>-% W. N. HAILMANN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES PRIZE ESSAY; AWARD OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION. APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY WORK OF TEACHING. BY W. N. HAILMANN, A. M., AUTHOR OF "KINDERGARTEN CULTURE," "HISTORY OF PEDAGOGY," ETC. bp ortier of tlje 33oarti of Directors, BOSTON, WILLARD SMALL, 1884. COPYRIGHT, 1884, BY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION. Press of \V. F. Brown & Co., 218 Franklin St. i Ed./Psych. .Library O -O /OS/ #/^ CONTENTS. I. EDUCATION: FACTORS AND IDEALS, ... 5 Ii. NATURE AND DESTINY OF MAN, . 7 o III. PROVINCE OF PSYCHOLOGY, ... 8 CO "" IV. PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT: 5 (1). GENERAL FEATURES, .... 9 > (2). LIMITATIONS OF SCIENCE, ... 11 (3). INSTINCT, 13 f4). INFLUENCE OF ACTION, .... 14 EE? (5). LAWS, 1(> V. LIMITATIONS OF SUBJECT, 17 VI. PERIODS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, . 20 2 VH. ILLUSTRATIONS : IS Z (1). COURSE OF STUDY, 23 at (2). DISTRIBUTION OF TEACHERS, ETC., . . 31 I i< (3). HEADING AND WRITING, .... 33 ac (4). DIECII'LINE, 39 241837 PREFACE. AT no previous time in the history of education in this country have teachers and School Superintendents manifested a more earnest desire to understand the philosophy of their work. Everything written upon the subject is read with interest. The American Institute of Instruction, through the Trustees of the Bicknell Fund, awarded the entire income of that Fund for the year 1883, to the best essay upon the Application of the Prin- ciples of Psychology to the work of Teaching. The committee of award consisted of J. W. Dickinson, Mrs. E. N. L. Walton, and George H. Martin. Within the limit of time allowed for present- ing the essays, thirty were received. Among these were others of considerable merit ; but to the essay by Prof. Hailmann, the committee made the award with entire unanimity. By the conditions of the award, the essay receiving the prize becomes the exclusive property of the Institute. Electrotype plates have been made, and an edition of this essay is published, to facilitate a study which must be more and more pursued, as progress is made 1n the art of teaching. The abstract read at the Annual Meeting of the Institute, was received with much favor, and it is believed the publication at the present time will meet a general demand. BOSTON, May, 1884. THE APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOL- OGY TO THE WORK OF TEACHING. EDUCATION" comprises all intentional and systematic influences upon the development of the human being, par- ticularly of the young human being or child. This definition at once separates educational factors into two groups, the conscious and the unconscious factors. Among the former, the principal ones are the parents or their substitutes, the teacher, and the child himself. Among the unconscious factors, the leading ones are the nature of the child (i. e., the inner growth of its powers), surround- ings, and society, as long as it has no direct interest in the child. "We are here concerned only with the teacher. Yet the principles involved apply with equal force to all educa- tional work. Hence we take no cognizance of the narrower aim in the statement of these principles. The unconscious factors can exert an educational in- fluence, only if one or several of the conscious factors aid them. The richest surroundings produce no effect upon the child, if he takes no interest in them ; hence it is one of the chief tasks of the educator to arouse and direct this interest, and to render it consciously self-educative. The inner growth of the child's powers, his nature, may go astray or stop progress wholly, if conscious educators do not 6 EDUCATIONAL IDEALS. guide and foster it, or if the child himself, after reaching a certain maturity, does not consciously keep it in the right direction. Natural development, surroundings, and all other unconscious factors alone, can no more educate than the hammer alone can forge, or the unguided stream drive the mill wheel. They need, in order to become efficient, the directing hand of the master. This view of education imposes upon educators the necessity of devising a fixed plan for their work hi aims and means. The whole work should tend in every part towards distinct ideals ; and the path followed should be carefully adapted to these ideals, and to the nature and destiny of the child. The choice of the educational ideal is of primary impor- tance, since upon it depends the value of the education to the child and to society. Of course, the educators have no right to choose ideals that deprive the human being of his liberty, render him hostile to society, or give him only a transient and relative value. The ideals they have a right to choose, should give the human being freedom hi the exercise of all his powers, with constant reference to the welfare of society and the advancement of the race, and should impart to him a lasting and absolute value. They should lead his taste to the Beautiful, his insight to Truth, his conduct to the Good. Only wisdom whose essence is the striving for truth, and virtue whose essence is the striving for goodness, can give man a lasting and absolute value, a value which no vicissitudes of life can diminish, which will enable him to scatter love and to gather peace. All that fails to lead to these, all that hinders development towards these, all that refuses to heed the requirements of the Beautiful, the True, and the