I M ' 664 UC-NRLF METALLURGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, 19O1-19O6. By R. A. Pcddie. London: 1907. Library Supply Co. Price One Shilling. Reprinted from The Library World," April and May, 1907. 280060 . * 4 * .*-. . .'/... . . . * . : : METALLURGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. IpOI O6. o o o THE following list I believe to be nearly a complete catalogue of the books relating to metallurgy published during the 20th century. The English, American, French and German titles, having been obtained with comparative ease, will probably be found more inclusive than the Spanish, Italian, and, above all, the Russian. One or two only of the latter have been included, and these from German sources. R. A. PEDDIE. /. Bride Foundation, Bride Lane, E.G. General Works. Hiorns, Arthur H. Principles of metallurgy. 2nd ed. 14 + 388 pp. 144 Illus. London: Macmillan & Co., 1901. Schnabel, Carl. Handbuch der Metallhiittenkunde. 2te. Aufl. 2 vol. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1901-04, 5001. Ditto, Alfred. Introduction a Petude des metaux. 2 + 492 pp. Illus Paris: Societe Editions scientifiques, 1902, 15 fr. Gower, Alfred Roland. Practical metallurgy : an elementary text book. New ed. 12 + 116 pp. 32 Illus. London: Chapman & Hall, 1902, is. Le Yerrier, U. Metallurgie generate. Precedes de chauffage. 371 pp. 171 Illus. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1902, lorn. Ferret, Auguste. Zinc, e"tain, nickel, cobalt. 160 pp. Illus. Paris : Bernard & Cie., 1902, i fr. 50. Perrett, Auguste Or, argent, platine. 160 pp. Illus. Paris: Bernard & Cie., 1902, i fr. 50. Cuivre, plomb, mercure. 160 pp. Illus. Paris: Bernard & Cie., 1902, i fr. 50. Roberts-Austen, Sir W. C. An Introduction to the study of metal- lurgy. 5th ed. 16 + 516 pp. Illus. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1902, 1 8s. Borchers, Wilhelm. Das neue Institut liir Metallhiittenwesen und Elektrometallurgie an der k. technischen Hochschule zu Aachen, Halle : 1903, 6m. 3 Cremer, J. H. Chemical and metallurgical handbook. 3rd ed. London: Paul, 1903, i8m. 50. Hubert, E.