HISTORY of the Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity ^^Kn GIFT OF THE HISTORY OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA FRATERNITY (1885-1916) BY FLORENCK A. ARMSTRONG Ph.K. (Simpsox), A.m. (Radcliffe) Editor First Edition Editor The Lyre WITH MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fra/eniity By Mabel Harriet Siller All rights reserved igi7 U 3 1 A- Copyright 1917 by Florence A. Armstrong To Alta Alh-n Loud ami to the Fratvrnity This I'oiiuue is Dedicated l>\ the Author 368283 THE HISTORY OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA FRATERNITY (1885-1916) CONTENTS Chapter 1 Educational and Fraternity Conditions at the Time of the Founding of Alpha Chi Omega (1885). 2 Organization of Alpha Chi Omega. 3 Early Years. 4 Expansion into State Universities as a General Fraternity with Musical Traditions. 5 Present Scope. 6 Material Possessions. 7 Colleges in which Alpha Chi Omega has Chapters. 8 The Alumnae Association. 9 Alumnae Chapters. 10 Alumnae Clubs. 1 1 Government. 12 National Conventions. 13 National Council Meetings. 14 Insignia and Heraldry. 15 The Lyre. 16 The Heraeum, the Argolid, and the Songbook. 17 The History. 18 The Daily Convention Transcript, the Directorv. and the Calendar. 19 Official Forms and Supplie.s. 20 Endowment and Scholarship Funds. 21 Chapter-house Ownership. 22 The Macdowell Colony Studio. 23 Influence of Grecian Culture upon Alpha Chi Omega. 24 Traditions of the Fraternitv. 25 The Panhellenic Movement. 26 Prominent Members. 27 The Contribution of Alpha Chi Omega to American Fife. Appendix Directory of National Officers. Chronological History of the Fraternity. PREFACE It has been the aim of this volume to ij,ive mainly a picture of the Frater- nity as she exists today ; and to reveal her impulse, her evolution, and her genius, according to the records. I should like to acknowledge gratefully the generous help derived from many members of Alpha C"hi Omega. The history committees of the chapters, appointed at my request, contributed invaluable material. To them we are indebted for recent local statistics, as well as in many cases, for fresh material of the earlier days. From them, and from the authorities of the colleges also, came the historical data of the educational institutions where the Fraternity is rejiresented. The sketches of the celebrated honorary sisters were based upon a series of articles written for Thr Lyre by Winifred Byrd, Zeta ; the chai)ter on official suppl'es was largely written by Kathryn Morgan, Xi, Keeper of Supplies ; the section on mythology was compiled by Ina Weyrauch, Lambda ; while the story of altruistic work was done by Gladys Livingston Graff, Zeta, who, moreover, carried a large share of the corre- spondence relating to prominent members. The index was made by Myra H. Jones. To the National Alumnae Editor, Edna Boicourt, Zeta, I am indebted for assistance in correspondence, and for the delightful but onerous task of listing and mounting the photographs of the children of members. Lucile Lippett, Delta, gave extended and valuable aid in numberless details; among other services, she prepared for publication the results of my research regarding the national conventions. Assistance in the reading of proof Avas given by Mary-Emma Griffith, bv Mablc Siller Nafis, and by Alta Allen Loud. To Mrs. Loud I would express especial thanks, for advice and coo^jeration at every step of the way. No detail was too slight, no recjuest too large, for her careful and illuminating comment. Not only to the meml)ers mentioned above is gratitude due. To Mrs. Macdowell who welcomed the author to the artists' colony, and placed at her disposal the Star Studio, I wish to give sincere thanks. And to two professors of Harvard University, whose instruction has l)een oi the utmost helpfulness, I proffer my respectful appreciation ; to Chester Noyes Greenough, Professor of English, whose course in American Literature was of great value ; and to Frederick Jackson Turner, Professor of the Historv of the American West, whose grasp and power added to my understanding and enthusiasm in research. In this speaking of my gratitude, I trust that I have succeeded in making plain the wide cooperation which has been given in the search for facts, and in the composition, of the History of Al f^ha Chi Omega. As you proceed, kind reader, you will see how much aid I ha\'e received from Dean Howe and the founders, and from the first edition of the History. Miss Helen Campbell of Radcliffe College, assisted me, also, in making maps and charts. The volume is such a complex one that without numl)erless helpers, I should have found the composition impossible in the few months allotted to me. We were able, however, by herculean efforts, to send the manuscript to the publisher last October. Since that time the volume which was to appear in November has faced sad delays : a six-weeks' delay by the American Express Company, and delays on the part of the publisher. We regret these beyond words. But we hope that you will find the book readable and useful. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Florence A. Armstrong. February ig, 1917. Ai.TA Allen Loud General Secretary, 1897-1898 National President, 1907-1910; 1912-1917 CHAPTER I EDUCATIONAL AND FRATERNITY CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF THE FOUNDING OF ALPHA CHI OMEGA, 1885 There were five national (ireek-letter fraternities for women in 1885. Alpha Chi Omega became the sixth. In the understanding of our own his- tory some information of the college and fraternity world of that time may be illuminating. A new era was beginning in the education of womankind. "Interest in provision for the superior instruction of women shows no abate- ment," reports the American Commissioner of Education, in 1884-5, after investigation of conditions in the thirty-eight states of the Union, "although the vear has not been characterized by any special action in reference to the subject. The importance of full provision for this work is indeed so fully recognized that the discussions which it excites no longer turn on that ques- tion, but on those which pertain to it as a part of superior education in general." The movement toward woman's higher education was propelled throughout the two decades just passed, by the need for women to take the places of the soldier-pedagogues of the Civil War. The East had established separate institutions for the training of women, and the standard* of scholar- ship had not been injured. "It is my hope," Mathew Vassar had said, "to be the instrument, in the hands of Providence, of founding and perpetuating an institution which shall accomplish for young women what our colleges are accomplishing for young men." Vassar College was opened in 1855 ; a decade later Smith College was opened; Wellesley was established in 1870 (the date on which the first national (ireek-letter fraternity for women was founded). The state of Massacliusetts granted to Wellesley in 1877 the authority to give degrees. Doubt concerning woman's mental capacitv had been allayed. Long treatises, however, inquired into the physical limitations of the feminine con- stitution. The Commissioner of Education pointed triumphantly to cases in Europe where women had endured collegiate labor with impunitv. Some institutions had introduced physical exercises for women, and these he recom- mended to all colleges. The era of experimentation was drawing to its close. The standard of women's colleges was improving steadily. In 1885 Bryn Mawr was founded, and has always had a high standard. There had been much change already since a youth had ventured his opinion in 1872 to Alice Freeman that "girls' colleges were a contrivance for enabling women to pre- tend that they had the same education as men." In the West women's education more nearly kept pace with that of their l)rothers. Accepting the advice of Horace Mann manv western states made their state universities serve both their bovs and their girls. The Universities of Iowa (1847). Kan.sas (1866). Minnesota (1868). and Nebraska (1871) were established for both sexes. About the same time Indiana (1868), Michi- gan (1870), Illinois (1870), California (1870). Missouri (1870), Ohio TiiK History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraiernity (1873). and Wisconsin (1874) opened their doors to women. One of these western uniYersities was destined to exert a moulding influence upon the education of women in the older East. Alice Freeman went as a pioneer woman student to the UniYcrsity of Michigan, and there receiYed her degree. As president of Wellesley College (1881-1887) she "developed and dignified its departments * * systematized inspection, and drew up a certificate (for admission from certain accredited schools), and then conducted examinations in Wellesley courses in such a way that there was a general rise in standards. A new atmosphere of exactitude, work, and insis- tence on what a college should mean, succeeding a sort of boarding-school looseness." She assisted in the organization of sixteen preparatory schools in many of which Wellesley graduates became teachers. The systematization given W^ellesley and the boarding-schools feeding it was needed in most of the many academies, female seminaries, and female colleges in the country. In the West the colleges themselves undertook to supply the deficiencies of the preparatory education of their students by giving preparatory courses. The country west of Missouri was still sparsely settled, and consequently transportation in the Middle West had improved but slowly. Most western young people had been educated, therefore, near their homes. Numberless academies, seminaries, and colleges had sprung up for this purpose. With the great improvement of railroad facilities, however (1885-1890), many students entered the state universities. These have grown with marvellous rapidity in the past two decades. After the pioneer period in the Mississippi Valley, the educational development of the western states is one of the most extraordinary phenomena in history. Alpha Chi Omega was founded at the psychological moment. She was spared struggling years of weakness, disfavor, and uncertainty in the education of women which she would have encountered two decades before. And she entered the educational world at the exact time when coeducation was a rising tide. It was in the colleges admitting both men and women that the woman's fraternity, logically, had its rise. In De Pauw, where the first national Greek-letter fraternity for women had been established fifteen years earlier, Alpha Chi Omega was founded. The following table illustrates the early location of first chapters by the national Greek-letter organizations prior to 1885. National Grcck-leftcr fraternities for wonien existing at the time Alpha Chi Omega uvis founded, i88^. Name When Founded Where Founded Founded Sec- ond Chapter Number of Chapters A $ 1872 Svracuse 1881 2 A r 1872 Univ. of Mississippi 1881 2 r ^ B 1874 Svracuse 1882 3 K A 1870 Asbury (De Pauw) 1870 14 K K r 1870 Monmouth 1871 21 Educaiionai. anm) Fra ikrm I V Condi I IONS 3 In the coeducational universities the fraternities had loni; heen the most important feature in the social life of the men. These organizations had begun a century before as literary orders, like the "Speaking Club" at Har- vard for debating purj)oses. Important libraries were collected by them, and they were thought of great intellectual value. But by the time that women's fraternities were founded the term "literary" was long ago outgrown. The development of the curricula of the universities themselves had rendered unnecessary pedagogical functions in the group itself. The fraternity had become social in its function providing comfortable living quarters for its members in congenial company. The old phraseology is slowly giving way among both men's and women's fraternities. The term "general" is sup])lant- ing the confusing and incongruous term, "literary." Some of the earlier generation still cling, however, to the old phrase. The remarkal)le development and scope of the modern university, in response to the needs of modern life, have broadened the fraternitv un'il a chajjter includes students of all undergraduate departments on ecjual footing, and have rendered impossible the appropriate use of any phrase other than general in their designation. To the present-day student the term "literary society" connotes a meaning far diliferent from a twentieth century fraternitv chapter. The women's fraternities were modeled after the existing men's frater- nities, and were formed to secure a social position for the women students in university life. By the time Alpha Chi ( )mega was organized, this purpose had broadened into a desire for mutual improvement, for social experience through congenial companionship, and in the case of our Fraternity, for the advancement of an art. The modern fraternity has "that close relationship, that clannish spirit and mutual helpfulness, that high regard for morality, which characterize an old and respected family, proud of its history, and anxious that no member shall fall below the standards." The colleges into which women's fraternities, including 2 K ( 1874), I. C. (n B $, 1888), Philomathean ( 4> M, 1904), and Adelphean (A A II, 1906), had entered in 1885 were the following forty-four institutions. Colby College, Waterville, Me., 2 K. Cornell University, A l\ K A O, K K P. (2nd ch. 1904) University of Colorado, A I", I. C. Syracuse, A 4>, V 4- B, K K T . University of Michigan, A T, 1' * \i. Northwestern, A , A V, K K T. K A 9. Boston University, A *, K K V. De Pauvv, K A B, K K P. The Louis School, A T. Indiana University, K A H, K K P. (d. 1889).* Butler, K A O, k'k P. University of Akron, A P, K K P. Illinois University, K A B (d. iSg5), Trinity University, Te.\as A P. K K F. University of Wisconsin, A P, P R, K K P. Wooster, K A B (d. 1913), K K P (d. Mount Union, A P (d. 1908). 1413). University of Minnesota, A P, K K P. Ohio University, K A B {d. i88b). Western Reserve University, A P. Simpson, K A B (d. iSqi), K K P (d. (d. 1888) i8c)o), 1. C. Albion College, A P. University of Kansas, K A B, K K P, I.C. St. Lawrence University, A P (d. 1887), University of Vermont, K A 9. K K P (d. 1808). Allegheny, K A B. *The date signifies that the chajjter became defunct at that time. 4 Thk HisroKV of Alpha Chi Omf.ca Fraierxity Iowa Weslevan, I. C". Knox, I. C. Lombard College, I. C. York, I. C. (d. i8S8). Iowa State College, I. C. Unixersitj' of Denver, I. C. South Iowa Normal, I. C. (d. 18S7). \Vesleyan Female College, Atlelphean, Carthage College, 1. C. (d. iS8■ ~ £ c <^^ ^^ •- «— ' • ' ■«'«y ^^ ^ CO ^f 1 ' » .s^ « = .^ i^ "F-o -^ .t: ou :: iJ E G— ca Pj*^*^ ir~. -iiO 00 < ^- ». k-:?.'! 00 ^ L. • " :i" J ^ k W 1 --5 Oh -1^ U 1^ < c 53 h4 's^ g ~ < o * ^1.^ ^ s '•^U Organization oi" Alpha Chi Omf.ga 11 important a factor in a college woman's education as Latin or mathematics. In time, we believe, all great institutions of learning will take the same position. For, in the words of William H. Alexander, "When Plato said that musical training is a more {)otent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony hnd their way into the secret places of the soul, on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace, and making graceful the soul of him who is rightly educated, he uttered a sentiment which each succeeding age has increasingly emphasized, until it stands as truth." For a time Alpha Chi Omega debarred from her ranks all women who were not in some way connected with the School of Music. "Literary" students, in order to become eligil)le, registered at the School of Music for some course. But, contrary to the statements in Baird's Manual, at no time in her history has Alpha Chi Omega been a professional fraternity. In 1889, indeed, a national literary fraternity extended an invitation to Alpha Chi Omega to join her own ranks. Alpha Chi Omega never dreamed of inviting to membership those who belonged to other fraternities, a practice which Baird's Manual cites as a prominent characteristic of professional fraternities. In no way was Alpha Chi Omega at her birth different from other general fraternities except in her insistence that all her members possess musical culture. This requirement was too advanced, it seems, for the time. For as early as 1891 Beta Chapter requested permission to initiate freshmen without requiring them to study music. No immediate change was made in the constitution, but the trend of the practice of chapters was toward freedom in the matter. The expansion of the Fraternity into state universities begin- ning in 1889 was the signal for a forced change because of the highly specialized and separate character of the university departments, as described below. Had there been even a strong tendency in the direction of profession- alism. Alpha Chi Omega might have developed into a professional organiza- tion during a youthful period of four years in her life (1893-1897). In this period the constitution of the Fraternity permitted the entering of any conser- vatory of high standard. Under this policy but one chapter was established, Zeta, at the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. Of the liberal training given by this institution Alta Allen Loud, National President, once wrote for The Lyre that she was much impressed with the rigid literary requirements exacted of the students. "Many of the students go there from other colleges and advanced institutions, and when we recall the fact that one of Zeta's members served us six years in the capacity of treasurer and later as business manager of The Lyre, and that two of our six editors have been chosen from her ranks, we feel like paying tribute to an institution that produces the artistic results that the New England Conser- vatory does and still develops the literary and all-round nature of its students."* After the establishment of Zeta Chapter * * the original law was then reverted to which authorized the entering onlv of colleges and universities *The Lyre, November, iQio. Since the abo\e was written one of the members ot Zetn Chapter has served a term as National President. 12 'I'm- IIisi'()R\' or At.pha Cm Omega Fraternity of high stantlard. I'ltimately, all regulations regarding the distribution of courses among the various departments of a university were removed so that now all collegiate courses leading to a degree, whether in fine arts, liberal arts, science, or industrial arts, are on a par. Alpha Chi Omega, like other fraternities then, was founded on the basis of mutual helpfulness and of congenial fellowship. Her purpose, like theirs, was the advancement of tlie intellectual, social, and moral culture of her members, and in addition to the aims common to the other fraternities, included specifically the furtherance of one of the fine arts. Her constitution, after constant changes which began immediately after the first draft was made, now reads : "The objects of this fraternity are to encourage the spirit of true sisterhood, to develop through personal effort a high moral and mental standard, and to advance the appreciation and practice of the allied arts among its members." The first constitution read: "The object of this fraternity is as follows: To attain to the highest musical culture and to cultivate those principles that embody true womanhood." The beloved founders of the fraternity are here mentioned in a brief way in order that the main facts of their lives may be available. An?ia Allen (Mrs. Harry M. Smith). Anna Allen was born in Green- castle, Indiana, in 1870, and has lived there all her life. While attending the public schools she began the study of music and became an accomplished musician at a very early age. Being one of the first students of the depart- ment of music of De Pauw University, she was the youngest in the school to do advanced work, graduating from the conservatory at the age of nineteen. During her junior year she began teaching pianoforte in the School of Music and occupied that position until 1896 when she went to Chicago to study under Mme. Fanny Bloomfield-Zeisler and Emil Liebling. Her reputation as a student of exceptional ability and rare self-possession, as a brilliant per- former and an excellent accompanist has rendered her very prominent in musical circles where her generosity has proved of great benefit and pleasure to the public. Miss Allen was married when quite young to Mr. Harry M. Smith, of Greencastle, Indiana, where they have a beautiful home on Walnut Street, which has always been open to the Alpha Chi girls. It has been her privilege to be more closely associated with the mother chapter than any of the other founders. The members of Alpha not only have always felt sincere apprecia- tion for her influence and counsel, but love and respect for her charming personality and impartial manner. Olive Burnett (Mrs. Ralph Clark). Olive Burnett was born in Green- castle, Indiana, June 10, 1867. After attending the public schools there until 1880, she spent one year in Indianapolis, Indiana, resuming her studies •on the piano and beginning on the violin. She then attended high school in Anderson, Indiana, until the fall of 1885, when she entered the School of Music of De Pauw University, studying the piano and violin. During the first year in the school, upon the request of Dean James Hamilton Howe, she Organization of Alpha Chi Omega 13 took up the study of double bass and cello in order to fill a long-felt need in orchestra and ensemble work. During the years 1886-88, she was a member of the School of Music faculty of De Pauw, teaching pianoforte and primary work on the violin, cello, and double bass ; at the same time she was also organist at the College Avenue M. E. Church. In the spring term of her junior year she gave up her studies and began teaching piano and violin in Anderson and Franklin, Indiana. Her work for the building up of Alpha Chi Omega has, from the very first, been enthusiastic and tireless, for all her life she has lived in an atmos- phere of fraternity spirit, and she believes it to be a vital influence in a college education. She has always remained in touch with Alpha Chapter enjoying many visits with the girls. Miss Burnett was married in 1889 to Mr. Ralph B. Clark, a business man and a prominent musician of Anderson, Indiana. In their home they have continued their music not only as relating to themselves but in the education of their two sons and their daughter, each of whom studies a different instrument, which harmonious ensemble creates a beautiful musical atmosphere, the influence of which has brought great joy and satisfaction not only to the immediate family, but to their many friends. Mrs. Clark claims the honor of being the first and so far, the only one of the founders to be represented at De Pauw. The first son, (ieorge Linden- berg Clark, graduated there in 1914; the second, Robert Walker Clark, in 1916. Both belong to the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, and both are Phi Beta Kappas. During their college course they were active in the musical organi- zations and affairs of De Pauw, George playing the cello, and Robert, the violin. But to Mrs. Clark the greatest honor and joy is that her only daughter, Maryellen, who enters De Pauw this fall of 1916, will be the first daughter of a founder to wear the colors of Alpha Chi Omega, "and in Alpha Chapter too!" Mr. and Mrs. Clark reside at 1132 Central Avenue, Anderson. Indiana. Bertha Denistoti (Mrs. Scohy Ctiniiinghain ). Bertha Deniston was born at Peru, Indiana, July 28, 1869. It was the wish of her mother, who died in the spring of 1885, that her daughter should study music at De Pauw University, so in the fall of that year she entered the School of Music and lived in the dormitory. Although very quiet and reserved, her genial smile and sweet disposition soon placed her in high favor with all the students. She was well advanced in piano study when she entered the music school, and her remarkable execu- tion and composure were the envy of all the students, especially at recital time. She won the reputation of accomplishing more work with less expendi- ture of time than any student in the school. She and Mary Jones (Mrs. Richard Tennant) were the first national delegates of Alpha Chi Omega, having been chosen by Alpha to establisli Beta Chapter at Albion, Michigan. Miss Deniston left school before graduation to accept a position in Pear- son's Piano House in Indianapolis. On July 18, 1893, she was married to 14 TiiK Hisrokv of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Mr. Scoby Cunningliam (Beta Thcta Pi), a graduate of Indiana University, and since that time they have lived in Indianapolis. She is an enthusiastic member of the Beta Beta Alumnse Chapter at her home city, and meets with the 1 )e Bauw girls each year at their annual banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham have two sons, Harold and Frederick, who with their parents, welcome the wearers of the lyre to 1909 Ruckle Street. .1/11 y Du Bois (Mrs. Julius Ricth). Amy Du Bois was born in Nokomis, Illinois, December 31, 1869, but when she was very young her parents moved to Oxford, Indiana, where she lived at the time she entered De Pauw Univer- sity in 1885. She studied both the pianoforte and voice in the School of Music and was familiarly known as the "little girl with the big voice." Although she attended the music school but one year, in that time she endeared herself not only to the Alpha Chis but also to her teachers and to the entire student body by her bright, cheerful disposition, her straightforward manner, and her industry. She was honored several times during the year by being selected to sing on important occasions, one of which was the Festival of the School of Music in which she took a leading part. After leaving college in 1886, she moved to Colby, Kansas, where she organized a music class. A few years later she was married to Mr. Julius Rieth, and went to live at Crete, Nebraska. For four years she was connected with the Doane College as teacher of piano, voice, and harmony. From Crete, Nebraska, they moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, where with their one daughter, Mrs. Rieth lived at 2433 Lynn Street until her death on August 12, 1915. Here Mrs. Rieth had enjoyed keeping in touch with the Fraternity through Xi Chapter. The death of one of the seven founders caused deep grief throughout the Fraternity. Nellie Gamble (Mrs. Edward Childe). Nellie Gamble was born May 12, 1867, in Martinsville, Illinois. After completing the course in the public schools in her home city, she entered the School of Music at De Pauw LTni- versity to pursue her piano studies. She was amply possessed of personal charms, was an energetic and conscientious student, and had the thoroughly good qualities of a fraternity girl, loyalty, earnestness, and unselfishness. Her musical career, however, came to an end a short time after she entered the school, as she soon returned to her home to be married to Mr. Edward Willard Childe, of Moores, New York. Good traits of character are as essen- tial to successful housekeeping as to professional work, so Mrs. Childe has been fully equal to the requirements of her domestic "career." She and her husband are now living in Martinsville, Illinois. Bessie Grooms (Mrs. Luther Keenan). Bessie Grooms was born in Green- castle, Indiana, April 28, 1866, and lived there until her marriage to Mr. Luther Courtland Keenan in 1895. She began the study of pianoforte music when very young and by the time she graduated from the high school, was one of the most accomplished musicians in the city. She immediately entered the Music School of De Pauw University to continue her studies, intending to complete the course, but her work came to an abrupt end when by over- practice she strained the muscles of her left wrist. She lost the use of the Organizaiion of Ai.iMiA Chi Omkca 15 fingers of that hand for over a year and. as a conseiinence. '^iwv U]' lier music entirely, for fear that steady practice might cause a permanent affliction. Mrs. Keenan was one of the three (ireencastle girls of the seven founders of Alpha Chi Omega. The first large social function of the Fraternity, an elaborate and memorable alfair, was given at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Keenan and their family of sons and daughters live in Le Roy, Illinois, where Mr. Keenan is engaged in the banking business. Est die Leonard. Estelle Leonard entered the Schot)l of Music of De Pauw University, September, 1885, and graduated from that department in 1891, having been a member of the faculty for the last two years that she was a student there. Miss Leonard was principal of the Music Depart- ment in Moores Hill College, 1889-1893, during which period she carried work in the senior year at De Pauw University. After studying at the Cincinnati College of Music in 1893-1894 and receiving a certificate, she l)ecame principal of the Piano Department in Centenary College, 1894-1895. During the next four or five years she studied at the College of Music irregularly and then located at 217 Plum Street, Union City. Indiana, where she now has a large class in piano music. Miss Leonard was choir director at the Lutheran Church in that city one year ; for fourteen years she has been organist and choir director at the First Methodist Church there, as well as an active member of the Cecilian Musical Club of which she was president 1907-08. During her vacations Miss Leonard has studied with the best teachers in the East, having spent some time learning the methods in Musical Kindergarten, which she has introduced with marked success into her classes. She has recently published a volume of easy teaching pieces for the piano. In 1914 Miss Leonard entered the field of Pul)lic School Music, and since that time has been music supervisor in Union City East Side Schools. On July 14, 1916, she graduated from the American Institute of Normal Methods in Chicago. She also studied at Northwestern in the summer of 1916. Beside her work in the public schools she is still teaching a large class of private pupils. Too much cannot be said of Miss Leonard's loyalty and influence for Alpha Chi Omega. Besides being one of the founders and Alpha's first president, she had the pleasure and satisfaction of working in the Fraternity for several years and did much toward effecting jjractical organization, and toward estal)lishin[iiEKS anm) Installation Olitceks Florine Deffendorf Jennie A. Worthington l^.mma Crittenden Haniet Reynolds Mary Jones Tennant ,., lievtha Dcn.ston Elizabeth Smith Mora Aldgate 20 The HIs^()R^ of Alpha Chi Omeca Fraier.mty draw a charter. Reading of the charter prepared by Miss Jones. Discussion. Motion carried that the new charter members shall pledge themselves individually, to the chair- man of the committee, who visits them, to support faithfully their chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. Amendment to By-law II is as follows: Officers shall be installed at the first meet- ing of the next term according to the form adopted January 14, 18S7. The motion carried that Sections 7 and 8 be struck out. Section 9. Motion carried that the duties of corresponding secretary be changed, part of the duties being transferred to the recording secretary. Slight changes made in Sections 15 and 17. Slight changes made in Section I of Article III. After motion that we meet Tuesday at seven p. M. to hear all reports, adjourned. Open Molto — Beta Chapter. Tuesday, May 24, 1887, 7 p. M. Report from Miss Burnett in regard to the constitution book. Miss Barry bought it and Afiss Burnett left it at an establishment to be stamped with A X O in large form. Report from Motto Committee. Miss Jones said they had not decided on any one in particular, but would suggest a few to select from, as follows : "Strive for the highest." "Ye daughters of Music, come up higher!" "Musical culture, first and last!" Discussion. Motto chosen, "Ye daughters of Music, come up higher !" Secretary instructed to put this motto in its proper place in the constitution, which was done. Secretary also instructed to secure the Greek translation of this motto and to place it with the English in the constitution. Miss Deniston elected to be the second delegate to Albion on account of Miss Allen's not being able to go. Miss Burnett was appointed to copy the constitution in the place of Miss Deniston. Miss Meredith appointed to copy the songs. Decided to have a meeting to look over the constitution before the girls leave. Time set : Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. The girls leave at i p. M., Friday, May 27. Motion carried that a fine be required for absence on Thursday and have no meeting on Friday. By-laws taken up. Slight changes made in Section I of Article IV. A new section inserted after Section III of Article IV to this effect: "Non-active members shall be allowed to attend all fraternity meetings when they so desire, but shall not be put on duty nor be subject to fines." A new section was inserted after Section 5 of Article W to this effect : "\o member of this Fraternity may sever her connection with this Fraternity without an honorable dismissal or expulsion." Motion carried that Miss Shaffer purchase one-half dozen cards to be used as certificates of admission to our Fraternity. Reading of Initiation Ceremony. Motion carried that the explanation of grip, knock, and whistle be added to the constitution, which was done. Motion carried that initiation ceremony be added to the constitution. Report on Installation of Beta Cha.pter. Thursday, May 26, 1887. Report of the organization of Beta Chapter in Albion College in Michigan, where six girls were initiated as charter members. Miss Jones gave a detailed account of the committee's visit to Albion and Ann Arbor. They were charmed with our new sisters and much pleased with the women met in Ann Arbor, but owing to the peculiar relation- ship of the School of Music to the college in that place, could not, under our con- stitution, form a chapter. Report accepted. Motion carried to average the expense among the members. Scholarship Qualifications. February 2, 1888. Motion carried that hereafter no member be initiated without a certificate signed by the dean of the music school that said candidate is at least a regular freshman in the School of Music. Initiation of Mme. Fanny Bloom field-Zeisler. March 28, 1888. First meeting of term called to order by Miss Baker. Miss McReynolds inaugurated as president. Mme. Bloomfield having accepted our invitation to become an honorary member of the Fraternity, it was decided to give her a reception on the occasion of her concert, April 3. Invitation Committee was appointed. Early Years 21 Resume of The First Three Years of Alpha Chapter {Vol. I. The Lyre) June, iSg4 The first year was one of enthusiastic work and at its close seventeen active members were registered, l)esides five teachers and artists who had been chosen as honorary members. A principal feature of the work had been the musical and literary programs given at the weekly meetings. The event of the year was the Soiree Musicale. The iirst songs. Dear to the Heart of Alphas, and Alpha Prima were written. Dean Howe honored us by dedicating his new "System of Pianoforte Technicjue." to Alpha Chi Omega. At the beginning of the second year the attendance was considerably reduced, but it was soon increased by new members. I'he first anniversary was celebrated at the home of Miss Anna Allen of Greencastle. This social event, and a reception which was given some weeks later, were occasions long to be remembered by Alphas. A feature of the work of the year was the preparation for extending the organization to other institu- tions. No small amount of time was consumed in discussing rules, forms of charter, and devising plans for making the work interesting and effective at home, as well as for its extension. Correspondence with students at Kvanston seemed to promise the estab- lishment of our Beta Chapter at Northwestern ; but the fates had decreed otherwise. The correspondence with Evanston was still in progres.s, when we learned that a band of students at Albion College was awaiting organiza- tion. Delegates were sent at once, and on June 4, we held a jubilee meeting to celebrate the establishment of Beta Chapter of the Sorority. It is not my purpose to prolong this short history of the Sororitv through the remaining years of its existence. One of the most pleasant events of the third year was the initiation of Madame Fanny Bloomfield-Zeisler to honor- ary membership. The girls were all delighted with the genuine interest she took in their work. The reception given in her honor was in everv wav a success. Mar\ Janet JJ'i/son. Seeretary. IVIakv Janet Wilson, Alpha General President, 1896-1898 Editor The Lyre, 1897-1900 The extension of a fraternity is a vital matter which requires a progressive, yet conservative policy, well-balanced judgment, and liroad, loyal interest on the part of those already within the fraternity, especially of those in administrative offices. 22 The History of Alpha Chi Omeiia Fraternity The matter of the extension of Alpha Chi Omega was deiinitely considered when the Fraternity was founded, and prt)Yision was made in the constitution for the establishment of sister chapters. According to the ruling adopted, the first three chapters were to be established by the consent of Alpha after which time, until the creation of the Grand Council, a two-thirds vote of the chapters was rec]uired in order to grant a charter, but with the advent of this governing body a new system was naturally adopted. From the time when the organization had been duly completed, the mem- bers of the Mother Chapter were alert for a good field for the Beta Chapter. After considerable inve.stigation they had expected to establish the second chapter at Northwestern University, but other correspondence with students at Albion College soon developed to such an extent that Bertha Deniston and Mary Jones were sent to Albion. Michigan, where they installed Beta Chapter May 27, 1887. Mrs. Tennant (Mary Jones) writes of that installation: When we reached Albion, though we were tired from our journey, the girls met us with great enthusiasm and we were immediatel}' conducted to the home of Emma Crit- tenden, where the initiation ceremony was held at once in order that the girls might that very evening "surprise everybody" by wearing Alpha Chi Omega ribbons. I have always felt that things were conducted with unseemly haste, but we were young and unsophisticated. That evening, immediately after the ceremony, we all attended a large college reception where the initiates received the hearty congratulations of their friends. The next day we indulged in drives and in other pleasures. From that time the two chapters worked together with the idea of exten- sion, and Beta reopened the correspondence with Professor Locke. Director of the Conservatory of Music at Northwestern University, which action resulted in the establishment of Gamma Chapter in that university Novem- ber 12, 1890. by Alta Roberts (Alpha) and Jean Whitcomb (Beta). Of this installation Mary Satterfield Osgood ( (iamma ) writes : Early one cloudy morning in November, i8qo, Jean Whitcomb, delegate from the Grand Chapter then at Albion, Michigan, arrived in Evanston, presumably as my guest. She was made welcome, and the lyre she had worn as a means of recognition was immediately removed for fear others might guess the secret of her mission before the consummation of our plans. Later, Alta Roberts of Alpha appeared on the scene. Word of their arrival was quickly passed among the girls, who had long been looking for- ward to this time, and all was suppressed excitement and expectation pending the initiation. This event for six of the girls took place on the evening of the same day, Saturday, November I2, 1890, in the attic of Willard Hall. Miss Whitcomb and Miss Roberts made the occasion very impressive and beautiful. The seventh girl, Mary Stanford, sang regularly in a church in Racine, Wisconsin, and was necessarily out of town on Satur- day evening, so on her return Monday morning, November 14, she, too, was initiated, and we six had the pleasure of participating in our first Alpha Chi Omega initiation. This initiation took place at her home, and thus was launched Gamma Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. Wishing to make known our existence, and to make our first public appearance together, we went from Mary Stanford's home to the college, where we attended noonday chapel in a body. Our coming created sufficient stir to assure us our secret had not until now become known. In the evening Mrs. Stanford, who was always our beloved and confidential friend, made us welcome guests at her beautiful home on Lake Avenue, where, in honor of our new organization, and as a surprise to Mary, she gave us our initial banquet. It was a beautiful and happy affair. Marguerites and smilax and the colors scarlet and olive green, decorated the table. The evening was delightfully spent with music and gaiety. " 1 s pj n - '-^ o itrs- M n n> : Si- 3 H EmH Charter Members of Gamma, 1890 ^faude Walker Mae Burdick Mary Satterfield Osgood Mary Stanford Lottie Stine Casper Janet Marshall Weller La Piatt Sabin Charter Mf.mrers of Delta, 1891 Ruby Krick Evans Fern Pickard Stevens Elizabeth Tate Wilson Etta May Tinker Antoinette Snyder P>ro\vn Zannie Tate Osgood Ella P.redin Robinson 26 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Ganima immediately shared the responsibility of extension work by sug- gesting, within a month after her installation, Allegheny College, Meadv'ille, Pa., as a prospective home for a chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. The inves- tigation was carried on by Mary Satterfield (Gamma) through correspon- dence with her cousins. Zannie and Elizabeth Tate, both of whom were stu- dents in Allegheny College, with the result that Delta Chapter was installed in Allegheny College, January 29, 1891, by Libbie Price (Alpha) and Mary Satterfield (Gamma). The birth of Delta Chapter is described by Antoi- nette Snyder Brown as follows : The real story of Delta Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega had its setting in the old college town of Meadville, Pennsylvania, and dates from a meeting of musical students in January, 1891, at the home of Zannie and Elizabeth Tate to meet Libbie Price and Mary Satterfield. It is not to be supposed that this meeting was entirely impromptu. It had been known for a long time among those who formed this inner circle that fateful letters had been passing between Miss Tate and Miss Satterfield ; and mysterious, quiet dis- cussions had been going on among the members of this group, but no hint of what it meant had filtered to the outer world. Miss Price and Miss Satterfield were both charming girls, and we who were invited to meet them seemed to pass their inspection. On that very morning, in a gracious and dignified way, we seven girls were initiated into the mysteries of Alpha Chi Omega, and Delta Chapter began its eventful life. After the ceremony, a delightful luncheon was served by the Misses Tate, the first of many Alpha Chi functions in their hospitable home. It then remained to proclaim our existence to the other fraternities. On the next morning, in a body, we attended chapel at Allegheny College. Whether we were to be received as Greeks, indeed, 01 were to be held aloof as a presumptuous lot of barbarians, we knew not. It proved, however, that the Greeks rose to the occasion and at once accepted us as a part of the Greek world. The establishment of Beta, Gamma, and Delta Chapters, only, are described here because they belong to practically tlie first five years of the life of Alpha Chi Omega. CHAPTER IV EXPANSION INTO STATE UNIVERSITIES AS A GENERAL FRATERNITY WITH MUSICAL TRADITIONS In 1898 Alpha Chi Omega entered the University of Michigan, probably the strongest of the state universities, at that time, both in its work for the women — and for the men — students. At the same time she stepped into a new phase of her life, into greater \-irilitv and power commensurate with the prestige, scholarly attaimnents, generous ecjuipment, and vigorous idealism of the western state university. Henceforward, with but one exception (Syracuse University, with 4,000 students). Alpha Chi Omega placed new chapters only in the progressive educational institutions west of the Alleghanies, as follows : 0. 1898; I, 1899; K, 1903; A. 1906; M, N, E, 1907; O, 1908; n, 1909; P, 1910; 2, 1911; T, 1912; Y, 1913; ^, 1914; X, 1915; *, O, 1916. As there is nothing in American political history parallel to the tremen- dous development of the Mississippi Valley and its phenomenal effects upon national life, so there has been nothing in American educational history equal to the development and success of the western state institutions. Likewise, no chapter in the history of fraternities for women is so bright or so impor- tant as that which portrays their entrance and their happy growth in these remarkable universities and colleges. Out of seventeen institutions entered by Alpha Chi Omega during the eighteen year period, 1898-1916, only five of these were not state-supported. In the west (at Oberlin) coeducation had been tested early and proved a success ; and Horace Mann's theory that the public should educate its young men and young women in the same institution to avoid duplication of expense, and to insure sufhciency of funds for development on a large scale, had been triumphantly tested, also, by the time that Alpha Chi Omega first entered a state university. Another fact which prepared the wav for Alpha Chi Omega was that traditions of masculine superioritv. and of scepticism concerning the mental capacity or the social desirability of college women, had not become nearly as entrenched in these wide-awake western institutions as in the eastern universities for men. It was natural and sane, in the eyes of the West, to continue, during the few years of college education, the previous social relation between the sexes in the public school, which would inevitably be renewed, at any rate, after college days. With the rapid improvement of the transportation facilities in the last quarter of the nine- teenth century, the pressure upon a young woman to study at an adjacent though inferior academy fortunately was removed. It was no longer a hard- ship to travel to the seat of one's state university, or an impossibility to return home two or three times a year during holidays. Still another condition existed to contribute to the jjrosperity of the women's fraternities at the western colleges. That was the genuine need for just sucli orgam'zations. 'I'lie fraternity system liad become recognized, Ioulc ago. 28 The HisioRV of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity in college traditions, as the basis of the college social life of leading men. The men were grouped pleasantly into fraternities and clubs. Their club- houses were their living centers. The universities themselves were too extensive and their life too complex, by the close of the nineteenth century, to lUM-mit the women to find their places readily and happily in the multi- DoE Memorial Library, Uxiversity of California tude. Their social adjustments with l)0th the men and the women students, as well as their mental adjustments to the curriculum, demanded the advice and close companionship of other and more experienced fellow-students. This boon could be secured only by selection and organization. Such selec- tion is omnipresent in educational centers as in all human associations. Exuberance of youthfulness, capacity for friendship and the need for it, and Expansion into State I'NivKRsrriES 29 the limitations placed upon social intercourse by the exigencies of serious study make grouping into close intimacy desirable. Combined with the pitiful inadequacy of the dormitory eciuipment of most institutions, these conditions attracted many of the finest feminine students into fraternity circles. The students' point of view in this matter was expressed, a decade ago, by a young woman of one of the great universities, in The Lyre (Volume IX, page 123). "The chapter house," said she, "with its abun- dance of character-developing discipline, is by far the most sheltered and desirable home for girls that there is at Illinois and many of the other universities where there are no dormitories for girls. I, who have lived ill it as a sister, love it second only to my own home." Excej^t for fraternities c-ind clubs no such wholesome living conditions could be possible for more than about eight and one-third per cent of the women at the following group of institutions : Syracuse University. University of Iowa, Univer- sity of Nebraska, Albion College, University of Illinois, Baker University. De Pauw University, University of California. University of Wisconsin, James Millikin University, and Simpson College. The University of Cali- fornia, for instance, with 2,.S00 women students, has no university hall of residence; University of Illinois, with 1,200 women, is now planning its first dormitory, to accommodate 200. The University of Wisconsin, with from 1,500 to 2,000 women, have living accommodations for 266. Iowa, with about 1,000 women, can house 170. Of the 11,500 women estimated in these twelve institutions in 1916, for only 1,011 of them do their x^lma Maters find it possible to provide halls of residence. These twelve colleges were selected as representative of living conditions. The other universities possess similarly inadequate housing of their women students. The time was ripe in every way for Alpha Chi Omega to enter the well- tested field of the western state university. The origin of Alpha Chi Omega had been in the Mississippi Valley where her first three chapters had been placed in denominational colleges of high ideals and high standards, De Pauw University, Albion College, and Northwestern University. She was already firmly entrenched in the region. From the Mississippi Valley she had extended to Pennsylvania ; from Pennsylvania to California ; from California to Massachu.setts ; from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania again, and thence back to the Mississippi Valley where the second chapter in the State of Michigan was installed at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, on November 19, 1898. Because of the varied opportunities of these institutions the members of the three chapters therein, Theta, Iota, and Kappa, carried greatly diversi- fied courses, — music, literary courses, library training, and scientific courses of several kinds. A large proportion of the members of Theta Chapter have been in the liberal arts departments. Because the musical requirements of Alpha Chi Omega had always been most flexible, the university chapters, in the midst of college communities where the liberal arts received far greater emphasis and support than the fine arts, laid less stress upon musicianship than had the earlier chaiittrs which had been huMted in colleges more distinctly 30 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraterxity cultural than the great universities. IJterary and scientific interests were on a par in these chapters with the musical interests in curriculum work, and in frequent instances exceeded them ; although all students shared in an appre- ciation of music as an art. On the ^vhole, the liberal and fine arts courses pur- sued by the chapters were harmoniously balanced during the period 1896-1906. In the period preceding at least four of the seven chapters ( Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta) contained more interest in the study of music than in litera- ture and science. In 1906 the pendulum had swung, it seems, to the other limit, and the major work of active members was decidedly in literature and science, rather than in the fine arts. In the follow- ing year (1899) the second chap- ter in the state of Illinois was founded at the University of Illi- nois, Champaign. Alpha Chi Omega was the fourth wo- men's fraternity to enter Illinois, having been preceded by Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. The chapter was in- stalled at the home of the president of the uni- versity whose daughter was a charter member of the group. Four years later the third of these greatest of state universities Extension \ \ \ / V ' 7 ^^'^^ entered with the in- OF Alpha Chi \ ) ^X""K \j!\jJ^kJ stallation of Kappa Chap- Omega in the \ i jr-—^'^^^^^\\U ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Uulversity of Wis- Mississippi V 3^rfS2'^L4-4Hf consin, Madison, Wisconsin. Valley 1898- 191 6 »"^ — ' — ' — ' "^ ^ 1 i 1 ' ' We mentioned .the decade, 1896-1906, as harmoniously balanced between liberal arts and fine arts interests ; but the parity was only theoretical toward the close of the period. The tendency was unmistakably, even then, in favor Expansion into State Universiiiks 31 of the liberal arts in every chapter except two, Gamma and Zeta. It was only with the exercise of considerable leniency and by continued flexibility that the division of active interests, long before the year 1906, could be pro- nounced an equipoise. There was no prejudice toward music study on the part of universitv women ; the value and beauty of the two arts in juxta- position was appreciated. Music students were rushed enthusiastically by the various fraternities. The explanation of the decrease in members who studied music as a part of their university curriculum lay in the fact that little emphasis was laid on the music department by the uni\ersity ; the state a|)propriations were devoted to more "useful" ends. In the convention of 1908. national action recognized that the constitu- tion of the Fraternity should be amended to meet more nearly the actual condition throughout the country. The requirement, consequently, was changed so that no longer was it true that two-thirds of the members of each chapter were expected either to be connected with the school of music or to have linished at some time in the past a definite amount of serious music study. In the future but half of the members, it was required, should be doing or should have completed at some time a certain amount of serious music study. Henceforth, and for some time preceding this legislation, we shall say that Alpha Chi ( )mega has been predominately a liberal arts fraternity. In 1915 convention action, again recognizing by legislation the actual condi- tion of the educational field, legislated the removal of all stated requirements as to division of membership between the liberal arts and the fine arts. With- out the faintest danger of misunderstanding from any quarter, as a result of the 1915 constitutional revision. Alpha Chi Omega considers herself a general fraternity with musical traditions. And such she should have been called, in the light of the actual facts, from the date of her origin. CHAPTER V PRESENT SCOPE Alpha Chi Omega has chapters in twenty-three of the strongest and finest educational institutions in America, well distributed over the continent. Her expansion has been conservative and unhurried. Rather than place chapters unwisely or prematurely, the Fraternity has refused scores of invitations to enter institutions of which either the petitioning group or the curriculum did not meet the comprehensive requirements of the exten.sion policy. At the last convention, for instance, there were reported, of nineteen petitions received, but three new chapters established. Alpha Chi Omega, as a result of this con- servatism, has but one defunct chapter ; her internal organization, moreover, is unusually well ordered and effective so that the Fraternity may be able to guide and develop, in the best possible manner, old and new chapters alike. In the thirty-one years of her life, the nomenclature of Alpha Chi Omega has appropriated the whole of the (ireek alphabet ; yet we feel that she is, perhaps, but beginning the greatest phase of her existence. Excellence in academic work has been stressed as of great importance. High scholarship has been sought for consistently. Many chapters rank second and third in scholarship averages among the women's fraternities of their respective colleges. All chapters do creditable intellectual work; many achieve brilliant records. The following list of chapters gaining highest rank among the fraternities in the same colleges shows that local chapters attain verv high scholarship. 1911-12: Sigma, University of Iowa Pi, University of California 1912-13: Epsilon, Universitv of Soutlitrn California Mu, Simpson College (tied with IT B 4>) Omicron. Baker University Sigma, University of Iowa 1913-14: Alpha, De Pauw University Mu, Simpson College Omicron. Baker Ihiiversity 1914-15: Alpha, De Pauw Iniversity Epsilon, University of Southern California Omicron, Baker University Mu, Simpson College Tau, Brenau College 1915-16: Alpha, De Pauw I'niversity Mu, Simpson College Omicron, Baker University Tau, Brenau College Chi, Oregon State College 34 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Alpha Chapter. h)cated at l)e Pauw University, Greencastle. Indiana, \vas founded October 13, 1885. There were seven charter members: Anna Allen, Olive Burnett, Bertha Deniston, Amy DuBois, Nellie Ciamble, Bessie Grooms, K.stelle Leonard. Although she received a proposition to become a part of another national fraternity in 1889, Alpha bravely shouldered the heavy burdens of her position as mother chapter of a new fraternity. Her history for many years is the history of the organization. In 1899 Alpha entered the chapter house at 408 Elm Street which she still occupies. She was the third women's fraternity to enter De Pauw, Kappa Alpha Theta having been founded there in 1870, and Kappa Kappa Camma having pre- ceded Alpha Chi Omega by ten years. The attainments of the individuals of Home of Alpha Chapter, De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind. Alpha and other chapters may best be traced elsewhere in the records of distinguished members. Alpha has a total membership of 378. She has the record of entertaining the national conventions of 1891, 1897, and 1906. Founders' Day celebration, alumnse reunion, and the state banquet at Indian- apolis are annual festivities of great importance. Beta Chapter was established on INIay 27, 1887, by Mary Jones and Bertha Deniston from Alpha. The charter members were Flora Adgate, Emma Crittenden, Florinne Defendorf, Harriet Reynolds. Elizabeth Smith, and Jennie Worthington. The meetings of the chapter were held at the homes of members until September, 1888, when a hall on the third floor of one of the college buildings was granted to the chapter for a fraternity hall. This served as a meeting place until October. 1895, when a new five-room brick I'kksi:n r Scope 35 Beta's Lodge, Albion College, Albion, Mich. lodge was built. This lodgt is still owned and used by the chapter for fraternity functions and meetings. In 1887 Beta gave an entertainment with Pi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. The next year but one. however, she began her series of amiual concerts which have been a unique feature in Beta's history. Until 1908 an admission fee was charged, and the proceeds used for furnishings for the lodge. In 1915. by faculty consent, admission was asked once more, this time for the benelit of the local Y. W. C. A. Beta was the second fraternity to enter Albion College. She has initiated 241 girls. Her philanthropy, during recent years, has been directed most par- ticularly toward the Starr Commonwealth, a home for so-called incorrigible bovs. founded near Albion by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Starr (Harriet Al.l'IlA Cm MOTHEK AND DAUGHTER Belle Miller Townsend. Beta, 1888; Mildred Lorene Townsend, Beta 36 TiiK History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Armstrong, B). This chapter has furnished tliree national presidents to the Fraternity. Gamma Chapter was established at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, November 14, 1890, by Alta Roberts (Alpha) and Jean Whitcomb (Beta). The charter members were Lizzine Stine, Mae Burdick, Mary Stan- ford, Mary Satterfield, Mary Walker, Lulu Piatt, and Jeanette Marshall. Since no women's fraternity houses are permitted at Northwestern, Gamma Chapter held the weekly meetings in different rooms in the Woman's Build- ing until April 1, 1895, when a room was rented in the Hotel Monnett. For several years the chapter has had a room on the fourth floor of Willard Hall, where other fraternity rooms are likewise situated. Gamma has initiated 235 members. An Alpha Chi Mother and Daughter Mayme Allen Ambrose; Doris Ambrose, Gamma Delta Chapter, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania, was founded January 29, 1891, by Mary Satterfield (Gamma) and Libbie Price (Alpha). Mrs. Zannie Tate Osgood says: "I am sure no girls since could have had better or happier times than we did. I was the first girl in Meadville to know about the founding of a new chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. My cousin, Mary Satterfield ( Gamma) , wrote to me asking me to found a chapter at Allegheny and the Meadville Conservatory of Music which were affiliated at that time." After the work of organization and initiation came the welcome from the other Greeks and the college who welcomed the new chapter at chapel with the Chautauqua salute, and later by receptions and teas. For the first two years the chapter held its meetings in a small room in the Conservatory building, but in 1894 the third floor of the same building was secured by the chapter and turned into a very unique room, which was occupied by the chapter for seven years. Of this hall a member writes: "I wonder if girls could ever enjoy a fraternity room more than we did the one Present Scope 37 in tlie rambling old attic of the Conservatory building, with its walls and ceiling hung with matting, witli oriental lamps suspended from the gables, and the pretty rugs, screens, and pictures." In the fall of 1901 a room was secured in the Mosier building on Chestnut Street, where the chapter met until 1906 w'hen a suite of rooms was fitted up on Highland Avenue, and since the fall of 1908 the chapter has occupied a beautiful suite of rooms in Hul- ings Hall. It is a strange coincidence that, starting as she did on the campus with seven charter members. Delta, in her twenty-six years of existence, and her 202 members, has maintained an average of seven initiates a year. The number of Delta members who have died within these twenty-six years is also seven. The social traditions of the chapter are very interesting. One Satur- day evening a month is called "alumna- night," the resident alumna.' being guests of honor at a business and social meeting. Delta celebrates the liirtli- DeI TA's FkATEKMrV ]\\IA day of the chapter as well as that of the national organization. During com- mencement week all the fraternities hold banc^uets the evening before commencement. In May of each year a Panhellenic banquet of the women's fraternities is held. In August a mid-vacation reunion of members has been held at Conneaut Lake since 1907. Epsilon Chapter was established at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, June 16, 1895, as a result of correspondence started through the efforts of two Sigma Chis, who recommended this university as a promis- ing field for a chapter of Alpha Chi Omega and at the same time directed the members of a local club how to organize and to petition for the national charter. The charter members were : Louise Davis, Lulu Johns. Cornelia Keep, Flora Parker, and Bertie Phelps. After 1898, the university, owing to financial difiiculties, did not flourish for some years. Delta (iamma and Kappa Alpha Theta withdrew their charters. In 1898, Epsilon. after initial- 38 'riiK Hlsl()R^ OF Ai.i'HA C"hi Omega Fraternity ing fourteen ineinbcrs in the three years of her activity, became dormant, remaining so until the fall of 1905. During this time, however, meetings with musical and literary programs were enjoyed so that the town members did not drift apart. In October, 1905, several students eager to organize a fraternity consulted with Dean Walter F. Skeele, who, knowing that our fra- ternity had existed there, advised them to interview Louise Davis Van Cleve. The result was that after an investigation by the Grand Council, Epsilon Chapter was reestablished October 30, 1905, six alumnae initiating the follow- ing members: Maude Hawley, Carrie McMillan. Carrie Trowbridge, Essie Neff, Erna Reese, and Flora Barron, the service being conducted by Mrs. Van Cleve. Home of Epsilon Chapter, University of Southern California, Los Angei.es, Cal. The chapter has flourished with the splendid development of the univer- sity. In 1909 Epsilon entered a chapter house which has always been a source of enjoyment to her nitmbers. The enthusiasm which marked its establish- ment has never waned in spite of the difficulties which attend the maintenance of a chapter house in a city university. Annual afifairs of interest are the annual benefit musicale, given with Delta Delta Chapter, for the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, the entertainment of the Burnt Cork Comedy Club at supper after their annual performance, the Freshman Tea, the Christmas Shower by the alumnae, and an original contribution of some kind at the May Festival of the University. The total membership of Epsilon is 118. Fkkskn I Sloim: 39 Zeta Chapter was installed in the New l^ngland Conservatory of Music, Boston, Massachusetts. December 13. 1S95. The chapter was not a local, and the charter was obtained through the efforts of Barbara Strickler, (iamma, who was studying in the Conservatory at that time, and of Belle Sigourney. The installing delegates were Mary Janet Wilson and Mildred Rutledge, both of Alpha. Zeta Chapter gives an annual public musicale in Jordan Hall, the mem- bers taking entire charge. The faculty, other fraternities, and friends are invited. A formal dance is given every year, usually at Riverbank Court, Cambridge. In the spring a luncheon is held at the Hotel Vendome, honor- ary, alumnie. and associate members being invited. Numerous teas, informal evenings, and picnics, occur during the year. Zeta Chapter has initiated 216 members. She has given to the Fraternity, among other national officers, a national president, and two Editors of The Lyre. Her membership is remark- ably cosmopolitan, being drawn from all sections of America. Many dis- tinguished musicians, as will be seen later, have come from Zeta's ranks. Although she is the only chapter which is distinctly musical. Zeta's interests are unified with those of the other chapters in a truly fraternal spirit. She has shown much interest in war-relief by extending her Hera Day service through the year by the adoption of two French war orphans. Y. W. C. A. has just been established in the Conservatory, and Zeta Chapter is interested therein. Eta Chapter was established at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsyl- vania, June 16, 1898, the ceremonies being conducted by Mildred Rutledge, Alpha. Unfortunately, the chapter had but a short existence owing to a faculty ruling for sophomore pledging, which was passed soon after Eta's installation and with which the new chapter found it difficult to comply. Consetiuently the chapter became inactive June. 1899; in the hope that the chapter might be revived the charter was left until March. 1904, when 't was recalled. This is the only dead chapter on the roll of Alpha Chi Omega. Charter members: Belle Bartol. Amy Cilbert. Jessie Steiner, Mary Wood, Ida List. The total membership : five. Theta Chapter was installed at the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 19, 1898. through the influence of Hortense Osmun Miller, Beta, a resident of Ann Arbor. The installing delegates were Ethel Calkins, Jennie Dickinson, and Mrs. Miller, assisted by Ada Dickie. Lina Baum, Kate Calkins, all of Beta Chapter. Charter members : \\'inifred Bartholomew, Lydia Condon, Alberta Daniels, Virginia Fiske, Flora Koch, Rachael McKensie. and Florence Spence. The total membership is 212. In the fall of 1899, Theta occupied as her first home a house on Monroe Street. The beginning of the next year, a house was rented on Forest Ave- nue near the campus. .\ house was next taken on Wilmot Street, and in 1902 another change was made to Tappan Street, where the chapter remained only one year. In the fall of l')03 they moved back to Wilmot Street, where thev remained until 1903. A delightful liome was then secured on the 40 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity corner of Lawrence and Ingals Streets, which was the home of the chapter until June, 1916, when it was giYcn up for the new house. Theta is one of the first chapters to build a home of her own. The lot is located on the corner of Cambridge Road and Olivia Avenue, one of the best residence sections of Ann Arbor. Work on the building was begun in the summer of 1916. plans having been made to occupy the second and third floors at the beginning of the college year in October. Theta holds meetings every Monday evening during the college year at seven o'clock. In her new home a large room was provided for this purpose in the basement of the house. At first the meetings were almost entirely of a business nature. Carrying out the plan suggested by Mrs. Tennant, of having programs and of interesting the alumnae, an open meeting is held once a month. On this occasion a well-prepared program Ls given, in which the alumUce are the chief performers, immediatelv following a period set aside for business. The plan has proved so satisfactory that the chapter has adopted it permanently. During the year Theta gives two formal and several informal affairs. The fall initiation is held late in the afternoon and is followed by a, banquet to which alumnae and patronesses are invited. Each fall an informal dance is given in honor of the freshman members, while in May a formal dance is given in the chapter house, and several informal dances are given on differ- ent occasions throughout the year. Theta also holds an annual Christmas party at which active members, alumnae, and alumnae children are present. All dress as children and each receives a gift from the Christmas tree. In the spring a series of "At Homes" is given to the wives of the faculty members, mothers, alumnae, and other friends of the chapter. Wednesday night is known as faculty night, a few of the professors and their wives being enter- tained at dinner each week, thus giving the chapter opportunity to know the faculty outside of the classroom. At Sunday night lunch all pledges and members living outside the house enjov a few hours with the house girls. Besides teas and dances given in honor of 'visiting alumnae and friends, each girl who wishes to announce her engagement gives an announcement dinner to the active members. In our new home there is a special room known as the "alumnae room," where Theta's alumnic are always welcome to spend a night with the house girls. A cummon custom which Theta has adopted in recent vears is that of keeping a guestbook. in which many interesting com- ments are Avritten by those whom Theta has entertained. In addition to a graduating present given to each of the senior girls, the house holds a dinner and dance in their honor and gives them flowers. On the other hand, the seniors present the house with a gift, usually some suitable household article. Such a gift is also given by the newly initiated members each year. The chap- ter sends a .spoon to each new Theta baby, as soon as the announcement is received. In the matter of philanthropies, Theta observes Hera Day by doing some- thing for the poor children of the city. Until the past few years, however, the girls have always given a musical entertainment at the Old Ladies' Home I'rkskn r Scoi'E 41 of Ann Arl)()r. Every year Tlieta ijirls assist the ladies' Hospital Associa- tion in their annual ''TaL; Daw"' the jiroceeds of wliich are ,u;;ven toward the ujjkeep of the Children's Hospital. At Christmas the chapter aids the V. W. C. A. in filling stockings for the poor children of the city. Iota Chapter was installed at the I'niversity of Illinois, I'rbana. Illinois, on December 8, 1899. On December 7 five delegates from Alpha — Wilhel- mina Lank, Raeburn Cowger, Certrude \\'amsley. Claudia Hill, and Mary Janet Wilson — came from De Pauw to install the new chapter. On that night a rectptit)n was held for them at the home of Charlotte L. Draper, whose father was president of the uni\-ersitv. Ihe next night installation was held at the home of Mrs. Daniels. The charter members were: Alison Marion Fernie, Kate Neil Kinlev, I'Auiice Dean Daniels. Emma (^uinby Fuller, Clara (icre, Charlotte L. Draper, Edna Louise Collins. For the first few years Iota did not have a house, but in 1902 a house was rented at 307^ (ireen Street, Champaign. In the fall a move was made to 309 (ireen Street, and in 1904 the chapter again moved, this time to 507 Green Street where she remained until 1906. A home was built in that year for the chapter at 309 E. John Street, Cliampaign, after the plans drawn by Imo Baker. The chapter still occupies this house, but plans to build a home of its own in 1^M7. near the canijjus in Urbana. Iota Cii aitkk llm sk, Inueksitv ok Ii.li.nois, Chami'akjn, III. The social affairs varv from vear to year. During the rushing season in the fall the chapter entertains everv dav. either at the chapter house or at the homes of town girls and patronesses. The university has limited ex'ening social afifairs for taidi or^ani/ation to two a semester. .\ fall dance and a Christ- 42 The His'Jorv of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity mas dance are usually held the first semester, and a formal function in March or early April. "Open House" for men is held once each semester, the first one being the Sunday after pledge day. A formal senior banquet in the spring is given in honor of the seniors. Once a semester Iota entertains the other sororuies and the faculty at tea, and almost every week she has patron- esses, faculty, and friends as dinner guests. Iota Chapter edits a chapter newspaper called the Eycota which bears the words "Published as best ive can, tvhcnevcr we can.'' Its purpose is to acquaint the alumna- with what the chapter is doing, and the only "subscrip- tion price is the intere.st and loyalty of the alumnae." There have been several publications, the last one in 1916, dealing with plans for the new chapter house. Every year Iota has employed different ways of celebrating Hera Day, but this year's custom was so interesting that it will doubtless be continued. The children of the Cunningham Orphans' Home were entertained at the chapter house for dinner and games. The chapter celebrates every Interior, Iota Chapter House birthday occurring during the school year among the active girls with a dinner which is always accompanied by the birthday cake and wishes. Every year in the early part of May the girls in the active chapter breakfast at Crystal Lake. The usual picnic breakfast is enjoyed around a big bonfire. An excit- ing ball game usually follows. Besides observing Hera Day, Iota Chapter furthers the philanthropic work of Champaign and Urbana, both with per- sonal volunteer service and financial contributions. Founders' Day is cele- brated by entertaining resident alumnae at a formal banquet at the chapter house. The banquet is followed by a program planned to be of particular interest to the alumnae. The alumnae in 1910 presented the chapter with a scholarship cup upon which Is engraved each year the name of the freshman who has the highest scholastic average. The names so far on the cup are: Lettie Busey, Jean Ripley, Edyth Body, Gretchen Gooch, Erna Goldschmidt, Cora Berger. Florence Lindahl. The total membership of Iota is 170. Present Scope 43 Kappa Chapter was cstablislicd at Madison, Wisconsin, at the University of Wisconsin, on December 18. 1903, bv Mabel Dunn, Camma. The charter members were: Klizabetli Patten, lulna Swciisdu, Peora Fryette, Julia McGrew-, Elizabeth Davis, and Esther Concklin. For the first few years, the chapter held its meetings at the homes of the members. In the fall of 1907 Kappa moved into her first fraternity house at 702 State Street. As this place did not prove satisfactory, the chapter moved into a desirable home at 430 Sterling Court, a short street near the campus, which contains the fraternity houses of five other women's fraterni- ties. In 1916 the chapter purchased a spacious and elegant home at 146 Pangdon Street, a wide and prominent street "running parallel and immedi- ate to the beautiful Pake Mendota." The grounds, extending to the shores of the lake, enhance greatly the attractiveness of Kappa's new home. The chap- ter has a large number of athletic honors, and has been much interested Interior Vikw of Kappa's New Home and consistently prominent in university dramatics. In June, 1912, Kappa was hostess to the national convention. Pike most university chapters Kappa has a well-regulated and valuable social life. Tliere are usually three dances given during the year, one of which is formal. A number of teas are given including each year one for both fraternity and independent w^omen, and one for guests at "home-coming" time. In the fall ()i)en house is held in honor of the new girls to which men from all the fraternities in the univer- sity are invited. In alternate years the chapter holds a reception for the members of the faculty. At Christmas time a party at the house for active members and town-alumn;e contributes to the cheer of the cheerless, for the gifts and the tree are carried off the next day by the Associated Charities. An annual reunion is held at commencement time. There are a great manv Alpha Chi Omegas in Wisconsin, and the reunion becomes each year more of an event. For Sunday evening lunch pledges, town girls, and house resi- u Present Scope 45 dents gather ahout the large round tal)le. Hera Dav has been celebrated by sending flowers to the hospitals in the city until 1915-16. During March and April of that year members of Kappa spent part of each Saturday after- noon at the day nursery teaching the poor children to sew. Kappa has initiated, during her thirteen years of life, 110 members. Lambda Chapter was installed in Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. December 18, 1906, by Mary Jones 'Pennant, Inspector. The charter members were: Olive C. Morris, Nellie Rogers Miiiott, !•' ranees Louise Waldo, and Jessie Beatrix Lansing. Lambda has added to the membership of Alpha Chi Omega 110 young women, twenty-five p'^r cent of whom have entered the teaching profession. Lambda rented a house in September, 1907, at 606 Ostrom Avenue. May 1, 1908, the chapter moved to 405 University Avenue. This was occupied until September, 1911, when the chapter moved to 727 University Avenue. From there they moved in 1915 to 402 Walnut Place. In 1916 the plans of many months bore fruit in the purchase of an elegant and capacious chapter home at 123 College Place in a good fraternity district. Lambda entertains each year with a formal dancing party. During the semester informal dances are given at the chaptei" house. Each class entertains the chapter annually with original plays or with indoor picnics. The seniors give a Christmas party. The juniors as.sume full charge of the alumnae banquet in June. Financial support is given by the chapter to the university settlement which is doing efl^ective work in Syracuse. Several mem- bers teach gymnasium, sewing, and cooking-classes in the settlement. Every year on the first day of March, known as Hera Dav, about twenty-five or thirty children from the Onondaga Orphans' Home between the ages of five and ten are invited to a party at the chapter house. The children play games and enjoy a delightful supper after which thev receive favors, and on leaving each one is given a red carnation. These carnations are donated to the chapter every year by one of the leading florists. Lambda is noted in athletics as well as in other uni\'ersity activities. The tennis championship of the university has rested for several years in Lambda's ranks. Lambda, in the perfection of her alumnte organization, surpasses all other chapters. Mu Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega was organized as a local chapter, .\lpha Alpha (iamma, in October, 1905. In Januarv. 