he knew not what shift to make, but by taking a pair of bagpipes which he had, and as soon as he began to play upon them the wolves ran all away as if they had been scared OF JAMES HOWELL 285 out of their wits ; whereupon the soldier said, " A pox take you all, if I had known you had loved music so well, you should have had it before din- ner. If there be a lodging void at the Three Hal- bards Heads, I pray be pleased to cause it to be reserved for me. So I rest, your humble servitor, J. H. Bilboa, September 6, 1624. I EPISTOL^ HO-ELIAN^ SECTION IV I SECTION IV To ??iy Father; from London I AM newly returned from Spain. I came over in convoy of the Prince his jewels, for which one of the ships royal with the Catch were sent under the command of Captain Love. We landed at Plymouth, whence I came by post to Theo- bald's in less than two nights and a day, to bring His Majesty news of their safe arrival. The Prince had newly got a fall off a horse, and kept his chamber. The jewels were valued at above a hundred thousand pounds. Some of them a little before the Prince his departure had been presented to the Infanta, but she waiving to receive them, yet with a civil compliment they were left in the hands of one of the secretaries of state for her use upon the wedding day, and it was no unworthy thing in the Spaniard to deliver them back, not- withstanding that the treaties both of match and Palatinate had been dissolved a pretty while before by act of Parliament, that a war was threatened, and ambassadors revoked. There were jewels also amongst them to be presented to the King and 290 FAMILIAR LETTERS Queen of Spain, to most of the ladies of honour, and the grandees. There was a great table dia- mond for Oiivares of i8 carats' weight; but the richest of all was to the Infanta herself, which was a chain of great orient pearls, to the number of 276, weighing nine ounces. The Spaniards, notwith- standing they are the masters of the staple of jewels, stood astonished at the beauty of these, and con- fessed themselves to be put down. Touching the employment upon which I went to Spain, I had my charges borne all the while, and that was all. Had it taken effect, I had made a good business of it ; but it is no wonder (nor can it be, I hope, any disrepute unto me) that I could not bring to pass what three ambassadors could not do before me. I am now casting about for another fortune, and some hopes I have of employment about the Duke of Buckingham. He sways more than ever, for whereas he was before a favourite to the King, he is now a favourite to Parliament, people and city, for breaking the match with Spain. Touching his own interest, he had reason to do it, for the Span- iards love him not ; but whether the public inter- est of the state will suffer in it or no, I dare not determine. For my part, I hold the Spanish match to be better than their powder, and their wares better than their wars ; and I shall be ever of that mind, that no country is able to do England less hurt and more good than Spain, considering the large traffic and treasure that is to be got thereby. OF JAMES HOWELL 291 I shall continue to give you account of my courses when opportunity serves, and to dispose of matters so that I may attend you this summer in the country. So desiring still your blessing and prayers, I rest your dutiful son, J. H. London, December 10, 1624. II To R. Brown, Esq. THERE is no seed so fruitful as that of love. I do not mean that gross carnal love which propagates the world, but that which preserves it, to wit, seeds of friendship, which hath little com- merce with the body, but is a thing divine and spiritual. There cannot be a more pregnant proof hereof than those seeds of love which I have long since cast into your breast, which have thriven so well, and in that exuberance, that they have been more fruitful unto me than that field in Sicily called k trecente cariche (the field of three hundred loads), so called because it returns the sower three hundred for one yearly, so plentiful hath your love been unto me. But amongst other sweet fruits it hath born, those precious letters which you have sent me from time to time, both at home and abroad, are not of the least value. I did always hug and highly esteem them, and you in them, for they yielded me both profit and pleasure. That seed which you have also sown in me hath 191 FAMILIAR LETTERS fructified something, but it hath not been able to make you such rich returns, nor afford so plentiful a crop ; yet I daresay, this crop, how thin soever, was pure and free from tares, from cockle or darn- ell, from flattery or falsehood, and what it shall produce hereafter shall be so; nor shall any injury of the heavens, as tempests, or thunder and light- ning (I mean no cross or affliction whatsoever) be able to blast and smut it, or hinder it to grow up and fructify still. This is the third time God Almighty hath been pleased to bring me back to the sweet bosom of my dear country from beyond the seas. I have been already comforted with the sight of many of my choice friends, but I miss you extremely, there- fore I pray make haste, for London streets which you and I have trod together so often will prove tedious to me else. Amongst other things, Black- friars will entertain you with a play, "spick and span new," and the Cockpit with another. Nor I believe after so long absence, will it be an un pleas- ing object for you to see, yours, J. H. London, January 20, 1624. Ill To the Lord Viscount Colchester M Right Honourable, Y last to your lordship was in Italian, with the Venetian Gazetta enclosed. Count OF JAMES HOWELL 293 Mansfelt is upon point of parting, having obtained it seems the sum of his desires. He was lodged all the while in the same quarter of St James, which was appointed for the Infanta. He supped yes- ternight with the council of war, and he hath a grant of 12,000 men, English and Scots, whom he will have ready in the body of an army against the next spring ; and they say that England, France, Venice, and Savov do contribute for the mainten- ance thereof 60,000 pounds a month. There can be no conjecture, much less any judgment made yet of his design; most think it will be for re- lieving Breda, which is straitly begirt by Spinola, who gives out that he hath her already as a bird in a cage, and will have her maugre all the oppo- sition of Christendom. Yet there is fresh news come over that Prince Maurice hath got on the back of him, and hath beleaguered him, as he hath done the town, which I want faith to believe yet, in regard of the huge circuit of Spinola's works, for his circumvallations are cried up to be near upon twenty miles. But while the Spaniard is spending millions here for getting small towns, the Hollander gets kingdoms off him elsewhere. He hath invaded and taken lately from the Portugal part of Brazil, a rich country for sugars, cottons, balsams, dyeing-wood, and divers commodities besides. The treaty of marriage betwixt our Prince and the youngest daughter of France goes on apace, and mv Lords of Carlisle and Holland are in Paris 194 FAMILIAR LETTERS about it. We shall see now what difference there is betwixt the French and Spanish pace. The two Spanish ambassadors have been gone hence long since : they say that they are both in prison, one in Burgos in Spain, the other in Flanders, for the scandalous information they made here against the Duke of Buckingham, about which, the day before their departure hence, they desired to have one private audience more, but His Majesty denied them. I believe they will not continue long in disgrace, for matters grow daily worse and worse betwixt us and Spain ; for divers letters of marque are granted our merchants, and letters of marque are commonly the forerunners of a war. Yet they say Gondomar will be on his way hither again about the Palatinate, for the King of Denmark appears now in his niece's quarrel, and arms apace. No more now, but that I kiss your lordship's hands, and rest your most humble and ready servitor, J. H. London, 5 February 1624. IV To my Cousifiy Mr Roland Guin Cousin, I WAS lately sorry, and I was lately glad, that I heard you were ill, that I heard you are well. — Your affectionate cousin, J. H. OF JAMES HOWELL 295 To Tho77ias 'Jones, Esq. Tom, IF you are in health,'tis well ; we are here all so, and we should be better had we your company. Therefore, I pray, leave the smutty air of London and come hither to breathe sweeter, where you may pluck a rose and drink a cillibub. — Your faithful friend, J. H. Kentis, June i, 1625. VI To D. C, THE bearer hereof hath no other errand but to know how you do in the country, and this paper is his credential letter. Therefore, I prav, hasten his dispatch, and if you please send him back like the man in the moon, with a basket of your fruit on his back. — Your true friend, J. H. London, this August 10, 1625. 296 FAMILIAR LETTERS VII To my father ; from London I RECEIVED yours of the third of February by the hands of my cousin, Thomas Guin of Trecastle. It was my fortune to be on Sunday was fort- night at Theobalds, where his late majesty King James departed this life and went to his last rest upon the day of rest, presently after sermon was done. A little before the break of day he sent for the Prince, who rose out of his bed and came in his nightgown ; the King seemed to have some earnest thing to say unto him, and so endeavoured to raise himself upon his pillow, but his spirits were so spent that he had not strength to make his words audible. He died of a fever which began with an ague, and some Scotch doctors mut- ter at a plaster the Countess of Buckingham ap- plied to the outside of his stomach. It is thought the last breach of the match with Spain, which for many years he had so vehemently desired, took too deep an impression on him, and that he was forced to rush into a war now in his declining age, having lived in a continual uninterrupted peace his whole life, except some collateral aids he had sent his son-in-law. As soon as he expired the Privy Council sat, and in less than a quarter of an hour. King Charles was proclaimed at Theo- OF JAMES HOWELL 297 balds Court Gate by Sir Edward Zouch, Knight Marshal, Master Secretary Conway dictating unto him : "That whereas it hath pleased God to take to His mercy our most gracious sovereign King James of famous memory, we proclaim Prince Charles his rightful and indubitable heir to be King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, etc." The Knight Marshal mistook, saying, " His