TC 203 A* UC-NBLF B 3 THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PORT AUTHORITIES SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PORTS AND HARBORS AND THEIR ADMINISTRATION, LAWS, FINANCE, EQUIPMENT AND ENGINEERING PRICE $1.00 COMPILED BT WILLIAM JOSHUA BARNEY. C. E., SECRETARY 29 BROADWAY, NEW YORK AUGUST, 1916 THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PORT AUTHORITIES SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PORTS AND HARBORS AND THEIR ADMINISTRATION, LAWS, FINANCE, EQUIPMENT AND ENGINEERING COMPILED BY WILLIAM JOSHUA BARNEY, C. E. SECRETARY 29 BROADWAY. NEW YORK AUGUST, 1916 INDEX PAGES INTRODUCTION . REFERENCE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . PART I, PLACE BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERAL ...... A S ,A ......... India Burma and Strait Settlement and East Indies Japan Australasia . . 15 ' 16 EUROPE . Austria .... Denmark ..... ..... 17 France . . . - 17-21 Germany . ... Gibraltar and Malta . Great Britain . ... England and Wales ... 27 " S4 Ireland ...... Scotland ......... 34 ' 35 Italy ... 35-37 Netherlands ....... 37 Belgium ... .... Holland . . . . . 39 - 40 Portugal .... Roumania ...... . Russia ......... 40 ' 41 Spain . ,.. 4 *- 42 Sweden [ , g Norway j NORTH AMERICA ..... Canada ... 42 - 47 Mexico ...... 47 United States ...... 4g - 86 Alaska .... 86 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ...... 86-87 HAWAII .'....... 87 \VEST INDIES ...... 87-88 CENTRAL AMERICA '...... SOUTH AMERICA ......- 89-93 PART II, SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY CANALS AND RIVERS Canals ........ Rivers ........ FREE PORTS ... ADMINISTRATION; LAWS; FINANCE; PORT CHARGES WHARF AND HARBOR ENGINEERING ..... TERMINALS AND BELT LINE R. R. HARBORS, RIVERS, CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS, DREDGING, TIDAL PHENOMENA, LIGHTHOUSES ...... BREAKWATERS, SHORE-PROTECTION, WAVE-ACTION BULKHEADS WALLS PILES LUMBER PRESERVATIVES ACTION OF SEA WATER ON CONCRETE, ICE, AND STEEL PAVING LIGHTING HEATING VENTILATION .... WHARF FIRES AND FIRE PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND EQUIPMENT .... COSTS EXAMPLES OF WHARF AND TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN COAL AND ORE WHARVES COAL W T HARVES COALING SHIPS ORE WHARVES LUMBER WHARVES DRY-DOCKS EQUIPMENT Bananas . . . Belts and Conveyors ....... Cableways ........ Cotton Cranes and Derricks . . . Elevators Freight Handling Grain Elevators ........ Pier Sheds ... Telphers . . . ... Electric Trucks Warehouses ........ SHIPS AND SIZE OF . . . . ... GENERAL ENGINEERING . 93-99 . 93-99 . 99-100 100 101-106 106-109 109-110 110-113 113-115 115-117 117-119 119-120 120 120 120 120-121 121 121-126 126 126-128 128 128-129 129 130 130-135 135 135 136 136 136 138 139 139 139 139 140 141 141 142-144 INTRODUCTION This bibliography has been prepared by the Secretary in response to a resolution passed at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Port Authorities. It contains 2563 references to books and articles in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, relating to the ports and harbors of the world. The references are divided into two sections. The first sec- tion is a place bibliography, in which the references are grouped (a) continents alphabetically, (b) countries alphabetically under each continent, (c) cities alphabetically under each country, (d) articles alphabetically by the first letter of the first -word of the title under each city. The second section is a subject bibliography, in which the references are grouped alphabetically by the first letter of the first word of the title under captions classifying the various phases of port and harbor administration, finance and engineering. Acknowledgment is due to the various members of the Associa- tion and others who have suggested references, also to the Seattle Public Library for its courtesy in permitting the use of its refer- ence list No. 5, "Harbors and Docks" February 1913, also to the "Engineering Index" and similar publications. The larger part of this bibliography, however, has been compiled by personal search in the libraries of the American Society of Civil Engineers, of the United Engineering Societies and of the Engineering Division of the New York Public Library, to the librarians of which appre- ciation is hereby extended for their courtesy and co-operation, also to Lilian Warner Barney for her valuable co-operation in research and editing. As the Secretary hopes to issue a supplementary bibliography in each of the Association's annual Proceedings/ members and others interested in port work are invited to suggest further references. REFERENCE LIST AND PERIODICALS ABBREVIATIONS AND TITLES a annual m monthly q quarterly b . a. bi-annually s. m. semi-monthly w weekly b. m. bi-monthly Am engr & r r jour. American Engineer and Railroad Journal, m. New York Am soc for testing materials Proceedings of American society for testing 1 materials. a. Philadelphia. Amer inst of archts American Institute of Architects, a. New York. Ann de ponts et chaussus Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. m. Paris. Annals of am acad Annals of the American academy of political and social science. b.m. Philadelphia. Ap sci Applied science, m. Toronto. Architects and builders' mag Archectect's and Builder's magazine, m. New York. Automobile Automobile, m. New York. Autocar Beton u eisen Beton und Eisen. s. m. Vienna. British assn for advancement of science, a. London. Can eng Canadian Engineer, m. Toronto and Montreal. Canadian soc of civ engrs The Canadian society of civil engineers, irreg. Mon- treal. Cassier's mag Cassier's Magazine, m. New York and London. Cement age Cement age. m. New York. Le ciment Le ciment. m. Paris. Col guard Colliery Guardian, w. London. Consrepts Consular reports, m. Washington, D. C. Cornell civ engr Cornell Civil Engineer, m. Ithaca, N. Y. Dunn's review, w. New\ r ork. Elecr'n Electrician, w. London. Elecage Electrical Age. m. New York. Elecjour Electric journal, m. Pittsburgh, Pa Elec rev Electrical review, w. New York. ElecWld Electrical world, w. New York. Eng &min jour Engineering and Mining Journal, w. New York. Eng mag Engineering magazine, m. New York and London. Eng news Engineering News. w. New York. Eng rec Engineering Record, w. New York. Engng Engineering, w. London. Engng-Contr Engineering-Contracting, w. New York. Engr Lond Engineer, w. London. Genelecrev General electric review, m. Schenectady. N. Y. Genie civil Genie Civil, w. Paris. - Gluckhauf Cju-'k; uf. w. Essen, Germany. 6 Giornale del genio civile m. Rome. Harpers Harpers, m. New York. Harpers' weekly, w. New York, (now the Independent, w. New York.) Harvard engng jour Harvard Engineering Journal, q. Cambridge, Mass. Indengng Indian Engineering, w. Calcutta. Independent, w. New York. Int mar engng International Marine Engineering, m. New York. Int nav congress Permanent international association of navigation congresses. b. a. Brussels. Irage Iron Age. w. New York. Ir & coal trds rev Iron and Coal Trades Review, w. London. Iron trade rev Iron Trade Review, w. Cleveland. Jour amer soc nav engrs Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers, q. New York. Jour amer soc of marine draughtsmen The Journal of the American Society of Marine Draughtsmen, q. Washington. Jour assn eng socs Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies, m. Bos- ton, Mass. Jour, Franklin institute Journal Franklin Institute, m. Philadelphia, Pa. Jour inst elect engrs The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, s. m. London. Jour of engrs club of Bait Monthly Journal of the Engineer's Club of Baltimore. Jour soc of arts Journal of the Society of Arts. w. London. Jour w. soc engs Journal of the Western Society of Engineers, b. m. Chicago. Mar rev Marine Review, w. Cleveland, O. Mining rev s. m. Salt Lake City, Utah Mines & minerals Mines and Minerals, m. Scranton, Pa. Mnfrs rec Manufacturers' Record, w. Baltimore. Monit tec II monitore tecnico. s.m. Vienn%. Munic jour & eng Municipal Journal and Engineer, m. New York. Nation's business, m. Washington. Natl rev Nation's review, m. New York. Pac builder & engr Pacific Builder and Engineer, w. Seattle, Wash. Pacific northwest soc of engrs Proceedings of Pacific Northwest Society of En- gineers. Seattle, Wash. Power Power, w. New York. Pro am soc civ engs Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, m. New York. Pro am wood preservers assn Proceedings of the American W r ood Preservers' Association of Baltimore. Pro amer assoc of port author Proceedings of the American Association of Port Authorities, a. New Y'ork. Pro amer philosophical soc Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Irreg. Princeton, N. J. Pro atlantic deeper waterways assn Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, a. Philadelphia. Pro Brooklyn engrs club Proceedings of the Brooklyn Engineers' Club. a. New York. Pro engs club of Phila. Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, q. Philadelphia. Pro inst civ engs Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. London. Pro mem Professional memoirs, q. Washington, D. C. Pro munic engs of N. Y. Proceedings of the Municipal Engineers of the City of New York. a. New York. Pro N. Y. ry club Proceedings of the New York Railway Club. m. New York. Pro natl conference on city planning Proceedings of National Conference on City Planning. Boston. Riv marit Rivesta Marittima. m. Rome. R r age gaz Railroad Age Gazette, w. New York. R r gaz Railroad Gazette, w. New York. Ry age Railway Age. w. Chicago. Ry & eng news Railway and Engineering Review, w. Chicago, (now Railway Review.) Ry & engng rev. Railway and Engineering Review, w. Chicago. Ry and mar news Railway and Marine News. s. m. Seattle, Wash. Ry news Railway news. w. London. Ry rev Railway Review, w. Chicago. Safety engng Safety Engineering, m. New York. Schiffbau. Schiffbau. w. Berlin. Schweiz bau Schweizerische Bauzeitung. w. Zurich. Sciam Scientific American, w. New York. Sci am sup Scientific American Supplement, w. New York. Scribner's mag Scribner's Magazine, m. New York. Shipping ill Shipping Illustrated, w. New York. Survey w. New York. Tech mod Technique moderne. m. Paris. Technical world Technical World Magazine, m. Chicago. Trans am soc civ engs Transaction American Society of Civil Engineers, a. New York. Trans am soc mech engs Transaction of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a. New York. Trans am soc nav arch & mar engrs Transactions of the American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. New York. Trans int eng congress. Transactions of the International Congress of Engineers. San Francisco, Neal pub co., 1916. Trans Liverpool eng soc Transactions of the Liverpool Engineering Society, a. Liverpool. W engng Western Engineering, m. San Francisco. Waterways, m. New York. Yale rev Yale Review, q. New Haven. Conn. Yale sci m. Yale Scientific Monthly, m. New Haven, Conn. Z.d.V.D.I. Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. w. Berlin. GENERAL Ancient harbors Trans am soc civ 1891. Vo. XXIV Annual statements of the trade of the United Kingdom and foreign countries and British possessions, (issued yearly) Wyman & Sons, London Blue book of American shipping, (marine and naval directory of the U. S., statistics of shipping and ship building in America.) Annual Coaling, docking and repairing facilities of the ports of the world. Office of Naval intelligence. 5th ed 1909. 239 p Coaling ports of the world by G. Harding Harper's Je 1916. 10 p ill Coast and geodetic survey, (table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the U. S., including Porto Rico, the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippine Islands.) 1910. 159 p Commerce of the ports of the world reviewed by N. Y. State Commission to investigate port conditions by R. A. C. Smith. New York 1914 Diplomatic and consular reports of consuls residing at the different seaports of the world. London, Harrison & Son Discussion on harbors. (International Engng. Congress, 1904.) Trans, am soc civ engs 1904 Vol LI V Part A Dock and terminal facilities of the world, report of Massachusetts state board of dock and terminal facilities. Boston: Wright and Potter Printing Co 1897. 298 p Dock book by Hydrographic office, (containing dimensions of the prin- cipal dry, floating and wet docks, patent slips, etc. of the world, also information on ship building and engineering works in countries other than the United Kingdom.) London. 1905 Supplement to Dec. 1907 5th ed. 219 p , Dues and charges on shipping in foreign ports. London: Geo. Phillips &Son. $5.00 Exporters* Encyclopedia. New York: Exporters' Encyclopedia Co 1915 Les grands ports extra-europeens et le commerce international by Emil Chantriot. Paris 1910. 66 p Harbor cities of the world: a collection of photos of harbor, dock and wharf plans by H. C. Cutting. Richmond Cal 1914. 31 p ill Harbor facilities and municipalities by M. R. Maltbie. Municipal affairs Dec. 1909. 3 p History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce by W. S. Lindsay. 1874-76 List of countries and divisions of countries as distinguished in the trade and navigation accounts of the United Kingdom: together with an index to the foreign and colonial ports and shipping places through- out the world, and a list of the ports and shipping places belonging to each country. London, Customs Establishment, 1908. 567 p 9 Lloyd's register of British and foreign shipping (annual summary of shipbuilding at home and abroad for the year 1912) by Lloyd's. London 1913 The navigable Rhine by E. J. Clapp. (Comparison of harbors of the world with those of German Rhine harbors) New York: Houghton Mifflin Co Notes on docks and dock construction by Charles Colson. New York: Longmans & Co 1910. 426 p Notes on docks and harbors by S. Wagoner. Trans am soc civ engs 1909 Vol. LXII Ocean and inland water transportation by E. R. Johnson. New York: D. Appleton & Co 1906. 396 p ill folded map, forms, ("references for further reading" at end of most of the chapters) The organization of ocean commerce by J. R. Smith. Philadelphia 1905. 155 p folded map, diagrams, (publications of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Series in political economy and public law, No. 17.) Port administration and harbor facilities. A symposium, Annals of am acad, March 1907. 43 p. (contents: New York City by J. A. Bensel: Chicago by Frederic Rex: Philadelphia by W. W. Pierson: Boston by C. H. Swan: Buffalo by F. H. Mason: New Orleans by J. J. McLoughlin: Detroit by D. F. Wilcox: Washington, D. C., by D. E. Garges: Providence by F. E. Lackey: Wilmington Del., by Ceyne and J. N. Lawson, Jr.: Duluth, Tampa, London, Manchester, Hamburg, Bremen, Barcelona, Antwerp) Ports, ancient and modern by W. Turner. West rev Mar 1912. 10 p Ports and docks by Douglas Owen. London: Methuen & Co 1904. 2v (their history, working and national importance.) Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Washington: Govt. printing office 1916. 431 p maps, (covers all poits of the United States which had in the calendar year 1913 a water-borne commerce exceeding 1,000,000 short tons in volume or $30,000,000. in value.) Issued by- Department of Commerce as "Miscellaneous series No 33" 75c Ports of the world. Reports of the coaling, docking and repairing facil- ities. Washington : Govt. printing office 1909 Regulations for the government of assistants on river and harbor works: by U. S. Engring Dept 1910. 74 p Relation of harbors to modern shipping by W. H. Wheeler. Eng news Sept 6, 1906. 1 p, ill (gives table of channel depths at various harbors) Reports Chief of Engineers U. S. Engr Dept annual. 1822 date Report of Rivers committee of London County Council. London: Southwood, Smith & Co 1907. (inspection of Manchester, Liverpool, Southampton, Cardiff, Barry, Bristol, Avonmouth, Antwerp, Rot- terdam, Bremen, Bremerhaven and Hamburg. . . and statement re- specting port of London) 43 p 10 Report of the New York state barge canal terminal commission. Al- bany, N. Y. 1911. Report to the mayor and aldermen of the city of Chicago by Harbor commission. Chicago 1909. 383 p ill plans (special reports to the harbor commission p. 59-242: The development of commercial ports. J. P. Goode. Obstacles to Chicago's water shipping de- velopment. G. C. Sikes. The volume and trend of traffic to and from the central west. G. C. Tunnell) Reports of U. S. engineer department. (Analytical and topical index to reports of the chief of engineers and the officers of the corps of engineers, U. S. Army upon works and survey for river and harbor improvements 1866-1903.) Rivers, canals and ports, (bibliographic notes). Int. nav congresses 1908-12 Seaport studies by C. E. Fowler. W engng Apr 1914. 11 p Seaport studies by C. E. Fowler. University extension jour Jan 1914. Seattle: Univ. of Washington. Shipping world, (yearly) London: The shipping world Ships by B. N. Baker. Baltimore: John Murphy Co 1916. (review of mer- chant marine and shipping problems) 199 p Terminal facilities of North Pacific ports, (a compilation of all use- ful information concerning Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California shipping) Seattle: Terminal pub co 1914 Utility of waterways as a factor in transportation, address by J. A. Ockerson. Eng rec Dec 19, 1908. 2 p Waterways as creators of prosperity by S. A. Thompson. Cincinnati: National river and harbor congress. AFRICA ALGERIA Algeria. Note sur les travaux executes dans quelques ports de la Medit- erranee by Quintette de Rochemont. Int nav congress 1900. 16 p 2 p Report on the recent and most interesting breakwaters and application of reinforced concrete in the maritime ports of Algeria. Int nav congress 1912 Sixty ton floating crane, Nostaganen, Algeria by P. Caufourier. Genie civil May 1911 EGYPT ALEXANDRIA Construction des quais et collecteurs le long du Port-Est et de la paie d'Anfouchy, Alexandria. Alexandria: Commission municipale 1889. 12 v 11 Harbor and coast defense works at Alexandria, Egypt by D. E. Lloyd- Davies. Pro inst civ engs Nov 30, 1915 PORT SAID Der hafen von Port Said im jahre 1909. Oest wochenschr. f. d. oeffent Baudienst, Je. 18, 1910. 2500 w. ill Port Said, in Der Hafenbau; edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p LIBIA Porti spiaggie e fari della Libia by L. Luiggi. Giornale del Genio civile 1913. 38 p plans ills LOME Novel steel pier, Lome, Africa. Eng news May 24, 1906 TRIPOLI Harbor works in the Tripolitaine. Engr May 16, 1913. 700 w Lon Serial 1st part (Bengasi) Opere pubbliche a Tripoli by Luigi Luiggi. Rome 1912. 18 p ill Les travaux d'amelioration des ports de la Tripolitaine et de la Cyren- aique by P. Calpas. Genie civil Sept 27, 1913. 300 w (Phares, Tripoli and Bengasi) TUNIS Account of work carried out in principal sea ports of Tunis by A. Herr- mann. Int. nav congress 1912. 16 p pi (Sfax, Sousse, Tunis) SOUTH AFRICA Reports of General Manager of railways and harbours, Union of South Africa. Pretoria :Govt printing and stationery office, annual, (gives statistics of harbors, improvements, etc. especially Table Bay, Al- goa Bay [Port Elizabeth], Mossel Bay, Durban Harbour, maps tables and ills) Reports of South African railway. (Table Bay Harbour and Cape Town) NATAL Natal harbor works by C. H. Crofts. Pro inst civ engs 1912-13. Paper No 4006 DURBAN Durban harbor by C. W. Methven. Pro inst civ engs 1912-13. Paper No 3875 LONDON 40 ton steam titan crane for East London. EngngOct3, 1913. 11-4 pill 12 CHINA KOWLOON, HONG-KONG Corosin of steel wharves at Kowloon by S. H. Ellis. Pro inst civ engs 191415 SHANGHAI Reinforced concrete wharves and warehouses at low r er Pootung, Shang- hai by S. H. Ellis. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12. 130 p ill plates. (Thorough discussion of concrete wharf and warehouse construction) CEYLON COLOMBO Colombo, Ceylon in River and harbor notes from foreign lands compiled by F. B. Downing. Pro mem 1912. Vol 4. 4 p Colombo harbor. Eng mag Feb 1907. 2 p The completion of Colombo harbor, Ceylon. Engng May 31, 1912 3000 w ill INDIA BOMBAY New docks at Bombay. Engr Lond Mar 27, 1914. 2000 w ill (serial 1st part) The new Bombay docks. Engr Lond Nov 10, 1905 2-3 p Reports by Bombay port trust CALCUTTA The port of Calcutta by C. C. Stevens. Jour soc of arts Je 16, 1899 The port of Calcutta. Engng Jy 17, 1914. 2500 w ill map Reports by the Port of Calcutta MADRAS The alteration of the form of Madras harbor by H. H. G. Mitchell. Pro inst civ engs Apr 1912. 23 p pis, paper No 4012. Light reinforced concrete wharves Madras, India by F. J. E. Spring. Eng news May 2, 1912. 2 p ills Madras in Der Hafenbau edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm En- gelmann 1912. 2 p 13 The remodelling and equipment of Madras harbor by F. J. E. Spring. Pro inst civ engs Apr 1912. 41 p pi paper No 3964. (see also papers No 4012 and No 4020) BURMAH STRAIT SETTLEMENT AND EAST INDIES Mededeelingen over eenige Nederlandsch-Indishe Havens by J. Kraus. De Ingenieur Feb 18, 1911. 21000 w ill (Soerabaja, *Tandjong, Priok, Semarang and Macassar.) RANGOON The port and city of Rangoon by G. C. Buchanan. Jour soc of arts May 8,1914. llOOOw Port of Rangoon. Engr Lon Nov 24, 191 1. 1 p maps The Rangoon river training wall. Eng news Apr 30, 1914. 4 p ill A river training wall at Rangoon, Burmah. Eng news Jy 27, 1911. 2-3 p A rock transporting cableway for the harbor works of Rangoon, Burmah. Eng news Dec 8 1910. 2 1-3 p (Stone is transported to barges an- chored six hundred feet from the shore by a Lidgerwood cableway) SINGAPORE Five ton steam Goliath crane Engr Lon Dec 22, 1911. 1-2 p ill JAPAN Coal loading plant for Japan. Col guard Dec. 18, 1908. 2 cols. KOBE Harbor construction at Kobe and Yokohama, Japan by W. T. Howe. Eng news Sept 18, 1913 (gives layout of proposed piers for new harbor at Kobe, Japan) 2 p Improvement of port facilities at Kobe harbor, Japan by H. M. Hard- ing. Eng news Mar 2, 1911 Kobe harbor improvements. Engr Lond Mar 24, 1911 Reinforced concrete hollow caissons floated into place in piers, Kobe harbor works. Eng news Je 1, 1911 14 YOKOHAMA Harbor construction at Kobe and Yokohama, Japan by W. T. Howe. Eng news Sept 18, 1913. 2 p AUSTRALASIA AUSTRALIA Austrailian ports in relation to modern ships and shipping by W. E. Adams. Engng Sept 18, 1914. 2000 w Bar harbors of New South Wales by C. H. Halligan. Pro inst civ eng 1910-11. Paper 3910. Reports from the chief engineer of the harbors and rivers department. Queensland: Brisbane, 1876-1909. 30 v map tabs FREEMANTLE HARBOR Freemantle harbor work by C. S. P Palmer. Pro inst civ engs 1910-11. Paper 3897 MELBOURNE The port of Melbourne by Harbor trust. Melbourne 1910. Reports (annual) of Melbourne harbor trust. Melbourne Statistics of Melbourne. Engng Jy 23, 1915. 1-6 p SIDNEY Reports (annual) of Sydney harbor trust. Sydney N. S. W. Official handbook by Sydney harbor trust. Sydney N.S.W. 1913. 86 p pi Port of Sydney, Australia by G. A. King. Canadian mag Feb 1904. 8 p NEW CALEDONIA An interesting aerial cableway and ore-handling plant in New Cale- donia. Sci am sup Nov 27, 1909. (Described a landing stage out in the sea at a point well clear of surf and rocks and a rope driven sus- pension railroad, capacity one hundred tons per hour) An ore-handling plant in New Caledonia, an elaborate system cf sus- pension tracks and cables, comprising four main lines, for carrying ore, coal, merchandise and passengers. Eng & min jour Feb 20, 1909. 5 p. ill (Cable line No. 2 connects the landing stage with the mainland, is about one thousand yards long and has a capacity of one hundred tons an hour in either direction.) 15 NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND Electrical equipment and concrete construction at Auckland harbor by \V. Wilson. Eng mag Nov 1913 WELLINGTON Statement of accounts, with annual reports, 1900-15 by Harbour Board. Wellington 1901-16. 17 v pis EUROPE European ports in Annual report of Harbor Commissioners. Montreal 1914 European waterways. Report of consular officers of the U. S. located in Germany, Austria Hungary, France, Belgium and the Netherlands on river and harbor improvements in their respective districts. Wash- ington: Natl waterways commission, document No 7, 1909. 138 p European waterways and terminals. Proceedings of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y. Legislature 1911. 203 p maps ill Handbook of Baltic and White sea ports. London: W. Rider & Son 1913 The harbors of Great Britain, with some reference to those of northern Europe and Ncrth America by J. V. Nimmo. Eng news Aug 1 1, 1910 Notes collected in relation to docks and harbors in Great Britain, France and Belgium in the summer of 1906 by F. W. Hodgson. Jour assn eng socs Mar 1902. 23 p Report of physical characteristics of European sea ports by C. W. Staniford. Pro mem 1912. Vol 4. 32 p Report on British and continental ports with a view to the develop- ment of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps (includes the ports of Antwerp, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Hamburg, Havre, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Marseilles, Montreal and Newcastle- on-Tyne.) A study of some representative European ports in the summer of 1909 by F. L. Ford in Report of Connecticut rivers and harbors commission to general assembly Hartford Conn 1911. 46 p ill (Amsterdam 4 p, Hamburg 6 p, Liverpool 5 p, London 17 p, Antwerp 5 p, Rotterdam 7p) Waterway policy and its results in Europe by E. R. Johnson. Pro mem 1912. Vol 4 16 AUSTRIA Report of Consular officers of the U. S. by U. S. dept of state. Wash- ington: Natl waterways commission document No 7, 1909 BUDAPEST Commercial harbor of Buda-Pesth by Bela de Gonda. Int nag cong 1908. 27 p pi FIUME Fiume, in Der Hafenbau edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Englemann 1912. 2p Hungarian mercantile marine and the port of Fiume by Bela de Gonda. Int congress 1908. 28 p pi TRIEST Triest, in Der Hafenbau edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p VIENNA The storehouse of the south German Danube navigation co in Vienna. Z. d. V. D. I. Mar 7, 1908 DENMARK Harbors and ferry system of Denmark by A. E. Carey. Pro int maritime congress. London: Unwin Bros 1893 BORNHOLM Breakwater at Svanske Island of Bornholm in the Baltic. Engng Mar 15, 1912. 2 p ill plans COPENHAGEN Copenhagen, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wil- helm Engelmann 1912. 2 p Description du port franc de Copenhagen by L'administration du port de Copenhague. Copenhagen 1894. 20 p ill pis The free port of Copenhagen by P. Vedel. Eng mag Feb 1896. 8 p plans Harbor works at Copenhagen by H. C. V. Moller. Trans am soc civ engs 1885. Vol XIV Report on the project for making Copenhagen a free port, (presented to both houses of parliament Dec. 1890 and July 1891 publication of English commerce department foreign office of England, document No 185 Dec 1890 and document No 206 July 1891) London: Harrison & Sons 17 FRANCE Authorization of public works by F. A. Mahan. Pro mem 1912 Vol 4 3p Cotes et ports francaises de la Manche by C. P. M. Lentheric. 1903. 318 p maps Dry docks of France. Trans am soc civ engs 1893 Dry docks of France by A. Joly. Trans am soc civ engs 1904. Vol LIV Part F Exploitation des ports maritimes by Camille de Cordemoy. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat 1909 (Treats of organization and equipment (mechanical, warehouses, floating, docks, etc.) and administration, especially of French ports.) 546 p ill map pi Fleuves et Rivieres navigables. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat France in European waterways. Proceedings of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 17 p Les grands ports de France, leur role economique by Paul de Rousiers. 1909. 260 p Inland navigation in France by A. Chargueraud. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part F Legislation des eaux by L. Courcelle. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat. The maritime ports of France by E. T. Quinette de Rochemont. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part A Navigation works executed in France from 1876 to 1891 by F. Guillain. Trans am soc civ engs 1893. Vol XXIX Note sur les travaux executes dans quelques ports de la Mediterranee by Quinette de Rochemont. Paris: Int nav congress 1900 Notices sur les ports des Leques, du Brusq, de la Coudouriere, du Mouvillon, du Niel, du Lavandou, et de Cavalaire by Cottalorda and Moreau. Paris: Ministere des travaux publics 1912 Organization of the services of public works in France by F. A. Mahan. Pro mem 1913. Vol 5. 22 p Plant of maritime commercial ports of France by H. Despres. Trans am soc civ engs 1893. Vol XXX Ports francs, zones franches by Jacques Bossuet. 1904. 250 p Ports maritimes by Camille de Cordemoy. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat 1908. 2 v Ports maritimes de la France by Ministere des traveaux publics de France. Paris: Imprimerie nationale 1874-1910. 8v Report of Consular officers of the U. S. Washington: Natl waterways commission, document No 7, 1909. Report on the most recent work constructed at the more important seaports: applications of reinforced concrete; means for insuring its preservation (France) by Jean Voisin. Int nav congress 1912. 36 p pi 18 Rivieres canalisiers et canaux by Quentot. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat 1913 . Les travaux de la Loire navigible by C. Dautin. Genie civ Je 25, 1910. 5000 w ill BORDEAUX Bordeaux by A. Troller. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12. Vol 87. 1 p Bordeaux, in Der Hafenbau edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p Bordeaux, in Inland ports of France by Paul Vidal. Int nav congress 1908. 28ppl Construction and working of the dock of the port of Bordeaux by H. C. de Franchimont. Pro of int maritime congress Sect 11 London: Unwin Bros 1893. 6 p map Notice sur le port de Bordeaux. Bordeaux: Chambre de commerce 1904. 110 pill maps BOULOGNE Boulogne. London Graphic 1913. Vol V p 87 Boulogne harbor. Engr Lon Jy 22, 1898 1 1-3 p map Port de Boulogne by Vivenot. Paris: Ministere des traveux publics 1904 BREST Brest, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2p CALAIS Calais, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 3 p Port de Calais by Aron. Paris: Ministere des travaux publics 1904. The port of Calais. Engr Lon Jy 22, 1898 4 p The port of Calais and its appliances by A. Chargueraud. Pro of int maritime congress Sect 11 London: Unwin Bros 1893. 6 p CHERBOURG Cherbourg, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wil- helm Engelmann 1912. 3 p Notice com piemen taire sur le port de Cheibourg by M. A. Robert and G. de Rouville. Paris: Ministere de travaux publics 1909. 22 p map DIEPPE Dieppe, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p DUNKIRK Dunkerque: son port, son commerce. Dunkirk; Chambre de commerce, 1900. 89 p pi tab 19 FECAMP Notice sur le port de Fecamp by Georges Renaud and others. Paris: Ministere de Travaux publics 1906 HARFLEUR Harfleur, in Der Hafenbau, edited by Gl. Franzius. Liepsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p HAVRE Development of the port of Havre. Engr Lond Oct 1 1, 1907. 3 p Havre, in Annual report of the harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 2 1-2 p Havre, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps Havre, in Report on physical characteristics of European ports by C. W. Staniford. Pro mem 1912. Vol 4. 3 p Havre port works. Engr Lond May 29, 1908. 1 p The port and harbor of Havre. Eng news Sept 19, 1912. 5000 w plans maps Le port de Havre by A. GuifTart. Genie civil Jan 15, 1910 ill serial The port of Havre by H. Vettilart. Pro of int maritime congress Sect 11 London: UnwinBros 1893. lip map Seaport of Havre by H. Vetillart. Paris: Int nav congress 1900. 18 p map Travaux d'amelioration du port du Havre by J. M. Vignier. Paris J. M. Vignier & Schneider & cie 1907 MARSEILLES Free port for Marseilles in Commercial relations 1900. Washington: Govt printing office 1900. Vol 2 Marseilles in Annual report of the harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 4 p Marseilles, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 3 p Marseilles, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps Marseilles with new canal may rival Hamburg. New York Times mag May 21, 1916. 1 p ill New French waterway will make Marseilles manufacturing centie. New York: The Sun Je 18, 1916. 3-4 p ill map On management of commercial ports: especial reference to the port of Marseilles by A. Guerard. Pro of int maritime congress Sect 11 London: Unwin Bros 1893. 16 p map 20 I porti d' Anversa e di Marsiglia by G. C. Monticelle. Giornale del Genio civile 1911. 19 p ill MONACO Travaux de construction d'un port dans la B.aie de Monaco by A. Batard-Razeliere. Berlin: Int nav congress 1902. 10 p pi NANTES Le development du port de Nantes by Charles Aubert. Genie civil Nov 23, 1913. 7000 w ill Improvement of the port of Nantes. Engr Lond Je 9, 1911. 3 p map ill Improving the inland port of Nantes, France. Eng news Aug 24, 1911. 1 p ill Nantes, in Inland ports of France by Paul Vidal. Int nav congress 1908. 28ppl Quay walls at Nantes. Eng news Feb 5, 1914. 1-2 p ill NICE Port de Nice; by Vigan. Paris: Ministere des travaux publics 1899 PARIS Paris, in application of reinforced concrete to maritime construction in France: methods for ensuring its preservation by Jean Voisin. Int nav congress 1908. 34 p pi Paris, in European waterways, Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 4 p Paris a seaport. Engng Je 16, 1911. 1 p Paris a seaport. Eng mag Apr 1911. 2 p Paris harbor project. Pro mem 1911. Vol 3. 3 p Ports and Canaux by George Hersent. Paris 1908 ROUEN Rouen, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p Rouen, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 5 p map Rouen, in Inland ports of France by Paul Vidal. Int nav congress 1908. 28 p pi Le Seine maritime et le port de Rouen by L. Sekutowicz. Genie civil Jy 26, 1913. 5500 w ill SAINT NAZAIRE Le port de Saint Nazaire. Tech mod Oct 1, 1913. 4800 w-ill TOULON Toulon, in Notices complementaires: Paris. Ministere des travaux publics 1912. 21 GERMANY Address (on German inland waterways) by J. H. von BernstofT. Cincin- nati Pro natl rivers and harbors congress 1909 Die bedeutung der binnenschiffahrt fur die deutsche seeschiffahrt; eine studie iiber Deutschlands seeverkehr in seiner abhangigkeit von der binnenschiffahrt im Zeitraum, 1890-1903 by T. M. Cords. 1903. 429 p Description of lower Weser and its improvements by L. Franzius. Trans am soc civ engs 1893 Vol XXX Deutchland. Dusseldorf 1911. Am traveller's edition (English) Fishing harbors and harbors of refuge for coasting trade (Germany) by Wilhelms. Int nav congress 1908. 23 p pi Germany, in Inland seaports and their approaches by Johannes Rosing and Eduard Suling. Int nav congress 1908. 13 p German waterways. New York 1911 (Papers of New York ry. club) Germany, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 22ptables The Navigable Rhine by E. J. Clapp. New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co 1911. 134 p Navagazione interna opere eseguite in Germania by C. Valentini. Giornale del Genio civile 1909. 48 p ill maps Report of Consular officers of the U. S. (U. S. dept. of state). Wash- ington: Natl waterways commission document No 7,1909. 138 p Report on the most recent works constructed at the more important sea- ports and especially those to breakwaters; application of reinforced concrete (Germany) by H. Monch. Int nav congress 1912. 16 p pi Die Rhine-hafenanlagen im Basel und die Schiffahrt auf dem oberr- hein. Schweiz bau Nov 9, 1912. 3300 w maps ill River regulation works and harbor and canal construction in Germany by L. Franzius and G. H. de Thierry. Inst of civ engs 1898-99. Vol 135. 33 p Seehafenbau by F. W. Schulze. Berlin: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn 1911 - $3.74. (describes various modern German ports.) CANALS The waterway from the German Rhine through the Netherlands to the North Sea along Rivers Rhine Waal and Nieuwe Maas; by C. A. Jolles. Trans int eng congress 1915. San Fracisco: Neal pub co 1916. 