1907, she petitioned for a charter of Alpha Chi Omega, which was granted in April of the same year. On May 13, she was installed bv Alta Allen Loud, (irand President, and Marcia Clark Howell, Orand Vice-president, assisted by Elizabeth Patrick, Gamma. Since women's fraternities are not permitted to live in fraternity houses at Simpson College, Mu Chapter owns no house or lodge. For several years, how^ever, a number of the girls have filled all the rooms at the home of Mrs, S. A. Silliman, a mother of two of Mu's charter members, thus keeping closely associated with each other. Meetings are held at the Silliman home or at the homes of the resident members. X x Q> ]*ki;si;N i- Sioi'i-; 47 In the nine N'cars that Mu has li\L'(l in Alpha Clii ( )nu-ua. imich ha-. \>cl\\ accomplished and many ('(ilk'Li,\' and nalinnal honors hax-c comi' to Ikt. ()f her fifteen t'harter members — I'dorenre A. Arinstron,i,'. l'".mma l5ro\vn. Myrtle Hussey, I\llen C'onrey, Lena DalrNinple. I.ora IkiLjler. Nell Harris. Carrie McFadon, Kthel MacFadon, Bessie Reed. Ada .S(•hinlell"eni^^ Mar<,'arel Schimelfenig, Kffie Sillinian, Mayme Silhman. and I.ois Smi.h — three have won national fraternity distinction. Mu holds ^■ery ln\ij,h rank at Simpson in scholarship, and in all the college activities, literary, athletic, forensic, relii^'ious. and social. She has developed a remarkable number of leaders in the chapter as has also .Mbion College which corresponds closely to Simpson in atmosphere and standards. The social restrictions accompanying the smaller denominational institutions inten- sify the efforts expended along intellectual and athletic lines. The sacri- fices made by the patrons of such institutions are examples of earnestness and generosity to the students who fretiuently become most devoted ser\-ants of any cause to which their lives are consecrated. The limited numbers — an average of 500 — make close acquaintance common on the camjuis. Social affairs are ingenious and recreative. Rushing parties, and an annual formal bancjuet, a tea for the town mothers and patronesses, an annual Christmas i)artv. and th.e traditit)nal house party at the end of the college year are the imjxirtant func tions. A good Conservatory of Music provides the chapter with splendiil opportunities for musical culture. Mu has initiated lOS members. Home ok Nc C'iiai'tek, L'.mveksiiv uv Coiukahh, lioi i.kkk, C oi.o. 48 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Nu Chapter was installed at the University of Colorado. Boulder. Colo- rado, September 6. 1907, Harriet Mabel Siller, Grand Historian, acting as installing delegate after having made a previous investigation of the peti- tioners. The charter members were: Irene Hall, Ethel Brown, Jessie Rodcers. Frances Foote, Helen Rice, Willa Wales, Bertha Howard. Flora (ioldsworthv, and Mollie Rank. Alpha Chi Omega was the fifth women's fraternity to enter the Univer- sity of Colorado. The chapter has lived in a chapter house from the begin- ning. At present she resides at 1080 Thirteenth Street. She is the only chap- ter of Alpha Chi Omega in the Rocky Mountains except for the two alumnae clubs, Denver Alumnae Club, and Pueblo Alumnae Club. She has sorely missed the frequent contact with sister chapters which other groups enjoy. Several chapters, however, have been established recently between the Missis- sippi and the Pacific so that Nu will now have sisters in closer proximity. Attractive dances and teas, picnics in the picturesque mountains near Boulder, and a share in the annual university Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. fair, con- stitute the most important part of Nu's social events. She has a keen interest in the activities of the institution, and has developed much along all lines during the nine years of her existence. She has initiated ninety-one members. Home of Xi Chapter, University of Nebraska, Linxoln, Xeb. Present Scope 49 Xi Chapter at the University of Nebraska. Lincohi, Nebraska, followed close in the wake of Mu and Nu Chapters and was established Thanksgiving day, 1907. Miss Laura Howe and Miss Mable Silk-r. assisted by Mrs. P. C. Som- merville and Mrs. Grace Slaughter (iamble, installed the chapter. The eleven charter members — then pledges — Vera Upton, Emma Farrow, Harriet Bardwell, May Bardwell, Lilah David, Beulah Coodson, Linna Timmer- man, Nina Beaver, Alice Lesher, Irene Little, and Beulah Buckley, met at the Lincoln Hotel, where the ceremony took place. Panhellenic immediately invited the chapter to become a member of that body and later gave a dance in her honor. Including Alpha Chi Omega, Panhellenic was represented by nine national sororities at that time. There are now fourteen members. from the first. Xi Chapter took a prominent place in universitv affairs, which includes Y. W. C. A., Cabinet Officers, Corn Huskcr Staff, all intercollegiate affairs, all interfraternity societies. Oirls' Club, and Pan- hellenic Associations. Since the chapter was installed on Thanksgiving day. it seems fitting that thev should continue the custom of oft'ering thanks in a substantial manner. No chapter liirthday has gone by unnoticed, and gifts of all kinds are received from friends, alumnie. and active members. The alumnae had charge of the banquet in 1909. and it was so successful that it is now understood that they preside over the occasion. Perhaps the ry^ y\ -^f ^ Sl.XTH .ANXrAL P.ANQIKT, Xl Cll AITER, MaV 6, U)l6 Garden Room of Lincoln Hotel. Lincoln. Xcb. gift of a loving-cup by the alumn;e at that banipitt is significant of the perfect cooperation of the two bodies, 'i'he Lyre Loving-cup was conferred upon Xi in 1910-1 \. On Hera Day. 1913. the chapter house, including many 50 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity of the fraternity possessions was almost destroyed by fire. The town girls opened their homes to those made homeless by the fire. The chapter returned a few weeks later to the same address. Insurance covered most of the chapter's loss, and in the following fall the chapter moved to their present home at 1410 Q Street. Since the installation of Xi Chapter, they have never failed to observe "Our Mothers' Dav." Fhe mothers of all girls of the chapter are made welcome at the chapter house. This custom among fraternities and sororities at Nebraska originated with Xi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, and practically every society in school observes this custom. An annual banquet is held in May to which scores of alumnae return. Messages are read from those absent. The toys received at the Christmas party, with the tree, are sent to a hospital on the following day. Omicron Chapter was installed September 17, 1908, at Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas, being formed from a seventeen-year-old local organization, Nu Alpha. The investigation of the petitioners was conducted by Alta Allen Loud, Grand President. The installing delegates were Mary Jones Tennant, Inspector, and Kate Calkins, Beta, formerly Grand President. All the active girls of Nu Alpha were initiated on the evening of the seventeenth, together with several Nu Alpha alumn:-e. After the ceremonies, a banquet was served. The afternoon was spent in a general reception to all the fraternities and to the friends of Nu Alpha. The charter members were : Aletha Kelley, Laura Nicholson, Edna Pearce, Bonnidell Sisson, Minerva Bragg, Eula Smith, Grace Davenport, Edith Bideau, Zula Green, Stella Morton, Mae Dennis, Beulah Kinzer, Iva Riley Farrer, Alice Reid Bacon. In the fall of 1909 the house was entered which is still occupied. It is a comfortable and attractive house, near the college campus, which accommo- HoAfE 01" Omicron Chapte;;, I'.aker University, Baldwin, Kan. 1'ki:si:.\ r Scoi'k 51 dates most of the members of the chapter. I'niversity rules entitle each fra- ternity to two informal parties and one formal partv during the college year. The Christmas party is held, according to tradition, on the first Tuesday eve- ning after the return of the .students from the holidays. The formal func- tion is held in the spring. For mothers, patronesses, and friends, a Kensing- ton is given. In the fall of 1914 ( )mi(ron received the Alpha Chi Omega Loving cup for highest ranking in fraternitv relations. Omicron Chapter has a total meml)ership of 141. On May 7, 1909. at the I niversity of California. Berkeley, California, La Solana House Club became I'i Chapter of Ali^ha Chi Omega. The installation was made by Mabel Harriet Siller, then (irand Historian, assist- ed bv Carrie Trowbridge. Kpsilon, and Anne Shepard. l^psilon, — Delta Delta tlelegates. The inspection of the petitioners and of the field had been made by x\lta Allen Loud. Cirantl President, assisted by resident alumn;e. At one-thirty p. m., on May 7. the initiation ceremony took ])lace, conducted by Miss Siller. In this she was assisted by the other installing delegates, and by Lida Bosler Hunter. Alpha; Theo White Lillard, Delta; Lucretia Drown, Beta; and Nellie Creen Wheeler. ( )live Kerryman. and Rowena Hall of Epsilon. On the afternoon of May 8, a reception was given for the faculty, and members of other fraternities, and in the evening the installation bancjuet was held in the chapter house. Pi Chapter had eighteen charter members — Beatrice Bocarde, Edith Brown, Dorothy Burdorf, Rue Clifford, Marguerite Creighton, Fern Fnos, Fthel Louden (iillis. Marion Hitchcock. Bvrd Howell, Leone Lane Kelley, Ho.MK 111 I'l (11 AIM i:k, L'mvkksiiv ni Cai.hokmv, 1>i:kkki.kv, C \i. 52 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Bess Kcntnt-r, J^da Long, Clare Norton, (iertrude Rice, Mary Stafford, Alice Streets, Elsie Williams, and Elizabeth Wright. During the first few years of the chapter's existence, the members lived at 1711 Euclid Avenue. In spite of various enlargements which were made later, the house proved to be entirely too small for the chapter's needs. In August, 1912, therefore, the chapter moved to the present residence, 2421 Le Conte Avenue, a large frame house, about five minutes walk from the college campus. (Jnce a year Pi Chapter gives a formal tea, to which are invited facultv members, other fraternities, and independent girls. Besides this, one or two informal teas are given during the year. About once a month a faculty dinner is given. This has been found to be an excellent way by which the girls may become acquainted, personally, with the professors and their wives. It is also the custom of the fraternity to give two dances each semester — a formal dance in the spring, followed by an informal dance, and two informal parties during the fall semester. Among Pi Chapter customs there are perhaps five which are most inter- esting. One is the Japanese Tea, given each August, about a week before the opening of College. The house is strung with lanterns which furnish the only light in the darkened rooms ; pink cherry blossoms bloom in the fire- places, and nod gaily from the tables and mantels. The girls dressed in gay Japanese costumes, complete the effect and serve tea in the dining-room. Then, too, there is Pi's St. Patrick Day dinner, when Ireland's green dominates everyone and everything: there is the much-enjoyed annual train dinner, when the dining-room becomes a dining-car, and the guests travel from Berkeley to Nova Scotia, merely l)v changing places after each course, with the aid of time-tal)les. Another of Pi's customs is a Christmas Bazaar. Then the active chapter unites with Theta Theta Alumnae Chapter, in making all manner of articles both useful and ornamental. The Bazaar continues all day and in the evening there is usually an auction, if anything remains unsold. The auctioneer is the father of one of the girls, and the articles are di.sposed of at excellent prices. It has also become a custom of Pi to buy a strip-picture for the chapter house each year ; th.ese are then framed and hung upon the walls of the dining-room. Pi's ambition is to place them upon the walls of the chapter-room of their own home some day. Pi's philantliropies are varied, for there is a great difference between assisting the Travelers' Aid Society and adopting a French war-orphan. Perhaps one of the things which gave Pi girls most pleasure was the making possible the ultimate cure of a little cripple whose parents were unable to supply the necessary money. Another opportunity that came to the girls last semester was that of making sets of warm clothing for the Belgian babies. From the time of Pi's installation have come such opportunities, both little and great, and as long as Pi exists will come others. The total membership of this chapter is 109. On October 14, 1910, Delta Nu was installed as Rho Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at the chapter house, 4543 17th Avenue North East. The Prksext Scope 53 installation ccrcniunics were conclLUtLcl by Alta Allen Loud assisted by Ada Dickie Hamblen, Beta; Louise Stone, Zeta ; Bess Kentner, Pi; Gaea Wood, Gamma; Pauline Drake, Iota; Ernestine Heslop. Xu ; Susan Hovcy Fitch, Theta; and Florence Clemens Kemp, Theta. The charter members were: Cogswell, Vera (Mrs. Wentworth Rogers) ; Greenberg, Edith; Harkins, Marjorie; Hawks. Hazel (Mrs. ^L1rvin Tuttle) ; Hindman, Edith; Jones, I'Ubel ; Maltbie. 'I'heodora (Mrs. James Collins); Niedergesaess, Gertrude (Mrs. A. M. Bryce) ; U'Donnell, (Iretchen (Mrs. George I^ast Starr) : Rogers:. Emily ; Rogers, Jennie (Mrs. Thomas Cole) ; Storrh. Bess. The total membership of Rho Chapter is eighty-one. Rho's chapter house is a large tliree-stnried structure of brick and Spanish plaster RlIO ClIAl'TEK lIul.sK. L'M\KK.sriV 111- \V ASl 1 1 N(;TuN , Seaiti.k, Wasii. planned and built by the chapter just before their installation into the Fraternity. One formal and one informal dancing party is given during the college year. Two informal ten o'clock dances are given each semester at the chapter house, tlie first one usually for the pledges. 'Lhe social affairs held early in the fall are devoted to rushing parties such as teas, luncheons, dinners, and vaudevilles. .\n annual Founders' Day Banquet is always given. In the fall a reception is lield for the housemother; receptions are also held for visiting national officers. Sigma Chapter was installed at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, on June 10, 1911. She was the fifth women's fraternity to enter the univer- sity. The charter members were: Marie Bateman, Nina Shaffer. Ina Scherre- beck, Grace Overholdt. Mvrtle Moore. Mae Williamson, and Bertha Reichert. Winifred Van Buskirk Nh)uiu. National Treasurer; Mvrtle .McKean Dennis. 54 The HisroRV of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Sigma Chapter House, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa National Inspector ; and Florence A. Armstrong. National Editor, ^vho had organized the group, performed the installation. The chapter house is situated on Io\va AYenue, a beautiful street full of flowers and foliage. A large sleeping porch and, back of the house, a stream crossed by a rustic bridge, adds to the pleasure of the members. Sigma had the distinction of standing at the front of the fraternity ranks in scholarship throughout the first two years of her existence. She is enthusiasticallv interested in all the actiYities of a great university, and has held most honorable place in social, dramatic, religious, literary, and scholastic lields. She has initiated into Alpha Chi Omega fifty-five young women. Tau Chapter was installed November 24. 1911. at Brenau College. Gaines- ville, Georgia, being formed from Kappa Chapter of Eta Upsilon Gamma. The investigation of the petitioning chapter was conducted by Winifred Van Buskirk Mount, Grand Treasurer. Mrs. Leroy Childs (Nell Schuyler, Theta), Ethel McCoy (Lambda). Josephine Blanchard (Theta), and Mary Thankful Everett (Zeta), assisted in the installation. The charter members ^Yere : Montine Alford, Sara Lee Alford, Jewel Bond, Mary Carson, Mary Dortch. Aileen Deaver. Margaret Brown Holder, Opal Overpack, Her King, Faye McCiee. Willie Kate Travis. Virginia Hin- ton, Willie Hamilton. Constance Miller, Nan Osborne, Emma Partlow, Nell PRKSENT Sc<)l>E 55 Quinn, Janie Russell. Laura Morton. Thu total incmhershij) of 'I'au Chapter is seventy-one. From the installation of the chapter until the fall of 1915 Tau occupied a house at 65 Sprinij; Street. In Seiiteniher. 1915. the house was changed to 75 East Washington. Tau Chapter gives an annual dance and rece])tion of a formal nature to which the faculty, other fraternities, and friends are invited. A chapter reunion is held i)n the week-end of November 24, during which various entertainments are given, the most important being the banquet on the last night. Numerous teas, picnics, and informal evenings occur during the year. On Hera Day Tau always sends a check and a box of clothes to a moun- IIo.ME OF Tau Chapter, Bke.xau Coi.iece, Gaines\ ii if., t.',.\. tain school not far from here. About a week after pledge day the chapter gives their patronesses a musical tea to meet the pledges, and only the pledges take part in the program. Just before the Christmas holidays, the chapter has a Christmas tree and each girl presents the chapter with a book. Tau Chapter has a total memi)ership of sixty-nine. Her members have been the leaders in practically all of the college activities since her installation. The only chapter in the far soutli. I'au has much in common with the north- ern chapters, and is intensely loyal to all national undertakings. After the usual summer house party, there are permitted three parties for rushing in the fall ; the last is a formal bamjuet with prospective pledges. Informal teas on Sunday afternoons at the chapter house have been an 56 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity excellent means to solidarity and influence. According to Panhellenic rules each fraternity has the privilege of giving one large party each semester. The one formal party, a dance and banquet, is given annually in the spring. A very informal annual aifair is the May breakfast, and on May 9 comes the chapter anniversary banquet, whose deeply meant words and thoughts of fra- ternity ideals always raise the conception of esprit dc corps. Living-room, Tau Chapter House On the afternoon of May 13, 1908, eight girls, spurred by faculty influence, met and made of themselves an organization which should fill the need of a third sorority in James Millikin University. This group called Phi Pi existed locally until May 9, 1913, when it became a part of the national organization of Alpha Chi Omega. Alta Allen Loud, National President; Birdean Motter Ely, National Secretary; Lillian Zimmerman, National Treasurer; Florence A. Armstrong, Editor of Lyre; Lois Smith Crann, National Inspector ; Bonnidel Sisson Roberts, President of the Central Province; Alice Watson Dixon, President of the Eastern Province; and Myrtle Hatswell Bowman, in charge of the music, were the installing dele- gates. They were assisted by twenty-five members from Iota and eight from Garmna. Eight chapters were represented in the ceremony. Following the installation of Upsilon, the National Council held its annual meeting in Decatur. This gave the new chapter a fortunate week in which to become better acquainted with the actual lubrication of the Alphs Chi Omega wheels. The other fraternities at Millikin entertained the new chapter and its visitors very generously during the week. The charter members were : Effie Morgan, Laura Kriege, Helen Moffett, Alice Hicks, Anna McNabb, Margaret McNabb, Rowena Hudson, Estelle Du Hadway, Blanche Redmon, Sadie White, Florence Kriege, Elsie Springs- tun, Julia Owings, Laura Weilepp, Marie Hays, Ruth Seifried, Ora Bellamy, Celia Still, Louise Naber, Clara Randolph, Hilda Smith, Helen Hopple, Present Scope 57 Blossom Redmon, Dee Worrell, Irene Staley, Mary Scott, I'.lizabeth Putnam, Mildred Gushing, Hazel (irady. Helen Heald. Upsilon's home during the year 1912-13 was the somewhat overflowing Walter House in W^est Wood Street. The associations of the glad young days are built round that house, but the larger place just off the camj)us ir. 1158 West North Street, into which the chapter moved in the fall of 1913, and which still shelters them, has a thriving accumulation of equally tender memories. Meetings are held at seven o'clock on Thursday evenings at the chapter hou.se. Each month a buffet su])i)er is given in connection with the special Home of Upsu.ox Chaitek, Janies Mm.i.ikin Univeksitv, Decatcr, Ii.i.. program to which the pledges and the Decatur Aluinn;L Club of Alpha Chi Omega are invited. Of their altruistic work Upsilon writes : "That one of our customs which has endeared itself most to us is the one which represents our annual 'newsie' Christmas party. One would say that it replaced a dance with us. but for the fact that it fills a place many times larger than a dance could ever fill. We commandeer enough automobiles to carry our invited guests, whose number is usually in the scores, and enough Ali)ha Chi Omega fathers, husbands. i)roth ers. and friends, to drive the automobiles. When we have .supplied ourselves with an entirelv alarming stock of refreshments, we bring the voung horde 58 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity to our house. They produce a vast noise, are fed, are amused, are presented with miraculous gifts by Mrs. Santa Claus, they write their names in our guestbook, and depart yelling and enraptured. Certainly we shall never find a custom closer to our hearts than our 'newsie' party." On October 15, Upsilon has a Founders' Day celebration with a cake and candles and a prepared program. Upsilon Chapter has initiated sixty-four meml)ers. In 1914-15 she received the highest grade average of the chapters of the Fraternity. Phi Chapter is located at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. The chapter was established September 15, 1914, with the following charter members: Marion Blake, Bessie Baird, Kva Stone, Marie Nelson^ Hedwig Home ov Phi Chaptek, Uni\eksity ok Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Wulke, Aileen Anderson, Marjorie Kennedy, Tryne Latta, Myrna Van Zandt, Winona McCoskry, Helen Stout, Elsie Fleeson, Josephine Jaccjua, Claribel Lupton, and Virginia Weldon. The installing officers, Lillian G. Zimmerman, from the Council; Marie Moorehead El^right, and Jennie Oechsli Haggart, Omicron, were assisted by Omicron Chapter. This chapter has initiated thirty-seven members into Alpha Chi ( )mega. Chi Chapter was founded at (Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon, on February 25, 1915. The installing officers were Alta Allen Loud and Leigh Stafford Foulds, assisted by Myrtle Harrison and Edith Hindman, Rho ; by Beatrix Andrews Hopkins, Xi ; and by Myrtle Wilcox Gilbert, Theta. The chapter has added thirty-five members to Alpha Chi IIdmk 111 till c'liAPiKK, Okkco.n Ai;Ki(T[.riuAi. Coi.i.ECE, CoKVAi.i.is, Oke. The Music-koom in Chi Chapter's Home 60 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Omega. She has the honor to be the first national fraternity chapter estab- lished at Oregon Agricultural College. The charter members were : Lystra Tagg. Verna Tagg. hi via Tagg, Dorothy Passmore, Louise Williamson, Cora Ueland, Mildred Crout. Elizabeth Howitt, Faith Hanthorn, Edith Cather- vvood, Vesta Kerr Reynt)lds. Ruth Morrison. Bertha Davis, Leonora H. Kerr, Ada Reed, and Miriam Thayer. Not until early in the fall of 1915 was Chi's chapter house opened, for by faculty ruling a fraternity group must be organized for a year before a chapter house may be occupied. The social functions have been unique in their simplicity and informality. On alternate Sunday evenings the chapter has served tea to faculty members and to students. Dinner parties have been numerous, but simple. There have been "hikes," picnics, and country dinners in the beautiful foothills of the Coast Range Mountains. During the year there have been two formal parties, one in the chapter house, and the other, the Intersorority Ball, given in the Women's gymnasium. Chi's record in scholarship has been high. Psi Chai'ter House, L'niversity of Oklahoma, Norman, Oki.a. Psi Chapter was installed at the L'niversity of Oklahoma. Norman, Okla- homa, Januarv 14, 1916. The installing officers were Maude Staiger Steiner, Extension Vice-president ; El Fleda Coleman Jackson, Extension Officer for Oklahoma, and Jennie Oechsli Haggart, Extension Officer for Kansas; assisted by Mrs. Ralph Bennett, Mrs. R. J. Roberts, Mrs. Charles Odell, Miss Marion Blake, Mrs. F. D. Brooks, and Miss Bess Snell. The charter members were fifteen, as follows : Gladys and Dory Hollenbeck, Vivian Sturgeon, Alice Dunn, Ruth Snell, Lucy Clark, Jessie Stiles, Rosa McComis. Carmon Hampton, Mildred McClellan. Elizabeth Richardson, Ruby Russel, Dona Faulkenbury, Mrs. Frederick Holmberg, Minnaletha Jones. Present Scope ^^ Psi girls have a most attractive liome which was built especially for them this year. On the first floor arc a reception hall, music-room, livinj^- room. and dining-room which can be thrown togetlier for entertaining and dancing. In addition to these rooms are a chapter-room, two l)edro()ms. kitchen, servant's room, an 97,000 5.389 1872 18 • r ^ B 95,200 5.950 1874 16 X O 67,500 2,109 1895 32 AHA 41,600 2,080 1893 20 AAA 36,800 708 1888 52 ATA 26,000 1,857 1904 14 2 K 20,000 1.538 1874 13 A O n 15,200 950 1897 16 CHAPTER VII COLLEGES IN WHICH ALPHA CHI OMEGA HAS CHAPTERS De Pauw University (Alpha) Indiana Asburv University was founded at Greencastle, Indiana, in the year 1837. The chief promoter and leading spirit in the founding of old Asbury was Robert R. Roberts, the sixth Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America, and the first president of the board of trustees. The Rev. Matthew Simpson, A.M.. was elected as the first president of the insti- tution. The West Campus and the central part of West College formed the Universitv Campus at that time, and the first commencement was held in this building. During the administration of the Rev. Thomas Bowman coeducation was established in 1867. In 1870 the corner stone of East College was laid but the construction was delayed for some time because of lack of funds. In 1879 the old West College building was partially destroyed by fire which was a severe loss to the University. After the rel)uilding the institution suffered financial embarrassment, but was saved from bankruptcv in 1884 l)y the benefaction of Washington C. De Pauw. The name was changed to De Pauw University, and the plan of the new University included schools of Liberal Arts, Law, Medicine. Theologv. and special schools. The growth since 1884 has been steady and permanent, from one department to eight organized schools and again concentrated into three ; from one building to eleven ; from five teachers to a faculty of fifty, and from five students to the present enrolment of one thousand. In 1912 the endowment reached three million dollars putting De Pauw in line for claims on the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. The new gymnasium known as the Bowman Memorial Building was dedicated in March, 1916, and marks the beginning of a new era in athletics for De Pauw. The institution is in Class A under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The distinguished line of presidents, many of whom later became bishops in the church, shows the character of the institution and the quality of work done here. Lmder the present leadership of Dr. George Richmond Grose the old school is in its brightest era and the Music School, under the direction of Dean R. G. McCutchan. is keeping pace with all other depart- ments of the Universitv. De Pauw University is situated in Greencastle, Indiana, a city of four thousand inhabitants, forty miles west of Indianapolis. The campuses are six in number, and are situated near the center of the citv. West Campus, which was the original site, consists of four and one-half acres. This is the seat of West College, the original university building, and contains various lecture-rooms and the Gough Little Theatre. Middle College and the power- house are also located on these grounds. Center Campus contains eight and one-half acres, and is the seat of East College, in which the work of the College of Liberal Arts is chiefly done, the D. W. Minshall Laboratory, and Colleges in Which Alpha Chi Omega Has Chapters 69 the Carnegie Library. On East Campus, a tract of four acres, are located Woman's Hall, the School of Music, and Simpson Hall, originally Art School, but now the Domestic Science Building, and the college tennis courts. South of the campus is situated the new $100,000 Bishop Bowman Memorial Gym- nasium, which contains the main gymnasium floor, social rooms, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. rooms, swimming pool, shower and locker rooms, rooms for fencing, boxing, and wrestling, and cjuarters for the home and visiting athletic teams. On the South Campus, containing seven and one-half acres, are located Rosa Bowser and Florence Hall. McKeen Field lies just beyond the city limits on the west. University Park is a tract of seventeen acres, on which McKim Observatory is located. De Pauw University is noted for the ministers and missionaries it has furnished. Four of the former presidents of the university were made bishops of the Methodist Church : Matthew Simpson, Thomas Bowman, Edwin Holt Hughes, and Francis J. McConnell. Some of the noted De Pauw missionaries are: Verling W. Helm, J. Howell Pyke, and Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fockwood. There are Miss Oolooah Burner, a great Y. W. C. A. worker; Earnest C. Wareing, editor of the JVcstcrn Christian Advocate; Robert Zaring, editor of the Northwestern Christian Advocate; and Dr. Hillary A. Gobin. great preacher, teacher, and ex-college president; United States senators. James Harlan, Daniel W. Voorhees, Albert J. Beveridge, Newton Booth; Congressman, James E. Watson; Secretary of Navy, Richard W. Thompson ; great educator, William A. Wirt, Superintendent of the Gary, Indiana, schools; great lecturers, John De Mott, and John P. D. John; and Lemuel H. Murlin, president of Boston University. We have several great author-graduates, including John Clark Ridpath. the historian ; Mary Ridpath Mann; David Graham Phillips, the novelist; U'illiam R. Halstead, and Mrs. Julia Nelson Penfield, a great suffragist worker. The fraternities for women at De Pauw are: K A 0, 1870 ; K K F, 1875 ; A X O, 1885; A ^, 1888; A O IT, 1907; AAA. 1908; ATA, 1908; A Z, 1909. The fraternities for men are: B n, 1845 ; $ F A. 1856; 2 X. 1859; ^ K *, 1865 ; A K E, 1866 ; $ A 0, 1868 ; A T A, 187 1 ; A Y, 1887 ; 2 N, 1890; A X A, 1915; B $, 1915. The College Panhellenic was organized at De Pauw University in 1903. It is now composed of the eight fraternities of the university. K A 0, A X fi, A $, A O n, A A A, A r A, K K r, and A Z. The group being very well organized, it was possible, under the presidency of A X f) in the year 1915-1916, that more significant work could be done. A great effort has been made to cooperate with the Dean of Women in the regulation of the chapter houses, and in the general college movements, as promulgated by the Women's Self-government Association, as well as in regulating the rushing season and in feeling a sense of responsibility in all women's interests. After a most successful rushing season Panhellenic turned to accomplish a distinctive constructive work. 70 'I'liK MisioRv OF Ali'Ha Chi Omega Fraternity Tlic specific things which Panhelleiiic has done, aside from regulating a most successful short rush, are the revision of a constitution and the printing of it ; the adoption of uniform scholarship Ijlanks, and uniform house rules. A series of fraternity dinners were held every two weeks, each Panhellenic representative visiting each fraternity house with the representative of some other fraternity. The movement toward securing a college nurse originated in Panhellenic. and altliough nothing definite has been done, yet something along that line will be accomplished next year. Interesting articles from fra- ternity magazines and the general work of each organization and of National Panhellenic in general have been discussed and found most profitable. Talks from the National Officers of A T A and A $ and from others were appreci- ated. The energy of the organization has been directed toward raising intelli- gently the plane of fraternity life and interfraternity relationships. At De Pauw, there is "Old Gold Day," in the fall. The college color i.s old gold, and on this day we pay our due respects to it, which are to last the remainder of the college year. This day is given over to the men of the college, while May Day is given to the women. A special chapel is held at eight o'clock in the morning, the class football games are played, and the class pennants and the De Pauw pennant are raised to the floating breezes, on the college flag-pole. In the afternoon the Freshman-Sophomore scrap is held before the big college game. In the evening, a bonfire and sing is held before the vaudeville. At this time, each sororitv and fraternity give a fifteen- minute vaudeville stunt. May Day is a day for the college girls to be in prominence. There are the folk-dances on the campus green, the crowning of the May Queen, and the coed play, at night. Albion College (Beta) Albion College is located at Albion, Michigan, township of Albion, and County of Calhoun. The college campus proper contains eighteen acres, aside from the athletic field of sixteen acres. It is on rising ground, in the eastern part of the city, in one of the best residential districts. In the year 1833, Rev. Henry Colclazer, F.ev. Elijah H. Pilcher, and Benjamin H. Packard, M.D., resolved to inaugurate a movement for the establishment of an academy of higher learning in Michigan. Spring Arbor was chosen as a location and in the spring of 1835 the Legislature granted a charter under the corporate name of "'Spring Arbor Academy," locating the institution on the site of an old Indian village, in the town of Spring Arbor. In the spring of 1839 the charter was amended, locating the school at Albion and reconstructing the Board of Trustees. In November, 1843, the first building was completed and opened for the reception of students. Rev. Charles F. Stockwell, A.M., a graduate of Wesleyan University, w^as appointed principal. In 1849, the charter was amended by the creation of a Female College, so that the corporate name became "Wesleyan Seminary and Female Collegi- ate Institute." The institution was empowered to confer degrees on both men and women, the corporate name becoming "Albion College." Colleges in Which Alpha Chi Omega Has Chapters 71 In 1907. the charter was amended giving the institution enlarged powers. The management of the institution is vested in a Board of Trustees, six elected by the Detroit Conference of the Methodist I^piscopal Church, six by the Michigan Conference, and six by the Society of Alumni. Great personages connected with Albion College are : Dr. Samuel Dickey, President of the College; Owen Lovejoy, Child Labor; Dr. Delos Fall, Educational Circles; Frank Fall, Bursar of New York University; Dr. E. H. Townsend, University of Illinois, Head of the Mathematics Department ; Professor Gordon, Head of (ieology Department, University of Tennessee; Dr. Roland Palmeter, known in Medical lines ; Arthur Price, President of Texas College; Arthur Westbrook, Head of Conservatory of University of Kansas ; Professor Moulton, Chicago University. The fraternities represented are : AX fi, 1887 ; A T, 1883 ; A H A, 1915. Men's fraternities are: A T ,n, 1889; 2 X, 1886; 2 N, 1895; ATA. 1876. Traditions for which the college is noted are the number of men and w^omen strong in the pedagogical world ; for orators and debaters, ministers and missionaries, Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. secretaries and social service workers. Northwestern University (Gamma) On May 31, 1850, there met in the city of Chicago, at the office of Grant Goodrich, 109 Lake Street, nine men to consider the founding of a univer- sity in the vicinity of Chicago. They agreed that "The interests of Christian learning demand the immediate establishment of a university in the North- west." and appointed a committee to petition the General Assembly for a charter. January 28, 1851, Governor French signed the Act that incorporated ''The Trustees of the Northwestern Lhiiversity." The name of the university has since been changed to Northwestern University. The corporation as at present constituted consists of thirty-six trustees, elected by the Board, and two elected by each of three annual conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, making a total of forty-two. The charter provides that a majority of the Board shall be members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but that no particular religious faith shall be required of those who become students of the institution. Amendments have provided that other chartered institutions may become departments of the university; that all property of whatever kind or description belonging to or owned by the said corporation shall be forever free from taxation for any and all purposes ; that no spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be sold, under license or otherwise, within four miles of the location of the university. After considering several locations in the vicinity of Chicago, the trustees selected from the university a tract of land on the shore of Lake Michigan, twelve miles north of the heart of Chicago. Here in 1850 the first university building was erected and about this location has grown up the City of Evanston, a beautiful residential city of thirty thousand inhabitants. The professional schools of Medicine, Law. Pharmacy. Dentistry, and Commerce are situated in the city of Chicago. £ s S S s S « « ,:>.>.: ;>,>(>.>< ;><>< :>.>>< 1 ;;x : iDr^O'^in loooON^ot— i^t^ooovO'-— ■'O'^ioiO'O psjs^ud ooooo^c^c^ oc>o0O000O0^'-^«^^--''-^'-' U X V uaqM aiTJQ OOOOOOOOOO oOOOOOO^O^O^OO^O^O^O'C^CT^CT^C^O^C^C^ pa^uas _o I -3jd3j sapiujaiBj; OOf^O^Tf"^ r->^CSP^'J"r^t~'^T)->Om-"vO'»' t^ : s^u3uiOA\ I'o jaqiun^ ■^ o o o p3}U3S *— ^" — — -3jd3j saijiujaiBjj CO s.uaui jo' jaquin^ c c c c \o t^ -^ -^ a i-«r-ooi-riCN--'r:i-^c^Otr-ior^OoOi--Tj' r^ O O ■^^ oq 00 r^_ o_ ■^^^ r-._ 3U103UI iBnuuy •* "f 0-' O r^ 00 "^ 00 t- CM rC>OCNCNOO'irj^CN-^u-)»oO00*r)(^'^ fDOOOiO C^i •rr> 00i'^O^*-''-''OiO(MLO ,--' : CS CN CM ^ fS ** O O 00 O >rj ^ o C i/~. I/-, o O O lO o o 00 o C ^ — ' CM o »o o O CO tr> 00 NO Ov_ uopBudojddv cs \o o O <>)' in cm" in" NO o" "W" 31-BJS l^nuuv -^ CD Tj' ©5 >0 '- 00 o- ir> CM --• »r5 o c^ o r^oICNCvOOirj'OOOOO LO O ■* o CN O <^ o Os'.-HsoO'— 'O>'"-00-*'Oi^ OO'— ' Tf ir> o — _ o_ ^__ o_ o — <_ ^, o r^__ ^_ oq o <^^ vO_ 0_ '-^ o. }uaiuA\opu3 ■^ uo oo' OS O f^ o 'O-rfOOO'OOOCOf^O'OCN o" — cm" (M lO O . f^ "I ■* '*'. ■* 0\Ot^i:>CN r-CNioo-^ CM *-< CS : ^^ -H -^T --H »0 lO «(» ryisOO-^O O'-'Tt<^r^Ot^''^""j^CMf^vo\0O00l^rM XiinoTj J no jaqiun^j rOTj-OOOOt^ O^OONOO-^'OOVCN-^'^OsOu^/OCOOs'rN^ sjuap vOfMO-^t^ OCMf^CSt^f^0Nr*)Of^-^0\C0I^t-'CNOO -ms JO jaquin^ On >0 OC ^ ^ O ON ■* -^ <>^ »>^ CM 00 ITJ ■^_ CM O fO Ov -*_ <2_ CN CN -^' r-f CO »0 w^' lO rrT ^ ro 0»ONO'^r-OvOO O OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOnoOOO 00 Place 4j " " S fs I.- c e; Z " ,9 i^ L^ u rt . oJ =^ O n ^ >2 "° S >> > > ^ ; 'i J c32 E i tl g c M ^c § > I o -a cd >-• _o "o cd J. C! X. 2 > u 1 ; be C > c 2 1 ^3 •^ tc C o "— *^ ;S| so o = oooc-goo^ooo^.-^oiiOj. 1 ^ i |l 1-^^ •Ml 1 g 11 ^ -2 -2 -1 ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 1 c < 2 < t^ i 2 t3 fa p c/: CO 1=) S PQ t3 s a ^ ■» ►- 3 O 3 ; E 1 Colleges in Which Ai.i'ha Chi Omega Has Chapiers 73 The University Campus in I'>vanstoii has an area of about seventy-five acres and is beautifully situated on the sliore of Lake Michigan, two miles from the northern limit of the city of Chicago. On the South Campus are the buildings of the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Kngineering, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston Academy, the School of Oratory ; and on the North Campus are the Ovmnasium. tlie Observatorv. and eleven fra- ternitv and college houses for nun. The School of Music, WiUard Hall and Chapin Hall, dormitories for women, arc on W'illard Hall Campus distant from the L'niversitv Canijius about three minutes' walk. Near Willard Hall Cam])us are the Moose House and Lniilv Huntington Miller House. The buildings of the Medical School aiul of the School of Pharmacy are in Chicago, between Twenty-fourtli and Twenty-fifth Streets on Dearl)orn Street. The Schools of Law, Dentistry, and Commerce are in the University Building, at the Corner of Lake and Dearborn Streets. Northwestern purchased in 1872 "The I^vanston Female College." That was the beginning of coeducation at Northwestern and the building became known as the W'illard Hall, in honor of Frances Willard. The dormitory accommodates about one hundred and twenty-five (125) girls. There are several other dormitories at Northwestern which are not owned by the university. The women's fraternities represented are : A $, A F, K K r. K A 0, F $ B, A X fi, n B a>, A A A, X n. K A, A O n, A F A, 2 A I, Z $ H, ^ B, Q Y, 2 A F, H F, and M $ E. The men's fraternities are: 2 X,; «l> K 2, B n, $ K »I', A Y, $ A 0, A T A, 2 A E, S N, and * M A. Allegheny College (Delta) r)ld Allegheny, for a period of one hundred remarkable vears, has stood on the top of one of the beautiful foothills of the Alleghenies. Below and around it lies the city of Meadville, Pennsvlvania, situated in the valley of French Creek. From the tower of Old Bentley can be seen in the distance the beautiful and diversified panorama of tlie surrounding countrvside — the beau- tiful winding Cussewago, as it enters French Creek ; the deeply wooded ravines ; the fields of waving grain ; and in the distance. Round Top ; while near at hand the beauties of the campus liold the eve — the fine lawn shaded abundantly by the great old trees; and cut by the natural ravine. How' many faithful men have labored and striven to make this college what it is ! Li the year 1815, aroused by the ambition and energy of the young Timothy Alden, a Presbyterian preacher and teacher from New York, the citizens of Meadville, then a frontier town of four lumdred inliabitants, founded the present institution. The charter was conferred in 1817. The first large building. Bentley Hall, was built in 1820, in honor of the Rev. William Bentley. who left to the college his library valued at $3,000. Hard times now began to beset the bravely founded institution. The petition made by Alden to the Erie Presbytery, that they take Allegheny under their patron- age, was refused. At this time the state appropriation was also withdrawn. In 1831 Alden, broken-hearted, resigned, and for a time it looked as if 74 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Allegheny College was to pass from existence. But the fates decreed other- wise, for in the year 1833, through the efforts of Homer J. Clark, the Pitts- burgh Conference of the Methodist Church took it under its patronage ; and the Rev. Martin Ruter was made president. Through the inextinguishable zeal and effort of the different presidents, the institution grew and flourished. At the beginning of the Civil War a company was organized to go to war from the college. Alleghenv was one of the first colleges in the country to take the forward step of admitting young women to the college. This was done in 1870. This advancement has continued until now the college has a high standing, and twelve good buildings. In 1915 a great pageant was given, celebrating the century's work. Many men of worth and note have spent their college days within the portals of Allegheny. There have been judges, congressmen, bishops, clergy- men, doctors, lawyers, business men — men in every trade and profession of life. William McKinley, the much beloved president of our great common- wealth, spent a period of his college days within the shelter of its walls. A goodly number of bishops have received here their incentive. Noteworthy among these is Bishop James M. Thoburn. who spent the prime of his life as a missionary in India. Two bishops, William F. Oldham and Charles Bayard Mitchell, elected in 1916 by the Methodist General Conference, were graduates of Allegheny. Ida M. Tarbell, the world famous investigator and author, was among the first women students to attend the college. F. P. Howe, the immigrant commissioner ; Frederick C. Palmer, the war correspon- dent; A. W. Thompson; and Dr. Ernest A. Bell, all men of sterling worth, graduated from Old Allegheny. The women's fraternities at Allegheny are K A ©, 1881 ; K K T, 1888; A X ri, 1891 ; and ATA, 1912. The men's fraternities are : <^ K *, 1855 ; $ r A, 1860 ; A T A, 1863 ; $ A ©, 1879 ; 2 A E, 1887 ; A X P, 1914. A Panhellenic Association was formed by the women's fraternities in 1904. There are three honorary fraternities in the institution. $ B K was organized in 1901. In the year 1913 tAvo others were installed, A 2 P, and A X 2. Like all other institutions Allegheny has many traditions and customs. Perhaps the most important tradition is the great number of clergymen who have gone forth from the institution. There are many customs which pertain to the freshmen such as the green and yellow caps, rules for freshmen pub- lished by the college council, and the custom of freshmen remaining seated in chapel until the upperclassmen have gone out. One of the finest customs is the Annual Washington's Birthday Banquet. It is a big college dinner held in the gymnasium. All the classes vie with one another in stunts, costumes, and songs. Founders' Day, April 24, is always observed. In connection with the exercises of commencement week is "Class Day" and the farewell addresses to the buildings by the seniors. For over a century this college has struggled and striven in the midst of many difficulties, and at last has come out victorious. It is known everywhere Colleges in Which Alpha Chi Omega Has Chapters 75 as a splendid institution for learning : the beauty of its surroundings and campus are unexcelled; it has inaii\- noted alumni and it is well represented in the Greek-letter world. The University of Southern California (Kpsilon) The University of Southern California is scattered throughout the city of Los Angeles, each department being on the site most advantageous for its work. The College of Law is situated near the Court House and large County Law Library. Fine Arts revels in the beauties of the Arroyo Seco in Garvanza. Medicine enjoys the advantage of the Angelus Hospital Clinic, one of the largest and best equipped in the West. The colleges of Dentistry and Music also are situated in opposite parts of the city. The University Campus proper, the gathering place of all the "Varsity Spirit," is in the southwestern part, within a block of l^xposition Park, where many of the famous exhibits of the world are displayed. Here are situated the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Engineering, Theology, and Oratory, occupying, with the athletic field, gymnasium, and training quarters, a tract two large blocks square. The Liberal Arts building tvpifies the spirit of California. It is a gray plaster edifice, fast covering with vines, and surrounded by green lawns shaded with large trees. To the south there is a section planted entirely with California poppies, and in the spring this is one mass of golden bloom. The university was incorporated as a Methodist Episcopal Institution in 1880. The policy of the trustees, however, so limited the lield of activities that financial difficulties rose, and it did not come into prominence in the educational world until 1900. when endowments were secured, the faculty was increased, and new departments added. Fhe policy of the administration has continually broadened, until now it is practically a nonsectarian institution. In 1910 the graduate school was given a signal honor by being recognized as on a par with similar schools of Stanford and the University of California. In this year also the State Board of Education accorded the privilege to the university of granting the State High School Teachers' Certificate to gradu- ate members. At present there are plans for a two million dollar endowment fund to be raised, and in case this is accomplished. University of Southern California will have a new campus, dormitories, and buildings. There are thirteen national men's fraternities in the university, and seven locals. 2 X was founded in 1889; * (local), in 1897; $ A (local), in 1898; a>N A (local), in 1906; 2T (local), in 1910; K^ T (local), in 1912; Z K E (local), in 1912; A B T (local), in 1916; A X, in 1910; * P 2, in 1896; 4>X, in 1910; A K K, in 1913: * A X, in 1907; * fi, in 1904; A 2 A, in 1906; H*«I>, in 1914; TK A, in 1915; 2 I X, in 1916;^ A $, in 1907; $ A A, in 1911; and A $, in 1912. The honorary debating fraternity, A 2 P, was installed in 1915. Of the ten women's fraternities, five are local. A P (local) was estab- lished in 1895 : A X n. in 1895 : Entre Nous f local), in 1895 : B ^ (local), in 1902; Z T A. in 1910; $ M. in 1915; T * (local), in 1916; A T (local Fine Arts), in 1915; 4> A A. in I'M! : and X 2 ^. in H)14. Panhellenic: 76 Till-; Hisi()R\ OF ,\lpha C"hi Omega Fraihrxity was organized in 1906 through the efforts of A X i7, then the only national fraternity. 'I'hrough their efforts, however, National Panhellenic rules have heen followed, and many of the difTiculties arising from so many local chap- ters have heen overcome. There have heen manv prohlems arising from this situation to he solved ; hut the gradual increase of nationals has lessened this considerahly. The Panhellenic organization has done much in coopera- tion with the Y. W. C. A. in charity work, and hy giving monthly candy sales sufficient money has heen realized to aid considerably a number of poor families of the city. In past years it has been the custom for the fra- ternity women to meet once a month at the various houses and sew for charity while discussing university problems. This has been supplanted this year by exchange dinners, when the girls of two fraternities meet once a month round the dinner table. This has brought the girls of the different frater- nities in closer touch with one another, and has been instrumental in bring- ing about a more harmonious feeling in Panhellenic. This vear, through their efforts, the administration of the university has recognized dancing as legitimate in the fraternity houses, and has appointed a competent dean of w^omen to chaperon these aft'airs. The University of Southern California has been noted in the Southwest as the Alma Mater of some of the brilliant professional and business men. Dr. Stabler of the College of Pharmacy has brought fame to the campus by his discovery of the bleaching process of walnuts, and also the means of transforming California oil into gasoline and distillate. The Spanish Depart- ment is growing rapidlv. and many of the recent missionaries for the South American fields have been trained in this institution. In the eastern states the university has been brought into prominence by our athletes, two of whom, Fred Kelly and Howard Drew, won the Olympic championships in 1912. Both hold world records in their events, the 120-yard high hurdles, and 100 and 200-yard dashes. Track has been the varsity's strong point, and many of the coast records are held by University of Southern California men. ( )f college and university customs there are many which are dear to the hearts of all the students. The duck pond and the hose stand above every freshman's head, and he follows steadfastly the ways of his predecessors. No "Frosh" can "queen" on the front steps or in the windows of the Liberal Arts Building. Every freshman man must be on hand to sweep the bleachers before the big games, and it is his duty also to gather the wood for the big bonfire for the rally before the California football game, when all underclassmen turn out for the annual "pajamarino." The first class event of the college year is the freshman-sophomore color rush, when the entering class tries to bring down the second year colors from the top of a greased pole, and tramp them in the dust. Then on Halloween comes the university party, when everybody is introduced into the mystic regions of the gymnasium, where the ghosts reign for that one night. The May Festival is another of the larger affairs of the college year. This is held under the trees of the campus, where the queen and her court are CoLLKCEs IN ^^'HICI^ Ai.i'iiA Cui Omk(3a Has Chapters 77 entertained by the folk, dances of every country, given by the gymnasium classes in costume. The juniors first appear in jirominencc when they present the junior play, usually about the first of December. Then in tlie spring they have the Junior Circus, which has been very cleverly handled. The proceeds from these performances are used for the El Rodeo, the university yearbook, which is })ublished by that class. During the commencement week there is one day which is characteristic of the institution, on which the seniors hand down the traditions of the uni\-L'rsitv and class to the juniors, to be guarded by them during the coming vear. Then the two classes "burv the hatchet" from then on, and the two presidents smoke the pipe of peace. The "mystery bag," the contents of which no one knows, or ever will, is given for the juniors' safe-keeping, as well as the "dog-on-button." This is a small brass dog mounted on a silver pin, which goes to seniors during the year who are able to make a professor laugh out loud in the presence of another senior — no easy task to accom- plish. After these ceremonies the senior class plants some ivy around the Liberal Arts Building, symbolic of the class growth, but still clinging to the Alma Mater. From this the day takes its name of Ivy Day. The Lottie Lane Prize of the University of Southern California was estab- lished by Mrs. Charlotte A. Thompson as a memorial to her deceased daughter. The prize is an elaborate gold medal, and is to be presented each year at commencement to that member of the graduating class who shall have maintained the highest general scholarship throughout the whole college course. Students w-ho have taken more than four academic years to complete the course, and those who have received credit for work done elsewhere than in this university, are not eligible for this prize. Kpsilon was very proud indeed to have this medal awarded to Lucy Adams in 1915. Last, but far from least, is the hymn to Alma Mater. No game is won or lost, or no "jolly-up" complete without praise being sung to her who made all these traditions possible — "Our Own Dear U. S. C." Alma Mater of the University oe Southern Camfornia 'Mid storied lands our college stands 'Mid scenes oft traced in dreaming. Where golden sands with golden fruit And golden grain are teeming. But ne'er a spot though seeming fair, On mountain, shore, or lea. In keeping has such memories as The halls of U. S. C. We dwell "neath ever sunny skies, 'Mid flowers ever springing, Where pleasing verdure never dies, And birds are always singing, 78 The Hisiokv uk Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity 'Mid whispers of eternal seas, That ever shall endure — Oh, U. S. C, our love for thee Unchanging is, and sure. Oh, dear old school, thy classrooms are To us new worlds revealing ; Thy rallying times have sent new life Into our being stealing; Thy ties have bound us each to each, And brightened all our days, And life means more, a boundless store, Since we have trod thy ways. And when the restless, hopeful years To other scenes may woo us. And joys and struggles of these years Are but a memory to us, Amid life's disappointing cares Our hearts will turn to thee. And for thy sake fresh courage take, Our own dear U. S. C. New England Conservatory of Music (Zeta) The New England Conservatory of Music, incorporated in 1870 by a special Act of the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts, claims 1853 as the date of its origin, since in that year its founder. Dr. Eben Tourjee, introduced into America the conservatory system of musical instruction. In the year 1882, the growing needs of the institution led to the purchase of an estate on Franklin Square, which it occupied until the close of the school year 1901-02, when it became necessary to seek more ample accom- modation. With the opening of the school year 1902-1903, the Conserva- tory took possession of its new building on Huntington Avenue, corner of Gainsborough Street. This building is constructed on the most approved modern plans, is fireproof, and is especially adapted to the needs of a school of music. The material used in the exterior construction is steel-gray brick and Indiana limestone. On the first floor are the business offices, reception rooms, a few classrooms, the music store, and two auditoriums. The basement contains additional classrooms, the printing-room, and electric plant. The larger auditorium, Jordan Hall, is the gift of Mr. Eben D. Jordan, President of the Board of Trustees. It has a seating capacity of over one thousand, and its acoustic properties are universally recognized as excep- tionally fine. The equipment of the hall includes a fine concert organ and a large stage, especially adapted to orchestral and choral concerts and to Colleges ix ^\'HIL■H Alpha Cm Omega Has Chapters 79 operatic performances. Here the conservatory orchestral and choral con- certs and the recitals of the faculty and advanced students are given. The hall is also frequently used by visiting artists for their public concerts. Among the many who have recently appeared here are Messrs. Busoni, Josef Hofmann, de Pachmann, Harold Bauer, l^rnest Schelling, Lhevinne, Kreisler. Thiebaut, Zimbalist, Bispham, Clement, and Slezak; Mmes. Teresa Carreno, Katherine Goodson, Misses Elena (jerhardt. Maggie Teyte, Julia Culp, and Kathleen Parlow ; Mr. and Mrs. Anton Witek, the Flonzaley Quartet, the Longy Club, the Cecilia Society, and the Apollo Club. The smaller auditorium, seating over four hundred, is used for lectures and pupils' recitals and for the dramatic and opera departments ; also as an assembly hall for social purposes. The second floor of the building contains the musical library and a large number of classrooms. The third floor is devoted to classrooms and to the organ department, for which the Conservatory provides unequalled advantages. Ten two-manual pipe-organs are installed in the practice-rooms for the use of the pupils in the organ department. Two large three-manual organs and one with two manuals are placed in the organ teaching rooms. With the large concert organ in Jordan Hall there are fourteen pipeorgans in use in the Conservatory. In the possession of such facilities for organ practice the Conservatory stands alone in the world. The Conservatory building is situated on Huntington Avenue, at the corner of Gainsborough Street, extending in the rear to St. Botolph Street. The main entrance is on Huntington Avenue, and there are also entrances on Gainsborough Street and St. Botolph Street. The building is directly in the art center of Boston, being located one block west of Symphony Hall and within a short walking distance of the Public Library, the Art Museum, the Boston ( )pera House, and other public buildings of iiUerest. Street- car lines connecting with the various railway stations and other parts of the city pass the building. It is primarily the aim of the New England Conservatory of Music to educate pupils who desire to make a serious study of music with a view to a professional career in some branch of the art. The art of music is so complex and its mastery so difficult, that it is not to be acquired by the study of one of its branches alone. The Conservatory, therefore, so arranges its curriculum that all pupils in its regular course who are studying to be teachers, singers, or performers on any instrument, shall pursue those theoretical branches which are most necessary in their particular cla.ss. together with their general instrumental or vocal practice. The Conservatory endeavors not onlv to give the pupil instruction ( theoretical and practical ) by the most able teachers and modern methods, but to surround him with a musical atmosjiliere which shall be at once a stimulus and a discipline; also to afl'ord him opportunities for teaching and for ]iublic ])erformance which cannot otherwise be obtained. 80 The History of Alpha Chi Ome(;a Fraternity The Yocal and instrumental lessons of the school are given either privately or in classes of three (in the Elementary Grade only, in classes of four) ; the theoretical work (dictation, harmony, sight-plaving, etc.) is taught in larger classes. The regular course in all departments is divided into three grades: Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced. University of Michioan (Theta) The campus proper of the University of Michigan comprises forty acres of land in the heart of the city of Ann Arbor, upon which are situated twenty buildings. Thirty-three other buildings occupy sites adjacent to the campus. Among the other properties of the universitv are the fol- lowing : Ferry Field, the men's athletic ground ; Palmer Field, the women's athletic grounds ; a ninety-acre arboretum and garden along the Huron River ; the Saginaw Forestry Farm, eighty acres of land one mile west of Ann Arbor ; and the Bogardus Engineering Camp and Biological Station, a tract of land including two thousand two hundred acres, in Cheboygan County, seventeen miles south of the Straits of Mackinac. Among the note- worthy buildings recently erected on the campus proper are Hill Auditorium, the Natural Science Building, the Chemistry and Pharmacy Buildings, and the Martha Cook and Newberry dormitories for women. The University of Michigan was founded in 1837 as the first state institution of any importance in the field of education. It is composed of nine departments : The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts ; the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture; the Law School; the Medical School; the Dental College; the College of Pharmacy; the Homeopathic Medical School ; the School of Nursing ; and the Ciraduate School. The total number of students enrolled during the year 1915-1916 was 7,214 including the summer session registration. The men's fraternities and the date of their establishment at the Uni- versity of Michigan are as follows: X •*, 1845; A A $, 1846; A K E, 1855 ; 2 '$, 1858 ; Z *, 1858 ; ^ Y, 1865 ; B @ n, 1845, reestablished, 1867 $ K *, 1875; A Y, 1876; 2 X, 1877; ATA, 1874, reestablished, 1880 $ A '©, 1864, reestablished, 1887; 2 A E, 1888; A X, 1889; A X, 1892 K 2, 1892, reestablished, 1902; 2 N, 1902; $ T A, 1885, reestablished 1902; Sinfonia, 1902; A T Q, 1888, reestablished, 1904; Acacia, 1904 $ K 2, 1905; A 2 $, 1908; Z B T, 1912; 2 $ E, 1912; KB*, 1912 A X A, 1913; $ X A, 1913; $ 2 K, 1915; A 4> A, 1909. The women's fraternities and the date of their establishment at the Uni- versity of Michigan are as follows: T $ B, 1882; A T, 1885; Sorosis, 1886; n B $, 1888; K K T, 1890; A E I, 1890; A $, 1892 ; K A €), 1897, reestablished, 1893; A X O, 1898; M 4) E (Musical), 1904; X n, 1905; Westminster House, 1909; © ^ A, 1912; AAA, 1915. A local Panhellenic Association was established at Michigan in 1904 through the efforts of members of K A © and T * B in particular. n $, an honorary society for rhetoric and sociology students, included, Colleges in Which Ammia ("hi ().mk(;a Has Chai'ikrs 81 pre\'ious to 1902, four sororities, and was tlie only grouping of women's fraternities on the caminis. In 1902 the menil)ers recognized the inefficiency of such a limited number ami the society ceased to exist. In 1904 through the eflForts of some of tlie same girls the local Panhellenic Association, or Intersorority Association, as it is called, was organized, and now includes eleven fraternities: r ^ B. K A 0, A r, K K T, II B , X O, 4> A, Sorosis, A <>, A A A, and A X 12. The presence of two local organizations in the association, however, make it slightly different from the regular local Panhellenic societies. It has been distinctly recognized that the Asso- ciation has aided in l)uilding up the splendid democratic spirit which now exists both between fraternities and between fraternities and nonfraternity girls. It has made rushing a much simpler and inexpensive affair in late years, and the common rules for all help to bind the chapters together. Many times opinions upon collegiate questions have been quickly and forcefully expressed by this body, thus making the fraternities take a more active part in university work. In former years the Association gave several social affairs each year, but they have been discontinued because there were already such a host of social events on the campus. The members have aided in various philanthropic movements and have supported all efforts to improve condi- tions for Michigan students. At the present time, one of Theta's girls, Josephine Randall, is president of the Intersorority Association. The University of Michigan is noted for its School of Law and its Medical and Engineering Colleges. P^verywhere on the campus there is an atmosphere of democracy which is emphasized and felt on the athletic field, in the classroom, and in the general make-up of the student body. In the process of construction is the $1,000,000 Michigan Union Building and the $75,000 Y. M. C. A. Building, both of which will help more than any- thing else to further this feeling in the future. Through the efforts of the Michigan Union officials, in conjunction with the faculty and the Student Council, many events that make college vears enjoyable are held, such as: the .spring contests between freshmen and sophomores, including the Tug of War. the Pushball Contest, and the Relay Races; Cap Night, when the freshmen throw their caps in the bonfire and traditionally become sopho- mores ; the Regatta on the Huron; the I nion Opera; the Senior Swing-out, and the convocations of faculty and students. Caps and toques designating the respective class and department are worn by the men students, gray representing the freshman class; red the sophomore; white the junior; and blue the senior. Many of the women's activities are looked after by the Women's League, and the junior and senior girls' plays are the most note- worthy achievements of the women along dramatic lines. The University V. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. are especially active, and each year raise among the students a sum of $4,000 for the support of a medical missionary and hospital in Buzrah, Arabia. 82 Thl; Hisr()R\ ok Alpha Chi Omkc.a Fraterxitv University of Illinois (Iota) The location of the University of Illinois is in Champaign County, Illinois, 126 miles south of Chicago. The campus is just within limits of the City of Urbana and is bounded on the west by the City of Champaign. The land occupied by the university is 235 acres, besides an 865 acre farm. There are 95 buildings on the campus. The university was incorporated February 28, 1869, with the name of Illinois Industrial University under the control of a Board of Trustees. Dr. John Milton Gregory was appointed first regent of the university and he served until 1880. University opened March 2. 1868, with fifty students and a faculty consisting of tlie regent and two professors. In March. 1870, women were admitted. In 1870-71 twenty-four were enrolled. The univer- sity was given permission by the Legislature to confer degrees in 1879. The name of the institution was changed in 1885 to University of Illinois. The present enrolment is 6,427 — 4,973 men, 1,459 women. There are thirteen colleges in the university. Lorado Taft, sculptor; I. J. Burrill, professor emeritus, noted scientist; Edmund Janes James, President of University, are great names connected with the institution. The University of Illinois has two full military regiments, under the direction of a United States army officer. This is the largest student military post in the United States. Military training for the men is compulsory for two years. The Regimental Band of the University of Illinois numbers two hundred pieces and is by reputation the best student band in the world and one of the best bands in the United States. The athletics has alw^ays been a prominent feature in student affairs. Especially is the university noted for championship baseball, football, and basketball teams. The institution is very democratic and is distinguished from others only in its size and its income. The local Panhellenic Council consists of two delegates from each national woman's fraternity, one of whom, at least, is an upperclassman. This council meets once a month, and during rushing season once a week. Routine in office is determined bv the date of establishment of fraternities in the council. The purpose of the council is to fix pledge day. regulate rules for rush- ing, to promote better feeling among fraternities, to cooperate with university interests. Men's fraternities: ATA, 1872; 2 X, 1881; .K 2, 1891; * K 2, 1892; <^ A ®, 1893; A T CI, 1895; 4> T A, 1897; 2 A E, 1899; B © n, 1902; 2 N, 1902; * K ^, 1904; A K E, 1904; Acacia, 1906; A Y, 1905; ® A X, 1908; 2 n, 1908; A 2 $, 1908; Z ^, 1909; ^ 2 K, 1910; * Y, 1910; A A, 1912; TKE, 1912; $ K, 1912; X $, 1912; X*. 1912 ; Z B T, 1912; AX A, 1915; B $, 1915. Women's fraternities : K A ®, 1895 ; H B $, 1895 ; K K r, 1899 ; A X fi, 1899; X n. 1900; A A, 1905; 2 K, 1906; A T. 1911 ; A O n, 1911 ; Achoth, 1911 ; A A n, 1912; T $ B, 1913. COLI.KGKS IN W'hIlH AllMIA (ill ()MKi;a Has ("llAl'IKRS 83 UxivERsnv OF Wisconsin (Kappa) The University of Wisconsin is located in the southern part of the state, at Madison. The university grounds, comprising 250 acres, are picturesquely situated along Lake Mendota. Most of the buildings are placed on the summit and slopes of University Hill, which rises about one hundred feet above the lake. The western portion of the grounds is more nearly level and is occupied by the experimental farm connected with the College of Agriculture. What is known as Lower Campus is a small tract to the east of the main hill, on a portion of which the state historical library, which houses the university library as well, stands. The athletic field, Camp Randall, contains forty-two acres, and in addition to these there is a farm of 160 acres used by the College of Agriculture. Twenty buildings are used for instructional purposes^ — many of them noted for their archi- tectural beauty. Two open-air theatres are now in the process of construc- tion, which promise to add to the beauty of the whole. In 1848 the Constitution of Wisconsin provided for the establishment of a state university at the state capital. In 1849 the Board of Regents began the work of organization. A preparatory school was opened in 1849 under the direction of Professor Sterling. In 1850, Chancellor Lathrop, a graduate of Yale, was inaugurated. The first building (North Hall) was completed in 1851. Four years from that time South Hall was completed, and in 1861 Main Hall was ready for use. From 1859-60, Henry Barnard served as president. The legislature of 1866 reorganized the university and provided for and united with it the College of Agri- culture. In 1866, Dr. Paul Chadbourne was chosen president. In 1867, the legislature made the first annual appropriation for the support of the university, and since that time has responded liberally to its needs. The College of Law was established in 1868; the College of Engineering in 1870; the School of Pharmacy in 1883; the School of Economics, Political Science, and Historv in 1892 ; the School of Education in 1897 ; and the School of Commerce in 1900. Following Dr. Chadbourne. came Presidents Twombly, John Bascom. T. C. Chamberlin, Charles Kendall Adams, Edward A. Birge. and Charles R. Van Hise. The following are the principal professors of prominence connected with the University of Wisconsin: Mr. C. R. Van Hise, president of the University and a noted geologist; Dean E. A. Birge, noted biologist and writer and inventor of biological things; Professor M. V. O'Shea. one of the greatest authorities in an educational line, and the author of several educa- tional books; Professor B. W. Snow, well-known physicist; Professor L. H. Dickinson, well known in the dramatic line ; Professor W. L. Westerman, author of Westerman's History of ]]^estrni Europe; Professor W. E. Leonard, lyric poet; Professor S. M. Babcock, inventor of the Babcock "Milk Test"; Professor W. T. Frost, bacteriologist; Professor L. Kahlenberg. well-known chemist and author of Kahlenberg's Textbook on Chemistry ; Professor E. B. Van Vleck, an authority on mathematics; Pro- fessor E. A. Ross, one of America's greatest sociologists ; Professor M. F. 84 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity (niver. authority on hercditv and eugenics, and author of Being ]]'cU Born. Men's fraternities which have chapters at Wisconsin are twenty-three : $ A 0, 1857: B n. 1873; 4) K *. 1875; X ^, 1878; 2 X, 1884; A Y, 1885-; ATA, 1888; $rA, 1893; A X, 1895; * Y, 1896; K 2, 1898; $ K 2, 1901 ; 2 N, 1902 ; A A , 1902 ; 2 A E, 1903 ; A K E, 1906 ; Acacia, 1906 ; A T a 1907; 2 $, 1908; K $ r (local), 1908; A 2 ^. 1909; Z *, 1910; X $, 1916. Women's fraternities at Wisconsin are: K K T, 1875 ; A V. 1880; T $ B, 1885; K A 0, 1890; n B $, 1894; A $, 1896; AAA, 1898; X Q, 1902; A X n, 1903; A E A, 1904; A T A, 1905 ; Achoth (Eastern Star), 1915. Several dramatic productions are given each year. The two dramatic societies. Red Domino and Edwin Booth, combine their efforts and give one production a year. Then there are the class plays, the Haresfoot Club play, and the men's glee club concert. The junior class play is usually given the night before junior prom, the big social event of the year, and the senior class play is given at commencement time. Haresfoot, a club composed of men, presents a musical comedy, all the parts of which are taken by men. Both Haresfoot and the men's glee club take trips over the state. Wisconsin's junior prom is the large social event of the year to which nearly every Wisconsin coed looks forward with great anticipation. It is usually held in the large university gymnasium which is beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the best of dance music is provided. Each fraternity has a so-called box provided with comfortable chairs where the guests may sit between dances. In 1915, however, it was held in the splendid new State Capitol. Wisconsin has a good student band. Last summer it went on a western tour and played in many western cities, as well as at' the San Francisco Exposition. All men students are compelled to take military drill for two years, and each vear there is a sham liattle and government inspection of the troops. There is also a military ball every winter. Mortar Board is the senior women's honorary society which has. a three- fold purpose: to stimulate scholarship, to further interest in worthy endeavor, and to increase college activities. The members are chosen at the end of the junior, and the beginning of the senior years from those women of the university Avho rank highest in service, womanliness, and scholarship. The men's honorary society which corresponds to Mortar Board is Iron Cross. The May F^te is the event of the spring. There are the May-pole dance, various folk-dances, and solo dances, all of which are done by the coeds, but especially by the freshmen and sophomores. In the evening of the day of the May Fete they have what is called Venetian night, when there are fireworks, music, and illuminated floats on Lake Mendota. Not every college has the opportunity to have a crew as Wisconsin does, and although there has been no university crew for the last few years, the class crews are still in existence, and next fall there are hopes of having women's crews. Colleges in Which Alpha Chi Omk(;a Has Chaiters 85 Syracuse University (Lamhda) Syracuse is the central city of the lunpire State and is approached from all directions by great railways. It is a beautiful city and rated in the census as one of the most healthful in the land. The university is situated on the heights in the southeastern part of the city, overlooking Onondago Lake and the Valley. The location is unsurpassed for its beauty of scenery. Syracuse University founded in 1870, is, in its academic department a continuation of Genesee College, which was at Lima, New York, from 1849 to 1871; and, in its medical department, of (ieneva Medical College (1835- 1872). The university was originally Methodist Episcopal, but is now undenominational. There are eight colleges : Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, Medi- cine, Law, Applied Science, Teachers, New York State College of Forestry, and the College of Agriculture. The graduate school gives opportunity to pursue work for advanced degrees. There are also The Library School, The School of Oratory, The Summer School, and The Training School for Nurses. All of the colleges and schools are open to both sexes. The total enrolment of students in the university is about 4,000. Some great personages connected with the university are : James Roscoe Day, chancellor ; John D. Archbold, president of the Board of Trustees, and donator of Stadium and Gymnasium; William H. Mace, professor of history, and author; William H. Berwald, professor of piano, and composer; Mrs. Russell Sage, donator of Teachers' College and College of Agriculture ; J. Fred Baker, professor of forestry. Men's fraternities at Syracuse are: A K E, 1871 ; A Y, 1873 ; Z *, 1875 ; * Y, 1875 ; <^ K ^, 1884 ; $ A 0. 1887 ; B ® n, 1889 ; «l» T A, 1901 ; 2 X, 1904 ; A X P, 1905 ; 2 $ E, 1906 ; 2 N, 1906 ; K 2, 1906 ; 2 A E, 1906 ; A, 1909 ; A T A, 1910; Acacia, 1911 ; Z B T, 191 1 ; 2 B, 1911 ; H K A, 1913; ^ X A, 1913; 2 AM, 1913. The women's fraternities are: A , 1872; T $ B, 1874; K K T, 1883; K A 0, 1889; n B 4>, 1896; AAA, 1896; A T, 1901 ; A H A, 1904; ATA, 1904; 2K, 1905; M E, 1905 ; A X Q. 1906; X fi, 1911 ; A O n, 1914. Local Panhellenic was founded in Syracuse in 1902. The association met, during its early history, once a year, to fix the date of pledge day. At present, five meetings are held during the year. Panhellenic became more progressive in Syracuse than it ever had been before, in 1913, under the work and influ- ence of Bernice Taylor, Alpha Chi Omega delegate. The following year Emma Skifif, Alpha Chi Omega, was president. Panliellenic is presided over in turn i)y each fraternity in the order of its establishment in Syracuse. The association requires three delegates from each chapter of the national frater- nities, one alumna, one senior, and one lowerclassman. Rules are made and enforced regarding pledge day and rushing. A schedule of interfraternity dinners is to be put in force next year (1916-17), whereby each fraternity sends a representative to another fraternity for dinner. Syracuse University is noteworthy for the large number of students it has sent to foreign fields, for its splendid school of music, and for it5 rccentlv 86 1'he History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity organized schools of Forestry and Oratory. In athletics Syracuse ranks very high, holding one of the highest places among the colleges of the country. "First chapel" is an institution in our university. J^W students assemble this first morning of the college year and are addressed by Chancellor Day. Following first chapel is the annual salt rush between the freshmen and sophomores. Later the same classes engage in a lively encounter called the flour ru-sh. Throughout the year, rushes take place. Moving-up Day is the most exciting time of the whole year. All the classes move up amid much speech making and festivity which ends with a dance at night. Women's Day is another big event. It begins with a May Morning Breakfast held out of doors. All the morning is given over to tennis and track meets, and the after- noon to a beautiful pageant. Simpson College (Mu) In 1854, the citizens of Indianola erected a small school building, two blocks east of the square. This was both a public and a private school. In 1860 the Western Iowa Conference adopted the Indianola Seminary as the conference seminary. "Old Blue Bird," at a cost of $4,300, was erected dur- ing the following year. It was called "The Des Moines Conference Male and Female Seminary." In 1867, the conference raised the school to the college grade and it was called "Simpson Centenary College," in honor of Bishop Matthew Simpson and of the centennial of American Methodism, which occurred that year. Various noble and worthy men have served as presidents, and the college has prospered in spite of times of depression. Its growth during the last four years may be shown by the fact that a fine new gymna- sium, the gift of Mr. Harry E. Hopper, costing $95,000 has been added to the equipment ; through the addition of several new chairs, and in the addition of $300,000 to endowment and equipment. Simpson College is located at Indianola, Iowa, about twenty miles south of Des Moines. Six trains a day each way make it easy of access via that city. The campus comprises about ten acres, shaded by many venerable, tradi- tional maples. Directly north of the campus is the Buxton Park, which aids a great deal in beautifying the campus and surroundings. There are eight buildings and a central heating plant. The gymnasium is situated directly facing the campus. The building of the Conservatory of Music is at the very northeast corner of the campus. The other college buildings are situ- ated at intervals facing the south. A large gateway, directly in front of the main building, and much shrubbery, gifts of classes, help in making the college campus the most attractive and beautiful part of the town. The following women's fraternities are represented : A A A, established 1889; n B , 2 A E, 2 X, 2 N, 2 $ E, Acacia, Silver Lynx (local). The w'omen's fraternities are : A X «, A A n, A O n. A E. 1910; Z X, 1905. The women's fraternities are: AAA. 1S95; -A X Q. 1908; Z T A, 1912; K f). organized 1916. The Local Panhellenic was fullv established in 1910. 