Good, these highest criteria of feeling, NATURE OF MAN. 7 thought and conduct, is false education, and cannot be considered here. In his nature, the human being appears as a growing organism. He develops from within outward, according to certain organic laws which apply with equal force to all the phases of his being. He appears as a distinct unity in conscious opposition to all else ; a self-knowing within. placed over against an all-embracing without ; a growing microcosm, placed within a sustaining macrocosm ; a node, where infinity outward and infinity inward enter into con- sciousness. For purposes of study, it has been customary to sub- divide his nature in various ways ; but it should be remem- bered that these subdivisions exist only in and for science, not in man. Thus the phases of his being, which lie be- tween the within and the without, and through which his self is impressed by the external or impresses the latter, constitute his physical nature. His psychical nature en- ables him to comprehend the finite actualities in time and space ; and his spiritual nature reveals to him the infinite potentialities, which are the essence of all being. Thus, too, the successive conditions of knowing, feeling, and willing are but the three successive stages of one and the same mental process of complete cerebration, in which the conscious personality sees, becomes interested, and reacts. v The consideration of man's nature reveals to us also his destiny. This appears to us as the conscious acknowledg- ment, in all the phases of life, of the unity which is in him and which, at the same time, makes him one with all, a self-conscious utterance of the Infinite, fit appears as the establishment in consciousness of full accord, between the inner and the outer ; between the microcosm and the 8 PROVINCE OF PSYCHOLOGY. macrocosm ; between seeing, feeling, and doing ; between A experience and practice. Practically, this implies mastership, or control. Ob- jectively, it means control of surroundings, of the world ; subjectively, it means obedience to the laws of being, or control of self. The conditions of control are knowledge of the object to be mastered, knowledge of one's own powers, and skill in applying or wielding the latter, in establishing the needed harmony between self and the object in ques- tion. Knowledge comes from observation and experience, skill comes from practice. It may, therefore, be said that, proximately, the destiny of man is to establish harmony between observation and experience on the one hand, and practice on the other. When we apply this to individual human beings it seems quite trivial ; but not so when applied to man in his rela- tions to mankind. Here we find him profiting by the garnered knowledge of past ages, and adding to this the increase gained by him ; here we see him appropriating the observation and experience of his generation, and scattering broadcast among his own contemporaries the yield of his own life ; here he submits in his practice to the judgment of men long dead, or lays down rules for the practice of his children's children ; here he co-ordinates his will to that of thousands, for the sake of a mastership which needs the combined energy of many, or thousands become willing tools of his determination in the service of a common ad- vantage ; here we find man in relationships that free him from the fetters of time and space, and open to him the realms of the Infinite. /er Psychology is concerned with the study of the phenom- ena 'of consciousness. The growth and development of PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. consciousness, the natural history of ideas, emotions, and volitions, of knowing, feeling, and willing, constitute its province. From the time when an influence from without has produced a change within, directly though ever so remotely connected with the subsequent arousal of con- sciousness, this change becomes an object of interest to psychology, and remains so, as long as it continues to exert any influence through consciousness upon the conduct. Strictly speaking, psychology has no interest in those influences from without as such, nor with the actions them- selves which in their aggregate constitute conduct, nor in- deed, with the physical concomitants of cerebration in the body of man. Nevertheless the entire nervous apparatus, and particularly that of the senses, is so ultimately con- nected with the origin and evolution of the facts of con- sciousness ; and the reflex influence of action upon ideas, feelings, and the will, is so great that their consideration is of the utmost importance in applying psychological princi- ples to education. In its general features, the course of psychological de- velopment is simple enough. Through the agency of the senses, outer influences cause disturbances in inner equi* librium, or sense-impressions. These in due time become sufficiently numerous or intense to arouse attention, and consciousness is born. So far the process has been mainly, if not exclusively, inward ; but very soon a reaction sets in by which the attention is directed outward, towards the outer concomitants of the inner disturbances. These outer concomitants are found, the mind perceives their unity with corresponding inner forms of consciousness : it has gained perceptions. The inner disturbances of equilibrium, underlying these formations, are more or less permanent in the memory. 