18 p map BERLIN Berlin, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 5 p Der ost hafeb zu Berlin by Arthur Leipold. Z. d. V. d. I. Jy 4, 1914 Serial ill (improvements and granaries on the Spree) 22 BREMEN Bremen, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 4 l-2p map Bremen, in Most recent works which have been carried out in the prin- cipal maritime harbors (of Germany) by J. F. Bubendey and Ludwig Schulze. Int nav congress 1905. 24 p pi Bremen, in Report of River committee of London county council. Lon- don: Southwood, Smith & Co 1907 Bremen, in Port administration and harbor facilities. A symposium by S. S. Huebner. Annals am acad Mar 1907. 2 p Bremen, in report on physical characteristics European ports by C. W. Stamford 1912. Pro mem Vol 4 2 p Die Bremischen hafen. Bremen: Deputation fur hafen und eisenbah- nen 1905. 15 p pi Bremen's entwicklung auf dem gebietedes hafens und strombaues seit 1880 by H. Bucking. Z. d. V. d. I. Je 6, 1914. 9000 w ill pi BREMERHAVEN Bremerhaven, in Report of River committees of London county council. London: Southwood, Smith & Co 1907 BRESLAU Breslau, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911 1 p The 30 ton conveyor in the port Breslau. Gluckauf Dec 23, 1905 COLOGNE Cologne, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 5 p CUXHAVEN Cuxhaven, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p DORTMUND Dortmund, in European waterways. Pro of state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 4 p map DUISBURG-RUHRORT Duisburg-Ruhrort, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 5 p map DUSSELDORF Dusseldorf, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal termin- al commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 3 p map 23 EMDEN Die Beton und eisenbetonbauten der neuen Emden hafenanlagen by E. Krakau. Beton u Eisen, Nov 6, 1914. 5600 w ill (describes piling, foundations and sea wall construction) Festschrift zur eroffnung des neuen Emder seehafens Berlin: Minis- terium der ofTentlichen arbeiten 1901. 122 p ill pi map An interesting German coal loading installation. Col. guard Feb. 5, 1909. (Describes a travelling crane in Emden harbor) 1 p Emden, in Most recent works which have been carried out in the principal maritime harbors (of Germany) by J. F. Bubendey and Ludwig Schulze. Int nav congress 1905. 24 p pi FRANKFORT-ON-M AI N Frankfort-on-Main, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y. Legislature 1911. 6p Harbor construction at Frankfort-on-Main. Engng Aug 28, 1914. 2200 w map ill HAMBURG Development of quay crane in Hamburg, by E. Klapp. Trans am soc civ engs 1893 Vol XXX Electrical cranes for dock work and harbor. Elec rev May 8, 1908 2 p (describes portal cranes at the Kuhwarder dock Hamburg) Free port from Hamburg. U. S. Cons reports Feb 1896. 57 p Hafenbahnen, by K. Baritsch und W. Thele, in Hamburg and Seine bauten Vol 2 p 118. Architekten und ingenieur Verein zu Hamburg 1914. ( A plan and detailed description of the harbor of Hamburg.) 12 p ills Hamburg, in Annual report of Harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 5 p Hamburg, (in Appendix 1 in European waterways) by R. P. Skinner. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany, N. Y. : Legislature 1911. 22 p tab port dues (Time of discharge, free port etc) Hamburg, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 9 p map Hamburg in Most recent works which have been carried out in the prin- cipal maritime harbors (of Germany) by J. F. Bubendey and Ludwig Schulze. Int nav congress 1905/ 24 p pi Hamburg, in Port administration and harbor facilities. A symposium by S. S. Huebner. Annals am acad Mar 1907. 2 p Hamburg, in Report of River committee of London county council., London: Southwood Smith & Co 1907 24 Hamburg, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Gowie. Montreal 1908 95 p maps Hamburg, in report on physical characteristics, European ports by C. W. Stamford, Pro mem 1912. Vol 4. 2 p Hamburg and its harbor by R. D. Paine. Scribner's mag Oct 1911. 4p Der Hamburg hafen by J. F. Bubendey. Hamburg. (Harbor of Ham- burg and regulations of river Elbe.) The maritime position and the principal features of the port of Ham- burg by H. F. A. Meyer. Engr Lon Je 12, 1896 1 p The port of Hamburg by J. F. Bubendey. Eng news Jy 31, 1913 (de- scribes the dock equipment used in the port of Hamburg) 1 1-2 p ill The port of Hamburg by E. J. Clapp. New Haven: Yale university press 1911. 220 p The port of Hamburg by G. A. Waterman. Gassier's mag Apr 1911. 3 p The port of Hamburg and the lower Elbe by F. A. Mahan. Washington: U. S. natl waterways commission document No 5 Reports of senate of Hamburg. Hamburg. A typical Hamburg quay wall. Eng news Nov 6, 1913. 1 p HARBURG Harburg, in Most recent works which have been carried out in the prin- cipal maritime harbors (of Germany by J. F. Bubendey and Ludwig Schulze. Int nav congress 1905. 24 p pi KARLSRUHE Le port fluvial de Karlsruhe by Charles Aubert. Genie civil Aug 12, 1911. 3000 will KIEL Floating dock for raising sunken vessels. Eng news Aug 24, 1911 Kiel, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 1 p Kiel, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engel- mann 1912. 2p Kiel; its naval and engineering features by A. W. Metcalf. Engr Lon 1915. 2 p plans KONIGSBERG Der ausbau des Konigsberger innenhafens by Richter. Konigsberg: Hartungsche buchdruekerei 1907. 42 p maps ills (full description of harbor work, tariff etc) KOSEL Kosel, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911 Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 2 p. map 25 LUBECK Lubeck, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig; Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p Lubeck, in Most recent works which have been carried out in the prin- cipal maritime harbors of Germany by J. F. Bubendey and Ludwig Schulze. Int nav congress 1905. 24 p pi MEMEL Memel, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius, Leipsig: Wilhelm Engel- mann 1912. 2p MANNHEIM Mannheim, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal termi- nal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 3 p map STETTIN Stettin, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2 p Stettin, in Most recent works which have been carried out in the prin- cipal maritime harbors of Germany by J. F. Bubendey and Ludwig Schulze. Int nav congress 1905. 24 p pi STRASBOURG Le port fluvial de Strasbourg. Genie civil Nov 2, 1912. 4500 w Strassburg, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal ter- minal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 1 p WILHELMSHAFEN New Harbor works at Wilhelmshafen; by Moeller and Behrendt. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12 Vol 89. 1 p GIBRALTAR AND MALTA The new harbor works and dock yard at Gibraltar by Adam Scott. Pro inst of civ engs 1913-14 Paper No 4012. 78 p ills Extension of Malta naval dock yard and harbor. Engng Jan 1,15, 22, Febl9, 1909. lip plans ill GREAT BRITAIN Annual statements of the trade of the United Kingdom and foreign countries and British possessions, (issued yearly) London: Wyman & Sons. Artificial waterways in Great Britain by W. H. Hunter. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 Vol LIV Part F British ports (Annual). Liverpool: Liverpool jour of commerce. 26 British railroad terminals, by W. T. Foxlee. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 Vol LIV Part F Dock book by Hydrographic office, (containing dimensions of the prin- cipal dry, floating and wet docks, patent slips, etc. of the world, also information on ship building and engineering works in countries other than the United Kingdom) London 1905 Supplement to Dec 1907. 5th ed 219 p Fishery harbors and harbors of refuge for coasting trade by A. B. Carey. Int nav congress 1908. 23 p pi Harbors and waterways (annual) London: Engr Lond Harbors of Great Britain by W. Matthews. Trans am soc civ engrs 1905. Vol LIV Part A Lighthouse engineering in Great Britain 1915 by W. T. Douglas. Int nav congress 1905. 16 p ill pi List of countries and divisions of countries as distinguished in the trade and navigation accounts of the United Kingdom; together with an index to the foreign arid colonial ports and shipping places throughout the world, and a list of the ports and shipping places belonging to each country. London: Customs establishment 1908. 567 p Lloyd's register of British and foreign shipping, (annual summary of shipbuilding at home and abroad) London: Lloyd's La navigazione interna in Inghilterra by E. Vivaldi. Giornale del Genio civile 1910. 25 p Railway companies' docks. Ry news London Je 12, 1915 (gives' amount spent and lineal feet of wharfage at railway ports in Great Britain.) Recent work at important seaports by A. E. Carey. Int nav congress 1912. 21ppl Tumbull's dock and port charges for United Kingdom of Great Britain. North Shield: W. J. Pott ENGLAND BARROW Widening of the passage between docks at Barrow in Furness. Engng Jan 20, Feb 3, 17, Mar 3, 1911. 11 p ill plans BARRY Barry, in Report of River committee of London county council. London : Southwood Smith & Co 1907. BLYTH Blyth harbor improvements. Engr Lond Mar 6, 1908 3 p ill plans 27 AVONMOUTH Avonmouth, England, wet and graving dock by A. D. Swann. Canadian soc of civ engs Dec 16, 1909 Vol 23 Grain conveying machinery at Avonmcuth dock. Engr Lond Sept 24, 1909. 1 p ill Avonmouth, in Report of River committee of London county council. London: Southwood Smith & Co 1907 New dock facilities. Eng news Apr 28, 1910. 2 p plans The royal Edward dock at Avonmouth. Engr Lond Jy 24, 1908. 2 p (de- scribes the grain conveying plant, electric cranes, etc) BRISTOL Bristol, in Annual report of Harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 21-2p Bristol, in Report of River committee of London county council. London : Southwood Smith & Co 1907 Bristol, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps Bristol channel, King's dock Swansea. Engr Lond Nov 19, 26, Dec 10, 1909. 9 p ill plans Concrete monolith piers at the royal Edward dock near Bristol. Eng rec Aug 8. 1908, 1-2 p The new dock facilities at Avonmouth, Eng. Eng news Apr 28, 1910 1 p Notes on the arrangement for receiving importations of timber at Portished dock, Bristol by J. W. Kitchin. Pro inst of civ engs 1906-07. (describes quick running cranes) ill Report of docks committee. (Bristol docks, plan of docks and river Avon) Bristol 1911 Report of docks committee. (Statement of accounts of the Bristol docks estate for the years 1911-12) Royal Edward dock at Avonmouth, Bristol. Engng Je 26, 1908. 2 p Report of docks committee. (Port of Bristol; plan of building land adjoining Avonmouth docks to be let for the erection of mills, re- fineries, etc) 1906. 83 p ill BURRY, WALES Burry port, its railway and docks. Ry news Jan 2 1915. 1 1-2 p CARDIFF Cardiff, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 3 p Cardiff, in report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps 28 Cardiff, in Report of River committee of London county council. London: ' Southwood Smith & Co 1907 The new Cardiff dock. Engr Lond Jy 12, 1907. 4 p ill plans DOVER Admiralty harbor at Dover. Engng Oct 15, 1909. 5 p ill (gives design of breakwater). Dover harbor extension. Engr Lond Aug 10, 1906. 42 p Dover harbor, the new home for the British fleet by H. J. Shepstone. Technical world Apr 1910. 5 p ill Dover harbor works. Engng Je 12, 1903. 6 p ill New harbor works at Dover by H. J. Shepstone. Sci am sup Je 27, 1903. 1 pill The port of Dover by A. T. Walmisley. Jour soc of arts Apr 15, 1910. 9800 w maps FISHGUARD Electrically driven machinery at Fishguard harbor. Elect' n Sept 24 1909. 5 p Fishguard harbor. Engr Lond Dec 3, 1909. 3500 w pi FOLKESTONE Folkestone new pier and harbor works. Engng Jy 8, 1904. 5 p ill plans Use of concrete in reconstructing the Folkestone pier. Eng rec Oct 24, 1908. 3 p plans GLOUCESTER Gloucester as an industrial center. Ry news Jy 4, 1914 GOOLE Goole, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 7 p map ill HULL Hull, in Annual report of Harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 2 p Hull. London: Engraver's Je 19, 1914 New hydraulic equipment for the Albert dock, Hull. Engr Lond Je 19, 1908 1 p (Details of a 40-ton hydraulic coaling crane and 25-ton coal hoist) ill New joint dock at Hull. Engng Je 26, 1914. 5500 w ill pi (serial 1st part) New joint dock at Hull. Ry news Je 27, 1914. 7 p ill IMMINGHAM Immingham docks. Engng May 14, 28, 1909. 6 p ill plans Immingham-Grimsby-on-Humber. London: Great central ry (pamphlet) 29 LEEDS Leeds, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 2p LIVERPOOL The account of the Mersey docks and harbor board for the year ending July 11, 1913. Liverpool: The Liverpool printing and stationery co 1913 Address by Wm Brodie. Liverpool: Liverpool eng soc 1909 By-laws. Liverpool: Mersey docks and harbor board Dock improvements at Liverpool by G. C. Kenyon. Trans am soc civ engs 1904. 27 p Gladstone dock. Pro mem 1913. 1-2 p (picture) Liverpool in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914 6p Liverpool in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 6 p maps Liverpool, in Report of River committee of London county council. Lon- don: South wood Smith & Co 1907 Liverpool, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps Liverpool and Birkenhead, in report on physical characteristics, Europ- ean ports by C. W. Stamford. Pro mem 1912. 2 p The Liverpool docks problem by R. Williams. 44 p maps Mersey bar and channels of approach to Liverpool. Engr Lond Jy 1 1, 1902 New Gladstone wet and dry dock. Eng news Sept 4, 1913. 2 p ill New Liverpool dock by Thomas Osborne. Int mar engng Oct 1913. Ip The physical and engineering features of the river Mersey and the port of Liverpool by G. F. Lyster (Chief Eng of docks and harbor board) 23 p The port of Liverpool by Mark Meredith. Gassier 's mag Jyl911. 12p Port of Liverpool, its rise and progress by Mersey docks and harboui board. Liverpool: Littlebury Bros 1911. 96 p ill map Report of chief engineer. Liverpool: Mersey docks and harbour board Report of Mersey docks and harbour board. (The dock engineer's re- port on the general state and progress of the dock works at Liverpool and Birkenhead for the year ending 1911) 15 p Reports of Mersey docks and harbour board Traumere bay development by S. H. Ellis. Pro inst civ engs 1907-8 paper 3649 30 LONDON Improvement of the port of London. Eng mag Apr 1911. 4p Improvement of the port of London. Engng Feb 3, 1911. 2 1-3 p map Laws, statutes. (The port of London act, 1908, together with the water- men's lightermen's act, 1859; the Thames conservancy act, 1894; and the Thames conservancy act, 1905, as amended by the port of London act, 1908; also a summary of the principal acts affecting the chief dock companies, together with the Thames conservancy by- laws, the watermen's by-laws and the by-laws of the dock companies; regulations of the board of trade, etc,. 1910.) 433 p London, in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 4 p ill London, in Der hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig : Wilhelm Engel- mann 1912. 7 p London, in report of Rivers committee of London county council. Lon- don: Southwood Smith & Co 1907 (inspection of Manchester, Liver- pool, Southampton, Cardiff, Barry, Bristol, Avonmouth, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bremen, Bremerhaven and Hamburg and statement respecting port of London) 43 p London, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps London, in Report on physical characteristics, European ports by C. W. Staniford. Pro mem 1912 Vol 4. 4 p Particulars of dry docks, wharves, etc. on the Thames by C. H. Gordan. 103 p maps Port administration and harbor facilities London by J. R. Smith Annals am acad Mar 1907. 3 p Port of London, (financial review of income, etc.) Engng Oct 1, 1915. 1-6 p Port of London, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. lip map Port of London act, 1908. (8 Edw. 7 ch. 68) London: Eyre & Spottis- woode 1908. 70 p (Wyman & Sons London) Port of London docks and traffic. Engng Aug 13, 1915. 1-2 p The port of London under the new regime by J. B. Broodbank. Natl rev Jan 1912. lip Proposals for improvement and extension of dock accommodations in the port of London, (contains summary of other ports) by E. Palmer. London: Port of London authority 1910. 25 p maps Proposed improvements of the port of London. Engng Feb. 3, 1911 3000 w serial 1st part Rapid luffing cranes at Morocco wharf, Wapping. Engng Dec 2, 1910. 2 p plans 31 Recent grain handling and storing appliances at Millwall docks by M.Mowat. Pro inst civ engs 1908-1 909 Paper No 3793 (soft grain.) Reports of port of London authority. Travelling and slewing tower transporter. Engr Lond Jy 1, 1910 ill (Brief description of electric crane for Plaistow wharf, Victoria docks) MANCHESTER Inland port of Manchester. Eng news Dec 12, 1912. 6 p ill Manchester, in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal, 1914. 21-2p Manchester, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 14 p map sections Manchester, in Report of River committee of London county council. London: Southwood Smith & Co 1907 Manchester, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transporta- tion by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps Manchester and the Atlantic traffic by T. M. Young. Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes 1902. 86 p Manchester docks and their transport facilities. Ry news Je 15, 1912. 4 p ill (costs and tonnage statistics and charges etc) Manchester, the ocean port. Manchester: Manchester ship canal co 1914 184 p ill New dock at Manchester. Engr Lond Jy 28, 1905. 1 p Plan of the port of Manchester. Manchester: Manchester ship canal co 1915 Port administration and harbor facilities by E. S. Bradford. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 2 p Port of Manchester by Dunlop, Wallis & Co London 8 p maps Trafford park, Manchester. Ry news Jy 1, 1912. 2 p (factory and warehouse development at Manchester) METHIL Docks at Methil and Port Talbot by B. H. Blyth. Engng Nov 15, 1912. 1-2 p (abstract 2 papers inst civ engs) The Methil docks. Engng Sept 4, 1908. 2 p New dock at Methil by B. H. Bluch. Pro inst civ engs 1912-13 paper 3894 MILFORD, WALES Milford docks and fishery pier. Ry news Jan 20, 1912. 5 p ill 32 NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE Newcastle-on-Tyne, in Report on British and continental ports with view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian trans- portation by G. \V. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps The reconstruction of the Tyne north pier. Engng Jan 28, 1910 The Tyne as a navigable river by James Walker. Tyne imp comm 1905 14p.2maps NEWLYN Concrete pier at Newlyn Harbor, Eng. Eng rec Aug 10, 1907 2-3 p NEWPORT Alexandra dock extension at Newport. Engng Jy 10, 24, Aug 7, 14, 1914. 24 p map ill plans Dock development at Newport. Engr Lond Jy 17, 1914 PLYMOUTH The improvement of Plymouth harbor. Engr Lond Feb 25, 1898 SOUTHAMPTON The new deep water dock at Southampton. Engng Je 9, 1911. 2 1-3 p plan ill Port of Southampton by Mark Meredith. Cassier's mag May, 1912. 15 p Report of harbor commission, 1912. London: Darling & son Ltd 1912 Southampton, in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 21-2p Southampton, in Report of River committee of London county council. London: Southwood Smith & Co 1907 Southampton, in report on physical characteristics, European ports by C. W. Staniford. Pro mem Vol 4. 2 p White star docks by F. E. Shields. Pro inst civ engs 1913-14 paper 4057 SOUTHBANK New graving docks and shipyard on the river Tees. Engr Lond Oct 18, 1907 SWANSEA New king's dock at Swansea, Eng by C. van Langendonck. Sci am supp Apr 2, 1910. Spill Swansea, King's dock: hydraulic coal tipping apparatus. Ry news Jan 13, 1912. 3 p ill 33 IRELAND The canals and inland navigation of Ireland. EngrLond May 12, 1911. 3000 w BELFAST New graving dock, Belfast; mechanical plant and general appliances by \V. R. Kelly. Engng Aug 16, 1912. 3 p plans (paper Inst of mech engrs) DUBLIN Dublin, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 3 p 100 ton electric wharf crane, Dublin harbor. Engng Jan 19, 1906 GALWAY Galway harbor improvements. Eng Jan 30, 1914. 1-2 p (shows a map of the port with proposed improvements) SCOTLAND Fishery harbors of Scotland by John Taylor. Eng news Dec 22, 1910. 10 1-2 p ill plans (Aberdeen, Stonehaven, Peterhead and Bughead.) Some recently constructed piers and harbors on the north and west coasts of Scotland by J. Barron. Pro inst of civ engs 1889-90 Vol 99. 4p DUNDEE Dundee harbor extensions. Ry news Apr 6, 1912. 1 p plan New wharf at Dundee by John Thompson. Engr Lond Jy 28, 1905 GLASGOW Clyde navigation, (general information) 1910 20 p Electrical equipment for docks: with special reference to electrically operated coal hoists by Walter Dixon and G. H. Baxter. Engng Jan 27, 1911. 7 p ill plans (Rothesay dock, Glasgow, equipment fully described) Glasgow, in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 3p Glasgow, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 3 p Glasgow, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps Glasgow, in Report on physical characteristics, European ports by G. W. Stamford. Pro mem 1912 Vol 4. 2 p 34 Granary at Glasgow harbor. Engng Oct 30, Nov. 13, 27, Dec. 11, 1914. 18 p ill plans History of conversion of the river Clyde into navigable waterway, and of the progress of Glasgow harbor, from its commencement to present day by J. Deas. Trans am soc civ engs 1893 Vol XXX The improvement of the river Clyde and the harbor of Glasgow by T. Mason. Pro inst civ engrs 1914-15. 18 p pi GRANGEMOUTH Hydraulic plant at the Caledonian railway company's new dock at Grangemouth. Ir & coal trds rev Jan 31, 1908 (brief description of cranes and coal-hoists) ITALY Construction of harbors on sandy Leaches (Italy) by D. Lo Gatto. Int nav congress 1908. 18 p pi (relates to harbors in Italy) Disposizioni principali nei porti Italiani by C. Verdinois. Monit tec Apr 10, 1915 serial I no stri porti by Domenico Lo Gatto. Riv marit May 1911. 17600 w Lavori di repristino e di miglioramento in Alcuni tronchi della linea di navigazione Lago Maggiore Milano by E. Sassi. Giornale del Genio civile 1913. 15 p Monografia storica dei porti dell 'antichita nella penisola Italiana Ministero della marina, comp. Rome 1905. 398 p ill pi map New works in the seaports of Italy by C. F. B. E. Coen Cagli. Int nav congress 1908. 22 p Le opere marittime piu adatte ai porti Italiani by L. Luiggi. Giornale del Genio civile 1909. 31 p ill Les ports maritimes d'ltalie by Baron Quinette de Rochemont and G. de Joly. An de ponts et chausses 1906 Part 2. pis Works for the improvement of navigable entrances by Luigi Luiggi. Trans int engng congress 1915. San Francisco: Neal pub co 1916. 31 p (describes entrances to Italian harbors) CORSINI (1 porto-canale Corsini by M. Perilli. Giornale del Genio civile 1909, 21 p diagrams ill maps GENOA Arredamento della calata chippella nel porto di Genoa by L. Biondi. Giornale del Genio civile 1909. 10 p ill Concrete piers, port of Genoa. Engng May 20, 1910. 1 1-2 p ill plans Construction of the outer moles of ports by Oddone Bernardini. Int nav congress 1905. 25 p pi 35 Different systems of administration and operation for ports: from the point of view of Italian legislation as it concerns the autonomy of the port of Genoa by Luigi Lampugnani. Int nav congress 1905. 24 p pi Genoa, in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 4 1-2 p Genoa, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm En- gelmann 1912. 3 p Genoa harbor works. Engng Jan 19, 1906. 2 p ill Hydraulic installations in the port of Genoa by L. Luiggi and E. Bor- gatti. Pro of int maritime congress Sect 11 London: Unwin Bros. 1893. lip map La futura sistemazione del porti di Genova by Mattia Giavatto. Riv marit Dec 1914. 50 p pi New harbor works at Genoa and Savana by Oddpne Bernardini. Int nav congress 1905. 11 p pi LIVORNO (OR LEGHORN) I Lavori di ampliamento del porto di Livorno. Giornale del Genio civile 1910. 7 p NAPLES Method of constructing a breakwater at Naples, using concrete hollow blocks. Engng contr Je 12, 1912. 2 1-2 p ill La sistemazione della bocca del porto di Napoli by Mattia Giavotto. Riv Marit Jy Aug 1915. 62 p ill Works going on for the construction of a new breakwater in the port of Naples by I. Ingles and Luigi Luiggi. Int nav congress 1912. 14 p pi PALERMO Sulla sistemazione del porto di Palermo by C. Verdinois. Riv marit Octl910. 7000 will ROME Roma porto de mare by Paolo Orlando. Rome 1904. 24 p Roma porto di mare e la navigazione interna sul Tevere e sul Nara by Cesare Verdinois. Rome 1906. 7 p SAVONA Th^ coaling machinery at Savona harhour by F. Collischom. Electn Jan 17, 1908. (Savona harbour is equipped with the Hunt system of movable elevators and a cable railway) New harbor works at Genoa and Savona by Oddone Bernadins. Int nav congress 1905. 11 p pi VENICE Dredges of great power: for rock removal under water by Giovanni Fossataro. Int nav congress 1912 La Liguna di Venezia ed i suoi porti by E. Cuccini. Giornale del Genio civile 1912. 56 p ill maps 36 Port channels of Venice kept clear by tidal movement properly controlled by Luigi Luiggi. Eng rec Nov 20, 1915 Working of the Port of Venice by H. Gullini. Int nav congress 1905. 32ppl NETHERLANDS Dutch fishery ports by J. M. Bottemanne and H. Van Oordt. Int nav congress 1908. 38 p pi Navigazione interna . . . Belgio by C. Valentini. Giornale del Genio civile 1909. 27 p ill maps Report of consular officers of the U. S. (Dept of State) Washington: Natl waterways commission document No 7, 1909 Reports on more recent work . . . by V. d Blocq van Kuffeler. Int nav congress 1912. 25 p pi The waterway from the German Rhine through the Netherlands to the North Sea, along Rivers Rhine, Waal and Nieuwe Maas by C. A. Jolles. Trans int engng congress 1915. San Francisco: Neal pub co 1916. 18 p map BELGIUM Belgium, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 8 1-2 p Les installations maritimes Beiges. Brussels: Administration des ponts et chausses 1900. 105 p Navigazione interna . . . Belgio; by C. Valentini. Giornale del Genio civile 1909. 27 p ill maps Public works in Belgium. Seaports. Int nav congress 1910 Report of Consular officers of the U. S. (Dept. of state) Washington: Natl waterways commission document No 7, 1909 ANTWERP Antwerp, in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914. 2 1-2 p^ Antwerp, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 4 p Antwerp, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 8 1-2 p map Antwerp, in Repoit of river committee of London county council. London Southwood Smith & Co 1907 Antwerp, in Report on British and continental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 98 p maps 37 Antwerp, in report on physical characteristics, European ports by C. W. Staniford. Pro mem Vol 4. 3 p Bruges ship canal and new works at Ostend and Antwerp by Vernon Harcourt. Pro inst of civ engs 1898-00 Part 2 The extension of the port of Antwerp. Engr Lond Mar 11, 1898. 1 p Freight transferring machinery at Antwerp. Int mar Engng Oct 191 1 The improvement of the port of Antwerp. Eng rec Je 10, 1911. 1 p Improvement to the port of Antwerp. Engr Lond May 10, 1912. 1 p maps Port administration and harbor facilities. A symposium by H. R. Ringe. Annals am acad Mar 1907. 43 p The port of Antwerp. Engr Lond Je 26, 1914. 2 p ill (History and general description of the harbor and its equipment.) I porti d'Anversa e di Marsiglia by G. C. Monticelli. Giornale de Genio civile 1911. 19 p ill BRUGES Bruges ship canal and new works at Ostend and Antwerp by Vernon Harcourt. Pro inst civ engs 1898-00. (pt2) The new harbor works at Bruges. Eng mag Jy 1907. 2 p Zeebrugge and Bruges. Engr Lond Jy 26, 1907. 2 1-2 p map plans (see also Pro 8th hit congress on nav 1900. Paris) BRUSSELS Brussels, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y.: Legislature 1911. 3 p ill GHENT Terneuzen canal and the port of Ghent. Int nav congress 24 p map OSTEND Bruges ship canal and new works at Ostend and Antwerp by Vernon Harcourt. Pro inst of civ engs 1898-99 (pt 2) Maritime installation of the port of Ostend by P. J. van der Schueren. Int nav congress 1905. 18 p pi ZEEBRUGGE Zeebrugge and Bruges. Engr Lond Jy 26 1907. 2 1-2 p map plans (see also Pro 8th int congress on Nav 1900 Paris) 38 HOLLAND Harbor development in Holland by W. Wortman. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 Vol LIV Part A Holland, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 6 p Holland develops new types of shore protection. Eng rec Jan 22, 1916. 4 cols ill Natural waterways, a review 7 of their development in the Netherlands by A. B. Maritikelle. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part D . Notes on dikes in Holland by W. Starling. Trans am sec civ engs 1892 Vol XXVI The reclamation of the Zuider Zee by J. M. Figee. Eng news Oct 15 1914. 2100 w The winning of the Costals lands by A. E. Carey. Pro inst civ engs 1910-11 Paper 3885. 32 p AMSTERDAM Amsterdam, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal termi- nal commission 1911. Albany N. Y: Legislature 1911. 6 p map ill Ports of Ymuiden and Amsterdam by Thouvent. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12 Vol 87. 1 p DELFZYL Cylindrical foundations for a quay wall in harbor of Delfzyl by W. F. Druyvesteyn. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part E ROTTERDAM Le port de Rotterdam by Victor Cambon. Nature Apr 24, 1915. 2500 will The port of Rotterdam by the Corporation of Rotterdam. Rotterdam 1912 The port of Rotterdam by H. A. Van Ysselsteyn. Rotterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar pub co 1908 Reinforced concrete caissons and dock walls at F\ptterdam, Holland. Eng news Jan 17, 1907. 1-4 p ill Rotterdam; by Thouvent. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12. Vol 87. Ip Rotterdam, in Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1914 4p Rotterdam, in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal termi al commission 1911. Albany N. Y : Legislature 1911. 15 p map Rotterdam, in Report of River cornmittee of London county council. London: Southwood Smith & Co 1907 Rotterdam, in Mechanical equipment of ports by Wouter Cool and A. de Kanter. Int nav congress 1912. 25 p pi 39 Rotterdam, in Report on physical characteristics, European ports by C. W. Staniford. Pro mem 1912 Vol 4. 4 p Rotterdam, three new harbors. Atlantic deeper waterways ass'n bulletin Je 19 12. YMUIDEN Ymuiden, in Der Hafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 4 p Ports of Ymuiden and Amsterdam by Thouvent. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12 Vol 87 1 p PORTUGAL Common roads, railways and river communications in Portugal by F. A. Pimental. Trans am soc civ engrs 1893 Vol XXIX Ports de la cote occidentale du Portugal by J. Cecilio da Costa. Berlin: Int nav congress 1902. 1 1 p pi Travaux les plus recents executes dans les principaux ports littoraux ou maritimes du Portugal by J. V. M. Guerreiro. Paris: Int nav congress 1900. 12 pill 8 pi ROUMANIA CONSTANTZA The harbor of Constantza by Alfred Gradenwitz. Sci am sup Aug 20, 1910. 2 p The new harbor works at Gonstantza on the Black Sea by F. Bock. Deutsche Bau Mar 31, 1911 New harbor works at Constantza Roumania by F. Bock. Cassier's mag July 1910. 8 p RUSSIA Fishery harbors and harbors of refuge by Silitch. Int nav congress 1908. 13 p map Inland river ports in Russia by M. Tsionglinsky, Int nav congress 1911. 14 p Most important Russian ports on the sandy coasts of Baltic by A. Ivanina and W. Ekerle. Int nav congress 1908. 25 p pi 40 The natural waterways of Russia by N. P. Pouzirevsky. Int cngng congress 1915. San Francisco: Neal pub co 1916. 22 p Ports de commerce de la Russie by M. G. de Joly. An de pouts et chausses 1910-11. 8500 w ill ARCHANGEL Activities at a war port (Archangel, Russia.) Eng news Nov 11, 1915. 1-2 p LIBAU Most important Russian ports on the sandy coasts of Baltic by A. Ivanina and W. Ekerle. Int nav congress 1908. 25 p pi MURMAN Port of the midnight sun. Independent May 22, 1916 map ODESSA Odessa, in Mechanical equipment of ports . . . grain trade by G. Spalving. Int nav congress 1912. 17 p pi PETROGRAD Account of the works most recently carried out ... St. Petersburg by N. GuersevanofT Jr., V. DmitrieiT and F. Dratch. Int nav congress 1908. 13 p pi ROSTOV Rostov, in Lighter trade on the sea of Azov. Berlin: Int nav congress 1902. 18 p pi SPAIN Coaling crane for the ferro-carril de Langreo, Spain. Engng Mar 13, 1911. 1 1-2 p ill Floating crane for Spain. Engr Lond Aug 11, 1911. 1-2 p ill Notes on the ports of Spain by Luis Molina and F. G. Avenal. Int nav congress 1908. 25 p pi BARCELONA Barcelona, in Der Ilafenbau, edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912. 2p Nuove opere del porto di Ba reel Ion a. Giornale del Genio civile 1909. 5p 41 Port administration and harbor facilities, Barcelona by C. L. Jones. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 3 p Travaux recents effectues dans les ports de Barcelona et de Bilbao; by P. G. Faria. Int nav congress 1900. 25 p 3 pis BILBAO Memoria . . . y puerto de Bilbao. Bilbao de Obras de Puerto, 1897-1914 36 v map tab El puerto de Bilbao by Evaristo de Churruca. Bilbao 1910. 151 p ill pi maps Travaux recents effectues dans les ports de Barcelona et de Bilbao by P. G. Faria. Brussels: Int nav congress 1900. 25 p 3 pi VALENCIA Memoria sobre el estado y progreso de las obias durante los annos 1913- 14. Junta delobras dep Puerto Valencia 1912-15. 4 vols ill pi Les travaux du port de Valencia Espagne. Genie civil Aug 10, 1912. 3200 w ill pi SWEDEN AND NORWAY Important harbor construction in Sweden. Engr Lond Nov 19, 1815- 1-6 p Report on the recent works in the most important Swedish sea ports by Albert Lundberg and Wollmar Fellenius. Int nav congress 1912. 30 p pi GOTHENBURG Gothenburg, in Report on the recent works in the most important Swedish sea ports by Albert Lundberg and Wollmar Fellenius. Int nav congress 1912. 3 p pi STOCKHOLM Stockholm, in Report on the most recent works . . Swedish sea ports; by Albert Lundberg and Wollmar Fellenius. Int nav congress 1912. 30 p pi NARVIK The steel ore dock at Narvik by John Birkinbine. Ir age Jan 9, 1908. 4 p NORTH AMERICA CANADA Canada, (for Int nav congress) Dept marine and fisheries Ottawa 1912 Canadian ports, by F. W. Cowie. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 42 Directory of principal Canadian ports and harbors. Dept of Marine and fisheries Ottawa 1913. Pacific ports, in Annual report of harbor commission of Montreal 1915 Montreal Canada Port directory of principal Canadian ports and harbors by Dept of marine and fisheries. Ottawa: Govt printing bureau 1910 Les ports maritimes de 1'Amerique du Nord sur FAtlantique by E. T. Quinette de Rochemont and H. Vetillart. Paris 1898-1904. 4 vols ill pi tab Contents: Pt 1 Les ports Canadians. Pt 2 Regime administratif . Pt 3 Les ports des Etets-Unis. Pt 4 Atlas. Reports (annual) of Department of marine and fisheries. Ottawa 1862 ' 1904 (30 vols ill plates maps plans charts) Review of Canadian port development. Lessons applicable to Paci- fic coast ports by P. P. Witham Ry & mar news Mar 1, 1914 Transportation problem in Canada and Montreal harbor; by F. W. Cowie. Pro inst civ engs 1914-15 BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia, in Terminal facilities of North Pacific ports. Seattle: Teiminal publishing co 1914 ESQUIMALT Esquimalt in appendix of Annual report of harbour commissioners of Montreal 1915 1 p FORT WILLIAM Fort William. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-4 p Fort William by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 p ill Dock design and construction in Fort William and Port Arthur by W. C. Sample. Can eng May 1, 1913. 5 1-2 p plans Grain elevator of the Grand Trunk Pacific ry at Fort William Canada. Eng news Feb 23, 1911. 