92 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity University of California (Pi) The principal seat of the University of California is located at Berkeley, a city of about 60,000 inhabitants, on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, directly opposite the Golden Gate. It is an hour's ride by train and ferry from San Francisco, and forty minutes' ride by electric car from the business center of Oakland. The site of the university comprises about five hundred and thirty acres, rising at first in gentle, and then in bolder slopes from a height of two hundred feet above sea-level to one of thirteen hundred feet. The outlook over the Bay and through the Golden Gate is very beauti- ful. The campus, itself — its famous Le Conte oaks, its shady walks, its fragrant flowers, and white granite buildings — presents a most attractive appearance. Besides this main seat, the university owns a farm of seven hun- dred and seventy-nine acres in Yolo County, where the School of Agriculture is situated. The School of Education conducts the University High School in Oakland under the Board of Education there. In the year 1893, the San Francisco Institute of Art and the California School of Design became afTfili' ated with the university — thus further enlarging it. Besides these, there is the New University Hospital and the California College of Pharmacy in San Francisco. The university consists of forty-three departments ; the total enrolment is 11,188. The history of California's organization is a rather complicated one, and came as a result of three movements, one originating in private initiative, one in state action, and one in federal action. In 1853 Rev. Henry Durant, graduate of Yale College, came to San Francisco, with the purpose of found- ing a university fully formed in his mind. In the same year under the auspices of the Presbytery of San Francisco and the Congregational Society of California, Mr. Durant opened the Contra Costa Academy in Oakland. In 1855 a college was incorporated under the name of the "College of Cali- fornia." The site of the college at first was five miles north of Oakland, but in 1867, was moved to Berkeley, where it now remains. As a result of con- gressional grants of lands, the college became disincorporated in favor of the organization of a State University. From that time it continued to grow in size and strength. In 1869 the legislature directed that no admission or tuition fees should be charged, and in 1870 that the university should be opened to women on terms of equality with men. Until 1887, the university depended for its revenue upon income from invested funds, and on biennial appropriations by the legislature. In that year the university's income was rendered more secure by the provision for an annual levy of an "ad-valorem" tax. Beginning in 1891, the university has constantly aimed to extend the benefits of its instruction farther and farther beyond its own confines. In 1896, it decided upon a general building plan for the erection of univer- sity buildings. White granite or marble are the required materials. Summer Colleges in Which Alpha Chi Omega Has Chapiers 93 schools in several dcpartiiK-nts were annually held I'ur a number of years up to 1899, when work was systematically organized and a summer school of general scope began. A marked feature of the summer session, and an important element of university policy in that regard, is the presence, as lecturers, of leading men from Eastern and European universities. The Con- stitution of the State provides for the perpetuation of the university, with all its departments. Every large university has many important personages connected with it, and California is no exception. The question is, who are the most important? One of the widest known of California's great men is its president, Benjamin Ide Wheeler. Henry Morse Stevens, head of the History Department, is also well known. George Malcolm Stratton, noted peace advocate, and one of the leading psychologists of the day, teaches at California. Jack London attended the university, as did James Hopper, the writer ; Frank Norris, the novelist ; and Rupert Brooke the young poet who has recently become famous. Hiram Johnson, Governor of the State, and Franklin K. Eane, Secretary of the Interior, were both members of the student body at one time, as was the late John M. Eshleman, Lieutenant Governor of California. William Randolph Hearst, who presented the Greek Theatre to the university, and his mother, Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, who provided for the erection of the Mining Build- ing, and Hearst Hall, are also well known. Mrs. Jane K. Sather provided funds for the erection of the Sather Campanile, a bell-tower of white granite and marble 302 feet in height, and also for the chimes which are placed in the tower. The following fraternities are represented in California: Z ^, 1870; X $, 1875; A K E, 1876; Ben, 1879; S X, 1886; $ r A, 1886; $ A 0, 1886 ; 2 N, 1892 ; 2 A E, 1894 ; X ^, 1895 ; K A, 1895 ; A Y, 1896 ; A T A, 1898; 4) K *, 1899; A T a 1900; © A X, 1900; K X 1901; * Y, 1902; ^ K 2, 1903 ; Acacia, 1905 ; A A ^, 1908 ; $ 2 K, 1909 ; H K , 1909 ; H, 1910; 2 $ E, 1910; A X, 1910; H K A, 1912; 2 *, 1912; A 2 4>. 1913; 2 n, 1913; X, 1913; A X A, 1913; A K A, 1914 ; A 2 ^, 1915. The following are women's fraternities: K A 0, 1890; T 4> B, 1894; K K r, 1897 ; A A A, 1900 ; n B , 1900 ; A , 1901 ; X fi, 1902 ; A T. 1907 ; A O n. 1907 ; A = A, 1909; A X Q, 1909; 2 K, 1910; A A n, 1913; A T A, 1915 ; Z T A, 1915 ; A Z. 1915. About the year 1906, the local brancli of Panhellenic was formed. As the fraternities became more numerous, the power of the organization increased .and its influence was more strongly felt. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, at four-thirtv in the afternoon, for the purpose of regulating all matters pertaining to the fraternities. The A.ssociation has been successful in prohibiting mid-week dancing on the campus. Alpha Chi Omega sends two delegates to each meeting, one of them an upperclassman whose duty it is to report in fraternity meeting matters for deliberation and suggestion. Through its delegates the fraternity casts its vote on inii)ortant ■questions. 94 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity The uiiiYcrsity is noted partieulaiiy for two traditions. Dramatics play- a large part in the college life. With the Greek Theatre among the hills,, the natural scenery for outdoor performances, this seems but natural. The- two leading dramatic clulis, the English Club and the Ma.sk and Dagger Society, present plays during the year ; Treble Clef giYes an annual opera ; and. each spring the Partbeneia, a spring festiYal. is produced by the women of the uniYersity. California is also noted for its summer session. From the latter part of June to the fir.st of August, courses of both general and special interest are giYcn. The students comprise people from all parts of the- country. Among the many college custonxs of California, there are three which are- of particular interest, not only to college students, but to tbe outside world. One of these is the Pajamarino Rally, wdiich takes place in the fall. Then- the men of California are transformed into grotesque gnomes and witch-folk' by_ weird costumes of pajamas, plugs, and sombreros. A huge fire is built in the diazoma of the Greek Theatre, and around this gather the men of the- four college classes. Stunts are giYcn for amusement and entertainment, and talks are made by prominent alumnae and college leaders. One of the most important customs are tbe uniYersity meetings held CYery other FridaY morn- ing at elcYen o'clock in the Greek Theatre. At these meetings noted men from all parts of the world, who may happen to be in Berkeley are iuYited to- speak. By this the .students are afforded the opportunity of hearing interest- ing and instructiYe talks. Dear to the hearts of the students particularly, is the custom of the annual football game. This occurs at ThanksgiYing. time, and forms one of the greatest CYcnts of the college year. The Par- tbeneia is a spring festiYal presented by the women of the uniYersity. A pageant written by some w-oman of the college is produced on the beautiful', campus each year. Uniyersity of Washington (Rho) The UniYersity of Washington was founded in 1862 and occupied a campus in what is now the downtown district of the city of Seattle. The site is now occupied by modern office buildings of the Metropolitan Building Association. The one building of the old downtown campus housed the Seattle Pul)lic Library until 1907, when the building was dismantled and four of tbe columas were remoYed to the present campus and now^ stand guarding the walk leading to Denny Hall. Washington now occupies a great many of the old Alaska Yukon Pacific Fair buildings but permanent buildings are now being built to take their place. The registration is 3,225 not includ- ing summer session. Some great personages connected with the uniYersity are: Henry Suzzallo, president of the uniYersity, who is identified with progressive educational movements ; Edmond Stephen Meany, professor- of history, author, authority on Northwest History; J. Allen Smith, professor of political and social science, dean of Graduate School, international reputation as authority on subjects pertaining to economics, and am author ; Herbejt Colleges in W'liuii Ai.niA t'm ()mk(;a Has ('haimkrs 95 Henry (lowen, F. R. (1. S.. 1'". R. S. A., jirofcssor of Driental History. Litera- ture, and Institutions ; Trevor Kinkaid, professor of zodloi^ry. special agent of the United States Deioartmeiit of Agriculture to la])an ; Robert Edouard Moritz, professor of mathematics and astronomy, and an author. The State University of Washington is most beautifully situated although in the midst of the city of Seattle. Its borders are lapjjed by l)otli Lakes Washington and Union and many are the paths through woodsy groves along these shores. Washington is usually conceded the most beautiful natural campus in the United States. Of all the numerous schools and colleges in which work may be obtained at Washington, perhaps the most uni{]ue is the School of Forestry. When a well-known lumberman asked a former President of the United States where he could best get further education along forestry lines, the President promptly replied. "At the University of Washington." Washington not only maintains a full forestry course but also gives what is called the Forestry Short Course, a six weeks' spring course in practical forestry open to anyone interested. This course is always very well attended. The Forestry School occupies the Forestry Building of the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposi- tion, a building known for its beauty and symmetry to all those who were foftunate enough to visit Seattle in 1909. Perhaps the most distinctive and by far the most enjoyable day of the year at Washington is what is known as Campus Day. Plans are laid for days ahead as to the accomplishments which are to be the result. Professor Meany, the general for the day, appoints a complete staff even to a Red Cross Unit. The day is a happy combination of work and play. It is devoted to the improvement of the campus. Various squads are given different work to do. One year the engineering students installed the Light System over the campus, new walks are made through the woods, old walks are improved, benches are repaired, and everything is made spick and span. It is the girls' duty to prepare the lunch, always eaten in the open except in the case of inclement weather. "No collars and ties" is the rule of the day and even the luncheon speakers, usually the president and some of the regents of the college, are divested of these superfluities before allowed to speak. An afternoon of work follows enlivened by visits of the Lemonade Squad. In the evening a dance is held in the gymnasium which is the climax of the day. The w^omen's fraternities are fifteen in number: A T, 1903 ; r B, 1903 ; K K r, 1905 ; n B 4>. 1907 ; A H A, 1907 ; K A 0, 1908 ; A P A, 1908 ; X Q, 1908; AAA, 1909; 2 K, 1910; A X H, 1910; A $, 1914; Achoth, 1914; A Z, 1914; A O n, 1915. Men's fraternities represented at University of Washington are : 2 N, 1896; * r A, 1900; I'. 1914; H, 1915 ; * Y. 1916. 96 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity University of Iowa (Sigma) The University of Iowa is situated on the east side of the Iowa River in the western part of Iowa City. From the west, one sees the green campus gently, rolling from a large hill to the river. The university occupies upwards of thirty buildings situated on a campus of more than fifty acres near the center of Iowa City. These buildings are grouped around the historic Old Capitol campus, which is connected with the medical quadrangle and hospital campus on the east, the law campus on the north, the engineering campus on the south, and the athletic and military grounds on the west. The general plan of the campus and buildings has been entrusted to capable architects and landscape gardeners, and systematic arrangement is being followed. The Iowa River has been dammed just below the university grounds, providing a water-front for the enlarged campus and good facilities for aquatic sports. The majority of the buildings are new and their number is increasing con- stantly in harmony with the growth of the institution. The Italian Renais- sance style of architecture has been adopted. An act of Congress, July 20, 1840, authorized the secretary of the treasury to set apart and reserve from sale lands in the territory of Iowa for the use and support of a university to be established when Iowa should become a state. In 1846 Iowa was admitted into the Union with a constitu- tion which provided that the general assembly should take measures to care for the lands granted and for the application of the income to support the University. In accordance with this provision the First General Assembly on February 25, 1847, passed an act establishing and locating at Iowa City a state university. The capitol building and the land upon which it stood were donated to the university in view of the contemplated removal of the seat of government from Iowa City. Delay in removing the capital prevented the opening of the institution until March, 1855. The organization of depart- ments began in the same year. The development of the uni^Trsity has been steady, and, since women have been on an equal footing with men from the beginning, the numbers of women students have increased annually until now there are 1284 (1916). Currier Hall, a magnificent dormitory, was opened in 1913, and accommodates 170 women. The men's fraternities are : B © n, $ K ^, A T A, ^ A 0, 2 X, 2 N, K 2, Acacia, 2 A E, A X, © H, ^ K, A T Q, ^ Z E, Cosmos Club, n O, * A A, ^ B n, ■* P 2, N 2 N, $ A $, 2 A X, * n, H * ^, A 2 A, $ A X, A 2 P, T B n, $ A K, $ B K, 2 H. The women's fraternities are : n B $, K K T, A F, A A A, Achoth, A X O, A H A, A Z, A T B, A A n, r $ B. Governor Clark and Emerson Hough are graduates of Iowa. President Macbride of the University was recently made President over the Education Department in all the colleges of Iowa. Professors Trowbridge and Kay of the Geology Department are known for their great authority of that subject. Professor Bacon of the Mathematics Department is known for his great knowledge of Higher Mathematics. Senator Kenyon is another graduate of Iowa. Randall Parish, novelist, and the author of 0/d Gold is an Iowa man. Colleges in \\'hich Alpha Chi Omkga Has Chapiers 97 Brenau College (Tau) Brenau is located at Gainesville — fifty miles from Atlanta — a city of ten thousand inhabitants in the part of northeast Georgia known as the Piedmont escarpment. The college campus is one of the most beautiful spots in Georgia. A large grove of shady oaks, under which is spread out a smooth green lawn of Kentucky blue grass; at the front a hedge of Amoor River privet ; at the rear a long line — some six hundred feet — of stately buildings, varied in architectural style and finish — and yet, a harmonious whole, pleas- ing to the artistic sense — this is Brenau as seen from the outside. Just in the rear of the college is the park, embracing approximately one hundred acres. The original forest character has been preserved as far as possible but walks and drives, rustic bridges, summer houses, and pavilions have been con- structed and in the center is Lake Lanier, naimed in honor of the South's dis- tinguished poet. Beyond this are the Brenau farm and golf links. Brenau College Conservatory is the outcome of an institution founded by Dr. W. C. Wilkes and a Board of Trustees in the year 1878 and known as the Georgia Baptist Seminary for Young Ladies. In 1886 Dr. Wilkes died and Prof. A. W. Van Hoose was elected presi- dent of the Board of Trustees. In 1893, Dr. H. J. Pearce purchased of Pro- fessor Van Hoose a one-half interest in the college property and for sixteen years the institution was conducted by Van Hoose and Pearce as associate presidents. In 1909 Dr. Pearce purchased the interest of Professor Van Hoose and during the year of 1909-10 had sole charge of the affairs of the institution. In 1910 Dr. Pearce sold an interest in the institution to Dr. T. J. Sim- mons who since that time has been associate president with Dr. Pearce. The name of the institution has been changed twice. In 1890. it became the Georgia Female Seminary, and in 1900 the name Brenau was adopted. Connected with Brenau are : Prof. Otto W. G. Pfefferkorn. Director of the Conservatory, who is widely known as .a concert pianist and also as a composer; Dr. E. H. Murphee, professor of science, who is a member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences and inventor of the Resonator ; Dr. H. J. Pearce, president of Brenau, who is ex-president of the Southern Psychological Society and a very noted psychologist. The fraternities represented, with date of establishment of each, are: AXfi. 1911 ; A A n, 1910; A T A, 1913; A A A, 1914; 4> M, 1910; Z T A, 1911. Panhellenic Association of Brenau, composed of the following, ^ M T, B 2 O, A A n, Z T A, X 2. M E, :S I X, A 2 A. H Y T, and 4> M, was founded May 30, 1911. At that time matriculation pledging was allowed, but during 1912-13. second-year pledging was adopted and tried until the fall of 1914 when it was changed to second term. Panhellenic is taking a very active part in fraternity affairs, and has made rules which have placed the fraternities on the higher scholarship basis. Any fraternity failing to make an average of 80 per cent is not allowed to pledge, (jirls must have twelve Carnegie units to be plcdgetl and fifteen to be initiated. 98 The History of Alpjia Chi Omega Fraternity Since the establishint; of Panhellenic the numl)er of members has been reduced to six and are : A A n, A T A, A X O, A A A, Z T A, and * M. The offices are electiYe ancl Alpha Chi ( )me^a has held the secretaryship and presidency for t\vo years. The college customs of a ^voman's college are, of course, different from those in a coeducational institution. At commencement one of the most interesting events is the giving of the "crow's ne.st" by the graduates to the succeeding senior class. The exercises are given in the "crow's nest" and after they are over the senior class marches down and the junior class takes possession. On Sidney Lanier's birthday, memorial exercises are held in the park by the side of the lake named in his honor. A most enjoyable custom is the "turkey-trot" held at twelve o'clock at night on the tennis court. The girls slip out in spite of the vigilance of chaperons, form a long line and march through the streets with songs and yells. On account of the fact that the students hail from such widely varied parts of the country, every year a celebration is held known as "State's Day" and each state club gives a stunt characteristic of their state. James Millikix University (Upsilon) A tract of blandly wooded country — more rolling acreage than one thinks of as prairie — is the home of Decatur College and Industrial School, the later-established member of the James Millikin University. The other member is Lincoln College of Lincoln. Ulinois, founded in 1865. Decatur's campus is ten acres of unusual natural beauty, inside the l:)0undaries of the town. In 1901 Mr. James Millikin offered a sum of money for the foundation of a university in Decatur, and this was accomplished by the aid of Decatur citizens and near-by synods of the Presbyterian Church. The initial enrol- ment of 712 in 1903 promised prosperity which has been realized in the continuing increase of enrolment and endowment. Dr. A. R. Taylor was president of the college until 1913, when Dr. George Emory Fellows became the executive. In 1915 President Emeritus Taylor returned to be acting head of the administration. The university has been benefited by numerous bequests and gifts, the most recent of which is one of $200,000 from Mr. Hobart Williams, made in May, 1916. The plant and equipment are considered unusually beautiful and efficient for a comparatively new organi- zation, and are being liberally augmented. The women's fraternities which have established chapters in Millikin are: n B $, March 29, 1912: AAA. May 25, 1912; Z T A, October 26, 1912; A X O, May 9, 1913. The men's fraternities which have chapters at Millikin are : K A X, April 23, 1904; 2 A E, 1911; T K E, April 17, 1909. The James Millikin University Local Panhellenic was established in the fall of 1913. n B $, A A A, Z T A, and A X (2 were represented. This organization, composed of two active members — a senior and a junior — -and Colleges i.\ \\'iikii Alpha Chi Omega Has Chai'ikrs 99 one alummr member from eacli fraternity, meets once every month, for both business and some constructive entertainments, such as lectures along frater- nity lines. The chief work of our Panhellenic, so far, has been tlie making of the rushing rules, and the giving of a scholarship diiuier once a year. Practically every year a new system of rushing has been tried. In 1913 the season lasted for four weeks of open rushing at the beginning of the fall term of school. In 1914 and 1915 the season lasted for two weeks, with a system of parties regulated both in immbers and expense. The preferential system was used, Imt after two years' trial it was found un.satis- factory. For 1916 tlie plan of a live weeks' season of closed rushing, the first week being given to Y. \V. C. A. is to be tried. The scholarship dinner i.s given by our local Panhellenic as a means of stimulating higher scholarship among Millikin girls, and especially the fraternity girls. To it are invited the two girls from each college class and the one from each sororitv making the highest general average for the first semester. The strengtli of our organization lies in our spirit of willing cooperation. Close corporation of interests with those of the community in which it is situated has distinguished the university and influenced greatly the spirit of its traditions. Its register has been filled chiefly from Illinois, although it lias been cosmopolitan enough to welcome many students of farther advent. This "springing from the soil" in the best sense, has produced a notable heartiness, interest in surroundings, and an up-reaching, though conservative, democracy. The Millikin Conservatory of Music, for example, which has made .such extraordinary advances in reputation and achievement, and has established itself a.s one of a few excellent training-places of its kind, has tried endlessly to make itself useful to Decatur and the towns and countrv near. It has managed unusual concerts and attractions, has cheerfullv accommodated innumerable suburl)an students, has offered certain free courses, opened music kindergartens, and as a result is flooded with the duties, as well as the rewards, of being an actual community center. The Decatur College and Industrial School has lived up to the latter half of its title in a thorough going degree. The manual arts and the branches of domestic economy have l)een strongly represeiited in the growth of the college, and the emphasis put upon them lias no doubt greatly advanced that growth. The pre-professional courses are strongly accented also in the university's make-up, and partly because of Millikin's well-rooted and wholesome democracy, it draws an ever larger number of lawyers, clergymen, and doctors-in-the-making for their preliminary years. The tradition of democracy has dictated the habitual showing of friend- liness in a thousand ways at Millikin. Its social life is not elaborate, but it is notably sincere. Tlure are a reception and exhibit for the Decatur public and a general recejjtion for new students, both gi\-en annually, and both conforming to Millikin's habit of (|uick interest in what is close to it. The college has acquired a reputation, also, for its generosity in harboring church assemblies, rural conventions, and the like, and for working loyally with Decatur municioal authorities for such institutions a.s a city biolosiisi 100 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity and a city engineer. In return, Decatur people are ready in giving their names as patrons and patronesses of the university's many dramatic, social, or musical offerings. There are always lists of especially worth-while names for the May fete, of folk and interpretative dancing, the senior play, and the diploma recitals. On the President's birthday, the students give him a flower shower each year, and the glee clubs present annually after their home concerts, certain eagerly expected "roasts," "sings," and "serenades." One tradition which may never be overlooked at Millikin is that of rock- ribbed and everlasting rivalry with Illinois Wesleyan of Bloomington. The university's various organizations, of whatever nature, manage adroitly the weekly teas for all the college, which follow a custom, one of Millikin's most significant, perhaps, since it represents so completely the simplicity, democracy, and sincerity of the place. University of Kansas (Phi) The idea of a State University in Kansas dates from the early days of Kansas territorial government. Each of the constitutions adopted for the territory of Kansas during the period of its memorable struggle provided for the establishment of an institution of higher learning, to be supported by public funds. The last of these, which became, on the admission of Kansas to the Union, the constitution of the state, declares that "provision shall be made by law for the establishment, at some eligible and central point, of a State University, for the promotion of literature and the arts and sciences." By an act of Congress approved January 29, 1861, the day on which Kansas was admitted to statehood, seventy-two sections of land were set apart and reserved for the use and support of a State University. The state accepted the trust, and in 1863 the legislature selected the city of Lawrence as the location for the institution. One year later the legisla- ture passed an act organizing the university and giving to it the name of "The University of Kansas." A charter was immediately drawn up, and the government of the institution was vested in a Board of Regents, appointed by the governor. The board thus appointed held its first meeting on March 21, 1865, and decided to open a preparatory department as soon as the citizens of Lawrence should provide rooms for that purpose. This the citizens under- took to do, and by the middle of September, 1866, they were enabled, by the aid of gifts from various individuals and organizations, to erect the building now known as North College. The first faculty of the university had been elected by the Board of Regents in July of the same year, and on the twelfth of September the university was opened to the 3'oung men and women of the state. The legislature of 1913 established the Board of Administration of Educational Institutions, with full power to administer the affairs of the university, as well as other state schools, subject only to legislative enact- Colleges in W^hich Alpha Chi Omeua Has Chapters 101 ments. This board consists of ihrt-e nK'ml)(.Ts to be appointud by the gov- ernor, not more than two of whom sliall lielong to one political party, and not more than one of whom shall be a graduate of any one of the institutions named. Not more than one member shall be from one congressional district. The term of office is four years. The board maintains a business office at each of the state educational institutions under its control, and also an office at the seat of government. The campus, comprising some 160 acres of hilltop and hill slope, has so far contrived to retain much of its natural beauty. The buildings follow the curve of the hill ; the walks take the line of least resistance ; the trees in North Hollow form a tangled mass much appreciated by birds and art students. Oregon Agricultural College (Chi) Oregon Agricultural College is located in Corvallis (Heart of Vallev), Oregon. This is a city of 6,000 inhabitants, situated at the head of naviga- tion on the Willamette. Oregon Agricultural College was in the beginning under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In 1868, as there were no state colleges in Oregon, the legislature of that year, which provided for the location of the land received under the Act of 1862, gave the interest on funds derived from the sale of the land to the Corvallis College. For a number of years none of the land granted was sold, and the legislature made small annual appropriations for the support of the school. The church voluntarily relinquished its claim on the funds of the college and the State assumed entire control of the institution in 1885. The legis- lature of that year provided for the "permanent location of the State Agri- cultural College at Corvallis, in Benton County," provided the citizens of said county would within four years erect on the "farm containing thirty- five acres in the immediate vicinity of said city known as the Agricultural College Farm, brick buildings for the accommodation of said State Agricul- tural College at a cost of not less than $20,000." During the summer of 1887, the Governor of Oregon laid the corner stone of the building, erected by citizens of Benton County. Now the institution owns, instead of the original thirty-five acres, three hundred and forty acres. Instead of one structure it has thirty-seven. A marked increase in attendance has also been shown, there being an increase of from ninety-seven to over four thousand students. Twenty years ago most of the students came from Benton and neighboring counties. Today, every county in Oregon, thirty-two other states and four- teen territories and foreign countries are represented. Some great persons connected with the historical facts of the in-stitution are: William Jasper Kerr, who is president of Oregon .Agricultural College, is a great educator. Besides being an instructor in many branches of education since 1885, he has been president of Brigham Young College (1900-7), and since then president of Oregon Agricultural College. He is a member of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi- 102 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity ment Stations, first vice-president of the same from 1909-1910 and president from 1910-1911. He was also vice-president from 1909-1910 of the National Educational Association and a member of the National Council of Educa- tion, American Mathematical Society, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Ore- gon Academy of Sciences and the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. Arthur Burton Cordley, Phi Delta Theta, is a mem- ber of American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Ameri- can Association of Economic Entomologists. He is the author of a number •of bulletins and reports, and articles in horticulture and agriculture. He is now dean of the school of agriculture in this college. Henrietta Calvin, who was dean of Home Economics until 1915, is now the Home Pxonomics Specialist of the Bureau of Education, Department of Interior, Washington, D. C. She was connected with Manhattan Agricultural College in Kansas and Purdue University, LaFayette, Indiana, before coming to Oregon Agri- cultural College. It is due to her efforts that the Home Economics School is so large and well equipped today. The fraternities for men represented in Oregon are: A T O (national), 1916; r Y (local), 1912; r T B (local), 1914; K 2 (national), 1915; K 2 N (local), 1911 ; A 2 (local), 1916; 2 A E (national), 1915. The women's fraternities are: AX (local), 1914; A M (local), 1915; A X fi (national), 1915. University of Oklahoma (Psi) The University of Oklahoma is founded upon the authority of an act of legislature of the territory of Oklahoma, entitled, "An act to locate and establish the University of Oklahoma." The act provided that when ten thousand dollars and forty acres of land should be given to the territory by the city of Norman, the school should be located at that place. These requirements having been met, the University of Oklahoma was established at Norman in 1892. The law states the scope and purpose of the school as follows : "(6787) Sec. 9. The object of the University of Oklahoma shall be to provide the means of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the various branches of learning connected with scientific, industrial, and professional pursuits, in the instruction and training of persons in the theory and art of teaching, and also the fundamental laws of the United States and this territory in what regards the rights and duties of citizens. "(6788) Sec. 10. The college department of arts shall embrace courses of instruction in mathematical, physical, and natural .sciences with their applications to the industrial arts, such as agriculture, mechanics, engineer- ing, mining and metallurgy, manufacture, architecture, and commerce, and such branches included in the college of letters as shall be necessary to proper fitness of pupils in the scientific and practical courses of their chosen pursuits, and in military tactics ; and in the normal department the proper instruction and learning in the theorv and art of teaching in the common Colleges ix Which Alimia Chi Omkca Has Chapikrs 103 schools; and as soon as tlie income of the university will allow, in sucli order as tlie wants ot' the i>ul)lic shall seem to require, the said courses in the sciences and their application to the practical arts shall i)e expanded into distinct colleges of arts, and shall embrace a liberal course of instruction in languages, literature, and philosophy, together with such courses or jtarts of courses in the college of arts as the regents of the unixersity shall jirescribe. "(6789) Sec. 11. . The university shall be open to female as well as to male students, under such regulations and restrictions as the board of regents may deem proper, and all able-bodied male students of the university in whatever college may receive instruction and discipline in military tactics, the retiuisite arms for which shall be furnished by the territory." 'l"he first legislature of the state, in 1907, adopted the territorial law in the provisions t^uoted above, with such additions and changes in details as seemed necessary at the time. The university accepted students for the first time in the fall of 1892. In the spring of 1893 work was begun on the first building which was occupied the following September. During the first years the instituti(m was a universitv in name only ; a very large majority of the students were members of the lower classes of the ijreparatory school. David Ross Bovd was president of the university from 1892 to 1908. Arthur Grant Evans was president i)f the university from 1908 to 1911. Julien Charles jNIonnet was acting president during the school year 1911-12. Stratton Duluth Brooks became president of the university on May 1. 1912. The University of Oklahoma comprises the following colleges and schools : The Graduate School. The College of Arts and Sciences, including The School of Comiuerce and Industry. The School of Education. The School of Journalism. The School of Fine .\rts. The School of Law. The School of Medicine, including The Training School for Nurses. The School of Pharmacy. The College of Engineering, including The School of Chemical Engineering. The School of Civil Engineering. The School of Electrical Engineering. The School of Mechanical Engineering. The School of Mining (ieology. The University of ( )klahoma occupies a cami)us of one hundred and twentv acres. This includes, besides the original forty acres, twenty acres of land adjoining, given by the ]:)eople of Norman in 1902. and si.xty acres additional land lying contiguous to the original campus, which was obtained in 1914 in exchange for a section i)( land granted to the unix'ersity by Con- 104 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity gress in 1907. By tliis exchange the university also secured a president's house and several lots adjacent to the campus. The foresight of the early administration of the university provided for the planting of an abundance of trees, which have now grown to such propor tions as to increase the natural beauty of the location. Two athletic fields have been establi.shed on the campus, one for the men and one for the women. The athletic field for the men, known as Boyd Field, contains a quarter-mile running track, two gridirons, and two baseball diamonds. Alongside the field is a grandstand with seating capacity for three thousand people. The entire field is enclosed by a permanent hedge. . Washington State College (Omega) The State College of Washington at Pullman, though a Land Grant College, took an early stand in requiring a high standard of admission which has for many years been 1 5 units. Repeatedly the graduates of this institution have been taking a master's degree in the greatest universities in the year suc- ceeding the bachelor's degree in the state college. This has been the first institution in the Pacific Northwest to establish the Cornell System of depart- mental election, and great development along that line has been made since. The technical departments, sciences, and liberal arts groups are all verv completely worked out. The library is unsurpassed, if equalled, by any in the Northwest in English and History. The ample endowment under state and national laws gives a safe guarantee of the growth and permanence of the institution. The campus of the college is situated on an elevation which overlooks the town of Pullman and the rather fascinating and ever changing Palouse valleys. Thirteen buildings, all of which are in fine condition, and two of which have just been finished, are in use. The property of the institution is valued at $1,516,552. A most interesting part of the college is the heating system. A heating plant on the campus furnishes the heat and light which is transmitted to every building through large underground tunnels. The system is very efficient, and many of the students get' practical experience in this plant. The football team, besides defeating every worth-while team in the North- west last year, defeated Brown University at Pasadena, California, on New Year's Day with a score of 15-0. With practically the same men a large turn- out, and more experience, this year even bigger successes are expected. The coach, W. H. Dietz, is a Sioux Indian, and a graduate of Carlyle. He has been successful indeed, and with his methods has won the loyalty and coopera- tion of his men. A marked democratic spirit exists in the Washington State College and is appreciated by the new students especially who are made welcome from the very beginning. It has been a commendable fact also that the usual problems arising from the existence of fraternities have been felt very little. As the town is so small there is very little to take away the interest of the student, and Colleges in Which Alpha Chi Omkoa Has Chapters 105 so everyone is vitally interested in things that pertain to the college. The social affairs and athletics are especially wide awake and full of spirit. The whole atmosphere of the college, like that of all our western universities, is permeated with the spirit of the L^rcat West. "<)ut where tlie handclasp's a little stronger, Out where a smile dwells a little longer, That's where the West begins ! Out where the sun is a little brighter. Where the snows that fall are a little whiter, Where the bonds of home are a wee bit tighter. That's where the West ])egins ! Out where the skies are a little bluer. Out where the friendship's a little truer. That's where the West begins ; Out where a fresher breeze is blowing. Where there's laughter in every streamlet flowing, Where there's more of reaping and less of sowing. That's where the ^^'est begins. Out where the world is in the making. Where fewer hearts with despair are aching. That's where the "West begins ; Where there's more of singing and less of sighing. Where there's more of giving and less of l>uying, And a man makes friends without half trying. That's where the West begins!" Arthur Chapman. CHAPTER VIII THE ALUMNA ASSOCIATION A fraternity, it is believed, is as strong as its alumnit ; its government, extension, journalism, wealth, and prestige depend upon them. All of the older fraternities, therefore, the mass of whose membership is beyond college halls, have extensive organizations of their alumnae. This is true as well of many newer fraternities who wisely seek to conserve their assets in alumnae influence from the beginning. Pi Beta Phi (as I. C.) formed an alumnae chap- ter in 1881, and, in 1892, a separate alumna? organization. In 1889, Alpha Phi established two alumnae chapters. In 1892, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Gamma Phi Beta formed similar chapters, Kappa Kappa Gamma establishing a national alumuit organization in 1906. In 1893. Kappa Alpha Theta began its roll of alumnse chapters, Delta Gamma in 1895, following with a second chapter in 1903, and Chi Omega founded its first alumna- chapter in 1900. Alpha Chi Omega provided for alumnae chapters in 1902, but did not establish them until 1906. The outcome has shown the wisdom of the practise. Through close asso- ciation the alumnae retain their sympathetic, well-informed interest in the fraternity. Their grasp of fraternity questions widens as their fraternity develops fresh problems. Their continued identification in interest with the welfare of the undergraduate members results in responsiveness to appeals for advice or, it may be, for funds from their respective active chapters, and makes chapters well knit, not only for the acquisition of desirable members and the enforcing of traditions of high scholarship and fine social standards, but even renders possible the ownership of dignified and tasteful chapter homes. National undertakings, such as scholarship funds, as well as local efforts, are financed with willingness. And, what is of vital importance to a well-governed fraternity, the intelligence of organized alumnae concerning fraternity conditions and policies renders them adaptal)le for national service, and solves the ever-present question of efficient and available material for national officers. The beginning of the organization of the alumnae of Alpha Chi (^mega may be traced directly to traditional chapter reunions. From the early nineties the older chapters began to hold annual reunions to which as many alumns as possible returned to visit the chapter and the college. Alpha and Beta, of course, are the pioneers in this splendid custom ; and it is noteworthy that no chapters equal, in enthusiasm and in elaborate preparations, the annual reunions of the oldest chapters. Upon her biennial reunion. Beta lavs the most emphasis. For this gathering she sends cordial invitations to every alumna, keeps open house throughout the day, usually giving both a luncheon and a dinner in the lodge. A program is given sometimes for the guests. Beta, moreover, celebrates more than one reunion each year. The annual reunion of Alpha, given by Beta Beta alumnae chapter, is held at The Alumn.k Association 107 the Claypool Hotel. Indianapolis, and is a brilliant function. About a hundred persons attend the l)an(]uet. Delta's most characteristic gathering is an August outing at a convenient lake wliither both undergraduates and alumn;p repair for a gala time. A reunion in commencement also takes place near Meadville. Mu's ainiual assembling of alumnae is in the form of a house party during rommencemtnt, or immediately following, and serves to keep many alumntie in close touch with the college as well as with the chapter. These annual gatherings, wliicli are now customs of ]»ra<'ti('allv every chapter, have kept strong tlie tie which bound the abinma girl, in the early days, to her chapter and her university. Apart from any invitation from the active chapters, in the large and smaller centers of the United States, informal groups of alumna; members of Alpha Chi Omega early tended to gather occasionally for social or altruistic purposes. The advantage of organized alumnse association had long been fully understood by the Greek-letter world when Alpha Chi Omega laid plans, in an unhurried way, for alumnae organization several years before actual steps were taken toward its realization. The first duty of an alumna, it was thought, was to her own active chapter, and for twenty-odd years the main channel of relationship between the alumnae and the national organiza- tion was by way of the college chapter. Two facts, however, urged the need for independent alumnae organization : in increasing numbers, members were residing at great distance from their cnvn chapters, and finding close, per- sonal touch with them impracticable, desired association with those members of the fraternity in convenient proximity ; experiments had proved, more- over, that alumna? engaged in national work were more vitally interested than before in tlie progress of their individual chapters. As a result, there- fore, of pressure both from beyond and from within the national council, definite steps w'ere taken for organizing members beyond college halls. The first legislation in the matter was passed at the Evanston convention in 1902. This action provided for the chartering of alumna' chapters. In 1904 a further step was taken in the decision l)y the national convention that alumnae chapters which should be founded were to be on the same footing in convention as the undergraduate cliapters through representation by a voting delegate. The following convention legislated that alumnae chapters should have a separate form of charter. In that year, 1906. two alumna^ chapters were chartered. Alpha Alpha at Chicago, and Beta Beta at Indianajiolis. in both of which centers alumna- had long met informally. Informal meet- ings preceded organization also in New York. Boston. Lincoln, Berkeley, and Seattle. The year after the founding of Alpha Alpha and Beta Beta. 1907, saw the establishment of (lamina Oamma in New York City. Acro.ss the continent, in 1908. Delta Delta Cliajjter was founded at Los Angeles. 1909, like 1906 and 1913. saw two new alumna^ chapters: Epsilon Epsilon at Detroit, and Zeta Zeta at Boston. In 1910 the revision of the charter made it possible for both active and alumna' chapters to use the same document. The Madison alumna' were granted a charter as I'.ta Kta Chapter in 191L Two years afterwards. 'I'heta Theta and Iota lota were founded at Ik-rkelev 108 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity and Seattle, and were followed in 1914 by three groups. Kappa Kappa at Lincoln, Lambda Lambda at Grand Rapids, and Mu Mu at Kansas City. Alumnse organization had, by this time, become very popular ; as the establishment of twenty-two alumnte clubs during the three years of 1914, 1915, and 1916, eloquently declares. During 1914 alumnit of Decatur, 111.; Eastern Oklahoma; St. Louis; Des Moines; Albion, Mich.; and Milwaukee petitioned for and were granted organization as alumnae clubs. This action followed upon the steps of the recommendation of the Council to alumna' in smaller cities and college towns that six or more alumna? should form alumnae clubs, the dues and duties of which should be lighter than those of alumnae chapters, and the legislation in 1914 that each alumnae chapter should, henceforth, first exist for one year as a club, hi 1915 eleven clubs were chartered at Omaha; Portland, Ore. ; Washington, D. C. ; Pittsburgh ; Greens- burg, Ind. ; Oil City, Pa. ; Atlanta, Ga. ; Boulder, Colo. ; and Terre Haute, Ind. The year 1916 added four more clubs to the roll: Pueblo and Denver, Colo. ; Galesburg, 111. ; and Greencastle, Ind. Two alumnae club petitions for charters as alumnae chapters are pending the 1917 Convention. This tremendous growth in alumnae organization may be traced to the recent policy of the Fraternity to unify its ranks for the sake of the accom- plishment of specific national aims. To this end the 1915 Convention estab- lished an alumnae association, and created in the Council the office of alumnae vice-president who serves as chairman of the alumnae association. To this office was elected an experienced member of the preceding council. Miss Lillian G. Zimmerman. The other officers of the Association are Mrs. R. G. Dunkle, treasurer, and Miss Vera Southwick, secretary. The requirements which the Association makes of affiliated associations are such as will enable the alumnae to follow closely not only the work of their own active chapters but likewise the national proceedings of Alpha Chi Omega, and the work of the Panhellenic movement. One meeting of each alumnae association is devoted annually to a study of the Constitution and Code; one to the Panhellenic movement; and throughout the year all asso- ciations labor definitely for at least one division of national work. What they have achieved separately along these lines will appear in the individual accounts of the alumnae chapters and alumnae clubs. Alumnae are urged to keep abreast of educational progress generally by taking part when convenient in the splendid endeavors of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, college clubs, and city Panhellenic Associations. In the various branches of the last- mentioned movement, alumnie of Alpha Chi Omega have been concerned vitally both in their formation and in their administration. The scope and plans of the Alumnae Association are covered in the 1916 report of the alumnae vice-president to the National Council, part of which we quote : "The general alumnae work covers an extensive field; a mere summary of what has been done during the past nine months includes the desire of the chairman firstly to extend alumnae interest by the addition of new clubs, secondly to strengthen those groups already organized, and thirdly to help to The Ai.umx.k Association 109 broaden the outlook of all .groups not only to c-nihrace specific work for Alpha Chi Omega alone, but also to represent us in city Panhellenics, college cluijs. and the Association of Collegiate Alumme, and l)y field work to further the general interests of the Fraternity. That our activities have been broadened is evinced by the number of city Panhellenic offices held by our alumns groups. Fully one-third represent us in these by holding offices : Cleveland, Decatur, Mu Mu, Pueblo, Eastern Oklahoma, St. Louis, Theta Theta, Omaha. Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Portland. * * "Each alumnae group was asked to identify itself with at least one special branch of Alpha Chi Omega work chosen by the group. Several groups are to be commended for their interest along every Alpha Chi Omega activity, notably Theta Theta, Kappa Kappa, Eastern Oklahoma, Mu Mu, Portland, and Pittsburgh. Since the facts concerning the service of the difi'erent asso- ciations may serve as an inspiration to other groups, their activities are here enumerated. The Milwaukee and Eastern Oklahoma Clubs are furnishing guestrooms in the new homes of Kappa and Psi. Kappa Kappa and Albion are campaigning for life subscriptions to The Lyre, the latter for twentv-five. Kappa Kappa also maintains a scholarship for Xi and is endeavoring to prepare more girls in Xi for Phi Beta Kappa. Alpha Alpha and Delta Delta are working on convention funds. Those successful in gaining non- resident members are Portland and Pueblo. Extension work is done bv Iota Iota, Atlanta, and Gamma Gamma. Equipment work is cared for by Theta Theta. Diligent in helping to raise chapter building-funds are Eta Eta and Theta Theta. Four additional clubs, Galesburg, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Washington have pledged to the Reserve Fund. Theta Theta has pledged twenty-five dollars to the Scholarship Fund, and Milwaukee, ten dollars ; Kappa Kappa, Washington, D. C, and Gamma Gamma have signified their intentions of contributing their share toward the same. Zeta Zeta is active in French relief work. Omaha, Delta Delta, Iota Iota. Mu Mu, Des Moines, and Cleveland are interested in local charities. Milwaukee and Beta Beta give successful annual state luncheons to Alpha Chi Omegas in their respec- tive states. Those eleven interested in Panhellenic aft'airs are elsewhere enumerated. Epsilon Epsilon is to present a scholarship cup to the chapter making the greatest improvement during the year. * * "The number of alumna- paying dues in the four following ways (exclu- sive of the financial support which alumnae are giving toward building-funds), in alumnce chapters, in alumnae clubs, in non-resident fees for alumnae chap- ters and clubs, and in alumna; notes are about thirty-five per cent of the total alumnae membership." The Alumn* Association, as an organization, has published the 1916 edition of the fraternity directory, and has assumed charge of the Scholarship Fund. Alumnae organization has been traced to its source in the traditional chap- ter reunions. There have been, in addition, a number of other forces which have affected vitally alumnie interest, and liave heli)i.d to make possible the broad existing svstem. 110 Tin; History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Among these forces the publications of the Fraternity rank first. The Lyre, authorized ^vhen the Fraternity was but six years old, and issued three years later, has. from its first appearance, contributed, to an incalculable degree, to the maintenance of a living bond among the members. In The Lyre for March, 1897, occur these words in an editorial: "The inspiration which we receive from association in our respective chapters is intensified by the union of the chapters. The Lyre should be the connecting link which binds all who wear the Scarlet and ( )live." Such a link the magazine has ever been. It has published news of alumnte. and has presented accounts of their achieve- ments and their avocations. It has included in its pages expressions of their opinions on artistic and educational subjects. It has. persistently, and with news of their good friends for bait, persuasively campaigned for financial support. With the perfection of the system of the life subscription for all initiates, The Lyre will be a still greater power in cementing the relation between members and their fraternity. The Alumna Letter, issued in 1908, 1909, 1911, and. in different form, before the convention of 1912 and 1915. has done its share in informing the alumnae of the progress of Alpha Chi Omega. The Directory, published twice by the national treasury ai:id three times by The Lyre treasury, has been of greatest value. Though often incorrect in addresses because of an imperfect system in the keeping of the fraternity records, it has been a practical guide to the renewal of correspondence between many sisters and to personal calls from many travelers. The private journals, the Heraeum and the Ars^olid. since their first appearance in 1911 and 1913, respectively, have accomplished more than any other publication in awakening response from alumnte regarding the inner workings of the organization. The Songbook. first published in 1894. is the veteran among the publi- cations of Alpha Chi Omega. It has been published in four different editions, and is destined to run through many more before its service shall be ended. The Songs of Alpha Chi have kept warm in numberless hearts the sweet memories of fraternity associations, and sympathetic enthusiasm for fra- ternity progress. In 1911 the History of Alpha Chi Omega provided much data of value in convenient form. It is the present policy of the Fraternity to equip all new members with this volume, as well as with the other important pub- lications, to prevent the possibility of ignorance of or lack of appreciation of the significance and the traditions of the organization. One chapter. Iota (University of Illinois), issues a newspaper. The Eyeota, to her own alumnae. On the first page is the statement : "Published as best we can and whenever we can." It is a splendidly edited publication, and is overflowing with enthusiasm and interesting news. It contains about as much composition as an enterprising university newspaper. This is one of lota's methods of holding on to her alumnae. Lambda (Syracuse University) has a separate alumnae organization, with officers, and with duties toward the active chapter. This organization is The Alumx.k Association HI thoroughly businesslike and effirient. It has arromplished much, and has made possible for Lambda the ownership of a magnificent new home. Theta (University of Michigan). Kapjia ( Tniversitv of Wisconsin), Omicron (Baker University), Pi (University of Ualifornia), and Iota, all have effective, workable aluniniv organizations. All of these chapters, except Iota, work without a chapter publication. All chapters cooperate actively with the management of The Lyre in conserving the attachment of their alumnae to the national magazine. Another force which has contributed with great success to the enlistment of active alumna? affinitv has been the foundation of national funds for specific purposes. The Reserve Fund received contributions from numerous alumuit while most alumn;e chapters and most alumna* clul^s liave con- tributed. The Scholarship Fund is h\rgely an alumnie enterjirise. And the system of Alumnte Notes, managed by the Deputy to the National Treasurer, is of benefit not only to the active chapters, but to the alumnic. who are interested in the use made of their contributions. The Reserve Fund, which will be of increasing service in the building of chapter houses, and ultimatelv for an endowment for the Fraternitv. appeals deeply to the alumna' because of its practicability. By cooperation with the Reserve Fund and the Scholarship Fund, the alumms- members find it possi- ble to render large services of an attractive nature which they could not attempt to offer as individuals. Not merely through, and for the sake of financial support did the remark- able awakening of alumn;e interest tif the past decade manifest itself. It is to be seen most impressivelv in the development of the committee system of service. During the first years of the Fraternity, tasks were frequently assigned to a chapter to perform, and the appointment of needed commit- tees wa,s made within that chapter. Much of the work of committees was done at conventions. \\'htn the (irand Council was established in 1898 as the governing body of the Fraternity, the important committees necessary to the work of the organization were appointed, for a number of years, princi- pally within that body. Of the first official meeting of the Cirand Council, in 1903, Kate Calkins Drake says, in The Lyre several years later: "Much of the work to be finished was left to committees. From the work of the.se came the first examinations, the revision of the initiation ceremony, some system of identification and afiiliation, and a successful struggle for proper recognition in Baird's Manual." These committees, we find, which Mrs. Drake designated, were suxt-n in numl)er. and all were Council members. But Avhile the Fraternitv was still in the first decade of the twentieth century, the volume of work was too vast for these committees of the Council. Com- mittees made up of alumnsi" and one member of the Council appear on the minutes, and occasionalh' alunnue who had no ofticial connection with the Council were commissioned for a large service. The amount of service rendered bv all these committees was prodigious : but it was not continuous. The staff of The Lyre constituted a standing committee of a khid. it is true, from earlv davs. Not until the beginning of the chartering of alumn.T 112 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity chapters in 1906 did standing committees appear. In 1907 it was legislated that each chapter should elect an alumnte adviser. Since these officers stand in close relation to the National Council, and their duties are continuous, we may consider them as standing committees. In 1908 a committee for the revision of the Initiation Ceremony was appointed which developed into the Ritual and Equipment committee of the present. In 1908 the president appointed a committee on constitutional changes, which by 1910 had become the permanent committee on Organization and Laws. Like the one on the ritual, this committee had been preceded by a number of committees which had served briefly in the same cause. These two important committees mark the beginning of distinguished service by standing committees. They were both composed, as it is interesting to note, of members of Gamma Gamma Alumnae Chapter who could gather frequently and could work together with limitless resources at hand in the libraries of the metropolis. Mrs. Kent, Mrs. Green, and Mrs. Fall made up the former committee ; the personnel of the latter was Mrs. Fall and Mrs. Green, until 1914. In that year, however, the work for a new edition fell into the hands of two Council members, Mrs. Loud and Miss Armstrong, and after the convention of 1915, was consummated by Miss Griffith, the National Secretary. The stories of these two committees are simi- lar to those of others of our splendid list of standing committees. For, about the year 1910, the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Alpha Chi Omega, the policy of Standing Committees appears unmistakable in several of the thirty-three committees announced at that convention. These committees work with the Council, often without a Council member among the appointees, or it may be, including all the members of an alumnae chapter. The availability of alumnae in organized groups for national service has been repeatedly demon- strated. The steady development of Alpha Chi Omega in many directions during the past decade may be explained by the co5peration of alumnae with the Council in this matter of committee service. The members of the Council still serve on many committees, and committee service still looms mountain- ous upon the horizon of Council work ; but no list of appointed committees now is constituted entirely of Council members. In fact. 154 alumnae are engaged in the national work of the organization today, in the following Standing Committees: Executive, Organization and Laws, Extension, Chap- ter Houses, Reserve Fund, Traditions Committee, Macdowell Studio, Alumnae, Finance, Publications, Official Supplies, Examinations, Lyre Finance Board, Ritual and Equipment, and Panhellenic Committees. The division of work- ers is : National Council 7 Traditions Committee 2 Province Presidents 5 Supplies 1 Lyre Staff 3 Examinations 2 Alumnae Advisers 24 Ritual and Equipment 1 Extension Board 61 Records and Archives 1 Deputies 2 Custodian Badge 1 Alumnae Organization . 3 Custodian Songbook 1 Reserve Fund Committee 2 Deputy Songbook 1 The Alumn.i-: Associatiox 113 Scholarship Committee 3 Special Initiation Revision 2 Vocational Committee 5 Local Convention Committee .... 3 Initiation Revision 1 Alumnje Editors 23 ToT.M I 54 The time will come when every alumna who is willing to give ever so little time to the national work may be able to find, easily, congenial tasks. Such volunteer work will add enormously to the already significant volume of alumnit service, and will increase tremendously the power of the Fraternity. The Alumnae Association, we believe, has but begun its work. In the future what seems to us now a remarkable growth of alumnae service will seem a mere huml)le beginning. The newly created National Scholarship Committee and National Vocational Committee, both pregnant with possi- bility for the good of undergraduates and graduates alike, are entirely alumnal enterprises. The Scholarship Fund, as remarked above, is largely an alumnal interest. Extension work cries to be developed on all sides in new college fields, and among the alumnae. In a very few years we shall see, no doubt, an alumnae association with a self-supporting department of its own, with its own offices, and sessions of its own at national conventions of which the beginning was made in 1915. That day is already in sight, and it means far greater usefulness and prestige than Alpha (.'hi ( )mega has yet seen, even in prospect, in her thirtv-one years of happiness. CHAPTER IX ALUMNA CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Chapter was established May 23, 1906, as the Chicago Alumnae Chapter, the first of the chartered alumnse groups. The organiza- tion was effected through the efforts of Gamma alumnae, who for several years had maintained an informal alumnee association, assisted by alumna; of several other chapters. The bancpet in honor of the founding was held in the Woman's Clubrooms in Evanston, 111., May 23, 1906, and was pre- ceded by an enjoyable card party at which the Gamma alumnae entertained the local active chapter as well as alumnae from other chapters. At the busi- ness meeting that ensued, the charter officers were elected and plans were made for the year, including two business meetings and two musicales, besides monthly luncheons in Chicago. The schedule was changed in 1908 to four business meetings a year instead of two, and in addition, monthly gatherings at the homes of members. At the annual banquet of that year Madame Zeisler was guest of honor, "and gave a delightful informal talk." Characteristics of Alpha Alpha's history have been the annual elaborate banquet ; the two musicales each year, at times with Gamma Chap- ter and other resident and non-resident Alpha Chis as guests ; and summer "porch parties." Luncheons in Chicago tea-rooms have been given fre(]uently for the sake of convenience. In 1910 Madame Julia Rive-King was guest of honor at the annual banquet. The toast program of the banquet of 1913 was unique and, at the same time, of intrinsic value. Each speaker gave a different phase of the significance of the coat-of-arms. Alpha Alpha has been present at the National Panhellenic luncheon in Chicago, and has often had occasion to meet National Officers of Alpha Chi Omega. In 1909 she entertained the entire Council, who were assembled in Evanston, at a "large formal reception, to which the faculty and all the fraternities were invited, in the rooms of the University Guild." Again in 1915, Alpha Alpha made plans to extend hospitality to the national officers and also to delegates to convention at a "send-off dinner." Of this function the chronicler records: "The 'Send-off' dinner proved an unusually enjoyable event, held as it was in the main dining-room of the Chicago and Northwestern railway station in Chicago at 6 :30 p. m., on June 23, just previous to the departure of the convention special train for California. Covers were laid for seventy-two at the various tables prettily decorated with our scarlet carnations and ferns. All who could not attend the convention enjoyed visiting with the members of National Council and the various chapter delegates and visitors before time for the 'special' to depart, thus giving us a slight glimpse of the personnel of the convention." Since her installation in 1906, Alpha Alpha has enrolled eighty-seven members. She has furnished a number of national officers to the Fraternity and of alumnae advisers for Gamma Chapter. Assistance at initiation and at social affairs has been rendered Gamma. By virtue of her A i.uM.N.E Chapters 115 ■cosmopolitan memhersliip. Alpha Ali)lia is a very representative chapter. The charter members were: Elizabeth Tompkins Bradstreet, Ora Bond Burman, Juliet Fauck Colwell, Theodora Chaffee, Myrte McKean Dennis, Grace Kricson, Marjorie Gralius, Tina Mae Haines, Cordelia Hanson, Emma Hanson. Blanche Huj^hes Hinckley, June Ogden Hunter, Mabel Jones. Irene Stevens Kidder, Mabel Dunn Madson. Ethel Calkins McDonald, Carrie Holbrook Miller, Lucie McMaster Niles, (iertrude Ogden, Ida Pratt, Marion Ewell Pratt, Grace Richardson, Elizabeth Scales, Katharine Scales, Cora Seegars, Mabel Harriet Siller. Mary Vose. Florence Childs Wooley, Lillian Siller Wyckoff, Ella Voung. Beta Beta Chapter, Indianapolis, Ind. Early in 1901 the resident alumnae of Indianapolis, Indiana, conceived the idea of entertaining the members of Alpha Chapter, who would come to the city at the time of the State Oratori- cal Contest. Mrs. Joseph Taggart ofiferetl her home, and a reception was held on the fourth Friday of Fel)ruary. Regular gatherings followed, meet- ings being held once each month. A program was usually rendered, after which a social time was enjoved. In January, 1906, a charter was granted. and Beta Beta Chapter was installed. The charter members were: jentn'e McHatton Barnett, Lillian Moore Cottingham, Bertha Deniston Cunning- ham, Helen Dalrymple Francis, Laura Adams Henry, Alta M. E-ogers, Flor- ence Thompson Taggart, Ella Hill Thomson, Edna Patton Wade, Lena Scott Wild, and Daisy Steele Wilson. The monthlv meetings have been held at the homes of the members, with an occasional luncheon in Avre's Tea-room or the Columbia Club. During the past year there has been an average attend- ance of fourteen. At each meeting the opening ceremonv is used, followed by the regular busines-s, after which a program is rendered. The meeting then becomes informal, and enjoys a social hour during which the hostess serves refreshments. During the past year — it being the Centennial year of the statehood of Indiana — they have been studying Indiana musicians, com- posers, and musical organizations. Two regular social affairs are held each year — a banquet, the fourth f>iday of Fei)ruary, the anniversarv of the organization, for the members of Alpha Chapter, at the Claypool Hotel. The second is a picnic in Jime at the country home of Mrs. Joseph Taggart, at whicli time the husl)ands and children are entertained. Some vears the hus- bands are entertained at an evening party. In point of attendance the last banquet, February 25, 1916, was the most successful ever held. The entire Alpha Chapter was present, also a number of girls came from over the state. There were ninety-three present. Beta Beta has assisted Alpha in a number of ways — in buying silver and dishes : also in helping to pay for their jiiano. They are now considering plans to raise money for the chapter house fund. Some of the members have alreadv pledged themselves for a definite amount. The Grand Council was entertained by Beta Beta in October, 1907. at which time a reception was held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Francis. Invitations were extended to all the fraternity women in the city, to meet the members of the Grand Council. A I'anhellenic orLranization was formed in the citv in the 116 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity spring of 1914. Mrs. Daisy Steele Wilson was elected a member of the Board. During the past year Mrs. Maude Meserve Stoner has been the delegate from Beta Beta, and has been a member of the Advisory Board. In 1915, plans were completed to observe Hera Day by giving a recital at the Girls' Reformatory, in Clearmont. Indiana. The plans, however, were not carried out as their much-loved sister, Sadie Machlan Kiger, was buried on that day. Hera Day was observed March 1, 1916, by the members of Beta Beta giving a recital before the Parent-Teachers Association of School Number 45. The program consisted of a sketch by the president, Mrs. Mary Goss Cannon, stating the significance of Hera Day. Many of the members of Beta Beta are active in the church, artistic, and club life of Indianapolis, holding the highest offices in some of the largest and most prominent clubs ; some are also active in the work of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Beta Beta Chapter has received several national honors, and has been represented at five national conventions. Gamma Gamma Chapter, N eiv York City, was established November 6, 1907, by the alumnae of New York City through the influence of Fay Barnaby Kent, Delta, and Nella Ramsdell Fall, Beta. The charter members were : Lillian Dodson Brown. Emma Crittenden, Daisy Snell Echlin, Sara Evans, Nella Ramsdell Fall, Jean Whitcomb Fenn, Virginia Fiske Green, Harriet McLaughlin Gunnison. Margaret Kellog Howard, Violet Truell Johnston, Fay Barnaby Kent, Olive Porter, Fern Pickard Stevens, Alta Moyer Taylor. Average membership is twenty. The chapter meets monthly. It is usually a social meeting, where all the members do their share with music, and so forth, to make the time enjoyable. As altruistic work, the members gave a concert in 1910, the proceeds of which was used for the Macdowell Studio Fund. Mrs. Kent was the first to propose the Macdowell Studio Fund, and through her ambition and enthusiasm inspired the chapters to assist in making the studio at Peterborough po.ssible. Gamma Gamma has always had an annual banquet for husbands and friends, and usually one or two informal parties. Until 1909 monthly meetings were held at the Martha Washington Hotel. Many afternoons are enjoyed at the homes of members. Gamma Gamma extended her hospitality to the National Council in meeting assem- bled in New York, in the summer of 1911, and again in 1914. She repre- sented the Fraternity as hostesses to National Panhellenic Congress in 1914, making possible what many considered the most comfortable and enjoyable of all Congresses. The comfort of the guests was largely due to the care shown by Gamma Gamma in planning for the Congress. Mrs. Fall was chairman of the local arrangements committee. Several members of Gamma Gamma assisted in the program of the open session at which a new Pan- hellenic song, written by Jess Northcroft, Zeta and Gamma Gamma, was sung. Alumn.e Chapters 111 Fraternity Tune — ''There's a Tavern in the Town" Sisters in a common cause — common cause United by the highest creed and laws ; We're gathered here in strength and unity We meet to celebrate Fraternity. Cooperation is the plan — our plan ! "To reach the heights" and from them scan — to scan The world at large, and try to beautify All thought and action through Fraternity. To clasp a sister by her hand — her hand At home, or in some foreign land — foreign land And know that pressure means fidelity To truth, to virtue, and Fraternity. To raise the fallen, cheer the faint — cheer tlie faint ; To bravely fight without complaint — Until the world is leavened and made free By the spirit of Fraternity. Delta Delta Chapter, Los Angeles. California. Delta Delta Chapter was chartered in Los Angeles, California. September 25, 1908, Louise Davis Van Cleve, Epsilon. and Ja Nette Allen Cushman. Beta, being especially influential in bringing about its organization. All interested in the estab- lishment of an alumnae chapter were asked to meet in the committee room of the Y. W. C. A. building. This number consisted of members from chap- ters all over the Union, of married women and bachelor maids, of school teachers and housekeepers. Hence to establish an acquaintance and a common interest it was decided to begin the meetings as purely social gatherings. The first roll included the following names: Louise Davis Van Cleve, Ja Nette Allen Cushman, Ruth Dunning Young, Leila Skelton Brown, Glenna Shantz Mills, Myrtle McArthur, Faye Buck, Mabel Chalfin, Katherine Saunders, Blanche Gregg, Louise White, Hazel Hearne, Mauneena McMillan, Marie Smith, and Carrie Trowbridge. Convenience and pleasure soon established the second Saturday of each month as the date of the meetings. These soon formed the habit of beginning with a luncheon, sometimes in tea-rooms, some- times at the chapter-hou.se of the Epsilon girls, but most frequently at the homes of members, who were the hostesses of the day. The formal meeting followed. The ball of crochet, the embroidery hoop, the tatting needle, have always been very constant attendants. During the last year. 1915-1916, a most delightful part of the meetings has been the program given by fraternity talent, often supplied by Epsilon Chapter. The earliest out- side work a search of the history reveals is a subscription sent to the Macdowell Studio. Then interest tried to find local philanthropic work. 1. John Rundall and Virginia Louise Ralph (son and daughter of Bess Rundall Ralph, F) ; 2. Amv Lucille Frost (daughter of Amy Lusk Frost, A); 3. Harriet Love (daughter of ^Iaude Maxwell Love, A); 4. Philip Fall Miller (son of Florence Fall Miller, B) ; 5. William and Mary Katherine Kiger (son and daughter of Sadie Machlan Kiger, A); 6. Helen Weaver (daughter of Mabel Johnston Weaver, A) ; 7. Patricia Anne Lang (daughter of Margaret McCullock Lang) ; 8. Charles Alexander Lister (son of Queenie Capps Lister, i) ; 9. Jane Dru Allen (daughter of Shellie Smith Allen); 10. Bonnie Jean Hook (daughter Adeline Litcomb Hook, P); 11. James Wilne Bryce (son of Mrs. Alexander Bryce) ; 12. George Walker (son of Mae Headly W^alker) : 13. Janet and Henry Leonard Miller (son and daughter of Edith Leonard Miller, 0); 14. Horace Wilbar Walker (son of Mae Headly Walker); 15. Luann.e Aileen Kilgore (daughter of Ann Heller Kilgore, K); 16. Llizabeth Ebright (daughter of Marie Moorehead Ebright, O) ; 17. .