rightful and dubitable heir," but he was rectified by the secretary. This being done, 1 took my horse instantly and came to London first, except one who was come a little before me, insomuch, that I found the gates shut. His now Majesty took coach and the Duke of Buckingham with him, and came to Saint James. In the evening he was proclaimed at Whitehall Gate, in Cheapside, and other places in a sad shower of rain ; and the weather was suitable to the condition wherein he finds the kingdom which is cloudy ; for he is left engaged in a war with a potent prince, the people by long desuetude unapt for arms, the fleet royal in quarter repair, himself without a queen, his sister without a coun- try, the crown pitifully laden with debts, and the purse of the state lightly ballasted, though it never had better opportunity to be rich than it had these last twenty years. But God Almightv I hope will make him emerge and pull this island out of all these plunges, and preserve us from worser times. The plague is begun in Whitechapel, and as they say, in the same house, at the same day of the 298 FAMILIAR LETTERS month, with the same number that died twenty- two years since when Queen EHzabeth departed. There are great preparations for the funeral, and there is a design to buy all the cloth for mourning white and then to put it to the dyers in gross, which is like to save the crown a good deal of money ; the drapers murmur extremely at the Lord Cranfield for it. I am not settled yet in any stable condition, but I lie windbound at the Cape of Good Hope, expecting some gentle gale to launch out into an employment. So with my love to all my brothers and sisters at the Bryn, and near Brecknock, I humbly crave a continuance of your prayers and blessing to your dutiful son, J. H. London, December 11, 1625. VIII To Dr Prichard SINCE I was beholden to you for your many favours in Oxford, I have not heard from you {ne gry quidem). I pray let the wonted corre- spondence be now revived and receive new vigour between us. My Lord Chancellor Bacon is lately dead of a long languishing weakness ; he died so poor, that he scarce left money to bury him, which, though he had a great wit, did argue no great wis- OF JAMES HOWELL 299 dom, it being one of the essential properties of a wise man to provide for the main chance. I have read that it hath been the fortunes of all poets commonly to die beggars ; but for an orator, a lawyer, and philosopher, as he was, to die so, 't is rare. It seems the same fate befell him that at- tended Demosthenes, Seneca, and Cicero (all great men), of whom the two first fell by corruption. The tairest diamond may have a flaw in it, but I believe he died poor out of contempt of the pelf of fortune, as also out of an excess of generosity ; which appeared as in divers other passages, so once when the King had sent him a stag, he sent up for the underkeeper, and having drunk the King's health unto him in a great silver-gilt bowl, he gave it him for his fee. He wrote a pitiful letter to King James not long before his death, and concludes. Help me, dear sovereign lord and master, and pity me so tar, that 1 who have been born to a bag be not now in my age forced in effect to bear a wallet; nor 1 that desire to live to study may be driven to study to live. Which words, in my opinion, argueth a little abjection of spirit, as his former letter to the Prince did of profaneness, wherein he hoped that as the Father was his creator the Son will be his redeemer. I write not this to derogate from the noble worth of the Lord Viscount Ver- ulam, who was a rare man, a man reconditae scien- tiaCy et ad salutem literarum natus^ and 1 think the eloquentest that was born in this isle. They say 300 FAMILIAR LETTERS he shall be the last Lord Chancellor, as Sir Ed- ward Coke was the last Lord Chief-Justice of Eng- land ; for ever since they have been termed Lord Chief-Justices of the King's Bench, so hereafter they shall be only Keepers of the Great Seal, which for title and office are deposable, but they say the Lord Chancellor's title is indelible. I was lately at Gray's Inn with Sir Eubule, and he desired me to remember him unto you, as I do also salute Meum Prichardum ex imis praecordiisy Vale KeaX'rj fxoi 7rpoo'(f)LX€0'TdTr). — Yours most affectionately, while J. H. London, January 6, 1625. IX To my well-beloved Cousin, Mr T. V. Cousin, YOU have a great work in hand, for you write unto me that you are upon a treaty of mar- riage. A great work indeed, and a work of such consequence that it may make you or mar you. It may make the whole remainder of your life uncouth or comfortable to you ; for of all civil actions that are incident to man, there is not any that tends more to his infelicity or happiness. Therefore it concerns you not to be over-hasty herein, not to take the ball before the bound. You must be cautious how you thrust your neck OF JAMES HOWELL 301 into such a yoke, whence you will never have power to withdraw it again, for the tongue useth to tie so hard a knot that the teeth can never untie, no not Alexander's sword can cut asunder among us Christians. If you are resolved to marry, choose where you love, and resolve to love your choice ( let love rather than lucre be your guide in this election), though a concurrence of both be good, yet, for my part, I had rather the latter should be wanting than the first. The one is the pilot, the other but the ballast, of the ship which should carry us to the harbour of a happy life. If you are bent to wed I wish you anothergess wife than Socrates had. And as I wish you may not light upon such a Zantippe (as the wisest men have had ill-luck in this kind, as I could instance in two of our most eminent law- yers, C, B.), so I pray that God may deliver you from a wife of such a generation that Strowd our cook here at Westminster said his wife was of, who, when (out of a mislike of the preacher) he had on a Sunday in the afternoon gone out of the church to a tavern, and returning towards the evening pretty well heated with canary to look to his roast, and his wife falling to read him a loud lesson in so furious a manner as if she would have basted him instead of the mutton, and amongst other revilings, telling him often, that the devil, the devil, would fetch him, at last he broke out of a long silence, and told her, I pri- thee, good wife, hold thyself content, for I know 302 FAMILIAR LETTERS the devil will do me no hurt, for I have married his kinswoman. If you light upon such a wife (a wife that hath more bone than flesh) I wish you may have the same measure of patience that Socrates and Strowd had, to suffer the gray mare sometimes to be the better horse. I remember a French proverb — La maison est miserable et mechante Ou la poule plus haut que le coq chante. That house doth every day more wretched grow Where the hen louder than the cock doth crow. Yet we have another English proverb almost counter to this, That it is better to marry a shrew than a sheep; for though silence be the dumb orator of beauty, and the best ornament of a woman, yet a phlegmatic dull wife is fulsome and fastidious. Excuse me, cousin, that I jest with you in so serious a business. I know you need no counsel of mine herein. You are discreet enough of your- self, nor, I presume, do you want advice of parents, which by all means must go along with you. So wishing you all conjugal joy, and a happy confar- reation, I rest, your affectionate cousin, J. H. London, February 5, 1625. OF JAMES HOWELL 303 X To ?ny noble Lordy the Lord Clifford; from London My Lord, THE Duke of Buckingham is lately returned from Holland, having renewed the peace with the States and articled with them for a con- tinuation of some naval forces for an expedition against Spain, as also having taken up some mon- ies upon private jewels (not any of the Crown's), and lastly, having comforted the Lady Elizabeth for the decease of his late Majesty her father and of Prince Frederick, her eldest son, whose disas- trous manner of death, amongst the rest of her sad afflictions, is not the least. For passing over Haar- lem Mere, a huge inland lough, in company of his father, who had been in Amsterdam to look how his bank of money did thrive, and coming (for more frugality) in the common boat, which was overset with merchandise, and other passengers, in a thick fog the vessel turned over and so many per- ished. The Prince Palsgrave saved himself by swimming, but the young prince clinging to the mast, and being entangled amongst the tacklings, was half drowned and half frozen to death — a sad destiny. There is an open rupture betwixt us and the Spaniard, though he gives out that he never broke with us to this day. Count Gondomar was on his 304 FAMILIAR LETTERS way to Flanders, and thence to England (as they say) with a large commission to treat for a sur- render of the Palatinate, and so to piece matters together again, but he died on the journey, at a place called Bunnol, of pure apprehensions of grief, it is given out. The match betwixt His Majesty and the Lady Henrietta Maria, youngest daughter to Henry the Great (the eldest being married to the King of Spain, and the second to the Duke of Savoy) goes roundly on, and is in a manner concluded ; where- at the Count of Soissons is much discontented, who gave himself hopes to have her, but the hand of heaven hath predestined her for a far higher condition. The French ambassadors who were sent hither to conclude the business, having private audience of his late Majesty a little before his death, he told them pleasantly that he would make war against the Lady Henrietta because she would not receive the two letters which were sent her, one from him- self and the other from his son, but sent them to her mother ; yet he thought he should easily make peace with her, because he understood she had afterwards put the latter letter in her bosom, and the first in her coshionet, whereby he gathered that she intended to reserve his son for her affec- tion and him for counsel. The Bishop of Lu^on, now Cardinal de Riche- lieu, is grown to be the sole favourite of the King of France, being brought in by the queen mother. OF JAMES HOWELL 305 He hath been very active in advancing the match, but it is thought the wars will break out afresh against them of the religion, notwithstanding the ill fortune the King had before Montauban a few years since, where he lost above 500 of his nobles, whereof the great Duke of Main was one, and having lain in person before the town many months, and received