2 2-3 p ill plans HALIFAX Cellular type of quay wall at Halifax terminals compared with other designs. Eng rec Feb 12, 1916. 7 1-2 cols ill Concreting plant for Halifax ocean terminal work. Eng news Feb 10, 1915. Spill Halifax ocean terminals. Eng news Dec 9, 1915. 5 1-2 p map plans Intercolonial harbor terminals at Halifax by E. A. Saunders. Int mar engng Feb 1913 Vol 18 2 p ill Intercolonial railway pier No 2 at Halifax by A. F. Dyer. Eng news Je 24, 1915. 6 1-2 p ill Large reinforced concrete pier at Halifax. Eng rec Je 53, 1914. 3 p ill plans 43 Large volume of concrete handled in small batches at Halifax ocean terminals. Eng rec Jan 29. 1916, 3 2-3 p ill Ocean terminals. Engng-Contr Jan 6, 1915 Ocean terminals under construction expected to make Halifax an im" portant port. Eng rec Jan 22, 1916. 11 cols ill Railway construction for new Halifax ocean terminals. Eng news Jan 24, 1916. 1 1-2 p ill Report to Ministers of railways and canals by F. \V. Cowie. Ottawa 1913. (on new terminals, consulting engineer's report, elaborate.) Subaqueous excavation at the Halifax ocean terminals. Eng news Feb 3, 1916. 2 p ill HAMILTON Hamilton by H. E. Waterman. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 p MONTREAL Bidding for the transcontinental trade; how Montreal is rebuilding her harbor by E. Hungerford. Harper's weekly Jy 27, 1912. 1 p Grain transportation, elevation and rates by W. G. Ross. Montreal. (Report to Harbors commission) Harbor development and improvement at Montreal, Canada. Eng news Nov 9, 1911. (Includes history ship's canal harbor, new piers and freight sheds, grain elevators, misc. facilities etc) 5 2-3 p il maps and plans Montreal by M. P. Fennell. Pro amer assoc cf port author 1914. 1 p Port of Montreal by A. 0. Powell. Pac builder and engr Je 1, 1912. Ip Port organization and administration by W. G. Ross. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 Progress of Montreal harbor development. Can eng Je 17, 1915. 4 p ill map Report on British and continental ports with a view to the develop- ment of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation by G. W. Stephens and F. W. Cowie. Montreal 1908. 95 p maps Reports (annual) of the harbor commissioners. Montreal (1908 con- tains report on European ports. 1914 contains report on European ports. 1915 contains report on western harbors of Canada and United States) 75- ton steam floating crane for Montreal. Engng Sept 17, 1909 (de- scribes a mobile crane for harbour at Montreal) 2 1-3 p ill Special acts and by-laws. The harbor commissioners. Montreal. Transportation problem in Canada and Montreal harbor by F. W. Cowie. Instof civ engrs 1914-15. 117 maps ill Works of Canadian Vickers Ltd at Montreal. Engng Feb 5, 1915. 7 p ill (Dry dock and ship repair works) 44 PORT ARTHUR Dry dock at Port Arthur Ontario Canada by A. V. Powell. Eng news Nov 16, 1911. 2 1-2 p Dock design and construction in Fort William and Port Arthur by W. C. Sample. Can eng May 1, 1913. 5 1-2 p plans Port Arthur. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-4 p Port Arthur by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 pill Port Arthur, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Washington : Govt printing office 1916. 5 p Port Arthur reinforced concrete ore loading dock. Eng rec Je 8, 1912. 1 1-2 p ill PRINCE RUPERT General review of North Pacific ports including Seattle, Tacoma, Van- couver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Alaska and Columbia River ports. Ry & mar news Feb 1, 1915. 1-7 p Marine terminal of the Grand Trunk Pacific ry Prince Rupert by F. E. Kirby and W. T. Donnelly. Engng Dec 15, 1911. 3 p plans (Ab- stract paper for soc of nav arch and mar engrs) Marine terminal of the Grand Trunk ry by F. E. Kirby and W. T. Don- nelly. Eng news Jan 4, 1912. 3 p ill Millions to be expended by British Columbia cities in railroad and port improvements. Ry & mar news Oct 1, 1913. 5 p ill Prince Rupert in appendix of annual report of Harbor commissioners. Montreal 1915. 5 1-2 p ill Prince Rupert's new dock. Ry & mar news Mar 15. Apr 1, 1913. 4 1-2 p QUEBEC By-laws. Harbor commissioners. Quebec 1914. The port of Quebec by E. D. Chambers. Quebec: Harbor commissioners 1890 Quebec by Raoul Renault. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2-3 p Quebec on methods adopted in carrying out of docks and harbor work at Quebec by W. Pilkington. Pro inst civ engs 1899-00 Vol 139 8 p Reports of harbor commissioners. Quebec TORONTO New harbor and waterfront works at Toronto Ont. Eng news May 29, 1913. 3 p maps (plans of developments) Proposed plans for waterfront and harbor development at Toronto Canada. Engng-contr Jan 8, 1913. 2p Report by harbcr commissioners. Toronto 1912 45 Toronto harbor. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-4 p Toronto by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 p ills Toronto by A. C. Lewis. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2 p Toronto Extensive harbor developments about to be undertaken. Eng news May 29, 1913. 3 1-4 p ill plans Toronto harbor improvement project. Can eng Je 10, 1915. 4 p ill map Toronto harbor improvements are most comprehensive on American continent. Eng rec Sept 19, 1914. 1 p (including general map of the harbor) Toronto waterfront development 1912-1920 by harbor commissioners. Toronto 1912 VANCOUVER General review of north Pacific ports, including Seattle, Tacoma, Van- couver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Alaska and Columbia river ports. Ry& mar news Feb 1, 1915. 1 1-2 p Government wharf at Vancouver. Can eng Apr 15, 1915. 2 p plans Millions to be expended by British Columbia cities in railroad and port improvements. Ry & mar news Oct 1, 1913. 5 p ill The port of Vancouver and its organization in Report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific coast association of port authorities 1914 by S. McClay. California: California state printing office 1915. 5 1-2 p Terminal improvements of the Canadian Pacific railway at Vancouver, B. C. Eng news Feb 18, 1915. (Gives layout of passenger terminal and ocean pier Canadian Pacific railway Vancouver) 2 p ill Vancouver by E. G. Matheson. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 1-2 p Vancouver in appendix of Annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1915. 9 p ill Vancouver harbor. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-4 p Vancouver terminals nearing completion C. P. R. Ry & mar news May 1, 1914. 1-2 p VICTORIA Concrete cribs used successfully in dock construction. Eng rec Aug. 7 1915. 2 1-2 p ills General review of north Pacific ports, including Seattle, Tacoma, Van- couver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Alaska and Columbia river ports. Ry& mar news Feb 1, 1915. 1-6 p Harbor improvement progress at Victoria. Ry & mar news Feb 15, 1913. 1 1-2 p The harbor of Victoria and Vancouver British Columbia by H. 'C. Estep. Mar rev Sept 1909. 8 p 46 Millions to be expended by British Columbia cities in railroad and port improvements. Ry & mar news, Oct 1, 1913. 5 p ill. 2500-ton concrete cribs are built and launched in a "shipyard". Eng rec Jan 15, 1916. 5 cols ill Victoria, in appendix of Annual report of harbor commissioners of Mon- treal 1915. 6 p ill Victoria harbor. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-4 p Victoria rushes work on port improvements. Ry & mar news Apr 1, 1914. 1 p MEXICO Forest exports of Mexican gulf ports by L. Palmer. Washington: Nation's business Mar 19, 1913. 1-3 p Hand book on Mexico. Washington: Pan-American union (gives a complete description of the ports of the Republic of Mexico) COATZACOALCOS Tehuantepec railroad and terminal ports. (Salina Cruz and Coat- zacoalcos). Engr Lond Feb 1, 1907. 3 p plans MANZANILLO Improvement of the port of Manzanillo. Eng news Feb 16. 1905. 2 p Manzanillo, the new gateway to Mexico by American review of re- views Feb 1911. 2 pill Port of Manzanillo. Washington: Bui Pan- Amer Union Oct 1906 and Dec 1908 The port of Manzanillo by H. H. Dunn. Cassier's mag Jan 1911. 9 p Preliminary and final reports relative to the improvement of the port of Manzanillo by E. K. Smoot. Mexico 1900. 84 p SALINA CRUZ The harbor improvements at Salina Cruz. Eng rec Mar 30, 1907. 2 p Port works at Salina Cruz. Washington : Bui Pan- Amer Union Jy 1906 Tehuantepec railroad and terminal ports. (Salina Cruz and Coat- zacoalcos.) Engr Lond Feb 1, 1907. 3 p plans TAMPICO Harbor works at Tampico by E. L. Corthell. Pro inst of civ engrs Vol 125, 1895 Harbor work at Tampico, summary of lecture by E. L. Corthell. Eng rec Jy 27, 1901. Ip 47 Steel and concrete wharf at Tampico. Eng rec Apr 8, 1905. 2 1-2 pill Tampico harbor works ... by E. L. Corthell. New York 1904. 23 p ill maps UNITED STATES Additional facts on wharfage, storage and port charges by H. M. Chit- tenden. Ry & mai news May 1, 1915 Advanced methods of handling the heavy commodities as exhib- ited in ports of the Great Lakes' system of North America by J. A. Sullivan. Int nav congress 1905 17 p ill American inland waterways by Herbert Quick, (their relation to rail- way transportation and to the national welfare; their creation, res- toration and maintenance) 1909 241 p American marine by W. W. Bates. 479 p (the shipping question in history and politics) American port and harbor work. Eng news May 21, 1914. 4 p Analysis of the present foreign trade of the United States by Direc- tors of the Port of Boston. Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co 1916 Analytical and topical index to the reports of the Chief of Engineers, United States army 1866-1900. Compiled under the direction of Lieut. Colonel C. R. W. Raymond by John McClure. Washington: Govt printing office 1903 3 vols 57th Congress 2d Session House Document No 439 Annual list of merchant vessels of the U. S. with official numbers and signal letters and lists of vessels belonging to the U. S. Govt U. S. Bureau of Navigation. Army engineer and river improvement by J. M. Dickinson. Pro mem Vol2, 1910. 8p Artificial waterways in U. S. by W. L. Sibert. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 VolLIV Part F Artificial waterways which form cut-offs. (Inter-coastal canal) by C. S. Riche. Trans int engng congress 1915. San Francisco: Neal pub co 1916. 15 p map Atlantic intercostal waterway. Philadelphia: Atlantic deeper water- ways assn 1914 (official survey lines and present status of work) Blue book of American shipping, (marine and naval directory of the U. S. statistics of shipping and ship building in America) Annual Catalogue of charts, coast pilots and tide tables. Washington: Coast and Geodetic Survey 1880-1914. 5 vols ill Chicago's all water route to the Gulf. Ry & Mar news July 1, 1915 1 1-2 p 48 Coal piers on the Atlantic seaboard by J. E. Greiner. Trans am soc civ engs Dec 1914. Paper 1291 (details of ccal piers and their equip- ment) 49 p Comparison of East and West transportation facilities by P. P. Whitham. Ry and mar news Aug 1, 1915 Decline of water transportation on western rivers by Col C. McD. Townsend. Pro Mem Vol 2, 1910. 9 p Direction des routes, de la navigation et des Mines. La navigation a ux Etats Unis. Renseignements historiques, financiers, descriptifs et statistiques sur les ports et les voies navigibales 1892. In report of Ministere des Travaux Publics Paris: 1892. 544 p Federal reporter No 215 p 576. (abstract of Greenleaf Johnson Lumber " Co. case on rights of War Department to change harbor lines and cause structures to be removed without compensation) The foreign commerce and navigation of the U. S. for year ending June 30, 1912. Washington: Govt printing office 1913 General review of North Pacific ports, including Seattle, Tacoma, Van- couver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Alaska and Columbia River ports. Ry & mar news Feb 1, 1915. 1 1-4 p General rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors as amended by U. S. Steamboat-Inspection Service 1904-09 The Great Lakes (1911). Int nav congress 1912. Great Lakes (Survey of Northern and Northwestern Lakes) by Lake Survey Office of War Department. Detroit 1915 (Contains description of harbors) The Great Lakes and Atlantic harbors. Lessons applicable to Pacific coast ports by P. P. Whitham. Ry & mar news Jan 1, 1914 Harbors on Lake Erie and Ontario by D. C. Kingman. Trans am soc civ engs 1 905 Vol LI V Part A Harbors on Lake Superior by D. DuB. Gaillord. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part A Harbors on Pacific coast by Maj. W. W. Harts. Pro Mem 1911 Vol 3. 23 p Improvements by the government on the Pacific coast by B. W. DeCourcy. Trans am soc civ engs Oct 1891. 4p Intra coastal canal system for Atlantic seaboard. Sci am Sept 6, 1913. 2pmap Intra coastal waterway 1912. House of Representatives. Doc No 391 63rd Congress. W T ash: Govt. printing cffice 1912 (Boston to Beaufort N C ) Lake Ontario harbors for canal commerce by W. P. Judson. Oswego N Y 1902. 9 p folded profile Lake port by H. C. Gahn Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 26 p ill Laws of the U. S. relating to the improvement of rivers and harbors from 1790 to 1907. Wash: Govt printing office 1907. 2 vol 49 Letters from various port authorities, setting forth the current name of port officials, terms of appointment and salaries, ownership of wharves and piers, expenditures for public improvements, current appropriations and brief statement relative to the port. Pro amer asso of port author 1914. 38 p Marine directory of the Great Lakes by F. W. Green. Cleveland: Mitchell & Co 1914. 6th ed Mississippi water terminals. Eng news Feb 24, 1916. 1-4 p (statistics on Minneapolis Davenport Muscatine Hamilton Kansas City Baton Rouge New Orleans St Paul Des Moines Keokuk Peoria Quincy St Louis East St Louis) Movement of iron ore on Great Lakes by A. J. Mason. Journ w soc engs Apr 1904. 14 p ill diagrams Natural waterways in the United States by W. W. Harts. Trans int eng congress 1915. San Francisco: Neal pub co 1916. 50 p ill La navigazione interna neeli Stati Uniti d'America by C. Valentini. Giornale del Genio Civile 1913. 17 p tables Notes on docks and harbors by Luther Wagoner. Trans am soc civ engs 1909 Vol LXII Notes on export situation by directors of the Port of Boston. Boston Apr 15, 1913 Notes on improvements of the harbors and connecting waters of the Great Lakes. Int nav congress 1912 Notes on the improvement of river and harbor outlets in the United States by D. A. Watt. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol 55 Ocean and inland water transportation by E. F. Johnson. New York: Appleton Ownership of harbors and waterway terminals in the United States by H. K. Smith. Eng news Oct 6, 1910 Pacific ports in Annual report of harbor Commission of Montreal 1915. The Panama Canal and the Pacific coast edited by G. M. Sheppard. New York: W B. Dana Co 1914. 176 p ill (contains articles on Pacific coast resources and development etc) The Panama Canal and the ports of the Pacific by A. J. Quigley. Eng Mag Feb Mar Apr 1915. (On the ports of San Diego Los Angeles San Francisco and the harbors of the northern Pacific coast.) Port development of coast cities by P. P. Whitham. Ry & mar news Apr 1, 1915 Port improvements along Mississippi, Ohio Rivers. Eng news Je 3, 1915. 3p Port improvements on the Atlantic coast. Lessons applicable to Pacific coast ports by P. P. Whitham. Ry & mar news Feb 1, 1914 Port problems of Great Lakes. Mining rev Dec 1915 Port terminals on Pacific coast. W engng Apr 1915 50 Les ports maritimes de 1'Amerique du Nord sur 1'Atlantique by E. T. Quinette de Rochemont and H. Vetillart. Paris: V. C. Donod 1898- 1904. 4 v ill pi tab Contents: Pt 1 Les ports Canadians. Pt 2 Regime administratif. Pt 3 Les ports des Etats-Unis. Pt 4 Atlas Ports of the Mississippi river system, in Water terminals Part 111 of report of the Commissioner of Corporations on transportation by water in the United States. Wash: Govt printing office 1910 32 p maps tab Ports of Puget Sound and their development by H. M. Chittenden. Pac builder and engr June 22, 1912 2 p Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office, 1916. 431 p maps (covers all ports of the United States which had in the calendar year 1913 a water-borne commerce exceeding 1,000,000 short tons in volume or $30,000,000 in value.) issued by Department of Commerce as "Miscellaneous Series No 33" 75c .Proceedings of national rivers and harbor congress of United States. Wash D. C. Annual Public rights over navigable streams by W. B. King. Eng rec Apr 25, 1914. 1 p Public wharves and terminals. (Theory of ownership and control of port facilities) by H. M. Chittenden. Ry & mar news May 1, 1912. 4 1-2 p Regulations for the government of assistants on river and harbor works by U. S. Sept Engs 1910. 74 p Report of L. E. Chamberlain and C. H. Hathaway. National rivers and harbors congress 1911. 16 p Report of Chief of Engineers Annual U. S. Dept Engs 1822-date. Wash: Govt printing office. Report of Connecticut rivers and harbors commission to general assembly Hartford 1911. 71 p Report of joint committee en harbors. California: Legislature 1908. 58 p maps Report of submerged and shore lands 1911 to governor of State of Il- linois by Legislative Investing Committee. House of Representa- tives Vol 1-11-111 Reports of Commissioner of Corporations on transportation by water. Part I General condition of transportation by water July 12, 1909 Part II Water born traffic July 19, 1909 Part III Transportation by water in U. S. Gives facilities improvements and ownership of harbors Sep 1910 Part IV Control of water 'carriers by railroads and shipping consolidations Dec 23, 1912 Wash: Govt printing of- fice 1909 Reports of New York Produce Exchange. New York (foreign trade of the various ports etc) Rivers and railroads in the United States by Wm. Harts. Trans am soc civ engs 1915 Paper 1346 Seacoast harbors in United States by C. E. Gillette. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 Vol LIV Part A 51 Seacoast protection by J. W. Sanderman. Engng 1899 Vol 87 Statistical abstract of the United States. Bureau of Statistics Dep. of Commerce. Washington D. C. 1878-1907 Survey of American dock development by G. C. Sikes. Pro national conference on city planning 191 1. 12 p Terminal facilities of North Pacific ports. Seattle: Terminal pub co 1914 Terminals on American inland waterways by G. C. Huebner.' Int nav congress 1912 on Great Lakes terminals, those of the Ohio-Miss- issippi River system, Erie Canal terminals and cost data for Philadel- phia) 9 p U. S. coast and geodetic survey table of depths for channels and harbor. Washington: Govt. printing office 1913 Includes Porto Rico Hawaiian Islands and Philippine Islands. United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast and Pacific Coast. Washing- ton: U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey The United States public works by W. M. Black. New York: John Wiley & Sons 1895. 265 p maps pis ill (full description of procedure and work carried on by various government departments with laws and regulations therefore) Water and terminal facilities. Reports by U. S. Corps of Engineers. Wash: Govt printing office 1913. 1528 p pi maps Water terminals in the United States and their control by E. S. Brad- ford. Annals of am acad Sept 1914. 5p Waterfront engineering in American cities. Eng rec Jy 8, 15, 22, 29 and Aug 5, 1899 8 p The waterways of the United States by A. H. Weber, (actual expen- ditures and results to navigation and commerce 1910) U. S. Water- ways Commission document No 15. 18 p Western harbors of Canada and United States in annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1915. Wheat ports of the Pacific coast by E. S. Holmes. U. S. Agriculture Dept Yearbook 1901. 13 p ALLOUEZ Concrete and steel ore dock having new features in its design by W. E. King. Eng rec Mar 9, 1912. 21-2 pill ASHLAND Ashland, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones Wash: Govt. printing office 1916. Ip ASHTABULA Ashtabula, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2p 52 Dry Dock at Ashtabula by E. C. Bowen Jr. Eng news Mar 14, 1912, 5 p ill New ore and coal handling docks of the Penn Co at Ashtabula Ohio. Eng rec Sept 12, 1908. Spill Steel and concrete dock wall by Charles Benham. Eng news May 18. 19114p ASTORIA Astoria in appendix of annual report of harbor Commissioners of Mon- treal 1915. 6p Astoria, in Pacific ports by H. M. Chittenden. Trans arrr soc civ engs 1912 Astoria, by F. J. Walsh. Pro am assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 p Dredging the mouth of the Columbia River. Ry & mar news Dec 1, 1913 ill map Plan of the Port of Astoria. Report of P. P. Whitham. Astoria Port of Astoria. ATLANTIC CITY Channel and beach maintenance problem by R. R. Raymond. Eng news July 24, 1913. 5p BALTIMORE Baltimore by O. F. Lackey. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 p The Baltimore book. Baltimore: City of Baltimore 1914 Baltimore in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 12 p map Baltimore City's new dock system by O. F. Lackey. Cornell civ engr Nov 1910. 15 p plan ill Baltimore harbor by O. F. Lackey. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914 10 p Baltimore's dock construction as compared with that of other ports; by O. F. Lackey. Pro Amer assoc of port author 1913. 23 p ill map Baltimore municipal dock improvements by Raymond Concrete Pile Co. New York (pamphlet) Baltimore port and terminal advantages. Baltimore: Municipal factory site Commission. The Mt. Clare grain elevator, Baltimore. Eng rec Jy 3, 1909 (contains a brief description of the machinery) Laws relating to Baltimore harbor by Harbor Board. Baltimore: Meyer & Thalheimer 1913. 63 p New harbor works at Baltimore. Engr Lond Jan 29, 1909. 2 p New municipal piers in Baltimore harbor. Eng rec May 8, 1909. 3 1-4 pill plans 53 Pennsylvania begins a large coal pier at Baltimore. Eng rec F. b 5. 1916. 1-3 p Port of Baltimore by A. O. Powell. Pac builder and engr Je 15, 1912. 2 p Reinforced concrete piers in Baltimore harbor. Eng news Oct 1, 1908. 3-4 p plans Report of Harbor Board. Annual Baltimore. BANGOR Bangor. by Edwin Lord. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-3 p Bangor. Wash : Nation's business Mar 19, 1913. l-12th p BEAUMONT Beaumont by J. G. Sutton. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914 2 p New marine terminals at Beaumont by H. McL. Harding. Eng news Je3, 1915. 11-2 pill BOSTON An act relative to the development of the port of Boston. Chap 748 acts of 1911 State of Mass, (in pamphlet) Boston by E. F. McSweeney. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 1-2 p Boston, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 16 p map Boston. Commonwealth pier No 5. Eng rec Sept 6, 1913. 2 1-2 p plans Boston fish pier by Frederick Roche. Int mar engng Sept 1914. 1 1-2 pill Boston proposes to extend eastward into bay. Eng rec May 22, 1915 1-2 p map Bulkheads for Boston dry dock. Eng news Nov 26, 1914. 1-2 p ill Commonwealth pier. Munic jour Je 5, 1913 Construction of largest dry dock. Eng rec Dec 11, 1915 1-4 p map designs Design features of the Commonwealth Pier No 1, East Boston. Engng contrAug!9, 1914. 5 1-2 p Design for a granite masonry sea wall at Boston. Engng contr Nov 9, 1910. Ip The development of the port of Boston by R. E. Barrett. Eng news Apr 2, 1914. 9 p ill (History of the harbor map of the port details of the Commonwealth pier) Electrical equipment of the Boston and Albany's East Boston deep water terminal. Elecwld May 1 1, 1911. 6 p ill An electrically operated grain elevator and wharf conveyor system at East Boston Mass by Cecil Hodgson. Eng news Apr 6,1911 54 Handbook of the Port of Boston by Boston Chamber of Commerce Boston 1913 Harbor and terminal improvements at Boston. Eng news Nov 2, 1911. 4 p (based on information and plans of F. B. Freeman and F. W. Hodgson.) A large pier with granite walls Boston. Eng rec Je 10, 1911. 1 p ill The mechanical equipment of the East Boston deep water terminal. Eng rec May 1911. 4 1-2 p New Boston fish pier by F. W. Hodgson. Eng rec Jy 6, 1912 The new East Boston docks by H. K. Alden. Harvard engng jour May, 1910. Spill New steamboat piers at Boston (Commonwealth piers 5 & 6.) Int mar engng Jy 1914. 2 1-2 p ill Pier 3 of Boston terminal of Boston & Albany R. R. Eng rec Dec 25, 1909. 3 1-4 pill plans Port administration and harbor facilities, Boston by C. H. Swan, annals of am acad Mar 1907. 1 p Port facilities. Mnfrs rec Nov 11, 1915 Port of Boston by Directors of Port of Boston. Boston, 1915. Problems of port development (exhausted) by E. F. McSweeney. Boston, 1915. Public control of our waterfronts and the obstacles to be overcome by E. F. McSweeney. Pro amer assoc of port author 1915 24 p Public improvements for the metropolitan district by Metropolitan improvement commission. Boston, 1909. 318 p maps Report 1892-1905-06 by Board of Harbor and land commissioners of Massachusetts. Annual. Boston: Wright & Potter Printing co., 1894-1907 (13 v pi folded maps folded plans fac-similes tables) Report of (final) Charles River basin commission. 51 p Report of the directors of the port of Boston, annual Report to directors of port of Boston by J. H. Conroy. Boston, 1913 (on European ports) Special reports of the directors of the port of Boston. Port of Boston 1914. Substructure of pier 4, Boston terminal, Boston & Albany Railroad. Eng rec Jan 29, 1910. 3p Supplementary report of the Directors of the Port of Boston to the Gen- eral Court Mar 31, 1915. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co 1915 Waterfront engineering in American cities. (Boston, New York and Philadelphia) Eng rec Jy 8, 1899 BRIDGEPORT Bridgeport, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. W T ash: Govt printing office 1916 3 p 55 BRUNSWICK Brunswick, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 3 p Brunswick, Ga. outer bay improvement by E. L. Corthell. Washington 1900 20 p Concrete pile piers at Brunswick, Ga. Eng news Dec 20, 1906 BUFFALO Breakwater at Buffalo by Emile Low. Trans am soc civ engs 1904. Vol 52. 14 Ip ill map Buffalo by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914 3 p ill Buffalo, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 10 p map Dock construction in and around Buffalo by S. M. Kielland. Jour assn of engngsocs Je 1902. 7p Port administration and harbor facilities, Buffalo by F. H. Mason. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 2p CAPE CHARLES Cape Charles, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2 p CHARLESTON Charleston, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 7p Charleston. W T ash: Nation's business Mar 19, 1913. 1-4 p Improvement of the harbor of Charleston, S. C. Eng news Dec 26, 1895 New southern railway coaling pier at Charleston, S. C. Int mar engng Apr 1915. Port regulations. Charleston : Board of harbor comm Oct 15, 1895 Rules and regulations for the port of Charleston, S. C. and acts of the General Assembly creating the Board of Harbor Commissioners and defining their powers and duties. Torpedo boat berth at the Charleston navy yard. Eng news Nov 4, 1915. 1 1-2 p plans CHARLOTTE (ROCHESTER) Charlotte (Rochester), in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash : Govt printing office 1916. 2 p CHICAGO Chicago by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 4 1-2 p ills maps Chicago, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 12 p map 56 Chicago breakwater extensions. Eng news Oct 14, 1915. 1 p plan The Chicago harbor by J. M. Ewen. Jour w soc engs Dec 1909. 38 p Chicago harbor and subway plans. Eng news Aug 28, 1913. 1-2 p The Chicago harbor problem by A. Bement, W. L. Abbott 'and others. Jour w soc engs Apr 1910. 9 p (report of the committee and dis- cussion) Chicago municipal pier. Eng news Jy 29, 19 1 5. 5 p ills plans Chicago's all water route to the gulf. Ry and mar news Jy 1, 1915 Difficult underpinning and dock work in Chicago. Eng rec Apr 20 1907. Ip Longest municipal pier in the U. S. Eng rec Je 19, 1915 Ordinances: Rules and regulations Harbor, Harbor master. Bridges. Wharves and Vessels of City of Chicago. Chicago: Dept. of Public Works 1913 Pier for the outer harbor at Chicago. Eng news Sept 18, 1913. 1 1-2 pill Port administration and harbor facilities Chicago by Frederic Rex. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 6 p Preliminary report of Chicago Railway Terminal Commission, submitted to City Council of Chicago. Chicago Mar 29, 1915 Report made in pursuance of the Statue, to the Governor and forty- seventh General Assembly by Submerged and shore lands legislative investigating committee. Springfield 19113 vol pi maps Report on Chicago dock problem (special reference to leasing) by G. C. Sikes. Chicago Report on dock and pier development, harbor district No 1 by harbor and subway commission. Chicago 1912. 19 p pi A report on the Chicago harbor problem. Eng news Mar 3, 1910 Report to the mayor and alderman of the city of Chicago by Harbor Commission. Chicago 1909. 383 p ills plans. Contains summary of European ports Report to the mayor and the city council of the City of Chicago, re- garding proceedings in re-acquisition for public use of certain lake front property. Chicago : Lake Shore reclamation comm 1912 Reports. Harbor & Subway commission of Chicago South Chicago, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. Spmap CINCINNATI Annual reports of Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. (Ohio river com- merce.) Cincinnati 1913 and 1914 Cincinnati, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2 p 57 CLEVELAND Cleveland. Pro amerassoc of port author 1914. 1 1-3 p Cleveland by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 4 1-4 p ill maps Cleveland, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 7 p map Annual report of the Division of Engineering and Construction De- partment of Public Service Cleveland 1913. Cleveland harbor problems by E. B. Thomas. Jour of Cleveland eng socJ 1915. 30 pill Cleveland. Ordinances of the City Council Nos 29355- A- A and 25929- A-A (under which new piers were built by private capital and city to get title.) A heavy concrete dock on the Cuyahoga River at Cleveland. Eng rec Apr 3, 1909. 1 1-3 p ill plan Improvement of the Cuyahoga River. Eng news Mar 20, 1913 Municipal pier. Mar rev Jy 1915 Ninth street pier in Lake Erie. Eng news Aug 5, 1915. 2 1-2 p plans Ore dock at Cleveland. Eng news Feb 22, 1912. 4 p A private river straightening enterprise at Cleveland. (Cuyahoga River.) Eng news Jy 2, 1914 Recent improvements to the harbor at Cleveland. Eng rec Jan 16 1909. 1 p Reinforced concrete in ore dock construction. Cement age Mar 1912. 4 p (details of concrete piles etc) Report of the River and Harbor Committee of Cleveland Chamber of Commerce on the application of the Otis Steel Co for authority to make a full new harbor. Cleveland Mar 1912 Report of the River and Harbor Improvement Committee of Cleveland Chamber of Commerce on greater industrial and commercial har- bors of greater Cleveland. Cleveland Apr 1911 Report of the Special Committee of the Council on the Improvement of the Lower Cuyahoga River. Cleveland July 1913. 38 p ill map Report on group plan of public buildings. Cleveland: Chamber of Com- merce 1907 Reports. The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce Reports. The Cleveland River and Harbor Commission. Report (annual). The city engineer Cleveland Report (annual). The U. S. District Engineers. Wash War Dept Summary of port conditions at Cleveland, Ohio by J. H. Cassidy. Pro am assoc of port author 1912. 4 p 58 CONNEAUT Conneaut, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2 p COOS BAY, ORE. Description of Coos Bay and the improvements of its entrance by the government by W. H. Harts. Trans am soc of civ engs 1901 DETROIT Detroit, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 4 p Port administration and harbor facilities, Detroit by D. F. Wilcox. Annals of am acad Mar, 1907 A reinforced concrete dock by A. P. Brown. Eng rec May 21, 1910. 1 p DULUTH Duluth, in port administration and harbor facilities by Alfred McCal- lum. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 3 p Duluth-Superior by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914 1 1-2 p ills Duluth-Superior, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 6 p map Duluth-Superior harbor by E. D. Peck. Pro mem 1914 Vol 6 (gives breakwaters etc) A large coal dock at Duluth. Eng rec Oct 23, 1909. 3 p ill Marquette breakwater and Duluth ship canal piers. Eng rec Oct 28, 1899 4 p Plant and methods employed in building concrete South pier at Superior entry, Duluth. Annual report of Ch Eng U. S. A. Wash: Govt printing office 1904. Part 4-pg 3779 ERIE Erie by Otto Herbst. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 p Erie, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash : Govt printing office 19 16. 2p ESCANABA Escanaba, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2p A large ore dock at Escanaba. Eng news Jy 30, 1903. 2 p plans EUREKA Biennial report Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the port of Eureka. Sacremento, 1911-12. 2volsill FAIRPORT Fairport, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 1 p 59 FALL RIVER Fall River, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916 4 p FREEPORT, TEXAS Freeport, Texas, (new port and railroad terminal on the gulf) by A. W. Davis. Ry & engng rev May 31, 1913. 2 p GALVESTON Galveston by M. H. Calverby. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 p Galveston, in Ports of the United Stares by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 6 p map Galveston harbor, hearings before Congressional Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Wash : Govt printing office 1914. lip The Galveston harbor works by W. J. Sherman. Jour assn engng socs Dec 1896. lip Handling cotton with electric freight trucks in Galveston. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1-2 p cost data Rail and water terminals at Texas City; improvements near Galveston, including new piers, warehouses and grain elevators by H. A. Thomas. Ry age gaz Jy 12, 1912. 3 p GARY, ILL. The contractor's plant and methods on the harbor work at Gary. Eng recAugl?, 1907. 3p GRAND HAVEN Grand Haven, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2 p HARTFORD Hartford, in Ports of the, United States by G. M. Jones. \Vash: Govt printing office 1916. 2 p Hartford. Special report by Rivers and Harbors Commission. Hart- ford 1910. 3p HOUSTON Houston, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 5 p Houston. City ordinances creating Board of Harbor Commissioners for the City of Houston. HURON Huron, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. Ip New ore unloading plant at Huron. Int mar engng Feb 1915 JACKSONVILLE Jacksonville by M. Corse. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2-3 p Jacksonville, in annual report of the Chief of Engineers on the im- provement of rivers and harbors by W. B. Ladue. Wash: Govt printing office 1914 60 Jacksonville, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 7 p Jacksonville. Laws of the State of Florida Special session 1912 Chap- ter 6415 (no 1) and Chapter 64 16 (no 2) Municipal port improvement project. Jacksonville Fla. Eng news Apr 30,1914. 1-2 p Novel bulkhead for wharves by H. D. Mendenhall. Eng news Oct 21 1915. 2 1-2 p plans Report. Board of Port Commissioners. Jacksonville Reports. Board of Trade. Jacksonville. Summary of port conditions at Jacksonville, Fla by J. G. McGiffen. Pro amerassoc of port author 1912. 2p KANSAS CITY Freight handling equipment at Kansas City municipal wharf. Int mar engngNov 1913. 3-4 p ill The Kansas City municipal wharf by C. R. Mandigo. Eng news Jan 25,1912. 3p Operation of Kansas City municipal wharf by D. R. Mandigo. Eng rec Aug 8, 1914 (describes the wharf equipment, the combined use of locomotive crane and telpher system) 2 p KEY WEST Wharf at Key West for submarine mines and quartermaster by Maj- J. R. Slattery. Pro mem 1915 Vol 7. 8 p (detailed plans and'cost of reinforced concrete wharf.) LORAIN, OHIO Coal and ore docks of the Baltimore & Ohio at Lorain. Ry age gaz Jy 28, 1911. 