\nn Eliza Withrow (daughter of Beulah Buckley Withrow, H) ; 18. Alice Jean Adams (daugliter of Alice Mustard Adams, Z); 19. Gretchen Elizabeth \"an Roy (daughter of Lina Bell Baum \'an Roy, B); 20. Peggy Cooper (daughter of Electa Lamb Cooper, 9); 21. Roman Henham Cone (son of Ethel Ford Cone. D; 22. Ruth Gertrude Prehn (daughter of Gertrude Magee Prehn, K) ; 23. Willard Watson and Elizabeth Jane Dixon (son and daughter of Alice Watson Dixon, V : 24. Mildred M. Shaw (daughter of Josephine JNloore Shaw, B); 25. Suzanne; 26. Heber H. Dunkle (son of Stella MacFarlane Dunkle, Z) ; 27. Eleanor and Mary Madson; 28. Bob, Betty, and liillie Wade (children of Alma Patten Wade, A); 29. V\'illiam and Edwin Haseltine (sons of Florence Reed Haseltine, Z) ; 30. Hubert McKee Stearns (son of Sue Sivright Stearns, T). Alumx.k Chapters 119 Attempts were made to render assistance to needy families, by supply- ing food and clothin,^-. In 1911. interest was fixed upim the Children's Hospital. An afternoon tea at the Log Cabin proved successful to the extent of a gift of ninety-two dollars. A year later, a musicale and reception at the Ebell Clubhouse enabled the purchase of a set of X-ray instruments, to be given to the same institution. Another year endowed a bed in the name of Alpha Chi Omega at the expense of two hundred fifty dollars, together with a promise of a gift of fifty dollars each year following, for the yearly upkeep of that bed. ( )ne of fhe most enjoyable activities has always been the annual Christmas shower to Epsilon Chapter. Not having any house of its own to furnish, the chapter takes delight in providing somewhat of happines.s to the younger sisters. Some pressing need or unhoped for luxury each year carries its love to Epsilon, as the cedar chest for initiation paraphernalia, the dining table and lesser articles of household comfort. The accompaniment of a Christmas tree with candles, and candy, and songs and much laughter, and babies, makes the Christmas party an affair to be looked forward to. September of 1914 saw one of the most memor- able gatherings of Alpha Chi Omega. Both Delta Delta and Epsilon, together with a proud array of honorary guests, were invited to spend the afternoon and evening at the beautiful home of Ellen Beach Yaw at Covina. An afternoon of ambles in the gardens, of visiting and chatter, of splendid delights to taste and see made the guests happy. Then a perfect day gave place to a most beautiful night with a balmy summer moon. In a setting of orange trees, with their background of majestic mountains, in the singer's sunken garden of an amphitheatre, members of the two chapters presented a little allegorical playlet with songs and dignified meaning, that was pro- nounced a gem of a performance. To Grace Sheperd, the authoress, belongs most of the credit for this successful bit of acting. When this was finished, Miss Yaw herself came singing from the midst of the trees, herself the god- dess of the groves, the nightingale of the valley, "Lark Ellen," as she is often called. Into the stillness of the silvery moonlight came trilling the notes of her Cuckoo Song, her Meadow Lark, and lastly, the Mad Scene from Hamlet. In 1915. Delta Delta had the pleasure of assisting Epsilon as hostess to the Convention of Alpha Chi Omega. Plans filled the minds and busied the meetings for so many months ahead, it seemed there was nothing to do, noth- ing to meet for, when the guests had finally come and gone, when the busy days of the glad hand and happy smile were done. "I can't realize that Con- vention is really a thing of the past," was on many a tongue for some time. If realization in the minds of the guests equalled the anticipation of the anxious hostesses, the Convention of 1915 performed its every function successfullv. In March of 1916, Delta Delta was accorded the pleasure of entertaining the honorarv members, Mrs. Macdowell and Ellen Beach Yaw. at the home of Rowena Huscroft. Mrs. Macdowell captured all hearts with the charm of her personality, the warmth of her smile, and hei accessibility. Her rendition of some of Macdowell's famous compositions WcS a rare treat. Miss Yaw favored the assemblatie with several of her familiar selections. This 120 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity much of the history reveals concerning the local interests of the chapter. The dealings with more distant chapters is yet to be mentioned. Delta Delta assisted at the installation of Pi Chapter in 1909, sending Carrie Trowbridge and Ann Shepard as delegates. Delta Delta sent as convention delegates in 1912, Olive Berryman ; in 1915, Leila Skelton Brown. Epsilon Epsilon. At the Convention of 1908, Ada Dickie Hamblen, Beta, and Frank Busey Soule, Iota, were appointed a committee to organize an alumnae chapter in Detroit, Michigan. Accordingly five enthusiastic Alpha Chis met at the home of Mrs. Hamblen on March 17, 1909. On March 24, 1909, twelve met at the "Copper Kettle" for luncheon and signed a petition for a charter for the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter. The charter was signed May 18, 1909, and Mrs. Soule served as the first president. The Convention of 1912 was attended by Ora Woodworth, official delegate, and Mrs. Mount. The Convention of 1915 was attended by Mrs. Reese Smith, in the capacity of official delegate ; Ora Woodworth, as official stenographer ; Grace Culver Roche ; and Ruth King. The charter members are : Myrtle Wallace Allen, Ada Dickie Hamblen, Grace Lynn Harner, Florence Wood- hams Henning, Mabel Allen Renwick, Bessie Tefft Smith, Frances Dissette Tackels, Florence Hoag White, Etta Mary Tinker, Frank Busey Soule, Winifred Van Buskirk Mount, and Ora Woodworth. The total membership is forty-four ; the present membership is twenty-six. The meetings, both social and business, are held on the second Saturday of each month, excepting July and August, at the homes of the various members. During last year a plan was inaugurated which made it possible for members to attend more regularly than otherwise and also aroused interest because it was "something different." On meeting day the hostess serves a one o'clock luncheon, Avhich, according to previous ruling, must be simple. After the luncheon a business meeting is followed by a social hour. This plan has several advantages : if some are not able to give up the entire afternoon, they can very easily leave at the end of the business meeting ; the hostess can visit with her sisters without having to think of serving refreshments; and all can leave in time to have dinner with their families. Of their altruistic work, Epsilon Epsilon says: "Each year just before Christmas we forget to be sufficient unto ourselves and, in fact, quite forgetting to be interested in each other think about those who are less fortunate than we. We usually delegate a committee to look up a family of goodly number, and supply them with warm new underwear." This chapter assisted Theta in the entertain- ment of the national convention in 1910 at the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fraternity. She has had several national workers. Zeta Zeta Chapter. Boston, Massachusetts, was organized as an alumnae chapter at Young's Hotel, Boston, November 9, 1909. Through the efforts of Estelle McFarlane Dunkle and Evangeline Bridge, both of Zeta, a sufficient number of alumnae were found in the vicinity of Boston, and the charter was granted by the Grand Council in the spring of 1909. On November 9, 1909, a 1. Warren Clayton Cook (son of Kva Clayton Cook, O) ; 2. Honald Case and Dorothy Elizabeth Gaylord; 3. Charles Richard Forman (son of lilanche Collins Forinan, I) ; 4. Sammy and Alvin Gillette (sons of Mary Dickie Gillette, B) ; 5. David Kellcy (son of Leone Lane Kclley, n) ; 6. John (jilbert Archibald (son of Carrie Aiton Archibald, Z) : 7. Margaret Holder (daughter of Margaret Brown Holder, T) : 8. Philip Fall Miller (son of Florence Fall Miller, B) ; 9. Desiree Inez Clarv (daughter of Hazel Godard Clary, 1): 10. Myron Park Breckenridge (son of Edith Dermit Breckenridge, A); 11. James M., and .\lec M. Bryce (sons of G. N. Bryce, P) ; 12. William, Barron, and John (sons of Lyda Hammond McCune, A); 13. Bobby and Betty Ewing (children of Irma Franklin Ewing, S) ; 14. John and Bradley Sheperd (children of Edith Bradley Sheperd, iB) ; 15. Richard Beck Bell (son of Helen Beck Bell, K) ; 16. Jane Drake (daughter of Kate Calkins Drake, B): 17. Jane .Shumway (daughter of r.eulah Kinzer Shumway, O); 18. Antin Oscar Wolfe, A; 19. \'irginia -Sigendale (daughter of .Myrtle .'Sheldon Sigendale, A); JO. Helnur Ward Jones (son of Selma Swenson Jones, .\); Jl. Daughter of Mrs. Thomas Cole: 22. Ruth Elizabeth Langdon (daughter of Imo Toms Langdon. .\ ) ; 23. Arthur Crafts Kaiser (son of Blanche Crafts Kaiser, Z) ; 24. Baxter and Jean Reynolds (son and daughter of Jessie Merchant Reynolds, A); 25. Lorinda Katherine Cottingham (daughter of Lillian Moore Cottingham, A); 26. James M. Bryce; 27. Mary and James (;)gden (daughter and son of Bess Dean Ogden) ; 28. Rachelle ^Marie Pinkham (daughter of Dorothv lUirdorf Pinkham, II): 2'). Maby Billings (son of Ellen Conrey Billings, M) : 30. Edward and Franklin Mayer (sons of Helen Eleanor Mayer, K) ; 31. Bettv O. Menlev (daugliter of Bettv Tones Henlcv, A): 32. Caroline Norbcth Boyd (daughter of Caroline Parsons Boyd, A); 33. Natalie Jean Neff; 34. Grace Elizabeth and Achsah Gay Collins (children of Theodosia Maltbie Collins, P) : 35. Bobby and Betty Ewing. 122 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity business meeting and luncheon were held in Young's Hotel, and the charter was signed. The charter members were: Estelle McFarlane Dunkle, Evan- geline Bridge, Sarah D. Morton, Gladys Livingston (Jlmstead, Blanche Ripley, all of Zeta, and May Allinson. Iota and Gamma Gamma. The total member- ship is twenty-three, and the average annual membership eight. The chapter is in close touch with Zeta Chapter which she assists socially and financially. The altruistic work for the period during the war has been some phase of war-relief. A French orphan has been adopted by the chapter, another by Mrs. Graff, and two by Zeta. Zeta Zeta has provided the Fraternity with the annual calendar of 1915 and 1916 for the benefit of an Atlantic Conven- tion Fund. Eta Eta Chapter. Madison, Wisconsin. Eta Eta, the seventh alumnae chapter, was organized on Friday, June 16, 1911. The installation was held at the Kappa chapter house at 430 Sterling Court. Mrs. Dennis, the national inspector, presented the charter. A business meeting was held, at which the duties and advantages of alumnae chapters were outlined by Mrs. Dennis. Conmiittees were appointed. After the business meeting, the installation banquet was held at which letters of greeting and welcome were read. The charter of Eta Eta was signed by Alice Alford, Hazel Alford, Margaret H'Doubler, Helen Jennings, Lucille Simon, Sarah Morgan (Mrs. W. T. Bell), Sarah Sutherland, Mae Theobald, and Edna Swenson (Mrs. F. Mayer), all of Kappa, and Florence Kelley (Mrs. 1). D. Basker- ville) of Gamma, and Liger Hoen Emery (Mrs. S. L. ) of Nu. It was planned to hold all meetings at the homes of the Eta Eta members on the first Monday evening of each month. Plans were made for the study of the constitution of the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, and of other universities where there are Alpha Chi chapters, for some social service work, and for helping Kappa with domestic matters and in rushing. After Eta Eta was organized on June 16, 1911, the members began the study of some prominent musicians and grand operas. But by the spring of 1912, their time was entirely taken over in preparation for the Convention which was held in Madison during June. In 1912-1913, the musical programs were given once a month continuing the study of grand operas. There were also several joint meetijigs with Kappa Chapter. During 1913-1914, the chapter drifted away from the musical programs but took up altruistic work instead and made plans for a hospital box on each Hera Day. In 1914-1915, the Reserve Fund was uppermost in all minds and Eta Eta devised dift'erent ways and means to help raise money. This last year they continued the money-raising to help Kappa with their new chapter house, in which all are greatly interested. Eta Eta has a total membership of thirty. In 1915-1916 the time of meetings was changed to Saturday afternoon so that they could be held at the Kappa chapter house. Theta Th^ta Chapter, Berkeley, California. During the fall of 1912, the desirability of forming an alumnae chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, was felt Ai.UMN.ii Chapters 123 by the girls who had graduated from Pi Chapter, and who seldom had a chance for reunion. Mrs. \amu[ and .Miss Ikidge helped to furnish the neces- sary material. Finally on June 11, 1913. at a meeting held at the Pi chapter house, Theta Theta Chapter was duly installed by Mrs. Virginia Fiske (ireen, who came from Theta and Caninia (^amma Chapters. The first officers were as follows: Miss Rue Clifford, President; Mrs. McKay, Vice-president; Miss Lottie Bocarde, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Wni. Kelley, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. S. J. Vogel, Treasurer; Mrs. L. W. Laj'ne, Historian; Miss Elizabeth Wolfe, Lyre Editor. Since that time the chapter has grown steadily and has passed three very successful years. The monthly reunions are held at the houses of the members ; sometimes they do charity work, discuss the National Panhellenic ciuestions, plav cards or sew. This year they have been delegated the duty of furnishing the eciuipment for installation of chapters. The membership of the chapter is drawn largely from Pi Chapter, though members from other chapters are most welcome. The meetings average fifteen in attendance. Iota Iota Chapter, Seaft/e. Washington. Iota Iota Chapter was installed in Seattle, Washington, March 8, 1913, by Ada Dickie Hamblen, Beta, .she being especially influential in bringing about its organization. On the after- noon following its organization, thirteen loyal altimnaj met at the home of Gertrude Niedergesaess Bryce, and gave a banquet in honor of the founding of the chapter, after which a short business meeting was held, and officers were elected for the year. The charter members of Iota Iota were: Mrs. Frederick Adams (Alice Mustard), Zeta ; Gertrude Babcock. Beta; Mrs. Henry Brown (Ethel Lilyblade). Gamma; Mrs. Alexander Bryce (Gertrude Niedergesaess), Rho ; Mrs. Thomas Cole (Jennie E. Rogers), Rho ; Mrs. Robert E. Evans (Leora Fryette), Kappa; Mrs. Charles Fenn (Jean Wliit- comb). Beta; Mrs. Edgar Fischer (Alice Reynolds), Theta; Z. Ray Galla- gher, Gamma; Mrs. Cornelius Hamblen (Ada Dickie), Beta; Marjorie Harkins, Rho; Mrs. Hickcox (Louise Stone). Zeta; Frances Edith Hindman, Rho; Mrs. James McCafferty (Nellie Allen), Alpha; Mrs. Wentworth Rogers (Vera Anne Cogswell), Rho: Mrs. George Starr (Gretchen O'Don- nell), Rho. The meetings are held on the last Saturday afternoon of each month, at the homes of the different members. Part of each after- noon is devoted to business, and the remainder given over to a program of social nature. Several national fraternity honors have been awarded to the chapter. The chapter has done many good deetls for the Fraternity. On January 24, 1914, Iota Iota pre^^ented Rho with an oak chair, and on the same day pledged twenty-five dollars to the National Reserve Fund. In June of the same year a recital to be given by Jean Whitcomb Fenn and Alice Mustard Adams for the benefit of the National Reserve Fund was planned. A scholarship cup for Rho was arranged for in Octolier of 1914. The following month Frances Waldo entertained the chapter with a demon- stration of Dunning's Method of Music. On Hera Day, 1915. a musical program was given at the Kenny Home for Old Ladies. The Scholarship 124 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Trophy was awarded to the class of 1915 on October 2 of that year. In November ten dollars was pledged to the National Reserve Fund. It was planned in February, 1916, to send a report of each chapter meeting to non-resident members. In the spring of 1916, five dollars was sent to the Scholarship Fund of the alumnae association of the University of Washing- ton, and plans for a bazaar to be given for the benefit of the active chapter fund were discussed. Lambda Lambda. Grand Rapids, Michigaji. During the Christmas holi- days of 1912, all Alpha Chi Omegas known to be living in Grand Rapids were invited to meet at the home of Millie E. Fox. Plans were then made for regular meetings during the year. A petition for an alumnae chapter was sent to the National Council and granted. On February 7, 1912, Lambda Lambda of Alpha Chi Omega was installed at Grand Rapids, Michigan, by Mrs. Nella Ramsdell Fall, Yonkers, New York, at the home of Mrs. Ruth Birge Byers, the charter members being: Millie E. Fox, Beta; Mary Hyde, Theta ; Ruth Birge Byers, Gamma; Enid Holmes ElHs, Theta ; Ida Billing- hurst Hume, Beta; Josephine Moore Shaw, Beta; Pearl Frambes Shedd, Beta; Mame Hale Ward, Theta; Myrtle Watson, Beta; Hellen Hilliker, Theta; Lulu Fairbanks, Beta; and Lillian Elliott, Beta. A banquet was served in the evening at the Morton House to which husbands and friends were invited. Out-of-town Alpha Chis present were: Mrs. Nella Ramsdell Fall of Yonkers. New York; Mildred A. Moore of Rockford, Illinois; Lucile Schenck of Clinton, Michigan. The chapter now numbers thirteen members, and has been represented at one national convention. Mti Mil, Kansas City. Missouri. The Kansas City Star of September 20, 1914, stated that "Mu Mu Alumni Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega was installed by Miss Lillian Zimmerman, National Treasurer, of Alpha Chi Omega, September 19, at the home of Miss Frances Gould, 2809 Charlotte Street. The officers are : President, Miss Clara Chesney ; Vice-president. Mrs. Spence Apple; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Colley; Historian, Mrs. Alex- ander Haggart; Lvrr Editor. Miss Frances Gould; Warden, Miss May Jaggard.'.' The installation was performed with impressive dignity and the charter received with much pride by the fifteen charter members. Numerous congratulatory letters frOm the other chapters were read, and arrangements made for holding one meeting each month, on the first Saturday afternoon of each month. Mu Mu has held nineteen regular business meetings from the time of her organization up to the present writing, besides several social affairs, the first of which was a New Year's party for the active Alpha Chis and alumnae in Kansas City during the holidays. Miss May Jaggard was the hostess for this first party. A social affair of March 6, 1915, was a mis- cellaneous shower for the president. Miss Clara Chesney. On December 31, 1915, Mu Mu entertained Marion Reid, Frieda Kornbrodt, Rosa Kornbrodt, Alice Warnock. Mary Bovard, and Mildred Jaggard at a Christmas Party at the home of Mrs. S. B. Apple. A formal spring party was given at the Ai.uMX.€ Chapters 125 home of Mrs. J. W. Colley, at which time the liusbands and friends of the members were the guests. At the time of installation, Mrs. Alexander Haggart, Ottawa, Kansas, was serving on the standing committee on "Publica- tions." During her two years of e.xistence, Miss Louise Che.sney has served as instructor on the faculty of Jennings Seminary of Illinois. The biggest honor that has come to the chapter has been the presidency of the Kansas City Panhellenic Association, an oifice which is being filled with merit by Mrs. Fred Hoover. CHAPTER X ALUMNA CLUBS The alumnte club is a ])0])ular form of organization. There are twenty- three clubs at present, some of which have done splendid work along all lines, and have accomplished as much for the Fraternity as the alumnte chapters. The alumna? club is particularly valuable in college towns where the under- graduates desire the unified support and association of their alumnae sisters. Except for the smaller dues, and the lack of a paid convention delegate, the requirements of the club are as numerous as those of alumnae chapters. Another difference is that a charter for an alumnae club requires but six signatures, while that of an alumnae chapter requires tw^elve. The national work for clubs, like that for alumnae chapters, are the Reserve Fund and the National Scholarship Fund. After one year's successful existence as a club, a group may petition for an alumnae chapter provided the numbers are suffi- ciently large. Below is the roll of alumnae clubs with their date of organiza- tion : 1. Decatur, September, 1914. 2. Cleveland, Ohio, April 24, 1914. 3. Eastern Oklahoma, November 28, 1914. 4. St. Louis, Mo., May, 1914. 5. Des Moines, Iowa. October, 1914. 6. Albion, Mich., May, 1914. 7. Omaha, Neb., May 5, 1915. 8. Milwaukee, Wis., Fall of 1914. 9. Meadville, Pa., April 5, 1915. 10. Ann Arbor, Mich., January, 1915. 11. Portland, Ore., April 15, 1915. 12. Washington, D. C, April 27, 1915. 13. Pittsburgh, Pa., November 13, 1915. 14. Greensburgh, Ind., November 13. 1915. 15. Oil City, Pa., November 20, 1915. 16. Atlanta, Ga., November 23, 1915. 17. Boulder, Colo., December 7, 1915. 18. Pueblo, Colo., December 28, 1916. 19. Terre Haute, Ind., November 29, 1915. 20. Galesburg, 111.. March 14, 1916. 21. Greencastle, Ind.. January 22, 1916. 22. Denver, Colo., July 29, 1916. 23. Twin Cities, November 1. 1916. Cleveland Aliiiuncr Club. Cleveland . Ohio. Due to the efforts and the enthusiasm of Mrs. Ruth Harlow-Osborne. Lambda, the Cleveland Alumnae Club was formally organized May 2 7. 1914. There had been two meetings previously. The first was a luncheon at a downtown tea-room and the next Al.lMN.E Cl.UBS 127 with Mrs. Ray M. Colwcll. TIk' charter members were: Julia Fiiich- Colwell, Alpha; Beatrice Breckenridge-Cushman, Beta; Hazel Leach-dalli- more, Alpha; Mabel Dunu-Madson, (iamnia ; Ruth Harlow-Osborne, Lambda; Dorothy Price, (iamma; Mabel McHane-Schaffner. Delta. The club holds a meeting on tlie second Friday of each month at the iiomes of the different members. These meetings consist of a business session, a pro- gram, furnished by some one member, followed by a .social hour. During the summers the meetings take the form of porch parties and picnics at someone's summer home. The Cleveland Panhellenic was organized in the spring of 1914. It now holds two meetings a year at a hotel or tea-room. This organi- zation is raising money for a scholarship fund to .send a girl through Western Reserve College. It is doing this by giving afternoon entertainments and teas and cliarging a small fee. Mrs. Norma Harrison-Thrower, Alpha Chi Omega, is chairman of this committee. Mrs. Mabel Dunn-Madson ga\-e one of the programs. The Cleveland Alumiia* Club has eleven members. Easfern Oklahoma AhimncB Club. In May, 1914. four loyal Alpha Chis met at the home of Jessie Richmond Shipley in Haskell. Three of them had never met before, since they all lived in different towns. It was decided at this first meeting to come together twice a vear in Muskogee. ( )n November 28. 1914. occurred the first luncheon and election of ollicers. Kl Fleda Cole- man Jackson. Gamma, was elected president, Lucy Andrews Odell. Alpha, vice-president. Gladys Meserve Ranney. Iota, secretary, and Eula R. .Smith. Omicron. treasurer. At present the club has eleven members, and although they see each other l)ut seldom, it is an inspiration for them to renew active chapter days and to learn of the doings of the Fraternity at large. In March. 1916. a Panhellenic was organized in Muskogee. The organizer and presi- dent is Mrs. Jackson. The club hopes to be able to hold its meetings on the day of the Panhellenic luncheons, thus meeting the sorority women of the eastern part of the state. Des Moines Alumnce Club, Dcs Moines". lou-a. It was during June. 1914, when several Des Moines alumna* of Mu Chapter were entertaining at an all-day picnic at Des Moines Golf and Tennis Club, in honor of the alumUcT and active members of Mu, that the idea was conceived of having a permanent alumnae organization of Alpha Chi Omega in Des Moines. During the sum- mer plans were made and committees appointed. In October. 1914. the Des Moines Alumnae Club had its first meeting. Rather an elaborate schedule was made for the vears 1914-1915 of business and social meetings, including one affair to which other fraternity women in the city were to be invited. Committees were at work during the entire year to enlarge the membership, the goal being to include as many fraternity sisters of Iowa as possible. The charter members numbered thirteen, including: Mrs. B. F. Clayton. Mu. Indianola ; Mrs. Grant Kimer. Mu. Indianola ; Miss Nelle Harris. Mu. Indianola ; Mrs. R. G. Harrison, Mu. Des Moines; Mrs. K. (i. Carney, Alpha, Des Moines: Miss Besse Patrick. Gamma. Dcs Moines; Mrs. John 128 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Merrill Dudley, IMu, Des Moines; Miss Berdena Hughes, Mu, Fairfield; Miss Florence A. Armstrong, Mu, Indianola; Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mu, Ida Grove ; Mrs. Fred Barker, Mu, Jefiferson ; Miss Georgia Watson, Mu, Indianola; Mrs. Lloyd Humphrey, Mu, Des Moines. Many members of other chapters signified willingness to attend whenever possible. Notification of the time of meeting was sent henceforth to about thirty sisters. The meet- ings were held monthly from October, 1914, to May, 1915. Some charity work was done in the city ; and a pledge was sent to the Reserve fund. Grace Howe, Kappa, who was instructor in Domestic Science in the city high school, and Mildred Talmage, tiamma, who attended Drake University 1914-1915, were among the regular attendants. The season 1914-1915 was very success- fully planned and carried out, the members being brought closely together in fraternity work and also in a social way. It is with renewed interest and enthusiasm that the Club begins this year, 1916-1917. There are nine resi- dent members. Omaha Alumna' Club. Omaha. Nebraska, was established in 1915 as a social and philanthropic organization. The first Saturday of every month was chosen as the day for regular meetings. The first meetings were held at the homes of members, where plans were discussed for the establishment of a strong organization. In January a noon luncheon was given at one of the popular hotels. A matinee party followed. Regular meetings were held the rest of the year at the University Club. No real work has been attempted yet, but the friendships formed and problems worked out have proved helpful to the members. Mrs. Bess Rundall Ralph, Gamma, is president ; Mrs. Dale Pugh Hascall, Xi, is now Western Province president, and through her Omaha Club is kept in touch with other chapters. The present membership is sixteen. Milwaukee Alumna; Club, Milwaukee, IVis. For a number of years the Milwaukee alumnae met regularly at picnics and weekly bridge-parties, but they were not an organized club. In Sq^tember of 1915, seven Alpha Chis met at the home of Lillian Zimmerman, Kappa, for the purpose of organizing and applying for a club charter. The charter members were : Lillian Zimmer- man, Kappa; Meta and Ann Kieckhefer, Kappa; Ella Shirk Harris, Beta; Marie Tolleson Frey, Kappa ; Leah Deutsch Grell, Kappa ; Edna Swenson Mayer, Kappa; Vivien Verbeck Simmons, Kappa; Else Landeck Adler, Kappa. It was decided that the Club should meet the second and fourth Fridays of every month, and, not thinking it necessary to have the customary number of officers, only a Secretary-Treasurer was elected. Meta Kieckhefer, Kappa, was chosen for this combined office. During that year the members met as a Bridge Club and nothing of importance was done. In the fall of 1916, they again started out as a Bridge Club, but soon decided to do some fraternity work. At our first business meeting the following officers were elected : president, Ann Kieckhefer. Kappa ; vice-president, Ella Shirk Harris, Beta ; secretary-treasurer, Consuelo Lasche, Kappa ; and Lyre editor, Alumn.e Clubs 129 Ethel Wait, Gamma. Later Betty Ellenberger Griffin, Lambda, was appointed as Lyre editor. On November 27, 1916, we gave our first annual luncheon in the Colonial Room at the Hotel Wisconsin. After an auto ride whicli followed the luncheon Meta, Ann, and Hilda Kieckhefer entertained the visiting Alpha Chis at their home at tea, the assisting party being the resident Alpha Chis. Thirty-seven Alpha Chis from all parts of the state attended tlie lunclieon. For Hera Day work the Club made scrapijooks for the Mil- waukee Children's Free Hospital. In March. V)\(^. they began to have meet- ings at monthly luncheons down town in one of the grillrooms. Then came the news of Kappa's new house and the Alumna? Club decided to furnish a Milwaukee Alumnae Room, so that they might have a place of their own when they visited Kappa. A plate above the door will be engraved with the Club's name. A pledge was made at this time, also, to work for the Alpha Chi Scholarship Fund. The Club has enrolled fourteen members. Meadzille Alumnce Club, Mcaik'illc. Pa., was informallv organized at the home of Miss Anna Ray on March 8, 1915. A month later the petition for recognition as the Meadville Alumme Club of Alpha Chi Omega was signed by Anna C. Ray, Ruby Marsh Eldred, Arline Winslow Lane, Rebie Flood Irwin, Florence Irene Moore, Ethel Moore Miller, Mary Thorpe Graham, Blanche Garver Davenport, Mary Gibson Brock, (iertrude Sackett Laffer, Florence E. Harper. The first official meeting was at Anna Ray's, May 3, 1915. The same month the Club entertained Delta at the home of Mrs. Manley O. Brown — one of Delta's charter members. In June the Club met at Mrs. Mary G. Brock's, where Allegheny's Centennial provided the paramount topic of conversation. A glorious reunion followed on July 10 at Mrs. Ruby M. Eldred's home. Mrs. Louise Lord Cappeau of Cincinnati, Miss Mary Lord of Denver, Mrs. Clara L. Study of Neodesha, Kansas, Mrs. Mary R. Philp of Oil Citv, and Mrs. Harriet Veith Robson of Ann Arbor, were present as visitors of the Club. On July 22, 1915, a six o'clock dinner was given at the Country Club in honor of out-of-town sisters. The Club enter- tained, also, in honor of Mrs. Fall, National Inspector, on May 5, 1916, and took the opportunity to .show hospitality to Delta at the same time. The total membership is twenty-four : the present membership, nine. Oil City .'lliiiniuc Club. Titus^-illc. Pa., was organized in November. 1915, at the home of Mrs. Robert Philp. 'J'he following officers were elected : Mrs. Philp, president ; Mary Green, vice-president ; Rose Piatt, secretary, and Celia McClure, editor. The club includes all Delta alumna^ living in Oil City, Franklin, Titusville. Rouseville. The meetings are held every third Saturday. Because of its short existence the club has done very little except to keep in touch with the active chapter at Meadville, and to give assistance whenever needed. There are at present eleven members. The Oregon Alumna' Club. Portland. Orry^on. was organized in April, 1915. Just before the installation of Chi Chapter. Mrs. Loud made a visit 1. John Carey Percival (son of Rowena Hall Percival, E) ; 2. Dorothy Shedd (daughter of Pearl Frankes Shedd, S) ; 3. John Charles Alexander (son of Helen Boggs Alexander, S) ; 4. Ruth Frances Billings and Felix ]\Ioore, Jr.: 5. Marion, Estelle, Jean, Plum, and Airs. McGill (daughters of Jean Robson McGill, A); 6. Mary Louise and Helen Shaw Walraven (daughters of Mabelle Leffingwell Walraven, A) ; 7. Lorimer Brown (son of Antoinette Snyder Brown, A) ; 8. Donald Jones; 9. Elizabeth Rush (daughter of Marie Wood Rush, A); 10. Bernice Quinn Garrett (daughter of Bernice Quinn Garrett. I); 11. John Bvers (son of Ruth Birge Bvers, F) ; 12. Ted Brainerd (son of Marie Bateman Brainerd, 2) ; "l3. Daughters of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Tiffin; 14. Aiarcella Rogers Cole (daughter of Airs. Cole, P) : 15. Son and daughter of Edith Kurtz Apple, O: 16. Enid Ellis (daughter of Enid Holmes Ellis. 6): 17. Elizabeth and Virginia Rush (daugh- ters of Marie \A'ood Rush, A); 18. Louise Mcintosh (daughter of Louise Durbin Mcintosh, A); 19. Ruth Jane, Roberta, and Raymond (children of Ruth Rinehart Matter. I); 20. Elizabeth, Marion, Mildred, and Xorman (children of lola Harker Withey, K) ; 21. Robert Knox Rothschild (son of Flora Knox Rothschild, K) ; 22. Janet Ewell Pratt (daughter of Alarion Ewell Pratt, F) ; 23. Romney Masters (son of Bess Masters, 11): 24. Josephine Dickie (daughter of Augusta Brockway Dickie): 25. Eleanor Oechsli (daughter of Loula Boicourt Oechsli, O) : 26. Baby Rock- well (daughter of Celia Conklin Rockwell, S) ; 27. Phyllis Oechsli with Amah (daughter of Loula Boicourt Oechsli, O) ; 28. William and Julie Stevenson (son and daughter of Evangeline Bridge Stevenson, Z) ; 29. Mrs. Gertrude Sackett and family; 30. Ruth Alabel Johnson (daughter of Nell Whitmore Johnson, 3); 31. Alary Virginia and Carrol T. Culley (son and daughter of Caroline Schmidt Culley, Z) ; 32. Barbara Ellen Cappeau (daughter of Louise Lord Cappeau, A) ; 33. Ruth Frances Billings and Lyman Conray Evans; 34. Kelly, Corinne, and Alargaret Woods (children of Lucile Kelley Woods, O). Alumn/e Clubs 131 in Portland. At that time she discussed with tlie Portland Aljjha Chis, the possibilities of forming an alumn;c clul) to which any Alpha Chi Omega living in Oregon would be eligible. The girls were enthusia.stic over the plan and two months later the Club was a reality with Beatrix Andrews Hopkins, Iota; Beulah Buckley Withrow, Xi; Myrtle Harrison, Rho ; Ernestine Heslop, Nu; Leonora Kerr, Pi; Myrtle Wilcox Gilbert, Theta; (iertrude Nolan, Pi; and Mae SteusloiT, Chi. as charter members. Tlie Club soon numbered about twenty for girls from Portland, Salem, Corvallis, and other Oregon towns became members. Except during the summer vacations, however, there have never been more than .six members in Portland at one time. Since the organization of the club, meetings have been held on the third Wednesday of each month at the homes of the different girls. The regular business meet- ings have been followed by an hour or so devoted to social chat. Alpha Chi Omega songs and tea. Each year, in June, there has l)een a luncheon and musicale at the Hotel Benson in Portland. 'I'he plan is to have this an annual affair when a number of out-of-town members can be present. In this wav, all the girls can become better acquainted and take a more active interest in the club. During the summer there have been informal social gatherings and picnics. The club has tried to do its share in the work of the Portland Pan- hellenic. though with so small a representation, it has been impossible to do a great deal. The chief work of the Panhellenic has been to give a scholarship to some deserving woman at the University of Oregon. A college fete has been given each year to raise the funds. This year, several Alpha Chis were on committees and assisted in one of the booths. The District of Columbia A In in /m Club, Washington, D. C, was for- mally organized April 23, 1915, at the home of Mrs. W. F. Ham. Although the Alpha Chi Omegas had met together several times before this, no effort had been made to have regular meetings of any kind, until Myra Jones and Mary-Emma Griffith invited the other girls in tlie city to meet at a tea on Washington's Birthday, in 1915. This meeting was notable for the lack of attendance of Alpha Chi Omegas, only three responding to the invitation in person, notes being received from all the others regretting that absence from the city prevented attendance. This scattering of members is so characteristic of the residents of Washington, that it often is true that a meeting of the club one month will consist of members none of whom were at the meeting the previous month. The only delightful feature which the migratory nature of the population of Wa.shington brings is tliat scarcely a meeting passes that there is not an out-of-town visitor, with news of other Alpha Chi Omegas in the cities and colleges of the country. Since the organization meetings, monthly meetings have been held, with the exception of the summer months, at the beautiful home of Suzanne Mulford Ham, where an attractive room is called the "Alpha Chi Clubroom." The meetings so far have been purclv social "get-acquainted" ones, but during the next few years the club hopes to help with the work in the orphans' homes in the city. It plans, also, to assist in the national work of the Fraternity. Ten dollars has already been given 132 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity to the Reserve Fund. The memliers are : Ethel Ford Cone, Dorothy Dashiell, Delta; Grace Dewey, Theta ; Beulah Dickert, Tau ; Eddie Dickert, Tau ; Mary-Emma Griffith, Lambda; Susanne Mulford Ham, Gamma; Myra H. Jones, Lambda; Katherine McReynolds Morrison, Alpha; Ethel Sloan, Xi ; George Th5nssen, Zeta : Florence Lamb Van Eseltine, Lambda ; Pearl AVaugh. Alpha: Non-resident. Alice Louise Baldwin, Zeta; Lillian Dodson Brown, Zeta; Achsah Wentz, Xi. Pueblo AlumncB Club. Pueblo, Colorado, was organized in January, 1916, and is made up of the following members: Helen McGraw, Nu, president; Alinda Montgomery, Zeta, vice-president ; Mary C. McNally, Iota, secretary- treasurer : Vera Flvnn, Nu. editor. The other members are: Mrs. Hedwig Breneman-Heller, Gamma; Emily Haver, Iota; Mrs. Esther Olson Stohrer, Nu : Mrs. Elizabeth Fugard Pressley, Nu. Non-resident members : Mrs. Kathryn Nelson Rothgeb, Iota, of Colorado Springs ; Mae Morgan. Nu, Canon City ; Kate Goben, Nu, Rocky Ford. Meetings are held immediately after Panhellenic luncheons once a month in one of the hotels. Several mem- bers are teachers either in high or grammar school ; one girl is living on a ranch with her brother ; two members are doing advanced work at colleges this year. There are sixty manbers of the Panhellenic in Pueblo. The Alpha Chi Omegas have always supported and helped this organization in every way. Mary C. McNally was vice-president for 1915-1916. Nearly every committee that is appointed has on it an Alpha Chi Omega. This Panhellenic has a luncheon on the first Saturday of each month, followed by an informal meeting. At present they are raising money to furnish a room in the new Y. W. C. A. Terre Haute AlumncE Club, Terre Haute, Ind. On the sixteenth of December, 1915, a few Alpha Chi alumnae met at the home of Mary Jones Tennant and over the teacups discussed a club. In February, 1916, an organization was formed with the following officers : Mrs. Fred Powell, president; Mrs. Richard S. Tennant, secretary; Mrs. Jas. M. Hoskim, trea- surer. It was decided to have a combined meeting and luncheon the third Wednesday of each month of the college year. The membership slowly increased until the present roll has been reached : Mabelle Forshee Blakes- ley, Effie Miller, Harriet Cutshall Jones, Ruth Cross Tobin, Shellie Smith Allen, Minnie Keith Hoskim. Nelle Williams Powell, Mary Jones Tennant, Irma Hand, Vern Jackson. Kathleen Logan. Owing to the social condi- tions of Terre Haute no college organization of any kind has ever been established before. Denver Alwnn^ Club, Denver, Colorado, was organized July 29, 1916, after existing informally since April of that year. The charter members are: Pearl Armitage Jamieson, Alpha; Shirley C. Lewis, Nu; Muriel Lough Ai.LMN.K Clubs 133 Woods. Oniicron; Mildred McFarlaue, Nu ; Charlotte Boutwcll, Phi; Mrs. Walter Raymond Laryse, Nu. Twin Cities Almmuc Club petition was granted at the time this book was going to press, to be installed November 1, 1916, at the home of Nathalie L. Thompson, 2235 Langford Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. CHAPTER XI GOVERNMENT The present system of government of Alpha Chi Omega evolved through three well-defined stages. From 1885-1891, the legislative power of the organization was vested in Alpha Chapter as the Grand Chapter. From 1891- 1898 general officers were elected from the chapters in rotation, and the legislative power rested in the National Convention. In 1898 the Grand Council (later called National Council) was inaugurated. Thirteen years were destined to pass before the original plan of govern- ment was materially altered to meet the demands of a growing and progres- sive organization. During that time, with the exception of a two-year period for Beta, 1896-1898, out of loyalty to and as a tribute to the mother chapter, Alpha was vested with the title of Grand Chapter. The duties and powers of this body differed materially from those of the present Grand Chapter (the National Convention). The convention which met preceding the assembly which established the present system of government decided "that Alpha be Grand Chapter always." This legislation not only speaks of the fraternity's confidence in the mother chapter, but testifies eloquently of the futility of legislating for eternity, for in 1904 the National Convention was christened the Grand Chapter. Under the guidance of the officers of Alpha the original Grand Chapter had legislative power until the first convention, 1891, after which year the name typified an honor rather than governing power. The first cabinet of general officers was elected at the initial convention. For seven years succeeding the first National Convention the assembly con- vened annually until 1898 with the exception of the years 1892 and 1895. During this period the government of the Fraternity was vested in the conventions, with advisory power divided between the general officers and Alpha as Grand Chapter. The official element of these conventions was composed of one delegate from each active chapter, each member having one vote. In 1898 two decisive changes were wrought in the government sy.stem of the Fraternity, the creation of a Grand Council and the provision for biennial instead of annual conventions. From that year to the present the National Convention, or, as it was christened in 1904, the Grand Chapter, has con- stituted the supreme ruling power in Alpha Chi Omega. It is composed of the National Council, the Province President, and one official delegate from each active and alumnae chapter, each member having one vote. Official attendance on the part of the members of the Grand Council and the delegates is com- pulsory. Each chapter is permitted to send other delegates as alternates, but this does not increase the ntmiber of votes allowed each chapter. In 1908 the voting privilege was extended to the ex-grand presidents, and in 1916 to the founders. The powers of the National Convention are stated in the Con- stitution as follows : Government 135 "The National Coini'iitioii sliall lia\e jiowit to transact all business of the fraternity and to enact. sul)jecl to this Constitution, all laws, rules, and regu- lations necessary to promote the welfare of the fraternity; to provide for and define in the Code the duties of the chapters, chapter officers, and members of the fraternity; to jjrovide in the Code for the creation and disbursement of all revenues of the fraternity; tt) grant charters to acti.ve and alumna; chapters subject to the rulings of the Coirstitution ; to suspend or revoke the cliarter of any chapter subject to the rulings of the Constitution; to establish the Maude Staiger Steinek, Theta Extension Vice-president, 1915- provinces of the fraternity; to elect the members of the National Council; and to amend this Constitution. A three- fourths vote of all voting members present shall be necessary." The National Council has continued to be the balance in the internal fra- ternity mechanism which has maintained a true adjustment in policies and in the countless matters which must be dealt with in the intervals between con- ventions. It is composed of seven officers elected from alummt of proved ability. b\- the National Con\-eiition. to the positions oi National President; 136 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity National First Vice-president or Alumn;e \'i(-e-president ; National Second Vice-president or Extension Vice-president; National Secretary; National Treasurer; Editor The Lyre; and National Inspector. During the interim between conYentions, the National Council is the supreme governing power of the Fraternity, and possesses "all the powers of the National Convention, except the amendment of the Constitution." It is thus the real administrative force of the Fraternitv. For five vears after Mary Emma Griffith, Lambda Exchange Editor The Lyre, 1910-1912 Official Examiner, 1910-1915 Xational Secretary, 1915 the organization of the National Council, its business was transacted entirely through correspondence. As this method of procedure proved inadequate, the convention of 1902 ordered the convening of the Council in the inter- convention years, the time and place of such meeting to be detemiined by the Council itself. Since that time the Council has also met for conference immediately preceding conventions, which custom makes their meetings annual occurrences. Aside from performing the duties naturally incumbent upon officers of their respective titles, the national officers are constantly occupied with a vast Govern MKNT 137 amount of committee work of various descriptions. Naturally the President is an ex-officio member of all committees; for the past five years she has been chairman of the Reserve Fund Committee. The Vice-president is chairman of the Extension Committee, and while that officer has not always been the one to investigate and to install new chapters, the matter of extension and investigation is, to a great extent, in her hands. The Treasurer handles the finances of the Fraternity primarily, but two of these officers have also filled the position of business manager of The Lyre in addition to performing the regular duties. The present Treasurer has charge of the finances of the new History. The Grand Secretaries have frequently managed conventions as well as attended to the correspondence. At present the Secretary is also the Editor of The Argolid and Chairman of the Committee on Official Supplies. Secretaries have also acted in the capacity of Custodian of the Badge, now a separate ofiicer. The Inspector, in addition to her duties of visiting all the active chapters once in two years, has for years also been the delegate of Alpha Chi Omega to the National Panhellenic Conference and has done valuable committee work in that capacity. In the early days of the journal the Editor of The Lyre acted also as the Business Manager, but with the growth of the Fraternity as well as the growth of the journal, this has been an impossibility ; the .separate office of Business Manager was created, giving the Editor the needed time to devote to her literary work and to serve on numerous committees. The Editor of The Lyre is Editor, also, of The Heraeiim, for three years was Editor of The Argolid, and Editor of the Daily Convention Transcript. In 1911 she was Editor of The History of Alpha Chi Omega, and is the author of the present volume. In 1915 a division of the work of the Vice-president was made to take care of the increasing duties accompanying the organization of alumnje members. One officer is termed the First Vice-president, and has charge of alumna; extension, alumnae organization, and is chairman of the Alumnae Association. She holds the chairmanship also of the Committee on Chapter Houses which supervises all house-building operations. The Second Vice-president has charge of expansion. When the 1904 Convention in Meadville created the office of Inspector in the Council, a new era dawned in the Fraternity,, and an important step was taken towards a closer understanding and cooperation between the National Council and the active chapters, and a firmer stand was made for high scholarship and for thorough business methods w-ithin the chapters. The Inspector, or a delegate appointed Hy her, visits each active chapter in the interim between the biennial conventions. During these visits she not only becomes closely acquainted with the active members of the chapter and inspects their books, records, and fraternity equipment to see how the business of the chapter is being conducted. l)ut she holds conferences with the Dean of Women, the Alumnae Adviser, the Chaperon, the mothers (when possible), and with various instructors, in order to learn the standing of the chapter in the college, and the scholarship of the individual members. When possible she meets with the local Panhellenic .Association. sometime.s addressing that 138 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Nella Ramsdell Fall, Beta Inspector, 1915 organization, for, being the fraternity representative to the National Pan- hellenic Conference, she is well versed in the matters of vital interest to those bodies. At least once a semester a report from the Dean of Women and scholarship reports of the individual members of each chapter are sent by the chapter secretary to the Inspector. The results of her investigations are reported by her annually to the National Council, and biennially to the National Convention. The close relation existing between the chapters and the administration of Alpha Chi Omega has always been a source of gratifica- tion to the Council, and when in 1908 the system of official inspection was supplemented by the constitutional rec]uirement of Alumna? Advisers, the officers felt assured that an even closer and more personal communion had been secured. Formerly the office of Alumnae Adviser was optional with the chapters, being regulated by chapter policies, but now that it is required and is an annual elective one. to insure harmony and sympathy, the small local difficulties which confront any chapter, have been greatly minimized and a sound, cooperative, working basis established between active chapters, alumn;ie, and the National Council. Government 141 Although the Alumna; Advisers form an advisory committee who work with the Inspector, conduct the annual fraternity examinations and post- initiation examinations, furnish reports to the Province Presidents at stated inter\a]s. secure the individual scholarship reports at least once each semes- ter, and act as alumnae representatives to the local Panhellenics, their duties are otherwise left to their discretion and good judgment. In a word, they act as sympathetic guardians to the chapters by whom they are elected and in all cases they are sincerely loved by the active members and are chosen to their positions because of their ability and loyal fraternity service. In 1912 the complex and voluminous duties of the National Council were simplified by the adoption, upon the acceptance of the revision of the Con- stitution, of the province system of Covernment. The fraternity had grown too large for a small number of officers to do satisfactorily the entire work of sup>ervision.. As may be seen easily from the accompanying map of the provinces, the United States were subdivided into logical groups or sections. This division was made with foresight as well as with practicality. No change in the provinces will need to be made for many years if at all. The divisions were made as follows : Pacific Province : Washington, California, Oregon, Idaho. Montana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona. Western : Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Wyoming, New Mexico. Central : Iowa. Illinois, Wisconsin, Arkansas. Minnesota. Missouri. Eastern: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Maryland. Atlantic : Pennsylvania, New York. Massachusetts, Ontario, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut. Rhode Islantl. New Jersey, Dela- ware. Southern: Georgia, Texas. Louisiana. Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina. (The Southern Province is combined with the Eastern until three Chapters shall lie within the Southern Province.) The president for each province inspects "the chapters within her province once in two years in the year alternating with the visit of the National Inspector, or at any other time deemed advi.sable by the National Council" ; she keeps "a correct card index directory of her province" ; grades "the second and third-year examination papers of each chapter," cooperates with the exten- sion vice-president in matters of extension and alumnae work ; and forwards a detailed report to the National Inspector of the condition and welfare of the chapters within her province on the first of December and the first of April of each year. With the increasing development of the Fraternity has come the need for sectional meetings of chapters to decide upon matters of minor and local importance. Therefore it has been provided that such gatherings may meet, and at no far distant date there will be this additional opportunity for inter- chapter discussions. In the Code (Title VII. Clause 5) occurs the provision: 142 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Province Presidents Alice Watson Dixon, Gamma President Eastern Province, 1913-1914 Grace Hammond Holmes, Delta President Atlantic Province, 1913-1915 "The chapters in a province may hold a Province Convention at such time and place as they may agree upon provided said agreement be approv'ed by the president of that province. Each chapter shall make separate pro- vision for meeting the expenses of its delegate to said convention, but no penalty shall attain to any chapter for lack of representation in such conven- tion. No Province Convention may enact anv legislation to conflict with the Bond, Constitution. Code, or Ritual of this Fraternity." The results of the province system of government have been significantly satisfactory. The province pre.sidents stand in the close, personal relation to the individual chapters in wliich the council members wish to be but cannot be on account of distance and of the heavy burdens of their offices. As the province president through her own efforts and through the cooperation of the alumna adviser brings Council and chapter into closer understanding with each other, so in a more personal way, does the mysta- gogue bring to the individual member advice and sympathetic interpretation of the meaning of fraternity and its responsibilities and opportunities. A mystagogue is appointed for each pledged member from among the upper- classmen in the chapter. All details of a personal nature are referred by the girl, or by the chapter, to the mystagogue. Usually such matters need go no further ; and the new members attain adaptabilitv with the minimum of time and nerve expenditure. The chapter is, therefore, guided by its own members, by its alumna adviser, by its province president, as well as by the National Inspector, and the National Council. Each chapter officer has direct relations with a corres- 3 > 2r to^ ^i: <-»■ 3 ■^ ►fl"" y. n<-ri p aiov O TT 1.^ rt Tl oW :n < n rh-making service in the office from 1906-1910. The election of officers resulted as follows: President. Mrs. E. R. Loud; Vice-president, Mrs. Alfred Mount; Secretary, Mrs. ('. I"-. I-'.ly ; Trea-surer, Miss Lillian Zimmerman; Editor, Miss Florence A. Armstrong; Inspector, Mrs. H. C. Crann. Shortly after convention the resignation of Mrs. Mount was tendered as Vice-president, and Mrs. H. M. Kent, the incumbent of the office since 1909, was prevailed upon, in spite of family illne.ss, to perform the duties of that office for still another term. A hundred and eighteen members were registered at Convention. The social pleasures included the convention banquet at which greetings were read from Alpha Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Delta Delta, and Ida Shaw Martin; convention musicale; an automobile ride along Lake Monona; a launch ride on Lake Mendota ; a play by Kappa Chapter; a convention dance; and a picnic and matinee dance at Esther Beach. The following members were in attendance : President, Evangeline Bridge Stevenson. Vice-president, Nella Ramsdell Fall (for Mrs. Kent). Secretary, Helen A. Hardie. Treasurer, Winifred Van Buskirk Mount. Editor, Florence A. Armstrong. Inspector, Lois Smith Crann. Delegates — Alpha, Allene Nopper, Elkhart, Indiana. Beta, Lucile Schenk, Cass City, Michigan, (lamma, Bess Wiley, Edgerton, Ohio. Delta, Ruth Thomas, Meadville, Pennsylvania. Epsilon, Clara Stephenson, Los Angeles, California. Zeta, Sara Helen Littlejohn, Galveston, Texas. Theta, Helen E. Hilliker, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Tota, Jean K. Ripley. Chicago, Illinois. Kappa, Ann Kieckhefer, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lambda, Bernice Taylor, Spencerport, New York. Mu, Mary Shaw, Corning, Iowa. Nu, Ernestine Faus, Boulder, Colorado. Xi. Flora Boyles, Alvo, Nebraska. Omicron, Bertha Nusbaimi, Parsons, Kansas. Pi, Ethel Beard, Berkeley, California. Rho, Jennie Rogers, Waterville, Washington. Sigma, Margaret Kane, Iowa City, Iowa. Tau, Emma Partlow, Greenwood, South Carolina. Alpha Alpha, Hedwig Brenneman, Evanston, Illinois. Beta Beta, Margaret Wynn, Indianapolis, Indiana. Gamma Gamma, Nella Ramsdell Fall, New York, New York. Delta Delta, Olive Berryman, Los Angeles. California. Epsilon Epsilon, Ora Woodworth, Detroit, Michigan. Zeta Zeta, Evangeline Bridge Stevenson. Boston, Massa- chusetts. Eta Eta, Sarah Morgan, Madison. Wisconsin. 192 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Other Members Present — Alpha, Mayme Winans, Columbus. Indiana; Edna Walters, Logansport, Indiana; Mildred Walters, Logansport, Indiana; Vera Conn, Logansport, Indiana. Beta, Alta Allen Loud, Albion, Michigan ; Augusta EYcland, Mayville, Michigan ; Aletta Trese, Bay City, Michigan. Gamma, Margaret Letzter, EYanston. Illinois; Grace R. Mitchell, Mt. Carmel, Illinois; Ruth Saucerman, Rock Grove, Illinois; Luella Chapman, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin; Rachel Williams, Seneca, Kansas; Bertha Har- baugh. Highland Park, Illinois; Helen Padgett, Otta\va, Illinois; Margaret Macpherson, EYanston, Illinois ; Jeanette Wilson, Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Delta, Margaret Sietz, Hamilton. Pennsyh-ania. Epsilon, Juanita Mennet, Los Angeles, California. Zeta, Florence Reed Hazeltine, Ripon, Wisconsin. Theta, Jean Watkins, Marion, Ohio. Iota, Ida Mae Shotwell, Evanston, Illinois; Grace Morgan, Urbana, Illinois. Kappa, Leah Deutsch, Wausau, Wisconsin ; Helen Murray, Rensselaer, Indiana ; Ruth Morris, Oshkosh, Wisconsin ; Meta Kieckhefer, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; Lillian Zimmerman, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; Bessie Rood, Reeds- burg, Wisconsin ; Gladys Morrel, Escanaba, Michigan ; Flora Knox, Mil- waukee, Wisconsin; Sally Torstenson, Milford, Iowa; Ella B. Jones, Oshkosh, Wisconsin ; Ida Mae Rush, Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Grace Currier Howe, Boscobel, Wisconsin; Gertrude Magee, Shawano, Wisconsin; Hazel Peterson, Rice Lake, Wisconsin; Gladys Sutherland, Madison, Wisconsin; Sidney Oehler, Lake Mills, Wisconsin ; Elda Riggert, Reedsburg, Wiscon- sin; Marguerite Martin, Madison, Wisconsin; Kadelia Jeune, Meridian, Wisconsin; Alma Slater, Escanaba, Michigan; Charlotte Crawford, Oshkosh, Wisconsin ; Lilah M. Webster, Independence, Iowa ; Mary Sayle, Madison, Wisconsin; Else Landeck, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Mable Van Epps, Cam- anche, Iowa; Ann Reuth, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin; Edith Pennock, Bloom- ington, Wisconsin ; Vivian Verbech Simons. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lambda, Imo W. Toms, Lyndonville, New York. Nu, Bessie Todd, Maryville, Missouri. Xi, Reva Laura Russell, Flandreau, South Dakota ; Florence Malone, Lincoln, Nebraska; M. Cordelia Condra, Lincoln, Nebraska; Mandoline Bennison, David City, Nebraska; Jane C. Bishop, Lincoln, Nebraska; Marion E. Wliitmore, Valley, Nebraska; Mrs. Nell Whitmore Johnson, Valley, Nebraska ; Delia Robinson, Waterloo, Nebraska. Omicron, Ethel Ault, Baldwin, Kansas; Mrs. Jennie Oechsli Haggart, Ottawa, Kansas; Mrs. Birdean Motter Ely, Baldwin, Kansas. Rho, Emily Rogers, Waterville, Washington ; Edna L. Monroe, Billings, Montana. Sigma, Norma Ried Harrison, Cleveland. Ohio ; Florence Cook, Inde- pendence, Iowa. Tau, Montine Alford, Hartville, Georgia ; Willie Kate Travis, Atlanta, Georgia; Sara Lee Alford, Hartville, Georgia. r- n 9 5 I— I o c n 2 2 C' 194 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Alpha Alpha. Cordelia Hansen. Chicago, Hlinois; Theodora Chaflfee, Evanston, Hlinois; Lillian Wycoff, Wilmette, Hlinois; Mabel Siller, Evans- ton, Illinois. Eta Eta, Josephine Heuer. Madison, Wisconsin; Margaret H'Doubler, Madison, Wisconsin ; Mae Theobold, Madison. Wisconsin ; Winifred Webster. Cresco, Iowa ; Sadie Sutherland, Madison, Wisconsin ; Inger Hoen Emery, Edgerton, Wisconsin ; Florence Baskerville, Madison, Wisconsin ; Mabel Kelley, Madison, Wisconsin ; Alice Alford. Madison, Wisconsin ; Hazel Alford, Madison, AViscoiisin ; Adeline Soren, Madison, Wisconsin; Lucile Simon, Madison, Wisconsin ; Helen Jennings, Madison, Wisconsin. Fourteenth National Convention The Fourteenth Biennial National Convention convened at Hotel Virginia, Long Beach, California, June 28-July 2, 1915. The convention special train had enabled the delegates from east of California to become acquainted, and discuss many questions of fraternity interest both with the Council and with each other. Business sessions moved much more quickly in consequence. From every point of view, the convention was the greatest in the history of Alpha Chi Omega. The attendance was the largest, since about 240 members were present, 234 of whom were registered. The Con- vention lasted live days, so that there was more time for the transaction of business. The work presented to the Convention bv committees in reports was more exhaustive than hitherto, and the ground covered quickly was thus very extensive. More petitions (19) were reported than at anv previous convention. The first convention newspaper (the daily Convention Tran- script) was published, carrying the news of convention throughout the land. A larger number of national officers (more than one hundred) had been accomplishing results for the Fraternitv than had been true at anv former biennial. The delights of natural environment, needless to say, far surpassed those of other gatherings. It was felt deeplv bv all that the spirit of loyalty, enterprise, and idealism manifested throughout the session, and the definite progressive measures continued or inaugurated by the convention meant greater usefulness and poM^er for the immediate future of Alpha Chi Omega. The Heraeum and The Lyre for November, 1915, and the daily Convention Transcript record from various points of view the details of the remarkable convention. Announcements of the special train, including the convention program, had been sent to all members of the Fraternity so that the interest in the assembly was widespread. The outstanding business was the broadening of our extension policy to include as eligible all first-class universities and colleges ; a budget for national council expenses was adopted : the scholarship requirement for initiation was placed in the hands of a committee to be adjusted in cases of great differences in the marking systems in the different universities by a National Scholarship Committee created for that purpose. The office of Alumnse Vice- president was created, and the work of the Extension Vice-president was restricted to extension work ; a sole official jeweler for badges was decided upon and J. F. Newman and Co. was appointed ; it was ordered that none National Conventions 195 but initiated members of Alpha Chi Omega be allowed to wear articles bearing the Coat-oi'-arms. Initiates were reijuired to purchase a badge within a specified time after initiation, and also to purchase a history, a song- book, and a directory, together with a life subscription to The Lyre by annual installment. These requirements of initiates will render it very unusual for members of Alplia Chi Omega to be or to become uninformed and unin- terested in this fraternity. They will in time, it is believed, eliminate for- ever "out-of-touch" alumnre. As provided at the preceding biennial convention, a Scliolarship Fund w^as instituted and contributed to generously. A slight profit to the Fra- ternity on each badge purchased was made possible by the concentration of the manufacture of badges. This annual profit was devoted to the Scholar- ship Fund and will guarantee a steady increase to it. Other sources of income will in a short time be turned into the same channel. Other standing committees of significance which were created were the National Vocational Committee to assist members of the Fraternity ; and a Traditions Committee "to enforce the traditions of the Fraternity in individual chapters." A second edition of the Alpha Chi Omega History was authorized to be written "from a combined personal and statistical standpoint," to be published in the fall of 1916. Miss Armstrong, editor of The Lyre since 1910, Avas "asked to serve as author of the second edition of the History with full authority vested in her." The principal need of the Fraternity, as reported by delegates and officers alike, Avas for wider alumnte organization. This need had been felt keenly since the passing of the first quarter century of fraternity life, during which period of development the greatest thought and care had been devoted to the undergraduate members. But with the enormous increase of alumna? membership the call for a further alumna- organization was too persistent to be ignored. The office of Alumnae Vice-president, wlio should form an alumnae association and foster alumnae organization, was created enthusi- astically. The rapid growth of this department of Alpha Chi Omega through the last decade is related elsewhere in the present volume. The election of officers resulted as follows : National President, Alta Allen Loud. National First Vice-president. Lillian G. Zimmerman. National Second Vice-president, Maude Staiger Steiner. National Secretary, Mary-Emma Griffith. National Treasurer, Myra H. Jones. Editor The Lyre, Florence A. Armstrong. National Inspector, Lois Smith Crann (succeeded shortly by Nella Rams- dell Fall). The report from four chapters who had taken definite steps toward chapter house ownership were of particular interest, as well as of ten others who were making plans toward the same goal. The following summary of the work of the years immediately preceding the Fourteenth Biennial N ATK )X A 1. Cox \ I-: N I'lON S 197 was given as part of the address of the President at the oi)ening of the Convention. "Since the Madison Convention, two informal conferences of national officers have been held, immediately ["receding the National Panhellenic Congress sessions of 1912 and 1913. It was your president's privilege to attend the first of these, also to preside at the 1913 and 1914 council meet- ings. Besides the actual results accomplished, these meetings have proved help- ful in the cementing of the loyal friendships which exist among the national officers. In May, 1913. the inspector and president represented the Council at a special interfraternity conference called by Delta I psilon. The object Lillian G. Zimmerman, Kappa National Treasurer, 1912-1915 Alumn:e Vice-president, 1915- Chairman Chapter House Committee of the meeting was admittedly to take definite steps for meeting the opposi- tion to fraternity and the result of the conference was the appointment of an Executive Committee of ten and the establishment of the Fraternity Reference Bureau. "It has been my pleasure to represent Alpha Chi Omega officially at the first and second conferences of presidents of the eighteen National Pan- hellenic Congress fraternities. These meetings were for the purpose of reaching a common understanding on many matters pertaining to the direc- tion of fraternities and the free discussions and exchange of thoughts were beneficial. That your president was chosen to prepare the program for and 198 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity preside over the sessions of the second conference was taken not as a personal tribute but as an appreciated recognition of the national organization which it is my privilege to represent. The result of this conference was the for- mation of the 'Code of Ethics' for the use of national presidents, the object of which is to bring about in all fraternities greater uniformity in official instructions to chapters, a higher sense of fraternal relation and responsibility, greater appreciation of the worth and rights of others and a more cheerful and loyal cooperation with university authorities. "It was a matter of regret that illness prevented my attendance at the 1913 Panhellenic Congress session but the conferences of 1912 and 1914 Lois Smith Crann Business Manager Lyre, 1910-1912 Inspector, 1911-1915 Chairman Panhellenic Congress, 1913-1914 were found most inspiring. I should enjoy talking to you at length on the subject of Panhellenism and the opportunity it affords our chapters and individual members but I shall not encroach upon the report of our Pan- hellenic delegate. I do wish, however, in passing, to express my personal appreciation of our National Panhellenic representative, Mrs. Crann, who for the last three years served the Congress most efficiently as treasurer, secretary, and chairman. The members of the National Council were unduly favored in that all were able to attend the 1914 Congress in New York City. It was truly Alpha Chi Omega year in Panhellenism. Unusual difficulties attended this meeting, held for the first time in the East, and I desire to pay National Conventions 199 tribute to the dignified, efficient leadership of Mrs. Crann, the Chairman of the Congress, and to Mrs. Fall and her Gamma Camma workers whose local management of the Congress made it, in the opinion of the delegates, the most successful meeting ever held. "It was my hope at the time of my inception into (jflice to visit every chapter in the fraternitv before our 1915 Convention. Tliis hope has not been realized but I have been fortunate enough to visit Beta, Gamma, Theta, Nu, Rho. Sigma. Upsilon, and Chi and I have also enjoyed the gracious hospitalitv of the women of (iamma Gamma and Epsilon Epsilon. "During the past three vears it has been my privilege to welcome three new undergraduate chapters, five alumnae chapters, and thirteen alumnce clubs, charters having been signed for Upsilon, Phi, and Chi, Theta Thefa, Iota Iota, Kappa Kappa, Lambda Lambda, and Mu Mu, while alumnje clubs have been organized at Decatur, Champaign, Eastern Oklahoma, Cleveland, Albion, Des Moines, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Ann Arbor, Mead- ville, Washington. Portland, and Omaha. There are very happy memories of Upsilon and Chi installations in which I was privileged to participate." "And now for a brief resume of the actual accomplishments of the last three years. "The fact that we have been able to add to our roll eight new chapters and thirteen clubs testifies to the steady, consistent growth of our fraternity. The membership in our alumn;t organizations has more than doubled and the unusually large number of petitions and informal requests for considera- tion which have reached the Executive Committee prove the value of the systematic, efficient extension investigation which has marked the last three years. An Extension Board authorized at our 1913 Council Meeting and composed of representatives from each state in the Union has been a power- ful aid both to our expansion work and to an awakening of interest on the part of our alumn;t women. A comparatively new feature of alumnae work is found in a steadily increasing list of nonresident members. It may surprise some of you to hear that we now have al)out one hundred women engaged in our national work. However, we need many more workers and your president believes that the time is now at hand that the work of the Council can no longer be accomplished bv the few officers guiding its destinies but that we must find at once within our alumnae ranks a number of capable, devoted women who will enlist for national work. "The province government is still in its infancy but already it has justified itself. We have been unfortunate in having only two province presidents able to do the necessarv traveling and inspection work of their office but all have done efficient desk work and have helped materially in bringing about a more careful oversight and loving understanding of our undergraduate members. It is the belief of your president, however, that in the future this province work should be given to young alumn;r who will be able to inspect or assist in the extension work when needed. "Four appointments of interest have been matle since the 1912 Conven- tion; that of Miss Meta Kieckhefer as deputy to the treasurer, Mrs. Steiner 200 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity as deputy to the national vice-president, Miss Kathryn Morgan as keeper of supplies, and Miss Ann Kieckhefer as keeper of archives. Each of these women has rendered valuable assistance and as a result of their labors we have today a credital)le convention fund made possible by the collection of alumnae notes, a thorough extension investigation and recommendations for a definite expansion policy, a well-organized, workable system of oflficial supplies, and the archives of the fraternity safely stored and catalogued. "The work of systematization has been well carried on as is shown in the adoption of a uniform filing system, the publication of rushing rules and outline of study, the revision of chapter officers' instructions, a revised, graded system of examinations, the revision and publication of a book of ceFemonies and prescribed forms, the publication of alumnae by-laws, the adoption of a new seal, the adoption of uniform handbooks and the appoint- ment of the George Banta Pulilishing Company as our oiificial supplies firm. It has been the intention of the present Council to adopt thoroughly businesslike methods in the work' of our national organization. "1 always find difficulty in repressing my enthusiasm when speaking of our fraternity journal which, under the efficient management of our editor, has become a pul)lication of which we are very proud and which fully represents the standards of our fraternity. Since Miss Armstrong will not mention these things in her report, I take pleasure in telling you that frater- nity leaders constantly speak of T/w Lyre as one of the very best fraternity journals, while Mrs. Martin, editor of the Sorority Handbook, does not hesitate to pronounce it the very best journal published by a woman's fraternity. "The Argolid has been inaugurated and four volumes have thus far appeared. This private journal has been helpful but its length and infre- quent appearance have militated against an enthusiastic welcome on the part of our members. The recent purchase of a mimeograph will enable much more frequent pul)lications of the Argolid and it is the hope of your presi- dent that it may be a monthly or even semi-monthly visitor next year. In this way it will be possible to keep our members informed as to the doings of the national workers and we believe that with such knowledge will come a greater interest and enthusiasm. "Two calendars have been published, by Kappa and Delta Chapters, respectively. A new songbook of which we are very proud and which we hope you will thoroughly test at this convention has been published and investigations regarding the feasibility of a new edition of our history have been made. "Financially — thanks to the splendid ability and untiring eflforts of our treasurer — Alpha Chi Omega is in the best condition she has ever known. With possibly two exceptions, every chapter will report entire freedom from indebtedness, a goodly number have creditable beginnings on house funds, and two of our chapters are to tell us of actual accomplishments in the matter of house ownership. Natioxai. C'oxne.ntions 201 "The Lyre business manager will tell you of a splendid Lyre Reserve F'und, and the National Reserve Fund Committee has a happy report to make. In the matter of material possessions Al])ha Chi Omega has received a very low ranking; but while we have, indeed, been desirous of stressing the more vital things of fraternity, we are glad to report chapters and the national organization on a sound financial basis which will enable us to branch out and accom[)lish some of the broadening altruistic work which we have longed to do. "For the past three years the Council has worked incessantly for an intensive development of our members, and with this in view we have earnestly stressed three points: Scholarship, a loyal participation in college activities, and an earnest representation in the Christian life and work in the various institutions where we are represented. I am confident that the ruling as to the required participation in college activities and our deferred initiation with a definite scholarship requirement have furnished the necessary impetus to our younger girls and have brought us the kind of recognition we desire from student bodies and universitv authorities. The list of honor students for 1914-15 is most encouraging. It has been gratifying to learn of the growing interest in the Christian life of the school on the part of most of our chapters and I am sure you will rejoice with me when I tell you that during the three years just closed Alpha Chi Omega has had six Y. W. C. A. presidents and eighty-four members of V. W. C. A. cabinets. "The past three years have in the opinion of your president been the best in the history of the fraternity. Progress has marked every phase of the work. The work of mv ollice could not have been continued without the splendid support of my coworkers and the loyal response of our thirty- three chapters." The social features of the Convention were exceedingly delightful. They included a beach supper, chapter stunts, and a launch ride on the sea ; the Mission Play at San Gabriel ; an automobile tour through the environs of Los Angeles ; the Convention musicale followed by a reception ; the convention pageant by Doris E. McKntyre. at Bixbv's Park: tlie cliaptcr reunions: the convention dance ; and the convention ban(|utt. The members j^resent were as follows: Attendance President — Alta Allen Loud, Albion. Michigan. Vice-president — Fay Barnaby Kent, New York. New N'ork. Secretary — Birdean Motter Klv. Chicago. Illinois. Treasurer — Lillian /.innnerman. Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Editor — Florence A. Armstrong. Indianola, Iowa. Inspector — Lois Smith Crann. Davenport, Iowa. Delegates — Alpha, Margaret Robinson. Greensburg, Indiana. Beta, Esther Barney. May Darrow, Albion, Michigan. Gamma, Ruth Neal. \\'arsaw, Indiana; Florence Tyden, Evanston. Illinois. 202 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Delta, Marguerite Beatty, Oil City, Pennsylvania ; Agnes Van Hoesen, Meadville, Pennsylvania. Epsilon, Ruth Eveland, Los Angeles, California. Zeta, Mildred Rutherford, Princeton, Minnesota. Theta, Adele Westbrook, Battle Creek, Michigan ; Alice Blod- gett, Duluth, Minnesota, Iota, Gretchen Gootch, Bellflower, Illinois. Kappa, Louise Hudson, Charleston, Illinois ; Floy Humiston, Madison, Wisconsin. Lambda, Pauline Griffith, Syracuse, New York. Mu, Phyllis Phillips, Indianola, Iowa. Nu, Mary McGehee, Denver, Colorado. Xi, Clara McMahon, Lincoln, Nebraska. Omicron, Hazel McClure, Baldwin, Kansas. Pi, Doris Mclntyre, Berkeley, California ; Coe McCabe, Ber- keley, California. Rho, Arlie Anderson, Bellingham, Washington ; Dora Fred- son, Shelton, Washington. Sigma, Pauline Peters, Tipton, Iowa. Tau, Lee Cheney, Lumber City, Georgia. Upsilon, Martha Redmon, Decatur, Illinois. Phi, Leonora Jennings, Winfield, Kansas. Chi, Geraldine Newins, Patchogue, New York. Other Members Present — Alpha, Marion Gallahue Hummell, Oxnard, California ; Vera Southwick, Atlanta, Georgia ; Louise Chesney, Kansas City, Missouri ; Maude Meserve Stoner, Indianapolis, Indiana ; Eva Nagle Sutton, LaFayette, Indiana ; Vera Dean, Indianapolis, Indiana ; Madeline Mattox. Aurora, Indiana. Beta, Ja Nette Allen Cushman, Los Angeles, California; Jessie Cush- man, Los Angeles, California ; Millie Fox, Grand Rapids, Michigan ; Bessie Tefft Smith, Detroit, Michigan ; Corabel Harrington, Jackson, Michigan ; Ora Woodworth, Detroit, Michigan ; Emma Crittenden, Brooklyn, New York ; Esther Merriman, Chicago, Illinois; Marion Rosecrans, Tecumseh, Michigan; Grace Culver, Detroit, Michigan ; Mrs. Earl Fellows, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia ; Kathryn Granger, South Pasadena, California ; Glenna Schantz Mills, Los Angeles, California; Katherine Eggelston Smith. Gamma, Frances Hadcock, Stevens Point, Wisconsin ; Rachel Williams, Seneca, Kansas ; Hedwig Brenneman, Evanston, Illinois ; Hilda Kieckhefer, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Bertha Harbaugh, Highland Park. Illinois; Leila Brown, Los Angeles, California ; Ruth Baker, Los Angeles, California ; Laura Turner Kelly, Winslow, Arizona ; Martha Bennett, Evanston, Illinois ; Bess Patrick McNamara, Los Angeles, California. Delta, Jene Robson McGill, La Mirada, California ; Jessie Tomb, Johns- town, Pennsylvania. Epsilon, Mildred Finch, Los Angeles, CaHfornia ; Henrietta Davies, Los Angeles, California ; Anne Shepard, Los Angeles, California ; Elva Murray. National Conventions 203 Los Angeles, California; Rowena Huscroft, Los Angeles, California; Olive Berryman Brady, Los Angeles, California; Mary Bowen, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia; Lou Bowen, Los Angeles, California; Luella Reeves, Los Angeles, California; Phoebe Joslin, Los Angeles, California; Delight Stevens Dodds, Los Angeles, California; Mrs. H. B. Potter, Los Angeles, California; Marian Moses, Los Angeles, California; Mary McGuire, Los Angeles, California; Ethel I'yler, Los Angeles, California; Converse Nau, Santa Ana, California; Marie Jackson, Los Angeles, California; Carrie Trowbridge, Los Angeles, California; Cayle Partridge, Los Angeles, California; Crace Shepard Clark, Los Angeles, California; Marie Buck, Los Angeles, California; Isabel Long, Los Angeles, California; Laura Long, Los Angeles, California; Myrtle Nauth, Los Angeles, California ; Mabel Chalfin, Los Angeles, California ; Clara Stephenson, Los Angeles, California; Lucy Adams, Los Angeles, California; Doris Coomber, Los Angeles, California ; Ruth Arnold True, Los Angeles, California; Marion Greene, Los Angeles, California; Mrs. Ethel Rinehart, Los Angeles, California; Sue Shenk, Los Angeles. California; Sylvia Tisch- hauser, Los Angeles, California ; Fern Bannister, Los Angeles, California ; Ellen Beach Yaw Goldthwaite, Los Angeles, California; Helen Beck Bell, Los Angeles, California; Mary Mapel, Los Angeles, California; Margaret Dalton, Los Angeles, California ; Mrs. Emma Petterson, Casa Verdugo, Cali- fornia ; Thankful Carpenter Way, San Bernardino, California ; Jessie Davis White, Pasadena, California; Mildred Lowther Candee, Pasadena, California; Jane Stanley, Santa Ana, California; Olive La Clair, Ontario, California; Anna St. John Barrett, Santa Rosa, California ; Fay Barkeleu, Ramona Acres, California; Mabel Farrington, El Monte. California; Eleanor Clemens, Pasa- dena, California; Grace De Lano, Pasadena, California; Maude Hawley, Phoenix, Arizona; Katherine Asher, El Monte, California; Edith Hcarne. Long Beach, California; Hazel Hearne, Long Beach, California; Katherine Stewart, Long Beach, California. Zeta, Amy M. Beach (Mrs. H. H.). Boston, Massachusetts; Estella Hibbard Osborne, Chicago, Hlinois ; Olive Cutter, Boston, Massachusetts; Jessie Northcroft, New York, New York; Edna Boicourt, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia ; Mima Montgomery. Boston, Massachusetts ; Alinda Montgomery, Boston, Massachusetts; Josephine Durrell, Melrose, Massachusetts; Anne McLeary, New York, New York ; Annie May Cook, Arlington, Massachusetts ; Carrie Ormerod, Kingston, New York ; Blanche Brockelbank, Boston, Massa- chusetts ; Grace Phillips McGean. Cleveland. Ohio ; Edith Wells Bly, Ger- mantown, Pennsylvania. Theta, Laura Feige, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Ruth King. Escanaba, Michi- gan; Josephine Murfin, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Eliza Cranmer, Steubenville, Ohio; Maude Staiger Steiner, St. Louis, Missouri; Florence Staiger, Michigan City, Indiana; Florence Spence. Ann Arbor, Michigan; Leslie Smith, Pasa- dena, California. Iota, Marjorie June, Belvidere. Illinois; Frances Kirkwood. Lawrence- ville. Illinois; Maude Marks. Plvmouth, Indiana; Frances Marks. Plymouth, Indiana; Grace Morgan, L'rbana, Illinois; Eve Weilepp, Decatur, Illinois; 204 Thk History of Alpha Chi Omkoa Fraternity Elizabeth T^unn, Tacoma, Washington ; Eleanore Rhode Mize, Santa Ana, California; Nelle Carroll Pfeiffer, Long Beach, California. Kappa, Ann Kieckhefer, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; Meta Kieckhefer, Mil- waukee, Wisconsin ; Edith Pennock, Bloomington, Wisconsin ; Hazel V. Peterson, Rice Lake, Wisconsin ; Mary Sayle, Madison, Wisconsin ; Helen Murray, Rensselaer, Indiana; Hazelle Listebarger Hoffman, Pasadena, Cali- fornia. Lambda, Mary Emma Criffith. Washington, D. C. ; Paola Schilly, Syra- cuse, New York ; Frances Waldo, Seattle, Washington ; Isabel Dunkle, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Mu, Marv Bradford, Lidianola, Iowa; Nell E. Harris, Indianola, Iowa; June Hamilton Rhodes, Eagle Rock, California ; Elizabeth Phillips, Hender- son, Iowa. Nu, Helen McGraw, Pueblo, Colorado; Vera Flynn, Pueblo, Colorado; Claudia Steele, Eaton, Colorado ; Mollie Rank, Boulder, Colorado ; Merle Kabell, Vernal, Utah. Xi, Grace McMahon, Lincoln, Nebraska ; Dale Pugh Hascall, Omaha. Nebraska; Maudeline Bennison, David City, Nebraska ; Elsie Prewitt, Omaha. Nebraska; Ruth Whitmore, Valley, Nebraska; Isabelle McCorkindale Mathis. Odebolt, Iowa; Harriett Bardwell, Lyons, Nebraska; Hazel Teeter, North Bend, Nebraska; Lodecea Babcock, Scottsbluff, Nebraska; Mary Smith, York, Nebraska ; Ruth Randolph, Omaha, Nebraska ; Anna Ray Simpson, Long Beach, California. Omicron, Gertrude Hedge, Whiting, Kansas; Vera Payton, Clarinda, Iowa ; Mary Brown, Fall River, Kansas ; Zoe Kirkpatrick, Garnett, Kansas. Pi, Lulu Thornburg, Pasadena, California; Marjory Astatt, Los Angeles, California; Anna Logan, Los Angeles, California; Mildred Lantz, San Jose, California; Eda Long, Turlock, California; Elsie Williams, Martinez, Cali- fornia ; Bess Kentner, Medford, Oregon ; Rue CliiTord, Berkeley, California ; Bertha Galloway, Berkeley, California ; Estelle Dale, Berkeley, California ; Louise Keen, San Diego, California; Katherine Quinn, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia; Dorothy Pinkham, Los Angeles, California; Eugenia McCabe, Ber- keley, California; Leigh Foulds, Berkeley, California; Catharine Holt, Red- lands, California ; Helen Baker, Los Angeles, California ; Alice Crabb Boyd, Pomona, California ; Fay Frisbie, Berkeley, California ; Elsie Synoc ; Jessie Barnehill. Rho, Emily Rogers, Waterville, Washington ; Hazel Learned Sherrick, Port Townsend, Washington ; lone Learned, Port Townsend, Washington : Edna Hindman, Seattle, Washington; Agnes Hobi, Aberdeen, Washington; Edith Greenberg, Spokane, Washington ; Ethel Jones, Juliaetta, Idaho ; Gladys Wright, Seattle, Wa.shington ; Dorothy Graham, Seattle, Washington; Edith Hindman, Baker, Oregon. Sigma, Florence Cook, Independence, Iowa ; Bertha Reichert, Tipton, Iowa; Janette Royal, Des Moines, Iowa; Nan Worster, Algona, Iowa; Irene Miller, Algona, Iowa. Tau, Willie Kate Travis. Atlanta, Georgia. Naiioxai. Conventions 205 Upsilon, Mary I'iniR-ll, Kansas, Illinois; I, aura W'eilepp, Decatur, Illi- nois; Mabel Hays, Long Beach, California, Marie Hays, Long Beach, Cali- fornia; Cora Irene Leihy, Decatur, Illinois. Chi, May Steusloff. Salem, Oregon. Special Features of Convetition Monday, 4 p. m. Exemplification of the Ritual hv Rho Chapter. Monday, 6 p. m. Beach supper, chai)ter stunts, and launch ride. Tuesday, 7 p. m. Mission Play at San Gabriel. Wednesday. 