some affronts, as that in- scription upon their gates shows, "Roy sans foy, ville sans peur" (a king without faith, a town with- out fear), yet he was forced to rase his works and raise his siege. The letter which Mr Ellis Hicks brought them of Montauban from Rochelle, through so much danger and with so much gallantry, was an in- finite advantage unto them ; for whereas there was a politic report raised in the King's army and blown into Montauban that Rochelle was yielded to the Count of Soissons who lay then before her, this letter did inform the contrary, and that Rochelle was in as good a plight as ever. Whereupon they made a sally the next day upon the King's forces and did him a great deal of spoil. There be summons out for a Parliament. Ipray God it may prove more prosperous than the for- mer. I have been lately recommended to the Duke of Buckingham by some noble friends of mine that have intimacy with him, about whom, though he hath three secretaries already, I hope to have 3o6 FAMILIAR LETTERS some employment, for I am weary of walking up and down so idly upon London streets. The plague begins to rage mightily ; God avert His judgments that menace so great a mortality, and turn not away His face from this poor island. So I kiss your lordship's hand, in quality of your lordship's most humble servitor, J. H. London, 25 February 1625, XI 1^0 Rich. Altham^ Esquire THE echo wants but a face and the looking- glass a voice to make them both living crea- tures, and to become the same bodies they repre- sent, the one by repercussion of sound, the other by reflection of sight. Your most ingenious letters to me from time to time do far more lively re- present you than either echo or crystal can do. I mean they represent the better and nobler part of you, to wit, the inward man. They clearly set forth the notions of your mind and the motions of your soul, with the strength of your imagina- tion ; for as I know your exterior person by your lineaments, so I know you as well inwardly by your lines and by those lively expressions you give of yourself, insomuch that I believe if the interior man within you were so visible as the outward (as once Plato wished that virtue might be seen OF JAMES HOWELL 307 with the corporal eyes) you would draw all the world after you ; or if your well-born thoughts and the words of your letters were echoed in any place where they might rebound and be made aud- ible, they are composed of such sweet and charm- ing strains of ingenuity and eloquence that all the nymphs of the woods and the valleys, the dryads, yea, the graces and muses, would pitch their pavilions there, nay, Apollo himself would dwell longer in that place with his rays and make them reverberate more strongly than either upon Pindus or Parnassus or Rhodes itself, whence he never removes his eye as long as he is above this hemi- sphere. I confess my letters to you, which I send by way of correspondence, come far short of such virtue, yet are they the true ideas of my mind and that real and inbred affection I bear you. One should never teach his letters or his lackey to He. I observe that rule, but besides my letters I could wish there were a crystal casement in my breast, through which you might behold the motions of my heart : Utinamque oculos in pectore posses in- cessere, then should you clearly see, without any deception of sight, how truly I am, and how en- tirely, yours, J. H. 27 of February 1625. And to answer you in the same strain of verse you sent me. First, shall the heaven's bright lamp forget to shine. The stars shall from the azured sky decline ; 3o8 FAMILIAR LETTERS First, shall the Orient with the west shake hand. The centre of the world shall cease to stand ; First, wolves shall league with lambs, the dolphins fly, The lawyer and physician fees deny. The Thames with Tagus shall exchange her bed. My mistress' locks with mine, shall first turn red ; First, heaven shall lie below, and hell above. Ere I inconstant to my Altham prove. XII To the Right Honourable my Lord of Car ling- ford, after Earl ofCarberry, at Golden Grove, 2.%th May 1625 My Lord, WE have gallant news now abroad, for we are sure to have a new queen ere it be long. Both the contract and marriage was lately sol- emnised in France, the one the second of this month in the Louvre, the other the eleventh day following in the great Church of Paris, by the Cardinal of Rochefoucauld. There was some clash- ing betwixt him and the Archbishop of Paris, who alleged it was his duty to officiate in that church, but the dignity of cardinal and the quality of his office, being the King's Great Almoner, which makes him chief curate of the court, gave him the prerogative. I doubt not but your lordship hath heard of the capitulations, but for better assurance I will run them over briefly. OF JAMES HOWELL 309 The King of France obliged himself to procure the dispensation. The marriage should be cele- brated in the same form as that of Queen Marga- ret and of the Duchess of Bar. Her dowry should be 40,000 crowns, six shillings apiece, the one moiety to be paid the day of the contract, the other twelve months after. The Oueen shall have a chapel in all the King's royal houses and any- where else where she shall reside within the dominions of His Majesty of Great Britain, with free exercise of the Roman religion, for herself, her officers and all her household, for the celebra- tion of the Mass, the predication of the word, ad- ministration of the sacraments, and power to procure indulgences from the Holy Father. That to this end she shall be allowed twenty-eight priests or ecclesiastics in her house and a bishop in quality of Almoner, who shall have jurisdiction over all the rest, and that none of the King's officers shall have power over them, unless in case of treason. Therefore all her ecclesiastics shall take the oath of fidelity to His Majesty of Great Britain. There shall be a cemetery or churchyard close about to bury those of her family, that in consideration of this marriage all English Catholics, as well eccle- siastics as lay, which shall be in any prison merely for religion, since the last edict shall be set at liberty. This is the eighth alliance we have had with France since the Conquest, and as it is the best that could be made in Christendom, so I hope it 3IO FAMILIAR LETTERS will prove the happiest. — So I kiss your hands, being your lordship's most humble servitor, J. H. London, March i, 1625. XIII To the Honourable Sir Tho. Sa. I CONVERSED lately with a gentleman that came from France, who- amongst other things, discoursed much of the favourite Richelieu, who is like to be an active man, and hath great designs. The two first things he did was to make sure of England and the Hollander; he thinks to have us safe enough by this marriage ; and Holland by a late league, which was bought with a great sum of money; for he hath furnished the States with a million of livres at two shillings a piece in present, and six hundred thousand livres every year of these two that are to come; provided that the States repay these sums two years after they are in peace or truce. The King pressed much for liberty of conscience to Roman Catholics amongst them, and the deputies promised to do all they could with the States General about it ; they articled likewise for the French to be associated with them in the trade to the Indies. Monsieur is lately married to Mary of Bourbon, the Duke of Monpensier's daughter. He told her " That he would be a better husband than he had OF JAMES HOWELL 311 been a suitor to her ; " for he hung off a good while. This marriage was made by the King, and Monsieur hath for his appenage 100,000 livres, annual rent from Chartres and Blois, 100,000 livres pension, and 500,000 to be charged yearly upon the general receipts of Orleans, in all about ^70,000. There was much ado before this match could be brought about, for there were many op- posers, and there be dark whispers that there was a deep plot to confine the King to a monastery, and that Monsieur should govern; and divers great ones have suffered for it, and more are like to be discovered. — So I take my leave for the pre- sent, and rest, your humble and ready servitor, J. H. London, March 10, 1626. XIV To the Lady "Jane Savage, Marchioness of Winchester Excellent Lady, I MAY say of your Grace, as it was said once of a rare Italian princess, that you are the greatest tyrant in the world, because you make all those that see you your slaves, much more them that know you, I mean those that are acquainted with your inward disposition, and with the faculties of your soul, as well as the phisnomy of your face ; for 312 FAMILIAR LETTERS Virtue took as much pains to adorn the one, as Nature did to perfect the other. I have had the happiness to know both, when your Grace took pleasure to learn Spanish, at which time, when my betters far had offered their service in this kind, I had the honour to be commanded by you often. He that hath as much experience of you as I have had, will confess that the Handmaid of God Al- mighty was never so prodigal of her gifts to any, or laboured more to frame an exact model of fe- male perfection ; nor was dame Nature only busied in this work, but all the Graces did consult and co-operate with her, and they wasted so much of their treasure to enrich this one piece, that it may be a good reason why so many lame and defective fragments of women-kind are daily thrust into the world. I return you here enclosed the sonnet your Grace pleased to send me lately, rendered into Spanish, and fitted for the same air it had in English, both for cadence and number of feet. With it I send my most humble thanks, that your Grace would descend to command me in anything that might conduce to your contentment and service ; for there is nothing I desire with a greater ambition (and herein I have all the world my rival) than to be accounted, Madame, your Grace's most humble and ready servitor, J. H. London, March 15, 1626. OF JAMES HOWELL 313 XV To the Right Honourable the Lord Clifford My Lord, I PRAY be pleased to dispense with this slow- ness of mine in answering yours of the first of this present. Touching the domestic occurrences, the gentle- man who is bearer hereof is more capable to give you account by discourse than I can in paper. For foreign tidings your lordship may under- stand that the town of Breda hath been a good while making her last will and testament, but now there is certain news come that she hath yielded up the ghost to Spinola's hands