Ohl LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF 1 THE FAMILY OF REV. DR. GEORGE MOOAR Class & " THE SONG OF COSMOLOGY OR THE VOICE OF GOD IN THE SCIENCE OF NATURE, COMPLETED BY EIGHTY THOUSAND YEARS IN STAR-DATES OF HUMAN HISTORY. BY REV. J. M. WOODMAN, Teacher of Natural Science in Clu co Academy, Cal.; Author of "God in Nature and Revelation." Poetry is tho NaturaTVoico of Prophecy, Entered according to Act of Congress in the year A . D. 1880, by J. M. WOODMAN, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. 533*3 PREFACE. Moses divides all time into six days or ages. These days are subdivided into epochs, called evening and morning. In these six days all the work of creation was finished, wherein rocks were formed, trees grew, and life was begotten; wherein sans give light, and planets revolve; and at the close "God rested from all his work which he had made." The seventh day, without epochs, periods, or changes, is supposed to be the unmeasured duration 123084 iv Preface. of eternity. As an index of creation the weekly Sabbath was given. Ex. 20:11. Man, under a covenant of law, was to look back from tlie close of the week to take his reward. This was to be strictly measured to him by justice. "A pair of balances in his hand " was the em blematic groundwork of his reward. Rev. G:5. Hence, in commemoration of the law covenant, in addition to the moral and physical necessity of a seven-day Sabbath, it was highly important to se lect the seventh day as appropriate. For this reason God declared by Moses that He gave this day. It was given with just the limitations that special or local legislation would give to a law covenant. Rom. 7:0. Preface. v Isaiah spoke of the departure of such special legislation under the fig ure of the old heavens and old earth. Isa. G5:17. Tho Christian covenant is emphatically one of hope, looking for ward through the resurrection. Ketain- ing the moral part of the fourth Com mandment, and "forgetting" as com manded the local part, which is the par ticular day in establishing the Gospel, it was important to give man as Sabbath the first day of the week; that from the first day of the week he should look by hope to the faithful accomplishment of his week s labor. In tiiis he is assisted by the concrete Ideal of human obliga tion, in Christ s example, wherein the scales are balanced by his blood, mak- A2 vi Preface. ing the new way to life possible through the grace of God, vouchsafed to all who honestly attempt to follow the Ideal. This view of the new covenant seems to have been so evident, that Christ and his Apostles entered so quietly upon the habit of meeting upon the first day for worship, as they had once met on the seventh, that no discussion was needed. All, believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, readily concurred. Both days signified that there " remains a rest to the people of God." The former, as a reward of works after the ages are past; the lat ter, as a gift of grace, crowned by and entered upon through the resurrection from the dead. Preface. vii The first and second days of Moses have no corresponding ages in written Geology, as during these long periods of time planetary matter was passing through its gaseous, vapory, and liquid states. Neither of the three clocks of the heavens by which we measure time was in exist ence then. The evening epoch of the third day includes the liquefaction of our globe of water, and the submarine deposits, represented in Geology by the Azoic age. And God said, " Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so." The morning epoch of this age, giving the " grass whose seed was in itself," corresponds with the so-called primary rock, reaching to the Carbonif- viii Preface. erous. Following the "old Eed Sand stone" was an age in which immense quantities of carbonic acid gas was de posited, and afterwards gradually reduced to coal. Some call this the " intermediate age between the Primary and Secondary rock." They divide the ago into numerous epochs, and each epoch into a burning ancrnon-buruiiig period. These periods have been counted by means of strata of coal alternating with gravel. Of these Hugh Miller enumerated nearly two score, while Sir F. Lyell gave one hundred. The earlier scries of these epochs gave the material for anthracite, and the latter for bituminous coal. It Preface. ix was only for short intervals between these periods that the sun first shone on the earth. Hence, under a figure of speech, these effects are brought out in the crea tion of the heavenly orbs. Here the "swaddling band," to which Job alluded, was removed, and light and increased heat was let in on the face of the earth. Moses was scientifically right in making the Car boniferous age a distinct day, divided into morning and evening epochs. The fifth day of Moses commences the animal kingdom, and ends with the crea tion of the whale. The evening of this epoch was very long. It includes the long morning of the third day, both morn ing and evening of the fourth day, all the x Preface. so-called secondary rock, also the tertiary to the Myoceue. Gigantia of mammals make the morning. " And God created great whales." The sixth day includes all time since. It is naturally divided into historic and pre-historic. Man s exist ence is placed by all in the last great epoch of this age. This morning is to end the work of God, connected with matter. Notwithstanding Moses used the strong language of vision, placing all creation in the past tense, yet our Saviour said: My Father worketh hitherto, and I work/ The two harmonize on the prin ciple that Moses, in vision, went through all measured time, beholding the changes Preface. xi and tho being of matter as a thing of the past. We are now in the midst of tho creations of the sixth age. Time and crea tion have thus far kept even pace. Both are relative, and hence not eternal. They will doubtless cease together. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. CHAPTER I. First Causes Sought After. God, in order, before nature. God in revealing, with, and beyond nature. Section First. The Line of Inquiry Selected. Section Second. Matter and Power Spoken into Being The Song of Chaos. Section Third. The Deep Found in a Compass, or Planetary Matter Revolv ing in a Circle The TracklessWay of the Gases and Liquids. CHAPTER II. The Grand March of Time through Geological Deposits. Index of Subjects. xiii Section First. Submarine Rock. Section Second. The Origin of Life. Section Third. The Carboniferous Age The Young Earth Dressed in Sun shine. Section Fourth. The Fifth Day of Moses, being the First of the Animal Kingdom The Evening Epoch The Morning Epoch. Section Fifth. The Glacial Period. Section Sixth. The Introduction of Man. CHAPTER III. The Grand March of Time through Or ganic Changes. Section First. The Antediluvian Posi tion of the Earth. Section Second. The Change Wroiight by the Flood. Section Third. God s Ability not Bounded by Nature s Power Introduc tion to Star Dates. xiv Index of Subjects. CHAPTER IV. The Grand March of Empire through Pictured Events of History. Section First. The Succession of Five Universal Kingdoms. Section Second. The Fate of the First Four The Feast of the Fowls. CHAPTER V. Prophecy Beholding the Grand March of Science. Section First. The Angel of Civiliza tion The Song of the Engine. Section Second. The Great Clock Dating the Telegraph The Song of the Lightning s Record. Section Third. The Beast of Per verted Science The song of the Dragon. CHAPTER VI. The Grand March of Time among the Stars. Index of Subjects. xv Section First. The Little Book. Section Second The Fate of Jerusalem followed by that of her Besiegers. Section Third The Testimony of Jesus vs. The Dragon The Vision of Euling Principles. Section Fourth. The Doom of Amer ican Slavery hung in the Stars The Wo man in Scarlet. Section Fifth. Euling Principles Dra matized on Horseback Change of Horses at Mazzaroth s Stations. Section Sixth. The Feast of Magog The Supper of the Great God. Section Seventh. The First Resurrec tion The Song of the Millennium. Section Eighth. The Great Religious War. Section Ninth. The Seen must give place to the Unseen The Closing Scenes of Prophecy. INTRODUCTION. Language was invented for material purposes. Man, meeting his fellow, in connection with material objects, must define and express their use. This out ward necessity would establish a lan guage of objective ideas. Hence all hu man languages known, are essentially ob jective in nature and mode of application. Man is also a creature of subjective thought and spiritual intuitions. To rightly express these with objective lan guage, he naturally lifted language up into the realm of figure in poetry. Hence poetry is naturally no less the language of Introduction. xvii prophecy, than the voice of the soul. The approaches of Deity to man are clothed in poetry. The world are agreed that natural, well expressed figures of speech are essential ingredients in good poetry. The world not only ask and expect figures here, but when conscious that the lan guage read is poetry, they make all due allowances for strong figures of speech. The prophets have given us the grand outlines of Cosmology, the steady flow of Time s changes with the great march of empire, in the ever changing political, religious and social .condition of man, in poetic language. Of Hebrew poetry it has been well said, " Translated into verse, and read by a matter of fact peo ple, with objective modes of thought, its B2 xviii Introduction. beauty is nearly lost." The literal mode of interpretation, therefore, natural for such a people, renders the text false to nature, and unlike the sublime truths stated. All the prophets spoke in figures, and scarcely without a parable spoke Jesus unto the multitudes. The Bible exceeds all other books in sublimity of concep tion, grandeur of figure, depth of sub ject, and breadth of meaning. It abounds in poetry ; not only in the Psalms and Canticles, but also in much that is usually called prose. Our people have departed a long way from the habit of the people of the Orient, who poetized their best thoughts. Hence large portions of the Bible, originally given to the world in poetry, have become sealed to our read- Introduction. xix ers. Of this species of composition are the first chapters in Genesis, the books of Job, Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation. I need offer, therefore, no other apology for dressing the comments here made upon these books in verses. I have chosen the dactylic, as better meeting the form of Oriental language as given to us. Whole verses, and sometimes nearly whole chap ters, in Moses and Job, may, without any material alteration, be brought into rhythm. Should the reader of these lines, through this means, be led into close relations with nature, and nature s God, the author will feel himself abund antly rewarded. THE SONG OF COSMOLOGY. CHAPTER I. First Causes Sought After. God in order, before nature. God, in revealing, with, and beyond nature. SECTION FIRST. THE LINES OF INQUIRY SELECTED. O where Understanding, true Wisdom of causes, Shall mortals enshrouded in darkness be hold thee; Or how shall our knowledge of changes in matter, Yet link with the cause, first beginning the series. THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 21 A line is suggested unknown to the lion. Nor viewed by the vulture, though keen his perception; That way we must find so select and re fining, The path that s unknown to the fowls of the air; Unseen by the ken of the sharp-sighted eagle, Not trodden by beasts, found unclean in their emblem; Unread in the changes, unfolding the flora, Unheard in the record of fauna expiring; Not known in the crystal, beneath the old fossil; Not valued with gold or weighed against silver, But cast up in place for the ransomed of thinkers. 22 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Too deep for the eye of the sage with his hammer, So vague are results of the scientist s find ings; While tli deep neath the earth in its pressure proclaimeth, ilf< White th sea, that is rolling above on its surface, Solutions to first cause are found not in nature. As ling ring for guidance to th path f understanding, We pause to reflect on the voice of the ocean; The changes in liquids leave seldom a record, And gases but mock with unceasing con tortions, While tracing their changes in process of forming. THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 23 Like deltas which hold the strange bur den of rivers, Now showing the seasons in regular series, The crust of the earth is imprinted with fossils, That herald the epochs, in series of changes, In three, of the four, geological ages. Like placers, that sparkle with crystal- ized carbon, Cohesions of earth are all teeming with wonders; Yet di monds conceal the true cause of formation, As jewels in root-truths are notably want ing. 24 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Then where is the place and the way f understanding ? Destruction and death, in their fossil re tirement, Entombing the life and the motion, once given, Eeply We have heard of the fame of causation, Inhering as hidden, unseen, yet the real, But know not the way, or the manner of acting." Bewilder d by nature, who hints in with holding, That sh points to the Master, in rever ence, saying "The way and the place is in God thy Creator;" " Go turn to the God of your fathers for wisdom, " THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 25 "He bringeth to light the desir d under standing, " " He search cl it out, saw it, and declar d it fully." We look with relief from the laws of mere sequence, To Him who in wisdom ordained the heavens; Yet here, we can see only the finite and temp ral The Author is veiled in infinity s great ness. All terms when applied to Eternal Om niscience, Seem meagre, and lacking infinity of meaning; Tis th poets descent to the mortal and lowly, c 26 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. To raise them to Him, the Ideal Divin- itr, Unseen, as a Spirit, by mortals or angels. Let man but approach the August, and Eternal, Attempting to note his best thought, of Jehovah, Infinitely viewed through the finite, by finites, A host of paradoxical words shall con front him. Art thou the Invisible ? "Tis Thy fashion Inform, that we speak of ; art thou the observ d ? Tis action, and light, co-relation of forces, That speak of Thy life-giving power, in contrast. THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 27 Declar d by the heavens the Lord, the One Maker Of all that is made nor less God when by earthly Disclosures proclaimed the Almighty, as First Cause, In qual ty supreme, and approachable here, through The feelings of mortals redeem d, while ascending In thought, by a ladder of means, to the goodness, And mercy, and fullness of Christ, so ex- haustless, Though studied by angels or men, but in being So great as in length of Thy days the Eternal, That we may but look in th direction Almighty, 28 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Beholding the finite, revealing one God; Who For aye must remain thus unknownable, God in One essence of self-known Infinity Thee we Adore and here sing. As the competent teacher Will spread out large fields of rare beauty and profit; Before the more competent pupils at tending, Observing their habits, ability, mode of approach To principles, giving due share of atten tion To general wants, more especially those, which Will baffle their efforts in faithfulness given; THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 29 So thou hast before us spread heaven and earth, that We should them regard as one field for reflection, Developing pupils, up nearer angelic Conceptions of Deity, essence infinite, Abstract in supremeness, and glorious oneness. The Bible and Mature bespeak but one Author; Not changed since giving the one, but new wants thus Supplying, by giving thyself in concrete relations ; Where cloth d in a garment of poetry grandest, Thy name and thy nature are found as in proph cy. c2 30 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Since each is essential to set forth com pletion, May much of thy Spirit and wisdom be given The Muse in his fancy, nor less in his reading These books that proclaim to the thought ful thy cov nants. As sequel to nature the Bible is given, Just meeting those wants not supplied before to The student, while delving in earth for his knowledge; Yet here it is given, conjointly with nature, To hold man in rev rence retrieving his errors. THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 31 The prophets, in giving the parts which appear in Brief poems to sing the grand outlines of kosmos In figure, have brought forth the key to responses To questions in nature, not answer d by laws of Her showing. These books, to us rightly expounded, Conflicteth no more; but as harmony in spheres, once Gave music to angels, so these are pre pared To thrill the true soul with the fullness of God, now With man, ever present to help as of old, when Thou madest the cloud Thy concealment and darkness 32 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Of primitive night Thy pavilion, or ridest Upon the unmarshalled heavens, bestow ing Great treasures of power, not lost in their changes; Or speaking the sun from the darkness of Eld., and Forecasting thy shadow in light that was given. The skeptic, while , looking but earth ward for causes, Has seen such a world of true forces in waiting, That doubt of all power beyond has re sulted; Still, causes like these but effect are, and cannot Be cause that s uncaus d, or resolve those unwieldly THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 33 Yet strangely imperious questions, all proper, As whence all this matter, now form d into systems? Whence power, that gives co-relation of forces ? Whence motion, and what were the first forms resulting ? In what state was Earth there, ungather d in chaos ? What makes up its centre, now form d in a sphere ? and W r hence life? What its form? In the germ of a cell, or Matured condition, before it evolved its Own likeness ? In seed, or in rootlet ex quisite ? 