10 PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. They may be brought back to consciousness in various ways, involuntarily by closely related disturbances from without or within, or voluntarily for purposes of thought or feeling, Avhen the mind remembers or recollects, fancies or imagines. The frequent re-arousing of perceptions, containing similar and dissimilar features, gives to the similar or common features in due tune a certain prominence over other features ; these assume a ice versa. Experience shows that the child has little difficulty and is much interested in writing these words and sentences in legible script from the very outset. On the other hand, the practice of printing involves a serious loss of time, in- asmuch as it teaches something which under ordinary cir- cumstances, the child must unlearn again. For similar reasons capital letters should be correctly used from the very beginning. In a short time, the words thus used become in their turn objects of interest and thought, and, consequently, of analysis. This may be hastened by exercises in which words of similar sound are arranged in sets, orally and in writing, e. g. : dog cat fish net pot can hog hat dish wet hot man etc log fat wish pet dot pan READING AND WRITING. 35 From such sets, by proper treatment, the child will obtain, more or less complex sound-elements, like og, at, ish, et, ot, etc.; and simple consonant elements like d, I, h, etc. These consonant elements may be kept before the child, on some convenient part of the blackboard, in suit- able arrangement, b, c (k), d, f, g, h, etc. The child will, then, enjoy games in word-building, by uniting the complex sound-elements with the consonant elements and making "words that have a meaning." Thus 0*7 will yield bog, dog, fog, hog, log ; at will furnish bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, vat, that, chat ; an will lead to can, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van, than, etc. In all cases the child should prove its findings by embodying the words in suit- able sentences, in exercises involving both speaking and writing. By subsequent analytical processes the complex ele- ments yield their simpler constituents : og, at, ish, an, etc., reveal themselves respectively as o-g, a-t, i-sh, a-n, etc.; and these furnish the material with which the child, at the hand of properly arranged synthetical processes, may rise to whatever complexity the language affords. It might be shown now how the regular long vowel- sounds are discovered, and how so-called irregular spellings may be fixed in contrast games, involving sets of words like the following : mat - mate male - mail hat - hate sale - sail man mane tale - tail can - cane see sea pan - pane feet - feat fin - fine meet - meat phi - pine reed - read etc. etc. 36 ILLUSTRATIONS. It might be further shown, how in a different direction, words may be contrasted or grouped according to their meanings or their places in speech, involving a multitude of exercises similar to the following : 1. good -bad 2. up -down high low in out light - dark above - below straight - curved before - behind 3. good - goodness 4. slow -slowly great - greatness dark - darkness quick quickness 5. snow-white coal - black fire - hot 7. bake -baker read - reader write - writer animal } 9. faithful y dog barks ) great - greatly quiet -quietly sweet sweetly 6. dog barks cat mews horse - runs 8. tastes! sweet ( sour fast slow runs < looks < ( oiu fruit 10. yellow sour lemon It will be seen that these suggestions, collectively and separately, satisfy in every particular the requirements indicated on page 23. There is throughout the upward tendency from the concrete to the abstract, from particu- lars to the general, from the actual to the possible, from the outer to the inner, from experience to principle, from facts to law, from the complexity of things to the simplio READING AND WRITING. 37 ity of thought. They deal throughout with material which the child is supposed to control fully ; and all it learns it can at once apply to the purposes of its life, in arranging and sifting whatever knowledge it has, as well as in com- munication with others in written and spoken language. Among the many exercises that may be invented in this direction, I call attention to the use which the child may make of its skill in reading and writing, in labeling the collections it may be induced to make, collections of leaves, of metals, of stones, of kinds of wood, of flower-names, of names of animals, of simple conception-drawings, of observ- ations on the weather, etc., as indicated on page 29, etc. The details of all this, however, and of other applications not mentioned here, must be left to the tact of the teacher who has entered fully into the spirit of psychological laws, and who has the courage to let the children grow. As soon as the child has acquired a tolerable control of the principal sounds and letters in script, certainly as soon as it has accomplished the work indicated on page 35, the child may be introduced to the printed let- ters. These are sufficiently like the script letters to recall them in the child's mind almost at first sight, more espec- ially if they appear on suitable printed cards in combina- tions or words with which the child is familiar. Loose sheets, small hand charts, little books, containing very short stories, incidents, anecdotes, riddles, concise descrip- tive statements concerning plants, animals, and other ob- jects of interest, and as soon as possible, suitable " story- books," books of travel, and books of reference should be provided, so that the