4 pill plan Lorain, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2p LOS ANGELES Creating a great harbor for Los Angeles by P. P. \Vhitham. Ry & mar news Nov 1, 1915 Harbor development at San Pedro by G. C. Munoz. Erlg rec May 17, 1913. 2 p plans (Construction details of the wharves in the outer harbor of Los Angeles with brief description of whole port) Harbor improvement at San Pedro and Wilmington, California. Eng news Aug 16, 19C6. 3p Harbor of Los Angeles by A. H. Fries. Pro mem 1913 vol 4 Harbor rules, regulations and rates by Board of Harbor Commissioners. 1911. 39 p Los Angeles by C. H. W T atson. Pro amer asscc of port author 191-1. 1 p 61 Los Angeles, in appendix of annual report of Harbor Commissioners of Montreal 1915. lip Los Angeles, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 9pmap Los Angeles, in the Panama Canal and the ports of the Pacific by A. K. Quigley. Eng mag Feb Mar Apr 1915 Los Angeles a maritime city by J. S. McGroarty and Edwin Schallert. 1910. 16 pills map Los Angeles Harbor by A. A. Fries. Pro mem 1912 vol 4. 35 p ill Los Angeles harbor by H. Hay wood. Pro inst civ engs 1913-14 paper No 4015. Los Angeles harbor and port facilities by Hamilton Higday. Ry. & mar news May 1, 1914. Spill Los Angeles harbor by C. T. Hutchinson. W engng Jan 1914. 17 p ill maps plans Los Angeles harbor, the great artificial port in San Pedro bay by T. E. Gibbon and A. P. Fleming. Pro natl conference on city planning 1911. 7p Municipal wharves and sheds at Los Angeles. Eng news Apr 29, 1915. 2 p ill plans The Port of Los Angeles by The Board of Harbor Commissioners. Los Angeles: Board of Harbor Commissioners 1915 (Annual report of the Board of Harbor Commissioners; laws, ordinances and rules govern- ing the harbor; port statistics; history; development; tributary terri- tory; present and prospective commerce; and relation to the Panama Canal) 135 pill Present and proposed improvements at Los Angeles harbor by R R. Raymond. Proamerassoc of port author 1914. 10 p San Pedro, the deep water harbor of the city of Los Angeles by J. T. GafTeyl910. 23 p maps Summary of port conditions at Los Angeles, Cal. by C. M. Gordon. Pro amerassoc of port author 1912. 2p Warehouse to raise freight within and without. Eng rec Mar 4, 1916. 3-4 col What consolidation means for San. Pedro and Wilmington. Report of Consolidation Committee. Los Angeles 1909. 15 p i LUDINGTON Ludington, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2 p MANITOWOC HARBOR The improvement of the Manitowoc harbor. Eng rec Jan 23, 1909. 2 p Manitowoc in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2p 62 MARQUETTE Fifty-thousand ton ore dock at Marquette. Eng rec Jy 6, 1912. 2 1-2 pill Marquette, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 1 p Marquette Breakwater and Duluth ship canal piers. Eng rec Oct 28, 1899. 4p MILWAUKEE The improvement of the harbor of Milwaukee. Eng rec Oct 24, 1908. 3 p ill plans Jones Island harbor project by Isham Randolph. Milwaukee (Report to Common Council) Milwaukee by Herman Bleyer. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 p Milwaukee by H. C. Gahn. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2 p ill Milwaukee in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Gov printing office 1916. 7 p map Proposed harbor development at Milwaukee, Wise. Eng news Apr 14, 1910 1-3 p Report of Milwaukee Harbor Commission. Anniial MINNEAPOLIS Municipal harbor construction in Minneapolis. Eng news Jy 30, 1914 2-3 p plans, (concrete sea wall) MOBILE By-laws and rules adopted by the Mobile Bar Pilot's Association by J. A. Dorgan. Mobile 1910 Dredges and dredging in the Mobile district by J. M. Pratt. Pro mem 1912 vol 4. 41 p diagram plans Dredges and dredging in Mobile harbor records and cost of dredge work. Engr-contr Mar 20, 1912. 3 . p Mobile by Harry Pillans. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2 p Mobile in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. W T ash: Govt print- ing office 1916. 10 p Mobile harbor by C. 0. Sherrill. Pro mem 1913 Vol 5. 27 p ill plans Mobile, the gulf city, considered as the gateway to the Panama Canal. Mobile daily item Jan 10, 1912 Reports. Board of Commissioners of the City. Rules and regulations for Mobile harbor by T. P. Norville Mobile 1911 Summary of port conditions at Mobile, Ala. by Harry Pillans. Pro amer assoc of port auth 1912. 3 p 63 MONTGOMERY Montgomery terminal for ocean steamships by H. McL. Harding. Eng news Sept 12, 1912. 2 pill The municipal wharf at Montgomery Ala by G. C. Scherer. Eng news Jy 14, 1910 MUSKOGEE Method of designing a reinforced concrete settling basin for Muskogee, Oklahoma water works. Engng-contr Je 12, 1912. 2 1-2 p (full dis- cussion of pressure on concrete bulkhead.) NARRAGANSETT BAY The Narragansett Bay coal depot by Augustus Smith. Trans am soc civ engs Dec 1906 (gives details of travelling towers for loading and unloading coal on wharf) NEW BEDFORD New Bedford, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office. 1916 3p NEW HAVEN New Haven by G. E. Verrill. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2 p New Haven in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 4 p New Haven, in reports of Connecticut rivers, harbors and bridges com- mission Hartford 1912. Report of Civic improvement commission by Cass Gilbert. New Haven 1910 Report on ... harbor front improvements by F. L. Ford. New Haven 1912 32ppl Reports. Chamber of Commerce. New Haven. NEW JERSEY Brush-and-stone jetties prove effective at Ventnor City and Longport N. J. by W. I.Risley. Engrec Je24, 1916. 7 cols ill Development of port facilities on New Jersey side of New York bay (proposal of New Jersey Harbor Commission to build two peninsulas out from "Jersey Flats" and excavate channels alongside) Eng rec Nov8, 1913. lp Laws defining powers and duties of New Jersey harbor commission. Trenton: N. J. Harbor comm May 1, 1914. Littoral movement of the New Jersey coast; with remarks on beach pro- tection and jetty reaction by L. M. Haupt. Trans am soc civ engs 1890 Vol XXIII New design proposed to protect points on New Jersey shore from the sea by F. B. Cresson Jr. Eng rec May 1, 1915. 1 1-4 p ill The preservation of sandy beaches in the vicinity of New York City by E. J. Dent. Pro am soc civ engs May 1916. 19 1-2 p ills 64 Reports of Board of commerce and navigation of the State of New Jersey. Trenton N. J. Reports of New Jersey Harbor Commission Trenton N. J. (4th Pre- liminary report, 1914 and Port of New York, 1914) HOBOKEN The Holland-America line pier, Hoboken. Eng rec Oct 16, 1909. 1 p JERSEY CITY Jersey City by B. F. Cresson, Jr. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2-3 p TRENTON Trenton by F. W. Donnelly. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 p Trenton special article by F. W. Donnelly. Pro amer asso of port author 1915. 2pmap WEEHAWKEN The Weehawken elevator of the New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co by J. C. Irwin. Eng ice Apr 8, 1905. 3 p ill plans NEW LONDON Connecticut shipping terminal at New London by \V. E. Clarke. Eng news Nov 25, 1915. 4 p plans New London. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-2 p New London, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Washington: Govt printing office 1916. 5 p New London harbor improvement project by W. T. Donnelly. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 2 1-2 p maps plans (filled in pier concrete floor) NEW ORLEANS Analysis of present operation of the Port of New Orleans with present and proposed system of rates by Ford, Bacon and Davies. New Or- leans: Board of Commissioniers of the Port of New Orleans 1915 -^ The Chalmette docks of the New Orleans terminal co Eng rec Jy 28 and Aug 4, 1906. 7 p (full details of methods of construction) Cotton warehouse and terminal at New Orleans. Eng news Je 24, 1915 1 p plans Cotton warehouses and terminals. Ry and mar news Mar 1, 1915. 1 pill Efficiency report on the port of New Orleans by Marwick Mitchell, Peat & Co New Orleans 1914 Enlarging the port of New Orleans. Eng news Mar 18, 1915. 1-2 p Facts about the port of New Orleans by Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. 51 p History of the port of New Orleans by C. G. Hearsey. Amer printing co 1911. (Terms of lease to Louisiana Construction & Improvement Co) 65 The improvement of New Orleans harbor by S. F. Lewis. Jour assn of engngsocsNov 1911. 14 p The key to the commercial situation. (A publicly owned and publicly operated belt railroad) by Public Belt R. R. Commission. New Orleans 1905. 48 p Louisiana State cotton warehouse and terminal. New Orleans. Trade Index. New concrete warehouses and terminal plant at New Orleans will cover 100 acres. Eng rec Mar 27, 1915. 1 1-2 p plans New Orleans by J. F. Coleman. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 4 p New Orleans by T. S. McChesney. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914 lp New Orleans in port administration and harbor facilities by J. J. Mc- Loughlin. Annals of am acad Mar 1907 New Orleans, in Ports of the United States by G.M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 16 p map New Orleans public terminals in Appendix No 1 to an Open Letter to the Federal Trade Commission by Robert Bridges. Seattle: Port of Seattle Oct 1,1915 Port belt line railroad by W. B. Thompson. Pro amer assoc of port author 19 13. lp The Port of New Orleans by E. L. Hawes. Mar review Jy 1910. 1 p The Port of New Orleans by C. 0. Sherrill. Pro mem 1914 vol 6. 47 p ill maps diagram (gives methods for improvement of Mississippi River. ) The Port of New Orleans by C. 0. Sherrill. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 20 p Port of New Orleans Banana Terminal and cotton warehouses and ter- minal by T. S. McChesney. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 8 p Port regulations, with maps showing location of public wharves and sheds by Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. New Orleans 1909. Railway yards, warehouses and freight handling machinery. Eng news Mar 26, 1908. (Ill of traveling platform for freight handling trucks and belt conveyors for unloading bananas from steamers; no des- cription) Report on cotton warehouses and terminal by Ford, Bacon & Davies. New Orleans Report of Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Annual. Reports. Public Belt R. R. Commission. New Orleans Special reports of Port Commissioners, (a) Facts about port of New Orleans, (b) Cotton warehouses and terminals by J. F. Coleman (c) Port of New Orleans 1913 (d) Ordinance for $25,000,000 bond issue 1915. (e) Board of Commissioners of Port of New Orleans 66 Steamship terminal with fireproof warehouses; New Orleans terminal railway. Eng news Nov 22, 1906. (gives a plan of the terminal showing conveyor and grain elevator) The Stuyvesant docks of the Illinois Central Railroad. Eng rec Je 23,1906. 3 1-2 pills Synopsis of report on port charges by Board of Commissioners of Port of New Orleans. New Orleans 1915 Unloading bananas by machinery. Sci am sup Apr 3, 1915. 1 p Warehouse's crane runways carried on wall brackets. Eng. rec May 6, 1916. 3 1-2 cols ill NEW YORK, PORT OF Act wardens office of the Port of New York. New York. C. J. O'Brien 1912 The bar in New York harbour by L. M. Haupt. Cassier's mag May 1909. 10 p Barge canal terminals by J. A. O'Connor. Eng rec Aug 29, 1914. 1 p Brief and plans for a new West Washington and Gansevoort Market. Submitted to Market commission of the City of New York by Com- mittee representing Gansevoort Market business men's association, .... New York May 20, 1912. -13 p plates (gives costs and plans of proposed terminal market)/ Bronx terminal, New York City by J. R. Marsh. Eng rec Je 27, 1914. 2p Bulkhead construction in New York. Eng news May 25, 1889. 1-2 p 11 J The bulkhead walls of New York. R. r. Gaz Feb 21, 1896. 1-3 p ill Bulletins of New York Chamber of Commerce The Bush docks in Brooklyn, New York. Ry and engng rev Aug 15, 1903. 2 pill Bush terminal. Automobile Aug 6, 1914 Chelsea municipal docks, New York. Mun jour & eng Nov 3, 1909. 6 p ill (data by C. W. Staniford) The Chelsea section. Architects' & builders' mag Feb 1910. 8 p ill (data by C. W. Staniford) The cofferdam for the 46th St pier N. R. New York City. Eng news Jy 23, 1914. 3 1-2 p ill (data by C. W. Staniford) A comprehensive plan and policy for the organization and administra- tion of the interstate port of New York and New Jersey by Calvin Tomkins New York: Dept of docks & ferries Feb 19, 1912. 26 p (special report No 18) Cost of terminal freight handling in port of New York. Eng news Mar 31,1910. 2-3 p map Decisions of Secretary of War on extensions of harbor line by U. S. War Dept. W T ash: Govt printing office 1913 67 Deep cofferdam'for 1050 foot pier in New York. Eng rec Jy 19, 1914. 1 1-3 p ill (data by C. W. Stamford) Development of port facilities on New Jersey side of New York Bay. (proposal of New Jersey Harbor Commission to build two peninsulas out from "Jersey Flats" and excavate channels alongside) Eng rec Nov8, 1913. Ip Digest of data collected before the year 1908 relating to the sanitary con- dition of New York harbor by Metropolitan sewerage comm 1909. 87 p Dock facilities in New York by W. J. Barney. Trans am soc nav arch & mar engs 1911 Vol XIX Dock facilities in New York by W. J. Barney. Trans am soc arch & mar engngJe!911. 2 1-2 p table map Docks and ferries in engineering activities of New York by A. D. Flinn. Trans am soc civ engs 1913 Docks, piers, harbors, port and waters, sees. 816 to 881, in charter of the city of New York. New York: Brooklyn Daily Eagle 1912 (Laws etc relating to municipal department of docks) Economical freight handling at the North River water front, New York City. Eng news Jy 6, 1911. 2 2-3 p (reviews Calvin Tomkins' plans) Electric trucking at New York terminal of Southern Pacific. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1-2 p (gives cost data) $50,000,000 more ratables for Jersey City. Preliminary report to Jer- sey City Chamber of Commerce on an industrial development rail- road for Jersey City, N. J. by F. V. Z. Lane. Jersey City Chamber of Commerce Jan 11, 1916. 27 p maps First 'unit of Jamaica Bay improvement completed. Eng rec Mar 18, 19161 11-4 cols ill Freight piers 39, 40, 4 1 , East River, New York. Eng rec Jy 22, 1 9 1 1 . 2 p ill plans Handling freight at a steamship terminal. (New York dock co) Int mar engng May 1913. 3 p plan ill Handling the grain crop at the Port of New York. Sci am Nov 20 1897. 2 1-2 pill Handling west-bound freight on the North River railroad piers by W. J. Barney. Eng news Aug 14, 1913 (proposed arrangement of pier in New York City) 1 p ill Harbor and dock improvements (at New York). Sci am Dec 5, 1908. 2-3 pill Holland American line pier, Hoboken, N. J. Eng rec Oct 16, 1909 Huntspoint terminal. Eng rec Jy 24, 1915. 2 p ill Hydraulic hoisting plant for pier of Brooklyn Sugar Refining Co by L. C Engel. Trans am soc mech engs 1891 68 Improvement of New York Harbor, 1885 to 1891 by Joseph Edwards. New York: Wynkoop & Hallenbeck 1893 60 p ill plates folded map The improvement of the channels at the entrance to the harbor of New York by Joseph Edwards. Trans am soc civ engs Dec 1891. 41 p An installation of freight handling machinery for increasing dock cap- acity. Eng news May 1, 1913. (Description of an overhead freight handling system installed at one of the docks and storehouses of the New York dock co in Brooklyn ) 1 p ill Jamaica Bay improvement. Eng rec Feb 28, 1914. 2-3 p map Jamaica Bay improvements. Sci am Jy 2, 1910. 1 1-2 p ill Jamaica Bay, the world's greatest seaport by C. F. Carter. Technical world Jy 19 10. Spill Joint report on proposed reclamation of land between 81st and 129th streets N. R. by Calvin Tomkins and Chas Stover. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Dec 27, 1910. 7 p (special report No 5) Lackawanna freight pier No 7 Hoboken Eng rec Sept 12, 1908. 3 p plans Largest steamship pier on Manhattan Island. (46th St. pier) Eng rec Aug 1, 1914. 2 p ill plans (data by C. W. Staniford) Lehigh terminal. Jersey City Chamber of Commerce May 2, 1916. lip Lighthouses and buoys of New York harbor. Sci am sup Mar 1, 1913. 2 pill Mechanical transshipment of railway and water-borne freight, with *'':'- special reference to the port of New York by H. McL. Harding. Pro NYry club Dec 1909. 60 pill Memorandum on dredging work in Ambrose channel by H. L. Wig- more. Pro mem 1901 Vol 1. 5 p (gives costs) Method of filling and dredging for a Jersey City freight terminal, (shows crib work) Eng news Dec 17, 1914. 2 1-2 p ill Modern pier construction in New York City by C. W. Staniford. Trans am soc civ engs 1913. Paper No 1292 Needs of New York harbor by S. B. Ayres. Independent Apr 25, 1912. 2p maps J New Bush terminal pier. Int mar engng Aug 1914. 2 1-2 pill The new fireproof piers of the North German Lloyd steamship co at Hoboken, N. J. Eng news Jan 31, 1901. 2 p ill New freight pier at Communipaw, N. J. Ry age gaz May 9, 1913. 2 1-2 p ill (shows track layout at Communipaw pier) New Hoboken terminal of the North German Lloyd line. Eng rec Dec 22, 1900. 2 pills New piers and pier extensions, in annual report of Dept of docks & ferries, 1915 by R. A. C. Smith. New York: City of New York Dec 31,1915. 21 pill 69 The new piers for transatlantic steamships, Chelsea improvement, New York City. Eng news Jan 14, 1909. 7 p ill plans (data furnished by C. W. Stamford) New piers in South Brooklyn, (proposed design) Eng rec May 11, 1907. 1-2 p plan New South Brooklyn freight terminal by C. W. Staniford and Philip Guise. Eng news Mar 7, 1912. Spill New South Brooklyn pier at 35th St is the longest in New York. Eng rec Dec 18, 1915. (data furnished by C. W. Staniford) New York, Port of in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash : Govt printing office 1916. 41 p map New York and marine terminals. New York: Wall St. Journal (series of articles) Sept 26 to Oct 1, 1912 (gives description and statistics of various port terminal companies at New York) The New York Dock Department by S. W. Hoag Jr. Pro munic engs of N Y 1905. New York Dock walls. Eng rec Sept 3 and Oct 1, 1892. 3 p plans The New York harbor entrance by L. M. Haupt. Sci am Jan 7, 1905. 1 p map (proposed Ambrose channel) The New York pilot and guide to the United States local inspectors ex- amination of masters and pilots for New York bay and harbor to Yonkers and Great Captain Island by R. M. Pugslsy. 1910. 248 p New York's problem of transportation by H. McL. Harding. Journ of commerce N. Y., Oct 13-15, 1910 North River bridge in relation to railroad freight, by Gustav Lindenthal. Pro amer assoc of port author 1912. 2 p A notable step in the building of New York's great piers (46th St pier) by R. G. Skerrett. Sci am Aug 21, 1915. 1 p ill Observations on dock work in New York harbor by J. A. Bensel. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol. 54 Pt F. Organization of the port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. Pro natl conference on city planning 191 1. 14 p Pamphlets of American dock co. New York Pamphlets of Bush terminal co. New York Pamphlets of Degnon terminal co. New York Pamphlets of New York dock Co. New York A plan for the comprehensive organization and connection of the inter- state terminals of the port of New York, outlined to the Committee on the harbor and shipping of the Chamber of Commerce by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Dec 2, 1911. 6 p (special report No 15.) Plan for the improvement of Hell Gate by C. D. Ward. Sci am May 8, 1915. 1 p map Planning the greatest sea port in the world by B. F. Cresson, Jr. and C. W. Staniford. Dun's review Mar 1913. 8 p maps 70 Plans for freight terminal systems at South Brooklyn and west side lower Manhattan with explanatory statement as to each by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Dec 2, 1911. 6 p (special report No 21.) Port administration and harbor facilities by J. A. Bensel. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 43 p Port of New York by A. O. Powell. Pac builder and engr Je 8, 1912. 2p The port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. Pro muni engrs of N Y. 1911 The port of New York by New Jersey Harbor Commission (Appendix G. Administration of foreign and Amercian ports) Trenton, N. J. 1914 Powers, duties. . . of the Board of Commissioners of Pilots in the Port of New York (from statutes of the State of New York). New York City:Unz&Co Preservation cf sandy beaches in the vicinity of New York City by D. J. Dent. Pro am soc civ engrs May 1916 Principles of port development and the problems of the port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. Pro amer assoc of-port author 1912. 10 p The problem of greater New York and its solution (Jamaica Bay) by H. C. Brearley. New York: The Search-Light book corp 1914. 132 p map tab (a publication of Brooklyn League: supplementary chapter by E. L. Corthell) The problem lower West side of Manhattan waterfront by B. F. Cresson Jr. Trans am soc civ engs 1912. Paper No 1222 Progress report of the Jamaica Bay Improvement Commission. New Board of estimate and apportionment Dec 27, 1909. 195 p maps and ill. Proposed Montauk terminals by W. T. Donnelly. Ry & mar news Nov 1913 Proposed new railway system for transportation and distribution of freight by improved methods in the city and port of New York by W. J. Wilgus. New York: Public service comm for First district 1908 Proposed $10,000,000 marine terminal and industrial city in New York bay at Bayonne, N. J. New York: The Times Je 19, 1916. 1-2 p ills Reconstructing a New York pier shed. Eng rec Nov 2 1907. 1 p plans Reply to criticisms of reports of the Dept of docks & ferries relating to Manhattan terminals at the port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Dec 16, 1910. 33 p (special report No 4) Report accompanying general description of the harbor of New York by S. W. Hoag, Jr. Sept 1911. 35 p (special report No 11) Report accompanying submission of plans for an elevated freight rail- road connecting manhattan terminals at the port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks and ferries Jan 26, 1911. 10 p (special report No 6) 71 Report of Board of consulting engineers to Dept of docks New York, 1895-1897 Report of board of estimate and apportionment. The removal of the New York Central railroad tracks from the surface of llth Ave, also the relation, of these improvements to the general question of freight handling on the west side. 1910 24 p Report of the committee on markets. New York state food investi- gating comm Aug 1, 1912. New York: C. P. Young Go 1912 Report of the Committee on port and terminal facilities upon the railroad terminal facilities of the New York Central r. r. co. on the west sides of boroughs of the Manhattan and the Bronx. New York: Board of estimate and apportionment Apr 16, 1916. 62 p (maps accompanying this report are bound separately) Report of Jamaica Bay improvement commission. 1909. 99 p (U. S. 60th Congress 2d sess house docu 1506) Report of mayor's market commission of New York City. New York: City of New York Dec 1913 Report on handling of freight at marine terminals by B. F. Cresson Jr & H. McL. Harding. New York: Dept of docks and ferries Apr 1912. 28 p (special report No 17) Report on Jamaica Bay improvement by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Apr 20, 1910. 20 p (special report No 1.) Report on pier extensions by C. W. Staniford. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Feb 24, 1913. 7 p (special report No 25.) Report on scope and limits of expropriation, "incidental" vs. "excess" condemnation by J. DeW. Warner. New York: Dept of docks & ferries May, 1912. 30 p (special report No 19) Report on the disposal of city wastes with accompanying map showing opportunities for disposition by C. W. Staniford. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Feb 1913. 18 p (special report No 23) Report upon the elimination of surface railroad tracks of the New York Central by C. P. Goodrich and H. P. Nichols. New York: Board of estimate & apportionment 1911 (A general scheme of improved freight handling facilities at port of New York) 107 p ill maps and plans Report on the mechanical equipment of New York harbor by B. F. Cres- son Jr and C. W. Staniford. New York: Dept of docks and ferries 1912. 42 p ill plates plans Report on the organization of the South Brooklyn waterfront, between Brooklyn Bridge and Bay Ridge at the port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks and ferries Mar 27, 1911. 16 p (special report No 7.) Report on the plans of the New York Central and Hudson River r. r. co. referred to the dock commissioner by the Board of estimate and apportionment, under date of Sept 28, 1911, and their relation to a general system of freight terminals by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks and ferries Nov 2, 1911. 23 p (special report No. 14.) 72 Report on the proposed plan of operations for Jamaica Bay improvement by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Aug 21, 1911. 16 p (special report No 12) Report on the removal of the New York Central railroad tracks from the surface of eleventh avenue by E. C. Moore. New York: Board of estimate & apportionment Dec 1910. 24 p Report on transportation conditions at the port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Jy 1910. 23 p maps (special report No 2) Report on west Manhattan water-front by Calvin Tomkins. New York Dept of docks & ferries Feb 24, 1913. 13 p (special report No 24-A) A report on wholesale terminal markets at the port of New York. Sub- mitted to the N. Y. food investigation commission by Calvin Tom- kins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries May 7, 1912. 21 p (special report No. 20) Reports of Department of docks & ferries. Annual New York Reports of Merchants & manufacturers board of trade. New York Reports of N. Y. Merchants' association. New York Reports of New York Produce Exchange. New York: New York prod- uce exchange. (Foreign trade of the various ports) Reports of the N. Y. State Commission to investigate port conditions and pier extensions. New York Reports of the Supervisors of the harbor of New York. WashiGovt printing office Rules and regulations of the Dept of docks & ferries. New York: Dept of docks & ferries 1913 Rules and regulations relating to the anchorage of vessels in the port of New York by U. S. bureau of navigation. Wash 1907. 10 p Sewerage and sewage disposal in the metropolitan district of New York and New Jersey by Metropolitan sewerage commission 1910. 550 p Shore encroachment on the Hudson River at New York. Eng news Mar 9, 1911 (discussion of pier-head line extension) 1 1-3 p tables Steamship terminal in the Bronx. Sci am Jan 23, 1915. 1 p ill Studies for combined waterfront and terminal industrial development by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Aug 1, 1911. lip (special report No 2) Structural and mechanical features of a railroad freight pier, Lacka- wanna freight pier at Hoboken. Eng rec May 24, 1913. 2 p ill Supplementary report on Manhattan terminals at the port of New York by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Nov 21, 1910. 16 p (special report No 3) Supplementary report on the organization of the South Brooklyn waterfroat by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Jan 8, 1912. 6 p (special report No 16) 73 Survey of East River and Little Hell Gate, New York and resurvey of Hell Gate, letter from Acting Secretary of War, transmitting with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, reports .... United States Corps of Engineers. Wash: Govt printing office 1913. 75 p pi Swinging cargo hoist beams for new pier shed. Eng rec Je 17, 1916. 3-4 col ill Tidal movements in East River, New York by Col. \V. M. Black. Pro mem 1913 vol 5. 30 p diagrams and tables Tidal phenomena in harbor of New York by H. de B. Parsons. Trans am soc civ engs 1913 Twenty-sixth Annual Report of Jersey City chamber of commerce. Jersey City Oct 15, 1915. 15 p Two-story shed for New York's 46th St pier serves transatlantic steamers by C. W r . Stamford. Eng rec May 27, 1916. 5 cols ill Two types of sea wall for land filling New York City, (at Riker's and North Brother Islands) Eng rec Aug 22, 1908. 1 p Waterfront engineering in American cities. (Boston, New York and Philadelphia.) Eng rec Jy 8, 1899 Waterfront improvements Manhattan freight terminals. Synopsis of resolutions by commercial and public organizations by Calvin Tom- kins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries May 11, 1911. 19 p (special report No 8) Waterfront of New York by J. A. Bensel. Eng rec Sept 1 1, 1909. 1' p West side freight traffic, (problem in New York City) Eng news Apr 13, 1911. 2 1-2 p West side improvement plans of the New York Central r. r. in New York filed. Eng rec May 6, 1916. 8 1-2 cols ill West side terminals an open letter to the president of the City Club discussing a report of a committee of that club by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Sept 30, 1911, 5 p (special report No 13) Work to start in deep coffer-dams for New York pier. Eng rec May 22, 1915 NEWARK Harbor development in Report of City Plan Commission. Newark 1913 Newark by J. A. Hallock. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 p Newark is rapidly creating its own water terminal. Eng rec Aug. 14 1915. 2 p ill plans The proposed dock system at Newark. Eng rec Nov 16, 1907 Report of advisory dock & meadow reclamation commission. Newark N J 1908 Report of board of consulting engineers on meadow development and ship canal project. Newark: City of Newark 1911 74 Selling a seaport. Advertising and selling Jan 1915. (How Newark is merchandising new industrial facilities) NEWPORT NEWS Chesapeake and Ohio railway company's new coaling pier at Newport News. Int mar engng Aug 1914. 1 p ill Newport News in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 3 p NORFOLK Electrically operated steel coal pier of Norfolk & Western railway. Eng rec Jan 24, 1914. (Details of the equipment of pier at Norfolk Va with plan and profile of layout between yards and pier) 2 1-3 p ill New coal pier for the Norfolk & Western ry co. Ry rev Feb 21, 1914 (General layout of Lamberts Point terminal pier No 4 6 p ill New coal pier Norfolk & Western ry Lambert Point Va by W. P. Wiltsee. Eng news Apr 23, 1914. 6 p ill (coal pier capable of handling 5400 tons per hour, combined use of gravity and mechanical operation) New Norfolk & Western coal pier at Norfolk Va. Ry age gaz Mar 27, 1914. 4 p ill New 150 ton revolving floating crane for Norfolk by A. F. Case. Eng news Je 17, 1915. 1 1-2 p and Eng mag Aug 1915. 1 p plan Norfolk in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 9 p map Reports. Board of harbor commissioners of the, port of Norfolk, Ports- mouth & Norfolk County. Norfolk. Reports. Dock & belt line commission. Norfolk Va Sewall's Point coal pier by F. F. Harrington. Mines & minerals Jan 1910. 2 1-2 p The Virginian railways coal handling plant, the coal shipping terminal at Sewall's Point Va. Ir age Jy 22, 1909. 3 p ill OAKLAND Detailed report of Oakland harbor improvement*by J. E. Caine. Ry & mar news Jan 1, 1914 Development of Oakland, California municipal water-front by W. C. Willard. Engng-contr. 16, 1913. 6 p Hydrographic surveying Oakland harbor development California by F. W. Johnson. Eng news Aug 21, 1913. 2 p map Municipal quay wall Oakland by T. E. Risley. Eng news Feb 13, 1913. 2 p ill Oakland in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 5 p Oakland making ready for Panama canal by J. E, Craine. Ry & mar news Jan 1, 1914. 5 p i 11 75 OGDENSBURG Ogdensburg in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 3 p PENSACOLA Development of Southern ports. Ry & mar news Mar 1, 1913 Pensacola by J.E.Thornton. Pro amerassoc of port author 1914. 1 1-2 p Pensacola. Washington : Nation's business Mar 19, 1913. 1-6 p map Pensacola in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 5 p Reports. Board of City Commissioners. Pensacola Reports. Board of Trade. Pensacola PEORIA Municipal steamboat landing. Eng news Jan 7, 1915. 1 p plans PHILADELPHIA The abolishment of grade crossings and the creation of opportunities for commercial and ' industrial development. Philadelphia: Dept of public works 1916 Comparative designs of river steamship piers Philadelphia Pa. Eng news May 28, 1914 (details of five types of steamship piers) 2 1-2 p ill Cross wall pier on piles. ' Eng rec Jan 6, 1912 The Hughes terminal on the Delaware River at Philadelphia by H. McL. Harding. Eng news Feb 13, 1913. 2pmap Improvement of the channels of Delaware and Schuylkill rivers the city of Philadelphia by C. H. Ott. Pro of engs club of Phila 1902. 26 p ill maps The improvement of the Delaware river and harbor and the landing facilities of the port of Philadelphia by G. S. Webster. Jour Franklin inst Sept 1905. 18 p Improvement of the port facilities of Philadelphia. Eng news Feb 16,. 1911. 2-3 p The latest municipal pier at Philadelphia. Eng rec Jan 6, 1912. 1 p Latest municipal pier at Philadelphia (pier No 19 built of concrete and steel) Eng news Jan 6, 1912. 1 2-3 p ill plans Modern port improvements in Philadelphia by John Meigs. Jour amer soc of marine draftsmen Oct 1915. 14 p New Gerard Point grain elevator at Philadelphia by S. Ingberg. Eng news Sept 17, 1914. 7 pill New municipal pier in Philadelphia. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 2 r> plans ill 76 New steamship terminal at Philadelphia by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Mar 1913 (A plan of development of the Hughes terminal Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.) 2 p ill Ore unloaders at Philadelphia. Iron trade rev May 20, 1915. 2 p ill Pennsylvania and its manifold activities 1912 (for the 12th International congress of navigation, Philadelphia) by G. C. Whidden and W. H. ScholT. Published by the Local organizing commission of the Con- gress, 1912. Philadelphia by John Meigs. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 p Philadelphia by G. W. Norris. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 5p Philadelphia. Wash : Nation's business Mar 19, 19 13. 1-3 p Philadelphia in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. lip map Philadelphia. Comparative cost of different pier designs. Eng rec Je 6, 1914. Ip ill Philadelphia harbor improvements by J. F. Hasskarl. Pro natl con- ference on city planning 1911. 8p Philadelphia Southwark piers. Eng rec Oct 16, 1915 (reinforced con- crete piers.) Port administration and harbor facilities, Philadelphia by W. W. Pier- son. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 3 p The port and city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia int nav congress 1912. Port developments in annual report of the Department of wharves, docks & ferries Phila 1914. 43 p ill The port of Philadelphia and the economic development of Pennsyl- vania by F. P. McKibben. Jour engng soc of Penna May 1905. 30 p Recent port and port railroad development in Philadelphia by John Meigs* Amer assoc of port author 1915. 19 p map Reports. The Dept. of wharves, docks & ferries Philadelphia (annual) (Report 1914; a summary of proposed improvements) Shipping piers in Southwark district. Eng news Aug 26, 1915. 3 1-2 p ill plans $20,000,000. South Philadelphia railroad improvement. Eng rec Sept 11, 1915. (belt line railroad) 2 1-2 p ill Waterfront engineering in American cities. (Boston, New York and Philadelphia.) Eng rec Jy 8, 1899 PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 7p PORTLAND, ME. Portland Me in- Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 6 p 77 PORTLAND, ORE. The Columbia river bar. Mar rev Mar 1911. 3p Design of harbor works at Portland Oregon by C. \V. Staniford, E. P. Goodrich and W. J. Barney. Eng news Oct 10, 1912. 6 p ill Gigantic walls at mouth of Columbia River by G. B. Hegardt. Ry & mar news Dec 1, 1913. 5p Laws, statutes. 1908. 