34 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. What seasons were earliest given to Earth? and How changing the day, to alternate with night, has Uplifted the bow of the cloud for a token ? What power has changed our times and our seasons? Shall substance in motion exist on for ever ? Or power survive the grand wreck of all matter ? These questions, suppress d not by being ignored, Must find a solution e er science s com pleted, For here is the field of hypotheses wild est, Where science is made to conflict with the prophets. THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 35 With seeming regret, have our scientists spoken Of cosmos of Moses, unlike that of science; Tis theory starting, not science as fin ished, Hypotheses change as the winds of the heavens. Ye students of nature, in pride of your knowledge, Deriv d from God s essay, the earth and the heavens, First read and explained by friends of our Saviour, Appeareth it well in your delving for truth, to Forget the kind care of the Author of nature ? 36 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Hypotheses cleave to the wildest of fables, In giving plutonic relations with na ture, And shall we not give the Old Bible a hearing ? From lovers of truth, where the cause stands so nobly Inviting the world to behold the hand writing, Where destinies turn on the tone of a sentence, Where truth will be welcomed with poetic rapture, The people have reason to look for assur ance; While reading your claim to the fullness of nature, Expect from the laws, which inhere with our fabrics, Good reasons, in answers most clear will be given. THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 37 Long waiting to hear the right sequence to reason, While asking solutions from nature s in structors, Content, if a part of these questions were answer d; Perplex d with your wrangling on ques tions at issue, We turn disappointed from masters of science, To prophets of God, in the sweep of their vision, While singing the truths, that Jehovah has given. Here, reading full answers in order all placed, While leaving the province of reason still open, In painting these touches of cosmos in figure, They serve as a sequel to science as given. D 38 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Comparing with nature, they prove their correctness ; Endorsing, though lips may yet curl at the mention Of God, and still more at the thought that e er he has Inspired a man, to retrace the long steps of Old Time, or go forward to th end of all substance Now seen, that this knowledge might b given to mortals, Still hold we the Scriptures, as though not eluded. But what of the answers, returned by man s wisdom, To causative questions of primative na ture? Ignoring those questions not answer d in nature, They deal in specifics, through laws that are given. THE LINE OP INQUIRY. 39 Deciphered, their language would show this position: * We deal in known facts and can demon strate all " " Our positions, by ref rence to phenom ena present," "Or past, but beyond this we cannot go safely," Nor care we to know any more on this subject", "Than nature in science of law has pre sented ;" "All notions of man s inspiration, on subjects" "Pertaining to nature, we hold as a dogma." Since science, so called, is content to ignore them, And Scripture allusions to cosmos in building, 40 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Are figures of po try in snatches of vision, Beheld by the prophet as nature was forming, We haste to the sequel of nature as given. Then back to the past, far away with the prophet Of Israel s God, we must go, the first causes To note, and the Earth s many changes of motion To learn. O thou prophet of God with man s first gift Of sight, and of insight, and foresight unstained, Has God to the given, and power im parted THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 41 In vision, to sit near the Infinite First Cause, While speaking the substance of matter in being ? Then have we good reason to return to the study Of Scriptural reference made to crea tion, Ashamed of skeptical dullness in feel ing, On subjects, Jehovah has thought so im portant. "Tis seldom the Scriptures allude to crea tion, And then, with a dash of bold figure in vision ; The " Book " is so " small," yet all teem ing with action, That few are aware of its grandeur of meaning. D2 42 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The morsels of Scriptural cosmos, ar resting Our notice, are little remov d from axioms Appearing self evident since we were never Without them. Deductive conclusions gave them not ; The prophet records the true source of this power. " I know that thou canst do all things, and no thought is " Witholden from Thee ; for I uttered these things, not " By my understanding, as they are too mighty "For me, but Thy Spirit hath taught me these secrets." THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 43 The Bible, as th highest and best source of ref rence, Has wrongly been robbed of power in statement, It once held o er patriarch prophets, as giving The voice of the Lord on the subject revealed ; Not as the tradition of the ancients, re corded By superintendence of honesty only, But by inspiration of prophecy in vis ion. The measure of God s inspiration to man, in Historical time, has been, wants to meet only, The which, from their nature precluded all efforts By mortals to satisfy; things, that in fit ness 44 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Forbid his embod ing in nature s crea tion, These, God did reserve for his special assistance. As providence in nature evolving through law, is The rule of God s mingling with planets or mortals; So special assistance e er voices emerg ence, For which no provision in nature is wait ing. The movements of nature, so vast in her changes, Unmarked by the foot-prints, since left by her power, Have all been thus measur d by special beginnings ; THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 45 So, science completed, must bow to the Bible, Where prophets have given the origin f matter. SECTION SECOND. MATTER AND POWER SPOKEN INTO BEING. A few years since, a few scientists were found bold in declaring the eternity of matter. Setting God aside, their argu ment was a short, and doubtless to them, a conclusive one. " From nothing, some thing cannot come." We now have the word of Prof. Huxley, publicly expressed, that No scientist will for a moment in dulge the proposition." "Should any professed scientist affirm it, he would in stantly be turned out of court as incom petent to testify." Thus science, in this case, has wrought out its own cure, by establishing this syllogism : 46 SONG OP COSMOLOGY. That which is eternal admits of no changes ; Matter is undergoing a series of changes, Therefore matter is not eternal. The doctrine of special providence, is not confined to revealed religion. It is a necessity of science as well. The existence of matter in any form, or without form, establishes the special providence of God. The existence of power, motion, and life, are so many ad vanced steps in the same direction. Thus God, even in science, is represented as having special watch-care over the uni verse, supplying at different intervals of THE LINE OF INQUIRY. 47 time, any needed power, bej^ond that pre viously existing in nature. Christians claim the like of Him in the interests of humanity. THE SONG OF CHAOS. space ! how thy negative nothingness baffles My efforts t conceive of thy being in duration ; Unmeasur d by nebula, systems, or planets, A blank unshapen, unceasing, nonentity. In that one beginning, did God then create the Whole heavens and earth the true whence of all substance ; 48 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Suffused in space, was all matter in gases ; The womb of the ether was pregnant with systems. We haste to inquire, in what form was it given ? In globes or in fields, of unique kinds of liquids? Or gases, primeval, as virgins, unwedded, Throughout all the regions of space then in waiting. Hypotheses only our scientists show us ; "All void with no form" quick replies the old prophet, Dame nature was holden by laws of her own, in The stillness of night-fall ; inertia there reigned THE CREATION OF POWER. 49 The monarch of all it survey d, and the darkness Was scribe, then becalm d o er the one vast connection Of space. This appalling repose of all matter Was called, by the prophet of God, in poetic Refinement of figure, the night of crea tion. Philosophy would here inscribe with dogmatic Assurance, perpetual rest ; but the prophet, In love, is here sent to our aid ; c And the Spirit Of the Lord on the face of the deep " did then move, and First motion, including all power, with light, was Eesultant. As n light, analyzed, now is brought forth 50 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. A triune of parts, all arising from powers Dinamic in form ; so our students of nature Find force of two kinds ; to recount them as given, We note here that power at rest is potential In name ; and that power in action is dinamic In name ; so we hear from the scientist stately Discourses, of forces at rest, and of forces In motion, and each in its turn was re sultant From power. They speak of the action of Sol on Organic remains as dinamic effect, while f w or THE X f UNIVERSITY ) ^^^S THE CREATION OP POWER. 51 On substance with life, as potential effect. Then All action of forces discourses the hid ing Of power, from whence it evolv d, in due course of Its action ; approaching no nearer to cause of This power, than nature in sunbeams may give us. . The agents now seen are but forces in changing ; Far back of all physical showing a power Unseen, must exist, though unmeasured by the flight of These years, and that force is in the bosom of the Father, "Who spake, and great treasures of power stood waiting. 52 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Then back to the speaking of light out of darkness We go, there to learn the First Cause of this hiding Of power, potential, embraced yet in nature ; And used in a series of changes in forces, Without the least increase or loss of its nature. There mightily moved the Spirit of God on The face of the deep, and God said let there light be, And light now awoke at the mandate divine, as It swept the abyss ; and all matter was rous d from THE CREATION OF POWER. 53 The night of its sleep, as the sun took its motion ; And evening and morning were day now beginning. Connections in science are notably want ing, Perplexing alike to teacher and scholar ; While showing the weakness of mere speculation, They fail in relations that give us com pletion. Uniting the Bible to nature as given, Solutions of science, that own a be ginning, May rest in a helper, still greater than nature, As forward we press from the whence of beginning. E2 54 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. But what wilt thou say, O bewilder d of mortals, Still seeking in nature for lost links of science ? We call your attention to these grand solutions : Of twelve of the leading suggestions in physics, Not answer d in nature, all puzzling, all needed To make your cosmogony whole ; and though quoting But few, of the many expressions, which cover This subject, yet five out of twelve of these answers Are given. Shall we look to the prophet for answers To those still unsolved, or implicitly follow THE CREATION OF POWER. 55 Your scatter d inductions, agreeing n this only To quickly reject the whole statement of Moses. To law as a basis, we turn as a witness, To God, as the Author we turn for a Teacher, Thy Word still, O God, is our help, as a light to Our pathway; and shall henceforth teach our dependence On Thee, not for culture of soul in right morals, Alone, but for science complete. The few scatter d Inductions from science, arrang d in the light of Our sequel to nature, prepar d with re spect to 56 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Our wants and ability to meet them, are pebbles To th ocean of truth, undiscover d be fore them. As th special creation of power result ing In light, was the second grand point, which, in vision, Was gained by Job, as he travers d the past, and What formed the basis of song when the 1 Morning Stars sang there together," and th " Sons of Jehovah Eejoic d to behold those bright sentinels keeping Prompt time to the march in the foot prints Almighty ; So Moses in giving his song of crea tion, STARS OF THE MORNING ONLY IN FORM. 57 Beginning with night that preceded for mation, Now known as the rest of primeval inertia, And closing with morning that ends the creation, Beheld this grand era, beginning in dark ness,. Resulting in light from the centers of systems, Perfected in power, imparted to matter. Uniting the periods evening and morn ing, Recalling conditions adverse in their nature, The age geologic, reads day in the vision, All one in their meaning, creation be ginning. 