child may learn to turn to the printed page, from the very start, for legitimate purposes of pleas- ure and instruction. Henceforth, there should be a steady advance in all 241837 38 ILLUSTRATIONS. directions. In gradual, continuous progress the pupil should be led, though always in accordance with the principles enounced at the outset, to a genuine, self-active apprecia- tion of the science and art garnered in the printed page. There should be exercises in which the pupil acquires interest and skill in culling knowledge from books, and others in which he may kindle his own enthusiasm for the Beautiful, the True, and the Good, at the immortal fires that burn in treasures of literature ; exercises in which he records concisely and systematically the results of his own observation and experience, and others in which he learns to reproduce in beautiful, living speech, for the enjoyment and edification of others, the words that glowed in the innermost heart of a Past, as well as the emotions that tremble in his own breast. In the selection of material for these purposes it should be remembered, however, that these exercises, like all others in which the pupil engages, should take the key- note, not from the possibilities of the subject, but from the actualities and possibilities of the pupil's mental develop- ment at the respective stage. To force or induce a pupil to memorize formulas of knowledge beyond his ken, or to reproduce in outer semblance, emotions he cannot appre- ciate, breeds hopeless self-conceit and hypocrisy, blunts and vitiates, or, even, destroys in his spirit all that is meant to raise him to his destiny. On the other hand, if the mate- rial is presented to the pupil, at successive stages, in forms at which he can aim with reasonable hope of success, in the exercise of his productive activity, he will in due time attain an all-sided mastery of the arts involved, commensu- rate with his powers, and adequate to the purposes and aims of his life. DISCIPLINE. 39 The question of disciplinary regulations runs through every phase of school-work, and is, consequently, of the greatest importance. Discipline is concerned more or less directly with the morals of the pupil. It begins when the child begins to become more or less consciously a part of some social organism, and its general aim is the intro- ordination of the child into these organisms. It would make the child an integral part of the organisms in quest- ion, without impairing his individual interest and his per- sonal liberty ; or, rather, it would direct the development of the child's individual interests and personal aspirations, in harmony with the welfare of the social organism. In the family, the common interests center largely in the growing individuality of the child, in whom the family sees the promise of its perpetuation. Here the child is introduced, as it were, to itself ; here it discovers and exer- cises its powers with almost exclusive reference to the pleasures of activity. During the first years of the child's life, at least, the disciplinary activity of the family is chiefly yielding, provident, protecting, mostly confined to the ad- justment of surroundings with reference to the child's needs and wants. This remains as the prevailing charac- teristic of the ideal family throughout the child's life, and the adult child returns to the bosom of his father's house with a sense of trust and security which he can find in no other place, not even in the house founded by himself. In the kindergarten, the child is introduced to its equals ; and, while the development of individual powers still re- ceives a very large share of attention, the surroundings are so adjusted that the child meets hi the exercise of its indi- vidual powers, at every step, the need of help from its play-fellows and the opportunity of giving help to them. The activities and aspirations, suggested by the surround- 40 ILLUSTRATIONS. ings, constantly point to the value of common effort, of co- operation. The successes and pleasures this society brings, are so much greater and more intense than those to which it can aspire single-handed, that there is born in the child's heart a sense of gratitude which is none the less real be- cause it is selfish, a love which is none the less intense because it springs from self-love. In due time the child overlooks the pleasurable reactions of giving pleasure and of helping, and begins to find a genuine delight in helpful- ness and sympathy for their own sake; and love whose roots are far down in the dark soil of selfishness, begins to put out beneficent leaves and blossoms hi the bright atmos- phere of a generous good-will. In the school, the chief aim of disciplinary regulations is to raise this generous good-will into an abiding sense of duty or obligation, and to bring the conduct under the con- scious control of this sense. Here the child should learn to submit cheerfully to unwelcome restraints and to engage with alacrity in laborious pursuits for the sake of needed results. In a measure the family and, more particularly, the kindergarten have prepared the child for this important discipline, in leading the child from play for immediate gratification to work for the attainment of remote ends, very much simplifying the work of the school, wherever such ideal relations exist. Practically, however, very few children pass through the kindergarten, and the school is compelled to do, as well as it can, much of the work prop- erly belonging to an earlier period, or to labor under the many trying disadvantages that result from a neglect to establish a solid foundation of good-will. The proximate end of discipline is automatic good con- duct, good habits ; its proudest outcome is a well-regulated will. It appeals, particularly during the earlier periods of DISCIPLINE. 