1 lo 6 p. u. Automobile tour through environs of Los Angeles. Wednesday, 8 p. m. Convention musicale followed by informal reception. Thursday, 2 p. m. Convention pageant written by I)ori.s McEntyre, Pi, and produced by Pi Chapter, Bixby's Park. Thursday. 6 :30 p. m. Chapter reunions. Thursdav. 9 :00 p. m. Convention dance. Friday, 1 p. m. Convention picture. Friday, 7 p. m. Convention banquet in Cothic dining-room of the Hotel Virginia. National Conventions of Alpha Chi Omega L The First National Convention. Greencastle, Indiana, October 20-23, 1891. Hostess, Alpha Chapter. 2. The Second National Convention, Albion, Michigan, Februarv 22-24, 1893. Hostess. Beta Chapter. 3. The Third National Convention, Evanston, Illinois. February 28- March 3, 1894. Hostess, Gamma Chapter. 4. The Fourth National Con\-L'ntion, Meadvillc, Penns\l\'ania. Ajjril 8-H', 1896. Hostess, Delta Chapter. 5. The Fifth National Convention, (ireencastle, Indiana, March 30- April 2, 1897. Hostess, Alpha Chapter. 6. The Sixth National Convention, Albion. Michigan. December 1-3. 1898. Hostess. Beta Chapter. 7. The Seventh Biennial Grand Chapter, Boston. Massachusetts. Decem- ber 6-9. 1900. Hostess, Zeta Chapter. 8. The Eighth Biennial Grand Chajitcr, Evanston, lllinoi.s. Octobc'r 29- November 1, 1902. Hostess, (iamma Chapter. 9. The Ninth Biennial Grand Chapter. Meadville, Pennsylvania. Novem- ber 2-4. 1904. Hostess, Delta Chapter. 10. The Tenth Biennial Grand Chapter, (ireencastle. Indiana, November 1-3. 1906. Hostess, Alpha Chapter. 11. The Eleventh Biennial Grand Chapter. Champaign, Illinois, Novem- ber 26-30, 1908. Hostess, Iota Chapter. 206 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity 12. The Twelfth Biennial Grand Chapter, Detroit, Michigan, August 29- September 2, 1910. Hostesses, Theta and Epsilon Epsilon Chap- ters. 13. The Thirteenth Biennial Grand Chapter, Madison, Wisconsin. June 25-28, 1912. Hostess, Kappa Chapter. 14. The Fourteenth Biennial National Convention, Long Beach, California, June 28-Julv 2, 1915. Hostesses. Epsilon and Delta Delta Chapters. CHAPTER XIII NATIONAL COUNCIL MEETINGS As was stated in the ihapter on "(lovernment," the National Council was created as the governing body ci' tlu- Fraternity in 1898. This body meets annually, assembling as a part of the biennial Grand Chapter and holding also separate conferences in the alternating years. The following is an outline of the various Council meetings, w'ith places, dates, officers present, ]irincipal l)usiness transacted, and social features. Fiksr (ikAMi Cor.xcii. Meeting The First (irand Council meeting, which was the beginning of steady development in Alpha Chi Omega, was held in Albion, Michigan, August 25-28, 1903. The principal matters under deliberation during the sessions at the home of Kate Calkins, were the revision of the constitution and ritual ; Alpha Chi Omega's rep)resentation in. and attitude towards, the Intersorority Conference; improvements in The Lyre; alumnse chapters; extension; and the surrendering of the Fta charter. Attendance President, Kate Calkins. Secretary, Edith Roddy (for Alta Moyer). Treasurer, Laura Howe. Historian, Raeburn Cowger. Editor of Lyre, Edith Manchester. Assistant Editor, Mary Ferine. Intersorority Conference Delegate, Mabel Harriet Siller. Social Features Tuesday Evening — Informal gathering at the home of Kate Calkins. Wednesdav Fvening — Dinner at the Beta Lodge. Thursday Fvening — Trolley ride with dinner at Battle Creek. Second Grand Council Meeting The Second Grand Council meeting was an informal one immediately preceding the Meadville Convention, November 1, 1904. The principal matters discussed pertained to constitutional and ritualistic rulings, and to the business of the Convention. Attendance President. Kate Calkins. Secretary, Bertha Sackett. Treasurer, Laura Howe. The social features were those of the 1904 convention. 208 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraterxitv Third (Iraxd Council Meeting The Grand Council met for a second time in Albion. Michigan. Sep- tember 11-13, 1905, with Beta Chapter acting as hostess. At this time the Council considered such matters as a card index system for the directory of members ; the reestablishment of Epsilon Chapter ; charters for alumnae chapters, and the Intersorority Conference. It was here that Elma Patton Wade was appointed to succeed Edith Manchester Griffin as Editor of The Lyre. Attendance President, Kate Calkins. Secretary, Marcia Clark. Treasurer, Laura Howe. Historian, Mabel Harriet Siller. Inspector, Mary Jones Tennant (also Intersorority Delegate). Social Features Tuesday Evening — Progressive Checker Party at the home of Lina Baum. Wednesday Evening — Dinner at the Beta Lodge. Thursday Afternoon and Evening — Trolley ride to Battle Creek with dinner at Post Tavern. Fourth Grand Council Meeting The Fourth Grand Council meeting assembled in Greencastle, Indiana. October 31, 1906, immediately preceding the Convention. The minutes of these meetings, which were held at the home of Anna Allen Smith, record important decisions concerning forms of petitions for charters, many financial matters, constitutional changes, and charter forms, as well as many minor matters, aside from the usual routine work Attendance President, Kate Calkins. Vice-president and Inspector, Mary Jones Tennant. vSecretary, Marcia Clark Howell. Treasurer, Laura Howe. Editor of Lyre, Elma Patton Wade. Assistant Editor, Jennie McHatton. The social features were those of the 1906 convention. Fifth C^raxd Council Meeting From October 31 to November 2, 1907, the Fifth Grand Council met at Indianapolis, Indiana, Beta Beta Chapter extending cordial hospitality. The sessions were held at the home of Lena Scott Wilde, and were the means of much good to the Fraternity, as it was owing to the action of this Council that petition forms and scholarship reports were adopted ; that the require- ment was made that each active chapter should elect an alumna adviser ; that the charter was granted to Xi Chapter; that the publication of a Natio.nai. Cor.xciL Mi:i:ri.\(;s 209 fraternity directory was authorized ; that the project of selecting a coat-of- arms was undertaken under the chairniaiishi]) of Alta Allen Loud, and that the appointment was made of J'dorence Reed JIaseltine as Editor of The Lyre. Attt-iulaiice President, Alta Allen Loud. Vice-president, Marcia Clark Howell. Secretary, Imo Baker. Treasurer, Laura Howe. Inspector, Mary Jones Tennant. Historian, Mabel Harriet Siller. Editor of Lyre, Elma Patton Wade (retiring), Florence Reed Haseltine (incoming). Assistant Editor, Jennie McHatton (retiring). Social Features Thursday Evening — Halloween Party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson. Friday Evening — Theater Party. Saturday Afternoon — Reception at the home of Helen Dalrymple Francis, to the fraternity M^omen of Indianapolis. Sixth (iRAxo Couxcil Meeting The Sixth Grand Council meeting was held in Champaign. Illinois, November 24-25, 1908, following the usual custom of such a conference preceding the convention. At the sessions, which took place in lota's chapter house, the entire Grand Chapter program was carefully considered and special attention was paid to finances, a system of graded examinations, plans for the publication of a history of the Fraternity, better equipment for the w^ork of the (irand Officers, affiliation blanks, the report of the flag com- mittee, and of the recent publication of the Directory. Attendance President, Alta Allen Loud. Secretary, Helen Wright. Treasurer, Laura Howe. Historian, Mabel Harriet Siller. Inspector, Mary Jones Tennant. Editor of Lyre. Florence Reed Haseltine. The social features were those enjoyed by the whole Convention. Seventh (Irand Counch. Meeting The Seventh (irand C(nincil assembled in Evanston, Illinois, October 27-29, 1909, with Gamma and Alpha Alpha Chapters as hostesses. Among the many matters that came before the se.ssions, which were held at the home of Mabel Harriet Siller, were the finished report on the coat-of-arms ; the chapter, membership, and visiting report forms ; the Alpha Chi Omega 210 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Studio; the authorization of model books for chapters; the appointment of Mary Ferine as official Examiner, Ruth Buffum as Chief Alumna, Mary Vose as Custodian of the Songbook, and Myrta McKean Dennis as Business Manager of The Lyre; the authorization of a salary for the Editor of The Lyre ; and the decision reached for Alpha Chi Omega to adopt second semester or sophomore pledging if all the other fraternities would be bound by the same agreement. Attendance President, Alta Allen Loud. Vice-president, Fay Barnaby Kent. Secretary, Frank Busey Soule. Treasurer, Myrta McKean Dennis. Historian, Mabel Harriet Siller. Inspector, Mary Jones Tennant. Editor of Lyre, Florence Reed Haseltine. Social Features Wednesday Afternoon — Informal gathering after Gamma Chapter meeting in their chapter hall. Friday Evening — Reception to the members of the faculty and the fraternities in University Guildrooms. Saturday — Halloween luncheon at the home of Mabel Jones, followed by informal musical program and automobile ride. Eighth Grand Council Meeting The Eighth Grand Council meeting was held August 29, 1910, at Hotel Tuller, Detroit, Michigan, immediately preceding the Twelfth National Con- vention. Aside from the planning for the business of the Grand Chapter and the usual routine of committee reports, which embraced the adoption of the ofiticial flag, of Hera as patron goddess, of the new forms for the charter and membership certificates, petitions from local fraternities, and the matters of sophomore pledging and a higher scholarship standard received serious consideration. Attendance President, Alta Allen Loud. Vice-president, Fay Barnaby Kent. Secretary, Frank Busey Soule. Treasurer, Myrta McKean Dennis. Inspector, Mary Jones Tennant. Editor of Lyre, Florence Reed Haseltine. Historian, Mabel Harriet Siller. Social Features In addition to the social features which were enjoyed by the entire con- vention, on August 28, a luncheon was given by Winifred Van Buskirk Mount for the members of the Grand Council. National Council Meetings 211 Ninth Grand Council Meeting The Grand Council went into session at the home of Mrs. H. M. Kent, 508 W. 122nd St., New York City, June 27, 1911, and adjourned July 1. All the officers were present : Grand President, Evangeline R. Bridge. Grand Vice-president, Fay Barnaby Kent. Grand Secretary, Helen McQueen Hardie. Grand Treasurer, Winii'red Van Buskirk Mount. Editor, Florence A. Armstrong. Grand Inspector, Myrta McKean Dennis. Grand Historian, Grace Hammond Holmes. At this meeting the Honor Pin, the head of Hera in gold, was conferred upon Mrs. Loud, Mrs. Haseltine, Mrs. Tennant, Mrs. Soule, and Miss Siller, in recognition of past service as grand officers. To Newman was granted exclusive power to manufacture this pin. Effort was made to protect the Alpha Chi Omega copyright of the coat- of-arms, and to prevent the prohibited display of the lyre bird as an Alpha Chi Omega symbol for stationery or for decorative purposes. The President, Editor, Secretary, and Historian were empowered to pub- lish a secret journal, the need for which had long been felt. The alumnae letter, it was ordered, should be incorporated therein. Various recommendations of great importance, such as the adoption of a system of province presidents, were made to the committee on organization, and incorporated into the revised Constitution presented at the National Con- vention of the following year. The policy of entertaining convention by chapter groups was recommended to convention. Complimentary copies of the forthcoming History of Alpha Chi Omega were ordered to be presented by the Fraternity to the university libraries of institutions where there are chapters of Alpha Chi Omega. The Alpha Chi Omega Studio at the Macdowell Colony for artists was reported as nearing completion. The furnishing of the studio was discussed. An important feature of the session was the planning for a Coast Con- vention at the time of the Panama-Pacific Exposition. A pleasant social feature was a tea at which Gamma Gamma Chapter entertained the Council at the home of Miss Northcroft. Tenth Grand Council Meeting Just preceding the National Convention, the Grand Council held its ses- sion at the Kappa chapter house. Madison, Wisconsin. June 22-2^. 1912. The officers were all present except the Vice-president, Mrs. Kent : Grand President, Evangeline Bridge Stevenson. Acting A'ice-president, Nella Ramsdell Fall. Grand Treasurer. Winifred Van Buskirk Mount. Grand Secretary, Helen McQueen Hardie. Editor, Florence A. Armstrong. Grand Inspector, Lois Smith Crann. 212 The History of Alpha Chi ()mega Fraternity It was decided that the Hcracum be published each year and sent to Lyre. subscribers, to contain Council and Convention minutes and the inspector's reports, that the alumn;e letter be sent out each two years (a few months before convention), and that these be financed by the Orand Treasury. The committee on chapter by-laws was ordered to turn its attention to uniform house rules, and the report of the committee on model accounts was recommended to Convention for adoption. Upon request, dispensations were granted to various chapters permitting them to reduce their percentage of musical membership because of their need, in university centers, for a more flexible basis of membership. Much time was spent upon the discussion of the new constitution to l)e presented to" the convention. One of the external changes involved in the new constitution was the nomenclature of officers henceforth to be known as "National" officers, instead of "Grand" officers, as formerly. Eleventh (jrand Council Meeting Preceding the installation of Upsilon Chapter at James Millikin Uni- versity, the Council held its sessions at 976 West Wood St., Decatur, Illinois, May 14-17, 1913. With the exception of Mrs. Kent all the Council officers were present : National President, Mrs. E. R. Loud. National Secretary, Mrs. C. E. Ely. National Treasurer, Lillian G. Zimmerman. National Editor, Florence A. Armstrong. National Inspector, Lois Smith Crann. At this meeting the Council authorized the publication of a second private organ for the presentation of such other additional private matters as are not provided for by The Heraeum. the frequency and financing of the publication to be left to the discretion of a committee consisting of the editor, treasurer, and president. Other publications authorized were a Handbook of Rushing Rules to be compiled by the Province Presidents with Mrs. Roberts as chairman; a new Alpha Chi Omega Calendar, the proceeds of which should go to the Reserve Fund; a book containing the ceremonies and prescribed forms; and Miss Armstrong was appointed to compose an Alpha Chi Omega symphony for publication. The chapters were requested to subscribe annually to Santa's Greek Exchange. Important steps were taken toward the further systematization of the ever increasing volume of the lousiness of the Fraternity. Mrs. Crann was appointed "to decide on a uniform system of filing" ; a committee was ordered to formulate a uniform system of report blanks; Miss Zimmerman was authorized to revise and distribute chapter officers' instructions ; uniform handbooks for the use of Council members were ordered ; and a standing committee of one was authorized "to have charge of all the official supplies Nationai. Council Meetings 213 of the Fraternity." Stenographic htly) for Council members, particularly the Inspector, was authorized. In order to ujihold the standard of the r'raternity for high scholarship, it was recjuired "that the initiation of sopliomores and freshmen I)e deferred until scholarship records, ranking 80 or aI)o\-e, he made for preceding semester." And to insure hroadmindedness and college loyalty among the members, it was re(|uired that each active member "take part in at least two different lines of college activities." Responding to the need of nianv local chapters in tlieir work of ac(]uiring ownership of chapter houses, the Council decided thai a cha|ilcr house com- mittee from the Council should serve as an advisory committee with the local committees from the chapters, and formulate plans for financing the building of the houses desired. The Council desired very much to further the intere.st and activity of the alumna\ The formation of alumn;t clubs was, therefore, recommended in small cities or college towns. Such clubs were to consist of not less than six members, and to be organized after an informal petition lias I)een accepted by the Executive Committee of the Fraternity. A deputy to the National Treasurer was appointed to assist her with the matter of alumnie notes. A communication from the Delta Upsilon Fraternity was read requesting representation from Alpha Chi Omega at an interfraternity conference at Chicago, May 30, for the discussion of antifraternity legislation. Mrs. Loud and Mrs. Crann were cho.sen as Alpha Chi Omega representatives. Incidental to the Council meetings and the installation of Upsilon, numerous courtesies were extended, during the stay of the council, from fac- ulty members, from fraternities, and from resident and neighboring members of Alpha Chi Omega. One of the greatest of the pleasures of the week was a day spent with Iota Chapter and her alumnjE in Champaign. Twelfth Crand Council Meeting The Council meeting of 1914 was held following the National Panhellenic Congress at the McAlpin Hotel, New \'ork City. All C"ouncil members were present : National President, Alta Allen Loud. National Vice-president, Fay Barnaby Kent. National Secretary, Birdean Motter Ely. National Treasurer, Lillian G. Zimmerman. National Editor, Florence A. Armstrong. National Inspector. Lois Smith Crann. The Council, at this session, accepted, with regret, the resignation of Alice Watson Dixon, President of the Eastern and Southern l^rovinces. Mrs. Hatswell-Bowman was appointed as her successor. The Council Trophv, which had been won by Omicron Chapter in 1913, was awarded to Alpha Chapter. Appreciation and commendation were expressed, of the work of Mu and Zeta Chapters, which ranked high in gen- eral fraternity relations. 214 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity It was recommended to Convention that a second edition of the Alpha Chi Omega History he published. A committee to compile and present preliminary information to 1915 Convention was appointed, to consist of Miss Armstrong, Mrs. Ely, Mrs. Nafis. The balance accruing from the sale of the first edition was ordered kept separate as a History Fund. Chapters were informed "that the present edition of the History is so nearly exhausted that the initiates will be excused from the History require- ment, and that at the time of publication of a second edition each active member not owning a copv of the earlier edition will be required to purchase a copy." Various committees on publications reported on their work. Among these reports was one on the Official Symphony recommending that the present Symphony, by Celia E. McClure, A, be adopted as official. This was done. The calendar committee reported that the calendar was taken care of by Kappa Chapter for 1913, and by Delta Chapter for 1914, funds to be used for the Reserve Fund. A new seal, designed by Mrs. Ely, was adopted as the Official Seal of the Fraternity. The matter of chapter house building was discussed thoroughly, and the recommendation made to the Reserve Fund Committee "that when a chapter petitioning for a loan has raised one thousand dollars or more toward a build- ing fund, an equal amount shall be loaned to them from the Reserve Fund." Regulations for loans, and for the compilation of instructions for house building were passed. After the results of exhaustive investigation had been reported, the Coun- cil voted to accept the invitation of Epsilon and Delta Delta to hold conven- tion the last week in June, 1915, at the Hotel Virginia, Long Beach, Cali- fornia, because of the greater adaptability of this city. The appointment of a joint committee on arrangements was ordered from Epsilon and Delta Delta Chapters, a local manager to be selected from this committee. The Chair appointed the following convention committees : Convention Publicity Committee, Miss Armstrong, Mrs. Kent. Advertising Committee, Mrs. Ely, Miss Armstrong. Finance Committee, Miss Zimmerman, Mrs. Loud. Special Convention Train Committee, Miss Zimmerman, Mrs. Loud. Convention Program Committee, Mrs. Crann, Mrs. Loud. The Council was delightfully entertained at dinner by Gamma Gamma Chapter at the Peg Woffington Coffee House, and enjoyed their hospitality also at an opera given by the Century Opera Company. This chapter had represented Alpha Chi Omega most efficiently and acceptably as hostess of the National Panhellenic Congress at its sessions throughout the preceding days. Thirteenth National Council Meeting The formal Council sessions of the Thirteenth National Council meeting were held on June 28, 1915, at Hotel Virginia, Long Beach, California. On the special train en route to California, numerous informal sessions of the Naiionai, Coi.xciL Mkktings 215 Council were held, and a great amount of discussion pending action was finished. Problems of various cliapters were carefully discussed, with refer- ence, when desirable, to the delegate of the chapter concerned, wlio was on board the special train. Numberless conferences were held with delegates and alumnte. and between them, so that the business, both of National Council and of National Con\-ention. was facilitated greatly. The roll call at the Council session on June 28 showed full attendance: National President, Alta Allen Loud. National Vice-president, Fay Barnaby Kent. National Secretary, Birdean M otter Ely. National Treasurer, Lillian C. Zimmerman. National Editor, Florence A. Armstrong. National Inspector, Lois Smith Crann. The action of the Council, after the hearing of officers' reports, consisted of recommendations to the convention to follow : a budget system for Council expense; a life^subscription for initiates; the appointment of J. F. Newman as sole official jeweler of the Fraternity ; the purchase of a badge at initiation; the adoption of a uniform die for badge to be made in gold set with three pearls, three diamonds, or any desired combinations of these stones beside the three required jewels. The Council adjourned to meet with tlie National Convention the next day. Fourteenth National Council Meeting The National Council met at the Lambda Chapter Hou.se, Syracuse, New York. June 20-26, 1916. All members were present as follows: National President. Alta Allen Loud. First Vice-president, Lillian G. Zimmerman. Second Vice-president. Maude Staiger Steiner. National Secretary, Mary-Emma Griffith. National Treasurer, Myra H. Jones. National Editor, Florence Armstrong. National Inspector, Nella Ramsdell Fall. At this session the resignation of Frances Kirkwood, Eastern Province President, was accepted with regret, and Mrs. W. C. Jackson was asked to serve in the office for the unexpired term. After the consideration of the reports of chapters. Alpha Chapter was awarded the Council Trophy. It was decided that in the future two or more nominations for alumnte advisers should be sent to the National Inspector for appointment. A formal petition from Alpha Theta Sigma, an eight-year old local at the Washington State College Avas granted. Other petitions were considered but not granted. A National Scholarship Committee and a National Vocational Committee were added to the list of Standing Committees. CHAPTER XIV INSIGNIA AND HERALDRY There is nothing in fraternity symbolism that holds more permanent memories of fraternity ideals and vows than their outward emblem, the badge. Into its selection, its component parts, its entire whole, have been breathed the hope, the love, and the loftiest aspirations of which young hearts are capable, and which, because grounded in noble essence, exert an influence that can outlive life. The beautiful badge of Alpha Chi Omega is a Greek lyre of gold, having three twisted strings spanned diagonally by a raised and slightly rounded scroll of black enamel bearing the Greek letters A X fl in gold. The badge may be jeweled or may be of plain or chased gold except that, siruce the ruling of the 1897 Convention, it must contain the three required jewels, one at each upper, outer corner and one in the center just below the strings, at the head of the triangular base of the lyre. The 1910 Grand Chapter restricted the choice of jewels to pearls or diamonds or a combination of both. This lyre may be accompanied by an attached pin in the form of a Greek letter to signify the chapter. The badge may be worn only by initiated members of the Fraternity, to all of whom the "Mysteries of the lyre" have a deep significance. The original badge of Alpha Chi Omega is in its integral parts identical with the one now constituting the official die. The differences are that in the first badge the size is larger than in the present pins ; the choice of jewels conformed to the taste of the owner ; the strings are plain, not twisted ; the scroll is flat and of gold, bearing the three Greek letters in black, just the reverse of the present scroll. In the interest of future uniformity and of a closer kinship of pins, the 1906 Grand Chapter ordered an ofiicial die for the badge, and, further to safeguard its exact design and individuality, provided for the use of identifi- cation certificates which must now accompany all orders. The badge is made only by the official jewelers who receive the certificates through the Custodian of the Badge — an officer appointed by the National President. As the custom of pledging Greek novitiates with ribbons has survived even to the present time, it is evident that a pledge pin was not considered necessary in the early fraternity days. The small bow of scarlet and olive green served then, as it does now in many institutions, to proclaim its wear- ers "followers of the Queen," but in 1893 the less conspicuous and more dignified system of pledging with a pin was instituted, at which time the design selected consisted of a gold stick pin in the shape of a lyre bearing a white enamel chapter letter. As this design was not entirely satisfactory, the 1900 Grand Chapter adopted the pledge pin now in use — a small diamond shaped pin half of scarlet and half of olive enamel, bearing in the center an inlaid golden lyre. This pledge pin may be worn by any pledged member of the Fraternity. The custom of using pins instead of ribbons is constantly gaining favor among the fraternities and is, in some institutions, a Panhellenic requirement. InSIGMA AM) 1 1 KRAI, DRV 217 The Honor Pin was adopted by the 1910 (jrand Chapter to be awarded as a token of appreciation Ijy Alpha Chi Omega to her retiring National Coun- cil Officers who liavc faithfully served one full term of office. Winifred Van Buskirk Mount and Fay Barnaby Kent (with whom the idea originated), as a committee, selected the design which they felt the most significant mark of honor, a tiny head of the Patron (loddess, Hera. This is a very fine produc- tion in solid gold of one of the old sculptures and is perfect in detail. On the back of the pin is engraved the name of the recipient, her special office on the Council, and the dates of its fulfillment. The plate on the next page illustrates the various official pins of Alpha Chi Omega. The lyres are planned to show three stages in the transition of the badge from 1885 to the present time. Figure 1 illustrates one of the first three badges made in 1885, being set with half-pearls and rubies; figure 2 represents a pin made ten years later with half-pearls and three diamonds; while figures 3, 4, and 5 illustrate badges made in 1911 from the official die, showing the three sizes used and the forms of settings, 3 and 5 being jeweled with crown set pearls and the three required stones of diamonds, while figure 4 represents a pin of chased gold with diamonds as the three required jewels. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate two types of the pledge pin, and figure 8 represents the honor pin. To Alta Allen Loud (Grand President), Mary Jones Tennant (Inspec- tor), Florence Reed Haseltine (Editor of The Lyre), Frank Busey Soule (Grand Secretary), and Mabel Harriet Siller (Grand Historian), the first Honor Pins were awarded with a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for the energy they have given to fraternity work. They have since been presented to Myrta McKean Dennis (Grand Inspector), Winifred Van Bus- kirk Mount (Grand Treasurer), Helen M. Hardie (Grand Secretary), Lois Smith Crann (National Inspector), Birdean Motter Ely (National Secretary), and Fay Barnaby Kent (National Vice-president). Hereafter they will wear the head of Hera beside the lyre as a symbol of their unselfish devotion to Alpha Chi Omega and as a token of the love, regard, and appreciation of the sisters to these, her highly honored members. May the wearers of the Honor Pin always meet with special recognition and hearty welcome ! The coat-of-arms of Alpha Chi Omega, which was adopted by the 1908 Grand Chapter, attests to the careful work of the committee appointed at the 1907- Grand Council Meeting, under the chairmanship of Alta Allen Loud, then Grand President. The following exposition of the coat-of-arms was given by Mrs. Loud in The Lyre, for January, 1910. Heraldry, in the restricted sense in which it interests us, may be defined as the art of blazoning or describing in proper terms armorial bearings. A coat-of-arms is com- posed of charges depicted on an escutcheon representing the old knightly shield. Particular symbols have in all ages been assumed by the various families of mankind, civilized and uncivilized. All good heraldry is symbolic. In the heraldry of a fraternity there are used only those symbols which express its ideals and which have a deep sig- nificance for its members. Badges, Pledge Pixs, and Hoxok Pin Insignia axd riKRAi.mn 219 The rules for blazoning, or describinti; in the technical language of heraldry, a coat- of-arms, are remarkable for their jirecision, brevity, and conijileteness. The tirst thing to be mentioned is the colors or, as they are heraldically called, the tinctures of the field. Tinctures are either of metal, color strictly so called, or fur. The colors are denoted by lines — i. e., or heraldically speaking, gules, by perpendicular lines ; green, or vert, by diagonal lines. Next, the character of the partition lines when parted — i. e., chief, the upper part of shield, separated from the rest by a line; a fess, or horizontal band in the middle of the shield. Ne.xt follow the charges — everything contained on the field of an escutcheon being called a charge — their names, number, position, and color are given. Besides the heraldic devices dejiicted on the shield, there are the appendages, including whatever is borne external to the shield, such as the crest, and a scroll bearing a motto. These mottoes were originally the war-cries of the bearers. Heraldry, though arbitrary, is \ery exact, and the rules of blazoning are observed on all occasions with the most rigid precision. Repetitions are avoided and as few words as possible used. The following is the Blazon of the official coat-of-arms, presented by the committee, and approved and adojited by the Fraternity: Blazon of Alplm. C/ii Onicxa Anns (hiles — a fess vert — Of the first in middle chief an Open Book Or — in middle base a Sheaf of Wheat corded of the same. Of the srcond — three mullets — argent. A Lyric Bird — ppr. As described in Greek letters. For the benefit of those to whom heraldic description and technicalities are a foreign tongue, the following translation is given : 220 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity The shield proper is red (gules — perpendicular lines) and divided by a fess or bar of olive (vert). At the top of the shield field ("of the first" meaning red) is an open book in gold (or), and at base point is a garb or sheaf of wheat in same color fastened with a knot. The fess or bar has on it three white (argent) stars (mullets). The crest of lyre bird is in its natural color (ppr). Below is the scroll, containing the Greek words of our revised open motto, 2i'OJroi'6aoo)|tiev xd avcoTaxa — "Together, let us seek the heights." The shield is square and is divided into three parts, the number three being significant in our Fraternity. Your committee has striven to given you a coat-of-arms absolutely correct from an heraldic standpoint, marked by the simplicity and dignity for which our Fraternity stands, and bearing those symbols known and honored by every wearer of the lyre. Shall we not then buckle on our armor, and like the knights of old, go forth to battle for Alpha Chi Omega, keeping her fair name untarnished, her standards high? The colors of the Fraternity selected at the time of the founding were scarlet and bronze green, but owing to the difficulty encountered in obtain- ing the correct shade of bronze green, the olive green was substituted during the first year of the Fraternity. Olive Burnett Clark writes of the selection of the colors as follows : "I suppose you have heard how we happened to decide upon our colors. We found them in the maple leaf, the October maple, beautiful with the tints of autumn, the scarlet and the bronze green — we found them the day after our first meeting, under a maple tree in the east college campus just opposite the girls' dormitory, where we girls were standing debating the many phases of the new Fraternity — little dreaming, however, of the place the future would hold for us." In a conversation at the time of the 1910 Convention in Detroit, Estelle Leonard gave an interesting account of the fomial selecting of the colors (October 19, 1885). She had been appointed to bring samples of various colors to the meeting, and after trying many combinations, the scarlet and bronze green were adopted. Doubtless this selection was the result of the conversation mentioned in the above paragraph. As the choice of a flower for a secret organization involves many con- siderations, it is a matter of deep satisfaction in Alpha Chi Omega that the founders incorporated into the insignia of the Fraternity, so beautiful, so significant, and so adaptable a flower as the red carnation, and with wise forethought, added as its accompaniment, the graceful smilax, with its mes- sage of hope. They not only typify the colors of the Fraternity, and at all times of the year lend themselves with cheery brightness to the joys and festivities, and even to the more solemn occasions of the Fraternity; but their symbolism reaches far deeper, in the ritual, and in the hearts of the members of Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Chi Omega should never lack inspiration to reach the "Heights," from the legend of the red carnation and smilax alone. The Holly Tree, also eloquent of the scarlet and olive, as well as of many beautiful thoughts, was adopted bv the 1908 Grand Chapter as the Fraternity Tree. The symbolism of this tree is well expressed in two poems written respectively by Florence Fall (Beta) published in The Lyre for January, 1909, and by Lucv Loane (Delta) published in The Lyre for January, 1911. Insignia and Heraldry 221 The Holly Tree Oh, the holly tree is the tree for me, With branches tossing merrily ; Its branches bright Bring gay delight, A merry tree is the holly tree. Oh, a loving tree is the holly tree. Crooning a lullaby tenderly, While the stars o'erhead Look down, and shed Their heavenly light on the holly tree. Oh, a holy tree is the holly tree, Its red stands for blood shed on Calvary, Its thorns for the crown From which blood trinkled down When it circled His brow, as He hung on the tree. Oh, the holly tree is the Christmas tree, And the message it brings to you and me Is of peace on earth, And a Savior's birth — - Oh. tlie tree for me is the holly tree. Florence Fall,, Beta. To the Alpha Chi Tree Oh 1 Holly Tree, we look on thee And lo — the Christmas cheer Thrills deep within our inmost heart And banishes each fear. Oh! Holly Tree, we look on thee, We see thy colors bright. They tell again of God's great gift On that first Christmas night. Oh ! Holly Tree, thy living green, A lesson — so 'twould seem — Imparts to us, " 'Tis always best To do — and not to dream." Oh ! Holly Tree, thy gleaming red Has counsel for us too — "Hope shines throughout the gloom," it says; "Strive on — forever true." Of God's great gift, of lessons true You tell us all the while. So we, when met with duties stern. Dream not — but hope and smile. Luc\ Evch'u Loanc. Delta 222 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraiernity Ever since Alpha Chi ( )mega enthusiasm was born in 1885 it has con- tinued to express itself in tangible forms by the acquisition of many fra- ternity emblems, none of \vhich have held a more prominent place in college rooms and in fraternity halls than the various Alpha Chi Omega flags. These flags have usually been expressions of personal taste in the adaptation of the colors, the Greek letters — A X fJ — and the lyre. As the Fraternity developed in uniformity, it was thought best to have an official flag, which would be individual, significant, and which would at the same time, conform to heraldic principles. Hence in 1908, a committee, consisting of Fay Barnaby Kent and Mabel Harriet Siller, was appointed to select such a flag. This committee studied the matter thoughtfully and carefully, sub- mitting to the Grand Council many drawings, both professional and amateur, with the result that a design drawn by Mabel H. Siller was selected and adopted by the 1910 Grand Chapter as the official flag of Alpha Chi Omega. This flag is a rectangle of olive green with a scarlet chevron extending from the center of the top to the two lower corners and bearing three olive stars with white tracing, while below the chevron on the olive field is the lyre-bird charge in scarlet. The flag is made to be suspended from a hori- zontal bar. Although the earlier members of the Fraternity no doubt had ample means of expressing their enthusiasm without a uniform "yell," the Conven- tion of 1894, realizing that fraternity ardor could best be vented by means of a universallv adopted cheer, accordingly selected the following one : Ah! Ah! Ah! Alpha Chi! Hio! Hio! Alpha Chi Omega! As a test of this "yell" showed the difficulty of vocalizing the first line with sufficient vim, the 1896 Convention revised it, presenting the one which is now in use and which for fifteen years has continued to raise echoes in every section of the country, in answer to Alpha Chi enthusiasm. Hi !' Hi ! Hi ! Alpha Chi ! Chio ! Chio ! Alpha Chi Omega ! The omnipresent musical spirit in Alpha Chi Omega also demanded a share in this happy means of expression for fraternity enthusiasm ; con- sequently the same Convention (1896) adopted a musical cheer which has continued to grow in favor with the years until it has become a popular feature of Alpha Chi gatherings. TT sd ^^^ ^Hl a A-L-p-H-A- c-H-i Ai-pha-Chi 0-me-ga. S 1 o A S 0.3 1 o -1 < o S ° I ^ 1 1 I 2, p '^ 2. 2 p p -" ^-.„'^ p 3 " » ^ > 3 3 P > o Od t: >^? 2." z •=■ '^ 2. > p ~ir'2 "^ --•r^ 3 c 5 ?; pi; >2 , IK! — 3 ""H-P ?^ S ^>- ■^ — ^ P ~ o P 224 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity The national whistle of the Fraternity was first recorded officially May 24, 1887, when a motion was passed that it should be inserted in the constitu- tion. This whistle which has summoned an Alpha Chi for the past twenty- five years and to which one never fails to respond, is as follows : CALL ANSWER i ¥ When Alpha Chi Omega was founded the significance of the name selected was considered the secret motto. The matter of a separate motto was discussed at several conventions, but nothing was definitely determined until 1908, when the Grand Chapter adopted a distinctively secret motto, suggested by Florence Reed Haseltine, thus preserving forever the "Alpha Chi Omega," as the larger meaning of the name alone. At a meeting held May 24, 1887, Alpha Chapter selected the open motto, "Ye daughters of Music, come up higher," presented by Mary Jones (Mrs. Tennant). It became advisable later to consider an open motto which would be equally representative of the various elements composing the fraternity membership. As the open motto had become very dear within the Fraternity, it was considered best to retain its thought as far as possible. After much consideration, the matter was satisfactorily adjusted by the adop- tion in 1909 of the motto, "Together let us seek the Heights," suggested by Alta Allen Loud. Seal of Alpha Chi Omega It is the work of years to establish traditions, to gain a proper perspective of events and values. The early members of any organization are too much occupied with construction to linger in ac'miration of what lies close at hand. Insignia and Heraldry 225 Rather is it given to tliose who succeed to the lieritage of their labors to pause in contemplation of tlieir achievements and reverently to do homage to the love, skill, and uncounted time which so generously have been given. Hence such customs as the celebration of l-'ounders' Day and chapter anniversaries, and the more quiet courtesy of anniversary letters from the Grand Council to the founders and to Dean Howe, grow in importance and significance with each passing year. Founders' Day is celebrated through- out the Fraternity by chapter letters to the founders, by alumnije reunions, programs, and reminiscences, and often by informal social affairs planned in honor of the day; chapter anniversaries are celebrated by special ceremonies and festivities of individual chapter choice, often including the exchanging of college pennants, chapter pictures, and letters among the active chapters. The colors of the Fraternity are worn by the active members on both these occasions as well as on the days of installation of new chapters. Other customs of recent years are the awarding by The Lyre annually of a prize for the best undergraduate article in the 'E/,X£7,Ta department of The Lyre : the annual presentation of llie Lyre Loving-cup to that chapter W'hich ranks highest in its Lyre relations, the decision resting upon literary excellence of contributions, and upon promptness and businesslike methods, the name of the winning chapter and the year being engraved upon the cup ; the presentation of a loving-cup by the National Council to the chapter enter- taining Grand Chapter, the cup to be retained until the following con- vention ; and the presentation of a loving-cup by the Fraternity to that chapter which ranks highest in fraternal relations. In 1909, Iota Chapter inaugurated the custom, which has since been followed bv some chapters, of awarding a loving-cup at the annual chapter reunion, to the freshman having the highest scholarship for that year. This cup also rotates from year to year, each time having engraved upon it the name of the honored freshman. Several of the chapters have the custom of holding annual reunions, usually at commencement time, when every effort is made to secure a large attendance. Mu's reunion takes the form of an annual house party during commencement. At these times banquets and other social affairs add to the natural pleasure of meeting with old friends amid the familiar college scenes. Aside from the beautiful and impressive initiation service the Fraternity has appropriate ceremonies including the pledging, installation of officers, opening and closing of cliapter meetings, anniversary, valedictory, memorial, and affiliation ceremonies. CHAPTER XV THE LYRE A fraternity is largely judged on the part of those outside of its meml)er- ship by the journal that it publishes, and for this reason it is important that this official organ, which reaches the major part of the Greek world, should represent the Fraternity at its true value. In this respect the development of The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega has been parallel with the growth of the Fraternity. Alpha Chi Omega first formally considered the matter of a fraternity publication when there were but four chapters. At the lirst Convention in Greencastle (1891) a motion was carried that "the fraternity publication be put in the hands of Beta Chapter, the name of it to be decided during the j^ear and the publication to be introduced when Epsilon and Zeta Chapters shall have been established." As these chapters were not installed until four years later, the records contain no further mention of a journal until 1894. The minutes of the convention of that year record the passing of a motion authoriz- ing Alpha to undertake the publication of the journal, and specifying that all items should be sent to Alpha in April of that year, bv which motion it must be inferred that the ruling of the 1891 Convention, authorizing a publication when the chapters Epsilon and Zeta should be established, Avas set aside. Alpha at once transferred the responsibility of general management of the journal to one of her members, Mayme Jennings, as editor, assisted by Adeline Rowley and Zella Marshall, with the result that in June, 1894, Volume I, Number I of The Lyre made its appearance, the name being selected as that of the most significant emblem of Alpha Chi Omega. In this number the editor writes, "Since there were no explicit directions given at the Convention, I have followed what I felt to be the unexpressed wishes of all — that is, that The Lyre should be convenient and simple, though not elegant in form." But one number was published that year ; it contains historical sketches of the chapters, chapter letters, personals, an account of the 1894 Convention, and programs of Alpha Chi Omega musicales. The forty pages of that number are of the same dimensions as in the present journal (six by nine inches) ; the cover design in pale blue is very simple, bearing the inscription : "Ye Daughters of Music Come up Higher." THE LYRE of Alpha Chi Omega June, 1894. As there were at this time but four chapters, having an average existence of only five years, with a 'correspondinglv small membership, and as there 'I'm: I.VKI-: 227 was no obligatory financial support prtuided for tlic journal, it is not strange that the next issue of '/'//,• L.yrr hears the date of March, 1897, and that it is No. I, Vol. II. This numlier was luihlished vnider the management of Alpha Chapter, with Mary Janet Wilson as editor-in-chief, thus fulfilling the ruling made at the 1896 Convention, which provided for the publication of the journal by the mother chapter. This number of The Lyre followed the same general plan of composition as the first issue, differing only in having an olive instead of a blue cover, and in containing several articles of general musical and fraternitv interest l)v various contributors, and more advertise- ments. In this year (1897) it was decided to jJubUsh The Lyre quarterly, and it is a matter for sincere gratification that in spite of a crude and insufficient financial system, the deep loyalty and self-sacrificing efforts of the early editors carried everv number of The Lyre through to publication, with the exception of two issues, numbers 3 and 4 of Volume VIII. Mary Janet Wilst)n continued her successful work as editor until 1900, when with deep regret the 1900 Convention was obliged to accept her resig- nation, realizing that no greater example of the tireless, sacrificing work necessary to successful fraternity achievements, had come within its experi- ence. Motions were passed at once requiring better chapter support for the journal, and Edith Manchester (Zeta) was elected editor. A sum was appropriated from the (irand Treasury for the publication of the journal, the surplus to be retained by the editor as remuneration. With this provision and with the increasing circulation made possible by the growth of the Fraternitv. the editor and her assistant, Mary Ferine (Beta), appointed in 1902, were able to furnish the Fraternity with a magazine constantly improv- ing in its many phases. More articles were added to the contents, an exchange department was instituted, the (]ualitv of paper and composition improved, and a general spirit of enthusiasm and loyalty pervaded the journal. There were still serious, continuous, and often discouraging difficulties to be over- come, and the spirit which' for five years held this staff to their task is but another instance of the inspiring devotion which enables the few to work willingly for the many. The (Jrand Council Meeting of 1905 regretfully accepted the resignation of Edith Manchester (iriffin and Mary Ferine, and elected to their respective positions Elma Fatton \\'ade and Jennie McHatton, both of Alpha Chapter. After a persistent circulation cam])aign had been conducted, the system of bookkeeping reorganized, and more ad\ertising secured, this staff was able at its termination of service in 1907 to transfer the i)ublication to another management in a better condition than it had yet attained. Only two years of service could be given to the Fraternity by Mrs. Wade and Miss McHatton, but it was a two years crowded with unceasing labor and growing efficiency for The Lyre. At the Grand Council Meeting of 1907, Florence Reed Haseltine (Zeta) was elected editor of The Lyre with power to appoint her assistants. The first of these appointments was that of Laura Howe, Grand Treasurer, as business manager. The Lyre continued under this efficient business manage- ment until the (Irand Council at its meeting in 1909, after accepting with Covers of The Lyre The Lyre 229 much regret Miss Howe's resignation, appointed Myrta McKean Dennis, Grand Treasurer, to succeed her. During the three years that Mrs. Hasel- tine was editor, The Lyre showed a remarkable, steady development. To her, high tribute should be paid as a "Maker of The Lyre," for she raised the standard and the purpose of the jounial. Besides a marked improve- ment in the general composition of the magazine, with its size nearly doubled, a better quality of paper and type, and the addition of many illus- trations, there was evolved by the editor and the business manager a gratify- ing business system which has produced greater promptness, greater loyalty, and better business methods on the part of chapter editors and Lyre assistants. Chapter letters, personals, and alumna- articles have grown in interest and individuality. Active lovaltv anrl pride bave l)cen stimulated by competitive Edith Manchester, Zeta Editor The Lyre, 1905-1906 Elma Patton Wade, Alpha tests of representation in the 'Ey/AsxTo; department. To her is due the crea- tion of the office of Chief Alumna, successfully held under her by Mary Ferine (Beta) and Ruth Buffum (Iota), through whose efforts the interest of many alumna; has been revived and their cooperation secured. The Exchange and Collegiate Departments have grown, and her editorials, show- ing the writer's strong character and personality, carried many a message to members of Alpha Chi Omega and were widely quoted by other fraternity journals. In the words of the present editor, "She succeeded in making The Lyre literary and artistic, as well as personal and practical — a journal of beauty and of great usefulness to the Fraternity." The Grand Chapter of 1910 was loath to accept the resignation of Mrs. Haseltine and Mrs. Dennis from their offices of editor and business manager, realizing that the positions would be hard to fill. The Fraternity elected at that time Florence A. Armstrong (Mu) as editor. The Lyre has shown a 230 The HisroRv of Alpha Chi Omega Fraterxitv remarkable and steady growth. It has always been published m the same size, six by nine. From the iirst number containing forty pages it has increased to an average size of more than a hundred pages a number. The journal today is composed of the various following departments : 'E/,A£/.Ta, containing articles contributed by active members; the Alumn;t Department, containing letters, news of alumnie. and special articles by alumnae in different lines of work ; the Editorial Department, which is always full of good ideas and brimming over with the loyalty of the efficient editor ; Chapter Letters : Personals, giving news items of active and alumnae Florence Reed Haseltine William Reed Haseltine Edwin Charles Haseltine members by chapters; Marriages and Engagements; "Ev6a Kat "EvOa, or Exchange Department, giving news of other fraternities; Collegiate News; Announcements. Besides the above-mentioned departments there are the comprehensive general articles upon topics of interest in fraternity and college life, usually written by prominent faculty and fraternity members. Since a fraternity is largely judged by its magazine, it is a source of general gratification and pleasure to all Alpha Chis to know that The Lyre has iustlv worked its way into its present place among the very best of the fraternity iournals. Sincere gratitude and appreciation are felt by the entire Fraternity for the loyal work of the editors and other members of the staffs The Lyre 231 who have bent every effort towards this goal. Too much praise cannot be given to Florence Reed Haseltine for what she accomplished with her assis- tants, although The Lyre could not be the remarkably good journal that it is today if a strong fountUition liad not been laid by her predecessors in the work. For many years TJic Lyre was necessarily a financial burden, though a welcome one, to the Grand Treasury. Today it is self-supporting. Chapter support, both financial and literary, has been increased at the various conven- tions until now^ every initiate takes out a life subscription, while several alumnae chapters require Lyre subscriptions of their members. The manage- ment of The Lyre announced in the April, 1911, number that it was ready to oft'er life subscriptions (twenty dollars) to alumnit, thus saving the subscriber the trouble of annual renewal as well as considerable expense ; at the same time the management was saved the expense of obtaining renewals, while the interest from the accumulated fund makes the plan possible and Celia E. McClure Author of tlie Alpha Chi Omci/a Sxint^hony practicable. In 1915 the lower rate of ten dollars for life subscriptions was adopted. The Lyre pays an annual salary to the editor and allows the busi- ness manager a certain per cent of all monev handled. Each year every active member is required to write an article of general interest for the 'Ey.AexTa, or Undergraduate Department, and a prize is awarded for the best article. Several articles are published in each number except November. These prizes, which have been offered since 1909. have been awarded, respectively, as follows : Winners of College Ekiekta Prizes Ch apter Year Ruth Buffum I '10 Jane Harris '12 Lucy Loane A •11 Myra H. Jones A '11 Celia E. McClure A '12 Esther Jov Lawrence tr '16 Xante of Article Date of Issue Be Sunny Nov., 1909 The Way to All-Roundness Apr., 1910 An Allegory In Ritual Chapter Finance Apr., 1911 A Fraternity Symphony Jan.. 1912 Sharing ' julv, 1913 >32 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Esther Kittredge n '17 The Half Hour of Music July, 1914 Bess A. Will P Fraternalism and Paternalism July. 1915 Isabelle Wineland A '17 Do Vou Know Your (iirls? July. 1916 For seYeral years the prize has been a gold coat-of-arms pendent, a less elaborate prize than the early ones Init one that is held precious because of the honor which attaches to it. Since 1910 also a Lyre Loving-cup has been awarded to that chapter whose Lyre relations for the years have been most worthy both as to literary quality of contributions and to general efficiency in cooperation. Six awards have been made : Xi, 1910-11; Xi, 1911-12; Kappa, 1912-13; Delta, 1913- 14; Zeta, 1914-15; Beta, 1915-16. The cover designs of The Lyre were at first very simple, containing little more than the lettering on the first numbers. There have been nine different Chapter Letter ^um covers, some, however, varving only slightly from the others. For many years an olive cover bearing a small Grecian lyre in scarlet was used. With the January, 1908, number an attractive new cover design (the work of Mr. Haseltine) was adopted, composed of a Grecian temple bearing the letters A X O. With the number of January, 1910, a more elaborate and attractive design was selected, containing the new coat-of-arms and a (irecian design representing the artistic character of Alpha Chi (Jmega, the artist being John W. Norton, of Chicago. Mrs. Haseltine also showed great artistic judgment in selecting beautiful and appropriate designs for the headings of the different departments. Since the anniversary celebrating the rounding of the quarter-century mark for Alpha Chi Omega (1910), The Lyre, like every other department of the Fraternity, has progressed steadily. The editor, Florence A. Arm- strong, has continued in office throughout the period, and with the support of a loyal staff and of a great many alumnae, has been able to work out several defi- nite plans. The staff of The Lyre has seen few changes. In 1912 upon suc- cession to the office of National Inspector, Lois Smith Crann, who Had been a TlIK LVRR 233 most cfru'ieiU business inaiia^eT from 1910-12, was followed by Xfll !"".. Harris, the present incumbent. The splendid work of these two assistants has seen the magazine reach a high plane of businesslike systematization and pros- Florence a. Armstrong Editor The Lyre 1910-1917 parity. The office of exchange editor has l)een filled by three persons: Mary Emma Griffith. 1910-12. who retired because of illness; Kathryn Morgan, 1912-16, who was relieved in order that she might devote her time exclusively to the office of Keeper of Supplies; and Margaret (irafius BirkhotT. 1916-. Miss Griffith and Miss Morgan were in close touch with educational work through their own profession of pedagogy. Mrs. BirkholT is a graduate of the University of Illinois and the wife of a Harvard ]:)rofessor. She, too, as a consequence, is in touch with current educational movements. Through the contributions of these exchange editors concerning educational and fraternitv questions. 77/(- Lyre has contained much timely information which has been appreciated by readers of Alpha Chi Omega and of other fraternities, (iladys Livingston (^Imstead served brilliantly as chief alumna from 1910-15. Her sketches of celebrated meml)ers of Aljjha Chi (^mega, and of her travels, are among the most sparkling of the contril)ution.s to T/ie Lyre during its history. In 1915, as Gladys Livingston Graff, she was relieved for work on the new history. Edna Boicourt succeeded her as National Alumnae Editor. Miss Boicourt had studied at Baker University, had graduated as a member of Zeta Chapter from the New England Con- servatory of Music, under Carl Baermann, and has since been prominent in 234 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity fraternity circles in Los Angeles both among the graduate and alumns members. She has a wide acquaintance, therefore, \vith alumnae throughout the United States. She cooperates with the alumnjE editors of The Lyre in building up the alumnae news department. Nell E. Harris Business Manager The Lyre, 1912-1917 K.A.THKVN Morgan Exchange Editor, 1912-1916 The Board of Alumnae Editors was established previous to the November, 1913, edition which featured alumiiie news. The success of the issue was so pronounced that the November issue became thereafter a regular alumnae issue. For it the alumnae editors endeavored to secure news of every alumna. The Board of Alumnae Editors was founded to supplement the service rendered by the active chapter editors who were unable, with the tremendous increase of alumnte membership, to keep in touch with all these valued members. The office is filled by election of the active chapter upon rati- fication by the editor of The Lyre. In the phenomenal growth of alum- nae interest and service in the fraternity during the past few years, we see the fruits of the striving of these editors, as many other laborers, and to them we owe, as to the others who have served to the same end, a great debt of gratitude. To every magazine the question of finances is a matter of serious concern. In 1908 The Lyre had reached, through the sagacity and indefatigability of the management, a self-supporting stage. In that year, as hitherto recorded, the National Convention passed a ruling, not unheard of among fraternities. The Lyre 235 Gladys Livixgstox Graff Makgaket Grafius Birkhoff, Iota Edna Boicourt, Zeta Chief Alumna, 1911-1915 Exchange Editor, 1916- National Alumnx Editor, 1915- that each initiate should be required to subscribe to the magazine for one year after graduation besides during her undergraduate years. The law was arranged with foresight, moreover, to require, at initiation, the payment for the entire five years, to save trouble in collection, and to have the use of the amount, without shrinkage, during the period. The experiment was triumphantly successful. The list of alumnae subscriptions steadily increased. From the pul)lication of about 750 copies in July, 1910, the list lengthened to 1,750 copies published in July, 1915. The rise in alumnae support was, however, not sufficient to meet the reasonable expectations of the management. Repeated subscription cam- paigns, in which the chapters faithfully and laboriously cooperated, raised, by means of the "Whirlwind Campaign" in 1913, the percentage of alumnae subscribing to 67 per cent. The editor's report in 1914 expressed dissatis- faction with the campaign method, however, in spite of its temporarily gratifying results, in the following words : "The Whirlwind Campaign was a success but at a startling expenditure of time, energy, and money. ( Much of this had devolved upon the members in college.) We need badly an automatic system of subscription — only a general life subscription will ever answer, and the editor hopes to see the day when every Alpha Chi Omega will be a life subscriber." The prizes of this campaign went to Mu (twenty dollars in gold) who achieved 100 per cent renewals, and to Beta, Zeta, and Iota, who received coat-of-arms spoons for especially good Avork. The life subscription offer (twenty dollars), begun in April, 1911, had led to but few remittances, although the plan itself of a life sub.scription system met with universal favor. The price was too high for general accep- tance, and the management longed to be able to oflfer a low rate with a large and steadily growing life subscription list to make safe the reduction in price, and to decrease the necessity of subscription campaigns. 236 Thk History of Alpha Chi Omk(;a Fraternity The 1915 ("onYention, therefore, at the recommendation of The Lyre Finance Board adopted a system of life subscriptions for all initiates. The price of the subscription \Yas placed at ten dollars, or eleven dollars in three annual installments of five dollars, three dollars, and three dollars. Since the first payment of five dollars at initiation did not increase the fee already in force, and the succeeding annual payments of three dollars ^vere simple to manage, the remarkable advantage to the individual and to the Fraternity appeared in all its magnitude. The rates and terms to initiates were appli- cable also to alumnae. The measure was passed most enthusiastically by the convention, which pledged a large number of Individual life subscrip- tions on the spot, a number that was increased to one hundred before the next issue of The Lyre appeared. By this action The Lyre was benefited enormously, provided always, of course, that its funds shall be managed with care and foresight. The present management is of the conviction that The Lyre Reserve Fund, considerable and well invested as it is at the present time, should be increased annually at a reasonable rate and left untouched. The Lyre reported in 1915 a Reserve Fund (begun three years before) equal to the amount of its advertising receipts for the past three years. The editor had stressed persistently the possibility and advantage of a paying advertising department. Tlie Lyre, it was seen, was a valuable advertising medium, both for local and national advertising, and with the support of the chapters this fact has been demonstrated. The editor hopes and is working for the inauguration of syndicated advertising for all fraternity magazines, by which system the combined circulation of all N. P. C. magazines would make a strong appeal to conservative national advertisers. It would insure a high grade of advertising and increased revenue for all journals. Besides the conduct of The Lyre in general and in detail, on sound busi- ness principles, the policy of the management of The Lyre is distinct and progressive. Quoting frcnn an editorial from the Argolid headed "The policy of The Lyre," we disclose the well-defined purpose : "To be of constructive value, a fraternity must show a definite impress, powerfully made. This definite impress constitutes the character of the fraternity. The impress Avhich Alpha Chi Omega makes is altogether noble, spelling attainment, idealism, and service ; it must be the work of the frater- nity membership to increase the dynamic of a fraternity's inspiration, that her impress may be powerfully made, and may count for social progress. This is especially the function of the fraternity magazine. "To increase the dynamic of the inspiration of the fraternity is, then, the purpose of The Lyre, and the policy of the staff follows that direction, by several distinct roads. All these roads alike travel the region of good citizen- ship — college citizenship, and community citizenship. "The fraternity journal is a dual creature — half newspaper, half maga- zine; therefore our policy is dual. We stress news, because The Lyre is the sole correspondence between most of the members of the fraternity ; the prestige and expansion of Alpha Chi Omega depend directly on the attitude and cooperation of our members. If we are able to keep Alpha Chis in close touch with each other through all kinds of news of each other, we not The Lvrf, 237 only give them nuirli happiness, but we keep them linked up with general fraternity interest and advance steps, through The Lyre. Hence, the page of Alpha Chi babies I It is the news department that alumna* most enjoy, and most regret if it is inferior. "In the matter of our attitude toward our fellow-Oreeks, and all fellow- students. The Lyre has a distinct duty ; a certain attitude is characteristic of a gentlewoman, in a fraternity or out of it. Fairness, sincerity, generosity, and loveliness are in our chapters everywhere ; they should characterize every member of every fraternity. The Lyre heli)s to bring Alpha Clii Omega nearer that standard. "There is the claim of the greatest dynamic in the whole life of this old world, the Christian religion. A college woman's career is a farce unless she has fairly considered that force. Every kind of college publication has a .share in the responsibility of presenting that claim to the college world, whicli is a world of choices and high resolves. "Increasing numbers of college women enter professional life; alumnic of professional experience can render us great service by pointing out the way. and the means. So we need vocational articles from every walk in life. Tlie college woman in ])rivate, as well as professional life has widening opportunities to make her community a better place to live in ; we need to know how to use those opportunities, to help meet civic issues. Social service, while now one of the i^rofessions, devolves largely upon the volunteer local worker, except in the more highlv specialized cities. Playgrounds, campfires, settlement and club work of all kinds need the college woman — therefore The Lyre should acquaint us with those of our sisters who are leaders in civic and social service, and should point us to our own ojjportunities. "Life all over the world is becoming more cosmopolitan ; our generation will face more international problems than any generation has yet met ; to be good citizens we must liave the international attitude, which will lead us into intelligent accjuaintance with world issues. The Lyre directs your thoughts occasionally to world conditions and world organizations ; if you have alumn;e engaged in some professional service across the seas, we beg of vou to keep the fraternity informed of their work." In its pages, the magazine depicts "personal achievements, and opinions, and experiences." and subjects of special interest to fraternity and college women generally. "Whatever is published." says the editorial, "we try to keep The Lyre dignified and in good taste." The Lyre is received by members in forty-six states of the Union and in Alaska, Nova Scotia, Canal Zone. Canada. Hawaii, Sumatra. Australia, Philippines, Siberia, Straits Settlements, China, and France. The present size of an issue is 1.800 copies. Two hundred and ninety-seven of these go to life subscribers. In time the entire fraternity membership will possess life .subscriptions. 77;c Lyre has long been, and will be. we trust, for- ever, a popular and well-beloved magazine. Scores of members contribute to Covers of National Panhellenic Congress Magazines The Lyre 239 each issue. * Through the support and devotion of the many hundreds of its readers and contributors, "it has become," to quote from the President's address to the 1915 Convention, "one of the very best fraternity journals, a publication of which we are very proud and which fully represents the stan- dards of our fraternity." * From iC)io-igi6 but two chapters failed to contribute their regular chapter letters. Nu for January, 1912, and for January, 1915 ; and Phi for January, 1915. CHAPTER XVI THE HERAEUM, THE ARGOLID, AND THE SONGBOOK The Hcracum and The Argolid' are the private bulletins of the Frater- nity. The nomenclature of both is in harmony with the sentiment that Hera is the patron-goddess of the order. The meaning of the word "Heraeum" is "the secret precincts of Hera" ; of "Argolid," "from the headquarters of Hera." These names were selected, at the time of the establishment of each bulletin, by Miss Armstrong, editor of The Lyre and editor of both bulletins, with the help of Professor Joanna Baker, head of the Greek Depart- ment at Simpson College, and one of the early presidents of Alpha Chapter. Miss Baker also assisted the committee in the choice of the present open motto, "Together, let us seek the heights." The Heraeum, now in its sixth volume, was authorized in 1910, and established, as an annual supplement to The Lyre in 1900. It goes, therefore, without cost, to subscribers to The Lyre. The minutes of the National Council and the reports of committees, the minutes of the National Con- vention and the reports of committees constitute the contents of this maga- zine. The expense is borne by the National Treasury, except the cost of mailing which is carried by The Lyre. The work of editing The Heraeum is also performed by the editor of The Lyre. The Argolid is the private bulletin to which is consigned all private matter not included in The Heraeum, and all communications from national officers to chapters. It is issued bimonthly, or more often if necessary, by the National Secretary, who, since the 1915 Convention, serves as Editor of The Argolid. This bulletin is printed on the fraternity mimeograph, and the expense is borne by the National Treasury. Previous to 1915 half of the expense and the work of editing was provided by The Lyre. The value of The Argolid is very great. It furnishes a frequent private bulletin for the discussion of fraternity policies, and of Panhellenic problems, and it like- wise provides a means for national officers to communicate with chapters, alumnae chapters, and alumnae clubs thus eliminating a part of the enormous correspondence incumbent on a national officer. The publication in available form of Council and Convention minutes, and their distribution among all the interested members of the order makes for unity of understanding and compactness in effort which are invaluable. The publication of the reports of committees is most valuable as a matter of reference, and provides all readers of The Lyre, which some day will mean all members of the Fraternity, with a workable knowledge of the details of the business of the whole order. A file of tbe volumes of The Heraeum will be a current history of fraternity policies and legislation of utmost interest and availability. The writing of the present volume has been much facilitated by the accessibility of a mass of details in The Heraeum. Almost from the founding of the Fraternity there had existed a strong desire for significant songs of Alpha Chi Omega. The first formal record Tni: Ukrakim. Arcoiid. axd Sonchook 241 of this sentiment is found in the minutes of the meetinj^^ of Alpha Cliapter, February 5, 1886, when a motion was i)asse(l that Florence 'IhcKiipson write the words and Kstelle Leonard the music of a fraternity song. The name selected for the composition was Alpha Prima. i'Vom time to time other songs were written by members of the earlv chapters but no definite plan for the collectiDU of tliese was made until the l''irst ('on\entioii. ]8'M, when the publication of a fraternity so-ngbook was discussed and foundations were laid, each chapter being required to furnish at least four original songs within the next year. The conxention of 1893 ai)i)ointed Oamma to publish a songbook and accordingly at the 1894 Convention that chapter reported that the first Alpha Chi Omega Songbook had recently been published in Evanston. Tliis simple little pamphlet contains eleven songs to be sung to familiar airs, no music being printed in the book. Althougli this collection of songs served its i)urpose as a foundation upon which to build, the need of a larger and better songbook containing music as well as words, soon became evident. Accordinglv the Convention of 1896 appointed (iamma to ])ublish another edition of the songbook. but as the matter of collecting the songs proved to be a long task, it was iiot until 1904 that (iamma Chapter published the second edition of the songbook. Mabel Dunn acting as chairman of the committee. This edition shows a very marked advance over the first one. being bound in an attractive, durable cover and containing thirty-one songs of excellent (|ualitv. twentv-six of which are set to original music. ( )wing to the popularity of this book the edition was soon exhausted; consequently at the 1906 Convention a committee, with Mvrta McKean Dennis (Camma) as chairman, was apjjointed to publish a new edition of the songbook. The result of the careful work of this committee was the third edition of the songbook which was welcomed heartily by the 1908 Con- vention when Mrs. Dennis presented it for use during that convention. This volume, attractively bound in light and dark green, contains sixty songs, thirty-one of which are set to original music, and an original Initiation March. The songs, as in the previous editions, were contributed by both active and alumn;e memliers of the various chapters, practicallv all of the songs of the first two editions being incorporated in this edition. Considerable credit is due Mrs. Dennis for her painstaking work, from a musical as well as from a l)usiness standpoint. The re\ision of the music manuscript, and of the adaptation of the words of many of the songs to appropriate music, required a comprehensive knowledge of harmony such as she possesses. The successful financing of the edition is evidenced by the fact that all the money borrowed from the Xational Treasurv for tlie i)ub]ication was returned. Mrs. Dennis was appointed Custodian of the Songbook in 1908. but other duties made it necessary for her to resign the position the following year, and Mary R. Vose (Gamma) was then appointed her successor. 242 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Lucile Morgan Gibson (Gamma) was appointed Custodian of Songbook in 1912. The subject of a new edition was broached in the spring of 1914. The National Council appointed Mrs. Gibson chairman, and approved the following names for the committee: Annie Woods McLeary, Zeta; Myrta McKean Dennis, Gamma (who later found it necessary to resign) ; Blanche F. Brocklebank, Zeta; and E. Fay Frisbie, Pi. All chapters were requested to send in the names of the fifteen songs in the third edition in order of Lucile Morgan Gibson, Gamma Chairman Fourth Edition of Songbook Custodian Songbook, 1912-1915 their choice. From these lists every song receiving five votes was retained. There was a total of twenty-six songs chosen. Some of these, which formerly had no accompaniment, were harmonized, and several were transposed to bring them within range of the average voice. A competition was arranged for, open to all members, a ten-dollar prize for best original music and words, and a five-dollar prize for the best verses. The first prize was awarded to Gretchen O'Donnell Starr, Rho, for the song / Am an Alpha Chi, and the other prize was awarded to Lucile Lippitt, Delta, for the Invocation. The Heraku.m. Argoi.id. and Songhdok 243 The competition brought a number of original songs, many of which underwent a good many changes in harmony but in spirit remained as sub- mitted. Other songs were received through the direct solicitation of the committee. The fourth edition offers twenty-seven new songs all of original music and covering subjects such as banciuet. lovaltv, invocation, and toast songs. The fourth edition comprises fifty-three songs ; forty-three of them are of original music. The edition was ready by April, 1915, and proved to be very popular. I'hree hundred and fifty books were sold by the time of the convention in June. Blanche F. Brocklel)ank, Zeta, was appointed Custodian of Songbook at that time. In some respects the Songbook is the most popular of the publications of the Fraternitv. CHAPTER XVII THE HISTORY The history of a national organization is of value, not alone as a matter of record for reference, but also as a volume of vital interest and as an incentive to strive more earnestly toward the goal of high ideals. Since the history of a fraternity is largely made up of the annals of the individual chapters, such records are eminently worthy of preservation, and for this reason historical sketches of the various chapters of Alpha Chi Omega have been printed in The Lyre in different years as follows : Vol. I, No. 1, June, 1894, Alpha, Beta, and Delta Chapters. Vol. Ill, No. 3, September. 