63 p (charter of the port of Portland with all amendments to date also opinions of the supreme court of Oregon relating thereto) The necessity of common terminals in Report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific coast association of port authorities, 1915 by J. B. Ziegler. California: California state printing office 1915. 14 p Ordinances No 32 and 33 presciibing rules, regulations and rates for the government and use of the municipal docks and wharves of the city of Portland Oregon. Portland: Commission of public docks Mar 19, 1914 and Apr 23, 1914. Organization of the port of Portland. Pac mar rev Apr 1916 The port of Portland by port of Portland commission. 1908, 12 p map 1912, 16 p maps Port of Portland. Outline of its organization, object, accomplishments and necessity. Portland. Port of Portland 1914. 20 pill pi Portland, Ore. Wash : Nation's business, Mar 19, 1913. 1-6 p Portland by G. B. Hegardt. Jour of assoc engng soc Jan 1913. 45 p plans ill Portland, Ore by F. W. Mulkey. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2-3 p Portland in appendix of annual report of harbor commissioners of Mon- treal 1915. 12 pill Portland in Pacific ports by H. M. Chittenden. Pro am soc civ engs Sept 1912 Portland, Ore in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 1 p map Portland's harbor improvements. Pac mar rev Mar 1915 Portland's proposed harbor front development and the commission of public docks by G. B. Hegardt. Ry & mar news Feb 1, 1912. 2 p Portland's stragetic position. Pac mar rev Apr 1916 Portland's waterfront improvements by G. B. Hegardt. Pac mar rev Apr 1916 Railroad and port development of Oregon metropolis. Ry & mar news Dec 1,1913. 2 pill Reports The commissioners of public docks Portland. (Annual) Re- port of 1912 contains in appendix Report of board of consulting engineers. 78 Reports Port of Portland commission. (Biennial) Report of board of consultation to commission of public docks 1912 by C. W. Staniford E. P. Goodrich and W. J. Barney. (Summary pub- lished in annual report 1912 Commission of public docks Portland Ore) Resolution in regard to public ownership in Portland in report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific coast assn of port authorities 1915. California : California state printing office 1915. 1 p Work on the Columbia River bar by G. B. Hegardt Pac mar rev Apr 1916 PROVIDENCE General plan and suggestions in reference to the development of Provi- dence harbor. Rhode Island board of harbor commissioners Provi- dence 1915. 15 p pi Masonry bulkhead on timber deck Providence. Eng rec Oct 28, 1911 Port administration and harbor facilities by E. Lackey, Annals of am acad Mar 1907. Providence by C. C. Remington. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 2-3 p Providence in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 6 p Reports. The State harbor improvement commission. Annual. Provi- dence R I 1879-date. maps plans RICHMOND, CAL. Proposed inner harbor plan for the city of Richmond on San Francisco bay. Engng contr Dec 4, 1912. 3 1-2 p ill plans The proposed port of Richmond Calif. Eng news Jan 23, 1913. 1-2 p Report on Richmond harbor project. To council of city of Richmond by ~ P. A. Haviland and F. H. Tibbetts. San Francisco Sept 1912. (with supplementary report on tunnel and roadway) 229 p ill maps plans Richmond in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 2 p SACRAMENTO Sacramento in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office, 1916. 2p ST. JOHN StJohn. Amer assoc of port author 1914. Ip ST. LOUIS Handling freight by telpherage. Eng rec Jy 1. 1911. 4 1-3 p ill Pamphlets. Terminal railroad association. St Louis. Report of St Louis river front municipal terminals for boats and railroads. Conference of governors and delegates from river cities. St Louis: City plan commission 1913-1915 79 Reports. Department of streets & sewers. Annual St Louis. Reports. Director of public utilities. Annual St Louis. St Louis by C. M. Talbert. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 p St Louis municipal railway and water-front. Eng news Jan 13, 1916. 1-2 p map SAN DIEGO Report, 1910. Board of state harbor commissioners for bay of San Diego, biennial Sacramento 1910, ill Bulkhead and pier for new port of San Diego. Eng news Mar 13, 1913. 2 1-2 p ill Great plans for improving San Diego harbor. Ry & mar news Nov 1, 1913. 2 pill Port of San Diego by E. M. Capps. W engng Feb 1914. 7 p ill plans (describes concrete pile with splay bottom) San Diego by C. F. O'Neall. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1-3 p San Diego in appendix of annual report of harbor commissioners of Mon- treal 1915. 4p San Diego in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916 3 p San Diego in the Panama Canal and the ports of the Pacific by A. K. Quigley. Eng mag Feb Mar Apr 1915 San Diego preparing by E. M. Capps. Ry & mar news Jan 15, 1913. 2 p SANDUSKY Coal pier with car-dumping machine at Sandusky. Eng news Mar 11, 1915 Spill Pennsylvania coal dock at Sandusky. Ry age gaz Dec 25, 1914. (plan, profile and details of the yards and docks) 2 p ill Sandusky in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 1 p SAN FRANCISCO The belt railroad of San Francisco by J. J. Dwyer. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 8p Building piers 30 and 32. Methods of casting concrete piers in the dry within steel cylindrical caissons driven into the bottom of the bay. Eng rec Dec 5,^1913. 2 p ill plan The California city point coal pier. Eng rec Je 27, 1908. 2 p plans Cement piers (at San Francisco) Sci am May 25, 1907. 1-3 p ill Concrete pier construction on the Pacific coast by H. A. Crofts. Cas- sier's mag May 1908. 5 p ill Concrete wharf supports in San Francisco harbor by T. S. Williams. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 80 Driving 106 ft concrete piles on San Francisco piers. Eng rec Dec 18, 1915. Ip ill The Harbor of San Francisco by H. C. Estep. Mar rev Feb 1910. 7p Harbor rules: regulations and rates, San Francisco. San Francisco: Board of state harbor commissioners 1913 An improvement in pier construction San Francisco. Eng rec Jy 16, 1910. Ip ill The improvement of the San Francisco's water front by Jerome New- man. Eng news Feb 18, 1915. 2 1-4 p ill plans Laws and statutes relating to San Francisco. Sacramento: Supt state printing Aue 15, 1912 and Aug 15, 1914 New dry dock for San Francisco. Eng news Nov 26, 1914. 2 1-2 p ill New method of wharf building. Eng rec Mar 21, 1908. (concrete cased piers) New passenger and freight piers for the Pacific coast steamship company. Pac mar rev Je 1915 New San Francisco shipping piers, with concrete cylinder foundations and fireproof deck and superstructure by J. G. Little. Eng news Jy 8,1909. 1 1-4 p ill plans The new transport docks at San Francisco by Lyman Grimes. Overland SefptlQll. 4p Pier construction in San Franscisco harbor in report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific coast association of port authorities 1915 by Jerome Newman. California: California state printing office 1915. Pier twenty-eight San Francisco by F. G. White. W engng Je 114 (reinforced concrete pier on cylinders constructed in open caissons) 11 pill plans San Francisco. Planning harbor cities on San Francisco bay. Survey Mar 25, 1916 ill Port improvements at San Francisco by F. O. White. Eng rec Jy 12, 1913. 2 pill Recent harbor expenditures. Pac mar rev Aug 1914 Removal of rocks in San Francisco harbor. Min and sci press May 12, 1900. 4p Report State board of harbor commissioners. (Biennial). Review of San Francisco harbor conditions by Hamilton Higday. Ry & mar news Apr 1, 1914. 5 pill maps San Francisco compiled by Secretary. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 21-2p San Francisco in appendix of annual report of harbor commissioners of Montreal 1915. 12 pill San Francisco in Ports of Pacific by H. M. Chittenden. Pro am soc civengs Sept 1912 81 San Francisco in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Cunt printing otlice 1916. 12 p map San Francisco in the Panama Canal and the ports of the Pacific by A. K. Quigley. Eng mag Feb N 1 ar Apr 1 9 1 ,">. San Francisco harbor development by Hamilton Higday. Hy mar news Pec 1, 1913 San Francisco preparing for Panama canal trade by J. H. Rossiter. Ry \ mar news Mar 13 and Apr 1. 1912. 6p San Francisco's waterfront. Pac mar rev Dec 1914: Summary of port conditions at San Francisco, Gal by J. J. Dwyer. Pro amer assoe of port author 1912. 4 p Suspended fenders a feature of new reinforced concrete piers at San Francisco by F. G. White. Eng rec Feb 20, 191.">. 2 p ill (gives de- tails of lecent concrete pier construction) The state wharves of San Francisco a lucrative public property by W. V. Stafford. Overland Get 1910. 9p War-docks, trade-docks, water-front and city works by J. W. Treadwell. 1907. 16 p Wharf construction at Fort Mason. (San Francisco) Eng rec Aug 6. 1910. 3 p ill (reinforced concrete piers) SAN LUIS San Luis, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 1 p SANTA MONICA Concrete pier construction on the Pacific coast by II. H. Dunn. Cas- sier's mag Nov 1909. 6 p (The new reinforced concrete wharf at Santa Monica) Reinforced concrete pier Santa Monica Cal by E. H. Warner. Eng news Dec 9, 1909. 2p SAVANNAH Economical wharf bulkhead (Savannah) by W. F. Torrance. Eng news Oct9,1913. 2 pill Facts and figures in favor of deeper water at Savanah by Chamber of Commerce 1906. 17 p Freight handling equipment for fertilizer, central of Georgia ry Savannah by E. M. Phett. Eng news Nov 26, 1914. 4 1-2 p ill Savannah, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 9 p map SEATTLE Bulletin No. 1 by Seattle port commission. 1912 (Comprehensive scheme commission plan of development Harbor Island C'B :.> terminal project) 82 Comprehensive outline of port commission's program for the general improvement of Seattle harbor. Ry & mar news Je 15, 1912. 2 1-2 p plan. Construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific depot. Largest frame dock, pile arrangement, framing details, special features of protection by B. H. Dunlap. Pac builder & engr Feb 25, 1911. 3 p Description of east waterway improvement, Seattle by P. P. Whitham Ry & mar news May 1, 1913 General review Seattle's proposed port improvements (construction un- der way) by J. E. Shoemaker. Ry & mar news Aug 1, 1913. 3 1-2 p ill Harbor development in Seattle by W. L. Kidstone. Eng rec Aug 23, 1913 (general outline of six projects being undertaken by the port Commission) 2 p ill Harbor rules and regulations of the city of Seattle provided by Or- dinance No 31368 in effect Je 26, 1913. Seattle: Port of Seattle 1913 Mammoth grain elevator now nearing completion. Ry &. mar news May 1,1915. 1 p ill New Seattle dry dock. Ry & mar news Apr 1 , 1913. 1 p ill Opening of new dock of moment to coast. (Puget Sound navy yard) Ry & mar news Mar 15, 1913. 1 p Pier built on cylinders cast as concrete shells and fill in place, Puget Sound navy yard by H. L. Muchemare. Eng rec Je 22, 1912. 2 p ill Plan of Seattle. Report to Municipal plans commission by V. G. Bogue. Seattle. Plan of Seattle by Municipal plans comm. 1911 (Harbor improvements 10 p Port of Seattle 60 p) Port development at Seattle by P. P. Whitham. Eng news Mar 11, 1915 5 p ill 'gives the plan of the harbour, the terminal situation, the location of warehouses and equipment) The port of Seattle by Gen H. M. Chittenden. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 15 p maps The port of Seattle by H. Higday. Seattle: Port of Seattle Sept 4, 1915. 25 p ill maps (review of 4 years' work of the port commission) The port of Seattle year book. History and resources of port. Annual reports of the port commission, port warden, harbor maps and mis- cellaneous information. Seattle 1914 Public port utilities in Seattle (grain elevator, storage warehouses, cold storage plants). Bulletin No 8 by Port of Seattle commission Seattle : Port of Seattle commission 1915. 23 p ill Report of an investigation by a board of engineers of the means of con- trolling floods in the Duwamish-Puyallup valleys and their tribu- taries in the state of Washington by H. M. Chittenden. 1907 32 p maps 83 Reports of Port of Seattle Reports of Port Warden Reports of Railways and canals committee. U. S. 48th Congress 1st sess House rep 603 (bill to provide for and aid in construction of a ship canal) Seattle by Hamilton Higday. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 1-2 p Seattle in appendix of annual report of Harbor Commissioners of Mon- treal 1915. 15 pill Seattle, in Pacific ports by H. M. Chittenden. Pro am soc civ engs Sept 19, 1912 Seattle, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. lip map Seattle port improvements as planned by Virgil Bogue by P. P. Whitham. Ry & mar news Sept 1, 1911. 4p Seattle port terminals by P. P. Whitham. Pac mar rev Oct 1914 Seattle's harbor improvement by C. A. Osier, Mimic jour Apr 23, 1914 (a general description of the harbor 2 1-2 p ill) Seattle's plan for economic terminal facilities by A. L. Valentine. Ry &mar news Mar 1, 1915. 2 pill map Seattle's port facilities by J. C. West. Pac mar rev Apr 1916. Special reports of Port of Seattle. No 1. Smith Cove Terminal No 2. Public terminal board issues (open letter to federal gov) No 5 Trade commission 1915 (on switching conditions) No 6. Proposed belt line railroad 1915 No 8 The public port utilities in Seattle STOCKTON Stockton, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 3 p SUPERIOR A large coal storage wharf at Superior. Eng rec Nov 30, 1907. 2 p Three tramway bridges on the coal storage dock of the Ber wind- White coal mining co Superior Wise by R. W. Wetherill. Eng news Je 18, 1908. 2 pill TACOMA Bogue plans for Tacoma harbor are comprehensive by Virgil Bogue. Ry & mar news Jan 15, 1912. 2p Commencement Bay, the harbor of Tacoma by L. P. Zimmerman. Mar rev Je 19 10. 8p General review of north Pacific ports, including Seattle, Tacoma, Van- couver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Alaska and Columbia River ports. Ry & mar news Feb 1, 1915. 1-7 p Harbor development as applied to the city of Tacoma by T. H. Martin. Report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Association of Port Authorities, 1915. Sacramento: California State Printing office 1915. 6p 84 Improvement of Tacoma harbor. Mar rev Mar 1912. 1 p Letter from acting chief of engineers submitting report to review the project now under way for the improvement of the Puyallup water way in the harbor of Tacoma. U. S. Engineer dept. Mar 14, 1910. U. S. 61st Cong 2d sess Senate doc 418 Practical men oppose Tacoma's proposed dock site. Ry & mar news Sept 1,1901. Ip Tacoma by L. G. Parks. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 1 1-2 p Tacoma in apendix of annual report of Harbor Commissioners. Montreal,. 1915. 8 1-2 pill Tacoma, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 7 p map TAMPA Port administration and harbor facilities Tampa by J. D. Calhoun. Annals of the Amer acad Mar 1907. 1 p Tampa. Wash: Nation's business Mar 19, 1913. 1-6 p ill table Tampa, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 5p TEXAS CITY An ocean terminal for the south, Texas City harbor developments by L. C. Talmage. Sci am sup Feb 22, 1913. 1 p ill Rail and water terminals at Texas City improvements near Galveston including new piers, warehouses and grain elevators by H. A. Thomas. Rr age gazette Jy 12, 1912. 3 p Texas City in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 7 p TOLEDO New dock facilities of the Hocking Valley Ry at East Toledo, Ohio. Ry rev Apr 1 1, 1914. 4 1-2 p ill A new ore dock and storage yard at Toledo. Eng rec Feb 11, 1911. 1 p< Toledo, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt. printing office 1916. 3 p TONAWANDA Tonawanda, in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 1 p TWO HARBORS, MINN. New ore dock at Two Harbors. Rr age gaz Jan 5, 1912. 2 p A structural steel ore dock at Two Harbors. Eng rec Dec 5, 1908. 2 p Two Harbors in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. W T ash: Govt printing office 1916. 3 p VENICE, CAL. Shore at Venice, Cal. best protected by permanent sea wall and low groins. Eng rec Jan 8, 1916. 10 1-2 cols ill (report ol Leeds & Bar- nard) 85 Shore protection at Venice, Gal. (from report of Leeds & Barnard for city of Venice) Pro mem 1916 vol 8. 16 p WASHINGTON, D.C. Port Administration and harbor facilities by D. E. Garges. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 43 p Washington, D.C. in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash : Govt printing office 1916. 5p WILMINGTON, DEL. Dredging problems in Wilmington by R. R. Raymond. Eng news May 8, 1913. 4 p Port administration and harbor facilities, Wilmington by William Coyne and J. N. Lawson. Annals of am acad Mar 1907. 2 p Wilmington, Del. in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Washington : Govt printing office, 1916. 2 p. WILMINGTON, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones, Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 6 p ALASKA General review of North Pacific ports, including Seattle, Tacoma, Van- couver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Alaska and Columbia River ports. Ry & mar news Feb 1, 1915. 1-6 p Harbors of Southern Alaska by Alaska R. R. Commission. Wash: Govt printing office 1913 Planning of Alaskan ports by P. P. Whitham. Wash: Dept of Interior 1916 Terminal facilities of North Pacific ports. Seattle: Terminal pub co 1914 NOME A landing cableway, Nome, Alaska. Eng news Sept 4, 1913 (a cableway for transportation of passengers and freight from steamships to the shore at Nome Alaska) 1-2 p ill PHILIPPINE ISLANDS CEBU The concrete sea wall at Cebu by H. F. Cameron. Eng rec Apr 25, 1908 ILOILO Reinforced concrete wharf with granite foundations; harbor improve- ments at Iloilo, Philippine Islands by W. T. Howe. Eng news Nov 20, 1913 7 p ill 86 JOLO Jolo, in Random notes on engineering in the Philippine Islands by A. A. Fries. Pro mem 1910 vol 12. 4 p MANILA Manila harbor, in Random notes on engineering in the Philippine Islands by A. A. Fries. Pro mem 19 10 vol 1 2. 1 p The Manila harbor improvements. Eng rec May 27, 1905 Remarks upon harbor construction now in progress at the port of Manila, P.I. by C. McD. Townsend. Wash : Press of the engineer school 1906. 20 p map Steel wharves at Manila. Eng rec Je 16, 1906 ZAMBOANGA Zamboanga, in Random notes on engineering in the Philippine Islands by A. A. Fries. Pro mem 1910 vol 12. 4 p HAWAII Private wharves and landings in Hawaii, Report of Commission. . . legis- lative session of 1909. Honolulu: Commission of wharves and land- ings 1910. 59 pill HONOLULU General review of preparations and work on docks at Honolulu. Ry & mar news Dec 1, 1913 PEARL HARBOR Proposed method of constructing Pearl Harbor dry dock. Eng news Jan 14, 1915. 3 1-2 pill WEST INDIES CUBA Cuba, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Dec 1915. Cuba Population-history-resources 1907, by U. S. Bureau of the cen- sus, (description of the ports of Cuba) Description of the harbors of Cuba. New York: Cuba review May 1908 Report of capitain of the port, Havana, July 26, 1900, in annual reports of the War Department, part 12, vol II (report of the Military Governor of Cuba) Wash : Govt printing office 1902. 15 p Report of W. M. Black, Chief Engineer, Department of Cuba, for six months ending Dec 31, 1900. Wash: Govt printing office 1900 87 GUANTANAMO Coaling station at Guantanamo, Cuba by W. P. Engelman. Iron age Je 24, 1909. 2p U. S. coaling wharf. Eng rec Feb. 9, 1907. 1 1-2 p ill (reinforced con- crete) ' HAVANA Havana, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Dec 1915 Reinforced concrete steamship piers, Havana. Eng news Je 25, 1914. 5 p ill Reinforced concrete substructure of the Havana Docks Company's piers. Eng rec Apr 27. 1912. 2p Reinforced concrete substructure of Havanna Docks Company piers (design of piers and fabrication and driving of reinforced piles) Eng news Apr 27, 1912. 2 pill CURACAO Improving a harbor of Curacao (Willemshad) by Harry Chapin. Sci am May 24, 1913. 1200 w DOMINICAN REPUBLIC La Republica Dominicana by Enrique Deschamps (ports of the Domini- can Republic) HAITI Practical guide to Latin America by Albert Hale, (description of the ports of Haiti) PORTO RICO Harbor improvements in Porto Rico. New York: Dun's rev inter- national edition Je 1912 Laws, rules and regulations for government of docks and harbors of Porto Rico. San Juan 1912. 42 p ST. THOMAS New coaling dock at St. Thomas, the first unit of extensive harbor im- provements by C. H. Mason. Sci am sup Aug 15, 1914. 1 p (gives- plan of harbor showing location of new dock and improvements) FORT-DE-FRANCE HARBOR Rapport aux ministeres des colonies. . . by Mission charge d'etudier les consequences de 1'ouverture du Canal de Panama en ce qui concerne les colonies franchises des Antilles et d'oceania. Paris 1913. 1 v maps (contents Pt 1 Antilles) CENTRAL AMERICA Les richesses de 1'Amerique Centralle by Desire Pector. (gives an ex- cellent description of the various ports of Central America) 88 SOUTH AMERICA Conditions on the west coast of South America by A. B. Lueder. Cornell civ engrNov 1915. 6 p ill Engineering and commercial conditions and problems in Latin-America; by E. L. Corthell. Wash: Bulletin of the Pan American union Jan 1912 Le grands ports rccents de 1'Amerique du Sud by Alfred Jacobson. Genie civil May 3, 1913.' 600 w serial 1st part. (Para, Pernambuco, Bahia.) Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news 1915. (se- ries of articles on Latin America contains reference and pictures of ports etc) Argentina Feb, Peru March, Chili April, Brazil May, Uruguay June, Colombia July, Ecuador Aug, Panama and Canal Zone Sept, Bolivia Oct, Venezuela Nov, Cuba and Havana Dec. I pui recenti nei maggiori porti atlantici del 1' America del Sud by Cesare Chiodi. Monit tec Nov 10, 1913. 6600 w ill (Argentine, Uruguay and Brazil) The ports of the west coast of South America. Lima: West coast leader Apr 9 1914 Notes on Latin American engineering problems and their bearing on trade by E. L. Corthell. Wash: Bulletin of the Pan American Union Mar 19 11. Ip Some ports on the west coast of South America and their future develop- ment, by A. D. Swan. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 South America. (Foreign commercial guide) Philadelphia: Philadelphia commercial museum (gives a full and detailed description of all the ports of South America) South American year book and directory. London: Louis Gassier Co Ltd New York : International Book Go ARGENTINA Argentina, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Feb 1915 Argentina river ports. London: Times, South American supplement Oct 25, 1910 (Los) nuevos faros de la republica Argentina (paper before second scien- tific Latin-Amer Congress at Montevideo) by Luigi Luiggi. Buenos Aires 1901. 36 p plates tables BAHIA Bahia Blanca an Argentine seaport made to order by M. D. Carrel. Bui pan am union Mar 1916. 3p BUENOS AIRES Buenos Aires and some minor Argentine ports by F. Lavis. Eng news Jan 29, 1914. Spills 89 Buenos Aires harbour work by J. M. Dobson. Pro inst civ engs 1898-99 Vol 138. 60 p ill plates El puerto de Buenos Aires by L. A. Huergo. 1904 179 p (Historia tec- nica del puerto de Buenos Aires) Port of Buenos Aires. Dun's rev Int edition Je 1904 Progresos de las obras del puerto la Paz. Buenos Aires: Boletin de obras publicas Jy and Aug 1911 (el) Puerto de Buenos Aires: memoria presentada al "Institute de Ingen- ieros civiles de Londres": Traducide y anotada por al ingeniero L. A. Huergo paraia "Revista Tecnica" by J. M. Dobson. Buenos Aires 1900. 213 p map Puerto do Buenos Aires by L. A. Huergo. Buenos Aires 1898. 336 p pi maps (Congreso Cientifico Latino Americano 1898) CALVIN PORT Calvin port, Bahia Blanca, Argentine by C. A. Trery. Pro inst civ engs NovSO, 1915 ROSARIO Etude sur les magasins a grain elevateur du port de Rosario by Barbet. Revue de Mecanique Nov Dec 1908 vol 23 (Description of machin- ery for elevator) Puerto del Rosario, correction del rio (Parana) by Domingo Carrique. (Proceedings) Vol XIX de los Trabajos del Cuarto Congreso Cientifi- co Santiago 1908-1909. Santiago Chile 1912. 9 p map Port du Rosario by Geo Hersent. Paris: Societe d'encouragement pour 1'industrie nationale. 1904. 86 p maps ill BOLIVIA Bolivia, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Octl915 BRAZIL Brazil, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news May 1915 Portos, in Relatorio, ministro da viagaoe obras publicas by Jose Barboza Gongalves. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa nacional 1912 79 p Portos do Brazil, leis, decretos, contractos e mais actos omciaes sobre os portos do Brazil com annotacoes e noticia resumida dos estodos, pro- jectos XXXX de 1901 a 1911. Supplemento Ao relatirio do XX by Jose Barboza Gongalves. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa nacional 1912. 592 p Ports of Brazil. London: Times, South American supplement Mar 28, 1911 South Brazil port. Shipping illustrated Apr 29, 19 1 1 90 22,000 tons floating dry dock for Brazil. Int mar engng Jan 191 1. 12 1-2 pill PARA Description of the port of Para. Wash: Bulletin of the Pan Amer union Je 1910 Port facilities at Para Brazil. Eng news Feb 22, 1913 (Very brief de- scription of general layout of the port, tracks and machinery) Port of Para by E. L. Corthell. Int nav congress 1907. 13 p pi maps The port of Para by Albert Hale. Wash: Bulletin of the Pan American union Oct 1912. 16 p Reports of Ports of Para. Annual London 191 1-12. 2 vol maps The trade of the Amazon and the port of Para by D. F. St. Claire. Eng mag Oct 1909. 13 p RIO DE JANEIRO Port works at Rio de Janeiro. Wash: Bulletin of the Pan American union Dec 1909 Porto do Rio de Janeiro by F. de Paula Bicalho. Boletin Ministeris da industria, Viacao e obias publicas, primeiro anno, No 2, 1909, Tome 11 Rio Janeiro 1909. 64 p map ill plates, (complete article on port and proposed improvements) RIO GRANDE Port works of Rio Grande do sul. Shipping illustrated Mar 18, 1916. 1 1-2 p The jetty and port works of Rio Grande do sul. Eng rec Aug 15, 1908. lp Rio Grande do sul by C. F. Carter. W T ash: Bulletin of the Pan American union Mar 1910 CHILI Chili, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Apr 1915 ANTOFAGASTA Port works at Antofagasta. Valparaiso : Chili to-day Je 1914 SAN ANTONIO The port of San Antonio by C. O. Valeric. Valparaiso: Chili to-day, Apr 1914 Puerto de San Antonio: Proyecto; by G. H. van M. Broekman. San- tiago 1908. 2 v pi tab atlas VALPARAISO El mejoramiento del puerto de Valparaiso by E. R. Cox. ' (Proceedings) Vol XVIII de los Trabajos del Cuarto Congreso Cientifico, Santiago 1908-09, Santiago Chili 1912 91 Harbor of Valparaiso, in River and harbor notes from foreign lands com- piled by F. B. Downing. Pro mem 1912 Vol 4 2 p Harbor works at Valparaiso. Wash: Bulletin of the Pan American union Jan 1905 The new Valparaiso port. Engng May 24, 1912. 1200 w Port works at Valparaiso. London: South American Journal Sept 14, 1912 Primer puerto chileno moderno. Valparaiso: Pacifico mag Feb 1915 COLOMBIA Colombia, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Jyl915 Port improvements in Colombia. Shipping illus Oct 4, 1913 BUENAVENTURA Memoria sobre el piano de la bahia de la Buenaverttura. Bogota : Anales de ingenieria July Aug 1915 Buenaventura concession. Lord Murray and Colombia. Lima: West coast leader Oct 16, 1913 PARAGUAY A step in the progress of Paraguay. (Port works at Asuncion) Wash: Bulletin of the Pan American union Nov 1915 PERU Peru, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Mar 1915 Peruvian ports. Lima: West coast leader Apr 23, 1914 and May 7, 1914 (includes Pacasmaya, Chimbote, Chilca, Tambo, Chala and Man- tarani) CHIMBOTE Port of Chimbote (Peru) a coaling station and naval base in the North. Lima: Peru to-day Sept 1913 URUGUAY Atlantic ports of Uruguay. Shipping illus May 6, 1911 (includes Punta delEste, LaPalomaand La Coronilla.) 1-8 p Uruguay, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Jel915 CONCORDIA Puerto de Concordia (Uruguay) by Lorenzo Amespil. (Proceedings) Congreso cientifico internacional americano 1910. Buenos Aires' Imprentade ConiHermanos 1911. 24 p 92 MONTEVIDEO Aerial ropeway at Monte Video. Engng Nov 26, 1909. 3 p designs ill (coal from lighters 1-3 mile off shore) El puerto cle Montevideo by Jose Monteverde. (Proceedings) Gongreso cientifico internacional americano 1910. Buenos Aires: Imprenta de Coni Hermanos 1911. 8p VENEZUELA La barra de Maracaibo. Caracas: Revista tecnica Jan 1911 Venezuela, in Great trade possibilities of Latin America. Ry & mar news Nov 1915 Venezuelan ports. Shipping ills Apr 29, 1916. Ip CANALS AND RIVERS Artificial waterways, discussion. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part F Dimensions of an artificial waterway to carry a known volume by Gen. H. L. Abbot. Pro mem 1910. Vol 2. 5 1-3 p Great canals of the world in History of the canal systen of the State of New York by N. E. Whitford. Albany: Brandow Printing co 1906. 1513 p- Kanal-und Flussbau by Edward Sonne. Lehrbuch des tiefbaues her- ausgegeben von Karl Esselborn. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1910. 132 p Natural waterways, a review of their development in the Netherlands by A. B. Marinkelle. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part D Seepage losses from earth canals by E. A. Moritz. Eng news Aug 28, 1913 3 1-2 p diagrams Reports of railways and canals committee. 48th U. S. Congress 1st ses- sion house rep 603 (Bill to provide for and aid in construction of a ship canal) BELGIUM Navagazione interna. . . Belgio by C. Valentini. Giornale del Genio civile 1909. 27 p ill maps Report on work undertaken. . . .for the improvement. . of inland navigation by E. J. Marote and J. Descans. Int nav congress 1911. 31 ppl BERLIN-STETTIN Berlin-Stettin canal. Engng May 8, 1914. 2 p plans La miova grande via navigabile Berlino-Stettino, Giornale del Genio Civile 1914. 21 pill BRUGES Bruges ship canal and new works at Ostend and Antwerp by Vernon Harcourt. Pro inst civ engs 1898-99 pt 2. 93 BUFFALO Buffalo barge canal terminal. Eng news Dec 9, 1915. 1 1-2 p plans CAPE COD The Cape Cod canal. Eng news Jan 9, 1913. 3 1-2 p ill Cape Cod canal. Sci am Sept 6, 1913. 1 1-2 p ill map The Cape Cod canal by R. P. Getty. Cassier's mag Jan 1911. 14 p ill Cape Cod and its canal by J. W. Miller. New York 1914. 38 p (Cape Cod construction company) Excavating methods and equipment on the Cape Cod canal by E. F. Verplanck. Eng news Feb 19, 1914. 4 1-2 p ill DALLES-CELILO Canals. Dalles-Celilo by F. C. Shubert. Pro mem 1913. Vol 5. 39 p ill plans The Dalles-Celilo canal. Pac mar rev Jy 1915 ENGLAND La navigazione interna in Inghilterra by E. Vivaldi. Giornale del Genio civile 19 10. 25 p FRANCE Inland navigation in France by A. Chargueraud. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 Vol LI V Part F GEORGIAN BAY Georgian Bay ship canal. Engng Dec 1910. 2pmap Proposed Georgian bay canal. Engr Lond Apr 4, 19 13. 2-3 p maps GERMANY Navigazione interna opere eseguite in Germania by C. Valentini. Gior- nale del Genio civile 1909. 48 p ill maps Report on works undertaken. . for the improvement and development of lines of inland navigation by R. Bergius. Int nav congress 1911 10 ppl The waterway from the German Rhine through the Netherlands to the North Sea along the rivers Rhine, Waal and Nieuwe Maas by C. H. Jolles. Trans int eng congress 1915 GREAT BRITAIN Artificial waterways in Great Britain by W. H. Hunter. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 Vol LIV Part F Reports of Royal commission on canals and waterways. Canals and in- land navigations of the United Kingdom. 1906-191 1 Report on work undertaken. . . for the improvement ... of inland navi- gation by J. A. Saner. Int nav congress 1911. 41 ppl 94 HOLLAND Improvement of three Holland ship canals by L. F. E. van Hoogenhuyze and J. A. de Lint. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part F HOUSTON Houston ship canal by Charles Grotty. Eng news Jy 23, 1914. 2 p ill INTER-COSTAL CANAL Artificial waterways which form cut-offs (inter-coastal canal) by C. S. Riche. Trans int eng congress 1915. 15 p map Atlantic and intra costal waterways. Ap sci Jan 1915 Atlantic inter-costal waterway. Phila: Atlantic deeper waterways assoc 1914 (official survey lines and present status of work) Inland waterways. Story of the Atlantic costal project. . . by J. H. Moore. Pro Atlantic deeper waterways assn 1911. 15 p Intra costal waterway 1912. House of representatives Doc 391, 63rd Congress. Wash: Govt printing office 1912 (Boston to Beaufort N C) ITALY Lavori di repristino e di miglioramento in alcuni tronchi della linea di navigazione Lago Maggiore Milano by E. Sassi. Giornale del Genio civile 19 13. 15 p LAKE WASHINGTON Earthwork of the Seattle and Lake Washington waterway co. Eng news Jan 12, 1905 Lake Washington canal. Pac mar rev Mar 1914 Lake Washington canal. Sci am Jan 29, 1910. 1-2 p map Lake Washington canal and lock improvements. (Project brought down to date with details of the lock and principal data) by A. O. Powell. Pac builder and engr Je 22, 1912. 1 p The Lake Washington canal project by A. O. Powell. Pac builder and engr Mar 19, 1910. 3p Proposed Lake Washington canal a great engineering project by A. 0. Powell. Eng new y s Jan 6, 1910. 4 p (Editorial on Lake Washington canal p 17) MANCHESTER The Manchester ship canal. Jour soc engrs Feb 1899 Plan of the Manchester ship canal co. Manchester Eng. Manchester ship canal co Reports by Manchester ship canal co. Manchester. MARSEILLES Le canal de Marseilles au Rhone by M. Bougougnon. Ann de pont et chaussees Nov Dec 1914. 123 p 95 Marseilles with new canal may rival Hamburg. New York Times mag May 21, 1916 1 p ill NETHERLANDS Report on work undertaken. . . for the improvement. . . of inland navigation by A. R. Van Loon. Int nav congress 1911. 7 p NEW YORK STATE BARGE CANAL (ERIE CANAL) Artificial waterways and commercial development (with history of Erie canal) by A. B.Hepburn. New York 1909. 124 p The final report to the Legislature of the barge canal terminal commission of the state of New York. Pro of the state barge canal terminal com- mission. Albany: Legislature 1911 (Treats of barge canal and various proposed terminals at Buffalo Tonawanda Rochester Syracuse Oswego Utica Schenectady Whitehall Troy Albany New York with maps of each and of route of canal) 153 p History of the canal system of the state of New York, together with brief histories of the canals of the United States and Canada. Supplement to the annual report of the state engineer and surveyor of the state of New York 1905 by N. E. Whitford. Albany: Brandow printing co 1906. 1513 p. Erie canal: Champlain: Oswego: Cayuga and Seneca: Black River: Oneida: Shinnecock and Peconic: Abandoned Canals: private canals: resume of important laws, etc: Statistical and bio- graphical N Y canals: canals of the U. S. and Canada: great canals of the world) New York barge canal hopes to open east half of barge canal in another year Eng rec Dec 18, 1915 How the N. Y. barge canal will be operated by W. H. Yates. Eng news Jan 20th and 17th 1916. 7 1-2 p and 5 p ill New method of dragging a channel for high spots. (New York state barge canal) by E. W. Wendell. Eng news Oct 19, 191 1 New York state barge canal. Eng news Je 9, 1910. 4 p map ills Siphon spillways on the Glens Falls feeder by G. F. Sticknev. Eng news Febl2, 1914. 2 p ill NICARAGUA Report of the board of engineers for the purpose of ascertaining the feas- ibility, permanence and cost of construction and completion of the Nicaragua canal by the route contemplated and provided for by the act which passed the Senate Jan 28, 1895. Wash: Govt printing office 1896X54th Congress. 1st sess house doc No 279) pi maps NORTH SEA North and East sea canal by J. Fulsher. Trans am soc civ engs 1893 Vol XXX Notes on projects for North Sea Canal from 1629 to 1893 by A. Huet. Trans am soc civ engs 1893. Vol XXX 96 PANAMA Various papers on Panama Canal. Trans eng congress 1915. 2 v Balboa terminal. Engng Jy 23, 1915. 