58 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. SECTION THIRD. The deep bounded by a compass, or Planetary matter revolving in a circle. Concerning the events of the second day it is well that we contemplate the ne cessary condition of planetary matter after the foci of suns." All the unoccupied matter of a system must either fall to the center or revolve about it. In a gaseous state this would naturally assume the shape of an immense ring. Such is believed to have been the con dition of things, as described by Moses, in his prophetic view of " Waters above STABS OF THE MORNING ONLY IN FORM. 59 the firmament, not separate from those beneath the firmament." So Solomon personifying wisdom, Prov. 8:27, "When he prepared the heavens I was there ; when he set a circle upon the face of the depth." All planetary matter, in the form of an immense ring of primary gases swung about the sun, at a great distance, in a circle. This is called the evening epoch of the x second day. The chemical union of oxygen and hydrogen gave a field of superheated steam, so much 60 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. lighter than the gases composing it, that it must take its place, in the voids of space, still farther from the sun. Since matter, left free in space, seeks the globular form, except where by a primary position it is balanced in a ring, this field of steam, will seek the shape of an immense globe. This was the morning epoch of the second day. The cold ether must liquefy this globe ; and, as it gathers, its orbit will change toward the sun. Passing back through the ring, from which it was evolved, it will attract an atmosphere of its own. In such a THE STARS OF THE MORNING ONLY IN FORM. 61 state it passed into its present orbit ; and out of this atmosphere came the de posits. Thirty miles depth of water will bear a column of rock to its surface. Here the lower Silurian rock appeared ; and animal and vegetable life were formed. 62 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. THE TEACKLESS WAY OF THE GASES AND LIQUIDS. Details of the scene were now given the prophet, As there in free space he beheld its sur roundings ; And cosmos was sleeping in primitive gases, Revolving in circle without a horizon. He saw there the earth in choas was resting, The half of a circle above, then in lan guage Recorded as "firmament," met the half circle Beneath it, so giving the circle comple tion. THE TBACKLESS PATH OF THE LIQUIDS. 63 Horizon of waters above, met horizon Of waters beneath, and the deep by a compass Was bounded. The primitive gases of space, in Extent, whose diameter sixty-one tril lion Of miles was in measure, were gathered in circle And focus of system, round which they revolv d. The general division of matter in sys tems, With ref rence to space, was the emblem of morning ; With ref rence to Earth, it was night still in emblem. 64 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. A spark and two gases in circle combine in Close chemical union, expanding in making To steam, superheated, forth flying from orbit, Still farther from th sun ; till in globe it is gathered, And morning of earth has now dawn d ; and the evening And th morning is second division of ages. The globe born of chaos, began there in vapor, All ready to gather its waters in one ; and The morning, the second, resigned its strange day, while Enclosing its vapors mid waters sur rounding. THE TRACKLESS PATH OF THE LIQUIDS. 65 Condensing to liquids, its grav ty in creasing, Its orbit must change, as liquefaction proceeds, and In passing the primitive circle of gases, Will draw to itself, as a belt of thick clouds of Aerial liquids, a circle enwrapping The primitive seas, and containing the elements Of future deposits. With ref rence to solids, The prophet made mention of evening the third day. 66 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. CHAPTER II. THE GRAND MARCH OF TIME THROUGH GEOLOGICAL DEPOSITS. Rock, with respect to origin, is usually divided into Plutonic and Aqueous. The modern developments of science have yearly diminished the relative quantity of the former, and will doubtless yet show with Job, that all primitive rock was originally made under water, from the deposits of the sea. We have rock, that has once been melted, which now GEOLOGICAL DEPOSITS. 67 may be termed fire-made. The best test for this is fire. Will it bear without disintegration, to be carried back to its heated condition. If heat sets free a set of confined gases, destroying its strength, the argument is plain, the rock was never heated before. Such a test shows gran ite, gneiss, lime rock, and the slates, to have been made without heat. 68 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. SECTION FIEST. SUBMARINE ROCK. The night of the solids, now fairly com mencing, Its orbit must lessen as vapor decreases, Accelerate speed the new forces must balance, As shrouded in swaddlings it sped into orbit, With pole, not to place of the north, then quite empty, But pointing directly to the sun by at traction. Here work of deposits in earnest com- menc d, The gases must liquefy, changing, com bining, SUBMARINE BOCK. 69 The liquids solidify, gravitating down ward, While laying foundation of earth in the waters. The noblest of metals with gravity largest, Adown the blue ocean to level the deep est, First sank in their pulpy and liquid con fusion ; Still ready to press through the fissures in solids, As grav tating downward the pressure is greater ; Where crystallized quartz oft bespeak the deposits, In Beams of Jehovah s fix d chambers now placed. 70 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Thus God in the sea hath so settled the earth, that It rests on the waters, on floods there establish d ; ""With stone did He cover the waters" of yore, and "The face of the deep in its darkness was frozen ;" "In th water and out of the water " did God of Old make the deposits. Some thirty odd miles of The Earth s crust was made neath the sea, and the Lord had Not caus d it to rain on the earth," nor was life there But dry land appear d as earth show d in islands Her surface now ready to cherish the life, could The germ but be found. THE OBIGrIN OF LIFE. 71 SECTION SECOND. THE OBIGIN OF LIFE. Here the muse on the laws of Dame nature did call, for the whence of the life, by What power to rise ? The air whisper d in meekness, We have no germ floating here. Seas in turn showed The rock as their voice in reply, free in cleavage, Without fossil, its birth submarine, no life germ is In us, no potential life power is steep ing In beds, submarine, all so cold and so pulseless ; Spontaneous life is not taught by the strata. 72 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. All nature thus blushing to sit as our teacher, Whenever First Cause is announced for solution Then haste we to sequel to nature for answer ; Here learn we that life cometh from the Lord, let his praises Be sung, as He made the live plant e er its seed in The earth was, each, after its kind. From the prophet Alone, can we gain the true answer to question Whence life ? Eight here stands the true record where science May gain all her knowledge of life-cells, so pregnant With power ; and add to her table of partial THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. 73 Inductions, this link, to Deistical science Now lost. Here the life as a bride groom, rejoicing In strength, was united in marriage with earth ; they Will cherish, and nourish, and multiply life-cells, Each after its kind. This grand union was shown by The prophet to hold the relation of morn ing To solids ; the night of deposits now past, while Up through the Silurian forests of grey, the True morn of the strata was steadily building. G 74 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The forests of yore sung the day to its close, still The Earth held her swaddlings, undeck d yet with flowers ; While cryptogans all, as the ferns and the rushes, The flags and the reeds, wav d o er batrachoid dwellings. THE CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 75 SECTION THIRD. THE CAKBONIFEROUS AGE. [The Earth was si ill surrounded by a deep belt of purple gases. By a bold and beautiful figure of speech, Moses puts cause for effect. The radical changes made in the atmosphere, during this age, opening the way for the creation of phenogamia, and the warm-blooded animals, is noted by allusions to second ary causes, producing them. These, in turn, are traced to First Cause. Hence the creation of the heavenly orbs is here introduced. ] 76 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. THE YOUNG EABTH DKESSED IN SUNSHINE. This belt of sulphurous anhydride, with acid Carbonic, will find its way into the earth, through Gigantia of trees, and the nitrates of the ocean ; Where stored till Earth shall, divesting herself of This bandage by which she was swaddled in childhood, Eeclothing herself, for a time, in pure sunlight, Keveal the pure air in true type of the flowers. EARTH DRESSED IN SUNSHINE. 77 Too rich yet in oils to escape quick com bustion, The fire will unlock these deposits, in volving The Earth in surrounding dark robes of thick gases, To wait the long years for the flora to gather. The scenes in deposits, enacted again, as The gases are hanging o er lakelet and river, Give strata, that tick forth the time of these measures, And tell us the forming of anthracite fuel. Returning by cryptogams, ferns and the moss, to The swamps of the earth, as a strata for fuel, G2 78 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The air revolutionized, gives a new era; In beauty of speech, through metonymy, sunlight Is put for effect on the flora of nature; The periods of burning, in figure were called The evening the fourth, or the age inter mediate. One hundred of burnings, and th gases are hidden In rock; and new class of phenogamous plants, now Come fresh from the hand of the Lord in creation, Combining the beautiful n nature with th useful, EARTH DRESSED IN SUNSHINE. 79 Now showing the emblem of flora when blooming, This age of deposits was ended in sun light. The plant now no longer is mantled in darkness, But many ten thousand of shades in bright colors, Eeflect the sweet homes of the angels above us; While Earth in her new dress was juvenate, under The kiss of the sun-beam, as the touch of the holy. The fourth night, in progress of chang ing, took fr m Earth all Her wrappings of childhood, and brought in the sunlight, In beauteous wealth of resplendent- adorning. 80 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. That age of the plant, pale in darkness, all void of The flower, would answer the seer as an emblem Of night; while that age which gave bloom n sun -light And shadow, would answer the seer as an emblem Of Morn; where the highest perfection in th flora, Produced in type, through first blooming of flowers, Might speak of the finished world of the future. No withering age will e er close in upon them, To open a way for a change to the higher; Hence, morning of flowers continues. EAETH DBESSED IN SUNSHINE. 81 Not so in the kingdom of animals, living Where changes in progress must mark the great epochs, And such, as to throw all the previous formations In shades of deep night; where the changes were mighty In habits and size, as in modes of their breathing, Where th ages succeed, as they build to the higher. 82 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. SECTION FOUKTH. The fifth day of Moses, being the first of the animal kingdom. THE EVENING EPOCH. Progressive in types, there the fish, and the mollusk, Were sporting in lakes of silurian de posits, Gigantia of birds, on the sands of the Perm an Inscribing a language, since read in the strata, Where saurian s bask d in the warmest of sunbeams. The Ichthyosaurus, with eyes like the day-spring, There plough d the strange seas e er the chalk was prepared; THE FIFTH DAY. 83 Then huge Pterodactjles, with leathery wings, through The Eocene waters were gliding; and birds of Strange plumage, there flew in the night of the fossils Lone dwelling. THE MOKOTNG EPOCH. Marsupials herald the waning Of night-watch; and mammals, thick skinned, the many Bold rivers then quaffed, as climbing the mountains The streams must be forded : Behemoth of Job, e er High mountains were reared, gigantia of mammals E er bovines appeared, once held the rich slopes of The Tertia forests, but yielded to fate, as The ice fill d the seas, and the morning was ended. 84 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Thus tracing the proph cies of Job and of Moses Comparing with nature as seen in the strata The days of creation are the ages f geol gy Referring to th greatest division of changes. The Morn of the fifth saw the end of its day, as The looming of rock piled the grandest upheavals ; Submerging the marshes, the hills, and low mountains, Destroying the tropical fauna then liv ing, While ninety and six per cent, sank in the ocean. THE GLACIAL PERIOD. 85 SECTION FIFTH. THE GLACIAL PERIOD. [It is a fact, well established in the surface appearance of the strata, that our earth has been nearly covered with ice-bergs, many times, and for long periods in duration. The cause is best seen on the assumption that the crust of the Earth rests on the waters, and at that time one pole pointed directly to the sun.] Then ice-bergs in fields from the home of the night-house, Came crowding and scouring the rock in their pressure, The coal and the sand-stone, the slate and the pebble, Were mix d in confusion with ruck of all The soil of the uplands long wash d by the rain-fall, Was hurl d to the ocean, and mountains were less ning, H 86 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The sea took the remnants, in grains not as heavy, Less weight of the continent left it to rise, as The tops of the mountains were rounded in outline, Till hills of the Eocene graded to val leys, And beds of her rivers, quite fill d with th drift rock, Appear d with new surface denuded and changed. Dry land once again gave a welcome to rain-storms; New wants unprovided appeal d to the heavens; These lands must be stocked for past fauna are drowned; THE GLACIAL PERIOD. 87 Then beasts, and the snake, with the horse and the cattle, Were sung as the night of historic crea tion. The fauna of earth, here a maximum showing, In strength and agility sporting in beauty, Yet wanting in planning and moulding, Suggesting creation of mind in its full ness, Where guided through wisdom, may help to completion. So these with mute tongues, while fore telling a morning In progress, presenting the real ideal, Of mind in its strength, as of motion continued, 88 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Uplifted their eyes at the crowning crea tion Of him, who should light up the morn ing historic. SECTION SIXTH. THE INTEODUCTION OF MAN. Premising a little the post of this lord, we Will seek to prepare for the statement of Moses. The one to be given, must harvest the furrow, Must grasp the true principles, moulding all matter, Eelations of the fit, and the just, of the right, and The wrong, he must know, and t insure the right action He must comprehend the results of his motives. THE INTKODUCTION OF MAN. 89 Unlike those, who looking to earth, till the soul, and Its God are forgotten, the prophet saw no one, From whom the true lord could evolve; as between them, The highest of animals known, and the needed, A gulf not unlike to infinity seemed. To th lord of creation more mind must be given, Endow d with the sense of the seen and unseen ; Of earth, and to earth must so feel his relation. Such morning was call d for, and man stood before him, Above all the living, a sample of grandeur; H2 90 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. In image of God, he was made then im mortal, For souls may not perish while th breath f God continues. This likeness of God, as the seal of the morning, Twixt brutes and the man must as sharply distinguish; While man is the last, as no evening may follow: The earth, with her people may change or be broken, "Yet climax of all that is earthly is given. Bo lofty a being, so God-like and noble, Could mate with no being, unlike him in soul ; so To give him an unction of oneness in beauty, THE INTRODUCTION OF MAN. 91 The rib of his side must be bride of his wooing, Not better, but equal in rights, as in maker, Now bone of his bone and her flesh of his taken; In image of God, as created he him, male And female created he them, on the sixth day; And ours is the morning historic pro gressive, But destined to close the grand drama of changes. 92 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. CHAPTEE III. The Grand March of Time through Organic Changes. SECTION FIKST. THE ANTEDILUVIAN POSITION OF THE EARTH. It is quite certain that the deposits were first made upon one end, or hemis phere of Earth. Even now we have es sentially a land and a water hemisphere. The center of the land is near England. Bring back the continents and islands to one side, and place the pole near the Strait of Gibraltar, pointing directly to ANTEDILUVIAN POSITION OF EARTH. 