1897, Alpha, Beta. Gamma, and Epsilon Chapters. Vol. IX, No. 5, Alpha. Beta. Ganu/ia, Epsilon. Zeta, Thcta, Iota, Kappa, Alpha Alpha, and Beta Beta Chapters. In order to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Fraternity, Volume XIV, No. 1, November, 1910, of The Lyre was published as an historical number. It contains personal reminiscences of Alpha Chi Omega covering five-year periods, written by alumnae ; interesting descriptions of the early days of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta ; letters from the founders ; greetings from Dean Howe, as well as reminiscences of the Grand Presidents, the Editors, and the Inspector, and a sketch of the policy of expansion of Alpha Chi Omega. Realizing the need of a national history of the Fraternity in book form, the 1908 Grand Chapter appointed "Mabel Siller, Grand Historian, to com- pile and to publish a history of Alpha Chi Omega with assurance of financial support and compensation and with the privilege of choosing her assistants." This History of Alpha Chi Omega, offered to the Fraternity in 1911, was the result of six years of work on the part of the author, the first three in gath- ering data for the historical records, and the last three in compiling and publishing this volume with the able assistance of the Editorial Board. It represents an earnest effort to give as comprehensive an outline as possible with the available material of the history of the steady development of Alpha Chi Omega during its twenty-five years of existence. Of this volume Alta Allen Loud said, in the Foreword : "To appreciate properly the work of our founders and to leave to our successors accurate records of what has been done, is a work of great importance. As a co-worker of the author for many years, I have had the pleasure of watching the launching of this, our first published History. The obstacles and discourage- ments have been many, but tireless energy and an infinite patience and per- severance have overcome them, and the comprehensive History which Miss Siller has given us is a monument to her unbounded loyalty and will for all time endear her to every member of our Fraternity. "The early records portray vividly for us the devotion and the earnestness of our founders, and as we read of their struggles and achievements, we are able to catch the spirit of the early days and are brought to a greater apprecia- Thk Hisiory 245 tion of the gift that is ours — to a (k-epcr devotion to the principles set forth in our sacred Bond. "May this History ser\-e the purpose — acciuaint its readers with the found- ing of the Fraternity and its cherished traditions, bind together more closely our seventeen hundred members, make its ajjpeal to all. young and old. To the alumiKe. mav it bring fond memories and renewed loyalty. I'o the under- graduates, may it serve as an incentive to carry on with earnest jjurpose the work that is theirs. To all of us may it prove an ins|>iration to press on toward the higher, better things of life, and 'Together, seek the Heights.' " The first edition of the >listorv was exhausted in four years. It was the second fraternity history to be published by a woman's fraternity and had Mabel Sii.lek Nafis Autlioi" First Edition of The History of Alflui Chi OniC(/a been of great value, in libraries and in fraternity archives, for that reason. It was a beautiful volume and very valuable for reference as well as an object of pride. At the exhaustion of the edition, therefore, a committee was appointed in 1914 to investigate the matter of publishing a second edition. A report containing preliminary information was submitted to the 1915 Convention which authorized a second edition, to be a revision of the first edition "from a combined personal and statistical standpoint." Florence A. Armstrong, who had edited and published the first edition, "was asked to serve as author of the second edition with full authority vested in her." The five months of hard work which had been expended on the first edition as editor had paved 246 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Editorial Board of the History (Revised Edition) First row, left to right — Alta Allen Loud, Lucile Lippitt, Florence A. Armstrong, Mabel Siller Nafis. Second row — Gladys Livingston Graff, Myra II. Jones, Mary Emma Griffith, Edna Boicourt. the way to a ready grasp of the problems mvolved in a revision. Six years of work as editor of the fraternity magazine, during all of which period research was made into the history of the past, had furnished a broad acquaintance with the personnel of the organization and the facts of its career. Personal acquaintance with twelve of the twenty-three institutions wherein the chapters were located simplified the task. The author was emboldened, therefore, because of these facts and the inspiring enthusiasm of the convention which asked it, to undertake the herculean task of a statisti- cal revision, and the incorporation of the personal feature which meant practically the writing of a new volume. The changes which have transpired since the first edition of the book are extraordinary. It is hoped that those who can do so will compare the statistics of 1911 with those of 1916. A con- stant comparison of the different periods in our history, particularly by decades, and the comparison of our history with that of our contemporaries, has increased the interest and admiration of the author for our national officers, our chapters, and our records. Perhaps it will be the same with the readers. Through the courtesy of Mrs. Macdowell the second edition of the History was written largely in the Star Studio, at the Macdowell Colony, Peterborough, New Hampshire. Over the door of the studio is an artistic shingle bearing the three stars from our Coat-of-arms, and the Scroll upon which is inscribed Alpha Chi Omega. 1911. The second edition, written largely in these fitting and happy surroundings, is the result of earnest effort to present a clear picture of the early life, the problems, progress, ideals, and characteristics of the Fraternity, and to be a worthy successor of the first edition. Some ok the Aliiiok's Assistants First row. left to riijlit — Gretchen O'Donnell Starr, P; Lola R. Darrow, B; Alta M. Roberts, B B: Adah Cool, B; Josephine Warie, A. Second row — Irene Hastings, N: Louise Root, ^; Ethel Shaw, M; Floy Humiston, K. Third row — Faith Hauthorn, -\; Hea Iniel, P; Maida Crippen, P; Alice lilodgctt, 9: Ceraldine Newins. \. Fourth row — Dorothy Hurdorf Pinkham, A ^: Laura Weilipp, 1; Frances Marks. I; Gretchen Gooch. I: Katherine Saunders Potter, ^ ^. Fifth row— Pauline Griffith, A; Gladys Whelan, 9; Helen Callaghan, K; Kinily Northrup, 6; Clara Louise Appleby, A. _ . _ Sixth row— Esther Merriman, B; Regna King, M; Florence Currier, M: Cania Fritz, B. Seventh row — Mary Savle. K: Helen Schwab, 3; Margaret Robison, A; Lucile Lippitt, A. Dorothy Bonn, N. CHAPTER XVIII THE DAILY CONVENTION TRANSCRIPT, THE DIRECTORY, AND THE CALENDAR For the first time the convention, in 1915, supported a daily convention newspaper. On the night of the arrival of the special train, the delegates received at the time of their registration a copy of the daily Convention Transcript. Five editions were issued during the Convention, more than half of which were mailed to members not present. The issue contained accounts of each day's sessions, stories of the social functions of each day, humorous incidents connected with the assembly, articles of general frater- nity interest, news items of all kinds, and announcements. The Convention Staff of The Convention Transcript, 1915 Left to right — Mrs. Rhodes, Miss Armstrong, Misses Stevenson, Green, Long. Misses Kirkwood, Marks, Harris. Transcript was considered one of the large accomplishments of the Biennial and is, probably, the beginning of a regular publication for the purpose of disseminating quickly the accounts of the Convention in the real spirit of the occasion. It makes possible, also, a more compact body of convention members since all present are readers of the daily. The daily Convention Transcript was issued by a staff consisting of Florence A. Armstrong, Editor-in-chief ; Clara Stephenson, Epsilon, Manag- ing Editor; Marion Green, Epsilon; June Hamilton Rhodes, Mu; Nell E. Harris, Mu; Frances Kirkwood, Iota; Frances Marks, Iota; Laura Weilepp, Iota; and Maude Staiger Steiner, Theta. The paper was of four pages — in size and style like a university daily newspaper. The early records of the Fraternity show that the names and addresses of all the members were kept separately by the various chapters, arranged The Daily Coxvextiox Transcript, Directory, and Calendar 249 according to the years of initiation. As this method did not prove satisfactory the 1900 Convention provided for a register of all members of Alpha Chi Omega to be kept by Alpha Chapter. P>om these lists the editor of The Lyre compiled and printed in the journal a complete alphabetical directory by chapters of the names and addresses of all the members of Alpha Chi Omega, as follows: Vol. II, No. 2, June, 1897, Alpha — Zeta Chapters, inclusive. Vol. II, No. 2, June, 1897. Alpha — Zeta Chapters, inclusive. Vol. Ill, No. 1. March, 1898. Alpha — Zeta Chapters, inclusive. Vol. IV, No. 1, March, 1899, Alpha — Zeta Chapters, inclusive. Vol. V, No. 4, January, 1902, Alpha — Iota Chapters, inclusive. Vol. IX, No. 5. October, 1906, Alpha — Kappa Chapters, inclusive. Vol. XI. No. 1. October. 1907, Alpha — Mu Chapters, inclusive. Since this method of printing the names and addresses of the members proved inadequate, the Cirand Council Meeting of 1907 appointed the Grand Historian to compile and to publish a separate fraternity directory. Accord- ingly in July, 1908, the First Directory of Alpha Chi Omega was published in pamphlet form by Mabel Harriet Siller. This book contains the names and addresses of the Grand Council members then in office, a list of the active chapters (Alpha to Xi, inclusive) with addresses of the chapter houses or halls and the dates of installation of the chapters, and a list of the alumnae chapters (Alpha Alpha to Gamma Gamma, inclusive) with the dates of establishment, besides an alphabetical catalogue by chapters of names and addresses of all Alpha Chis. It also included a list of the honorar}^ members with their addresses. Two catalogues of members were printed in the first History of Alpha Chi Omega, one by chapters, including the chapters from Alpha to Sigma, inclusive, and containing the years of initiation, and addresses; the other an alphabetical list giving chapter only. Annual directories were pul)lished thereafter by The Lyre in 1912, 1913, and 1914; in pamphlet form in two cases, and in April, 1913, in the regular issue of the magazine. Since there was no provision for purchase of the directories, The Lyre lost heavily, although the advantage of an annual, care- fully compiled directory was of incalculable value to the Fraternity. In 1916 the Alumnae Association took over the publication of a directory in a pocket edition as recommended by the editor of The Lyre; and provided to all new initiates, by constitutional requirement, a copy of the same. The 1916 directory contained both a catalogue by chapters, and by geographical location. Its convenient size renders it of greater practical value than pre- ceding issues. The first ofticial Calendar of Alpha Chi Omega was presented shortly after the 1910 Convention, the committee in charge being Florence Reed Haseltine and Mabel Harriet Siller. The attractive cover design in tan and brown bore the coat-of-arms and the Greek letters A X 12, while the pages contained the dates of all the chapter installations, the significant national dates of the Fraternity, and blank spaces for chapter dates. This calendar, aside from being an artistic addition to the chapter halls, furnished an 250 The Hisiorv ok Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity excellent reminder of the dates v.hen the annual tax. The Lyre material, and other matters of fraternity support, were due. The second Alpha Chi Omega Calendar was a daily memorandum pad of small size, for desk use, issued by Kappa Chapter. The cover was olive green tied with scarlet silk cord. The pages contained the fraternity dates of impor- tance. This was issued for 1913-14. The next calendar was a four-page calendar, published by Delta. It was in olive green, printed in gold. Each page contained three calendar months, and a poem by an Alpha Chi Omega as follows : A Fraternity Symphony, Celia E. McClure, A. Enter Spring, Margaret Barber Bo wen, A. The Sun and the Rain, Ellen Beach Yaw, E. The Holly Tree, Florence Fall Miller, B. The 1915-16 Calendar was published by Zeta Zeta Alumnse Chapter for the benefit of a Convention Fund. It was a brass desk calendar and paper- clip of great convenience. The Greek letters A X n were embossed on it. The calendar service was a perpetual one. The publication of the next year's calendar was granted to Zeta Zeta also. The design was made and painted by Olive Cutter, Zeta. It is a remarkably beautiful peacock device of special appropriateness because the peacock was the bird of Hera. Between two magnificent birds are the Greek letters A X Q,. These calendars have all been in good taste, and artistic in effect. CHAPTER XIX OFFICIAL FORMS AND SUPPLIES Until 1914, the business of ordering the supplies used by the chapters and by the council members fell to the lot of the different national officers. As the Fraternity expanded, it was thought wise to have a committee attend to the purchasing and distributing of all the supplies. All orders are now written in duplicate, and signed by the Keeper of Supplies, on official order blanks. By having one person attend to al! the ordering it is much easier to keep a check on all bills. No bills are- paid without the approval of the Keeper of Supplies and the National President. While the work is not yet sys- tematized to the committee's liking, much has been done to simplify thf work. The stationerv used by the national officers may be ordered in the following sizes : Council letter heads embossed — 8>^X11, Sy2Xiy4, and 8>^X5^. Envelopes printed address t^ order — Numbers 6^ and 10. Envelopes embossed — N u m b e r Correspondence cards (printc\i address only) . Province Presidents embossed letterheads Sy^yCW. The die (Gothic lettering) and stationery for the chapters are the same style as that used by the National Council. Other Supplies : Affiliation Certificates. Alumnae Chapter By-laws and Club By-laws. Filing Cards for Card Index. Printed Instructions for Card Index Filing. Initiates' Records. Annual Active Chapter MLMubcrship Report to and Records. Petition Forms for Cha])ter (active). Petition Forms for Chapter (alumna'). Kaiiikv.n Mok(;an, A'l Exchange Eflitor, 1912-1915 Keeper of Supplies Keeper of the Archives 252 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Petition Forms for Alumnae Clubs. Information for Petitioners. Information Required of Petitioners. Record of Petitioner. Alpha Chi Omega Finances. Charter. Membership Certificates. Official Order Blanks for Badges. Active Chapter Reports to National Convention. Alumnae Chapter and Club Reports to National Convention. Convention Vouchers. Convention Credentials. Report of National Vice-president to National Convention. Report of National Secretary. Report of National Treasurer. Report of National Editor. Report of Lyre Business Manager. Report of Keeper of the Records. Report of Panhellenic Delegate. Chapter Treasurer's Monthly Report and Instructions to same. Alumnae Note No. I. Alumnas Note No. II. Alumnae Adviser's Annual Report. Inspector's Annual Visiting Report. Order Blanks for Supplies. Chapter membership blanks for use of National Officers. The following are typed by the National Secretarv as needed : Form of Dismissal. Notification of Dismissal to be sent to active and alumnae chapters. Notice of Release of Pledge. While from a business standpoint, the various reports are most impor- tant to the chapter, still no two documents are dearer to the heart of every loyal Alpha Chi Omega than the charter and the membership certificates. The first charter was drawn up by Mary Jones and Estelle Leonard, and was adopted after slight revision in May, 1887. The original charter was lithographed on imitation parchment. The names of the charter members and of the general officers were signed by those members, and on the lower left-hand corner was affixed the gold seal with small pieces of scarlet and olive ribbon. This charter was not suitable for use by the alumnae chapters, so with the establishing of the first alumnas chapter in 1906, it became necessary to prepare a new form. Laura A. Howe, Edith Manchester, and Mabel Harriet Siller prepared this form, and while similar to the one used by the active chapters, it was more simple in design. Official Forms and Supplies 253 As the fraternity grew, with the constant addition of chapters, both active and alumnae, it seemed wise to have a uniform charter for both chap- ters J. aura Howe was appointed a committee to select the design for such a charter. In 1910 the Grand Chapter adopted the charter now in use. The extreme simplicity of the design adds much to the dignity and beauty of the document. It is engraved on parchment, and bears the coat-of-arms at the top. The names of the charter members are embossed in uniform letter- ing and on the lower left-hand corner the gold seal and the colors of the Fraternity are affixed. Nothing can make an Alpha Chi Omega have the feeling of "belonging" quite so quickly as the Membership Certificate. Our first membership certi- ficates used at the installation of Beta Chapter, were termed "cards of admission to the Fraternity." This was in 1887, and no effort was made to have a more dignified certificate until 1902. Edith Manchester drew up the form which was used until 1908. This card was an attractive printed card. A lyre, the facsimile of the badge, embossed in white, adorned the top. The Grand President, the Chapter President, and the Grand Secretary signed these certificates. In 1908 the Cirand Chapter appointed Paura Howe to select a new form for the membership certificates. It was not easy to select a design which should meet all the requirements. However, the present form was adopted by the Grand Chapter in 1910. It is a beautifully engraved card, bearing the coat-of-arms in the upper left-hand corner. The name of the initiate, of the chapter, and the date of initiation is inserted in uniform letter- ing. A space in the lower right-hand corner is reserved for the signatures of the National President and Secretary. These certificates are ordered for the initiates on the fifteenth of April and November. It is impossible to estimate the cost of the supplies per year, since the prices vary from year to year. Whenever it is at all possible the supplies are ordered in large quantities. Various minor changes have been made in the Treasurer's Report Blanks, the Inspection Report Blanks, and in the Order Blanks for badges. As the new chapters are installed, and the old supplies are exhausted, it is the aim of the committee to have uniform books for all chapter records. Each Alumna Adviser and Province President is furnished with com- pletely equipped handbooks, containing everything of interest and value to her in connection with the work of her office. u '^'IL^ /ii^^ ^^ew^'^^iaj ,>-' ffj/f/ /////////. zf//f// /■ //^' /Yfr//f( f/j/// ///// f/ . ////////// // //////■ ///■// / r.j // f/u//// /////// f y/y /.v f///r//^///yy/ yr.) Ay//-/ - //■/// //// /////f/./ /////////■////(////'./ r/ ///y' ■//■/////■//////. //jy//f/rf/ /f//rf///.j /A//////r// ////A/ A/ //// ■ A^f ,/,/r/ /A/' . /AAA/// '/A/f y ///r/^/f. /■/•//A jy// A/ A// ' j///.jAAA/////y/ /////A /A/ /^ //AA /AA///' A////./ // AA// - //// A/ ////A//./ AA///'/r/.j/: AA//./ / A//// A/ y /////// A/ /A/yA/f// /A ////// ///^/A /'/'//A. ■ A// //•////f.t.i I/'/// Jtf/ />■' //'ir-/ ///■/■r///f//.jf/ f r/r /f///ii/.J ///'f/ ,f//>:,;,A/Ar. •,-,€/■ !////,■ yrr//r,;,//y /A/!, t///j/ /•/ ■ //////• ^y '-//'//" //////■ //////■ ■ //I/// /■////////./ Pkksent Charter Old Membership Certificate f Alplui (Lhi il\\m ^h'i\\mnh} / /y ^ /f^r/f/// /////ff ■ /If////// //////• /////////// /y //// ■ ///////////// Present Membership Certificate CHAPTER XX ENDOWMENT AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS The Scholarship Fund which was instituted at the last Convention had a two-fold purpose, and the vice-president states that to her personal knowl- edge at least eight girls in the Fraternity last year would have been eligible and worthy of a loan from such a fund had one existed. Its purpose is to help members of the Fraternity to finish their college courses. A second class of loan would have made fraternity life possible to other girls who had adequate funds for a university course, but not enough to pay fraternity dues and initiation fees. Accordingly a plan was devised whereby in the future both problems will be met. The convention pledges of $75, the individual and official jeweler rebates, and the proceeds of future alumnae notes, as well as all profits from the sale of the directories will constitute the nucleus of the Scholarship Fund. Individual members pledged gener- ously, so that in a very short time the sum of $564 had been raised. To date the amount expended totals $550 which has already been loaned to five selected girls. During the summer of 1908, through the efforts of Fay Barnaby Kent, a former pupil of Edward Macdowell. active steps were taken to raise the money to build a studio at the Macdowell Colony. One of Mr. ^[acdowel^s most cherished ambitions was to found an artists' colony, similar to the American academy at Rome on the farm at Peterborough, New Hampshire, which had furnished the inspiration for all of his later masterpieces. Into the development of this project he put much loving thought and the greater part of his savings. At his death Mrs. Macdowell deeded the property to the Macdowell Memorial Association which is endeavoring to realize the musi- cian's ideals. Only those possessing marked artistic talent or creative genius in any one of the fine arts are awarded scholarsliips by the committee. The artists live in the "Lower House," which was formerly the nucleus of the colony, and in three other houses. Isolated individual studios are provided free by special donation. Alpha Chi Omega, through the active cooperation of active and alumna? members, has erected one of these attractive little studios which bears the name of the Fraternity. Aj)plication for the Alpha Chi Omega Scholarship at Peterborough must be approved by the Fraternity Macdowell Studio Committee before being forwarded to Mrs. Macdowell who is a permanent member of the Scholar- ship Con)mittee. Failing a properly qualified Alpha Chi applicant, the studio may be awarded to any deserving artist. The Alpha Chi Omega Studio is most attractive, eighteen by twenty feet with a square colonial porch, tiled. The roof is of slate. There is a cordial fireplace, and a closet for cooking and for cooking utensils. A basket of luncheon is served at noon from Colony Hall where all the artists in the colonv repair for dinner in the evening. The studio is in the midst 258 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity of a pine grove of splendid trees. Here one may retire for a complete day's work without fear of interruption. Last but by no means the least interesting is the wonderful growth of the Reserve Fund. Inaugurated in 1912, with a committee of three, of whom Mrs. Alta Allen Loud was the chairman, its purpose is to make possible the awarding of loans to chapters for house building and other legitimate pur- poses. The first thousand dollars was speedily raised, and the five thousand dollar goal to be reached by 1915 actually exceeded that sum by $261.08! The system pursued consisting of pledges from active chapters of $100, alumnae chapters, $25, and alumnae clubs, $10, was eked out bv generous subscriptions from individual members. The report of the Resers-e Fund Committee in 1916 says: "Again the Reserve Fund Committee desires to express its appreciation of the interest taken in and the support given to the fund. We are glad to announce that twelve active chapters have given the one hundred dollars asked. Rho Chapter has pledged one hundred dollars and has already given forty dollars of this amount in monthly payments, while four other chapters have contributed smaller sums. Those chapters which have not pledged have been struggling with financial burdens and it has not seemed wise to press the matter. Every alumnae chapter has pledged the twenty-five dollars asked, several have given more, and all but one have fully redeemed their pledges. This one will be paid in full before the 1917 Convention. Six alumnae clubs have paid ten dollars or more into the Reserve Fund Treasury, two have given smaller amounts, and two more have pledged ten dollars each. We earnestly hope that the coming year will bring pledges from those clubs which have not yet contributed, and that eventually every active and alumnae chapter and alumnae club may have a share in the building up of this fund. "The hopes of the Committee for a five thousand dollar fund for the 1915 Convention were more than realized. We now ask for the support of Council, chapters, and all members of the Fraternity in our work toward the realization of our desire for an eight thousand dollar fund which is the goal set for the 1917 Convention." Zeta Chapter, New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, gives a chapter scholarship of eighty dollars annually to one of its members. The recipient is chosen, by election, on the basis of need and talent. The award of the scholarship is a matter of chapter action solely. Little is said on the subject by any member of the chapter either before or after its award. The funds for the scholarship are earned by the chapter at a Panhellenic function during the year at which all the fraternities raise money in some way accept- able to the committee in charge. Very artistic and successful devices are designed for the event. CHAPTER XXI CHAPTER-HOUSE OWNERSHIP At the opening of the college year 1916-17, all rhajjters of Alpha Chi Omega reside in chapter houses except those four in institutions where frater- nity houses are debarred. Of these nineteen chapters, three have just entered into house-ownership, and are, for the first tiine, in possession of their own homes. A fourth has purchased a site, and will build soon. A fifth will be in her own new home in one year from date. Eight other chapters are pre- paring funds with wliich to build as soon as possible. vStill another owns a comfortable brick lodge which is used for fraternity purposes, but which cannot be occupied by the chapter members because of the faculty ruling. In brief compass, then, we can read that Alpha Chi Omega, as a wliole, believes that the time for chapter-house ownership has come to this Fraternity. In figures, the present possessions of the Fraternity in terms of chapter houses are as follows : Theta, University of Michigan, house built li\- chapter, corner lot. . . .$24,000 Kappa, University of Wisconsin, house purchased, red brick, in new- fraternity district, Langdon Street 25,000 Lambda, Syracuse University, house purchased, stucco and tile 25,000 Omicron. Baker University, corner lot opposite university 2.500 Beta, Albion College, brick lodge 4.000 Total value $80,500 In her report to the national Council in 1916. the Chairman of Chapter House Committee said : "The year just passed has registered an exceeding])- busy one for Alpha Chi Omega along house-ownership lines, and the acquisition of pledges toward the pa}TTient of same. ••' * 1916 sees us with an advance of about $19,000 over our conii)lete chapter financial status since 1912. * * The House Committee is convinced that the actjuisition of building funds is but a statement of a chapter's true general strength, especially in our older chapters, since it shows a spirit of cooperation for a definite desirable goal, and tile acquisition of suitable housing cjuarters on a basis of competition with other well organized fraternities. * "The ever-increasing high rentals for undesirable locations might well be put to better advantage, since very few houses are suitable for fraternity pur- poses, unless built especially for them. * * "The committee is happy to report that on April 24 Theta broke ground for her house the total cost of which is to be $17,750. Kappa is completing * * the acquisition of the Tennev home in Madison at a cost of $25,000. * =i= We are also happy to announce that Iota undoubtedly will begin building operations next May. tlie total cost of house to be $15,000; and that we are in hopes that a suitable location may be bought for Lambda during this Council Meeting, (^micron has purchased a building site for about $2,500. 260 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity and hopes by 1919 to begin building operations at an estimated cost of $12,000. Since fraternities in Kansas pay no state taxes, they have a distinct advantage over most of our chapters. * * "We urge all chapters where house-ownership is permitted to keep their financial records absolutely clear from year to year, to add a definite sum monthly or yearly to their building funds, and to secure definite pledges from every initiate for future payment over a stated number of years. * *" With the help of the Reserve Fund, and under the direction of com- petent national and local building committees, the chapters have worked in a businesslike way for the attainment of comfortable and suitable homes of their own. Their alumnae have been willing to cooperate with such sane efforts, both by financial aid and by personal oversight in business matters. Katherine Anderson Mills has superintended personally every detail of Theta's house-building operations. She writes of the entire project thus: "To own our chapter house has been an air castle of Theta's for a great many years, even back in the days when I was active. To have our dreams come true at last scarcely seems possible. "It has been a comparatively short time that Theta has gone after her dream in an organized, systematic way. Some three or four years ago the active chapter appointed an Alumnae House Committee to work up the project in cooperation with the chapter. Quite a little was accomplished by this com- mittee in the actual collection of money, and in getting the project before the alumnae. A year ago last June the girls had the offer of a lot at such an attractive price, and in such a charming location on the corner of Olivia and Cambridge Road, that the Alumnae House Committee could not resist the temptation to borrow money of the National Council to add to their funds and invest. "With the buying of property the organization of the Alumnae House Committee dissolved into a Board of Directors for Theta Corporation, since the girls found it necessary to take out incorporation papers, at once, to hold property legally and incur indebtedness. Their Articles of Incorporation demanded that there be seven directors selected to carry on all business for the corporation. By-laws had to be constructed determining method of election of this same Board of Directors ; and for the purpose of designating how the affairs of the corporation should be conducted. The members taking out the corporation papers, and forming these first by-laws, decided that the Board of Directors should consist of four active members, and three alumnae members, selected for one, two, three, and four years ; that the treasurer of the sorority shall always be a member of the Board of Directors ; that the treasurer of the Board of Directors shall always be an alumna. "Plans for building the house were presented to this Board of Directors one year ago. They finally decided in February, 1916, to accept plans drawn up by Herman Pipp, of Ann Arbor, as the most satisfactory for a convenient fraternity home, and they immediately set about financing the building of a house estimated at $15,000 complete. "In February, the directors got out a circular letter showing the plans for the new home, and asking the alumnae to contribute, or buy notes of any Theta's New Chapter Home, University of Michigan 262 The Hisiorv of Alpha Chi Omega Fraterxitv amount from $50 up. ( >ur notes were second mortgage bonds on the house bearing 670 interest, payable semiannually. A local bank contracted to loan $10,000 on first mortgage, and we hojjed to raise $5,000 among the alumn.ie by selling our notes. "By April the alumn;t and active girls had pledged the $5,000 in bonds, and we felt ready to go ahead. We are especially indebted to Miss Eusebia Davidson of Beta Chapter, Miss Marguerite Coley, and Marie Phelps for large shares of second mortgage notes, amounting from $500 to $1,000 each. The rest of the second mortgage notes were sold in $50 and $100 notes, mostly to active girls. The alumns subscribing for notes were : Jessie Paterson, $100; Fleeta Lamb Cooper, $100; Persis Goeschel, $50; Mildred Staebler, $50; Maude Bissel, $100; Mrs. C. O. Davis, $100; Maude Kleyn, $100; Emma Freeman, $100; Katherine Anderson Mills, $100; Vera Burkhart Hill, $100; Edith Leonard Miller, $50; Marion McPherson, $50; Helen McPherson, $50; Florence Staiger, $100; Elma McDevitt, $50. "Then there were donations of $50 or less by alumnae: Mrs. Hoff, Mrs. Kyer, Edith Miller, Mary Hyde Huntington, Isla Jones Hall. Many of our alumnae have promised to respond generously later on in donations of money and furniture, so we feel that Theta will be on a sound basis, financially. "The bank loaning money to us has been very kind in the privileges offered us. They promise that we may pay back our alumnae or second mortgage notes first. They gave us eight years or more in which to do this. Mr. Seyler, head of the Mortgage and Bonds Department of the German and State Savings Bank, was appointed as trustee for all second mortgages, to see that the interest is paid promptly, and the rights of the second mortgages are not overlooked. "Mr. Freeman, father of one of the local alumnae, has done all of our legal business, drawn up the first and second mortgage notes, negotiated the loan from the bank, procured the Superintendent of Construction, and has had general charge of the supervision of the building, buying materials, and so forth. We have great confidence in his al)ility, for he constructed five houses of his own, aggregating in amounts from $70,000 to $80,000. We feel that we have derived great benefit from his experience. "It has been the writer's humble duty as treasurer of the Board of Directors, to collect the money and pay the bills each week. Though there has been quite a little more work attached to this position than anticipated, I feel more than repaid in the valued experience gained. Theta Chapter cordially invites you all to come and inspect our new home after December first, if any of you can conveniently do so." Katherine Anderson Mills. Following is a general description of the house. Exterior buff stonekote with crushed marble pebble dash, bottle green roof, white casements, red brick chimneys. Style of architecture, English. Interior in quartered oak on first floor, and (Georgia pine on second and third floors. Modern vacuum system throughout house, dumb-waiter lift to move trunks, vapor system of heating, modern shower bath on second ChAI'I I.K-HUUSE OWNERSHll' 263 and third tiuors. c-k-ctric Hoor pluL;' fur sludv iiurpuses in each bedroom, system of call bells for each floor. Lambda's new house was iiurchascd b\- the htlp of the jiersonal super- vision of the National rouncil, and the splciididlv organized work of the alumna' association of the chapter. The active girls have cooperated in every possible wav with the alumna'. Miss (JrifHth, to whom was given the actual task of making the purchase ot" the house describes the beautiful new home in the following words : "The house recentlv j)urchasetl b\- J>ambda ('ha|)ler at Syracuse University is located on College Place facing the canii)us, on what might well be called Rear L.\wn of Lambd.\'s House, Showing Pergola and Garage Taken from Side Poich. (T 'I' B House Just Rack of Garage.) 'fraternitv block,' as at least ten of tlie fraternities ha\e their homes in this block. This is in one of the most beautiful sections of Syracuse, is very con- venient to the college buildings, and the liouse itself is probably the most beautiful chapter house in the city. The house is a three-story building of stucco of Elizabethan design. Well-planned grounds lie between it and the street, and a wide porch on the side overlooks the front lawn and the gardens and pergola in the rear. Window boxes, lattice work, and growing vines add a decorative touch to the exterior, and quaint stepping-stones along a raised terrace faced with brick 264 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity lead the way to the porch from the front entrance. ( )n the first floor is a long hall, from which one may enter all the rooms of the lower floor. To the left, is the reception room with its dainty cream-tinted woodwork and its exquisite fireplace huilt of mosaics of Caen marble. Opposite this room, on the other side of the hall, is the long living-room. French doors lead from this room to the porch at the side, and another beautiful fireplace, modeled after a fireplace in Canterbury Cathedral, is the most attractive feature of the room. The living-room, as well as the library adjoining it. is finished in mahogany. In the library, bookcases line the walls. They are fitted with leaded glass doors, each one of which bears a dift'erent facsimile in colored glass of an old English bookplate. Glass doors lead from this room to the porch, the living- room, and the dining-room. The large dining-room at the end of the hall has a very pretty conservatory with walls and floor of mosaics of terra cotta. A well-planned butler's pantry and kitchen completes the first floor of the house. In the basement is a lieautiful chapter-room, finished in oak, with an attrac- tive fireplace and a huge drop-light of Tiffany blend glass and hammered brass. At the curve of the stairs leading to the second floor, one sees again the motive of the house expressed in the stained glass window, with its pictured representation of St. (ieorge and the dragon. On the second floor are the rooms for the girls, each one of which has several large windows, and the chaperon's room with its private entrance, porch, and bath. There are two other baths on this floor. On the third floor are more bedrooms, the house accommodating twenty girls altogether, and another bath. Although the house was not built for a fraternity, it is scarcely two years old and is well fitted for use as a fraternity home. Hardwood floors are laid throughout, the electric light fixtures are of hammered brass, and expense was not spared to add manv convenient features to the equipment of the house. The great care which has been given to details in the construction of the house, and the effort made by Mr. Ward, the architect, to create a harmonious whole have given the chapter at Syracuse a home which they are very happy to occupy." The home of Kappa Chapter was likewise a purchase so that the mem- bers were saved the endless work incident to building a new house. Mary Sayle, chairman of Kappa's history committee, writes of their home : "For some time past, Kappa Chapter has been considering house-ownership. Serious contemplation occurred in the spring of 1916, when a desirable propo- sition presented itself. Some of Madison's best homes are located on Langdon Street, a wide prominent street running parallel and immediate to beautiful Lake Mendota. It was on this street, that a wealthy man's home was placed for sale. Kappa Chapter heard of it and at first only had vain hopes of buying it. The chapter immediately appointed a committee consisting of Mary Sayle, chairman, and Floy Humiston, to investigate the proposition. They did so and came back airing glowing reports to the girls. The chair- man conferred with Lillian Zimmerman, one of our alumnae and chairman of the National Building Committee, and with Ann Kieckhefer, Kappa's al)le adviser. Both wt)men came to Madison to investigate the situation. After C'hAPI KR-HorsK ( )\VM:KSH I 1' 26; much delil)erati()n ami extensive business sessions, Miss Zininitrnian and Miss Kieckhefer, as they have done in many affairs, made Kappa's house ownership more tlian a vain hope. It was in June that these al)le helpers presented, in reality, a home to Kapi)a. ( )ur new home is 146 Lan^don Street, the elegant and spacious home of the late D. K. 'I'tnney, a wealthy Madisonian. The house is one of dark red stone and brick, with large sleep- ing porches overlooking our large open lawn that extends to the banks of Lake Mendota. One can scarcely describe the beauty of the whole and we only ask you. wlien an opportunity affords itself, to come and see Kappa and her own home. I.MKIUOR 01- H(JME OF KaPJ'A CHAPTER "The main floor comprises a reception room with a fireplace, a parlor, living-room with a fireplace, a large library overlooking the lake, a dining- room, and kitchen. There are four bedrooms, a bathroom, and large hall on second fioor, and five bedrooms, bathroom, and liall on thirtl floor. All the rooms from top to bottom are richly finished. The large lawn to the lake will be the spot for many good times. The accompanying photographs and cuts will give you only a faint idea of tlie beauty of Kappa's new home. It is with great pleasure that Kappa takes this occasion to announce its house- ownership in the Alpha Chi Omega History." < ^ CJ ^ ts Chapter-house Ownership 267 All three chapters which have entered iheir new homes, as well as all which are working toward honsc-ownership. are doing so under the direct supervision of their alunni;e and the ("ounril. This is extremely important in order that our chapters mav avoid the serious dangers that may attend such projects in the way of overburdening active members with financial cares, and the deterioration of standards for the sake of increasing the size of the chapter and its pecuniary assets. Alpha Chi Omega has approached the house-owner- ship project in an unhurried and careful wav. To illustrate the working of the relation between Chajjter and Council, we herewith apjiend the agreement used in the case of T>ambda Chapter. An agreement between the National Council of Al]>ha Chi Omega and Lambda Chapter (Syracuse University) under the terms of which $2,000 from the Reserve P'und is loaned, with interest at 5 per cent, to the chapter. 1. Rent shall be $190 per month for ten months, payable to the Treasurer of the Alumnae Association of Lambda Chapter, the $1,900 to pay all interest, taxes, insurance, and repairs, and $200 on the principal. 2. No repairs shall be allowed except through an alumna? house com- mittee, one member of which shall be the president of the Alumnae Association. 3. Each girl shall pay $13.50 a month room rent for nine months and $3 a week for board. 4. The house must always contain not less than twenty girls ; a surplus number must be ready to move in should vacancies in the house occur. If a girl leaves and her place is unfilled, one-half of the room rent remaining for the year must be paid by the girl and one-half bv the active girls as an individual assessment, 5. The board must pay for itself and make a profit. 6. '"Dues shall be $1.50 per month for twelve months. 7. The finances of the chapter shall be in charge of two treasurers, one of whom shall have charge of house and fraternitv expenses, and the other of board. 8. Any surplus of summer rent over expenses (if the house is rented during the summer) shall be sent to the treasurer of the Alumna' Association to be applied on the principal, 9. Any amount in excess of $100 remaining in the chapter treasury at the end of the college year after all expenses for that year have been paid shall be sent to the treasurer of the Alumn;e Association to be applied on the principal, 10. Each girl who is now an active member or shall hereafter become an active member of Lambda Chapter shall sign live notes of $10 each, or ten notes of $5 each, payable beginning with March 1 after she shall leave college. 11. The Alumnae Association is to pay off $500 or more yearly, it being understood that improvements or repairs can not hamper the yearly pay- ments on principal. Chapter-house Owxershif 269 12. The National Council reserves the right to order the sale of the property should the chapter fail in any of the above agreements. Signed Chapter President, Chapter Secretary. The budget system, as described elsewhere, enables the chapter treasurer and the national treasurer to work together with the clearest understanding, and simplifies the local financial system. Another type of desirable proposition is one used frequently by several fraternities — the building of a new house by a business man according to the desires of and for the extended use of the chapter. When a chapter is not in a position to own its own home, this plan is a good one. Psi Chapter, University of Oklahoma, entered this vear (1916) a house built expressly for her occupancy. The homes of lota and Rho Chapters also were constructed for their convenience. The home designed by Alpha Chapter for its future erection is to be a Memorial Hall in honor of the founders, and is to contain a treasure-room for the storing of the valuable archives of the Fraternity. CHAPTER XXII THE MACDOWELL COLONY STUDIO Through an aperture in a stone wall which borders one of the forest-roads of the Macdowell Memorial Association, lies the way to Macdowell's "Log Cabin." One passes from the road into the marshy path through golden-rod and tall grasses, under dense maple shrubs and old apple trees. Masses of ferns stretch into the distance on either side of the path. Boulders of moss-grown granite are strewn thickly among the trees. Through ferns and delicate ground-pine, which twines about rocks and roots of trees, one sees the rich brown pine-cones and needles. Centuries of seasons have drifted these into a soft mysterious earth-rug. It clings even to the gnarled roots of the colossal pines which are so aged and towering that only the topmost branches are green. The slender poplars rise as high as the firs. Through such wild beauty one begins his approach to the deserted cabin. After a short distance the wet path gives way to a narrow board-walk. This rather uncertain but dry bridge depends, as the case may be, upon boulders or logs. Through the dense wood it winds along, bordered by mosses, wild lilies-of-the-valley, and brilliant fungi, orange-colored, yellow, wine- red, or waxy-white. After rain there appear a few livid salamanders. Away on the horizon the sky, like a glittering sea, shines through the tangle of branches. This woodland path is but a few steps from Hillcrest, the Macdowell home. By it Macdowell climbed to his "Log Cabin" which juts out from a steep hillside. On the high veranda of the cabin, facing Mt. Monadnock, Macdowell was close to the waving treetops, and could perceive melodious airs in the rustling of shimmering poplars, and in the deep whirring of swaying pines. Here he composed his greatest works. The Log Cabin, now so hallowed by great productions, was a gift to Macdowell from his wife, Marion Macdowell, who secretly designed it and supervised its erection. She had perceived that even in the music-room of Hillcrest which was superior to any workroom he had possessed in his harassed city-life, Macdowell could not achieve entire isolation and con- centration. "Perhaps," she says naively in her lecture-recital, "Perhaps his wife was too near !" To the studio in the deep woods she led Mac- dowell, and presented to him, as a surprise, the new workshop which her loving thoughtfulness had contrived. In the hearthstone before the enormous fireplace are engraved the words, "Edward and Marion, August, i8gg," These simple words in the "Log Cabin" connote, it would seem, impor- tant historical significance. For the studio in the forest was the inspiration not only of great music, but also, for the wide fostering of creative art, of an institution for which the name of Macdowell will eventually, perhaps, be as noted as for musical composition : The Macdowell Memorial Colony. And as Mrs. Macdowell designed and built the Log Cabin, so. after the death of The Macdowkll Colony Studio 271 the composer, she erected, with the same wisdom and sympathetic enthusiasm, more than a dozen other studios, until a distinguished artists' colony came into full fruition. The following studios have been erected : 1. The Bark Studio, given by Mrs. Macdowcll. in memory of Caroline Jumelle Perkins. 2. The Barnard Studio, given by students in Barnard College. 3. The Peterborough Studio, given by Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schofield. Mrs. H. A. Chamberlain, Mrs. Andrew S. Draper, and Miss Ruth Cheney. 4. The Chenev Studio, given bv Mrs. Benjamin P. Chenev and Mrs. Carl Kaufmann. 5. The Pine Studi(\ given bv some of Mr. Macdowell's students. 6. The Star Studio, given by Alpha Chi Omega. 7. The Louise Veltin Studio, given by the alumna- of the Veltin School. 8. The Helen Ogden Wood Studio, given by Mrs. Frederick Trevor Hill. 9. The Monday Music Club Studio, given by the Monday Music Clul) of Orange. N. J. 10. The Myra McKeown Studio, given by the friends of Miss McKeown in Youngstown. Ohio. 11. The Adams Studio, given by Miss Margaret Adams. 12. The vSprague-Smith Studio, given by thirty-one of the pupils of Mrs. Charles Sprague-Smith. 13. The Regina Watson Studio, given by Mrs. Frederic S. Coolidge, Mrs. William Loomis, Mrs. J. Rosenwald. Mrs. A. A. Sprague, Miss Cor- nelia (i. I-unt, Miss Margaret Lunt Mdultnn. Mr. August Blum, and Mr. Clarence M. Woolley. 14. The George Alexander Chapman Studio, gift of Mrs. Alice Woodrough Chapman, supplemented by the proceeds of a memorial concert arranged by Joseph Regneas. The Macdowell Memorial Association was established in 1907 by friends of Macdowell to make possible to other creative artists the perfect conditions which Macdowell himself had discovered. For creative artists in general, in the words of Schauffler. like "American poets, despite their genuine love of town and their struggles to produce worthy lines amid its turmoil, have almost invariably done the best of their actually creative work during the random moments that could be snatched in wood or meadow, bv weedy marsh or rocky headland." Ten years have passed since these ideal surroundings were bequeathed to the cause of American art. The decennial, 1917, a campaign-year for endowment for the colony, will declare to a sceptical public that one idealistic community in New England lias proved its practicability. Two elaborate pageants in 1910 and 1914 have been produced on the picturesque, outdoor pageant stage; annual musicales have acquainted many guests with original compositions of members, and have resulted often in recognition for the artist. The professional directorv of the association contains the names of more than sixty artists who have done creative work at the colony before the season of 1016. 'I1ic amount of artistic production of consequence 272 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity accomplished in tlie colony will be understood more clearly by the public, we predict, when the John Alexander Memorial Studio shall have been completed. For in that studio, which is designed after a chapel in Switzerland beloved by both Macdowell and Alexander, there will be an annual exhibit for visitors, it has been specified, of the finished work of artists of the association and of others. Book-shelves, also, in the new Colony Hall, will contain per- manently volumes written by the authors of the colony. The principal part of the proposed colony-library will be two private libraries which have been bequeathed to the association. The section to be devoted to the works of the authors of the association will be of conspicuous interest, for the colony has been favored with the presence of many writers. The Star Studio has been occupied solely by literarv artists. Mr. Parker Fillmore, a writer of stories about children, one of the directors of the Mac- dowell Memorial Association, has returned to the Star Studio each season since its erection by Alpha Chi Omega in 1911. Belle McDiarmid Ritchey, a lecturer on poetry and a writer of stories for children under the nom de plume "Elizabeth Wier." wrote in the Star Studio for a part of one season. The writer occupied the studio for most of the season of 1916 throughout much of the composition of this volume. It is hoped that 1916 will be only the first of many seasons when Alpha Chi Omega may be represented in the Star Studio by a creative worker in one of the arts. The Macdowell Memorial Association is unprejudiced so far as the different arts are concerned. A number of distinguished composers, most fittingly, have worked in the studios, but they have been no more numerous than the poets. Painters and sculptors have found the colony as pregnant with inspiration for original composition as have the musicians and writers. That close association of the various arts, similar to what is found in the American Academy at Rome, was fruitful of good for all, Macdowell was convinced. The experiment of an artistic community based on that principle was of great interest to Alpha Chi Omega, because she, too, was grounded in the same belief. Shortly after the death of Macdowell in 1908, the National Council of Alpha Chi Omega decided, in council session, to propose to the Fraternity cooperation with the Macdowell Memorial Association in carrying out Mac- dowell's dream. To the Association Macdowell, shortly before his death, had deeded his wooded estate iiear Peterborough, New Hampshire, and the enter- prise was put under way as soon as possible. In 1909, therefore, a member of the National Council of Alpha Chi Omega, Fay Barnaby Kent, of New York, a former pupil of Macdowell's, was given charge of soliciting an Alpha Chi Omega fund for the erection of a studio at the colony. The chapters responded immediately and generously. In 1911, in consequence, the Star Studio, one of the most desirable studios in the colony, was ready for its first occupant. Like Mrs. Macdowell herself, Alpha Chi Omega in so doing builded better than she knew^ How little any- one grasped in the beginning the far-reaching importance to American art of these workshops in the wood ! The Macdowkll Coi.oxv Siudio 273 As illustrations of it show, the Star Studio is in the heart of the forest. Giant pines conceal it completely from the road which passes Hillcrest a very few rods distant. Only when a traveller is near can he see from the path the green walls and the slate roof through the branches. Hut two other studios are in the same part of the wootl. 'l"he isolation and ([uiet are perfect. The only sound that enters the windows throughout the dav is the songs of the birds, and the music which constantly plavs in the treetops. a soft, rich melody which never intrudes. The chief charms of the studio within are the large fireplace and the huge north window. Lovely hangings of exquisite browns and greens are at the windows. The Hoor is of brick-red tile. Beside the large window sits the heavy table for writing. From the studio can be seen nothing but the dense forest and patches of sky through the thicket. Sunshine and rain alike lend new beauties to the vista. The sun brightens the lofty tops of trees which are dark with shade below. In Whistlerian terms the scene should be called, "A Study in Brown and (Ireen." The mottled, pulsing shadows on the pine- needles and on the brake, the flickering silver of the light-beams o!i the black moss-stained tree-trunks afford e\'er-changing charms. But the rain brings its own excitement and loveliness. For the trees sing wilder and more solemn strains in a storm, and the copse emits a radiant sheen through its veil of moisture. Such is the atmosphere about the Star Studio. But as each studio has its own marked individuality, so is the vista from each different from the outlook enjoyed by all the other artists. The general program of the dav, however, is the same for all. A basket of lunch is left at each studio at noon, so that the worker's day need not be disturbed. An early breakfast is served at different parts of the colony near the dormitories. In the evening most of the colonists dine at Colony Hall, and an occasional impromptu concert or reading fol- lows. The Sunday evening tea at Hillcrest with Mrs. Macdowell is the most delightful of the colonists' social pleasures. Then golden hours are spent in the music-room, redolent with memories of Macdowell, in the composer's own flower garden, or on the rambling piazza, overlooking the estate. Whether the colonists are at work or at play, there is manifest the spirit of contentment and of eagerness to achieve work worthy of their environment. Through contact with each other, all the workers find that their artistic hori- zon is broadened. All sections of the United States are represented: the East, the Middle West, and the Far West. A spirit of ai)preciation toward the work of their fellow-colonists warms the tone of the association. A banal clique spirit among artists well known to each other and mutually approving each other's efforts to the extent of depreciating what lies beyond their ken is a vitriol which would endanger the noblest community. The spirit of the Mac- dowell Colony is practically free from this menace not only because of the disinfectant power of the generous idealism of Mrs. Macdowell. the business manager of the association, but also because of the tradition of the as.sociation that encouragement of striving artists is more productive of results than depre- ciation. Thl Macdowell Colony Studio 275 The struggles of the colony itself are regrettal)ly far from their end. In equipment $50,000 lias been given to the association. But the crying need of the present hour is for endowment to insure the permanency of the enterprise. The annual deficit has been met by the personal toil of Mrs. Macdowell whose lecture recitals have yielded, up to the present, $15,000 to the association. In the season of 1915-16, Mrs. Macdowell filled hfty engagements from Massa- chusetts to California. It was the i)rivilege of numerous Alpha Chi Omegas to lend their cooperation in this tour by their presence and by their influence. In Los Angeles Alpha Chi Omega held a reception for Mrs. Macdowell, and at Seattle a dinner was given in her honor. The Simpson College Chapter in 1912 presented Mrs. Macdcnvell in recital, and other chapters and clubs will, no doul)t. have the the same pleasure and opportunity in the future. The members and friends of the Macdowell Memorial Association face, in their loyalty to the cause and their enthusiasm for its success, a stupendous task. The colony has rendered distinctive service to the unrecognized artist and to the famous one. It should be the work of the nation's art-lovers to render a service to the colony by encouragement and financial support. Alpha Chi Omega is happy to l)e able to cooperate in this, "the greatest art-movement in America." CHAPTER XXIII INFLUENCE OF GRECIAN CULTURE UPON ALPHA CHI OMEGA The impress of Greek culture upon Alpha Chi Omega is palpable. Grecian influence, as one easily may see, goes far deeper than the Greek-letter name and the initiation of members by secret mysteries. It is manifest in the very basis of the fraternity : its purpose, its ideals, and its requirements. Music among the Greeks, as everyone knows, was conjoined intimately with poetry, drama, ,and with general culture ; Alpha Chi Omega was con- ceived from a belief in a somewhat similar association. In the beginning she asked of all prospective members some musical culture. A general education,' also, has been expected consistently of its members who, even in the oldest chapters, often received their degrees from the liberal arts department as well as from the musical department. Often a member followed only a single course in music, or, as the case might be, the requisite musical study might have been made elsewhere previous to her membership in Alpha Chi Omega. In the denominational colleges, in which Alpha Chi Omega placed her early chapters, the small size of the student-body and the close affinity of the liberal arts and the fine arts courses, a condition very different from that in most American educational institutions, rendered possible and most desirable this union of the ;esthetic with the purely intellectual courses. The acquisition for membership of many of the most distinguished musicians in the 'colleges, and the giving by the Fraternity of concerts of high order, and of interesting amateur dramatic productions, combined to give to the earliest chapters, as they soon recognized, "an unique and enviable standing in the college and in the community." This prestige was enhanced further by the accession to honorary membership (a form of membership common in fraternity circles, in the early days) of the greatest creative and interpretative feminine musical artists in America. As was mentioned above, a liberal education was desired for members, and in but one instance, despite very numerous opportunities, was a charter granted to a separate school of music. The conservatory so honored, the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, is the first school of music, in rank, in America, with broad and rigid literary requirements of its students. The chapter placed there has been a source of great happiness and honor to the Fraternity. There may come a time, let us hope, in the future of American education, when the general literary opportunities of other conservatories may be sufficientlv broad, and the material foundations sufficiently deep and strong, to warrant their winning, with honor to themselves and to the Fra- ternity, cJiarters of Alpha Chi Omega and of other National Panhellenic Congress fraternities. For music and the liberal arts supplement each other. In an organization with such a combination of aesthetic and intellectual ideals as Alpha Chi Omega, one is not surprised to find its first fellowship Influence of (Irecian Culture Ui'ox Alpha Chi Omkca 277 established for the encourat^enient of creative art. Sliortly after the establish- ment of the Macdowell Memorial Association in memory of I'Mward Mac- dowell, the most gifted of American composers, Alpha Chi Omega built the Star Studio, at the Association's colony for artists at Peterborough, New Hampshire. The use of this studio is awarded annually, by the Association for creative work in one of the arts. Up to the present time (1916) it has been occupied by writers. In ca.se the Fraternity presents an applicant who is eligil)le to membership in the association, the standards of which are very high in creative achievement, a meml)er of Alpha Chi Omega may receive the fellowship. The Fraternity thus encourages creative art among lier own mem- bers, as well as among other young artists. Upon her entrance into the state-supported university, early in the second decade of her existence. Alpha Chi Omega passed into a new experience. The relation between the liberal arts and the fine arts courses, in such institu- tions, is much more loose, and much less important than in the small cultural college. The significance of the state institution in American education became so tremendous, from every point of view, that Alpha Chi Omega, flexible to the needs of her membership, responded to the changed situation, and slight adaptations and changes in her laws made it possible for a university chapter of Alpha Chi ( )mega to make, in its choices, the same emphasis, in regard to departments of study, which the board of control themselves were making in their api^ropriations for strengthening departments. Bv this same adaptation to educational conditions. Alpha Chi ( )mega is free to choose the finest type of universitv woman, whether she is educated musically or not. and may, if desiral)lfc. enter a college where there is no school of music. She persists. nevertheless, in her traditional devotion te) music and tlie cognate arts, and in her insistence on the ;esthetic element in a woman's education and life. Like the ancient Cireeks, the members of Alpha Chi Omega, from the smaller cultural colleges and the great universities alike, have done much to disseminate musical culture. I)uring the composition of this volume, the author has been told by four different musicians of note that the most signifi- cant and promising portent for the future of America as a great musical center lies in the understanding and appreciation of music cultivated by the public schools and particularly by the colleges with their increasingly efficient schools of music, artists' recitals, orchestras, glee clubs, bands, and musical festivals. The names of many members of Alpha Chi Omega appear on the lists of the faculties of these schools of music ; a few have established successful music-schools of their own ; manv have their own studios and do private teaching; while many either are. or have been, on the concert stage. Artist, teacher, or "creative listener" she mav be ; it makes no difference. .\n .\lpha Chi Omega may be engaged in chemical research, or in homemaking ; she is always ^ patron of the arts. In the songs of Alpha Chi Omega, (Grecian influence is evident both in their spirit and in their phraseology. ]''or example, in Maid of Grturc. by Margaret liarber Bowen, Delta, are phrases of Grecian significance: 278 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity "I "svear a flowing Grecian gown With red and olive bands, I play a pearl-tipped singing-lyre With soul that understands." And in Who Would Be / by Carrie Alton Archibald, Zeta. are imaginative figures directly alluding to the traits of the Greeks : "O wlio would be a Grecian maid, A queen of arts, a queei; of hearts?" The song. She's Pledged to Alpha Chi, by Delta, pictures the pledging ceremonv in terms of classic rites : "(O Alpha Chi) You are the queen of all the Greeks. :ii: :^ * * * * * A maiden sweet we bring you now, Of loyalty to take the vow; We kindle here the sacred fire That burns in wearers of the lyre." In the majority of Alpha Chi songs the theme is of striving toward achievement which is parallel to the eagerness of the Greeks for self- improvement, and for attainment. In many songs is the sentiment that all initiates are bound in common devotion to a common ideal, as in Hail, Alpha Chi! by Annie Woods McLeary, Zeta : "The praises of Alpha Chi to sing, Our voices raise on high ! Her glorious name to the breezes fling W'hile we, as guard, stand by. For high ideals, for honor bright. For truth's unbroken sway. For friendship in love's armor dight. We herald her fame today. Hail to thy motto the best ever seen. Oh, may we ever heed its call. As onward we mount To seek the heights." Direct Grecian influence is visible also in the badge, a jeweled lyre, the instrument used conspicuously by the Greeks in lyrical or dramatic perform- ances. It is seen, too, in the names of the publications of the fraternity: The Lyre, which frequently contains articles of artistic, poetic, or dramatic interest; The Heraeum (pertaining to Hera), and The Argolid (from the headquarters of Hera). The names of chapter officers are Greek, as is also the secret motto of the Fraternity. Purely Grecian is the ritual of the Fraternity. The temple music is old Grecian. The robes have been carefully modeled after Grecian robes. The ritualistic equipment is stately and beautiful in its Grecian perfection and Influence of Grecian Culture Upon Alpha Chi Omega 279 harmony of detail. And the rites themselves are almost unbelievably lovely and impressive through their imitation of classic mysteries. Preentrance and post-initiation examinations of each initiate familiarize her with the signiti- cance of the classic rites and terms, and, to some extent, with Grecian life and art. Through the ceremonies, and throughout the ideality of the Fraternity, breathes the Grecian passion for perfection. In the Greek festival-concerts "regularly held at various places, such as the Olympian in Elis, the Pythian at Delphi, the Nemean in Argolis, and the Isthmean at Corinth — occurred not only competitions in physical prowess, but equally strenuous rivalries in literary and musical art." Likewise the inspiring words, "Together let us seek the heights," impel the members of Al]»ha Chi Omega, as we all know so well, to excel, as in the (ireek festivals, in the physical, the intellectual, and the aesthetic. They form the inspiring motto of three thousands of members, engraved, as they are, upon the tiny scroll of the crest, and written deeply upon all our souls. To the urge given by Alpha Chi ( )mega idealism may be attributed, in part at least, the personal distinction, which, in some form, inside of college halls or bevond, has come to most members of Alpha Chi Omega. In the name of her patron Goddess, Alpha Chi Omega dedicates one day to sacrifice, as did the ancient Greeks whose worship of Hera was solemn and universal. In the early spring, singular festivals called "Heraea," were celebrated by wonderful processions to her temple, where ceremonies and games were held and enormous sacrifices made. The meat was distributed afterwards to the poor. On the first day of March (which is also the "Matronalia," Juno's great festival among the Romans), Alpha Chi Omega, too. lavs her gifts upon the altars of Hera, not with pomp and ceremony, but in actual deeds by her members, contributing to the welfare and happiness of others. As individuals, or as chapters, each particular talent is consecrated to this noble idea. Some members sing, play, or distribute flowers in hospitals; others give aid to the poor. Thus sunshine is poured into many hearts. The spirit of generous giving nowhere is lacking. March the first is a remarkable dav in the Calendar of Alpha Chi Omega. The custom of celebrating other anniversaries, as well as the Heraea, can be traced to the Greeks who observed many such days. Alpha Chi Omega honors the founding of the order each year on October 15, Founders' Day, by the transmission to the founders of messages of love and appreciation. Similar anniversaries for the individual chapters are celebrated, and appropri- ate home-coming of alumno?, in many instances, have memorialized the date. The ceremonies employed are, it is evident, such as are suitable and practicable to the chapters, and are as dear to the members as ancient ceremonies were to classic peoples. Symbols as well as ceremonies were cherished of old. And Alpha Chi Omega loves and reverences her symbols, as did the Greeks, for their rich connotation. In the lyre, the chief symbol of the Fraternity, there is meaning — in the Ivrc itself, in the inner lyre, the three required stones, the three strings, the scroll, and the triangle. The triangle, indeed, as used by IxFi.uExcE OF Grecian- Cli.il re I rux Altiia Chi Omega 281 the old Greeks is the inspiration of this fraternity symbol, and of the symbolic meaning of the number three as it exists throughout all our ritualism. We have the three stones, the three strings, the three stars, the three halls, the three golden keys, the three parts of the coat-of-arms. and the three degrees of the initiation service. Like the Greeks, Alpha Chi Omega seeks for physical, intellectual, and spiritual development of self. But she strives for far more. Alpha Chi Omega stresses unity in endeavor; harmony in relation to one's fellows; sym- phony in the totality of life. As in the case of the Greeks themselves, the classic myths have enriched our mental concepts. A survey of the mythology which has most ai^ected our traditions is here appropriate. Its setting is in that section of the country known as Thessaly, where rocks and hills are tumbled about in great con- fusion, crag climbing upon crag in an apparent attempt to scale the highest mountain of them all — that mountain placed, so the Greeks thought, in the center of the earth, its head a spire against the sky — Mount Olympus, the dwelling place of the gods. Here it was that the gods of the earth, of the sea, of the underworld, and of heaven met in council to take thought over the affairs of men. Homer describes it as — * * "the reputed seat Eternal of the gods, which never storms * Disturb, rains drench, or snow invades, but calm The expanse and cloudless shines with purest day ; There the inhabitants divine rejoice Forever." Its summit was veiled in mysterious clouds, the gateway of which was kept by goddesses known as the Hours, or Seasons. In the great hall of the Olympian king was everything that could bring happiness. The gods feasted on ambrosia and drank the nectar poured by the lovely Hebe, goddess of eternal vouth. Beautiful music delighted the ear, and learned debates the mind, for here were asseml)led the Muses — -patronesses of poetry, science, and music. They were nine in number : Clio, the Muse of history, the recorder of all great deeds and heroic actions ; Euterpe, the "Mistress of Song," and Muse of lyric poetry; Thalia, the Muse of comedy; Melpomene, who presided over tragedy, and Terpsichore, the light-footed Mu.se of dancing; Erato, the Muse of love poetry; Polyhymnia, the Muse of sacred poetry; Calliope, Muse of epic poetry; and Urania, Muse of astronomy. All of them united at times in one grand song, under the leader- ship of their beloved Apollo who accompanied them on his lyre of gold. In the abode of the gods was. also, all manner of beauty to rejoice the eye, if Milton in his "Comus" has pictured it aright. He describes it as most joyous, a spot "Where day never shuts his eye Up in the broad fields of the sky. Along the crisped shades and bowers Revels the spruce and jocund Spring; The Graces and the rosy bosomed Hours Thither all their bounties bring. 282 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity There eternal Summer dwells, And west winds with musk\ wing About the cedarn alleys fling Nard and cassia's balmy smells ; Iris here with humid bow Waters the odorous banks, that blow Flowers of more mingled hue Than her purpled scarf can show." Can we imagine any setting more exquisite? Let us briefly now consider those glorious deities .for whom this setting is the background. The Greeks believed in numberless gods and goddesses. Everything in nature had its special deity. Each tree had its guardian spirit and every spring, river, and lake its presiding genius. The vast spaces of earth and sky were peopled with invisible beings. But from all this host, ten, or as some writers claim, twelve, names stand conspicuous as belonging to the major divinities of heaven and earth. Foremost of them all was Zeus, the supreme ruler of the universe, whose name signiiies radiant light of heaven. He personified the sky and all the phenomena of the air. The Greeks conceived him as the cloud gatherer, the thunderer, the mighty one who lashed his enemies with the scourge of light- ning, and yet also as the giver of gentle rains and winds, and the guardian of the seasons. Clad in a storm cloud that resembled the skin of a gray goat, he was fearful to behold. Since he was greatest of the gods, it was always the loftiest trees and the grandest mountains that were sacred to him, while the eagle, w^hich builds its nest beyond eye-reach, was considered his special messenger. Zeus everywhere demanded uprightness, truth, faithfulness, and kindness. The story is told of how one day he assumed mortal form and visited the earth. Wearied with walking, he happened upon a little village where he sought shelter. At last on the outskirts he descried a tiny thatched cottage, the home of two kindly old people, Philemon, and his wife, Baucis. These good folk welcomed the unknown visitor and gave him the best of their homely fare. The great god delighted in their quaint hospitality and promised to fulfil any wish they might make. Their only desire was that the same hour might take them both from life. And their request was granted, for one day, after they had attained a great age, their places were found empty. At the same time before the door of a temple of Zeus, were discovered two lofty trees that had never before been seen. Their branches arched over the path- way and lightly intertwined, and as the leaves rustled in the gentle wind, thev whispered softly the names Baucis and Philemon. Second only in importance to Zeus himself was Hera, his sister-wife. As she is the patron goddess of Alpha Chi Omega a special account of her will be given below. Among the other deities of heaven existed no distinction in rank. Each will be named and a short account of his attributes as a god be given. Apollo was the ideal of fair and manlv youth. As god of the sun he brought in his wake the wanii spring, the lovely summer, and the abundant harvests. He Avarded off diseases and healed the sick. Through the Delphian Hera 284 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity oracle he was famed throughout the ancient Greek world as the master of prophecy. He was the god of music and poetry and as such the leader of the Muses. To one interested in music, this attribute of Apollo is perhaps the one of greatest interest. A little tale which Lowell has converted into a poem, "The Shepherd of King Admetus," illustrates in some degree Apollo's ability as a musician. He had been condemned by Zeus, as a punishment for some misdeed, to serve a mortal for the space of one year. He became the shepherd of King Admetus. While tending his flocks on the banks of the river Amphry- sus one day, he stretched some chords upon an empty tortoise-shell and * * "drew Music that made men's bosoms swell Fearless, or brimmed their eyes with dew." To his companions he was a shiftless youth who mused idly hour after hour — a youth "In whom no good they saw, And yet, unwittingly, in truth, They made his careless words their law." They laughed at him "Yet after he was dead and gone And e'en his memory dim. Earth seemed more sweet to live upon, More full of love, because of him. "And daj' by day more holy grew Each spot where he had trod. Till after-poets only knew Their first-born brother as a god." The last stanza of Shelley's "Hymn of Apollo" sums up most of the important attributes of this god. Here he sings : "I am the eye with which the universe Beholds itself and knows itself divine ; All harmony of instrument or verse, All prophec}', all medicine, are mine. All light of art or nature ; — to my song. Victory and praise in their own right belong." Artemis, goddess of the moon and of the chase, twin sister of Apollo, was always closely associated with her brother. As he was the ideal of manhood, she was the ideal of maidenhood, the embodiment of modesty, grace, and vigor. Her brother was god of the sun ; Artemis, the fair-tressed sister, was goddess of the moon. Its slender arc was her bow, and its beams her arrows. To her, in her capacity as moon goddess, Ben Johnson has written a hymn. "Queen and Huntress, chaste and fair Now the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy silver chair State in wonted manner keep : Hesperus entreats thy light. Goddess excellently bright. "Lay thy bow of pearl apart, And thy crystal-shining quiver; Give unto the flying hart Space to breathe, how short soever : Thou that mak'st a day of night. Goddess excellently bright." Influence of Grecian- Culture Upon Alpha Chi OiMEGA 285 But during the day, when not l)usied with driving her silver chariot across the heavens. Artemis, equipped with bow and quiver and accompanied by her band of merry nymphs, followed the chase over hill and valley, forest and plain. The lovely huntress favored the mountain springs and woodland brooks wherein she and her maidens were wont to bathe. She covered the land with beautiful verdure. She was the patron of temperance in all things, the protectress of youth, and the guardian of civil rights. Keats addresses her as "Queen of the wide air ; thou most lovely queen Of all the brijjhtness that mine eyes have seen !" Athene was the goddess wlio sjjrang from the head of Zeus full grown, agleam with the panoply of war. and brandishing a spear. Shelley says : "From his awful head Whom Jove brought forth, in warlike armor drest, Golden, all radiant." • She was destined to enter valorously into many a fray ; for her, battles had no terrors, for she was the goddess of righteous war, lending her support wherever the cause was just. She rejoiced in martial music, in lightning and the thunderclouds. But she was not wholly given to warfare. She was gentle, fair, thoughtful. Her Latin name, Minerva, is connected with the Sanskrit. Greek, and Latin words for mind. She was the incarnation of wisdcm. the goddess of contemplation and of skill. Ares was the war god whom Homer descril)es as a renegade, most hateful of all gods. His name signifies Slayer, Avenger, Curse. He was never sated with strife and bloodshed, and always preferred the din of battle to all other music. No gentle deeds were ever expected of him ; the ancients never addressed loving prayers to him : rather they trembled with terror at the verv mention of his name. Hermes or the Hastener, as his name is thought to signify, was the messenger of the gods. As an infant he was c]uite unlike mortal children, for while still a babe, he sprang from his mother's knee, seized a tortoise shell Iving near, stretched strings across its cavity, and sweeping his fingers over them, produced strains of sweetest music, thus inventing the first lyre. Hermes was a beautiful god, ever in the prime of youthful vigor. He w-as switt as the wind, for on his ankles and low-crowned hat were wings. Keats describes him thus: "Foot-feather'd Mercury appeared sublime Beyond the tall tree tops ; and in less time Than shoots the slanted hail-storm, down he dropt Towards the ground ; but rested not, nor stopt One moment from his home ; only the sward lie with his wand light touch'd and heavenward Swifter than sight was gone." This deit\- was tlie first of inventors, the god of eloquence, of commerce and of science; tlie patron of travelers and rogues. Hephaestus, the god of fire and metallic arts, was the god who. the ancients believed, kept his workshops with their glowing forges under various volcanic islands. He was tlie l)lacksmith of the gods, the finest artificer in 286 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity metal. He it was that wrought the shields and spears of the Olympians, the arrows of Apollo and Artemis and that fashioned the scepter of Zeus, and his mighty thunderbolts. He was a glorious god, good-natured, loved, and honored among men as the founder of wise customs and as the patron of artisans. "Those who labor The Sweaty forge, who edge the crooked scythe, Bend stubborn steel, and harden gleaming armor. Acknowledge Vulcan's aid." Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, was reverenced as the oldest and wor- thiest of the Olympian divinities. Before her shrine in city and state, the holy fire was religiously cherished. The flames were intended to represent the purity of the goddess. From her altars those of other gods obtained their fires and no new colony, no new home was duly consecrated till on its central hearth glowed coals from Hestia's hearth. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, love, laughter, and marriage, was born of the foam of the sea. As she was being wafted gently toward the shore, the beautiful Horae (the Seasons) stood ready to welcome her. In the words of Keats, "An ethereal band Are visible above : the Seasons four — Green-kirtled Spring, flush Summer, golden store In Autumn's sickle, Winter frosty hoar." With them were also the three Graces, waiting to bestow upon her every gracious gift. No sooner did she walk upon the earth but everywhere, at the touch of her feet, herbage quivered into flowers. To her influence was ascribed the fruitfulness of animal and vegetable creation. In her broidered girdle lurked "love and desire, and loving converse that steals the wits even of the ^^ise," for she was mistress of feminine charm and beauty. She lent to mortals fascination — a gift which to a few is a blessing, but which to many is treacherous, destructive of peace. The two divinities that are sometimes classed with the major divinities and sometimes not, are Demeter and Poseidon. Demeter was the goddess of sowing and reaping, of harvest festivals and of agriculture in general. She was assisted in her many duties liy her daughter Proserpina. One day Pluto, the ruler over the lower world stole Proserpina away and carried her to rule as queen of Hades. Demeter search- ing for her child neglected her daily duties. The rain no longer refreshed the flowers, the grain withered in the ardent rays of the sun, and the grass all perished. The whole earth mourned the loss of Proserpina. At last Zeus, moved by the many prayers petitioning her return, decreed that she might return to live on earth six months every year. At her coming, the skies became blue and sunny, flowers bloomed along her way, and the birds "Made melody in branch and melody in mid air." Demeter. happy once more, diligently attended to all her duties and blessed the earth with plenty. When at the end of six months, however, Proserpina was forced to leave, all nature again mourned her departure, till her return in the spring, while her mother hid in a cave, inconsolable. Gayley says, Inki.uenck of (iRKciAN CiM.TURE Upon Alpha Ciii Omkga 287 '■'I'lierr can be little doubt that the storv nl I )emc'tcr and Proserpina is an allegory. Proserpina signifies the seed-corn which, when cast into the ground, lies there concealed — is carried off by the god of the underworld ; when the corn reappears. Proser|)ina is restored to her niotlier. S|)ring leads her back to the light of day." Poseidon, sole monarch of the ocean, governed all the waters upon the face of the earth. As god of the sea, he could by one word, stir up or calm the wildest storm, and cause the billows to roar with fury or subside into peaceful ripples. The symbol of his power was the trident or three-pronged spear. Hera was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was brought up, however, not by her parents, but by Oceanus and Tethys in the remote west beyond the sea. Here on a lofty mountain-peak, Zeus met her and wooed her, and here was celebrated their holy marriage. At this glorious event Earth decked herself in her fairest hues ; the crocuses blossomed, the hyacinths burst forth, and as a wedding gift a tree with golden api)les sjirang up. The cuckoo, the harbinger of spring, sounded his note and thereafter became sacred to the goddess. As the wife of Zeus, Hera, beauteous and majestic, now reigned as queen of the gods. White-armed, large-eyed, adorned with fair braids of hair, are epithets applied to her by Homer; he pictures her in lUiad as of giant size : "With one hand grasp earth that gives food to many, And with the other gra.sp the glistening sea." When she swooped from Mount Olympus she sped on the mountain peaks ; when she drove her chariot, her steeds sprang at each stride as far as a man in a high watch tower can look over the sea into the misty distance. Hera partook not only of the honors of Zeus, but she shared also his powers over heaven and earth. Like him she could wield the thunder and the lightning to rouse the storms. She could even hasten the sun in his course. As is befitting a queen, Hera had attendants from among the other god- desses. In her train were the three (iraces, godde.sses of charm who were present wherever beauty and nobility were found. Hebe, the goddess of youth and cupbearer of the gods, served her. Here, too, must be mentioned the Horae, the goddesses of the Seasons, whose special duty it was to open and shut the gates of heaven as the celestials passed in and out. They were three in number, Eunomia, Dike, and Irene, and represented Spring, Sum- mer, and Autumn. They and the Clraces were usually to be found together. The special attendant of the (jueen. however, was Iris, whose name denoted the many colored rainbow. Iris served, too, as a messenger, not only of her mistress, but also of the other divinities. So swift was her light through the air that she was seldom seen. Onlv her brilliant robe streaming out behind her betrayed lier passage from heaven to earth. Flaccus pictured her thus beautifully : "Like fiery chiuds, that flush with ruddy glare, Or Iris, gliding through the purple air; When loosely girt her dazzling mantle flows, An—i c3 C3rtn3r303rtflirtja3fli C5 • 1—1 •■— 1 - 1— > •.— ■ - >— > •.— > cd C3 C3 C5 X j^ fv; Pi Pi; Pi Pi Pi !-.»—,»-> ►-V ^. < ■s< iret M. Whitney, A a B. Norton, K A 6 race Telling, A V ly H. Olgen, AAA obert Leib, ASA elle Holcombe, X il . W. Lytle, n B . P. Green, K A 9 . H. Roth, K K r rguerite Lake, A V a A. McElroy, A •i' an Thompson, F 4> B es H. Crann, A X fl y Parmelee, AAA 5 Irs. Marga Mrs. Laur; Miss G Miss An: Mrs. R Miss Job Miss A, Miss L Mrs. A Miss Ma Mrs. Cor Miss LiUi Mrs. Jam Mrs. Am CAl ^ CO w ^ ' u ^ •v) 5:^ o 1-1 o o o o o o .y S .o _o ^ u^uucjucjuu^'-^^^m w X ^ Vr ? ° P> ro z < 0^o"'~'O^C^O^C^>-ll-'0^0^ 04 -' cccccc-^^gggg-^c > >i >i >i >> >.^ — Tj "oj 1j "oj ~ 1; ^ *^*^r/i?i?r:>aj oj^^x-c^ j;^ C 'C "CI 'C "C 'C -5 -5 c c c c -S c OOOOOoCCc3cUc3(JjCcS t- 1- I. v^ u >-=«=«PHp4PHfl4i^C^ OOOOOOCLipLi Ph ^j-it-iH^Ht-^^.— ( "^ rij 'Ti "^ ^^ r2 c c c c c c § 0.2 "rt'S'^'^^^'S'^ ;2;2;ZZZZ;^;Z •- N r^ Tt lOvD 1-ioC d ►-• N f^ ■^ The Pan HELLENIC Movement 307 The 1906 Conference remodeled the 1905 constitution, worked out a model constitution for local Panhellenics, and condemned high-school sorori- ties. A report was given by the delegates who had been invited to convene with the conference of the Deans of Women in State Institutions. Mrs. Tennant was appointed a committee of one to correspond with visiting dele- gates of the various fraternities. The marked progress along the line of Social Service and the need of the cooperation of alumna- were the principal matters considered by the 1907 Conference. This assembly placed itself on record as favoring a late pledge day, preferably in the sophomore year. The 1908 Conference changed the name of the organization to National Panhellenic Conference, suggested the organization of resident alumnae, and strongly urged sopliomore pledge day and .scholarship qualifications for frater- nity membership. The 1909 Conference received Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha (iamma Delta who had been admitted during the year. The system of exchange of frater- nity journals \\as voted to be continued, and recommendations were made that there be no rushing before matriculation (which is defined as the day of enrolment of a student in college), and that there be no initiation of a pledge until ten hours of work is completed. Mrs. Tennant, who had been appointed to investigate the subject, gave a thorough report on chaperons. At the 1910 Conference the principal subjects discussed were the Deans' Conferences, chapter house chaperons and rules, the matter of extension of fraternities, local Panhellenic constitutions, legislatiye power for the Confer- ence, scholarship requirements for fraternity members, and social customs. Mrs. Tennant presented a comprehensive report of the committee on chaper- ons. With the exception of the Conference of 1903 when Mabel Harriet Siller was the official delegate, and in 1902 and 1904 when through a mistake or a miscarriage of the mail, notification of ihe dates of the Conference came too late for the Fraternity to l)e represented, Mary Jones Tennant repre- sented Alpha Chi Omega at all of the Conferences 1905-1911. In the early history of the National Panhellenic Conference, only one day annually was required in which to transact the necessary business of that assembly, but for several years past, two days each year have been necessary for the consideration of the various problems that come before this body to be solved. On the second day of each meeting it is customary to hold a Panhellenic luncheon, which all fraternity women are cordially urged to attend. Talks or toasts on yital topics and a brief resume of the session of the Congress add keen interest to these occasions. At the 1909 luncheon Alpha Chi Omega held a place on the program, Mrs. Tennant giving an interesting toast. 1913 Miss Armstrong responded to a toast (in the absence of Mrs. Loud), and in 1915, Mrs. Greene appeared on the program. The beneficial results of this social side of the Congress are ol)vious, bringing all those who attend 308 The Hisiorv of Alpha Chi Omec.a Fraternity into a harmonious relation of closer fellowship, developing greater knowledge of vital matters, nnjre hroad-mindedness, and a larger acquaintance and cooperation of fraternity women. The 1911 Conference changed its name to National Panhellenic Con- gress and adopted a constitution embodying the limited legislative powers wliicli had been granted it. These powers were : To make laws that pertain to its own government ; to admit at its discretion petitioning sororities ; to levy annual taxes ; to make iinal settlement of local Panhellenic difficulties ; and to have advisory power over local Panhellenics. An executive committee was appointed to have charge of business between sessions, and of a quarterly bulletin. The three following Congresses are covered by the report of Alpha Chi Omega's delegate, Mrs. Crann, to the 1915 Convention. "The Panhellenic period elapsing since our Madison convention has been pregnant with affairs. The Congress has convened three times, twice in Chicago, and in November, 1914, in New York City. Upon this occasion Alpha Chi Omega was in the chair, closing her term of office for the year 1913-14, our devoted alumna? of Gamma Gamma acting as hostesses, under the direction of Mrs. Prank Fall. The hospitality extended the Congress and the social features of the occasion were beautiful and perfect in every detail. Two special features were the conference of presidents, at which our National President presided, by desire of the Grand Presidents, and the open session which followed the Panhellenic luncheon. For the first time in the history of the Congress, a session was open to the general public, as well as to Greek-letter women of New York. Addresses on subjects of general fraternity interest and music followed by an informal reception by Gamma Gamma filled the afternoon. "Reports of business sessions, and details of programs reached you through The Lyre. Your entire council was present throughout the Congress, and it is pleasant to be able to tell you that both Mrs. Loud and myself, having kept very close to Panhellenic matters during the present term, realized among other fraternities at the New York Congress, a greater appreciation of Alpha Chi Omega's nationalism and standards than ever before. "The National Panhellenic Congress accomplished during 1913-14 what is expected to bring about the complete elimination of women's high-school fraternities (so called). The legislation originating with the Congress and endorsed by all Congress fraternities, makes ineligible for college fraternity membership any girl accepting or retaining high school membership after September, 1915. The final administration of this legislation, which involves pre-pledging investigation, is at present being worked out by the Panhellenic Congress and a final report may be expected from the 1915 Congress. "There is a clearly defined movement among Panhellenic officers to cooperate for the improvement of local Panhellenic conditions which are notoriously bad, or reported as inharmonious or offensive to college authorities. The first movement in this direction was the adoption in 1913 of Uniform Chapter House Rules, folloAved in 1914 by the Uniform Scholarship report The Pan HELLENIC Movement 309 form. This latter means the securing of uniform scholarsliip reports for every Panliellenic fraternity girl, and greatly facilitates comparative rankings among chapters l)y university and by fraternities. "During the present year the National Panhellenic Congress Standing Committee on local Panhellenics is at work upon extensive investigation of criticized local Panhellenic situations, submitting findings to all Grand Pre.si- dents interested and with their cooperation drafting letters of advice and instruction to such local Panhellenics. "There is an increasing tendency to adjust local Panhellenic complaints and dissensions through the Grand Presidents of the fraternities involvT?d, as prescribed by the INational Panhellenic Congress Constitution. This is as it should be. and the number of such dissensions should rapidly decrea.se, if the gravity of the antifraternity movement is understood by active fraternity women. "May, 1913, witnessed the first meeting of men's and women's fraternities, for the purpose of protection against antifraternity legislation. From this meeting there evolved the College Fraternity Reference Bureau supported by nine men's college fraternities, seven men's professional fraternities, and eighteen women's college fraternities. This organization, officered at present by Mr. Austin of Alpha Delta Phi, Mrs. Lardner of Pi Beta Phi, Mr. Cook and Mr. Levere of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, with an executive committee of ten members, maintains in Chicago, a library of fraternity matter, records of anti- fraternity legislation, and all available defensive matter; and secures and disseminates to its members news of legislative action." The 1915 National Panhellenic Congress which met at Berkeley, Califor- nia, August 11-14, found itself half old, half new, as just fifty per cent of the accredited delegates had previously served at from one to twelve con- gresses, but among the fifty per cent new, Mrs. Harsen, (jamma Phi Beta, Miss Hart, Phi Mu, and Miss Corbett, Kappa Delta, had attended previous con- gresses. The Executive Committet for 1914-13 were all present. The chairman presided for the second time, but in the ten-year interval, the Congress had more than doubled the number of accredited delegates and the number of visitors had increased from a chance one or two to full representation of several national councils. One of the most important acts of the T'ourtcenth Congress was the unani- mous approval of a recommendation to make Banta's Greek Exchange the official organ of the National Panhellenic Congress and therefore, as the minutes of the Congress will be printed in this issue, no further mention will be made of the business of the Congress. Two years ago in Chicago, the editors of the several fraternity journals met prior to National Panhellenic Congress, elected a chairman and secretary, enjoyed helpful discussions of common problems, adopted tentative plans for mutual benefit and agreed to meet again in two years. So at the call of the chairman, Miss R. Louise Fitch. Delta Delta Delta, the editors again met. but Miss Fitch, though in Berkeley, was unable to attend, and Miss Pearle Green, 310 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Kappa Alpha Theta. secretary, was made chairman. At this session Miss Armstrong, Alpha Chi Omega, was appointed a committee to investigate syn- dicated advertising for fraternity journals. The National Panhellenic Congresses have already accomplished much good, and there is almost no limit to the beneficial results that may yet be attained by this organization in its relation to college life. Alpha Chi Omega has always taken deep interest in the Congress and in the results which it is trving to attain. CHAPTER XXVI PROMINENT MEMBERS Early in the history of Alpha Chi Omega, in 1886, at (jreencastle, Indiana, there was initiated the first of a series of celebrated musicians. Julia Rive-King. During the thirty-one years of the existence of the Fraternity, fifteen distinguished women have honored the organization in a similar man- ner : Adele Aus der Olie (Theta) ; Mary Cheney Beach (Mrs. H. H. A.) (Zeta); Mme. Teresa Carefio (Zeta) ; Mme. Marie Decca (Alpha); Helen Hopekirk (Mrs. Helen Hopekirk \\'ilson) (Zeta): Margaret Ruthven Lang (Zeta) ; Mrs. Mary Howe Lavin (Alpha) ; Mrs. Edward Macdowell (Zeta) ; Maud Powell (Mrs. H. Godfrey Turner) (Alpha); Mrs. Julia Rive-King (Alpha); Neally Stevens (Alpha) ; Mrs. Antoinette Szumowska Adamowski (Zeta); Adela Verne (Epsilon) ; Ellen Beach Yaw (Mrs. (ioldthwaite) (Epsilon) ; and Mme. Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler (Alpha). Madame Zeisler was the second to be initiated, in 1888, and Mrs. Macdowell. the last of the fifteen artists, was taken through the mysteries on January 5, 1916, in Boston. The relation between the honorary members and the college members has been affectionate and helpful. There was much for college women to do in the eighties in the cultivation of an appreciation of the best music and of the greatest artists both in academic halls and in the general public. Musicians ■of today attribute much of the remarkable development of the art of music in America to the interest and activity of college students. The more or less close relation of Alpha Chi Omega with these great musicians contributed, we feel, not only to the personal culture of Alpha Chi Omegas, but also to the raising of the aesthetic standards of the country. Brief sketches of those honorary members with whom the Fraternity was able to keep in touch down to the present time are included very properly in this account of the prominent members. Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler Living quietly, for the most part, in the very commercial city of Chicago, which is fast becoming a better musical center, is one of the greatest pianists of the present day — one whom Alpha Chi Omega may well delight to honor — Mme. Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler. There are perhaps a hundred creditable pianists in the world today, and this number may be narrowed to a half dozen or even fewer, who stand out from the others as the really great geniuses of the keyboard. Among these, by grace of her great gifts, intense ambition, and unflagging application, Mme. Zeisler surely belongs. Although born in Bielitz in the Austrian Silesia, she has chosen to make America her home, and owing to that trait peculiar to Americans of not valuing artists in full measure unless they dwell in a foreign land, she is perhaps, outside of the musical centers of New York, Boston, and Chicago, too little realized, and too little appreciated. 312 The HisroRV ok Ai.i^ha Chi Omega Fraterxity Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler As is usual in the case of genius, Mme. Zeisler's musical and pianistic gifts were manifested at a very early age, and when the brilliant Mme. Essipof and then wife of Leschetizky was making a concert tour of this country, the little Fannie Bloomfield was taken to play before her. Mme. Essipof recognized at once a musical genius, and advised further study under Leschetizky. Her advice was taken, and Fannie Bloom- field departed for Vienna, the home of this great piano pedagogue, where at the plastic age of twelve she fell into his hands, to be moulded into one of the greatest virtuosos of our time. Styled by him "my electric wonder," her touch has indeed that magnetic poAvtr which has thrilled and swayed and fasci- nated audiences the world over. Undoubt- edly her high rank even amongst the great is due to the fact that she has not been content with mere genius, Imt has been untiring in her zeal ancl ambition to bring it to the highest possible development. Five hard-working years were spent under Les- chetizky to make "fingers" as he termed it — fingers that would respond and give instant expression to the wealth of musical nature behind them. When launched upon the concert world she immediately dazzled, and her field each year has become broader, and her hold greater upon all musically knowing peoples. Her triumphs in Germany, where they know and recognize the truly fine in music very quickly, and as quickly condemn that which is not, have been perhaps greater than in any other country. Maud Powell Maud Powell ranks today with the greatest violinists, in which rank she is placed not merely by the concert-going public. It is with the musicians themselves that this woman finds especial favor. This is because of that element in her playing Avhich is the true exposition of the word musicianship. She has ever held herself aloof from the mere exploitation of the "tricks of the trade," with which she in the beginning could probably have filled her houses much more quickly than by steady devotion to the highest ideals. It is not a common occurrence that a musician upholds the highest and best in musical art always, and yet reaches the heart and sensibilities of their public, but this Maud Powell has achieved. One reads in her very face and presence the strength of character it has taken to do it ; and in her earnest mien, the devo- tion she has given to the cause. Her birthplace was Peru, Illinois ; her father a literary man of English- Welsh extraction, and her mother an Hungarian, also gifted musically. Her Prom i xkx t M km isers 313 musical education was l)ejj;uii in Chicago while very young, and after four years of study there she was taken to Leijozig. At the end of the year she was awarded a diploma at the public examination held in the Owendhaus. and then proceeded to Paris, where, out of eighty applicants, she obtained one of the six vacancies in Dancla's class. While on a concert tour through England the great Joachim heard her. and invited her to 15erliii to become his pupil, her debut being made there in 1885 with the Bruch C minor Concerto. In the .same year she returned to New York to play under Theodore Thomas, and after a series of successful appearances for several years, she in 1892 toured Germany and Austria as representative American violinist with the New York Arion Society. The fol- lowing year she appeared in the same capacity at the World's Exposition at Chicago, and also read a paper, "Woman and the Violin," at the Woman's Musical Congress. She enjoys the distinction of being the first to interpret many of the greatest works for violin for the public, and of being one of the very few profes- sionals who actually earn their livelihood by concert work alone, without having resort to teaching. Maud Powell stands before us as an example of what may be achieved by American w-omanhood. Maud Powell M iiu\ J alia Rivc-Kiiii:: Much has been written about this celebrated artist, and the public in general is thoroughly familiar with her brilliant professional career. She was a pupil of Rubinstein. Reinicke. and Liszt, the latter having written her the following letter, which would alone proclaim her status, written as it was by the greatest pianist who has ever lived: Madam : The echo of your brilliant success often reaches me and I join heartily in the applause. I thank you most sincerely for the amiable attention you express to me by the dedication of your Polonaise Ileroique. It seems to command a pompous and martial instrumentation of numerous clarions and drums. Please accept, my dear Madam, my very humble homage. F. Liszt. Mme. Rive-King made her debut at the age of sixteen with the Gwendhaus Orchestra in Leipzig, achieving great success. Since her return to this country, she has record of over four thousand concerts and recitals to her 314 Thk HisroKv ok Alpha Chi Omeiia Fraternity credit. Five hundred of these were with orchestra, two hundred heing under the baton of Theodore Thomas and over seventy with the New York Philhar- monic Orchestra. She has won recognition also as a composer and arranger of classical works. Her piano playing is chaste and unaffected in stvle, but underneath her placid exterior there glows a warmly musical nature, which betrays itself in the subtle insight and sympathy for the music. Mine. Antoinette Sziimoivsha Mme. Antoinette Szumowska. a charming Polish woman, is perhaps an exact opposite both in her musical make-up and in personality to her artist friend, Mme. Hopekirk. but the two are very good friends, nevertheless. Mme. Szumowska is not alone distinguished as an interpreter of Chopin, but for being the mother of two very beautiful children, Helene and Thaddeus by name, whom she always proudly exhibits to any resident Alpha Chis who mav come to call or to partake of a cup of tea with her at her invitation. Her husband is Mr. Josef Adamowski, the well-known cellist, for some time a member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, now head of the cello depart- ment of the New England Conservatory of Music. Mme. Szumowska's tastes are decidedly domestic, and the time she can spare from her professional life as pianist and teacher is devoted to her family and her home. Her musical work so far has been chieliy as concert pianist, in recitals, with the Symphony Orchestras, and as a member of the Adamowski Trio. She has received the most commendation from press and public as an interpreter of the works of her countryman, Chopin. To Alpha Chi Omega she is ever a cordial friend, and her home has been the scene of many charming hospitalities extended to fraternity girls living in and near Boston. Mme. Helen Hopekirk Of attractive and picturesque appearance, and equally charming manner, is another of our fraternity's members — Mme. Helen Hopekirk, who as pianist, composer, and teacher has won great distinction. It was of her that Leschetizky once said : "She is the greatest woman musician I have ever known," and although hers is a nature averse to publicity, yet the rare and distinctive quality of her work has forced it upon her. She is a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, and although that country has never been noted for its output of genius in the musical line, still it can at least claim one of late years. Mme. Hopekirk graduated from the Leipzig Conservatory in 1879, then concertized for some years, and became the pupil of Leschetizky from 1887 to 1891. She is now^ in the United States for the fourth time, and to the delight of the people of Boston and Brookline makes her home there. As a concert pianist she has appeared wdth all the great orchestras of America and Europe besides many piano recitals. As a composer, besides many songs of great beauty, perhaps her Concerto and Concertstiick for piano and orchestra ^re Some Faculty Alpha Chi Omegas Second rnirr° "8ht-Ger rude Johnson, K: Mima Montgomery, Z; Corinne Blount. \. TW.r ,.. TtT t''" '^^' ^ V -^'""'3"' ^-'"'«"- ^: Annie May Cooke, Z. Third low— Myrtle Biissey, M ; lona Peterman. T; Xell Brushingham-Starr, Z. 316 The Historv of Alpha Chi Omega most noteworthy. As a teacher she is much sought after, and much adored by those she elects to become her pupils. Her musical tastes incline toward the works of the modern composers, particularly the modern French school, Debussy being an especial favorite. His compositions are very sympathetic to a nature so intrinsically poetical as hers, also the works of Macdowell, which she has ever been a pioneer in exploiting. In her very attractive home in Brookline she lives the quiet but intensely busy life of the very earnest musi- cian. Mrs. H. H. A. Beach That one of the first American composers of note should be a woman is a significant fact, as it is well known that women have ventured into the creative field of music very little. But it is as a composer rather than performer that Mrs. Beach has achieved the widest renown, although she also excels in the latter art. Her maiden name was Amy Marcy Chenev, and she was born in Henniker, New Hampshire, in 1867, her ancestors being some of the earliest colonial settlers. She began to show musical tendencies when a mere baby, and when she was still very young, her parents moved to Boston, that she might have an education in keeping witli her gifts. When sixteen years old she made her first public appearance in Boston as a pianist, playing the Moscheles G minor Concerto. Then continued a round of appearances with all of the large orchestras, and recitals in all of the large cities, her programs later being made up entirely of her own compositions. In 1885 she married Dr. Beach, who was also well known in his own sphere of activity, and their mar- riage was an ideal one in every respect. Perhaps her songs are the best known of her works. They have had frequent perfomiance by all of the leading singers, and her setting of some of the Browning poems is especially popular. She has also composed much in the larger forms, such as concertos, suites, and other orchestral pieces, and these all show a master grasp of form, and a genius for melodic invention. After a sojourn of several years in Munich, Mrs. Beach returned to America at the outbreak of the Great War. She again resides in Boston, where in its exclusive social circles she is much sought, and in its musical sphere she is a leading attraction. There she appears every year in public as a pianist, and generally in a program made up for most part of her ow^n compositions. She plays with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and in the various musical centers of America she appears in recital. Margaret Ruthven Lang Another woman whose success has been won chiefly in the creative side of music, and also a resident of Boston, is Margaret Ruthven Lang, a musically gifted daughter of musical parents. Her father, B. J. Lang, was long a leading factor in the musical life of Boston, and had much influence in shap- ing the musical growth of his daughter. Her mother was a good singer, though an amateur. Margaret Lang began the study of the pianoforte under one of her father's pupils, later continuing under Mr. Lang himself. She studied, too. the PrOMINKN r ^^ KM HERS 317 A'iolin in Boston and in Munich, and also composition in the latter place, later taking up orchestration in this country with Chadwick and Macdowell. She began writing music at the early age of twelve years, and lier compo- sitions in the larger forms have been unusuallv successful. The Dramatic Over- tarc Opus 12 was performed by the Bos- ton Symi)hony Orchestra under Nikisch given in Chicago by an orchestra of one hundred under Theodore Thomas at two concerts, and at a third by Bendix. Both of these compositions are in manuscript, and also a third overture, Totila. Other works composed later for orcliestra include three arias all of -which were performed, and other of her pretentious compositions are a cantata for chorus, solos, and orches- tra, a string cjuartet. and several composi- tions for violin and piano. She is the composer of the famous Irish Love Soiiii. 1 . .1 r • 1 .Makgauet Rutiiven Lano and a great many other songs of wide- rspread popularity. It is through these songs, perhaps, that she is best known. Mme. Alls dcr OIic Madame Aus der Ohc. the distinguished Oerman pianist, is. at })resent, in Berlin. In 1915 the invitation was extended to her to play on the program of the Convention Musicale. The reply to the invitation is the most recent communication which the Fraternity has received from her : Alpha Chi Omega was so kind to send me an invitation to take part in the musical jirogram of the Convention of Alpha Chi Omega to be held at Long Beach, California, June 28 to July 2 of the present year. It would give me the greatest pleasure to take part in this jirogram and to come for this purpose to California. But it will not be possible, I am very sorry to say, as the imsafety of the sea at the present war-time makes it unfor- tunately impossible and too dangerous to cross the ocean at present. I send to Alpha Chi Omega my best wishes and cordial greetings, hoping that I may be present and play at a later meeting. With best love to all members who remember me, I am, \'ery cordially yours, Adele Aus DER Ohe. Mmc. Ellen Heach Yau' To the Alpha Chi Omegas in California Ellen Beach Yaw is well known, indeed. Her estate at Covina, just outside of Los Angeles, has been the setting for many delightful hours for them. All who w^ere at Convention in 1915 were favored with meeting both Madame Vaw and Madame Beach. The writer will never forget a happy afternoon at Lake Ellen Ranch. "On all sides orange groves, perfuming the air with fragrance, stretched as far .as the eye could reach until stopped by the ]>uri)le chain of the Sierra 318 TiiK History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraterxity Ellen Beach Yaw Madres." Thus Miss Olmstead \vrote of Miss Ya\v's home in The Lyre of July, 1912. Her cordiality and hospitality are exquisite. And we cannot wonder, when we see the wonderful beauty of her home among orange trees and roses, that her life is a quiet, retired one. The following excerpt from a letter from Madame Yaw giYes an insight into her altruistic and personal preoccupations : "I never know what to say when people ask me about Ellen Beach Yaw. I could tell you about the ranch or my hill in which I am so interested. 1 do not think there is any one living who enjoys the country more than I do. I do not care for the social life of the cities. I am interested in the boys at the Lark Ellen Home and enjoy my little visits there very much. "Have pleasant remembrances of the ten years- I spent in Europe and of my different teachers and friends. Dear Lady Meux who has now passed away was a fairy godmother to me. I spent all my vacations at Theobalds Park, one of her beautiful estates. I think she was the most generous woman I ever knew. She gave me most of my musical education. I enjoyed my grand opera experience in Europe, but I never loved anvthing so much as being at home in California with the flowers and the birds and the climate. * * My favorite song is The Sky Lark which I wrote myself. It has never been published and is the highest song ever written. I would like to say that high tones have their place in music just as much as low^ tones." Miss Yaw has written several songs and poems. Her song, California, is much loved. Her days are filled with charitable deeds and with sharing her artistic gifts. Of Miss Yaw's singing in her home to guests Miss Olmstead wrote, "Sud- denly a wonderful bird began to sing. Longer and sweeter grew the trills, now soft, now crescendo, followed bY silvery turns, scales, and cadenza as pure and perfect as a string of pearls. Higher and higher swelled the music, overpowering in its sweetness until finally it ended in a rainbow cascade of surpassing beauty. * *" "It is true, is it not," Miss Olmstead queried, "that you have the greatest range of any living singer?" "Yes," replied Miss Yaw, "and I discovered it in such a funny way. One day I was practicing and mv upper tones came so easily I thought I would. see where they w-ere. So I walked over to the piano and found I had sung an octave above high C I I studied in New^ York with Mme. Torpadie and in Paris I worked under Marchesi. One day while studying in New York I sang at a recital, and a critic on the ^ e-n: York Herald heard me, was so impressed with my phenomenal range, and made so much ado about my Prominent Members 31*> singing that the next thing I knew I was studying abroad. I made my French operatic debut at Nice in Hamlet and my Italian del)ut at Rome in Lucia. Mme. Yaw was born in New York, but has been for more than twenty years a Californian. Marian X evi ns-Mac dowc/l Born in New York of good American ancestry, Marian Nevins-Macdowell first evinced her rare musical gifts as a very young child. Later at the age of eleven, she commenced thorough systematic study with her aunt, Mrs. Roger Perkins, of Camden, S. C. who had come North to live, following the vicissitudes consequent upon the Civil War. Mrs. Perkins was an excellent musician and gave her niece the hue foun- dation for her later work in Europe where she journeyed at the age of eighteen for the specific purpose of studying with Clara Schumann. Arrived at Frankfurt, she learned that a year of advanced preparation with one of the daughters was required from all alike, before being admitted to Frau Schumann's classes. Being of a practical turn of mind she could see no value in that for herself, so acting upon the advice of Joachim Ratf, with whom young Edward Macdowell was then studying composition, she decided to take up further preparation with this American teacher. The subjoined facsimile letter of Mr. Macdowell written in reply to some American friend's questioning the practicability of Miss Nevins' lengthy sojourn abroad, explains one of the serio-comic incidents of their student life. TUESDAY a4 ^-y^ ^^.-^ >>'^^f ^yA/-^ 7/u/, 7/f. Tut^f^' ' ^^,^^ra^ ryUA/'-^ '"^ jCcv— ^y ^Z/x //fLc^m,/ /'" '/»// 1/ /i /r <•/••<• .^ /, 320 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Thus was established that close relationship of apt pupil and earnest teacher during a period of four years, when the time arrived for Miss Nevin's return home. Only then did both come into the conscious realization of what the mutuality of ideals and ideas had meant to them. Their marriage followed a year later, upon Mr. Macdowell's return to this country. Thus, though amply prepared for a brilliant concert career, Mrs. Mac- ■dowell decided, much against her husband's wishes, to subordinate her own plans in order to give an undivided attention to Mr. Macdowell, arguing that the fostering of a great creative gift was an infinitely higher mission for her, than interpreting the works of others. But the priceless heritage has remained hers none the less, since, as •exponent of the Macdowell works, she stands unique and alone in the musical world today. After the death of Macdowell, as all the artistic world knows, the Macdowell Memorial Association, to which Macdowell had deeded his New Hampshire estate, established the artists' colony for which the composer had hoped. With faint faith in what seemed but a poet's dream the financially endowed Americans contributed slowly and charily of their means. Since the colony could not be self-supporting in the nature of the case, Mrs. Macdowell bravely rallied her frail physical powers and went en tour. No one was so well fitted to interpret Mac- dowell's music as she, and the country was eager to hear her. In her recital she told of Macdowell's Log Cabin Studio, "A House of Dreams Untold It looks out over the whispering treetops And faces the setting sun." And she related how the quiet and solitude of his forest workshop inspired the greatest of his compositions. She told of his yearning to share this ideal spot with other creative workers, and of the needs of the Colony. The annual deficit of the Colony Mrs. Macdowell has met by the returns from her recitals. Fifteen thousand dollars has been turned over to the Association from this source. Her work is heroic since Mrs. Macdowell is an invalid. The Colony should have adequate endowment. Many Alpha Chis have helped to create enthusiastic interest in Mrs. Macdowell's work, and she speaks of their cooperation with gratitude. College professors and instructors are numerous among the alumnae of Alpha Chi Omega. Two of the founders led the way in this field : Estelle Leonard was principal of the Music Department of Moore's Hill College, 1889-1893, and in 1894 held the same position at Centenary College; Anna Allen Smith was instructor in pianoforte 1891-1897 at De Pauw University. Other members of Alpha Chapter who have been on the faculty of the De Pauw Music School are the following: Aldah Victoria McCoy (pianoforte) 1907-1913; Ella G. Earp (associate member), Instructor in Pianoforte, 1886; Orra P. John (associate member). Instructor in Pianoforte, 1886- 1891; Lena Eva Alden (associate member). Instructor in Pianoforte, 1891 ; Alice Wentworth McGregor (associate member), Instructor in Voice, 1891 : Prominent Members 321 Anna Dahl Dixon (associate member). Instructor in Voice, 1893; Gertrude French. Instructor upon Harp. 1893; Mary Janet Wilson, Instructor in Harmony, 1893-1910, and Librarian of Sheet Music, 1893-1916; Mildred Rutledge, Instructor in Pianoforte (Kindergarten work), 1907-1916; Marie Wood Rush, Assistant in Pianoforte, 1907; Jessie Guild Keep, Assis- tant in Pianoforte, 1900-1902; Verinda Rainier. Assistant in Voice, 1907; Ethel Clark, Instructor in Art School, 1907. Mrs. Mary E. Wilhite, Alpha, was a pupil of Dean Howe's at De Pauw. She was principal of the Music Department of Central Normal College, Danville. Indiana, for some time, but her health did not permit her to keep on with the work. She had a large private class in Danville for some time, until she moved to Indianapolis, in 1913. She now has a studio in Indian- apolis and teaches piano to a large number of pupils. Mrs. Wilhite is the organist of the Broadway Methodist Episcopal church. Among Beta Chapter alumnae are five college teachers. Alta Allen Loud graduated from Albion College both from the Liberal Arts Depart- ment and the Music School. From 1898-1903 she was teacher of Greek at Albion College. She was then married to Edward Reed Loud, Delta Tau Delta. Her life has been a full one. for she has served Alpha Chi Omega for many years with consecration and energy. She was National Secretary' 1897-1899, and National President 1906-1910, 1912 to date. She has been the moulding power in Alpha Chi ( )mega throughout the period covered since the publication of the first Edition of the History of Alpha Chi Omega. Much of the extraordinary progress made in that time has been due to her wisdom and ability. This book, therefore, has been dedicated most appropriately to her. It is impossible, in a few words, to describe the labor and the skill with which Mrs. Loud has served as administrative officer of the Fraternity. The present condition of Alpha Chi Omega and the love which the organization bears her are her "monument" far more expressive than words. An outline of her activity shows the breadth of her interests. (From Leading Greeks) : She has "contributed to Lyre: Editorial Board. History of Alpha Chi Omega, wrote introduction; delegate to National Convention of 1897 at De Pauw; originator of present council system; Chairman Coat-of-arms Committee ; Chairman Endowment Fund Committee ; Delegate to National Presidents' Conference of 1911; Chicago (ireek Con- ference of May. 1913; teacher of Greek and German at Albion College. 1898-1903; member of Eastern Star, Albion E. L. T. Club; president Albion Review Club ; vice-regent Chapter of Daughters of American Revolution." Mrs. Myrtle Hatswell-Bowman is a member of the faculty of the North- western School of Music in Evanston, Illinois. She gives instruction in voice. She^ is particularly efficient in the singing and teaching of bird songs. She has served the Fraternity in national work besides being alumna adviser for Gamma. She served as Province President of the Eastern Province, and assisted in. the installation of Upsilon Chapter at James Millikin University. Decatur. Illinois. She is a meml)er of Aloha .\lpha .'Mumniv Chapter at Chicago. 322 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Mrs. Martha Reynolds Colby has studied under eminent musicians in the United States and under Herr Hilf of the Leipzig Conservatory in Germany. She was for many years the head of the stringed instrument department in the Albion College Conservatory, and also spent a number of seasons in concert tour. She organized and trained the Colby String Quartet of Albion College. Her daughter, Martha, was the first daughter of a Beta girl to be initiated into this chapter. Martha graduated from Albion Conservatory in 1915, and is now attending the New England Con- servatory of Music in Boston. Miss Jennie Worthington, one of Beta's charter members and for several years her alumna adviser, was a member of the Alpha Chi Omega Quartet which did concert work. The other members were Cora Travis, Marion Howlett Garfield, and Jean Whitcomb Fenn. Miss Worthington graduated from both Albion and Boston Conservatories. She also studied Public School Music in Detroit and Chicago. For eleven years she taught piano and harmony in the Albion Conservatory. She served as organist and choir director of the Presbyterian Church for about fifteen years. She introduced music into the public schools of Albion and has been their onlv supervisor. The high school annually puts on some heavy number or cantata. Harriet F. Reynolds of Horton, Michigan, completed the course in piano at Albion College and then studied in Boston ; she then became a member of the Albion College Conservatory faculty. Mrs. Clarissa Dickie Stewart, of Battle Creek, Michigan, the daughter of President Dickie of Albion College, graduated from Albion Conservatory, and spent several years in advanced study at Detroit, Chicago, and New York. She later became an instructor in piano at Albion College Conservatory. She is well known in Battle- Creek as a pianist and accompanist. Gamma's alumnse to the numl)er of seven have taught at Northwestern University : Sadie Knowland Coe, Instructor in Piano ; Eleanor Kirkham. Instructor in Voice, 1904; Mabel Dunn Madson, Instructor in Piano, 1901- 1903; Grace Ericson, Instructor in Piano; Myrta McKean Dennis, Instruc- tor in Piano, 1905-1909 ; Hedwig Brenneman, Instructor in Voice, 1908-1915 ; Mae Smith, Instructor in Piano, 1909. Mabel Harriet Siller Nafis held, for a number of years, the position of Assistant Registrar, College of Engineering, 1909-1913. Mrs. Nafis' frater- nity work has been extensive. She was a member of the National Council as Secretary 1900-1902, and as Historian, 1905-1911. At the end of her work as Historian there appeared the History of Alpha Chi Omega written by her, the second, we believe, of such volumes to be published by women's fraternities. Mrs. Nafis' ivork M-as much wider, however, than either of her national offices denote. Only by reading carefully the full minutes of the national organization can one understand the scope of her service. She was Alpha Chi Omega's first delegate to the National Panhellenic Conferences (1903) ; she installed three chapters of the Fraternity, Nu (1907), Xi (1907), and Pi (1909). She has served on the standing committees, the Alumnae Committee, Prominkx i- Mkmukrs 323 the Panhcllenic Committee, and, in an advisory relation, on the Editorial Board of the new History of Alpha Chi Omega ; and has served on twenty-five committees appointed by the National President to 1910. Such a volume of earnest work has made .Mrs. Nafis an important figure in the history of Alpha Chi Omega. Five of Delta's alumn;i? are among the facult\- members: In the fall of 1915 after ?. period spent in further study of French at Columbia Summer School. Louise Chase of Green- ville, Pennsyhain'a. was elected to the position of instructor of French at Allegheny College ixnm which she graduated in 1908. She was also on the facultv of the Pennsylvania College of Music during the school year 1914-15 as teacher of Violin. Theo White Jacobi, '98 : Mrs. Jacobi is a violinist of merit and has done much concert work. Her home was in Rochester but she is now teaching in Elmira College, Elmira, N. Y. Jessie Merchant Reynolds, '93 : A wearer of $ B K badge is Mrs. Reynolds. Not only in this did she bring honor to Delta but also in her position as instructor in French at Allegheny soon after she gradu- ated there. As the wife of the pastor of the Methodist Church of (iovans, Maryland, and as the mother of two wide-awake dear little children, Baxter and Jean, she finds her time strenuously occupied. Mrs. Juvia O. Hull, '91 : Delta's first honorary member, Mrs. Hull, was at the time of her initiation the Director of the Conservatory of Music. Ever since she has been in Meadville she has been prominent in the musical life of the town, having been for years choir director of the Christ Epis- copalian Church of Meadville and leader of the Oratorio Society. Mary Pinney, '92 : After teaching piano several years in the Meadville Conservatory of Music, Miss Pinney left in the spring of 1893 to try her lot in New York City. There she became engaged as organist of the First Church of Scientists. She is a fine musician and was a very popular teacher, hut after a short period of teaching in New York, gave it up for accompanying and organ work which she much preferred. It is interesting to note that Miss Louise Chase, Delta Teacher of French and N'iolin Delta History Committee Prominent Mi;mi?i:rs 325 Pinney lived at the home of Mrs. Augusta Stetson in the house of the "Golden Staircase." Epsilon Chapter has been fortunate in having several members on the faculty of the music school of the university. Mi.ss Carrie Adelaide Trow- bridge is a niember of the faculty of the College of Music of the University of Southern California, and has charge of the Normal Training Course for })iano teachers. Her concert work as accompanist and pianist has also won her much recognition, and her success as a teacher has been of a decidedly sul)stantial character, for not a few of her pupils have become successful teachers and soloists. She has charge of ilie l)ranch of the College of Music at Anaheim. Epsilon pupils of Miss Trowljridge's are engaged in professional work. Miss Jane Stanley, who graduated from the University of Southern Califor- nia, is a member of the faculty of a branch of the College of Music at Ana- heim. Miss Esther Davidson is a teaclier of piano of the University, as well as a well-known accompanist. Lillian Arnett, 1905, and Isabelle Curl, 1907, taught music in the Uni- versity; Doris Coomber is teaching history in the Liberal Arts Department. Zeta has numerous alumnae on college faculties. AUss Blanche Brocklebank has been teaching piano at Wellesley since 1912. Miss Mima Montgomery holds a similar position in the teaching of voice. Miss Brocklebank graduated from the New England Conservatory in 1912 as a soloist in the Piano Department. She has been, since that year, a member of Zeta Zeta Alumuic Chapter. She is also an assis- tant teacher of George Proctor at the New England Conservatory of Music. She has been Zeta's alumna adviser and is custodian of the Alpha Chi Omega songbook. Evangeline Bridge Stevenson for a num- ber of years was an instructor in the New England Conservatory. She is distin- guished in Alpha Chi Omega for her service as National President 1910-1912. She has been a mem])er of Zeta Zeta Chapter since 1909, and served as delegate to Convention in 1908 from Zeta, as delegate for Zeta Zeta in 1912. She graduated from New England Conservatory in the Piano Department as soloist. She was a pupil of the famous Carl Baermann. Alma Marti Olsen served on the faculty at Washburn College (Kansas). She graduated in piano at the New England Conservatory in 1905. Blanche Crafts Kaiser, teacher and soloist in violin, taught in Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia, and later at Acadia Seminary, Wolfvillc. North Carolina, and at St. Mary's, Raleigh, North Carolina. She became concert Blanche F. Bkocki.kh ank, Zeta 326 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity mistress of the New England Conservatory Orchestra, and served on tht faculty of New England Conservatory in 1906-7. She went to Meadville to National Convention as delegate in 1904. While a student she won the Trustees' Scholarship. Winifred Byrd was in- structor in Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan. She gradu- ated from New England Conservatory in 1905 as piano soloist, winning, dur- ing her study there, the Spaulding Scholarship. She was Zeta's delegate to Con- vention in 1906. She has twice returned to Boston to study with Madame Hope- kirk, and was then a member of Zeta Zeta Chapter. She studied also with Carl Baer- mann, and with Madame Theresa Carreno. She is at present in concert work in New York. Annie May Cook was in- structor in the New Eng- land Conservatory 1909- 1910. Since that time she has done private teaching. She served Zeta Chapter as alumna adviser 1911-1915. She is known to many because of her representation of Zeta Chapter at the Detroit Convention, and her attendance at the Long Beach Convention. Olive Cutter graduated from the Violin Department of New England Conservatory and served as instructor of violin in that institution. She is a member of Zeta Zeta, and was present at the Long Beach Convention. She made the exquisite design for the Alpha Chi Omega Calendar for 1916. Josephine Freeman Haley taught at Western Union College, Le Mars, Iowa, 1907-8. She graduated from New England Conservatory in 1906 as a teacher and soloist of the piano. In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a very interesting work is being done by Nell Brushingham Starr, mezzo-contralto. Subsequent to her direc- tion of the vocal school in Salem College, the historic old Moravian institu- tion which has been identified for generations with the best in music, Mrs. Starr has continued her residence in Winston-Salem, and confined her concert work to the South. Winifred Byrd, Zeta Prominkx r Mi:.\iiiKRs 327 In 'I'licta Chapter have been the foHowiiig instructors in tlie Sciiool of Music : Virginia Fiske, Instructor in Piano. Maude Kleyn, Instructor in Voice Culture. Florence Potter, Head of Public School Music, 1909-1910. Frances Hamilton. InslriKior in Piano. Leonora Allen, Instructor in \'oice Culture. Members on Faculty in the history oi" lota Chajjter are: Eunice Dean Daniels. Dean of Women, 1905 and 1906. and Instructor in Music School, 1909. Susan Reed, Ph.D., Instructor in History 1 )ei)artment. 1908-1910. Mary Breneman, Instructor in Music School, 1902. Mary Creene, Instructor in Music School, 1907. Florence Kirkup, Instructor in Music School, 1909-1915. Alison Marion Fernie, Instructor in Music School, 1899. Mary Allinson. As.sistant in Library. Elizabeth Bryan, Librarian of the University Liljrary, 1912 to date. Stella Galpin, Librarian of the I'niversity Library. 1914 to date. Ola Wyeth, Librarian of the I'niversity Library, 1906 to date. Rachel Baumgartner. Assistant in Zoology. 1914-1916. Members of Kappa Chapter on the faculty at University of Wisconsin during the history of the c hapter are : Alice Regan, Instructor in Piano. Margaret H'Doubler. Assistant in Physical Training Department. Gertrude Johnson, Head of the Department of Public Speaking. Ruth Morris, Assistant in Physical Training. Mary Sayle, Assistant in Biology. Russell MacMurphy Chase was. for some time. Instructor in Piano at the University of Wisconsin. She is now Director of the Macdowell Club Music School. Derry, New Hamjjsliire. She holds the position of lecturer, also, in the school and gives piaini talks on "Music in the Home," "Myths and Dances in Music," Wagner's "Flying Dutchman," "Lohengrin," "Mas- tersingers," "\'alkyrie and Siegfried," and "Macdowell Pageant." These piano talks have been given in Concord, Manchester. Nashua. Dover, Rochester, Laconia, Tilton. Somersworth, Penacook. Contoocook, Newmarket. Farmington, Derry, New Hampshire, and many places through- out the United States, including Chicago and the Universities of Wisconsin and West Virginia. Mrs. Chase is State President of the National Federation of Musical Clul)s. and is Chairman, as well, of the State Music Committee of New Hamjishire F\'deration of Women's Clubs. Of her work slie writes: "I started my school in Derry through the request of one friend to give her lessons, and you can see by the enclosed circulars to what size we have 328 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraterxitv grown. I have discovered right here in Derry as much talent as I have ever found in mv teaching. This year I hope to accomplish something in this State by the cooperation of the Women's Clubs and the National Federation of Music Clubs, as I am Chairman of the State Music Committee of the former and State President of the latter." Eight Lambda Chapter members have served as instructors at Syracuse University : Marjorie Rose Wall, Latin Department. Mary Emma Griffith, English Department. Grace Aline Young, German Department. Alice Mickelson, Geology Department. Flora Anna Kaufhald, German Department. Imo W. Toms, German Department. Georgiana Pearson, Botany Department. • Ruth H'oople, History Department. Mu Chapter has a splendid array of faculty members including two deans of women, a physical director, and a professor of French. They are: Effie Silliman, Professor of Public School Music, l9Cl6-\3. Mrs. June Hamilton Rhodes, Director of Physical Education for Women^ 1912; Dean of Women, 1914-1915. Alice Barrows, Instructor in Piano, 1903-1905, 1908. Myrtle Bussey, Instructor in Piano, 1905-08. Nellaby Finney, Instructor in A'^oice, 1915-1916. Lora>Hagler, Instructor in English, 1903-08; Dean of Women and Prin- cipal of Academy, 1908-11. Nell E. Harris, Secretary of Conservatory Faculty, 1906 to date. Florence Hier, Professor of French Language and Literature, 1914-16. Regna King, Secretary to President, 19 16-. Carrie McBride, Instructor in Voice, 1910-11. Florence A. Armstrong, Instructor in English at Lowa State College, 1908-10. Both Miss Barrows and Miss Bussey have opened schools of their own. Miss Hagler has become a religious work director in a city Y. W. C. A. Miss Hier taught French at Simpson College, 1914-16, where she was ini- tiated into Alpha Chi Omega. She then resigned her position at Simpson to accept an instructorship at the University of Iowa. Miss Hier graduated from Mt. Holyoke in 1910, and studied at the University of Paris 1912-13. Kathryn Vollmer, Mu, is Director of Music Department in State Normal College, Albion, Idaho, and Mabel Felt is teacher of piano in Hiram College, Ohio. Vera Upton, of Xi Chapter, graduated from the University of Nebraska Conservatory in 1904 under Howard Kirkpatrick. She studied in New York under Oscar Saenger and John Dennis Mehan. She studied in Chicago under Carlton Hackett. She is now voice instructor in the Conservatory June Hamilton Rhodes, Mu Physical Director, Simpson College, 19 K Dean of Women, 1914-1915 Kathryn Voi.i.mer, Mu Instructor in Piano, State Normal College. Albion, lilalio 330 The Hisiorv of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity in Lincoln and soloist in the Christian Science Church and the Greek Synagogue. Miriam Little, Xi, is a teacher of the cello in the University Conservatory of Music. The following alumna^ of Omicron Chapter have served on the faculty of Baker University : Birdean Motter Ely, Instructor in Fine Arts. Eula Smith, Listructor in Voice. Helen Mayer, l^ean of Violin in Conservatory of Music. Leona Young is Pi's one faculty member. She is at present teaching in the Department of Chemistry at the University of California. At University of Washington, Edith Hindman, Rho, is Instructor in Pharmacy. Norma Harrison Thrower. Sigma, Director for the Regent Photo Film Co., had charge of the Public Speaking at the University of Iowa 1910-1914. She graduated and did postgraduate work at Cumnock. Her work since her teaching at the University of Iowa is full of interest, and is well described in her own w-ords from a letter to the author. "After four vears at S. 11. I. when I felt I must have a change, I found myself planning a little recital tour, which would take me back through Iowa again the following winter. While there I staged and played Iphigenia in Iphigenia in Aitlis for The Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs which convened in Iowa City. We afterwards gave it in the City Park at com- mencement time and invited everyone from far and wide to come and sit on the hillside. Again it was a success. "I came back to Cleveland after that, and Avas married. Though I had a husband and household to plan for, I managed to read considerably in Cleveland. During the M'inter I gathered sixty children together, and in June we gave three performances of the Winthrop Ames version of Snow JJ'/iife and the Seven Dwarfs. I wish you might have seen it, Miss Arm- strong, for the naive charm of the little people's work was exceeding. The coach donated her services and the proceeds have started a fund for a Chil- dren's Playhouse and Little Theater. The Cleveland children pride them- selves on being the first to start their own fund. "Now I must tell you of my latest venture. With Director Weston of the Regent Photo Play Company I have completed a five reel picture of Sno-w White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Educational Film Company of New York were anxious to have it, and thirty-two copies of it are now being made. At present we are doing another picture, in which 1 am playing a part. There's a strong fascination about the work. "As chairman of the committee of Panhellenic appointed to raise one hundred and twenty dollars for a Cleveland girl's tuition to the College for Women, I am happy to say that my girl is registered. Most of the S5 ft ^ n & cro a o O-C o — 332 The Hisiorn hf Alpha Chi ()mega Fraternity money I raised by giving the proceeds from an extra production of Siioic White." Sigma has two other members on the instruction "staff at Iowa, Nina Shaffer, Reference Librarian of the University Library, who was a charter member of Sigma, and at different times alumna adviser ; Agnes Flannagan, Sigma, who is first assistant to the Director of the School of Music. She teaches Piano, Ensemble, Harmony, and Counterpoint. Her piano class has grown steadily, and her work has received much favorable comment. For four years she was accompanist to the Iowa City and University Choral Society, a chorus of one hundred and twenty-five voices. She is beginning her sixth year of teaching in the University. In June, 1913, Sigma Chapter chose Miss Flannagan as their treasurer, and she still holds the office. At Brenau College four Alpha Chis have been faculty members : Grace Jean Sails, Instructor in Oratory Department. Margaret Brown Holder, Director of Theoretical Department, lona Peterman, Director of Pipe Organ and Instructor in Piano. Ruby McGaughey, Instructor in Piano. Two members of L^psilon are on the James Millikin University faculty: Anna McNabb, Instructor in the Conservatory of Music. 1912-14. Elizabeth Putnam, Instructor in Applied Art Department, 19 13-. Cora Irene Leiby is on the faculty of the University of Idaho. Chi Chapter is well represented on the faculty with Mrs. Kerr, wife of the president ; Mrs. Miriam Thayer Seeley, Director of Physical Education of Women ; Miss Bertha Davis and Miss June Seeley, Instructors in the School of Home Economics ; and Miss lerne Ahern, Instructor in the Chem- istry Department. One hundred and fifteen members of Alpha Chi Omega, we therefore no:e, have served or are serving as college professors or instructors. The list is far from complete, we are certain, but it is extensive enough to be of significance in revealing the large percentage of our membership who are working in academic lines. Two members of Alpha Chapter established conservatories of music and have become well known in Washington, District of Columbia, and Chicago, respectively, for their work in their capacity of musical leaders. Katharine McReynolds was president of Alpha in 1887. and thus she had the honor of initiating Madame Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler. She received artist's and teacher's certificates from the Royal Conservatory, Stuttgart, Germany (1891-1895), and artist's certificate from the Stern Conservatory, Berlin (1899-1900). In 1895, together with Friiulein Fanny Koehle, she founded the McReynolds-Koehle Music School of Washington. D. C, which for nineteen years held high standing in the community. Promi xf.xi' Mkmmkks 333 'I'hr scIiodI was closed in its twentieth year, in 1914, when Miss McRey- nolcls gave up her professional career to become the wife of Hon. Martin A. Morrison, Representative of the "Uh District of Indiana in the Congress. Several years previous to her marriage Miss McRtynolds became deeply interested in the work of winning from the public high schools of Washing- ton, D. C. recognition of music work done outside the schools with private music teachers. She worked tirelessly and single-handed at first, but gradually succeeded in interesting the school board, superintendents, teachers, private music teachers, parents, and pupils, until in September. l')13. lier efforts were rewarded by seeing the high schools of Washington. 1). C, offer a major credit for the outside study of nnisic. This iinio\-ation received general approval and its success was as.sured from the beginning. It has proved a boon to the talented pupil as well as to the private music teacher. Several years ago Miss McReynolds had the honor to be invited to become a member of the College Women's Club of Washington. I). ('.. and is one of the few of that body to enjoy a place on the list of those who have "distinguished themselves in the professions." In 1915 she became a mem- ber of the Congressional Club. In both of the above clubs she serves as mem- ber of their respective advisory boards. She is also a member of the Friday Morning Music Club, Washington's largest and m'ost important music club. While principal of the McReynolds-Koehle Music School, Miss McRey- nolds originated a preparatory method for the teaching of beginners in music and a Teachers' Training Course. Miss McReynolds was an ardent fraternity girl while an active member of Alpha Chapter, and recalls with pleasure the happy memories of those days. Especially prized is a summer spent long ago with our illustrious sister, Maud Powell, whose com- panionship proved a scource of in- spiration to the young teacher all down the years. Ethel Sutherlin Bergey gradu- ated from the De Pauw school of music while it was still managed by our patron, James H. Howe. She was a member of the De Pauw Symphony ( )rchestra, and a tutor in the school of music. Later she studied a year in Europe and spent some time at .Milan in o])cratic study. She has been accompanist in several operatic companies. Ethel Sutherlin Bergey was instrumental in the organization of Bergey's Chi- cago Opera School. She has given many piano recitals in Chicago and is well known in the music world. ErirEi. S. RERriEV, .■U/>Iia 334 The Hisiorv ok Alpha Chi (^mega Fraternitv Of writers Alplia Chi (^mega has not a few. There are many members who have published works of various kinds, written as a by-product of a busy life ; several Alpha Chi Omegas, however, are professional writers. Among these members, all well known to the Fraternity through the pages of The Lyre, is Mary Masters Needham, Beta, magazine writer. Her article, "What a War-Nurse Saw," from The Independent, was republished in The Lyre. J. Olive Porter, Delta, author of The Ringmaster, is doing journal- istic writing in Menton, Paris. Several of her articles on the war have been quoted in The Lyre. Margaret Barber Bowen, poet, formerly of the staff of Margaret Barber Bowen, Delta Poet and Dramatist The Atlantic Monthly, has been good enough to contribute several short poems to The Lyre. She is now writing plays. Mabel Chalfin. Epsilon, has written several beautiful and successful songs, and has done many travel sketches. She travels widely and gathers her material from all parts of the world. Louise Van Vorhees Armstrong, Theta, is doing dramatic composition fn Chicago. Her plays are put on by the Art Museum there. Aside from these professional writers are about two score members who have published a considerable body of composition. Jean Whitcomb Fenn, Beta, wrote the Whitconib-Fenn System of Teehnic for Junior Grades. Mabel Keech, Beta, published Training the Little Homemaker by Kitchen Garden Methods. Promixk.nt Mkmukrs • 335 Alta Allen Loud has conlrihutcd rrequeiitly to The Lyre, and has served on the editorial board of both editions of the History of Aipho Chi Omega. To the first edition she wrote the Introduction. Nella Ramsdell Fall has contributed to The Lyre, and assisted in the writing of the ritual of the Fraternity Fay I^arnaby Kent and Virginia Fiske Green. Florence Fall Miller has written several poems. Five members have filled the post of Fditor of The Lyre: Mary Janet Wilson, and Elma Patton Wade, of Alpha; Edith Manchester (iriffin, and Florence Reed Haseltine, of Zeta ; and Florence A. Armstrong of Mu. Miss Armstrong has written much for newspapers, and edited and wrote the first and second editions, respectively, of the History of Alpha Chi Omega. Mabel Siller Nafis wrote the first edition of the History of Alpha Chi Omega. Carrie Adelaide Trowbridge, Epsilon. is author of a set of seven Charac- teristic Pieces for Piano, and of Valse Melodigne. both published by R. ^^^ Neflfelfinger, Los Angeles. Estelle Leonard, Alpha, has published a volume of easy teaching pieces for the piano. Elizabeth Egleston-Hinman, Zeta, is the authoress of Naya. Published by Rand, McNally and Company. Margaret L'pcraft, Zeta, is the composer of several songs, published by G. Schirmer and Company, New York. Olga Brandenburg Currier. Zeta, composed Spring Quartette, songs, piano pieces, and cello pieces. Gladys Livingston (iraft", Zeta, former Chief Alumna The Lyre, con- tributed a brilliant series of sketches of Alpha Chi Omega artists to The Lyre; has written for Boston Transcript. X ew York Globe, and Des Moines Register and Leader. Margaret R. Lang has written numberless songs published by Arthur P. Schmidt. Boston. Leipzig. New York. Besides these she has written piano- forte solos. Part-songs, and Songs to order for G. Schirmer ; Messrs. Breit- kopf and Hartel ; John Church Co. ; C. C. Birchard and Co. ; Ginn and Co. : J. B. Millet : Silver. Burdett and Co., and others. Mrs. H. H. A. Beach has published songs and concertos. Maud Powell has written poems and violin pieces. Ellen Beach Yaw has written poems and songs. Virginia Fiske Green. Theta. has written poems, Alpha Chi Omega songs, and assisted in writing the beautiful ritual of Alpha Chi Omega. Susan Reed. Iota (Ph.D. Illinois), wrote Church and State in Massachu- setts, l6gi-iJ40. published in the LTniversity of Illmois Studies in the Social Sciences. (This monograph was reviewed in the American Historical Reviejv, January, 1916, and in the Xation. July 15. 1915.) She has published also an article, British Cartography of the Mississippi Valley in the Eighteenth Century, printed in the Mississippi J' alley Historical RevieK<, Septeml)er. 1915. May Allinson, Iota, is the author of the following works : Studies of the Health of Women Workers (ready for the press) ; Dress- ma king as a Trade Elizabeth Egleston-Hinmax, Zr.a Grand Secretary, 1898-1900. Author of Naya pRoMiNK.N 1 Members )3 ( jor Women, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. She was director in investigation and author in cooperation of the foHowing works : The Public Schools and Women in Office Service, published by Boston School Com- mittee : Women in the Hoot anil Shoe Industry of Massachusetts, published as a bulletin of U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; A Trade School for Girls, published by U. S. Bureau of Education; Industrial Efficiency of Girls Trained in Massachusetts Trade Schools, to be published as a bulletin of L'. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Inez Boyce, KLappa, is the authoress of The Relation of the Basis Diet to the Composition of Body Tissue as Affecting Arterio-Sclerosis, pulilished by Journal of Biological Chemistry. Marv Sayle. Kappa, wrote. The Reactions of Xecturus Maculosus to Stimuli Received Through the Skin, published by the Journal of Animal Behavior. (Harvard.) Several undergraduates have done original work of great artistic prom- ise : Katharine Kester of ( )micron ; Alice Blodgett of Theta ; and Doris AIcEntyre of Pi. author of the pageant When Love Took Up the Harp of Life. Zetha Hammer, Phi, '16, is at work in jounialism. Gretchen O'Donnell Starr, is author of Bibliography of the Geolo- gy and Geography of the State of Jl'ashington, pul)lished and distrib- uted by the State Geological Survey. Mrs. Starr is the only woman wdio has Avritten a Bulletin published by the State Geological Survey. Being the first bibliography written for ten years covering this subject, the Bul- letin has been in great demand by libraries and colleges. Numbers of the members of Alpha Chi Omega have won conspicuous suc- cesses musically. (For details of the work of many of them see The Lyre for April. 1913.) In the mention made above of Alpha Chi Gmegas on college faculties, and of writers, several musicians have been noted. Some of the others who have distinguished themselves in the musical world wt will men- tion, with regret that space cannot be given to relate the fascinating stories of their careers. Lucy Andrews Odell. Alplia. violinist, lecturer on art. translator of Armenian songs. DoKis E. McEmvke. /') \iithor of Greek Pageant, ll'lwii Lore look Up the Harp of Life 338 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraterxity Berta Miller Ruick, Alpha, soloist. Grace Brown, Beta, head of Piano Department in Michigan School for the Blind. Zilla Brigham Sand. Cleveland, organist and accompanist. Marie White Longman. Beta, contralto, Chicago. Kate Calkins Drake. Beta, concert singer, Texas. Elin Gustafson Turrentine. Beta, contralto, concertist. Eva Marzolf Tiney. Director of Music in Michigan Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids. Alida Handy, Beta. Bay City, Michigan, organist and choir director. I5eri'a M]L[.eu Ruick, Alpha Delia Sprague, Beta. Kalamazoo, Michigan, contralto, soloist, and teacher. Zella Marshall, Gamma, Chicago, pianist. Marie White Clark, Gamma, Evanston. soprano. Mary Marshall and Julia Marshall. Gamma, pianist and violinist, respec- tively. Myrta McKean Dennis, Gamma, pianist. Tina May Haynes, Gamma, organist and choir director. Vesta Lister, Gamma, soprano, song recitals. El Fleda Coleman Jackson, soloist, Oklahoma. Mabel Dunn Madson, teacher of music in Cleveland. Fay Barnaby Kent, Delta, organist and choirmaster of the church of the Ascension, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. P R( ) M 1 N E N T M E M U E RS 339 Saka Fkancf.s Evans, Del/a Mrs. John Dick. Delta. Meadville, Pennsylvania, sopra- no soloist. Edith Wells Ely. Zeta. pianist in chamber concert work and s\mphony. Josephine Durrell. Zeta. Boston, violinist, organizer of Durrell String Quartette. Anne McLeary. Zeta. jjianist and organist. Helen Wegmann. Zeta. Portland. Oregon, violinist. Dicie Howell. Zeta. New York, soloist. (ieorge Thoensseii. Zeta. New York, soloist. Louise Daniell, Zeta. Hous ton. Texas, pianist. ac<'ompanist. soloist with orchestra. Alice Mustard Adams. Zeta. soloist. Seattle. Sara Frances Evans, Delta, contralto sdloist. Brooklyn, N. \'. May Thorpe drahani. Delta, chorus, piano. Juvia (). Hull. Delta, chorus, vocal. Herlha McC'ord. Delta. Canton. Ohio, teaclier of voice. Charlotte Marhoffer (Iringer. Delta, [lianist and soloist. Aha Moyer Taylor, Delta, soprano soloist. Oertrude Ogden Fleming. Delta, so- prano soloist. Fern Pickard Stevens, Delta, vocal and piano teacher: accompanist. Jm->1 in INK I )t UKKI.I,, Zi Ul \'ii>liiiist ^ ^ < Prominent Members 341 Sara Helen Littlejohn, Zeta, pianist. Estelle M. Dunkle, Zeta, Bos- ton, organizer of Zeta Zeta Chap- ter; treasurer of Alumn;e Associa- tion ; pianist. Lillian Goulston McMasters, Zeta. pianist and teacher. Wmi Mrs. Jack Gardner Scholarship in Competition in 1903. Florence Larrabee, Zeta, New \'ork, concertist. Alice Reynolds Fischer. Theta. founder with her husband, Edgar S. Fischer, of Fischer School of Music, Walla Walla, Washington. Flora Withers, Iota, soprano soloist with orchestra in choral societies, teacher. Frances Waldo Fee, Lambda, teacher of piano in Seattle until her marriage to James Alger Fee. Xellaby Finnev, Mu, soprano soloist; won second place in Wales in Eisteddfod Contest. Genevieve Fodrea, Xi, violinist, Chicago. Clara Hill, Xi, Lincoln, N^ebraska, singer with Redpath-Horne Edith May Biddeau, Omicron, concert singer. Leila Nielsen, Pi, singer, California. Margaret McCulloch Lang, violinist, concertist, and preacher. Gertrude Guller, Upsilon, piano soloist and accompanist. Llora Withers, lola r Lvceum. The social workers in Alpha Chi Omega are: Ina Scherrebeck. Sigma. National Secretary Y. W. C. A.; Lora Hagler. Mu, Religious Work Direc- tory of Y. W. C. A.; Florence E. Cain, Alpha, who worked among mill girls in the mountains of the South ; Vera Bash, Delta, engaged in settlement work in Philadelphia : Mabel Keech, Beta, in settlement work in Philadel- phia; Betty Henley, Lambda, who was employed both in church and factory social work; Mary Vose, Gamma; May Allinson, Iota; Frances Kirkwood. Iota, did social service among the women of the mines of Birmingham; Alabama; Mildred Moody, Lambda, in charge of a branch of the work of New- York W. C. T. U., 1914-1916. and a national lecturer for W. C. T. I'.. 1916 ; Dorothy C. Thompson, Lambda, New York State organizer of Woman Suffrage, 1914-1916; Ethel J. McCoy, Lambda, vice-president of Sunday School work of the Southern Methodist Church in the state of Florida. 1913- 1916. The work of most of these members has been described in detail in the issues of The Lyre during the past five years. 342 Till: lIisix)Rv OF Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity IxA Sherrebeck, Sigf?ia; Lora Hagi.er, Mii ; Florence Cain, Alpha: Mildred Moodv, Lambda. A resume of the undergraduate's distinctions epitomizes, in a way. her college career. College honors are significant — like college life, prophetic. The Fraternity is able, with some degree of fulness, to note the honors which come to active members ; would that alumna? might make possible a continuance of that knowledge. For the sake of reference, as well as to express appreciation of splendid college citizenship, the honors won by college members are here listed by chapters. Alpha Chapicr, Dc Pauw University Vera Cooper — Phi Beta Kappa, 1906. Edna Walters— President of Y. W. C. A., 1907. Maynie Walters — Vice-president Senior Class, 1910. Katherine Stanford — Vice-president Senior Class, 1905. Ava Guild — Student Volunteer, Vice-president, 1909. Harriet Lessig — Phi Beta Kappa, 1911. Florence Bell— Delta Mu Sigma (Honorary Musical), 1912-1913. Esther Marvin — Phi Beta Kappa, 1914; Tusitala (Honorarv Literary), 1914; Mirage Board, 1913; President Sodalitas Latina, 1914. Vera Conn — President Sodalitas Latina, 1914. Mary Robinson — Student Council, 1913. Bess Sanders — Mirage Board, 1915. President Panhellenic, 1915-1916; Vice-president History Club, 1915-1916; S. G. A. Executive Board, 1915-1916; Y. W. C. A. Sub-cabinet, 1915-1916; Student Council, 1915-1916. w - 3 i.a - -1 c - r- X 7.