after a tough siege of thirteen months, and a circumvallation of near upon twenty miles' compass. My Lord of Southampton and his eldest son sickened at the siege and died at Bergen. The adventurous Earl Henry of Oxford, seeming to tax the Prince of Orange with slackness to fight, was set upon a desperate work, where he melted his grease, and so being carried to the Hague he died also. I doubt not but you have heard of Grave Maurice's death, which happened when the town was past cure, which was his more than the State's, for he was Marquis of Breda, and had near upon thirty thousand dollars annual rent from her ; therefore he seemed in a kind of sympathy to 314 FAMILIAR LETTERS sicken with his town, and died before her. He had provided plentifully for all his natural child- ren ; but could not, though much importuned by Doctor Roseus and other divines upon his death- bed, be induced to make them legitimate by marry- ing the mother of them, for the law there is, that if one hath got children of any woman, though unmarried to her, yet if he marry her never so little before his death, he makes her honest and them all legitimate. But it seems the prince post- poned the love he bore to this woman and children to that which he bore to his brother Henry, for had he made the children legitimate, it had pre- judiced the brother in point of command and for- tunes. Yet he had provided very plentifully for them and the mother. Grave Henry hath succeeded him in all things, and is a gallant gentleman of a French education and temper. He charged him at his death to marry a young lady, the Count of Solme's daughter, at- tending the Queen of Bohemia, whom he had long courted, which is thought will take speedy effect. When the siege before Breda had grown hot, Sir Edward Vere being one day attending Prince Maurice, he pointed at a rising place called Ter- hay, where the enemy had built a fort (which might have been prevented) ; Sir Edward told him he feared that fort would be the cause of the loss of the town. The Grave spattered and shook his head, saying, " It was the greatest error he had committed since he knew what belonged to a OF JAMES HOWELL 315 soldier, as also in managing the plot for surprising of the citadel of Antwerp, for he repented that he had not employed English and French in lieu of the slow Dutch, who aimed to have the sole hon- our of it, and were not so fit instruments for such a nimble piece of service. As soon as Sir Charles Morgan gave up the town, Spinola caused a new gate to be erected, with this inscription in great golden characters : Philippo quarto regnante, Clara Eugenia Isabella gubernante, Ambrosio Spinola obsidente, Quatuor Regibus contra conantibus. Breda Capta fuit Idibus, etc. It is thought that Spinola, now that he hath recovered the honour he had lost before Berghen- op-Zoom three years since, will not long stay in Flanders, but retire. No more now, but that 1 am resolved to continue ever your lordship's most humble servitor, J. H. London, March 19, 1626. XVI To Mr R. Sc, at York I SENT you one of third current, but it was not answered. I sent another of the thirteenth like a second arrow to find out the first, but I know not what's become of either. 1 send this to find 3i6 FAMILIAR LETTERS out the other two, and If this fail, there shall go no more out of my quiver. If you forget me I have cause to complain ; and more, if you remember me. To forget may proceed from the frailty of memory ; not to answer me when you mind me is pure neglect, and no less than a piacle. — So I rest, yours easily to be recovered, J. H. Ira furor brevis, brevis est mea littera, cogor, Ira correptus, corripuisse stylum. London, 19 of July ^ the first of the Dog DaySy 1626 XVII To Dr Fields Lord Bishop of Lajidaff My Lord, I SEND you my humble thanks for those worthy hospitable favours you were pleased to give me at your lodgings in Westminster. I had yours of the fifth of this present by the hand of Mr Jon- athan Field. The news which fills every corner of the town at this time is the sorry and unsuc- cessful return that Wimbledon's fleet hath made from Spain. It was a fleet that deserved to have had a better destiny, considering the strength of it, and the huge charge the Crown was at. For besides a squadron of sixteen Hollanders, whereof Count William, one of Prince Maurice's natural sons, was admiral, there were above four score of OF JAMES HOWELL 317 ours, the greatest joint naval power (of ships without galleys) that ever spread sail upon salt water, which makes the world abroad to stand astonished how so huge a fleet could be so sud- denly made ready. The sinking of the Long Robin with 170 souls in her, in the Bay of Biscay, ere she had gone half the voyage was no good augury. And the critics of the time say there were many other things that promised no good fortune to this fleet ; besides they would point at divers errors committed in the conduct of the main design ; first the odd choice that was made of the admiral, who was a mere landman, which made the seamen much slight him, it belonging properly to Sir Robert Mansell, Vice- Admiral of England, to have gone in case the high admiral went not. Then they speak of the uncertainty of the enterprise, and that no place was pitched upon to be invaded, till they came to the height of the South Cape, and in sight of shore, where the Lord Wimbledon first called a council of war, wherein some would be for Malaga, others for Saint Mary Port, others for Gibraltar, but most for Calais ; and while they were thus consulting the country had an alarm given them. Add hereunto the blazing abroad of this expedition ere the fleet went out of the Downs, for Mercurius Gallobelgicus had it in print that it was for the Straits mouth. Now it is a rule that great designs of State should be mysteries till they come to the very act of performance, and then they should turn to exploits. Moreover, when the 3i8 FAMILIAR LETTERS local attempt was resolved on, there were seven ships (by the advice of one Captain Love) suffered to go up the river which might have been easily taken, and being rich, it is thought they would have defrayed well-near the charge of our fleet, which ships did much infest us afterwards with their ordnance, when we had taken the Fort of Puntall. Moreover, the disorderly carriage and excess of our landmen (whereof there were 10,000) when they were put ashore, who broke into the Fryers Caves and other cellars of sweet wines, where many hundreds of them being surprised and found dead drunk, the Spaniards came and tore off their ears and noses and plucked out their eyes. And I was told of one merry fellow escap- ing that killed an ass for a buck. Lastly, it is laid to the admiral's charge that my Lord de la Ware's ship being infected, he gave order that the sick men should be scattered into divers ships, which dispersed the contagion exceedingly, so that some thousands died before the fleet returned, which was done in a confused manner without any ob- servance of sea orders. Yet I do not hear of any that will be punished for these miscarriages, which will make the dishonour fall more foully upon the State. But the most unfortunate passage of all was, that though we did nothing by land that was considerable, yet if we had stayed but a day or two longer, and spent time at sea, the whole fleet of gal- leons from Nova Hispania had fallen into our own mouths, which came presently in, close along the OF JAMES HOWELL 319 coasts of Barba^y, and in all likelihood we might have had the opportunity to have taken the richest prize that ever was taken on salt water. Add here- unto, that while we were thus masters of those seas, a fleet of fifty sail of Brazilmen got safe into Lis- bon with four of the richest carracks that ever came from the East Indies. I hear my Lord of Saint David's is to be re- moved to Bath and Wells, and it were worth your lordship's coming up to endeavour the succeeding of him. — So I humbly rest your lordship's most ready servitor, J. H. London, 20 November 1626. XVIII To my Lord Duke of Buckingham's Grace at Newmarket MAY it please your Grace to peruse and par- don these few advertisements which I would not dare to present had I not hopes that the good- ness which is concomitant with your greatness would make them venial. My lord, a Parliament is at hand ; the last was boisterous, God grant that this may prove more calm. A rumour runs that there are clouds already engendered which will break out into a storm in the lower region, and most of the drops are like to fall upon your Grace. This, though it be but vulgar astrology, is not altogether to be contemned. 320 FAMILIAR LETTERS though I believe that His Majesty's countenance reflecting so strongly upon your Grace, with the brightness of your own innocency, may be able to dispel and scatter them to nothing. My lord, you are a great prince, and all eyes are upon your actions; this makes you more subject to envy, which, like the sunbeams, beats always upon rising grounds. I know your Grace hath many sage and solid heads about you ; yet I trust it will prove no offence if, out of the late relation I have to your Grace by the recommendation of such noble personages, I put in also my mite. My lord, under favour, it were not amiss if your Grace would be pleased to part with some of those places you hold which have least relation to the court, and it would take away the mutterings that run of multiplicity of offices, and in my shallow apprehension your Grace might stand more firm without an anchor. The office of High Admiral in these times of action requires one whole man to execute it ; your Grace hath another sea of business to wade through, and the voluntary resigning of this office would fill all men, yea, even your ene- mies, with admiration and affection, and make you more a prince than detract from your greatness. If any ill successes happen at sea (as that of the Lord Wimbledon's lately), or if there be any mur- mur for pay, your Grace will be free from all im- putations; besides it will afford your Grace more leisure to look into your own affairs, which lie confused and unsettled. Lastly (which is not the OF JAMES HOWELL 321 least thing), this act will be so plausible that it may much advantage His Majesty in point of subsidy. Secondly, it were expedient (under correction) that your Grace would be pleased to allot some set hours for audience and access of suitors, and it would be less cumber to yourself and your serv- ants, and give more content to the world, which often mutters