3 f-3 p plans ill (gives details of concrete wharves and cylinder foundations) Construction of the Panama Canal by W. L. Sibert and J. F. Stevens. New York 1915. 351 p pi map The construction plant for the Pacific locks of the Panama Canal. Eng rec Dec 19, 1908. 1 p plans Cost of the Panama Canal as estimated and as built. Eng news May 28, 1911. 2p Description of coaling plants in Canal zone. Ry & mar new r s Mar 15, 1913 Electric trucks save money at Panama terminal. Eng rec Dec 18, 1915 History of Panama Canal; its construction and builders by I. E. Bennett. Washington 1915. 551 p pi Influence of Panama Canal on Pacific ports in Ports of Pacific by H. M. Chittenden. Trans am soc civ engs 1913 Lumber dock at Balboa by G. R. Goethals. Eng rec Jy 20, 1912. 3 1-2 p plans ill Notes on Panama. Washington: War dept office of chief of staff (gives description of the ports of Panama) Official handbook, 1911, 13, 15. U. S. Isthmian canal commission. Ancon 1911-15, 3 v ill map Panama, a canal: report by V. E. TimonofT. St. Petersburg 1913. 213 p ill pi The Panama canal by R. E. Bakenhus-H. S. Knapp-E. R. Johnson. New York : John Wiley & Sons 257 p $2.50 Panama canal by F. J. Haskins. New York 1913. 396 p pi map The Panama canal by Lieut Col H. F. Hodges. Pro mem 1909 vol 1. 33 p Panama canal by Lewis Nixon. Trans soc nav arch & mar engrs 1911 Vol XIX The Panama Canal and the ports of the Pacific by A. J. Quigley. Eng mag Feb Mar Apr 1915. (General data on the ports of San Diego Los Angeles San Francisco and the harbors of the northern Pacific Coast) Panama canal traffic and tolls by E. R. Johnson. Wash: Govt printing office 1912 The Panama gateway by J. B. Bishop. New York 1913. 475 p pi maps Rapport aux ministeres des colonies par Mission charges d'etudier les consequences de 1'ouverture du canal de Panama en ce qui concerne les colonies francaises des antilles et d'oceania. Paris 1913. maps (Contents Pt 1 Antilles) 97 Reinforced concrete wharf at Balboa C. Z. from 1911 report of Isthmian canal comm. Eng news Dec 21, 1911. 2p Reinforced concrete wharf of United Fruit co at Bocas del Toro Pan- ama by T. H. Barnes. Trans am soc civ engs 1910. vol LXVI Report of the board of consulting engineers for the Panama canal. Wash: Govt printing office 1906. 2 v 1st v text. 2nd v maps and dia- grams (gives dimensions etc of principal canals of the world) Reports on first year of operation of Panama Canal by Maj-gen G. W. Geothals. Eng rec Jan 1, 1915 Some experiences with concrete in the republic of Panama by A. P. Crary. Eng new T s Feb 4, 1915. 2 p ill (gives effect of sea water and design of concrete roof) Why the Panama Canal will make Seattle a world port by D. H. Gil- man. Ry& mar news Sept 1, 1911. Ip RUSSIA The natural waterways of Russia by N. P. Pouzirevsky. Trans int eng congress 1915 22 p Navigable inland waterways of Russia by E. A. Wodarski. Int nav congress 1911. 32ppl ST. LAWRENCE River St. Lawrence ship canal. 38th Annual report of dept of marine and fisheries. Ottawa Canada 1905 St. Lawrence river by C. W. Stephens. British assn for advancement of science St. Lawrence ship channel improvements by H. C. Plummer. Sci am Sept 6, 1913. 11-2 pill map "SOO" New canals and locks at "The Soo." Eng news Mar 5, 1914. 4500 w New canals and locks at "The Soo." Eng news Apr 23, 1914. 4800 w The "Soo" canal by H.-C. Plummer. Sci am sup Jan 17, 1914. 2500 w ill SUEZ Le canal de Zuez by Voisin Bey. Paris 1902-06 8 v pi maps (History, administration, laws of company and description of construction) Le canal de Suez, elat actuel et resultats d'exploitation by A. Dumas- Genie civil Je 19, 1915. 3500 w 111 canale maritino di Suez. Gionale del Genio civile 1909. 31 p ill Maritime canal of Suez; from its inauguration, Nov 17, 1869 to the year 1884 by J. E. Nourse. Wash 1884 164 p pi maps (48th Cong 1st sess Senate ex doc No 198) 98 UNITED STATES Artificial waterways in U. S. by W. L. Sibert. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. VolLIVPartF Canals of United States in History of the canal system of the State of New York by N. E. Whitford. Albany: Brandow printing co 1906. 1513 p History of travel in America by Seymour Dunbar. Indianapolis 1915. 4 v ill pi map La navigazione interna negli Stati Uniti d' America by C. Valentini. Giornale del Genio civile 1913. 17 p tables WELLAND New Welland ship canal. Eng news Sept 25, 1913. 4 p plans Proposed Welland ship canal. Eng rec Jy 12, 1913. 1 1-2 p map Twelve 2000-ton coils for Welland canal completed. Eng rec Feb 12, 1915. Ip RIVERS LOIRE Les travaux de la Loire navigable by C. Dautin. Genie civil Je 25, 1910 5000 w ill MISSISSIPPI Lakes-to-the-gulf deep waterway. A study of the proposed channel, terminals, water craft, freight movement and rail and boat rates by W. A. Shelton. Chicago 1912. 143 p ill map The Mississippi river by J. W. Woermann. Jour assn eng soc Sept 1915. 30 p New Mississippi freight carriers. Shipping ill Apr 29, 1916 Port improvements along Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Eng news Je 3, 1915. 21-2p Resume of the operations of the first and second districts. Mississippi river improvements by E. E. Winslow. Wash: U. S. eng school oc- casional paper No 41. 1910 Water terminals on the Mississippi river. Eng news Je 11, 1914. 1-2 p NETHERLANDS Natural waterways a review of their development in the Netherlands by A. B. Marinkelle. Trans soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part E RHINE Die Rhein-hafenanlagen in, Basel und die Schiffahrt auf dem oberr- heim. Schweizbau Nov 9, 1912. 3300 w maps ill Rhine and Mississippi river terminals by E. J. Clapp. Yale rev Feb 1911. 5p 99 Rhine river in European waterways. Proceedings of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 5 p The waterway from the German Rhine through the Netherlands to the North Sea, along Rivers Rhine Waal and Niewe Maas by C. A. Jolles. Trans int eng congress 1915 18 p map UNITED STATES Natural waterways in the United States by W. \V. Hurts. Trans int eng congress 1915. 50 p ill FREE PORTS Attitude of business towards foreign trade by K. K. Pratt. Annals of Am acad May 1915 Description du port franc de Copenhagen by L'administration du port de . Copenhague. Copenhagen 1894. 20 p 1 1 p ( Digest of a report to the foreign trade committee of the merchants' assn of New York on a comparative study of the economic, industrial and commercial conditions in the free ports of Europe and the port of New York by P. B. Kennedy. Merchants' Assn of New York Feb 1914. 55 p Free port for Marseilles in Commercial relations 1900. Wash: Govt printing office 1900 vol 2 The free port of Copenhagen by P. Vedel. Eng mag Feb 1896. 8 p plans Free port of Hamburg. U. S. Consular reports Feb 1896. 57 p Free port, the agent for developing American commerce by F. C. Howe and R. Roberts. Annals am acad May, 1915. Free ports by Calvin Tomkins. Pro amer assoc of port author 1915. 8p Free ports and foreign trade in report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Association of Port Authorities 1915 by C. M. Gordon. California : California state printing office 1915. 6 p Free ports at Hamburg by E. J. Clapp.- Annals am acad May 19 1 ."> Free ports in Encyclopedia Britannica. Parliamentary papers on continental free ports by Sir C. M. Kennedy. London : English commerce dept of the foreign office 1908 Report on the project for making Copenhagen a free port presented to both houses of Parliament Dec 1890 and July 1891. Publication of English commerce department foreign office of England, document No 185. Dec 1890 and document No 206 July 1891. London: Har- rison & sons Report on the free port from an engineering standpoint by W 7 . J. Barney. New York: Merchants' assn 1913. 100 ADMINISTRATION, LAWS AND FINANCE: PORT CHARGES The account of the Mersey docks and harbor board for the year ending July 11, 1913 Liverpool: The Liverpool printing and stationery co 1913 Account of the various methods of administering and operating com- mercial ports by Paul Joly. Int nav congress 1905. 20 p An act relative to the development of the port of Boston. Chapt 748, acts of 191 1 State of Mass (in pamphlet) Additional facts on wharfage, storage and port charges by H. M. Chitterr- den. Ry & mar news May 1, 1915 Administration of European cities by J. Pitzman. Jour assn eng socs Dec 1915. 20 p maps Amsterdam, in Appendix V in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 6 p (fees charged for port facilities) Analysis of present operation of the port of New Orleans with present and proposed system of rates by Ford, Bacon & Davies. New Orleans: Board of commissioners of the port of New Orleans 1915 Appendix G. Administration, etc. of foreign and American ports, in the Port of New York. New Jersey harbor commission 1914 The assessing of scientific port charges and basis and method of such charges by E. M. Loeb. Pro amer assoc of port author 1915. 8p Authorization of public works in France by Maj F. A. Mahan. Pro mem VoU. 1912. 6p The best methods for the development of port traffic and the attraction of business by J. P. Gilmer. Pro amer assoc of port author 1915. 2p Bremen, in Appendix VI in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 12 p (fees charged for port facilities) Breslau, In appendix X in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 10 p (fees charged for port facilities) The British system of improving and administering port and terminal facilities by J. R. Smith. Annals of am acad Nov 1904. 17 p The bulkhead land by B. F. Cresson Jr. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 6p Cleveland. Ordinances of the city council Nos 29355- A- A and 25929- A- A (under which new piers were built by private capitah and city to get title) 101 Cologne, in Appendix IX in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911 9 p (fees charged for port facilities) Control of wharf property by vessel owners, in water terminals. Part III, of report of the commissioner of corporations on transportation by water in the United States. Wash: Govt printing office 1910. 11 p Different systems of administration and operation for ports. . . from the point of view of Italian legislation as it concerns the autonomy of the port of Genoa by Luigi Lampugani. Int nav congress 1905. 24 p pi Docks, piers, harbors, ports and waters, section 816 to section 881, in charter of the city of New York. New York: Brooklyn daily eagle 1912 (laws etc relating to municipal department of docks) Economic advantages of public ownership and operation of port facili- ties by T. M. Robertson. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 5 p The engineer's part in port development by F. L. Stuart. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 7 p Equalization of railroad rates in relation to water borne commerce by II. \V. Lee. Pro amer assoc of port author 1912. op Exploitation des ports maritimes by De Cordemoy. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat 1909 (Treats of organization and equipment (mechanical, ware- houses, floating docks, etc.) and administration, especially of France ports) 546 p ill map pi Federal reporter No 215 P 576 (Abstract of Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Co. case on rights of war department to change harbor lines and cause structures to be removed without compensation) Few well equipped ports held to be preferable to many poorly equipped. Abstracted address of Halifax Harrison. Eng rec Feb 12, 1916. 1 p Frankfort-on-Main, in Appendix VIII in European waterways. Pro of state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 8 p (fees charged for port facilities) General conditions of transportation by water, in Report of the commis- sioner of corporations on transportation by water in United States. Wash: Govt printing office 1909 (Contents: Summary: waterways and their improvements: equipment employed in transportation by water: shipping laws and statistics: business organization: shipping con- tracts and documents, and -some legal aspects thereof: marine insur- ance: taxation of vessel property and of navigation companies) General rules and regulations prescribed by the board of supervising in- spectors as amended by U. S. Steamboat-inspection service. 1904-09 Glossary and interpretation of port terms, by E. M. Loeb. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 Government regulation of w r ater transportation. Annals of am acad Jy 29, 1913 The granting of free wharfage by private corporations by John Meigs.. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 102 Hamburg, in Appendix I in European waterways by R. P. Skinner. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legis- lature 1911. 22 p table port dues (time of discharge free port etc) Harbor rules and regulations of the city of Seattle provided by ordin- ance No 31368. In effect Je 26, 1913. Seattle: Port of Seattle 1913 Harbor rules: regulations and rates, San Francisco. San Francisco: Board of state harbor commissioners 1913 The ideal system of port charges and administration From the port's point of view, in Pro of the Conference of the port authorities of the Pacific coast 1914 by J. H. McCallum. Seattle Je 1914. 6 1-2 p The ideal system of port charges and administration From the ship own - er's point of view, in Pro of the conference of the port authorities of the Pacific coast 1914 by Capt. Robert Dollar Seattle Je 1914. 2 p The ideal system of port charges and administration From the shipper's point of view, in Pro of the conference of the port authorities of the Pacific coast 1914 by Alexander Baillie. Seattle Je 1914. 2 p The influence of privately owned facilities upon the system of public operation in ports where private ownership largely prevails, in Pro of the conference of the port authorities of the Pacific coast 1914 by Robert Bridges. Seattle Je 1914. 4p Jacksonville. Laws of the state of Florida. Special session 1912. Chap- ter 6415 No 1 and Chapter 6416 No 2 Laws and statutes relating to San Francisco. Sacramento: Supt state printing Laws defining powers and duties of New Jersey harbor commission. Tren- ton : N. J. Harbor commission, May 1, 1914. Laws of the U. S. relating to the importance of rivers and harbors 1790 to 1907. Wash : Govt printing office 1907. 2 v (supplement to 1913) Laws, rules and regulations for government of docks and harbors of Porto Rico. San Juan 1912. 42 p Laws, statutes, 1908. 63 p (Charter of the port of Portland with all amendments to date. Also opinions of the suppreme court of Oregon relating thereto) Oregon Laws, statutes. (State of Washington) An act authorizing the establish- ment of port districts; providing for the acquirement, construction, maintenance, operation, development, and regulation of a system of harbor improvements and rail and water transfer, and terminal facili- ties within such districts. Session laws 1911. 14 p Legal aspect of port organization by J. De W. W T arner. Pro amer assoc of port author 1912. 3p Legal jurisdiction over stream beds and shores and navigable waters by F. W. Mulkey. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 Legal principles, in Water terminals, part III of report of the Commis- sioner of corporations on transportation by water in the United States. Wash: Govt printing office 1910. 4p 103 Legislation des eaux by Louis Courcelle and E. Dardart. Paris: H. Dun- odetE. Pinat 1905~ 951 p Les ports maritimes de 1'Amcrique du nord sur 1'Atlantique by E. T. Quinette de Rochemont and H. Vetillart. Paris 1898-1904. 4 v ill pi tab Contents: Pt 1 Les ports Canadians Pt 2 Regime admin- istratif Pt 3 Les ports des Etats-Unis Pt 4 Atlas List of references on water rights and the control of waters, compiled under direction of Hermann H. B. Mayer. Wash: Govt printing office 1914 Liverpool, in Appendix III in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 2 p (dues charged) London, in Appendix II in European waterways. Pro of the state barge barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 9 p (dock and port charges) Manchester, in appendix IV in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 6 p (rates for cranes) Mannheim, in Appendix VII in European waterways. Pro of the state barge canal terminal commission 1911. Albany: Legislature 1911. 3 p (fees charged for port facilities) Modern terminal port by \V. J. Barney. Annals of am acad May 1915. 13 p Navigation laws of leading maritime countries by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. (Dept of commerce, special agents series, No 114) The necessity of common terminals, in report of the 2nd annual meet- ing of the Pacific coast association of port authorities 1915 by J. B. Zeigler. California: California state printing office 1915. 14 p Ordinances No 32 and 33 prescribing rules, regulations and rates for the government and use of the municipal docks and wharves of the city of Portland, Oregon. Portland: Commission of public docks Mar 19 and Apr 23, 1914 Ordinances; rules and regulations; harbor, harbor master, bridges, wharves and vessels of city of Chicago. Chicago: Dept of public works 19 13 Organization of the services of public works in France by Maj F. A. Mahan. Pro mem 1913 vol 5. 22 p Port administration by W. J. Barney. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 26 p Port administration by C. T. Wright. San Francisco: Commonwealth club of California Port administration in Ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 10 p 104 Port administration and harbor facilities. A symposium. Annals of Am acad Mar 1907. 43 p (Contents: New York City by J. A. Bensel; Chicago by Frederic Rex; Philadelphia by W. W. Pierson; Boston by C. H. Swan; Buffalo by F. H. Mason; New Orleans by J. J. McLoughlin; Detroit by D. F. Wilcox; Washington, D. C. by D. E. Garges; Providence by F. E. Lackey; Wilmington, Del by Ceyna and J. N. Lawson Jr; Duluth, Tampa, London, Manchester, Hamburg, Bremen, Barcelona, Antwerp) Port administration, with particular reference to the organization of a traffic department and the assumption of responsibility for goods, handling, issuance of warehouse receipts, advancement of charges in Pro of the conference of the port authorities of the Pacific coast 1914 by G. M. Gordon. Seattle Je 1914. 4 p Port and terminal charges, in water terminals, part III, of report to the commissioner of corporations on transportation by water in the United States. Wash: Govt printing office 1910. 49 p tab (ports of United States) Port charges by Hugh Bancroft. Pro amerassoc of port author 1913. 6p Port charges, in ports of the United States by G. M. Jones. Wash: Govt printing office 1916. 5 p Port control by H. M. Chittenden. Ry & mar news May 1, 1912 Port development by J. F. Coleman. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 8p Port finances and appropriations by G. W. Norris. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 10 p Port of London act 1908. (8 Edw 7 ch. 68) London: Eyre & Spottis- woode 1808. 70 p (Wyman & Sons London) Port organization and development, (discussion of the various systems in vogue and argument for commissions representative of the numer- ous interests involved) Eng rec Nov 22, 29, 1913. 2 p Port regulations, Charleston. Charleston : Board of harbor commission- ers Oct 15, 1895 Public control of our waterfronts and the obstacles to be overcome by E. F. Me Sweeney. Pro amer assoc of port author 1915. 24 p Public improvements for the metropolitan district by Metropolitan im- provements commission. Boston: Wright & Potter 1909. 318 p (port administiation p 38; European docks p 169-185) Public ownership of terminal facilities comprising docks, wharves and landings by W. A. Kernaghan. Pro amer assoc of port author 1913. 4p Public rights over navigable streams by W. B. King. Eng rec Apr 25, 1914. Ip Organization of the port of Portland. Pac mar rev Apr 1916 Public water terminals. PromemVol4 1912. 2p Regulations for the government of assistants on river and harbor works by U. S. engineer department 1910. 74 p 105 Relation of the goveinment in Germany to the promotion of commerce by Solomon Huebner. Annals of am acad Nov 1904. 14 p Relative duties of federal and of state or municipal officials in port de- velopment by Col W. M. Black. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. lOp Report on Chicago dock problem (special reference to municipal own- ership and leasing policy) by G. C. Sikes. Chicago: Harbor com- mission 1909 Report on scope and limits of expropriation "incidental" vs. "excess" condemnation by J. deW. Warner New York May 1912. 30 p Dept of Docks (special report No 19.) Resolution in regard to public ownership in Portland, in report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific coast association of port author- ities 1915 California: California state printing office 1915. -1 pi Riparian boundaries by J. B. Davis. Jour assn of eng socs Oct 1910. 1 1,700 w Rules and regulations of the department of docks and ferries New York. New York: Department of docks and ferries 1913. Seaport relations to trade and transportation by Calvin Tomkins. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 5 p Some remarks on the constitution of port authorities as affecting the or- ganization and development of ports. Address to inst of civil engin- eers by A. G. Lyster. Engng Nov 7, 1913. 7 p State control over ports and waterfronts by B. F. Cresson Jr. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 8 p Synopsis of report on port charges by Board of commissioners of Port of New Orleans, New Orleans 1915 Trade organization as a benefit to the commerce of the port by C. J. Cohen. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 6 p Treatise on the law of waters, including riparian rights, and public and private rights in waters, tidal and inland by J. M. Gould. Chicago 1891. 121 plus 832 p 2nd ed The United States public works by W. M. Black. New York: John Wiley & sons 1895. 265 p maps ill (full description of procedure and work carried on by various government departments with laws and regulations therefore) WHARF AND HARBOR ENGINEERING American wharf design. Eng rec Oct 3, 1914. (A resume of the princi- pal types of wharf design with discussion of the comparative advan- tages) 1 1-2 p (summary of paper by W. J. Barney.) Comparative designs of river steamship piers Philadelphia Pa. Eng news May 28, 1914 (details of five types of steamship piers and costs) 2 1-2 pill Concrete and reinforced concrete by H. A. Reid. New York: Clarke bk co $5.00 (chapter on piers and wharves) 106 % Concrete versus wooden docks by H. S. Taft. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 1 1-2 p Concrete wharf supports in San Francisco harbor by T. S. Williams. Pro amer assoc of port author. 1916. Construction and maintenance of sea ports on sandy coasts by L. F. Yernon-Harcourt. Int nav congress 1908. 18 p pi Cours de Travaux maritimes by Henry Desprez. Paris, Beranger 1900. Cours de travaux maritimes professe a 1'ecole des Ponts et Chaussees by Quinette de Rochemont. Paris : Beranger 1900. 3 v Design and construction of harbors by Thomas Stevenson. Edin- burgh: A. &. C. Black 1874. 283p20p Docks. Encyclopedia Britannica llth ed Cambridge England 1910 Dock and harbor engineer's reference book by Brysson Cunningham. London : Griffin & Co 1914. 310 p ill map plans Dock works; and maritime engineering. Part IV in Civil engineering as applied in .construction by L. F. Vernon-Harcourt. London: Long- mans, Green & Co 1902. (Rivers, quays, basins and docks, dock en- trances and locks, harbour works, lighting coasts; land reclamation and coast protection). 60 p ill plans Foundations of bridges and buildings by H. S. Jacoby and R. P. Davis. New York: McGraw-Hill 1914 $5.00 Der hafenbau edited by G. Franzius. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1912 576 p 379 cuts 15 maps ill (complete technical work with examples of many harbors, is Vol. XI of part III "des handbuchs der ingenieur- wissenschaften) contains 152 pages of description of -52 harbors with plans and maps Handbuch des wasserbaues by Hubert Engels. Berlin: Wilhelm Engel- mann 1914. $5.00 2 v (port engineering and equipment, authoritative work) Hanging fenders for docks by H. J. Brunnier. W. engng Je 1913. 1300 w plans Harbors and docks by .L. F. Vernon-Harcourt. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1885. 2v Harbor and river works by F. R. Harris, in 3rd edition American civil engineer's pocket book. New York: John Wiley & sons 1916 Fishery harbors and harbors of refuge for the coasting trade by V. J. Rummel. Int nav congress 1908. 18 p Mariner's handbook by E. K. Roden. Scranton: International corres- pondence schools 1914. 2nded50c Modern pier construction in New York City by C. W. Staniford. Trans amsoccivengs 1913. Paper 1292 The New York dock department by S. W. Hoag jr. Pro munic engs of N. Y. 1905. (refers to pier construction in New York, plans etc) Notes on docks and harbors by S. Wagoner. Trans am soc civ engs 1909 VolLXII 107 Notes on harbor engineering by J. R. Baterden. Engr Lon Apr 5, 1907 1 p Notes relating to the stability of the substructure cribs for the new piers of the Duluth ship canal. Report of chief engineer of U. S. Eng rec Nov 7, 1913 Notes relating to the stability of the substructure cribs for the new piers of the Duluth ship canal. Report of chief engineer of U. S. Wash: Govt printing office 1899. Vol 3 The physical difficulties of modern harbor and dock extension by H. C. M. Austen. Engng Jan 10, 1908. 1 p Ports and docks; their history, working and national inportance by Douglas Owen. London : Melhuen & co 1904. 179 p Ports maritimes by Gamille de Cordemoy. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat 1908. 2v Ports maritimes by F. Laroche. Paris : Baudry 1893. 2 v Preparation and use of concrete blocks for harbour works by I. HiroL Trans am soc civ engs 1905 Vol LIV Part A Principles and practice of harbour construction by William Shield. New York: Longman's Green & co 1910. 299 p Reinforced concrete docks by H S. Taft. Trans amer soc civ engs 1915 Paper No 1327 Reinforced concrete pier construction by E Klapp. Trans am soc civ engs 19 10. VolLXX Reinforced concrete wharves and warehouses at lower Pootung, Shan- ghai by S. H. Ellis. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12 130 p ill plates (Thor- ough discussion of concrete wharf and warehouse construction) Report to ministers of railways and canals by F. W. Cowie. Ottawa 1913 (on new terminals at Halifax, consulting engineer's report, elab- orate) Report of the commissioners of public docks. Portland 1912. Appendix- report of board of consulting engineers 1912 River and harbor improvement by C. E. Morrison. Scranton: Ameri- can school of correspondence 1908. 104 p Rivers and harbors; by G. Bradford. W T ash: Govt printing office 1907 Pamphlet 25 c Seebau by Otto Franzius, in Lehrbuch des Tiefbaues, herausgegeben von Karl Esselborn. Leipsig: Wilhelm Engelmann 1910. 137 p Seehafenbau by F. W. C. Schulze. Berlin 1913. 2 v Specifications for various details and kinds of port work, in specifications- issued by U. S. corp of engineers. Washington D. G. Subaqueous foundations by C. E. Fowler. New York: John Wiley son 1913. $7.50 Travaux maritimes by A. Guiffart. (Encyclopedia scientifique Vol 48) Paris: O. Doin & fils 1911. 346 p ill (technical work on harbor and port engineering) 108 A treatise on the principles and practice of dock engineering byBrysson Cunningham. London : Charles Griffin & co 1904 p ill A treatise on the principles and practice of harbor engineering, by Brysson Cunningham. London: Charles Griffin & co 1908 559 pill Types of American public wharf construction by W. J. Barney. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 13 p The United States public works by W. M. Black. New York: John Wiley & sons 1895. 265 p maps pis ill (full description of procedure and work carried on by various government departments, with laws and regulations therefore) Waterfront engineering in American cities. (Boston, New York and Philadelphia) Eng rec Jy 8, 1889 TERMINALS AND BELT LINE R. R. The belt railroad of San Francisco by J. J. Dwyer. Proc amer assoc of port author 1913. 8p Intermediate and terminal ports; best methods for combining, facilitat- ing and harmonizing the transfer of freight between waterway and the railway by E. R.Johnson. Intnav congress 1911. 18 p Intermediate and terminal ports by Calvin Tomkins and C. W. Staniford. Int nav congress 1912. 22 p plates. (Contains 16 studies of port terminal layouts and article on New York pier construction) Freight terminals and trains by J. A. Droege. (Chapters on water-front terminals and mechanical handling of freight etc) New York: Mc- Graw-Hill 1912 $5,00 Industrial development and terminal factors by P. P. Whitham. Ry & mar News Feb 1, 1915 Modern terminal port by W. J. Barney. Annals of am acad May 1915. 13 p Ocean highways and seaboard terminals, in Elements of transporta- tion by E. R. Johnson. 3 p An open letter to the federal trade commission by Robert Bridges (in relation to switching charges and belt line railroad facilities.) Bulletin No 5 Seattle: Port of Seattle Oct 1, 1915. 96 p ill Plans for freight terminal system at South Brooklyn and west side lower Manhattan, with explanatory statement as to each by Calvin Tom- kins. New York: Dept of docks and ferries Sept 1912. 11 p (spec- ial report No 21) Port terminal development, a discussion of fundamental problems by P. P. Whitham. Pro amer assoc of port author 1915. 17 p The proposed public belt line bulletin No 6 by Port of Seattle com- mission. Seattle Dec 4, 1915. 32 p Rail and water terminal facilities by Robert Bridges. Pro amer assoc of port author 1916 109 Railway services of a port including also the question of the absorption of charges from the railway point of view by F. R. Hanlon in Proceedings of the conference of the port authorities of the Pacific coast 1914. Seattle Je 1914. 3p Railway service of a port, including also the question of the absorption of charges from the port's point of view by G. B. Hegardt in Proceedings of the conference of the Port Authorities of the Pacific coast 1914. Seattle Je 1914. 4p Seaport congestion and its relation to .transportation and terminal facil- ities by Calvin Tomkins. Pro natl conference on city planning 1910. 3p Studies for combined waterfront and terminal industrial development by Calvin Tomkins. New York: Dept of docks and ferries Aug 1, 1911. 11 p (special report No 2) Terminal facilities in relation to waterway improvements by G. A. Zinn. Pro mem 1911. Vol 3. 12 p Water terminal problem by G. E. Hooker. Pro natl conference on city planning 1911. 2p What makes commerce? Harbor development and dock emcience. Cassier's mag Je 1913. 13 p ill HARBOR. RIVER. CHANNEL IMPROVE- MENTS, DREDGING. TIDAL PHE- NOMENA, LIGHTHOUSES Brunswick, Ga. outer bay improvement by E. L. Corthell. Washington 1900. 20 p The buoys of New York harbor by H. F. Sherwood. Rudder Oct 1912. 3000 w ill Coast and geodetic survey. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the U. S., including Porto Rico and the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippine Islands 1910 159 p Comparative cost of dredging, from report of Col. S. W. Roessler. Pro mem 1910 Vol 2. 1-2 p Compilation as to the utility of outlets in reducing heights of floods by J. A. Ockerson. Pro mem 1915. Vol 7 33 p Contract dredging by hydraulic dredges. Engineering dept U. S. Army, year ending Je 30, 1913. Eng news Oct 1, 1914 (gives full data and cost) Control of river floods by Col. C. McD. Townsend. Pro mem Vol 5. 1913. lOp Current practice in blasting and dredging rock under water. Engng- contrApr24, 1912. 4p Dredges and dredging in the Mobile district by J. M. Pratt. Pro mem Vol 4 1912. 41 p diagrams and plans 110 Dredges and dredging by Charles Prelini. 1911. 279 p Dredges. Their construction and performance by J. Hersend. Int con- gress of engineers. Trans am soc civ engs 1904. Vol LIV Part G Dredges and dredging in Mobile harbor records and cost of dredge work. Engng-contr Mar 20, 1912 Dredges, their construction and performance by A. W. Robinson. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol LIV Part G Effect of storms on tidal levels and minor irregularities in tidal curves by Col. F. V. Abbot. Pro mem 1913. Vol V lip The geological history of harbors by N. S. Shaler. U. S. Wash: Geologi- cal survey, 13th annual report. Hampering navigation by brigdes. Ry & mar news Mar 1, 1913. 2 p Harbour dredging by Brysson Cunningham. Cassier's mag Mar 1912. 9p Hydrographic surveying Oakland harbor development by F. W. John- son. Eng news Aug 21, 1913. 2 1-4 p ill Improvement to the port of Antwerp. London: Engr May 10, 1912. 1 p maps The influence of recent developments in size and speed of steamships on harbor and port accommodations by Brysson Cunningham. Cassier's mag Dec 1908. 13 p Improvement of inland rivers by Maj W. W. Harts. Pro mem 1910. vol 2 36 p Improvement of rivers by Maj W. W. Harts. Pro mem 1913. Vol 5. 22 p (includes tables of costs) The improvement of rivers by B. F. Thomas and D. A Watt. New York: John Wiley & sons 2 v $7.50 The improvement of the entrance to Cumberland sound, Georgia and Florida by J. H. Bacon. Eng news Mar 12, 1903. 3 p Lighthouse engineering in Great Britain, 1915 by W. T. Douglas. Int nav congress 1905. 16 pill pi Memorandum on dredging work in Ambrose Channel by H, L. W r igmore. Pro mem 1901. Vol 1. 5 p (gives costs) Method of filling and dredging for a Jersey City freight terminal, (shows crib work etc) Eng news Dec 17, 1914. 2 1-2 p ill Methods of creating and maintaining channels at mouths of fluvial and tidal rivers by E. L. Corthell. Eng rec Jan 9, 1915. 1 p Modern dredging appliances for waterways by J. A. Seager. Cassier's mag Jan 1910. 14 p Most recent progress of lighthouses and beacons by Charles Ribieres. Paris: Int nav congress 1900. 7 p 10 pis ill (note: same in French, Paris 1902 55 p ill 1 tab) Notes on t the improvement of river and harbor outlets in the U. S. by D. A. W T att. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Ill Notices sur les dessins et appareils exposes par le service de phares et balises. Paris: Impremerie nationale 1908. 119ppl Physical phenomena of harbour entrances by L. M. Haupt. Pro am philosophical soc 1887. 22 p 4 pi The port of New Orleans by Capt C. O. Sherrill. Pro mem 1914. Vol 6 47 p ill maps diagram (gives methods for improvement of Mississippi River) Outline for preliminary examinations and surveys (for waterway improve- ment) by Col G. A.'Zinn. Pro mem 1910 Vol 2. 6 p Port channels of Venice kept clear by tidal movement properly controlled by Luigi Luiggi. Eng rec Nov 20, 1915 Recent lower Mississippi valley waterway improvements by Maj C. S. Smith. Pro mem 19 12. Vol 4. lip The regulations of rivers by J. L. Van Ormun. New York: McGraw-Hill 1914 Regulation of rivers in the interests of navigation by Col H. L. Abbot. Pro mem 1909 Vol I. 9p Removal of rock 40 ft. below surface of water by J A. Bensel. Trans am soc civ engs 1894. Vol XXXII The removal of submarine rock by H. Buridge. Pro inst civ engs 1907- 1908. Paper 3767 , Report of an investigation by a board of engineers of the means of control- ling floods in the Duwamish-Puyallup valleys and their tributaries in the state of Washington by H. M. Chittenden 1907. 32 p maps Report on automatic tide gauge by Coast and geodetic survey, Wash- ington D.C. River and harbor improvements by W r . H. Bixby. Ens, news Jan 1 1, 1912. 31-2p River and harbor improvements addresses by W. H. Bixby. Washing- ton: Govt printing office 1912. 27 p River and harbor work from a military point of view letter by W. L. Marshall. Pro mem 1910. Vol 2. 4p River control by wire net work by F. P. Anderson. Pro inst civ engs 1907-1908 Paper 3748 River discharge by J. C. Hoyt and N. C. Grover. New York : John Wiley & sons. 183 p plates $2.00 River improvement by E. T. Ireson. Ap sci Sept 1913. 13 p River regulation works and harbor and canal construction in Germany by L. Franzius and G. H. de Thierry. Pro inst of civ engs 1898-99. Vol 135. 33 p Sea going suction dredges by T. M. Combrooks. Trans am soc nav arch & mar engs 1908. Vol XVI South pass jetties ten years' practical teachings in river and, harbor hy- draulics by E. L. Corthell. Trans amer soc civ engs 1884. 