93 the sun, and you have just such circum stances as answer the phenomena of coal, suroids, pachyderms, and the ocean-girt volcanoes. And what is still better, it alone answers the description of inspira tion; so graphically giving the home of light, and the house for darkness, with set bounds between them, and the absence of the rainbow. Job 38:19, 20. 94 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Then turn d to the sun but one pole of our planet, Man s home was begun the most happly and lovely; The climate of Eden gave always one greeting, Unchang d by position in orbit or mo tion. The trop cal menag ries, now floating in seas of The polar environs, discourse to us cli mates, With fauna and flora, unlike the condi tion, Presented there now; all removed by changes Of times and of seasons, most rapidly given. ANTEDILUVIAN POSITION OF EAETH. 95 The shells and the suroids, the coal and the contour Bespeak preoccupied dwelling, unseen by The boreal starlight, unswept by the win ter s Fierce blast, and unchill d by the absence of sun-light. And such once was all the land portion of Earth, as Attested by relics of tropical forests, And tropical animals lying in state, and Exumed in zones, now the coldest and warmest; The coal of pure carbon now shows where the heat of The tropics once sported mid forests un failing; 96 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. And suroids, gigantia, then play d on the sands, where The swallow might bask in perpetual summer. Siberian pachyderms, rank d with Amer ican, But render d extinct by the breaking f the deep, and O erflow of the waters, where man, with these animals, Must have coexisted in climate and labor, Attest the historical flood of the Scrip ture. Sin placed the race in a new and ab normal Relation to God, and the Earth as our Mother; CHANGE WROUGHT BY THE FLOOD. 97 Controll d more by fear, than by love in true honor, The Eden mast vanish to point man to heaven. Because of this state, For the sake of the man, I Will smite all the Earth with a curse;" this, or hope lost. SECTION SECOND. THE CHANGE WROUGHT BY THE FLOOD. Our times and our seasons have greatly been changed; Man s life was then newly arrang d on probation ; The Earth was then riven, its pole far removed, Much " more than twice ten full degrees," right away from The sun; for that "more," we subtract the one score from I 98 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Some sixty and seven. Thus chang d, still the morning Progresses apace in its building and moulding. The Lord of Dame Nature, not rested from labor, The rock will deposit for gas to unlock; so Philosophy speaks of correlation of forces, And matter in changing defying destruc tion. NOT BOUNDED BY NATURE S POWER. 99 SECTION THIRD. GOD S ABILITY NOT BOUNDED BY NATURE S POWER. Such measure is founded in forces im parted, Unspent by her changes, potential, dynamic ; To power imparting no bounds can be given, For th mandate of Jesus all matter obeyeth. The Shepherd of Midian saw the morn ending, Eternity past, with immortality blend ing; The song of Cosmology, noting Earth s changes, Still showing creation, will end with the finale. 100 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Combining their many allusions to mat ter, The prophets have given in substance the changes Beginning, and end of all things now seen, for Things seen are but mortal, immortal the unseen. Man reads from the laws that inhere now in nature, A period resting of all that is made. They Discourse of green planets, now worn out and sere, of Conditions of worlds, obsolete by her laws. To The seen is affixed an appointment of season, Beyond which existence in space is pre cluded; NOT BOUNDED BY NATURE S POWER. 101 Deductions of science have typified plainly, The rest of Jehovah by prophets fore told. Thus nature, unfolded by mortals, has given, A subject for song, most replete with be ginnings; As ranking all others in pathos and grandeur, Yet wanting in fullness of sequence to finish; This God hath supplied through proph cy in figure. i2 102 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. INTRODUCTION TO STAR DATES. The prophet Daniel was a natural mind-seer. He was more than this; he was often put in direct communication with the Spirit of God through the "Ministration of angels." Had Nebu chadnezzar retained his wonderful dream, or vision of empire, the mind-seers of Chaklea might possibly have related it, by following the thought of the King. Having the imagery before them, they might possibly have guessed a plausible solution, at least, satisfactory to the tyrant, who was now threatening their lives. But as the king had forgotten his own dream, there remained no connec tion with the dream, except through him, who originated this descriptive view of change of empire, till he should come, whose right it is, "And he shall reign from the rivers to the ends of the earth." When Daniel was called upon for this HOW DATES WERE GIVEN. 103 interpretation, he was but a mere youth, a child from twelve to sixteen years of age, Dan. 1: 17. It is not probable that so young a person understood anything of the measurement of time, by means of the precession of the equinoxes. Yet even then, he succeeded to gain a correct view of the succession of general empire, under Chaldean, Persian, Grecian, and Eoman dominion. Also that the fifth universal dominion would be subversive of the bad influences of the preceding four, and would be continued. He saw this rule, as a stone, taken without hands from the mountain, filling the whole earth. We have, by the apparent motions of the stars in the heavens, three clocks, viz. : the daily circle, the yearly circle, and the circle by the precession of the equinoxes. The time of the latter is about twenty -five thousand years. Here [The reader will not fall to notice that these succes sion of events are here left wholly without dates.] 104 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. the motion is eastward. In the two for mer they are westward. In precession the circle is divided into quadrants. Of course, we shall always find colure lines just ninety degrees apart. Meridian one is where the sun each year passes the vernal equinox, and the others are regu lated by it. The earth presents the half of both her poles to the sun fifty seconds of space earlier each year. This causes a moving of the four lines westward, leav ing the stars, before in line, eastward. The rotation of the Earth on its axis, its revolution around its orbit, and the pre cession of the equinoxes, constitute the three clocks alluded to by Moses in Gen. i:14. Moad, translated seasons here, means an assemblage as of lines, planets and stars. This is the term used in Dan. 12:7. Upon this clock, the prophets usually marked events, and then reduced them to years. In this quotation from Dan. they are left unreduced. Seventy HOW DATES WERE GIVEN. 105 years are usually reckoned to one de gree of space. If we know how many years since an event took place, it is easy finding what star was in either colure line. Again, if we knew what star was in either colure line at any given event, we can readily give the time. It is by this means that we can arrive at the correct time of certain authors, whose dates are otherwise lost, as the writings of Homer and Job. So if we had a prophet s gift to look forward to some future event, and the ad ditional gift of noting the identical star, in colure line at that time, we could state the time that the event will take place, with the greatest accuracy. We shall show you how gradually this rare gift came to some of God s prophets. After Daniel had served, for nearly forty years, as Prime Minister of state; in the first year of Belshazzar s reign, he had the vision of empire repeated, under 100 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. a new set of symbols. These symbols were evidently designed to bring out the educational, or "Mystic" influence of these kingdoms, which influence was to continue long after these literal powers should have been subverted. In this vision one date only is given, and that is concerning the "Mystic" power of Borne. Dan. 7:25. We have here three and a half circles or 1260 degrees, some times translated days. As this, subject had already been in part explained in Ezek. 4, where a day was placed for a year, it was natural to carry out the symbol, when the Mystic influence of the same power was to be dated. The vision closed, leaving Daniel in the dark as to when this date commenced. The com mencing point was given as an event, but yet not dated, in a vision two years later. Subsequent as developments in five hun dred and forty years, showed this com mencing date to have been 70 A. D. Con sequently the 1260 years would end 1330 A. D. It is significant that the art of HOW DATES WERE GIVEN. 107 printing was invented this year. That it is the " Mystic" power of Home, which we think is commercial selfishness, or the sixth head of the Dragon, that is here brought forward as being in the zenith of its power, is evident, when we reflect that the temporal power of Borne did not exceed the year 476 A. D. The vision on this subject, in the third year of Belshazzer, gave not only the event for commencement of colure dates, but a third date, which Daniel called "Cleansing of the Sanctuary." Dan. 8:14. Called by John the "Fall of Babylon." Kev. 14:8; also the introduction of the purely "white horse" into the cavalcade of heaven. Rev. 19:14. The symbols in this vision were new, and the one pertaining to Greece was adapted to get the date of Alexander s invasion of Persia. This was the Goat, or Capri- cornus, whose horns showed the invasion to have been 329 B. C. Still Daniel lacked the requisite knowledge to handle 108 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. the subject. Dan. 8:27. Six! een years later, in the first year of Darius, Daniel had gained the knowledge. He learned how Jeremiah through "Reading of books" had found that seventy years were determined upon God s people in captivity. Dan. 9: 2. Again he sought for the return of the thrice-repeated vision, that he might apply this mode of dating the events most affecting his peo ple and the " Holy mountain of God." Assuming that these dates depended in part upon his newly gained astronom ical knowledge, Jeremiah had found that when the Jews were carried captive into Babylon, the winter solstice was in a small star in the bow of Antinous in the sign Capricornus. Meridian one lacked just one degree of reaching a small star in the right foot of Aries. This was the sixty-second year of the captivity. Daniel traced the coJure to the star in the foot of Aries as had Jeremiah, and they both saw in that star, the event of the return HOW DATES WERE GIVEN. 109 of the Jews to their native land. This one degree measured seventy years. From this date with which to start, Gabriel is about to take Daniel through four leading events of Israel s history, viz : The building of the second temple to its completion, occupying 49 years; the baptism of Christ which dated forward 483 years, leaving but the one prophetic week, for Christ to confirm the covenant, reaching the crucifixion before the week fully ended; and the "Taking away of the daily sacrifice." The first three events were to be indicated by colure lines. The finishing of the temple placed the winter solstice in the star Dabih in Capricornus, having moved about five- sevenths of one degree, or 49 years. Looking forward to the Baptism of Christ, when He should be manifested to Israel as Messiah, the colure line had passed six degrees, and thirty-two thirty-fifths of another. The fall colure was now noted in Muphride in Bootes, giving 69 weeks or 483 years. Looking forward to the 110 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. event noted by Isa, "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter," the lines had moved one-twelfth of a degree; and me ridian one was in a small star in the upper part of the left horn of Aries. This gave a little over six years, in which Jesus labored as the Christ, before the crucifix ion. The event of Jerusalem s destruc tion, and the unprecedented trouble are seen, but no colure position with it; hence the date could not be given. Ten years after this vision, and two years after the decree to restore and re build Jerusalem, Daniel had his last vision. He was now between eighty and ninety years of age. The first effort, of the angel, clothed in linen, was to duly impress him that the time that he was about to give him was " long." The sub stance of this vision was to show that from fotne future date indicated by" the te Taking away the daily sacrifice, and the setting up the abomination that maketh deso^te," there should be three and a HOW DATES WERE GIVEN. Ill half circles of human history, measured on the great clock of precession. This gives at the present rate of precession 87,500 years. Allowing for a slight in crease in precession, now taking place, we have left 76,000 years, reaching the period when the dead shall be raised. He still failed to see the line indicating the "Taking away the daily sacrifice," consequently the * Little Book " of Star Dates, now " written within," was sealed. In such a state Christ received this "Book." It was still sealed. John saw him open it, as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah." Our Saviour freely com mented upon this "Book," but its con tents at that time could only be explained by the Father. Christ also told them that there were some standing there that should not taste death, till they had wit nessed his coming. The whole that Daniel saw, would take place within that generation. Now there are two ways that events may happen; the one is by their actual and literal occurrence; the 112 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. other is to pass in panoramic view before a prophet as though a reality. The Transfiguration was not sufficiently gen eral to fulfill even in figure all that Daniel saw, but the visions of John in Revelation are ample; and our Saviour s promise was fulfilled. To do this the constellations indicating the great changes of time must be pointed out with the events which are to take place in them. Jesus had been born in Aries. As Meridian one was still here, it was natural to select this as the "Throne;" selecting the necessary figures on either side. Seven main figures are found and num bered. Number one, was Leo. The great change pointing to this constella tion is denominated by Daniel the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary;" by John the "Fall of Old Babylon." Number two gave the flood in Taurus. Number three gave the creation of man, and his fall in Orion. Number four gave the de- HOW DATES WERE GIVEN. 113 struction of Jerusalem, which event hap pened when the salstitial colure was in Alta,ir of Aquila. The fall colure was in Benetnasch, of Ursa Major, in line with the left limb of Bootes. Consequently three and a half circles will bring the spring colure in the same star. After what Daniel had written all that was necessary to show the time of the end, was to show the time of beginning. The event itself did this. Nor was it known to any But the Father " before. These signs are freely called angels, or mes sengers of God, giving information to the prophet. Orion invites him to "come and see" the "fountains made bitter." Taurus invites to "behold a mountain thrown into the sea and death following." So each angel has its voice for some controlling event of history. From the sand of the sea he saw four more. Num ber five was Scorpio in line with Htr- cules, the Altar and Serpentaria. Num ber six was Bootes, whose limb was the same as Benetnasch in number seven, or 114 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Ursa Major. These, with Taurus, may be seen now about the 15th of September at 9 o clock, as the " four angels standing on the four corners of the Earth." The "Key of Hell" is Cerberus, in the hand of Hercules, and definitely marks two dates. The Dolphin is spoken of as an angel in the sun, preceding the Eagle as in the "Feast of the fowls." Ezek. 89. Capricornus is in line with the Dolphin, and dates the invasion of Persia by Alexander. But the above numbered angels are the seven figures in which the "Little Book " gets unsealed, and the world s history, both good and evil, for eighty thousand years, finds a record. THE SUCCESSION OF KINGDOMS. 