for difficulty of access. Lastly, it were not amiss that your Grace would settle a standing mansion-house and family, that suitors may know whither to repair constantly, and that your servants, every one in his place, might know what belongs to his place, and attend accord- ingly ; for though confusion in a great family carry a kind of state with it, yet order and regularity gains a greater opinion of virtue and wisdom. I know your Grace doth not (nor needs not) affect popularity. It is true that the people's love is the strongest citadel of a sovereign prince, but to a great subject it hath often proved fatal ; for he who pulleth off his hat to the people giveth his head to the prince ; and it is remarkable what was said of a late unfortunate earl, who a little before Queen Elizabeth's death had drawn the axe upon his own neck, "that he was grown so popular that he was too dangerous for the times, and the times for him." My lord, now that your Grace is threatened to be heaved at, it should behove every one that oweth you duty and good will to reach out his hand some way or other to serve you. Amongst 322 FAMILIAR LETTERS these, I am one that presumes to do it, in this poor impertinent paper; for which I implore pardon, because I am, my lord, your Grace's most humble and faithful servant, J. H. London, 13 February 1626. XIX To Sir y. S.f Knight THERE is a saying which carrieth no little weight with it, that "parvus amor loquitur, ingens stupet " (small love speaks, whilst great love stands astonished with silence). The one keeps a-tattling, while the other is struck dumb with amazement; like deep rivers, which to the eye of the beholder seem to stand still, while small shallow rivulets keep a noise ; or like empty casks that make an obstreperous hollow sound, which they would not do were they replenished and full of substance. It is the condition of my love to you, which is so great, and of that profoundness, that it hath been silent all this while, being stupefied with the contemplation of those high favours, and sun- dry sorts of civilities, wherewith I may say you have overwhelmed me. This deep ford of my affection and gratitude to you I intend to cut out hereafter into small currents (I mean into letters), that the course of it may be heard, though it make but a small bubbling noise, as also that the clear- ness of it may appear more visible. OF JAMES HOWELL ^^ I desire my service be presented to my noble lady, whose fair hands I humbly kiss; and if she want anything that London can afford, she need but command her and your most faithful and ready servitor, J. H. London, ii February 1626. XX To the Right Honourable the Earl R. My Lord, ACCORDING to promise, and that portion of obedience I owe to your commands, I send your lordship these few avisos, some whereof I doubt not but you have received before, and that by abler pens than mine ; yet your lordship mav happily find herein something which was omitted by others, or the former news made clearer by circumstance. I hear Count Mansfelt is in Paris, having now received three routings in Germany ; it is thought the French king will piece him up again with new recruits. I was told that, as he was seeing the two queens one day at dinner, the queen-mother said, " They say Count Mansfelt is here amongst this crowd." " I do not believe it," quoth the young queen, " for whensoever he seeth a Spaniard he runs away." Matters go untowardly on our side in Germany, but the King of Denmark will be shortly in the 324 FAMILIAR LETTERS field in person ; and Bethlem Gabor hath been long expected to do something, but some think he will prove but a bugbear. Sir Charles Morgan Is to go to Germany with 6000 auxiliaries to join with the Danish army. The Parliament is adjourned to Oxford, by reason of the sickness which increaseth exceed- ingly ; and before the King went out of town there died 1500 that very week, and two out of White- hall itself. There is high clashing again betwixt my lord duke and the Earl of Bristol ; they recriminate one another of divers things. The earl accuseth him, amongst other matters, of certain letters from Rome ; of putting His Majesty upon that hazard- ous journey to Spain, and of some miscarriages at his being in that court. There be articles also against the Lord Conway, which I send your lord- ship here enclosed. I am for Oxford the next week, and thence for Wales, to fetch my good old father's blessing : at my return, if it shall please God to reprieve me in these dangerous times of contagion, I shall continue my wonted service to your lordship, if it may be done with safety ; so I rest, your lord- ship's most humble servitor, J. H. London, 15 of March 1626. OF JAMES HOWELL 31^ XXI To the Honourable the Lord Viscount C. My Lord, SIR JOHN NORTH delivered me one lately from your lordship, and I send my humble thanks for the venison you intend me, I ac- quainted your lordship, as opportunity served, with the nimble pace the French match went on by the successful negotiation of the Earls of Car- lisle and Holland (who outwent the monsieurs themselves in courtship), and how in less than nine moons this great business was proposed, pursued, and perfected, whereas the sun had leisure enough to finish his annual progress from one end of the Zodiac to the other so many years before that of Spain could come to any shape of perfection. This may serve to show the difference betwixt the two nations, the leaden-heeled pace of the one and the quicksilvered motions of the other. It shows also how the French is more generous in his proceedings, and not so full of scruples, reser- vations and jealousies as the Spaniard, but deals more frankly, and with a greater confidence and gallantry. The Lord Duke of Buckingham is now in Paris, accompanied with the Earl of Montgomery, and he went in a very splendid equipage. The Vene- tian and Hollander, with other States that are no 2ie FAMILIAR LETTERS friends to Spain, did some good offices to advance this alliance, and the new Pope propounded much towards it; but Richelieu, the new favourite of France, was the cardinal instrument in it. This Pope Urban grows very active, not only in things present, but ripping up of old matters, for which there is a select committee appointed to examine accounts and errors passed, not only in the time of his immediate predecessor, but others. And one told me of a merry pasquil lately in Rome, that whereas there are two great statues, one of Peter, the other of Paul, opposite one to the other upon a bridge, one had clapt a pair of spurs upon St Peter's heels, and St Paul asking him whither he was bound, he answered, " I ap- prehend some danger to stay now in Rome, be- cause of this new commission, for I fear they will question me for denying my Master." " Truly, brother Peter, I shall not stay long after you, for I have as much cause to doubt that they will question me for persecuting the Christians be- fore I was converted." — So I take my leave, and rest, your lordship's most humble servitor, J. H. London, 3 May 1626. OF JAMES HOWELL 327 XXII To my Brother y Master Hugh Penry I THANK you for your late letter, and the several good tidings sent me from Wales. In requital I can send you gallant news, for we have now a most noble new Queen of England, who in true beauty is beyond the long-wooed Infanta, for she was of a fading flaxen hair, big-lipped, and somewhat heavy eyed ; but this daughter of France, this youngest branch of Bourbon (being but in her cradle when the great Henry her father was put out of the world), is of a more lovely and lasting com- plexion, a dark brown ; she hath eyes that sparkle like stars, and for her physiognomy she may be said to be a mirror of perfection. She had a rough pass- age in her transfretation to Dover Castle, and in Canterbury the King bedded first with her. There were a goodly train of choice ladies attended her coming upon the bowling-green on Barham Downs, upon the way, who divided themselves into two rows, and they appeared like so many constella- tions ; but methought that the country ladies out- shined the courtiers. She brought over with her two hundred thousand crowns in gold and silver as half her portion, and the other moiety is to be paid at the year's end. Her first suite of servants (by ar- ticle) are to be French, and as they die English are to succeed. She is also allowed twenty-eight eccle- 328 FAMILIAR LETTERS siastics of any order except Jesuits, a bishop for her almoner, and to have private exercise of her relig- ion for her and her servants. I pray convey the enclosed to my father by the next conveniency, and pray present my dear love to my sister. I hope to see you at Dyvinnock about Michaelmas, for I intend to wait upon my father, and will take my mother in the way ; I mean Oxford. In the interim I rest your most affection- ate brother, J. H. London, i6 May 1626. XXIII To my TJncle, Sir Sackville Trevor ; from Oxford I AM sorry I must write unto you the sad tidings of the dissolution of the Parliament here, which was done suddenly. Sir John Elliot was in the heat ofa high speech against the Duke of Buckingham, when the Usher of the Black-Rod knocked at the door and signified the King's pleasure, which struck a kind of consternation in all the house. My Lord Keeper Williams hath parted with the broad seal, because, as some say, he went about to cut down the scale by which he rose; for some, it seems, did ill offices betwixt the duke and him. Sir Thomas Coventry hath it now. I pray God he be tender of the King's conscience, whereof he is keeper, rather than of the seal. OF JAMES HOWELL 329 I am bound to-morrow upon a journey towards the mountains to see some friends in Wales, and to bring back my father's blessing. For better assurance of lodging where I pass, in regard of the plague, I have a post warrant as far as Saint David's, which is far enough you '11 say, for the King hath no ground further on this island. If the sickness rage in such extremity at London, the term will be held at Reading. All your friends here are well, but many look blank because of this sudden rupture of the Parlia- ment. God Almighty turn all to the best, and stay the fury of this contagion, and preserve us from further judgments ; so 1 rest your most affectionate nephew, J. H. Oxford, 6 August 1626. XXIV To my Father ; fro7n London I WAS now the fourth time at a dead stand in the course of my fortunes ; for though I was recommended to the duke and received many noble respects from him, yet I was told by some who are