112 Standard levee sections; by H. St. L. Coppee. Trans am soc civ engs 1898 Subaqueous excavation at the Halifax ocean terminals. Eng news Feb 3,1916 Subaqueous rock removal by B. Cunningham. Cassier's mag Mar 1908. 5p Submarine rock excavations. Trans am soc civ engs 1893 Tidal movements in East River New York by Col W. M. Black. Pro mem 1913 Vol 5. 30 p diagrams and tables Tidal phenomena in harbor of New York by H. de B. Parsons. Trans am soc civ engs 19 13. Paper 1278 Widening the passage between docks at Barrow in Furness. Engng Jan 20, Feb 3, 17, Mar 3, 1911. 11 pill plans Wire drag work of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey. Eng news Dec 1, 1910. 1 1-2 p plans Work on the Columbia river bar by G. H. Hegardt. Pac mar rev Apr 1916 Works for the improvement of navigable entrances by Luigi Luiggi. Trans int engng congress 1915. 31 p (describes entrances to Italian harbors) BREAKWATERS, SHORE PROTECTION, WAVE- ACTION Admiralty harbor at Dover. Engng Oct 15, 19C9. 5 p ill (gives de- sign of breakwater) Beach erosion and shore protection, Atlantic City, N J by Mandes Gol- cler. Eng news May 28, 1914. 1 p ill plans Breakwater at Buffalo by Emile Low. Trans am soc civ engs 1904. 141 p ill map Breakwater at Svanske Island of Bornholm in the Baltic. Engng Mar 15, 1912. 2 pill plans Breakwaters in Pro 10th congress at Milan, int nay congress Brush and stone jetties prove effective at Ventnor City and Longport N J by W. I. Risley. Eng rec Je 24, 1916. 7 vols ill Coast erosion and foreshore protection by J. S. Owens and G. O. Case. Lon:St Bride 1908. 144 p Coast erosion and protection by E. R. Matthews. London: Chas Grif- fin & Co 19 13 Coast protection and erosion by E. R. Matthews, (from Engng Aug 30, 1912) Pro mem 1913 Vol 5. 7p Concrete "bleachers" protect Massachusettes shores. Eng rec Apr 3, 1915. Ip ill Construction of the outer moles of ports by Oddone Bernardini. Int nav congress 1905. 25 p pi 113 Cross sections of breakwaters to withstand wave action by F. V. Abbot. Pro mem 1913 Vol 5. 13 p ill plan Description and cost of concrete superstructures for breakwaters at Harbor Beach Mich by E.J.Duffies. Pro mem 1912. Vol 4. 14 p plans Duluth-Superior harbor by Capt E. D. Peck. Pro mem 1914 Vol 6 (gives breakwaters) Holland develops new types of shore protection. Eng rec Jan 22, 1916. 4 cols ill How to build a stone jetty on sand bottom by H. C. Ripley. Trans am soc civ engs Paper 1237 Littoral drift; in its relation to the out falls of rivers and to the construc- tion and maintenance of harbors on sandy coasts by W. H. Wheeler. Pro inst civ engs 1 895-96 Vol CXXV. 85 p plates Littoral movement of the New Jersey coast; with remarks on beach protection and jetty reaction by L. M. Hatipt. Trans am soc civ engs 1890 Vol XXIII Method of constructing a breakwater at Naples, using concrete hollow blocks Engng-contr Je 12, 1912. 2 1-2 p ill New design proposed to protect points on New Jersey shore from the sea by B. F. Cresson jr. Eng rec May 1,1915. 1 1-4 p ill Notes on the effects of waves on breakwaters in different depths of water by William Shield. Pro inst civ engs 1898-99. Vol 138. 7 p Opere di difesa delle coste Pennelli rivestinien.tie muri di difesa by I. Inglese and D. L. Gatto. Giornale del Genio civile 1914. 25 p ill plates The preservation of sandy beaches in the vicinity of New York City by E.J.Dent. Pro am soc civ engs May 1916. 19 1-2 p ills Proper profile for resisting wave action by T. Cooper. Trans am soc civ engs 1896 The protection of shores by E. L. Corthell. Eng mag Dec 1897 The reaction of breakwater as applied to the improvement of ocean bars by L. M. Haupt. Trans am soc civ engs 1899 & 1900 Reinforced concrete sea defenses by.J. S. Owens. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12 paper 3998 Report on the' most recent works constructed at the more important sea ports and especially those relating to breakwater; application of re- inforced concrete by H. Monch. Intnav congress 1912. 16 p pi Report on the recent and most interesting breakwaters and application of reinforced concrete in the maritime ports of Algeria. Int nav con- gress 1912 The sea coast 1. destruction. 2. littoral drift. 3. protection by W. H. Wheeler. New York: Longman Greene & co 1903. 361 p $4.50 Seacoast protection; by J. W. Sanderman. Engr., Lon : 1899. Vol 87. 114 Sea walls of various designs discussed and compared. (Extracts from re- ports of Leeds & Barnard on shore protection problem at Venice Gal) Engrec Jan29, 1916. 1 p ill Shore at Venice Cal best protected by permanent sea wall and low groins. Engrec Jan 8, 1916. 10 1-2 cols ill (Report of Leeds & Barnard) Shore protection at Venice, Cal. (from report of Leeds & Barnard for city of Venice) Pro mem 1916. vo!8 16p Some general notes on ocean W 7 aves and wave force by Theodore Cooper. Trans am soc civ engs 1896 A theory of the water wave by M. F. Sanborn. Trans am soc civ engs 1911 Wave action in relation to engineering structures by D. D. Gaillard. Washington D. C. 1904. 232 p ill plans, (profession paper, corps of engrsNo31) Wave action on harbor breakwaters and piers by E. R. Matthews. Sci am sup May 23, 1914. 2 1-2 p diagrams and formulas Wave action on harbor breakwaters and piers by E. R. Matthews. Engng Feb6, 1914. 3 p ill plans War against waves shore protection by E. L. Corthell. Eng rec Apr 1 1, 1914. 4 1-2 p ill plans (Review of forty-four years' experience) Wave impact on engineering structures by A. H. Gibson. Pro inst civ engs 191 1-1 2 Paper 3952 Wave reaction by W. P. Rice. Jour assn engng soc Apr 14, 1885 The winning of the costals lands by A. E. Carey. Pro inst civ engs 1910- 11 paper No 3885. 32 p BULKHEADS, WALLS Brush and riprap buffer will protect bulkhead by H. E. Weir. Eng rec Je3, 1916. 2 1-4 pill Bulkheads for Boston dry dock. Eng news Nov 26, 1914. 1-2 p ill Bulkhead construction in New York City. Eng news May 25. 1889. 1-2 p ill The bulkhead walls of New York. R r gaz Feb 21, 1896 Calculations of docks and bulkhead walls by Wollmar Fellenius. Eng rec Sept 20, 1913 (Translation of a lecture)" Cellular type of quay wall at Halifax terminals compared with other de- signs. Eng rec Feb 12, 1916. 2 p ill Comparative sections of lock walls by E. H. Bullock. Pro mem 1911. vol 3 10 p diagrams Concrete blocks for New York sea wall. Eng rec Apr 15, 1905 Concrete blocks. (Seaham harbor) Pro inst civ engs 1905-1906 Vol 165 Construction of a sea wall at Fort Morgan. Eng rec Apr 24, 1909. 1 p 115 Design for a granite masonry sea wall at Boston. Engng-contr Nov 9, 1910. Ip Designs of walls, bins and grain elevators by M. S. Ketchum. New York : Eng news pub co 191 1. 2nd ed 556 p Dock wall, (abstract of paper before concrete institute of engng) by F. E. Shields (on Stability etc) Engng Apr 30, 1915. 2 1-2 p ill Economical wharf bulkhead (Savannah) by W. F. Torrance. Eng news Oct 9, 1913. 2 pill An extensive sea wall at Coronada Beach. Eng rec Jy 18, 1908. 1 p Fallacies in retaining wall design and the latest pressure of saturated earth by L. D. Cornish. Pro men 1916. Vol 8. 35 p diagrams Floating concrete caissons (foreign and domestic development) by H. S. Taft. Pro mem 1915. 36 p ill (concrete cribs etc) Formulae for design of retaining walls of locks. Pro mem 1910. Vol 2 9 p Hafendamme, ufermauern und schiffsbauanstatten by H. Monch and Peter Hedde. Leipsigl912. 236 p ill pi Manufacture of concrete blocks for New York sea wall. Eng rec Apr 15, 1905. 1 p ills Masonry bulkhead on timber dock, Providence. Eng rec Oct 28, 1911 Method of designing a reinforced concrete settling basin for Muskosee, Oklahoma water works. Engng-contr Je 12, 1912. 2 1-2 p (full dis- cussion of pressure on concrete bulkhead) Municipal harbor construction in Minneapolis. Eng news Jy 30, 1914. 2-3 p plans (concrete sea wall) Municipal quay wall Oakland by T. E. Rislev. Eng news Feb 13, 1913. 2 pill New York City dock walls. Eng rec Sept 3, Oct 1, 1892. 3 p plans The New York dock department by S. W. Hoag, jr. Pro munic engs of N. Y. 1905. (refers to bulkheads in New York, plans) Novel bulkhead for wharves l?y H. D. Mendenhall. Eng news Oct 21, , 1915. 2 1-2 p plans The percolation and upward pressure of water by W. A. Mitchell. Pro mem 1915. 5qp Quay walls at Nantes. Eng news Feb 5, 1914. 1-2 p ill Reinforced concrete caissons and dock walls at Rotterdam, Holland. Eng news Jan 17. 1907 Reinforced concrete sea wall construction of separately molded mem- bers. Engng-contr Aug 24, 1910. 2p Retaining walls, failures, theories, and safety factors by J. W. Pearl. Jour soc engs Feb 19 14. 60 p tables plans Retaining walls for earth by M. A. Howe. New York: John Wiley $1.25 A river training wall at Rangoon, Burma. Eng news Jy 27, 1911 116 Sea and river walls by G. W. Deakin. Trans Liverpool eng soc 1900 Vol 21 Sea walls and breakwaters by J. H. Forman. Pro inst civ engs 1908-09* Paper 607 Some types of sea walls and their structural characteristics and costs by G. A. Orrok. Engng-contr Feb 16, 1910. 1 p The stability of sea walls by D. G. Serber. Eng news Aug 23, 1906. 2 p Steel and concrete dock wall by Charles Benham. Eng news May 18, 1911. 4p Theory and practice of designs and construction of dock walls by J. R. Allen. London : E. &. F. N. Spon 1876 Two types of sea wall for land filling, New York City, (at Riker's and North Brother Islands) Eng rec Aug 22, 1908. 1 p A typical Hamburg quay wall. Eng news Nov 6, 1913 L'Avenir des colonnes creuses en cement arme. Le Cement Apr & May 1908 (quays walls etc ) 49 p PILES, LUMBER PRESERVATIVES Bearing of piles in silt. Loading tests on municipal pier in New York City. Eng rec Jy 25, 1914 Butt treatment of piles and poles effective. Eng rec Jan 22, 1916 1 1-2 cols Comparative tests of yellow pine and Puget Sound fir by F. W. Hibbs. Pacific northwest soc of engrs Nov 1902. 44 p diagrams ill tables Concrete pile standards by Hunley Abbott". New York: Berrain & Douglas 50c Creosotes and creosoting by J. O. Oakes. Pro mem 1909. Vol 1 31 p Concrete piles by H. J. Cole. Trans am soc civ engs 1909. Creosoting piling in Galveston bay bridge by F. B. Ridgway. Eng news May 28, 1914. 7 p ill tables Durability of creosote lumber in sea water. Abstract report of G. E. Verrill. Pro mem 1909. Vol 1 3 p plan Formulas for determining the pressure on piles supporting masonry by J. R. Biedinger. Engng-contr Mar 15, 1916. 1 1-2 p diagrams Forest service proposed douglas fir grading rule. Eng rec Feb 12, 1916. 3 cols ill Long leaf pine distinguished readily from loblolly or short leaf by Arthur Koehler. Eng rec Sept 1 1, 1915. 1 1-2 p diagrams Loading test of lagged piles in soft sill by C. W. Staniford. Eng news Jy 8,1915. Ip ill Manual of the American railway engineering association. Chicago: Amer ry engngn assoc 1911. (in report of committee VII on wooden bridges and trestles are given specifications, etc for timber piles, also for pile driving) 26 p ill (also committee XVII on wood preservation) 117 Marine wood borers by C. H. Snow. Trans am soc civ engs 1898 Mechanical properties of wood by S. J. Record. New York: John Wiley & Sons 1914. 165 pill $1.75 Methods of treating piling for harbor works. Ry & mar news Jan 15, Feb 1, Mar 1, 1913. 2 p (Summary of reports in daily consular and trade reports, bureau of foreign and domestic commerce) New pile formula (for concrete piles) Eng news Oct 29, 1914 Penetration and load test of piles by L. F. Leurey. Eng news Jy 30, 1914. 5 p ill (gives loading and cost of piles in soft ground for Panama ex- position building) Piles and pile driving. Appendix E, Amer railway engineering and main- tenance of way assoc Vol II Part 1, 1910. 32 p (treats of shoes, rings, driving and splicing and concrete piles) The preservation of structural timber by H. F. Weis. New York: McGraw-Hill 1915. 312 p $3.00 Pressure on piles supporting masonry. Engng-contr Nov 17, 1915 Property and uses of Douglas fir by McGawey, Clurie and J. B. Knapp. Wash: Govt printing office 1911. 75 p (Bulletin 88 Dept of Agricul- ture, Forest Service) Protecting piles against teredo by R. Montfort. Trans am soc civ engs 1894 Rational specification of wooden pile by E. P. Goodrich. Pro mem 1915 Vol 7. 2p A reinforced concrete pile with special provision for jetting. Eng news Oct 8, 1914. 2 pill Reinforced concrete piles by G. B. R. P. Pimm. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12 Paper 40! 7 Remarkable pile test. Eng news Jy 23, 1914 (piles for 46th St. pier N. Y. City) Rules and specifications for the grading of lumber adopted by the various timber manufacturing associations of the United States by E. R. Hodson. Wash : Govt printing office 1906. 127 p (bulletin 71 Forest service department of agriculture) Southern yellow pine timbers (Density classification). Amer soc for testing materials 1915. Specifications for the purchase and preservation of treatable timber. Pro am wood preserver's assn 1915 Strength of piles, experiments concerning the strength of long timber columns of piles (fir) by C. S. Bihler. Pacific northwest soc of engrs Jy 1902. 17 p (gives results tabulated in terms of ratio of length and diameter Supporting power of piles by E. p. Goodrich. Appendix F, Am rail- way engineering maintenance of way assoc Vol II part 1, 1910 10 p Supporting power of piles by E. P. Goodrich. Trans am soc civ engs 1902 The teredo and the limitations of its action by F. W. D. Holbrook. Paci- fic northwest soc of engrs Sept 1902. 6 p 118 Use by railroads of concrete piles. Can eng Apr 15. 1915. 4 p (gives full tables of costs) Yellow pine timber graded without guess work by H. von Schrenk. Eng news Feb 24, 1916. 2p ACTION OF SEA-WATER ON CONCRETE, ICE AND STEEL Application of reinforced concrete to maritime work by Alexander Nikolsky. I nt nav congress 1907. Up pi Application of reinforced concrete to maritime construction in France; methods for insuring its preservation by Jean Voisin. Int nav con- gress 1908. 34 p pi * Chemistry of salt water cement by S. Taft. Monthly jour of engrs club of Baltimore Feb 1914. 5 1-4 p Concrete in sea water on New England coast by Col F. V. Abbot. Pro mem 1914. Vol 6. Spill Concrete laid in freezing weather, New York state barge canal by D. A. Watt. Pro mem 1914. Vol 6. 5p Corosin of steel wharves at Kowloon by S. H. Ellis. Pro inst civ engs 1914-15 paper 4111 Effects of sea water in cement, on long time tests of Portland cement by I. Hiroi. Trans am soc civ engs 1913 paper 1263 How to make concrete resist action of sea water by W. W. Pagon. Eng rec May 27, 1916. 1 1-2 cols Ice formations (brief account of the main results, of a study of ice con- ditions on the St. Lawrence river) by H. J. Barnes. Jour of the New England waterworks assn Boston Dec 1910. 3000 w On concrete in relation to maritime w r orks by J. Kyle and H. E. Carey. Eng Lon May 28, 1897 Only creosote properly applied withstands toredo. Eng rec Feb 13, 1915 (abstract of paper by E. S. Christian) Placing concrete under water, in Cement and concrete by L. C. Sabin. New York: McGraw-Hill 1907 $5.00 Plaster of paris holds joint mortar exposed to tidal currents. Eng rec Feb 5, 1916 Reinforced concrete work in maritime situations by Brysson Cunning- ham. Cassier's mag Aug 1908. 19 p Report on the most recent works constructed at the more important sea ports and especially those relating to breakwaters; application of re- inforced concrete by H. Monch. Int nav congress 1912. 16 p pi Report on the most recent works constructed at the more important sea ports. . applications of reinforced concrete; means for insuring its preservation by Jean Voisin. Int nav congress 1912. 36 p pi 11.9 Report on the recent and most interesting breakwaters and application of reinforced concrete in the maritime ports of Algeria. Int nav congress 1912 Some experiences with concrete in the Republic of Panama by A. P. Crary. Eng news Feb 4, 1915. 2 p ill (gives effect of sea water and design of concrete roof) PAVING Paving for piers, warehouses. Eng news May 13, 1915. 2 1-2 p Specifications for street roadway pavements by S. Whinery. New York: McGraw-Hill 1913. $1.00 LIGHTING, HEATING, VENTILATION Handbook for heating and ventilating engineering by J. S. Hoffman. New York: McGraw-Hill 1913. $3.50 The heating and ventilating of buildings by R. C. Carpenter. New York : John Wiley & Sons 1914. 598 p ill 5th ed $3 . 50 Heating the largest pier in the world. Power Aug 11, 1914. 1500 w ill Illumination of docks and wharves. Int mar engng Sept 1913. 1 p ill Latest methods for lighting docks and piers. Ry & mar news Sept 1, 1913. 1 1-2 pill Unique system of illumination for harbor channels. Sci am Mar 21 r 1908. 6p WHARF FIRES AND FIRE PROTECTION Control of automatic sprinklers by F. J. Miller. Am soc mech eng No. 1422 lOc Fire extinguishers for ship use by Henry Williams. Journ am soc nav engs 1913. 20 p ill (thorough discussion of extinguishers) Fires in piers and docks. Safety engng Nov 14, 1914. 3000 w High pressure fire system by R. C. Carpenter. Am soc mech eng No. 1251. 50 c CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND EQUIPMENT Concreting plant for Halifax ocean terminal work. Eng news Feb 10, 1916 The construction plant for the Pacific locks of the Panama canal. Eng rec Dec 19, 1908. 1 p The contractor's plant and methods on the harbor work at Gary. Eng rec Aug 17, 1907. 3p Exceptionally heavy and complex pile driver (for Halifax port work), Eng news May 28, 1914. 2 pill 120 Floating caisson for capping subaqueous piles by John Taylor. Eng news Apr 23, 1914. 3 1-2 p ill Frame enables slanting holes to be bored under water. Eng rec Jy 3, 1915 Guide frame used to drive piles in 22 ft tide at Balboa. Eng rec Dec 25, 1915 Machine for cutting off piles. Pro mem 1910, vol 2. 2p Method of bracing piles below low water level by W. J. D. Reed-Lewis. Engng-contr May 3, 1916. 1-4 p diagrams Quebec, on methods of dock and harbor work by W. Pilkington. Pro inst civ engs 1899-1900 Vol 139 8 p Plant and methods employed in building concrete south pier at Superior entry Duluth. Annual report of ch eng U. S. A. 1904,. Part 4 Plant for harbor and sea work by W. Pitt. Pro inst civ engs 1892-3 Vol 113 Special outrigger for driving piles under trestles (batter piles). Eng news Dec 24, 1914 Subaqueous foundation by C. F. Fowler New York: John Wiley & Son Traveling stages for harbour work. Engng Mar 17, 1911. 2 p ill plans 2500-ton concrete cribs are built and launched in a "shipyard". Eng rec Jan 15, 1915 COSTS Assessment of damage to maritime works by E. Latham. Engng Jan 8, 22, 1915. 5 p ill (gives value of harbor works etc) Cost of terminal freight handling in port of New York. Eng news Mar 31,1910. 2-3 p map Philadelphia. Comparative cost of different pier designs. Eng rec Je 6,1914. Ip ill Railway companies' docks. Ry new r s Je 12, 1915 (gives amount spent and lineal feet of wharfage at railway ports) Rapid cost estimation of piers and breakwaters. Pro mem 1912 vol 4. 8 P Results of investigation in the cost of ports and of their operation by E. L. Corthell. Int nav congress 1907 The waterways of the United States by A. H. Weber. U. S. waterways commission dock No. 15. (Gives expenditure to 1910) 18 p EXAMPLES OF WHARF AND TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN Atlantic city steel pier. Eng rec Jy 1, 1899 Balboa terminal. Engng Jy 23, 1915. 3 1-3 p plans ill (gives details of concrete wharves and cylinder foundations) Baltimore city's new dock system. Eng news Oct 1, 1908 Ul Baltimore city's new dock system by O. F. Lackey. Cornell civ engr Novl910. 15 p plan ill I Building piers 30 and 32. Methods of casting concrete piers in the dry within cylindrical caissons driven into the bottom of the bay. (San Francisco) Eng rec Dec 5, 1913. 2 p ill pi plans The Chalmette docks of the New Orleans terminal co. Eng rec Jy 28 Aug 4, 1906. 7 p ill (Full details of methods of construction) Chelsea municipal docks. Munic jour & eng Nov 3, 1909. 6 p ill Coal piers on the Atlantic seaboard by J. E. Greiner. Pro am soc civ engs Oct 1913. (Details of coal piers and their equipment) 49 p The cofferdam for the 46th St pier N. R. New York City. Eng news Jy 23, 1914. 3 1-2 pill Commonwealth pier No 5 (400 x 1200 foot pier with two story steel shed on solid fill and pile foundations between docks 40 ft. deep.) Eng rec Sept 6, 1913. 2 1-2 p plans Concrete cribs used successfully in dock construction. Eng rec Aug 7 > 1915. 2 1-2 pills Concrete monolith pier Bristol. Eng rec Aug 8, 1908. 1-2 p Concrete pier at Newlyn harbor Eng. Eng rec Aug 10, 1907 Concrete pier construction on the Pacific coast by H. A. Crofts. Cas- sier's mag May, 1908. 5 p ill Concrete pier construction on the Pacific coast by H. H. Dunn. Cas- sier's mag Nov 1909. 6 p (The new reinforced concrete wharf at Santa Monica) Concrete piers, port of Genoa. Engng May 2, 10910. 1 1-2 p ill plans Concrete pile and cylinder foundations at Charleston. Eng news Nov 11,1915. Spills Concrete pile piers at Brunswick, Ga. Eng news Dec 20, 1906 Construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific depot. Largest frame dock, pile arrangement, framing details, special features of protection byR. H. Dunlap. Pac builder and engr Feb 25, 1911. 3p Construction of the Old Orchard pier, a promenade pier 1800 ft long on steel piles. Eng rec Feb 11, 1899. 2pill Cross wall pier on piles. Eng rec Jan 6, 1912 Deep cofferdam for 1050 foot pier in New York. Eng rec Jy 19, 1914, 1 1-3 pill Design features of the Commonwealth pier No. 1, East Boston. Engng- contr Aug 19, 1914. 5 1-2 p designs and plans. Design of harbor works at Portland, Oregon by C. W. Stamford, E. P. Goodrich and W. J. Barney. Eng news Oct 10, 1912. 6 p ill Development of Oakland Cal. municipal waterfront by W. C. Willard. Engng contrJy 16, 1913. 6p Difficult underpinning and dock work in Chicago. Eng rec Apr 20,. 1907. Ip 122 Dock construction in and around Buffalo by S. M. Kielland. Jour assn of engng socs Je 1902. 7 p Docking facilities of the port of New York by F. O. Harris. Int mar engngJe!911. 2 1-2 p table map Driving 106 ft concrete piles in San Francisco piers. Eng rec Dec 18, 1915. Ip ill Electrical equipment and concrete construction at Auckland Harbor by W.Wilson. Eng mag Nov 1913 Extension of Malta naval dock yard and harbor. Engng Jan 1, 15, 22, Febl9, 1909. lip plans ill Fish pier Boston in harbor and terminal improvements at Boston Mass. Eng news Nov 2, 1911 Floating concrete caissons by H. S. Taft. Pro mem 1915. vol 7. 35 p plans designs and ill (concrete cribs float into place) Freight piers No. 39-40-41 E. R. Eng rec Jy 22, 1911. 2 p ill Harbor construction at Kobe and Yokohama Japan by W. G. Howe. Eng news Sept 18, 1913. 2 p (gives proposed layout of piers) Harbor development at San Pedro by G. G. Munoz. Eng rec May 17, 1913. 2 p plans (construction details of the wharves in the outer harbor of Los Angeles with brief description of whole port) Harbor development in Holland by H. Wortman. Trans am soc civ engs!905. VolLIVPartA A heavy concrete dock on the Guyahoga river at Cleveland. Eng rec Apr 3, 1909. 1 1-3 p ill plans Holland American line pier Hoboken N. J. Eng rec Oct 16, 1909 Immingham docks. Engng May 14, 28, 1909. 6 p ill plans Improvement in pier construction, San Francisco. Eng rec Jy 16, 1910. Ip ill Kansas City municipal wharf creosoted timber by C. R. Mandigo. Eng news Jan 25, 1912. 3p Lackawanna freight pier No 7 Hoboken. Eng rec Sept 12, 1908. 3 p plans A large pier with granite walls Boston. Eng rec Je 10, 1911. 1 p ill Large reinforced concrete pier at Halifax. Eng rec Je 13, 1914. 3 p ill plans Largest steamship pier on Manhattan. Eng rec Aug 1, 1914. 2 p (44th St pier) Latest municipal pier at Philadelphia (pier No. 19 built of concrete and steel) Eng news Jan 6, 1912. 1 2-3 p ill plans Light reinforced concrete wharves Madras India by F. J. E. Spring. Eng news M ay 2, 19 1 2. 2 p ill Longest municipal pier in the U. S. (at Chicago) Eng rec Je 19, 1915 Marine terminal of Grand Trunk Railway at Prince Rupert Canada by W. T. Donnelly. Trans am nav arch mar engs Vol XIX Paper No. 13 123 Method of filling and dredging for a Jersey City freight terminal, (shows crib work etc) Eng news Dec 17, 1914. 2 1-2 p ill Modern wharf improvements and port facilities by Foster Growell. Eng mag Oct Nov Dec 1897 Municipal harbor construction in Minneapolis. Eng news Jy 30, 1914 New Boston fish pier by F. W. Hodgson. Eng rec Jy 6, 1912 New dock at Methil by B. H. Bluch. Pro inst civ engs 1912-13 paper 3894 New dock facilities of the Hocking Valley ry at East Toledo Ohio. Ry rev Apr 11, 1914. 4 1-2 pill The new East Boston docks by H. L. Alden. Harvard engng jour May 1910. Spill The new fireproof piers of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company at Hoboken N. J. Eng news Jan 3, 1901 . 2 p ill New freight pier at Communipaw N. J. RyagegazMay 9, 1913. 2 1-2 p (shows track layout at Communipaw pier) New method of wharf building by H. A. Crafts. Eng rec Mar 21, 1908 (concrete cased piers) The new harbor works at Constanza on the Black Sea by B. Bock. Deutsche Bau Mar 31, 1911. 4 p ill New municipal piers in Baltimore harbor. Eng rec May 8, 1909. 3 1-4 p ill plans New piers in South Brooklyn, (proposed design) Eng rec May 11, 1907. 1-2 p plan New San Francisco shipping piers with concrete cylinder foundations and fire proof deck and superstructure by J. G. Little. Eng news Jy 8, 1909. 1 1-4 p ill plans New South Brooklyn freight terminal by C. W. Staniford and Philip Guise. Eng news Mar 7, 1912. Spill New South Brooklyn pier at 35th St is the longest in New York. Eng rec Dec 18, 1915 Novel steel piers. Lome Africa. Eng news May 24, 1906 Oak point float bridge substructure construction (illustrated description of 12 transfer bridges for N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R.) Eng rec Apr 2, 1910. 2500 w Observations on dock work in New York harbor by J. A. Bensel. Trans am civ engs 1905. Vol 54 Part F Ocean pier of reinforced concrete. Eng rec May 11, 1912. 1 p ill Philadelphia's Southwark piers. Eng rec Oct 16, 1915 (reinforced con- crete piers) Pier built on cylinders cast as concrete shells and filled in place Puget Sound Navy yard by H. L. Muchemore. Eng rec Je 22, 1912. 2 p ill Pier construction in San Francisco harbor by Jerome Newman, in report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific coast association of port authorities 1915 Sacramento. California state printing office 1915 5 p 124 Pier 3 of Boston terminal of Boston & Albany. R. R. Eng rec Dec 25, 1909. 3 1-4 pill plans Pier twenty-eight San Francisco by F. G. White. W engng Je 1914 (reinforced concrete pier on cylinders constructed in open caissons) 1 1 p ill plans Proposed inner harbor plan for the city of Richmond on San Francisco bay Engng contr Dec 4, 1912. 3 p Proposed plan for waterfront and harbor development at Toronto Canada. Engng-contr Jan 8, 1913. 2p Reconstruction of a Jersey City railway passenger terminal. Eng news Jy 30, 1914. 6 p ill (gives ferry racks, piers etc) Reconstruction of the Tyne north pier. Engng Jan 28, 1910. 9 p ill Reinforced concrete coal pier for Pennsylvania R. R. Eng news Mar 2, 1916. Ip plans A reinforced concrete dock by A. P. Brown. Eng rec May 21, 1910. 1 p Reinforced concrete hollow caissons floated into place in piers Kobe harborworks. Eng news Je 1, 1911. ills Reinforced concrete in ore dock construction. Cement age Mar 1912. 4 p (details of concrete piles etc) Reinforced concrete piers in Baltimore harbor. Eng news Oct 1, 1908. 3-4 p plans Reinforced concrete pier Santa Monica Cal by E. H. Warner. Eng news Dec 9, 1909. 2 p Reinforced concrete substructure of Havana docks company piers (design of piers, and fabrication and driving of reinforced piles). Eng news Apr 27, 1912. 2 pill Reinforced concrete wharf at Balboa, Canal Zone from 1911 annual report of Isthmian canal commission. Eng news Dec 21, 1911. 2 p Reinforced concrete wharf of United Fruit company at Bocas Del Toro, Panama by T. H. Barnes. Trans am soc civ engs 1910. Reinforced concrete wharf with granite foundations; harbor improve- ments at Iloilo, Philippine Islands by W. T. Howe. Eng news Nov 20, 1913. 7 pill Reinforced concrete wharves and warehouses at lower Pootung, Shanghai by S. H. Ellis. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12. 130 p ill plates (Thorough discussion of concrete wharf and warehouse construction.) Report to ministers of railways and canals by F. W. Cowie. Ottawa 1913 (on new terminals at Halifax, consulting engineer's report, elaborate) Shipping piers in Southwark district. Eng news Aug 26 1915. 3 1-2 p ill plans Some recently constructed piers and harbors on the north and west coasts of Scotland by J. Barron. Pro inst of civ engs 1889-90. 4 p vo!99 Steel and concrete dock wall (removing south end of dock 10 in Ashta- bula harbor Ohio) by Charles Benham jr. Eng news May 18, 1911. 4 p 125 Steel and concrete wharf at Tampico. Eng rec Apr 8, 1905. 2 1-2 p ill Steel wharves at Manila. Eng rec Je 16, 1906. Structural and mechanical features of a railroad freight pier. (Lack- awanna freight pier at Hoboken) Eng rec May 24, 1913. 2 p ill Substructure of pier 4, Boston terminal, Boston & Albany railroad. Eng rec Jan 29, 1910. 3p The Stuyvesant docks of the Illinois central railroad. Eng rec Je 23, 1906. 3 1-2 pill Superstructure of Chicago municipal pier. Eng news Aug 12, 1915. 2 1-2 p ill Suspended fenders a feature of new reinforced concrete piers at San Francisco by F. G. White. Eng rec Feb 20, 1915. 2 p ill (gives de- tails of recent concrete pier construction) Transfer bridge, Jersey City by J. A. Bensel. Trans am soc civ engs 1888 2 p plan 2500-ton concrete cribs are built and launched in a "shipyard." Eng rec Jan 15, 1916. 5 cols ill Use of concrete in reconstructing the Folkestone pier. Eng rec Oct 24, 1908. 3 p plans Waterfront engineering in American cities. Eng rec Jy 8, 15, 22, 29 and Aug 5, 1899. 8 p Wharf at Key West for submarine mines and quarter master by Maj J. R. Slattery. Pro mem 1915. vol 7. 8 p (detailed plans and cost of reinforced concrete wharf. ) Wharf construction at Fort Mason (San Francisco) Eng rec Aug 6, 1910- 3 p ill (reinforced concrete piers) COAL AND ORE WHARVES Coal and ore docks of B & O at Lorain, Ohio. Ry age gaz Jy 28, 1911 The mechanical handling of coal and ore by A. E. Brown. Eng news May 18, 1911 New ore and coal handling docks of the Penn Co at Ashtabula Ohio. Eng rec Sept 12, 1908. 5 p ill Preliminary report of committee on yards and terminals. Bulletins No 44 (Oct 1903) and No 48 (Feb 1904). Am ry engng & maintenance of way ass'n (gives detailed account of coal and iron ore piers) COAL WHARVES Aerial ropeway at Montevideo. Engng Nov 26, 1909 (Device for con- veying coal to the electric power station from lighters moored along- side a dolphin built offshore) 3 p ill The California city point coal pier. Eng rec Je 27, 1908 (The United States naval coal pier in San Francisco is parallel with the shore line and one hundred and fifty feet beyond it; it is served by a system of cable cars) 2 p plans 126 Chesapeake and Ohio coal pier by E. J. Knapp. Iron trade rev May 21, 1914 Chesapeake and Ohio railway company's new coaling pier at Newport News. Int mar engng Aug 1914. 1 p ill Coal loading methods at United States ports by J. F. Springer. Colliery engr Jy 1914 (Modern coal piers at Newport News, Baltimore, Phil- adelphia and New York) 3 1-2 p ill Coal-loading plant for Japan. Col guard Dec 18, 1908. 2 cols Coal pier with car dumping machine at Sandusky. Eng news Mar 11, 1915. Spill Coal piers on the Atlantic seaboard by J. E. Greiner. Trans am soc of civ engs Dec 1914. 49 p The coaling machinery of Savona harbour by F. Collischom. Elect Jan 17, 1908) Hunt system of movable elevators with a cable railway) Coaling station at Guantanamo Cuba by W. P. Engelman. Ir age Je 24, 1909. 2 p Description of iron coal pier at Norfolk and some of the methods used in its construction by W. W. Coe. Trans am soc civ engs 1892. Electrical equipment for docks. . with special reference to electrically operated coal hoists by Walter Dixon and G. H. Baxter. Engng Jan 27, 1911. 7 p ill plans (Rothesay dock Glasgow) Electrically operated steel coal pier of Norfolk & Western railway. Ena rec Jan 24, 1914. 2 1-2 pill An interesting German coal loading installation. Col guard Feb 5, 1909. 1 p (Describes traveling crane in Emden harbor) A large coal dock at Duluth. Eng rec Oct 23, 1909. 3 p ill A large coal storage wharf at Superior. Eng rec Nov 30, 1907. 2 p Movable river tipple. Col eng Jy 1914. 2 p ill (Device for coaling river boats at different stages of water) The Narragansett bay coal depot by Augustus Smith. Trans am soc civ engs Dec 1906. (Gives details of traveling towers for loading and un- loading coal on wharf) New coal pier for Norfolk & Western railway at Norfolk Va. Ry rev Feb 21, 1914. 6 p ill (Lamberts point terminal, reinforced concrete in steel cylinders) New coal pier, Norfolk & Western ry Lamberts Point, Vaby W. P. Wiltsee. Eng news Apr 23 ., 19 14. 6 p ill New coaling dock at St. Thomas, the first unit of extensive harbor im- provements by C. T. Mason. Sci am sup Aug 15, 1914. 1 p New Norfolk & Western coal pier at Norfolk, Va. Ry age gaz Mar 27, 1914. 4 p ill New railroad coaling pier to have belt conveyor. Eng news Apr 6, 1916. 1 p ill plans New Southern railway coaling pier at Charleston S. C. Int mar engng Apr 1915. 2 1-2 pill 127 New Toledo coal dock built in record time. Eng hews Sept 9, 1915. 3 1-2 p ill Novel German electric coal-tipping device by F. C. Perkins. Sci am sup Feb 2, 1907. 1 1-2 p ill (device for different tide levels) Pennsylvania begins a large coal pier at Baltimore. Eng rec Feb 5, 1916. 1-3 p Ports of the world, reports of coaling, docking and repairing facilities of the ports of the world. Office pf naval intelligence. Wash: Govt printing office 1909. 239 p 5th ed Reinforced concrete coal pier for Pennsylvania R. R. Eng news Mar 2, 1916. Ip plans Sewall's Point coal pier by F. F. Harrington. Mines & minerals Jan 1910. 2 1-2 p Swansea, king's dock; hydraulic coal tipping apparatus. Ry news Jan 13,1912. 3 1-2 pill 30-ton hydraulic coaling tip. Engng Nov 19, 1909. 2 1-4 p ill and design Three tramway bridges on the coal storage dock of the Berwind -White coal mining co Superior Wis by W. R. Wetherill. Eng news Je 18, 1908. 2 pill The transfer of coal to and from ships. Int mar engng Sept 1913. 2 1-2 pill (on the design of cranes and transporters) U. S. coaling wharf (Guantanamo). Eng rec Feb 9, 1907. 1 1-2 p ill (reinforced concrete) The Virginian railways coal handling plant, the coal shipping terminal at Sewall's point, Va. Ir age Jy 22, 1909. COALING SHIPS Coal conveyor for loading ships. Engr Lon Jan 28, 1910. 1 p plan De Mayo system for coaling ships. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1 1-2 p ill Modern methods of coaling vessels. Int mar engng Feb 1911. 8 1-2 p ill Patent barge for coaling the Imperator and other large Hamburg-Amer- ican steamships by F. G. Coleman. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 2 1-2 p ill plan ORE WHARVES Advanced methods of handling the heavy commodities as exhibited in ports of the Great Lakes, system of North America by J. A. Sullivan. Int nav congress 1905. 17 p ill Concrete and steel ore dock having new features in its design by W. E. King. Eng rec mar 9, 1912. 2 1-2 pill 50,000 ton ore dock at Marquette. Eng rec Jy 6, 1912. 2 1-2 p ill 128 Foundations for largest ore shipping dock in the world. Eng rec Aug 29, 1914 An interesting aerial cableway and ore handling plant in New Cale- donia. Sci am sup Nov 27, 1909 A large ore dock at Escanaba. Eng news Jy 30, 1903. 2 p Modern handling of iron ore on the Great Lakes by J. N. Hatch. Jour soc engs Dec 1902. 31 p ill Movement of iron ore on Great Lakes by A. J . Mason. Journ soc engs Apr 1904. 14 p ill diagrams A new ore dock and storage yard at Toledo. Eng rec Feb 11, 1911. 1 p New ore dock at Two Harbors. Ry age gaz Jan 5, 1912. 2 p Ore dock at Cleveland, Ohio. Eng news Feb 22, 1912. Ore docks with metal piling. (Lorain). Eng news Aug 22, 1901. t-2p plans An ore-handling plant in New Caledonia, an elaborate system of sus- pension tracks and cables, comprising four main lines, for carrying ore, coal, merchandise and passengers. Eng & min jour Feb 20, 1909. 