115 CHAPTER IV. The Grand March of Empire through Pic tured Events of History. Some of which have been hung on the Stars. SECTION FIRST. THE SUCCESSION OF FIVE UNI VERSAL KINGDOMS. Asleep in his chamber, mid royalty lavish, With power unmeasur d except by Je hovah, The king lies unconscious of all that sur rounds him, But that in a vision he sees a great image. Now rous d from his slumbers, with memory sleeping, His feelings inspired with the lingering 116 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. He ask d of his readers of mind for a version, Of all that had past in his slumbers of midnight. <( Assemble ye wise men from every na tion, And show me a man that may tell me the dream, and The meaning thereof to exactness, or perish." Mind seers are vanquish d, appall d, and confounded; Then rose up a Daniel, with trust in Jehovah ; Give time for our prayers to the God of our fathers, And He may restore the lost vision in mercy." The vision returns with its meaning ex plained; The form that was seen was the vision of empire; THE SUCCESSION OF KINGDOMS. 117 Proud Babylon, decked in gold and in purple, Like Lucifer rais d to be star of the morning. The first in the chain, as the strongest in fortress, He ravages earth in the might of his power; The prey, as a lion, he drags to his cavern, Jehovah he scorns, with the boast "I have gotten " "These honors, these riches, dominion, and power." Like the eagle that mounts on the strength of his pinions, Before the rude tempest, the bolt s glare defying; Secure in his gains, he has parted with virtue, Unconscious of th lash of Jehovah s sure Justice. 118 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Full homage lie gives to his gods in de votion, The parent of harlots in worship of idols; , Proscription, irreverence, riotous living; And each in its turn so mark d the vile nation, While riches, dominion and spoils had been gath ring. The kingdom is lost in the arms of the image, Now weaken d in power but increas d in its riches; The sword of the Lord may be slow in unsheathing, But drawn in defense, it is slower return ing. Darius is king now, with Babylon de pendent, Six kings give the number th dominion shall govern, Controlling the nations through force of tradition; THE SUCCESSION OF KINGDOMS. 119 Blind rev rence for law, once plac d on the statutes, And caste, so repulsive to reason and feeling, Is fourth head of Dragon, as king o er the people. A semblance of beasts is seen by the prophet ; A bear, all its movements are cumber d, ungainly; " Go search for tradition," was Persia s injunction, Their rulers obey, though gainst reason and int rest, Their action, so cramp d by tradition and caste, shows A nation in weakness, and destin d to perish. A ram, to the northward, the westward, and southward, Is pushing in envy, in weakness and choler; 120 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. It swells with its riches, its numbers and power, To yield to the bound of the goat from the west; for The horns in the sign Capricornus, shall date the True time Alexander makes Persia his province. Death breaks the great horn, that is waxing so mighty, When four of his generals set up a king dom; A government shown to the prophet as Southern, " The Northern, the Eastern, and Land of the holy." The fortunes of war must alternate a seasoD, A Hannibal gather the spoils of the Romans; THE SUCCESSION OF KINGDOMS. 121 A Carthage surrender to Romans aveng ing; Whenlo! from the North comes a "Beast of great power." A Caesar is ruling, and Greece has ex pired; The mystic and literal are seen in this kingdom ; The life of the literal is brief in dura tion ; The life of the mystic is long and seduc tive. These powers are spreading in ev ry direction, The lit ral is ruling by power of armies, The mystic seduces through hope of en riching, And each is endowed to rule universal. The "Isles of the seas" he will visit, subduing; With violence perish* in the home of his fortress; K 122 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Succeeded by one who will tax the whole world, for Expenses at home, and the army subject ing. By th rule of the Caesars, the Sacrifice ceases; Through greed of the army the temple is burned; Through dint of persistence the city is taken ; Judea subdued to Eoman dictation, Gives "Time of the end," in the time of beginning. Uprises a "vile one" demanding to wor ship The gods of the Eomans, and Image of Cassar; Confiscating all, where obed ence was doubtful; A Trajan is shown to the eye of the prophet, Whose kingdom is doomed in " A time " to destruction. THE SUCCESSION OF KINGDOMS. 123 The life of the mystic was seen to con tinue, Seducing the masses, by power of habit, And dark ning the sun, through perver sions of gospel; A time, times, and half time, gave print ing discover d, Enlight ning the people, who check his dominion, While th angel is flying in th midst of the heavens, The gospel to give to the Ties of the sea; till In twenty-three hundred of years, the old Babylon Of Mystery falls, by the Lion of Judah. O er wrecks- of these kingdoms there rides forth a king, A "Lion" for boldness, and dress d in pure linen; The crown on His head, more like radiant stars, shows The voice of the nations who make him their ]eader; 124 SONG: OF COSMOLOGY. A King of all kings, in the strength of his wisdom, Our God, to recTeem us from all our trans gressions. SECTION SECOND. THE FATE OF THE FIRST FOUR UNIVERSAL KINGDOMS. When Ezekiel wrote the * Feast of the fowls," the solstitial colure line was in the Dolphin. Ezek. 39. It also touched the tip of the right wing of Aquila, pass ing through the Fox and the Swan. Babylon was in the zenith of her glory. In following the line into the Eagle before reaching the star marked delta in the left wing of the bird, four nations, claiming universal empire, had arisen, had their day, and departed. The terri tory about Judea had been many times taken and retaken. Indeed, it had been but little else, than a great slaughter field of nations. The prophet saw Jerusalem FEAST OF THE BIRDS, OR FOWLS. 125 besieged and destroyed in Aquila. His tory has since confirmed its destruction, the colure line being in Altair of Aquila s neck. He further saw that in three hundred and ninety years from that event, the fate of her besiegers, the Roman power, would be sealed. Ezek. 4th and 5th Chap ters. Daniel saw that from the reign of Trajan, the " vile one," it would continue but a "time." Dan. 11:24. Hence Ezekiel sung what is called the "FEAST OF THE BIRDS, OR FOWLS." In th sun stands an angel cetacean of the ocean, Beneath rolls a world all absorb d in idol try; Pro ad Babylon leading the van unre strained, And th kingdoms that follow, intent upon conquest. K2 126 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Ezekiel beholding a line of these powers, Made fat by their prowess in sifting the nations, Beheld them exhausted, and wasted in battle; On " Mountains of Israel " doom d to destruction, By falling as victims to the sword that they cherished, He saw them in slaughter, defil d in their blood; and Sung th " Feast of the fowls " from the Dolphin to Eagle. E er colure line passed the wing of Aquila, These nations were tried, and their days were all number d. On mountains of Jacob, remaining un- buried, The bones of these kings lay promis cuously heaped; FEAST OF THE BIRDS, OB FOWLS. 127 They call for the birds of the air to as semble, Inviting to dine at the sacrifice of Ma gog. Four kingdoms, in turn, universal do minion Attempting, by conquest of power through numbers; Four heads of the Dragon, appearing and falling, Give force to the figure of * Kings in Euphrates," Who rise at the call of the Dragon s last gath ring. 128 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. CHAPTEB Y. Prophecy beholding the Grand March of Science. SECTION FIRST. THE ANGEL OF CIVILIZATION, OR THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF SCIENCE IN THE USE OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. (Ezek. 1 and 10.) Twenty-three hundred years previous to the invention of steam power, applied as a means of travel, Ezekiel, sitting on the banks of the river Chebar, in Chal- dea, beheld in the distance a whirlwind, and a bright light, moving toward him. To the prophet this light had the ap pearance of Amber. As it approached, the moving creatures, four in number, seemed enveloped in a cloud. The ap proaching light now had the appearance of infolding upon itself. These four- sided creatures were resting each upon four wheels, which seemed set as within PROPHECY BEHOLDING SCIENCE. 129 wheels, and inseparable from the crea tures themselves. As they neared the court where Ezekiel was seated, a noise was heard as the noise of a host; as the voice of speech when swelling in passion. Ranged along the sides was the appear ance of men s faces and hands. The leader of these creatures had the appear ance of polished brass, with wheels like Beryl. They came to a halt on the right side of the building, and their wings were let down; but a noise was still heard from a firmament, or half circle above, while a cloud filled the inner court. The appearance of fire, as a lamp, now moved up and down in the center of these creatures, while the hand of a man, similar to the one which had guided the spirit of the living creature to the wheels, "For the spirit of the creature lay in the wheels," now, through local means, scattered fire over the city. Poetically, 130 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. these creatures had four wings, or two motions; but they moved not sidewise. Their wings were straight and ranged down at either side, two on a side. They everywhere had the appearance of a man s hands under them, or working them. One dressed in pure linen was seen to go in between the wheels, and take the fire with his hand. There was a glowing furnace in front of the man, and a canopy overhead; upon which a man could walk. In the general appearance of this train of four, there was a combination of cour age, strength, and flight. It had the boldness of the lion, the strength of the ox, the flight of the eagle, and the office of an angel, bearing messages to the people. An angel spoke to the wheel, and it started again, and a noise went forth as the voice of Almighty God. It went as the lightning and as the lightning re- THE SONG OF THE ENGINE. 131 turned; and it sent forth the lightning. What may all this mean but a description of an evening train of cars, heralded by telegram, arriving at the depot, from which passengers alight, to be conveyed by local trains to their homes. THE SONG OF THE ENGINE. By th river of Chebar, the prophet is sitting, With face to the northward, beholding the future ; When lo ! in the distance, like Amber in glowing, Appeareth the head-light, of something in motion. The cherubim hasten to give explana tion ; This likeness of Amber is running as lightning, Infolding itself, as it nearer approacheth; And th noise of its coming gives signal of warning. 132 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Now halting at the right of a building, or station, While waiting adjustment to finish the journey; Its wings are let down, as the cloud is diverted, To scape, as its spirit, through firma ment upward. Four wheels have these creatures, four sides in completion, And each has appearance of hands, and of faces, All ranged at their sides, which were straight in appearance, Now ready for movement in any direction. The cloud now ascending, in ringlets is forming, With voice of the whirlwind when mingled with thunder; Oar civilization is dancing before him, Oasis of desert where Jacob has wan der d; and The throne of the Lord seems o er hang ing in glory. THE SONG OF THE ENGINE. 133 One creature was head of the others at tached, As wending his way, so the others must follow; His wheels were like Beryl, all brilliant and even, Four wheels to this creature, in grooves they are running. An angel! an angel! now cryeth the prophet, The cherubim visit us, beckoning us on ward, A lion for boldness, an ox in his power, An eagle for flight as by storms he is driven ; With wings to move forward, and wings, to move backward, A cherub in heralding civilization. O wheel ! cried the angel, now move the great burden, And th wheels, and the creatures, were lifted together. L 134 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Again it is moving with voice like a host, in The storm of their passion, when joy is unbounded; It runneth, it flyeth, nor moveth once sidewise, With foot like a calf, and a firmament sounding, It lifteth itself to the line of its passage. / As th whirlwind increasing in th height of the tempest, It vies with the eagle in scaling the mountain; It swoops through the valley, nor turns for the river, Bight onward for home it is bearing the loved ones, The Glory of God, in the form of man s power. CLOCK DATING THE TELEGRAPH. 135 SECTION SECOND. THE GKEAT CLOCK DATING THE TELEGRAPH. Four thousand years previous to the invention of the telegraph, a Chaldean prophet was tracing the position of the Pleiades in the heavens, in different ages of the future. At that time they stood meridian one, and consequently rose to the zenith on the tenth of November. He beheld them in a future period in the zenith, over the softening of winter, fol lowed by the belts of Orion, over the sealed rivers. This points to the Janu ary thaw, which generally happens about the first of the month, lasting from one to three weeks. The Pleiades stand in the zenith on the second day of January at 9 o clock P. M. The belts of Orion are only eighteen days behind. Hence they reach the zenith on the twentieth. The prophet beheld them in these rela- 136 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. tions while under the plenary inspiration of God, in refuting his antagonists, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and Elihu. He was putting them to silence by a well known figure of speech, so annihilating in argument at the present day, viz. : the figure of interrogation, as the art of swamping the antagonist with questions, the answers to which you well know, but he does not. He had in these men re presentatives of venerable Superstition, Special Providence as a rule of action. Ignorance, and Secular Education. In keeping with the mythological under standing of his age, he alludes to these constellations as follows: " Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion ?" Eight here, as a prophet, beholding the achieve ments of science in the use of lightning, which to his opponents would be equally unaccountable as the government of the stars, he spoke as follows: " Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds that SONG OF THE LIGHTNING S RECORD. 137 abundance of waters cover thee ?" Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go and say unto thee, Here we are ?" And, lest they should think that he was allud ing to the action of Deity only, and to show that this skill would yet be pos sessed by man, he adds, "Who hath put wisdom in the inner parts? who hath given understanding to the heart?" We have the telegraph invented at the pre cise time corresponding to these dates. Is it not farther possible that we live upon the eve of that period when man shall speak to the clouds, and they shall give him abundance of rain ? THE SONG OF THE LIGHTNING S KECOED. In th sun stands the angel first seen by the prophet, As backward he traced the flight of Maz- zaroth ; The belts of Orion are colure stars, marking Creation of man in the Garden of Eden. L2 138 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. From th line through the Pleiades the prophet is looking, Four thousands of years to the future of science; When lightning, as messenger, scribe and reporter, Should trip o er the earth as a sun beam of morning, Yet guided by man to return at his bid ding. In th zenith stands the Pleiades, o er the soft ning of winter, The belts of Orion o er the binding of rivers, The dates of Mazzaroth are true to the prophet, O er earth, and mid ocean, the lightning is talking. The prophet is dealing with figures of question, In meeting Elihu s defiant assertions; Comparing assumptions of science with truth, as SONG OF THE LIGHTNING S KECOKD. 139 In providence f law and in mercy re vealed, He hung forth the dates in the heavens above them, Who scoff at the Scriptures through secular knowledge. Canst thou give the softening influence f Pleiades? The belts of Orion canst loose at thy pleasure ? C anst thou lift thy voice to the clouds for the shower ? Canst thou say to th lightnings, "You go," and returning, They say to you " here," with report in hand ready ? Who gave to man wisdom, these powers to govern, The elements bind to his hand as a servant ? Who whisper d these thoughts to the prophet in sadness, 140 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. As rising from th ashes, he worded our hist ry, And click d forth the signals of lightning recording ? We harness the lightning for work, light and easy, God makes it prime minister, guiding the storms in The wildest of tempests that plough the deep ocean, Or gentlest of breezes that fan the gay flowers. It rendeth the mountain, the infant it lulleth, It burneth the village, the flower doth open; It turneth the Earth on its axis, gainst currents Of ocean and air, that are sweeping its surface. The guardian of life mid the kingdoms of nature, THE B,< AST OF PERVERTED SCIENCE. 141 It buildeth the forest from atoms of gases; The guide of the vine in search of the oak, and The strength of the oak, in support cf its consort. SECTION THIRD. THE BEAST OF PERVERTED SCIENCE. Prophecy describes perverted science as a "Beast rising from earth." Science," in the hands of a good man, is an angel of blessing. Developed through a bad man, it may be a scourgiDg demon. Diplomas and degrees conferred by the school, are designed to confer additional power upon the holder. Used for legiti mate purposes in elevating the race, they are lamb-like^ in appearance and meaning; but used to oppress the human mind with unbelief in God, or his Word, or for purposes of human caste, they speak like a dragon. Rev. 13:11. 142 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. It is a curious fact that the Greek letters corresponding with the leading degrees conferred by our colleges, when combined in single degrees, and added together, make the mystic number in Kev. 666. Thus A. B.=3, A. M.^41, D. D.=8, B. D.=6, M. D.=14, LL. D. =64, F. E. S.=500. THE SONG OF THE DEAGON. A Beast of great titles arises from earth, with Its horns like a lamb, but a voice like a dragon, A prophet of power it promis d the na tions, A dragon in scorn it became to the peo ple ; Personification of secular knowledge, Perverted in power to damage the skeptic ; By use of degrees to repudiate the Scrip tures. THE SONG OF THE DRAGON. 143 The guess-work of science, is sounded from rostrums, As th knell of the gospel, and Zion s full ruin. The work of the ages, in lifting man higher, Perverted in schemes of mere self exulta tion, Is ask d to destroy the sole power that raises Lost man from the darkness of sin and pollution. The Bible must leave, so Elihu can enter, Who bringeth his knowledge from nature unaided; Who useth degrees with the power of tyrants, To crush out the hope of the humble de pendents; On Jesus, as guide, and his gospel as anchor. Tis th voice of the Beast, in full tyranny reigning, While fast ning his name on the youth of the nation; 144 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. In doubt and proud scorn f revelations known power, They read their description, by prophecy given, Six hundred and three score and six in its number. This prophet is calling the fire from the heavens, The lightning he catches and tames as a servant; Great wonders he doeth in th sight of the people, Yet false to his God, he is false to his mission. % Mazzaroth is holding the time of these changes, These wrongs have been hung on the stars, as a record Of mercies abused, of good long per verted, While that which the prophets have seen is unfolding. Time s hist ry involved in the changes of nature, By prophets in diagram given in figure, THE SONG OF THE DRAGON. 145 Shall make up the years still allotted to matter, And finish the journey of man on pro bation. "But I will shew thee that which s noted in th Scripture:" 1 "Thou madest Orion" 2 the coluro line, marking Creation of man in the Garden of Eden; " Arc turns," or Bootes, that marketh the end of Creation, where man is arraign d for the Judgment. Come look to the Angel who lif tetli his hand to The heavens, and sweareth by him that is living For ever and ever that time shall be Mo ad, Two Moads and half Moad;" 3 or three and a half rounds, Or circles, upon the great clock of pre cession. 1. Dan. 10:2. 2. Job9:9. 3, Dan. 12:7. M 146 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. CHAPTER VI. The Grand March of Time among the Stars. SECTION FIRST. THE "LITTLE BOOK." [Five figures of the zodiac, presented at one view of the firmament, are made to speak as mnemonic signs of events in history and prophecy. Time is indicated by the passage of colure lines in the precession of the equinoxes. As Jesus was born when meridian one was in Sheratan of the Lamb, and at the moment when this star reached the zenith at nine o clock P. M., Aries becomes the central figure of all history, and the mnemonic sign controlling the heavens and the earth. Four thousand years B. 0. meridian one was in Orion s belt. At the time of the deluge, it was in the neck of Taurus. At the time of Jerusalem s destruction under Vespasian, the solstitial colure was in Altair of Aquila. Meridian one hundred and eighty, or the fall colure, will reach Leo in the year 2370. During this 2300 years from A. D. 70, time is passing over the Flying Angel" Virgo.] STAR DATES OF HUMAN EVENTS. 147 A small book of star-dates just hinted to prophets, Beheld in the colure behind and before them, Unfolding the progress of piety s con flicts, While couch d in the language of figure the grandest, Still marking the epoch s in historic changes, And giving the finish to matter in being, Was pass d by the judge to the hand of the Saviour, But seal d from the knowledge of all but the Father. One servant of Jesus should taste not of death, till All things by the prophets related in symbol, Should pass as a drama, fulfill d to the letter. Invited to rise, by the spirit of proph cy, To regions of space far above the hori zon, 148 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. To look on the atmosphere, now as a mirror, Reflecting the stars, as a "sea of glass" molten, The prophet beheld one, enthroned as a Sovereign, In Aries-muemonical sign of the Saviour. This "Book 5 will be open d through human progression, By prophets all given in signs of the heavens. "Four beasts" of the heavens, as signs of the Zodiac, Eecord the grand passage of colure lines, showing The dates of great changes effecting the pathway Of mortals th most, in historical annals; And giving the triumph of Christ o er the Dragon, "Who tramples with power, and rules as a tyrant, O er nations, and peoples, and tongues, by oppression. STAR DATES OF HUMAN EVENTS. 149 Six wings had these angels, three ways they are moving, Three clocks of the universe, one by precession. Now Leo records the full triumph of preaching, As Babylon falls in the cleansing of wor ship, Mnemonically stated in the passage o er Leo; And Jesus becomes the acknowledged Lion Of Judah, in twenty-three hundred and sev nty. The second in Taurus records the spring colure, Pronouncing the time on the clock of precession, That ended the Eden of man s first sur roundings. The dragon, through deism, had ruled as a monarch, The cup of iniquity fill d to the fullest; M2 150 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Jehovah appear d in a trumpet of warn ing, As th vial of wrath was outpour d in the ocean; Destroying the contour of earth as exist ing, And giving the day that alternates with nightfall, The summer and winter that make up our seasons; Thus placing the rainbow as sign of the cov nant, Securing exemption from flooding of earth, but Subjecting us mortals to death less re stricted. A " Star falls from heaven, "effecting the fountains; Our parents in Eden have lost their up rightness, Removing them far from the bliss, to which earth was Adapted, while sinless devotion con tinued. STAR DATES OF HUMAN EVENTS. 151 The head now polluted, the waters are " wormwood," The sea with its minions, is turn d into blood, and The rivers are teeming with death in their passage; Depravity enters, and man is now fallen; This colure date heads in the belts of Orion. An " Eagle " is flying in the midst of the heavens, Preparing to feast on the kings of the Or ent; Jerusalem culminates the slaughter of nations; The "Feast of the fowls" was thus strictly fulfilled, As colure, here dates in Aquila, year seventy. Thus signs in the heavens, personify movements, When seen by the prophets in order pre cession, That date the great changes of time in its passage. 152 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. SECTION SECOND. THE FATE OF JERUSALEM, FOLLOWED BY THAT OF HER BESIEGERS. [A miniature city is besieged in em blem. The prophet must lie 40 days on his right, and 390 on his left side. Each clay indexed a year. Forty gave the time from the coming of Messiah, to the tak ing away of the daily sacrifice. The three hundred and ninety showed the ex tent of Roman ability to oppress them. Ezek. 4 and 5. The Roman power quietly expired in the Western Empire on or before A. D. 476.] Engrav d on a tile is a figure in symbol, Portraying a city of gorgeous propor tions; A role is enacted, as warning to Ephr im; The prophet is showing the part of be siegers, Close watching the wall that enclosed the city. THE FATE OF JERUSALEM. 153 To signify those who are doomed to wan der. Dejected, and homeless, and far among strangers, The seer must turn on his left for a season; His face look afar from the home of his childhood, To th ruling by aliens, the scepter de parted. His bread, now by weight, was repulsive and meager, His water was given in the scantiest measure, His sleep quite disturbed through vigil ance of watching; He turn d not for rest till three hundred and ninety Were number d in days, but symbolic of seasons Of Koman oppressions in literal power. A razor is pass d o er the head of the prophet, Made bald now in symbol of Judah re jected; 154 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Two score of dark days, by Ezekiel in sadness, Were number d as years that precede its defilement; As turn d on his right to the siege he is looking, While showing oppression before its de struction. Jerusalem reads the sad fate of her children, Yicar ously laid on the heart of the seer; As weighing the hair that is parcel d in portions, To index the sorrow awaiting this people; The shepherd is smitten, and th sheep are all scatter d. As th prophet is looking to th walls of the city, One-third to the fire is consign d, as a token Of pestilence, famine, and flame that consumeth; One-third to the knife, as a symbol of slaughter, THE FATE OF JERUSALEM. 155 Awaiting the Jews, as they turn d to their bondage; One-third to the winds, as they swept the doom d city, Conveying the moans of God s chastened people. A few in his skirt s tell the story of hidings From wrongs and oppressions, that shadow their pathway; The whole is of God, who gives hist ry in profile, Four hundreds of years, from their final dispersion, And forty, preceding destruction of city. Jerusalem sack d by the Romans in power, The thunder of war through the temple resounding, The "sacrifice ended," as Michael pre sented, Gave th " time of the end," through the time for beginning. 156 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Here colure dates open, to run their fulfillment, As def uitely given by Daniel in proph cy; And tli fourth of the " seals of the book" was here lifted. The power that wasted Jerusalem, lastly, Was clestin d to vanish, as th ? clew of the morning; The Goths and the vandals her name shall demolish, The "Empire of th West" shall depart without struggle. These years did suffice to engulf the "vile kingdom," Which sent forth th "horn" still more dreadful in power; The horn that yet tramples, enticing the nations, With riches, and honors, through selfish ness gained. This Bab lon of selfishness, rear d as a monarch, Receiving the homage of merchants of th ocean, And holding the scepter of every nation, Must fall at the coming of the " Angel in Leo." THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS. 157 SECTION THIRD. THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS vs. THE DRAGON. There are two sets of influences trace able to all organized movements. These are noted in Scripture as the Literal and the Mystic. The four leading kingdoms presented in vision to Daniel, and each in turn denominated universal, had their literal and mystical, or educational in fluence over the world. Literal Babylon was destroyed by the Medo-Persians, 465 B. C. "Mystic Babylon," lives on, with greater or less influence over the world till the end of time. Literal Rome dies in the sinking of the Western Empire A. D. 460. It is an acknowledged fact of history, sixteen years later, but the "Mystic Power," with its seven heads and ten horns, unites with "Mystic Baby lon," in ruling the world in commercial selfishness. "Covetousness, which is idolatry," is the dragon of commerce, politics, and all too many forms of re- N 158 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. ligion. The few who really belong to the kingdom of Christ, make but a feeble dissent to the rule of this monster. Sel fishness is king. His image is coined money. Men worship money, when they bend all their ability to its acquirement. To diagram and trace the influences of the Mystic, through successive ages, re quires a more vivid imagination, a more highly figurative language, with the inner soul of poetry to portray. The educational influences of opposing and contrasting principles, are first placed in colure line, in Orion s belts. Kev. 6. The one is likened to a beautiful woman called "The Spirit of Prophecy," the other to a great "Red Dragon." This Woman, has one simple, honest line of dealing, called the Testimony of Jesus, or the Spirit of Prophecy." Rev. 19 : 10. The Dragon has seven lines of policy, heads or mountains, on which, society at large will rest opposition to Christ s kingdom. Rev. 17:9. THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS. 159 These figures personify ruling princi ples opposed to each other, in colure lines of the heavens for more than six thousand years. When the gospel shall have placed the Dragon s influence in the minority, he ceases to occupy any prom inent position in the prophetic view of colure lines, and he "falls as the light ning out of heaven." After the fall colure strikes the constellation, known as Leo, the prominence of the dragon is wanting for more than seventy thousand years. To the reported success of some of the first gospel laborers, Christ replied as a prophet, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." Lu. 10: 18. In the latter tine of man s history, he feebly appears in colure line in Hercules, in the figure Cerberus, or key of hell, now conquered by the gospel, chained " and locked up in hell. He figures again with a sort of resurrected life, with the risen kings of Euphrates, in the last great battle of Armageddon. His works cease under the "seventh vial." Rev. 16: 19. 