41 the child's life, much to the emotional side of mental life. During the first period, it wins through pleasurable sensa- tions, by means of which it leads and holds the child's at- tention to whatever it deems proper. To these it adds, at a later period, the skillful creation of desires, which by equally skillful gratification, it raises to forms akin to an intelligent interest. The school seeks to render this inter- est abiding and conscious, by a prudent use of pleasurable sensations and of the creation and gratification of desires in connection with the special forms of thought and action with which it is concerned, appealing, however, more and more to the intellect and the reason, through which alone the will can be reached, (p. 13.) Generally speaking, the discipline of a school will be good in proportion to the interest it may have called forth on the part of the pupil, in its work. Without such inter- est success is impossible. Stagnation, retrogression, dis- integration will surely follow its abatement or loss. On the other hand, this interest will render it a comparatively easy matter to secure the neatness, accuracy, persistence, consciousness, regard for fellow-students, and teachers, re- spect for the school, and obedience to its minor regulations that are so necessary to the success of the school. Indeed, sweetness of temper, firmness of character, learning, skill, enthusiasm, and other qualities of the teacher owe their value chiefly to their power hi eliciting, satisfying, and holding interest. Whatever brings joy to the child's heart, a pleasing sen- sation, the gratification of a harmless desire, the innocent exercise of the sense of power ; whatever makes life brighter and fuller, whatever makes existence worth more to the child, will be sure to call forth this interest. Whatever the child can use for the purposes of its life, will call forth this interest 42 ILLUSTRATIONS. It is, then, in this respect, the business of the school to adjust surroundings so that the child may have ample opportunities to form and attain worthy purposes, so that all it sees and does may strengthen these purposes and raise them to higher planes, liberating the child more and more from the need of guidance, and making it more and more the conscious architect of its own fortune. The details of this work should be arranged and man- aged with constant reference to the criteria, indicated on pp. 18-20. However, the ideal conditions that would render possible a school-discipline, based wholly on interest in the work of the school and on a well-regulated activity of the pupils, are, perhaps, unattainable in practice. The imperfections of the teacher and of the school, the shortcomings of the home and of the kindergarten, the evil effects of uncontrolled associations, and, not unfrequently, of heredity, give rise to a host of unforeseen and unavoidable evils which call for more or less artificial treatment, for the introduction of motives foreign to the work of the school, and for more or less direct compulsion through fear of punishment, dread of authority, or hope of reward. If these compulsory means of discipline are used humbly, for what they are worth, with the constant prayer for the removal of the shortcomings that render them unavoidable, they will frequently accomplish much good, but in the hands of pride or self-conceit they do incalculable harm. The most pernicious of these is censure mingled with words of contempt or derision. In the first place, the child deserves, even at the worst, compassion and helpful advice, rather than scorn ; and then, these words sink deep into the hearts of the children with meanings they were not intended to have, embittering, ard warping the disposition DISCIPLINE. 43 more permanently than even unjust chastisement with the rod. Even gentler forms of censure have their dangers, inas- much as they involve an arraignment of motives. The child so often does wrong through ignorance or lack of judg- ment, with the best of motives, and it needs in these cases instruction and advice, but not blame. However, under all circumstances, practical as well as ideal, the strongest allies of good discipline are good habits, and these can be secured only at the expense of con- stant watchfulness. The child must be carefully guarded against opportunities or temptations to do wrong, for every such opportunity or temptation retards the formation of a good habit, or weakens a good habit already formed. During a long period, the child does indifferently right or wrong, merely intent on doing something ; but what it does plants a tendency in its mind, which requires only a few similar opportunities to become an eager desire, and, ulti- mately, to settle into a fixed habit. All that might give rise to such tendencies should be carefully excluded from the child's presence, while opportunities for harmless or benefi- cent all-sided activity should be plentifully supplied. Thus, in due time, good habits may ripen into firmness of charac- ter which is proof against temptation from inherent vigor for good. CL t7>7u^~4^-^- ^Xs^C^--^---**--- x ^<-' -^ -< UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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