5 pill Ore unloaders at Philadelphia. Iron trade rev May 20, 1915. 2 p ill Pennsylvania coal dock at Sandusky. Ry age gaz Dec 25, 1914. 2 p ill (Plan profile and details of the yards and docks) Reinforced concrete in ore dock construction. Cement age Mar 1912. 4 p Reinforced concrete ore docks. Eng news Jan 2, 1913. 6 p ill (De- tails of ore docks on the Great Lakes) Reinforced concrete ore loading dock. Eng rec Je 8, 1912. 1 1-2 p ill Steel ore dock at Narvick by John Birkinbine. Ir age Jan 9, 1908. 4 p Steel ore docks D & I R R R (at Two Harbors). Eng news Jan 2, 1913. 2 pill A structural steel ore dock at Two Harbors. Eng rec Dec 5, 1908. 2 p LUMBER WHARVES Covered slip and pier with gantry cranes for handling lumber. Eng news Sept 9, 1915. 1 1-2 p plans Lumber dock at Balboa by G. R. Goethals. Eng rec Jy 20, 1912. 3 1-2 p plans ill Lumber operations on the Atlantic coast; modern lumber steamers and complete terminals under construction for shipping lumber from Florida to New York. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1 1-2 p plans ill Monorail system of handling lumber (St Andrew, Fla.) Int mar engng Nov 1913. 1-2 pill Notes on the arrangement for receiving importations of timber at Portis- head dock Bristol by J. W. Kitchen. Pro inst civ engs 1906-07. (Describes quick-running cranes, ill) 129 DRY DOCttS Avonmouth, England, wet and graving dock by A. D. Swan. Can soc of civ engs Dec 16, 1909 Calculations for the stability and displacement of graving docks by Leonard Goddey. Can eng Apr 10, 1910. 2 1-2 p diagrams Design of a dry dock by A. W. Young. Engng Sept 3, 1904. 3 1-2 p plans (formulae and designing) Dock book by Hydrographic office. (Containing dimensions of the prin- cipal dry, floating and wet docks, patent slips, etc. of the world, also information on ship building and engineering works in countries other than the United Kingdom.) London 1905, Supplement to Dec 1907. 5th ed 219 p Dry dock at Ashtabula by E. C. Bowen jr. Eng news Mar 14, 1912. 5 p ill Dry docks by C. A. Brereton. Int eng congress 1904. Trans am soc civ engs 1905 VolLIV Part F Dry docks of France by A. Joly. Trans am soc civ engs 1904 Vol LIV Part F Dry docks of France. Trans am soc civ engs 1893 Floating dry dock construction by W. T. Donnelly. Pro Brooklyn engrs club 1905. 23 p New dry dock for San Francisco. Eng news Nov 26, 1914. 2 1-2 p ill New graving docks and shipyard on the river Tess. Engr Lon Oct 18, 1907 New dry dock for San Francisco. Eng news Nov 26, 1914. 2 1-2 p 111 Opening of new dock of moment to coast. (Puget sound navy yard) Ry& mar news Mar 15, 1913. Ip Ports of the world. Reports of the coaling, docking and repairing facili- ties. Wash: Govt printing office 1909. 139 p (office of naval intelli- gence) Proposed method of constructing Pearl harbor dry dock. Eng news Jan 14,1915. 3 1-2 pill 22,000 tons floating dry dock for Brazil. Int mar engng Jan 1911. 121-2 pill Works of Canadian Vickers ltd at Montreal. Engng Feb 5, 1915. 7 p ill (Dry dock and ship repair works) EQUIPMENT GENERAL Die arbeitsmaschinen zum f orderenf ester und flussiger Korper. Vol 4 of Allgemeine Maschinenlehre. Berlin: W. & S. Lowenthal 1885. 809 p ill Der aufzugbau by Hugo Bethmann. Braunschweig Vieweg und Sohn 1913. 720 pi 166 ill 29 pi 52 tables 130 Barge canal terminals by H. McL. Harding. Eng rec Aug 26, 1911. 2 p ill Bestimmungen uber Einrichtung und Betrieb der Aufzuge by H. Jaeger. Berlin: Carl Heymann 1910. 124 p The Bush docks in Brooklyn, New York. Ry & engng rev Aug 15, 1903. 2 pill Cargo handling at smaller piers and terminals by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Aug 1911. 2p (Telephers) Cargo transference at steamship terminal by H. McL. Harding. Pro am nav arch & mar engs 1911. Vol XIX paper 14 The Chalmette docks of the New Orleans terminal co. Eng rec Jy 28, 1906. 7p Design and construction of freight steamships, from the cargo trans- ferring standpoint by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Je 1911. 2 1-2 p ill Design of machinery for water-borne freight by H. McL. Harding. Wat- erways Oct. 1910. The design of terminals for mechanical freight handling by H. McL. Harding. Eng rec May 28, 1910 Dock and wharf equipment by J. L. Holmes. Pro inst civ engs 1909-10 paper 3850 Dock pumping plant for Sasebo dock yard, Japan. Engng Mar 10, 1911. 2 p ill plans Electrical equipment and concrete construction at Auckland harbor by W.Wilson. Eng mag Nov 1913 Elctrically driven machinery at Fish-Guard harbour. Elect Sept 24, 1909. 5 p plans diagrams Electricity in railway and marine terminals by D. B. Rushmore. Schen- ectadyN.Y. 1910 Elektrisch betriebene aufiige; by P. Schwehn. Hanover: Gebruder Janeckel901. 80 pill An elementary treatise on hoisting machinery by Joseph Homer. Lon- don : Crosby Lockwood & Son 1903. 252 p 215 ill and plates Economical freight handling at North River water front New York City. Eng news Jy 6, 1911. 2 2-3 p Economical freight transference at railway terminals and shipping docks by H. McL. Harding. Eng news Mar 3, 1910. 6 p ill Economical handling of package freight and general cargo on steamship docks by C. A. Hardy. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 1 1-4 p ill Electric power in docks by C. E. Taylor. Jour inst elect engrs 1908. lip ill (refers to coal conveyors, wharf cranes etc) An engineering solution of freight handling problems by H. McL. Harding. Engmag Apr 1911 131 Equipment of the inland harbors, with more especial reference to progress made in their electrical installations by Ottman. Int nav congress 1908. 20ppl Etude theorique et practique sur le transport at la manutention mecan- iques des materiaux et marchandises dans les usines, les magasius, les chantiers, les mines, by George von Hanffstengel. Paris: Beranger 1910 (translated from 'the German) (Vol 1, 282 p 414 ill Vol 2, 292 p 445111) Exploitation des ports maritimes by Camille De Cordemoy. Paris: 'H. Dunod et E.Pinat 1909 (Treats of organization and equipment (mechanical, warehouses, floating docks etc) and administration, (especially of French ports) 546 p ill map pi Dynamische Vorgange beim Anlauf von Maschinen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von He.bamaschinen by Carl Pfleiderer. Stuttgart: Konrad Wittwer. 84 p 27 ill Facilities for shipping and freight handling at river ports by E. E. R. Tratman. Int mar engng Mar 1915 Freight handling appliances at marine terminals. Int mar engng Sept 1914. 1 1-2 p (Summary of report on hoisting and conveying Amer soc mech engrs Dec 1913) Freight handling at Havana, Cuba. Int mar engng Mar 19 Kx 2 1-4 p ill Freight handling at railway marine terminals by C. A. Hardy. Int mar engng Mar 1915 Freight handling by machinery by H. McL. Harding. Eng news Apr 14,' 1910 Freight handling equipment. Analysis of modern practice by W* Boeklin. Eng Mag Jy 1909 Freight handling equipment at Kansas City municipal wharf. Int mar engng Nov 1913. 1 p ill Freight handling equipment for fertilizer, central of Georgia railway Savannah by E. M. Phett. Eng news Nov 26, 1914. 4 1-2 pill Freight handling installations for rivers subject to great variations in level by G. C. Scherer. Eng news May 4, 191 1 ills Freight station with equipment for mechanical handling of freight. (St Louis) Eng news Je 29, 1911. 5 pill plans Freight transferring machinery at Antwerp by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Oct 1911. 21-2pill. Grundzuge moderner aufzugsanlagen by C. Michenfelder. Leipsig: H. A. Ludwig Degener 1906. 110 p 78 ill Handbuch der aufzugstechnik by L. Hintz. Berlin: A. Seydel 184 p 190 ill The handling of railway freight in bulk by Prof Amund. Z d VD I Sept 4, 1909 Handling steamship package freight by W. C. Brinton. Int mar engng Mar 1914 132 Hebemaschinen by P. Diederich. Berlin: W. S. Loewenthal 1914. Be- ing Vol 3 of Uhland's Handbuch fur den praktischen Maschinenkon- strukteur. pp 115-230. 186 ill Hebemaschinen and Transport einrichtungen im Febrikbetriebe und bei Montagen by Ernst Ehrhardt. Hanover : Dr. Max Janecke 1907. 279 p 94 ill 18 tables 132 formulas (Vol 23 of "Bibliothek der gesammten technik) Hebe und Transport maschinen by W. Heepke. Leipsig: Moritz Schafer 191 1. Being vol 2 of Schule des maschinentechnikers. 246 p 251 ill Hebezeuge by Hans Wittich. Hanover: Dr. Max Janecke 1907. 325 p 355 ill Hebezeuge, das Heben fester, flussiger und luftformiger Korper, Volume 196 of aus natur und Geisteswelt by Richard Vater. Leipsig: B. G. Teubner 126 p ill Die Hebezeuge, Elemente der Hebezeuge, Flaschenzuge, Winden und Krane by Hugo Bethmann. 2nd ed Braunschweig. Vieweg & Sohn 1908. 710 p 1077 ill 16 pi 119 tables Die Hebezeuge, ihre Konstruktion und Berechnung by Hermann Wilda. Leipzig : G. T. Goschen 1908. 154 p ill Die Hebezeuge, Theorie und Kritik ausgefuhrter Konstruktionen by Ad Ernst. Berlin: Julius Springer 1903. 1486 ill 97 lithographed tables 3 v Hoisting and conveying machinery by G. E. Titcomb. Amer soc mech engsNol!90. 20 c Hoisting machinery by Joseph Homer. Philadelphia: Lipincott 1903 How to increase marine terminal capacity by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Aug 1913. 3 p ill ' Hydraulic hoisting plant for pier of Brooklyn sugar refining co by L. C. Engel. Trans am soc mech engs 1891 Improvement of port facilities at Kobe Harbor Japan by H. McL. Hard- ing, Eng news Mar 2, 1911 Intermediate and terminal ports, best methods for combining, facili- tating and harmonizing the transfer of freight between waterway and railway by P. Mallet, int nav congress 1912. 17 p Konstruktion und Berechnung von Selbstanlassern fur electrische Auf- zuge mit Druckknopfsteuerung by Hugo Mosler. Berlin: Julius Springer 1904. 102 p 56 ill Marine terminal machinery by Harry Sawyer. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 2p Mecanique, elictricite et construction appliquees aux appareils de levage by Louis Rousselet. Paris : H. Dunod et E. Pinat 1908 2 v Mechanical equipment of ports by I. C. Barling. Int nav congress 1912. 19ppl Mechanical equipment of ports by P. Barrillon. Int nav congress 1912. 38ppl 133 Mechanical equipment of ports by J. F. Bubendey and E. G. Mayer. Int nav congress 1912. 27 p pi Mechanical equipment of ports by F. W. Hodgson. Int nav congress 1912. 8p The mechanical equipment of the East Boston deep water terminal. Engrec May 1911. 4 l-2p Mechanical handling equipments for large vessels by R. B. Sheridan. Trans am soc nav arch & mar engs 1909. 25 p ill Mechanical handling of freight by W. C. Carr. Ry age gaz Nov 8, 1912 The mechanical handling of material by G. F. Zimmer. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co 1905. 521 p 550 ill pi Mechanical plant of the Madero dock granary, Buenos Aires. Eng mag Sept 191 1. 6 p ill (no description) Mechanical transshipment of railway and water-borne freight, with special reference to the port of New York by H. McL. Harding. Pro N. Y. ry club Dec 1909. 60 p ill The mechanics of hoisting machinery including accumulators, excava- tors, and pile drivers by Julius Weisbach and Gustav Hermann, (trans- lated from the German) London: MacMillan & Co 1893. 332 p ill A modern ship loading installation by F. Stierlin. Schweiz Bau Oct. 26, 1907 Municipal problems of freight transference by H. McL. Harding. Pra munic engs of N. Y. 1912. 24 p ill Neuere Transport und Hebevorrichtungen by C. Michenfelder. Leipzig: H. A. L. Degener 1906. 59 p 87 pi Past, present and future freight handling by J. F. Coleman. Pro amer assoc of port author 1914. 5p Plant of maritime commercial ports of France by H. Despres. Trans am soc civ engs 1893. Power for harbor work by Brysson Cunningham. Eng mag Nov 1908. 2p Pumping and electrical machinery for new port docks. Engr Lon Oct 9,, 1914. 4 pill plans The relative advantage of hydraulic and electric power for port and dock work by Brysson Cunningham. Gassier' s mag Sept 1908 (compares. the cost) Report on handling of freight at marine terminals by B. F. Cresson jr. & H. McL. Harding. New York: Dept of docks & ferries Apr 1912. 28 p (special report No. 17) Report on hoisting and conveying to annual meeting (New York) Amer soc mec engs 1913, publication 1403 Report on the mechanical equipment of New York harbor by B. F. Cresson, jr., and C. W. Staniford. New York: Dept. of docks and ferries 1912. (Types of mechanical equipment in use in New York harbor and general review of the subject.) 42 p ill plans (Specials report No 22) 134 River terminals for inland cities by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Mar 1914 The Royal Edward dock at Avonmouth. Engr Lon Jy 3, 10, 17, 24, 1908. 12 p ill plans (complete description of dock and equipment) St. Louis municipal railway and waterfront. Eng news Jan 13, 1916. 1-2 p map Die Schachtfordermaschinen by Karl Tiewes and E. Forster. Berlin: Julius Springer 19 13. 431 p 323 ill Die Schule des Maschinentechnikers, Vol 13 die Hebemaschinen by August Pohlhausen. Leipsig: Moritz Schafer 1898. 89 p ill Self unloading freight steamer "Huron" fitted with discharge boom and conveyors for unloading bulk freight. Int mar engng Feb 1915. 7 p ill diagrams Some modern quayside cargo appliances by Brysson Cunningham. Gas- sier' s mag May 1904 Steamers and fueling barges equipped with conveying apparatus for dis- charging cargo. Eng news Oct 19, 1911. 2 p plans Die Technik der Lastenforderung einst und jetzt by Kammerer. Berlin: R. Oldenbourg 1907. 262 pill Terminals for water-borne freight by H. McL. Harding. Cassier's mag Mar 1911. 14 pill Test of the efficiency of hoisting tackle by S. P. Mitchell. Trans am soc civ engs 1903. The three principles of freight transference. Discussion before the Am soc of mech engrs, New York, 1911. Transfer facilities at marine terminals by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Mar 1915 111 Traveling and slewing tower transporter. Engr Lon Jy 1, 1910 ill (electric crane for Plaistow Wharf, Victoria Docks) Traveling crane in terminal freight handling by H. McL. Harding. Eng recJelO, 1911. 3 1-4 pill Unloading cargoes by portable machines. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 2 p ill EQUIPMENT BANANAS Railway yards, warehouses and freight handling machinery. Eng news Mar 26, 1908. (New Orleans no description) Unloading bananas by machinery. Sci am sup Apr 3, 1915. 1-4 p ill BELTS AND CONVEYORS Automatic feeders for handling material in bulk by C. K. Baldwin. Am- soc mech engs publication No. 1235. 10 c The belt conveyor by C. K. Baldwin. Am soc mech engs publication No. 1192. 20 c Belt conveyors by E. J. Haddock. Am soc mech engs publication No 1194. 10 c 135 Economy of inclined dock elevator. Int mar engng Feb 1913. 1 p ill Das Fordergerust by T. Mohrle. Breslau: Phonix Verlag 1909. 99 p ill Pi Freight burtoning at marine terminals by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Nov 1913. (link belt) 3 1-2 p ill plans Inclined elevators increase the economy of marine terminals. Int mar engng Mar 1915. Ip The 30-ton conveyor in the Port Breslau. Gliickauf Dec 23, 1905 CABLEWAYS Aerial cableways as applied to the transport service of harbours by Giovanni Grotti and Carissimo. Int nav congress 1905. 10 p pi Aerial suspension cableways by J. M. Henderson. Pro inst civ engs 1903-04. Vol 158 Pt 4 (brief reference to the use of cableways for coaling ships etc) A landing cableway, Nome Alaska. Eng news Sept 4, 1913. 1-2 p ill A rock transporting cableway for the harbor works at Rangoon Bur- mah. Eng news Dec 8, 1910. 2 1-3 p Ropeway at the new beachy head lighthouse. Engng Jan 11, 1901. 1 1-2 pill COTTON Cotton conveying systems by H. A. Burnham. Amer soc mech engs publication No. 1406. 10 c Cotton warehouses and terminals of the State of Louisiana (New Orleans) Mnfg rec Jan 7, 1915. 6 p plans CRANES AND DERRICKS Cantilever crane for lumber dock. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 2 1.2 pill Coaling crane for the ferro carril de Langreo, Spain. Engng Mar 31, 1911 1 1-3 p ill Comparison of large power fixed and floating cranes. Engr Lon Apr 9, 1909. 1 1-2 p plans Construction of cranes and other lifting machinery by E. C. R. Marks. Manchester: Technical pub co 1904. 3rd ed 260 p ill Cranes and hoisting machinery by J. F. Springer. ,Cassier's mag Dec 1909 Cranes at the German marine exhibition 1908. Deut schiffbau 1908 Cranes, their construction, mechanical equipment and working by Anton Bottcher. London: Archibald Constable & Co 1908. (19 p on harbor cranes) $10.00 Development of quay crane in Hamburg by E. Klapp. Trans am soc civ engs 1893. Direct current electric drive on cranes by R. H. McLain. Gen elec rev Je 1914 Double cantilever 120-ton floating crane at the Pola dockyard. Engng Dec 29, 1911. 3 pill plans 136 Electric crane construction by C. W. Hill. London: Ch. Griffin & Co 1911. 313 p 366 ill and 23 tabs Electric cranes, their design, construction and application by H. H. Broughton. Vol 1 of a complete manual on lifting and hauling machinery. London: Electrician pr & pub co 1911. 812 p ill plates tables Electric gantry cranes for terminals by F. W. Buse. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 3 1-2 p ill diagrams Electrical cranes for dock and harbour work. Elec rev May 8, 1908. 2 1-2 p ill plans (portal cranes at the Kuhwaeder dock Hamburg) Die elektrische Druckknopfsteuerung far Aufziige by A. Genzmer. Han- over: Gebruder Janecke 1905. 166 p 180 ill Elektrische Kranausriistungen der Simens-Schuckertwerke nach 25 jahriger Entwickelung. Berlin : Julius Springer 1913. 74 p ill Five ton steam Goliath crane (for Singapore). Engr Lond Dec 22, 1911. 1-2 p ill Floating crane for Spain. Engr Lond Aug 11,1911. 1-2 p ill Floating cranes, A review of hoisting devices. Sci am sup Nov 2, 1907. 2 1-2 p Floating cranes for the navy. Iron trade rev Apr 9, 1914. 3 p ill 40-ton steam titan crane for East London. Engng Oct 3, 1913 and Je 19,1914. 1 1-4 pill Giant cranes by H. P. Hobart. Yale sci m Apr 1909 Harbor cranes at foreign ports. Eng news Sept 12, 1912. 2 p ill Hydraulic plant at the Caledonian railway company's new dock at Grangemouth. Ir & coal trds rev Jan 31, 1908 (cranes and coal hoists) Inclined elevators for the economical handling of freight. Overhead wharf crane. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 1 1-4 pill Kran-und Transport anglagen far Hatten, Hafen, Werfte und Werk- statt Betrieb by C. Michenf elder. Berlin : Julius Springer 1912 Die Krane by P. Zizmann. Leipzig: J. M. Gebhardt 1903. 2nd ed Krane, ihr allgemeiner Aufbau, by Anton Bottcher. R. Oldenbourg 1906. . 2V % Large power fitting out cranes with special reference to electric revolving cantilever cranes by Robert Boyle. Trans inst of engrs & shipbuilders in Scotland May 1911 Machine design, hoists, derricks, cranes by H. D. Hess. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott 1912. 368 p 318 ill 18 ins New hydraulic equipment for the Albert dock, Hull. Engr Lond Je 19, 1908. 1 p (Details of a 40-ton hydraulic coaling crane and 25-ton hoist) ill New 150-ton revolving floating crane for Norfolk by A. F. Case. Eng news Je 17, 1915. 1 1-2 p and Eng mag Aug 1915. Ipplan 137 100 ton electric wharf crane, Dublin harbor. Engng Jan 19, 1906. 1-3 p ill 150 ton crane for the military post at Lorient by R. Bazin. Genie civil Feb 22, 1913 150 ton swinging jib crane by F. Hofer. Genie civil Aug 28, 1909 160 ton electric revolving cantilever crane. Engr Lond Nov 19, 1909. 2 p ill plans Overhead wharf crane by H. Sawyer. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 2 p ill The port of Hamburg by G. A. Waterman. Cassier's mag Apr 1911 Rapid luffing cranes at Morocco wharf, Wapping. Engng Dec 2, 1910. 2 p plans Revolving cantilever crane for harbor construction work. Eng news Aug 27, 1914. 1-2 pill 75 ton steam floating crane for Montreal. Engng Sept 17, 1909. 2 1-3 pill Sixty ton floating crane, Nostaganen Algeria by P. Gaufourier. Genie civil May 1911 A special coal handling crane (at Toledo) Ir age Aug 10, 1911. 2 1-4 pill Die Statik des Kranbaues by W. Ludwig Andree. Berlin: R. Olden- bourg. 2nd ed 1913, 370 p 554 ill 1 pi Stresses in 50-ton steel derrick reduced by elimination of goose-necks. Eng rec Jan 22, 1916. 3 1-2 cols ill Swinging cargo hoist beams for new pier shed. Eng rec Je 17, 1916. 3-4 col ill 30 cwt electric "Barry" single beam transporter (for Japanese govt) Engng Sept 22, 1911. 2 1-2 p ill 30-ton electric traveling crane (Kure dockyard). Engng Jy 26, 1912 11-3 pill Transporters for Rothesay dock. Engng Je. 2, 1911. 1 1-3 p ill Treatise on cranes by H. R. Towne. Stamford Conn 1883. 191 p ill 25 ton steam traveling crane (for Singapore harbor works). Engng Jan 13, 1911. 1 1-2 pill 200 ton electric revolving cantilever crane (at Kure for Japanese navy). Engng Mar 15, 1912. 4 p ill plan Uber Schwerlast-Drehkrane im Werft und Hafen\^kehr by Eugen Schurmann. Berlin : Julius Springer 1904. 79 p ill 12 pi Warehouse's crane runways carried on wall brackets. Eng rec May 6, 1916. 3 1-2 cols ill Waygood's electric and hydraulic luffing wharf cranes. Engng Jan 7, 1910. 2 pill ELEVATORS Elevator service by R. P. Bolton, N.Y. 1908. 69 p ill Elevators by C. R. Pratt. Amer soc mech engs publication No. 820. 50c Hydraulic elevators by William Bazter jr. Chicago: Engineer publishing co 1905. 145 pill 138 FREIGHT HANDLING Freight handling at railway marine terminals by C. A. Hardy. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1 p plan Handling steamship package freight, limitations of overhead cranes and telphers systems and advantages of electric trucks by W. C. Brinton. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 3 1-2 p ill How to increase marine terminal capacity by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Aug 1913. Spill New Mississippi freight carriers. Shipping ill Apr 29, 1916 Transfer facilities at marine terminals by H. McL. Harding. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 4 1-4 p ill (gives cost assumptions) Die umschlagverkehr in Baumaterialien auf den Berliner Wasser- strassen und die Ziegeltransport by Carl Glaus. Technik und Wirt- schaft Apr 1910. VolNoS GRAIN ELEVATORS Design of walls, bins and grain elevators by M. S. Ketchum. New York Eng news pub co 1911 2nd ed 556 p Electrical equipment of a terminal grain elevator and wharf conveyor system by Cecil Hodgson. Elec rev & W Elect' n Apr 15, 1911 Electrical equipment of the Boston and Albany's East Boston deep water terminal. Elec wld May 11, 1911. 6 p ill An electrically operated grain elevator and wharf conveyor system at East Boston Mass by Cecil Hodgson. Eng news Apr 6, 1911 ills Etude sur les magasins a grain elevateur du port de Rosario by Barbet. Revue de mecanique Nov Dec 1908. (Description of machinery for elevator) Fireproof grain elevator construction by Jas. MacDonald. Jour soc engs 1902. 19 p Girard point elevator. Eng rec Jan 10, 1914 Grain conveying machinery at Avonmouth dock. Engr Lond Sept 24, 1909. Ip ill Grain elevator of the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry at Fort Williams Can. Eng news Feb 23, 19 1 1 . 2 2-3 p ill plans Granary at Glasgow harbour. Engng Oct 30, Nov 13, 27, Dec 11, 1914. 18 p ill plans Handling the grain crop at the port of New York. Sci am Nov 20, 1897. 2 1-2 pill Mammoth grain elevator now nearing completion (Seattle). Ry & mar news May 1, 1915 The Mitchell cantilever grain elevator, an interesting English floating elevator by A. F. Bock. Ir age Apr 7, 1910 Modern elevators installed Seattle central waterfront, (with plans) Ry & mar news Jan 1, 1914. 2 pill New Gerard point grain elevator at Philadelphia by S. Ingberg. Eng news Sept 17, 1914. 7 p ill A novel cantilever grain elevator. Sci am Sept 1 1, 1909 139 Port of Seattle's grain elevator with sketch. Ry & mar news Aug 1, 1914. 1-2 p Some recent grain handling and storing appliances at the Millwall docks by Magnus Mowat. Pro inst civ engs 1908-09. 35 p ill The Weehawken elevator of the New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co by J. C. Irwin. Eng rec Apr 8, 1905. 3 p ill plans PIER SHED Column design for steel and wooden construction. Eng rec Feb 20, 1915 (details of shed column design) A light steel pier shed. Eng rec Mar 27, 1909. 1 p plan - Reconstructing a New York pier shed. Eng rec Nov 2, 1907. 1 p plans Two-story shed for New York's 46th st pier serves transatlantic steamers by C. W. Staniford. Eng rec May 27, 1916. 5 cols ill Unusual feature of a concrete wharf shed. Eng rec Mar 11, 1911. 1200 w TELPHERS Handling freight at a steamship terminal (New York dock co) Int mar eng May 1913. 3 p plan ill Handling freight by telepherage. Eng rec Jy 1, 1911. 4 1-4 p ill plans An installation of freight handling machinery for increasing dock capa- city. (N. Y. dock co pier) Eng news May 1, 1913. 1 p ill Operation of 'Kansas City municipal wharf by C. R. Mandigo. Eng rec Aug 8, 1914. 2 p (Describes the wharf equipment, the combined use of locomotive crane and telpher system) A telpherage system for handling river traffic. Eng rec Feb 26, 1910. Ip ill Terminal freight handling by electrical machinery by H. McL. Harding. Traffic club of New York Oct 24, 1909 ELECTRIC TRUCKS Cost data for electric trucks in freight houses. Eng rec Mar 27, 1915 Economical method of handling freight. Electric storage battery truck. Int mar engng Sept 1914. 3 p ill Economy gained by handling freight with electric trucks at marine ter- minals. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1 1-2 p ill (cost data) Electric freight trucks used by the Erie R. R. Ry & engng rev Jy 29, 1911. 1 1-4 p ill (with cost rate of handling) Electric trucking at New York terminal of Southern Pacific. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1-2 p (gives cost data) Electric trucks on steamship piers. Int mar engng Mar 1914. 2 p ill Electric trucks save money at Panama terminal. Eng rec Dec 18, 1915 Handling cotton with electric trucks at Galveston. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 1-2 p cost data Handling freight with storage battery trucks. Ry age gaz Dec 11, 1914. 2p Motor trucks in the docks and terminal problems of large cities by R. W. Hutchinson jr. Eng mag Jan 1914. 8 1-2 p (gives charts showing increase of time and profits) 140 * Motor trucks in "Discussion of road construction and maintenance." p 1181. Trans am soc civ engs 1914. paper 1303 (Analysis of cost of equipment and operation) Package freight handling by H. McL. Harding. Ry & engng rev Mar 11, 1911. 2 p (Telepherage) Points of attack in the terminal problem by'J. A. Jackson. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 2 1-2 p ill (Battery trucks) Power truck emancipates the baggage man by J. B. Baker. Sci am Apr 12,1913. 2-3 pill Power trucks in freight handling. Discussion before the electrical ve- hicle association by H. McL. Harding. New York Oct 10, 1911 Terminal city, a triangle of efficiency by J. E. Schipper. Automobile Aug6, 1914 WAREHOUSES British railroad terminals by W. T. Foxlee. Trans am soc civ engs 1905. Vol 54 Pt F paper 94 (contains brief description of terminal warehouse near Birmingham, Eng. and machinery to facilitate handling of goods and machinery at the Barry docks.) Freight unloading system at Manaos, Brazil (floating warehouse) by C. J. Seibert. Eng news Sept 8, 1910. 1-2 p plan New concrete warehouses and terminal plant at New Orleans will cover 100 acres. Eng rec Mar 27, 1915 Publicly operated warehouses and cold storage plants as part of the harbor system by C. E. Remsburg in report of the 2nd annual meeting of the Pacific coast association of port authorities 1915. Sacramento: California state printing office 1915. 15 p Reinforced concrete wharves and warehouses at lower Pootung, Shang- hai by S. H. Ellis. Pro inst civ engs 1911-12. 130 p ill plates (Thor- ough discussion of concrete wharf and warehouse construction) Reservoir effects in freight movements; functions of the warehouse by R.H.Rogers. Int mar engng Mar 1915. 2 2-3 p ill Test of mushroom flat slab in Seattle warehouse shows high local stresses by D. E. Hooker. Eng rec May 13, 1916. 9 cols ill (gives details of concrete warehouse) Warehouse to raise freight within and without (at Los Angeles). Eng rec Mar 4, 1916. 3-4 col SHIPS AND SIZE: or Maximum dimension of ships by William White. Trans am nav arch & mar engs 1911. Vol XIX Paper No 1 Steel ships, their construction and maintenance by Thomas Walton. London : Chas. Griffin & Co 1908. 4th ed 337 p ill Twenty years progress in marine construction (ships) by A. Gracie. Pro inst civ engs Vol CXCIV 141 GENERAL ENGINEERING The American civil engineers' pocket book by Mansfield Merriman. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1916. 3rd ed $5.00 American handbook for electrical engineers by Harold Fender. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1914. 2023 p ill $5.00 Architects' and builders' pocket book by F. E. Kidder. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1916. 16th edition 1816 p ill tables $5.00 Building stones and clays by E. G. Eckel. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1912. 264 p $3.00 Civil engineers' pocket book by A. I. Frye. New York: D. Van Nos- trand Co 1913. 161 1 p $5.00 Compressed air; by Theodore Simons. New York: McGraw-Hill bk co., 1914. 173 p. $1.50 Compressed air practice; by Frank Richards. New York: McGraw- Hill bkco 1913. 326 pill $3.00 Construction and use of empiric formulas by G. T. Brady jr. Eng news Jy 24, 1913. 3 p (quay wharf design) The construction of graphical charts by J. B. Peddle. New York: McGraw-Hill bk co 1910. 103 p $1.50 Corrosion of iron by L. C. Wilson. New York: Eng mag co 1915. $2.00 Cost keeping and management engineering by H. P. Gillette and R. T. Dana. New York: Myron Clark 1909. 346 pill Design of plate girders by S. E. Moore. New York : McGraw-Hill bk co 1913. $3.00 Design of simple roof trusses in wood and steel by M. A. Howe. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1912. 179 p ill $1.80 Design of steel buildings by M. S. Ketchum.New York: McGraw-Hill bkco 1912. $4.00 Design of walls, bins and grain elevators by M. S. Ketchum. New York: Eng news pub co 1911, 2nd ed 556 p Diesel engine by J. M.Wright. Pro mem 1915. Vol 7. 36 p Eight tests on built up timber columns by H. D. Dewell. Eng news Feb 17,1916. 1 1-2 pill diagrams Elements of refrigeration by A. W. Greene. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1916 Elements of specification writing by R. S. Kirby. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1913. 125 p $1.25 Engineers' pocket book of reinforced concrete by E. S. Heidenreich Chicago Clark bk co $3.00 Engineering contracts and specifications by J. B. Johnson. New York Eng news pub co 1902. 566 p $3.00 (Includes a brief synopsis of the law of contracts) Gas power by F. E. Junge. New York: Hill pub co 1908. 548 p plans $5.00 142 Graphical computing table by W. H. Bixby. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1905. 50 c Graphics and structural design by H. D. Hess. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 2nd ed 1915. 444 pill $3.00 Handbook of construction plant by R. T. Dana. Chicago: Clarke bk co 1914. 702 pill $5.00 Handbook of cost data by H. P. Gillette. New York: Myron Clark bk co 1907. 610 p $5.00 Handbook of formulas and tables for engineers by C. H. Pierce and W. B. Carver. New York: McGraw-Hill bkco 1914. $1.50 Handbuch der ingeniern wissenschaften by Wilhelm Engelmann. Leipzig 1901 Influence diagrams for the determination of maximum moments in trusses and beams by M. A. Howe. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1914. 65 p $1.25 Internal combustion engines by R. L. Streeter. New York: McGraw- Hill bkco 1915. 418 p Iron and steel by H. P. Tiemann. New York: McGraw-Hill bk co 1910. 354 p $3.00 Knots, splices and rope work by A. H. Verrill. New York: N. W. Henley 1912. 102p60c Law and business of engineering and contracting by C. E. Fowler. New York : McGraw pub co 1909. 162 p $2.50 The law of contracts by J. C. Wait. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1910. 331 p $2.75 The law of operations preliminary to construction in engineering and architecture by J. C. Wait. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1915. $5.50 Manual of American railway engineering association. Chicago 1911. Marine and stationary Diesel engines by A. H. Goldingham. New York: Spon & Chamberlain 1915. 206 p The materials of construction by J. B. Johnson. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1910. 820 p ill plates maps diags. 4th ed $5.50 Materials of construction by A. P. Mills. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1915. 682 p $4.50 Mechanical engineers' pocket book by William Kent. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1916. 9th ed 1526 p tables $5.00 Mechanics of materials by Mansfield Merriman. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1914. llth ed 524 pill $4.00 Modern methods of waterproofing by M. H. Lewis. New York: Eng news pub co 1911. 379 p Notes on plate girder design by C. W. Hudson. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1911. 75 p $1.50 Oil engines by H. R. Setz. Am soc mech eng publication No 1336a. 30c One thousand steel specifications reviewed by R. Fleming. Eng rec Je 24,1916. 7 cols Paints for steel structures by Houston Lowe. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1910. 1 15 p $1.00 143 Present status of the Diesel engine in Europe by Rudolph Diesel. Am soc mech eng No S (76) x. 30c Principal species of wood. Their characteristic properties by C. H. Snow. New York: J.Wiley & Sons 1910. 212 p $3. 50 Principles and practice of electrical engineering by Alexander Gray New York: McGraw-Hill pub co 1914. 391 p $3.00 Reinforced concrete buildings by S. Ransome and A. Saurbrey. New- York: McGraw-Hill bk co 1912. $2.50 Reinforced concrete construction by G. A. Hool. New York: McGraw Hill bk co 1913. 3 v Vol 1 Fundamental principles $2.50 Vol 2 Re- taining walls and buildings $5.00 Vol 3 Bridges and culverts $5.00 Report of Special committee on concrete and reinforced concrete. Trans am soc civ engs 1914. Paper 1289 Resuscitation by C. A. Lauffer. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1915. 40c Rock drilling by R. T. Dana and W. J. Saunders. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1911 319 pill $4.00 Stones for building and decoration by G. P. Merrill. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1897. 2nd ed 506 p $4.50 Strength of materials by J. E. Boyd. New York : McGraw-Hill bk co 1912. $2.50 Structural design by H. R. Thayer. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co 1912-1914. 2 v $4.00 Vol 1 Elements of structural design Vol 2 Design of simple structures Structural designers' handbook by W. F. Scott. New York: McGraw- Hill bk co 1904. $2.00 Structural details or elements of design in timber framing by H. S. Jacoby. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1913. 368 p $2.25 Structural engineers' handbook by M. S. Ketchum. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill bkco 1914. 896 pill $5.00 Tables for the determination of minerals by E. H. Kraus and W. F. Hunt. New York : McGraw-Hill bk co 1 9 1 1 . $2.00 Test of efficiency of hoisting tackle by S. P. Mitchell. Trans am soc civ engs 1903. Theory of structures by C. M. SpoiTord. New York : McGraw-Hill bk co 1911. $4.00 Treatise on concrete plain and reinforced by F. W. Taylor and S. E. Thompson. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1912. 807 p ill 2nd ed $5.00 A treatise on the design and construction of roofs by N. C. Ricker. New York: J. Wiley & Sons 1912. 419 p $5.00 United States public works by W. M. Black. New York : J. Wiley & Sons 1895. $5.00 An experimental determination of the stresses in a roof truss by C. H. Lander, Gilbert Cook and J. E. Petavel. Pro inst civ engs 1911- 1912. paper 3944. 10 p diagrams 144 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days prior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. PER, GtiU 91? LD21A-40m-8,'71 (P6572slO)476-A-32 General Library University of Californis Berkeley