nearest him that somebody hath done me ill offices by whispering in his ear that I was too much Digbyfied, and so they told me positively that I must never expect any employment about him of any trust. While I was in this suspense, Mr Secretary Conway sent for me and proposed 330 FAMILIAR LETTERS unto me that the King had occasion to send a gen- tleman to Italy in nature of a moving agent, and though he might have choice of persons of good quality that would willingly undertake this em- ployment, yet understanding of my breeding he made the first proffer to me, and that I should go as the King's servant and have allowance accord- ingly. I humbly thanked him for the good opin- ion he pleased to conceive of me being a stranger to him, and desired some time to consider of the proposition and of the nature of the employ- ment ; so he granted me four days to think upon it, and two of them are passed already. If I may have a support accordingly, I intend by God's Grace (desiring your consent and blessing to go along), to apply myself to this course ; but before I part with England I intend to send you further notice. The sickness is miraculously decreased in this city and suburbs, for from 5200, which was the greatest number that died in one week, and that was some forty days since, they are now fallen to 300. It was the violentest fit of contagion that ever was for the time in this island, and such as no story can parallel, but the ebb of it was more swift than the tide. My brother is well, and so are all your friends here, for I do not know of any of your ac- quaintance that 's dead of this furious infection. Sir John Walter asked me lately how you did, and wished me to remember him to you. — So with my love to all my brothers and sisters, and the rest of OF JAMES HOWELL 331 my friends which made so much of me lately in the country, I rest your dutiful son, J. H. London, 7 August 1626. XXV To the Right Honourable the Lord Conway^ Prmcipal Secretary of State to His Maj- esty at Hampton Court Right Honourable, SINCE I last attended your lordship here, I summoned my thoughts to council and can- vassed to and fro within myself the business you pleased to impart unto me for going upon the King's service to Italy. I considered therein many particulars : First, the weight of the employment, and what maturity of judgment, discretion, and parts are required in him that will personate such a man ; next, the difficulties of it, for one must send sometimes light out of darkness, and like the bee suck honey out of bad as out of good flowers ; thirdly, the danger which the undertaker must converse withal, and which may fall upon him by interception of letters or other cross casualties ; lastly, the great expense it will require, being not to remain sedentary in one place, as other agents, but to be often in itinerary motion. Touching the first, I refer myself to your hon- our's favourable opinion and the character which 22^ FAMILIAR LETTERS my Lord S. and others shall give of me ; for the second, I hope to overcome it ; for the third, I weigh it not, so that I may merit of my king and country; for the last, I crave leave to deal plainly with your lordship that I am a cadet, and have no other patrimony or support but my breeding, therefore I must breathe by the employment. And, my lord, I shall not be able to perform what shall be expected at my hands under one hundred pounds a quarter, and to have bills of credit accord- ing. Upon these terms, my lord, I shall apply myself to this service, and by God's blessing hope to answer all expectations. — So referring the pemises to your noble consideration, I rest, my lord, your very humble and ready servitor, J. H. London, September 8, 1626, XXVI To my Brother, Dr Howell, after Bishop of Bristol My Brother, NEXT to my father, it is fitting you should have cognisance of my affairs and fortunes. You heard how I was in agitation for an employ- ment in Italy, but my Lord Conway demurred upon the salary I propounded. I have now waived this course. Yet I came off fairly with my lord ; .for I OF JAMES HOWELL ^33 have a stable home employment proffered me by my Lord Scroop, Lord President of the North, who sent for me lately to Worcester House, though I never saw him before, and there the bargain was quickly made that I should go down with him to York for secretary, and his lordship hath promised me fairly. I will see you at your house in Horsley before I go, and leave the particular circumstances of this business till then. The French that came over with Her Majesty, for their petulancy and some misdemeanours, and imposing some odd penances upon the Queen, are all cashiered this week, about a matter of six score, whereof the Bishop of Mende was one, who had stood to be steward of Her M ajesty's courts, which office my Lord of Holland hath. It was a thing suddenly done, for about one of the clock, as they were at dinner, my Lord Conway and Sir Thomas Edmonds came with an order from the King that they must instantly away to Somerset House, for there were barges and coaches staying for them ; and there they should have all their wages paid them to a penny, and so they must be content to quit the kingdom. This sudden undreamed of order struck an astonishment into them all, both men and women ; and running to complain to the Queen, His Majesty had taken her before into his bedchamber, and locked the doors upon them until he had told her how matters stood. The Queen fell into a violent passion, broke the glass windows, and tore her hair ; but she was calmed afterwards. Just 334 FAMILIAR LETTERS such a destiny happened in France some years since to the Queen's Spanish servants there, who were all dismissed in like manner for some miscarriages. The like was done in Spain to the French, there- fore it is no new thing. They are all now on their way to Dover ; but I fear this will breed ill-blood betwixt us and France, and may b'reak out into an ill-favoured quarrel. Master Montague is preparing to go to Paris as a messenger of honour, to prepossess the King and Council therewith the truth of things. So with my very kind respects to my sister, I rest your loving brother, J. H. London, 15 March 1626. XXVII To the Right Honourable the Lord S, ■ My Lord, I AM bound shortly for York, where I am hopeful of a profitable employment. There is fearful news come from Germany, that since Sir Charles Morgan went thither with 6000 men for the assistance of the King of Denmark, the King hath received an utter overthrow by Tilly. He had received a fall off a horse from a wall five yards high a little before, yet it did him little hurt. Tilly pursueth his victory strongly, and is got over the Elbe to Holsteinland, insomuch that they OF JAMES HOWELL 33s write from Hamburg that Denmark is in danger to be utterly lost. The Danes and Germans seem to lay some fault upon our King, the King upon the Parliament that would not supply him with subsidies to assist his uncle and the Prince Pals- grave, both which was promised upon the rupture of the treaties with Spain, which was done by the advice of both Houses. This is the ground that His Majesty hath lately sent out privy seals for loan moneys until a Par- liament may be called, in regard that the King of Denmark is distressed, the Sound like to be lost, the Eastland trade and the staple at Hamburg in danger to be destroyed, and the English garri- son under Sir Charles Morgan at Stoad ready to be starved. These loan-moneys keep a great noise, and they are imprisoned that deny to conform themselves. I fear I shall have no more opportunity to send to your lordship till I go to York, therefore I humbly take my leave, and kiss your hands, being ever, my lord, your obedient and ready servitor, J. H. XXVIII To Mr R. L.y Merchant I MET lately with J. Harris in London, and I had not seen him two years before, and then I took him, and knew him to be a man of thirty, but now one would take him by his hair to be near 2>z(> FAMILIAR LETTERS threescore, for he is all turned gray. I wondered at such a metamorphosis in so short a time. He told me it was for the death of his wife that nature had thus antedated his years. It is true that a weighty settled sorrow is of that force that, besides the contradiction of the spirits, it will work upon the radical moisture, and dry it up, so that the hair can have no moisture at the root. This made me remember a story that a Spanish advocate told me, which is a thing very remarkable. When the Duke of Alva was in Brussels, about the beginning of the tumults in the Netherlands, he had sat down before Hulst in Flanders, and there was a provost-marshal in his army, who was a favourite of his, and this provost had put some to death by secret commission from the duke. There was one Captain Bolea in the army, who was an intimate friend of the provost's, and one even- ing late he went to the said captain's tent, and brought with him a confessor and an executioner, as it was his custom. He told the captain that he was come to execute his excellency's commission and martial law upon him. The captain started up suddenly, his hair standing at an end, and being struck with amazement, asked him wherein he had offended the duke. The provost answered. Sir, I come not to expostulate the business with you, but to execute my commission. Therefore I pray pre- pare yourself, for there 's your ghostly father and executioner. So he fell on his knees before the priest, and having done, the hangman going to put OF JAMES HOWELL 337 the halter about his neck the provost threw it away, and breaking into a laughter told him there was no such thing, and that he had done this to try his courage, how he could bear the terror of death. The captain looked ghastly upon him, and said. Then, sir, get you out of my tent, for you have done me a very ill office. The next morning the said Captain Bolea, though a young man of about thirty, had his hair all turned gray, to the admira- tion of all the world and of the Duke of Alva him- self, who questioned him about it, but he would confess nothing. The next year the duke was re- voked, and in his journey to the court of Spain he was to pass by Saragossa, and this Captain Bolea and the provost went along with him as his domes- tics. The duke being to repose some days in Sara- gossa the young-old Captain Bolea told him that there was a thing in that town worthy to be seen by his excellency, which was a casa de locos, a bedlam-house, for there was not the like in Christ- endom. Well, said the duke, go and tell the warden I