-1 r» o — o' — = (re' _S 0'=, 'r= "• '^ " = J'- 5 <" >_ wn , ™ o -1 "-^ ft "! ^ _piCrQ _^ " S' <'2 O -fi - ——V op "?■ I > - a, '_ r-5 r: S-o' ^ — re 5'?r TTa _; 3 > ^ — '< -j 344 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Margaret Robison — Mirage Board, 1915; Secretary Sodalitas Latina, 1915; Vice-president Senior Class, 1915-1916. Florence Bishop— Glee Club, 1914-1915. Ressie Jenkins — Duzer Du (dramatic), 1914-1916; Treasurer Duzer Du, 1916. Flossie Allen — Mirage Board, 1916; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-1914; Student Council, 1914-1915; Glee Club, 1914-1915; Delta Mu Sigma, 1914-1916. Agnes Davis — Mirage Board, 1915; Orchestra, 1914-1915; Delta Mu Sigma, 1914-1915. Opal Goodrich— University Choir, 1913-1914. Emily Brewer— Duzer Du, 1914-1916. Evelyn Johns— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1914-1915; Vice-president Suffrage League, 1914-1915. Icy Alice Frost — University Choir, 1913-1916; Student Council, 1914-1915; Glee Club, 1913-1914; Secretary S. G. A., 1915; President S. G. A., 1916; Mirage Board, 1916; Delta Mu Sigma, 1915-1916. Beatrice Herron — Student Council, 1915-1916; S. G. A. Executive Board, 1915-1916; Y. W. C. A. Sub-cabinet, 1915-1916; Mirage Board, 1916. Isabel Wineland— /?«/■/>' Staff, 1915 ; Glee Club, 1914; Y. W. C. A. Sub-cabinet, 1915-1916; Mirage Board, 1916. Nelda Weathers— Treasurer Y. W. C. A., 1916; President Civic League, 1916. Myrtle Strom— Orchestra, 1915-1916. Vivien Bard— Student Council, 1914-1915; Orchestra, 1915-1916; S. G. A. Executive Board, 1915-1916. Bernice Olcott — Orchestra, 1915-1916; Delta Mu Sigma, 1915-1916. Anne Rominger^Orchestra, 1915-1916. Enid Vandeveer— Glee Club, 1914. Marie Miller— Student Volunteer, 1915-1916; Prominent Members 345 S. G. A. Executive Board, 1915-1916; President Women's Athletic Association, 1915-1916. Clara Sharp— /;- Society; Class Prophet, 1910. 346 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Grace Fisher — Syl/abus Board ; President Freshman Class Music School. Alice Watson — Secretary Freshman Class Music School ; A Capella Choir, 1908-1909. Jennie Fidlar — Treasurer Freshman Class Music School, 1908-1909. Hedwig Brenneman— 5.v//<7/;//.y Board, 1907-1908; A Capella Choir, 1907- 1909. Mae Smith— A Capella Choir, 1907-1909. Winifred Webster — Vice-president Junior Class Oratory School; Secretary and Treasurer Senior Class Oratory School ; Thalian Society. Jeanette Wilson — Editor-in-chief Oratory Syl/abus Board ; Thalian Society ; Eta Gamma Society ( Intersorority Oratory). Helen Baird— Syllabus Board, 1908-1909. Susan Sivright — Secretary Sophomore Class Music School, 1910-1911; Sophomore Committee for Torch Light Procession, 1911. Laura Turner — Syllabus Board, 1909-1910; Eta Gamma Society. Mabel Slane — Eta Gamma Society ; Thalian Society. Emily Upton — Eta Gamma Society; Thalian Play. Arminda Mowre — Eta Gamma Society; Syllabus Board, 1911-1912. Ruth Saucerman — Syllabus Board, 1910-1911 ; Calethia Literary Society. Lucile Morgan — Sergeant-at-arms Anonian Literary Society; Suffrage Play, 1910; Junior Committee for Torch Light Procession, 1911. Esther Semans — Secretary Woman's League, 1909-1910; President Woman's League, 1910-1911 ; Second Cabinet V. W. C. A., 1909-1910; Class His- torian, 1911; Chairman Senior Social Committee, 1910-1911. Delia Anderson — ^A Capella Choir, 1911. Adeline Nelson — A Capella Choir, 1911. Elthea Snider — A Capella Choir; President Junior Class, 1917 (Music) ; Panhellenic Scholarship Banquet : V. W. C. A. Cabinet ; Laurean Literary Society. Phyllis Sayles — President Junior Class, 1916 (M^sic) ; Syllabus Board, 1918. Irma Brady — Secretary of Student Assembly. Catherine Macpherson — Hockey, Baseball, and Basketball Team; Syllabus Board, 1918. Delta Chapter, Allegheny College Jessie Merchant, Phi Beta Kappa, 1901. Clara Wheeling, Phi Beta Kappa, 1909; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Quill Club; Senior Six. Lucy Loane, Phi Beta Kappa ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet ; Quill Club ; Classical ' Club. June Shires— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Y. W. C. A. Secretary. 1910-1911. Mary Green— Scientific Club, 1909. Belle Layng — Senior Eight. Olga Henry — Vice-president, 1907-1908. Louise Chase— Junior Member, 1908-1909. Wilhelmina Anderson — Sophomore Member. 1909-1910. Belle Chase— Senior Eight, 1900. Olga Henry — Vice-president Student Government Board, 1907-1908. Pkd.MI M;N 1 M KMHKRS 347 Anna Tarr, Delta Librarian Louise Chase — Junior Member Student Govemnient Hoard 1908-1909. Anna Tarr — Class Valedictorian, 1908- 1909. Lucy Loane — Secretary of Quill Club, Vice-president of Y. W. C. A. ; Vale- dictorian. 1910-1911. June Shires. Secretary of Y. W. C. A., 1911-1912. Ruth Dorworth — President of Klee-o- Kleet ; Secretary of Quill Club, Assis- tant P^ditor of Kalihon : Vice-president of Girls' Athletic Association, 1911- 1912. June Shires — Vice-president of Student Government Board, 1911-1912. Irene Beatty— President of Student Gov- ernment Board ; Secretary of Klee-o- Kleet; Class Day Speaker, 1912-1913. Margaret Seitz — Junior Member Student Government Board ; Manager of Girls' Glee Club. 1912-1913. Lillian Xelson — Treasurer Girls' Athletic Association. 1912-1913. Margaret Seitz — President of Student Government Board; Secretary of Klee- o-Kleet, 1913-1914. Helen Thomas — Class Day Speaker. 1913-1914. .Althea Hunt — Phi Beta Kappa; Class Day Speaker. 1913-1914. Janet Ellis— Leader of Girls' (ilee Club. 1914- 1915. Rose Piatt — President of Klee-o-Kleet ; Kal- droii Editorial Board. 1914-1915. Edith Askev — Vice-president of Student Gov- ernment Board, 1914-1915. I.ucile Lippitt — Secretary of Quill Club : Presi- dent of La Petit Salon: Editor of the Literary Monthly. 1914-1915. (ieorgia Roberts — Campus Editorial Board, 1914-1915. Marguerite Beatty — President of the Girls' .\thletic Association ; Vice-president of Klee-o-Kleet, 1915-1916. Ruth Allgood — Afanager of Girls' Glee Club, Althea Hunt, Delta, 1914 •!> B K, Allegheny College 1915-1916. Dortha Augove — Treasurer of La Petit Salon Government Board, 1915-1916. Vice-president of Student 348 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Georgia Carr — Campus Editorial Board, 1915-1916. Hildur Johnson — Junior Member of Student (iovernment Board, 1915-1916. Mildred Hazen — Phi Beta Kappa; President of La Petit Salon: Vice-presi- dent of Y. W. C. A.: Basketball Coach, 1916-1917. Martha Nebinger — Vice-president of Student Government Board ; Vice- president of Girls' Athletic Association, 1916-1917; Treasurer Y. W. C. A. Elizabeth Hendershot — Secretary of Tingley Biological Club, 1916-1917. Agnes Van Hoesen — Vice-president of Klee-o-Kleet, 1916-1917. Anna Clemson Ray, Delia Artist-Photograplier Elizabeth Garver, Delia Director of Public Playgrounds, Meadville, Pa. Epsilon Chapter, University of Soi/t/ier/i California A steady improvement may be noted in Epsilon's growth and develop- ment since the time of its reawakening in 1905. From existence for mere enjoyment of each other's society, the chapter has growm to stand for high scholarship, honest Panhellenic dealings, and campus activities. Altruistic motives have also been visible. The chapter has endeavored to cooperate in any way possible which might be for the betterment and progress of the institution. Since competitive scholarship has been published Alpha Chi Omega has several times stood in the first rank of U. S. C. fraternities. The College Panhellenic at U. S. C. was organized through the efforts of this chapter, and its progress has been largelv due to Epsilon. H^:?5 '^^ T n 2 z -< s 2 ;w^t3 3 o 2 2 /ft en nj ^ >3*? — i w -r > 350 The History ok Ali'ha Chi Omega Fraternity Epsiloii was first represented in the Voung Woman's Christian Association in 1908. In that year Olive Berryman was appointed cabinet member and served until 1910. Phoebe Joslin served as secretary during 1909 and 1910. Other cabinet members have been: Mabel Farrington, 1910-1911; Alice Crabb, 1910-1911; Edna Sedweek. 1914-1915. Ruth Arnold served as secretary during 1911-1912. In 1916 Edna Sedweek was elected president. Adelaide Trowbridge was elected honorary member of Clionian Literary Society. Anne Shepard, president of Athena Literary Society, 1909. During 1910 and 1911 Olive Berryman served as secretary of the Women's League, and Anne Shepard served as chairman of the Social Com- mittee. Mildred Finch served on the Social Committee during 1910-1911. In the same year Anna St. John served on the Advisory Board. In 1912 the name of the organization was changed to Associated Women Students. Mildred Finch was elected president of the new organization in 1913. Dur- ing 1914-1915 Doris Coomber served as social chairman. In 1915-1916 Isabel Long filled this office. There were no honor societies in Liberal Arts until 1912. At that time Torch and Tassel and Lance and Lute were organized. Torch and Tassel is a women's honorary society. Only women who have been prominent in college activities, and are of splendid character and achievement are eligible. Lance and Lute is an honorary dramatic society. The membership is drawn from the junior play cast. Only those who have shown marked ability are eligible. Mildred Finch was instrumental in establishing both of these societies and was a charter member of each. Other members of Torch and Tassel have been Lsabel Long. 1916. and Edna Sedweek. 1916. Anna St. John accepted an invitation to Lance and Lute in 1912. Isabel Long in 1915. In 1914 several faculty men. members of Phi Beta Kappa who were desirous of promoting higher standards of scholarship, organized the scholar- ship society of the University of Southern California. Lucy Adams was elected to this society in the same vear. Epsilon Chapter has been active in the musical life of the university. In 1906-1907 Hattie Holmes was a member of the Girls' Glee Club. Shortly afterwards the organization was di.ssolved and no active work was done in this line until in 1912, when Elva Murray was instrumental in forming a new Girls' Glee Club. Ruth Eveland. Anna Logan, and Mildred Tousley were active in the organization during the first year of its existence. Edna Cummins served as accompanist from 1912 to 1914. In 1914 the Tone Weavers' Club was organized at the College of Music. Jane Stanlev served as secretary and accompanist during 1914-1915. In 1915 the Women's Quar- tette of the College of Music was organized. Elva Murray was chosen as one of its members. For many years Epsilon Chapter has had leading parts in the dramatics. In junior play casts. Epsilon has been represented by Olive Berryman in 1909, Anna St. John, in 1911 ; Mildred Finch, in 1912;'lsabel Long, in 1915. Prominent Members 351 in Shakespeare Club plays. ICdith Heanie in 1910 took part in Chiiins. Mil- dred Tousley took leading parts in Twelfth Night in 1913, and in Much Ado About Nothing in 1914. In the sophomore play cast of 1912, Doris Coom- her and Marion (Ireene took prominent parts. Zemula Pope took the leading part in the freshman play in 1916. Epsilon has been prominent in journalism at the University of Southern California. On El Rodeo staff Epsilon has been represented by Katherine Asher, 1910; Anne Shepard. 1910; Olive Berryman. 1910-1911; Marion Greene. 1913-1914; Ruth l^veland. 1915-1916. On the Daily staff Clara Stephenson served as editor in 1912-1913. Other members of the staff were Elva Murray. 1913-1914; Joanna Nixon. 1915-1916; Albra Smart. 1916; Evelvn Burgess. 1915-1916. ( )live La Clair served on Xha Sophcuiicrc Courier staff 1909-1910. Anne Shepard was a member of the .luui<>r Courier stafT 1909-1910. In 1914-1915 Jane Stanley was elected president of the Student Body of the College of Music. During 1915-1916 Ruth Eveland served as secretary of the Associated Students of the University. In 1915 the Big Sister move- ment of the university was started, having for its purpose the promotion of better feeling of friendliness and helpfulness between the upperclass girls and their freshman sisters. Isabel Long was appointed Chief Big Sister for 1916-1917. The President's Council was organized in 1916. It is com- posed of the most efficient and most representative college men and women of the university. Its purpose is to provide for the general welfare of the Student Body. Edna Sedweek was one of the first members to be appointed to this Council. The Modern Language clubs in the university are very active, wide-awake organizations. Epsilon has been well represented in all of these associations. In 1913 Ruth Flveland was elected to the office of vice-president of the German Club. Lucv Adams was also a member in 1913. 'Lhe French Club was organized in 1913. Ruth Eveland was elected to membersliij) in 1913. Laura Long accepted an invitation in 1915. Ruth Home is akso a member. During 1914-1915 Margaret Snowden was a member of the Spanish Club. Albra Smart was elected to membership in 1916. The women have always taken an active part in athletics, and Epsilon has been well represented. In 1908 Katherine .\sher was captain of the Women's Basketball Team. Anne Shepard was a member of the Basketball Team in 1909, and was elected captain in 1910. In 1913 the Girls' Walking Club was organized and Elva Murray was elected secretary. Marion (ireene acted as president of the club in 1913-1914. The Girls' Hockey Team was organized in 1912. Epsilon was represented in 1912 by Loretta Murphy; in 1913 by Bess Murphy and Doris Coomber. Marion (ireene was a member of the Tennis Club in 1913. and its vice-president in 1914-1915. Laura Long held this office in 1915-1916. Theta Chapter, C'niiersity of Michigan Katherine Anderson — Wyvern (Honorary Junior Society). Pearl Bowman — Omega Phi. 352 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Alice Blodgett — Manager Women's League Pageant, 1915 and 1916; AVyvern. Ruth Butler— Glee Club, Stylus. Helen Bush — Glee Club. Irene Connell — Deutscher Verein. Eliza Cramner — Glee Club, Junior Girls' Play. Marie Dole — President Symphonic League, 1916-1917. Laura Feige — Wyvern, Mortar Board (Senior Honorary Society) ; Glee Club; Deutscher Verein; President of Y. W. C. A., 1914-1915. Vera Fox — -Deutscher Verein. Mandelle Germonde — Comedy Club. Persis M. Goeschel— Phi Beta Kappa. 1908. Mildred Guilford — Comedy Club, Cercle Fran^ais. Jane Harris — Phi Beta Kappa; Stylus; Deutscher Verein; Authoress of Junior Girls' Play, 1910. Beatrice Hopkins — Wyvern. Frances Hickok — Comedy Club; Omega Phi; Delta Sigma Rho : U. of M. delegates at Interstate Oratorical Contest at Iowa, ^vinning second place. Mary Hyde — Wyvern. Ruth King — Wyvern. Fleeta Lamb — Deutscher Verein. Edith Leonard — Junior Play. Irene McCormick — Cercle Frangais; Dramatic Club. Marian McPherson — Glee Club; Wyvern; Junior Play; Class Prophetess, 1915; Chairman Senior Girls' Play. Hazel McCauley — Comedy Club; Vice-president Symphonic League. Adaline McAllister — Glee Club ; Cercle Fran9ais. Emily Northrup — Freshman Spread Committee; Junior Girls' Play. Jessie Patterson — Deutscher Verein; Cercle Fran9ais. Helen Robson — Glee Club. Margaret Reynolds — Comedy Club ; Freshman Spread Committee ; Deutscher Verein ; Wyvern ; Chairman Junior Girls' Play ; President of Women's League, 1916-1917. Josephine Randall — Freshman Spread Committee ; Deutscher Verein ; Wyvern; Mortar Board; Glee Club; Junior Play; President Pan- hellenic; President Y. W. C. A., 1916-1917. Lois Spraker — Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Maude E. Staiger— il//V/?/>7// Daily editorial staff, 1908-1909; Gargoyle editorial staff, 1909-1910. Beatrice Stanton — Phi Beta Kappa ; Deutscher Verein. Florence Scott — Omega Phi. Elmo Smith — President of Symphonic League, 1914-1915. Anne Thomas — Deutscher Verein. Louise Van Voorhis — Junior Play; Comedy Club; Stylus; Michigan Daily editorial staff, 1906-1909; Gargoyle editorial staff, 1909-1910. pRoMiNKNT Members 353 Sarah Winter — Deutschcr Verein. Adele Westbrook — Vice-president Sophomore Class ; Chairman Freshman Spread Committee; Comedy Club; Junior Play Committee. Barbara Wild — Cercle Fran(;ais ; Freshman Spread Committee. Gladys Whelan — Wyvern ; Omega Phi ; Masques ; Comedy Club ; Glee Club ; Junior Play; V. W. C. A. Cabinet; Secretary of Junior Class, 1915-1916. Iota Chapter, Unirersity of Illinois Imo. Baker— Phi Beta Kappa, 1906; President of Y. W. C. A., 1904. Mary Allison — Phi Beta Kappa, 1908; Fellowship at Columbia University. Ruth Buffum— Phi Beta Kappa, 1909. Susan Reed — Phi Beta Kappa. Bess Rose — Senior Memorial Committee, 1910. Frances Kirkwood — Phi Beta Kappa, 1912. Elizabeth M. Dunn— Phi Beta Kappa. 1915. Ethel Todd— Secretary Y. W. C. A., 1914. Frances Marks — Phi Delta Psi (Honorary Senior, Scribblers'' Club. Woman's Society), 1915. Gretchen Gooch — ^Phi Delta Psi, 1915; Secretary Senior Class, 1916. Mary Ann Boyd— Phi Delta Psi, 1915. Ada Joseph — Mu Kappa Alpha, 1914. Florence Lindahl — President Sophomore lllini. 1917. Maude Marks — Mask and Bauble (Dramatic). 1914. Otela Knox — Mask and Bauble, 1911. Marjorie June — Secretary Senior Class. 1915. Kappa Chapter, Unirersity of W'iseonsin Fay Vaughan — Vice-president of Junior Class ; Leading part in The Road to Yesterday ; Red Domino; Senior Plav Committee; Prize for literary work on Badger stafif. Alma Slater — Editor-in-chief of Coed Sphinx: Theta Sigma Phi Honorary Journalistic Fraternity; Prize for literary work on Badger staff; Prize for Highest Score in Bowling. Edna Mowre — Staff of the Coed Sphinx: Edwin Booth Play. Margaret H'Doubler — Senior Play; Vice-president Sophomore Class: Bas- ketball; President Intersorority Bowling League; W. A. A. Gladys Morrell— Hockey 2. 3, 4 ; Basketball 2 ami 3. Flora Knox — French Play. Irma Hellberg — Junior Play; German Play; Executive Committee of Ger- manistische Gesellschaft. Winifred Webster — Edwin Booth Dramatic Society, in Play; Reader for L'niversity Extension Department: Reader for l^and and Orchestra Concert. May Jenkins — Senior Play: Badger Board. Marguerite Bower — Junior Play. Hazelle Listebarger — Girls' Glee Club. z « c/i '•=Z ra -3 « p < •£ X o < _2 5®^ i«'H s CJ J- o o ■-^ K (u U 3 •r 1-1 (u o -*J o 1 "^ SS2 n cO nl ;'fc'' '— ' ■s'^'l d j-T c 1 ^fflPq ^^ .. (U . f-.y c =;•<£? M ., O .^®S '.4 C//i\i,u\ Indianola, Iowa Nell E. Harris — President of Simpson Music Club, two years ; Secretary of Simpson Conservatory. 1916. Carrie MacFadon— Librarian, 1907-1908; Cantata Soloist. 1910; Secretary of Y. W. C. A., 1906; President of Y. W. C. A., 1907; Delegate to Nashville at National Convention of Student Volunteers ; Delegate to Geneva at Y. W. C. A. Convention ; President of Zetalethean Literary Society. Lena Dalrymple — Zetalethean Secretary. 1905-1906; Vice-president Zeta- lethean 1908; Class Secretary. 1906-1907; Assistant in German. 1907- 1908; A.M. (Iowa). Mayme Silliman — Secretary of Y. W. C. A. ; Vice-president of Y. W. C. A. ; Member of Champion Basketball Team ; Delegate to Y. W. C. A. Summer Conference; Member of Student Council. 1907-1908: Consul and Treasurer of Zetalethean Literary Society. Ada Schimelfenig — Class Secretary, 1907. Mvrtle Bussey — Simpson Concert Company. 1910; Soloist in May Festivals of Glee Club ; Accompanist for Elijah and Redemption. Florence A. Armstrong — Champion Basketball Team. 1905-1906; President of Zetalethean Literary Society. 1905; Zetalethean Play; Delegate to Geneva twice; Treasurer of Y. W. C. A.. 1905-1906; Intersociety Debate; President Radclitle College Poetry Club. 1916; A.M. (Rad- cliffe). Ethel MacFadon — (Uee Club. 1909-191 1 ; Soloist in Creation, 1906. Messiah, 1907, St. Paul, 1908, S-uuin and Skyland. 1909, Aida, 1910 ; Junior Class Play, 1909; Secretary V. W. C. A.. 1909; Zenith Board. 1910. Margaret Schimelfenig — Vice-president \'. W. C. A., 1909 ; Delegate to Geneva; Annual College Honors. 1908-1909. 360 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Fernandez A. Ogg — Assistant in English. 1907-08; Roman Oratorical Con- test, 1908. Lois Smith — Assistant in German, 1904-1905; Senior Play Committee. Carrie McBride — Secretary of Glee Club, 1910; Instructor in Voice, 1910- 1911. Ethel Mott — Champion Basketball Team Captain, 1907. Mabel Fett — Conservatory Accompanist, 1907; College Council, 1907; Presi- dent of Championship Glee Club. 1911-1912; Piano Soloist of Glee Club. Mildred MacFadon — Secretary of Class, 1907-1908; Zetalethean Consul, 1910-1911; Zetalethean Critic. 1911-1912; Zetalethean Membership Committee; Zenith Board, 1910; "Queen of the Lists." 1910; "Portia" in Senior Play, 1912; "Beatrice" in Senior Play, 1912; Secretary Glee Club, 1910-1911; Secretary Oratorio Society, 1909. Myrtle Schimelfenig— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1909-1910; Student Council. 1909-1910: Zenith Board. 1911: Annual Scholarship Honors, 1908- 1910. Grace Ogg — College Debating Team : Annual Scholarship Honors, 1908- 1909. Besse Snell — Student Council, 1909. Leila Watson — Vice-president of Alpian. 1909. Carrie McBride — Instructor in Voice. 1910-1911: President of Glee Club; Glee Club Manager. Georgia Watson — Secretary of Student Council. 1908-1909; Freshman Play; Alpian Play ; Glee Club. Grace Dre\v — Contralto Soloist of Glee Club. Orace Thomas— Zt';»Y/z Board, 1910-1911. Ina Morley — Class Secretary. 1910-1911; Freshman Play: Sophomore Play; "Elaine" in Launeelot and Loraine Pageant ; Glee Club ; Student Coun- cil, 1910-1911; Part in two Zetalethean Literary Society Musical Comedies; President of Zetalethean, 1914; Senior Basketball, 1914- 1915; Secretary of Forensic League. 1914-1915; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1914-1915; Junior Class Play, 1914. Edith Berdina Hughes — Secretary Glee Club. 1910-1911 ; Solo part in Can- tata Ruth; Glee Club Contest. 1911 ; Assistant Dean of Women, 1910- 1911. Kathryn Vollmar — Vice-president Glee Club. 1910-1911; Accompanist for Glee Club, 1911-1912; Student Council. 1910-1912; President of Music Club, 1910-1912. Mary Shaw — Alpian Literary Society Debate Team, 1910; Freshman Debate Team, 1910; Annual Honors. 1910-1911, 1911-1912; Alpian Play, 1911; Editor of College Annual. 1912-1913; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1912- 1913-1914; Alpian Debate Team. 1912, 1913; Alpian President, 1914; College Council, 1912-1913. Lida Tennant — Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1910-1911; Buxton Oratorical Prize; Zetalethean Critic, 1911-1912 ; Simpsonian Staff, 191 1-1912 ; Y. W. C. A. "1 ^fS "' >!«' > 7» r o n. 362 TiiK History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity President, 1914-1915: Intercollegiate Debate, 1910-1911, 1913-1914, 1914-1915; Zetalethean President, 1915; Annual and Departmental Honors, 1914-1915. Grace Vollmar— Y. W. C. A. Vice-president, 1913-1914; Treasurer of Zeta- lethean, 1913-1914; President of Mecca\vees (Girls' Athletic Society), 1913-1914. Anna Egli— President of Glee Club, 1913-1914; Junior Play. Grace Van Vlack— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1912-1913-1914; Intersociety Debate (Zetalethean), 1911-1912-1913; Intercollegiate Debate, 1914. Alberta Fox — Associate Editor of Zenith Board, 1913-1914; President of Alpian Literary Society; Athletic "S" in Basketball, 1915; President of Classical Seminar; Vice-president of Meccawees, 1914-1915 ; In Classical Play, The Captives. Emma Harned — Junior Play; Alpian Play, 1909, 1912; Annual Honors, 1911-1912. Florence Ros.s — Junior Play, 1913; SuperYisor Public School Music, 1914- 1915. Mary Bradford — Leading Lady in Dramatic Club ; Sophomore Play ; Secre- tary of Scientific Association. Irene HarYey— Ze«/M Board, 1912-1913; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1910-1911- 1912-1913; Won West Oratorical Contest, 1912; Intersociety (Alpian) Oratorical Contest, 1912; Intersociety Debate, 1913; Intercollegiate Debate, 1914; Simpsonian Staff, 1913-1914. Eleanor Jones — Intersociety (Zetalethean) Debate, 1914; Honors in Ethics, 1914-1915; Athletic "S" in basketball, 1913-1914; 1914-1915. Nina King— College Zenith Board, 1913-1914; Class Basketball. Bernice Haseltine— English Seminar, 1912-1914; College Annual Board, 1912-1913; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1911-1914; Alpian President, 1913; Intercollegiate Debate, 1914. Regna King — Intercollegiate Debate, 1913-1914; Class Basketball, 1913- 1915; Intersociety Debate, 1913-1914; Senior Play, 1916; President of Forensic League, 1915-1916. Margaret Wright— Student Council, 1912-1913; Annual Honors, 1913-1914; Class Basketball, 1913-1914. Edna Jepsen — Junior Play ; Freshman Play. Julia Watson — Class basketball. Vera Schofield — Chorister of Alpian. Norma Agan — Senior Play. Mildred Mott— Reader for Glee Club, 1913-1915 ; First Prize in "Glee Club Write-up" Contest; Girls' Simpsonian Staff; Secretary of Y. W. C. A., 1913-1914; Zenith Board, 1916. Leah Brown — Student Council. Elizabeth King — Intersociety debate, 1915. Vera L. Merritt — Fraternity Editor of Zenith. 1915-1916. Phyllis Marie Phillips — Treasurer of Simpson Orchestra. "Flora" in Greek Pageant; First Violinist in College Orchestra, 1915-1916. Prominent Members 363 Ethfcl Lyman — First Violinist in College Orchestra, 1914-1915. Elsie Boss — V. W. C. A. Missionary Committee. Mildr.ed Keniicdv— Class Editor of Zeuith. 1915-1916. Ethel Shaw— V.' W. C. A. President, 1916-1917; Student Council, 1915- 1916; Forensic League, 1915-1916. Florence Currier — Manager of Y. W. C. A. Geneva Club, 1916-1917; Woman's "S" Club, 1915-1916. Minnie Murphy— Intersociety (Alpian) Debate, 1914-1915-1916. Nev^a Hardy — Oratorical Contest (Alpian), 1915. Grace Dryden — Accompanist for Operas, 1915-1916. Fannie Pickard — President Alpian Literary Society, 1915; Simpsonian Staff, 1915-1916; Editor Girls' Simpsonian, 1916; Senior Class Play, 1916; Class Basketball, 1912-1913-1914-1915. Ruth Jackson— Student Council. 1915-1916; Woman's "S" Club, 1915; Sophomore Basketball Team, 1915-1916; College Honors. 1916. Nellaby Finney — Leading part in Pirates of Penzanse. O micron Chapter, Baker University. Baldwin. Kansas Edith Biddeau — Student Council ; Bohemian Girl. Mrs. Clyde Coffman — Junior Play. Blanche Davenport Johnson — President Y. W. C. A. ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Ivy Riley Farrar — College Delegate to International Convention of Student Volunteer Association, Nashville, Tennessee; President V. \V. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Zula Green — Junior Play. Ethel Kregar — Student Council ; In operas. Laura Nicholson McWilliams — President of Clio Literary Society. Evelyn (iould Odom — President of Clio Literary Society. Oma Smith Cooke — Junior Play. Cora Ault — Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; President of Clio; Honorary Fraternity. P^thel Ault — President of Clio; Junior Play. Beatrice Fast Ransom — Student Council ; Honorary Fraternity. Ethel Meyers — Student Council. Jennie Osborne — President of Clio. Ina Steward — Treasurer of \ . \\ . C. A. ; Secretary of V. W. C. A. ; President of Clio. Anna Church Colley — President of Clio; Secretary of Y. W. C. A. Mary Anderson — President of Y. W. C. A. Verna Oeker — First Place in Neff Prize. Katharine Kester — Manager of Clio play. Helen Anderson — First Place in Neff Prize Contest ; Greek Play ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet ; Honorary Fraternity. Ruth Benham— President of W. S. ( ). A. : Junior Play; Y. W. C. .\. Cabinet. Ruth Roseberry — Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, firace Fitzgerald — Junior Play. Gertrude Hedge — Junior Play. 364 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Mary Fay Brown — Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Junior Play. • Hazel McClure— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Lyda Houston — Student Council. Flora Kraft— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Geneva Benjamin — Yice-president Y. W. C. A. : President Clio. Vera Payton — President of Clio; President of W. O. A.; President French Club. Mary Smith— President of Clio ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Opal Williams — First Place in Nefif Prize; Student Council. Pi Chapter, University of California. Berkeley, California Dorothy Burdorf — Phi Beta Kappa. Elsie Williams — President Women's Orchestra, 1910-1911. Fern Enos — Prytanean Honor Society. 1911; Senior Advisory Committee; Women's Day Pelican Assistant. Margeret Creighton — President Women's Orchestra, 1911-1912. Gertrude Rice — Sophomore Election Committee for Blue and Gold Staff. Gladys Bartlett — Treble Clef ; Senior Advisory Committee. Ethel Jordan — Business Manager Woman's Day Occident ; President Senior Women; Prytanean Honor Society; Chairman Senior Women's Hall; President University Branch of Equal Suffrage League. Mildred Jordan — Assistant Woman's Day Occident; Prytanean Honor Soci- ety; Senior Advisory Committee; Blue and Gold Staff, 1912. Katherine Asher (Epsilon) — Prytanean Honor Society; Captain of Basket- ball Team, 1910-1911; Senior Advisory Committee. Fay Frisbie — Assistant Woman's Day Occident; Associate Editor Blue a?id Gold, 1913; Junior-Senior Advisory Committee; Treble Clef; Prytanean Honor Society; Welfare Committee; Chief Proctor of Senior Women's Hall ; Beta Kappa Alpha Honor Society. Kathleen Kerr — Senior Advisory Committee. Elsie Stoddard — Senior Advisory Committee. Minerva Osborn — Blue and Gold Managerial Staff, 1912; Captain Senior Advisory Committee ; Student Welfare Committee. Frances Jacklin — Varsity Tennis Team, 1912, 1913; Captain Varsity Basketball Team, 1912, 1913; Class Champion in Tennis. 1912. Leigh Stafford — Prytanean Honor Society ; Mask and Dagger Dramatic Society ; English Club ; Vice-president Associated Women Students, 1910-1911; Senior Advisory Board. 1910-1911; Leading Role, CEdipus Tyrranus, Mary Stuart, Winter's Tale, Junior Farce ; Chairman Senior Building Committee. Florence Cook— Treble Clef, 1912. Hazel Pfitzer — Junior-senior Advisory Committee, 1913-1915; Chairman Associated Women Students' Election Board. Leila Nielson— Treble Clef, 1912 ; Mandolin and Guitar Club, 1912. Lucile Batdorf — Prytanean Honor Society, 1915; Chairman Welfare Com- mittee, 1915. O n < # o - r:3 - su 3 - 5 " - 3 ■-1 N V rt W -: 5: 2.2 o o ?1 P.3-- W H„2 " w — SS.O ^^ !iMg =^ bdn ° i-i:? - 3 I-- o O 3. ? ^ S. 3 i« o (t r 2: o n C 1 S' ^ ? ~ c o a. ;; o 366 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Eugenia McCabe — Captain Senior Advisory Committee, 1915. Portia Collom— Treble Clef, 1912. Frieda Hofmann — Treble Clef, 1913. Leona Young — Alchemia (Chemistry Honor Society), 1912; Junior Women's Tennis Champion, 1913-1914; Intersorority Tennis Doubles Champion, 1914: V. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1914-1915. Fern Wildey— Treble Clef, 1913. Ruth Burr^Alchemia (Chemistry Honor Society), 1913; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-1914; Senior Advisory Committee, 1914-1915. Mildred Lantz — Senior Advisory Committee, 1914-1915; Y. W. C. A. Social Chairman. Ruth Crandall— Treble Clef, 1913. Eve McCabe — Alchemia (Chemistry Honorary Society), 1914; Secretary Associated Women Students, 1915. Bertha Galloway — Mandolin Club ; Vice-president Associated Women Students, 1916-1917; Role "Calpurnia" in Julius Ccesar, English Club Play, 1916. Louise Keen — Social Chairman Y. W. C. A., 1915-1916; Treasurer Y. W. C. A., 1916-1917 ; Captain Senior Advisory Committee, 1916; Prytanean Honor Society, 1916. Hazel Murray— Treble Clef, 1915. Katherine Crossley — French Honor Society; Charter Member of "Cercle Frangais." Esther Kittredge — Alchemia (Chemistry Honor Society), 1914; Woman Editor Daily Calif ornian . 1915; Istic Club (Women's Journalistic Society) . Doris McEntyre — Leading Roles Julius Ca-sar. Parthenia, 1916; Cast Junior Farce ; Junior Advisory Committee ; Captain Senior Advisory Committee. Penelope McEntyre — Associated Women Students' Committee for Revision of Constitution ; Junior Advisory Committee. Marjorie Atsatt — Prytanean Honor Society, 1915; President Y. W. C. A., 1915-1916; Welfare Committee, 1915-1916. Mary Lee— (Epsilon) Manager of Y. W. C. A. Paper, 1916-1917. Gladys Windham — Associate Editor Daily Calif ornian, 1915-1916; Woman News Editor, 1916-1917; Istic Club (Women's Journalistic Society), 1916. Edith Meyer — Women's Varsity Crew, 1916-1917. Lodema Shurtleff — Senior Advisory Committee. Rho Chapter. University of ]J'asliiiii;toii . Seattle. Washington Vera Cogswell Rogers— Deutscher Verein, 1907-1910; Y. W. C. A. Social Committee. 1909. ' Ethel Jones — Basketball Team, 1910. Emily' Rogers— Y. W. C. A. Social Committee, 1909-1910-1911; Chairman of Women's League Executive Committee. 1910-1911. Prominent Members 367 Edith Greenberg — Amateur Night Cast, 1909 ; V. W. C. A. Finance Com- mittee, 1910; Junior Representative Women's League Executive Com- mittee, 1910. Gretchen O'Donnell Starr — Captain Champion Crew, 1909-1910; Country- Fair Committee, 1909-1910; Coach of Women's Rowing, 1910; Cham- pion Hockey Team, 1910-1911-1912; Champion Basketball Team, 1910-1912; Associate Editor of Tycc, 1911; Vice-president Women's League, 1911; Junior Day Committee. 1911; President Spanish Club, 1911 ; Associate EcHtor Junior Daily. 1910; Mocking Bird Cast, 1912; Women's "W." Edith Hindman— Secretary Pharmacy Club. 1908-1909; V. W. C. A. Social Committee, 1908-1909; Sigma Xi ; Iota Sigma Pi. Theodora Maltbie Collins— Band, 1909; Mozart Club, 1909; Orchestra, 1910; Associate Editor of Tyee, 1910-1911. Marjorie Harkins — Champion Hockey Team. 1910-1911; Champion Crew, 1910-1911 ; Champion Basketball Team. 1910-1911-1912; Mikado Cast; Women's "W." Jennie Rogers Cole — Pharmacy Club; Campus Day Committee. 1910; Y. W. C. A. Social Committee, 1910. Gertrude Niedergesaess Bryce — Phi Beta Kappa. Bess Storch— Champion Crew, 1909-1910-1911. Hazel Learned Sherrick — Captain of Crew, 1910; Sophomore Representative of Women's League, 1910-1911; Hockey Team. 1910-1911; Captain Basketball Team, 1910; Basketball Team. 1910-1911; Secretary Women's Athletic Association. 1911; Junior Representative Board of Control, 1910-1911 ; Women's "W" ; President Junior Girls' Club; Tolo Club. Minnie McGinnis Shinn— Crew. 1908-1909. Linna Paulev Smith — V. W\ C. A. Membership Committee, 1911; Hockey Team, 1911. Agnes Hobi— Dramatic Club; Hockey Team. 1911-1912-1913; Basketball Team, 1911-1913; Captain Junior Hockey Team. 1913; Chairman Dramatic Club Play Committee; Lottery Man Cast; Dawn of Tomorrow Cast ; Red Domino ; Dramatic Club Skit ; Melting Pot Cast. Alice Anderson — University Daily Staff. 1911 ; President Junior Girls' Club; Senior Representative on Women's League Executive Board ; Tolo Club. Edna Pusey — College Musical Recital ; Y. W. C. A. Finance Committee ; Mocking Bird Cast; Chairman V. W. C. A. Student Volunteer Con- vention, 1914. Myrtle Harrison — Cajjtain Sophomore Hockey Team. 1912-1913; Basket- ball Team. 1912 ; Iota Sigma Pi ; Secretary Iota Sigma Pi. Dora Fredson— Baseball Team, 1913; Basketball Team, 1914-1915. Grace Anderson— Baseball Team, 1912-1913; Hockey Team, 1912-1913; Women's Athletic Association. Donna Brainerd — Y. W^ C. A. Finance Committee. May Ottesen — Vice-president Pharmacy Club. 1914. 368 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Inez Crippen — Y. W. C. A. Social Service Committee ; Y. W. C. A. Vesper Service Committee. 1916; Chairman Y. W. C. A. Restroom Committee. May Burke— Basketball Team, 1912-1913. Laura Olschewsky White — Hockey Team, 1912; Basketball Team, 1912- 1913. Alma Kittilsby — Crew, 1912-1913; University Daily Staff; Princess Bonnie Cast. Arlie Anderson — Y. W. C. A. Visitation Committee, 1915-1916; President Tolo Club. Maida Crippen — Y. W. C. A. Finance Committee ; President English Club, 1916; Y. W. C. A. Social Committee, 1915. Dea Imel — Crew, 1915. Charlotte Wright— Basketball Team. 1913-1914-1915; Y. W. C. A. Finance Committee, 1914; Crew, 1916. Gudrun Kittilsby— Basketball Team, 1913-1914-1915; Varsity Basketball Team, 1913-1914. Margaret Wilson — Y. W. C. A. Missionary Committee, 1914. Winifred Larrison — University Daily Staff, 1915-1916; Secretary English Club, 1915. Helen Stewart— English Club Play; Mask and Quill; Baseball Team, 1916. Goldine Umbarger — Hockey Team, 1915. Sigma Chapter, University of Iowa, loiva City, loiva Marie Bateman — Staff and Circle, 1912 (Honorary Society for Senior Girls) ; Readers' Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Myrtle Moore — President Girls' Glee Club; Choral Society; Musical Editor, Hawkeye; Soloist at University Band Concert, 1911. Grace Overholt — Erodelphian Literary Society. Bertha Reichert — President Hesperian Literary Society; Greater University Committee; Readers' Club; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Ina Scherrebeck— Phi Beta Kappa, 1909; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; General Secretary of Y. W. C. A., 1910-1912. Nina Shaffer — President Iowa City Library Club; Hesperian Literary Society; Cosmopolitan Club. Mae Williamson— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Dramatic Club, 1911-1912. Margaret Kane — Secretary of Polygon, 1912. Alice Rogers — President of Staff and Circle, 1913; President of Hesperia, 1913; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1912. Florence Cook — Senior Class Play, 1912. May MacElroy — University orchestra. Lena Dalrymple (Mu) — Accompanist Glee Club, 1911-1912. Bess Martin — Phi Beta Kappa; President Erodelphian Literary Society; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Staff and Circle, 1913. Janette Royal — Staff and Circle, 1915; Erodelphian President, 1915; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Agnes Flannagan — Graduate recital, 1912. Prominent Members 369 Ruth Gundcrson — President of Staff and Circle, 1914; Vice-president of Erodelphian Society, 1913; V. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913; President of Women's League, 1913-1914. Hazelle Listebarger — Girls' Minstrel; Creek Play. Naomi Gunderson — President of Staff and Circle, 1915; President of Pan- hellenic, 1915; Polygon Literary Society. Edna Stark — Pandean Players (Dramatic Club). Pauline Peters— Greek Play, 1913. Ruth Daniel — Pandean Players. Mav Brinkman — Pandean Plavers. Nina Shaffer, Sigma University Librarian Mabel Elwood — Marshall Law (Honorary Law Society). Mary Gates — President of (ieneva Club. Dorothea Paule— Staff and Circle. 1916-1917; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1916. Katharine Dignan — Staff" and Circle, 1916-1917; President of Hesperian, 1916. Mary Stuart Isett — (ireek Play. 1915. Erla Messerli — President Hesperian. 1915; Greek Play. Florence Messerli — Polygon. Gladys Kirk — University Players; Secretary of Octave Thanet Literary Society. Marie Hauck — Polygon. Grace Roberts — President of Towa Women's Athletic Association. 370 The History of Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Tail Chapter. Bn-nau College. Gahics7'illc, Georgia Montine Alford— (Jrand C'ouiuil, 1911-1912. Willie Hamilton— (Jrancl Council, 1911-1912. Iler King— President Cushman Club, 1912-1913; Grand Council, 1911-1913. Faye McGee— Grand Council. 1911-1913. Constance Miller — Vice-president Northern Club. 1910; Vice-president Brenau Choral Society, 1910. Opal Overpack — Grand Council, 1910-1912; Executive Committee of Orpheus Club, 1911-1912. Emma Partlow- — (irand Council, 1909-1911. lona Peterman — Executive Committee Orpheus. 1910-1913; Class Editor, 1911-1913; Grand Council, 1911-1913; Assistant Piano Teacher, 1913- 1914; Piano Teacher and Assistant Pipe-organ Teacher, 1914-1915, 1916-1917; Pipe Director, 1915-1916; Member of Mu Epsilon, 1915- 1916. Jurelle Little — President Sophomore Class, 1912; Member of Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-1915: Business Manager of Annual, 1912-1913; Business Manager of Journal, 1912-1913; Executive Committee Grand Council, 1913-1915; President Junior Class, 1913-1914; Assistant Editor of Journal, 1913-1914; President Phi Beta Sigma, 1914-1915; President Panhellenic, 1914-1915; Editor-in-chief of Annual, 1914-1915. Lucy Basset — Vice-president (irand Council, 1913 ; Member of Executive Committee of Grand Council, 1915 ; Exchange Editor of Journal, 1914- 1915. Laura Harris — Grand Council, 1912-1915 ; Member of Executive Committee of Grand Council, 1914; Vice-president Y. W. C. A., 1913-1914; Sec- retary Athletic Association, 1912-1913; President Literary Societv, 1913- 1914; Editor-in-chief of Journal, 1913-1914; Vice-president of Phi Beta Sigma, 1913-1914; President Philomathesian Society, 1914-1915. Mae Saunders— Grand Council, 1914-1915. Harriett Watson — Business Manager Annual, 1914-1915 ; President Domestic Science Department, 1914-1915. Lee Cheney — Member of the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1915-1916; Literary Editor of Annual, 1915-1916; President Honor Board, 1915-1916; Grand Council, 1915-1917; Elected Phi Beta Sigina, 1916; President Y. W. C. A., 1916-1917 ; Board of Managers of Alchemist. 1915-1916; Executive Committee of Grand Council, 1916-1917. Rubye McCjaughey — Grand Council, 1915-1917; Treasurer Honor Board, 1915; President Grand Council, 1915-1916; Assistant Piano Teacher, 1915; Board of Managers of Alchemist. 1915-1916; President of Mu Epsilon, 1916. Evelyn Du Bose — Exchange Editor of Journal. 1915-1916; Vice-president of Senior Class, 1916-1917. Marion Pruitt — Grand Council, 1915-1916; Treasurer and Secretary of Senior Class, 1915-1916. Eunice Sheffield— Art Editor of Annual, 1914-1915. Prominent Members 371 Vida Wheeler — Treasurer of Y. W. C. A., 1915; President (jf Freshman Class, 1914-1915. Nina Beck— Grand Council, 1914-1915. Klizabeth Adams — Vice-president of Freshman Class, 1915-1916; Grand Council, 1916-1917 ; Reporter on Alchemist Stafif, 1916-1917; Editor of Sophomore Class, 1916-1917. Susie Bethune — Member of Mu Epsilon, 1915-1917. Margaret Brister — Grand Council, 1915-1917. Virginia Brister — Editor of Freshman Class, 1915-1916; President of Sopho- more Class, 1916-1917. Louise Carson — Grand Council. 1915-1917 ; Member of Executive Committee of Students' Union, 1916-1917; Editor of Alchemist, 1916-1917; Mem- ber of Executive Committee of Grand Council, 1916-1917; President of Honor Board, 1916-1917. Lucile Hattaway — President Junior Class, 1915-1916; President Senior Class, 1916-1917. Velma Smith — Member of Mu Epsilon. Louise White — President Town Girls' Association, 1915-1916; Member of Phi Beta Sigma, 1915-1917. Christine Edwards — Assistant Editor of the Journal, 1916-1917 : Member of Zeta Phi Eta, 1916; Secretary of Honor Board, 1916-1917. Upsilon Chapter, James Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois Kappa Society is the High Honor Society in James Millikin University, and only those having an average of 92 or over are eligible. Upsilon's list of Kappas includes: Flora E. Ross, Effie Morgan, Laura Kriege, Ada Ross, and Fay Fisher. Fay Lynton Fisher — Editor-in-chief of 1914 Millidek; Winner of Milli- kin Club Oratorical Medal and Illinois Equal Suffrage Association Oratorical Prize, 1913. Laura Olivia Kriege — President Y. W. C. A., 1912, 1913 ; President Deutscher Verein, 1910-1911; Editor-in-chief 1913 Millidek. Marv Pinnell — Girls' Glee Club, 1911-1913; President Domestic Science Club, 1915. Lelia Haggett— President Art Club, 1914-1915. Rowena Bell Hudson — Vice-president Junior Class, 1913-1914; Winner Intersociety Contest Story, 1913; Class Ivy Orator, 1916. Ada Ross — President Pi Mu Theta, 1915-1916; Member Student Council. Martha Redmon — Winner Freshman-Sophomore Contest Reading, 1914. Louise Parks — President Domestic Economy Club, 1916; A Winner of Girls' Interclass Tennis Doubles, 1916. Frieda Smith — President Sophomore Class, 1916 ; Member of Student Council. Mary Redmon — Dandelion Queen. 372 The History of Alpha Chi (^mega Fraternity Phi Chapter. Uni'i'crsity of Kansas. Lawrence . Kansas Elizabeth Flecson — Scholarship University of Illinois, 1914-1915; Athletic Board, 1913; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1912; W. S. G. A., 1912; Sigma Xi, 1915. Claribel Lupton— Torch, 1912-1913; President W. S. G. A., 1912-1913. Rachel Baumgartner — Scholarship University of Illinois, 1914-1915-1916. Ottie McNeal— Quill Club. 1912, Theta Sigma Phi, 1912. Winona McCoskrie— Secretary Law Class, 1910-1911-1912-1913; Jurispru- dence Club, 1912-1913; May Queen, 1912-1913. Marie Nelson— Quill Club, 1913. Helen Stout— Glee Club, 1913. Leonora Jennings — Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. Zetha Hammer — Editor Daily Kansan, 1916; Theta Sigma Phi. Josephine Stimpson — Vice-president Fine Arts, 1915. Mary Nicholson— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1915-1916. Maureen McKernan — Theta Sigma Phi; Kansas Board; Secretary W. S. G. A., 1916; Leading role senior play, 1916; Dramatic Club. 1916; Quill Club, 1916. ' Agnes Hertzler — Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1916; Big Sister chairman, 1916. Ethel Ulrich — Torch, 1914-1915; Pi Gamma Sigma. Elizabeth Ulrich — Vice-president W. S. G. A., 1916; Chairman Commence- ment Committee, 1916. Gertrude LaCoss — On Cast Chimes of Norniandx . 1915. Isabel Searles— Delta Phi Delta, 1915-1916. Josephine Jaqua — Phi Beta Kappa, 1915; Pi Gamma Sigma Torch. 1915; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1913-1914-1915. Salome Langmade — In Cast Chimes of Normandy ; College Play. 1915. Jane Weaver— Quill Club, 1915; Dramatic Club, 1915. Bess Murphy — Dramatic Club, 1915 ; Quill Club. Margaret McElvain — Theta Sigma Phi, 1915-1916; Treasurer Senior Class, 1916. Alice Bowlby— Theta Sigma Phi, 1915-1916; Kansan Board, 1916. Lena Pittenger — In Cast, Chimes of Normandy. Chi Chapter, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon Grace Kinnison — Assistant Editor Junior Annual, 1915-1916; College reporter, 1914-1915; Honorable mention for scholarship, 1914-1915; Secretary Student Body, 1916-1917; Assistant Manager Co-ed Barome- ter, 1915-1916; Society Editor Barometer, 1916-1917. Florence Berchtold — Advisory Board, 1915-1916; Class Secretary. 1916- 1917 ; Mask and Daggar. Mildred Crout — Vice-president Home Economics Club, 1915-1916: Junior Representative, Executive Board Women's League, 1916-1917. Faith Hanthorn — Y. W. C. A. Cal)inet, 1916-1917; Barometer Reporter, Women's Athletic Association; Barometer Staff, 1917. Eleanor Hall — Madrigal. Prominent Memhkrs 373 Lynette Kerr — Madrigal. Everette Kingsley — Carnival Queen attendant, 1916. Hazel Seeley — President College Orchestra, 1916. Grace Woodworth — Madrigal; President Sophomore Class, 1914-1915; President Woman's Athletic Association, 1916-1917; Honorable Men- tion, Scholarship, 1914-1915. Gladys Woodworth — Junior Play Cast, 1916. Psi C'/i(j/>f(-r, Unhu-rsity of Oklahoma, \oniiaii. Oklahiniia Ruth Snell — (ilee Club; Philogean ; Knchilados. Dorys Hollenbeck — Theta Sigma Phi; Editor of the University Magazine; Secretary Grub Street Club ; Philogean. Lucy Clark — Woman's Council, 1915-1916. Minnaletha Jones — University Operatic Quartet ; Leading part in // Trovatore. Gladys Hollenbeck — President ^^'oman's Athletic Club; Winner of Univer- sity Beauty Contest. Jessie Stiles — Secretary Senior Law Class, 1916. Carrie \\'ill Colfman — Harmony Medal, 1915; President Eurodelphian. 1915; Woman's Council, 1916-1917; Vice-president V. W. C. A., 1916- 1917. Omega Chapter, Washington State College, Pullman, Washington Jennie McCormick — Y. W. C. A. Vice-president, 1915; Gamma Tau (Woman's Honorary fraternity), 1915; Woman's League Council; Woman's Athletic Association honor, 1914. Irene VzXmQX— Chinook staff, 1915; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1916; Board of Control of W. A. A., 1916; Woman's League Council. 1916; President Panhellenic, 1916. Hellen Holroyd— Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1916. Dorothy Alvord — Polyhemian Sextette. 1914; Double Quartette. 1916. Beulah Kelley — College Quintette; College Orchestra. Elizabeth Henry, 1919 — Woman's Athletic Association Board of Control, 1916; Woman's Athletic Association honor. 1915; Y. W. C. A. Reporter to Evergreen. X I^JOX NO "^ -t t^ O O : ^ ')OoOir)t^moooo-<»<— 1 — •TM 33aiio3 3JBJS uo^auiqsBjW X X ; ; i ■ ; : i X i : : : BUI01JB13J0 }o XjisjaAiuf^ X X X ': '. : ': X ': '■ : l '. ': 333II03 3}B}S U033J0 JO XjisjaAiufi XXX : X 'xxx'..\x\\\'. X-)ISJ3AIUj-J X \ i i i i i *< : : i I X i 333H03 nEuaig '; \ \ \ -X ': ■ ': : X X X. X . '■■ X •BMOJ JO X^isjaAiufj X : X ■ X X ■ X X ■■ : [ '] \ X ': ] I ': U0}3utqsBj\Y JO X}ISJ3AIUfl X X X X X X : X X X X X : X : X : : : •ErajojiiB3 JO XlTSJSAIUfl X X X X X X : X X X X X X X X X XiisjaAiufi ja^iBg ; ! i : X i i i ; X ; JO X^isjaAiuQ X X X X X X .XXX . X .XX : OpBJOI03 JO X^ISjaATUfl X \ X \ X \ '. X ] X \\ '■■ \ X \ \ '•■ \ 333(103 nosduiig X XiisisAinfi asnDBjXg X X X X X X . X X X X X : X msuoDsi v\ JO XjISJ3AIUj^ X X X X . X : X X X i ■■ X SIOUIJIJ JO X5tSJ3AIUQ XXX l X X X i X « i i X i 1 : : ub3it^3ij^ JO X;Tsi3ATUfl X X X X X X ;« '■ X ; 1 XJ05BAJ3SU03 puBjSug A\3^ ■ ■ • X ■\vj uisqjnos JO X}ISJ3AIUfl i : : : X : ■ X i : 33anop Xu3qS3nv X X \ \ ': \ : : ■ ; ■ X XlISi3A -]U[\ UI3}S3A\t[JJOI^ XXX \ X X X ] X \ X ] X ■ ■ X : 3331103 uoiqiv : X ■■ \ Xlis -J3AIUf\ MtlBJ 3(J X X X X . X : X '. X X ; ; ; J3J531 -5I33J3 IBUOIIB^ OOt^t^oOl^QOOOCXJOOOO-OOOOOOO oooocxjooooooocooo-oocooo-o-o-ONi^-i^a. pspunoj sOr^t^t^t^t^OOOOO^O^r^C^C^OlOOOO^O OOOOOOC»OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOC>OOOOnoOOn OS 4 n i 35 G 1 per capita tax 147, 190 supervision ...141, 14_', 144, 145, 376, 377 See also chapters named. Affiliation certificates, adoption of 182 Albion Alumn.e Club, establishment 108 work 109 Albion College (.Mich.), establishment .. 70 fraternities at 71, 374 historical sketch 70, 71 standards 47 statistics 72 Alexander, William H., on value of musi- cal training Allegheny College (Pa.), admission of women to establishment fraternities at 74 historical sketch 73, 74 statistics 72 Allen, Anna. See Smith, .Anna Allen. Allinson, May, work of 335, 337 Alpha Chapter, alumnae reunions 106, 107 as Grand Chapter 134 charter members 34 See also Founders of A X 0. college honors 342, 344, 345 entertainment of convention by 153, 162, 177 establishment 34 group picture of (1885) 10 historical sketch 34 home, view showing 34 house ownership plans 269 prominent members 320, 321, 335, 337, 338, 341 scholarship record 33 Alpha Alpha Chapter, charter members .. 115 establishment 107, 114 historical sketch 114 work 109, 114, 209, 291 Alpha Chi Omega, adoption of name .... 16 conservatism 4, 33 early policies 9, 11, 12 founding of 2, 18 ideals, significance of ..291, 292, 376, 377 nature of 11, 12 organization of 5, 8, 9, 16. 33 Panhellenic relations 376 present scope 31, 33 purposes 12, 18 wealth 64, 67 Alpha C.amma Delta, wealth of 67 Alpha Omicron Pi, wealth of 67 Alpha Phi, altruistic work 294, 295 alumnce organization 106 date of founding 2 early years 4 wealth 67 Page .\lpha Xi Delia, altruistic work 294 wealth 67 .\ltruistic work of A X i2. See Hera Day, and chapters named. .\lumn;e, national officer for, establishment of 137, 194 participation in national work ....111-113 .\kimn;e Adviser, authorization for 182 duties 141 establishment 112, 138, 208 importance 138 .\lumn.-e Association, scope and plans . . . 108, 109, 113 work of 109 .'\lumna; by-laws, publication of 200 .Mumnse chapters, establishment 107, 108 geographical distribution, map show- ing 32 requirements 108, 126 See also alumn.-c chapters named. Alumns clubs, establishment 108, 213 geographical distribution, map show- ing 32 list 126 requirements 108, 126 value 126 See also alumnae clubs named. Alumnx letter, authorization for 182 value 110 Alumnx notes, collection of 213 purpose and use 147 value Ill Alumnx organization, development 106, 107, 108, 199 factors affecting 109-112 needs 107, 195 value 106 See also Alumnx Association; and alumnx chapters and clubs named. Argolid, scope and value 110, 200, 240 selection and meaning of term 240 Armstrong, Florence A., photograph .... 233 term of service 152 work of 112, 195, 229, 232, 245, 335 .\rmstrong, Louise V'an Vorhees, work of 334 Asbury University. See De Pauw Univer- sity. .\tlanta Alumnx Club, establishment .... 103 work 109 .'\us der Ohe, .Xdele, letter from 317 B P>adge, description 215, 216, 217 figures showing 218 Grecian influence on 278 manufacture and sale 147, 164, 184. 194, 195. 216 symbolism 279. 281 Page Baird, \\'illiam, on nature of Alpha Chi Omega 11 Baker University (Kan.), establishment 91 fraternities at 91, 374 historical sketch 91 statistics ' 72 Beach, Mrs. H. H. A., biographical sketch 316 work 316, 335 Bergey, Ethel S., biographical sketch 333, 334 photograph 333 Beta Chapter, altruistic work 35 alumnas reunions 106 charter members 19, 34 college honors 34S establishment 18, 20-22, 34 entertainment of convention by ..155, 164 group pictures of 23, 24 historical sketch 34, 35 lodge of, value of 64, 259 view showing 35 prominent members 321, 322, 334, 335, 338, 341 Beta Beta Chapter, charter members .... 115 establishment 107, 115 work 115, 116 Boicourt, Edna, work of 233 photograph 235 Boulder Alumnx Club, establishment .... 108 Bowen, Margaret Barber, photograph . . . 334 work 334 Bowman, Myrtle Hatswell, work of 321 Boyce, Inez, work of 337 Brenau College (Ga.), establishment .... 97 fraternities at 97, 374 historical sketch 97, 98 Panhellenic association at 97, 98 statistics 72 Brocklebank, Blanche, work 242, 243, 325 photograph 32S Budget, active chapter, form for 145, 146 Buffum, Ruth, work of 229 Burkhoff, Margaret Grafius, work of .... 233 Burnett, Olive. See Clark, Olive Burnett. Byrd, Winifred, photograph 326 work 326 Calendars, fraternity, publishing of .... 200, 214, 249, 250 California, University of, admission of women to 1 establishment 92 fraternities at 93, 374 historical sketch 92-94 Panhellenic association 93 statistics 72 Campbell, James G., work of 5, 18 Chalfin, Mabel, work of 334 Chapter-house committee, appointment of 213 Chapter-house life, value 29 Chapter-house ownership, advantages ..66, 67 growth of 66, 67, 195. 200, 259 loans for 214 Page plans for 260, 267, 269 Chapters. See Active chapters; Alumnae chapters. Charters, description 252, 253 figures showing 254, 255 Chase, Louise, photograph 323 work 323 Chase, Russell MacMurphy, work of 327, 328 Cheer of fraternity 222 Chi Chapter, charter members 60 college honors 372, 373 customs 60 establishment 27 , 58 home, views showing 59 prominent members 332 scholarship record 33 Chi Omega, altruistic work 294 alumnae organization 106 wealth 67 Childe, Nellie Gamble, biographical sketch 14 photograph 6 Children of A X fi, photographs ..118, 121, 130 Chronology of fraternity 382-385 Clark, Burnett Olive, biographical sketch 12, 13 on selection of colors 220 photograph 6 Cleveland Alumnx Club, charter mem- bers 127 establishment 126 work 109, 127 Coat-of-arms, adoption 217 authorization for 209 description 217, 219, 220 figure showing 219 restrictions regarding use 195 Coeducation at western colleges 27 development 1, 2 extent of 375 relation of fraternity system to 2, 3 Colby, Martha Reynolds, work of 322 College activities, representation in, legis- lation regarding 213 College Fraternity Reference Bureau, pur- pose of 309 Colleges, western, as field for fraternity extension 27, 28 coeducation at 27 development 2, 27 dormitory equipment at, lack of ... . 29 preparatory work 2 Colorado, University of, establishment ... 87 fraternities 87, 374 historical sketch 87 Panhellenic association 87, 88 statistics of 72 Colors of fraternity, adoption of 16, 220 Commissioner of Education, on education of women 1 Committee work, participation of alumnae in Ill, 112 Committees, standing, development of, 111, 112 Conservatories, extension in, legislation regarding 156, 164 Page Constitution, early, writing of 5 revised, adoption of 187, 188 revision of -"7 Convention credentials, adoption 18- Convention Transcript, publishing 194 scope -48 staff 248 Convention, national, as governing power of fraternity 134 constituents 134 list 205, 206 powers 135 time of holding 164 value 153 voting members 134 Conventions, National: 1st, attendance 155 business 153, 154 officers elected 153 social features 155 2nd, attendance 156 business 155, 156 officers elected 155 social features 156 3d, attendance 157 business 157 group pliotograph 158 officers elected 156, 157 social features 157 4th. attendance 162 business 157, 160 group photograph 161 officers elected 160 social features 162 5th, attendance 164 business 162, 164 group photograph 163 officers elected 162 social features 164 6th, attendance 166, 168 business 164. 166 group photograph 165 officers elected 166 social features 168 7th, attendance 169 business 168 group photograph 170 social features 171 Sth, attendance 172 business 171. 172 group photograph 173 officers elected 171 social features 174 9th, attendance 175 business 174. 175 group photograph 176 officers elected 173 social features 175. 177 lOfh, attendance 179 business 177. 1 79 officers elected 177 group photograph 178 social features 179 Pace nth, attendance 182, 183 business 180, 182 group photograph 181 officers elected 180 social features 183, 184 I2th, attendance 186, 187 business 184 group photograph 185 social features 187 13th, attendance 191, 192, 194 business 187-191 group photograph 189 officers elected 190 social features 190 14tb, attendance 201-205 business 194, 19S group photograph 196 officers elected 195 social features 205 See also Provinces. Cooke, Annie May. photograph 315 work 326 Council Meetings, attendance 207-213, 215 business 207-215 social features 207-210 Council Trophy, establishment of 190 Cowger, Raeburn. See Obenchain. Rae- burn Cowger. Crann. Lois Smith, as N. P. C. repre- sentative 198, 199, 308 on accomplishments of N. P. C. ..308, 309 photograph 193 term of service 152 Cunningham. Bertha Peniston, biographi- cal sketch 13, 14 photograph 6 Currier. Olge Bradenburg, work of 335 Cutter, Olive, calendar designed by 250 work of 326 D De Pauw University (Ind.). admission of women to 68, 69 establishment 68 fraternities at 69, 374 liistorical sketch 68-70 Panhellcnic Association at 69, 70 statistics of 72 women's fraternities founded at ... . 2 Decatur Alumn.-c Club, establishment .... 108 Delta Chapter, alumnx reunions 106, 107 charter members of, photograph .... 25 college honors 346, 347, 348 entertainment of convention ....157, 174 establishment 26, 36 fraternity hall of, view showing .... 37 historical sketch 36, 37 prominent members 323, 334, 338. 339, 341 Delta Delta Chapter, charter members .. 117 entertainment of convention by 194 establishment 107, 117 historical sketch 117, 119 work 109, 117. 119 Page Delta Delta Delta, altruistic work 294 alumii;c organization 106 wealth 67 Delta Gamma, alumn;e organization 106 date of founding 2 early policies 4 scholarship fund 66 wealth 67 Deniston, Bertha. See Cunningham, Bertha Deniston. Dennis, Myrta McKean, as business manager of Lyre 229 committee work of 241, 242 photograph 193 term of service 151 Denver Alumnae Club, charter members 132, 133 establishment 108, 132 Des Moines Alumnie Club, charter mem- bers of 127, 128 establishment 108, 127 work of 109, 128 Directory, publishing 209, 249 requirements regarding purchase .... 195 value 110 District of Columbia ^Mumnx Club, estab- lishment 108, 131 work 109 Drake, Kate Calkins, on early committee work Ill term of service 151 Du Bois, Amy. See Rieth, Amy Du Bois. Dunkle, Estelle, alumnae work of 108 Dunn, Mabel, work of 241 E Eastern Oklahoma Alumna; Club, estab- lishment 108, 127 work 109 Eklekta prize, awards of 231, 232 Ely, Birdean Motter, design of seal by 214 term of service 152 Epsilon Chapter, charter members 37 college honors 348-35 1 entertainment of convention by 194 establishment 37 historical sketch 37, 38 home, view showing 38 prominent members 325, 334, 335 scholarship record 33 Epsilon Epsilon Chapter, charter members 120 entertainment of convention by 184 establishment 107, 120 work 109, 120 Eta Chapter, charter members 39 charter withdrawn 39 establishment 39 Eta Eta Chapter, charter members 122 entertainment of convention by 187 establishment 107, 122 work 109, 122 Examinations, fraternity, early list of questions 148 legislation regarding 171, 182, 190 Page purpose and scope 147, 148, 149 requirements 149 value 149 Expulsion, legislation regarding 155, 180 Extension, convention discussion 153, 154, 156, 157, 160 early plans 21, 22 in Mississippi Valley, map showing 30 into state institutions, significance of 27-30, 277 legislation regarding 156, 164, 172, 184, 194 methods of 150 Extension Board, value of 199 Extension policy, adequate, requirements for 21 discussion of 150 Fall, Nella Ramsdell, committee work of 112, 184, 188, 335 photograph 138 Fenn, Jean Whitcomb, work of 334 Flag, fraternity, adoption of 184 description of 222 of women's fraternities, figure show- ing 223 Flannagan, Agnes G., photograph 324 work 322 Fleming, Gertrude Ogden, term of service 152 Flower of fraternity 220 Foulds, Leigh Stafford, in Greek pageant 280 Founders' Day, observance of 225, 279 Founders of A X S2, named 7, 18 photograph 6 See also founders named. Fraternities, contribution of 375 men's, early purposes 3 origin 3 relation to coeducation 3 wealth 375 women's. See Women's fraternities; and fraternities named. Freeman, Alice, educational work 2 Funds of A X fi 64 See also Lyre Reserve Fund; National Reserve Fund; Scholarship Fund. G Galesburg Alumnae Club, establishment . . 108 work 109 Gamble, Nellie. See Childe, Nellie Gamble. Gamma Chapter, charter members 36 photograph 25 college honors 345, 346 entertainment of convention by 156, 171 establishment 18, 22, 36 historical sketch 36 prominent members 322, 338, 341 Gamma Gamma Chapter, charter members 116 establishment 107, 116 work 109, 116, 214 Gamma Phi Beta, alumnx organization date of founding early years scholarship fund wealth "General" fraternity, meaning of Gibson, Lucile Morgan, committee work photograph Government of Alpha Chi Omega, stages Page 106 2 A 66 67 3 242 134 Sec also Conventions; National Council, (iraff, Gladys I-ivingston, work 23i photograph Grand Chapter, duties and powers Sec also Convention, National. Grand Council, establishment 134 ex])enses, legislation regarding ..168 meetings. See Council Meetings. Sec also National Council. Greek culture, influence of, on .\ X Q .... Greek divinities, attributes of 28 Greek myths influencing A X Q 28 • ireek pageant (Convention 1915), scene from, view of Green, \"irginia Fiske, committee work of 112, 184, 188, on selection of patron goddess photographs 143. term of service Greencastle Alumn.T Club, establishment Greensburg .\lumn:c Club, establishment Griflin, Kdith Manchester, photograph . . . term of service work of 227 Griflith, Mary Kniiiia, photograph work 112. 149, Grooms, Bessie. Sec Keenan, Bessie Grooms. , 335 ..235 134 , 164 182 :76 280 335 292 167 152 108 108 229 152 252 136 233 H Haley, Josephine Freeman, biographical sketch 326 Harper, Florence E., photograph 169 term of service 152 Harris, Nell E., as business manager of F^yre 233 photograph 234 Hayne, Bertha Sackett, term of service 152 Ilazeltine, Florence Reed, as editor of Lyre 209, 227, 229 committee work of 224, 249 photograph 230 term of service 152 Hera as patron goddess, adoption of 184, 292 attributes of 282, 287, 288 head of 283 Hera Day, observance 39, 40, 42, 45, 49, 55, 116, 122, 129, 279, 292 spirit, growth of 293 Iferaea, Greek festival of 279 Heraeum, Mount Olympus, view of 289 Hcraeum, authorization for publishing forerunner of scope and value 110, selection and meaning of name Ilier, Florence, biographical sketch photograph Hinman, Elizabeth Eggleston, photograph work History of fraternity, authorization for . . 182, 195, 214, editorial board place of writing requirements regarding purchase 195, value 110, Honor pin, adoption awards description figure showing purpose Honorary members, biographical sketches legislation regarding Sec also honorary members named. Hopekirk, Helen, biographical sketch .... House ownership. See Chapter-house ownership. Howe, James Hamilton, on organization of A X n on musical traditions of A X fJ 8, 9, photograph work of Howe, Laura A., as business manager of Lyre committee work 252, jhotograph term of service Howell, Marcia Clarke, term of service Hull, Juvia O., biographical sketch photograph HIinois, University of, admission of women to establishment fraternities at 82, historical sketch Panhellenic association statistics Inspector, establishment of office ....137, Interfraternity Conference, organization of representation at 197, Intersorority Conference, representation in 172, See also National Panhellenic Con- gress. Iota Chapter, altruistic work alumn.c organization charter members college honors entertainment of convention by .... establishment 27, 30, Page 212 168 , 240 240 328 324 336 335 , 244 246 246 214 245 184 217 217 219 217 311- 319 166 8, 9 290, 291 7 5, 18 227 253 180 152 152 32i 324 374 82 82 72 174 304 213 207 42 111 41 353 180 41 Page historical sketch 41, 42 home of, views showing 41, 42 loving-cup award by 225 newspaper published by 110 prominent members 227, 3.^5, 341 Iota Iota Chapter, charter members .... 123 establishment 107, 123 work 109, 123, 124 Iowa, University of, establishment 1 , 96 fraternities at 96, 374 historical sketch 96 statistics 72 J Jacobi, Then White, biographical sketch 323 James Millikin University, establishment of 98 fraternities at 98, 374 historical sketch 98, 99, 100 Panhellenic association 98, 99 statistics 72 Jennings, Mayme, as Lyi-c editor 226 Jones, Mary. Sec Tennant, ^lary Jones. K Kaiser, Blanche Crafts, biographical sketch 32S, 326 Kansas, University of, establishment ....1, 100 extension courses at 375 fraternities at 374 historical sketch 100, 101 statistics 72 Kappa Alpha Theta, altruistic work .... 294 alumnre organization 106 date of founding 2 early chapters 4 magazine 4 scholarship fund 66 wealth 67 Kappa Chapter, altruistic work 45 alumnae organization Ill calendar published by 250 college honors 353-356 entertainment of convention by .... 187 establishment 27, 30, 43 historical sketch 43 home, description of 265 details regarding purcliase . . . .264, 26S value 64, 259 views showing 43, 265, 268 prominent members 327, 337 trophies won, view of 44 Kappa Kappa Chapter, establishment .... 108 work 109 Kappa Kappa Gamma, ahunn.e organiza- tion 106 date of founding 2 early policies 4 scholarship fund 66 wealth 67 Keech, Mable, work of 334 Keenan, Bessie Grooms, biographical sketch 14 P.^GK photograph 6 Keeper of Archives, appointment 200 Keeper of Supplies, appointment 200 Kent, Fay Barnaby, committee work 112, 184, 217, 222, 257, 272 photograph 193 term of service 152 L Lambda Chapter, alumn.c organization .. 110 charter members 45 college honors 356-359 Council agreement with 267 establishment 27, 45 historical sketch 45 home, description of 263, 264 details regarding purcliase 263 value 64, 259 views showing 46, 263, 266 prominent members 328, 341 Lambda Lambda Chapter, charter mem- bers 124 establishment 108, 124 Lang, Margaret Ruthven, work of ..316, 317 335 Leonard, Estelle, biographical sketch .... 15 photograph 6 work 220, 252, 335 Liberal arts, study of, increased tendency toward 29-31 Lijipitt, Lucile, prize winning song of .... 292 "Literary" fraternity, meaning of 3 Loane, Lucy Evelyn, on the Alpha Chi tree 221, 222 Loud, Alta Allen, committee work 65, 112, 149, 190, 217, 224, 258, 335 convention address 197-201 description of coat-of-arms by 217, 219, 220 on extension policy 150, 151 on literary requirements of New Eng- land Conservatory of Music .. 11 on musical traditions of A X fl 290 on value oi A X Q History 244 photograph Frontispiece term of service 151 Lyre, as factor in alumn,-e organization 110 cover designs 226, 232 figure showing 228 departments 230 development 226-239 directories printed by 249 financial support 147, 164, 172, 231, 234, 235, 236 high standard of, recognition of 200, 230, 231 historical number 244 legislation regarding 160, 168, 175, 177, 182 life subscription plan 195. 235, 236 loving-cup, awards 225, 232 policy 236, 237 prize awarded by 225, 231, 232 Page Reserve Fund uf (>(<, 147, 2,16 selection of name 226 subscription list, scope of 2i7 M McClure, Ceiia E., fraternity symphony by 214, 290 photograpli 231 Macdowell, Marian Xevins, biographical sketch 319, 320 work 270, 271, 275 .Macdowell Memorial Colony, financial needs 275 life at 273 location 270 personnel, restrictions regarding .... 257 scope and value 271-273 studios of 271 See also Star Studio. McEntyre, Doris, photograph 337 work 280, 337 McHatton, Jennie, as assistant editor of Lyre 227 McLeary, Anne Woods, committee \vork 242 photograph 140, 340 .Magazine, early plans for 154, 157, 166 See also Lyre. .Manchester, Edith. See Griffin, Edith Mancliester. Martin, Ida Shaw, on early problems of women's fraternities 290 Meadville Alumn;c Club, charter members 129 establishment 129 Membership certificates, adoption of .... 171 description of 253 figures showing 256 Membership requirements, early 8, 9, II legislation regarding 31, 171, 177, 180, 212 Michigan, University of, admission of women to 1 establishment 80 fraternities at 80, 374 historical sketch 80, 81 Panhellenic association at 80, 81 statistics of 72 Miller, Florence Kail, on the holly tree . . 221 Millikin University. See James Millikin University. Mills, Katharine Anderson, on chapter- house ownership by Theta .... 260 Milwaukee .\lumn,-e Club, charter mem- bers 128 establishment 108, 128 work 109, 129 Mississippi Valley, development of 27 extension in, map showing 30 Morgan, Kathryn, as e-\change editor of Lyre 233 photograph 234, 25 1 Morrison, Katharine McReynolds, bio- graphical sketch 322, 333 photograjih 331 Pace Motto, oi>en, adoption of 20, 184, 224 secret, adoption of 162, 182, 224 .Mount, W'inifreil Van JSuskirk, commit- tee work of 217 photograph 193 .\lu Chapter, alumn;e reunions 107, 225 charter members 47 college honors 359-363 establishment 27, 45 historical sketch 45, 47 prominent members 328, 335, 341 scholarship record 33 .Mu .Mu Chapter, establishment 108, 124 work 109 Musical culture in A .X 9. 276, 277 influence of 290, 291 influence of .\ .\ f2 on 290 Musical requirements, legislation regard- ing 31. 171 Musical training, educational value of .. 9, 11 Mystagogue system 142 N Nafis, Mabel Siller, biographical sketch 322 committee work of 149, 222, 249, 252 photograph 245 term of service 151 work 244, 249, 335 National Convention. See Conventions, National; and Grand Chapter. National Council, committee work ..111, 112 constituents 135, 136 deputies to 199, 200 meetings of 136 See also Council Meetings. officers of, duties 137, 138, 144, 145 list of 379-381 terms of office 151, 152 powers and duties 136, 151 See also Grand Council. National Panhellenic Congress, accom- plishments 308, 309 conferences 305-310 fraternities in, journal covers .... 238 powers 308 purpose and significance 304, 305 representation at 197, 198 See also Intersorority Conference; Panhellenic Associations. National Treasury, annual receipts 64 disbursements of 146, 147 funds for 145 I)ayment of dues to 162 National \'ocational Committee, establish- ment of 195 value of 113 Nebraska, University of, establishment of 1, 88 fraternities at 90, 374 historical sketch • 88-"0 Panhellenic association at 89, 90 statistics of 72 Page Xeedliiini, Mary Ma>ters. work of 334 Xc'vin, Artliur, work of i7S, 376 Now I'lnglaiul Conservatory of Music, eqiiipincnt of 78, 79 establishment of 78 fraternities at 374 historical sketch 78, 79 literary requirements of 11, 276 purposes of 79 statistics of 72 Xorthcroft, Jess, Panh.ellenic song by ... . 117 Northwestern University (111.), estab- lishment 71 fraternities at 7i, 374 historical sketch 71, 73 statistics of 72 Nu Chapter, charter members 4S establishment 27, 48 historical sketch 48 home of, view showing 47 O Obenchain, Raeburn Cowger, photograph 166 term of service 151 Oil City Alumnre Club, establishment ... 108, 129 Oklahoma, I'niversity of, establishment 102 fraternities at 374 historical sketch 103 statistics of 72 Olmstead, Gladys Livingston. Sec Graff, Gladys Livingston. Olsen, Alma Marti, sketch of 325 Omaha Alunins Club, establishment 108, 128 work 109 Omega Chapter, charter members .... 61 college honors 373 establishment 27, 61 historical sketch 61 home, view showing 62 Omicron Chapter, alumn.e organization .. Ill charter members 50 college honors - 363, 364 establishment 27, 50 historical sketch 50, 51 home of, view showing 50 lot owned by, value of 64, 259 prominent members 330, 337, 341 scholarship record 3i Oregon Agricultural College, establish- ment 101 fraternities at 102 historical sketch 101, 102 statistics of 72 Oregon Alumnre club, charter members 130 establishment of 129 131 Organization and Laws, committee on, appointment of 112 Osgood, Mary Satterfield, on installation of Gamma Chapter 22 Page P PanlR-lIunic a^sociations, city, growth . . . 296 list 296 representation of A X il in ..296, 297 work 297-300 college, pledging rules 300, 301 constitution and by-laws 302-304 See also Interfraternity Conference ; Intersorority Conference ; Na- tional Panhellenic Congress. Patronesses, privileges of, restrictions of 166 Ferine, Mary, as official examiner .... 149 Lyre work of 227, 229 Petition forms, adoption of 208 Phi Chapter, charter members 58 college honors 372 establishment 27, 58 home of, view showing 58 prominent members 337 Pi Beta Phi, altruistic work 294 alumnre organization 106 early years 4 scholarship fund 66 wealth 67 Pi Chapter, altr.uistic work 52 alumns organization Ill charter members 51,52 college honors 364, 366 establishment 27,51 historical s,ketch 52 home of, view showing 51 prominent members 330, 337, 341 scholarship record 33 Pinney, Mary, biographical sketch .... 323 Pittsburgh Alumnx Club, establishment 108 work 109 Pledge pin, adoption 156, 168 description 216 figures showing 218 restriction regarding 216 Pledging ceremony, formulation of 153 Porter, J. Olive, work 334 Portland Alumnre Club, establishment 108, 131 work 109, 13 i Powell, Maud, biographical sketch 312 photograph 313 work 335 Province government, adoption 141, 142, 190 211 value 199 Province presidents, duties 141 list 144 Provinces, conventions of 141, 142 establishment 141, 190 geographical distribution 141 map showing 139 Psi Chapter, charter members 60 college honors 373 establishment of 27, 60 home of 61 view showing 60 Pueblo Alumnae Club, establishment 108, 131 work 109, 132 Page R Uced, Susan, work of 335 Uficlifit, HiTtlia, as (]rtii.ial f.\ainiii<.M- .... 149 Reserve Fund, (.'Staljltsliincnt 64, ().S, 188 growth 65, 147, 188, 190, 258 loans from 214 management 65 I)urposc ()5, 1 90 value of, in aluninx- organization ... Ill See also Lyre Reserve Fund. Reynolds, Harriet F., biograiihical sketch 322 Reynolds, Jessie Merchant, biographical sketch 323 Rho Chapter, charter members 53 college honors 366-368 establishment 27, 52, 53 historical sketch 53 home of, view showing 53 prominent members 330, 337 Rieth, Amy Du Bois, biograi)hical sketch 14 photograph 6 Ritual, Grecian influence in 278, 279 revision of 184, 207 Ritual and Equipment Committee, ap- l)ointment of 112 Rive-King, Julia, biographical sketch .... 313 initiation 1 7 Rushing Rules, publication of 200, 212 St. Louis Alumnx Club, establishment Sayle, Mary, work of Schauffler, R. H., cited Scholarship, high, chapters attaining .... legislation regarding 182, 194, maintenance of Scholarship Committee, value of Scholarship Fund, advantages establishment 65, 184, maintenance 65, 66, 147, 195, purposes value, in alumn;e organization Scholarship reports, adoption of Seal, official, adoption of 214, figure showing Secret journal, authorization for publi- cation See also Argolid, Heraeum. Seiple, Charlotte Weber, term of service Sigma Chapter, charter members college honors 368, establishment 27, historical sketch home of, view showing prominent members 330, scholarship record Sigma Kappa, altruistic work wealth Siller, Mabel Harriet. See Nafis, Mabel Siller. Simpson College (Iowa), establishment lOS 337 271 33 213 33 113 66 195 257 257 111 208 299 224 211 53 369 53 54 54 341 33 294 67 86 Page fraternities at 86, 375 historical sketch 86 I'anlu-llenic association at 86, 87 standards 47 statistics of "2 Smith, Anna Allen, biographical sketch 12 photograph 6 .Songbook, authorization for 156, 172 development of 241-243 early plans for 154 publishing of 157, 200 rcriuirements regarding purchase .... 195 value of 110 Songs, A X n, Greek influence on ....277, 278 early, writing of 1", 21 Southern California, I'niversity of, establishment 75 fraternities at 75, 374 historical sketch 75-77 Panhellenic association 76 statistics of 72 ■South wick, \'era, alumna; work of 108 Stanford, Mary, photograph 155 t«rm of service 151 Star Studio, description 246, 257, 258, 273 occujiants 272 vise, award of 277 view of 274 .Starr, (iretchen O'Donnell, work 337 Slarr, Nell Brushingham, biographical .sketch 326 photograph 315 .Stevenson, Evangeline Bridge, biographi- cal sketch 325 I)hotograph 188 .Supplies, fraternity, list of 251, 252 systematizing of 212, 251 Symphony of fraternity 212, 214, 290 Syracuse University (X. Y.), establish- ment 85 fraternities at 2, 85, 374 historical sketch 85, 86 Panhellenic association at 85 statistics of 72 Szumowska, .\ntoinette, biographical sketch 314 Tail Chapter, charter members college honors 370, establishment 27, historical sketch 55, h.ome of, views showing 55, prominent members scholarship record Tennant, Mary Jones, on installation of Beta Chapter photograph term of service work of 224, 252, Terre Haute Alumn.x Club, establish- ment 108, Theta Chapter, altruistic work 40, 54 371 54 56 56 332 33 180 151 307 132 41 Page aliiniiia; organization Ill charter members .19 college honors 351-353 entertainment of convention l)y .... 184 establishment 27, 29, 39 historical sketch 39, 40 home of, description 262 figure showing 261 value 64, 259 house ownership by, details of plan for 260, 262 prominent members 2:27, 334, 335, Z2i7 , 341 Theta Theta Chapter, charter members 123 establishment 107, 122, 123 work 109. 123 Thrower, Norma Harrison, work of .... 330 Traditions of A X fi 290-294 significance of 295 Traditions Committee, establishment of 195 Tree, fraternity, adoption of 182, 220 Trowbridge, Carrie Adelaide, photograph 331 work 325, 335 Twin Cities Alumnx Club, establishment 133 U Upcraft, Margaret, work of 335 L^psilon Chapter, altruistic work 57 charter members 56 college honors 373 establishment 27, 56 historical sketch 57 home of, view showing 57 prominent members 332, 341 Upton, Vera, biographical sketch .... 328, 330 photograph 324 W Wade, Elma Patton, as Lyre editor 208, 227 photograph 229 Washington, University of, establishment 94 fraternities at 95, 374 historical sketch 94, 95 statistics of 72 Washington State College, description of 104, 105 fraternities at 374 historical sketch 104 Panhellenic association of, constitu- tion and by-laws 302-304 pledging rules 300, 301 statistics of 72- Whistle of fraternity 224 Wilhite, Mary E., biographical sketch . . 321 Page Wilson, Mary Janet, as Lyre Editor .... 227 jihotograpli 21 term of service 151 Wisconsin, L'niversity of, admission of women 2 establishment 83 extension courses at 375 fraternities at 84, 374 historical sketch S3, 84 statistics of 72 Women, higher education of, develop- ment 1, 2, 375 Sec also Coeducation. \\'omen's fraternities, in 1885, general condition 5 institutions entered by 3, 4, 5 number of members of 5 purposes of 3, 290 iclation of, to coeducation 2 Worthington, Jennie, biographical sketch 322 X Xi Chapter, charter members 49 establishment 27, 49 historical sketch 49, 50 home, view showing 48 prominent members 328-330, 341 Y Yaw, Ellen Beach, biographical sketch of 317, 318 photograph of 318 work of 335 Z Zeisler, Fanny Bloomfield, biographical sketch 311, 312 initiation 20, 21 photograph 312 Zeta Chapter, entertainment of conven- tion by 168 establishment 11, 39 historical sketch 39 prominent metnbers 325, 326, 335, 339, 341 scholarship given by 258 Zeta Zeta Chapter, charter members .... 122 establishment 107, 120 work 109, 122, 250 Zimmerman, Lillian G., alumnx work 108 on value of scholarship fund 66 photograph 197 term of service 152 \ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any R University of California Library _ or to the L^ NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY _ BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station ~^ University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 _i -QT ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS li e • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1 -year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made \ 4 days prior to due date — DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ft^AY 2 6 2007 Jl uT FOP DD20 12M 1-05 Dcnr\tLtY, UA 94/20 YD 02076 U.C. 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