160 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. THE VISION OF EULING PEINCI- PLES, A Woman is cloth d in the brightness of sunbeams, All pregnant in symbol of th coming of Jesus; This Spirit of proph cy " in colure line plac d, was Revealed in the worthies through differ ent ages; Twelve stars on her head and the moon at her footsteps, Give time of creation in th Garden of Eden. This " Spirit of prophc y " as the Mother of th child, was Delivered of Christ, in the language of figure. Then destin d to flee to the wilderness lonely, Where selfishness, foil d in its greed to devour her, May pour forth its rage in most vile per secution. VISION OF RULING PRINCIPLES. 161 Oppos d to this woman in contrast of being, Yet trav ling abreast through historic probation, A Dragon is standing, compos d of false motives, And principles, leading the world in re bellion. Deism, Caste, Idolatry, Bev rence in Tradition, Ambition, each in its turn, had subjected the nations, In kingly authority, through public opinion, Before the arrival of colure in Hi eagle. The Dragon has rear d the sixth head of commercial Aggrandizement, selfishly pushing au thority, As Jung of the world, while old time is recording Through Virgo to Leo, in missions of gospel, N2 16*2 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. A struggle between th " Old Dragon nd his angels," And Michael leading his ministers t vict ry. The church that is worldly, and th " church round the corner," Is marking the dif rence, tween worship in spirit, And worship for purposes selfish, com mercial. The gospel must hurl from the altar these powers, Old Satan must fall to the earth out of heaven, Jerusalem cleansed from all her defile ments, Be bride to the Lamb in his work of re demption; Like lightning out of heaven this Satan is falling, Beneath the swift wing of the angel in Virgo. THE DOOM OF SLAVERY. 163 SECTION FOUKTH. THE DOOM OF AMERICAN SLAVERY HUNG IN THE HEAVENS. In eighteen hundred and fifty four the " Little Giant of the West," the acknowl edged leader of the Democratic party, Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, offered a bill in Congress for the organization of Kansas and Nebraska into territories. This bill was three-headed. In other words, in the language of its author, it had ostensibly three designs, viz. : One to appease an angry South, one to rebuke a fanatical North, and one to place the two sections, in their contest for more free, or slave States, upon democratic equality, under the plausible name of "Squatter Sovereignty." The solstitial colure line at this time run directly through the hand of the Giant of Mythology, Hercules. In his hand is Cerberus, the three headed dog; the 164 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. poetical emblem of which is the " Door keeper of hell." He is falling head down ward, with the dog in hand. Our his torians record "that on the passage of this bill, a great revolution in the safe guards of liberty took place, and the nation was convulsed." John, viewing the great struggle by the prophetic eye, records that "A star fell from heaven, to whom was given the key of the bot tomless pit, and there arose a great smoke. Out of the smoke came an army as lociists for number." This immense army were all sovereigns, and each wore a "crown." There was in this uprising also the " sting of Scorpio." The tail end of this up rising retained the virus afflicting the peo ple with torment five months, or if pro phetic time, one hundred and fifty years." Hev. 9:10. It had been the aim of the defenders of slavery to get it acknowl edged as a Christian institution; It was dubbed Abrahamic and Apostolic Now as John had personified the " True spirit THE DOOM OF SLAVERY. 165 of prophecy in the testimony of Jesus," as a woman in the sun, dress in a spot less robe of the sun itself, it was natural in viewing this commercial, selfish, blas phemous greed of gain, to give it a dress of another color and kind, and to seat her on the Dragon. This he did. He be held this claim, as a scarlet colored Wo man, seated upon a Dragon in the wil derness. She was dictating with great effrontery when there rose up ten horns claiming to be "sovereign," "receiving power for an hour, but no kingdom." During this struggle the seventh head of the Dragon, " Apollyon," was reared. Eev. 17:10. For awhile he was called king, but it was wounded by the sword, and the power of the Lamb ruled this people. Kev. 17. 166 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. THE WOMAN IN SCARLET. The "Woman in scarlet" has made her way westward; The Beast that she rides is the Dragon of hist ry ; The right to enslave she defends from the Bible; American slavery usurps the new wild ness, Blasphemously claiming to be most re ligious. Sev n mountains as seats of false princi ples ruling, Are set forth as helps to this mode of enriching; Sev n heads had the monster, ten powers to wield them, And each, but an hour with a kingdom in prospect, Must look on a cause that will be lost in the struggle. These heads were historic, in marking great changes; Cold Deism, that wrapt the whole world in its slumbers, THE DOOM OF SLAVERY. 167 While Eden was strewing man s pathway with flowers; Proud Caste, that arises from centraliza tion, Idol trj, Revered Tradition, Ambition, Commercial Idol try through avarice . madden d, Destruction, in bitterness of hate, and malignant revenge. " One is," but "The five there, had fallen already;" These five, in their tarn, had control of the nations, But changes in custom left these super- ceded; Self-interest school d to assert its domin ion, Was seated on Cotton, long worshipp d as sov reign. This head universally follow d as mon arch, By nations, and people, and tongues in their commerce, Must yield to the seventh till th struggle is over; 168 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The Head " which with emphasis "was, but is not, yet It will be the eighth," still be th same with the seventh; This head is the king in the heat of the contest; Now all are revived in support of this monster, As born out of time to endure for a sea son, Till wounded in war, to the sixth it sub- sideth. A star falls from heaven, with key of old hades; The smoke of the pit has deluded the people; The destiny f slavery hangs in the balance, The pit is unlock d, and the Dragon gives orders, To push the rough contest, regardless of honor. The smoke now ascending, the sun be comes darken d, Theology humbled in aid of this monster; THE DOOM OF SLAVERY. 169 While armies assemble, as locusts in number, Resisting the orders of liberty s man dates, Show "crowns," as of sov reigns in battle arrayed. Ten horns had the Dragon, ten States are in cov nant, With "power that lasts a brief hour" in its passage; A king is now ruling, unlike that which christ ned The monster in swaddlings, and shap d its beginnings; The right to destroy is made the great issue, Apollyon is sov reign, renouncing al legiance. Old self is abandon d, in course of the contest, Destruction is rampant throughout his dominion; The head of malignance of Dragon is reared As king, prematurely attempting a king dom. 170 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Subdu d by the sword, it will live under cover, As th head of the " Beast," that in battle was wounded; The seventh, that will number the eighth, yet be th seventh " "While leading the host t Armageddon s last battle. "Sev n mountains" as seats of false prin ciples reigning, Are set forth as fallen in shame and con fusion; The harvest is gather d in slavery s ruin, While Scorpio marks the tail end of re bellion. Thus foil d in the work of destruction and vengeance, Necessity turn d to the sixth for protec tion; For selfishness holds the great balance of power, Yet reigning as king by the voice of the many. THE DOOM OF SLAVERY. 171 Not always will avarice cling to this peo ple, The Lamb will yet lead them by the side of still waters; These horns will unite to give glory and blessing, To Him who in wisdom hath conquer d the nations. Yet still darts the sting of Old Scorpio s vengeance, Beneath th Lord s altar lie the souls of the martyrs; Now calling in justice for vengeance on dwellers Of earth, who in haughty defiance, con tinue Menacing the nation, in scorn of its man dates. The "fifth of the Beasts" has here sounded, inviting To come, and here see the fifth seal, by this struggle, Kemoved from proph cy, and star dates decipher d, While Hercules tolls forth the death knell of slav ry. 172 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The "Book that was written completely within," but All seal d to the world, till by "signs" they re explained, As history shows the true likeness to proph cy; Now opes to the student the ruling events of Six thousands of years of our hist ry s beginning. Here following John in Mazzaroth s slow journey, The heavens reveal God s own handy- work, writing The changes of hist ry and triumphs of th gospel, Till colure line, sweeping the sickle of Bootes, Shall swear with the angel that time is there ended. RULING PRINCIPLES DRAMATIZED. 173 SECTION FIFTH. EULING PRINCIPLES DRAMATIZED ON HORSEBACK. [In poetic beauty, the prophet con ceived the sublime thought of dramatiz ing the ruling principles of the better class of society in different ages, by giving them a ride on horseback, down the pathway of the stars, in order pre cession, from the commencement to the close of historic time. This journey started in Orion, with four riders, ninety degrees apart. It occupies three and a half circles around the zodiac, after pass ing a station in Urso Major. Dan. 12:7. The stations, showing the first 7,000 years of human history, are indicated in four constellations of the heavens, viz. : Orion, giving the fall of man; Taurus, giving the changes following the Noachian flood; Aries, giving the changes begun by the advent of our Saviour; and Leo, giving the triumph of the gospel in the more complete inauguration of the kingdom of Christ. From Orion, where the "star fell from heaven making the fountains and streams bitter," to Taurus, the Dragon s head deism, prevailed, called a king. o2 174 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Rev. 17:10. As a rule then, man was ignorant; a disbeliever in any special providence of God. The "Horse was black." Rev. xi:5. Passing the flood, man vibrated to the other extreme. He believed in "Special Providence as a rule of action," and the toleration of Caste. Idolatry was the mystic king in Babylon s day. Reverence in tradition in Persia s. Ambition in Grecia s; but Rome inaugu rated Commercial selfishness, which still remains king. From Taurus to Aries, twenty-five hundred years, the horse was red. In Aries Jesus was born, and the horse was pale. He will triumph in Leo and the horse will be white as the sanc tuary is cleansed in 2370 A. D. Thence an army follow up their leader past three circles, by precession, on white horses, halting with the fall colure in the Dol phin, parade and sup in Aquila, Rev. 19:17; rise to the Zenith of triumph, with spring colure in Serpentaria, Rev. 20; meet the hosts of Armageddon in Bootes, Rev. 20:8; arriving home with spring colure in Benetnasch of Urso Major, having accomplished a journey of 80 thousand years.] CHANGE AT MAZZAROTH s STATIONS. 175 CHANGE OF HORSES AT MAZZA ROTH S STATIONS. The Gospel is mounted on steeds in the heavens; First, riding the "Pale horse," in symbol of mixture, Of principles good in themselves, but perverted; Misguided in zeal for opinions, inher ted; The world must be taught by succeeding ages, The power of love in the Gospel of Jesus. Not "Black," as when man, as a "Star out of heaven," Descended on th fountains of manhood, as waters Made bitter by sin, and perverted in judgment; When justice in law, with its sword of two edges, Turn d man from the garden, with dark ness his future. 176 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. While holding the scales as the emblem of justice, The ought all unbalanc d, no guiding ex ample, And mercy reserv d, as no part of law given, He henceforth must look on his life as a failure; For scales of strict justice must weigh his condition, And th darkness of ignorance frown on his future. Not "Red," as when man left the Ark, to re-people The Earth, mid excitement in conquest of cities, Where war was the rule and true peace the exception; Not "White," as when colure line traverses Leo, The idols of paganism cast from the altar; But "Grey," with a prospect of whitening with cen fries, Till th horse of the church shall be pure in its symbol. CHANGE AT MAZZABOTH S STATIONS. 177 As th Dragon was fighting for mast ry in heaven, The darkness was gross, and the people contented; New thoughts came to rescue, and new ways now of utt rance, As angels, ordain d for defense of the gospel, Good reasons, through printing, shall give to the people. The c Art " of type printing is born to the nations, Arousing the many in sympathy fully With Jesus the Leader, now come to de liver, Through conscience and piety, wak d from their slumbers. The forty-two months in prophecy given, Were past in one thousand three hundred and thirty; When th "Woman," recall d from the wilderness homeward, Show d th gospel unharmed, though long kept in darkness. 178 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The blindness had told on the church and the nations, While rivers of blood mark d the path of their leaders; The press, as an ange], now came to deliver, By lifting the masses from th thralldom of error. A Wickliff is preaching the gospel to many, The people enlighten d now thirst for the Bible, Where truth may be found by the lowliest servant; And th church from the "Wilderness" takes her departure. The Horse that was pale, " through the reign of thick darkness, To th " Grey" or the "Mottled" in color is changing; With principles mix d enfeebling the army, Hevealing slow growth, and weakness in members, CHANGE AT MAZZAROTH S STATIONS. 179 Yet whit niDg as th ages of th gospel roll onward, Till Satan, as lightning, shall fall out of heaven. The "times that made desolate" in Daniel is yielding, The time for the Scripture in English is hast ning, Still th proph cies are seal d till the voice of the people, Like th waves of the ocean, in strength of their power, Shall welcome the reign of our King uni versal. A Huss is expiring, while four score of thousands Who counting their lives, not too clear to themselves, are Keady to stand in defense of the gospel. In view of the darkness, from which we re escaping, Tis good to be born not too early in hist ry; 180 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. How blessed is he, who shall wait to ex perience The period two thousand three hundred of days, as In symbol, it giveth Elihu " defeated. The Sanctum now cleansed, the armies of heaven, All dress d in pure linen, are following boldly; On horses most "White," that continue unchanged, "While Christ rides the circles in triumph, Henceforth to be known as the King of all kings, and The Lord of all lords, true and faithful in vict ry. The Dragon yet lives, but he rules not as sov reign, The kingdom of Christ leads the world in religion, In government, business, and social rela tions, While colure line passes through three of its circles. CHANGE AT MAZZAROTH S STATIONS. 