will be there to-morrow in the afternoon, and wish him to be in the way. The captain having obtained this went to the warden and told him that the duke would come to visit the house the next day, and the chiefest occasion that moved him to it was that he had an unruly provost about him who was sub- ject oftentimes to fits of frenzy, and because he wisheth him well he had tried divers means to cure him, but all would not do, therefore he would try whether keeping him close in Bedlam for some 338 FAMILIAR LETTERS days would do him any good. The next day the duke came with a ruffling train of captains after him, amongst whom was the said provost, very shining brave ; being entered into the house about the duke's person, Captain Bolea told the warden, pointing at the provost, that 's the man. So he took him aside into a dark lobby, where he had placed some of his men, who muffled him in his cloak, seized upon his gilt sword with his hat and feather, and so hurried him down into a dungeon. My pro- vost had lain there two nights and a day, and after- wards it happened that a gentleman coming out of curiosity to see the house peeped in at a small grate where the provost was. The provost conjured him, as he was a Christian, to go and tell the Duke of Alva his provost was there clapped up, nor could he imagine why. The gentleman did the errand, whereat the duke, being astonished, sent for the warden with his prisoner. So he brought my pro- vost, en cuerpo madman-like, full of straws and feathers before the duke, who at the sight of him, breaking out into laughter, asked the warden why he had made him his prisoner. Sir, said the warden, it was by virtue of your excellency's commission brought me by Captain Bolea. Bolea stepped forth and told the duke. Sir, you have asked me oft how these hairs of mine grew so suddenly gray. I have not revealed it yet to any soul breathing, but now I '11 tell your excellency, and so fell a-relating the passage in Flanders. And, sir, I have been ever since beating my brains how to get an equal OF JAMES HOWELL 339 revenge of him ; and I thought no revenge to be more equal or corresponding, now that you see he hath made me old before my time, than to make him mad if I could, and had he stayed some days longer close prisoner in the bedlam-house, it might haply have wrought some impressions upon his pericranium. The duke was so well pleased with the story, and the wittiness of the revenge, that he made them both friends ; and the gentleman who told me this passage said that the said Captain Bolea was yet alive, so that he could not be less than ninety years of age. 1 thank you a thousand times for the Cepha- lonia Muscadel and Botargo you sent me; I hope to be shortly quit with you for all courtesies ; in the interim I am vour obliged friend to serve you, J. H. York, this i May 1626. Postscript I AM sorry to hear of the trick that Sir John Ayres put upon the company by the box of hailshot, signed with the ambassador's seal, that he had sent so solemnly from Constantinople, which he made the world believe to be full of chequins and Turkey gold. EPISTOL^ HO-ELIAN^ SECTION V SECTION V To Dan Caldwaliy Esq, ; from Tork My Dear D., THOUGH I may be termed a right Northern man, being a good way this side Trent, yet my love is as Southern as ever it was ; I mean it continueth still in the same degree of heat, nor can this bleaker air or boreas' chilling blasts cool it a whit. I am the same to you this side Trent as I was the last time we crossed the Thames together to see Smug the smith, and so back to the still- yard ; but I fear that your love to me doth not continue in so constant and intense a degree, and I have good grounds for this fear, because I never received one syllable from you since I left London. If you rid me not of this scruple, and send to me speedily, I shall think, though you live under a hotter clime in the South, that your former love is not only cooled, but frozen. For this present condition of life, I thank God, I live well contented. I have a fee from the King, diet for myself and two servants, livery for a horse, and a part of the King's house for my lodging, and other privileges which I am told no secretary before me had; but I must tell you the perquisites 344 FAMILIAR LETTERS are nothing answerable to my expectation yet. I have built me a new study since I came, wherein I shall amongst others meditate sometimes on you and whence this present letter comes. So with a thousand thanks for the plentiful hospitality and jovial farewell you gave me at your house in Es- sex, I rest yours, yours, yours, J. H. York, 13 July 1627. II To Mr Richard Leat SIGNOR mio, it is now a great while methinks since any act of friendship, or other inter- changeable offices of love hath passed between us, either by letters or other accustomed ways of cor- respondence ; and as I will not accuse, so I go not about to clear myself in this point, let this long silence be termed therefore a cessation rather than neglect on both sides. A bow that lies a while un- bent, and a field that remains fallow for a time, grow never the worse, but afterwards the one sends forth an arrow more strongly, the other yields a better crop being recultivated. Let this be also verified in us^ let our friendship grow more fruitful after this pause, let it be more active for the future. You see I begin and shoot the first shaft. I send you herewith a couple of red deer pies, the one Sir Arthur Ingram gave me, the other my Lord Presi- dent's cook ; I could not tell where to bestow OF JAMES HOWELL 345 them better. In your next let me know which is the best seasoned. I pray let the Sydonian mer- chant, J. Bruckhurst, be at the eating of them, and then I know they will be well soaked. If you please to send me a barrel or two of oysters, which we want here, I promise you they shall be well eaten with a cup of the best claret and the best sherry, to which wine this town is altogether ad- dicted, shall not be wanting. I understand the Lord Weston is Lord Treas- urer, we may say now that we have treasurers of all tenses, for there are four living, to wit, the Lords Manchester, Middlesex, Marlborough, and the newly-chosen. I hear also that the good old man (the last) hath retired to his lodgings in Lincoln's Inn, and so reduced himself to his first principles, which makes me think that he cannot bear up long now that the staff is taken from him. I pray in your next send me the Venitian Gazette. — So with my kind respects to your father, I rest yours, J. H. York, 9 July 1627. Ill To Sir Ed. Sa., Knight SIR, it was no great matter to be a prophet, and to have foretold this rupture betwixt us and France upon the sudden renvoy of Her Majesty's servants, for many of them had sold their estates 346 FAMILIAR LETTERS in France, given money for their places, and so thought to live and die in England in the Queen's service, and so have pitifully complained to that king ; thereupon he hath arrested above lOO of our merchantmen that went to the vintage at Bor- deaux. We also take some stragglers of theirs, for there are letters of mart given on both sides. There are writs issued out for a Parliament, and the town of Richmond in Richmondshire hath made choice of me for their burgess, though Mas- ter Christopher Wansford and other powerful men, and more deserving than I, stood for it. I pray God send fair weather in the House of Commons, for there is much murmuring about the restraint of those that would not conform to loan-moneys. There is a great fleet a-preparing and an army of landmen, but the design is uncertain whether it be against Spain or France, for we are now in enmity with both those crowns. The French Cardinal hath been lately to the other side the Alps, and set- tled the Duke of Nevers in the Dutchy of Man- tua, notwithstanding the opposition of the King of. Spain and the Emperor, who alleged that he was to receive his investiture from him, and that was the chief ground of the war ; but the French arms have done the work, and come triumphantly back over the hills again. — No more now, but that I am as always your true friend, J. H. March 2, 1627. OF JAMES HOWELL 347 IV To the Worshipful Mr Alderman of the town of Rich?nond^ and the rest of the worthy mem- bers of that ancient corporation. I RECEIVED a public instrument from you lately, subscribed by yourself, and divers others, wherein I find that you have made choice of me to be one of your burgesses for this now near-ap- proaching Parliament. I could have wished that vou had not put by Master Wandesford and other worthy gentlemen that stood so earnestly for it, who being your neighbours had better means and more abilities to serve you. Yet since you have cast these high respects upon me, I will endeavour to acquit myself of the trust, and to answer your expectation accordingly ; and as I account this election an honour unto me, so I esteem it a great advantage that so worthy and well-experienced a knight as Sir Talbot Bows is to be my colleague and fellow-burgess. I shall steer by his compass and follow his directions in anything that may con- cern the welfare of your town and of the precincts thereof, either for redress of any grievance or by proposing some new thing that may conduce to the further benefit and advantage thereof, and this I take to be the true duty of a Parliamentary bur- gess, without roving at random to generals. 