181 Now seeing the last time of colure lines passing, Christ ruling the nations through love of the Spirit, Old Satan shows signs of marshaling his forces, The Colure of Autumn in th figure of th Dolphin, Meridian one in the figure of Cancer. Here hist rv repeating itself, but in spirit, Eecalls the great struggle of forces in Magog; The Angel in reaping, now calls for the eagles, To gather to th supper which God is preparing; And th sickle shall speed through the harvest so golden^ Which signals the triumph from Cancer to Bootes. In grandeur increasing, they sweep through the heavens, The kingdom of Jesus is ruling the na tions; p 182 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. They halt at the gate of Jehovah s own palace, To hear the approval " Well done my good servants." Now enter forever the praises of heaven." SECTION SIXTH. THE FEAST OF MAGOG. The description given by John, in this last circle of precession in the Zodiac, places the fall colure line in the figure of the Dolphin. Rev. 19:17. Ezekiel had indicated a colure line approaching the eagle in the time of the reign of Nebu chadnezzar. This was the "Winter" solstice. It indicated the " Feast of the fowls," or the revolutions of civilization in the destruction of the four great king doms. Ezek. 39. Between the two in dications, there are two and three-fourth circles passed in the heavens, measured upon the great clock, or the precession of the equinoxes. This distance indicates a period of not less than sixty-five thou sand years. As the fall colure was in THE FEAST OF MAGOG. 183 Benetnasch, of Ursa Major, at the de struction of Jesusalem, under Vespacian, three and a half circles, will place the spring colure at the close of time in the same star. Now with the fall colure in the Dolphin, the spring line must be in Cancer. This is two hundred and eighty- one degrees from Benetnasch. The spring colure must pass two hundred and seventeen degrees to reach the key of hell, in the laud of Hercules. Rev. 20:1. Mean while the fall colure has passed Bootes. Now as John has made a point of de scribing the final judgment, on the pas sage of every equinoxial line through this figure, so in this passage the last religious war which is to happen under the spring colure at this place, is noted in the nineteenth verse of Rev. 19, while the next verse depicts for the sixth, and last time, before the final consummation of time, the general judgment. The clos ing verses of the twentieth chapter with the spring colure in this figure gives the final resurrection and last judgment. The reason why Job measured time from Orion to Arcturas, the lifted hand in Dan. and Rev. are now explained. 184 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. THE SUPPEK OF THE GREAT GOD. Two times the spring colure has passed through Bootes, Three times the fall colure has passed Benetnasch, Near three has precession encompass d the circle, In th sun stands the angel cetacian of the ocean, Beneath rolls a world, now preparing for harvest; The Beast, and the Prophet, awaiting their sentence, Revive their old scorn and contempt of redemption. The King and his escort, are marshal d on horses, All white in appearance and cloth d in pure linen; And grandly in triumph they sweep through the heavens, An army of conquest by the sword of the spirit. SUPPER OF THE GREAT GOD. 185 The Saviour now rides in the triumph of vict ry, Unfolding the banner of reign universal, While leading a host of angelic brightness, To witness the spirit of martyrs reviving. Jehovah has conquer d the hosts in the Dolphin, Inviting the birds to behold the great supper, Where God makes the off ring revealing true progress, In drawing the world to the uplifted Saviour. These figures once spoke of the seed, yet a handful, As corn on the mountains of Lebanon planted, W r hich felt the rude blast, neath the yoke of state bondage, Chaldean and Persian, the Grecian and Roman; But now the true knowledge of God, uni versal, Has cover d the earth, with his presence and glory. 186 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The angels are reaping while passing the Eagle, To th garners of heaven they gather the harvest, As onward through Bootes the colure is pushing; The war with the saints and the judgment described, The harvest is noted from Aries to th Altar. SECTION SEVENTH. THE FIRST RESURRECTION. "When the colure line first reached the " key of hell," in the laud of Hercules (R. 270), American slavery claimed to be a religious institution and a political ne cessity. This " key " marked the nation s struggle, in which was poured out the fifth vial of wrath, or first great woe; and slavery was driven to the wail. Then "the key" was emblematic of the open ing of hell, or stirring up the worst pas sions of men. Rev. 9:2. Now its emblem seems to be to hold back, and to lock the door against the base passions of men. The Dragon is cast into hell. Christianity THE FIRST RESURRECTION. 187 is described as prevailing in the spirit and power of Elias. The souls of the "martyrs beheaded" are living in the spirit and power of full consecration. Christianity has shown itself a power, not only to take the Dragon out of colure line in heaven, as it did in Leo, but to bind him with a chain, and lock him in hades, while the colure line is passing fourteen degrees over Serpent* ria, leav ing the earth almost a second Eden. Not that temptation is entirely removed, but the strong influences of evil are revolu tionized, giving preponderating influ ences to the right. It seems to describe a millennium of constant revival of true religion. The number converted to God comparing w r ell with the number born into life. This is the same line with the southern Altar, from which four angels bring out coals of fire to scatter over the earth. All of these figures are in the sign Scorpio. Here is where the angel from the Altar comes forth with the bottled tears, and prayers of all who have wept between the porch and the altar, where souls have been pressed as a cart under sheaves. 188 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. THE SONG OF THE MILLENNIUM. Rev. 20. An angel descends out of heaven with power, Commission d to seize and to chain the old Dragon; The "key of the bottomless pit" he is holding; Old Satan he captures and places in Hades, Till colure line passes the serpent de stroyer. The power that once held the world by its customs, That promis d great riches, dominion, and power; That dug in the earth, to establish col lisions Twixt God in great nature and God in the Bible; That scorned at the mandates of Jesus in Scripture, Is held in subjection through love of the gospel. THE SONG OF THE MILLENNIUM. 189 Four angels appear from the horns of the Altar, Preparing to fill all the earth with the spirit, Live coals they are casting among the good people, That burn on the hearts of the penitent masses. Forth comes from the Altar an angel with incense, The prayers of the good of all ages he beareth, The feeble to help and the wayward to gather, The worthies to stimulate onward to vie fry. The "souls neath the Altar" have risen in spirit; The "martyrs" of old through the living returneth; Serpentaria seizes the Dragon of history As colure line passes o er Hercules lastly. 190 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. The angels are holding the door-key of Hades, While passing through fourteen degrees in the heavens; So blessed and holy is he, of this era, Who hath some good part in the first re surrection. So mightily triumphs the spirit of Jesus, As colure line passes to the sign of the angel, Who lifteth his hand to the heavens, in token That time in its measurement soon must be ended. SECTION EIGHTH. THE GEEAT KELIGIOUS WAE. Rev. 16: 16. The " Beast" that was chained in hades a season, Is felt in the earth in revengeful malig- nance; The good of the past seems ignored in the issue, As now to the field he is gath ring an army. THE GREAT RELIGIOUS WAR. 191 The head that was wounded by the sword and yet liveth, Is king o er a portion of earth s unre pentant; Destruction, his name, and malignance, his nature, He gathers the kings of the east to his councils. One scheme, and his mission on earth must be ended, Four heads of the Dragon, that reign d in the Or ent, As kings, then subdued and bound in Euphrates, Are rous d to unite with the seventh, in opposing The Master, despising the kingdom of Jesus; Malignance has sent forth its red hand of Kes rectioa the second, contrasts with the first; as - Two million are marshal d on horses for battle, 192 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Four corners of earth have a representa tion; The sword that has slept for some hun dreds of cent ries, Is called to destroy the new beauty of Zion; Apollion is king, and red vengeance the watch-word, The second of " Woes" must here cease to be proph cy. The last of the seals that in time may be broken, Reveal in the angel that pointed to heaven, The trumpet, the vial, and seal are one number, And each by a different symbol is show ing, The anguish and woe of Armageddon s last battle; That th good must be tempted to make them efficient, Conversion must follow the birth of the waters, And each generation must do for itself, or Reaction must gather the forces of evil. SEEN MUST GIVE PLACE TO UNSEEN. 193 SECTION NINTH. THE SEEN MUST GIVE PLACE TO THE UNSEEN. Matter, in any form, fails to show eternity. The indestructability of matter by its own laws, argues nothing for its eternity. There was a duration, not to say time, when matter was not. There was an order of intelligences existing at creation s dawn; and of course independ ent of matter. There came an existing need for matter. "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth." Its mis sion ended, worn out or otherwise, it may cease to be. No such, contingencies belong to things eternal, or to created intelligences in God s image. They cannot cease to be. Matter is but a series of means for the development of the spiritual and eternal. Man is dependent on matter, only so long as his soul is on probation, in the body. The resurrection of man in Q 194 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. a " Spiritual body, like unto Christ s glorified body," where man " Is like unto the angels of God, "by no means depends upon matter. Scientists tell us that worlds are wearing out, and will all, sometime, become useless wa&tes. It is possible that they are so ordered, that when they arrive at the waste period, they will have developed sufficient spiritual beings in God s image, that God will have no more use for them. Such at least appears to be the reading of the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments. " The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous palaces," " The solemn temples, the great globe itself," "Yea, all which it inhabit, shall dis solve;" "And, like an unsubstantial pageant faded," "Leave not a rack behind." CLOSING SCENES OF MIOPHECY. 195 THE CLOSING SCENES OF PBO- PHECY. In th sun stands the angel with emblem of reaping, While th Earth neath his feet is already to harvest; Her clusters of grapes hang awaiting the sickle, The sign of Christ s coming appeareth in heaven. The angel of power enlighten d the peo ple, As th kingdom of Jesus was ruling the nations; The ages have wrought out the grandest solutions, All pointing a prodigal world to the Father. The sickle has spec! through the ripening harvest, A thousand grand years of swift reaping are number d; 196 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. Jehovah has conquer d, and Jacob re- turneth, As Bo tes is pointing to Benetnasch in colure. A John with a Job, and a Daniel with Moses, In noting the changes connected with his fry; As those in the strata denoting creation, Have shown the grand footsteps of time in its journey, By th help of the Bible in mercy thus given, "With th speed of a thought we precede the refrain of The " Stars of the morning," where na ture was singing, As join d in a chorus of heavenly praises; To nature in darkness where matter was sleeping, Mid chaos in space equilibrium show ing, A stranger to centers, to motion and power. CLOSING SCENES OF PROPHECY. 197 The Book of great Nature and that of the Prophets, Thus join in sweet harmony one with the other, Uniting the teachings of both of these volumes, Engrav d on the mind is this vision of cosmos. I saw the chief angel preparing to gather All matter to orbits, all movements of space, to A system of order, as tones on a harp- string, A harp of the universe held by his power. Upon tli w r ell-tun d strings circled a trin ty Of movements, the orb of one th whole including; The squares and the cubes, geometric ly reckon d, Show plan in Jehovah s great work of creation; Q2 198 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. And planets with systems, in nebula journeys, Make harmony ages preceding the Sabbath. One chord long the pathway of nebula trembled; Another responded from cycles of sys tems; The highest in chorus resounded from planets; While all in their parts gave the music of spheres, till Mazzaroth swept eastward the many full circles, A clock of the universe marked by pre cession; And man from the mountains of selfish conceptions, Through faith had returned to welcome the Saviour. As th angels deft fingers were sweeping these octaves, Benetnasch of th Bear, in the colure then blazing, One strain far above all the others re sounded, "The Seen must give place to the Unseen and Real." CLOSING SCENES OP PIIOPHECY. 199 The angel in line with Benetnasch in Ursa, Here lifted his hand to the heavens, ex claiming, That time as once measured should now be no longer. As chas d by the winds of the buffeting tempest, The earth and the heavens now roll in confusion, As leaves of a fig-tree, when frosted in Autumn, The mortal had gone, disappear d at one mandate; And man, now in form of the glorifi d Jesus, Alone tells of forces once given to matter, As joining the angels in song and in He enters anew on the study f Jehovah. Here God, as the Alpha, stands forth as Omega; "The First is the Last," and the song now is ended. 200 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. AND WHAT BEYOND? "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it dotli not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that, when he shall ap pear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." John having through vision traced matter through its changes to its final rest, was prepared to appreciate the force of the symbol used by Isaiah in a vision of the New Covenant in contrast with Old. "For, behold I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered nor come into mind." Isa. 65. "The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock;" "and a little cLild shall lead them." The abiding nature of the AND WHAT BEYOND. 201 New Covenant was now placed in sym bol of a new heavens and new earth. Kev. 20. In his first vision, he saw it as a taber nacle home, which the church militant may afford the soul while here passing our probation. "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people." And he that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." "I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." In a second vision, he beheld the church of Christ under the figure of a Bride to the Lamb/ She is entering 202 SONG OF COSMOLOGY. the "New Jerusalem city" as her final home. "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Je rusalem, descending out of heaven from God." "And there shall be no night there." "There shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or rnaketh a lie; but they that are written in the Lamb s book of life." His third and last vision, and that which was to seal the visions of God in prophecy, was to symbolize the purity of all true covenant principles, to a river flowing as a healing river past each man s door, inviting all to drink, without money and without price. "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb." "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of AND WHAT BEYOND. 203 the river, was there the tree of life, which bear twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." "I, Jesus, have sent mine angel to tes tify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star." "And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come, and let him that heareth say, Come. And let him. that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." " The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." ~^ UN/VE- 1 YB 14473 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDMSS^lbl?