1 hope to learn of Sir Talbot what 's fitting to be done, 348 FAMILIAR LETTERS and I shall apply myself accordingly to join with him to serve you with my best abilities. — So I rest, your most assured and ready friend to do you service, J. H. London, March 24, 1627. V To the Right Honourable the Lord Clifford at Knaresborough My Lord, THE news that fills all mouths at present is the return of the Duke of Buckingham from the Isle of Ree, or, as some call it, the Isle of Rue, for the bitter success we had there; for we had but a tart entertainment in that salt island. Our first invasion was magnanimous and brave, whereat near upon 200 French gentlemen perished, and divers barons of quality. My Lord Newport had ill luck to disorder our cavalry with an unruly horse he had. His brother. Sir Charles Rich, was slain, and divers more upon the retreat. Amongst others great Colonel Gray fell into a salt pit, and being ready to be drowned, he cried out. Cent milk escus pour ma rant^on^ " A hundred thousand crowns for my ransom." The Frenchmen, hearing that, preserved him, though he was not worth a hundred thousand pence. Another merry passage a captain told me, that when they were rifling the dead bodies of the French gentlemen after the first OF JAMES HOWELL 349 invasion, they found that many of them had their mistress's favours tied about their genitories. The French do much glory to have repelled us thus, and they have reason, for the truth is they com- ported themselves gallantly, yet they confess our landing was a notable piece of courage, and if our retreat had been answerable to the invasion, we had lost no honour at all. A great number of gallant gentlemen fell on our side, as Sir John Heydon, Sir John Burrowes, Sir George Blundel, Sir Alex. Bret, with divers veteran commanders who came from the Netherlands to this service. God send us better success the next time, for there is another fleet preparing to be sent under the command of the Lord Denbigh. — So I kiss your hand, and am your humble servitor, J.H. London, ia^ of September 1627. VI 'To the Right Honourable the Lord Scroop, Karl of Sufiderlandj Lord President of the North My Lord, MY Lord Denbigh is returned from attempt- ing to relieve Rochelle, which is reduced to extreme exigent ; and now the duke is preparing to go again, with as great power as was yet raised, notwithstanding that the Parliament hath flown higher at him than ever, which makes the people 350 FAMILIAR LETTERS here hardly wish any good success to the expedi- tion, because he is general. The Spaniard stands at a gaze all this while, hoping that we may do the work, otherwise I think he would find some way to relieve the town, for there is nothing conduceth more to the uniting and strengthening of the French monarchy than the reduction of Rochelle. The King hath been there long in person with his cardinal, and the stupendous works they have raised by sea and land are beyond belief, as they say. The sea works and booms were traced out by Marquis Spinola, as he was passing that way for Spain from Flanders. The Parliament is prorogued till Michaelmas term. There were five subsidies granted, the great- est gift that ever subjects gave their king at once ; and it was in requital that His Majesty passed the Petition of Right, whereby the liberty of the free- born subject is so strongly and clearly vindicated. So that there is a fair correspondence like to be betwixt His Majesty and the two Houses. The duke made a notable speech at the council table in joy hereof. Amongst other passages one was, " That hereafter His Majesty would please to make the Parliament his favourite, and he to have the honour to remain still his servant." No more now but that I continue your lordship's most dutiful servant, J. H. London, 25 September 1628. OF JAMES HOWELL 351 VII To the Right Honourable the Lady Scroop, Countess of Sunderland; from Stamford Madam, I LAY yesternight at the post-house at Stilton, and this morning betimes the postmaster came to my bed's head and told me the Duke of Buck- ingham was slain. My faith was not then strong enough to believe it, till an hour ago I met in the way with my Lord of Rutland (your brother) riding post towards London. It pleased him to alight and show me a letter, wherein there was an exact relation of all the circumstances of this sad tragedy. Upon Saturday last, which was but next before yesterday being Bartholomew eve, the duke did rise up in a well-disposed humour out of his bed, and cut a caper or two ; and being ready, and having been under the barber's hands (where the murderer had thought to have done the deed, for he was leaning upon the window all the while), he went to breakfast attended by a great company of commanders, where Monsieur Soubize came unto him, and whispered him In the ear that Rochelle was relieved ; the duke seemed to slight the news, which made some think that Soubize went away discontented. After breakfast the duke going out. Colonel Fryer stepped before him, and stopping 352 FAMILIAR LETTERS him upon some business, one Lieutenant Felton being behind, made a thrust with a common ten- penny knife over Fryer's arm at the duke, which lighted so fatally, that he slit his heart in two, leav- ing the knife sticking in the body. The duke took out the knife and threw it away, and laying his hand on his sword, and drawing it half out, said, "The villain hath killed me" (meaning, as some think. Colonel Fryer), for there had been some difference betwixt them, so reeling against a chim- ney he fell down dead. The duchess being with child, hearing the noise below, came in her night- gears from her bedchamber, which was in an upper room, to a kind of rail, and thence beheld him weltering in his own blood. Felton had lost his hat in the crowd, wherein there was a paper sowed, wherein he declared that the reason which moved him to this act was no grudge of his own, though he had been far behind for his pay, and had been put by his captain's place twice, but in regard he thought the duke an enemy to the State, because he was branded in Parliament, therefore what he did was for the public good of his country. Yet he got clearly down, and so might have gone to his horse, which was tied to a hedge hard by ; but he was so amazed that he missed his way, and so struck into the pastry, where though the cry went that some Frenchman had done it, he, thinking the word was Felton, he boldly confessed it was he that had done the deed, and so he was in their hands. Jack Stamford would have run at him, but OF JAMES HOWELL 353 he was kept off by Mr Nicholas; so being carried up to a tower, Captain Mince tore off his spurs, and asking how he durst attempt such an act, making him believe the duke was not dead, he answered boldly that he knew he was despatched, for it was not he but the hand of heaven that gave the stroke, and though his whole body had been covered over with armour of proof he could not have avoided it. Captain Charles Price went post presently to the King four miles off, who being at prayers on his knees when it was told him, yet he never stirred, nor was he disturbed a whit till all Divine service was done. This was the relation as far as my memory could bear, in my Lord of Rut- land's letter, who willed me to remember him unto your ladyship, and tell you that he was going to comfort your niece (the duchess) as fast as he could. And so I have sent the truth of this sad story to your ladyship as fast as I could by this post, because I cannot make that speed myself, in regard of some business I have to despatch for my lord in the way. — So I humbly take my leave, and rest your ladyship's most dutiful servant, J. H. Stamford, August 5, 1628. 354 FAMILIAR LETTERS VIII To the Right Honourable Sir Peter Wichts, His Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople My Lord, YOURS of the 2nd of July came to safe hand, and I did all those particulars recandos you enjoined me to do to some of your friends here. The town of Rochelle hath been fatal and un- fortunate to England, for this is the third time that we have attempted to relieve her, but our fleets and forces returned without doing anything. My Lord of Lindsey went thither with the same fleet the duke intended to go on, but he is returned with- out doing any good. He made some shots at the great boom and other barricades at sea, but at such a distance that they could do no hurt, insomuch that the town is now given for lost and to be past cure, and they cry out we have betrayed them. At the return of this fleet two of the whelps were cast away, and three ships more, and some five ships who had some of those great stones that were brought to build St Paul's, for ballast and for other uses, within them, which could promise no good success, for I never heard of anything that pros- pered which being once designed for the honour of God was alienated from that use. The Queen in- terposeth for the releasement of my Lord of New- port and others who are prisoners of war. I hear OF JAMES HOWELL 3SS that all the colours they took from us are hung up in the great church of Notre Dame as trophies in Paris. Since I began this letter there is news brought that Rochelle hath yielded, and that the King hath dismantled the town, and razed all the fortifications landward, but leaves those standing which are toward the sea. It is a mighty exploit the French King hath done, for Rochelle was the chiefest propugnation of the Protestants there, and now questionless all the rest of their cautionary towns which they kept for their own defence will yield, so that they must depend hereafter upon the King's mere mercy. I hear of an overture of peace betwixt us and Spain, and that my Lord Cotting- ton is to go thither and Don Carlos Coloma to come to us. God grant it, for you know the saying in Spanish, " Nunca vi tan mala paz, que no fuera mejor, que la mejor guerra." It was a bold thing in England to fall out with the two greatest mon- archs of Christendom, and to have them both her enemies at one time, and as glorious a thing it was to bear up against them. God turn all to the best, and dispose of things to His glory. — So I rest your lordship's ready servitor, J. H. London, i September 1628. 2S6 FAMILIAR LETTERS IX To my Cousin^ Mr St Geon, at Christ Church College in Oxford Cousin, THOUGH you want no incitements to go on in that fair road of virtue where you are now running your course, yet being lately in your noble father's company, he did intimate unto me that anything which came from me would take with you very much. I hear so well of your proceedings that I should rather commend than encourage you. I know you were i-emoved to Oxford in full matu- rity. You were a good orator, a good poet, and a good linguist for your time. I would not have that fate light upon you, which useth to befall some, who from golden students become silver bachelors and leaden masters. I am far from entertaining any such thought of you, that logic with her quid- dities and^^-^d" la vel Hipps can any way unpolish your humane studies. As logic is clubfisted and crabbed, so she is terrible at first sight. She is like a gorgon's head to a young student, but after a twelve months' constancy and patience this Gor- gon's head will prove a mere bugbear. When you have devoured the Organon you will find philo- sophy far more delightful and pleasing to your palate. In feeding the soul with knowledge the understanding requireth the same consecutive acts OF JAMES HOWELL 357 which nature useth in nourishing the body. To the nutrition of the body there are two essential conditions required, assumption and retention. Then there follows two more Trei/zt? and77-pd